UC-NRLF HBNHB LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA G Class a _ [Price Ten Cents LIST OF BOOKS RECOMMENDED FOR A High School Classical Library BY A COMMITTEE OF THE MICHIGAN SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB EDITED BY CLARENCE LINTON MEADER Instructor of Latin in the University of Michigan WITH AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY FRANCIS W. KELSEY SECOND EDITION, REVISED PUBLISHED Foif THE COMMITTEE BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK :/ [Price Ten Cents LIST OF BOOKS RECOMMENDED FOR A HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY BY A COMMITTEE OF THE MICHIGAN SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB EDITED BY CLARENCE LINTON HEADER Instructor in Latin in the University of Michigan WITH AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY FRANCIS W. KELSEY SECOND EDITION, REVISED ^BRA''^ OF THE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHED FOR THE COMMITTEE BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK 1897 NOTE TO THE FIRST EDITION The Committee by whom the following list was selected, was appointed at the Spring Meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' 1 Club, in March, 1894. (Cf. the Educational Review for June, 1894, p. 39}. It consists of the following members : Clarence L. Meader, Instructor in Latin in the University of Michigan, Chairman ; Professor B. L. D' Ooge, of the Michigan State Normal School, Ypsilanti; Principal E. C. Warriner, of the Battle Creek High School; Principal E. B. Sherman, of the Bay City High School. Grateful acknowledgment of the Committee for much kind help in their work is due to Professors Kelsey, D'Ooge, Rolfe, and Drake, of the University of Michigan ; Mr. Lawrence C. Hull, of Lawrenceville, N. J.; Mr. H. D. Sanders, Mr. H. F. De Cou, and Mr. George Rebec, of the University of Michigan ; Professor Walter Miller, of Leland Stanford University ; Professor Isaac B. Burgess, of Morgan Park, HI.; Professor Alfred Gudeman, University of Pennsylvania; Professor Sidney G. Ashmore, Union College ; Professor C. M. Moss, University of Illinois ; Professor Walter Bridgman, Lake Forest University ; Professor Charles Forster Smith, Uni- versity of Wisconsin ; Mr. W. W. Bishop, Northwestern University Academy, Evans- ton, III.; Professors S. J. Axtell and Samuel Brooks, of Kalamazoo College; Principal S. O. Hartwell, of the Kalamazoo High School; Mr. Charles B. Gleason, of Red- lands, California; Mr. W. D. Baker, Battle Creek High School; Mr. F. M. Townsend, Superintendent of Schools, Marshall, and Principal Ralph Garwood, Marshall, Michigan. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, May, 1895. NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION The first edition of this List (3,000 copies}, published by J. V. Sheehan and Company, of Ann Arbor, was exhausted in December, 1895. In response to an immediate demand a short revised list was published in the School Review for March, 1896 (pp. 149-157}. In the present edition the bibliographical details have been carefully revised, and the titles of several important books published in 1896-97 have been added. Thanks are due to Mr. F. H. Jordan, Assistant Librarian of the University of Michigan, for kind assistance in the work of revision and in the proof-reading ; to Professor Kelsey for acceding to the request to write an introduction ; and to The Macmillan Company for publishing the List in a form so convenient and at- tractive. Gratifying evidence has come to hand that the previous Lists have been of real service to teachers in many schools. May this new edition be even more helpful in promoting the thorough and scholarly, at the same time broad and sympathetic study of the Classics ! C. L. M. ANN ARBOR, July, 1897. INTRODUCTORY NOTE The principles of selection which guided the Committee in making this " List of Books recommended for a High School Classical Library " were presented by the Chairman at the Classical Conference held in Ann Arbor in March, 1895, and were set forth at some length in the School Review for the following June (pp. 393-396). The past ten years have witnessed an amount of agitation in regard to educational matters that no one could have anticipated. In the various discussions concerning high school work one point has been specially prominent, that is the importance of maintaining a high standard of scholarship. The reports of committees, the pages of educational jour- nals, and addresses at teachers' meetings in all parts of the country manifest an awakening to larger possibilities in the accomplishment of educational results in our high schools, and an increasing recognition of the necessity, not only of adequate preparation on the part of those who undertake to give instruction, but also of deliverance from the thraldom of routine teaching. The classical teacher who goes out into school work with high ideals of scholarship and culture too often finds himself cut off from the use of an adequate library, and misses also the inspiring contact with those who are interested in the same field. He realizes that if he is to keep abreast of his work, and to make progress professionally, he must add to his attainments, and bring to his class-room the interest and didactic power that come from continual advancement in one's studies. He feels that Xenophon and the Greek poets, that Caesar and Cicero and Virgil did not write chiefly in order to furnish to the youth of far-oif ages complex and torturing exercises in parsing and composition ; he believes that, while training in Latin and Greek involves the handling of forms with absolute accuracy and the acquiring of ability to read and translate with fidelity to the original and with correct expression, there is demanded also an interpretation of the Classics as literature, as history, in fine, as a manifestation of a civilization which must be grasped and interpreted in many phases if classical study is to contribute to our modern life the elevating influence of that which was best and greatest in the life of Greece and Rome. To do the kind of work that this im- plies, an adequate supply of books and illustrative material is needed for 4 INTRODUCTORY NOTE the use both of the instructor and of the student. To require our classical teachers, who are second to none in professional enthusiasm and devotion to their calling, to reach the standard now set before them without at the same time offering them the facilities which their work demands, is to ask them to make bricks without straw. In many schools the topical studies conducted along with the reading of texts in the third and fourth years are a feature of prime importance in the classical work. But whether we have in mind the needs of the classes or the needs of the teacher in making preparation for the class- room, the following list of books will be found none too extensive for the use of a secondary school which desires to have the best work done in Latin and Greek. The various branches of classical philology are represented by the latest and best works ; no book is mentioned the value of which has not been made clear by actual use or by careful exami- nation. Expenditure of money for such a collection, whether it is kept in the school building or in the public library of the town, may be jus- tified on the same grounds as the purchase of equipment for a laboratory; books are the laboratory material of the teacher of languages. The cost of the entire collection, Mr. Header informs me, is not far from $1,200. Probably few schools could expend that amount in the purchase of classical books at one time ; but in most cases a sum ranging from fifty to two hundred dollars a year can be obtained for this pur- pose either by direct appropriation, or from the proceeds of entertain- ments, or by subscription ; thus in a few years the whole can be secured. Most schools already have the nucleus of a classical library ; if one were to start from the beginning, the first fifty dollars (allowing for the usual discount from list prices), might profitably be expended for the following books : Kiepert, Atlas Antiquus ; Liddell and Scott, Greek- English Lexicon ; Harpers' Latin Dictionary ; Gow, Companion to School Classics ; Schreiber, Atlas of Classical Antiquities ; Har- per's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities ; Jevons, Greek Literature ; Cruttwell, Roman Literature ; Curtius, History of Greece; Mommsen, History of Rome; Fowler, Julius Cczsar ; Strachan-Davidson, Cicero ; Sellar, Roman Poets of the Augustan Age Virgil; Jebb, Homer. After works of a general or encyclopaedic character have been secured the order of purchase is subject to so great variation, on account of differences in individual taste and methods of instruction, that it is not worth while to make specific recommenda- tions. The titles in the List are given with so much detail that the scope and character of each book can readily be seen. FRANCIS W. KELSEY. f TY LIST OF BOOKS - - . RECOMMENDED FOR A HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY 7. BOOKS OF REFERENCE, HANDBOOKS, ETC. Kiepert, H. , Atlas antiquus. Twelve Maps of the Ancient World for Schools and Colleges, nth edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, Leach, She well & ' Sanborn. F.* $2.00. f Kiepert, H., et Huelsen, Ch., Formae urbis Romae antiquae. Accedit no- menclator topographicus a Ch. Huelsen compositus. Berlin, Reimer, 1896. Q. 12 M. b. Huelsen, Ch., The Roman Forum. 2 plates. Rome, Spithoever, 1892. Q. 2.50 M. Engelmann, R., and Anderson, W. C. F., Pictorial Atlas to Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. New York, B. Westermann & Co., 1892. F. $3.00. von Kampen, A., XV ad Caesaris de bello Gallico commentarios tabulae. Series I. of Descriptiones nobilissimorum apud classicos locorum. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1879. O. i. 80 M. Oehler, R., Bilder- Atlas zu Caesars Buchern de bello Gallico. \_Over 100 illustra- tions and 7 maps.'] Leipzig, Schmidt & Giinther, 1890. Q. 4 M. b. Schreiber, Th., Atlas of Classical Antiquities ; edited for English use by W. C. F. Anderson, with a preface by Percy Gardner, [/o/ plates, with over noo il- htstrations.'} New York, Macmillan & Co., 1895. Q. $6.50. Baumeister, A. (editor], Bilder aus dem griechischen und romischen Altertum fiir Schiller zusammengestellt. Munich, Oldenbourg, 1889. Q. 12 M. b. Putzger, F. W., Historischer Schul-Atlas, zur alten, mittleren und neuen Geschichte \66 large maps, 63 accessory maps~\ ; revised by A. Baldamus. 2lst edition. Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing, 1896. Q. 2.70 M. b. Liddell, H. G., and Scott, R., A Greek-English Lexicon. 7th edition, revised and enlarged. New York, Harper & Bros., 1883. Q. $10.00. Yonge, C. D., An English-Greek Lexicon [with new articles, appendix of proper names, Pillon's Greek Synonyms, and an essay on the order of words in Attic prose byCh. Short]; edited by H. Drisler. New York, Harper & Bros., 1886. O. $4.50. Autenrieth, G., Homeric Dictionary for use in Schools and Colleges ; translated from the German with additions and corrections by R. P. Keep. Revised edi- tion. New York, Harper & Bros., 1891. D. $1.10. Thayer, J. H., A Greek- English Lexicon of the New Testament. Being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti translated, revised and enlarged. New York, Harper & Bros., 1888. O. $5.00. * The following abbreviations have been employed: F. = folio; Q. = quarto; O. = octavo; D. = duodecimo; S. = sextodecimo; M. = Mark or Marks, the Mark, as well as the Shilling (s.), being reckoned at 25 cents. Prices quoted in Marks are for unbound books if the letter b. is not added. fThe retail price is given and is subject in most cases to discount. 6 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY Harpers' Latin Dictionary. A New Latin Dictionary, Founded on the Translation of Freund's Latin-German Lexicon ; edited by E. A. Andrews. Revised, en- larged, and in great part rewritten by C. T. Lewis and Ch. Short. New York, Harper & Bros., 1884. Q. $6.00. Lewis, C. T., A Latin Dictionary for Schools. New York, Harper & Bros., 1889. o. #5.50- Lewis, C. T., An Elementary Latin Dictionary. New edition. New York, Harper & Bros., 1895. O. $2.00. White, J. T., An English-Latin Dictionary. New edition. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1882. O. $-1.65. Meissner, C., Latin Phrase-Book ; translated from the 6th German edition, with ad- dition of supplementary phrases and references by H. W. Auden. New York, Macmillan& Co., 1894. D. $1.10. Merguet, H., Lexikon zu den Reden des Cicero mit Angabe sammtlicher Stellen. Jena, Fischer, 1877-84. 4 volumes. O. 189 M. Merguet, H., Lexikon zu den philosophischen Schriften Cicero's mit Angabe sammt- licher Stellen. Jena, Fischer, 1887-94. 3 volumes. O. 136 M. Meusel, H., Lexicon Caesarianum. Berlin, W. Weber, 1887-93. 2 volumes in 3. O. 45 M. Boeckh, Aug., Encyclopedic und Methodologie der philologischen Wissenschaften j herausgegeben von E. Bratuscheck. 2d edition, besorgt von R. Klussmann. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1886. O. 14 M. Reinach, S., Manuel de philologie classique. Paris, Librarie Hachette et Cie. Volume I., 2d edition, 1883; volume II., 1884. O. 15 Francs. ($3.00.) Gudeman, A., Outlines of the History of Classical Philology. 2d edition. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1894. D. $1.05. Hiibner, E., Bibliographic der klassischen Alterthumswissenschaft. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber die Geschichte und Encyclopadie der klassischen Philologie. 2d edition, enlarged. Berlin, Hertz, 1889. O. 15 M. Engelmann, Wilh. (editor}, Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum. 8th edition, embracing the literature from 1700-1878, revised by E. Preuss. Leipzig, Wilh. Engelmann, 1880-82. 2 parts. O. 36 M. Mayor, J. B., Guide to the Choice of Classical Books. 3d edition. London, George Bell & Sons, 1885. O. $1.25. A new supplement, 1879-1896, New York, The Macmillan Co., 1897. 11.25. Adams C. K., A Manual of Historical Literature, comprising brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, French and German, together with practical suggestions as to methods and courses of historical study ; for the use of students, general readers and collectors of books. 3d edition, re- vised and enlarged. New York, Harper & Bros., 1889. O. $2.50. The American Journal of Philology ; edited by B. L. Gildersleeve (published quarterly). Baltimore, Friedenwald & Co., 1 88 1 . $3.00 per year. The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts ( pub- lished quarterly}. Princeton University Press, 1885-96. $5.00 per year. Back numbers for sale by The Macmillan Co., New York, who in i8qj began the publication of the continuation of this periodical, with the title : The American Journal of Archceology. Second series ; edited by J. H. Wright, J. R. Wheeler, and A. Marquand (published quarterly}. #5.00 per year. BOOKS OF REFERENCE 7 The Classical Review (published monthly"), London, David Nutt ; Boston, Ginn & Co., 1887 . $$.00 per year (9 Nos}. Alaudae (Latin journal}. Aquila. Imported by L. Bohn, 351 East $2d St., New York. O. $ .60 per year. Harper's Dictionary of Classical Literature and Antiquities ; edited by H. T. Peck. Illustrated. New York, Harper & Bros., 1897. Q. $6.00. Smith, Wm., Wayte, Wm., and Marindin, G. E. (editors}, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1890-1. 