BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . UNDERGRAD. LIBRARY JAMES K.MOFFITT X 2-t/ RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC 1641-1850 /" !' uointe fue too e/i- r ' ffourenr mpeche ae ■ ^ r poster parirs qlocti C, terme de la. rcx^'e 3it Ca/Oitaine fieermtjf laroofeAB d'OAhota a oc/cha/areAa e/i environ le ace que inadit le CopHaine Beermgs le terme deja rout* ions la quelle il a Toujour^ Jum la qcte e/f le point C/oos la latitude, be 67 "/a el a )2(, deqreS a left c/ u meridian dgJibolsk ila ensulle appns des hatdans Que la terrc +*..*. „14- , r, et one Up !■£*. -i j. . '. 'erre roomoil cornme vers D 9 n ■? J 6ter ^°' f enjude en one pomte sers E vis o vrs de /a cjuelleilyaSo.i des 9 , a ^ s cfu, empectotent le plus /oavent d e /adoui/ e r qolapres ce/a la terre lourno'd vers F ou /e decile les rivers de .Jtolima el l a Lena I^C- larcjeoient Sketch illustrating Bering's first voyage Made by J. N. Delisle and based on his conversation with Bering [Delisle Manuscripts, xxv, 6] RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC 1641-1850 AN ACCOUNT OF THE EARLIEST AND LATER EXPEDITIONS MADE BY THE RUSSIANS ALONG THE PACIFIC COAST OF ASIA AND NORTH AMERICA; INCLUDING SOME RELATED EXPEDITIONS TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS BY F. A. GOLDER THE ARTHUR H. CLARK COMPANY CLEVELAND: 1914 COPYRIGHT, I9I4, BY F. A. GOLDER Vm^^ f In appreciation of their friendship and inspiration I dedicate this work to the professors at Harvard under whom I studied f ' ," ' \ CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . .13 I The Administration of Eastern Siberia in the Seventeenth Century . . . 17 II Russia and China on the Amur to 1689 • • 33 III A Critical Examination of Deshnef's Voyage . 67 IV Kamchatka and the Kurils . . . -97 V Terra deJeso . . . . . . 117 VI Bering's first Expedition . . . . 133 VII The Chukchi and the Discovery of America . 151 VIII Bering's Second Expedition .... 165 IX Completion of the Survey of Northeastern Si- beria and the Amur Region . . .251 Appendix A - Muller's Account of Deshnef's Voyage . 268 Appendix B - Deshnef's Report .... 282 Appendix C - Treaty of Nertchinsk .... 290 Appendix D - European Opinion regarding Kozirefski . 294 Appendix E - Navigation and Discoveries made by the Rus- sians in the Eastern Ocean between the two Voyages of Cap- tain Beerings during the Years 1731 and 1732 . . 298 Appendix F - Memoir presented to the Senate with Map which Bering used in going to America . . . 302 Appendix G-The Inhabitants found on September 20, 1741, in a Port near Kamchatka by Captain Alexis Chirikof . 314 Appendix H - Discovery of America by Way of Moscovy . 326 Appendix I - Documents bearing on the Voyage of Captain Spanberg from Kamchatka to Japan in June, July, and August, 1739 . . . . . .330 Bibliographical Note ..... 335 Bibliography ...... 341 ILLUSTRATIONS Sketch illustrating Bering's first Voyage . . Frontispiece Jakutsk about 1675 41 Godunof's Map of Eastern Siberia .... 69 Remezof's Map 79 Ys Caap in place of the Russian mapmakers Impassa- ble Cape 89 The So-called Shestakof Map m Sketch illustrating Gwosdef's Voyage . . . 154 Plan of Okhotsk Ostrog 167 Sketch of the route from the Maja River to Okhotsk 175 Harbor of St. Peter and St. Paul in 1741 . . . 179 Facsimile of extracts from Deshnef's Report (two plates) 283 PREFACE I became interested in Alaska during a three years' residence in that territory in the service of the United States government. On my return I began investiga- tions with a view of writing the story of Alaska as a part of American history and of giving but little time to topics connected with the Asiatic side of the North Pacific Ocean. But as I proceeded I was compelled to modify my plans. I could not make intelligent head- way with the Bering voyages without a sound knowl- edge of the cartographical and geographical ideas of the period in which they were undertaken. This led to the study of Terra de Jeso. In my expectation of work- ing up the background of Siberian history from sec- ondary authorities I was disappointed for they proved to be unreliable and I was obliged to go to the sources. Gradually it developed that which was planned as the background became the principal part of the picture. My point of view had in the meantime undergone a change: the discovery of Alaska which I had regarded as a beginning chapter of American history, I found to be the closing chapter of a period of Russian expansion. I realized also how closely the history of Alaska is bound up with that of Siberia, and that in order to know the one it was necessary to understand the other. Under the circumstances I concluded to devote this en- tire monograph to a careful study of the conditions and the history of Russian expansion on the Pacific up to 1750 and at some future time to follow up this move- ment and bring it up to date. This change of plan 14 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC called for investigation of certain topics not originally contemplated, such as the relations of Russia and China on the Amur, and the administration of Siberia. The results of the investigation of the last named topic are used here as an introductory chapter, and it is hoped that it will clear up a subject much talked about by writers but not clearly understood. In this work the question as to the comparative merits of the officers who took part in the Bering voy- ages has not been brought up for discussion, because it seemed profitless; for the same reason speculation as to what might have been, if some one had acted differ- ently than he did, has not been indulged in. Entirely too much emphasis may be laid on the actors in the play at the expense of the play itself. The Siberians of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were part of a movement in which they were caught and carried along without leaving any impress of their personal- ities. They were men of, more or less, average ability, yet from the time of Muller to the present it has not been possible to speak of them with calmness. As soon as the banner, bearing the magic word "promyshlenik," is waved we are expected to fall on our knees and bow to heroes. As a matter of fact they were, at best, very ordinary men and some of them were vicious and de- praved. To appreciate them at their full value one has but to study their descendants at Unalaska, Kodiak, and Sitka. If contemporary documents are to be be- lieved, the race of Siberians has not degenerated by being transplanted into American soil. In every sea port town and in every frontier community one will find men who risk their lives and suffer hardships for the sake of pleasure and gain just as the Siberians did. PREFACE 15 There is nothing heroic about all this and if we stop to think it will be seen that it is very commonplace. The materials for this investigation were found at Harvard University, the Library of Congress, the Bib- liotheque Nationale, and the Archives de la Marine in Paris where the Delisle manuscripts are preserved. The more important of the last documents have been copied and may be found in the Appendix. Several years ago the Library of Congress purchased the valu- able Yudin collection of books on Siberia, among which were the publications of the Archaeographical Society containing source material on seventeenth and eight- eenth century Siberia. A study of these original docu- ments has forced me to reject many of the views that I had accepted on the authority of Muller and others and to rewrite a number of the chapters. In the spelling of the Russian names of places I em- ployed the system in use by the United States Bureau of Hydrography. The word "Cossack" is not used in a technical sense but synonymously with the term "Rus- sian." Dates, wherever they apply to Russian events, are according to the old style. It may not be out of place to mention that in Russia during the seventeenth century, September was the first month of the year. If one will bear in mind that the nautical day was reck- oned from noon and not morning he will be able to ex- plain the seeming confusion in the accounts as to the day when a certain event occurred. I am glad to have this opportunity to express my gratitude to Professor Channing for helpful sugges- tions during the first stages of this work. Professor Coolidge has been ever ready to assist me and I have profited by his advice. Mr. L. R. Wells of Cambridge i 6 PREFACE has criticised in a helpful manner two of the chapters. Professor W. A. Morris of the University of California and Professor W. G. Beach of the University of Wash- ington read the complete manuscript and it has gained much from their criticisms. To all these good friends I am very grateful and I trust that they may not feel that their efforts have been in vain. F. A. GOLDER. Pullman, Washington, February i, 1914. Since writing the above I have carefully examined the archives at St. Petersburg and have made many val- uable and important corrections and additions. F. A. G. St. Petersburg, Russia, August 1, 1914. I. THE ADMINISTRATION OF EASTERN SIBERIA IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1 By Eastern Siberia is meant the region bordering on the Pacific Ocean, its western boundary being the Lena River and the southern the Stanovoi Mountains. Al- though this portion of Siberia is dealt with here sep- arately, it would be wrong to infer that it had problems of administration unknown to other parts; for the gov- ernment of this vast country was quite uniform, except where local conditions demanded modifications. Agri- culture, mining, and military affairs, which reached a certain importance west of Jakutsk, were insignificant factors east of this city where all the energy was con- centrated on the fur trade. 2 Before taking up the study of a part of Siberia, it may be well to give a brief outline of the general scheme and development of the administration of Siberia as a whole. When Russia secured possession of this country in the last part of the sixteenth century, the natives were not altogether unprepared for the type of government which was offered them. Instead of giving their trib- ute to the Tartar chief, as the inhabitants had done 1 The source materials consulted in the preparation of this work consist of instructions to officers, law suits, petitions, and complaints of men in the service and of the native tribes. 2 The River Lena was discovered in 1630, and the Fort Jakutsk was built two years later, but a distinct Jakutsh Province was not created until 1640 or 1641, when a woewod and other officers were appointed. In 1675 there were in Jakutsk Province one hundred six people engaged in agriculture and stock raising. See Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. vi, doc. 136, 403. 18 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC formerly, they now presented it to the czar, and when it is all sifted down, the problem of administration cen- tered around the taking and the giving of tribute. Even in the location of the so-called cities, the Russians, wherever possible, followed closely in the footsteps of the Tartars. Tiumen, founded in 1586, and Tobolsk, in 1587, were almost on the sites of former Tartar set- tlements. For a few years the conquered territory was administered from these two cities through woewods [officers] sent from Moscow. As the expansion to the eastward continued, Tobolsk gained in importance, so that from 1607 3 to 1629 it was the only center of ad- ministration, having a seal and other insignia of office, which other cities did not secure until 1635.* In 1629 Tomsk was selected as an additional seat of govern- ment. These two cities had a number of smaller cities under them, governed by local woewods subject to the orders of their superiors at Tobolsk or Tomsk who, in turn, were responsible to the Sibirski Prikaz at Mos- cow. This system did not work harmoniously owing to the envious feeling existing between the officers of the two districts. The boundary lines had not yet been sharply defined which led to numerous conflicts of jur- isdiction, and it happened not infrequently that parties of tribute gatherers representing different districts, on meeting in some native village, would have a fight to determine who should carry off the tribute. The na- tives suffered the most because they were made to pay two and three times. For this inefficient government the authorities at Moscow were in part to blame. The importance of this newly acquired region was not fully appreciated 3 Andrievich, V. K. Istoria Sibiri, vol. i, 113. 4 Butsinski, P. Zaselenie Sibiri, 233. ADMINISTRATION OF EASTERN SIBERIA 19 and no clearly defined plan for its government had been formed. Siberia was administered by one of the bureaus of foreign affairs [Posolski Prikaz] until 1599, 5 when it was transferred to the department which looked after the government of Kazan. 6 In 1637 it finally became an independent bureau known as the Sibirski Prikaz with a head and staff of its own. 7 From this office at Moscow all orders were issued and officers appointed and to it reports and tribute were sent. It was found advisable in 1670 to have but one central office in Si- beria, and Tobolsk was once more given the preference. Her woewod thus became the leading Siberian officer to whom matters of lesser importance were referred by the woewods of the various provinces; but more serious questions were taken up, as before, with Moscow. This system was in force until 1708 when Peter the Great reorganized Siberia according to the ideas of western Europe. The chief officer 8 of the province was the woewod 5 Ezhenesyachinia Sochinenia i Isvestia O Uchenich Delach, part i, 523. 6 — Ibid. '' — Ibid., 526. 8 In order that one may get an idea of the quality of the administration, and before taking up the duties of the Siberian officers in detail, something should be said of their character. Were it not for the fact that the evidence on this point is uncontradictory one could hardly believe that these men were as low and as depraved as the contemporary literature pictures them. They were without the fear of God and without the feelings of shame. They traded, gambled, mortgaged, and sold their wives and daughters as if they were chattel [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 44, 158]. The traffic in women was carried on publicly [Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. iii, doc. 1601] and from the proceeds of the sale the government received ten per cent as it did from the sale of ordinary merchandise [Butsin- ski, P. Zaselenie Sibiri, 139]. Other forms of vice were even less concealed. Although aware of this demoralizing state of affairs, the government was not in a position to put an end to it because it could not depend on the soldiers, who often mutinied and killed their officers, robbed whom they should protect, and then fled across the Chinese border and from there carried on their depre- dations [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 33, 85; also vol. xii, 20 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC who was appointed at first for two years, but after 1695 Peter extended the term to four, five, six years, and even to a longer period. 9 Early in the seventeenth century the woewod had complete control of every department of administration, but he so abused his power and robbed the treasury to such an extent that it was found necessary, in 1623, to appoint a special customs officer, golova, to have charge of all the moneys and tribute and to act as a check on the woewod. 10 But neither this nor any of the other devices that were tried to keep the woewod from stealing were successful. 11 When he came into Siberia he was accompanied by his family and friends, all of whom were bent on making their fortunes. By every legal and illegal means in his power he aided them, and they in return were not ungrateful for his favors. 12 dec. 4, 13]. If caught and brought back two or three were punished by hav- ing their noses cut off and the remainder were reinstated in service [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 33, 85]. 9 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. iii, doc. 1511. 10 Butsinski, P. Zaselenie Sibiri, 235. 11 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 83, 100. In practice it was found that the golova joined with the woewod in robbing the government. 12 Natives coming to the posts with tribute were met on the way by the woewod or those in collusion with him, their best furs were taken from them and the poorest left for the payment of tribute [Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. iii, doc. 1511]. If the native refused to obey he was beaten and deprived of his family [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 69, 264]. The money and supplies with which to pay the servants of the government passed through the hands of the woewod, who often appro- priated a portion for himself and forced the men to sign a receipt for the whole amount. It was useless to sue him since he was the chief judge of the prov- ince, and complaints against him could reach Moscow only through his suc- cessor. On leaving his post to return to Russia, the woewod was permitted to export five hundred rubles' worth of fur and five hundred rubles in money and no more [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 46, 119]. He got around this regulation by shipping his ill-gotten wealth through relatives, priests, and merchants [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, 46, 118], or to China for sale there [Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. ii, doc. 1578] ; if he stole so much that the amount of the tribute decreased notice- ably he reported to Moscow that on this particular year fur-bearing animals ADMINISTRATION OF EASTERN SIBERIA 21 The duties of the woewod were numerous. As soon as he reached his post he examined and counted every- thing on the premises and gave a receipt for them to his predecessor. When these matters had been ar- ranged the old woewod departed for Moscow with all the furs on hand, leaving the new comer in full charge. His next prescribed duty was to assemble successively the officers and men of the station, the hunters and traders, the Russian settlers of the neighborhood, and finally the principal men of the tribute paying natives of the province. To each of these in turn he told how grieved the czar was that the woewod who had just de- parted had robbed and abused them, had not paid them their wages, and had not done them justice; that from now on there should be no more of such evil doings, for the czar had sent them an honest woewod who would look after their welfare. After this speech he sent them home to work for the czar with the expectation of returning two years hence to listen to exactly the same speech. 13 were hard to catch [Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. ii, doc. 1578], or he would price the fur so high as to make it seem that although the number of skins were less their value was just as great as in previous years [Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. ii, doc. 1522]. The follow- ing quotation from a contemporary document shows in what low estimation the woewod was held. From Moscow instructions were sent to the golovas on the frontier of Siberia that before allowing a woewod and his party to enter Russia they should surprise him on the way and make a search for smuggled furs. They were also told to look "in the wagons, trunks, baskets, clothes, beds, pillows, wine barrels, boxes, in the baked bread ... to search men and women without fear of any one . . . examine their persons, their trousers, and note especially whether the women have skins sewed in their petti- coats . . . look sharp that they do not get away with any furs" - Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. ii, doc. 1443. 13 Before appearing in the presence of the natives, the woewod and his staff put on gorgeous uniforms and glittering arms so as to awe and make an impression. In addition to the harangue just noted this message was added: the czar had heard how they had suffered from "the woewod, golova, prikas- chiks, detiboyarski, atamans, streltsi, Cossacks . . . that their wives and chil- 22 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC With the exception of the handling of the tribute and the moneys coming in from various sources, matters which fell to the golova, all else connected with the ad- ministration was under the direction of the woewod. He sent men to gather tribute and to discover new lands. It was his duty to maintain peace in the prov- ince and to prevent lawlessness, distilling, drunkenness, and gambling, which would diminish the revenue and unfit the men for service. 14 The judicial functions of the woewod throw interest- ing light on the conception of justice of the period. He had jurisdiction over all civil cases and all criminal cases except those of capital punishment, which were referred to Moscow. There was a graduated scale of fines and fees, the payment of which he was required to enforce. 15 The liquor cases were very numerous, for in order to avoid paying the excise tax and the high price asked for liquor, much distilling and brewing was done in secret. If caught the machinery and prod- uct were confiscated (but not wasted), in addition other punishments might be inflicted which depended upon whether or not the offenders had been up on the same dren had been taken from them and sold . . . that more tribute had been collected than the czar demanded, and that the woewod had not protected them" - Dopolnenia K Aktatn Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 46, 101. 14 On special occasions such as marriages, births, etc., and on the payment of two kopeks per gallon, the woewod was authorized to grant permission to make beer and mead [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 83, 309-313]. 15 In civil suits involving two to five rubles the loser paid a fee of one- tenth of the amount in litigation. If a second trial was demanded, the loser paid two-tenths and the victor one-fiftieth. In cases the amount of which was less than one ruble, the loser paid according to the above scale and the victor was excused from any payment. Contracts of indenture of less than ten rubles required a fee of ten kopeks on the ruble, of more than ten rubles twenty-five kopeks [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 46, in]. In cases brought before court but settled outside a payment of ten kopeks on the ruble was required. ADMINISTRATION OF EASTERN SIBERIA 23 charge before. 10 Prisoners were kept in close confine- ment and sometimes tortured. Petty criminals were beaten in public with rods and the more serious offend- ers with knouts, and if officials they were dismissed from the service. 17 Other forms of punishment were branding on the cheek, cutting off fingers, and slitting of nostrils. 18 The number of men connected with the service of the Jakutsk Province varied from year to year, but at no time during this period did it reach a thousand. It was difficult to persuade men to come into this region where the work was hard and dangerous. The more impor- tant officers such as the woewod, dyak or secretary, golova or scribe, golova or head customs officer, were on a temporary appointment, while those below them were on a more permanent tenure. 19 Closely associated 16 When it was a first offense the maker and seller paid a fine of five rubles and the buyer and drinker paid twenty-five kopeks. For the second offense the maker and seller paid ten rubles and was whipped with a rod about three feet long and the thickness of a finger \Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 56, 211]. In case of a third offense the maker and seller was fined twenty rubles and the buyer and drinker one ruble, and in addition they were both whipped with the knout and were liable to be put into a dungeon \Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 30, 77]. 17 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc 83, 308; vol. xi, doc. II, 27. 18 Strange as it may seem, very few criminals suffered capital punishment, even when guilty of killing superior officers. As a last resort the prisoner pe- titioned that instead of executing him, he should be permitted to go in search of new lands and tribute. Such petitions were nearly always granted. It was so in the case of Atlasof, Kozirefski, and others. 19 The following list of those on more permanent tenure is taken from the report of the woewod for the year 1675 [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. vi, doc. 136, 408]. Nine connected with the church, twenty-five deti- boyarski, five sotniks [officers of a hundred], three atamans [their functions were like those of the sotniks~\, thirteen in the customs service (they were usually taken from the merchant class), sixteen pyatdesyatniks [officers of fifty], forty desyatniks [officers of ten], five hundred fifty-three Cossacks, one blacksmith, two cannoneers, two mechanics. This makes a total of six hun- dred sixty-nine. 24 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC with the woewod were the secretary, who was a kind of vice-woewod, 20 and the scribe, and they shared with him the fruits of his thefts. How the golova came to exist has already been explained, and it is perhaps unneces- sary to say that he was not as honest as he might have been. 21 Although the woewod could bring charges against the golova, he could not remove him from of- fice. 22 About once a month the golova was required to submit his books and funds to the woewod for exam- ination. Of the lower officers and their duties, which are quite obvious, one need not dwell. 23 For faithful service the men were promoted from one grade to an- other. 24 There was no completely uniform scale of wages. 25 Married men usually received more than unmarried, and length of service and efficiency were also determin- ing factors. 2 " The difference between the extremes was not very great, and the table offered here, which is made up from various sources, is fairly representative and accurate. The wages of the woewod and dyak here given are not based on as good sources as those of the others. What the golova received it is not possible to learn. As to the pyatdesyatnik, his wages must have been between that of an ataman's and a desyatnik's. 20 He probably had charge of the silver seal on which were engraved an eagle holding a sable and these words: "The seal of his sovereign's new Siberian dominions on the River Lena." 21 He probably came into Siberia from the coast cities of Russia and was selected from the merchant class. On his seal was represented a panther catching a sable and around the edge were the words: "Seal of his sovereign's customs service on the Lena." 22 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 36, no. 23 A word or two might be said of the deti-boyarski. They were de- scendants of the petty nobility of Russia, and in Siberia they ranked just above the sotniks. 24 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. ii, doc. 76, 213. 23 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 42, 96. 26 Butsinski, P. Zaselenie Sibiri, 248. ADMINISTRATION OF EASTERN SIBERIA 25 Rye 2S Oats Salt Wine Wine Honey Officers Ki JBLES - 7 chet- chet- vert vert nuds (° rdinar y) puds buckets buckets puds Woewod 400 200 (inc. oats) 4OO 50 80 Dyak 200 150 " " 30 Golova Golova (of Cossacks ) IO 7 (inc. oats) 3 Deti-boyarski IO 10 10 Sotnik 9 8 6 3 Ataman 9 7 4 2% Pyatdesyatnik Desyatnik 5/ 2 5 l A 4 r A Servants 5 5 4 itt Over each of the twenty or more stations dependent on Jakutsk was a prikaschik, or agent, generally a petty officer. In his small circle the agent was as supreme as the woewod, having like powers and the same judicial functions. 29 Each prikaschik had under him a number of men, varying with the importance of the station, who collected the tribute, tolls, taxes, and carried out the numerous other tasks assigned to them. The length of service for which the men engaged was one year, but for the more distant stations they bound themselves for two and even three years. At some time in August the prikaschik with his men and supplies left Jakutsk, traveling by boats, horses, or deer, as the condition of the country and the season per- 27 One may get an idea of the actual value of the ruble (one hundred kopeks made a ruble) from the price of commodities at Jakutsk. In 1657 T 6 sold for twenty-five kopeks and salt fifty kopeks the pud [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 46, 100]. All of the grain came from western Siberia and it was the aim of the government to have a year's supply always on hand, but for various reasons this was seldom realized. 28 A chetvert was a measure, the contents of which when weighed varied from four and a half to five puds, or between one hundred sixty-two and one hundred eighty pounds [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 25, 69]. 29 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. vii, doc. 71, 331. 26 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC mitted. When he arrived at his post he took an inven- tory of the goods on hand and gave a receipt for them to the agent in charge, who with his men returned to Jakutsk, taking the furs and money that had accumu- lated during their term of office. This annual shift was not, however, always possible on account of the scarcity of men and the vast area to be covered. 30 A station was known either as zimovie, ostrojok, or ostrog. A zimovie was a log cabin or underground hut for winter use, and was not unlike the present day "bar- rabaras" of the natives and white hunters of Alaska. Two or more zimovies with some means of defense were known as ostrojok. An ostrog was an enlarged ostrojok surrounded by a wall. 31 Armed guards were on duty night and day to prevent the hostages from escaping or committing suicide and to keep a lookout for fire 32 which broke out very frequently. The loca- tion of a zimovie was selected usually near the mouth 30 The lack of a sufficient number of well trained men brought about loss of life which could have been prevented. The natives used to waylay the small parties of Russians and kill them. Even in the matter of firearms the Russians did not always have the advantage, because the natives had ac- quired them by barter and other ways, and had become very proficient in their use \Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. vii, doc. 71, 331]. 31 Jakutsk had the largest ostrog in the province. The one built in 1684 was surrounded by four walls measuring four thousand feet, and on them were eight large watch towers \Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 75, 317]. Within the enclosures were warehouses for different purposes, a powder house, a home for the woewod, quarters for the hostages, a jail for raskolniks [heretics], and another jail for criminals. About five hundred feet from the ostrog was the gorod, the settlement where the married men and traders lived, and about an equal distance still farther east were the church and religious houses \Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. xi, doc. 61, 187]. In Remezof's atlas there is a crude drawing of Jakutsk which is here reproduced. 32 In the summer time no fires were permitted inside the buildings except for the purpose of baking bread, and then only on a damp day with plenty of water near at hand [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 46, 116; Akti Istoricheskie, vol. iv, doc. 246, 526]. ADMINISTRATION OF EASTERN SIBERIA 27 of a stream or near a watershed so as to be easily acces- sible. Hunters, however, built theirs on high ground where the best sables were to be had. One of the great problems of the administration was how to get a great deal of tribute out of the natives and yet keep them in peace and alive. Once or twice a year the prikaschik sent out a company of armed men, ac- companied by a tselovalnik, 33 to collect tribute from those who were willing to pay and to fight those who were not. 34 When in the presence of the natives, the officer in command summoned them to submit and pay tribute. 35 If they consented they at once delivered hos- tages. If they refused war was made upon them, the men were killed and the women and children were divided up among the Cossacks. 36 On account of this harsh treatment there were many uprisings and flights into Chinese territory. 37 Small- pox and venereal diseases killed off a great many others, leaving a still heavier burden on the survivors who had to pay for the living and the dead. 38 If the native had 33 The tselovalnik sustained the same relation to the prikaschik that the golova did to the woewod. He took his name from the act of kissing the Testament on taking office. He was expected to know how to write so as to be able to sign receipts. 34 Those who took part in these expeditions were not generally allowed to trade with the natives on their own account. But if they honestly acquired some pelts, either by barter or by hunting, the government took them off their hands and paid them at Jakutsk according to Siberian prices [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 30, 73]. 35 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 83, 310. 36 "And in this fight we took from the Tungus B. his two daughters A. and N. After dividing up, A. went to the trader Shaposhnik and N. to the hunter Chiruche. The wife of the Tungus U. was given to the hunter Pilikin, the daughter of the Tungus M. to the Pyatdesyatnik Michaelof, K's daughter to Matveef, K's wife to Werchote, B's wife to Federof. A Tungus boy about seven was handed over to Trishka, another about five went to Missalof," etc. . . -Ibid., vol. viii, doc. 44, 175. 37 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. iii, doc. 1526. 38 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 3, 17. Although 28 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC no skins of any kind he was obliged to buy them in the open market; if he had neither skins nor money he was locked up. 39 He was forbidden to sell his furs to others than Russians. 40 He had the privilege of becoming a Christian and entering the service of the czar; 41 and the unions of the baptized native women with the Rus- sians were blessed with a marriage ceremony. 42 In theory each community was required to pay a definite amount of tribute, in practice the collectors de- manded and obtained more than the legally required quantity which they kept for themselves. In addition to the tribute, the natives were also asked to offer gifts. The list below is taken from the report of the Jakutsk woewod for the year 1675. 43 He says that there were at that time twenty-two stations and thirty-five Jakut permanent settlements under his jurisdiction. From these figures it will be seen that the tribute was not very oppressive, considering that there were still a great many fur-bearing animals. The hardships came, as already noted, from the illegal demands of the col- lector. Station Nativfs "°" °^ S hi Foxes Foxes Foxes Serv- Hos-Servants Natives Red Black Cross ants tages Needed Olekminsk Jakuts 44 206 377 30 I 11 Charinsk & Ustpatansk Tungus 137 356 11 6 money was not generally received in place of skins, yet one kind of skin might be substituted for another, the relative value of the two being determined by the tselovalnik. For instance, if a Jakut had no sables but had foxes the tselovalnik priced and took enough foxes to make up for the sables. His prices were, however, always far below those offered by the trader, but in making his reports he valued them almost according to Moscow prices, man- aging in this way to keep a number of skins for himself [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 46, 117]. 39 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 3, 19. 40 This regulation was to prevent trade with the Chinese. 41 Probably at a lower salary than the Russians. 42 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoriclieskim, vol. iii, doc. 83, 311. 43 — Ibid., vol. vi, doc. 136, 401-408. 44 Jakuts were not required to give hostages. ADMINISTRATION OF EASTERN SIBERIA 29 Station Natives , No. of Natives Sables Foxes Foxes Foxes Serv- Red Black Cross ants 1 Hos-Servants tages Needed Maiskoi Tungus 258 531 20 13 100 Toutorsk Yukagir 93 186 H 7 20 Butlask Yukagir 120 188 32 5 Wiluisk Upper Jakuts and Tungus 393 655 62 I 15 10 30 Middle Jakuts and Tungus 488 352 285 2 8 5 15 Lower Jakuts and Tungus 124 45 114 2 5 Zigansk Jakuts and Tungus 332 378 89 14 1 Olensk Tungus 49 93 3 7 3 10 Okhotsk Tungus 1 1 72 2400 44 70 150 Jansk Upper Yukagirs 195 422 50 6 Lower Yukagirs 64 152 10 8 15 Indigirsk Upper Yukagirs 86 441 1 Middle Yukagirs 32 274 .6 40 60 Lower Yukagirs 57 348 J Lazesk Yukagirs 46 321 Koluimsk Upper Yukagirs 43 328 1 Middle Yukagirs 25 204 ^20 25 60 Lower Yukagirs 32 357 J Anaduirsk Yukagirs 3i 78 16 12 30 Chodonsk Yukagirs 8 72 IO 3 20 Counting the thirty-five Jakut settlements there were altogether ten thousand six hundred eighty-six Jakuts, Yukagirs, and Tungus, paying eighteen thousand, four hundred fifty sables, forty-nine sable backs, eleven black foxes, fifty-two cross foxes, six thousand, two hun- dred eighty-four red foxes, two brown foxes, one red brown fox, and one fox coat. Traders were allowed to come into Siberia and do business there on the payment of a general license fee, 30 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC a certain percentage of all the goods bought or sold, and ten per cent import and export duty. In addition there were numerous other restrictions in the matter of buying and selling. Traders were carefully watched, their goods inspected at every post, and fees and fines were demanded at every stop. Liquor, tobacco, and smuggled Chinese goods they were not allowed to sell and certain kinds of furs they were not permitted to buy at all, while others they could purchase only after the tribute collector had made his rounds and had his pick. 45 Notwithstanding these regulations the traders found means to get around them, and they always had the best skins, many of them coming directly from the officers of the government. 46 The sale of beer, kwas, and such drinks, was let to the highest bidder for a term of years. 47 Each prikaschik on bringing the annual tribute and money from his station to Jakutsk submitted with it a detailed list of every article, stating where it came from, who collected it, whether it was received as tribute, gift, or as tenths from the traders and other Russians. 48 In a similar way the woewod submitted his list to the 45 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 46, 109. Occasionally certain regions were closed to the trader when it was noticed that the tribute fell off [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 69, 270]. For special service rendered or for other reasons the czar gave to certain individ- uals the right to trade in Siberia without paying the customary fees and tolls [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 93, 234]. 46 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. iii, doc. 1443. 47 There is reason to believe that the sale of the stronger drinks was in the hands of the government which received its supplies from the distilleries at Tobolsk [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. vii, doc. 9, 52]. 48 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. v, doc. 65, 335. Here is a par- tial report of a two years' shipment from the Koluima: 1765 sables - tribute 1001 sables - tenths 949 sables - gifts 2247 rubles, etc. ADMINISTRATION OF EASTERN SIBERIA 31 Sibirski Prikaz at Moscow. To determine the value of the furs a mixed tribunal 49 composed of traders and officers, the former predominating, was appointed. This body arranged the pelts into three lots, best, good, and poor, and set a price on each according to the mar- ket value in Siberia, and their signed statements were forwarded with the furs to Moscow. Once a year the woewod took in person or sent by one of his men the government stores to the Sibirski Prikaz. Not all the furs, however, were shipped to Russia, some were kept for the Chinese trade. 49 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoriclifskim, vol. iv, doc. 46, 106. II. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR TO 1689 It was very soon after the Jakutsk district was or- ganized that the hunters, in following up the Lena to its source in the mountains, learned of the streams be- yond, the Shilka and the Dseya. They were told that on the banks of these rivers was to be found much grain, and not a little silver. If this news were true it would be a great blessing for Jakutsk, which often suffered hunger on account of the difficulties of bringing grain from Western Siberia where it was grown. If food supplies could be had on the Dseya the bread problem would be solved, for the question of transportation from that river down the Lena was a comparatively simple one. One of the first reports, if not the very first one, of the Shilka and the Dseya was made by Maxim Pero- filyef at Jakutsk in 1641. 50 He gave as his authority a conversation he had with a Tungus, who from personal observation knew the country, its people, its agricul- tural and mineral resources. This clew was followed up and twenty men were despatched that same year (1641) among the Tungus on the Angara for more data. On their return they laid before the woewod articles made of silver, and blue paint, both of which they had bought from the natives. 51 Other evidences came in to confirm the first report: Ivan Moskwitin 50 Chtenia V Imperatorskom Obschestve Istorii I Drevnostei Rossis kick, 1861, book 1. 51 — Ibid. 34 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC and companions testified in 1642 that in going from the Ouda to the sea (date of the voyage is not given), in a southerly direction, they met with a Tungus who told them of the Shilka and its grain fields. 52 Several of the Jakut chiefs when questioned replied in a very positive manner that grains and metals could be had on the other side of the mountains because the Tungus who went there often had told them so. Early in 1643 Enalei Bachteyarof, bookkeeper or scribe at Witmsk, brought to Jakutsk a Tungus, Lawagu, who was so cer- tain that in the valleys and hills of the Dseya and Shilka bread and silver were to be found that he volunteered to guide a party thither, either by the way of the Aldan or the Olekma. 53 With all this uncontradictory evi- dence before him, the woewod ordered Bachteyarof and seventy men to proceed at once (1643) to investi- gate the truth of these statements. 54 The leader proved incompetent and returned shortly without having ac- complished the desired result. 55 While Bachteyarof was on the way more testimony came in from various sources confirming the earlier re- ports. The failure of the "thievish" bookkeeper did not in the least cool the ardor of the woewod, Peter Golowin, who fitted out another expedition even on a larger scale. As a leader of the new company he se- lected Wasili Poyarkof, of whom very little is known, and whose chief qualification seems to have been the ability to wield the pen and the dagger. With him went along one hundred twelve Cossacks, fifteen hunters, two clerks [tselovalniks], two interpreters, 56 a guide, 52 Chtenia V Imperatorskom Obschestve Istorii I Drevnostei Rossiskich, 1861, book 1. 53 _ Hid, 54 Akti Istoricheskie, vol. iv, doc. 31. 55 Chtenia V Imperatorskom Obschestve Istorii I Drevnostei Rossiskich, 1861, book 1. 56 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 12, 50. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 35 and a blacksmith. Each man was armed with a gun, and in addition a cannon with the necessary ammuni- tion. Some provisions were also taken along. Poyar- kof was given full instructions how to proceed. From Jakutsk he was to go up the Lena, the Aldan and its branches, thence across the mountains to the source of the Dseya and down that stream to the Shilka. Of the natives whom he would find there he should ask tribute, but only a small quantity to begin with. In case they refused to pay, war should be made on them. Inquiries were to be made as to the relation of the natives with China, whether officers of that empire came among them and for what purpose. Poyarkof with his company departed from Jakutsk July 15, 1643, following the route mapped out for him. He experienced many hardships in going up the Aldan and its branches, and in the rapids of one he lost a boat. About the first of November, before he had quite reached the headwaters, ice had formed in the streams blocking further advance by water. Two weeks were spent in building a zimovie in which were left the heavier supplies in charge of forty-three men. The leader himself with the remainder of his command started to cross the mountains about the middle of No- vember and after two weeks' toil he struck the Brynda, a branch of the Dseya. Because this region was unin- habited he hurried southward and on December 13 reached the Umlekan and camped there. On making inquiries the Russians learned that barley, oats, millet, peas, hemp, and buckwheat grew on the Shilka, but silver, copper, lead, and blue paint were not produced here but purchased in China. 57 In his expectation to find an abundance of food Poyarkof was disappointed, 57 Dopotnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 12, 50. 36 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC and it became necessary to forage for it at once. Hear- ing of a Dauri settlement not very far from the camp, seventy men were sent to the place, and by trickery they got into their power two of the leading men. Notwith- standing that they were well treated the Russians in- sisted that they should be admitted into the village. When this was refused they attempted to force their way, but were repulsed, and it was only after much difficulty and under cover of night that they got away at all. On their return to camp a number of them were not admitted, and these lived close by feeding on the natives whom they killed from time to time and on their fellow Russians who died of starvation or who were murdered by Poyarkof who argued "that men were cheap, a desyatnik was worth five kopeks and a private one kopek." 58 In the spring the party that had been left on the north side of the ridge crossed over and joined the main body and together they sailed down the Dseya. The report of the cruelty and deceit which the Russians had practiced on the natives and their inhuman treatment of each other preceded them down the river. They found the inhabitants on the alert and on the defensive, and here and there as they came in sight they were greeted with the shout, "Oh, you dirty cannibals!" 59 Poyarkof had to fight his way down the Amur, 60 or run 58 Dofolnema K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. ill, doc. 12, 50. In the course of the winter fifty dead bodies were consumed. Forty of the seventy died of starvation and exposure. In the spring when vegetation made its appearance and food was more plentiful, it is charged that Poyarkof ordered his favorites to set fire to the grass about the camp of the starving men. On their return to Jakutsk, the men accused Poyarkof of the above named crimes. He admitted the facts as true but shifted the blame; the testimony of the witnesses, how- ever, was against him and he was sent to Moscow for trial. 59 — Ibid. 60 The term "Amur" was unknown until Poyarkof's return when he made use of it in his report. In the instructions drawn by Peter Golowin in 1643 RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 37 before the hostile natives, and once a party of twenty- seven men who had gone ahead to explore were sur- prised and all but two killed. It was only when he had reached the mouth of the Amur that he found rest for the winter (1644-1645). By capturing three Giliaks he was able to compel the others to give him tribute and to supply him with food. When the navigation season opened he sailed northward and landed at the mouth of the Ulja where another winter was spent (1645-1646), and in the following spring he went into the interior by way of the Maja and the Aldan, arriv- ing at Jakutsk June 12, 1646. Poyarkofs expedition was a success in so far as it separated myth from fact; it determined in a general way what the resources of the Amur and its tributaries were and what they were not. But the harm he and his crew did to the Russian cause was greater than the good. Whatever faults the Chinese tribute gatherers had they were not guilty of such inhuman acts as the Russians committed, and when the inhabitants of the Amur were called upon to decide whom they would have as master they never hesitated in their decision to remain faithful to China. Before the return of Poyarkof information about the Shikla continued coming in, some of it of importance in determining a new way to the Amur. The ascent of the Aldan had been attempted and found difficult; the route by the way of the Olekma had been suggested but not yet tried. In 1647, there came to Jakutsk a hunter, whose camp was at the head waters of the Tu- gir, a branch of the Olekma, and he gave a description that name is not used. Each of the peoples through whose territories the river flowed gave the stream a different name and this explains the confusion of terms. 38 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC of the country about him and the way to reach it. The new course recommended itself to the officers as prefer- able to the one by the Aldan and after a trial it proved more satisfactory. After this date all those who went from Jakutsk to the Amur followed the Olekma, while those coming from Yenisei and other parts of Western Siberia went by way of Lake Baikal. When Poyarkof reached Jakutsk Peter Golowin was out of office, and his successor Pushkin does not seem to have been greatly interested in the exploration of the Amur. This is not to be wondered at when one con- siders that the attempts so far had proved costly and the material results were as yet of no importance. The few men that the officer had at his disposal could be employed to better advantage in Siberia. Only one in- significant expedition was sent out and that was a fail- ure. It left in March, 1649, and returned that summer, having gone as far as the Shilka without meeting more than two or three people. 61 Yarka Pavlof Khabarof, a man whose deeds have been eloquently praised and after whom at least one city has been named, made the next expedition to the Amur. Very little is known of him before his expedi- tion and not much more after it. 62 His plans and the energy with which he carried them out show him to have been a man above the average of his fellows. He realized the ultimate and, particularly, the immediate advantages to be derived from the conquest of the Amur, and he was ready to invest his time and his money in its accomplishment, expecting to repay him- 61 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 50. 62 In 1658 instructions were given to a man on his way to the Amur to make use of Khabarof as guide, and in case he refused to act in that capacity he should be put into irons [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 53, 146]. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 39 self from the plunder. Dimitri Franzbekof, the new woewod, gave him his moral and financial support, re- garding it no doubt as a good venture. 63 Pointing out the fact that all the previous efforts on the Amur had proved fruitless and expensive to the government, Kha- barof, on March 6, 1649, petitioned Franzbekof to be allowed to raise entirely at his own expense a company of one hundred fifty volunteers, or as many as were willing to enlist under his banner, for the purpose of forcing the inhabitants of the Amur to pay tribute. 64 This request was, as might have been anticipated, granted; it could not have been more than a bit of formality, for at the time of petitioning the company must have been made up, judging from the fact that before the month was over it was already on the way. 65 On the march others, by one means or another, were persuaded to unite with the band. 66 With such an ob- ject to draw it, and such a leader to guide it, one had a right to expect positive results from this organiza- tion. Going byway of the Olekma, Khabarof had no great difficulty in reaching and in crossing the mountains. Much to his chagrin he found the country deserted, al- though but recently populated; everything about him indicating that the inhabitants had fled at his approach. He passed one settlement and then another and it was only when he came to the third that he perceived signs of life. Three horsemen were seen approaching, and when they were near enough they entered into conver- sation with the Russians asking them who they were and why they came. Khabarof through his interpreters 63 Akti Istoricheskie, vol. iv, doc. 31, 76. ei — Ibid., 68. 65 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 72. 66 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 40, 94. 40 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC replied most meekly that they were traders on a peace- ful mission and that they had many presents to dis- tribute. But this game was played out. "Why are you trying to deceive us?" the horsemen replied, "we know you Cossacks." 67 So deeply and so horribly had Poy- arkof s deeds impressed themselves on the inhabitants of the Amur that the mere mention that "the Cossacks are coming" was enough to bring to their minds pic- tures of torture, abduction, death, and cannibalism. Shortly before the appearance of Khabarof, a Russian in company of three Tungus visited the Dauri and told them, perhaps out of mere bravado or as a threat, that five hundred Cossacks were coming, closely fol'owed by many others, and that these would kill, plunder, and take their wives and children prisoners." 8 This ex- plains why the country was deserted. Khabarof fol- lowed the riders for about three days without being able to overtake them, passing en route the fourth de- serted village, bringing up finally in a fifth. In one of the huts he found in hiding an old woman whom he tortured to make her tell what she did not know and did not understand, for much that she said about the Amur he later discovered to be false. 69 Baffled on every turn Khabarof turned back to Jakutsk, arriving May 26, 1650, and made his report, which showed that he had not lost confidence in the Amur and its possi- bilities. He found concealed in pits large stores of grain, and he assured the woewod that if the country were conquered, for which purpose six thousand men would be necessary, Jakutsk could have all the grain it needed and which could be transported in two weeks from the Dseya. 70 67 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 72, 258. es — Ibid. 69 Akti Istoricheskie, vol. iv, doc. 31, 172. 70 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 72, 258. 1/ ^ f -ia HKOHf; ■ w i*-^-V <^ -Cum*. *< 1 T Sm \ fl Jakutsk about 1675 [From Remezofs Atlas] SiL. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 43 Khabarof s first effort, although fruitless, was not al- together in vain. He had seen the country and had studied the conditions on the spot and was therefore better fitted to carry out his plans than before. He re- mained at Jakutsk just long enough to strengthen his company and to arrange for its annual reinforcement, and to provide himself with cannon. Horses he also made use of in the campaign that followed, but whether he took them from Siberia or secured them on the Amur is not clear. Thus equipped, Khabarof hurried back across the mountains that same summer (1650) and at Albasin came upon the Dauri, who were prob- ably not expecting him, and fought them one day from noon until evening. In the end the bows and arrows had to give way, as they had done so often in Siberia, before the firearms, and the natives fled leaving Al- basin to the Russians who occupied it and made it their headquarters. 71 Without giving the discouraged na- tives time to recover from their shock, Khabarof, on that very evening, despatched one hundred thirty-five men in hot pursuit. They paddled all night in their light boats and early next morning surprised the fugi- tives who, at the sight of the Siberians, set fire to their dwellings and ran away. Impeded by their families and their baggage the Russians had no difficulty in catching up with the Dauri and forcing them to fight and give up one hundred seventeen head of cattle; and with this booty the conquerors returned triumphantly to Albasin. 72 In knowing how to make use of the opportunities of the moment, Khabarof showed himself an able leader. He hurriedly fortified Albasin, leaving it in charge of 71 Akti Istoricheskle, vol. iv, doc. 31, 74. " 2 — Ibid. 44 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC a small garrison, and with the bulk of his men, draw- ing cannon and supplies on sleds, he started, on Novem- ber 24, in pursuit of the demoralized natives. On the tenth day out he came in touch with a force of Dauri horsemen and fought them all day and, as the woewod in his report to Moscow puts it, "against their [Russian] fighting and their cannon, they [Dauri] could not stand." 73 These successive defeats broke temporarily the resistance and spirit of the native chiefs, nearly all of whom offered tribute; and with these sable skins, prisoners, and spoils of war the Siberians returned to Albasin for the winter. In his report for the year 1650, Khabarof is enthusiastic about the resources of the country and states that at Albasin alone there was enough grain on hand to last five years, and that the na- tives of the Amur could be made to supply a quantity large enough to feed twenty thousand men or even a larger number. 74 On June 2, 1651, Khabarof took the field once more, having under him at the time over two hundred 75 well armed men, and, at least, three cannon. 76 His plan of campaign was to move quickly and take the enemy un- awares. For this purpose he had built light boats to seek, surprise, and engage the foe until the heavier boats containing the main force, the cannon, and the horses should come up. 77 Four days he sailed down the river without meeting a human being. As far as he could see the settlements had been destroyed and the inhabitants had fled, repeating the tactics of 1649. From an old woman who had been left behind and 73 Akti Istoricheskie, vol. iv, doc. 31, 75. 74 — Ibid. 75 Dopolnema K Aktam Istorickeskim, vol. iii, doc. 102, 364. ™ — Ibid., 361. 77 — Ibid., 359. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 45 whom he tortured, he obtained a clew which led him to several huts ; but at the sight of the Russians the in- mates set fire to their homes and ran away. Towards sunset of the fourth day, Khabarof surprised Guigudar, a settlement sheltering about one thousand human be- ings, including women, children, and several Chinese. 78 All during that summer night the cannon of the Russians bombarded the walls, tearing large holes in them and striking terror into the hearts of the women and children who had probably never before seen the flash of a gun. Daybreak found the two outer walls in ruins and the panic stricken natives huddled together behind the third and last one which was being rapidly knocked to pieces. When that frail defense was no more the natives attempted to escape, but it was too late, the enemy was upon them. The shouts of the Cos- sacks whose bloodthirsty appetites had been whetted by a night of excitement and fighting were drowned by the cries of children and women as they were being butchered or dragged into the arms of the Cossacks whose hands were dripping with the bloods of fathers, husbands, and brothers. Listen to Khabarof 's song of victory: "With God's help . . . we burned them, we knocked them on the head . . . and counting big and little we killed six hundred and sixty one." 79 Of the Russians only four lost their lives and forty-five were temporarily dis- abled, a small price to pay for the plunder which in- cluded two hundred forty-three women, one hundred eighteen children, two hundred thirty-seven horses, and one hundred thirteen cattle. 78 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, 361. These Chinese took no active part in the battle, saying they had strict orders not to fight the Russians. ™ — Ibid., 360. 46 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Six or seven weeks the victors rested at this place en- joying their captives and the good things which they had conquered. They were not altogether idle, for they sent messengers in different directions calling upon the natives to pay tribute or suffer the fate of Guigudar. These threats had no effect, there was still another al- ternative-flight, and as far as the Dseya the country was deserted. Here and there a straggler was caught and tortured to reveal where the inhabitants had gone. By these tactics Khabarof learned of several inhabited villages near the mouth of the Dseya, and with the light boats he hurried to the spot and surprised them so com- pletely that they could neither fight nor run away. Cap- tives there were many: and these pleaded that they had just paid tribute to China and had very little left, but they would give up that little to regain their liberty. Khabarof requested that a council of the leading men should be called, and about three hundred appeared, representing, they said, one thousand warriors. They promised all that was asked, gave hostages, offered sixty sables on the spot, and undertook to furnish more in the future. The captives were put up for ransom, bringing from forty to one hundred rubles a head, and this was one of the sources of profit on Khabarof's in- vestment. Each side expressed sincerest friendship for the other, the Dauri supplied their conquerors with food, visited them in their camp and invited them to their homes. These acts of kindness misled Khabarof and he was taken off his guard. On September 3, 165 1, the inhabitants in a body stole out of the village, leav- ing behind them two hostages and two old women, who, being unable to keep up, were caught and brought back. On the unfortunate hostages the disappointed leader vented his wrath, torturing and burning them, without RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 47 however succeeding in drawing a complaint or plea for mercy from these painwracked beings, who justified the escape of their friends and told their torturers that they were ready to die. so This flight was a bad blow to Khabarof. Here he was at the beginning of winter in the midst of a hostile and barren country. To advance was his only hope. He went on board his boats on Sep- tember 7, to go down the river, passing on the way the mouth of the Sungari and out of the country of the pastoral Ducheri, killing many of them and taking their families and property with him. When Khabarof had come among the fish eating Achani, he decided to go no farther, and on September 29, he pitched and fortified a camp probably near the site of the present town of Khabarofsk. The Achani showed themselves friendly and the Russians thinking they had nothing to fear from them, sent one hundred of their men on the river to fish for a few days. In their absence the Achani and the Ducheri, numbering, according to Khabarof, eight hundred to a thousand men, attacked the camp on October 8. The cannon and guns proved themselves once more superior to the bows and arrows, and the natives were driven off. Dur- ing the winter parties of Cossacks sought out their en- campments and helped themselves to whatever they found. Being well provided with the necessaries of life, the Russians believed themselves safe, being quite ignorant that a Chinese army was moving against them. Kha- barof 's campaigns of 1650 and 165 1 had caused so much suffering among the Dauri and the Ducheri that they, in the early fall or late summer of 165 1, sent their leading men to the Chinese officers in charge of the 80 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 363. 48 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Amur to lay before them the true state of affairs and to petition that China either protect them or allow them to come under Russian jurisdiction. 81 Their petition was forwarded to Peking and from there orders came to send an army to drive out the invaders, and it was this army which was now looking for Khabarof. In their first fight against the Russians the Chinese blun- dered, failing to understand the quality of the antag- onist and the meaning of the invasion. At the begin- ning of the fight the Chinese had the best of it and for a time it looked as if they would carry the ostrog. It may have been that the Chinese commander was over confident or it may have been in obedience to instruc- tions that, just about the time when the Russians were most hotly pressed, he ordered his soldiers not to kill or injure the Cossacks but to take them alive. 82 This was the turning point in the battle. When the Rus- sians understood the situation they determined not to be taken alive and, calling upon the holy saints, they charged the Chinese and gradually drove them back. No other result could have been expected under the cir- cumstances. An army cannot be shot at and not be allowed to return the deadly fire and yet retain the field. The Chinese soldiers became demoralized and re- treated, leaving behind seventeen muskets, two cannon, eight flags, eight hundred thirty horses, and stores of provisions. On the Russian side ten men were killed and seventy-eight were wounded. On inquiry among the natives, an unreliable source, Khabarof was told that six hundred seventy-six Chinese lost their lives. 83 81 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. ioi, 358; doc. 102. 82 — Ibid., doc. 102, 367. * 3 — Ibid. Many who have written on this subject have dwelt on the bravery of the Russians in battle and the cowardliness of the Chinese. There is no good evidence for the latter statement. It must be remembered that all RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 4 9 Although the Chinese had been forced to withdraw from the field, their fight was not without important consequences. It checked the boldness of the Russians and filled them with fear. From now on nearly every report has a statement to the effect that owing to a rumor that the Chinese were in the neighborhood the Cossacks did not dare to go here or to go there. This coupled with the spirit of resistance which the natives displayed once more would lead one to question whether the de- feat was so overwhelming as it has been made to appear. testimony bearing on these fights comes from the Cossacks, to whose glory it would be to rate their own forces small and that of the enemy large. But even from their statements some points stand out to the credit of the Chi- nese. In every open field engagement between the soldiers of the two empires the Chinese were victorious. Out of four places besieged they took two, and the reason they were not more successful was due probably to lack of technical knowledge rather than to lack of courage. The Cossacks themselves did not underrate the Chinese. It is equally untrue that the Chinese were over- whelmingly superior in numbers. The estimates on which these figures are founded are not reliable since they are nothing more than vague rumors given out by ignorant natives, whose conception of numbers is limited, at the very best, to hundreds. On the other hand it should be pointed out that the Rus- sians had a great advantage in military equipment, every one of their men had a gun, while the rank and file of the enemy was armed with a bow and arrow. The Chinese were not always superior in numbers. In one in- stance forty of their soldiers fought off three hundred Russians until thirty of the Chinese were killed, nine escaped, and one was captured. In this par- ticular fight the whole Chinese force, according to the testimony of a captive and reported by Khabarof, including natives of the Amur and servants (a considerable proportion who did not fight) numbered fifteen hundred (pos- sibly two thousand but rather doubtful). As to equipment it had six cannon, thirty muskets, eight powder bombs for blowing up the walls. On the side of the Russians there were two hundred six experienced fighters armed with guns, protected by a strong fortress, and defended by three cannon. The Rus- sians had been resting during the winter and they had risen from a night's sleep to fight the Chinese who had been three winter months on the march and on their feet the whole or a good part of the night preceding the battle. When everything is taken into consideration, not omitting the stupidity of their commander, the Chinese have very little to be ashamed of. In nearly every case when the Cossacks were defeated they gave as an excuse the lack of am- munition. Is it not possible that some similar cause forced the Chinese to retreat this time ? 50 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC On April 22, Khabarof left his winter camp and sailed up the Amur, meeting on the way a company of one hundred seventeen Cossacks with cannon, powder, lead, and other supplies, that had been sent to him the year before from Jakutsk. 84 Khabarof's victory over the Chinese was his last great achievement on the Amur. From now on he plays an insignificant role, due in part to his loss of control over his men. When near the mouth of the Dseya, on August 1, one hundred thirty-six men mutinied and left him, taking with them a considerable part of the plunder and tribute. What was back of this trouble is not clear; it may have been due to too much prosperity, or perhaps to inability to divide the spoil, or some such cause. Khabarof was left with two hundred twelve men and, strange as it may seem, he made no attempt, except by verbal per- suasion, at least so he says, to force the rebels back into line. There are now two plundering bands, and what ever promise one made to the natives the other by its acts gave it the lie. Khabarof was undoubtedly the ablest of the Cossacks on the Amur. For the period during which he was in command he made the power of Russia felt and feared along the whole of the great river. He did, however, very little more than this. His policy, on the whole, did much harm to the cause of his country. It in- volved her in undertakings which she could not at that time carry out successfully. His lust for wealth led him to antagonize all the people with whom he came 84 The party numbered originally one hundred forty-four men. On reach- ing the Amur and being unable to find Khabarof, twenty-seven of the men were sent ahead to look for him, but they were unable to locate him. On ac- count of the hostility of the natives they could not turn back and were forced to go out to sea, and after a time succeeded in reaching the Lena \Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. ioo, 354]. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 51 in contact and to make friends with none. He de- stroyed the source from which the riches were to come, for even in his day the Amur region was in great part deserted. His weapons were always force and cruelty and never diplomacy and kindness. It was during his administration, and originating in his own command, that lawless bands began terrorizing the Amur and plundering not only natives and Chinese but their own countrymen as well. In the late summer or early in September, 1653, an officer from Moscow by the name of Zinovyef came to the Amur bringing with him reinforcements in men and supplies, also pay for all hands, numbering three hundred twenty at that time. 85 On his return to the capital he took Khabarof with him; and in his place he appointed Onufria Stepanof, a man in many respects inferior to Khabarof. At the time of the transfer of command the little army was at the mouth of the Dseya where food was scarce, owing to the fact that the Chi- nese government had ordered the Dauri to abandon their fields and to remove to the valleys of the Sungari. The season being already advanced Stepanof with his company sailed down the river into the country of the Ducheri from whom he obtained grain and within whose boundaries he wintered, his camp being not very far from the territory of the Giliaks. In the spring of 1654 he retraced his course and at the mouth of the Sungari he was joined by fifty Cossacks, giving him a force of three hundred seventy men. Either being ig- norant that Chinese soldiers were on the Sungari or perhaps feeling himself strong enough to fight them, Stepanof entered on a course which Khabarof had in mind but did not think it wise to undertake. On May 85 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 122, 526. 52 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC 20, he steered into the Sungari and sailed up that stream for three days without making a stop. A Chinese force which was at no distant point hurried to meet him, hav- ing orders this time to kill. A bitter fight took place in which the Cossacks were defeated and forced to re- treat, claiming they did so because they had run out of ammunition. On his way up the Amur, Stepanof was joined by thirty more men from the Baikal. The defeat had a bad effect on the undisciplined men. They lost confidence in themselves and looked for Chi- nese from all directions; and the orders to build sev- eral forts on the Dseya were not carried out for fear of the enemy. For the present the most important thing was to find a safe camp for the winter. A bluff on the Khumar River seemed well adapted for that purpose, and on this spot Khamarsk was built and dur- ing the fall and winter much labor was spent to make it impregnable. 86 After their victory the Chinese slow- ly followed up the Russians with the intention of driv- ing them still further up the stream. On March 13, 1655, they came to the new ostrog and besieged it until April 4, without being able to take it and retreated after destroying the boats outside the fort. 87 86 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 8, 29. 87 The Russians had about four hundred men in this fight, but there is no reliable data from which the number of Chinese may be estimated. Stepanof said [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 8, 29] there were ten thousand of them, but he had no means of knowing. In 1684 the Russians boasted [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 244] that at this siege there were three hundred Cossacks and fifty thousand Chinese soldiers nearly all of whom were killed by Stepanof. Both of these claims merely show how little reliance can be placed on them. In none of the other sieges had the Chinese as many as three thousand men. After this repulse the Chinese attacked Stepanof in 1658 with about fifteen hundred soldiers. One would naturally suppose that the force of 1658, following, as it did, a defeat would be larger than the one of 1655, which came after the Chinese victory on Sungari in 1654. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 53 Pushed on by hunger and encouraged by his victory and by the addition of fifty men, 88 Stepanof , in the latter part of the summer, went down the Amur and up the Sungari, where he was successful in the gathering of grain enough to last him during the winter which he spent among the Giliaks. Having failed to drive out the Russians the Chinese resolved to starve them out, and therefore commanded the Ducheri living at the mouth of the Sungari to burn their homes and to settle on the banks of another stream in the interior, out of reach of the Cossacks. 89 This move brought hardships on Stepanof, for it was more and more difficult to pro- vide for his little army. But bare of food as the Sun- gari now became it was still better to remain in this neighborhood where fish, if nothing better, could be had, than to go up the stream where bands of Siberian outlaws, one of which numbered three hundred, were in control, plundering on both sides of the mountains without distinction as to faith, color, or rank. 90 This helps to explain why during the years 1656 and 1657 Stepanof confined his operations to the lower part of the stream. China had in the meantime been making prepara- tions for another struggle which took place on the Amur, below the mouth of the Sungari, on June 30, 1658. No details of the battle have come down, but the results, as a whole, are known. When the fight was over Stepanof with two hundred seventy of his men had disappeared, 91 two hundred twenty had escaped, and out of this number one hundred eighty took to the hills 88 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 12, 35. ** — Ibid., doc. 31, 80. 90 — Ibid., doc. 10, doc. 24, doc 33. 91 As to the fate of Stepanof and his men, authorities differ. The sources [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. no, 260], written by Pash- 54 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC and became outlaws. 92 In this one campaign the whole Russian force 93 was wiped out and the Amur was free of Cossacks as far as Nertchinsk. 9 * The Russians did not at once recover from this blow. For a time they were compelled to limit their activities to the region of Nertchinsk where they had seventy-six men in the three ostrogs, Irgen, Telenge, and Nert- chinsk. 