k^ '*<^'. ^'^'^"•^ LIBRARY OF THE University of California. o GIF^T OF^ "^^^wOvA-v^ lv%sJOirL. , ^ Presented bv --^. xi^^^^X^^ T^^^tZ/^r^i^e^^ BACON ti COMPANY. PRINTERS. THE PRIMITIVES OF THE GREEK TONGUE '. ^ WITH RULES FOR I^EKIYATIOX OF THE I'^'iVERSITY \ or BOSTON: PUBLISHED EY W. WELLS, AND T. B. WAIT AND CO. 1812. 1^(2 /^A1 A) PREFACE. The Greek Grammar and Greek Pri- mitives of the learned Messrs, de Port Royal are well known. As these works are not now to be easily obtained, and are moreover too expensive for the ge- nerality of scholars, I have thought it of some service to reprint the Primi- tives. These may be committed to memory ; and this exercise will be found a very useful one. To increase the value of this little book, and to render it acceptable to students of a more ad- vanced standing, I have added the Rules for Derivation, fromtheGreek Grammar of Messrs. de Port Royal. W. W. THE PRIMITIVES OF THE GEEEK TONGUE. A, implies unity, privation, increase, admiration. Aa^G), exhalo^ to exhale, to breath. F (Ta, p. ndi. A^a^, abacus^ a, counter, a chess-board, a cup-board. o. kq^, l A^pog mollis^ delicatus^ soft, effeminate, delicate. a.*, ok. A^poT>7, nox^ night, darkness b G. «?, if. A)/aOo$ bonus, fortis good, brave, stout. A. x, oy. A^a/lXcj, or;zo, to embellish, to adorn. Ayav, 7iimis, too much, a great deal. Adverb. Ayavanteci^ indignor^ to be vexed, to be aiigry. f. o-a, p.x«. A^aTiao), diligo^ to love. F. a-». p, X5!. 1 6 THE PRIMITIVES OF A)/OLG), de?niror^to admire, to be surprised* F. ca, p. )cdt. Ayyapoi, tabellarii^ the Persian post-boys* G. m, 01. Ayye2,?^(o^ niintio^ to bring tidings. F. Xa), p. xae. Ayyog^ vas, a vessel, or urn. G. J®', TO. Aystpcd, congrego^ to gather together, to stroll about. f. ?§«, p. «*. A/f/l>7, annentum^ a herd of cattle. G. «?, ». Aye^Qxog-,fe7'OX^ fierce, untractable, proud. A. ;£,«t< J), ov. 'Aytog, sanctus^ pure, venerable, holy. A. fit, ot>. A^;«at,.i//;z^, the arms* G. ay, eti. A)^;ctc:por, hamus^ a hook. G. 8, TO. Aj/^iog, vallis^ a valley, or bottom. G. so?, TO. A)/;iD^>7, ^^'/^/«z,anarrow,an elbow, or joint. G. »f, ». Ayxv7.og^ ciD'ViiSj crooked. A. M, OV. Ayxvpuy michora^ an anchor. G. etf, w. A/;cMi^, cubitus^ the elbow. G. avof, c. Ay^aoc,^ splendidus^ bright, handsome* A. KdLl «, OV. *Ayi^o$, castas^ chaste holy. A. «, oy. A^opa, forum^ a market, or a Thing ex- posed to sale. G. tff, ;;. «0f, TC. G. rtf, )i. THE GREEK TONGUE. 7 Ayog, veneratio^ scelits^ respect, sanctity ; wickedness. Aypa, pneda^ hunting, prey, capture. A^po$, ciger^ a field. G. iVf c. Ayvta^ vicus, a street. A^^i^ptg, ccctus^ a congregation, or multi- tvide. G, mc, >i Ayx(^^ strangulo^ to strangle, to choak. F. |a), p. Kit. Ayo, clucQ^ to lead, to break, to provoke. F. fa>, p. Ki. A^G)7/, certamen.^ a combat, a struggle. public games. g. av:?, c. ASfX^o^, f rater ^ a brother, equal, alike. G. :v, s. 'Khea^placeo^ to please, to be complaisant. F. era, p. ;:ct. AS)7woi^fco, ciiigor^ to be vexed, to fear, to despair. f. ^&-, p. ;,,^, AS>7V5 affatim^ plentifully. Adverb, AcLvo^^ conjertus, thick, close, frequent. A. », cv. 'ASpo$, crassiis^ thick, big. rich, strong, powerful. A. tf, :;, A^G), ^rt^/o, to fill, to cloy. F. (TU-, p. HA. AedTuog^ certamen^ a combat. G. s, f. Aft, semper^ always. Adverb. 8 THE PRIMITIVES OF AaSo, cano^ to sing. F. ecu, p. x,«. Affpo, i^o/Zo, to lift up, to take away. F. «ga), p. X*, kzXka^ procella^ a storm. G. «?, j5. Af^G), augeo^ to increase. G. oU, 0. A67o$, aqiiila^ an eagle. A^G), ^fcrOj to dry. F. (76), p. »Ct. Ag^Swi^, liiscinia^ a nightingale. G. CVS?, «i. A>7p. a^r, the air. G. £PS?, 0. AOfX;/Q. mulgeQ^ to milk, to sticky to draw. A0>7p5 arista^ an ear of corn, G s^or, c. :G), cerno, to see, to \veigh, to consider. F. cra>, p. Ks«. )oog, confertiis^ thick, close, squeezed, A. a, cr. AOfpo, ludo^ to play. A6, /z^z^ alas ! Ata^o, lamentor^ to lament. At)^taXog, littus^ the shore, Aty;i>7, splendor^ brightness. AtS>?$, infernus^ hell. F. ga, p. xa. Interj, G. OVy , G ;;?, «. THE GREEK TONGUE. 9 AiSog, verecundia, modesty, bashfulness. G. 00?, oy'f, #1. AiBripy ather^ the sky, the air. G. fgO?. 0. At^G), uro^ to burn. F. a-cty p. xsf. Atxa^^G), blandior^ to flatter. F. Xa, p. HA. Aixia, verberatio, a shameful beating. G. /a?, «. Alfia^ sanguis^ blood. G. TOC, TO. At^i;Xog, bla?idus, pleasing, sweet, de- ceiving. A. «, ov. Atrog, apologus^ a fable, or praise. G. 8, 0. At^o$7 gravis^ grave, dreadful. A. «, cv.. Aiwiiai^ capio^ to take, to lay hold of. At^, capra^ a she-goat, G. 7^0?, >). Ato^o$, variiis^ various, changeable. A «, ov. Atoj^ao, aspergOy to sprinkle, to wet, to water. f. ^d», p. «*. AtTtug, ato/5, high, diflicult, great. A. sTat, y. Atpf6), <:«/>2o, to take, to choose, to kill, to oppress. f. «cra<, p. ««. Aipo), ^o/Zo, to hft up, to place on high. F. ga', p. >c«. Accra, sors^ fate, loi, destiny. G. «?) »5. 1^ 10 THE PRIMITIVES OF Aia6avo^iaL,sentiOj to feel, to comprehend. AiCLfioo^ i?isumOy to employ, to consume, F. era), p. HA. AtcrcTG), prosilio, to rush upon. F. |a, p. x^- Ai(Tt)Ao$, sceleratuSy wicked, villainous. A. Kttl «, OV. Aiaxog. turpitudo^ turpitude, shame, in- famy. G. SOf, TO. AtT'fG), /^^^o, to ask, to supplicate. F. O-iD, p. Kct. A^rta, caiisa^ a cause ; or a crime. A6;^^>7. aispis, a point, a lance, a spear. G. >if «. Ai^a, statim^ immediately. Adv. Aio, audiOy to hear. Atcor, ^vuniy eternity, time. G. eevoCf o. Atcjpeco, fo//o, to lift up, to hang on high. F. a- 00, p Kit. AxaXyj^yj^ iirtica^ a briar, a kind of beast. G. HCy h. ^A^cai'^a, spina, a thorn. G. «f, !f. AxoLlog, navigium, a merchant's ship. G. a ;cA< }). ATceo^at^ sano^ to heal. F. a-'jfAAi. AzY!, acies, edge, or point. G. «f, >l. Ak^iyi^ cuspis, a point, vigour and flower of age, G. h, «• THK GREEK TONGUE. u Axo^'Mdogy pedisscqiuis^ a footman, a ser- Vcliit. - G. «, KAl y\, Axovyj cos^ a whet-stone. G. «?, «, Axtfo), audioy to hear. F. au, p. xa. 'Axpi^Y^g, exquisitus^ accurate, exquisite. A. K^A i), «?. A^jpi^, locusta^ a locust or grass- hopper. G. la/l>75 'yo.r militarise a mihtary noise or huzza before batile. g. «?, «. A/iao/Ltat, vagor, to wander. F. ITifAdLU K'Xaogy c^cus, bhnd, squint-eyed. A. *, cv. A/l^^og, dolor e grief. G. £:f, TC. Ax5e6), augeo^ to increase. F. !ra, p. Kit. . A/lea, c«/or 5o/i5, the heat of the sun. G. at;, ». AP^wE^o), a^ro»5 to mind, to care. A, a J 6v, ■ Adv. a THE PRIMITIVES OF A?.ei(Sov^ pocidum^ a kind of carved cup, G. 8, TO. A;ia^G), imgo^ to anoint, to push. F. -^cc, p. <|>a. AXe^co, arceo^ to drive, to help, to defend. A^lfG), wio/o, to grind, to shun. F. a-oe, p. KA. A^yjdyjgs vents ^ true. A. X«< )l) £^ AX^G), medeor^ to cure., A.Xt^;fto$, similis^ Uke. AAtg, 5a^/5, enough. AT^icyeidy polliio^ to pollute. F. ff-fti, p. xrf. AXicrpco), capio^to take,to punishjcondemn. AXcrecdjpeccOy to sin, to transgress. F. «•«, p. ««, A/ltG), volvo^ to roll. F. CTft), p. X«. A>l;cyi, robur^ strength. G. H?, ^. A/l^a$. luca?iicaj sausages. G. atvTO?, 0. AX/larJco, /?zz^^o, to change, /./lylo^ai, salto, to dance to leap. F. OV/UCit. A/* Ac$, r;/2?^5, other. A. «, 0. AX^ao tritiiro^ to thrash. F. ^ft-, p. KH. THE GREEK TONGUE. 13 'A^yjg-, mare^ the sea ; salt. G. Of, /) ; 0. A/l(To$, lyfCus^ a grove, a wood. G. £0J, TO. A/li^6) langueo^ to pine, to be vexed. F. ace, p. x«. A?^(ptlov^ Jctrifia^ meal. G. a, Tc. G. iX.CSi ^' G. Att. Aa, «. AX6)7t>7^j vitlpes^ a fox. 'AXcjg, arer^ a barn. A/t^aXog, mollis^ soft, tender. A^a^a, currus, a chariot. G. «?, ^. A/uapa, meatus^ a conduit, a channel. G. «f» »rt 'A/untpTavw, /^ecro, to transgress. A^apvaao^ fitlgeOj to glitter, F. |«, p. ;/i4= A/t^ai^pog, obscurus^ obscure, pale, A. a.y cv. A/wttG), md'fo, to mow, F. era, p. -:j. Afi^Pwvg, obtusus. dull, blunt, heavy. A. jTsf, V, Afi€i6o), comnmto^ to change. F. ^^j P' , p. ;^ct. Aii^ta^yjlecd^ dubito, to doubt, to dispute, F« iia-a, p. K^, A[i(po, ambOi both, G. c7v. Avayxyj^ jiecessitas^ necessity. G. )Kj '>!. Avatovoiiaty rejiuo, to refuse, to deny. Ara^, rd'.r, a king. G. k7^, I. 'Ai^SarG), placeo, to please. THE GREEK TONGUE. 15 Avsiiogj ventus, wind. G. 8, 0. Ave^ioq^ consabrmuS) a cousin, a relation. G. CV, 0. AvYipj vir, a man. AvBog, Jlos, a flower. G. i&, TO, ArOpa^, carbo, a coal, a carbuncle. G. jt®', 0. AvOpyjvyj, ci'abro^ a wasp, a hornet. G. »f, ». Ai;^p6)7to$T homOy a man or woman. AvLa, tristltia, sadness. G. ifltf, i». ArT/lo$, sefitmay sl sink, a sewer. G. Kf 0. AvrpoVi antriun^ a cave, a cavern. G. Hy Ta. Avvcd, perjicio, to finish, to destroy. Avoya^ jiibeo^ to command, to encourage. F. fa, p, ^A. A^ivYi^ ascia, a hatchet. F. «?, J7. A^to$, digniis^ worthy, illustrious. A. *, op. A^idv, axis, an axle tree. Ao/lPw>7$, confertus, close, thick. G. ^ », £?; Aop, 6*;^/^, a sword. G. &?, TO. AopT*)?, arteria magnUy the great artery. G. ?f, *. 16 THE PRIMITIVES OF I^Tta/log, mollis^ soft, tender. A. «, 0^1 ATta'Topo, decipio, to deceive* F. n7g, Sicvus^ crueL 'An^oog, simplex^ simple. A. «, cv. iVTiro), accendo, to lignt, to fasten, to touch. F. 4a,, p. 7, virtus, virtue, courage. G. ??, f'r. THE GREEK TONGUE. 17 Apyiyo, aiixilior, to help. F. ^«, p. ;^«. Ap)7$, Mars, Mars, battle. G. 6^, (J. Ap^pov, inembriurii a member, a joint. G. Hy ro. ApiSiiog, niimeriisy number. G. oZ, 0. Aptg-fpo^, sinister, that is on the left hand. A. Cty OV. Aptg'ov, prandium, dinner, G. «, TO. AppcfG), sufficio, to be sufficient, or content. F. <7a, p. if,ft. A^xlog,ursiis^ i/r5«, a he-bear, or she-bear. A^oiv^^ rete, a net, a ribbon. G. VB'y k iVp^a, currus, a chariot. G. T®', TO, 'Apveo^iac^ 7iego^ to deny. F. na-ofxAt. Apri^/[iat, capio^ to take. ApoG), aro, to plow. F. , p. Kat. 'ApTta^G), rapio^ to snatch, to plunder. F. o-a, & ^o), p. xjt. AppaScov, pigmis, an earnest, a pledge. G. av^, 0. Appyjv^ inas, the male kind. G. iv(Sf'j 0. Apg, agnus. a lamb. G. V5?, t& *♦• 2 IS THE PRIMITIVES OF ApT'aco, suspendo^ to hang up. F. i}(ru)i P- xsf= Ap76o;, perfectiis^ perfect. A. ^ w, cv. Aprog, panis^ bread. G. Hy 0. Apri^M, cojiclio^ to season, to get ready. F. a-a, p. xtt. Api;ca, haurio^ to draw up. F. (TO!, p. X*. Apxyi^prmcipium^ beginning, sovereignty. G. «?, F. ApG), op^o, to fit, to adjust, to join. F. §a, p. Kd. Apco^aa, arojiia^ perfume, sweet odor. G. TOC) TJ. AGSo7.Yi^fiiligo^ soot. G. «fj ij- AaeXyric,^ lascivus^ wanton ; fierce. G. 0, ^ )?, 5C. Acr^^a, anhelitus^ breath. G. TO?, T5. Ac^iTfa), exerceo^ to exercise, to instruct. F. XCTft), p. KA. Aoxog, liter ^ a leather bag. G. «, 0. Acr^erog, Icetiis, merry, pleasant.agreeable. A. X, ev. Acr7ta?o|L(at, saluto^ to salute, to embrace. F. ei.Toy.Ai. AcTTttg, scutum^ a shield. G. iiTof, K. Ao'r>7p, Stella^ a star. G. «§0?> 0- Aalpanloyfiilguro, to glitter to, shine. F. 4«» P' ^l"^' THE GREEK TONGUE. 