A 6 3 7 9 5 •' ' ^ ' ' ""' (_^ ^- t '' -7 ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY IDA A. PRATT UNDER THE DIRECTION OF RICHARD GOTTHEIL, Ph.D NEW YORK I9I9 ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY IDA A. PRATT UNDER THE DIRECTION OF jRICHARD GOTTHEIL, Ph.D. NEW YORK I9I9 NOTE This list contains titles of works in The New York Public Library on March 1, 1919. The books and articles mentioned are in the Reference Department, in the Central Building of the Library at Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street. REPRINTED. WITH ADDITIONS. OCTOBER 1919 FROM THE BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY OF MARCH-MAY 1919 PRINTED AT THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY form p-l2a [x-23-19 3el 8f *vJ=^ ■ TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Prefatory Note .------------1 Bibliography ...----------S Periodicals --------------7 Description and Geography __--------/ Archaeology --------------18 Numismatics __--- -20 Art ---------------20 History _-_----------- 21 General Works ------------21 Massacres -------------36 Works in Armenian Relating to Other Countries ----- 40 Biography .-------------41 Social Life -------------- 4_ Economics and Industries -----------43 Folklore and Mythology -----------44 Law ---------------45 Science ---------------45 Geology and Natural History ---------- 46 Language __------------ 47 Inscriptions --------------53 History of Literature ------------56 Literature .-------------57 Poetry --------------57 Fiction and Drama -----------59 Other Literature ------------62 Translations from European Languages -------65 Armenian Church ___--------- 68 Mechitharists -------------72 Missions __------------ 72 Armenian Question ------------ 73 Armenians in Other Countries ---------- 78 Index .------------■ -81 ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS A LIST OF REFERENCES Prefatory Note By Richard Gottheh.. Ph.D. Chief of the Oriental Division FEW people have been the subject of so much pity and commiseration as have the Armenians. And few have deserved such pity as fully as have they. A remarkable race, they have had an uncommon history. They have always written and spoken an Indo-European language, one that belongs to that large number of which the Sanskrit is an early and prominent representa- tive. According to their traditions, they are also of Indo-European race; though evidently intermixed with Semitic and other blood. Historically, they come to our notice at first in ancient Phrygia; and, peculiarly enough, seem to have reversed the general order and to have travelled towards the rising sun instead of towards the west. The Empire of the Hittites was breaking up, and the Armenians appear to have settled in the upper reaches of the Euphrates, to have extended their quarters into the region of Lakes Van and Urmia and to have made their home around Mt. Ararat. Unfortunately, the Armenians were never able to hold out long as an independent kingdom. In antiquity the greater Powers of Greece, of Seleucid Syria, of Persia and of Rome were at hand, ready to prevent the assertion of any rights that might controvert their own. At one time, it is true, that which historians call Armenia Major and Armenia Minor — the Caucasus regions south of the mountains and north of Mesopotamia — were ruled by independent kings, especially under Tigranes II. termed the Great (94- -56 B. C.), who extended his power to take in a good deal of the former kingdom of Assyria, the northwest corner of Persia, the province of Azerbaijan, a territory said to have covered some 500,000 square miles and to have contained some 3,000,000 inhabitants. His royal city was called after his own name — Tigranocerta; and it is sufficient to record Cicero's saying that "Tigranes made the Republic of Rome tremble before his powers." But Rome's watchful eye was envious of such power, and under Lucullus, in 69 B. C, Armenian independence was put down — not to be raised again for many centuries. At a later date she became the playball between Byzantium and Persia, who in their continued strife swarmed up and down her land carrying destruction in their wake. Weakened as she thus was, she was in no condition to withstand the onslaughts made upon [ 1 ] 2 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY her by the Arab hordes that swarmed up through northern Mesopotamia in 636 A.D. But, withal, her people held firmly to their heritage. From time to time attempts at freedom were made and independent kings ruled for a nonce and after a fashion. Vartan did this in from 571 until 578 under the Byzantines. Ashot I was semi-independent in 885 under the auspices of Arab overlords. But such attempts as these were not productive of good. They opened the way for internal strife and for the entry of those Tartar hordes in the eleventh century that were destined finally to overrun the whole country. Here again the tenacity of the Armenians told its tale. Small independent kingdoms were established at Ani, in Georgia and near Lake Van. But the coming of Toghril Beg soon ended their existence. In 1071, the Turks drove the Byzan- tines out of Armenia and began that series of depredations and plunder through which they have made their name infamous. In 1239, Jenghiz Khan was there; and when the Turks were at rest, the Kurds were ready to supplement their work. An exodus was begun, the first of many the Armenians have had to suffer during their long and tragic history. Multitudes were driven out of the country into Poland, into Moldavia and Galicia, — even around the north of the Caspian Sea, where in Lemberg, an important colony was founded. Some wandered to the South and founded settlements in the mountains of Cilicia which were able to exist for some 300 years, although they were looked at askance by Byzantium because of their peculiar church government. In 1375, the country was conquered by the Ottomans; but so strong is the desire of the Armenians for freedom that a small body of them withdrew into the recesses of the Taurus mountains and refused — with success — down to the present day, to pay taxes to the government at Constantinople. The Armenians were overrun by Tamerlane in 1401. by the Sultan Selim I in 1514, by the Persians in 1575 and 1639. It was therefore natural that, when the Russian armies came upon the scene and offered to release the Christian peoples from the yoke of the Turk they were received with joy. Etchmiadzin, which for a time had been Persian, became Russian by the treaty of Turkman-Chai in 1828. Whatever fault we may in truth find with the manner in which the former Russian government treated its subject peoples, very little can be said against its method of dealing with the Armenians. It is true that a strong attempt at Russification was commenced during the closing years of the nine- teenth century. This went so far that in 1898, under the governorship of Prince Galitzin, many Armenian schools were taken over, and in 1903 much Armenian church property was condemned. But nothing was done to disturb the daily life of the Armenians who grew numerous and flourished in that part of the Caucasus that was under Russian surveillance. The Plain of Erivan and the Valley of the Araxes River are their chief residing places. Here, though in close contact with Tartars, Lazes and Kurds, they have preserved their ARMENIA AND THE ARAIEXIAXS 3 separate existence, and have cherished with ardor the details of their older life. Etchmiadzin was originally a religious settlement — a monastery encircled by high battlements. But for the Armenians it is not only a religious center. It is more than this. It has become a national rallying point towards which all Armenians look with a peculiar attachment and affection. One would have imagined that such tenacity in holding on to what they considered to be the truth would have received the recognition it deserved on the part of the leading political forces in Europe. But that was asking too much. The lot of the Armenians who were under Turkish overlordship gradually grew worse. It is true that the Draft Treaty of San Stefano called for "improvements and reforms demanded by local requirements in the prov- inces inhabited by Armenians," and guaranteed "their security from Kurds and Circassians." But the final Berlin Treaty of 1878 had whittled this down to a simple promise of reform "for the protection of Christian and other sub- jects of the Porte." This meant, of course, that nothing was to be done. Turkey was astute enough to know this; and the great arbiter of fate in the Europe of his time, Bismarck, had said openly that the Germans had no care for Armenian reforms. Soon the massacres commenced that unfortunately carried the tale of Armenian sufferings all over the world. Beginning at Mush, in 1893, they have lasted with more or less continuity down to our own day. Unfortunately, such place-names as Erzerum ( 1895) and Adana ( 1909) are too familiar to our ears. The hope was felt and openly expressed that the coming of the Young Turk would bring a change in the treatment of the Armenians; but Enver, Talaat, and Djavid have certainly done their best to prove that though the Turk may change from "old" to "young" he still remains a Turk. "The first phase of Ottoman policy towards subject peoples was neglect; the Hamidian was attrition; but the Young Turkish phase is extermination." The report presented in 1916 by Viscount Bryce on "The Treatment of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire," is the severest indictment that could be presented against a people and against their political backers. From 800.000 to 1,000,000 of these Armenians are said, on reliable authority, to have perished. At an early date the Armenians accepted Christianity. They themselves believe that the new faith was preached to them by the apostles Thaddai and Bartholomew. But it was not until the year 301 that Gregory the Illuminator persuaded their king Tiridates officially to accept Christianity for the state and the people as a whole. And just as they have preserved their national identity, so they have kept themselves apart as a church — called the "Gregori- an," after the saint mentioned above. They followed the decisions of the Coun- cil of Nicea (325) of Constantinople (381) and of Ephesus (381), but refused to regard the Council of Chalcedon as legally convened; and at a synod of their own, composed of Armenian and Georgian bishops, held at Driune in 506, 4 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY the Armenians definitely wedded themselves to the Council of Ephesus and the theological doctrines propounded there. The Armenian Church stands thus, in no connection either with the Greek or the Roman Church. In the 18th century, it is true, a certain bishop Mekhitar, of Sebaste, joined the Roman Hierarchy and established at Venice the Mekitarist Monastery that has done some excellent literary and educational work, and that in Turkey a Kotolik Milleti (Catholic Nation), was established in 1835, through Roman influence. But neither have any connection with the Armenian Church as such. The Oriental character of this church may be seen from the fact that its weekly day of rest lasts from Saturday sun-down up to Sunday evening. At an equally early date the Armenians showed a taste for literary expres- sion, and so eager are they for education that in the year 1902, and under all the circumstances of Turkish oppression, they had no less than 1,200 Armenian schools in the Ottoman empire, giving instruction to 130,000 pupils. Their script is said to have come to them from a certain Syrian Daniel and to have been enlarged and perfected by their own Saint Mesrob in 410, who added the vowel signs after the manner of the Greek system. It was to this same Mesrob, assisted by Sahak (Isaac; 387-439), to whom the Armenians owe the transla- tion of both the Old and New Testament into their tongue. Much of the older literature is composed of translations from Greek and from Syriac authors, but, in a certain sense, a national literature was growing up — though, as was natural, it was largely theological in character. Yet valuable historical works were written by Moses of Khorene, by Mesrob, and in the twelfth cen- tury, by Nerses Shnorhali. Some poetry has also been written, though this, too, is chiefly of a religious turn. Printing in Armenia was introduced by the Patriarch Mikhael of Sebaste (1542-1570) though some years prior to this — in 1512 — a press that used Armenian type had been set up in Venice. The first Armenian book to be printed in England dates from the year 1736; the first to be put out in Russia from 1771; but it was not until 1857 that an Armenian book left the press in America. In quite modern times large quanti- ties of Armenian literature have been published dealing with a great variety of topics. Wherever they are, the Armenians are in the forefront of those who work and strive; they have large capacity and when they will once again be set- tled in their ancient home in Asia Minor and in northern Mesopotamia, to which 500,000 are ready to return at a moment's notice, we shall look forward to a development that will be as remarkable as it will be thorough. Prior to the calamities of this war, Armenian historians reckoned the number of their fel- low-racials to be 4,160,000 — of whom 2,380,000 were in the Turkish empire. The following list deals with the various subjects to which reference has been made in these pages. Whatever excellence it has is due to the care and vigilance of Miss Pratt. I am also beholden to Mr. V. H. Kalendarian for the help he has given in verifying the transliteration of the Armenian titles. LIST OF WORKS ON ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS Bibliography. Periodicals. Description and Geography. Archaeology. Numismatics. Art. History: General Works. Massacres. Works in Armenian Relating to Other Countries. ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT Biography. Social Life. Economics and Industries. Folklore and Mythology. Law. Science. Geology and Natural History. Language. Inscriptions. History of Literature. Literature: Poetry. Fiction and Drama. Other Literature. Translatio.vs from European Languages. Armenian Church. Mechitharists. Missions. Armenian Question. Armenians in Other Countries. Bibliography Alishanian, Gheuont. Table bibliogra- phique. (In his: Sissouan. Venise, 1899. i°. p. 533-535.) t*ONK Aucher, G. Bollettino: Armeno. (Ri- vista degli studi oriental!. Roma, 1907-12. 8°. V. 1, p. 514-528; v. 2, p. 636-650; v. 3, p. 687-718; V. 4, p. 801-861.) * OAA Baronian, Sukias. See Bodleian Library, Oxford University. Basmadjian, K. J. La presse armenienne en Turquie. (Revue du monde musulman. Paris, 1908. 8°. tome 4, p. 196-201.) *OAA Bibliotheca Hagiographica Orientalis; ediderunt Socii Bollandiani. Bruxellis: apud editores, 1910. xxiii, 287 p. 4°. (Sub- sidia Hagiographica. [V.] 10.) * OAB Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. Catalogue des manuscrits armeniens et georgiens de la Bibliotheque nationale par Frederic Macler. Paris: E. Leroux, 1908. xxx, 203 p., 11., 5facs. 8°. *OAB Blackwell, Alice Stone. Bibliography. (In her: Armenian poems. Boston, 1917. 12°. p. 290-291.) *ONP Bodleian Library, Oxford LTniversity. Catalogue of the Armenian manuscripts in the Bodleian Library by the Rev. Sukias Baronian and F. C. Conybeare. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1918. viii p., 254 col., 61. f°. (Catalogi codd. mss. Bibliothecae Bod- leianae pars xiv.) t * OAB British Museum. — Department of Ori- ental Printed Books and Manuscripts. A catalogue of the Armenian manuscripts in the British Museum, by Frederick Corn- wallis Conybeare. . . To which is append- ed a catalogue of Georgian manuscripts in the British Museum, by J. Oliver Wardrop London: the trustees, 1913. viii p.. 2 1., 410 p., 1 1. f°. t*OAB Brosset, Marie Felicite. Activite lit- teraire des Georgiens et des Armeniens, en Russie, en Transcaucasie et en Crimee. (Imperatorskaya Akademij'a Xauk. Bul- letin. St. Petersbourg, 1863-66. f°. tome 5, col. 393-395; tome 7, col. 45-48; tome 8, col. 549-561 ; tome 10, col. 390-392.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863-68. tome 4, p. 667-670; tome 5, p. 59-64, 351-368, 529-532, *OAA. Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis. See Bodleian Library, Oxford University; also British Museum. — Department of Orien- tal Printed Books and I^^Ianuscripts. Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Armenisch. (In: Katalog der Bibliothck. Leipzig, 1900. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 369-379.) *OAB Dwight, Harrison Gray Otis. Catalogue of ail works known to exist in the Arme- nian language, of a date earlier than the seventeenth century. (American Oriental Society. Journal. New York, 1853. 8°. V.3, p. 241-288.) *OAA Finck, Franz Xikolaus. Katalog der armenischen Handschriften des Herrn Ab- gar Joannissiany zu Tiflis. Leipzig: N. Kapamadjian, 1903. xxiii, 260 p. 8^. *ONK Imprimerie armenienne de Saint-Lazare. Catalogue des livres de I'lmprimerie arme- nienne de Saint-Lazare. Venise: Institut des Mekhitharistes, 1894. 112 p. 12°. *ONKp.v.l [ 5 ] THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bibliography, continued. Tzoutzag krots. [Catalogue of books.] 1716-1899. Venise: Institut des Mekhitharistes, 1899. 1 p.l., 102 p. 12°. * ONK p.v.l 1716-1903. des Mekhitharistes, 1903. Venise: Institut 2 p.l., 73 p. 12°. * ONK p.v.l Kalemkiar, Gregoris. Eine Skizze der literarisch-typographischeii Thatigkeit der Mechitharisten-Congregation in Wien aus Anlass des SOjahrigen Regierungs-Jubi- laums. . .Kaiser Franz Joseph i. Wien: Mechitharisten-Congregations-Buchdruck- erei, 1898. 4 p.l., 99 p. 8°. * GD Karamianz, N. Verzeichniss der armeni- schen Handschriften der Koniglichen Bib- liothek zu Berlin. Berlin: A. Asher & Co., 1888. viii, 88 p., 5 facs. f°. (Konigliche Bibliothek zu Berlin. Die Handschriften- Verzeichnisse. Bd. 10.) ff * OAB Karekin, Paul. Bibliographie armeni- enne. Haigagan madenakidutiun. Ven- ice, 1883. 2,2, 734 p. 12°. * ONK Langlois, Victor. Les journaux chez les Armeniens. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Al- gerie et des colonies. Paris, 1863. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 15, p. 256-271.) *OAA Lynch, H. F. B. Bibliography. (In his: Armenia. London, 1901. 8°. v.2, p. 471- *R-BBY Indications biblio- Autour de I'Armenie. iii-xvi.) BEX • Notices de manuscrits armeniens vus dans quelques bibliotheques de I'Eu- rope centrale. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 496.) Macler, Frederic, graphiques. (In his: Paris, 1917. 12°. p. 1913. 686.) 8°. serie 11, v.2, p. 229-284, 559- *OAA Rapport sur une mission scien- tifique en Armenie russe et en Armenie turque, juillet - octobre 1909. Paris: Im- primerie nationale, 1910. 135 p., 16 pi. 8°. (France. — Ministere de I'lnstruction Pu- blique et des Beaux-Arts. Nouvelles ar- chives des missions scientifiques et lit- teraires. nouvelle serie, fasc. 2.) * EN Sec also Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. Mordtmann, J. H. Armenische Drucke von Smyrna und Constahtinopel. Zu- sammengestellt von J. H. Mordtmann. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftlicher Tahresbericht. . . Leip- zig, 1883. 8°. 1880, p. 57-58.) * OAA Mueller, Friedrich. Die armenischen Handschriften des Klosters von Aryni (Arghana). [Wien, 1896.] 14 p. 8°. *ONK Repr. : Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. SitzUMRsberichte, Philos.-hist. CI. Bd. 134, Abhandl. 4, * EF. Die armenischen Handschriften von Sewast (Siwas) und Senqus. (Wien. 1897.] 13 p. 8°. *ONK Repr.: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte, Philos.-hist. CI. Bd. 135, Abhandl. 6. * EF. Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich. Catalogue de la litterature armenienne, depuis le com- mencement du IV. siecle jusque vers le milieu de xvii. (Imperatorskaya Akade- miya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1860. f°. tome 2, col. 49-91.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 75-134, *OAA. EH6.iiiorpa(|)n^iecKin onepK-B apMHHCKOII IICTOpHHeCKOfi JIHTepa- TvpLi. (Travaux de la troisieme ses- sion du Congres international des Orientalistes. St. Petersbourg, 1879- 80. 8°. V. 1, p. 455-511.) * OAA A bibliography of Armenian historical literature. Petermann, Julius Heinrich. Litteratura armeniaca. (In his: Brevis linguae Ar- meniacae grammatica. Carolsruhae, 1872. 12°. p. 100-111.) *OAC Richardson, Ernest Cushing. Armenia. (In his: An alphabetical subject index... to periodical articles on religion. New York [Cop. 1907]. 8°. p. 48-50.) *R-ZAand*P Rockwell, William Walker. Armenia. .\ list of books and articles with annota- tions by W. W. Rockwell. New York: American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, 1916. 8 p. 12°. * ONK Salemann, C. Armenien. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Wissen- schaftlicher Jahresbericht. . . von October, 1876 bis December, 1877. Leipzig. 1879. 8°. Heft 2, p. 20-26.) * OAA Sarghissian, Basile. Grand catalogue des manuscrits armeniens de la Bibliotheque des PP. Mekhitharistes de Saint-Lazare. v. 1. Venise, 1914. f°. t*ONK Title from cover. Armenian title-page. The Schrumpf collection of Armenian books. (Roval Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1893. 8°. 1893, p. 699-716.) *OAA Streck, Maximilian. Armenia. Bibliog- raphy. (In: Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leyden, 1913. 4°. v. 1, p. 446-449.) t*OGC Wardrop, J. Oliver. See British Mu- seum. — Department of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS Periodicals Ararat. A searchlight on Armenia, v. 1, no. 1-2, 4-12; v.2-v.6, no. 61 (July. Aug., Oct., 1913 -Nov., 1918). London, 191.3-18. 8°. *ONK Armenia. Sec New Armenia. The Armenian herald. Puhlished by the Armenian National Union of America, v. 1-date (Dec, 1917 -date). Boston, 1917- date. 8°. * ONK Armenian Relief Association. Bulletin, no. 1-2. New York, 1895. 8°. SHT Asbarez. The Arena. An Armenian weekly, v. 9, no. 439 -date (Jan. 5, 1917- date). Fresno, Cal., 1917 -date. f°. tt*ONK The Azad, an Armenian semi-monthly periodical, v. 1, no. 1-18 (Jan. 1 - Nov. 15. 1918). New York, 1918. f°. t*ONK Azk. The Nation, v. 6, no. 15 -date (Sept. 25, 1912- date). Boston, 1912- date. f°. tt*ONK Banaser. Revue litteraire & scientifique publiee sous la direction de K. J. Basmad- jian. V. 1-9, no. 3. Paris, 1899-1907. 8°. *ONK Basmadjian, K. J., editor. Sec Banaser. Cilicia. Weekly periodical, v. 3, no. 1 - date (Jan. 5, 1918 -date). New York. 1918 -date. 4°. * ONK Eritassard Hayastan, an Armenian weekly, v. 5, no. 26 -v. 10, no. 42, 44-46, 48 -v. 11, no. 22, 24 -v. 12, no. 30, 32 -v. 13, no. 62, 64-78, 82, v. 14, no. 1-20. New York, 1908-17. f°. ft* ONK The Friend of Armenia, new series, no. 50-51, 53-69 (July, Oct., 191^. April, 1913- Jan., 1918). London, 1912-18. 4°. t*ONK Gabriel, M. S., editor. Sec Haik. Gaghapar. no. 1-12, 15-17, 19-86, 88- 100, 108-135. Tiflis, 1916-17. f°. tt*ONK Gegharvest (L'art). Revue litteraire et artistique armenienne. Directeur-redac- teur: G. Levonian. 1913, no. 5. Tiflis, 1913. f°. t*ONK The Gotchnag. Armenian weekly, v. 10 -date (Jan. 1, 1910 -date). New York, 1910 -date. 4°. * ONP Haik. M. S. Gabriel, editor, no. 1-24 (Jan. 1-Dcc. 15, 1891). New York, 1891. f°. tt*ONK Hairenik. The oldest, largest and lead- ing Armenian newspaper, in U. S. A. v. 3, no. 115 -date (Sept. 21, 1901 -date). Boston. 1901 -date. f°. ft* ONK Levonian, G., editor. Sec Gegharvest. Mourdj. no. 12 (Dec, 1901). Tiflis, 1901. 8°. *ONK National Armenian Relief Committee. Helping hand series, v. 1, no. 4 - date (Sept., 1899 - date). Worcester, Mass., 1899 -date. 24°. SHS New Armenia, v. 1-3, no. 9; v. 4 - date (Oct., 1904 - date). Boston and New York. 1904 -date. 4° and f°. t*ONK Title varies: Oct.. 1904 -Sept.. 1913. Armenia; Feb. -April, 1914, Oriental world; Dec, 1915 -date. New Armenia. La Voix de I'Armenie. Revue bi-men- suelle. annee 1, no. 5 -date (Alarch, 1918- date). Paris, 1918 -date. 8°. * ONK Description and Geography Abbott, K. E. Notes of a tour in Arme- nia in 1837. (Royal Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1843. 8°. v. 12, p. 207- 220.) KAA Abich, Hermann. Die Besteigung des Ararat am 29. Juli 1845 durch H. Abich. (In: Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russi- schen Reiches. St. Petersburg, 1849. 8°. Bd. 13, p. 39-72.) * QFB Hauteurs absolues du systeme de I'Ararat et des pays environnants. (Soci- ete de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1851. 8°. serie 4, v. 1, p. 66-73.) KAA Vergleichende chemische Unter- suchungen der Wasser des Caspischen Aleeres, Urmia- und Van-See's. 2 pi. (Im- peratorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Ale- moires: Sciences mathematiques et phy- siques. Saint Petersboui-g, 1859. f°. serie 6, tome 7, p. 1-58.) * QCB Ainsworth, William Francis. Travels and researches in Asia Minor, Alesopo- tamia, Chaldea and Armenia. London: J. W. Parker, 1842. 2 v. 12°. BBR Alaux, Louis Paul. The Armenian schools in the Ottoman Empire. (Arme- nia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 5. p. 44- 49.) t*ONK Alischan, Leonce. See Alishanian, Gheuont. 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Description and Geography, continued. Alishanian, Gheuont. Sissouan; ou, I'Ar- meno-Cilicie: description geographique et historique avec carte et illustrations. Tra- duit du texte armenien. Public sous les auspices de Son Ex. Noubar Pacha. Ve- nise: S. Lazare, 1899. viii, 539 p., 1 map. 2 pi. f°. t*ONK Topographic de la Grande Armenie, par le R. P. Leonce Alischan; traduite de I'armenien par M. fid. Dulaurier. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1869. 8°. serie 6, v. 13, p. 385-446.) * OAA Brosset, Marie Felicite. Examen cri- tique de quelques passages de la Descrip- tion de la Grande-Armenie du P. L. Ali- chan, relatifs a la topographic d'Ani. (Im- peratorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1862. f°. tome 4, col. 255-269.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 392-412, * OAA. Allen, Thomas Gaskell, and W. L. Sacht- LEBEN. Across Asia on a bicycle. The journey of two American students from Constantinople to Peking. London: T. F. Unwin, 1895. xii, 234 p. 8°. BBF Der Ararat. (Ausland. Miinchen, 1830. 4°. Jahrg. 3. p. 1077-1078, 1082-1083. 1085- 1086, 1090-1091.) fKAA The Armenians and the eastern ques- tion. [By "An Armenian.") [London: Gil- bert & Rivington, 1876.) 7 p. 8°. * ONK p.v.2 Arzruni, Andreas. Reise nach Siid-Kau- kasien. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Ver- handlungen. Berlin, 1895. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 602-611.) KAA Azhderian, Antranig. The Turk and the land of Haig; or, Turkey and Armenia, de- scriptive, historical and picturesque. New York: The Mershon Co. [1898.] xiv, 13- 408 p., Iport. 8°. BEX Baker, G. Percival. An ascent of Ararat. (Alpine journal. London, 1880. 8°. v. 9, p. 318-327.) PSL Banks, Edgar J. To the summit of Mount Ararat. (Open court. Chicago, 1913. 8°. V. 27, p. 398-410.) * DA Banse, Ewald. Die Tiirkei; eine mo- derne Geographic... Braunschweig: G. Westermann, 1915. 2 p.l., 452 p., 1 folded map, 17 pi. 8°. * OPK Barton, James Levi. Daybreak in Tur- key. Boston: Pilgrim Press [1908]. 6 p.l., 11-294 p., 6 pi. 8°. GIB Who are the Armenians? (New Armenia. New York, 1915. i°. v. 8, p. 19- 20.) t*ONK Basmadjian, K. J. Quelles etaient les frontieres de I'Armenie ancienne? (La voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1919. 8°. annee 2, p. 21-25.) *ONK Souvenir d'Ani. Paris, 1904. 24 pl.. 1 plan. 16°. *ONM The text, in Armenian and in French, is on the back of the plates. Belck, Waldemar. Beitrage zur alten Geographic und Geschichte Vorderasiens. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1901. 3 p.l., 112 p. 8°. KCB Belin, Frangois A. Extrait du journal d'un voyage de Paris a Erzeroum. (Jour- nal asiatique. Paris, 1852. 8°. serie 4, v. 19, p. 365-378.) * OAA Bell, Mark S. Around and about Ar- menia. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1890. 8°. v. 6, p. 113-135.) KAA Bent, J. Theodore. Travels amongst the Armenians. (Contemporarv review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 70, p. 695-709.) * DA Bierbaum, Paul Willi. Streifziige im Kaukasus und in Hocharmenien (1912). Ziirich: O. Fiissh, 1913. 278 p., 20 pl. 12°. (Orell Fiissli's Wanderbilder. no. 308- 317.) PSK Binder, Henry. Au Kurdistan, en Meso- potamie et en Perse... Paris: Maison Quantin, 1887. 3 p.l., 454 p., Iport. 4°. BBV Black, George Eraser. The gypsies of Armenia. Liverpool, 1913. 4 p. 8°. QOD p.v.9 Repr. : Gypsy Lore Society. Journal, new series, V 6, p. 327-330, QOX. Blau, Otto. Vom Urumia-See nach dem \'an-See. 1 map. (Petermanns Mittheil- ungen. Gotha, 1863. 4°. 1863, p. 201- 210.) KAA Bliss, Edwin Munsell. Armenia. (In: The New Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia of religious knowledge. New York [Cop. 1908). f°. v.l, p. 288-296.) *R-ZAB Bluhm, Julius. Routen im tiirkischen Armenien. (Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Erdkunde. Berlin, 1864. 8°. Neue Folge, Bd. 16, p. 346-357.) KAA Bore, Eugene. Armenie. 144 p. (In: lean M. Chopin, Russie. Paris, 1838. 8°. v. 2.) GLD Brant, James. Journey through a part of Armenia and Asia Alinor, in the year 1835. (Roval Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1836. 8°. v. 6, p. 187-223.) KAA Notes of a journey through a part of Kurdistan, in the summer of 1838. (Royal Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1841. 8°. v. 10, p. 341-432.) KAA ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS Description and Geography, continued. Brosset, Marie Felicite. Note sur le village armenien d'Acorhi et sur le con- vent de St. Jacques. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin scientifique. St. Petersbourg, 1841. f°. v. 8, col. 41-48.) *QCB • Notice sur Edchmiadzin. (Impera- torskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin sci- entifique. St. Petersbourg, 1840. f°. v. 7, col. 44-64.) * QCB Rapport sur la 2'^^ partie du voj^age du P. Sargis Dchalaliants dans la Grande- Armenie. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin de la classe historico-phi- lologique. St. Petersbourg, 1859. f°. tome 16, col. 201-205.) *QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1859. tome 3, p. 589-594, * OAA. Rapports sur un voyage archeolo- gique dans la Georgie et dans I'Armenie, execute en 1847-1848. Livr. 1-3 and atlas. St. Petersbourg: Impr. de I'Academie im- periale des sciences, 1849-51. 4 v. 8° and ob. 4°. BBVandfBBV Atlas has title: Atlas du voyage archeologique dans la Transcaucasie. See also John of Crimea. Brosset, Marie Felicite, and P. A. Jaubert. Description des principaux fleuves de la Grande-Armenie, d'apres le Djihan-Numa de Kiatib Tchelebi, par M. Amedee Jau- bert, avec la traduction d'un fragment armenien du docteur Indjidjian, par M. Brosset. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1833. 8°. serie 2, V. 12, p. 458-470.) * OAA Broussali, Jean. L'Armenie. (Revue frangaise de I'etranger et des colonies. Paris, 1886. 8°. tome 3, p. 199-222, 507- 521.) KAA Bryce (1. viscount), James Bryce. The ascent of Ararat. (Alpine journal. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. V.8, p. 208-213.) PSL On Armenia and Mount Ararat. (Royal Geographical Societv. Proceed- ings. London, 1878. 8°. v. 22, p. 169-183.) KAA Transcaucasia and Ararat, being notes of a vacation tour in the autumn of 1876, by James Bryce. 4th ed. rev., w^ith a supplementary chapter on the recent his- tory of the Armenian question. London: Macmillan and Co., 1896. xix, 526 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. PSK See also Tchobanian, Archag. Buxton, Harold. See Buxton, Noel, and Harold Buxtox. Buxton, Noel, and Harold Buxton. Trav- el and politics in Armenia, with an intro- duction by Viscount Bryce, and a contribu- tion on Armenian history and culture by Aram Raffi. New York: Macmillan Co., 1914. XX, 274 p., 1 map, 16 pi. 12°. BBY Chantre, B. A travers I'Armenie russe. Karabagh. Vallee de I'Araxe. Massif de I'Ararat. (Tour du monde. Paris, 1891- 92. f°. v. 61, p. 369-416; v. 62, p. 225-288; V. 63, p. 177-224; v. 64, p. 161-192.) f KBA VouLziE, G. A travers I'Armenie russe. 2 pl. (Revue frangaise de I'etranger et des colonies. Paris, 1894. &\ tome 19, p. 170- 176.) KAA Chantre, Ernest. L'Ararat. (Annales de geographic. Paris, 1894. 8°. tome 3. p. 81-94.) KAA De Beyrouth a Tiflis a travers la Syrie, la Haute-AIesopotamie et le Kurdis- tan. (Tour du monde. Paris, 1889. f°. V. 58, p. 209-304.) f KBA Mission scientifique de Mr. Ernest Chantre dans la haute Mesopotamie. le Kurdistan et le Caucase... [Lyon?i 1881. 28 mounted photographs in portfolio. 4\ t*OFX Premiers apergus sur les peuples de I'Armenie russe. (Societe d'anthropolo- gie de Lyon. Bulletin. Lyon, 1890. 8^ V.9, p. 81-85.) QOA Rapport sur une mission scienti- fique dans I'Asie occidentale et speciale- ment dans les regions de I'Ararat et du Caucase. (Archives des missions scienti- fiques et litteraires. Paris, 1883. 8°. serie 3, tome 10, p. 199-263.) * EN Chantres Reisen am Ararat. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1892. f°. Bd. 62, p. 246- 250, 278-281.) f KAA Chikhachov, Piotr Aleksandrovich. Asie Mineure; description physique, statistique et archeologique de cette contree, par P. de Tchihatcheff. Partie 1-4. Paris: Gide et J. Baudry, 1853-69. 6 v. in 8. 4°. KCBandfKCB Partie 1. Geographie physique comparee. Text and atlas. Partie 2. Climatologie et zoologie. Partie 3. Botanique. Partie 4. Geologic. 3 v. Partie 4 published by L. Guerin. Reisen in Kleinasien und Armeni- en, 1847-1863... Gotha: J. Perthes, 1867. viii, 68 p., 1 map. 4°. (Petermanns Mit- teilungen. Erganzungsband 4, Heft 20.1 KAA Childs, W. J. Across Asia !Minor on foot. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1917. xvi, 459 p., 40 pl., 1 port. 8°. BBS Chopin, J. De I'origine des peuples habi- tant la province d'Armenie. (Imperators- kaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin scien- tifique. St. Petersbourg, 1841. f^ v. 8, col. 16-20.) *QCB The Condition of Armenia. (Speaker. London, 1900. f°. new series, v. 2, p. 673- 674.) * DA 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Description and Geography, continued. Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis. Ar- menia and the Armenians. (National re- view. London, 1889. 8°. v. 14, p. 295-315.) * DA Reprinted in New Armenia, v. 8, p. 292-294, 309- 311, t * ONK. Cooley, W. D., translator. See Parrot, Friedrich. Creagh, James. Armenians, Koords and Turks. London: S. Tinsley & Co., 1880. 2v. 8°. ^^P Cuinet, Vital. La Turquie d'Asie. Geo- graphic administrative, statistique, descrip- tive et raisonnee de chaque provmce de I'Asie-Mineure. Paris: E. Leroux, 1892- 95. 4v. 4°. KCB Curtis, William Eleroy. Around the Black Sea; Asia Minor, Armenia, Cauca- sus, Circassia, Daghestan, the Crmiea, Roumania. New York: Hodder & Stough- ton, 1911. 7 p.l., 3-456 p., 1 map, 32 pl- 8° BBS Curzon, Robert. See Zouche (14. baron), Robert Curzon. Dale, Barley. Armenia and the Arme- nians. (American Catholic quarterly re- view. Philadelphia, 1917. 8°. v. 42, p. 563- 571.) * DA Dalyell, Robert A. O. Earthquake of Erzerum, June, 1859. (Royal Geographi- cal Society. Journal. London, 1863. 8°. V. 33, p. 234-237.) KAA Damas, Andre de. Coup d'oeil sur I'Ar- menie a propos d'une mission de la Com- pagnie de Jesus ouverte en Asie, Mineure par les ordres du Pape Leon xiii. Lyon: Delhomme et Briguet, 1888. 2 p.l., vi, 602 p., 2 charts. 8°. BBX Davey, Richard. The sultan and his sub- iects. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.. "1897. 2v. 8°. GIP Turkey and Armenia. (Fortnight- ly review. London, 1895. 8°. new series, V. 57, p. 197-210.) * DA Develay, Albert. Autour des lacs de Van et d'Ourmiah. (Revue scientifique. Paris, 1892. 4°. v. 49, p. 553-557.) OA DeyroUe, Theophile. Voyage dans le Lazistan et I'Armenie. (Tour du monde. Paris, 1875-76. i°. v. 29, p. 1-32; v. 30. p. 257-288; v. 31, p. 369-416.) f KBA Dingelstedt, V. The Armenians or Hai- kans; an ethnographical sketch. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. V.29, p. 413-429.) KAA Diran, A. Etchmiadzin. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 5, p. 32-43.) t*ONK The Dispersion of the Armenian nation. From the English Blue Book. (New Ar- menia. New York, 1917. i°. v. 9, p. 89- 91) t*ONK The Distribution of the Armenian na- tion. From the English Blue Book. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 111,143.) t*ONK Dolens, Noel. Ce que Ton voit en Ar- menie. (Tour du monde. Paris, 1906-07. f°. nouvelle serie, v. 12, p. 457-528; v. 13, p. 217-264.) tKBA Dominian, Leon. The peoples of north- ern and central Asiatic Turkey. 2 maps. (American Geographical Society. Bulle- tin. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 47, p. 832- 871.) KAA Dubois de Montpereux, Frederic. Voy- age autour du Caucase, chez les Tcher- kesses et les Abkhases, en Colchide, en Georgie, en Armenie, et en Crimee; avec un atlas geographique, pittoresque, arche- ologique, geologique. . . tome 1-6 and atlas. Paris: Gide, 1839-43. 7 v. 8° and f°. BBVandfttBBV Dulaurier, £douard. Commerce, tarif des douanes et condition civile des etrangers dans le royaume de la Petite Armenie au moyen age. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Al^- gerie et des colonies. Paris, 1858. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 7, p. 277-287, 359-366.) *OAA Ethnographic de I'Armenie. (So- ciete d'ethnographie. Actes. Paris, 1872. 8°. tome 6, p. 132-136.) * OAA fitude sur I'organisation politique, religieuse et administrative du royaume de la Petite-Armenie. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1861. 8°. serie 5, v. 17, p. 377-437; V. 18, p. 289-357.) * OAA See also Alishanian, Gheuont. Edschmiatsin. 1 pi. (Der Christliche Orient. Wcstend-Berlin, 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 51-56.) t*OAA Edwards, B. B. Ascent of Mount Ararat. (Biblical repository and quarterly obser- ver. Andover, 1836. 8°. v. 7, p. 390-416.) *DA Erk-Ura, die armenische Kolonie auf dem Berge Ararat. (Ausland. Munchcn, 1834. 4°. Jahrg. 7, p. 729-730.) f KAA Excursions in Armenia. (Eraser's mag- azine. London, 1857. 8°. v. 55, p. 602- 611.) *DA Flandin, Eugene. Souvenirs de voyage en Armenie et en Perse. L'Armenic. (Re- vue des deux mondes. Paris, 1851. 8°. nouvelle periode, v. 10, p. 651-681.) * DM LTcber Alt- und Neuarmenien. (Ausland. Stuttgart, 1851. 4°. Jahrg 24, p. 489-491, 494-495, 498-499.) f KAA Freshfield, Douglas William. Early as- cents of Ararat. (Alpine journal. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. V. 8, p. 213-221.) PSL Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan including visits to Ararat and ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 11 Description and Geography, continued. Tabreez and ascents of Kazbek and El- bruz. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1869. xiiip., 11., 509 p., 3 maps, 5 pi. 8°. PSK Friederichsen, Maximilian Hermann. Die Grenzmarken des europaischen Russlands, ihre geographische Eigenart und ihre Be- deutung fiir den Weltkrieg. Hamburg: L. Friederichsen & Co., 1915. 148 p. 8°. *QG Russisch Armenien und der Ararat. 1 pi. (Geographische Gesellschaft in Hani- burg. Mittheilungen. Hamburg, 1900. 8°. Bd. 16, p. 1-15.) KAA Gaidzakian, Ohan. Illustrated Armenia and the Armenians. Boston: B. H. Aznive, 1908. 255 p., 12 pL, 17 ports. 2. ed. 12°. BBY Gatteyrias, J. A. L'Armenie et les Ar- meniens. Paris: Leopold Cerf, 1882. 144 p. 12°. BBY Ghisleri, Arcangelo. L'Armenia e g]i Armeni. (Emporium. Roma, 1916. 4°. V. 43, p. 259-273.) MAA Gooch, George Peabody. Who are the Armenians? A survey. (Armenian her- ald. Boston, 1918. 8°. v. 1, p. 63-70.) *ONK Graves, John Temple. The Armenian nation. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. V. 4, no. 3, p. 1-2.) t*ONK Gregory, G. Marcar. See Tchobanian, Archag. Grothe, Hugo. Der russisch-tiirkische Kriegsschauplatz (Kaukasien und Arme- nien). Mit 8 Abbildungen und 4 Karten- skizzen im Text. Leipzig: Veit & Co., 1915. 45 p. 8°. (Kriegsgeographische Zeitbilder. Heft 5.) BTZE Guinness, Walter. Impressions of Ar- menia and Kurdistan. (National review. London, 1914. 8°. v. 62, p. 789-801.) * DA Hamilton, William J. Extracts from notes made on a journey in Asia Minor in 1836. 1 map. (Royal Geographical Soci- ety. Journal. London, 1837. 8°. v. 7, p. 34-61.) KAA Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia; with some account of their antiquities and geology. London: J. Mur- ray, 1842. 2v. 8°. BBR Handbook for travellers in Asia Minor, Transcaucasia. Persia, etc.. edited by... Sir C W. Wilson. London: J. Murray, 1895. xii, 88, 416 p., 10 maps. 12°. (Mur- ray's handbooks.) KCB London: J. Murray. 1905. xii, 2, 416 p., 6 maps, 2 plans. 16°. (Murray's handbooks.) KCB Heneage, Charles, translator. Sec Thiel- mann, Alax Franz Guido, Freiherr von. Hepworth, George Hughes. Through Armenia on horseback. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1898. xii, 355 p., 1 map, 24 pi., 1 port. 8°. BBY Hodgetts, Edward Arthur Brayley. Round about Armenia; the record of a journey across the Balkans, through Tur- key, the Caucasus, and Persia. London: S. Low. Marston and Co., Ltd. [1916.] xii p., 11., 296 p., Imap. 12°. BBY Hoffmeister, Eduard von. Durch Ar- menien; eine Wanderung und der Zug Xenophons bis zum schwarzen Meere; eine militar-geographische Studie. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1911. viii p., 2 1., 4-251 p., 2 maps, 5 pi. 4°. BBY Bibliography, p. vii-viii. Hommaire de Hell, Adele. Les Armeni- ennes a Constantinople. (Revue de I'Ori- ent. Paris, 1845. 8°. tome 7, p. 130-139.) *OAA Howel, Thomas. A journal of the pas- sage from India, by a route partly unfre- quented, through Armenia and Natolia, or Asia Minor. To which are added, obser- vations and instructions, for the use of those who intend to travel, either to or from India, by that route. London: the author [1789j. 2 p.l., 187 p., Imap. 8'. BBR Huebschmann, Heinricli. Die altar- menischen Ortsnamen. (Indogermanische Forschungen. Strassburg, 1904. 8°. Bd. 16, p. 197-490.) RAA Huntington, Ellsworth. Through the great canon of the Euphrates river. (Geo- graphical iournal. London, 1902. 8°. v. 20, p. 175-200.) KAA Hyvernat, Henry. Armenia, past and present. (Catholic world. New York, 1896. 8°. V.62, p. 312-326.) * DA See also Mueller-Simonis, Paul, and Henry Hyvernat. InTiirkisch-Armenien. (Globus. Braun- schweig, 1876. f°. Bd. 29, p. 340-344, 353- 358, 369-374.) t KAA Injijian, Ghougas. See Brosset, Marie Felicite, and P. A. Jaubert. Ischchanian, B. Die armenische Bevol- kerung in der Turkei. (Nord und Sud. Breslau, 1913. 4°. Bd. 146, p. 186-194.)^^ Jaubert, Pierre Amedce. Voyage en Ar- menie et en Perse, fait dans les annees 1805 et 1806... Suivi d'une notice sur le Ghilan et le Mazenderan par M. le colonel Trezel. Paris: Pelicier, 1821. 2 p.l., xn, 506 p., 1 1., 1 map in pocket, 8 pL, 2 ports. Qo BBY See also Brosset, Marie Felicite, and P. A. Jaubert. 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Description and Geography, continued. Jenkins, Hester Donaldson. Armenia and the Armenians. (National geographic magazine. Washington, 1915. 8°. v. 28, p. 329-360.) KAA Johansson, Karl Ferdinand. Om de nvaste upptackterna i Armenien. (Ymer. Stockholm, 1901. 8^ v. 20, p. 347-375.) KAA John of Crimea. Description des monas- teres armeniens d'Haghbat et de Sanahin, par I'archimandrite Jean de Crimee, avec notes et appendice par M. Brosset. 1 p.l., 94 p. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Memoires. St. Petersbourg, 1863. f°. se- rie 7, tome 6, no. 6.) * QCB Armenian and Russian texts. Kiepert, Heinrich. Uber die Lage der armenischen Hauptstadt Tigranokerta. 1 map. (Koniglich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Monatsberichte. Ber- lin, 1874. 8^ 1873, p. 164-210.) * EE Kinneir, John Alacdonald. Armenia. (In his: A geographical memoir of the Persian Empire. London: J. Murray, 1813. f°. p. 318-338.) t*ONA Journey through Asia IMinor, Ar- menia and Koordistan, in the years 1813 and 1814; with remarks on the marches of Alexander, and retreat of the ten thou- sand. London: John Murray, 1818. 1 p.l., v-xii, 603 p. 8\ BBR Klaproth, Julius Heinrich. Description de I'Armenie russe d'apres les notions pub- liees en Russie. (Nouvelles annales des voyages. Paris, 1834. 8°. tome 61, p. 286- 312.) KAA Oniicanie PoccincKofi Apjie- Hiii. (Biio.iioTeKa ;s,jih Htchih. St. Petersburg, 1834. 8°. 1834, v. 4. part 3, p. 1-20.) * QCA Description of Russian Armenia. Knapp, Grace H. See Ussher, Clarence Douglas. Kolenati, Friedrich Anton. Reiseerin- nerungen. Dresden: R. Kuntze, 1858-59. 2v. 8°. BBY Theil 1. Die Bereisung Hocharmeniens und Elisabethopols, der Schekinschen Provinz und des Kasbek im Central-Kaukasus. Theil 2. Die Bereisung Circassien's. Kotschy, Theodor. Neue Reise nach Klein-Asien. (Petermanns Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1859-60. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 342-344, 372- 375; Bd.6, p. 68-77.) KAA L., J. L'Armenie et les Armeniens. Conference de M. IMinas Tcheraz. (So- ciete de geographic de Marseille. Bulle- tin. Marseille, 1898. 8°. tome 22, p. 182- 184.) KAA Langlois, Victor. Les populations ar- meniennes independantes du mont Taurus. Le Zeithun, Hatchin et le Giawourdagh. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1854. 8°. [serie 2,^ tome 16, p. 103-110, 186-192.) * OAA Voyage dans la Cilicie et dans les montagnes du Taurus execute pendant les annees 1852-1853... Paris: B. Duprat, 1861. X, 484 p., Imap, 28 pi., 1 port. 8°. BBR Voyage a Sis, capitale de I'Armenie au moyen age. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1855. 8°. serie 5, v. 5, p. 257-300.) * OAA Lanin, E. B. Armenia and the Arme- nian people. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1890. 8°. new series, v. 48, p. 258- 273.) * DA Layard, Sir Austen Henry. Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the des- ert: being the result of a second expedi- tion undertaken for the trustees of the British IMuseum. London: J. Murray, 1853. xxiv, 686 p., 2 maps, 3 plans, 10 pi. 8°. *OCN • New York: Harper & Broth- ers, 1853. xvi, 586 p., 2 maps, 3 plans, 2 pi. 8°. *OCN New York: G. P. Putnam & Co., 1853. xxii p., 1 1., 686 p., 1 map, 3 plans, 10 pi. 8°. *OCN Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. Armenien, einst und jetzt: Reisen und Forschungen. Hrsg. mit Unterstiit- zung des Koniglich Preussischen Kultus- ministeriums, der Averhoff-Stiftung und der Biirgermeister Kellinghusen-Stiftung zu Hamburg, der Rudolf Virchow-Stiftung zu Berlin sowie befreundeter Forderer. Bd. 1. Berlin: B. Behr, 1910. 8°. BBY Bd. 1. Vom Kaukasus zum Tigris und nach Tigranokerta. Longuinoff, D. Ascension de I'Ararat. (Societe de geographic. Bulletin. Paris, 1851. 8°. serie 4, v. 1, p. 52-65.) KAA Lynch, Henry Finnis Blosse. Armenia: travels and studies, v. 1-2. London: Long- mans, Green and Co., 1901. 4°. * R-BBY Reviewed by F. F. K. Lehmann-Haupt in Peter- manns Mitteiliingen, Bd. 49, p. 231-236, KAA; also by Ira M. Price in the Dial, v. 32, p. 203-204, * DA. ToNAPETiAN, P. H. F. B. Lynch and his book. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1. no. 7, p. 12-22.) t*ONK Turkey and Armenia. (Quarterly re- view. London, 1902. 8°. v. 195, p. 590- 616.) *DA A review of Lynch's Armenia, Earl Percy's The Highlands of Asiatic Turkey and Sir Chas. Eliot's Turkey in Europe. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 13 Description and Geography, continued. Lynch, Henry Finnis Blosse. The as- cent of Mount Ararat. (Scribner's maga- zine. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 19, p. 215- 235.) * DA Reprinted in Mountain climbing, 1897, p. 159- 222, PSK. McCoan, James Carhle. Our new pro- tectorate. Turkey in Asia, its geography, races, resources, and government. Lon- don: Chapman and Hall, 1879. 2 v. 8°. BBO Macler, Frederic. Autour de la Cilicie. Zeythoun (notes d'ethnographie armeni- enne). (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1916. 8°. serie 11, v. 7, p. 139-169.) * OAA Maksimov, Sergyei V. Apai^iHCKiii Hapo^'L. (In his: Co6panie coiii- HCHiH. St. Petersburg, 1913. 8°. V. 19, p. 187-192.) * QDB The Armenian people. Markoff, Anatolius Vladimirovich. Rus- sian Armenia and the prospects for Brit- ish trade therein. (Journal of the Soci- ety of Arts. London, 1895. 8°. v. 43, p. 225-231.) VA Markoff, E. Eine Besteigung des gros- sen Ararat. (Ausland. Stuttgart, 1889. f°. Jahrg. 62, p. 244-249.) f KAA Marquart, Josef. Eransahr nach der Geographic des Ps. Moses Xorenac'i. Mit historisch-kritischem Kommentar und his- torischen und topographischen Excursen. Berlin: Weidmann, 1901. 358 p. 4°. (Ko- nigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Abhandlungen. Philolo- gisch-historische Klasse. Neue Folge, Bd. 3, Nr. 2.) * EE Martyr, bishop of Arzendjan. Relation d'un voyage fait en Europe et dans I'ocean Atlantique, a la fin du quinzieme siecle, sous le regne de Charles viii, par Martyr, eveque d'Arzendjan, dans la grande Ar- menie, ecrite par lui-meme en armenien, et traduite en frangais par M. Saint-Martin. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1826. 8°. serie 1, v. 9, p. 321-373.) *OAA Maunsell, Francis Richard. Eastern Turkey in Asia and Armenia. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. V. 12, p. 225-241.) KAA Menant, Joachim. A travers I'Armenie russe. (Nouvelle revue. Paris, 1894. 8°. V.86, p. 23-37.) *DM Mexborough (4. earl), John Charles George Savile. Notes on a journey from Erz-Rum, by Mush, Diyar-Bekr, and Bireh-jik to Aleppo, in June, 1838. (Royal Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1841. 8°. V. 10, p. 445-454.) KAA Mexborough (5. earl), John Horace Sa- vile. Half round the old world; being some account of a tour in Russia, the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey, 1865-66. London: Edward Moxon & Co., 1867. 2 p.l., 403 p., 1 map. 8°. BTYB Millingen, Frederick. Wild life among the Koords. London: Hurst and Blackett. 1870. xiii, 380p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. BBV Monteith, William. Journal of a tour through Azerdbijan and the shores of the Caspian. (Roval Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1834. 8°. v. 3, p. 1-58.) KAA Notes sur la position de plusieurs anciennes villes situees dans les plaines d'Ararat et de Nakktchevan et sur les bords de I'Araxe. (Nouvelles annales des voyages. Paris, 1852. 8°. serie 5, tome 32, p. 129-179.) KAA Morgan, Jacques Jean Marie de. Les Ar- meniens. (Revue de Paris. Paris, 1916. 8°. annee 23, tome 3, p. 118-133.) * DM Morier, James. A journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Con- stantinople, in the years 1808 and 1809; in which is included some account of the proceedings of His Majesty's mission, un- der Sir Harford Jones... to the court of Persia. . . London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1812. xvi p., 1 1., 438 p., 3 maps, 26 pi. 4°. fBCR A second journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor to Constanti- nople, between the years 1810 and 1816; with a journal of the voyage by the Brazils and Bombay to the Persian Gulf; together with an account of the proceedings of His Majesty's embassy, under Sir Gore Ouse- ley. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1818. xx, 435 p., 2 maps, 17 pi. 4°. fBCR Moses of Chorene. Sec Marquart, Jo- sef; also Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich. Mounsey, Augustus Henry. A journey through the Caucasus and the interior of Persia. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1872. xi, 336 p., 1 map. 8°. GMV Mueller-Simonis, Paul, and Henry Hy- VERNAT. Du Caucase au golfe Persique a travers I'Armenie. le Kurdistan et la Aleso- potamie par P. Aliiller-Simonis suivie de notices sur la geographic et I'histoire an- cienne de I'Armenie et les inscriptions cu- neiformes du bassin de Van par H. Hyver- nat. Washington: Universite catholique d'Amerique, 1892. viii, 628 p., 2 maps, 32 pi. 4°. (Relation des inissions scienti- fiques de H. Hyvernat et P. ^Miiller-Si- monis, 1888-1889.) f BBV Bibliographie, p. 60S-611. La Nation armenienne. son passe, son present, son avenir politique et religieux. 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Description and Geography, continued. Paris: Bureaux des oeuvres d'Orient [1899). 2p.l., 101 p. 8°. BBHp.v.3 Extr. : Revue illustree de la Terre Sainte et de rOrient chretien. Nolde, Eduard, Baron. Reise nach In- nerarabien, Kurdistan und Armenien, 1892. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1895. XV. 272 p., 1 map, 1 port. 8°. * OFW Notice de la ville d'firivan, capitale de TArmenie russe. Traduit du russe.^ (Jour- nal asiatique. Paris, 1833. 8°. serie 2, v. 12. p. 254-262.) * OAA Osman Bey, originally Frederick Millin- gen. Sec Millingen, Frederick. Palgrave, William Gifford. Eastern Christians. (In his: Essavs on eastern questions. London, 1872. 8°. p. 164-224.) GIE The Armenians, p. 182-193. Parrot, Friedrich. Journey to Ararat. Translated by W^ D. Cooley. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans [1845,. xii. 375 p., 1 map. 8°. (World sur- veyed in the nineteenth century, v. 1.) PSK New York: Harper & Bros., 1846. xi, 15-389 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 12°. BBY Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich. Ap- M^HCKaH reorpa(j[)iH vii siKa no p. x. npiinbicHBaBuiaHCK Moiiceio Xopen- cKOMy. St. Petersburg: Akademiya Nauk, 1877. xxviii, 84, 26 p. 8°. *QFP The Armenian geography of the seventh cen- tury, A. D., attributed to Moses Khorensky. Pears, Sir Edwin. Turkey and its peo- ple. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [191 l.i vip., 1 1., 409 p. 8°. *R-GIP Peterson, Wilhelm. Aus Transkaukasien und Armenien. Reisebriefe. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1885. x, 140 p. 12°. BBO Pichon, Jules. Itineraire de Djoulfa a Roudout-Kale, par I'Armenie, la Georgie, rimeretie et la Mingrelie. (Revue de rOrient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1853. 8°. [serie 2,1 tome 13, p. 109-121.) *OAA Pitton de Tournefort, Joseph. Relation d'un voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du roy. Contenant I'histoire ancienne & mo- derne de plusieurs isles de I'Archipel, de Constantinople, des cotes de la Mer Noire, de I'Armenie, de la Georgie, des fronti- eres de Perse & de I'Asie Mineure. . . En- richie de descriptions & de figures d'un grand nombre de plantes rares, de divers animaux, et de plusieurs observations tou- chant I'histoire naturelle. Paris: Imprime- rie royale, 1717. 2 v. 4°. * OPK 3 V. 8°. 3v. 8°. Lyon: Anisson et Posuel, 1717. BVX London: D. Midwinter, 1741. BVX Pollington, viscount. See Mexborough (4. earl), John Charles George Savile; and Mexborough (5. earl), John Horace Savile. Porter, Robert Ker. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia. . .dur- ing the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1821-22. 2 v. 4°. f BBV Powers, Harriet G. In Armenian vil- lages. (Chautauquan. Meadville, 1889. 8°. V. 10, p. 197-202.) *DA Price, M. Philips. A journey through Turkish Armenia and Persian Khurdistan. (jManchester Geographical Society. Jour- nal. London, 1915. 8°. v. 30, p. 45-67.) KAA Radde, Gustav. Briefe von Dr. Gustav Radde iiber seine Bereisung von Hoch- Armenien, 1871. (Petermanns Mittheilun- gen. Gotha, 1872. 4°. Bd. 18, p. 206-209.) KAA Die Ebene des Oberen Frat. (Pe- termanns Alittheilungen. Gotha, 1877. 4°. Bd. 23, p. 260-267.) KAA Karabagh. Bericht iiber die im Sommer 1890 im russischen Karabagh von Dr. Gustav Radde und Dr. Jean Valentin ausgefiihrte Reise. Gotha: J. Perthes, 1890. 1 p.l., 56 p., 1 map. 4°. (Peter- manns Alitteilungen. Ergiinzungsband 21, Nr. 100.) KAA Vier Vortrage iiber den Kaukasus gehalten im W^inter 1873/4 in den gros- seren Stadten Deutschlands. Gotha: J. Perthes, 1874. vi, 71 p., 2 maps. 4°. (Pe- termanns Alittheilungen. Erganzungs- band8, Nr. 36.) KAA Sec also Reisen im armenischen Hochland; also Reisen in Hoch-Armenien; also Vorlaeufiger Bericht. Raffi, Aram. From London to Armenia. (Ararat. London. 1913-14. 8°. v. 1, p. 180-184, 211-218, 250-258, 287-296, 328-334, 359-364, 401-408; v. 2, p. 56-60, 85-90, 115- 123, 164-172.) *ONK The land of Armenia. (Ararat. London, 1918. 8°. v. 5, p. 444-448; v. 6. p. 41-49. 99-112, 175-183.) * ONK See also Buxton, Noel, and H.^rold Buxton. Rassam, Hormuzd. Asshur and the land of Nimrod: being an account of the dis- coveries made in the ancient ruins of Nine- veh, Asshur, Sepharvaim, Calah, Babylon, Borsippa, Cuthah, and Van, including a narrative of different journeys in Meso- potamia, Assyria, Asia Minor, and Koor- ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 15 Description and Geography, continued. distan. With an introduction by Robert W. Rogers. Cincinnati: Ctirts & Jennings, 1897. xvi, 432 p., 1 map, 2 plans, 19 pL. 1 port. 8°. *OCN Reclus, filisee. Asiatic Turkey. (In his: Universal geography. London, n. d. 4°. V.9, p. 162-191.) KAN Reisen im armenischen Hochland, ausge- fiihrt im Sommer 1871 von Dr. G. Radde imd Dr. G. Sievers. (Petermanns Mit- theilungen. Gotha, 1872-73. 4°. Bd. 18, p. 367-380, 445-450; Bd. 19, p. 174-183.) KAA Reisen in Hoch-Armenien, ausgefiihrt im Sommer 1874 von Dr. G. Radde und Dr. G. Siewers. (Petermanns Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1875. 4°. Bd. 21, p. 56-64, 301-310.) KAA Ray, F. C. Les periples des cotes de Syrie et de la Petite Armenie. 1 map. (Societe de I'Orient latin. Archives de I'Orient latin. Paris, 1884. 8°. tome 2, p. 329-353.) * OBA Rikli, Martin. Natur- und Kulturbilder aus den Kaukasuslandern und Hocharme- nien von Teilnehmern der schweizerischen naturwissenschaftlichen Studienreise, Som- mer 1912. unter Leitung von M. Rikli. Zii- rich: O. Fiissli, 1914. viii, 317 p., 32 pi. 8°. GMV Riseis, G. de. Traverso I'Armenia russa. (Nuova antologia. Roma, 1903. 8°. serie 4, v. 105, p. 218-235.) NNA Ritter, Karl. Die Erdkunde im Verhalt- niss zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen, oder allgemeine, vergleichende Geographic, als sichere Grundlage des Stu- diums und Unterrichts in physikalischen und historischen Wissenschaften, von Carl Ritter. . . Zweite stark vermehrte und um- gearbeitete Ausgabe. Theil 1-19. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1822-59. 20 v. 8°. KC The latter part of Theil 9 and Theil 10 treat of Armenia. Rogers, Robert W. Sec Rassam, Hor- muzd. Rohrbach, Paul. Armenier und Kurden. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Verhandlun- gen. Berlin, 1900. 8°. Bd. 27, p. 128-133.) KAA - — — Yom Kaukasus zum Mittelmeer. Eine Hochzeits- und Studienreise durch Armenien. Mit 42 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1903. vi p., 11., 224 p., 1 pi. 8^ BBY Roussel, Therese. Souvenirs d'une Fran- gaise en Armenie. (Tour du monde. Paris, 1913. f°. nouvelle serie, tome 19, p. 529-576.) t KBA Saad, L. Zwei tiirkische Stiidtebilder aus der Gegenwart. (Petermanns Mit- teilungen. Gotha, 1896. 4°. Bd. 42, p. 282-290.) KAA Erzcruin and Trapczunt. Sachtleben, William Lewis. See Allen, Thomas Gaskell, and W. L. Sachtleben. Safrastian, A. S. Armenia: her people and history. (Ararat. London, 1914-15. 8°. v. 2, p. 218-223, 258-262, 301-305, 343- 346.) *ONK Saint-Martin, Jean Antoine. See Martyr, bishop of Arzendjan. Schaffer, Franz Xavier. Cilicia. Gotha: J. Perthes, 1903. 1 p.l., 110 p., 2 maps. 4^ (Petermanns Mitteilungen. Erganzungs- band 30, Heft 141.) KAA Schilder, Siegmund. Eine Zweiglinie der Bagdadbahn nach Siidarmenien. (Os- terreichische Monatsschrift fiir den Orient. Wien, 1913. f°. Jahrg. 39, p. 59-61.) t*OAA Schulz, fid. Memoire sur le lac de Van et ses environs. 8 facs. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1840. 8°. serie 3, v.9, p. 257-323.) *OAA Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von. Arme- nia and the Armenians. (Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa., 1896. 8°. v. 22, p. 697-703.) *DA Erzerum und Erzingdjan. (Aus- land. Stuttgart, 1878. 4°. v. 51, p. 253- 255.) fKAA Seidlitz, N. von. Pastuchows Besteigung des Alagos. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1896. i\ Bd. 70, p. 85-90.) fKAA Pastuchows Besteigung des Ara- rats. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1894. f^. Bd. 66, p. 309-315.) fKAA Sec also Selenoy, G. L., and N. vox Seidlitz. Selenoy, G. L., and N. von Seidlitz. Die Verbreitung der Armenier in der asiati- schen Tiirkei und in Transkaukasien. 1 map. (Petermanns Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1896. r. Bd. 42, p. 1-10.) KAA Seylaz, Louis. L'ascension du mont Ararat. (Tour du monde. Paris, 1911. f°. nouvelle serie, annee 17, p. 397-408.) tKBA Shiel, J. Notes on a journey from Ta- briz, through Kurdistan, via Van, Bitlis, Se'ert and Erbil, to Suleimaniyeh, in July and August. 1836. (Royal Geographical Society. Journal. London, 1838. 8°. v. 8, p. 54-101.) KAA Shoemaker, ^Michael Alyers. The heart of the Orient. Saunterings through Georgia, Armenia, Persia, Turkomania and Turkes- tan to the vale of Paradise. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. xiii, 416 p.. Imap, Ipl. 8°. BBS 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Description and Geography, continued. Sievers, G. Sec Reisen im armenischen Hochland; also Reisen in Hoch-Armenien; also Vorlaeufiger Bericht. Sievers, Wilhelm. Asien. Leipzig: Bib- liographisches Institut, 1904. xi, 712 p., 16 maps, 20 pi. 2. ed. 4°. (Allgemeine Lan- derkiinde.) KC Sijalski. Erinnerungen aus Armenien. (Ausland. Stuttgart, 1839. 4°. Jahrg. 12, p. 949-950, 955-956, 965-966, 970-971.) fKAA Slousch, Nahum. Le Caucase, rArmenie et I'Azerbeidjan d'apres les auteurs arabes, slaves et juifs. (Revue du monde musul- man. Paris, 1910. 8°. tome 10, p. 494- 508; tome 11, p. 54-65, 260-279; tome 12, p. 262-272.) * OAA Southgate, Horatio, bishop. Narrative of a tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia and Mesopotamia, with an intro- duction and occasional observations upon the condition of Mohammedanism and Christianity in those countries. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1840. 2 v. 12°. BBR Streck, Maximilian. Das Gebiet der heu- tigen Landschaften Armenien, Kurdistan und Westpersien nach den babylonisch- assyrischen Keilinschriften. (Zeitschrift fiir Assvriologie. Weimar, Berlin, 1898- 1900. 8°. Bd. 13, p. 57-110; Bd. 14, p. 103- 172; Bd. 15, p. 257-382.) * OCL Strecker, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur Geo- graphie von Hoch-Armenien. 3 maps. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1869. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 145-162, 512- 538.) KAA Notizen iiber das obere Zab-Ala- Gebiet und Routiers von Wan nach Kotur. (Petermanns Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1863. 4°. 1863, p. 257-262.) KAA Stuart, Robert. The ascent of Mount Ararat in 1856. (Royal Geographical So- ciety. Proceedings. London, 1877. 8°. V. 21, p. 77-92.) KAA Suter, Henry. Notes on a journey from Erz-Riim to Trebizond, by way of Shebb- khaneh, Kara Hisar, Sivas, Tokat and Samsun, in October, 1838. (Royal Geo- graphical Society. Journal. London. 1841. 8°. V. 10, p. 434-444.) KAA Taylor, J. G. Journal of a tour in Arme- nia, Kurdistan and LTpper Mesopotamia, with notes of researches in the Deyrsim Dagh, in 1866. (Royal Geographical So- cietv. Tournal. London, 1868. 8°. v. 38, p. 281-361.) KAA Travels in Kurdistan, with notices of the sources of the Eastern and Western Tigris, and ancient ruins in their neigh- bourhood. (Roval Geographical Societv. Journal. London, 1865. 8°. v. 35, p. 21- 58.) KAA Tchelebi, Kiatib. See Brosset, Marie Felicite, and P. A. Jaueert. Tchihatcheff, P. de. See Chikhachov, Piotr Aleksandrovich. Tchobanian, Archag. The Armenian na- tion. (New Armenia. New York, 1916. i°. v. 8, p. 244-247.) f * ONK L'Armenie, son histoire, sa littera- ture, son role en Orient. Conference faite le 9 mars 1897 a la salle de la Societe de geographie. . . Paris: Societe du Mercure de France, 1897. 90 p. 5. ed. 12°. BBX The people of Armenia; their past, their culture, their future. Translated by G. Marcar Gregory... With introduction by the Right Honourable Viscount Bryce. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1914. xi, 68 p. 16°. BBX Telfer, J. Buchan. Armenia and its people. (Tournal of the Society of Arts. London, 1891. 8°. v. 39, p. 567-584.) VA Texier, Charles Felix Marie. Descrip- tion de I'Armenie, la Perse et la Mesopo- tamie, publiee sous les auspices des mi- nistres de I'interieur et de I'instruction pu- blique. Partie 1-2. Paris: Firmin Didot freres, 1842-52. 2 v. f°. ftt * ON — — • Itineraires en Armenie, en Kurdis- tan et en Perse. (Societe de geographie. Bulletin. Paris, 1843. 8°. serie 2, v. 20, p. 229-249.) KAA Notice sur Erzeroum, fragment d'un journal de voyage, 1839-1840. (So- ciete de geographie. Bulletin. Paris, 1843. 8°. serie 2, v. 20, p. 213-228.) KAA ■ • Notice geographique sur le Kour- distan. (Societe de geographie. Bulletin. Paris, 1844. 8°. serie 3, v. 1, p. 282-314.) KAA Renseignements archeologiques et geographiques sur quelques points de I'Asie-Mineure. de I'Armenie et de la Perse. (Societe de geographie. Bulletin. Paris, 1841. 8°. serie 2, v. 15, p. 26-38.) KAA Thielmann, Max Franz Guido, Freiherr von. Le Caucase, la Perse et la Turquie d'Asie d'apres la relation de M. le baron de Thielmann par le baron Ernouf. Paris: E. Plon et Cie., 1876. 2 p.!., 368 p., 1 map, 16 pi. 12°. BBV Journey in the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey in Asia. Translated by Charles Heneage. London: John Murray, 1875. 2v. 8°. BBV Tozer, Henry Fanshawe. Turkish Ar- menia and eastern Asia Minor. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1881. xiv p., 1 1., 470 p., 1 map, 5 pi. 8°. BBV Trezel. See Jaubert, Pierre A. ARMENIA AND THE ARAIENIANS 17 Description and Geography, continued. Trowbridge, Tillman C. Armenia and the Armenians. [New Haven, 1874.i 15 p. 8°. ZNGp.v.4 Repr.: New Englander, v. 33, p. 1-15, * DA. Tschihatscheff, P. v. See Chikhachov, Piotr Aleksandrovich. Turkey — a past and a future. 2 maps. (Round table. New York, 1917. 8°. v. 7, p. 515-546.) SEA Ubicini, Jean Henri Abdolonyme. Les Armeniens. (In his: Lettres sur la Turquie. Paris: J. Dumaine, 1853-54. 12°. partie 2, p. 243-347.) GIO Ussher, Clarence Douglas. An Ameri- can physician in Turkey; a narrative of ad- ventures in peace and in war, by Clarence D. Ussher, AI.D., Grace H. Knapp, col- laborating. . . Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917. xiv p., 11., 339 p., 1 map, 16 pi. 8°. WZO Ussher, John. A journey from London to Persepolis; including wanderings in Daghestan. Georgia, Armenia, Kurdistan, Mesopotamia and Persia. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1865. 1 p.l., v-xiii p., 2 1., 3- 703 p., 18 pi. 4°. Stuart 6705 and tBCR Valentin, Jean. See Radde, Gustav. Vecchi, Felice de. Escursione lungo il teatro della guerra attuale dal Danubio alle regioni caucasee. Brano d'un viaggio neir Armenia, Persia, Arabia ed Indostan fatto negli anni 1841, 42 da F. de Vecchi e G. Osculati. descritto da F. de Vecchi. A'li- lano: C. Wilmant, 1854. 4 p.l., 12-203 p.. 5 pi. 4°. tGIO Villari, Luigi. Fire and sword in the Caucasus. London: T. F. Unwin, 1906. 347 p., 64 pi. 8°. *R-GMV The land of Ararat. (New Ar- menia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 265- 267.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Fiye and szvord in the Can- casus. A Visit to Mount Ararat. (Eraser's magazine. London, 1859. 8°. v. 60, p. 111-121.) *DA Vivien de Saint Martin, Louis. Note sur le site d'Armavir, la plus ancienne cite royale de I'Armenie. Sur le site de I'an- cienne Artaxata. (Nouvelles annales des voyages. Paris, 1852. 8°. serie 5, tome 32, p. 180^99.) KAA Vizetelly, Edward. A winter ride in Armenia. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 15, p. 135-141.) * DA Volland. Beitrage zur Ethnographic der Bewohner von Armenien und Kurdis- tan. (Archiv fiir Anthropologic. Braun- schweig, 1909. 4°. Neue Folge, Bd. 8, p. 183-196.) QOA Von Trapezunt nach Erzerum. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1875. f°. Bd.27, p. 209- 215,225-232.) f KAA Vorlaeufiger Bericht iiber die im Jahrc 1875 ausgefuhrten Reisen in Kaukasien und dem armenischen Hochlande von Dr. G. Radde und Dr. G. Sievers. (Petcrmanns Mittheilungen. Gotha, 1876. 4°. Bd. 22, p. 139-152.) KAA Wagner, M. Mittheilungen eines deutschen Reisenden aus dem russischen Armenien. (Ausland: Stuttgart, 1846. 4°. Jahrg. 19, p. 425-427, 430-431, 441-443. 446- 447, 450-452, 454-455, 458-460, 461-463.) fKAA Westarp, Eberhard Joachim, Graf von. Routcnaufnahmen in Armenien und Kur- distan. 1 map. (Petcrmanns Mitteilun- gen. Gotha. 1913. 4°. Jahrg. 59, Halb- band2, p. 297-300.) KAA Unter Halbmond und Sonne; im Sattel durch die asiatische Tijrkei und Persien. Berlin: H. Paetel Verlag [1913]. vii, 326 p., 1 map, 29 pi. 2. ed. 8°. (AUge- meiner Verein fiir deutsche Litcratur. Veroffentlichungcn. Bd. 3, Abt. 38.) BBS Who are the Armenians? (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 47-51.) t*ONK Wilbraham, Richard. Travels in the Trans-Caucasian provinces of Russia, and along the southern shore of the lakes of Van and Urumiah in the autumn and win- ter of 1837. London: John Murray, 1839. 2 p.l., vii-xviii, 477 p., 1 map. 5 pi. 8°. BBVand Stuart 6846 Wilson, Sir C. W. See Handbook for travellers in Asia Minor. Wuensch, Josef. Meine Reise in Arme- nien und Kurdistan. (Kaiserlich Konig- lich geographische Gcsellschaft. Mittheil- ungen. VVien, 1883. 8°. Bd.26, p. 487- 496, 513-520.) KAA Die Quelle des westlichen Tigris- armes und der See Golldschik. (Kaiser- lich Koniglich geographische Gcsellschaft. Alittheilungcn. Wien, 1885. 8°. Bd. 28, p. 1-21.) KAA Yorke, Vincent W. A journey in the val- ley of the upper Euphrates. (Geographi- cal journal. London, 1896. 8°. v. 8, p. 317-335, 453-474.) KAA Zimmerer, H. Armenien. (Asien. Ber- lin, 1902. f°. Jahrg. 1, p. 6-9, 27-31. 71- 74.) fBBA Zouche (14. baron), Robert Curzon. Ar- menia: a year at Erzeroom, and on the frontiers of Russia, Turkey and Persia. London: J. Murray, 1854. 1 p.l., iii-xiv, 253 p., 1 map, 5 pi. 3. ed. 8°. BBY New York: Harper & Bros., 1854. Ip.l., v-xivp., 11., 17-226 p., 1 map. 8°. BBY 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology Abich, Hermann. Sur les ruines d'Ani. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bul- letin: Classe historico-philologique. St. Petersbourg, 1845. f°. v. 2, col. 369-376.) *QCB Adadourian, Haig. The Armenian coat of arms and the truths it displays. (Ar- menian herald. Boston, 1917. 8°. v. 1, p. 8-10.) *ONK Archaeologische Bemerkungen iiber Ar- menien. (Ausland. Stuttgart, 1841. 4°. Jahrg. 14, p. 544, 547-548, 551-552, 556.) fKAA Bachmann, Walter. Kirchen und Mo- scheen in Armenien und Kurdistan. Leip- zig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1913. 2 p.l., 80 p., 1 map. 1 plan, 70 pi. f°. (Deutsche Orient- Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffent- lichungen. Heft 25.) f * OAA Beick, Waldemar. Archaologische For- schungen in Armenien. (Berliner Gesell- schaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologie und L'rgeschichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1893. 8°. Jahrg. 1893, p. 61-82.) QOA Armenien im Altertum und in der Jetztzeit. (Frankfurter Verein fiir Ge- ographie und Statistik. Tahresbericht. Frankfurt am Main, 1901. 8°. Jahrg. 64- 65, p. 127-137.) KAA Armenische Expedition. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnolo- gie und Urgeschichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1898. 4°. Jahrg. 1898, p. 414-416.) QOA Aus den Berichten fiber die arme- nische Expedition. (Zeitschrift fiir Eth- nologie. Berlin, 1899. 8°. Jahrg. 31. p. 236-275.) QOA Das Reich der Mannaer. (Berli- ner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Eth- nologie und Urgeschichte. Verhandlun- gen. Berlin, 1894. 8°. Tahrg. 1894, p. 479-487.) " QOA Die Rusas-Stele von Topsana (Sidi- kan). Briefliche Alittheilungen des Hrn. Dr. W. Belck an Hrn. Rud. Virchow. (Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologie. Berlin, 1899. 8°. Jahrg. 31, p. 99-132.) QOA Untersuchungen und Reisen in Transkaukasien, Hoch-Armenien und Kur- distan. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1893. f°. Bd. 63, p. 349-352, 369-374; Bd. 64, p. 153- 158, 196-202.) fKAA See also Roesler, Emil, and Wal- demar Belck. Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. K. Leh- maxx-Haupt. Bericht iiber die armenische Forschungsreise der W. Belck und C. F. Lehmann. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir An- thropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1900. 4°. Jahrg. 1900, p. 29-66.) QOA Bericht iiber eine Forschungsreise durch Armenien. (Koniglich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungs- berichte. Berlin, 1899. 4°. 1899, p. 116- 120.) * EE Reisebriefe von der armenischen Expedition. (Geographische Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Mittheilungen. Hamburg, 1899-1900. 8°. Bd. 15, p. 1-23, 189-221; Bd. 16, p. 16-70.) KAA Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1898 erzielten Ergebnisse einer For- schungsreise durch Armenien. (Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Got- tingen. Nachrichten: Philol.-hist. Klasse. Gottingen, 1899. 8°. 1899, p. 80-86.) *EE Weiterer Bericht iiber die arme- nische Expedition. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urge- schichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1898. 4°. Jahrg. 1898, p. 522-527.) QOA Zweiter Vorbericht iiber eine For- schungsreise in Armenien. (Koniglich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Berlin, 1899. 4°. 1899, p. 745-749.) * EE Cumont, Eugene. See Cumont, Franz, and Eugene Cumoxt. Cumont, Franz, and Eugene Cumont. Voyage d'exploration archeologique dans le Pont et la Petite Armenie. [Bruxelles: H. Lamertin, 1906.) 105-375 p., 19 maps, sq. 8°. (Studia Pontica. [V.2.]) * ONM Dwight, Harrison Gray Otis. Armenian traditions about Mt. Ararat. (American Oriental Society. Journal. New York, 1856. 8°. V. 5, p. 189-191.) * OAA Dzotsikian, S. ]M. Aus ma Ani Kagha- kin. [An account of the citv of Ani.i New York, 1914. 40 p. 8°. * ONK Hin havadk gam hetanosagan gronk Hahots. [Ancient belief or the pagan re- ligion of Armenia.] \'enice, 1910. 4 p.l.. 557 p., 11. 12°. *ONP Hittite — Armenian? A theory. (Ara- rat. London, 1914. 8°. v.2, d. 34-39.) *ONK Huntington, Ellsworth. Alittheilungen aus englischen Briefen des Hrn. Ellsworth Huntington iiber armenische Alterthiimer. [Ubersetzt von C. F. Lehmann.] (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnolo- gie und LIrgeschichte. \'erhandlungen. Berlin, 1900. 4°. Tahrg. 1900, p. 140-152.) QOA ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 19 Archaeology, continued. Weitere Berichte iiber Forschun- gen in Armenien und Commagene. [Ue- bersetzt von C. F. Lehmann.i (Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic. Berlin, 1901. 4°. Jahrg. 33, p. 173-209.) QOA Injijian, Ghougas. Hnakhosoutiun. [Ar- menian antiquities.] Venice, 1835. 3 v. 4°. *ONM Kachguni, Manouel. Hnakhosoutiun Hahasdani. [An abridgement for schools of Ghougas Injijian's Hnakhosoutiun.] Venice, 1855. 3 p.l., 303 p. 16°. * ONM Jensen, Peter. Hittiter und Armenier. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1898. xxvi, 256 p., 1 map, 10 tables. 8°. * OCZE Khanikof, N. Voyage a Ani, capitale de I'Armenie, sous les Bagratides. (Revue archeologique. Paris, 1858. 8°. v. 15, p. 401-420.) MTA Krahmer, D. Die altarmenische Haupt- stadt Ani. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1895. f °. V. 68, p. 263-267.) t KAA Langlois, Victor. Fragment d'un voy- age en Cilicie. (Revue de I'Orient. de I'Al- gerie et des colonies. Paris, 1857. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 5, p. 1-9.) * OAA Les monuments de la Cilicie aux differentes epoques. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1861. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 13, p. 102-113.) *OAA Rapport sur I'exploration archeo- logique de la Cilicie et de la Petite-Ar- menie... Paris: Imprimerie imperiale, 1854. 55 p., Ipl. 8°. *Cp.v.l356 Les mines de Lampron en Cilicie. (Revue de I'Orient. de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1860. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 12, p. 119-122.) * OAA Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. Bericht iiber den von ihm erledig- ten Abschnitt der armenischen Expedi- tion: Reise von Rowanduz bis Alaschgert. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urgeschichtc. Verhand- lungen. Berlin, 1899. 4°. Jahrg. 1899, p. 586-614.) QOA Von der deutschen armenischen Expedition. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1900. 8°. Bd. 14, p. 1-45.) * OAA Weiterer Bericht iiber den Fort- gang der armenischen Expedition. (Zeit- schrift fiir Ethnologic. Berlin, 1899. S°. Jahrg. 31, p. 281-290.) QOA See also Belck, Waldcmar, and F. F. K. Lehmann-Haupt; also Huntington, Ellsworth. Morgan, Jacciucs Jean ^Marie de. Mis- sion scientifique au Caucase, etudes arche- ologiqucs & historiques. Paris: E. Leroux. 1889. 2v.ini. 4°. QPX Tome 1. Les premiers ages des metaux dans I'Armenie russe. Tome 2. Recherches sur les origines des peuples du Caucase. Note sur les necropoles prehis- toriques de I'Armenie russe. (Revue ar- cheologique. Paris, 1890. 8°. serie 3, v. 16, p. 176-202.) MTA Note sur I'usage du systeme pon- deral assyrien dans I'Armenie russe, a I'epoque prehistorique. (Revue archeolo- gique. Paris, 1889. 8°. serie 3, v. 14. p. 177-187.) MTA Les stations prehistoriques de I'Alaghcuz (Armenie russe). (Revue de I'ficole d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris, 1909. 8°. annec 19, p. 189-203.) QOA Murad, Friedrich. Ararat und Masis. Studien zur armenischen .\ltertumskunde und Litteratur. Heidelberg: C. \\'inter, 1901. 2 p.l., 104 p. 8°. *ONM Roesler, Emil, and Waldemar Belck. Archaologische Thatigkeit im Jahre 1893 in Transkaukasien. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urge- schichtc. Verhandlungcn. Berlin, 1894. 8°. Jahrg. 1894, p. 213-241.) QOA Saint-Martin, Jean Antoinc. Notice sur le voyage litteraire de M. Schulz en Orient, et sur les decouvcrtes qu'il a faites recem- ment dans les mines de la ville de Se- miramis en Armenie. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1828. 8°. serie 2, v. 2, p. 161-188.) *OAA Schulz, fid. See Saint-Martin, Jean An- toinc. Spiegel, Friedrich. Eranische Altcr- thumskunde. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1871-78. 3v. 8°. *OM Tcheraz, Alinas. Homere et les Arme- nicns. (Melanges Charles de Harlcz. Leyde, 1896. 4^ p. 303-306.) * OAC The Temple of Muzazir in Armenia. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London. 1905. 8°. 1905, p. 362-363.) * OAA Virchow, Rudolf. Entdeckungcn in Ar- menien. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir_ An- thropologic, Ethnologic und Urgeschichtc. Verhandlungcn. Berlin, 1898. 4°. Jahrg. 1898, p. 568-592.) QOA Forschungsreise unserer armeni- schen Expedition Bclck-Lchmann. (Ber- liner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Eth- nologic und Urgeschichtc. Verhandlun- gcn. Berlin, 1899. 4°. Jahrg. 1899, p. 411- 420.) QOA 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Archaeology, continued. liber die armenische Expedition Belck-Lehmann. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologie und Urge- schichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1899. 4°. Jahrg. 1899, p. 487-489, 579-586.) QOA Ueber den Ursprung der Bronze- cultur und iiber die armenische Expedition. (Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. Correspon- denz-Blatt. Miinchen, 1899. 4°. Bd. 30, p. 146-150.) QOA • ■ (Anthropologische Gesell- schaft in Wien. Mittheilungen. Sitzungs- berichte. Wien, 1900. 4°. Bd. 30, p. 80- 84.) QOA Sec also Belck, Waldemar. Numismatics Brosset, Marie Felicite. Monographic des monnaies armenienncs. 2 pi. (Im- peratorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin scientifique. St. Petersbourg, 1840. f°. tome 6, col. 33-64.) * QCB Langlois, Victor. Lettre a AI. Ch. Le- normant. . .sur les monnaies des rois arme- niens de la dynastie de Roupene. (Revue archeologique. Paris, 1850. 8°. annee 7, p. 262-275, 357-368, 416-426.) MTA Numismatique de TArmenic (dans TantiquitC]. 6 p.l., xx, 87 p.. 6 pi. (In:Bibli- otheque historique armenicnne; ou, Choix des principaux historiens armeniens tra- duits en frangais par tdouard Dulaurier. Paris: C. Rollin, 1859. 4°.) f MHM Numismatique de I'Armenic au moyen age. Paris: C. Rollin, 1855. xii, 110 p., 7 pi. 4°. MIL SoRET, Frederic. Numismatique de I'Ar- m^nie au moyen-age. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1855. 8°. nouvellc serie, tome 2, p. 66-74.) *OAA Marcar, Samuel. Description of a cop- per coin of Leo, king of Armenia. (Ma- dras journal of literature and science. Ma- dras. 1853. 8°. V. 17, p. 151-155.) *OHA Mohammed-bey. Lettre a M. Victor Langlois sur la legende arabe d'une mon- naie bilinguc d'Hethum, roi chretien d'Ar- menie. (Revue archeologique. Paris, 1850. 8°. annee 7, p. 220-223.) MTA Sibilian, Clement. Numismatique ar- menicnne. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Al- gerie et des colonies. Paris, 1860. 8°. nouvellc serie, tome 12, p. 193-205.) *OAA Ueber 17 unedirte Miinzen der ar- menisch-rubenischen Dynastic in Kilikien. 3 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaftcn. Sitzungsberichte: Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1852. 8°. Bd.8, p. 275- 300.) * EF Art Abdullah, Seraphin, and Frederic Mac- LER. Etudes sur le miniature armenienne. 3 facs., 2 pi. (Revue des etudes ethno- graphiques et sociologiques. Paris, 1909. 4°. 1909, p. 280-302, 345-366.) QOA Alishanian, Gheuont. Zartangark ave- darani mike Takouhuoh. [On the decora- tions of the manuscript of the Gospels called mike Takouhuoh.] Venice, 1902. 12 p., 6 facs., 10 pi. f°. tt*ONN Ayvazian Hovhannes, dzovangarich hishadagau hisnamiah kordzouneoutian. [Hovhannes Ayvazian, inarine painter. Souvenir of his fifty years activity.] Ven- ice, 1898. 7 p. 4°. t*ONP Basmadjian, K. J. Armenia, the home of Grecian architecture. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 9, p. 21-22.) f * ONK Boyajian, Zabellc C, compiler. Arme- nian legends and poems, illustrated & com- piled by Zabellc C. Boyajian. . .with an in- troduction by the Right Hon. Viscount Bryce...and a contribution on "Armenia: its epics, folksongs and mediaeval poetry," by Aram Raffi. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. [1916.] xvi, 195 p., 12 col'd pi. f°. t*ONP Bryce (1. viscount), James Bryce. See Boyajian, Zabellc C, compiler. Coulon, Henri. L'art et I'Armenic. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. an- nee 1, p. 410-413.) *ONK Gegharvest (L'art). Revue litteraire et artistique armenicnne. Dircctcur-redac- teur: G. Levonian. 1913, no. 5. Tiflis, 1913. f°. t*ONK Levonian, G. Sec Gegharvest. ARAIENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 21 Art, continued. Macler, Frederic. Miniatures armeni- ennes. Vies du Christ, peintures ornemen- tales (x" au xvii'' siecle). Paris: P. Geuth- ner, 1913. 2 p.l., 44 p., 68 pi. P. f * ISM Sec also Abdullah, Seraphin, and Frederic Macler. Marshall, Annie C. Armenian embroid- eries. (Armenia. Boston, 1906. 4°. v. 3, no. 1, p. 8-12.) t*ONK Mauclair, Camille. Vartan Mahokian, the Armenian marine painter. (From the French of Camille Mauclair.) (New Ar- menia. New York, 1918, 4^ v. 10, p. 165- 168.) t*ONK Raffi, Aram. See Boyajian, Zabelle C, compiler. Stuart-Browne, D. IVI. Armenian ex- hibits in the Victoria and Albert Museum. (Ararat. London, 1918. 8°. v. 5, p. 317- 320, 350-355.) * ONK Wartabet, Zaven. Tebi kegharvesti hai- reniku. [A visit to the fatherland of art. A treatise on the art and architecture of Constantinople and parts of Asia Minor.] Baku, 1910. 149 p., 11. 8°. * ONP History General Works See also Massacres Abaza, V. A. TIcxopiH ApMeniii. St. Petersburg: I. Skorokhodov, 1888. ix, 128 p. 8°. * QB History of Armenia. Abbruzzese, Antonio. Le relazioni fra ITmpero Romano e I'Armenia, a tempo di Augusto, 30 a. C. — 14 d. C. (Rivista di storia antica. Padova, 1903-04. 8°. nuova serie, anno 7, p. 505-521, 722-734; anno 8, p. 32-61.) BAA Le relazioni fra I'lmpero Romano e I'Armenia a tempo di Tiberio e di Cali- gola. (Bessarione. Roma, 1907. 8°. serie 3, V. 2, p. 63-106.) * OAA Le relazioni politiche fra I'lmpero Romano e I'Armenia da Claudio a Traiano ... (Bessarione. Roma, 1911. 8°. serie 3, V. 8, p. 389-434.) * OAA Abdullah, Seraphin. Verification d'une date de I'ere armenienne [894 ere chreti- ennc]. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1914. 8°. serie 11, v. 3, p. 645-651.) * OAA Achguerd, K. S. See Nerses, patriarch of Constantinople. Adontz, N. ApMeniK bt. anoxy lOcTiiHiana. IIojiiiTiiHecKoe coctoh- nie Ha ocHOBi HaxapapcKaro cxpoH. St. Petersburg: Tip. Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk, 1908. xiv, 526 p. 4° *QG Armenia in the age of Justinian. Agathangelos. Agathange. Histoire du regne de Tiridate et de la predication de Saint Gregoire I'illuminateur, traduite pour la premiere fois en frangais sur le texte ar- menien accompagne de la version grecque, par Victor Langlois. (In: Victor Lang- lois. Collection des historiens anciens et modernes de I'Armenie. Paris, 1867. 4". V. 1, p. 97-194.) t*ONQ Agathangelus neu hrsg. von Paul de Lagarde. (Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Abhand- lungen. Gottingen, 1889. 4°. Bd. 35, p. 3- 88.) * EE Badmoutiun. [A history of Arme- nia; together with sermons by Gregory the Illuminator.] Venice, 1862. 678 p. 24°. *ONQ Lagarde, Paul Anton de. Eriauterungen zu Agathangelus und den Akten Gregors von Armenien. (Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Ab- handlungen. Gottingen, 1889. 4°. Bd. 35. p. 121-163.) *EE Meillet, Antoine. Remarques sur le texte de I'historien armenien Agathange, (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1910. 8°. serie 10, V. 16, p. 457-481.) * OAA Sarkisian, H. Parsek. Akatankeghos ev ur Pazmatarian kaghdnikn. [A critique of Agathangelos and his Pazmatarian kaghd- nikn.] Venice, 1890. 14, 416 p. 8°. *ONQ Akulian, Aram. Einverleibung arme- nischer Territorien durch Byzanz im xi. Jahrhundert; ein Beitrag zur A-orseld- schukischen Periode der armenischen Ge- schichte. Griiningen: J. Wirz, 1912. 94 p. 8°. *ONKp.v.2. 'All ibn Abi Talib, caliph. See Avtali- antz, John, baron. Allen, E. See Stuermer, Harry. Amfiteatrov, Aleksandr A^'alentino- vich. ApMeriia ii Piim-l. Petrograd : "Prosvyeshcheniye" [1896]. 3 p.l.. 361 p. 12°. *QG Armenia and Rome. 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — General Works, continued. Apcar, Diana. The Turkish constitu- tion and Armenia. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. V. 4, no. 1, p. 6-7.) f * ONK Arakel of Tabriz. See Brosset, Marie Felicite. Arakelian, H. Les rapports des Ar- meniens avec I'Occident au moyen age et apres. (Verhandlungen des xiii. interna- tionalen Orientalisten-Kongresses. Lei- den: E. J. Brill, 1904. 8°. p. 369-371.) *OAA Arisdagues de Lasdiverd. Histoire d'Ar- menie par le vartabed Arisdagues de Las- diverd traduite pour la premiere fois sur I'edition des. . .Mekhitharistes de Saint- Lazare et accompagnee de notes par M. fivariste Prud'homme. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1863- 64. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 15, p. 343-370; tome 16, p. 41-59, 159-184, 268-286, 289-318; tome 17, p. 5-33.) * OAA Armenian Hiintchakist Party. — Central Committee. A memorial to the powers. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 8, p. 3-5.) t*ONK The Armenian people and the Otto- man government. From the English Blue Book. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. r. V. 9, p. 157-159.) t*ONK The Armenians. (Armenia. Boston, 1904-05. 4°. V. 1, no. 2, p. 12-18; no. 3. p. 17-27; no. 4, p. 29-40.) t*ONK Die Armenischen Unruhen und die Plane auf Einfiihrung von Reformen in der Tiir- kei. (Das Staatsarchiv. Sammlung der officiellen Actenstiicke zur Geschichte der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1897. 8°. Bd. 59, p. 168-308.) XBA L'Armeno-Veneto. Compendio storico e documenti delle relazioni degli Armeni coi Veneziani. Primo periodo, secoli xiii- XIV. Parte 1-2. Venezia: Stab. tip. ar- meno, S. Lazzaro, 1893. 8°. BEX Parte 1. Compendio storico. Parte 2. Documenti. Arzanov, D. SaMinaHiH o6i> Ap- Menin 11 ApMiiHaxT.. (BicxHiiKt EsponH. Moscow, 1824. 8°. 1824. no. 5-6, p. 241-247.) * QCA Notes about Armenia and the Armenians. IIcTopii^ecKiH B3rjiH;i;i, na ApMeniio ii Feopriio. (BicTHiiKt EBponbi. Moscow, 1825. 8°. 1825, no. 7-8, p. 15-33.) * QCA Historical sketch of Armenia and Georgia. Asian, Kevork. fitudes historiques sur le peuple armenien. Paris: G. Dujarric, 1909. 2 p.l., viii-xxv p., 1 1., 28-339 p. 8°. BEX Aucher, John Baptist. See Eusebius Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea. Aukerian, Megerdich. See Eusebius Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea. Avdall, Johannes. See Avtaliantz, John. Avtaliantz, John, baron. A covenant of Ali, fourth caliph of Baghdad, granting certain immunities and privileges to the Armenian nation. (Asiatic Societv of Ben- gal. Journal. Calcutta, 1870. 8°. v. 39, part 1, p. 60-64.) * OHA Memoir of a Hindu colony in ancient Armenia. By Johannes Avdall. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Cal- cutta, 1836. 8°. V. 5, p. 331-339.) * OHA Note on the origin of the Armenian era, and the reformation of the Haican kalendar. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1836. 8°. v. 5, p. 384- 387.) * OHA Singular narrative of the Armenian king Arsaces and his contemporary Sapor, king of Persia; extracted from the Arme- nian chronicles. (Asiatic Society of Ben- gal. Journal. Calcutta, 1837. 8°. v. 6, p. 81-87.) *OHA See also Chamchian, Michael; also Moses of Chorene. Easmadjian, K. J. Histoire moderne des Armeniens, depuis la chute du royaume jusqu'a nos jours (1375-1916); les guerres russo-turques, les guerres russo-persanes, les guerres perso-turques, les soulevements des Armeniens, la question d'Orient et principalement la question armenienne . . . Preface par J. de Morgan. Paris: J. Cam- ber, 1917. viii, 174 p., 11., 1 map. 12°. *ONQ Les Lusignans de Poitou au trone de la Petite Armenie. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1906. 8°. serie 10, v. 7, p. 520-524.) *OAA A survey of ancient Armenian his- tory. (New Armenia. New York, 1918. f°. V. 10, p. 38-39.) t * ONK Baynes, Norman H. Rome and Armenia in the fourth century. (English historical review. London, 1910. 8°. v. 25, p. 625- 643.) BAA Bedrosian, Sahag. See Vahram of Edessa. Berberov, R. Die Armenier. (In: Rus- sen iiber Russland. Frankfurt a. M., 1906. 8°. p. 640-655.) GLY ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 23 History — General Works, continued. Berchem, Max van. See Lehmann- Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. Bicknell, Ernest Percy. Red Cross and Red Crescent. (Survey. New York, 1916. 4°. V.37, p. 118-121.) SHA Blackwell, Alice Stone. The battle of Avarair. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 4, p. 18-23.) t*ONK Bogdanov, Artemy. Memoirs of the life of Artemi, of Wagarschapat, near Mount Ararat in Armenia: from the orig- inal Armenian jor rather Russian] written by himself. London: Treuttel & Wiirtz, 1822. X, 374 p., Ipl. 8°. BBX Brosset, Alarie Felicite. Des historiens armeniens des xvii" et xviii'' siecles. Arakel de Tauriz, registre chronologique, annote par M. Brosset. 1 p.l., 60 p. (Imperator- skaya Akademiva Nauk. Memoires. St. Petersbourg, 1873. f°. tome 19, no. 5.) *QCB fitudes sur I'historien armenien Mkhithar d'A'irivank, xiii'^s.; i'"" et n*" parties, de la creation du monde au com- mencement de I'ere chretienne; in" partie, jusqu'en 1289 de J.-C. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Peters- bourg, 1865. f°. tome 8, col. 391-416.) *QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1868. tome 5, p. 315-350, * OAA. fitudes sur I'historien armenien Oukhtanes, x^'s. (Imperatorskaya Akade- miya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1869. f°. tome 13, col. 401-454.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1873. tome 6, p. 13-89, * OAA. Examen d'un passage de I'historien armenien Oukhtanes, relatif a la pretendue conquete "de I'lberie" par Nabuchodono- sor. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1869. f°. tome 13, col. 248-260.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1868. tome 5, p. 742-760, * OAA. Listes chronologiques des princes et metropolites de la Siounie, jusqu'a la fin du xiii" siecle. (Imperatorskaya Akademi- ya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1862. f°. tome 4, col. 497-562.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 501-592, * OAA. Notice sur I'historien armenien Petersbourg, 1863. f°. tome 5, col. 538- 554; tome 6, col. 69-102.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 686-709, 716-763, * OAA. Notice des manuscrits armeniens appartenant a la bibliotheque de I'lnstitut asiatique etabli pres le Alinistere des .\i- faires fitrangeres. (Imperatorskaya Aka- demiya Nauk. Bulletin scientifique. St. Petersbourg, 1838. i°. tome 3, col. 21-26, 36-41.) * QCB Projet d'une collection d'historiens armeniens inedits. (Imperatorskaya Aka- demiya Nauk. Bulletin scientifique. St. Petersbourg, 1841-42. i\ v. 8, col. 177- 189; V. 9, col. 253-268.) * QCB Revue de la litterature historique de I'Armenie. (Imperatorskaya Akademi- ya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1877. f°. tome 22, col. 303-312.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1881. tome 8, p. 21-34, * OAA. — — Sur I'histoire ancienne de r.\r- menie, d'apres les textes hieroglyphiques et cuneiformes. (Imperatorskaya Aka- demiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg. 1871. i°. tome 16, col. 332-340.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1873. tome 6, p. 389-400, * OAA. Sur I'histoire composee en arincni- Thoma Ardzrouni, x" siecle. (Imperator- skaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. en par Thoma Ardzrouni, x^s. (Impera- torskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1870. f°. tome 14, col. 428- 432.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya .-Xkademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1873. tome 6, p. 226-232, * OAA. Browne, J. Gordon. Tartars and Ar- menians. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1906. 8°. V. 89, p. 72-85.) * DA Brunhes, Jean. Le role ancien de I'Ar- menie. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 593-599.) * ONK Bryce (1. viscount), James Bryce. See Buxton, Noel, and Harold Buxton; also Hacobian, Avetoon Pesak. Budushcheye ustroistvo Armenii By;];yii];ee ycTpoficxBO ApMeniii no o(|)(|)iii;ia.ibHT>nn. ;i;niT.iOMaTii- 'lecKiiM'ij ;i,oKyMeiiTaM'i, OpainKeoou Kiiiini, xpaKTyioxiieft pe(|)opiiBi bt. ApMeiiiii. Petrograd : "Osvobozh- deniye," 1915. 94 p. 8°. (^^imao- MaxiFiecKiii ApxiiBt. tomi^ 8.) *QGp.v.57 The future of Armenia, according to diplomatic documents. 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — General Works, continued. Burchardi, Gustav. Der Zweifel und das Bose. Eine Botschaft der Sasaniden an die Armenier. (Geist des Ostens. Miinchen, 1914. 8°. Jahrg.l, p. 428-438.) * OAA Buxton, Harold. See Buxton, Noel, and Harold Buxton. Buxton, Noel, and Harold Buxton. Trav- el and politics in Armenia, with an intro- duction by Viscount Bryce and a contribu- tion on Armenian history and culture by Aram Raffi. New York: Macmillan Co., 1914. XX, 274 p., 1 map, 16 pi. 12°. BBY Cappelletti, Giuseppe. L'Armenia. Fi- renze: Stamperia e fonderia Fabris, 1841. 3v.ini. 8°. BBY Sec also Elisha, vartabed. Carlier, fimilie. En Armenie. Journal de la femnie d'un consul de France. (Re- vue des deux mondes. Paris, 1903. 8°. periode S, v. 13, p. 406-433.) * DM Chahan de Cirbied, Jacques. Details sur la situation actuelle du royaume de Perse. Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1816. 12 1. 4°. *OMZ Armenian, French and Persian texts. Memoire sur le gouvernement et sur la religion des anciens Armeniens, par M. Cirbied. (Societe royale des antiquaires de France. Memoires. Paris, 1820. 8°. tome 2, p. 262-311.) DA Chahnazarian, Garabed V. See Ghevont, vartabed. Chakijian, Ephrem. Badmoutiun hahots. [A history of Armenia.] Vienna, 1851. 5 p.l., 18, 484 p. 12°. *ONQ Chakmakjian, H. H. Armenia's place in the family of nations. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918. 8°. v. 1, p. 306-309.) *ONK Badmoutiun hahots. [The political history of the Armenian people from ancient times down to 1914, together with a short account of Armenian literature.] Boston, 1917. 4 p.l., 692 p., 1 map. 8°. *ONQ Chalathianz, Gregor. See Khalathianz, Grigori Abramovich. Chalatiantz, B. See Khalathianz, Bagrat. Chamchian, Michael. Badmoutiun ha- hots. [A history of Armenia from the creation to the end of the eighteenth cen- tury.] Venice, 1784-86. 3 v. 4°. * ONQ ■ History of Armenia by Father Michael Chamich; from B. C. 2247 to the year of Christ 1780, or 1229 of the Armeni- an era, translated from the original Ar- menian by Johannes Avdall. To which is appended a continuation of the history by the translator from the year 1780 to the present date. Calcutta: H. Townsend, 1827. 2 v. 8°. *ONQ Chantre, Ernest. Les Armeniens, es- quisse historique et ethnographique. (So- ciete d'anthropologie de Lyon. Bulletin. Lyon, 1897. 8°. v. 15, p. 49-101.) QOA Chesney, Francis Rawdon. The Russo- Turkish campaigns of 1828 and 1829 with a view of the present state of affairs in the East. With an appendix containing the diplomatic correspondence between the four powers, and the secret correspon- dence between the Russian and English governments. New York: Redfield, 1854. Ip.l., xiii-xxiv, 25-360 p., 2 maps. 12°. GLK Chesney, G. M. A winter campaign in Armenia. (Fortnightly review. London, 1916. 8°. new series, v. 99, p. 99-111.) *DA Clark, William. Armenian history. (New Englander. New Haven, 1863. 8°. v. 22, p. 507-529, 672-691.) * DA Constitution nationale des Armeniens traduite de I'armenien sur le document original par M. E. Prud'homme. (Revue de rOrient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1861-62. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 14, p. 1-18, 89-107.) * OAA Coumryantz, A. Sec Vogel, Charles, and A. Coumryantz. The Cradle of history. (Eclectic maga- zine. New York, 1859. 8°. 1859, p. 248- 259.) * DA Daghbaschean, H. Griindung des Ba- gratidenreiches durch Aschot Bagratuni. Berlin: Mayer & Muller, 1893. xi p., 11.. 106 p. 8°. BBX Des Coursons, R. de, vicomte. - La re- bellion armenienne; son origine, son but. Paris: Librairie du Service central de la presse, 1895. 102 p. 8°. BBH p.v.2 Desimoni, Cornelio. Actes passes en 1271, 1274 et 1279 a I'Aias (Petite Armenie) et a Beyrouth par devant des notaires ge- nois. (Societe de I'Orient latin. Archives de I'Orient latin. Paris, 1881. 8°. tome 1, p. 434-534.) * OBA Dolens, Noel, and A. Khatch. Histoire des anciens Armeniens. Public par I'Union des etudiants armeniens de I'Europe. Ge- neve, 1907. 226 p. 8°. BBX Dulaurier, fidouard. Considerations sur les plus anciennes origines de I'histoire ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 25 History — General Works, continued. armenienne. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Al- gerie et des colonies. Paris, 1860. 8^. nouvelle serie, tome 11, p. 93-109.) * OAA Litterature armenienne. Biblio- theque historique armenienne; ou, Choix et extraits des historiens armeniens. (Revue de rOrient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1856. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 3, p. 95-106.) * OAA Recherches sur la chronologie ar- menienne technique et historique; ouvrage formant les prolegomenes de la collection intitulee Bibliotheque historique armeni- enne. Tome 1. Paris: Imprimerie imperi- ale, 1859. 4°. t*ONQ Tome 1. Chronologie technique. See also Matthew of Edessa; also Michael I., patriarch of the Jacobites. Egli, Emil. Feldziige in Armenien, von 41-63 n. Chr. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik des Tacitus. (In: I\Iax Biidinger, Untersuch- ungen zur romischen Kaisergeschichte. Leipzig, 1868. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 265-363.) BWH Eliot, Sir Charles Norton Edgecumbe. Turkey in Europe. London: E. Arnold, 1908. vii, 459 p., 2 folded maps, new ed. 8°. *OPQ Elisha, vartabed. Yeghishei Vartabedi vasn Vartanah yev Hahots baderazmin. [Elisha on Vartan and the battle of the Armenians.] Venice, 1852. 394 p., 1 pi. 32°. *ONQ Venice, 1864. 394 p., 1 pi. 24°. *ONQ The history of Vartan, and of the battle of the Armenians: containing an ac- count of the religious wars between the Persians and Armenians; by Elisseus, bish- op of the Arnadunians. Translated from the Armenian by C. F. Neumann. Lon- don: Oriental Translation Fund, 1830. 1 p.l., xxiv, 111 p. 4°. t*OAG Histoire de Vartan et de la guerre des Armeniens. Traduction nouvelle ac- compagnee de notes historiques et cri- tiques par Victor Langlois. (In: Victor Langlois, Collection des historiens anciens et modernes de I'Armenie. Paris, 1869. 4°. tome 2, p. 177-251.) t*ONQ Eliseo, storico armeno del quinto secolo, versione del prete Giuseppe Cap- pelletti. Venezia: Tipografia di Alvisopoli, 1840. 240 p. 8°. BBX Soulevement national de I'Armenie Prince Vartan le ^klamigonien. Ouvrage ecrit par Elisee Vartabed, contemporain . . . traduit en frangais par . . . Gregoire Kaba- ragy Garabed. Paris: [P. Renouard,) 1844. 2 p.l., xix, 358 p., 1 1., 1 map. 8°. ZNV £min, Jean Baptiste. Recherches sur le paganisme armenien. [Traduction du russe, par M. A. de Stadler.] (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1864. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 18, p. 193-244.) * OAA See also Faustus of Byzant. Engelhardt, fidouard. La Turquie et le Tanzimat; ou, Histoire des reformes dans I'empire ottoman depuis 1826 jusqu'a nos jours. Paris: A. Cotillon et Cie., 1882-84. 2v. 8°. GIB Eschavannes, E. d'. Les families d'Ori- ent. Histoire de la famille de Lusignan. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colo- nies. Paris, 1852. 8°. [Serie 2,] tome 11, p. 136-149, 363-376; tome 12, p. 46-60, 182- 191.) *OAA Les rois d'Armenie au xiv" siecle. chretienne au v" siecle, contre la loi de Zoroastre, sous le commandement du (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1852. 8°. [Serie 2,i tome 12, p. 315-320.) *OAA Eusebius Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea. Eusebii Pamphili Caesariensis episcopi Chronicon bipartitum nunc primum ex Ar- meniaco textu in Latinum conversum ad- notationibus auctum Graecis fragmentis exornatum opera P. Jo. Baptistae Aucher Pars 1-2. Venetiis: Typis Coenobii PP. Armenorum in Insula S. Lazari, 1818. 2v. 4°. ttBA Faustus of Byzant. Faustus de Byzance. Bibliotheque historique en quatre livres, traduite pour la premiere fois de I'armenien en frangais, par Jean-Baptiste Emine. (In: Victor Langlois, Collection des historiens anciens et modernes de I'Armenie. Paris, 1867. 4°. v.l, p. 201-310.) t*ONQ AIenevischean, p. G. Faustus von By- zanz und Dr Lauer's deutsche Ueberset- zung. (Vienna Oriental journal. Vienna, 1889. 