UC-NRLF $B 3Db fiOfi TEMAS ESPANOLES CRAWFORD GIFT or PBblisher TEMAS ESPANOLES By J. P. WICKERSHAM CRAWFORD, Ph.D. Professor of Romanic Languages in the University of Pennsylvania NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1922 «r^ HO Copyright, 1922, BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY December, i<)24 ^1 PRINTED IN THE U. S. A. PREFACE This little book is designed to furnish material in Spanish composition and conversation to second-year classes. The subjects treated in the twenty-eight les- sons are, to some degree, the same as those included in my "Spanish Composition," published some years ago, but the texts are sufficiently dissimilar for the two books to be used to advantage in alternating years in the same school. Each of the first twenty lessons is divided into five parts. In the first part, the fundamental principles of granmiar are studied systematically, and the grammati cal rules are stated, briefly and simply, in Spanish. Opinions may differ as to the advisability of introducing a considerable amount of Spanish grammatical ter- minology in the elementary course, but it seems rea- sonable that when the grammar is reviewed, students should at least be required to read the rules in Spanish. Whether any further use will be made of this material in the classroom will depend upon the judgment of the teacher. The Spanish exercises deal with interesting features of Spanish life, and the dialogue form is used in order to reproduce the colloquial language and to afford abundant practice in conversation. The Spanish exer- cises, Ejercicios orales, Cuestionarios and Temas are all developed with the idea of emphasizing and illustrating ill 5729 Ji; IV PREFACE the grammatical principles and idioms of the lesson. Many of the devices of the Direct Method have been utilized in order to facilitate grammatical drill without the use of English. The Verb Appendix permits of a review of the irregular verbs contained in the lessons without reference to another textbook. It gives me pleasure gratefully to acknowledge my indebtedness to my good friend and colleague, Pro- fessor Miguel Romera-Navarro, for his valuable advice and criticism in the preparation of this book. J. P. W. C. INDICE CHAPTER PAGE I. Construccion de los pronombres personales complementos. Conjugacion de los verbos que cambian la vocal de la radi- cal. Modismos. Verbos irregulares. Preparativos para el Viaje I II. Niimeros cardinales de irno a ciento. Frases para indicar la hora. Los verbos ser y estar. Traduccion de la palabra inglesa please, seguida de un verbo. Verbos que terminan en -gar. Verbos que terminan en -iar. Verbos irregulares. Preparativos para el Vla.je (conclusion) 6 III. Pronombres personales complementos. Verbo reflexivo en lugar de la voz pasiva. Estar para. El verbo poner. La Salida II rV. Subjuntivo en clausulas substantivas. Con- cordancia de los tiempos en el subjuntivo. Modismos. La Despedida i6 V. Construccion de dos pronombres personales complementos. Futuro y condicional de probabilidad. Modismos. Verbo querer. En la Aduana 21 Vi INDICE CHAPTER PAGE VI. Subjuntivo en clausulas substantivas. Ora- ciones exclamatorias. Adjetivos posesi- vos. Al con el infinitivo. Verbos que terminan en -car. Modismos. Llegada a Madrid 26 VII. Subjuntivo en clausulas substantivas. La . preposicion a para indicar el regimen directo. Modismos. Verbos con la ter- minacion -cer precedida de una vocal. En UN TAxiaiETRO 31 VIII. Subjuntivo en clausulas substantivas. Tra- duccion de las palabras inglesas ago y since. Uso idiomatico del verbo hacer. Modismos. Verbo oir. La Casa de Huespedes 36 IX. Pronombres posesivos. Articulo deter- minado en lugar de adjetivo posesivo. Construccion de los pronombres re- flexivos complementos. Conjugacion de los verbos que terminan en -zar. Modismos. La Habitacion 41 X. Subjuntivo en clausulas substantivas. Than delante de los numerales. Verbos idiomaticos. Modismos. Un Paseo 46 XI. Subjuntivo en clausulas substantivas. Verbo idiomatico gustar. Traduccion de la palabra very. Modismos. Un Almuerzo 51 fj«)iCE vii CHAPTER PAGE XII. Subjuntivo con verbos impersonales que indican necesidad. Uso de la preposi- cion por. Verbo caer. El Museo del Prado 56 XIII. Oraciones condicionales de negacion im- plicita. Articulo determinado em- pleado como pronombre demostrativo. Dativo de interes. Modismos. Verbo jugar. En UN Cafe 61 XIV. Oraciones comparativas. Forma nega- tiva detras de una comparacion. Sub- juntivo en clausulas adverbiales. Mo- dismo. En UN Teatro 66 XV. Subjuntivo en clausulas adverbiales. Uso del infinitivo con los verbos ver y oir. Conjugaci6n de los verbos que ter- minan en -uir. En UN Teatro del Genero Cmco . . 70 XVI. Verbos hacer y mandar con el infinitivo. Usos de la preposicion para. Modismos. De Compras 75 XVII. Verbos impersonales. Racer empleado impersonalmente. Deber de. Modis- mos. ElTiempo 79 XVIII. El gerundio. Agradecer. Verbos que terminan en -uar. Modismos. Verbos Vlll INDICE .CHAPTER PAGE con la terminacion -cer precedida de una consonante. Los Deportes 83 XIX. Algunos pronombres y adjetivos inde- terminados. Subjuntivo en clausulas adjetivas. Verbos que terminan en -ducir. En una Libreria 88 XX. Subjuntivo en clausulas adverbiales. Modismos. Ensenanza 93 XXI. Una Carta 97 XXII. La ViDA Universitaria 100 XXIII. NOTICIAS DEL DiA IO3 XXIV. Una Leccion de Espanol io6 XXV. Una Leccion de Espanol (conclu- sion) 109 XXVI. Una Carta DE Granada 112 XXVII. Una Carta DE Sevilla 115 XXVIII. Cervantes Y Don Qui jOTE .... 118 Apendice de Verbos 121 Vocabulario Espanol-Ingles ... 143 Vocabulario Ingles-Espanol ... 183 TEMAS ESPANOLES ■ LECCION PRIMERA 1. REPASO DE GRAMATICA 1. Construcci6n de los pronombres personales com- plementos. (a) Lo tengo, I have it. iLo tiene Vd.? Have you it? No se levante Vd., Don't get up. Wo nos levantemos. Let us not get up. (b) No puedo hacerlo, 1 _ , , -^ ' , ^ ^ > I cannot do it. No lo puedo hacer, I Estoy afeitandome, 1 , , . ,, , , ' > I am shaving. Me estoy afeitando, j (c) Lev&ntese Vd., Get up. Levantemonos,! Let us get up. Los pronombres personales complementos siguen al verbo en la forma alirmativa del imperativo y se escriben como si formaran una sola palabra con el verbo (c). Siguen tambien al verbo en el infinitivo y en el gerundio, pero cuando el verbo se emplea con verbo auxiliar, pueden preceder al verbo auxiliar (b). En los demas casos, los pronombres personales com- plementos preceden al verbo (a). 2. Conjugacion de los verbos que cambian la vocal de la radical. Vease^ la conjugacion en el indicativo de 2 , . , 1 EMAS ESPANOLES los verbos extender (ijd), encontrar {ij6), preferir {143): donnir, {1^3} y.vejstir {145).^ 3. El modismo tener que. Tengo que hacerlo, I have to do it. Tener que con el infinitive significa necesidad, 4. Modismos con el verbo tener. Tener suefio, To be sleepy. Tener raz6n, To be right. 5. Verbos irregulares. Hacer {155), tener (160) y ir (166), ver {171). i En la forma afirmativa del imperativo, se suprimc la ts final de la primera persona plural delante del encKtico nos. * La forma reflexiva del presente de subjuntivo se emplea a veces para indicar mandato. 8 Los verbos que sufren estos cambios se indicaran en el vocabu- lario del modo siguiente: entender (ie), dormir (ue), vestir (i), etc. 2. PREPARATIVOS PARA EL VIAJE — jLevantese Vd., dormilon! ^Ha olvidado Vd. que hoy partimos para Espaiia? — Es verdad, pero como anoche nos acostamos tan tarde, tengo todavia suefio. Quisiera dormir un rato mas. — Pues, no puede ser. Es muy tarde. — Pero, ^no ha hecho Vd. ya todos sus preparativos para el viaje? — No, seiior; todos no. Mi haul estd roto. Tengo que comprarme otro esta manana. — En ese caso, me h van tare en seguida. Ya estoy levantado. Despues de baiiarme, me vestire lo mas aprisa posible. — iQue busca Vd.? — Busco la navaja de afeitar. ^La ha visto Vd.? — Alii esta sobre el tocador. — Es verdad. No encuentro el jabon. Omftase. ' Verbo transitivo. 26 TEMAS ESPANOLES LECCION SEXTA 26. REPASO DE GRAMATICA 1. Subjuntivo en cldusulas substantivas. Creo que . . . (con el indicativo). No creo que . . . (con el subjuntivo). iCree Vd. que . . .? (con el indicativo o subjuntivo). iNo cree Vd. que . . . ? (con el indicativo). Se emplea el subjuntivo en una clausula dependiente cuando la proposicion dominante pone en duda la ver- dad de una afirmacion, y las dos clausulas no tienen el mismo sujeto. 2, Oraciones exclamatorias. ICuanto ruido hay! How much noise there is! ICuintos hayl How many there are! ICuanto me alegrol How glad I am! I Que bonita es! How pretty she is! IQu6 pals! What a country! I Que muchacha mis 1 , ... -.^n, . .. . ,, ^ } bonita I What a pretty girl! I Que muchacha tan J Cufinto, -a, se emplea como adjetivo o pronombre para traducir hoWj how mtich, how many, delante de substantivos o verbos. Con adverbios, y delante de adjetivos empleados sin substantivo, how se tra- duce generalmente por que. La frase inglesa what a en oraciones exclamatorias se traduce generalmente por qu6 sin el articulo indeterminado. Cuando el subs- tantivo de una oracion exclamatoria introducida por TEMAS ESPANOLES 29 29. CUESTIONARIO I. lA quien escribio Vd. antes de salir de Paris? 2. iCreia Vd. que el vendna a recibirle? {Coniestese negativamente.) 3. iSe alegro Vd. de verle en la esta- cion? 4. iQue tal viaje hizo Vd.? 5. ^A quien dio Vd. el talon? 6. ^Cuando le entregaron a Vd. el talon? 7. /.)• Para dar mayor claridad, se emplean a veces las for- mas siguientes en lugar de el suyo, la suya, etc. el de el (la de el, los de el, las de el), his {or its, m.). el de ella (la de ella, los de ella, las de ella), hers {or its, /.). el de Vd. (la de Vd., los de Vd., las de Vd.), yours {sing.). «1 de ellos (la de ellos, los de ellos, las de ellos), theirs {m.). el de ellas (la de ellas, los de ellas, las de ellas), theirs (/.). el de Yds. (la de Yds., los de Yds., las de Yds.), yours {pL). El articulo determinado puede omitirse cuando los pronombres se emplean en forma predicada, a menos que se haga una distincion enfatica de posesion. 2. Articulo determinado en lugar de adjetivo pose- sivo. Me lavo las manos, I wash my hands. Me pongo el sombrero, I put on my hat. Algunos verbos requieren el articulo determinado en lugar del adjetivo posesivo cuando tienen un comple- ment© substantivo que se refiera a alguna parte del cuerpo o a alguna prenda de vestir. En este caso, se pone generalmente en el regimen indirect© el substan- tivo o el pronombre que indique la persona. 42 TEMAS ESPANOLES 3. Construcci6n de los pronombres reflexivos com- plementos. Me las lave, I washed them. Me lo puse, I put it on. El pronombre reflexive complemento siempre precede a otro pronombre personal complemento. 4. Conjugacion de los verbos que terminan en -zar {129). 6. Modismos. Ponerse, To put on. Acordarse de algo, To remember something. 42. LA HABITACION — A ver que muebles tenemos; dos camas, una mesa, tm escritorio; un tocador, un lavabo, una comoda, un armario, tres siUas y un sillon. Desde el balcon se puede ver la Puerta del Sol. jQue altos estamos! iQue piso es este? — Este es el tercer piso. — jNo diga Vd. disparates! — ^No se acuerda Vd. de que en Espana los dos pisos mas bajos se llaman piso bajo y piso prin- cipal, y que por esto es preciso subir dos pisos antes de llegar al primero? — jQue cosa mas raral Empecemos a sacar nuestra ropa de los baules. Voy a p>oner mis cuellos, punos, corbatas y panuelos en este cajon, y en otro las camisas, calce tines y ropa interior. iDt quien son estos cuellos? — Creo que son los de Vd. — Si, seiior; esos son los mios. — Estos pantalones de franela blanca son de Vd. tambi6n. — Voy a colgarlos en el armario con mi traje de sarga azul. Aquella americana encima de la cama es la de Vd. y esta es la mia. He TEMAS ESPANOLES 43 colocado en el tocador mi cepillo de cabeza, peine, cepillo de dientes, cepillo de ropa y jab6n. Alli hay un estante para mis libros. Pondre el papel de cartas, sobres, plmnas, lapices y papel secante en un cajon de aquel escritorio. Ya tenemos todo arreglado. Hay agua caliente en ese jarro. Quisiera lavarme la cara y las manos antes de salir. — iQue pasa? — Me he lavado las manos y no tengo con que secarmelas. {Llama a la criada.) Traiganos algunas toallas. — ^Esta Vd. listo? — Si, senor. Vamonos. 43. EJERCICIO ORAL A. Traduzcanse las palabras en letra cursiva. i. Mi cuello y his, yours (sing.). 2. Mi habitacion y his, hers, yours {sing.), theirs. 3. Estos panuelos son mine; no son his, hers, yours {sing.), theirs. B. Conjuguense en el preserUe de indicativo. i. Me lavo las manos. 2. Voy a lavarme las manos. 3. Des- pues de lavarme las manos, me las seco. C. Ndmhrese: i. Algunos muebles de un cuarto. 2. Algunos articulos de tocador. 3. Algunos articulos de escribir. 4. Algunas prendas de vestir. D. Conjuguese el verba empezar en el tiempo pre^ terito de indicativo, 44. CUESTIONARIO I. ^De quien es este libro? 2. ^De quien es ese? 3. or de delante de los numerales. 3. Verbos idiomiticos. Me queda un duro, I have a dollar left. Le quedan dos duros, He has two dollars left. Algunos verbos empleados en la tercera persona tra- ducen el sujeto ingles por el regimen indirecto. En estos casos, el regimen directo del verbo ingles se transforma en sujeto del verbo espanol. TEMAS ESPANOLES 47 4. Modismos. Dar, To strike {of timepiece). Servir de. To serve as. Estar de vuelta. To be back. 47. UN PASEO — ^A donde quieren Vds. ir? — Nos es indiferente. No podemos ir muy lejos porque la senora Garcia nos pidio que estuvieramos de vuelta a la una a mas tardar. — Bueno. Primero, echemos una mirada a la Puerta del Sol, la plaza mas importante y el centro de la vida de la ciudad. Es hermosa, pero es sobre todo interesante por su animacion y por la gran variedad de tipos sociales que ofrece. Aqui se puede estudiar muy bien la vida madrilena. Alii esta un vendedor de periodicos. Deme El Sol. — Tomelo Vd. Es el ultimo que me queda. — ^Se publican muchos periodicos en Madrid? — Si, senor. En primer lugar, hay muchos diarios, que se publican por la manana y por la noche. Ademas, hay algunos semanarios ilustrados, como La Esfera y el Nuevo Mufido, que traen buenos dibujos y fotografias. — Despues de atravesar la Puerta del Sol, iremos por la Calle de Alcala. Aunque ha habido mejoras notables en toda.la ciudad, esta parte se ha transformado casi por completo. Madrid ya tiene una poblacion de mas de un millon de habitantes. — Vds. tienen derecho a estar ufanos de calles tan hermosas y de edificios tan sober- bios. Digame Vd. ^quien es aquel hombre que acaba de pasar con pantalon cenido, chaqueta corta y una trenza de pelo que le asoma por debajo del sombrero? — Es un 48 TEMAS ESPANOLES torero. Les invito a Vds. a ver alguna corrida conmigo. — Muchas gracias. Es Vd. muy amable. La una ha dado. Es la hora del almuerzo y tenemos que volver a casa. — Esta tarde iremos a visitar el Museo del Prado si Vds. quieren. — No podemos consentir en que Vd. se moleste tanto por nosotros. — Les aseguro que no es molestia. Esta tarde estoy completamente libre y tendre mucho gusto en servirles de guia. — Pues en- tonces, aceptamos con gran placer. Conque, adios. — Hasta luego. 