19 A<;v> urbs, a city. G. Si?, TO. Aa^oi^^co^ mcereo, to be sad ; to be in trou- ble. F. AW, p. KA. AtaXog; tcjiei\, tender, vigorous. A. », cv. ATa^livxlog, intrepidiiSy bold, intrepid. A. Kcti «, CV-. AraaOa^og, iiijustiis, unjust, wicked. A. Xj 'j)j civ, Arao), noceo^ to liurt, to wound. F »3-<», p. K*. A^e^So^ privO) to deprive, to afflict. F. Ifio, p. , 5r//20, to leap, to be unconstant. Arv^cdj terrefacio, to frighten. F. |a, p. ;^st. Ai;yi7, sple?2dor, light, brightness. AvoYj, vox^ voice, or discourse. G. «?, ». Ai;0£T^T'>7g, doiiiimiSj master, pov/erful, au- thentic. G. », 0. Ai;;ia^, sulcus^ a ridge, G. xcf, 0. Ai;;>w>7, aula, a hall, an open place, a court. G, «?, ri. , Ai;^o$, ifz^m, a pipe, or flute. G. ov, i. 20 THE PRIMITIVES OF Ai'pa, auf^a^ a soft breeze. G. if, ;?. Avgri^o^y austerus^ austere, severe. A. si, Q^. Ai;;^f6). glorior^ to boast. P". ate, p. xat. Avxyjv, cervix, the neck. G. sy©', 0. Ad;^^o$> siccitaSy drought. G. OVy 0. Avcd, sicca, to dry, to light, to shine. F. O-COy p. Hit. A^e/l'/7$, simplex^ simple, innocent. A. ^ M, 6?. A p. »i«. n THE PRIMITIVES OF Baga^Q, po?'to, to carry. F. era & ^ctf p. Ka. Batog, sentiSy a thorn or bramble. G. Hj ». Batpaxog, rana^ a frog. Bau^G), latrOi to bark. F. fa, p. ;^a. BSa/l/l6), mulgeOy to milk, to suck, F. Xfi), p. KA. BSfc), ^^r/o, to break wind backwards. F. (7ze, p. x«. Bf^atog, stabilis^ fixt, stable, firm. A. K5ti «, cv. BeXo$, telum^ a dart. G- so?, TC, BeXrepog, melior^ better. A. «t, ov. Be[i6yj^^ trochus^ a top, a whirl-pool, a storm. G. HO?, «. B)7;iog, /irnd';?, the threshold. B)7?, tussis, a cough. Bta, «y^5, force, strength. Bl6%oc,^ liher^ a book ; paper. Btog, ^DiYa, life, age, man. B;\,aKTo$5 valgus^ bandy-legged. A. «, ov, BAa§, ignavus, a lazy fellow, a coward. G. xof, 0. G. cv, 0. G. ;i^os, ». G. lAC, M. G. 8, w> G. «, 0. THE GREEK TONGUE. 23 BP-aTtro), noceo, to hurt. F. '^u, p. . p ?*. B/le<|)apov, supercilium^ the eye-brow. G. », TO, B/l>7;^ao^aaf5 Z'a/o, to bleat. F. 7;^pog5 imbecillis^ weak, frail. A. A, ev. EXtT76), exprimenclo auferc^ to squeeze out. as milk, or honey. f. ac, p. x*. B/lt'^G), scaturio. to flow, to spring. F. 7a>, p. xct. B/lo^og, buccella^ a bit, a mouthful. G. X, 0. B/lG)cr;c6), adveiiio^ to go, to come. Boao, clamoAo bawl out, to make a noise. F. to boil. F. CO), p. xat. Bpa;ttG)z^, brachiumy an arm. G. 0V5f> 9. Bpa;^i;$, brevis^ short. A. j7st, y, Bpeiio,J^remo, to menace, to be enraged, to make a noise. f. ^a, p. ««. Bpf«^9o$, a;?a5, a duck ; pride, conceit. G. a, c. Bpe^og, infansy a child. G. t&, TO. THE GREEK TONGUE. 25 Bp£;^(0; irrigOj to water, to wet. F. ^a., p. xtt- Bptacdy robiistiis sum, to be strong, to strengthen. f. au,, p. k±. Bpt^o), post cibum dorinio^ to sleep after coming from table, f. i, cv. Bpo;^o$, laquetis, a cord ; a net. G. Hf 0, Bpyxo), 7nordeOi to bite, to swallow. F fa, p. _p^A. Bpy;ta), frendeo^ to gnash one's teeth to- gether. F. |«, p. ;t*. Bpi^ov, inusciis^ moss, grass. G. «, TO. Bpi;6), scateo,, to flow, to spout up. to bud. F. (TW, p. »*. Bpw^og, feet or ^ stink. G. «, 0. Bpcjcrpco fr/o, to eat. Bi/'a$, bubOi an owl. G. ii, I. Bi;6';\,og, papyrus^ paper. G. «, >). BvOog^JimduSyB. depth, or hollow. G. 9V, «. 26 THE PRIMITIVES OF Bvpaa^ corium. leather, hide of beasts. Bi^(Tcro$5 byssus^ a kind of fine flax or linen. G a, «. Bi;a), obturo, to stop up, to fill, to cover. F, era, p. K*. Bo^og, gleba^ a clod ; a field ; a place. G. a, «. Bo^og, altmr^ an altar ; a basis. G. CV| »• G. Taii^cc^ in numbers signifies three. Fa^a, opes J wealth. Taia, terrai the earth. Fato, glorior^ to boast, to be proud. F. (Ta, p. jtct. FaXa /a<:, milk. G. k1&, to. TaT^syi.felis^ a cat ; a weesel. G. »?, >). Fa;i)7j^>7, serenitas^ calm, tranquillity. G. »?, «. Ta(i6pog, geiier^ a son in law. G. Ot/, 0. Fa^eo), iixorem duco^ to take a wife, to marry. f. »(r», p. x*. Farog, Ice tit ia^ joy, mirth. G. 40?, TC. Fap^^atpG), splendeo^ to shine. » F. §», p. ka. THE GREEK TONGUE. 27 Fapya/lt^ca, titillo, to tickle. Tagrif^ venter^ the belly. G. 76ecj, gaudeo^ to rejoice. F. «cra, p. xsi. F)7pa$5 senectus^ old age. G. :tTC?, T*. F>7pi;$, i^oa;, voice, sound. G. V©', If. 28 THE PRIMITIVES OF TLvcaaxcdj cognosco^ to know, to judge, to think. T^avxo^y glaucus^ of a blue or azure color. G. «, oy. Fyla^G), sculpo^ to carve, to make hollow. F. 'I** P* *• rX£i;;cog, miistum^ new wine. G. £^, TO. r/l37v>7, pupilla^ the apple of the eye. rAt(T;^po$, liibriciis^ slippery, A. tt, o»'. r;it;^o^at, appeto^ to desire, to long for. F. ^O/UCtl. rXotog, sorclidiis^ dirty. A. a, oy. TXvxvg^ dulcis^ sweet. A. ilA, V. r;iG)(7aa, lingua^ the tongue. G. »f, ». rXG);tt$, cuspis^ a point. G. Tvoj, J7. r^aOog, maxilla^ the jaw, the mouth. G. a, «. Prolog, caligo^ darkness. G. «, 0. Toaco, gerno^ to sigh, to weep. F. «fl-a), p. xst. Yoyyv^id^ murmuro^ to murmur, to grum- ble. , F- «■«• p- «*• ro>7$, prastigiator^ a cheat, a juggler. G. «7of, 9. TofjL^ogy cufieus^ a wedge, a nail. G. ii) a. THE GREEK TOXGUE. 29 Tow, genu^ the knee. G. V^ St 8V0?j TO. ropyo$5 velox, swift, ready, active. A. », cv. Tpata. aniis^ an old woman. rpa P- ^*' Fpacj, comedoy to eat, to carve. F. (Tcc, p. Xi. rptTtog, iTte^ a net. G. oy, 0. Fpi;, qiiisqiiili^, any trifle. Indecl. Fpi^Tiog, aquilinus, one \vhose nose is shaped Uke an eagle's. Vvia, arviim, field, measure of land, road. G, «t?, ;». Vvtov, membrum, a member, foot, hand. G. a, TO, Tvuvogy iiudus, naked. VwYi iniilier, a woman. Vvpo<;^ gyrus, a circle, ri;^', vultin\ a vulture. Fovia, anguhis^ a corner. A. X, or. G. diiic<^y /i. G. «, 0. G. fwoC} c« G. alf, jj. 30 THE PRIMITIVES OF A. A as a cypher makes four. Aayjp) leviV'i a brother in law. 5ocfSa?.og, (Icedalus^ ingenious, cunning. G. 8, 0. hoiiiLGiv^ Dnis, Godj a good or bad spirit, A. CVOf, K.S.I «. haiQ^ disco, to learn ; to burn ; to feast. F. (Tft), p. KA, SazvG), mordeo^ to bite. haxr>v. lacJiryma^ a tear. G. voc, t4. hoLxlv^o;^ digitus^ a finger ; dates. G. a, ^. haiiaa, donio^^ to tame. F. a-ooy p. «*. Sai'o;, donnrn.^ a present ; usury, interest. G. iZC, TO. hxTtavacd^ consumo^Xo waste, to consume. F. crw, p. HA. haTichoVj pavimentum^ pavement. G. », TO. SxTtlcd, rodo. to gnaw, to eat, to devour. F. 4^'» p* L?.yig^ largiis^ liberal, copious, elegant. &t5u, tuneo^ to fear. Secxwcd, ostendo^ to shew. 5ft?w>7, vesper y the evening. 5a^o$, timidus^ fearful, wicked. A. «, cv. hiva^ all qui s^ somebody, G. y®-", 0, », T5. Seti^og, gravis^ grand, skilful, frightful. A. ;;, cv. SeiTtvor, c<^;zrt, supper. G. K, §et(7a, stercus^ dung. G. »f, >(. ^g^tfct, decern, ten. Ir.tkcl. -§eA5ap i^5ra, meat, bait, sauce. G. XTZt, TO. Ss?.(poi^^ porcellus^ a young pig. S£?.(pLv, delphiniiSj a dolphin. G. /ysf, ^ ;i. SfX^i;,, vulva^ the v/onibj the matrix. G. tojy /), Sf^ag, corpus^ the bo ly. Indecl. h^viovj cubile^ a bed ; a bed chamber. G. K, TO. Sf/c^G), exstruG^ to build. F. «»', p. x«. .i2 THE PRIMITIVES OF AspSpovj arbor y a tree. G. a, Tf, Ssvvog^ conticmelia^ contumely, reproach. G. «, 0. §£^ia, dextera^ the right hand. G. rtf, J)^ hnac,, pQCulum.^ a cup. G. «tTC;, TO. hepcLg^ pcllis^ skin, leather. G. itrcC) Ts. 5fp>75 coliiuiij a neck ; a hill. G. )»;, ». &pxco, video^ to see, to be quick-sighted. ^sanoac^, dominor^ to rule, to command. SEy:;co;, didcedo, sweetness. G. SJJ, TC, ^svpcd, adesdum, come hither ; hither. Adv. ^evreoog^ secundiis^ second, next. A. CL, OV. hvcdj rigOy to wet, to water, to sprinkle. F. era), p. y.A. Se^G), excorlo^ to flay, to skin. F. 4a, p. <^'j.. hexo^Lai^ accipio. to receive, to take, to wait, t'- 1'/^^'- Sf6)j ligo^ to tye ; to w^ant, to be absent. F. ). SiSoiiLy do J to give. F. &)3-a', p. xi<'. St^co, qiicero, to seek, to search. F. era, p. K'-i- &;«>7, lis J a dispute, law-suit ; justice. G. /K, «. Sixlvovy rete, a net. G. 8, TO. SiXG),jacio^ to throw. F. |a', p. ;^:t. Sti^'/?, vortex y a gulf, a whirlpool. G. /)?> ;>. StTtAog, duplex, double. A. J>, 5/, 5i$5 ^25, twice. Adv. Siaxog^ discus, a dish, plate, quoit. G. «, (?, 5icrra^co, dubito^ to doubt.' F. 5-a or !«, p. ;^st. 3^ 34 THE PRIMITIVES OF Ai^aciy quaro^ to search, to taste. F, era), p. X56. f^Si^Ospa, pelliSy a skin, or leather. G. etCi '^• hi^a^ sitis^ thirst. G. «?, ». St6), expello, to drive out, to fear. F. ace, p. X*. hcdxoi^ persequor^ to pursue, to drive, to banish. f. |a,, p. x^- Svopog, teneb7^a^^ darkness. G. a, 0. Soxa^cd exspecto^ to judge, to wait, to ob- serve. F. tra, p. ;c*. Soxeo^ censeo^ to think, to believe, to judge. F. »(Ta), p. xA. hoxog, trabs^ a beam. G. oZ, it, (5o/it;^og, longus. long. A. «, cy. SoXog, dolus, deceit, tricking. G. », 0. hova^, ariindo, a reed, G. KOC, 0. Sovecd^ agito^ to shake, to move. V. yi^aif p. }t*. ^00?, caprea, a roe buck, or deer. G. ;c5C, );. SopTCov^ C(£na^ a supper. G. a, TO. Sopr, hasta, a spear, a spike. G. ^'j1(^ 8c Jigoc, TO. ^oL'?-o$, sn-vii-"^^ a slave. G. i<, c. THE GREEK TONGUE. 35 Aovnog. sofiitusy a noise. G. n, c. o^axov, draco, a dragon. ^ G. o\l7^6)pso, vigilo, to watch, to keep awake. F. era', p. KA. syx^^vg^ angiiilla^ an eel. G. J/©', ». f;^;^og5 hast a J a spear, a pike. G. fC?, TO. f^j^a, r/o^, a kind of present given by the bridegroom to the bride. g.«v, t«. fS(o, erfo, to eat. i^ofiat, sedeo. to sit down. eOsipay ccesaries, hair, wig. G, c/g, fi. fOfXco, T?o/c}, to be willing. THE GREEK TONGUE. 37 EBvogj 7iatiOy a nation • G. i^, TO. sOog^ consuetiido^ custom. G. S3f, Ttfi etSco, video, to see, to understand. ££x>7, temere^ by chance. Adv. HKoOi^ viginti, twenty. Indecl. eixoy similis suni^ to be like, to give way. ^' l». p z*- a/leo, coarcto, to squeeze, to straiten, F. a-Uy p. xst. elT^em, voho^ to roll . F. a-uy p. x'^. 6t?v6)g, serviis^ a servant, a slave. G. a7o?, 0. eivatrif^fratria^ a brother's wife. G. Kg®', ;'. ftp^G), includo^ to shut up, to imprison. F. ^a, p. x^' ftp^G), ^'6'fo, to forbid. F. |a), p. x«. eipyivY!^ pax, peace. G. «?, ». ffpog, lana, wool. G. Si?, TS. £tpG), loqiior^ to speak, to ask, to knot, apcoi^, dissimulator, a dissembler. G. anif, ti. et$, zm?/5, one. A. ,«/<*, h- as THE PRIMITIVES OF ']E;ca$, procul, at a distance. Adv. ixagog^ quilibett every, each. A. >r, ov. ixarspog. alterutcr^ one of the two. A. A, OV. ixalov^ centum, a hundred. IsKlecl. ixYiXog, quietus^ quiet, easy. A. ^ W> OV. £?(;fpo$. socer^ a father-in-law. G. OU, 0. i^ccji^, volens, wilHng, voluntary. eXata, oliva, an olive tree. G. ac, «. fiXaTf)?, abies^ a fir tree. G. HCy il. s2,avvc), impel! 0^ to push, to drive, to in- cite. eXa^og^ cei'vus^ a stag. C. a, 0. eXa^pog, levis, ^ignt, nimble. A. a., OV. eXa^vg. parvus, little. A, uu., V. eXho^ai^ cupiO) to desire. eX^yog^ elegus, sorrow, a mournful song. G a, 0. eXeyxc^, reclarguo, to reprimand, to con- vince, F. |a, p. ;y*. THE GREEK TONGUE. 39 EXeog, misericordia^ mercy. G. X, 0. £/lei;Ofpo$, liber^ free. A. *, ey. e/le(|)a$, elephas, an elephant, ivory. G. Av7(^, 0. €X>7, icstuSj the heat of the sun. G. *)?, ». f^fi^i^i^cD, otior^ to be idle, to differ. F. era, p. X5t. t'kxo^ ulcus., a boil. G. «0?, TC, £X;h:6), trahth^ to drag. F. ^a, p. ;^«. sT.Xyiv, Grcecus^ a Greek, or Grecian. G, »VOf, 0. £/log-, palus^ a lake or marsh. G. «5f, T9. £^7if$, 5pf5, hope, expectation. G. /(Tof, ». ^liECd, vonio, to vomit. F. TOO, p. XSt. eixTta^oftac, curo^ to mind, to take care. F. a-ofxttt, evaipo), occidoy to kill, to strip* F. gOCy p. KA. evapyyjg dams, clear, bright. A. y.dLi », «f, eviavrog, annus^ a year. G. ov, c. 67^601, quidam. somebody. G, av, 0/. fi^z^fa, JiG%w?n, nine. Indecl. 40 THE PRIMITIVES OF Evvog^ annus^ a year. tvtog, intus^ in, within. Adv. Bvvid, Bellona^ the goddess of war. G. o(^, «. I|, sex^ six. Indecl. ko^HYi festumt a festival or holy-day. G. «?, j(. £7t£ty6), iirgeo^ to push, to press, to exhort. F. fa, p. X*- f7t>7pfa^6), noceo^ to hurt, to vex. F. (ruit p. Kit. f7tt;tf8pog aiixiliatory a helper, an auxiliary. G. 8, 0. sTtLTto^yjg-, in superjicie^ on the surface. Adv. enLTYi^yjg^ idoneus^ fit, active. A. X.AI «, Sf. £7tra, septern^ seven. Indecl. £7ico, sequor, to follow, to do, to govern. 67tG), r/Zco, to say, to speak. epa- terra, the earth. G. df, «. fpai^og, convivium^ a club feast. G. K, 6. fpao) «mo, to love. F. era,, p. »*. fpyor, opiis^ work. G. «, TO. THE GREEK TONGUE. 