2 volumes. O. $14.00. Seyffert, 0., A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, Mythology, Religion, Literature and Art; translated from the German. Revised and edited with additions by H. Nettleship and J. E. Sandys. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1891. O. $3.00. Ramsay, W., A Manual of Roman Antiquities. 1 5th edition, revised and partly re- written. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895. D. $3.00. Rich, A., A Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities. 3d edition, revised and improved. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1874. O. $2.50. Gow, J., A Companion to School Classics. 3d edition, revised. New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1893. D. $1.75. Gardner, P., and Jevons, F. B., A Manual of Greek Antiquities. Illustrated. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895. D. $4.00. Smith, Wm., Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. New edition. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1854-7. 2 volumes. O. $12.00. Smith, Wm., Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Bos- ton, Little, Brown & Co., 1844-9. 3 volumes. O. $18.00. Guhl, E., and Koner, W., The Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from Antique Monuments ; translated from the 3d German edition by F. Hueffer. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1889. O. $2.50. Becker, W. A., Gallus ; or, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus, with Notes and Excursuses illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Romans ; trans- lated by F. Metcalfe. 3d edition. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1882. O. $2.50. Becker, W. A., Charicles Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks, with Notes and Excursuses ; translated from the German by F. Metcalfe. 3d edition. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1882. O. $2.50. von Falke, J. , Greece and Rome. Their Life and Art, translated [from the Ger- man] by Wm. H. Browne. New York, Henry Holt & Co. Old edition. F. 1885. $15.00. New edition, 1886. $10.00. von Mueller, Iwan (editor}, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft in sys- tematischer Darstellung, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Geschichte und Me- thodik der einzelnen Disciplinen. Munich, Beck'sche Buchhandlung. Large O. Vol. I. 2d edition. 1892. 17 M. b. Einleitende und Hulfs-Disci- plinen. Contents: Grundlegung und Geschichte der Philologie by L. von Urlichs. Hermeneutik und Kritik, Fr. Blass. Palaeographie, Buch- wesen und Handschriftkunde, Fr. Blass. Griechische Epigraphik, G. Hinricks Romische Epigraphik, E. Htibner. Zeitrechnung der Griechen und Romer, G. Fr. Unger. Griechische und romische Metrologie, H. Nissen. 8 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY Vol. II. 2d edition, 1890. 15.50 M. b. Griechische und lateinische Sprach- wissenschaft. Contents : Griechische Grammatik, K. Brugmann. La- teinische Grammatik, Fr. Stolz, J. H. Schmalz. Griechische Lexiko- graphie, G. Autenrieth. Lateinische Lexikographie, F. Heerdegen. Rhe- torik, R. Volkmann. Metrik der Griechen und Romer mit einem An- hang iiber die Musik der Griechen, H, Gleditsch. Vol. III. 1-3. 1889. 18.50 M. b. Geographic und politische Geschichte des klassischen Altertums, mit einer Einleitung iiber die Geographic und Geschichte des Orients bis zu den Perserkriegen. Contents : Abriss der Geschichte der vorder asiatischen Kulturvolker und Agyptens, Fr. Hom- mel. Geographic und Geschichte des griechischen Altertums, H. G. Lolling und R. Pohlmann. Geographic und Geschichte des romischen Altertums, J. Jung, B. Niese und O. Richter (Topographic von Rom). Vol. III. 4. 2d edition, 1896. 6.50 M. b. Grundriss der griechischen Geschichte nebst Quellenkunde, R. Pohlmann. Vol. III. 5. 2d edition, 1896. 5 M. Grundriss der romischen Geschichte nebst Quellenkunde, B. Niese. Vol. IV. i. 2d edition. 1892-3. 11.50 M. b. Die griechischen Staats und Rechtsalterttimer, G. Busolt. Die griechischen Privataltertumer, Iwan von Miiller. Die griechischen Kriegsaltertiimer, A. Bauer. Vol. IV. 2. 2d edition. 1893. 9-8 M. b. Die romischen Staats- und Kriegsaltertiirner, H. Schiller. Privataltertumer, M. Voigt. Vol. V. I. 2d edition. 1894. 7.20 M. b. Geschichte der antiken Mathe- matik, Naturwissenschaft und wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde, S. Giinther. Geschichte der Philosophic im Altertum, W. Windelband. Vol. V. 3. 1890. 8.20M. b. Die griechischen Sakralaltertiimer, P. Stengel* Das Biihnenwesen der Griechen und Romer, G. Oehmichen. Vol. VI. 1895. 5.50 M. b. Archaeologie der Kunst nebst einem Anhang liber die antike Numismatik, K. Sittl. ( With Atlas, 66 plates, con- taining 1,000 illustrations and costing 11.50 M. ) Vol VII. 2d edition, enlarged. 1890. 15.20 M. b. Geschichte der griech- ischen Litteratur (to the time of Jttstinian} , W. Christ. Vol. VIII. I, 2. 1890. 7.20 M. b. Geschichte der romischen Litteratur (to the time of 'Hadrian} , M. Schanz. Vol. VIII. 3. 1896. 7.50 M. Geschichte der romischen Litteratur (from Hadrian, 117 A. D., to Constantine, 324 A. D.), M. Schanz. Vol. IX. I. 1891. 10.50 M. b. Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur (from Justinian to the fall of the Eastern Empire, 527-1453 A. D.), K. Krumbacher. ( Other volumes to follow. ) II. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY, AND THE CLASSICAL LANGUAGES, a. Comparative Philology.* Paul, H., Principles of the History of Language ; translated from the second edition of the original (Principien der Sprachgeschichte, Halle, 1886} by H. A. Strong. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1889. O. $3.00. * For further references see Henry, V., Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, pp. xix.- xxviii. GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGES 9 Whitney, W. D., Language and the Study of Language. Twelve Lectures on the Principles of Linguistic Science. 4th edition. New York, Charles Scribner's- Sons, 1884. O. $2.50. Whitney, W. D., Life and Growth of Language : An Outline of Linguistic Science. (International Scientific Series, volume 16. ) 6th edition. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. O. $1.50. Whitney, W. D., Oriental and Linguistic Studies. 1st series. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1873. O. $2.50. Taylor, I., Words and Places : or, Etymological Illustrations of History, Ethnology, and Geography. 3d edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1873. D. $1.60. Delbrueck, B., Introduction to the Study of Language. A Critical Survey of the History and Methods of Comparative Philology of the Indo-European Lan- guages; translated by E. Channing. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1882. O. $1.00. Schrader, 0., Prehistoric Antiquities of the Aryan People ; translated from the 2d German edition by F. B. Jevons. London, Charles Griffin & Co., 1890. O. 2IS. Bnigmann, K., Elements of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-Germanic Lan- guages. A Concise Exposition of the History of Sanskrit, old Iranian (Avestic and old Persian), old Armenian, old Greek, Latin, Umbrian-Sam- nitic, old Irish, Gothic, old High German, Lithuanian and old Church Slavonic ; translated from the German, volume I, by J. Wright, volumes II-IV and Index by R. S. Conway and W. H. D. Rouse. New York, B. Westennann, 1888-1895. O. $17.50. ( The nt half of the third volume of the German edition, " Vergleichende Syntax" by B. Delbrueck, is not yet translated. ) Giles, P., A Short Manual of Comparative Philology for Classical Students, with Appendices on the Greek and Latin Dialects and Alphabets. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1895. O. $3.00. b. Greek and Latin Langtiages. Henry, V., A Short Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin for Schools and Col- leges ; authorized translation from the 2d French edition by R. T. Elliott, with an introductory note by Henry Nettleship. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. D. $1.90. Mueller, L., Greek and Roman Versification ; translated by S. B. Platner. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 1892. D. $ .75. Schmidt, J. H. H., An Introduction to the Rhythmic and Metric of the Classical Languages ( with rhythmical schemes and commentaries on the lyrical parts of the Medea and the Antigone) ; translated from the German by J. W. White. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1880. O. $2.50. Weil, H., The Order of Words in the Ancient Languages compared with that of Modern Languages ; translated, with notes and additions, by Ch. W. Super. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1887. O. $1.25. (jd French edition, Paris, 1879.} Taylor, I., The Alphabet : An Account of the Origin and Development of Letters. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co,, 1883. 2 volumes. O. 36.5-. ( Vohime I. discttsses the Greek and Latin Alphabets. ) IO HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY Thompson, E. M., Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography. (International Scientific Series.) New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1893. O. $2.00. Johnston, H. W., Latin Manuscripts. An Elementary Introduction to the Use of Critical Editions. Chicago, Scott, Foresman & Company, 1897. Q. $2.25. Lindsay, W. M., An Introduction to Latin Textual Emendation: Based on the Text of Plautus. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1896. O. $1.00. c, Greek Language. Kiihner, R., Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache. Part I. 3d edi- tion ; in 2 volumes, revised by Fr. Blass. Volume II. 2d edition. Han- nover, Hahn, 1886-92. O. 27 M. Meyer, G., Griechische Grammatik. 2d edition. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Hartel, 1886. O. ii M. Goodwin, W. W., Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb. Rewritten and enlarged. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1893. O. $2.15. Seymour, T. D., Introduction to the Language and Verse of Homer. Boston, Ginn &Co., 1885. D. .80. Monro, D. B., A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect. 2d edition, revised and en- larged. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1891. O. $3.50. Blass, Fr., Pronunciation of Ancient Greek ; translated from the 3d German edition by W. J. Purton. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. O. #1.90. Veitch, Wm., Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective, their Forms, Meaning and Quantity. 4th edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1887. O. $2.50. Roberts, E. S., An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy. Part I. The Archaic Inscrip- tions and the Greek Alphabet. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1887. O. #4-50. Cauer, P. (editor), Delectus inscriptionum Grsecarum propter dialectum memora- bilium. 2d edition. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1883. O. 7 M. Smyth, H. W., The Sounds and Inflections of the Greek Dialects. Volume I. Ionic. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1894. O. $6.00. Kirchhoff , J. W. A., Studien zur Geschichte des griechischen Alphabets. 4th edition. Gutersloh, Bertelsmann, 1887. O. 6 M. Rizo-Rangabe, E., A Practical Method in the Modern Greek Language. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1896. D. $2.00. d. Latin Language. Kiihner, R., Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache. Hannover, Hahn, 1877-79. 2 volumes in 3. O. 25 M. Roby, H. J., A Grammar of the Latin Language from Plautus to Suetonius. 5th edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1882-7. 2 volumes. D. $4.50. Madvig, I. N., A Latin Grammar for the Use of Schools ; translated with the sanc- tion and cooperation of the author by G. Woods. 1st American edition from the 5th English edition by T. A. Thatcher. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1870. O. #2.40. Gildersleeve, B. L., and Lodge, G., Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar. 3d edition, re- vised and enlarged. New York, University Publishing Co., 1894. O. $1.50. Bennett, C. E., A Latin Grammar. 4th edition. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 1896. THE LATIN LANGUAGE II Also Appendix to Bennett's Latin Grammar. Same publisher, 1895 > both D. Soc each. Complete edition, $1.25. Hale, W. G., Syntax of the Latin Moods and Tenses. Boston, Ginn & Co. O. $1.50. (In press.) Neue, Fr., Formenlehre der lateinischen Sprache. Berlin, S. Calvary & Co. Vol- ume I. 2d edition. 1877; volumes II-III, 1-9. 3d edition ganzlich neu bear- beitet von C. Wagener, 1892 . O. Volume I, 24 M., Volume II, 32 M., Volume III, 1-9, 18 M. ( The remainder of Volume III. will soon be issued; Volume I is to be revised later. ) Lindsay, W. M., The Latin Language. An Historical Account of Latin Sounds, Stems and Inflections. New York, Macmillan & Co , 1894. O. $5.00. Hale, W. G., The Cww-constructions ; their History and Functions (forms Volume I. of 11 Cornell Studies in Classical Philology"}. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1887-9. O. $1.20. The same is translated into German by A. Neitzert, with a pre- face by B. Delbrueck, revised and supplemented by the author. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1891. O. 6 M.. Menge, H., Repetitorium der lateinischen Syntax und Stilistik. 6th edition. Wol- fenbuttel, Zwissler, 1890.- O. 7 M. Potts, A. W., Hints towards Latin Prose Composition. New edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1886. 750. Weise, F. 0., Charakteristik der lateinischen Sprache. Ein Versuch. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1891. O. 2.40 M. Krebs, J. Ph., Antibarbarus der lateinischen Sprache, nebst einem kurzen Abriss der Geschichte der lateinischen Sprache und Vorbemerkungen uber reine Latin- itat. Sechste Auflage in vollstandiger Umarbeitung der von A. D. Allgayer besorgten fiinften Ausgabe von J. H. Schmalz. Basel, Benno Schwabe, 1886-88. 2 volumes. O. 24 M. b. Brambach, W., Aids to Latin Orthography, translated by W. G. McCabe. New York, Harper & Bros., 1877. S. $1.00. Doderlein, L., Hand-book of Latin Synonyms ; translated by H. H. Arnold. With an introduction by S. H. Taylor. Andover, W. F. Draper, 1875. O. $1.25. Allen, F. D., Remnants of Early Latin ; selected and explained for the use of stu- dents. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1884. D. $ .80. Wordsworth, J., Fragments and Specimens of Early Latin. With introductions and notes. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1874. O. $4.50. Egbert, J. E., Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscriptions. New York, Amer- ican Book Co., 1896. O. $3.50. Rushforth, G. McN., Latin Historical Inscriptions illustrating the History of the Early Empire. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1893. O- $3.00. Wilmanns, G. (editor'], Exempla inscriptionum Latinarum in usum pnecipue aca- demicum composuit. Berlin, Weidmann, 1873. 2 volumes. O. 20 M. Dessau, H. (editor), Inscriptiones Latinos selects. Berlin, Weidmann, 1892. O. Volume I. II M. (Only one -volume has been published.') III. GREEK AND LA TIN LITER A TURE. a. Works of a General Character. Butcher, S. H., Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. With a Critical Text and a Translation of the Poetics. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1895. O. #3-50- 12 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY Arnold, M., On Translating Homer. In volume II. of his Complete Works. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1893. D. $1.50. Moulton, R. G., The Ancient Classical Drama. A Study in Literary Evolution in- tended for Readers in English and in the Original. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. O. $2.25. von Schlegel, A. W., Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature ; translated by John Black. Revised according to the last German edition by A. J. W. Morrison. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1879. O. $1.00. Church, A. J., Stories from i) Homer, 2) Virgil, 3) Greek Tragedians, 4) Livy, 5) Herodotus, 6) Pliny, 7) Lucian. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co. O. $l.oo each. b. Greek Literature. A. GENERAL HISTORIES AND WORKS ON PARTICULAR AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. Mure, Wm., A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece. 2d edition. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1853-57. 5 volumes. O. 6 9 s. Muller, K. 0., A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, continued after the author's death by J. W. Donaldson. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1850-58. 3 volumes. O. 36^. Mahaffy, J. P., A History of Classical Greek Literature, with an Appendix on Ho- mer {In Volume /.) by Professor Sayce. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1885. 2 volumes. D. $2.25 each. Jevons, F. B., A History of Greek Literature, from the Earliest Period to the Death of Demosthenes. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1886. O. $2.50. Jebb, R. C., Greek Literature. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1879. S. $.35. Ancient Classics for English Readers ; edited by W. L. Collins. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co. 28 volumes in 9. S. $6.75. The Greek authors treated are : Homer's Iliad, Homer's Odyssey, Herodotus, ^Eschylus, Xenophon, Sopho- cles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Hesiod and Theognis, Greek Anthology, Plato, Lucian, Demosthenes, Aristotle, Thucydides, Pindar. [Each volume is also sold separately. ] Jebb, R. C., Homer : An Introduction to the Iliad and the Odyssey. 2d edition. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1887. D. #1.25. Clerke, Agnes M., Familiar Studies in Homer. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1892. O. $1.75. Bonitz, H., The Origin of the Homeric Poems, a Lecture ; translated from the 4th German edition, by L. R. Packard. New York, Harper & Bros., 1 880. S. # -75- Lang, A., Homer and the Epic. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1893. O. #2.25. Campbell, L., A Guide to Greek Tragedy for English Readers. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891. D. $1.50. De Quincey, Thos., Theory of Greek Tragedy. In volume X. of his Collected Writ- ings ; edited by D. Masson. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. O. $1.25. ( The same volume contains " Greek Poets and Prose Writers Generally" and "The Greek Orators.") EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS GREEK AUTHORS 13 Haigh, A. E., The Attic Theatre. A Description of the Stage and Theatre of the Athenians, and of the Dramatic Performances at Athens. New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1889. O. $3.00. Haigh, A. E., The Tragic Drama of the Greeks. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1896. Illustrated. O. $3.25. Jebb, R. C., The Growth and Influence of Classical Greek Poetry. Lectures de- livered in 1892 on the Percy Turnbull Memorial Foundation in the Johns Hop- kins University. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. O. #1.50. Symonds, J. A., Studies of the Greek Poets. 3d edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1893. 2 volumes. O. $6.00. De Quincey, Thos., The Philosophy of Herodotus. In volume VI. of his Collected Writings, edited by D. Masson. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1889. O. $1-25. Jebb, R. C., The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos. 2d edition. New York, Macmillan & Co , 1890. Two volumes. O. $5.00. Witt, C., The Retreat of the Ten Thousand ; translated from the German by Frances Younghusband, with a preface by H. G. Dakyns. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1891. D. #1.25. B. EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS OF GREEK AUTHORS. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea ; edidit W. Dindorf. Editio V. correctior quam curavit G. Henze. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1883-85. 2 volumes. D. 3 M. The Iliad ; edited with English notes and introduction by Walter Leaf. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1886-88. 2 volumes. O. $4.00 each. Odyssey ; edited with English notes, appendices, etc. , by W. W. Merry and the late James Riddell. Bks. I.-XII. 2d edition. New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1886. O. $4.00. Odyssey, Books XIII. -XXIV., with introduction, notes, etc., by W. W. Merry. 2d edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1882. D. $1.10. Hymns. Die homerischen Hymnen ; herausgegeben und erlautert von A. Gemoll. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1886. O. 6.80 M. The Iliad and Odyssey ; translated by Wm. Cullen Bryant. Boston, Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co. 2 volumes. O. $5.00. The Whole Works of Homer, the Prince of Poets in his Iliads and Odys- seys ; translated according to the Greek by George Chapman. London, Chatto & Windus, 1875. O. 6s. The Iliad of Homer ; done into English Prose by A. Lang, W. Leaf and Er- nest Myers. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1883. D. $1.50. The Odyssey of Homer, done into English Prose by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1879. D. $1.50. Homeric Hymns ; translated by Percy Bysshe Shelley. In the Globe edition of his works. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. O. $1.75. The Homeric Hymns ; translated into English Prose by J. Edgar. Edin- burgh, J. Thin, 1891. D. 3*. 6d. Cyclic Poets. Epicorum Grsecorum fragmenta. Collegit, disposuit, commentarium criticum adiecit G. Kinkel. Volume I. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1877. D. 3 M. Hesiod. The Epics of Hesiod with an English Commentary by F. A. Paley. 2d edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1883. O. $1.75. 14 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY Anthologia lyrica, sive Lyricorum Grsecorum veterum prseter Pindarum reliquiae po- tiores; Post Th. Bergkium quartum edidit E. Hiller. Leipzig, B. G. Teub- ner, 1890. D. 3 M. JEschylus. The Tragedies of ^Eschylus ; re-edited with an English Commentary by F. A. Paley. 4th edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1879. O. #2.75. The Tragedies of ^Eschylus ; a new translation with a biographical essay, and an appendix of rhymed choral odes by E. H. Plumptre. New edition. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1890. D. $1.25. Sophocles ; edited with English notes and introduction by L. Campbell. New York. Macmillan & Co. Volume I. 2d edition, 1872; volume II., 1881. $4.00 each. The Tragedies of Sophocles ; a new translation with a biographical essay and an appendix of rhymed choral odes and lyrical dialogues by the late E. H. Plumptre. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1882. D. $1.25. Pindar. The Nemean and Isthmian Odes ; with notes, explanatory and critical, in- troduction and introductory essays, by C. A. M. Fennell. 1883. D. $2.50. The Olympian and Pythian Odes, by same editor. 2d edition. 1893. D. $2.25. New York, Macmillan & Co. The Extant Odes of Pindar ; translated into English, with an introd. and short notes by E. Myers. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1874. D. $1.50. Aristophanis Comcedise ; edidit Th. Bergk. Editio altera correctior. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1872. 2 volumes. D. 3 M. Theocrit's Gedichte ; erklart von H. Fritsche. 3d edition besorgt von E. Hiller. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1881. O. 2.70 M. Theocritus, Bion and Moschus ; rendered into English prose with an introductory essay by A. Lang. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1880. D. $1.00. Herodotus ; with a Commentary by J. W. Blakesley. New York, Macmillan & Co. , 1854. 2 volumes. O. $4.50. The History of Herodotus ; translated into English by G. C. Macaulay. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. 2 volumes. D. $4.50. Thucydides. In Ginn & Co.'s College Series of Greek Authors (incomplete"). Erklart von J. Klassen. Berlin, Weidmann, volumes IV. -VIII., 2d edition, 1877, '82, '84, '85 ; volumes I. and II., 3d edition, 1879, 1892 ; volume III., 4th edition, 1892 (volumes II. and III., revised by J. Steupp.) 8 volumes. O. (Steupfi s revision will cost, when complete, about 20 M.} Thucydides; translated and annotated by B. Jowett. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1 88 1. 2 volumes. O. $8.00. Xenophontis Historia Graeca ; recensuit O. Keller. Editio minor. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1889. D. .90 M. * Xenophontis Expeditio Cyri ; recensuit A. Hug. Editio minor. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1878. D. .75 M. Xenophontis Institutio Cyri ; recensuit et praefatus est A. Hug. Editio minor. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1883. D. .90 M. Xenophontis Scripta minora ; recognovit L. Dindorf. 2d edition corrected. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1873. D. .90 M. *For references to the editions and literature of the Anabasis see Xenophon's Anabasis, Books I-IV., edited by Francis W. Kelsey and Andrew C. Zenos, fourth edition, pp. 393-396. Boston, Allyn and^Bacon, 1895. EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS GREEK AUTHORS 15 The Works of Xenophon ; translated by H. G. Dakyns. New York, Macmil- lan & Co. 4 volumes. D. Volume I., 1890; II., 1892. $5.00. Vol- umes III. and IV. not yet published. Platonis Dialog! secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi ; post C. F. Hermann reco- gnovit M. Wohlrab. [ Volumes I. and II. only revised by Wohlrab.] Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1873-89. 6 volumes. O. 9.75 M. *The Dialogues of Plato ; translated into English with Analyses and Intro- ductions by B. Jowett. 3d edition, revised. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1892. 5 volumes. O. $20.00. Euripides ; with an English commentary by F. A. Paley. 2d edition, revised and corrected. London, Whittaker & Co., 1872-80. 3 volumes. O. 8s. each. The Tragedies of Euripides in English Verse ; by A. S. Way. New York, Macmillan & Co., Volume I., 1894; Volume II., 1896. D. $2.00 each. (Volume III. not yet published.} ORATORES ATTICI: Antiphontis Orationes et fragmenta adiunctis Gorgiae, Antisthenis, Alcidamantis declamationibus ; edidit Fr. Blass. Editio altera correction Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1881. D. 2.10 M. Andocidis Orationes; edidit Fr. Blass. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1880. D. 1.20 M. Lysiae Orationes ; ad codicum Palatinum nunc denuo collatum recensuit C. Scheibe. Accedunt orationum deperditarum fragmenta. 2d edition, re- vised and enlarged. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1876. D. 1.20 M. Isocratis Orationes ; recognovit, prasfatus est, indicem nominum addidit G. E. Benseler. 2d edition by Fr. Blass. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1878-9. 2 volumes. D. 2.70 M. Isaei Orationes cum aliquot deperditarum fragmentis ; edidit C. Scheibe. Leip- zig, B. G. Teubner, 1894. D. 1.20 M. Demosthenis Orationes ; ex recensione W. Dindorf. Editio quarta correctior curante Fr. Blass. 4th edition. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1885-89. 3 volumes. D. 7.20 M. -ZEschinis Orationes ; post Fr. Franke curavit Fr. Blass. Leipzig, B. G. Teub- ner, 1896. D. 2.40 M. Lycurgi Oratio in Leocratem ; edidit C. Scheibe. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1871. D. .60 M. Hyperidis Orationes quattuor cum ceterarum fragmentis ; edidit Fr. Blass. 2d edition. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1881. D. 1.35 M. Dinarchi Orationes adiunctis Demadis qui fertur fragmentis vnep TTJS dudenaeriag ; edidit Fr. Blass. 2d edition. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1888. D. i.oo M. Aristotelis Opera omnia ; Grsece et Latine cum indice rerum et nominum absolutis- simo. Paris, Firman Didot, 1848-74. 5 volumes. O. 80 Francs. ($16.00.) The Politics of Aristotle ; translated with notes by J. E. C. Welldon. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1888. O. $2.50. *A s a partial substitute may be purchased : A Selection from Plato for English Readers, from the Translation by B. Jowett ; edited with an introduction by M. J. Knight. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1895. 2 volumes. O. $5.00. 1 6 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle ; .translated with an analysis and critical notes by J. E. C. Welldon. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1892. O. $2.00. The Rhetoric of Aristotle ; translated with notes by J. E. C. Welldon. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1886. O. $2.00. Aristotle's Constitution of Athens. A Revised Text with an Introduction, Critical and Explanatory Notes, Testimonia, Indices, by J. E. Sandys. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1893. O. $3.75. Polybii Historic; recensuit, apparatu critico instruxit Fr. Hultsch. 2d edition. Ber- lin, Weidmann, 1870-92. 4 volumes. D. 16.50 M. Dionysi Halicarnasensis Antiquitatum Romanarum quae supersunt ; edidit C. Ja- coby. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1885 . Volumes I. -III. D. 9 60 M. Vol- ume IV. in Press. Diodori [Siculi] Bibliotheca historica. Editionem primam curavit I. Bekker, al- teram L. Dindorf. Recognovit F. Vogel. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1867-93. 5 volumes. D. Volumes I.-IIL, 11.20 M. ; Volumes IV.-V. {not yet re- vised by Vogel}, 5.40 M. Longinus, On the Sublime ; translated into English by H. L. Havell. With an in- troduction by A. Lang. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. O. $l.io. Plutarchi Vitae parallels ; iterum recognovit C. Sintenis. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1873-74. 5 volumes. D. 8.40 M. Moralia ; recognovit G. N. Bernardakis. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1888-95. 6 volumes. D. 19 M. Plutarch's Lives. Partly from Dryden's translation and partly from other hands ; the whole carefully revised and corrected, with some original translation by the editor, A. H. Clough. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1888. O. $2.00. Morals ; translated from the Greek by several hands, corrected and revised by Wm. W. Goodwin. With an introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1871. 5 volumes. O. $15.00. Strabonis Geographica ; recognovit A. Meineke. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1866. 3 volumes. 6 M. ' Flavius Josephus, The Works of. Whiston's translation ; revised by A. R. Shilleto, with topographical notes by C. W. Wilson. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1889-90. 5 volumes. D. $5.00. Dionis Cassii Cocceiani Historia Romana. Editionem primam curavit L. Dindorf. Recognovit J. Melber. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. Volume I., 1890, Volume II., 1894. D. 8.60 M. Volumes III.-V. not yet revised; old edition of volumes III. -V., 1864-65. D. S.ioM. The New Testament in the Original Greek ; the text revised by B. F. W T estcott and F. J. A. Hort. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1882, 1890. 2 volumes. D. $4.00. Epictetus, The Discourses of, with the Encheiridion and Fragments ; translated with notes, a life of Epictetus, a view of his philosophy, and index, by Geo. Long. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1877. $i-5O- [Fine paper edition, 2 volumes, $3.00.] Pausaniae Descriptio Grseciae, recognovit J. H. Schubart. Leipzig, B. G. Teub- ner, 1875. 2 volumes. D. 3.60 M. LATIN LITERATURE 17 Pausanias' Description of Greece ; translated with notes and index by A. R. Shilleto. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1886. 2 volumes. O. $i.$o eacfi. Pausanias' Description of Greece ; translated with a commentary by J. G. Frazer. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1897. 6 volumes. O. $25.00. Arriani Nicomediensis Scripta minora ; R. Hercher iterum recognovit ; edenda curavit A. Eberhard. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1885. D. i.ooM. Arriani Anabasis ; recognovit C. Abicht. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1876. D. 1.20 M. Arrian. Anabasis of Alexander and Indica ; translated with copious commen- tary by E. J. Chinnock. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1893. O. $1.50. Xucianus; recognovit J. Sommerbrodt. Berlin, Weidmann. Volumes I. and II., 1886-96. O. 20.40 M. Marcus Aurelius. The Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus ; trans- lated by Geo. Long. 7th edition. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1889. O. $1.5. Diogenes Laertius; translated by C. D. Yonge. New York, Macmillan & Co. 1853. D. $1.50. b. Latin Literature. A. GENERAL HISTORIES AND WORKS ON PARTICULAR AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. Teuffel, W. S., History of Roman Literature ; revised and enlarged by Ludwig Schwabe. Authorized translation from the 5th German edition by G. C. W. Warr. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1891-92. 2 volumes. O. $^.oo each. Middleton, G., and Mills, T. R., The Student's Companion to Latin Authors. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1896. O. $1.50. Cruttwell, C. T., A History of Roman Literature from the Earliest Period to the Death of Marcus Aurelius. 2d edition. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1888. O. $2.50. Dunlop, John, History of Roman Literature from its Earliest Period to the Augustan Age (2 volumes, 1824. 2d edition) and during the Augustan Age (i volume, 1828). New York, Longmans, Green & Co. O. Bender, H., A Brief History of Roman Literature for Schools and Colleges ; trans- lated and edited from the German by E. P. Crowell and H. B. Richardson. 2d edition. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1880. D. $1.00. Kelsey, F. W., Topical Outline of Latin Literature; with References. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 1891. D. $ .35. [Bibliographical.] Harrington, K. P., Helps to the Intelligent Study of College Preparatory Latin. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1888. D. $.35. {Bibliographical] Ancient Classics for English Readers; edited by W. L. Collins. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 28 volumes in 9. S. $6.75. The Roman authors treated are : Caesar, Virgil, Horace, Cicero, Pliny's Letters, Juvenal, Plautus and Terence, Tacitus, Livy, Ovid, Catullus, Lucretius. \_Each volume is also sold separately.] Tyrrell, R. Y., Latin Poetry, Lectures delivered in 1893 on the Percy Turnbull Memorial Foundation in the Johns Hopkins University. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1895. O. $1.50. Sellar, W. Y., The Roman Poets of the Republic. 3d edition enlarged. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1889. O. $2.50. 1 8 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY Newman, J. H., Marcus Tullius Cicero. In volume II. of his Historical Sketches, New York, Longmans, Green and Co., 1891. O. $1.25. Forsyth, Wm., Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 2d American edition. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1865. 2 volumes. O. $2.50. Faussett, W. Y., The Student's Cicero ; adapted from the German of Dr. Hunk's Geschichte der romischen Literatur. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. D. $1.00. De Quincey, Thos., Cicero. In volume VI. of Collected Writings, edited by D. Masson. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. D. $1.25. Trollope, A., The Life of Cicero. New York, Harper & Bros, 1880. 2 volumes. O. $3.00. Dodge, T. A., Caesar. A History of the Art of War among the Romans down to the End of the Roman Empire, with a Detailed Account of the Campaigns of Caius Julius Caesar. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1892. O. $5.00. Froude, J. A., Caesar: A Sketch. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1879. O. $1.50. Napoleon III., History of Julius Caesar; translated. New York, Harper & Bros., 1865-66. 2 volumes and Atlas. O. $7.00. Cheap edition, $4.00. von Goeler, A., Caesars Gallischer Krieg und Theile seines Burgerkrieges nebst An- hangen uber das romische Kriegswesen und uber romische Daten. Freiburg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1886. 2d edition. O. 1 8 M. Heynacher, M., Was ergiebt sich aus dem Sprachgebrauch Caesars im Bellum Gallicum fur die Behandlung der lateinischen Syntax in der Schule. 2d edition enlarged. Berlin, Weidmann, 1886. D. 3 M. Lupus, B., Der Sprachgebiauch des Cornelius Nepos. Berlin, Weidmann, 1876. O. 6.40 M. Sellar, W. Y., The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age : Virgil. 2d edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1883. O. $2.25. Nettleship, H., Ancient Lives of Vergil, with an essay on the poems of Vergil in con- nection with his life and times. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1879. O. $ .50. Comparetti, D., Vergil in the Middle Ages ; translated by E. F. M. Benecke. With an introduction by R. Ellis. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1895. D. $2.25. Sellar, W. Y., The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age : Horace and the Elegiac Group, with a memoir of the author by Andrew Lang. New York, Macmil- lan & Co., 1892. O. #3.50. Conington, J. , Miscellaneous Writings ; edited by J. A. Symonds. With a memoir by H. J. S. Smith. Vol. I., London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1872. O. 14* Nettleship, H. , Lectures and Essays on Subjects connected with Latin Literature and Scholarship. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1885. O. $1.90. B. EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS OF LATIN AUTHORS. T. Macci Plauti Comoediae ; ex recensione G. Goetz et Fr. Schoell. Leipzig, B. G, Teubner, 1893-5. 7 parts. D. 9.70 M. * P. Terenti Af ri Comcediae ; recensuit C. Dziatzko. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1884. O. i.2oM. * For a full bibliography of Terence from the date of Dziatzko' s edition, see P. Terenti Phormio with Notes and Introductions by H. C. Elmer, pp. 171-182. Boston, Leach, Shewell and Sanborn, 1895. D. EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS LATIN AUTHORS 19 M. Porci Catonis De agri cultura liber; recognovit H. Keil. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1895. D. i. oo M. M. Terenti Varronis Rerum rusticarum libri III ; recognovit H. Keil. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1889. D. 1.50 M. * Marci Tulli Ciceronis, Opera quae supersunt omnia ; edidit J. G. Baiter et C. L. Kayser. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1860-9. II vols. O. 21.75 M - The Correspondence of Marcus Tullius Cicero, arranged according to its Chrono- logical Order ; with a revision of the text, a commentaryland introductory essays by R. Y. Tyrrell and L. C. Purser. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1879-94. 4 vols. O. $15.65. (Not yet complete.) Orationes; With a Commentary by George Long. Volumes II. -IV., 1st edi- tion ; Volume I. , 2d edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1855-62. O. Volumes I. and II., $5.50 ; Volumes III. and IV., out of print. Marci Tullii Ciceronis De natura deorum libri tres; with introduction and com- mentary by J. B. Mayor, together with a new collation of several of of the English MSS. by J. H. Swainson. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1880, '83, '85. 3 volumes. O. $8.50. M. Tulli Ciceronis Academica. The Text revised and explained [with an In- troduction on the Philosophy of Cicero~\ by J. S. Ried. New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1885. O. $3.75. M. Tullii Ciceronis De oratore libri tres ; with introduction and notes by A. C. Wilkins. Books I. and II., 2d edition; Book III., 1st edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1879-95. O- $4-5- Cornell! Nepotis Vitse ; post C. Halm recognovit A. Fleckeisen. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1884. D. .30 M. | C. lulii Caesaris Commentarii cum Hirtii aliorumque supplementis ; ex recension e Berah. Kiibler. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1893-4. 2 vols. O. 2.10 M. C. Julii Csesaris Belli Gallici Hbri VII. A. Hirtii liber VIII. ; recensuit, appa- ratu critico instruxit H. Meusel. Berlin, Weber, 1894. O. 4 M. b. T. Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri VI; with notes and a translation by H. A. J. Munro. 4th edition, finally revised. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1886. 3 volumes. O. Volumes I. and II., $4.50; volume III. (translation} #1.50. C. Sallusti Crispi Catilina, Jugurtha, Historiarum reliquiae codicibus servatae. Ac- cedunt rhetorum opuscula Sallustiana; H. Jordan tertium recognovit. 3d edi- tion. Berlin, Weidmann, 1887. O. 1.50 M. Catullus ; edited by E. T. Merrill. (College Series of Latin Authors. ) Boston, Ginn & Co., 1893. D. $1.50. P. Vergili Maronis Opera. The Works of Virgil with a Commentary. Volumes I. and II. by J. Conington; Vol. III., 2d edition by J. Conington and H. Nettleship. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1872-1876. O. $9.75. P. Vergili Maronis Opera. Virgil; with an Introduction and Notes by T. L. * For further references to editions and books on the works of Cicero usually read in secondary schools see Select Orations and Letters of Cicero, edited by Francis W. Kelsey, fourth edi- tion, pp. 355-358. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 1896. \ For further references to the editions and literature of the Gallic War see Caesar's Gallic War, with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary by Francis W. Kelsey, eighth edition, pp. 437- 438. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 1897. .-20 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY Papillon and A. E. Haigh. New York> Macmillan & Co., 1892. O. $2-75- Publius Virgilius Maro varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustratus a Christ. Gottl. Heyne. Editio quarta, curavit Ge. Phil. Eb. Wagner. Leipzig and London, 183041. 5 volumes. O. 60 M. Works of Virgil; translated by John Dryden. In the " Works of John Dry- den." Globe edition, New York, Macmillan & Co. $1.75. Poems; translated into English Prose by J. Conington. In volume II. of his Miscellaneous Writings; edited by J. A. Symonds. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1872. 145. Q. Horatii Flacci Opera omnia; with a Commentary by E. C. Wickham. New York, Macmill an & Co., Volume I., 2d edition, 1877; Volume II., 1891. O. $6.00. Albii Tibulli Elegiae cum carminibus pseudotibullianis; edidit E. Hiller. Accedit index verborum. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1885. O. .60 M. Sex. Properti Elegiarum libri IV. ; recensuit A. Palmer. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1880. O. $1.25. *P. Ovidii Nasonis Carmina; edidit A. Riese. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1871-4. 3 volumes. O. 2.90 M. T. Livi Ab urbe condita libri. Editionem primam curavit Wilh. Weissenborn. Editio altera quam curavit M. Miiller. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 6 vols. D. 6 M. Volumes II-IV only are revised by Miiller. Livi, Books I-X. With introduction, historical examination and notes by J. R. Seeley. 3d edition. [Book L alone has been published; valuable for its historical introduction.] New York, Macmillan & Co., 1881. O. #1.50. Justini Epitoma historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi; ex recensione F. Ruehl. Accedunt prologi in Pompeium Trogum ab. A. de Gutschmid recensiti. Leip- zig, B. G. Teubner, 1886. D. 1.50 M. Annaei Senecae Oratorum et Rhetorum divisiones, colores, sententiae; recognovit A. Kiessling. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1872. D. 4.50 M. M. Vellei Paterculi Ex historic Romanae libris duobus quse supersunt; apparatu critico adiecto edidit C. Halm. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1876. D. i.oo M. Valerii Maximi Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri novem, cum Julii Paridis et lanuarii Nepotiani epitomis; iterum recensuit C. Kempf. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1888. D. 4.50 M. Phsedri Fabulae. Fur Schiller mit Anmerkungen versehen von G. Siebelis. 6th cor- rected edition by Fr. Polle. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1889. D. .75 M. X. Annaei Senecae Opera quae supersunt; recognovit et indicem locupletissimum adiecit Fr. Haase. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1874, 1877, 1878. 3 volumes. D. 7.8oM. Tragoedise; recensuit et emendavit Fr. Leo. Berlin, Weidmann, 1878, 1879. 2 volumes. O. 9 M. 'Q. Curtii Rufi Historiarum Alexandri Magni Macedonis qui supersunt; recognovit Th. Vogel. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1880. D. 1.20 M. Persius. The Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus, with a translation and commentary * For further references to editions and books on the works of Ovid usually read in secondary schools see Kelsey's Selections from Ovid, fourth edition, pp. 295-298. Boston, Allyn & JBacon, 1897. EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS LATIN AUTHORS 21 by J. Conington; edited by H. Nettleship. 3d edition, revised. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1893. O. $2.25. M. Annaei Lucani De bello civili libri X; G. Steinharti aliorumque copiis usus edidit C. Hose. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1892. D. 3.60 M. C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historic libri XXXVII; edidit L. Jahn. {Revised in part by C. Mayhoff.) Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1858-92. 6 vols. D. 14.40 M. C. Valeri Flacci Balbi Setini Argonauticon libri VIII; recognovit E. Baehrens, Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1875. D. 1.50 M. P. Papinius Statius; volume I, Silvae, recensuit E. Baehrens; volume II, Achil- leis, Thebais, recensuit P. Kohlmann. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1876-84. D. 7-35 M. Sili Italic! Punica; edidit L. Bauer. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1890-92. 2 vol- umes. D. 4.80 M. M. Valerii Martialis Epigramtnaton libri; recognovit W. Gilbert. Leipzig, B. G.. Teubner, 1886. D. 2.40 M. M. Fabi Quintiliani Institutions oratoriae libri I-XII; edidit Ferd. Meister. Prag,. Tempski; Leipzig, Freytag; 1887. 2 volumes. O. 2.70 M. M. Fabi Quintiliani Declamationes qure supersunt CXLV; recensuit C. Ritter. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1884. D. 4.80 M. Juvenal, Thirteen Satires, with a commentary by J. E. B. Mayor. 4th edition, re- vised. New York, Macmillan Co., 1888-9. 2 volumes. D. $5.20. Tacitus, Libri qui supersunt; quartum recognovit C. Halm. 4th edition. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1883. D. 2.40 M. The Annals of Tacitus; edited with introduction and notes by H. Furneaux. Volume L, 2d edition, 1896; volume II., 1st edition, 1891. New York, Macmillan & Co. O. $9.50. The Histories of Tacitus; with introduction, notes and an index by W. A. Spooner. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1891. O. $3.50. P. Cornell Taciti Dialogus de oratoribus; with prolegomena, critical apparatus, exegetical and critical notes, bibliography and indices by A. Gudeman. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1894. $3.00. C. Plini Caecili Secundi Epistularum libri IX, Epistularum ad Traianum liber, Panegyricus; recognovit H. Keil. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1873. D. I.2OM. C. Suetoni Tranquilli quse supersunt omnia; recensuit C. L. Roth. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1875. D. 1.50 M. A. Gellii Noctium Atticarum libri XX; ex recensione M. Hertz. 2d edition. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1886. 2 volumes. 4.20 M. L. Annaei Flori Epitomse libri II et P. Annii Flori fragmentum de Vergilio oratore anpoeta; edidit O. Rossbach. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1896. D. 2.8oM. M. Corneli Frontonis et Marci Aureli Imperatoris epistulae, L. Veri et T. Antonini Pii et Appiani epistularum reliquiae; post Angelum Maium cum codicibus Am- brosiano et Vaticano iterum contulit G. N. du Rieu. Recensuit S. A. Naber. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1867. D. 8 M. Eutropi Breviarium ab urbe condita; recognovit F. Ruehl. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner,. 1887. D. .45 M. Servii Grammatici qui feruntur in Vergilii carmina commentarii recensuit G. Thilo. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1881-87. 3 volumes. O. 54.40 M. 22 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY Macrobius; Fr. Eyssenhardt iterum recognovit. Adiectae sunt tabulae. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1893. D. 6 M. Scriptores Historise Augustse; iterum recensuit adparatumque criticum adidit H. Peter. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1884. 2 volumes. D. 7.50 M. Poetae Latini Minores; recensuit et emendavit E. Baehrens. Leipzig, B. G. Teub- ner, 1879-83. 5 volumes. D. 15.90 M. Historicorum Romanorum Fragmenta ; collegit, disposuit, recensuit H. Peter. Leip- zig, B. G. Teubner, 1883. D. 4.50 M. IV. RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY. Reseller, W. H. (editor), Ausfiihrliches Lexicon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1884. O. 66 + M. (Now in course of publication ; jj parts have thus far been issued, extending to the letter M.) Lang, A., Myth, Ritual and Religion. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1887. 2 volumes. O. $7.00. Fiske, John, Myths and Myth- makers. Old Tales and Superstitions interpreted by Comparative Mythology. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1874. O. $2.00. Frazer, T. G., The Golden Bough : A Study in Comparative Religion. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. 2 volumes. Q. $5.00. Murray, A. S., Manual of Mythology : Greek and Roman, Norse and Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian Mythology. Reprinted from the 2d revised London edition. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1888. O. #1.75. Collignon, M., Manual of Mythology, in Relation to Greek Art ; translated and en- larged by Jane E. Harrison. London, H. Grevel & Co., 1890. O. los. 6d. Gayley, C. M. (editor'), Classic Myths in English Literature, based chiefly on Bui- finch's "Age of Fable" (1855), accompanied by an interpretative and illus- trative commentary. 2d edition. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1895. O. $1.65. Kingsley, C., The Heroes ; or Greek Fairy Tales for my Children. Revised edition. London, Macmillan & Co., 1 888. O. $1.25. de Coulanges, Fustel, The Ancient City : a Study on the Religion, Laws and Insti- tutions of Greece and Rome ; translated from the latest French edition by W. Small. 3d edition. Boston, Lee & Shepherd, 1877. D. $1.60. Dyer, L., Studies of the Gods in Greece at Certain Sanctuaries recently excavated. Being eight lectures given in 1890 at the Lowell Institute. New edition. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1894. D. $2.00. V. PUBLIC AFFAIRS. a. Geography. Freeman, E. A., The Historical Geography of Europe. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1 88 1. 2 volumes. O. $10.50. Tozer, H. F., Classical Geography. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1877. S. $.35. Desjardins, E., Geographic historique et administrative de la Gaule romaine. [ With 59 plates, chiefly colored, and 93 woodcttts.~\ Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie., 1876-93. 4 volumes. Q. 78 Francs. ($15.60.) Mahaffy, J. P., Greek Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil. New York, F. H. Re- vell & Co., 1890. F. $3.20. (See also Sec. VII. b.) Freeman, E. A., Studies of Travel. Volume I., Greece ; Volume II., Italy. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. D. $1.50. HISTORY GREECE 23 b. History and Chronology. Freeman, E. A., The Methods of Historical Study. Eight lectures read in the Uni- versity of Oxford in Michaelmas Term, 1884. With an Inaugural Lecture on the Office of the Historical Professor. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1886. O. $2.50. Creasy, Edw., The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World : from Marathon to Wa- terloo. New York, Harper Bros. & Co., 1872. O. $l.oo. A. EASTERN. Myers, P. V. N., The Eastern Nations and Greece. (Part I. of "Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools ;" edited by W. F. Allen and P. V. N. Myers.) Boston, Ginn & Co., 1889. D. $1.00. Putnam's "Stories of the Nations" Series. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. The following volumes at $1.50 per vohime : The Story of Persia. By S. G. W. Benjamin. The Story of Phrenicia. By Geo. Rawlinson. The Story of the Jews under Rome. By W. Douglas. The Story of Ancient Egypt. By Geo. Rawlinson. B. GREECE. \For legendary history see also under Homer in Class III. b. ] " Stories of the Nations." The following volumes : The Story of Alexander' s Empire. By J. P. Mahaffy and A. Gilman. The Story of Sicily. By E. A. Freeman. The Story of the Byzantine Empire. By C. W. C. Oman. Grote, Geo., History of Greece. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1888. 10 volumes. O. $17.50. Curtius, E., The History of Greece ; translated by A. Wm. Ward. Revised after the last German edition by W. A. Packard. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1888. 5 volumes. O. $10.00. Duruy, V., History of Greece and of the Greek People to 146 B. C.; translated from the French. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1891. 8 vol- umes. O. S 8s. Holm, A., The History of Greece from its Commencement to the Close of the Inde- pendence of the Greek Nation. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1894-96. Volumes I. -I II. now ready. O. $7.50. Tsountas and Manatt, The Mycenaean Age. See under Sec. VII. , a, " Histories of the Arts." Oman, C. W. C., A History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Macedonian Conquest. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1892. D. $1.50. Cox, G. W., The Greeks and the Persians. 5th edition. (In the " Epochs of An- cient History " Series.) New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1886. D. $1.00. Lloyd, W. W., The Age of Pericles. A History of the Politics and Arts of Greece from the Persian to the Peloponnesian War. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1875. 2 volumes. $8.00. Cox, G. W., The Athenian Empire. 5th edition. (/ the "Epochs of Ancient History" Series.) New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1887. D. $1.00. Sankey, C., The Spartan and Theban Supremacies. $d edition. (In the " Epochs 24 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSICAL LIBRARY of Ancient History" Series.) New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1884. D. $1.00. Dodge, T. A., Alexander. A History of the Origin and Growth of the Art of War from the Earliest Times to the Battle of Ipsus, B. C. 301, with a detailed Ac- count of the Campaigns of the Great Macedonian. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1890. O. $5.00. Freeman, E. A., The Chief Periods of European History. Six lectures read in the University of Oxford in Trinity Term, 1885, with an Essay on Greek Cities under Roman Rule. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1886. O. $2.50. Mahaffy, J. P., The Greek World under Roman Sway. From Polybius to Plutarch, New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. D. $3.00. Freeman, E. A., The History of Sicily, from the Earliest Times. New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1891-95. 4 volumes. O. $21.50. (Volume IV. is edited from posthumus MSS. with supplement and notes by Arthur J. Evans. ) Freeman, E. A., Greater Greece and Greater Britain and George Washington, the Expander of England. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1886. D. $1.00. Freeman, E. A., History of Federal Government from the Foundation of the Achaian League to the Disruption of the United States. Volume I. General Intro- duction History of Greek Federations. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1863, O. $3-75- Felton, C. C., Greece, Ancient and Modern. Lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute. New edition. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886. O. $5.00. Gardner, P., New Chapters in Greek History. Historical Results of Recent Exca- vations in Greece and Asia Minor. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1892. O. $5.00. Mahaffy, J. P., Problems in Greek History. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1892, D. $2.50. C. ROME. De Quincey, Thos., Philosophy of Roman History. In Volume VI. of his Collected Writings; edited by D. Masson, New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. O. $1.25. Tighe, A., The Development of the Roman Constitution. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1886. S. $ .35. Duruy, V., History of Rome and the Roman People 'from its Origin to the Estab- lishment of the Christian Empire [313 A. D.]; translated by Mr. Clarke and Miss Ripley, and edited by J. P. Mahaffy. Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1883-86. 6 volumes. $6.00 each. Merivale, C., A General History of Rome, from the Foundation of the City to the Fall of Augustulus [753 B. C.-476 A. D.]. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1876. D. $2.00. Pelham, H. F., Outlines of Roman History. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. O. $1.75- Oilman, A., The Story of Rome. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1885. O. $1.50. Allen, W. F., A Short History of the Roman People. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1890. D. $i.co. Mommsen, Th., The History of Rome; translated with the Sanction of the Author by W. P. Dickson. New edition, revised throughout and embodying recent additions. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1896. 5 volumes. O. $10.00. Liddell, H. G., A History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Establishment of HISTORY ROME 25 the Empire. With chapters on the history of Literature and Art. New York, Harper Bros. & Co., 1863. D. $1.25. Arnold, T., History of Rome. 5th edition. London, H. Bickers & Son, 1882. 245. Ihne, Wm., The History of Rome. English Edition. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1871-82. 5 volumes. O. 77*. Ihne, Wm., Early Rome, from the Foundation of the City to its Destruction by the Gauls. (In the "Epochs of Ancient History" Series.) 4th edition. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1886. D. $1.00. Arnold, T., The Second Punic War; edited by W. T. Arnold. New York, Mac- millan & Co., 1886. O. $2.25. Smith, R. Bosworth, Rome and Carthage. The Punic Wars. 5th edition. (In the " Epochs of Ancient History" Series.) New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1881. D. $1.00. Church, A. J., (with the collaboration of K. Gilman), The Story of Carthage. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1888. O. $1.50. Dodge, T. A., Hannibal. A History of the Art of War among the Carthaginians and Romans down to the Battle of Pydna, 1 68 B. C, with a Detailed Account of the Second Punic War. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891. O. $5.00. Long, Geo., The Decline of the Roman Republic. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1864-74. 5 volumes. O. $7.50. Beesly, A. H., The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. (In the " Epochs of Ancient His- tory" Series). New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1887. D. $1.00. Merivale, C., The Roman Triumvirates. (Same Series.) 5th edition. 1887. D. $1.00. Merivale, C., The Fall of the Roman Republic. 2d edition. 1853. D. $2.25. Strachan-Davidson, J. L., Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1894. D. $1.50. Fowler, W. W., Julius Caesar and the Foundation of the Roman Imperial System. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1892. D. $1.50. Merivale, C., History of the Romans under the Empire. New York, Longmans, Green & Co., 1890. 8 volumes. $10.00. \_A new edition is in preparation. ~] Capes, W. W., Roman History The Early Empire; from the Assassination of Julius Caesar to that of Domitian. 6th edition. (In the " Epochs of Ancient His- tory" Series.) New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1887. D. $1.00. De Quincey, Thos., The Csesars. In Volume VI. of his Collected Writings; edited by D. Masson. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. O. $1.25. Capes, W. W., The Roman Empire of the Second Century, or the Age of the An- tonines. (In the "Epochs of Ancient History" Series.) 4th edition. 1887. D. $1.00. Gibbon, Edward, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. New York, Harper Bros. & Co., 1880. 6 volumes. O. $12.00. [A new edition, edited by J. B. Bury, is in course of publication, to be completed in 7 volumes; Volumes L, II., $2.00 per volume. The Macmillan Company.] Sheppard, J. G., The Fall of Rome and the Rise of the New Nationalities. A Series of Lectures on the Connection between Ancient and Modern History. Lon- don, 1861 ; New York, Geo. Routledge & Sons, 1892. D. $1.50. Bryce, J., The Holy Roman Empire. 8th edition, revised. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1895. O. $1.00. 2 : HJCH SCHOOL ClJMMTaT. LJHtAKY to die Stady of die Middle Ages. Boston, Gixm & Co,, 1888, D, 11.25. ., Medbevm Earope (814-1300 A. D.), Boston, Ginn & Co., 1894. D, $1.65. T., Italy and Her Invaders (37^-744 A. D.). New York, Maonfflan & 00,1880-95, 6Pnlamff O. 132.00. Bmy , J. B., A Hktory of d Later gnmia Empire from Arcadins to Irene ( 395 - 800 A. D.). Kew York, Maoaaiaa& Co., 1889. 2 Toiames. O. $6.00. Bury, J. B . , A History of die ITnmai Empire from its Foundation to die Deadi of Marcas Amelias (27 B, C-rfo A. D.). New York, Harper & Bros., 1893. D, 1,50. r, J, R,, Roma* TmjUiiilimi In las Tfrtarrs and Fsiiyf. New York, Mac- i & Co,, 1870, O, li.oo. r, H-, The Story of die Goto, from the Earnest Tunes to die End of die Godac Dominion m Spam, New York, G, P, Putnam'* Sons, 1891, O. South, 1L M., Early Britai-&MM Britain London, Society for the D. */. 6V. oVSa. A Hirtory of tbe Early Britak, 4^ cdkioo, Uno^ Kegn Pa^ Tnad^ Triboer & Co t r, C, The Roman and dK Teaton, A Series of Lectares deurered before die Umrersity of Cambridge, New cation, widi a pre&ce by Max MfiBer, New York, If irmataa *. Co., 1887, O, 11.25. IfBfli, W, T., The Roman System of Pronncial A imiamti tfi n. New York, .,1879. O, (Out of print.