48. EJERCICIO ORAL A. Suhstituyanse los infinitivos de letra cursiva por la forma que pide el sentido. i. Pidale que abrir la puerta. 2. Me pide que contestar en espaiiol. 3. Les pido que hablar despacio. 4. Le pedi que venir a las tres. 5. Les pedi que ir a la estacion. 6. No consiento en que Vd. leer ese libro. 7. No consintio en que yo salir. B. Conjtlguense en el presente de indicativo. i. Me queda uno. 2. Me es indiferente. 49. CUESTIONARIO I. Pidale Vd. a su compaiiero que abra la puerta. ^Que le pidio Vd. que hiciera? 2. Pidale Vd. a su com- paiiero que se levante. iQvLt le pidio Vd. que hiciera? 3. Digale Vd. a su companero que no se moleste. 4. ^Consiento yo en que Vd. me con teste en ingles? 5. ^Estudia Vd. mas de dos horas cada noche? 6. ^Cuan- tos duros le quedan a Vd.? 7. iQue hora ha dado? TEMAS ESPANOLES 49 8. lA que hora estara Vd. de vuelta? 9. lA que hora tiene Vd. que volver a casa? 60. TEMA A. I.I asked him to return before six o'clock. 2. Ask him to buy a newspaper. 3. He asked me to be back at half past four. 4. They asked us to give them some- thing. 5. I cannot consent that you pay. 6. More than ten newspapers are published in this city. 7. Eight o'clock has struck. It is breakfast time. 8. He served us as guide. 9. Don't trouble yourself. 10. I have ten pesetas left. A WALK ABOUT 1 MADRID B. I. Where have you been? You said that you would be back at half past eleven, and twelve o'clock has just struck. 2. It is luncheon time and I asked you to return early. 3. I took a walk about the city, and I did not believe that it was so late. 4. Where did you go? Did you see many interesting buildings? 5. I have seen only the Puerta del Sol and a part of the Calle de Alcala. 6. The Spaniards have a right to be proud of their beautiful capital. 7. The city has a population of more than a million inhabitants and the improvements that have been made ^ are noteworthy. 8. Although Madrid is a modem city with beautiful streets and magnificent buildings, the picturesque element has not been lost ^ completely. 9. Mr. Suarez served me as guide and showed me many interesting things. 10. He 50 TEMAS ESPANOLES has invited us to visit the Prado Museum this after- noon. II. I did not wish him to trouble himself for us, but he said that he was not busy. 12. What have you there? It is the New World, an^ illustrated weekly. 13. See this photograph of a bull fighter with his tight- fitting trousers, short jacket and a braid of hair that peeps out from underneath his hat. 14. Mr. Suarez also has invited us to see a bull fight. 15. I am very eager to see it. * por. ' Verbo reflexive. ' Omftase. TEMAS ESPANOLES 5 1 lecciOn once 51. REPASO DE GRAMATICA 1. Subjuntivo en cldusulas substantivas. No le permito f umar (no p«rmito que el fume) , I do not allow him to smoke. No permito que Eduardo lo haga, I do not allow Edward to do it. Con los verbos que expresan permiso, prohibicidn o consejo, el verbo dependiente se pone en el infinitivo o en el subjuntivo. La primera construccion se emplea con mas frecuencia cuando el sujeto de un verbo posi- tivo dependiente es un pronombre personal. La segunda se emplea cuando el verbo dependiente es negativo o cuando su sujeto es un substantive. 2. Verbo idiomdtico gustar, (Vease leccion decima 46,3-) Me gusta, I like it. Me gustan, I Like them. Le gusta a el viajar, He likes to travel. 3. Traduccion de la palabra very. Cuando la palabra very se refiere a un substantivo en espanol, como por ejemplo, hambre, apetito, sed, priga, frio, etc., se tra- duce por mucho o mucha segun el genero del substan- tivo. 4. Modismos. Hacer esperar a alguien, To keep some one waiting. Hacerse entender, To make one's self understood. 52 TEMAS ESPANOLES Hacer una pregunta, To ask a question. Saber al dedillo, To have on the tip of one's tongue. 5. Verbos que terminan en -ger y -gir (iji), 6. Verbo irregular saber (ijp). 62. UN ALMUERZO — Buenas tardes, senora. Sentimos mucho haberles heclio esperar. — Nada, senores. No es muy tarda. Vamos al comedor. El almuerzo esta en la mesa. ^Tienen Vds. apetito? — Si, senora; mucho. Tomamos el desayuno muy temprano esta maiiana. — Permi- tanme presentar a Vds. mi hija Dolores y mi hijo An- tonio. — Mucho gusto en conocer a Vds. — Sientense. ^Quiere Vd. una tortilla o huevos fritos? — Yo prefiero una tortilla. — Y ^Vd.? — A mi me gustan mas los huevos fritos. (A la criada.) Haga el favor de traerme un cuchillo, un tenedor y una cucharilla. — iQuiere Vd. came o pescado? — Prefiero la came. — iQuiere Vd. un trocito de rosbif ? — Con mucho gusto. — iAlgo mas de pescado? — Es riquisimo, pero no quiero mas. — iQu6 legumbres le gustan a Vd.? — Me gustan casi todas: esparragos, patatas, ceboUas, guisantes y habi- chuelas. Espaiia produce muchas frutas, dno es verdad? — Si, senor. Aqui tenemos segun la estacion, cerezas, naranjas, fresas, manzanas, melocotones y sandias. Tome Vd. una pera. Creo que 6sa esta verde. Escoja Vd. una madura. ^Quiere Vd. una tajada de melon? — No, gracias. Voy a tomar un racimo de uvas. — ^C6mo le gusta el cafe? — Sin leche y con dos terrongs de azucar. Me ha gustado mucho el almuerzo. He co- TEMAS ESPANOLES 53 mido por cuatro. ^Me permlte, senora, que fume un cigarrillo? — Si, senor. No me molesta. — d«r-6is vivir-eis 3. hablar-an a9rem4«r-&a Condkional (Pait Future2). vivir-lin 1. hablar-Ia afr«a4«r-(a vivir-la 2. hablar-ias «fr«miM--las vivir-ias 3. hablar-ia apieaier-la vivir-Ia 1. hablar-iamos a9ff«ai«r-Ia]mos vivir-famos 2. hablar-Iais afr«ad«r-Iais vivir-iais 3. hablar-ian a9r«ad«r-Iam vivir-Ian Tiempos Compu«it«i (Compound Tenses) . Perfedo (Present Perfect^). 1. he hablado (aprwidido) (vivido) 2. has hablado 3. ha hablado Piuscuamperfedo (Past Perfect*). kabfa hablado (aprendido) (rirido) kablaB hablado kabfa hablado 1 Also called preterit and past definite. 2 Also called conditional. ' Also called perfed and past indefinih. 4 Also called pluperfect. TEMAS ESPANOLES 1 23 1. hemos hablado habiamos hablado 2. habeis hablado habiais hablado 3. han hablado habfan hablado PreUrito perfecto (2d Past Perfect^. Futuro perfedo (Future Perfect). 1. hube hablado (aprendido) habre hablado (aprendido) (vivido) (vivido) 2. hubiste hablado habras hablado 3. hubo hablado habra hablado 1. hubimos hablado habremos hablado 8. hubisteis hablado habreis hablado 3. hubieron hablado habran hablado Condicional perfecto (Past Future Perfect 2). 1. habrfa hablado (aprendido) (vivido) 2. habrias hablado 3. habria hablado 1. habrfamos hablado 2. habriais hablado 3. habrfan hablado Modo Subjuntivo (Subjunctive Mood). Presenie (Present). 1. habl-e aprend-a viv-a 2. habl-es aprend-as viv-as 3. habl-e aprend-a viv-a 1. habl-emos aprend-amos viv-amos 2. habl-eis aprend-ais viv-ais 3. habl-en aprend-an viv-an 1 Also called past anterior. ' Also called conditional perfect. 124 TEMAS ESPANOLES Imperfedo, primera forma (Past, ist FormO- 1. habl-ase aprend-iese viv-iese 2. habl-ases aprend-ieses viv-ieses 3. habl-ase aprend-iese viv-iese 1. habl-^semos aprend-iesemos viv-igsemos 2. habl-aseis aprend-ieseis viv-ieseis 3. habl-asen aprend-iesen viv-iesen Imperfedo, segunda forma (Past, 2d Form 2). 1. habl-ara aprend-iera viv-iera 2. habl-aras aprend-ieras viv-ieras 3. habl-ara aprend-iera viv-iera 1. habl-aramos aprend-ieramos viv-ieramos 2. habl-arais aprend-ierais viv-ierais 3. habl-aran aprend-ieran Future (Future). viv-ieran 1. habl-are aprend-iere viv-iere 2. habl-ares aprend-ieres viv-ieres 3. habl-are aprend-iere viv-iere 1. habl-aremos aprend-ieremos viv-ilremos 2. habl-areis aprend-iereis viv-iereis 3. habl-aren aprend-ieren viv-ieren Tiempoo compuestos (Compound Tenses). Perfedo (Present Perfect^). 1. haya hablado (aprendido) (vivido) 2. hayas hablado 3. haya hablado * Also called imperfed. 2 Also called imperfed. * Also called perfed. * Also called pluperfed. Pluscuamperfedo'^, primera forrr.a (Past Perfect, ist Form). hubiese hablado (aprendido) (vivido) hubieses hablado hubiese hablado TEMAS ESPANOLES 1 25 1. hayamos hablado hubiesemos hablado 2. hayais hablado hubieseis hablado 3. hayan hablado hubiesen hablado Pluscuamperfedo. segunda forma. FiUuro perfecto (Future Perfect). (Past Perfect — 2d Form) . 1. hubiera hablado (aprendido) hubiere hablado (aprendido) (vivido) (vivido) 2. hubieras hablado hubieres hablado 3. hubiera hablado hubiere hablado 1. hubieramos hablado hubieremos hablado a. hubierais hablado hubiereis hablado 3. hubieran hablado hubieren hablado 126. Changes in Spelling. A number of Spanish verbs which are regular in the spoken language have certain peculiarities in the written language. In most cases, the variation from the normal spelling is made in order to keep imiform the pronimciation of the last consonant of the stem, regardless of the ending affixed to it. In sections 127-133, which deal with regular verbs that present these peculiarities in spelling, only those tenses are given which show variations from normal spelling, and forms showing such variation are printed in black-faced type. AIL other tenses are conjugated like the model verbs in 12 §. 127. Verbs in -car. Verbs whose infinitive ends in -car change c to qu before an e in the ending. This change occurs only in the first person singular of the past absolute and throughout the present subjunctive. sacar, to take out Past abs. ind. saqu6, sacaste, sac 6, sacamos, sacasteis, sacaron. Pres. suhj. saque, saques, saque, saquemos, 8aqu6is, saquen. 126 TEMAS ESPANOLES 128. Verbs in -gar. Verbs whose infinitive ends in -gar insert u before an e in the ending. This change occurs only in the first person singular of the past absolute and throughout the present subjunctive. Uegar, to arrive Past ahs. ind. Uegue, llegaste, lleg6, llegamos, llegasteis, llegaron. Pres. suhj. llegue, llegues, Uegue, Ueguemos, Uegueis, lleguen. 129. Verbs in -zar. Verbs whose infinitive ends in -zar change z to c before e in the ending. This change occurs only in the first person singular of the past abso- lute and throughout the present subjunctive. Cnizar, to cross Past ahs. ind. cruce, cruzaste, cruz6, cruzamos, cruzasteis, cruzaron. Pres. suhj. cruce, cruces, cruce, crucemos, cruceis, crucen. 130. Verbs in -cer and -cir preceded by a conso- nant. Verbs ending in -cer and -cir preceded by a consonant change c to z before a and o in the endings. veneer, to conquer, defeat Pres. ind. venzo, vences, vence, vencemos, venceis, vencen. Pres. suhj. venza, venzas, Tenza, venzamos, venzais, venzan. 131. Verbs in -ger and -gir. Verbs ending in -ger and -gir change g to j before a and o in the endings. escoger, to choose, select Pres. ind. escojo, escoges, escoge, escogemos, escogeis, escogen. Pres. suhj. escoj-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. diiigir, to direct Pres. ind. dirijo, diriges, dirige, dirigimos, dirigls, dirigen. Pres. suhj. dirij-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. TEMAS ESPANOLES 1 27 132. Verbs in -guir. Verbs whose infinitive ends in -guir drop u before o and a in the endings. distinguir, to distinguish Pres. ind. disting-o, -ues, -ue, -uimos, -uis, -uen. Pres. subj. disting-«, -as, -a, -amos, -4is, -an. 133. Unaccented i between vowels written y. When the stem of verbs of the second and third conju- gations ends in a, e, or o, the following irregularities occur in spelling, (i) An unstressed i between vowels is written y. This change takes place in the present participle, in the third persons singular and plural of the past absolute, and in all persons of the past subjunc- tives and future subjunctive. (2) Furthermore, i takes the written accent in the ending of the past participle, and in the endings -iste, -imos, and -isteis of the past absolute. leer, to read Pres. part, leyendo. Past part, lei do. Past ahs. ind. lei, lelste, leyo, lefmos, lelsteis, leyeron. Past subj. {1st form) le-yese, -yeses, -yese, -yesemos, -yeseis, -yesen. Past subj. (2d form) le-yera, -yeras, -yera, -yeramos, -yerais, -yeran. 134. Verbs in -iar and -uar. Certain verbs whose infinitive ends in -iar and -uar require a written accent on the i or u throughout the singular and in the third person plural of the present indicative and present subjunctive, and in the singular imperative, in order to indicate that the stress fails on that vowel. 128 TEMAS ESPANOLES enviar, to send Fres. ind. envlo, envias, envia, enviamos, envidis, envlan. Fres. suhj. envie, envies, envie, enviemos, envi^is, envlen. Imperative sing, envla. The following verbs in the text are conjugated like «nviar: confiar, liar. continuar, to continue Pres. ind. contindo, continiias, continiia, continuamos, conti- nudis, continiian. Pres. suhj. continiie, continiies, continiie, continuemos, con- tinu^is, continiien. Imperative sing, continiia. The following verbs in the text are conjugated like continuar: acentuar, actuar, efectuar. 135. Irregular Verbs. Almost all the irregular verbs may be divided into five groups; namely, radical- changing verbs of the first, second and third classes, verbs in -cer and -cir preceded by a vowel, and verbs in -uir. Other irregular verbs do not admit of general classification, but the following statements apply to the great majority of irregular verbs. The present subjunc- tive of almost all verbs is formed by adding the regular inflectional endings of that tense to the stem of the first person singular of the present indicative (estar, ser, ir, haber^ dar and saber are important exceptions) ; the fu- ture and past future indicative always have the same stem; the third persons singular and plural of the past absolute of radical-changing verbs have the same stem as the present participle; and the past subjunctives and TEMAS ESPANOLES 1 29 future subjunctive have the same stem as the third person plural of the past absolute. Only irregular verbs found in the text are included here, and only those tenses are given which show irregu- larities or orthographical peculiarities. In each case, the present and past participles are given with the infinitive. The imperative used in familiar address is omitted because it does not occur in the text, and the future subjunctive is also omitted because of its infre- quent use. Tenses not given may be learned by referring to model verbs in 12 j. 136. Radical-changing Verbs of the First Class. A number of verbs of the first and second conjugations change the last stem vowel e to ie and o to ue when stressed; that is, in the first, second, and third persons singular and third person plural of the present indicative and present subjunctive. Verbs of the first and second conjugations marked (ie) and (ue) in the vocabulary belong to this class. Entender, entendiendo, entendido. To understand Pres. ind. entiendo, entiendes, cntiende, entendemos, enten- d6is, entienden. Pres. subj. entienda, entiendas, entienda, entendamos, enten- diis, entiendan. Encontrar, encontrando, encontrado. To find Pres. ind. encuentro, encuentras, encuentra, encontramos, encontrdis, encuentran. Pres. subj. encuentre, encuentres, enctxentri, encontremos, encontr6is, encuentren. 