41 Eps^og, erebiiSy hell. G. e®', TO. spedo, irrito, to provoke. speiSoyJigo, to fix, to establish. F. «•&), p. Ktt, epELXG)^ frango^ to break. F. |», p. X** epemoj everto^ to throw down, to over- throw. F. 4«, p. fx. epETtra, edo^ to eat, to junket. F. -^ce, p. 7g, Mercuriiis^ Mercury, G. ou, 6. fpro$5 rantus^ a branch or plant. G. so?, TO. fcpTtG), serpo^ to creep. fppco, {dgre €0^ to walk mournfully, sadly. fpcr>7, ro^, dew. G. /)f, «. fpD^fG), impedio, to hinder, to detain. F. ^a, p. ^a,. fpuco, traho^ to drag or draw, to watch. F. o-ftij p. xar. fp;^o^ai, venio^ to come, to go, to arrive. fpcdEw, j^ifo, to flow, to go back, to stop. F. ita-ui, p. KdL. fporaco, qiicero^ to ask, to inquire. F. cr&), p. Kie, €(76(6), er/o, to eat. €(r0^o$, bonus^ goo<^, valiant. A. «, iv. fc-cTTtepo^, vesper^ the evening, or evening star. G. «, 0. egca^focuSj the fire side; a banquet. G. elf, W, BdX'^p^^i focus ^ the fire side, or hearth. G. dL(, 'if. THE GREEK TONGUE. 43 'E(y;^aro$5 extremus, the last, remotest. A. «, 6V. era^o, examinOy to search, to examine. F. cro), p. xa. gratpo$, sodalis, a companion, friend. G. if, 0. itepog. alter, another. A. A, CV. eryjgy socius^ a companion. G. Hf c. ervog, piilpamentum, pease pottage. G. Si?, TO. hoLiiog, paratus. prepared, ready. A. n, iv- etog, anmis^ the year. G. Sif, Tfl. erv[xog^ verus^ true. A. ;cit; >), oy. €i;Sfca, sere?iitas^ calmness, fine weather. G. atf, »'. evSu. clormio^ to sleep. €i;Oi;$, rectus, strait, direct. A. iia.f V. evvrij lectus. a bed, or tent. G. »f, ». evpiTtog^ Euripus, a narrow sea between Bceotia and Euboea^ g. », o. evpt(y;c&), hivenio^ to find. fi;pi;5, /a^W5, broad, wide. A. (7a, u. fi;p6)g, 5^Vi^r5, filthiness, mouldiness. G. »73f, «. 44 THE PRlxMITIVES OF Erg, bonus ^ good. G. «^, t. evxo[iai^ glorior, to boast ; to pray. F. ^OfJLAl. svo^ urOi to burn, to warm. F, ffot. p. Ast. evQx^^j conviviimi^ a banquet, or feast. ^%^o$, odiimi, hatred. G. saf, Tt. e^i^vog^ erinaceiis^ an urchin. G. if, «. ^;t^^) i^/^^ra, a viper. G. ta)f> o,> fj^fpog, ^2/^z^5, safe, secure. A. Ai ey. f;^6), habeOi to have. ii{/0, coqiio^ to boil, to make boil. 6O5 5wm, to be, to go, to come. ioy mitto^ to send, to clothe. €«>^o$5 A€'5^e'r;2W5, belonging to yesterday. G. * w^ eir. THE GREEK TONGUE. 45 z. IkYfta^ signifies seven. Zao), vivo^ to live. F. vus, p. ;ist ^svyvviiL^ JH?7go, to join. F- |a, p. A:* 7rfcj, qucero^ to seek. F. 0-&), p. X4t ^i^avcov, lolium, tare, cockle-weed. G. S, TO ^o^og, caligo^ darkness. G. «, G. i;, c ; «9?, TO G. «?, « G. oD, ^i;6o$, cerevisia, beer. ^v^vi^ fermentum^ leaven. ^G)[iog^jiis^ broth, pottage. ^Qvvvco, cingo, to gird. ^copog, meracus^ pure wine, unmixed. A. fit, ov. 4* 46 THE PRIMITIVES OF H. H, makes eight, and admits of divers significations. 'R6yjjjuventuSy youth, young people. riysoiiat^ duco, to lead, to command. nSvg^ dulcis, sweet. A. itn, V, '/^dog, mores, manners, place, mind, house. G. i@^» TO. rtdoy, colo, to strain. F. 7t6eo$, adolescens, a young man. G. a, 0, yiLQv, littus, the shore. G. OVOf, ». mO'i veriio^ to come. F. ^a, p. X*- yi^^axaryj, coins, a distaff. G. Hc, V. ^XoMTPcco, vagor, to wander, to turn about. lyXeog, stultus, a fool. A. 7/zi;co, incliiio. to lean, to fall. F. a-u, p. xat. yivexYig, porrectus^ stretched, long, per- manent. A. Kit », «f. rivLa^fnenum^ a bridle. G. it?, fl. ^Ttocp, hepar^ the liver. G. T6?, Tfi. ypteipogy cotitinens, the continent. G. if, «'. 577t£og, mitis^ mild, easy, merciful. A. /rf, cv. ^pa, /-t^;2o, the Goddess Juno. G. rt?, jj. yipe(iogy quietus^ quiet, peaceable, good. A. KAi n, or, yjpLovy momunentmn^ a tomb, a monument. G, », TS. yipcog, heros^ a hero, brave^ G. aiy.^, 0. 48 THE PRIMITIVES OF 'HcTcrcoy, 77ii7ior, less, overcome. G. J, », ov. navxog-, quietus^ quiet. A. «j cv. T^rop, cor, the heart. G. eg®', TO. yjrpiov, stamen^ the warp ; the Hver. G. «, T6 yi7T'a, in numbers signifies nine. BaLpog, cardo, a hinge. G. oa, 0. 3a/la^o$5 thalamus^ a marriage bed, a chamber. g, «, ^ ^a/tacrca, mar^, the sea. G. »;, )). ^aXT^id^Jloreo^ to flourish, to be green. F. >.u), p. x«. ^a?.nco, foveo, to cherish, ^a/t^a, crebro^ oftentimes. Adv. ^aixOog, stupor^ amazement, fright. G. so?, TO. THE GREEK TONGCTE. 49 ^aiLvoq^fnUicetum^ a place where many shrubs grow. g. «, i. ^antQ, sepeliOi to bury. F. 4*'» P- ?*• ^apcogy Jiducia^ courage, boldness. G. to(f re, 3ai;/wa^G)^ admiror^ to admire, to esteem. F. era), p. Kcl. 3eao^at, contemplor, to gaze, to consider. F- a.7,^5fe//a5 an osier basket. ^uyid, tango, to touch. S'ti^, acervus, a heap ; the shore. G. IVOC, 0, i1. ^^ao JrangOf to break. F. CrCD, p. KA. ^Xt^'co, premo, to press, to squeeze, to oppress. F. >, p. ?*. 3i^)70';c(05 morioV', to dye. 3'0t>'>7, convivium^ a feast or banquet. G. «?, ». THE GREEK TONGUE. 51 0oJlo$, sordes^ filth, or dirt. '^oo(;', velox^ quick, ready. A. a, cy. ^opL'^og, timiultus, noise, tumult. G. 8, e. ^opo, 5rt//o, to leap. ^pavcd, J^ra?igo^ to break. F. , p. KH. 3paG), sedeo, to sit, to be enthroned. F. a-a, p. xflt. ^peo), clamo^ to bawl, to make a noise. 3p57i^o$, querela^ complaint, lamentation. G. if, 0. 3p^cr;fft'G)5 co/o, to worship. F. ff-flp, p, xa. ^pLfXfL^og^ triiunphiis, triumph. G. s, c. 3pt}^xo$, pinna^ the coping of a wall. G, ev, 0. 3pt^. capillus^ the hair. G. Tg/;^^®', 9, ^po(j.^og, griimus^ a lump, or clod. G. «, 0. 3'pi;;i/log5 susurrus^ a. whisper, sound, or murmuring. g. «, o, ^pvnrcdyfrajigo, to break, to enervate. F. -^aif p. ^jt, ^pG)(T;56), 5rt//o, to leap. ^vyaryjp^Jilia^ a daughter. G. e§of, ». 5t THE PRIMITIVES OF SveXXa^ procellai a storm. G. »c, ». ^vT^axog^ sacciis, a bag, or sack. G- Hf 0. 3i;//ta6), siiffio, to cense, or perfume. F, cce, p. net. ^v[iog^ animus^ the mind, passion, anger. G. ou, 0. ^vpa^jaJiua, a door or gate. G. Af, «. S'ljo, sacriJicO', to sacrifice, to rush upon. F. ca, p. xat. ^•6), mitrio, to nourish, to run, to punish, to put. F- «■«, p. »«. ^G)>7, damnum^ fine, loss. G. , Kf, W. ^6)^t^a), vincio^ to tye with cords. F. (TW, p. XA. ^(OTtTTG), assejitor^ to flatter. F. ^j-CD, p. CJ5A. ^opa^, thorax^ the breast. G. xo?, 0, ^a)i;(77g, supplex^ humble, suppliant. G. 8, 6. (pc^ag, humor, moisture, vapor. G. acTj?, «. ixveo^ai, ve?no, to come. 5 54 THE PRIMITIVES OF lxt£f>og, icterus, the jaundice. Ixo, venio^ to come* F. ^a,, p. ;;;«♦ [/taco, propitius sum, to be pleasant, mild, propitious. f. «cra,, p. x*. c^T^og^ oculus, the eye* i;ii;g5 limus^ mud, dirt. £/iag, lorum, a thong, or strap. G. fitVTO?, 0. i/iapG), cupio, to desire. F. §4), p. »«. tj^fo), vacuo, to evacuate^ to purge. F. sr«, p. K,(t, i^og, viscum, bird lime. G. ou, c. 10^5 'uiofc, the violet. G. H, TS. log, venenum, poison ; dart. G. cS, 6. iTtTtog, equus^ a horse. G. », d. Inta^at, volo^ to fly. tTtrcj, noceOy to hurt, to v/ound* F. 4''^» P- ^^• 6ptg, iris, an herb, a bird, the rain*boWi ig.Jibra. a fibre, strength. G. ivdii i». ?.(T)7/L4t, ^ao, to know, to be learned. THE GREEK TONGUE. 55 laOfiog^ isthmus^ an isthmus, a narrow neck of land. g. od, 9. lOog, tequalis^ equal. A. ity oy, latYi^L^ statiiOy to fix, to erect, to put. F. cru, p. x.st. iorop^ peritiis^ skilful, knowing, writer of history. g. egos, 0. iaj(L^^ liimbus^ the loin, or thigh. G. <8f, »i, laxvog, macer^ lean. A. «, Ojr. laxv^i robur^ strength. G. WCJ, 8. traa, salix^ a willow tree. G. tff, a, tr% aiidax^ bold, rash. G. «, 0, vtvg^ circiimferentiay roundness, circum- ference. G. t/jf, «. iqn^fortiter, bodily. Adv. ix^vg^ piscis, a fish. G. v<^, 9^ iXT^oc,^ vestigium^ the track of a foot. G. £if, TO. ixc^p, sanies^ corrupted blood. G. ft'g^, 0, 56 THE PRIMITIVES OF K. KaTtTta, in numbers is put for twenty. Ka)^^a^Q, cachimior^ to burst out into laughter. f. ^a., p. j:^. xahog, cadus^ a barrel, a hogshead. G. a, I. xa^(a), orno^ to adorn. F. ?•*, p. xst. ^aOatpo, pur go ^ to purge. F. gju, p. JlCt. ocaivog-) 7iovus., new. A. », cy. j^at^'Q, neco^ to kill. F. va, p. Kd. xaipog^ occasio^ occasion, time. ocaio, urOj, to burn. F a.vo-», p. ««h 5^a;io$, mains, bad, cowardly, wicked. A. », ov. KaXfxdog^ calathus^ a basket. G. !S, 0. xaT^aizog, calamus^ a reed, or straw. G. », o» %aX8G) ijoco, to call, to implore. F. crx, p. KU. xa?uOv, lignum^ a piece of wood. G. a, T5. xaXog^ pulcher^ handsome, good. A. », oy. ^a;ii;7t'r(a, ^^,^0- to cover. F. 4*> P- '^*' THE GREEK TONGUE. 57 KaAwg, riickfiSy a cable rope. xaiia^^ palus^ a stick, stake, vine, prop. «a/i>7/lo$, cameliis^ a camel. G. ><> 0. xaiiLvog^fornaXj a furnace. G. Hi 0. xa^vo, laborOj to labour, to be tired. F. etiAce, p. »*. xaiinrQ, JlectOy to bend. F. 4*» P- "f** xavy^g^ ca?iistrum, a canister, a basket. G. «7sf, 0. ?car6apog, scarabeaiis^ a beetle. G. K, ». xa»^6)i^, canon^ a canon, rule, decree. G. OVO?, 0. xanyj^og^ institor^ a merchant. G. X, 0. xanvog^fumus^ smoke. G. oZf c* afa7tpo5, a/jer, a wild boar. G «, «. xanroy comedo^ to swallow, or devour. F. 4^» p* 7i^oi', caput, the head. F. «, TC. ^appcatpG), resono, to resound. F. ga, p. »Jt. xapxLvog. cancer, a crab ; or distemper. G. a, 0. 5^ 58 THE PRIMITIVES OF Kapogy marcon heaviness, sleepiness. G. «, L xapnogj fructiis, fruit* G. OVf c, xapaiog, obliguus, oblique, crooked. A. a., cv. xapvov, nux^ a nut, or walnut. G. if, TO. xapdcoj sicco^ to dry. F. 4*> p' **• xapXYiaioVi poculum^ a cup. - G. Hy Ti. xaaaitepog, stanmifn^ pewter. G. j{, I. xaaavo^ consuo^ to botch, to mend. F. CTiS), p. KU.. xavXog, caulisy a cabbage stalk. G. ov, e. xayxoio^ai, glot'ior^ to brag, to boast. F, iilapi;^6), murmuro, to murmur. F. (7a), p. K&., xeT^evdog^ via, a way^ or road, G. sf, «•. THE GREEK TONGUE. 59 Ke^LYjg^ celes^ a vaulter, or race horse. G. XT^, 0. xeX'kQ^ appello^ to come safe to harbour* F. Xa, #\cra), p. K*. pce^Q, jubeo, to command. xevo<;^ vacuus, empty. A. «, ov. xevrsQy pungo, to prick, or stmg. F. »(ra, p. x«. xepaixog. terra figulans^ potter's clay. xepavvv^ii^ misceo^ to mingle. F. Aca, p. x«. Tcepag^ corjiu, a horn. G. ATSCf TO. Qcepavvog., fulmen^ thunder. G. cC', 0. ^fpSo$. lucrum^ gain. G. J3J, TC. xepxig, radius textorius, a weaver's shuttle, G. /{Tsj, '». xepxog, cauda^ a tail. G. if, ». xevdio^ Gcculto. to hide, to lay aside. F, trait p. 34*. xe7)1>7 tumor^ a swelling. a«>7^t$, macula^ a spot. xYjfiog^ camuSj a kind of bridle. ;c)77tog hortus^ a garden. ^)7p, 5or5, lot, fate. 5C37po$. cerrt, wax. xyj^v^y pi'^cOi a crier, or herald. pc)?^©^, f(?^i^5, a whale. xYi^i^v.Jucus^ a drone. G. «vflc, 0. :xt^S)7Xog, achilterifiuSy adulterated, false com. A. it, ov. xL^i^rog^ arca^ a coffer. ;ctSapo$, tiara^ a tiara, QCiha^Yi^ viUpes^ a fox. xtOapa, cithara^ a harp. xixLvog^ ci72cinnus^ a curled lock. jci^fi^g, robiir^ strength. xLvaS^a^ factor ^ stink, dog's meat. G. oy, 0. G, JO?, »< G «?, ». G. rt?, ». G. «, o' G. uo?, » G. ct?, » THE GREEK TONGUE. 6f KivSvvog, periciilum^ danger. xLVEid^ moveo. to move. F. i\7Cty p. Ki. }avvpo[x.at^ lamentor^ to lament. xtpxog^ circus, a circle. G. «, * xLgy vermis^ a kind of worm. G. /s?, c. Ktaaa^ picci^ distaste, uneasiness. G. «;, )i. xi(5(3og-. heeler a, ivy. G. ov, c. zix^io^ assequor^ to overtake, to find, to c o m p r e h end. f. c-a, p. k:^ TtiX^'^'i t Urdus, a thrush. G, h;, «. «to, i;at/o, to go. xtav, columnar a pillar. G. ov(^j «. K%ahog^ ramus ^ a branch, or bough. G a, c. x?.a^(jif J*r an go ^ to make a noise. x?i,atco,Jleo, to weep, to cry. F. etu!?, «. xnaaa^ nidor, the smell of roast meat. G. »g, J). ^ci^wSaAor, bestia, a beast. G. J7,=yd'r^ex5the top of the head, the top. G. «?, n. sco^ov^^ comix* a crow, a crown. G. «?, ^. xoaxLvovj cribriun^ a sieve. G. K, TS. xoaiLog^ ordoj order, world, ornament. G. iSy 9. 