95 Early in 1664, thirty-six of these deserted and the remaining forty were besieged by the Mongols. The Tungus, too, profited by this state of affairs to come under the walls of the ostrogs to steal the horses of the kof, Stepanof's successor, say that Stepanof was taken alive. In Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrage, vol ii, doc. 215, there is a document intimating that these men were taken prisoners and led to Peking where they settled down and mar- ried with the Chinese. In Parker's China, page 127, it is stated that "the Cossack Stepanof was killed by the Manchu troops in 1658; and this event is also recorded by the Chinese." A Russian writer claims, without giving his authority, that just before the fight a large part of Stepanof's men deserted him ; but he with the remainder of the loyal troops fought until they were all killed. This deed the writer compares with that of Leonidas and the Three Hundred \Vestnik Imperatorskavo Russkavo Geograficheskavo Obschestva, 1853, part 7]. 92 They refused to join the forces of the new woewod and went down to the mouth of the Amur. There they fell in with a company of Manchu sol- diers and were almost annihilated. A few escaped to Siberia to tell the story [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. no, 260]. 93 When the fight started Stepanof had five hundred men. A Cossack who survived the battle said that the Chinese force came in forty-seven junks. These boats accommodated, whenever figures are given, from twenty to forty persons, thirty would probably be a fair average. This would make the num- ber of Chinese, including crews and servants, about fourteen hundred. There was, however, this difference between the two armies. Every one in the Russian camp was a fighter, while a large number of those in the Chinese army were non-combatants, crews, servants, etc. Of the three thousand men in the Chinese army that went up to Nertchinsk in 1689 not more than fifteen hundred were soldiers [Du Halde, China, vol. ii, 308]. 9 * This post [Vestnik I mperatorskavo Risskavo Geograficheskavo Obs- chestva, 1853, part 7] had just been built by Afanase Pashkof, the woewod, who was the first to bear that title on the Amur, and who arrived in 1658, but not soon enough for his messengers to reach Stepanof asking him to come up the stream. 95 Dopolnenia K Aktam Isioricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 116, doc. 133. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 55 Cossacks. During the three or four years immediately succeeding the battle of 1658 the Chinese watched the lower Amur, and once seven of their junks came as far as Tougourski Gulf [Okhotsk Sea] to make inquiries as to the movements of the Russians, and it was rumored that seventy more of their boats were at the mouth of the Amur. 96 Finding the field clear, China must have concluded that her troubles from this quarter were at an end for she withdrew her troops. This was a sad mis- take on her part and indicates that she had not yet got the measure of her opponent, who, left undisturbed, gradually returned and became stronger than ever be- fore. By the end of 1664 there were one hundred twenty- four Russians in the neighborhood of Nertchinsk, 97 and during each succeeding year their number was greatly augmented. A noticeable addition came from an un- expected quarter and was the cause of much of the trouble that followed. Early in the sixties Nikifor Chernigofski and other Cossacks of Ilimsk killed the woewod of that place and fled across the mountains and settled and fortified Albasin. Other criminals enlisted under their banner, bringing up their number to three hundred. Without consulting the woewod at Nert- chinsk, Nikifor sent his men to extort tribute from the Dauri and the Ducheri. They appealed to China for help, and she sent officers to the woewod at Nertchinsk, asking him to stop this lawlessness. 98 The woewod was quite helpless in the matter. All he did was to de- spatch a mission to Peking in 1670. It returned loaded with presents for themselves and the czar and with re- 96 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 122, 278-279. 97 — Ibid., doc. 15, 85. 98 Akti Istoricheskie, vol. iv, doc 210. 56 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC quests that the men of Albasin should not harm the natives. But neither the Nertchinsk woewod nor any other officer had any influence at Albasin." Another cause leading up to the war was the renewed attempt of Russia to expand and to colonize. 100 In 1681 an ostrog was put up on the Arguni, the first one in that region. 101 That same year ostrogs were built on the Dseya and its branches, interfering greatly with the Chinese hunters and traders. 102 China remonstrated but was loath to act. 103 In 1683 a party from Albasin found on the Bureya River twenty Chinese hunters and traders and burned them alive in their huts and carried off whatever property they had. 104 There were other matters which irritated China and finally drove her to take up arms. The presence of a foreign lawless pop- ulation within her borders brought it about that many of her own criminals fled to Albasin where they were protected. 105 It became also at times difficult to gather tribute from certain native tribes who tried to play off one government against the other. 108 99 On his return from China in 1677 the Russian envoy, Nikolai Spafaria, sent word to the Albasin robbers not to go down the Amur, and asked them to desist from encroaching on the territory of the Dauri, which acts, he said, were not authorized by the czar [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. vii, doc 67]. They respected his message no more than they did that of the woewod. 100 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 109. In 1681 seven- teen families of criminals were taken to Nertchinsk and put to till the soil. This was the first attempt of the Russians to farm on a large scale. These colonists claimed they were not successful on account of the climate, insects, and the poor tools and animals furnished by the government [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 57]. Albasin seems to have been better adapted for agriculture, but the lawless population of that region stood in the way of honest toil [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 231]. 101 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 101, 235. 102 — Ibid., vol. ix, doc. 104, 214. 103 Parker. China and Russia, 17. 104 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 227. 105 Parker. China and Russia, 17. 106 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. ix, doc. 100, 208. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 57 Before going to war China tried by peaceful means to persuade the Cossacks to give up the Chinese out- laws, to be more merciful to the natives, 107 and to go back to Russia or to accept asylum in China. 108 Twice, in 1 68 1 and 1682, China sent messengers to Nertchinsk asking for a conference. 109 At the same time a letter was despatched to Albasin, 110 complaining of the cruel- ty of the inhabitants and asking that they withdraw into their own country. 111 Whenever Russians fell into their hands, the Chinese invariably treated them kindly and sent them back, sometimes with letters to their own people. But neither these acts of goodness, nor the entreaties, nor the letters to Moscow 112 succeeded in bringing satisfactory results. The inhabitants of Al- basin not only did not fear the woewod at Nertchinsk and the power which he represented, but they openly defied and threatened him. 113 Realizing that kind words were to no purpose, China began at last to prepare to act. 114 About 1682 the Mon- gols near Nertchinsk became aggressive and demanded that the Russians should give back to them the Bur- 107 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. viii, doc. 104, 330. 108 Parker. China and Russia, 17. 109 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 227. ii° — Ibid. 111 The question of the title to Albasin, which up to this time had not been raised, was now brought to the front. If the Russians had been willing to live peaceably it is doubtful whether China would have attempted to drive them out of Albasin. 112 Parker. China and Russia, 17. 113 In 1682 a number of Nertchinsk tribute gatherers on their way home from the Dseya were attacked and robbed by the Albasin Cossacks. Taking advantage of the opportunity, they sent a message to the woewod at Nert- chinsk that they would kill him if good fortune should send him their way {Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. ix, doc. 104]. 114 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. ix, doc. 100, 208. By 1682 the Cossacks of Nertchinsk and Albasin were already discussing the coming war and writing to Jakutsk and Moscow for help. 58 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC iats. 115 It was generally understood that there was some kind of a secret understanding between the Mongols and the Chinese. 116 Spies were sent to the Russian camp, representing themselves as hunters 117 or as de- serters. These were pursued to Albasin by Chinese army officers who demanded their return and, taking advantage of the occasion, examined the fortifications. 118 Inquiries were also made of the natives as to the strength of the Russians. The first authentic news of the Chi- nese army came in 1683 when sixty-seven Albasin Cos- sacks ran into a Chinese force on the Bureya River. 119 A number of Russians were taken prisoners and kindly treated, tempting offers being made to enlist them into the Chinese army, where a number of other Russians were already serving. 120 On the Dseya and below it forts were erected to prevent the Russians from going down the river. 121 On June 12, 1685, the Chinese army planted its stand- ard before Albasin and surrounded the place. 122 Ac- cording to Muller one hundred Russians lost their lives 115 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 242. 116 — Ibid., vol. ix, doc. ioo, 208. There is some ground for this belief. About the time that the Chinese besieged Albasin the Mongols threatened Nertchinsk. 117 Parker. China and Russia, 17. 118 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67. 119 _ Hid. 120 — Ibid. The Chinese promised immunity to all those who would not fight against them. Several of the captives were allowed to escape to spread these reports. On another occasion the Chinese officers promised to each Cos- sack who would enter their service two wives and two married Chinamen and their wives as servants [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 261]. 121 — Ibid., vol. x, doc. 67, 239. 122 As in other engagements it is rather difficult to ascertain with exactness the size of the two opposing forces. In 1683 there were at Nertchinsk and neighboring ostrogs (not counting Albasin) two hundred men [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67], but their number in 1685 is not known. One is equally ignorant as to the population of Albasin at the outbreak of the RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 59 during the first day of the siege, 123 and after several days more of ineffectual resistance Tolbusin, the officer in charge, yielded because, says Muller 124 the Cossacks ran short of ammunition. The cannon and hostages were left in the hands of the Chinese, who allowed the Russians to retain their side arms and to withdraw to Nertchinsk, 125 and supplied horses and provisions, and even arms, to those that needed them. 126 Instead of war. Between 1683 and 1685 strong efforts were made in Siberia to reinforce the posts on the Amur in view of hostilities in the near future. From Tobolsk five hundred and from Yenisei one hundred thirty men were ordered to the front [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 240-242], and prob- ably from other points as well. Muller [Voyages, vol. ii, 12] states, without giving authority, that at the beginning of the siege there were inside the fortress four hundred fifty men. In 1687, just after the capitulation, in cor- respondence between the plenipotentiaries of the two empires, the fact was in- cidentally brought out by the Chinese that at the time of surrender there were at Albasin more than one thousand Russians [Du Halde, China, vol. ii, 286]. When one comes to determine the size of the Chinese force there is no end of vague rumors, some of which have been used as facts by historians. One said that nine thousand soldiers were coming carrying provisions for twenty years [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 244]. Another said that fifteen thousand were ordered against Albasin and as many more against Nertchinsk. A third claimed that fifteen thousand were advancing on Al- basin, twenty-five thousand on Nertchinsk, in addition to ten thousand that were coming by water; and these fifty thousand men were bringing with them supplies for three years. Still another rumor was to the effect that there were fifteen thousand soldiers in all, six thousand intended for Albasin and nine thousand for Nertchinsk [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 252]. What reliance can be placed upon such evidence! There is, however, something more tangible to go on. After the fall of Albasin the besieging force was taken to Aihun and quartered there and the year following was led once more against Albasin. From a Russian and a Chinese who had been in the camp of the Chinese army we have testimony (see footnote 134) that this army numbered somewhere between two and three thousand men, inclu- ding non-combatants. In the matter of equipment the Russians had probably fewer cannon, but had a hand gun for each man, while the Chinese, although having more cannon, had only bows and arrows. 123 Muller, Voyages, vol. ii, 125. m — Ibid. 125 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 252. The reason Nertchinsk was not taken was because the Chinese Emperor thought it would make a good frontier [Parker, China and Russia, 17]. 126 Du Halde. China, vol. ii, 286. 60 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC leaving the army here to prevent the Russians from reoccupying the place, the Chinese general destroyed Albasin and marched his troops to Aihun, committing another blunder which brought on another campaign, much more difficult than the one just concluded. When the news of the fall of Albasin reached Mos- cow, instructions were despatched to the woewod at Nertchinsk to take under his jurisdiction the men of Albasin and the government property, and send Tol- busin to Yenisei. 127 All this shows that it was the in- tention of the government to abandon the post. But before these orders arrived the Cossacks had taken mat- ters into their own hands. Tolbusin and his men, soon after reaching Nertchinsk, July 10, petitioned to be al- lowed to go back to gather the harvest of grain. Be- fore granting the desired permission the woewod of Nertchinsk ordered out his scouts to learn whether the field was clear. On their return they reported that Albasin was deserted and that the grain fields had not been disturbed. 128 Under the circumstances Tolbusin with a large force, including soldiers from Siberia and Moscow who had just recently arrived, were instructed to go down the river and after they had harvested the crop they were to build a fortress below Albasin on some point easily defended. They reached their des- tination August 27, and set to work taking in the grain. By the time this was done it was already too late to look for a new site. Tolbusin, therefore, decided to build a new Albasin on the ruins of the old one. 129 During the winter all hands were kept busy in erecting fortifica- tions, this work being under the supervision of a trained 127 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 257-258. 128 — Ibid., vol. x, doc. 67, 252-253. i 2 *> — Ibid. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 61 and experienced German military engineer, Afanase Baiton, to whom great credit is due for the able defence of the ostrog. Feeling himself strong enough to defy the Chinese, Tolbusin, in March, 1686, ordered a com- pany of three hundred men to go down the river to gather tribute. At the Khumar they came in touch with forty Chinese soldiers and in trying to capture them seven Russians were killed and thirty-one wound- ed; of the Chinese thirty lost their lives, nine escaped, and one was taken. This captive said that he and his companions had been sent to ascertain whether it was really true that the Russians had reestablished them- selves at Albasin. He also reported that China had abandoned the small posts on the Dseya and on the north bank of the Amur and had concentrated all her forces in the new city of Aihun. 130 China had to take notice of this bold, defiant, and fearless challenge of the Russians. She ordered her army to advance from Aihun, and on July 7, 1686, it arrived before Albasin and surrounded the fort from all sides, allowing neither entrance nor exit, by land or water. 131 A Cossack who left Albasin on July 26 succeeded in getting through the lines, and reported at Nertchinsk that at the time of his departure there were in the fort eight hundred twenty-six armed men, eight brass cannon, four cannon of another kind, one hundred thirteen puds (thirty-six pounds each) powder, sixty puds lead, one hundred forty hand granades, and other war supplies. 132 There was enough food to last a year, and a newly dug well supplied all the fresh water need- ed. 133 130 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 254. 131 — Ibid., 257. M — Ibid., 258. 133 There were at Nertchinsk about this time three hundred ninety-four 62 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC The Chinese fighting force numbered at the begin- ning of the siege about two thousand men, armed with bows and arrows, and it had between thirty and forty cannon. How many Russians there were in the fortress on July 7, the date of the opening of hostilities, the documents consulted do not say, a thousand would be a low estimate. The fight was a bitter and fierce one and many lives must have been lost by July 26, when Tolbusin's messenger left Albasin and reported eight hundred twenty-six. 134 From time to time when Rus- sians fell into the hands of the besiegers they sent them to Albasin with a message to the garrison that if it would abandon the place a safe conduct would be granted. Late in September a party of seventy men from Nert- chinsk were sent to learn of the situation but they could men, seven cannon, sixty-six puds powder, seventy-eight puds lead [Dopol- nenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 261-262]. 134 The figures for the Chinese forces are drawn from two sources: a Russian soldier who was held as prisoner among the Chinese and who came up with them to Albasin, said that the Chinese army was transported in one hundred fifty boats, each holding from twenty to forty men, including the crew and servants who were not fighters. They had forty cannon but no other firearms. Three thousand horses followed along the bank, the men in the boats taking turns in driving them. There were also scythes on board to cut the grain outside of Albasin so as not to commit the mistake of the year before [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 259-260]. These figures correspond closely with those of a Chinese soldier captured by the Rus- sians. He told the Russian officers that in the spring of 1686 there were at Aihun two thousand soldiers, five hundred workmen, and thirty cannon [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 255]. There is another bit of evidence confirming these estimates: to the peace conference at Nert- chinsk in 1689, the governor of Aihun was ordered to come with all his sol- diers [Du Halde, China, vol. ii, 307]. He came with fifteen hundred soldiers and it took a crew of fifteen hundred to bring them [Du Halde, China, vol. ii, 308]. At this time there about four or five hundred other soldiers watching Albasin [Du Halde, China, vol. ii, 312]. All this data shows that there were about two thousand Chinese soldiers armed with bows and arrows outside the walls, and about half as many soldiers armed with guns inside. The Chinese had the advantage of numbers and cannon, the Russians in guns, experience, and a trained military engineer. RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 63 not approach close enough to accomplish their purpose. In November news from Albasin came by three men, who had eluded the vigilance of the Chinese, to the effect that the besieged were living underground, that there was enough food to last until Easter, and that water was becoming scarce. The saddest news was the death of Tolbusin, whose place was being filled by Baiton. Several sorties had been effected in which the Russians with their hand granades had killed a number of the enemy. 135 The siege lasted until May 6, when the Chinese were withdrawn from the immediate neighborhood of the city, and on August 30, they were removed still farther from the walls. 136 This was done at the request of the czar, who sent a messenger to Peking asking that the siege be raised and announcing the coming of a special plenipotentiary to treat about the frontier. 137 Upon the receipt of this request, the Emperor of China imme- diately sent to the front this order: We had no intention of organizing a massacre; our desire was to let them off easily. Sabsu and his colleagues are hereby or- dered to withdraw their troops from before Yaksa. . . He can at the same time notify the Locha inside the town that they are free to pass in and out, but must not commit any depreda- tions. The rest can stand over until the Russian envoys ar- rive. 138 The Chinese general also supplied Baiton with pro- visions towards the beginning of the year 1688. 139 On November 19, Stephen Korowin was also hurried from Moscow to ask the Emperor to name a place where the !35 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67. 136 Muller, Voyages, vol. ii, 143-145. 137 Parker, China and Russia, 18. ™* — Ibid. 139 — Ibid., 20. 6 4 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC ambassadors should meet. 140 This request was granted, but for various reasons the time and place of meeting was changed so that it was not until August 22, 1689, that the plenipotentiaries of both powers greeted each other near Nertchinsk. The Russians proposed that the Amur should be the dividing line of the two em- pires; the Chinese, appreciating the importance of Al- basin and Nertchinsk, "because they were in a way a key, through the Amur, Sungari, and Hurka Rivers, to Manchuria proper," 141 made a counter proposal that the Russians should withdraw beyond the Selenga. For about two weeks conferences were held, the Jesuits, who were with the Chinese, taking a prominent part. Several times it seemed as if the negotiations would fall through and war would result. The show of force by the Chinese helped to bring matters to a point. By the treaty which was signed September 7, it was agreed that Yaksa, or Albasin, should be entirely demolished, that the Russians should withdraw from the Amur, and that the ridge of the Stanovoi Mountains should in the future form the boundary line of the two em- pires. 142 In looking back over the period as a whole, one is struck by the fact that the importance of the Amur was not fully understood by the statesmen of either empire. At Moscow the problem was not fully grasped. The conquest and administration of that district was re- garded in the same light as that of a province in Si- beria-it was left to take care of itself. If Russia had had a definite plan of action from the beginning, honest 140 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. x, doc. 67, 274. 141 Parker, China and Russia, 19. 142 The full text of the treaty may be found in the "Appendix." RUSSIA AND CHINA ON THE AMUR 65 and able leaders, and a disciplined and less cruel force to carry it out, China could not have driven her from the Amur and probably would not have attempted to do so. But all these she lacked; at no time was there a clear and far reaching policy; the officers at Moscow followed blindly whatever opening her lawless bands made instead of directing their actions. Not a single one of her leaders on the Amur showed high class statesmanship or capacity other than brute force. Not one of them could see farther into the future than the immediate acquisition of a pack of fur. Force which succeeded in Siberia was not in itself sufficient on the Amur; a little diplomacy was also needed and this her officers did not possess. These leaders with those un- der them ruined the cause of Russia. They were phy- sically brave and fearless and had the making of a good army if they could have been kept in control, but this was never realized. The men on the Amur were dis- organized, they had no sense of honor, no feeling of shame, no love of country, no respect for treaties or promises. Time and again they turned against their leaders, their comrades, and their nation. China, too, was blind to the possible consequences of Russia's getting a foothold on the Amur. Until the very last she regarded the troubles on that river in the same light as Tartar raids. She acted half-heartedly and only when forced to do so, and never did the work thoroughly. Had China displayed some of the vigor and energy of her antagonists, the Amur question could have been settled in 1658, at the time of the Russian disaster. A fort at the mouth of the Dseya, one at Al- basin, and one or two farther up on the Amur, would have kept the Cossacks in their place and would have 66 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC prevented the later troubles. Only once did China show that she profited by her mistakes and experience, and that was in 1686, when her army brought scythes to cut the grain at Albasin. The saddest reflection of all is that after these fifty years of conflict with Russia on the Amur the lesson was completely lost on China. III. A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF DESHNEFS VOYAGE During the years 1630 to 1650 Russia made remark- able progress in Siberian expansion. Drawn by the profitable fur trade, her hunters and Cossacks pushed on eastwardly in search of new rivers and peoples until brought to a halt by the Pacific Ocean. The Amur was discovered and navigated in the early forties and the Anaduir about a decade later. Jakutsk was the center from which these adventurers started and to which they returned, bringing with them the spoils of conquest and accounts of the regions which they had traversed. At this fort were also to be found men in- terested in the geography of Siberia, and they have left us memoirs dealing with various problems connected therewith. The study of Siberian geography and car- tography was promoted by the czar, who, during the second half of the seventeenth century, commissioned Siberian officers to go through their districts, make inquiries and studies, and draw up maps, giving dis- tances between places and other necessary details. The memoirs and maps of Godunof 143 and Remezof 144 have come down to us and have lately been published, and Witsen's excellent maps, based on Siberian source ma- terial, have been known since 1687. 145 From all this evidence it is possible to get a clear idea of the Siber- 143 Titof. Siberia in the Seventeenth Century (Ymer, 1887). 144 Remezof. Tschertezhnaja Knigi Sibir. 145 Map of 1687, in F. MuIIer's Remarkable Maps; also in Witsen's North and East Tartary. 68 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC ians' geographical knowledge of Siberia, particularly from about 1650 to near the time of Bering. If we compare the Siberian maps of that time with those of today, we find that the regions west of the Koluima and those of the Amur were well known and accurately enough indicated. The description of the coast line between these rivers is, however, very defec- tive. But even in their errors the Siberians are agreed which shows how general were those views. Neither the terms "Chukotski Peninsula," "Chukotski Cape," nor the bodies of land which they represent were known in the seventeenth century. According to the ideas held at that time the northern and eastern shores of Siberia met at nearly right angles east of Shalagski Cape, the eastern shore being quite regular. The Anaduir, where- ever mentioned or represented, is made to flow parallel to the Koluima discharging its waters either into the Amur Sea [the Pacific Ocean], or the Lena Sea [Arctic Ocean]. The memoirs and maps note two impassable capes -one south of the Amur and the other between the Koluima and the Amur. A document of the latter half of the seventeenth century says: To go from the Amur to China is not possible on account of the mountain barrier, nor is it possible to go around it on account of the ice. A few lines farther on one may read, And the river Anaduir rises in the mountains which continue into the sea for an unknown distance. It is impossible to go around them on account of the ice. But one can walk across [these mountains] in one day and from the summit view both seas [Lena and Amur]. To this [narrow band of mountains] one may sail from the Koluima in a kotsh [boat] in one sum- mer; but when the ice blocks the way, it might take two or three years and even longer. 146 146 Titof. Siberia in the Seventeenth Century, no. 9 o C Z o > o W > CO H W JO 55 CO - 2 > EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 71 This view, the impossibility of water communication between the Koluima and the Anaduir, should be kept in mind, for it is held by all who deal with this subject during this period. About the middle of the eighteenth century the his- torian Muller wrote a book, based on original manu- scripts which he found in Siberia, making positive as- sertions that in 1648 a Cossack by the name of Deshnef went from the Koluima to the Anaduir by water. 147 Since that time Deshnef's name has been written on the book of fame alongside that of Captain Cook, Sir John Franklin, and men of that class. One no more doubts 148 the exploit of Deshnef than the achievement of Nor- denskjold. A deed so bold and unusual deserves a more critical study than it has received so far, in order that it may be known on what foundation it rests. The doc- umentary evidence consists of reports by Deshnef and associates, and their interpretation presents peculiar difficulties, owing (a) to the ignorance of the writers, the indefiniteness of the language and the vagueness of the descriptions, (b) the doubtful credibility of the witnesses whose lives were made up of fighting, gam- bling, robbing, and killing, and (c) the character of the evidence which is ex-parte. 149 According to Deshnef's own account, written out in 1662 at Jakutsk for submission to the czar, whom he petitions for pay, we learn that Deshnef was already in the government service in 1638. From 1642 to 1646 147 Muller. Sammhing Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 5-20 (found in the Appendix). 148 Slovtsof in his History of Siberia questioned the veracity of Deshnef and refused to accept Muller's account. 149 A report of a Siberian Cossack reads something like this: I left Jakutsk on such and such a day, I suffered this and that hardship, I fought and killed so many natives, was wounded so many times, and secured a great amount of tribute; wherefore I pray that your Majesty may take into consideration my EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 71 This view, the impossibility of water communication between the Koluima and the Anaduir, should be kept in mind, for it is held by all who deal with this subject during this period. About the middle of the eighteenth century the his- torian Muller wrote a book, based on original manu- scripts which he found in Siberia, making positive as- sertions that in 1648 a Cossack by the name of Deshnef went from the Koluima to the Anaduir by water. 147 Since that time Deshnef's name has been written on the book of fame alongside that of Captain Cook, Sir John Franklin, and men of that class. One no more doubts 148 the exploit of Deshnef than the achievement of Nor- denskjold. A deed so bold and unusual deserves a more critical study than it has received so far, in order that it may be known on what foundation it rests. The doc- umentary evidence consists of reports by Deshnef and associates, and their interpretation presents peculiar difficulties, owing (a) to the ignorance of the writers, the indefiniteness of the language and the vagueness of the descriptions, (b) the doubtful credibility of the witnesses whose lives were made up of fighting, gam- bling, robbing, and killing, and (c) the character of the evidence which is ex-parte. 149 According to Deshnef's own account, written out in 1662 at Jakutsk for submission to the czar, whom he petitions for pay, we learn that Deshnef was already in the government service in 1638. From 1642 to 1646 147 Muller. Sammlung Russischer Geschickte, vol. iii, 5-20 (found in the Appendix). 148 Slovtsof in his History of Siberia questioned the veracity of Deshnef and refused to accept Muller's account. 149 A report of a Siberian Cossack reads something like this: I left Jakutsk on such and such a day, I suffered this and that hardship, I fought and killed so many natives, was wounded so many times, and secured a great amount of tribute; wherefore I pray that your Majesty may take into consideration my 72 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC he was associated with and under 150 Michaelo Stadu- chin, with whom at a later time he had misunderstand- ings. Staduchin was one of the first white men to reach the Koluima, probably in 1644, and remained there during the years 1645 and 1646. 151 At this place he obtained information about the Chukchi and a river Pogicha. 152 He was told that from the Koluima, go- ing eastwardly, he could reach the Pogicha in three days and that the banks of that stream were thickly pop- ulated and abounded in fur-bearing animals. 153 With this news he went to Jakutsk to ask for permission and an outfit to enable him to investigate the truth of the story. These being granted, he departed on his mis- sion in 1647, making his way by water and land as well as he could to the Koluima. In July, 1649 154 he left this station in two boats and after being out a week one of them was wrecked. 155 A few Koriaks whom he met told him that they had never heard of the river he was seeking. In the course of the summer he had a fight with the Chukchi. 156 The reports are not clear as to how far he went, but it is known that he returned to the Koluima on September 7, 1649. 157 Others, besides Staduchin, went in quest of the Po- gicha. About this time there was on the Koluima, sufferings, wounds and loss of blood and pay me ray wages for the last three years. 150 Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschenia, 304, contains the ac- count (the original is in the Appendix) of Deshnef here given. In these doc- uments Deshnef, referring back to the time when he was with Staduchin, speaks of himself as slujiloi [servant] and designates Staduchin as slujiloi and prikaznoi, a title similar to our factor or agent. 151 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iii, doc. 98, 350. 152 — Ibid., vol. iii, doc. 99-100. 153 — Ibid. 154 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 6, 13. 155 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 7, 21. 156 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 4, 8. 157 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 6, 13. EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 73 Fedot Alexeef, agent for a Moscow merchant. He went to look for the stream in six kotshi, containing ninety men, one of them being Deshnef, who had been allowed to go at the request of Alexeef. 158 In due time Deshnef reached the Anaduir, but whether he went all the way by water or partly by land is the question un- der consideration. The year (1648) in which Staduchin was trying to find the Pogicha, a company of Cossacks, in a fight with a village of non-tribute-paying Chodinski, on the upper waters of the Aniui, captured and led to the Koluima one named Angora, who, when questioned, said, That on the other side of the mountains there is a new river Anadir and that this river Anadir 159 comes very near the upper waters of the Aniui. 160 This information led to the organization of another company of hunters in 1649 under Motora for the pur- pose of conquering the people of the Anaduir district. 161 This party was encamped on the Koluima in the fall of 1649 and was found there by Staduchin on his return from his fruitless search. According to the testimony of a follower of Staduchin, Motora and his men were in possession of the quarters and provisions left by Sta- duchin. 162 This was the beginning of the bad feeling between the two leaders which followed them to the Anaduir. During the winter the two camps broke up and began their march to the Anaduir, and after many quarrels, threats and some fighting on the way, they reached Deshnef's camp on the Anaduir on April 23, 1650. 158 Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosvechenia, 303. 159 During this period the words Anaduir and Koluima were more often written "Anadir" and "Kovyma." 160 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 7, 16. 161 _ Ufa 162 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 4, 8. 74 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Motora and Deshnef, having a common enemy in Staduchin, joined forces. The point at issue was not who discovered the Anaduir, but who was the govern- ment officer in charge. Staduchin was without doubt the highest in rank, 163 but since these were independent expeditions there was no reason why Motora or Desh- nef should allow themselves to be superseded. Each man was responsible to Jakutsk and to no one else. Staduchin was disappointed and vented on his enemies his bitterness, which occasionally led to bloodshed. 164 Conditions reached such an unbearable state that Desh- nef and Motora left the Anaduir that fall to live on the Penjinsk River. But not having guides, they wandered about for three weeks without finding that stream, and were obliged to come back for fear of starving and freezing to death. Staduchin for one reason or anoth- er, probably tiring of the petty and profitless warfare, abandoned the Anaduir and set out, February, 165 1, to find the Penjinsk. 165 He was not heard of again until 1658, when he reported the discovery of a number of streams and told about his experiences on the Anaduir, but not once did he mention Deshnef. 166 Staduchin being out of the way, the other leaders were able to do as they pleased. During the summer of 1652 they built boats and went down to the mouth 163 In addition to the evidence on this point given in footnote 150, we know that Staduchin held the rank of desyatnik [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv., doc. 47]. In 1654, when the Jakutsk office sent instructions to the Anaduir they were addressed to Staduchin and not to the other leaders. A document of the year 1662 [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. *3> 267] refers to Ataman Michaelo Staduchin. 164 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 7, 18. 165 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 4, 8. 166 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 47. It is strange that Muller who has seen this document should say: "Darauf begab sich Staduchin nach dem Penschina, und nachher ist nichts, weiter von ihm gehoret worden." -Sammlung Russi- scher Geschichte, vol. iii, x6. EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 75 of the Anaduir, this being the first time that Deshnef or any other Russian had ever been there. They found a korga or sand bank on which were many walrus tusks. 167 In the same year, 1652, Motora was killed in a fight against the natives of the country, 168 and it ap- pears that Semenof succeeded him in command. This man and Deshnef say that in the summer of 1653 they cut timber for the purpose of building a boat on which to go to Jakutsk, but lacking the necessary tools and gear, and owing to rough seas, they gave up their plan. 189 On April 27, i654, 1TO Yurya Selivestrof came overland from the Koluima to the Anaduir. Selivestrof was a friend of Staduchin, having been associated with him in the Pogicha expedition of 1649. These facts are in themselves sufficient to explain why Deshnef refused to allow him to gather walrus tusks on the Anaduir. 171 Each made claims and counter-claims. Deshnef, in his reports, states that Selivestrof wrote a letter, in 1654, to Jakutsk in which he said that Staduchin and he (Selive- strof) discovered the walrus bank in 1649 and not Desh- nef, which claim Deshnef denied. The year 1655 is an important one because during that time the various factions on the Anaduir sent their reports to Jakutsk. There are five documents in all. Three of them bear on Deshnef's voyage. One is writ- ten by Deshnef, another by Deshnef and Semenof, and the third by Vetoshka and companions, friends of Desh- nef. So much alike are the three reports that it is quite probable that they were written by one and the 167 The price of walrus tusks at Jakutsk during this period was sixty rubles a pud [36 pounds]. Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 45, 99. 168 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 7, 19-20. 169 — Ibid, •no — Ibid. 171 — Ibid., vol. iv, doc. 5, 10. 76 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC same person. The fourth report was written by Selives- trof, and the fifth by two men who had originally come to the Anaduir with Staduchin, but since his departure had served under Motora, and were at the time of writ- ing with Selivestrof. 172 New material bearing on this question has recently come to light. A Russian archiv- ist, N. Ogloblin, published in 1890 four documents bear- ing the dates 1662, 1664, and two dated 1665, addressed to the czar by Deshnef. 173 In these petitions the writer tells of his long service and hardships and begs that his wages be paid to him. 174 From the above documents Muller and his followers have drawn a number of arguments to prove that Desh- nef came all the way by water from the Koluima to the Anaduir: I. Deshnef left the Koluima on June 20, 1648, and made a stop at Chukotski Nos [East Cape]. II. The Bolshoi Kamennoi Nos of Deshnef is Chu- kotski Nos because it lies between north and northeast, the direction given by Deshnef. III. The islands described by Deshnef opposite his cape are the islands in the Bering Strait. IV. Since in his report he does not mention ice, it proves that the sea was free from ice in 1648. V. In 1653 Deshnef talked of building a boat to take the tribute to Jakutsk and that indicates that he came from the Koluima to the Anaduir by water. VI. Rumor that Alexeef was wrecked in Kamchatka should be accepted as good evidence for the voyage. 172 It is worthy of note that neither the fourth nor the fifth reports makes mention of Deshnef's voyage. 173 Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschenia, December, 1890, 300- 306. 174 In the "Appendix" the reader may find Muller's version, the originals and the English translation. EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 77 VII. Deshnef, in 1662, used the words, "and having passed the mouth of the Anaduir," therefore it is clear that he passed through Bering Strait. VIII. The reasons why in the time of Deshnef the voyage was unknown are (1) Deshnef disappeared after 1655, (2) no one was interested in the matter, and (3) the records were hidden away in Jakutsk and had it not been for Muller the world would still be ignorant of the deed. The defenders of Deshnef are almost willing to base their whole case on the proposition that the cape men- tioned by Deshnef is East Cape. 175 In his report Desh- nef is attempting to explain to the officers at Jakutsk just where his cape lies ; and to help them he gives them a land-mark, the Koluima. The cape, he says, is not the Sviatoi Nos, west of the Koluima, but another cape east of that river. Which one? There are many, all unknown to them. Under the circumstances one would naturally name the one nearest the Koluima, or the most northerly or the most dangerous. East Cape comes un- der neither of these heads. In describing a new coun- try one does not pass by the nearer and the more im- portant points to speak of similar places farther re- moved and less important. Shalagski Cape is farther north, more dangerous, and nearer the Koluima than East Cape. 175 In Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschenia, 264, Ogloblin says, "If the Bolshoi Kamennoi Nos of Deshnef is Chukotski Nos [Ogloblin has in mind the cape at the southern entrance to Bering Strait], then Deshnef passed through the whole of the strait. If it means East Cape, Deshnef went only as far as the entrance [northern] of the strait. If it means Chaun or Shalag- ski or the capes lying east of Shalagski, it follows that Deshnef did not reach the Anaduir." Ogloblin concludes his learned discussion with the statement that Deshnef's cape is no other than Muller's Chukotski. The interesting part about this argument is that the Chukotski Cape in the mind of Ogloblin is the one at the southern entrance of the strait while Muller's Chukotski Cape is at the northern entrance. See Muller's map. 78 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Bolshoi Kamennoi Nos lies between north and north- east and turns toward the Anaduir, therefore, according to Muller, it is East Cape. The geographical direc- tions that are given by the Siberians of this period are imperfect and unreliable. Indeed, it is extremely doubtful whether they had a compass or knew its use. 176 At the very best the directions indicated are merely approximate. But if one should admit that the de- scription is accurate, it applies with equal force to many of the other capes in northern Siberia as well as to East Cape. Some of the other statements of Deshnef must be ex- amined. In two different places he says that the Bol- shoi Nos is "far from the mouth of the Anaduir." In a third place he observes that In good weather one can go from the cape to the Anaduir in three days and no longer; and it would take no more time to go by land, because the Anaduir falls into the sea. The distance from East Cape to the Anaduir is about one thousand forty-five nautical miles; 177 across Holy Cross Bay it is not less than five hundred miles, 178 a dis- tance by far too great for any kotsh to make in "three days" and "no longer." Were there even a possibility of sailing that distance in three days, walking it in that 176 Among the numerous seventeenth century documents examined, the writer did not come across the word compass, although sails, anchors, etc., are often mentioned. In the documents of the early eighteenth century the word appears \Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 26, 82, year 1715]. 177 Information obtained from the United States Hydrographic Office, Oc- tober 1, 1909: "Replying to your letter of September 22, 1909, in regard to the distance in nautical miles from Koluima River to the Anaduir River following the windings of the coast, the following information is furnished : "Koluima River to East Cape . . 11 15 miles "East Cape to Anaduir River . . 1045 miles "Total . . . . . 2160 miles" 178 Letter from United States Hydrographic Office, September 15, 1909. how H »mtk^io<(» tt»*ArV Hmw 4 «jvjp\j i"«Vp<*"* CO A«*H»«n«>Mpt( OfcOCt f *1 .f ... ^ M >* ft'»* A***** ^Uyf>n*-M «. — ^^Li * J!*' n» 7^ . AN"".*' C- !H5 - .f , o. 6>fTp*RH /van k: Z f , t* t% ' ' *hA/_*J Mku.nA toil 1 ! uiinHiiiiyi limJII B ^HllW niniiiiimm ; Remez '. East of the Koluima River he indicated an "ImpassabJ 5 ;*'.., PfKA «»;>»*) tier*. ytlw»f« &*«* *'■** vV «jf.' .;L^ iHTf** f«K* tow* i«3»** flKA 4& H* lift S ^^ WfJ «•'/<» irk *»«*•*«• f«* lMp» P3»*»HIU'» *J ^^ nfo/MkMthfc-,' „ #f , r v M. (CM Sl«f •** ,% yH»r««4flt' iP t» \ turnup* «^*"' 1 T ?««fW» H*Tt*Uktk .f. f. 4 P s: *» #^C »*«« " tax l &i Tkr'iT w t , tt ' VA M * V'l » •Uf* n«rt«M Hfc«»«!fH»,« K*»w ivk^ ,, 4«kw»s n««t»:> "»H>. t t "f««^.^ k . f *»*« dU«v Via V^r^w n» ( ,^ u< ., 6 f^nflh 7CMHCIH0I* CkMt. M -"■; ■one i Map ^ape." The Koluima and Anaduir Rivers are parallel EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 81 period is utterly impossible. This ought to be suffi- cient to show that Deshnef s cape is not East Cape, not even Chukotski Cape of to-day. A cape such as he de- scribes does not exist on the eastern shore of Siberia. It is fair to ask why it took him ten weeks to walk from the spot where he lost his boat since from the cape it is only three days to the Anaduir. Ankudinof's kotsh was wrecked on the cape and the survivors were taken on board the other boats and the voyage continued, and yet the party did not come any nearer to the Anaduir, but was wrecked miles and miles from the river. Deshnef says, In the year 1648, September 20, in going from the Koluima River to the sea . . . the Chukchi in a fight wounded the trader Alexeef. Taken as it stands, and there is no reason why it should be read in any other way, the statement means that on that late day Deshnef was not very far from the Koluima, and therefore by October 1, about the time he was wrecked, he could not possibly have reached East Cape, and, it goes without saying, the Anaduir. In the report written by Vetoshkin and other friends of Deshnef it is said, though not very clearly, that the Bolshoi Nos lies in front of the place from which Sta- duchin, in 1649, turned back from his search of the Pogicha. 179 Since Staduchin had gone only about sev- en days from the Koluima, it follows that the cape in front of Staduchin can not be very far from the Kolui- ma. Opposite Bolshoi Nos are islands on which live Chuk- chi with pieces of bone in their lips. The Diomede Islands are not opposite East Cape and are very far from it, far enough away, at least, to make it impossible 179 "Avperede tova mesta vest Kamennoi Nos Bolshoi." 82 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC to observe from the sea just what ornaments the inhabit- ants wear. One who assumes that he has landed is forced to admit that (i) he used up precious time, and (2) that he is not keeping close to the shore where he should be in order to find a river. Here again his de- scription fits Shalagski Cape. 180 As to the tower of whale bone, it is probably similar to the piles of whale bone noticed by Wrangell in the neighborhood of Shal- agski Cape. 181 In order to make the voyage seem plausible Muller assumes that the Arctic was free from ice in 1648. Muller says: 182 Es wird keiner Hindernissen von Eise Gedacht. Vermuthlich waren auch keine. Derm Deschnew erinnert bey einer andern 180 Wrangell, in Siberia and Polar Sea, 325, tells of two islands opposite Shalagski. See also Wrangell, Siberia, 276. 181 Wrangell, Siberia, 327: "We saw several large heaps of white bones, but very little driftwood." So far as known, the Chukchi do not now wear the labret and have not worn it in historical times. If they wore it in Deshnef's day, the description applies with equal force to the Chukchi near the Koluima as to those off East Cape. On the other hand, if the Chukchi never wore the labret, and the peo- ple Deshnef talked about were the Eskimos, this in itself does not prove that he was at East Cape. Wrangell and Nordenskjold, from their study of the sub- ject on the spot, concluded that not very far back the inhabitants of the north- ern shore of Siberia were not Chukchi, but a people like the Eskimos or Aleuts, labret-wearing tribes. There is nothing, however, in the account to make us believe that this information was necessarily obtained on this voyage. Desh- nef's report was not written till 1655. He had in the interval, opportunities for gathering information and for making observations. Perhaps Admiral Sarytchef's suggestions about Deshnef may be correct. He says, "Great doubts, however, are entertained of his veracity and it is strongly suspected that Deshnef collected most of his information respecting these shores from the Tschukschians and supplied the rest by his own invention." - Sarytchef, 36. There is some foundation for this view. In speaking of the labret-wearing people, Deshnef says, "they are known as zubati." By whom are they known as such ? He does not say "we named them zubati." Again, if Deshnef had actually seen the Eskimos, he would not have mistaken them for the Chukchi. He had always lived among primitive peoples, his eye was well trained, and by '655, the time of writing, he had had numerous opportunities to observe the Chukchi. 182 Muller, Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 9. EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 83 Gelegenheit, dass die See nicht alle Jahre, so wie dieses Mahl, von Eise rein zu seyn pflege. In the original one does not find the words "so wie dieses Mahl;" without them the argument loses much of its force. The fact that he does not mention the ice would prove, if it proves anything at all, that there was ice, that the usual conditions prevailed. One generally notes the uncommon and not the common things. In another place Deshnef describes the "zubati" Chukchi because they are different from the other natives. The burden of proof that there was no ice falls on those who make the claim. Another argument advanced in favor of Deshnef is derived from misinterpreting one of his sentences and making it read thus: Im Jare 1653 liess er Holz fallen, um eine Kotsche zu bauen, womit der bis dahin eingenommene Tribut zur See nach Ja- kutsk abgesandet werden konnte. Weil es aber an dem ub- rigen Zubehore fehlte; so unterblieb die Sache. Man horte auch, dass die See um das grosse Tschuktschische Noss nicht alle Jahre vom Eise frey sey. 183 The argument loses much of its weight because the last sentence in the quotation is not in the original. What Deshnef says is this, The natives told us that the ice does not leave the shore every year. Because he intended to build a boat to go to Jakutsk it must not be inferred that he came there by water. If one assumes this he must also admit that Selivestrof came to the Anaduir by way of Bering Strait, for in his report he says that he had not decided whether during the coming year he would take the tribute to Jakutsk by land or sea. 184 In his case it is positively known that iS3 MuIIer, Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 16-17. 184 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 5, 10. 84 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC he came to the Anaduir by land in 1654. Both these statements indicate that their authors were quite un- aware of the danger and the distance ; and that they, like other Siberians, believed that the Koluima and the Ana- duir were close to each other and parallel. The part of the statement reading, "that the ice does not leave the shore every year" refers, not to the Arctic Sea, but to the Anaduir, where the natives with whom Deshnef talked were living, and the year in question was not 1648, but 1653. If the words of the natives are to be believed, the inference would be that on certain years the navigation of the Anaduir Sea was entirely closed. Indeed, in one place Deshnef complains that the ice left the Anaduir shore very late in the summer. 185 The argument that Alexeef was wrecked in Kam- chatka is unusually weak and almost childish. 186 Desh- nef in his report states that in 1654 he found a Jakut woman (belonging to Alexeef) among the Koriaks, and she told him that Alexeef and Gerasim died of scurvy, some of their companions were killed, and the other men ran away. This is unlike Muller's mythological account. 187 In the time of Deshnef the Koriaks were a warlike people and roamed up and down Siberia more than they have done since. 188 It is quite possible that Alexeef was wrecked somewhere between the Ko- luima and the Shalagski Cape and died there of scurvy, and that some of his companions were killed. The 185 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. 4, doc. 7, 20. 186 Muller, in Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 19, says: "Sie sollen so angesehen und geehrt gewesen seyn, dass man sie fast vergottert habe. Man hat nicht geglaubt, dass eine menschliche Hand ihnen schaden Iconne: nachdem aber die Russen unter sich selbst in Streit gerathen; nachdem einer den anderen verwundet, und die Kamtschedalen das Blut von ihnen flie- ssen sehen ... so sind alle theils von den Kamtschedalen, theils von den Korjaken, erschlagen worden." 187 _ Hid. 188 Staduchin, in 1649, met them not far from the Koluima. EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 85 woman, for obvious reasons, was spared and in due time found a home among the Koriaks. In the report of 1655 Deshnef tells that he was wrecked on the "forward end" [peredni konets za Ana- dir reku\ of the Anaduir. Later in 1662, he states that "after having passed the mouth of the Anaduir" his boats were lost. Both these descriptions are vague and may mean anything, and they show that one must not try to prove too much from them. Before proceeding farther with this point, the question may be asked for what river was Deshnef looking. If he sailed in 1647 or 1648 he was in search, not of the Anaduir, but of the Pogicha. 189 It was not before the fall of 1649 that any- thing at all was known of the Anaduir, and in 1648 Deshnef knew no more about it than Staduchin who was still looking for the Pogicha in 1649. It was only on his return in the autumn that Staduchin heard of the Anaduir and the way thither. The words of Deshnef that he went from the Koluima to find the Anaduir have no weight because they were written in 1655. From the material that has come down one is in doubt, not only whether Deshnef reached the Anaduir, but whether he went even farther than Chaun Bay. Look- ing, as he did, for the Pogicha he should have stopped at any one of the many streams in the Arctic Sea which, so far as he knew, might have been the Pogicha. The words "having passed the mouth of the Anaduir" may mean that he passed one of these northern rivers, prob- ably in the neighborhood of Chaun Bay, and later con- fused it with the Anaduir. After being wrecked he wandered about here and there 190 for ten weeks and 189 There is no evidence for Muller's statement, "Nun wuste man schon, Pogitscha sey eben derselbe Fluss, welcher auch Anadir genennet warde"- Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 14. 190 Whether he went east, west, north, or south, he does not say. It is, 86 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC accidentally struck the Anaduir without having a very- clear idea as to his whereabouts. Even if he had known the situation of the Anaduir, he had no time to reach it. He left his winter quarters, the lower Koluima or some place near it, June 20, which would bring him to the sea about a month later, for the navigation of the river is open much earlier than on the sea. 191 however, fair to assume that he would go in a southerly direction so as to have the cold north and northwest winds at his back. 191 After reading the different accounts of navigation in the Arctic, and the fact that all attempts to sail east of the Koluima have failed, one is almost forced to believe that the cold is greater east of the river than west of it. It is, of course, impossible to prove or disprove this from the insufficient data at hand. Wrangell, in Siberia, 46, says: "The severity of the climate of this district may be attributed as much, or perhaps more, to its unfavorable physical condition, as to its high latitude. To the west there is the extensive barren tundra, and to the north a sea cov- ered with perpetual ice ; so that the cold northwest wind, which blows almost without intermission, meets with no impediments [page 49]. . . Though from all that has been said, the climate is one of the most severe and un- kindly." Nordenskjold in Voyage of the Vega, vol. i, 426, says: "East of the Bear Islands heavy sea ice in pretty compact masses had drifted down the coast." In Wrangell's Siberia [pages 163-167] is evidence to show that the naviga- tion on the river begins much earlier than on the sea: "We were not able to launch our shallop, which we named the Koluima, until the eleventh of June, when the inundation subsides. [They started down the Koluima in this boat]. . . The next day (July 3) some men . . . returned with the information that Tchukotskaja Bay, and even the mouth of the river itself, were still covered with ice. I was therefore obliged most reluctantly, to await a change in the wind, which was now blowing freshly from the north and northwest, and drove the ice into the river instead of clearing it. Day after day we examined the state of the ice and still found it impossible for a boat to pass." The attempt was finally given up. The Vega was held in the ice until July 18 [Voyage of the Vega, vol. ii, 67]. On July 29, 1740, Laptef sailed from the mouth of the Indigirka and reached the mouth of the Koluima, August 4; but during the remainder of the summer, on account of the ice, he did not go any farther than Baranof Cape. In the following year Laptef left Lower Koluima on June 29 and came to the mouth of the river July 8, and from this time until August 4 he had advanced only twenty-five miles to the eastward and was forced to abandon his plans. EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 87 If Deshnef really did go to the Anaduir by water, would it not have been more natural that the officers sent to relieve him should have been told to follow his course and go by water, which is much easier, than to go overland? When this party 192 received its instructions, the Jakutsk office had no other guide to the Anaduir than Deshnef's reports and the other reports here men- tioned, yet these officers do not discuss or even mention the water route. The defenders of Deshnef deal with this voyage as if it differed in no way from Nordenskjold's. Deshnef is pictured as starting from the Koluima, passing rivers and capes, sailing through Bering Strait, setting his course for the mouth of the Anaduir, missing it only on account of the weather, and as being wrecked at a place ten weeks' walking distance from the river. Why en- dow him with such unusual powers and capabilities? To give Deshnef credit of having discovered Bering Strait on no better evidence than his own words "hav- ing passed" is unthinkable. His description of Bolshoi Kamennoi Nos has shown how unreliable his words are. 193 If one is going to allow Deshnef the honor of having doubled East Cape just because he says "having passed the mouth of the Anaduir," why not be consistent and give equal praise and accept as true the claim of Seli- 192 Here is an example illustrating the danger of attempting to prove an important point by the loose language of these hunters. In 1656, Amos Mich- aelof was ordered to the Anaduir to take charge of that post. He and those with him were instructed that "in sailing down the Lena and on the sea to the Indigirka, to the Alasea, and to the Koluima and to the Anaduir" they should take no one on board with them to the Anaduir. On the face of it this sen- tence might mean that the party was to continue the voyage from the Koluima to the Anaduir by water. But in another part of this document, ten pages farther, these same men are told to go "from the Alasea to the Anaduir in one winter" [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 30, 70, 80]. 1£ >3 — Ibid. 88 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC vestrof that he and Staduchin discovered the walrus bank at the mouth of the Anaduir in 1649? How could they have discovered it unless they had gone there by water? If the letter containing this claim, of which Deshnef speaks as having been written in 1654, nac ^ been preserved, we might there find as good evidence as any presented by Deshnef. Why believe one more than another? The object of this investigation is not, of course, to urge Selivestrof's claim, but to show rela- tively the value of Deshnef's. The fact that Deshnef is totally ignored by his con- temporaries is a strong argument that he did not ac- complish, or perhaps did not even claim, the feat with which Muller credits him. For outside of Deshnef's story, given here in full in his own words, there is not a hint about his voyage in the documents of his time. 194 The Siberians who discuss the question whether one can go from the Koluima to the Anaduir conclude that it 194 Muller [Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 5] gives the impres- sion that in the seventeenth century the Russians were not interested in geo- graphical problems. The fact that the czar requested Godunof, Remezof (in the life time of Deshnef), and others to draw up maps and give detailed informa- tion about Siberia refutes such a view. Remezof says that there were in Tobolsk many maps of Siberia drawn in the years 1668, 1669, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1689, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, and 1701. There are also additional seventeenth century documents displaying a keen interest in geographical questions. Here is one dated 1680: "There was a question, does the Arctic Sea join the Eastern Ocean. . . Is the Arctic Sea separated from the East or Chinese Sea by some continent which stretches out from Siberia esatward? This question has lately occupied the military officials of the Lena and Nert- chinsk districts. They gathered some of the natives and examined the shores to the ocean, and they say that on the east there is no continent and that the seas are not separated, and that Siberia, Dauria, Nikania, and China are washed on the east by the same ocean. When asked whether one could go in a boat from St. Michael-Archangel or from the mouth of the Ob and the city of Berezof, and by keeping close to the shores of Siberia, Dauria, and Nikania reach China, these officers answered that in the Arctic Sea the ice never melts altogether, but all during the summer icebergs float about and crash into each other, and therefore it is dangerous for the boats." - Titof, Siberia, 214. ^AvPf/stien /yap-. Ys Caap in place of the Russian map-makers Impassable Cape Reproduced through the courtesy of the American Antiquarian Society EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 91 cannot be done on account of the impassable cape. 190 They surely would have mentioned that it had been done once by Deshnef, ataman of Jakutsk, one of the three men in the province holding such high rank, and who, until 1671, lived in Jakutsk, the gathering spot of all Siberians and Arctic navigators. Yet notwithstand- ing his importance and the rarity of the deed no one seems to be aware of it, not even to deny it. Deshnef went to Moscow, where he related his adventures and was rewarded "for his efforts in finding walrus tusks, and for his wounds," 196 but not a word about his navi- gation. The Swedish ambassador in Moscow in 1669 was sufficiently interested in Siberia to copy Godunof's map, but he has left us nothing of Deshnef. Witsen, in touch with Russia and having access to Siberian docu- ments, should have known of the deed, and yet he writes and pictures on his map "Ys Caep" where the Russian memoirs locate the "impassable cape." It is possible to establish a connecting link between Deshnef and Peter the Great, who was so deeply inter- ested in the question whether Asia and America are united. When Deshnef went to Moscow the second time in 1671 he had with him the son of Michaelo Sta- duchin, his old enemy. The Staduchins were very 195 "From the mouth of the Koluima around the continent past the mouths of the Kovichi, Inabara, Hi, and Duri to the stone barrier one can go, if the ice permits, as it sometimes does, in one summer, but when the ice obstructs it may take three years. And across the barrier it takes a day; and when one is on it he may see two seas, the Lena and the Amur. When the barrier is crossed one comes to the Anaduir where walrus bones are hunted." -Titof, Siberia, 153, document of 1672. "From the Baikal Sea there is a stretch of mountains or rock, and one can- not go past it by the Lena and that mountain or rock continues into the ocean for about five hundred poprisch and that is why it is impossible to go from the Lena to China and there is no passage to the Amur." - Titof , Siberia, 88, doc- ument after 1683. 196 Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschenia, December, 1890, p. 297. 92 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC prominent in Arctic navigation, and we have the re- sults of two of these men's efforts to sail west of the Koluima. 197 Vladimir Atlasof, called the discoverer of Kam- chatka, lived from boyhood in Jakutsk, the home of Deshnef and other Arctic explorers. In 1672 Atlasof was in Moscow, where Deshnef was at the time. Either directly or indirectly Atlasof must have had numerous opportunities to hear from Deshnef or of Deshnef and of his deeds. Yet this Atlasof reports in 1701 that, Between the Koluima and Anaduir Rivers there is an impass- able cape \neobchodimoi nos\ which runs out into the sea, and on the left side of the cape there is ice in the summer and in the winter the sea is frozen solid ; and on the other side [right] there is ice in the spring but in the summer there is no ice. On this impassable cape Vladimir has not been. 198 Atlasof lived until 171 1, way into Peter's reign. 199 In addition to the documentary evidence light may 197 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, 493. Deposition made in 1710: "In former years Taras Staduchin told Malgin in the Koluima zimovie that many years before Taras and ninety others came to the Koluima and from there went to sea in kotshi, keeping close to the shore to examine the Impassa- ble Nos, and they could not pass it, and therefore turned back and crossed over to the shore to examine the Nos, to the other side. There making a kotsh, they kept along the shore towards the Penjina Sea," and after going some distance in that direction they turned back. Deposition made by Vasili Staduchin (Vasili was sent by the government to find an island in the Arctic) about 1712: "Opposite the upper mouth of the Koluima we saw a cape extending out [into the ocean]. To go around the cape was impossible on account of the ice; and that cape connects the land of the Shalangski Chukchi and the Ana- duir country on one side and the Koluima land on the other, but it is not an island." 198 Chtenia V Imperatorskom Obschestve Istorii I Dre-vnostoi Rossiskich (Moscow, 1891), book iii, 12. The testimony of Atlasof and the Staduchins, just quoted, indicates that even at this date the Siberians still believed that, with the exception of the impassable (Shalagski) cape, the northern and eastern shores of Siberia met at about right angles, and just on the eastern side of the cape was the Amur Sea [Pacific Ocean]. 199 It may be of interest to know that Remezof used Atlasof's reports of EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 93 be thrown on this voyage from a consideration of such questions as boats, food, and weather. A "kotsh," the kind of boat Deshnef had, was a flat- bottomed decked vessel, about twelve fathoms long, put together generally without a nail or scrap of iron of any kind, and probably kept together by wooden pegs and leather straps. Buldakof, one of the Siberians, speaks of the ice cutting the twigs of his kotsh. From this statement and hints elsewhere, it would seem that a kotsh was tied together and probably protected on the outside by twigs. A kotsh had a wooden mast and sails of deer skin, 200 which are of little use in damp weather. The chief motive power, therefore, was the paddle. Anchors were made of wood and stone, and cables of leather. 201 This description gives one an idea of the fit- ness of a kotsh to battle with sea and ice. 202 The food problem is always a serious one in Arctic navigation. Granted that quality is not an important factor in the Siberian's diet, you must admit that in place of it he must have quantity, especially meat. There was not much food to be had either at Jakutsk or Kamchatka in constructing the map of that region. See Oglobin, Isfoc/miki Chertozhnoi Kingi Sibiri (St. Petersburg, 1891). 200 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 118, 505. 201 — Ibid. 202 In some quarters, even in naval circles, there seems to prevail an idea that in Deshnef's day men performed deeds impossible to-day. This view is against common sense and evidence. The history of seventeenth century navi- gation in the region of the Koluima is a history of shipwrecks. The Arctic Ocean never was a quiet Russian lake, and the laws of nature had to be obeyed then as now. Writers have too often confounded an explorer, like Peary, with a hunter, like Deshnef. The former has an ideal to draw him on, the latter has no such high purpose. Although possessed of an equal amount of endur- ance, the hunter has less perseverance, he is easily discouraged. In naviga- ting he keeps close to land and at the first sign of danger runs there for pro- tection. He is always ready to turn back. Why should he risk his life? Money has far less power over him than is usually supposed. The hunter is more like the ambitionless native with whom he associates than the enthu- siastic explorer. 94 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC on the Koluima, because both of these localities had been but recently occupied, and also because "the higher animal world is exceedingly poor" on the Ko- luima. 203 In addition to some rye flour there was prob- abily little other food. It is hardly conceivable that there were enough supplies on board, assuming that the party went from the Koluima to the Anaduir by water, to support ninety men 204 one hundred days. It is quite unnecessary to go into a lengthy discussion of the ice and fog which every explorer meets with in the Arctic Ocean. Deshnef, sailing in an unfamiliar sea without a chart in search of an unknown river, would be especially impeded, since he would not navi- gate in the fog for fear of passing the mouth of the stream he was seeking. Nordenskjold, while in these waters, faced both of these obstacles. 205 Another reason for doubting the deed credited to Deshnef is that all known attempts of that kind, either from the east or west, have ended in failure. 206 Not a 203 Nordenskjold, Voyage of the Vega, vol. i, 426. 204 No attempt has as yet been made to explain Alexeef's squaw found among the Koriaks by Deshnef. Were there any more like her on board ? The presence of such persons would not be for the best interests of the ex- pedition and would increase the consumption of food. There is another point which needs explanation. How did Deshnef and his shipwrecked "hungry and naked crew" succeed in sustaining themselves through the winter? Ac- cording to his own words the Anaduir was bare of food and wood, and the river was too rocky for fishing. This is probably as cold and as inhospitable a place as one could find; and judging from the accounts of more recent writ- ers (George Kennan, Tent Life in Siberia) it has not changed for the better since Deshnef's day. 205 Nordenskjold, Voyage of the Vega, vol. i, 428, 429: "The ice was heavy and close although at first so distributed that it was navigable. But with the north wind which began to blow on the night before the first [of] September ... it became impossible to continue the course which we had taken. . . A further loss of time was caused by the dense fog which pre- vailed by day." 206 Nordenskjold's achievement, in an especially built steam-schooner, well provisioned, supplied with the best charts, compasses, and other scientific aids, does not prove anything in this case. EXAMINATION OF DESHNEF'S VOYAGE 95 single Russian hunter or navigator has succeeded in doubling Shalagski Cape. Michaelo Staduchin failed in 1649, Taras Staduchin in 1700 [?], Vasili Stadu- chin in 1712, Dimitri Laptef in 1740-1742, Shalaurof in 1762 and 1764, and Billings in 1787. All these men, except perhaps Michaelo Staduchin, were better equipped and much more qualified than Deshnef. IV. KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS It was half a century after the Russians had gained possession of the Anaduir country to the north and the Ouda and Okhotsk regions to the south that they made an attempt to acquire Kamchatka. It is not true that they were ignorant of its existence. As early as 1652 Michaelo Staduchin had penetrated along the Penjinsk and established posts there, and a document of 1672 re- fers to the Kamchatka River as a stream already well- known. 207 The reasons for the delay were due chiefly to the weakness of the Russian forces and to the bitter hostility of the natives between the Anaduir and the Kamchatka Rivers. Along the Penjinsk and the west- ern coast of the peninsula lived one tribe of fighting Koriaks, and on the eastern coast, from the Oliutora River southwards, dwelt an even more warlike group of the same people. Though at first not openly hostile, the natives, as they saw the Russians encroaching upon them and taking their deer, became outspoken in their enmity to the newcomers and resolved to drive them out or die in the attempt. They told the Russians that they would not permit them to go to Kamchatka either by land or sea, 208 and that they would never surrender alive. 209 These were not empty threats, and the Russians were actually forced to find another route to Kamchatka than the Anaduir one. By plunder and purchase the Koriaks had provided themselves with firearms 210 2 °7Titof, Siberia, 54. 208 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 94, 410. 209 — Ibid., vol. ii, doc. 117, 485-487. 21* — Ibid., 498. 98 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC in addition to their own powerful weapons, and, being protected by their shields, they were superior to the Russians, some of whom could not use a gun and ran at the sight of the enemy. 