137. Jugar, to play, changes the stem vowel u to ue 130 TEMAS ESPANOLES when stressed. It also changes g to gu before e in the ending (128), Jugar, jugando, jugado. To play (a game) Pres. ind. juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugdis, juegan. Pres. subj. juegue, juegues, juegue, juguemoi, jugueis, jue- guen. Past. abs. ind. jugue, jug-aste, -6, -amos, -asteis, -aron. 138. VolTcr, to return, come back, belongs to the first class of radical-changing verbs and has the same changes as encontrar (136). Volver also has the irregular past participle vuclto. Other verbs in -olTcr, such as de- volver, to return an object; enyolvcr, to wrap up; re- solver, to resolve, etc., are conjugated like volver. Radical-changing Verbs of the First Class with Or- thographical Irregixlarities. 139. Verbs ending in -car change c to qu before e. (See 127.) Trocar, trocando, trocado. To exchange Pres. ind. trueco, tru«cai, etc.; Pres. subj. trueque, etc.; Past abs. troque, etc. 140. Verbs ending in -gar insert u before e. (See 128.) , Colgar, colgando, colgado. To hang Pres. ind. cuelgo, cuelgas, etc.; Pres. subj. cuelgue, etc.; Past abs. colgue, etc. Negar, ncgando, negado. To deny Pres. ind. niego, niegas, etc.; Pres. subj. niegue, etc.; Past abs. negue, etc. TEMAS ESPANOLES 131 141. Verbs ending in -zar change z to c before an e in the ending. (See i2g.) Empezar, empezando, empezado. To begin Pres. ind. empiezo, etc.; Pres. subj. empiece, etc.; Past abs. empece, etc. Almorzar, almorzando, almorzado. To take lunch Pres. ind. almuerzo, etc.; Pres. subj. almuerce, etc.; Past abs. almorcg, etc. 142. Verbs ending in -cer and -cir, preceded by a consonant, change c to z before a and o in the ending. (See 130.) Torcer, torciendo, torcido. To twist Pres. ind. tuerzo, etc.; Pres. subj. taerce, etc. 143. Radical-changing Verbs of the Second Class. A number of verbs of the third conjugation change the last stem vowel e to ie and o to ue when stressed; that is, in the first, second, and third persons singular and third person plural of the present indicative and present subjunctive. They also change the last stem vowel e to i and o to u in the present participle, first and second persons plural of the present subjunctive, third person singular and plural of the past absolute, and through- out the past subjunctives. All verbs of the third conju- gation marked (ie) and (ue) in the vocabulary belong to this class. Preferir, prefiriendo, prcferido. To prefer Pres. ind. prefiero, prefieres, prefiere, prcferimos, preferfs, prefieren. Pres. subj. prefiera, prefieras, prefiera, preflramos, prefiriis, prefieran. 132 TEMAS ESPANOLES Past abs. ind. preferl, preferiste, prefirid, preferimos, preferis- teis, prefirieron. Past subj. (istform) prefiriese, etc. {2d form) prefiriera, etc. Dormir, durmiendo, donnido. To sleep Pres. ind. duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormls, duermen. Pres. subj. duerma, duermas, duerma, durmamos, durin&is» duerman. Past abs. ind. dorml, dormiste, durmid, donnimos, dormisteis, durmieron. Past subj. {1st form) durmiese, etc. {id form) durmiera, etc. 144. Morir, to die, is conjugated like donnir, and, in addition, has the irregular past participle muerto. (a) Adquirir, to acquire, changes the stem vowel i to ie when stressed. 145. Radical-changing Verbs of the Third Class. A number of verbs of the third conjugation change the last stem vowel e to i when stressed. In other respects, radical-changing verbs of the third class show the same changes as those of the second class. (See 143.) All verbs marked (i) in the vocabulary belong to this class. Vestir, vistiendo, vestido. To dress Pres. ind. visto, vistes, viste, vestimos, vestls, visten. Pres. subj. vista, vistas, vista, vistamos, vistais, vistan. Past abs. ind. vestf, vestiste, visti6, vestimos, vestisteis, vistieron. Past subj. {1st form) vistiese, etc. {2d form) vistiera, etc. Radical-changing Verbs of the Third Class with Orthographical Irregtilarities. TEMAS ESPANOLES I33 146. Verbs ending in -gir change g to j before o and a. (See iji.) Corregir, corrigiendo, corregido. To correct Pres. ind. corrijo, corriges, etc.; Pres. suhj. corrija, etc. 147. Verbs in -guir drop u before o and a in the endings. (See ij2.) Seguir, siguiendo, seguido. To follow Pres. ind. sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, segufs, siguen. Pres. suhj. siga, sigas, siga, sigamos, sigais, sigan. Past abs. ind. segul, seguiste, sigui6, seguimos, seguisteis, siguieron. Past subj. {1st form) siguiese, etc. {2d form) siguiera, etc. 148. Verbs with Inceptive Endings. Most verbs ending in -cer and -cir, preceded by a vowel, insert z before c when followed by o or a in the ending. Conocer, conociendo, conocido. To know, be acquainted with Pres. ind. conozco, conoc-es, -e, -emos, -eis, -en. Pres. subj. conozc-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. Common exceptions are decir (iji) and hacer (iSS)- For verbs ending in -ducir, see 1^2. 149. Verbs ending in -uir. Verbs ending in -uir (except those in -guir and -quir) insert y after the stem vowel u before all vowels except i. In addition, unac- cented i between vowels is written y (ijj). Constituir, constituyendo, constituido, To constitute Pres. ind. constituyo, constituyes, constituye, constituimos, constituls, constituyen. Pres. subj. constitu-ya, -yas, -ya, -yamos, -yiis, -yan. Past abs. ind. constitul, constituiste, constituyd, constituimos, constituisteis, constituyeron. 134 TEMAS ESPANOLES Past suhj. (istform) constituyese, etc. {2d form) ccnstituyera, etc. Verbs with an Irregular Past Absolute Stem. A number of irregular verbs {150-162), have an irregular past absolute stem, and also irregular endings in the first and third persons singular of the past absolute. 150. Andar, andando, andado. To go, walk. Past abs. ind. anduv-e, -ist«, -0, -imos, -isteis, -icron. Past suhj. {istform) anduTi«se, etc. {2d form) anduviera, etc. 161. Decir, diciendo, dicho. To say, tell, Pres. hid. digo, dices, dice, decimos, decis, dicea. Pres. subj. diga, -as, -a, -amoB, -iis, -an. Put. hid. dire, dir^s, etc.; Past. fut. ind. diria, dirfas, etc. Past abs. ind. dij-a, -ista, -o, -imos, -isteis, -eron. Past subj. {istform) dijesa, etc. {2d form) dijera, etc. 152. Verbs in -ducir. Traducir, traduciendo, traducido. To translate Pres. ind. traduzco, traduc-es, -e, -imos, -is, -en. Pres. subj. traduzc-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. Past abs. ind. traduj-e, -ista, -o, -imos, -isteis, -eron. Past subj. {istform) tradujasa, etc. {2d form) tradujera, etc. . 153. Estar, estando, estado. To be. Pres. ind. estoy, estas, esti, estamos, estais, estan. Pres. subj. este, estes, est©, estemos, esteis, esten. Past abs. ind. estuv-e, -ista, -o, -imos, -isteis, -ieron. Past subj. {1st form) estuTiese, etc. {2d form) estuviera, etc. 154. Haber, habiendo, habido. To have, Pres. ind. he, has, ha, hemos, habeis, han. Pres. subj. haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayais, hayan. Fut. ind. habre, habr^s, etc.; Past fut. ind. habrla, etc. TEMAS ESPANOLES 135 Past abs. ind. hub-e, -ist*, -o, -im*6, -itt«is, -ieron. Past subj. {ist form) hu1ii«s«, etc. {2d form) hubiera, etc. In addition to its use as an auxiliary, haber is em- ployed impersonally in the third j>erson singular of the various tenses. In this latter case, hay is used instead of ha in the present indicative. 156. Hacer, haciendo, htcho. To make, do. Hacer, haciendo, li«cko. To make, do Pres. ind. luigo, haces, hace, hacemos, haceis, hacen. Pres. subj. hag-a, -as, -a, -asi»c, -iis, -an. Put. ind. har6, haris, etc.; PastftU. ind. haria, etc. Past abs. ind. bice, hiciste, kizo, kieimos, hicisteis, hicieron. Past subj. {1st form) hiciesa, etc. {2d form) hiciera, etc. Imperative sing. h&z. 156. Poder, pudiendo, podido. To be able. Pres. ind. puedo, puadas, pu*4d, podemos, podeis, pueden. Pres. subj. pv.9dti, pu«das, pu«d«, podamos, poddis, puedan. Put. ind. podra, podr&s, etc.; Past fut. ind. padria, etc. Past abs. ind. pud-e, -igta, -o, -iai«6, -lataia, -ioron. Past subj. {1st form) pudiasa, etc. {2d form) pmdiora, etc. 157. Poner, poniendo, pueito. To put, place. Pres. ind. pango, pones, pone, ponemos, pon6is, ponen. Pres. subj. poag-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. Fut. ind. poHdri, paadxis, etc.; Past fut. ind. pasdria, etc. Past abs. ind. f us-a, -ista, -o, -iaaos, -isteis, -ieron. Past subj. {1st form) pusiaaa, etc.; {2d form) pusiera, etc. 158. Qu€rer, queriendo, querido. To wish, be willing. Pres. ind. quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, quer^is, quieren. Pres. subj. quiera, quicras, quiera, queramos, querdis, quieran. 136 TEMAS ESPANOLES Fui. ind. querrg, querris, etc.; Pastfut. ind. querrla, etc. Past abs. ind. quis-e, -iste, -o, -imos, -isteis, -ieron. Past subj. {1st form) quisiese, etc. {2d form) quisiera, etc. 159. Saber, sabiendo, sabido. To know, know how. Pres. ind. se, sabes, sabe, sabemos, sab^is, saben. Pres. subj. sep-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. Put. ind. sabre, sabris, etc.; Pastfut. ind. sabrla, etc. Past abs. ind. sup-e, -iste, -o, -imos, -isteis, -ieron. Past subj. {1st form) supiese, etc. {2d form) supiera, etc. 160. Tener, teniendo, tenido. To have. Pres. ind. tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenuis, tienen. Pres. subj. teng-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. Put. ind. tendre, tendras, etc.; Pastfut. ind. tendrfa, etc. Past abs. ind. tuv-e, -iste, -o, -imos, -isteis, -ieron. Past subj. {1st form) tuviese, etc. {2d form) tuviera, etc. 161. Traer, trayendo, traido. To bring. Pres. ind. traigo, traes, trae, traemos, trails, traen. Pres. subj. traig-a, -as, -a, -amos, -iis, -an. Past abs. ind. traj-e, -iste, -o, -imos, -isteis, -eron. Past subj. {1st form) trajese, etc. {2d form) trajera, etc. 162. Venir, viniendo, venido. To come. Pres. ind. vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, venls, vienen. Pres. subj. veng-a, -as, -a, -amos, -iis, -an. Put. ind. vendre, vendras, etc.; Past. fut. ind. vendrla, etc. Past abs. ind. vin-e, -iste, -o, -imos, -isteis, -ieron. Past subj. {1st form) viniese, etc. {2d form) viniera, etc. 163. Unclassifiable Irregular Verbs. The eight fol- lowing irregular verbs cannot be conveniently classified. 164. Caer, cayendo, caido. To fall. Pres. ind. caigo, caes, cae, caemos, caeis, caen. Pres. subj. caig-a, -as, -a, -amos, -^is, -an. TEMAS ESPANOLES I37 Past abs. ind. caf, cafste, cay6, cafmos, cafsteis, cayeron. Past subj. {1st form) cayese, etc. {2d form) cayera, etc. 165. Dar, dando, dado. To give. Pres. ind. doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan. Pres. subj. de, des, d6, demos, deis, den. Past abs. ind. di, diste, di6, dimos, disteis, dieron. Past subj. {1st form) diese, etc. {2d form) diera, etc. 166. It, yendo, ido. To go. Pres. ind. voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van. Pres. subj. vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vay&is, vayan. Past descr. ind. iba, ibas, iba, fbamos, ibais, iban. Past abs. ind. ful, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron. Past subj. {1st form) fuese, fueses, fuese, fuesemos, fueseis, fuesen. {2d form) fuera, fueras, fuera, fueramos, fuerais, fueran. Fut. subj. fuere, etc.; Imperative, 1st plural j vamos. 167. Oir, oyendo, oido. To hear. Pres. ind. oigo, oyes, oye, oimos, ofs, oyen. Pres. subj. oig-a, -as, -a, -amos, -^is, -an. Past abs. ind. of, oiste, oy5, olmos, ofsteis, oyeron. Past subj. {1st form) oyese, etc. {2d form) oyera, etc. 168. Salir, saliendo, salido. To go outj leave, Pres. ind. salgo, sales, sale, salimos, sails, salen. Pres. subj. salg-a, -as, -a, -amos, -ais, -an. Fut. ind. saldre, saldrSs, etc. Past fut. ind. saldrfa, etc 169. Ser, siendo, sido. To be. Pres. ind. soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son. Pres. subj. sea, seas, sea, seamos, se&is, sean. Past descr. ind. era, eras, era, eramos, erais, eran. Past abs. ind. fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron. Past subj. {1st form) fuese, fueses, fuese, fuesemos, foeseis, fuesen. 138 TEMAS ESPANOLES Past subj. (2d form) fuera, fueras, fuera, fu6ramos, foerais fueran. 170. Valer, valiendo, valido. To be worth. Pres. ind. valgo, vales, vale, valemos, valeis, valen. Pres. subj. valg-a, -as, -a, -amos, -^is, -an. Put. ind. valdre, valdr^s, etc.; Past Jut. ind. valdrfa, etc. 171. Ver, viendo, visto. To see. Pres. ind. veo, ves, ve, vemos, veis, ven. Pres. subj. vea, veas, vea, veamos, veais, vean. Past descr. ind. vela, velas, vela, velamos, vefais, vefan. Past dbs. ind. vi, viste, vio, vimos, visteis, vieron. Past subj. {1st form) viesej etc. {2d form) viera^ etc. Put. subj. viere, etc. 172. Irregular Past Participleso The following verbs and their compounds, which are regular in other respects, have only irregular past participles. abrir, to open abierto escribir, to write escrito ciibrir, to cover cubierto imprimir, to print impreso 173. Cardinal Numerals. 1 un(o), 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 11 once 12 doco 13 trece 14 catorce 15 quince 16 diez y seis 17 diez y siete 18 diez y ocho 19 diez y nueve 20 veinte 21 veintiun, veintiuno, 22 veintid6s 23 veintitres 24 veinticuatro TEMAS ESPANOLES 139 25 veinticinco 26 veintiseis 27 veintisiete 28 veintiocho 29 veintinueve 30 treinta 31 treinta y tin(o), treinta y una 32 treinta y dos 40 cuarenta 41 cuarenta y un(o), cuarenta yuna 60 cincuenta 51 cincuenta y un(o), cin- cuenta y una 60 sesenta 61 sesenta y un(o), sesenta y una 70 setenta 71 setenta y un(o), setenta y una 80 ochenta 81 ochenta y un(o), ochenta y una 90 noventa 91 noventa y un(o), noventa y una 100 cien(to) 101 ciento un(o), ciento una 102 ciento dos 110 ciento diez 200 doscientos, -as 300 trescientos, -as 400 cuatrocientos, -as 500 quinientos, -as 600 seiscientos, -as 700 setecientos, -as 800 ochocientos, -as 900 novecientos, -as 1,000 mil 2,000 dos mil 1,000,000 un mill6a VOCABULARIOS The vocabulary contains irregular and orthographically irregular stems of verbs that occur in the exercises. Radical- changing verbs without orthographical irregularities are indi- cated as follows: (ie), (ue), (i). A preposition placed in parentheses after a verb indicates the prepositional complement required before a dependent infinitive and, in some cases, before a noun or pronoun object. Gender is not given of masculine nouns ending in -o and fem- inines in -a. Numbers refer to sections and paragraphs of sections. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES a, to, at; I — qu6? why? {for what purpose?). abajo, down, downstairs. abanicarse (127), to fan one's self. abierto, -a, see abrir. abogado, lawyer. abrigo, shelter. abrir (772), to open, absolutamente, absolutely, aburrir, to weary, bore. aci, here; — y all4, here and there, acabar, to finish; — de {with inf.), to have just . . . ; acaba de llegar, he has just arrived, accidental, accidental, accion,/., action; stock, acentuar {134), to accent, write with accent mark. aceptar, to accept. acerca de, concerning, about, acercarse {127), to draw near. acierto, skill. acomodador, m., usher, acompafiar, to accompany, aconsejar, to advise, acontecimiento, event, acordarse (ue) (de), to remem- ber. acostarse (ue), to go to bed. acostumbrar, to accustom, be accustomed. actividad,/., activity. acto, act. actor, m., actor; primer — , leading man. actriz,/., actress. actuar {134), to act. acuerdo, etc., see acordar. acuerdo, agreement; estar de — , to agree. acuesto, etc., see acostar. ademas, adv., besides; — de, {prep.), besides. adios, good-by. adjetivo, adjective. adjetivo, -a, adjective. administracion, /., adminis- tration. adquirir (ie) {144a), to buy. aduana, custom house. aduanero, customs ofl&cer. adverbial, adverbial. adverbio, adverb. afectuosamente, affection- ately. afectuoso, -a, affectionate. afeitarse, to shave (one's self). aficion, /., fondness. aficionado, -a, (a) fond (of). afirmacion, /., statement. 