6 66 THE PRIMITIVES OF Kortvog^ oleaster^ a wild olive tree. G. a, c. xorog^ ira vetus, rancour, or old grudge. G. a, c. xotv?.yi, cavitas^ concavity, porringer. G. »?, «. jcy^og, vanus^ vain, empty, light. A. », ov. xo^Lvog^ cordis J a basket. G. a, 0. ocox^oL^i lapillus^ a pebble. G. Jt(^, e. ocox^ci^ gy^'o^ to turn or wind about. xpaSyii sicrcilluSj a young shoots G. «?, «. pfpa^o), clainOj to bawl> to make a noise. xpacvcoy perficio^ to perfect^ to reign. F. ctvce, p. a*. jcpat7i;a^>7, crapida, gluttony, excess. G xpaiTtvog, velox^ swift, ready; xpaipa^ caputs the head. xpa[i6Yjj brassica^ cabbage. xpaiiSog, aridiis, dry, hot. xpatog^ robtir^ strength ; power. xpexQ^ resono, to resound. G. «f, J). A. J), cv. G. uc, «. G. «c, ». A. «, oy. G, g(^, T». F. ^a, p. ;:^at. THE GREEK TONGUE. 67 Kpf^^aoj suspendo^ to hang up, F. O-ft), p. K*. xpeii6a?.oVi crepitacuhim^ a coral or little bell. G. », T«. xpyiS6[/.vov, vitta^ a ribbon, or fillet, G. «, T«. xpyj^uvogy pnecipitium^ a precipice. G. sii, &. x^Yivri^ Jons, a fountain. G. })f, «, xpYintgy basis, a foundation, basis. G. /)j, }i. xpi[ivov^ farina crassior, coarse meal or flour. G. z, TO. xptvov, lilium, the lily. G. if, T6. xpLvO) judico, to judge, to choose. F. Vic', p. jia, xpiog, aries, a ram. G. ci;, %. :Ypo;c>7, trama, the woof in weaving. G. ;,.;, >u xpoxog, crocus, saftron. G, X, 0. xpovog, Satu?'?iiis, Saturn ; doating. G. », s, xpoacog, fimbria, a fringe, or border. G. CVy 5. 68 THE PRIMITIVES OF Kpota^og^ fempiis, the temple or part of the head. g. i^, l xporog, pulsus, noise or beating. G. a, c. xpovvogy scaturigo, a spring, or rising up of the water. g. oZ, l ocpovcd, pulso, to beat, to strike. F. aUf p. 3iA. xpvog^frigus, cold, ice, shivering. G. s:j, TO. ocpvurcd^ occultOf to hide. F. 4a.', p. ;?, «. xvSyi^ig-, securis^ a hatchet. G. ic;, ». ;ci;^og, ciibus^ a cube, square, or die. G. a, '«. xvSoL^og^ tumulfiis, trouble, tumult. G. cy, 0. xi;5o$, gloria, glory, honor ; infamy. G. is?, , p. KA. xvx%og^ cir cuius, a circle. G. 8, I. xvT^iGii volvo^ to roll. F. COD, p. Xi'.. xv%7^og^ ma7icus^ lame. A. », cv. xviia^Jiuctus^ a wave. G. TS?, TO. xv^iSog^ cavitas, concavity, or hoilowness. G. a, 'o. xvTtapLaaog^ cupressus^ cypress. G, a, 'o. xvnro^ promts sum^ to stoop down one's head. f. 4<», p. ?:t. 6* 70 THE PRIMITIVES OF Kvpog^ authoritas^ authority, command. G. «{^, TO. xvptog^ curviis^ crooked, hump backed. A. », cv. ^vpG), incido^ to hght of; to be ; to obtam. F. MoX. o-a, p. y.a. ocvgig^ vesica^ a bhidder. G. 4»r, ■(). xvTog^ cavitas^ concavity. G. SOC, TC'. xv4^E7iyjy aheare, a bee-hive. G. Jir, v. xvQ^Jero^ to carry, to be big with child. F. crcc, p. Ku. xvGiv^ cants^ a dog. G. yver, 0. xoScdv^ campana^ a bell. G. ay©', 0. xcddoiv^ poculum^ a cup, a feast. G. a)V^> 0. xoxvo, ploro^ to weep, to lament. F. !ra, p. y.ct, xGiXov^ membnim^ a member ; the intes- tines. G. H, TO. ;cG)yli;a), i;6'fo, to forbid. F. O-ft), p. nA. xQ?,QrYig^ stellio, a lizard. G. a, 8. ;cco/[£a, vetermis, deep sleep, lethargy. G. TCC, TC. xQ[iYj^ pagus, a street, a village. G. «c, 'I. THE GllKEK TONGUE. 71 Ko^iog, comessatio^ i^ig^''^, revelry, de- bauchery. G. ir, \. xQvog^ cojiiiSy a cone, or conic figure. a. a, 0, TccdvoiLj culex, a gnat. G. 6j?r@', 0. y.anYi^ reiniis, an oar. G. })f, ». ^copvxog, sacciis, a bag, or budget. G. a, 9. xag, vellus^ sheep's skin, fleece. G. as?, Ti. zidtL7y%(d^ garrio^ to prate or prattle. F. Aa, p. Kct. Kid^og^ surdus^ deaf, foolish. A, »^ ev. A. A, in cyphers signifies thirty. Aaag, lapis ^ a stone. G. et«?, 0. Xa^pog, avidus^ greedy, voracious. A. g«t, gov. ?^ayr^vogj lagena^ a bottle, a flaggon. G. «, jj. 7\,(x^vYig^ libidinosus^ lustful. A. ^ »^ sf. 7^ayx'^^^^ sortior^ to obtain by lot. /locyor, ///a, the flanks. G. cvjfj «. 72 THE PRIMITIVES OF Aayaogy lepus^ a hare. G. oUf 6 Xa^o/iiat, capiOy to take, to lay hold of. F. <7CfX!tt Xat/la^', procella^ a storm, a whirlwind. G. ci7r(^f » ?^ai[iog^ guttur, the throat. G. oy, ^aiog, sinister^ on the left side. A. «t, oy ?^axxog^ fossa, a ditch or well, G. s, ;ia^eo, loquor^ to speak. F. «(raj, p. Ket, ?ya^6avcd, capio, to take, to receive. ^a^Ttco, splendeo^ to shine. F. ->!-&', p. &', .p. ?:t, Xff/z6)i'5 pratum-^ a meadow. G. avc?, 0. yletog, Icevis^ smooth. A. tf, cr. PwecTtWj linqiio, to leave. F. 4«» P- I**' ?-£i;^co, lambo, to lick. F |a, p. ;v*- 74 THE PRIMITIVES OF AexcSog, vitellus^ the yolk of an egg, G. !<, Yl. » ^6ii6ogy lembus, a small vessel, a brig. ;i£7tpog, scaber^ rough, leprous. A. 7;fL'9o$5 lecythiis^ an oil cruet or glass. G. «, J?. X>7^a, animus virilis^ courage, presence of mind. g. n-og, t.. THE GREEK TONGUE. 75 Xyi^yi^ sordes ociiloruniy blearedness, or the, running of the eyes. g. «?, >;. ^y:^viazogj lemniscus^ a coloured ribbon. ;i>7^og5 torcular^ a wine press, a hollow in a meatiow. g. oZ, i. T^Yi^oq^ nug(e^ trifling. G. Hy 0. Xta^Qj separo^ to separate, to trouble* F. 7, dolor, grief, vexation. /li;pa, /yr^, a harp or lyre, yli^crcra, rabies^ rage. /li;;^vog, lucerna, a lamp. /'wI;g), soho^ to loose or untie. Xco, iJo/o, to be willing. . ?wco^>7, injuria^ injury, affront. G. «?, «. P.o^ao, respiroj to breathe, to draw breath. F. «5-a', p. )c«, 7 fS THE PRIMITIVES OF M. M, in cyphers is put for forty. Wayyavov^ pr^stigicv^ j^^gg^ing, tricks. poison. G. «, t:. fiayeipog^ coquus^ a cook. G. 8, 0, [layog^ 7nagus^ a sage, a magician. G. if, I, liayvYig^ magnes^ a load stone. G. «T®^, l>. IzaSog, Icevis^ smooth, without hair. A. X, cv. fta^a, libiun^ a cake, pudding, or paste. G. ^r, ^'. [la^og, mamma, the breast. G, eD, 0. ftata, obstetrix^ a midwife. G. a?, ^. iiaivo^zaiy ifisanioj to be mad. F. CV/U'J.l. liazap) beat lis, happy. liaT^aaacd, mollio, to soften. F. fa, p. ;^'^. /tiaJl>75 axilla^ the arm-pit. G. })f, '). ftaXxYj^ frigiiSj cold, numbness through cold. G. n;, i>. IxaXXog, velluSf fleece, wool, long hair. G. oVf »» THE GREEK TONGUE. 79 Ma/log, tener^ tender. A. «, ov. [lafi^a^ avia, a grandmother. p,avSaKYi, corium^ leather, skin. l-iavSpa, caula^ the sheep-fold. G. aej, ». uoLvOavcdy disco, to learn, to study. fiavog, rarus^ rare, thin, wide, loose. A. n, (fV. jiavtig, vateSj a prophet, a soothsayer. G, sac, 0. [.lapaivcoj 7narc€Sce7'efcicio^ to disfigure, to xaQe. F. a.\'u, p. ^xtt, [lapyogy insamis^ mad, foolish, sottish. A. X, ci*. fxap>?, manus^ the hand. G. ;)f, «'. ^lap^iatpcoy rutilo, to shine, to glitter. F. dg,^, p. x:t. liapva^ai^ piigno^ to fight. fxapnto, capio, to take, to catch. F, 4®, p. ?, « liatiqvjfrustra^ in vain. Adv f£a;^;io$, las civics^ lustful, w^anton. jiaxoiiao, piigno^ to fight. Ha^^frustrtti to no purpose, fiao), ciipio^ to desire, to seek. |we/atp6), invideOy to envy. liey ag^ Jiiagnus^ great, big. A. A», ^«. fteSo), impero^ to command, to take care of. f^e^i;, vinum^ wine. G, l/Cf, TO. listSacoj subridco^ to smile, to laugh. F. «5"a>, p. xjt. liuT^LdaGi^ demulceo, to soften, to sweeten. ^eipa^y adolescejts, a young man. G. xo?, 0. fietpco, divido^ to divide, acquire, deprive. F. gw, p. xi?. Adv. F. agao, p. Kit, THE GREEK TONGUE. 81 MeiQv, minor ^ less, inferior. f^e/lag, niger. black. A. itC'Ct, OLV, ^6?.Sa), Uquefacio^ to melt, to make boil. fx£?.eSaLVG), euro, to take care, to desire. fis?,sLy ciine est, to take care, to have at lieart. Imperf. F. iitru. /weXeo;, stiiltiis, foolish, empty ; unhappy. A. it, cv. fieXt, mel, honey. G. TS;, TO. lieXLa^fraxiinis, an ash-tree. {jLeT^Loaa^ apis, a bee. G. nc, ». fteX^G), eiinetor, to delay ; to be about to do. ILB/^og, membrum, a member, v^rse, me- lody. ^ G. ios, TO. us^TtG), eanto^ to sing, to versify. F. -J-O), p. 7^ea, maliis^ an apple-tree. liYlv, mensis^ a month. liYivYi.^ lima.) the moon. ^Yingj ira, rancor, anger. F. a-o/nAi, G. iOC, TO. G. av©*, c. G. fit;, ;>. G. VO?, 0. G. »?, A. G. sa?, «. fxyjvvcyy indicOj to point out, to shew. F. fl-aj p. KH, liYipog^ femur, a thigh. THE GREEK TONGUE. 83 Myjpvoy glotnero, to wind round, to spin. F. c-ft), p. xst. liYjTYi^^ mater, mother. /L^>7T6g, consiliiimi counsel, wisdom. fj.YjXOLvyj, machina^ a machine, art. G. Hf, n'. [MiaivQ, inquino^ to corrupt, to defile. F. 6tva, p. -^x*' [iLyvviity misceo^ to mix. lux^og^ parvus^ little. A. «t, ey. /litXrog, minium., red lead, vermilion. G. Ji, />. lii^soiiat, imitor^ to mimic, to imitate. F. UTOfXAl, (livvog^ parvus^ little, small. [iLcOog, merces^ a reward, pay. G. ey, 0. fticrog, odium, hatred. G. SC?, T«. /[fig-i^^/lG), minutatim seco, to cut into small pieces. F. ha>, p. xsc. (icrog, licium.) the thread of the shuttle. G. y, 0. /[£irpa, mitra, a mitre, a girdle, a belt. G. at?, ;;. livao[iah recordor^ to remember, to men- ^ tlOn. * F. >i7, mold, a mill. G. wf, « fAi;/l/lo$5 curviis, crooked, squinting. G. OV, fivvofiah prcetendo^ to excuse, to pretend, €5 THE PRIMITIVES OF Mi;|oc, miicus^ a snot, G. «?, »* [ivpiog^ injimtus^ innumerable, infinite. A. St, CK. (zvpiiog^ formica^ an ant, or pismire. G. Hy 0. fjivpov, iinguentum^ ointment, perfume. G. Hy TS. /wvprog, myrtus^ the m}a*tle-tree. G. K, ». livpQ^ JiiiOy to flow, to spread. F, ga, p. X5t. ^vg^ mils, a mouse. G. vcs, J. livGog^ sceliis^ crime, wickedness, G. 45?, TQt ILvaaQy tnungo^to snuffjto blow one's nose. F. |a, p. X*' livxog^ penetrale^ a closet, a secret retire- ment. G. ou, «. fti;G), claiido^ to shut ; to be silent. F. (7tf, p. >iK. [iQxog, irrisor^ a scoffer. G. », 0. ^G}?.ogy pugna^ ^g^^^, war, tumult. G. 8, C. fiwXi;^, /zf^d'^, dull, lazy, sottish. G. v(,ii 0. ^Q/iQ'i', vibex, a wale, or mark of a stripe. G. TirGSy 0» licdiiog^ labeSj spot, disgrace, blame. G. a, 0. fzcopogy stultus^ foolish. THE GREEK TONGUE. S7 N, in cyphers signiiies fifty. Na£6>5 incolo^ to inhabit, to flow. vaKog^ velliis^ a fleece. G. M?, no. vavog^ pumiliOi a dwarf. yao$; templum^ a temple, a church. G. OU, fr. vanog, sctltus^ a grove, a forest. G. SJf, TO. raTti^; sinapi^ mustard. G. t/5?, Te. va^dr^^^ ferula^ a rod, a stick. G. ;;K«f, «. vapxYiy torpedo^ cramp fish, numbness. G. flj, >;. i^acrcco, ^quo, to level, to smooth. F. (Tft), p. ;tfl:j a^ai^g, navis^ a ship. G. A©', it. v£§pogj hi?i?uilus^ a fawn. G. fiy, 0. veiocog^ jurgium^ strife, quarrel. G. SOf, TS. L'ep^pog, ino7'tuiiSj dead. A. «e, ov» re^eo'aa), rndig7io)\ to be angry. F. »3-a-, p. X5t. ^^ffio), distribuo. to distribute, to inhabit. F. y.oOf p. iiX3t. G. a, 0. A. at, cv. G. OVf 0. 88 THE PRlMITIVilS OF 'Nevvog^ avimciikis^ an uncle. vEog^ novus^ new, young. veooGog., pnllusy a chicken. vsv^ov, 72erviiSj a nerve, strength. G. Hi TO, vevo^ 71110^ to nod, to promise, to tend. F. era), p, Kat. vE77tto$. infa7is^ an infant ; a fool. G. Hi 0. vYiaog^ itisula^ an island. G. «, j;. -j^j^acra, aiias^ a duck or drake. G. «f, «. i^j^g'fg, jejimiis, fasting. G. ice?, K, ri. vYi^cdy vigilo, to watch, to be sober. F. 4a, p. »«. ^avdog^Jlaviis^ yellow. A. »> 6V. ^svog, hospes, a guest, a stranger. ^Eco, rado^ to shave, to smooth, to polish. ^>7pog5 aridiiS:, dry. A. rt, cv. G. 23;, TO. G. «, Te- A. «, ov. ^t^og, ensis^ a sword. ^uXoi^j ligmim^ wood, ^vi'og, communis^ common. 0. 0, in cyphers passes for seventy. QSeXog^ verih a spit. G. oy, 0, o6*o/log, obolus, a small Athenian coin. G. oy, 0. oyxaoiiah riido^ to bray like an ass. F. a-ofxAi- oyxogy tumor, swelling ; pride ; weight. G. Ht 0: THE GREEK TONGUE. 91 'OSo$, via^ a way or road. G. oy, /J. oSovg, dens^ a tooth, G. CVT©', C. oSi;i')7, dolo?'j pain. G. »?, ^. oSvpoixai^ ploro, to weep, to lament. F. ovy.At- o^og^ ramus, a branch, or knot of a tree, G. a, 0. o?G), oleo^ to smell, ot, /^^^, alas. Interj, otaj, gubernaculum^ the helm. G. etx©', 0. 