211 When no longer able to fight, the natives killed their wives and children and then committed suicide, or deliberately chose being burned alive in their homes by the Russians to surren- dering to them. 212 The Koriaks knew how to fight, how to die, and, what is equally important, they knew how to plan a battle. A Russian officer testified that from the moment the Cossacks left the Anaduir to go to Kamchatka their plans and movements were known to the Koriaks. 218 This statement is no doubt true, be- cause the Russians were surprised nearly always on their way to, rather than from, Kamchatka. Unlike the Kamchadels and other natives, the Koriaks appreciated the strength which comes from union; for not only were they united among themselves, but they even at- tempted to persuade the Chukchi and Yukagirs to join with them against the Russians. 214 From what has been said one will readily see that Vladimir Atlasof is not deserving of the titles "discov- erer" and "conqueror" of Kamchatka, for he neither discovered nor conquered that country. It would be more just to call him the "explorer" of Kamchatka, because in that particular field he was superior to any Siberian of his time. His description of the peninsula and its inhabitants is one of the best 215 and shows him to have been a man endowed with a clear and observing 211 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 91, 406; doc. 100. 212 — Ibid., vol. ii, doc. 117, 487. 213 — Ibid., vol. ii, doc. 117, 477-481. 214 — Ibid., vol. i, doc. 29, 93; doc. 99, 425. 215 Chtenia V Imperatorskom Obschestve Istorii I Drevnostei Rossiskich, 1891. KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS 99 mind. 210 In 1697, 217 while stationed on the Anaduir as prikaschik, he commissioned Luke Morosko 218 and fourteen others to go to Kamchatka and collect tribute from its inhabitants. Morosko returned that same year with several bundles of furs and three Koriak hos- tages, 219 all of which indicates that he did not go very far down the peninsula. With this news and the Ana- duir tribute Atlasof started for Jakutsk during the winter of 1696-1697, arriving there probably early in the spring. He was at once asked to turn back and go in search of "new lands." On coming to the Anaduir he gathered a company of sixty Russians, among whom was at least one who had been with Morosko, 220 and an equal number of Yukagirs and set out with them that same year for Kamchatka. After crossing the moun- tains on reindeer he directed his course to the mouth of the Penjinsk, meeting with but little unfriendliness from the natives. 221 He followed the northwest coast as far as Kamchatka Nos 222 and then passed over the 216 Atlasof was born in Russia and when a small boy he came with his father to Siberia and settled on the Lena \Vestnik Imperatorskavo Russkavo Geograficheskavo Obschestva, 1858, 160]. In 1672 he was already in the czar's service, assisting in the taking of the Jakutsk tribute to Moscow. In 1695 he held the rank of pyatdesyatnik and was sent as prikaschik to the Anaduir {Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 102, 434], at this time the most difficult post to reach and the most dangerous to live in throughout the whole of Siberia. 217 Vestnik Imperatorskavo Russkavo Geograficheskavo Obschestva, 1858, 1 60. 218 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 102, 433. 219 — Ibid. 220 — ibid., 434. 221 Chtenia V Imperatorskom Obschestve Istorii I Drevnostei Rossiskich, 1891. 222 Unless one watches closely, the names of places are liable to confuse him. Some of them have entirely disappeared from the map, and others were applied to more than one place. During this period Anadirskoi Nos meant the cape at the southern entrance to Bering Strait [Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 109, 462] ; Kamchatka Nos - cape in northwestern Kamchat- ioo RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC mountains to the eastern shore, where the Oliutora Koriaks had their homes and where he was also peace- fully received. At this point Atlasof divided his com- pany in two: one party of sixty men, composed equally of Russians and Yukagirs, was ordered to follow the eastern shore of the peninsula, and with the other party he turned back to the Penjinsk side and proceeded along the western coast in a southerly direction. In addition to the Koriaks who were now becoming hostile, Atlasof's Yukagirs turned on him when near the Palane River and killed six of his men and wound- ed fifteen others, not, however, without considerable loss to themselves. Peace was temporarily made and the Yukagirs consented to go on ; but when on the Tigil River, Atlasof attempted to chastise them, many escaped in the night. Very soon ofter this the division on the eastern side of the mountains crossed over and joined itself to Atlasof, and the whole company marched over the mountains to the upper waters of the Kamchatka River. The Kamchadels living at this place were at war with those lower down the stream, and, in order to gain Atlasof's immediate support, they submitted to him. He was called back from the fight against the enemies of his allies to give chase to the Koriaks, who had in the meantime driven off the deer left higher up the river. After a hard pursuit over a trail covered with bones of the stolen deer, the Koriaks were brought ka, between the mouth of Penjinsk and the Pustaya River [Pamyatniki Si- birskoi Isforii, vol. ii, doc. 117, 501]; Kamchatka Nos - present Lopatka Cape [Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 109, 462, 470, doc. 112, 488] ; Kam- chatka Sea - sea at the mouth of the Kamchatka River [Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 105, 444]; Lama Sea - Sea of Okhotsk Pamyatniki Si- birskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 99, 427; vol. ii, doc. 118, 509]; Oliutora Sea - water between Kamchatka and Oliutora Rivers [Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 14, 44; vol. i, doc. m, 484, doc. i, 117, 504]; Penjinsk Sea - sea all along the western coast of Kamchatka; Sviatoi Sea - sea near mouth of Yana River [Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 23, 69]. KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS 101 to bay near the Penjinsk Sea and were forced to give up what was left of their plunder. Following this exploit Atlasof marched down to the Itcha River, and there he heard of a stranger held as captive, whom the natives called a Russian, but who turned out to be a ship-wrecked Japanese. 223 It is dif- ficult to say how far south he actually reached; al- though he did not quite come to Lopatka Cape he was near enough to it to learn of islands in its neighborhood. His men began urging to be led back north because their ammunition and supplies were running short. Be- fore leaving the peninsula he sent Potap Surukof with fourteen Russians and thirteen Yukagirs to build an ostrog on the Kamchatka River and to hold it until re- lieved. 224 With the remaining fifteen Russians and four Yukagirs, and with a very large number of pelts, Atlasof went to the Anaduir where he arrived Febru- ary, 1700. By June he was at Jakutsk and from there he went to Moscow, and petitions from him to the czar are dated in that city early in February, 1701. For his services he was made golova and was given fifty rubles in cash and fifty rubles' worth of cloth. The encouraging report regarding Kamchatka de- cided the Sibirski Prikaz to send there another expedi- tion under Atlasof. Soon after leaving Tobolsk with his chosen band Atlasof entered on a career of plunder, 223 Atlasof took this Japanese, whose name was Debne, to the Anaduir. When Peter the Great heard of Debne he requested that he should be brought before him at the earliest possible moment. On January 8, 1702, Debne was presented to the czar, and the two had a long conversation about Japan. Peter ordered that Debne should be instructed in the Russian language and that he should instruct the Russians in Japanese. In 1710 Debne was baptized and took the name of Gabriel. This Debne is, so far as known, the first Japanese in Russia [Russkaya Starina, October, and November, 1891]. 224 In 1700 Surukof was killed as he was making his way to the Anaduir \Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 102, 434]. 102 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC growing more bold and lawless as he proceeded, re- sulting finally in his downfall. 225 The question of finding a safe route to Kamchatka was one that gave the officers at Jakutsk a great deal of worry throughout this early period. The one usually followed was first traced by Kobelef, who was sent to re- lieve Surukof in 1700. He went on deer and dog teams to the upper waters of the Penjinsk, and on small boats down to its mouth and along the sea coast to Pustoi Ostrog, on the Pustaya River. At this point he stole deer from the Koriaks and crossed to the eastern side of the mountains, and from there he went down to the Kamchatka River. 226 By obtaining large leather boats from the Koriaks at the mouth of the Penjinsk, several of the prikaschiks were enabled to go down as far as the Lesnaya River and even farther. 227 The return from Kamchatka was generally begun in winter when the tribute was transported overland from the Lower Kam- chatka Ostrog to the Tigil River. From there it was taken in summer on boats up the Penjinsk Bay and partly up the river, and on deer and dog teams to the Anaduir. 228 After 1707 it became exceedingly difficult and dangerous to enter Kamchatka. The Koriaks were 225 On August 29, he held up and robbed three boats loaded with Chinese goods valued at sixteen thousand, six hundred and twenty rubles. Three days later a report of this deed was sent to the authorities at Jakutsk, Tobolsk, and Moscow. When Atlasof reached Jakutsk, May, 1702, the woewod at that post had instructions from the Sibirski Prikaz to treat Atlasof like any other thief. With several others he was tried, tortured, and committed to prison. He was released in 1706 on condition that he return to Kamchatka, where a strong hand was needed \Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. in, 472]. But when he arrived there the next year he found his prestige gone, the na- tives in insurrection, and the Russians insubordinate. His love of plunder was still strong in him, and the complaints of his victims forced his superiors to remove him from command. 226 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 118, 501-502. 227 — ibid. 228 — Ibid., vol. i, doc. 111, 4.74. KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS 103 determined to keep out the Russians and the latter had to fight their way. 229 This constant fighting was a se- vere drain on the Jakutsk office. Between the years 1707 and 171 1 as many as two hundred eighty-nine men 230 were sent to Kamchatka, and those who were not killed in battle became demoralized more than else- where in Siberia. For two years, 171 1 to 1713, Kam- chatka was terrorized by bands of assassins and robbers, and there were not enough faithful men left in the ser- vice to put them down. One of these was led by Danilo Anziforof and Ivan Kozirefski. They killed the of- ficers in command and plundered the government stores, and planned to establish an independent settle- ment on one of the Kuril Islands. When they had used up their ammunition they dictated terms to the newly arrived prikaschik and entered the service once more. 231 229 A detailed account of one or two of these efforts may be helpful. When in 1707 Peter Chirikof reached the upper Penjinsk on his way to Kamchatka, he found the Koriaks hostile. Peter had to make his own kotshi and in three of these he went down the river followed by the natives who had passed word along announcing his coming. One of his kotshi was wrecked and lost, but with the other two he sailed on and landed on the banks of the river Paren. At this point he was attacked and driven back to Aklanska Ostrog, with a loss of eight killed and twenty wounded. At Aklanska Ostrog he was besieged from September 8 to November 2, when he was rescued by a relieving force from the Anaduir, and to this post he returned. The next year Peter made another attempt, and although he succeeded in shaking off the Koriaks on the west coast he found on the eastern shore of the peninsula the Oliutora Koriaks blocking his passage near the Karaga River. In the fight which took place on July 20, 1709, ten Russians lost their lives, also ammunition and other stores, including two hundred rubles in coin. (There was a rumor at the time that Chirikof pocketed the money and laid the blame on the Koriaks). Four days later the Koriaks came back to the attack, but this time the Russians drove them off and captured five leather boats on which they made haste to reach Kamchatka. Vasili Sevyastanof, who left the An- aduir April 10, 1711, had to fight four battles before he came to Lower Kamchatka on July 29 \Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 117, doc. 118, doc. 119, doc. 125]. 230 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. no, 470. 231 This insurrection deserves some attention. On August 22, 1710, Osip 104 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC The other lawless company had for its leader Constan- tin Kirgizof, an acting-prikaschik. He liberated the Lipin came to Kamchatka to relieve Peter Chirikof. When the two had ar- ranged affairs at Lower Kamchatka they went to Upper Kamchatka to sign up there. Chirikof returned to Lower Kamchatka, taking with him the tri- bute which he planned to transport in the course of the winter to the Tigil so as to have it ready for shipment the following summer. The two men saw much of each other in the course of the winter; and the Christmas holi- days they spent together at the post in Upper Kamchatka. Towards the end of January, 1711, Lipin found it necessary to go to Lower Kamchatka. On January 29, he was waylaid and murdered by men in the government service. Starting with twenty, this company of insurrectionists soon numbered seventy- five men. Danilo Anziforof was chosen leader and Ivan Kozirefski for the office next in importance. Countersigns were given out, and an oath binding all to a common cause was prescribed. Vladimir Atlasof, against whom the conspirators had old scores to settle, was the next victim (February 1). On March 20, the conspirators found Chirikof at Upper Kamchatka and they proceeded to kick him to death. The property of the dead men was divided into seventy-five shares, each consisting of sixty sables, twenty red foxes, two sea otter, and a number of miscellaneous articles. They did not forget the priest, who was given several articles of clothing and fur, a young woman belonging to Atlasof, and two young men, the property of the other two prikaschiks. When this was done the men wrote a letter to the czar, explaining how the three murdered prikaschiks had been plundering him (the czar) and abusing the natives and white men to the detriment of the public treasury, and knowing that the czar disapproved of such lawless acts they, the under- signed, had put an end to such misgovernment. In order to have wherewith to buy ammunition with which to fight the natives they were compelled, they said, to take the ill-gotten gains of the three men. From Upper Kamchatka Danilo led his men across the mountains to Bolshaya River and there estab- lished his headquarters. There was much work for them to do, for during the years 1707, and 1710, the inhabitants of the Bolshaya River killed many of the Russians and destroyed the ostrog. Under Danilo' s leadership the enemy was subdued, the fort rebuilt, and one of the Kuril Islands discovered, which find led them to consider the wisdom of abandoning Kamchatka and forming a new colony on the unclaimed island. Before a conclusion was reached a summons came from Vasili Sevyastanof, the newly arrived prikas- chik, to appear before him and explain their deeds. The whole company marched over to Lower Kamchatka ; and when Vasili saw them he did not have the courage to come out and face them, but sent one of his men to talk to them. The result of the discussion was that the insurrectionists were granted their terms - that they be given ammunition and that they be per- mitted to make up for their crimes by fighting the hostile peoples. It was while engaged in this work on the Avatcha River, about February, 1712, that Danilo with seventeen of his men were killed. Ivan Kozirefski and others went to discover the Kuril Islands in 1713. Three of the party, however, had KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS 105 prisoners and enrolled them in his band and with their assistance he spread havoc far and wide, forcing the natives to abandon their homes and seek shelter in the forests. 232 The hostility of the natives and the viciousness of the servants threw the whole service into disorder. By 1 71 2 there was in Kamchatka five years' tribute, the last shipment having been made in 1706. Sevyastanof decided to abandon the old Anaduir route and try a new one by way of the Oliutora Sea. On June 4, 171 2, he embarked with eighty-four men on a number of small boats and, after leaving the mouth of the Kamchatka River, sailed northwardly. He kept close to the shore and met with no difficulties until he reached the Tum- latski River on July 21. Here the Oliutora Koriaks attacked him, but he managed to drive them off and continue his course to the Oliutora River, where he landed on August 5. 233 A fort was hastily constructed as protection against the pursuing enemy, who was al- ways near enough to make it unsafe to show one's head above the wall. After a long wait, towards the end of which the men were starving, the long expected rein- forcement from the Anaduir came and transported the tribute to the Anaduir. Sevyastanof strongly favored two of the fingers of the left hand cut off and were given a public whipping in addition. Volume one, of Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii has the documents on this case. 232 In 1712, when Sevyastanof left Kamchatka he put in charge of one of the ostrogs Constantin Kirgizof. Kirgizof gathered about him a few choice companions and set about getting even with his enemies. The agent and priest of Lower Kamchatka were his first victims. From Lower Kamchatka he went in other directions killing and burning. When they had tired of this they returned and begged the new prikaschik, Kolesof, to be reinstated and in return they offered to put down the inhabitants of Karaginski Island. Nearly all of the men, after being mutilated, branded, and whipped in public, were put back in service, but Constantin and one other were executed. 233 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 117, 504. 106 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC this new route because of the quiet sea, and the numerous small streams which offered food and daily landings. He also recommended that the fort on the Oliutora should be strengthened and a garrison stationed to guard the boats to be used in coming and going to Kam- chatka. Although all this was done, Kolesof was still afraid to risk a shipment in 1713. Early in the sum- mer of 1714 an active campaign was carried on against the Oliutora Koriaks, and before the summer ended several fights took place in which the natives were beaten. Kolesof was not molested on his way north in 1714, and he was able to reach the new fort, Archangelsk (on the Oliutora River), on August 2/\.. 23i When the men and deer for transportation had arrived from the Ana- duir, Kolesof, on November 20, 235 started north in com- pany of an Anaduir prikaschik who had been collect- ing tribute in this neighborhood. While crossing the ridge of the Talkowa Mountains on December 2, in the midst of a blinding snowstorm, the Yukagirs of the Anaduir fell on the Russians as they were scattered, and murdered a number of them and drove the others to Aklanska Ostrog where they hoped to starve them to death. To the Yukagirs the Koriaks joined themselves, and an invitation was extended to the Chukchi to help in this work of extermination. 236 Nearly one hundred Russians lost their lives in this and subsequent fights which took place during the spring and summer. 237 234 He had with him two years' tribute, consisting of five thousand, six hundred forty-one sables, seven hundred fifty-one red foxes, ten cross foxes, one hundred thirty-seven sea otter, and other valuable stores, among which was a small quantity of gold found in a wrecked Japanese junk. 235 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 29, 92. **« — Ibid., 93. 237 — Ibid., doc. 35, 119. KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS 107 When news of this disaster reached Jakutsk steps were at once taken to regain the lost ground and to re- cover the valuable tribute. Trifonof was ordered to the front with as large a force as could be collected and spared. 238 But Trifonof was totally incompetent and he wasted his time and forces without accomplishing anything of value. He did not appear on the scene of the battle until late in 1716, and after killing a handful of Koriaks in the neighborhood of Aklanska Ostrog, he led his valiant band to winter quarters on the Ana- duir. 239 By the end of 1716 Russia was on the point of losing Kamchatka, partly through her own incompe- tency and partly through the valiancy of her foes. Just then Fortune smiled on her once more and showed her a new way to the peninsula, which came to be known later as the "Okhotsk-Kamchatka Route." The difficulties and dangers of going from the Ana- duir to Kamchatka forced the government to make even greater exertions, than it had so far done, to find an- other way to the peninsula. Since 1710 there had been much talk but little action regarding a passage across the Okhotsk Sea and about discovering new lands in the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. 240 Captain Tatarinof was sent to the Anaduir chiefly with this end in view, but on account of the trouble with the natives he did not 238 The posts on the Indigirka, Koluima, Yana, and one or two others were emptied of men in order to make a large force for Trifonof [Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 35, 82-83]. 239 While Trifonof was making ready to punish the natives, Alexei Petril- ofskoi succeeded in making his way to Kamchatka. In company with one or two other prikaschiks he spent the winter of 1714-1715 on the Oliutora River. During his stay the Koriaks brought into the post bundles of furs which they had taken from the murdered Russians. These packages had the government seal on them, and it was well known where they came from, and yet these officers bought them on their own account as an investment [Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii., doc. 36, 121-122; vol. ii, doc. 59, 257-258]. 240 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 99, 427. 108 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC get an opportunity to enter on his task. 241 In 1714 a company, unusually well equipped, provided with all the necessary tools and materials for ship building, was commissioned to go to Okhotsk and there construct boats and on these cross over to Kamchatka [Lopatka] Cape. 242 After the sad events of the year 1714-1715, it became more urgent than ever to find a water route. Elchin, the woewod of Jakutsk, was called to Moscow for a conference, at which it was decided to fit out a large expedition for the purpose of discovering new lands and putting down the hostile natives in north- eastern and eastern Siberia. In 1716 Elchin, who was made commander of this undertaking, received his in- struction from the governor of Siberia and left Tobolsk accompanied by a competent staff of naval and military officers 243 and a large number of Cossacks, which was to be increased on the way by the addition of two hun- dred men. Early in 171 8 the expedition began to de- part from Jakutsk, but when the leader himself was about to depart more orders came from Tobolsk to re- port there at once to answer charges filed against him. The command of the already disorganized company fell to Captain Abishtof, who died in June, 1719, very soon after reaching Okhotsk. 244 This well planned and very costly expedition ended in failure, owing largely, as usual, to the inefficiency and jealousy of the officers and men. 2,1 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. i, doc. 118, 509. 242 — Ibid., vol. ii, doc. 12, 37. 243 Among them was a Swedish naval lieutenant, Ambiorn Molyk. 244 Supplies and men were scattered all along the road between Jakutsk and Okhotsk and at various points on the coast. Some of the materials did not find their way to the sea until a year or two after Abishtof died and were left on the beach until a flood and a high water carried them off. The ac- count here given of Elchin's expedition is based on a paper by A. Sgibnef in Morskoi Sborn'tk, December, 1868. KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS 109 But of these numerous attempts one was bound by the law of chance to succeed. The company mentioned above, which was sent out in 1714, constructed an open boat, "lodka," and on this a sailor [Treske], a Cossack [Sokolof], and several others ventured into Lama Sea during the summer of 1716 and found the way to Kam- chatka. 243 Molyk, the Swedish officer, who preceded Abishtof and other officers to Okhotsk, arrived there in the summer of 1717, and in the fall of that year he went over to Lower Kamchatka. 246 Late in the summer of the year 171 8 another boat took over to Bolshaya River Vasili Kachanof, returning in the fall of the year 1719 to Okhotsk loaded with Kamchatka tribute. 247 Ivan Chartinof, a member of Elchin's expedition, took a ship from Okhotsk on August 20, 1719, and, after touching on the Itcha River on August 26, dropped anchor in Bolshaya River four days later. 248 Ivan Uwarowski took this same ship back to Okhotsk loaded with tribute in June, 1720; and from this time on the water passage across the Lama Sea became the official route to Kam- chatka. To the Siberians of the early eighteenth century Kamchatka had three distinct peoples on it: on the north and west wandered the Koriaks, along the waters and tributaries of the Kamchatka River dwelt the Kam- chadels, and on the southern part lived the Kurils, and that part of the peninsula was spoken of as the Land of the Kurils. The term "Kuril" was not applied to the 245 A. Sgibnef in Morskoi Sbornik, April, 1869. Slovtsof [p. 243] states that the 1716 boat was sixty feet long and had a twenty-five foot beam. In the first attempt she made the Tigil River and from there sailed back to Okhotsk. In the same year she made another trial and anchored at Chari- yuzovka and from there returned to Okhotsk in July, 1717. 246 A. Sgibnef in Morskoi Sbornik, December, 1868. 247 — Ibid., April, 1869. 248 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 65, 272-275. no RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC islands until nearly the end of the Bering period. Our earliest information of these islands has come through Atlasof, who heard of them from the natives of Kam- chatka. 249 About the year 1705 Vasili Kolesof, at the time prikaschik on the Kamchatka, sent a body of men to the southern part of the peninsula to put down the warlike inhabitants. In the course of their wander- ings they came to Cape Lopatka, whence they had a view of the islands, but having no boats they could not approach them. 250 Five years later a Japanese junk was wrecked on the shores of Kamchatka, and from four of the crew who fell into their hands the Russians obtained a clearer idea as to the relation of these islands to Kamchatka and Japan. 231 At the time of the insur- rection two of these Japanese were taken in charge by Danilo Anziforof, and this probably helps to explain why Danilo and his band went in search of these islands in 171 1. From Lopatka these men paddled in small boats and baidaras to the first island, and after a fight with the inhabitants they succeeded in making a land- ing. 252 After the death of Danilo in 171 2, Ivan Kozirefski and other conspirators, in order to expiate their crimes, offered to go to the Kuril Islands and bring the inhab- itants under subjection. This met with the approval of the officers, who were anxious to carry out the wishes of the czar in the matter of exploration and discovery. Kozirefski was given every possible assistance, fifty Russians, eleven natives, and one of the wrecked Jap- anese to act as pilot and interpreter. Embarking on 249 Chtenia V Imperatorskom Obschestve Istorii I Drevnostei Rossiskick, 1891. 250 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 118, 502-503. 251 — Ibid., vol. i, doc. in. 2M — Ibid., vol. i, doc. 112, 488. ..„-„■ a r h~.yy Aifc. ctytM.*- •/ ' ..../.I. S. ^c»tn„ ,,„,,,} fa/*..., "J" AW,*,, Tllphon * n i»' The So-called Shestakof Map The "Large Country" is located north of Siberia [Delisle Manuscripts, 177-2-2] KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS 113 their small boats they set sail for the islands early in the summer of 17 13. On three of them they made land- ings and brought off articles made of silk and of grass, as well as sabres and other objects made of metal. 253 These evidences were sent to Jakutsk together with a report and chart of the islands. Although only three islands were visited, yet from information obtained from the islanders and the Japanese, Kozirefski traced the whole chain of islands, including Matsmai and the northern part of Japan. 25 * The map which bears Shestakof's name follows very closely Kozirefski's re- port and is probably a copy of his map. 255 Six years after Kozirefski's adventures among the 253 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 14, 46. 254 Morskoi Sbornik (April, 1869, pp. 84-85) has Kozirefski's original re- port. In it he says, "From Lopatka to the first island, Sumchu, one can row in a baidara in two or three hours. On the second island, Purumshir, the inhabitants make cloth out of grass. The third island is Onikutan. On the western side of these islands are three not very large islands. The fourth is Araumakutan. The fifth is Siyaskutan, the sixth is Shikoku to which the Japanese come for metals. The seventh is Motogo, eighth Shashovo, ninth Ushishir, tenth Katui, eleventh Shimushir. The twelfth Iturpu has many people and many rivers at the mouths of which good anchorage may be found. The thirteenth is Urup, the fourteenth Kunashir, and on the fifteenth Matsmai there is a Japanese city. Next to this island is the main island of Japan. In addition to these enumerated islands there are other small islands in different quarters." 255 Partly on account of his Polish descent, and partly because of his hav- ing become a monk, writers have clothed Kozirefski with considerable romance. By 1730 a report was current at Moscow that Kozirefski "touche par les prieres des pauvres de la Colonie, des Invalides, des Viellards, des malades, des blesses," etc., he became a monk and built a monastery where these unfor- tunates could find a home. There is no truth in all this. In Siberia, where he was well known, he was regarded as a thoroughly bad and dangerous man. He was one of the ringleaders in the insurrection of 1711-1712. After his return from the Kurils he brought on his own account several thousand rubles' worth of plunder. Another thief, the Prikaschik Petrilofskoi, the same who bought the stolen furs on the Oliutora, made him disgorge all of it, and in addition forced him to become a monk in 1716 [Morskoi Sbornik, April, 1869]. Ignatius Kozirefski, the monk, was arrested in Kamchatka in 1720 and sent for trial to Jakutsk on the charge of having made seditious speeches in which he declared that it can not be very wrong to kill prikaschiks since ii4 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Kuril Islands, Peter the Great sent two men, Feodor Luzhin and Ivan Yevreinof, on a semi-secret expedition into these same waters." 56 It has been suggested that they were ordered to investigate whether there were precious metals on the Kuril Islands. 257 This is quite possible, especially in view of Kozirefski's statement that on the sixth island the Japanese obtained metals. It would also have been easy for the czar to associate this island with the Gold and Silver Islands of the Spaniards and the Dutch. The instructions of these men, other than the secret ones, read in part: You are to go to Kamchatka and farther, as you have been ordered, and determine whether Asia and America are united ; and go not only north and south but east and west, and put on a chart all that you see. 258 Luzhin and Yevreinof left Russia early in 1719, and from Jakutsk they departed for Kamchatka in the early summer of 1720. Peter was very solicitous about them and tried to keep in touch with their movements. On their return to Jakutsk from Kamchatka the local of- ficers questioned them, but they refused to give any ac- count of their discoveries to others than to the czar. 259 Some years later Muller learned from the navigators who piloted these men that from Okhotsk they sailed to Kamchatka and from there to the Kuril Islands as far as the fifth. They were prevented from going to those who kill czars are quite respectable people and even hold office under the government. It would seem that the case was not pushed against him at Jakutsk. He was asked to build a monastery about eighty versts from the city. Even there he got into trouble and ran away, but he was caught and brought back. A little later he took part in Shestakof's expedition. After failing in that he appeared in Moscow, in 1730, posing as a saint and navi- gator [Delisle Mss.~], 25G Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. ii, doc. 73, 290-291. 257 Muller, Sammlung Russischer Gcschichte, vol. iii, 109-110. 258 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. v, doc. 3266. 259 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, vol. iv, doc. 73, 290-291. KAMCHATKA AND THE KURILS 115 the others on account of the loss of their anchors in a storm." 00 In 1722 or 1723 Luzhin and his companion reported to Peter, but just what passed between them is not known. It was left for a lieutenant of Bering's, Spanberg, to sail among these islands and chart the whole group. 260 Muller. Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 109-110. V. TERRA DEJESO Perhaps no other part of the globe, leaving the Arctic regions out of consideration, remained in such cartographical confusion and uncertainty as the North Pacific Ocean during the seventeenth century and the first half of the eighteenth. It was not altogether from lack of effort on the part of the navigators, for between 1611 and 1643 three important expeditions were sent out for the purpose of discovery, but the results of these voyages were little understood and they rather be- fogged than cleared the geographical atmosphere. One might even say that geography had lost ground: Cali- fornia and Korea are generally represented as penin- sulas in the sixteenth and as islands in the seventeenth century. There was a tendency, too, on the part of certain scholars, to treat geography as a speculative sci- ence. To these men the part of the Pacific not yet explored offered a very attractive field of study. Generally speaking until fifty or sixty years after the discovery of the New World, America was represented on many maps as a large outlying island of Asia not far from Japan, or as a part of the Asiatic mainland. After a time it became evident that the newly found land was a continent and was so indicated on Mun- ster's map ( 1541 ) and on various earlier ones. America occupied a position half way between Europe and Asia and was separated from the latter in the north by a sea or a wide strait. By 1560 America and Asia were drawn closely together in the north, but as yet the strait u8 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC between them had no name. Six years later a name was given to it by Zaltieri ; but what his reasons were for calling it "Anian" 201 are not certain. Mercator employs the term Anian Strait in his famous map of 1569. One year later Ortellius did likewise. Other map makers of this period adopted a more or less sim- ilar view. In summing up one may say that until about 1650 the cartographers represented Asia as separated from Am- erica by a strait of varying width, generally known as Anian, without hinting at any intermediate lands, large or small. 2 '' 2 It is important to bear this in mind in view of what other maps delineate; for from about the mid- dle of the seventeenth century a new body of land makes its appearance, designated as Jeso and by various other names, 203 but all referring more or less to the same object. Not a geographer questioned its existence, and yet no two of them agreed as to its shape and size. When the Europeans came in contact with the Jap- anese they learned of the existence of a body of land, Yeco, north of Nippon. This news was reported to Europe by a Jesuit as early as 1566. 204 The second an- nouncement came through Richard Cocks, the English factor in Japan, who, in a letter to the East India Com- pany, dated November 30, 1613, tells of "an island called Yedzo, which is thought to be rather some part of the continent of Tartaria." 205 In the same year that 261 The term "Anian" has been very learnedly discussed by Dr. Sophus Ruge, in his pamphlet "Fretum Anian." This scholar traces the name back to Marco Polo, who speaks of a Chinese province with a name similar to this one. 262 Visscher's map. 263 Jesso, Eso, Jeco, Iesso, Yesso, Yeso, Yedso, Yeco, Compagnie Land, Gama Land, etc. 264 Recueil de Voyages au Nord (Amsterdam, 1732), vol. iv, 20. 265 Hakluyt Society (London, 1883), vol. ii, 258. Cocks's letter was not TERRA DEJESO 119 Cocks sent his letter, Camillo de Constanzo, a Jesuit, obtained important data regarding Jeso. 200 Two years later Jerome de Angelis sent to the vice-provincial of Japan an account of this land. 207 In European print the name Yezo appeared for the first time in a book published at Munich in i6i9. 208 During the year 1620 the Jesuit Caravaglio went from Japan into Jeso. 269 The year following Father de Angelis crossed over there and on his return made a long report. 270 Al- though, he says, he formerly believed Jeso to be a part of the mainland, after his last investigation he felt quite convinced of its insularity. From this time until their expulsion from Japan the Jesuits had little time to give to the study of Jeso; but other Europeans took it up and carried it on. A baseless rumor that there existed gold and silver islands east of Japan led, at first, the Spaniards, and later the Dutch to undertake voyages of discovery. The story goes that in 1582 or thereabouts, a Spanish ship in going from Manila ran into a storm which drove her helplessly before it. When the storm had ceased the ship found herself some three hundred eighty or ninety Spanish miles east of Japan and in latitude thirty-seven and one-half degrees. 271 On looking around the hearts of the crew were made glad at the sight of an island; and on landing they were greeted hospitably by the published for a long time after it was received and had therefore little influ- ence on cartography. 266 Xeleki, Paul Graf. Atlas zur Geschichte der Kartographic der Jap- anischen Inseln, 106. 267 Recueil de Voyages au Nord, vol. iv, 20. - 6S Teleki, Paul Graf. Atlas, op. cit. 269 Recueil de Voyages au Nord, vol. iv, 20. 270 — Ibid. 271 A good account of Vizcaino's voyage is found in Dr. Oskar Nachod's Ein Unentdecktes Goldland (Tokyo, 1910). 120 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC people. Everywhere they saw gold and silver, even the pots and pans were made of these metals. 272 This story was believed in Spain and Mexico. In 161 1 it was determined to send an expeditioK from Mexico to these islands. Sebastian Vizcaino was or- dered to proceed to Japan and from there to sail in search of the "Rica de Oro" and "Rica de Plata." He arrived in Japan in June, 1611. On October 22, he sailed north along the Japanese coast as far as the for- tieth parallel. He asked many questions of the natives of this region, and they gave him information in regard to Korea, Tartary, and Yeso "island" and its hairy in- habitants. On account of the cold which was more severe than that to which his crew was accustomed, Vizcaino turned back to Japan, arriving there in the last days of December. In the following September he set out once more to find the islands, going first east and then south to the thirty-fourth parallel. But it was all in vain, no gold and silver islands were to be seen. He sailed back to Japan; and this was the last attempt of the Spaniards to find an El Dorado in this part of the world. 273 Although the real object of Vizcaino's voyage was meant to be secret, yet the Dutch in Japan learned of it through the sailors. William Verstegen, an employee of the Dutch East India Company, in 1635 brought the matter to the attention of his superiors at Batavia, who referred it to the Board of Directors at Amsterdam. They ordered that a search be made for these islands east of Japan, and along the coast of northern Japan, Tartary, and Korea. 274 In accordance with these in- 272 Nachod, Ein Unentdecktes Goldland. 273 _ ibid. 274 The directors probably received encouragement from the report which Caron submitted in 1636 (published in 1648) and a map which accompanied TERRA DE JESO 121 structions two of the company's boats in charge of Mathijs Quast and Abel Jans Tasman left Batavia on June 2, 1639. 275 In the course of the summer they sailed north as far as the forty-second parallel and east of Japan six hundred Dutch miles. They discovered the Bonin and other small islands, but failed to locate the "goudrycke eylant." In the meantime scurvy had broken out among the crew and further search had to be given up for the time being. This expedition did not discourage the directors, who said that the failure was due to the poor health of the sailors. They requested that another search should be made and in particular along the northern coast of Japan, Tartary, and Korea. Early in 1643 Comman- deur Maerten Gerritsen Vries, on the flag-ship Castri- cum, and Schipper Hendrick Cornelisz Schaep, on the Breskens, left Batavia to find these islands. On May 19, when off the southern islands of Japan, a storm sep- arated the two ships. 276 Vries continued his investiga- tion alone, sailing northwardly along the Japanese coast, and yet far enough away from it to prevent him from determining scientifically whether Nippon and Jeso were two distinct bodies of land. On June 9, Ainos from Jeso came on board for the first time. Grad- ually sailing northward Vries passed Jeso and came to the Kuril Islands, but owing to the foggy weather he did not know this, and therefore concluded that he was continuously in sight of Jeso. it, on which Japan is joined to Tartaria by "T' Vaste Landt van Iezzo." A copy of this map is doc. 328 of the Kohl Collection. 275 Quast's journal is published in full by Teleki in his atlas. J. E. Heeres in his Journal of Tasman has an excellent brief account of this voyage. 276 "pjjg j our nal of Vries was published for the first time at Amsterdam in 1858, entitled, Reize van Maarten Gerritsz Vries in 1643. It was edited by P. A. Leupe. Siebold also contributed valuable notes and a map. Teleki has a good account of the voyage. 122 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Between June 15 and 20 two of the Kurils were dis- covered. The one nearer Jeso was called State Island and the one east of that Company Land, which Vries believed to be a part of the American coast. 277 From now until about the end of July the Castricum followed various courses, north, west, south, and northwesterly and easterly along the coast of what Vries regarded as Jeso. On July 26, the most northerly point was reached, the southeastern part of Sakhalin Island, and a day of two later Cape Patience was located and named. From here the Castricum sailed southerly, passing between Company Land and State Island, and then southwesterly towards Jeso, where stops were made to take on water and wood and to make inquiries about precious metals. During the month of Septem- ber search was made for the gold and silver islands be- tween the thirty-sixth and thirty-ninth parallels. By the beginning of October the boat was "460 milen buy- ten de O. cust van Japan" and still no islands. This discouraging work determined the officers to give up the search and sail south. On November 9, the Bres- kens hove in sight, and nine days later the two boats anchored at Tywan, Formosa. When the Breskens became separated from the Cas- tricum she sailed a course similar to the flag-ship, dis- covering also State Island and Company Land. She did not, however, come as far north as the Castricum. On account of the thick weather Schaep was equally unable to tell where Jeso ended, so that he came back thinking that Jeso extended indefinitely. It is also claimed that at some time in the first part of the seventeenth century a Portuguese sea captain, Juan de Gama, in going from China to New Spain, discov- 277 Reize, op. cit., ioo. TERRA DE JESO 123 ered a body of land in about the same locality where Vries saw his new lands. The authority for De Gama's voyage and discovery is Joao Texeira, who noted it on his map of 1649. These three reports -that of the Jesuits, Vries, and Texeira- reaching the European public as they did about the same time, completely confused the carto- graphers and offered them an unlimited field for the exercise of their ingenuity. Some made Jeso an is- land, others a continent, still others a part of Asia or America. The published maps on which Jeso appears for the first time are based chiefly on the Jesuit letters, and per- haps to some extent on the charts of the Spanish and Portuguese navigators, though this is not so certain. After the publication of Jansson's map of Japan, in 1650, on which the discoveries of Vries are set forth, the influence of the Dutch becomes more and more pro- nounced and gradually supplants that of the Jesuits. According to Robert Dudley's Arcano del Mare (1647), 278 Yeso is set apart from Tartary by a narrow strait, and its most southwesterly point, just north of Korea, is Tessoy Cape. Going east from this cape twenty-three degrees one comes to the city of Mantzu- may, and from there Yeso stretches forty degrees far- ther in the same direction to Iezo Strait, on the other side of which is America. Beginning with his map of 1652, Nicholas Sanson has left many interesting works in which Jeso is noted. In his first attempt he represented it as a large body of 278 If it is true, as some hold, that there was an edition of the Arcano del Mare published at Florence in 1630, one will have to allow the claim of Kohl that the map in his collection is a copy of that edition, and therefore the first published map having Jeso is Dudley's of 1630. 124 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC land between Asia and America. 279 Any one who should attempt to walk across Jeso from strait to strait, at the rate of eight leagues a day, would have to spend one hundred fifty days in the effort. 280 In some of his other maps Sanson shows a great deal of confusion and uncertainty as to what to do with Jeso. On one map he puts the Insula Atlantis about where Jeso is generally located. 281 Among cartographers who regarded Jeso as a part of America was Pierre Duval. In 1661 he represented east of Asia a Detroit de Jesso and east of that a body of land with the words Amerique Terre de Jesso. Three years later the word "Amerique" is left out on his map, and in its place one may read, "Terre de Prov- ince de Tessoy Jesso." Anian Strait is between Cali- fornia Island and Jesso. So far he seems to have been influenced by Sanson, but in 1684 he turns for guid- ance from his old tutor to the Dutch map makers. 282 Lugtenburg's representation of Terra de Yesso as the home of the lost tribes should be noted here. This map gives the impression that Japan is joined by a nar- row neck of land to Yedso, a part of the Asiatic conti- nent. State (?) Island and Vries Strait are east of it, and east of this strait is a body of land extending to Baffin's Bay. Over this land is written, "Terra de Yesso Het Land van de tien Stammen der Kindern Israels." 283 Fred DeWitt, an Amsterdam map maker, put on his map two Jesos : one, Terra Esonis, as a part of America, 279 L'Asie en plusieurs cartes. 280 Both Dudley and Sanson drew their material from the Jesuit writings. Charlevoix, P. Histoire du Japan, vol. vi, 34. 281 Asia Fetus, 1667. 282 Cartes de Geographie (Paris, 1688). 283 Number 330 in the Kohl Collection. TERRA DE JESO 125 and another, Yedso, as a part of Asia. Allard's map gives a similar idea; and other maps could be named to prove that in the minds of many scholars there exist- ed an American and an Asiatic Jeso. On another interesting map Nippon Island is united on the north by an isthmus to a large body of land termed Terra Yedso. 284 This idea was suggested many years before by Sanson in his small atlas of Asia, where he said, Autres encor disent que ce n'est point un Detroit, mais un Isthme, qui attache le Japon avec le Jesso que l'un et l'autre ne font q'une isle. East of this Nippon-Yedso combination Compagnie Land is indicated, and between that and California stands Terra Esonis. Vander AA has a map which dif- fers but little from this one. 285 P. Coronelli, a scholar greatly honored in France and Venice, pictures, on one of the large globes at the Bibliotheque Nationale, north of Japan Tartarie de Yupi and east of that State Island, followed by "Terra de Iesso, Ieco, Yedco, Esso, et Sesso," and on one corner of this "Terra dei la Campagnia." All this runs along eastwardly until it becomes lost in Nouva Albione. Differing from Coronelli were certain cartographers who believed that Terre de Jesso and Terre de la Cam- pagnie 2S5a were not the same lands. One map has Jesso as a part of Asia and Company Land east of it, stretch- ing out toward America. Guillaume Delisle brings out this point several times. Gerard van Keulen put Anian Strait between California and Het Campagnies 284 Seutter, Matthaus. Atlas Novus. 285 p # Vander AA, Mappemonde. 280a g ee j n t he second paragraph above "Compagnie." Here as in many other cases more than one spelling of a proper noun has been used, showing the confusion in the spelling of such that existed at that time. 126 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Land, which continues indefinitely westward, but is doubtless intended to represent the Spanish discoveries, since it has many Spanish-American names. Jesso is supposed to be on the Asiatic side. Another map bringing out the same conception is a curious mappe- monde in marble at the Bibliotheque Nationale. "T. D'Yeco" is a peninsular body of land in Asia. East of Yeco is an island, probably State, and east of that Terra de la Compagnie is joined to America. The peculiar thing about his mappemonde is that north of "T. D'Yeco" Asia is united with America by an isthmus, so that a boat passing De Vries Strait going northward would enter into a closed sea. Nicholas Witsen, an Amsterdam scholar of great merit whose work on Tartary is even now regarded as an authority, has Terre de Jedso (part of Asia) looking across Vries Strait to a very large Terra de la Com- pagnie which the author says was first seen by Juan de Gama. A geographer whose opinion carried considerable weight in his day was Jean Baptiste Homan of Nurn- berg. On one of his maps he throws out a hint that what Jean De Gama discovered was perhaps the north- west coast of America. On the map in question Cali- fornia has nearly the same form and position it now holds. Northwest of it is Terra Esonis Incognita with this legend underneath: Costa Terrae Borealis in- cognita detecta a Dom Joanne de Gama Navigante ex China Nov am Hispaniam. Guillaume Delisle changed his views several times in regard to Jeso. One of these is especially interest- ing. In a memoir which he read before the Paris Academy in 1720, he advanced an opinion that Jeso was a part of Asia and Japan a peninsula of it [Jeso], and TERRA DE JESO 127 that this Japan-Jeso land came within five degrees of California. 286 Such were the confused ideas of the Europeans. Those of the Asiatics were somewhat more clear. Mar- tini ( 1614-1661 ) , a Jesuit who had spent many years in China, discusses the question of Yeco in his atlas. He says: Many people are in doubt whether Jesso (Chinese call it Yeco) is an island. To the Chinese it is a part of Tartary and sep- arated by a narrow strait from the island of Japan. Person- ally I express no opinion but refer the reader to the cartes of Japan in my atlas which cartes I brought from China. On one of the maps referred to Yeco is marked as a small island, and on another Eso is noted but without definite shape and probably intended for the mainland. What little evidence we have goes to show that the Japanese, at least those in the north, believed Jeso to be an island. 287 Kaempfer tells us that the Japanese re- ferred to all the land north of them as Yesso, having in mind both islands and mainland. To the island or is- lands they applied the term Yesogasima [Yeso-Island], and to the continental land north of Yesogasima they gave the name Oku-Yeso [Upper- Yeso]. It can not be said, however, that the Japanese had any very well defined ideas as to Oku-Yeso, notwithstanding that sev- eral expeditions had been sent out by the government to obtain information. One of these sailed in 1684. Another a few years later claimed to have discovered a large continent, supposedly America, between the for- tieth and fiftieth degrees of latitude. That these and 286 This idea that Japan was a part of the Asiatic mainland was not or- iginal with Delisle. In 1702 a Japanese, who had been wrecked in Kam- chatka some years before, was brought to Moscow. He told Peter the Great that one could go from Japan to China either by land or by sea [Russkaya Starina, October, 1891]. 287 Reize, op cit., 174. 128 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC other Japanese touched somewhere on Kamchatka is quite possible. 288 As to their having been in America the Asiatic junks found on the northwest coast are very strong evidence of its likelihood. Kaempfer quotes from Japanese maps and books to the effect that Oku-Yeso is a large continent which extends out from the great Tartary, and extends itself behind the island of Yeso- gasima, reaching about fifteen degrees of longitude further east than the eastern coast of Japan. A large space is left empty between it and the neighboring America. 289 As soon as the existence and position of Kamchatka became known cartographers concluded that the Oku- Yeso of Japan was the same as Russian Kamchatka. Strahlenberg, a Swedish officer in Siberian exile, writes of Kamchatka, "sonsten Terra de Jedso benennt." 290 In Kaempfer's works a map is inserted, based on one which the author brought from Japan, representing Kamchatka and Terra de Iesso as the same land. Bel- lin draws north of Nippon the island of Matsmay (an other name for Jeso Island) and north of that he locates Kamchatka, "que les Japonois appellent Terre de Je- so" 291 Other geographers also fell in with this easy explanation which seemed to clear up some of the con- fusion. But a reaction was not long in coming. That Jeso is an island all agreed; but what is Oku-Yeso, or Terre de Jeso? Is it Kamchatka? To the thoughtful scholar the subject became exceedingly perplexing, and we do not wonder that D'Anville complained that Terre de Jeco "m 'avoir mis a une espece de torture" Here 288 Both Atlasof and Bering found shipwrecked Japanese in Kamchatka. 289 Kaempfer (Scheuchzer's original edition), vol. i, 67-68. 290 Strahlenberg (Stockholm, 1730), vol. ii. 291 In Charlevoix's Japan, edition 1736. 292 Lettre de M. D'Anville au R. P. Castel, 1737, vol. ii. On the map he TERRA DE JESO 129 was the trouble: Bering's report of his first voyage placed the southern point of Kamchatka ten minutes north of the fifty-first parallel; Vries saw Jeso in lati- tude forty-nine when he turned back. If Kamchatka is Terra de Jeso and ends where Bering said, what did Vries see? Kozirefski, a Russian, sailed among the Kuril Islands where Vries said he saw a continuous body of land. These questions came up between the years 1730 and 1740. Geographers tried hard to bring order out of this puzzling situation. A map of the Sansons of about this time stretches Kamchatka almost to Japan, and on the southern part of the peninsula are these words, "les Kurilski qu'on croit Colonie du Japan sous le nom Terre Jeso." East of this are State Island and Company Land. D'Anville, in 1737, decided that Kamchatka was not Jeso and frankly acknowledged his inability to throw light on the subject. 293 Bellin, who in 1737, strongly defended the stand he took regarding the identity of Kamchatka and Terre de Jeso, regretted his words a few years later, 29 * and like D'Anville pleaded ignorance. Kaempfer settled to the satisfaction of all the insular- ity of Jeso, but he brought Oku-Yeso into the discus- sion and thus made two problems to solve in place of one. The geographers attempted to account for two Jesos where the Jesuits and Vries claimed but one, and by so doing they became badly confused. has a Jeco Island, the southern point of which he calls Matsmay. North of Jeco is State Island, Company Land, a vacant space, a few scattered rocks or islets south of Kamchatka, on the end of which is the word "Kurilski." 293 Lettre de M. D'Anville au R. P. Castel, 1737, vol. ii. 294 On the map which he made to go with Charlevoix's Japan, edition 1754, he has Matsmay (Jeso) Island and above it a larger island named Terre de Jeso, on the western portion of which is written: "Toute cette partie est inconnue." From there on northward one may note State Island, Company Land, and other islands, all the way to Kamchatka. 130 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Guillaume Delisle sums up very excellently the geo- graphical situation in the North Pacific in 1720. 295 He says that nothing was definitely known of the regions north of Mendocino Cape or at most Cape Blanco. As to the Asiatic side one could not speak with certainty of any point north of the southern part of Tartary and Nagasaki. Knowledge of northern Asia stopped with Nova Zemlya, and it was even a question whether that body of land were an island or a part of the mainland. If one were then to draw a line from Nova Zemlya to, say, Shanghai he would divide known from unknown Asia just as Cape Mendocino separates known from un- known America. All these vexing questions were finally and conclu- sively settled, not by the cartographers, but by the navi- gators. The two Kamchatka expeditions sent out by Russia located scientifically the lands of these regions 295 Memoir de V Academie, 1720. The three Delisle brothers were quite prominent in Russian geographical affairs during the first half of the eight- eenth century. In order not to confuse them, as is often done, a brief sketch of each follows here. Guillaume (1675-1726), the oldest and best known, was regarded as one of the ablest geographers of his day. After 1718 he held in France the title of premier geograph du roi. Peter had an interview with him when that monarch visited Paris, and it is supposed that Delisle was in some way responsible for the sending out of the Bering expedition. Joseph Nicholas Delisle (1688-1768) was a well known astronomer. At the invitation of Peter and Catherine he came to St. Petersburg in 1725. He remained in Russia busily engaged in astronomical and geographical prob- lems until 1747. It was he who drew up the chart for Bering's second voy- age. Delisle's memoir of 1750 on the Russian discoveries made him many enemies at St. Petersburg. Louis Delisle de la Croyere (half brother to the other two men) became the pride of the family only after his death. A part of his life he spent on the frontier of Canada, leading an irregular life and writing to his father for money with which to pay his debts [Delisle Mss., no. xvi, 121]. Nicholas found Louis a position at the Russian capital, and from there he went with the Bering party as one of the scientists. He was on Chirikof's boat on the voyage to America and died on his return in 1741. TERRA DE JESO 131 and gave them their proper shape and size. Alaska takes the place of Terra de Jeso on the maps; Company Land, State Island, and Gama Land are three of the Kuril Islands, but on some charts they still retain their old names. VI. BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION Luzhin and Yevreinof carried out neither the secret nor the public instructions of the czar. But the matter did not end here; for soon after their return Peter set on foot another expedition to determine whether Asia and America are united. 296 He himself drew up the - 96 The question has often been raised why did Peter send out this costly expedition? who influenced him? was it Guillaume Delisle? was it the French, Dutch, or Russian Academy? There is an eagerness to lay the blame or praise on some one individual or organization. Peter was not easily influenced; he had ideas of his own but he never turned away good council and if it fitted in with his views he put it into action. The best answer to all the above queries may be found in Peter's own words as they have been handed down to us by Nartof who was almost in constant attendance on the Emperor during his last days. Nartof's accounts have been edited by Maikof and published by the Academy of Sciences, under the title, Razskazi Nartova O Petre Velikom (St. Petersburg, 1891). That which follows is a free but accurate translation of Nartof's narrative (page 99) : "In the beginning of January 1725, Peter was realizing that he had not long to live, yet his unconquerable spirit was busily at work for the good of his country. With his own hand he drew up the instructions relative to the Kamchatka Expedition which should determine the relations between Asia and America. He also selected the officers for this work -Vitus Bering, Martin Spangenberg [this was the usual way of writing it at this period] and Alexei Chirikof. "I was then almost constantly with the Emperor and saw with my own eyes how eager His Majesty was to get the expedition under way, as it were, con- scious that his end was near. When all had been arranged he seemed pleased and content. Calling the general-admiral [Count Apraxin] to him he said, 'Bad health has obliged me to remain at home. Recently I have beeen think- ing over a matter which has been on my mind for many years but other affairs have prevented me from carrying it out. I have reference to the finding a passage to China and India through the Arctic Sea. On the map before me there is indicated such a passage bearing the name of Anian. There must be some reason for that. In my last travels I discussed the subject with learned men and they were of the opinion that such a passage could be found. Now that the country is in no danger from enemies we should strive to win for her glory along the lines of the Arts and Sciences. In seeking such a passage 134 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC instructions, on December 23, 1724, but did not sign them until January 26, 1725. 29? For brevity and com- prehensiveness the document may serve as a model: I. To build in Kamchatka or in some other place one or two decked boats. II. To sail on these boats along the shore which runs to the north and which (since its limits are unknown) seems to be a part of the American coast. III. To determine where it joins with America. To sail to some settlement under European jurisdiction, and if a European ship should be met with learn from her the name of the coast and take it down in writing, make a landing, obtain detailed in- formation, draw a chart and bring it here. 298 About a month after signing these instructions the great czar died; but his plans were carried on by the empress. Before his death he chose Bering 299 to carry out the projected work. Vitus Bering was born in Denmark in 1681. Since 1704 he had been connected with the Russian navy, and on various occasions distin- guished himself by his bravery and excellent seaman- ship. On account of these qualities, also because of his experience in the waters of the East and West Indies, he was recommended by Vice-admiral Sivers and Con- treadmiral Sinyavin. 300 For lieutenants Bering had given him Martin Spanberg, a Dane, and Alexei Chir- who knows but perhaps we may be more successful than the Dutch and English who have made many such attempts along the American coast. I have writ- ten out these instructions and on account of my health, I entrust the execution of them, point by point, to you, Fedor Matveevich.' " 297 Zapiski Hydrografic/ieskavo Departamenta, vol. vii, 537. 298 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 67-70. 299 In the Lettre d'un Officier, etc., 13, it is said that the naval officers were notified of the expedition and volunteers were called for. Among those who offered themselves was Bering. 300 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 642-644. See also Dela Chranjas-Chijasa V. Admiralteistvo-Kollegi, 1724, doc. 29, p. 129-130. This document deals with the selection of officers and has comments on it in Peter's handwriting. BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION 135 ikof, a Russian. A number of minor officers were taken from the capital, while many others were selected on the way. 301 The vanguard, consisting of twenty-five men, left St. Petersburg, January 24, 1725, but Bering, Spanberg, and several others did not get away before February 5. Nine days later the two divisions united and proceeded together as far as Tobolsk where they arrived March 16. 302 On May 15, they left this place and sailed down the Irtysh River. From the confluence of the Irtysh and the Ob, they followed the banks of the latter to Narim and from there they went up the Ketya to Ma- kofska Fort and landed July 19. 303 From this point the material was portaged across seventy versts 304 to the Yenisei. Boats were in readiness for them and they all went on board and moved slowly and with difficulty up the Yenisei, Tunguska, and Ilima Rivers. Ilimsk was reached September 29, and the boats tied up there for the winter. Bering would have liked to advance still farther that season, but he could not do so because there was no possibility of his reaching Jakutsk before the cold set in, neither was there a suitable place along the road where comfortable quarters could be obtained. 305 On the Uskuyt there were, however, enough accommo- dations for a small party, and these were assigned to soi Two pilots, George Morison and Richard Ensel, one midshipman, Peter Chaplin, one geodist, Gregory Polutof, one surgeon, William Bustofski, one clerk, Peter Turchinof, one quartermaster, Ivan Borisof, one shipmaster, Ivan Koslof, thirteen sailors, four carpenters, three mechanics, and three appren- tices were taken from St. Petersburg. The priest, Ilarion Trusof, the com- missary, Ivan Durasof, the geodist, Feodor Luzhin, the navigator, Kondrati Moshkof, Ivan Shestakof, twenty-four soldiers, and several mechanics were commissioned on the way. 302 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheska'vo Dcpo, part x, 67-70. 303 _ Hid. 304 a verst contains about three thousand, five hundred feet. 305 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 67-70. 136 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Spanberg and thirty men. 306 In the course of the win- ter they built fourteen lodkas and eighteen good sized barges. Bering, during that time learned all he could about the country he was to pass through from men who had been there. Before the winter was quite over the commander led his men to assist Spanberg's on the Us- kuyt, and the two gangs joined in the preparations for the descent of the Lena. On May 5, they got away and, after enduring many hardships, arrived at Jatusk in de- tachments between June 1 and 16. This was an im- portant station because it was to supply the greater part of the necessary material and the horses for transporta- tion to Okhotsk. 307 Although the distance between Jakutsk and Okhotsk is comparatively short (one thousand versts) , it was the hardest and most dreaded part of the march. Bering found it necessary to divide his force into three parties: the leadership of one he gave to Chirikof of the second to Spanberg, and the third he took. The division un- der him he split into three sections. The one he com- manded contained a large number of men and about two hundred horses, each loaded with five puds (one hundred eighty pounds) of flour, and arrived at Ok- hotsk October 1, having been forty-five days on the way. 308 Not so fortunate were the two other sections, and they endured many hardships before they joined Bering. About the middle of August (earlier than usual) the cold set in, causing a great deal of suffering so that many horses perished on the way, and those that reached their destination died from starvation, because it was too late to provide food for them. At Okhotsk 306 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheska'vo Depo, part x, 67-70. 307 Ignatius Kozirefski was here at this time and from him Bering learned much about the navigation of the Okhotsk Sea and the waters of Kamchatka. 308 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheska'vo Depo, part x, 71-72. BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION 137 Bering found a few huts about three miles from the mouth of the river. He at once put his men to work building warehouses and living quarters for the winter. But this was no easy task; for, the horses being dead, the material had to be carried on the backs of the men long distances, even ten versts. In addition to this work fish had to be caught and salt manufactured for preserving the meat from the cattle which came in but could not be kept until spring because of lack of food for them. This hard work made the men restless and mutinous. The company under Spanberg was the greatest suf- ferer. On July 7 it left Jakutsk in thirteen boats (two others followed a little later), on which were two hun- dred four men and the more important and heavy ma- terials and provisions. In sending them by this land and water route and not overland, the way he went, Bering believed it possible to go down the Lena, up the Aldan and Maja to Udoma Cross, and from there over to the Urak and down to Okhotsk. If the season had not been an unusual one and Spanberg had not been late in starting, this plan might have succeeded. But when Spanberg came to the mouth of the Gorbea Riv- er, about four hundred and fifty versts from his objec- tive point, it became so cold that the boats froze fast. 309 The leader decided to transport the more needed ma- terials overland, and for this purpose he made during the first part of November one hundred hand sleds, to which he and his men harnessed themselves. Owing to the cold and hunger the progress was slow: one party drawing forty sleds struggled on to the Povorotnoi Riv- er and gave up; another, half as large, plodded on through the snow to the Talkova River and stopped; 309 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 71-72. 138 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC and the third, led by Spanberg, pushed on and made Udoma Cross by the middle of December, and in the first days of January, 1727 310 reached Okhotsk with the assistance of Bering, who sent out his men and natives with sleds to help them. 311 Spanberg and his men suf- fered severely. Everything that came in their way was used as food: they chewed leather as long as their boot- tops held out, and considered themselves extremely for- tunate to find the carcasses of Bering's horses that had dropped dead along the trail. 312 A few of the men deserted and went back to Jakutsk. Two of them died as a result of their hardships, on February 2 and Luzhin on March 1 1. Ship carpenters had preceded Bering to Okhotsk, and these men had made such excellent progress in the construction of a boat that with the help of Bering it was possible to complete her during the winter and spring. On June 8, 1727, she was launched and named the Fortune. Twenty-two days later Spanberg sailed in her to Bolshaya River, Kamchatka, with orders to discharge the cargo and to send the ship builders he had on board across to Kamchatka River to begin the 310 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 71-72. 311 When Bering ordered his men to go to the relief of Spanberg's party they refused, at first, saving that they were already overworked, and that they had as yet received no pay. Bering replied that the authorities at Jakutsk and not he were to blame for their being unpaid. The men had to give in. Ninety of them, under the command of Spanberg, left Okhotsk with seventy- six dog teams on February 14. They suffered so much on the way that a number of them died from the effects of it, others deserted and disappeared, and still others went to Jakutsk to bring charges against Bering. The more faithful persevered and returned with loads in April, but this was such a small part of what was to be brought that it was necessary to send another detachment of men that same month. Even then a great part of the stores had to be left behind until later, when horses could be procured. Some of the material, however, was sent back to Jakutsk because it could not be trans- ported to Okhotsk in time to be of service to Bering. 312 Zapiski Woenno-Topografichcskavo Depo, part x, 71-72. BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION 139 construction of a new boat. 313 On July 3 Chirikof came in, bringing two thousand, three hundred puds of flour 314 on pack horses and at least fifty steers. 315 There was at this time in port the Lodiya, a boat con- structed in 1720 for the use of the tribute gatherers. 316 This vessel was placed at the service of Bering, who overhauled, repaired, and launched her on August 4. 317 Seventeen days later the two ships, the Fortune having returned in the meantime, set sail for Kamchatka, 318 Bering and Spanberg being on board the Fortune and Chirikof on the Lodiya. Fair winds followed them nearly all the way so that they were able to enter the mouth of the Bolshaya River September i. 319 From the anchorage in Bolshaya River to the bank was a stretch of three miles of shallow water, making it necessary to discharge the cargo into small boats, 320 a long and tedious task which took up the whole of Sep- tember. From here to Lower Kamchatka the distance was nearly nine hundred versts by way of the Bistraya River to its head, and from there by portage to the Kamchatka River and down that stream to the fort. 313 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 72-73. 314 _ m^ 315 Delis le Manuscripts, no. xxv, 5. Chirikof wintered at Jakutsk and started in the spring. Nothing is said of his march and this leads one to be- lieve that he suffered little. 316 Otchestvenniya Zapiski, vol. lxxv, 15. 317 While the men were loading her there suddenly appeared large flocks of ducks. All hands were sent to hunt and in a few days as many as five thousand birds were killed. 318 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 72-73. 319 The question arises why did not Bering go directly to his headquarters in eastern Kamchatka instead of anchoring on the western side of the penin- sula and transporting his materials overland? Bering justified his action to Count Apraxin by saying that he chose the harder course for fear an accident might happen if he came all the way by water [Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta~\. 320 Zapiski JVoenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 72-73. 140 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Several days after landing Spanberg and a force of men in thirty small boats attempted to follow up the course just indicated. When they had gone a short distance it became evident that they could never transport their materials that way, the stream was too swift and too dangerous for the boats which were being caught in the current and capsized. It was therefore decided to land the cargo and transport as much of it as possible to Lower Kamchatka on sledges during the winter, and to float the remainder down the Kamchatka River in the spring. 321 Those who did not go with Spanberg spent their time at Bolsheretzk Ostrog in hunting, fishing, drilling, and in making ready for crossing the mountains. On Jan- uary 4, 1728, a party with seventy-eight loaded sledges left the fort and ten days later Bering followed with another party. By slow marches the various sections succeeded in straggling into lower Kamchatka between March 1 1 and May 20. With the coming of Bering work on the new boat, the keel of which was laid April 4 s22 and measured sixty by twenty by seven and a half feet, was pushed with vigor. On June 8, she was launched and chris- tened St. Gabriel; but another month passed before she was ready for sea. 323 On July 13, the Gabriel pulled up the anchor and headed out of the harbor. She had on board forty- four men, including officers and crew; 324 and she was 321 In Kamchatka, as in other parts of Siberia, the natives were made to do a great deal of the hard work. They were often taken from their occupa- tion when they could least afford the time. 322 Zapiski JVoenno-Topograficheska'uo Depo, part x, 72-73. 