} Th,, The Prorioco of die tomai Empire from Caesar to Diocletian; be aadw^s sanction and adoptions by W. P. Didcson. New York, Owies ScrftNaers* Sons, 1886, 2 rofaone. O, |6.oo. & H-, Complete Works, Ituludin^ : (a) The History of die Jews (2 ( J) The Hatfory of Chriatiadry to the Abolition of Paganism (2 (Q H^tory of t^tia Canati.iafy (4 rofamcs). New York, Charles Sons, 1883. O, f 12.00. History of the City of Rome in die Middle Ages; translated the 4* Cenmai editioa by Ammt HmiilHiii New York, MacmilkMi c V>4 . Vdames L and IL, (to 800 A. D, ), 13.75. , VoL III., $ 2.00., Vot IV., 2 pts,, /:. Potituel Antiquitui. Fw1er,W.W., The C^y-State of die Greeks and Romam. A Sttrrey Introductory tod^Stady of Ancient History. New York, Maemillan& Co., 1893. S. Jf.oa f W, C,, O^tmtf of Roma. Law, comprMa* its IfiHoikw Gtovdi nd Oca- ttal Principles, ftk edidoe. New York, a P. PLUMB'S 8001, 1896, O, An Historical Ekry. O. 7 /, M OfStert, a, The Coa-dtodonal Aa<*q6esof SparUaaa Alheos-, translated by E. J, Btooks and T. N icWo, wKh an iotrodMlory note by J, E. S*od r . New York, MaanittM* Co,, 1895, O, PRIVATE AFFAIRS. THE FINE ARTS c~ the -i ;^~ - ommm irj A & Ox, 1857. Q. (Omf *ffri*t.) Schumann, G. F., The Antiquities of Greece. man by E. G . Hardy and J. S. Greenidge, L H. J., A Handbook of Greek The T*~sn Ox, 1896. Co., New York}; H(oughton}, M(z^ftW) & Co., (Boston and New York); Keagan Paul, (Trench, Truebner dr 3 Co., London}; ~L(each} $(hewell} & $(anborn, Boston}; Lee & ^(hepard, Boston}; Lipp(mcott &> Co., Philadelphia}; Little, >(rown}, & Co., (Boston); L,ong(mans, Green &> Co., London and New York) ; Ha-cmiUan &> Co., London and New York); (/.) Parker (& Co., London}; Put- nam's Sons, New York and London) ; Rivington, (Percivale &> Co., London} ; (Geo.} Routledge (&> Sons, New York}; Scribner('j Sons, New York}. CARD. Messrs. Sheehan & Co., Ann Arbor, Michigan, beg to inform teachers and school boards that they keep in stock, not only the books of the v inclosed list, but also a full line of college and high school text books. French and German books are imported direct. They have also a full line of athletic and gymnasium goods, suitable for college and high school students. Those who receive this list are requested to read the " Report of the Committee on the High School Classical Library " given at the Classical Conference in March, 1895, and published in The School Review for June. (Copies may be obtained by re- mitting 20 cents to Principal C. H. Thurber, Colgate Academy, Hamilton, New York.) The principles of selection are there stated. N. B. The double asterisk (**) is prefixed to the titles of books which should be found on the shelves of EVERY high school classical library. Books which are somewhat less essential are indicated by the single asterisk. The purchase of the entire list is strongly rec- ommended. I. BOOKS OF REFERENCE, HANDBOOKS, ETC. **Kiepert, H., Atlas Antiquus. 4. Leach, Shewell & Sanborn. $2.00. Huelsen, Ch., The Roman Forurn. 2 plates. 4. Rome. Spithoeer. 1892. 2.50 M. **Engelmann- Anderson, Pictorial Atlas to Homer's II. and Oil. f. N. Y. B. Westermann & Co. $3.00. Kampen, A. von, XV ad Csesaris de Bello Gallico Commentaries Tabulae. Gotha. 1879. 1.80 M. Oehler, R., Bilder-Atlas zu Csesar. 8. Leipzig. 1890. 4 M. b. **Schreiber, Th., Atlas of Classical Antiquities. 4. N. Y. Macmillan & Co. 1894. $6.50. Seemann, A., Kultur-Atlas. 8. Leipzig. 1886-94. 18 M. Putzger, F. W., Historischer Schul-Atlas. f. Leipzig. 1894. 2.70 M. b. **Liddell and Scott, Greek Lexicon. 7th ed. rev. N. Y. Harper & Bros. 1883. $10.00. **Yonge, C. D., English-Greek Lexicon. 8. Harper. 1886. $4.50. Autenrieth, G., Homeric Dictionary, rev. ed. Harper. 1891. $1.10. Thayer, J. H., Greek-Eng. Lexicon of the New Testament. 2d ed. 8. Harper. 1888. $5.00. **Harpers' Latin Lexicon. 4. Harper. 1879. $6.00. *Lewis, C. T., Latin Dictionary for Schools. 8. Harper. 1889. $5.50. **Lewis, C. T., Elementary Latin Dictionary. 8. Harper. 1891. $2.00. **White, J. T., Lat.-Eug. and Eng.-Lat. Dictionary. 8th ed. B. Giuu & Co. 1884-2. $2.55. Meissner, C., Latin Phrase-Book, tr. 12. Macin. 1894. $1.10. Merguet, H., Lexikon zu den Reden Ciceros. 4 vols. 8. Jena. 18S3-4. 60 M. Merguet, H., Lexikon zu den Schriften Ciceros. vols. I. -III., 10. Jena, 1887. 110+ M. (noiv publishing.) 4 ' Meusel, H., Lexicon Caesarianum. 2 vols. 4. Berlin. 1887-93. 45 M. *Boeckh, Aug., Encyclopiidie und Methodologie der j)hilologischen Wis- senschaften. 2d ed. 8. Leipzig. 1880. 14 M. Reinach, S., Manuel de Philologie classiqne. 2 vols. Paris. Libraire Hachette. vol. I. 2d ed. 1883; vol. II. 1884. 15 Fr. **Gudeman, A., Outlines of the History of Classical Philology. 2d ed. 8. B. Ginn. 1895. $1.05. **Huebner, E., Bibliographie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. 2d ed. 8. Berlin. 1889. 15 M. **Engelmann, Wm., Bibliotheca Scriptorutn Classicorum. 2 vols. 8. Leip- zig. 1880-2. 36 M. Kelsey, F. W., Fifty Topics in Roman Antiquities. 12 . B. Allyn & Bacon. 1891. $ .50. (bibliographical.) *Mayor, J. B., Guide to the Choice of Classical Books. 3d ed. 8. London. Macm. 1885. $1.25. *Adams, C. K., Manual of Historical Literature. 3d ed. rev. 8. Harper. 1889. $2.50. **Classical Review (monthly periodical). B. Ginn 1887 . $3. 00 per year. American Journal of Philology (quarterly periodical). Baltimore. Fried- en wald & Co. 1881. $3.00 per year. American Journal of Archaeology (quarterly periodical). Princeton Press. 1885. $5.00 per year. Alaudae (Latin journal). Aquila. Imported by L. Bolm, 351 East 52d St., N. Y. $ .60 per year. **Smith, Wm., Dictionary of Gk. and R. Antiquities. 3d ed. rev. 2 vols. B. Little, Brown & Co. 1890-1. $14.00. *Seyffert, 0., Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. 8. Macm. 1895. $3.00. *Ramsay, W., Manual of R. Antiquities. 15th ed. N. Y. Scribner's Sons. 1895. $3.00. *Rich, A., A Dictionary of R. and Gk. Antiquities. 3d ed. 8. N. Y. Longmans, Green & Co. 1873. $2.50. **Gow, J., A Companion to School Classics. 3d ed. Macm. 1893. $1.75. **Smith, Wm., Dictionary of Gk. and R. Geography. 2 vols. B. Little, B. & Co., 1854-7. $12.00. **Smith, Wm., Diet, of Gk. and R. Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. 8. B. Little, B. & Co. 1844-9. $18.00. *Guhl, E., and Koner, W., The Life of the Greeks and Romans. 8. N. Y. D. Appleton & Co. 1889. $2.50. Becker, W. A., Gallus tr. by F. Metcalf. 3d ed. 8. Long. 1882. $2.50. Becker, W. A., Charicles tr. by F. Metcalf. 3d ed. 8 . Long. 1882. $2.50. Falke, J. von, Greece and Rome. f. N. Y. Henry Holt & Co. old ed. 1885. $15.00. new ed. 1886. $10.00. *Mueller, Iwan von, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft : Vol. I. 2 ed. Munich. 1892. 17 M. b. Grtmdlegung und Geschichte der Philologie by L. and H. L. Urlichs. Hermeneutik und Kritik. Fr. Blass. Paheograpliie. Fr. Blass. Griechische -5- Epigraphik. W. Larfeldt. Roinische Epigraphik. E. Hubner. Zeitrechnung. L. W. linger. Griech. und romische Metrologie. H. Nissen. Vol.11. 2ed. 1890. 15.50 M. b. Sprachwissenschaft. K. Brugmann, Fr. Stolz, J. H. Schmalz, etc. Metrik. Gleditsch. Vol. III. 1890. 18.50 M. b. Geschichie der Volker Vorder-Asiens. Fr. Hommel. Geographie und Geschichte des griech. Alter- tums. H. G. Lolling und E. Pohlmann. Geographie und Geschichte des rdinischen Altertums. J. Jung, B. Niese und O. Richter (Topographic von Rom.) Vol. IV. 1. 2 ed. 1892-3. 11.50 M. b. Die griech. Staats- und Rechts- altertiimer. G. Busolt, A. Bauer, A. Miiller. Vol. IV. 2. 2 ed. 1893. 9.80 M. b. Die romischen Staats- und Kriegs- altertumer. H. Schiller. Privataltertiimer. M. Voigt. Vol. V. I. 2 ed. 1894. 7.20 M. b. Mathematik, Naturwissenschaft und wissenschaftliche Erdkunde. S. Giinther. Geschichte der Philosophie. W. Windelband. Vol. V. 3. 1890. 8.20 M. b. Griech. Kultusaltertiimer. P. Stengel. Das Biihnenwesen. G. Oehmichen. Vol. VI. 1. 1893. 5.50 M. b. Klassische Kunstarchaologie. Sittl. Vol. VII. 2 ed. 1890. 15.20 M. b. Geschichte der griech. Litte- ratur. W. Christ. Vol. VIII. 1, 2. 1890. 7.20 M. b. Geschichte der romischen Littera- tur. M. Schanz. Vol. IX. 1. 1891. 10.50 M. b. Geschichte der byzantinischen Lit- teratur. K. Krumbacher. (other volumes to follow.} II. GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGES. (For bibliography see Henry's Comparative Grammar?) Paul, H., The Principles of the History of Language, tr. H. A. Strong. 8. Macrn. 1889. $3.00. Whitney, W. D., Language and the Study of Language. 4th ed. 8. Scribner. 1884. $2.50. **Whitney, W. D., Life and Growth of Language. 6th ed. App. 1892. $1.50. Whitney, W. D., Oriental and Linguistic Studies, vol. I. 8. N. Y. Scribner. 1875. $2.50. Taylor, I., Words and Places. 3d ed. 12 . Macm. 1873. $1.60. *Delbrueck, B., A Critical Survey of the History and Methods of Compar- ative Philology of the ^.-E. Languages, tr. E. Channing. 8. B. Ginn. 1885. $1.00. *Schrader, 0., Prehistoric Antiquities of the Aryan Peoples, tr. 8 L. Charles Griffin & Co. 1890. 21s. *Brugmann, K., Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European Languages, tr. 4 vols. N. Y. Westerniann. $17.50. **fienry, Victor, Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, tr. Elliot and Nettleship. 12. Macm. 1894. $1.90. (5th French ed. rev. 1895.} Schmidt, J. H. H., Rythmic and Metric, tr. J. W.White. 8 . B. Ginn. $2.50. Weil, H., L'Ordre des Mots....tr. Super. 8. B. Ginn. 1887. $1.25. Taylor, I., The Alphabet. 2 vols. 8. Keagan Paul. 1883. 36s. **Kuehner, R., Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache. 8. Hanover, vol. I. 3d ed. vol. II. 2d ed. Leipzig. 1886-92. 27 M. Meyer, G., Griechische Grammatik. 8. 2d ed. Leipzig. 1886. 11 M. Goodwin, W. W., Greek Moods and Tenses. 8. B. Ginn. 1890. $2.15. **Seymour, T. D., Homeric Language and Verse. 12. B. Ginn. 1885. $.80. **Monro, D. B., A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect. 2d ed. 8. Macrn. 1891. $3.50. *Blass, Fr., Pronunciation of Ancient Greek, tr. W. J. Purton. 8. Macm. 1890. $1.90. Veitch, W., Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective. 8. 4th ed. Macrn. 1887. $2.50. Roberts, E. S., Introduction to Gk. Epigraphy. Part I. 8. Macm. 1887. $4.50. Cauer, P., Delectus Inscriptionum Grsecarum. 2d ed. 8. Leip. 1883. 7 M. *Smyth, H. W., The Sounds and Inflections of the Greek Dialects, vol. I. Ionic. Macm. 1894. $6.00. Kirchhoff, A., Studien zur Geschichte des gr. Alphabets. 4th ed. 8 Gutersloh. 1887. 6 M. *Kuehner, R., Ausfuhrliche Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache. 2 vols. 8. Leipzig. 1877-79. 25 M. *Roby, H. J., A Grammar of the Lat. Language. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1882-7. $4.50. **Madvig, J. N., Lat. Grammar, tr. Thatcher. 8. B. Ginn. 1880. $2.40. **Hale, W. G., Syntax of the Latin Moods and Tenses. 8. B. Ginn. $1.50. (in press). Neue, F., Formenlehre der lat. Sprache. 3ded. 8. Berlin. 1884+ . 32+ M. Vols. I. and III. not yet revised. **Lindsay, W. M., The Latin Language. 8. Macm. 1894. $5.00. *Hale, W. G., The "Cum" Constructions: their History and Functions, (forms vol. I of Cornell studies in Class. Ph.) 8. B. Giun. 1887-89. $1.20. Same is tr. into German by A. Neitzert, with preface by B. Delbriick, rev. and supplemented by the author. 8. Leipzig. 891. 6 M. W., Hints towards Latin Prose Composition. 12 . Macm. 1886. $ .75. Krebs, J. Th., Antibarbarus der lat. Sprache. 6th ed. rev. Schmalz. 2 vols. 1886-88. 24 M. b. *Peck, H. T., The Pronunciation of Latin. 12. N. Y. Holt. 1890. $ .40. *Brambach, W., Aids to Lat. Orthography, tr. W. G. McCabe. 16. Har- per. 1877. $1.00. 7 **Platner, S. B., Greek and Roman Versification. B. Allyn & B. 1892. $ .75. *Doederlein, L., Handbook of Lat. Synonyms, tr. Arnold and Taylor. 8. L. Draper. 1875. $1.25. **Allen, F. D., Remnants of Early Latin. 16. B. Ginn. 1880. $ .80. Wordsworth, J., Fragments and Specimens of Early Lat. 8. Macm. 1874. $4.50. Rushforth, G. M., Latin Historical Inscriptions. 8. Macm. 1893. $3.00. *Wilmanns, G., Exempla Inscriptionnin Latinarum. 2 vols. 8. Berlin. 1873. 20 M. Dessau, H., Inscriptiones Latinse Selectae. vol. I. Berlin. 1892. 11 M. ^Thompson, E. M., Gk. and Lat. Palaeography. 8. App. 1893. $2.00. Wattenbach, W., Anleitung zur lat. Paliiographie. 4th ed. 8. Leipzig. 1886. 3.60 M. Wattenbach, W., Anleitung zur gr. Paliiographie. 2d ed. 8. Leip. 1877. 3.60 M. III. GREEK AND LATIN LITERATURE. Butcher, S. H., Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and the Fine Arts. 8 . Macm. 1885. $3.50. (Contains text and transl. of Aristotle's Poetics). Arnold, M., On Translating Homer. In vol. II of Complete Works. 8. Macm. $1.50. **Moulton, R. G., The Ancient Classical Drama. 8. Macm. 1890. $2.25. Schlegel, A. W. von., Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, tr. A. J. W. Morrison. 8. Macm. 1876. $1.00. Church, A. J., Stories from 1) *Homer. 2) *Vergil. 3) *Gk. Tragedians. 4) Livy. 5) Pliny. 6) Lucian. 8. N. Y. Dodd, Mead & Co. $1.00 each. a. Greek Literature. A. General Histories and Works on Particular Authors and Subjects. Mure, W., A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. 2d ed. 5 vols. 8. Long. 1854-60. 69s. Mueller, K. 0., and Donaldson, J. W., History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. 8. L. J. Parker & Co. 1850-58. 36s. *Mahaffy, J. P., History of Classical Greek Literature. 2 vols. Macm. 1885. $2.25 each. Perry, T. S., History of Gk. Literature. 8 . Holt. 1890. $7.50. **Jevons, F. B., History of Greek Literature. 8. Scribner. 1886. **Jebb, R. C., Greek Literature. 16. Am. Book Co. 1888. $.35. Ancient Classics for English Readers, ed. by W. L. Collins. 16. 28 vols. in 9. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott Co. $6.75. The Greek authors treated are : Homer's Iliad. Homer's Odyssey. Herodotus. ^Eschylus. Xen- ophon. Sophocles. Euripides. Aristophanes. Hesiod and Theognis. Greek Anthology. Plato. Lucian. Demosthenes. Aristotle. Thu- cydides. Pindar. (Each vol. is also sold separately.) **Jebb, R. C., Introduction to Homer. 12. B. Ginn. 1887. $1.25. *Clerke, Agnes M., Familiar Studies in Homer. 8. Long. 1892. $1.75. *Bonitz, H., Origin of the Homeric Poems, tr. 16. Harper. 1880. $.75. *Lang, A., Homer and the Epic. 8. Long. 1893. $2.25. Campbell, L., A Guide to Greek Tragedy. 8. L. Rivington. 1891. 6s. De Quincey, Thos., Theory of Greek Tragedy. In vol. X. of Collected Writings. 8. Macm. 1890. $1.25. **Haigh, A. B., The Attic Theatre. 8. Macm. 1889. $3.00. *Jebb, R. C., The Growth and Influence of Classical Greek Poetry. 12. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1893. $1.50. *Symonds, J. A., Studies in the Greek Poets. 2 vols. 12. 3d ed. rev. Macm. 1893. $6.00. De Quincey, Thos., The Philosophy of Herodotus. In vol. V. of Collected Writings. Macm. 1889. $1.25. *Jebb, R. C., The Attic Orators from Antiphon tolsseus. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1893. $5.00. DeWitte, C., The Retreat of the Ten Thousand. Long. 1891. $1.25. B. Editions and Translations of Greek Authors. (Note. After line 1 on page 9 add: " Herodotus, tr. Rawlinson. 4 vols. 8. App. 1859-60. $8.00.) **Honier, Iliad, ed. Walter Leaf. (Eng. notes.} 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1888. $4.00. **0dyssey. ed. Merry and Riddell. (Eng. notes.) Bks. l.-XII. (all now published.) 2d ed. Macm. 1886. $4.00. **Hymns. erlautert von A. Gemoll. 8. Leipzig. 1886. 6.80 M. Iliad and Odyssey, tr. by (1) Worsley. (2) Chapman. (3) Pope. (4) Bryant. **Iliad. tr. by (1) Lang, Leaf and Myers (prose). (2) Lord Derby. **0dyssey. tr. by Butcher and Lang (prose). **0dyssey. tr. by G. H. Palmer (prose). Hymns, tr. by (1) P. B. Shelley. In Globe ed. of his Works. 