8°. V. 3, p. 51-68.) * OAA Filler, Ernst. Quaestiones de Leontii Armenii historia. Lipsiae: B. G. Teubner. 1903. 2 p.l., 4-37 p. 8°. BBH p.v.2 Fonton, Felix. La Russie dans I'Asie- Mineure; ou, Campagnes du Marechal Pas- kevitch en 1828 et 1829; et tableau du Cau- case, envisage sous le point de vue geo- graphique, historique et politique. Paris: Leneveu, 1840. 2 v. 8° and f°. BBPandfBBP France. — Ministere des Affaires fitran- geres. Documents diplomatiques. 1897. 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — General Works, continued. Affaires armeniennes; projets de reformes dans I'empire Ottoman, 1893-97 Pans: Imprimerie nationale, 1897. xix, 371 p. f. y XBi Documents diplomatiques. 1897. Affaires armeniennes (supplement) 1895- 1896 Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1897. XV, 124 p. f°. tXBI Die Fraxzoesischen Gelbbiicher iiber Armenien und die Zustande in der Turkei. 1893-1897. Auszuge. (Der Chnstliche Orient. Westend-Berlin. 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 251-266, 317-325, 360-368, 408-416.) ^ t*OAA Fresneaux, Marcel. Trait d'union._ Ar- menie-France; leurs relations depuis les, temps les plus recules. Vannes: Lafolye freres, 1917. 2 p.l., (1)8-162 p., 11. 12° At head of title: Docteur T. Asian. Furneaux, Henry. The Roman relations with Parthia and Armenia from the time of Augustus to the death of Nero. (In his: Annals of Tacitus. Oxford, 1891. 8°. V.2, p. 96-126.) BWH Gabrielian, IMugurdich Chojhauji. Ar- menia, a martyr nation; a historical sketch of the Armenian people from traditional times to the present tragic days. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. [1918.] 352 p.. Imap. 8°. BBX Galanus, Clemens. Historia Armena, ecclesiastica, & politica, nunc primum in Germania excusa, & ad exemplar Ro- manum diligenter expressa. Colonise, 1686. 4 p.l., 504 p., 81. 12°. BBX Garabed, Gregoire Kabaragy. See Elisha, vartabed. Gatteyrias, J. A. filegie sur les malheurs de rArmenie,"et le martyre de Saint Vahan de Kogthen, episode de I'occupation arabe en Armenie, traduit pour la premiere fois de I'armenien litteral sur I'edition des... Mechitaristes par M. J. A. Gatteyrias. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1880. 8°. sene 7, V. 16, p. 177-214.) *OAA Ghambashidze, D. Georgia and Arme- nia as allies. (Ararat. London, 1918. 8°. V.5, p. 383-388.) * ONK Ghazarian, Mkrtitsch. Armenien unter der arabischen Herrschaft bis zur Ent- stehung des Bagratidenreiches. Nach ara- bischen und armenischen Quellen. Mar- burg: N. G. Ehvert, 1903. 88 p. 8°. ^ *ONQ Repr.: Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie, Bd. 2, p. 149-225. * ONL. Ghesarian, Samuel. See Lazar of Pharbe. Ghevont, vartabed. Histoire des guerres et des conquetes des Arabes en Armenie par I'eminent Ghevond, vardabed armenien ecrivain du huitieme siecle traduite par Garabed V. Chahnazarian. Paris: Li- brairie de Ch. Meyrueis et Cie., 1856. xv, 164 p. 8°. *ONQ Glen, James. See Hubboff, prince. Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Tur- key. 1877, no. 15. Further correspondence respecting the affairs of Turkey. London: Harrison and Sons [1877]. xviii, 355 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1877, v. 91.) * SDD Turkey. No. 38 (1878). Despatch from the marquis of Salisbury inclosing a copy of the treaty signed at Berlin, July 13, 1878. London: Harrison and Sons [1878]. 1 p.l., 31 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parlia- ment. Sessional papers. 1878, v. 83.) *SDD A.rticle 58 cedes to Russia the territories of Ardahan, Kars and Batoum... Articles 61 and 62 treat of reforms in the provinces inhabited by Ar- menians and of religious liberty. Turkey. 1879, no. 10. Correspon- dence respecting the condition of the popu- lation in Asia Minor and Syria. London: Harrison and Sons [1879]. v, 128 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1878-79, v. 80.) * SDD Turkey. 1880, no. 1. Correspon- dence respecting the commission sent by the Porte to inquire into the condition of the vilayet of Aleppo. London: Harrison and Sons [1880). vii, 138 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1880, V. 80.) * SDD Turkey. 1880, no. 4. Correspon- dence respecting the condition of the popu- lations in Asia Minor and Syria. London: Harrison and Sons [1880]. vii, 189 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1880, v. 80.) * SDD Turkey. 1880, no. 23. Further cor- respondence respecting the condition of the populations in Asia Minor and Syria. (In continuation of "Turkey no. 4, 1880.") London: Harrison and Sons [1880]. ix, 282 p f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Ses- sional papers. 1880, v. 82.) * SDD Turkey. 1881, no. 6. Further cor- respondence respecting the condition of the populations in Asia Minor and Syria. (In continuation of "Turkey no. 23, 1880.") London: Harrison and Sons [1881]. ix, 3^3 p f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1881, v. 100.) * SDD ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 27 History — General Works, continued. Turkey. No. 1 (1889). Correspon- dence respecting the condition of the popu- lations in Asiatic Turkey, 1888-89. Lon- don: Harrison and Sons [1889j. v, 91 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Ses- sional papers. 1889, V. 87.) *SDD Turkey. No. 1 (1890). Correspon- dence respecting the condition of the popu- lations in Asiatic Turkey, and the trial of Moussa Bey. In continuation of "Turkey no. 1, 1889." London: Harrison and Sons [1890]. iii, 130 p. f°. (Great Britain.— Parliament. Sessional papers. 1890, v. 82.) * SDD Turkey. No. 1 (1890-91). Corres- pondence respecting the condition of the populations in Asiatic Turkey, and the pro- ceedings in the case of Moussa Bey. In continuation of "Turkey no. 1 (1890)." London: Harrison and Sons [1891]. v, 101 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Ses- sional papers. 1890-91, V. 96.) *SDD Turkey. 1892, no. 1. Further cor- respondence respecting the condition of the populations in Asiatic Turkey. (In continuation of "Turkey no. 1, 1891.") London: Harrison and Sons [1892i. iv, 86 p., 11. f°. *SDDandttXBI Turkey. 1896, no. 1. Correspon- dence respecting the introduction of re- forms in the Armenian provinces of Asi- atic Turkey. London: Harrison and Sons [1896]. xi, 176 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1896, V.95.) *SDD Turkey. 1896, no. 3. Correspon- dence relating to the Asiatic provinces of Turkey. 1892-93. London: Harrison and Sons [1896j. xv, 230 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1896, v. 95.) *SDD Turkey. 1896, no. 5. Correspon- dence relating to the Asiatic provinces of Turkey. Reports by Vice-consul Fitz- maurice from Birejik, Ourfa, Adiaman, and Behesni. London: Harrison and Sons [1896). Ip.l., 19p. f°. (Great Britain.— Parliament. Sessional papers. 1896, v. 96.) *SDD Turkey. 1896, no. 6. Correspon- dence relating to the Asiatic provinces of Turkey: 1894-95. (In continuation of "Turkey no. 3, 1896.") London: Harrison and Sons tl896|. xxiv, 393 p. i°. (Great Britain. — -Parliament. Sessional papers. 1896, v. 96.) * SDD Turkey. 1904, no. 3. Correspon- Greene, Francis Vinton. The Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey in 1877- 1878. New York: D. Appleton and Co.. 1879. 2v. 8°. GLN Gregory, G. IMarcar. See Tchobanian, Archag. Gregory of Armenia, called Illuminator. See Agathangelos. Gregory the Priest. Chronique de Gre- goire le pretre. (In: Institut de France. — Academic des inscriptions et belles- lettres. Recueil des historiens des croi- sades. Documents armcniens. Paris, 1869. f°. v. 1, p. 151-201.) ttBTR Armenian text with French translation. Greiffenhag, Andre M. See Hethoum, prince of Gorigos. Guiragos of Kantzag. Extrait de I'his- toire d'Armenie (In: Institut de France. — Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Doc- uments armeniens. Paris, 1869. f°. v. 1, p. 411-430.) ttBTR Armenian text with French translation. Hacobian, Avetoon Pesak. Armenia and the war; an Armenian's point of view, with an appeal to Britain and the coming peace conference. With a preface by the Rt. Hon. Viscount Bryce. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1917. xx, 200 p. 12°. BTZE New York: G. H. Doran Co. [1917?] xvi p., 1 1., 19-192 p. 12°. BTZE Hagopian, Hovhan. The relations of the Armenians and the Franks during the reign of Leon ii, 1186-1219. [Boston: "Ar- menia" Publishing Co., 1905.) 39 p. 8°. BACp.v.14 Repr. : Armenia, v. 1, no. 5, p. 13-31, no. 6, p. 11- 24, t * ONK. The Russification of the Armenians. dence respecting the Asiatic provinces of Turkey. London: Harrison and Sons [1904]. viii, 83 p. f°. * SDD and t XBI (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 7, p. 37-42; no. 8, p. 20-25; no. 9, p. 23-27.) t*ONK Henderson, Bernard William. The chro- nology of the wars in Armenia, A. D. 51-=-63. (Classical review. London, 1901. 4°. v. 15, p. 159-165, 204-213, 266-274.) t RBA Henry, James Dodds. Baku; an eventful history. London: Archibald Constable & Co., Ltd. [1905.] viii, 256 p., 1 map, 24 pi. 8°. GLR Harold, A. Ferdinand. L'amitie de la France et de I'Armenie (1895-1908). (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 697-706.) *ONK Hethoum, prince of Gorigos. Chrono- graphie d'Hethoum, seigneur de Gorigos, ouvrage incdit du moine Aithon, auteur de I'Histoire des Tatars; traduit pour la pre- 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — General Works, continued. miere fois sur le texte armenien de I'edition de Venise...par Victor Langlois. (Revue de rOrient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1863. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 15, p. 103-114.) *OAA Histoire orientale; ou, Des Tar- tares de Haiton. . .qui comprend, premiere- ment, une succincte & agreable description de plusieurs roiaumes ou pais orientaux, selon I'etat dans lequel ils se trouvoient environ I'an 1300. Secondement, une rela- tion de beaucoup de choses remarquables, qui sont arrivees aux peuples de ces pais & nations. Le tout decrit par la main de N. Salcon, & traduit suivant I'edition latine de A. M. Greiffenhag. (Recueil de divers voyages curieux, faits en Tartaric. Leide, 1729. 4°. V. 2, 96 cols., 1 1., 1 map.) Reserve (In: P. Bergeron, Voyages faits principalement en Asie dans les xii, XIII, XIV, XV siecles. La Haye, 1735. 4°. v. 2, 96 cols., 1 ]., 1 map.) Reserve and f BBE Historia orientaiis Haythoni Ar- menii: et hvic svbiectvm Marci Pavli Veneti Itinerarium, item Fragmentum e speculo historiali Vincentij Beluacensis eiusdem argumenti. [Edited by R. Reinec- cius.] Helmaestadii: [I. Lucius,] 1585. 8 p.l., 211 f., 87 1., 1 table. 12^ Reserve The Historic of Ayton, or Anthonie the Armenian, of Asia, and specially touch- ing the Tartars. (In: Samuel Purchas, Purchas his pilgrimes. London, 1625. f°. part 3, p. 108-128.) f KBC Relation de Hayton, prince d'Ar- menie. . . (In: Louis de Backer, L'extreme Orient au moyen age. Paris, 1877. 8°. p. 125-255.) BBB Table chronologique de Hethoum, comte de Gorigos. (In: Institut de France. — Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents armeniens. Paris, 1869. f°. V. 1, p. 469-490.) ff BTR Armenian text with French translation. Hrasdan, Saven. Sind die Armenier kriegerischen Geistes bar? 2 ports. (Geist des Ostens. Miinchen, 1915. 8°. Jahrg. 2, p. 422-436.) * OAA Hubboff, prince. Genealogical catalogue of the kings of Armenia. Translated from the Armenian into the Russian language by Lazar Kooznets. Translated from the Russian into English and compared with the original Armenian manuscript by James Glen. 94 p. (Oriental Translation Fund. Miscellaneous translations. Lon- don, 1834. 8°. V. 2.) * OAG Hyvernat, Henry. See Mueller-Simonis, Paul, and Henry Hyvernat. Injijian, Ghougas. Hnakhosoutiun. [Ar- menian antiquities.] Venice, 1835. 3 v. 4°. *ONM Kachouni, Manouele. Hnakhosoutiun Hahasdani. [An abridgement for schools of Ghougas Injijian's Hnakhosoutiun.] Venice, 1855. 3 p.l., 303 p. 16°. * ONM Institut de France. — Academic des in- scriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents ar- meniens. Tome 1. Paris: Imprimerie im- perial, 1869. f°. tfBTR Contents: Preface; Introduction: Le royaume de la Petite Armenie ou la Cilicie au temj^s des croi- sades; Tableaux genealogiques et dynastiques; Mat- thew of Edessa, Extraits de la Chronique; Gregory the Priest, Chronique; Basil, Oraison funebre de Baudouin; Nerses the Graceful, patriarch of Ar- menia, filegie sur la prise d'fidesse; Gregory Dgha, patriarch of Armenia, filegie sur la prise de Jeru- salem par Saladin; Michel Syrus, Extrait de sa Chronique; Guiragos of Kantzag, Extrait de I'His- toire d'Armenie; Vartan the Great, Extrait de I'His- toire univcrselle; Samuel of Ani, Extrait de la chronographie; Hethoum, prince of Gorigos, Table chronologique; Vahram of Edessa, Chronique rimee des rois de la Petite Armenie; Chant populaire sur la captivite de Leon; Hethoum li, king of Armenia, Poeme; Nerses of Lambron, Extraits de I'ouvrage intitule: Reflexions sur les institutions de I'eglise et explication du mystere de la messe; Sempad, con- stable of Armenia, Chronique du royaume de la Petite Armenie; Martiros of Crimea, Liste rimee des souverains de la Petite Armenie; Mkhithar of Dashir, Relation de sa conference avec le legat du pape; Appendice, Continuation de I'histoire du royaume de la Petite Armenie; Chartes armeniennes; Index. Armenian texts with French translations. Isaverdentz, Hagopos. Histoire de I'Ar- menie par le R. P. Jacques Dr. Issaverdens, IMekhithariste de Venise: enrichie de nom- breuses figures executees aux frais de M''. Jean Arathoon de Batavia. Venise: Im- primerie de S. Lazare, 1888. 259 p., 61 pl. ob. 4°. t*ONQ Jean VI, patriarch of Armenia. Histoire d'Armenie par le patriarche Jean vi dit Jean Catholicos traduite de I'armenien en fran- gais par M. J. Saint-Martin. Paris: Im- primerie royale, 1841. 2 p.l., iii-xlviii, 462 p. 8°. *ONQ Jean Ouosk'herdjan. Memoire de Jean Ouosk'herdjan, pretre armenien de Wagar- chabad, pour servir a I'histoire des evene- mens qui ont eu lieu en Arinenie et en Georgie a la fin du dix-huitieme siecle et au commencement du dix-neuvieme, suivi de vingt-huit anciennes inscriptions ar- meniennes, traduit de I'armenien. (In: J. H. Klaproth, Memoires relatifs a I'Asie. Paris, 1824. 8°. tome 1, p. 225-309.) *OAC Kalenderian, Vahan H. The Armenians as soldiers. (New Armenia. New York, 1918. A\ V. 10, p. 61-63.) t*ONK ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 29 History — General Works, continued. Kennedy, T. The Indians in Armenia, 130 B. C. -300 A. D. (Royal Asiatic Soci- ety. Journal. London, 1904. 8°. 1904, p. 309-314.) *OAA Khalathianz, Bagrat. Ueber den Ur- sprung der armenischen Fiirstentiimer. Auszug. (Verhandlungen des xiii. inter- nationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses. Lei- den: E. J. Brill, 1904. 8°. p. 126-128.) *OAA Der Ursprung der armenischen Fiirstentiimer. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1903. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 60-69.) * OAA Khalathianz, Grigori Abramovich. Was Artasches von Armenien der Besieger des Krosus? Von Gregor Chalathianz. (Wien- er Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgen- landes. Wien, 1903. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 37-46.) *OAA Khaniji, Anton. Mukhtasar tawarikh al-Arman. [A short history of Armenia, translated into Arabic from the Armenian.] Jerusalem, 1868. 2 p.l., 356 p., 21. 8°. *ONQ Khatch, A. See Dolens, Noel, and A. Khatch. Khungian, T. B. Glimpses from ancient Armenia. (American antiquarian. Chica- go, 1908. 8°. V. 30, p. 270-275.) HBA Kiepert, Heinrich. Uber alteste Landes- und Volksgeschichte von Armenien. 1 map. (Koniglich Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Monatsberichte. Ber- Hn, 1870. 8°. 1869, p. 216-243.) * EE Klaproth, Julius Heinrich. Apergu des entreprises des Mongols en Georgie et en Armenie dans le xiii'' siecle. (Journal asi- atique. Paris, 1833. 193-214, 273-305.) 8°. serie2, v. 12, p. *OAA Extrait du Derbend-nameh, ou de I'Histoire de Derbend. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1829. 8°. serie 2, v. 3, p. 439-467.) *OAA See also Jean Ouosk'herdjan. Kohler, Charles. Lettres pontificales concernant I'histoire de la Petite Armenie au xiv" siecle. (In: Florilegium; ou, Re- cueil de travaux d'erudition dedies a Mon- sieur le marquis Melchior de Vogue. Paris, 1909. 4°. p. 303-327.) f * OAC Kooznets, Lazar. See Hubboff, prince. Kurkjian, Vahan M. The Armenian kingdom of Cilicia. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1919. 8°. v. 2, p. 60-71.) * ONK Lagov, N. M., compiler. ApMCHiH ; o^epKii npom.iaro, npiipo;i,Bi, KyjiB- TypLi 11 np. cocTaBiijit H. M. JlaroBt. Petrograd: N. P. Karbasnikov, 1915. viii, 134 p. 8°. *QGp.v.54 Armenia: her past, nature and culture. Langlois, Victor. Collection des his- toriens anciens et modernes de I'Armenie publiee en frangais sous les auspices de son excellence Nubar-Pacha. . . Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1867-69. 2 v. 4°. t*ONQ Tome 1. Historiens grecs et syriens traduits anciennement en armenien. Tome 2. Historiens armeniens du cinquieme siecle. Considerations sur les rapports de I'Armenie avec la France au moyen age. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris. 1860. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 12, p. 235-249.) * OAA Documents pour servir a une sigil- lographie des rois d'Armenie au moyen age. (Revue archeologique. Paris, 1855. 8°. annee 11, p. 630-634.) MTA LTne fete a la cour de Leon ii, roi d'Armenie, au xiii'^ siecle. (Revue de I'Ori- ent, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1854. 8°. [serie2,] tome 15, p. 213-216.) *OAA Lettre a Monsieur I'academicien Brosset, sur quelques points d'histoire po- litique, religieuse et civile des Armeniens et des Franks, a I'epoque des croisades. (Imperatorskaj^a Akademiya Nauk. Bul- letin. St. Petersbourg, 1861. f°. tome 3, col. 241-248.) *QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 280-291, *OAA. Lettre a !M. I'academicien Brosset, sur la succession des rois d'Armenie de la dynastie de Roupen et de la maison de Lusignan, d'apres les sources orientales et occidentales. (Imperatorskaya Akade- miva Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourer, 1862. f°. tome 4, col. 285-300.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 413-428, *OAA. Place de I'Armenie dans I'histoire du monde. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1856. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 4, p. 321-331.) * OAA See also Agathangelos; also Elisha, Lagarde, Paul Anton de. gelos. See Agathan- vartabed; also Hethoum, prince of Gori- gos; also Michael I., patriarch of the Jaco- bites; also Sempad, constable of Armenia. Lazar of Pharbe. Histoire d'Armenie traduite pour la premiere fois en frangais et accompagnee de notes historiques et critiques par le P. Samuel. . .Ghesarian. ^nKjO <\^--^ ^ ..^' Vr- r-^ . v/^ .-vT^ 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY N. History — General Works, continued,. (In: Victor Langlois, Collection des his- toriens anciens et modernes de I'Armenie. Paris, 1869. 4°. tome 2, p. 253-367.) t*ONQ Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. Die Einwanderung der Armenier im Zusammenhang mit den Wanderungen der Thrakier und Iranier. (Verhandlun- gen des xiii. internationalen Orientalisten- Kongresses. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1904. 8°. p. 130-140.) * OAA Materialien zur alteren Geschichte Armeniens und Mesopotamiens. Mit einem Beitrage, Arabische Inschriften aus Armenien und Diyarbekr, von Max van Berchem. Berlin, 1907. 183 p., 14 pi. 4°. (Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaf- ten zu Gottingen. Abhandlungen: Philolo- gisch-historische Klasse. Neue Folge, Bd. 9, Nr. 3.) * EE Religionsgeschichtliches aus Kau- kasien und Armenien. (Archiv fiir Reli- gionswissenschaft. Tiibingen, 1900. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 1-17.) ZAA Lenormant, Frangois. Sur I'ethnogra- phie et I'histoire de I'Armenie avant les Achemenides. (In his: Lettres assyriolo- giques. Paris, 1871. 4°. tome 1, p. 113- 164.) *OCK Leon III, king of Armenia. Decret ou privilege de Leon iii, roi d'Armenie, en fa- veur des Genois, en I'annee 1288; tire des archives de Genes par J. de Saint-Martin. (Institut de France. — Academic des in- scriptions et belles-lettres. Notices et extraits des manuscrits. Paris, 1827. 4°. tome 11, p. 97-122.) * EO Leon VI, king of Armenia. Basmadjian, K. J. Leon vi of Lusignan. [A historv of the last* king of Armenia.] Paris, 1908. 8, 166 p., 1 1., 1 fac, 1 pi.. 1 port. 4°. t*ONQ Leon VI is frequently referred to as Leon v. Carriere, Auguste. La rose d'or du roi d'Armenie Leon v. (Revue de I'Orient latin. Paris, 1902. 8°. tome 9, p. 1-5.) *OBA Langlois, Victor. Notice sur le chryso- bulle, octroye par Leon v, roi d'Armenie, aux Siciliens, en 1331. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Peters- bourg, 1863. i°. tome 5, col. 375-387.) *QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 649-666, *OAA. Saint Martin, Jean Antoine. Recherches sur la vie et les aventures de Leon, dernier roi des Armeniens. (Institut de France. — Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Memoires. Paris, 1836. 4°. tome 12, partie 2, p. 147-158.) * EO ScHLUMBERGER, Gustave. Bulles d'or et sceau des rois Leon ii (i) et Leon vi (v) d'Armenie. 2 pi. (Revue de I'Orient latin. Paris, 1893. S\ tome 1, p. 161-167.) *OBA TouRNEBiZE, Frangois. Leon v de Lu- signan dernier roi de I'Armeno-Cilicie. (fitudes publiees par des peres de la Com- pagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1910. 8°. v. 122, p. 60-79, 196-203.) * DM Lohmann, Ernst. Im Kloster zu Sis. Ein Beitrag zu der Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen dem Deutschen Reiche und Ar- menien im Mittelalter. Striegau: R. Urban [1904]. 34 p., 11. 4°. tBBX MacColl, Marteolni. Armenia and the Transvaal. (Fortnigl%|tJji-j=«Yiew. London, 1896. 8°. new sefiefe, v.j9, p. 313-329.) O/ *DA Macler, Frederic. Les Armeniens en Turquie. (Revue du monde musulman. Paris, 1913. 8°. v. 24, p. 115-173.) * OAA Pseudo-Sebeos, texte armenien tra- duit et annote par Frederic Macler. (Jour- nal asiatique. Paris, 1905. 8°. serie 10, v. 6, p. 121-155.) *OAA Rapport sur une mission scienti- fique en Armenie russe et en Armenie turque, juiMet - octobre, 1909. Paris: Im- primerie nationale, 1910. 135 p., 16 pi. 8°. (France. — Ministere de I'lnstruction Pu- blique et des Beaux-Arts. Nouvelles ar- chives des missions scientifiques et litte- raires. nouvelle serie, fasc. 2.) * EN Russia and the Armenians. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9. p. 117-119.) t*ONK See also Maribas the Chaldean. Mai, Angelo. See Samuel of Ani. Maribas the Chaldean. Extraits de la Chronique de Maribas Kaldoyo (Mar Abas Katina?). Essai de critique historico-lit- teraire par Frederic Macler. (Journal asi- atique. Paris, 1903. 8°. serie 10, v. 1, p. 491-549.) * OAA Marr, N. KaBKascKiii Ky.itTypHbifi Mipt II ApMCHiji. (/KypHaJiT. Miihh- cxepcTBa Hapo;i;Haro IIpocBiiii;eHiH. 8°. 1915, no. 6, *QCA A treatise on Caucasian culture and Armenia. Martiros of Crimea. Liste rimee des souverains de la Petite Armenie. (In: In- stitut de France. — Academie des inscrip- tions et belles-lettres. Recueil des his- Petrograd. 1915. p. 280-330.) ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 31 History — General Works, continued. toriens des croisades. Documents arme- iiiens. Paris. 1869. f°. v. 1, p. 681-687.) ft BTR Armenian text with French translation. Matthew of Edessa. Chronique de Mat- thieu d'fidesse (962-1136) avec la con- tinuation de Gregoire le pretre jusqu'en 1162... (In: Bibliotheque historique ar- menienne; ou, Choix des principaux his- toriens armeniens traduits en frangais. Par fidouard Dulaurier. Paris: E. Thorin [1858j. 4 p.L, xxvii, 546 p., 1 1. 8°.) * OAG [Extraits de la Chronique.] Expe- ditions de Nicephore Phocas et de Jean Zimisces dans la Mesopotamie, la Syrie et la Palestine. Recit de la premiere croisade. (In: Institut de France. — Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents ar- meniens. Paris, 1869. f°. v. 1, p. 1-150.) ft BTR Armenian text with French translation. Michael I, patriarch of the Jacobites. Chronique de Michel le grand, patriarche des Syriens Jacobites. Traduite pour la premiere fois sur la version armenienne du pretre Ischok, par Victor Langlois. Ve- nise: Typographic de I'Academie de Saint- Lazare, 1868. 3 p.l., 378 p. 4°. t*ODR Extrait de la Chronique de Michel le Syrien. (In: Institut de France. — Aca- demic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Re- cueil des historiens des croisades. Docu- ments armeniens. Paris, 1869. i° . v. 1, p. 309-409.) ft BTR Armenian text with Frencli translation. Extrait de la Chronique de Michel le Syrien comprenant I'histoire des temps ecoules depuis I'annee viii" du regne de I'empereur Justin ii, jusqu'a la seconde an- nee du regne de Leon iii, ITsaurien; traduit de I'armenien par fid. Dulaurier. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1848-49. 8°. serie 4, v. 12, p. 281-334; v. 13, p. 315-376.) * OAA Mkhithar of Airivank. Marie Felicite. See Brosset, Monteith, William. Kars and Erze- roum: with the campaigns of Prince Pas- kiewitch in 1828 and 1829; and an account of the conquests of Russia beyond the Caucasus, from the time of Peter the Great to the treaty of Turcoman Chie and Adri- anople. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1856. xvi, 332 p., 2 pi. 8°. GLF Mordtmann, Andreas David. See Wakidi, Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn 'Umar al-. Morgan, Jacques Jean Marie de. The Armenians. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V. 9, p. 135-136.) t*ONK The rise and fall of Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 149-150.) t*ONK Moses of Chorene. Badmoutiun Hahots. [Historv of Armenia.) \'enice, 1827. 1 p.l.. 624 p., 4 pi. 24°. *ONQ Mosis Chorenensis Historiae Ar- meniacae Libri iir. Accedit ejusdem Scrip- toris Epitome Geographiae. Prjemittitur prsefatio quae de Literatura, ac Vcrsione Sacra Armeniaca agit; et subjicitur ap- pendix, quae continet Epistolas duas Ar- meniacas; primam, Corinthiorum ad Pau- lum Apostolum; alteram, Pauli Apostoli ad Corinthios; nunc primum ex codice Ms. integre divulgatas. Armeniace ediderunt, Latine verterunt, notisque illustrarunt Gulielmus & Georgius, Gul. Whistoni filii Londini: apud Joannem Whistonum, 1736. 2 p.L, xxiv, 412 p., 1 map. 4°. t*ONQ Histoire d'Armenie en trois livres. traduction nouvelle accompagnee de notes historiques, critiques et philologiqucs: (In : Victor Langlois, Collection des historiens anciens et modernes de I'Armenie. Paris, 1869. 4°. tome 2, p. 45-175.) f * ONQ Storia di Mose Corenese versione italiana illustrata dai Monaci Armeni Me- chitaristi ritoccata quanto alio stile da N. Tommaseo. Venezia: Tipografia armena di San Lazzaro, 1841. xxii, 403 p., 81. 8°. *ONQ Venezia: Tipografia armena di San Lazzaro, 1850. xviii, 403 p., 8 1. 2. ed. 8°. *ONQ See also Saint-Martin, Jean An- tome. Anderson, William. Notes on the geog- raphy of western Afghanistan. [Appendix. Notes by Johannes Avdall, on the extracts proposed from the work of Moses Khore- nensis.) (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Jour- nal. Calcutta, 1849. 8°. v. 18, p. 553-594.) *OHA Carriere. Auguste. La legende d'Abgar dans I'histoire d'Armenie de Moise de Khoren. (In: ficole des langues orientales vivantes. Centenaire 1795-1895. Recueil de memoires. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1895. f°. p. 357-414.) f * O AF GiLDEMEisTER, Johanu. Pseudokallis- thenes bei Moses von Khoren. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 40, p. 88-91.) *OAA KnALATHiANZ, Grigori Abramo- vich. ApMHHCKiu anocB b-b Ilcxopiii ApMeniii MonceH XopencKaro. OnBixi. 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — General Works, continued. KpHTHKII HCTOHHIIKOBt. MoSCOW. V. Gatzuk, 1896. 2 parts in 1. 4°. *QB A commentary on the Armenian history of Moses of Chorene. Hana.io KpiixiiHecKaro iiayne- HJH HCTopiii ApMeniii Mohcch Xopen- cKaro. (yKypnajit Mhh. Hapo/i;H; npocB. St. Petersburg, 1894. 8°. 1894, no. 10, p. 377^02.) * QCA Zur Erklarung der armenischen Geschichte des Moses von Chorene. Von Gregor Chalathiantz. (Vienna Oriental journal. Vienna, 1893. 8°. v. 7, p. 21-28.) *OAA Langlois, Victor. £tude sur les sources de I'histoire d'Armenie de Moise de Khoren. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1861. f°. tome 3, col. 531-583.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 293-368, *OAA. PiCHARD, C. E. Essai sur Aloise de Kho- ren, historien armenien du v" siecle de I'ere du Christ et analyse succincte de son ouvrage sur I'histoire d'Armenie; accom- pagne de notes et commentaires et suivi d'un precis geographique. Paris: A. Le- merre, 1866. 97 p., 1 1. 8°. * ONQ Saint-Martin, Jean Antoine. Notice sur la vie et les ecrits de Moyse de Khoren, historien armenien. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1823. 8°. serie 1, v. 2, p. 321-344.) *OAA Mueller-Simonis, Paul, and Henry Hy- VERNAT. Du Caucase au golfe Persique a travers I'Armenie, le Kurdistan et la Mesopotamie par P. Miiller-Simonis suivie de notices sur la geographic et I'histoire ancienne de I'Armenie et les inscriptions cuneiformes du bassin de Van par H. Hy- vernat. Washington: Universite catho- lique d'Amerique, 1892. viii, 628 p., 2 maps, 32 pi. 4°. (Rela.tion des missions scien- tifiques de H. Hyvernat et P. Miiller-Si- monis, 1888-1889.) t BBV Muravyev, Andrei Nikolayevich. rpysin II ApMeniii. St. Petersburg: Tip. Ill Otdyeleniya, 1848. 3 v. 12°. *QG Georgia and Armenia. Nerses, patriarch of Constantinople. Les Armeniens de Turquie. Rapport du patri- arche armenien de Constantinople a la sub- lime porte; traduit de I'armenien par K. S. Achguerd. Paris: E. Leroux, 1877. 2 p.l., 67 p. 8°. *ONR Neumann, Carl Friedrich. See Elisha, vartabed; also Vahram of Edessa. Neve, Felix. fitude sur Thomas^ de Medzoph, et sur son histoire de I'Armenie au xv' siecle. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1855. 8°. serie5, V.6, p.221-281.) * OAA Expose des guerres de Tamerlan et de Schah-Rokh dans I'Asie occidentale, d'apres la chronique armenienne inedite de Thomas de Medzoph. 158 p. (Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Memoires cou- ronnes. Bruxelles, 1861. 8°. tome 11, no. 4.) * EM Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. See WakidT, Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn 'Umar al-. Norman, Charles Boswell. Armenia, and the campaign of 1877. London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin [1878j. xx, 484 p., 4 maps, 4 plans. 8°. BEX O'Connor, Thomas Power. See Williams, William Llewelyn. Orpelian, E. See Saint-Martin, Jean Antoine. Oukhtanes. Sec Brosset, Marie Felicite. Papazian, Bertha S. The tragedy of Ar- menia, a brief study and interpretation, with an introduction by Secretary James L. Barton. Boston, Chicago: The Pilgrim Press [Cop. 1918]. xii p., 21., 164 p. 12°. BBX Chapters 1-4 reprinted in the Armenian herald, V. 1, p. 626-632; v. 2, p. 29-46, 93-103, *ONK. Pavlovitch, Michel. La Russie et les Armeniens. (Revue politique interna- tionale. Paris, 1914. 8°. 1914. partie 1, p. 463-479.) SEA TIiicBMa ns-i. ApMeiiin. (AIockob- CKin Te.ierpa(|)i.. Moscow, 1829. 8°. 1829, no. 8, p. 361-400.) * QCA Letters from Armenia. Prud'homme, fivariste. See Arisdagues de Lasdiverd; also Constitution nationale; also Zenob of Klag. Raffi, Aram. The Armenian nation. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9. p. 280-282.) t * ONK The Armenians and Persia. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 139-141.) t*ONK The English and the Armenians. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 213-214.) t*ONK See also Buxton, Noel, and Harold Buxton. Rawlinson, George. Parthia. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1903. xx, 432 p., 2 maps, 1 pi. 12°. (Story of the nations.) *OMV The sixth great Oriental monarchy; or, The geography, history and antiquities ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 33 History — General Works, continued. of Parthia. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1873. xiii p., 1 1., 458 p., 2 maps, 1 pi. 8°. Stuart 6686 New York: Dodd, Alead & Co. [188-?] xiii p., 1 1., 458 p., 2 maps, 1 pi. 8°. *OMV The story of Parthia. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. xx, 432 p., 1 map. 12°. (Story of the nations.) * OMV Reinach, Theodore. Mithridate Eupa- tor, roi de Pont. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1890. 3 p.l., v-xvi, 494 p., 1 map, 4 pi. 8°. (Bibliotheque d'archeologie, d'art et d'histoire ancienne.) BBP Reineck, Reinerus. See Hethoum, prince of Gorigos. Robert, Ulysse. La chronique d'Ar- menie de Jean Dardel, eveque de Tortiboli. (Societe de I'Orient latin. Archives de I'Orient latin. Paris, 1884. 8°. tome 2, p. 1-15.) *OBA Robinson, Emily J. Armenia and the Armenians. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V. 9, p. 315-316.) f * ONK The truth about Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1916. 4°. v. 8. p. 217-220.) t*ONK Rockwell, William Walker, editor. The deportation of the Armenians, described from day to day by a kind woman some- where in Turkey; edited by W. W. Rock- well... New York: American Commit- tee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, 1916. 24 p. 12°. BTZEp.v.208 Rolin-Jacquemyns, Gustave. Actual position of Armenia and the Armenians under treaties of 1878. (Armenia. Bos- ton, 1906. 4°. V.2, no. 9, p. 34-39.) t*ONK Armenia, the Armenians and trea- ties. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918. 8°. V. 1, p. 249-269, 310-316, 359-381, 421- 437, 476-498.) * ONK Armenia under the Treaty of Paris of 1856. (Armenia. Boston, 1906. 4°. V. 2, no. 7, p. 13-32.) t*ONK L'Armenie, les Armeniens et les traites. (Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee. Bruxelles, 1887- 89. 8°. tome 19, p. 284-325; tome 21. p. 291-353.) XBA Diplomatic remonstrances. (Ar- menia. Boston, 1907. 4°. v. 3, no. 3, p. 21- 40; no. 4, p. 40-47.) f * ONK Legal position of Turkish Armenia under the treaties of San Stefano and Ber- lin, and the Anglo-Turkish convention of the 4th June, 1878. (Armenia. Boston, 1906. 4°. v.2, no. 8, p. 29-35.) t*ONK Period from 1878 to 1881. (Arme- nia. Boston, 1906. 4°. v.2, no. 10, p. 6- 13; no. 11, p. 20-29; no. 12, p. 8-13.) t*ONK Review of consular reports. (Ar- menia. Boston, 1906. 4°. v. 3, no. 1, p. 13-18; no. 2, p. 14-27.) f * ONK Roth, Karl. Armenien und Deutschland. Leipzig: Veit & Comp., 1915. 30 p. 8°. (Lander und Volker der Tiirkei; Schrif- ten des Deutschen Vorderasienkomitees. Heft 10.) GIG Russia. — Ministerstvo Inostran- nykh Dyel. CdopiiiiKi. ;i;iinjiOMaTii- HeCKIIXt /l,OKyMeHTOB1,. Pe(|)OpMH B1> ApMeniii. 26 Hondp^ 1912 ro,zi;a — 10 Man 1914 ro;i,a. Petrograd : Gosudar- stvenna3^a Tipografiva, 1915. 294 p. 4°. ^ *QG A collection of diplomatic documents dealing with reforms in Armenia. Russia and Armenia. The Orange Book, (Ararat. London. 1915-16. 8°. v. 2,- p. 314-322, 358-365, 409-416, 465-469; v. 3, p. 7- 10, 47-51, 98-100, 199-203, 256-258, 295-298, 394-397, 440-443, 493-495.) * ONK Safrastian, A. S. Dashnaksuthiun — its past and present. (Ararat. London, 1914. 8°. V. 2, p. 196-205.) * ONK Saint-Martin, Jean Antoine. Discours sur I'origine et I'histoire des Arsacides. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1822. 8°. serie 1, V. 1, p. 65-77.) * OAA Fragments d'une histoire des Ar- sacides. Ouvrage posthume de M. J. Saint- Martin. Public sous les auspices du Alini- stere de ITnstruction Publique. Paris: Im- primerie nationale, 1850. 2 v. 8°. * OMV Histoire des revolutions de I'Ar- menie, sous le regne d'Arsace ii. pendant le 4. siecle. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1829- 30. 8°. serie 2, v. 4, p. 401-452; V. 5, p. 161- 207, 336-374.) * OAA Memoires historiques et geogra- phiques sur I'Armenie, suivis du texte ar- menien de I'histoire des princes Orpelians par E. Orpelian, archeveque de Siounie, et de celui des Geographies attribuees a Moyse de Khoren et au docteur Vartan, avec plusieurs autres pieces relatives a I'histoire d'Armenie; le tout accompagne d'une traduction frangoise et de notes ex- plicatives. Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1818- 19. 2v. 8°. *ONQ Sec also Jean VI, patriarch of Ar- menia; also Leon III, king of Armenia. Salcon, Nicolas de. See Hethoum, prince of Gorigos. Samuel of Ani. Extrait de la chrono- graphie de Samuel d'Ani. (In: Institut de 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — General Works, continued. France. — Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents armeniens. Paris, 1869. i\ V. 1, p. 445-468.) tt BTR Armenian text with French translation. - Samuelis Presbyteri Aniensis tern- porum usque ad suam setatem ratio e libris historicorum summatim collecta. Opus ex Haicanis quinque codicibus ab Joanne Zoh- rabo doctore Armenio diligenter exscrip- tum atque emendatum Joannes Zohrabus et Angelus Mains primum conjunctis cuns Latinitate donatum notisque illustratum ediderunt. (In: J. P. Migne, Patrologise cursus completus. . . Series Graeca. Pans, 1857. 4°. tomus 19, col. 599-742.) ZEL Brosset, Marie Felicite. Samouel d'Ani; revue generale de sa chronologie. (Im- peratorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletm. St. Petersbourg, 1873. f°. tome 18, col. 402-442.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1873. tome 6, p. 741-798, *OAA. FiN-CK, Franz Nikolaus, editor. Kleinere mittelarmenische Texte; hrsg., mit Ein- leitung und Glossen versehen von F. N. Finck. (Zeitschrift fur armenische Phi- lologie. Marburg, 1903-04. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 1-32, 97-117, 177-219, 301-336; Bd.2, p. 81- 111.) *ONL The chronicle of Samuel of Ani. Sandwith, Humphry. How the Turks rule Armenia. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. V. 3, p. 314-329.) * DA A narrative of the siege of Kars by the 'illiams a nar- Lazis- 348 p.. BEX Siebert, Wilbur Henry. Armenia and Turkey. (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. V.6, p. 261-265.) t*ONK Sobraniye aktov. Codpanie aKTOBt, OTHOcamiixcH k-l o6o3piHiio iicxopiii apMHHcicaro Hapo^a. JMoscow: Laza- revykh Institut Vostochnykh Yazy- and of the six months' resistance Turkish garrison under Gfeneral W to the Russian army: together with rative of travels... in Armenia and tan. London: J. Murray, 1856. ix, 2 maps, Ipl. 8°. Sempad, constable of Armenia. Chro- nique du royaume de la Petite Armenie. (In: Institut de France. — Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents ar- meniens. Paris, 1869. i\ v. 1, p. 605-680.) tfBTR Armenian text with French translation. Extrait de la chronique de Sempad, kov, 1838. seigneur de Babaron, connetable d'Arme- nie, suivi de celle de son continuateur, com- prenant I'histoire des temps ecoules depuis I'etablissement des Roupeniens en Cilicie, jusqu'a I'extinction de cette dynastie. ^Tra- duit pour la premiere fois de I'armenien, sur les editions de Moscou et de Paris par Victor Langlois. 1 p.l., 38 p. (Imperator- skaya Akademiya Nauk. Memoires. St. Petersbourg, 1862. i°. serie 7, tome 4, no. 6.) * QCB o V. QB A collection of facts relating to the history of the Armenian people. Stadler, A. de. See fimin, Jean Baptiste. Streck, Maximilian. Armenia. (In: En- cyclopaedia of Islam. Leyden, 1913. 4°. V. 1, p. 435-449.) t*OGC Stubbs, William, bishop of Oxford. The medieval kingdoms of Cyprus and Arme- nia. (In his: Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history and kindred subjects... Oxford, 1886. 8^ p. 156-207.) BAF Stuermer, Harry. Two war years in Constantinople: sketches of German and Young Turkish ethics and politics... Translated from the German [byi E. Allen and the author. New York: George H. Doran Co. [1917.] xiv p., 1 1., 17-292 p. 8^ BTZE Svasley, Miran. Anglo-Armenian rela- tions from the xii to xiv centuries. (Ar- menia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 7, p. 3- 11.) t*ONK Reprinted in the Armenian herald, v. 1, p. 11-16, Dec, 1917, *ONK. Armenia in and before 1878. (Ar- menia. Boston, 1905-06. 4°. v. 1, no. 9, p. 7-18; no. 10, p. 8-17; no. 12, p. 9-15; v. 2. no. 6, p. 11-23.) t*ONK Sykes, Sir Mark, bart. The caliphs' last heritage; a short history of the Turkish Empire. London: Alacmillan and Co., Ltd.. 1915. xii, 638 p., 11 folded maps, 11 plans. 23 pi.. 1 port. 8°. * OPQ Tchobanian, Archag. L'Armenie; son histoire, sa litterature, son role en Orient. Conference faite le 9 mars 1897 a la salle de la Societe de geographie. . . Paris: So- ciete du Mercure de France, 1897. 90 p. 5.ed. 12°. BBX The people of Armenia; their past, their culture, their future. Translated by G. Marcar Gregory... With introduction by the Right Honourable Viscount Bryce. London: T. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1914. xi, 68 p. 16°. BBX Teza, Emilio. Cose armene. (Reale istituto veneto. Atti. Venezia, 1900. 8°. tomo 59, parte 2, p. 569-589.) * ER Thomas the Arzrunian. See Brosset, Marie Felicite. Thomas of Medzoph. See Neve, Felix. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 35 History — General Works, continued. Thopdschian, Hagob. Armenien vor und wahrend der Araberzeit. (Zeitsclirift fiir armenische Philologie. Marljurg, 1904. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 50-71.) * ONL Die inneren Zustande von Arme- nien unter Asot i. (ausgenommen die Ge- schichte des armenischen Naxararowt 'iwns und der armenischen Kirche). (Ber- lin. — Universitat: Seminar fiir orienta- lische Sprachen. Mitteilungen. Berlin, 1904. 8°. Jahrg. 7, Abteilung2, p. 104- 153.) *OAA Politische und Kirchengeschichte Armeniens unter Asot i. und Smbat i. (Ber- lin. — Universitat: Seminar fiir orienta- lische Sprachen. Alitteilungen. Berlin, 1905. 4°. Jahrg. 8, Abteilung 2, p. 98-215.) *OAA Thoumaian, G. Armenian-Kurdish rela- tions. (New Armenia. New York, 1918. 4°. V. 10, p. 104-105.) t*ONK A historical sketch of Russia's re- lations with Armenia. (Ararat. London. 1915. 8°. V. 3, p. 83-89, 124-132.) * ONK The Kurds in their relation to Ar- menia. (Ararat. London, 1918. 8°. v. 5, p. 375-378, 426-430.) * ONK The relations of Armenia with England. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V.9, p. 53-55.) t*ONK The relations of Armenia with England in the middle ages. (Ararat. London, 1917. 8°. v. 4, p. 368-373.) *ONK Russia's relations with Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1916. f°. v. 8, p. 122-124, 153-156.) t * ONK Tommaseo, Niccolo. See Moses of Chorene. Tournebize, Frangois. Histoire poli- tique et religieuse de I'Armenie.^ Depuis les origines des Armeniens jusqu'a la mort de leur dernier roi (I'an 1393)... Paris: Librairie A. Picard et fils [1910?]. 2 p.l., 872 p., 3 maps. 4°. BBX Transmigration des Armeniens d'Ader- beidjan sur le territoire russe. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1834. 8°. serie 2, v. 13, p. 317-337.) *OAA Turabian, Hagop. The Armenian So- cial-Democratic Hentchakist party. (Ara- rat. London. 1916. 8°. v. 3, p. 451-457, 516-522; V. 4, p. 34-38.) * ONK Tutundjian, Telemaque. Du pacte po- litique entre I'etat ottoman et les nations non-musulmanes -de la Turquie. Disser- tation pour le doctorat presentee a la facul- te de droit de I'Universite de Lausanne. Lausanne: G. Vaney-Burnier, 1904. 113 p., 11. 8°. *OPQ Ubicini, Jean Henri Abdolonyme. De I'etat moral et politique de I'Armenie turque. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1854. 8"". [Serie 2,i tome 15, p. 261-266.) * OAA Empire ottoman. Les Armeniens sous la domination ottomane. Fragment historique. (Revue de I'Orient. de I'Al- gerie et des colonies. Paris, 1854. 8". (Serie 2,, tome 15, p. 81-94.) * OAA Vahram of Edessa. Chronique rimee des rois de la Petite Armenie. (In: In- stitut de France. — Academie des inscrip- tions et belles-lettres. Recueil des his- toriens des croisades. Documents arme- niens. Paris, 1869. f°. v. 1, p. 491-535.) ttBTR Armenian text with French translation. Vahram's Chronicle of the Arme- nian kingdom in Cilicia during the time of the Crusades. Translated from the orig- inal Armenian with notes and illustrations by Charles F. Neumann. London: Orien- tal Translation Fund, 1831. xix p., 1 1., 23- 110 p. 8°. (C. F. Neumann, Translations from the Chinese and Armenian.) * OAG Chronique du royaume armenien de la Cilicie a I'epoque des croisades com- posee par Vahram Rapoun et traduite sur I'original armenien par Sahag Bedrosian. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1864. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 17, p. 245-254, 315-325.) * OAA Vartan the Great. See Saint-Martin, Jean Antoine. Vartooguian, Armayis P. Armenia's or- deal. A sketch of the main features of the history of Armenia; and an inside account of the work of American missionaries among Armenians, and its ruinous effect. New York, 1896. v, 101 p., 9 pi. 12°. BBX Verite sur le mouvement revolutionnaire armenien et les mesures gouvernementales. Constantinople, 1916. 16 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.253 Villari, Luigi. The Armenians and the Tartars. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V. 9, p. 233-235.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Fiyc and szvord in the Caucasus. The Armeno-Tartar hostilities. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9. p. 251-252.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Fire and szvord in the Caucasus. Fire and sword in the Caucasus. London: T. F. Unwin, 1906. 347 p., 64 pi. 8^ *R-GMV Russia and the Armenians. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. i\ v. 9. p. 200-202.) t * ONK Reprinted from his Fire and sword in the Caucasus. 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — General Works, continued. Russian bureaucracy and the Ar- menians. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V. 9, p. 219-220.) f * ONK Reprinted from his Fire and sword in the Caucasus. Vincentius, Bellovacensis. Sec Hethoum, prince of Gorigos. Vogel, Charles, and A. Coumryantz. Le peuple qui souffre; I'Armenie, ses origines, son passe, son avenir? Preface par Jean Jullien. Paris: Dorbon-aine [Cop. 1917]. xiii, 16-110 p., 1 I. 16°. BBX BsHxie ApsepyMa (niictMa iist ApeMHiii). (MocKOBCKJii Te.ierpa^t. Moscow, 1830. 8°. 1830, no. 2, p. 141- 175.) *QCA Capture of Erzeroum. Wakidi, Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn 'Umar al-. Geschichte der Eroberung von Mesopotamien und Armenien von Moham- med ben Omar el Wakedi. Aus dem Arabischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkun- gen begleitet von B. G. Niebuhr. Hrsg. und mit Zusatzen und Erlauterungen ver- sehen von Dr. A. D. Mordtmann. Ham- burg, 1847. xxi, 185 p., 1 map. 4°. t*OFL Wheeler, Alfred A. The Russians in Armenia. (Fortnightly review. London, 1878. 8°. new series, v. 24, p. 852-866.) *DA Whiston, George. See Moses of Chorene. Whiston, William. See Moses of Cho- rene. Williams, Charles. The Armenian cam- paign: a diary of the campaign of 1877, in Armenia and Koordistans London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. xx, 366 p.. 2 maps. 8°. BBX Williams, William Llewelyn. The an- cient kingdom of greater Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 5- 7,25-27.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Armenia: past and present, p. 41-51. Armenia: past and present; a study and a forecast. . . With an introduction by T. P. O'Connor, M. P. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1916. xi, 211 p., 2 folded maps. 8°. BBX The kingdom of Lesser Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9. p. 36-39.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Armenia: past and present, p. 64-81. Under the heel of the Turk. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 56-58.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Armenia: past and present. p. 82-98. Zavak. Armenia: a chronological trea- tise. B. C. 2247 -A. D. 1375. (Ararat. London, 1917. 8°. v. 5, p. 80-83, 129-135, 183-187, 234-239.) * ONK Armenia. A monograph. (Ararat. London, 1917. 8°. v. 4, p. 324-331.) *ONK Zenob of Klag. Histoire de Daron. [Translated by fivariste Prud'homme.] (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1863. 8°. serie 6, V. 2, p. 401-475. ) * OAA Zohrabian, John. See Samuel of Ani. Massacres The Adana massacres: who is responsi- ble? The Parliamentary commission to Adana. Interview with an Armenian dep- uty. Change in the tone of the Turkish press. The central government acts promptly. Decision to bring the chief of- fenders, including high officials, to trial. Constantinople, Turkey, 1909. 23 p. 12°. GIC p.v.5 American Armenian Relief Fund. The cry of Armenia. [New York: American Armenian Relief Fund in cooperation with the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, 1916.] 32 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.243 American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief. More material for your ser- mon on Bible lands, to-dav, A. D. 1918. [New York, 1918.] 31 p. nar. 8°. BTZE p.v.301 Articles by Henry Morgenthau, Oscar S. Straus, and others. A national test of brotherhood; America's opportunity to relieve suffering in Armenia, Svria, Persia and Palestine. [New York, 1917?) 32 p. 8°. BTZW p.v.2 Andreasian, Dikran. Comment un dra- peau sauva quatre mille Armeniens. Paris: Fischbacher [1916]. 15 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.270 Apcar, Diana Agabeg. Betrayed Ar- menia. Yokohama: Japan Gazette Press, 1910. 5 p.l., 10-77 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 8°. BBX In His name. Yokohama: Japan Gazette Press, 1911. 4 p., II., 5-52 p.. 11., 9 pi. 8°. BBX On the cross of Europe's imperial- ism, Armenia crucified. Yokohama: [Fu- kuin Prtg. Co., Ltd.,] 1918. viii, 116 p.. 1 1. 12°. BBX Peace and no peace. Yokohama: Japan Gazette Press, 1912. 1 p.l., 101 p., 11. 12°. YFXp.v.12 The peace problem. Yokohama: Japan Gazette Press, 1912. 1 p.l.. 131 p., 1 1. 12°. YFXp.v.l2 ARMENIA AND THE ARAIENIANS 37 History — Massacres, continued. The truth about the Armenian mas- sacres. Yokohama: Japan Gazette, 1910. 26 p. 12°. BBHp.v.2 Argyll (8. duke), George Douglas Camp- bell. Our responsibilities for Turkey. Facts and memories of forty years. Lon- don: J. Murray, 1896. 166 p. 12\ GIE See also Armenia. Armenia. Letter from the duke of Ar- gyll, &c. Documentary and historical evi- dence of England's responsibility for the horrors inflicted by the Turks upon the Armenian people. Manchester: "Guar- dian" Printing Works, 1896. 16 p. 8°. BBH p.v.4 The Armenian deportations. From the English Blue Book. (New Armenia. New York, 1917-18. f°. v. 9, p. 238-239, 253- 255, 270-271, 286-287, 319; v. 10, p. 14-16.) t*ONK Armenian documents. [No.] 1-6. (Ar- menian herald. Boston, 1917-18. 8°. v. 1, p. 51-53, 95-104. 153-164, 223-229, 326-347, 453-457, 506-515, 555-563.) * ONK The Armenian massacre. (Hartford Seminary record. Hartford, 1895. 8°. v. 5, p. 251-279.) ZISF The Assassination of Armenia. The Turkish program of annihilation described by government representatives, teachers, missionaries, and other eyewitnesses. (Missionarjr review of the world. New York, 1915. 8°. new series, v. 28, p. 837- 848.) ZKVA Les Atrocites en Armenie. (L'Asie fran- ?aise. Paris, 1915. 4°. annee 15, p. 82-89.) fBBA Barby, Henry. Au pays de I'epouvante, I'Armenie martyre. Preface de M. Paul Deschanel... Paris: A. Michel [1917i. 2 p.l., V, 260 p., 14 pi., 2 ports. 12°, BTZE An account, with official documents, of the mas- sacre, resistance and deportation of the Armenians in the European war. Benoit, Lucien. Les massacres d'Adana. Relations de missionnaires. (fitudes par des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1909. 