323 One of the delays was caused by the lack of tar which had to be manu- factured on the spot. 324 Captain Bering, Lieutenants Spanberg and Chirikof, one midshipman, one surgeon, one quartermaster, one navigator, eight sailors, one desyatnik, BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION 141 provisioned for a year with as good food as is carried by any modern deep water sailing ship. 325 On the first day the boat came as far as the mouth of the river, and on the second she stood out to sea in a southerly direc- tion in order to clear the cape, after which the course was changed to northerly. During July 15, the weath- er was clear but calm, and by midnight eighteen miles had been sailed. A fresh southwest breeze blew on the sixteenth, pushing the boat along at the rate of six and a half knots an hour. Towards evening it calmed down, however. Foggy, drizzly weather generally pre- vailed on the seventeenth, now and then clearing and allowing a view of the snow-covered mountains in the west. It was almost dead calm during the next twen- ty-four hours, so that only eight miles were sailed, to fifty-seven degrees, thirty-nine minutes. To keep clear of Urinski Cape the course was shifted to south-south- east and east-southeast. On account of the calm of the succeeding day the boat advanced only about twenty miles; but on the twentieth and twenty-first, keeping a northeast by north course, one hundred ninety-two miles were sailed. One hundred miles more were added on the twenty-second, bringing the Gabriel to sixty de- grees, sixteen minutes. Fair progress was made on the twenty-third. Land was in sight nearly all this time, the course being almost parallel to the shore. It was warm and pleasant on the twenty-fourth, and the ship drifted so near the land that it was necessary to one apprentice, one drummer, one sail maker, nine soldiers, one rope maker, five carpenters, two Cossacks, two interpreters, and six servants [Zapiski IVoenno-Topograficheshavo Depo, part x, 74]. 325 Among the articles of food there were salted beef and venison, fish and fish oil, liquor distilled from sweet grass. On the way fresh meat was bought from the Chukchi. One can judge the quality and quantity of food on board by the fact that there is no case of sickness reported [Zapiski JVoenno-Topo- graficheskavo Depo, part x, 74]. 142 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC keep her off. Very little headway is recorded for the next two days. Cape St. Thaddeus was sighted on the twenty-seventh, and to double it the course was changed to southeast by east. Rain and fog enveloped the boat nearly the whole of the twenty-eighth, forcing her to keep about fifteen miles from shore. On the thirtieth, when within a mile or so from shore, Bering ordered to let go the anchor and sent Chaplin ashore to find fresh water and anchorage. He returned without hav- ing found either. An advance of eighty-five miles in a northeast direction is recorded for the thirty-first. August came in with fog, rain, and wind. Under these conditions Bering steered for the open sea, but when on the following morning he found himself six- teen miles from shore he headed back for land, and in tacking up and down he sighted a bay which he named Holy Cross. Two days were spent in this place look- ing in vain for fresh water and good anchorage. Stand- ing out to sea on August 4, the Gabriel sailed a course parallel to the coast, which runs here in an east-south- east direction. The same course was kept on the fifth and sixth. At the close of the last mentioned day the lookout sighted another bay, which was christened Transfiguration. Early the following morning Chap- lin went ashore. He returned with twenty-two bar- rels of mountain stream water and reported that he had come across a hut showing signs of recent habitation but no inmates were to be seen. When the water had been taken on board the Gabriel went out to sea. About seven o'clock in the morning of August 8 a small boat holding eight men was seen approaching, and when near enough the Koriaks en- gaged the newcomers in conversation. They said that they were Chukchi, and in turn inquired whence and BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION 143 why the white men came. Bering's invitation to come on board was debated for a time, finally one man got into the water and swam to the boat with the aid of inflated bladders. This man told the Koriak inter- preters that the Chukchi inhabited the neighboring shores, and that they long since heard of the Russians. 326 In answer to the question as to the position of the Ana- duir he pointed to the west. He said also that Their land forms two bays and turns to the mouth of the river Koluima, that the sea was all about them and large sand banks, and that the sea into which the Koluima falls always has ice in it. That they had heard of the Russians through their rela- tives, who go sometimes to Koluima on their deer sleds but never by water. That there was an island in the sea on which live some of our people, but knew of no other islands or lands. 327 Bering gave this Chukchi presents and with these he floated back to his own boat. From the Gabriel it appeared as if he were attempting to persuade his com- rades to go on board, but this they would not do. Continuing on their northerly course, the explorers rounded Chukotski Cape. The observation on the ninth indicated sixty-four degrees, ten minutes. Ow- ing to light winds little progress was made during the two days succeeding. On the afternoon of the eleventh as island loomed up, to which Bering gave the name St. Lawrence. Chaplin was ordered ashore to see if he could find people, but he was unsuccessful, although he did see huts. Head winds and drizzly weather pre- vented the boat from sailing more than two-thirds of a degree during the whole day of the twelfth. The wind shifted to fair on the thirteenth, taking the Gabriel ninety-four miles north, to about sixty-five degrees, thirty minutes. In the course of the afternoon Bering 828 Zapiski IFoenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 74. 327 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. vii, 549-550. i 4 4 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC summoned his officers to consult as to what should be done. He said to them: Since we have come to latitude sixty-five degrees, thirty minutes north, and, according to my opinion and the statements of the Chukchi, we have reached and passed the most easterly point of their land, the question is now, shall we go farther north? If so, how far? When should we begin to look for harbors? Where does it seem best - looking at it from the point of view of best serving our country — to go for the winter in order to protect men and boat ? 328 The officers were divided in opinion. Spanberg, the senior officer, said: Having come as far north as we have, and since on the Chukchi coast there are no harbors, nor wood ... so that we could preserve ourselves in such winter weather as we have in this region; and since these natives are not peaceful ... I suggest that after we have gone on the course we are on until the sixteenth of this month, and if by that time we are not able to reach sixty-six degrees, we should then in God's name turn about and betimes seek shelter and harbor on the Kamchatka River whence we came, in order to save men and boat. Chirikof made this argument: As we have no positive information as to the degree north lati- tude Europeans have ever reached in the Arctic Ocean on the Asiatic side we can not know with certainty whether America is really separated from Asia unless we touch at the mouth of the Koluima, or at least the ice, because it is well known that there is always drift ice in the Arctic Ocean. Therefore it seems to me that according to your instructions we ought to sail without questioning — unless we are hindered by the ice, or the coast turns to the west— to the mouth of the Koluima, as your instructions demand [a place under European jurisdiction]. But should the land continue still farther to the north, it would be necessary on the twenty-fifth of this month to look for winter quarters in this neighborhood, and above all opposite Chukotski Cape, where, according to the accounts of the Chukchi through 358 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. vii, 551-552. BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION 145 Peter Tartarinof, there is a forest. And if up to that time winds are contrary, then look there by all means for a place to winter. 329 Chirikof's advice was rejected and Spanberg's ac- cepted. Until the sixteenth the same northerly course was held. About three o'clock of that afternoon, when in latitude sixty-seven, eighteen minutes, longitude one hundred ninety-three degrees, seven minutes east from Greenwich, the order was given to put about and set course for Kamchatka. With the wind at the ship's back, good progress was made the rest of that day. On the next morning the island of St. Diomede was discov- ered and named. A heavy atmosphere hid the Amer- ican shore, otherwise the Russians would probably have noticed it. With the breeze aft the Gabriel succeeded in coming in sight of St. Lawrence Island on the eigh- teenth. Chukotski Cape was passed on the nineteenth but owing to the thick weather was not seen. From about midnight of the twentieth until eight in the morn- ing the Gabriel lay to on account of the calm and heavy fog. During the twenty-first four native boats with about forty Chukchi drew near. They were more cour- ageous than their brothers who visited the boat before, and came on board and entered into conversation with the interpreters, whom they told that they had long since heard of the Russians. One of them said that he had been at the Anaduir fort. Among other things the Chukchi told their questioners that all along the coast lived Chukchi, that their friends went to the Koluima "on deer and never by sea." Before departing they traded off deer meat, fish, fresh water, red and blue fox skins, and four walrus tusks for needles and like ob- jects. 330 329 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. vii, 551-552. 330 Zapiski JVoenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 74. 146 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Transfiguration Bay came in sight on the twenty-first and St. Thaddeus Mountain one day later. From this day to the twenty-fifth there was a calm, then followed a fair breeze which blew to the end of the month. So far the voyage had been uneventful, without danger or excitement, but on the last day of August the St. Gabriel came very near being lost. The boat was close to the shore when the sails gave away, probably due to an un- expected wind-puff from the mountains. The rigging got tangled up, and the vessel became so unmanageable that it was necessary to drop the anchor to keep her off the rocks. It took nearly a whole day to repair the damages. On September i a new start was made, and without any more accidents the mouth of the Kamchat- ka River was reached the next day; but it was not be- fore the seventh that the anchor was dropped higher up the stream and all hands went ashore. During the long winter Bering talked with the old residents of Kamchatka, who told him that they be- lieved in the existence of a body of land close to Kam- chatka. To prove their statement they said that in 171 5 there was a man in Kamchatka who claimed that his home was east of the peninsula, and that some years previous he and some others of his people had been taken prisoners on the island of Karaginski where they were hunting. He said also that where he came from there were forests and rivers that flowed into the Kam- chatka Sea; and that they used skin boats similar to those in Kamchatka. This, and other evidence col- lected there, added to his own observations, which he later embodied in a report, determined Bering to in- vestigate the matter more fully. Early in the spring, 1729, the boats were put in condi- tion for the return to Okhotsk and the search for the land BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION 147 mentioned above. 331 On June 6, the Gabriel got under sail and moved along steadily with a light breeze on this and the next day, reaching north latitude fifty-five degrees, thirty-seven minutes and distant from Kam- chatka two degrees, twenty-one minutes. The course steered, east by south, was the one on which Bering ex- pected to find land. A north-northwest wind blew on the eighth, driving the boat into latitude fifty-five de- grees, thirty-two minutes, and from the port of sailing four degrees, seven minutes. There was a heavy breeze on the ninth: the first part of the day the boat sailed east-southeast, but later in the day Bering giving up hope of finding land, put about and went on a south- southwest course. 332 If he had gone a little farther he would have come to the island where he later found his grave and which now bears his name. On account of variable winds the Gabriel did not enter Bolshaya River until July 3. Taking on the re- mainder of his crew, Bering sailed away for Okhotsk July 14, and ten days later reached that port. From here he went to St. Petersburg, following the usual route, partly by land and partly by water, and after some hardships reached that city on March 1, 1730. 333 In the time of Bering and since then the question has been whether this expedition accomplished what it set out to do ; whether it clearly demonstrated that America and Asia were separated by water? Notwithstanding Bering's affirmations, many of the leading men at the capital said that it did not 334 and did not hesitate to tell 331 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 75. 332 J. N. Delisle in his Memoir of 1750 [p. 5] states that Bering told him that he saws signs of land between the parallels of fifty and sixty; and in this locality Delisle placed a body of land on his map (1750). 333 Zapiski W 'oenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 75. 334 Gmelin, Voyage en Sibirie: "L'Amiraute crut avoir des raisons im- portantes pour regarder la decision comme en quelque facon douteuse." 148 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Bering so in very positive language just before he went on his second expedition. That Bering himself was con- vinced that he had done his duty and had obeyed his orders there is no doubt. In his report to the empress he says: On the fifteenth 335 of August we came to latitude fifty-seven degrees, eighteen minutes, and I concluded that according to all indications the instruction of the emperor of glorious and im- mortal memory had been carried out. I based my conclusion on the fact that there was no more land to the north, nor did any land join the Chukchi or East Capes, and so I turned back. Had I gone farther and met with head winds it would have been impossible to return that summer; and to winter in these regions was out of the question, because there are no forests, and the people are not under Russian jurisdiction but do as they please. 336 Even before going to sea Bering believed that the two continents were not united. When at Yeniseisk he saw the hardships and expense of transporting all his materials across the continent, he proposed to solve the problem before him by going to Kamchatka by way of the Koluima: If it were decided to go from the mouth of the Koluima to the Anaduir, where it is quite possible to go, as the new maps of Asia indicate and it is said that formerly such has been done, then this expedition might be accomplished with less expense. 337 Bering did not appreciate sufficiently the fact that his was a scientific expedition, and that his arguments need- ed scientific demonstration. It was hardly worth while to send him to Kamchatka to bring back the opinions of the Chukchi and hunters. Since he accepted their 335 According to the log book, which reckoned time from noon, it was August i6, but in the ordinary way of computing time it was the afternoon of August 15. 336 Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo, part x, 74. 337 Zapiski Hydrografichcskavo Departamenta, vol. vii, 548. BERING'S FIRST EXPEDITION 149 views on one point why did he reject them on another and fail to look for land opposite Chukotski Cape? Why this great hurry to get away? Navigation in these waters was open for at least six weeks more. Captain Cook sailed on until he was blocked by ice. Bering could have done as much. If he was willing to go from the Koluima to the Anaduir, why was he not equally willing to go from the Anaduir to the Koluima and thus obtain proof which would have settled the question of the relation of Asia and America? Though it seems unkind to say so, yet it is true that the leader of this expedition failed at the critical moment, not from lack of courage or fear of hardships, but merely from not realizing what his position demanded. Bering be- longed to that class of sea captains, found in all ports, who, given a ship and a chart, will go anywhere with- out flinching, but who, at the same time, is neither by nature nor education fitted to head scientific expedi- tions, and least of all in the Arctic regions. On the other hand it is not altogether just to find fault with Bering for not seeing the American coast. The whole time that he sailed in the strait the weather was thick. Not until Cook's voyage did the world learn how near the two continents actually were. A map of the St. Petersburg Academy, dated 1773, 338 still puts twenty degrees as the narrowest place in Bering Strait. Nor, as was said before, is it fair to blame him for not seeing Bering Island. All criticism would have been turned into praise had he remained in these waters a little longer time, doing his very best and doing it in a scientific manner. 338 This map is in the archives of the Department of Foreign Affairs at Paris. VII. THE CHUKCHI AND THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA Of Siberia's many warlike peoples the Chukchi were easily the first, and they resisted for a longer time than any of the others the attempt of the Russians to subdue them. Not only did they drive the Russians from their country, but they even followed them to their forts and attacked them and their native allies. They probably would have been left undisturbed for a longer time than they actually were had it not been for an old report, revived in the beginning of the eighteenth century, of the existence of a large inhabited island east of the Lena. No one was quite certain as to the position of this new land, for although the Siberian Cossacks of the eighteenth century knew well how far it was from the head-waters of one river to that of another, they were ignorant of the relative distance between the mouths of the streams. This is not at all surprising when we con- sider that these men were sailors only by force of neces- sity, that they had no acquaintance with marine instru- ments, and that at the end of the seventeenth century navigation was not practiced extensively, even the mak- ing of kotshi having been forgotten. 339 It is no wonder then that whenever a hunter heard of or saw an island, be it near the Lena, Kamchatka, Penjinsk, Ouda, or wherever it might be, it was at once identified with the old rumored inhabited island east of the Lena. After 1708 serious efforts were made to determine 339 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii XVII Weka, vol. i, doc. 118, 505. i 5 2 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC with some certainty the location of the island or islands. At the various posts old hunters were questioned, and most of their answers show, among other things, the confusion in the mind of the average Cossack regarding the geography of eastern Siberia. One of the interest- ing depositions was made by Peter Popof. He said that in January, 171 1, he, with others went to subdue the Chukchi living on the Anadirski Nos (a cape at the entrance to Bering Strait). While on this expedition he received from the Chukchi information regarding the lands about them. They told him that opposite Anadirski Cape, stretching out both into the Koluima and Anaduir Seas, there was an island inhabited by peo- ple having pieces of walrus tusks in their cheeks. From time immemorial war had existed between the Chukchi and these islanders, ten of whom were at this time held as prisoners, and these Popof saw. From the cape to the island one could go in a boat in the summer, or on deer in winter in one day. On the island, which the Chukchi call "Large Country," 340 there are various kinds of animals and trees not found on the cape. The islanders have a language different from the Chukchi. This and one or two other depositions of a similar character show that the Chukchi were aware of the ex- istence of Bering Strait, the island or islands in it, and the coast which is now known to be America. But this must not lead to the conclusion that the Russians knew all that. Popof's statements received no more and no less credence than some others wholly untrustworthy. The Siberians had their minds made up that an island existed east of the Lena and north of the mainland, and believing that the Chukchi Peninsula was much nar- rower than it really it, they interpreted Popof's "op- 340 Pamyatn'iki Sibirskoi Istorii XVII JVeka, vol. i, doc. 108. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 153 posite Anadirski Cape" to mean not east, but north of that cape, and the Large Country is so located on Shes- takof's map. There is no evidence for the belief or the assumption that before Bering's time the Russians in Siberia associated these islands with America, or that they gave even a thought to that country. It was pure- ly an accident that America was discovered by them, and they did not know until much later what they had really accomplished. In another chapter the history of Kamchatka has been traced and it was shown how all the energies of the Siberian government were for a time brought into play in order to retain that country. After the discovery of the Okhotsk-Kamchatka water route there followed a period of comparative peace and recuperation. Neith- er the government nor the restless and adventurous Si- berians were quite at ease, however, so long as unsub- dued natives were about them. Afanase Shestakof, a daring golova of the Cossacks, conceived the idea of conquering northeastern Siberia. He laid his plans in writing before the Russian Senate ; but not satisfied with this he appeared in person before that body, bringing with him a map which now bears his name, although he probably had little to do in drawing it up, since he could neither read nor write. He was, however, a per- suasive speaker, and as his projects coincided with the wishes of the government his petition was granted. On March 23, 1727, a Senate order was issued authorizing Shestakof to proceed to Siberia for the purpose of put- ting down the hostile natives and looking after the new lands. 341 For this work fifteen hundred men and the necessary war material and other supplies were granted. From St. Petersburg were sent along the pilot Hens, 341 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. vii, doc. 5049. fr-(y- ~' J {*• Sketch illustrating Gwosdef's Voyage [Delisle Manuscripts, xxv, 16, A} THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 155 assistant pilot Fedorof, geodist Gwosdef, a mineralog- ist, ten sailors, several mechanics, also four men to make fire-works with which to frighten the natives during a battle. Shestakof was not to have complete control of the company. The governor of Siberia was ordered to select some fit man to be associated with him, and this honor fell on Dimitri Pavlutski, captain of dragoons. Soon after leaving Tobolsk the two leaders began quarreling and fighting, the other members of the ex- pedition taking part, generally against Shestakof. The company became demoralized, and remained for a whole month inactive at Ilimsk, and would probably have wasted there much more time had not the monk Ignatius Kozirefski taken upon himself the role of peacemaker and brought the two men to a more agree- able frame of mind. 342 They continued their march to Jakutsk, where Shestakof busied himself for some time in all kinds of evil doing. Leaving Pavlutski behind him, who was to go to the Anaduir, Shestakof set out in the spring of 1729 for Okhotsk. On arriving he took over the Gabriel and the Fortune, the two boats left by Bering, and went about building two others, the larger of which he named the Eastern Gabriel and the smaller the Lion. The Gabriel he sent in charge of his nephew Ivan Shestakof to explore the coast south of Okhotsk to the mouth of the Ouda, in which locality search was made for new lands. From there the boat was to cruise along the Kuril Islands to Lower Kam- chatka and, if time permitted, to go in search of the Large Country. The Fortune, in command of his son 342 Kozirefski became a member of the expedition. In August, 1728, he was sent down the Lena from Jakutsk to look for lands at the mouth of the river. Before reaching the destination of the boat, Evers, was wrecked on the ice, and the party turned back. 156 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Vasili, was to go to Bolshaya River and chart the Kuril Islands. Shestakof took upon himself the conquest of the Koriaks and the Chukchi. He planned to go on board the Eastern Gabriel and to sail to the Penjinsk Bay and build there a fort, then proceed overland to the Oliu- tora River and build another fort, and from there march to the Anaduir, where arrangements would be made for the conquest of the Chukchi. The Lion had instructions to follow the Eastern Gabriel so as to ren- der help in case of need and to make her winter quar- ters on the Tigil River, from which point she was to sail in the spring around Kamchatka to the mouth of the Anaduir. Early in the fall of 1729 Shestakof with a company of ninety-three men set sail for Penjinsk Bay, but on account of the head winds he was forced to land off the Taui River and send back the boat. On Novem- ber 23, having by this time increased his force to a little over one hundred men, chiefly natives, he began his march along the coast to the home of the Koriaks. Those whom he met on the way, being generally few in num- ber, he either conquered or killed. When he had reached the River Paren (west shore of Penjinsk Bay), he learned that the Chukchi were in the neighborhood making war on the Koriaks. Shestakof followed them and on March 14, 1730, the two camps faced each other in the neighborhood of the Egache River (northern part of the bay) . At that time Shestakof had with him one hundred fifty men, but the number of the enemy is not known. The Russian leader lined up his men in a military formation. On his right he stationed the Tun- gus and the natives of the Taui region, on the left were the Koriaks and Taui people, and the center was in the THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 157 hands of the Russians and Jakuts. The battle opened by the discharge of firearms by the Russians. It was immediately answered by a cloud of arrows from the Chukchi. Before the Russians could reload the Chuk- chi swept down on them in a mass, and after driving off the left wing and then crushing the right, concentrated their efforts on the center, which gave way. Shestakof was in the midst of the fight and was wounded by an arrow entering his throat. He tried to save himself by escaping on a reindeer sled which stood near by; but unfortunately for him the sled belonged to the Chukchi and the deer dragged him into the camp of the enemy where he was killed. Altogether thirty-one men lost their lives on the side of the Russians. After helping themselves to the firearms and other stores of the enemy the Chukchi withdrew, leaving the dead bodies on the field, and Shestakof's later found Christian burial at Anaduirsk. When the Russian forces reunited after the flight they were disorganized and disobedient to the second in command and quite useless for effective ser- vice. Elsewhere Shestakof's plans miscarried equally. The Lion followed the Eastern Gabriel, but being unable to find her at the designated rendezvous, sailed in search of her until the cold weather forced the captain to seek a haven on the Yana River. In the course of the win- ter the Koriaks attacked and killed all but five of the crew, and plundered and burned the boat. The Ga- briel and the Fortune, although they carried out in great part their instructions, added very little to what was then already known of the coast. Pavlutski, who was left behind at Jakutsk by Shesta- kof, started for the Anaduir in August, 1729, and spent 158 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC the winter at the Lower Koluima Ostrog. As early as April 25, 1730, 343 the news of Shestakof's death reached him. He immediately sent a messenger to Jakutsk to hurry the men and provisions to the Anaduir. To Hens, Fedorof, and Gwosdef, who were at this time at Ok- hotsk, he sent word to take charge of the Gabriel and bring her around to the Anaduir. After considerable difficulty the two Gabriels sailed away for Kamchatka in September, 1730. The Eastern was wrecked before reaching Bolshaya River, but the Saint arrived at her destination and wintered there. During the summer following Hens took the boat to Lower Kamchatka, where the winter of 1731-1732 was spent. At this place he received orders from Pavlutski that as soon as navi- gation was opened he was to take the Gabriel to the mouth of the Anaduir and to the Anadirski Cape and from there go in search of the Large Country and take tribute from its inhabitants. When it came time for starting Hens was too ill to go and was therefore left behind. His assistant Fedorof was in such bad health that he had to be carried on board. The burden and responsibility of the expedition fell on the geodist Gwosdef, and to some extent on Moshkof, who had formerly served under Bering. The boat left Kamchatka July 23, and returned in the last days of September, 1732, and immediately the offi- cers sent in a report of their voyage. Fedorof died in February, 1733, and five months later Gwosdef for- warded the log book and a brief account of the sum- mer's work to Okhotsk. Strange to say neither Pav- lutski nor the officers at Okhotsk notified the Admiralty College of what these men had done, and it was not until 1738 that this body heard of it, and then only indirectly 343 Morskoi Sbornik, February, 1869, p. 22. Paper by A. Sgibnef. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 159 through one of the sailors who had been sent from To- bolsk to St. Petersburg on a criminal charge. 344 Steps were at once taken to secure more definite information, but seemingly without immediate results. In 1741 the authorities at Okhotsk requested Gwosdef and Skuri- chin, another member of the expedition, to draw up fuller reports, extracts from which were sent to Irkutsk. Those in power realizing the importance of the achieve- ment, or perhaps on account of pressure from the cap- ital, issued an imperial order in July, 1742, demanding a fuller report of the islands and Large Country men- tioned in the extracts. It was further requested that in case any new information came in it should be forward- ed at once to Irkutsk. 345 In addition to these orders, Spanberg, who had succeeded Bering in command, asked Gwosdef to give him a report of the voyage. This was done in September, 1743, and a copy was sent to the Admiralty College. The account here given is based on this document, and other information found in the Delisle manuscripts. When one takes into considera- tion the fact that Gwosdef wrote his report ten years after the event had taken place and from memory, it is not all surprising that there is an indefiniteness about places, and that the accounts of the different members do not always agree. Michael Spiridovinich Gwosdef had had extensive preparation for his work, having studied at two schools from 1716 to 1721. From the latter year until he went with Shestakof he was employed at Novogorod. The remainder of his life (he died after 1754) he passed in various parts of Siberia, particularly on the Okhotsk coast. Of the man's personality we know little that is 344 Delisle Mss. See Appendix. 345 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 1851. 160 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC either good or bad. That he and Fedorof disagreed does not prove much either way. Fedorof, had he lived, would have resented the unfavorable remarks Gwosdef made about him and would probably have said some unkind words in return. There is no reason, however, for believing that Fedorof would have challenged the main points of the voyage as told by Gwosdef, and here presented in abbreviated form. In May, 1732, we received orders from Major Pavlutski, who was at the time at the Anaduir fort, to go on board the Gabriel with the pilot and underpilot and sail around Kam- chatka Cape to the mouth of the Anaduir and opposite Ana- dirski Cape to what is known as the Large Country, examine and count the islands there, and gather tribute from the inhab- itants. 346 On July 23, we left Kamchatka River, and four days later Kamchatka Cape was doubled. We came to Anadirski Cape August 3, and from there went to the islands to collect tribute. Moshkof told us of an island Bering had discovered and we sailed about in order to find it. By this manoeuvring we reached the southern part of Chukotski Cape, where, on August 5, we anchored three versts from shore. It was calm and I went on land to examine the coast and fetch drinking water. Close to the shore we observed a small fresh stream, into which we pulled. The country seemed uninhabited; but not far from where we stood was a herd of deer, numbering about one hundred fifty or more, guarded by two men, who ran away on seeing us. I killed two of the deer, filled two barrels with water, and went on board. The next day two Chukchi came toward the ship in two "baidars" but would not approach near enough so that we could enter into conversation with them. When they had looked at us for a time they pulled away. On the morrow I, with nine men, went to the spot from which I had seen the natives issue the day before, but all that we found there 348 In the Lettre d'un Officier de la Marine Russiene (p. 40) the statement is made that Pavlutski ordered Gwosdef to bring the provisions left by Ber- ing to the country of the Chukchi, whom Pavlutski was fighting. Gwosdef could not find Pavlutski and therefore started back and accidentally ran into the American coast. THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 161 were two huts made of earth and whalebone. As we started back we caught a glimpse of two men who ran away on seeing us. We got under sail on the eighth, steering for an island on the course suggested by Moshkof. On the following day Fe- dorof sent me a note saying that in his opinion we had not yet reached the place in question [Large Country] since we were still south of Chukotski Cape, and asked for my opinion. On the tenth, we sailed back to the spot where we had been a few days before and took on fresh water. Two days later we ran into a calm and anchored. On going ashore we saw huts and people, who, on noticing us, pulled away from the land in three "baidars." We managed to get into conversation with them and asked them for tribute, which they refused to give. Hav- ing a fair wind on the fifteenth we went on our way and on the seventeenth sighted an island, but on account of the head wind we could not approach it but had to keep close to Chukotski Cape. Here we saw many Chukchi with whom we tried to enter into conversation but without much success. When the wind shifted once more to fair we steered again for the northern end of the island [one of the Diomedes]. Our attempt to land was re- sisted by a shower of arrows, to which we replied with muskets. After a great deal of difficulty the natives told us that they were Chukchi and that some of their people had fought with the other Chukchi against Pavlutski. In cruising about the island, which is about two and a half versts long and a verst wide, we came across other natives but all refused to pay tribute. We made a landing and examined their homes, and from the island we saw the Large Country. It was near one o'clock of the morning of August 20 when we left the first island, and six hours later we anchored off the second, which is smaller than the first and about a half of a mile distant. A ship's boat and a baidara were sent to the shore, but meeting with an unfriendly reception they returned. About three o'clock of the afternoon of August 21 we sailed for the Large Country and anchored about four versts from its shore. It was now Fedorof's watch, and he, without consulting any one, gave orders to haul up the anchor and approach the southern point of the shore. From there we could see huts, but in spite of our best efforts we did not come as close to them as we wished on account of the head 1 62 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC wind and the shallow water. The breeze veering to north- northwest, we were obliged to stand out to sea on a southwest course and by doing so came to the fourth island on the twenty- second. A strong wind was blowing, and when we tried to near the shore the sails gave way. The sailors then came to me and asked that we return to Kamchatka because of the lateness of the season and the stormy weather. I referred them to the underpilot without whose consent I could not order such a move. In the meantime there came to us from the island a Chukchi in a leather boat which had room for but one man. He was dressed in a shirt of whale intestines which was fastened about the opening of the boat in such a manner that no water could enter even if a big wave should strike it. He told us that Chukchi lived in the Large Country, where there were forests, streams, and animals. We had no opportunity of going ashore, and from the distance we could not tell whether all that he told us of the Large Country was true or not. When he was gone the sailors spoke to me again about returning to Kamchatka, and I answered them as before. They then held a council and drew up a petition addressed to me and the underpilot, enumer- ating many reasons why we should go back. Taking these argu- ments into consideration we decided to return and entered the mouth of the Kamchatka River September 28. Outside of the islands enumerated we saw no others, and the reason for not in- dicating their exact position is that the log book Fedorof and I kept was sent to Okhotsk in 1733. Another reason is that Fe- dorof when on watch often failed to make any observations in the journal. On returning to Kamchatka I asked his aid in drawing up a map, but he refused to join me, and it was im- possible for me to undertake it alone, for the reasons just enu- merated. This is all that is known of Gwosdef's discovery, and it is quite evident that neither he nor those with him were in the least aware that they had seen the Ameri- can coast. To them Large Country was, as they ex- pected it to be, an island; for according to Gwosdef 's words after anchoring off the first and second islands THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 163 he sailed for the Large Country [third island] and from there to the "fourth island." Pavlutski, who had reached the Anaduir fort on September 3, 1730, busied himself in strengthening the defenses of that ostrog and making ready for his fight against the Chukchi, who had become unusually bold since their victory over Shestakof. By March 12 all was in readiness. Taking with him one hundred sixty Koriaks, sixty Yukagirs, and two hundred fifteen Rus- sians, he marched northwardly along the White River and on to the Arctic Sea, then eastwardly with the in- tention of going around the whole Chukchi country. At first he met with little resistance, but from about the middle of June the enemy appeared before him in large numbers. On June 17, he was opposed by seven hun- dred warriors, of whom four hundred fifty were killed and one hundred fifty were taken prisoners. Near Ber- ing Strait, on June 30, one thousand Chukchi faced him, and of this number three hundred were killed and ten captured. Four thousand deer were also taken. Two weeks later another company of five hundred blocked his way, and these were also defeated. Pav- lutski and those under him returned to the Anaduir on October 21, 173 1, reporting that they had suffered little loss, while hundreds of the enemy were killed. 347 In the spring of 1732 Pavlutski led his large force against the Koriaks who had destroyed the Lion. The enemy, being in small numbers and not expecting an attack, was easily put down. The expedition of Pavlutski against the Chukchi was a little better than useless: instead of subduing them it 347 Taking into consideration the fighting qualities of the Chukchi and their attitude towards the Russians before and after this campaign, one is in- clined to question these comparative figures as given by Pavlutski. i64 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC merely aroused their warring spirit. When he left in the fall of 1732 for Jakutsk his force became disorgan- ized and lost its effectiveness. This gave the Chukchi their opportunity, and they waged bitter war on the Russians and their allies. The situation was so des- perate that Pavlutski was obliged to come back in 1733, and until 1739 he kept the Chukchi in check. In that year he was called to Jakutsk to become woewod. As soon as he was gone the Chukchi carried everything be- fore them. It was necessary to call on Pavlutski, and he made his third appearance in 1742. He fought three battles against them: in two he was successful, but in the third he lost his life (March 21). For many years after that the Chukchi kept his head as a trophy. VIII. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION VOYAGE TO AMERICA Soon after his arrival at the capital Bering submitted his report to the empress and the Admiralty College (with whom he also left his papers), and then went to Moscow to report to the Senate. The account of his achievements did not elicit any great amount of praise. Many called his mission a failure, saying that at the most he merely determined the northern limits of Kam- chatka. His superiors, at least a number of them, held a similar view. His reward of a thousand rubles, the amount usually allowed to those who make distant voy- ages, was not voted to him by the Senate before June, 1732, 3iS his salary remained unpaid for two years after his arrival, 349 and his request to be made contre-admiral was not acted upon. 3S0 On the other hand, he had some influential friends who stood by him and were anxious to have him lead another expedition. Among these were Count Osterman, a member of the Imperial Cab- inet, Kirilof, chief secretary of the Senate, and Count Golovin of the Admiralty College. In addition to these men Bering had the general good will of a num- ber of young and enthusiastic scientists who had come to Russia at the invitation of Peter the Great and fa- vored the idea of discovery and exploration. It is per- haps worth considering whether the fault-finding di- 34S Opisanie del Archiva Morskavo Ministerstva, vol. iii, 460. 349 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 1851, 205, 209. 3 50 — Ibid. 1 66 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC rected against Bering may not have been due, in part, to the reactionary feeling against foreigners and in- novations. Bering, after consulting with his friends, laid before the empress two sets of propositions. The first dealt primarily with the conversion of the Jakuts, the devel- opment of iron mines in Siberia, the improvement of the militia, the introduction of cattle into Okhotsk and Kamchatka, and other good and worthy recommenda- tions, which can not, however, be taken up in this work. The second set is more important, since it discusses the relation between Asia and America and is as fol- lows: 351 I. According to my observation the waves of eastern Kam- chatka are smaller than in other seas, and I found on Karaginski Island large fir trees that do not grow on Kamchatka. These signs indicate that America, or some land on this side of it, is not far from Kamchatka — perhaps from one hundred to two hundred fifty miles. This could easily be ascertained by build- ing a boat of about forty or fifty tons and sending it to investi- gate. If this be so [the existence of such a country], a trade might be established between the empire and the inhabitants of those regions. II. Such a boat should be built in Kamchatka, because the necessary timber could be obtained there more easily. The same holds true in matters of food — fish and game are especially cheap there. Then again more help may be had from the na- tives of Kamchatka than those of Okhotsk. One other reason should not be overlooked : the mouth of the Kamchatka River is deeper and offers a better shelter for boats. III. It would not be without advantage to find a sea route from Kamchatka or Okhotsk Rivers to the Amur River or Japan, since it is known that these regions are inhabited. It would be very profitable to open trade relations with these people, particularly the Japanese. And as we have no boats there [Okhotsk Sea], we might arrange it with the Japanese that they 351 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 1851, 435-436. H *-" m > n n r 1 o — o — v a c c n 3 (I n ^ as S: 3 o a n x a a 9 £5 S? <~> i » ?S n 3" „ - O ° C 3 BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 169 meet us half way in their boats. For such an expedition a ship about the size of the one mentioned above would be needed, or one somewhat smaller might serve the same purpose. IV. The cost of such an expedition — not including salaries, provisions, and materials for both boats, which can not be had there and would have to be taken from here and Siberia — would be from ten to twelve thousand rubles. V. If it should be considered wise to map the northern re- gions or the coast of Siberia — from the Ob to the Yenisei and from there to the Lena -this could be done by boats or by land, since these regions are under Russian jurisdiction. These propositions were favorably received and adopted after certain changes had been suggested by Chirikof, such as that the boats should be built at Ok- hotsk and not Kamchatka, and regarding the course to be sailed after leaving Asia, and the best way of trans- porting provisions across the continent, et cetera. 352 In May, 1 73 1, orders were issued to send colonists and artisans to the Pacific to establish a port at Okhotsk, the work to be done under the supervision of Pizaref. 35; A year later (May, 1732) propositions II and III, though somewhat changed -on the recommendation of Chirikof- were approved, and the machinery for build- ing boats, the securing the necessary materials, and the engaging of men, was set in motion. 354 Bering's weak and half-hearted suggestion as to the surveying of northern Siberia was greatly enlarged so as to continue the work from the Lena to the Anaduir and Kamchatka Rivers in order to determine definitely whether Amer- ica and Asia were united. 355 Instructions were issued as to what should be done in case the two continents 352 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 1851, 213-214. 353 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. viii, doc. 5753, doc. 58i3- 354 — Ibid., vol. vii, doc. 6041, doc. 6042. 355 — Ibid., doc. 6291. 170 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC were not separated by water. 356 In connection with these voyages, admirable scientific researches were planned and carried on throughout Siberia by Gmelin, Muller, Steller, Krasheninnikof, and others, whose con- clusions are accepted even today; but in view of their purely scientific character, they cannot be discussed in this connection. Taking it all in all, it was one of the most elaborate, thorough and expensive expeditions ever sent out by any government at any time. In December, 1732, the Senate gave its official ap- proval to the work undertaken for the "benefit of her Imperial Majesty and to the glory of the Russian Em- pire." 357 This body also recommended that an astron- omer be sent along, and Louis Delisle de la Croyere was appointed to the position. His brother, Joseph Nicholas Delisle, drew up, at the request of the Senate, a map of Kamchatka and the neighboring lands Terra de Jeso, Company Land, Gama Land, also the Ameri- can coast, pointing out especially routes where new dis- coveries could probably be made. 358 This map was ac- companied by a memoir discussing the bodies of land indicated and their history. 359 The map and memoir were given to Bering to aid him in his navigation; in fact, it was chiefly at his request that the Senate asked Delisle to draw them up. The instructions of December 28, 1732, were slightly revised and put in final shape by the Admiralty College on February 28, 1733, and confirmed without altera- tions by the Senate on March 16, 1733, but with the 356 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. viii, doc. 6291. 357 — Ibid. 358 Xhis map was based on Guillaume Delisle's map of America of 1722. 359 In the Appendix may be found the memoir, both the original and the translation. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 171 addition of other points. 300 It was ordered that either at Kamchatka or Okhotsk, as it should seem best, two boats should be built on which Bering and Chirikof should sail in whatever direction they and Professor Delisle de la Croyere should decide that America would be found. According to the Map of Delisle the American coast runs along from about the latitude of Chukotski Nos to about the forty-fifth parallel, the Spanish province of Mexico. When they should have reached America they were to be guided by the instruc- tions which Czar Peter gave to Bering in 1725. The utmost care was to be taken not to fall into the hands of unfriendly people, and not to show them the way to the Russian possessions, the way to which they had never heard. In case Bering, Chirikof, Spanberg, or those who were to explore from the Lena eastward should meet with foreigners, they were not to show them their instructions, which were secret, but the Admiralty Col- lege would prepare others, which would state that at the request of the St. Petersburg and Paris Academies of Science Peter the Great had undertaken "out of curios- ity" to determine whether America and Asia were unit- ed. As the last expedition had not fully settled that question, the present empress had decided to continue the investigation until that point was definitely ascer- tained. 361 In view of the importance of the work and the severe hardships involved, the rank of the officers was raised: Bering was made captain-commander, and his two lieu- tenants, Spanberg and Chirikof, were each given the rank of captain-lieutenant. For the same reason all those connected with the expedition were granted double 360 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. viii, doc. 6291. 36i — Ibid. 172 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC pay during their services, two years' pay in advance to help them get an outfit, and were promised rewards on their return. 362 Instruments, and such other objects as could not be obtained on the way, were taken from St. Petersburg, 363 but provisions and the more common and coarser ma- terials were to be gathered on the way. Orders were forwarded to Siberian officers to do all in their power to speed the work. Not satisfied with this, special of- ficers were commissioned to go to Jakutsk to assist the officers there in sending out the supplies so that by the time the captain-commander should arrive at Okhotsk all would be in readiness. 364 Special arrangements were also provided for carrying letters and packages. In February, 1733, one division of the expedition left St. Petersburg. Spanberg with a number of me- chanics started soon afterwards, aiming to reach Ok- hotsk as quickly as possible to work on the boats on which he was to go to Japan. Chirikof was assigned the care of the baggage train, and he went on the march not long after Spanberg. Bering did not leave until April. From Tobolsk Chirikof followed the old trail by way of the rivers Irtysh, Ob, Keta, Yenisei, Tungus, Ilima to Ilimsk, and down the Lena to Jakutsk, arriving there about the middle of the summer of 1735. Bering, who had a much lighter train, had reached the same place in October, 1734. Spanberg came to Okhotsk 302 p l noe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. viii, 6291. 363 Delisle de la Croyere took with him one quadrant, two clocks, one equinoctial sun clock, one (?) telescope, four telescopes of 15, 13, 7, and 5 feet, one inclinometer, one declinometer, five astrolabes, four large compasses, twenty thermometers, twenty-seven barometers, one copper sphere, one sur- veyor's chain, one magnet, and one case of mathematical instruments. In addition to these instruments others were sent after him to Tobolsk. 364 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 228-229. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 173 early in the year 1735, expecting that Pizaref, who had been ordered in 1731 to build a port, would have quar- ters ready. In all this he was disappointed, for not only had Pizaref done nothing, but when he made his appearance, he opposed every effort of the others. Mat- ters came to such a point that there were two fortified camps keenly eyeing each other and occasionally at- tacking. Charges and counter charges were contin- ually being sent to the capital, until the officers were weary. The worst part of this affair was the demoral- izing effect on the men. 365 With the exception of Spanberg and his small com- pany, the greater part of the force was still at Jakutsk 365 This man Pizaref had an interesting history. At one time he had held a very prominent position, no less than that of director of the naval academy at Moscow and chief-procurator of the Senate. On account of indiscreet speeches against Prince Menshikof, Peter II, on May 27, 1727, ordered that Pizaref should be whipped and exiled to Jakutsk. In May, 1731, he was com- missioned to go to Okhotsk and build up a port and was allowed one hun- dred fifty-three men, but Pizaref claimed he never got them. About a year later Pizaref sent to Okhotsk twenty- four men, of whom eight died on the way, and the remaining sixteen ran away. By February, 1733, Pizaref de- cided to start for Okhotsk, but before he could get supplies from the woewod lie had to put that officer in chains. Nine months later he was back at Jakutsk, and when Bering arrived he found him there. The two men clashed at once, and the result was that charges and complaints were being forwarded con- stantly. Finally in the fall of 1735 Pizaref made his second appearance at Okhotsk and found Spanberg, whom he hated even worse than Bering. In one of the complaints Pizaref says that Spanberg enticed his workmen, stole his supplies, was on friendly terms with the exiled princes Dolgoruki and Baratinski, and that one time when some one had killed a bear, Spanberg claimed the credit of the deed and had a monument erected on which he in- scribed the event. Spanberg charged Pizaref with drunkenness, keeping a harem, and cruelty to the natives. Pizaref ran away from Okhotsk to Jakutsk but returned with Bering. By 1739 he had built two wooden huts and a church ; before he could do any more he was removed from command, and another exile, Anton Devyer, succeeded him. Devyer arrived at Okhotsk probably after 1740. About the first thing he did was to sell at auction Pizaref's belongings and to use the proceeds in paying the wages of the work- men. In December, 1741, the empress pardoned both men, and they returned to St. Petersburg, where their former rank of general was once more conferred on them. Devyer received other honors as well. 174 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC in 1736, where nearly all of the supplies were gathered. How to get them to Okhotsk was a problem even more difficult than Bering faced on his first expedition. It was finally decided to send the heavier materials, such as cannon and anchors, by way of the Rivers Aldan and Udoma, then across to the Urak and down to Okhotsk. The lighter objects were transported by land over mountains, torrents, and swamps. Knowing what dif- ficulties were experienced some years before in getting the stores across to Okhotsk, it is only necessary to say that those of the second attempt were even greater, be- cause everything was on a larger scale, without a pro- portionate increase in the facilities for transportation. In favoring the expedition the authorities at St. Peters- burg believed that it could be accomplished in six years; consequently when four years had gone by and the leader was no farther than Jakutsk, murmurs of dis- satisfaction arose. Gentle hints to Bering to hurry were at last followed by threats. The Admiralty Col- lege told him that unless more progress was shown, his rank would be reduced; his pay was actually cut in two from the beginning of 1738 to July, 1740, "because of failure to send necessary information and delay in ac- complishing the work assigned." 366 Bering defended himself by accusing the Siberian authorities of not do- ing what they should. They replied by charging him with selling liquor, making underhanded bargains, and other illegal acts. Spanberg had no love for Chirikof, but he united with him in filing complaints against their chief; 367 and the scientists, Muller, Gmelin, and Delisle de la Croyere, had almost at the very beginning indicated their desire to be relieved from the authority 366 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenla, vol. ix, 254, 367 Opisanie del Archiva Morskavo Ministerstva, vol. v, 85. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 177 of their leader. 368 Just what proportion of truth and falsehood these charges contain, it is not easy to de- termine. It is but just to Bering to say that the work before him was exceedingly difficult and, as he so often com- plained, it was more than he could do and that a young- er man should have been assigned to the task. 389 At the end of 1736, when he left Jakutsk, he had from five hundred to a thousand men for transporting his sup- plies. To feed this small army was in itself a serious problem without being obliged to store up provisions for the future. Although the officials at the capital spoke so sharply to him, they nevertheless realized that he was not the only one to blame. Urgent requests and orders were being sent to the woewods and others in Siberia driving them to more zealous efforts in behalf of the expedition, some of the letters even threatening torture if more prompt obedience was not forthcom- ing. It has already been pointed out what a broken reed Pizaref proved to be when so much was expected from him. There may have been others no better than he but less well known. Towards the end of 1737 the Admiralty College, in order to advance matters, submitted a report to the Imperial Cabinet suggesting the appointment of two special officers to be sent to Siberia with full power to demand from the authorities there such aid and re- sources as the expedition needed. On the strength of this recommendation Tolbuchin and Larinof were com- missioned, and they left the capital in 1739. But the stream of letters and threats to the captain-commander continued as before. It was about this time that the 368 Opisanie del Archiva Morskavo Ministerstva, vol. iv, 91. 369 Steller, in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. v, 141. 1 78 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Senate demanded an investigation to determine the cause of the delay. The Imperial Cabinet, after con- sidering the cost of the expedition, which had reached at that time (1738) three hundred thousand rubles, and in view of the burden it threw on the Siberian people, asked the Admiralty College whether it would not be wise "to look into the Kamchatka expedition to see if it can be brought to a head, so that from now on the treas- ury should not be emptied in vain." 370 With the coming of Tolbuchin and Larinof affairs assumed a more prosperous appearance. More men were put on, a larger force of horses were drafted into the service, an additional number of boats were launched, and roads were repaired, so that by October, 1740, nearly all the necessary supplies had found their way to Okhotsk. Relieved of this responsibility, Ber- ing (who had reached Okhotsk in 1737) and his men concentrated all their energies on the building of boats, 371 with the result that by June, 1740, two ships were launched. Each measured eighty by twenty by nine feet, brig rigged, two masts, and bearing fourteen cannon, two and three pounders. On September 4, the St. Peter and St. Paul, the new boats, accompanied by two others carrying provisions, left Okhotsk. 372 Delisle de la Croyere and Steller followed four days later in a boat which was set aside especially to carry them and their baggage and supplies to Kamchatka. 373 Bolshaya River was reached October 20 and there Bering left his freight boats because he did not think they were strong 370 Zapiski Hydrografiicheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 255; Opisanie Del Archiva Morskavo Ministerstva, vol. vii, 273. 371 According to the original plan Pizaref was to have had them about ready by the time of Bering's arrival. 372 Muller, Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. Hi, 187. 373 _ itid. Harbor of St. Peter and St. Paul in 1741 [Journal of the St. Peter] BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 181 enough to round southern Kamchatka, but the St. Peter and St. Paul went on and dropped anchor in Avatcha Bay on the sixth day of October. 374 The two scientists remained in western Kamchatka intending to do some research work in the course of the winter. Avatcha Bay was one of the new sea-ports on the Pacific. Bering in 1739, sent one of his officers who sounded and ch.;- ted the harbor and put up a few build- ings. A church was erected and dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, 375 and coupled with the fact that the two boats were named in honor of the saints, the village took the name of Petropavlovsk. An uneventful winter was passed here in making final arrangements for the voy- age of the coming summer. In the spring Delisle de la Croyere and Steller 376 reported to Bering for duty. It is to Steller that we are indebted for a full account of the voyage, the only one as yet published. Taking into consideration the short summer and the long distance to go, Bering had originally planned to leave Kamchatka early in May and after discovering America to spend the winter there and return to Asia the following year. 377 If this could have been done it would have been most fortunate for all concerned as it would have saved them from a great deal of suffering. His well-laid plans failed, however, and from no fault of Bering. At Okhotsk he had prepared the sea-biscuit for the voyage which he shipped to Kamchatka in 1740, 374 Muller, Sammlung Russisc/ier Geschichte, vol. iii, 187. 375 — Ibid., 191. 376 Georg Wilhelm Steller was born in Franconia in 1709, and had studied at different universities both the natural sciences and philosophy. After wan- dering from place to place he finally reached St. Petersburg, and in 1738 was sent to Siberia to do scientific work. His original plan was to go with Span- berg to Japan, but Bering persuaded him to embark with him. 377 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. v, 141. l82 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC but these were lost at the mouth of the Okhotsk River. 378 In the second place, his freight boats were unfit to carry his supplies all the way to Avatcha and this made it necessary to transport the greater part of the cargo overland during the winter. The natives, on whom the larger part of this work fell, revolted at the very beginning and it took much energy and time to put them down. 379 The result of all this was that Bering was not only late in starting, but he was also not too well prepared for wintering in America had he desired to do so. Towards the end of May all was in readiness for the start, the boats were loaded 380 and manned, and the only thing needed was a fair breeze. On the St. Peter were the Captain-commander Bering, Second-in-command Waxel, Shipmaster Chytref, Mate Kasselberg, Second mate Juschin, Surgeon Steller. In addition there were 378 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nbrdische Beytrage, vol. v, 141. *™ — Ibid. a80 Cargo of the St. Peter taken from the Journal, 33 Balast - ships gear, etc. Groats (2 kinds) Beef (in barrels) Butter " Pork " Salt . Flour . Water (102 barrels of various sizes) Wood . Crackers Powder (in barrels) Cannon balls . Ammunition Cannons (3 pounders — 9 pieces) Cannons (2 pounders -5 pieces) Falconets (3 pieces) . Iron .... Pood Pounc 800 217 10 165 80 70 18 250 1434 990 382 34 17^ 57 37 25 30 184 20 92 20 10 20 90 [Total 4901 34M] BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 183 a number of officers of lower rank, soldiers, sailors, and servants. Chirikof commanded on the St. Paul, being assisted by two lieutenants, Chegachef and Plautin, the Astronomer Delisle de la Croyere, and several petty officers. Including every man on board each ship had seventy-six persons. 380a On May 4 Bering summoned his officers, including Delisle de la Croyere, for consultation. He read his instructions to them, showed them Delisle's chart and asked their advice as to the course that ought to be fol- lowed. They were all, including the leader, of the opinion that by sailing between east and south to about the forty-sixth or forty-fifth parallels the Company Land of the Dutch would be met with, and not far from there they would come to Gama Land and later to the western coast of America. In case the looked for land was not found the course should be changed to east by north, keeping between the parallels forty-five-the most northerly point of known America -and sixty- five, where Gwosdef saw land. When America was located, the boats were to follow the coast in a northerly direc- tion until they were between the parallels sixty-four and sixty-six -the situation of the most northeasterly point of Asia -and then sail due west and thus deter- mine the relation between Asia and America. When that was done they should return to Kamchatka. If, however, on account of lack of provisions, the weather, or some other cause, it was not possible to carry out fully all these plans, it might be advisable to take up the work the following year and carry it to comple- tion. 381 The time for returning was set for Septem- ber. 382 380a Journal of the St. Peter, 33. 381 — Ibid., 24, 25 ; Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. v, 140. 382 Since the time of Muller it has been the fashion to ridicule the Delisles 184 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC On May 25, Bering inspected the men on the two boats, after that he took up his permanent quarters on the St. Peter. Later in the day he gave Chirikof a code of signals by means of which they were to communicate on the voyage. About nine o'clock in the morning of June 4, the much-prayed-for fair wind began to blow, taking the boats out of Avatcha and following them for several days making it possible to sail on east-southeast and southeast by east courses until June 11, when the boats found themselves in north latitude forty-six de- grees, forty-seven minutes, and one hundred fifty-five Dutch miles from Avatcha. On the following day the position of the boats was ascertained at forty-six degrees, nine minutes; but still no land was in sight, although, judging from the seagrasses and animal life about them, some argued that land must be near at hand. 383 The officers decided not to waste any more time in looking for it in this direction. Aboijt four o'clock (ship's time) of the afternoon of June 13 it was signalled to Chirikof that "according to the opinion of the captain- commander and his officers, also Professor de la Croy- ere, it was time to change the course to east by north." To this proposal Chirikof assented, and the course de- cided on was taken and kept until the fourteenth, when a strong wind compelled the boats to tack. The next day the breeze shifted to the south, so that a northeast and in particular the author of this chart. Bancroft (p. 66) makes light of him, and Lauridsen (p. 53) in particular ridicules him. There is really no justification for all this raillery. J. N. Delisle drew up this chart at the re- quest of Bering [Delisle Manuscripts, no. xxvi, 3, B] and it was based on his brother Guillaume's map of 1722. Like all other maps of the period it had Jeso, Gama Land, Company Land, etc. Neither the Senate nor Delisle urged that a search be made for them. There is nothing dogmatic about Delisle. When he is ignorant on a certain point he very frankly says so. One has but to become acquainted with the cartography of the period and to read the Delisle memoir to learn that Delisle was an earnest and capable scholar. 383 Steller, in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. v, 144. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 185 course could be sailed almost continuously until the eighteenth, the vessels being then in latitude forty-nine degrees, thirty minutes, and eighteen degrees, thirty minutes from Avatcha. At this point the wind fresh- ened and shifted once more to the east, forcing a south- erly course. On the morning of the twentieth, Chiri- kof saw Bering to the north of him, about ten miles distant, 3S4 but Bering did not see Chirikof ; and in try- ing to come together, the two drifted farther and far- ther apart, never again to meet. Chirikof remained in this neighborhood (between the forty-eighth and forty-ninth parallels where the St. Peter was last seen) until the twenty-third; "at the fifth hour after midnight," says Chirikof's Journal, "we gave up looking for the St. Peter and according to the gen- eral agreement of the officers, the St. Paul took up her course." The wind was, on the whole, fair, but the sky was overcast. Nearly the whole time the course steered was east-northeast half east. By July 11, signs of land appeared in the shape of drift wood, wild ducks, and other sea fowl that do not fly far from shore. No sails were shortened, but the lead was heaved constantly during the night. About two o'clock in the morning of the fifteenth, in about latitude fifty-five degrees, twenty-one minutes, and sixty-one degrees, fifty-five minutes from Avatcha, land was sighted. The next day, July 16, in latitude fifty-six degrees, fifteen min- utes, longitude sixty degrees, fifty-seven minutes, two seconds, Boatswain Mama and eight sailors were or- dered ashore to examine a bay, and on their return re- ported that it was not sheltered from the north wind. During July 17 an observation was made, showing the 384 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 379; Chirikof's Jour- nal, 43-44. 186 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC St. Paul to be in latitude fifty-seven degrees, thirty- nine minutes and longitude fifty-eight degrees, fifty- four minutes, two seconds. By the middle of the afternoon of the same day the boat had advanced to fifty-seven degrees, fifty minutes and anchored in front of a bay. Dementief, the pilot, and a crew of ten men, armed with guns and a small cannon, were sent ashore in the largest boat. Those on board waited for their return until the twenty-third on which day fire and smoke were seen on shore, and concluding that some accident must have happened to the party, sent the remaining boat in charge of Boatswain Sevelyef, accompanied by one car- penter, one calker and one sailor. Sevelyef had orders that as soon as he landed to give a sign, also to signal by making fires the condition of the boat and the men ashore. Without losing any time he was to leave the ship's carpenter on shore and with Dementief and his men return to the St. Paul. At the same time the ship went quite close to shore where a strong surf was run- ning and the St. Paul herself was in some danger. Al- though eagerly watched for no signals were seen or heard. So close did the St. Paul approach that those on deck could see the surf dash over the rocks on the beach. The weather was calm. If a gun had been dis- charged, Chirikof says, it could have been heard on the boat. Fire was noticed in the bay. Nearly every hour during the night cannon were fired. Neither of these two boats was ever seen again. On the twenty- fourth two canoes, one larger than the other, filled with natives came out of the bay and approached the St. Paul, but not near enough to make themselves under- stood. 385 385 w r hat became of these men? The impression that seems to prevail BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 187 As there were no other boats it was quite impossible to visit the shore for the purpose of getting fresh water of which there was need, and therefore the officers de- cided to go back to Kamchatka as quickly as possible. This conclusion was reached on the twenty-sixth. From this day forth the men were put on an allowance of water. The wind was constantly shifting and prevent- ing much progress. About eight o'clock on the morning of September 9, the St. Paul anchored in a bay in one of the Aleutian Islands, latitude fifty-one degrees, twelve minutes, lon- gitude eleven degrees, fifty-four minutes, six seconds, near enough to the shore so that the mountains, grass and the people were visible. Those on board began call- ing to the islanders to come to them. When they had shouted to each other for an hour, neither party under- standing the other, seven natives were seen coming towards the ship. Each man was seated in a boat about fifteen feet long, three feet wide, the prow very pointed, that they were set upon by the natives and killed is hardly satisfactory. The inhabitants of this region had never before seen a white man, and they would be more likely to run away than attack. Then again ten armed men were in a position to make some defense. Those on board should have heard the discharge of a musket, being, as they were, near the shore. If they were not murdered, what did become of them? In 1786, Laperouse, while cruising in these waters, noticed in about latitude 58 an opening indicating an entrance to a bay. Approaching nearer, he found the opening narrow and the tide running very strong, and it was only with great difficulty that access was gained. When about ready to leave, after a two weeks' stay, Laperouse ordered three of his small boats to sound and chart the bay, cautioning them not to go close to the mouth until the ebb set in. Two of the boats, disobeying orders, ventured nearer than they should have done, and were drawn into the current and lost. It is reasonable to suppose that it was in front of this bay that Chirikof hove to, and that it was into this bay that the boats went. That there is a slight difference in reckoning may be easily accounted for by the cruder in- struments of the Russian. It seems very probable that the Russian sailors lost their lives by being caught in the strong current of Latuya Bay (of La- perouse's misfortune) either in going in or coming out. Even today Latuya Bay may be entered only when the tide is favorable. 1 88 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC but the stern and deck somewhat rounded, and the whole covered with hair seal skins with the exception of a hole in the center for the boatman. He was dressed in a garment with a hood, the whole being made of the in- testines of sea animals. These men made use of a double paddle and moved over the water very swiftly and fearlessly. When they had come near the boat they stopped and began to shout, first on one side and then on the other as if imploring the gods to keep them from harm. After they had kept this up for seven or eight minutes they quieted down and conversed with each other in a natural tone of voice. Those on board (the greater part of the men were below decks so as not to frighten the natives) saluted the islanders in their most gracious and kindliest manner, and with gestures, Chinese cups, pieces of satin, beads, bells, needles, Chi- nese tobacco and pipes invited and tempted them to come nearer, but in vain. Knives were the only ob- jects that appealed to them and for these they scrambled and fought and to obtain them several boatmen went ashore to bring fresh water in skin bladders. Chirikof describes them as men of large stature and good health, in their features resembling the Tartars but somewhat paler. In their noses they wore stone or ivory orna- ments which caused the blood to flow. Although these men would not come on board they gave Chirikof roots, which they used for food, arrows, and other objects. Late in the afternoon a strong wind began to blow, forcing the St. Paul to stand out to sea, but this was ac- complished with difficulty and the loss of an anchor. 355 ' There was so little drinking water that an attempt was made to obtain it by distilling salt water, but the operation was not altogether a success for the distilled 386 Delisle Manuscripts. See "Appendix." Chirikof's Journal, 53-55. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 189 water retained a bitterness. To offset this unpleasant taste the water was diluted with an equal quantity of the remaining fresh water. Arrangements were made at the very beginning for catching all the rain possible. 3S1 The scarcity of water, lack of properly cooked food, suf- ferings from storms and exposures broke the health of nearly all the men, and several of them died as a result, among them being the two lieutenants. 388 Chirikof was not able to come on deck after the twenty-first and was obliged to give his orders from the cabin. Those who were able to keep their feet were so weak that they could only with difficulty handle the vessel, the sails and rigging of which were rotting and giving way. To their joy Avatcha was sighted on October 8 ; anchorage, however, was not made until the morning of the tenth. Five cannon shot brought a few small boats alongside and on these the sick were carefully taken ashore. Louis Delisle de la Croyere died before he could be landed. 