143 144 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES afirmativamente, affirma- tively. afirmativo, -a, affirmative. afmo. = afectisimo (lit. de- voted). afortunadamente, fortunately. agente, m., agent. agosto, August. agotado, -a, exhausted; out of print. agradable, pleasant. agradar, to please: me agrada, I like. agradecer {148), to thank (for). agradecido, -a, grateful. agradezco, see agradecer. agua, water. aguardar, to wait (for). agudo, -a, sharp; palabra aguda, word stressed on the last syllable. aguja, needle. ahl, there {near person ad- dressed). ahora, now; por — , for the present. aire, m., air; al — libre, in the open air. al = a el; al {mth inf.), see 26, par. 4. alameda, poplar-grove. alamo, poplar. Alcaia de Henares, /., town in New Castile 21 miles from Madrid. aldaba, knocker {of a door); tener buenas — s, to have influential friends, alegrarse (de), to be glad (to), be happy (to), alegre, gay. Alejandro, Alexander, aleman, -ana, German. algo, something, anj^thing; — mas de, a little more, alguien, some one, somebody, algun, see alguno. alguno, -a, adj., some, any; pi. some, any, a few; pron., pi. some, a few. Alhambra, Alhambra {famous Moorish palace at Granada, and also the hill upon which it is located). almorzar (ue) {141), to lunch, take lunch. almuerzo, etc., see almorzar. almuerzo, lunch, luncheon, alrededor de, around, about, alternar, to alternate, alto, -a, high. alumno, student, alia, there. alH, there. amable, kind. amanecer, m., dawn; al — , at dawn, amanecer {148), to dawn, amar, to love, americana, (sack) coat, amigo, friend. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLis 145 andaluz, -a, Andalusian {of Andalucia or Andaliisla, the sotUhernmost part of Spain). andar {150), to go {in an indefinite sense). and6n, fn., platform, animacion, /., animation. anoche, last evening, last night, anochecer {148), to become dark. anotar, to note down; — por escrito, to write down, anteayer, day before yester- day. antecedente, w., antecedent, anterior, previous. antes, adv., before; — de {prep.) before; — (de) que {conj.)y before, antiguo, -a, old, ancient. Antonio, Anthony, anuncio, advertisement. afio, year; por — , yearly; tener . . . — s, to be . . . years old. apasionarse (por), to be mad (about), apenas, scarcely; as soon as. apetito, appetite; tener — , to be hungry. aplicar {127), to apply. Apocalipsis, m., Apocalypse {Book of Revelation in the New Testament). ap6dosi8, /., result clause. Apolo, Apollo. apreciable, esteemed. aprender (a), to learn (to); — de memoria, to commit to memory. apresar, to capture. apresurarse (a), to hasten (to). apret6n, m., pressure; — de manos, hand-shake. aprisa, quickly; lo mas — posible, as quickly as possi- ble. aprobado, -a, passed; grade of "pass"; ser — , to pass {an examination). aprobar (ue), to pass {a sub- ject or academic year). aprovechar, to take advantage of. aproximadamente, approxi- mately. aptitud,/., aptitude. aquel, aquella; aquellos, aque- llas, that; those; pron., aqu61, etc.y that one; the former; those. aqui, here; — tiene Vd., here is {in ofering something or calling attention to some- thing); por — , this way, here. &rabe, Moorish. arco, arch. Argel, Algiers. argelino, -a, Algerian. armario, wardrobe. 146 VOCABULARIO ESPAI^OL-INGLES armeria, armory, arquitectura, architecture, arr^glar, to arrange, fix. arte, m. and /., art; las bellas — s, the fine arts. articulo, article; — de fondo, editorial; — s de escribir, writing materials; — s de tocador, toilet articles. ascensor, w., elevator, asearse, to fix one's self up. asegurar, to assure; insure, asi, thus, in this way, in that way; — que, as soon as; asi asl, "so so," fairly well. asiento, seat. asignatura, subject, course {of study). asistencia (a), attendance (upon). asistir (a), to be present (at), witness, take part in. asomar, to peep, peep out. asombroso, -a, marvelous. aspecto, appearance, asta, horn, asunto, question. atado, -a, tied, atencion,/., attention, atentamente, respectfully. atletico, -a, athletic, atmosferico, -a, atmospheric. atractivo, -a, attractive, atrasar, to lose {tivie) {of a watch). atravesar (ie;, to cross. aumentar, to increase. aun; aiin, still, even. aunque, although, even if. autom6vil, w., automobile. autor, w., author. auxiliar, auxihary. avenida, avenue. aventurarse, to venture; qui en no se aventura no pasa la mar, nothing ventured noth- ing gained. aviso, signal. lay! ouch! ayer, yesterday. ayudar (a), to help (to). azucar, w., sugar. azul, blue. B bachiller, m., bachelor, bailar, to dance, bailarin, -a, m. and f., dancer, baile, m., dance, dancing. bajar (a), to go down; carry down; fall {of prices); alight, get out. bajo, under. bajo, -a, low. bala, bullet, shot, balcon, m., balcony. balompie, w., football, banarse, to bathe (one's self), baiio, bath, barato, -a, cheap, bastante, enough, sufficient; quite, fairly. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES 147 batalla, battle. baiil, m., trunk; — de precios zn6dicos, trunk at moderate prices. Bautisterio, Baptistery. bautizar {i2g), to baptize. beber, to drink. beca, scholarship. belleza, beauty. bello, -a, beautiful. belllsimo, -a, very beautiful. Benavente (Jacinto), best con- temporary Spanish drama- tist. biblioteca, library. bien, well; estar — , to be com- fortable; fit; esta — , very well, all right. billete, f»., note; ticket. bianco, -a, white. Blasco Ibaiiez (Vicente), well- known Spanish contemporary novelist. bochorno, f«., sultry weather-' hace — , it is sultry. bondad,/., kindness; tenga Vd. la — de (with inf.), be kind enough to, please. bonito, -a, pretty. borracho, drunkard. bosque, w., woods, forest. bragas, /. />/., breeches. brazo, arm. broma, jest. bromista, fun-loving. buen, see bueno. buenaventura, fortune. bueno, -a, good; i bueno I all right! burlarse (de), to make fun (of). busca: en — de, in search of. buscar {127), to look for; get, call (for some one). butaca, orchestra-chair. caballeria, chivalry; libro de — s, romance of chivalry, caballeriza, stable. caballero, gentleman. caballo, horse. cabeza, head. cada, each, every; — tino, -a, each one. caer {164), to fall; fall to the lot of; no me ha caido el gordo, I have not won the first prize; — se, to fall down. cafe, m., coilee; cafe, caigo, see caer. caja, box; cashier's office, cajero, cashier, caj&n, 7»., drawer, calcetm, m.j sock. calderilla, coppers {copper money). Calderon de la Barca (Pedro), famous Spanish dramatist {1600-16S1). calefaccion, /., heating; — a vapor, steam heat. 148 VOCABULAEIO ESPANOL-INGLES caliente, warm. calor, m.j heat; hace — , it is warm, caluroso, -a, warm. calle,/., street; Calle de Alcala; Calle Mayor, important streets of Madrid. Calleja Fernandez (Saturnino), Spanish lexicographer. cama, bed. camarero, waiter. cambiar, to change; exchange; — de tren, to change cars. cambio, change. cambista, m., money-changer. camisa, shirt. campanula, bell. campafia, campaign. campeon, m., champion. campeonato, championship. cancela, grating, screen, cancion,/., song. cansado, -a, tired, cantar, to sing. cintaro, pitcher. capilla, chapel, capital,/., capital. cara, face; tener buena — , to look well, caracter, m., character. Icaramba! confound it! cardinal, cardinal. cargo, charge; tener a su — , to have charge of. Carlos, Charles, carne,/,, meat. caro, -a, dear, expensive. carrera, race, run. carta, letter. cartel, m., poster. cartero, letter-carrier. casa, house; a — , home (after verbs of motion); en — , at home; salir de — , to leave home; — de huespedes, boarding house; — comercial, business house. casarse (con), to marry. casi, almost, casita, cottage. caso, case. castellano, -a, Castilian, Span- ish. castizo, -a, pure. catedral, /., cathedral. catedratico, m., professor {in a University). cat61ico, -a, Catholic; los reyes cat61icos, the Catholic sov- ereigns {Isabel of Castile, 1451-1504, and Ferdinand of Aragon, 1452-1516, wlwse marriage in 146Q led to the union of the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon). catorce, fourteen. causa, cause. causar, to cause. cautiverio, captivity. cay6, see caer. cebolla, onion. c^lebre, celebrated, famous. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGL^S 149 centfgrado, -a, centigrade. c6ntimo, centime (one hun- dreih part of a peseta or one fifth of a cent). central, central. centro, center. cefiido, -a, tight fitting. cepillo, brush; — de cabeza, hair-brush; — de dientes, tooth-brush; — de ropa, clothes-brush. cerca de, near; nearly. cereza, cherry. cerilla, (wax) taper. ccro, zero; sobre — , above zero. cerrar (ie), to close. certeza, certainty. certificado, -a, registered. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de), {horn IS47, died 16 16). cerveza, beer. cesar, to cease, stop. ciego, -a, blind. cielo, sky. cien, ciento, a {or one) hun- dred. ciencia, science. cierro, etc., see cerrar. cierto, -a, (a) certain; es cierto, that is true. cigarrillo, cigarette. cinco, five. cincuenta, fifty. cine, m., "movies." dta, engagement ciudad, /., city. daridad,/., clarity. claro, -a, clear; Idarol of course! clase,/., class; kind. dasico, -a, classic. clausula, clause; — substantiva, noun clause. clima, m., climate. club, m., club. coche, m., coach; — cama, sleeping-car; — de gala, state carriage. coger (ij/), to catch. colecci8n,/., collection. coleglo, high school, secondary school. c61era, anger. colgar (ue) {140), to hang. colocar {127), to place. color, m., color. colorido, coloring. columna, column. comedia, comedy, play. comedor, w., dining-room. comentar, to discuss. comenzar (ie) {141), to be- gin. comer, to eat, dine; se come bien, the table is good. comercial, commercial, busi- ness. comercio, commerce. como, as, since, hke; £c6mo? how? c&moda. bureau. ISO VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES cdmodo, -a, comfortable {of objects). compaiiero, companion; — de clase, classmate, compafila, company; — de seguros, insurance company, comparacion,/., comparison, comparativo, -a, comparative, compartimiento, compartment, complemeuto, object. complemento, -a, conjunctive, object, completamente, completely, completar, to complete, complete, -a, complete; por complete, completely. componer {157), to compose; fix. compra, purchase; de — s, shopping. comprar, to buy. con, with. conclusion,/., end. concordancia, agreement, se- quence. conde, m., count; Conde de Montecristo, Count of Mon- tecristo {well-known novel by Alexandre Dumas). condicion, /., condition; a — de, on condition that, condicional, conditional; m.j past future or conditional {lense). conductor, m., conductor, conliar {134), to intrust. conjugacion,/., conjugation. conjugal {128), to conjugate. conjugue, etc.y see conjugar. cenjunci6n, /., conjunction. conmigo, with me. conocer {148), to know. conozca, etc., conozco, see cono- cer. conque, well then, so {intro- ductory). conquista, conquest. conquistar, to conquer. consejero, advisor. consejo, advice. consentimiento, consent. consentir (ie) (en), to consent. consideracion, /., regard. consiente, etc., see consentir. consiguiente : per — , conse- quently. consinti6, see consentir. consistir (en), to consist (of). consonante,/., consonant. constiparse, to catch cold. constituir {149), to constitute. constituyo, etc., see constituir. construcci6n, /., construction. construir {149), to construct. contar (ue), to count, number; include. contemporineo, -a, contem- porary. contener {160), to contain. contenga, etc., see contener. contestar, to answer, reply. contiene, see contener. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGL^S 151 continuar {134), to continue, contornos, m. pL, environs, vicinity. contra, against, contrario, -a, contrary; al contrario, on the contrary, convenga, etc., see convenir. convenir {162), to suit; me conviene, it suits me. conviene, see convenir. copa, cup. copo, flake; — de nieve, snow- flake, corbata, necktie, coronar (de), to crovra (with), correctamente, correctly, correcto, -a, correct, corregir (i) (146)^ to correct, correo, mail, corrida, bull fight; — de toros, bull fight. corriente, colloquial, corrientemente, fluently. cortar, to cut; — se el pelo, to have one's hair cut, or cut one's hair, corte, /,, capital (residence of sovereign). corto, -a, short. cosa, thing; — de cuidado, a serious matter; otra — , anything else, something else. costa, seashore, costar (ue), to cost; me ctiesta trabajo, it is difficult for me. costumbre, /., custom; />/., manners. creador, m., creator, creador, -a, creative. creer (jjj), to beUeve, think; creo que no, I think not; lya lo creo I certainly! criada, maid (servant). cuadrado, square, cuadro, picture. cual, which; el (la) — , los (las) — OS, who, whom, which. ^cual? cuij. and pron., which (one)? what (one)? cualidad,/., quahty. cuando, when, whenever; £cuando? when? cuanto, -a, as much (as), all that; pi., as many (as); cuanto antes, immediately; en cuanto, when, as soon as; en cuanto a, as for. icuinto, -a? how much?; pL, how many?; ^cuanto tiempo? how long?; I cuanto me alegro! how glad I ami cuarenta, forty. cuarto, room; — de bafio, bathroom, cuarto, -a, fourth, cuarto, quarter; cent; un — de hora, a quarter of an hour, cuatro, four; comer por — , to eat heartily. cuatrocientos, -as, four hun- dred. 152 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES cubierto, see cubrir. cubrir {1^2) (de), to cover (with). cucharilla, teaspoon, cuchillo, knife. cuello, collar. cuenta, account, bill. cuento, tale, short story; — de hadas, fairy tale. cuento, etc., see contar. cuerda, cord, cuero, leather. cuerpo, body; — de prof esores, faculty. cuestionario, questionnaire. cuesto, etc., see costar. cuidado, care, anxiety. cursar, to study {a subject in class). curso, school year. Ch chaqueta, jacket, charco, pool. chasco, disappointment, chauffeur, w., chauffeur. chico, -a, little. chocolate, m., chocolate. dama, lady; primera — , lead- ing lady, daiio, hurt; hacer — , to hurt, dar ii6j), to give; strike the hour; — a la calle, to face on the street; — a revelar, to have developed; — cuerda al reloj, to wind a watch; — palmadas, to clap the hands; — un paseo, to take a walk; — un paso, to take a step; — una vuelta, to take a walk or stroll; — una vuelta a algo, to turn some- thing; — se cuenta de algo, to realize something; — se mucho tono, to put on airs; la una ha dado, one o'clock has struck; lo mismo me da que . . . , it is all the same to me whether . . . dative, dative, indirect object. dates, m. pL, data, informa- tion. de, of, from, with, by, about; than {before numerals) ; — lo que, than (see 66, par. i). d6, etc., see dar. debaje de, under; per — , from underneath. deber, to be {morally) obliged to, owe, ought; followed by de and inf. it expresses probability as debe de hacer frle, it must be cold. decane, dean. decidirse (a), to decide (to). decime, -a, tenth; m. subst., lottery ticket {tenth part of one number). VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGL^S 153 decir (751), to say, tell; — para s£, to say to one's self; es — , that is to say. declarar, to declare. dechado, example, model. dedillo, dim. of dedo, finger. defender (ie), to defend. dejar, to leave; let, permit; — en las astas del toro, to leave in the lurch; no — piedra por mover, to leave no stone unturned; — se ver, to put in an appearance. del = de el. delante de, in front of, before. demis: los (las) — , the other(s), the rest. demasiado, adv.j too, too much. demostrativo, -a, demonstra- tive. dentro de, within. dependiente, dependent; m. sub St., clerk, salesman. deporte, m., sport. derecho, right; law; tener — (a), to have a right (to). derecho, -a, right; a la de- recha, to the right. derretirse (i), to melt. derriti6, see derretirse. desaparecer (148), to dis- appear. desarrollarse, to develop. desayuno, breakfast. descansar, to rest. descanso, rest; intermission, describir (172), to describe, desde, from, since; — que, since. desear, to desire, wish. deseo, desire; tener muchos — s de, to be very eager to. desesperar, to despair, lose courage, desgracia, misfortune, designar, to designate. desmedido, -a, extravagant, desocupado, -a, unoccupied, vacant. despacio, slowly, despachar, to prepare, fill (a prescription). despacho, oflfice;, — de billetes, ticket-office. despedida, leave-taking, fare- well. despedirse (i) (de), to take leave (of), say good-by (to). despejado, -a, clear, despertar (ie), to waken; — se, to awake, get awake. despidi6, see despedir. despido, etc., see despedir. despues, afterwards; — de, after; — (de) que, after, destino, destination; position, desvanecido, -a, vanished, detenido, -a, careful, determinado, -a, definite, detras de, after (position). devolver (138), to return (an object). 