8°. v. 120, p. 39-54, 237-248.) *DM Bliss, Edwin Munsell. Turkey and the Armenian atrocities. A graphic and thril- ling history of Turkey — The Armenians, and the events that have led up to the ter- rible massacres. . .in Armenia. . . By Rev. E. M. Bliss, assisted by Rev. C. Hamlin, E. A. Grosvenor... With an introduction by F. E. Willard. New York: Hibbard & Young [Cop. 1896]. 1 p.l., 4, v-xv, 17-573 p., Imap, 1 pi., 1 port. sq. 8°. BBX Turkey and the Armenian atroci- ties; a reign of terror. From Tartar huts to Constantinople palaces. Centuries of oppression — Moslem and Christian — Sultan and Patriarch — broken pledges fol- lowed by massacre and outrage. The Red Cross to the rescue. W^ith an introduction by Frances E. Willard. n. p.: Edgewood Pub. Co. ccop. 1896.1 1 p.l-. 4, v-xv, 17-574 p., 1 map, 1 port. 8°. BBXand*ONQ Bresnitz von Sydacoff, Philipp Franz. Abdul Hamid und die Christenverfolgun- gen in der Tiirkei. Aufzeichnungen nach amtlichen Quellen. Berlin: F. Luckhardt [pref. 1896]. iv, 73 p. 3. ed. 8°. BBX Brezol, Georges. Les Turcs ont passe la. Recueil de documents, dossiers, rap- ports, requetes, protestations, suppliques et enquetes, etablissant la verite sur les massacres d'Adana en 1909. Paris: I'au- teur, 1911. vi, 8-400 p., 1 map, 3 ports. 12'. *OPQ Bryce (1. viscount), James Bryce. The Armenian massacres. (New Armenia. New York, 1916. f°. v. 8, p. 51-53.) t*ONK See also Great Britain. — Foreign Office. 'Miscellaneous, no. 31 (1916); a/,yo Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. Burns, John. See The Massacres in Tur- key. Carlier, fimilie. Au milieu des mas- sacres; journal de la femme d'un consul de France en Armenie. Paris: F. Juven [1903). 2 p.l. 4-156 p., 1 port. 12°. * ONQ Chambers, L. P. The massacre of Ar- menia. (Queen's quarterlj-. Kingston, 1916. 8°. V. 24, p. 228-235.) * DA The Constantinople massacre. (Con- temporary review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 70, p. 457-465.) * DA Der-Hagopian, Nishan. Persecuted Ar- menia. '(Century. New York, 1918. 8°. V. 96, p. 660-667.) * DA Dzotsikian, S. M. Debi Pergutiun. f A story of the Armenian massacres, repub- lished from the newspaper "Aspares."] Fresno, Cal., 1916. 1 p.l., 194 p. 12°. *ONP Einstein, Lewis. The Armenian mas- sacres. (Contemporary review. London, 1917. 8°. V. Ill, p. 486-494.) * DA Reprinted in New Armenia, v. 9, p. 152-153, 169- 171, t *ONK. Etesioh sosgali tebkl yev oghperkoutiun godoradzin Etesioh. [Etesia's horrible cir- cumstances; or. The tragedy of the mas- sacres at Etesia. Written b}^ an Armenian of that city.i Schumla, Bulgaria, 1904. 8. 32 p., 3 pi. 8°. * ONQ 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — Massacres, continued. Fa'iz al-Husain. L'Armenie martyre, par Faiz el-Ghassein. (In: La domination ottomane. Geneve, 1917. 2. ed. 12°. p. 65-136.) BBX Martyred Armenia, by Fa'iz el- Ghusein. . .translated from the original Arabic... New York: G. H. Doran Co., 1918. vii p., 1 1., 52 p. 12°. BTZEp.v.293 Die Tiirkenherrschaft und Arme- niens Schmerzensschrei, von Scheik Faiz el-Ghassein. Ziirich: Art. Institut O. Fiiss- li, 1918. 100 p., Imap. 8°. BBX Des Martyrium Armeniens, p. 47-100. Ferriman, Z. Duckett. The Young Turks and the truth about the holocaust at Adana in Asia Minor, during April, 1909. Writ- ten and compiled in April, 1911, by the author of "Turkey and the Turk." [Lon- don ? 1913.] vi p., 1 1., 216 p., 1 map. 12°. BBX Germany, Turkey, and Armenia; a selec- tion of documentary evidence relating to the Armenian atrocities from German and other sources. London: J. J. Keliher & Co., Ltd., 1917. 3 p.l., 127 p. 8°. BTZE Gibbons, Helen Davenport. The red rugs of Tarsus; a woman's record of the Armenian massacre of 1909. New York: Century Co., 1917. xiv p., 11., 194 p. 12°. BBX Les Turcs ont passe par la! Jour- nal d'une Americaine pendant les mas- sacres d'Armenie. Traduit de I'anglais par F. de Jessen, preface de Fr. Thiebault-Sis- son. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1918. xviii, 163 p., 1 1., 3 ports. 12°. BBX A translation of the preceding. Gibbons, Herbert Adams. The blackest page o_f modern history; events in Armenia in 1915, the facts and the responsibilities. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1916. 71 p. 12°. BTZE Sources, p. 69-71. "La page la plus noire de I'histoire moderne." Les derniers massacres d'Ar- menie, les responsabilites, par Herbert Adams Gibbons... Traduit de I'anglais. [Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1916.] 47 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914-1916. [fasC] 92.) BTZE Gladstone, William Ewart. See The Massacres in Turkey. Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Mis- cellaneous no. 31 (1916). The treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 1915-16. Documents presented to Vis- count Grey of Fallodon, secretary of state for foreign affairs, by Viscount Brvce. With a preface by Viscount Bryce. Lon- don: Sir J. Causton and Sons. 1916. xlii, 084 p., Imap. 8°. XBI and * ONQ Turkey. 1895, no. 1. Correspon- dence relating to the Asiatic provinces of Turkey. Part i. Events at Sassoon, and commission of inquiry at Moush. London: Harrison and Sons [1895]. xv, 208 p., 1 map. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Ses- sional papers. 1895, v. 109.) * SDD Relates to the Armenian massacres of 1894. Part II. Commission of m- quiry at Moush: proces-verbaux and sepa- rate depositions. London: Harrison and Sons [1895]. 3, 378 p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1895, V. 109.) * SDD Relates to the Armenian massacres of 1894. Greene, Frederick Davis. The Arme- nian crisis in Turkey; the massacre of 1894, its antecedents and significance with a consideration of some of the factors which enter into the solution of this phase of the eastern question. New York: G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1895. xix, 180 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 12°. BBX Armenian massacres; or. The sword of Alohammed, containing a complete and thrilling account of the terrible atrocities and wholesale murders committed in Ar- menia by Mohammedan fanatics, includ- ing a full account of the Turkish people, their history, government, manners, cus- toms and strange religious belief. To which is added: The Mohammedan reign of terror in Armenia, edited by Henry Dav- enport Northrop. [Philadelphia:] Ameri- can Oxford Pub. Co. [Cop. 1896.] xviii, 512 p., 1 folded map, 18 pi., 1 port. 12°. BBX p. 1-180 identical with correspondingly paged mat- ter in the author's Rule of the Turk. The rule of the Turk. A revised and enlarged edition of The Armenian cri- sis. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1896. 12°. BBX The Armenians The Armenian his: The crime New York [Cop. 1900,. GIE du pan- Paris: ("Pages BTZE xix, 192 p., 1 map, 2 pi Bibliography, p. 183-186. Gregory, Daniel Seelye. in the eastern question, crisis and massacres. (In of Christendom. 8°. p. 139-238.) Griselle, Eugene. Une victime germanisme; I'Armenie martvre, Bloud & Gav, 1916. 127 p. 12°. actuelles," 1914-1916. no. 83-84.) Grosvenor, E. A. See Bliss, Edwin Mun- sell. Hamlin, Cyrus. The genesis and evolu- tion of the Turkish massacre of Armenian subjects. (American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings. Worcester, 1898. 8°. v. 12, p. 288-294.) lAA The martyrdom of Armenia. (Mis- sionary review of the world. New York, 1896. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 431-435.) ZKVA See also Bliss, Edwin Munsell. I ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 39 History — Massacres, continued. Harris, Helen B. See Harris, James Rendel, and Helen B. Harris. Harris, James Rendel, and Helen B. Harris. Briefe von Schauplatz der letzten Massacres in Armenien. (Der Christliche Orient. Westend-Berlin. 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 302-311, 350-359, 387-395, 444-450, 556- 566.) t * OAA Letters from the scenes of the re- cent massacres in Armenia. New York: F. H. Re veil Co. [1897 ?j xii p., 1 1., 254 p., 1 map, 8 pi. 8°. BEY Howard, William Willard. Horrors of Armenia: the story of an eye-witness. New York: Armenian Relief Association, 1896. 62 p. 12°. BBHp.v.2 Jessen, F. de. See Gibbons, Helen Dav- enport. Khungian, T. B. Massacres in Turkev. (Armenia. Boston, 1906. 4°. v. 2, no. 4. p. 48-54.) t*ONK Ksan gakhaghannir. [Twenty gallows.] Providence, 1916. 171 p.. 21. 8°. * ONQ MacColl, Malcolm. The Constantinople massacre and its lesson. (Contemporary review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 68, p. 744- 760.) * DA Malcolm AEacColl; memoirs and correspondence; edited by G. W. E. Rus- sell. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1914. 4p.l., 407 p., 1 port. 8°. AN Les Massacres d'Armenie. (L'Asie fran- gaise. Paris. 1916. 4°. annee 16, p. 25-27.) fBBA The Massacres in Turkey. [no.] 1-5. (Nineteenth century. London, 1896. 8°. V. 40, p. 654-680.) * DA 1. By Dr. J. Guinness Rogers. 2. By the Earl of Meath. 3. By John Burns. 4. By Prof. H. An- thony Salmone. 5. By Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Meath (12. earl). Reginald Brabazon. See The Massacres in Turkey. Meda, Filippo. La storia documentata delle ultime stragi in Armenia. (Nuova antologia. Roma, 1917. 8°. serie 6, v. 191, p. 312-321.) NNA Morgenthau, Henry. Ambassador Mor- genthau's story, by Henry Morgenthau, formerly American ambassador to Turkey. Garden City, New York: Doubledav, Page & Co., 1918. XV, 407 p., 48 pi. 8°. " BTZE Mouchek Yebiscobos (Seropian). Ada- nahi chartu yev badaskhanadouneru. [The Adana massacres.] Boston, 1910. 3, 64 p. 12°. *ONQ The truth about the Adana mas- sacres. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 4, no. 10, p. 1-4; no. 11, p. 9-11; no. 12. p. 19-22.) t * ONK Nazarbek, Avetis. Zeitun. (Contem- porary review. London, 1896. 8°. v. 69, p. 513-528.) *DA Niepage, Martin. The horrors of Alep- po, seen by a German eyewitness; a word to Germany's accredited representatives by Dr. Martin Niepage, higher grade teacher in the German technical school at Aleppo, at present at Wernigerode. London: T. F. Unwin, Ltd. [1917?] 24 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.275 Northrop, Henry Davenport. See Greene, Frederick Davis. Pinon, Rene. La suppression des Arme- niens: methode allemande — -travail turc. Paris: Perrin et Cie., 1916. 2 p.l., 75 p. 12°. BTZE This was published anonymously in the Revue des deux mondes, periode 6, tome 31, p. 531-560, Feb., 1916, *DM. Political papers for the people. Edited by W. T. Stead, no. 1. London: "Review of Reviews" Office, 1896. 3 p.l., 9-63 p. 12°. BBH p.v.4 no. 1. The haunting horrors in Armenia. Price, Morgan Philips. War & revolu- tion in Asiatic Russia. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1918.] 295(1) p., 2 folded maps. 8°. BTZE Quillard, Pierre. L'extermination d'une race. (La contemporaine. Paris, 1901. 8°. no. 8, p. 520-531.) * DM Les nouveaux massacres d'Arme- nie. (Revue. Paris, 1901. 8°. v. 39, p. 113-127.) *DM Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell. Two massacres in Asia Minor. [London, 1896.] 16 p. 8°. ZNG p.v.4 Repr. : Contemporary review, v. 70, p. 435-448, * DA. Raynolds, George C. Thrilling experi- ences in Van. (Missionar}^ review of the world. New York, 1916. 8°. new series, v. 29, p. 169-180.) ZKVA Red Cross, United States. — American National Red Cross. Report. America's relief expedition to Asia Minor under the Red Cross. Washington, 1896. 125 p., 1 map, 9 pi. 8°. WZX Roberts, Chalmers. A mother of mar- tvrs. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1899. 8°. V. 83, p. 90-96.) * DA Rogers, James Guinness. See The Mas- sacres in Turkey. Rohrbach, Paul. Deutschland unter den Armeniern. (Preussische Jahrbiicher. Berlin, 1899. 8°. Bd. 96, p. 308-328.) * DF Russell, George William Erskine. See MacColl, Alalcolm. 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY History — Massacres, continued. Salmone, Habib Anthony. Sec The Mas- sacres in Turkey. Seropian, Moushek. Sec Mouchek Ye- biscobos (Seropian). Shepard, Fred Douglas. Personal ex- perience in Turkish massacres and relief work. (Journal of race development. Worcester, 1910-11. 8°. v. 1, p. 316-339.) QOA Situation in Russian Armenia. Mas- sacres in Bakou. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. V. 1, no. 7, p. 43-52.) t*ONK Speer, Robert Elliott. The Armenian massacres. (In his: IMissions and modern history. New York [1904]. 8°. v. 2, p. 439- 485.) ZKVF Stead, William Thomas, editor. Sec Po- litical papers. The Story of an Armenian refugee. (Na- tional magazine. Boston, 1897. 8°. v. 6, p. 3-15, 145-155.) *DA The Story of a nation's martyrdom, n. p. rl894] 1 1., 4 pi. 4= BAC p.v.18 Tcheraz, Alinas. Les martyrs armeniens devant la conference de La Haj^e. (Revue des revues. Paris, 1899. 8°. v. 29, p. 234- 242.) * DM Tchobanian, Archag. La femme arme- nienne; conference faite a Paris le 18 Jan- vier 1917, suivie de poemes de M"^ S. Va- hanian, M"'". Z. Essaian, M"'^ Ch. Kourghi- nian, de Alaximes et ccnseils des vieilles meres rustiques d'Armenie, du Recit de I'episode de Djebel-Moussa, par une resca- pee, et du Cri d'une Armenienne. Paris: B. Grasset, 1918. 2 p.l., 87 p., 2 1. 16°. BTZEp.v.303, no.3 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. Armenian atrocities; the murder of a nation. . .with a speech delivered by Lord Bryce in the House of Lords. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1915. 117 p., 1 double map. 12°. BTZE p.v.145 New York: G. H. Doran Co. [1918.] 117 p., 1 double map. 12°. BBX • De armeniska grymheterna: ett mordat folk. Jamte ett tal i engelska over- huset av Lord Bryce. London: Evre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1916. 3 p.l., 182 p.. 1 map. 12°. BTZEp.v.228 Las atrocidades en Armenia; el ex- terminio de una nacion, precedido de un discurso pronunciado por Lord Bryce en la Camara de los Lores. Paris: T. Nelson & Sons [1918?]. 201 p. map. 12°. BBX "The murderous tyranny of the Turks," with a preface by Viscount Bryce London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1917. 35 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.270, no.4 Troshine, Yvan. A bystander's notes of a massacre. The slaughter of Armenians in Constantinople. (Scribner's magazine. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 21, p. 48-67.) *DA Ussher, Clarence Douglas. The Arme- nian atrocities and the Jihad. (Moslem world. London, 1916. 8°. v. 6, p. 140- 143.) * OAA Veselovski, Yuri. T^iiii o6e3,zi;o- jiCHHaro KpaK. (BicTHiiKt BOcnHTa- HiK. Moscow, 1916. 8°. v. 27, no. 3, p. 179-197.) * QCA .Atrocities committed upon Turkish Armenians, as described in Armenian literature. Works in Armenian Relating to Other Countries Acogh'ig de Daron, fitienne. Histoire universelle par fitienne Agogh'ig de Daron traduite de I'armenien et annotee par E. Dulaurier. Partie 1. Paris: E. Leroux, 1883. 4°. (ficole des langues orientales vivantes. Publications, serie 1, v. 18.) *OAF Chahan de Cirbied, Jacques. See Davoud Zadour de Melik Schahnazar. Davoud Zadour de Melik Schahnazar. Notices sur I'etat actuel de la Perse, en persan, en armenien ct en frangais, par IMyr-Davoud-Zadour de IMelik Schahnazar ...et MM. Langles. . .Chahan de Cirbied . . . Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1818. 3 p.l., 360 p., 2 pi. 24°. *OMZ Dirohyan, Hagop Y. Hamarod tasakirk unthanour badmoutian. [Brief course in general histor3\] \'enice, 1897. 2v.ini. 12°. *ONQ Dulaurier, fidouard. L'histoire des croi- sades d'apres les chroniques armeniennes. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colo- nies. Paris, 1858. 8°. nouvelle serie. tome 8, p. 169-184.) * OAA Les Mongols d'apres les histo- riens armeniens; fragments traduits sur les textes originaux par M. £d. Dulaurier. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1858-60. 8°. serie 5, v. 11, p. 192-255, 426-473, 481-508; V. 16, p. 273-322.) * OAA See also Acogh'ig de Daron, £tienne. Khalathianz, Grigori Abramovich. tjber die armenische Version der Weltchronik des Hippolytus. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1903. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 182-186.) * OAA Langles, Louis Mathieu. See Davoud Zadour de Melik Schahnazar. ARAIEXIA AND THE ARMENIANS 41 History, continued. Works. . .Relating to Other Countries, cont'd. Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich. Essai d'une histoire de la d3niastie des Sassanides, d'apres les renseignements fournis par les historiens armenieiis par M. K. Patkanian; traduit du russe par M. fivariste Prud'- homme. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1866. 8°. serie 6, v. 7, p. 101-238.) * OAA Petermann, Julius Heinrich. Beitrage zu der Geschichte der Kreuzziige aus ar- nienischen Quellen. (Konigliche Aka- demie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Phi- lologische und historische Abhandlungen. Berlin, 1861. 4°. 1860, p. 81-186.) * EE Prud'homme, Evariste. See Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich. Vartan the Great. Extrait de I'histoire uiiiverselle de X'artan le grand. (In: Insti- tut de France. — Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents armeniens. Paris, 1869. i°. v. 1, p. 431-443.) ft BTR Armenian text with French translation. Brosset. Marie Felicite. Analyse critiqtie de la Bceooman iicTopin de \'ardan, edition princeps du texte ar- menien et traduction russe par M. N. Emin, par AI. Brosset. 1 p.l., 30 p. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Memoires. St. Petersbourg', 1862. f°. serie 7, tome 4, no. 9.) •" QCB Biography Abuhaiatian, Hagop. Pastor Hagop Abuhaiatian von Urfa. Eine Selbstbiogra- phie. (Der Christliche Orient. Westend- BerHn, 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 468-472, 514-521.) t* OAA Anderson, Antony. Hovsep Pushman: an appreciation. (New Armenia. New York, 1918. f°. V. 10, p. 30-31.) t*ONK Avtaliantz, John, baron. A short mem- oir of Mechithar Ghosh, the Armenian leg- islator. By Johannes Avdall. (Asiatic So- ciety of Bengal. Tournal. Calcutta, 1840. 8°. V. 9, p. 967-972.) * OHA Barres, IMaurice. Tigran Yergat. (Ar- menia. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 4, no. 2, p. 7-9.) t*ONK Brosset, IMarie Felicite. Notice sur le diacre armenien Zakaria Ghabonts, auteur des Memoires historiques sur les Sofis, xv"- xvii" s. (Imperatorskaya Akademiva Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1874. f°. tome 19, col. 320-333.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1S76. tome 7, p. 93-112, *OAA. Le pretendu masque de fer arme- nien, ou autobiographie d'Avetik, patri- arche de Constantinople, avec pieces jusi- ficatives [sic] officielles. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Peters- bourg, 1874-75. i\ tome 19, col. 186-197: tome 20, col. 1-100.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1876. tome 7, p. 1-18, 179-322, *OAA. Chirol, Sir \^alentine. A great Arme- nian [Nubar Pashaj. (Ararat. London, 1918. 8°. V. 6, p. 87-91.) * ONK Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis. See Wardrop, Marjory, and J. O. Wardrop. Holynski, Aleksander Jan Joachim. Nu- bar Pacha devant I'histoire. Paris: E. Dentu [1886]. 2 p.l., viii. 148 p. 12°. BLA Kassabian, Dr. Mihran K. (Armenia. New York. 1910. 4°. v. 4, no. 4, p. 1-3.) t*ONK Maghak-Teopileantz, Madteos V. Gen- sakroutiun yereveli arants. [A biographi- cal dictionary.] Venice, 1839. 2 v. 8°. *ONK Mouchek Yebiscobos (Seropian). Alad- teos II Izmirlian. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. V. 4, no. 9, p. 1-3.) t*ONK N., \\'., and S. M. Hovannes Aivazov- sky. A biographical sketch. (New Ar- menia. New York, 1916. i°. v. 8, p. 362- 363.) t*ONK Najib Makhluf. Nubar Pasha. [A life of Nubar Pasha.) Cairo, 1899. 222 p., 19 pi. 8°. * OPS Arabic text. Neumann, Carl Friedrich. IMemoire sur la vie et les ouvrages de David, philosophe armenien du 5. siecle de notre ere et prin- cipalement sur ses traductions de quel- ques ecrits d'Aristote. (Tournal asiatique. Paris, 1829. 8°. serie 2, v. 3, p. 49-86. 97- 153.) *OAA S., A. G. General Yeprem Khan. (Ar- menia. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 5, p. 359- 361.) t*ONK Seropian, Moushek. See Mouchek Ye- biscobos (Seropian). Sevasly, Mrs. Alarie. Bedros Atamian. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918. 8°. v. 1. p. 86-88.) * ONK 42 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Biography, continued. Tcheraz, Minas. Kamar-Katiba. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9. p. 121-123.) t*ONK Kamar-Katiba was the pseudonym of Raphael Pat- kanian. Saiat-Nova. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. r. V. 9, p. 91-94.) f * ONK Saiat-Nova, sa vie et ses chansons. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1893. 8°. 1893, p. 497-508.) * OAA Tchobanian, Archag. Gregory of Narek. From the French of Arshag Tchobanian. (Armenia. Boston, 1907. 4°. v. 3, no. 4, p. 8-13; no. 5, p. 18-24; no. 6, p. 7-16; no. 7, p. 37-44.) t * ONK Thoumaian, G. An Armenian diplomat in the service of Napoleon a hundred years ago. (Ararat. London, 1917. 8°. v. 4, p. 514-516.) *ONK Mir-David Khan. Vittoria Aganoor Pompily. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 4, no. 2, p. 1-3.) *ONK Wardrop, John OHver. Sec Wardrop, ]\Iarjory, and J. O. Wardrop. Wardrop, Marjory, and J. O. Wardrop. Life of St. Nino. [The Armenian version of Djouansher translated by F. C. Cony- beare.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1900. 88 p. 8°. (Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica. V. 5, part 1.) * YIP Yeremian, Simeon. Azkahin temker kraked Haver. [Biographies of Armenian writers.] part 1-8. Venice, 1913-14. 8 v. 12°. *ONP Social Life Adger, John Bailey. My life and times, 1810-1899. Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication [1899]. 681 p., 2 ports. 8°. AN B., E. An Armenian wedding. (Leisure hour. London, 1877. 4°. 1877, p. 70-71.) *DA Barkley, Henry C. A ride through Asia Minor and Armenia: giving a sketch of the characters, manners and customs of both the ]\Iussulman and Christian inhabitants. London: J. Murray, 1891. x, 350 p. 12°. BBS Barton, James Levi. Armenian qualifi- cations for success. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V. 9, p. 259-261.) t*ONK Bedickian, S. V. How the Armenians keep the New Year and Christmas. (Ar- menia. Boston, 1906. 4°. v. 3, no. 2, p. 8- 12.) t*ONK Blackwell, Alice Stone. Armenian vir- tues. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 4, no. 4, p. 9-10.) t*ONK Burgin, G. B. The Armenian at home. (Cassell's family magazine. London, 1897. 8°. May, 1897, p. 655-660.) * DA Dadian, iVlek. B. La societe armenienne contemporaine. Les Armeniens de I'em- pire ottoman. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1867. 8°. periode 2, v. 69, p. 903- 928.) * DM Dan, Demeter. Glaube imd Gebrauche der Armenier bei der Geburt, Hochzeit und Beerdigung. (Zeitschrift fiir osterreichi- sche Volkskunde. Wien, 1904. 4°. Tahrg. 10, p. 96-106.) fZBA Distribution des prix du College arme- nien de Paris. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Al- gerie et des colonies. Paris, 1861-62. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 14, p. 241-246.) * OAA Dulaurier, fidouard. Les Armeniens en Autriche, en Russie et en Turquie. La so- ciete armenienne au xix* siecle. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1854. 8°. annee 24, tome 6, p. 209-265.) * DM Dzotsikian, S. M. Arnutiun. [An ac- count of social life and customs among the Armenians.] Paris, 1914. 158 p. 8°. *ONK Elton, L. AL, translator. See Nazarbek, Avetis. Garnett, Lucy Alary Jane. An Armenian wedding. (Argosy. London, 1900. 8°. v. 70, p. 347-350.) * DA The women of Turkev and their folk-lore. London: D. Nutt, 1893. 3 p.l.. 546 p. 8°. SNH Keworkian, Komitas. Armeniens volks- tiimliche Reigentanze. (Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Marburg, 1903. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 87-96.) * ONL Kurkjian, Vahan. The Armenian Benev- olent L'nion. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4°. V. 5, p. 231-234.) f * ONK Macfarlane. IMceurs armeniennes. De- mande de mariage. (Nouvelles annales des vovages. Paris, 1831. 8°. tome 49, p. 118- 121.) KAA Nazarbek, Avetis. Through the storm. Pictures of life in Armenia. Translated by Mrs. L. M. Elton, with a prefatory note by F. York Powell. London: John ]\Iur- ray, 1899. xxvii, 322 p. 8°. BBY ARAIENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 43 Social Life, continued. Ohanian, Armene. En Armenie fnion enfance). (Mercure de France. Paris, 1916. 8°. tome 118, p. 452-465.) * DM Petermann, Julius Heinrich. Ueber die Musik der Armenier. (Deutsche morgen- landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- zig, 1851. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 365-372 and 12 p. music.) * OAA Societe de Sunie formee a Smyrne, pour la propagation de I'instruction morale et des lumieres parmi la nation armenienne. iReglemens actuels.j Smyrne: W. Griffitt, 1844. 20 p. 8°. BBHp.v.4 T., A. B. The Armenian Christmas and New Year. (Armenia. New York, I'Hl. 4°. V. 4, no. 8, p. 4-7.) t*ONK Terzian, Paul. Religious customs among the Armenians. (Catholic world. New York, 1900. 8°. v. 71, p. 305-316, 500-512.) *DA Economics and Industries France. — Direction de Commerce Ex- terieur. Rapports commerciaux des agents diplomatiques et consulaires de France. Paris, 1892-1911. 8°. TLG Commerce d'Erzeroum. 1900. 18 p. series 1899 -date, no. 163. Commerce du vilayet de Diarbekir. 1891. 10 p. series 1890-99, no. 30. Situation commerciale, agricole, economique et industrielle du vilayet d'Erzeroum. 1892. S p. series 1890-99, no. 21. Situation commerciale et industrielle du vilayet de Siwas. 1911. 15 p. series 1899 -date, no. 953. Situation economique et mouvement commercial d'Erzeroum. 1906. 20 p. series 1899 -date, no. 661. Situation economique du vilayet d'Erzeroum. 1902. 28 p. series 1899 - date, no. 303. Situation economique du vilayet de Siwas. 1899. 28 p. series 1899 -date, no. 49. 1901. 16 p. series 1899 - date, no. 149. Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Diplo- matic and consular reports. Annual series. London, 1887-1914. 8°. TLG Report on the trade, etc., of the consular district of Erzeroum. 1886. 1 p.l., lip., 1 1. no. 192. 1886. 1 p.l., 6 p. no. 212. 1893. 1 p.l., 13(1) p. no. 1426. 1894. 1 p.l., 11 p. no. 1608. 1895. 1 p.l., 5(1) p. no. 1821. 1896. 1 p.l., 11 p., 1 1. no. 1976. 1897. 1 p.l., 15(1) p. no. 2163. 1898. 1 p.l., 19 p. no. 2233. 1899. 10 p. no. 2477. 1900. 15(1) p. no. 2657. 1901. 20 p. no. 2792. 1902. 10 p. no. 3003. 1903. 9(1) p. no. 3224. 1904. 9(1) p. no. 3442. 1905. 9(1) p. no. 3652. 1906. 16 p. no. 3851. 1907. 19(1) p., 1 map. no. 4115. 1908. 18 p., 11., 1 map. no. 4389. 1909. 19(1) p. no. 4545. 1910. 20 p., 1 1. no. 4734. 1911. 10 p. no. 4985. 1912. 8 p., 1 1. no. 5159. 1913. 13 p., 1 1. no. 5370. Report on the trade of the vilayets of Van and Hekkiari. 1885/6. 1 p.!., 7 p., 1 1. no. 165. Kachouni, Manouel \". Bardizbanoutiun. [Gardening.] Venice, 1899. 315 p., 1 1. 8°. *ONPA Bdghapanoutiun. Venice, 1899. 308 p., 1 1. Gatnapanoutiun. ice, 1901. 173 p., 1 1. 8° ]\Ieghouapoudzoutiun. [Fruit-raising.] 12°. *ONPA [Dairying.] \"eii- *ONPA Bee-cul- ture.] Venice. 1895. 237 p. 8^ * ONPA Langlois, Victor. Du commerce, de I'in- dustrie et de I'agriculture de la Karamanie ( Asie-AIineure). (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1856. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 3, p. 265-280.) * OAA MacGregor, John. Turkish Armenia. (In his: Commercial statistics. London, 1850. 2. ed. 4°. v. 2, p. 108-124.) TL Morgan, Jacques Jean J^Iarie de. Arme- nian activities. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V. 9, p. 229-230.) t*ONK Nalpandian, Mikahel. Yergrakordzou- tiunu orbes oughigh janabarh. [Agricul- ture.] Boston, 1910. 3 p.l., 9-182 p. 12°. *ONPA Turkish Empire. Salnamah. [Official report of the vilayet of Bitlis.] Bitlis, 1900. 235 p. 12°. *OPK Salnamah. [Official report of the vilavet of Diarbekir.] Diarbekir, 1903. 7 p.l.,'224p., 1 table. 8°. * OPK Salnamah. [Official report of the vilavet of Erzerum for the vear 1312 A. H.] Erzerum, 1894. 270 p. 8°. * OPK Salnamah. [Official report of the vilavet of Sivas.] Sivas, 1907. 272 p.. 2 1., 25 pi., 3 tables. 8°. * OPK Salnamah. [Official report of the vilayet of Van.] Van, 1897. 215 p. 8°. *OPK Varandian, ^Mikael. Armenian aptitudes. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 326-327.) t*ONK Das Vilayet Erzerum. (German^^ — Reichsamt des Innern. Berichte iiber Handel und Industrie. Berlin, 1912. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 6-17.) TLG 44 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Folklore and Mythology Bolton, Henry Carrington. Armenian folk-lore. n. t.-p. [Boston, 1896., 293- 296 p. 8°. ZBGp.v.6 Repr. : Journal of American folk-lore, v. 9, p. 293- 296, HBA. C, E. Armenian folk songs. (Eraser's magazine. London, 1876. 8°. new series, V. 13, p. 283-297.) * DA Collins, F. B., translator. Armenian folk- tales. The j'outh who would not tell his dream. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4°. V. 6, p. 82-84.) t*ONK Gelzer, Heinrich. Zur armenischen Got- terlehre. (Koniglich Sachsische Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen: Philol.-hist. Classe. Leipzig. 1896. 8°. Bd. 48, p. 99-148.) * EE Hai'gazn, fidouard. Legendes et super- stitions de I'Armenie. (Revue des tradi- tions populaires. Paris, 1895. 8°. v. 10, p. 296-297.) ZBA Harris, James Rendel. Notes from Ar- menia; in illustration of The golden bough. (Folk-lore. London, 1904. 8°. V. 15, p. 427-446.) ZBA Huet, G. Les contes populaires d'Ar- menie. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris. 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 254-259.) * ONK Keljik, Bedros A. See Zartarian, R. Lalayantz, Erwand. Legendes et super- stitions de I'Armenie. (Revue des tradi- tions populaires. Paris, 1895. 8°. v. 10 p. 1-5, 119-120, 193-197.) ZBA _ Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. Religionsgeschichtliches aus Kau- kasien und Armenien. (Archiv fiir Religi- onswissenschaft. Tubingen, 1900. 8°. Bd 3, p. 1-17.) ZAA Negelein, Julius von. Der armenische Volksglaube. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1900. f^ v. 78, p. 288-293.) fKAA Seklemian, A. G. Armenian folk-tales. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 4 no 10, p. 11-14.) t*ONk Armenian folk-tales. The bald- headed orphan. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. V. 4, no. 12, p. 8-12.) t*ONK Armenian folk-tales. The betrothed of destiny. (Armenia. New York, 1912 4°. V. 5, p. 238-240.) t*ONK Reprinted from his The golden maiden, p. 9-14. Armenian folk-tales. The bird of luck. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4°. v 5, p. 212-216.) t*ONK Armenian folk-tales. Father My- riad. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4° V. 5, p. 378-379.) f * ONK Armenian folk-tales. Julita. (Ar- menia. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 6, p. 118- 122.) t*ONK Armenian folk-tales. The man and the snake. (Armenia. New York, 1912 4°. V. 5, p. 340-342.) f * ONK Armenian folk-tales. Nahabed's daughter. (Armenia. New York, 1912 4°. V. 5, p. 304-306.) f * ONK Armenian folk-tales. The poor widow's son. (Armenia. New York. 1913 4°. V. 6, p. 337-340.) t*ONK Reprinted from his The golden maiden, p. 141-148. Armenian folk-tales. Prince Pari and the beasts. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. V. 5, p. 83-85.) f * ONK Armenian folk-tales. Reed-maid. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 5 p 110-114.) t*ONK Armenian folk-tales. Reynard and Bruno. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4°. V. 6, p. 23-25.) t*ONK Armenian folk-tales. Shapoor, the hunter's son. (Armenia. New York, 1912 4°. V. 5, p. 145-147, 174-177.) f^ONK Armenian folk-tales. The shepherd and the shepherdess. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 5, p. 275-276.) f * ONK Armenian folk-tales. The snake child. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4^ V.5, p. 15-19, 48-53.) f * ONK Armenian folk-tales. The young- est of the three. (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. V.6, p. 185-187, 216-219.) t*ONK Reprinted from his The golden maiden, p. 15-31. Armenian folk-tales. Zoolvisia. (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 6. p 279-284.) t*ONK Reprinted from his The golden maiden, p. 59-72. The fisherman's son. An Arme- nian fairy tale. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. V. 4, no. 5, p. 7-11.) t*ONK The golden maiden and other folk tales and fairy stories told in Armenia. Introduction by Alice Stone Blackwell. Cleveland: The Helman-Tavlor Co., 1898. xxi, 224 p., Ipl. 12°. ZBIO L'nseen beauty. An Armenian folk- tale. (New Armenia. New York. 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 360-361.) t*ONK Tcheraz, Il^Iinas. Notes sur la mytholo- gie armenienne. (Transactions of the ninth International Congress of Oriental- ists. London, 1893. 8°. v. 2, p. 822-845.) *OAA ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 45 Folklore and Mythology, continued. Wilhelm, Eugene. Analogies in the Ira- nian and Armenian folklore. (In: Spiegel memorial vohmie. Bombay, 1908. 4°. p. 65-83.) t*OMA Wingate, Mrs. J. S. Armenian folk-tales. (Folk-lore. London. 1910-12. 8°. v. 21, p. 217-222, 365-371, 507-511; v. 22, p. 77-80, 351-361, 476-484; v. 23, p. 94-102, 220-223.) ZBA Armenian folk-tales. Translated by Mrs. J. S. Wingate. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. V.4, no. 8, p. 14-15; no. 9, p. 15-17.) t*ONK Armenian stories. Translated by Mrs. J. S. Wingate. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. v.4, no. 6, p. 11-12.) t*ONK Zartarian, R. How death came to earth. An Armenian folk-lore. [Translated by Bedros A. Keljik.j (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. v.4, no. 1, p. 4-5.) f * ONK Law Aptowitzer, V. Beitrage zur mosaischen Rezeption im armenischen Recht. Wien: A. Holder, 1907. _ 42 p. 8°. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungs- berichte: Philos.-hist. Classe. Bd. 157, Abh.4.) *EF Zur Geschichte des armenischen Rechtes. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1907. 8°. Bd.21, p. 251-267.) * OAA Avtaliantz, John. On the laws and law- books of the Armenians. By Johannes Avdall. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Jour- nal. Calcutta, 1841. 8°. v. 10, part 1, p. 235-250.) * OKA Basmadjian, K. J. Sec Nerses of Lam- bron. Bischoff, Ferdinand. Das alte Recht der Armenier in Lemberg. (Kaiserliche Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsbe- richte: Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1862. 8°. Bd. 40, p. 255-302.) * EF Brosset, Marie Felicite. Details sur le droit public armenien, extraits du code georgien du roi Wakhtang, et traduits du georgien par M. Brosset. (Journal asiat- ique. Paris, 1832. 8°. serie 2, v. 9. p. 21- 30.) *OAA Karst, Josef. Armenisches Rechtsbuch ediert und kommentiert von Josef Karst. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1905. 2v.ini. f°. t*ONP Bd. 1. Sempadscher Kodex aus dem 13. Jahrhun- dert oder mittelarmenisches Rechtsbuch. . .hrsg. und iibersetzt von Josef Karst. Bd. 2. Sempadscher Kodex aus dem 13. Jahrhun- dert in Verbindung mit dem grossarmenischen Rechts- buch des Mechithar Gosch aus dem 12. Jahrhundert ...erlautert von Josef Karst. Klidschian, Arsen. Das armenische Eherecht und die Grundziige der armeni- schen Familienorganisation. Stuttgart: Druck der Union deutsche Verlagsgesell- schaft, 1911. iv, 127 p. 8°. SNV Bibliography, p. 1-2. Nerses of Lambron. Kaghakahin orenk. [Political laws, translated by K. J. Basmad- jian.] Paris: Banaser, 1907. 43 p. 8\ *ONK Supplement to Banaser, v. 9. Science Basmadjian, K. J. Les livres de mede- cine chez les Armeniens. (Journal asiat- ique. Paris, 1915. 8°. serie 11, v. 5, p. 383- 386.) * OAA Brosset, Marie Felicite. Notice sur un manuscrit armenien nouvellement acquis pour la Bibliotheque imperiale publique. (Imperatorskaya Akademiva Nauk. Bul- letin. St. Petersbourg, 1879. i° . tome 25, col. 277-282.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1881. tome 8, p. 613-621, *OAA. A manuscript, treating of astronomy and astrology, the author of which is unknown. Dirohyan, Hagop V. Ousoumn pnagan ev pnapanagan kidoutiants. [Study of natural and phj^sical science.] \'enice, 1915. 4p.l., 532 p. 8°. * ONPA Dwight, William B. American bank notes and Dr. Seropyan. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 309-312.) t*ONK Gabrielian, M. S. Serahin aroghzapa- noutiun. [Sex hygiene.] Boston, 1915. 3 p.l., 9-192p., 41., Ipl. 8°. *ONPA Hampartsoumian, Hovnan A. Arouyesd madaharoutian. [Hvpnotism.] Lvnn, Mass., 1909. 4 p.l., lOO'p. 12°. * ONPA Hampoian, H. A. Hovnan A. See Hampartsoumian, 46 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Science, continued. Kachouni, Alanouel V. Arouisdapanou- tiun gam shdimaran kidiliats. [Technology or applied science.] Venice, 1909. 720 p. 8°. *ONPA Mkhithar. Mechithar's des Meisterarz- tes aus Her "Trost bei Fiebern." Nach dem Venediger Drucke vom Jahre 1832 zum ersten Alale aus dem Mittelarmeni- schen iibersetzt und erlautert von Dr. med. Ernst Seidel. Leipzig: J. A; Earth, 1908. vp., 1 1., 308 p., 1 1. 4°. t*ONP At head of title-page: Gedruckt mit Unterstiitzung der Puschmann-Stiftung an der Universitat Leipzig. Pilibbosian, Hapet M. Kordznagan aroghzapanoutiun. [Practical hygiene.] Boston, 1911. 406 p., 4 1. 8\ * ONPA Seidel, Ernst. See Mkhithar. Varzhabedian, AI. A. Veneragan akhder ev abaka Hay serountu. [The future of the Armenian race.] New York, 1916. 2 p.l., 7-41 p. 8°. * ONPA Geology and Natural History Abich, Hermann. Der Ararat, in genetischer Beziehung betrachtet. 1 pi. (Deutsche geologische Gesellschaft. Zeit- schrift. Berlin, 1870. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 69-91.) PTA — — Ein Cyclus fundamentaler barome- trischer Hohenbestimmungen auf dem ar- menischen Hochlande. 55 p. (Imperator- skaya Akademiya Nauk. Memoires. St. Petersbourg, 1880. i°. serie 7, v. 27.) *QCB Die Fulguriten im Andesit des kleinen Ararat, nebst Bemerkungen iiber ostliche Einfliisse bei der Bildung elek- trischer Gewitter. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte: Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Wien, 1870. 8°. Bd. 60, Abtheilung 1, p. 153-161.) *EF Geologische Skizzen aus Transkau- kasien. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin: Classe physico-mathematique. St. Petersbourg, 1847. f°. v. 5, col. 321- 343.) * QCB [Observations sur le mont Ararat.] 1 pi. (Societe geologique de France. Bul- letin. Paris, 1851. 8°. serie 2, v. 8, p. 265- 271.) PTA Uber die Lage der Schneegranze und die Gletscher der Gegenwart im Kau- kasus. (Imperatorskava Akademiva Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1878. f°. tome 24, col. 258-282.) * QCB Ueber das Steinsalz und seine ge- ologische Stellung im russischen Arme- nien. 11 pi. (Imperatorskaya Akademi^'a Nauk. Memoires: Sciences mathematiques et physiques. Saint Petersbourg, 1859. f. serie 6, tome 7, p. 59-150.) * QCB Vergleichende Grundziige der Ge- ologie des Kaukasus wie der armenischen und nordpersischen Gebirge. 8 pi. (Impe- ratorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Alemoires: Sciences mathematiques et physiques. Saint Petersbourg, 1859. f°. serie 6, tome 7, p. 359-534.) * QCB Zur Geologie des siidostlichen Kau- kasus. Bemerkungen von meinen Reisen im Jahre 1865. (Imperatorskaya Aka- demiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1866. f°. tome 10, col. 21-42.) * QCB Bonney, T. G. Notes on some rocks from Ararat. (Geological magazine. Lon- don, 1905. 8°. new series, decade 5, v. 2, p. 52-58.) PTA Buhse. \'orlaufiger botanischer Bericht iiber meine Reise durch einen Theil Arme- niens in den Alonaten April und Alai 1847. (Imperatorskaya Akademij-a Nauk. Bulle- tin: Classe phvsico-mathematique. St. Petersbourg, 1849. i°. v. 7, col. 101-108.) *QCB Chikhachov, Piotr Aleksandrovich. Asie Mineure; description physique, statistique et archeologique de cette contree, par P. de Tchihatcheff. Partie 1-4. Paris: Gide et J. Baudry, 1853-69. 6 v. in 8. 4°. KCBandfKCB Partie 4 published by L. Guerin. Partie 1. Geographic physique comparee. Text and atlas. Partie 2. Climatologie et zoologie. Partie 3. Botanique. 2 v. Partie 4. Geologie. 3 v. Sur I'orographie et la constitution geologique de quelques parties de I'Asie Mineure et de I'Armenie. (Institut de France. — Academic des sciences. Comptes rendus. Paris, 1858. 4°. v. 47, p. 118-120, 216-219, 446-448, 515-517, 667-668.) * EO Forel, F. A. Les echantillons de limon dragues en 1879 dans les lacs d'Armenie. (Imperatorskava Akademiva Nauk. Bul- letin. St. PeteVsbourg, 1880. f°. tome 26, col. 571-576.) *QCB Gylling, Hjalmar. Notes on the micro- scopical structure of some eruptive rocks from Armenia and the Caucasus. (Alinera- logical magazine. London, 1887. 8°. v. 7, p. 155-160.) PWA Hughes, Thomas !McKenny. Notes on some volcanic phenomena in Armenia. (Nature. London, 1898. 4°. v. 57, p. 392- 394.) OA ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 47 Geology and Natural History, continued. Kharajian, Hagop A. Regional geology and mining of Armenia. New York: Nerso Press, 1915. 72 p., 1 folded diagr., 4 folded maps. 8°. PVR Bibliography, p. 70-72. Loftus, William Kennett. On the geol- ogy of portions of the Turko-Persian fron- tier, and of the districts adjoining. 1 map. (Geological Society of London. Quarter- ly journal. London, 1854-55. 8^ v. 10, p. 464-469; v. 11, p. 247-344.) PTA McGregor, P. J. C. Notes on birds ob- served at Erzerum. (Ibis. London, 1917. 8°. series 10, V. 5, p. 1-30.) ^ QMA Martens, E. v. Aufzahlung der von Dr. Alexander Brandt in Russisch-Armenien gesammelten Mollusken. (Imperatorskaya Akademiva Nauk. Bulletin. St. Peters- bourg, 1880. f°. tome 26, col. 142-158.) *QCB Oswald, Felix. Armenien. Ubersetzung von Otto Wilckens. Heidelberg: C. Win- ter, 1912. 40 p., 2 charts,. 1 diagr. 8°. (Handbuch der regionalen Geologic. Bd. 5, Abt. 3, Heft 10.) PVX Bibliography, p. 36-39. Zur tektonischen Entwicklungsge- schichte des armenischen Hochlandes. (Petermanns IMitteilungen. Gotha, 1910. 4°. Jahrg. 56, Halbband 1, p. 8-14, 69-74, 126-132.) KAA Saparian, Hamazasb. Pousapanoutiun. [Botany., Venice, 1884. 248 p. 12°. *ONPA Yergrapanoutiun. [Geology.] Ven- ice, 1893. 3p.l., 215p. 12°. *ONPA Schaffer, Franz X. Grundziige des ge- ologischen Baues von Tiirkisch-Armenieu und dem ostlichen Anatolien. 1 map. (Pe- termanns Mitteilungen. Gotha, 1907. 4°. Bd. 53, p. 145-153.) KAA Sieger, Robert. Die Schwankungen der armenischen Seen. (Globus. Braun- schweig, 1894. f°. Bd. 65, p. 73-75.) fKAA Die Schwankungen der hochar- menischen Seen seit 1800 in Vergleichung mit einigen verwandten Erscheinungen. (Kaiserlich Koniglich geographische Ge- sellschaft. Mittheilungen. Wien, 1888. 8°. Bd.31. p.95-115, 159-181,390-426.) KAA Strecker, Wilhelm. Ueber die wahr- scheinliche altere Form des Wan-Sees. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1869. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 549-552.) KAA Tristram, H. B. Ornithological notes of a journey through Syria, Mesopotamia, and southern Armenia in 1881. (Ibis. London, 1882. 8°. series 4, v. 6, p. 402-419.) QMA Wachter, Wilhelm. Die kaukasisch-ar- menische Erdbebenzone. (Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissensdiaften. Stuttgart, 1902. 8°. Bd.75. p. 53-64.) PQA Wagner, IMoriz. Aus dem Tagebuch eines deutschen Naturforschers in Arme- nien [Moriz Wagnerj. (Ausland. Stutt- gart, 1846. 4°. Tahrg. 19, p. 957-959, 961- 963,966-967,970-971, 1005-1007, 1010-1011.) tKAA Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Na- turverhaltnisse im tiirkisch-armenischen Hochlande. (Ausland. Stuttgart, 1851. 4^ Jahrg. 24, p. 205-207, 210-211.) fKAA Wilckens, Otto. See Oswald, Felix. Yeremian, Simeon. Nor gentanapanou- tiun ev martagazmoutiun badmagan ev ngarakragan. [An historical and descrip- tive treatise on zoology and physiologv.j Venice, 1896. 3 p.l., 553 p. 8°. * ONPA Nor hankapanoutiun ngarakragan ev badmagan. [A descriptive and historical treatise on mineralogy.] Venice, 1898. 4 p.l., 175 p. 12°. *ONPA Zahn, Gustav W. von. Die Stellung Ar- meniens im Gebirgsbau von Vorderasien unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der tiirkischen Teile. Berlin: E. S. Alittler & Sohn, 1906. vi p., 11., 90 p., 2 maps. 4°. (Berlin. — Universitat : Institut fiir Meeres- kunde und Geographische Institut. \"er6f- fentlichungen. Heft 10.) KAA Language Adjarian, H. Classification des dialectes armeniens. Paris: H. Champion, 1909. 5 p.l., 88 p., 1 map. 4°. (Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Bibliotheque: Sciences his- toriques et philologiques. fasc. 173.) * EN Lautlehre des Van-Dialekts. (Zeit- schrift fiir armenische Philologie. Mar- burg, 1903. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 74-86, 121-138.) *ONL S. Mesropi ev krerou kiudi badmou- tian aghpiurnern ou anonts knnoutiunu. [The history of St. Mesrop and the dis- coverv of the Armenian alphabet.] Paris: Banaser, 1907. 40 p. 8°. * ONK Supplement to Banaser, v. 9. Aganoon, Arratoon Isaac. A disserta- tion on the antiquity of the Armenian lan- guage. With some notes and observations by tlie late T. M. Dickenson. (Royal Asi- atic Societv. Tournal. London, 1837. 8°. V. 4, p. 333-3440 * OAA Agop, Joannes. Grammatica Latina, Armenice explicata. Romse: Typis Sacrge- 48 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language, continued. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1675. 214 p., 1 1. 8°. *ONL Bound with his: Puritas Haygica; seu, Grammatica Armenica. Romw, 1675. 8°. Puritas Haygica; seu, Grammatica Armenica. Romje: Typis Sacrae Congrega- tionis de Propaganda Fide, 1675. 3 p.l., 246 p., 21. 8°. *ONL Puritas linguae Armenicas. Romse: ex Typographia Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1674. 215 p. 8°. * ONL Bound with his: Puritas Haygica; seu, Gram- matica Armenica. Roms, 1675. 8°. Alphabetum Armenum cum Oratione do- minicali; Salutatione angelica; Initio Evan- gelii S. Johannis, et Cantico pcenitentiae. [Edited by G. C. Amaduzzi.] Romae: Tj'pis Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1784. 32 p. 8°. RAHp.v.2 Amaduzzi, G. C. See Alphabetum Ar- menum. Arachin tasakirk mangants. [First read- er for children.] New York, 1866. 131 p. 16°. *ONL Aucher, Paschal. See Aukerian, Harou- tiun. Aukerian, Haroutiun. A dictionary Eng- lish and Armenian by Father Paschal Aucher. With the assistance of J. Brand. Venice: S. Lazarus, 1821-25. 2 v. 8°. *R-*ONL V. 2. A dictionary Armenian and English by John Brand. With the assistance of Father Paschal Aucher. Dictionnaire abrege frangais-arme- nien par le P. Paschal Aucher... aux de- pens de AI. Garabied Duz. [Venise: Acade- mie armenienne de S. Lazare,] 1812-17. 2 v. 8°. *ONL Tome 2. Dictionnaire abrege armenien-frangais. A grammar Armenian and English. By Father Paschal Aucher. Venice: Ar- menian Academy, 1819. 4 p.l., 334 p.. 11. 12°. *ONL Grammar English and Armenian by Father Paschal Aucher. Venice: Arme- nian Academy, 1817. 4 p.l., 181 p., 2 1. U\ *ONL Aukerian, Haroutiun, and G. G. N. Byron, 6. Baron Byron. A grammar, Armenian and English, by P. Paschal Aucher and Lord Byron. Venice: printed in the Ar- menian monastery of St. Lazarus, 1873. 144 p. 12°. *ONL Aukerian, Alegerdich. Sec Avedikian, Gabriele, Khatchadroh Surmelian and Megerdich Aukerian. Avdall, Johannes. See Avtaliantz, John. Avedikian, Gabriele, Khatchadroh Sur- rnelian and Megerdich Aukerian. Nor par- kirk Haigasyian lezui. [New dictionary of the Armenian language.] Venice, 1836-37. 2v. 4°. t*ONL Avtaliantz, John, baron. Authors of Ar- menian grammars, from the earliest stages of Armenian literature up to the present day. By Johannes Avdall. (Asiatic Soci- ety of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1869. 8°. V. 37, part 1, p. 134-138.) * OHA On the invention of the Armenian alphabet. By Johannes Avdall. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Calcutta, 1845. 8°. V. 14, p. 522-526.) * OHA Baumgartner, Adolf. Ueber das Buch "die Chrie." (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 40, p. 457-515.) * OAA Bedrossian, Matthias. New dictionary Armenian-English. Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy, 1875-79. xxx, 786 p., 1 table. 8°. *R-*ONL Bellaud. Essai sur la langue arme- nienne. Paris: Imprimerie imperiale, 1812. viii, 96 p. 8°. * ONL Beshgeturian, Azniv. Arachnort Ank- lierin lezvin. [Guide to the English lan- guage.] Boston: Hairenik Press, 1909. 184 p. 12°. *ONL Blau, Otto. Ueber-karta, -kerta in Orts- namen. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge- sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1877. 8°. Bd. 31, p. 495-505.) * OAA Boetticher, Paul. See Lagarde, Paul Anton de. Brand, John. See Aukerian, Haroutiun. Brockelmann, Karl. Ein assyrisches Lehnwort im Armenischen. (Zeitschrift fur Assvriologie. Weimar, 1898. 8°. Bd. 13, p. 327-328.) * OCL Die griechischen Fremdworter im Armenischen. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1893. 8°. Bd. 47, p. 1-42.) * OAA Ein syrischer Text in armenischer L^mschrift. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 56, p. 616-618.) * OAA Brosset, Alarie Felicite. Varietes arme- niennes. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1864. f°. tome 7, col. 90-99.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1868. tome 5, p. 65.-77, *OAA. Bugge, Sophus. Beitrage zur etymolo- gischen Erlauterung der armenischen Sprache. (Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung. Giitersloh, 1893. 8°. Bd. 2,2, p. 1-87.) RAA Etruskisch und Armenisch. Sprach- vergleichende Forschungen. Reihe 1. Christiania: H. Aschehoug & Co., 1890. xviii, 171 p. 8°. RIE Byron (6. baron), George Gordon Noel Byron. Lord Byron's Armenian exercises and poetrv. Venice: in the Island of S. Lazzaro; 1870. 167 p., 2 1. 12°. NCI p.v.92 ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 49 Language, continued. See also Aukerian, Haroutiun, and G. G. N. Byron, 6. Baron Byron. Calfa, Ambroise. Dictionnaire arme- nien-frangais et franqais-armenien. Paris: L. Hachette et Cie., 1861. 7 p.l., vi p., 2 1., 1032 p.. 1 1. 16°. *ONL Armenien-frangais only. Chahan de Cirbied, Jacques. Grammaire de la langue armenienne; ou Ton expose les principes et les regies de la langue, d'apres les meilleurs grammairiens, et les auteurs originaux et suivant les usages particuliers de I'idiome haikien; redigee . . .par J. Ch. Cirbied. Paris: fiverat, 1823. 3 p.l., Ixxxii, 820 p. 8°. *ONL Reviewed by J. Zohrab in Journal asiatique, tome 2, p. 297-312; tome 3, p. 169-190, *OAA. See also Denis of Thrace. Chakmakjian, H. H. Armeno-American letter writer containing a large variety of model letters adapted to all occasions: let- ters of friendship, letters of congratulation and condolence, letters of love, business letters. Examples from great authors. Boston: E. A. Yeran ,1914]. 440 p. S°. *ONL Charpentier, Jarl. Kleine Beitrage zur armenischen Wortkunde. (Indogerman- ische Forschungen. Strassburg, 1909. 8°. Bd.25, p. 241-256.) RAA Ciakciak, Emmanuele. Dizionario itali- ano-armeno-turco. Venezia, 1804. 26, 896 p., 1 pi. 8°. *ONL Cirbied, J. See Chahan de Cirbied, Jacques. Delatre, Louis. Place de I'armenien parmi les langues indo-europeennes. (Re- vue de rOrient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1858. 8°. nouvelle serie, toine 7, p. 36-46.) * OAA Denis of Thrace. Grammaire de Denis de Thrace, en grec, en armenien et en frangais, accompagnee de notes et d'eclair- cissemens par M. Cirbied. (Societe royale des antiquaires de France. Memoires. Paris, 1824. 