389 Altogether twenty-one men lost their lives on this voy- age. 390 During the winter Chirikof recovered sufficiently to be able to go to sea the following May. He sailed east- wardly intending to reach the American coast and if possible to find Bering. He passed close by Bering Island and came to Attu and Atka, but on account of unfavorable weather he had to turn back to Avatcha and from there he went to Okhotsk and eventually to St. Petersburg where he was promoted, but he lived only a short time after that. 387 Chirikof's Journal, 50. 388 — Ibid, 57. 389 Nicolai, a son of Delisle by a Kamchatka woman, survived him. Cap- tain Clerk, Cook's successor, when in Kamchatka, erected a tablet to Delisle. Soon after that Clerk himself was buried here; and when Laperouse visited Avatcha he put up a monument to the Englishman. 390 Mullen Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 240-241. igo RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Owing to the strong wind the St. Peter kept under little sail the day the St. Paul disappeared. When the wind died down somewhat, Bering decided to go back to the locality where Chirikof was last seen, and in this neighborhood he remained until the twenty-second. A ship's council then advised the retracing of the course from the fiftieth to the forty-sixth parallel, with the hope of running across either Chirikof or Company Land. 391 On the twenty-fifth, the St. Peter found herself in latitude forty-five degrees, sixteen minutes, without having found either object of the search. Orders were given to put about, and for three days an east by north course was kept and then changed to east-northeast, in order to sail exactly east by north from the forty-sixth and not from the forty-fifth parallel, as previously had been done. 392 For several days there was fair wind and cloud covered skies and fog. From July 7 to 9, an east wind blew, and with this the ship sailed due north to fifty-one degrees, thirty minutes. The wind veering, the course was shifted to northeast by east. Beginning with July 12, a lookout was kept for land. At night the boat either drifted or moved under little canvas. As they continued sailing day after day with no land in sight those on board began to blame themselves for sup- posing that Asia and America were near each other. The disappointment in not finding the object of their search showed itself in the restlessness and antagonism which developed among the men. At a meeting (July 14) the officers agreed to keep more to the north by steering a north-northeast course until the twentieth, 391 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrage, vol. v, 146. Gama Land was located on the chart between the forty-fifth and forty-seventh degrees. 392 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 381. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 191 and if by that time no land was sighted the attempt should be given up and the return home entered upon because drinking water was running very low. 393 When the St. Peter had crossed the fifty-second parallel there appeared many signs of land. Near the ship were large quantities of seaweeds and kelps, such as the Quer- cus marina, Algam dentatam Raji, Fucos membrana- ceous calyciformes, and others, some of which grow only on rocks in two or three feet of water, and at least one of these (Fucum clavae effigie) is not to be found in Kamchatka. In addition to these signs there were other indications in the shape of sea birds and marine animals, such as the sea otter that can not live in very deep water and must therefore keep close to shore. But all this evidence was not of sufficient weight with the officers to cause them to change their course and sail a little more to the north as suggested by Steller. 394 This scientist claims that on Wednesday, July 15, he caught a glimpse of land in the direction towards which the boat was heading, but as it did not stand out very clearly he was not believed. On the following day a chain of high, rugged and snow-covered mountains loomed in view in latitude fifty-eight degrees, twenty-eight min- utes. 395 Those on board were of the opinion that these mountains were higher than any they had seen in Si- beria and Kamchatka. The coast seemed to be broken up with numerous bays and harbors. At the sight of land all became excited: some ad- vised looking for a harbor on the mainland at once, 393 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. v, 153. In the Journal of the St. Peter nothing is said about turning back on the twentieth. 394 — Ibid., 148-149. 395 Muller. Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 198. The Journal of the St. Peter says that land was first seen from the boat in a northwestern direction at one o'clock in the afternoon of the sixteenth (boat's reckoning the seventeenth). 192 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC others argued against such a step. But it was the wind, the tide, and the lay of the land rather than any con- certed plan that determined their movements during the following days. With the aid of fair wind the boat approached quite close to the shore on the seven- teenth. Towards the evening of the next day the land was so near that those on board were delighted with the view of the beautiful forests and of the seemingly level and sandy beach. 396 From Saturday night, the eighteenth, until Monday the twentieth, the St. Peter beat up and down in a northwesterly direction, leaving the mainland on the right, in order to get under the shelter of an island. By doing so she ran into a group of islands among which an anchorage was finally found. 397 At the time of the discovery of land Bering was suf- fering from scurvy and seemed to have been worn out by his fifteen years of hardships and abuse. He had no enthusiasm or joy in life, and his depressing spirit dampened what little ardor his men possessed. At the sight of the new continent the men were full of glad- ness and showered on him congratulations, but he re- ceived all their felicitations coldly and indifferently and with shrugging shoulders. Later, in the cabin, in the presence of two of the men, he expressed himself somewhat in the, following manner: We think we have now discovered everything, but we do not 396 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. v, 155. 397 Monday, July 20, was St. Elias day, and in honor of the saint several of the officers insisted on naming one of the islands Cape Elias, much to the disgust of Steller, who argued with them that an island could not be called a cape. What the officers did, and probably all they desired to do, was to name the island St. Elias. According to their inaccurate observation the island is in latitude fifty-nine degrees, forty minutes and east of Avatcha forty-eight de- grees, fifty minutes. [Waxel's report to the Admiralty College. Admiralty papers, doc. 2, 1742, p. 224.] BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 193 stop to think where we are, how far we are still from home, and what may yet happen. Who knows but perhaps contrary winds will come up and prevent us from returning. We do not know this country nor have we provisions enough for wintering here. 398 Now that land was discovered, Bering and his of- ficers, before deciding what their movements were to be in the near future, whether to remain two days or two months, whether to explore or not, went about pro- viding for the needs of the immediate present, which was fresh water. For this purpose the small boat was put into commission. The larger one, in charge of Chytref, was ordered to make explorations. The dis- cord which reigned on board is well illustrated by the following incident. Steller, who had come in the ca- pacity of naturalist, requested permission to accompany Chytref, in which petition the latter joined; but for some reason or other Bering was deaf to all pleadings. After much coaxing Steller was permitted to go on shore in the small boat, but without any other assistants than the man he had brought along especially for that purpose. As the boat pulled away orders were given for the trumpets to be blown, a mock salute to Steller. 399 398 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrage, vol. v, 154. 399 — Ibid., 158. Steller seems to have been altogether out of place on the St. Peter. He was a man of high education and culture, while his companions on board were ignorant and coarse. We can easily picture to ourselves the pleasure such men would take in humiliating a man of Steller's type and in showing him how little good book-knowledge is. Bering himself at certain times eyed him with contempt, as if to say, "Why did God make such a fool?" On the other hand, one should not be blind to the fact that Steller was not the most agreeable person to have on a boat like the St. Peter. He was too willing to instruct and give advice in all matters, even navigation, and had the faculty of believing himself always in the right. The result of this state of affairs was unfortunate for all concerned. It came to the point that whatever Steller suggested, even when in his own province, was almost sure to be disapproved. In many cases his advice was sound, and had it been taken, much suffering and hardship would have been avoided. 194 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC About half of the crew as well as the officers remained on board taking on the casks of water as they were brought from shore. Aware of the disadvantages under which he was la- boring, and of the short time at his command, Steller, as soon as he landed, began to look for traces of human beings. The amount of work he did on that day, or rather part of a day, is indeed remarkable and shows him to have been a man of great ability. In one spot he found the remains of a fire and scattered bones, which gave him the information he desired about the animal life of the island, mainland, and surrounding waters. A little farther on he came across some small shellheaps and dried fish, which left him without much doubt as to the habits of the people. At still another place he uncovered an habitation wherein were utensils of various sorts, smoked salmon, sweet grass, bows and arrows, drills for fire, and other objects; and from all these he reasoned that America must be much closer to Asia than their present position indicated and that the inhabitants of those regions were closely related to those of Siberia, a conclusion which modern research has not changed. He took some of these objects and sent them to Bering on board with a request that men be given to help him, warning at the same time those on shore to be on their guard. While waiting for a reply, Steller went on gathering specimens and making observations. Noticing from the top of a mountain smoke on another part of the island, he hurried to the beach to notify Bering of the fact and to request a small boat and several men to look for the people. While waiting for a reply Steller made a study of the botan- ical and zoological specimens he came across. We can easily picture the enthusiasm of the man as he rev- BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 195 died among natural phenomena on which no civilized man had ever gazed, the eagerness with which he ex- pected help from Bering to enable him to bring back to the world information about a people on whom no white man had ever looked. This was the great day, the great opportunity of his life! Imagine then his disap- pointment, his bitterness, on receiving word from Ber- ing that if he did not come on board he would be left behind. Becoming convinced that no help would come from that quarter he turned back to the interior of the island and remained there until sunset gathering data on the place. When he returned he was greeted by another order from the captain that unless he came on board at once, he need not come at all. This led Steller to remark sarcastically that this long and expensive ex- pedition had been planned in order to fetch American water to Asia, and that the ten hours of exploration corresponded to the ten years of preparation. Steller was somewhat unreasonable and he allowed his enthu- siasm to run away with him. In view of the fact that Bering had to decide whether to give Steller a boat and men or to use it for taking on water his decision, though harsh and coarsely worded, was not unjust. The trouble was that the whole personnel of the boat had reached that stage of irritability where a great deal was made out of every little thing. Steller and Bering viewed the expedition from two different points: to the former its value lay primarily in its contribution to the knowl- edge of the natural sciences and therefore he and his work should be held in high esteem; to the latter the so-called sciences were of very minor importance and that it was Steller's business to occupy himself with the duties of ship's surgeon and not to meddle with any- thing else. When Steller came on board with his col- ig6 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC lection no one seemed to care anything about or pay any attention to him. Orders were, however, given to take an iron kettle, tobacco, a Chinese pipe, and a piece of Chinese silk to the place from which the native articles had been taken 400 and to bring back nearly everything of value that was to be found there. 401 Chyt- ref returned about an hour after Steller and reported that he discovered a land-locked harbor in one of the islands where the boat might lie in perfect safety. Al- though he met with no human beings, he did see a small wooden building, the walls of which were so smooth as to make it seem as if they had been planed and pre- pared with sharp tools. From this building he brought several objects; a large wooden box or basket, a stone, which may have been used as a whetstone and which had marks on it as if made by copper, a ball made of clay having in it pebbles and was probably used as a rattle for children, a hand-rudder, and the tail of a silver-tipped fox. 402 No attempt was made to set foot on or to reach the mainland for fear of the natives, and neither Bering nor his principal officers, except Chyt- ref, touched land the whole time the St. Peter was in these waters. Very early on the morning of the twenty-first, Bering came on deck and seeing that the wind was fair for get- ting out, ordered that the anchor be weighed. Waxel 400 Billings' Voyage, 194. When Billings anchored at Kayak Island an old man told Messrs. Sarytchef and Sauer that he "remembered that when he was a boy, a ship had been close to the bay on the west side of the island and had sent a boat ashore; but on its approaching land the natives all ran away. When the ship sailed, they returned to their huts and found in their subter- raneous store room some glass beads, leaves [tobacco], an iron kettle, and something else." 401 Steller, Reise, 165. 402 — Ibid., 166-167; Journal of the St. Peter, 60. In the Journal, there is a brief description of the island. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 197 pleaded with him in vain to wait until the twenty empty water casks were filled. Bering felt that be- cause it was already late, also because so little was known of the land, seas, and weather, that all should be satisfied with what had already been accomplished and the return home be entered upon over the same course on which they had come. 403 Up to the twenty- fifth, the direction steered was south-southwest, when it was agreed to sail southwest so long as the drizzly weather continued and to change to north by west if it cleared up, in order to observe more closely the newly discovered land. On account of stormy wet weather the southwest course was kept until the thirty-first, when it cleared sufficiently to sail northwest with a southeasterly wind, and by this manoeuvre the St. Peter passed near Ukamak Island. In front of this island the boat stood at anchor from early morning until the evening of August 2. On the third, in latitude fifty- six degrees, the mainland came into view once more in the north-northwest half west direction, at a distance of fourteen miles. Not being able to go farther to the westward the boat sailed with easterly wind on a south- erly course, and in so doing she ran into the Kodiak group of islands and had some difficulty in finding a way out. On the seventh, there began one of those storms, at first mild but gradually increasing in force and shifting to the northwest, which made the return voyage so tragic. All the ship's officers met on August to for deliberation and they agreed that owing to the lateness of the season, the fact that twenty-six men were down with scurvy, and that about four hundred Ger- man miles still separated them from Kamchatka, the 403 Steller, Reise, 172. 198 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC idea of exploring the American coast should be given up and all haste made to reach Avatcha. 404 On the eleventh the wind blew from the southeast making it possible to sail westward; the next day it was calm, and this was followed by head winds which blew steadily until the eighteenth compelling the boat to beat up and down from north to south without, however, making much headway. Towards three o'clock of the morning of the nineteenth there sprung up an east wind with which they sailed westward until about noon when it died out, but it was still possible to make some slight advance towards the south and farther and farther from the mainland, which disappeared from view by the fol- lowing day. The winds were contrary nearly the whole time from the twentieth to the twenty-fifth when a strong storm from the west came up. It died down somewhat the next day but in order to make any head- way it was still necessary to tack. On the morning of the twenty-seventh it was clear and cold with the wind still from the west. According to the Journal of the St. Peter, the officers held a council that day to decide what to do; and this body concluded that because of the scarcity of water, there being only twenty-five full casks, and also on account of the head winds, the boat should sail towards the land for the purpose of taking on water. The boat had hardly started on the new course when the wind veered again. Taking advan- tage of it, the course was set anew, only to be changed again to northeast when the wind shifted once more and blew from the west. With this breeze the St. Peter sailed the remainder of the twenty-seventh and the twenty-eighth. Towards evening of the later day 404 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 389; Journal of the St. Peter, 72. Waxel's report gives the position of the boat at the time as 53° 12'- BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 199 land was clearly seen in north by east. By morn- ing of the twenty-ninth five islands stood out with the mainland in the distance. It was three o'clock when the first island was reached, which stretches from north to south. Late in the evening anchor was dropped in front of a bare and rocky island, latitude 55 50' 45", about three versts off the first mentioned. 405 Bering had now reached the Shumagin Islands, having spent nearly forty days in going from Kayak to Nagai, which can be made in about one-tenth of the time in fair weather. Early in the morning of the thirtieth a boat with Steller on board was sent ashore for water. He might as well have remained aboard for those in charge filled the casks with brackish water because it was handy. Steller argued with them, pointed out better water and warned the officers of the disastrous effects of the salt water on the health of the men, but all to no purpose. Fifty-two barrels of this water were taken on and this may explain in part why so many suffered from scurvy. As there was very little in the medicine chest to fight this disease Steller gathered many berries and grasses which could be made use of for medicinal purposes. He requested that several men be detailed for this work but this was not allowed. Bering was too ill to leave the cabin and Waxel was practically in command, es- pecially in matters of detail, and he and Steller were not on good terms. The taste of fresh food put Bering on his feet temporarily, as soon as that was gone he re- lapsed once more into a helpless condition. 406 A num- ber of the sick were taken ashore and one of them, Shu- magin, died on the thirtieth as soon as he was landed, and was buried the following day. 407 Towards the 405 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrage, vol. v, 181. 406_/£/^ ) ,g 7 . 407 The island on which he was buried was called Shumagin; at the pres- 200 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC evening of the thirty-first there came on a heavy blow accompanied by a high surf and it was with great dif- ficulty and with boats half full of water that the in- valids were taken on board. The St. Peter would have gone out to sea then and there, instead of seeking shelter behind one of the islands, had it not been for the ab- sence of Chytref who started on the thirtieth of August for one of the islands on which fire was seen the night preceding, and before returning he lost his boat, two or three days' time, and nearly his own life and the lives of those with him. 408 During the night the wind veered from east to northwest from which quarter the boat was protected. She could not proceed for the rea- sons just given and that was the situation on Septem- ber i. By next morning the wind shifted to the south- east. The large boat with eight men was sent to bring off Chytref, who had been signalling for help by build- ing large fires. At the same time the St. Peter moved nearer to land. It blew hard and rained all day; to- wards evening the southeast wind became so strong that three anchors were let go. In the course of the night the wind turned to the southwest from which point no danger was feared. On the morning of the third, Chy- tref and all the other men came on board, and almost immediately afterwards the St. Peter got under sail and tried to work her way out but succeeded only partially. Another attempt was made on the fourth but on ac- count of the strong head wind it had to be given up. While anchored here some one was heard calling from shore; a little later two small boats were seen approach- ing. When within a half verst of the ship those in the ent time the whole group of islands is so named. According to Steller's de- scription [pp. 185-188] of the island it is probably the Nagai of to-day. 40s Muller, Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 210-213. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 201 boats began to speak in a loud voice the meaning of which no one on the St. Peter understood. Gestures expressing friendliness and an invitation to draw nearer were made to them from the deck. The islanders moved up closer, and by pointing with their hands to the shore, their fingers to their mouths, and dipping water with their hands, they seemed to invite those on ship to land and have something to eat and drink. Be- fore turning back to shore they approached so near the boat that they could be observed and presents given to them. 409 When they had gone the large boat contain- ing twelve men, including Waxel and Steller, started for the spot from which the natives had come. On ac- count of the rocky beach, heavy surf, and wind, it was not safe to run the boat ashore; the Koriak interpreter and two Russians waded through the water to land where they were greeted by a large party of men and women. One of the natives went out in his skin boat to the ship's boat. He was treated with brandy and an old pipe full of tobacco, neither of which he appreci- ated and he left in disgust. The three men on the beach were led by the natives to the spot where they had been seated and presented with a piece of whale blub- ber, they said many things to them which were not un- derstood, and they pointed over the hills as if to say that their homes were over there. The rough weather pre- vented a longer stay than about fifteen minutes. As the three men started to leave the natives tried to detain them, especially the Koriak, and it became necessary to discharge three muskets over their heads. In their fright they fell to the ground and let go of their men who escaped to the boat and got away. 410 There seems 409 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrage, vol. v, 191-200. 410 _ jy tc i. 202 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC to have been no harm intended by the natives. With his usual accuracy and clearness Steller describes these islanders and their customs, who resemble those seen by Chirikof, so that it is possible to recognize them at once as the inhabitants of the Shumagin Islands. 411 The party had barely got on board when a storm came up from the south accompanied by heavy rain which continued all that night and until noon of Sep- tember 5. Because the wind had shifted to the south- west leaving them in an exposed position the St. Peter left her moorings at two o'clock to look for shelter from westerly winds and three hours later such a spot was found. Several islanders in their skin boats came near the boat giving those on board another opportunity to observe them closely and to exchange presents. All during the sixth, the weather was unfavorable, but towards evening it was possible to take advantage of the southwest by west wind and attempt to work out of the islands. By noon of the next day the last of the islands was about twenty miles in the rear. A little later in the day the wind became so strong that sails had to be taken in and during the night the mizzen-mast sail only was used. More and more of the men were becoming sick, and there was some discussion on board as to whether it would not be wise to winter either in America or Japan. 412 The gloomy, uncomfortable weather continued on the eighth with the wind shifting from west by north to west by south, but it was possible to advance with both of these so that by evening the boat was on the fifty-third parallel. It calmed down during the night. Toward morning a fair easterly wind came up blowing for sev- eral hours, pushing the boat on her course until, ac- 411 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. v, 191-200. 412 — Ibid., 204. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 203 cording to the calculations of the officers, three hun- dred twelve Dutch miles separated them from Avatcha. There was both rain and sunshine on the tenth, the wind blowing at first from south-southwest and later south- west by south. Towards noon the reckoning showed the boat to be two hundred ninety-eight miles from Avatcha. Nearly the same wind and weather was ex- perienced the next day and twenty more miles were sailed. There were many reasons for believing that land was not far away. On the twelfth the weather changed for the worse, gloomy and calm at first, later head winds from the west with rain, so that the boat ad- vanced only two miles. Owing to the variable winds and calms of the two following days little headway was made. By noon of the fourteenth Avatcha was yet two hundred fifty-eight miles distant. Although it was fair overhead on the fifteenth, the winds were not such that much progress could be made. On the next day the wind seemed to come from all directions, finally settling down for a time to south-southwest, accom- panied by rain. Eighteen miles were covered in the last two days. Six miles were added the next day with the aid of winds, chiefly from northwest by west. By noon of the eighteenth Avatcha was two hundred twen- ty-nine miles off, wind mainly southwest by west; dur- ing the next twenty-four hours three more miles were added, the wind being from the northwest by west. Similar wind and weather prevailed on the twentieth, except that it calmed down during the night. The twenty-first was pleasant and sunshiny with a very quiet sea; towards evening it blew from the southeast and after midnight from northwest by west. This breeze continued the next day which was an agreeable one. On the twenty-third it stormed the whole day and night, 204 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC the wind from the southwest forced the boat north. Towards evening the second man of the party died, the Grenadier Trejakof. The observation on the twenty- fourth indicated the fifty-first parallel and late in the day the Atka group of islands loomed up suddenly and many of them were given saintly names. With the southwest wind it was not possible to get by them, and in order not to run into them it was necessary to sail easterly. On the top of these hardships a storm came up and blew with all its fury for nearly two weeks, forcing the boat more and more to eastward and out of her course and causing considerable damage and much suffering. On the twenty-fifth, owing to the violence of the storm, the St. Peter was in danger of being wrecked on the islands or losing her masts and gear. Although the wind died down somewhat the next day the sea was still rough and the ship was again forced to go easterly. The twenty-seventh opened with a hard blow from the southeast but an hour later it shifted to the west and blew with all the violence imaginable. The old sailors on board said they had never before experienced any- thing like it. The boat was in danger every minute of either losing her rigging and masts or being swamped by the waves. On the twenty-eighth it was still worse. It seemed to quiet down on the twenty-ninth until about ten o'clock at night when once more the southeast wind sprung up veering gradually to the west and the storm was on again. It was worse than anything that had come before it. One could neither stand up nor lie down, all abandoned their posts and resigned them- selves to what seemed inevitable destruction. The boat was tossed here and there at the will of the waves, and one could see only a few feet ahead. It was impossible BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 205 to cook anything and the only food obtainable was old hardtack. Half of the crew was down with scurvy and the other half was on its feet because of necessity and not because it was physically able. Bering, who was becoming weaker from day to day, recommended prayer and offerings to the Orthodox and Protestant churches. Everyone looked forward to daylight, but the first of October dawned without bringing relief, the southwest wind blew as hard as before. During the day the officers were of the opinion that as soon as the storm died down an effort should be made to find some place in America for the winter. Finally on the second the storm abated somewhat, al- though the wind was still blowing from southwest and the sea rough. During these trying days the ship had drifted three degrees south and about fifty miles east. 413 Twenty-four men were critically ill and two had died. Hope soon came back and there was talk of going on to Kamchatka. This hopeful situation lasted only a short time, for at ten o'clock in the night the southeast blow came again raising a storm. On the following day, October 3, it cleared and the wind dropped just enough to make it possible to advance under one sail. The fourth was still quieter, with a few hours of sunshine, and another sail was hoisted. Although it was yet stormy and the seas heavy, it did not prevent the boat continuing her course the next two days. Men were dying almost daily. It was cold and clear on the sev- enth, the wind was westerly and the seas so rough that not much headway was made. The same kind of weather was experienced on the eighth until about three o'clock, when the southeast wind raised a storm, two 413 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. v, 212. 206 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC hours later it began to blow, rain, and hail from the west. The wind increased in velocity the next day, driving the boat northeasterly; the same condition existed on the tenth. Waxel was still of the opinion that an har- bor in America should be sought for the winter, but Bering would not agree to that. On the eleventh it was clear and sunshiny, the wind from west-northwest dy- ing down towards night, but freshening up about mid- night from the south. Before this wind the boat ran westward at the rate of one and three-fourths miles per hour. This wind held on until six o'clock of the after- noon of the twelfth when it veered to southwest bringing a storm, rain, hail, snow, and later a rainbow. The storm blew over by the thirteenth and in place of it came a head west wind making it necessary to tack between south and northwest. It was quiet on the fourteenth, and the fifteenth was full of sunshine and generally calm, what winds there were came from the northwest. This pleasant weather continued until six o'clock of the sixteenth, when a strong fair wind from the south sprung up driving the boat on her course at the rate of nearly four knots per hour. During the night the wind shifted to the east increasing the speed of the boat as high as six and a half knots. Towards the break of day the breeze shifted to the northeast and blew so strong that the sails were shortened. Although it rained on the seven- teenth the northeast wind continued to blow driving the boat before it. Variable winds and weather prevailed on the eighteenth, the boat continued to make from two to two and a half knots sailing on a southwest by west course with northerly winds. During the next three days the situation remained unchanged. On each of these days a man died. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 207 It was clear, sunshiny, and frosty on October 22, the wind westerly and the course north by east towards the American mainland which Waxel had made up his mind to reach because of the health of the men, the con- dition of the boat and the scarcity of fresh water, there being only fifteen barrels, and three of these were leak- ing owing to the fact that the wooden hoops were rot- ting away. The following day with the change of wind to southeasterly and later easterly, the course was al- tered with the view of arriving at Kamchatka or some island. According to Waxel's calculations on the twenty-fourth, the St. Peter was one hundred thirty- four miles from Avatcha, while Juschin insisted that it was one hundred twenty-two. It was determined to sail on the fifty-second parallel so that in case it blew from the south it would be possible to go north to Avatcha, if, however, it blew from the north the boat could go south between the first and second Kuril Islands. The twenty-fifth started out clear and sunny, but in the afternoon it hailed. At noon the observation indicated fifty-one degrees, thirty-five minutes as the position of the boat, and to the north of her an island loomed up. From an observation taken at noon on the twenty-sixth, the distance from Avatcha was computed to be one hundred three miles. The south-southwest wind of the twenty-seventh drove the boat northwest- erly. At noon the distance from Avatcha was an- nounced as ninety miles. Later in the day the velocity of the wind increased necessitating the shortening of sail. It was heavy weather on the morning of the twenty-eighth and when it cleared up somewhat, those on deck saw an island right before them not a mile dis- tant. Getting away from here the ship continued on her course during the twenty-ninth and thirtieth, on the 2o8 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC morning of which two islands were seen lying near to each other close to the fiftieth parallel. A dispute came up as to whether these islands were the Kurils, the officers held that they were not while several of the men who had spent much time in Kamchatka main- tained the opposite view. No one could be quite cer- tain of the position of the boat because of the impossi- bility of making accurate observations and calculations. According to the computations of Waxel and Chytref they were still sixty miles short of Avatcha, and, there- fore, they set a northerly course and sailed on it Octo- ber 31, November 1, 2, and 3, coming as far as the neighborhood of the fifty-sixth parallel. On midnight of November 4, the wind being westerly, the course was changed to southerly. So certain were those on board that Kamchatka was close at hand that on the morning of November 5 sails were taken in so as not to run into it. When about nine o'clock land showed it- self there was great rejoicing, the sick crawled out of their berths to have a look. A number of landmarks were identified as those of Kamchatka and the boat sailed up and down to get a closer view of them and by doing so it came into a bay. Fortunately for them the sun came out at noon allowing an observation, and to their great disappointment their position was found to be between the fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth parallels, too far north for Avatcha. The next move was to get out of the bay and away from land because of the threaten- ing storm. The condition of the men on the boat was most pitiful. There were only ten persons who were able to get about at all. 414 During the last few days many on board died, 414 Steller in Pallas's Nene Nordische Beytrage, vol. v, 219. Waxel in his report [p. 228] gives eight as the number of men able to be on deck. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 209 the sick were sinking fast, and those who stood their watch were so weak that they had to be led to their places and taken from them by men who were not in much better physical condition themselves. 415 The days were gloomy and short and the nights long and black, with the danger of running into some unknown land at any time. So helpless were they that when the storm broke on them about midnight there was no one able to furl the sails, the result being that they were torn, the masts sprung and became in part useless. This was the situation on the morning of the sixth. A council of the ship's officers was called to decide on the next step. After taking into consideration the condition of men and boat, time of year, distance from Avatcha, lack of water (only six barrels were left on hand), and the bad weather, it was concluded to return to the bay from which they had just come, land, save the lives of those on board and if possible the ship. 416 The boat was put about and headed for the land. When towards sunset they were within two versts of shore they com- menced to heave the lead, moving gradually nearer to within a verst and dropped anchor in nine fathoms. It was already night (five o'clock) but the moon was shin- ing. About half an hour after anchoring a heavy surf began to run tossing the ship here and there as if it were a plaything. A moment later the cable broke and for 415 Muller, Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 227. 416 Steller, in Pallas's Neue Nbrdische Beytrdge, vol. v, 224. According to Steller Bering was opposed to this plan. He said that since they had suf- fered and endured so long they should be patient awhile longer, and that they should make use of the foremast and try to reach Avatcha. Waxel and Chytref assured him that they were in Kamchatka and persuaded him to yield to their wishes. Waxel in his report [p. 229] says that the crew was so weak that it was dangerous to go farther. He also states that the sailors had a meeting of their o ,n and notified the officers that their strength was failing them so fast that they could not be depended on to work much longer. 210 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC awhile it seemed as if all were lost. A second anchor was thrown in with no better success. Before the third could be made ready a heavy sea lifted the boat over the reef into the calm water within three hundred fathoms of the shore. 417 Aside from the reaction which followed this almost fatal event, a quiet night was spent. The next morn- ing being clear and pleasant with the wind from the northeast, Steller with a party of invalids made a land- ing. Waxel, sick and worn out, came also ashore, in- tending as soon as possible to send to Avatcha for horses to transport the sick, so certain was he that they were in Kamchatka. During the day several ptarmigan, sea otters, and seals, none of which showed any fear of man, were shot and sent with greens on board. Steller, Plenisner and several others remained on land over night to watch over the sick over whose heads shelter had been constructed out of driftwood and canvas. The next day they hunted and explored with the view of ascertaining whether they were in Kamchatka. The two first mentioned came to the conclusion that they were not and, therefore, on November 9, went about se- lecting a site for winter quarters and to prepare accom- modations for the sick who were being daily landed. A number of the invalids died before they touched ground and as soon as they came in contact with the fresh air. On this account those who had not yet been disturbed were carefully wrapped, and in this manner Bering was brought ashore on the tenth. He was com- posed and clear-headed and made inquiries as to their situation. He was placed under the care of Steller, the Assistant-surgeon Betge, and Plenisner, who tried 417 There were two dead bodies on board which were to be buried on shore the next day; but as soon as the superstitious sailors realized that the boat was in danger they laid the blame on these corpses and threw them overboard. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 211 to nurse him back to health. By the twenty-first nearly every one was ashore, including Waxel and Chytref, both of whom were very ill. It was a most pitiful and heart-breaking picture which presented itself on the beach. Scattered here and there were the dead, dying, and helpless sick, some without shelter or the necessary covering. This one complained that he was cold, an- other that he was hungry, a third that he was thirsty, and many were in such bad condition, their gums being so swollen, that they could not partake of food when it was handed to them. To add to this already tragic scene dozens and dozens of blue foxes infested the camp and could not be driven away. They tugged at the dead, bit the living, scattered and spoiled the provisions, stole the boot of one man, the shirt of another, and the hat of a third. Whatever was in sight, even articles made of metal, they carried off. 418 Under these condi- tions many perished who, had they reached Kamchatka and had the needed attention and necessary nourish- ment, might have survived. Bering breathed his last on December 8, and was buried near where he died on the island which now bears his name. 419 Thirty men 418 Steller, in Pallas's Neue Nordisc/ie Beytrdge, vol. v, 232-236. The blue foxes were so numerous that the first day when Steller and Plenisner were building their hut they killed sixty with their axes and pikes in order to keep them off. On the next day they killed so many that they lay there in piles and were used that night for stopping up the holes in their dwelling. 419 Muller's account of the death of Bering has been repeated by some writers and exaggerated by others. This is what Muller says: "Man kann sagen, dass er noch bey lebendigem Leibe halb begraben worden. Denn wie in der Grube, worin er lag, bestandig Sand von den Seitenwanden Herab- rollete, und seine Fusse bedeckte ; so erlaubte er zuletzt nicht me'nr, dass solches dorfte weggeraumet werden. Er empfund davon, seiner Sage nach, etwas Warme, die ihm sonst an den ubrigen Theilen seines Leibes abgieng. Und so haufte sich der Sand bis an den Unterlieb ; daher man, da er mit Tode abgeing, ihn erst aus dem Sande hervorscharren muste, um ihn auf gehorige Art zur Erden zu bestatten" - Muller, Sammlung Russicher Ge- schichte, vol. iii, 238. Muller does not give his authority for his statement, and 212 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC in all lost their lives from the time of leaving Avatcha until January 8, when the last of the diseased men passed away. 420 it is probably an exaggerated account which had gathered in the course of time. Steller, who was with Bering to the very last, relates a different story: "So aber kam er fast vor Hunger, Durst, Kalte, Ungemavh und Betrubniss urn, und der odomatose Geschwulst der Fusse, den er schon langst von einem gestropften Tertianfieber hatte, wurde durch die Kalte vermehrt und in den Leib und die Brust getrieben, endlich aber seinem Leben, durch den im Unter- liebe entstanden Brand, am 8 December zwey Stunden vor Tage, ein Ende gemacht. So jammervoll sein Tod seinen Freunden scheinen musste, so be- wunderswurdig war seine Gelassenheit und erstliche Zubereitung zum Schei- den, welches bey volliger Vernunft und sprache erfolgte. Er selbst war uberzeugt, dass wir an ein unbekanntes Land verschlagen worden, dennoch wollte er durch seine Behauptung die ubrigen nicht gern niedergeschlagen machen, sondern ermunterte vielmehr auf alle Weise zur Hofnung und Thatigkeit. Wir begruben dessen entseelten Leichnam Tages darauf, nach Protestantischen Kirchengebrauchen nahe bey unsrer Wohnung, do er zwischen seinen Adjutanten, einem Commissario und zwey Grenadieren liegt, und setzen bey unsrer Abreise auf die Grabstatte, zum Merkmal ein holzernes Kreuz, welches zugleich fur die Besitznehmung des Landes gelten konnte" - Steller, Pallas' Neue NordiscJie Beytrdge, vol. vi, 8-9. 420 There is an episode in connection with this voyage which is of some interest and which has been the cause of not a little misunderstanding. In 1750 J. N. Delisle, who had left St. Petersburg in 1747, read a paper before the Academy at Paris, in which he said that Bering was wrecked on an island and had not been in America, and that Chirikof and Delisle de la Croyere had touched on the American coast. This statement was bitterly attacked and its author roughly handled by Muller [?] in a Lettre d'un Offlcier de la Ma- rine Russienne. The point is this: Did Delisle say what he did to belittle Bering and magnify the deeds of Chirikof, and especially of his brother, or was he simply ignorant of the true state of affairs? The writer believes that the latter explanation is the true one, and for these reasons: (1) When Delisle left Russia many of the original journals and charts were in Siberia [Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenia, vol. ix, 468]; (2) Delisle did not know the true facts of Bering's voyage, because in his manuscript, although one finds extracts of many of the voyages, there is not a single word about the St. Peter's; (3) it is doubtful whether the Admiralty College gave out (by 1750) accurate details regarding Bering's voyage, because the whole of Europe had erroneous ideas on the subject; (4) Delisle got his information for the state- ment from the newspapers of the day, as may be seen from the following freely translated extracts. "Captain Behring, who went to make an attempt to find out whether one could go to America by way of the Arctic Sea [Mer du Nord], was wrecked on the coast of an island, and the captain with the larger part of the crew died there. Steller, the botanist of the Academy, and several sailors were BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 213 In more recent times a monument has been erected on that island by the Russian government to him who gave the best part of his life to determine whether Asia and America are united. With his discoveries the czar's dominions reached their farthest extent. What- ever faults Bering had, it can not be said of him that he shirked a task because it was hard and unpleasant. His defamers have belittled themselves by accusing him of short comings from which deeper study and fairer judgment would have shown him to be free; his friends have not added to their reputation by slandering those who fail to see in him a "Russian Columbus." The mere discovery of land does not make one a Columbus, although it may make one famous. A great discoverer must possess special qualifications and ability for such work, Bering at no time displayed unusual qualities. He was, in school language, a "plodder;" he did the work before him faithfully and to the best of his abil- fortunate enough to resist the disease and from the wreck of the big boat built a smaller one, on which they returned to Kamchatka. Steller says that he met Captain Tscherikov who told him that he had been on the coast of some unknown country whose inhabitants resemble the Americans. But when he attempted to land he was repulsed by the Americans, and after losing sev- eral soldiers and sailors, he had to give it up." - Gazette de France, Novem- ber 16, 1743. (De Petersburg, October 20). "Mr. George Guillaume Steller of Windsheim, Franconia, famous bot- anist and Professor of the Imperial Academy, died recently between Tobolsk and Cathrinesburg. This scholar is generally mourned. He was coming to Kam- chatka after having discovered one of the islands of North America and proved that it was only a short distance from there to the Russian Empire. He undertook this discovery in 1738 by the order of the Court in a vessel commanded by Captain Behring. They had the misfortune to get wrecked on an island, where the captain and the greater part of the crew died." - Eibliotheque Germanique, Tome 3 (published after 1746). "News has reached here that Mr. Steller, the famous botanist and member of the Imperial Academy, died recently. . . He was returning from Kam- chatka after having discovered one of the North American islands and proved that it was only a short distance from there to the Russian Empire." - Am- sterdam Gazette, January 25, 1747. 2i 4 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC ity. From this point of view Bering may be called great. It is interesting to note the behavior of those who were able to take care of themselves. Steller, Plenis- ner, the assistant surgeon, and two or three others joined hands to stand by each other. They organized their forces, divided their work, and were soon as comfort- able as they could be under the circumstances. During the life time of Bering he was looked after by this small company. A number of the other men followed their example and they too banded together. The sick were not neglected, but, judging from Steller's journal, it would seem that their wants were not always looked af- ter first. During the long sea voyage certain feuds and enmities had developed and these were not immediately forgotten. The sick, outside of those already mentioned, were placed under cover in one place and there they lay cursing their evil fortune and their officers who led them into this undertaking. Chytref when he was tak- en ill was brought into this place and had to listen to the men calling down God's anger on him for the things he did and did not do. He begged Steller and his party to take him out of this common sick room into their quarters, but partly because of lack of room but chiefly because of the hate which they bore him, they refused his request. Waxel received a little better treatment, although the Steller crowd would not take him in, they did provide separate quarters for him and several other sick men. It is not clear whether Chytref was of that number or not. 421 By January i, there were five underground huts to shelter the men for the winter: the so-called barracks, the lieutenants' quarters, Steller's place, the hut of 421 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. vi, 4-5. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 215 Alexei Iwanof, and the one of Luka Alexeef. In front of each building were several large casks used as store houses which served to keep the foxes out. As the men became stronger and the memories of those frightful days were less tense they drew closer to each other and worked more in harmony and to a common end. They organized themselves into three companies. One was to provide the camp with meat which became the main article of diet. As there were a great many sea otters, seals, sea cows, sea lions, and sea bears, there was no lack of food at first. But the men became thoughtless and killed a great deal of game for mere sport or for the sake of their pelts, this was especially true of the sea otter, the animals were driven farther and farther from camp. Towards the end of the stay it was necessary to go a distance of eighteen to twenty miles to find them. 422 Bread and other foods were also given out but not in the same abundance. From the middle of November to the beginning of May each person was allowed monthly thirty pounds of flour and several pounds of pearl-barley, the last named article, however, gave out after two months. During May and June only twenty pounds of flour were allowed to each man, and in July and August no flour at all was forthcoming, because there were only twenty-five puds (nine hundred pounds) left and this was kept to be used on the voyage to Kamchatka. No one suffered from this scarcity of flour and many did not use up their share partly because they had other things to eat and partly because the lack of a good bake-oven and the poor quality of the flour which had suffered from having stood long in the leath- er sacks and from having come in contact with salt water and distasteful substances at the time of the wreck. 422 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrage, vol. vi, 19; Waxel [p. 232] says even thirty miles. 2i6 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC The usual way of preparing it for food was to make it into cakes and fry it in whale, seal, or sea cow oil. The second company had for its task the providing of wood for the camp and this was regarded as the hard- est work of all. With the exception of some scrub- brush there was not a tree on the island. There was a considerable amount of driftwood on the place; that which was near camp was used up very soon in build- ing the huts and for firewood and the remainder was covered by several feet of snow. Towards the end of March the men had to go as far as fifteen and sixteen versts for their wood which they had to carry on their backs. In addition to its being hard and trying work it was also dangerous. 423 After the middle of May when the snow disappeared wood was found close by and the search for fire-wood lost its terrors. A new source of supply came from the breaking up of the boat. The third company busied itself with the cooking. The question of nationality seems to have been an im- portant factor in the division of labor. Whenever pos- sible it was arranged that a German and Russian should share equally in the work of cooking and hunting. 424 423 On several occasions the men were nearly overcome by the hardships and dangers involved in going such long distances. On April i, four hunters went out to bring game. Towards evening a blinding snow-storm came up so that they could only with great difficulty see a few feet ahead of them and they could hardly keep their feet. Under the circumstances the men became separated. Three of them spent the night under several feet of snow out of which they extricated themselves the following morning with great difficulty. When they reached camp they could neither speak nor think and one was totally blind. The fourth member of the party after becoming separated fell into the water and was chilled through and through. When found next morn- ing he was wandering up and down the beach, having lost his reason. They were given the necessary attention and they all recovered. About the same time another small party was caught by the high water and was kept on a rock for seven days without food or fire [Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrdge, vol. vi, 15-17]. 424 — Ibid., 12-13. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 217 During the winter months efforts were made to as- certain whether the place where the men were en- camped was part of Kamchatka or some outlying is- land. A few days after landing several men were sent to examine the lay of the land to the westward. On their return they said that they found no trace of human beings or any evidence which would lead them to think that they were on Kamchatka. 425 Towards the end of December another party was sent out eastward and on its return on December 26, it gave its opinion that they were on an island. They did find rudders, casks, and other objects which led them to think that Kamchatka was not far off. 426 On February 25, four others were commissioned to go westward, but they did not go far and came back without having accomplished anything of value. 427 An attempt was made to follow the coast in a southerly direction. For this purpose several men were sent on March 15, and they, too, were unable to report anything more definite than the finding of a part of a Kamchatka boat known to the men. A week later several members of this company went again in the same direction. It was understood that in case they discovered that they were on an island they should all return at once in order that the construction of a new boat might not be delayed; if however, it was found that they were on the mainland of Kamchatka half of the company should proceed to Avatcha and the other half should hasten back to camp. On April 6 they re- turned saying that they were certain that they were on an island and that they saw to the northeast of them 423 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrage, vol. vi, 5. 426 — Ibid., 12-13. i2 ' — Ibid. 218 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC high mountains which seemed to them to belong to some island off Kamchatka and not America. 428 Now that there was no longer any doubt as to their being on an island the only way left for reaching Kam- chatka was by water. The St. Peter, after the exciting events of the night of November 6, lay quietly at an- chor until towards the end of that month when she was blown farther on the beach. 429 On February i, a high tide and northwest wind carried her still farther ashore and it became very doubtful whether she could be got- ten into deep water again even if it were found that her bottom was sound. 430 At a meeting held on April 9, it was decided to break up the boat at once and build a smaller one, and the men were reorganized with this ob- ject in view. Twelve men were selected to occupy themselves exclusively with this work, the others, Waxel, Chytref, and Steller excepted, were divided in- to two gangs to hunt and work about camp by turns. 431 Although there was now plenty of wood, the men had to go long distances for game, as was already noted, and this was now regarded the hardest work. On May 6 the keel was laid. To celebrate the event Waxel in- vited all to his dwelling and treated them to the best he had, none of which was intoxicating. Everybody worked with a will for they were eager to get away from the island, and the long and pleasant days helped them very much. Now and then the hunters were for- tunate in killing near camp sea cows, or sea bears, or 428 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordische Beytrage, vol. vi, 12-14, 17-18. 429 _ ibi^ 6 . 430 — Ibid., 12. According to the Journal of the St. Peter the officers and sailors met on January 18 and 29 to discuss the extent of the injuries suffered by the St. Peter. Five arguments were advanced to prove that the boat was past repair. This report was signed by all the officers and sailors, except Ovtzin who submitted a minority report. m—Ibid., 18. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 219 finding a whale, all of which made it possible to reduce the number of men in their party and add them to the ship builders, 4 '" or to put them to other work. Before launching the boat on August 8 all hands gathered for prayer. St. Peter, after whom the new boat was named, was prayed to that he might take the vessel under his protection and bring her safe to Kam- chatka. 433 After two days more of hard work, the boat was gotten into the water. She had a thirty-six foot keel, measured forty-two feet from bow to stern, 434 and drew five and a half feet of water. On the eleventh the mast was put in and the tackle and gear prepared. At the same time a small ship's boat was being con- structed to be carried on deck. Others were putting provisions and other material on board. Among the supplies which were taken on were twenty-five puds of rye-flour, five barrels of salted sea cow meat, also a con- siderable quantity of dried meat of this animal, two puds pease, one barrel of salted beef which had been saved for this purpose. In addition each man had four pounds of butter and most of them had saved up enough flour during their stay on the island to provide them- selves with bread. 435 On August 13 all went on board and trusted their lives once more to the waves. That boat was so small and the amount of baggage so large that there was not room enough for the forty-six men to travel with com- fort. It was necessary to throw some of the baggage overboard before they could find space for all. After 432 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nordisc/ie Beytrdge, vol. vi, 20-21. During July Chytref and others examined the shore by land and water in order to find harbors and to determine on the course to sail after leaving the island. 433 — Ibid. Waxel in his report gives these dimensions: thirty-six feet long, twelve feet deep, five and one-fourth feet under water. 434 — Ibid, 435 — Ibid., 22. 220 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC prayer on the morning of the 14th the sails were hoisted and the voyage begun with a fair wind. The pleasant weather and good breeze remained with them all during the following day, the course sailed being west by south. That night, however, a leak was dis- covered and the vessel began to fill and many thought that their last moment had come. The sails were reefed and a search was made for the leak which was happily found and stopped. On the sixteenth a similar course to that of the fifteenth was sailed; on the seventeenth Kamchatka came in view. As the boat came under the land the wind either died out altogether or was dead ahead so that it was not before the evening of the twen- ty-seventh that the St. Peter came to anchor in Avatcha Bay. 436 Many of the inhabitants welcomed them glad- ly; others were less elated for having given them up as lost they had helped themselves to the things which the officers and crew had left behind. The day after land- ing was set apart as a day of thanksgiving for having been spared and brought back in good health. In the old church at Petropavlovsk there used to hang two icons, representing St. Peter and St. Paul. The frame of one was richly decorated with silver donated by those who returned; under it was written, This holy picture is adorned according to the promise of Di- mitri Ovtzin and others on being saved from the desert island and on arriving in Kamchatka in 1742. SPANBERG'S VOYAGE TO JAPAN The part of Bering's third proposition, which re- ferred to the finding of a route between Okhotsk and Japan, was entrusted to Spanberg with these instruc- tions: 437 Captain Spanberg should build, either at Ok- 436 Steller in Pallas's Neue Nbrdische Beytrage, vol. vi, 25. 437 Polnoe Sobranie Zaknof, Rossiskoi Imperii, vol. viii, doc. 6291. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 221 hotsk or Kamchatka, three boats and on these sail to find a way to Japan ; on the way he was to examine the islands between Kamchatka Cape and Japan, some of these islands being already under Russian jurisdiction (if there were any islands under the jurisdiction of the Emperor of Japan, he was to take note of those also and try to enter into friendly relations with the inhabitants) ; to continue from there to Japan and learn about its gov- ernment, ports, and the possibilities of entering into friendly relations with the people. If there should be any shipwrecked Japanese in Kamchatka, they should be taken back to their country as a sign of friendliness towards their country. On coming to Japan with these shipwrecked Japanese, it might be well to give as an excuse for coming, the desire to return these men to their homes; but in case the Japanese government should refuse to receive them, then they were to be put ashore somewhere and allowed to find their way home. In every possible way friendliness was to be shown and an attempt made to overcome their inveterate Asiatic unsociableness. While in Japan, care was to be taken not to do anything which might offend the Japanese. Warning was given not to believe all that was said to them, nor to allow themselves to be led into a trap and attacked, nor to linger there any longer than was really necessary. Bering's suggestion to invite the Japanese to meet the Russians half-way in their boats was not to be made to them. Spanberg, as has already been noted, arrived at Ok- hotsk in 1735, and for three years he was busy building boats and preparing for his mission. His fleet consist- ed of the flag-ship Archangel Michael (sixty by eigh- teen by seven and one-half feet), the double sloop Nadezhda (seventy by seventeen by five feet), cap- 222 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC tained by Walton, and the old St. Gabriel, in command of Shelting. On the flag-ship were sixty-three men, but the two other boats had forty-four each. The three vessels left Okhotsk June 18, 1738, and on meeting with ice, ran into Bolshaya River where they remained until July 15, taking on provisions and the crew of the wrecked Fortune. After leaving this port the boats became separated in the fog; the Gabriel dis- appeared from view on the nineteenth, and five days later the Nadezhda was equally invisible. The Arch- angel cruised among the Kurils, bestowing names on about twenty-nine of them, but no landing was made on account of the rocky shores. On August 3, Spanberg, being near Urup Island [Company Land] forty-five and one-half degrees, turned back because of the late season, long nights, thick weather, unknown seas, strong currents, lack of provisions, fear of the enemy, and oth- er such-like reasons. Nothing of special interest hap- pened on the return voyage, and on August 17 Spanberg anchored once more in Bolshaya River, where he found Shelting. A week later Walton came in, saying that he had been as far south as forty-three and one-half degrees. One year of the two allowed for the work was al- ready used up without any great results. During the winter of 1738-1739, Spanberg constructed a new boat (fifty by eleven by four and one-half feet) and in honor of the fort named her Bolsheretzk. She drew but little water and was provided with oars to enable her to move about more easily among the islands and to make land- ings. The old Gabriel, which had been damaged in the course of the winter in attempting to go to Okhotsk, was repaired and once more made serviceable. On May 21, 1739, the four boats sailed away from BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 223 Kamchatka, directing their course for the first Kuril island, which was reached on the twenty-fifth. Here an interpreter was taken on board. For some unknown reason, Spanberg shifted Walton to Shelting's and Shelting to Walton's boat. From this place they de- parted June 1, sailing first southeasterly as far as the forty-second parallel without being able to find Gama or any other land, and then the course was changed to southwest. Muller says 438 that on June 14 a storm separated Walton from the other navigators, but one is more inclined to believe Spanberg, who charges that Walton had been trying for some time to get away, and that it had been necessary to order the crew of Walton's boat not to follow their captain in such an attempt. 439 Intentionally or otherwise Walton disappeared. Spanberg continued on his course. On June 16, in latitude thirty-nine degrees, he sighted Nippon and fol- lowed its coast for two days more which brought him to latitude thirty-eight degrees, forty-one minutes 440 where he anchored. From deck one could see many villages, cultivated fields, forests, and junks. Two of the last named came up within thirty or forty fathoms of the Archangel Michael but would not approach any nearer although Spanberg invited them to do so. On the other hand they motioned to him to go ashore. Span- berg thought there was some treachery on foot and sailed away. 441 Following the coast in a southerly di- rection the boat came to anchor again on the 22d, in lat- itude thirty-seven degrees, thirty minutes. 442 The people 438 Muller, Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 168, 169. 439 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix. 440 Muller, op. cit., vol. iii, 168, 169. 441 _ ibM, 442 — Ibid. Muller [op. cit., 169] gives the location as thirty-eight de- grees, twenty-five minutes. 224 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC from shore looked on the newcomers with suspicion at first, but gradually they became more friendly and en- tered into trade relations. Two junks came to the ship bringing gold coins, rice, tobacco, fresh fish, and other articles of trade, taking in return objects offered by the Russians. 443 A day or two later there came on board four important Japanese officers. They made their salutations in the most gracious manner and they re- mained on their knees so long that Spanberg had to re- quest them to rise. They were treated with brandy and Russian dishes, both of which they seemed to enjoy. Spanberg laid before them a chart of these regions and the visitors identified a number of places and referred to the island on which they lived as Nippon. All this evidence convinced Spanberg that he had accomplished the principal part of his mission -to determine the sit- uation of Japan- and he was ready to return. 444 The stay on the whole was short, because seeing himself sur- rounded by nearly a thousand islanders and fearing a misunderstanding might arise, Spanberg did not think it wise to remain long. From this point the Archangel sailed a northeasterly course, discovering, naming, and making landings on a number of the Kuril Islands. On one of these islands there was a village, eight of the inhabitants of which were brought on board. From the description given of them there seems to be no doubt that they were the hairy Ainos. In these waters Spanberg navigated un- til July 25 and then headed the boat for Kamchatka on account of illness on board. A short stay was made at the first Kuril Island and from there they went on to Bolshaya River where they arrived on August 15. Five 443 Muller, op. cit., vol. Hi, 169-173. Hi — Ibid. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 225 days later the boat sailed away for Okhotsk and an- chored there on the twenty-ninth. During the voyage thirteen men died. Walton, when he found himself alone, sailed away on his own responsibility on west and southwest courses. He sighted Nippon on June 16, in latitude thirty-seven degrees, forty-two minutes; 445 and coasted in sight of its shore. On the seventeenth he fell in with a Japanese ship and by following her he came to a large city situ- ated in thirty-four degrees, sixteen minutes. 446 The in- habitants of this part of Japan had had trade relations with Europeans and were therefore more at ease in their presence than those farther north whom Spanberg had met. At the invitation of the natives Walton sent Kasimerof and seven others in the ship's boat to shore to fetch fresh water. They were met on the way by a great many small boats and a large crowd of people welcomed them to shore. The two empty casks were taken in charge by the Japanese who filled them with water. Kasimerof was invited into one of the houses in the city where wine and sweets were placed before him. After walking about and examining the city awhile longer Kasimerof started back for the ship. He was followed by a hundred Japanese boats, in one of which was a man of some distinction. He came on board and exchanged presents and drinks with Walton. Elsewhere on the boat a brisk trade was going on be- tween the Japanese and the Russian sailors. The num- ber of Japanese about the ship became so large that 445 There is a great confusion in the original charts and journals and it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine with accuracy the places in question. Muller [op. cit., 175-176] says that Walton came in view of Nippon in lati- tude thirty-eight degrees, seventeen minutes, and that he came to anchor be- fore a city situated in thirty-three degrees, fory-eight minutes. 446 Muller, op. cit., vol. Hi, 169-173. 226 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Walton, fearing trouble, pulled up the anchor and went out to sea as soon as the Japanese officer departed. Stops were made for the purpose of taking on fresh water and making observations of the country and the people, of which interesting descriptions are given. When in latitude thirty-three degrees, twenty-eight minutes the Gabriel turned back and reached Bolshaya River July 23. Three days later the Bolsheretzk ap- peared, and, accompanied by the Gabriel, the two boats sailed away August 7, making Okhotsk on the twenty- second. The Nadezhda experienced many hardships after leaving the flag-ship (July 31), especially in try- ing to get to Okhotsk. Twice she came in sight of the desired haven but was driven back each time by a storm, compelling her finally to give up and return to Bol- shaya River for the winter. Spanberg reported to Bering the results of his voyage and said, among other things, that if his boats had kept together he would have asked the nearer Kuril Islands to come under the jurisdiction of the Russian Empire, and that all the islands from the forty-third degree of latitude could without much danger be brought under subjection. For this purpose he asked to be put in charge of another expedition. This Bering would not grant, because the time allowed Spanberg for this kind of work had expired. After a consultation with the officers, it was decided to let Spanberg go to the cap- ital, where announcements of his voyage had already been sent. Spanberg, taking his papers with him, 447 set out, and when he had come as far as Jakutsk he found instructions from the Admiralty College not to come any nearer. In April he received another mes- 447 Delisle Manuscripts. It is not clear whether the papers were sent ahead or were left behind for him to take. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 227 sage, from the Imperial Cabinet this time, telling him to come with all speed. He had gone but a short dis- tance when he was stopped by an order of April 15, commanding him to go back and do the work over again. 448 Bering was about ready to leave for Kamchatka, with 448 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 363-365. Span- berg and Walton were on bad terms with each other and with their officers. Spanberg complained that Petrof, his pilot, was a drunkard. Petrof said that Spanberg made him change the journal and cursed him in German and Rus- sian and threatened to hang him. Walton said that Kasimerof, one of his officers, was disobedient, would not stand his watch, nor keep the journal. Kasimerof charged that Walton beat him. Walton and the priest accused Spanberg of mistreating them. The crews swore than Spanberg and Walton abused them. Pizaref, who was not friend of Spanberg's, wrote a letter to the Senate saying that it was in Korea and not Japan that Spanberg had been, because according to a Japanese map found at Okhotsk, Japan is just south of Kamchatka and not fifteen degrees removed where Spanberg placed it. Ber- ing examined Spanberg's log book, finding there many errors, and Spanberg detected in Walton's enough faults to fill a sixteen page note book. Having before it all these charges, inaccurate log books, and contradictory evidences, the Admiralty College did not know whom to believe, and it, therefore, de- cided to have Spanberg do the work over again in a more thorough manner. In 1741, the Admiralty College took all the documents relating to Span- berg's expedition and placed them in the hands of Professor Shishkof of the Naval Academy. He examined and compared them, and came to the con- clusion that although according to the map and statements of Pizaref, Span- berg could not have been in Japan, yet since Kirilof's and Delisle's maps place Japan southwest of Kamchatka, and since Spanberg sailed on that course, it is quite probable that he was in Japan. In the meantime more documents came in, and to examine these the Admiralty College appointed a commission consisting of Captains Laptef and Nagaef and Professors Shishkof and Biltsof, to see what it could make out of the material. This body was in session until 1746 and made this report: "Without any doubt it is clear that Captain Walton, judging from all circumstances, was really on the eastern coast of Japan and not in Korea. . . As to the voyage of Captain Spanberg, judg- ing from his journal, it could hardly be believed that he was on the northern coast of Japan. . . But since he was with the other boats from May 23, when they left Bolsheretzk, up to June 15, and since he noted down in his journal the appearance of the Japanese coast and other happenings which he observed ; therefore it is possible that Spanberg was in Japan and on his re- turn among the Japanese islands. . . But to attempt from his journal to put his voyage on a chart and to locate correctly the islands he saw on the way and some of the Japanese islands is quite impossible, not only for an outsider, but for Spanberg himself." 228 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC all the provisions on hand, when Spanberg returned to Okhotsk, in the summer of 1740. This made it neces- sary for Spanberg to go to Jakutsk for other supplies, and it was June, 1741, before he came back with a part of them, the remainder arriving in September. A new boat, the St. John (seventy by eighteen by six and one- fourth feet), was constructed to take the place of the St. Gabriel. 449 As it was too late to enter on the voyage that year, Spanberg went only as far as Bolsheretzk, where he wintered. Before leaving Okhotsk he de- spatched the Nadezhda in charge of Shelting, assisted by Gwosdef, the same who sighted America in 1732, to chart the western coast of Okhotsk to the Amur. With fair winds the Nadezhda came to the Shantar Islands and later to the Ouda River, which Shelting reported was unfit for settlement on account of the sterility of the soil and the lack of building material. From the twenty-second to the twenty-eighth, the boat cruised among the Shantar Islands and then, owing to a leak, headed for Bolshaya River, anchoring October 9. On May 23, 1742, Spanberg took his fleet out to sea. The St. John was made the flag-ship with seventy-eight persons on board, having, in addition to the regular crew, a son of Spanberg, a youth of about twenty, two students from the St. Petersburg Academy to act as Japanese interpreters, 450 a son of Prince Dolgoruki, a priest, and a surgeon. The Archangel Michael was commanded by Shelting and had forty people on her; the Nadezhda, captained by Ptishzef, had thirty-three; 449 From this time on no more is heard of the St. Gabriel. She was prob- ably one of the two freight boats Bering took along with him to Kamchatka ; but what became of her after that trip is not known. 450 They had learned the Japanese language from two Japanese who had been shipwrecked in Kamchatka years before and were sent to St. Petersburg. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 229 and the Bolsheretzk thirteen, including Boatswain Ka- sin, who was in charge. 451 After leaving Kamchatka a stop was made on the first Kuril island, where an interpreter was taken on board and two natives baptized. From this island the boats sailed May 30, heading southwesterly, and run- ning into a great deal of fog. The weather cleared up on June 4, giving Spanberg an opportunity to deter- mine his position, which was latitude forty-seven de- grees, and to notice that two of his boats were out of sight. Eight days later the Bolsheretzk also disap- peared from view. The St. John continued alone un- til June 22, being at the time in latitude forty-one de- grees, fifteen minutes and near Japan. The weather seems to have been fair and the very best time of the year for navigating in these waters, and yet for some inexplainable reason, Spanberg called a council to de- cide whether they should go back. Most of the officers were only too glad to return, because, they said, the season was already far advanced, that it was not safe for one boat to sail alone in these waters, that a number of the crew were ill, and that as until now the winds had been contrary they were likely to be so on the home- ward voyage. There were those on board of the opin- ion that they should sail on until July 10, which shows that the condition of the boat was not dangerous. It was finally compromised to go on until July 6. This agreement was never carried out, for on June 30, in lat- itude thirty-nine degrees, thirty-five minutes, the St. John, which had been rather hastily constructed of un- seasoned timber, sprang a leak. Under the circum- 451 Walton did not take part in this voyage. He was promoted to the rank of captain and requested to come to the capital, but he died on the way in 1742. 230 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC stances the course was set for the first Kuril island, which was reached without much difficulty, and here the three other boats were found at anchor. Shelting was once more shifted to the Nadezhda and with a pilot and geodist was ordered to chart the coast from Ouda to the Amur. Sailing away July 24, he made on August 1 the eastern shore of Sakhalin Island, in latitude fifty degrees, ten minutes, and coasted along- side of it to what is known as Laperouse Strait. Owing to the heavy fogs about the island, he was prevented from making an observation, and on account of the head winds he was unable to proceed. So he concluded to go to Okhotsk, which place he reached September 10 and joined the remainder of Spanberg's squadron, that had made this port August 26, after having been at Bolshaya River. This brought to an end Spanberg's third and last voyage to Japan. It seems that even for that period, and notwithstanding his handicaps, the task assigned him should have been accomplished in one year. The blame for the failure others besides Spanberg should share. It was difficult to obtain results from a crew made up of different nationalities and landsmen who knew that their chief did not have the full confidence of his superiors. Neither the officers nor the men had their souls completely in their work; their main object was to go through the performance and hurry home. This was especially true of the last voyage. Another trouble was that all concerned in the undertaking were physically and mentally worn out, easily of- fended, and given to quarreling. The third attempt of Spanberg's was as useless as it was fruitless; and for this were to blame the officers of the capital, who pre- BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 231 ferred to follow dead maps rather than Spanberg's live account. Looked at from the point of view of geographical knowledge acquired, these three voyages were very valuable. In spite of the harsh report of the commis- sion on Spanberg's voyage, D'Anville, Buache, and Bellin constructed their maps out of the charts and journals which were so severely condemned. Span- berg's voyages pointed out a new way to Japan, they gave some idea of the northern part of the Japanese possessions, they demonstrated, by crossing several times the parallel of Gama Land, that such land did not exist, and they proved that State Island and Company Land were two of the Kuril Islands, that Jeso is a com- paratively small island and not a continent, and that Japan is not a peninsula of Tartary, as Guillaume De- lisle would have it believed. ARCTIC VOYAGES 452 It has already been pointed out that Bering's proposi- tion as to the charting of the coast of northern Siberia from the Ob to the Lena was accepted but changed so as to take in the region from the Lena to the Anaduir, in order to prove beyond a doubt that America and Asia were or were not united. Owing to the vast territory to be covered, it was found advisable to divide the work among five sections : (1) Archangel to the Ob ; (2) Ob to the Yenisei ; (3) Yenisei to Cape Taimur; (4) Lena westward to Cape Taimur; (5) Lena eastward to the Anaduir. Two years' time was allowed to each section in which 452 This account is based chiefly on the papers found in Zapiski Hydro- graficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, and the Delisle Manuscripts. 232 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC to do its work; if at the end of the stipulated period the work was not done, the chief officer of that section was to report at St. Petersburg for further orders. From the beginning, the section having for its task the ex- ploration of the coast from Archangel to the Ob was taken care of by the Admiralty College. The other four sections were nominally under Bering's supervi- sion. But, as he moved gradually eastward, these, too, fell into the hands of the Admiralty College. Bering's responsibilities, so far as these Arctic voyages are con- cerned, were not burdensome, and they had little to do in delaying his own voyage. i. Archangel to the Ob For this work were built two strong, decked boats (seventy by twenty-one by eight feet), such as are used in these regions and are known as kotshi, and they were named Expedition and Ob. Lieutenants Muravyof and Pavlof were chosen as commanders, assisted by pilots, under-pilots, surgeons, priests and mineralogists. Without counting guides, interpreters, and others not directly connected with navigation, the two boats had a combined crew of fifty-one men. A herd of reindeer was ordered to be sent to Pustosersk in case the men should winter there. On July 4, 1734, the two kotshi made a start, passing out of the mouth of the Dwina six days later, and drop- ping anchor in Yugor Strait on the twenty-fifth. The Kara Sea being free of ice it became possible to reach a point near the Yamal, or Samoyede Peninsula, by the end of the month. After a short stop to take on drift wood and fresh water, the boats sailed away on a north- erly course, keeping close to the land. From August 3 to 8, in latitude seventy degrees, the vessels were de- BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 233 tained by headwinds and ice, and other troubles de- layed them another week. They finally got clear and by August 18 sailed as far as seventy-two degrees, thir- ty-five minutes. With the task almost finished, the of- ficers decided to turn back because the winds were con- trary, the season late, and because they said they "were not far from the mouth of the Ob/' By September 4, the Expedition and the Ob were at the mouth of the Petchora, where a little later they were hauled up. From here the crews went to Pustorsersk for the winter. The next attempt to reach the Ob was begun on June 29, 1735. On account of the great amount of ice in the Kara Sea and also because of the fog which separated them, the boats suffered more than the preceding year. Muravyof put back when he had come to seventy-three degrees, four minutes, and Pavlof turned from seventy- three degrees, eleven minutes. Near the entrance to the Petchora, the kotshi united and anchored a little distance up the stream on September 9. As the two years allowed for the work had been used up, Muravyof asked for an extension of time, new boats, lighthouses, geodists, etc. All these were granted by the Admiralty College. Owing, however, to charges and counter-charges of Muravyof and Pavlof against each other and their subordinates, also on account of complaints which the inhabitants of Pustosersk filed against the head officers, they were removed from com- mand and reduced to the grade of sailors. Lieutenant Malgin, who succeeded to the command, took charge of the Expedition on May 25, 1736. Before he got clear out to sea he was caught in the ice and lost the boat but saved the provisions. He repaired the Ob and sailed on her June 21 to Dolgoi Island where he was joined by the two new boats which had been built for his ser- 234 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC vice. They were named the First and Second, and were about the same size as their predecessors, except that they drew less water. At Yugor Strait, Malgin with a crew of twenty-six went on board the First, and on the Second he placed Lieutenant Sukarof with twenty-four men. The Ob was sent back. By the end of the summer Malgin had come near the seventieth degree, and there he hauled up his boat for the winter. Several members of the crew went to Obdorsk to remain during the cold weather. Early in the spring of 1737 the geodist Selifontof was sent to chart White [Beloi] Island, and although he made satisfactory progress, he was nevertheless un- able to complete it for lack of food for his deer. The summer of 1737 was exceptionally favorable for Arctic exploration, the sea being unusually free from ice, and it will be noticed that all the officers who were success- ful, achieved their tasks during this summer. Malgin stood out to sea with his two boats on July 6, meeting at first with ice but after a few days he struck an open lead, so that he was able to reach the northern point of the peninsula by the twenty-third. Turning from here he sailed into the Ob Bay and River and anchored in front of Berezof on October 2, and from there went to the capital to report his success. The boats were sailed back by his officers, who spent two years in the effort. 2. Ob to Yenisei Lieutenant Dimitri Ovtzin with a crew of fifty-six men was put on the Tobol (seventy by fifteen by seven feet), which was provided with oars. Ovtzin left To- bolsk May 14, 1734, followed by several barges of pro- visions. A stop was made at Obdorsk to put up ware- houses and prepare for the winter and from there BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 235 Ovtzin sailed north, coming by August 5 to seventy de- grees, four minutes, and turned back (for the usual reasons) to Obdorsk. During the fall, Cossacks were sent to procure information about the coast, and to put up lighthouses, and the geodist and pilot were set to work charting the channel. In 1735 Ovtzin had even less success than in 1734, for he did not go beyond sixty- eight degrees, forty minutes, turning back because thirty-seven, or about three-fourths of the crew were down with scurvy. From Tobolsk he went to St. Pe- tersburg, asking for better boats, officers, and surveyors. All was granted, even power to exceed the instructions, provided the work was done, and it was impressed upon him that it must be done. Not waiting for the completion of the new boat, Ovtzin made one more attempt in 1736 in the old one, but when he came only as far as seventy-two degrees, forty minutes he was obliged, because of the ice, to re- trace his course to Obdorsk. The winter and early spring were utilized in putting up lighthouses and storehouses along the banks to the mouth of the Yenisei. In 1737 Ovtzin took charge of the newly completed Ob-Postman (seventy by seventeen by seven and one- half feet) , and the command of the Tobol he gave to Koshelof, who had thirty-five men under him, the same number as his chief. On June 29, the men bade fare- well to their Obdorsk friends and started down the river, taking on stores as they advanced. Slowly they moved along, passing the seventy-fourth parallel by August 7. After a few days' detention by head winds, the boats got under way, rounding Cape Matte-Sol (seventy- three degrees, fifteen minutes), and thence di- recting their course up the bay and River Yenisei to Turuchansk, where they anchored in October. When 236 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC the river became navigable in the spring, Ovtzin took the Tobol to Yeniseisk and from there went to St. Pe- tersburg. Because of friendly relations with the exiled Prince Dolgorouki, Ovtzin was reduced to the rank of sailor and ordered to Okhotsk to join Bering, with whom he made the voyage to America. 453 3. Yenisei to Cape Taimur The Ob-Postman had assigned as pilot Minim, who had instructions to double Taimur Peninsula and to sail to Chatanga Bay. With a crew of twenty-seven men the pilot sailed away from his winter quarters on June 4, 1738, and on August 16, in latitude seventy-three de- grees, seven minutes, found himself completely sur- rounded by ice. Failing to advance he gave it up for the present and sailed back to Turuchansk for the win- ter. His efforts of 1739, owing to a late start, were equally ineffectual. In January, 1740, Under-pilot Strelegof, accompanied by dog teams, charted the northeast coast of the Yenisei to seventy-five degrees, twenty-six minutes, but could go no farther on account of his weak eyes. Minim entered on his last attempt on July 6, 1740, coming to the mouth of the Yenisei on August 3, and, 453 It may perhaps be of interest, although somewhat foreign to the sub- ject, to read a part of the original instructions given to the officers in whose charge Prince Dolgorouki and two others were placed to be taken to Kamchat- ka. The prisoners were to be watched with all care "so as to prevent them from escaping. No one is to be allowed to approach them ; ink and paper they are not to have ... no one is to talk to them, not even you officers and soldiers of the guard. Not only are you forbidden to talk to them, but you are not even to ask their names, mention them to no one, and allow no person to approach them for that purpose. . . When you stop overnight, have separate quarters for each of the prisoners and allow no communication between them. In Kamchatka put them in prison where there are no other such prisoners. Let their names not be heard nor be seen on paper," etc. - Russkaya Starina, 1876, vol. xv, 449-50. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 237 thanks to an open sea and fair wind, to latitude seventy- five degrees on the twentieth. His advance from now on was blocked by ice, and, in spite of his exertions, he could not go more than one-fourth of a degree be- yond his last record (seventy-five degrees). During the year 1741 Minim, while waiting for in- structions from headquarters, charted the River Yenisei to the fort Yeniseisk. His charts and journals he for- warded to the Admiralty College with suggestions for the better success of the work. That body, however, had lost confidence in him, and also because of numer- ous charges filed against him by his subordinates and others, Minim was, in the year 1749 (for the case had dragged on till then), reduced for two years to the grade of sailor. The work was not abandoned, but placed in the hands of C. Laptef. 4. Lena Westward to Cape Taimur To the Jakutsk (seventy by sixteen by six and one- half feet), in charge of Lieutenant Prochinchef and fifty men, was assigned the hard task of doubling the point of Taimur Peninsula and reaching the Yenisei. Leaving Jakutsk June 30, 1735, followed by barges of provisions, they made Stolb Island by August 2 and turned to Bikovskoi Cape. On the twenty-fifth the mouth of the Olenek was sighted and selected for the winter quarters in the midst of a small village of about twelve Russian families of hunters and traders. After September 20 the river was closed to navigation, and the sun was not seen between November 3 and January 22. The Jakutsk was able to get free of the ice and go under sail again on August 3, 1736, making satisfactory progress for several days and passing Anabara River. Picking her way among the icebergs, she came, on Aug- 238 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC ust 13, to the mouth of Chatanga Bay (seventy-four de- grees, nine minutes) where she lay to in order to send men ashore. They found a hut, food, and a dog, but no human beings. From this place the Jakutsk headed slowly on her course, steering between icebergs, polar bears and walrus. By this careful and strenuous work the men had the satisfaction of finding themselves on August 19 in latitude seventy-seven degrees, twenty- nine minutes, but unfortunately not able to go beyond that. Prochinchef, who was very ill, called his of- ficers together for consultation, and they decided to go to the Olenek, which place they reached, after a great many dangers and hardships, on September 2. Pro- chinchef died on board August 29 and was buried on shore September 6. His wife, who had been with him all through this adventure, survived him but a few days, and was buried by his side. The command of the party fell now to the pilot Cheluskin, and he, not know- ing how to proceed because the allotted time had been used up, went to Jakutsk to consult with Bering, who, unfortunately, had set out for Okhotsk before the pilot's arrival. These numerous failures, instead of discouraging, merely strengthened the Admiralty College in its de- termination to succeed. Tempting offers, and prom- ises of reward, were held out to get the proper men to do the work well. The newly appointed officers were instructed that if the work could not be done in one year, it was to be taken up the year following, the year following that, even the fourth year if necessary. Should it seem altogether impossible to accomplish the task by water, then an officer was to be detailed to chart the coast from the River Chatanga to the Yenisei, along the shore of Taimur Peninsula. Chariton Laptef was BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 239 selected as Prochinchef's successor, and whatever Lap- tef asked was granted. Salary was paid in advance, all the requisitions were supplied, storehouses were erected on the Rivers Anabara, Chatange, and Taimur, and men were sent thither to catch supplies of fish. The boat Jakutsk was brought from her winter quarters to Jakutsk and put in proper condition for the voyage. In fact everything that could possibly contribute to the success of the undertaking was done. Laptef, officers, and crew of forty men, departed from Jakutsk on June 9, 1739, having in their wake boats with provisions to be left in the warehouses at the Olenek. The struggle with the ice began July 21 when the Jakutsk stood out to sea. Chatanga Bay was reached August 6, and there a part of the winter provisions were unloaded. Eight days later the boat went on from here on her northern course, coming August 21 to Cape St. Thaddeus, seventy-six degrees, forty-seven minutes, but could go no farther. The party of men which was sent ashore, to put up lighthouses and find a suitable place to haul up the boat for the winter, returned discour- aged, having been unable to find even drift wood. It was therefore concluded to go for the winter to Cha- tanga, where quarters were waiting for them, at the mouth of the River Bludnoi (seventy- two degrees, fifty-six minutes), prepared by several Russians and a small number of Tungus families. As soon as the days began to lengthen, the crew en- gaged actively in preparations for the work of the com- ing summer. In addition to the work of providing food supplies, charting parties, made up of Russians and Tungus, were sent out on their dog and reindeer sleds in different directions. Finally, on July 12, the Jakutsk left her winter home to begin at once the fight 240 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC with the ice, for it took her a whole month to reach the sea. During the morning of August 13, in latitude seventy-five degrees, thirty minutes, the vessel was seized by the ice and carried northward until stopped by another ice-floe. A leak was discovered, and the boat filled so fast that by next morning she was half full of water. When the attempt to lighten failed to pro- duce the desired result hopes of saving her were given up, especially as the ice with the boat started to drift in an east-southeast direction. All hands took to the ice where a cold and sad night was spent. In the morn- ing the shore was descried about fifteen miles away, and towards it the men headed, but it was a long and painful march, not coming to an end before the six- teenth. Fortunately the ice remained near the shore until August 31, giving the crew an opportunity to save the greater part of the provisions. Discouraged, suffering from cold and dampness, the men sickened, lost hope, and almost prayed that death would come. Laptef did all he could to put life into the men, and succeeded in leading them back to their winter quar- ters, where several died soon after their arrival. With the loss of the Jakutsk went Laptef's last hope to chart the coast by sea. He therefore undertook to do it by land. In fact, he had already prepared for such an emergency by having storehouses put up the winter before. He divided up the work among three parties. Cheluskin, the pilot, aided by two soldiers and three dog-sledges, left the camp March 17 for the mouth of the Pjasina River with the intention of going from there to the mouth of the Taimur. The geodist Che- kin, accompanied by soldiers, a Jakut and three dog- teams, set out April 22 with instructions to round North East Cape, and to continue along the west shore to BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 241 Taimur River. Laptef, with one soldier, one Jakut and two dog-teams, departed April 24 for the mouth of the Taimur, to which place he had sent twelve dog- sledges with provisions, three weeks before. To Tai- mur Bay seven loads of supplies were transported in charge of one of the officers, and the remainder of the material and provisions was loaded on reindeer sleds and taken to the Yenisei. When in latitude seventy-six degrees, thirty-five min- utes, Chekin and his party began to suffer from snow- blindness and gave up. Cheluskin carried out his in- structions, having proceeded along the shore from the Pjasina towards the Taimur until he met Laptef in lat- itude seventy-five degrees, twenty-one minutes. The last mentioned started from the Taimur, marching as fast as his sore eyes would permit him, until June 21, the day he fell in with his pilot. The two returned to Pjasina, whence the whole command went to the Yeni- sei and wintered at Turuchansk. Owing to the failure of Chekin to carry out his part of the plan, North East Cape was still left to chart. Cheluskin was asked to do this, and he entered on the work in December, 1741. He reached the mouth of the Chatanga at the end of February and Cape St. Thaddeus May 1. At this point he began taking ob- servations along the coast to the north; and on May 7, he stood at the extreme point of the cape, which now bears his name and the latitude of which he determined to be seventy-seven degrees, thirty-four minutes. On his return he was met by two soldiers with provisions, followed by Laptef himself. The whole party went to Turnachansk and Yeniseisk, where Laptef took leave of his faithful comrades and hastened away to the cap- ital to report. 242 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC 5. Lena Eastward to the Anaduir When the Jakutsk sailed from Jakutsk, she had as companion boat the Irkutsk (sixty by twenty by seven and one-half feet), Lasinius in command and a crew of fifty men. Lasinius's orders were to sail as far as he could eastward and to the Anaduir if possible. 454 From the Lena Lasinius put out to sea August 7, 1735, on a southeasterly course, and four days later he encoun- tered so much ice that it was decided to look for winter quarters, which were found August 14, on the River Chariulach [Borkhaya Bay]. There were at this place five Jakut huts, but the men preferred to build their own. The new construction measured seventy-seven feet in length, twenty-one in width, and six in height. It was divided into four compartments, having in all three ovens, a kitchen, and a bath. The ovens, not be- ing made of clay, gave a great deal of trouble and very little heat. On the whole it would seem that the men were very comfortable, in fact, too comfortable for their own good, and were little inclined to move about. As a result of this and on account of other reasons, scurvy broke out among them. Lasinius was the first victim, on December 19, followed by thirty-five others. By spring only nine men were reported alive. The six missing were probably at Jakutsk, for in November one man was arrested and sent thither under guard. When Bering, who was at Jakutsk, heard of the state of health in the camp of Lasinius, he immediately de- spatched help. In the spring Dimitri Laptef with a crew of forty-three men was ordered to take three flat 454 One of the striking things in these Arctic explorations was the bad feel- ing which developed among the men in a very short time. When Prochinchef and Lasinius left Jakutsk they were the best of friends, but by the time they came to the mouth of the Lena they would not speak to each other nor anchor their boats alongside. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 243 boats with provisions and to go where the Irkutsk was laid up and take up the work where Lasinius left off. The new leader landed a part of his force and his sup- plies on Bikovskoi Cape on June 25, 1736. With the remaining men, he went to where the Irkutsk was hauled up to put her in condition for the sea. He final- ly got her under sail, but made very little progress be- cause of the shallow water and the ice. On August 13 the position of Cape Borkhaya was determined as seventy-three degrees, sixteen minutes. Unable to ad- vance the Irkutsk sailed back to the Lena to look for a warm spot during the cold weather, and wintered at a place in latitude seventy degrees, forty minutes. A delicate question came up for settlement. The time limit for the work was two years, but Laptef did not know whether the year of Lasinius counted or not. Bering himself was in doubt on this point, for Muller says that he consulted the scientists on this matter, but came to no decision. 455 Not knowing what to do, Lap- tef went to Jakutsk to see Bering in person, but the lat- ter had already gone to Okhotsk without leaving in- structions. Laptef therefore concluded to go to St. Petersburg, but before reaching there he received word from the Admiralty College telling him to go back and continue the work. As he was at the time not far from the capital, he went on. This was unfortunate. By so doing he missed the season of 1737, which was, as has been pointed out, an unusually favorable one for ex- ploration. The Admiralty College told Laptef that the task as- signed him must be done ; if not in one year, then in two or three. Time and money were not to be considered. Should it seem utterly impossible to do the work by 455 Muller, Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. iii, 155. 244 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC water, it should be finished by land up to the River Koluima, and Sviatoi Nos was to be charted by all means. As Laptef represented that it might not be possible to continue the exploration east of the Koluima on account of the warlike Chukchi, he was told to pro- ceed from the Koluima overland to the Anaduir and there await a boat which Bering would send him from Kamchatka, and with this boat he was to attempt round- ing Chukotski Nos and sail from there to the Koluima. In order not to be hindered by too rigid instructions, he was allowed to break them whenever the good of the cause demanded. Thus encouraged Laptef turned back to Jakutsk, taking with him officers and instru- ments, and on the way he gathered supplies and money for two years. Early in the spring of 1739 there were sent from Jakutsk the sailor Loshkin and a small party, to chart the coast from the River Yana to Sviatoi Nos, and on his return from the Yana to the Lena, Kindyakof, the geo- dist, was instructed to begin at the head of the River Indigirka and survey it to its mouth. Laptef reached Jakutsk in May, just as the river opened to navigation, and very soon afterwards he sailed down the Lena with a large force of men. He made the mouth of the stream on July 5, but was detained by the ice a short time, so that he did not come to Borkhaya Cape before August 4, and during the succeeding week he nearly lost his vessel in a successful attempt to reach the mouth of the Yana. On August 14 he passed and ascertained the position of Sviatoi Nos, seventy-two degrees, fifty minutes. For four days the weather was favorable for advancing, but on the eighteenth a bitter cold wind be- gan to blow, crowding the ice about the ship. When in front of the Indigirka on August 22, Laptef sent two BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 245 men in a small boat to examine the shores, and for six days he waited in vain for their return and finally was obliged to sail away without them. On the twenty- eighth the Irkutsk, being in the neighborhood of fresh water, two small canvass boats (frames made of barrel staves) were ordered ashore. One failed to come back, and the other did not succeed in landing. Each day the cold became more intense, and the company watched with sadness the freezing in of their boat. On Septem- ber 5, a fifteen-hour southwest blow set in, taking the ship and ice forty versts from shore. It was followed by a north wind, which, although it spent itself in a short time, made the approach to the shore possible. Another ship's boat was despatched to shore to make a landing, and on her return brought back the men lost a few days before, and the joyful tidings that the mouth of the Indigirka was close at hand. The rescued sailors said that they had been wrecked on landing, and that since then they had suffered the pangs of cold, cramp, and hunger, their only food being grass and such foxes as came in their way. Happily for them Kindyakof had completed his survey of the Indigirka to the mouth and found them. The geodist, perceiving at a glance the critical position of the Irkutsk and the men, hurried away to a settlement to bring help, leaving directions for entering the stream should the ship escape the ice. The Irkutsk had in the meantime come within ten miles of land, and Laptef gave orders that her cargo should be unloaded and taken ashore. By the fifteenth the severe weather was over, and it became almost pleas- ant, so that within a week most of the needed stores had been landed. By this time Kindyakof had returned from the settlement (about a hundred miles away) and took the whole company back with him for the winter. 246 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Before giving themselves the pleasure of a much needed rest, Loshkin examined the coast to the River Lazeya, and Cherbinin with Kindyakof the eastern bank of the mouth of the Indigirka. In the early spring Kindyakof surveyed the coast from the Lazeya to the Koluima, while Laptef mapped the Khroma. During the winter Laptef, after talking the matter over with the Siberians among whom he lived, came to the conclusion that the plan of the Admiralty College to sail from the Anaduir to the Koluima was not feasible because (i) the warlike Chukchi would not help, (2) the time for navigation was short, and (3) because of the uncertainty of securing a boat from Kamchatka, since the whereabouts of Bering was unknown. With the above noted arguments, Loshkin went to St. Peters- burg. Laptef's answer from the Admiralty College was, that although he could not be expected to live up strictly to his instructions, it was hoped that Chukotski Nos would be circumnavigated; but if this were im- possible, the shores should be surveyed by land marches. In June, 1740, the regular force, aided by a party of eighty-five natives, was put to work freeing the vessel from the ice, but she was in such bad shape that she had to be taken to pieces and patched. On July 29 Laptef made a start and two days later reached the sea. The mouth of the Lazeya was passed on the first day of Aug- ust. Anthony Island (one of the Bear Islands) was charted on the second day, the mouth of the Koluima was reached on the fourth day, and a report was sent to Lower Koluima. On August 8 the struggle with the ice was recommenced, and after six days of fighting, Big Baranof Cape was mapped on the fourteenth. Fur- ther advance was hindered by the ice, and Laptef turned back and wintered at Lower Koluima. BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 247 In the autumn Kindyakof was ordered to explore the upper Koluima, and Cherbinin to trace the road from the River Angarka to the Anaduir and there prepare timber for building a boat to sail down that stream. Arrangements were also made to send provisions and cannon by the River Aniui, to be transported from there on deer sleds to the Anaduir. Laptef spent his time in building two lodkas (twenty- five by nine by three and one-half feet), intending to double Baranof Cape in them. Taking twelve men in each lodka, he sailed down the Koluima on June 29. On July 8 he came to the mouth of the river; July 25 he was twenty- five miles east of the river, and being unable to advance, he retraced his course on the twenty-sixth. After mak- ing several other fruitless efforts Laptef, by August 4, was so discouraged that he came to the conclusion that the undertaking was beyond human powers to accom- plish, and, therefore, on August 10, 1741, he went into winter quarters. Taking forty-five dog teams, Laptef set out that same fall ( 1 74 1 ) on his march to the Anaduir fort, by way of the Great Aniui to the Amgorka, and from there on deer teams to the Anaduir fort, arriving November 7. In the spring he built two large row boats, and in com- pany with four other boats found there, he went down the Anaduir, taking observations as he went along. The reason he made no attempt to go from there to the Koluima was because no boat had been sent to him from Kamchatka by Bering, whose fate was unknown. Lap- tef went back from the Anaduir fort to the Koluima and thence to St. Petersburg by the way of Jakutsk. Although very little in the line of actual exploration and discovery was undertaken after 1742, Bering's sec- ond expedition did not come to an end, officially, until 248 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC 1749. Beginning with the time when Peter the Great signed the instructions for the first expedition, twenty- five years had been spent in discovery and exploration in the northern regions. Many points, once in doubt, were settled by these voyages. They decided that a northeast passage was impracticable, that Novaya Zem- lya is not a peninsula, that the Asiatic coast extends much farther east than was supposed, that Terra de Jeso, Company Land, and Gama Land, as pictured by the cartographers, did not exist, that Japan is an island, and that the American coast runs in a northwesterly direction from Cape Blanco. In short, they made clear all the points which, Guillaume Delisle claimed, were obscure in 1720. Sad to say, the one question, the im- portant question, the raison d'etre of these voyages - whether America and Asia are united -was not at that time answered to the satisfaction of all. It is true that it was generally believed that the two were separate continents, yet when the doubter demanded scientific proof none could be given. How did any one know that the two were not united? Had any one ever gone from the Koluima to the Anaduir by water? Was it not possible that between the Koluima and East Cape the Asiatic continent extended northward, joining some- where with the American continent? Stories of hunters and Chukchi could not be accepted as final. Some of these questions were actually raised. Such an authority as James Burney, the well known writer and navigator, who had been with Cook in the Bering Strait, read a paper before a scientific body of London in which he insisted that it was not conclusively proved that the Old and the New Worlds were two distinct continents. 456 456 Burney, James. Memoir on the Geography of the North-eastern Part of Asia (London, 1818). BERING'S SECOND EXPEDITION 249 But outside of this, and one minor point, 457 nearly every- thing else of geographical interest which was under- taken was successfully carried out. But w T hat a price was paid for this knowledge! Only a few of those who enlisted survived the years of hard labor, privations, cold, and suffering. Even those who lived to return to the scenes of their childhood were so broken in health that the joy of living was nearly gone. The exact spot where the ashes of Bering, the Dane, lie is not known; Steller, the German, died a lonely and pitiful death in the wilds of Siberia; Walton, the Eng- lishman, fell by the wayside unnoticed and forgotten; and rain has long since washed away all traces of the grave where the Frenchman Delisle de la Croyere was laid to rest. Chirikof, the Russian, contracted 'a dis- ease from which he suffered for three years after his re- turn home until death came to his relief. There was also the great army of minor officers and privates whose very names have been forgotten, and who were left where they fell. The least we can do in appreciation of their efforts is to pass over charitably their faults and praise their virtues. Some day a monument may be erected to these forgotten pathfinders, before which we may outwardly honor their memories and feel inwardly inspired. 458 457 The region about the mouth of the Amur and Sakhalin Island was left unexplored. 45s F r0 rn the records of the Marine Department [Opisanie del Archiva Morskavo Ministerstva and Obsclri Morskoi Spisok~\ and from reliable sec- ondary authorities, it has been possible to follow the career of several of the officers to the end. When Bering's death became known at Kamchatka his private property was sold at auction and the proceeds, about one thousand rubles, were sent to his family. Whatever wages were due him at the time of his death were also paid over to his wife and children. In addition the Senate voted him a reward of five thousand rubles. Spanberg left Siberia in 1745 without permission, and for this he was sen- 250 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Before closing this chapter and period a word should be said in praise of the Admiralty College, the life and soul of all this work. To all who reported failure this body had but one answer, "the work must be done." The hardest task of the Admiralty was not to secure men to do the work, but to enlist the right kind of men and to defend them from the reactionaries at home who raised the cry that all these expeditions were profitless and a waste of life and money. The men in the field displayed physical courage, their superiors at home moral courage. 459 tenced to suffer capital punishment. But the Danish government and friends interceded for him and he was pardoned. Later he was taken back into ser- vice. He died in 1761, being at that time captain of the first rank. Chirikof contracted consumption in Siberia. In 1746 he was transferred to St. Petersburg and was presented to the empress. He died in 1748 holding the rank of captain-commander. "Ober-shter-kriegs-komm'uar" of the Fleet Chariton Laptef died in 1763. Dimitri Laptef was retired in 1762 on half pay with the rank of Vice- Admiral. Steller died in Siberia in 1746. He was on his way to Russia when he was falsely accused and dragged into prison where he was taken ill and died soon after being freed. Waxel reached the rank of captain of the first rank. When he died his widow was granted a pension of two thousand rubles. In 1760 Cheluskin was made captain-lieutenant. A little later he was again promoted. Chytref was made contre-admiral in 1753. Ovtzin in 1757 was in com- mand of the Poltava holding at the time the rank of ober-shter-kriegs kom- misar. All others who took part in these expeditions were advanced one grade in rank, dating from July 15, 1744, and their wages were paid accordingly. The Senate requested the Admiralty College to reward them as it should seem best. Shelting was retired from service in 1780 on pension, being at the time contre-admiral. 459 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta, vol. ix, 221. The names that follow are those of the men in the Senate and the Admiralty College who signed the instructions of 1733: In the Senate - A. Ushakof, Prince I. Trubetskoi, Count M. Golovkin, V. Novosiltsof, Obersecretary I. Kirilof. In the Admiralty College - Vice-admirals N. F. Golvin and N. A. Senya- vin, Contre-admirals Prince N. M. Golitsin, P. P. Bredal, V. A. Dimitrief- Mamonof, Captain-commanders Z. D. Mishukof, T. Tran, Prince V. Urusof, A. I. Golovin, Procurator I. Kozlof. IX. COMPLETION OF THE SURVEY OF NORTHEASTERN SIBERIA AND THE AMUR REGION In the last chapter attention was called to two under- takings of the Bering voyages which were left unfin- ished. One was whether Asia and America were united, and the other was the survey of the coast about the Amur River and Sakhalin Island. It took Russia another century to bring these two tasks to a satisfac- tory end. After 1750 the work of exploration was car- ried on in an irregular way and on a small scale, but on the other hand it was in charge of trained men who did their work thoroughly and scientificially. The relation of Asia to America continued to occupy people's minds and it was the first of the two questions to be worked out by Russia. Shalaurof, a wealthy merchant of Siberia, undertook at his own expense to solve the problem. In 1761 he sailed from the Jana River and came that year as far as the Koluima. On July 21, 1762, he put out to sea from the mouth of that stream and, notwithstanding his brave efforts, he could not reach Shalagski Cape. His last attempt was in 1764. That summer he went out to sea from the Lena River and neither he nor any member of his crew was ever seen again. 460 In 1778, Cook passed through Bering Strait, doubled East Cape, and sailed along the northeast coast of Asia to Cape North. 461 This achieve- ment, as well as the voyage of Laperouse, stimulated 460 Coxe, W. Account of Russian Discoveries (London, 1780), 323-329. 461 Cook, J. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean (London, 1784), vol. ii, 466. 252 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC the Russian government to new efforts. In 1785 Bil- lings, an English navigator, who had been with Cook, was commissioned by the Empress Catherine to chart the Arctic shore from the Koluima River to East Cape. 482 He made the attempt during the month of July, 1787, but on account of the ice and fog he ad- vanced but a short distance from his starting point. 4 " 3 Four years later he undertook to chart the coast by land marches from the shore. He left his boat in the Bering Strait and marched into the interior from Metchigne Bay. One of his officers, Gikef, was sent with a party of Chukchi to East Cape, and from there he followed the shore, partly on foot and partly by boat to within about ninety miles of Koliutchin Island. 404 Both of Billings's undertakings added little to what was already known. The question of the relation of Asia to Amer- ica was still an open one and would remain so until some one succeeded in doubling Shalagski Cape. For a time it was doubted whether Shalagski was a cape. Burney 405 advanced the theory that it was an isthmus connecting Asia with America. In 1820, the Emperor Alexander I became deeply interested in the problem and ordered Lieutenant Ferdinand von Wrangell to the front to investigate. 406 Wrangell, followed by dog teams, left the Koluima in February, 1821, and on March 5 he stood on the northwest point of Shalagski Cape. To make doubly sure that it was a cape, he rounded the headland and followed the eastern shore 462 Billings' Expedition (London, 1802), "Appendix," no. v. 4GS — Ibid., 78. 464 Wrangell's Siberia and Polar Sea (London, 1840), cx-cxii. 465 Burney, J. A. Chronological History of the North-eastern Voyages of Discovery and of the Early Navigations of the Russians (London, 1819), chap. XXV. 466 Wrangell, op. cit., cxxv. SIBERIA AND THE AMUR REGION 253 for a distance. 407 On February 26, 1823, he departed once more from the Koluima for Shalagaski Cape which he reached March 8. From here he continued his march eastward to Koliuchin Island where he arrived April i^. 408 His efforts joined to those of Cook and Billings proved finally that Asia and America were not united. The survey of the coast of Sakhalin and East Tartary was delayed until the middle of the nineteenth century. Although Russia deserves the chief credit for carrying this work to a successful termination, she is by no means entitled to all the credit. China, Japan, France, and England also made certain contributions towards its accomplishment. The investigation of this topic is, therefore, somewhat involved and necessitates a study of the navigations and the cartography of this region from the time the Europeans first came into these waters until the insularity of Sakhalin was definitely ascertained. 4 " 9 It is quite evident, judging from the physical sim- ilarities of the inhabitants, that there has always been communication between the island and the Chinese mainland; there is, strange as it may seem, little to in- dicate that Sakhalin was generally known in China. The Jesuits, who occupied themselves with the geo- graphical questions of that country, did not hear of the island before they went on their astronomical expedi- tion in the eighteenth century. 470 4»J7 Wrangell, op. cit., 109. 46S — Ibid., 332-370. 469 Sakhalin had various names. Witsen called it Amoerse, Laperouse named it Tchoka, Krusenstern spoke of it as Karafouto, Klaproth claimed that Tarakai was its proper name, the Russian Senate referred to it in 1732, as Bolshoi [large]. 470 Du Halde, J. B. Description . . . de L'Empire de la Chine, vol. iv, 12. 254 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC The Japanese knew a little more about Sakhalin than the Chinese. At least they made several efforts to learn about it. Japanese historians 471 of the early eighteenth century tell that in the time of the Shogun Fido-tada (1605-1622) the prince of Matsmai, Kin-firo, sent two parties in two successive years 472 to draw a map of Sak- halin. They reached the southern portion of the island and turned back without completing the task. 473 In 1785, Mogami Tokunai, a well known Japanese geo- grapher, sailed from the northern coast of Jeso along the western side of Sakhalin as far as forty-six degrees, fifty minutes. On his way back he doubled the south- ern point of the island and followed the eastern shore to Cape Aniwa. 474 He made two other attempts, the second in 1786, the date of the third is not definitely known, and was fortunate in reaching the western coast near the fifty-second parallel 475 and the eastern near the forty-ninth (Cape Patience). He made also ex- cursions into the interior. The maps which he drew came into the hands of Siebold, who reproduced them in his atlas of Nippon. 476 Mamia Rinso accomplished even greater deeds than Mogami Tokunai. Departing from northern Jeso in 1808, and sailing in the Tartary Strait close to the Sak- halin shore, Rinso succeeded in entering the mouth of the Amur that same summer. Siebold obtained Rinso's chart and journal and later used them in the publica- tion of his Nippon. But as this work did not appear 471 Klaproth, J. Apercu des Trois Royaumcs, 192-193. 472 Siebold, Ph. Fr. CMaoTbCMt upiucKa.ui Mbi ' ro4bi .i4bi otx <5eperx)BX othochtx bx Mope ; a \o.ionn ii cnpoTbi tboh, h 40 Toro MtcTa Mu- GrajvxHHX ex TOBapbiaju He 40x0411.1a, noTOMy , rocy4apb , 3HaTHo, mto bt. npoia.ioMX bo 157 rojy ex Ko.ibiMi.i p-feKii x04H.1t Maxaii- .10 CTa4yxiiHT> Mope.ux Bnepe4T> Ha ITorbiiy pt- kv, a ex Mopn npHine.n> ohx bo 158 ro4y ceH- Tflopn bx . . 4eHb , h nnea.rb ohx ex Ko.IblMbI pXKHBX jlKyTUKOU OCTpOfb KX TBOHMX rocy4apcBbiMT. BoeB04aMx, mto dtiKa.rx 40 ohx MopeMT. Bnepe4x ceMepw cyTKH, a pt- kii 4e ho uame.ix HHKaKoii , naiue.rx 4e out> ne6o.ibaiaxx .iK>4eii KopauKiixx 11 >i3i,ikobx 4C nepeHMa.rb , a hh pocnpocl; hsmkii «Ka3a.iH ,.mto Bnepe4t 4e .no4eii Miioro ecn. , a pt.KII 4C QHH lie 3HaiOTT. HHKaKOH , H OHX Mh- ex TOBapsiiHH BopoTiLiucb 11333411 bx Ko.ibiMy p+.Ky; a Toro M'l.cTa ccti. na- Mennoii hocx Co.imoii , Bbiiue.n> bx Mope 4a- .i«ko 11 .iK)4eii Ha iicmx 4o6pt unoro , a npo- tubx Toro nocy ecTb octjkhmi bx uopt, a 11a ooTpoBaxi. .iH)4eii 4o6pi MHoro «kx , a mi>i cu- pOThl TBOH, KOTOpbie s CX Ce.MeHOMX J.eHC- IK'BI.IMX, TOTX Ka.ML'HHoii HOCX II OCTpOBI.I 3IiaOMX II .1104011 BU4XM U , a. He TOTX HOCX, HTO OCTI. ncpBoii Cbhtou hocx on Ko.ii.imm pt.KH , a Anan.ii.ijti. piiha on, toio Jio.u.uioro nocy 11 iMx mciobI;- KOMT, CX OBCpKOK) MapTOIbflHOBblMX , MTO 40 to mxcto npevKx cero npoBl.4a.1x onx K)pi>a. A bo 161 ro4y mm CeMeaKa h MllKHTKa CX TOBapblUlll .itcX 406bIJH, a XOTXMH ex rocy4apeBOK) Ka3iioio oTnycTHTb MopeMx bx Hkyukoh ocTporx, h H3x Ce.MeaKa ex TOBapw- uui to BT.4a<'Mx, mto Mope oo.iiuoe h cy.ioii Be. 111- hie o 3om.ho O.1H3K0, 6e3i, 4o6poii cuacTii cv40- ropow iepe3x KaMCHb rocy4apeBbi KasHbi ct, ue- BC1HKHMH .1K)4MH iepe3X MHOrie HOflca .1K>- 4H J)031lbI>X p040BX BblC.iaTb He CMT..1H, nOTOMV oi.nx bx rocy/iapeBt uca.ioBaiibt, utica.TX 4c ohx lOpi.a bx flKyuKoii ocipoix, mto t> uopiy 11 MOpCKOrO 3BT>pH H 3aMOpiiyK) KOCTb 3BXpH TOIO npiacKa.ix obx K)pbfl npeacx cef , uanx 5u.ix rx Muxafi.ioMx CTa4yxHHbiMx , a ae «w ciywa^ sue h npoMi.iiii.ioHi.ic jh)4h ; h to ohx nacajix JOJKUO, noTomy mto hc 40X04H.IX ohx Muxaiijo 40 Bo.iuioi o Kanienuoro Hocy, a totx hocx Bbiuiejx bx Mope ropa340 4aaeK0, a avHByTx Ha HeMx .,110411 HyxMH 4o6pii Maoro, npoTHBX TorojKX Hocy aa ocTpoBaxx /KHByTX .110411, Ha3biBaioTx iixx 3y6aTbi.MH, noTOMy mto npoHHSiaioTx ohh cKB03b ry6y no 4Ba 3y6a ncMa- .ibixx KOCTHHbix-b, a ue totx, mto ecTb.nepBoii CBflToii hocx otx Ko.ibiMM, a totx Eo-iuioii aocx Mbi CeAieiiKa ex TOBapbiiua 3Hae.>ix , aoTOMy mto y toi o aocy cv4ao cjyHia 0iiKy4HH0Ba ex TOBapbimH , h mm Genei'iKa ex TOBapwuia ttjxx po36oiiabixx aio- 4ea HMa.iii aa cboh cy4bi, u tIjxx 3y6aTbixx .110- 4eii aa oeTpoBy Bu4t.n1 >kx, a otx Toro nocy Ta AuaH4bipb ptna u Kopra 4ajeK«. HBanoBx 4eHnieBXMC.ioMx()i.eTX. Bx npoui.ioMi. bo 156 ro4y, iwiifl bx 20 4011b, ex Kobi.i.mxi pk- kh noc.iaux n CoMoiiKa aa hobjio ptKV 11a Aaau- 4bipx 4.ifl apiucKy hobi.ixx neacaMiii.ixT, .110- 4eii. H bx npoai.ioMx vice bo 157 nuy, sitcana ceuTflfipii bx 20 40111., luyMii ct. Kobwmi.i ptku siopcMb, aa npncraiiHiul. Topronoro MO.ioukKa 0e4OTa A.ieKctona Mvxomi.h no 111 aa 4|>aK'fc pa-, a Toro 0e4OTa co mihuO Omoukoio aa iwopt 0031. iittTU , a moiim Ctf- MeiiKv 110 MopH) Houpoita I>oi'0[kuhiii>i new. la ihmio.icio. 11 ni.iopocn.10 11a oopori. BT, nc- piMiioii ko.ioht. 3a Aaaii4i.ipT, pticv; a (iw.10 iiaci. na nonii Bi-txx iBaman. mm. Boii, u 6e3b 4o6poro napyca u HKopa , htth ue Facsimile of extracts from Deshnef's Report [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 7] ,i iioiii.ih Mbi Bcfc bi. ropy, c;imh hvtm reoB u«' nia«'Mi. ,^Hbi h , ii.n u ii Socm , a men. >i o-fe^Hoii CcMi'HKa n, roB.ipi.iiim AO \ u.ipi.i pf.Kii poBiio .iccflTi, iiCA'l>. Aiia\.irKii\ i.'i , > A cb KoBbi- Mbl pf.KII HTTH MOpe.MT, Ua Ail, III. tl. ip I. ptK\ octi. nocb, Bbiuie.iT. bt. Mope 4a.iCK0, a ne tott. HOCb, KOTOpoil 0TT> l IyXOHbI pliKII .lOVKUTb, JO Toro noc\ f/nuyxiuib lie>, a npoTiuib roro hocv ecTfc 4Ba ocrpoBa, a narhxi. ocTpoBavi, jKiinyn. My\Mbi , a Bpt3i.iBaiit.i % iihxt. 3)oi.i, npopl.3i>iitaiibi ryow, kocti. pi.u'eii 3JOT., a .IOKIITT. TOTb-IIOCI, npoyiOJKT. iTIBt'pi. II. I iio.i\iioihiihkt., a n PycKyio aropony hoc a npii- 3i'iaKa: iii.iiu.ia pt.HKa , craiiOBbC tvtt. y Mwomi. .li.iaiio, hid oanniii H3T. Korni KiiTOBoii, n not l noBoporuT'b i.pyi o.Mb Kb Onaiubipl; p'BK'l; 1104-, a .looporo nool.ry orb Hooa ,io Oiiaii.u.i- pn pl.Kii ipoii ryiKii, a oo.rfc HlVrb, a 114TH otl ocpt'iv .10 pi.uii iMMa.rl;, iioroMy mto pl>Ka A1.1a.n- .u.ipb ua.ia Bbiyoy. A bi. npoiu.ioMbBo .102 10.0. xojH.ib n CeMciiKa; Mopa bt. noxojT. , h OTrpoMit.iT. a CeMeiiKa v KopaKOBT. flKyrcicyio oafiy OejoTa A jeKchesa , h Ta 6aoa CKa3biBa.ta, •no je Oc.ioTT. h c.iy/KH.ioii icioB-feKT. repacH*n> noMep.iii ubinroio , a HHbie TOBapbiuui nooHTW, 11 ofTa.incb HCBCiiiKie .1104H h nooiwa.iH bt» .i04Kaxb cb 0411010 4VUI0K), He 3uaio 4e K\4a. A ,11 a, xojioni TBoft, c^ iihmii TopiOBUMU h cb npoiibiuueBBbiiia JBOAfcun in.iii aiopent, ua uith Konaxi, aeBjiHOCTO HeaoBiKT; n npomerb AHaH- iupcKoe ycTbe, cyac-an. BoxiiiMi it nauin bcb koih nope pa36a.uo, 11 t±xt> TOproBhixb 11 npoMLiuiJieBHHXT. .ifft^eri ott. Toro MopcKoro pa300K» aa Mopi noi(ou)yjo 11 ua ryHAp'B on. BH03eimoBi. nofiiiTuxi. (sic), a HBue tojioahoio cjjepxi.H) Bosiepan. liroro BCtxi. inrnCjo 64 neJiOBtKu (ji. 6). ..A a, xojoht. tbom, ott. Ttxi. TOBapiiineil cbohx^ ocTaaca Bcero ABaT- uaTLK> "leiupMii He-iOBtKii, 11 rfcxT. lOBapmueH mouxt. 3HMHBMT. nyreMT. Ha JiuiKaxi,, cv uapiu, — co ctluii (ro-ecri.— cTy^a, CTyaui), u 31. rojiojiy 11 co bch koS- Hyaiii, ueAQuieit AnaHiHpfl piiui, ;ioporcio Bxyne 12 qeAOBiici Ce3- B'tciBO He ciaio. A«,xojou'bTBoii, aa AaaHAupi. ptKy AOBOJiOKca Bcero AiitBamaibK) 4e.ioBEKii, u ct> ri.Mii AOCTajibuuuii cbohmb Touapumu, ae xoth roao.iuoio CMepxtio noMepeTt, xoahji », xcjioiit. tboii, \n> uoxoat. kt> KaHayjib- CiiUM'L B &T> XOAUDCKHl^ He KT> hCU'lUUMT. liy;UHK0Ml. II EOJKJeK) MBJOC'lilO Facsimile of extracts from Deshnef's Report [Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol, iv, doc. 7 and Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschenia, December, 1890, 303] DESHNEF'S REPORT 287 Anaduir falls into a bay. In the year 1654 in a fight I captured from the Koriaks a Jakut woman belonging to Fedot Alexeef, and she said that Fedot and Gerasim died of scurvy, some of their com- panions were killed, and the few who remained escaped in boats with their lives, and she did not know what became of them. DESHNEF, 1662 525 And I, your servant, with these hunters and traders went to sea on six kotshi, ninety persons; and having passed the mouth of the An- aduir, by the will of God all these our kotshi were broken [wrecked] at sea [yse nashi kotshi more razbilo], and of all these hunters and traders some were drowned in this wreck, others were killed by the natives on the tundra, and others died of hunger, altogether sixty- four (64) persons lost their lives. And I, your servant, was left with twenty-four men [it may also mean twenty-four in all] and with these companions I started on sleds and snow shoes, suffering cold, hunger, and want of other ne- cessities before reaching the Anaduir. On the way twelve men dis- appeared without our knowing what became of them. And I reached the Anaduir with twelve men, and with these, not wishing to die of hunger, went to fight against the Kanauli and Chodinski peoples, but not against those who pay tribute. VETOSHKA AND COMPANIONS 526 Staduchin had never been to the Anaduir River or to the Korga which we have discovered. He had not been there because in 1649 Staduchin went to sea from the Koluima to the Pogicha River and returned from sea in September, 1650, and reported from Koluima to Jakutsk that he was out at sea seven days and found no river but met a few Koriaks and had captured some interpreters, and, upon inquiry, they said that they knew of no river, but there were many people to the eastward. Staduchin then came back to the Koluima. Beyond that place there is a Large Stone Cape [Kamennoi Nos Bolshoi] which runs far out to sea, and many people live on it, and opposite that cape are islands in the sea with many inhabitants, and we your servants, who were with Semeon Deshnef, know that cape 525 Zhumal Minister st'v a Narodnavo Prosveschenia, December, 1890, 303. 526 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 6. 288 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC and islands and saw the people. It is not that cape which is the first Sviatoi Nos from the Koluima River, and from the Anaduir River to that Large Cape and islands is far. In 1654 tne hunter Yurya Selivestrof wrote to Jakutsk from the Anaduir to your woewods - that it was he and not we who first discovered that place -Yurya formerly went to sea with Staduchin, and this Staduchin was a long way from the Anaduir. DESHNEFAND SEMENOF 527 In the year 1654 Selivestrof sent secretly a letter to Jakutsk . . . saying that he found the Korga, the sea-animals, and the walrus tusks, when he was with Michaelo Staduchin, and not we . . . Michaelo Staduchin did not come as far as the Bolshoi Kamennoi Nos, and that nos stretches out a long distance into the sea, and on this nos live many Chukchi. On the islands opposite that nos live people. They are called Zubati, because they insert in their lips two small bones. It is not the cape which is the first Sviatoi Nos from the Koluima, but that Bolshoi Nos we, Semeon and companions, know, because on that cape was wrecked the boat of Erasim Ankudinof and party, and we, Semeon and companions, took these wrecked people on our boats, and saw the Zubati people on the island, and from that nos to the Anaduir is far. In the year 1653 we, Semeon, Mikita, and companions, cut down timber and wished to go with the tribute to Jakutsk by sea. And I, Semeon, and companions, seeing that the seas were heavy and rough near the shore, and not having the proper ship's tools, good anchors, and nails, we did not dare to go. The natives said that it is not every year that the shores are free from ice; we could not send the tribute across the mountains on account of the hostile natives. 527 Dopolnenia K Aktam Istoricheskim, vol. iv, doc. 7. APPENDIX C TRAITE DE NERTCHINSK 528 1. La riviere nominee Kerbetchi, qui est la plus proche de la ri- viere Chorna, apellee en Tartare Ourouon, et qui se decharge dans le fleuve Saghalien oula, servira de bornes aux deux Empires, et cette longue chaine de montagnes, qui est au-dessous de la source de ladite riviere de Kerbetchi, et qui s'etend jusqu'a la mer orientale, servira aussi de bornes entre les deux Empires : ensorte que toutes les rivieres, ruisseaux grands ou petits qui coulent de la partie meridionale de ces montagnes, et vont se jeter dans le fleuve de Saghalien oula, et toutes les terres et pays qui sont au sud du sommet desdites montagnes, apartiendront a l'Empire de la Chine, et que toutes les terres, pays, rivieres et ruisseaux qui sont de l'autre cote du sommet des autres montagues s'etendant vers le nord, demeureront a l'Empire de Mos- covie, avec cette clause neanmoins que tout le pays qui est immediate- ment entre ladite chaine de montagnes et la riviere nommee Oudi, demeurera indecis, jusqu' a ce que les Ambassadeurs des deux partis etant retounez dans leur pays, ayent pris les informations et les con- noissances necessaires pour traiter de cet article, apres quoi on decidera l'affaire, ou par les Ambassadeurs, ou par les lettres. De plus, la riviere nommee Ergone, qui se decharge aussi dans le fleuve Saghalien ou la, servira des bornes entre les deux Empires: ensorte que toutes les terres et pays qui sont au sud de ladite riviere d'Ergone apartiendront a l'Empereur de la Chine: et tout ce qui est au nord demeurera a l'Empire de Moscovie. Toutes les maisons et habitations qui sont presentement au sud de ladite riviere d'Ergone a Tembouchure de la riviere de Meritken, seront transporters de l'autre cote sur le bord septentrional de l'Ergone. 2. La fortresse batie par les Moscovites dans le lieu nomme Yacsa, sera entierement demolie, et tous les sujets de l'Empire de Moscovie 528 Du Halde, J. B. Description . . . de la Chine (A La Haye, 1736), tome iv, 242. - Orig. APPENDIX C TREATY OF NERTCHINSK 529 1. The river named Kerbechi, which is next to the River Shorna, called, in Tartarian, Urwon, and falls into the Saghalian, shall serve for bounds to both empires : and that long chain of mountains which is below the source of the said River Kerbechi, and extends as far as the Eastern Sea, shall serve also as bounds to both empires ; insomuch that all the rivers and brooks, great or small, which rise on the south- ern side of those mountains, and fall into Saghalian, with all the lands and countries from the top of the said mountains southward shall belong to the Empire of China; and all the lands, countries, rivers and brooks which are on the other side of the other mountains extending northward, shall remain to the Empire of Russia; with this restriction nevertheless, that all countries lying between the said chain of mountains and the River Udi shall continue undecided, till the ambassadors of both powers on their return home shall have got- ten proper informations and instructions to treat of this article ; after which the affair shall be decided either by amdassadors or letters. Moreover, the River Ergone, which falls also into the Saghalian ula, shall serve for bounds to the two empires; so that all the lands and countries lying to the south thereof shall appertain to the Emperor of China, and whatever lies to the north of it shall remain to the Empire of Russia. All the houses and dwellings, which are at pres- ent to the south of the said Ergone at the mouth of the River Merit- ken, shall be removed to the north side of the Ergone. 2. The fortress built by the Russians, in the place called Yaksa, shall be entirely demolished, and all the subjects of the Empire of 529 Du Halde, J. B. Description of the Empire of China (London, 1741), vol. ii, 314-315. 292 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC qui demeurent dans ladite fortresse, seront ramenez avec tous leurs cffets sur les terres apartenantes a la couronne de Moscovie. Les chasseurs des deux Empires ne pouront, pour quelque cause que ce soit, passer au-dela de ces bornes ainsi determinees. Que s'il arive qu'une ou deux personnes de petite consequence fassent quelques excursions au-dela des limites, soit pour chasser, soit pour voler ou piller, on les prendra aussi-tot, et on les menera aux Gouverneurs et aux Officiers etablis sur les frontieres des deux Em- pires, et lesdites Gouverneurs informez de la qualite du crime, les puniront comme ils le meriteront. Que si des gens assemblez jusqu'au nombre de six ou de quinze vont en armes chasser ou piller sur les terres qui sont au-dela de leurs limites, ou s'ils tuent quelques sujets de l'autre couronne, on en in- formera les Empereurs des deux Empires, et tous ceux qui seront trouvez coupables de ce crime, seront punis de mort, et on ne suscitera point de guerre pour quelque exces que ce puisse etre de personnes particulieres, beaucoup moins agira-t-on par voye de fait en repandant du sang. 3. Tout ce qui s'est passe jusqu' a present, de quelque nature qu'il puisse etre, sera enseveli dans un eternel oubli. 4. Depuis le jour que cette paix eternelle entre les deux Empires aura ete juree, on ne recevra aucun transfuge ou deserteur de part ni d'autre: mais si quelque sujet d'un des deux Empires s'enfuit dans les terres de l'autre, il sera aussi-tot pris et renvoye. 5. Tous les sujets de la couronne de Moscovie, qui sont presente- ment dans l'Empire de la Chine, et tous ceux de la couronne de la Chine qui sont presentement dans l'Empire de Moscovie, demeureront dans 1'etat ou ils sont. 6. Ayant egard au present traite de paix et d'union reciproque entre les deux couronnes, toutes sortes de personnes de quelque con- dition qu'elles puissent etre, pouront aller et venir reciproquement, avec toute sorte de liberte, des terres sujettes a l'un des deux Empires dans celles de l'autre, pourvu qu'ils ayent des patentes par lesquelles il conste qu'ils viennent avec permission: et il leur sera permis de vendre et d'acheter tout ce qu'ils jugeront a propos, et de faire un commerce reciproque. TREATY OF NERTCHINSK 293 Russia, now dwelling in the said fortress, shall be transported with all their effects upon the lands appertaining to the crown of Russia. The hunters of the respective empires may not, upon any account whatever, pass beyond the bounds settled as above. That in case one or two ordinary persons should happen to make excursions beyond the limits, either to hunt, steal, or plunder, they shall be immediately seized and brought before the governors and officers established on the frontiers of both empires; and the said governors after being in- formed of the nature of the crime, shall punish them according to their deserts. That if people assembled, to the number of ten or fif- teen, shall go armed to hunt or pillage on the land beyond their limits, or shall kill any subject belonging to either crown, the emperors of both empires shall be informed thereof, and those found guilty of the crime shall be put to death: but no excess whatever committed by private persons shall kindle a war, much less shall blood be shed by violent means. 3. Every thing that has passed hitherto, of what nature soever it may be, shall be buried in everlasting oblivion. 4. From the day that this perpetual peace between both empires shall be sworn to, neither side shall receive any fugitive or deserter: But if any subject of either empire shall fly into the territories of the other, he shall be immediately secured and sent back. 5. All the subjects of the crown of Russia, who are at present in the Empire of China, and all those belonging to the crown of China who are in the Empire of Russia, shall remain as they are. 6. Regard being had to the present Treaty of Peace and Mutual Union between the two crowns, all persons, of what condition soever they be, may go and come reciprocally, with full liberty, from the territories subject to either empire into those of the other, provided they have passports by which it appears that they come with permis- sion; and they shall be suffered to buy and sell whatever they think fit, and carry on a mutual trade. APPENDIX D 529a EUROPEAN OPINION REGARDING KOZIREFSKI Les Nouvelles de Moscau portent qu'un certain religieux nomme Ignace Kosirevsky est arrive de Siberie il s'est arreste pendant plu- sieurs annees a Kamchatka ou il a fait batir le couvent des Hermites. II a fait aussi plusieurs recherches dans le pais et hors du pais, de sorte qu'on peut esperer de lui plusieurs choses de ce pais tant par rapport a l'histoire qu'a la situation aux habitans et a d'autres par- ticularitez. II est d'une famille pollonoise, mais ne et eleve a Iakut- skoi, ou son grand Pere Fedor Kosirevski fut envoye en esclavage sous le czaar Alexe Michalowitz du terns des guerres avec la Pologne. Son Pere Pierre Kosirevski et le Religieux Ignace (qui s'appeloit avant que d'entre dans l'ordre, I wan Petrovitz Kesirevski) et plu- sieurs autres personnes furent envoiees par ordre du Dumnoi Diak de la Pricase Siberienne Anore [?] Wimius, par le Palatin de Iakutskoi Dorose Traurnicht dans le pais de Kamchatka a l'an 1700 pour reduire sous la puissance des Russes et rendre tributaires tout les habitans du pais de meme que ceux des pais voisins. Apres done qu'ils eurent soumis Les Contrees d'Anadirski de Kuracki et d'autres nations qui confinent ils pallissaderent l'an 1702 dans le Kamchatka au dessus du fleuve de ce nom, et l'annee suivante au dessous, deux endroits comme ostrogs (fortresses) ou ils mirent en surete les tribus qu'ils avoient recus jusques la et mirent en otage des Sudskes [ ?] nations les principaux et ceux du pais de Kamchatka. Ils appelerent la premiere astrog (Pallisade) Verkhnei Kamchatskoi Ostrog et l'autre Nishnei Kamchatskoi Ostrog; mais le pere Pierre Kosirevski fut tue, l'an 1708 dans une isle voisine. Apres cela en 171 1, 1712, 1 713 et 1714 Ignace Kosirevski recut ordre de Iakutskoi de se bien informer des limites de ces pais et sur tout du Kamchatkoi Nos, et des isles voisines de s'enquerir sous quelle puissance sont toutes les nations qui se trouvent la et d'obliger a payer le tribut tous ceux qui n'ont pas proprem't de Souverain et de s'informer autant qu'il est 529a Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 2, B. APPENDIX D EUROPEAN OPINION REGARDING KOZIREFSKI There is news from Moscow that a monk by the name of Ignatius Kozirefski has arrived from Siberia. He has spent many years in Kamchatka where he built a convent for monks. He has made re- searches in the country so that one has a right to expect important information from him about that region, inhabitants, history and other subjects connected therewith. He is of a Polish family but was born and brought up at Jakutsk where his grandfather Fedor Kozirefski was sent as a slave by the Czar Alexe Michaelowitz in the time of the Polish wars. His father Peter Kozirefski and the monk Ignatius (whose name before becoming a monk was I wan Petrowitz Kozirefski) and many others were ordered by the Dumnoi Diak of the Sibirski Prikaz, Anorei [?] Wimius, through the woewod [?] of Jakutsk, Dorosei Traurnicht, to Kamchatka about the year 1700 to reduce to Russian subjection and tributaries all the inhabitants of Kamchatka and of the neighboring countries. After having subdued the Koriaks and the other tribes of the Anaduir region they built a fort in the year 1702 in Kamchatka on the headwaters of the river of that name. The following year they put up one lower down that stream. In these two ostrogs they placed for safe keeping the tribute which they had collected up to that time also the principal men of the Sudski [Chukchi ( ?)] and Kamchadels as hostages. They named the first fort Upper Kamchatka Ostrog and the second Lower Kam- chatka Ostrog. In the year 1708 Peter Kozirefski was killed on an island near Kamchatka. During the years 1711, 1712, 1713, and 1 7 14 Ignatius Kozirefski had orders from Jakutsk to make investiga- tions as to the extent of the country and especially of Kamchatka Cape and the near by islands, to inquire to what government all these peoples owe allegiance and to force all those to pay tribute who have no sovereign, to inform himself as much as possible regarding Japan, 296 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC possible du pais du Japon de quelle manierre on pourroit y arriver, quelles armes ont les habitans et comment ils font la guerre, si on peut croire qu'ils entreroient en amitie, et en commerce avec la nation Russe, et quelles marchandises ils auroient bien besoin de Syberie. II est informe exactement de toutes ces choses en partie lui meme, pendant les voyages qu'il a fait sur mer et sur terre, en partie par les gens qu'il a envoyes dans ce pais; de sorte qu'il peut donner beaucoup de nouvelles tres curieuses du cours de la mer vers le Japon et des isles qu'il faut passer, pareillem't de la ville Matmei ou Matsmei qui est situee sur la derniere de ces isles. II a eu aussi plusieurs recontres avec les habitans meridionaux du, pais du Kamchatka avant que de les pouvoir mettre sous l'obeissance ; mais il les a toujours heureusem't vaincu et enfin ayant impose un tribut a ceux qui restoient, et pris d'eux des otages; il fit fortifier de nouveau avec des pallisades un endroit nomme Bolshoiretskoi Ostrog sur la grande riviere appellee Bolchaia Reka qui se jette dans la Mer Pensinskoi ou il a fait batir un port de mer pour la navigation. L'an 1 71 5 il fit batir a ses depens, touche par les prieres des pauvres de la Colonie, des Invalides, des Veillards, des malades, des blesses et d'autres personnes hors de service, une maison de prieres et chapelle de l'Ascension de Marie et un couvent, sur le fleuve de Kamchatka dans un endroit desert, dans lequel, il se fit l'an 1 718 religieux, et changea son nom de Bateme Ivan pour prendre celui de l'ordre Ignace. Le Tribut qui paient les Kamtchadeles aux revenues de 1'Empereur consiste en peaux de Zibelines de Renards, et de Castors. II a aussi apporte des nouvelles tres certaines d'une Montagne nomme Sopka (c'est a dire volcan) situee pres du fleuve Kamchatka, laquelle jette de feu et d'ou il sort de la fumee des charbons ardens et de la cendre, de meme que d'autres endroits tres remarquable. EUROPEAN OPINION REGARDING KOZIREFSKI 297 the way thither, what weapons the inhabitants have and how they wage war, whether there might be reason to believe that they would be willing to enter into friendly and commercial relations with the Russians, and the kind of merchandise from Siberia they might be willing to buy. He is fully informed on all these points, partly through his own efforts by making voyages by land and sea, and partly through the efforts of others whom he sent into those regions. He is in a position to give some very interesting information on the course to be sailed in going to Japan and the islands one would have to pass on the way, also regarding the city of Matmei or Matsmei which is situated on the last one of these islands. He has had sev- eral fights with the inhabitants of southern Kamchatka before he could bring them under his control, fortunately he has always been successful and he has been able to impose tribute on them and make them give hostages. He rebuilt a second time Bolsheretsk Ostrog on the River Bolshaja Reka which flows into the Penjinsk Sea. He also constructed a port for navigation. Moved by the sufferings and prayers of the poor, invalids, aged, sick, wounded, and others unfit for labor, he erected at his own expense a church and chapel, dedicated to the Ascension of Mary, and a convent. These buildings were lo- cated on a deserted spot on the River Kamchatka. In the year 17 18 he became a monk and changed his baptismal name Iwan for that of the order Ignatius. The tribute which the Kamchadels pay to the emperor consists of sable, fox, and beaver skins. He has also brought very definite information about a volcano situated near the Kamchatka River which emits fire, smoke, hot coals and ashes. There are other very remarkable places of which he tells. APPENDIX E NAVIGATION ET DECOUVERTES FAITES PAR LES RUSSES DANS LA MER ORIENTALE ENTRE LES DEUX VOIAGES DU CAPTAINE BEERINGS VERS LES ANNEES 1731 ET 1732 530 NOUVELLES CONNOISSANCES SUR LES TERRES ORI- ENTALES DONNEES PAR MR. FEODOR IVANITCH SOIMONOF LE 1 MARS, 1738 531 Le Capitain commandeur Beerings a son retour de son premier voyage a recontre 10 matelots qui etoient envoiez pour la mer orientale lesquels se sont embarquez sur le vaissau qu'a laisse a. Okhota le cap- itaine Beerings ils ont ere sur ce bateau au Camchot et par la mesme route qui le capitaine Beerings avoit suivi et mesme audela et ils ont fait la decouverte des deux golfes A B, et ensuite tirant a Test ils ont trouve l'lsle C et une grande terre D a une demi journee de distance de la terre F. etant aupres de cette grande terre il est venu a eux un homme dans un petit batiment semblable a ceux des groen- landois et lui aiant demande dans quel pais ils etoient il ne leur a pas pu dire si ce n'est que c'etoit un grand pais ; ou il y avoit beaucoup de fourures. ils ont parcoru la cote D E de ce pais pendant deux jours allant au Sud; mais lorsquils tachoient d'y debarquer ils ont ete assailis d'une rude tempete qui les a ramene au camchat; ils ont aussi parcouru les iles qui sont a la pointe meridional du Camchat et ont ete jusqu'a la grande isle qui est vis a vis de l'embouchure de la ri- viere d'Amour ils ont debarque dans cette isle et y ont trouve 3 Russes qui etoient prisonniers par les Tartars habitans de cette isle; ils les ont emmenes avec eux et sont revenus sur les cotes de la mer orientale au nord de l'embrouchure de la riviere d'Amour et enfin a Okhota. le pilote Russe qui a fait cette navigation pendant 2 etes consecutif [?] etant mort a ete succede par un Allemand qui a pris son journal et est venu a Tobolsk avec les matelots; mais ayiant eu 530 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 16. an — Ibid., 16, A. APPENDIX E NAVIGATION AND DISCOVERIES MADE BY THE RUS- SIANS IN THE EASTERN OCEAN [PACIFIC] BE- TWEEN THE TWO VOYAGES OF CAPTAIN BEERINGS DURING THE YEARS 1731 AND 1732 NEW INFORMATION REGARDING THE EASTERN LANDS FURNISHED BY MR. FEODOR IVANITCH SOIMONOF, MARCH 1, 1738 The Captain-commander Beerings on his return from his first voyage met ten sailors who were sent to the Eastern Ocean. They went on board the boat left by Captain Beerings and, following his route, they went to Kamchatka and even beyond that where they discovered two gulfs A, B. From there they steered east and found the island C and a large body of land D, a half days distance from the land F. While they were near this land there came to them a man in a small boat similar to those of Greenland. He was asked what country that was and whether there were any fur-bearing an- imals, but he could not give them any satisfactory information. For two days they sailed along the coast D E of this country going in a southerly direction. They attempted to make a landing but a storm came up forcing them back to Kamchatka. They cruised also among the islands at the southern part of Kamchatka and came as far as the large island opposite the mouth of the river Amur. They landed on the island and found among the Tartars, who inhabit this place, three Russian captives. Taking them along they sailed for the Eastern Ocean, north of the Amur River, and finally to Okhotsk. The Russian pilot, who was engaged in this navigation for two consecu- tive summers, died, and he was succeeded by a German who, with his journal and sailors, came to Tobolsk. They got into a fight and 3 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC du bruit entre'eux Ton a envoye de Tobolsk a Petersbourg Tun de ces matelots pour etre juge et examine, c'est lui qui aiant ete mis a la question a fait le rapport susdit; surquoy le College del'Amiraute pour etre mieux informe de toute cette affaire a envoie un ordre a Tobolsk (depuis peu de jours) pour faire venir a Petersburg l'alle- mand avec son journal et les autres a l'occasion du rapport cydessus que m'a fait Mr. Soimonof. il m'a dit que Ton n'a pas sceu com- prendre ici comment le capitaine Beerings qui dans son premier voy- age a parcouru par mer la pointe meridionale du Camchat depuis Bolchia-reka jusqu'a Kamchatka Gouba et comment disje il n'a fait aucun mention du observation des petites isles qui sont a la pointe meridionale du Camchat quisque ces isles se voient mesme des cotes du Camchat a ce qu'a rapporte le Capitaine Schpanberg qui a fait la mesme route que le Capitaine Beerings et qui a mesme dit que les habitans de ces Isles paioient tribut a S. M. I. DISCOVERIES MADE BY THE RUSSIANS 301 one of the sailors was sent from Tobolsk to St. Petersburg for trial, and, when questioned, he gave the information just mentioned. The Admiralty College wishing to know more about this discovery sent an order to Tobolsk (only a few days ago) that the German with his journal and all others connected with this voyage should come to the capital. Mr. Soimonof said that it is hard to understand why Captain Beerings, who in his first voyage sailed in the waters south of Kamchatka - from Bolshaja Reka to Kamchatka Gulf, made no mention of these islands south of Kamchatka ; it would seem that, ac- cording to the report of Captain Spanberg, who was over the same waters as Captain Beerings, that these islands may be seen from Kamchatka and that the inhabitants even pay tribute to His Im- perial Majesty. APPENDIX F MEMOIR PRESENTED TO THE SENATE WITH MAP WHICH BERING USED IN GOING TO AMERICA 532 Explication de la carte de la mer orientale dressee pour montrer le plus court chemin de l'Asie a l'Amerique. Lue a l'Academie l'an 1732. Cette carte represente la veritable situation et distance des cotes orientales de l'Asie, connues jusqu'a present, avec les terres de rAmerique Septentrionale les plus voisines. Elle a ete dresee pour faciliter la decouverte du plus court chemin de l'Asie a l'Amerique. La route la plus ordinaire que Ton a tenue jusqu'ici pour aller de l'Asie a l'Amerique a ete des Philippines au Mexique, entre les parallels de 10 et de 35 degres de latitude septentrionale. Cette route est particulierment frequentee par les Espagnols a qui appar- tiennent les isles Philippines et le Mexique. Elle est d'environ 130 degres en longitude, ce qui ne fais pas moins de 2500 lieues marines de 20 au degre, ou 13,000 wersts. Le Chemin de l'Asie a l'Amerique devient dautant plus court que Ton s'approche, plus pres du pole septentrional, et que Ton part des terres de l'Asie plus orientale pour arriver aux plus occidentales de l'Amerique. Telle a ete la route de Dom Jean de Gama en allant de la Chine a la nouvelle Espagne, et celle d'un vaisseau francois nomme le St Antoine lequel est le premier qui a fait le retour de la nouvelle Espagne a la Chine. Ces deux routes sont un peu plus courtes que le route ordinaire des Philippines a la nouvelle Espagne : mais si Ton partoit de l'extremite orientale des terres soumises a S. M. I. le chemin a l'Amerique seroit encore de beaucoup plus court. Depuis le cap de l'Asie le plus avance au nord-Est vis-a-vis lequel est parvenu M. le Capitaine Beerings, sous la hauteur de 67 degres Vz jusqu'aux terres les plus voisines de l'Amerique qui nous sont connues jusqu'a present, il n'y a pas le plus court chemin que 600 lieues marines, ou un peu plus de 5000 wersts, ce qui n'est pas le 532 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 14. APPENDIX F MEMOIR PRESENTED TO THE SENATE WITH MAP WHICH BERING USED IN GOING TO AMERICA Explanation of the map of the eastern sea which was prepared for the purpose of showing the nearest way from Asia to America. Read at the Academy in the year 1732. This map represents the true situation and distance of the eastern shores of Asia, known up to the present time, with that part of the continent of North America which is nearest to it. This map was made for the purpose of helping in the discovery the shortest route between Asia and America. The course which has usually been sailed until now, in going from Asia to America, has been from the Philippines to Mexico, between the parallels ten and thirty-five degrees north latitude. This route has been made use of especially by the Spaniards to whom belong the Philippine Islands and Mexico. It is about one hundred thirty de- grees in longitude, w T hich would make not less than two thousand five hundred marine leagues of twenty to the degree, or thirteen thousand wersts. The course between Asia and America becomes shorter as one approaches the north pole, and between the most easterly part of Asia and the extreme western point of America. Such was the course of Dom Jean de Gama in going from China to New Spain, and this was also true of a French boat, the St. An- toine, which was the first to make the return voyage from New Spain to China. These two routes are somewhat shorter than the one usually made use of in going from the Philippines to New Spain : but if one should sail from the easternmost territories of His Imperial Majesty the route to America would be still shorter. From the most northeasterly cape of Asia, which Captain Beer- ings had reached, in sixty-seven and one-third degrees, to the nearest American territory, which is known to us at the present time, the shortest way is about six hundred marine leagues, or a little more than five thousand [three thousand?] wersts, which is less than one- 304 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC quart de la longueur des deux routes marquees cidessus. II est vrai que Ton ignore si ce sont des terres ou des mers qui se rencontrent dans ce plus court trajet de l'Asie a l'Amerique, personne n'y aiant encore ete, a moins que ceux qui en ont quelque connoissance n'aient voulu la tenir secrette pour en profiler seuls a l'exclusion des autres nations. Comme Ton ne connoit point non plus jusqu'ou s'entendent au Nord-Ouest les terres de l'Amerique Septentrionale il se pourroit faire qu'elles s'approcheroient de l'Asie, de sorte qu'il n'y auroit entre l'Asie et l'Amerique que de petits trajets de mer qui se pourroient peut etre faire aisement avec de mediocres batimens, en prenant lcs terns propres. Cette conjecture d'un chemin assez court et peutetre facile entre l'Asie et l'Amerique n'est pas sans fondement, apres les indices que M le Capitaine Beerings a appercus des terres voisines a la cote Nord-Est de l'Asie, qu'il a parcouru dans son premier voiage, entre les parallels de 50 et de 60 degres Ces indices sont, i° de n'avoir trouve en s'eloignant de ces cotes que peu de profondeur, et des vagues basses, relies que Ton les trouve ordinairement dans des de- troits ou bras de mer, bien differentes des hautes vagues que Ton trouve sur les cotes exposees a une mer fort etendue. 