154 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES devuelto, see devolver. devuelvo, etc., see devolver. di, see dar. dia, m., day; al — , a day, per day; buenos — s, good morning. diario, -a, per day; m. subsL, daily newspaper. dibujo, drawing, sketch. diccionario, dictionary. dice, etc., diciendo, see decir. diciembre, m., December. dictado, dictation; escribir al — , to write from dicta- tion. dicho, -a, aforesaid. dicho, saying. diente, m., tooth, diez, ten. diez y nueve, nineteen, diez y ocho, eighteen. diez y seis, sixteen. diez y siete, seventeen, diferencia, difference. diferir (ie), to dififer. dificil, difficult. dificultad, /., difficulty. difiero, etc., see diferir. diga, etc., digo, dije, etc., dire, etc., see decir. dinero, money. direcci6n,/., address. directo, -a, direct, dirigir {131), to direct; — se, to proceed, make one's way. discurso, speech. disparate, m., nonsense; pL, nonsense. dispuesto, -a, ready. disputa, dispute, quarrel. distincion,/., distinction. distinguido, -a, distinguished, esteemed, divertirse (ie), to amuse one's self, have a good time. divierto, etc., see divertir. divirtiendo, divirti6, see diver- tir. doce, twelve. dolar, m., dollar {American dollar). dolor, m., pain; — de cabeza, headache. Dolores, Dolores (girl's name). domicilio, home. dominante, principal. dominar, to command, over- look. don, not translated. Used with given name of man. donde, a donde {with verbs of motion), where; idonde? ia d6nde? where? ;ipor d6nde se va? which is the way? dorinil6n, -ona, sleepy head. dormir (ue), to sleep. dormitorio, dormitory. dos, two. doscientos, -as, two hundred. dotado, -a (de), endowed (with). dotes, m. pi., gifts, talents. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES 155 doy, see dar. drama, m., drama. dramlitico, -a, dramatic, duda, doubt. dudar, to doubt, duracion,/., duration, durante, during, durar, to last, durmio, see dormir. duro, dollar. e = y {before i and hi), and. echar, to throw; — una mirada, to take a look; — al correo, to mail; — de menos, to miss; — a perder, to spoil; — la buenaventura, to tell one's fortune. edici6n,/., edition. edificar (122), to build. edificio, building. editor, m., publisher. efecto, effect; pL, effects, be- longings. efectuar {134), to effect; — se, to take place, be held. egolsta, m., egoist, selfish fel- low. ejemplar, m., copy. cjemplo, example; por — , for example. ejercicio, exercise. el (or la, los, las), def. art., the; los hay ezcelentes, there are some excellent ones. el (or la) cual, los (or las) cuales, rel. pron., who, whom, which. el (or la, los, las) que, rel. pron.y who, whom, which; lo que, which, that which, what. el (or la, los, las) que, dent. pron., he who, etc.; those who; lo que, what, that which; el de, la de, that of; los de, las de, those of. electivo, -a, elective. el^ctrico, -a, electric, elegante, graceful, elegir (i) (146), to select, choose, embarcarse (127), to embark, cmblematico, -a, emblematic, emoci&n, /., emotion. empaquetar, to wrap (in a bundle). empecemos, see empezar. empezar (ie) (141), (a), to begin (to). empiezo, etc., see empezar. empleado, clerk, emplear, to use. emprender, to undertake, en, in, into, at, on. cnaltecer (148), to exalt, encaje, m., lace, encantador, -a, charming, encantar, to charm, encanto, charm. 156 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES encargar {128), to charge; — se (de), to take charge (of). encargue, etCy see encargar. cncender (ie), to light. cncerrar (ie), to inclose, con- tain. enciendo, etc., see cncender. encierro, etc., see encerrar. encima de, on, upon. encHtico, enclitic {attached to preceding word). cncontrar (ue), to find; — se, to find one's self, be found, be. encuadernar, to bind (a book). encuentro, etc., see encontrar. enemigo, enemy. enero, January. 6nfasis, m., emphasis. enf atico, -a, emphatic. enfermo, -a, sick; — de gravedad, seriously ill. enjuto, -a, dry. enmarailado, -a, involved, complicated. Enrique, Henry. ensenanza, education, instruc- tion. enseflar, to show. entender (ie), to understand; a mi — , in my opinion; — (de), to understand (about). enterado, -a (de), acquainted (with). enterar, to acquaint; — se (de), to become acquainted (with). entiendo, etc., see entender. entonces, then. entrada, entrance; tomar — , to buy an admission, entrar (en), to enter, go in, come in. entre, between, among, entregar {128), to hand over, give, entrenarse, to train, enriar {134), to send, equipaje, m., baggage; pL, equipo, team. equivaler (i/'o), to be equiva- lent. error, m., mistake. escalera, stairs, stairway. cscaparse, to escape. escena, stage; salir a — , to come on stage. cscoger (iji), to choose, pick out. escoja, see escoger. escribir (172), to write. escrito, see escribir. escritor, m., writer. escritorio, desk. escuela, school. escultura, sculpture. csdriijulo, -a, word ending on antepenultimate syllable. ese, esa; esos, esas, adj., that; those; ese, esa; esos, esas, pron., that (one); those; eso, that. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGL^S 157 esencial, essential, character- istic. esfera, sphere, globe. esfuerzo, effort. espada, /., sword; m., bull fighter (who kills the bull). Espafia, Spain. espafiol, -a, Spanish; m., Span- iard; Spanish (language). esp&rrago, asparagus. especializaci6n, /., specializa- tion. espectador, m., spectator. esperar, to hope, expect, wait (for). esquina, comer (of a street). estacion, /., station; season. Estados Unidos, United States. estanco, tobacco store. estante, m., book-shelf. estar (i^j) , to be; — bien, to be comfortable; — para, to be about to; iPara cuando estara? (By) when will it be ready?; iA cufintos estamos del mes? What is the date?; Estamos a diez. To-day is the tenth. este, esta; estos, estas, adj., this; these; 6ste, esta; estos, 6stas, pron.j this (one), the latter; these; llegue a esta, I arrived here; esto, this; por esto, because of this, consequently. estilo, style. cstfo, midsummer. estival, (of) summer. estoy, see estar. estreno, first performance. estudiar, to study; — para . . ., to study to be a . . . estudio, study. estuve, etc., see estar. Europa, Europe. europeo, -a, European. evitar, to avoid. exaltaci6n, /., exaltation. examen, m., examination; — de ingreso, entrance exam- ination. examinar, to examine; — se, to take an examination. excelente, excellent. excepcional, exceptional, un- usual, excesivo, -a, excessive. exceso, excess; — de peso, excess weight. exclamatorio, -a, exclamative. excursion,/., excursion. exito, outcome; gran — , great success. experto, -a, expert. expresar, to express. expresi6n,/., expression. expulsar, to expel. extenso, -a, extensive. extranjero, -a, foreign; subst.y foreigner. extrafiar, to be surprised; me 158 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES extrana mucho, I am very much surprised. extraordinario, -a, unusual. facil, easy; likely. ficilmente, easily. f acturar, to check. facultad, /., department {of a University). Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit {ther- mometric scale named from Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, 1686-17 36). falta, lack. f altar, to lack; — a una fun- cion, to miss a performance; — a la clase, to be absent from {or "cut") class; me falta, I lack. familia, family. famoso, -a, famous. fantasia, fancy. farmacia, drug store, farol, w., lantern, favor, m., favor. fecha, date. Felipe, Philip. feliz, happy, merry. Fernandez, Spanish family name. Fernando, Ferdinand, ferrocarril, m., railroad. fijar, to fix; — se (en), to notice. filosofla, philosophy. fin, m.j end; al — , finally, at last; a — es de, toward the end of. final, fimal. financiero, -a, financial. fisica, physics. Fitzmaurice-Kelly (James), noted British historian of Spanish literature. flotilla, flotilla, small fleet. foco, arc. fonda, restaurant. fondo, bottom; a — , thor- oughly. forastero, stranger. forma, form. format, to form. fortaleza, fortress, fortuna, fortune. f6sforo, match. fotografla, photograph. fracaso, failure. franc es, -esa, French. Francia, France. franco, franc {French coin worth about 20 cents at par). franela, flannel. • frase, phrase, sentence. frecuencia, frequency; con — , frequently. frecuentar, to frequent, mingle in. fresa, strawberry. frio, -a, cold; subst. m., cold, frito, -a, fried. VOCABXJLARIO ESPANOL-INGlJlS 159 frontera, frontier. fruta, fruit; pL, fruit. fuente, /., fountain. fuera, etc., fuere, etc., see ser and ir. fuerte, strong; severe. fuf, etc., see ser afid ir. fumar, to smoke; — en pipa, to smoke a pipe, funcidn, /., performance, futuro, -a, future; subst. m., future {tense). gala, gala. galera, galley. galeria, gallery, corridor. gana, desire; tener grandes — s (de), to have a great desire (to). ganar, to win Garcia, Spanish family name. garrocha, pole. general, general. generalmente, usually. genero, gender; type; teatro del — chico, vaudeville theater {mth one-act plays, with or without music). gente,/., people. geografico, -a, geographical. genindio, gerund, present par- ticiple. Gibraltar, Gibraltar. Giralda, Giralda. gitana, gipsy woman. gloria, glory. golf, m., golf. G6mez, Spanish family name. Gonzalez, Spanish family name. gordo, -a,/., at; (premio) — , first prize. gota, drop. gotico, -a, Gothic. grabado, cut, illustration. gracia, grace, sprightliness; pi., thanks. gracioso, -a, amusing. grado, degree; ia cuantos — s estamos? what is the tem- perature?; estamos a treinta — s, it is 30 degrees. gram^tica, grammar, gran, grand e, great, large; me esta — , it is too large for me. Granada, Granada. granadino, -a, of Granada. grave, grave; palabra — , word stressed on penulti- mate syllable. gravedad, /., seriousness. griego, -a, Greek; 7n. Greek (language). grupo, group. guapo, -a, pretty. guia, /., guide book; — de ferrocarriles, time-table; — , m., guide. gui6n, m., hyphen. i6o VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES guisante, m., pea. gustar, to like; me gusta, I like (it), me gusta mks, I prefer. gusto, pleasure; taste; tener mucho — en (with inf.), to be very happy (to); mucho — en conocer a Vd., I am very happy to know (or meet) you; sobre gustos no hay disputa, there is no disputing tastes. haber (iS4), to have (used to form compound tenses); — (impersonal), to be; hay, there is, there are; is there? are there?; icu^nto hay? how far is it?; hay siete manzanas, it is seven blocks; ique hay de comer? what is there to eat?; ha habido, there has (or have) been; haber que (zvith inf.), to be necessary. habichuela, string bean. habitaci6n, /., room. habitante, m., inhabitant. hablar, to speak, talk. habre, etc., see haber. hacer (iss), to make, do; be (in expressions of weather); — calor, to be warm; — frio, to be cold; — bochomo, to be sultry; ique tal tiempo hace? what kind of weather is it?; hace, ago (expressing completed action) ; hace poco, a short time ago; hace . . . que ( in expressions of time), (see j6, par. j); icu&nto tiempo hace que 61 estuvo aqui? how long ago was he here?; — componer algo, to have something fixed; — esperar a alguien, to keep some one waiting; — ejercicio, to exercise; — falta, to lack; — novillos, to play truant, "cut" class; — llamar, to send for; — un papel, to play a role; — una pregunta, to ask a question; — daiio, to hurt, harm; — un viaje, to take (or have) a trip; — una visita (a), to pay a call (upon) ; haga Vd. el favor (de), (ivith inf.), be kind enough to, please; — se daiio, to hurt one's self; — se entender, to make one's self understood; se hace tarda, it is getting late. hada, fairy. haga, etc., see hacer. hallar, to find. hambre, /., hunger; tener — , to be hungry; tener mucha — , to be very hungry. hare, etc., see hacer. hasta, until, as far as; — que, until- VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES l6l hay, hay a, see haber. haz, fam. imperative singular of hacer. he (fam. imperative singular of haber) : — aqui, here is (or are), hecho, past part, hacer; subst. m., fact. helado, ice, icecream; — de fresa, strawberry ice. herida, wound, herir (ie), to wound, hermana, sister. hermandad, /., fraternity, hermano, brother. hermoso, -a, beautiful. heroico, -a, heroic. hice, etc., hizo, see hacer. hidalgo, gentleman, hija, daughter. hijo, son. hip6tesi8, /., conditional clause, historia, history. hist6rico, -a, historical. Iholal (fam.), hello 1 holandes, -esa, Dutch, hombre, m., man. honor, m., honor. honorario, fee. hora, hour, time; lqu€ — es? what time is it?; ia que — ? at what time?; — del al- muerzo, lunch time; a estas — s, at this hour. hotel, m., hotel. hoy, to-day; de — en ocho dias, a week from to-day. hube, etc., see haber. huelga, strike. hueso, bone. huevo, egg; — pasado por agua, soft boiled egg. humorlstico, -a, humorous. iba, etc., see ir. IbaiLez, see Blasco. ida: billete de — y vuelta, round trip ticket idea, idea. ideal, ideal; subst. tn., ideal. idioma, m., language. idiom^tico, -a, idiomatic. iluminar, to illuminate. ilustrado, -a, illustrated. imaginacion,/., imagination. imperativo, imperative (mood). imperecedero, -a, imperish- able. imperfecto, past