06^0), aperiOi to open. F. |«, p. X*' otOfG), tumeo> to swell. F, »o-a, p. K*. oi^ug, arumna^ misfortune, misery. G. y®', «. oe;fo$5 domiis^ a house. G. «, 5. oixtog^ rnisericordia, compassion, G. a, 0, oi^yi^ via^ a road, a path. G. «?, «. 061^0$, vinum^ wine. G. «, *c. oto$, solus ^ alone. A. rf, 6V. olog^ qualis^ such as, which sort. A. rt, IV 92 THE PRIMITIVES OF Ofg, ovis^ a sheep, G. tO^, if. m^pogy oestrus^ a dun-fly, or gad-bee. G. a, 0. otrog, calamitas^ misery, death. G. x, 0. oLXoi^oLL^ abeo^ to go, to go away. Qia^ puto^ to think, to suspect. P'. crce, p. x«. Gtoi'ogj a«uf5, a bird ; omen. G. OU, 0. oxXa^G), genujiecto^ to kneel down. F. 5-a, p. xst. o;cvo$, pigritia^ sloth, fear. G. K, 'a. oxpiSag^ pulpitum^ a pulpit, a scaffold. G. etvT@r', 6, 07,6 oc,^ f elicit as ^ happiness, wealth. G. 8, 0. oTi^tyog^ exiguuSj little. A. «, ov. oAtcr^og, lapsus^ a fall. G. ss, a. o^^viiL^ perdo^ to kill, hurt, destroy. o^oXv^Oy iilulo^ to howl, to cry, to weep. oyloTtTTo), decortico^ to peel, to pluck. F. 4^» P- ?^' o^og, fo^z/5, whole, intire. A. », ovt o?,o^vpoiiaLy lamentor, to lament. F. 0Vf4.*l. THE GREEK TONGUE. 93 '0(xa2^og^ pla?ms, plain, even. A. u, cv. o[i6pog, itnber, rain, shower. 6[iy}pog^ obses^ an hostage. G. Hf I. tj^tXog, coetiis. an assembly, multitude. G. 8f, a. ofxtx^yj, nebula^ a mist. G. »?, »", o[ivv[iL^jiiro. to swear. oiiopyvv[iL^ abstergo^ to wipe, to imprint. 6f^o$, similis^ like. A. », cy. o^^a^og^ umbiliciis^ the navel. G. cy, 0. o[i^a^^ uva acerba^ verjuice, G. O-KOii '^■ ofi^yj, vox, voice, divine oracle. G. «f, ;|, wap, souviiwHj a dream. Indecl. oveihog^ probrmn^ reproach, disgrace. G. <0?, TC. ovYiiiL juvo, to help, to blame. ovdog^ stercusy dung. G. tf, 6. ovo[j,a^ iiomen^ a name. G. TCCs TC. ovog^ asiimSj an ass. G. if, c, ;;, 8* 94 THE PRIMITIVES OF Ovv^f unguis^ a nail. G. v^Q^f a- o^vg-, acutiis, sharp, A. ilctf u. ona^Qj sequor^ to follow, to accompany. F. fl-a, p. KO.. OTtYi,^ foramen^ a hole. G. «f, «'. G. iS'o^f «. Adv. onig^ iiltio^ revenge, oTticTo, retro^ behind. oTt^or, arma^ arms. oTtog, succus, juice, humor. \jr. a, TO. G. OUf 0. ontacd^ torreo^ to broil, to roast. F. ilTCtf p. «4fc. o7tto[j,ai, video, to see. F. ■^I'Ojuai, onopcx, autiimmis^ autumn. G. «t?, «. opao), cerno, to see, to consider. F. <7a, p. ;tal. opyavoVf organum^ an organ, instrument. G. Si, TO. opyao), appeto impatienter^ to desire with impatience. f- »2ra,, p. x^. epy>7, fra, anger. G. >)?, »). opeyo^ porrigo^ to stretch out, to present. ©p0og, rectus, strait. A. », ov. THE GREEK TONGUE. 95 30$, diluculum^ day-break. G. a, 0, 6p;fog, jurainentuniy an oath, G. Hi ht opfiaSogy ordo^ order, chain. G. OVy '0. opixYj, impetus, violence, passion. G. Mff ». opiiog^ nionile^ a necklace. G. ») 0. opvLg^ avis, a bird, chicken, fowl. G. /9if, 0, «. opo$, mons. a mountain. G. €0?, T«. opog, terminus^ a limit, end, rule. G. a J 0. oppog, serum lactis, whey. oprv^y cotumix, a quail. opvyfiaSo^y strepituSy a noise. opvaao, fodio^ to dig. op^avog^ orphafius, an orphan. op^vyj, tenebrce, darkness. opx£0[iai. salto^ to dance. opxog hortus, a garden, a row of trees. G. 8, 0, opo), excito, to stir up, to push. F. gft), p. xet. G. OVf *0. G. y^c?, 0. G. otjf 0. G. OU} 0. G. »?, «. 96 THE PRIMITIVES OF 'OcTtog, sanctus^ holy? pure, just, A. ot, c;. ocrog, quantuSi as much. A. «, ov. ocraoc, vox^ the voice. G. «f, 5;. o^sov^ os^ a bone. ogpaxov^ testa, an earthen vessel. G. «, TO. ogpeov, ostreiun^ an oyster. G. «, TS. oa^pacvoiiat, olfacio^ to smell. F. ctvovjuat. oa^vg^ ilia^ the reins. G. yof, ;). oTo^og, strepitiis^ a noise. G. k} Q. orpwco, incito^ to push, to encourage. F. VO), p. KA, ovag^ auris, the ear. G. *T@', ce. oij8a$, soliim^ the ground, the floor. Indecl. ovdoLf^ uber^ a breast, or dug. G. ATC?, TS. ov%og, integer y whole, sound, curled, tender. a. .-, ::, orpa, caiida, a tail. oi;paro$, coeliim, heaven. G. &Cy ii. G. id, 0, ovpov^ iirincii urine. G. K, T9. THE GREEK TONGUE. 97 Oi^pog, ventiis secunchiSy a fciir wind ; a keeper. g. «, 'o, ovrao, viihiero, to wound. F. )i indignor^ to be vexedj or angry. F. /XT*, p. KA. oxSyj, ripa, a bank. G. »?, tf. o;tXei;6)5 moveo^ to move, F. era, p. K*. o;tXo$, turba^ a muhitude ; labour, trouble. G. 5J, 'o. o;^og, curriis^ a chariot. G. js, ; sc?, Tc. (y^i vox^ the voice. G. cTTigy «, o-J/e, .s^ro, late, unseasonably. Adv. (Tii^ov^ opsonium^ victuals ; fish. G. a, Tl. 98 THE PRIxMITIVES OF n. fl, in cyphers, is put for eighty. riat^G), ludo^ to play, to mock. xsais, puer^ a boy, girl, servant, son. G. cTo?, 0, /). ^aco^perciitio, to strike. F. cra>, p. Xifc. cJa;ia6>7, 7nassa Jicuum, a frail for figs or raisins. g. ;,?, ;;. mck^oL^Yi^ palmay the palm of the hand. G. «?, «. «Ja;iei;G), illicio^ to deceive, to intice. . F. (?•&), p. ««.. t3ra;i>7, /wcf(^, vv^restling, fighting. G. «?, «. «5'a;iXa^, juvenis^ a young man. G. aKo?, 0. «ya/lXco, vibro, to dart, to throw, to shake. F. \ce, p. X.*. isannag, pappa, papa, father. G. «, &. ^antacvQy circumspicioy to look about. F. otl», p. Jiat. tarap£6a, ge)ta, a cheek. G. atf, ». «JapOfi^o$, virgo, a virgin. G. 3i, »'. t3?a$, omnis^ all, whole, every. A. «t?-«, otr. THE GREEK TONGUE. 99 Uaaaa^^og, paxilliis^ a stake. G. 8, 0. cyacr(Ta), spar go, to sprinkle. F. a-a>, p. )i«t. X3'acr;^6), patior^ to suffer, to be affected. tyaTaacro), perciitio, to strike with a noise. F. fa, p. ;^«. xyareo), c^/co, to tread upon. F. iia-a, p. xat. ^aryjpy pater, a father. G. «gO?, Tgfiff, 0. ttfai^o. jftnio^ to end, to cease, to cause to cease. f. a-a, «*, xsaxvvi^ pruina, a hoar frost, or rime. G. »?, /). tsaxvg') crassiis, thick, rich, fooUsh. A. s7ct, V. tsao), gusto, to taste, to feed, to possess. zsehvi, peclica^ a fetter. G. «?, >?. tse&Xoi', calceus, a shoe, a sock. G. Hy TO . tseSov, solum^ the ground, land, house. G «, TC ^6^a, planta pedis, tliQ sole of the foot. G. «?, ». tJetOo), Jjersuadeo, to persuade, to encou- rage. F. era, p. K^. ^eiKO^ pecto, to comb, to pluck. F. |«. p. A:*. 100 THE PRIMITIVES OF XieivcL^ fames ^ hunger. G. »f, «. tffapa, conatus^ endeavour, design, trial. G. ct?, ». tsapo, trmisadigo^ to pierce through. F. g^o.-, p. X*. cjf/layog, mrt?T, the sea. G. £055 T9' tSf/lapyos;, ciconia, a stork. G. oy, 0. xse^ag, prope, near. Adv. tseXe^ci^g, securis, a hatchet, or ax. G. €£0?, «, cjeylejiit^o, agito, to shake, to move. F. |», p. ;^rt. 'cse'kua^ plant a pedis ^ the sole of the foot. G. «T0?, TO. ^eXog, niger^ black, brown. A. «, cf. 'SiBkHYi^ pelta^ a dart, a lance. G. «f, «. tjfXop, monstrum^ a monster. G. fflgO?, TO. xseiiTtQ, mitto^ to send. F. 4®* P« ^*' zsefi^L^yJlatus^ a puff, a bubble, drop. G. lyoc, J). «j£i^6fpog, socer, a father-in-law. G. oy, tJnevOog, liictus^ grief, sorrow. G. €(^, TO iSevoiiai, laboro, to work, to do. THE GREEK TONGUE. 101 Hsvte^ quinque^ five. Indecl. iSenspLf piper ^ pepper. G. /O?, £&)?, TO. xssnT^o^^ peplus^ a woman's robe, G. Hi 0, tsentcd, coquo, to boil. F. 4** P- ?*• tSfpa, tiltra^ beyond. Adv. xsepag^jinisj end, or limit. G. TO?, TO . tSfpao), transeOj to pass through, to carry. F. tro), p. KA. tsspdoy vasto, to destroy, to lay waste. F. (Tce, p. xa. tartpt, de^ of, because of, about, for. Prsep. zfEpc^epa^ colimiba^ a pigeon, a dove. G. a?, il «jfp;tog, niger^ black. A. ^ », ov x^iepovYiJibulai a buckle. G. ;)f, « t3^fp7tfpo$, /e"i;25, light, rash. A. a, ov tsspvat^ anno prceterito^ the last year. Adv, tnffCTcrog, calculus^ a man at the game of draughts. o. oS, o. iserao, pando, to open, to extend. F. 0^», p. KSt. tseroixaiy volo^ to fly, to rush upon, to run. . 9 102 THE PRIMITIVES OF ITerpog, saxiim^ a stone, a rock. 'cievxYi^ picea^ the pitch tree, pitch, rosin, G. «?, jj. tSYiyYi.fons^ a fountain. G. »f, ». c3')7)/j^i;6), compingo^ to fasten together, to join. zsYi^QLGi^ salto^ to leap, to spout vip. xi^Ylhog^ remus^ a piece of wood, an oar. G. », «. tSYiT^YlZ, galea^ a hehiiet. G, »KOf, ». tS'/^Sog, liitum^ mud, dirt. G.OU, 0. xSYi^a^ damnum^ loss, damage. G. TO?, TO. cyyyj^og, ^^/a, a web, cloth, thread. G. Hj 0. tSYjpa^peraj a pocket, wallet. G. a;, «. cj>7po$, TiuitUus^ maimed, blind. A. at, cv. ^>7%i'S> cubitus, an elbow, a cubit. G. ««?, a. 'usiha^^fons^ a fountain. G. rtKO?, d. tSLsld) prejiw^ to press, to squeeze. F. a-a, p. K«. t3ft^>7^, Simla ^ an ape. G. >)x©', 0. usSog^ (loliuiu, an hogshead. G. a, c. G. a, TO. A. d., Q\l. A. a, 0. THE GREEK TONGUE. 103 Ilixe^Lov^ biityriim, butter, tSLxpog, amarus, bitter, xSiXog, pileus^ a hat. mfieT^yj^ pinguedo^ fatness. G. T)?, «. mva^^ tabula^ a board, picture, dish. G. dtK'Sflt 0. xTiLvog^ sordes^ dirt, fiUh. G. H, 0. 'ctLVid, bibo, to drink. cytTtro), cadoj to fall. xSLoaa^ pix\ pitch, G. ;<;, i). XoLtv^og. strepitus^ a noise of water. G, a, 0. tjsirvpov^fwfur^ bran. G. a, T3. ti^iirvg, pi?iiiSj a pine tree. G. vic, ;u xsicdv^ pinguis^ fat. G. OV^y 3 Kill «. cyXaytog, obliquus^ oblique, crooked. A. ii, cv. t^/laSov, humor superjiuus^ too much moisture. g. «, -rs. cyXa^G), errare facio^ to cause to stray, to seduce. f. ^.^a), p. ;^,«. xn'^avYi^ error^ straying, error. G. ;. r, >'. 104 THE PRIMITIVES OF n^aa;5-ft', p. K* THE GREEK TONGUE; 105 IlotxtXog, variiis^ various. A. », ev» tsoLfiyjv^ pastor, a shepherd. G. tvcsf 0. xsoLVYi^ podiia^ punishment. G. «f, «. ta^oXe^og, bellum^ war. G. >i, 0. 150/leG), verto. to turn. F. «o-«, p. x.ct. tafo/ltog, caiius^ gi*ey haired. A. rt, ov. tsro^tg, civitaSy a city. G. tac, «. tso9^rog^pids^ pottage, gruel, stewed meat. G. i;, 6. tJo/li;$, multus^ many, frequent. A. riy V. tsovtog^ pontus^ the sea. G. «, 0. tsoTtTtv^oij sibilo^ to whistle. F. era, p, KA. uto^TtYi, Jibula, a buckle, a clasp. G. i»f, «'. tafopTT^g, vituliis^ a calf, a heifer. G. /if, 'o xa/ ». cJop^i;f)a, purpura^ purple. G. fit?, ». cyocTst^cji^, JVepttmus^ Neptune. G. aviC) 0. ^ota^og^ JIuviiis, a river. G. OJ, 0. crorfpog, z^fdT, which of the two ? A. £t, cv. 9* 106 THE PRIMITIVES OF Tlot[iog^ sorSf lot, chance. xsorvLog^ venerafidus^ venerable. A. Af ov. tsovg^ pes^ foot. G. 0(^0?, 0. tspaog, mansuetus^ mild, sweet, affable. A. X, n, ov. tJpamSfg, prcecordia, the stomachy the heart. g. av, *<. xs^aaov^ porriim^ leeks. G. i.', TO. t5'pa(Tcr6)5j^ao5 todo, to act, to practise. cifisiivov^ stipes, the trunk, the root. G. «j TO. fjpcTtG), clecorus siim^ to be neat, decent, proper. f. 4a,, p. <^u., t!Sp£a6vg,senex^Rn old man, an ambassador. G. fOf, 0, tspyiSa^ accenclo, to set fire, to inflame. F. (Tft), p. »«t, ts^YlvYig^ pronus^ prone, precipitate. A. ^ «, «f. ^pta^itat, ^•mo, to buy. ^pivogy ilex J the holm oak. G. », «. tafpto, ^erro, to saw. F. p- ;t*- pf)^;^co, sterto, to snore. . . ^ F. fa, p. x«. pelo^facio^ to do. F. ^«, p. ;ta. 'psiiSo^gyro^ to turn round about, to stray. psTtcj, vergo^ to bend, to incline, to desire. F. '^ce, p. 4<. 'pEcoyJIuo. to flow, to speak, to spread. F. iuira), p. X*. 'priaaQ^frango^ to break, to cleave. F. fa, p. ;^«. ^pLYoq^frigus. cold, hard frost. G. SS?, Tfi. pi^a, radix, a root. G. »f, /}. 'pixvog^ curvus^ crooked, wrinkled. A. », ev, pi', nasus^ a nose. G. /vof, «. pti^>?, /eVwri^, a file. G. Iff, ;. 110 THE PRIMITIVES OF 'Fivog^pellis^ skin. \3. OV, Kj >]. ptor, promontoriuni^ a promontory. G. a, re. 'pcTtroy projicio, to throw down, to pre- cipitcite. F. 4*j p> ?>-• poa, inahis punka. 2i pomegranate tree. G. stj, «, poSov, rosa^ a rose* G. 8, TO, 'jpoOog, strepitus imdarum, the noise of the waves. G. ^, 'o. pot^og, strido?', noise, tumuh. G. js, 0. po^eo, sorbeo^ to swallow up. \vy%oc,-, rostrum^ a bill or beak, muzzle, snout. G. S5?, T5. pi;6/[iog, rythmus^ rime, number* G. oy, 3. p^tog, sordeSj dirt, niggardliness. G. «, 9. 