Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/authoritiesquoteOObancrich Oo p. -3 "^.l-^-l ^ l^ ATJTHOEITIES QUOTED IN THE HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA. \There are more than one thousand titles of works actually consulted in these rolumes, and many of them named in foot-notes, which do not appear in this list. The catalogue is, however, complete down to the discovery of gold in 1848, and practically so down to I80G. The omissions of later date are general works of reference, cyclopedias, etc.; speeches, addresses, orations, not directly historical in their nature; ptiblications emanating from or relating to various California institutions, as-tociations, com- panies, orders, churches, banks, courts, schools, etc.; legal briefs, county a>id municipal regulations, law text-books, briefs, and miscellaneous public documents ; works of fiction and science ; newspapers, and other similar classes. These works in the aggregate hare afforded me 7nuch information ; indeed there is hardly a Califomian book, pamphlet, or paper in my Library which is not in a certain sense historical; but space does not permit a full catalogue, and I am obliged to restrict the list with few exceptions to material that bears directly on history. See chapter ii. of this volume for a classification of the works here named.'\ ^ Aa (Pieter van der), Naaukeurige Versameling. Leyden, 1707. 30 vols. Abbey (James), A Trip across the Plains in 1850. New Albany, 1850. ^ Abbott (John S. C), Christopher Carson. New York, 1876. Abell (Alexander), Copy of agreement on behalf of U. S. in relation to island of Santa Cruz [32d Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 87]. Washington, 1852. Abella (Ramon), Correspondencia del Misionero. MSS. in various archives. j // • Abella (Ramon), Diario de un Registro de los Rios Grandes, 1811. MS. ^Vui^. JoGk.. 3. ZT- /O/. • Abella (Ramon), Noticia de una Batalla entre Cristianos y Gentiles, 1807. MS. CL. OLMyy .^T. >i^6- Abrego (Jos6), Asuntos de la Tesoreria. MSS. in various archives. ^ • Abrego (Jose), Cartas sobre la Colonia de 1834. MS. 2^aA. S>o^ 2X27. /3Z. ^A^'fin i2A.uy^t^. ^!2A/l>. Abrego (Jos6), Relation. MS. ' ^ / / / y Acosfii (Josef de), Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias. Sevilla, 1590. Act of Congress Creating the OflSce of Shipping Commissioner. S. F. 1873. vActas de Elecciones. MS. In Archive de California. Adam (George), Dreadful Sufferings and Thrilling Adventures of an Over- land Party of Emigrants to California. St Louis, 1850. Addresses. See Speeches. Adventures (The) of a Captain's Wife ... to California in 1850. New York, etc., 1877. Aimard (Gustave), The Gold Seekers. Philadelphia, n.d. - Alaman (Liicas), Censo de California, 1832. MS. X. SC. P. gE7. / ^ Alaman (Liicas), Historia de M(5jico. Mexico, 1849-52. 5 vols^, , K Alaman (Lucas), Sucesos de California en 1831. MS. Slt/u. Xto^t'C: St. P. YZHT, /3, Alameda, Abstract of Title, lots 17-20, survey of Jones, '^an^ancisco, 1873. Alameda, Argus, Encinal, Messenger, Post, etc. Alameda County, Historical Atlas. San Francisco, 1878. atlas folio. (xxv) xxvi AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Albany (Or.) Register. ' /l / • t ^ C\ v/- Albatross (The ship), Log of a Voyage to the K W. Coast, 1809-12. MS. **- fOo^'CZ^yo i^MW >T ^ f^ u4?5aa^.J2Z. ZO S.. ^ Alvaraxlo (Juan Bautista), Cartaen que relata la Campana de S. Fernando, , Enerol837. W;^. V'aJl.£>CfC,.Zff. /3. ^ 1^ Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Carta en que relata los su cesos de Los Angeles, / Feb. 1837. MS.Ta.£. i?)^. IS;.ZC. SSSZ/.^O; Y^z-^n^ CLrtJcJv CZ Z.O. t,' Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Cartas Relaciones, Revolucion de 1844-5. MS. VojQ.. Sb^^e.. SS. /0 i- Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Comuuicaciones al Ayuntamiento de Los Angeles, Enero 1837. MS. JD. S£r. T. K7. ^y arado (Juan Bautista), El C. . .Coronel de la MiliciaCivica, etc. [Despacho / . . de Capitan a favor de J. J. Vallejo.] Monterey, 12 Die. 1836. £aA^^ rh^c^^^ Alvarado (Juan Bautista), El C . . . Gobemador Interino del Estado Libre'^de Alta Cal. d sus Habitantes, Monterey, Mayo 10, 1837.^^3^^^.^ f^^tUy^^Ur ^ Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Gobemador Constitucional, etc. [Suprimiendo los y /^ ' ju ^J^SfZC Empleos de Administradores de Misiones.] Monterey, l*^ayo, 1840. ^o-t-i^ /5s-<-^c/C" ' *• >- Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Historia de California. MS. 1876. 5 vols. ^ i^ Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Instrucciones al Prefecto Castro. 1840. MS..^. St: "P. ZX. // t/ Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Instrucciones que debe observar el Visitador. 1840. MS. Va£ ^^^. XSXZ&: 33r ^ Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Instrucciones que deberd observar el Visitador Hartnell. 1839. MS. Va£. JDiHl^. SZ7. 4^/3 tr ^ A ' ^ ^ Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Manifiesto del Gobr-. 10 Mayo, 1837. Ca/t^/^-'U^^v/C' Alvarado (Juan Bautista), Oficios Varios y Cartas Particulares. MSS. Very numerous in different public and private archives. ^ p A • z_ "- Alvarado (Juan Bautista), [Proclama del] Gefe Politico 21 Nov. 1838. taJ^Ci/ /^/u^iUZ t- Alvarado (Juan Bautista), [Proclama del] Gobemador Interino, 9 Julio, 1837. MS. Va^.Xce,. n7. iy(p. -^ S.^.iUU,, 2 0i. ^w^ ■. i^^^±^^::ix±rt:t ,: AUTHORITIES QUOTED. V Alvarado (Juan Bautista), [Proclama del] Gobemador sobre Deatierro de Ex- tranget-os. 1840. £^l/C£^ /^/v Sac. ^.O^ V Amador (Pedro), Salida contra Indios Gentiles, 1800. MS. 'P. St. V. "BM. jagys -/^ / ' ■_ ' [-, Amador County, History. Oakland, 1881. folio. XA v ;/ / ' i £i Amelia Sherwood. Richmond, 1850. ' America, Descripcion, 1710. MS. v/ America, or an Exact Description of the West Indies. London, 1655. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings. Worcester, 1820 et seq. American Educational Monthly. New York, 1864 et seq. American and Foreign Christian Union. New Yoik, 1851 et seq. American Geographical and Statistical Society. New York, 1850 et seq. V American Quarterly Register and Magazine. Philadelphia, 1848 et seq. *• American Quarterly Review. Philadcli^hia, 1827 et seq. >■ American Review. Philadelphia, 1811 et seq. t American State Papei's. Boston, 1817-19. 12 vols.; Washington, 1832-4; 1858-61. folio. 39 vols. V Americans at Sea. In Niles' Register, xviii. 417. Ames (John G.), Report on Mission Indians of California. Washington, 1873. Amesti (Jos(3), Cartas de un Comerciante Espauol. MSS. In diiSPerent archives. Amigo del Pueblo. Mexico, 1827 et seq. Amulet (The), A tale of Spanish California. London, 1865. Anaheim, Gazette, Review, etc. Anaheim, Its People and its Products. New York, 1869. Anderson (Alexander C. ), Northwest Coast History. MS. Anderson (Alexander D. ), The Silver and Gold of the Southwest, etc. St • Louis, 1877; The Silver Country, etc. New York, 1877. Anderson (David D.), Statement of Theatrical Events. MS. Anderson (Mary E.), Scenes in the Hawaiian Islands and California. Boston [1865]. ^ Annals of Congress. [1st to 18th Congress.] Washington, 1834-56. 42 vols. Annual of Scientific Discovery. Boston, 1850-67. 1870-1. 19 vols. v^'Anquetil, Universal History. London, 1800. 9 vols. Ansted (David T.), The Gold-seeker's Manual. New York, 1849. Anthony (E. M.), Siskiyou County Reminiscences. MS. . , , i , ^ ^ /" /yfJUtTmt'j Antioch, Ledgei-. C^'^ ^^ I'c^^yni ^ V Anza (Juan Bautista), Descubrimiento de Sonora d California, 1774. M.^\3Pt^>xA/i/z. <3>£. sbaa • /^ A. L, 1^^ V Archivo de las Misiones. MS. 2 vols. "^^ C^ . "fn.t^c, • t^^rTff> '^ v/ Archivo del Obispado de Monterey y Los Angeles. MS. / Archivo de Santa Bilrbara. MS. 11 vols. Archuleta (Florentino), Comunicaciones Pedagogicas. MS, In the archives. Arco Iris. Vera Cruz, 1847 et seq. folio. « u Areche, Parecer 14 de Juu. 1773. MS. ; also in Paloa, Not., i. 572. 3i ^gTff gM. -ii YWVf T J C . u Areche, Respuesta .30 de Jun., 1773. MS. T. SC: T. X. /SZ. Argelo, Calaveras Mountaineer. ArgiielIo(Gervasio),Escnto3deun Habilitado General yDij)utado. MSS. In public and private archives. V Argliello (Gervasio), Observaciones, 1816. MS. J» ^^, 7>. XX. i^ i' Argiiello(.Jos(5), Relaciondelo que declararonlos gentiles Sacalanes, 1797. M.^.'P. Sti'P. "SSJ • y/. . 5^.7>. XE7.>^. Argiiello (Jos(5), Cartas de un Gooemador de las Califomias. MSS. In the difterent archives. «- Argiiello (Jos(5), Informe sobre Rancho del Rey en S. Francisco, 1798. MS. 5"^, 7? AI-VCX. V/. V Argiiello (Jos(5), Instruccion que ha de observar el teniente Luis Argiiello en '^ S. Francisco, 1806. MS. 7>. St. T. '9M.'EXKS27. /S V Argiiello (Jos6), Respuesta alas quince Preguntas sobre aI)usos de Misioneros, 1798. MS. T. St. T. gV77 . J^^, Argiiello (Luis Antonio), Cartas del Comandante y Gobemador. MSS. In the different archives. ^^ v Argiiello (Luis Antonio), Hoja de Servicios hasta 1828. MS. St. T. Sao.. XZ 3 Argiiello (Santiago), Correspondencia del Comandante y Prefecto. MSS. Archives, passim. ^ -^ / • x. ^ 7 - Arguello (Santiago), Correspondencia Particular. MS. J^^^^^i'*-^ -Z>4«2-. ,/7i• S'/f'. T. Sa&.2. S x^Tm 33^ y Arrillaga (Jose Joaquin), Informe al Virey sobre Defensas, 1793. MS. "P. St. 7*. SSJ. /^i. I, Arrillaga (Jos6 Joaquin). Papel de Puntos para conocimiento del Gobemador, 1794. MS. -p. St T. S27. m T> oj^T. o AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xxix • Arrillaga (Joa6 Joaquin), Relacion del estado que guardan los Presidios y Pueblos, 1806. MS. T. TUc. 13. Af. ^9 Arrillaga {Jos6 Joaquin), Testamento, 1814. MS. T. S£:7> aAl. V ^ y VflJ . /%, Arroyo de la Cuesta (Felipe), Cartas del Mlsionero. MS. In mission and secular archives. V \/ Arroyo de la Cuesta (Felipe), Grammar of the Mutsun Language. New York, 1861; also original MS. Y^ v/ Arroyo de la Cuesta (Felipe), A Vocabulary or Phrase Book of the Mutsun Language. New York, 1861; also original MS. • , \/ Arteaga (Ignacio), Tcrcera Exploracion, 1779. MS. c^<.cu3€4 aJi^ y^'X.'Li.. (^. / ^ Ascension (Antonio do la), Descubrimiento de California, 12 Oct. 1620. In Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc, torn. viii. Ashburner (William), Report upon the "App." Gold Quaiiiz Mine. San Francisco, 1866. Ashland (Or.), Tidings. ^V Ashley (I). R.), Documents for the History of California. MS. . _ )i^ J Ashley (D. R.), Records kept during journey made by members of California ' 'q \ l-~ Association from Monroe, Mich., to Cal., 1849. MS. ' ^ ^ Asia y C'onntante, Tratado de Capitulacion de los Navios, 1825. MS. ^. S^ "P. T. // 3 / Assembly, Sessions of 1846. In U. S. vs. Bolton, App. Brief U. S. Snp. Court. Associations. See Institutions. Astoria, Astorian. , V Atanasio, Causa Criminal contra el Indio. Abril 26, 1831. MS. 1>. St. 7> "BM. ^XS^ZV. 6 Atlantic Monthly. Boston, 1858 et seq. Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co. Act granting lands. New York, 1866; Cir- cular. New York, 1855; and other documents. Atleta (El). Mexico, 1829 et seq. Auburn, Placer Herald, Stars and Stripes, Union Advocate, etc. ^ ♦Auger (Edouard), Voyage en Californie, 1852-3. Paris, 1854. Austin (Nev.), Reese River Reveille. Australian Newspapers in^Ieclianics' Library of San Francisco and elscvdiere. . V Autobiografia Autografica dc los Padres Misioneros, 1817. MS. CinaJv. ^7i^<^. X 30^. Averett (T. H.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep. March 27, 1850, to admit Cali- fornia. Washington, 1850. Averill (Charles E. ), Life in California. Boston, n.d. • Avery (Benjamin Parke), Californian Pictures. New York, 1878. Avila (Antonio), y otros, Papeles tocantes tl su sedicion, 1832. W^.2>.St.'P. 3M.ZrSS3y. 3/- Z' YXy fa. Avila (Juan), Notas Calif ornianas. MS. * ^ ' t" Avila (Maria Inocenta), Cosas de California. MS. Avila (Miguel), Documentos para la Historia de California, MS. Avila de Rios (Catarina), Recuerdos. MS. ^- Ayala (Tadeo Ortiz), Resumen de la Estadistica del Imp. Mex. Mexico, 1822. — pll I ) %0'J Aycrs (F. H), Personal Adventures. MS. V Ayuntamientos, Decreto de las Cortes, 23 de Mayo, 1812. In Mexico, Leyes Vigentes, 1829. Azanza (Virey), 6rdenes. MS. In the archives. 1/ Azanza (Virey), Ynstruccion, 1800. MS. Bacon (L. H.), Memoir of Early Times. MS. Baird (Spencer F.), Fish and Fisheries [45th Cong., 2d. Sess., Sen. Mis. Doc. 49]. Washington, 1877. Baker (E. D.), Speech before California Senate Feb. 1st and 2d. 1854. San Francisco, 1854; also other speeches. Baker City (Or.), Herald. Bakei'sfield, Keni County Californian, Kern County Courier, Kern County Gazette, Southern Californian, etc. Baldridge (William), The Days of '46. MS. Baldwin (R. S.), Speech in U. S. Sen. March 27, 1850, Admission of Califor- nia, etc. Washington, 1850. XXX AUTHORITISE QUOTED. Ball (N. B.), Sketch by a Pioneer. MS. k- Ballenstedt (C. W. T.), Besclireibung meiner Reise nach den Goldminen. Californiens. Sclioningen, 1851. Ballou (.John), The Lady of the West. Cincinnati, 1855. Ballon (William T.), Adventures. MS. Baltimore (Md.), Patriot, Sun. Bancroft (A. L.), Diary of a Journey to Oregon. MS. l^ Bancroft (Hubert Howe), History of the Pacific States of North America. San Francisco, 1882 et seq. 28 vols.; Native Races of the Pacific States. New York, 1875. 5 vols.; Popular Tribunals. San Francisco. 2 vols. , etc. ; r ff ij Bancroft (Hubert Howe), Personal Observations in California, 1874. MS. C*^ M> 6 M4- Bancroft Library, MS. Scrap-books, containing classified notes used in writing Bancroft's works. Bancroft Library, Newspaper scraps classified under the following headings: Academy of Sciences; Amusements and Celebrations; Art; Aiithors; Banks and Banking; Bibliography; Biography; Births, Deaths, etc.; Charitable Institutions; Chinese; Climate; Constitutional Convention; Counties; Crimes and Society; Earthquakes; Education and Schools; Fares and Freights; Fisheries; Floods; Frait-raising; Indians; Journalism; Kearney ism and the Workingmen's Party; Lands; Legal; Likraries; Lum- ber Question; Manufactures; Military Affairs; Mineral Springs; Mining Stocks; Miscellaneous; Modoc War; New Charter; Oil and Petroleum; Pioneer Celebrations; Politics; Population and Colonization; Railroads; Religion; Resources; Revenue and Taxation; Roads and Routes; Ship- ping and Navigation; Silver Remonetization; State Fairs; Stock-raising; Stories and Legends; Telegraphs; Trade and Commerce; Trips across the Continent and Voyages by Sea; United States Mails; Water Supply. _ :f Ao ^ 68vols. 4to. _ / ,. '^'^ *^^ , V Bandini (Juan), Acusaciones contra Angel Ramirez, 1834-7. MS. &■ -Z>. (Xt^Aj. ^O." }f, 6 V^ qO, lof^ /i^y^ i^ Bandini (Juan), Apuntes Politicos, 1832. MS.3-*/^w^ -2>-ite. J/. ^^' ^,. ^C *^ Bandini (Juan), Carta Hist6rica y Descriptiva de California, 1828. MS. 3a^v^ ^a^, <9. / i/- Bandini (Juan), Carta Particular a Valleio sobre cosas politicas. 12 Die, ^ ' 1836. MS. Va£. Co^i/tj^/u.y^. ' ^ V Bandini (Juan), Carta dVallejo sobre Revoluciones. 3 Die, 1836. MS. VJai: *>.»«. 27. 2^^. V Bandini (.Juan), Contestacion a la Alocucion de Victoria, 1831. MS.3A/»«a^. ^j<2, /y Bandini (Juan), Correspondencia Particular y Oficial. MSS. A large num- ber of documents in private and public archives, in addition to those specially named in this list. / Bandini (Juan), El Diputado de la Alta California a, sus Comitentes. 6 Agosto, 1833. Mexico, 1833. <2cl£.. / {InjOAj. ^/, V Bandini (Juan), Manifiesto d la Diputacion sobre ramos de Hacienda Tari- torial, 1832. MS. X^. ^^^^A. Z. SL3X. vl Bandini (Juan), Proyccto^e Misiones, 1846. MS. 2>. Sf. 7>. \aZT. SO , / Bandini (Juan), Sucesos del Sur, Mayo- Agosto, 1837. MS.ft ^c^c». ^2/^JiA>. /r>/l-. 3vJ7 Barton (Stephen), Early History of Visalia. Scrap-book. ^ Basellandschaftlichcn Zeitung, 1868. v • Bates (D. B.), Four Years on the Pacific Coast. Boston, 1858; Boston, 1860. Bates (H. W.), Illustrated Travels. London, n.d. Bates (J. C), Report of the Proceedings ... Will and Testament of Horace Hawes. San Francisco, 1872. Battle Mountain (Nev.), Messenger. Bauer (John A. ), Statement of a Pioneer of 1849. MS. _^ /•• / •" Bausman (William), Early California. San Francisco, 1872. ^TT^e/iOA^ft^. oL<^, / Baxley (H. Willis), What I saw on the Western Coast. New York, 1865. • Beadle (J. H. ), The Undeveloped West. Philadelphia [1873]; Western Wilds. Cincinnati, 1879. Beadle's Monthly. New York, 1865 et seq. Beale (E. F.), Wagon Road from Fort Defiance to the Colorado River. [35th Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 124.] Bean (Edwin F.), see Directories, Nevada County, Cal., 1867. V Bear Flag Papers, 1846. MS. Beard (Henry), Argument. John Roland ... Land Claim, "La Puente." Washington, 1866. Beckwith (E. G.), Report of Exploration of a Route for the Pacific Rail- road near the 38th and 39th Parallels [33d Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 129]. Washington [1854]. Bee (F. A.). Opening Argument. . .Chinese Immigration. S. F., 1876. Bee (Henry J.), Recollections of California from 1830. MS. ^ V Beechey (F. W.), NaiTative of a Voyage to the Pacific, etc., in 1825-8. London, 1831, 2 vols.; Philadelphia, 1832. Beechey (F. W.), Zoology of Voyage. See Richardson (J.) et al. Beers (George A.), Vasquez. New York, 1875. V s/ Belcher (Edward), Narrative of a Voyage round the World in 1836-42. Loudon, 1843. 2 vols. Belden (David), Speech in Sen. of Cal. Feb. 9, 1866, against the Repeal of the Specific Contract Act. Sacramento, 1866. Belden (Josiah), Historical Statement. MS. Belden (Josiah), Letters of a Pioneer of 1841. MS. Belfast (Me.), Republican Journal. Bell (A. D.), Arguments in favor of Immigration. San Francisco, 1870. ^ Bell (Horace), ReminisceDces of a Ranger. L. Angeles, 1881; also scrap book. Bell (j. C), Obituary Address on Death of. Sacramento, 1860. Bell (W. A.), Now Tracks in North America. London, 1870. Belleville (111.), Advocate. Bellows (Henry W.), In Memory of Thos. Starr King, Discourse, May 1, 1864. San Francisco, 1864. Belmont (Nev.), Courier. xxxii AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Benham (Calhoun), Testimony in behalf of the U. S. vs. Sutter. "New Helvetia." San Francisco, 1861. Benicia, Chronicle, New Era, Pacific Churchman, Tribune, etc. ^ Benicia, Official Documents in Relation to Land Titles. Suisun, 1867. Bennett (H. C. ), Chinese Labor. A Lec^jire. San Francisco, 1870. Bennett (Henry), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., May 27, 1850, on Admission of California. Washington, 1850. Bennett (Nathaniel), The Queue Case, n.pl., n.d. • Bentley (William R. ), Pleasant Paths of the Pacific Northwest. San Fran- cisco, 1882. y^ Benton (J. A.), The California Pilgrim. Sacramento, 1853. Benton (Thomas H.), Abridgment of Debates in Congress, 1759-1856. New York, 1857-63. 