8. Macm. 1890. $1.75. (2) Edgar. Cyclic Poets. Corpus Poetarum Epic. Grsecorum. vol. I. ed. Kinkel. 8. Leipzig. 1877. 3 M. Hesiod. ed. F. A. Paley. (Eng. notes.) 2d ed. 8. Macm. 1883. $1.75. Anthologia Lyrica. ed. Bergk-Hiller. 8. Leipzig. 1890. 3 M. *^Eschylus. ed. F. A. Paley. (Eng. notes.) 4th ed. 8. Macm. 1879. $2.75. tr. E. H. Plumptre. 3d. ed. 16. L. Strahan & Co. 1873. *Sophocles. ed. L. Campbell. (Eng. notes.) vol. I. 2d ed. 1872. vol. II. 1881. Macm. $4.00 each. tr. E, H. Plumptre. 16. Routledge. 1882. $1.50. *Pindar. ed. C. A. M. Fennell. (Eng. notes.) 8. Macm. vol.1. 2d ed. 1893; vol. 11.1883. $4.75. tr. E. Myers, 8. Macm. 1874. $1.50. *Aristophanes. ed. H. Holden. (Eng. notes.) 8. Macm. 1868. $5.00 *Theocritus. ed. Fritsche-Hiller. 3d ed. (Ger. notes.) Leipzig. 2.70 M. *Theocritus, Bioji and Moschus. rendered into English prose by A. Lang. 16. Macm. 1889. $1.00. Herodotus, ed. J. W. Blakesley. (Eng. notes.} 2 vols. Macm. 1854. $4.50. **Thucydides. In Ginn's College Series of Greek Authors (incomplete). ed. Klassen-Steup. 8 vols. 8. Berlin. 1889. (Steup's revision is incomplete, it will cost complete about 20 M.) *tr. and annotated by B. Jowett. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1881. $8.00. **Xenoplion. ed. Hug, Keller and Dindorf. 8. Leip. 1875-90. 4.95 M. **Xenophon. tr. by H. G. Dakyns. 4 vols. 8. Macm. vols. I. and II. $5.00; vols. III. and IV. not yet published. **Plato. ed. C. F. Hermann and M. Wohlrab. 6 vols. 8. Leip. 1873-89. 10.50 M. **Plato, Dialogues, tr. by B. Jowett. 3d ed. 4 vols. 8. Macm. 1892. $20.00. *Euripides. ed. F. A. Paley. (Eng. notes.) 2d ed. 3 vols. 8. L. Whit- taker & Co. 1889. 8s. each. tr. A. S. Way. 3 vols. 8 . Macm. vol. I. 1894. $2.00. vols. II. and III. not yet published. Oratores Attici : Antiphon. ed. F. Blass. 8. Leip. 1881. 2.10 M. Andocides. ed. F. Blass. 8. Leip. 1880. 1.20M. Lysias. ed. C. Scheibe. 8. Leip. 1882. 1.20 M. Isocrates. ed. Benseler-Blass. 2 vols. 8. Leip. 1888-9. 2.70 M. Isaeus. ed. C. Scheibe. 8. Leip. 1875. 1.20 M. *Demosthenes. ed. Dindorf-Blass. 4th ed. 3 vols. 8. Leip. 1885-89. 7.20 M. Aeschines. ed. F. Franke. 8. Leip. 1873. .90 M. Lycurgus. ed. C. Scheibe. 8. Leip. 1871. .60 M. Hyperides. ed. F. Blass. 8. Leip. 1888. 1.00 M. Dinarchus. ed. F. Blass. 2d ed. 8. Leip. 1881. 1.35 M. * Aristotle, Opera Omnia. (Grit, ap.) 5 vols. 8. Firmin Didot. Paris. 1848-74. 80 Francs. ^Politics, tr. by Welldon. 12. Macm. 1883. $2.50. Ethics, tr. by T. H. Peters. 3d ed. 8. L. Keagan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co. 1881. 6s. Rhetoric, tr. by Welldon. 16 . Macm. 1886. $2.00. Politeia Athenaion. ed. E. Sandy s.(Eng. notes.) 8 . Macm. 1893. $3.75. ' *Polybius. ed. F. Hultsch. 4 vols. 8. Berlin. 1872-92. 16.50 M. Dionysius of Halicarnassus. ed. C. Jacoby. 4 vols. Leip. vols. I. -III. 9.60 M. IV. in press. Diodorus Siculus. ed. Dindorf-Vogel. 5 vols. 8. Leip. 1867-93. 19.95 M. [Longinus], On the Sublime, tr. by H. L. Havell. 8. Macm. 1890. $1.10. *Plutarch, Vitae Parallelae. ed. C. Sintenis. 5 vols. 8 . Leip. 1873-75. 8.40. M. Moralia. recog. G.N. Bernardakis. 5 vols. 8. Leip. 1889-94. 15 M. **Lives. tr. by Dryden-Clough. 8. Little, B. & Co. 1888. $2.00. Morals, tr. by various hands. 5 vols. 8. Little, B. & Co. 1874. $15.00. Strabo. ed. Meineke. 3 vols. Leip. 1866. 6 M. Josephus. tr. Shilleto. 5 vols. 12. L. Bell. 1889^-90. $5.00. 10 Dio Cassius. ed. Dindorf-Melber. 5 vols. 8. Leip. 1890+. vols. III. -V. not yet revised. 8.60+ M. New Testament in the Original Greek, ed. B. F. Westcott & F. J. A. Hort. 8. 2 vols. Harper. 1881. $4.00. Epictetus. tr. Geo. Long. 8. Macm. 1877. $1.50. *Pausanias. ed. Schubart. 2 vols. 8. Leip. 1875. 3.60 M. *Pausanias. tr. by Shilleto. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1886. $1.50 each. Arrian. ed. C. Abicht and R. Hercher. 2 vols. 8. Leip. 1875-86. 3.30 M. Arriau. tr. E. J. Chinnock. 8. Macm. 1893. $1.50. Lucian. ed. Soininerbrodt. (Grit, ap.) 8. Berlin. 18S6+. 15+ M. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, tr. by Geo. Long. 7th ed. 8. Little, B. & Co. 1889. $1.50. Diogenes Laertius. tr. C. D. Yonge. 8. Macm. 1853. $1.50. b. Latin Literature. A. General Histories and Works on Particular Authors and Subjects. **Teuffel, W. S., A History of R. Literature, tr. G. C. W. Warr. 2 vols. 8. Macm. $4.00 each. Simcox, G. A., A History of L. Literature. 2 vols. 12 . Harper. 1883. $4.00. **Cruttwell, C. T., A History of Roman Literature. 2d ed. 8. Scribner. 1888. $2.50. Dunlop, John, History of Roman Literature. 3 vols. 8. Long. 1824-28. Bender, H., A Brief History of R. Literature, tr. 2d ed. Girin. 1880. $1.00. Kelsey, F. W., Topical Outline of Latin Literature. 12. B. Allyn & B. 1891.$ .35. (Bibliographical) Harrington, K. P., Helps to the Intelligent Study of College Preparatory Latin. Ginn. 1888. $ .35. (Bibliographical) Ancient Classics for English Readers, ed. W. L. Collins. 16. 28 vols. in 9. Lippincott. $6.75. includes: Csesar. Vergil. Horace. Cicero. Pliny's Letters. Juvenal. Plautus and Terence. Tacitus. Livy. Ovid. Catullus. Lucretius. (Each vol. is also sold separately.) Tyrrell, R. Y., Latin Poetry. 8. H., M. & Co. 1895. $1.50. **Sellar, W. Y., The R. Poets of the Republic. 3d ed. 8. Macm. 1889. $2.50. Newman, J. H., Cicero. In vol. I. of Hist. Sketches. 8 . Long. 1891. $1.25. *Forsyth, W., Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 1 vol. Scribner. 1877. $2.50. Faussett, W. Y., The Student's Cicero. 8. Macm. 1890. $1.00. De Quincey, Thos., Cicero. In vol. VI. of Collected Writings. Macm. 1889-90. $1.25. Trollope, A., The Life of Cicero. 2 vols. 8. Harper. 1881. $3.00. Dodge, T. A., Caesar. 8. H., M. & Co. 1892. $5.00. *Froude, J. A., Cresar: A Sketch. 8. N. Y. Scribner. 1879. $1.50. Napoleon III., History of Julius Csesar. tr. 2 vols. and atlas. 8. Harper. 1865-66. $7.00. cheap ed. $4.00. *Goeler, A. von, Caesars Gallische Kriege. 8 . Freiburg. 1880. 18 M. Heynacher, M., Sprachgebrauch Csesars. 2d ed. 8. Berlin. 1886. 3 M. Lupus, B., Der Sprachgebrauch des C. Nepos. 8. Berlin. 1876. 6.40 M. **Sellar, W. Y., The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age, Vergil. 2d ed. 8. Macm. 1883. $2.25. Nettleship, H., Ancient Lives of Vergil. 8. Macm. 1879. $ .50. Tunison, J. S., Master Virgil. 2d ed. 8. Cincinnati. Robert Clarke & Co. 1888. $2.00. **Sellar, W. Y., The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age, Horace, etc. 8. Macm. 1892. $3.50. Conington, J., Miscellaneous Essays, vol. I. 8. Long. 1872. 14s. ^Nettleship, H., Lectures and Essays. 8. Macm. 1885. $1.90. B. Editions and Translations of Latin Authors. **Plautus. rec. Goetz and Schoell. 12. Leip. 1893+. 2.70+ M. small ed. **Terence. rec. C. Dziatzko. 8. Leipzig. 1884. 1.20 M. Cato, M. Porcitis. ed. Keil. vol. I. part 1. 8. Leipzig. 1882. 2.40 M. Varro, De Re Rustica. ed. Keil. 8. Leipzig. 1889. 1.50 M. **Cicero, Opera, rec. Baiter et Kayser. 11 vols. 8. Leip. 1860-69. 21.75 M. Letters, ed. R. Y. Tyrrell. (Eng. notes.} 4 vols. 8. Long. 1885-95. vol. I. to III. $3.80 each, vol. IV. $4.25. Epistolse. ed. L. Mendelssohn. (Grit. Ap.} 8. Leip. 1893. 12 M. Orations, ed. Geo. Long. (Eng. notes.) 4 vols. 8. Macm. 1855-62. vol. I. and II. $2.75 each. vols. III. and IV. out of print. **Nepos, Vitee. rec. Fleckeisen. 8 , Leipzig. 1884. .30 M. **Csesar, Commenturii cum Hirtii aliorumque supplements, ed. Kiibler. (Crit. ap.) 2 vols. 8. "Leip. 1893-94. 2.10 M. De Bello Gallico. ed. Meusel. 8. Berlin. 1894. 4 M. b. De Bello Gallico. ed. Moberly. (Eng. notes.) 16. Macm. $2.25. ed. Peskett. (Eng. notes.) 5 vols. 16. Macm. $2.55. erkliirt Fr. Kraner. (Ger. notes.) 15th ed. Berlin. 1890. 2.25 M. De Bello Civili. ed. Moberly. (Eng. notes.) 16. Macm. 1880. $1.50. ed. Peskett. (Eng. notes.) 16. Macm. 1890-j- $.80+ De Bello Civili. erkliirt Kraner and Hoffmann. (Ger. notes). 10th ed. 8. Berlin. 1890. $2.25. M. **Lucretius. ed. Munro. (Eng. notes.) 3 vols. 8. Macm. 1886. $6.00. **Sallust. ed. Dietsch. 8. Leipzig. 1887. .45 M. *Catullus. ed. Merrill. (Eng. notes.) 12. B. Ginn. 1893. $1.50. **Vergil. ed. Conington and Nettleship. (Eng. notes.) 3 vols. 8. Macm. 1872-75. $9.75. ed. Papillon and Haigh. (Eng. notes.) 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1892. $2.75. ed. Heyne-Wagner. (Crit. ap.) 4th ed. 5^vols. 8. Hannover. 1830-41. 60 M. tr. Conington. In vol. II. of Miscellaneous Essays. 14s. **Horace. ed. Wickham. (Eng. notes.} 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1877-91. $6.00. *Tibullus. ed. Hiller. 8. Leipzig. 1885. .60 M. *Propertius. ed. Palmer. (Eng. notes.) 8. Macm 1880. $1.25. **0vid. ed. Riese. 3 vols. 8. Leipsic. 1871-74. 8.40 M. **Livius. ed. Weissenborn. 6 vols. 8. Leipzig. 1887. 6 M. *Livius. Book I. ed. Seeley. (Eng. notes.) 3d ed. 8. Macm. 1881. $1.50. lustinus. ed. Jepp. 8. Leipzig. 1886. 1.50 M. Seneca, M. Annseus. ed. Kiessling. 8. Leipzig. 1872. 4.50 M. Velleius Paterculus. ed. Halm. 8. Leipzig. 1876. 1 M. Valerius Maximus. ed. Kempf. 8. Leipzig. 1889. 4.50 M. Phsedrus. ed. L. Miiller. 8. Leipzig. 1888. .30 M. Seneca, L. Annseus, Opera, ed. Haase. 3 vols. Leipzig. 1872-74. 7.80 M. tragcediee. ed. Peiper and Richter. 8. Leipzig. 1867. 4.50 M. *Curtius. ed. Vogel. 8. Leip. 1880. 1.20 M. *Persius. ed. Conington and Nettleship. (Eng. notes.} 8. Macm. 1893. $2.25. Lucan. ed. Haskins and Heitland. (Eng. notes.} 8. L. Bell. 1887. 14s. *Pliny, Hist. Nat. ed. Jalm-Mayhoff. 6 vols. 8. Leipzig. 1892. 14.40 M. Valerius Flaccus. ed. Baehrens. 8. Leipzig. 1875. 1.50 M. Statius. ed. Baehrens and Kohlmann. 8. Leipzig. 1876-84. 7.35 M. Silius Italicus. ed. Bauer. 2 vols. 8. Leipzig. 1890-92. 4.80 M. *Martial. ed. Gilbert. 8 . Leipzig. 1886. 2.40 M. *Quintilian, Institutiones. ed. F. Meissner 2 vols. 8 . Prague. 1887. 2.70 M. Declamationes. ed. Ritter. 8. 1884. 4.80 M. * Juvenal, ed. Mayor. (Eng notes.) 4th ed. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1888-93. $4.00 **Tacitus. ed. Halm. 2 vols. 8. Leipzig. 1883-93. 3.90 M. Annals, ed. Furneaux. (Eng. notes.') 8. Macm. 1882. $4.00. Histories, ed. Spooner. (Eng. notes.) 8. Macm. 1891. $3.50. Dialogus. ed. Gudeman, A. (Eng. notes.) 8. B. Giun. 1894. $3.00. *Pliny, Epistulse. ed. Keil. 8. Leipzig. 1873. 1.20 M. Suetonius, ed. Roth. 1 vol. 8. Leipzig. 1875. 1.50 M. Gellius. ed. Hertz. 2 vols. 8. Leipzig. 1886. 4.20 M. Florus. ed. Halm. 8. Leipzig. 1879. 1 M. Fronto. ed. Naber. (Grit, op.) 8. Leipzig. 1867. 8 M. Eutropius. ed. Ruehl. 8. Leipzig. 1887. .45 M. Servius. ed. Thilo and Hagen. (Grit, ap.) 3 vols. 8. Leipzig. 1878-94. 54.50 M. Macrobius. ed. Eyssenhardt. 8. Leipzig. 1893. 6 M. Scriptores Historic Augustse. rec. Peter. 8. Leipzig. 1884. 7.50 M. Poetae Latini Minores. ed. Baehrens. 5 vols. Leip. 1879-83. 15.90 M. IV. RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY. **Roscher, W. H., Lexicon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie. 8. Leipzig. 1890+ . 36+ M. (now publishing .) *Lang, A., Myth, Ritual, and Religion. 2 vols. 8. Long. 1887. 21s. Fiske, John, Myths and Myth-Makers. 8. J. R. Osgood & Co. (H., M. & Co.) 1874. $2.00. Frazer, T. G., The Golden Bough. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1890. $5.00. Murray, A. S., Manual of Mythology. 2d ed. 8. Scribner. 1888. $1.75. **Collignon, M., Manual of Mythology, tr. by J. E. Harrison. 8. L. Grevel & Co. 1890., 10s. 6d. *Gayley, C. M., Classic Myths in English Literature. 2d ed. B. Ginn. 1895. $1.65. *Bulfinch, T., The Age of Fable, rev. ed. 12. Lee& Shepard. 1894. $2.50. Kingsley, C., The Heroes, rev. ed. 8. Macm. 1888. $1.25. **Coulanges, Fustel de, The Ancient City. 3d ed. 12. Lee & S. 1873. $1.60. Dyer, L., The Gods of Greece. 12. Macm. 1894. $2.00. 13 V. PUBLIC AFFAIRS. a. Geography. Freeman, E. A., Historical Geography of Europe. 2 vols. 8. Long. 1881. $10.50. Tozer, H. F., Classical Geography. 16. Am. Bk. Co. 1878. $ .35. *Desjardins, E., Geographie de la Gaule romaine. 4 vols. 4. Libraire Hachette. 1876-93. 78 Fr. Mahaffy, J. P., Greek Pictures. N. Y. F. H. Revell & Co. 1890. $3.20. Freeman, E. A., Studies of Travel, vol. I. Greece, vol. II. Italy. 8. Put- nam. 1893. $1.50. Tozer, H. F., Islands of the Aegean. 12. Macm. 1890. $2.25. b. History and Chronology. A. Eastern. Putnams' ' Stories of the Nations' Series. N. Y. G. P. Putnam's Sons. The following volumes at $1.50 per volume : The Story of Persia. By S. G. W. Benjamin. " " " Phoenicia. By Geo. Rawlinson. " " " the Jews under Rome. By W. Douglas. " " " Ancient Egypt. By Geo. Rawlinson. B. Greece. (For legendary history see also under Homer in Class III, a.) ' Stories of the Nations,' the following volumes : The Story of Alexander's Empire. By J. P. Mahaffy and A. Gilrnan. " " " Sicily. By E. A. Freeman. " " " the Byzantine Empire. By C. AV. C. Oman. **Grote, Geo., History of Greece. 10 vols. 8. Little. B. & Co. 1888. $17.50. **Curtius, E., History of Greece, tr. by Ward and Packard. 5 vols. 8. Scribner. 1888. $10.00. Duruy, V., History of Greece and of the Greek People to 146 B. C. 8 vols. 8. L. Keagan Paul. 1891. 8 8s. Ranke, L. von, Universal History, vol. I. ed. G. W. Prothero. 8. Har- per. 1885. $2.50. Holm, A., History of Greece to [146 B. C.] vol. I. [all that is published] 12. Macm. 1894. $2.50. Oman, C. W. C., History of Greece to 323 B. C. 8 . Long. 1892. $1.50. Cox, G. W., The Greeks and the Persians. 12. Scribner. 1876. $1.00. *Lloyd, W. W., The Age of Pericles. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1875. $8.00. Cox, G. W., The Athenian Empire. 12. Scribner. 1876. $1.00. Grote, Geo., Two Great Retreats of History. 12. B. Ginn. 1889. $ .50. Sankey, C., The Spartan and Theban Supremacies. 12. Long. 1886. $1.00. Dodge, T. A., Alexander. 8. H., M. & Co. 1890. $5.00. Freeman, E. A., Chief Periods of European History. 8. Macm. 1886. $2.50. Mahaffy, J. P., The Greek World under Roman Sway. From Polybius to Plutarch. 12 <>. Macm. 1890. $3.00. 14 *Freeman, E. A., The History of Sicily. 4 vols. Macm. 1891-95. $21.50. Freeman, E. A., Greater Greece and Greater Britain. 3. Macm. 1886. $1.00. Freeman, E. A., History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy. 8. Macm. 1893. $3.75. Felton, C. C., Greece, Anc. and Mod. new ed. H., M. & Co. 1886. $5.00. **Gardner, P., New Chapters in Greek History. 8. Putnam. 1892. $5.00. Mahaffy, J. P., Problems in Greek History. 12. Macm. 1892. $2.50. C. Rome. DeQuincey, Thos., The Philosophy of Roman History. In vol. VI. of his Works. 8. Macm. 1889-90. $1.25. Tighe, A., The Roman Constitution. 16. Am. Book Co. 1886. $ .35. **Duruy, V., History of Rome and the Roman People, tr. by Clarke and Ripley. 6 vols. Estes and Lauriat. 1883-86. $6.00 each. Merivale, Charles, A General History of Rome. 8. Long. 1875. $2.00. Pelham, H. F., Outlines of Roman History. Putnam. 1893. $1.75. Oilman, A., The Story of Rome. Putnam. 1885. $1.50 **Mommsen, Th., The History of Rome, new ed. 4 vols. 8. Scribuer. 1887. $6.00. Liddell, H. S., History of Rome. 12 o. Harper. 1863. $1.25. Arnold, Thos., History of Rome to 241 B. C. 5th ed. L. H. Bickers & Son. 1882. 24s. Ihne, Wm., History of Rome. 5 vols. Long. 1871-82. 77s. Ihne, Wm., Early Rome. 4th ed. Scribner. 1886. $1 00. Arnold, T., The Second Punic War. 8. Macm. 1886. $2.25. Smith, R. Bosworth., Rome and Carthage. 8. Long. 1881. $1.00. Church, A. J., The Story of Carthage. 8. Putnam. $1.50. Dodge, T. A., Hannibal. 8. H., M. & Co. 1891. $5.00. Long, Geo., Decline of the R. Republic. 5 vols. 8. Macm. 1864-67. $7.50. Beesly, A. H., The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. 8. Long. 1886. $1.00. *Merivale, C., The Fall of the R. Republic. 2d ed. 8. Long. 1853. $2.25. Merivale, C., The Roman Triumvirates. 