'pro, trahoy to draw, to defend. pcoi'j^UG), corroboro^ to strengthen. THE GREEK TONGUE. Ill S. S, in cyphers, stands for two hundred. SafpG), v€7T0^ to sweep. F. eegfi), p. KA. (Ta/log, salum, the sea. G. Hf 0. caTiTiLy^, tuba, a trumpet, G. tyy®'t «. Cai'tg, asser^ a board, or plank. G. iS'iSf «, crap?, caro, flesh, the body. G. KOi, ». aarroy onero, to load. o'a7$, manifestiis^ clear, manifest, certain. A. 5, >i, 65J. aSevvvcdj extingiio, to extinguish, to stifle. (Tf6*a), veneror^ to venerate, to worship, cetpa, catena^ a chain, a cord, a lock. G. «i?, «. deic;), agito^ to shake, to move. F. a-ce, p. xac. i. (S£[ivog, gravis, grave, holy, venerable. A, «, oy. 112 THE PRIMITIVES OF ^yjxog, stabiiliinh a sheepfold, a temple. G. oy, 0. CYi^ia^ signum^ a sign, standard, colours. G. TOf, TO. ciy^Ttcdf piitrefacio^ to rot. F. 4®j P* *?*• cOevQ, possum, tobe able, to have strength. F. V«e), p. XSt. Cfcoyoi', fnaxilla^ a jaw bone, the jaw. G. ovo?, w. aiaT^ov^ saliva^ spittle. G, Hi TC. ctiyaidy taceo, to be silent. F. ixroii, p. ;t:t. GiSyjpog^ Jerriim^ iron. G. 8, 0. CLxvog, ciicianis^ a cucumber. G. OVy 0. (Smxoc,, injiicunduSy troublesome, cross. A. », 6V. crt^og, simiis^ flat nosed. G. oy, e. crti^G), /^f/o, to hurt. F. vo), p. Xflt. .a), p, xjt. (SxoMtiSi^fodio^ to dig, to make hollow. F. Y<^» P- *• cfxapi^og. peniciUus^ a pencil ; stubble, or straw. G. «, '0. axeSao^ clissipo, to scatter, to spread. F. (TCe, p. H.A, cr;ce?-?uG), exsicco^ to dry up ; to thin. F. hCfOy p. Kit. Cxe^wog, criis^ the leg ; the foot. G. S5?, TO. axsnapvov^ ascia^ a hatchet. G. Si, TO. Cxenro^uat, circumspicio^ to look about, to consider. f. 4:^.*/. axsTto^ tego^ to cover, to skreen. F. -^o), p. e:t. axevog^ vas, a vessel, arms, instrument. O. €JJ, TO, cxYivYi^ scena. a scene, a tent. G. »f, M. cr;5>77tTco, innitor^ to lean upon. F, -Xa, p. <^a.. GxLaj lunbra^ a shade, or shadow. F. a?, ». cxipo;, mannorisfragmentiim^ a bit of mar- ble. ' G. «, 0'. GxoXiog^ tortuosiis^ crooked, winding. A, A, ov. 10 114 THE PRIMITIVES OF 2%o/lo4', palus^ a stake. crxopTit^co, dissipo^ to disperse, to scatter. axopTtiogj scorpius, a scorpion. A. K, 0. cxorog, caligOj darkness. G. «, «. fSKvSalov^ sterciis^ dung, excrement. G «, T0» axvS^atvG}, irascor^ to be angry. F. vie, p. ««• <3';ci;yl>l6), ^^^'xo, to vex, to trouble. F. xto, p. Xrt« (y;tfi;iro$, cw^f5, skin^ leather, whip. G. €0?, Tfi. Cp^u^o^^ scyphuSi a glass or cup* c. «, c. axQ^Yj^) vermis^ a worm* G. XXOf, *0. (y;cG)7t P* 4"*» (T;c6)p, stercus, excremento G. OtTCCj TO. cr^apaj/fG), resono^ to resound, to make a noise. f. «cra, p. «*. cr/xaco^ abstergo, to wipe. F. (ra», p, »«r. aiiYivog, examen apiim) a sv/arra of bees* G. £0f, TO. ciilXyi, scalprum^ a lance « G. >)f, r,. ^iivx to consume. F. |a), p. X*- THE GREEK TONGUE. 115 Xfioxco, mando^ to eat, to revile, to beat. F. ^a', p. x^' Co^eoy abigOj to drive away. F. »(ra, p. Kx, Goog^ salviis^ safe, sound, A. », ev» Go^og^ loculus^ a coffin, a bier. G. CU, 0. ao^og, sapiens^ wise. A. «, cv. cnadyj, rucUcula^ a spattle or spatula. G. Jif, J). anaifQ^ palpitOy to palpitate^ to tremble. F. |6), p. Kit. cnavog^ rarus^ rare, thin, valuable. A, ;>, (,\, cnapaaaQj lacero^ to tear. T, *■», p. p^«. GTtapyavov^ fascicCy child's swaddling cioaths. G. «, Tc, (TTtap/aG), titmeo^ to swell. F. to scatter. F. t^u, p. «af. (Jtisj^Sg), Hbo^ to sacrifice, to make a treaty. )g<5f, 0. 0'7tXa}/;^^'0i^5 viscus, a bowel, compassion. G. a, TO. (j7Z?.riV, splen^ the mih, or spleen. G. JJl'SJ, 0. cyTto^^yog, spongia^ a sponge. G. i^) L OTtohog^ cinis^ ashes* G. oZ, I, crra^Q, ^^i^«7/o, to drop, F. |«, p. ;^^^. Gtafivog^ urna^ an urn, a pot, a pitcher. . G. a, ^ jj. o'Tai;pog5 crz/x, a cross, a gallows. G. OU, 0, cta^ig^ iiva passu, raisins. G. ;«rc?, ii, araxvg, spiccL an ear of corn. G. yo;, 0. crre^w, f^^^^o. to cover, to contain. arsi6cd, calcoy to tread upon. F. 4'*'> P- ?"*■ THE GREEK TONGUE. I17 StELX^. incedo^ to walk leisurely, or in order. f. *«, p. x*. are?.exog, tnmciis^ the trunk of a tree. G. eof, TO. creXXa^ mitto^ to send, to fit out, to stop. F. iKOo, p. HA- ars^Sci^ cahwi?7iorj to slander, to dishonor. arevog^ angiistus^ narrow. A. », ci. arspyoy amo, to love, to embrace. F. |a, p. ;t«. crepeogy solidus, solid, immoveable. A. ety cv» crr£p£6), privo^ to deprive. F. aac, p, KA. CTapi'orj/^d'f^i/^, the lower part of the breast. G. a, T9. crre^G), coronoy to crown, to adorn, to gird. F. ^ao, p. 7X>7, coliimna^ a pillar, or column. G. «?, *f. crr>7pt^6)55^rt^?720,to Strengthen, toestablish. F. |a, p. ;t^:t. cri^G), pungo^ to prick. F. fa, p. ;;^^*. cnT^doyfulgeo^ to shine. F. ^'i'j P- ?*• cr^Eyyig^ strigil^ a curry-comb. G. i^:;, ;), 10* 118 THE PRIMITIVES OF Sroa, porticus^ a porch. G. at?, M. crro^a, 05, the mouth. G. 4tT0f, Ta. arouaxog^ stomachus^ the stomach. G. «, 0. (TTopeco, stemo^ to strew, to make abed. F. sra), p. xrt, ' c^toxoi^ofiac^ collimoj to level, to take aim. F. ao/AUt. atpayyog^ tortuosus, winding, crooked. A. «, cv. crpa/^, gutta^ a drop. G. ^cc, «. CTparog, exercitus, an army, troops. G. oy, 0. arpe^cdy verto^ to turn, to cheat. F. 4*> P- ^*' o'rp)7i^o$y luxus^ luxury, pleasures. G. ««?, TO. crTpo}/)^i;/log^ rotiindus^ round, full. A. «, ov. d't^ovdog^ passer^ a sparrow, an ostrich. G. QVy 0. 7, tumultiis^ tumult, noise, trouble. G. «?, h avpicfCdy sibilo, to whistle, to pipe. F. |a>, p.;^*. cri^pG), traho^ to draw, to clean. F. gas, p. xflt. 7^5 vespct^ a wasp. G. «x^, c. cr^t^yo), stringOj to tie fast, or close. F- l») p- a:*' G. », 0. G, «f, »• G. KVS?, 0, 120 THE PRIMITIVES OF 5oSpog, vehemens, vehement, strong. A. Ay d)), a^payig, sigillmn, a seal. G. tS'®', «. a^pLyao, turgeo^ to swell, to be full, in good plight. F. «£r«, p. Kct. c^v^Q^ salio^ to leap, to jump, to beat, to rise. F. |», p. X*' tf^i;pa, malleus^ a hammer. G. diii a, or;^a/ltg, varus^ a hunter's fork to bear up nets. G. ij'o?, ». cxo^^i^cariJico^Xo scarify, to cut. to loosen. F. era, p. x<*" axs^ov, prope^ near. Adv. o';^erXto$, miser^ wretched, wicked, cruel. A. Cf.y OV. Gxila^Jindo^ to cleave. F. (TW, p. xat. axoivogy jimciis^ a rush, measure, length. G. sj, «. crxo^Vy otium^ leisure, rest, slowness. G. «f, *. cTcoX)7j<', ca72aliSy a canal, a pipe, G. HKO?, 'c, crofta, corpus^ the body. G, *T9f, TO. ccopog, acerviis^ a heap. G. i^i e. THE GREEK TONGUE. 121 T. T, in cyphers, imports three hundred. Ta^avtovy statera, scales, talent. G. Sf, TO. •ra/laG), tolero, to suffer, to endure. F. (TO), p. X«. tafiiag^ promiis^ a bvitler, a steward. G. », 0. Tfaneivog. hiunilis^ humble, despicable. A. «, ov. ra7t'/7$, ^^Z^^^, tapestry, bed, table. G. XT®', 0. rapacrcG), turbo^ to disturb, to trouble, to frighten. f. f^, p. ;t*. toLfSoc,', timor^ fear, dread, amazement. G. S®', Tfl. raf>Lx^g salsaynentum^ pickle, salt flesh or fish. G. «, o; ta^^og. densitas^ thickness. G. SJ?, TO. raaaQ^ordino^to order, to range, to govern. F. |a, p. ;t*. T:'ai;pog, taiiriis, a bull. G. », 9. 'ra;^i;g5 celer, quick, swift. A. it St,, V. reyyo, tingo, to dip, to water, to wet. F '^a>, p. yjt. t£LV(o, extefidoy to stretch, to endeavour, to sing. F. sv», p. «3t. m THE PRIMITIVES OF Tapo), tero, to beat, to wear, to vex. F. igce, p. Kei, tsLxogy miirusj a wall, a rampart. G. eo?, TO, HBxiia^^ finis ^ the end, a sign or token. G. a.t(>Zi '^o- ts%%Oyfacio^ to do, to become, to rise. ftsT^og^Jinisy the end, tribute, magistrate. G. «0f, 70. *t£izvci^ seco, to cut, to cleave, to break. F. (juaif p. x*. t'51'Sg), comedo^ to eat, to gnaw, to be a glutton. •r^pag, sigmimi a sign, a prodigy, a fable. G. ATOS, TO. 'T^psQ, terebro^ to bore through, F. «^«, p. KA. *t£p[ia, terminus^ term, end. G. alTOf, TO. T'fpTtG), delecto^ to delight, to please, to charm. f. 4«,p. «. 'Tfpcrw, arefacio^ to dry, to parch. TTfCTcrapeg, quatuor^ four. A. c* J, at/, gel. TrfrTtS. cicada^ a grashopper. G. /^'Of, 0. tevx^^^^fctbricor, to work in wood, to build. 'Te^pa, a/n'^, ashes. G. m, ». THE GREEK TONGUE. 123 Texvyj, ars. art, address, cunning. G. »?, «. tYiKid^ liquefacio^ to melt, to dry. F. |a, p. ;^5t. Tr>7/l£, prociil^ afar, off. Adv. Tr>7pfa),5^r=yo, to keep, to guard,to imprison. F, /jj-o), p. it*. tyiTaa, privo^ to deprive, to grope. F. US-CD, p, x«t. Trt^otcTGog, ciciir, tame, gentle. A. i W, 07. tiB^HL^pono^ to put, to do, to suppose. nxro^ pario, to bring forth a child. -rtXAcj, «yf//o, to pluck, to bite, to break, to divide. f. xa, p. ^a. TfLvoLcacd^ qiiatio^ to shake, to dart, to break. F. |ft), p. '^^A. TLtavog^ calx^ lime, plaster. G. «, «, TcrOog, mamrna^ the breast. G. cy, ff. rnrpao, terebro^ to pierce, to perforate. TtTpcocrxG), vidnero^ to wound, to pierce. Tt(j, honoro. to honor, to punish, to pay, F. ca, p. x£t. •rot;^og, miinis^ a wall. G. ii, 0. ro/l/ia, audacicif boldness. G. )ff, «.. 124 THE PRIMITIVES OF To^ov, arcus^ a bow. G. «, Te. ^oTtog^ locus i a place. G. a, a. rpayog, hircus^ a he goat, a stink. G. «, 0. rpane^a^ inensa^ a table. G. «?, «. rpavXog^ balbus^ a stammerer, or stutterer. A. «, ov. T'pa;^)7/lo5, collum^ the neck. G. K, 0. rpax^g^ asper, rough. A. ilAf V. rpeig, tres, three. A. 01, KCtt OAf lA, rpsTtG), verto^ to turn, to shake, to overset. rpe^Q, 7nUrio, to nourish. F. -S-gs-^^j P- *?*• 'rpe;^6), curro^ to run. rpfo), tremo^ to tremble, to fear. F. 0-&, p. x:t. Tpt^c), tero, to wear, to beat, to vex, to torment. f. ^o,, p. ©=<. T'pt^G), strido^ to make a noise, to gnash one's teeth. f era,, p. ««. tpvyyi, triticiim^ wheat, v/ine, all fruits of the earth. g. ;»?, «. rpuTtaj^/brama?, ahole. G. »;, »! THE GREEK TONGUE. 125 Tpwo, tero^ to break, to wear, to push, F. croo, p. xa. T'p6>)/G)5 comedo^ to eat, to gnaw. ^vyxoiV(;i^ siim^ to be, to obtain, to happen. Tf^og, callus^ a hard skin, a peg, or pin. G. Si, 0. tviiSog, bustum-, a tomb, a sepulchre. G. Hy I. -rvTiro^ verberOy to beat, to strike. F. -^tJOy p. C*. tv^avvog^ tyramiiis, a tyrant, a king. G. «, 0. rupog, caseus^ cheese. G. sv, 0. ^f^Xog, aeciis^ bUnd ; deaf. g^ A. »j cy. ri;(j!>G), fiimum excito^ to cause a smoke, to set fire. f. %>, p. «*. •rcoOa^G), iiTideo^ to taunt, to mock, to scorn. F. cr®, p. K'A. T. 'T, in cyphers, denotes four hundred. 'Tfa/log, vitriim. glass, crystal. G. ii, a. i^ptg, injuria^ injury, dishonour. G. laSi «• £yt>7g, sanus^ sound, healthy. A, ^ «, rj. 11 126 THE PRIMITIVES OF 'Typogi hiimidus^ wet, moist, slippery, green. a. «, op. i^G), cano^ to sing, to say, to celebrate. F. c-ao, p. xat. iSwp, aqiia^ water. G. ATOf, TO, i9;io$, ?7W^a, trifles, prattling. G. a, 0. vLog^JiliuSi a son, race, ofF-spring. G. OV, 0. iXao), fa^ro, to bark, to bawl, to cry out. F. a-ce, p. KA. iX)7, sylva^ wood, matter, forest. G. «?, «. 'i'^>7i', membrana^2i membrane,a small skin. G. £V5?, 0. vvvog^ equuleiis, a colt, a tit, or little nag. iTtap, 'yf^fo ^^ra, a true or clear vision, or dream. '^«» inded. iJTtfp, super ^ upon, above. Praep. vTtvog^ som?nis, sleep. G. a, 9. vnriog^ siipmus^ lying on one's back, supi..c. A /x, 6v. ig-fpog, posterior^ coming after, posterior. A. a., ov. v^aid; texoy to weave. F. STff, p. KU. vil^og. altitudo^ height ; top. G SCf, TO. vcOfpluOfXo rain. F. o-ft't p. x«. THE GRKEK TONGUE. 