8°. tome 6, p. v-xxxii, 1-93.) DA Bourgeois, H. La grammaire armenienne de Denis de Thrace. (Revue de linguis- tique et de philologie comparee. Chalon- sur-Saone, 1911. 8°. v. 44, p. 176-187.) RAA Dickenson, T. M. Sec Aganoon, Arra- toon Isaac. Dirr, A. Praktisches Lehrbuch der ost- armenischen Sprache. Wien: A. Hartle- ben [1912]. viii p., 1 1., 182 p., 1 table. 16°. (Die Kunst der Polyglottie. Teil 103.) *ONL Dulaurier, fidouard. Kerope Petrovich. See Patkanov, Dwight, Harrison Gray Otis. Keraga- noutun Ankghiaren yev Haheren. [A gram- mar English and Armenian.] Smvrna, 1835. 112 p. 8°. *bNL Dwight, Harrison Gray Otis, and Eli.\s RiGGS. Orthography of Armenian and Turkish proper names. (.American Orien- tal Society. Journal. New York. 1854. 8°. V. 4, p. 119-121.) *OAA Esoff, G. d'. Apergu de I'etude de la langue armenienne en Europe, (.-^ctes du huitieme Congres international des orien- talistes. Leide. 1892. 8°. partie 3, section 2, fasc. 1, p. 73-82.) * OAA Finck, Franz Nikolaus. Lehrbuch der neuostarmenischen Litterati'irsprache. Un- ter Mitwirkung von Stephan Kanajeanz bearbeitet von F. N. Finck. Vagarschapat: Druckerei des Klosters S. Etschmiadsin, 1902. 1 p.l., x, 141 p. 8°. *ONL See also Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Gardthausen, V. LTeber den griechi- schen Ursprung der armenischen Schrift. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1876. 8°. Bd. 30. p. 74-80.) * OAA Gauthiot, Robert. Note sur I'accent se- condaire en armenien. (Banaser. Paris, 1899. 8°. V. 1, p. 321-324.) * ONK Gjandschezian, Esnik. Beitrage zur alt- armenischen nominalen Stammbildungs- lehre. (Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philo- logie. Marburg, 1903. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 33-63.) *ONL See also Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Gleye, Arthur. L'^gro-finnischer Einfluss im Armenischen. (Keleti Szemle. Buda- pest, 1901. 8°. V. 2, p. 157-159.) *OAA Gray, Louis Herbert. On certain Per- sian and Armenian month-names as in- fluenced by the Avesta calendar. (Ameri- can Oriental Societv. Journal. New Ha- ven, 1907. 8°. V.28, p. 331-344.) * OAA Gulian, Kevork H. Elementary modern Armenian grammar. London: D. Nutt, 1902. vip., 1 1., 196p. 8°. (Method Gas- pey-Otto-Sauer.) * ONL Hagopian, Hovhan. A pocket dictionary (English-Armenian). Boston: "Ararat" Publishing Co., 1905. 292 p. 16°. * ONL Hanusz, Johann. Beitrage zur armeni- schen Dialectologie. (Vienna Oriental journal. Vienna, 1887-89. 8°. v. 1. p. 181- 197, 281-313: v. 2, p. 63-70, 124-132, 291- 308; V. 3, p. 38-50.) * OAA Huebschmann, Heinrich. Armeniaca. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig. 1881-92. 8°. Bd. 35, p. 168-180. 654-664; Bd. 36, p. 115-134; Bd. 46, p. 324-329.) * OAA 50 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language, continued. Armeniaca. (Indogermanische For- schungen. Strassburg, 1906. 8^ Bd. 19, p. 457-480.) RAA Armeniaca. (Strassburger Fest- schrift zur XLVi. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner. Strassburg: K. J. Trubner, 1901. A° . p. 69-79.) *C Armenische Grammatik. Theil 1. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1897. xxii p., 1 1., 575 p. 8°. (Bibliothek indogermani- scher Grammatiken. Bd. 6, Theil 1.) *ONL Theil 1. Armenische Etymologie. . Iranisch-arnienische Namen auf karta, kert, gird. (Deutsche morgenlan- dische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1876. 8°. Bd. 30, p. 138-141.) * OAA Die semitischen Lehnworter im Alt- armenischen. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1892. 8°. Bd. 46, p. 226-268.) * OAA Ueber Aussprache und L'^^mschrei- bung des Altarmenischen. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1876. 8°. Bd. 30, p. 53-73.) *OAA Ueber die Stellung des Armenischen im Kreise der indogermanischen Sprachen. (Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachfor- schung. Berlin, 1877. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 5-49.) RAA Isaverdentz, Hagopos. An easj' method of learning English for the use of Arme- nians. Part 1-2. Venice: Armenian Tj'pog- raphy of St. Lazaro, 1881. 255, 216. 49 p. 12°. * ONL Title from cover. Joannissiany, Abgar. See Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Junker, Heinrich. Zur Flexion der altar- menischen Demonstrativa. (Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischen Sprachen. Gottingen, 1910. 8^ Bd. 43, p. 331-351.) RAA Kanajeanz, Stephan. See Finck, Franz Nikolaus. Karamianz, N. Einundzwanzig Buchsta- ben eines verlorenen Alphabets. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 40, p. 315-319.) *OAA Karst, Josef. Aussprache und Vokalismus des Kilikisch-Armenischen. Erster Teil einer historisch-grammatischen Darstel- lung des Kilikisch-Armenischen. Strass- burg: K. J. Trubner, 1899. 2 p.l., 74 p.. 1 1. 8°. * ONL Beruehrungspunkte in der Plural- bildung des armenischen und der kaukasi- schen Sprachen. (Verhandlungen des xiii. internationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1904. 8°. p. 144-147.) *OAA Historische Grammatik des Kili- kisch-Armenischen. Strassburg: K. J. Trubner, 1901. xxiii, 444 p., 2 tables. 8°. *ONL Meillet, Antoine. Remarques sur la grammaire historique de I'armenien de Cilicie de \l. J. Karst. (Zeitschrift fur ar- menische Philologie. Marburg, 1904. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 18-28.) *ONL Karst, Josef. Das trilingue Medizinal- glossar aus Ms. 310 der Wiener Mechi- tharisten-Bibliothek. Hrsg. und erlautert von T. Karst. (Zeitschrift fiir armenische Phil6logie. Marburg, 1904. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 112-148.) *ONL Kraelitz-Greifenhorst, Friedrich von. Sprachprobe eines armenisch-tatarischen Dialektes in Polen. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1912. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 307-324.) * OAA Studien zum Armenisch-Tiirki- schen. Wien: A. Holder, 1912. 1 p.l., 46 p. 8°. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften in Wien. Sitzungsberichte : Phi- losophisch-historische Klasse. Bd. 168, Abhandl. 3.) * EF Lagarde, Paul Anton de. Armenische Studien. Gottingen: Dieterich, 1877. 1 p.l., 216 p. 4°. . t*ONL Repr. : Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaf- ten zu Gottingen. Abhandlungen. Bd. 22, *EE. \'ergleichung der armenischen Consonanten mit denen des Sanskrit. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1850. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 347-369.) * OAA Langlois, Victor. IMemoire sur les ori- gines de la culture des lettres en Armenie. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'.Mgerie et des colo- nies. Paris. 1861-62. 8". nouvelle serie, tome 14. p. 200-223.) * OAA Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. \'orschl£ege zur Sammlung der le- benden armenischen Dialekte. (\^erhand- lungen des xiii. internationalen Orientalis- ten-Kongresses. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1904. 8°. p. 141-143.) *OAA Liden, Evald. Armenische Studien. G5teborg: W. Zachrisson, 1906. 149 p. 8°. (Goteborgs Hogskolas arsskrift. Bd. 12.) NIMA Lusignan, Guy de. Nouveau dictionnaire illustre frangais-armenien. Paris: Typo- graphie Morris pere et fils, 1900-03. 2 v. 40/ t*ONL Manandian, Agop. See Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Margoliouth, David Samuel. The Syro- Armenian dialect. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1898. 8°. 1898, p. 839- 861.) *OAA ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 51 Language, continued. Martin, Paulin. Des signes hidro- glyphiques dans les manuscrits arineiiiens. 4 facs. (Congres international des orien- talistes. Compte-rendu de la premiere ses- sion. Paris: Maisonneuve & Cie., 1876. 8°. tome 2, p. 456-458.) * OAA Maxudianz, IM. Le parler armenien d'Akn (quartier bas). Paris: P. Geuthner, 1912. xi, 146 p. r. *ONL Bibliography, p. 1-3. Meillet, Antoine. De quelques ar- chaismes remarquables de la declinaison armenienne. (Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Marburg, 1903. 8^ Bd. 1, p. 139-148.) * ONL Notes sur la conjugaison arme- 1900. 8°. V. 2. *ONK 'a graphic de nienne. (Banaser. Paris, p. 97-109.) — — ■ Observations sur ^ , quelques anciens manuscrits de I'fivangile armenien. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1903. 8°. serielO, V.2, p.487-507.) * OAA Recherches sur la syntaxe com- paree de I'armenien. (Societe de linguis- tique de Paris. Memoires. Paris, 1898- 1911. 8^ V. 10, p. 241-273; v. 11, p. 369- 389; V. 12, p. 407-428; v. 16, p. 92-131; v. 17, p. 1-35.) RAA Mirianischvili, Pierre. Sur le rapport mutuel entre le georgien et I'armenien. (Revue de linguistique et de philologie comparee. Chalon-sur-Saone, 1910. 8^. V. 43, p. 233-270.) RAA Mseriantz, Levon. Notice sur la pho- netique du dialecte armenien de Mouch. (Actes du onzieme Congres international des orientalistes. Paris, 1899. 4°. sec- tion 1, p. 299-316.) *OAA Mueller, Friedrich. Armeniaca. [No.j 1-6. (Kaiserliche Akadeniie der Wissen- schaften. Sitzungsberichte : Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1865-90. 8°. Bd. 48, p. 424- 430; Bd. 64, p. 447-456; Bd. 66, p. 261-278; Bd. 78, p. 425-431; Bd. 88, p. 9-16; Bd. 122, p. 1-8.) * EF ■ Beitrage zur Conjugation des ar- menischen Verbums. (Kaiserliche Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsbe- richte: Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1863. 8°. Bd. 42, p. 327-342.) * EF Beitrage zur Declination des arme- nischen Nomens. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte: Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1863. 8°. Bd. 44, p. 551-567.) * EF Beitrage zur Lautlehre der arme- .nischen Sprache. [Part 1-3.] (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungs- berichte: Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1862- 63. 8°. Bd. 38, p. 570-595; Bd. 41, p. 3-14; Bd. 42, p. 249-258.) * EF Nicht-mesropische Schriftzeichen bei den Armeniern. (Vienna Oriental journal. Vienna, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 129- 132.) *OAA Ueber die Stellung des Armeni- schen im Kreise der indogermanischen Sprachen. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte: Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1877. 8°. Bd.84, p. 211-232.) *EF Ueber den Ursprung der \'ocal- zeichen der armenischen Schrift. (\^ienna Oriental journal. Vienna, 1894. 8°. v. 8, p. 155-160.) *OAA Zur Geschichte der armenischen Schrift. (Vienna Oriental journal. \'ien- na, 1888-90. 8°. v.2, p. 245-248; v. 4, p. 284-288.) * OAA Zur Wortbildungslehre der armeni- schen Sprache. (Orient vmd Occident. Gdttingen, 1865. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 434-445.) *OAA Zwei sprachwissenschaftliche Ab- handlungen zur armenischen Grammatik. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten. Sitzungsberichte: Philos.-hist. Classe. Wien, 1861. 8°. Bd. 35, p. 191-199.) * EF Munkacsi, Bernhard. Uber die "uralten armenischen Lehnworter" im Tiirkischen. (Keleti Szemle. Budapest, 1904. 8°. v. 5. p. 352-357.) *OAA Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich. Re- cherches sur la formation de la langue ar- menienne. . . Memoire traduit du russe par M. fivariste Prud'homme; revu sur le texte original et annote par AI. fidouard Dulau- rier. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1870. 8°. serie 6, v. 16, p. 125-293.) * OAA Ueber die Stellung der armenischen Sprache im Kreise der Indo-Europaischen. (Russische Revue, Monatschrift fiir die Kunde Russlands. St. Petersburg. 1880. 8°. year 17, p. 70-89.) * QCA Patrubany, L. von. Zur armenischen Wortforschung. ( Indogermanische For- schungen. Strassburg, 1903. 8°. Bd. 14, p. 54-60.) RAA Pedersen, Holger. Armenisch und die Nachbarsprachen. (Zeitschrift fiir ver- gleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Ge- biete der indogermanischen Sprachen. Gutersloh, 1906. 8°. Bd. 39, p. 334-484.) RAA Les pronoms demonstratifs de I'ancien armenien. Avec un appendice sur les alternances vocaliques indo-europe- ennes. K0benhavn: B. Luno. 1905. 51 p. 4°. (Kongeligt Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab. Skrifter. Rsekke 6. Historisk og filosofisk Afdeling. Bind 6, [uo.] 3.) * EH Zur armenischen Sprachgeschichte. (Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachfor- schung auf dem Gebiete der indogermani- schen Sprachen. Gutersloh, 1902. 8°. Bd. 38, p. 194-240.) RAA 52 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Language, continued. Petermann, Julius Heinrich. Brevis lin- guae Armeniacae grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia cum glossario. In usum praelectionuin et studiorum privatorum. Carolsruhae: H. Reuther, 1872. xi. 111, 92 p. 2. ed. 12°. (Porta linguarum Orien- talium. Pars 6.) * OAC Grammatica linguae Armeniacae. Berolini: G. Eichler, 1837. xii, 264 p., 3 tables. 8°. *ONL LTeber den Dialect der Armenier von Tiflis. (Koeniglich Preussische Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlun- gen: Philol.-hist. Klasse. Berlin, 1867. 4°. Jahrg. 1866, p. 57-87.) * EE A Pocket dictionary of the English, /^r- menian and Turkish languages. Venice: printed at the Press of the Armenian Col- lege of S. Lazarus, 1843. 3 v. 18°. * OPF Pratt, Andrew T. On the Armeno-Turk- ish alphabet. (American Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1866. 8°. v. 8, p. 374-376.) * OAA Prud'homme, fivariste. See Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich. Riggs, Elias. A brief grammar of the modern Armenian language as spoken in Constantinople and Asia Minor. [Preface signed E. Riggs.] Smyrna: W. Griffitt, 1847. 80 p. 8°. *ONL Inverted construction of modern Armenian. (American Oriental Societv. Journal. New Haven, 1860. 8°. v. 6. p. 565-566.) * OAA See also Dwight, Harrison Gray Otis, and Elias Riggs. Schroeder, Johan Joachim. Hoc est Joh. Joachimi Schroderi Thesaurus linguae Ar- menicae, antiquae et hodiernae, cum varia praxios materia, cujus elenchum sequens pagella exhibet. Amstelodami, 1711. 8 p.L, 64, 410 p., 401. 8°. * ONL Seklemian, A. G. The Armenian alpha- bet. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 6, p. 39-45.) f * ONK Settegast, Franz. Armenisches im "Dau- rel e Beton." (Zeitschrift fiir romanische Philologie. Halle, 1905. 8°. Bd. 29, p. 413-417.) RDTA Surmelian, Khatchadroh. See Avedi- kian, Gabriele, Khatchadroh Surmelian and Megerdich Aukerian. Tavitian, S. De r...(£), ou du positif de I'etre, qui est I'objet de la science posi- tive. De I'unite des lettres ou du principe de la voix et de son harmonic absolue, qui constituent I'objet des sciences logique, musique et mathematique. Paris: P. Schmidt, 1887. 64 p. 8°. *0NKp.v.2 Tiryakian, H. Hahyereni zeghdzoum- neru. [Armenian abused.] New York, 1917. 63 p. 12°. *ONL Torossian, Bedros R. Self-instructor in the English language, according to the latest pedagogical system, based on New York State Education Department's six year elementary course of English. New York: Violet Press, 1913. 714, 20 p. 2. ed. 8°. *ONL Also Armenian title-page. Vosgian, Gomidass A. Artseren parkirk. [An Armenian-French dictionary.] Con- stantinople: H. Matteosian, 1893. 9 p.l., 929 p., 1 1. 12°. *ONL Windischmann, Friedrich H. H. Die Grundlage des Armenischen im arischen Sprachtstamme. (Koniglich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand- lungen: Philos.-philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1847. 4°. Bd.4, Abth.2, p. 1-49.) * EE Yeran, Edward A. Armenian-English conversation illustrated, comprising every- day conversation, letter writing, grammar, English Armenian reader, and useful in- formations. Boston: Yeran Press [Cop. 1913). 380 p. 3. ed. 8°. * ONL Zanolli, Almo. Singolare accezione del vocabolo armeno "tirakan." (Societa asi- atica italiana. Giornale. Firenze, 1907. 8°. V. 20, p. 89-92.) * OAA Studio sul raddoppiamento allit- terazione e ripetizione nell' armeno antico. (Societa asiatica italiana. Giornale. Fi- renze, 1912-13. 8°. V. 24, p. 1-98; V. 25. p. 305-313.) * OAA Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Unter Alitwirkung von Abgar Joannissiany hrsg. von Franz Nikolaus Finck, Esnik Gjandschezian und Agop Manandian. Bd. 1-2. Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1903-1904. 8°. * ONL Zposaran mangants. [Recreation for children, or reading lessons in religious poetry and instruction, and in natural history; translated from English into the classical Armenian language by a native under the supervision of J. B. Adger; with a vocabulary giving definitions in the mod- ern dialect.] Smyrna: H. Hallock, 1838. 4 p.l., 288 p., 1 pi. 12°. RMZand*ONL ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 53 Inscriptions Contains in addition to articles on the Van inscriptions a few on inscriptions in modern Armenian characters. Basmadjian, K. J. Note on the Van in- scriptions. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- nal. London, 1897. 8°. 1897, p. 579-583.) *OAA Une nouvelle inscription armeni- aque ou vannique. (Actes du onzieme Congres international des orientalistes. Paris, 1899. 4°. section 1, p. 257-259.) *OAA Une nouvelle inscription vannique trouvee a Qizil-Qale. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 9, v. 19, p. 137-140.) *OAA La plus ancienne inscription arme- nienne. 1 pi. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1914. 8°. serie 11, v. 4, p. 160-161.) *OAA Quelques observations sur I'inscrip- tion de Kelischin. (Tournal asiatique. Paris, 1903. 8°. serie 10, v. 1, p. 554-555.) *OAA La stele de Zouarthnotz. (Re- cueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assvriennes. Paris, 1901. 4°. annee 23, p. 145-151.) *OBKG Belck, Waldemar. Eine in Russisch-Ar- menien neu aufgefundene, wichtige chal- dische Inschrift. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urge- schichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1901. 4°. Jahrg. 1901, p. 223-226.) QOA Die Keil-Inschriften in der Tigris- Quellgrotte und iiber einige andere Ergeb- nisse der armenischen Expedition. (Ber- liner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Eth- nologic und Urgeschichte. Verhandlun- gen. Berlin, 1900. 4°. Jahrg. 1900, p. 443- 466.) ■ QOA Die Kelischin-Stele und ilire chal- disch-assyrischen Keilinschriften. Mit einer Karte und drei Tafeln. Freienwalde a. O.: M. Riiger, 1904. 1 p.l., 74 col., 1 map, 3 pi. sq. 4°. (Anatole. Zeitschrift fiir Orientforschung. Heft 1.) f * OAA Mittheilungen iiber armenische Streitfragen. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urge- schichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1901. 4°. Jahrg. 1901, p. 284-328.) QOA Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. K. Lehmann- Haupt. Chaldische Forschungen. (Ber- liner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Eth- nologic und LTrgeschichte. Verhandlun- gen. Berlin, 1895-97. 8°. Tahrg. 1895, p. 578-616; Tahrg. 1896, p. 309-327; Jahrg. 1897, p. 302-308.) QOA 7. Der Name "Chalder." 2. Hrn. Sayce's neuester Artikel iiber die Inschriften von Van. 3. Bauten und Bauart der Chalder. 4. Eine Canallnschrift Argistis i. S. Eine chaldische Backstcin-Inschrift. 6. Tiglatpileser iii. gegen Sardur von Urartu. 7. Zur Frage nach dem ursprunglichen Standort der beiden assyrischen Inschriften Sardur's, Sohnes des Lutipris. Inuspuas, Sohn des Menuas. (Zeit- schrift fiir Assvriologie. Berlin, 1892. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 255-267.) * OCL Alittheilung iiber weitere Ergeb- nisse ihrer Studien an den neugefundenen armenischen Keilinschriften. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnolo- gic und Urgeschichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1892. 8\ Jahrg. 1892, p. 477-488.) QOA -- — Ein neuer Herrscher von Chaldia. (Zeitschrift fiir Assvriologie. Weimar, 1894. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 82-99, 339-360.) * OCL ijber die Kelishin-Stelen. (Ber- liner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Eth- nologic und Urgeschichte. \'erhandlun- gen. Berlin, 1893. 8^ Jahrg. 1893, p. 389- 400.) QOA Ueber neuerlich aufgefundene Keil- inschriften in russisch und tiirkisch .\rme- nien. (Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic. Berlin. 1892. 8°. Bd. 24, p. 122-152.) QOA Bertin, George. Abridged grammars of the languages of the cuneiform inscriptions containing: i. A Sumero-Akkadian gram- mar; II. An Assyro-Babylonian grammar; III. A Vannic grammar; iv. .\ Medic gram- mar; v. An old Persian grammar. London: Triibner _& Co., 1888. viii. 117 p. 12^ (Trubner's collection of simplified gram- mars, no. 17.) *"OCO Brosset, Marie Felicite. De quelques in- scriptions armeniennes. rcmarquables au point de vue chronologique. 1 fac. (Im- peratorskava Akademiva Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1860. f°. tome 1, col. 399- 413.) *QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiva Xauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1859. tome 3, p. 735-756, *OAA. Explication de diverses inscriptions georgiennes, armeniennes et grecques. (Imperatorskaya Akademij-a Nauk. Me- moires: Sciences politiques, histoire et philologie. St. Petersbourg, 1840. sq. 4°. serie 6, v. 4. p. 315-446.) * QCB Note sur les inscriptions armeni- ennes de Bolghari. 1 pi. (Imperatorskaya Akademiva Nauk. Bulletin scientifique. St. Petersbourg, 1838. f°. tome 3, col. 18- 21.) * QCB Notice sur la plus ancienne inscrip- tion armenienne connue. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin de la classe historico-philologique. St. Petersbourc:. 1857. i\ tome 14, col. 118-125.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya .Akademiva Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1859. tome 3, p. 1-11, *OAA. 54 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Inscriptions, con tinned. Rapport sur diverses inscriptions, recueillies par MM. Jules Kiistner et Ad. Berger. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1864. f°. tome?, C01.275-28L) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1868. tome 5, p. 113-118, *OAA. Brosset, iMarie Felicite, and E. Kunik. Notice sur deux inscriptions cuneiformes, decouvertes par M. Kastner dans I'Ar- menie russe. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1863. f°. tome 5, col. 428-435.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 671-680, *OAA. Carriere, Auguste. Inscriptions d'un re- liquaire armenien de la collection Basilew- ski publiees et traduites par A. Carriere. 2 pi. (£cole des langues orientales vi- vantes. Publications. Paris, 1883. 4°. serie 2, v. 9, p. 167-213.) * OAF Serie 2, v. 9. Melanges orientaux. Foy, Willy. Zur Xerxes-Inschrift von Van. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesell- schaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1900. 8°. Bd. 54, p. 406-407.) * OAA Guthe, H. Mosaiken mit armenischer Inschrift auf dem Olberge. (Deutscher Palaestina-Verein. Alittheilungen und Nachrichten. Leipzig, 1895. 8°. Jahrg. 1, p. 51-53.) *PWC Guyard, Stanislas. fitudes vanniques. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1884. 8°. serie 8, V. 3, p. 499-517.) * OAA Les inscriptions de Van. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1880. 8°. serie 7. v. 15, p. 540-543.) * OAA Inscriptions de Van, les estampages de ]\I. Deyrolle. (lournal asiatique. Paris, 1883. 8°. serie 8, V. 1, p. 517-523.) * OAA Note sur quatre mots des inscrip- tions de Van. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1882. 8°. serie7,v. 19, p. 514-515.) * OAA Note sur quelques particularites des inscriptions de Van. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1883. 8°. serie 8, v. 1, p. 261-265.) *OAA Note sur quelques passages des in- scriptions de Van. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1883. 8°. serie 8, v. 2, p. 306-307.) *OAA Hincks, Edward. On the inscriptions at Van. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1848. 8°. v. 9, p. 387-449.) *OAA Jensen, Peter. Die hittitisch-armenische Inschrift eines Syennesis aus Babylon. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1903. 8°. Bd. 57, p. 215-270.) * OAA Die Sitze der "Urarto-Chalder" zur Zeit Tiglatpileser's i nach Belck und Lehmann. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. W^eimar, 1896. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 306-309.) *OCL Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. C. Lehmann- Haupt. Zu Jensen's Bemerkungen betreffs der Sitze der Chalder. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar, 1897. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 113-123.) *OCL Kunik, E. See Brosset, Marie Felicite, and E. Kunik. Langlois, Victor. Inscriptions grecques, romaines, byzantines et armeniennes de la Cilicie recueillies par Victor Langlois. . . Paris: A. Leleux, 1854. iv, 58 p., 11., 1 pi. 4°. t*ONM Note sur I'inscription armenienne d'un belier sepulcral a Djoulfa. (Revue de rOrient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1855. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 2, p. 135-138.) *OAA Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der von Dr. W. Belck und Dr. C. F. Lehmann 1898/99 ausgefiihrten Forschungsreise in Armenien. (Koniglich Preussische Aka- demie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsbe- richte. Berlin, 1900. 4°. 1900, p. 619-633.) *EE "Chaldisch"und"Armenisch.'; (Re- cueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeologie. Paris, 1896. f°. annee 18, p. 209-217.) *OBKG Chaldische Nova. (Berliner Ge- sellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. Verhandlungen. Ber- lin, 1893. 8^ Jahrg. 1893, p. 217-224.) QOA Entgegnung auf Hrn. Belck's Ein- sendung "iiber die Keil-Inschriften der Tigris-Grotte und iiber einige andere Er- gebnisse der armenischen Expedition." (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Lfrgeschichte. Verhand- lungen. Berlin, 1900. 4°. Jahrg. 1900, p. 612-626.) QOA Fine neue Ausgabe der auf russi- schem Gebiet gefundenen chaldischen Keilinschriften. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urge- schichte. Verhandlungen. Berlin, 1896. 8°. Jahrg. 1896, p. 586-589.) QOA Neugefundene Menuas-Inschriften. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und LTrgeschichte. Verhand- lungen. Berlin, 1900. 8°. Jahrg. 1900, p. 572-574.) QOA Die neugefundene Steleninschrift Rusas' II. von Chaldia. (Deutsche mor- genlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 56, p. 101-115.) *OAA ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS DO Inscriptions, continued. Belck, Waldemar. Die Steleninschrift Rusas' II. Argistihinis von Etschmiadzin. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1904. 8°. Bd. 58. p. 161-197.) *OAA Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. Ein Schlusswort. (Deutsche mor- genlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1904. 8°. Bd. 58, p. 859-863.) * OAA Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Karl. Der Tigris-Tunnel. (Berliner Ge- sellschaft fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und LIrgeschichte. Verhandlungen. Ber- lin, 1901. 4°. Jahrg. 1901, p. 226-244.) QOA Zwei unveroffentlichte chaldische Inschriften. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1904. 8°. Bd. 58, p. 815-852.) * OAA Zwei unveroffentlichte Keilschrift- texte. (Hilprecht anniversary volume. Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 256-268.) * OCK See also Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. K. Lehmann-Haupt. Macler, Frederic. Alosaique orientale. 1. Epigraphica. , 2. Historica. Paris: P. Geuthner, 1907. 90 p., 2 1. 8°. * OAL Mordtmann, Andreas David. Entzi^ffe- rung und Erklarung der armenischen Keil- insc'hriften von Van und der Umgegend. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1872. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 465-696.) * OAA Ueber die Keilinschriften von Ar- menien. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge- sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1877. 8". Bd. 31, p. 406-438.) * OAA Morgan, Jacques Jean Alarie de, and J. V. ScHEiL. La stele de Kel-i-chin. _ (Re- cueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1893. 4°. annee 14, p. 153-160.) *OBKG Mueller, David Heinrich. Drei neue In- schriften von Van. (Vienna Oriental jour- nal. Vienna, 1887. 8°. v. 1, p. 213-219.) *OAA Sec also Wuensch, Josef, and D. H. Mueller. Mueller, Friedrich. Bemerkungen fiber zwei armenische Keil-Inschriften. Wien: aus der k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1870. Ip.l., 6 p., Ifac. 8=. * ONM Repr. : Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte: Philos.-hist. CI. Bd. 65, p. 5S9-S94, *EF. Zwei armenische Inschriften aus Galizien und die Griindungs-Urkunde der armenischen Kirche in Kamenec Podolsk. 8 p., 1 fac. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wis- senschaften. Sitzungsberichte: Philos.- hist. Classe. Wien, 1897. 8°. Bd. 135, Abh. 11.) *EF Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich. De quel- ques inscriptions de Van. 2 facs. (Mu- seon. Louvain, 1882. 8°. v. 1, p. 541-547.) ZAA Sur I'ecriture cuneiforme armeni- aque et les inscriptions de Van. (Congres international des orientalistes. Compte- rendu de la premiere session. Paris: Mai- sonneuve & Cie., 1876. 8°. tome 2, p. 425- 432.) * OAA Patkanov, Kerope Petrovich, and A. H. Sayce. De quelques nouvelles inscriptions cuneiformes decouvertes sur le territoire russe. 1 fac. (Aluseon. Louvain, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 358-364.) ZAA Robert, Louis de. fitude philologique sur les inscriptions cuneiformes de I'Ar- menie. Paris: E. Leroux, 1876. 2 p. 1., 196 p. f°. t*ONM Sandalgian, Joseph. Asorisdaniah eu Barsig sebakir artsanakroutiunk. [A trea- tise on Assyrian and Persian cuneiform inscriptions' with extracts from them re- lating to the history of Ararat.] \*ienna, 1901. 262 p., 1 1. 8°. *ONQ L'idiome des inscriptions cunei- formes urartiques. Rome: Loescher et Co., 1898. 23 p. 4°. * ONM Les inscriptions cuneiformes urar- tiques transcrites avec une triple traduc- tion interlineaire en armenien classique, en latin et en frangais, suivies d'un glossaire et d'une grammaire. Memoire presente a I'Academie des inscriptions de France. Venise (He de St.-Lazare): Imprimerie-li- brairie des PP. ]\Iekhitharistes, 1900. 1, 506 p., 1 1., 1 map. 4°. * ONM Saulcy, Louis Felicien Joseph Caignart de. Recherches sur I'ecriture cuneiforme assyrienne. Inscriptions de \'an. [Lettres a M. Eugene Burnouf. Signed F. de Saulcy.) Paris: Firmin Didot freres, 1848. Ip.l., 44 p., Ipl. 4°. *OCO Sayce, Archibald Henry. The cuneiform inscriptions of Van. (Roval Asiatic Soci- ety. Journal. London, 1888-94. 8°. new series, v. 20, p. 1-48; 1893, p. 1-39; 1894. p. 691-732.) * OAA The cuneiform inscriptions of Van. (Roval Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1906-11. 8=. 1906, p. 611-653; 1911. p. 40- 63.) *OAA The cuneiform inscriptions of Van, deciphered and translated. (Royal Asiatic Society. Tournal. London, 1882. 8°. new series, v.i4, p. 377-732.) * OAA Deux nouvelles inscriptions van- niques. Ifac. (]\Iuseon. Louvain, 1884- 86. 8 = . V. 3, p. 222-224; v. 5, p. 374-378.) ZAA 56 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Inscriptions, con finned. Fresh contributions to the de- cipherment of the Vannic inscriptions. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1901. 8°. 1901, p. 645-660.) * OAA The great inscription of Argistis on the rock of Van. (Records of the past. London [1890j. 12°. new series, v. 4, p. 114-133.) *OCK Inscription of Alenuas, king of Ara- rat, in the Vannic language. (Records of the past. London [1888]. 12°. new series, V. 1, p. 163-167.) * OCK Les inscriptions vanniques d'Arma- vir. (Museon. Louvain, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 5-9.) ZAA Monolith inscription of Argistis, king of Van. (Records of the past. Lon- don [1890]. 12°. new series, v. 4, p. 134- 136.) * OCK A new inscription of the Vannic king Menuas. 1 pi. (Roval Asiatic Soci- ety. Journal. London, 1914. 8°. 1914, p. 75-77.) * OAA A new Vannic inscription. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1912. 8°. 1912, p. 107-112.) *OAA On the cuneiform inscriptions of Van. (Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung. Berlin, 1877. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 407-409.) RAA See also Patkanov, Kerope Petro- vich, and A. H. Sayce. Scheil, Jean Vincent. Inscription van- nique de Melasgert. (Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assj^riennes. Paris, 1896. 4°. annee 18, p. 75-77.) * OBKG Note sur I'expression vannique "gunusa haubi." (Recueil de travaux rela- tifs a la philologie et a I'archeologie egyp- tiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1893. 4'. annee 14, p. 124.) * OBKG See also Morgan, Jacques Jean Marie de, and J. Y. Scheil. Schulz, fid. Memoire sur le lac de A^an et ses environs. 8 facs. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1840. 8°. serie 3, v. 9, p. 257-323.) *OAA Wuensch, Josef, and D. H. AIueller. Die Keil-Inschrift von Aschrut-Darga. Ent- deckt und beschrieben von Josef Wiinsch, publicirt und erkliirt von David Heinrich IMiiller. 3 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften : Philoso- phisch-historische Klasse. Wien, 1888. f°. Bd. 36, Abtheilung2. p. 1-26.) * EF History of Literature Arnot, Robert. The Armenian litera- ture. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 6, p. 37-39.) t*ONK Reprinted in New Armenia, v. 10, p. 7-8, t *ONK. Baumstark, Anton. Die christlichen Literaturen des Orients. Leipzig: G. J. Goschen, 1911. 2 v. 16°. (Sammlung Goschen. Nr. 527-528.) * OAT Bd. 2, p. 61-110. Das christliclie Schrifttum der Armenier und Georgier. Brockelmann, Karl, and others. Ge- schichte des christlichen Litteraturen des Orients. Von C. Brockelmann, Johannes Leipoldt, Franz Nikolaus Finck, Enno Littmann. Leipzig: C. F. Amelang, 1907. viii, 281 p. 8°. (Die Litteraturen des Ostens in Einzeldarstellungen. Bd. 7, Ab- teilung 2.) * OAT p. 75-130. Finck, F. N. Geschichte der armeni- schen Litteratur. Cayol, Henri. Litterature armenienne. (Journal asiatique de Constantinople. Con- stantinople, 1852. 8°. tome 1, p. 73-86.) *OAA Chalatianz, Bagrat. Die armenische Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Eine Skizze. (Neue Heidelberger Jahrbiicher. Heidelberg, 1905. 8°. Jahrg. 14, p. 16-38.) EAA Chanazarian, G. V. La litterature ar- menienne. (Revue orientale et americaine. Paris, 1862. 8°. tome 7, p. 192-196.) *OAA Finck, Franz Nikolaus. See Brockel- mann, Karl, and others; also Schmidt, Erich, and others. Garo, Chahen. Alodern Armenian litera- ture. (Poet-lore. Boston, 1897. 8°. v. 9, p. 122-126.) * DA Harnack, Adolf. Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der alten grusinischen und ar- menischen Litteratur. (Koniglich Preus- sische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sit- zungsberichte. Berlin, 1903. 4°. 1903, p. 831-840.) * EE Macler, Frederic. La chaire d'armenien a rficole speciale des langues orientales vivantes. (Revue internationale de I'en- seignement. Paris, 1912. 8°. v. 63, p. 5- 38.) SSA Minas. Armenian literature. (Armenia. Boston, 1907. 4°. v. 3, no. 6, p. 27-35.) t*ONK Neumann, Carl Friedrich. Versuch einer Geschichte der armenischen Literatur. nach den W^erken der Mechitaristen frei bearbeitet. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1836. xii, 308 p. 8°. *ONP ARAIEXIA AND THE ARMENIANS 0/ History of Literature, continued. Neve, Felix. L'Armenie chretienne et sa litterature. Louvain: C. Peeters, 1886. vii, 403 p. 8°. *ONK Petermann, Julius Heinrich. Ueber einige neuere Erscheinungen der armeni- schen Litteratur. (Deutsche morgenlan- dische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1861. 8°. Bd. 15, p. 397-406.) * OAA . Raffi, Aram. Armenia: its epics, folk- songs and mediaeval poetry. (In: Z. C. Boj^ajian. Armenian legends and poems. London (1916). f°. p. 125-191.) t*ONP Schmidt, Erich, and others. Die orien- talischen Literaturen. Alit Einleitung: die Aiifange der Literatur und die Literatur der primitiven Volker. Berlin: B. G. Teub- ner, 1906. ix, 419 p. 4°. (Die Kultur der Gegenwart. Teil 1, Abteilung7.) * OAT p. 282-298. Finck, F. N. Die armenische Litera- tur. Schrumpf, G. A. On the progress of Ar- menian studies. (Transactions of the ninth International Congress of Orientalists. London, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 540-553.) *OAA Sukias Somal, Placido. Quadro della storia letteraria di Armenia. Venezia: dalla Tipografia armena di S. Lazzaro, 1829. xix, 240 p., 1 1. 8°. * ONP Thumajan, Johann. Die Geschichte der classisch-armenischen Schriftsprache. { Verhandlungen des vii. internationalen Orientalisten-Congresses. Arische Sec- tion. Wien: A. Holder, 1888. 8°. p. 69- 77.) *OAA Veselovski, Yuri. ApsiHueKaH no3- 3i;T ly BtKa II CK npoiicxO/K\"i;eHie. (PvccKan MBic.ib. AIoscow, 1901. 8°.' 1901, no. 12, [part 2,j p. 97-123.) - QCA Armenian poetry of the nineteenth century. Ki, xapaKxepiicTiiK-h iioboTi apiiHiicKOfi juixepaxypu. (BicTHiiK-L BocniiTainK. Moscow, 1914. 8°. V. 25, no. 4, p. 147-165.) - QCA New Armenian literature. JIiiTepaxypiioe xBopnecxBO xypeitKiixT. apM^in,. (BicxiiiiK-L EBponti. Petrograd, 1916. 8°. 1916, no. 3, p. 75-108.) =:= QCA Literature of the Turkish Armenians. Zavak. The earliest Armenian print- ing press. (Ararat. London, 1916. 8". V. 3, p. 473-481.) *ONK Literature Poetry Alishan, Leo M. Sec Alishanian, Gheuont. Alishanian, Gheuont. Armenian popu- lar songs translated into English by Leo M. Alishan. D. D. Venice: S. Lazarus, 1852. 2p.l., 85 p., 11. 8°. * ONP Venice: S. Lazarus, 1888. 83 p., 11. 3. ed. 8°. *ONP The lily of Shavarshan. [Translated by Alice Stone Blackwell.i (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 8, p. 17-19.) t*ONK Leist, Arthur. Pater Leo Alischan. (In his: Litterarische Skizzen. Leipzig [1886]. 12°. p. 41-51.) *ONK Armenische Bibliothek. Bd. 2. Antreassian, Khorene M. See Kat- choony, H. Armenian poems. ^Metrical version by Robert Arnot. (In: Armenian literature. London [Cop. 1901]. 8°. p. 45-54.) * OCY Arnot, Robert. Sec Armenian poems. Beshigtashlian, Megerdich. Kertouadz- ner ou jarer. [A collection of his poetry and speeches.) Paris, 1904. 193 p., 1 1. 8°. *ONP Leist, Arthur. Mkrtitsch Beschiktasch- lian. (In his: Litterarische Skizzen. Leip- zig [1886]. 12°. p. 53-64.) * ONK Armenische Bililiothek. Bd. 2. Blackwell, Alice Stone. Armenian poems rendered into English verse bj'' Alice Stone Blackwell. Boston, 1917. 2 p.l., xii. 13- 296 p., 3 1. 12°. *ONP Sec also Alishanian, Gheuont; also Damadian, ]\Iihran; also Hayrig, Chrimian ; also Kourghinian, Shoushanik; also Pat- kanian, Raphael: also Portoukalian, M.; also Raffi; also Tchobanian, Arcliag: also Tourian, Bedros; alsii Yarjanian-Siamanto, Atom; also Yergat, Tigran. Bore, Eugene. filegie sur la prise de Constantinople, poeme inedit et extrait du manuscrit 80 armenien de la Bibliotheque rovale. (Journal asiatique. Paris. 1835. 8°: serie2, V. 15. p.271-298.) * OAA Boyajian, Zabelle C, compiler. Arme- nian legends and poems, illustrated & com- piled by Zabelle C. Boyajian. . .with an in- troduction by the Right Hon. Viscount Br}'ce...and a contribution on "Armenia: its epics, folksongs and mediaeval poetry." bj' Aram Raffi. London: T. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. [1916.] xvi, 195 p., 12 col'd pi. f°. t*ONP 58 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Literature, continued. Poetry, continued. Bryce (\. viscount), James Bryce. See Boyajian, Zabelle C, compiler. Chant popiilaire siir la captivite de Leon, fils du roi Hethoum i. (In: Institut de France. — Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents armeniens. Paris, 1869. f°. V. 1, p. 537-540.) ft BTR Armenian text with French translation. Contes & chants armeniens recueillis, transcrits et traduits par Djelali avec pre- face et note explicative par Paul Passy. Fasc. 1. Paris, 1899. 16°. *ONPp.v.l Damadian, ]\Iihran. Furfurcar. Trans- lated by Alice Stone Blackwell. (New Ar- menia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 264.) t*ONK Djelali. Sec Contes & chants. Dulaurier, fidouard. Le chants popu- laires de I'Armenie. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1852. 8°. nouvelle peri- ode, tome 14, p. 224-255.) * DM Etudes sur les chants historiques et les traditions populaires de I'ancienne Ar- menie d'apres une dessertation de J. B. £min. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1852. 8°. serie 4, v. 19, p. 5-58.) * OAA Emin, Jean Baptiste. See Dulaurier, fidouard. Green, G. M. See Raffi. Gregory Dgha, patriarch of Armenia, filegie du patriarche Gregoire Dgha Catho- licos d'Armenie. . .sur la prise de Jerusa- lem par Saladin. (In: Institut de France. — Academie des inscriptions et belles- lettres. Recueil des historiens des croi- sades. Documents armeniens. Paris, 1869. f°. V. 1, p. 269-307.) tfBTR Armenian text with French translation. Hayrig, Chrimian. The soldier's lament. [Translated by Alice Stone Blackwell.i (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 9, p. 19-20.) t*ONK Hethoum II, king of Armenia. Poeme de Hethoum ii, roi d'Armenie. (In: In- stitut de France. — Academie des inscrip- tions et belles-lettres. Recueil des his- toriens des croisades. Documents arme- niens. Paris, 1869. f°. v. 1, p. 541-555.) tfBTR Armenian text with French translation. Katchoony, H. To the martyrs of Adana. [Translated by Khorene M. An- treassian.] (Armenia. New York. 1911. 4°. V. 4. no. 11, p. 12.) t*ONK Khrimean, !Mekertich. A meeting of kings. Translation of a posthumous work by Khrimean Hairik. Versified by A. G. Sheridan. (Ararat. London, 1915. 8°. V. 2, p. 436-443, 445-456.) * ONK Text and translation. Kourghinian, Shoushanik. The eagle's love. To the nightingale. Rendered into English verse by Alice Stone Blackwell. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918. 8°. v. 1, p. 545-546.) * ONK Koutchak, Nahabed. Vieux chants ar- meniens. (La revue blanche. Paris, 1901. 8°. V.26, p. 217-221.) * DM Lalayantz, Erwand. Les anciens chants historiques et les traditions populaires de I'Armenie. (Revue des traditions popu- laires. Paris, 1896. 8°. v. 11, p. 1-12, 129- 138, 337-351.) ZBA Miller, Miss Frank. Armenian popular songs. (Armenia. Boston, 1906. 4°. v. 2, no. 4, p. 23-28.) f * ONK Mourey, Gabriel. Sec Tchobanian, Ar- chag, translator. Natalie, Shahan. Songs of love and hate. The agony of my faith. Love, Prayers, To thee. Flames of hate, Persecuted rhapso- dist. Boston: Hairenik Press, 1915. 166 p., 1 1. 8°. * ONP Nerses the Graceful, patriarch of Ar- menia, filegie sur la prise d'fidesse par les ■Nlusulmans, par Nerses Klaietsi, patriarche d'Armenie: publiee pour la premiere fois, en armenien par J. Zohrab. Ouvrage pu- blic par la Societe asiatique. Paris: Don- dey-Dupre pere et fils, 1828. 7 p.l., 6, 112 p. go *oNP filegie sur la prise d'fidesse. (In: Institut de France. — Academie des in- scriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents ar- meniens. Paris, 1869. f°. v. 1, p. 223-268.) tfBTR Armenian text with French translation. AvTALiAXTZ, John, baron. ^lemoir of the life and writings of St. Nierses Clajensis, surnamed the Graceful, pontiff of Armenia. (Asiatic Society of Bengal. lournal. Cal- cutta, 1836. 8°. V. 5, p. 129-157.) *OHA Passy, Paul. See Contes & chants. Patkanian, Raphael. Cradle song from the Armenian of Raphael Patkanian. [Translated by Alice Stone Blackwell.] (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 7, p. 27-28.) f * ONK The woe of Araxes. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 4, no. 5, p. 13.) t*ONK Portoukalian, M. The Armenian girl. From the Armenian... Rendered into English verse by Alice Stone Blackwell. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 5. p. 121.) t*ONK Raffi. The Lake of Van. From the Armenian of Raffi. [Translated by Alice Stone Blackwell.] (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. V. 2, no. 2-3, p. 23-25.) t*ONK The Lake of Van. Translated by G. M. Green. (New Armenia. New York. 1918. f°. V. 10, p. 90.) f *ONK ARAIEXIA AND THE ARMENIANS 59 Literature, continued. Poetry, continued. Raffi, Aram. See Boyajian, Zabelle C, compiler. Sheridan, A. G. See Khrimean, Aleker- tich. Siamanto. See Yarjanian-Siamanto, Atom. Tcheraz, Alinas. Poetes armeniens. Bedros Tourian. Gamar-Kathipa. Sajath- Nova. Guevork Dodokhiantz. Mikael Nalbandiantz. Corene de Lusignan. Paris: E. Leroux, 1913. xi, 155 p. 16°. * ONP Tchobanian, Archag. Armenia's lullaby. (Asiatic review. London, 1916. 8°. v. 10, p. 441-443.) * OAA Armenian poems rendered into English verse by Alice Stone Blackwell. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 5, p. 210-211.) t*ONK The Armenian poetry. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 4, no. 1, p. 2-3; no. 2, p. 9-10; no. 3, p. 8-9; no. 5, p. 14-15.) t*ONK The epic of Armenia. Translated from the French by Alice Stone Blackwell. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918. 8°. v. 1, p. 317-323.) *ONK Ha'i Etcher. [A collection of Ar- menian poems, illustrated from objects in the convent at Etchmiadzin and from old illuminated manuscripts.] Paris, 1912. 54 p., 11., 120 p., 52 pi. 8°. *ONP Lullaby for Mother Armenia. From the Armenian of Archag Tchobanian. [Translated by Alice Stone Blackwell.] (Armenia. Boston, 1904. 4°. v. 1, no. 2, p. 19-22.) t*ONK Reprinted in New Armenia, v. 8, p. 237-23S, t *ONK; and in Armenian herald, v. 1, p. 43-45, *ONK. Naghash Hovnathan ashoughe yev Hovnathan Hovnathanian nigaritche. [The Armenian Troubadour Naghash Hov- nathan and a complete collection of his works; illustrated by pictures drawn by his grandson Hovnathan Hovnathanian.] Paris, 1910. 128 p., 1 1., 26 pi. 8°. * ONP Poemes. Aurore. La caravane des heures. Angoisse. Visions. Dans la nuit. Sur la colline. Traduction frangaise. Pre- face de Pierre Quillard. Paris: Societe du Mercure de France, 1908. xii, 263 p. 12°. *ONP Poemes armeniens, anciens et mo- dernes. Traduits par Archag Tchobanian et precedes d'une etude de Gabriel IMourey sur la poesie et I'art armeniens. Paris: A. Charles, 1902. 104 p. 12°. * ONP Buss, Kate. Archag Tchobanian. (Ar- menian herald. Boston, 1917. 8°. v. 1. p. 40-42.) * ONK j\I.\RSHALi„ Annie C. Arshag Tchobanian. A biographical sketch, (.\rmenia. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 6, p. 298-301.) t*ONK Torossian, .-Vram. Armenian poetry. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1917. 8°. v. 1. p. 24-39.) *ONK Tourian, Bedros. Complaints. Repen- tance. [Translated from the Armenian by Alice Stone Blackwell.] (Armenia. Bos- ton, 1907. 4°. v. 3, no. 9, p. 38-42.) t*ONK Little lake. From the Armenian. [Translated by] Alice Stone Blackwell. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. v. 4, no. V.6, t*ONK [Translated (Armenia. p. 141-142.) t*ONK Reprinted in New Armenia, v. 8, p. 363, t *ONK. Tcheraz, Minas. Bedros Tourian. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 8, p. 19.) Wishes for Armenia by Alice Stone Blackwell.] New York, 19-12 154-156.) Vie (Museon. 357-366.) Tsutsag t*ONK et poesies de Bedros Tourian. Louvain, 1894. 8°. v. 13, p. ZAA hishadagarani Movsisi Zohra- biants artsakhetsvo. [A collection of Ar- menian poetry.] Part 1. AIoscow, 1870. 106 p. 8°. *ONP Yarjanian-Siamanto, Atom. Song of the knight. From the Armenian of Sia- manto. Rendered into English verse by Alice Stone Blackwell. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. V.5, p.71-75.) f * ONK The starving. [ Translated by Alice Stone Blackwell.] (Armenian herald. Bos- ton, 1918. 8°. V. 1, p. 449-452.) * ONK Blackwell, Alice Stone. An Armenian poet: Siamanto. (Poet lore. Boston, 1917. 8°. V.28, p. 231-241.) * DA Torossian, Aram. Atom Yarjanian- Siamanto. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918. 8°. V. 1, p. 438-448.) * ONK Yeran, Edward Arakel. Zhoghovrtahin yerkaran. [Popular songs.] Boston, n. d. 748 p., 10 1. 8°. *ONP Yergat, Tigran. Poete mourant. The dying poet. Translated bj^ Alice Stone Blackwell. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4°. V. 6, p. 54-55.) t*ONK Zohrabian, John. See Nerses the Grace- ful, patriarch of Armenia. Fiction and Drama Aharonian, Avedis. Armenische Erzah- lungen, von Awetis Aharonean. Ubersetzt von Agnes Finck-Giandschezian. Leipzig: P. Reclam. iun. [19(39.] 106 p. 24°. (Uni- versal-Bibliothek. Nr. 5107.) * ONP 60 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Literature, continued. Fiction and Drama, continued. Guteton da lakto. Armena rakonto de A. Agaronjan tradukis Georgo Davidoy. Budapest: Nagy Sandor Konyvnyomdaja- bol [1907]. 10 p. 12°. (Esperanta uiiiver- sala biblioteko. Armena serio 2, no. 3.) RAX p.v.l Honor, from the Armenian of Ave- dis Aharonian translated bv Arshag Mah- desian. (Outlook. New York, 1915. 8°. V. Ill, p. 357-359.) *DA ]\IaTepii ; pascKasH. ABTopii- soBaHHBift nepeBo;i;'i. cb apMHHCKaro Bap^reca, ct npe;i;iic.iOBieM'L Kpia [A.ieKcieBiiHa] Bece.iOBOKaro. [Tales.] Moscow: V. Antik & Co. [19 — ?] 77(1) p. 24°. (yniiBepca-JiBHa;! Bii- 6jiioTeKa. No. 712.) - QB p.v.96 Vers la liberte. L'abime. Traduit de I'armenien par M. Chanilian et E. S. Altiar. Preface de A. F. Herold. Paris: E. Leroux. 1912. xix, 219 p.. 2 1. 12°. (Pe- tite bibliotheque armenienne. v. 4.) *ONK Ajcatur. Armena fabelo. Kollektis Georgo Davidov. Budapest: Neuwald I. Utodai Konyvnyomdajab(51 [1908]. 14 p. 16°. (Esperanta universala biblioteko. Ar- mena serio 3, no. 9.) RAX p.v.l Altiar, Elias Sarkis. Sec Aharonian, Avedis. Antreassian, Khorene M. Sec Raffi. Apellian, Aleksandir. Boedi yrazi. [The poet's dream. A modern Armenian drama in one act.] Tiflis, 1909. 28 p. 12°. * ONP Arakelian, Hambartzoum. Contes et nouvelles; traduit de I'armenien oriental par Aram Eknayan. Preface de Frederic Macler. Paris: E. Leroux, 1916. xxv. 251 p., 1 1., 1 port. 12°. (Petite bibliotheque ar- menienne. V. 7.) * ONK Armenian literature; comprising p>oetry, drama, folk-lore, and classic traditions; translated into English for the first time; with a special introduction by Robert Ar- not. London: Colonial Press [Cop. 1901]. viii p., 31., 3-142 p., 1 fac. rev. ed. 8°. *OCY Contents: Proverbs and folk-lore; translated by F. B. Collins. The vacant yard; translated by F. B. Collins. Armenian poems; metrical version, by R. Arnot. David of Sassun, national epos of Armenia; translated by F. B. Collins. The ruined family, by G. Sundukianz; translated by F. B. Collins. ■ New York: Colonial Press [Cop. 1901]. 1 p.l., viii p., 3 1., 3-142 p., 1 fac, 1 pi. rev. ed. 8°. (The world's great classics.) *OCY Bound with: Babylonian and Assyrian literature. Armenische Bibliothek. Hrsg. von Ab- gar Joannissiany. Bd. 1-9. Leipzig: Wil- helm Friedrich [1886-87]. 12°. * ONK Contents: Bd. 1. R. Patkanian, Drei Erzahlun- gen. Bd. 2. A. Leist, Litterarische Skizzen. Bd. 3. Raffi, Bilder aus Persien und Tiirkisch-Armenien. Bd. 4. G. A. Khalathianz, Marchen und Sagen. Bd. S-6. P. Proschianz, Sako. Bd. 7. K. Sundukianz, Die ruinirte Familie. Bd. 8-9. D. Sabrijian, Zwei Jahre in Abyssinien. Arnot, Robert. See Armenian literature. Baronian, Hagop H. l^Iaitre Balthasar; comedie en trois actes. Introduction et traduction par J. M. Silnitzky. Paris: E. Leroux, 1913. xlv, 196 p., 11. 12°. (Petite bibliotheque arinenienne. v. 6.) * ONK Bibliography, p. vi-vii. Barrileah, A. H. Ara keghetsig badma- gan vibasanoutiun. [Ara the pretty. An historical romance.] Venice, 1876. 487 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 16°. *ONP Berberian, M. See Veselovski, Y., and M. Berberian, editors. Calfa, Corene. Arschag ii. Tragedie ar- menienne. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Al- gerie et des colonies. Paris. 1863. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 15, p. 185-202, 292- 306; tome 16, p. 27-40, 99-112, 147-158.) *OAA Chalatianz, Grikor. See Khalathianz, Grigori Abramovich. Chamlian, Missak. See Aharonian, Ave- dis. Chirvanzade, pseud, of .Alexandre Alovis- sian. La possedee; traduit de I'armenien par A. Tchobanian. Preface de Frederic Macler. Paris: E. Leroux, 1910. xiii, 188 p.. 1 1. 