8. Long. 1876. $1.00. Forsyth, Wm., Hortensius, the Advocate. 3d ed. 8. L. J. Murray. 1879. 7s. 6d. *Davidson, J. L. S., Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic. 8. Put- nam. 1894. $1.50. **Fowler, W. W., Julius Caesar and the Organization of the Roman Empire. 8. Putnam. 1892. $1.50. *Merivale, C., History of the Romans under the Empire. 8 vols. 8. Long. 1890. $10.00. Capes, W. W., The Early Empire. 6th ed. Long. 1887. $1.00. De Quincey, Thos., The Ceesars. In vol. VI. of his Works. 8. Macm. 1889-90. $1.25. Capes, W. W., The Age of the Antonines. 8. Long. 1887. $1.00. **Gibbon, Edward, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 6 vols. 8. Harper. 1880. $12 00. Sheppard, J. G., The Fall of Rome. 12. N. Y. Geo. Routledge & Sons. 1894. $1.50. 15 *Bryce, J., The Holy Roman Empire. 8th ed. 80. Macm. 1889. $3.50. Emerton, E., An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages. 8. B. Ginn. 1888. $1.25. Emerton. E., Mediaeval Europe. 12. B. Ginn. 1894. $1.65. Hodgkin, T., Italy and Her Invaders. 4 vols. 8. Macm. 1883-85. $21.50. *Bury, J. B., History of the Later R. Empire. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1889. $8.00. Bury, J. B., History of the Roman Empire. 12. Harper. 1893. $1.50. Seeley, J. R., Roman Imperialism. In his Lectures and Essays. 16. B. Roberts Bros. 1871. $1.00. Bradley, H., The Story of the Goths. Putnam. 1888. $1.50. Scarth, H. M., Roman Britain. 12. L. Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge. 1883. 2s. 6d. Wright, T., The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. 4th ed. 8. Trubner. (Keagan Paul). 1885. 9s. *Ranke, L. von, History of the Latin and Teutonic Nations, tr. 8. Little, B. & Co. 1887. $1.40. Kingsley, C., The Roman and the Teuton. 8. Macm. 1889. $1.25. Arnold, Thos., The Roman System of Provincial Administration. 8. Macm. 1879. (out of print.) *Mommsen, Th., The Provinces of the Roman Empire from Ceesar to Diocletian. 2 vols. 8. Scribner. 1887. $6.00. Milman, H. H., History of Christianity to the Abolition of Paganism. 3 vols. 8 . Also History of Later Christianity. 4 vols. 8 . Scribner. 1883. $10.50. c. Political Antiquities. *Fowler, W. W., City-State of the Greeks and Romans. 16. Macm. 1893. $1.00. Morey, W. C., Outlines of Roman Law. 6th ed. 8. Putnam. 1892. $1.75. **Boeckh, A., Public Economy of the Athenians tr. by A. Lamb. 8. Little, B. & Co. 1857. Schoemann, G. F., Antiquities of Greece, tr. by Hardy and Maun. 8. Rivington. 1880. 10s. **Judson, H. P., Caesar's Army. 12. B. Ginn. 1888. $1.10. VI. PRIVATE AFFAIRS. Compayre", G., History of Pedagogy. 8. D.C. Heath & Co. 1886. $1.75. Davidson, T., Aristotle and Ancient Educational Ideals. 8. Scribner. 1892. $1.00. Mahaffy, J. P., Old Greek Education. 24. Harper. 1882. $.75. Capes, W. W., University Life in Ancient Athens. 32. Harper. 1877. $.25. Inge, W. R., Society in R. under the Caesars. 8. Scribner. 1888. $1.25. Church, A. J., Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. N. Y. Dodd. 1884. $1.00. *Bluemner, H., Home Life of the Ancient Greeks, tr. by A. Zimmern. N. Y. Cassell Pub. Co. 1893. $2.00. Church, A. J., Pictures from Roman Life and Story. 8. App. 1892. *Preston and Dodge, Private Life of the Romans. 8. L., S. & S. 1894. $1.00. Evans, M. M., Chapters on Greek Dress. 8. Macm. 1893. $2.00. VII: FINE ARTS, a. Histories of the Arts. **Luebke, W., Outlines of the History of Art. tr. by C. Cook. 2 vols. large 8. N. Y. Dodd. 1887, $14.00. *Winckelmann, J., The History of Ancient Art. tr. by G. H. Lodge. 2 vols. 8. B. Osgood. (H., M. & Co.) 1880. $9.00. Reber, F. von, A History of Ancient Art. tr. by J. T. Clarke. 8. Har- per. 1883. $3.50. *Luebke, W., A History of Sculpture, tr. by F. E. Bennett. 2 vols. large 8. Lipp. 1872. $18.00. **Mitchell, Lucy M., A History of Ancient Sculpture. 4. N. Y. Dodd. 1883. $12.50. cheap ed. 1888. $7.50. Murray, A. S., History of Gk,, Sculpture. 2 vols. 8. Scribner. 1884. $14.00. Perry, W. C., Greek and Roman >Sculpture. 8 01 . Scribner. 1882. $12.00*. *Paris, P., Manual of Ancient Sculpture, ed. by J. E. Harrison. Lipp. 1890. $3.00. Upcott, L. E., An Introduction to Greek Sculpture. 8-. Macm. 1887. $1.10. **Harrison, E. J., Introductory Studies in Gk. Art. 8. Macm. 1892. $2.25. Perrot and Chipiez, History of Art in Primitive Greece. 2 vols. 4*. L. Chapman & Hall. 1894. $15.50. Furtwaengler, A., Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture, tr. by E. Sellers. 4. Scribner. 1895. $15.00. Waldstein, C., Essays on the Art of Pheidias. 8. Century Co. 1885. $7.50. Gardner, P., Types of Greek Coins. 4. Macm. 1883. $8.00. Woltmann, A., and Woermann, K., History of Painting, tr. by C. Bell. 2 vols. 4. N. Y. Dodd. 1886-88. cheap ed. $7.50. Fergusson, J., A History of Architecture, vols. I. and II. Little, B. & Co. 1874. 63s. Dunn, T., Die Baukuust der Griechen. 2d ed. 8 -. Darmstadt. 1892. 20 M. Jacquemart, A., History of the Ceramic Art. tr. by Mrs. Palliser. 2d ed. 8. Scribner. 1877. $10.50. Monro, D. B., Modes of Ancient Greek Music. 8 . Macm. $2.50. 6. Descriptive Handbooks, etc., of Archaeology and Art. Baumeister, A., Denkmaler des klassischen Altertums. 3 vols. 4 . Mu- nich. 1885-88. can be bought for about 45 M. Baedeker, K., Italy. Pt. I. Northern Italy. 9th ed. Leip. 1892. 8 M. Pt. II. Central Italy and Rome. 10th ed. Leip. 1890. 6 M. Pt. III. Southern Italy. 10th ed. Leip. 1890. 6 M. **Middleton, J. H., Remains of Ancient Rome. 2 vols. 8. Macm. 1892. $7.00. Burn, R., Ancient Rome and Its Neighborhood. 8. Macm. 1895. $2.25. *Ziegler, C., Das alte Rom. 4. Stuttgart. 1882. 4.50 M. Shumway, E. S., A Day in Ancient Rome. 12. Heath. 1887. $ .75. (A translation and revision of Lohr's Aus dem alten Rom.) **Lanciani, R., Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries. 8. H., M. & Co., 1884. $6.00. Murray, J., A Handbook of Rome and Its Environs. 14th ed. L. Murray. 1887. 19s. Hare, A. J. C., Walks in Rome, llth ed. 1 vol. 12. Routledge. $3.50. Hare, A. J. C., Days near Rome. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8 . Routledge. 1884. $5.00. Taine, H. A., Italy Naples and Rome.tr. Durand. 8. Holt. 1875. $2.50. Lanciani, R., Pagan and Christ! in Rome. 8. H., M. & Co. 1893. $6.00. Dyer, T. H., Pompeii. 4th ed. 8 . Macm. 1891. $2.25. Ruskin, J., Mornings in Florence. 8 . Orpington. Allen. 1883. 4s. Dennis, G., The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. rev. ed. 2 vols. 8. L. Murray. 1883. 21s. *Baedeker, K., Greece. 16. Leip. 1889. 10 M. b. **Harrison, J. E., and Verrall, A. W., Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens. 8. Macm. 1890. $4.00. Schliemann, Sellers, Schuchhardt and Leaf. Excavations at Troy, Tiryns, Mycense, Orchomenos and Ithaca. 8. Macm. 1891. $4.00. Diehl, C., Excursions in Greece, tr. Pool. 8. Westermann. 1893. $2.00. Mahaffy, J. P., Rambles and Studies in Greece. 3d ed. Macm. 1887. $3.00. Dyer, P., Ancient Athens. 8. L. Bell. 1873. 25s. **Newton, C. T., Essays on Art and Archaeology. 8. Macm. 1880. $4.00. Collignon, M., Handbook of Gk. Archaeology, tr. 12 . Cassell. 1886. $2.00. *Murray, A. S., Handbook of Gk. Archseology. 8. Scribner. 1892. $5.00. Burn, A. S., Roman Literature and Roman Art. 8. Macm. 1889. $2.25. VIII. PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE. *Zeller, Ed., The Philosophy of the Greeks, new ed. 7 vols. Long. 1877-83. Vols. i-ii. Pre-Socratic Schools, tr. by S. F. Alleyne. $10.00. Vol. iii. Socrates and the Socratic Schools, tr. O. J. Reichel. $3.50. Vol. iv. Plato and the Older Academy, tr. S. F. Alleyne and E. Goodwin. $6.00. Vol. v. Aristotle and the Elder Peripatetics, tr. T. H. Muirhead. (not yet published.) Vol. vi. Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics, tr. O. J. Reichel. $5.00. Vol. . vii. History of Eclecticism, tr. S. F. Alleyne. $3.50. **Zeller, Ed., Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy, tr. by S. F. Alleyne and E. Abbot. 8. Holt. 1886. $1.75. (Epitome of the above.) *Ueberweg, Fr., A History of Philosophy, tr. by Geo. S. Morris, vol. I. Ancient and Mediaeval Philosophy. 8. Scribner. 1889. $2.50. Burt, B. C., History of Greek Philosophy. 12 . B. Ginn. 1888. $1.25. Ferrier, T. F., Lectures on Early Greek Philosophy. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8. L. Wrn. Black wood & Sons. 1882. 14s. Pater, W., Plato and Platonism. 8 . Macm. 1893. $1.75. Lewes, G. H., Aristotle, a Chapter from the History of Science. 8. L. Smith, Elder & Co. 1864. 15s. Osborn, H. F., From the Greeks to Darwin. 8. Macm. 1894. $2.00. IX. MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. *Butcher, S. H., Some Aspects of the Gk. Genius. 12 o. Macm 1894. $2.50. Story, W. W., Excursions in Art and Letters. 12 . H., M. & Co. 1891. $1.25. Symonds, J. A., Sketches and Studies in Southern Europe. 2 vols. 12 o. Harper. 1880. $4.00. Rydberg, V., Roman Days. tr. Clark. 2d ed. 8. Putnam. 1887. $2.00. Myers, F. W., Classical Essays. 1 vol. 12. Macm. 1888. $1.25. Abbott, E. A., Hellenica. 8. Rivington. 1880. 16s. *Pater, W., Greek Studies, ed. by C. S. Shadwell. 8. Macm. 1895. $1.75. Kingsley, C., Historical Lectures and Essays. In vol. XVI. of his Works. 8. Macm. 1880. $1.25. *Freeman, E. A., Historical Essays. 2d series. 3d ed. 8. Macm. $3.00. Freeman, E. A., Historical and Architectural Sketches. 8. Macm. 1876. $3.00. Creasy, E. S., Fifteen Decisive Battles. 12. Harper. 1872. $1.00. X. INFLUENCE OF GREECE AND ROME. Hatch, E., The Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages on the Christian Church. 3d ed. L. Wins. & Norgate. 1891. 10s. 6d. Renan, E., On the Influence of the Institutions, Thought and Culture of Rome on Christianity. 8. L. Wins. & Norgate. 1885. 10s. 6d. *Story, W. W., RobadiRorna. 2 ed. 2 vols. 16. H., M. & Co. 1887. $2.50. ^Gladstone, W. E., Place of Ancient Greece. In his Gleanings, vol. VII. 16. Scribner. 1879. $1.00. *Davidson, T., Education of the Greek People and Its Influence on Civili- zation. 12. App. 1894. $1.50. Symonds, J. A., The Revival of Learning. 8. Holt. 1882. $3.50. Voigt, G., Wiederbelebung des klassischen Alterthums. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8. Berlin. 1894. 18.50 M. b. XL ENGLISH NOVELS, ETC., ILLUSTRATING THE LIFE OF CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY. Chaucer, Arcite and Palemon, Legende of Goode Women; Church, 2000 Years Ago; Ebers, Homo Sum, Serapis, The Emperor; Eckstein, Nero, Prusius, Quintus Claudius, The Chaldean Magician ; Herbert, The Roman Traitor ; Kingsley, Hypatia ; Kno wles, Virginius; La n dor, Pericles and Aspasia, Imaginary Conversations, Poems; Lock hart, Valerius; Lyttoii, Last Days of Pompeii; *Macaulay, Lays of Ancient Rome, ed. W. J. and J. C. 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By omitting rare forms and unusual . examples of non-classical Latinity, and by relegating to the Appendix for Teachers moot points of historical grammar, the book has been limited to 250 pages. In Ger- man schools, books of this scope amply meet the exacting demands of the whole Gymnasial course, and it is believed that such a grammar will be heartily welcomed Jby teachers and students of Latin in America. The Appendix for Teachers (ready in August, 1895) treats of the Evidences for Pronunciation; of Hidden Quantities; of the History of Sound Changes; of the Origin of Inflectional Forms; and of similar matters. This Appendix will be bound with the Grammar in a special Teacher's Edition. Seudder's First Latin Reader. BY J. W. SCUDDER, of the Albany Academy. 16mo. CLOTH, 295 PAGES. PRICE 90 CENTS. This is a Beginner's Latin Book, containing all the principles of syntax, and aiming to fit the pupil rapidly to read Latin. To this end the book contains three times as much material for translation from Latin into English as from English into Latin. In this it differs materially from all other Beginner's Latin Books, in none of which is the proportion of translation from Latin into English more than one- half. Points to be Especially Noticed. I. As soon as possible the special grammatical points of each lesson are illus- trated, not in disconnected sentences, but in a continuous Latin story. II. The exercises for translation in Latin are based on the text immediately pre- ceding them. III. Beginning with Lesson XV., a passage to be translated at sight is included in every lesson. IV. Questions for the pupil are inserted at the end of each lesson. These are not intended to take the place of questions by the teacher, but are to enable the pupil to ascertain whether he has thoroughly mastered his lesson, V. All the necessary principles of English Grammar are incorporated in the book. VI. 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It furnishes a history of American politics in the attractive and impressive form of biography." " The volumes known as the 'American Statesmen' series had a just raison d'etre; for the biography of our past political leaders compels or induces a study of the times in which they acted, the forces with which they dealt, and the public measures of importance on which their influence was felt." The New Eng- lander, (New Haven). " Every young American ought to read, and if possible own, this valuable political library." The Critic, (New York.) SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. SENT POSTPAID, ON RECEIPT OF PRICE BY THE PUBLISHERS. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., Boston. '0111 In our Student's Series of Latin Classics (more than 45 volumes), the following are ready: A First Book in Latin. By HIRAM TUELL, A. M., and HAROLD NORTH FOWLER, Ph. D. Latin Prose, for High and Preparatory Schools. Part I, based upon Caesar; Part II, upon Cicero. By M. GRANT DANIELL. Miller's Latin Prose, for College use. 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The Phormio of jTerence, the Valerius Maximus (Selections), the Horace, Odes and Epodes, Ovid, Selections from the Metamorphoses, are expected before September, 1895. Leach, Shewell, & Sanborn, Correspondence Solicited. NEW YORK, BOSTON, CHICAGO. Longmans, Green & Co.'s PUBLICATIONS. Logmans' Atlas of Ancient Geography. Twenty-eight colored Maps, selected with a view of facilitating the study of Ancient Geography in con- nection with History. Edited, with an Introduction on the Study of Ancient Geog- raphy, by the Rev. George Butler, Principal of Liverpool Col- lege. Imperial 8vo. $2.00. The School Engish-Greek Lexicon. Abridged from his larger "English-Greek Lexicon" by the author, Charles Duke Yonge, M. A. Square 12mo. $2.50. Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology. By J. W. .Mackail, M. A., Fellow of . Balliol College, Oxford. 8vo. $5.50.- A Dictionary of Roman and Greek Atiquities. With 2,000 Wood-cuts. By A. Rich, B. A. Crown 8vo. $2.50. The Retreat of the Ten Thousand. 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Selected Subjects Illustrated and Treated of in the Text of Schreiber's Atlas, The Drama: The Greek, Roman, andPompeiian Theatre Stage Scenes from Plays Scenes illustrating Classical Costumes Musical Instruments Sculpture, Painting, and Casting in Bronze Metal Work, Painting, and Architecture Religion (Greek} Primitive Sanctuaries and Idols Temples and Sacri- fice Votive Offerings Mysteries and Various Cults Altars and Priests Vestals and Augurs Races, Games, and Greek Athletics Roman Amphitheatres, the Colosseum, and Games in the Circus Charioteers and Gladiators Greek Armour Roman Soldiers and Barbarian Armour Roman Camps and Cavalry Sieges, Bridges and Ships Greek and Roman Walls and Gateways Plans of Hous.es, Wells, Foun- tains, cmd Gardens Drains. 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