descriptive or imperfect (tense). impermoable, m., raincoat. impersonal, impersonal. impersonalmente, imperson- ally. impHcito, -a, implied. imponente, imposing. Importancia, importance. importante, important. ixnportar, to be of importance. l62 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES matter; ^que me importa que . . . ? what difference does it make to me whether . . .? imprenta, printing press; enviar a la — , to send to press. impresi6n,/., impression; print, printing. impresionable, impressionable, emotional. impresionar, to impress, pro- duce an effect upon. imprimir (172), to print. inactive, -a, inactive. inaguantable, unbearable, incalculable, incalculable, incluir {149), to include, incluyo, etc., see incluir. incomparable, incomparable, indeterminado, -a, indefinite, indicar {127), to indicate, mark, express. indicative, indicative {mood). indiferente, indifferent; me es — , I do not care, it is all the same to me. indique, etc., see indicar. indirecto, -a, indirect, indispuesto, -a, indisposed, sick. industria, industry, industrial, industrial, infinitive, infinitive. informaciones, /. pL, news, informarse (de), to acquaint one's self (with). ingenieria, engineering. ingles, -esa, EngKsh; subst. m., English {language). ingreso, entrance. inmortal, immortal. inmortalizar {i2g), to immor- talize. inscripcion,/., entry. institucion,/., institution. institute, institute, secondary school. instrumento, instrument. intercalar, to insert. interes, w., interest; tomarse — (per), to be {or become) interested (in). interesante, interesting; iqu6 hay de — ? what is there of interest? interesarse (per), to be inter- ested (in). internacienal, international. interpretar, to interpret. introducir {152), to introduce. invierno, winter. invitacion, /., invitation. invitar (a), to invite (to). ir {166) J to go; — a pie, to walk, go on foot; vames, we are going or let us go; vames a ver (le), let us see; iya vey I coming!; er person. personaje, m., personage, char- acter. personal, personal. p«sar, to weigh; — mucho, to be very heavy. pesar: a — de, in spite of. pescado, fish {as food). pescar {127), to fish, catch (fish); no se pescan truchas a bragas enjutas, one can't catch trout without getting wet {attainment of anything presents some difficulty). peseta, peseta {Spanish coin worth about 20 cents at par). peso, weight. pez, m., fish {in natural state). picado, -a, minced, chopped; tabaco picado, smoking to- bacco. pidio, see pedir. pido, etc., see pedir. pie, w., foot. piedra, stone. pienso, etc., see pensar. pienso, feed for horses; Ini por — 1 not much! pierdo, etc., see perder. pieza, play; room. pintar, to paint. pintor, m., painter. pintoresco, -a, picturesque. pintura, painting. pipa, pipe. pirata, m., pirate. ^so, floor, story; — bajo, ground floor. placer, m., pleasure. plan, m., plan; — de estudios, curriculum. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES 171 plata, silver. plaza, square. plenamente, fully. pluma, pen. plural, plural. pluscuamperfecto, past perfect (tense). poblacion, /., jjopulation. »K)co, -a, (but) little; pi. few; poco tiempo, a ^ort time; hace poco, a short time ago; adv., poco, little; un — de, a little; dentro de — , shortly, soon; por — , nearly; por — me caigo, I nearly fell; — a — , gradually; ni — ni mucho, not at all, not in the slightest degree. poder, m., power. poder (156) f to be able, can, may; no puede ser, it is im- possible. podr6, etc., see poder. poesfa, poetry. poetico, -a, poetic. politica, pontics. politico, -a, political. pondrg, etc., see poner. poner (157), to put, place; put in, install; put on (a play for performance) ; — se, to put on (a garment); become; — se enfermo, to become sick; — se despejado, to become clear; — se (a), to begin (to); — se a la renta, to be placed on sale. ponga, etc., see poner. por, for, through, by, in, about, because of, along, to; — aqui, this way. ipor qu6? why?; porque, be- cause. portero, janitor, portezuela, door (of cab, train). poseer (133), to possess. posesion,/., possession, posesivo, -a, possessive. posible, possible; todo lo — , everything possible. positivo, -a, positive. prfictica, practice. prictico, -a, practical, preceder, to precede, precio, price, precioso, -a, excellent, precisamente, precisely; — ha- blaba de Vd., I was just talking about you. preciso, -a, necessary. predicado, -a, predicate, predominar, to predominate, preferencia, preference. preferir (ie), to prefer, prefiero, etc., see preferir. pregunta, question. preguntar, to ask (a question). premio, prize; — grande, first prize, prenda, object, article; — de vestir, article of clothing. 172 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLLS preparative, preparation. preposicion,/., preposition. preposicional, prepositional. presentar, to present, intro- duce. presente, present; subst. m., present (tense). prestar, to lend; — atenciSn, to pay attention. preterite, m., past absolute (or preterit) (tense). primavera, spring. primer (0), -a, first. primoroso, -a, excellent, grace- ful. principal, principal. prfncipe, m., prince. principio, beginning; a — s de, toward the beginning of. probabilidad, /., probability. probar (ue), to try; — fortuna, to try one's fortune; — se, to try on. procedencia, origin. producir (152), to produce. profesional, professional. profesor, w., teacher, profes- sor. profundo, -a, profound. programa, m., program; — de estudios, course (of sttidies). progresivo, -a, progressive. prohibici6n, /., prohibition. prohibir, to prohibit, forbid. prometer, to promise. pronombre, f»., pronoun; — personal complemento, con- junctive personal pronoun. pronto, soon, quickly; de — , suddenly; lo mas — posible, as soon as possible. pronunciaci&n, /., pronuncia- tion. propiedad,/., ownership. propina, tip. propio, -a, own. proponerse (157)^ to propose, intend. propongo, see proponer. proporcion, /., proportion. preposicion,/., clause. preposite, purpose; a — , by the way. prepuse, etc., see proponer. presaico, -a, prosaic. previncia, province. pr6iime, -a, next; el afio pr6xi- me, next year; proximo pasade, month just passed; pr6ximo matrimonio, coming (or approaching) marriage. prueba, proof. pruebe, etc., see prebar. publicar (127), to publish. publico, public. pude, etc., puede etc., see poder. puerta, door, gate; — del pise, apartment door; — de la calle, street door. Puerta de las Granadas, tri- umphal arch that serves as VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-mGlilS 173 main entrance to the Al ham- bra Park. Puerta del Sol, chief square in Madrid. pues, well (introductory). puesto, see poner. punto, point; — de vista, point of view; en — , precisely, exactly. puflo, cuff. puro, cigar. puse, etc., see poner. que, conj., that; m&s — , more than; tenet — , to have to, be obliged to; tener algo — , to have something (or any- thing) to . . . que (el que, la que, los que, las que), rel. pron., who, whom, which, that; lo — , which, that which, what. iqu6? what?; ia — ? ipara — ? why?; I — tal? how? Iqu6! what! what a! how! {see 26, par. 2). quedar, to stay, remain; have left (over); — se, to stay, remain; — se con, to take, engage; el iiltimo que me queda, the last one that I have left; me quedar& tiempo, I shall have time enough. querer {158), to wish, desire, be wiUing; iquiere Vd.? do you wish? will you?; yo qui- siera, I should like (to); — decir, to mean; como Vd. quiera, as you hke. querido, -a, dear. Quesada, Spanish family name. queso, cheese. quien, who (whom), one who, he who, etc. iqui6n? who (whom)?; £de — ? whose? quiero, etc., see querer. Quijote, (Don) Quixote. quimica, chemistry. quince, fifteen. quinto, -a, fifth. quisiera, etc., see querer. racimo, bunch. radical,/., stem {of a word). rango, rank, position. rapido, express (train). raro, -a, strange. rato, while {short period of time); un — m&s, a while longer. raya, dash. raza, race. raz6n, /., reason; tener — , to be right. real, royal; real, realizar {i2g), to realize, carry out; effect. 174 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES receta, prescription. recibir, to receive; meet; — noticias de, to hear from. recibo, receipt. recientemente, recently. recitar, to recite, speak one's lines (in a play). recomendar (ie), to recom- mend. reconquista, reconquest. reconquistar, to reconquer. rector, m., president. recuerdo, remembrance; — s en casa, best wishes to the family; afectuosos — s, best wishes. recurso, resource. red,/., rack. redactor, w., editor. reemplazar {i2g), to replace. referenda, reference. ref erir (ie) ; — se, to refer. refiero, etc., refiriendo, see referir. reflexivo, -a, reflexive. refr^, m., proverb. refresco, refreshment. regimen, m., construction; — directo, direct object; — in- directo, indirect object. regir (i) (146), to govern. registro, examination, search. regla, rule; por — general, usu- ally. regreso, return. reino, kingdom. reiterar, to repeat. relativo, -a, relative. reloj, m., watch. relojeria, watch store. reloj ero, watch maker. remedio, remedy; no hay otro — , it can't be helped. remoto, -a, remote. repasar, to review. repaso, review. representar, to represent, per- form. requerimiento, request, peti- tion. rcquerir (ie), to require. requiero, etc., see requerir. rescatar, to ransom. reservar, to reserve. resfriado, cold. respecto, respect; con — a, with regard to. rcspetar, to respect. responder, to reply, answer; — por escrito, to answer in writing. restablecer (148), to recover. Retiro (El), park in Madrid. retrago, delay. retrato, portrait. reunion,/., meeting. revelar, to develop {a film). revisi6n, /., examination, search. revista, review; magazine. rey, m., king; pL, kings; king and queen. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES 175 ridiculizar (i^p), to ridicule. rige, see regir. rinc6n, w., comer. riquisimo, -a (absolute super- lative of rico), very deli- cious. Ritz, name of hotel in Madrid. Rodrigo, Roderick. Roma, Rome. romantico, -a, romantic. ropa, clothing; — interior, underclothing. rosbif, w., roast beef. roto, -a, past part, romper, broken. ruido, noise. niina, ruin. rtistica: en — , unbound, in paper cover. saber {159), to know, know how; — de buena tinta, to know on good authority; — al dedillo, to have at the tip of one's tongue; no lo se, I do not know. sabidurla, wisdom. sacar (127), to take (out), take from; buy (a ticket); take (a photograph)] — un per- miso, to obtain a permit. sala, hall, reception room; — de espera, waiting-room; — de equipajes, baggage- room. salario, salary, wage. saldo, bargain sale. saldrS, e/c, see salir. salgo, see salir. salida, departure. salir {168) y to go out, come out, leave; rise {of the sun); — bien de un examen, to pass in an examination; — mal de un examen, to fail in an examination; — de casa, to leave home; — de Paris, to leave Paris, salon, VI., salon, {large) hall. salto, jump; — largo, broad jump; — alto, high jump; — de la garrocha, pole vault, salud, /., health; bien de — , well, in good health. saludar, to greet. San Antonio, St. Anthony. Sancho, Sancho. sandia, watermelon. San Sebastian, fashionable Spanish resort on the Bay of Biscay. saque, see sacar. sarga, serge, se, see saber. sea, etc., see ser. secar {127), to dry. seccion, /., section, perform- ance; — de las doce, twelve o'clock performance. secreto, -a, secret. secundario, -a, secondary. 176 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES Segovia, capital of the province of Segovia, and 63 miles north of Madrid. seguida: en — , at once, imme- diately. seguir (i) {147), to follow, con- tinue; — la derecha, to keep to the right. segiin, according to. segundo, -a, second. segmidad, /., assurance. seguro, -a, sure, certain. seguro, insurance. seis, six. sello, stamp. semana,/., week. semanario, weekly (paper). semejante, similar. semejanza, resemblance. sencillo, -a, simple; billete — , single trip ticket. sentado, -a, seated. sentar (ie), to suit; no me sienta bien, it does not agree with me; — se, to sit down. sentido, sense; buen — , com- mon sense. sentimiento, feeling, regret. sentir (ie), to regret, feel, be sorry; lo siento, I am sorry (for it); siento mucho, I am very sorrj'-; — se, to feel. sefior, m., sir, gentleman, Mr. seilora, madam, wife, Mrs. seflorito, young gentleman. sepa, etc., see saber. Beparar(se), to separate, part. septiembre, m., September. septimo, -a, seventh. set {i6g), to be; es la una, it is one o'clock; son las diez, it is ten o'clock; ique ha sido de €1? what has become of him? sereno, night watchman. servicio, service. servir (i), to serve; be of serv- ice; be used; — de gula, to serve as guide; — para, to be used for {or as). sesenta, sixty. Seville, Seville {capital of An- dalusia). sevillano, -a, Sevillian, of Se- ville; subst. Sevillian. sexto, -a, sixth. si, if. sf, yes; ahora — , now it is true. siempre, always; — que, when- ever; lo de — , the same old story; de — , of all times. siendo, see set. siento, etc., see sentar and sentir. sierra, mountain range. siete, seven. siglo, century. significaci6n, /., meaning. significado, meaning. significar {127), to mean. sigue, see seguir. siguiente, following. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGli:S 177 8igul6, see seguir. sflaba, syllable. silla, chair. 8ill6n, m., arm-chair. sin, without. singular, singular. sino, but. Bin6nimo, synonym. siquiera, even; ni una palabra — , not a single word. sirvo, etc., see servir. sitio, place, room (space), situado, -a, located. soberbio, -a, splendid, hand- some. sobre, on, over, about; — todo, especially. sobre, m., envelope. sobrentenderse (ie), to be un- derstood, implied. sobresaliente, distinguished. sobresalir (168), to be pre- eminent. social, social. sociedad,/., society. socio, member. sol, tn., sun. solamente, only, solely. 86I0, only. solo, -a, alone, single; caf6 solo, black coffee; por sf solo, of itself, without any other; nunca una desgracia viene sola, misfortunes never come singly. sombrero, hat; — de paja, straw hat. sonar (ue), to ring. sofiar (ue) (con), to dream (of). soplo, breath. sorpresa, surprise. sostener {160), to support. Suarez, Spanish family name. subir (a), to go up (to); get in (cab or train); carry up; bring up; rise (of prices). subjuntivo, subjunctive. subrayado, -a, underlined. subscribirse {172), to sub- scribe. substantivo, noun; — , -a, noun. substituir (149), to substitute, replace. substituya, etc., see substituir. suceso, event. sueldo, salary. sueno, etc., see sonar. sueiio, sleep; dream; tener — , to be sleepy. Buerte,/., luck. sufrir, to suffer, undergo; — un examen, to take an exam- ination. suizo, -a, Swiss. sujeto, subject. sumamente, exceedingly. suministrar, to furnish. supe, etc., see saber. suprimir, to suppress, drop. supuesto: por — , of course. surtido, stock, assortment. 178 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES surtir (de), to provide (with). suscripcion, /., subscription. suspenso, -a, suspended, not passed (in an examination). susto, fright; Uevarse un — , to be {or become) frightened. tabaco, tobacco; — picado, smoking tobacco, tafetan, m., taffeta; — ingles, court-plaster. tajada, slice. tal, such; Iqne — ? how? what kind of . . . ? How are you? (Jam.); con — (de) que, provided that, talon, w., check. tambien, also, too. tan, as, so; ique dia — calu- rosol (see 26, par. 2). tanto, -a, as much, so much; pl.