2° d'avoir trouve des pins et autres arbres deracines amenes par le vent d'Est, au lieu qu'il n'en croit point dans le Kamtchatka. 3° d'avoir appris des gens du pais que le vent d'Est peut amener en 2 ou 3 jours les glaces, au lieu qu'il faut 4 ou 5 jours de vent d'Ouest pour emporter les glaces de la cote Nord-Est de l'Asie. 4 Que de certains oiseaux viennent regulierement tous les ans dans les memes mois du cote de l'Est, et qu'apres avoir passe quelques mois sur les cotes de l'Asie, ils s'en retournent aussi regulierment dans la meme saison. A ces indices remarques par M. le Capitaine Beerings, on peut ajouter quelques autres preuves de vraisemblance que l'inspection de la carte peut fournir. Par exemple ces cotes vues par Dom Jean de Gama, que j'ai placees vis-a-vis du Kamtchatka font peutetre partie d'un grand continens qui seroit contigu a l'Amerique, et qui irois rejoindre au Nord de la Californie la cote Septentrionale de l'entree decouverte par Martin d'Aguillar : au moins trouvet'on dans quelques anciennes cartes une longue cotemarquee dans tous ce trajet, ce qui sans doute n'a pas ete fais sans raisons, quoique nous ne les sachions MEMOIR PRESENTED TO THE SENATE 305 fourth of the length of the two routes mentioned above. Whether one would meet with new lands or new seas on this short route be- tween Asia and America it is not easy to say because no one has ever been there, or if they have they have kept the matter secret so that they only might profit by this information and keep other nations out. One is equally in the dark as to how far in a northwesterly direc- tion North America extends, it is quite possible that it approaches close to Asia, so that there is only a very short distance between the two continents and that it would be easy to go from one to the other in an ordinary boat during fair weather. This assumption of a short and possible easy route between Asia and America is not without some foundation, if we take into con- sideration the signs of land near northeastern Asia which Captain Beerings noticed between the parallels fifty and sixty degrees while he was on his first voyage. These signs are: ( 1 ) At some distance from the shore he found the water rather shallow and the waves small just as in straits or arm of the sea, quite different from the high waves which one meets with along the coast that is washed by a large sea. (2) He saw uprooted fir and other trees which were brought by the east wind, which trees are not seen in Kamchatka. (3) From the natives of the country he learned that an eastern wind brings ice in two or three days, while it takes a western wind four or five days to carry off the ice from northeast Asia. (4) That certain birds come regularly every year about the same month from the east and after having passed several months on the Asiatic shore they return with the same regularity the same season. In addition to the evidences brought out by Captain Beerings, there are others of equal value which one may gather by looking at the map. For example the shores seen by Dom Jean de Gama, which I have located opposite Kamchatka, are perhaps a part of a large continent contiguous to America, joining it north of California at the entrance discovered by Martin d'Aguillar. On the old charts one finds indicated a long shore line on this course. There must have been some reason for this, although we do not know what it is 306 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC pas, et que les Geographes modernes ne s'y soient pas conformed : mais l'experience journaliere nous apprend que Ton est quelquefois oblige de revenir a des anciennes opinions que Ton avoit abandonnees. De plus, si Ton considere sur la carte tous ces golfes et Bayes, comme de Hudson, de Baffins, de Davis, decouvertes en differens terns par ces courageaux navigateurs qui cherchoient le passage le plus court de l'Europe a l'Asie par le Nord-Ouest et dans lequel ils n'ont pas reussi; en considerant dis je de quelle maniere ce passage est ferme par toutes ces cotes que Ton voit sur ma carte, Ton ne peut que s'imaginer que ces cotes sont les bornes d'un continent qui peutetre s'etend considerablement a l'Ouest et au Nord, et qui par consequent s'approche beaucoup de l'extremite de l'Asie qu'a parcourue M. le Capitaine Beerings dans son premier voiage. Si ce continent suppose s'etendoit assez pour rejoindre vis-a-vis du Kamtchatka les cotes vues par Dom Jean de Gama, ce seroit alors le long des cotes de l'Asie qu'a parcourues M. le Capitaine Beerings qu'il faidroit placer le detroit d'Anian. Je ne veus pas soutenir l'existence du detroit d'Anian qui est peut- etre imaginaire ; mais on ne peut pas douter qu'il n'y ais quelque part entre L'Asie et l'Amerique un detroit considerable quel qu'il soit. Varenius dans sa Geographie generale en donne la preuve suivante : Que dans la partie de la mer pacifique qui est entre la Tartarie et les cotes occidentales de l'Amerique Septentrionale, a 700 milles du Japon, on trouve un courant du Nord et du Nord-Ouest, quoique dans le meme terns le vent souffle d'un cote oppose; mais que IOO miles avant que d'etre aux cotes de la nouvelle Espagne, ce courant ne se trouve plus. On ajoute a cella que dans les 700 milles, on trouve beaucoup de baleines et de ces poissons que lee Espagnols ap- pellent albacares, bonites, etc., et poisson qui se voient d'ordinaire aupres des detroits, de sorte que Ton peut juger qu'ils viennent de ce detroit, etc. Sur tous les indices que j'ai rapportes cidessus, sans pretendre rien prescrire, Ton pourroit proposer differents routes pour faire la decou- verte de ces terres les plus voisines de l'Asie a son orient. MEMOIR PRESENTED TO THE SENATE 307 and modern geographers do not see fit to accept this view. Experi- ence, however, teaches us every day that it is often necessary to go back to the opinions of the ancients which had at one time been abandoned. Moreover, on looking at the map one will note all the bays and gulfs, such as the Hudson, Baffins, Davis, discovered at various times by these brave navigators who were seeking a short passage from Europe to Asia through the northwest and in which efforts they failed. If you take all these things into consideration and the way in which this passage is closed, as may be seen on my map, you will be more or less forced to imagine that these shores are the limits of some continent which extends perhaps to the west and north, and which therefore comes very close to the extreme eastern part of Asia where Captain Beerings was on his first voyage. If the supposition is correct and there is a continent stretching out far enough [to the west and north] to join opposite Kamchatka the shores which were seen by Dom Jean de Gama, it follows then that the Anian Strait should be located along the coast of Asia where Captain Beerings sailed. I do not insist that there is an Anian Strait, which is perhaps wholly imaginary, but one can not help feeling that somewhere be- tween Asia and America there must be an important strait, whatever its character may be. Varenius in his general work on geography gives these reasons [for believing in the existence of a strait] : in that part of the Pacific Ocean which is between Tartarie and the western part of North America, about seven hundred miles from Japan, the current sets from the north and from the northwest, although at the same time the wind blows from an opposite quarter; but when within one hun- dred miles of the shores of New Spain this current is no longer felt. An additional proof on this subject is that within these seven hundred miles there are to be found whales and fish which the Spaniards call albacares, bonites, etc., fish which are ordinarily found in neighbor- hood of straits, so that one may reasonably suppose that they come from this strait, etc. Taking into consideration all the evidence I have given above, one could, without any pretensions at finality, suggest several different courses to be sailed in order to discover the lands east of and nearest to Asia. 308 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC i° Si Ton s'avancoit jusqu'au terme de l'Asie le plus septentrional et le plus orientale en meme terns, jusqu'ou est parvenu M. le Cap- itaine Beerings, Ton pourroit ne pas manquer d'arriver a l'Amerique quelque route que Ton prenne entre le Nord-Est et le Sud-Est, en ne faisant pas 600 lieues, au plus. 2° Sans s'avancer si avant, il seroit peutetre plus aise de partir du lieu de la cote orientale du Kamtchatka ou M. le Capitaine Beerings a appercu des indices dont j'ai parle cidevant d'une terre voisine a son orient, aller reconnoitre cette terre et la suivre, etc. 3° On pourroit peutetre trouver encore plus promtement et avec plus de certitude les terres vues par Dom Jean de Gama, en les cherchant au sud du Kamtchatka. Ces terres, comme Ton voit sur la carte sont a l'orient de la terre de la Compagnie, qui a ete decou- verte Tan 1643 par des vaisseaux Hollandois qui en ont pris possession au nom des Etats d'Hollande. Mais je n'ai pas su que Ton ait fais descente aux terres vues par Dom Jean de Gama, ni par consequent que Ton en ait pris possession. Je suis bien fache de n'avoir pu trouver ici d'autres connoisances de ces terres vues par Dom Jean de Gama, que se que j'en ai marque dans la carte, d'apres les dernieres cartes de feu mon frere, premier Qeographe du Roi tres Chretien ; mais comme il en a marque la situation a l'egard de la terre de la Compagnie et de la terre d'Yeco, et que je suis certain d'ailleurs de la situation de ces deux dernieres terres vues par Dom Jean de Gama a l'egard du Kamtchatka, je ne doute pas que ces terres vues par Dom Jean de Gama ne doivent etre a l'endroit marque sur la carte. Sur les deux premieres routes que je vient d'indiquer pour la de- couverte des terres inconnues qui sont entre l'Asie et l'Amerique, je n'ai rien a ajouter a ce que j'ai dit cidevant: mais a l'egard de la troisieme, si Ton veut la tenter par la terre d'Yego et la terre de la Compagnie, en passant entre ces deux terres et l'isle des Etats qui est au milieu, je peus fournir pour cette navigation toutes les con- noisances dont on peut avoir besoin pour ne pas s'y tromper. II me reste a marquer ici sur quels fondemens j'ai place cette terre d'Yego dans ma carte, de meme que tous les autres pais situes a cette ex- tremite orientale de l'Asie. Les terres qui sont de cote de l'Asie, colorees de rouge, sont de la domination de la Chine, sous laquelle j'ai compris le roiaume de Coree vassal tributaire de la Chine, et tout ce pais de Tartars Orien- MEMOIR PRESENTED TO THE SENATE 309 ( 1 ) If one should start from the most northerly and at the same time the most easterly point of Asia, that is about the neighborhood reached by Captain Beerings, he could not fail to come to America provided he steered a course between northeast and southeast, and putting it at the very highest figure the distance would not be more than six hundred leagues. (2) Without even going so far, it might perhaps be more easy to sail from that part of the eastern coast of Kamchatka where Cap- tain Beerings noticed to the east of him those signs of land of which I have spoken, and to locate that land, examine it, etc. (3) One could perhaps find more quickly and with more certainty the lands seen by Dom Jean de Gama by looking for them south of Kamchatka. These lands, as may be seen on the map, are east of the Company Land, which was discovered in the year 1643, by vessels belonging to the Dutch who took possession of them in the name of the States of Holland. But I am not aware that any one has ever been on the lands seen by Dom Jean de Gama, and, therefore, no one has as yet taken possession of them. I am very sorry not to have been able to find here any other information regarding the lands seen by Dom Jean de Gama than which I have marked on the map, based on those of my late brother, first geographer of the very Christian king. But since he has lo- cated it with regard to Company Lands and Yeco Land and as I am certain of the situation of these two bodies of land in relation to Kamchatka, I am confident that the lands seen by Dom Jean de Gama should be where they are located on the map. As to the first two routes of which I have just spoken, for the discovery of the unknown lands which are between Asia and America, I have nothing more to add to what has been said above. But in regards to the third, if one should wish to attempt it by way of Company Land and Yeco Land, by going between them and State Island which is in the middle, I am able to furnish for such a naviga- tion all the necessary information so that no mistake might be made. I should like to explain here what my authority is for locating Yeco Land on my map, as well as all the other countries which are sit- uated on this extreme eastern part of Asia. The territories on the Asiatic side which are marked in red are under the control of China, among which I have included the king- dom of Korea, a tributary vassal of China, and all the region of 310 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC taux jusqu'aux limites des terres appartenantes a S. M. I. de toute les Russies. Je me suis servi de la couleur verte pour marquer sur cette extremite orientale tout ce qui a ete decouvert et soumis a la Russie. Je ne me suis attache qu'a en decrire les cotes; mais elles y sont ex- actement tracees. Celles de la Chine et de pais dependans ont ete marquees d'apres les cartes de la Chine; et les cotes des pais soumis a la Russie ont ete marquees d'apres la carte et les operations de M. le Capitaine Beerings dans sa premiere expedition. Les cartes de la Chine dont je me suis servi sont rapportees au meridien de Pekin, dont la situation a l'egard du meridien de Petersbourg m'est exacte- ment connue par plusieurs observations des Satellites de Jupiter faites de part et d'autre; et comme Ton sais aussi, part un grand nombre d'observations faites a Petersbourg la situation de son meridien a l'egard du premier meridien qui passe par l'isle de fer, j'y ai pu rap- porter les cartes de la Chine. C'est a ce premier meridien qui passe par l'isle de fer que je me suis regie pour marquer toutes les longitudes de ma carte. Pour ce qui est de la longitude du Kamtchatka et des cotes voisines j'ai pu aussi la rapporter au meridien de l'isle de fer, par l'examen que j'ai fait des deux eclipses de Lune observees au Kamtchat par M. le Cap- itaine Beerings et par ses gens dans sa premiere expedition, et que j'ai comparees avec les memes observations faitesen Europe, etc. Du Cote de l'Asie, j'ai peint en jaune les isles qui composent l'em- pire du Japon, et en bleu la terre d'Yego et les autres isles et terres voisines decouvertes par les Hollandois, Japonnpis et autres. La situation du Japon est assez bien connue par la distance ou Ton sait qu'il est de la Coree. L'on est aussi assure de l'entendue et de la situation entre elles de toutes les isles qui composent l'empire du Japon, et cela par les observations, cartes et memoires des Missionaires Jesuites, du terns qu'ils prechorent l'Evangele dans cet empire; et depuis qu'ils en ont ete chasses l'on a les Memoires des Hollandois; et en dernier lieu ceux de Kemfer assurent encore la situation geo- graphique de cet empire et de ses dependances. Pour ce qui est de laterre d'Yego ou d'Eso, de l'isle des Etats et de la terre de la Com- pagnie que j'ai marquees au nord du Japon, entre cet empire et le Kamtchatka j'ai suivi les cartes Hollandoises ou ces pais sont mar- ques d'apres le journal de marine de la navigation qui y a ete faite par les Hollandois, l'an 1643. Les Hollandois n'ont pas publie le journal meme de cette naviga- MEMOIR PRESENTED TO THE SENATE 311 Eastern Tartary as far as the possessions of His Imperial Majesty of all the Russias. The territory in this far east which is marked in green has been discovered and conquered by Russia. I have made no attempt to do anything more than mark the coast line but this is accurately done. The coasts of China and dependent countries are traced after Chinese maps, and those of regions belonging to Russia are based on the surveys made by Captain Beerings in his first ex- pedition. The Chinese maps which I used follow the meridian of Peking, the relation between this meridian and that of St. Peters- burg is known to me through several observations of the satellites of Jupiter made at different times, and since one knows also, through a large number of observations made at St. Petersburg, the situation of its meridian in regard to the first meridian which passes through the island of Fer, I have been able to work from the Chinese maps. In marking all the longitudes on my map I have been guided by this first meridian which passes through the isle of Fer. As to the longitude of Kamchatka and the neighboring regions I knew them also in relation to the meridian of the Isle of Fer. I worked this out by examining the two eclipses of the moon which were observed at Kamchatka by Captain Beerings and those with him on his first expedition, and by comparing them with the same observations made in Europe, etc. On the Asiatic coast I have painted in yellow the islands which make up the empire of Japan, and in blue Yeco Land and all the other islands and adjoining territories discovered by the Dutch, Jap- anese, and others. The position of Japan is sufficiently well known from the dis- tance which separates it from Korea. The extent and the distance of the different Japanese islands from each other is also well known through the observations, maps, and memoirs of the Jesuit mission- aries at the time when they preached the Gospel in that empire. Since their expulsion we have had the memoijrs of the Dutch, and more recently those of Kemfer make clear the geographic situation of this empire and its dependencies. As to Yeco Land or Eso, State Island, and Company Land which I have located north of Japan, between that empire and Kamchatka, I have followed the Dutch maps on which these places are indicated after the journal of the navi- gation made by the Dutch in the year 1643. The Dutch have not published the journal of the said navigation ; 3 i2 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC tion : mais comme ils sont parti du cap Nabo ou de Goree qui est a la partie la plus septentrionale du Japon, et qu'ils ont marques sur leurs cartes la situation de la terre d'Yego a l'egard de ce cap Nabo, cela m'a suffi pour placer exactement cette terre d'Yeco, l'isle des Etats, et la terre de la Compagnie d'apres les cartes Hollandoises. La cote de la terre d'Yeco qui regarde la Tartarie n'est pas ter- minee dans les cartes Hollandois mais j'ai trace legerement cette cote en faisant de la terre d'Yego une isle, et laissant un canal ou bras de mer entre cette cote d'Yego et celle de Tartarie. J'ai trouve un indice ou une preuve que cela devoit etre ainsi, et cela par une des premieres relations que Ton a de la terre d'Yego, dans laquelle il est dit qu'a l'occident de cette terre il ya un detroit que Ton ne peut passer a cause de la rapidite du courant, etc. L'Etendue que j'ai donnee a la terre d'Yego dans ma carte, ne contredit pas a la situation d'une grande isle que les cartes Chinoises mettent vis a vis de l'embrouchure de la riviere d'Amour. Enfin cette meme position d'entendue que j'ai donnee dans ma carte a la terre d'Yego n'empeche pas que Ton ne puisse placer les petites isles que Ton voit sur ma carte peintes en verd, situees entre la terre d'Yego et la pointre meridionale du Kamtchatka. II est vrai que dans plusieurs cartes manuscrites que Ton a faites dans le pais sur differens rapports de gens qui ont ete au Kamtchatka Ton marque a la place de ce petit tas d'isles une suite d'isles beaucoup plus grandes qui s'en- tendent depuis la pointe meridionale du Kamtchatka jusqu'au Japon ; mais comme ces cartes ne sont ni orientees ni reglees suivant les latitudes, et que d'ailleurs, par les observations et la carte du Geodist Evreinow Ton voit que ces isles n'occupent pas plus de deux degres, c'est ce qui me les a fait placer ainsi dans ma carte, sans que leur situation contredisse a cette que j'avois donnee a la terre d'Yego. Dans les cartes Hollandoises la terre de la Compagnie n'est pas terminee a l'orient; apparement parceque les Hollandois n'y ont pas ete: mais aiant trouve dans les dernieres cartes de feu mon frere la terre de la Compagnie terminee a l'orient par une cote et par quelques isles, j'ai cru devoir le suivre en cela, jugeant bien qu'il ne l'aura pas fait sans fondement, quoiqu'il n'en paroisse pas fort assure, puis qu'il n'a marque cette cote orientale de la terre de la Compagnie et les isles adjacentes, que d'un trait leger, qui etoit la maniere dont il avoit coutume de se servir pour marquer ce dont il etoit moins assure. MEMOIR PRESENTED TO THE SENATE 313 but as they sailed from Cape Nabo or Goree, which is the most northerly part of Japan, and as they have indicated on their maps the situation of Yeco Land in relation to Cape Nabo, I have been able to locate exactly this Yeco Land, State Island, and Company Land by following the Dutch charts. The coast of Yeco Land in its relation to Tartary is not brought to an end on the Dutch maps, but I have traced lightly that coast in making of the Yeco Land an island, and leaving a channel or an arm of the sea between Yeco and Tartary. I have some reason or proof for believing that this is the true situation because in one of the ear- liest accounts which we have of this Yeco Land, it is said that on the west of it there is a strait which one is unable to pass on account of the rapidity of the current, etc. The extent which I have marked of the Yeco Land in my map does not conflict with the position of a large island which the Chi- nese maps have opposite the mouth of the river Amur. Neither does the situation and extent which I give on my map to Yeco Land make it impossible to locate a number of small islands, which I have done, between Yeco Land and the southern point of Kamchatka. It is true that on many manuscript maps which one has made in the coun- try, based on accounts of people who have been in Kamchatka, one has located, in place of this small group of islands, a chain of larger islands which reach out from the most southern point of Kamchatka to Japan. But as these maps are not constructed according to lati- tudes, and since, moreover, by the observations and map of the geodist Evreinof these islands do not take up more than two degrees, this is why I have located them in this manner on my map, their situation not necessarily conflicting with that which I have given to Yeco Land. On the Dutch maps, Company Land has no limits on the east, probably because the Dutch have never been there. I have, how- ever, found among the maps of my deceased brother that Company Land is limited on the east by a coast line and by several islands and in this I have followed him, knowing full well that he must have had good reason for his action, although it would seem that he was not very sure of his ground because the coast of Company Land and the adjacent islands he traced very faintly, which was his usual way of indicating that he was not very sure of his position. APPENDIX G RAPPORT EN RUSSE AVEC LA TRADUCTION SUR LES HABITANS TROUVEZ LE 9/20 SEPTEMBRE 1741 DANS UN PORT AUPREZ DU KAMCHATKA AU RETOUR DE VOYAGE QUE LE CAPITAINE ALEXIS TCHIRIKOV ET MON FRERE t ONT FAIT VERS L'AMERIQUE 533 On trouve a la fin le resultat avec la traduction du dernier en- droit ou l'on s'etoit avance dans le sus dit voyage. Traduction Le 9 Septembre (1741 anc style) la Latitude a ete observee de 51 ° 12' et la Longitude u° 54' 6" le Rhombe du Vent du Sud-Est etoit 77 04, la distance 451 (ou 7 31') a 8 heure du matin les brouillards etant un peu dissipes nous vimes une cote a la distance de 200 sagens; qui a des hautes Montagnes et des grandes herbes la vue etoit verte, mais nous ne vimes point de bois. Les endroits de cette cote vers la mer sont fort etroits, et il ya une grande quantite de pierres sur la cote et sous l'eau. Nous appercumes deux personnes qui alloient du nord vers de Midi sur l'herbe sous une haute mon- tagne aupres d'un ruisseau, et il est vrai-semblable qu'ils nous ont vu, puisque ils venoit plus pres pour mieux examiner notre batiment, nous leur criames en Langue Russe et Kamtschatka pour venir chez nous, et vers le 9 heures nous entendimes une voix des personnes qui vennoient de la cote du se [ ?] vers notre Batiment, mais nous vimes point du Monde et on ne pouvoit point distinguer leur voix acause de la tempete, cependant nous leur criames toujours par une trompete et sans trompete en les priant de venir chez nous. A 9 heures nous vimes venir vers notre Batiment 7 petits bateaux dans chacun de ces Bateaux il n'y avoit qu'une personne, la longueur de ces Bateaux etoit environ de 15 pieds, et la largeur de 3, le devant t Louis Del'Isle De la Croyere. - Orig. 533 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 21. APPENDIX G A REPORT IN RUSSIAN, WITH THE TRANSLATION, ON THE INHABITANTS FOUND ON SEPTEMBER 20, 1741 IN A PORT NEAR KAMCHATKA BY CAPTAIN ALEXIS CHIRIKOF AND MY BROTHER t IN THE VOYAGE WHICH THEY MADE TO AMERICA At the end will be found, in translation, the situation of the place reached on the said voyage. Translation The ninth of September 1741 [old style], latitude fifty-one de- grees, twelve minutes, longitude eleven degrees, fifty-four minutes, six seconds, the rhumb of the wind from the southeast being seventy- seven degrees, four minutes, the distance four hundred fifty-one (or seven degrees, thirty-one minutes), eight o'clock in the morning, when the fog had lifted somewhat we saw land about two hundred sajen from us. We could see mountains and tall green grass but no trees. The beach is very irregular and broken up, and there are many rocks above and below the water. We noticed two persons at the foot of a mountain walking on the grass alongside of a stream and advancing from north to south. They apparently observed us be- cause they came closer towards us for the purpose of examining our boat. We called to them in the Russian and in the Kamchatka language to come to us, and towards nine o'clock we heard the voices of people who were coming from the shore towards our boat, but we could see no one and could not make out their voices on account of the storm. We, nevertheless, continued calling to them through a trumpet and without it to come to us. About nine o'clock we saw approaching our ship seven small boats in each of which there was one person. The length of each of these boats was in the neighborhood of fifteen feet and the width three feet. fLouis DePIsle De la Croyere. - Orig. 316 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC est fort pointu, et la poupe arondie, ils sont partout entoures de pean de chien marin ou d'autres. le tillac est arrondi, et couvert d'une meme pean, a la poupe il ya un trou rond ou rhomme se met, qui est vetu d'une chemise avec un cocluchon faite des boiaux de Balene ou d'autres Betes maritimes il y a des cordes de pois qui sont attachees au trou, avec lesquelles l'hommes se noue, et il y avoit cependant quel- ques uns qui n'etoient pas noues, ils avoient aussi autour d'eux des pierres dans les Bateaux, leurs rames sont doubles faites du bois de boulau bien legerment, avec lesquelles ils rames des deux cote, ils vont dans cet bateaux tres hardiment et fort vit sans craindre les vagues les plus forts. Etant venu a la distance de 50 sagens de notre Bati- ment, ils commencerent tous a crier et a se tourner des deux cotes pas d'une maniere comme s'ils vouloient nous parler, mais comme les Jakouts et les Toungousses quand ils veulent sorceler, ce qui nous fit connoitre, que les personnes qui etoient venu chez nous faissoient des sorcelages suivant leur maniere, ou des prieres, afin que nous ne puissions pas leur faire aucun tord, mais on ne peut pas savoir posi- tiviment pour quoi ils ont criez si epouvantablement, apres avoir cries ainsi pendant une demi quart d'heure, ils commencerent a se parler d'une maniere ordinaire, dans ce terns la nous leur faissions des mines agreables en leur faissant des reverences et donnant des signes pour les faire venir pres de notre Batiment, cependant ils n'oserent pas venir plus pres, ils faissoient des mouvemens des mains comme s'ils preparoient des arcs, ce qui nous fit juger qu'ils craini- soint que nous ne fissions du efeux sur eux, ce qui fait que nous leur donnames a connoitre autant qu'il etoit possible, que nous leur ferons aucun tord, et en mettant nos mains sur la poitrine, nous leur fimes connoitre qu'ils seroient recu par nous en ami, en meme terns j'ai jette vers eux dans l'eau une tasse chinoise en les priant de la recevoir pour une marque d'amitie pour pouvoir mieux les attirer aupres de notre Batiment un parmis ces gens la prit la tasse et en faissant des mouvemens des mains, il fit comprendre qu'il n'en avoit pas besoin, et vouloit la rejetter sur notre Batiment, alors nous lui fimes des reverences en le priant de la garder pour lui, mais il la jetta dans l'eau. Apres cela j'ai ordonne de couper deux morceaux de satin, que j'ai jette dans l'eau en les priant de venir pres de notre batiment, ils prirent ces morceaux de satin et apres les avoir garde un peu de terns ils les rejetterent sans prendre rien pour eux. Ensuite j'ordon- noit d'apporter quelques Marchandises parmis les presens, savoir des NATIVES FOUND NEAR KAMCHATKA 317 The prow is very pointed, the deck and the stern somewhat round and the whole covered with the skins of hair seal or some other ani- mal except one round hole on deck for the boatman, who is dressed in a kind of shirt with hood made of the intestines of whale or other sea animals. Around each hole in the boat are leather cords with which the men tie themselves to the boats, yet several of the men were not tied. They had also near them in their boats rocks, and they used the double paddle, lightly made out of wood, paddling first on one side and then on the other. They travel very boldly and swiftly without being afraid of the biggest waves. When these men had come within fifty sajens of our boat they all began to shout and to turn first to one side and then to the other, not as if wishing to speak to us, but more as the Jakuts and Tungus do when engaged in witchcraft, which led us to think that our visitors were engaged, ac- cording to their own custom, in some similar occupation, or praying that we might not cause them any harm, but we can not say with certainty why they made such a frightful noise. After having shouted in this manner for seven or eight minutes they began to talk among themselves in an ordinary tone of voice. During this time we smiled on them and made them salutations, beckoning them to come nearer our ship. This, however, they refused to do, making gestures as if they were preparing bows and arrows. These signs led us to think that they feared we would fire on them, and we, therefore, as- sured them as much as we were able under the circumstances, that we would not harm them. By placing our hands on our hearts we tried to tell them that they would be received by us as friends. In order to draw them near to us I threw towards them a Chinese cup asking them to accept it as a sign of friendship. One of their men picked up the cup and then made some gestures to signify that he had no need of it. He was on the point of throwing it back on board when we begged him to keep it but he cast it into the sea. After this I ordered that two pieces of satin should be cut which were thrown into the water and the men were asked to approach our ship. They picked up the satin and after keeping it a short time they put it away from them. Finally I had other things brought, such as beads, bells, 318 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC pierres rouges des sonnettes des aiguilles, du tabac de la Chine et des pipes, et en leurs montrant ces choses je les priois de venir plus pres du Batiment je n'avoit pas beaucoup du monde sur le Tillac, parceque j'avois ordonne a la plus grande partie de se tenir sous le Tillac sous les armes pour notre surete, apres les avoir fait comprendre par toute sorte de mines, que s'ils venoient pres de notre Batiment ils ne leurs sera rien fait du mal, ce qui les a encourage de plus, c'est que nous leur montames, que nous n'avions plus d'eau ni de quoi boire, en les priant de nous aider la dans, un moment apres un venant fort pres de notre Batiment, nous lui donnames du tabac de la Chine avec une pipe, qu'il recu et mit aupres de lui sur le Tillac, ce qui fit venir tous les autres pres du Batiment, nous leur donnames des sonnettes des pierres rouges et des aiguilles, ce qu'ils regurent sans temoigne beau- coup de contentement, aparement ne sachant pas a quoi les employer, et nous appercumes qu'ils ne savoient pas que le cuivre et les aiguilles s'anfonses dans l'eau, parceque qu'ils ne les sererent [ ?] pas, car il arrivoit que quelqu'une des choses tomboit dans l'eau ils ne les em- pechoient point de tomber mais ils gardoient seulement l'endroit ou cela etoit tombe. Nous appercumes qu'il y avoit parmis eux quelques uns qui avoient porte leurs mains a la bouche et avec l'autre ils faissoient comme s'ils coupoient quelque chose et tout d'un coup ils auterent leurs mains, ce qui nous fit comprendre, qu'ils nous demander des couteaux, parce que les Kamtchadels et les autres nations de ces environs ci, coupent les viandes en mangeant au pres de la bouche. J'ordonnoit de leurs donner un couteau, qu'ils recurent avec beau- coup de joie en l'arrachant de l'un et l'autres, et nous prierent insta- ment de leur donner des couteaux ; apres cela nous les prieames quel- ques uns de venir sur notre Batiment pour mieux faire voir la bonne intention dans laquelle ils etoient d'agir avec nous en ami, esperant de pouvoir engager quelques uns pour venir avec nous suivant l'in- struction donnee a mons. le Capitaine Commandeur ; nous n'avons non seulement pu engage personne avec nous, ne pouvant pas les parler, mais pas meme de venir sur notre Batiment, peut etre pouvoient ils comprendre se que nous voulions par nos instantes prieres de venir sur notre Batiment. Pendant ce tems la nous voulions leur donner un petit tonneau pour nous aller de l'eau a terre, mais ne voulerent pas recevoir ce tonneau, nous montrant des vessies, dans lesquelles ils vouloient nous apporter de l'eau, dabord trois Bateaux partir pour aller a terre nous apporter de l'eau, et apres etre revenu aupres du NATIVES FOUND NEAR KAMCHATKA 319 needles, Chinese tobacco and pipes, and showing them these objects I asked them to come nearer the boat. I had not many people on deck at the time, the greater part being below decks under arms in case there was need of them. We did all that we could to assure them that if they would come near our boat no harm would befall them. That which had the greatest influence with them was that we showed them that we had no water nor anything else to drink and we begged them to help us procure the same. A moment later one of the visitors came quite close to our ship. We gave him some Chinese tobacco and a pipe which he took and placed on deck of his boat. A little later the others also approached and we gave them small bells, beads and needles, all of which they received indiffer- ently, apparently being ignorant of what use to put them. We also observed that they did not know that copper and needles sink, because it happened that one of these things fell into the water and they made no attempt to stop it but merely watched the spot where it disappeared. We noticed that several of them held their hands near their mouths and with one of the hands they worked as if they were cutting something, and then all of a sudden they took their hands away. This made us think that they would like to have knives, because the Kamchadels and other nations of that region cut the meat near the mouth as they are eating it. I requested that a knife should be given to them, which they received with gladness and began fighting over it and begged us to give them more knives. After this we asked them to come on board and thus show us that they are really friendly to us, in this manner we hoped to induce sever- al of them to come with us in obedience to the instructions given to the captain-commander. But not only did we fail in this but we could not even persuade them to come on board ; it may perhaps be that they suspected our intentions from our too urgent entreaties to them to come on deck. During this procedure we handed to them a small cask suggesting that they go to the shore and bring us fresh water, but they would not take the cask. When we showed them some bladders they consented to fetch us water. At first three small boats left and when they returned one of them held out a bladder and 320 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Batiment, ils nous donnerent une vessie en demandant pour cela un couteau, j'ai ordonne de lui donner un, et apres l'avoir recu il ne rendi point l'eau mais la donnoit a son camerade en montrant qu'il falloit lui aussi donner un couteau pour la meme vessie de l'eau ce qui nous fit connoitre y ajoutant d'autres actions semblables que s'etoient des gens de mauvaise foix. C'est sont des hommes d'une grande stature, leur visage est semblable a celui des Tartars mais pales, et ils nous parroissoient qu'ils se portoient bien, ils n'ont presque point de barbe peut etre de natur ou qu'ils se les arrachoient, ce que nous ne savons pas positiviment, nous n'avons pas remarque que deux ou trois avec des petites barbes, ils ont aussi des pierres dans leurs nes, qui les font segner du ne, ils mangent des racines, dont ils nous en faissoient present en nous priant de les manger, nous avons apporte une petite quantite de ces racines pour pouvoir les connoitre, et nous leurs donnames en echange des biscuits. Ils nous ont aussi apporte quelques mines [ ?] enveloppees dans des feuilles des plantes mari- times. II n'y avoit point d'autres choses sur leurs Bateaux si non des fleches dont nous avons pu obtenir quatre d'eux. Ils avoient sur leurs tetes des especes de chapeaux faits des planches de bouleaux bien minces, peintes de differes couleurs et ces chapeaux etoient ornes de plumes, quelques unes parmis eux avoient des statues d'os attaches sur leurs chapeaux, nous avons pu obtenir d'eux un pareil chapeau pour lequel nous leurs donnames une mechante hache, qu'ils recurent avec beaucoup de joie, Nous leur fimes present d'une marmitte de cuivre, mais apres qu'ils l'avoient garde pendant quelque terns, ils nous la rendirent, et etant ainsi reste asses long tems aupres de notre Bati- ment, ils s'en a aller a terre. L'apres midi ils sont encore venu en 14 Bateaux de meme une personne dans chacun, parmis lesquelles il y avoit quelques uns qui etoient venu le matin, en arrivant aupres du Batiment ils faissoient le meme crie que precedement, quoi quils sont reste plus de trois ou quatre heures pres du Batiment cependant nous n'avons pu engage personne de venir sur le bord, ils parlerent beau- coup mais nous pouvions rien comprendre n'aiant point d'intrerprete, et je crois qu'ils seroient reste encore plus long tems, si je n'avois pas moi meme fais donne de signals pour les faire retirer, parceque le vent commencoit a venir un peu fort, par lequel nous pouvions quoi qu'avec de la peine sortir du golfe dans lequel nous etions entre avec beaucoup de difficulte. De sorte que nous somes sorti de cet endroit avec l'aide de Dieu par le meme vent, apres avoir beaucoup souffert et apres avoir perdu un ancre. Le 10 dans celieu, etc: Nous avons reconu cette cote pour la NATIVES FOUND NEAR KAMCHATKA 321 asked in return a knife. I ordered that a knife should be given to him, when he had it he passed the water over to his companion de- siring that a knife should be given to him also for the same bladder of water. From this and other similar actions on their part we con- cluded that they could not be trusted. They are men of large stature, their features resemble those of the Tartars with this differ- ence that they are paler. They seem to be in good health. They have almost no beard, perhaps naturally so or it may be that they pluck the hair, we can not say which, since we noticed only two or three with small beards. They wear also stones in their noses which makes the nose bleed. They eat roots, several of which they pre- sented us asking that we eat them, a number of which we brought back with us so that it might be determined what they are. In ex- change for the roots we gave them biscuits. They brought us also several [illegible] wrapped in seaweed. All that they had on their boats were arrows of which we secured four. On their heads they wear a kind of a hat made of very fine boards painted in various colors, trimmed with feathers or with small ivory figures. We were able to get one of these hats by giving them in exchange an axe that was of little value and which they were very glad to have. We made them a present of a copper kettle which, after keeping it for a short time, they gave back to us. After remaining a considerable time near our ship they returned to shore. In the afternoon they came again in fourteen boats, one person to a boat, among whom were sev- eral whom we had seen in the morning. On coming near our ship they made the same cry as before. Although they remained more than three or four hours close to our boat we could not coax them on board. They talked a great deal but we could not understand what they said because we had no interpreter. I think they would have stayed with us longer if I had not signalled for them to leave, be- cause a strong wind began to blow with which we were able, al- though with difficulty, to depart from the gulf which we entered with much trouble. So that we went from this place, with the help of God, with the same wind, after having suffered a great deal and with the loss of an anchor. The tenth in the same : We have identified this coast as America, 322 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC veritable Amerique dont la Latitude est re 55 ° 36' 3" la longitude de 61 ° 51' le Rhombe du vent de Nord-Est 85 42' la distance de 2178' a la quelle nous etions arrive le 15 Juillet a heures du matin, cette cote etoit du nord au sud a 30'. NAVIGATION ET DECOUVERTE DANS LA ROUTE DE KAMTCHATKA A L'AMERIQUE FAITE EN JUIN, JUILLET, AOUST ET SEPTEMBRE 1741 PAR LE CAPITAINE ALEXIS TCHIRIKOF ET MON FRERE 534 (Suite du 15 Juillet) A la distance de 4 min. du bord vis a vis cet endroit le bord montagneux ou la profondeur de l'eau n'a pas ete moindre que 60 sagens, on a vu la terre a 2 h. apres minuit et a 3 heures on l'a apercu encore mieux, on la prise pour l'Amerique lati- tude etoit de 55 21' sept, la long, du port d'Avacha 61 ° 55'. Vers le midi le coin de la terre finnissoit au sud-est 36 19' a la distance de 30' la plus proche distance a al terre etoit du nord vers Test 72 41' (dep 20 triotpria dira) la point nord etoit Nord Est 19 41' arrivant par le nord depuis 3 h. Apres 5h^ triotpriadira [or diva?] au font meridional 34 41', auquel terns on a apercu une nouvelle terre plus basse au Nord Est 39 22' a 8 hy2 du matin vers le nord on ne voioit plus le bord de- puis le nord 33 o'. Le 16. lat 56 15' Long 6o° 57' 2" Rh. Nord Est 84 48' dis- tance 2140 on a envoie le bosman Mama avec 8 hommes qui a dit qu'il etoit pas possible de rester dans ce port n'etant pas a couvert du vent du nord. Le 17 latit 57 39' long 58 54-' 2" nord est 82 43' dist 2059 a la distance de bord de 3 ou 4 min. Le 18 Juillet (1741) le maitre de la flotte nomme Dementiev a ete envoie a terre avec 10 personnes a 4h*/2 apres midi. le golfe dans lequel ce maitre a ete envoie est suivant le calcul a la latitude de 57 ° 23' la longitude depuis le port d'Avatcha 59 36' la distance 2059 (miles dont 60 un degre) sous le Rhombe N. E. 82 28' mais la latitude corigee de ce golfe est 57 ° 50' et la longitude 58 54'. 534 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 20, C. DISCOVERY ON VOYAGE FROM KAMCHATKA 323 in latitude fifty-five degrees, thirty-six minutes, three seconds, longi- tude sixty-one degrees, fifty-one minutes, rhumb of the wind of northeast eighty-five degrees, forty-two minutes, the distance two thousand, one hundred seventy-eight minutes. We arrived at this spot at two o'clock of the morning of July 15. This coast was from north to south at thirty minutes. NAVIGATION AND DISCOVERY ON THE VOYAGE FROM KAMCHATKA TO AMERICA MADE IN JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER 1741 BY CAP- TAIN ALEXIS CHIRIKOF AND MY BROTHER 535 (Continuation from the fifteenth [of] July) At the distance of four miles off the shore, opposite this place, the coast being moun- tainous, the depth of the water not being less than sixty fathoms, one could see land at two o'clock in the morning, and at three o'clock it was much more distinct. We took this land for America, north lat- itude 55 21', and longitude from Avacha 61 ° 55'. Towards noon the point of land came to an end at south 36 19'; east at the distance of 30'. The nearest land bore north 72 41'; east (dep. 20 . . . triotpriadira [?]). The northerly point bore north 19 41'; east, ship coming from the north since three o'clock. After half past five o'clock triotpriadira [ ?] on the meridian 34 41', a new lower land came in view at north 39 22' east. At half after eight in the morning the shore disappeared from sight towards north 33 (/ east. July 16, latitude 56 15', longitude 6o° 57' 2", course north 84 48' east, distance 2,140, the Boatswain Mama with eight men was sent ashore. On his return he reported that the port was not safe because it was exposed to the north wind. July 17, latitude 57 39', longitude 58 54' 2", course made good, north 82 43" east, distince 2,059; distance from shore. from three to four minutes. July 18 (1741) at half after four o'clock in the afternoon the officer Dementief was sent ashore. The gulf into which he steered was according to observation in latitude 57 23', longitude from Avacha 59 36', the distance 2,059 (miles, sixty to a degree) on a course north 82 ° 28' east. But the corrected latitude of this gulf is 57 50' and the longitude 58 54'. On the homeward passage the 535 The Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy has rendered as- sistance in the translation of these two documents, xxv, 20, C and D. 324 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Par le retour la difference de longitude a ete trouvee plus grande de n° 39' 4". ROUTE DU KAMTCHATKA A L'AMERIQUE 536 (Suivant un premier rapport abrege que Ton m'en a fait) Route du Kamtchatka a l'Amerique le Capitaine Alexis Tchirikov sur le vaissau duquel etoit mon frere est parti le 4 Juin 1741 anc st du port de St Pierre et St Paul autrement appelle le port d'Avacha situe sur la cote orientale du Kamchatka sous la latitude d'environ 53 (il est sur ma carte sous la longitude depuis de 175 a compter du meridien qui passe par l'lsle de fer) la route - Ton peut voir sur la carte cyjointe — de ce port jusqu'a l'a vue d'un port de l'Amerique situe sous la latitude de 57 50' l'ou on a expedie dans ce port le 18 Juillet 1 741 un maitre de flotte avec dix hommes dans une chaloupe mais ils ne sont pas revenus. Par la route calculee ce nouveau port a ete trouve [illegible] oriental au port d'Avatcha de 57 [illegible] (et par consequent la longitude absolue de ce nouveau port serait d'environ 232 ) Ton a aussi calcule que le Rhombe en ligne droite entre le 2 ports susdits declinoit de 82 35' du nord a Test dans la distance de 2007 miles d'Angleterre (un min d'un grand cercle c'est a dire 33 ° 27' parceque les miles anglois sont supposes de 60 au degre) la de- clinaison de l'aiguille aimantee a ete trouvee dans ce port de l'Amer- ique du nord a Test d'un rhombe % ( I 9° 4 1 ')- dans le retour Ton a fait bien des detours pour rechercher si Ton ne pourroit point revoir la chaloupe sus dit mais inutillement; aiant calcule tous ces detours pour le retour jusqu'au port d'Avatcha la difference de longitude s'est trouvee de n° 28' plus grande que pour la premiere route. Dans le retour on a decouvert une isle sur la latitude de 51 40' distance par le calcul en ligne droite du port d'Avatcha de 429/ min ou miles anglois (7 9') le rombe mene d'Avatch a cette Isle de- clinant du sud a Test de 79 39', de declinaison de l'aiguille aimantee etoit vers cette isle d'un Rhombe (n° 15') nord-est. dans le retour mon frere est tombe malade le 27 Sept. 1 741 et est mort le 10 Oct. a 10 h. du matin. 536 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 20, D. ROUTE FROM KAMCHATKA TO AMERICA 325 accumulated error in longitude was found to be more than 1 1 ° 39' 04". ROUTE FROM KAMCHATKA TO AMERICA (Based on a first brief report which was made for me) Route from Kamchatka to America. Captain Alexis Chirikof with my brother on board departed June 4, 1741 [old style] from the port of St. Paul and St. Peter, also known as the port of Avacha, situated on the eastern coast of Kamchatka in latitude about fifty- three degrees (on my map the longitude is given at 175 , counting from the meridian which passes through the island of Fer. The course — this one may follow on the chart here attached - from this port to the American port which was observed in latitude 57 5c/. Into this port were sent on July 18, 1741, an officer with ten men in a small boat but they did not come back. According to the calculations of the course, the newly found port is east of Avatcha 57 [illegible] (and therefore the absolute longitude of this new port would be about 232 ). It has also been worked out that the rhumb in straight line between the two ports mentioned above declines from 82 35' from the north to the east, in the distance of 2007 English miles (one minute of a large circle, or 33 ° 27', because the English miles are sixty to a degree). The declination of the magnetic needle has been found in this American port from the north to the east of a rhumb yi (19 41'). On the return voyage the boat sailed here and there in the hopes of finding a trace of the lost small boat just mentioned, but all in vain. Taking into calculation all these side voyages until Avacha was reached, there was found to be a difference of n° 28' longitude between the going and coming. Returning an island was discovered in lat. 51 ° 40'; calculated distance from Avacha on a straight line, 429 minutes or English miles (7 09'). A rhumb line from Avacha to this island runs south 73 39' East, with the compass needle deflected I point (ii° 15') to eastward. On the return voyage my brother fell ill, September 27, 1 741, and died October 10 at 10 o'clock in the morning. APPENDIX H DECOUVERTE DE L'AMERIQUE PAR LA MOSCOVIE 537 Le Capitaine Behring qui etoit alle pour tacher de decouvrir si Ton ne pourroit pas se rendre en Amerique par la mer du Nord, ayant echoue contre la cote d'une isle deserte, et son vaisseau s'etant brise, ce capitaine est mort dans cette Isle avec la plus part des personnes qui avoient fait le voyage avec luy. Le Sr. Stoller adjoint Botaniste de l'academie de cette ville, lequel avoit accompagne ce Capitaine, a ete assees heureux, ainsi que quelques matelots de l'equipage pour resister a la fatigue et a la misere, ayant fait construire par ses com- pagnons un nouveau batiment des debris du premier, il est arrive avec eux a Kamtchatka, apres avoir essuye un grand nombre de dan- gers dans sa route. II a rapporte qu'il avoit recontre le Capitaine Tscherikov, lequel assuroit qu'il avoit touche la cote d'un pais in- connu dont les habitans resembloient aux sauvages de l'Amerique. Mais quelorsqu'il avoit voulu mettre pied a terre, il avoit ete re- pousse par les habitans, et qu'apres avoir perdu plusieurs soldats et quelque Matelots, il avoit ete oblige de renoncer a son entreprise. Mr George Guillaume Steller de Windsheim en franconie fameux Botaniste et Professeur de l'Academie Imperiale est mort depuis peu entre Tobolskoi et Cathrinesbourg. Ce savant est Generalement Regrette. II revenoit de Kamtschatka apres y avoir Decouvert une des Isles de l'Amerique Septentrionale et Demontre qu'on pouvoit y aller de Terres de l'Empire de Russie par un petit Trajet. II entre- prit cette decouverte en 1738 par ordre de la cour avec un vaisseau que commandoit le Capitaine Behring. lis eurent le malheur d'echouer sur une Isle inconnue ou le Plus grand nombre de ses com- pagnons de Voiage et meme Le Capitaine Du Vaisseau perirent de Misere et de Chagrin. Quant a Mr Stoller il eut l'adresse avec le 537 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 19, E. Gazette de France, no. 47, 545 [?], du 16 Nov., 1743. De Petersbourg le 20 Octob., 1743.- Orig. APPENDIX H DISCOVERY OF AMERICA BY WAY OF MOSCOVY Captain Behring who went to discover whether one could go to America by way of the North Pacific, wrecked and lost his boat on the coast of a desert island on which he and the greater part of his crew that accompanied him died. With the captain was Mr. Steller, botanist of the Academy of that city, and he as well as a number of the sailors, being fortunate enough to survive the hardships and suf- ferings, built from the wreck of the first boat a smaller one and on it they arrived at Kamchatka, after having experienced many dangers on the way. He reports that he met Captain Chirkof who assured him that he had been on the coast of some unknown country, the in- habitants of which resemble the savages of America. But when he attempted to land he was driven back by them, and after losing sev- eral soldiers and sailors he was compelled to give up the attempt. Mr. George William Steller of Windsheim, Franconia, famous botanist and Professor of the Imperial Academy, died recently be- tween Tobolsk and Catherinesburg. The loss of this scholar is gen- erally regretted. He was on his way from Kamchatka after hav- ing discovered one of the islands of North America and proved that it was only a short distance thither from the Russian Empire. He undertook this voyage of discovery by the order of the court, with Captain Behring in command of the ship. They had the misfortune to be wrecked on an unknown island where the Captain and a large number of those who were on board died of misery and grief. Steller, 328 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC secours de sept personnes qui etoient demeurees en vie de faire une Chaloupe des debris du Vaisseau et il revint hereusement a Kamts- chatka. Comme il avoit Etudie en Theologie, il fit pendant cette course L'office D'Aumonier et son Zele porta a engager Le Synode Russien a Etablir pour ces provinces une Mission de Propoganda fide. On a trouve parmi ses Papiers Plusieurs Relations tres Inter- resantes qui ont ete envoyees a l'Acaderaie Conformement aux Disposi- tions du Defunt et Ton croit qu'elles seront dans peu rendues Pub- liques. La Stora Sibirica du celebre Gmelin qui par ordre de l'lm- peratrice Anne a parcouru la Siberie, Province si vaste et si peu connue, pendant Le cours de sept annees est sous presse. On a lieu de se promettre une foule de decouvertes nouvelles, et importantes apres les soins Infatigables de cet habile Botaniste. L'imprimerie De L'academie vient de publier un Atlas de Russie qui consiste en dix neuf cartes particulieres de toutes ces provinces de ce vaste Empire avec las Pais Limitrophes et une Carte generate ou on les trouves rassemblees. Elles ont ete dressees Conformement aux Derniers Observations. 538 On a recu avis que Mr. Stoller fameux Botaniste et Membre de l'Academie des Sciences est mort depuis entre Tobolski et Caterines- burg. La perte de ce scavans est generalment regrettee, il revennoit de Kamchatka apres y avoir decouver une des Isles del'Amerique Septentrionale, et demontre qu'on peut y aller des Terres del'Empire de Russie par un petit trajet. 539 538 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 19, F. Copie de la nouvelle Bibliotheque Ger- manique, Tome iii, part i, 199. 539 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 19, G. Extract de la Gazette a" Amsterdam du 25 Jan., 1747. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA 329 with the help of seven others who survived, made a small boat from the remains of the wreck of the ship and returned to Kamchatka. As he was a student of theology he acted as chaplain on the voyage and he was instrumental in persuading the Russian Synod to estab- lish for these provinces a mission for the spreading of the faith. Among his papers there are a number of very valuable reports which, at the request of the deceased, were forwarded to the Academy, and there is reason to believe that these documents will soon be made public. The Stora Sibirica by the celebrated Gmelin, who at the order of the Empress Anne spent seven years in Siberia, a vast and unknown country, is now in press. One may hope for a number of important discoveries considering the ability and scholarship of this botanist. The press of the Academy has just published an atlas of Russia which has nineteen special maps of all the provinces of the empire and neighboring countries and one general map which in- cludes them all. They are based on the latest observations. Word has just been received that Mr. Steller, famous botanist and member of the Academy of Sciences died recently between Tobolsk and Catherinesburg. The loss of this scholar is generally regretted. He was coming from Kamchatka after having discovered one of the islands of North America and proved that it is only a short distance from there to the Russian Empire. APPENDIX I MEMOIRES SUR LA ROUTE DU CAPITAINE SPAN- BERG DU KAMCHATKA AU JAPON EN JUIN, JUILLET, ET AOUST, 1739 Decouverte de 34 Isles dans la mer du Nord 5 * Le bruit court que le Capitaine Spanberg, en navigeant dans la Mer du Nord, a decouvert trente quatre isles tant grandes que petites, dont les habitans aussitot qu'ils Font appercu, l'ont envoye recon- noitre par six chaloupes: qu'ayant aborde a une de ces Isles, il est descendu a terre sans trouver la moindre opposition, et que les In- sulaires, quoyque fort surpris l'ont recu avec plusieurs demonstrations d'amitie; que ces peuples resemblent fort a ceux du Japon, et qu'ils lui ont montre une grande quantite de monnoye d'or et de cuivre. On dit que le Capitaine Spanberg a donne avis de sa decouverte a la Czarine et yu'il lui a envoye quelques unes des monnoyes dont ces peuples se servenr. 540a A Amsterdam on vend une Nouvelle Mapemonde en deux grandes feuilles contenant les poles Artique et Antartique. On trouve dans le pole Artique a l'Extremite de la Tartarie le pays de Camschatka qui s'etend quarante degrez plus a l'orient qu'on ne la scu jusqu'icy d'ou le Capitaine Spanberg a fait dans l'Espace de seize jours un voyage a de nouvelles Isles, qu'on croit apartenir au Japon selon la Relation que Mr. Swartz resident d'Hollande a Petersbourg en a envoyees aux Etats Generaux dans ses lettres du vingt-quatre Janvier 1740. 541 Le courier parti d'Yakutsk le 6 Septembre 1739 a emploie juste- ment 4 mois a venir a Petersbourg y etant arrive le 6 Janvier 1740. 540 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 18, B. 1740. 540a No g Gazette de France du 27 Fevrier, 1740. Article de St. Peters- bourg du 16 Janv. de la meme annee. 541 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 18, C. 1740. APPENDIX I DOCUMENTS BEARING ON THE VOYAGE OF CAP- TAIN SPANBERG FROM KAMCHATKA TO JAPAN IN JUNE, JULY, AND AUGUST, 1739 Discovery of thirty-four islands in the North Pacific Ocean There is a report about that Captain Spanberg while navigating in the North Pacific has discovered thirty-four islands, large and small, the inhabitants of which as soon as they saw him sent six small boats to meet him. Although surprised, the natives received Cap- tain Spanberg, when he landed on one of these islands, without op- position and with friendship. These islanders resemble the Japanese very much. They possess large quantities of gold and copper money. It is said that Captain Spanberg has notified the empress of his dis- covery and has sent her several pieces of money used on the island. At Amsterdam there is being sold a world map in two sheets con- taining the Arctic and Antarctic poles. On the Arctic pole one sees on the confines of Tartary the terri- tory of Kamchatka which extends forty degrees farther east than it was known until now and where Captain Spanberg has made in the period of sixteen days a voyage to some new islands which are gen- erally believed to belong to Japan. All this information comes through Mr. Swartz, a representative of Holland at Petersburg, who sent it to the States General in his letters of January 24, 1740. The courier who left Jakutsk September 6, 1739, was just four months in coming to St. Petersburg, arriving January 6, 1 740. He 332 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC II a apporte a l'admiral Golovin une relation en 6 feuflles de l'expedi- tion du Capitaine Spanberg, dont j'ay appris les particularites sui- vantes, a scavoir que ce capitaine s'est mis en mer au mois de Juin, Juillet, et Aoust 1739 pour la recherche de la route du Camchat au Japon; qu'il est parti du Camchat sous la latitude de 56 (c'est ap- parement l'embouchure de Camtchatka que le Capitaine Beerings dans son premier voyage mit a 56 3) que de la il est alle vers le Sud par un bon vent par lequel il a pu faire en 16 jours la traversee du 20 degrez en latitude jusqu'a la latitude 36 environ (l'amiral Golovin m'a dit 37) qu'il avoit dans cette tranversee recontre plusieurs isles dans quelquesunes desquelles il etoit descendu etc., qu'il avoit aborde aussi au Japon (apparement a la cote orientale) ou il avoit ete bien recu et entame [ ?] le commerce, etc. Mr. l'Amiral Golovin me n'a pas dit positivement la route que Mr Spanberg avoit tenu vers Test ou vers l'ouest; mais il m'a dit qu'il avoit bien observe cette route en marquant les latitudes, la dec- linaison de l'aiguille aimantee, etc. au reste qu'il devoit bientot venir lui mesme apporter une relation plus ample de cette decouverte avec la carte de sa route, etc. 542 542 Delisle Mss., no. xxv, 18, F. VOYAGE OF CAPTAIN SPANBERG 333 brought to Admiral Golovin a report in six sheets of the expedition of Captain Spanberg of which I have learned the following particu- lars. Captain Spanberg was out at sea during June, July, and Aug- ust, 1739, trying to find a route from Kamchatka to Japan. He left Kamchatka in latitude fifty-six degrees (this is probably the mouth of the Kamchatka which Captain Bering on his first voyage charted as fifty-six degrees, three minutes) and from there he sailed south with a good wind so that in sixteen days he passed over twenty de- grees of latitude to about latitude thirty-six degrees (Admiral Golo- vin said thirty-seven), and that in the course of his navigation he came across many islands on several of which he made a landing, etc., and that he made a landing in Japan (probably on the eastern side) where he was well received and began commercial relations, etc. Admiral Golovin did not tell me positively what course Captain Spanberg sailed towards the east or west, but he said that the course was carefully charted with the latitudes and declinations of the needle, etc. He also said that Captain Spanberg would soon appear in person with a full account and chart of his course, etc. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF AUTHORITIES Bibliographies: Mejow's Bibliographia Sibirica (1891-1892) is the only satisfactory work covering Siberia, Alaska, and the Amur. It is complete, reliable, but not critical. Cordier's Blbliotheca Sinica is valuable for Russo-Chinese relations. The general list of books given in Bancroft's History of Alaska is confusing, having many titles which do not relate to the subject, but scattered among the foot- notes are many bibliographical helps. Dall's bibliography is too general to be of great service. There are other bibliographies of minor importance but these have all been superseded by Mejow's. Unpublished Sources: there is a great deal of unpublished source material for this period in the Russian archives. In the Archive of the Ministry of the Marine at St. Petersburg there are classified under the heading "Captain-commander Bering" one hun- dred eleven bundles of documents, some of which contain between two and three thousand pages. In addition there are many other papers in the archives relating to this subject catalogued under dif- ferent heads, such as Admiralty College, Count Apraxin, and under various other names. These are by no means all the documents. The Hydrographic Department of the Ministry of the Marine, the Academy of Sciences, the Archives of the State, the Ministry of War, and most of the other archives, both at St. Petersburg and Moscow have manuscript material on this field. More recently (1914) a re- port based on good authority has reached the Russian capital to the effect that at Okhotsk there are still many papers relating to the Kamchatka Expeditions. It is difficult to say with any degree of certainty as to how much material there really is and where it is because no attempt has ever been made to determine these points. This vast amount of material is, however, out of proportion to its importance. Many of the one hundred eleven bundles associated with the name of Bering have nothing whatever to do with him, his work, or his period, but deal nearly altogether with purely Siberian 336 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC affairs of a much later time. Of the remaining bundles which do concern the Kamchatka Expeditions, much of the material they con- tain is worthless because of duplication. Each affair went through the hands of several administrative and legislative bodies and bureaus, each made copies and comments and by the time that a decision was reached the number of papers that had accumulated made one or more bundles, the great number of the documents being merely repeti- tions of the same subject. To give a concrete illustration : the trouble between Spanberg and one of his lieutenants fill many bundles with documents, the same charge (a very petty one) being repeated again and again. The petition of Bering's family, after his death, that the pay due him should be handed over to them makes two or more bundles of affidavits, copies of certificates, comments of various bu- reaus et cetera. Good and worthless material is all tied together. Although so rich in good documents the Archives of the Ministry of the Marine does not possess the journal of the voyage made by Bering to America in 1741. Where that journal is no one knows. The same ignorance prevails relative to a number of the earlier maps. Some of these and other documents have been missing a long time. When the papers of the Second Kamchatka Expedition reached the capital they were handed over to the Academy of Sciences where they remained from 1750 to 1758. At the end of that time they were returned to the Admiralty College. It was noised about at the time that a number of the papers had disappeared in the interval. This may or may not have been true. Documents have disappeared from the archives in other ways. In one well known case (of a much later period) the Minister of the Marine was in the habit of taking the more important documents home with him; when he died his heirs sold the papers to an antiquarian who sold them back to the same ministry from which they had originally come. The Academy of Sciences has a copy of the missing Bering journal. This copy was made by Chytref, the same man who kept the original on board the St. Peter. This document has been made use of by the writer and is here re- ferred to as the Journal of the St. Peter. Another copy of this jour- nal by the same man finds a home, together with other valuable papers on the Bering Voyage, in the Archives of the State. Chirikof's journal and his reports, Waxel's report, the journals and papers of Spanberg, and of the officers who explored in the Arctic are all housed in fireproof vaults in the Archives of the Ministry of BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 337 the Marine. The so-called Muller Portfolio, documents collected in Siberia by the scholar whose name it bears, is now in the archives at Moscow. The difficult}' of reading the Russian manuscripts of the eighteenth century has been exaggerated. Those who have a reading knowledge of modern Russian can with a little practice and perseverance learn to read the documents of the time of Peter and Catherine. At Paris there is a collection of valuable papers as yet unpublished. While studying in that city Professor Gaulois called the writer's at- tention to the Delisle manuscripts in the Archives de la Marine. These are letters, copies of journals, charts, reports of conversation, newspaper clippings and other such material collected by the members of the Delisle family — all of which throw interesting side-lights on the period and the men. The papers which are of special importance for this study are those gathered by Joseph-Nicholas Delisle during his twenty-one years' (1726-1747) residence at the Russian capital as an officer of the Academy. In the "Appendix" may be found many of the documents which relate to the subject treated in this book. So far as it is known to the writer these papers have never before been used. Published sources : many important documents have been brought to light in the publications of the Archaeographical Society, especially the Muller Portfolio, in those of the Departments of War, Marine, Hydrography, and Justice, in periodicals and books privately printed. The Akti Istoricheskie, five volumes, and the Dopolnenis K Aktam Istoricheskim, twelve volumes, are the principal sources for the six- teenth and seventeenth century Siberia. For the two first decades of the eighteenth century the printed material is found chiefly in the Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii, two volumes, and in the government publications noted above. The Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii covers the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and contains instructions to officers in Siberia and treaties with China. The Jesuit letters are very helpful. Bering's brief report to the empress on his first voyage is printed without comment in Zapiski Woenno- Topograficheskavo Depo (part x). Dall's attempt to translate this into English was not successful. Berch in his Pervoe Morskoe Puteshestvie Rossiyan prints a log book of the first voyage which was kept by Midshipman Peter Chaplin. V. Bachtin in Russkie Tru- zheniki Morja printed additional documents on this voyage. Gwos- 338 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC def's report and other material bearing on the discovery of the Amer- ican coast in 1732 may be found in the Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta. Steller's Reise von Kamchatka nach America is the only original document of importance dealing with the second sea voyage which has up to this time appeared in print. Muller, Gmelin, Krasheninnikof were members of Bering's second expedition, although they did not go to sea with him. Their writings may be classed partly as original and partly as contemporary documents, depending altogether on the topics which they discuss. About the middle of the nineteenth century a friendly controversy arose between Karl E. von Baer, a German scholar residing at St. Petersburg, and Lieutenant Sokolof of the Russian Navy. In 1848 and 1849 Baer wrote a series of articles on Peter the Great's contri- bution to the advancement of geographical knowledge. These papers were translated into Russian and published in the Proceedings {Zapiski) of the Geographical Society in 1849 and 1850. As soon as they appeared Sokolof replied to them, heading his papers, "Bering and Chirikof." His contention was that Chirikof did not receive all the credit he merited for the part he took in the Bering expedi- tions. Baer took notice of the attack and defended his position in the St. Petersburger Zeitung (numbers 114, 115, 116). The contro- versy had this good in it, that it stimulated a study of the original documents, and the results of these researches appeared in the Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta and they brought out many points unknown before. In 1872 Baer, then an old man of eighty years, completed his monograph and summarized the points of the contro- versy in an admirable way. Towards the end of the nineteenth cen- tury Lauridsen, a Dane, took up the cudgels in behalf of Bering, without, however, contributing anything of value. The documents of the eighteenth century, being numerous and varied, check each other to a satisfactory degree. For the seventeenth century there is less material and that is chiefly of a one-sided char- acter: the case of the Chinese, the native of Siberia, and of the Amur is seldom directly presented. Many of the documents are complaints and petitions and, as one might suppose, the writers ex- aggerated their injuries and their merits. There is another kind of a document in the form of orders and reports to and from Moscow to the woewods and from these officers to their subordinates. These papers give the plans of those in authority, but these plans miscarried BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 339 so often that one must be careful not to accept the will for the deed. Being ignorant, superstitious, and at times morbid, the officers made much out of every rumor, and they often reported thousands of the enemy where there were hundreds. One can, however, by following up the instructions, reports, complaints, and lawsuits during a long period of time obtain a fairly accurate idea of the true state of affairs. Secondary materials: This class of literature is not altogether satisfactory. It is almost two hundred years since Bering received his commission to undertake his first voyage and during that long period only six men have been sufficiently interested in the subject to give it careful consideration, either in whole or in part. These men are Muller, Coxe, Sokolof, Baer, Bancroft, and Lauridsen. One of these is a Russian and the two Germans were in the service of Russia at the time of their writing. The best book on the early Russo-Chinese relations was written by an Englishman — Ravenstein. Russian scholars have not done all that the world has a right to expect from them. The most important book on this field is, after all, volume three of Muller's Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, pub- lished in 1758. Soon after its appearance this work was translated into Russian, English, and French. Although since that time much paper and ink have been used up in telling this story, yet very little that is new has been added to our knowledge of the subject. Both Russian and non-Russian scholars have preferred to follow Muller's version than to consult the originals. Muller's work, although very valuable, should not be used as a source but along with the sources. Muller was constantly on the lookout for the picturesque and heroic and, by a skillful use of his material, succeeded in producing a very readable story but in giving a rather erroneous point of view. Wheth- er from conviction, temperament, or because it was good policy for a German to pursue in the Russian capital, Muller exerted all his energy, lavished all his talent in clothing the Cossack of the seven- teenth century Siberia in heroic garments. This is especially true when the Russian is contrasted with his enemy: whatever the former does is brave and patriotic while the deeds of the latter are cowardly and treasonable. The part of his book dealing with the Bering voyages has defects of another sort. Muller was too much a part of the period to see it in its true proportions. His judgment of the men of his time is not critical, their deeds he usually values higher than they are worth. His lenient attitude may be partly explained by the fact that many of the men of whom he was writing, or their 34Q RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC friends, were yet alive, and it was wise not to say anything which might offend. Coxe's An Account of the Russian Discoveries is an important book. The author lived in Russia during the second half of the eighteenth century, the time when Europe was greatly interested in voyages of discovery. Coxe follows Muller very closely in his ac- count of the Russian voyages up to and including the Bering period. That part of his work which deals with the Russian activities after Bering's time is much better, since the writer makes use of the docu- ments and of information obtained at first hand. Peter's des Grossen Verdienste um die Erweiterung der Geogra- phischen Kenntnisse by Karl E. von Baer, gives an excellent summary of the Bering voyages. It is scholarly, readable and fair in its judg- ments. Lauridsen's Vitus Bering is based almost entirely on Baer's work and therein lies its chief merit. There is not enough evidence to prove that Lauridsen has done much original investigation. Ban- croft's Alaska is of much value and may be used with profit in con- nection with the sources. Dall's Critical Review of Bering's First Expedition contains a learned discussion of the nautical and astro- nomical instruments of the early eighteenth century. A very scholarly monograph which just touches the edges of this field is Butsinski's Zaselenie Sibiri. There are many helpful papers in the Morskoi Sbornik. The Library of Congress has an incomplete set of this publication and the United States Navy Department has a number of odd volumes which it keeps in its dusty garret where they are deteriorating. If the two collections were combined it would be possible to have one complete set. Fischer's Sibirische Geschichte, Slovtsof's Istoricheskie Obozrenie Sibiri, and Pallas' Neue Nordische Beytrage have much important material. The journals of Cook, Laperouse, Kruzenstern, and other navigators in the North Pacific Ocean help in understanding the difficulties and problems which con- fronted the Russian sailors of the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies. In conclusion it should be said that so far as printed material on this field is concerned the Library of Congress with its recently ac- quired Yudin Collection is probably better equipped for the study of this subject than any other library. Certain Russian scholars do not even except the Imperial Public Library at St. Petersburg. Harvard and Yale also have good working libraries. BIBLIOGRAPHY Akti Istoricheskie [Historical Documents], (St. Petersburg, 1841, 1842), 5 vols. Andrievich, V. K. Istoria Sibiri [History of Siberia], (St. Peters- burg, 1882). Bachtin, V. Russkie Truzheniki Morja. Pervaja Morskaja Eks- peditzija Beringa, etc. [Russian Navigators: Bering's First Ex- pedition, etc.], (St. Petersburg, 1890). Baer, K. E. von. Peter's Des Grossen Verdienste um Die Er- weiterung der Geographischen Kenntnisse (St. Petersburg, 1872). Bancroft, H. H. History of Alaska (San Francisco, 1886). Barsukof, I. Count Nikolai N. Muraveef-Amurski (Moscow, 1891). Berch, V. Pervoe Morskoe Puteshestvie Rossiyana [First Russian Sea Voyages], (St. Petersburg, 1821). Bibliograph, 1 89 1, Doc. 3-4, 60-62 (St. Petersburg, 1892). Billings, Joseph. Voyage (London, 1802), ed. by Martin Sauer. Broughton, W. R. Voyage of Discovery in the North Pacific Ocean (London, 1804). Buache, P. Considerations Geographiques et Physiques (Paris, 1753). Burney, J. A. Chronological History of the North-eastern Voyages of Discovery and of the Early Navigations of the Russians (Lon- don, 1819). Memoir on the Geography of the North-eastern Part of Asia (London, 1818). Chronological History of the Discoveries in the Pacific Ocean (London, 1803). Butsinski, P. Zaselenie Sibiri [Colonization of Siberia], (Char- kof, 1889). Charlevoix, P. Histoire du Japon (Paris, 1736, 1754). Chirikof, Alexei. Journal (Ms.). In Dela Admiralteistvo Kollegi (Papers of the Admiralty College) Bundle no. 16. Reports (Ms.). In Papers of Captain-commander Bering, Bundle no. 44. 342 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Choris, L. Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde (Paris, 1822). Chtenia V Imperatorskom Obschestve Istorii I Drevnostei Rossis- kich [Moscow University Historical Studies], (Moscow, 1861, 1888, 1891, 1894). Chytref, S. Journal of the St. Peter. Copy in the Academy of Sciences, 32:16:19. Another copy in the Archives of State, xxiv, no. 9. Cook, J. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean (London, 1784). Coxe, W. Account of the Russian Discoveries (London, 1780). Dall, W. H. Early Explorations to the Regions of Bering Sea and Strait (Washington, 1891). Critical Review of Bering's First Expedition, 1 725-1 730. Davidson, G. Tracks and Landfalls of Bering and Chirikof (San Francisco, 1901). Delisle, J. N. Explication de la Carte des Nouvelles Decouvertes du Nord de la Mer du Sud (Paris, 1752). Delisle Manuscripts, Archives de la Marine (Paris). De Sabir, C. Le Fleuve Amour (Paris, 1861). Dixon, George. Voyage Round the World (London, 1789). DoPOLNENiA K Aktam Istoricheskim (St. Petersburg, 1846-1877), 12 vols. Du Halde, J. B. Description . . . de l'Empire da la Chine (Paris, 1735; A La Haye, 1736; London, 1738, 1742). Ezhenesyachnia Sochinenia i Isvestia O Uchenich Delach [Month- ly Papers of the Imperial Academy], (St. Petersburg, 1764). Fischer, J. E. Sibirische Geschichte (St. Petersburg, 1768, Rus- sian edition, 1774). Fletcher, F. World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake (London, 1854). Forster, J. R. Northern Voyages and Discoveries (London, 1786). Gmelin, J. G. Reise durch Sibirien (Gottingen, 1752). Voyage en Siberie (Paris, 1767). Gutzlaff, C. A. Sketch of Chinese History (London, 1834). Harris, J. Complete Collection of Voyages (London, 1784), vol. ii. Heeres, J. E. Journal of Tasman (Amsterdam, 1898). Henning, G. Russland und China bis zum Vertrage von Nertch- insk, die Grenzboten (Leipzig), March 3 and April 25, 1904. Hertslet, G. E. P. Treaties and Tariffs: China Treaties (Lon- don, 1908). BIBLIOGRAPHY 343 Histoire de L'Academie des Sciences (Paris, 1714, 1720, 1725, 1729). Kaempfer, E. History of Japan (London, 1728). Klaproth, J. Apercu des Trois Royaumes (Paris, 1832). Kotzebue, Otto von. Voyage of Discovery in the South Sea and Bering Strait (London, 1821). Krasheninnikof, S. P. History of Kamtschatka (St. Petersburg, 1755, London, 1764, Lyon, 1767). Kruzenstern, A. J. de. Voyage Autour du Monde (Paris, 1821). Kuznetsof, E. V. Sibirski Letopisets [Annals of Siberia], (To- bolsk, 1892). Laborde, J. B. Histoire de la Mer du Sud (Paris, 1791). La Perouse, J. B. Voyage autour du Monde (Paris, 1797). Lauridsen, P. Vitus Bering (Chicago, 1889). Leupe, P. A., and P. F. von Siebold. Reize van Maarten Gerrits- zoon Vries in 1643 (Amsterdam, 1858). Maikof, L. N. Razskazi Nartiva O Petre Velikom [Narratives about Peter the Great], (St. Petersburg, 1891). Mejow, V. I. Bibliographia Sibirica (St. Petersburg, 1891-1892). Middendorf, A. Th. von. Sibirische Reise (St. Petersburg, 1859). Morskoi Sbornik, 1848 [Naval Magazine], (St. Petersburg). Muller, G. F. Sammlung Russischer Geschichte (St. Petersburg, 1 732-1 764), 9 vols. Volume 3, published 1758, deals with Siberia and the Bering voyages. Voyages from Asia to America (London, 1761). This is a translation by Thomas Jeffreys of a part of Muller's third volume. A second edition of the work appeared in London in 1764. Voyages et Decouvertes (Amsterdam, 1766). A French translation by Dumas of a part of Muller's third volume. Nachod, O. Ein Unentdecktes Goldland (Tokyo, 1900). Nordenskjold, A. E. Den Forsta Karta Ofver Norra Asien (Ymer, 1887). Voyage of the Vega (London, 1881). Obschi Morskoi Spisok [General Navy List], 13 vols, and 1 vol. of index. (St. Petersburg, 1 885-1 907). Opisanie Del Archiva Morskavo Ministerstva [Description of the Marine Archives], (St. Petersburg, 1 877-1 906), 10 vols. Otchestvenniya Zapiski, tome lxxv, 1851. Pallas, P. S. Neue Nordische Beytrage (St. Petersburg, 1787- 1793). 344 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii XVII Weka [Memoirs for Siberian History of the XVII Century], (St. Petersburg, 1882, 1885), 2 vols. Parker, E. H. China, her History, Diplomacy, and Commerce (London, 1901). China and Russia: in Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, third ser., vol. ii, July, 1896. Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii [Complete Collection of the Laws of the Russian Empire], (St. Petersburg, 1830). Popof, M. Pervaja Morskaja Expeditsia K Ustju Reki Obi [First Expedition to the Mouth of the Ob], (St. Petersburg, 1907). Ravenstein, E. G. Russians on the Amoor (London, 1861). Recueil de Voyages au Nord (Amsterdam, 1732). Remezof, S. Tschertezhnaja Knigi Sibir [Map Books of Siberia], (St. Petersburg, 1882). Ruge, S. Fretum Anian (Dresden, 1873). Russkaya Starina (St. Petersburg), 1876, vol. xv, 449-450. Sadovnikof, D. Nashi Zampleprochodtsi [Our Explorers], (Mos- cow, 1898). Sarytchef, G. Account of a voyage of Discovery (London, 1806). Schrenck, L. Reisen und Forschungen in Amur-Lande (St. Pe- tersburg, 1881). Siebold, Ph. Fr. von. Nippon (Leyden, 1852). Slovtsof, P. A. Istoricheskie Obozrenie Sibiri [Historical Survey of Siberia], (St. Petersburg, 1886). Slunin, N. V. Okhotsko-Kamchatka Krai [Okhotsk-Kamchatka Region], (St. Petersburg, 1 900). Steller, G. W. Reise von Kamchatka nach Amerika (St. Peters- burg, 1793). Strahlenberg, P. J. L'Empire de Russien (Stockholm, 1730, Lon- don, 1738). Teleki, Paul Graf. Atlas zur Geschichte der Kartographie der Japanischen Inseln (Budapest, 1909). Trevoux. Memoir de, Juillet, Aout, September, 1737 (Paris). Titof, A. Sibir XVII Weke [Siberia in the Seventeenth Century], (Moscow, 1890). Vancouver, G. A. Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean (London, 1798). Vaugondy, R. Observations Critiques sur les Nouvelles Decou- vertes de l'Amiral Fuentes (Paris, 1753). BIBLIOGRAPHY 345 Vestnik Imperatorskavo Russkavo Geografkheskavo Obschestva [Journal of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society], (St. Pe- tersburg, 1853, 1858). Waxel (Sven). Report, Admiralty College Papers, no. 2. Webers. Das Veranderte Russland (Franckfurt und Leipzig, 1744) ■ Williams, F. Wells. Russo-Chinese Intercourse: in New England and Yale Review, May, 1 891. Witsen, N. Noord en Oost Tartaren (Amsterdam, 1705). Wrangell, Lieut. Ferdinand von. Siberia and Polar Sea (Lon- don, 1840). Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departamenta [Bulletin of the Hydro- graphic Department], (St. Petersburg, 1850, 1851, 1852). Zapiski Woenno-Topograficheskavo Depo [Bulletins of the Topo- graphical Bureau of the War Department], part x (St. Peters- burg, 1847). Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschenia [Journal of En- lightenment], (St. Petersburg, 1890). INDEX Abishtof, — : leader of expedition, 108 Achani (native tribe) : Khabarof de- cides to winter among, 47 Aihun (Siberia) : Chinese army quar- tered at, 59, footnote, 60; Chinese concentrate in, 61 Ainos (natives of Jeso) : 121, 224 Aklanska Ostrog: 103, footnote, 106, 107 Akti Istoricheskie: cited, 336, 340, also in footnotes, 26, 34, 39, 44, 55 Alasea River: 87 Alaska: 26, 131; author's interest in, 13; place in history, 13; only satis- factory work covering, 334; see also Jeso. Cities — Kodiak, 14; Sit- ka, 14; Unalaska, 14 Albasin (Siberia): 57, footnote; Kha- barof meets Dauri, 43 ; Russians take, 43; importance, 64; outlaws settled in, 55; inhabitants requested not to harm natives, 56; China re- quests inhabitants to withdraw, 57 ; Russian force in, 59, footnote, 61, 62; attacked by Chinese, 58-59, 61- 63; destroyed, 60; to be destroyed, 64; fort needed, 65 Aldan River: 34, 38, 137, 174; ex- ploration, 35; navigation difficult, 37 Aleutian Islands: 187 Aleuts: 82, footnote Alexeef, Fedot: 94, footnote, 271; on Koluima, 72-73 ; accompanies ex- pedition, 269 ; leader on explora- tions, 269; fate, 76, 81, 84, 281, 287 Alexeef, Luka: 215 Allard, — : map, 125 America: 125, 126, 130, 144, 183, 213, 231; early representation on maps, 117-118; shown as continent, 117; Delisle charts coast, 170; believed to be far from Asia, 190; Bering's voyage to, 165-220, 303-313; shore hidden, 145 ; coast identified as, 321, 323 ; failure of plans for reaching, 182; route from Kamchatka to, 325; discovery, 151-164, 192, 327- 329 ; question of separation from Asia, 114, 147-149, 166-169, 171, 248, 251, 252, 307; proved separate, 253 ; explorers desire to winter in, 202, 205, 206, 207 ; Chukchi famil- iar with, 152; Gwosdef ignorant of seeing, 162; Delisle claims Bering did not reach, 212, footnote; Stel- ler's deductions concerning, 194; Japanese explorations to, 128 Amsterdam Gazette: quoted, 213, footnote Amur River: 14, 37, 38, 48, 50, 53, 54, footnote, 61, 65, 67, 91, footnote, 228, 230, 249, footnote, 255 ; ex- ploration, 38 ; first map showing, 257-258; origin of name, 255-256, footnote; first use of name, 36-37, footnote; completion of survey of, region, 251-266; suggested as boundary, 64; false reports concern- ing, 40; Russians forced to fight way down, 36-37; region deserted, 51; freed of Russians, 54; attempts to reinforce posts, 59, footnote; im- portance not realized, 64 Amur Sea : see Pacific Ocean 348 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Anabara River: 237, 239 Anadirski [Anadirskoi] Cape [Nos] : 99, 152, 158, 160 Anaduir [Ananduir] River: 77, 83, 102, 103, footnote, 107, 155, 158, 163, 169, 231, 244, 247, 248, 269, 282; unknown, 85; erroneous ideas concerning, 68, 84; discovery, 67, 74; Laptef explores, 247; Selives- trof reaches, 75 ; claims for and against Deshnef's exploration of, 76-95 ; distance from East Cape, 78 and footnote; impossibility of water communication with Koluima River, 71 ; see also Pogicha River, 277 Anaduir Sea: ice interferes with nav- igation, 84 Anaduirsk (station): 157; tribute de- manded, 29 Anaduirskoi Ostrog: 273 Andrievich, V. K: works cited, 18, footnote, 19, footnote, 341 Angara [Angarka] River: 33, 247 Angora (Chodinski) : 73 Anian Strait: 125, 133, footnote, 307; named, 118; see also Bering Strait Aniui River: 73, 247, 277 Ankudinof, Gerasim [Erasim] : ac- companies expedition, 269; kotsh wrecked, 81, 271; fate, 281, 287, 288 Anthony Island: 246 Anziforof, Danilo: leader of band of outlaws, 103, 104, footnote; reason for seeking Kuril Islands, no Apraxin, Count: 133, footnote, 139, footnote Araumakutan Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Arcano del Mare: cited, 123 Archangel Michael (boat): 221, 222; under command of Shelting, 228 Arctic Ocean: 68, 84, 133, footnote, 144, 163, 269, 275; free from ice, 82-83 Arguni River: 56 Asia: 124, 125, 181, 213, 231; question of separation from America, 166- 169, 171, 248, 251, 252, 307; proved separate, 253 ; expedition to deter- mine whether separate, 114; routes to, 303-313; believed to be far from America, 190; proximity to Amer- ica, 194 Ataman (officer) : 21, footnote, 24; salary, 25 Atka Island: 204 Atlasof (Vladimir) : 23, footnote, 128, footnote, 281 ; brief account, 99, footnote ; explorations to Kamchat- ka, 98-101 ; report concerning Kuril Islands, no; ignorant of Deshnef's explorations, 92; made golova, 101 ; lawlessness, 102, footnote; down- fall, 101-102; murdered, 104, foot- note Avatcha: 210; Bering desires to reach, 198, 209, footnote; distance of Bering from, 203, 207 Avatcha Bay: 181, 184, 185, 220 Avatcha River: 104, footnote Bachteyarof, Enalei (scribe) : 34 Bachtin, V: 337; work cited, 341 Baer, K. E. von: 338, 339; work cited, 341 ; work discussed, 340 Baffins Bay: 124, 307 Baiton, Afanase (German military engineer) : supervises erection of fortifications, 60-61 ; successor to Tolbusin, 63 Bancroft, Hubert H: 184, footnote, 339; work cited, 341 Baranof Cape: 86, footnote, 247 Baratinski, Prince: 173, footnote Barsukof, I : work cited, 262, footnote, 263, 264, footnote, 341 Beach, W. G: thanked, 16 Bear Islands: 246 Bellin, — : 231; views regarding Jeso, 129 Beloi Island: 234 Berch, V: work cited, 341 INDEX 349 Berezof (Siberia) : 234 Bering [Beering, Behring], Vitus: 68, 115, 128, footnote, 129, 160, 227, 236, 238, 247, 259, footnote, 299, 3 2 7> 333 > raised in rank, 171; com- plaints against, 174-177; little re- sponsibility over Arctic voyages, 232; fails to leave instructions, 243 ; whereabouts unknown, 246 ; sends aid to Lasinius, 242-243 ; trouble with Pizaref, 173, footnote; refuses to allow Steller to join Chytref, 193; refuses to allow Spanberg to make second expedi- tion, 226; proposition laid before empress, 166-169; voyages men- tioned, 14; original plans, 181; cause of failure, 181-182; calls con- sultation, 183 ; explorations, 303- 313; first expedition, 133-149; con- sidered failure, 165; second ex- pedition, 165-220; obstacles re- maining after discovery of Amer- ica, 192-193 ; Delisle's report of ex- plorations, 212, footnote, 303-313; question whether he proved his point, 147-148 ; report to empress, 148-149 ; journal of voyage to America missing, 336; taken ashore, 210; death, 211 and footnote, 212, footnote; burial place unknown, 249; monument erected to, 213; claim to greatness, 213-214; family rewarded, 249, footnote Bering Island: 149, 189 Bering Sea: 83 Bering Strait: 76, 77, footnote, 87, 99, footnote, 152, 163, 251, 252; known as Anian, 118 Betge, — : 210 Bibliotheque Germanique: quoted, 213, footnote Big Baranof Cape: 246 Bikovskoi Cape: 237, 243 Billings, Joseph (explorer) : 253 ; commissioned to chart Arctic coast, 252 ; failure to double cape, 95 ; work cited, 196, footnote, 252, foot- note, 341 Biltsof, — : 227, footnote Bistraya River: 139 Bludnoi River: 239 Bolshaya River: 104, footnote, 109, 147, 156, 158, 178, 222, 224, 226, 228; Bering enters, 139 Bolsheretsk Ostrog: 140, 297 Bolsheretzk (boat): 222, 226, 228; Spanberg loses sight of, 229; num- ber on board, 229 Bolshoi Kamennoi Nos: 77, footnote, 87; claimed to be East Cape, 78 Bolshoi Nos: location, 81 Borisof, Ivan: 135, footnote Borkhaya Bay: 242 Botany: seaweeds found, 191 Boundaries: stated, 291; Amur River suggested as, 64; Lena River, 17 Bredal, P. P: 250, footnote Broughton, W. R: 263, 265; explora- tions, 260, 261 ; work cited, 260, footnote, 341 Brynda River: exploring party reach, 35 Buache, P: 231; work cited, 341 Buldakof, — : 93 Bureya River: 56, 58 Buriats: Mongols demand, 57-58 Burney, J. A: 248, 252; work cited, 248, footnote, 252, footnote, 341 Bustofski: 135, footnote Butlask (station): tribute demanded, 29 Butsinski, P: work cited, 341, and in footnotes, 18, 20, 24 Calendar: general remarks, 15 California: 125, 305; as shown in early maps, 117, 125, 126, 127 Canada: 130, footnote Cape Aniwa: 254 Cape Baranof: see Baranof Cape Cape Blanco: 130, 248 Cape Borkhaya: 243, 244 Cape Elias: named, 192 35o RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Cape Elizabeth: 265 Cape Lopatka: see Lopatka Cape Cape Matte-Sol: 235 Cape Mendocino: 130 Cape North: 251 Cape Patience: 122, 254 Cape St. Thaddeus: 142, 239, 241 Cape Taimur: 231 Caravaglio (Jesuit) : goes to Jeso, 119 Caron, — : 120, footnote Castel, R. P: 128, footnote Catherine (Empress of Russia) : or- ders survey, 252 Cathrinesburg (Siberia) : 213, foot- note, 327 Channing, Prof. Edward: thanked, 15 Chaplin, Peter: 135, footnote, 337; seeks fresh water, 142 Charinsk (station) : tribute demand- ed, 28 Chariulach River: 242 Chariyuzovka: 109, footnote Charlevoix, P: work cited, 124, foot- note, 128, footnote, 129, footnote, Chartinof, Ivan : 109 Chatanga Bay: 236, 238, 239 Chatanga River: 238, 241 Chaun: 77, footnote Chaun Bay: 85 Chegachef, — : 183 Chekin, — : instructed to round North East Cape, 240; gives up, 241 Cheluskin, — (pilot): 238; instruc- tions for exploring, 240; carries out instructions, 241 ; promoted, 250, footnote Cherbinin, — : instructions for ex- ploring, 247 ; explores river, 246 Chernigofski, Nikifor: kills woewod, 55 China: 14, 56, footnote, 88, footnote, 91, footnote, 118, 122, 127 and foot- note, 259, 264, 303, 309; passage to, 68, 133, footnote; goods shipped to, 20, footnote; on the Amur, 33-66; fails to realize importance of Amur, 65 ; aids in surveys and ex- plorations, 253 ; knows little con- cerning Sakhalin, 253 ; natives of Siberia flee to Chinese territory, 27 ; natives prefer, to Russia, 37 ; rela- tion of natives with, 35; natives pay tribute to, 48 ; Dauri and Ducheri ask aid from, 47-48 ; gov- ernment orders natives to vacate lands, 51 ; objects to Russian ex- pansion, 56; withdraws troops, 55; attempt to evade war, 57 ; prepares to fight, 57-58 ; fails to learn lesson, 65-66; treaty of Nertchinsk, 291- 293. Cities - Peking, 48, 54, foot- note, 55, 63, 311; Shanghai, 130. See also Trade: Chinese Chinese: 255; trade with, 28, foot- note; tribute gatherers, 37; in na- tive settlement, 45; plundered, 51; Russians interfere with hunters, 56 ; hunters killed, 56; intermarry with Russians, 54, footnote; criminals flee to Albasin, 56 ; cowardice re- futed, 48-49, footnote; number in Nertchinsk, 54, footnote; Russians fear, 49; order Ducheri to vacate lands, 53; army advances, 47, 58; encounter with Russians, 52-54, 61 ; fighting force, 54, footnote, 59, footnote, 62; take no part in battle, 45, footnote; spies, 58; attack Khabarof's men, 48 ; victory, 52 ; defeat, 52 ; prepare for new siege, 53; result, 53-54; victors, 54; promises to Russians who join army, 58, footnote; treatment of prisoners, 57; quartered at Aihun, 59, footnote; Tolbusin defies, 61; withdraw, 63 ; secret understanding with Mongols, 58 ; Jesuits in sym- pathy with, 64; watch Amur, 55; confer with Russians, 63 ; ideas re- garding lands of Pacific, 127: to be kept ignorant of expedition, 262 ; name for Amur, 256, footnote; maps mentioned, 311 INDEX 35i Chinese Sea: 88, footnote Chirikof [Chirkof], Alexei: 130, footnote, 190, 202, 212, footnote, 327, 336; selected as leader of expedi- tion, 133, footnote, 134, 136; sug- gests changes in Bering's proposi- tion, 169; advice regarding ex- plorations, 144-145 ; not to show instructions, 171 ; raised in rank, 171; believed to have suffered little on march, 139, footnote; complaints against Bering, 174; care of bag- gage train, 172; in command of St. Paul, 183; gives code of signals, 184; voyage, 184-189, lists', re- turn to St. Petersburg, 189; sick- ness and death, 189, 249; does not receive sufficient credit, 338; Jour- nal, cited, 185, footnote, 188, foot- note, 189, footnote, 341 Chirikof, Peter: finds Koriaks hos- tile, 103, footnote; Lipin relieves, 104, footnote; murdered, 104, foot- note Chiruche (trader) : mentioned, 27, footnote Chodinski (native tribe) : 73 Chodonsk (station) : tribute demand- ed, 29 Choris, L: 340 Chtenia V Imperatorskom Istorii I Drevnostei Rossiskich : cited, 341, also in footnotes, 33, 34, 92, 98, 99, no, 255 Chukchi (native tribe) : 72, 81, 141, footnote, 144, 145, 271 ; use of lab- ret, 82 and footnote ; Koriaks wish, to unite against Russians, 98, 106; visit Russian boats, 145 ; most war- like of native tribes, 151; Shesta- kof plans conquest of, 156; explor- ers encounter, 160-161 ; Pavlutski attacks, 163 ; roused by attack, 163- 164; keep Pavlutski's head as tro- phy, 164; reports not accepted, 248 ; accompany Gikef, 252 ; trouble with, 282; Kozirefski sub- dues, 295 Chukotski Cape: 143, 161; unknown in 17th century, 68 Chukotski Nos: 77, footnote, 171, 279; Deshnef stops at, 76; Laptef to cir- cumnavigate, 246 Chukotski Peninsula: unknown in 17th century, 68 Chwostof, — : expedition to Sakha- lin, 262 Chytref, S: 182, 208, 209, footnote, 2I 8, 335! ordered to make explora- tions, 193; explorations, 196, 200; examines shore, 219, footnote; pro- moted, 250, footnote; sick, 211; in common quarters, 214; Journal, cited, 342 Clerk, Captain — : 189, footnote Cocks, Richard: reports new land, 118 and footnote Company Land: 189, 190, 231, 309; Delisle draws map of, 170; non- existence proved, 248 Compass: ignorance of, 78 and foot- note Cook, James (explorer) : 71, 149, 189, footnote, 248, 253; voyage, 251; work cited, 251, footnote, 342 Coolidge, Prof. A. C: thanked, 15 Coronelli, P: map, 125 Cossacks: see Russians Coxe, W: 338, work cited, 251, foot- note, 341 ; work discussed, 340 Crimean War: 264 Crimes and Punishments: explora- tions to expiate crimes, no; Chi- nese criminals flee to Albasin, 56; outlaws in Kamchatka, 103 ; of At- lasof, 102, footnote; of Pizaref, 173, footnote; distilling, 22-23, 2 3> foot- note; murder, 104, footnote; murder of woewod, 55; stealing, 113, foot- note; white slave trade, 19; various punishments, 23, 104-105, footnote; of soldiers, 19-20, footnote; jails, 26, 352 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC footnote; capital punishment, 22, 105, 249-250, footnote; Steller im- prisoned, 250, footnote; criminals sent to Nertchinsk, 56, footnote Currency: kopek, 25, footnote; ruble - value, 25 ; footnote D'Aguillar, Martin: 305 Dall, W. H: work cited, 342 D'Anville, M: 128, footnote, 231, 259, footnote ; opinion regarding Jeso, 129 Dauri (native tribe): 56, footnote; settlement, 36; visited, 40; Khab- arof meets, 43 ; Siberians encount- er, 43-44; deceive Russians, 46; ask aid from China, 47-48 ; Chi- nese order to change location, 51 ; tribute demanded, 55 Dauria: 88, footnote Davidof, — : expedition to Sakhalin, 262 Davidson, G: work cited, 342 De Angelis (Father) : 119 De Angelis, Jerome: reports new land, 119 Debne: Japanese captive, 101 and footnote De Castries Bay: 264 and footnote, 265 De Constanzo, Camillo (Jesuit) : data concerning Jeso, 119 De Gama, Juan [Jean] : 303, 305, 307, 309 ; discovers new lands, 122- 123 ; first to see Jeso, 126 Dela Chranjas-Chijasa V. Admiral- teistvo-Kollegi: cited, 134, footnote Delisle, Guillaume: 125, 133, foot- note, 231, 248; brief sketch, 130, footnote; idea of Japan, 126, 127, footnote; various ideas regarding Jeso, 126-127; sums up geograph- ical situation, 130; debt to Witsen, 258 ; brother bases map on map of, 170, footnote Delisle, Joseph N: brief sketch, 130, footnote; draws up map, 170; re port of Bering's explorations, 212, footnote; map and report present- ed to Senate, 303-313; misjudged, 183-184, footnote; work cited, 342 Delisle [Del 'Isle] de la Croyere, Louis: 183, 184, 212, footnote, 315; brief sketch, 130, footnote; to ac- company Bering, 170; instruments taken, 172, footnote; complaints against Bering, 174-177; leaves Okhotsk, 178 ; death, 189, 249, 325 Delisle de la Croyere, Nicolai: 189, footnote Delisle Manuscripts: 114, footnote, 139, footnote, 159, 184, footnote, 188, footnote, 226, footnote, 231, 298, footnote, 322, 324, 328, foot- note, 330, footnote, 332, footnote, 342; discussed, 337 Dementief, — (pilot) : sent ashore, 186; fate, 186-187, footnote Denmark: 134 De Sabir, — : work cited, 262, foot- note, 264, footnote Deshnef, Semon Iwanof: chosen lead- er of expedition, 269 ; account of service, 71-72; discovers water pas- sage between Koluima and Ana- duir, 71 ; accompanies Alexeef, 73 ; explorations, 74-75, 268-281, 282- 288 ; reports to Jakutsk, 75 ; crit- ical examination of voyage, 67-95 > proof of passage from Koluima to Anaduir by water, 76-77; refuta- tion of proof, 77-95 ; obstacles fac- ed, 94; report vague, 85; reports recently published, 76 Desyatnik (officer) : 23, footnote, 24, 36 Detiboyarski (officer) : 21, footnote, 23, footnote, 24; salary, 25 Devyer, Anton: successor to Pizaref, 173, footnote DeWitt, Fred: map maker, 124 Diomede Islands: 81 INDEX 353 Diseases and Remedies: ill health caused by exposure, 249 ; sickness on shipboard, 189; quarters for and care of sick, 214; sufferings of the sick, 211; scurvy, 121, 192, 197, 199, 242 ; Chirikof contracts con- sumption, 250, footnote; herbs for medicinal purposes, 199; many deaths, 27, 208, 210 Distilleries: mentioned, 30, footnote Distilling: secretly, 22, 23, footnote Dixon, George: work cited, 342 Dolgoi Island: 233 Dolgoruki, Prince: 173, footnote, 228, 235; instructions regarding, 236, footnote Dopolnenia K. Aktam Istoricheskim : cited, 337, 342, also in footnotes, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34. 35, 36, 38, 39, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 72, 73, 74, 75, 83, 87, 256, 282, 287, 288 Dseya River: 36, 40, 50, 51, 57, foot- note, 61 ; first knowledge by Rus- sians, 33; grain reported abund- ant on banks, 33; exploration, 35; country deserted, 46 ; forts on, 52 ; ostrogs built on, 56 ; forts erected, 58 ; fort needed at mouth, 65 Ducheri (native tribe): 47; asks aid from China, 47-48 ; tribute de- manded from, 55; ordered to va- cate lands, 53 Dudley, Robert: work cited, 123 and footnote Du Halde, J. B: work cited, 54, foot- note, 59, footnote, 62, 253, footnote, 259 and footnote, 291, 342 Dutch: 134, footnote, 183, 255, 309, 311; explorations, 119, 120-121, 123, 3"-3i3 Dutch East India Company: 120; sends out exploring party, 255 Duval, Pierre: regards Jeso as part of America, 124; maps, 124 Dwina River: 232 Dyak (secretary): 23, 24; authority, 24, footnote; salary, 25 East Cape: 76, 77, footnote, 87, 248, 251, 252; reached by Deshnef, 76; proof of Deshnef's voyage depend- ant on, 77 ; distance from Anaduir River, 78 and footnote; see also Chukotski Nos East India Company: 118 Economic Conditions: in general — fires, 26, footnote; industries of Si- beria, 17 and footnote; quarters for winter, 214-215. Cost — of expe- dition, 169; food, 25, footnote; walrus tusks, 75, footnote. Food — reported on banks of rivers, 33, 34; Chirikof brings, 139; difficulty of obtaining, 137; problem in arctic expedition, 93-94; supplied for year, 141 and footnote ; on ship- board, 219; supplied to conquer- ors, 46 ; Chinese supply, 63 ; lost, 181-182; as part of salary, 25; force supply, 37; cheap in Kam- chatka, 166; of natives, 321; abundant, 33, 35, 61 ; false report of abundance, 35-36; scarce, 51, 53, 138, 275; bread, 215; deer, 160; ducks, 139, footnote; fish, 53; grain, 40, 44, 53, 62, footnote; har- vest, 60; human flesh, 36 and foot- note; meat, 210, 215, 218-219; in trade, 145. Population — native, 29; Russians in Siberia, 23 and footnote, 58-59, footnote. Supplies — sent to Okhotsk, 178; difficulty of transferring from Jakutsk to Ok- hotsk, 173-174; Spanberg forced to go to Jakutsk for, 228 ; on St. Peter, listed, 182, footnote; provided, 239; sent to Taimur Bay, 241. Water — scarcity, 187, 198, 207, 209, 319; fresh secured, 193; in exchange for knives, 188 ; Kasi- 354 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC merof sent for, 225 ; distilling salt, 188-189; brackish, 199 Egache River: 156 Elchin, — (woewod) : 108 Elliot, C: sent against Russians, 264- 265 Ensel, Richard: 135, footnote Eskimo: 82, footnote Europe: 117 Europeans: 127; information from Japanese, 118; little benefit from Japanese explorations, 255 Expedition (boat) : 232 Expeditions: see Explorations Explorations: in general — for water passage to Kamchatka, 107-108 ; land discovered, 192; in Siberia, 34-37; results, 37-38; in North Pacific Ocean, 117; report by Gwosdef, 160-162; of shipwrecked crew, 217-218. Arctic — 250-266; divided into five sections, 231-232; Archangel to Ob, 232-234; Ob to Yenisei, 234-236; Yenisei to Cape Taimur, 236-237; Lena to Cape Taimur, 237-241 ; Lena to the Ana- duir, 242-250. Sent out by various countries — Dutch, 121-122; Japan, 127-128, 221-231; Spain, 120; Rus- sia, see under names of individ- uals. Under command of various individuals- Atlasof, 98-101; Ber- ing, 303-313; first, 133-149; sec- ond, 165-250; Chirikof, 315-325; Deshnef, 74-95, 268-281 ; Khabar- of's first, 38-40; result, 43; sec- ond, 43-44; third, 44-51; Kobelef, 102-103; Pavlutski, 157-158; Shes- takof, 153-157; Spanberg, 331-333! Staduchin, 72-73; Steller, 327-329; sent out by Peter the Great, 114 Ezhenesyachinia Sochinenia i Isves- iia O Uchenic/i Delach: cited, 19 Fedorof, — : 155, 158; Gwosdef at- tacks, 160 Fido-tada (shogun) : 254 Fisher, J. E: work cited, 342 Fletcher, F: work cited, 342 Formosa: 122 Forster, J. R: work cited, 342 Fort Archangelsk : 106 Fort Jakutsk: when built, 17, foot- note Fort Makofska: 135 Fort Yeniseisk: 237 Forts: needed, 65; recommended, 106 Foxes: infest camp, 211 and footnote France: 125, 259; aids in survey and explorations, 253; Paris, 15, 337 Franklin, Sir John: 71 Franzbekof, Dimitri (woewod) : en- courages explorations, 39 Gama Land: 183, 190; Delisle draws map of, 170; proved not to exist, 231 Gavrilof, — : expedition to Sakhalin, 262 Gazette d' Amsterdam: quoted, 328 Gazette de France: quoted, 213, foot- note, 326, footnote, 330 Geography: of Siberia in 17th cen- tury, 67-71 ; early interest in, 88, footnote; lack of increased know- ledge, 117; gains from explora- tions, 248-249 ; value of Spanberg's expedition, 231 Gerasim, — : death, 84 Gikef, — : sent to East Cape, 252 Giliaks (natives): 51, 262, footnote] captured, 37 Gmelin, J. G: 337; scientific re- searches, 170; complaints against Bering, 174-177; work cited, 147, footnote, 342 Godunof, Peter: 256, footnote; or- dered to draw up maps, 88, foot- note; map copied, 91; maps, 67, 256-257 and footnote Golitsin, N. M: 250, footnote Golova (officer): 23, 27, footnote; duties, 20, 22; salary, 25; woe- wod's authority over, 24; instruc- INDEX 355 tions regarding departing woe- wods, 21, footnote Golovin, A. I. (member of Admiralty College): 250, footnote, 331, 333; desires Bering to attempt second expedition, 165 Golovkin, M: 250, footnote Golowin, Peter (woewod) : orders ex- ploration, 34; does not use name Amur, 36-37, footnote; out of of- fice, 38 Golownin, — : 262, footnote Golvin, N. F: 250, footnote Gorbea River: 137 Gorod: described, 26, footnote Great Britain: aids in surveys and explorations, 253 ; ignorance re- garding Sakhalin, 264; feared, 264, footnote Guigudar (native settlement) : 45, 46 Gutzlaff, C. A: work cited, 342 Gwosdef, Michael S: 155, 228; brief sketch, 159-160; burden of expedi- tion falls on, 158; reports of expe- dition, 159, 160-162 Hakluyt Society: 118, footnote Harris, J: work cited, 342 Heeres, J. E: work cited, 121, 342 Henning, G: work cited, 342 Hens, — : 153, 158 Hertslet, G. E. P: work cited, 342 Holland: 309, 331; Amsterdam, 120 Holy Cross Bay: 78, 142 Homan, Jean Baptiste: maps, 126 Hostages: 26, footnote, 295; prevent- ed from escaping, 26 ; sent as se- curity for tribute, 27 ; demanded, 28-29; Jakuts not required to give, 28, footnote; natives give, 46; tor- tured, 46-47; retained by Chinese, 59 ; Koriak, 99 Hudson Bay: 307 Hurka River: 64 Ilima River: 135, 172 Ilimsk (Siberia): 55, 155, 172; ex- pedition winters in, 135 India: passage to, 133, footnote Indigirka River: 87, 107, footnote, 244, 246 Indigirsk (station) : tribute demand- ed, 29 Insula Atlantis: 124 Insurrection: 103-105, footnote Irgen (ostrog in Siberia) : 54 Irkutsk: reports sent to, 159 and foot- note Irkutsk (boat) : 242, 245 Irtysh River: 135, 172 Italy: Florence, 123, Venice, 125 Itcha River: 101, 109 Iturpu Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Iwanof, Alexei: 215 Jakuts (native tribe): 317; tribute demanded, 28 ; not required to give, 28, footnote; report death of Alexeef and Gerasim, 84; aid Shes- takof, 157; plans for conversion of, 166 Jakutsk (Siberia) : 17, 25, 27, foot- note, 30, 33, 34, 71, footnote, 72, 83, 99, 108 113, 114, footnote, 155, 172, 173, footnote, 226, 228, 238, 239, 242, footnote, 243, 244, 247, 255, 258, footnote, 271, 279, 331; described, 26 ; prikaschik leaves, 25 ; returns, 26 ; report of woewod, 28 ; food scarce, 33, 93 ; expedition starts from, 35; exploring party returns, 37; hunter visits with information, 37-38; Khabarof returns to, 40; re- inforcements sent from, 50; appeal for help, 57, footnote; center for ex- ploring parties, 67, 91 ; reports sent to, 75, 77, 102, footnote; records in, 77; home of Atlasof, 92; Atlasof re- turns to, 101 ; officers desire same route to Kamchatka, 102; drained by troubles in Kamchatka, 103 ; steps 356 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC taken to regain land and tribute, 107; expedition leaves, 114; expedi- tion unable to reach, 135; Bering ex- pedition reaches, 136; supplies re- turned to, 138, footnote; Pavlutski called to, 164; special officers or- dered to, to aid expedition, 172; Pizaref goes to, 173, footnote Jakutsk (boat): 237; springs leak, 240 Jakutsk Province: 17, footnote Jana River: 251 Jansk (station) : tribute demanded, 29 Jansson, — : 123 Japan: 101, footnote, no, 113, 118, 127, footnote, 172, 181, footnote, 227, footnote, 248, 264, 307; aids in surveys and explorations, 253 ; pays little attention to geography, 254, footnote; Kozirefski ordered to in- vestigate, 295-296; Spanberg's voy- age to, 220-231; documents bear- ing on Spanberg's voyage, 331- 333; America represented near, 117; question of Bering's party wintering in, 202 ; news of Jeso, 118, 119; map of, 123; shown on map, 311; city on Matsmai Island, 113, footnote; Nippon, 118, 223, 224, 225, 254; Nagasaki, 130; see also Jeso Japanese: 255; held as captive, 101 ; acts as guide, no; sends out ex- ploring parties, 254; shipwrecked to be taken back to Japan, 221 ; care taken not to offend, 221 ; ship- wrecked in Kamchatka, 228 ; trade desirable, 166; Watson encounters, 225; land indicated as Jeso, 127; slight knowledge concerning Sak- halin, 254; give information to Europeans, 118; give information regarding Japan, 127, footnote; give information of Kuril Islands, no, 113 Java: Batavia, 120, 121; Texeira, 123 Jeso [Compagnie Land, Eso, Gama Land, Iesso, Jeco, Jesso, Yeco, Yed- so, Yeso, Yesso] : 309 ; reports con- cerning, explorations, and confusion regarding, 119-131; Delisle draws map of, 170 Jesuits: 123, 129, 255; side with Chinese, 64; little time for explor- ations, 119; discoveries less than Dutch, 123; explorations, 259; re- port new lands, 118, 119; know- ledge of Japan through, 311; ig- norant of Sakhalin, 253 ; letters helpful, 336 Juschin, — : 182, 207 Kachanof, Vasili: 109 Kaempfer, E: Japan's idea of Jeso, 127; quotes from Japanese, 128; proves insularity of Japan, 129; work cited, 342 Kamchadels (native tribe): 98, 319; location, 109 ; reports concerning Russians, 281; submit to Atlasof, 100; Kozirefski subdues, 295 Kamchatka: 93, footnote, no, 166, 169, 171, 191, 197, 205, 207, 208, 213, footnote, 215, 217, 220, 228, footnote, 229, 244, 258, footnote, 263, 307, 311; same as Japanese Oku-Yeso, 128; Russian explorations in, 97-115; route to, 102, 105-106, 107 ; route to America from, 325 ; Japanese touch, 128 ; Atlasof al- lowed to return to, 102, footnote ; Alexeef wrecked in, 76, 84; ex- plorers leave for, 178, 227; boats to be built, 166; expedition to start from, 134; reaches, 114 and foot- note; sailors desire to return to, 162; report of the natives, 146; in- surrection of Russians, 103-105 ; De- lisle draws map of, 170; Russians attempt to attain, 97; Petropav- lovsk, 220; city founded, 181 Kamchatka Cape: 160, 295; cape known as Kamchatka Nos, 99-100, INDEX 357 footnote; known as Lopatka Cape, ioo, footnote Kamchatka River: 97, 100, 102, 109, x 38, 139, 144, 151, 160, 162, 169, 281, 297; reached, 146; good har- bor, 166 Kamchatka Sea: water known as, 100, footnote Kara Sea: 232, 233 Karaga River: 103, footnote Karaginski Island: 105, footnote, 146, 166 Kasimerof, — : 227, footnote; sent for water, 225 Kasin, — : 229 Kasselberg, — : 182 Katui Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Kayak Island: 196, footnote Keller, Heinrich: 261, footnote Kennan, George: 95, footnote Khabarof, Yarka Pavlof: expeditions to Amur River, 38-40, 43-44, 44- 51; results of expeditions, 40, 50- 51; receives reinforcements, 50; taken to capital, 51; song of vic- tory, 45 Khabarofsk (Siberia) : mentioned, 47 Khamarsk (Siberia) : 52 Khumar River: 52, 61 Kindyakof, — : instructions, 247; to survey river, 244, 245 ; explores river and coast, 246 Kin-firo: 254 Kirgizof, Constantin : insurrection, 105, footnote Kirilof, I: 227, footnote, 250, foot- note; desires Bering to attempt second expedition, 165 Klaproth, J: 253, footnote; work cit- ed, 254, footnote, 259, footnote; 343 Kobelef, — : traces route to Kamchat- ka, 102 Kodiak Islands: 197 Kolesof, Vasili (prikaschik) : punish- es outlaws, 105, footnote; starts with tribute, 106 ; sends out expe- dition, no Koliutchin [Koliuchin] Island: 252, 253 Koluima [Kovima] River: 68, 75, 77, 81, 84, footnote, 86, 87, 92 and footnote, 107, footnote, 143, 144, 244, 246, 247, 248, 251, 252, 271, 282; officers report, 30, footnote; regions west well known, 68 ; little food near, 94; impossibility of water communication with Anaduir, 71 ; erroneous belief of Siberians re- garding, 84 Koluimsk (station) : tribute demand- ed, 29 Koluimsk Ostrog: 277 Kopek : see Currency Korea: 121, 123, 227, footnote, 309; early representation on maps, 117; Japanese give information, 120 Koriaks (native tribe) : 84, 94, foot- note, 281; location, 97, 109; char- acteristics, 84; preparations for war, 97-98 ; cause trouble, 100-101 ; campaign against, 106; determined to keep Russians out, 102-103, io 3> footnote; prevent Russians from us- ing Anaduir route, 97 ; express ig- norance of river, 72 ; join Yukagirs, 106; aid Pavlutski against Chukchi, 163 ; Shestakof plans conquest of, 156; Kozirefski sent to subdue, 295; thefts from, 102 ; boats obtained from, 102 ; Bering's party encoun- ters, 142-143 Korowin (Stephen) : sent as messen- ger, 63 Koshelof, — : placed in command of Tobol, 235 Koslof, Ivan: 135, footnote, 250, footnote Kotsh: see Transportation: kotsh Kotzebue, Otto von: work cited, 343 Kozirefski, Fedor: 295 Kozirefski, Ignatius [Iwan Petro- witz] : 23, footnote, 136, footnote; 358 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC character, 113-114, footnote; false reports regarding, 113, footnote; leader of band of outlaws, 103, 104, footnote; expedition, 110-113; traces chain of islands, 113; orig- inal report, 113, footnote; explora- tions, 129 ; becomes member of ex- pedition, 155, footnote; brings peace between leaders, 155; order- ed to subdue natives, 295 ; investi- gations regarding Japan, 295-296; result of labors, 297 Kozirefski, Peter: 295 Krasheninnikof, S. P: 337; scientific researches, 170; work cited, 343 Krusenstern, A. J: 253, footnote; ex- plorations, 260, 261 ; opinion re- garding Sakhalin accepted, 262; work cited, 260, footnote, 343 Kunashir Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Kuril Islands: 129, 155, 156, 207, 208, 22 ., 226, 231 ; discovered, 104, footnote, 122; name first applied, 109-110; many of, named, 222; lo- cated, 109; enumerated, 113, foot- note; information and explorations, 109-115; settlement planned, 103; information from Japan, no; Dutch reach, 121 Kuznetsof, E. V: work cited, 343 Laborde, J. B : work cited, 343 Lake Baikal: mentioned, 38, 91, foot- note Lama Sea: 109; Sea of Okhotsk known as, 100, footnote; official route to Kamchatka, 109 Laperouse [La Perouse], J. B: 187, footnote, 189, footnote, 261, foot- note, 253, footnote, 265; voyage, 251; explorations, 260; work cited, 260, footnote, 343 Laperouse Strait: 230 Laptef, Chariton: 237; leads expedi- tion, 238 ; explorations, 238-247 Laptef, Dimitri: 227, footnote; sent to continue work of Lasinius, 242- 243 ; instructions for explorations, 244; undecided regarding instruc- tions, 243 ; decides plans not feas- ible, 246; explorations, 86, footnote, 243-247; failure to double cape, 95; charts Khroma River, 246 ; loses hope of charting land by sea, 240; plans for charting by land, 240 Larinof, — : sent to aid expedition, 177, 178 Lasinius, — : leads expedition, 242; trouble with Prochinchef, 242, foot- note Latuya Bay: 187, footnote Lauridson, P: 184, footnote, 338, 339; work cited, 343 ; work discussed, 340 Lawagu (Tungus) : reports supplies, 34 Lazesk (station) : tribute demanded, 29 Lazeya River : 246 Lena River: 24, footnote, 50, foot- note, 87, 91, footnote, 99, footnote, I 36, 137, 151, 169, 171, 172, 231, 242, footnote, 243, 244, 251 ; boun- dary, 17; date of discovery, 17, footnote; source, 33; exploration, 35 Lena Sea: see Arctic Ocean Leonidas: 54, footnote Lesnaya River: 102 Leupe, P. A: work cited, 121, foot- note, 342 Lipin, Osip: relieves Peter Chirikof, 103-104, footnote; murdered, 104, footnote Liquor (intoxicating) : permission to distill, 22, footnote; traders for- bidden to sell, 30; sale permitted, 30; as part of salary, 25 Lopatka Cape: 101, no, 113, foot- note; orders to cross to, 108; for- merly called Kamchatka Cape, 100, footnote Loshkin, — : to chart coast, 244; ex- INDEX 359 plores rivers, 246 ; sent to St. Pet- ersburg, 246 Luzhin, Feodor: explorations, 114; failure of expedition, 133; dies from hardships, 138 Maikof, L. N: work cited, 133, foot- note, 343 Maiskoi (station) : tribute demanded, 29 Maja River: 37, 137 Malgin, — : 92, footnote, 233 Malte-Brun, — : work cited, 261 Mama, — (boatswain) : 185, 323 Manchuria: 64 Mantzumay (city) : 123 Maps: suggestions for making, 169; order to make charts, 114; early, 117-118; missing, 335; Gwosdef's reasons for not making, 162; show- ing Jeso, 123, 125-129; of Allard, 123; of Duval, 124; of Delisle, 171: Bering consults Delisle's, 183 ; no cause to ridicule Delisle's, 183-184, footnote; of Remezof, 67, 88, 92- 93, footnote, 256-257; of Godunof and Remezof, 256-257; of Lugten- burg, 124; Kerilof's cited, 227, foot- note; of Mercator, 118; of San- son, 123, 129; Shestakof, 153; Wit- sen, 67, 126, 257-258 ; and also un- der names of individuals cited above; and "List of Illustrations" Martini (Jesuit) : knowledge of Jeso, 127 Matsmai Island (Kuril group) : 113 and footnote Matveef: mentioned, 27, footnote Mejow, V. I: work cited, 343 Menshikof, Prince: 173, footnote Mercator, — : famous map, 118 Metals: from Kuril Islands, 113 and footnote, 114 Metchigne Bay: 252 Mexico, 171, 303 ; believes fabulous tale of wealth, 119-120; expedition sent from, 120 Michaelof, Amos: 27, footnote; in- structions to, 87 Michaelowitz, Alexe: 295 Middendorf, A. Th. von: work cited, 257, footnote, 343 Mines: iron, 166 Minim, — (pilot): 236; explorations, 236-237; reduced in rank, 237 Mishukof, Z. D : 250, footnote Missalof: mentioned, 27, footnote Mogami Tokunai: 254 Moll, Herman: 258 Molyk, Ambiorn: Swedish naval lieutenant, 108 ; goes to Kamchatka, 109 Mongols: aggressive, 57-58; secret understanding with Chinese, 58 ; name for Amur, 256, footnote; be- siege Russians, 54 Morison, George: 135, footnote Morosko, Luke: commissioned to col- lect tribute, 99 Morris, W. A: thanked, i» ' Morskoi Sbornik: cited, 108, footnote, 109, footnote, 158, footnote; quoted, 113, footnote Moshkof, — : 158, 160 Moskwitin, Ivan : early knowledge of river, 33-34 Motogo Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Motora, — : 76, 277; leads company to conquer natives, 73 ; cause of trouble with Staduchin, 73 ; joins forces with Deshnef, 74; death, 75, 279 Muller, F: Remarkable Maps, cited, 67, footnote Muller, G. F: 183, 223, 225, footnote, 337; rejected as authority, 15; be- lieves little early interest in geog- raphy, 88, footnote ; scientific re- searches, 170; receives information regarding expedition, 114-115; re- counts Russian-Chinese trouble, 58- 59 ; gives credit to Deshnef, 71, 76- 77 ; arguments refuted, 78-95 ; ac- 360 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC count of Deshnef's voyage, 268- 281 ; complaints against Bering, 174-177; account of Bering's death, 211 ; works cited, 88, 243, 343, also in footnotes, 59, 63, 71, 74, 82, 84, "4, 1I 5, 178, 179, 181, 189, 191, 2oo, 209, 211, 223, 224, 225 ; works discussed, 339; quoted, 82-83, 84, footnote, 85, footnote Munster, — . shows America as con- tinent, 117 Muravyof-Amurski, Nicolai Nicolae- witz: 232, 233; success on Amur due to, 263 Nachod, Oskar: work cited, 119, footnote, 120, footnote, 343 Nadezhda (boat): 221, 222; number on board, 228 Nagaef, — : 227, footnote Nagai Island: 200, footnote Nartof, — : reports of Peter the Great, 133, footnote Navigation: boats prepared, 136, 221- 222, 232, 247; sailboats, 134; junks found on coast of America, 128 ; Bering learns much from Koziref- ski, 136, footnote; details of Chiri- kof's voyage, 323 ; Bering's first voyage, 141-147; Shestakof's ex- pedition, 155-156; difficulties, 88, footnote, 91, footnote, 94, footnote, 139-140, 198, 200, 202-206, 209, 244-245, 269 ; in Arctic, 86, foot- note; on river, 86, footnote; dis- tance travelled, 184-186, 190; see also Explorations; St. Paul; St. Peter; Transportation: boats Nertchinsk (Siberia) : importance, 64; Russians in vicinity, 54; Chinese in, 54, footnote; China sends messen- gers to, 57 ; inhabitants of Albasin withdraw to, 59 ; Chinese do not take, 59, footnote; attempt to learn fate of Albasin, 62 Nevelski, — : sent on expedition, 263 Nikania: 88, footnote Nordenskjold, Nils Adolf Erik: 71, 257, footnote; belief regarding na- tives, 82, footnote; voyage, 87; ob- stacles, faced, 94; works cited, 86, footnote, 94, footnote, 343 ; quoted, 94, footnote North East Cape: 240, 241 Novaya Zemlya: 248 Novogorod (Russia) : 159 Novosiltsof, V: 250, footnote Ob (boat) : 232 Ob Bay: 234 Ob River: 88, footnote, 135, 169, 172, 231, 234 Obdorsk: 234; Ovtzin prepares to winter at, 234 Ob-Postman (boat) : 235, 236 Obschi Morskoi Spisok: cited, 249, footnote Officers (Russian) : see Ataman; Dyak; Desyatnik; Golova; Prika- schik; Pyatdesyatnik; Tselovalnik; IVoewods; Siberia: officers Ogloblin, N. (Russian archivist) : publishes documents, 76; works cit- ed, 93, footnote; quoted, 77, foot- note Okhotsk (Siberia) : 109, footnote, 114, 136, 138, footnote, 155, 158, 159, 162, 166, 171, 173, footnote, 220, 222, 225, 226, 227, footnote, 228, 230, 238, 243 ; tribute demanded, 29; Bering winters in, 137; boats prepare for return to, 146 ; boats to be built, 169; expedition reaches, 172-173 ; Pizaref leaves, 173, foot- note; Spanberg expects quarters ready, 173 ; boats built at, 178 Okhotsk River: 182 Okhotsk Sea [Sea of Okhotsk]: 55, 107, 109, 262, 263, footnote, 265 ; Lama Sea early name for, 100, footnote; see also Lama Sea Okhotsk-Kamchatka Route: 107, 153 INDEX 361 Olekma River: 34, 37; best course to Amur, 38; explorations by way of, 39 Olekminsk (station) : tribute demand- ed, 28 Olenek River: 237, 239 Olensk (station) : tribute demanded, 29 Oliutora River: 97, 100, footnote, 107, footnote, 113, footnote, 156, 273 ; forts on, 106 Onikutun Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Opisanie del Archiva Morskavo De- partamenta: 165, footnote, 249, footnote Opisanie del Archiva Morskavo Min- ister stva: 174, footnote Ortellius, — : 118 Osterman, — : friend of Bering, 165 Ostrog: described, 26; to be built, 101 ; Kozirefski builds, 295 ; see also under individual names Ostrojok: described, 26 Otchestvenniya Zapiski: 139, footnote Ouda River: 34, 151, 155, 228 Ovtzin, Dimitri: 218, footnote, 220; reduced in rank, 236; in charge of expedition, 234 ; promoted, 250, footnote Pacific Ocean: 17, 67, 68, 92, foot- note, 107 Palane River: 100 Pallas, P. S: work cited, 54, 343, and in footnotes, 177, 181, 182, 183, 184, 190, 191, 192, 199, 201, 202, 205, 208, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220 Pamyatniki Sibirskoi Istorii: cited, 337> 343) a ' so ' n footnotes, 78, 92, 93> 97» 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, 113, 114, 151, 152 Paren River: 103, footnote, 156 Parker, E. H: work cited, 343, and in footnotes, 54, 56, 57, 58, 63, 64 Pashkof (Afanase) : 54; founds Nert- chinsk, 54, footnote Pavlof, — : 232, 233 Pavlutski, Dimitri: chosen to aid Shestakof, 155; expedition, 158- 159; orders from, 160 and foot- note; prepares for fight against Chukchi, 163 ; doubt concerning victory, 163, footnote; becomes woewod, 164; killed, 164 Peary, Robert E: 93, footnote Penjinsk Bay: 102, 156 Penjinsk River: 74, 97, 99, 100, foot- note, 151; search for, 277 Penjinsk Sea: 101, 102, 297; water known as, 100, footnote Perofilyef, Maxim : early report of rivers, 33 ; reports new river, 255 Petchora River: 233 Peter the Great: 19, 20, 91, 92, 127, footnote, 248, 257, footnote, 338; orders Japanese captive presented, 101, footnote; sends expedition, 114; reasons for sending expedi- tions, 133-134, footnote; instruc- tions, 134; interviews Delisle, 130; instructions to Bering, 171 ; assem- bles scientists around him, 165 Peter II : orders punishment, 173, footnote Petrilofskoi, Alexei (prikaschik) : 107, footnote; takes plunder, 113, footnote Petrof, — : pilot, 227, footnote Philippine Islands: 303; Manila, 119 Pilikin (trader) : mentioned, 27, footnote Pizaref, — : 177; brief account, 173, footnote; to supervise boat build- ing, 169 ; hindrance to expedition, 173 ; reasons for believing Span- berg not in Japan, 227, footnote; accusations against Spanberg, 227, footnote Pjasina River: 240, 241 Plautin, — : 183 Plenisner, — : 210, 211, footnote; 214 362 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Podushkine, — : expedition to Sak- halin, 262 Pogicha River: 85, 275; same as Ana- duir, 277; reports of, 72; Koriaks ignorant, 72; Alexeef seeks, 73; explorations for, 275-277 Polo, Marco: 118 Polutof, Gregory: 135, footnote Popof, M: work cited, 344 Popof, Peter: report regarding east- ern Siberia, 152 Polnoe Sobranie Zakonof Rossiskoi Imperii: cited, 337, 344, also in footnotes, 19, 20, 21, 27, 30, 114, T 53. I &9> ^o. I 7 I > I 7 2 > 220 Povorotnoi River: 137 Poyarkof, Wasili: 38; leader of ex- pedition, 34; instructions, 35; ex- pedition, 255-257; result of expedi- tion, 37; cruelty, 36 and footnote; disregard of human life, 36; hatred of natives toward, 40 Prikaschik (Russian officer) : 21, footnote, 99, footnote; duties, 25- 26 ; collects tribute, 27 ; gives de- tailed list with tribute collected, 30 Prochinchef, — : trouble with Lasini- us, 242, footnote; in charge of ex- pedition, 237; death, 238 Ptishzef, — : 228 Purumshir Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Pushkin, — (woewod) : successor to Golowin, 38 Pustaya River: 100, footnote, 102 Pustoi Ostrog: 102 Pustosersk: 232; winter in, 233 Pyatdesyatnik (Russian officer) : 23, footnote, 99, footnote; salary, 24, 25 Quast, Mathijs: in charge of ex- pedition, 121 Ravenstein, E. G: work cited, 339, 344 Recueil de Voyages au Nord: cited, 118, footnote, 119, footnote Remezof, Semen: ordered to draw up maps, 88, footnote; uses Atlasof's reports in constructing map, 92-93, footnote; maps, 67, 256-257, 257, footnote; atlas, 26, footnote; work cited, 67, footnote, 344 Rinso, Mamia: 254 Routes: discussed, 303; prevent Rus- sians from using Anaduir, 97; of- ficers desire safe, to Kamchatka, 102; to Kamchatka, 105-106, 107; official route to Kamchatka, 109 ; from Asia to America, 303-313; from Kamchatka to America, 325 Ruble: see Currency Ruge, S: work cited, 343 Russia: 14, 24, footnote, 31, 212, foot- note; early calendar, 15; on the Amur, 33-66; success on Amur, 263 ; cause of failure to hold Amur, 64-65 ; progress in Siberian expan- sion, 67 ; secures possession of Si- beria, 17; characteristics of Siberi- an leaders, 65 ; result of attempts to colonize, 56 ; desire to know whether Asia and America are united, 251 ; completion of sur- veys, 265; credit due, 265-266; treaty of Nertchinsk, 291-293 ; dif- ficulty of reading early Mss. exag- gerated, 336. Cities - Moscow, 19, 21, 5i, 57. 64, 92, 108, 173, foot- note, 257, footnote, 337; officers sent from, 18 ; false reports sent to, 20, footnote; prices, 28, footnote; furs sent to, 31; Poyarkof sent to, 36, footnote; appeal for help, 57, footnote; instructions from, 60; messengers sent from, 63 ; Deshnef returns to, 91 ; Atlasof goes to, 101 ; Atlasof reported, 102, footnote; re- port in, 113, footnote; Bering goes to, to report, 165. St. Petersburg, 130, footnote, 135, footnote, 174, 189, 212, footnote, 228, footnote, 231, 235, 246, 247, 263, 299, 311, 331, 338; expedition leaves, 135; Bering INDEX 363 returns to, 147 ; men and supplies sent for expedition, 153-155; not notified of expedition, 159; expedi- tion leaves, 172. See also Explora- tions; Kamchatka; Siberia; and names of individuals Russians: 21, footnote, 28 and foot- note, 30; cruelty, 45; population in Siberia, 23, footnote; opinion of natives regarding, 36; killed by natives, 26; prisoners, 58; take na- tive women and children, 27 and footnote; regarded as divine, 281; chief credit for surveys and explor- ations, 253 ; early known in Kam- chatka, 281; confer with Chinese, 63; exploring expedition, 34; to withdraw from Amur, 64; hunters bring knowledge of Sakhalin, 255 ; return to Nertchinsk, 55; see also names of individuals Russkaya Starina: cited, 101, footnote, 127, footnote, 344; quoted, 236, footnote Sabsu (Chinese commander) : 63 Sadovnikof, D: work cited, 256, foot- note, 343 St. Diomede (island) : discovered and named, 145 St. Gabriel (boat) : 221, 222, 228 ; fate unknown, 228, footnote St. John (boat) : to take place of St. Gabriel, 228 ; springs leak, 229 St. Lawrence (island) : 143, 145 St. Paul (boat built by Bering at Ok- hotsk) : 178; reach Avatcha Bay, 181; under command of Chirikof, 183; course of, 185-189 St. Peter (boat built by Bering at Okhotsk): 178; reaches Avatcha Bay, 181; list of those on board, 182-183; course, 190-210; to be broken up, 218 ; Journal cited, 196, footnote, 197, footnote, 198 and footnote St. Peter (small boat made from larger of that name): 218; course, 220 St. Thaddeus Mountain: 146 Sakhalin Island: 122, 230, 249, foot- note; various names for, 253, foot- note; various spellings, 259, foot- note; Russian hunters explore, 255; survey not completed, 251, 253; in- vestigations concerning, 253-259; errors of cartographers, 260-261 ; insularity proved, 263, footnote, 265 Salary: see Wages Samoyede Peninsula: 232 Sanson, Nicholas: maps, 123-124, 129 Sarytchef, G: 196, footnote; work cited, 343 ; quoted, 82, footnote Sauer, — : 196, footnote Schaep, Hendrick Cornelisz: in charge of expedition, 121 Schrenck, L: work cited, 344 Selenga River: 64 Selifontof, — : to chart Beloi Islands, 234 Selivestrof, Yurya [Iuschko] : 83, 87- 88; reaches Anaduir, 75; reports to Jakutsk, 76; claims, 88, 279; claims disputed, 288 Semenof, — : successor to Motora Senyavin, N. A: 250, footnote Sevelyef, — (boatswain) : sent to search for exploring party, 186; fate, 186-187, footnote Sevyastanof, Vasili: 103, footnote; makes terms with outlaws, 104-105, footnote Sgibnef, A: 108, footnote, 109, foot- note, 158, footnote Shalagski Cape: 68, 77, footnote, 84, 95, 251; described, 77; description fits, 82 Shalaurof, — (merchant) : failure to double cape, 95 ; takes out expedi- tion, 251 Shantar Islands: 228 364 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC Shaposhnik (trader) : mentioned, 27, footnote Shashovo Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Shelting, — : 222, 223 ; in charge of Nadezhda, 228 ; ordered to chart coast, 230; retired, 250, footnote Shestakof, Afanase (golova): 163; desires to conquer northern Siberia, 153; expedition, 114, footnote, 153- 156; attempts conquest of Chukchi, 156-157; follows Kozirefski's map, 113; map, 153; killed, 157 Shestakof, Ivan: placed in charge of boat, 155 Shikoku Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Shilka River: 34, 38; discovered, 255; information regarding, 37 ; explora- tion, 35; first knowledge by Rus- sians, 33 Shimushir Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Shishkof, — : 227, footnote Shrenck, L: work cited, 257, footnote Shumagin, — : death, 199 Shumagin Islands: 199, named, 199, footnote; natives of, 200-202 Siberia: 13, 20, 43, 159, 191, 212, foot- note, 249, 255 ; character of officers, 19, footnote; government under Russia in 17th century, 17-31; ge- ography, 67 ; mistaken ideas re- garding geography, 68 ; confusion among geographers regarding east- ern, 152-153; charting of coast, 231 ; general characteristics of early explorers, 14; eastern desig- nated, 17; northern to be surveyed, 169; northeastern survey completed, 251-266; traders allowed to enter, 2 9» 3°> footnote; value of furs in, 31; iron mines to be developed, 166; source material on, 15; only satisfactory work covering, 334; see also under names of capes, cities, forts, ostrogs, rivers, under names of individuals, etc. Sibirski Prikaz (bureau at Moscow controling Siberian affairs) : 18, 31, 295; established, 19; plans sec- ond expedition to Kamchatka, 101 ; instructions regarding Atlasof, 102, footnote Siebold, Ph. Fr. von: 121, footnote, 254; work cited, 254, footnote, 255, footnote, 344 Sinyavin, — : recommends Bering, 134 Sivers, — : recommends Bering, 134 Siyaskutan Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Skurichen, — : reports expedition, 159 Slovtsof, P. A: 109, footnote; work cited, 71, 344 Slunin, N. V: work cited, 344 Sokolf, — : 109, 338, 339 Sotnik: 23, footnote; salary, 25 Spafaria, Nikolai (envoy to China) : 56, footnote Spain: believes fabulous tale of wealth, 119-120; sends out expedi- tion, 120 Spanberg [Spangenberg], Martin: 301, 336; selected as lieutenant for expedition, 133, footnote, 134; leads one division, 136; winters on ves- sel, 135-136; division under him suffers, 137-138; advice regarding explorations, 144; requests report of expedition, 159; not to show in- structions, 171 ; raised in rank, 171 ; instructions, 221 ; preparations for voyage, 221 ; forced to go to Ja- kutsk for supplies, 228 ; ordered to repeat explorations, 226-227, 227, footnote; voyage to Japan, 220- 231, 331-333; not thought to have reached Japan, 227, footnote; last expedition, 228-231; causes for fail- ure, 230; first to chart Kuril group, 115; trouble with Pizaref, 173, INDEX 365 footnote; complaints against Ber- ing, 174; on bad terms with Wal- ton, 227, footnote Spaniards: explorations for gold and silver, 119 Staduchin, Michaelo: 81, 282; quar- relsome, 277 ; position, 74, footnote ; Deshnef serves under, 72 ; among first white men to reach Koluima River, 72 ; sent on exploration, 275- 277; explorations, 72-73; reports new lands and waters, 273 ; claims disputed, 287, 288 ; failure to double cape, 95 ; disappointment, 74; cause of trouble with Motora, 73 Staduchin, Taras: exploration, 92, footnote; failure to double cape, 95 Staduchin, Vasili: deposition, 92, foot- note ; failure to double cape, 95 Staduchin River: 88 Stanovoi Mountains: 17; to form boundary, 64 State Island: 124, 129, footnote, 231 Steller, Georg Wilhelm [George William] : 182, 192, footnote, 210, 2ii, footnote, 212, footnote, 218 ; brief account, 181, footnote; char- acteristics, 193, footnote; scientific researches, 170; leaves Okhotsk, 178 ; advises sailing to north, 191 ; explorations, 193, 194-196, 327- 329; sent ashore for water, 199; follows natives, 201 ; describes na- tives, 202 ; gives account of Ber- ing's death, 212, footnote; death, 213, footnote, 249, 329; work cited, 196, footnote, 344 Stepanof, Onufria (successor to Kha- barof ) : 51; in charge of expedi- tion, 51-54; force, 54, footnote; driven out by Chinese, 53 ; fate un- known, 53-54, footnote Stolb Island: 237 Strahlenberg, P. J: 128; work cited, 344 Strelegof, — : charts coast, 236 Streltsi: mentioned, 21, footnote Sukarof, — : 234 Sumchu Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Sungari River: 47, 51, 53, 64 Surukof Potap: 102; ordered to build ostrog, 101 ; killed, 101, footnote Surveys: see Explorations Sviatoi Nos: 77, 244 Sviatoi Sea: water known as, 100, footnote Taimur Peninsula: 236, 237, 238 Taimur River: 239, 240, 241 Talkowa Mountains: 106 Talkova River: 137 Tartarinof, Peter: 107, 145 Tartars: 17, 299; Russians follow, 18; raids mentioned, 65; natives resemble, 188, 319 Tartary: 121, 123, 231; Japanese give information, 120 Tartary Strait: 254, 256, 260 Tasman, Abel Jans: in charge of ex- pedition, 121 Taui River: 156 Tchukotskaja Bay: 86, footnote Teleki, Paul Graf: work cited, 119, footnote, 121, 343 Telenge (ostrog in Siberia) : 54 Terra de Jeso: mentioned, 13 Tessoy Cape: 123 Tigil River: 100, 102, 104, footnote, 109, footnote, 156 Titof, A : 67, footnote, 68, footnote, 97) 2 57> footnote, 258, footnote, 343 ; quoted, 88, footnote, 91, footnote Tiumen (Siberia) : 18 Tobacco: traders forbidden to sell, 30 Tobol (boat) : 235 Tobolsk (Siberia) : 18, 101, 108, 155, 159, 172 and footnote, 213, foot- note, 234, 299, 301, 327; importance, 18; distilleries, 30, footnote; ex- pedition reaches, 135; Atlasof re- ported, 102, footnote ; force ordered to front, 59, footnote; Siberian of- 366 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC fice located here, 19; maps, 88, footnote Tolbuchin, — : sent to aid expedition, 177, 178 Tolbusin, — : surrenders, 59; to be sent to Yenisei, 60; requests to re- turn for harvest, 60; ordered to build fortress, 60; builds new Al- basin, 60; orders tribute gathered, 61 ; death, 63 Tomsk (Siberia) : seat of govern- ment, 18 Torture : of old woman, 40, 44-45 ; of individuals, 46 ; of hostages, 46-47 Tougourski Gulf: see Okhotsk Sea Toutorsk (station) : tribute demand- ed, 29 Trade: American, 264, footnote; Chinese, 31, 35; Japanese, 166, 224, 225; suggested, 166; food for trinkets, 145 ; with natives, 256 ; explorers claim to be traders, 40. Fur - demanded as tribute, 28-29; certain regions closed to trader, 30, footnote; natives forced to sell to Russians, 28 ; induces Russian ex- pansion, 67 ; Russia's sole desire for Amur, 65 ; private, forbidden, 27, footnote; sables, 28, footnote; foxes, 28, footnote; traders exempt- ed from fee, 30, footnote; cost to traders, 29-30; price paid, 27, foot- note; value, 31 Tran, T: 250, footnote Transfiguration Bay: 146 Transportation: means, 25; difficul- ties, 173-174; by land, 182; horses, 136; reindeer, 232; hand sleds, 137; sledges, 140; deer sleds, 143; deer teams, 247. Boats - 109, foot- note, 138; to be built, 166, 171, 178; from Koriaks, 102; native, 187-188, 315-317; junks, 54, footnote, 106, footnote, no; kotsh, 73, 78, 81, 93, 103, footnote; lodka, 109. See also Explorations Treaty: of Nertchinsk, 64, 256, 291- 293 Trejakof, — : death, 204 Treske, — : sailor, 109 Trials: fines, 22 and footnote Tribute: 76, 83, 109, 279, 287, 288, 295; demanded, 27, 28-29, 35, 55; refused, 161 ; natives forced to pay several times, 18 ; inhabitants of Amur to be forced to pay, 39; na- tives to pay, 275, 277 ; Tolbusin orders gathered, 61 ; promised, 271 ; Dauri pay, 44; from Kamchadels, 297 ; collected from Kamchatka, 99, 102; difficulty in collecting, 56; Poyarkof forces, 37; collect, 160; collectors robbed, 57, footnote; na- tives robbed, 20, footnote ; mu- tineers take, 50; sables given, 46; to Chinese, 37 ; whole problem of administration, 18 ; five years' in Kamchatka, 105 ; plans for ship- ping, 104, footnote; enumerated, 106, footnote Trifonof, — : sent against natives, 107 Trishka: mentioned, 27, footnote Trubetskoi, Prince I: 250, footnote Tscherikov, — : 213, footnote Tschukotschia River: 271 Tselovalnik: duties, 27 and footnote; places valuation, 28, footnote; ac- companies expedition, 34 Tungus (native tribe): 317; tribute demanded, 28-29 \ have knowledge of rivers, 33; accompany Russians, 40; steal horses, 54; aid Shestakof, 156 Tungus River: 172 Tunguska River: 135 Turchinof, Peter: 135, footnote Turuchansk [Turnachansk], (Si- beria): 235, 236, 241; exploring party winters at, 241 Udoma River: 174 INDEX 367 Ukaraak Island: 196 Ulja River: 256; explored, 37 Umlekan River: exploring party reach, 35 Urak River: 174 Urinski Cape: 141 Urup Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote, 222 Urusof, V: 250, footnote Ushakof, A: 250, footnote Ushishir Island (Kuril group) : 113, footnote Ussof, Alexei : 269 Ustpatansk (station) : tribute de- manded, 28 Uwarowski, Ivan: 109 Vancouver, G. A: work cited, 344 Vander A A: map, 125 Vandermalen, P. H: work cited, 261 Van Keulen, Gerard: 125 Vaugondy, R: work cited, 344 Vega (boat) : 86, footnote Verstegen, William: reports Spanish expedition, 120 Vestnik Imperatorskavo Russkavo Geograficheskavo Obschestva: cit- ed, 54, footnote, 99, footnote Vetoshka, — : 75 Vetoshkin, — : report, 81 Visscher, — : 118, footnote Vizcaino, Sebastian: in charge of ex- pedition, 120; voyage mentioned, 119, footnote Von Siebold, P. F: work cited, 343 Vries, Maerten Gerritsen: in charge of expedition, 121 ; journal pub- lished, 121, footnote ; discoveries, 123 ; explorations, 129, 255 Vries [De Vries] Strait: 124, 126 Wages: scale, 24; tabulated, 25; for natives, 28, footnote; paid to work- men, 173, footnote; Bering's salary cut, 173, footnote; salary in ad- vance, 239 Walrus: bank, 75, 88; tusks, 91, 269 Walton, — : 222, 223; independent explorations, 225 ; thought to have reached Japan, 227, footnote; on bad terms with Spanberg, 227, footnote; does not accompany Spanberg on last expedition, 229 ; death, 249 War: upon natives, 27; between Chinese and Russians, 48-49 and footnote Waxel, Sven: 182, 198, footnote, 208, 2I 8, 335! wishes water casks filled, 196-197; in command of St. Peter, 199; follows natives, 201; favors wintering in America, 206 ; believes ship to have reached Kamchatka, 209, footnote, 210; sick, 211; pro- vided with separate quarters, 214; reports size of new boat, 219, foot- note; rewarded, 250, footnote; re- port cited, 345 Wells, Edward: 258 Wells, L. R: thanked, 15 Werchote: mentioned, 27, footnote White River: 163 Whittingham, — : 265, footnote Williams, F. Wells: work cited, 345 Wiluisk (station) : tribute demanded, 29 Wimsk: mentioned, 34 Witsen, Nicholas: 253, footnote, 256, footnote; takes no notice of Desh- nef's explorations, 91 ; maps, 67, 126, 257, 258 ; work cited, 67, 257, footnote, 345 ; value of work, 257, footnote Woewod (officer) : 17, footnote, 23, 26, footnote, 27, footnote, 338 ; duties, 19-20, 21, 22; judicial func- tions, 22 and footnote; abuse of power, 20; salary, 25; conduct, 21- 22, footnote; importance of To- bolsk, 19; instructions to, 60; or- dered to aid expedition, 177; orders exploration, 34 ; sends out exploring party, 255 ; governs conquered ter- ritory, 18; hands over government 368 RUSSIAN EXPANSION ON THE PACIFIC stores, 31; report, 28, 30-31; re- fuses supplies, 173, footnote; out- laws do not fear, 57 ; thefts of furs, tribute, etc., 20-21, footnote Wrangell, Ferdinand: 82, 345; belief regarding natives, 82, footnote; or- dered to make exploration, 252 ; de- cides to winter in America, 207; work cited, 82, 252, footnote, 253, footnote, 345 ; quoted, 86, footnote Yaksa: see Albasin Yamal Peninsula: 232 Yana River: 100, footnote, 107, foot- note, 157, 244 Yeco: see Jeso Yenisei River: 38, 135, 169, 172, 231, 2 3S> 238, 241 ; force ordered from, 59, footnote ; charted, 237 Yeniseisk (Siberia): 148, 235, 241; see also Fort Yeniseisk Yevreinof, Ivan: explorations, 114; failure, 133 Yudin Collection: 15 Yugor Strait: 232, 234 Yukagirs (native tribe) : tribute de- manded, 29; Koriaks wish, to join, 98; accompany Atlasof, 99; turn hostile, 100; surprise Russians, 106 ; aid Pavlutski against Chukchi, 163 Zaltieri, — : names strait, 118 Zapiski Hydrograficheskavo Departa- mente: cited, 337, 344, also in foot- notes, 134, 139, 143, 148, 159, 165, 166, 169, 172, 174, 177, 178, 185, 190, 198, 212, 223, 227, 231, 250 Zapiski Woenno- Topograficheskavo Depo: cited, 336, 344, also in foot- notes, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 145, 147, 148 Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschenia: cited, 72, footnote, 73, footnote, 76, footnote, 77, foot- note, 91, footnote, 287, footnote Zigansk (station) : tribute demanded, 29 Zimovie: described, 26; location, 26- 27; built by exploring party, 35 Zinovyef (officer from Moscow) : mentioned, 51 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT LOAN " Main "tacks HOME US£ «*»■ i ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. 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