12°. (Petite bibliotheque arme- nienne. [V. l.i) * ONK Colangian, £douard. Sec Zartarian, Roupen. Collins, F. B.. translator. The vacant yard. An Armenian story. (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 6, p. 380-384: v. 7. p. 30-32, 59-64.) f * ONK Sec also Armenian literature; also Sundukianz, Kapriel. Davidov, Georg. See Aharonian, Avedis; also Ajcatur. Eknayan, Aram. Sec Arakelian, Ham- bartzoum. Essayan, Grigor. Sec Zartarian, Roupen. Gjandschezian, Agnes Finck. Sec Aha- ronian, .A.vedis. Hagopian, Hagop Melik. Sec Raffi. Haroutiunian, Hovhannes. "Vor me- goun yedeven." ["Whom shall we follow after?" A drama in five acts.] Boston, 1912. 139 p. 8°. *ONP ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 61 Literature, continued. Fiction and Drama, continued. Joannissiany, Abgar, editor. Sec Ar- menische Bibliothek. Khalathianz, Grigori Abramovich. Mar- chen und Sagen. Mit einer Einleitung von Grikor Chalatianz. Leipzig: Wilhelm Friedrich il887]. xxxvii p., 11.. 147 p. 12°. (Armenische Bibliothek. Bd. 4.J * ONK Lalajan, Johannes, translator. See Pro- schianz, Pertsch. Leist, Arthur, translator. See Patkanian, Raphael. Macler, Frederic, translator. Contes ar- meniens. Traduits de I'armenien moderne par F. Macler. Paris: E. Leroux, 1905. 2 p.l., 194 p. 16°. (Collection de contes et chansons populaires. tome 29.) ZBG Contes et legendes de I'Armenie; traduits et recueillis par F. Macler. Pre- face de R. Basset. Paris: E. Leroux, 1911. XV, 196 p., 11. 12°. (Petite bibliotheque armenienne. v. 3.) * ONK See also Petite bibliotheque arme- nienne. Mahdesian, Arshag. See Aharonian, Avedis. Mangouni, N. Hatsi Hamar. [Armenian stories.] Boston, 1914. 222 p. 8°. * ONP Marr, N. C6opHiiK'B npiixHi, Bap- ^ana, MaTepia.ii.i ;;.7a iiCTopiii cpe/i,- HeBiKOBOft ApMHHCKon jiiiTepaxypLi. St. Petersburg: Akademiva Nauk, 1899. 3 V. in 2. 4°. ' * QCT Medieval Armenian literature. Reviewed by F. C. Conybeare in Folk-lore, v. 10, p. 462-475, ZBA. Melik, Alexander. Khordagwadz yer- ginkner. [An historical novel.) Boston: Hairenik Press, 1917. 4 p.l., 7-352 p. 8°. *ONP Mourier, J., translator. Contes et le- gendes du Caucase traduits par J. Mourier. Paris: Maisonneuve & C. Leclerc. 1888. 2 p.l., 112 p., 1 1. 16°. ZBGp.v.3 Contes georgiens. Contes mingreliens. Contes armeniens. Movissian, Alexandre. See Chirvanzade, pseud, of Alexandre Alovissian. Patkanian, Raphael. Drei Erzahlungen. Aus dem Armenischen iibertragen von Arthur Leist. Leipzig: Wilhelm Friedrich [1886]. iv, 164 p. 12°. (Armenische Bib- Hothek. Bd. 1.) *ONK Leist, Arthur. Raphael Patkanian. (In his: Litterarische Skizzen. Leipzig [1886]. 12°. p. 19-40.) * ONK Armenische Bibliothek. Bd. 2. Petite bibliotheque armenienne. Pub- liee sous la direction de F. Macler. v. 1-7. Paris: E. Leroux, 1910-16. 12°. * ONK Contents: v. 1. Chirvanzade, La possedee. v. 2. M. Tcheraz, Nouvelles orientales. v. 3. F. Macler, Contes et legendes de I'.Armenie. v. 4. A. Aharoni- an, Vers la liberte. v. 5. R. Zartarian, Clarte noc- turne, v. 6, H. H. Baronian, Maitre Balthasar. v. 7. H. Arakelian, Contes et nouvelles. Proschianz, Pertsch. Sako. Roman in zwei Banden. Aus dem Armenischen iiber- setzt von Johannes Lalajan. Leipzig: W. Friedrich (1886). 2 v. in 1. 12°. (Arme- nische Bibliothek. Bd. 5-6.) * ONK Raffi. Bilder aus Persien und Tiirkisch- Armenien. Aus dem Armenischen iiber- setzt von Leo Rubenli. Leipzig: Wilhelm Friedrich [1887). 1 p.l., 198 p. 12°. (Ar- menische Bibliothek. Bd. 3.) * ONK Jelaleddin. A picture of his in- vasion. From the Armenian of Raffi. [Translated by Khorene M. Antreassian.] (Armenia. Boston, 1906-07. 4°. v. 2, no. 9, p. 16-28: no. 10, p. 24-34; no. 11, p. 35-40; no. 12. p. 29-33; v. 3, no. 1, p. 19-29; no. 2. p. 28-33; no. 3, p. 41-48.) t*ONK J[jKa.ia.ie;i[,;i,nn-h. IlepeBo;!,!. ct apMHHCKaro H. BaTaTvpoBofi. Ct npe^^iic-iOBieMt Kpia Bece.iOBCKaro. Moscow: V. Antik & Co. [19— ?3 74 p. 24°. (3"HiiBepca.iBHaH Bn6.iio- TCKa. No. 706.) * QB p.v.96 Jelaleddin. Translated from the Armenian. Khent. \.\ romance.) Vienna, 1905. 2 p.]., 527 p., Ipl. 8°. *ONP Schon-Vartig ("Geghetzig \'ar- tig"). Eine Novelle Raffis. Deutsch von Dr. H. Trg. Schorn. (Geist des Ostens. Munchen, 1914. 8°. Jahrg. 1, p. 745-757.) * OAA BoYAji.\x, Zabelle C. Raffi: the Arme- nian national writer. (Contemporarv re- view. New York, 1916. 8°. v. 110, p. 222- 228.) * DA BuRCHARDi, Gustav. Raffi, der Schopfer der neuarmenischen Literatur. (Geist des Ostens. Miinchen, 1914. 8°. Jahrg. 1, p. 167-169.) * OAA Raffi commemoration. Armenia's great- est writer, reformer and champion. (.\ra- rat. London, 1913. 8°. v. 1, p. 35-40.) *ONK Rubenli, Leo. See Raffi; also Sundu- kianz, Kapriel. Rushdooni. The sixth-and-a-half cous- in's inheritance. From the Armenian of Rushdooni. Translated and arranged by A. Timourian. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. V. 5, p. 86-91.) t*ONK Saint-Martin, Jean Antoine. Analyse d'une tragedie armenienne; representee a 62 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Literature, continued. Fiction and Drama, continued. Leopol, le 9 avril 1668. [Sainte Ripsime.] (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1823. 8°. serie 1, V.2, p. 22-39.) *OAA Schorn, H. Trg. See Raffi. Shishmanian, Hovsep. Toros Livoni. [Armenian stories.] Boston, 1917. 305 p. 8°. * ONP Silnitzky, J. M. See Baronian, Hagop H. Sumpad Purad. Pande pand. [From prison to prison. A romance.] Part 1-5. Constantinople, 1911. 1048 p., 4 pi. 8°. *ONP Sundukianz, Kapriel. The ruined family. By Gabriel Sundukianz. Translated by F. B. Collins. (In: Armenian literature. London [Cop. 1901]. 8°. p. 81-142.) * OCY The ruined family. (Armenia. New York. 1911. 4°. v. 4, no. 8, p. 11-14, no. 9, p. 7-11, no. 10, p. 17-19, no. 11, p. 13- 15, no. 12, p. 26-28; v. 5, no. 1, p. 27-32, no. 2, p. 59-64.) t*ONK ■ Die ruinirte Familie. Lustspiel in drei Aufziigen, aus dem Armenischen von Leo Rubenli. Leipzig: W. Friedrich [1886]. Ip.l., 118p. 12°. (Armenische Bibliothek. Bd. 7.) *ONK Leist, Arthur. Gabriel Sundukianz. (In his: Litterarische Skizzen. Leipzig [1886]. 12°. p. 123-142.) *ONK Armenische Bibliothek. Bd. 2. Tcheraz, Minas. Nouvelles orientales; preface de Frederic Macler. Paris: E. Le- roux, 1911. xviii. 133 p., 2 1. 12°. (Petite bibliotheque armenienne. (V. 2.]) * ONK L'Orient inedit; legendes et tradi- tions armeniennes, grecques et turques, recueillies et traduites. Paris: E. Leroux, 1912. 3 p.L. 4-328 p. 16°. (Collection de contes et chansons populaires. tome 39.) ZBG Marshall, Annie C. Minas Tcheraz. A biographical sketch. (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 6, p. 240-243.) t*ONK Tchobanian, Archag. La vie et le reve; poemes en prose, contes, fantaisies. Lettre-preface de fimile Verhaeren. Paris: Socicte du ]Mercure de France, 1913. vii p., 1 1., 218p., 1 1. 12°. *ONP Sec also Chirvanzade, pseud, of Al- exandre Movissian; also Zartarian, Roupen. Timourian, A. See Rushdooni. Tlgadintsi. See Haroutiunian, Hov- hannes. Veselovski, Y., and AI. Berberian, editors. ApMHHCKie 6ejiJieTpiicTBi cdopHiiK-B. Moscow: N. Kushnerov, 1893. 518 p. 8°. *QDA A collection of Armenian fiction. Wlislocki, Heinrich von. Marchen und Sagen der Bukowinaer und Siebenbiirger Armenier. Aus eigenen und fremden Sammlungen iibersetzt von Dr. Heinrich von Wlislocki. Hamburg: Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei Actien-Gesellschaft, 1891. viii, 188 p. 8°. ZBIM Zartarian, Roupen. Clarte nocturne, traduit de I'armenien par Archag Tchoba- nian, £douard Colangian, et Grigor Essa- yan; preface de Gaston Bonet-Maury. Paris: E. Leroux, 1913. xx, 170 p., 2 1. 16°. (Petite bibliotheque armenienne. v. 5.) *ONK Other Literature Adanson, Karl Ludwig. See Injijian, Ghougas. Aharonian, Avedis. Mother Armenia, forgive me. Translated by Missak Tur- panjian. (New Armenia. New York, 1918. f°. v. 10, p. 46-47.) t*ONK Alelouia Yerousaghem. [A description of Jerusalem bv a pilgrim.] Constanti- nople, 1903. 158 p., 11. illus. 12°. *ONP Alishanian, Gheuont. Deux descriptions armeniennes des lieux saints de Palestine. (Societe de I'Orient latin. Archives de I'Orient latin. Paris, 1884. 8°. tome 2, Documents, p. 394-403.) * OBA Assises d'Antioche reproduites en fran- gais et publiees au sixieme centenaire de la mort de Sempad le connetable, leur ancien traducteur armenien, dediees a I'Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres de France par la Societe mekhithariste de Saint- Lazare. Venise: Imprimerie armenienne medaillee, 1876. xxiii, 93 p. 4°. f * ONP Augustin Badjetsi. Itineraire du tres- reverend frere Augustin Badjetsi, eveque armenien de Nakhidchevan. de I'ordre des Freres-Precheurs, a travers I'Europe; ecrit, en langue armenienne, de sa propre main, ainsi que I'a reconnu et atteste le reverend frere Antoine Najari, son parent et son neveu, Apracounetsi, envoye du roi de Perse au roi tres-chretien . . . Traduit sur le manuscrit armenien. . .par M. Brosset jeune. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1837. 8°. serie 3, v. 3, p. 209-245, 401-421.) * OAA Avakian, Hovhannes, and Bedros Hov- NANiAN, editors. Koharnir Hai kraganou- tian. [Gems of Armenian literature.] Bos- ton: Hairenik Press, 1916. 366 p., 31. 12°. *ONP Aznavor, Cherubino. See Injijian, Ghou- gas. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 63 Literature, continued. Other Literature, continued. Basil. Oraison funebre de Baudouin, comte de Alarasch et de Kcgoun. (In: In- stitut de France. — Academic des inscrip- tions et belles-lettres. Recueil des his- toriens des croisades. Documents arme- niens. Paris, 1869. i\ v. 1, p. 203-222.) tfBTR Armenian text with French translation. Bayan, G. Armenian proverbs and say- ings translated into English by G. Bayan. Venice: Academy of S. Lazarus, 1889. 58 p. 16°. *ONKp.v.l Bittner, Alaximilian. Der vom Himmel gefallene Brief Christi in seinen morgen- landischen Versionen und Rezensionen. 240 p., 8 pi. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften : Philo- sophisch-historische Klasse. Wien, 1906. 4°. Bd. 51, Abh. 1.) * EF Brosset, Alarie Felicite. Extrait du manuscrit armenien no. 114 de la Biblio- theque royale, relatif au calendrier geor- gien, traduit par Brosset. (Journal asi- atique. Paris, 1832. 8°. serie 2, v. 10, p. 526-532.) * OAA Sur deux redactions armeniennes, en vers et en prose, de la legende des saints Baralam = Varlaam et loasaph = losaphat. (Imperatorskava Akademiva Nauk. Bul- letin. St. Petersbourg, 1878. i°. tome 24. col. 561-567.) *QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskava Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersljourg, 1881. tome 8, p. 535-543, * OAA. See also Augustin Badjetsi. Carriere, Auguste. Un version arme- nienne de I'histoire d'Asseneth. (ficole des langues orientales vivantes. Publications. Paris, 1886. 4°. serie 2, v. 19, p. 471-511.) *OAF Chalatianz, Bagrat. See Khalathianz, Bagrat. Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis. The Barlaam and Josaphat legend in the ancient Georgian and Armenian literatures. (Folk-lore. London, 1896. 8°. v. 7, p. 101- 142.) ZBA See also The Key of truth. Dashian, Hagopos, vartabed. Vartabe- dutune arakelotz anvaveragan ganonatz madiane. Tought hagopa ar gotrados ev ganonk tattei. (The canons of the Apos- tles in Old Armenian.) Vienna, 1896. 9 p., 1 1., 442 p., 1 1. 8°. *ONN Zur Abgar-Sage. (Vienna Orien- Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis, and others. The story of Ahikar from the Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopic, Greek and Slavonic versions by F. C. Conybeare, J. Rendel Harris, and Agnes Smith Lewis. London: C. T. Clay & Sons, 1898. Ixxxviii. 162 p., 11., 72 p. 8°. *OAT Armenian text, p. 125-162. Translation of the Armenian text, p. 24-55. Damadian, M. Ramgavaroutiun. [De- mocracy.] Alexandria, 1910. 158 p., 11. 12°. *ONP tal journal. Vienna, 1890. 8°. v. 4. p. 17- 34, 144-160, 177-198.) * OAA Dulaurier, fidouard. Cosmogonie des Perses d'apres Eznig, auteur armenien du v*" siecle. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1857. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 5, p. 253-262.) * OAA Eznig. See Dulaurier, £douard; also Wickering, Armand de. Gjandschezian, Agnes Finck. See Pho- tios. Gjandschezian, Esnik. See Gregory Ma- gistros; also Photios. Gregory of Armenia, called Illuminator. Die Akten Gregors von Armenien neu hrsg. von P. de Lagarde. (Konigliche Ge- sellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottin- gen. i\bhandlungen. Gottingen, 1889. 4°. Bd. 35, p. 89-120.) * EE L.A.G.\RDE, Paul Anton de. Vita Gre- gorii .\rmeni. (In his: Onomastica sacra. Gottingae, 1887. 8°. p. 1-24.) * YIP Gregory Magistros. Ein Brief des Gregor Alagistros an den Emir Ibrahim. Hrsg. von Esnik Gjandschezian. (Zeit- schrift fiir armenische Philologie. Mar- burg, 1904. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 234-263.) * ONL Ein Brief des Gregor Magistros an den Patriarchen Petros. Hrsg. von Esnik Gjandschezian. (Zeitschriit fiir arme- nische Philologie. IMarburg, 1904. 8°. Bd.2, p. 75-80.) *ONL KHAL.A.THIAXZ, Grigori Abramovich. Frag- mente iranischer Sagen bei Grigor Magis- tros. (Vienna Oriental journal, ^'ienna, 1896. 8°. V. 10, p. 217-224.) * OAA Laxclois, \'ictor. Memoire sur la vie et les ecrits du prince Gregoire ^lagistros. due de la Mesopotamie, auteur armenien du XI siecle. (Journal asiatique. Paris. 1869. 8°. serie 6, V. 13, p. 5-64.) * OAA Gregory of Nazianzen. (Nonnos.) Die Scholien zu fimf Reden des Gregor von Nazianz. Hrsg. von .-Xgop ;Manandian. (Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Marburg. 1903. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 220-330. ) *ONL Harris, Jatnes Rendel. See Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis, and others. Histoire de Pharmani .\sman. Traduite de I'armenien sur le manuscrit conserve a la Bibliotheque nationale de Paris, par Frederic Alacler. (Societe des traditions 64 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Literature, continued. Other Literature, continued. populaires. Revue des traditions popu- laires. Paris, 1906. 8°. v. 21, p. 417-440, 481-500.) ZBA Hovnanian, Bedros. See Avakian, Hov- hannes, and Bedros Hovnanian, editors. Injijian, Ghougas. Description du Bos- phore. . .traduite de Tarmenien en frangais par F. Martin. Paris: J. B. Sajou, 1813. 134 p., 11. 8°. *ONP Nachrichten iiber den Thrazischen Bosporus, oder die Strasse von Constan- tinopel vom Dr. Ingigian; aus dem Arme- nischen iibersetzt und von K. L. Adanson aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. . . Wei- mar: Verlag des Landes-Industrie-Comp- toirs, 1814. viii. 118 p.. 11. 12°. (In: M. C. Sprengel, Bibliothek der neuesten und wichtigsten Reisebeschreibungen. Bd. 50.) KBD Villeggiature de' Bizantini sul Bos- foro tracio opera del P. Luca Ingigi tra- dotta dal P. Cherubino Aznavor. Venezia: Tipografia di S. Lazzaro, 1831. xxiii, 330 p., 11., Imap, Ipl. 16°. GIO Joannissiany, Abgar. Armenische Sprich- worter. (Das Ausland. Augsburg, 1871. f°. Jahrg. 44, p. 403-405.) f KAA Sprichworter. (In: G. A. Khala- thianz, Marchen und Sagen. Leipzig il887]. 12°. p. 133-147.) * ONK Armenische Bibliothek. Bd. 4. Kalemkiar, Gr. Die siebente Vision Daniels. (Vienna Oriental journal. Vien- na, 1892. 8°. V. 6, p. 109-136, 227-240.) *OAA The Key of truth: a manual of the Pauli- cian church of Armenia. The Armenian text, edited and translated with illustra- tive documents and introduction by Fred. C. Convbeare. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1898. cxcvi, 201 p., 1 1. 8°. ZFE Khalathianz, Bagrat. Die armenische Heldensage. (Verein fiir Volkskunde. Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1902. 8°. Jahrg. 12, p. 138-144, 264-271, 391-402.) YAA Lagarde, Paul Anton de. See Gregory of Armenia, called Illuminator. Leist, Arthur. Litterarische Skizzen. Leipzig: Wilhelm Friedrich [1886]. 1 p.l., 174 p. 12°. (Armenische Bibliothek. Bd. 2.) *ONK Contents: Ein Volkssanger. Raphael Patkanian. Pater Leo Alischan. Mkrtitsch Beschiktaschlian. Abovvian. Die Kongregation der Mechitaristen. Erzbischof Gabriel Aivvasowski. Gabriel Sundukianz. Das armenische Zeitungswesen. Ein Vater seines Volkes. Lewis, Agnes Smith. See Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis, and others. Macler, Frederic. Un document arme- nien sur I'assassinat de Mahomet par une Juive. (Melanges Hartwig Derenbourg, 1844-1908. Paris, 1909. 4°. p. 287-295.) *OAC Notre-Dame de Bitlis. Texte ar- menien traduit et annote par Frederic Macler. 7 pi. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1916. 8°. seriell, tome 6, p. 357-444.) *OAA See also Histoire de Pharmani As- man; also Mkhithar Gosh. Manandian, Agop. zianzen. Sec Gregory of Na- Martin, Francois. See Injijian, Ghougas. Mkhithar Gosh. Choix de fables ar- meniennes attribuees a Mkhithar Goch, traduites par F. Macler. (Tournal asia- tique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 9, v. 19, p. 457-487.) * OAA Brosset, Marie Felicite. Rapport de M. Brosset sur un manuscrit armenien. (Im- peratorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin de la classe historico-philologique. St. Petersbourg, 1849. f°. tome 6, col. 380- 382.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1852. tome 1, p. 150-152, *OAA. Parechanian, Hagop K. Tirahauad khil- kin hauadatsial ullalou jampan. [The in- fidel spirit.) Boston, 1917. 24 p. 12°. *ONP Photios. Der Brief des Photios an Aschot und dessen Antwort. Llebersetzt von Agnes Finck und Esnik Gjandschezian. (Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie. Marburg, 1904. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 1-17.) * ONL Prud'homme, fivariste. See Vartan the Great. Sabrijian, Dimoteos. Deux ans de se- jour en Abyssinie; ou, Vie morale, politique et religieuse des Abyssiniens par le R. P. Dimotheos, legat de...le patriarche arme- nien aupres de Theodore roi d'Abyssinie. Traduit par ordre de...Isaie, patriarche armenien de Jerusalem. Livre 1-2. Jeru- salem: Typographic armenienne du cou- vent de Saint-Jacques, 1871. 2v.ini. 8°. ELM Zwei Jahre in Abyssinien oder Schilderung der Sitten und des staatlichen und religiosen Lebens der Abyssinier von Sr. Hochw. Pater Timotheus, Legat Sr. Eminenz des armenischen Patriarchen bei Konig Theodor von Abyssinien. Teil 1-2. Leipzig: Wilhelm Friedrich. n. d. 12°. (Armenische Bibliothek. Bd. 8-9.) * ONK Saint-Martin, Jean Antoine. See Vartan the Great. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 65 Literature, continued. Other Literature, continued. Schmid, Johann Michael, translator. Ge- schichte des Apostels Thaddaeus und der Jungfrau Sanducht. Aus dem Altarmeni- schen iibersetzt. (Zeitschrift fiir arme- nische Philologie. Marburg, 1903. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 67-73.) *ONL Sempad, constable of Armenia. See Assises d'Antioche. Srapian, Aloses, translator. Das Mar- tyrium des hi. Pionius. Aus dem Altar- rnenischen iibersetzt von Pater Moses Srapian. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Alorgenlandes. Wien, 1914. 8°. Bd. 28, p. 376-405.) * OAA Terzagian, Hagop K. Parlamentagan ganonner ev zhoghovavaroutiun. [Parlia- mentary rules.] Boston, 1912. 84 p., 2 1. 12°. * ONP Teza, Emilio. II libro dei sette savi nella letteratura armena. (Reale istituto veneto. Atti. Venezia, 1905. 8°. tomo 65, parte 2. p. 383-397.) * ER Armenian text, 6 pages. Turpanjian, Alissak. See Aharonian, Avedis. Vark nahabedats ev markareits. [Bible stories in Armenian.] Smyrna, 1838. 4 p.l., 292 p. 12°. *ONO Vartan the Great. Choix de fables de Vartan en armenien et en frangais. [Edited and translated by J. A. Saint-Martin.] Ouvrage public par la Societe asiatique de Paris. Paris: Dondey-Dupre pere et fils, 1825. xii, 96 p. 8°. * ONP Extraits du livre intitule Solutions de passages de I'ficriture Sainte, ecrites a la demande de Hethoum i, roi d'Armenie par le vardapet Vardan; traduits de I'ar- menien vulgaire sur le texte original par M. fivariste Prud'homme. (Journal asi- atique. Paris, 1867. 8°. serie 6, v. 9, p. 147-204.) * OAA Varteresian, Hapet. Mer poghoknern ou tashnagtzoutean tirku anonts hanteb. [Our protests and the position that the Tashnagtzoutean has taken towards them.] Boston, 1911. 152 p., 1 pi. 8°, * ONP Vetter, Paul. Das Buch Tobias und die Achikar-Sag«. (Theologische Quartal- schrift. Tubingen, 1904-05. 8°. Jahrg. 86, p. 321-364, 512-539; Jahrg. 87, p. 321- 370, 497-546.) ZEA Wickering, Armand de. Eznig de Gog'ph, eveque de Pakrevant, auteur ar- menien du cinquieme siecle et son tra- ducteur frangais. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1856. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 3, p. 207-216.) * OAA Zavak. Armenian proverbs. (Ararat. London, 1917. 8°. v. 4, p. 424-426. 466- 472.) * ONK Translations from European Languages Alishanian, Gheuont. See American sa- cred songs. American sacred songs. Translated into the Armenian language [by Father Leo Alishau]. St. Lazarus — Venice, 1874. 85 p. 16°. *ONP Aristotle, See Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis. Aucher, John Baptiste. Sec Ephraim the Syrian. Aukerian, Haroutiun. See Milton, John. Aukerian, Megerdich. Sec Ephraim the Syrian. Avidaranian, H., translator. Jarakaitk areveliaii. [Rays from the Orient. A book useful for every class of men. Translated from the Sanskrit.] Part 1. Shumla, Bul- garia, 1904. 8°. *ONP Bagratouni, Arscn Gomidas. See Homer; also Horace; also Virgil. Bunyan, John. Krisdianosin ou Kris- dinein jamportoutiuni. [Pilgrim's prog- ress; translated into Armenian.) Part 1-2. Smvrna, 1843. 12 p., 1 1., 444 p., 1 1., 353 p.. 17 pi. 12°. *NEH New York, 1858. 532 p.. 9 pi. 16°. *NEH Calfa, Ambroise. See Fenelon, Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe. Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis. A col- lation with the ancient Armenian versions of the Greek text of Aristotle's Categories, De Interpretatione, De Mundo, De Virtuti- bus et Vitiis and of Porphyry's Introduc- tion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892. 2 p.l., xxxviii p., 1 1., 184 p., 1 fac. 8°. (Anec- dota Oxoniensia. Classical series, v. 1, part 6.) YAEM A collation of the old Armenian version of Plato's laws, book iv-vi. (Ameri- can journal of philologv. Baltimore, 1893- 94. 8°. V. 14, p. 335-349; v. 15, p. 31-50.) RAA On the ancient Armenian version of Plato. (American journal of philology. Baltimore, 1891. 8°. v. 12, p. 193-210.) RAA On the old Armenian version of Plato's Apology. (American journal of philologv. Baltimore, 1895. 8°. v. 16. p. 300-325.) RAA On the old Armenian version of Plato's laws. (American journal of phil- ology. Baltimore, 1891. 8°. v. 12, p. 399- 413.) RAA Paton, W. R. Critical notes on Plato's laws, iv-vi. (American journal of phil- ology. Baltimore, 1894. 8°. v.l5, p. 443- 453.) RAA 66 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Literature, continued. Translations . . .European Languages, cont'd. Dante Alighieri. Asdouadzahin gada- girkoutiun. Divina comniedia. ii.Purga- torio tradotto in prosa dal P. Arsenio Gazi- kian. Venezia, 1905. 4 p.l., 327 p. 12°. *ONP Dashian, Hagopos. Sec Secundus, the sophist of Athens. Dirohean, Atanas V. See Georgius, Pisida. Emerson, Frederick. Mdavor ev krayor touapanoutiun. [An arithmetic compiled from Emerson's North American arith- metic by C. Hamlin.] Constantinople, 1848. 29, 280 p. 8°. * ONPA Ephraim the Syrian. Srpouin Yepremi. [The writings of Saint Ephraim translated into Armenian.] Venice, 1836. 4 v. in 3. go *ONP Evangelii concordantis expositio facta a Sancto Ephraemo doctore Syro. In Latinum translata a... Joanne Baptista Aucher, Alechitarista, cujus versionem emendavit, adnotationibus illustravit et edidit Georgius IMoesinger. \^enetiis: Libraria Alechitaristarum in IMonasterio S. Lazari, 1876. 2 p.l., xii, 292 p. 8°. * ODM Erker ou yeghanagner. [A hymn-book with music for the use of Sunday schools.] Constantinople, 1860. 64 p. 8°. * ONP Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe. Les aventures de Telemaque de Fenelon traduction armenienne par Am- broise Calfa. Paris. 1860. 6 p.l., 512. 7 p., 22 pi. 8°. *ONP Funduklian, K. Sec Shakespeare, Wil- liam. Gallaudet, Thomas H. Abashkharats- vits. [A book on repentance. Translated from English into Armenian.] Smyrna, 1839. 8, 280 p. 24°. * ONP Gazikian, Arsen Ghazaros. See Dante Alighieri; also Tasso, Torquato; also Virgil. Georgius, Pisida. Vetsoreahk Keorkah Bisiteah. (Hexameron translated into Ar- menian by Atanas V. Dirohean.] Venice, 1900. 191 p. 8°. *ONP Greek and Armenian texts. Hamlin, C. Sec Emerson, Frederick. Harnack, Adolf. Sec Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons. Hauff, Wilhelm. Badouoh Yediuen gam Likhtunshtain. ["Lichtenstein" translated from German into Armenian by Vahan Mesrob.] Boston, n. d. 1 p.l., 11, 374 p., 2 1., 15 pi. 8°. *ONP Homer. Iliagan. [The Iliad translated into Armenian verse by Arsen Gomidas Bagratouni.] Venedig, 1864. 5 p.l., 454 p., 11. 8°. *ONP Horace. Arvesd kertoghagan. [Quin- tus Horatius Flaccus' Ars poetica; trans- lated into pleasing metre with explanatory notes by Arsen Gomidas Bagratouni.] Venice, 1847. 47 p., 3 1. 4°. t*ONP Bound with: Virgil. Mshagagank. Venice, 1847. 4°. Hugo, Victor. Innsoun yerek. [Ninety- three, translated from French into Arme- nian by Ayedis Kouyoumjian.] Boston, 1910. 3 p.l., 530 p., 31., 1 port. 8°. * ONP IngersoU, Robert Green. Inch e gronu? [What is religion? Translated from Eng- lish into Armenian by Liumen.] Boston, 1910. Ip.l., 7-34 p. 8°. *ONP International Bible Students Associa- tion. [Scenario of the photo-drama of creation translated into Armenian under the title Taderangark sdeghdzakordzou- tian.] Brookh'n: International Bible Stu- dents Association, 1914. 96, 96 p. nar. 8°. *ONN Paged in duplicate. Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons. Armenische Irenaeusfragmente mit deutscher tjber- setzung nach Dr. W^ Liidtke zum Teil erst- malig hrsg. und untersucht von Hermann Tordan. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1913. viii p., 11., 222 p. 8°. (Texte und Untersuch- ungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Reihe 3, Bd. 6. Heft 3.) ZE Des Heiligen Irenaus Schrift zum Erweise der apostolischen \^erkundigung In armenischer Version entdeckt, hrsg., und ins Deutsche iibersetzt von... Karapet Ter-Mekerttschian und Erwand Ter-Minassiantz. Mit einem Nachwort und Anmerkungen von Adolf Harnack. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1907. viii, 69, 68 p. 8°. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Reihe 3, Bd. 1, Heft 1.) ZE Jordan, Hermann. See Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons. Koran. Mouhammed. Kouran. [The Koran translated into Armenian by Hagop Kourbetian.] Varna: Iravounk, 1912. 14, 654 p. 8°. *OGD Kourbetian, Hagop, translator. See Koran. Kouyoumjian, Avedis. Sec Hugo, Victor. Lerch, P. Ueber eine armenische Be- arbeitung der "sieben %veisen ^leister." (Orient und Occident. Gottingen, 1864. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 369-374.) * OAA ARMENIA AND THE ARMEXIAXS 67 Literature, continued. Translations. . .European Languages, cont'd. Liumen. Sec IngersoU, Robert Green. Luedtke, W. Sec Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons. Mesrob, Vahan. See Hauff, Wilhelm. Milton, John. Alildovni Trakhd gorou- seal. [Paradise lost; translated into Ar- menian by Haroutiun Aukerian.j Venice. 1824. 4p.l., 7-503p., 1 pi. 8°. * ONP Moesinger, Georg. Sec Ephraim the Syrian. Mueller, Friedrich. Ueber die arme- nische Bearbeitung der "Sieben weisen Meister." (Vienna Oriental journal. Vi- enna, 1890. 8°. V. 4, p. 213-216.) *OAA Nemesius. See Teza, Emilio; also Za- noUi, Almo. Payson, Edward. Hokeshah mdadzou- tiunk. (Salutary thoughts of the world and the church. Translated from English into Armenian.] Smyrna, 1844. 7, 180 p. 2>2° . *ONO Petermann, Julius Heinrich. Ueber das Verhaltniss der armenischen Ueberset- zung der Briefe des Ignatius zu der von Herrn Cureton herausgegebenen syrischen Version derselben. (Deutsche morgenliin- dische Gesellschaft. Jahresbericht. Leip- zig, 1847. 8°. p. 198-203.) *OAA Plato. See Conybeare, Frederick Corn- wallis. Porphyry. .S't't' Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis. Rollin, Charles. Badmoutiun Hrovmea- gan. [Histoire romaine; translated into Armenian.] v. 1-6. Venice, 1816-17. 4°. t*ONQ Russell, Charles Taze. [The millennial dawn; translated from English into Ar- menian under the title Hazaramiai arsha- loisu.] V. 1. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Internation- al Bible Students' Association, 1916. 12°. *ONP V. 1. The plan of the ages. Armenian title: Asdoudzo Dzrakiru. Secundus, the sophist of Athens. Das Leben und die Sentenzen des Philosophen Secundus des Schweigsamen in altarme- nischer Ubersetzung von Jacobus Dashian. 56 p. (Kaiserliche Akademie der W'issen- schaften. Denkschriften : Philosophisch- historische Klasse. Wien, 1896. f°. Bd. 44, Abhandlung3.) * EF Shakespeare, William. Andonios ev Gleobadra. ^Antony and Cleopatra; trans- lated into Armenian by K. Funduklian (Parnak).] Paris, 1911. 19, 108 p. 8^ *ONP Sue, Eugene. Taparagan Heryah. Le Juif errant [translated into Armeniani. Constantinople, 1853. 16, 524 p., 3 1., 17 pi. 8°. *ONP Tasso, Torquato. Yerousaghem azadeal. [Jerusalem delivered, translated into Ar- menian bv Arsen Ghazaros Gazikian.i Venice, 1911. 20, 628 p., 1 pi. 16°. * ONP Ter-Mekerttschian, Karapet. Sec Ire- naeus, bishop of Lyons. Ter-Minassiantz, Erwand. Sec Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons. Teza, Emilio. Xemesiana. Sopra al- cuni luoghi della Natura dell'uomo in ar- meno. (Reale accademia dei Lincei. Ren- diconti: Classe di scienze morale, storiche e filologiche. Roma, 1893. 8^. serie 5. V. 2, p. 3-16.) *ER Thomas a Kempis. Hamahedevumin Krisdosi. [Imitatio Christi.] Amsterdam [1696]. 420 p., 5 pi. 24=. * ONP Romae: Typis Sacrs Con- greg. de Propaganda Fide, 1705. 8 p.l. 611 p., 9 1. 16=. *ONP Upham, Thomas Cogswell. Darerk im- atsagan pilisopayoutian. [Elements of mental philosophy translated from Eng- lish into Armenian.] Smvrna, 1851. 30 p.. 1 L 524 p. 8°. *ONP Vartabedoutiun krisdonagan usd Haiots. [Christian catechism translated into Ar- menian.] Amsterdam, 1667. 72 p. 16°. * ONPp.v.l Virgil. B. Virkileah Maroni Yeneagan. [The Aeneid. translated into Armenian by Arsen Gazikian.] Venice, 1910. 4 p.l.. 573 p., 2 1., Ipl. 12°. *ONP IMshagagank. (Publius \'irgilius Alaro's Georgica. Translated into pleas- ing metre, with explanatory notes, by Arsen Gomidas Bagratouni.j \^enice. 1847. 32. 128 p., 2 1., Ipl. 4°. t*ONP Whiting, George Backus. Jrak hokvoh. [Light of the soul. A tract on self-exam- ination, translated from English into Ar- menian.] Smyrna, 1849. 47 p. 24°. * ONPp.v.l Zanolli, Almo. Osservazioni sulla tradu- zione armena del "neol $i'08co; uvOoforroi-" di Nemesio. (Societa asiatica italiana. Giornale. Firenze. 1906-09. 8°. v. 19. p. 213-247; v. 21, p. 81-99; v. 22, p. 155-178.) *OAA 68 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Armenian Church Translations of the Bible are not included in this list. Armenian Church. Garkavorootun Ha- saragatz Aghotitz. [Regular service-book of the Armenian Church.] Venice, 1742. 391, 33 p. 24°. *ONP Liturgia armena trasportata in ita- liano per cura del P. G. Avedichian. Se- conda edizione adorna di rami. Venezia: Tipografia di S. Lazzaro, 1832. 125 p., 11., 8 pi. 8°. *ONP Liturgie de la messe armenienne traduite en frangais de la version italienne par Monseigneur Lapostolest. yenise: Imprimerie des Mechitaristes de Saint La- zare, 1851. 8 p.l., 60 p., 8 pi. 8°. ZHKD Rituale Armenorum being the ad- ministration of the sacraments and the breviary rites of the Armenian Church together with the Greek rites of baptism and epiphany edited from the oldest mss. by F. C. Conybeare. . .and the east Syrian epiphany rites translated by the Rev. A. J. Maclean. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905. XXXV, 536 p., 1 fac. 8°. ZHKD Armenians taking stock of their national church. (Missionary review of the world. New York, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 20, p. 742-746.) ZKVA Arpee, Leon. The Armenian awaken- ing; a historv of the Armenian Church, 1820-1860. Chicago: University Press, 1909. xi, 235 p. 8°. ZNV Asgian, G. La chiesa armena e I'ariane- simo. (Bessarione. Roma, 1899-1900. 8°. v. 6, p. 522-528.) * OAA La s. sede e la nazione armena. (Bessarione. Roma, 1898-1904. 8°. v. 4, p. 330-338; v. 5, p. 1-8, 303-307. 470-488; v. 6, p. 272-294; v. 7, p. 87-91, 282-290, 507- 517; V. 8, p. 64-73, 476-491; v. 9, p. 287-295; serie2, v. 1, p. 41-49, 381-386; v. 2. p. 102- 106; V.3, p. 188-193; v. 4, p. 384-391; v. 5, p. 382-388; v. 7, p. 19-24, 152-156, 254-257.) *OAA Aukerian, Megerdich, vartabed. Liaga- dar vark ev vgayapanoutiun srpots. [Vitae sanctorum ecclesiae Armeniacae.j Vene- tiis, 1810-15. 12 V. 12°. *ONO Avedikian, Gabriele. Church. See Armenian Bayan, G. Sec Ter Israel. Blackwell, Alice Stone. The progress in the Armenian Church. (Armenia. Bos- ton, 1906. 4°. V.2, no. 11, p. 7-13.) t*ONK Bore, Eugene. De I'Armenie. De Tac- tion directe et puissante du christianisme sur la societe armenienne. . . (Journal asi- atique. Paris, 1836. 8°. serie 3, v. 1, p. 209-238.) * OAA Brosset, Marie Felicite. Notice his- torique sur les convents armeniens de Haghbat et de Sanahin. (Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin scientifique. St. Petersbourg, 1842. f°. v. 10, col. 303- 336.) * QCB Notice sur le convent armenien de Ketcharhous, a Daratchitchag. (Impera- torskaya Akademiya Nauk. Bulletin de la classe historico-philologique. St. Peters- bourg, 1855. f°. tome 10, col. 341-352.) *QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1856. tome 2, p. 133-149, *OAA. Sur les convents armeniens d'Hagh- bat et de Sanahin. (Imperatorskaya Aka- demiya Nauk. Bulletin. St. Petersbourg, 1863. f°. tome 5, col. 215-231.) * QCB Reprinted in Imperatorskaya Akademiya Nauk. Melanges asiatiques. St. Petersbourg, 1863. tome 4, p. 603-628, *OAA. Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis. See Armenian Church; also Sahak, patriarch. Dadian, Boghos. L'eglise d'Armenie. Declaration adressee a Mgr. Sibour, ar- cheveque de Paris, relativement aux in- culpations qui sont faites a l'eglise arme- nienne. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1855. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 2, p. 217-226.) * OAA The Day of peril of the Armenian Church in Russia. (Armenia. Boston, 1906. 4°. v.2, no. 12, p. 37-47; v.3, no. 1, p. 30-42.) t*ONK De Kay, Charles. The suppression of a faith. (Outlook. New York, 1904. 8°. Y.77, p. 525-531.) * DA Dowling, Theodore Edward. The Ar- menian church, by Archdeacon Dowling With an introduction by the Lord Bishop of Salisbury... London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1910. xvi, 17-160 p., Ifac, 5 pi., 2 ports. 12°. ZNV Duchesne, Louis Marie Olivier. L'Ar- menie chretienne dans I'histoire ecclesi- astique d'Eusebe. (In: Melanges Nicole. Recueil de memoires de philologie clas- sique... Geneve, 1905. 8°. p. 105-109.) BTGP Dulaurier, fidouard. Histoire dogmes, traditions et liturgie de l'eglise armeni- enne orientale avec des notions addition- nelles sur I'origine de cette liturgie, les sept sacrements, les observances, la hierarchic ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 69 Armenian Church, continued. ecclesiastique, les vetements sacerdotaux et la forme interieure des eglises, chez les Armeniens. Paris: A. Franck, 1857. 2 p.l., vii, 9-186 p. 2. ed. 24°. ZNV Ouvrage traduit du riisse et de rarmenien par fidouard Dulaurier. Paris: A. Durand, 1859. 2 p.l., vii, 9-186 p. 3. ed. 16°. ZNV Dwight, Harrison Gray Otis. Christian- ity in Turkey; a narrative of the Protestant Reformation in the Armenian Church. [A review of this book.] (Eclectic review. London, 1855. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 532- 546.) * DA See also Selim III, sultan of Tur- key. Ebersolt, Jean. Les anciennes eglises d'Armenie et I'effort armenien. (La voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 812-816.) *ONK Ecclesiae Armeniacae Canones selecti. (In: Angelo Mai, Scriptorum veterum nova coUectio. Romae, 1838. 4°. v. 10, p. 269-316.) fNRD Epiphanius of Cyprus. EzOeoi; nocoTo- xXTjoitov HaTQiao/cbv xe y.al |LU]TQOJTO?aTa)v. Armenisch und Griechisch hrsg. von Franz Nikolaus Finck. Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1902. 120 p. 12°. *ONP Esteves Pereira, Francisco Maria. Sec Vida de S. Gregorio. Finck, Franz Nikolaus. See Epiphanius of Cyprus; also Nilus Doxapatrius. Fischer, Hans. Das Kloster des hi. Thaddaus. (Der Christliche Orient. West- end-Berlin, 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 510-513.) t*OAA Fortescue, Edward Francis Knottesford. The Armenian Church founded by St. Gregory the Illuminator. Being a sketch of the history, liturgy, doctrine, and cere- monies, of this ancient national church. With an appendix by the Rev. S. C. IMalan. London: J. T. Hayes [1872]. 336 p., 11 pi. 12°. ZNV Galanus, Clemens. . . .Conciliationis Ec- clesiae Armenae cvm Roniana ex ipsis Ar- menorvm patrvm et doctorvm testimoniis. In duas partes, historialem & controuer- sialem diuisse. Romae: Typis Sacrse Con- gregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1650-61. 3v. f°. tZNV Armenian and Latin texts. Gelzer, Heinrich. Die Anfange der ar- menischen Kirche. (Koniglich Sachsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Be- richte iiber die Verhandlungen : Philol.- hist. Classe. Leipzig, 1895. 8°. Bd. 47. p. 109-174.) *EE Armenien. (In: J. J. Herzog, Re- alencyklopadie fiir protestantische The- ologie und Kirche... Leipzig, 1897. 3. ed. 4°. Bd. 2, p. 63-92.) *R-ZEB Gregory, G. Marcar, translator. See Ormanian, Malachia. Gregory of Bysantium, metropolitan of Chios. Yearnings after unity in the East . . . With remarks thereon by George Wil- liams. London: Rivingtons, 1866. iv, 5- 26 p. 8°. (Eastern Church Association. Occasional paper, no. 3.) ZNG Hamarod zhamakirk Hahasdaneahts sa Yegeghetsuoh. [Brief breviary. j Boston. 1916. 91 p. 12°. *ONP Isaacus. See Sahak, patriarch. Kent, W. H. The ancient church of Ar- menia. (Dublin review. London, 1904. 8°. V. 135, p. 143-158.) * DA Langlois, Victor. Memoire sur les ar- chives du Catholicosat armenien de Sis, en Cilicie. (Revue de I'Orient, de FAlgc-rie et des colonies. Paris. 1856. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 3, p. 177-189.) * OAA Lapostolest, F. X. Sec Armenian Church. Lichti, Otto. Sec Yeshii' bar Shushan. Maclean, Arthur John. Sd Church. Malan, Solomon C. See Edward Francis Knottesford. Armenian Fortescue, (In: Memoire de la mission d'Erzeron Lettres edifiantes. Lyon, 1819. 8° p. 356-372.) KBC Missirian, G. M. The national churches of the East. (Armenian herald. Boston. 1918. 8°. V. 1, p. 80-85.) * ONK Reprinted from the Boston Evening Transcript, Dec. 8, 1917. Mkhithar of Dashir. Relation de la conference tenue cntre le docteur Mek- hithar de Daschir, envoye du catholicos (Tonstantin i, et le legat du pape a Saint- Jean-d'Acre, en 1262. (In: Institut de France. — Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents armeniens. Paris, 1869. f°. V. 1, p. 689-698.) ft BTR Armenian text with French translation. Monier. Lettre du pere Monier. de la compagnie de Jesus, au pere Fleuriau. de la menie compagnie. (In: Lettres edifiantes. Lyon, 1819. 8°. v. 2, p. 76-169.) KBC Neale, John Alason. A history of the Holy Eastern Church. Part 1. General in- troduction. London: I. Masters, 1850. 2 v. 8°. ZNB Nerses the Graceful, patriarch of Arme- nia. Preces sancti Xersetis Clajensis Ar- meniorum patriarchae viginti quatuor Un- guis editae. \'enetirs: In Insula S. Lazari. 1837. 3 p.l., 434 p., 1 port. 16°. ZHR 70 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Armenian Church, continued. Preces sancti Nierses, Armeniorum patriarchal Turcice, Graece, Latine, Ita- lice et Gallice redditae. Venetiis: In Insula S. Lazari, 1815. 172 p. 32°. * ONO Nerses of Lambron. Extraits de I'ou- vrage intitule Reflexions sur les institu- tions de I'eglise et explication du mystere de la messe. Lettre adressee au roi Leon ii. (In- Institut de France. — Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Recueil des historiens des croisades. Documents ar- meniens. Paris, 1869. i°. v. 1, p. 557-603^ ttBTR Armenian text with French translation. Neve, Felix. L'hymnologie armenienne. (Museon. Louvain, 1885. 8°. v. 4, p. 359- 368.) ZAA Nilus Doxapatrius. Td|i5 twv naxeiaQ/.i- y-wv 0o6vo3v. Armenisch und Griechisch hrsg von Franz Nikolaus Finck. ]Mar- burg: N. G. Elwert, 1902. 2 p.l., 46 p.^_ 4° Ormanian, Malachia. The Armenian Church. (Armenia. New York, 1911-13. 4° V. 4, no. 11, p. 1-4, no. 12, p. 4-6; v. 5, p 8-11, 42-44. 107-109, 154-155, 178-181, 202-205, 247-249, 279-282, 342-344, 277- 378- V.6, p. 18-19, 62-63, 87-89, 123-124, 147-148, 175-176, 211-212. 247-248, 270-271. 303-305, 334-336, 376-377.) t*ONK The Armenian conversion to Chris- tianity. (New Armenia. New York, 1916. r. V.8, p. 184-185.) t*ONK The Church of Armenia, her his- tory, doctrine, rule, discipline, liturgy, literature, and existing condition by Ma- lachia Ormanian, formerly Armenian patri- arch of Constantinople. Translated from the French edition by G. Marcar Gregory ...with an introduction by the Right Rev. j. E. C. Welldon. London: A. R. Mow- bray & Co., Ltd. tpref. 1912.) xxxii, 271 p. 8°. ZNV L'eglise armenienne: son histoire, sa doctrine, son regime, sa discipline, sa liturgie, sa litterature, son present. Paris: E. Leroux, 1910. 2 p.l., x, 192 p. 8°. ZNV Unionist tendencies of the Arme- nian Church. (New Armenia. New York. 1917. f°. V. 9, p. 231-232.) t*ONK Peirce, Louise Fagan. See Peirce, Wil- liam F., and Louise F. Peirce. Peirce, William F., and Louise F. Peirce. The Armenian Church. (The New world. Boston, 1897. 8°. v. 6, p. 56-69.) * DA Proclus, Saint, patriarch of Constanti- nople. Ein Briefwechsel zwischen Proklos und Sahak. Aus dem Armenischen iiber- setzt von P. Aristaces Vardanian. (Wie- ner Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgen- landes. Wien, 1913. 8°. Bd.27, p. 415- 441.) *OAA Ricaut, Paul. The present state of the Greek and Armenian churches, anno Christi, 1678. London: John Starkey, 1679. 16 p.l., 452 p. 12°. ZNB Sahak, patriarch. The Armenian canons of St. Sahak Catholicos of Armenia (390- 439A.D.). [Translated by F. C. Cony- beare.] (American journal of theology. Chicago, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 828-848.) ZEA Isaaci magnse Armenise catholici oratio invectiva adversus Armenios. (In: Andreas Gallandius, Bibliotheca veterum patrum. Venetiis, 1781. f°. v. 14, p. 409- 446.) tfZEL Narratio de rebus Armenise. (In: J. P. Migne, Patrologise cursus completus ...series Graeca. Paris, 1864. 4°. tomus 132, col. 1237-1258.) ZEL Sancti patris nostri Isaaci magnse Armenise catholici, oratio invectiva adver- sus Armenios. (In: J. P. Migne, Patro- logiae cursus completus. . .series Graeca. Paris, 1864. 4°. tomus 132, col. 1155-1238.) ZEL See also Proclus, Saint, patriarch of Constantinople. Samuel, Polykarp. See Vrthanes Kher- thol. Schreiber, Ellis. The Armenian Church. (American Catholic quarterly review. Philadelphia, 1904. 8°. v. 29, p. 772-784.) *DA Selim III, sultan of Turkey. Transla- tion of an imperial berat issued by Sultan Selim III A. H. 1215, appointing the monk Hohannes patriarch of all the Armenians of Turkey, with notes by Rev. H. G. O. Dwight. (American (Oriental Society, lournal. Boston, 1849. 8°. v. 1, p. 507- 515.) *OAA Serpos, Giovanni de. Compendio storico di memorie cronologiche concernenti la religione e la morale della nazione armena suddita dell' impero ottomano... Tomo 1-3. Venezia: nella Stamperia di Carlo Palese, 1786. 3 v. 12°. BBX T., A. B. The Armenian Christmas and New Year. (Armenia. New York, 1911. 4°. V. 4, no. 8, p. 4-7.) t*ONK Tcheraz, Minas. L'eglise armenienne, son histoire, ses crovances. (Museon. Louvain, 1897. 8°. tome 16, p. 324-329.) ZAA Ter Israel. Le synaxaire armenien de Ter Israel public et traduit par. . .G. Bayan ... [Partie] 1-2. Paris: Firmin-Didot & Cie., 1910. 4°. (Patrologia orientalis. tome 5, fasc. 3; tome 6, fasc. 2.) t*OAC [Partie] 1. Mois de Navasard. [Partie] 2. Mois de Hori. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 71 Armenian Church, continued. Ter-Mekerttschian, Karapet. See Tim- othy, bishop of Alexandria. Ter-Minassiantz, Erwand. Die arme- nische Kirche in ihren Beziehungen zu den syrischen Kirchen bis zum Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts. Nach den armenischen tnid syrischen Quellen bearbeitet von E. Ter- Minassiantz. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1904. xii, 212 p. 8°. (Texte und Untersuchun- gen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Li- teratur. N. F. Bd. 11, Heft 4.) ZE See also Timothy, bishop of Alexan- dria. Theorianus. Theoriani disputatio secun- da cum Nersete patriarcha generali Arme- niorum. (In: J. P. Migne, Patrologije cursus completns. . .series Grseca. Paris, 1864. 4°. tomus 133, col. 212-298.) ZEL Theoriani orthodoxi disputatio cum Armeniorum Catholico. (In: J. P. Migne. Patrologije cursus completus. . .series Graeca. Paris, 1864. 4°. tomus 133. col. 119-212.) ZEL Timothy, bishop of Alexandria. Timo- theus Alurus' des Patriarchen von Alexan- drien Widerlegung der auf der Synode zu Chalcedon festgesetzten Lehre. Armeni- scher Text mit deutschem und armeni- schem Vorwort, zwei Tafeln und drei- fachem Register hrsg. von. . .Karapet Ter- Mekerttschian und... Erwand Ter-Minas- siantz. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1908. ix, v-xxxv, 396 p., 2 facs. 8°. * ONP Tondini de Quarenghi, C. Notice sur le calendrier liturgique de la nation arme- nienne. (Bessarione. Roma. 1906. 8°. serie 2, v. 10, p. 275-294; serie 3, v. 1, p. 71- 114.) *OAA Tourian, Kevork G. The Armenian Christmas. (Armenia. Boston, 1904. 4°. v. 1, no. 3, p. 38-45.) t*ONK Vardanian, Aristaces. See Proclus, Saint, patriarch of Constantinople. Veyssiere de la Croze, Mathurin. His- toire du christianisme d'Ethiopie et d'Ar- menie. La Haie: Veuve Le Vier & P. Paupie, 1739. 7 p.l., 402 p., 1 pi. 8°. ZNZ Vida de S. Gregorio, patriarcha da Ar- menia. Conversao dos Armenios ao chris- tianismo. Versao ethiopica publicada por F. M. Esteves Pereira. [Lisboa, 1903. i 42 p. 8°. *OEE Villari, Luigi. The clergy at Etchmiad- zin. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V. 9, p. 300-302.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Fire and siuord in the Can- casus. A visit to Etchmiadzin. (New Ar- menia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 283- 284.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Fire and sword i)i the Cau- casus. Vollmer, Philipp. The Armenian Church. (Missionary review of the world. New York, 1896. 8^ new series, v. 9, p. 193- 197.) ZKVA Vrthanes Kherthol. Die Abhandlung "Gegen die Bildersturmer." Aus dem Ar- menischen libersetzt von P. Polykarp Sam- uel. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1912. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 275-293.) * OAA Williams, George. See Gregory of By- santium, metropolitan of Chios. Williams, William Llewelyn. Armenia: past and present; a study and a forecast . . . With an introduction by T. P. O'Con- nor, M.p. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd.. 1916. xi, 211 p., 2 folded maps. 8°. BBX The Armenian Church. (New Ar- menia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 355- 359.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Armenia: past and prcsLUt, p. 99-108, 130-142. The Armenian Church and the schism in Christendom. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 86-87.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Armenia: past and present, p. lOS-119. The struggle of the Armenian Church. (NcAV Armenia. New York. 1017. i°. V. 9, p. 101-102.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Armenia: past and present, p. 119-130. Wilson, Samuel Graham. The .Armenian Church in its relation to the Russian gov- ernment. (North American review. New York, 1905. 8°. V. 180, p. 88-101.) * DA Yeshii' bar Shushan. Das Sendschrei- ben des Patriarchen Barschuschan an den Catholicus der Armenier. By Otto Lichti. (American Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1912. 8°. y.32, p. 268-342.) *OAA Young, George. Communautes des Ar- meniens gregoriens. [Patriarcat armenien catholique.] (In his: Corps de droit otto- man. Oxford, 1905. 8°. v. 2, p. 70-106.) *OGM Zavak. Armenian Church music. (Ara- rat. London, 1916. 8°. v. 4, p. 136-140.) *ONK 72 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Mechitharists Aharonian, Avedis. The Armenian acad- emy at Venice. An impression of the place and of its members. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918. 8°. v. 1, p. 141-149.) *ONK A visit to St. Lazare. From the Armenian. (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. V.7, p. 10-13.) t*ONK Aukerian, Haroutiun. A brief account of the Mechitaristican Society founded on the island of St. Lazaro. [Translated by Alexander Goode.] Venice: Armenian Academy, 1835. 62 p., 1 pL, 1 port. 16°. ZMTB p. box 1 Compendiose notizie sulla congregazione de monaci armeni Mechitaristi di Venezia. rVenezia: Tipografia armena di S. Lazza- ro.i 1819. 128 p., 1 pi. 16°. * ONR Cover title: Vita del servo di Dio Mechitar, ion- datore dell' ordine de' monaci armeni benedettini detti Mechitaristi, Venezia, 1887. Goode, Alexander. Sec Aukerian, Ha- rontinn. Kalemkiar, Gregoris. Eine Skizze der iiterarisch-typographischen Thiitigkeit der Mechitharisten-Congregation in Wien aus Anlass des SOjahrigen Regierungs-Jubi- laums. . .Kaiser Franz Joseph i. Wien: Mechitharisten-Congregations-Buchdruck- erei, 1898. 4 p.L, 99 p. 8°. * GD Langlois, Victor. La congregation niek- hitariste et le couvent armenien de Saint- Lazare de Venise. (Revue de I'Orient, de I'Algerie et des colonies. Paris, 1861. 8°. nouvelle serie, tome 13, p. 383-397.) * OAA Leist, Arthur. Die Kongregation der Mechitaristen. (In his: Litterarische Skiz- zen. Leipzig [1886]. 12°. p. 81-112.) *ONK Armenische Bibliothek. No. 2. Mechitharisten-Kongregation in Wien. Huschardzan. Festschrift aus Anlass des lOOjahrigen Bestandes der. . .Kongrega- tion. .. (1811-1911), und des 25. Jahr- ganges der philologischen Monatsschrift "Handes Amsorya" (1887-1911). Hrsg. von der IMechitharisten-Kongregation unter Alitwirkung der Mitarbeiter der Monats- schrift und zahlreicher Armenisten. Wien : JMechitharisten-Kongregation, 1911. 7 p.l., 435 p., 3 pi., 1 port. f°. tt*ONK Missions American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Historical sketch of the missions. . .in European Turkey, Asia Minor and Armenia. New York: J. A. Gray, 1861. 46 p., 1 1. 8°. ZKVN p.v.l Barton, James Levi. Euphrates College. (Armenia. New York, 1910. 4°. v. 4. no. 6, p. 2-4.) t*ONK What America has done for the Armenians. (Armenia. Boston, 1904. 4°. v. 1, no. 3, p. 3-10.) t*ONK Conder, Josiah. Sec Smith, Eli, and H. G. O. DWIGHT. Dwight, Harrison Gray Otis. See Smith, Eli, and H. G. O. Dwight. Greene, Joseph K. Leavening the Le- vant. Boston: Pilgrim Press, 1916. xii. 353 p., 2 maps, 34 pi. 8°. ZKVN Knapp, Grace Higley. The mission at Van; in Turkey in war time, by Grace Higley Knapp, with a chapter by Clarence D. Ussher, M. D., on the future of the mis- sion at Van. New York: privatelv printed, 1915. 