127 , in cyphers, stands for five hundred, ^aya, edo, to eat. 4)aa'Q, ///ct'Ojtoshinejto shew, to manifest. F. vai, p. KCL. ^a6og,yj/52/5,brown,dark or grey coloured. A. at, cv. ^axeXXog. fasciculus^ a bundle, a faggot. G. «, 0, ^axog, lenticula^ lentil, a kind of vessel. G. aZi 0. ^aAay?, phalanxy a phalanx. G. ttyycf, ii. ^a?.a}ipog, ccthus. bald. A. fit, OP, ^a^log, splendiclus^ clear, bright, white. A. », ov. 4)apa;/f prcecipituun^ a precipice, a valley. G. 77'(^, «. ^a^xir, ruga^ a wrinkle. G. icTij, ». ^ap^axov, venenum^ poison ; physic, me- dicine. > G. «, Tfl. ^apog, palla^ a kind of gown, or robe, or veil. G. ioc, TO. ^apvy^, giittur^ the throat ; the rough artery. g. vyyost o, «. ^arvYjy prasepe^ a manger. G. «f, w. 128 THE PRIMITIVES OF ^avT^og.pravus^ wicked, base, cheap, tri- lling. A. «, cv.. ^a«, luceo^ to shine ; to say ; to kill. ^E6of.iai,fugio. to run away, to fear. ^eyyogy splendor, brightness? light. fpsLSo[x,ac^ parcOi to spare, to abstain, to pardon. f. g;crc,a*;. cpsT^Xog^ suber^ cork, bark. G. OU, 0. ^eva^^ impostor, a cheat, an impostor, a knave. g. ^Kof, o.- ^Evcd, occido, to kill, to plunder. ^ep§(.}^pasco^ to feed ; to pastii'rc, to main- tain, F. -ice, p. ?Xo$, impostor, a cheat, an impostor. G. «, 0. ^Oavcoyprivvefiio, to prevent, to obtain, to arrive. THE GREEK TONGUE. 129 ^Beyyoiiai, loquor^ to speak, to sound. F. ^o/udt. 4)0fcj, c'orrwm/jo. to corrupt, to dry up,to eat. F. xff-o), p. jt*. ^Bovog^ 171V idia, envy. 4)£aX>7, phiala^ a glass, a vial. G. »?, «; 4)tX6$, carina^ a reed, a flute. G. iwog, amicus, a friend. G. if, 0, ^iT^v^a, tilia^ a linden tree. G. «tf, «. 4)6^0$, cainus, a bridle or bit, a halter, a muzzle. G. od, 0. ^Xa^G), clamito^ to chatter, to stammer, to be angry. f, c-a>, p. x*^ ^Xao) yrrt;2^'o,tobreak,to smash in pieces. F. era, p. X*. 4)/ley6), 2^ro, to burn. F. |«, p. ;t*- ^Xe^^^ vena-> a vein. t<>c?, ». <^Xe(05 miigor. to trifle. ^Xihai^^ putrescoy to rot, to break, to crack. F. era, p. X*. ^%oLog^ cortex^ bark. G. CV, 0. 4)/lot7o?, «. ^op[iogy sporta^ a hand-basket. G. oy, 0. ^opTog, o;?zi5, burthen^ weight, charge, trouble. g. «, a. ^opi;6), pinso^ to bake, to knead, to mix. ^pa^G), dico^ to say, to utter, to clear up. F. O-a, p K*. ^pacrcTG), 5^/^fo, to hedge, to environ, to fortify. F- |«, p. ««*■ ,^a, p. x^. ^vG),gig7io, to beget,to produce, to be born. F. 5-a, p. Kd. 4)cjAeo$, lustrum, a den, a cavern. G. oD, 0. ^cdVYi^ vox^ the voice, tongue, report. G. «f, a^ ^(opjj'iir, a thief, a spy, a large fly. G. §0?, 5. X. X, in cyphers, denotes six hundred. Xa^o, 7'ecedo^ to retire, to deprive, to con- tain. F. P* Xa^ai humi^ on the ground. Adv. ;^apao'crco, imprimo^ to imprint, to stamp, lo carve. f I-^. p- ;3c*- ;^apt$, gratis, grace, favor, love, agreea- bleness. g. m?, ». ;^aT'eG)5 egeoy to want, to desire. F. yfcrce, p. xst. ;^aiJro$, laxus^ loose, spongy, proud. A. «, ov. ;^a;io$- labrum, the lip. G. so?, TO. ;^a^rx, hyems^ winter, a tempest. G, ctrog, TO. ;^etp, manus^ the hand. G. 6/g5?» ». ;^eAtSG)v, hirundo, a swallow. G. oyof, ». THE GREEK TONGUE. 133 Xe?.vg^ testiido^ a tortoise, a harp. X^^^% (Iesertus,dtstn, uncultivated land. X^o, jfunclo, to pour out, to spill, to hold. F a-cc, p KA. Xyi^vitforfex cancronim^ a crab's claws, a hoof, a tooth. g. «?, «. ;^)7i^, ans€)\ a goose. G. I'S?, 5 «, ;^>7po$, viduiis^ deprived, widower. A. it, cy. ;^0f$, /zm, yesterday. Adv. X^^v^ terra, the earth. G. cro?, Ji. ;^tXtot, miUe^ a thousand. G. 5t/, A. X^^og, pabulum^ forage, nourishment. G. oZf Q, ;^tT6)i', tunica^ a tunic, a waistcoat. G. av5?, 'e. ^fcoj^5 ;z/x, snow. G. cvof, ». X^aiva, Itena^ a cloak.an ouUvard garment. G. «f, j>. ;^;ifrj7, r/^i/5, laughter. G. »?, ». ;^^taii'G)5 tcpefacio^ to warm. F. otva, p. K*. ;^/lt6), deliciisfrangQ^ to debauch, to eflFemi- nate. f. ra, p. x«. ;^Xoa, grarnen^ grass. G. itj, h. 134 THE PRTMTTIVES OF . Xi^auQ carpOy to pluck ; to feed greedily. F. 0-6), p X*. ;i^otpog, porcus^ a hog. ;i7 cubitus^ the elbow, the arm. G. «?, «, co|uog, crudus^ raw, cruel, hard hearted. A. », ev. 12 138 THE PRIMITIVES OF flliog^ humerus^ the shoulder. G. », 0. idvso^aiy enio, to buy, to market. F. njr<}«5, JLatonoe ^ Atirot^r^^ Latonius : roZ ^ AfA^cpirp^vaioq^ Am- ■phijtrionis ; '0 ^Af^ir^vmi^y.^y and inserting ec^ '' Au.m But the Ionics change i^v^ii into im ; as K^cvih^^ Kpivim, S>ituYn\\is^ belonging to Saturn, The FEMiNiNEs are in ««, /$, v?;, A? and /f come from the masculines in ^j;^, casting away ^tj; as 'H>i/«4^;j$, son to Sol ; ?/ 'HA.';^^, daugh" ier to Sol : U^txut^Ki^ son of Priam • -J) n^ixyj^^ daughter to Priam. Feminines in v;? come generally frera a genitive in a; TOO 'Ox£etv«, Oceajii ; 5/ 'Q^KUivm^^ the daughter of the Ocean. And if hi happens to be pure, then an £r&>^, Hector; o 'E«ro^fo$, Ilectoreu?, relating to Hector. loi; as TTUTi)^^ father ; o zrotr^aiG^^ paternal; in- stead of which we oftener say ztxt^mo^ in prose. But they are more generally terminated in f/45, or>s«5. g/05 ; as 'A;^/AAei;$, AchiUes ; ' A-^iXXuoc,., Achil- leus, belonging to Achilles. X05 ; « AjjAo?, Delos, an isle in the Archipelago ; Aii>^iocKo<;.) Deliacus, belonging to that isle. Some have both terminations ; as (^ccTiXsv^y a king; o ^xTiXeiixiy and (iocTtXiKO';^ regius and regalis, roj/a/ ; o f^ V ci)i6^6>7rog^ a man ; av^^aTretoi; and ecvl)^6f7nx6<;y "human; instead of which we likewise say >^ v «v^fjAv7|, a Utile cave, from to cr^y,?^xiov, spelunca, a cave or cavern. &>; as jj' Ke^^&f^ vuljjecula, from j/ K£§^u>a}, vulpesj a fox. > Some have an equal number of syllables with their primitives : as in <5 : 93* %«t?r«tfv;?, ancillala, from « ^i^ciTc-cunx, ancilla, a servant maid: K^ijvi^,fonticulus, from jc^;;vjj, fons, « fountain. tc\ : XiOa,l, a pebble^ from o >.i6ocyA<;^vo5^ caliculus, « smoll cup^ from ^, Cupid, or love. icov : fJLu^ia)), a little fool, from c f^u)Po<;, a fool, m : jcAi/Jos, « how^ or branch ; icXot^m^ a small bozo ^ or branch, Feminines ending in MAst: sj ?.o(,(viXXsi, Isenula, a small coat, from ^ y^oilva, a sort of coat, or o-onvi. <5-xj} : jj' fA.Bi^y.y,iTKr), a young girU and in the mascu- line f^-si^ciJciTKo^, a young lad, from o ^ v f^si^a^, ct youth, a boy, or girl : ■srccihc-Kt), a young girl^ from ts-hk;, a boy, or girl. t^vTi : z -ss-oMyjvi, a small town, from y zs-oXk;, a town, or city. ciKiT} : 7} 'is-iSciKVi^, a little barrel, from o ■sriGo';, a barrel. «A<55 or ciAA?5 : ij .xZ^(x.\^ a sea iDolf^ from its voracious- ness. Sometimes those of this termination are diminutives ; as vaTTo^;^ a chicken ; varirx,^, a little chicken. See above. VI. DENOMINATIVES. Denominatives admit of various terminations, where- of the following; are the principal. For the mnsrniineg , HSj oiy.srt}?, vprna, a bond slave^ from o lUMr,^ a house ; o 5?j,M,or>i$, a plebeian^ from 'o (^j?|tto5, the people. OS : 'o TTra^Aioq^ studious^ careful-, from v a-Tra^v;^ care^ application. 'o -zs-ocvToio^^ of every form^ovfashion^Uomro ^-ajv, all. cv^atvioc, heavenly^ from o a^tvoc, heaven. tTTTriKsgy belonging to a horse ^ from o iTTTro^, 'o ^-au-vXoc,^ a great talker^ from ro Tof^ca^ the mouth ; where we find also an &> for an o. 'o KM,p7rsiu.i>q^ fertile^ from o H,cc°7ro<;y fruit. 'o (9jA;j^/vo5, true.^ from 'o y^ jj cc\7}&r,cav^ zciL ling. 'o B'TrinTio';^ daily coming^ never failing^ from'o (Trim^ Khich is to come. THE GREEK TONGUE. 147 EIS : '0 xoc^iii^') pleasant^ agreeable^ from j?" x,^°ii^ grace or favour. eif/M6oeti, sanely^ from -J «,m^^<5?, sand, liN -• ct/j.7ri>avy vinea, a vineyard^ from » ^//.-rixcg^ a vine tree. Likewise ^si^vm, a place planted zcith laiu rel trees^ from «f*?;'«> a laurel tr^e ^ ixxtccvt a place planted Kiih olive irees^ from *» «^ct/st, an olive tree j oivm, a zcine cellar^ from » oivo;, zzine. ft'AHS : KAi » hi^ocS'i,;, stony ^ Of made of stoncs^from Xi6fi(;^ a stone ; « jc^' » T«tga;i^a/;;?, turbulent^ violent^ from M Tii^c;/;?;, « tiunult. AN, in some few ; as st;/;, « companion ; jrav, from whence comes (he vocat. 6J rav, 6 amice, O my friend: /^syi^oc^ very big, a [^iyiT-rj, whence comes megistancs in Latin, the great, the povjerfiil. There are some that take divers terminations; as from i> au.ci9-:c, sand) comes y.cn h Aixaboti-.;^ and utJUfJosK;., sandy . For the Fem ini i iG S. THz : n KXKon-A;, malice^ iniquity, ffoin aaac?, zcick*' ed, 7nalicious; « Tctxv'n:;, siciftness, readiness, from « Tup^v^, sicift, quick. EIA : » iuo-t^nA, piety, from x-'J-i « ivs-iCn;, pious : w eTss-s-cTs/*, lordship, sovereignty, from c^js-totw?, /ore/, master. lA: « £vrv'/,i (A, felicity, good lucJCj, frou^ k^; « sj/t:/- Hereto we may refer those in eix from adjectives in Hi ; as w ivvoi'Xy benevolence, good.zi'ill, from 'a ewn's, zvelLaffected : « J'^ppotA, a looseness^ from ^lapfagy taken from hd^ceu, to Jlozp, to run. 148 THE DERIVATIVES OF t'NH : « ^ix-AiotTUT/n, justice^ from hKato<;, just : « era- (p^aTvv}}^ temperance^ wisdom^ modestij^ from 'o 5, lot, from >^%{iv^ to obtain by lot; % i^'ex, form, idea, from ihiv, to see. And the imparisyllabic neuters in 05 : ro zradog, passion, from zrcikit, to suffer ; ro ^^x^og, sog, loty from the aorist ?^.ce,)^eiv, to acquire by lot. And the adjectives in H2 ; as /^ j/ eXXiTrrj^, x.xi ro eXMTre?, destitute, abandoned, from tXXiTreiv, to fail. From ihe perfect w e may remark ^i^etx.}j, '^^<^- irine, science, instruction, from h^ary.a, ^a>, h^i^x^ecy to teach ; roc^u^fj, trouble, disturbance^ from rx^xrcru, \c>), nrccoxyjx., to trouble ; atpt}, contact, from uTrjei/, -^/Uy v'pit, to touch, instead of which is rather used a,7r}ofMti. From the first aoris t, ^lu., glory, opinion, from ^oyjo), |»5 fi5'a|jt, to believe, to think, to seetn; Btjk^, the- ca, a case, from s^tjkx, the 1st aorist of r;^?;,**/, to put, II. from the passive. T he passive forin s Jhem from the f^rst^ sec^nd^ an(;l third person singular of the preterperfect. From the first person they are formed in MA^ MH, MS, and MQN • so that ftcoatinaes always to be the characteristic. 13 150 THE DERIVATIVES OF Those in MA are neuters and imparisyllabics: to '^^ecyf^oe,^ ccro^, action^ things business,, negotium, from -zreTr^xyftxij I have done j ro cpxc-f^ut^ vision^ from -zs-e^- uTf4.ccif Ait. for ■sre'Pctfi^ixoiiy 1 hax'e appeared ; to eTfwt, a garment, from eJf^cn, taken from ss<>. to cloath, \Yhere it retains the augment; to y,c.^u,^uux.^ purgation^ from aaSxi^of, to cleanse, to purge. Those in MH are parisyllabic feminines: n' oo-f^Tiy Y,^y odour, smell, from o<^a, to smell j v t^nfjuK, memory, from fMcco), fA.suLvvifJLcn, to remind. Likewise ^»jft3j, fama, ^i^n^ • fame, report ; yvaff^v^ sentence, x'^'^f^^^ ^^ opening of the earth; ^tyu.7], a point ; y^cttA.yu)}, a line ; Ttf^jj, honour : from (P'tif/.!, or (pxa, to say ; yvoM, to know / ^xiva^, to gape, to open; s-'^i^6i;, trembling, irepida~ Hon, palpitation ; yj>Xva-fj(j!it;, pollution ; from T^iQa,ieTo, to wear, to break, T£T^ifA.fA.u.t ; 'srx>^a, to dart, to shake, •zs-£'^uXy.xi ; f^oXvvcj, to spoil, to pollute, /^ejiMXvcrjuui. Those in MI2N are either adjectives, or imparisylla- bic substantives ; as from eXeof, to take pity, tiP^sr^uxi, ^^ri Btfii->Bj| Till -...M iXivjfJLuv, merciful ; from y\oa, to know, £y\acry.ui, yiu- jM^v, one that sheweih, or o?ie that learneth. And from these arise the substantives in fjuxrviti', as jAffftoc-^y?;, mercy, charity ; iMiijiu.o(Tvvt), mcmoj^y ; and such like. From the-S£C.ojriuy humeciation ; ^k^xsvm, to dry, e^-^suvTcci, Is^favc-/?, and h^ecTiec, exsiccation. Where, generally speaking, those in 0-/5 are taken in an active sense ; as vy^ccvTii,hu}7tec. tation ; B-s^f^xvTiq, warming: and those in ay., pas- sively; as B-c^y.xTici, heat ; hy^ctTiu,, humiditij. The adjectives in lOS, or IMOS, are formed like the nouns in c-/?, and are generally taken in a passive sense, expressing some sort of aptitude in the subject; as B-xvfJLx^u, to admire, nGccvfA^otTca ; S-ccvu^xtio?, zDonder^ ful: oficia, to see, u^xtxi', o^xs'if/j6g, visible: y^oxoi,ici>, to heati to break ; ;\;j««f«>ir^f , a character, or mark, from ^u^aTo-M^ to im- print, or in grave, THP has an acute on the penultima : Krxiixsii, to ac- quire, to possess; HSKlnrcci, ySl'/iTuo^ possessor. Like- wise fijTA)^, an orator, a rlietorician^ from the unusual verb ^'eMf4.Qeiv&>, to assist; cvu.7ryj^<>j, to plaij to- gether. All these terminations are sometimes found in tlie same root; as from ^i^aya, comes ^orti^, a giver, in THE GREEK TONGUE. 