^ as many, so many; adv.^ tanto, so much, so. Tapia, Spanish family name. taquilla, ticket office. tardar, to delay; icuinto tiempo tardara el tren en salir? How long will it be before the train leaves?; a mSs — -, at the latest. tarde,late; de — en — , nowand then, tarde, /., afternoon; pot la — , in the afternoon; buenas — s, good afternoon. tarea, task. tar j eta, card, visiting-card. taximetro, taxicab. teatro, theater. tela, cloth. telegrama, w., telegram. telon, w., curtain. tema, m., composition. temer, to be afraid (of). temperatura, temperature. temporada, season. temporal, temporal. temprano, early. tendre, eic.^ see tener. tenedor, m., fork. tenedor, w., holder; — de libros, bookkeeper, tener (160) y to have, possess; — que, to have to, be obliged to; — . . . anos, to be . . . years old; — hambre, to be hungry; — calor, to be warm; — razon, to be right; — sueno, to be sleepy; — suerte, to be lucky; — en cuenta, to realize; no — nada que ver con, to have nothing to do with; no — con que . . ., to have nothing with which . . . ; ique tiene Vd? what is the matter with you? ; tenga Vd. la bondad de (^doiih inf.)j please, be kind enough to. tenga, etc., see tener. tennis, m., tennis. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGL^S 179 tercer(o), -a, third. terminaci6n, /., ending. terminar, to end, complete, finish; — se, to end. termino, end. termometro, thermometer. terreno, ground; ^/., campus. terron, w., lump. Ticknor (George), noted Amsrican historian of Span- ish literature {iygi-1871). tiempo, time; weather; tense; a — , in time; iculinto — ? how long?; mucho — , a long time; poco — , a short time. tienda, store. tiene, etc., see tener. tierra, land, country, timbre, ?n., electric bell {used as a signal to raise curtain in ■ Spanish theaters). tipo, type. tiza, chalk. toalla, towel. tocador, m., dressing-table. tocar {127), to touch; ring {a hell); play {a musical in- strument)] fall to one's lot; le toco el premio, he won the prize. todavia, still, yet; — no, not yet. todo, -a, all, whole; toda la ciudad, the whole city; toda la noche, all night; pi., all, every, everybody; todas las " noches, every night; neut. todo, all, everything. Toledo, ancient city about 47 miles south of Madrid. tomar, to take; buy (a ticket); eat or drink (food); — a pechos, to take to heart; — las de Villadiego, to leave unceremoniously; — pres- tado, to borrow; tome Vd., (in ofering something) here you are! -se interes por algo, to be interested in something. tomo, volume. tono, tone. torear, to fight (bulls). torero, bull fighter. tormenta, storm. torneo, tournament. toro, bull; ser aficionado a los — s, to be fond of bull fights. torpe, stupid. torre, /., tower; — de la Vela, Watch Tower, tortilla, omelet, trabajar, to work; act. trabajo, work; difficulty, tradicional, traditional. traducci6n,/., translation. traducir (152), (a), to translate (into). traduzca, etc., see traducir. traer (161), to bring; contain. traiga, etc., see traer. i8o VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES traje, m., suit. traje, etc., see traer. transformar(se), to change. transitive, -a, transitive. tranvia, w., street car. tratamiento, address. tratar (de), to treat; try (to); — se (de), to be a question of. traves: a — de, through, trazar {i2g)y to portray. trece, thirteen. treinta, thirty. tren, w., train; — mixto, ac- commodation train. trenza, braid. tres, three. triste, sad. trocito, small piece. tronar (ue), to thunder. tropezar {141) (con), to meet with, come across. tropiezo, etc., see tropezar. trozo, passage. trueno, thunderclap. tuerto, -a, blind of one eye. turco, -a, Turk. tuvo, etc., see tener. luf I whew! ufano, -a, proud. ultimo, -a, last {in a series), unico, -a, unique. Universidad, /., University; — Central, University of Madrid. universitario, -a, (of a) uni- versity. tin(o), -a, a, an, one; uno muy bueno, a very good one; a la una, at one o'clock; uno u otro, either; indef., unos, -as, some. usado, -a, worn out. uso, use. fitil, useful. uva, grape. va, see ir. vacacion,/., vacation, vacio, -a, empty. vagon-restauran, m., dining car. valer (170), to be worth, valor, m., value, valla, hurdle. vamos, see ir. vapor, m., steam, vara, yard, variable, temporary. variaci6n, /., variation, change, variedad, /., variety. vario, -a, various; pi., several, various. vaya, etc., see ir. vea, etc., see ver. vega, plain. Vega Carpio (Lope F61ix de), Spain's foremost dramatist {i 562-1635). veinte, twenty. VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGlilS l8l veinticinco, twenty-five. veinticuatro, twenty-four. veintid6s, twenty-two. veintiocho, twenty-eight. veintiseis, twenty-six. veintisiete, twenty-seven. veintitr^s, twenty-three. veintiiin, veintiuno, -a, twenty- one. vela, watch, watchman. Velizquez (Diego Rodriguez de Silva y), Spain's foremost painter {i5gQ-i66o). veneer {130), to defeat. vendedor, m., seller; — de periodicos, newspaper ven- dor. vender, to sell. vendr6, etc., see venir. venga, etc., sec venir. venir {162) (a), to come (to); — se, to come. venta, sale. ventana, Avindow. ventanilla, window {of carriage or train). ver {171), to see, look at; a — , let us see. veranear, to spend the summer. verano, summer. verbal, verbal. verbo, verb. verdad, /., truth; es — , it is true, that is true, that's so; I — ? or i no es — ? is it not so? is it not? etc.; I — ? really? verdadero, -a, true. verde, green, unripe. verificar {127), to verify; — se, to take place. verso, verse. vestfbulo, vestibule, foyer. vestido, -a, clothed; — de negro, dressed in black. vestigio, trace, remnant. vestir (i), to dress; — se, to dress one's self. vez, /., time; de — en cuando, occasionally; por primera — , for the first time; en — de, instead of; a veces, some- times; icu^ntas veces? how often?; algunas veces, some- times, ever. vi, etc. see ver. viajar, to travel. viaje, m., journey, trip; feliz — , pleasant journey; hacer un — , to take {or have) a trip; — por mar, sea trip. viajero, traveler; isefiores — s al tren! all aboard! victoria, victory. vida, life; La — es sueno, "Life is a Dream." viene, see venir. viere, etc., see ver. viernes, w., Friday. vigilancia, supervision. Villadiego, see tomar. Villalon, Spanish family name. vine, etc., see venir. l82 VOCABULARIO ESPANOL-INGLES vino, wine; — del pais, native wine. visitor, to visit. vista, /., sight, view; hasta la — , good-by until we meet again. vistiendo, visto, etc., see vestir. visto, see ver. viveza, energy. vivir, to live. vocabulario, vocabulary. vocal,/., vowel. volumen, m., volume. volver (138), to return; to re- peat an action, as — a ver, to see again; — se, to return. voy, see ir. voz,/., voice. vuelta, turn; dar una — , to take a walk or stroU; esiar de — , to be back. vuelto; vuelvo, etc., see volver. y, and. ya, now, already. Zamora, old town in Leon; no se gan6 — en una hora, Za- mora was not won in an hour (equivalent to the English proverb "Rome was not built in a day"). Zerolo (E.), one of the authors of the "Diccionario de la lengua cckstellana.^^ VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL able: be — , poder {156). about, acerca de; (place) por; to be — to, estar (i^j) para, accept, aceptar. accompany, acompanar. acquaint: to — one's self (with), enterarse (de). activity, actividad (/.). address, direccion (/.). advertisement, anuncio. advise, aconsejar. advisor, consejero. afraid : to be — , temer. after, prep., despues de; conj., despues (de) que. afternoon, tarde (/.) ; in the — , por la tarde; this — , esta tarde; good — , buenas tar- des. again: do something — , volver (ue) {138) a hacer alguna cosa. ago, hace; (see 36, par. 2). air, aire (m.); in the open — , al aire libre; to put on — s, darse (16^) mucho tono. Algerian, argelino, -a. Algiers, Argel. Alhambra, Alhambra. alight, bajar. all, todo, -a; — day, todo el dia. allow, permitir. almost, casi. along, por. already, ya. also, tambi^n. although, aunque. always, siempre. A.M., (see 6, par. 2). American, norteamericano, -a. among, entre. amuse one's self, divertirse (ie). and, y. Andalusian, andaluz, -a. angry: to become — , montar en colera. another, otro, -a. answer, contestar. Anthony, Antonio, any, alguno (algun), -a; (after negative or comparative), nin- guno (ningun), -a. any one, alguien; (after nega- tive or comparative), nadie. anything, algo; (after negative) nada; — else, otra cosa, mds. appear, dejarse ver. appreciate, apreciar. approximately, aproximada- mente. 183 i84 VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL arch, arco. architecture, arquitectura. arm, brazo. armory, armerfa. arrange, arreglar. arrival, Uegada. arrive, llegar {128). art, arte, (m. and/.); fine — s, bellas artes. article, articulo; toilet — s, articulos de tocador. as, tan, como; — quickly — possible, lo mds aprisa posi- ble. ask (for or to) pedir (i) {see 21, par. 3); — (about), preguntar {see 21, par. j); — a question, bacer {155) una pregunta. assurance, seguridades (/. pL). assure, asegurar. at, a, en. athletic, atl6tico, -a. attend, asistir (a). attention, atenci6n (/.). attract: — the attention of some one, llamar la atencidn a alguien. August, agosto. author, autor {m.). awake, despertarse (ie). B bachelor, bachiller (w.). back: to be — , estar {153) de vuelta. bad, mal(o), -a. baggage, equipaje {m.); equi- pajes {m. pi.); — room, sala de equipajes; — office, des- pacho de equipajes. barber shop, peluquerla. bathe (one's self), banarse. bathroom, cuarto de bafio. battle, batalla. be, ser {i6g)', estar {153)', {for distinctions between ser and estar, see 6, par. 4); (in expressions of time, see 6, par. 2 and 36, par. 3); (in expressions of weather, see 81, par. 2); (age), {see 31, par. 3); (distance), haher im- personal {154)) — sleepy, tener {160) sueiio. beautiful, hermoso, -a. beauty, belleza, because, porque; — of, por. become {in physical sense), ponerse {157); — of, {see bed, cama; to go to — , acos- tarse (ue). beer, cerveza. before, {prep.) antes de; {conj.) antes (de) que. begin (to), empezar {141) (a); comenzar {141) (a). believe, creer {133). bell, campanilla, timbre {m.). besides, ademds. best, mejor. VOCABULAKIO INGLES-ESPANOL i8s better, mejor. between, entre. bill, cuenta. bind, encuademar. block, manzana. blue, azul. boarding house, casa de hu6s- pedes. bone, hueso. book, libro; second-hand — , libro de lance. bookkeeper, tenedor (w.) de libros. bookseller, librero. book store, libreria. born: to be — , nacer {148), borrow, (see 113), bound, encuademado, -a. box, caja. braid, trenza. breakfast, desayiino. breath, soplo. bring, traer {i6i). broken, roto, -a. brother, hermano. brown, moreno, -a. brush, cepillo; hair — , cepillo de cabeza; tooth — , cepillo de dientes; to — one's teeth, limpiarse los dientes. build, eaificar (127); construir {149)' building, edificio. bull fight, corrida de tores, bull fighter, torero. bunch, racimo. busy, ocupado, -a. but, pero. butter, mantequilla. buy, comprar; {a ticket) tomar. by, por. caf6, caf6 {m). call, llamar; to be called, llaraarse. campaign, campana. can, poder {156). cantaloup, mel6n (w.). canvas, lienzo. capital, capital (/.); {as resi- dence of sovereign) corte (/.). captivity, cautiverio. capture, apresar. card, tarjeta. carry, Uevar; — up, subir; — down, bajar. case, caso. catch, coger {131). cathedral, catedral (/.), cease, cesar. cent, cuarto. century, siglo. certain, seguro, -a. certainty, certeza. champion, campe6n (m.). championship, campeonato. change, cambiar; — one's clothing, mudarse de ropa. character, caracter {m.)\ per- souaje (mO. t86 VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL charge: to take — (of), encar- garse {128) (de). Charles, Carlos, charm, encanto. chauffeur, chauffeur (w.). check, facturar; subst., tal6a int.). cheese, queso. chemistry, quimica. chest, pecho. chief, jefe (m.). chocolate, chocolate (m.). choose, escoger (iji). cigar, puro. cigarette, cigarrillo. city, ciudad (/.). class, clase (/.). clean, limpiar. clear, despejado. clerk, dependiente (w.). climate, clima (m.). close, cerrar (ie); cerrarse. cloth, tela, clothing, ropa. cloudy: to be — , estar (755) nublado; to get — , nublarse. club, club (m.). coat, americana. coffee, caf6 (w.); black — , cafe solo. cold (illness), resfriado. cold, frlo, -a; subsL, frlo. collar, cuello. collection, colecci6n (/.). colloquial, corriente. colori color (m.)« coloring, colorido. column, columna. comb, peine (m.). come (to), venir {162) (a). comedy, comedia. comfortable, c6modo, -a; to be — (of persons), cstar (iSJ) bien. commerce, comercio. commercial, comercial. company, compania. compartment, compartimiento complete, completo, -a. completely, por completo. concerning, acerca de. condition: on — that, a condi- ci6n (de) que. consent, consentir (ie) (en), contain, contener {160). contemporary, contempordneo, -a. contest, lucha. continue, seguir (147). copy, ejemplar (m.). comer, (of a room) rinc6n (m.); (of a street) esquina. correct, corregir (146). cost, costar (ue). country, pais (m.). course, programa (tw.) de estudios. court, patio. court-plaster, tafetdn {m.) in- gles. courtyard, patio. create, crear. VOCABULARIO INGLfes-ESPANOL 187 cross, atravesar (ie). cup, copa, custom house, aduana. cut, cortar; — class, f altar a la clase. D dance, bailar; subst., baile (m.). dancer, bailarfn (w.); bailarina data, datos {m. pi.}. date, fecha; what is the — ? la. cudntos estamos del mes? dawn, amanecer (m.). day, dia (w.); per — , diario, -a; — before yesterday, anteayer. dean, decano. dear, querido, -a. December, diciembre (w.). decide (to), decidirse (a). declare, declarar. defeat, veneer (130). defend, defender (ie). degree, grado. departure, salida. describe, describir {1^2). deserve, merecer {148). desire, deseo; to have no — to, no tener (160) ganas de. desk, escritorio. dictionary, diccionario. die, morir (ue) {144). differ, diferir (ie). difficult, diffcil. diffictilty, dificultad (/.). dine, comer. dining-car, vag6n-restaurdn (m.). dining-room, comedor (m.). disappear, desaparecer (148). disappoint: to be keenly disap- pointed, llevarse un gran chasco. distinguished, sobresaliente. do, hacer (133); to — without {see 113); to have nothing to — with (see 113). doctor, medico, dollar, duro. door, puerta; {of cab or train) portezuela. dormitory, dormitorio. dramatic, dramdtico, -a. drawer, caj6n {m.). drawing, dibujo. drawing-room, sala. dream (of), sonar (ue) (con), drenched, mojado, -a; — to the bone, mojado hasta los huesos. dress (one's self), vestirse (i). dressing-table, tocador (m.). drink, beber. drug store, farmacia. dry, secar (127). during, durante. Dutch, holand6s, -esa. each, cada. eager: to be very — (to), tener {160) muchos deseos (de). i88 VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL early, temprano. easily, facilmente. easy, facil. cat, comer, edition, edici6n (/.). editor, redactor (m.). editorial, artlculo de fondo. egg, huevo; soft boiled — , huevo pasado por agua. eight, ocho. eighty, ochenta. electric, electrico, -a. eleven, once. embark, embarcarse (127). end, tenninar, terminarse; toward the — of, a fines de. engagement, cita. engineer, maquinista (m.). English, ingles, -esa; (language) ingles (m.). enough, bastante. enter, entrar (en). entrance, ingreso. envelope, sobre (m.). esteemed, apreciable. Europe, Europa. European, europeo, -a. even, atin. evening, noche (/.); in the — , por la noche; last — , anoche. event, suceso. every, todos, -as; — day, todos los dlas. everything, todo. exalt, enaltecer {148). examine, examinar. examination, examen (m.); cus- toms — , registro de los equipajes. example, ejemplo; for — , por ejemplo. excellent, excelente. exceptional, excepcional. excess, exceso; — weight, exceso de peso. excessive, excesivo, -a. exchange, cambiar. exercise, hacer (iss) ejerci- cio; stibst. ejercicio; tema (m.). expensive, caro, -a. expert, experto, -a. express, rdpido. F face (upon), dar (16^) a; to — the north, dar al norte. faculty, cuerpo de profesores. fail: to — in an examination, salir {168) mal de un examen. fairly, bastante. fairy, hada; — tale, cuento de hadas. fall, caer {164); (prices) bajar; to — down, caerse. famous, famoso, -a. fancy, fantasia. far, lejos; how — is it? or poco. necessary, preciso, -a, necesa- rio, -a. need, necesitar; (lack) hacer falta. needle, aguja. never, nunca; no . . . nunca. new, nuevo, -a. news, noticias (J. pl.)