48 p., 1 port. 16°. BTZE p.v.l96 National Armenian Relief Committee. Brands from the burning. [New York.i n. d. 30 p. 24°. SHS Save the remnant. [New York.i n. d. 32 p. 24°. SHS The wards of Christendom. [New York.] n. d. 31 p. 24°. SHS Pfeiffer, E. Die Anfange der protestan- tischen Kirche in Armenien 1813-1850. (Der Christliche Orient. Westend-Berlin, 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 26-42, 78-85, 120-133.) t*OAA Richter, Julius. Protestant missions in Turkey and Armenia. (In his: A history of Protestant missions in the Near East. New York: F. H. Revell Co. [1910., 8°. p. 104-180.) ZKVI Smith, Eli, and H. G. O. Dwight. Mis- sionary researches in Armenia: including a journey through Asia Minor, and into Georgia and Persia, with a visit to the Nestorian and Chaldean Christians of Oor- niiah and Salmas. To which is prefixed, A memoir on the geography and ancient history of Armenia, by the author of "The modern traveller" [Josiah Conder]. Lon- don: G. Wightman, 1834. Ixxii, 472 p., 1 map. 8°. BBY Researches of the Rev. E. Smith and Rev. H. G. O. Dwight in Armenia: in- cluding a journey through Asia Minor, and into Georgia and Persia, with a visit to the Nestorian and Chaldean Christians of Oormiah and Salmas. Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1833. 2 v. 12°. BBY ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 7i Missions, continued. Terzian, Paul, bishop of Tarsus and Adana. The Church in Armenia. (Catho- lic world. New York. 1895. S°. v. 60, p. 212-226.) * DA Ussher, Clarence D. ^'t't' Knapp, Grace Higley. West, Maria A. The romance of mis- sions; or, Inside views of life and labor in the land of Ararat. With an introduction by Mrs. Charles... New York: A. D. F. Randolph & Co. [Cop. 1875.) 14, 710 p. 8'. ZKVN White, G. E. Morning light in Asia Minor, (^ilissionary ;-eview of the world. New York, 1898. 8°. new series, v. 11, p. 752-760.) ZKVA Armenian Question A., D. G. ApMHHCKitt BOnpOCT. Bt Typii,iii. (list nepeniicKii cb cxaM- dyjiBCKiiMt nydjiimiiCTOM-L.) (Pvc- cKan Mhicjih. Moscow, 1892. 8°. 1892, no. 5, cpart 2,j p. 60-77.) * QCA Armenian question in Turkey. Abbott, Lyman. The Armenian ques- tion. [New York: National Armenian Re- lief Committee,] n. d. 16 p. 16°. SHS Apcar, Diana Agabeg. Russian occupa- tion of Armenia. (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. V.7, p. 8-9.) t*ONK What the German foreign minister has said. "The powers," the Christians of the East, and the Turk. Russian occupa- tion of Armenia. Open letter to the Right Honorable H. H. Asquith. Yokohama, 1913. 4 broadsides mounted on 11 leaves. 4°. BBX Two of the broadsides are reprinted from The Far East, May 3, 1913 and July 5, 1913; and one reprinted from the Japan gaacttc, June 14, 1913. Armenia and her claims. Memorandum on Armenia and her claims to freedom and national independence presented to the Democratic Mid-Europe Union by Dr. G. Pasdermadjian. . .and by IMiran Sevasly. Part 1-2. (Armenian herald. Boston. 1918-19. 8°. V. 2, p. 3-8, 72-81.) * ONK Part 1. Turkish Armenia and the Armenians in Turkey. Part 2. The situation of the Armenians, including Transcausasia and Turkey, prior to the present world war. Armenia and the powers: from behind the scenes. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. V. 69, p. 628-643.) * DA Armenia rediviva. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. i°. V. 9, p. 339-347.) f * ONK The Armenian aspirations and revolu- tionary movements. Album, no. 1. n. p. (1916., 32 1. ob. 8°. *ONK Title from cover. Title also in Turkish, German and French. The Armenian question. [Signed Diplo- matist.] (New review. London, 1895. 8°. V. 12, p. 62-66.) * DA The Armenian question. [Signed An Eastern statesman.] (Contemporarv re- view. London, 1880. 8=. v. 37, p. 533-547.) *DA The Armenian question in the House of Commons. (New Armenia. New York, 1916. i\ V. 8, p. 91-95, 108-109.) f * ONK The Armenian troubles and where the responsibilitv lies, by a correspondent. New York: J. J. Little & Co.,] 1895. 35 p. 8°. BBHp.v.2 Arpee, Leon. Armenia and the peace conference. (New Armenia. New York. 1918. 4°. V. 10, p. 180-182.) t*ONK Barre, Andre. L'esclavage blanc (Ar- menie et Macedoine). Paris: L. Michaud [1908,. 320 p. 12°. (In his: Collection d'histoire contemporaine.) GIH Benjamin, Samuel Greene Wheeler. The Armenians and the Porte. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1891. 8°. v. 67, p. 524- 530.) *DA Benson, Edward Frederic. Crescent and iron cross. London: Hodder and Stoucrh- ton, 1918. X, 268 p., 3 maps. 12°. BTZE New York: George H. Doran Co. [1918.1 viip., 11., 11-240 p., 2 map-. 12°. BTZE Bishop, Isabella Lucy Bird. The shad- ow of the Kurd. (Contemporarv review. London, 1891. 8°. v. 59, p. 642-654, 819- 835.) *DA Blunt, \\'ilfrid Scawen. Turkish mis- government. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. V. 40, p. 838-846.) * DA Bowles, Thomas Gibson. The Cyprus convention. (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. new series, v. 60, p. 626- 634.) *DA Bratter, C. Adolf. Die armenische Frage. Berlin: (Zoncordia deutsche Verlags-An- stalt, G. m. b. H., 1915. 40 p. 8°. BTZEp.v.l74 Bryce (1. viscount), James Bryce. The Armenian question. ((Tenturv. New York, 1895. 8°. new series, v. 29, p. 150-154.) *DA 74 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Armenian Question, continued. Die armenische Frage in den letz- ten 20 Jahren. (Der Christliche Orient. Westend-Berlin, 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 481- 505.529-555.) f * OAA Translated from his Transcaucasia and Ararat, London, 1896. The futtire of Armenia. (Contem- porary review. London, 1918. 8°. v. 114, p. 6041611.) *DA Translated in La Voix de I'Armcnic, annee 2, p. 9-20, *ONK. The future of Asiatic Turkey. (Fortnightly review. London, 1878. 8°. new series, V. 23, p. 925-936.) * DA Reprinted in Armenia, v. 3, no. 3, p. 3-20, Jan., 1907, t * ONK. Transcaucasia and Ararat, being notes of a vacation tour in the autumn of 1876. 4th ed. rev., with a supplementary chapter on the recent history of the Ar- menian question. London: Macmillan and Co., 1896. xi.x, 526 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°. PSK Morton, Oliver T. Mr. James Bryce on the Armenian question. (Dial. Chicago, 1897. 4°. V.22, p. 113-115.) * DA Buxton, Harold. Side-lights on the Ar- menian question. (Contemporary review. London, 1913. 8°. v. 104, p. 789-798.) *DA Buxton, Noel. The Russians in .A.rmenia. (Nineteenth century. London, 1913. 8°. V. 74, p. 1357-1366.) * DA Cavendish, Lucy C. F.. lady. The peril of Armenia. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1913. 8°. V. 103, p. 33-39.) * DA Reprinted in Armenia, v. 6, p. 229-234, *ONK. Charmetant. Felix. Das sterbende Ar- menien und das christliche Europa. (Der Christliche Orient. Westend-Berlin, 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 289-301, 337-349.) f * OAA Clinch, Bryan J. The Christians under Turkish rule. (American Catholic quar- terly review. Philadelphia, 1896. 8°. v. 21. p. 399-409.) *DA Collet, C. D. The new crusade against the Turk. (Imperial and Asiatic quarter- ly review. Woking, 1895. 8°. new series, V. 9, p. 53-56.) * OAA Contenson, Ludovic, baron de. The movement for Armenian emancipation. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 1, no. 8. p. 6-15.) t*ONK La question armenienne. (Comite de I'Asie franqaise. Bulletin mensuel. Paris, 1913. 4°. annee 13, p. 8-16.) f BBA Les reformes en Turquie d'Asie; la question armenienne, la question syrienne. Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1913. 3 p.l., vii, 135 p., 1 map. 8°. * ONQ Coulon, Henri. L'hero'isme des Arme- niens. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 290-295.) * ONK Der-Hagopian, Nishan. And what of Armenia? (Forum. New York, 1917. 8°. V. 58, p. 49-56.) *DA Dicey, Edward. Nubar Pasha and our Asian protectorate. (Nineteenth century. London, 1878. 8°. v. 4, p. 548-559.) * DA Dillon, Emile Joseph. Armenia: an ap- peal. (Contemporary review. London, 1896. 8°. V. 69, p. 1-19.) * DA Armenia and the Turk. Poetic jus- tice. Russia's solution of the Armenian problem. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1914. 8°. V. 105, p. 126-128.) * DA The condition of Armenia. (Con- temporary review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 68, p. 153-189.) * DA The fiasco in Armenia. (Fort- nightly review. London, 1896. 8°. new series, v. 59, p. 341-358.) * DA Diplomatische Aktenstijcke zur arme- nischen Frage. (Der Christliche Orient. Westend-Berlin, 1897. 4°. 1897, p. 66-73, 173-175.) t*OAA Doumergue, fimile. Ce que la Suisse a fait pour I'Armenie. (La Voix de I'Ar- menie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 532- 543.) *ONK Dzotsikian, S. M. Haigagank. [The Armenians and their national aspirations.] Providence, 1916. 2 p.l., 207 p. 12°. *ONP The Eastern question. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1896. 8°. v. 160, p. 847-858.) * DA Einstein, Lewis David. Inside Constan- tinople; a diplomatist's diary during the Dardanelles expedition, April - September, 1915, by Lewis Einstein. London: J. Mur- ray, 1917. xvi, 291 p. 8°. BTZE Engelhardt, fidouard. L'Angleterre et la Russie a propos de la question arme- nienne. (Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee. Bruxelles, 1883. 8°. tome 15, p. 146-159.) XBA L'enquete armenienne. (Revue frangaise de I'etranger et des colonies. Paris, 1888. 8°. tome 8, p. 31-34.) KAA England's policy in Turkey. (Fortnight- ly review. London, 1896. 8°. new series, V. 59, p. 286-290.) * DA Geffcken, F. Heinrich. Turkish reforms and Armenia. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don. 1895. 8°. V. 38, p. 991-1000.) * DA Ghulam-us-Saqlain. The Mussalmans of India and the Armenian question. (Nine- teenth century. London, 1895. 8°. v. 2i7, p. 926-939.) * DA ARAIENIA AND THE ARMENIANS /D Armenian Question, continued. Gladstone, William Ewart. Mr. Glad- stone on the Armenian question. (Chris- tian literature. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 14, p. 337-348.) * DA Gobat, Albert. Protection of the Ar- menians; appeal to Sir Edward Grey. [Yo- kohama, 1913?]. 1 broadside mounted. 4°. BBX Repr. : Japan Gazette, June 23, 1913. Bound with: D. A. Apcar, What the German for- eign minister has said. Grabowsky, Adolf. Die armenische Frage. (Zeitschrift fiir Politik. Pjcrlin, 1914. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 699-715.) SEA Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Turkey. 1896, no. 2. Correspondence relative to the Armenian question, and reports from Her Majesty's consular officers in Asiatic Turkey. London: Harrison and Sons [1896]. xxiv, 339p. f°. (Great Britain. — Parliament. Sessional papers. 1896, v. 95.) *SDD Gulesian, M. H. England's hand in Turk- ish massacres. (Arena. Boston, 1897. 8°. V. 17, p. 271-282.) *DA Harris, Walter B. An unbiassed view of the Armenian question. (Blackwood'__s Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. V. 158, p. 483-492.) * DA Hart, Albert Bushnell. Free Armenia. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918. 8°. v. 2. p. 15-19.) * ONK Havemeyer, John C. The relation of the United States to Armenia. An open letter to the President from J. C. Havemeyer. [Yonkers, 1896.] 15 p. 16°. BBH p.v.4 Repr.: The New York Times. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. A Persian on the Armenian massacres. (New century review. London, 1897. 8°. v. 1, p. 70-76.) *DA Herrick, George F. Armenians and American interests under Russia. (Ameri- can review of reviews. New York, 1916. 8°. V. 54, p. 80-84.) * DA Heyfelder, O. Die Armenier und ihre Zukunft. (Deutsche Rundschau. Wien, 1890. 8°. Jahrg. 12, p. 343-351.) KAA Hoberg, Otto. Die armenische Frage und der Weltkrieg. (Nord und Siid. Bres- lau, 1915. 8°. Bd. 154, p. 183-185.) * DP Houghton, Louise Seymour. The Ar- menian uprising. (Outlook. New York, 1904. 8°. V. 78, p. 369-372.) * DA How to save alive the orphan children of martyrs in Armenia. [New York: Na- tional Armenian Relief Committee, 1896?) 27 p. 24°. BBH p.v.4 Howard, Mary. The worst sufferer of the war. What hope is there for the rem- nants of massacred Armenia? (Asia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 17, p. 433-439.) t*OAA Howerth, Ira W., translator. See Tcho- banian, Archag. Ismail Kemal, bey. Armenia and the Armenians. (Fortnightly review. New York, 1917. 4°. new series, v. 102, p. 494- 509.) * DA Kx apMHHCKO.vy Bonpocy bt> Typ- itiii. (CoBpeMCHHuft Mipt. Petro- ?rad. 1915. 8°. 1915, no. 8, p. 144- 149.) * QCA Concerning the Armenian problem in Turkey. Kelekian, Diran. La Turquie et son sou- verain: la crise actuelle, ses origines, sa so- lution. (Nineteenth century. London, 1896. 8°. V. 40, p. 689-698.) * DA Khalil Khalid Efendi. The Armenian question. (Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review. Woking, 1895. 8°. new series. V. 10, p. 469-472.) * OAA Kovalevski, ]\Iaksim. ApM^iHCKiu BonpocL. (Bf.CTiiiiK'Fj Enponw. Petro- grad, 1915. 8°. 1915, no. 6. p. 256- 274.) * QCA The Armenian question. ApMHHCKirr BonpocTj. (Btcr- HiiKt EBponi.i. St. Petersburg. 1913. 8°. 1913. no. 12, p. 288-308.) * QCA The Armenian question. Leart, Marcel. The history of the Ar- menian question. (Armenia. New York. 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 37-39.) t*ONK La question armenienne a la lumicre des documents. Paris: A. Challamel, 1913. 76 p.. 1 map. 8°. * ONQ Lecarpentier, G. La nouvelle question d'Armenie. (Revue des sciences poli- tiques. Paris, 1915. 8°. tome 34, p. 462- 473.) SEA Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole. Les Arme- niens et la question armenienne; confe- rence faite par M. Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu ...a I'Hotel des Societes savantes, le 9 juin, 1896. Paris: Clamaron-Graff, 1896. 40 p. 8°. BBX Levine, Isaac Don. Armenia resurrect- ed. (Asia. New York, 1919. f°. v. l^. p. 323-329.) t * OAA Little, Edward Campbell. Armenia and Turkev. (Armenian herald. Boston. 1^18. 8°. V. 1, p. 172-190. 239-248.) * ONK Reprinted from the Congressional record, March 4, 1918. Lord Rosebery's second thoughts. (Signed Diplomaticus.] (Fortnightly review. Lon- don, 1896. 8°. new series, v. 60, p. 615- 625.) * DA 7(i THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Armenian Question, continued. Lynch, Henry Finnis Blosse. The Ar- menian question. (Contemporary review. London. 1894. 8\ v. 65, p. 847-865; v. 66, p. 91-107, 435-456.) * DA The Armenian question: Europe or Russia? (Contemporary review. London, 1896. 8°. V.69, p. 270-276.) * DA McDermot, George. The great assassin and the Christians of Armenia. (Catholic world. New York, 1897. 8°. v. 64, p. 295- 305.) *DA Macler, Frederic. Autour de I'Armenie. Paris: E. Nourry, 1917. 3 p.l., iii-xvi, 326 p., 11. 12°. BBX The beginnings of the Armenian movement. (New Armenia. New York. 1916. f^ V.8, p. 375-376.) t*ONK Mahdesian, Arshag. xA.rmenia, her cul- ture and aspirations. [Worcester, Alass., 1917.] 448-466 p. 8°. * ONQ Repr. : Journal of race development, v. 7, p. 448- 466. QOA. Reprinted in New Armenia, v. 9, p. 181-183, 193- 198, t * ONK. Malcolm, James Aratoon. An Arme- nian's cry for Armenia. (Nineteenth cen- tury. London, 1890. 8°. v. 28, p. 640-647.) *DA A cry for Armenia. (Armenia. Boston. 1907. 4°. v. 3, no. 8, p. 5-14.) t*ONK Mangasarian, jM. M. Armenia and Tur- kev. (New Armenia. New York, 1918. f°. v. iO, p. 24-25.) t*ONK Armenia's impending doom: our duty. (Forum. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 21, p. 449-459.) * DA Manifestations franco-anglo-italiennes. Pour I'Armenie et la Macedoine: AIM. M. Berthelot, Charmetant. . . Preface de Vic- tor Berard, introduction de Pierre Quillard, rapport de Francis de Pressense. Paris: Societe nouvelle de librairie & d'edition, 1904. 3 p.l., vi-xxx, 319 p. 8°. BBX Marbeau, fidouard. L'Armenie et I'opi- nion publique. (Revue frangaise de I'etran- ger et des colonies. Paris, 1887. 8°. tome 6, p. 321-340.) KAA Meyners d'Estrey, Guillaume Henry Jean, comte. Caucase et Armenie. Avenir de la question d'Orient. (Annales de I'Ex- treme Orient. Paris, 1886-87. 4°. tome 9, p. 193-211, 243-251, 267-277, 289-297.^ *OWB Morgan, Jacques Jean Marie de. Ar- menia and Europe. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 261-263.) t*ONK L'Armenie instrument de paix mon- diale. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris. 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 626-631.) * ONK Essai sur les nationalites. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1917. xi, 136 p., 21. 8°. BBXandBTZE Partie 1. Le probleme des nationalites. Partie 2. Les Armeniens. The fate of the Armenians. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. i\ v. 9. p. 214-216.) t*ONK La Transcaucasie et I'Armenie Cles des Indes. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 329-334.) * ONK Moritz, Bernhard. Die armenisch-kur- dische Frage. (Grenzboten. Berlin, 1913. 8°. Jahrg. 72, Bd. 3, p. 1-13.) * DF Mouchek Yebiscobos (Seropian). Eu- rope's dutv to Armenia. (Armenia. New York, 1912. 4". v. 6, p. 133-134.) t*ONK Murad, bey. La force et la faiblesse de la Turquie. Les coupables et les innocents. Geneve: J. Mouille, 1897. 60 p. 2. ed. 8°. GIC p.v.2 O'Connor, Thomas Power. Armenia and her future. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9. p. 245-247.) f * ONK Armenia: united and autonomous. (Asia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 17, p. 649- 650.) t*OAA O'Shea, John T. L^nhappv Armenia. (Catholic world. 'New York, 1895. 8°. v. 60, p. 553-561.) * DA Our obligations to Armenia. (Macmil- lan's magazine. London, 1895. 8^. v. 71, p. 340-345.) * DA Pasdermadjian, G. Why Armenia should be free. Armenia's role in the present war. (Armenian herald. Boston, 1918-19. 8\ v. 2. p. 20-28, 82-92.) * ONK The Peace Congress and the Armenian question. (Armenia. Boston, 1904. 4°. v.l, no. 2, p. 39-44.) t*ONK Pears, Sir Edwin. Turkey and the war. (Contemporarv review. London, 1914. 8°. v. 106, p. 584-597.) * DA Peterson, Theodore. Turkey and the Armenian crisis. (Catholic world. New York, 1895. 8\ v. 61, p. 665-676.) * DA Pignot, fimile. L'Armenie et la ques- tion des nationalites. (La Voi.x de I'Ar- menie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 145- 149.) *ONK Pinon, Rene. L'Armenie et la capitula- tion maximaliste. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 137-144.) *ONK Aux neutres. (La Voix de I'Ar- menie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 281- 289.) * ONK L'avenir de la Transcaucasie. (La Voix de r.\rmenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 201-208.) *ONK ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 77 Armenian Question, continued. D'ou pent naitre une Armenie in- dependante? (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 443-450.) *ONK L'independance de rArmenie. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 863-870.) * ONK Un plaidoyer turc sur la question des massacres. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 513-521.) *ONK La resurrection de I'Asie occiden- tale. (La Voix de I'Armenie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 681-687.) * ONK Pressense, Francis de. The Turks in Ar- menia. (Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa., 1896. 8°. V. 22, p. 591-594.) * DA See also Manifestations franco-an- glo-italiennes. Price, M. Philips. The problem of Asiatic Turkey. (Contemporary review. London, 1914. 8°. v. 105, p. 211-219.) *DA Probyn, John Webb.- Armenia and the Lebanon. London: Eastern Question As- sociation [1877?]. 19 p. 8°. (Papers on the Eastern question, no. 10.) BBH p.v.4 La Question armenienne. Les massacres d'Adana. [Signed Un ancien diplomate.) (Nouvelle revue. Paris, 1909. 8°. serie 3, tome 10, p. 3-16.) * DM Quillard, Pierre. See Manifestations franco-anglo-italiennes. Rafiiiddin Ahmad. A Moslem view of Abdul Hamid and the Powers. (Nine- teenth century. London, 1895. 8°. v. 38, p. 156-164.) *DA Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell. The Ar- menian atrocities. (Christian literature. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 14, p. 543-552.) *DA Rassam, Hormuzd. The Armenian diffi- culty. Results of a local enquiry. (Im- perial and Asiatic quarterly review. Wok- ing, 1895. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 42-47.) *OAA The Armenian question. (Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review. Woking, 1895. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 49-57.) *OAA Robinson, Emily J. The case of our ally Armenia. (Asiatic review. London, 1919. 8°. new series, v. 15, p. 253-256.) * OAA A new Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. i°. v. 9, p. 323-325.) t*ONK The regeneration of Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1918. f°. v. 10, p. 147-149.) t*ONK The truth about Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. i°. v. 9, p. 362-363.) t * ONK Rohrbach, Paul. Aus Turan und Ar- menien. Studie zur russischen Weltpolitik. (Preussische Jahrbucher. Berlin, 1897. 8°. Bd.89, p. 53-82, 256-284. 431-469; Bd.90, p. 101-132, 280-310, 437-485.) * DF A contribution to the Armenian question. (Forum. New York, 1900. 8°. V. 29, p. 481-492.) * DA Safir Efendi. The Armenian agitation. (Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review. Woking, 1895. 8°. new series, v. 9. p. 48- 52.) * OAA Safrastian, A. S. The existing position in Armenia. (Asiatic review. London, 1915. 8°. V. 7, p. 271-278.) * OAA Germanv and Armenia, (.\rarat. London, 1917-18. 8°. v. 5, p. 204-209. 254- 259, 296-300, 338-342.) * ONK Russia and Armenia. (Ararat. London, 1917. 8°. v. 5, p. 154-160.) *ONK Salmone, H. Anthony. The real rulers of Turkey. (Nineteenth century. Lon- don, 1895. 8°. v. 37, p. 719-733.) * DA Santini, Felice. La questione armena e gli Armeni in Turchia. (Nuova antologia. Roma, 1905. 8°. serie 4, v. 119, p. 614-621.) NNA Scatcherd, F. R. Armenia's true inter- ests and sympathies in the great war. (Asiatic review. London, 1915. 8°. series 4, V. 6, p. 319-324.) * OAA The Armenian question. (Asiatic review. London, 1914. 8°. series 4. v. 4, p. 319-325.) *OAA Sevasly, !Miran. The Armenian ques- tion. (New review. London, 1889. 8°. v. 1, p. 305-316.) *DA Shahid Bey, Sadik. Islam. Turkey and Armenia, and how they happened. By Sadik Shahid Bey. Turkish mysteries un- veiled. [St. Louis: C. B. Woodward Co., cop. 1898.) 222 p., 11. 12°. * ONQ Siebert, Wilbur Henry. Independence for Armenia. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. V.9, p. 337-338.) t*ONK The justice of granting autonomy to Armenia. (New Armenia. New York. 1916. f°. V. 8, p. 355-357.) f * ONK Stein, Robert. Armenia must have a European governor. (Arena. Boston, 1895. 8°. V. 12, p. 368-390.) * DA Stevenson, Francis S. Armenia. (Con- temporarv review. London, 1895. 8°. v. 67, p. 201-209.) *DA Stride, W. K. The immediate future of Armenia: a suggestion. (Forum. New York, 1896. 8°. v. 22, p. 308-320.) * DA 78 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Armenian Question, continued. Symonds, Arthur G. Armenia. (Ar- menia. New York, 1913. 4°. v. 6, p. 266- 269.) t*ONK Tchobanian, Archag. Armenia's loyalty to the allies. (Armenian herald. Boston. 1918. 8°. V. 1, p. 573-576.) * ONK The Armenian question and Eu- rope. [Translated from the French by Ira W. Howerth.] (International monthly. Burlington, Vt., 1902. 8°. v. 5, p. 149-165.) *DA Reprinted in Armenia, v. 1, no. 1, p. 19-35, t * ONK. Thoumaian, G. The hour has struck. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 165-167.) t*ONK The last chance. (Contemporary review. London, 1913. 8°. v. 103, p. 797- 803.) * DA Turkey and Armenia. (Contem- porary review. New York, 1918. 8°. v. 114. p. 188-194.) *DA Tonapetean, P. Russian and British pol- icy towards Armenia. (Ararat. London, 1915-17. 8°. V. 2, p. 374-385, 419-428; V. 3, p. 162-170, 320-327, 458-465; v. 4, p. 23-32.) *ONK Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. The position of Armenia. (New Armenia. Ne\Y York, 1917. i°. V. 9, p. 307-308.) t*ONK The Two Eastern questions. [Signed W.] (Fortnightly review. London, 1896. 8°. new series, v. 59, p. 193-208.) * DA Upton, Edgar W. Can Armenia be kept alive as a nation? (Armenia. Bos- ton, 1907. 4°. v. 3, no. 5, p. 12-17.) t*ONK Varandian, Alikael. Armenia and the Armenian question. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. i\ V. 9, p. 294-296.) t*ONK L'Armenie et la question armeni- enne. Avec une preface de Victor Berard. Laval: G. Kavanagh et Cie. [pref. 1917.] 115 p. 12°. BBX Varaztad, Puzant. The Armenian ques- tion. (Armenia. New York, 1913. 4°. V. 6, p. 365-368.) t*ONK Vernes, Maurice. L'avenir de I'Armenie et de I'Asie occidentale. (La Voix de I'Ar- menie. Paris, 1918. 8°. annee 1, p. 522- 531.) *ONK Villari, Luigi. The anarchy in the Cau- casus. A new phase of the Armenian ques- tion. (Fortnightlv review. London, 1906. 8°. new series, v. 79, p. ZS7-Z67.) * DA Vorontzov-Dashkov, I. I. IIsi. saniicoK'L. (ro.iocb MiiHyBinaro. Moscow, 1916. 8°. 1916, no. 9, p. 139- 147.) * QCA Memoirs. Watson, William. The purple East. A series of sonnets on England's desertion of Armenia. London: John Lane, 1896. 48 p., Ipl. 3. ed. 12°. NCM Chicago: Stone & Kimball, 1896. 49 p. 16°. NCM Wheeler, Everett Pepperrell. Armenian independence. (New Armenia. New York, 1917. f°. v. 9, p. 275-276.) f * ONK Williams, Aneurin. Armenia: is it the end? (Contemporary review. New York, 1915. 8°. V. 108, p. 555-561.) * DA Williams, William Llewelyn. Armenian aspirations. (New Armenia. New York, 1916. f°. V. 8, p. 359-361.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Armenia: past and present, p. 162-174. The modern problem. (New Ar- menia. New York, 1916. f°. v. 8. p. 341- 343.) t*ONK Reprinted from his Armenia: past and present, p. 147-161. Zarzecki, S. La question kurdo-arme- nienne. (Revue de Paris. Paris, 1914. 8°. 1914, V.2, p. 872-894.) * DM Armenians in Other Countries Avdyeyev. ApMane bt> ABcxpo- Beiirpiii. (KaBKascKifr BicTHiiKt. Y Tiflis. 1900. 8°. 1900, no. 1. [part 2,] p. 102-105 ; no. 4, [part 2.] p. 79-92.) * QCA The Armenians in Austria and Hungary. ApMane Bt PyMtiHiii. (KaB- , KascKifi BicTHiiK-B. Tiflis, 1901. 8°. 1901, no. 4, [part 2,] p. 44-51.) * QCA The Armenians in Rumania. Bedikian, Dikran M. The Armenian- American and the question of immigration. (Armenia. Boston, 1905. 4°. v. 2, no. 2-3, p. 56-62.) t*ONK Bent, J. Theodore. Notes on the Arme- nians in Asia Minor. (Manchester Geo- graphical Society. Journal. Manchester, 1890. 8°. V. 6, p. 220-222.) KAA Berberov, R. I. IIojiOHceHie apMHHt Bt pocciii. (PyccKaa mhcjib. Mos- ARMENIA Armenians in Other Countries, continued. COW, 1905. 8°. 1905, no. 11, [part 2., p. 145-158.) * QCA The position of the Armenians in Russia. Bischoff, Ferdinand. Urkunden zur Ge- schichte der Armenier in Lemberg. Hrsg. ^l> von Ferdinand Bischoff. (Archiv fiir ^ Kunde osterreichischer Geschichts-Quel- len. Wien, 1865. 8°. Bd. 32, p. 1-155.) FAA Cons, Emma. Armenian exiles in Cy- prus. (Contemporary review. London, 1896. 8°. V. 70, p. 888-895.) * DA Contenson, Ludovic de. Les Armeniens du Caucase. (Correspondant. Paris, 1905. 8°. nouvelle serie, v. 185, p. 543-557.) *DM Goehlert, Vinzent. Die Armenier in Europa und insbesondere in Oesterreich- Ungarn. (Ausland. Stuttgart, 1886. 4°. V. 59, p. 489-491.) f KAA Gulesian, M. H. The Armenian refugees. (Arena. Boston, 1897. 8°. v. 17, p. 652- 662.) * DA Khakhanof, Alexandre. La situation des Armeniens dans le royaume de Georgie. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1898. 8°. serie *OAA The Armenians in Boston, 1907. 4^ t*ONK 9, V. 11, p. 337-344.) Marshall, Annie C. America. (Armenia. V. 3, no. 6, p. 36-43.) A visit to the Armenian church and to Ter-Maroukian's studio at Paris. (Ar- menia. New York, 1912. 4°. v. 6. p. 7-9.) t*ONK Mouchek Yebiscobos (Seropian). Ame- ricahai daretsoitse, 1912. [Armeno-Ameri- can year-book, 1912.] Boston [1911]. 48, 383 p. 8°. *ONK Manchestry Hai kaghoutu. [The Armenian colony in Manchester, England.) Boston, 1911. 13, 270 p., 11., 9 pi. 12^ *ONR AND THE ARMENIANS 79 ^^fflteTApMHHaxx, cxapnuHBixt no- ce.ieini,axi> IIo.Tbiiiii. (BtcTHiiKt EBponu. Moscow, 1825. 8°. 1825. no. 7-8, p. 111-117.) -QCA The Armenians in Poland. Pavlovich, M. Poccin ii apM^HCKifi napoAt. (CoBpeMCHHiiK-b. St. Peters- buro-, 1913. S\ 1913. no. 11, p. K.2- 179.) =^= QCA Russia and the Armenian people. Pisemski, .A. AcipaxancKie ap- MKHc. ILjt nyxeBLixt saniicoKt. 16 p. (Bii6.iioTeKa a-^h "H^Teni;!. St. Peters- 1858. 8°. 1858, v. 5.) * QCA The Armenians of Astrakhan. burg. Sazonov, A. N. HicKO-ibKO iiU(|)p-B ooT, apMHHaxT, Ha KaBKa3i. (PyccKa^ Muc.-ih. Moscow, 1896. 8°. 1896, no. 9, tpart 2.] p. 58-73 ; no. 10. [part 2,] p. 159-173.) === QCA Statistics of the Armenians in the Caucasus. Seropian, Mouchek. biscobos (Seropian). Sec Mouchek Ye- i^ \^ Seth, Mesrovb J. History of the Arme- nians in India, from the earliest times to the present dav. London: Luzac & Co.. 1897. xxiip., li., 190p., Ifac. 12^ * ONR Tchobanian, Archag. La France et le peuple armenien. Paris: Imprimerie Ber- ger-Levrault, 1917. 40 p. %\ * ONR Thoumaian, G. The Armenians in Egypt. (New Armenia. New York. 1918. 4°. V. 10, p. 186-188.) t*ONK The Armenians in India. (Ararat. London, 1918. 8°. v. 5, p. 320-325.) *ONK -t- ■J 1 INDEX A., D. G. Armyanski vopros v Turtzii, 73. Abaza, V. A. Istoriya Armenii, 21. Abbott, K. E. Notes of tour in Armenia, 7. Abbott, Lyman. Armenian question, 73. Abbruzzese, Antonio: Le relazioni fra I'lmpero Romano e I'Armenia, a tempo di Augusto, 21. Le relazioni fra I'lmpero Romano e I'Armenia a tempo di Tiberio, 21. Le relazioni politiche fra I'lmpero Romano e I'Ar- menia da Claudio a Traiano, 21. Abdullah, Seraphin. \'erification d'une date, 21. Abdullah, Seraphin, and F. Macler. £tudcs sur la miniature armenienne, 20. Abich, Hermann : Der Ararat, 46. Die Besteigung des Ararat, 7. Ein Cyclus fundamentaler barometrischer Hohen- bestimmungen auf dem armenischen Hochlande, 46. Die Fulguriten im Andesit des kleinen Ararat, 46. Geologische Skizzen aus Transkaukasien, 46. Hauteurs absolues du systeme de I'.Ararat, 7. [Observations sur le mont Ararat], 46. Sur les ruines d'Ani, 18. tjber die Lage der Schneegrrinze und die Gletscher der Gegenwart im Kaukasus, 46. Ueber das Steinsalz und seine geologische Stellung im russischen Armenien, 46. Vergleichende chemische LTntersuchungen der Wasser des Caspischen Meeres, 7. Vergleichende Grundziige der Geologic des Kau- kasus wie der armenischen und nordpersischen Gebirge, 46. Zur Geologie des siidostlichen Kaukasus, 46. Abuhaiatian, Hagop. Pastor Hagop Abuhaiatian von Urfa, 41. Acogh'ig de Daron, fitienne. Histoire universelle, 40. Adadourian, Haig. Armenian coat of arms, 18. Adana inassacres, 36. Adger, J. B. My life and times, 42. Adjarian, H. : Classification des dialectes armeniens, 47. Lautlehre des Van-Dialekts, 47. S. Mesropi ev krerou kiudi badmoutian aghpiur- nern ou anonts knnoutiunu, 47. Adontz, N. Armeniya v epokhu Yustiniana, 21. Aganoon, A. I. Dissertation on antiquity of Ar- menian language, 47. Agathangelos: Agathange. Histoire du legne de Tiridate, 21. Agathangelus neu hrsg. von P. de Lagarde, 21. Badmoutiun, 21. Agop, Joannes: Grammatica Latina, Armenice explicata, 47. Puritas Haygica, 48. Puritas linguae Armenice, 48. Aharonian, Avedis: Armenian academy at Venice, 72. Armenische Erzahlungen, 59. Guteton da lakto, 60. Honor, 60. • Materi; razskazy, 60. Mother Armenia, 62. Vers la liberie, 60. Visit to St. Lazare, 72. Ainsworth, \V. F. Travels and researches in Asia Minor, 7. Ajcatur. Armena fabclo, 60. Akulfan, Aram. Einverleibung armenischer Terri- torien durch Byzanz im XL Jahrhundert, 21 Alaux, L. P. Armenian schools, 7. Alelouia Verousaghem, 62. Alishanian, Ghcuont : Armenian popular songs, 57. Deux descriptions armeniennes des lieux saints de Palestine, 62. The lily of Shavarshan, 57. Sissouan, 8. Table bibliographique, 5. Topographic de la Grande Armenie, 8. Zartangark avedarani mike Takouhuoh, 20. Allen, T. G., and W. L. Sachtlcbcn. Across Asia, 8. -Mphabctum Armenum, 48. American Armenian Relief Fund. Cry of Arme- nia, 36. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions. Historical sketch of missions. . .in Asia Minor and Armenia, 72. American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief: More material for sermon on Bible lands, 36. National test of brotherhood, 36. American sacred songs, 65. Amfiteatrov, A. V. Armeniya i Rim, 21. Anderson, Antony. Hovsep Pushmai), 41. Anderson, William. Notes on geography, 31. Andreasian, Dikran. Comment un drapeau sauva quatre mille Armeniens, 36. Apcar, D. A.: Betrayed Armenia, 36. In Ilis name. 36. On cross of Europe's imperialism, Armenia cruci- fied, 36. Peace and no peace, 36. Peace problem, 36. Russian occupation of Armenia, 73. Truth about Armenian massacres, i7 . Turkish constitution and Armenia, 22. What German foreign minister has said, 73. .Apellian, Aleksandir. Boedi yrazi, 60. Aptowitzer, V.: Beitrage zur mosaischen Rezeption im armenischen Recht, 45. Zur Geschichte des armenischen Rechtes, 45. .\rachin tasakirk mangants, 48. Arakelian, Hambartzoum: Contes et nouvelles, 60. Les rapports des Armeniens avec I'Occident, 22. Ararat, 7. Der Ararat, 8. Archaeologische, Bemerkungen iiber .\rmenien, 18. Argyll (8. duke), G. D. Campbell. Our responsibili- ties for Turkey, i7. Arisdagues de Lasdiverd. Histoire d'.\rmenie, 22. Armenia. Letter from duke of Argyll, &c., i7. Armenia and her claims, 7i. Armenia and powers, 73. Armenia rediviva, 73. Armenian aspirations and revolutionary move- ments, 73. Armenian Church: Garkavorootun Hasaragatz .Aghotitz, 68. Liturgia armena trasportata in italiano, 68. Liturgie de la messe armenienne, 68. Rituale Armenorum, 68. Armenian deportations, 37. Armenian documents, i7 . Armenian herald, 7. Armenian Huntchakist Party. — Central Committee. Memorial, 22. [ 81 ] 82 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Armenian literature, 60. Armenian massacre, 37. Armenian people and Ottoman government, 22. Armenian poems, 57. Armenian question, Ti. Armenian question in House of Commons, 73. Armenian Relief Association. Bulletin, 7. Armenian troubles, 73. Armenians, 22. Armenians and eastern question, 8. Armenians taking stock of their national church, 68. Armenische Bibliothek, 60. Die Armenischen Unruhen, 22. L'Armeno-\'eneto, 22. Arnot, Robert. Armenian literature, 56. Arpee, Leon : Armenia and peace conference, 73. Armenian awakening, 68. Arzanov, D. : Istoricheski vzglyad na Armeniyu i Georgiyu, 22. Zamyechaniya ob Armenii i Armyanakh, 22. Arzruni, Andreas. Reise nach Sud-Kaukasien, 8.- Asbarez, 7. Asgian, G.: La chiesa armena e I'arianesimo, 68. La s. sede e la nazione armena, 68. Asian, Kevork. fitudes historiques sur le peuple armenien, 22. Assassination of Armenia, Z~ . Assises d'Antioche, 62. Les Atrocites en Armenie, 37. Aucher, G. Bollettino: Armeno, 5. Augustin Badjetsi. Itineraire, 62. x\ukerian, Haroutiun : Brief account of Mechitaristican Society, 72. Dictionary English and .\rmenian. 48. Dictionnaire abrege frangais-armenien, 48. Grammar Armenian and English, 48. Grammar English and Armenian, 48. Aukerian, Haroutiun, and G. G. N. Byron, 6. Baron Byron. Grammar, Armenian and English, 48. Aukerian, Megerdich, vartabed. Liagadar vark ev vgayapanoutiun srpots, 68. Avakian, Hovhannes, and Bedros Hovnanian, edi- tors. Koharnir Hai kraganoutian, 62. Avdyeyev: Armyane v Avstro-Vengrii, 78. Armyane v Rumynii, 78. Avedikian, Gabriele, Khatchadroh Surmelian and Megerdich Aukerian. Nor parkirk Haigasyian lezui, 48. Avidaranian. H., translator. Jarakaitk arevelian, 65. Avtaliantz, John, baron: Authors of Armenian grammars, 48. Covenant of Ali, 22. Memoir of Hindu colony in ancient .\rmenia, 22. Memoir of life and writings of St. Nierses Clajen- sis, 58. Note on origin of Armenian era, 22. On invention of Armenian alphabet, 48. On laws and law-books of Armenians, 45. Short memoir of Mechithar Ghosh, 41. Singular narrative of Armenian king Arsaces, 22. Ayvazian Hovhannes, 20. Azad, 7. Azhderian, Antranig. Turk and land of Haig, 8. Azk, 7. B B., E. Armenian wedding, 42. Bachmann, Walter. Kirchen und Moscheen in Ar- menien, 18. Baker, G. P. Ascent of Ararat, 8. Banaser, 7. Banks, E. J. To summit of Mount Ararat, 8. Banse, Ewald. Die Tiirkei, 8. Barby, Henry. Au pays de I'epouvante, I'Armenie martyre, 37. Barkley, H. C. Ride through Asia Minor and Ar- menia, 42. Baronian, H. H. Maitre Balthasar, 60. Barre, Andre. L'esclavage blanc (Armenie et Mace- doine), li. Barres, Maurice. Tigran Yergat, 41. Barrileah, A. H. Ara keghetsig badmagan vibasanou- tiun, 60. Barton, J. L.: Armenian qualifications for success, 42. Daybreak in Turkey, 8. Euphrates College, 12. What America has done for Armenians, 72. Who are Armenians? 8. Basil. Oraison funebre de Baudouin, 63. Basmadjian, K. J.: Armenia, home of Grecian architecture, 20. Histoire moderne des Armeniens, 12. Leon \T, 30. Les livres de medecine chez les Armeniens, 45. Les Lusignans, 22. Note on Van inscriptions, 53. L'ne nouvelle inscription armeniaque, 53. L'ne nouvelle inscription vannique, 53. La plus ancienne inscription armenienne, 53. La presse armenienne, 5. Quelles etatent les frontieres de I'Armenie an- cienne? 8. Quelques observations sur I'inscription de Keli- schin, S3. Souvenir d'Ani, 8. La stele de Zouarthnotz, 53. Survey of ancient Armenian history, 22. Baumgartner, Adolf. Ueber das Buch "die Chrie," 48. Baumstark, Anton. Die christlichen Literaturen des Orients, 56. Bayan, G. Armenian proverbs, 63. Baynes, X. H. Rome and Armenia, 22. Bedickian, S. \'. How Armenians keep New Year and Christmas, 42. Bedikian, D. M. Armenian-American and question of immigration, 78. Bedrossian, Matthias. New dictionary Armenian- English, 48. Belck, Waldemar: Archaologische Forschungen in Armenien, 18. Armenien im Altertum, IS. Armenische Expedition, 18. Aus den Berichten iiber die armenische Expedi- tion, 18. Beitrage zur alten Geographic, 8. Eine in Russisch-Armenien neu aufgefundene, wichtige chaldische Inschrift, 53. Die Keil-Inschriften in der Tigris-Quellgrotte, 53. Die Kelischin-Stele, 53. Mittheilungen iiber armenische Streitfragen, 53. Das Reich der Mannaer, 18. Die Rusas-Stele von Topsana, 18. Die Steleninschrift Rusas' IL 55. L'ntersuchungen und Reisen in Transkaukasien, 18. Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. K. Lehmann-Haupt: Bericht fiber die armenische Forschungsreise, 18. Bericht iiber eine Forschungsreise dufch Arme- nien, IS. Chaldische Forschungen, 53. Inuspuas, Sohn des Menuas, 53. Mittheilung iiber weitere Ergebnisse ihrer Studien an den neugefundenen armenischen Keilinschrif- ten, 53. Ein neuer Herrscher von Chaldia, 53. Reisebriefe von der armenischen E.xpedition, 18. t'ber die Kelishin-Stelen, S3. L'eber neuerlich aufgefundene Keilinschriften in russisch und tiirkisch Armenien, 53. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 83 Bclck, IV.. and F. F. K. Lehmann-Haitpt, continued : Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1898 erziel- ten Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise durch Ar- menien, 18. Weiterer Bericht iiber die armeiiische Expedi- tion, 18. Zu Jensen's Bemerkungen betreffs dcr Sitze der Chalder, 54. Zweiter Vorbericht uber eint- Forschungsreise in Armenien, 18. Belin, F. A. Extrait du journal d"un voyage de Paris a Erzerouni, 8. Bell, M. S. Around and about Armenia, 8. Bellaud. Essai sur la langue armenienne. 48. Benjamin, S. G. W. Armenians and Porte, 73. Benoit, Lucien. Les massacres d'Adana, 37. Benson, E. F. Crescent and iron cross, 73. Bent, J. T.: Notes on Armenians in Asia Minor, 78. Travels amongst Armenians, 8. Berberov, R.: Die Armenier, 22. Polozheniye armyan v Rossii, 78. Bertin, George. Abridged grammars of languages of cuneiform inscriptions, 53. Beshgeturian, Azniv. Arachnort Anklierin lez- vin, 48. Beshigtashlian, Megerdich. Kertouadzner ou jarer, 57. Bibliotheca Hagiographica Orientalis, 5. Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. Catalogue des manu- scrits armeniens, 5. Bicknell, E. P. Red Cross and Red Crescent. 2i. Bierbaum, P. \V. Streifzuge im Kaukasus und in Hocharmenien, 8. Binder, Henry. Au Kurdistan, 8. Bischoff, Ferdinand: Das alte Recht der Armenier in Lemberg, 45. Urkunden zur Geschichte der Armenier in Lem- berg, 79. Bishop, I. L. B. Shadow of Kurd, 7i. Bittner, Maximilian. Der vom Himmel gefallene Brief Christi, 63. Black, G. F. Gypsies of Armenia, 8. Blackwell, A. S. : Armenian poems, 57. Armenian poet: Siamanto, 59. Armenian virtues, 42. Battle of Avarair, 23. Bibliography, 5. Progress in Armenian Church, 68. Blau, Otto: Ueber-karta, -kerta in Ortsnamen, 48. Vom Urumia-See nach dem Van-See, 8. Bliss, E. M.: Armenia, 8. Turkey and Armenian atrocities, 37. Turkey and Armenian atrocities; a reign of ter- ror, i7 . Bluhm, Julius. Routen im tiirkischen Armenien, 8. Blunt, W. S. Turkish misgovernment, "Ji. Bodleian Library, Oxford L'niversity. Catalogue of Armenian mss., 5. Bogdanov, Artemy. Memoirs of life of Artcmi, 23. Bolton, H. C. Armenian folk-lore. 44. Bonney, T. G. Notes on some rocks from Ararat, 46. Bore, Eugene: Armenie, 8. De I'Armenie, 68. Elegie sur la prise de Constantinople, 57. Bourgeois, H. La grammaire armenienne de Denis de Thrace, 49. Bowles, T. G. Cyprus convention, 73. Boyajian, Z. C. : Armenian legends and poems, 20, 57. Raffi, 61. Brant, James: Journey through part of Armenia. 8. Notes of journey through part of Kurdistan, 8. Bratter, C. A. Die armenische Frage, 73. Bresnitz von Sydacoff, P. F. Abdul Hamid und die Christenverfolgungen in der Tiirkei, 37. Brezol, Georges. Les Turcs ont passe la, 37. British Museum. — Department of Oriental Printed Books and Mss. Catalogue of Armenian mss., 5. Brockelmann, Karl: Ein assyrisches Lehnwort im Armenischen, 48. Die griechischen Fremdworter im Armenischen, 48. Ein syrischer Text in armenischer Umschrift, 48. Brockelmann, Karl, and others. Geschichte des christlichen Litteraturen des Orients, 56. Brosset, M. F. : Activite litteraire des Georgians et des Armeni- ens, 5. Analyse critique de la Vseobshchaya istoriya de Vardan, 41. De quelques inscriptions armeniennes, S3. Des historiens armeniens, 2i. Details sur le droit public armenien, 45. £tudes sur I'historien armenien Mkhithar, 2i. £tudes sur I'historien armenien Oukhtanes, 2i. E.xamen critique de quelques passages de la De- scription de la Grande-.\rnienie, 8. Examcn d'un passage de I'historien armenien Oukh- tanes, 23. Explication de diverses inscriptions georgiennes, armeniennes et grecqucs, 53. Extrait du manuscrit armenien .. .relatif au calen- drier georgien, 63. Listes chronologiques des princes et metropolites de la Siounie, 23. Monographic des monnaies armeniennes, 20. Note sur les inscriptions armeniennes de Bol- ghari, 53. Note sur le village armenien d'Acorhi, 9. Notice historiquc sur les couvents armeniens de Haghbat et de Sanahin, 68. Notice des manuscrits armeniens, 23. Notice sur le couvent armenien de Ketcharhous, 68. Notice sur le diacre armenien Zakaria Ghabonts, 41. Notice sur Edchmiadzin, 9. Notice sur I'historien armenien Thoma Ardzrouni, 23. Notice sur un manuscrit armenien, 45. Notice sur la plus ancienne inscription armenienne connue, 53. Le pretendu masque de fer armenien, 41. Projet d'une collection d'historiens armeniens inedits, 23. Rajiport sur diverses inscriptions, 54. Rapport. . .sur un manuscrit armenien, 64. Rapport sur la 2<''' partie du voyage du P. Sargis Dchalaliants, 9. Rapports sur un voyage archeologique dans la Georgie et dans I'Armenie, 9. Revue de la litterature historique de I'Armenie, 23. Samouel d'Ani, 34. Sur les couvents armeniens d'Haghbat et de Sana- hin, 68. Sur deux redactions armeniennes. . .de la legende des saints Baralam-Varlaam et loasaph-Iosa- phat, 63. Sur I'histoire ancienne de I'Armenie, 23. Sur I'histoire composee. . .par Thoma Ardzrouni, 23. Varietes armeniennes, 48. Brosset, M. F., and P. A. Jaubert. Description des principaux fleuves de la Grande-Armenie, 9. Brosset, M. F., and E. Kunik. Notice sur deux in- scriptions cuneiformes, 54. Broussali. Jean. L'Armenie, 9. Browne, J. G. Tartars and Armenians, 23. Brunhes, Jean. Le role ancien de I'Armenie, 23. Bryce (1. viscount), James Bryce: Armenian massacres, i7. Armenian question, 7i. Die armenische Frage, 74. 84 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bryce (1. viscount), James Brycc, continued: Ascent of Ararat, 9. Future of Armenia, 74. Future of Asiatic Turkey, 74. On Armenia, 9. Transcaucasia and Ararat, 9, 74. Budushcheye ustroistvo Armenii, 2i. Bugge, Sophus: Beitriige zur etymologischen Erlauterung der ar- menischen Sprache, 48. Etruskisch und Armenisch, 48. Buhse. Vorlaufiger botanischer Bericht iiber meine Reise durch einen Theil Armenians, 46. Bunyan, John. Krisdianosin ou Krisdinein jampor- toutiuni, 65. Burchardi, Gustav: Raffi, 61. Der Zweifel und das Bose, 24. Burgin, G. B. Armenian at home, 42. Buss, Kate. Archag Tchobanian, 59. Buxton, Harold. Side-lights on Armenian ques- tion, 74. Buxton, Noel. Russians in Armenia, 74. Buxton, Noel, and Harold Buxton. Travel and poli- tics in Armenia, 9, 24. Byron (6. baron), G. G. N. Byron. Lord Byron's Armenian exercises and poetry, 48. C., E. Armenian folk songs, 44. Calfa, Ambroise. Dictionnaire armenien-frangais, 49. Calfa, Corene. Arschag II, 60. Cappelletti, Giuseppe. L'Armenia, 24. Carlier, fimilie: Au milieu des massacres, i7. En Armenie, 24. Carriere, Auguste: Inscriptions d'un reliquaire arnienien, 54. La legende d'Abgar, 31. La rose d'or, 30. Un version armenienne de I'histoire d'Asseneth, 63. Cavendish, L. C. F., lady. Peril of Armenia, 74. Cayol, Henri. Litterature armenienne, 56. Chahan de Cirbied, Jacques: Details sur la situation actuelle du royaume de Perse, 24. Grammaire de la langue armenienne, 49. Memoire sur le gouvernement . . .des anciens Ar- meniens, 24. Chakijian, Ephrem. Badmoutiun hahots, 24. Chakmakjian, H. H. : Armenia's place, 24. Armeno-American letter writer, 49. Badmoutiun hahots, 24. Chalatianz, Bagrat. Die armenische Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts, 56. Chambers, L. P. Massacre of Armenia, i7. Chamchian, Michael: Badmoutiun hahots, 24. History of Armenia, 24. Chanazarian, G. V. La litterature armenienne, 56. t hant populaire sur la captivite de Leon, 58. Chantre, B. A travers I'Armenie russe, 9. Chantre, Ernest: L' Ararat, 9. Les Armenians, 24. De Beyrouth a Tiflis, 9. Mission scientifique dans la haute Mesopotamie, 9. Premiers apargus sur les peuples de I'Armenie russa, 9. Rapport sur une mission scientifique dans I'Asie occidentale, 9. Chantras Reisen am Ararat, 9. Charmetant, Felix. Das sterbende Armenien und das christliche Europa, 74. Charpentier, Jarl. Kleine Beitraga zur armanischen Wortkunde, 49. Chasnay, F. R. Russo-Turkish campaigns of 1828 and 1829, 24. Chesney, G. M. Winter campaign in Armenia, 24. Chikhachov, P. A.: Asie Mineure, 9, 46. Reisen in Kleinasien und Armenien, 9. Sur I'orographie et la constitution geologique de quelques parties de I'Asie Mineure et de I'Ar- menie, 46. Childs, W. J. Across Asia. Minor, 9. Chirol, Sir Valentine. A great Armenian [Nubar Pasha], 41. Chirvanzade, pseud, of Alexandre Movissian. La possedee, 60. Chopin, J. De I'origine des peuples habitant la pro- vince d'Armenie, 9. Ciakciak, Emmanuela. Dizionario italiano-armeno- turco, 49. Cilicia, 7. Clark, William. Armenian history, 24. Clinch, B. J. Christians under Turkish rule, 74. Collet, C. D. New crusade against Turk, 74. Collins, F. B., translator: Armenian folk-tales, 44. Vacant yard, 60. Compendiose notizie sulla congregaziona de monaci armeni Machitaristi, 72. Condition of Armenia, 9. Cons, Emma. Armenian exiles in Cyprus, 79. Constantinople massacre, 37. Constitution nationale das Armeniens, 24. Contenson, Ludovic, baron de: Les Armenians du Caucasa, 79. Movement for Armenian emancipation, 74. La question armenienne, 74. Les reformes en Turquie d'Asie, 74. Contes & chants armeniens, 58. Conybeare, F. C. : Armenia and Armenians, 10. Barlaam and Josaphat legend, 63. Collation with ancient Armenian versions of Greek text of Aristotle's Categories, 65. Collation of old Armenian version of Plato's laws, 65. On ancient Armenian version of Plato, 65. On old Armenian version of Plato's Apology, 65. On old Armenian version of Plato's laws, 65. Conybeare, F. C, and others. Story of Ahikar, 63. Coulon, Henri: L'art et I'Armenie, 20. L'heroisme des Armeniens, 74. Cradle of history, 24. Craagh, James. Armenians, Koords and Turks, 10. Cuinet, Vital. La Turquie d'Asia, 10. Cumont, Franz, and Eugene Cumont. Voyage d'ax- ploration archeologique dans le Pont et la Petite Armenie, 18. Curtis, W. E. Around Black Sea, 10. Dadian, Boghos. L'eglise d'Armenie, 68. Dadian, M. B. La societe armenienne contempo- raina, 42. Daghbaschean, H. Griindung das Bagratidanraiches, 24. Dale, Darley. Armenia and Armenians, 10. Dalyell, R. A. O. Earthquake of Erzerum, 10. Damadian, Mihran: Furfurcar, 58. Ramgavaroutiun, 63. Damas, Andre de. Coup d'oeil sur I'Armenie, 10. Dan, Demeter. Glaube und Gebrauche der Armenier bei der Geburt, Hochzeit und Beerdigung, 42. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS Dante Alighieri. Asdouadzahin gadagirkoutiun, 66. Dashian, Hagopos, vartabed: Vartabedutune arakelotz anvaveragan ganonatz ma- • diane, 63. Zur Abgar-Sage, 63. Davey, Richard: Sultan and his subjects, 10. Turkey and Armenia, 10. Davoud Zadnur de Melik Schahnazar. Xotices sur I'etat actuel de la Perse, en persan, en armenien et en frangais, 40. Day of peril of Armenian Church, 68. De Kay, Charles. Suppression of faith. 68. Delatre, Louis. Place de I'armenien parmi les langues indo-europeennes, 49. Denis of Thrace. Grammaire. . .en grec, en arme- nien et en frangais, 49. Der-Hagopian, Nishan: Persecuted Armenia, 37. What of Armenia, 74. Des Coursons, R. de, vicomte. La rebellion arme- nienne, 24. Desimoni, Cornelio. Actes passes en 1271 1^74 et 1279 a I'Aias, 24. Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Arme- nisch, 5. Develay, Albert. Autour des lacs de Van et d'Our- miah, 10. Deyrolle, Jheophile. Voyage dans le Lazistan et I'Armenie, 10. Dicey, Edward. Nubar Pasha and our Asian pro- tectorate, 74. Dillon, E. J.: Armenia: an appeal. 74. Armenia and Turk, 74. Condition of Armenia, 74. Fiasco in Armenia, 74. Dingelstedt, V. Armenians, 10. Diplomatische Aktenstiicke zur armenischen Fraee 74. Diran, A. Etchmiadzin, 10. Dirohyan, H. V.: Haniarod tasakirk unthanour badmoutian, 40. Ousoumn pnagan ev pnapanagan kidoutiants, 45. Dirr, A. Praktisches Lehrbuch der ostarmenischen Sprache, 49. Dispersion of Armenian nation, 10. Distribution of Armenian nation, 10. Distribution des prix du College armenien de Paris, 42. Dolens, Noel. Ce que Ton voit en Armenie, 10. Dolens, Noel, and A. Khatch. Histoire des anciens Armeniens, 24. Dominian, Leon. Peoples of Asiatic Turkey, 10. Doumergue, ftmile. Ce que la Suisse a fait pour I'Armenie, 74. Dowling, T. E. Armenian church, 68. Dubois de Montpereux, Frederic. Voyage autour du Caucase, 10. Duchesne, L. M. O. L'Armenie chretienne dans I'histoire ecclesiastique d'Eusebe, 68. Dulaurier, fidouard: Les Armeniens en Autriche, en Russie et en Turquie, 42. Les chants populaires, 58. Commerce, tarif des douanes et condition civile des etrangers dans le royaume de la Petite Armenie, 10. Considerations sur les plus anciennes origines de I'histoire armenienne, 24. Cosmogonie des Perses d'apres Eznig, 63. Ethnographie de I'Armenie. 10. fitude sur I'organisation politique, religieuse et ad- ministrative du royaume de la Petite-Armenie 10. Etudes sur les chants historiques, 58. L'histoire des croisades d'apres les chroniques ar- meniennes, 40. 85 Dulaurier, £douard. continued: Histoire, dogmes, traditions et liturgie de Tegiise armenienne, 68-69. Litterature armenienne, 25. Les Mongols d'apres les historiens armeniens, 40. Kechcrches sur la chronologic armenienne, 25. Dwight, H. CO.: Armenian traditions about Mt. .\rarat. 18. Catalogue of all works in Armenian of date earlier than 17th century, 5. Christianity in Turkey, 69. . Keraganoutun Ankghiaren yev Haheren 49 Dw.ght, H. G. O., and Elias Riggs. Orthography of Armenian and Turkish proper names, 49. Dwight, \V. B. American bank notes and Dr. Sero- pyan, 45. Dzotsikian, S. M. : Arnutiun, 42. Aus ma Ani Kaghakin, 18. Debi Pcrgutiun, 37. Haigagank, 74. E Eastern question, 74. Ebersolt, Jean. Les anciennes eglises d'Armenie, 69. Lcclesiae Armeniacae Canones selecti, 69. Edschmiatsin, 10. Edwards, B. B. Ascent of Mount Ararat, 10. Kgh, Emil. Feldziige in Armenien, 25. Einstein, L. D. : Armenian massacres, 37. Inside Constantinople, 74. Eliot, Sir C. \. E. Turkey in Europe, 25. Elisha, vartabed: Eliseo, storico armeno del quinto secolo, 25. Histoire de Vartan, 25. History of Vartan, 25. Soulevemcnt national de r.\rmenie chretienne, 25. Veghishei Vartabedi vasn Vartanah, 25. Emerson, Frederick. Mdavor ev kravor touapanou- tiun, 66. ftmm, J. B. Rechcrches sur le paganisme armeni- en, 25. Engelhardt, ftdouard: L'Angleterre et la Russie a propos de la question armenienne. 74. L'enquete armenienne, 74. La Turquie et le Tanzimat, 25. England's policy in Turkey, 74. Ephraini the Syrian: Evangelii concordantis expositio, 66. Srpouin Yepremi, 66. Epiphanius of Cyprus. Ekthesiz Protoklesion Patri- archon te kai metropGliton, 69. Eritassard Hayastan, 7. Krk-Ura, 10. Erker ou yeghanagner, 66. Eschavannes, E. d': Les families d'Orient, 25. Les rois d'Armenie au xiv*" siecle. 25. Esoff, G. d'. AperQu de I'etude de la langue ar- menienne en Europe, 49. Etesioh sosgali tebkl yev oghperkoutiun godoradzin Etesioh, 37. Eusebius Pamphilus, bishop of Caesarea. Eusebii Pamphili Caesariensis episcopi Chronicon, 25. Excursions in Armenia, 10. Fa'iz al-Husain: L'Armenie martyre, 38. Martyred Armenia, 38. Die Turkenherrschaft und Armeniens Schmerzens- schrei, 38. 86 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Faustus of Byzant. Bibliotheque historique, 25. Fenelon, F. de. Les aventures de Telemaque, 66. Ferriman, Z. D. Young Turks and truth about holo- caust at Adana, 38. Filler, Ernst. Quaestiones de Leontii Armenii his- toria, 25. Finck, F. N.: Katalog der armenischen Handschriften, 5. Kleinere mittelarmenische Texte, 34. Lehrbuch der neuostarmenischen Litteratursprache, 49. Fischer, Hans. Das Kloster des hi. Thaddaus, 69. . Flandin, Eugene: Souvenirs de voyage en Armenie, 10. Ueber Alt- und Neuarmenien, 10. Fonton, Felix. La Russie dans I'Asie-Mineure, 25. Forel, F. A. Les echantillons de limon dragues en 1879 dans les lacs d'Armenie. 46. Fortescue, E. F. K. Armenian Church, 69. Foy, Willy. Zur Xerxes-Inschrift von Van. 54. France. — Direction de Commerce Exterieur. Rap- ports commerciaux, 43. France. — Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres. Docu- ments diplomatiques, 1897, 25-26. Die Franzoesischen Gelbbiicher iiber Armenien, 26. Freshfield, D. W. : Early ascents of Ararat, 10. Travels in Central Caucasus and Bashan, 10. Fresneaux, Marcel. Trait d'union. Armenie-France, 26. Friederichsen, M. H. : Die Grenzmarken des europaischen Russlands, 11. Russisch Armenien, 11. Friend of Armenia, 7. Furneaux, Henry. Roman relations vtith Parthia and Armenia, 26. Gabrielian, M. C. Armenia, 26. Gabrielian, M. S. Serahin aroghzapanoutiun, 45. Gaghapar, 7. Gaidzakian, Ohan. Illustrated Armenia, 11. Galanus, Clemens: Conciliationis Ecclesiae Armenae cvm Romana, 69. tj Historia Armena, 26. Gallaudet, T. H. Abashkharatsvits, 66. Gardthausen, V. LTeber den griechischen Ursprung der armenischen Schrift, 49. Garnett, L. M. J.: Armenian wedding, 42. Women of Turkey, 42. Garo, Chahen. Modern Armenian literature, 56. Gatteyrias, J. A.: L'Armenie et les Armeniens, 11. filegie sur les malheurs de I'Armenie, 26. Gauthiot, Robert. Note sur I'accent secondaire en armenien, 49. Geffcken, F. H. Turkish reforms and Armenia, 74 Gegharvest, 7, 20. Gelzer, Heinrich: Die Anfange der armenischen Kirche, 69. Armenien, 69. Zur armenischen Gotterlehre, 44. Georgius, Pisida. Vetsoreahk Keorkah Bisiteah, 66. Germany, Turkey, and Armenia, 38. Ghambashidze, D. Georgia and Armenia as allies, 26. Ghazarian, Mkrtitsch. Armenien unter der arabischen Herrschaft, 26. Ghevont, vartabed. Histoire des guerres et des con- quetes des Arabes en Armenie, 26. Ghisleri, Arcangelo. L'Armenia e gli Armeni, 11. Ghulam-us-Saq!ain. Mussalmans of India and Ar- menian question, 74. Gibbons, H. A.: Blackest page of modern history, 38. "La page la plus noire de I'histoire moderne," 38. Gibbons, H. D.: Red rugs of Tarsus, 38. Les Turcs ont passe par la! 38. Gildemeister, Johann. Pseudokallisthenes, 31. * Gjandschezian, Esnik. Beitrjige zur altarmenischen nominalen Stammbildungslehre, 49. Gladstone, W. E. Mr. Gladstone on Armenian ques- tion, 75. Gleye, Arthur. L'gro-finnischer Einfluss im Armeni- schen, 49. Gobat, Albert. Protection of Armenians, 75. Goehlert, Vinzent. Die Armenier in Europa und insbesondere in Oesterreich-Ungarn, 79. Gooch, G. P. Who are Armenians? 11. Gotchnag, 7. Grabowsky, Adolf. Die armenische Frage, 75. Graves, J. T. Armenian nation, 11. Gray, L. H. On certain Persian and Armenian month-names, 49. Great Britain. — Foreign Office: Diplomatic and consular reports. Annual series. Report on trade, 43. Miscellaneous no. 31 (1916). Treatment of Ar- menians, 38. Turkey. 1895, no. 1. Correspondence relating to Asiatic provinces of Turkey, 38. Turkey. 1896, no. 2. Correspondence relative to Armenian question, 75. [Various documents relating to the Armenians], 26-27. Greene, F. D. : Armenian crisis in Turkey, 38. Armenian massacres, 38. Rule of Turk, 38. Greene, F. V. Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey, 27. Greene, J. K. Leavening the Levant, 72. Gregory, D. S. Armenians in eastern question, 38. Gregory of Armenia, called Illuminator. Die Ak- ten, 63. Gregory of Bysantium, metropolitan of Chios. Yearnings after unity in East, 69. Gregory Dgha, patriarch of Armenia. £legie, 58. Gregory Magistros: Ein Brief des Gregor Magistros an den Emir Ibrahim, 63. Ein Brief des Gregor Magistros an den Patriarchen Petros, 63. Gregory of Nazianzen. (Nonnos.) Die Scholien zu fiinf Reden des Gregor, 63. Gregory the Priest. Chronique, 27. Griselle, Eugene. Une victime du pangermanisme, 38. Grothe, Hugo. Der russisch-tiirkische Kriegsschau- platz, 11. Guinness, Walter. Impressions of Armenia, 11. Guiragos of Kantzag. Extrait de I'Histoire d'Arme- nie, 27. Gulesian, M. H. : Armenian refugees, 79. England's hand in Turkish massacres, 75. Gulian, K. H. Elementary modern Armenian gram- mar, 49. Guthe, H. Mosaiken mit armenischer Inschrift, 54. Guyard, Stanislas: fitudes vanniques, 54. Les inscriptions de Van, 54. Inscriptions de Van, les estampages de M. Dey- rolle, 54. Note sur quatre mots des inscriptions de Van, 54. Note sur quelques particularites des inscriptions de Van, 54. Note sur quelques passages des inscriptions de Van, 54. Gylling, Hjalmar. Notes on microscopical structure of some eruptive rocks from Armenia, 46. f ARMENIA AND THE ARMEXIAXS 8 / H Hacobian, A. P. Armenia and war, 27. Hagopian, Hovhan: Pocket dictionary, 49. Relations of Armenians and Franks, 21. Russification of Armenians, 27. Haigazn, fidouard. Legendes et superstitions de I'Armenie, 44. Haik, 7. Hairenik, 7. Hamarod zliamakirk Hahasdaneahts sa Yegeghet- suoh, 69. Hamilton, W. J.: Extracts frtjm notes made on journey in Asia Minor, 11. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and .\rmenia, 11. Hamlin, Cyrus: Genesis and evolution of Turkish massacre, 38. Martyrdom of Armenia, 38. Hampartsoumian, H. A. .Xrouyesd madaharoutian, 45. Handbook for travellers in Asia Minor, 11. Hanusz, Johann. Bcitrage zur armenischen Dia- lectologie, 49. Harnack, Adolf. Forschungen auf dcm Gebietc der alten grusinischen und armenischen Litteratur, 56. Haroutiunian, Hovhannes. "Vor megoun yedeven," 60. Harris, J. R. Notes from Armenia, 44. Harris, J. R., and H. B. Harris: Briefe von Schauplatz der letzten Massacres in Armenien, 39. Letters from scenes of recent massacres, 39. Harris, W. B. Unbiassed view of Armenian ques- tion, 75. Hart, A. B. Free Armenia, 75. Hauff, Wilhelm. Badouoh Vediuen gam Likhtunsh- tain, 66. Havemeyer, J. C. Relation of United States to Ar- menia, 75. Haweis, H. R. Persian on Armenian massacres, 75. Hayrig, Chrimian. Soldier's lament, 58. Henderson, B. W. Chronology of wars in Arme- nia, 27. Henry, J. D. Baku, 27. Hepworth, G. H. Through Armenia, 11. Herold, A. F. L'amitie de la France ct dc I'Ar- menie, 27. Herrick, G. F. Armenians and American interests under Russia, 75. Hethoum, prince of Gorigos: Chronographie, 27. Histoire orientale, 28. Historia orientalis, 28. Historie of Ayton, 28. Relation de Hayton, 28. Table chronologique, 28. Hethoum II, king of Armenia. Poeme, 58. Heyfelder, O. Die Armenier und ihre Zukunft, 75. Hin havadk gam hetanosagan gronk Hahots, 18. Hincks, Edward. On inscriptions at Van, 54. Histoire de Pharmani Asman, 63. Hittite — Armenian? 18. Hoberg, Otto. Die armenische Frage und der Welt- krieg, 75. Hodgetts, E. A. B. Round about Armenia, 11. Hoffmeister, E. von. Durch Armenien, II. Holynski, A. J. J. Nubar Pacha devant I'histoire, 41. Homer. Iliagan, 66. Hommaire de Hell, Adele. Les Armeniennes a Con- stantinople, 11. Horace. Arvesd kertoghagan, 66. Houghton, L. S. Armenian uprising, 75. How to save alive orphan children of martyrs, 75. Howard, Mary. Worst sufferer of war, 75. Howard, W. W. Horrors of Armenia, 39. Howel, Thomas. Journal of passage from India... through Armenia, 11. Hrasdan, Saven. Sind die Armenier kriegerischen Geistes bar? 28. Hubboff, prince. Genealogical catalogue of kings of Armenia, 28. Huebschmann, Heinrich: Die altarmenischen Ortsnamen, 11. .-\rmeniaca, 49-50. Armenische Grammatik, 50. Iranischarmcnischc Namen auf karla, kert, gird, 50. Die semitischen Lehnworter im Altarmenischen, 50. Ueber Aussprache und Umschreibung dcs Altar- menischen, 50. Ueber die Stellung des Armenischen im Kreise der indogermanischen Sprachen, 50. Huet, G. Les contes populaires d'Armenie, 44. Hughes, T. McK. Notes on some volcanic pheno- mena in Armenia, 46. Hugo, Victor. Innsoun yerek, 66. Huntington, Ellsworth: Mittheilungen aus englischen Briefen . . . iiber ar- menische Alterthiimer, 18. Through great canon of Euphrates river, 11. Weitcre Berichte iiber Forschungen in Armeni- en, 19. Hyvernat, Henry. Armenia, 11. Imprimerie armenienne de Saint-Lazare: Catalogue des livres, 5. Tzoutzag krots, 6. In Turkisch-Armenien, 11. Ingersoll, R. G. Inch e gronu, 66. Injijian, Ghougas: Description du Bosphore, 64. Hnakhosoutiun, 19. Z'f<. Xachrichten iiber den Thrazischen Bosporus, 64. Villeggiature de' Bizantini sul Bosforo, 64. Institut de France. — Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Rccueil des historiens des croi- sades. Documents armeniens, 28. International Bible Students Association. Scenario of photo-drama of creation, 66. Irenacus, bishop of Lyons: Armenische Ircnaeusfragmente, 66. Des Heiligen Irenjius Schrift zum Erweise der apostolLschen Verkiindigung, 66. Isavcrdcntz, Hagopos: Easy method of learning English, 50. Histoire de rArmenie, 28. Ischchanian, B. Die armenische Bevoikerung in der Tiirkei. 1 1. Ismail Kemal, bey. Armenia and Armenians, 75. Jaubert, P. A. Voyage en Armenie, 11. Jean VI, patriarch of Armenia. Histoire d'Ar- menie, 28. Jean Ouosk'herdjan. Memoire, 28. Jenkins, H. D. Armenia and Armenians, 12. Jensen, Peter: Hittitcr und Armenier, 19. Die hittitisch-armcnische Inschrift, 54. Die Sitze der "Urarto-Chalder'' zur Zeit Tiglat- pileser's I, 54. Joannissiany, Abgar: .Armenische Sprichwortcr, 64. Sjirichwortcr, 64. Johansson, K. F. Om de nyaste upptackterna i Armenien, 12. 88 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY John of Crimea. Description des monasteres arme- niens d'Haghbat, 12. Junker, Heinrich. Zur Flexion der altarmenischen Demonstrativa, SO. K K armyanskomu voprosu v Turtzii, 75. Kachouni, M. V.: Arouisdapanoutiun gam shdimaran kidiliats, 46. Bardizbanoutiun, 43. Bdghapanoutiun, 43. Gatnapanoutiun, 43. Meghouapoudzoutiun, 43. Kachouni, Manouele. Hnakhosoutiun Hahasdani, 19, 28. Kalemkiar, Gregoris: Die siebente Vision Daniels, 64. Eine Skizze der literarisch-typographischen Thatig- keit der Mechitharisten-Congregation in Wien, 6, 72. Kalenderian, V. H. Armenians as soldiers, 28. Karamianz, N.: Einundzwanzig Buchstaben eines verlorenen Al- phaliets, SO. Verzeichniss der armenischen Handschriften der Koniglichen Bibliothek, 6. Karekin, Paul. Bibliographie armenienne, 6. Karst, Josef: Armenisches Rechtsbuch, 45. Aussprache und Vokalismus des Kilikisch-Arnieni- schen, 50. Beruehrungspunkte in der Pluralbildung, 50. Historische Grammatik des Kilikisch-Armenischen, SO. Das trilingue Medizinalglossar aus Ms. 310, SO. Kassabian, Dr. Mihran K., 41. Katchoony, H. To martyrs of Adana. 58. Kelekian, Diran. La Turquie et son souverain, 75. Kennedy, J. Indians in Armenia, 29. Kent, W. H. Ancient church of Armenia, 69. Keworkian, Komitas. Armeniens volkstiimliche Rei- gentJinze, 42. Key of truth, 64. Khakhanof, Alexandre. La situation des Armeniens dans le royaume de Georgie, 79. Khalathianz, Bagrat: Die armenische Heldensage, 64. L'eber den L^rsprung der armenischen Fiirsten- tiimer, 29. Der Ursprung der armenischen Fiirstentiimer, 29. Khalathianz. G. A.: Armyanskii epos v Istorii Armenii Moiseya Kho- renskago, 31. Fragmente iranischer Sagen, 63. Marchen und Sagen, 61. Nachalo kriticheskavo izucheniya istorii Armenii Moiseya Khorenskago, 32. tjber die armenische Version der Weltchronik des Hippolytus, 40. War Artasches von Armenien der Besieger des Krosus? 29. Zur Erklrirung der armenischen Geschichte des Moses von Chorene, 32. Khalil Khalid Efendi. Armenian question, 75. Khaniji, Anton. Mukhtasar tawarikh al-Arman, 29. Khanikof, N. Voyage a Ani, 19. Kharajian, H. A. Regional geology and mining of Armenia, 47. Khrimean, Mekertich. Meeting of kings, 58. Khungian, T. B.: Glimpses from ancient Armenia, 29. Massacres in Turkey, 39. Kiepert, Heinrich: Uber alteste Landes- und Volksgeschichte von Ar- menien, 29. Kiepert, Heinrich, continued : Uber die Lage der armenischen Hauptstadt Tig- ranokerta, 12. Kinneir, J. M. : Armenia, 12. Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia and Koor- distan, 12. Klaproth, J. H. : Apergu des entreprises des Mongols en Georgie et en Armenie, 29. Description de I'Armenie russe, 12. Extrait du Derbend-nameh, 29. Opisaniye Rossiskoi Armenii, 12. Klidschian, Arsen. Das armenische Eherecht, 45. Knapp, G. H. Mission at Van, 72. Kohler, Charles. Lettres pontificales concernant I'histoire de la Petite Armenie, 29. Kolenati, F. A. Reiseerinnerungen, 12. Koran. Mouhammed. Kouran, 66. Kotschy, Theodor. Neue Reise nach Klein-Asien, 12. Kourghinian, Shoushanik. Eagle's love, 58. Koutchak, Nahabed. Vieux chants armeniens, 58. Kovalevski, Maksim. Armyanski vopros, 75. Kraelitz-Greifenhorst, F. von: Sprachprobe eines armenisch-tatarischen Dialektes in Polen, SO. Studien zum Armenisch-Tiirkischen, 50. Krahmer, D. Die altarmenische Hauptstadt Ani, 19. Ksan gakhaghannir, 39. Kurkjian, V. M. : Armenian Benevolent Union, 42. Armenian kingdom of Cilicia, 29. L., J. L'Armenie et les Armeniens, 12. Lagarde, P. A. de: Armenische Studien, SO. Erlauterungen zu Agathangelus, 21. Vergleichung der armenischen Consonanten mit denen des Sanskrit, 50. Vita Gregorii Armeni, 63. Lagov, N. M., compiler. Armeniya, 29. Lalayantz, Ervvand : Les anciens chants historiques et les traditions populaires, 58. Legendes et superstitions de I'Armenie, 44. Langlois, Victor: Collection des historiens anciens et modernes de PArmenie, 29. La congregation mekhitariste, 72. Considerations sur les rapports de I'Armenie avec la France, 29. Documents pour servir a une sigillographie des rois d'Armenie, 29. Du commerce, de I'industrie et de I'agriculture de la Karamanie, 43. fitude sur les sources de I'histoire d'Armenie, 32. LTne fete a la cour de Leon II, 29. Fragment d'un voyage en Cilicie, 19. Inscriptions grecques, romaines, byzantines et ar- meniennes de la Cilicie, 54. Les journaux chez les Armeniens, 6. Lettre a Monsieur. . .Brosset, sur quelques points d'histoire politique, 29. Lettre a M. Brosset, sur la succession des rois d'Armenie, 29. Lettre a M. Ch. Lenormant, 20. Memoire sur les archives du Catholicosat armeni- en de Sis, 69. Memoire sur les origines de la culture des lettres en Armenie, 50. Memoire sur la vie et les ecrits du prince Gregoire Magistros, 63. Les monuments de la Cilicie, 19. Note. sur I'inscription armenienne d'un belier se- pulcral a Djoulfa, 54. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIAN'S Langlois, Victor, continued : Notice sur le chrysobulle, 30. N'umismatique de rArmeriie, 20. NuniLsmatique de rArmenie au moyen age 20 Place de I'Armenie dans I'histoire, 29. Lea populations armeniennes independantes du mont Taurus, 12. Rapport sur I'exploration archeologique de la Cilicie, 19. Les ruines de Lainpron, 19. Voyage dans la Cilicie, 12. Voyage a Sis, 12. Lanin, E. B. Armenia and Armenian people, 12. Layard, Sir A. H. Discoveries in ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with travels in Armenia, 12. Lazar of Pharbe. Histoire d'Armenie, 29. Leart, Marcel: History of Armenian question, 75. La question armenienne, 7S. Lecarpentier, G. La nouvelie question d'Armenie 75. Lehmann-Haupt, F. F. K. : Armenien, 12. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse der von \V. Belck und C. F. Lehmann. . .ausgefiihrten Forschungsreise in Armenien, 54. Bericht iiber den von ihm erledigten Abschnitt der armenischen E.Kpedition, 19. "Chaldisch" und "Armenisch," 54. Chaldische Nova, 54. Die Einwanderung der Armenier, 30. Entgegnung auf Hrn. Belck's Einsendung "iiber die Keil-Inschriften der Tigris-Grotte," 54. Materialien zur alteren Geschichte Armeniens, 30. Eine neue Ausgabe der auf russischem Gebiet ge- fundenen chaldischen Keilinschriften, 54. Neugefundene Menuas-Inschriften, 54. Die neugefundene Steleninschrift Rusas' IF, 54. Religionsgeschichtliches aus Kaukasien und Ar- menien, 30, 44. Ein Schlussvvort, 55. Der Tigris-Tunnel, 55. Von der deutschen armenischen Expedition, 19. Vorschlsege zur Sammlung der lebenden armen- ischen Dialekte, 50. Weiterer Bericht iiber den Fortgang der armen- ischen Expedition, 19. Zwei unveroffentlichte chaldische Inschriftcn, 55. Zwei unveroffentlichte Keilschrifttexte, 55. Leist, Arthur: Gabriel Sundukianz, 62. Die Kongregation der Mechitaristen, 72. Litterarische Skizzen, 64. Mkrtitsch Beschiktaschlian, 57. Pater Leo Alischan, 57. Raphael Patkanian, 61. Lenormant, Frangois. Sur I'ethnographie et I'his- toire de I'Armenie, 30. Leon III, king of Armenia. Decret ou privilege... en faveur des Genois, 30. Leon VI, king of Armenia. [History of and articles on], 30. Lerch, P. Ueber eine armenische Bearbeitung der "sieben weisen Meister," 66. Leroy-Beaulieu. Anatole. Les Armeniens et la ques- tion armenienne, 75. Levine, I. D. Armenia resurrected, 75. Liden, Evald. Armenische Studien, 50. Little, E. C. Armenia and Turkey, 75. Loftus, W. K. On geology of portions of Turko- Persian frontier, 47. Lohmann, Ernst. Im Kloster zu Sis, 30. Lcnguinoff, D. Ascension de I'Ararat, 12. Lord Rosebery's second thoughts, 7i. Lusignan, Guy de. Nouvcau dictionnaire illustre fran^ais-armenien, 50. 89 Lynch, H. F. B.: Armenia, 12. Armenian question, 76. Armenian question: Europe or Russia: Ascent of Mount Ararat, 13. Bibliography, 6. M McCoan, J. C. Our new protectorate, 13 MacColl, Malcolm: Armenia and Transvaal. 30. Constantinople massacre, 39. ^Lilcolm MacColl; memoirs and correspondence, 39. McDermot, George. Great assassin and Christians of Armenia, 76. Macfarlane. Moeurs armeniennes, 42. MacGregor, John. Turkish Armenia. 43. McGregor, P. J. C. Notes on birds observed at Erzerum, 47. Macler, Frederic: Les Armeniens en Turquie, 30. Autour de I'Armenie, 76. Autour de la Cilicie, 13. Beginnings of Armenian movement, 76. La chaire d'armenien, 56. Contes armeniens, 61. Contes et legendes, 61. L'n document armenien, 64. Indications bibliographiques, 6. Miniatures armeniennes, 21. Mosaique orientale, 55. Notices de manuscrits armeniens, 6 . Notre-Dame de Bitlis, 64. Pseudo-Sebeos, 30. Rapport sur une mission scientifique en Armenie 6, 30. Russia and Armenians. 30. Maghak-Teopileantz, M. V. Gensakroutiun yereveli arants, 41. Mahdesian, Arshag. Armenia, 76. Maksimov, S. V. Armyanski narod. 13. Malcolm,' J. A.: Armenian's cry for Armenia, 76. Cry for Armenia. 76. Mangasarian, M. M. : Armenia and Turkey, 76. Armenia's impending doom, 76. Mangouni, N. Hatsi Hamar, 61. Manifestations franco-anglo-italiennes. 76. Marbeau, Cdouard. L'Armenie et I'opinion publique, 76. Marcar, Samuel. Description of copper coin of Leo, 20. Margoliouth. D. S. Syro-Armenian dialect. 50. Maribas the Chaldean. Extraits de la Chronique. 30. Markoff, A. V. Russian Armenia. 13. Markoff, E. Eine Bestcigung des grossen Ararat. 13. Marquart, Josef. Eran.sahr naeh der Geographic des Ps. Moses Xorenac'i, 13. Marr, N. : Kavkazskii kulturnyi mir i Armeniya, 30. Sbornik pritch Vardana, materialy diva istorii sred- nevyekovoi Armyanskoi literaturv, 61. Marshall, A. C: Armenian embroideries, 21. Armenians in America. 79. Arshag Tchobanian, 59. Minas Tcheraz, 62. Visit to Armenian church and to Tcr-Maroukian's studio, 79. Martens, E. v. Aufz.ihlung der von Dr. A. Brandt in Russisch-Armenien gesammelten Mollusken, 47. Martin, Paulin. Des signes hieroglyphiques dans les manuscrits armeniens, 51. 90 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Martiros of Crimea. Liste rimee des souverains de la Petite Armenie, 30. Martyr, bishop of Arzendjan. Relation d'un voyage fait en Europe, 13. Les Massacres d'Armenie, 39. Massacres in Turkey, 39. Matthew of Edessa: Chroiiique, 31. Extraits de la Chronique, 31. Mauclair, Camille. Vartan Mahokian, 21. Mauiisell, F. R. Eastern Turkey, 13. Maxudianz, M. Le parler armenien d'Akn, 51. Mechitharisten-Kongregation in Wien. Huschard- zan, 72. Meda, Filippo. La storia documentata delle ultimo stragi in Armenia, 39. Meillet, Antoine: De quelques archaismes remarquables de la de- clinaison armenienne, 51. Notes sur la conjugaison armenienne, 51. Observations sur la graphie de quelques anciens manuscrits de I'Evangile armenien, 51. Recherches sur la syntaxe comparee de I'armeni- en, 51. Remarques sur la grammaire historique de I'ar- nienien, 50. Remarques sur le texte de I'historien armenien Agathange, 21. Melik, Alexander. Khordagwadz yerginkner, 61. Memoire de la mission d'Erzeron, 69. Menant, Joachim. A travers I'Armenie russe, 13. Menevischean, P. G. Faustus von Byzanz, 25. Mexborough (4. earl), J. C. G. Savile. Notes on journey from Erz-Rnm...to Aleppo, 13. Mexborough (5. earl), J. H. Savile. Half round old world, 13. Meyners d'Estrey, G. H. J., comte. Caucase et Ar- menie, 76. Michael I, patriarch of Jacobites: Chronique, 31. Extrait de la Chronique, 31. Miller, Miss Frank. Armenian popular songs, 58. Millingen, Frederick. Wild life among Koords, 13. Milton, John. Mildovni Trakhd gorouseal, 67. Minas. Armenian literature, 56. Mirianischvili, Pierre. Sur le rapport mutuel entre le georgien et I'armenien, 51. Missirian, G. M. National churches, 69. Mkhithar. Mechithar's des Meisterarztes aus Her "Trost bei Fiebern," 46. Mkhithar of Dashir. Relation de la conference tenue entre le docteur Mekhithar. . .et le legat du pape, 69. Mkhithar Gosh. Choix de fables, 64. Mohammed-bey. Lettre a Victor Langlois sur la legende arabe, 20. Monier. Lettre, 69. Monteith, William: Journal of tour through Azerdbijan, 13. Kars and Erzeroum, 31. Notes sur la position de plusieurs anciennes villes situees dans les plaines d'Ararat, 13. Mordtmann, A. D. : Entzifferung und Erkliirung der armenischen Keil- inschriften von Van, 55. Ueber die Keilinschriften von Armenien, 55. Mordtmann, J. H. Armenische Drucke von Smyr- na, 6. Morgan, J. J. M. de: Armenia and Europe, 76. Armenian activities, 43. Armenians, 31. L'Armenie instrument de paix mondiale, 76. Les Armeniens, 13. Essai sur les nationalites, 76. Fate of Armenians, 76. Mission scientifique au Caucase, 19. Morgan, J. J. M. de, continued : Note sur les necropoles prehistoriques de I'Ar- menie, 19. Note sur I'usage du systeme ponderal assyrien dans I'Armenie, 19. Rise and fall of Armenia, 31. Les stations prehistoriques de I'Alagheuz, 19. La Transcaucasie et I'Armenie Cles des Indes, 76. Morgan, J. J. M. de, and J. V. Scheil. La stele de Kel-i-chin, 55. Morgenthau, Henry. Ambassador Morgenthau's story, 39. Morier, James: Journey through Persia, .\rmenia and Asia Minor, 13. Second journey through Persia, Armenia and Asia Minor, 13. Moritz, Bernhard. Die armenisch-kurdische Frage, 76. Morton, O. T. Mr. James Bryce on Armenian ques- tion, 74. Moses of Chorene: Badmoutiun Hahots, 31. Histoire d'Armenie, 31. Mosis Chorenensis Historiae Armeniacs Libri III, 31. Storia, 31. Mouchek Yebiscobos (Seropian): Adanahi chartu yev badaskhanadouneru, 39. Americahai daretsoitse, 1912, 79. Europe's duty to Armenia, 76. Madteos II Izmirlian, 41. Manchestry Hai kaghoutu, 79. Truth about Adana massacres, 39. Mounsey, A. H. Journey through Caucasus, 13. Mourdji, 7. Mourier, J., translator. Contes et legendes, 61. Mseriantz, Levon. Notice sur la phonetique du dialecte armenien de Mouch, 51. Mueller, D. H. Drei neue Inschriften von Van, 55. Mueller, Friedrich: Armeniaca, 51. Die armenischen Handschriften des Klosters von Aryni, 6. Die armenischen Handschriften von Sewast, 6. Beitrage zur Conjugation des armenischen Ver- bums, 51. Beitrage zur Declination des armenischen No- mens, 51. Beitrage zur Lautlehre der armenischen Sprache, 51. Bemerkungen iiber zwei armenische Keil-Inschrif- ten, 55. Nichtmesropische Schriftzeichen bei den Arme- niern, 51. Ueber die armenische Bearbeitung der "Sieben weisen Meister," 67. Ueber die Stellung des Armenischen im Kreise der indogermanischen Sprachen, 51. Ueber den Ursprung der Vocalzeichen der armeni- schen Schrift, 51. Zur Geschichte der armenischen Schrift, 51. Zur Wortbildungslehre der armenischen Sprache, 51. Zwei armenische Inschriften aus Galizien, 55. Zwei sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen zur armenischen Grammatik, 51. MuellerSimonis, Paul, and Henry Hyvernat. Du Caucase au golfe Persique a travers I'Armenie, 13, 32. Munkacsi, Bernhard. t'ber die "uralten armenischen Lehnworter" im Tiirkischen, 51. Murad, bey. La force et la faiblesse de la Turquie, 76. Murad, Friedrich. Ararat und Masis, 19. Muravyev, A. N. Gruziya i Armeniya, 32. I ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 91 N N., W., and S. M. Hovannes Aivazovsky, 41. Najib Makhluf. Nubar I'asha, 41. Nalpandian, Mikahel. Yergrakordzoutiunu orbes oughigh janabarh, 43. Natalie, Shahan. Songs of love and hate, 58. La Nation armenienne, 13. National Armenian Relief Committee: Brands from burning, 72. Helping hand series, 7. Save the remnant, 72. Wards of Christendom, 72. Nazarbek, Avetis: Through storm. Pictures of life in .\rmenia, 42. Zeitun, 39. Neale, J. M. History of Holy Eastern Church, 69. Negelein, G. von. Der armenische Volksglaube, 44. Nerses the Graceful, patriarch of Armenia: filegie sur la prise d'£;desse par les Musulmans, 58. Preces, 69-70. Nerses of Lambron: Extraits de I'ouvrage intitule Reflexions sur les institutions de I'eglise, 70. Kaghakahin orenk, 45. Nerses, patriarch of Constantinople. Les .Armeniens de Turquie, 32. Neumann, C. F. : Memoire sur la vie et les ouvrages de David, 41. Versuch einer Geschichte der armenischen Litcra- tur, 56. Neve, Felix: L'Armenie chretienne et sa litterature, 57. £tude sur Thomas de Medzoph, 32. Expose des guerres de Tamerlan et de Schah- Rokh, 32. L'hymnologie armenienne, 70. New Armenia, 7. Niepage, Martin. Horrors of Aleppo, 39. Nilus Doxapatrius. Taxiz ton Patriarchikon Thro- non, 70. Nolde, Eduard, Baron. Reise nach Innerarabien, Kurdistan und Armenien, 14. Norman, C. B. Armenia, 32. Notice de la ville d'firivan, 14. Ob Armyanakh, starinnykh poselentzakh Polshi, 79. O'Connor, T. P.: Armenia and her future, 76. ■ Armenia: united and autonomous, 76. Ohanian, Armene. En Armenie, 43. Ormanian, Malachia: Armenian Church, 70. Armenian conversion to Christianity, 70. Church of Armenia, 70. L'eglise armenienne, 70. L'fnionist tendencies of Armenian Church, 70. O'Shea, J. G. Unhappy Armenia, 76. Oswald, Felix: Armenien, 47. Zur tektonischen Entwicklungsgeschichte des arme- nischen Hochlandes, 47. Our obligations to .\rmenia, 76. Palgrave, W. G. Eastern Christians, 14. Papazian. B. S. Tragedy of -Armenia. 32. Parechanian, H. K. Tirahauad khilkin hauadatsial ullalou jampan, 64. Parrot, Friedrich. Journey to Ararat, 14. Pasdermadjian, G. Why Armenia should be free, 76. Patkanian, Raphael: Cradle song, 58. Drei Erzahlungen, 61. Woe of Araxes, 58. Patkanov, K. P.: Armyaiiskaya geografiya vii vyeka po r. kh. pri- pysyvavshayasya Moiseyu Khorenskomu, 14. Bibliograficheski ocherk armyanskoi istoricheskoi litcratury, 6. Catalogue de la litterature armenienne, 6. De quehiues inscriptions de Van, 55. Essai d'une histoirc de la dynastie des Sassanides, 41. Rccherches sur la formation de la langue armeni- enne, 51. Sur I'ecriture cuneiforme armeniaque, 55. Ueber die Stellung der armenischen Sprache im Kreise der Indo-Europ.-iischen, 51. Patkanov, K. P., and A. H. Sayce. De quelques nouvelles inscriptions cuneiformes, 55. Paton, W. R. Critical notes on Plato's laws, 65. Patrubany, L. von. Zur armenischen Wortforschung, 51. Pavlovitch, Michel: Rossiya i armyanski narod, 79. La Russie et les Armeniens, 32. Payson, Edward. Hokeshah mdadzoutiunk, 67. Peace Congress and Armenian question, 76. Pears, Sir Edwin: Turkey and its people, 14. Turkey and war, 76. Pedersen, Holger: Armenisch und die Nachbarsprachen, 51. Les pronoms demonstratifs de I'ancien armenien, 51. Zur armenischen Sprachgeschichte, 51. Peirce, W. F., and L. F. Peirce. Armenian Church, 70. Petermann, J. H.: Bcitr.-ige zu der Geschichte der Kreuzziige, 41. Brevis linguae .Armeniacae granimatica, 52. (irammatica linguae Armeniacac, 52. Litteratura armeniaca, 6. Ueber den Dialect der Armenier von Tiflis, 52. Ueber einige neuere Erscheinungen der armeni- schen Litteratur, 57. Ueber die Musik der Armenier, 43. LTeber das Verh.-iltniss der armenischen Ueberset- zung der Briefe des Ignatius, 67. Peterson, Theodore. Turkey and -Armenian crisis, 76. Peterson, Wilhclm. Aus Transkaukasien und Ar- menien, 14. Petite bibliotheque armenienne, 61. Pfeiffer, E. Die Anfringe der protestantischen Kirche in Armenien, 72. Photios. Der Brief des Photios an -Aschot, 64. Pichard, C. E. Essai sur Moise de Khoren, 32. Pichon, Jules. Itineraire de Djoulfa a Roudout- Kale, 14. Pignot, Itmile. L'-Armenie et la question des nation- alites, 76. Pilibbosian, H. M. Kordznagan aroghzapanoutiun, 46. Pinon, Rene: L'Armenie et la capitulation maximaliste, 76. Aux neutres, 76. L'avenir de la Transcaucasie, 76. D'ou peut naitre une -Armenie independante? 77. L'independance de I'-Armcnie, 77. Un plaidoyer turc sur la question des massacres, 77. La resurrection de I'.Asie occidentale, 77. La suppression des -Armeniens, 39. Pisemski, A. Astrakhanskiye armyane, 79. Pisma iz Armenii, 32. Pitton de Tournefort, Joseph. Relation d'un voyage du Levant, 14. Pocket dictionary of English, .Armenian, and Turkish languages, 52. 92 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Political papers, 39. Porter, R. K. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, 14. Portoukalian, M. Armenian girl, 58. Powers, H. G. In Armenian villages, 14. Pratt, A. T. On Armeno-Turkish alphabet, 52. Pressense, F. de. Turks in Armenia, 77. Price, M. P.: Journey through Turkish Armenia, 14. Problem of Asiatic Turkey, 77. War & revolution in Asiatic Russia, 39. Probyn, J. W. Armenia and Lebanon, Tl . Proclus, Saint, patriarch of Constantinople. Ein Briefwechsel zwischen Proklos und Sahak, 70. Proschianz, Pertsch. Sako, 61. folksongs and mediaeval po- La question armenienne, 77. Quillard, Pierre: L'extermination d'une race, 39. Les nouveaux massacres, 39. R Radde, Gustav: Briefe von G. Radde iiber seine Bereisung von Hoch- Armenian, 14. Die Ebene des Oberen Frat, 14. Karabagh, 14. Vier Vortrage iiber den Kaukasus, 14. Raffi: Bilder aus Persien und Turkisch-Armenien, 61. Dzhalaleddin, 61. Jelaleddin, 61. Khent, 61. Lake of Van, 58. Schon-Vartig, 61. Raffi, Aram: Armenia: its epics, etry, 57. Armenian nation, 32. Armenians and Persia, 32. English and Armenians, i2. From London to Armenia, 14. Land of Armenia, 14. Raffi commemoration, 61. Rafiiiddin Ahmad. Moslem view of Abdul Hamid and Powers, 77. Ramsay, Sir W. M.: Armenian atrocities, 77. Two massacres in Asia Minor, 39. Rassam, Hormuzd: Armenian difficulty, 77. Armenian question, 77. Asshur, 14. Rawlinson, George: Parthia, 32. Sixth great Oriental monarchy, 32-33. Story of Parthia, 33. Raynolds, G. C. Thrilling experiences in Van, 39. Reclus, filisee. Asiatic Turkey, 15. Red Cross, LTnited States. — American National Red Cross. Report, 39. Reinach, Theodore. Mithridate Eupator, il. Reisen im armenischen Hochland, 15. Reisen in Hoch-Armenien, 15. Rey, F. C. Les periples des cotes de Syrie, IS. Ricaut, Paul. Present state of Greek and Armenian churches, 70. Richardson, E. C. Armenia, 6. Richter, Julius. Protestant missions in Turkey and Armenia, 72. Riggs, Elias: Brief grammar of modern Armenian language, 52. Inverted construction of modern Armenian, ' 52. Rikli, Martin. Natur- und Kulturbilder aus den Kaukasuslandern und Hocharmenien, 15. Riseis, G. de. Traverse I'Armenia russa, 15. Ritter, Karl. Die Erdkunde im Verhaltniss zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen, 15. Robert, L. de. fitude philologique sur les inscrip- tions cuneiformes de I'Arm^nie, 55. Robert, L'lysse. La chronique d'Armenie, ii. Roberts, Chalmers.- Mother of martyrs, 39. Robinson, E. J. : Armenia and Armenians, 33. Case of our ally Armenia, 77. New Armenia, 77. Regeneration of Armenia, 77. Truth about Armenia, il, 77. Rockwell, W. W.: Armenia. List of books, 6. Deportation of Armenians, 2,1). Roesler, Emil, and W. Belck. Archaologische Tha- tigkeit im Jahre 1893 in Transkaukasien, 19. Rohrbach, Paul : Armenier und Kurden, 15. Aus Turan und Armenien, 77. Contribution to Armenian question, 77. Deutschland unter den Armeniern, 39. Vom Kaukasus zum Mittelmeer, 15. Rolin-Jacquemyns, Gustave: Actual position of Armenia, Zl. Armenia, Armenians and treaties, 33. Armenia under Treaty of Paris, ii. L'Armenie, les Armeniens et les traites, ZZ. Diplomatic remonstrances, ii. Legal position of Turkish Armenia, 7)}>. Period from 1878 to 1881, Zl. Review of consular reports, Zi. Rollin, Charles. Badmoutiun Hrovmeagan, 67. Roth, Karl. Armenien und Deutschland, ZZ. Roussel, Theresa. Souvenirs d'une Frangaise an Armenie, 15. Rushdooni. Sixth-and-a-half cousin's inheritance, 61. Russell, C. T. Millennial dawn, 67. Russia. — Ministerstvo Inostrannykh Dyel. Sbornik diplomaticheskikh dokumentov. Reformy v Armenii, 33. Russia and Armenia, ZZ. S., A. G. General Yeprem Khan. 41. Saad, L. Zwei tiirkische Stadtebilder, 15. Sabrijian, Dimoteos: Deux ans de sejour an Abyssinia, 64. Zwei Jahre in Abj'ssinien, 64. Safir Efendi. Armenian agitation, 77. Safrastian, A. S. : Armenia, 15. Dashnaksuthiun, ZZ. Existing position in Armenia, Tl . Germany and Armenia, 77. Russia and Armenia, T~. Sahak, patriarch: Armenian canons. 70. Isaaci magns Armenise catholici oratio, 70. Narratio de rebus Armenise, 70. Sancti patris nostri Isaaci magnae Armanise catho- lici, oratio, 70. Saint-Martin, J. A.: Analyse d'une tragedie armenienne, 61. Discours sur I'origina et I'histoire des Arsacides, ZZ. Fragments d'une histoire des Arsacides, 33. Histoira das revolutions de I'Armenie, ZZ. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 93 Saint-Martin, J. A., continued: Memoires historiques et geographiques sur I'Ar- menie, 23. Notice sur la vie et les ecrits de Moyse de Kho- ren, Z2. Notice sur le voyage litteraire de M. Schulz en Orient, 19. Recherches sur la vie et les aventures de Leon, 30. Salemann, C. Armenien, 6. Salmone, H. A. Real rulers of Turkey, 77. Samuel of Ani: Extrait de la chronographie, 33. Samuelis Presbyteri Aniensis tcmporum usque ad suam aetatem ratio e libris historicorum summa- tim collecta, 34. Sandalgian, Joseph: Asorisdaniah eu Barsig sebakir artsanakroutiunk, 55. L'idiome des inscriptions cuneiformes urartiques, 55. Les inscriptions cuneiformes urarticjues, 55. Sand with, Humphry: How Turks rule Armenia, 34. Narrative of siege of Kars, 34. Santini, Felice. La questione armena e gli Armeni in Turchia, 77. Saparian, Hamazasb: Pousapanoutiun, 47. Yergrapanoutiun, 47. Sarghissian, Basile. Grand catalogue des manuscrits armeniens, 6. Sarkisian, H. P. Akatankeghos ev ur Pazmatarian kaghdnikn, 21. Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Recherches sur I'ecriture cuneiforme assyrienne, 55. Sayce, A. H. : Cuneiform inscriptions of Van, 55. Deux nouvelles inscriptions vanniques, 55. Fresh contributions to decipherment of Vannic inscriptions, 56. Great inscription of Argistis, 56. Inscription of Menuas, 56. Les inscriptions vanniques d'Armavir, 56. Monolith inscription of Argistis, 56. New inscription of Vannic king Menuas, 56. New Vannic inscription, 56. On cuneiform inscriptions of Van, 56. Sazonov, A. N. Nyeskolko tzyfr ob armyanakh na Kavkazye, 79. Scatcherd, F. R.: Armenia's true interests and sympathies in war, 77. Armenian question, 7". Schaffer, F. X.: Cilicia, 15. Grundziige des geologischen Baues von Tiirkisch- Armenien, 47. Scheil, J. V.:' Inscription vannique de Melasgert, 56. Note sur I'expression vannique "gunusa haubi," 56. Schilder, Siegmuiid. Fine Zweiglinie der Bagdad- baha nach Siidarmenien, 15. Schlumberger, Gustave. Bulles d'or et sceau, 30. Schmid, J. M., translator. Geschichte des Apostels Thaddaeus und der Jungfrau Sanducht, 65. Schmidt, Erich, and others. Die orientalischen Lit- eraturen, 57. Schreiber, Ellis. Armenian Church, 70. Schroeder, J. J. Hoc est J. J. Schroderi Thesaurus linguae Armenicae, 52. Schrumpf, G. A. On progress of Armenian studies, 57. Schrumpf collection of Armenian books, 6. Schulz, t.d. Memoire sur le lac de \'an, 15, 56. Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von: Armenia, 15. Erzerum und Erzingdjan, 15. Secundus, sophist of Athens. Das Leben und die Sentenzen des Philosophen Secundus, 67. Seidlitz, X. von: Pastuchows Besteigung des Alagos, IS. I'astuchows Besteigung des Ararats, IS. Scklemian, A. G.: Armenian alphabet, 52. Armenian folk-tales, 44. Fisherman's son, 44. Golden maiden, 44. Unseen beauty, 44. Selenoy, d. L., and X. von Seidlitz. Die Verbreitung der Armenier in der asiatischen Tiirkei, 15. Selim III, sultan of Turkey. Translation of imperial berat, 70. Sempad, constable of Armenia: Chronique du royaume de la Petite Armenie, 34. Extrait de la chronique de Sempad, 34. Serpos, G. de. Compendio storico di memorie cro- nologiche concernenti la religione, 70. Seth, M. J. History of Armenians in India, 79. Settegast, Franz. Armenisches im "Daurel e Be- ton," 52. Sevasly, Mrs. Marie. Bcdros .\tamian, 41. Seyiaz, Louis. L'ascension du mont Ararat, IS. Shahid Bey, Sadik. Islam, Turkey and Armenia, 77. Shakespeare, William. Andonios ev Gleobadra, 67. Shepard, F. D. Personal experience in Turkish massacres, 40. Shiel, J. Notes on journey from Tabriz through Kurdistan, 15. Shishmanian, Hovsep. Toros Livoni, 62. Shoemaker, M. M. Heart of Orient, 15. Sibilian, Clement: Numismatique armenienne, 20. Ueber 17 unedirte Miinzen, 20. Siebert, W. H.: Armenia and Turkey, 34. Independence for Armenia, 77. Justice of granting autonomy to Armenia, 77. Sieger, Robert: Die Schwankungen der armenischen Seen, 47. Die Schwankungen der hocharmenischen Seen, 47. Sievers, Wilhelm. Asien, 16. Sijalski. Erinnerungen aus Armenien, 16. Situation in Russian Armenia, 40. Slousch, Xahum. Le Caucase, I'Armenie et I'Azer- beidjan, 16. Smith, Eli, and H. G. O. Dwight: Missionary researches in Armenia, 72. Researches, 72. Sobraniyc aktov, 34. Societe de Sunie formee a Smyrne, 43. Soret, Frederic. X'umismatique de I'Armenie au moyen-age, 20. Southgate, Horatio, bishop. Xarrative of tour through Armenia, 16. Spcer, R. E. Armenian massacres, 40. Spiegel, Friedrich. Eranische Alterthumskunde, 19. Srapian, Moses, translator. Das Martyrium de hi. Pionius, 65. Stein, Robert. Armenia must have European gover- nor, 77. Stevenson, F. S. Armenia, 77. Story of Armenian refugee, 40. Story of nation's martyrdom, 40. Streck, Maximilian: Armenia, 34. Armenia. Bibliography, 6. Das Gebiet der heutigen Landschaften Armenien, Kurdistan und \Vesti)crsien, 16. Strecker, Wilhelm: Beitrage zur tieographie von Hoch-Armenien, 16. Notizen iiber das obere Zab-Ala-Gebiet, 16. Ueber die wahrscheinliche iiltere Form des Wan- Sees, 47. Stride, W. K. Immediate future of Armenia, 77. Stuart, Robert, .\scent of Mount Ararat, 16. Stuart-Browne, D. M. Armenian exhibits, 21. 94 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Stubbs, William, bishop of Oxford. Medieval king- doms of Cyprus and Armenia, 34. Stuermer, Harry. Two war years in Constantinople, 34. Sue, Eugene. Taparagan Heryah, 67. Sukias Somal, Placido. Quadro della storia letteraria di Armenia, S7. Sumpad Purad. Pande pand, 62. Sundukianz, Kapriel: Ruined family, 62. Die ruinirte Familie, 62. Suter, Henry. Notes on journey from Erz-Rum to Trebizond, 16. Svasley, Miran : Anglo-Armenian relations from xii to xiv cen- turies, 34. Armenia in and before 1878, 34. Armenian question, 77. Sykes, Sir Mark, bart. Caliphs' last heritage, 34. Symonds, A. G. Armenia, 78. T., A. B. Armenian Christmas, 43, 70. Tasso, Torquato. Yerousaghem azadeal, 67. Tavitian, S. De 1'. . . (£), ou du positif de I'etre, 52. Taylor, J. G. : Journal of tour in Armenia, 16. Travels in Kurdistan, 16. Tcheraz, Minas: Bedros Tourian, 59. L'eglise armenienne, 70. Homere et les Armeniens, 19. Kamar-Katiba, 42. Les martyrs armeniens devant la conference de La Haye, 40. Notes sur la mythologie armenienne, 44. Nouvelles orientales, 62. L'Orient inedit, 62. Poetes armeniens, 59. Saiat-Nova, 42. Saiat-Nova, sa vie et ses chansons, 42. Vie et poesies de Bedros Tourian, 59. Tchobanian, Archag: Armenia's loyalty to allies, 78. Armenia's lullaby, 59. Armenian nation, 16. Armenian poems, 59. Armenian poetry, 59. Armenian question and Europe, 78. L'Armenie, 16, 34. Epic of Armenia, 59. La femme armenienne, 40. La France et le peuple armenien, 79. Gregory of Narek, 42. Hai Etcher, 59. Lullaby for Mother Armenia, 59. Naghash Hovnathan, 59. People of Armenia, 16, 34. Po-emes, 59. Poemes armeniens, 59. La vie et le reve, 62. Telfer, J. B. Armenia and its people, 16. Temple of Muzazir, 19. Ter Israel. Le synaxaire armenien, 70. Ter-Minassiantz, Erwand. Die armenische Kirche in ihren Beziehungen zu den syrischen Kirchen, 71. Terzagian, H. K. Parlamentagan ganonner ev zhoghovavaroutiun, 65. Terzian, Paul, bishop of Tarsus and Adana: Church in Armenia, 73. Religious customs among Armenians, 43. Texier, C. F. M.: Description de I'Armenie, 16. Itineraires en Armenia, 16. Texier, C. F. M., continued : Notice sur Erzeroum, 16. Notice geographique sur le Kourdistan, 16. Renseignements archeologiques et geographiques, 16. Teza, Emilio: Cose armene, 34. II libro dei sette savi nella letteratura armena, 65. Nemesiana, 67. Theorianus: Theoriani disputatio secunda cum Nersete, 71. Theoriani orthodoxi disputatio cum Armeniorum Catholico, 71. Thielmann, M. F. G., Freiherr von: Le Caucase, la Perse et la Turquie d'Asie. 16. Journey in Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey in Asia, 16. Thomas a Kempis. Hamahedevumin Krisdosi, 67. Thopdschian, Hagob: Armenien vor und wahrend der Araberzeit, 35. Die inneren Zustande von Armenien unter Asot I, 35. Politische und Kirchengeschichte Armeniens, 35. Thoumaian. G. : Armenian diplomat in service of Napoleon, 42. Armenian-Kurdish relations, 35. Armenians in Egypt, 79. Armenians in India, 79. Historical sketch of Russia's relations with Arme- nia, 35. Hour has struck, 78. Kurds in their relation to Armenia, 35. Last chance, 78. Relations of Armenia with England, 35. Relations of Armenia with England in middle ages, 35. Russia's relations with Armenia, 35. Turkey and Armenia, 78. Thumajan, Johann. Die Geschichte der classisch- armenischen Schriftsprache, 57. Timothy, bishop of Alexandria. Timotheus Alurus' des Patriarchen von Alexandrien Widerlegung der auf der Synode zu Chalcedon festgesetzten Lehre, 71. Tiryakian, H. Hahyereni zeghdzoumneru, 52. Tonapetian, P. : H. F. B. Lynch and his book, 12. Russian and British policy towards Armenia, 78. Tondini de Quarenghi, C. Notice sur le calendrier liturgique, 71. Torossian, Aram: Armenian poetry, 59. Atom Yarjanian-Siamanto, 59. Torossian, B. R. Self -instructor in English language, 52. Tourian, Bedros: Complaints, 59. Little lake, 59. Wishes for Armenia, 59. Tourian, K. G. Armenian Christmas, 71. Tournebize, Frangois: Histoire politique et religieuse de I'Armenie, 35. Leon V, 30. Toynbee, A. J.: Armenian atrocities, 40. De armeniska grymheterna, 40. Las atrocidades en Armenia, 40. "Murderous tyranny of Turks," 40. Position of Armenia, 78. Tozer, H. F. Turkish Armenia. 16. Transmigration des Armeniens d'Aderbeidjan sur le territoire russe, 35. Tristram, H. B. Ornithological notes of journey through Syria... and southern ^Armenia, 47. Troshine, Yvan. Bystander's notes of massacre, 40. Trowbridge, T. C. Armenia, 17. ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS 95 Tsutsag hishadagarani Movsisi Zohrabiants artsakhe- tsvo, 59. Turabian, Hagop. Armenian Social-Democratic Henfchakist party, 35. Turkey and Armenia, 12. Turkey — past and future. 17. Turkish Empire. Salnamah, 43. Tutundjian, Telemaque. Du pacte politique antra I'etat ottoman et les nations non-musulmanes de la Turquie, 35. Two Eastern questions, 78. u Ubicini, J. H. A.: Les Armeniens, 17. De I'etat moral et politique de I'Armenie turque, 35. Empire ottoman, 35. Uphani, T. C. Darerk imatsagan pilisopayoutian, 67. Upton, E. \V. Can Armenia be kept alive as a nation? 78. Usshar, C. D.: American physician in Turkey, 17. Armenian atrocities and Jihad, 40. Ussher, John. Journey from London to Persepolis, 17. Vahram of Edessa: Chronique rimee des rois de la Petite Armenie, 35. Chronique du royaume armenien de la Cilicie, 35. Vahram's Chronicle of Armenian Kingdom in Cili- cia, 35. Varandian, Mikael: Armenia and Armetiian question, 78. Armei>ian aptitudes, 43. L'Armenie et la question armenienne, 78. Varaztad, Puzant. Armenian question, 78. \'ark nahabedats ev markareits, 65. Vartabedoutiun krisdonagan usd Haiots, 67. Vartan the Great: Choix de fables, 65. Extrait de Thistoire universelle, 41. Extraits du livre intitule Solutions de passages de r£criture -Sainte, 65. Varteresian, Hapet. Mer poghoknern ou tashnagt- zoutean tirku anonts hanteb, 65. Vartooguian, A. P. Armenia's ordeal, 35. Varzhabedian, M. A. Veneragan akhder ev abaka Hay serountu, 46. Vecchi, F. de. Escursione lungo il teatro della guerra, 17. Verite sur le mouvcment revolutionnaire armenien, 35. Vernes, Maurice. L'avenir de I'Armenie, 78. Vesalovski, Vuri: Armyanckaya poeziya 19 vyeka i eya proiskhozh- deniye, 57. Dyeti obezdolennago kraya, 40. K kharakteristikye novoi arniyanskoi literatury, 57. Literaturnoye tvorchestvo turetzkikh armyan, 57. Vesalovski, Yuri, and M. Berberian, editors. Arm- yanskiye belletristy sbornik, 62. Vettar, Paul. Das Buch Tobias, 65. Vayssiere de la Croze, Mathurin. Histoire du chris- tianisme d'fithiopie et d'Armenie, 71. Vida de S. Gregorio, 71. Das Vilayet Erzerum, 43. Villari, Luigt : Anarchy in Caucasus, 78. Armenians and Tartars, 33. ArmenoTartar hostilities, 35. I'illart, Luigi, continued: Clergy at Etchmiadzin, 71. Fire and sword in Caucasus, 17, 35. Land of Ararat, 17. Russia and Armenians, 35. Russian bureaucracy and Armenians, 36. Visit to Etchmiadzin, 71. Virchow, Rudolf: Entdeckungen in Armenien, 19. Forschungsreise unserer armenischen Expedition, 19. L*ber die armenische Expedition Belck-Lehmann, 20. L^eber den L'rsprung der Bronzecultur, 20. Virgil: B. Virkileah Maroni Veneagan, 67. Mshagagank, 67. Visit to Mount Ararat, 17. Vittoria Aganoor Pompily, 42. \'ivien de Saint Martin, Louis. Note sur le site d'Armavir, 17. Vizetelly, Edward. Winter ride in Armenia, 17. \'ogel, Charles, and A. Coumryantz. Le peuple qui souffre; I'Armenie, 36. La Voix de I'Armenie, 7. Volland. Beitrage zur Ethnographie der Bewohner von Armenien, 17. Vollmer, Philipp. Armenian Church, 71. Von Trapezunt nach Erzerum, 17. Vorlaeufigcr Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1875 ausge- fiihrten Reisen in Kaukasien, 17. Vorontzov-Da.'^likov, LI. Iz zapisok, 78. Vosgian, G. A. Artseren parkirk, 52. Voulzie, G. A travers rArmenia russe, 9. N'rthanes Kherthol. Die Abhandlung "Gegen die Bilderstiirmer," 71. Vzyatiye Arzeruma (pisma iz .\remnii), 36. w Wachter, Wilhelm. Die kaukasisch-armenische Erd- bebenzone, 47. Wagner, Moriz: Aus dem Tagebuch eines deutschen Xaturforschers in Armenien, 47. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Naturverhaltnisse, 47. Mittheilungen eines deutschen Reisenden aus dem russischen Armenien, 17. Wakidi, Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn 'L^mar al-. Geschichte der Erobarung von Mesopotamian und Armenien, 36. Wardrop, Marjory, and J. O. Wardrop. Life of St. Nino, 42. Wartabet, Zaven. Tebi Kegharvasti haireniku, 21. Watson, William. Purple East, 78. West, M. A. Romance of missions, 73. Westarp, E. J., Graf von: Routenaufnahmen in Armenien, 17. Unter Halbmond und Sonne, 17. Wheeler, A. A. Russians in Armenia, 36. Wheeler, E. P. Armenian independence, 78. White, G. E. Morning light in Asia Minor, 73. Whiting, G. B. Jrak hokvoh, 67. Who are Armenians? 17. Wickering, Armand da. Eznig de Gog'ph, 65. Wilbraham, Richard. Travels in Trans-Caucasian provinces of Russia, 17. Wilhelm, Eugene. Analogies in Iranian and Ar- menian folklore, 45. Williams, Aneurin. Armenia: is it the end? 78. Williams, Charles. Armenian campaign, 36. Williams, W. L.: Ancient kingdom of greater Armenia, 36. Armenia: past and present, 36, 71. Armenian aspirations, 78. 96 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Williams, W. L., continued : Armenian Church, 71. Armenian Church and schism in Christendom, 71. Kingdom of Lesser Armenia, 36. Modern problem, 78. Struggle of Armenian Church, 71. Under heel of Turk, 36. Wilson, S. G. Armenian Church in its relation to Russian government, 71. Windischmann, F. H. H. Die Grundlage des Ar- menischen im arischen Sprachstamme, 52. Wingate, Mrs. J. S.: Armenian folk-tales, 45. Armenian stories, 45. Wlislocki, H. von. Marchen und Sagen der Buko- winaer und Siebenbiirger Armenier, 62. Wuensch, Josef: Meine Reise in Armenian, 17. Die Quelle des westlichen Tigrisarmes, 17. Wuensch, Josef, and D. H. Mueller. Die Keil- Inschrift von Aschrut-Darga, 56. Yarjanian-Siamanto, Atom: Song of knight, 59. Starving, 59. Yeran, E. A.: Armenian-English conversation illustrated, 52. Zhoghovrtahin yerkaran, 59. Yeremian, Simeon: Azkahin temker kraked Hayer, 42. Nor gentanapanoutiun ev martagazmoutiun bad- magan ev ngarakragan, 47. Nor hankapanoutiun ngarakragan ev badmagan, 47. Yergat, Tigran. Poete mourant, 59. Yeshii' bar Shushan. Das Sendschreiben des Patri- archen Barschuschan an den Catholicus der Armenier, 71. Yorke, V. W. Journey in valley of upper Euphra- tes, 17. Young, George. Communautes des Armeniens gre- goriens, 71. Zahn, G. W. von. Die Stellung Armeniens im Ge- birgshau von Vorderasien, 47. Zanolli, Almo: Osservazioni sulla traduzione armena, 67. Singolare accezione del vocabolo armeno "tirakan," 52. Studio sul raddoppiamento allitterazione e ripeti- zione nell' armeno antico, 52. Zartarian, Roupen : Clarte nocturne, 62. How death came to earth, 45. Zarzecki, S. La question kurdo-armenienne, 78. Zavak : Armenia: chronological treatise, 36. Armenia: a monograph, 36. Armenian Church music, 71. Armenian proverbs, 65. Earliest Armenian printing press, 57. Zeitschrift fiir armenische Philologie, 52. Zenob of Klag. Histoire de Daron, 36. Zimmerer, H. Armenien, 17. Zouche (14. baron), Robert Curzon. Armenia, 17. Zposaran mangants, 52. lilii; i , . : II AA 000 637 955 6 fl U A