163 Xenophon ; ^ary,^ and ^uru^^ as if they came from (Jo», in Homer, wherein we must conform to custom. III. DIVERS TERMINATIONS THAT BEAR A RELATION TO THE THREE FOREGOING. From these same terminations are derived three sorts of feminines in TPIA, TPIS, and TEIPA : those in TIS come particularly from the masculines in THZ. To the nouns in THS we may refer those in TIKOS, which denote some property or particular virtue ; as KccSoiifii^j, to purge ; o Kcc^uorr.t;^ purgator, a purifier; o y.u,&cieTiy.6<;^ a purgutivc^ or cathartic: ttoism^ facio, to do y -cz-oiy/TiKcgy efficacious f active : coxa^ to see; a oex- TTjc^ a spectator (instead of which we oftener use ^£xrr,{) • e§x7tK0(;y Aristot, that hath the faculty of seeing. From those in THP come the adjectives in TH'ploSj and the substantives in TH'pia, and TH'PION ; as 5-w^&», servo ; o j^, a saviour ; o crtijT>i^toiy salutarij; 5/ cruTij^iit^ safetij^ salvatioti : -zsrou^ to drink; sror;;^, Eurip. and Hesych. a sort of liquid measure ; ra crs- t;;^<6¥, a cup, a glass : au.vvc'jy to repel; cif*.vv7-^^^ he that repclleth; uf^viTr^^to^, purgative, or zchatsoever hath an. expulsive faculty^ or one that repels and revenges an injury. Those in TH'piON denote frequently the place o^ action ; as ivvt^ov, scopse, a broom, from y.o(.>0\\im, to sweep, to clean; G-iifjut^irptv, a sign, or mark, from a-ijuxim, to signify, to gi'oe, to know; KoiroTrlpov, a looking-glass. Sometimes they denote the place, sl^-^u, and ^Xoylr- '§», a ditch, or cavity for burning swine, from evca, and n^Xoyi^a, ustulo, to bum at a slow Jire; -zrciXuts-pu,, a zorestling place, a fencing school. The etymologist writes ^.oZrpov, for a bathing. pi ace, "With a circumflex on the first ; and Xar^ovfor the water ztoherewith oJie bathes, with an acute on the last. Tho&e in TPON denote also sometimes the prize and recompence, hdotcKa^ to teach, ^t^aySlpov, the mas. ter^s pay; c-u^pov, the j)rice of redemption j qv preserxxx- iiojiy from ^ru^cj^ to preserve^ to save. THE GREEK TONGUE. 155 We likewise meet with a B- for a t at the end of some of these nouns ; as uMv^k&^x^ a zcallozcing place; KoXvyJor,6poc^ U pool^ OTfOTld; Koprt^pov^ and crxpeoSpov^ scopaC) a b 7^00171 y from aA.v^fa>, to Kullozc^ or tumble; KoXvfA.Qoici^ to szciniy or bathe; M^ia^ and (rccpou^ to szseep, IT. THREE OTHER TERMINATIONS DERIVED FROM THE SAME PERSON, VIZ. T05, Tfov, AND Tt;?. TOS comes from the same person, and frequently denotes a passive signification : -sroi-^roi;^ factibilis,/eff- sible^ from zyoiecj, to do; ^uiTrsTrlos, hard to boil^ from TsreTrlof, coquo, to boil ; e^scKH^-og^ that mai/ be heard^ or granted^ from uy.6ua^ audio, to hear; S-spxTrevToq^ curabilis, curable^ from BtpcTeva^ to cure ; turU^^ the same, from ttufJLoti^ to cure. Thus Aristotle, 8th Metaph. says, that opccriKo^ is r« ^wocttevov ef«v, zohat has the ponder of seeing ; and on the contrary opxrev^ TO ^vvx/Lcsvov o^ccT&uiy zchot IS viszble. Sometimes they signify duty ; as Aristotle says, that rci KuXx^ good things, are tTrumru, commendable i that is, they are not only usually praised, but more- over ought, and de£2rve lo be praised. Sometimes they are talicn for the participle of the preterperfect, u'/x7rr,r6(;, dilectus, beloved; fxAfxre?, electus, chosen ; from ciyotmaia, to love, iKXsya, to choose. Sometimes they are taken In an active sense: G-vnro^y prudent, intelligent, from ^a, to write a letter; ,ei7ra, linquo, to leave. In like manner f^/Ao/Tros, and l^oXoi- Some are taken in either sense; as vifjma, to cut, riTofA.sc, rcfAJKi, cutting, or rouoq, a part cut off, whence comes the word tome, and ??' rof^tj, sectio, the action of cutting. But they take an u instead of an jj, if there hap- pens to be a ^ before : , to corru/it ; c-Tropevi;, a sozcer, from cTTret^u, to sow. IM02 is passive : (rcro^/fto?, what is commonly sown. Thus ^oKiy^og, considerable, valuable, comes from ^oKta, •videor, / seem ; and ^oKifJUi^, authorized, or apfiroved of, from hxofA.stt, to receive ; u(^£Xiy.o(i, useful, from a^iXiu, to assist. ANON : ra ^octvov, an image, an idol, from |f<«, to carve ; ■zs-<>%-ccvov, a cake, from T^eTrla, to make boil. From x^u, to fiour out, comes ;^ioe«vov, ;^oceyfl$5 and ;t;(>flty^j THE GREEK TONGUE. 159 a tunnel^ or funnel^ and by contraction likewise x^^'<^i^ and x,m7), S : ;;' ^a4, a Jlame^ from 4»A£y&^, to burn ; ^ ^6,%^ a rent, from fy.To-^^, to break ; perfect middle zpp^ycc. *: -a-cteutxco^^ squinUcijedj from Tz-xocc^MTra^ to squint. CHAPTER III. Of Compound Words ^ and particularlij of Nouns. There are compounds of four or five particles to- gether ; B.S o'X(^Tl,,ToroZy, hozcsoever it be ; KxexTrepxvei, to the end that, as. Sometimes we find two nouns joined to a particle • as zruvua^ieg, of little duration, unseasonable; ^vgupiroro- y.Bicc, a fine child, but iiith difficulty brought into the world, or a woman Tvho is delivered of a fine child but has had a very hard labour. But we seldom meet with three nouns iogeiher, in pure authors, though we find such in Lycophron, ^iiTXciicy.rrsc^, built by ci strayed cow ; ^},t. composed of eight and twenty words ; which shews the great fertility of this Ian. guage in the formation of its compounds. 160 THE DERIVATIVES OF But most worthy of our notice, are the nouns com- posed of two words, wherein we are to remark, particu- larly the final of the first word, which may be either a noun, or a verb. I. COMPOUNDS OF TWO NOUNS. There are some, though very few^ compounded of two nominatives ; as NeotTroXi^ Na/iles, from vf^, nezo^ and ^aA,'5, (I city; (rKiccfMcxtocy umbratilis pugna, fencm ing; 'h^cckMvii;, Hercules^ Junonis gloria^ from 'H^««j JimOy and jt^ifo?, glory. Those compounded with the nominative B-toq^ some* times retain 05 ; as QeoT^orei, a Dea datus, givcfi hy God.^ Arist. Qeoa-s^Spioti hatred tozzards God^ Aristoph. and sometimes they lose ; as ^eT7rei6j5, Att. y£»5, vf»eroeoT6Kci 'j Xxf4.7Fciacip^opcct?[Xo(s, Upum roXstoq, &C. Some have also an / inserted after o : o^oixopoq, a traveller, u^oiruTre^^ a plowman. Some even assume ut : f^sruiToXiog, half grey ; ccKm ^cctipvTiq, pure, sincere, glittering, for uK§oq; Ka-uiofJaf visceratic, distribution, and division of Jlesh. 14 162 THE DERIVATIVES OF The compounds of yctia^ the earthy change often- times (Ai into s in the first syllable, and oc into a in the second : yeu^h^vii^ a geometrician ; yeas^yog^ yea^m yo5, a tiller of the earth; ysaXo^po^y a hill. Neverthe- less we read yeito^or^iy a bestower^ or distributer of land. And those which put the other word before, are generally terminated in f<05 : izeXxvoyeioi^^ black soil} eTTtyeiog^ terrestrial^ or creeping on the ground. Sometimes the first word is contracted : QeoKv^i^ijiy ©s«f<^'^>555 Thucydides; Qso^oo-;oi;, Qa^oTtog, Theodosius; vso/icevicc^ va^ivioc.) neomenia, the nezo moon. When the second word begins with an f, the Attics contract it into a : AvKos^ycg^ AvKousycg, Lj/curgus; svvos^cg^ vjuv^fii-) eunuch^ one that takes care of the bed. And others admit of other contractions, which agree with the general analogy. Those from 'oiJi.ov^ simul, are not contracted : o/u.o£$. VSJ55 of the same nation or family^ and not oVj^^vj??. We likewise say oe,vrotr?,g^ of the same year ^ one year old. The compounds of ycaXXog^ and cto^^og^ change « into i : KoiXXiy.oLxog') Callimachus; cio)ciriKruv^ architect.. Some are formed from the dative, x^^^'^^^^^^j ^ man full of gesture^ a dancer; o^aetvXogy a mountaineer; c^etx^cXKoi;, brass, copper. When two consonants fol- low, the e of the diphthong « is cast away: o^irpo^pog, flourished in the mountains; ey^iKrvTrcgy one that makes a noise with his pike. Others are formed from the dative plural : oe£Tir§o(peg, an highlander ; vnviT-iTro^eg, navigable. f^ome from the accusative : viivsx,^,g, prudent^ compos mentis ; uv^^catto^cv^ a slave. THE GREEK TONGUE. 163 Several are formed from the nominative, or accusa- tive neuter: fjutyuBvfJuxi^ generous^ courageous; rjve7r>iq, sweetUongued^ one that talks agreeably; o\ofA.'j.y,Xvr6c^ famous; ^aripo^o^, Lucifer, the morning star. We find one from the accusative plural of urvj^ loss, or damage, viz. etToa, whence is formed etrar^^Ao?, un- just, wicked. II. WORDS COMPOUNDED WITH A. VERB AND A NOUN. Nouns compounded with verbs, are derived either from the present, or from the aorist, or from the future. When they come from the present, generally speak- ing, the first part of the compound ends in s: (^s^u^ fero, to carry; tpiPaiK/>i, victorious; i^svu, raaneo, to remain, to wait; MenXsco^, the supporter of the people. Some take / : re^Trco, to delight, to please; rs^7riy,£~ ^xvvoq, who takes delight in darting thunderbolts; Xa>^, iaxo, 7c; slack, or loose; p^x^^icp^av, a dissolute and loose person, a fool. Some others o : Xtma, llnquo, to leave, XcrorccKrr,!;, a deserter, one that deserts from the army ; xhtto. ■^vyjx., animi de^iquium, swooning, or fainting away. Sometimes they are syncopated ; f^-aim, to spoil, to waste; fi,ixi0ovoi, bloody, cruel. Some have a t inserted, to prevent the concourse of several short syllables : (pe§Ba-^toi,fruitful, that affords wherewithal to live. Some form a diphthong: rxXoM, to dare, to under- take, to endure; TxXxi7ra^/>i, miserable. Those of the second aorist follow the same analogy, taking sometimes e : s^xkcv, I have bit; ^xKeSvic^^, biting^ 1G4 THE DERIVATIVES OF satyrical: and sometimes i : sXvMv, I have been hid; Ax6cAvcii,'srs))rccerrji, five years old, that lasts free i/ears, and that happen, eth every fifth year, 'E|, sex, six, admits also of an u, : e^ocK}\tvo)i, that hath six beds; £|5«£rjj?, and s^err,^, that has six years. From oKTu, octo, eight, we form oKreoTn^ig, and oftener ox.TK7rii<;, of eight feet. We say eixocri^cchov, and eiKiTd^-cJiov, of twe7ity furlongs. From 'Ekxtov, a hundred, comes eKXTovrx^p^eg^ acen- turion, a captaifi of a hundred men; iy.xTovrxyji^, one that has a hundred hands, yEol. tKccroyy^uo. We read also f^v^iovrx^x'^i, iEschyl. 07ie that commands a thousand soldiers, a colonel. T^ixKovrx, and others of the like sort, joined to eVocj a year, are contracted in 4^, Att. T^tccKovrxemg, -kovth- Ti}g, thirty years old; rsT^niKcnuTy.i^ forty years old, kc. m- OP THE FORGE OF PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOSITIOX. RULE I. OF INSEPARABLE PREPOSITIONS. 1. The following eight, apt, fpt, /Ja, 5a, ^a, /la, ^t. /^pt, r/rd* augmentative in composition, 2. Afg, denotes difficulty or trouble : 3 . Ne a/zr/ i^?? express privation : 4. j5?^f r>7 sometimes augmejits : 5. A signifies privation^ collection^ and increase of force. RULE IL THE FORCE OF SEPARABLE PREPOSITIONS IN COM- POSJTION. 1. These five^ ^cara, aTto, a-vrt, Sta, ta'apa, either augment^ or change the signification of the simple : 2. These five^ ag, , to unlearn. ATA, iicLyi\u>i to laugh at : ^I'XTTig-u), to disbclie've. KATA, KctTurBice, to devour : xstTct^j^ovsa), to despise. riAPA, twa^m^aKKouytothroiv fo-Agitvoy.cCf a la'W'breaier. a great ivay : 2. There are five which only augment the signifi- cation. 'EIS, £<5"ct5c«