\ infor- maciones (/. pi.). newspaper, peri6dico. New York, Nueva York (m. and j.). next, pr6ximo, -a; — week, la semana pr6xima; — to (position), junto a. night, noche (/.); last — , anoche. night watchman, sereno. nine, nueve. ninety, noventa. no, no. no, no one, none, ninguno (ningtin), -a. nobody, nadie; no . . . nadie. 194 VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL nor, m. not, no. note, billete (m.). noteworthy, notable. nothing, nada; no . . . nada. novel, novela. now, ahora, ya. numerous, numeroso, -a. object, objeto. obtain, obtener (i6o)y lograr. occasionally, de vez en cuando. occupy, ocupar. o'clock, {see 6, par. 2). October, octubre (m.). of, de. often, muchas veces; how — ? ^cuantas veces? old, antiguo, -a; to be . . , years — , {see ji, par. j). omelet, tortilla, omit, {see 113). on, sobre, en, encima de; — {with Eng. pres. part.), {see 26, par. 4), one, un(o), -a; the — who, el que, etc. only, solamente. open, abrir {172); adj., abierto, -a. operated: to be — on, ser operado, -a. opinion, opini6n (/.); in my — , a mi entender. opportunity, ocasi6n (/.). oral, oral. orange, naranja. orchestra, orquesta. order: in — to, para; in — that, para que. order, orden (/.). order, pedir (i); to — a suit, mandar hacer un traje. other, otro, -a; pL, otros, -as; los demds, las demis. painting, pintura. paper, papel {m.); letter — , papel de cartas. Paris, Paris {m.). park, parque {m.). part, parte (/.); to take — , tomar parte, participar. party, {political group) partido. pass, pasar; — in an examina- tion, salir {168) bien de un examen; to — {a course or year), aprobar (ue). passage, trozo". pay, pagar {128); to — atten- tion, {see 1 1 3); to — a call upon, {see 113). peach, melocot6n {m,). pear, pera. peep out, asomar. pen, pluma. pencil, Idpiz {in.). people, gente (/.). VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL 195 perfect, perfeccionar. performance, funci6n (/.) ; first — , estreno. permit, permitir. peseta, peseta, photograph, fotograffa. physics, flsica. picture, cuadro. picturesque, pintoresco, -a; the — element, lo pintoresco. piece: small — , trod to. pipe, pipa. pirate, pirata (m.). place, lugar (m.); to take — , verificarse (12'}'). platform, anden (m.). play, comedia, pieza (de tea- tro). play, (an insirutttent) tocar (127); (a game) jugar {128) (a), player, jugador (w.). pleasant, agradable; — jour- ney, feliz viaje. please, haga Vd. el favor de or tenga Vd. la bondad de {withinf), pleasure, gusto. P.M., {see 6, par. 2), poetic, portico, -a. poetry, poesfa. point, punto. pole, garrocha; — vault, sal to de la garrocha. political, poHtico, -a. politics, polftica. pool, charco. poplar-grove, alameda. population, poblaci6n (/.). porter, mozo. portray, trazar (i2g). possible, posible; everything — , todo lo posible; as much as — , lo mas posible. pour (rain), llover (ue) a cdntaros. practical, prdctico, -a, practice, prdctica. precisely, en punto. preeminent: to be — , sobre- salir (168). prefer, preferir (ie). preparation, preparativo. prescription, receta. present, presentar. preserve, conservar. pretty, bonito, -a. price, precio. prince, prfncipe (tn.), principal, principal, prize, premio; first — , premio grande, premio gordo. professor, profesor (m.), prohibit, prohibir. proof, prueba. propose, proponerse (JSf). proud, ufano, -a. proverb, refrdn (m.). public, publico, publish, publicar (127), publisher, editor (m.), purchase, compra. 196 VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL put, poner {157)] to — on, po- nerse; to — on airs, darse {165) mucho tono. quarter, cuarto; — of, — past, (^see 6, par. 2), question, pregunta; (subject) asunto. quickly, aprisa; as — as possi- ble, lo mds aprisa posible. quite, bastante. rack, red (/".). rain, llover (ue). raincoat, impermeable {m.). rank, rango. ransom, rescatar. razor, navaja de afeitar. read, leer (133). ready, listo, -a; dispuesto, -a. realize, (see J 13). reason, motivo; by — of, con motive de. receive, recibir. recommend, recomendar (ie). refuse, negarse {140) (a), regard, consideraci6n (/.)• registered, certificado, -a. remember, accrdarse (ue) (de). remnant, vestigio. repeat, reiterar. request, pedir (i). reserve, reservar. respectfully, atentamente. rest, descansar. return, volver {138); (an ob- ject), devolver (138). return, subst.^ regreso. review, revista. ride horseback, montar a ca- ballo. ridicule, ridiculizar (i2g). right, derecho; raz6n (/".); to have a — , tener derecho; to be — , tener raz6n. right, derecho, -a; to the — , a la derecha. ring, tocar (127); sonar, (ue). ripe, maduro, -a. rise, (of prices) subir. roast beef, rosbif (tn.). Roderick, Rodrigo. roll, panecillo. romance of chivalry, libro de caballerfas. Rome, Roma. room, cuarto; habitaci6n (/.). royal, real. rule, regla. run, carrera. S salary, sueldo. same, mismo, -a. San Sebastian, San Sebastidn. say, decir (151); to — good-by to, despedirse (i) de. scholarship, beca. VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL 197 school, escuela, facultad. sculpture, escultura. seashore, costa. seat, asiento. sea-trip, viaje (m.) por mar. second, segundo, -a. secondary, secundario, -a. section, secci6n (/.). see, ver {171) ; let's — , vamos a ver. seem, parecer {148). send, enviar (134); to — for, hacer {155) Uamar. sentence, oraci6n (/.). separate, separar. September, septiembre {m.). serge, sarga. serve, servir (i); to — as, ser- vir de; to be served (a meal), estar {133) en la mesa, seven, siete. seventeenth: — century, siglo diez y siete. several, varios, -as. severe, fuerte. Seville, Sevilla. shave (one's self), afeitarse. shopping: to go — , ir (166) de compras. short, corto, -a. shortly, dentro de poco. short story, cuento. shot, bala; — put, lanzamiento de la bala. show, ensenar. sick, enfermo, -a. sign, letrero. signal, aviso. silver, plata. since, desde; (see 36, par. 3).. sing, cantar. single, solo, -a; not a — word, (ni) una palabra siquiera. sit down, sentarse (ie). six, seis. sky, cielo. sleep, dormir (ue). sleeping car, coche-cama (w.)- sleepy: to be — , tener {160) sueno; to be very — , tener mucho sueno. sleepy head, dormil6n, -ona. slice, tajada. slowly, despacio. small, pequeiio, -a. smoke, fumar. snow, nevar (ie); subst., nieve snowfall, nevada. snowflake, copo de nieve. so, tan; — much (many), tanto, -a; tantos, -as; — ... as, tan . . . como; — much, adv., tanto; — — , asl asf ; that is — , es verdad. soap, jab6n (m.). some, algdn, alguno, -a; pi., algunos, -as. something, algo. sometimes, algunas veces. son, hijo. song, canci6n (/.). VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL soon, pronto; as — as, asl que, luego que. sorry: to be — , sentir (ie); I am — , siento; lo siento. Spain, Espana. Spaniard, espanol (m.). Spanish, espanol, -a; {lang.) espanol {m). speak, hablar. speech, lenguaje (w.). spend, {time) pasar; to — the summer, veranear. splendid, magnffico, -a. spoil, {see iij). sport, deporte {m.). stairs, escalera. station, estaci6n (/.). stay, permanencia. step, paso. still, todavla. stock, surtido. stop, parar, pararse. straw, paja. strawberry, fresa. street, calle (/.). street car, tranvia {m.). strike {the hour), dar {165)', one o'clock has struck, la una ha dado; two o'clock has struck, las dos han dado. strike, {stopping of work) huelga. student, alumno. study, estudiar; to — to be a . . ., estudiar para . . .; subst., estudio. stupid, torpe. style, estilo. subject {of study), asignatura. suffer, sufrir. suit, traje {m.). suit-case, maleta. summer, verano; to spend the — , veranear. surprise, extranar; it surprises me, me extrana. swim, nadar. syllable, sllaba. synonym, sin6nimo. table, mesa. tablet, pastilla. take, tomar; {from one place to another) Uevar; — from or out, sacar {127)) — advan- tage of, aprovechar; — an examination, sufrir un exa- men; — a photograph, sacar (127) una fotografla; — a trip, hacer {155) un viaje; — a walk, dar {165) un paseo, dar una vuelta; — interest (in), tomarse interes (por) ; — to heart, tomar a pechos; — part, tomar parte, partici- par; — place, verificarse {127). tale, cuento. talk, hablar. task, tarea. VOCABULARIO INGL^S-ESPANOL 199 taste, gusto; there is no dis- puting — s, sobre gustos no hay disputa. tazicab, taxlmetro. team, equipo. tell, decir {i^i) ; — some one's fortune, echar la buenaven- tura a alguien. ten, diez. tennis, tennis (m.). than, que; (before numerals) de; de lo que (see 66, par. i). thank, agradecer (148), (see 86, par. 2). thanks, gracias (/. pi.). that, rel., que; conj., que. that, dem. adj., ese, -a; — (yonder) aquel, aquella; dem. pron.y that or that one, 6se, 6sa; neut. pron. eso; that's so, es verdad, eso es verdad. theater, teatro. then, entonces. there, allf; (near person ad- dressed) ahl; — is, — are, hay (haber impersonal). thing, cosa. think, creer (133), pensar (ie); — about, pensar (en). third, tercer(o), -a. this, este, esta; — one, 6ste, 6sta; neut. pron., esto. thoroughly, a fondo. three, tres. through, por. ticket, billete; — office, des- pacho de billetes, taquilla. tight fitting, cenido, -a. time, hora; tiempo; at what — ? ^a qu6 hora?; what — is it? ,Jqu6 hora es?; breakfast — , la hora del desayuno; — to leave, hora de marcharse; to have a very good — , diver- tirse (ie) mucho. time (*» a series), vez (/.); at — s, a veces. time-table, gula (/.) de ferro- carriles. tip, propina. tired, cansado, -a. to, a; (purpose) para. to-day, hoy. to-morrow, manana. tongue, lengua; to have at the tip of one's — , saber (159) al dedillo. tooth, diente (m). tournament, torneo. toward, hacia; — the middle, a mediados; — the end, a fines. towel, toalla. train, tren (m.); accommoda- tion — , tren mixto; four o'clock — , (see 6, par. 2). translate (into), traducir (1S2) (a). trip, viaje (m.); to take a — ^ hacer (i^s) un viaje. trouble, molestar; — one's self, molestarse. 200 VOCABULARIO INGLES-ESPANOL trousers, pantal6n {m.) ; panta- lones. true: it is — , es verdad. trunk, haul (m.). try (to), tratar (de); to — on, probarse (ue). turn, {see 113). twelve, doce. twenty, veinte. two, dos. type, tipo; (sort) g6nero. U unbound, en rustica. unceremoniously: to go off — , tomar las de Villadiego. underneath, debajo de; from — , por debajo de. understand, en tender (ie). United States, los Estados Unidos. University, Universidad (/.); adj., universitario, -a. unless, a menos que. until, prep., hasta; conj., hasta que. use, emplear. vacant, desocupado, -a. vacation, vacaciones (/. pL); summer — , vacaciones esti- vales. value, valor (m.). vanished, desvanecido, -a. various, vario, -a. vaudeville theater, teatro del g^nero chico. vault, salto. very, muy, mucho, mucho, -a. vestibule, vestlbulo. visit, visitar. voice, voz (/.). volume, volumen (m.). W wait (for), esperar, aguardar. waiter, mozo, camarero. waiting-room, sala de espera. walk, vuelta, paseo. wardrobe, armario. warm, adj., caluroso, -a. warm: to be — (of persons), tener calor; to be — (of weather), hacer (is 5) calor; very — , mucho calor; ex- cessively — , un calor ex- cesivo. wash, lavar. wash-stand, lavabo. watch, reloj (m.). water, agua. way, medio; this — (in this direction), por aqui; in this — (manner), de esta manera; which is the — ? ,Jpor d6nde se va?; by the — , a prop6sito. weather, tiempo; to be fine — , hacer (iss) buen tiempo. wedding, matrimonio, boda. week, semana; a — from to- day, de hoy en ocho dlas. ^OCABULARIO INGli:S-ESPANOL 20I weekly (newspaper), seman2ino. weigh, pesar. well, bien; — (in health), bien de salud. what, interrog., ,Jque? de qui6n? why? (Jpor que? win, ganar; tocar (127) a al- guien. wind (a watch), dar {16 f) cuer- da al reloj. window, ventana; (of carriage or train), ventanilla. winter, inviemo. wisdom, sabidurfa. wish, querer (i^S), desear; subst., deseo; best — es, afectuosos recuerdos. with, con. within, dentro de. without, sin. wood, madera; wooden, de madera. word, palabra. work, trabajar; subst. (prodtict of labor) obra. world, mundo. worth: to be — , valer (170); to be — while, valer la pena (de). would: I — that, ojald que. wound, herida. write, escribir (172). writer, escritor (m.). yard, vara, year, ano. yesterday, ayer. yet, todavfa. younger, menor. INDICE a, before direct personal object, 31, par. 2. "ago," 36, par. 2. al, with infinitive, 26, par. 4. deber, 8x, par. 3. definite article, in place of possessive adjec- tive, 41, par. 2. as demonstrative, 61, par. 2. estar, uses, 6, par. 4. exclamatory sentences, 26,par.2. future indicative, used for present, 21, par. 2. gxistar, SI, par. 2. bacer, to express action completed in past, 36, par. 2. to express action begun in past and continuing in present, 36, par. 3. causative, 76, par. i. used impersonally, 81, par. 2. impersonal verbs, 81, par. i. indefinite adjectives and pro- nouns, 66, par. 2; 91, par. I. infinitive mood, after verbs of seeing and hearing, 71, par. 2. mandar, 76, par. i. para, 76, par. 2. personal pronouns, conjunctive object pronouns, II, par. I. position of conjunctive ob- ject pronouns, i, par. i; ax,par. i;4X,par.3. "please," 6, par. 5. por, 56, par. 2. possessive adjectives, 26, par. 3- possessive pronouns, 41, par. i. present participle, 86, par. i. reflexive verb, as substitute for passive voice, II, par. 2. ser, uses, 6, par. 4. subjunctive, sequence of tenses, 16, par. 3. after verbs of emotion, 16, par. 2. after expressions of doubt, 26, par. I. after verbs of wishing, 31, par. I. after verbs of command, 36, par. I. after verbs of request, con- sent, 46, par. I. after verbs of permission, 51, par. I. after verbs of necessity, 56, par. I. in conditions contrary to fact, 61, par. i. in adverbial clauses, 66, par. 3; 71, par. I ; 96, par. i. in adjective clauses, 91, par. 2. tener, idioms, i, par. 4. tener que, with inf., i, par. 3. "than," 46, par. 2; 66, par. z. tune of day, 6, par. a. MS U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES miiii 572919 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY