! ■^^mmm m /"J/ x> \o^ UNKNOWN TO HISTORY UNKNOWN TO HISTORY A STORY OF THE CAPTIVITY OE MARY OF SCOTLAND BY CHARLOTTE M. YONGE Poor scape-goat of crimes, where, — her part what it uiay, So tortured, so limited to die, Foul age of deceit and of liate, — on her head Least stains of gore-guiltiness lie ; To the liearts of the just her blood from the dust Not in vain for mercy will cry. Poor scajie-goat of nations and faiths in their strife^ Bo cruel, — and thou so lair ! Poor girl !— so, best, in her misery named, — Discrown'd of two kiiiLdonis, and bare ; Not first nor last on tliis one was cast The burden that others should share. Visions of England, by V. T. Palqravr. MACMILLAN AND CO. 1884. PREFACE. In p. 58 of vol. ii. of the second edition of Mis3 Strickland's Life, of Mary Queen of Scots, or p. 100, vol. V. of Burton's History of Scotland, will be found the report on which this tale is founded. If circumstances regarding the Queen's captivity and Babington's plot have been found to be omitted, as well as many interesting personages in the suite of the captive Queen, it must be rememljered that the art of the story-teller makes it needful to curtail some of the incidents which would render the nar- rative too complicated to be interesting to those who wish more for a view of noted characters in remark- able situations, than for a minute and accurate siftins of facts and evidence, C. M. YOXGE. February 27, 18Hi. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. P40E The Little Waif 1 CHAPTER n. Evil Tidings 17 CHAPTER III. The Captive 33 CHAPTER IV. The Oak and the Oaken Hall ... . .46 CHAPTER V. The Huckstering Woman . . , . .61 CHAPTER VI. The Bewitched Whistle 72 CHAPTER VII. The Blast of the Whistle 81 VIU CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. PAQB The Key of the CirHER ...... 97 CHAPTER IX. Unquiet , . 105 CHAPTER X. The Lady Aebell .... . , 118 CHAPTER XL Queen Mary's Presence Chamber .... 126 CHAPTER XII. A Furious Letter . . . . . . . 141 CHAPTER XIIL Beads and Bracelets 153 CHAPTER XIV. The Monograms 165 CHAPTER XV. Mother AND Child . . . . . . . 178 CHAPTER*, XVI. The Peak Cavern 200 CHAPTER XVIL The EBJiiNG Well 222 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XVIII. PAOS Cis OR Sister 243 CHAPTER XIX. The Clash of Swords 256 CHAPTER XX. WiNGFiELD Manor 274 CHAPTER XXI. A Tangle 290 CHAPTER XXII. TUTBURY 302 CHAPTER XXIII. The Love Token 313 CHAPTER XXIY. A Lioness at Bay .... . . 324 CHAPTER XXV. Paul's Walk 336 CHAPTER XXVI. In the Web 348 CHAPTER XXVn. The Castle Well 358 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVIII. PAGB Hunting down the Deer 365 CHAPTER XXIX. The Search 376 CHAPTER XXX. Tete-a-Tete 391 CHAPTER XXXI. Evidence • . 405 CHAPTER XXXIL Westminster Hall 413 CHAPTER XXXIIL In THE Tower 422 CHAPTER XXXIV. FOTHERINGHAY 438 CHAPTER XXXV. Before the Commissioners 452 CHAPTER XXXVI. A Venture 465 CHAPTER XXXVII. My Lady's Remorse 474 CONTENTS. X] CHAPTER XXXVIII. PAGB Master Talbot and his Chaege .... 488 CHAPTER XXXIX. The Fetterlock Court ...... 498 CHAPTER XL. The Sentence 607 CHAPTER XLI. Her Royal Highness 523 CHAPTER XLII. The Supplication 634 CHAPTER XLIII. The Warrant 648 CHAPTER XLIV. On the Humber 66:2 CHAPTER XLV. Ten Years after 583 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. CHAPTEE I. THE LITTLE WAIF. On a spring day, in the year 1568, Mistress Talbot sat in her lodging at Hull, an upper chamber, with a large latticed window, glazed with the circle and diamond leading perpetuated in Dutch pictures, and opening ou a carved balcony, whence, had she been so minded, she could have shaken hands with her opposite neighbour. There was a riclily carved mantel-piece, with a sea-coal fire burning in it, for though it was May, the sea winds blew cold, and there was a fishy odour about the town, such as it was well to counteract. The floor was of slippery polished oak, the walls hung with leather, gilded in some places and depending from cornices, whose ornaments proved to an initiated eye, that this had once been the refectory of a small priory, or cell, broken up at the Eeformation. Of furniture there was not much, only an open cupboard, displaying two silver cups and tankards, a sauce -pan of the same metal, a few tall, slender, Venetian glasses, a little pewter, and some rare shells. A few high - backed chairs were ranged against the 2 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. wall; there was a tall " armory," i.e. a linen-press of dark oak, guarded on each side by the twisted weapons of the sea unicorn, and in the middle of the room stood a large, solid-looking table, adorned with a brown earthenware beau-pot, containing a stiff posy of roses, southernwood, gillyflowers, pinks and pansies, of small dimensions. On hooks, against the wall, hung a pair of spurs, a shield, a breastplate, and other pieces of armour, with an open helmet bearing the dog, the well-known crest of the Talbots of the Shrewsbury line. On the polished floor, near the window, were a child's cart, a little boat, some whelks and limpets. Their owner, a stout boy of three years old, in a tight, borderless, round cap,and home-spun, madder-dyed frock, lay fast asleep in a big wooden cradle, scarcely large enough, however, to contain him, as he lay curled up, sucking his thumb, and hugging to his breast the soft fragment of a sea-bird's downy breast. If he stirred, his mother's foot was on the rocker, as she sat spinning, but her spindle danced languidly on the floor, as if "feeble was her hand, and silly her thread;" while she listened anxiously for every sound in the street below. She wore a dark blue dress, with a small lace ruff opening in front, deep cuffs to match, and a white apron likewise edged with lace, and a coif, bent down in the centre, over a sweet countenance, matronly, though youthful, and now full of wistful expectancy, not untinged with anxiety and sorrow. Susan Hardwicke was a distant kinswoman of the famous Bess of Hardwicke, and had formed one of the little court of gentlewomen with whom great ladies were wont to surround themselves. There she met Eichard Talbot, the second son of a relative of the Earl of Shrewsbury, a young man who, with the in- I.] THE LITTLE WAIF. 3 difference of those days to service by land or sea, had been at one time a gentleman pensioner of Queen Mary ; at another had sailed under some of the great mariners of the western main. There he had acquired substance enough to make the offer of his hand to the dowerless Susan no great imprudence ; and as neitlier could be a subject for ambitious plans, no obstacle was raised to their wedding. He took his wife home to his old father's house in the precincts of Sheffield Park, where she was kindly welcomed ; but wealth did not so abound in the family but that, when opportunity offered, he was thankful to accept the command of the Mastiff, a vessel com- missioned by Queen Elizabeth, but built, manned, and maintained at the expense of the Earl of Shrewsbury. It formed part of a small squadron which was cruising on the eastern coast to watch over the intercourse between France and Scotland, whether in the interest of the imprisoned Mary, or of the Lords of the Congre- gation. He had obtained lodgings for Mistress Susan at Hull, so that he might be with her when he put into harbour, and she was expecting him for the first time since the loss of their second child, a daughter whom he had scarcely seen during her little life of a few months. Morefvcr, there had been a sharp storm a few days previously, and experience had nob hardened her to the anxieties of a sailor's wife. Slie had been down once already to the quay, and learnt all that the old sailors could tell her of chances and conjectures ; and when her boy began to fret from hunger and weariness, she had left her serving- man, Gervas, to watch for further tidings. Yet, so does one trouble drive out another, that whereas she had a few days ago dreaded 4 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. the sorrow of his return, she would now have given worlds to hear his step. Hark, what is that in the street ? Oh, folly ! If the Mastiff were in, would not Gervas have long ago brought her the tidings ? Should she look over the bal- cony only to be disappointed again ? Ah ! she had been prudent, for the sounds were dying away. Nay, there was a foot at the door ! Gervas with ill news ! No, no, it bounded as never did Gervas's step ! It was coming up. She started from the chair, quivering with eagerness, as the door opened and in hurried her sun- tanned sailor ! She was in his arms in a trance of joy. That was all she knew for a moment, and then, it was as if something else were given back to her. No, it was not a dream ! It was substance. In her arms was a little swaddled baby, in her ears its feeble wail, mingled with the glad shout of little Humfrey, as he scrambled from the cradle to be uplifted in his father's arms. " What is this ?" she asked, gazing at the infant between terror and tenderness, as its weak cry and exhausted state forcibly recalled the last hours of her own child. " It is the only thing we could save from a wreck off" the Spurn," said her husband. " Scottish as I take it. The rogues seem to have taken to their boats, leaving behind them a poor woman and her child. I trust they met their deserts and were swamped. We saw the fluttering of her coats as we made for the Humber, and I sent Goatley and Jaques in the boat to see if anything lived. The poor wench was gone before they could lift her up, but the little one cried lustily, though it has waxen weaker since. We had no milk on board, and could only give it bits of soft l] the little waif. 5 bread soaked in beer, and I misdoubt me whether it did not all rim out at the corners of its mouth." This was interspersed with little Humfrey's eager outcries that little sister was come again, and Mrs. Talbot, the tears running down her cheeks, hastened to summon her one woman-servant, Colet, to bring the porringer of milk. Captain Talbot had only hurried ashore to bring the infant, and show himself to his wife. He was forced instantly to return to the wharf, but he pro- mised to come back as soon as he should have taken order for his men, and for the Mastiff, which had suffered considerably in the storm, and would need to be refitted. Colet hastily put a manchet of fresh bread, a pasty, and a stoup of wine into a basket, and sent it by her husband, Gervas, after their master ; and then eagerly assisted her mistress in coaxing the infant to swallow food, and in removing the soaked swaddling clothes which the captain and liis crew had not dared to meddle with. When Captain Talbot returned, as the rays of the setting sun glanced high on the roofs and chimneys, little Humfrey stood peeping through the tracery of the balcony, watching for him, and shrieking with joy at the first glimpse of the sea-bird's feather in his cap. The spotless home-spun cloth and the trenchers were laid for supper, a festive capon was prepared by the choicest skill of Mistress Susan, and the little ship- wrecked stranger lay fast asleep in the cradle. All was well with it now, Mrs. Talbot said. Nothing had ailed it but cold and hunger, and. when it had been fed, warmed, and dressed, it had fallen sweetly asleep in her arms, appeasing her heartache for her 6 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. own little Sue, while Humfrey fully believed that father had brought his little sister back again. The child was in truth a girl, apparently three or four months old. She had been rolled up in Mrs, Talbot's baby's clothes, and her own long swaddling bands hung over the back of a chair, where they hud been dried before the fire. They were of the finest woollen below, and cambric above, and the outermost were edged with lace, whose quality Mrs. Talbot esti- mated very highly. " See," she added, " what we found within. A Popish relic, is it not ? Colet and Mistress Gale were for making away with it at once, but it seemed to me that it was a token whereby the poor babe's friends may know her again, if she have any kindred not lost at sea." The token was a small gold cross, of peculiar work- mansl^p, with a crystal in the middle, through which might be seen some mysterious object neither husband nor wife could make out, but which they agreed must be carefully preserved for the identification of their little waif. Mrs. Talbot also produced a strip of writing which she had found sewn to the inmost band wrapped round the little body, but it had no superscription, and she believed it to be either French, Latin, or High Dutch, for she could make nothing of it. Indeed, the good lady's education had only included reading, writ- ing, needlework and cookery, and she knew no language but her own. Her husband had been taught Latin, but his acquaintance with modern tongues was of the nautical order, and entirely oral and vernacular. However, it enabled him to aver that the letter — if such it were— 7- was neither Scottish, French, Spanish, nor High or Low Dutch. He looked at it in all direc- tions, and shook his head over it. l] the little waif. 7 "Who can read it for us?" asked Mrs. Talbot. '* Shall we ask Master Heatherthwayte ? he is a scholar, and he said he would look in to see how you fared." "At supper-time, I trow," said Eichard, rather grimly, " the smell of thy stew will bring him down in good time." " Nay, dear sir, I thought you would be fain to see the good man, and he lives but poorly in his garret." " Scarce while he hath good wives like thee to boil his pot for him," said Eichard, smiling. " Tell me, hath he heard anght of this gear? thou hast not laid this scroll before him ?" " No, Colet brought it to me only now, having found it when washing the swaddling-bands, stitched into one of them." " Then hark thee, good wife, not one word to him of the writing." "Might he not interpret it ?" " Not he ! I must know more about it ere I let it pass forth from mine hands, or any strange eye fall upon it — Ha, in good time! I hear his step on the stair." The captain hastily rolled up the scroll and put it into his pouch, while Mistress Susan felt as if she had made a mistake in her hospitality, yet almost as if her husband were unjust towards the good man who had been such a comfort to her in her sorrow ; but there was no lack of cordiality or courtesy in Eichard's manner when, after a short, quick knock, there en- tered a figure in hat, cassock, gown, and bands, with a pleasant, though grave counteuance, the complexion showing that it had been tanned and sunburnt in early youth, although it wore later traces of a sedentary student life, and, it might be, of less genial living than had nourished the up-growthof that sturdily-built frima 8 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. Master Joseph Heatherthwayte was the greatly underpaid curate of a small parish on the outskirts of Hull. He contrived to live on some £ 1 per annum in the attic of the house where the Talbots lodged, — and not only to live, but to be full of charitable deeds, mostly at the expense of his own appetite. The square cut of his bands, and the uncompromising roundness of the hat which he dolfed on his entrance, marked him as inclined to the Puritan party, which, being that of apparent pro- gress, attracted most of the ardent spirits of the time. Captain Talbot's inclinations did not lie that way, but he respected and liked his fellow-lodger, and his vexation had been merely the momentary disinclina- tion of a man to be interrupted, especially on his first evening at home. He responded heartily to Master Heatherthwayte's warm pressure of the hand and piously expressed congratulation on his safety, mixed with condolence on the giief that had befallen him. "And you have been a good friend to my poor wife in her sorrow," said Eichard, "for the which I thank you heartily, sir." " Truly, sir, I could have been her scholar, with such edifying resignation did she submit to the dis- pensation," returned the clergyman, uttering these long words in a broad northern accent which had nothing incongruous in it to Eichard's ears, and taking advan- tage of the lady's absence on " hospitable tasks intent " to speak in her praise. Little Humfrey, on his father's knee, comprehend- ing that they were speaking of the recent sorrow, put in his piece of information that " father had brought little sister back from the sea." "Ah, child!" said Master Heath erth way te, in the ponderous tone of one unused to children, "thDu hast I.] THE LITTLE WAIF. 9 yet to learn the words of the holy David, ' I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.' " " Bring not that thought forward, Master Heather- thwayte," said Eichard, " I am well pleased that my poor wife and this little lad can take the poor little one as a solace sent them by God, as she assuredly is." " Mean you, then, to adopt her into your family ? " asked the minister. " We know not if she hath any kin," said Eichard, and at that moment Susan entered, followed by the man and maid, each bearing a portion of the meal, which was consumed by the captain and the clergy- man as thoroughly hungry men eat ; and there was silence till the capon's bones were bare and two large tankards had been filled with Xeres sack, captured in a Spanish ship, " the only good thing that ever came from Spain," quoth the sailor. Then he began to tell how he had weathered the storm on the Berwickshire coast ; but he was inter- rupted by another knock, followed by the entrance of a small, pale, spare man, with the lightest possible hair, very short, and almost invisible eyebrows ; he had a round ruff round his neck, and a black, scholarly gown, belted round his waist with a girdle, in which he carried writing tools. " Ha, Cuthbert Langston, art thou there ? " said the captain, rising. " Thou art kindly welcome. Sit down and crush a cup of sack with Master Heatherthwayte and me." " Thanks, cousin," returned the visitor, " I heard that the Mastiff was come in, and I came to see whether all was well." " It was kindly done, lad," said Eichard, while the others did their part of the welcome, though scarcely 10 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. SO willingly. Ciithbert Langston was a distant relation on the mother's side of Eichard, a young scholar who, after his education at Oxford, had gone abroad with a nobleman's son as his pupil, and on his return, instead of taking Holy Orders, as was expected, had obtained employment in a merchant's counting-house at Hull, for which his knowledge of languages eminently fitted him. Though he possessed none of the noble blood of the Talbots, the employment was thought by Mistress Susan somewhat derogatory to the family dignity, and there was a strong suspicion both in her mind and that of Master Heatherthwayte that his change of purpose was due to the change of religion in England, although he was a perfectly regular church - goer. Captain Talbot, however, laughed at all this, and, though he had not much in common with his kinsman, alway^reated him in a cousinly fashion. He too had heard a rumour of the foundling, and made inquiry for it, upon which Eichard told his story in greater detail, and his wife asked what the poor mother was Eke. " I saw her not," he answered, " but Goatley thought the poor woman to whom she was bound more like to be nurse than mother, judging by her years and her garments." " The mother may have been washed off before," said Susan, lifting the little one from the cradle, and hushing it. " Weep not, poor babe, thou hast found a mother here." " Saw you no sign of the crew ? " asked Master Heatherthwayte. "^^None at all. The vessel I knew of old as the brig Bride of Dunbar, one of the craft that ply between Dumbarton and the Erench ports." "And how think you? Were none like to be saved?" " I mean to ride along the coast to-moirow, to see l] the little waif. 11 whether aught can be heard of them, but even if their boats could live in such a sea, they would have evil hap among the wreckers if they came ashore. I would not desire to be a shipwrecked man in these parts, and if I had a Scottish or a French tongue in my head so much the worse for me." " Ah, Master Heatherthwayte," said Susan, " should not a man give up the sea when he is a husband and father ? " " Tush, dame ! With God's blessing the good ship Mastiff will ride out many another such gale. Tell thy mother, little Numpy, that an English sailor is worth a dozen French or Scottish lubbers." " Sir," said Master Heatherthwayte, " the pious trust of the former part of your discourse is contradicted by the boast of the latter end." " Nay, Sir Minister, what doth a sailor put his trust in but his God foremost, and then his good ship and his brave men ?" It should be observed that all the three men wore their hats, and each made a reverent gesture of touch- ing them. The clergyman seemed satisfied by the answer, and presently added that it would be well, if Master and Mistress Talbot meant to adopt the child, that she should be baptized. " How now ?" said Eichard, " we are not so near any coast of Turks or Infidels that we should deem her sprung of heathen folk." " Assuredly not," said Cuthbert Langston, whose quick, light-coloured eyes had spied the reliquary in Mistress Susan's work-basket, " if this belongs to her. By your leave, kinswoman," and he lifted it in his hand with evident veneration, and began examining it. " It is Babylonish gold, an accursed tiling ! " ex- 12 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. claimed Master Heatherthwayte. "Beware, Master Talbot, and cast it from thee." " Nay," said Eichard, " that shall I not do. It may lead to the discovery of the child's kindred. Why, my master, what harm think you it will do to us in my dame's casket ? Or what right have we to make away with the little one's property ?" His common sense was equally far removed from the horror of the one visitor as from the reverence of the other, and so it pleased neither. Master Langston was the first to speak, observing that the reKc made it evident that the child must have been baptized. " A Popish baptism," said Master Heatherthwayte, " with chrism and taper and words and gestures to destroy the pure simplicity of the sacrament." Controversy here seemed to be setting in, and the infant cause of it here setting up a cry, Susan escaped under pretext of putting Humfrey to bed in the next room, and carried off both the little ones. The con- versation then fell upon the voyage, and the captain described the impregnable aspect of the castle of Dumbarton, which was held for Queen Mary by her faithful partisan, Lord Flemyng. On this, Cuthbert Langston asked whether he had heard any tidings of the imprisoned Queen, and he answered that it was re- ported at Leith that she had well-nigh escaped fromLoch- leven, in the disguise of a lavender or washerwoman. She was actually in the boat, and about to cross the lake, when a rude oarsman attempted to pull aside her muffler, and the whiteness of the hand she raised in self-protec- tion betrayed her, so that she was carried back. " If she had reached Dumbarton," he said, "she might have mocked at the Lords of the Congregation, Nay, she might have been in that very brig, whose wreck I beheld." I.] THE LITTLE WAIF. 13 „ "And well would it have been for Scotland and England had it been the will of Heaven that so it should fall out," observed the Puritan. . " Or it may be," said the merchant, " that the poor lady's escape was frustrated by Providence, that she might be saved from the rocks of the Spurn." " The poor lady, truly ! Say rather the murtheress,' quoth Heatherthwayte. " Say rather the victim and scapegoat of otlier men's plots," protested Laugstou. " Come, come, sirs," says Talbot, " we'll have no high words here on what Heaven only knoweth. Poor lady she is, in all sooth, if sackless ; poorer still if guilty ; so I know not what matter there is for falling out about. In any sort, I will not have it at my table." He spoke with the authority of the captain of a ship, and the two visitors, scarce knowing it, submitted to his decision of manner, but the harmony of the even- ing seemed ended. Cuthbert Langs ton soon rose to bid good-night, first asking his cousin at what hour he proposed to set forth for the Spurn, to which Eichard briefly replied that it depended on what had to be done as to the repairs of the ship. The clergyman tarried behind him to say, "Master Tal- bot, I marvel that so godly a man as you have ever been should be willing to harbour one so popishly affected, and whom many suspect of being a seminary priest." " Master Heatherthwayte," returned the captain, " my kinsman is my kinsman, and my house is my house. No offence, sir, but I brook not meddling." The clergyman protested that no offence was in- tended, only caution, and betook himself to his own bare chamber, high above. No sooner was he gone than Captain Talbot again became absorbed in the 14 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. endeavour to spell out the mystery of the scroll, with his elbows on the table and his hands over his ears, nor did he look up till he was touched by his wife, when he uttered an impatient demand what she wanted now. She had the little waif in her arms undressed, and with only a woollen coverlet loosely wrapped round her, and without speaking she pointed to the little M shoulder-blades, /" I J where two marks had been indelibly made — on one side the crowned monogram of the Blessed Virgin, on the other a device like the Labarum, ""^L I jr" only that the up- right was surmounted by a jleur-de-lis. Eichard Talbot gave a sort of perplexed grunt of annoyance to acknowledge that he saw them. " Poor little maid ! how could they be so cruel ? They have been branded with a hot iron," said the lady. " They that parted from her meant to know her again," returned Talbot. " Surely they are Popish marks," added Mistress Susan. " Look you here, Dame Sue, I know you for a dis- l] the little waif. 15 creet woman. Keep this gear to yourself, both the letter and the marks. Who hath seen them ? " " I doubt me whether even Colet has seen this mark." " That is well. Keep all out of sight. Many a man has been brought into trouble for a less matter swelled by prating tongues." " Have you made it out ? " " ISTot I. It may be only the child's horoscope, or some old wife's charm that is here sewn up, and these marks may be naught but some sailor's freak ; but, on the other hand, they may be concerned with perilous matter, so the less said the better." " Should they not be shown to my lord, or to her Grace's Council ? " " I'm not going to run my head into trouble for mak- ing a coil about what may be naught. That's what befell honest Mark Walton. He thought he had seized matter of State, and went up to Master Walsingham, swelling like an Indian turkey-cock, with his secret letters, and behold they turned out to be a Dutch fish- wife's charm to bring the herrings. I can tell you he has rued the work he made about it ever since. On the other hand, let it get abroad through yonder prating fel- low, Heatherthwayte, or any other, that Master Eichard Talbot had in his house a child with, I know not what Popish tokens, and a scroll in an unknown tongue, and I should be had up in gyves for suspicion of treason, or may be harbouring the Prince of Scotland himself, when it is only some poor Scottish archer's babe." " You would not have me part with the poor little one ? " "Am I a Turk or a Pagan ? No. Only hold thy peace, as I shall hold mine, until such time as I can meet some one whom I can trust to read this riddla 16 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. Tell me — what like is the cliild ? Wouldst guess it to be of gentle, or of clownish blood, if women can tell such things ? " " Of gentle blood, assuredly," cried the lady, so that he smiled and said, "I might have known that so thou wouldst answer." " Nay, but see her little hands and fingers, and the mould of her dainty limbs. No Scottish fisher clown was her father, I dare be sworn. Her skin is as fair and fine as my Humfrey's, and moreover she has always been in hands that knew how a babe should be tended. Any woman can tell you that ! " " And what like is she in your woman!s eyes ? What complexion doth she promise ? " " Her hair, what she has of it, is dark ; her eyes — bless them — are of a deep blue, or jjurple, such as most babes have till they take their true tint. There is no guessing. Humfrey's eyes were once like to be brown, now are they as blue as thine own." " I understand all that," said Captain Talbot, smil- ing. " If she have kindred, they will know her better by the sign manual on her tender flesh than by her face." " And who are they ?" "Who are they?" echoed the captain, rolling up the scroll in despair. " Here, take it, Susan, and keep it safe from all eyes. Whatever it may be, it may serve thereafter to prove her true name. And above all, not a word or breath to Heatherthwayte, or any of thy gossips, wear they coif or bands." " Ah, sir ! that you will mistrust the good man." " I said not I mistrust any one ; only that I will have no word of all this go forth ! Not one ! Thou heedest me, wife ? " " Verily I do, sir ; I will be mute." il] evil tidings. 17 CHAPTEE II. EVIL TIDINGS. After giving orders for the repairs of the Mastiff, and the disposal of her crew, Master Eichard Talbot pur- veyed himself of a horse at the hostel, and set forth for Spurn Head to make inquiries along the coast respecting the wreck of the Bride of Dunbar, and he was joined by Cuthbert Langston, who said his house had had dealings with her owners, and that he must ascer- tain the fate of her wares. His good lady remained in charge of the mysterious little waif, over whom her tender heart yearned more and more, while her little boy hovered about in serene contemplation of the treasure he thought he had recovered. To him the babe seemed really his little sister ; to his mother, if she sometimes awakened pangs of keen regret, yet she filled up much of the dreary void of the last few weeks. Mrs. Talbot was a quiet, reserved woman, not prone to gadding abroad, and she had made few acquaintances during her sojourn at Hull ; but every creature she knew, or might have known, seemed to her to drop in that day, and bring at least two friends to inspect the orphan of the wreck, and demand all particulars. The little girl was clad in the swaddling garments of Mrs. Talbot's own children, and the mysterious c 18 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. .marks were suspected Ly no one, far less the letter which Susan, for security's sake, had locked up in her nearly empty, steel-bound, money casket. The opinions of the gossips varied, some thinking the babe might belong to some of the Queen of Scotland's party fleeing to France, others fathering her on the refugees from the persecutions in Flanders, a third party believ- ing her a mere fisherman's child, and one lean, lantern- jawed old crone, Mistress Eotherford, observing, " Take my word, Mrs. Talbot, and keep her not with you. They that are cast up by the sea never bring good with them." The court of female inquiry was still sitting when a heavy tread was heard, and Colet announced " a serving-man from Bridgefield had ridden post haste to speak with madam," and the messenger, booted and spurred, with the mastiff badge on his sleeve, and the hat he held in his hand, followed closely. "What news, Nathanael?" she asked, as she re- sponded to his greeting. " 111 enough news, mistress," was the answer. " Master Eichard's ship be in, they tell me." " Yea, but he is rid out to malce inquiry for a wreck," said the lady. " Is all well with my good father-in-law ?" " He ails less in body than in mind, so please you. Being that Master Humfrey was thrown by Blackfoot, the beast being scared by a flash of lightning, and never spoke again." "Master Humfrey!" "Ay, mistress. Pitched on his head against the south gate-post. I saw how it was with him when we took him up, and he never so much as lifted an eyelid, but died at the turn of the nidit. Heaven rest his soul !" 11.] EVIL TIDINGS. 