16 vols.; Defence of Fremont. In Niles' Register, Ixxi. 173; Speech in U. S. Senate, July, 1848. In Cong. Globe, 1847-8, App. 977; Speech in U. S. Senate, Jan. 15, 1849, on Adjudication of Land Titles, etc., in New Mexico and California. Washington, 1849; Thirty Years' View. New York, 1854. 2 vols. •*Berenger (.J. P.), Collection de Tous les Voyages faits autour du Monde. Paris, 1788-9. 9 vols. Berkeley, Advocate, Berkeleyan. Berkeley Quarterly. San Francisco, 1880-1. 2 vols. V Bermudez (J. M. ), Verdadera Causa de la Revolucion. Toluca, 1831. Bernal (Juan), Memoria de un Californio. MS. Berreyesa (Antonio), Relacion de sus Recuerdos. MS. "^ Berreyesa and Carrillo, Quarrel at Sonoma, 1846. MS..^^k2. A/^-dr. (2aj2~ ZIT. /t-^t^-aiyr^y^ y^ Berry (George), The Gold of California. London, 1849. So^L'^v. V Bestard (Buenaventura), Pastoral del Comisario General de Indias. 28 de AgOsto, 1816. MS. S ^o^<>^«.ac^s-/ . \^J. Black (George), Report on the Middle Yuba Canal. San Francisco, 1864. Black (J. S.y, Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the United States. Washington, 1863, v Blaeu (or Jansz), America. (Atlas Maior). Amstelaedami, 1662. k' Blagdon (Francis William). The Modern Geographer. London, n.d. 5 vols. y Blake (William P.), Geological Reconnaissance in California. New York, 1858. 4to; The Production of the Precious Metals. New York, etc. 1869. Blanchet (F. N. ), Historical Sketches of the Catholic Church in Oregon. Portland, 1878. Bledsoe (A. J.), History of Del Norte County. Eureka, 1881. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xxxiu Bliss ("William R.), Paradise in the Pacific. New York, 1873. Bluxome (Isaac), Vigilance Committee, by '33 Secretary.' MS. B'nai B'rith. Various pamphlets of different lodges of the Society. - • • V Bodega y Cuadra (Juan Francisco), Comento de la Navegacion, 1775. MS. . ^to^^Ci' 'J^ VT^M/Ct, v V Bodega y Cuadra (Juan Francisco), NavegacionyDescubruniento, 1779. MS. /^^^a^*/i/ 7^-i- ''3. \/ Bodega y Cuadra (Juan Francisco), Segunda Salida, 1779. MS.. 2'.ca^'£4 a£. TzoftuS. <*/i i/ Bodega y Cuadra (Juan Francisco), Viage de 1775. MS. ^W^y^ a^Tzo^ S-JfX. Bodie, Chronicle, Free Press, Morning News, Standard, etc. : C ''• i vBoggs (William M.), Reminiscences from 1846. MS. C.Lt'ViU, - O :^i ^ i/Boggs (William M.), Trip across the Plains in 184G. In Calistoga Tribune, 1871; Napa Register, 1872. Bojorges (Juan), Recuerdos sobre la Historia de California. MS. Bolcof (Jos6), Cartas de un Ruso. MS. vBonilla (Jos6 Mariano), Documentos para la Historia de California. MS. Bonilla (Mariano), Varias Cartas, 1834-^7. MS. Archives, passim. w Bonner (T. D.), Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth. N. Y., 1858. - Bonnycastle (R. H.), Spanish America. London, 1818. 2 vols. Bonwick (James), The Mormons and the Silver Mines. Loudon, 1872. Booth (Newton), Address, Aug. 8, 1868. San Francisco, 1868; also various addresses and letters. \y Borbon, Parecer del Fiscal sobre el Proyecto de abrir C omuuicacion entre California y N. Mexico, 1801. W^. T, S^-.P. "SSEBI.S^r , u Borica (Diego), Castigos (pie han de sufrir los Indios, 1797. MS. r. 'SC 7*. SSl.y^. Borica (Diego), Correspondencia del Sr Gobernador, 1794-1800. MS. t/ Borica (Diego), Informe sobre comuuicacion cpn N. Mexico, 1796. MS.o.^. Ti SaO-lV. ^Q. • Borica (Diego), Informe de Nuevas Misiones, 1796. MS. « $t. 7? XZE SO. t, / • Borica (Diego), Instruccion de dirigir la fundacion de Branciforte, 1797. ]VrS.t?<^, 7? A7V.fi, X- 5oo. y/ Borica (Diego), Instruccion para la escolta de S. Juan Bautista, 1797. MS. v?^. "P. 7>xi^ J[.^^ • Borica (Diego), Proyecto sobre Division de Californias, 1796. MS. St: 7? Sac>.IS. ^<^. Boronda (.Jose Canuto), Notas de California. MS. Boronda (Jos(S E. ), Apuntes Historicos. MS. *^ "Borthwick (J. D.), Three Years in California. London, 1857. •* t^ Boscana (Ger6nimo), Chinigchinich. New York, 1846. With Robinson (Alf.) Life in Cal. Boscana (Geronimo), Escritos Sueltos del Padre. MSS. Boston (Mass. ), Advertiser, Commercial Bulletin, Journal. Post, Traveller, etc. ^ Boston in the Northwest, Solid Men of. MS. / ** ^-- ■ C 3 \ Botello (Narciso), Anales del Sur. MS. Botello (Narciso), Comunicaciones Sueltas de un Angelino. MS. ^ y Botica General de los Remedios Esiierimentados. Sonoma, 1838. Botta (P. E. ), Observations sur le^Habitans de la Californie. In Nouv. An. Voy.,lii. 156. >/ Botta (P. E.), Osservazioni sugli Abitanti della California. In Duhaut Cilly, Viag. Botts (C. T. ), Address, Speech, etc. y^ Bouchacourt (Ch. ), Notice Industrielle sur la Californie. Lyon, 1849. ^ Bouchai'd Affair, Testimonio de Prisioneros acerca de Insurgentes, 1818. MS. 'P. St". "P. X-V 3^. Bound Home, or the Gold Hunter's Manual. New York, 1852. /v ■ ^ o (1 Bowen (Asa M. ), Statement on San Pascual, 1846. MS. Vflo. CeyT7^^. />z^.(UJt. Zy. UU VKA - \) 2 D ^ •/ Bowers (Stephen), Santa Rosa Island. In Smithsonian Re;^rt, 1877. Bowie (Aug. J.). Hydraulic Mining in California. San Francisco, 1878. • Bowie (Richard I.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., June 6, 1850, on the Califor- nian Question. Washington, 1850. \^ •Bowles (Samuel), Across the Continent. Springfield, 1866;*Our New West, Hartford, etc., 1869;»The Pacific Railroad. Boston, 1869. Boyer (Lanson), From the Orient to the Occident. New York, 1878. Boynton (.1. S.), Statement of a Pioneer. MS. ♦lirace (Charles Loring), The New West. New York, 1869. y Brackett (Albert G.), History of the U. S.. Cavalry. New York, 1865. Brackett (Albert G.), Indian War in California and Nevada, 1866-7. MS. xxxiv AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Brackett (Albert G.), List of Officers of California Battalion, 1846-7. MS. Brackett (Albert G.), Sketch of 1st Regiment New York Volunteers. MS. Brackett (Albert G.), Sketch of the Mormon Battalion. MS. ^ aaQ/zO t *• Branciforte (villa de), Dictdmen del fiscal sobre fundacion, 1797. MS i5^ r. MtC^^.jS. V Branciforte (villa de), El Discretorio de S. Fernando al Virey, 1797. MS.P Ttrmt.'^ "^Branciforte (Virey), a Borica sobre Baterias de S. Francisco, 1795. MS. 7^. S^. "P. jLui. //iS7 y Branciforte (Virey), Instruccion, 1794-7. MS. JU/^^ut/t-A^ .yr^u^i/tx^C 5>?i^ Branciforte (Virey), Varies Oficios, 1794-8. MS. n- ' /} V Brands and Marks. MS. 1 vol. In Archivo de California. /^?x^-««^. Ca^ >vua . /4 ^ 2^ Bray (Edmund), Memoir of a Trip to California, 1844. MS. /^ity^u SM,. uu^e/t. '?7r^-(f, /t^eA^9?i^ /9. ^ Bucareli (Virey), Instrnccion del Virey. 30 Set., 1774. " MS. St. T. 9?v Vi.c^-t^. //c4^. r^aJi,. 2.J^ Buffalo (N. Y.), Courier. BufTum (E. Gould), Six Months in the Gold Mines. Philadelphia, 1850; London, 1850. Burnett(PeterH.), Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. N. Y., 1880. Mav>nvA 3 vs. > vv e ■*' *■ lt"tev Burnett (Peter H.), Recollections of the Past. MS. 2 vols. 'v\ "P ' -n -r - 1/ Burney (James), Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea, "° -''^ ^ " "^ or Pacific Ocean. London, 1803-17. 4to. 5 vols. Burns (Aaron), Statement of Vigilance Committee. MS. BurT(H. T.), Chart showing Age, etc., of Officers of State and Members of Legislature, 1865-6. Sacramento, 1866. Burris (Davis), Narrative. MS. Burton (.John), Official and Private Letters. MS. ^ Burton (Mrs M. A.), Biographical Sketch. MS. So/^AaCSOffCTT. /-T^ Burton (Richard F.), City of the Saints, etc. London, 1861; N. Y., 1862. • Burton (Robert), The Englisli Hero. London, 1687; London, 1710. ♦ Bushnell (Horace), Characteristics aud Prospects of California. San Fran- cisco, 1858; Movement for a University in California, etc. San Fran- cisco, 1857. -' Bustamante (Anastasio), Escritos del Sr Presidente tocante A California, 1830-2. MS. V Bustamante (Cilrlos Maria), Apuntes para la Historia del Gobiemo del General Santa Anna. Mexico, 1841-3. MS. 3 vols. ; also print. Mexico, 1845. ^ Bustamante (Cdrlos Maria), Cuadro Hist6rico de la Revolucion Mexicana. Mexico, 1823-7. 5 vols. ; Mexico, 1832-46. 6 vols. !/• Bustamante (Carlos Maria), Diario de lo especialmente ocurrido en Mexico, Sept. de 1841 a .Junio de 1843. Mexico, 1841-3. MS. 4to. 4 vols. \, Bustamante (Cilrlos Maria), Gabinete Mexicano. Mexico, 1839-41. MS. 4 vols.; also print. Mexico, 1842. 2 vols. V Bustamante (Carlos Maria), Invasion de Mexico delos Anglo- Americanos. MS. V Bustamante (Carlos Maria). Medidas para la Pacificacion de la America Mex- icana. MS. 1820. v^ Bustamante (Carlos Maria), El Nuevo Bemal Diaz del Castillo 6 sea Historia de la Invasion de los Anglo- Americanos en Mexico. Mexico, 1847. 2 vols. V Bustamante (Carlos MariaJ, Suplemento d Los Tres Siglos de Cavo. Jalapa, 1870. •^ Bustamante (Carlos Maria), Voz de la Patria, Continuacion. Mexico, 1837-9. MS. 9 vols. Butler (A. W.), Resources of Monterey County. San Francisco, 1875. 1/ C (S. ), Descripcion Topogrdfica de Misiones, 1845. In Revista Cientif, i. 327. Caballero (Jos6 de), Estadistica del Estado Libre de Sonora y Sinaloa. MS. xxxvi AUTHORITIES QUOTED. V Cabot (Juan), Expedicion al Valle de los Tulares, 1814. MS, O^t^&A,. S^/3. W. ^^. Cabot (Juan and Pedro), Cartas de dos Frailes. MS. • Cabrera Bueiio (Joseph Gonzalez), Navegacion Especvlativa. Manila, 1734. folio. ►' Cabrillo (Juan Rodriguez), Relacion 6 Diario. In Florida, Col. Doc., 173; also in Pacheco and Cdrdenas, Col. Doc, xiv. 165. (Probably by Juan Paez. ) • Cahuenga, Capitulacion de 13 de Enero, 1847. MS. (2ei/*^tu£^i:J>J, Jitm.. //J Caldwell (George Alfred), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep. June 7, 1850, on the California and Territorial Questions. Washington, 1850. t^ California, 1799, in Viagero Universal, xxvi. California Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the. S. F., 1858 et seq. California Agriculturist. San Jos6, 1871 et seq. 4to. California, All about California. San Francisco, 1870; Id., 1873 and Supple- ment; Id., 1875 and Supplement. California, Amount collected from customs. [Slat Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 72.] Washmgton, 1849. California Anthropographic Chart, 1861 et seq. California, Appeal m Behalf of the Church, Sept. 1849. New York, 1849. Californ'ia, AiTival of the Steamer. Festival in Celebration of the 25th Anniversaiy, Feb. 28, 1874. San Francisco, 1874. ♦►California as it is. San Francisco, 1882. California Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of Cal. in New York. Reunion 1875. New York, 1875. California Bible Society, Annual Reports. San Francisco, 1850, et seq. California, Biographical Sketches of the Delegates to Convention to frame New Constitution. 1878. San Francisco, 1878. California Characters and Mining Scenes and Sketches. San Francisco, n.d. California Claims. See Fr6mont. California Colored Citizens, Proceedings of Annual Conventions. San Fran- cisco, 1856 et seq. California, Compiled Laws by S. Garfielde and F. A. Snyder, 1850-3. Benicia, 1853. California, Constitution, San Francisco, 1849; also in Spanish. California, Correspondence relative to tlie Indian disturbances, [34th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 26.J Washington, 1855. ^ Califomia, Correspondence and Reports of the Mexicau Goveniment, 1843-4. n.pl., n.d. California Culturist. San Francisco, 1858-60. 3 vols. ^ California se declara Independiente de Mexico. Nov. 7, 1836. (Monterey, 1836. ) &*yy^ />/UX^ California, Emigra*hts' Guide to. London, 1849, Califomia, Establecimiento y Progresos de las Misiones de la Antigua Cal- ifomia. In Doc. Hist. Mex., ser. iv., tom. iv. California, Establishment of Mint and Light-houses. [31st Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 47.] Washington, 1850. California, Fresh Water Tide Lands. San Francisco, 1869. Califomia Geological Survey. Philadelphia, etc., 1864; San Francisco, etc., 1867. California, Gids naar. Amsterdam, 1849. California Gold Regions, With a full account of the Mineral Resources, etc.. New York (1849). California Grape Culture. Report of Commissioners, San Francisco, 1862. Califomia, Hardy Impeachment. Sacramento, 1862. California nomographic Chart, 1861 et seq. California, Illustrated Hand-Book. London, 1870. California Indians. Report relative to the Colonization of. [33d Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 41.] California, Industrial Interests of. San Francisco, 1862. Califomia Insurance Commissioners. Annual Repoi'ts. S. F., 1868 et seq. California, L'rigation in San Joaquin and Tulare Plains. Sacramento, 1873. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xxxvii California, Its Grold and its Inhabitants. London, 1856. 2 vols. California, Its Past History; Its Present Position, etc. London, 1850. California, Journals of Assembly and Senate, 1st to 24tli sessions, 1850-81; with Appendices — 103 volumes in all — containing all public documents printed hy the state, which are cited in my notes by their titles and dates, the title consisting of 'California' followed by one of the following head- ings: Act; Adjutant-general's Report; Agricultural, Mining, and Mechan- ical Arts College, Reports; Assembly, Rules; Attorney-general, Reports; Bank Commissioners, Reports; Bribery Investigating Committee; Citizen's Hand Book; Common Schools, Acts, etc.; Corporations; Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institute; Educational Directory; Electors; Fees and Salaries; Fisheries; Inaugural Addresses of Governors; Insane Asylum Reports; Insurance Commissioners; Land Acts; Laws; Memorials; Messages of Govetiors; Militia; Mines and Mining; Pioneer Silk Growers ; Political Code Amendments; Public Lands; Revenue Laws; Sacramento River Drainage District; Sacramento Valley In-igation and Navigation Canal; School Law; Secretary of State, ReiTOrts ; Senate and Assembly Bills; Senate Standing and Joint Rules; Special Messages of Governors; State Agricultural Society, Transactions; State Board of Agriculture; State Board of Health ; State Board of Equalization ; State Capital Conmiis- sioners; State Controller, Annual Reports; State Documents; State Geo- logist, Reports; State Harbor Commissioners; State Library, Reports; State Mineralogist, Annual Reports; State Prison, Reports; State Reform School, Reports; State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Reports; State Teachers' Association; State Teachers' Institute; State Treasurei", Reports; Surveyoi'-general, Reports; Swamp and Overflowed Lands; Tide Lands; Transportation; Woman's Suffrage. California, Journal of Education. San Jose, 1876 et seq. California Labor Exchange. [Various publications.] \ California Land Commission. Correspondence [32d Cong,, 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 131]; copy of Instructions [Id., Sen. Ex. Doc, 26]; list of cases in Hoffman's Reports. ^ V California Land Titles, Copies of in U. S. Surveyor-general's Office, 1833-5. California Land Titles. Remarks of ^lessrs. Phelps and Sai-gent in U. S. H. of Rep., June 10, 1862. Washington, 1802. California, Last Night of the Session of the Legislature. Sacramento, 1854. California Law Journal and Literary Review. San Francisco, 1862 et seq. California, Legislative Sketches. Scraps, 1857. California Legislature. Directory; Sketch Book, etc. California, Leyes [statutes in Spanish]. Sacramento, 1859-68. 17 vols. California Magazine and Mountaineer. San Francisco, 1864. California Mail Bag. San Francisco, 1871 et seq. California Medical Gazette. San Francisco, 1868 et seq. California Medical Society, Transactions. Sacramento, 1857 et seq. California, Memorial of Legislature to Congress on Dangers of Chinese Immi- gration. San Francisco, 1862. California Mercantile Journal, 1860. San Francisco, 1860. California, Message transmitting constitution. [31st Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex., Doc. 39.] Washington, 1849. California Nautical Magazine. San Francisco, 1862 et seq. California, New Constitution. San Francisco, 1879. California, Northern California, Scott and Klamath Rivers. Yreka, 1856. California Northern Railroad, Engineers' Report of Surveys, 1859. Sacra- mento, 1859; other reports. California, Notes on. New York, 1850. California, Noticias. See Sales. California Pacific Railroad Company, Articles and By-laws. Vallejo, 1868; various reports. California Pioneers (Society of), Anniversaries; Constitution and By-laws; Grand Excursion; Inaugural Ceremonies; Oration and Poem; Reports, etc. xxxYiii AUTHORITIES QUOTED. '^ California Pioneers, Copy of Archives. MS.; Portraits in Library of the Society; Scrap-book. California Pioneers, Sketches of Fifty. MS. California Prison Commission, Annual Reports. San Francisco, 1866 et seq. California, Project for Middle Class Colonies, n.pl., n.d. California, Public Lands of. San Francisco, 1876. California, Relief of Settlers in. [40th Cong., 2d Sess., H. Mis. Doc. 26.] California, Reports of Cases in Supreme Court. San Francisco, etc., 1851- 81. 58 vols. California, Round Valley Indian Reservation. [43d Cong. , 1st. Sess. , H. Ex, Doc. 118.] California Statistical Chart. Sacramento, Jan. 1, 1855. California Statutes, 1st to 24tli Sess. Sacramento, etc., 1850-81. 24 vols. California Supreme Court Briefs. San Francisco, etc., 1852 et seq. See also Briefs. California, Tarif de Douanes de la California, 1851. Paris, 1851. 4to. California Teacher. San Francisco, 1863 et seq. California Text Book. San Francisco, 1852. California Volunteers, Correspondence Relative to the Discharge. [39th Cong., 1st. Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 138.] Washington, 1865 et seq. California Wine, Wool, and Stock Journal. San Francisco, 1863 et seq. California Workingmen's Party, An Epitome of its Rise and Progress. San Francisco, 1878. V California and New Mexico, Message and Documents, 1848. [30th Cong., 2d Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 1.] Washington, 1848. "^ California and New Mexico, Message and Documents, 1850. [31st Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 17.] Washington, 1849. Californian (The). San Francisco, 1880 et seq. Californian. See Monterey Californian. ^^ ^n^ V Calif ornias, Reglamento Provisional. 1773. MS. /Pzjx/yc/2, /?2^'. Sd^./S. ZS./. Calvary Presbyterian Church, Historical Sketch. San Francisco, 1869; Manual, etc. V Calvo (Charles), Recueil Complet des Ti"ait6s de PAm^rique Latine. Paris, 1862-9. 16 vols. Camden (William), Annales Rer\Tn Anglicarvm et Hibemicarvm, etc. Lon- dini, 1615-27. 2 vols. ' Campaign of Los Angeles, 1847. In Monterey, Califbmiau. Jan. 28, 1847. Campbell, A Concise History of Spanish America. London, 1741. Campbell (J. F.), My Circular Notes. London, 1876. 2 vols. Campbell (J. H.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., Apr. 8, 1862, on Railroad to the Pacific. April, 1862. Washington, 1862. " Cancelada (Juan Lopez), Ruina de la Nueva Espana. CMiz, 1811. ^ Cancelada (Juan Lopez), El Telegrafo Mexicano. Cddiz, 1813, et seq. ^ Cancelada (Juan Lopez), Verdad Sabida. Cadiz, 1811. * » »» • / / a 'n / -^'Cafiizares (Jose), Diario de 1769. MS. 7? «frf: nSl^>'<9. Ch^tX^ C^L. M fc^C C" ^ H C>^ ) P /^ 77^ . ■y Capron (E. S. ), History of California. Boston, 1854. u Carcaba (Manuel), Informe del Habilitado General, 1797. MS. P. ^S^. T. Saa..ZX./^. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xxrix Cdrcaba (Manuel), Oficios del Habilitado General. MS. y Cardona (Nicolas), Memorial sobre sus descubrimientos, etc., en la California. In Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc, torn. ix. 42; Relacion del descubri- miento de California. In Id., torn. ix. 30. Carmany (John H.), A Review of the Year 1866. San Francisco, 1867. Carr (Ezra S.), The Patrons of Husbandry, etc. San Francisco, 1875. Carr (John F.) See Anaheim, its People and its Products. Carriger (Nicholas), Autobiography. MS. Cariillo (Anastasio) Mnchas Cartas del Comandante de Sta Barbara, etc. MS. l- Carrillo (Cdrlos Antonio), Cartas del Diputado de Alta Cal., 1831-2. MS. ^Ct<£/u.^J>ff^.m. 3.*r3. Z^^-S. Carrillo (C;lrlos Antonio), Correspondencia Miscelanea. MS. V Carrillo (Carlos Antonio), Discurso al tomar cl mando politico en Los Angeles. 6 Die. 1837. U^. ^.Jile^^CiAjeA>./fSL. V Carrillo (Carlos Antonio), ExpOsiciou sol)re c'l Fondo Piadoso. Mexico, 1831. , • / ^ /f f\ (% 4% ' V Carrillo (Carlos Antonio), Pimento de Reos, 1814. MS. ^oL^-^, s£>K> 'oA.. -- — . j. n i ^ Carrillo (Mariano), Testamento d Inventario. 1782. MS. T. St. T.'S'r&S JJl' *""' 'ef ^^ V Carrillo (Pedro C), Documentos jiara la Historia de Cal. MS. "r-\ iL ^ Carrillo (Raimundo), Los Edificios de Monterey, 1800. MS. "P. 'St. P. SAt. X V V/// ^ II- yf Carrillo (Raimundo), Instrucci on que observard el Comandante de Esculta de Sta Ines. MS. P. St. P. KVM. Sf^. Carrillo (Raimundo), Papeles del Capitan, 1795 et seq. MS. Carroll (Anna Ella), The Star of the West. New York, 1857. Carroll (W.), Dr Scott, The Vigilance Committee and The Church. San Francisco, 1856. Carson (J. H.), Early Recollections of the Mines, etc. Stockton, 1852. Carson City (Nev. ), Appeal, State Register, ^arvalho (S. N.), Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far West; New York, 1858. Cary (Thomas G. ), Gold from California, Lecture, March 25, 1856; The San Fi-ancisco Vigilance Committee. In Atlantic Monthly, vol. xl. Dec. 1877, 702. Cassell's Emigrant Handy Guide to California. London, n.d. Casserly (Eugene), The Issue in California. Letter, Aug. 27, 1861. San Francisco, 1861; Remarks, etc., for the cession to the C. P. R. R. of Cal. of one half of Goat Island. Wash., 1873; Speech on tlie Chinese Evil. Wash. , 1'870; and other speeches, etc. Cassin (Francis), A Few Facts about California. MS. \/ Castanares (Jose Maria), Causa criminal contra. . .y Ildefonsa Gonzalez por' adulterio, 1836. U^. Tr^T^i^tjt O/tAA,. X. S V Castanares (Jos(5 Maria), Causa seguida Contra Ana Gonzalez. Adulte^-iodeJ. M. Castanares y Alfonsa Gonzalez, 1830. MS. 77t*v*w^ O^^uiA,. T. CL. Castanares (Manuel), California y sus Males, Exposicion 1844. In. Id., Col. Doc, 21. Castanares (Manuel), Cartas del Admiuistrador de la Aduana. MS. \f Castanares (Manuel), Coleccion de Documentos relativos al departamento de Californias. Mexico, 1845. Castillero (Andres), Varias Cartas del Capitan y Comisionado. MS. Castillo (Antonio del), Memoria sobre las Alinas de Azogue de America, Mexico, 1871. >. j Q\ / • Castillo (Felipe), Itinerario desde Sonora hasta Cal., 1845. lsl^.f6ay^UJC.^-J, ^^t.^jZ-£>ae..3s' de Los Angeles sobre el Plan Revoluciouario de Monterey, 1836. MS. \<^iueM/tA. St>^^ rz/V/ Castro (Jos6), Correspondencia oficial y Particular del General, 182G-46. MS.y^ / ' V Castro (Jos6), Decretos de la Diputacion eiigida eu Congreso Constituyente, IS'os. 1-10. Monterey, 1836. ^Ia^»-^ /*>*-i-»»^ V Castro (Jos6), El C— — ■, Presidente de Congreso Constituyente. (Despacho / de Coronel Expedidod D. Juan B. Alvarado. ) Monterey, 11 Die., 1836. £a^rx.X/i/ /^aU^*^ V Castro (Jos(5), Orden del Com. Gen. acerca de Emigrados de los E. U., 6 Nov. ^ 1845. MS. Sa/3^.^a^.2Z.^^ C«.««*k *»e. T. *'5 . V Castro (Jos<5), Proclama de 13 de Nov., 1836. Monterey. -Z)'. S^. "P. d^c^U^. :Si. /^i.. Castro (Macario), Cartas del Sargento. MS. Castro (Macario), Diario de su Expedicion k las Rancherias, 1799. MS. "P- vJ"^. P. "KSHJ. 3ZO. V- Castro (Manuel), Carta a D. Pio Pico. Revolucion de Flores, 1847. MS. ^^<£. A/^^^. &*.£. ZK. S^^. Castro (Tiburcio), Papeles de un Juez y Prefecto. MS. Castroville, Argus. V Catald (Magin), Carta sobre Nootka, 1794. MS. Ji S&. ^ S2/. /^<^ CataM (Magin), Correspondencia del Misionero de Sta Clara, MS. / Catecismo jDolitico arreglado -k la Constituciou' de la Monarquia Espaiiola, 1812. MS. a^ut^. Sta.. 3. ZZ7. Z/S. Catholic World. New York, 1865 et seq. Cauwet (Pierre) and Ch. Duquesnay. Lettres Californiennes. S. F., 1870. V Cavo (Andres), Los Tres Siglos de Mexico. Mexico, 1836-8. 3 vols. ; Mexico, 1852. Ceballos (Ramon), XXIV. Capitulos en Vindicacion de M6jico. Mad. 1856. Cedulario, A Collection mostly MSS. folio. 3 vols. Central Pacific Railroad Company, Annual Rejwrts, By-laws, numerous pamphlets. . V Cerruti (Enrique), Historical Note-books, 1821-46. MS. 5 vols. *.^rruti (Enrique), Ramblings in California. MS. Cevallos. De el Seiior Cevallos, de la situacion actual, del Plan de Jalisco, y del Gen. Uraga. Mexico, 1853. Chamberlain (Charles H. ), Statement. MS. Chamberlain (John), Memoirs of California since 1840. MS. Chamberlain (W. H), and Harry L. Wells. See Yuba County History. V Chamisso (Louis Cliarles A. von), Adelbert von Chamisso's Werke. Vierte Aufiage. Berlin, 1856. 6 vols. ,' Reise, included in preceding ; Remarks i' and Opinions. In Kotzebue's Voy., ii., iii. Champagnac (Jean B. Joseph)", Le jeune Voyageur en Califomie. Paris, 1852. Chandless (William), A Visit to Salt Lake. London, 1857. Chapiu (E. R. ), Reminiscences of a Surgeon. MS. Charton (Edouard), Le Tour du Monde. Paris, etc., 1861. 4to. 2 vols. Chevalier (Michel), On the Probable Fall in the Value of Gold. New York, 1859. Chicago (111.), Post, Times, Tribune, etc. Chico, Butte County Press, Butte County Record, Caucasian, Evening Record, Index, Northern Enterprise, Review, etc. >^ Chico (Mariano), Alocucion del Gobr- a la Junta Dept. 1 Junio 1836. MS>.2>.S£: T.^.TT.O^. • Chico (Mariano), El C Comandante General y Gefe Politico de Alta Cal. d sus Habitantes. Monterey, Julio 24, \%Z^.£a/^^ r^^'^.i^f^ V Chico (Mariano), El 0. . .Gefe Superior Politico etc. a ^s Habitantes. Mon- terey, 11 Mayo \^Z^. ££L^^ AaJ^^*^ "^ Chico (Mariano), Discurso prommciado 20 de Mayo. Monterey, 1836.^ ^ Chico (Mariano), Discurso prcnuuciado 27 de Mayo. Monterey, 1836. Chico (Mariano), Escritos del Gobernador, 1836. MS. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xU • Chico (Mariano), Dos Palabras sobre Memoria del Ex. Gobemador Doblado. Guanajuato, 1847. Chiles (.Joseph B.), Visit to California in 1841. MS. Chinese in California; Coolie Trade; Immigration; Question; Testimony; etc. Many pamphlets. Choate (D. ) and E. W. Moore. See San Diego and Southern California. v/"Choris (Louis). Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde. Paris, 1822. folio. Chronicle Annual. San Francisco, 1882. Churches. See Institutions. Cincinnati (0.), Commercial, Enquirer, Times, etc. Civil Service Reform Association of California, Purposes of. San Francisco, 1881; other pamphlets. ^ Clark (Francis D.), A Pioneer of 1847. In S. Jos6 Pioneer, July 5, 1879; Roll of Survivoi's of the 1st Regiment of New York Volunteers. N. Y. 1874. Clark (Galen), Reminiscences of the Old Times. MS. Clark (Hiram C), Statement of Facts from 1851. MS. _^ y_ c/ •• Clark (Mrs), Antipodes and Around the World. London, 1870. y?T.e/ue.a^^%Xr. aCJ^^ v^ Clark (Samuel), Life and Death of Sir Francis Drake. London, 1761. 4to. Clarke (Asia Booth), The Elder and the Younger Booth. Boston, 1882. Clarke (Charles E.), Speech on Admission of California in U. S. H. of Rep., May 13, 1850. Wasli. 1850; Speech on California Claims in U. S. Sen., Apr*. 25, 1848. Wash. 1848. ^Claudet (F. G.), Gold. New Westminster, 1871. U' Clavigero (Francisco Saverio), Storia della California. Venezia, 1789, 2 vols. Clemens (J.), California Territorial Governments. Speech in U. S. Sen., May 16 and 20, 1850. Washington, 1850. Cleveland (Chauncey F.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., Apr. 19, 1850. . .Consti- tution of California. Washington, 1850. ^ Cleveland (Richard J.), Narrative of Voyages. Cambridge,^ 1842. 2 vols. ; Boston, 1850. Clippings from the California Press in regard to Steam across the Pacific. San Francisco, 1860. Cioverdale, News, Reveille. Clubs. See Institutions. •>/ Clyman (James), Diary of Overland Journey, 1844-6. MS, V Clyman (James), Note Book, 1844-6. MS. Coast Review. San Francisco, 1871-80. 15 vols. Codman (John), The Round Trip. New York, 1879. Coffey (Titian J.), Argument against McGarrahan's Claim, n.pl., n.d. Coignet (M.), Rapport sur les Mines de New Almaden. Paris, 1866. * Coke (Henry J. ), A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California. London, 1852. Cole (Cornelius), Australian Mail Line. Speech in U. S. Sen. July 9, 1870. Washington, n.d.; and various Speeches. Cole (R. Beverly), Statement on Vigilance Committee in San Francisco. MS. Cole (William L.), California — Its Scenery, Climate, etc. New York, 1871. Coleccion de Pocumentos In(5ditos para la Historia de Espalia. Madrid, 1842-80. 71 vols. [S. F. Law Library.] • Colegio Seminario de Maria Santisima de Guadalupe de Sta In(5s. Constitu- ciones. ls\'ii.£2/^.&A,. S£2>~.3. %. 3^y. Coleman (William T.), Vigilance Committee of '56. MS. Colfax (Nev.), Enterprise. College of California. Oration and Poem; and various pamphlets, i^ Colonial Magazine. London, 1840 et seq. / Colonizacion, Cudula Real contirmando el Reglamento del Gobf' Neve 1781. // MS. J' 9?2.'^£..X Z/3. _— _ 7 Colton, Advocate, Semi-tropic. ^' Colton (Walter), Correspondence, 18/6-7. MS. V Colton (Walter),'Deck and Port. New York, 1850; New York, 1800; The Land of Gold. New York, 1860 ;''Three Years in California. New York, 1850. xlii AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Columbia, Citizen, Clipper, 1854, Gazette, 1854, Herald, Mining Dist. Gazette, Muggins, 1854, News, Star, Times, Indept. Eepublic, etc. Colusa, Independent, Sun. Colusa County Annual. Colusa, 1878. Colusa County, History. San Francisco, 1880. folio. Colvin (Thomas W.), Life of a Pioneer. MS. V Combier (C), Voyage au Golfe de Califomie. Paris, n.d. Commercial, Financial, and Miaiug Interests of Calif ornia,. Review for 1876. San Francisco, 1877. / Compaiiia Asidtico-Mexicana, Plan y Reglamento, 1825. In Junta de Fo- ^ mentodeCal. C'^ '' V ^k "^^ '^^'^^^ V Compafiia Extrangera de Monterey, Cuademo de 6rdenes, 1832.^ MS. "VcUL <£)a^X. 2~SST Companies, Mining, Agricultural, Commercial, etc. See Institutions. Comstock (A. M.), Statement on Vigilance Committee. MS. Cone (Mary), Two Years in California. Chicago, 1876. ^ Conferencia celebrada en el Presidio de S. Francisco entre Sola, Kotzebne, y Coscof, 1816. MS. 'P. S£: 7>. XX. 3o. V Congressional Debates [18th to 25th Congress]. Wash. 1824 et seq 14 vols. y Congressional Globe. Washington, 1836 et seq. 4to. Congi'essional Speeches. A Collection. Conklin (E.), Picturesque Arizona. New York, 1878. Connor (.John), Early California Recollections. MS. - Conquest of California, A very large number of newspaper accounts. CwV****^ A-*"^ * "^ ^ ./ Conquest of California, 1846-7 Various Items and Reports. In Niles' Reg- / , | JL, *•, irn^tna ister, Ixxi.-iii. See index, 'Cal.,' 'Kearney,' 'Fremont,' 'Stockton.' /r«iA> /nri- ■• 1 / Consejo General de Pueblos Unidos de Cal., Bando de Mayo 13, 1846. MS.(Z>.»<£. //^^. (2ajL M. ZYL. V Constitucion Espauola de 1812, Bandos del Virey sobre su jura, 1820. MS. S.Sc^^ /^a^. /^ S. Constitutional Convention, Declaration of Rights. Autograph of Members, 1849. Contemporary Biography of California's Representative Men. San Francisco, 1881. 4to. 2 vols. Conversation, Practical and Philosophical, on the Subject of Currency. San Francisco, 1865. Conway (John), Early Days in CaUf ornia. MS. ' Cooke (Philip St Geo.), Conquest of New Mexico and California. New York, 1878; ''Journal from Santa Fe to San Diego. [30th Cong., Spec. Sess., Sen. Doc. 2.] Washington, 1849; Scenes and Adventures in the Army. Philadelphia, 1857. Coon (H. P.), Annals of San Francisco. ]\IS. Cooper (De Guy), Resources of San Luis Obispo County. San Francisco, 1875. Cooper (Ellwood), Forest Culture, etc. San Francisco, 1876. V Cooper (John B. R.), Accounts, 1827. MS. Cooper (.John B. R.), Cartas Miscelaneas de un Navegante, 1824 et seq. MS. V Cooper (John B. R.), Log of the California, 1839-42. MS. Copi^er City, Pioneer. Copi^eropolis, Courier. Cordoba (Alberto), Cartas del Ingeniero, 1796-8. MS. . V Cordoba (Alberto), Informe acerca del Sitio de Branciforte, 1796. MS. ^t. T- 9?i..V&.Z. 3y<^. V- Cordoba (Alberto), Infonne al Virey sobre Defensas de Cal., 1796. MS. 7>.S£-.T. ^2S. S/. Comwallis (Kinahan), The New El Dorado. London, 1858. Coronel (Antonio F.), Cosas de California. MS. V Coronel (Antonio F.), Documentos para la His tor ia de California. MS. Coronel (Ignacio), Cartas de un Maestro de Escuela, 1834 et seq. MS. Correo Atlantico (El). Mexico, 1835 et seq. CoiTco de la Fedei'acion. Mexico, 1826 et seq. folio. V Correspondencia de Misiones. MS. -, ^ . y Cortambert (Richard), Peuples et Voyageurs contemporains. Paris, 1864. /7ze/x&. oLcZ*. Cortes (Heman), Auto de Posesion. In Col. Doc. In(;d., tom. iv. ; Cartas; ^Historia de N. Espaua; Memorial. In Col. Doc. In6d., iv. ; and Difl'erent works, as cited in my Hist. Mex. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xUii Corwin (Moses B.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., Apr. 9, 1850, to Admit Cali- fornia. Washington, 1850. Cosmopolitan Monthly. San Francisco, 1874 et seq. V "Costans6 (Miguel), Diario Hist6rico de los Viages de mar y tien-a hechos al norte de California. Mexico, 1776. V 'Costanso (Miguel), Historical Journal of the Expeditions by Sea and Land to the North of California. London, 1790. i/ Costanso (Miguel), Informe sobre el Proyecto defortificar los Presidios de Cal. 1794. MS. In Pinart, Col. Doc. Mexico. ^TJlG? C_L» r^'-. ^ Cota (Pablo), Diario do Exploracion, 1798. MS. ^-y^. T. 7^ft£^*.U^^c^ ^. i^-T Cota (Guillermo, Leonardo, Manuel, Pablo, and Valentin), Varias cartas. MS. '^ Cota (Valentin), Documentos para la Histo.ria do California. LIS. ^ Coulter (John), Adventures on the Western Coast. London, 1847. 2 vols. V r-oulter (Thomas), Notes on Upper California, 1835. In Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour., V. 59. County registers, poll-lists, laws and regulations, and other official publica- tions, cited by name of county but not named in this list. Courts. See Institutions Coutts (Cave J.), Diary of a March to California in 184^^^^MS. Covarrubias (Jos6 Maria), Correspondencia del Secretario. MS. Cox (Isaac), Annals of Trinity County. San Francisco, 1858. Coxe (Daniel), Description of Carolana. London, 1722; other editions. Coyner (David H.), The Lost Trappers. Cincinnati, 1859. Cram (Thomas J.), Report on the Oceanic routes to Cal., Nov. 1S5G. [34th Cong., 3d Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 51.] Washington, 185G; Topographical Memoir on the Department of the Pacific. [35th Cong., 2d Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 114.] Washington, 1859. Crane (James M.), The Past, Present, and Future of the Pacific. San Fran- cisco, 1856. Crary (Oliver B.), Statement on Vigilance Committee in San Francisco. MS. Crescent City, Courier, Herald, 1854, Del Norte Record. f'Crespi (Juan), Diario do la Expcdicion de INIar., 1774. In Palou, Not., i. 024. -Crespl (Juan), Diario del registro de San Francisco, 1772. In Palou, Not., i. 481. u'Crespi (Juan), Primera Espedicion de Tierra al Descubrimiento del Puerto de San Diego, 1769. In Palou, Not., ii. 93. i/'Crespi (Juan), Viagc de la espedicion de tierra de San Diego d Monterey, 1769. In Palou, Not., i. 285. Croix (Teodoro), Comunicaciones del Com. Gen. de Provincias Intemas al Gobr. de Cal., 1777 ct seq. MS. In Prov. St. Pap., i.-iv. and other archives. ^ ^ •» »r « ►^ Croix (Teodoro), Disposiciones para la Guerra a los Yumas, 1782. MS. r, ■oc. IP, Hi. /^S. ^ Croix (Teodoro), Instruccion sobre Donativos en California para la Guerra con Inglaterra, 1781. MS. T. St. "Pm. !-•- Croix (Teodoro), Instruccioues al Capitan Rivera, 177.9. MS. 7*. St. P. 2L SS. V Cronisc (Titus Fey), Natural Wealth of California. San Francisco,. 1868; Id. with illustrations and corrections. Crosby (E. ©.), Events in California. MS. Crowell (J. )7 Speech in U. S. H. of Rep. June 3, 1850, on Admission of Cali- fornia. Washington, 1850. Cuesta. See ' Arroyo dc la Cuesta. ' Currey (John), Incidents in California. MS. Cutter (D. S.) See Directories. Sacramento, 1860. " Cutts (James Madison), Conquest of California and N. Mexico. Phila., 1847. Dall (Caroline H.), My First Holiday. Boston, 1881. ^ Dall (W. H.), Lords of the Isles. In Overland Monthly, xii. 522. Dalles (Or.), Mountameer, Oregon Republican. Dally (Henry J.), Narrative from 1840. MS. Dameron (James P.), Autobiogi-aphy and Writings. San Francisco, 1877. ^ Dampier (Wm.), New Voyage round the World. London, 1099-1709. 4 vols. ^ xHv AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Dana (C. W.), The Great West. Boston, 1861. Dana (David D. ), The Fireman. Boston, 1858. V Dana (Pdchard H., Jr.). Two Years before the Mast. New York, 1840; New York, 1857; Boston, 1873; Boston, 1880. Dana (William G. ), Letters of a Trader. MS. 1/ Dana (Guillermo G.), and Vicente Moraga, Lista de Extrangeros en Sta Bdr- bara, 183G. MS. ^. SC. "P. ZT. AT^. / Ja ti rr, V Danti (Antonio), Diario de un Reconocimiento de la Alameda, 1795. MS.Ct/i^sA^. Jy^- Jf. ^' Z^*-. Dartin (V.), Rctlecciones d los Californios 6 Hispano- Americanos. San Fran- cisco. [1864.] V Daubenbisa (John), Biographical Sketches. In S. Jos6 Pioneer, Mar. 23, , 1878. Davidson (George), Biography and Essay on Irrigation. MS. Davidson (George), Coast-Pilot of California, etc. Washington, 1869. Davidson (George), Directory for the Pacific Coast. Washington, 1868. Davis (Horace), An o^jen Letter to. San Francisco, 1880; and various speeches. Davis (John), World's Hydrographical Description. London, 1595. Davis (William H. ), Business Correspondence. MS. CoX D ^ 5 Davis (William H.), Glimpses of the Past in California. MS. 2 vols. Davisville, Advertiser. V D'Avity (Pierre), Le Monde ou la Description Generale, etc. Paris, 1637. folio. 5 vols. Dean (Peter), Occurrences in California. MS. De Bow (J. D. B.), De Bow's Review and Industrial Resources. New Orleans, etc., 1854-7. 7 vols.; Encyclopedia of Trade and Commerce of the U. S. London, 1854. 2 vols. Xf yf C\ - - _ ^ Decreto del Congreso Mejicano sobre Colonizacion, 18 Agosto 1824. MS. V«x«:.«><^. K^S12J7. '9^-y. V Decreto del Congreso Mejicano, secularizando las Misiones. 17 Agosto 1833. In Arrillaga, Rccop. 1833, p. 19. y Decreto de las Curtes, 4 Enero 1813, Secularizacion.- MS.; also in Mexico, y Leyes Vigentes 1879, p. 56; Dwinelle's Col. Hist. Add. 20. Deer Lodge (Mont.), Independent, i^ Degroot (Henry), The Donner Party. In Overland Monthly, v. 38. Del Mar (Alexander), A History of the Precious Metals. London, 1880. Delano (Amasa), The Central Pacific Railroad, or '49 and '69. San Francisco, 1868; Life ou the Plains, etc. New York, 1861; Old Block's Sketch Book. Sacramento, 1856; Penknife Sketches. Sacramento, 1853. Delessert, Les Mines. In Revue des Deux Mondes. Feb. 1, 1849. Del Norte County, History of. See Bledsoe, A. J. K Demarcacion y Division de las Indias. In Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc. , XV. 409. Democratic Members of Legislature of California. Address of the Majority Feb. 1854. San Francisco, 1854. Democratic State Convention, Proceedings Feb. 1852. Sacramento, 1852. Demjister (C. J.), Vigilance Committee. MS. Den (Nicolas A.), Letters of a Pioneer Doctor. MS. Dent, Vantine, and Co., Claim for Supplies to Indians in California, 1851-2. Washington, n.d. V Departmental Records. MS. 14 vols. In Archivo de Cal. V Departmental State Papers. MS. 20 vols. In Archivo de Cal.; Id., Angeles. 12 vols. ; Id., Benicia. 5 vols. ; Id., Benicia Custom-house. 8 vols.; Id., Benicia Com. and Treas. 5 vols. ; Id., Benicia Prefecturas y Juzgados. 6 vols.; Id., Benicia Military, vols. 53to87; Id. , Monterey. 8 vols.; Id., San Josj. 7 vols. Derby (E. H.), The Overland Route to the Pacific. Boston, 1869. Derby (G. H.), and R. S. Williamson. Reports on Geology and Topography of California. [31st Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 47.] Wash., 1850. De Rupert (A. E. D.), Califomians and Mormons. New York, 1881. u- Diaz del Castillo (Bernal), Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva Espaua. Madrid, 1632. 4to. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xlv "^ Diccionario Universal de Historia y de Geografia. Mexico, 1853. 4to. 10 vols. ; Madrid, 1846-50. 4to. 8 vols. Dickinson (John R.), Speeches, Correspondence, etc. New York, 1867. 2 vols. V DictAmen sobre Instrucciones al Gob'- de Calif ornias 1825. In Junta de Fomento de Cal. Digger's Handbook (The), and Truth about California. Sydney, 1849. Dilke (Cliarles Wentworth), Greater Britain. Philadelphia, 1869. 2 vols. V Diputacion de la Alta California (La Ecsma.), a sus Habitantes. Montere}^ G Nov., 1836. £. 6t. P. S/^.Z^SSHT' /^ Du Hailly (Edouard), Les Am6ricains sur le Pacifique. In Revue des Deux Moudes, Feb. 1859. K Duhaut-Cilly (A.), Viaggio intorno al Globo. Torino, 1841. 2 vols.; Voyage autour du Monde. Paris, 1835. Dumetz (Francisco), Cartas del Padre Misionero, 1771-1811. MS. ^/ Dunbar (Edward E. ), Romance of the Age. New York, 1867. Duncan, (L. J. C), Settlement in Southern Oregon. MS.- . ^ ^ Dunne's Notes on San Pascual, 1846. MS. ^fo^ ^!^t,4M^^yui y/rtut^^a-ki. Dunraven (Earl of). The Great Divide. New York,'a876: ^ ^ Duran (Narciso), Carta al Gobr-Chico, 15 Junio, 1836. MS.^VT". ^ 0>T.^.jr. S/<^ Duran (Narciso), Correspondencia de nn Misionero y Presidente. MS. / ^ „^ V Duran (Narciso), Critica sobre las Prevenciones de Emancipacion, 1833. MS. Ch'uA^. Cc/xyi. TTx. O^ u Duran (Narciso), Infonne del Actual Estado de las Misiones, 1844. MS. Tiia^ S^a-<., ^^,' .,' Duran (Narciso , Notas vComentarios al Bando de Echeandia sobre Misiones, <" t^e^ rfn/i.,-r, 1831. M^.^^./?^4r.^Soj^.^.9Sy. <>.»*vi^*.>«v7r.voy^ __ ,^l^^«J^^^^. V Duran (Narciso), Proyectos de Secularizacibu, 1833. MS. St. T. Mfd.T. SS. ^ Durkee (John L.), Statement on Vigilance Committees in San Francisco. MS. Dutch Flat, Enquirer, Forum. Dutch Flat Swindle (The Great). S. F. n.d. V Dwinelle(JohnW.), Address before the Pioneers. 1866. S. F. 1866; Colonial History of San Francisco. S. F. 1863; S. F. 1867; [Drake's Voyage, a ^Review of Bryant's Hist. U. S.] In S. F. Bulletin, Oct. 5, 1878;'^ Oration. Oct. 8, 1876. In San Francisco, Cent. Mem., 81. v Dye (Job F.), Pioneer Recollections. In Sta Cruz Sentinel, 1869; Pioneer Scrap-book ; Recollections of California. MS. Eardley-Wilmot (S.), Our Journal in the Pacific. London, 1873. Earll (John O.), Statement of 1849. MS. Earliest Printing in California. A Collection of all documents printed before 1 848. Earthquake. The Great Earthquake in San Francisco S. F. 1868. Eaton (Henry), Pioneer of 1838. MS. •/ Echeandia (Jos<5 Maria), Bando sobre Elecciones, 1828. MS. 1/ Echeandia (Jos(5 Maria), Carta que dirige d D. Jos6 Figueroa en defensa de lo que ha heclio para secularizar las Misiones, 1833. MS. St. P. QTz). 9^(2. JT. 3S. I. Echeandia (Jos6 Maria), Decreto de Emancipacion A favor de los Ne6fitos, y t 1826. MS. o8^. /y^f^. o^.A/£^/C.(£aJC.I. riy-A. ^a^. X. iT; «6^- *^2«£. Z. /S^ ]/ Echeandia (Jose Maria), Reglamento para los Encargados de Justicia en las Misiones, 1833. M^. S^. 7>. A^l^e. IT. 2o/. . r i cK vi V Echeandia (Jos6 Maria), Reglamento de Secularizacion, 18 Nov. 1832. MS. in»^-^c.:^^r ^5; Oa-c*., W* JO. Echeveste (Juan Jos6), 'Reglamento,' q.v. WT^J/J itJiOn'^^-'^,^^ Eco de Espaua. Mexico, 1853-4. Eco Nacional. Mexico, 1857-8. Eco de Occidente. Guaymas, 1878 et seq. Edelman (George W. ), Guide to the Value of California Gold. Phil., 1850. t' Edinburgh Review. Edinburgh, 1802 et seq. V Edwards (Philip L.), Diary of a Visit to Cal., 1837. MS. ^ i^. 3U^. Afc^^. 2L. ^S/. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xlvii V Escandon (Manuel), and Jos6 D. Eascon, Observaciones, Fondo Piadoso. Mexico, 1845. Escobar (Agustin), Campaiia de 1846. MS. Escobar (Marcelino), Cartas de un Alcalde. MS. Escudero (Jos^ Agustin), Memorias del Diputado de Chihuahua, Mexico, 1848. V Escudero (.Jos6 Agustin), Noticias Estadisticas de Chihuahua. Mexico, 1837. Espafia, Constitucion de 1812. MS. 2>^^. AU^'Cr. Qo^. X . /— ^' Espauoles, Lista de los— que han prestado Juramento, 1828. MS. 2). 'S^. 'P. V7. 38. Espinosa (Clemehte), Apuntes Breves y Notas Hist6ricas. MS. ■/ Espinosa (Rafael), Estudios Hist6ricos. In Soc. Mex. Geog., BoL, v. 429. ^ Esplandian, Sergas of. 1510, and later editions. / Establecimientos Rusos en California, 1812-41. MS. Estell (James M.), Speech va. Hall of Rep. Sacto in connection with Vigilance Committee, n.pl. 1857. Estenega (Tomtls), Cartas del Padre Misionero. MS. Estrada (Jos(5 ISIariano), Correspondencia desde 1783. MS. Estrada (Jos(5 Ramon), Comunicaciones Varias. MS. y Estrada (Jos^ Ramon), Lista de Extrangeros en Monterey, 1829. MS. Estudillo (Jos^ Maria), Datos Historicos. MS. V Estudillo (Jos6 Joaquin), Documentos para la Historia de Cal. MS. 2 vols. Estudillo (Jos6 Maria), Hojas de Servicio. MS. V Estudillo (Jos6 Maria), Informe sobre los Frailes, 1820. MS. T'S^. Ti XX- -^^^ , y Estudillo (Jos6 Maria), Informe sobre Oficios de Capellan, 1820. MS. T. St: 'P.'SX. ZVO-O, Estudillo ( Jos(5 Maria and Jose Antonio), Cartas del Padre d Hijo. MS. ' / V Etholin, Letter on Ross, 1841. MS. Eureka, Democratic Standard, Evening Herald, Evening Star, Humboldt Bay Journal, Humboldt Times, National Index, Northern Independent, Signal, West Coast Signal. Evangelist (The), San Francisco, 1872 et seq. Evans (Albert S.), A la California. San Francisco, 1873. ^ Evans (George M. ), A History of the Discovery of Gold in California. In Hunt's Mercliants' Mag., xxxi. 385. y Evans (Richard S.) and H. W. Henshaw, Translation, Voyage of Cabrillo. In U. S. Geog. Surv., Wheeler, vii.. Arch., 293. -v^ •y Expediente sobre el modo de dividirse las misiones, 1770. MS. V?t^a^c/x. />t^-o. /^. ►^ Expediente sobre las Enfermedades de la Tierra, 1805. W^.O^laA^'^^^^SI. 9. . _. ^ -_ V Expediente sobre Reciprocas Quejas del Gobernador y Religiosos, 1787. MS. ^X/^-t^. oca,. *a. vZa. . ■^ Fages (Pedro), Comentario sobre el Informe del Capitan Soler, 1787. MS. Fages (Pedro), Correspondencia del Comandaute y Gobr-. 1781 et seq. MS. ^ Fages (Pedro), Informe sobre Comercio con Buques de China, 1787. MS. "P. S^. "P. ^231. SSsST V Fages (Pedro), Informe General de Misiones, 1787. MS. ^t. 'P- '?^'¥^.J^./Z- JcL. 9?^u>l^>U^4.€^'^. Figueroa (Jos6), Correspondencia del Clcfo Politico, 1832-5. MS. k' Figueroa (Jos6), Cosas Financieras de California, 1834. MS. -Z>. i*^. ? .^. Z^?/- V Figueroa (Jos6), Discurso de Aptertura do la Diputacion, 1834. MS. Voj^. SbaC,. SSS2. Sff-. V Figueroa (Jos(5), El Coniandante. General, etc., jl los Habitantes del Territorio. Monterrey, IG Marzo, 1835. Sa^%^ /'/i^^^, )/ Figueroa (Jos6), El Comandantc General v Qefe Politico de Alta Cal. A sua Habitantes. Monterey, 1835. £*u^>^ /^/t^i^f^. V Figueroa (Jose), Infornie al Ministro de Guerra sobre Acontecimientoa de 1831-2. MS. J), SC-. T. 20: . /04i V Figueroa (Jos(5), Informe en que se opone al Proyecto de Secularizacion, 1833. MS. S6r. >. MYC TT. /• Figueroa (.Jose), Plan do Propios y Arbitrios. Monterrey, 6 Agosto, 1834. Lcut-^/^ /^/^■i-'^^. ^ Figueroa (.Jos6), Prevenciones Provisionales para la Emancipacion de Indios, ^ 1833. MS. 7k£. 2>#e. XKZ7. iA v' Figueroa (Jos6), Reglamento Provisional para la Secularization. Monterrey, 9 Agosto, 1834. £a^x^ /^-hUy^Ur Findla (James), Statement of Events in Early Days. MS. Findlay (Alexander G.), Directory for the Navigation of the Pacific Ocean. London, 1851; Light Houses in the World. London, 1867. Fire Underwriters. Annual Reports. San Francisco, 1865 et seq. First Steamship Pioneers. [San Francisco, 1874.] 4to. Fisher (Walter M. ), The Californiaus. San Francisco, 1876. Fitch (Guillenno), Narrativa. MS. y _/>«- TB -xt" ur,cC. 7^14. Fliigge (Charles W.), Various Letters, 1841 et seq. MS. y Folsom (J. L.), Correspondence of the Quartermaster, 1846-8. In Cal. and N. Mex., Mess, and Doc, 1850. >-- Fondo Piadoso do Calif omias, 1773. MS. Y7iuL^€/t,. ^?7vd-^ ^ Galitzin (Emmanuel), Notice Biographique sur Bardnof. In Nouv. AnJlVoy.f'"" cxxv. 243. . ^•Galvez (Jose de), Con-espondencia con el Padre Lasuen, 1768. MS.^2/liai^. St. ^.2". /. •Galvez (.Ios6 de), Escritos sueltos del Visitador General, 1768-70. MS. T. St:P.T i^-'Galvez (Jose de), Instruccion que ha de Observar D. Vicente Vila, capitan del S. Ccirlos, 1769. MS. P. SC. P.r.lLT,. t'Galvez (Jos6 do), Instruccion que ha do Observar el teniente D. Pedro Faees. 1769. MS. P. St. P.^f.JA ^ ^Galvez (Virey), Comunicaciones al Gobr- de California, 1783-5. MS. v'Galvez (Virey), Instruccion formada en virtud de real (Srden. Mexico, 1786. >' Galvez (Virey), Instrucciones al Gobr. Fages, 1786. MS. Tyiuxj^e^t. '^Ti^-d. S. ^^GarcC'S (Francisco), Diario y Dcrrotero. In Doc. Hist. Mex., s^. ii., i. 225. Garcia (Inocente), Heclios Historicos. MS. Garcia (.lost; E.), Episodios Historicos. MS. Garcia (Marcelino), Apunte sobre el General Micheltorena. MS. ^ Garcia Diego (Francisco), Carta Pastoral. Mexico, 1840. v^ Garcia Diego (Francisco), Carta Pastoral contra la costumbre de azotar d log n a l. Indies, Junio 30, 1833. MS. O/t-oA,. ^l^. V.X.SO.] a/v»4.,tf t. J*p 72; S. S-./VfT /y/ Garcia Diego (Francisco), Corrcspondencia de un Jlisionero y Obispo. MS. I- Garcia Diego (Francisco), Pareccr del P. Fiscal sobre el Proyecto de Secular- izacion, 1833. ^l^. St. 1^^ 9>>~y• V- /*/• .^- Gasol (Jose), Letraa Pateutes del P. Guardian, 1806. MS. ^4^«r, /^^4r. <2aj2.. ^' /'^■i- «r AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Gay (Frederick A.), Sketches of California, n.pl., n.d. General Association of California, Minutes of Annual Meetings. San Fran- cisco, 1857 et seq. German (Jos6 and Luis), Sucesos en California. MS. Genius of Liberty, Vera Cruz, 1847 etseq. Gerstacker (Freidrich), Aventures d'une Colonic d'^migrants en Am^rique. Paris, 1855; Califomisclie Skizzen. Leipzig, 185G; Gold! Ein Califor- nisches Lebensbild aus dem yabre 1849. Leipzig, 1858; Kaliforniens Gold u Quecksilber-District. Leipzig, 1849; Der Kleine Goldgraber in Californien. Leipzig, n. d. ; Kreuz und Quer. Leipzig, 1 809. 3 vols.; Nar- rative of a Journey round the World. Lond. 1853; New York, 1854; Reisen. Stuttgart, etc., 1853^. 5 vols.; Scenes de la Vie Califomienne. Geneve, 1860; Travels. London, 1854; Western Lands and Western Waters. London, 1864. Gibbons (Francis A.), and Francis X. Kelly, Letter relative to appi'opriation for erection of light-house on Pacific Coast. [33d Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 113.] Washington, 1853; Resolution calling for CoiTespondence relative to claim [33d Cong., 2cl Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 53]. Washington, 1853. Gibson (H. G.), Address at the Fourth Annual Banquet of New York Cali- fornia Pioneers. In San Jos6 Pioneer, Feb. 15, 1879. Gibson (Otis), Chinaman or White Man, Which? San Francisco, 1873; The Chinese in America. Cincinnati, 1877; other'articles on Chinese. Giddings (George H. ), The case of — Contractor on the Overland Mail Route, Washington, 1860. Gift (George W.), The Settler's Guide. Stockton, 1857. Gift (George W. ), Something about California. Marin County, S. Rafael, 1875. Gilbert (Frank T.), See Histories of San Joaquin and Y^olo Counties. ■ Gillespie (Archibald H.), Correspondence of a Government Agent. MS. Gillespie (Charles V. ), Vigilanco Committee. MS. Gilman (Daniel C), Building of the University. Inaugural Address Nov. 7, 1872. San Francisco, 1872. Gilroy, Advocate, California Leader, Independent, Telegram, Union. Gleeson (William), History of the Catholic Church in California. San Fran- cisco, 1872. 2 vols. Glisan (R.), Journal of Array Life. San Francisco, 1874. Goat Island, Appeal to the California Delegation in Congress, 1872; Proceed- ings of the Chamber of Commerce. S. F. 1872, etc. Goddard (Frederick B.), Where to Emigrate and Why. New York, 1869. Godfrey (John F.), Argument In re City of Los Angeles vs. L. McL. Baldwin et al. San Francisco, 1878. Gold Fields. Notes on the Distribution of Gold. London, 1853. Gold-Finder, Adventures of. London, 1850. 3 vols. '^ Golovnin (V. M.), Voyage of the Kamchatka, 1815-19. In Materialui, pt. iv. Gomez (Jos(j), Diario Curioso, 1776-96. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii., tom. vii. -- ^ Gom ez (Jos(3 Joaquin), Cartas. 1831 et seq. MS. ^ ^-. "7 r ' V^ JT^ ^C i GomeFt^nan), Diario do Cosas Notables, 1836. M.^. '•^. SQa^.J»&. A/lfC. i^A^L. ZF //Q. y/ Goycoechea (Felipe), Respuesta a las Quince Preguntas sobre Abusos de Misioneros, 1798. MS. T. 9C. "P. SS2r. /C Graham (J. D. ), Report on Boundary Line between U. S. and Mexico [32d Cong., IstSess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 121.] Washington, 1851. Graham (Mary), Historical Reminiscences. San Francisco, 1876. V Graham (Isaac) and John A. Sutter in New Mexico, Some Facts. MS. Grajera (Antonio), Escritos del Comandante de S. Diego, 1794-9. m / a / V Grajera (Antonio), Respuesta A las Quince Preguntas, 1799. MS. T- St. P. XS2Z. /^A. / y/ Grantsville, Weekly Sun. Grass Valley, Foot Hill Tidings, National, Union. Gray (A. B.), Resolution communicating report and map relative to Mex. . Boundary. [S.ld Cong., 2d Scss., Sen. Ex. Doc. 55.] Wash. 1853. Gray (W. H.), Histoiy of Oregon, 1792-1849. Portland, 1870. Great Registers, cited by name of county. Not in this list. Greeley (Horace), Overland Journey. New York, 1860. Green (Alfred A.) Life and Adventures of a '47er. MS. Green (Talbot H.), Letters, 1841-8. MS. c Greenhow (Robert), History of Oregon and California. Boston, 1844; Lon- don, 1844; New York, 1845; Boston, 1845; Boston, 1847. »/ Greenhow (Robert), jNlcmoir, Historical and Political, of the Northwest Coast of North America. [26th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen, Doc. 174.] Wash., 1840. Greenwood (Grace), New Life in New Lands. New York, 1873. Gregory (Joseph W.), Guide for California Travellers. New York, 1850, Gregson (James), Statement, 1845-9. MS. 97t^. //^f. /^a/t^y^i^. Grey (William), A Picture of Pioneer Times in California. S. F. 1881. V Griffin (.John S.), Documents for the History of California; San Pascual. MS. CaJLj^79 V Griffin (John 8.), Journal of 1846. MS. CoJL S T (o ^ Grigsby (John), Papers of 1846-8. MS. Grijalva (Juan Pablo), Cartas del Teniente, 1794-1806. MS. ^ / ^, Ji nr o /m • Griialva (J uanPabloJ Explicacion del Registro desde S. Diego. MS. CL^jSy^. OC: f6. ^v. ^crv. Grijalva (Juan Pablo), Injorme sobre les Rancherias exploradas por P. Mari- ner, 1795. MS. ^. f «vfc >H~ SOiHS,. Z. Z/f. Guerra (Josd Antonio), Cartas. MS. Guerra (Pablo), Comunicaciones. MS. Guerra y Noriega (JostT'), Correspondencia del Capitan. M»S. ^ Guerra y Noriega (Jps6), Determinacion sobre su Ida & Mexico, 6 Instruccion, 1819. MS. ^^- JO/f^. E7. /(93~. V Guerra y Noriega (Jos6), Documentos para la Hist, de Cal. MS. 6 vols. • ^^ / c<\ S],,^ *''oa . Guerra y Noriega (Jos6), Ocurrencias Curiosas do 1830-1. MS. ^CLnJ^^4i4Uf (^^-Jf tC^^K^.^'^- hia, 1875. gall (Edward II.), The Great West. N. Y., 18Go; N. Y., ISGG. all (Frederic), History of San Jose. San Francisco, 1871; San Jos6 History. ^ Scrap-book.. From S. Jose Pioneer, Jan. 1877. Hall (.John), Remarks on the harbours of Cal. [Being extracts from the log of the Lady Blackwood, 1822.] In Forbes' Hist. Cal., App. Hall (William M.), Speech in favor of a National Railroad to the Pacific. July 7, 1847; New York, 1853. v- Halleck (Henry W.), Correspondence of the Secretary of State. 1846-8. In Cal.and N. Mex., Mess, and Doc, 1850; Mexican Land Laws. MS.j Report on Land Titles in California. [31st Cong., 1st. Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 17.] Wash., 1850. Halley (William), Centennial Year-book of Alameda County. Oakland, 1876. Hamilton (Nev.), Inland Empire. Hancock (Samuel), Thu'teen Years' Residence on the Northwest Coast. MS. Hanford, Public Good. V Hansard (T. C), Parliamentary Debates from 1803. London, 1812-77. [S. F. Law Library.] Hardenbergh (J. R.), Answer to charges filed with the Commissioner of the General Land Office. San Francisco, 1873. Hardinge (Emma), Funeral Oration on Thomas StaiT King. S. F., 1864. JIardy (Lady Duffus), Through Cities and Prairie Lands. London, 1881. Hargrave (William), California in 1846. MS. Haro (Francisco), Cai'tas Sueltas. MS. Haro y Peralta (Virey), Comunicaciones al Gobierno de California. MS. Harper's New ^lonthly Magazine. New York, 1856 et seq. 1/ Harris (John), Navigantium. . .Bibliotheca. London, 1705. folio. 2 vols. Harrison (Henry W. ), Battle-Fields and Naval Exploits. Phila. , 1858. Hart (Albert), Mining Statutes of the U. S., CaU and Nev. S. F., 1877. V Hartman (Isaac), Brief in Mission Cases. ^- O^^**^- 9?i^-,f. ZT. Hartmaun (Carl), Geographisch-Statistische Beschreibung von Californien. Weimar, 1849. 2 vols. Hartmann (Joh. Adolph), Dissertatio Geographica de vei'o Californias situ et Conditione. Marburg, 1 739. 4to. v72i^^»>*. 9^ efA^-<>u^. Hartuell (Teresa de la G.), Narrativa de una Matrona de Cal. MS. HartncU (William E. P. ), Conv*ention of '49. Original Records. MS. ^ C ^fv »^Hartiicll(William.E. P.),DiariodelVisitadorGen. delSlisiones, 1839-40. MS, \,- £: 7 /, O- 0' T. ^ y^ Hartuell ( William E. P. ), English Colonization in California, 1844. MS.P 7>-c«2^ ^a^. T.S V UiX) J. . % 5 HartneU. (William E. P.), Miscellaneous Correspondence from 1822. MS. liv AUTHORITIP]S QUOTED. Harvey (Mrs Daniel), Life of John McLoughlin. MS. V Hastings (Lansforcl W.)/Emigi-ants' Gviide to Oregon and California. Cin- cinnati, 1845; Letters. 1843-S. MS. ;-^f •«-/ V Hayes (Benjamin), Documents for the Histoi-y of California. MS. y Hayes (Benjamin), Emigrant Notes. MS. and Scraps. ».• Hayes (Benjamin), Land Matters in California. MS. z_ v' Hayes (Benjamin), List of Vessels. MS. //a^c4 <5^^. y2^<^. y Hayes (Benjamin), Mexican Laws, Notes. M!§. >^ Hayes (Benjamin), Mission Book of Alta Cal. MS. and Scraps. 2 vols. t' Hayes (Benjamin), Notes on California Affairs. MS. V Hayes (Benjamin), Papeles Vai'ios Originales. MS. Hayes (Benjamin), Sau Diego, Legal History. Scraps and MS. Hayes (Benjamin), Scrap Books, 1850-74. 129 vols. ; under the foUovring sub- titles: Agriculture; Arizona. 6 vols.; California Notes. 5 vols. MS. and Print; California Poets-, California Politic?. 10 vols. ; Constitutional Law; Cuyamaca Case. MS. and Print; Early California Decisions; Ind- ians. 5 vols.; Los Angeles County. 10 vols.; Memorabilia; Mining. 13 vols. ; Monterey, Santa Biirbara, etc. ; Natural Phenomena. 3 vols. ; Pa- cific Interests; Railroads. 6 vols. ; San Bernardino County. 4 vols. ; San Diego, Five Years in. 4 vols. ; San Diego County, Local History. 3 vols. ; Southern California, Historical Items. 2 vols. ; Southern California Pol- itics. 2 vols. ; Southern California, Wilmington, etc. ; Studies in Politics. 7 vols. ; Supreme Court, 1868-74. Haywaixls, Journal, Alameda Adv^ocate, Plaindealer. Hazlitt (Wm. Carew), Great Gold Fields of Cariboo. London, 1862. Healdsburg, Advertiser, Democratic Standard, Enterprise, Review, Russian River Flag. 2eap (Gwinn Harris), Central Route to the Pacific. Philadelphia, 1854. Hcarn (F. G.), California Sketches. MS. Hebard, Speech, March 14, 1850, on Constitution of Cal. Wash., 1850. w Hcceta (Bruno), Diario del Viage de 1775. MS. ^^. *.- i^*-eA^\_X«».<^. ^-*Hcccta (Bruno), Espcdicion Maritima. In Palou, Not., ii. 229^ V Heceta (Bruno), Segunda Exploracion, 1775. MS. "^^^-^^ VTi.^^. /Zyi.. ,, Heceta (Brimo), Viage de 1775. MS. 2^^'c4 A£,'?Z€>Hya.. X. V Hecox (Adna A.), Biographical Sketch, fn S. Jos6 Pioneer, Aug. 1878. / Hecox (Adna A.), A Brief History of the Introduction of Methodism. In S. F. Christian Advocate, 1863. Helper (Hinton R. ), The Land of Gold. Baltimore, 1855. Henshaw (Josiah S.), Historical Events. MS. Hernandez (Josj Maria P.), Compendio de la G^ografia. Mexico, 1872. ^ Herrera (Antonio de), Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas i Tierra Firme del Mar Oc(5ano. Madrid, 1601. 4to. 4 vols; Madrid, 1720-30. folio. ^ Herrera (Joso Maria), Causa contra el Comisario de California, 1827. MS. ^. S^. ^ 3A1..CXXZ7. <&j2.. Hen-era (Jos6 Maria), Escritos del Comisario. MS. Herrick (William F.), Current Events from 1853. MS. Hespei-ian (The). San Francisco, 1858-64. 11 vols. V Heylyn (Peter), Cosmography. London, 1701. folio. Hijar ;Carlos N.), California in 1834. MS. - -— — ___^ /^ - D / Hijar (Jos6 Maria), Listrucciones del Gefe Politico y Director de Colonizacion, . >. 1834. In Figueroa, Man. 11. / O "Z^ AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Iv V Hijar (Jos6 Maria), Instrucciones del Gobiemo al Comisionado, 1845. M.S. 2>. 'S£r. T. -Be.TvJZT.yX. •= ^ ~ '"' ' Hiiar (Jos6 INIaria), Vaiias Cartas. MS. .a' .z^^* rz a ^\ Hinckley (William C. ), Life of a Pioneer of 1847. MS. C-*X V t^O^^UA^. rr^. 1^ (, (^C Humboldt (Alex, de), Essai Politique sur le Royaume delaNouvelle Espagne. Paris, 1811. folio. 2 vols, and atlas. Humboldt (Alex, de), Tablas Estadisticas del Reyno de Nueva Espaiia en el alio de 1803. MS. Humboldt County. Its Resources, etc. See Hawley, A. T. V Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. New York, 1839 et seq. Huse (Charles E.), Sketch of the History and Resources of Santa Bdrbara City and County. Santa Barbara, 1876. Hutchings' Illustrated California Magazine. San Francisco, 1857-61. 5 vols. Hyde (George), Historical Facts on California. MS. Ibarra (Juan Maria), Cartas Varias del Teniente. MS. Idaho City, (Id.) World. ^ Ide (William B.), Bear Flag Revolt. MS. V Ide (William B.), Biographical Sketch. [Claremont] 1880; Who Conquered California? [Claremont] 1880. [lustracion Mexicana (La). Mexico, 1851-3. 4 vols. Independence (Cal.), Inyo Independent. Independence (Mo.), Mission Expositor. V Indios, Contestacion al Interrogatorio de 1812 por el Presidente y los Padres sobre costumbres, 1815. W^.CI^^jsA>. j&&. /3- OT. iyiZn.//2,. . n^^ -jx .r / jo V Indios, Interrogatorio del Supremo Gobierno sobre Costunibres, 1812. MS. Ct^t-OA^. oC: A v! /*»« Industrial Magazine. San Francisco, 1867 et seq. 1-, r • *■/ / n.^ . Informe de lo mas Peculiar de la Nueva California, 1789. MS. f^z*^'i~^^^^>>ux- X^. y>^- 2,/. Informe sobre los Ajustes de Pobladores de la Reina de Los Angeles y demas de las Provincias de Calif ornias. Dec. 30, 1789. MS. 7*. SC T. /^.2^^. IngersoU (Ernest), In a Redwood Logging Camp. In Harper's Mag., Ixvi. 194-5. winiciativa de Ley, 1827. In Junta de Fomento de California. V Iniestra, Expedicion de Cal., 1845. In Amigo del Pueblo, Sept.-Oct. 1845. Institutions, associations, societies, companies, orders, churches, banks, clubs, courts, etc. Publications cited in notes by name of the institution, etc.; but most of them, not historical in their nature, are omitted in this list. ^ Instrucciones d que debe sujetarse la Comision nombrada por este Ayunta- miento de Angeles, 30 Mayo, 1837. MS. VoJt. £>&. W. Sf0. lone, Amador Times, Chronicle, City News, Riverside Independence. ^ Iriarte (Francisco), Contestacion d la Expresion de Agravios. Mexico, 1832. V Irving (Washington), Adventures of Bonneville. New York, 1860. Iturbide (Agustin), Cartas de los Sefiores GeneraleS. Mexico, 1821. Iturrigaray (Virey), Coumnicaciones al Gobr. de California. MS. Jackson, Amador Dispatch, Amador Ledger, Sentinel, Press, v/ Janssens (Agustin), Documentos para la Historia de California. MS. Janssens (Agustin), Vida y Aventuras. MS. s/ Jay (William), Review, etc., Mexican War. Boston, 1849. V' Jenkins (John S. ). History of the War between U. S. and Mex. Auburn, 1851 ; United States Exploring Expeditions. Auburn, 1850. Jimeno (Jose Joaquin and Antonio), Cartas de los dos Frailes. MS. Jimeno Casarin (Manuel), Escritos del Secretario de Estado. MS. John Bull. [London newspaper. ] Johnson (Daniel H.), and Cornelius Vanderbilt, Correspondence, etc., for Transportmg Mails via the Isthmus. [36th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 45.] Washington. 1859. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Ivu Johnson (Tlieodore T. ), California and Oregon, or Sights in the Gold Region. Phil., 1851; Phil., 1857; Phil., 1865; Sights in the Gold Regions. N. Y., 1849; N. Y., 1850. •^ Johnston (A. R.), Journal of a Trip with the First U. S. Dragoons. 1846. [30th Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 41.] Washington, lo48; In Emory's Notes. Jones (John C), Cartas Comerciales, 1831 et seq. MS. \ Jones (Thomas Ap. C), Agresion en Califomias. 1842. In Mexico, Mem. Relac, 1844, An. 87-97;'' At Monterey in 1842. [27th Cong., 3d Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 160.] Washington, 1842; Miscellaneous Proclamations, 1849 ;*' Unpublished NaiTative, 1842. From Los Angeles Southern Vine- yard, May 22, 1858. \j Jones (William Carey), Report on Land Titles in California. Washington, 1850; The Pueblo Question Solved. San Francisco, 1860. Jonesborough (Tenn.), Sentinel. ^ ^ f T) J I Juarez (Cayetano), Notas sobre Asuntos de Cal. MS. L •* ^ C^/ // Julio Ciisar, Cosas de Indios. MS. *- Junta de 5 de Abril de 1791 en Monterey. MS. T. St. 1* rSJZ. A V Junta Consultativa y Economica en Monterey, 1843. MS. VaJL. 2)*e. %Z. 4^^ • J2F. /i^. ^ Junta de Fomento de Californias, Coleccion de los Trabajos. Mex. 1827. K" Junta de Guerra y Rendicion de Monterey, 4 Nov. 1836. MS. T^aUL. c©^»tf.. KVxy/ - SS. ^ Junta Primera de Guerra en Monterey, 4 Oct. 1769. MS. /^C'^t^CcL £)< Kalama, Beacon. ^ N/ Kearny (Stephen W.), Orders and Corrcsjiondence, 1847. In Cal. and N. Mex., Mess. & Doc. 1850; Proclamation, March 1, 1 847^ vPriginal MS.; also c,i /J 0\ / in print; 'Report to Adjutant-General Jones, March 15, 1S47. [Z\'^^'^-^'X2-Sl^SZ^. ^^^ Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 17, p. 283.] Washington, 1848;''Report3 of San Pascual. [30th Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 513-16.] Washington, 1848. Kelley (Hall J.), A History of the Settlement of Oregon. Springfield, 1868; / " Memoir on Oregon, 1839. [25th Cong., 3d Sess., H. Rept. 101.] Wash- ington, 1838; A Nan-ative of Events and Difficulties. Boston, 1852. Kelly (George Fox), Land Frauds of California. Santa Rosa, 1864. Kelly (William), An Excursion to California. London, 1851. 2 vols. "^ Kendrick (John), CorresiDondencia solire Cosas de Nootka, 1794. MS. "P- Stl 7? KZl. //Kern (Edward M.), JoTirnal of Exploration, 1845. In Simpson's Rept., 477. Kerr (J. G.), The Chinese Question Analyzed. San Francisco, 1877. k^^Kevv (Robert), General History and Collection of Voyages, Edinbm-gh and London, 1824. 18 vols. Keyser (Sebastian), Memoir of a Pioneer. MS. • Khlebnikof (K.), Zapiski o America. St Petersburg, 1861. King (Clarence), Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Boston, 1874; 1882. King (Thomas Butler), California; The Wonder of the Age. New York, 1850; Report on California. Washington, 1850 [message of President, March 26, 1851. 31st Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 59.] King of William (James), Assassination of, etc. San Francisco, 1856; Family Scrap-book, i^ King's Orphan, Visit to California, 1842-3, Scrap-book; also in Upham's Notes. Kinley (Joseph M. ), Remarks on Chinese Immigration. San Francisco, 1877. Kip (Leonard), California Sketches. Albany, 1850. v/ Kip (Wm. Ingraham), Historical Scenes from the Old Jesuit Missions. New York, 1875; Last of the Leatherstockings. In Overland Monthly, ii. 407; and other works. . . KirchhofF(Theodorl, Reisebilder und skizzen. N. Y., 1875-6. 2 vols. Kirkpatrick (Charles A.), Journal of 1849. MS. Knight (Thomas), Early Events in California, of a Pioneer of '45. MS. Knight (Thomas), Recollections. MS. Knight (Wm. H.), Scrap-books. 40 volumes. Knight's Feny, Stanislaus Index. Iviii AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Knight's Landing, News. Knox (Thomas W. ), The Underground World. Hartford, 1878. ^Kohler (Charles), Wine Production in California. MS. V*Kotzebue (Otto von),''New Voyage round the World. London, 1830. 2 vols. ; •Voyage of Discovery. London, 1^."3 vols. ^4iraszewski (Michael), Acts of the Manilas. MS. ^ • Klinzel (Heinrich), Obercalifomien. ' Darmstadt, 1848. Labor Agitators; or the Battle for Bread. San Francisco, 1879. • Laet (Joanne de), Novvs Orbis. Batav., 1633. folio. La Fayette, Democratic Sentinel. vx Lafond (Gabriel), Voyages autour du Monde. Paris, 1843. 2 vols.: Paris 1844. 8 vols. 4to. y'La. Harpe (Jean Francois), Abr6g^ de THistoire Gen6rale des Voyages. Paris, 1816. 24 vols, and atlas. Lakeport, Avalanche, Clear Lake Courier, Clear Lake Journal, Clear Lake Times, Lake County Bee, Lake County Democrat. Lakeside Montldy (The). Chicago, 1872. Lambertie (Charles de). Voyage pittoresque en Califomie, etc. Paris, 1854. Lamotte (H. D.), Statement. MS. vLancey (Thomas C), Cruise of the Dale. Scrap-book, from S. Jos6 Pioneer. Lander (Frederick W.), Remarks on a double-track Railway to the Pacific. Washington, 1854. Lane (Joseph), Autobiography. MS. Langley (Henry G.), Trade of the Pacific. San Francisco, 1870. See also Directories. • Langsdorff(G. H. von), Voyages and Travels, 1803-7. Lond., 1813-14. 2 vols. /La P^rouse (J. G. F. de), Voyage autour du Monde. Paris, 1798. 4 vols. atlas, folio; Voyage round the World, 1785-8. London, 1798. 3 vols.: Boston, 1801. v^ Laplace (Cyrille P. T.), Campagne de Circumnavigation. Paris, 1841-54. 6 vols. La Porte, Mountain Messenger, Union. • Lardner (Dionysins), History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. London. 1830. 3 vols. Larios (Estolano), Vida de su Padre, Manuel Larios. MS. Larios (.Justo), Convulsiones en California. MS. V Larkin (Thomas 0.), Accounts 1827-42. MS. 4 vols. 1/ Larkin (Thomas 0.), Accounts 1840-57. MS. 17 vols. *^ Larkin (Thomas O.), Correspondence Official and Private. MS. , , -r , a e, i/yl v^ Larkin (Thomas 0.), Description of California, 1845. MS. C- '^ 't' ^> ' ' ° _„ ua" u Larkin (Thomas 0.), Documents for the History of California, 1839-56. MS. C'~ 1^ 3 /-rd 9 vols. • Larkin (Thomas 0.), Journal. In Monterey Californian, Feb. 27, '47. OjlP AiS ^ /^ Larkin (Thomas O.), Letter to Mason from San Jos6, May 26, 1848. V Larkin (Thomas 0.), Letters to Sec. of State, June 1 and 28, 1848. In Foster's Gold Regions. \y Larkin (Thmnas 0. ), Notes on the Personal Character of Califomians, 1845. MS. ^^■^^.3o'z^.2r./o0- ' ^ - Larkin (Thomas O.), Official Con-espondence as U. S. Consul and Navy Agent. Q- d^^ 1844-9. MS. 2 vols. - *» ^- • Larkin (Thomas O.), Papers Unbound. MS. ('" O /© i ^ Larkin (Thomas 0.), Private Record of Lots sold, 1846-51. MS. w^ Larkin (Thomas 0.), U. S. Naval Agency Accounts. MS. 2 vols. Lasso de la Vega (Jose Ramon), Escritos del Alf^rez, 1784 et sen. MS. f Lasucn (Fermin Francisco), Carta de 1784. MS. S^a^ Mtt^. ^a£, /T- (f^jT. t/ Lasuen (Fermin Francisco), Carta sobre Fundacion de Alisiones, 1791. MS. ^2^*^^- *^- 3- ^ ^^9' ^ Lasuen (Fermin Francisco), Cartas alVisitador (General Galvcz, 1768. MS. ^2.'»^*^- '^^- -*- '^^■^3f *^ Lasuen (Fermin Francisco), Correspondencia del Padre y Presidente. MS.^i-*^^. ^^- * ^- 3a^-^'f >.' Lasuen (Fermin Francisco), Fundacion de Misiones, 1797. Cartas. MS. ^2/»^-<-. tft?: 3. VZ 3./. y AUTHORITIES QUOTED. lix ^ Lasuen (Fermin Francisco), Informe cle 1783. MS. /Oa^^u^L. $Vi>e..X. - Z , " Lasuen (Fermin Fran. ), Informe sobre Sitios para Nuevas Misiones, 1796. MS. ^^2/z^X. ^t: o. TL. 3(t>. ^ i' Lasuen (Fermin Fran.), Informes Bienales cle las Misiones, 1793-1802. MS. Uyx.eJL. S^. "S. JC7T *(%- V^ ^Lasuen (Fermin Francisco), Representacion sobre los Puntos representados al a J c^ * Gobierno per el P. Antonio de la Concepcion [HorraJ, 1800. lA^3o^^24't.(2a£.msO; CUte^.6C.^.2r./S-^. Latham (Milton S.), Remarks on Overland Mails in U. S. Sen., May 30, 1860. Washington, 1860; Speech on Pacific Railroad in U. S. Sen. June 12, 186i?... Baltimore, 1862; Speech on Steamships between San Francisco and China. ^ ^ Washington, 1855; and other Speeches. Laur (P.), De la Production des M6taux Pr^cieux en Californie. Paris, 1862. Lauts (G. ), Kalifornia. Amsterdam, 1849. * Lawson (.James S.), Autobiography. MS. Lee (John D.), Mormonism Unveiled. St Louis, 1877. ./ Lee (Daniel) and J. H. Frost. Ten Years in Oregon, New York, 1844^ V Leese (Jacob P.), Bear Flag Revolt. MS./^coA. ^^^^ ^5?4^a.^e^ Ay4*/kv. ^ Leese ( Jacob P. ), Claim for Construction of jNIonterey Wharf. 1846. [36th Cong., 2d Sess., H. Rep. 274.] Wash. 1846. Leese (Jacob P.), Letters from 1836. MS. y^ . •. Leese (Rosalia Vallejo), History of the ' Osos. ' MS. r<£,tf>tJ> ^4l. /O. Legal publications, law text-books, county and municipal regulations, re- ]3orts, etc. See California, San Fi'ancisco, Briefs, etc. Many such works are not named in this list. V Legislative Records. MS. 4 vols. In Archivo de Cal. Lcidesdorff (William A.), Letters of the U. S. Vice Consul. MS. Lelaud (Charles Godfrey), The Union Pacific Railway. Philadelphia, 1867. / Le Netrel (Edmond), Voyage autour du Monde. 1826-9. In Nouv. An. Voy., xlv. 129. Leslie (Mrs Frank), California. New York, 1877. I^ester (John Erastus), The Atlantic to the Pacific. Boston, 1873; The Yosemite, its History, etc. Providence, 1873. Letts (J. M.), California Illustrated. New York, 1852; Pictorial View of Cal. New York, 1853. Levett's Scrap IBook. \' Libro de Bitdcora, archivo de la Familia Estudillo. MS. Limautour ( Jos6 Y. ), Apuntcs sobre la Causa contra Augusto Jouan. Mexico, 1855; Opinion delivered by Ogden Hoffman in the Cases of. San Fran- cisco, 1858; Pamphlet relating to the Claim of. San Francisco, 1853; Limantour Case. MS. volume of documents in S. F. Law Library; and various documents. V Linares (Virey), Intendcncias. MS. y Linschoten (J. H. van), Reys-Gheschrift Van de Navigatien de Portugaloysera ^ in Orienten. Amstrelredam, 1604. folio. • Lijipincott (Sarah J. C. ), New Life in New Lands. New York, 1873. < Lippincott's Magazine. Philadelphia, 1868 et seq. V Lisalde (Pedro), Reconocimiento de Tierras, 1797. MS. T. St: P. XS7. /«^^. Little (John T.), First Years of Cal. under U. S. MS. Livermore, Enterprise, Herald. Livermore (Robert), Occasional Letters from 1829. MS. Lloyd (B. E.), Lights and Shades in San f'rancisco. San Francisco, 1876. ^ Loa d la Virgen. Papel de Mision. MS. Lobscheid (W.), The Chinese; What They Are, etc. San Francisco, 1873. Local histories, see name of county, town, of author. Lockwood (R. A.), Vigilance Committee Speeches. San Francisco, 1852. Lodi, Valley Review. K Log-books, Fragments from the Larkin Collection. 3 vols. MS. Lompoc, Record. ^ London, Echo, Engineer, Grocer, Mechanic's Magazine, Morning Post, Spec- tator, Times, etc. ■^ Lopez (Baldomero), El Guardian d los Padres, prohibiendo el uso de Carrua- jps, 1820. MS. U^iJtA>. ^£r. 3. /X . f^ Ix AUTHORITIES QUOTED. • Lopez (Baldomero), El Guardian al P. Presidente sobre cesion de Misiones, 1820. MS. /, / ^ • Lopez (Baldomero), Quejas del P. Guardian al Virey, 1S19. MS. Co^eA.. S&. "B.M./oo. • Lopez (Baldomero), aud Isidro Alonso Salazar, Carta de los Padres de Sta Cruz, 1791. MS. ^2-'».tfX. Oyt^.T. /f Lord (.John Keast), The Naturalist in Vancouver Island. Lond., 1866. 2 vols. Lorenzana (Apolinaria), Memorias de la Beata. MS. Loreto, Libros de Mision. MS. [In possession of 0. Livermore.] • Los Angeles, Arcliivo, Copies and Extracts. MS. 5 vols. • Los Angeles, Ayuntamiento Records. MS. Los Angeles, Cronica, Express, Herald, Meridional, Mirror, Morning Journal, News, Republican, Star, Sud. Cal. Post. • Los Angeles, Historical Sketch of (by Hayes, Warner, and Widney). Los Angeles, 1876. Los Angeles, Homes in. See McPherson, William. ^ . ^^ / — '% £hy,^ /j ^ Los Angeles, Instancia de Regidores y Vecinos sobre Tien-as, 1819. MS. L.a/i^'i^tJ^^C^-j/'^^- y- • Los Angeles, Lista do los Pobladores, Inv^lidos, y Vecinos, 1816. MS.^.<*.£/*/t^»- «»<«=- ^. /4'S. • Los Angeles, Ordenanzas de la Ciudad. Los Angeles, 1860. fy • Los Angeles, Padron, 178L MS. Sf.P. ?>l-V^. X. /£>/ • Los Angeles, Reglamento de Policia, 1827, MS. ^C. V. 97^¥^.jr.Zy • Los Angeles, Reparticion de SolareS y Suertes, 1786, MS. ^t: 7*. Th-'i^&.X.ZSS. Los Angeles, Revised Ordinance of the City of Los Angeles, 1855. Los Ange- les, 1860. 2 vols. Los Angeles County, Historical Sketch of (L. Lewin and Co.) Los An- geles, 1876. Los Angeles County, History of (Thompson and West). Oakland, 1880. Atlas lolio. Louisville (Ky. ), Courier- Journal. • Low (Conrad), Meer oder Seehanen Buch. Colin, 1598. Low (Frederick F.), Observations in Early Cal.. MS. » Lower Lake, Bulletin, Observer, Sentinel. Ludlow (Fitz Hugh), The Heart of the Continent. New York, 1870. Lugo (Felipe), Cartas Varias. MS. ' - Lugo (Jos6 del Carmen), Vida de un Ranchero. MS. ^ Lull (Miguel), Exposicion del Padre Guardian sobre Reduccion de Misioneros en Cal., 1799. MS. ^2^tA>C. ^£: S. /2. /T • Luyt (Joannis), Introductio ad Geographiam Novana et Veterem. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1692. McAllister (Hall), Statement on Vigilance Committee. MS. r ''McChristian (Patrick), Narrative on Bear Flag. MS. McClellan (R. Guy), The Golden State. Phil., etc., 1872; Republicanism in America. San Francisco, 1869. McCloskey (J. J.), The Early Drama in California. In San Jos(5 Pioneer, Dec. 13 and 14, 1877. McClure (A. K.), Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains, Philadelphia, 1869. McCollum (William S.), California as I Saw it. BuBfalo, 1850.* McCue (Jim), Twenty-one Years in California. San Francisco, n.d. McDaniels (W. D.), Early Days of California. MS. McDonald (D. G. Forbes), British Columbia. London, 1863. V' McDougal (F. H.), The Donner Tragedy. In Pacific Rural Press, Jan. 21, 1871. McDougall (James A.), Speech on Pacific Railroad in U. S. H. Rep. Jan. 16, 1855. Washington, 1855. McFarlane (James), The Coal-regions of America. New York, 1873. McFie (Matthew), Vancouver Island and British Columbia. London, 1865. McGarrahan (William), The Quicksilver Mines of Panoche Grande. Wash ington, 1860; Memorial. A Collection of Documents. San Francisco, 1870. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. M V McGlashan (C. F.), History of the Donner Party. Truckee, 1879; San Fran- cisco, 1880. McGowan (Edward), Facts concerning the Organization known as the ' Hounds ' in S. F. Post, Nov. 1, 1878; NaiTative of Adventure while pursued by Vigilance Committee. San Francisco, 1857. Mcllvaine (William), Sketches of Scenery and Notes of Personal Adventure ill California, etc. Philadelphia, 1850. * McKay (Joseph \V. ), Recollections of a Chief Trader in the Hudson's Bay Company. MS. «/ McKinstry (George), Papers on the Histoiy of California. MS. McLean (Finis E. ), Speech, June 5, 1850, on Constitution of Cal. Wash. 1850. • Mo Pherson, Letters of Juanita. [In various newspapers.] McPherson (W. ), Homes in Los Angeles. Los Angeles, 1873. McQueen (John), Speech, June 3, 1850, on Admission of Cal. Wash., 1850. McWillie (W.), Si^eech, March 4, 1850, on the Admission of Cal. n.pl., n.d. Machado (Antonio), Escritos dc un Sindico. MS. V Machado (Jiiana), Tiempos Pasados de California. MS. Madelene (Henri de la), Le Comte Gaston de Raonsset-Boulbon. Paris, 1876. Maglianos, St Francis and Franciscans. Maguire (John Francis), The Irish in America. New York, 1868. Maitorena (Jos6 Joaquin), Cartas Sueltas. MS. Malarin (Juan), Correspondencia. MS. / n v- Malaspina (Alejandro), Nota de Oficiales. MS.U/UiA,. S!&: S. t7. Z3/. 1/ Malasi)ina (Alejandro) and Jos6 de Bnstamante, Carta al P. Lasuen, y Res- putsta, 1794. MS. O^t-eA,. S£: 3. VT./X Malte-Bnin, La Sonora et ses Mines. Paris, 1864. Mammoth City, Herald, Homer Minmg Index, Lake Mining Review. o'Maiigino (Fernando J.), Respuesta de 19 de Junio 1773. In Palou, Not., i. 580. Manrow (John P.), Statement on Vigilance Committees in S. F. MS. Mans (Matthew), Travels in Mining Districts. MS. V Mansfield (Edward D.), Mexican War. New York, 1849. March y Laborcs (Jos6), Historiade la Marina Espaiiola. Madrid, 1854. 4to. 2 vols, and atlas. w*Marchand (Etienno), Voyage autour du Monde, 1790-2. Pai'is, n.d. 5 vols. ^ Marcon (Jules), Notes uiion the First Discoveries of California. Wash., 1878. , ft i^Marcy (W. L.), Communications of the Secretary of War. 1846-8. In CaL A^, 7^*^*-^ ^ and N. Mex., Mess, and Doc, 1848; Id., 1850. ^*^^^vu / y. ,1.. fj£<. Marin County History (Alley Bowen & Co.) San Francisco, 1880. 'Sq^ ^^ Mariposa. Free Press, Gazette, Mail. Mariposa Estate, Its Past, Present, and Future. New^ York, 1868. Marklcville, Alpine Cornier, Alpine Signal. ^ Markof (Alexey), Ruskie na Vostotchnom. St Petersburg, 1856. Marquiua (Virey), Comunicaciones alOobr- de Cal., 1800 et seq. MS. / /i -_ V Marquinez (Marcelino), Cartas del Padre al Gobr- Sola, 1821. MS. O/^JsA,. U^./V.2. ^y. vMarron (Felipa Osuna), Papeles Originales. MS. ' Marron (Felipa Osuna), Recuerdos del Pasado. MS. Marryat (Frank), Mountains and Mole Hills. New York, 1855; London, 1855. MaiTyat (Frederick), Narrative of the Travels, etc. of Monsieur Violet. New York, 1843. ^ Marsh (John), Letter to Commodore Jones, 1842. MS. y Marsli (John), Letter to Lewis Cass, 1846. In Paclieco Contra Costa Gazette, Dec. 21, 1867. ^N» Marsh (John), Letters of a Pioneer Doctor. MS. *^ Marshall (H.), Speech, Apr. 3, 1850, on Cal. Message. Wash., 1850, Marshall (Henry), Statement, 184*. MS. Marshall (T. W. M.), Christian IVfissions. New York, 1864. 2 vols. Marshall (W. G.), Through America. London, 1881. , ^ V INIartin (.Juan), Visita d los Gentiles Tularenos, 1804. U^.Ci/i^^. S£r. 3, W. <5*vr Martin (Thomas S.), Narrative of Fremont's Expedition, 1845-7. MS. Ixii AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Martinez, Carquinez Enterprise, Express. /i /> ■ A ^ ^<^ ^^^^- ''V*' y Real Hacienda (Misiones) 1772. MS. ;-'Arancel General de Aduanas Maritimas y Fronterizas. Mexico, 1842 et seq. ; •^ Arreglo Provisional de la Administracion de Justicia 23 Mayo 1837. In Anillaga, Recop. 1837, p. 399;'Bases y leyes Constitucipnales de la Repiiblica Mexicana. Mexico, 1837; Coleccion de Decretos y Ordenes de Interes Comun. Mexico 1850; Coleccion de Leyes y Decretos, 1839-41, 1844-8, 1850. Mexico, 1851-2, 6 vols.;' Coleccion de Ordenes y Decretos de la Soberaua Junta Provis. Gubem. Mexico, 1829. 4 vols.;'^Constitucion Federal. Mexico, 1824 et seq. ;'Decreto sobre Pasaportes, etc., 1828. In Schmidt's Civil Law, Spain, 346; Diario del Gobierno de la Repiiblica Mexicana. Mexico, 1840 et seq.;'Estado Mayor General del Ejercito, Escalafon. Mexico, 1854; ^Exposicion del Ministro do Hacienda 1848. Mexico, 1848;^ Instruc- cion Provisional Die. 22, 1824, Mexico, 1824;'Leyes Constitucionales. 24 Die. 1829. In Arrillaga, Recop. 1836, 317;*'Leyes Vigentes en 1829; - Memorias de Guerra, Hacienda, Justicia, Relaciones, etc. Mexico, 1822 et seq. [Annual Repoi'ts of the Mexican government in its differ- ent departments, cited by name and date. Nearly all contain more or less on California. About 200 vols.];' Providencia de la Suprema Corte, iujatr 11 Nov. 1837. In Arrillaga, Recop. 1838, p. 572*Reglameuto para la*2>.«^.7> ^ycff./ Colonizacion, 1828. MS. pR'eglamento de la Direccion de Colonizacion. # /^^*-a/i-^ Mexico, 1846*Reglamento de Elecciones 19 Junio 1843. \l^.i^.St:T>. IX-(^!L mentoJProvisional, Departmentos, 20 Marzo. In Arrillaga, Recop. 1837, _ "\ p. 202f»Reglamento para el ramo de Pasaportes, 1828. MS. ;''Reglamento*^;^-^^^^;^*^ ^- ^^i para la Tesoreria general. Mexico, 1831. 4to:jKReglas para Elecciones de ^ ^. /? ■» ", w7 \^n Diputados y Ayuutamiento. 1830. In Arrillaga, Recop. 1830, p. 253. * '^^'^- ^^ ' ^^^- 9/ Meyer (Carl), Nach dem Sacramento. Aaran, 1855. Meyrick (Henry), Santa Cruz and Monterey. San Francisco, 1880. Micheltorena (Manuel), Administration in Upper California, n.pl., n.d. -^^C -srO~^ \ w Micheltorena (Manuel), Bando Economico, 19 Junio 1843. MS.-9-*?^-/- ^^^f^-j^^r^^^^) V Micheltorena (Manuel), Conciudadanos, etc. Monterey, Die. 16, 1844.^3^^'^'^^'*-'^ Micheltorena (Manuel), Correspondencia Misceldnea del Sr Gobemador. MS. ^' Micheltorena (Manuel), Decretopor el cual devuelve las Misiones a los Frailes, ^ . yj i „ 1843. MS. TiU-fifu^Cv^^'L-n, •y Micheltorena (Manuel), Decreto Prohibiendo la Introduccion de Efectos Extrangeros. Monterey, Julio 30, 1844. ^^i^/*-^-^'«-^ ^ V Micheltorena (Manuel), Digest of Correspondence, 1043. n.pl., n.d. / Micheltorena (Manuel), El C. . . .[Anuncia la Apertura de las Sesiones de la Diputacion.] Monterey, 28 Agosto, 1844. £aal£^ Atiy'.^ V Micheltorena (Manuel), El C. . .[Decreto de la Asamblea, Recursos para la Guerra Probable.] Monterey, 3 Sept. \%\^. Cayt^ /^'^i^'y^ y Micheltorena (Manuel), Instrucciones, 1842. MS. lltJu ^^C. X^f-V-/)! . X^b i/ Micheltorena (Manuel), Medidas de Defensa contra los E. U., 1844. MS. M Ixiv AUTHORITIES QUOTED. ^' Micheltorena (Manuel), Reglainento de Escuelas Amigas, 1S44. MS. 0^^. N^^. €a^.X. j. 9£. ^. S^Y V Monterey, Archivo de. MS. 10 vols. y Monterey, Califomian, 1846-8. Also a vol. of MS. extracts, ^r tT t t^ Monterey, Cuentas de la Compafiia Presidial, 1828. MS. Q^ C. f Monterey, Democrat, Gazette, Herald, Recorder^ . q> / ^' Monterey, Diario dc Sucesos, 1800-2. Tsl^. So^Zl-cU.^^ oJ^^hZ- X". ^t". vTklonterey, Extracto de Noticias. Mexico, 1770. /- Monterey, Official Account of the Taking of. Pittsburg, 1848. t- Monterey, Ordenanzas Municipales, 1828. MS. 2). St: V. IT. ^/. • Monterey, Padron General, 1830. MS. C-E^Sic> • Monterey , Parroquia, Archivo. MS. ^ Muoterev, Peticion del Ayuntamiento en favor de Frailes Espaiioles, 1829. < MS. St. -P. 9?t: f <2. 2r. y. A (if AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Ixr V Monterey, President's Mess., Infonnation on taking of, by Com, Jones. [■27th Cong., .3d Sess., H. Ex. Doc. No. 166.1 . J> 131 i\ Morris (George B.), The Cliiuaman as he is. MS. __/ Morse (J. F. ), Illustrated History of California, etc. Sacramento, 1854. Morskoi Svornik, 1858. Moulder (A. J.), Commentaries on the School Law. Sacramento, 1858. Mountaineering on the Pacific. In Harper's Mag. , xxxix. , 793. Mowry (Sylvester), The Mines of the West. New York, 1864. i „ -a v-i o ^ Mugdrtegui (Pablo), Carta al P. Lasuen, 1794. MS. 2>^^^ /^^. £a-£./V. J^,- CUt^/^- '»'• « V.X<^fi. Mugdrtegui (Pablo) aiad Tomds de la Pefia, Parecer sobre el establecimiento '^ de un Convento en S. Francisco, 1797. MS. v^^.X, /^^^ New Almaden — a great number of briefs, arguments, opinions, documents, etc., in the cases of Castillero, Fossat, and others against the U. S.; also the following pampiilets on the same subject : Correspondence. San Francisco, 1858; The Discussion Reviewed, S. F. 1859; Exploits of the Attorney-General in California. New York, 1860; Further Con-espond- ence in relation to. San Francisco, 1859; (Letter to Hon. J. S. Black, from 'a Cal. Pioneer'). New York, 1860; Letter to the President of the U. S. (by John T. Doyle), New York, 1860; Letters from San Francisco Herald, Dec. 1858; Report of Attorney-General to the President, Resolu- tions of Cal. Leg., 1860; Smart and Cornered, n. pi., n.d. Newark (N. J.), Advertiser. New Haven (Conn. ), Journal and Courier. (/ New Helvetia, Diary of Events in 1845-8. MS. New Orleans (La.), Advertiser, Bee, Commercial Times, Courier, Picayune, Tropic. Newspapers of California and other states of the Pacific U. S. The most important are cited under the name of the town where published, and many of them named in this list. New Tacoma (Wash.), Ledgei*. New Westminster (B. C. ), Mainland Guardian. New York, Bulletin, Commercial Advertiser, Commercial Journal and Regis- ter, Courier, Graphic, Evangelist, Evening Post, Herald, Journal of Commerce, Mail, Post, Sun, Sunday Times, Times, Tribune, World. ^ Nicolay (C. G.), Oregon Territory. London, 1846. Nidever (George), Life and Adventures of an Old Trapper. MS. V Niel (Juan Amando), Apuntaciones d las memorias de Ger6nimo de Zdrate Salmeron. In Doc. Hist. Mex., ser. iii., tom. iv. 78. V Niles' Register. Baltimore, etc., 1811-49. 76 vols. Nordhoff (Charles), California: for Health, Pleasure, etc. New York, 1873; Northern California, Oregon, etc. New York, 1874; New York, 1877. Norman (Lucia), A Youth's History of California. San Francisco, 1867. o' North American Review. Boston, 1819 et seq. North San Juan, Press, War Club. North Pacific Review. San Francisco, 1862 et seq. Noticioso General. Mexico, 1815-21. 6 vols. v^Nouvelles An nales des Voyages. Paris, 1819-60. 168 vols. V Nueva P]spaiia, Acuerdos de la Junta Sup. de Real Hacienda, 1794. MS^ Nuevo Mexico, Expediente de Abigeato, 1833. MS. >Z). 8C P. /3.'^?t^. ^ XJiSH . 32. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Ixvii '^ Nuez (Joaquin Pascual). Diario del Capellan de la Expedicion para los Ama- javas, 1819. MS. ^Z'l.e^. S£r. 3. OT. /Sy. Nugent (John), Scraps of Early History. In S. F. Argonaut, April 13, 1878. i^ Oajaca, Esposicion, 1828. Oakland, Alameda Democrat, Argus, California Cadet, College Echo, Dem- ocrat, Diamond Press, Dominion Press, Herald, Home Journal and Alameda County Advertiser, Homestead, Independent Itemizer, Journal, Mirror, Monthly Reviews Ncvlajan Review, News, Notes of Warning, Our Paper, People's Champion, Press, Radiator, Scmitropical Press, Signs of the Times, Termini, Times, Torchlight, Transcript, Tribune, University Echo. Oakland Public Schools, Annual Reports. Oakland, 1870 et seq.; many other municipal documents. Observador Judicial y de Legislacion. Mexico, 1842 et seq. Occident and Orient. Melbourne, etc. Odd Fellows. A large number of publications of different lodges of the order, cited under the above title. V Ogilby (Jolm), America. London, 1G71. folio. / /y -wrr / V Olbes (Ramon), Cartas sobre el Tumulto de Sta Cruz, 1818. MS. U/ich, U/tyr M-TT. lO. JY 6 o Olds (Edson B.), Speech, July 24, 1850, on California Question. Wash., 1850. ^ / ^ ^ Olney (James N.), Vigilance Committee. MS. v'Olvera (Agustin), Documentos para la Historia de Cal. MS. Olvera (Agustin), Varias Cartas. MS. Olympia, Commercial Age, Echo, Pacific Tribune, Puget Sound Courier. O'Meara (James), Broderick and Gwin. San Francisco, 1881. Operacion Cesdrea. MS. [A relic of the missions.] ^ "' C» 2 i» Orations. See Speeches. n iNitU- Ord (Angustias de la Guerra), Ocurrencias en California. MS. '-"'-' ' Ord (J. L.), Reminiscences of '47. MS. /^TXt^. //it*^ 7>. // O- E C //// Ordaz (Bias), Cartas del Padre. MS. /v / ^ -» / V Ordaz (Bias), Diario de la Expedicion de Luis ArgUello al Norte, 1821. MS. CuteA,. ot.3./^. /(e>/. V Ordeuanzas Municipales, [1824.] MS. ^^^r7i-«X ^i»e. J/^. Orders, secret, benevolent, etc. See Institutions. V Oregon, Spectator. 1846 et seq. Oregon City, Argus. Orleans (Cal.), Klamath News, Northern Record. V Oro Molido, en lengua de ludios por Padre AiTOyo. MS. Orovillc, Butte County Press, Butte County, Butte Record, Mercury. Orr (N. M.), The City of Stockton; Its Position, etc. Stockton, 1874. V Ortega (Felipe Maria), Diario que forma. Reconocimiento de Sitios, 1795. MS. /? St: 7? SHI. ZS. V Ortega (Jos6 Francisco), Conmnicaciones del Comandante de S. Diego d Rivera y Moncada, 1774-6. MS. 7>. St: TX. /<^S,. Ortega (Jos(5 Francisco), Correspondencia. MS. •'Ortega (Jos6 Francisco), Fragmento de 1769. MS.*?^^. ToJ^^^. 4tS. V Ortega (Josti Francisco), Informc de 30 Nov. 1775. MS. 7?^^. n3^^.T. / v/"* Ortega (Jos6 Francisco), Memorial sobre sus M6ritos y Servicios Militares, 1786. MS. T.St,7>. t7./^/ V Ortelivs (Abrahamvs), Theatrvm Orbis Terrarum. Antverpise, 1573. folio. Osborn (W. B.), Narrative of a Visit to S. Francisco, 1844. MS. //^ -?» / ^ Osio (Antonio Maria), Carta sobre Combinaciones Politicas, 1836. lA^.^Z4jcruy~^»-M/r/rC.. /f^C CaJL. £S. ^CO f Payeras (Mariano), Circular d los Padres, 1819. MS. <2jxcA. SC.3. ^.V/. ' - Payeras (Mariano), Circular del Presidente, 1817. yi.^.tl^*.aJu.St.3. S< X^Z. 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London, 1872. ^ Plumbe (John), Memorial against Asa Whitney's Railroad Scheme. Wash- ington, 1851. Point Arena, News, Recorder. u / / <■ / \ Poll-lists, cited by name of county or town. Not in this list. — -*- ■ Ufj _<(? /C - A ^'^ t '^ ^ V Portilla( Pablo), Diariode una ExpedicionalTular, 1824. MS. h'^'^.'- -^« V//t>/2.<'J?Sl Portilla (Pablo), Escritos del Capitan. MS. O. S¥. /=? X P«*-*-'»'VV. ^^ - A A^J-^f *■"''=* ^; ° > ,' Portland (Or.), Bulletin, Catholic Sentinel, Oregonian, Standard, Telegram, 6/ t>^ n-y^UZ-Ti West Shore. ,. T f?t^^ > 'PortoU (Caspar), Diario del Viage d la California, 1769. 'iAS,, Po'^iuxJ^ 3>aC. 9^1^. /\ j ^1} ' ^ . 1/ Potechin, Selenie Ross, 1859. MS. translation. '- / Powers (Stephen), Autobiographical Sketch. MS. Praslow (J.), Der Staat Califomien. Gottingen, 1857. Pratt (Parley Parker), The Autobiography of. New York, 1874. Presidial Company Accounts, Rosters, etc. San Francisco, Monterey, Santa Barbara, and San Diego. 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Sutter, n.pl. n.d. Russell (William Howard), Hesperothen. New York, 1882 V Russian American Fur Company, Accounts, 1847-50. MS. Ryan (E. F. ), Judges and Criminals. In Golden Era [1853]U'Personal Ad ventures in Upper and Lower California in 1848-9. London, 1850. 2 vols Ryckman (Gerritt W.), Vigilance Committee. MS. V Saavedra (Ramon), Cartas alGobr. de California, 1794. MS. "^i*^. 7>. S27. ZcS. Sacramento, Bee, California Express, California Free Press, California Re- publican, Enterprise, Herald, Journal, Leader, News, Phcenix, Placer Times, Record, Record Union, Reporter, Rescue, Star, State Capital Re- porter, State Fair Gazette, Sun, Transcript, Travellers' Guide, Twice a Week, Ubiquitous, Union, Valley Agriculturist, Valley World. Sacramento Medical Society, Constitution, etc. Sacramento, 1855. Sacramento, Record of Criminal Court in County Clerk's Office, 1849. MS. V Sacramento, Spanish Archives in Office of Sec. State. MS. Sacramento County, History. Oakland, 1880. folio. Sacramento Valley Railroad Company, Reports. S. F., 1855 et seq. Safford (A. K. P.), Narrative of Political Events. MS. Saint Amant (M. de), Voyages en Califomie et dans I'Or^gon. Paris, 1854. Saint Helena, Star, Yosemite Assembly. Saint Louis (Mo.), Globe, Reveille, Union. Sal (Hermenegildo), Cartas Miscelaneas, 1777-1800. MS. V Sal (Hennenegildo), Informe. 31 de Enero 1796. MS. ?*• *^ ^ XZIT. /S ^ Sal (HeiTTienegildo), Informe de los Parages que se ban reconocido en la Ala ineda, 1795. MS. CL'tJiAj. Isidro), Condicion Actual de California, 1796. MS. dft'S^. St. ^.H. ^9. Salem, Oregon Statesman, Willamette Farmer. ' 1/ Sales (Luis), Noticias de Californias. Valencia, 1794. f' Salidas de Buques del Puerto de S. Francisco, 1837-8. MS. Salinas City, Index, Standard, Town Talk. V Salmei'on (Geronimo de Zdrate), Relaciones de todas las cosas que en el Nuevo Mexico. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie iii. tom. iv. Salt Lake City (Utali), Deseret News, Herald, Telegraph, Tribune. V Samralung aller Reisebeschreibungen. Leipzig, 1747-74. 4to. 21 vols. San Andreas, Advertiser, Calaveras Times, Citizen, Foothill Democrat, Moun- tain News, Register. V San Antonio, Documentos vSueltos, 1779 et seq. MS. - San Antonio, Extracto del Libro de Difuntos. Muerte de Sarria, 1835. MS. ,' San Antonio, Libros de Mision. MS. San Bernardino, Ai-gus, Guardian, Independent, Times. San Buenaventura, I^ree Press, Ventura Signal. %/ San Buenaventura, Libros de Mision. MS. / ^ V. San Buenaventura, Memorias de Efectos, 1790-1810. MS. CI/tcAj. St. 3.^27-^^ San Buenaventura, Sale and Transfer, 1846. MS. TttU^^Cx^ J>a V Sanchez (Jos6 Antonio), Journal of the enterprise against the Cosemenes, 1826. In Beechey's Voy., ii. 27. / ^ _ ^ Sanchez (.Jos6 A ntonio) , Notas al Reglamento de Secularizacion, 1832. MS. ^^.'i-tf*^- "^■•^- ^25^' ^^ Sanchez (.Jos6 Ramon), Notas Dictadas por el Ciudadano. MS. Sanchez (Vicente), Cartas de un Angelino. MS. y^ Sanchez, Fidalgo, and Costanso, Infonne sobre auxilios que se propone enviar dCal., 1795. MS. ■ . V Sancho (Juan), Informe del Guardian al Virey, 1785. MS. V Sancho (Juan), Informe del P. Guardian al Virey. 20 Agosto, 1785. MS. Sandels. See ' Kmg's Orphan. ' si San Diego, Archive, 1826-50. MS. C^^r 70 i'- - "2- - San Diego, Bautismos, 1778-82. MS. V San Diego, Index of Archives, by Hayes. MS. y San Diego, Libros de Mision. MS. San Diego Presidial Company, accounts scattered in archives. MS. San Diego, Pueblo Lands of, Exceptions to Survey made by John C. Hays, July, 1858. San Francisco, 1869. San Diego, Bulletin, Union, \Vorld. San Diego City, Descriptive, Historical, Commercial, Agricultural, and other Important Information. San Diego, 1874. San Diego and Southern California, The Climate, etc. San Diego, n.d. San Diego the California Terminus of the Texas Pacific R. R. San Diego, 1872. ^ San Fernaiulo, Lista Alfabetica de Neofitos. MS. San Francisco, Act to Charter the City. S. F. , 1850; many other acts. San Francisco Baptist Association, Minutes. San Francisco, 1850 et seq. San Francisco Bulkhead, Address to Members of State Senate. S. F., 1860: and various other pamphlets on same subject. Ixxvi AUTHORITIES QUOTED. San Francisco, Chamber of Commerce, Annual Reports. S. F., 1865 et seq. San Francisco Chronicle and its History. San Francisco, 1879. jr/^. — San Francisco, Cuentas de la Compauia Presidial, 1813-33. MS. 25 vols. - £ •i€> - 5 O [Presented by Gen. Vallejo.] San Francisco Custom House, C^ertified List of Vessels, etc. S. F., 1873, 1875; Custom House Correspondence on subject of Appraisements. Wash., 1852; and other documents. San Francisco Fire Department, Anniversary of Organization. San Francisco, 1852 et seq.; Reports, etc. San Francisco, Great Earthquake in. San Francisco, n.d. San Francisco, History, Incidents, etc. A Collection. San Francisco, History of the Vigilance Committee. San Francisco, 1858. San Francisco, Land Titles. A Collection. V San Francisco, Libros de Mision. IMS. San Francisco, Memorial of Holders and Owners of the Floating Debt. San Francisco, 1857. San Francisco, Municipal Reports. San Francisco, 1859-82. 21 vols.; also many separate pamphlets on city affairs and institutions. San Francisco Newspapers. Advocate, Alta California, American Flag, American Union, Argonaut, Banner of Progress, California Chronicle, Cal. Courier, Cal. Farmer, Cal. Leader, Cal. Rural Home Journal, Cal. Spirit of the Times, Cal. Star, Californian, Call, Catholic Guardian, Chronicle, Christian Advocate, Coast Review, Commercial Advocate, Herald and Record, Daily Balance, Herald and Placer Times, Demo- cratic Press, Desp.atch, Eco de la Raza Latina, Elevator, Evangel, Even- ing Bulletin, Examiner, Figaro, Globe, Golden Era, Hebrew, Hebrew Observer, Illustrated Wasp, Journal, Journal of Commerce, Law Gazette, Medical Press, Mercantile (iazette, Mining and Scientific Press, Monitor, National, New Age, News Letter, Occident, Pacific, Pacific Churchman, Pacific Methodist, Pacific News, Picayune, Pioneer, Post, Scientific Press, Resources of California, Spectator, Sjaf and Californian, Sun, Sun- day Despatch, Times, Tribune, True Californian, Wide West, etc. San Francisco, New City Cliarter. San Francisco, 1883. San Francisco, Ordinances and Joint Resolutions of the City. San Francisco, 1854; and other ordinances and regulations. San Francisco, Our Centennial Memoir. San Francisco, 1877. San Francisco Presidial Company, Accounts, rosters, etc., scattered in the archives. MS. San Francisco, Proceedings of the Town Council, 1849. S. F., 1850. San Francisco Public Schools, Annual Reports. San Francisco, 1850 et seq.; and many other Documents on the schools. ^ ^ ^ San Francisco, Reglamento del Puerto, 1846. MS. Vo^i- dU^Kl. 'SZS- //^T San Francisco, Remonstrance of the City to the Legislature against the Ex- tension of the City. San Francisco, 1854. San Francisco, Report of Board of Engineers upon City Grades. San Fran- cisco, 1854. San Francisco, Reports of City Surveyor. San Francisco, 1856 et seq.; also reports of other city officers and boards. San Francisco, Report in relation to the defence of the harbor [32d Cong. , 2d Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 43J. Washington, 1852. San Francisco, Report for the transportation of mails from New York, New Orleans, and Vera Cruz [32d Cong., Special Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 1]. Washington, 1853. San Francisco, Resolution in relation to tlie proceedings of the Vigilance Committee [34th Cong., 3d Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 43]. Washington, 1856. San Francisco, Supervisors, General Orders. San Francisco, 1869 et seq. San Fi-ancisco, Town Council, Proceedings of. San Francisco, 1849 et seq. San Francisco del Ati, Libros de Mision. MS. «' San Francisco Solano, Libros de Mision. MS. ^ i/ ■ / (>>-, ' V San Francisco Solano, Padron de Neofitos. MS. t>it- «^<^- ^^"^-^ AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Ixxvii ^ San Gabriel, Libros de Mision. MS. San Joaquin County, History of. Oakland, 1879. atlas folio. San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys, Report of Commissioners on Irrigation [43d Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 290]. Wash., 1873. San Joaquin Valley, Brief Description of, etc. San Francisco, 1868. V San Jose, Archivo. MS. 6 vols. San Jos6, Advertiser, Argus, California Agriculturist, California Granger, County Fair Advertiser, Courier, Herald, Independent, Mercury, Morn- ing Guide, Patriot, Pioneer, Santa Clara Argus. yi >. • *, T* O -^ / B-C U v San Jos<<, Cuestion de Limites, 1797-1801. MS. StM.CAj3Jv.SSSl. J^-^T Cf^cXc/- . K X-; /^ f San Jost5, Decree confirming Pueblo of. n.pl., n.d. / >^ ^ San Jos(5, Libro de Patentes, 1806-24. MS. . .J>.S^.T.2r, OS. San Juan, Central Californian, Echo, Monterey County Journal. ' ; San Juan Bautista, Libros de Mision. MS. V San Juan Capistrano, Libros de Mision. MS. San Leandro, Alameda County Gazette, Alameda Democrat, Plaindealer, Record. V San Luis Obispo, Archivo. MS. ♦ San Luis Obispo, Democratic Standard, Pioneer, South Coast, South Coast Advocate, Tribune. San Luis Obispo, History, Laws, and Ordinances. San Luis Obispo, 1870. V San Luis Obispo, Libros de Mision. MS. San Mateo, Times. San Mateo County, Illustrated History. San Francisco, 1878. atlas folio. ^ San Miguel, Libros de Mision. MS. V' San Miguel (Juan Rodriguez de), Documentos relatives al Piadoso Fondo de Misiones de California. Mex., 1845; Rectificucion de Graves Equivoca- ciones del Fondo Piadoso. Mex., 1845; La Republica Mexicanaen 1846. Mex., 1845; Segundo Cuaderno de Intere.santes Documentos relatives al Fondo Piadoso. Mex., 1845. ■s/ San Rafael, Libros de Mision. MS. San Rafael, Herald, Marin County Journal, Marin County News, Marin County Tocsin. San Rafael and Coast Range Mines, Report. San Francisco, 1879. v Santa Bdrbara, Archivo, 18.39-49. MS. •^ Santa Bdrbara, Correspondencia entre Virey, Guardian y otros, sobre Padrea para las Nuevas Misiones del Canal, 1781. MSi.^Z^-zJiA^.S^.B.X. ^3/'t-, ■S&. 3. VZZI. /(SS 1/ Santa Barbara, Libros de Mision. MS. - Santa Barbara, Memorias de Efectos Remitidos d la Mision, 1786-1810. M&.OyzxiA,. St. 3. V77. SO-/// Santa Barbara Presidial Company, Accounts, Rosters, etc., scattered in the Archives. MS. ^ Santa Clara, Archivo de la Parroquia. MS. Santa Clara, Index, Journal, News, Union. /A, ^ Santa Clara, Libros de Mision. MS. JS. CthJiJu. /^A^u^^^. Santa Clara College, Catalogues. San Francisco, etc., 1855 et seq. Santa Clara County Pioneers, Constitution. San Josd, 1875. SantaClaraCounty, HistoricalAtlas[ThompsonandWcst]. S.F., 1876. atlas fol. V Santa Cruz, Archivo. [Records in Clerk's Office.] MS. Santa Cruz, County Times, Courier, Enterprise, Journal, Local Item, Pdjaro Times, Sentinel, Times. rf cr> V Santa Cruz, Libros de Mision. MS. t^«^. O^.MJZ.or^CiC4. r\ \ \S\ d Santa Cruz, A Peep into the Past. Scrap-book. From Sta Cruz Local Item. Co- 1. ''I ^ HlS n/ Santa Cruz, Records in Parish Church. MS. \/ Santa Cruz, Testimonio sobre cl Tumulto de 1818. MS. T. St. 7>. BM. Z- / Santa Ci-uz County, History of [W. Wallace Elliott]. S. F., 1879. atlas folio. Ixxvui AUTHORITIES QUOTED. v/ Santa Iii(5s, Exjlmen tie Conciencia en lengua de Indios. MS. V Santa In^s, Libros de Mision. MS. V Santa Maria (Vicente), llegistro de Parages entre S. Gabriel y S. Buenaven- tura, 1795. MS. d'^lA,. St. 3.zr.f. Santa Monica, The Coming City. San Francisco, 1875; Outlook. Santa Rosa, Collegian, Democrat, Herald, News, Press, Republican, Sonoma Democrat, Sonoma Index, Times. Sargent (Aaron A.), Sketch of Nevada County, n.pl., n.d. Sargent (Aaron A.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., April 9, 1862, on Pacific Rail- road. How it may be Built. Wash., 1862; and other Speeches. u Sam'a (Vicente Francisco), Argumento Contra el Traslado de S. Francisco, 182,3. MS. ^Z'-iusA.. d/zg. mB.ri, Sarria (Vicente Francisco), Carta Pastoral, 1817. ^l^.Scu?i,^. A>aj6:Z3/. Sarria (Vicente Francisco), Defensa del P. Luis Martinez, 1830. MS. ^XrucJi. ^2/tQ.V.2.4t^. Sarria (Vicente Francisco), Escritos Sueltos del Comisario Prefecto. TVIS. / / / Sarria (Vicente Francisco), Exhortacion Pastoral, 1813. MS. Stt^^. JUl./'^ajt.^y d/te^. <^/<^. /i. Sarria (Vicente Francisco), Infonne del Comisario Prefecto sobre los Frailea de California, 1817. MS. CL^^^a/^. St. S. m:. 33. Sarria (Vicente Francisco), Informe de Misiones, 1819. MS.^2/»-oC. i'^.3.JS?I//,2. V Sarria (Vicente Francisco), Sermones en Lengua Vasciiense. MS. C— C- ^<{ Saunders (William), Thi'ouglithe Light Continent. London, etc., 1879. V Savage (Thomas), Documentos para la Historia de California. MS. 4 vols. Sawtelle(C. M.), Pioneer Sketclies. MS. Sawyer (A. F.), Moi'tuary Tables of San Francisco. San Francisco, 1862. V Sawyer (Charles H. ), Documents on the Conquest of California, 1846. MS. C- (J f^ Sawyer (Eugene T.), Tlie Life and Career of Tiburcio Vazquez. San Jos6, 1875. Sawyer (L. S. B.), Reports of Cases Decided in the Circuit and District Courts, etc. San Francisco, 1873-80. 5 vols. Saxou (Isabelle), Five Years within the Golden Gate. Pliiladelphia, 1868. Say ward (W. T.), All about Southern California. San Francisco, 1875. Say ward (W. T. ), Pioneer Reminiscences. MS. v Scala (Comte de), Influence de I'Ancion Comptoir Russe en Califomie. In Nouv. An. Voy., cxliv. 375. Schenck (George E. ), Statement on Vigilance Committee. MS. Schlagintweit (Robert von), Californien Land und Leute. Coin, etc., 1871. Schmidt (Gustavus), Civil Law of Spain and Mexico. New Orleans, 1851. Schmieden (Henry). Statement of California Matters from 1849. MS. Schmolder (Capt. B.), Neuer Praktischer Wegweiser fiir Nord-Amerika. Mainz, 1849. S£iUk^ -ti^. School Scandal of San Francisco. Proceedings before the Investigating Com- mittee. San Francisco, 1878. Schools, Colleges, Academies, etc. Catalogues, reports, etc., cited byname of the institution. Not in this list. Schwarz (J. L.), Briefe eines Dcutschen aus Kalifornien. Berlin, 1849. Scribner's Monthly Magazine (later the Century). New York, 1871 et seq. Seattle, Intelligencer, Pacific Tribune, Puget Sound Despatch. V Secularizacion, Decreto de las Curtes, 1813. MS. CL/^jsA,. St. 3. K7. S// Seddoii (J. A.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., Jan. 23, 1850, on the Action of Executive in Relation to California. Washington, 1850. Sedgley, Overland to California in 1849. ■y^t.^A. ^ti^jC/*.**,^^' 1^ Semblanzaa de los Miembros del Congreso de 1827 y 1 828.*^ Nueva York, 1828. Semple (Robert), Letters of 1846-9. MS. Senan (Joso Francisco de Paula), Cartas Varias. MS. ^ >, . > Sefian {Jos6 F. de P.), Circular del Vicario Foraneo, 1815. MS."?*^^- /^J-cTZ-^O / Seiian (Jos6 F. de P.), Informes Bienales de Misiones, 1811-14, 1820-2. MS./*g;2£r A^'^P^ f^ / Senan (Jos6 F. de P.), Respuesta alVirey sobre condicion de Cosas en Cal.i '^^ 2r.9^ 1796. MS. CLAJlJl. nPt. 3.2r. ^c Sepulveda (Ignacio), Historical Memoranda. MS. / Sermones de no se sabe cuales predicadores de California, 1790 etc. MS. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Ixxix • Sermones Varios de Misioneros. MS. • Serra (Junipcro), Cartas al P. Lasuen, 1778-81. MS. 'X'^jH^. 'St.S.X, /^y. ^y^. i^A5. K Serra (Junipero), Correspondencia, 1777-82. MS.^2/te<4/. SCS JX^ ZZ-i^S/S, • Serra (Junipero), Escritos Autografos. MS. «S i2/-?v^Ipox-*o J><>C Stt.A^'C*^ ]/ Serra (Jimipero), Infornie de 1774. MS. ^iy^Ji^St 3.T. /ZS. y Serra (Junipero), Informe de 5 de Feb. 1775. W^.Q-^rj&A,. S6: 3. T. /ZS-^^ (/ Serra (Junipero), Memorial de 22 de Abril, 1773. sobre suministraciones d los ■ ' S»t '?.'X\^^ Establecimientos de California, etc. MS. CirLcA> v?^3 E7. Sy. 1/ Serra (Junipero), Notas de 1776. MS. In San Diego, Lib. Mision. / ^ , __ - ... ^ Serra (Junipero), Representacion 21 Mayo, 1773. MS. !*• St. T.J; Cl^rJlJu.SC: &[ y'''^ * - -/ i/ Serra (Junipero), Representacion 13 Mayo, 1773. In Palou, Not. i., 514; MS. OLnj&A>. 0^.3-2. 3v Serrano (Florencio), Apuntes para la Historia de California. MS. Serrano (Florencio), Cartas Varias. MS. Serrano (Florencio), Recuerdos Hist6ricos. MS. Seward (George F.), Chinese Emigration in its Social and Economical Aspects. New York, 1881. Seward (William H. ), Speech in U. S. Sen. March 11, 1850, on Admission of California. Washington, 1850; and other Speeches. Seyd (Ernest), California and Its Resources. London, 1858. Seymour (E. Sanford), Emigrant's Guide to the Gold Mines. Chicago, 1849. -J Shaler (William), Journal of a Voyage, 1804. In American Register, iii. 137. Shasta, Courier. Shastas and Their Neighbors. MS. Shaw (William), Golden Dreams and Waking Realities. London, 1851. Shaw (William), Pioneer Life in Columbia River Valley. MS. Shaw (William J.), Speech in Sen. of Cal. Feb. 7, 1856, on Constitutional Reform. Sacramento, 1856; and other Speeches. Shea (John Gilmary), Histoiy of the Catholic Missions. New York, 1855. Shearer, Journal of a Trip to California, 1849. MS. • Shelvocke (George), Voyage round the World, 1719-22. London, 1726. ^ Sherman (William T.), Correspondence of Lieut., 1847-8. In Cal. & N. Mex., Mess. &Doc., 1850; Memoirs. N. Y., 1875. 2 vols. Sherwood (J. Ely), California. New York, 1848; The Pocket Gaide to Cal ifomia. N. Y., 1849. 1/ Shubrick (W. Branford), Correspondence, 1847. In War with Mex. , Reports, etc.; Report to Secretary of the Navy, Feb. 15, 1847. In 30th Cong., 2d Sess., H. Ex. Doc. i. pt. ii. p. 65; and Stephen W. Kearny, Circular ^ of the Na^al Coniinander and Governor, 3Iarch 1, 1847. English and Spanish. /SAa/t. "^^^ 't^- ^^ / ^'*^' ^'^^ ^^- ^^'■ Shuck (Oscar T.), California Scrap-book, San Francisco, 1869; Representative and Leading Men of the Pacitic. S. F., 1870, 1875. 2 vols. Sierra, Plumas, and Lassen Counties, Illustrated History of. San Francisco, 1882. 4to. Silliman (Benjamin), American Journal of Science and Art. New Haven, 1819etseq. 107 vols. Silver Mountain, Alpine Chronicle, Bulletin. - Simonin (L.), Le Grand-Ouest des ttats-Unis. Paris, 1869; Les Mines d'Or et d'Argent aux Etats-Unis. In Revue des Deux Mondes. Nov. 1875. 285; Le Mineur de Californie. Paris, 1866; La Vie Souterraine. Paris, 1867, 1^ Simpson (Sir George), Narrative of a Journey round the World. London, 1847. 2 vols. Simjison (Henry I.), The Emigrant's Guide to the Gold Mines. New York, 1848; Three Weeks in the Gold Mines. N. Y., 1848. Simpson (James H. ), Report of Explorations across the Great Basin, etc. Wash., 1876; The Shortest Route to California. Phil., 1869. V-- Sinaloa, Proposiciones de los Representantes sobre clausura de Mazatlan, Mexico, 1837. Siskiyou County Affairs. MS. • Sitjar (Antonio), Reconocimiento de Sitio para la Nueva Mision deS. Miguel, 1795. MS. ^2^teX^. St. 3. ^. /s. Ixxx AUTHORITIES QUOTED. •y Slacum (William A.), Report on Oregon, March 26, 1837. [25th Cong., 3d Sess., H. Rept. 101.] Washington, 1838. V Sloat (John D.), Despatches on the Conquest of Cal. [29th Cong., 2cl Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 4, p. G40; 3ist Cong., 1st Sess., H. Ex. 1, pt. ii.,p. 2J; also correspondence 1846. MS. Smiley (Thomas .J. L.), Statement on Vigilance Committee and Early Times in San Francisco. MS. V Smith (Jedediah), Excursion h, I'ouest des Monts Rocky, 182G. In Nouv. An. Voy., xxxvii. 208. Smith (Napoleon B.), Biographical Sketch of a Pioneer of 1845. MS. Smith (Persifer F.), Military Correspondence. [31st Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Doc. 52.] Washington, 1849. Smith (Persifer F. ), Bennett Riley et als. Reports in Relation to the Geol- ogy and Topography of California and Oregon. [31st Cong., 1st Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 47.] Washington, 1849. Smith (Truman), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., March 2, 1848, on Physical Character of Northern States of Mexico, etc. Washington, 1848. Smithsonian Institution, Annual Reports. Washington, 1853etseq. Smucker (Samuel M. ), Life of Col. J. C. Fremont. New York, 1856. Snelling, Merced Banner, Merced Herald. vSoberanes (Clodomiro), Docmnentos para la Historia de California. MS. jSobrantes, Survey of Ranclio. San Francisco, 1878. Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica, Boletin. Mexico, 1861 et seq. [Includes Institute Nacional.] Societies. See Institutions. Sola (Pablo Vicente), Correspondeiicia del Gobernador, 1805-22. MS. . , ^ Sola (Pablo Vicente), Defensa del P. Quintana y otros, 1816. MS. CZruOA*. ^t.3.J^. 6>/. y Sola (Pablo Vicente), Informeal General Cruz sobre loslusurgentes, 1818. MS. '^ H^jt^. X^^-i^ y Sola (Pablo Vicente), Infornic General al Virey sobre Defeiisas, 1817. MS.?*. TLcC- i^ ■ /f^ ^ Sola (Pablo Vicente), Informe suplementario sobre los lusurgentes, 1818. MS. £i/%cAj. Str. 3, 77. ZyV. V Sola (Pablo), Instruccion General ;i los Comandantes, contra los Insurgentes, ' 1818. MS. 7i St.-P. X2. 2* 3j "^ 'S^- ^ SoA. ^27. 4^ ~ Sola (Pablo Vicente), Instrncciones al Comisionado de Branciforte, 1816. MS. li'^. ^^r**n ^^^^^eJu. ^fO * Sola (Pal^lo Vicente), Noticia'de lo acaecido en este Puerto de Monterey, Rcbeldes de Buenos Aires, 1818. In Gaceta de Mex., xxxix. 283. y Sola (Pablo Vicente), Obscrvaciones en la Visita desde S. Francisco hasta S. Diego, 1818. ^l^.7>. TUz. /:^./y4 • V Sola (Pablo Vicente), Prevenciones sobre Eleccion de Diputado, 1822. MS.t5^ T>Joaa.. iLmjS. ^ Solano County, Historical Atlas. San Francisco, 1877. atlas folio. Solano County, History of. [Wood, Alley and Co.] San Francisco, 1879. Soledad, Libros de Mision. MS. Soler (Nicolds), Cartas del Capitan Inspector. MS. V Soler (Nicolas), Informe sobre Policia y Gobiemo, 1787. MS. T.S^. P. V- // v Soler (Nicolas), Parecer sobre Comercio con el Buque de China, 1787. MS. 'P.'St. "F. Y/J, /Su. Solignac (Ai-mand de), Les Mines de la Californie. Limoges, n.d. y Solis (Joaquin), Manihesto al Publico, 6 sea Plan de Revolucion, 1829. MS.Jf.*£^. 'P.JT. /C3 V Solis (Joaquin), Proceso Instruido contra— y otros Revolucionarios, 1829-30. MS. X. S^. P. SM.JUXSS. Z^-/dS- Sonoma, Compaiiia de Infanteria, Cuaderno de Distribucion, 1839. MS. — k' Sonoma, Documentos Tocantcs d la fundacion de la Nueva Mision, 1823. M.^.^2aM^, ^2^. /R S. /S-/^ . V Spence (David), List of Vessels in California Ports. '^^kr^-/ State Papers, Sacramento, MS., 19 vols, in Archivo de Cal.; Id., Missions, 11 vols. ; Id. , Missions and Colonization, 2 vols. ; Id. , Benicia, 1 vol. Statistician. San Francisco, 1875 ct seq. Stearns (Abel), Correspondence of a Merchant. MS. iJ /\ /i / V Stearns (Abel), Expediente de Contraband©, 1835. MS. X. LO?^. CLrLaAi.:r. / Superior Government State Papers. MS. 21 vols. In Archivo de Cal. Susanville, Farmer, Lassen Advocate, Lassen County Journal, Lassen Sage Brush. •*Sutil y Mexicana, Relacion del Viage hecho por las Goletas. Madrid, 1802; atlas. 4to. Sutro (Adolph), The Mineral Resources of the U. S. Baltimore, 1868. Sutter (John A.), Correspondence, 1839-48. MS. V Sutter (John A.), Correspondence of the Sub-Indian Agent, 1847-8. In Cal. and N. Mex., Mess, and Doc. 1850. I Sutter (Jolm A.), Diary, 1839-48. Scrap-book from the Argonaut, 1878. y Sutter (.John A.), Examination of the Russian Grant. Sacramento, 1860. V Sutter (.John A.), Memorial to the Senate and House. 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In Browne's Min. Res.; Odds and Ends. MS. and Scraps; Sketches connected with California History, n.pl. [1855]; Specimens of the Press [In S. F. Mer- cantile Library]; The Storehouse of California, n.pl., n.d. Taylor (Bayard), At Home and Abroad. New York, 1807; El Dorado. N. Y., 1850; N. Y., 1861. * Taylor (Benjamin F.), Between the Gates. Chicago, 1878; Chicago, 1880. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. ^ Ixxxiii Taylor (Christopher), Oregonians in the California Mines, 1848. MS. Taylor (Mart), The Gold Digger's Song Book. Marysville, 1856. Taylor (William), California Life Illustrated. New York, 1858. Taylor (William), Seven Years' Street Preaching. New York, 1857. Tehama, Independent, Tocsin. Temple (Francis P. F.), PvecoUections, 1841-7. MS. |_- ft c Temple (John), Letters of a Los Angeles Merchant. MS. S'U/vW*^ l ^-MTOO ^ ^ ; 'S ^^ 7 /4 -^ A Z^ ZH' aJ- Territorial Pioneers, Annual Meetings. S. F., 1874 etseq.; Constitution and * ^ -* ^ v ^ -*X By-Laws. San Francisco, 1874; First Ainnial. S. ¥., 1877. Terry (David S.), Trial of, by the Committee of Vigilance. S. F., 1856. Tevis (A. H), Beyond the Sierras. Philadelphia, 1877. Tevis (Lloyd), Address before the American Bankers' Association, Aug. 10, 1881. n.pl., n.d. Thomes (R. H.), Life of an Immigrant of 1841. MS. Thompson (A. B.), Business Correspondence. MS. Thompson (Ambrose W.), Memorial [to Congress], Steamers between Cali- fornia, China, and Japan, n.pl. [1853]. Thompson (Jacob), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., June 5, 1850, on the Califor- nia Question, n.pl., n.d. Thompson (John R.), Speech on the Conquest of California in U. S. H. of Rej). June 5, 1850. Washington, 1850. Thompson (Robert A. ), Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Sonoma County. Philadelphia, 1877. i/' Thompson (Waddy), Recollections of Mexico. New York, etc., 1847. Thompson and West, Publishers of Several County Histories. See names of counties. Thomson (Monroe), The Golden Resources of California. N. Y., 1856. Thornton (Harry J. ), Opinions on California Private Land Claims. San Fran- cisco, 1853; Speech in Cal. Sen., Feb. 8, 1861. Sacramento, 1861. Thornton (J. Quinn), Oregon and California in 1848. N. Y., 1849. 2 vols. Thurman (J. 11.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep. June 8, 1850, on the California Question. Washington, 1850. Thurston (S. R.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., Mar. 25, 1850, on the admis- sion of California. Washington, 1850. vTikhm(5nef (P. ), Istoritcheskoe Obosranie. St Petersburg, 1861. 2 vols. Tilford (Frank), Argument on San Francisco Outside Lands. Sac, 1868. ^ Tinkham (George H.), History of Stockton. San Francisco, 1880. Todd (John), The Sunset Land. Boston, 1870. • Toombs (Albert G.), The Pioneer Overlanders of 1841. In S. F. Bulletin, July 27, 1868. Toombs (R.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., Feb. 27, 1850, on President's Mes- sage Communicating the Constitution of California. Washington, 1850. 1/ Torquemada (Juan de), Monarquia Indiana. Madrid, 1723. 3 vols, folio. 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Mex., Mess, and Doc, 1850. Vallejo (Mariano G.), Correspondencia Hist6rica. MS. >'' Vallejo (Mariano G.), Discourse, 8 Oct. 1876. In S. F., Centen. Mem., 97. V Vallejo (Mariano G. ), Discurso Historico, 8 de Oct. 1876. MS. V Vallejo (Mariano G.), Documentos para la Hist, de California. 1769-1850. MS. 37 vols. V Vallejo (Mai-iano G. ), Ecspocision que hace el Comandante General de laAlta California al Gobernador de la Misma. Sonoma, 17 Agosto 1837. Vallejo (Mariano G.), Escritos Oficiales y Particulares. MS. Vallejo (Mariano G.), Historia do California. MS. 5 vols. V Vallejo (Mariano G.), Informe sobre Nombres de Condados. San Jos^', 1850. t%t /J 0\ V Vallejo ( Mariano G. ), Informe Reservado sobre Ross, 1833. MS. St. T. ?7i.y^.ir.^y.' cfa^^ iOfia.2L. /(t-C V Vallejo (Mariano G.), Informes al Ministrode Guerra sobre la Sublevacion de Graham, 1840. M^. 2^aJ..£)njL*..^ V Vallejo (Mariano G.), Oration, 1876. In^S. F. Bulletin, July 10, 1876; and in many other papers more or less fully. \^ Vallejo (Mariano G^^), 6rdenes de la Comandancia, General, 1837-9. [Sonoma, 1837-9].£a>^Aki*-^r%^ 5- c-\ Av'7)^ /;/,•/- MitCRor, y Vallejo (Mariano G^, Proclama. Monterey, 24Febrero 1837.<2a-'».-^/^>-<^'^^^ lieRAP-- ^ Vallejo (Mariano G.j, Proclama en el acto de Prestar el Juramento, 1836. Monterey, 1836. «fi»^'^ Ai^-*-^ /9 A ' /" V Vallejo (Mariano G.), Precoma del Comandante Gen., 1837. Sonoma, 1837. ^''■^'^ '''^'^■*'^*^ V Vallejo (Mariano G.) [Proclama la Conspiracion de Francisco Solano. ] Sono- ma, 6 Octubre 1838.^ Velasquez (Jos6), Diario y Mapa de un Reconociniiento, 1783. MS. 'PSt'. f*. /37. ^C v- Velasquez (.Jos6) Relacion del Viage que hizo el Crobr. Fages, 1785. lA^.T.St.'P.'V. /SS. Venadito (Virey), Comunicacioncs al Gob""- de Cal., 1819. MS. i^ Venegas (Miguel), Noticia de la California y de su Conquista Temporal, etc^ Madrid, 1757. 3 vols. Venegas (Virey), Comunicaciones al Gobr- de Cal., 1810-12. MS. ^ 'Veritas,' P^xamination of the Russian Grant, n.p., n.d. Ver Mehr (J. L.), Checkered Life: In the Old and New World. S. F., 1877. Verne (Jules), The Mutineers. In Id., Michael Strogoff. New York, 1877. Vetromile (Eugene), A Tour in Both Hemispheres. New York, etc., 1880. Viadcr (.Jos(5), Cartas del Padre. MS. ■y Viader (Josd), Diario 6 Noticia del Viage, 1810. MS. ^Z^xX^. ^St. B £SL7^ . ~ /i / CAtt W -Jf^ .. Viader (.Jos6), Diario de Una Entrada al Rio de S. Joaquin, 1810. MS. l>jKL.A/'^^^.Sit£.iyjpfjU/^^^'^^-°-^^- A* v>*Viagero Universal (El). Madrid, 1796-1801. 43 vols. J ; Viages en la Costa al Norte de Californias. Copy from Spanish Archives. ^/^»L^ ' MS. [From Prof. Geo. Davidson.] ^ Victor (Frances F. ), Studies of California Missions. In Californian, May 1881 Victor (Frances F. ), River of the West. Hartford, 1870. Victoria (Manuel), Escritos Sucltos del (Tobernador, 1831. MS. ^ Victoria (Manuel), Informe General, 1831. ilS. J>. TiML ^. /Jl, ^ Victoria (Manuel), Manifestacion del Gefe Politico, 1831. MS.JX^f^, 7> vfia^-X^ZT./S*^. y Victoria (Manuel), Manifiesto ^ los Habitantes do Cal., 1831. MS. Xejp.'^Mk.I. 33Z> Vigilance Committees in San Francisco, Miscellany. MS. C^tX- '^iO. i O ^ v* Vigilantes de Los Angeles, 1836. MS. Vigneaux (Ernest), Souvenirs d'un Prisonnier de Guerre au Mexiqne, 1854-5. Paris, 1863. Vignes (Louis J.), Letters of Don Luis del Aliso. MS. Vila (Vicente), Instruccioncs i)ara el Viage de 1760 4 California. MS. "P-St. "P.Jl' i-^. • Villa Seiior y Sanchez (Jos6 Antonio), Theatro Americano. Mex., 1746. 2 vols. Villa vicencio (Jose Maria), Cai'tas. MS. Vioget (J. J.), Letters of an Early Trader. MS. Virginia (Nev.), Evening Chronicle, Territorial Enterprise, Union. Visalia, Delta, Equal Rights Exjiositor, Iron Age, Tulare Index, Tulare Times. • Vischer (Eduard), Briefe eines Deutschen aus Californien, 1842. San Fran- cisco, 1873; Missions of Upper California. San Francisco, 1872. Vowell (A. W.), British Columbia Mines. MS. ^ Voyages, A Collection of Voyages and Travels [Churchill's]. London, 1752. folio. 8 vols.; Curious Collection of Travels. London, 1761. 8 vols.; [Harleian], Collection of Voyages and Travels. Lond., 1745. 2 vols.; Historical Account by English Navigators. London, 1773-4. 4 vols.; Historical Account of, round the World. Lond., 1774-81. 6 vols. ; New Collection. London, 1767. 7 vols. ; New Universal Collection. London, 1755. 3 vols. ; World Displayed. London, 1760. 20 vols. '■' Voyages au Nord, Recueil. Amsterdam, 1715-27. 8 vols. Wadsworth (James C. ), Statement on Vigilance Committee. MS. Wadsworth (William), National Wagon Road Guide to Cal. S. F. , 1858. Wakeman (Edgar), The Log of an Ancient Mariner. San Francisco. 1878. * Walker (Joel R.), Narrative of a Pioneer of 1841. MS. AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Ixxxvii Walla Walla (W. T.), Statesman. Walpole (Frederick), Four Years in the Pacific, 1844-8-. Lond., 1849. 2 vols. Walton (Daniel), Facts from the Gold Regions. Boston, 1849. • War with Mexico, Reports and Despatches. Operations of U. S. Naval Forces, 1S4G-7. [30th Cong. 2d Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 1, pt. ii.] Ward (Samuel), Letter to New York Courier and Enquirer, Aug. 1, 1849. Ware, Emigrant Guide to California. [1849] n.pl. Warner (J. J.), Biographical Sketch. MS. • Warner (J. J.), California and Oregon. In Colonial Mag., v. 229 Warner (J. J.), Reminiscences of Early California. MS. Warner, Hayes, and Widney. See Los Angeles History. • Warren (G. K.), Memoir upon the Material used, etc., Railroad Routes to Pacilic. Pac. R. R. Repts, xi. pt. i. Washington (Cal. ), Alameda Independent. Washington (D. C. ), National Intelligencer, Union. Watkins (William B. ), Statenaent on Vigilance Committee in S. F. MS. Watsou (Frank), Narrative of a Native Pioneer. MS. Watsonville, Cal. Transcript, Pajaro Valley Times, Pajaronian, Transcript. Waverhj, Log-Book of, 1828-9. MS. Weaverville, Trinity Journal. Webster (Daniel), Speech in U. S. Sen., March 23, 1848, on Mexican War. Washington, 1848. Weed (Joseph), A View of California as it is. S. F., 1874; Vigilance Com- mittees of San Francisco. In Overland, xii. 350. W^eeks (William), Reminiscences of a Pioneer of 1831. MS. Weichardt (Karl), Die Vereinigten Staaten. Leipzig, 1848. Weik (Johann), Calif ornien wie es ist. Philadelphia, etc., 1849. Weller (J. B.), Remarks in Sen. of U. S., Aug. 27, 1852, on Mexican Bound- ary Commission, etc. Washington, 1852. Wells (Harry L.), see Nevada County History. Wells (Vv^illiam V.), Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua. N. Y., 1856. Werth (John J. ), A Dissertation on the Resources of California. Benicia, 1851 . • West Indische Spieghel, door Athanasium Inga. [Amsterdam, 1624.] West Oakland, Press. Western Scenes and Reminiscences. Auburn, 1853. Western Shore Gazetteer [Sprague and Atwell]. Woodland, 1870. Weston (S.), Four Months in the Mines of California. Providence, 1854 Wetmore (Cliai-les A. ), Report of Mission Indians. Washington, 1875. Whatcom (W. T. ), Bellingham Bay News. Wheatland, Free Press, Recorder, Trinity Press. Wheaton (William R.), Statement of Facts. MS. Wheeler (Alfred), Land Titles in San Francisco. San Francisco, 1852. Wheeler (William), Loss of the Warren, 1846. MS. Whipple (A. W.), Report of Expedition from San Diego to the Colorado, [31st Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 19.] Washington, 1850. White (Elijah), Concise View of Oregon Territory. Washington, 1846. White (Michael), Califoniia all the Way Back to 1828. MS. Whitney (Asa), A Project for a Railroad to the Pacific. New York, 1849. Whitney (J. D.), Metallic Wealth of the United States. Phila., 1854. Wldber (J. H.), Statement of a Pioneer of 1849. MS. Widney, Hayes, and Warner. See Los Angeles County, History. Wierzbicki (F. P.), California as it is and as it may be. S. P., 1849. w Wiggins (William), Pacific Coast in 1839. In S. Jos6 Pioneer, April 6, 1878. Wiggins (William), Reminiscences of a Pioneer of 1840. MS. Wight (Samuel F. ), Adventures in California. Boston, 1800. i^ Wilcox (James Smith), Cartas Varias sobre sus viages en la goleta Caminante, 1817. MS. 7f St: J^ XS . /S4 Wilder (Marshall P.), California. Boston, 1871. Wiley (James S.), Speech in U. S. H. of Rep., May 16, 1848, on Acquisition of Territory. Washington, 1848. Ixxxviii AUTHORITIES QUOTED. ^ Wilkes (Charles), Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition. Philadel- phia, 1844; 4to. 3 vols.; Philadelphia, 1845, 5 vols.; London, 1845. Wilkes (Charles), Western America. Philadelphia, 1849. Willcy (Samuel H.), Decade Sermons. San Francisco, 1859; An Historical Paper Relating to Santa Criiz. San Francisco, 1876; Personal Memo- randa. MS. ; Quarter Century Discourse. In Santa Cruz Enterprise March G, 1874; Thirty Years in California. San Francisco, 1879. Williams (Albert), Lecture on the Conquest of Cal. Reports in S. F. news- papers of June 1878 ; A Pioneer Pastorate. 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