19 "Heaven rest his soul!" echoed Susan, and the ladies around chimed in. They had come for one excite- ment, and here was another. " There ! See but what I said ! " quoth Mrs. Eotherford, uplifting a skinny finger to emphasise that the poor little flotsome had already brought evil. " Nay," said the portly wife of a merchant, " begging your pardon, this may be a fat instead of a lean sorrow. Leaves the poor gentleman heirs, Mrs. Talbot ? " " Oh no !" said Susan, with tears in her eyes. " His wife died two years back, and her chrisom babe with her. He loved her too well to turn his mind to wed again, and now he is with her for aye." And she covered her face and sobbed, regardless of the congratu- lations of the merchant's wife, and exclaiming, " Oh ! the poor old lady !"' " In sooth, mistress," said Nathanael, who had stood all this time as if he had by no means emptied his budget of ill news, " poor old madam fell down all of a heap on the floor, and when the wenches lifted her, they found she was stricken with the dead palsy, and she has not spoken, and there's no one knows what to do, for the poor old squire is like one distraught, sit- ting by her bed like an image on a monument, with the tears flowing down his old cheeks. ' But,' says he to me, 'get you to Hull, Nat, and take madam's palfrey and a couple of sumpter beasts, and bring my good daughter Talbot back with you as fast as she and the babes may brook.' I made bold to say, 'And Master Eichard, your worship ?' then he groaned somewhat, and said, ' If my son's ship be come in, he must do as her Grace's service permits, but meantime he must spare us his wife, for she is sorely needed here.' And he looked at the bed so as it would break 20 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. your heart to see, for since old Nurse Tooke hath heeu doited, there's not been a wench about the house that can do a hand's turn for a sick body." Susau knew this was true, for her mother-in-law had been one of those bustling, managing housewives, who prefer doing everything themselves to training others, and she was appalled at the idea of the prob- able desolation and helplessness of the bereaved household. It was far too late to start that day, even had her husband been at home, for the horses sent for her had to rest. The visitors would fain have extracted some more particulars about the old squire's age, his kindred to the great Earl, and the amount of estate to which her husband had become heir. There were those among them who could not understand Susan's genuine grief, and there were others whose consolations were no less distressing to one of her reserved character. She made brief answer that the squire was threescore and fifteen years old, his wife nigh about his age ; that her husband was now their only child ; that he was descended from a son of the great Earl John, killed at the Bridge of Chatillon ; that he held the estate of Bridgefield in fief on tenure, of military service to the head of his family. She did not know how much it was worth by the year, but she must pray the good ladies to excuse her, as she had many preparations to make. Volunteers to assist her in packing her mails were made, but she declined them all, and rejoiced when left alone with Colet to arrange for what would be probably her final departure from Hull. It was a blow to find that she must part from her servant-woman, who, as well as her husband Gervas, was a native of Hull. Not only were they both unwilling il] evil tidings. 2] to leave, but the inland country was to their imagination a wild unexplored desert. Indeed, Colet had only entered Mrs. Talbot's service to supply the place of a maid who had sickened with fever and ague, and had to be sent back to her native Hallamshire. Ere long Mr. Heatherthwayte came down to offer his consolation, and still more his advice, that,the little foundling should be at once baptized — conditionally, if the lady preferred it. The Eeformed of imperfect theological training, and as such Joseph Heatherthwayte must be classed, were apt to view the ceremonial of the old baptismal form, symbolical and beautiful as it was, as almost destroy- ing th^ efficacy of the rite. Moreover, there was a further impression that the Church by which the child was baptized, had a right to briug it up, and thus the clergyman was urgent with the lady that she should seize this opportunity for the little one's baptism. " l^ot without "my husband's consent and know- ledge," she said resolutely, " Master Talbot is a good man, but somewhat care- IfSo of sound doctrine, as be the most of seafaring men." Susan had been a little nettled by her husband's implied belief that she was influenced by the minister, so there was double resolution, as well as some offence in her reply, that she knew her duty as a wife too well to consent to such a thing without him. As to his being careless, he was a true and God-fearing man, and Mr. Heatherthwayte should know better than to speak thus of him to his wife. Mr. Heathertliwayte's real piety and goodness had made him a great comfort to Susan in her lonely grief, but he had not the delicate tact of gentle blood, and 22 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [cHAP. had not known where to stop, and as he stood half apologising and half exhorting, she felt that her Eichard was quite right, and that he could he both ineddliug and presuming. He was exceedingly in the way of her packing too, and she was at her wit's end to get rid of him, when suddenly Humfrey managed to pinch his fingers in a box, and set up such a yell, as, seconded by the frightened baby, was more than any masculine ears could endure, and drove Master Heatherthwayte to beat a retreat. Mistress Susan was well on in her work when her husband returned, and as she expected, was gTeatly overcome by the tidings of his brother's death. He closely questioned Nathanael on every detail, and could think of nothing but tlie happy days he had shared with his brother, and of the gTief of his parents. He approved of all that his wife had done ; and as the damage sustained by the Mastiff could not be repaired under a month, he had no doubt alTout leaving his crew in the charge of his lieutenant while he took his family home. So busy were both, and so fall of needful cares, the one in giving up her lodging, the other in leaving his men, that it was impossible to inquire into the result of his researches, for the captain was in that mood of suppressed grief and vehement haste in which irrele- vant inquiry is perfectly unbearable. It was not till late in the evening that Eichard told his wife of his want of success in his investiga- tions. He had found witnesses of the destruction of the ship, but he did not give them full credit. " The fellows say the ship drove on the rock, and that they saw her boats go down with every soul on board, and that they would not lie to an officer of her Grace. il] evil tidings. 2o Heaven pardon nie if I do them injustice in believing they would lie to him sooner than to any one else. They are rogues enough to take good care that no poor wretch should survive even if he did chance to conic to land." " Then if there be no one to claim her, we may bring up as our own the sweet babe whom Heaven hath sent us." " Not so fast, dame. Thou wert wont to be more discreet. I said not so, but for the nonce, till I can come by the rights of that scroll, there's no need to make a coil. Let no one know of it, or of the trinket — Thou hast them safe ? "' " Laid up with the Indian gold chain, thy wedding gift, dear sir." " 'Tis well. My mother ! — ah me," he added, catching himself up; " little like is she to ask questions, poor soul." Then Susan diffidently told of Master Heather- thwayte's earnest wish to christen the child, and, what certainly biassed her a good deal, the suggestion that this would secure her to their own religion. " There is something in that," said Eichard, " specially after what Cuthbert said as to the golden toy yonder. If times changed again — which Heaven forfend — that fellow might give us trouble about the matter." " You doubt him then, sir !" she asked. " I relished not his ways on our ride to-day," said Richard. " Sure I am that he had some secret cause for being so curious about the wreck. I suspect him of some secret commerce with the Queen of Scots' folk." " Yet you were on his side against Mr. Heathcr- thwayte," said Susan. 24 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHA.P. " I would not have my kinsman browbeaten at mine own table by the self-conceited son of a dalesman, even if he have got a round hat and Geneva band ! Ah, well ! one good thing is we shall leave both of them well behind us, though I would it were lor another cause." Something in the remonstrance had, however, so worked on Eichard Talbot, that before morning he declared that, hap what hap, if he and his wife were to bring up the child, she should be made a good Pro- testant Christian before they left the house, and there should be no more ado about it. It was altogether illogical and untheological ; but Master Heatherthwayte was delighted when in the very early morning his devotions were interrupted, and he was summoned by the captain himself to christen the child. Eichard and his wife were sponsors, but the ques- tion of name had never occurred to any one. However, in the pause of perplexity, when the response lagged to " Name this child," little Humfrey, a delighted spectator, broke out again with " Little Sis." And forthwith, " Cicely, if thou art not already baptized," was uttered over the child, and Cicely be- came her name. It cost Susan a pang, as it had been that of her own little daughter, but it was too late to object, and she uttered no regret, but took the child to her heart, as sent instead of her who had been taken from her. MasteT Heatherthwayte bade them good speed, and Master Laugston stood at the door of his office and waved them a farewell, both alike unconscious of the rejoicing with which they were left behind. Mistress Talbot rode on the palfrey sent for her use, with the il] evil tidings. 25 little stranger slung to her neck for security's sake. Her boy rode " a cock-horse " before his father, but a resting-place was provided for him on a sort of pannier on one of the sumpter beasts. What these animals could not carry of the household stuff was left in Colet's charge to be despatclied by carriers ; and the travellers jogged slowly on through deep Yorkshire lanes, often halting to refresh the horses and supply the wants of the little children at homely wayside inns, their entrance usually garnished with an archway formed of the jawbones of whales, which often served for gate-posts in that eastern part of Yorkshire. And thus tliey journeyed, with frequent halts, until they came to the Derbyshire borders. Bridgefield House stood on the top of a steep slope leading to the river Dun, with a high arched bridge and a mill below it. From the bridge proceeded oup. of the magnificent avenues of oak-trees which led up to the lordly lodge, full four miles off, right across Sheffield Park. The Bridgefield estate had been a younger son's portion, and its owners had always been regarded as gentlemen retainers of the head of their name, the Earl of Shrewsbury. Tudor jealousy had forbidden the marshalling of such a meind as the old feudal lords had loved to assemble, and each generation of the Bridgefield Talbots had become more independent than the former one. The father had spent his younger days as esquire to the late Earl, but had since become a justice of the peace, and took rank with the substan- tial .landowners of the country. Humfrey, his eldest son, had been a gentleman pensioner of the Queen till his marriage, and Eichard, though beginning his career as page to the present Earl's first wife, had likewise 26 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. entered the service of her Majesty, though still it was iiuderstood tliat the head of their name had a claim to their immediate service, and had he been called to take up arms, they would have been the first to follow his banner. Indeed, a pair of spurs was all the annual rent they paid for their estate, which they held on this tenure, as well as on paying the heriard horse on the death of the head of the family, and other con- tributions to their lord's splendour when he knighted his son or married his daughter. In fact, they stood on the borderland of that feudal retainership which was being rapidly extinguished. The estate, carved out of the great Sheffield property, was sufficient to maintain the owner in the dignities of an English gentleman, and to portion off the daughters, provided that the superfluous sons shifted for themselves, as Eichard had hitherto done. The house had been ruined in the time of the Wars of the Eoses, and re- built in the later fashion, with a friendly-looking front, containing two large Mdndows, and a porch projecting between them. The hall reached to the top of the house, and had a waggon ceiling, with mastiffs alternat- ing with roses on portcullises at the intersections of the timbers. This was the family sitting and dining room, and had a huge chimney never devoid of a wood fire. One end had a buttery-hatch communicating with the kitchen and offices ; at the other was a small room, sacred to the master of the house, niched under the broad staircase tliat led to the upper rooms, which opened on a gallery running round three sides of the hall. Outside, on the southern side of the house, was a garden of potherbs, with the green walks edged by a few bright flowers for beau-pots and posies. This had II.] EVIL TIDINGS. 27 stone walls separating it from the paddock, which sloped down to the river, and was a good deal broken by ivy-covered rocks. Adjoining the stables were farm- buildings and barns, for there M'ere several fields for tillage alonif the river -side, and the mill and two more farms were the property of the Bridgefield squire, so that the inheritance was a very fair one, wedged in, as it were, between the river and the great Chase of Sheffield, up whose stately avenue the riding party looked as they crossed the bridge, Eichard having become more silent than ever as he came among the familiar rocks and trees of his boyhood, and knew he should not meet that hearty welcome from his brother which had never hitherto failed to greet his return. The house had that strange air of forlornness which seems to proclaim sorrow within. The great court doors stood open, and a big, rough deer-hound, at the sound of the approaching hoofs, rose slowly up, and began a series of long, deep-mouthed barks, with pauses between, sounding like a knell. One or two men and maids ran out at the sound, and as the travellers rode up to the horse-block, an old gray-bearded serving-man came stumbling forth with " Oh ! Master Diccon, woe worth the day !" "How does my mother?" asked Eichard, as he sprang off and set his boy on his feet. " No worse, sir, but she hath not yet spoken a word — back, Thunder — ah ! sir, the poor dog knows you." For the great hound had sprung up to Eichard in eager greeting, but then, as soon as he heard his voice, the creature drooped his ears and tail, and instead of continuing his demonstrations of joy, stood quietly by, only now and then poking his long, rough nose into Eichard's hand, knowing as well as possible that 28 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. though not his dear lost master, he was the next thing ! Mistress Susan and the infant were lifted down — a hurried question and answer assured them that the funeral was over yesterday. My Lady Countess had come down and would have it so ; my lord was at Court, and Sir Gilbert and his brothers had been present, but the old servants thought it hard tliat none nearer in blood should be there to lay their young squire in his grave, nor to support his father, who, poor old man, had tottered, and been so like to swoon as he passed the hall door, that Sir Gilbert and old Diggory could but help him back again, fearing lest he, too, might have a stroke. It was a great grief to Richard, who had longed to look on his brother's face again, but he could say nothing, only he gave one hand to his wife and the other to his son, and led them into the hall, which was in an indescribable state of confusion. The trestles which had supported the cofhn were still at one end of the room, the long tables were still covered with cloths, trenchers, knives, cups, and the remains of the funeral baked meats, and there were overtln-own tankards and stains of wine on the cloth, as though, wliatever else were lacking, the Talbot retainers had not missed their revel. One of the dishevelled rough-looking maidens began some hurried muttering about being so distraught, and not looking for madam so early, but Susan could not listen to her, and merely putting the babe into her arms, came with her husband up the stairs, leaving little Humfrey with Nathanael. Eichard knocked at the bedroom door, and, receiving no answer, opened it There in the tapestry- hung n.] EVIL TIDINGS. 29 chamber was the huge old bedstead with its solid posts. In ■ it lay something motionless, but the first thing the husband and wife saw was the bent head which was lifted up by the burly but broken figure in the chair beside it. The two knotted old hands clasped the arms of the chair, and the squire prepared to rise, his lip trembling under his white beard, and emotion working in his dejected features. They were beforehand with him. Ere he could rise both were on their knees before him, while Pilchard in a broken voice cried, " Father, father!" " Thank God that thou art come, my son," said the old man, layiug his hands on his shoulders, with a gleam of joy, for as they afterwards knew, he liad sorely feared for Kichard's ship in the storm that had caused Humfrey's death. " I looked for thee, my daughter," he added, stretching out one hand to Susan, who kissed it. " Now it may go better with her ! Speak to thy mother, Eichard, she may know thy voice." Alas ! no ; the recently active, ready old lady was utterly stricken, and as yet held in the deadly grasp of paralysis, unconscious of all that passed around her. Susan found herself obliged at once to take up the reins, and become head nurse and housekeeper. The old squire trusted implicitly to her, and helplessly put the keys into her hands, and the serving-men and maids, in some shame at the condition in which tlie hall had been found, bestirred themselves to set it in order, so that there was a chance of the ordinary appear- ance of things being restored by supper-time, when Eichard hoped to persuade his father to come down to his usual place. so UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CH^P. Long before this, however, a trampling had been heard in the court, and a shrill voice, well known to Bicliard and Susan, was heard demanding, "Come home, is she — Master Diccon too ? More shame for you, you sluttish queans and lazy lubbers, never to have let me know ; but none of you have any respect " A visit from my Lady Countess was a greater favour to such a household as that of Bridgefield than it would be to a cottage of the present day ; Eichard was hurrying downstairs, and Susan only tarried to throw off the housewifely apron in which she had been compounding a cooling drink for the poor old lady, and to wash her hands, while Himifrey, rushing up to her, exclaimed "Mother, mother, is it the Queen ?" Queen Elizabeth lierself was not inaptly represented by her namesake of Hardwicke, the Queen of Hallam- shire, sitting on her grdat white mule at the door, sideways, with her feet on a board, as little children now ride, and attended by a whole troop of gentlemen ushers, maidens, prickers, and running footmen. She was a woman of the same type as the Queen, which was of course enough to stamp her as a celebrated beauty, and though she had reached middle age, her pale, clear complexion and delicate features were well preserved. Her chin was too sharp, and there w^as something too thin and keen about her nose and lips to promise good temper. She was small of stature, but she made up for it in dignity of presence, and as she Bat there, with her rich embroidered green satin farthin- gale spreading out over the mule, her tall ruft' standing up fanlike on her shoulders, her riding- rod in her hand, and her master of the horse standing at her rein, while a gentleman usher wielded an enormous, long- h£k,udled, green fan, to keep the sun from incommoding II.] EVIL TIDINGS. 31 her, she was, perhaps, even more magnificent than the maiden queen herself might have been in her more private expeditions. Indeed, she was new to her dignity as Countess, having been only a few weeks married to the Earl, her fourth husband. Caj)tain Talbot did not feel it derogatory to his dignity as a gentleman to advance with his hat in his hand to kiss her hand, and put a knee to the ground as he invited her to alight, an invitation his wife heard with dismay .as she reached the door, for things were by no means yet as they should be in the hall. She curtsied low, and advanced with her son holding her hand, but shrinking behind her. "Ha, kinswoman, is it thou !" was her greeting, as she, too, kissed the small, shapely, white, but exceed- ingly strong hand that was extended to her ; " So thou art come, and high time too. Thou shouldst never have gone a -gadding to Hull, living in lodgings, awaiting thine husband, forsooth. Thou art over young a matron for such gear, and so I told Diccon Talbot long ago." " Yea, madam," said Eichard, somewhat hotly, " and I made answer that my Susan was to be trusted, and truly no harm has come thereof." " Ho ! and you reckon it no harm that thy father and mother were left to a set of feckless, brainless, idle serving-men and maids in their trouble ? Why, none would so much as have seen to th}' brother's poor body being laid in a decent grave had not I been at hand to take order for it as became a distant kinsman of my lord. I tell thee, Eichard, there must be no more of these vagabond seafaring ways. Thou must serve my lord, as a true retainer and kinsman is bound — Nay," in reply to a gesture, " I will not come in, I 32 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. knoM^ too well in what ill order the house is like to be. I did but take my ride this way to ask how it fared with tlie mistress, and try if I could shake the squire from his lethargy, if Mrs. Susan had not had the grace yet to be here. How do they ? " Then in answer, " Thou must waken him, Diccon — rouse him, and tell him that I and my lord expect it of him that he should bear his loss as a true and honest Christian man, and not pule and moan, since he has a son left — ay, and a grandson. You should breed your boy up to know his manners, Susan Talbot," as Humfrey re- sisted an attempt to make him do his reverence to my lady ; " that stout knave of yours wants the rod. Methought I heard you'd borne another, Susan ! Ay ! as I said it would be," as her eye fell on tJie swaddled babe in a maid's arms. " No lack of fools to eat up the poor old squire's substance. A maid, is it ? Be- shrew me, if your voyages will find portions for all your wenches ! Has the leech let blood to thy good- mother, Susan ? There ! not one amongst you all bears any brains. Knew you not how to send up to the castle for Master Drewitt ? Farewell ! Thou wilt be at the lodge to-morrow to let me know how it fares with thy mother, when her brain is cleared by further blood-letting. And for the squire, let him know that I expect it of him that he shall eat, and show himself a man !" So saying, the great lady departed, escorted as far as the avenue gate by Eichard Talbot, and leaving the family gratified by her condescension, and not allo\Aing to themselves how much their feelings were chafed. ul] the captive. 33 CHAPTER IIL THE CAPTIVE. Death and sorrow seemed to have marked the house of Bridgefield, for the old lady never rallied after the blood-letting enjoined by the Countess's medical science, and her husband, though for some months able to creep about the house, and even sometimes to visit the fields, had lost his memory, and became more childish week by week. Eichard Talbot was obliged to return to his ship at the end of the month, but as soon as she was laid up for the winter he resigned his command, and returned home, where he was needed to assume the part of master. In truth he became actually master before the next spring, for his father took to his bed with the first winter frosts, and in spite of the duteous cares lavished upon him by his son and daughter-in- law, passed from his bed to his grave at the Christmas feas];. Eichard Talbot inherited house and lands, with the undefined sense of feudal obligation to the head of his name, and ere long he was called upon to fulfil those obligations by service to his lord. There had been another act in the great Scottish tragedy. Queen Mary had effected her escape from Lochleven, but only to be at once defeated, a,nd then to D 34 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. cross the Solway and throw herself into the hands of the English Queen. Bolton Castle had been proved to be too perilously near the Border to serve as her residence, and the inquiry at York, and afterwards at Westminster, having proved unsatisfactory, Elizabeth had decided on detain- ing her in the kingdom, and committed her to the charge of the Earl of Shrewsbury. To go into the history of that ill-managed investi- gation is not the purpose of this tale. It is probable that Elizabeth believed her cousin guilty, and wished to shield that guilt from being proclaimed, while her councillors, in their dread of the captive, wished to enhance the crime in Elizabeth's eyes, and were by no means scrupulous as to the kind of evidence they adduced. However, this lies outside our story; all that concerns it is that Lord Shrewsbury sent a sum- mons to his trusty and well-beloved cousin, Eichard Talbot of Bridgefield, to come and form part of the guard of honour which was to escort the Queen of Scots to Tutbury Castle, and there attend upon her. All this time no hint had been given that the little Cicely was of alien blood. The old squire and his lady had been in no state to hear of the death of their own grandchild, or of the adoption of the orphan, and Susan was too reserved a woman to speak needlessly of her griefs to one so unsympathising as the Countess or so flighty as the daughters at the great house. The .men who had brouglit the summons to Hull had not been lodged in the house, but at an inn, where they either had heard notliing of Master Piichard's adventure or had drowned their memory in ale, for they said nothing ; and thus, without any formed intention of secrecy, the child's parentage had never come into question. III.] THE CAPTIVE. 35 Indeed, though without doubt Mrs. Talbot was very loyal in heart to her noble kinsfolk, it is not to be denied that she was a good deal more at peace when they were not at the lodge. She tried devoutly to follow out the directions of my Lady Countess, and. thought herself in fault when things went amiss, but she prospered far more when free from such dictation. She had nothing to wish except that her husband could be more often at home, but it was better to have him only a few hours' ride from her, at Chatsworth or Tutbury, than to know him exposed to the perils of the sea. He rode over as often as he could be spared, to see his family and look after his property ; but his attendance was close, and my Lord, and my Lady were exacting with one whom they could thoroughly trust, and it was well that in her quiet way Mistress Susan proved capable of ruling men and maids, farm and stable as well as house, servants and children, to whom another boy was added in the course of the year after her return to Bridgefield. In the autumn, notice was sent that the Queen of Scots was to be lodged at Sheffield, and long trains of waggons and sumpter horses and mules began to arrive, bringing her plenishing and household stuff in advance. Servants without number were sent on, both by her and by the Earl, to make preparations, and on a November day, tidings came that the arrival might be expected in the afternoon. Commands were sent that the inhabitants of the little town at the park gate should keep within doors, and not come forth to give any show of welcome to their lord and lady, lest it should be taken as homage to tlie captive queen; but at the Manor-house there was a little family gathering to hail the Earl and Countess. It 36 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. chiefly consisted of ladies with their children, the husbands of most being in the suite of the Eaii acting as escort or guard to the Queen. Susan Talbot, being akin to the family on both sides, was there with the two elder children ; Humfrey, both that he might greet his father the sooner, and that he might be able to remember the memorable arrival of the captive queen, and Cicely, because he had clamoured loudly for her company. Lady Talbot, of the Herbert blood, wife to the heir, was present with two young sisters- in-law. Lady Grace, daughter to the Earl, and Mary, daughter to the Countess, wdio had been respectively married to Sir Henry Cavendish and Sir Gilbert Tal- bot, a few weeks before their respective parents were wedded, when the brides were only twelve and fourteen years old. There, too, was Mrs. Babington of Dethick, the recent widow of a kinsman of Lord Shrewsbury, to whom had been granted the wardship of her son, and the little party waiting in the hall also numbered Elizabeth and William Cavendish, the Countess's youngest children, and many dependants mustered in the background, ready for the reception. Indeed, the castle and manor-house, with their offices, lodges, and outbuildings, were an absolute little city in themselves. The castle was still kept in perfect repair, for the battle of Bosworth was not quite beyond the memory of living men's fathers ; and besides, who could tell whether any day England might not have to be con- tested inch by inch with the Spaniard ? So the gray walls stood on the tongue of land in the valley, formed by the junction of the rivers Sheaf and Dun, with towers at all the gateways, enclosing a space of no less than eight acres, and with the actual fortress, crisp, strong, hard, and unmouldered in the midst, its III.] THE CAPTIVE. 37 tallest square tower serving as a look-out place for those who watched to give the first intimation of the xrrival. The castle had its population, but chiefly of grooms, warders, and their families. The state-rooms high up in that square tower were so exceedingly confined, so stern and grim, that the grandfather of the pre- sent earl had built a manor-house for his family residence on the sloping ground on the farther side of the Dun. This house, built of stone, timber, and brick, with two large courts, two gardens, and three yards, covered nearly as much space as the castle itself. A pleasant, smooth, grass lawn lay in front, and on it converged the avenues of oaks and walnuts, stretching towards the gates of the park, narrowing to the eye into single lines, then going absolutely out of sight, and the sea of foliage presenting the utmost variety of beautiful tints of orange, yellow, brown, and red. There was a great gateway between two new octagon towers of red brick, with battlements and dressings of stone, and from this porch a staircase led upwards to the great stone-paved hall, with a huge fire burning on the open hearth. Around it had gathered the ladies of the Talbot family waiting for the reception. The warder on the tower had blown his horn as a signal that the master and his royal guest were within the park, and the banner of the Talbots had been raised to announce their coming, but nearly half an hour must pass while the party came along the avenue from the drawbridge over the Sheaf ere they could arrive at the lodge. So the ladies, in full state dresses, hovered over the fire, while the children played in the window seat near at hand. 38 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. Gilbert Talbot's wife, a tliin, yellow-haired, young creature, promising to be like her mother, the Countess, had a tongue which loved to run, and with the preco- city and importance of wifehood at sixteen, she dilated to her companions on her mother's constant attendance on the Queen, and the perpetual plots for that lady's escape. " She is as shifty and active as any cat-a- mount ; and at Chatsworth she had a scheme for being off out of her bedchamber window to meet a traitor fellow named EoU ; but my husband smelt it out in good, time, and had the guard beneath my lady's window, and the fellows are in gyves, and to see the lady the day it was found out ! Not a wry face did she make. Oh no ! 'Twas all my good lord, and my sweet sir with her. I promise you butter would not melt in her mouth, for my Lord Treasurer Cecil hath been to see her, and he has promised to bring her to speech of her Majesty. May I be there to see. I pro- mise you 'twill be diamond cut diamond between them." "How did she and my Lord Treasurer fare to- gether?" asked Mrs. Babington. - " Well, you know there's not a man of them all that is proof against her blandishments. Her Majesty should have women warders for her. 'Twas good sport to see the furrows in his old brow smoothing out against his will as it were, while she plied him with her tongue. I never saw the Queen herself win such a sndle as came on his lips, but then lie is always a sort of master, or tutor, as it were, to the Queen. Ay," on some exclamation from Lady Talbot, " she heeds him like no one else. She may fling out, and run counter to him for the very pleasure of feeling that she has the power, but she will come round at last, and 'tis bis will that is done in the long run. If this lady m.] THE CAPTIVE. 39 could beguile liim indeed, she miglit be a free woman in the end." "And think you that she did ?" " Not she ! The Lord Treasurer is too long-headed, and has too strong a hate to all Paj)istry, to be beguiled more than for the very moment he was before her. He cannot help the being a man, you see, and they are all alike when once in her presence — your lord and father, like the rest of them, sister Grace. Mark me if there be not tempests brewing, an we be not the sooner rid of this guest of ours. My mother is not the woman to bear it long." Dame Mary's tongue was apt to run on too fast, and Lady Talbot interrupted its career with an amused gesture towards the children. For the little Cis, babe as she was, had all the three boys at her service. Humfrey, with a paternal air, was holding her on the window-seat ; Antony Babington was standing to receive the ball that was being tossed to and fro between them, but as she never caught it. Will Cavendish was content to pick it up every time and return it to her, aj)pearing amply rewarded by her laugh of delight. The two mothers could not but laugh, and Mrs. Babington said the brave lads were learning their knightly courtesy early, while Mary Talbot began observing on the want of likeness between Cis and either the Talbot or Hardwicke race. The little girl was much darker in colouring than any of the boys, and had a pair of black, dark, heavy brows, that prevented her from being a pretty child. Her adopted mother shrank from such observations, and was rejoiced that a winding of horns, and a shout from the boys, announced that the expected arrival was about to take place. The 40 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP ladies darted to the window, and beholding the avenue full of horsemen and liorsewomen, their accoutrements and those of- their escort gleaming in the sun, each mother gathered her own chicks to herself, smoothed the plumage somewhat ruffled by sport, and advanced to the head of the stone steps, William Cavendish, the eldest of the boys, being sent down to take his step- father's rein and hold his stirrup, page fashion. Clattering and jingling the troop arrived. The Earl, a stout, square man, with a long narrow face, lengthened out farther by a light-coloured, silky beard, which fell below his ruff, descended from his steed, gave his hat to Eichard Talbot, and handed from her horse a hooded and veiled lady of slender proportions, who leant on his arm as she ascended the steps. The ladies knelt, whether in respect to the heads of the family, or to the royal guest, may be doubtfuL The Queen came up the stairs with rheumatic steps, declaring, however, as she did so, that she felt the better for her ride, and was less fatigued than when she set forth. She had the soft, low, sweet Scottish voice, and a thorough Scottish accent and language, tempered, however, by French tones, and as, coming into the warmer air of the hall, she withdrew her veil, her countenance was seen. Mary Stuart was only thirty-one at this time, and her face was still youthful, though worn and wearied, and beariog tokens of illness. The features were far from" being regularly beautiful ; there was a decided cast in one of the eyes, and in spite of all that Mary Talbot's detracting tongue liad said, Susan's first impression was dis- appointment. But, as the Queen greeted the lady whom she already knew, and the Earl presented his daughter, Lady Grace, his stepdaughter, Elizabeth Ill,] THE CAPTIVE. 41 Cavendish, and his kinswoman, Mistress Stisan Talbot, the extraordinary magic of her eye and lip beamed on them, the queenly grace and dignity joined with a wonderful sweetness impressed them all, and each in measure felt the fascination. The Earl led the Qneen to the fire to obtain a little warmth before mounting the stairs to her own apart- ments, and likewise while Lady Shrewsbury was dis- mounting, and being handed up the stairs by her second stepson, Gilbert. The ladies likewise knelt on one knee to greet this mighty dame, and the children should have done so too, but little Cis, catching sight of Captain Eichard, who had come up bearing the Earl's hat, in immediate attendance on him, broke out with an exulting cry of "Father! father! father!" trotted with outspread arms right in front of the royal lady, embraced the booted leg in ecstasy, and then stretching out, exclaimed " Up ! up !" " How now, malapert poppet ! " exclaimed the Countess, and though at some distance, uplifted her riding-rod. Susan was ready to sink into the earth with confusion at the great lady's displeasure, but Eichard had stooped and lifted the little maid in his arms, while Queen Mary turned, her face lit up as by a sunbeam, and said, " Ah, bonnibcll, art thou fain to see thy father? Wilt thou give me one of thy kisses, sweet bairnie ?" and as Eichard held her up to the kind face, " A goodly child, brave sir. Thou must let me have her at times for a playfellow. Wilt come and comfort a poor prisoner, little sweeting ?" The child responded with " Poor poor," stroking the soft delicate cheek, but the Countess interfered, still wrathful. " Master Eicliard, I marvel that you should let her Grace be beset by a child, who, if she cannot 42 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. demean herself decorously, should have been left at home. Susan Hardwicke, I thought I had schooled you better." " Nay, madam, may not a babe's <{entle deed of pity be pardoned ?" said Mary. " Oh ! if it pleasures you, madam, so be it," said Lady Slirewsbury, deferentially ; " but there be children here more worthy of your notice than yonder little black-browed wench, who hath been allowed to thrust herself forward, while others have been kept back from importuning your Grace." " No child can importune a mother who is cut off from her own," said Mary, eager to make up for the jealousy she had excited. " Is this bonnie laddie yours, madam ? Ah ! I should have known it by the resemblance." She held her white hand to receive the kisses of the boys : William Cavendish, under his mother's eye, knelt obediently ; Antony Babington, a fair, pretty lad, of eight or nine, of a beautiful piuk and white com- plexion, pressed forward with an eager devotion which made the Queen smile and press her delicate hand on his curled locks; as for Humfrey, he retreated behind the shelter of his mother's farthingale, where his presence was forgotten by every one else, and, after the rebuff just administered to Cicely, there was no inclination to briug him to light, or combat ^ith his bashfulness. The introductions over, Mary gave her hand to the Earl to be conducted from the hall up the broad stair- case, and along the great western gallery to the south front, where for many days her properties had been in course of being arranged. Lady Shrewsbury followed as mistress of the house, III.] THE CAPTIVE. 43 and behind, in order of precedence, came the Scottish Queen's household, in which the dark, keen features of the French, and the rufous hues of the Scots, were nearly equally divided. Lady Livingstone and Mistress Seaton, two of the Queen's Maries of the same age with herself, came next, the one led by Lord Talbot, the other by Lord Livingstone. There was also the faithful French Marie de Courcelles, paired with ]\Taster Beatoun, comptroller of the household, and Jean Kennedy, a stiff Scotswoman, whose hard outlines did not do justice to her tenderness and fidelity, and with her was a tall, active, keen-faced stripling, looked on with special suspicion by the English, as Willie Douglas, the contriver of the Queen's flight from Loch- leven. Two secretaries, French and Scottish, were shrewdly suspected of being priests, and there were besides, a physician, surgeon, apothecary, with per- fumers, cooks, pantlers, scullions, lacqueys, to the number of thirty, besides their wives and attendants, these last being " permitted of my lord's benevolence." They were all eyed askance by the sturdy, north country English, who naturally hated all strangers, above all French and Scotch, and viewed the band of captives much like a caged herd of wild beasts. When on the way home Mistress Susan asked her little boy why he would not make his obeisance to the pretty lady, he sturdily answered, " She is no pretty lady of mine. She is an evil woman who slew her husband." " Poor lady ! tongues have been busy with her," said Ills father. " How, sir ?" asked Susan, amazed, " do you think her guiltless in the matter ? " " I cannot tell," returned liichard. " All I know ia 44 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. that many who liave no mercy on her would change their minds if they beheld her patient and kindly demeanour to all." This was a sort of sliock to Susan, as it seemed to her to prove the truth of little Lady Talbot's words, that no one was proof against Queen Mary's wiles ; but she was happy in having her husband at home once more, though, as he told her, he would be occu- pied most of each alternate day at Sheffield, he and another relation having been appointed "gentlemen porters," which meant that they were to wait in a chamber at the foot of the stairs, and keep watch over whatever went in or out of the apartments of the captive and her suite. " And," said Richard, " who think you came to see me at Wingfield ? None other than Cuthbert Lang- ston." " Hath he left his merchandise at Hull ?" " Ay, so he saith. He would fain liave had my good word to my lord for a post in the household, as comptroller of accounts, clerk, or the like. It seemed as though there were no office he would not take so tbat he might hang about the neighbourhood of this queen." " Then you would not grant him your recommend- ation ? " " Nay, truly. I could not an.swer for him, and his very anxiety made me the more bent on not bringing' him hither. I'd fain serve in no ship where I know not the honesty of all the crew, and Cuthbert hath ever had a hankering after the old profession." " Verily then it were not well to bring him hither." " Moreover, he is a lover of mysteries and schemes," said Richard. " He would never be content to let III.] THE CAPTIVE. 45 alone the question of our little wenvih's birth, and would be fretting us for ever about the matter." " Did he speak of it ? " " Yea. He would have me to "v^'it that a nurse and babe had been put on board at Dumbarton. Well, said I, and so they must have been, since on board they were. Is that all thou hast to tell me ? And mighty as was the work he would liave made of it, this was all he seemed to know. I asked, in my turn, how he came to know thus much about a vessel sailing from a port in arms against the Lords of the Congrega- tion, the allies of her Majesty?" " What said he ?" " That his house had dealings with the owners of the Bride of Dmibar. I like not such dealings, and so long as this lady and her train are near us, I would by no means have him whispering here and there that she is a Scottish orphan." "It would chafe my Lady Countess !" said Susan, to whom this was a serious matter. " Yet doth it not behove us to endeavour to find out her parentage ?" " I tell you I proved to myself that he knew nothing, and all that we have to do is to hinder liim from making mischief out of that little," returned Richard impatiently. The honest captain could scarcely have told the cause of his distrust or of his secrecy, but he had a general feeling that to let an intriguer like Cuthljert Langston rake up any tale that could be connected with the party of the captive queen, could only lead tx) danger and trouble. 46 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY, [CHAP. CHAPTER IT. THE OAK AND THE OAKEN HALL. The oaks of Sheffield Park were one of the greatest glories of the place. Giants of the forest stretched their huge arms over the turf, kept smooth and velvety by the creatures, wild and tame, that browsed on it, and made tlieir covert in the deep glades of fern and copsewood that formed the background. There were not a few whose huge trunks, of such girth that two men together could not encompass them with outstretched arms, rose to a height of more than sixty feet before throwing out a horizontal branch, and these branches, almost trees in themselv^es, spread forty-eight feet on each side of the bole, lifting a mountain of rich verdure above them, and casting a delicious shade upon the ground beneath them. Beneath one of these noble trees, some years after the arrival of the hapless Mary Stuart, a party of children were playing, much to the amusement of an audience of which they were utterly unaware, namely, of sundry members of a deer-hunting party ; a lady and gentle- man who, having become ^parated from the rest, were standing in the deep bracken, which rose nearly as high as their heads, and were further sheltered by a rock, looking and listening. IV.] THE OAK AND THE OAKEN HALL. 47 " Now then, Cis, bravely doue ! Show how she treats her ladies " . "Who will be her lady ? Thou must, Humfrey !" "'No, no, I'll never be a lady," said Humfrey, gruffly. " Thou then, Diccon." " No, no," and the little fellow shrank back, " thou wilt hurt me, Cis." " Come then, do thou, Tony ! I'll not strike too hard !" ' " As if a wench could strike too hard." " He might have turned that more chivalrously," whispered the lady to her companion, " What are they about to represent ? Mort de ma vie, the profane little imps ! I believe it is my sacred cousin, the Majesty of England herself ! Truly the little maid hath a bearing that might serve a queen, though she be all too black and beetle-browed for Queen Elizabeth, Who is she. Master Gilbert?" " She is Cicely Talbot, daughter to the gentleman porter of your Majesty's lodge," " See to her — mark her little dignity with her heather and bluebell crown as she sits on the rock, as stately as jewels could make her! See her gesture with her hands, to mark where the standing ruff ought to be. She hath the true spirit of the comedy — ah! and here cometh young Antony with mincing pace, with a dock-leaf for a fan, and a mantle for a farthingale! She speaks ! now hark!" " Good morrow to you, my young mistress," began a voice pitched two notes higher tlian its actual childlike key. " Thou hast a new farthingale, I see ! Antony, that's not the way to curtsey — do it like tlr's. No, no ! thou clumsy fellow — back and knees together," 48 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CKy\P. "Never mind, Cis," interposed one of the boys — ■ " we shall lose all our play time if you try to make him do it with a grace. Curtsies are women's work — go on." " Where was I ? — " (resuming her dignity after these asides) " Thou hast a new fartliingale, I see." " To do my poor honour to your Grace's birthday. " Oh ho ! Is it so ? Methought it had been to do honour to my fair mistress's own taper waist. And pray how much an ell was yonder broidered stuff?" " Two crowns, an't please your Grace," returned the supposed lady, making a wild conjecture. " Two crowns ! thou foolish Antony ! " Then recollecting herself, " two crowns ! what, when mine costs but half! Thou presumptuous, lavish varlet — no, no, wench ! what right hast thoa to wear gowns finer than thy liege ? — I'll teach you." Wherewith, erecting all her talons, and clawing frightfully with them in the air, the supposed Queen Bess leapt at the unfortunate maid of honour, appeared to tear the imaginary robe, and drove her victim off the stage with a great air of violence, amid peals of laughter from the other cliildren, loud enough to drown those of the elders, who could hardly restrain their merri- ment. Gilbert Talbot, however, had been looking about him anxiously all the time, and would fain have moved away ; but a sign from Queen Mary withheld him, as one of the children cried, " Now ! show us how she serves her lords." The play seemed well understood between them, for the mimic queen again settled herself on her throne, while Will Cavendisli, calling out, " Now I'm Master Hatton," began to tread a stately measure on the grass, while tlie queen exclaimed, " Who is this IV.] THE OAK AND THE OAKEN HALL. 49 new star of my court ? What stalwart limbs, what graceful tread ! Who art thou, sir ?" " Madam,! am — I am. Wliat is it? An ef — ef " " A daddy-long-legs," mischievously suggested an- other of the group. " No, it's Latin. Is it Ephraim ? No ; it's a fly, something like a gnat " (then at an impatient gesture from her Majesty) " disporting itself in the beams of the noontide sun." " Blood-sucking," whispered the real Queen behind the fern. " He is not so far out there. See ! see ! with what a grace the child holds out her little hand for him to kiss. I doubt me if Elizabeth herself could be more stately. But who comes here ?" " I'm Sir Philip Sydney." " No, no," shouted Humfrey, " Sir Philip shall not come into this fooling. My father says he's the best knight in England." " He is as bad as the rest in flattery to the Queen," returned youug Cavendish. " I'll not have it, I say. You may be Lord Lei- cester an you will ! He's but Eobin Dudley." " Ah !" began the lad, now advancing and shading his eyes. " What burnished splendour dazzles my weak sight ? Is it a second Juuo- that I behold, or lovely Venus herself ? Nay, there is a wisdom in her that can only belong to the great Minerva herself! So youthful too. Is it Hebe descended to this earth ?" Cis smirked, and held out a hand, saying in an affected tone, " Lord Earl, are tliy wits astray ?" "Whose wits would not be perturbed at the mere sight of such exquisite beauty ?" " Come and sit at our feet, and we will try to restore them," ?aid the stage queen ; but here little Diccon, E 50 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAp. tlie yoTingest of the party, eager for more action, called out, " Show us how she treats her lords and ladies together." On which young Babington, as the lady, and Hunifrey, made demonstrations of love-making and betrothal, upon whicli their sovereign lady descended on them with furious tokens of indignation, abusing thein right and left, until in the midst the great castle bell pealed forth, and caused a flight general, being, in fact, the summons to the school kept in one of the castle chambers by one Master Snigg, or Sniggius, for the children of the numerous colony who peopled the castle. Girls, as well as boys, were taught there, and thus Cis accompanied Humfrey and Diccon, and con- sorted with their companions. Queen Mary was allowed to hunt and take out-of- door exercise in the park whenever she pleased, but Lord Shrewsbury, or one of his sons, Gilbert and Francis, never was absent from her for a moment when she went beyond the door of the lesser lodge, which the Earl had erected for her, with a flat, leaded, and parapeted roof, where she could take the air, and with only one entrance, where was stationed a " gentle- man porter," with two subordinates, whose business it was to keep a close watch over every person or thing that went in or out. If she had any purpose of losing herself in the thickets of fern, or copsewood, in the park, or holding unperceived conference under shelter of the chase, these plans were rendered impossible by the pertinacious presence of one or other of the Talbots, who acted comj)letely up to their name. Thus it was that the Queen, with Gilbert in close attendance, had found herself an unseen spectator of the children's performance, which she watched with IV.] THE OAK AND THE OAKEN HALL. 51 the keen enjoyment that sometimes made her fci'get her troubles for the moment. "How got the imps such knowledge ?" mused Gil- bert Talbot, as he led the Queen out on the sward "which had been the theatre of their mimicry. "Do you ask that, Sir Gilbert?" said the Queen with emphasis, for indeed it was his wife who had been the chief retailer of scandal about Queen Elizabeth, to the not unwilling ears of herself and his mother ; and Antony Babington, as my lady's page, had but used his opportunities. " They are insolent varlets and deserve the rod," continued Gilbert. "You are too ready with the rod, you English," returned Mary. " You flog all that is clever and spirited out of your poor children !" " That is the question, madam. Have the English been found so deficient in spirit compared with other nations ?" " Ah ! we all know what you English can say for yourselves," returned the Queen. " See what Master John Coke hath made of the herald's argument before Dame Eenown, in his translation. He hath twisted all the other way." " Yea, madam, but the French herald had it all his own way before. So it was but just we should have our turn." Here a cry from tlie other hunters greeted them, and they found Lord Shrewsbury, some of the ladies, and a number of prickers, looking anxiously for them. " Here we are, good my lord," said the Queen, wlio, when free from rheumatism, was a most active walker. " We have only been stalking my sister Queen's court 52 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAF in small, the prettiest and drollest ])astime 1 have seen for many a long day." ]\Iucli had happened in the conrse of the past years. The intrigues with Northumberland and Norfolk, and the secret efforts of the unfortunate Queen to obtain friends, and stir up enemies against Elizabeth, had resulted in her bonds being drawn closer and closer. The Eising of the North had taken place, and Cuth- bert Langston had been heard of as taking a prominent part beneath the sacred banner, but he had been wounded and not since heard of, and his kindred knew not whether he were among the unnamed dead who loaded the trees in the rear of the army of Sussex, or whether he had escaped beyond seas. Eichard Talbot still remained as one of the trusted kinsmen of Lord Shrewsbury, on whom that nobleman depended for the execution of the charge which yearly became more weari- some and onerous, as hope decayed and plots thickened. Though resident in the new lodge with her train, it was greatly diminished by the dismissal from time to time of persons who were regarded as suspicious; Mary still continued on intimate terms with Lady Shrewsbury and her daughters, specially distinguishing with her favour Bessie PieiTepoint, the eldest grandchild of the Countess, who slept with her, and was her play- thing and her pupil in French and needlework. The fiction of her being guest and not prisoner had not entirely passed away ; visitors were admitted, and she went in and out of the lodge, walked or rode at will, only under pretext of courtesy. She never was un- accompanied by the Earl or one of his sons, and they endeavoured to make all private conversation with strangers, or jjersons unauthorised from Court, im- possible to her. rV.] THE OAK AND TBIE OAKEN HALL. 53 The invitation given to little Cicely on the arrival had not been followed up. The Countess wished to reserve to her own family all the favours of one who might at any moment become the Queen of England, and she kept Susan Talbot and her children in what she called their meet place, in which that good lady thoroughly acquiesced, having her hands much too full of household affairs to run after queens. There was a good deal of talk about this child's play, a thing which had much better have been left where it was ; but in a seclusion like that of Sheffield subjects of conversation were not over numerous, and every topic which occurred was apt to be worried to shreds. So Lady Shrewsbury and her daughters heard the Queen's arch description of the children's mimicry, and instantly conceived a desire to see the scene repeated. The gentlemen did not like it at all : their loyalty was offended at the insult to her gracious Majesty, and besides, what might not happen if such sports ever came to her ears ? However, the Countess ruled Sheffield ; and Mary Talbot and Bessie Cavendish ruled the Countess, and they were bent on their own way. So the representation was to take place in the great hall of the manor-house, and the actors were to be dressed in character from my lady's stores. " They will ruin it, these clumsy English, after their own fashion," said Queen Mary, among her ladies. " It was the unpremeditated grace and innocent audacity of the little ones that gave the charm. Now it will be a mere broad farce, worthy of Bess of Hardwicke. Mais que voulez vons ?" The performance was, however, laid under a great disadvantage by the absolute refusal of Eichard and Susan Talbot to allow their Cicely to assume the part 54 UNKNOWN TO IIISTORV'. [CHAP. of Queen Elizabeth. They had been dismayed at her doing so in child's ph\y, and since she could read fluently, write pretty well, and cipher a little, the good mother had decided to put a stop to this free associa- tion with the boys at the castle, and to keep her at home to study needlework and housewifery. As to her acting with boys before the assembled households, the proposal seemed to them absolutely insulting to any daughter of tlie Talbot liue, and they had by this time forgotten that she was no such thiug. Bess Cavendish, the special spoilt child of the house, even rode down, armed with her mother's commands, but her feudal feeling did not here sway Mistress Susan. Public acting was esteemed an indignity for women, ■ and, though Cis was a mere child, all Susan's woman- hood awoke, and she made answer lirndy that she could not obey my Lady Countess in this. Bess flounced out of the house, indignantly telling her she should rue the day, and Cis herself cried pas- sionately, longing after the fine robes and jewels, and the presentation of herself as a queen before the whole company of the castle. The harsh system of the time made the good mother think it her duty to requite this rebellion with the rod, and to set the child down to her seam in the corner, and there sat Cis, pouting and brooding over what Antony Babiiigton had told her of what he had picked up when in his page's capacity, attending his lady, of Queen Mary's admira- tion of the pretty ways and airs of the little mimic Queen Bess, till she felt as if she were defrauded of her due. The captive Queen was her dream, and to hear her commendations, j)erhaps be kissed by her, would be supreme bliss. Nay, she still hoped that IV.] THE OAK AND THE OAKEN HALL. 55 there would lie an interference of the higher powers on her behalf, which would give her a triumph. No ! Captain Talbot came home, saying, " So, Mistress Sue, thou art a steadfast woman, tc/ have resisted my lady's will ! " " I knew, my good husband, that thou wouldst never see our Cis even in sport a player ! " " Assuredly not, and thou hadst the best of it, for when Mistress Bess came in as full of wrath as a petard of powder, and made your refusal known, my lord himself cried out, 'And she's in the right o't ! What a child may do in sport is not fit for a gentle- woman in earnest.' " " Then, hath not my lord put a stop to the whole ? " " Fain would he do so, but the Countess and her daughters are set on carrying out the sport. They have set Master Sniggius to indite the speeches, and the boys of the school are to take the parts for their autumn interlude." " Surely that is perilous, should it come to the knowledge of those at Court." " Oh, I promise you, Sniggius hath a device for disguising all that could give offence. The Queen will become Semiramis or Zenobia, I know not which, and my Lord of Leicester, Master Hatton, and the others, will be called Ninus or Longiuus, or some such heathenish long-tailed terms, and speak speeches of mighty length. Are they to be in Latin, Hum- frey?" " Oh no, sir," said Humfrey, with a shudder. " Master Sniggius would have had them so, but the young ladies said they would have nothing to do with the affair if there were one word of Latin uttered. It is bad enough as it is. I am to be Philidaspes, an 56 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CIIAP. Assyrian knight, and have some speeches to learn, at least one is twenty-five lines, and not one is less than five ! " " A right requital for thy presumptuous and treason- able game, my son," said his father, teasing him. "And who is to be the Queen?" asked the mother. " Antony Babington," said Humfrey, " because he can amble and mince more like a wench than any of us. The worse luck for him. He will have more speeches than any one of us to learn," The report of the number of speeches to be learnt took off the sting of Cis's disappointment, though she would not allow that it did so, declarinQ- with truth that she could learn by hearing faster than any of the boys. Indeed, she did learn all Humfrey 's speeches, and Antony's to boot, and assisted both of them with all her might in conmiitting them to memory. As Captain Talbot had foretold, the boys' sport was quite sufficiently punished by being made into earnest. Master Sniggius was far from merciful as to length, and his satire was so extremely remote that Queen Elizabeth herself could hardly have found out that Zenobia's fine moral lecture on the vanities of too aspiring ruffs was founded on tlie box on the ear wliich rewarded poor Lady Mary Howard's display of her rich petticoat, nor would her cheeks have tingled when the Queen of the East — by a bold adaptation — j)layed the part of Lion in interrupting the interview of our old friends Py ramus and Thisbe, who, by an awful anachronism, were carried to Palmyra. It was no plagiarism from "Midsummer Night's Dream," only drawn from the common stock of playwrights. So, shorn of all that was perilous, and only under- stood by the initiated, the play took place in the Castle IV.] THE OAK AND THE OAKEN HALL. 57 Hall, the largest a"\"ailable place, with Queen Mary seated upou the dais, with a canopy of State over her head, Lady Shrewsbury on a chair nearly as high, the Earl, the gentlemen and ladies of their suites drawn np in a circle, the servants where they could, the Earl's musicians thundering Avith drums, tooting with fifes, twanging on fiddles, overhead in a gallery. Cis and Diccon, on either side of Susan Talbot, gazing on the stage, where, much encumbered by hoop and far- thingale, and arrayed in a yellow curled wig, strutted forth Antony Babington, declaiming — " Great Queen Zenobia am I, The Roman Power I defy. At my Palmyra, in the East, I rule o'er every man and beast," Here was an allusion couched in the Eoman power, which Master Antony had missed, or he would hardly have uttered it, since he was of a Eoman Catholic family, though, while in the Earl's household, he had to conform outwardly. A slender, scholarly lad, with a pretty, innocent face, and a voice that could " speak small, like a woman," came in and announced himself thus — " I'm Thisbe, an Assyrian maid, My robe's with jewels overhiid." The stiff colloquy between the two boys, encumbered with their dresses, shy and awkward, and rehearsing their lines like a task, was no small contrast to the merry impromptu under the oak, and the gq.y, free grace of the children. Poor Philidaspes acquitted himself worst of all, for when done up in a glittering suit of sham armour, with 58 -UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. a sword and dagger of lath, his entire speech, though well conned, deserted him, and he stood red-faced, hesitating, and ready to cry, wher. suddenly from the . midst of the spectators there issu.ed a childish voice, " Go on, Hmnfrey ! " Philidaspes am I, most valorous knight, Ever ready for Churcli and Queen to fight. "Go on, I say!" and she gave a little stamp of impatience, to the extreme confusion of the mother and the great amusement of the assembled company. Humfrey, once started, delivered himself of the rest of his oration in a glum and droning voice, occasioning fits of laughter, such as by no means added to his self- possession. The excellent Sniggius and his company of boys liad certainly, whether intentionally or not, deprived the performance of all its personal sting, and most likewise of its interest. Such diversion as the specta- tors derived was such as Hippolyta seems to have found in listening to AVall, Lion, Moonshine and Co. ; but, like llieseus, Lord Shrewsbury was very courteous, and complimented both playwright and actors, relieved and thankful, no doubt, that Queen Zenobia was so unlike his royal mistress. There was nothing so much enforced by Queen Elizabeth as that strangers should not have resort to Sliefheld Castle. No spectators, except those attached to the household, and actually forming part of the colony within the park, were therefore supposed to be admitted, and all of them were carefully kept at a dis- tant part of the hall, where they could have no access to the now much reduced train of the Scottish Queen^ witli whom all intercourse was forbidden. rV.] THE OAK AND THE OAKEN HALL. 59 Hnmfrey was therefore surprised when, just as he had come out of the tiring-room, glad to divest liimself of his encumbering and gaudy equipments, a man touched him on the arm and humbly said, " Sir, I have a humble entreaty to make of you. If you would convey my petition to the Queen of Scots !" " I have nothing to do with the Queen of Scots," said the ex-Philidaspes, glancing suspiciously at the man's sleeve, wliere, however, he saw the silver dog, the family badge. " She is a charitable lady," continued the man, who looked like a groom, " and if she only knew that my poor old aunt is lying famishing, she would aid her. Pray you, good my lord, help me to let this scroll reach to her." " I'm no lord, and I have naught to do with the Queen," repeated Humfrey, while at the same moment Antony, wdio had been rather longer in getting out of his female attire, presented himself ; and Humfrey, pity- ing the man's distress, said, " This young gentleman is the Countess's page. He sometimes sees the Queen." The man eagerly told his story, how his aunt, the widow of a huckster, had gone on with the trade till slie had been cruelly robbed and beaten, and now was utterly destitute, needing aid to set herself up again. The Queen of Scots was noted for her beneficent alms- giving, and a few silver pieces from her would be quite sufficient to replenish lier basket. I'^either boy doubted a moment. Antony had the entrde to the presence chamber, where on this festival night the Earl and Countess were sure to be with the Queen. He went straightway thither, and traiiied as he was in the usages of the place, told his business to the Earl, who was seated near the Queeu. Lord 60 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. Shrewsbury took the petition from hiiri, glanced it over, and asked, " A¥ho knew the Guy Noruian who sent it?" Frank Talbot answered for him, that he was a yeoman pricker, and the Earl permitted the paper to be carried to Mary, watching her carefully as she read it, when Antony had presented it on one knee. " Poor woman !" she said, " it is a piteous case. Master Beatoun, hast thou my purse ? Here, Master Babington, wilt thou be the bearer of this angel for me, since I know that the delight of being the bearer w^ill be a reward to thy kind heart." Antony gracefully kissed the fair hand, and ran off joyously with the Queen's bounty. Little did any one guess what the career thus begun would bring that fair hoy. v.] THE HUCKSTERING WOMAN. 61 CHAPTER V. THE HUCKSTERING WOMAN. The huckstering woman, Tibbott by name, was tended by Queen Mary's apothecary, and in due time was sent off well provided, to the great fair of York, whence she returned with a basket of needles, pins (such as they were), bodkins, and the like articles, wherewith to circulate about Hallamshire, but the gate-wards would not relax their rules so far as to admit her into the park. She was permitted, however, to bring her wares to the town of Sheffield, and to Bridgefield, but she might come no farther. Thither Antony Babington came down to lay out the crown which had been given to him on his birth- day, and indeed half Master Sniggius's scholars dis- covered needs, and came down either to spend, or to give advice to the happy owners of groats and testers. So far so good ; but the huckster- woman soon made Bridgefield part of her regular rounds, and took little commissions which she executed for the household of Sheffield, who were, as the Cavendish sisters often said in their spleen, almost as much prisoners as the Queen of Scots. Antony Babington was always her special patron, and being Humfrey's great companion and play- fellow, he was allowed to come in and out of the gates 62 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. unquestioned, to play with him and with Cis, who no longer went to school, hut was trained at home in needlework and housewifery. Match-making began at so early an age, that when Mistress Susan had twice found her and Antony Babington with their heads together over the lament- able ballad of the cold fish that had been a lady, and which sang its own history " forty thousand fathom above water," she began to question whether the girl were the attraction. He was now an orphan, and his wardship and marriage had been granted to the Earl, who, having disposed of all his daughters and step- daughters, except Bessie Cavendish, might very fairly bestow on the daughter of his kinsman so good a match as the young squire of Dethick. " Then should we have to consider of her parentage," said Eichard, when his wife had propounded her views. " I never can bear in mind that the dear wench is none of ours," said Susan. " Thou didst say thou wouldst portion her as if she were our own little maid, and I have nine webs ready for her household linen. Must we speak of her as a stranger?" " It would scarce be just towards another family to let them deem her of true Talbot blood, if she were to enter among them," said Eichard ; " though I look on the little merry maid as if she were mine own child. But there is no need yet to begin upon any such coil ; and, indeed, I would wager that my lady hath other views for young Babington." After all, parents often know very little of what passes in children's minds, and Cis never hinted to her mother that the bond of union between her and Antony was devotion to the captive Queen. Cis had only had a glimpse or two 'J her, riding by when hunting or hawk- v.] THE HUCKSTERING WOMAN. 63 ing, or when, on festive occasions, all who were privileged to enter the park were mustered together, among whom the Talbots ranked high as kindred to both Earl and Countess ; but those glimpses had been enough to fill the young heart with romance, such as the matter-of- fact elders never guessed at. Antony Babington, who was often actually in the gracious presence, and received occasional smiles, and even greetings, was immeasur- ably devoted to the Queen, and maintained Cicely's admiration by his vivid descriptions of the kindness, the grace, the charms of tlie royal captive, in con- trast with the innate vulgarity of their own Countess. Willie Douglas (the real Eoland Graeme of the escape from Lochleven) had long ago been dismissed from Mary's train, with all the other servants who were deemed superfluous ; but Antony had heard the details of the story from Jean Kennedy (Mrs. Kennett, as the English were pleased to call her), and Willie was the hero of his emulative imagination. " Wliat would I not do to be like him!" he fervently exclaimed when he had narrated the story to Humfrey and Cis, as they lay on a nest in the fern one fine autumn day, resting after an expedition to gather blackberries for the mother's preserving. " I would not be him for anything," said Humfrey. " Fie, Humfrey," cried Cis ; " would not you dare exile or anything else in a good cause ? " " For a good ca,use, ay," said Humfrey in his stolid way. " And what can be a better cause than that of the fairest of captive queens ? " exclaimed Antony, hotly. " I would not be a traitor," returned Humfrev, as he lay on liis back, looking up through the chei[uer- work of the branches of the trees towards the sky. €4 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. " Who dares link the word traitor with my name ?" said Babington, feeling for the imaginary handle of a sword. " Not I ; but you'll get it linked if you go on in this sort." " For shame, Humfrey," again cried Cis, passion- ately. " Why, delivering imprisoned princesses always was the work of a true knight." " Yea ; but they first defied the giant openly," said Humfrey. " What of that ? " said Antony. " They did not do it under trust," said Humfrey. " I am not under trust," said Antony. " Your father may be a sworn servant of the Earl and the Queen — Queen Elizabeth, I mean ; but I have taken no oaths — nobody asked me if I woidd come here." " No," said Humfrey, knitting his brows ; " but you see we are all trusted to go in and out as we please, on the understanding that we do nought that can be unfaithful to the Earl ; and I suppose it was thus with this same Willie Douglas." " She was his own true and lawful Queen," cried Cis. " His first duty was to her." Humfrey sat up and looked perplexed, but with a sudden thought exclaimed, " No Scots are we, thanks be to Heaven ! and what might be loyalty in him would be rank treason in us." " How know you that ? " said Antony. " I have heard those who say that our lawful Queen is there," and he pointed towards the walls that rose in the dis- tance above the woods. Humfrey rose wrathful. " Then truly you are no better than a traitor, and a Spaniard, and a Papist," and fists were clenched on both sides, while Cis flew v.] THE HUCKSTERING WOMAN. 65 between, pulling down Humfrey's uplifted hand, and crying, " No, no ; he did not sa}" he thought so, only he had heard it." " Let him say it again ! " growled Antony, his arm bared. " No, don't, Humfrey ! " as if she saw it between his clenched teeth. " You know you only meant if Tony thought so, and he didn't. Now how can you two be so foolish and unkind to me, to bring me out for a holiday to eat blackberries and make heather crowns, and then go and spoil it all with folly about Papists, and Spaniards, and grown-up people's nonsense that nobody cares about ! " Cis had a rare power over both her comrades, and her piteous appeal actually disarmed them, since there was no one present to make them ashamed of their own placability. Grown-up people's follies were avoided by mutual consent through the rest of the walk, and the three children parted amicably when Antony had to return to fulfil his page's duties at my lord's supper, and Humfrey and Cis carried home their big basket of blackberries. When they entered their own hall they found their mother engaged in conversation with a tall, stout, and weather-beaten man, whom she announced — " See here, my children, here is a good friend of your father's. Master Goatley, who was his chief mate in all his voyages, and hath now come over all the way from Hull to see him ! He will be here anon, sir, so soon as the guard is changed at tlie Queen's lodge. Mean- time, here are the elder children," Diccon, who had been kept at home by some tem- porary damage to his foot, and little Edward were devouring the sailor with their eyes ; and Humfrey F 66 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. and Cis were equally delighted with the iutioduction, especially as Master Goatley was just returned from the Western Main, and from a curious grass-woven basket which he carried slung to his side, produced sundry curiosities in the way of beads, shell-work, feather-work, and a hatchet of stone, and even a curious armlet of soft, dull gold, with pearls set in it. This he had, with great difficulty, obtained on purpose for Mistress Talbot, who had once cured him of a bad festering hurt received on board ship. The children clustered round in ecstasies of admira- tion and wonder as they heard of the dark brown natives, the curious expedients by which barter was carried on ; also of cruel Spaniards, and of savage fishes, with all the marvels of flying-fish, corals, palm- trees, humming birds — all that is lesson work to our modern youth, but was the most brilliant of living fairy tales at this Elizabethan period. Humfrey and Diccon were ready to rush off to voyage that instant, and even little Ned cried imitatively in his imjrerfejt language that he would be " a tailor." Then their father came home, and joyfully wel- comed and clasped hands with his faithful mate, declaring that the sight did him good ; and they sat down to supper and talked of voyages, till the boys' eyes' glowed, and they beat upon their own knees with the enthusiasm that their strict manners bade them repress ; while their mother kept back her sighs as she saw them becoming infected with that sea fever so dreaded by parents. Nay, she saw it in her husband himself. She knew him to be grievously weary of a charge most monotonously dull, and only varied by suspicions and petty detections ; and that he was hungering and thirsting for his good ship and to be v.] THE HUCKSTERING WOMAN. 67 facing: winds and waves. She could hear his loncfino; in the very sound of the " Ays ? " and brief inquiries by which he encouraged Goat^ey to proceed in the story of voyages and adventures, and she could not wonder when Goatley said, " Your heart is in it still, sir. Not one of us all but says it is a pity such a noble captain should be lost as a landsman, with nothing to do but to lock the door on a lady." " Speak not of it, my good Goatley," said Richard, hastily, " or you will set me dreaming and make me mad." " Then it is indeed so," returned Goatley. " Where- fore then come you not, sir, where a crew is waiting for you of as good fellows as ever stepped on a deck, and who, one and all, are longing after such a captain as you are, sir ? Wherefore hold back while still in your prime ? " " Ask the mistress, there," said Richard, as he saw his Susan's white face and trembling fingers, though she kept her eyes on her work to prevent them from betraying their tears and their wistfulness. " sweet father," burst forth Humfrey, " do but go, and take me. I am quite old enough." " Nay, Humfrey, 'tis no matter of liking," said his father, not wishing to prolong his wife's suspense. " Look you here, boy, my Lord Earl is captain of all of his name by right of birth, and so long as he needs my services, I have no right to take them from him. Dost see, my boy ? " Humfrey reluctantly did see. It was a great favour to be thus argued with, and admitted of no reply. Mrs. Talbot's heart rejoiced, but she was not sorry that it was time for her to carry off Diccon and Ned to their bf.ds, away from the fascinating narrative, and she 68 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. would give no respite, though Diccon pleaded hard. In fact, the danger might be the greatest to hiui, since Humfrey, though born within the smell of the sea, might be retained by the call of duty like his father. To Cis, at least, she thought the sailor's conversation could do no harm, little foreboding the words that presently ensued. " And, sir, what befell the babe we found in our last voyage off the Spurn ? It would methinks be about the age of this pretty mistress." Eichard Talbot endeavoured to telegraph a look both of assent and warning, but though Master Goatley would have been sharp to detect the least token of a Spanish galleon on the most distant horizon, the signal fell utterly short. " Ay, sir. Wliat, is it so ? Bless me ! The very maiden ! And you have bred her up for your own." " Sir ! Eather ! " cried Cis, looking from one to the other, with eyes and mouth wide open. " Soil ! " cried the sailor, " what have I done ? I beg your pardon, sir, if I have overhauled what should have been let alone. But," continued the honest, but tactless man, " who could have thought of the like of that, and that the pretty maid never knew it? Ay, ay, dear heart. Never fear but that the captain will be good father to you all the same." For Eichard Talbot had held out his arm, and, as Cis ran up to him, he had seated her on his knee, and held her close to him. Humfrey likewise started up with an impulse to contradict, which was suddenly cut short by a strange flash of memory, so aU he did was to come up to his father, and grasp one of the girl's hands as fast as he could. She trembled and shivered, but there was something in the presence of this strange man which choked back all v.] THE HUCKSTERING WOMAN. 69 inquiry, and the silence, the vehement grasp, and the shuddering, alarmed the captain, lest she might sud- denly go off into a fit upon his hands. . " This is gear for mother," said he, and taking her up like a baby, carried her off, followed closely by Humfrey. He met Susan coming down, asking anxiously, " Is she sick ? " " I hope not, mother," he said, " but honest Goatley, thinking no harm, hath blurted out that which we had never meant her to know, at least not yet awhile, and it hath wrought strangely with her." " Then it is true, father ? " said Humfrey, in rather an awe-stricken voice, while Cis still buried her face on the captain's breast. " Yes," he said, " yea, my children, it is true that God sent us a daughter from the sea and the wreck when He had taken our own little maid to His rest. But we have ever loved our Cis as well, and hope ever to do so while she is our good child. Take her, mother, and tell the children how it befell ; if I go not down, the fellow will spread it all over the house, and happily none were present save Humfrey and the little maiden." Susan put the child down on her own bed, and tliere, with Humfrey standing by, told the history of the father carrying in the little shipwrecked babe. They both listened with eyes devouring her, but they were as yet too young to ask questions about evi- dences, and Susan did not volunteer these, only when the girl asked, " Then, have I no name ? " she answered, " A godly minister. Master Heatherthwayte, gave thee the name of Cicely when he christened thee." " I marvel who I am ? " said Cis, f^azing round hei; as if the world were all new to her. 70 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [cBLVr. " It does not matter," said Ilumfrey, " you are just the same to us, is she not, mother ? " " She is our dear Heaven-sent child," said the mother tenderly. " But thou art not my true mother, nor Humfrey nor Diccon my brethren," she said, stretching out her hands like one in the dark. " If I'm not your brother, Cis, I'll be your husband, and then you will have a real right to be called Talbot. That's better than if you were my sister, for then you would go away, I don't know where, and now you will always be mine — mine — mine very own." And as he gave Cis a hug in assurance of his intentions, his father, who was uneasy about the matter, looked in again, and as Susan, w^ith tears in her eyes, pointed to the children, the good man said, " By my faith, the boy has found the way to cut the knot — or rather to tie it. What say you, dame ? If we do not get a portion for him, we do not have to give one with her, so it is as broad as it is long, and she remains our dear child. Only listen, children, you are both old enough to keep a secret. Not one word of all this matter is to be breathed to any soul till I bid you." '•' Not to Diccon," said Humfrey decidedly, " Nor to Antony ? " asked Cis wistfully. " To Antony ? No, indeed ! What has he to do with it ? Now, to your beds, children, and forget ail about this tale." " There, Humfrey," broke out Cis, as soon as they were alone together, " Huckstress Tibbott is a wise V'oman, whatever thou mayest say." " How ? " said Humfrey. " Miudst thou not the day when I ciossed her hand with the tester father uave me ? " v.] THE HUCKSTERING WOMAN. 71 " Wlien mother whipped thee for Kstening to for- tune-tellers, and wasting thy substance. Ay, I mind it well," said Humfrey, " and how thou didst stand simpering at her pack of lies, ere mother made thee sing another tune." " Nay, Humfrey, they were no lies, though I thought thera so then. She said I was not what I seemed, and that the Talbots' kennel would not always hold one of the noble northern eagles. So Humfrey, sweet Humfrey, thou must not make too sure of wedding me." " I'll wed thee though all the lying old gipsy-wives in England wore their false throats out in screeching out that I shall not," cried Humfrey. " But she must have known," said Cis, in an awe- struck voice ; " the spirits must have spoken with her, and said that I am none of the Talbots." " Hath mother heard this ? " asked Humfrey, re- coiling a little, but never thinking of the more plau- sible explanation. " Oh no, no ! tell her not, Humfrey, tell her not. She said she would whip me again if ever I talked again of the follies that the fortune-telling woman had gulled me with, for if they were not deceits, they were worse. And, thou seest, they are worse, Humfrey ! " With which awe-stricken concldsion the children went off to bed. 72 UNKNOWN TO HISTOHY. [CIIAr. CHAPTEE VI. THE BEWITCHED WHISTLE. A \ fllljD's point of view is so different from that of a gro^^n person, that the discovery did not make half so much difference to Cis as her adopted parents expected. In fact it was like a dream to her. She found her daily life and her surroundings the same, and her chief interest was — at least apparently — how soon she could escape from psalter and seam, to play with little Ned, and look out for the elder boys return- ing, or watch for the Scottish Queen taking her daily ride. Once, prompted by Antony, Cis had made a beautiful nosegay of lilies and held it up to^the Queen when she rode in at the gate on her return from Buxton. She had been rewarded by the sweetest of smiles, but Captain Talbot had said it nmst never happen again, or he should be accused of letting billets pass in posies. The whole place was pervaded, in fact, by an atmosphere of suspicion^ and the vigilance, which might have been endurable for a few months, was wearing the spirits and temper of all concerned, now that it had already lasted for seven or eight years, and there seemed no end to it. Moreover, in sf ite of all care, it every now and then became apparent that Queen Mary had some communication with the outer VI.] THE BEWITCHED WHISTLE. 73 world which no one could trace, though the effects endangered the life of Queen Elizabeth, the peace of the kingdom, and the existence of the English Church. The blame always fell upon Lord Shrewsbury ; and who could wonder that he was becoming captiously suspicious, aitd soured in temper, so that even such faithful kinsmen as Eichard Talbot could sometimes hardly bear with him, and became punctiliously anxious that there should not be the smallest loophole for cen- sure of the conduct of himself and his family ? The person on whom Master Goatley's visit had left the most impression seemed to be Humfrey. On the one hand, his father's words had made him enter into his situation of trust and loyalty, and perceive something of the constant sacrifice of self to duty that it required, and, on the other hand, he had assumed a position towards Cis of which he in some degree felt the force. There was nothing in the opinions of the time to render their semi-betrothal ridiculous. At the Manor- house itself, Gilbert Talbot and Mary Cavendish had been married when no older than he was ; half their contemporaries were already plighted, and the only difference was that in the present harassing state of surveillance in which every one lived, the parents thought that to avow the secret so long kept might bring about inquiry and suspicion, and they therefore wished it to be guarded till the marriage could be contracted. As Cis developed, she had looks and tones which so curiously harmonised, now with the Scotch, now with the French element in the royal captive's suite, and which made Captain Eichard believe that she must belong to some of the families who seemed am])hibious between the two courts ; and her identi- fication as a Seaton, a Elemyng, a Beatoun, or as a mem- 74 UNKNOWN TO HISTOIIY. [CHAP. ber of any of the families attached to the losing cause, would only involve her in exile and disgrace. Besides, there was every reason to think her an orphan, and a distant kinsman was scarcely likely to give her such a home as she had at Bridgefield, where she had always been looked on as a daughter, and was now regarded as doubly their own in right of their son. So Hum- frey was permitted to consider her as peculiarly liis own, and he exerted this right of property by a certain jealousy of Antony Babington which amused his parents, and teased the young lady. ISTor was he wholly actuated by the jealousy of proprietor- ship, for he knew the devotion with which Antony regarded Queen Mary, and did not wholly trust him. His sense of honour and duty to his father's trust was one thing, Antony's knight-errantry to the beautiful captive was another; each boy thought himself strictly honourable, while they moved in parallel lines and could not understand one another ; yet, with the reserve of childhood, all that passed between them was a secret, till one afternoon when loud angiy sounds and suppressed sobs attracted Mistress Susan to the garden, where she found Cis crying bitterly, and little Diccon staring eagerly, while a pitched battle was going on between her eldest son and young Antony Babington, who were pommelling each other too furiously to perceive her approach. " Boys ! boys ! fie for shame," she cried, with a hand on the shoulder of each, and they stood apart at her touch, though still fiercely looking at one another. " See what spectacles you have made of yourselves !" she continued. " Is this your treatment "of your guest, Humfrey ? How is my Lord's page to show himself at vl] the bewitched whistle. 75 Chat'? worth to-morrow with such an eye ? What is it all about?" Both combatants eyed each other in sullen silence. " Tell me, Cis. Tell me, Diccon. I will know, or you shall have the rod as well as Humfrey." Diccon, who was still in the era of timidity, in- stead of secretiveness, spoke out, " He," indicating his brother, "wanted the packet." "What packet?" exclaimed the mother, alarmed. " The packet that he (another nod towards Antony) wanted Cis to give that witch in case she came while he is at Chats worth." " It was the dog- whistle," said Cis. " It hath no sound in it, and Antony would have me change it for him, because Huckster Tibbott may not come within the gates. I did not want to do so ; I fear Tibbott, and when Humfrey found me crying he fell on Antony. So blame him not, mother." " If Humfrey is a jealous churl, and Cis a little fool, there's no help for it," said Antony, disdainfully turning his back on his late adversary. " Then let me take charge of this whistle," re- turned the lady, moved by the universal habit of caution, but Antony sprang hastily to intercept her as she was taking from the little girl a small paper packet tied round with coloured yarn, but he was not in time, and conld only exclaim, " Nay, nay, madam, I will not trouble you. It is nothing." "Master Babington," said Susan firmly, "you know as well as I do that no packet may pass out of the park unopened. If you wished to have the whistle changed you should have brought it uncovered. I am Sony for the discourtesy, and ask your pardon, but this jDarcel may not pass." 76 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. " Then," said Antony, with difficulty repressing something much more passionate and disrespectful, " let me have it again." " Nay, Master Babington, that would not suit with my duty." The boy altogether lost his temper. "Duty! duty!" he cried. " I am sick of the word. All it means is a mere feigned excuse for prying and spying, and beset- ting the most beautiful and unhappy princess in the world for her true faith and true right !" "Master Antony Babington," said Susan gravely, " you had better take care what you are about. If those words of yours had been spoken in my Lord's hearing, they would bring you worse than the rod or bread and water." "What care I what I suffer for such a Queen?" exclaimed Antony. " Suffering is a different matter from saying ' What care I,' " returned the lady, " as I fear you will learn. Master Antony." " mother ! sweet mother," said Cis, " you will not tell of him !" — but mother shook her head. " Prithee, dear mother," added Humfrey, seeing no relenting in her countenance, " I did but mean to hinder Cis from being maltreated and a go-between in this traffic with an old witch, not to bring Tony into trouble." " His face is a tell-tale, Humfrey," said Susan. " I meant ere now to have put a piece of beef on it. Come in, Antony, and let me wash it." " Thank you, madam, I need nothing here," said Antony, stalking proudly off; while Humfrey, exclaim- ing " Don't be an ass, Tony ! — Mother, no one would care to ask what we had given one another black eyes for in a friendly way," tried to hold him back, and he VI.] THE BEWITCHED WHISTLE. 77 did linger when Cis added her persuasions to him not to return the spectacle he was at present. " If this lady will promise not to betray an un- fortunate Queen," he said, as if permission to deal with his bruises were a great reward. "Oh! you foolish boy!" exclaimed Mistress Talbot, " you were never meant for a plotter ! you have your- self betrayed that you are her messenger." " And I am not ashamed of it," said Antony, hold- ing his head high. " Madam, madam, if you have surprised this from me, you are the more bound not to betray her. Think, lady, if you were shut up from your children and friends, would you not seek to send tidings to them ?" " Child, child ! Heaven knows I am not blaming the poor lady within there. I am only thinking what is right." ' " Well," said Antony, somewhat hopefully, " if that be all, give me back the packet, or tear it up, if you will, and there can be no harm done." " Oh, do so, sweet mother," entreated Cis, earnestly ; " he will never bid me go to Tibbott again." " Ay," said Humfrey, " then no tales will be told." For even he, with all his trustworthiness, or indeed because of it, could not bear to bring a comrade to disgrace ; but the dilemma was put an end to by the sudden appearance on the scene of Captain Eichard himself, demanding the cause of the disturbance, and whether his sons had been misbehaviug to their guest. " Dear sir, sweet father, do not ask," entreated Cis, springing to him, and taking his hand, as she was privileged to do ; " mother has come, and it is all made ■up and over now." Eichard Talbot, however, had seen the packet 78 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. which his wife was holding, and her anxious, perplexed countenance, and the perilous atmosphere of suspicion around him made it incumbent on him to turn to her and say, "What means this, mother? Is it as Cis would have me believe, a mere childish quarrel that I may pass over ? or what is this packet ?" " Master Babington saith it is a dog-whistle which he was leaving in charge with Cis to exchange for another with Huckstress Tibbott," she answered. " Feel, — nay, open it, and see if it be not, sir," cried Antony. " I doubt not that so it is," said the captain ; " but you know, Master iBabington, that it is the duty of all here in charge to let no packet pass the gate which has not been viewed by my lord's officers," " Then, sir, I will take it back again," said Antony, with a vain attempt at making his brow frank and clear. Instead of answering, Captain Talbot took the knife from his girdle, and cut in twain the yarn that bound the packet. There was no doubt about the whistle being there, nor was there anything written on the wrapper ; but perhaps the anxiety in Antony's eye, or even the old association with boatswains, incited Mr. Talbot to put the whistle to his lips. Not a sound would come forth. He looked in, and saw what led him to blow with all his force, when a white roll of paper protruded, and on another blast fell out into his hand. He held it up as he found it, and looked fuU at Antony, who exclaimed in much agitation, "To keep out the dust. Only to keep out the dust. It is aU gibberish — from my old writing-books." "That will we see," said Eichard very gravely. vl] the bewitched whistle. 79 "Mis/ress, be pleased to give this young gentleman some water to wash his face, and attend to his bruises, keeping him in the guest-chamber without speech from any one until I return. Master Babin^ton, I counsel you to submit quietly. I wish, and my Lord will wish, to spare his ward as much scandal as pos- sible, and if this be what you say it is, mere gibberish from your exercise-books, you will be quit for chastise- ment for a forbidden act, which has brought you into suspicion. If not, it must be as my Lord thinks good." Antony made no entreaties. Perhaps he trusted that what was unintelligible to himself might j)ass for gibberish with others ; perhaps the headache caused by Humfrey's fists was assisting to produce a state of sullen indifference after his burst of eager chivalry; at any rate he let Mistress Talbot lead him away without resistance. The other children would have followed, but their father detained them to hear the particulars of the commission and the capture. Eichard desired to know from his son whether he had any reason for suspecting underhand measures ; and when Humfrey looked down and hesitated, added, " On your obedience, boy; this is no slight matter." " You will not beat Cis, father ? " said Humfrey. " Wherefore should I beat her, save for doing errands that yonder lad should have known better than to thrust on her ?" " Nay, sir, 'tis not for that ; but my mother said she should be beaten if ever she spake of the fortune yonder Tibbott told her, and we are sure that she — Tibbott I mean — is a witch, and knows more than she ought." " Wliat mean'st thou ? Tell me, children ; " and Cls, nothing loath, since she was securtjd from the 80 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. beating, related the augury which had left so deep an impression on her, Humfrey bearing witness that it was before they Icnew themselves of Cicely's history. " But that is not all," added Cicely, seeing Mr. Talbot less impressed than she expected by these supernatural powers of divination. " She can change from a woman to a man !" " In sooth !" exclaimed Eichard, startled enough by this information. " Yea, father," said Cicely, " Faithful Ekins, the carrier's boy, saw her, in doublet and hose, and a tawny cloak, going along the road to Chesterfield. He knew her by the halt in her left leg." " Ha !" said Eichard, " and how long hast thou known this ?" " Only yestermorn," said Cis ; " it was that which made me so much afraid to have any dealings with her." " She shall trouble thee no more, my little wench," said Eichard in a tone that made Humfrey cry out joyously, " father ! sweet father ! "wilt thou duck her for a witch ? Sink or swim ! that will be rare ! " "Hush, hush! foolish lad," said Eichard, "and thou. Cicely, take good heed that not a word of all this gets abroad. Go to thy mother, child, — nay, I am not wroth with thee, little one. Thou hast not done amiss, but bear in mind that nought is ever taken out of the park without knowledge of me or of thy mother." vil] the blast of the whistle. 81 CHAPTER VIL THE BLAST OF THE WHISTLE. Eichard Talbot was of course convinced that witch- craft was not likely to be the most serious part of the misdeeds of Tibbott the huckstress. Committing Antony Babington to the custody of his wife, he sped on his way back to the Manor-house, where Lord Shrewsbury was at present residing, the Countess being gone to view her buildings at Chatsworth, tak- ins; her daughter Bessie with her. He sent in a message desiring to speak to my lord in his privy chamber. Francis Talbot came to him. " Is it matter of great moment, Dick ?" he said, "for my father is so fretted and chafed, I would fain not vex him further to-night. — What ! know you not ? Here a^'e tidings that my lady hath married Bess — yes, Bess Cavendish, in secret to my young Lord Lennox, the brother of this Queen's unlucky husband ! How he is to clear himself before her Grace of being concerned in it, I know not, for though Heaven wots that he is as innocent as the child unborn, she will suspect him !" " I knew she flew high for Mistress Bess," returned "Richard. " High ! nothing would serve her save royal blood ! G 82 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [UIIAP. My poor father says as sure as the lions and Jlcur- de-lis have come into a family, the headsman's axe has come after them." "However it is not our family." " So I tell him, hut it gives him small comfort," said Frank, " looking as he doth on the Cavendish brood as his own, and knowing that there will be a mighty coil at once- with my lady and these two queens. He is sore vexed to-night, and saith that never was Earl, not to say man, so baited by woman as he, and he bade me see whether yours be a matter of such moment that it may not wait till morning or be despatched by me." " That is for you to say. Master Francis. What think you of this for a toy?" as he produced the parcel with the whistle and its contents. " I went home betimes to-day, as you know, and found my boy Humfrey had just made young Master Babington taste of his fists for trying to make our little wench pass this packet to yonder huckster- woman who was succoured some months back by the Queen of Scots." Francis Talbot silently took the whistle and un- rolled the long narrow strip of paper. " This is the cipher," said he, "the cipher used in corresponding with her French kin ; Phillipps the decipherer showed me the trick of it when he was at Tutbury in the time of the Duke of Norfolk's business. Soh ! your son hath done good service, Kichard. That lad hath been tampered with then, I thought he was over thick with the lady in the lodge. Where is he, the young traitor ?" " At Bridgefield, under my wife's ward, having his bruises attended to. I would not bring him up here till I knew what my Lord would have done with him. He VII.] THE BLAST OF THE WHISTLE. 83 is but a child, and no doubt was wrought with by sweet looks, and I trust my Lord will not be hard with him." " If my father had hearkened to me, he should never have been here," said Francis. " His father was an honest man, but his mother was, I find, a secret recusant, and when she died, young Antony was quite old enough to have sucked in the poison. You did well to keep him, Eichard ; he ought not to return hither again, either in ward or at liberty." " If he were mine, I would send him to school," said Eichard, " where the masters and the lads would soon drive out of him all dreams about captive princesses and seminary priests to boot. For, Cousin Francis, I would have you to know that my children say there is a rumour that this woman Tibbott the huckstress hath been seen in a doublet and hose near Chesterfield." " The villain ! When is she looked for here again ?" " Anon, I should suppose, judging by the boy leav- ing this charge with Cis in case she should come while he is gone to Chatsworth." " We will take order as to that," said Francis, com- pressing his lips ; " I know you will take heed, cousin, that she, or he, gets no breath of warning. I should not wonder if it were Parsons himself ! " and he un- folded the scroll with the air of a man seeking to confirm his triumph. " Can you make anything of it ?" asked Eichard, struck by its resemblance to another scroll laid up among his wife's treasures. " I cannot tell, they are not matters to be read in an hour," said Francis Talbot, " moreover, there is one in use for the English traitors, hei friends, and another for the French. This looks like the French sort. Let 84 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAr me see, they are read by taking the third letter in each second word," Francis Talbot, somewhat proud of hia proficiency, and perfectly certain of the trustworthiness of his cousin Eichard, went on puzzling out the ciphered letters, making Eichard set each letter down as he picked it out, and trying whether they would make sense in French or English. Both understood French, having learned it in their page days, and kept it up by intercourse with the French suite. Francis, however, liad to try two or three methods, which, being a young man, perhaps he was pleased to display, and at last he hit upon the right, which interpreted the apparent gibberish of the scroll — excepting that the names of persons were concealed under soubriquets which Francis Talbot could not always understand — but the following sentence by and by became clear : — " Quand le matelot vient dcs marais, un feu pent eclater dans la meiite et dans la meUe " — " When the sailor lands from tlie fens, a fire might easily break out in the dog-kennel, and in the confusion" (name could not be read) " could carry off the tercel gentle." "La meutc" said Francis, "that is their term for the home of us Talbots, and the sailor in the fens is this Don John of Austria, who means, after conquering the Dutchmen, to come and set free this tercel gentle, as she calls herself, and play the inquisitor upon us. On my honour, Dick, your boy has played the man in making this discovery. Keep the young traitor fast, and take down a couple of yeomen to lay hands on this same Tibbott as she calls herself." " If I remember right," said Eichard, " she was said to be the sister or aunt to one of the grooms or prickers." VII.] THE BLAST OF THE WHISTLE. 85 " So u Avas, Guy Norman, metliinks. Belike he was the very fellow to set fire to our kennel. Yea, we must secure him. I'll see to that, and you shall lay this scroll before my father meantime, Dick. Why, to fall on such a trail will restore his spirits, and win back her Grace to believe in his honesty, if my lady's tricks should liave made her doubtful." Off went Francis with great alacrity, and ere long the Earl was present with Eichard. The long light beard was now tinged with gray, and there were deep lines round tlie mouth and temples, betraying how the long anxiety was telling on him, and rendering him suspicious and querulous. " Soh ! Eichard Talbot," was his salutation, " what's the coil now ? Can a man never be left in peace in his own house, between queens and ladies, plots and follies, but his own kins folk and retainers must come to him on every petty broil among the lads ! I should have thought your boy and young Babiugton might fight out their quarrels alone without vexing a man that is near driven dis- tracted as it is." " I grieve to vex your lordship," said Eichard, standing bareheaded, " but Master Francis thought this scroll worthy of your attention. This is the manner in which he deciphered it." " Scrolls, I am sick of scrolls," said the Earl testily. " What ! is it some order for saying mass, — or to get some new Popish image or a skein of silk ? I wear my eyes out reading such as that, and racking my brains for some hidden meaning !" And falling on Francis's first attempt at copying, he was scornful of the whole, and had nearly thrown the matter aside, but when he lit at last on the sen- tence about burning the meute and carrying off the 86 UNKNOWN TO IIISTOIIY. [CIIAP. tercel gentle, his biow grew dark indeed, and his inquiries came thickly one upon the other, both as to Antony Babuigton and the huckstering woman. In the midst, Frank Talbot returned with the tidings that the pricker Guy Norman was nowhere to be found. He had last been seen by his comrades about the time that Captain Eichard had returned to the Manor-house. Probably he had taken alarm on seeing hun come back at that unusual hour, and had gone to carry the warning to his supposed aunt. This last intelligence made the Earl decide on going down at once to Bridgefield to examine young Babington before there was time to miss his presence at the lodge, or to hold any communication with him. Frank caused horses to be brought round, and the Earl rode down with Richard by a shaded alley in an ordinary cloak and hat. My Lord's appearance at Bridgelield was a rarer and more awful event than was my Lady's, and if Mistress Susan had been warned beforehand, there is no saying how at the head of her men and maids she would have scrubbed and polished the floors, and brushed the hangings and cushions. What then were her feelings when the rider, who dismounted from his little hackney as unpretendingly as did her husband in the twilight court, proved to have my Lord's long beard and narrow face ! Curtseying her lowest, and with a feeling of con- sternation and pity as she thought of the orphan boy, she accepted his greeting with duteous welcome as he said, " Kinswoman, I am come to cumber you, whilst I inquire into this matter. I give your son thanks for the honesty and faithfulness he hath shown in the mattor, as befitted his father's son. I should wish myseK to examine the springald." VII.] THE BLAST OF THE WHISTLE. 87 Humfrey was accordingly called, and, privately admonished by his father that he must not allow any scruples about bringing his playmate into trouble to lead him to withhold his evidence, or shrink from telling the whole truth as he knew it, Humfrey accordingly stood before the Earl and made his replies a little sullenly but quite straightforwardly. He had prevented the whistle from being given to his sister for the huckstress because the woman was a witch, who frightened her, and moreover he knew it was against rules. Did he suspect that the whistle came from the Queen of Scots ? He looked startled, and asked if it were so indeed, and when again commanded to say why he had thought it possible, he replied that he knew Antony thought the Queen of Scots a fair and gracious lady. Did he believe that Antony ever had communica- tion with her or her people unheard by others ? " Assuredly ! Wherefore not, when he carried my Lady Countess's messages ?" Lord Shrewsbury bent his brow, but did not further pursue this branch of the subject, but demanded of Humfrey a description of Tibbott, huckster or witch, man or woman. " She wears a big black hood and muffler," said Humfrey, " and hath a long hooked stick." " I asked thee not of her muffler, boy, but of her person." " She hath pouncet boxes and hawks' bells, and dog-whistles in her basket," proceeded Humfrey, but as the Earl waxed impatient, and demanded whether no one could give him a clearer account, liichard bade Humfrey call his mother. She, however, could say nothing as to the woman's 88 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. appearance. She had gone to Norman's cottage to offer her services after the supposed accident, but had been told that the potticary of the Queen of Scots had undertaken her cure, and had only seen her huddled up in a heap of rags, asleep. Since her recovery the woman had been several times at Bridgefield, but it had struck the mistress of the house that there was a certain avoidance of direct communication with her, and a preference for the servants and children. This Susan had ascribed to fear that she should be warned off for her fortune -telling propensities, or the children's little bargains interfered with. All she could answer for was that she had once seen a huge pair of grizzled eyebrows, with light eyes under them, and that the woman, if woman she were, was tall, and bent a good deal upon a hooked stick, which supported her limping steps. Cicely could say little more, except that the witch had a deep awesome voice, like a man, and a long nose terrible to look at. Indeed, there seemed to have been a sort of awful fascination about her to all the children, who feared her yet ran after her. Antony was then sent for. It was not easy to judge of the expression of his disfigured countenance, but when thus brought to bay he threw off all tokens of compunction, and stood boldly before the Earl, "So, Master Babington, I find you have been be- traying the trust I placed in you " " What trust, my Lord ?" said Antony, his bright blue eyes looking back into those of the nobleman. " The cockerel crows loud," said the Earl. " What trust, quotha ! Is there no trust implied in the com- ing and going of one of my household, when such a charge is committed to me and mine ?" " No one ever gave me any charge," said Antony. VII.] THE BLAST OF THE WHISTLE. 89 "Dost thou bandy words, thou froward imp ?" said the Earl, " Thou hast not the conscience to deny that there was no honesty in smuggling forth a letter thus hidden. Deny it not. The treasonable cipher hath been read !" " I knew nought of what was in it," said the boy. " I believe thee there, but thou didst know that it was foully disloyal to me and to her Majesty to bear forth secret letters to disguised traitors. I am willing to believe that the smooth tongue which hath deluded many a better man than thou hath led thee astray, and I am willing to deal as lightly with thee as may be, so thou wilt tell me openly all thou knowest of this infamous plot." " I know of no plot, sir." " They would scarce commit the knowledge to the like of him," said Eichard Talbot. " May be not," said Lord Shrewsbury, looking at him with a glance that Antony thought contemptuous, and which prompted him to exclaim, " And if I did know of one, you may be assured I would never betray it were I torn with wild horses." " Betray, sayest thou !" returned the Earl. " Thou hast betrayed my confidence, Antony, and hast gone as far as in thee lies to betray thy Queen." "My Queen is Mary, the lawful Queen of us all," replied Antony, boldly. " Ho ! Sayest thou so ? It is then as thou didst trow, cousin, the foolish lad hath been tampered with by the honeyed tongue. I need not ask thee from whom thou hadst this letter, boy. We have read it and know the foul treason therein. Thou wilt never return to the castle again, but for thy father's sake thou shalt be dealt with less sternly, if thou wilt tell who this ^0 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. ■woman is, and how many of tliese toys thou hast given to her, if thou knowest who she is." But Antony closed his lips resolutely. In fact, Eichard suspected him of being somewhat flattered by being the cause of such a commotion, ond actually accused of so grand and manly a crime as high treason. The Earl could extract no word, and finally sentenced him to remain at Bridgefield, shut up in his own chamber till he could be dealt with. The lad walked away in a dignified manner, and the Earl, holding up his hands, half amused, half vexed, said, " So the spell is on that poor lad likewise. What shall I do with him ? An orphan boy too, and mine old friend's son." " With your favour, my Lord," said Eichard, " I should say, send him to a grammar school, where among lads of his own age, the dreams about captive princesses might be driven from him by hard blows and merry games." "That may scarce serve," said the Earl rather severely, for public schools were then held beneath the dignity of both the nobility and higher gentry. " I may, however, send him to study at Cambridge under some trusty pedagogue. Back at the castle I cannot have him, so must I cumber you with him, my good kinswoman, until his face have recovered your son's lusty chastise- ment. Also it may be well to keep him here till we can lay hands on this same huckster- woman, since there may be need to confront him with her. It were best if you did scour the country toward Chesterfield for her, while Frank went to York." Having thus issued his orders, the Earl took a gracious leave of the lady, mounted his horse, and rode back to Sheffield, dispensing with the attendance of his kiusman, who had indeed to prepare for an early vil] the blast of the whistle. 91 start the next morning, when he meant to take Humfrey with him, as not unlikely to recognise the woman, though he could not describe her. " The boy merits well to go forth with me," said he. "He hath done yeoman's service, and proved himself staunch and faithful." "Was there matter in that scroll ?" asked Susan. " Only such slight matter as burning down the Talbots' kennel, while Don John of Austria is landing on the coast." " God forgive them, and defend us !" sighed Susan, turning pale. "Was that in the cipher ?" "Ay, in sooth, but fear not, good wife. Much is purposed that ne'er comes to pass. I doubt me if the ship be built that is to carry the Don hither." " I trust that Antony knew not of the wickedness ?" " Not he. His is only a dream out of the romances the lads love so well, of beauteous princesses to be freed, and the like." " But the woman !" " Yea, that lies deeper. What didst thou say of her ? Wherefore do the children call her a witch ? Is it only that she is gxim and ugly?" " I trow there is more cause than that," said Susan. " It may be that I should have taken more heed to their babble at first ; but I have questioned Cis while you were at the lodge, and I find that even before Mate Goatley spake here, this Tibbott had told the child of her being of lofty race in the north, alien to the Talbots' kennel, holding out to her presages of some princely destiny." "That bodeth ill!" said Eichaid, thoughtfully. " Wife, my soul misgives me that the hand of Cuthbert Langston is in this." 92 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY, [CHAP. Susan started. The idea chimed in with Tibbott'a avoidance of her scrutiny, and also with a certain vague sense she had had of having seen those eyes before. So light-complexioned a man would be easily disguised, and the halt was accounted for by a report that he had had a bad fall when riding to join in the Eising in the North. Nor could there now be any doubt that he was an ardent partisan of the imprisoned Mary, while Eichard had always known his inclination to intrigue. She could only agree with her husband's opinion, and ask what he would do. " My duty must be done, kin or no kin," said Eichard, " that is if I find him ; but I look not to do that, since Norman is no doubt off to warn him." " I marvel whether he hath really learnt who our Cis can be ?" " Belike not ! The hint would only have been thrown out to gain power over her." " Said you that you read the cipher ?" " Master Frank did so." " Would it serve you to read our scroll ?" " Ah, woman ! woman ! Why can thy kind never let well alone ? I have sufficient on my hands without reading of scrolls !" Humfrey's delight was extreme when he found that he was to ride forth with his father, and half-a-dozen of the earl's yeomen, in search of the supposed witch. They traced her as far as Chesterfield ; but having met the carrier's waggon on the way, they carefully examined Faithful Ekins on his report, but all the youth was clear about was tlie halt and the orange tawny cloak, and after entering Chesterfield, no one knew anything of these tokens. There was a large village belonging to a family of recusants, not far off, VII.] THE BLAST OF THE WHISTLE. 93 where the pursuers generally did lose sight of suspicious persons ; and, perhaps, Eichard was relieved, though his son was greatly chagrined. The good captain had a sufficient regard for his kinsman to be unwilling to have to unmask him as a traitor, and to be glad that he should have effected an escape, so that, at least, it should be others who should detect him — if Langston indeed it were. His next charge was to escort young Babington to Cambridge, and deliver him up to a tutor of his lord- ship's selection, who might draw the Popish fancies out of him. Meantime, Antony had been kept close to the house and garden, and not allowed any intercourse with any of the young people, save Hunifrey, except when the master or mistress of the house was present ; but he did not want for occupation, for Master Snig- gius came down, and gave him a long chapter of the Book of Proverbs — chiefly upon loyalty, in the Septua- gint, to learn by heart, and translate into Latin and English as his Saturday's and Sunday's occupation, under pain of a flogging, which was no light thiug from the hands of that redoubted dominie. Young Babington was half - flattered and half- frightened at the commotion he had excited. " Am I going to the Tower?" he asked, in a low voice, awe- stricken, yet not without a certain ring of self-import- ance, when he saw his mails brought down, and was bidden to put on his boots and his travelling dress. And Captain Talbot had a cruel satisfaction in replying, " No, Master Babington ; the Tower is not for refractory boys. You are going to your school- master." But where the school was to be Ei^Jiard kept an 94 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP absolute secret by special desire, in oider that no com- munication should be kept up through any of the household. He was to avoid Chats worth, and to return as soon as possible to endeavour to trace the supposed huckster-woman at Chesterfield. When once away from home, he ceased to treat young Babington as a criminal, but rode in a friendly manner with him through lanes and over moors, till the young fellow began to thaw towards him, and even went so far as to volunteer one day tliat he would not have brought Mistress Cicely into the matter if there had been any other sure way of getting the letter delivered in his absence. "Ah, boy!" returned Richard, "when once we swerve from the open and direct paths, there is no saying into what tangles we may bring ourselves and others." Antony winced a little, and said, " Whoever says I lied, lies in his throat." "No one hath said thou wert false in word, but how as to thy deed ? " " Sir," said Antony, " surely when a high emprise and great right is to be done, there is no need to halt over such petty quibbles." " Master P3abington, no great right was ever done through a little wrong. Depend on it, if you cannot aid without a breach of trust, it is the sure sign that it is not the will of God that you should be the one to do it." Captain Talbot mused whether he should convince or only weary the lad by an argument he had once heard in a sermon, that the force of Satan's temptation to our blessed Lord, when showiug Him all the king- doms of the world, must have been the absolute and immediate vanishing of all kinds of evil, by a voluntary VII.] THE BLAST OF THE WHISTLE. 95 abdication on the part of the Prince of this world, in- stead not only of the coming anguish of the strife, but of the long, long, often losiug, battle which has been waging ever since. Yet for this great achievement He would not commit the moment's sin. He was just about to begin when Antony broke in, " Then, sir, you do deem it a great wrong?" " That I leave to wiser heads tlian mine," returned the sailor. " My duty is to obey my Lord, his duty is to obey her Grace. That is all a plain man needs to see. " But an if the true Queen be thus mewed up, sir ?" asked Antony. Eichard was too wise a man to threaten the suggestion down as rank treason, well knowing that thus he should never root it out. " Look you here, Antony," he said ; " who ought to reign is a question of birth, such as neither of us can understand nor judge. But we know thus much, that her Grace, Queen Elizabeth, hath been crowned and anointed and received oaths of fealty as her due, and that is quite enough for any honest man." "Even when she keeps in durance the Queen, who came as her guest in dire distress ?" " Nay, Master Antony, you are not old enough to remember that the durance began not until the Queen of Scots tried to form a party for herself among the English liegemen. And didst thou know, thou simple lad, what the letter bore, which thou didst carry, and what it would bring on this peaceful land ?" Antony looked a little startled when he heard of the burning of the kennel, but he averred that Don John was a gallant prince. " I have seen more than one gallant Spaniard under whose power I should grieve to see any friend of mine." 96 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. All the rest of the way Pdchard Talbot entertained the young gentleman with stories of his own voyages and adventures, into wliich he managed to bring traits of Spanish cruelty and barbarity as shown in the Low Countries, such as, without actually drawing the moral every time, might show what was to be ex- pected if Mary of Scotland and Don John of Austria were to reign over England, armed with the Inquisition. Antony asked a good many questions, and when he found that the captain had actually been an eye-witness of the state of a country harried by the Spaniards, he seemed a good deal struck. " I think if I had the training of him I could make a loyal Englishman of him yet," said Eichard Talbot to his wife on his return. " But I fear me there is that in his heart and his conscience which will only grow, while yonder sour-faced doctor, with whom I had to leave him at Cambridge, preaches to him of the perdition of Pope and Papists." " If his mother were indeed a concealed Papist," said Susan, " such sermons will only revolt the poor child." " Yea, truly. If my Lord wanted to make a plotter and a Papist of the boy he could scarce find a better means. I myself never could away with yonder lady's blandishments. But when he thinks of her in con- trast to yonder divine, it would take a stronger head than his not to be led away. The best chance for him is that the stir of the world about him may put captive princesses out of his head." viil] the key of the cipher. 97 CHAPTEE Yin. THE KEY OF THE CIPHEE. Where is the man who does not persuade himself that when he gratifies his own curiosity he does so for the sake of his womankind ? So Richard Talbot, having made his protest, waited two days, but when next he had any leisure moments before him, on a Sunday evening, he said to his wife, " Sue, what hast thou done with that scroll of Cissy's ? I trow thou wilt not rest till thou art convinced it is but some lying horoscope or Popish charm." * Susan had in truth been resting in perfect quiet- ness, being extremely busy over her spinning, so as to be ready for the weaver who came round periodically to direct the more artistic portions of domestic work. However, she joyfully produced the scroll from the depths of the casket where she kept her chief treasures, and her spindle often paused in its dance as she watched her husband over it, with his elbows on the table and his hands in his hair, from whence he only removed them now and then to set down a letter or two by way of experiment. She had to be patient, for she heard nothing that night but that he believed it was French, that the father of deceits himself might be puzzled with the thing, and tliat she might as well ask him H 98 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. for his head at once as propose his consulting Master Francis. The next night he unfolded it with many a groan, and would say nothing at all ; but he sat up late and waked in early dawn to pore over it again, and on the third day of study he uttered a loud exclamation of dismay, but he ordered Susan off to bed in the midst, and did not utter anything but a perplexed groan or two when he followed her much later. It was not till the next night that she heard any- thmg, and then, in the darkness, he began, " Susan, thou art a good wife and a discreet woman." Perhaps her heart leapt as she thought to herself, " At last it is coming, I knew it would !" but she only made some innocent note of attention. " Thou hast asked no questions, nor tried to pry into this unhappy mystery," he went on. " I knew you would tell me what was fit for me to hear," she replied. " Fit ! It is fit for no one to hear ! Yet I needs must take counsel with thee, and thou hast shown thou canst keep a close mouth so far." " Concerns it our Cissy, husband ?" " Ay does it. Our Cissy, indeed ! Wliat wouldst say. Sue, to hear she was daughter to the lady yonder." " To the Queen of Scots ?" " Hush ! hush !" fairly grasping her to hinder the words from being uttered above her breath. "And her father?" " That villain. Both well, of course. Poor lassie, she is ill fathered ! " " You may say so. Is it in the ssroU ? " "Ay! so far as I can unravel it; but besides the VIII.] THE KEY OF THE CIPHER. 99 cipher no doubt much was left for the poor woman to tell that was lost in the wreck." And he went on to explain that the scroll was a letter to the Abbess of Soissons, who was aunt to Queen Mary, as was well known, since an open corre- spondence was kept up through the French ambassador. This letter said that " our trusty Alison Hepburn " would tell how in secrecy and distress Queen Maiy had given birth to this poor child in Lochleven, and how she had been conveyed across the lake while only a few hours old, after being hastily baptized by the name of Bride, one of the patron saints of Scotland. She had been nursed in a cottage for a few weeks till the Queen had made her first vain attempt to escape, after which Mary had decided on sending her with her nurse to Dumbarton Castle, whence Lord Flemyng would despatch her to France. The Abbess was implored to shelter her, in complete ignorance of her birth, until such time as her mother should resume her liberty and her throne. " Or if," the poor Queen said, " I perish in the hands of my enemies, you will deal with her as my uncles of Guise and Lorraine think fit, since, should her unhappy little brother die in the rude hands of yonder traitors, she may bring the true faith back to both realms." "Ah !" cried Susan, with a sudden gasp of dismay, as she bethought her that the child was indeed heiress to both realms after the young King of Scots. " But has there been no quest after her? Do they deem her lost?" " No doubt they do. Either all hands were lost in the Bride of Dunhar, or if any of the crew escaped, they would report the loss of nurse and child. The few who know that the little one was lorn believe her to have perished. None will ever ask for her. They 100 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP deem that she lias been at the bottom of the sea these twelve years or more." " And you would still keep the knowledge to our- selves ?" asked his wife, in a tone of relief. " I would I knew it not myself ! " sighed Eichard. " Would that I could blot it out of my mind." " It were far happier for the poor maid herself to remain no one's child but ours," said Susan. " In sooth it is ! A drop of royal blood is in these days a mere drop of poison to them that have the ill luck to inherit it. As my lord said the other day, it brings the headsman's axe after it." " And our boy Humfrey calls himself contracted to her ! " " So long as we let the secret die with us that can do her no ill. Happily the wench favours not her mother, save sometimes in a certain lordly carriage of the head and shoulders. She is like enough to some of the Scots retinue to make me think she must take her face from her father, the villain, who, some one told me, was beetle-browed and swarthy." "Lives he still?" " So 'tis thought, but somewhere in prison in the north. There have been no tidings of his death ; but my Lady Queen, you'll remember, treats the marriage as nought, and has made offer of herself for the misfortune of the Duke of Norfolk, ay, and of this Don John, and I know not whom besides." " She would not have done that had she known that our Cis was alive." " Mayhap she would, mayhap not. I believe my- self she would do anything short of disowning hei Popery to get out of prison ; but as matters stand I doubt me whether Cis " VIII.] THE KEY OF THE CIPHER. 101 " The Lady Bride Hepburn," suggested Susan. " Pshaw, poor child, I misdoubt me whetlier they would own her claim even to that name." " And they might put her in prison if they did," said Susan. 'They would be sure to do so, sooner or later. Here has my lord been recounting in his trouble about my lady's fine match for her Bess, all that hath come of mating with royal blood, the very least disaster being poor Lady Mary Grey's 1 Kept in ward for life ! It is a cruel matter. I would that I had known the cipher at first. Then she might either have been disposed of at the Queen's will, or have been sent safe to this nunnery at Soissons." " To be bred a Papist ! Oh fie, husband ! " " And to breed dissension in the kingdoms ! " added her husband. " It is best so far for the poor maiden herself to have thy tender hand over her than that of any queen or abbess of them all." " Shall we then keep all things as they are, and lock this knowledge in our own hearts ?" asked Susan hopefully. " To that am I mightily inclined," said Pichard. " Were it blazed abroad at once, thou and I might be made out guilty of I know not what for concealing it ; and as to the maiden, she would either be put in close ward with her mother, or, what would be more likely, had up to court to be watched, and flouted, and spied upon, as were the two poor ladies — sisters to the Lady Jane — ere they made their lot hopeless by marrying. Nay, I have seen those who told me that poor Lady Katherine was scarce worse bested in the Tower than she was while at court." " My poor Cis ! No, no ! The only cause for which 102 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CH.*r. I could bear to yield her up would be the thought that she would bring comfort to the heart of the poor captive mother who hath the best right to her." " Forsooth ! I suspect her poor captive mother would scarce be pleased to find this witness to her ill- advised marriage in existence." " Nor would she be permitted to be with her." " Assuredly not. Moreover, what could she do with the poor child ? " " Eear her in Popery," exclaimed Susan, to whom the word was terrible. " Yea, and make her hand secure as the bait to some foreign prince or some English traitor, who would fain overthrow Queen and Church." Susan shuddered. " Oh yes ! let us keep the poor child to ourselves. I could not give her up to such a lot as that. And it might imperil you too, my hus- band. I should like to get up instantly and burn the scroll." "I doubt me whether that were expedient," said Eichard. " Suppose it were in the course of providence that the young King of Scots should not live, then would this maid be the means of uniting the two kingdoms in the true and Eeformed faith ! Heaven forefend that he should be cut off, but meseemeth that we have no right to destroy the evidence that may one day be a precious thing to the kingdom at large." "No chance eye could read it even were it dis- covered ?" said Susan. " No, mdeed. Thou knowest how I strove in vain to read it at first, and even now, when Frank Talbot unwittingly gave me the key, it was days before I could fully read it. It will tell no tales, sweet wife, that can prejudice any one, so we will l(»t it be, even with vhl] the key of the cipher. 103 the baby clouts. So now to sleep, with no more thouglits on the matter." That was easy to say, but Susan lay awake long, pondering over the wonder, and only slept to dream strange dreams of queens and princesses, ay, and worse, for she finally awoke with a scream, thinking her husband was on the scaffold, and that Humfrey and Cis were walking up the ladder, hand in hand with their necks bared, to follow him ! There was no need to bid her hold her tongue. She regarded the secret with dread and horror, and a sense of something amiss which she could not quite define, though she told herself she was only acting in obedience to her husband, and indeed her judgment went along with his. Often she looked at the unconscious Cis, studying whether the child's parentage could be detected in her features. But she gave promise of being of larger frame than her mother, who had the fine limbs and contour of her Lorraine ancestry, whereas Cis did, as Eichard said, seem to have the sturdy outlines of the Borderer race from whom her father came. She was round-faced too, and sunburnt, with deep gray eyes under black straight brows, capable of frowning heavily. She did not look likely ever to be the fascinating beauty which all declared her mother to be — though those who saw the captive at Sheffield, believed the charm to be more in indefinable grace than in actual features, — in a certain wonderful smile and sparkle, a mixed pathos and archness which seldom failed of its momentary effect, even upon thos* who most rebelled against it. Poor little Cis, a sturdy girl of twelve or thirteen, playing at ball with little Ned on the terrace, and coming with tardy steps 104 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP to her daily task of spinning, had little of the princess about her ; and yet when she sat down, and the manage- ment of distaff and thread threw her shoulders back, there was something in the poise of her small head and the gesture of her hand that forcibly recalled the Queen. Moreover, all the boys around were at her beck and call, not only Humfrey and poor Antony Babington, but Cavendishes, Pierrepoints, all the young pages and grandsons who dwelt at castle or lodge, and attended Master Sniggius's schooL Nay, the dominie himself, though owning that Mistress Cicely promoted idleness and inattention among his pupils, had actually volunteered to come down to Bridgefield twice a week himself to prevent her from forgetting her Lilly's gram- mar and her Caesar's Commentaries, an attention with which this young lady would willingly have dispensed. Stewart, Lorraine, Hepburn, the blood of all com- bined was a perilous inheritance, and good Susan Talbot's instinct was that the young girl whom she loved truly like her own daughter would need all the more careful and tender watchfulness and training to overcome any tendencies that might descend to her. Pity increased her affection, and even while in ordinary household life it was easy to forget who and what the girl really was, yet Cis was conscious that she was admitted to the intimacy and privileges of an elder daughter, and made a companion and friend, while her contemporaries at the Manor-house were treated as children, and rated roundly, their fingers tapped with fans, their shoulders even whipped, whenever they transgressed. Cis did indeed live raider equal re- straint, but it was the wise and gertle restraint of firm influence and constant watchfulness, which took from her the wish to resist. IX,] UNQUIET. 105 CHAPTEE IX, UNQUIET. Bridgefield was a peaceable household, and the castle and manor beyond might envy its calm. From the time of the marriage of Elizabeth Caven- dish with the young Earl of Lennox all the shreds of comfort which had remained to the unfortunate Earl had vanished. First he had to clear himself before Queen Elizabeth from having been a consent- ing party, and then he found his wife furious with him at his displeasure at her daughter's aggrandise- ment. Moreover, whereas she had formerly been on terms of friendly gossiphood with the Scottish Queen, she now went over to the Lennox side because her favourite daughter had married among them ; and it was evident that from that moment all amity between her and the prisoner was at an end. She was enraged that her husband would not at once change his whole treatment of the Queen, and treat her as such guilt deserved ; and with the illogical dulness of a passionate woman, she utterly scouted and failed to comprehend the argument that the unhappy Mary was, to say the least of it, no more guilty now than when she came into their keeping, and that to altei their de- meanour towards her would be unjust and unreasonabla 106 UNKNOWN TO HISIORY. [CHAP. " My Lady is altogether beyond reason," said Captain Talbot, returning one evening to his wife ; " neither my Lord nor her daughter can do ought with her ; so puffed up is she with this marriage ! Moreover, she is hotly angered that young Babingtoa should have l^een sent away from her retinue withouv, notice to her, and demands our Humfrey in his stead as a page." " He is surely too old for a page !" said his mother, thinking of her tall well-grown son of fifteen. " So said I," returned Richard. " I had sooner it were Diccon, and so I told his lordship." Before Richard could speak for them, the two boys came in, eager and breathless. " Father !" cried Hum- frey, " who think you is at Hull ? Wliy, none other than your old friend and shipmate. Captain Frobisher !" " Ha ! Martm Frobisher ! Who told thee, Hum- frey ?" " Faithful Ekins, sir, who had it from the Doncaster carrier, who saw Captain Frobisher liimself, and was asked by him if you, sir, were not somewhere in Yorkshire, and if so, to let you know that he will be in Hull till May-day, getting men together for a voy- age to the northwards, where there is gold to be had for the picking — and if you had a likely son or two, now was the time to make their fortunes, and show them the world. He said, auy way you might ride to see an old comrade." " A long message for two carriers," said Richard Tal- bot, smiling, "but Martin never was a scribe !" " But, sir, you will let me go," cried Humfrey, eagerly. " I mean, I pray you to let me go. Dear mother, say nought against it," entreated the youth. " Cis, think of my brmging thee home a gold bracelet like mother's." IX.] UNQUIET. 107 "What," said his father, "when my lady has just craved thee for a page." " A page ! said Humfrey, with infinite contempt — " to hear all theii tales and bickerings, hold skeins of silk, amble mincingly along galleries, be begged to bear messages that may have more in them than one knows., and be noted for a bear if one refuses." The father and Cis laughed, the mother looked unhappy. " So Martin is at Hull, is he ?" said Richard, mus- ingly. " If my Lord can give me leave for a week or fortnight, methinks I must ride to see the stout old knave." " And oh, sweet father ! prithee take me with you," entreated Humfrey, " if it be only to come back again. I have not seen the sea since we came here, and yet the sound is in my ears as I fall asleep. I entreat of you to let me come, good my father." " And, good father, let me come," exclaimed Diccon ; " I have never even seen the sea !" " And dear, sweet fatlier, take me," entreated little Ned. " Nay," cried Cis, " what should I do ? Here is Antony Babington borne off to Cambridge, and you all wanting to leave me." "I'll come home better worth than he!" muttered Humfrey, who tliouglit he saw consent on his father's brow, and drew her aside into the deep window. " You'll come back a rude sailor, smelling of pitch and tar, and Antony will be a well-bred, point-device scholar, who will know how to give a lady his hand," said the teasing girl. And so the playful war was carried on, while the father, having silenced and dismissed the two younger 108 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAF lads, expressed his intention of obtaining leave of absence, if possible, from the Earl." " Yea," he added to his wife, " I shall even let Humfrey go v^ith me. It is time he looked beyond the walls of this place, which is little better than a prison." " And will you let him go on this strange voyage ?" she asked wistfully, " he, our first-born, and our heir." " For that, dame, remember his namesake, my poor brother, was the one who stayed at home, I the one to go forth, and here am I now !" The lad's words may have set before thee weightier perils in yonder park than he is like to meet among seals and bears under honest old Martin." " Yet here he has your guidance," said Susan. " Who knows how they might play on his honour as to talebearing ? Nay, good wife, when thou hast thought it over, thou wilt see that far fouler shoals and straits lie up yonder, than in the free open sea that God Almighty made. Martin is a devout and godly man, who hath matins and evensong on board each day when the weather is not too foul, and looks well that there be no ill-doings in his ship ; and if he have a berth for thy lad, it will be a better school for him than where two-thirds of the household are raging against one another, and the third ever striving to corrupt and outwit the rest. I am weary of it all ! Would that I could once get into blue water again, and leave it all behind ! " " You will not ! Oh ! you will not !" implored Susan. " Remember, my dear, good lord, how you said all your duties lay at home." " I remember, my good housewife. Thou needst not fear for me. But there is little time to spare. If IX.] UNQUIET. 109 I am to see mine old friend, I must get speecli of my Lord to-night, so as to be on horsebaclv to-morrow. Saddle me Brown Dumpling, boys." And as the boys went off", persuading Cis, who went coyly protesting that the paddock was damp, yet still following after them, he added, " Yea, Sue, considering all, it is better those two were apart for a year or so, till we see better what is this strange nestling that we have reared. Ay, thou art like the mother sparrow that hath bred up a cuckoo and doteth on it, yet it mateth not with her brood." " It casteth them out," said Susan, " as thou art doing now, by your leave, husband." " Only for a flight, gentle mother," he answered, " only for a flight, to prove meanwhile wliether there be the making of a simple household bird, or of a ]iawk tliat might tear her mate to pieces, in yonder nestling." Susan was too dutiful a wife to say more, though her motherly heart was wrung almost as much at the implied distrust of her adopted daughter as by the sudden parting with her first-born to the dangers of the northern seas. She could better enter into her husband's fears of the temptations of page life at Shef- field, and being altogether a wife, " bonner and bough- some," as her marriage vow held it, she applied herself and Cis to the choosing of the shirts and the crimping of the ruifs that were to appear in Hull, if, for there was this hope at the bottom of her heart, my Lord might refuse leave of absence to his " gentleman porter." The hope was fallacious ; Pdchard reported that my Lord was so much relieved to find that he had detected no fresh conspiracy, as to be willing to grant hiui a fortnight's leave, and even had said with a sigh that 110 UK KNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP he was in the right on't fihout his son, for Sheffield was more of a school for plotting than for chivalry. It was a point of honour with every good house- wife to have a store of linen eqiial to any emergency, and, indeed, as there were no washing days in the winter, the stock of personal body -linen was at all times nearly a sufficient outfit ; so the main of Hum- frey's shirts were to he despatched by a carrier, in the trust that they would reach him before the expedition should sail. There was then little to delay the father and son, after the mother, with fast -gathering tears resolutely forced back, had packed and strapped their mails, with Cis's help, Humfrey standiug by, booted and spurred, and talking fast of the wonders he should see, and the gold and ivory he should bring home, to hide the qualms of home-sickness, and mother-sickness, he was already beginning to feel ; and maybe to get Cis to pronounce that then she should think more of him than of Antony Babington with his airs and graces. Wist- fully did the lad watch for some such tender assurance, but Cis seemed all provoking brilliancy and teasing. " She knew he would be back over soon. Oh no, he would never go to sea ! She feared not. Mr. Frobisher would have none of such awkward lubbers. More's the pity. There would be some peace to get to do her broidery, and leave to play on the virginals when he was gone." But when the horsemen had disappeared down the avenue, Cis hid herself in a corner and cried as if her heart would break. She cried again behind the back of the tall settle when the father came back alone, full of praises of Captain "Frobisher, his ship, and his corapany, and his IX.] UNQUIET. Ill assurances that he would watch over Humfrey like his own son. Meantime the domestic storms at the park were such that Master Eichard and his wife were not sorry that the boy was not growing up in tlie midst of them, though the Countess rated Susan severely for her ingratitude. Queen Elizabeth was of course much angered at the Lennox match, and the Earl had to write letter after letter to clear himself from any participation in bringing it about. Queen Mary also wrote to clear herself of it, and to show that she absolutely regretted it, as she had small esteem for Bess Cavendish. Moreover, though Lady Shrewsbury's friendship might not be a very pleasant thing, it was at least better than her hostility. However, she was not much at Sheffield. Not only was she very angry with her husband, but Queen Elizabeth had strictly forbidden the young Lord Lennox from coming under the same roof with his royal sister- in-law. He was a weakly youth, and his wife's health failed immediately after her marriage, so that Lady Shrewsbury remained almost constantly at Chatsworth with her darling. Gilbert Talbot, who was the chief peacemaker of the family, went to and fro, wrote letters and did his best, which would have been more effective but for Mary, his wife, who, no doubt, detailed all the gossip of Sheffield at Chatsworth, as she certainly amused Sheffield with stories of her sister Bess as a royal countess full of airs and humours, and her mother treating her, if not as a queen, at least on the high road to become one, and how the haughty dame of Shrewsbury ran will- ingly to pick up her daughter's kercliief, and stood over the fire stirring the posset, rather than let it fail 112 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CIIAP. to tempt the appetite which became more dainty by bein,i( cossetted. The difference made between Lady Lennox and her elder sisters was not a little nettling to Dame Mary Talbot, who held that some consideration was her due, as the proud mother of the only grandson of the house of Shrewsbury, little George, who was just able to be put on horseback in the court, and say he was riding to see " Lady Danmode," and to drink the health of " Lady Danmode " at his meals. Alas ! the little hope of the Talbots suddenly faded. One evening after supper a message came down in haste to beg for the aid of Mistress Susan, who, though much left to the seclusion of Bridgefield in prosperous days, was always a resource in trouble or difficulty. Little George, then two and a half years old, had been taken suddenly ill after a supper on marchpane and plum broth, washed down by Christmas ale. Convul- sions had come on, and the skill of Queen Mary's apothecary had only gone so far as to bleed him. Susan arrived only just in time to see the child breathe his last sigh, and to have his mother, wild with tumultuous clamorous grief, put into her hands for such soothing and comforting as might be possible, and the good and tender woman did her best to turn the mother's thoughts to something higher and better than the bcwading at one moment " her pretty boy," with a sort of animal sense of bereavement, and the next with lamentations over the honours to which he would have succeeded. It was of little use to speak to her of the eternal glories of which he was now secure, for Mary Talbot's sorrow was chiefly selfish, and was con- nected with the loss of her prc-eniinen(,e as parent to the heir-male. IX.] UNQUIET. 113 However, the grief of those times was apt to expend itself quickly, and when little George's coffin, smothered under heraldic devices and funeral escutcheons, had been bestowed in the family vault, Dame Mary soon revived enough to take a warm interest in the lords s^ho were next afterwards sent down to hold confeKsnces with the captive ; and her criticism of the fashion of their ruffs and doublets was as animated as ever. Another grief, however, soon fell upon the family. Lady Len- nox's ailments proved to be no such trifles as her sisters and sisters-in-law had been pleased to suppose, and before the year was out, she had passed away from all her ambitious hopes, leaving a little daughter. The Earl took a brief leave of absence to visit his lady in her affliction at Chatsworth, and to stand godfather to the motherless infant. " She will soon be fatherless, too," said Eichard Talbot on his return to Bridgefield, after attending his lord on this expedition. "My young Lord Lennox, poor youth, is far gone in the wasting sickness, as well as distraught with grief, and he could scarcely stand to receive my Lord." " Our poor lady !" said Susan, " it pities me to think what hopes she had fixed upon that young couple whom she had mated together." " I doubt me whether her hopes be ended now," quoth Eichard. " What think you she hath fixed on as the name of the poor puling babe yonder ? They have called her Arbel or Arabella." " Arabella, say you ? I never heard such a name. It is scarce Christian. Is it out of a romaunt ?" " Better that it were. It is out of a pedigree. They have got the whole genealogy of the house of Lennox blazoned fair, with crowns and coronets and coats of I 114 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. arms hung up in the hall at Chatsworth going up on the one hand through Sir ^neas of Troy, and on the other hand through Woden to Adam and Eve ! Pass for all before the Stewart line became Kings of Scots ! Well, it seems that these Lennox Stewarts sprang from one Walter, who was son to King Eobert II., and that the mother of this same Walter was called Arnhild, or as the Scots here call it Annaple, but the scholars have made it into Arabella, and so my young lady is to be called. They say it was a special fancy of the young Countess's." " So I should guess. My lady would fill her head with such thoughts, and of this poor youth being next of kin to the young Scottish king, and to our own Queen." " He is not next heir to Scotland even, barring a little one we wot of, Dame Sue. The Hamiltons stand between, being descended from a daughter of King James I." " So methought I had heard. Are they not Papists ?" " Yea ! Ah ha, sweetheart, there is another of the house of Hardwicke as fain to dreams of greatness for her child as ever was the Countess, though she may be more discreet in the telling of them." " Ah me, dear sir, I dreamt not of greatness for splendour's sake — 'twere scarce for the dear child's happiness. I only thought of what you once said, that she may be the instrument of preserving the true religion." " And if so, it can only be at a mighty cost!" said her husband. '* Verily," said Susan, " glad am I that you sent our Plumfrey from her. Would that nought had ever passed between the children !" IX.] UNQUIET. 115 " They were but cliildren," said RicLaid ; " and there was no contract between them." "*I fear me there was what Hiimfrey will hold to, or know good reason why," said his mother. " And were the young King of Scots married and father to a goodly heir, there is no reason he should not hold to it," rejoined Eichard. However Richard was still anxious to keep his son engaged at a distance from Sheffield. There was great rejoicing and thankfulness when one of the many messengers constantly passing between London and Sheffield brought a packet from Humfrey, whose ship had put into the Thames instead of the Humber. The packet contained one of the black stones which the science of the time expected to transmute into gold, also some Esquimaux trinkets made of bone, and a few shells. These were for the mother and Cis, and there were also the tusks of a sea-elephant which Humfrey would lay up at my Lord's London lodgings till his father sent tidings what should be done with them, and whether he should come home at once by sea to Hull, or if, as he much desired to do, he might join an expe- dition which was fitting out for the Spanish Main, where he was assured that much more both of gold and hon- our was to be acquired than in the cold northern seas, where nothing was to be seen for the fog at most times, and when it cleared only pigmies, with their dogs, white beais, and seals, also mountains of ice bigger than any church, blue as my lady's best sapj)liires, green as her emeralds, sparkling as her diamonds, but ready to be the destruction of the ships. " One there was," wrote Humfrey, " that I could have thought was no other than tlie City that the blessed St. John saw descending from Heaven, so fair 116 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAP, was it to look on, but they cried out that it was rathei a City of Destruction, and when we had got out of the current where it was bearing down on us, our lioblo captain pijDed all hands up to prayers, and gave thanks for our happy deliverance therefrom." Susan breathed a thanksgiving as her husband read, and he forbore to tell her of the sharks, the tornadoes, and the fevers which might make the tropical seas more perilous than the Arctic. No Elizabethan mariner had any scruples respecting piracy, and so long as the cap- tain was a godly man who kept up strict discipline on board. Master Eichard held the quarterdeck to be a much more wholesome place than the Manor-house, and much preferred the humours of the ship to those of any other feminine creature ; for, as to his Susan, he always declared that she was the only woman who had none. So she accepted his decision, and saw the wisdom of it, though her tender heart deeply felt the disap- pointment. Tenderly she packed up the shirts which she and Cis had finished, and bestrewed them with lavender, which, as she said, while a tear dropped with the gray blossoms, would bring the scent of home to the boy. Cis affected to be indifferent and offended. "Mas- ter Humfrey might do as he chose. She did not care if he did prefer pitch and tar, and whale blubber and grease, to hawks and houuds, and lords and ladies. She was sure she wanted no more great lubberly lads — with a sly cut at Diccon — to tangle her silk, and torment her to bait their hooks. She was well quit of any one *of them. When Diccon proposed that she should write a letter to Humfrey, she declared that she shciuld do no IX.] UNQUIET. 117 such thing, since he had never attempted to write to her. In truth Diccon may have made the proposal in order to obtain a companion in misfortune, since Master Sniggius, emulous of the success of other tutors, insisted on his writing to his brother in Latin, and the unfortunate epistle of Eicardus to Onofredus was revised and corrected to the last extremity, and as it was allowed to contain no word unknown to Virgilius Maro, it could not have afforded much delectation to the recipient. But when Mrs. Susan had bestowed all the shirts as neatly as possible, on returning to settle them for the last time before wrapping them up for the messen- ger, she felt something hard among them. It was a tiny parcel wrapped in a piece of a fine kerchief, tied round with a tress of dark hair, and within, Susan knew by the feeling, a certain chess rook which had been won by Cis when shooting at the butts a week or two before. 118 UJSKJS'OW:^ TO HISTOKY. [CHAP CHAPTER X. THE LADY AEBELL. After several weary months of langnishing, Charles Stewart was saved from the miseries which seemed the natural inheritance of his name by sinking into his grave. His funeral was conducted with the utmost magnificence, though the Earl of Shrewsbury declined to be present at it, and shortly after, the Countess intimated her purpose of returning to Sheffield, bringing with her the little orphan, Lady Arabella Stewart. Orders came that the best presence chamber in the Manor-house should be prepared, the same indeed where Queen Mary had been quartered before the lodge had been built for her use. The Earl was greatly perturbed. " Whom can she intend to bring ? " lie went about asking. " If it were the Lady Margaret, it were as much as my head were worth to admit her within the same grounds as this Queen." " There is no love lost between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law," observed his son Gilbert in a consolatory tone. " Little good would that do to me, if once it came to tlie ears of her Grace and the Lord Treasurer that both had been my guests ! And if I had to close the gates — though in no other way could I save my life X.] THE LADY AKBELL. 119 and liononr — your mother would never forget it. It would be ca.;t up to me for ever. What think you, daughter Talbot ? " " Mayhap," said Dame Mary, " my lady mother has had a hint to make ready for her Majesty herself, who hath so often spoken of seeing the Queen of Scots, and might think well to take her unawares." This was a formidable suggestion. " Say you so," cried the poor Earl, with an alarm his eye would never have betrayed had Parma himself been within a march of Sheffield, " then w^ere we fairly spent. I am an impoverished man, eaten out of house and lands as it is, and were the Queen herself to come, I might take at once to the beggar's bowl." " But think of the honour, good my lord," cried Mary. " Think of all Hallamshire coming to do her homage. Oh, how I should laugh to hear the Mayor stumbling over his address." " Laugh, ay," growled the Earl ; *' and how will you laugh when there is not a deer left in the park, nor an ox in the stalls ? " " Nay, my Lord," interposed Gilbert, " there is no fear of her Majesty's coming. That post from M. de la Mauvissiere reported her at Greenwich only five days back, and it would take her Majesty a far longer time to make her progress than yonder fellow, who will tell you himself that she had no thoughts of moving." " That might only be a feint to be the more sudden with us," said his wife, actuated in part by the diversion of alarming her father-in-law, and in part really fired by the hope of such an effectual enlivenment of the dulness of Sheffield. They were all in full family conclave diawn up in 120 UNKNOWN TO HISTOIiY. [CHAP the hall for the reception, and Mistress Susan, wlio could not bear to see the Earl so perplexed and anxious, ventured to say that she was quite sure that my Lady Countess would have sent warning forward if indeed she were bringing home such a guest, and at tliat moment the blare of trumpets announced that the cavalcade was approaching. The start "which the Earl gave showed how much his nerves had become affected by his years of custody. Up the long avenue they came, with all the state with which the Earl had conducted Queen Mary to the lodge before she was absolutely termed a prisoner. Hal- berdiers led the procession, horse and foot seemed to form it. The home party stood on the top of the steps watching with much anxiety. There was a closed litter visible, beside which Lady Shrewsbury, in a mourning dress and hood, could be seen riding her favourite bay jDalfrey. No doubt it contained the Lady Margaret, Countess of Lennox ; and the unfortunate Earl, forgetting all his stately dignity, stood uneasily moving from leg to leg, and pulling his long beard, torn between the instincts of hospitality and of loyal obedi- ence, between fear of his wife and fear of the Queen. The litter halted at the foot cf the steps, the Earl descended. All he saw v/as the round face of an infant in its nurse's arms, and he turned to "aelp his wife from the saddle, but she waved him aside. " My son Gilbert will aid me, my Lord," said she, " your devoir is to the princess." Poor Lord Shrewsbury, his apologies on his tongue, looked into the litter, where he saw the well-known and withered countenance of the family nurse. He also beheld a buxom young female, whose di-ess marked her as a peasant, but before he had time to seek further for X.] THE LADY AEBELL. 121 the princess, the tightly rolled chrysalis of a child was thrust ijito his astonished arms, while the round face puckered up instantly with terror at sight of his bearded countenance, and he was greeted with a loud yell. H« looked helplessly round, and his lady was ready at .^nce to relieve him. " My precious ! My sweetheart ! My jewel ! Did he look sour at her and frighten her with his ugsome beard ?" and the like endearments common to grandmothers in all ages. " But where is the princess ?" " Where ? Where should she be but here ? Her grandame's own precious, royal, queenly little darling !" and as a fresh cry broke out, " Yes, yes ; she shall to her presence chamber. Usher her, Gilbert." " Bess's brat !" muttered Dame Mary, in ineffable disappointment. Curiosity and the habit of obedience to the Countess carried the entire troop on to the grand apartments on the south side, where Queen Mary had been lodged while the fiction of her guestship had been kept up. Lady Shrewsbury was all the time trying to hush the child, who was quite old enough to be terrified by new faces and new scenes, and who was besides tired and restless in her aw^addling bands, for which she was so nearly too old that she had only been kept in them for greater security upon the rough and dangerous roads. Great was my lady's indignation on reaching the state rooms on finding that no nursery preparations had been made, and her daughter Mary, with a giggle hardly repressed by awe of her mother, stood forth and said, " Why, verily, my lady, we expected some great dame, my Lady Margaret or my Lady Hunsdon at the very least, when you spoke of a princess." " And who should it be but one who has both the 122 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. royal blood of England and Scotland in her veins ? " You have not saluted the child to whom you have the honour to be akin, Mary ! On your knee, minion ; I tell you she hath as good or a better chance of wearing a crown as any woman in England." " She hath a far better chance of a prison," muttered the Earl, " if all this foolery goes on." "What! What is that? What are you calling these honours to my orphan princess ?" cried the lady, but the princess herself here broke in with the lustiest of squalls, and Susan, who was sorry for the child, contrived to insert an entreaty that my lady would permit her to be taken at once to the nursery chamber that had been made ready for her, and let her there be fed, warmed, and undressed at once. There was something in the quality of Susan's voice to which people listened, and the present necessity overcame the Countess's desire to assert the dignity of her granddaughter, so she marched out of the room attended by the women, while the Earl and his sons were only too glad to slink away — there is no other word for it, their relief as to the expected visitor having been exchanged for consternation of another description. There was a blazing fire ready, and all the baby comforts of the time provided, and poor little Lady Arbell was relieved from her swathing bands, and allowed to stretch her little limbs on her nurse's lap, the one rest really precious to babes of all periods and conditions — but the troubles were not yet over, for the grandmother, glancing rouud, demanded, " Where is the cradle inlaid with pearl ? Why was it not provided ? Bring it here." Now this cradle, carved in cedar wood and inlaid with mother-of-pearl, had been a sponsor's gift to poor X.] THE LADY ARBELL. 123 little George, the first male heir of the Talbots, and it was ref;ard(5d as a special treasure by his mother, who was both wounded and resentful at the demand, and stood pouting and saying, " It was my son's. It is mine." " It belongs to the family. You," to two of the servants, " fetch it here instantly !" The ladies of Hardwicke race were not guaid^d in temper or language, and Mary burst into passionate tears and exclamations that Bess's brat should not have her lost George's cradle, and flounced away to get before the servants and lock it up. Lady Shrewsbury would have sprung after her, and have made no scruple of using her fists and nails even on her married daughter, but that she was impeded by a heavy table, and this gave time for Susan to throw herself before her, and entreat her to pause. " You, you, Susan Talbot ! You should know better than to take the part of an undutiful, foul-tongued vixen like that. Out of my way, I say !" and as Susan, still on her knees, held the riding-dress, she received a stinging box on the ear. But in her maiden days she had known the weiglit of my lady's hand, and without relaxing her hold, she only entreated : " Hear me, hear me for a little space, my lady. Did you but know how sore her heart is, and how she loved little Master George !" " That is no reason she should flout and miscall her dead sister, of whom she was always jealous !" " madam, she wept with all her heart for poor Lady Lennox. It is not any evil, but she sets such store by that cradle in which her child died — she keeps it by her bed even now, and her woman told me how, for all she seems gay and blithe by day, 124 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. she weeps over it at niglit, as if her heart would break." Lady Shrewsbury was a little softened. " The child died in it ?" she asked. " Yea, madam. He had been on his father's knee, and had seemed a little easier, and as if he might sleep, so Sir Gilbert laid him down, and he did but stretch himself out, shiver all over, draw a long breath and the pretty lamb was gone to Paradise!" "You saw him, Susan ?" " Yea, madam. Dame Mary sent for me, but none could be of any aid where it was the will of Heaven to take him." " If I had been there," said the Countess, " I who have brought up eight children and lost none, I should have saved him ! So he died in yonder cedar cradle ! Well, e'en let Mary keep it. It may be that there is infection in the smell of the cedar wood, and that the child will sleep better out of it. It is too late to do aught this evening, but to-morrow the child shall be lodged as befits her birth, in the presence chamber." "Ah, madam!" said Susan, "would it be well for the sweet babe if her Majesty's messengers, who be so often at the castle, were to report her so lodged ?" " I have a right to lodge my grandchild where and how I please in my own liouse." " Yea, madam, that is most true, but you wot how the Queen, treats all who may have any claim to the throne in future times ; and were it reported by any of the spies that are ever about us, how royal honours were paid to the little Lady Arbell, might she not be taken from your ladyship's wardship, and bestowed with those who would not show her such loving care ?" The Countess would not show whether this had X,] THE LADY AEBELL. 125 any effect on her, or else some sound made by the child attracted her. It was a puny little thing, and she had a true grandmother's affection for it, apart from her absurd pride and ambition, so that she was glad to hold counsel over it with Susan, who had done such justice to her training as to be, in her eyes, a moUier who had sense enough not to let her children waste and die ; a rare merit in those days, and one that Susan could not disclaim, though she knew that it did not properly belong to her. Cis had stood by all the time like a little statue, for no one, not even young Lady Talbot, durst sit down uninvited in the presence of Earl or Countess ; but her black brows were bent, her gray eyes intent. " Mother," she said, as they went home on their quiet mules, " are great ladies^ always so rudely spoken to one another ?" • " I have not seen many great ladies, Cis, and my Lady Countess has always been good to me." " Antony said that the Scots Queen and her ladies never storm at one another like my lady and her daughters." " Open words do not always go deep, Cis," said the mother. " I had rather know and hear the worst at once." And then her heart smote her as she recol- lected that she might be implying censure of the girl's true mother, as well as defending vrrath and passion, and she added, " Be that as it may, ifc is a happy thing to learn to refrain the tongue." 126 UNKl^'OWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP CHAPTER XI. QUEEN MAEY's PRESENCE CHAMBEB. The storm that followed on the instalment of the Lady Arbell at Sheriield was the precursor of many more. Her grandmother did sufficiently awake to the danger of alarming the jealousy of Queen Elizabeth to submit to leave her in the ordinary chambers of the children of the house, and to exact no Extraordinary marks of respect towards the unconscious infant ; but there was no abatement in the Countess's firm belief that an Enghsh-born, English -bred chUd, would have more right to the crown than any " foreign princes," as she contemptuously termed the Scottish Queen and her son. Moreover, in her two years' intercourse with the elder Countess of Lennox, who was a gentle-tempered but commonplace woman, she had adopted to the full that unfortunate princess's entire belief in the guilt of Queen Mary, and entertained no doubt that she had been the murderer of Darnley. Old Lady Lennox liad seen no real evidence, and merely believed what she was told by her lord, whose impeachment of Botli- well had been baffled by the Queen in a most suspicious manner. Conversations with this lady had entirely changed Lady Shrewsbury from the friendly XI.] QUEEN Mary's tkesence chamber. 127 hostess of her illustrious captive, to be her enemy and persecutor, partly as being convinced of her guilt, partly as regarding her as an obstacle in the path of little Arbell to the throne. So she not only refused to j)ay her respects as usual to " that murtheress,' but she insisted that hei' husband should tighten the bonds of restraint, and cut off all indulgences. The Countess was one of the women to whom argument and reason are impossible, and who was en- tirely swayed by her predilections, as well as of so imperious a nature as to brook no opposition, and to be almost always able to sweep every one along with her. Her own sons always were of her mind, and her daufvhters might fret and chafe, but were sure to take part with her against every one else outside the Caven- dish family. The idea of being kinsfolk to the future Queen excited them all, and even Mary forgot her offence about the cradle, and her jealousy of Bess, and ranked herself against her stepfather, influencing her husband, Gilbert, on whom the unfortunate Earl had hitherto leant. On his refusal to persecute his un- fortunate captive beyond the orders from the Court, Bess of Hardwicke, emboldened by the support she had gathered from her children, passionately declaied that it could only be because he was himself in love with the murtheress. Lord Shrewsbury could not help laughing a little at the absurdity of the idcfi, whereupon my lady rose up in virtuous indignation, calling her sons and daughters to follow her. All that night, lights might have been seen flitting about at the Manor-house, and early in the mornit)g bugles sounded to horse. A huge procession, consist- ing of the Countess herself, and all her sons and 128 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. daughters then at Sheffield, little Lady Arbell, and the whole of their attendants, swept out of the gates of the park on the way to Hard wick e. When Eichard Talbot went up to fulfil his duties as gentleman porter at the lodge the courts seemed well-nigh deserted, and a messenger summoned him at once- to the Earl, wliom he found in his bed-chamber in his morning gown terribly perturbed. " For Heaven's sake send for your wife, Eichard Talbot !" he said. " It is her Majesty's charge that some of mine household, or 1 myself, see this unhappy Queen of Scots each day for not less than two hours, as you well know. My lady has broken away, and all her daughters, on this accursed fancy — yea, and Gilbert too, Gilbert whom I always looked to to stand by me ; I have no one to send. If I go and attend upon her alone, as I have done a thousand times to my sorrow, it will but give colour to the monstrous tale ; but if your good wife, an honourable lady of the Hardwicke kin, against whom none ever breathed a word, will go and give the daily attendance, then can not the Queen herself find fault, and my wife's heated fancy can coin nothing suspicious. You must all come up, and lodge here in the Manor-house till this tempest be overpast. Oh, Eichard, Eichard ! will it last out my life ? My very children are turned against me. Go you down and fetch your good Susan, and take order for bringing up your children and gear. Ben- thall shall take your turn at the lodge. What are yon tarrying for ? Do you doubt whether your wife have rank enough to wait on the Queen ? She should have been a knight's lady long ago, but that I deemed you w^ould be glad to be quit of herald's fees ; your service and estate have merited it, and I will crave license by XI.] QUEEN Mary's peesence chamber 129 to-day's courier from her Majesty to lay knightliooj on your shoulder." " That was not what I thought of, my Lord, though I humbly thank you, and would be whatever was best foi your Lordship's service, though, if it would serve you as well, I would rather be squire than knight ; but I was bethinking me how we should bestow our small family. We have a young damsel at an age not to be left to herself." "The black-browed maid — I recollect her. Let hei" e'en follow her mother. Queen Mary likes a young face, and is kindly disposed to little maids. She taught Bess Pierrepoint ~to speak French and work with her needle, and I cannot see that she did the lass any harm, nay, she is the only one of them all that can rule her tongue to give a soft answer if things go not after her will, and a maid might learn worse things. Besides, your wife will be there to look after the maiden, so you need have no fears. And for your sons, they will be at school, and can eat with us." Eichard's doubts being thus silenced he could not but bring his wife to his lord's rescue, though he well knew that Susan would be greatly disturbed on all accounts, and indeed he found her deep in the ironing that followed the great spring wash, and her housewifely mind v^as as much exercised as to the effects of her desertion, as was her maternal prudence at the plunge which her unconscious adopted child was about to make. However, there was no denying the request backed as it was by her husband, looking at her proudly, and declaring slie was by general consent the only discreet woman in Sheffield. She was very sorry for the Earl's perplexity, and had a loyal pity 130 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CIIAP for the Countess's vexation and folly, and she was consoled by the assurance that she would have a free tune between dinner and supper to go home and attend to her wash, and fiuish her preparations. Cis, wlio had been left in a state of great curiosity, to continue compounding pickle while the mother was called away, was summoned to don her holiday kirtle, for she was to join in attendance on the Queen of Scots while Lady Shrewsbury and her daughters were absent. It was unmixed delight to the girl, and she was not long in fresh-binding up her hair — black with a little rust-coloured tinge — under her stiff little cap, smooth- ing down the front, which was alone visible, putting on the well-stiffeued ruff with the dainty little lace edge and close-fittiug tucker, and then the gray home- spun kirtle, with the ruffs at the top of the tight sleeves, and the slashes into which she had persuaded mother to insert some old pink satin, for was not she sixteen now, and almost a woman ? There was a pink breast-knot to match, and Humfrey's owch just above it, gray stockings, home -spun and worked with elaborate pink clocks, but knitted by Cis herself; and a pair of shoes with pinli roses to match were put into a bag, to be assumed when she arrived at the lodge. Out of this simple finery beamed a face, bright in spite of the straight, almost bushy, black brows. There was a light of youth, joy, and intelligence, about her gray eyes wliich made them sparkle all the more under their dark setting, and though her complexion had no brilliancy, only the clearness of health, and her features would not endure criticism, there was a wonderful lively sweetness about her fresh, innocent young mouth ; and she had a tall lithe figure, sur- XI.] QUEEN Mary's presence chamber. 131 passing that of her stepmother. She would have been a sonsie Border lass in appearance but for the remark- able carriage of her small head and shoulders, which was assuredly derived from her royal ancestry, and indeed her air and manner of walking were such that Diccon had more than once accused her of sailing about ambling like the Queen of Scots, an accusation which she hotly denied. Her hands had likewise a slender form and fine texture, such as none of the ladies of the houses of Talbot or Hardwicke could rival, but she was on the whole viewed as far from being a beauty. The taste of the day was altogether for light, sandy -haired, small -featured women, like Queen Elizabeth or her namesake of Hardwicke, so that Cis was looked on as a sort of crow, and her supposed parents were pitied for having so ill-favoured a daughter, so unlike all their families, except one black- a-vised Talbot grandmother, whose portrait had been discovered on a pedigree. Much did Susan marvel what impression the' daughter would make on the true mother as they jogged up on their sober ponies through the long avenues, whose branches were beginning to wear the purple shades of coming spring. Lord Shrewsbury himself met them in front of the lodge, where, in spite of all his dignity, he had evidently been impatiently awaiting them. He thanked Susan for coming, as if he had not had a right to order, gave her his ungloved hand when sh« luid dismounted, then at the single doorway of the lodge caused his gentleman to go through the form of requesting admission for himself and Mistress Talbot, his dear kinswoman, to the presence of the Queen. It was a ceremony daily observed as an acknowledgment 132 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [cHAP of Mary's royalty, and the Earl was far too courteous ever to omit it. Queen Mary's willingness to admit him was notified by Sir Andrew Melville, a tall, worn man, with the typical Scottish countenance and a keen steadfast gray eye. He marshalled the trio up a circular staircase, made as easy as possible, but necessarily narrow, since it wound up through a brick turret at the corner, to the third and uppermost story of the lodge. There, however, was a very handsome anteroom, with tapestry hangings, a richly moulded ceiling, and wide carved stone chimneypiece, where a bright fire was burning, around which sat several Scottish and French gentlemen, who rose at the Earl's entrance. Another wide doorway with a tapestry curtain over the folding leaves led to the presence chamber, and Sir Andrew announced in as full style as if he had been marshal- ling an English ambassador to the Court of Holyrood, the most high and mighty Earl of Shrewsbury. The room was full of March sunshine^ and a great wood fire blazed on the hearth. Part of the floor was carpeted, and overhung with a canopy, proceeding from the tapestried wall, and here was a cross-legged velvet chair on which sat Queen Mary. This was all that Cis saw at first, while the Earl advanced, knelt on one step of the dais, with bared head, exchanging greetings with the Queen. He then added, that his wife, the Countess, and her daughter, having been called away from Sheffield, he would entreat her Grace to accept for a few days in their stead the attendance of his good kinswoman, Mrs. Talbot, and her daughter, Mistress Cicely. Mary graciously intimated her consent, and extended her hand for each to kiss as thev knelt in turn on the XI.] QUEEN MARY'S PRESENCE CHAMBER. 133 step ; Susan either fancied, or really saw a wonderful likeness in that taper hand to the little one whose stitches she had so often guided. Cis, on her part, felt the thrill of girlhood in the actual touch of the subject of her dreams. She stood, scarcely hearing what passed, but taking in, from under her black brows, all the surroundings, and recognising the persons from her former glimpses, and from Antony Babington's descriptions. The presence chamber was ample for the suite of the Queen, which had been reduced on every fresh suspicion. There was in it, besides the Queen's four ladies, an elderly one, with a close black silk hood — Jean Kennedy, or Mrs. Kennett as the English called her ; another, a thin slight figure, with a worn face, as if a great sorrow had passed over her, making her look older than her mistress, was the Queen's last remaining Mary, otherwise Mrs. Seaton. The gossip of Sheffield had not failed to tell how the chamberlain, Beatoun, had been her suitor, and she had half consented to accept him when he was sent on a mission to France, and there died. The dark- complexioned bright-eyed little lady, on a smaller scale than the rest, was Marie de Courcelles, who, like the two otliers, had been the Queen's companion in all her adventures ; and the fourth, younger and prettier than the rest, was already known to Cis and her mother, since she was the Barbara Mowbray who was affianced to Gilbert Curll, the Queen's Scottish secretary, recently taken into her service. Both these were Protestants, and, like the Bridgefield family, attended service in the castle chapel. They were all at work, as was like- wise their royal lady, to whom the girl, with the youth- ful coyness that halts in the fulfilment of its dreams, did not at first raise her eyes, having first taken in all 134 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. the ladies, the several portions of one great coverlet which they were all emljroidering in separate pieces, and the genileman who was reading aloud to them from a large book placed on a desk at which he was standing. When she did look np, as the Queen was graciously requesting her mother to be seated, and the Earl excusing himself from remaining longer, her first impression was one of disappointment. Either the Queen of Scots was less lovely seen leisurely close at hand than Antony Babington and Cis's own fancy had painted her, or the last two or three years had lessened her charms, as well they might, for slie had struggled and suffered much in the interval, had undergone many bitter disappoint- ments, and had besides endured much from rheu- matism every winter, indeed, even now she could not ride, and could only go out in a carriage in the park on the finest days, looking forward to her annual visit to Buxton to set her up for the summer. Her face was longer and more pointed than in former days, her complexion had faded, or perhaps in these private moments it had not been worth while to enhance it ; though there was no carelessness in the general attire, the black velvet gown, and delicate lace of the cap, and open ruff always characteristic of her. The small curls of hair at her temples had their auburn tint softened by far more white than suited one who was only just over forty, but the delicate pencilling of the eyebrows was as marked as ever ; and the eyes, on whose colour no one ever agreed, melted and sparkled as of old. Cis had heard debates as to their hue, and furtively tried to form her own opinion, but could not decide on anything but that they had a dark effect, and a wonderful power of expression, seeming to look at every one at once, and to rebuke, encourage, plead, XI.] QUEEN MAEY'S PRESENCE CHAMBER. 135 or smile, from moment to moment. The slight cast in one of them really added to their force of expression rather than detracted from their heautj, and the deli- cate lips were ready to second the glances with wondrous smiles. Cis had not felt the magic of her mere presence five minutes without being convinced that Antony Bahington was right ; the Lord Treasurer and all the rest utterly wrong, and that she beheld the most innocent and persecuted of princesses. Meantime, all due formalities having been gone through. Lord Shrewsbury bowed himself out backwards with a dexterity that Cis breathlessly admired in one so stately and so stiff, forgetting that he had daily practice in the art. Then Queen Mary courteously entreated her visitors to be seated, near herself, asking with a smile if this were not the little maiden who had queened it so prettily in the brake some few years since. Cis blushed and drew back her head with a pretty gesture of dignified shyness as Susan made answer for her that she was the same. " I should have known it," said the Queen, smiling, " by the port of her head alone. 'Tis strange," she said, musing, " that maiden hath the bearing of head and neck that I have never seen save in my own mother, the saints rest her soul, and in her sisters, and which we always held to be their inheritance from the blood of Charlemagne." " Your grace does her too much honour," Susan contrived to say, thankful that no less remote resem- blance had been detected. " It was a sad farce when they tried to repeat your pretty comedy with the chief performer omitted," pro- ceeded the Queen, directing her words to the gM, but the mother replied for her. 136 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. " Your Grace will pardon me, I could not permit her to play in public, before all the menii of the castle." " Madame is a discreet and prudent mother," said the Queen. " The mistake was in repeating the repre- sentation at all, not in abstaining from appearing in it. I should be very sorry that this young lady should have been concerned in a spectacle a la comtesse." There was something in the intonation of " this young lady " that won Cis's heart on the spot, some- thing in the concluding words that hurt Susan's faith- ful loyalty towards her kinswoman, in spite of the compliment to herself. However Mary did not pursue the subject, perceiving with ready tact that it was dis- tasteful, and proceeded to ask Dame Susan's opinion of her work, which was intended as a gift to her good aunt, the Abbess of Soissons. How strangely the name fell upon Susan's ear. It was a pale blue satin coverlet, worked in large separate squares, innumerable shields and heraldic devices of Lorraine, Bourbon, France, Scotland, etc., round the border, and beautiful meandering patterns of branches, with natural flowers and leaves growing from them covering the whole with a fascinating regular irregularity. Cis could not repress an exclamation of delight, which brought the most charming glance of the winning eyes upon her. There was stitchery here that she did not understand, but when she looked at some of the flowers, she could not help uttering the sentiment that the eyes of the daisies were not as mother could make them. So, as a great favour. Queen ]Mary entreated to be shown Mrs. Talbot's mode of deahng with the eyes of the daisies. No, her good Seaton would not learn so well as she should ; Madame must come and sit by her and show her. Meantime here was her poor little XI. J QUEEN MARY'S PEESENCE CHAMBER. 137 Bijou wliimpering to be taken on her lap. Would not he find a comforter in sweet Mistress- — ah, what was her name ? " We named her Cicely, so please your Grace, ' said Susan, unable to help blusliing. " C^cile, Or fair name. Ah ! so the poor Antoine called her. I see my Bijou has found a friend in you, Mistress Cecile " — as the girl's idle hands were only too happy to caress the pretty little shivering Italian greyhound rather than to be busy with a needle. " Do you ever hear of that young Babington, your play- fellow ?" she added. " No, madam," said Cis, looking up, " he hath never been here !" " I thought not," said Queen Mary, sighing. " Take heed to manifest no pity for me, maiden, if you should ever chance to be inspired with it for a poor worn-out old prisoner. It is the sure sentence of misfortune and banishment." " In his sex, madam," here put in Marie de Cour- celles. " If it were so in ours, woe to some of us." " That is true, my dear friends," said Mary, her eyes glistening with dew. " It is the women who are the most fearless, the most faithful, and whom the saints therefore shield." " Alas, there are some who are faithful but who are not shielded !" It was merely a soft low murmur, but the tender- hearted Queen had caught it, and rising impulsively, crossed the room and gathered Mary Seaton's hands into hers, no longer the queen but the loving friend of equal years, soothing her in a low fond voice, and pre- sently sending her to the inner chamber to compose herself. Then as the Queen returned slowly to her 138 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. seat it would be seen how lame slie was from rheuma- tism. Mrs. Kennedy hurried to assist her, with a nurse-like w^ord of remonstrance, to which she replied with a bewitching look of sweetness that she could not but forget her aches and pains when she saw her dear Mary Seaton in trouble. ]\Iost politely she then asked whether lier visitors would object to listeniug to the conclusion of her day's portion of reading. There was no refusing, of course, though, as Susan glanced at the reader and knew him to be strongly suspected of being in Holy Orders con- ferred abroad, she had her fears for her child's Protestant principles. The book, however, proved to be a trans- lation of St. Austin on the Psalms, and, of course, she could detect nothing that she disapproved, even if Cis had not been far too much absorbed by the little dog and its mistress to have any comprehending ears for theology. Queen Mary confidentially observed as much to her after the reading, having, no doubt, de- tected her uneasy glance. " You need not fear for your child, madam," she said ; " St. Augustine is respected by your own Queen and her Bishops. At the readings with which my good Mr. Belton favours me, I take care to have nothing you Protestants dispute when I know it." She added, smiling, " Heaven knows that I have endeavoured to understand your faith, and many a minister has argued with me. I have done my best to comprehend them, but they agreed in notliing but in their abuse of the Pope. At least so it seemed to my poor weak mind. But you are satisfied, madam, I see it in your calm eyes and gentle voice. If I see much of you, I shall learn to think well of your religion." Susan made an obeisance without answering. Sh© XI.] quei:n MxVey's tresence chamber. 139 had heard Sir Gilbert Talbot say, " If she tries to per- suade you that you can couvert her, l)e sure that she means mischief," but she could not bear to believe it any tiling but a libel while the sweet sad face was gazing into hers. Queeu Mary changed the subject by asking a few questions about the Countess's sudden departure. There was a sort of guarded irony suppressed in her tone — she was evidently feeling her way with the stranger, and when she found that Susan would only own to causes Lord Shrewsbury had adduced on the spur of the moment, she was much too wary to continue the examination, though Susan could not help thinking that she knew full well the disturbance which had taken place. A short walk on the roof above followed. The sun was shining brilliantly, and lame as she was, the Queen's strong craving for free air led her to climb her stairs and creep to and fro on Sir Andrew Melville's arm, gazing out over the noble prospect of the park close below, divided by the winding vales of the three rivers, which could be traced up into the woods and the moors beyond, purple with spring freshness and glory. Mary made her visitors point oat Bridgefield, and asked questions about all that could be seen of the house and pleasance, which, in truth, was little enough, but she contrived to set Cis off into a girl's chatter about her home occupatious, and would not let her be hushed. " You little know the good it does a captive to take part, only in fancy, in a free harmless life," returned ]\Iary, with the wistful look that made her eyes so pathetic. " There is no rel'reshmcnt to me like a child's prattle." 140 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. Susan's heart smote her as she thought of the true relations in which tliese two stood to one anotlier, and she forbore from further interference ; but she greatly rejoiced when the great bell of the castle gave notice of noon, and of her own release. When Queen Mary's dinner was served, the Talbot ladies in attendance left lier and repaired to the general family meal in 'ihe halL XII. J A rUiaOUS LETIEB. 141 CHAPTER XIL A FUKIOUS LETTEK. A PERIOD now began of daily penance to Mrs. Talbot, of daily excitement and delight to Cis. Two hours or more had to be spent in attendance on Queen Mary. Even on Sundays there was no exemption, the visit only took place later in the day, so as not to interfere with going to church. Nothing could be more courteous or more friendly than the manner in which the elder lady was always received. She was always made welcome by the Queen herself, who generally entered into conversation with her almost as with an equal. Or when Mary herself was engaged in her privy chamber in dictating to her secretaries, the ladies of the suite showed them- selves equally friendly, and told her of their mistress's satisfaction in having a companion free from all the iTide and unaccountable humours and caprices of my Lady Countess and her daughters. And if Susan was favoured, Cis was petted. Queen Mary always liked to have young girls about her. Their fresh, spontaneous, enthusiastic homage was pleasant to one who loved above all to attract, and it was a pleasure to a prisoner to have a fresh face about her. Was it only this, or was it the maternal instinct 142 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [cHAP. that made her face light up when the young girl entered the room and return the shy reverential kiss of the hand with a tender kiss on the forehead, that made her encourage the chatter, give little touches to the deportment, ^nd present little keepsakes, which in- creased in value till Sir Eichard began to look grave, and to say there must be no more jewels of price brought from the lodge ? And as his wife uttered a word that soimded like remonstrance, he added, " Not while she passes for my daugliter." Cis, who had begun by putting on a pouting face, burst into tears. Her adopted parents had always been more tolerant and indulgent to her than if she had been a child over whom they felt entire rights, and instead of rewarding her petulance with such a blow as would have fallen to the lot of a veritable Talbot, Eichard shrugged his shoulders and left the room — tlie chamber whicli had been allotted to Dame Susan at the Manor-house, while Susan endeavoured to cheer the girl by telling her not to grieve, for her father was not angry with her. " Why — why may not the dear good Queen give me her dainty gifts ? '"' sobbed Cis. " See, dear child," said Susan, " while she only gave thee an orange stuck with cloves, or an embroidery needle, or even a puppy dog, it is all very well ; but when it comes to Spanish gloves and coral clasps, the next time there is an outcry about a plot, some evil- disposed person would be sure to say that Master Eichard Talbot had been taking bribes through his daughter." " It would be vilely false ! " cried Cis with flashing eyes. " It would not be the less believed," said Susan. " My Lord would say we had betrayd our trust, and XII.] A FUmOUS LETTEi;. 14.') there never has been one stain on my husband's honour." " You are ^\Toth with me too, mother ! " said Cis. " Not if you are a good child, and guard the honour of the name you bear." " I will, I will ! " said Cis. " Never will I take another gift from the Queen if only you and he will call me your child, and be- — good to me " The rest was lost in tears and in the tender caresses that Susan lavished on her ; all the more as she caught the broken words, " Hunifrey, too, he would never forgive me." Susan told her husband what had passed, adding, " She will keep her word." " She must, or she shall go no more to the lodge," he said. " You would not have doubted had you seen her eye flash at the thought of bringing your honour into question. There spoke her kingly blood." " Well, we shall see," sighed Eichard, " if it be blood that makes the nature. I fear me hers is but that of a Scottish thief ! Scorn not warning, mother, but watch thy stranger nestling well." " Nay, mine husband. While we own her as our child, she will do anything to be one with us. It is when we seem to put her from us that we wound her so that I know not what she might do, fondled as she is — by — by her who — has the best right tc the dear child." Eichard uttered a certain exclamation of disgust which silenced his discreet wife. Neither of them had quite anticipated the result, namely, that the next morning, Cis, after kissing the Queen's hand as usual, remained kneeling, her bosom 144 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP, heaving, and a little stammering on her tongue, while tears rose to her eyes. " What is it, miguonne," said Mary, kindly ; " is the whelp dead ? or is the clasp broken ? " " No, madam ; but — but 1 pray you give me no more gifts. My father says it touches his honour, and I have promised him — Oh, madam, be not displeased with me, but let me give you back your last beauteous gift." Mary was standing by the fire. She took the ivory and coral trinket from the hand of the kneeling girl, and dashed it into the hottest glow. There was passion in the action, and in the kindling eye, but it was but for a moment. Before Cis could speak or Susan begin her excuses, the delicate baud was laid on the girl's head, and a calm voice said, " Fear not, child. Queens take not back their gifts. I ought to have borne in mind that I am balked of the pleasure of giving — the best of all the joys they have robbed me of. But tremble not, sweetheart, I am not chafed with thee. I will vex thy father no more. Better thou shouldst go without a trinket or two than deprive me of the light of that silly little face of thine, so long as they will leave me that sunbeam." She stooped and kissed the drooping brow, aud Susan coidd not but feel as if the voice of nature were indeed speaking. A few words of apology in her character of mother for the maiden's abrupt proceeding were met by the Queen most graciously. " Spare thy words, good madam. We understand and reverence Mr. Talbot's point of honour. Would that all who approached us had held his scruples ! " Perliaps Mary was after this more distant and XlJ.j A FURIOUS LETTER. 145 dignified towards tlie matron, but especially tendei and caressing towards tlie maiden, as if to make up by kindness for the absence of little gifts. Storms, however, were brewing without. Lady Shrewsbury made open complaints of her husband having become one of Mary's many victims, represent- ing herself as an injured wife driven out of her house. She actually in her rage carried the complaint to Queen Elizabeth, who sent down two commissioners to inquire into the matter. They sat in the castle hall, and examined all the attendants, including Eichard and his wife. The investigation was extremely painful and distressing, but it was proved that nothing could have been more correct and guarded than the whole intercourse between the Earl and his prisoner. If he had erred, it had been on the side of caution and severity, though he had always preserved the courteous demeanour of a gentleman, and had been rejoiced to permit whatever indulgences could be granted. If there had been any transgressions of the strict rules, they had been made by the Countess herself and her daughters in the days of their intimacy with the Queen ; and the aspersions on the unfortunate Earl were, it was soon evident, merely due to the violent and unscrupulous tongues of the Countess and her daughter Alary. No wonder that Lord Shrewsbury wrote letters i .1 which he termed the lady " his wicked and malicious wife," and expressed his conviction that his son Gilbert's mind had been perverted by her daughter. The indignation of the captive Queen was fully equal to his, as one after another of her little court returned and was made to detail the points on Avhich he or she had been interrogated. Susan found her pacing up and down the floor like a caged tigress, her L 146 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [OIIAP cap and veil tlirown back, so that her hair — far whiter than what was usually displayed — was hanging di- shevelled, her ruff torn open, as if it choked back the swelling passion in her throat. " Never, never content witli persecuting me, they must insult me ! Is it not enough that I am stripped of my crown, deprived of my friends ; that I cannot take a step beyond this chamber, queen as I am, with- out my warder ? Must they attaint me as a woman ? Oh, why, why did the doom spare me that took my little brothers ? Why did I live to be the most wretched, not of sovereigns alone, but of women ? " " Madam," entreated Marie de Courcelles, " dearest madam, take courage. All these horrible charges refute themselves." " Ah, Marie ! you have said so ten thousand times, and what charge has ever been dropped?" "This one is dropped!" exclaimed Susan, coming forward. " Yes, your Grace, indeed it is ! The Com- missioner himself told my husband that no one believed it for a moment." "Then why should these men have been sent but to sting and gall me, and make me feel that I am in their power?" cried the Queen. " They came," said the Secretary Curll, " because thus alone could the Countess be silenced." " The Countess !" exclaimed Mary. " So my cousin hath listeued to her tongue !" " Backed by her daughter's," added Jean Kennedy. " It were well that she knew wliat those two dames can say of her Majesty herself, when it serves them," added Marie de Courcelles. "That shall she!" exclaimed Mary. "She shall have it from mine own hand 1 Ha ! ha ! Elizabeth xil] a fueious letter. 147 sliall know the choice tales wherewith Mary Talbot hath regaled us, and then shall she judge how far any- thing that comes from my young lady is worth heeding for a moment. Eemember you all the tales of the nips and the pinches ? Ay, and of all the endear- ments to Leicester and to Hatton ? She shall have it ill, and try how she likes the dish of scandal of Mary Talbot's cookery, sauced by Bess of Hardwicke. Here, nurse, come and set this head-gear of mine in order, and do you, my good Cnrll, have pen, ink, and paper in readiness for me." The Queen did little but write that morning. The next day, on coming out from morning prayers, which the Protestants of her suite attended, with the rest of the Shrewsbury household, Barbara Mowbray con- trived to draw Mrs. Talbot apart as they went towards the lodge, " Madam," she said, " they all talk of your power to persuade. Now is the time you could do what would be no small service to this poor Queen, ay, and it may be to your own children." " I may not meddle in any matters of the Queen's," returned Susan, rather stiffly. " Nay, but hear me, madam. It is only to hinder the sending of a letter." " That letter which her Grace was about to write yesterday ?" " Even so. 'Tis no secret, for she read fragments of it aloud, and all her women applauded it with all their might, and laughed over the stings that it would give, but j\Ir. Ciirll, who liad to copy it, saith that there is a bitterness in it that can do nothing but make her Majesty of England the more inllamed, not only against my Lady Shrewsbuiy, but against her who writ 148 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY, [CHAP, the letter, and all concerned. Why, she hath even brought in the comedy that your children acted in the woodland, and that was afterwards repeated in the hall !" " You say not so, Mistress Barbara ?" " Indeed I do. Mr. Curll and Sir Andrew Mel- ville are both of them sore vexed, and would fain liave her withdraw it ; but Master JSTau and all the French part of tlie household know not how to rejoice enough at such an exposure of my Lady, which gives a hard fling at Queen Elizabeth at the same time ! Nay^ I cannot but tell you that there are things in it that Dame Mary Talbot might indeed say, but I know not how Queen Mary could bring herself to sit down " Barbara Mowbray ventured no more, and Susan felt hopeless of her task, since how was she by any means to betray knowledge of the contents of the letter ? Yet much that she had heard made her feel very uneasy on all accounts. She had too much strong family regard for the Countess and for Gilbert Talbot and his wife to hear willingly of what might imperil them, and though royal indignation would probably fly over the heads of the children, no one was too obscure in those Tudor times to stand in danger from a sovereign who might think herself insulted. Yet as a Hard- wicke, and the wife of a Talbot, it was most unlikely that she would have any opening for remonstrance given to her. However, it was possible that Curll wished to give her an opening, for no sooner were the ladies settled at work than he bowed himself forward and offered his mistress his copy of the letter. "Is it fair engrossed, good Curll?' asked Mary. xil] a fukious letter. 149 "Thanks. Then will we keep your copy, and you shall fold and prepare our own for our sealing." " Will not your Majesty hear it read over ere it pass out of your hands ?" asked Curll. " Even so," returned Mary, who really was delighted with the pungency of her own composition. " Mayhap we may have a point or two to add." After what Mistress Barbara had said, Susan was on thorns that Cis should hear the letter; but that good young lady, hating the expressions therein her- self, and hating it still more for the girl, bethought her of asking permission to take Mistress Cicely to her own cliamber, there to assist her in the folding of some of her laces, and Mary consented. It was well, for there was much that made the English-bred Susan's cheeks glow and her ears tingle. But, at least, it gave her a great opportunity. Wlien the letter was finished, she advanced and knelt on the step of the canopied chair, saying, "Madam, pardon me, if in the name of my unfortunate children, I entreat you not to accuse them to the Queen." " Your children, lady ! How have I included them in what I have told her Majesty of our sweet Countess ? " " Your Grace will remember that the foremost parts in yonder farce were allotted to my son Humfrey and to young Master Babington. Nay, that the whole arose from the woodland sport of little Cis, wliich your Grace was pleased to admire." " Sooth enough, my good gossip, but none could suspect the poor children of the malice my Lady Countess contrived to put into the matter." "All, madam ! these are times when it is convenient to shift the blame on one who can be securely punished." 150 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. " Certes," said Mary, thoughtfully, " the Countess is capable of making her escape by denouncing some one else, especially those within her own reach." " Your Grace, wlio can speak such truth of my poor Lady," said Susan, " will also remember that though my Lord did yield to the persuasions of the young ladies, he so heedfully caused Master Sniggius to omit all j)erilous matter, that no one not informed would have guessed at the import of the piece, as it was played in the haU." " Most assuredly not," said Mary, laughing a little at the recollection. " It might have been played in Westminster Hall without putting my gracious coasin, ay, or Leicester and Hatton themselves, to the blush." " Thus, if the Queen should take the matter up and trace it home, it could not but be brought to my poor innocent children ! Humfrey is for the nonce out of reach, but the maiden — I wis verily that your High- ness would be loath to do her any hurt !" " Thou art a good pleader, madam," said the queen. " Verily I should not like to bring the bonnie lassie into trouble. It will give Master Curll a little more toil, ay and myself likewise, for the matter must stand in mine own hand ; but we will leave out yonder unlucky farce." " Your Highness is very good," said Susan earnestly. "Yet you look not yet content, my good lady. What more would you have of me ?" " What your Majesty will scarce grant," said Susan. " Ha ! thou art of the same house thyself. I had forgotten it ; thou art so unlike to them. I wager that it is not to send this same letter at all." " Your Highness liath guessed my mind. Nay, madam, though assuredly I do desire it because the XII.] A FURIOUS LETTER. 151 Countess hath been ever my good ladj, and bred me up ever since I was an orphan, it is not solely for her sake that I would fain pray you, but fully as much for your Majesty's own." "Madame Talbot sees the matter as I do," said Sir Andrew Melville. " The English Queen is as like to be irate with the reporter of the scandal as with the author of it, even as the wolf bites the barb that pierces him when he cannot reach the archer." " She is welcome to read the letter," said Mary, smiling ; " thy semblance falleth short, my good friend." " Nay, madam, that was not the whole of my pur- port," said Susan, standing with folded hands, looking from one to another. " Pardon me. My thought was that to take ]3ait in all this repeating of thoughtless, idle words, spoken foolishly indeed, but scarce so much in malice as to amuse your Grace with Court news, and treasured up so long, your Majesty descends from being the patient and suffering princess, meek, generous, and uncomplaining, to be— to be " "No better than one of them, wouldst thou add ?" asked Mary, somewhat sharply, as Susan paused. " Your Highness has said it," answered Susan ; then, as there was a moment's pause, she looked up, and with clasped hands added, " Oh, madam ! would it not be more worthy, more noble, more queenly, more Christian, to refrain from stinging with this repetition of these vain and foolish slanders?" " Most Christian treatment have I met with," re- turned Mary ; but after a pause she turned to her almoner. Master Belton, saying, " Wliat say you, sir ? " " I say that Mrs. Talbot speaks more Christian words than are often heard in these parts," returned he. " The thankworthincss of suffering is lost by 152 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. t-hose who return tlie revilings upon those who uttei them." " Then "be it so," returned the Queen. " Elizabeth shall be spared the knowledge that some ladies' tongues can be as busy with her as with her poor cousin." With her own hands Mary tore up her own letter, but Curll's copy unfortunately escaped destruction, to lie discovered in after times. liOrd and Lady Shrews- bury never knew the service Susan had render3d them by causmg it to be suppressed. xiil] beads akd bracelets. 153 CHAPTEE XIIL BEADS AND BRACELETS. The Countess was by no means pacified by the inves- tigation, and botli she and lier family remained at Court, maligning her husband and his captive. As the season advanced, bringing the time for the Queen's annual resort to the waters of Buxton, Lord Shrews- bury was obliged to entreat Mrs. Talbot again to be her companion, declaring that he had never known so much peace as with that lady in the Queen's chambers. The journey to Buxton was always the great holi- day of the imprisoned Court. The place was part of the Shrewsbury property, and the Earl had a great house there, but there were no conveniences for exer- cising so strict a watch as at Sheffield, and there was altogether a relaxation of disciplme. Exercise was considered an essential part of the treatment, and recreations were there provided. Cis had heard so much of the charms of the ex- pedition, that she was enraptured to hear that she was to share it, together with Mrs. Talbot. The only drawback was that Humfrey had promised to come home after this present voyage, to see whether his little Cis were ready for him ; and his father was much disposed to remain at home, receive him first, and 154 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAP. communirate to liim the obstacles in the way of wedding the young lady. However, my Lord refused to dispense with the attendance of his most trust- worthy kinsman, and leaving Ned at school under charge of the learned Sniggius, the elder and the younger Eichard Talbot rode forth with the retinue of the Queen and her warder. Neither Cicely nor Diccon had ever left home be- fore, and they were in raptures which would have made any journey delightful to them, far more a ride through some of the wildest and loveliest glades that England can display. Nay, it may be that they would better have enjoyed something less like Shef- field Park than the rocks, glens, and woods, through which they rode. Their real delight was in the towns and villages at which there was a halt, and every traveller they saw was such a wonder to them, that at the end of the first day they were almost as full of exultation in their experiences, as if, with Humfrey, they had been far on the way to America. The delight of sleeping at Tideswell was in their eyes extreme, though the hostel was so crowded tliat Cis had to share a mattress with Mrs. Talbot, and Diccon had to sleep in his cloak on the floor, which he persuaded himself was high preferment. He woke, however, much sooner than was his wont, and finding it useless to try to fall asleep again, he made his way out among the sleeping figures on the floor and hall, and finding the fountain in the midst of the court, produced his soap and comb from his pocket, and made his morning toilet in the open air with consider- able satisfaction at his own alertness. Presently there was a tap at the window above, and he saw Cicely making sL^nals to him to wait for her, and in a few XIII.] BEADS A.is^D BRACELETS. 155 minutes she skipped out from the door into the sun- light of the early summer morning. " No one is awake yet," she said. " Even the guard before the Queen's door is fast asleep. I only heard a wench or two stirring. We can have a run in the fields and gather May dew before any one is afoot." " 'Tis not May, 'tis June," said matter-of-fact Diccon. " But yonder is a guard at the yard gate ; will he let us past ?" " See, here's a little wicket into a garden of pot- herbs," said Cis. " No doubt we can get out that way, and it will bring us the sooner into the fields. I liave a cake in mf wallet that mother gave me for the journey, so we shall not fast. How sweet the herbs smell in the dew — and see how silvery it lies on the strawberry leaves. Ah ! thou naughty lad, think not whether the fruit be ripe. Mayhap we shall find some wild ones beyond." The gate of the garden was likewise guarded, but by a yeoman who well knew the young Talbots, and made no difficulty about letting them out into the broken ground beyond the garden, sloping up into a little hill. Up bounded the boy and girl, like young mountaineers, through gorse and fern, and presently had gained a sufficient height to look over the country, marking the valleys whence still were rising " fragrant clouds of dewy steam " under the influence of the sun- beams, gazing up at the purple heights of the Peak, where a few lines of snow still lingered in the crevices, trying to track their past journey from their own Sheffield, and with still more interest to guess which wooded valley before them contained Buxton. " Have you lost your way, my pretty mistress ?" said a voice close to them, and turning round hastily 15G UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CIIAP. they saw a peasant woman with a large basket on hei arm. " No," said Cicely courteously, " we have only come out to take the air before breakfast." " I crave pardon," said the woman, curtseying, "the pretty lady belongs to the great folk down yonder. Would she look at my poor wares ? Here are beads and trinkets of the goodly stones, pins and collars, bracelets and eardrops, white, yellow, and purple," she said, uncovering her basket, where were arranged various ornaments made of Derbyshire spar. " We have no money, good woman," said Cicely, rising to return, vaguely uncomfortable at the woman's eye, which awoke some remembrance of Tibbott the huckster, and the troubles connected with her. " Yea, but if my young mistress would only bring me in to the Great Lady there, I know she would buy of me my beads and bracelets, or give me an alms for my poor children. I have five of them, good young lady, and they lie naked and hungry till I can sell my few poor wares, and the yeomen are so rough and hard. They would break and trample every poor bead I have in pieces rather than even let my Lord hear of them. But if even my basket could be carried in and shown, and if the good Earl heard my sad tale, I am sure he would give license." " He never does ! " said Diccon, roughly ; " hold off, woman, do not hang on us, or I'll get thee branded for a vagabond." The woman put her knuckles into her eyes, and wailed out that it was all for her poor children, and Cicely reproved him for his roughness, and as the woman kept close behind them, wailing, moaning, and persuading, the boy and girl were v/rought upon at XIII.] BEADS AND BEACELETS. 157 last to give her leave to wait outside the gate of the inn garden, while they saw whether it was possible to admit her or her basket. But before they reached the gate, they saw a figure beyond it, scanning the hill eagerly. They knew him for their father even before he shouted to them, and, as they approached, his voice was displeased : " How now, children ; what manners are these ? " " We have only been on the hillside, sweet father," said Cis, " Diccon and I together. We thought no harm." " This is not Slieffield Chace, Cis, and thou art no more a child, but a maiden who needs to be dis- creet, above all in these times. Whom did I see following you ? " " A poor woman, whom — Ha, where is she ? " exclaimed Cis, suddenly perceiving that the woman seemed to have vanished. " A troublesome begging woman who beset us with her wares," said Diccon, " and would give us no peace, praying that we would get them carried in to the Queen and her ladies, whining about lier children till she made Cis soft-hearted. Where can she have hidden herself ? " The man who was stationed as sentry at the gate said he had seen the woman come over the brow of the hill with Master Diccon and Mistress Cicely, but that as they ran forward to meet Captain Talbot she had disappeared amid the rocks and brushwood. " Poor woman, she was afraid of our father," said Cicely ; " I would we could see her again." " So would not I," said Eichard. " It looks not well, and heed me well, children, there must be no more of these pranks, nor of wandering out of bounds, or babbling with strangers. Go thou in to thy mother, Cis, she hath been in much trouble for thee." 158 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAR Mistress Susan was unusually severe with the girl on the indiscretion of gadding in strange places with no better escort than Diccon, and of entering into con- versation with unknown persons. Moreover, Cicely's hair, her shoes, and camlet riding skirt were all so dank with dew that she was with difficulty made pre- sentable by the time the horses were brought round. The Queen, who had not seen the girl that morning, made her come and ride near her, asking questions on the escapade, and giving one of her bewitching pathetic smiles as she said how she envied the power of thus dancing out on the greensward, and breathing the free and fresh morning air. " My Scottish blood loves the mountains, and bounds the more freely in the fresh breeze," she said, gazing towards the Peak. " I love the scent of the dew. Didst get into trouble, child ? Methought I heard sounds of chiding ? " " It was no fault of mine," said Cis, inclined to complain when she found sympathy, " the woman would speak to us." " What woman ? " asked the Queen. "A poor woman with a basket of wares, who prayed hard to be allowed to show them to your Grace or some of the ladies. She said she had five sorely hungered children, and that she heard your Grace was a compassionate lady." " Woe is me, compassion is full all that I am permitted to give," said the Queen, sadly; " she brought trinkets to sell. What were her wares, saidst thou ? " " I had no time to see many," said Cis, " something pure and wlnte like a new-laid e^g, I saw, and a necklet, clouded with beauteous purple." " Ay, beads and bracelets, no doubt," said tho cjueen. XIII.] BEADS AND BKACELETS. 159 " Yes, beads and bracelets," returned Cicely, tlie soft chime of the Queen's Scottish accent bringing back to her that the woman had twice pressed on her beads and bracelets. " She dwelt on them," said the Queen lightly. " Ay, I know the chant of the poor folk who ever hover about our outskirts in hopes to sell their country gewgaws, beads and bracelets, collars and pins, little guessing that she whom they seek is poorer than them- selves. Mayhap, our Argus-eyed lord may yet let the poor dame within his fence, and we may be able to gratify thy longing for those same purple and white beads and bracelets." Meantime the party were riding on, intending to dine at Buxton, which meant to reach it by noonday. The tall roof of the great hall erected by the Earl over the baths was already coming in sight, and by and by they would look into the valley. The Wye, after coming down one of those lovely deep ravines to be found in all mountainous countries, here flowed through a more open space, part of which had been artificially levelled, but which was covered with buildings, rising out amongst the rocks and trees. Most conspicuous among them was a large freshly- built erection in Tudor architecture, with a wide portal arch, and five separate gables starting from one central building, which bore a large clock-tower, and was decorated at every corner with the Talbots' stout and sturdy form. This was the great hall, built by the present Earl George, and containing five baths, intended to serve separately for each sex, gentle and simple, with one special bath reserved for the sole use of the more distinguished visitors. Besides this, at no great distance, was the Earl's own mansion, " a very goodly house, four 160 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHiiP. square, four stories high," with stables, offices, and all the requisites of a nobleman's establishment, and this was to be the lodging of the Scottish Queen. Farther off was another house, which had been built by permission of the Earl, under the auspices of Dr. Joues, probably one of the first of the long series of physicians who have made it their business to enhance the fame of the watering-places where they have set up their staff. This was the great hostel or lodging-house for the patients of condition who re- sorted to the healing springs, and nestled here and there among the rocks were cottages which accom- modated, after a fashion, the poorer sort, who might drag themselves to the spot in the hope of washing away their rheumatic pains and other infirmities. In a distant and magnificent way, like some of the lesser German potentates, the mighty Lord of Shrewsbury took toll from the visitors to his baths, and this con- tributed to repair the ravages to his fortune caused by the maintenance of his royal captive. Arriving just at noontide, the Queen and her escort beheld a motley crowd dispersed about the sward on the banks of the river, some playing at ball, others resting on benches or walking up and down in groups, exercise being recommended as part of the cure. All thronged together to watch the Earl and his captive ride in with their suite, the household turning out to meet them, while foremost stood a dapper little figure with a short black cloak, a stiff round ruff, and a square barrett cap, with a gold-headed cane in one hand and a paper in the other. "Prepare thy patience, Cis," whispered Barbara Mowbray, " now shall we not be allowed to alight from our palfreys till we have heard his full welcome Xiri.] BEADS AND BRACELETS. 161 to my Lord, and all his plans for this place, how it is to be made a sanctuary for the sick during their abode there, for all causes saving sacrilege, treason, murder, burglary, and highway robbery, with a license to eat flesh on a Friday, as long as they are drinking the waters!" It was as Mistress Mowbray said. Dr. Jones's harangue on the progress of Buxton and its prospects had always to be endured before any one was allowed to dismount ; but royalty and nobility were inured to listening with a good grace, and Mary, though wearied and aching, sat patiently in the hot sunshine, and was ready to declare that Buxton put her in good humour. In fact the grandees and their immediate attendants endured with all the grace of good breeding ; but the farther from tlie scene of action, the less was the patience, and the more restless and confused the movements of the retinue. Diccon Talbot, hungry and eager, had let his equally restless pony convey him, he scarce knew where, from his father's side, when he saw, making her way among the horses, the very woman with the basket whom he had encountered at Tideswell in the early morning. How could she have gone such a distance in tlie time? thought the boy, and he presently caught the words addressed to one of the grooms of the Scot- tish Queen's suite. " Let me show my poor leads and bracelets." The Scotsman instantly made way for her, and she advanced to a wizened thin old Frenchman, Maitre Gorion, the Queen's surgeon, who jumped down from his horse, and was soon bending over her basket exchanging whispers in the lowest possible tones ; but a surge among those iu the rear drove Dic(ion up so near that he was absolutely certain that they were M 162 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP, speaking French, as indeed he well knew that M. Gorion never could succeed in making himself under- stood in Enghsh. The boy, bred up in the perpetual caution and suspicion of Sheffield, was eager to denounce one who he was sure was a conspirator ; but he was hemmed in among horses and men, so that he could not make his way out or see what was passing, till suddenly there was a scattering to the right and left, and a simulta- neous shriek from the ladies in front. When Diccon could see anything, his father was pressing forward to a group round some one prostrate on the ground before the house, and there were ex- clamations, " The poor young lady ! The chirurgeon ! To the front, the Queen is asking for you, sir," and Cicely's horse with loose bridle passed before his eyes. "Let me through ! let me through !" cried the boy; " it is my sister." He threw his bridle to a groom, and, squeezing between horses and under elbows, succeeded in seeing Cis lying on the ground with her eyes shut and her head in his mother's lap, and the French surgeon bending over her. She gave a cry when he touched her arm, and he said something in his mixture of French and English, which Diccon could not hear. The Queen stood close by, a good deal agitated, anxiously asking questions, and throwing out her hands in her French fashion. Diccon, much frightened, struggled on, but only reached the party just as his father had gathered Cicely up in his arms to carry her upstairs. Diccon followed as closely as he could, but blindly in the crowd in the strange house, until he found him- self in a long gallery, shut out, among various others of both sexes. " Come, my masters and mistresses all," XIII.] BEADS AND BRACELETS. 163 said the voice of the seneschal, " you had best to your chambers, there is naught for you to do here." However, he allowed Diccon to remain leaning against the balustrade of the stairs which led up out- side the house, and in another minute his fatlier came out. " Ha, Diccon, that is well," said he. " No, thou canst not enter. They are about to undress poor little Cis. Nay, it seemed not to me that slie was more hurt than thy mother could well have dealt with, but the French surgeon would thrust in, and the Queen would have it so. We will walk here in the court till we hear what he saith of her. How befell it, dost thou ask ? Truly I can hardly tell, but I believe one of the Frenchmen's horses got restless, either with a fly or with standing so long to hear yonder leech's discourse. He must needs cut the beast with his rod, and so managed to hit White Posy, who starts aside, and Cis, sitting unheedfully on that new-fangled French saddle, was thrown in an instant." " I shall laugh at her well for letting herself be thrown by a Frenchman with his switch," said Diccon. " I hope the damage hath not been great," said his father, anxiously looking up the stair. "Where wast thou, Dick ? I had lost sight of thee." "I was seeking you, sir, for I had seen a strange sight," said Dick. " That woman who spoke with us at Tideswell was here again ; yea, and she talked with the little old Frenchman tliat they call Gorion, the same that is with Cis now." "She did! Folly, boy! The fellow can hardly comprehend five words of plain English together, long as he hath been here ! One of the Queen's women is gone in even now to interpret for him." 164 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP " That do I wot, sir. Therefore did I marvel, and sought to tell you." "What like was the woman?" demanded Richard. Diccon's description was lame, and his father bade him hasten out of the court, and fetch the woman if he could find her displaying her trinkets to the water- drinkers, instructing him not to alarm her by per- emptory commands, but to give her hopes of a purchaser for her spars. Proud of tlie commission entrusted to him, the boy sallied forth, but though he wandered through all the groups on the sward, and encountered two tumblers and one puppet show, besides a bear and monkey, he utterly failed in finding the vendor of the beads and bracelets. XIV.] THE MONOGKAMS. 16 i CHAPTEE XIV. THE MONOGKAMS When Cicely had been carried into a chamber by Master Talbot, and laid half - conscious and nloaning on the grand carved bed, Mrs. Talbot by word and gesture expelled all superfluous spectators. She would have preferred examming alone into the injury sustained by the maiden, which she did not think beyond her own management ; but there was no refusing the services of Maitre Gorion, or of Mrs. Kennedy, who indeed treated her authoritatively, assuming the direction of the sick-room. She found herself acting under their orders as she undid the boddice, while Mrs. Kennedy ripped up the tight sleeve of the riding dress, and laid bare the arm and shoulder, which had been severely bruised and twisted, but neither broken nor dislocated, as Mrs. Kennedy informed her, after a few rapid words from the French- man, unintelligible to the English lady, who felt some- what impatient of this invasion of her privileges, and was ready to say she had never supposed any such thing. The chirurgeon skipped to the door, and for a moment she hoped that she was rid of him, but he had only gone to bring in a neat case with which hia 106 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. groom was in waiting outside, whence he extracted a lotion and sponge, speaking rapidly as he did so. " Now, madam," said Jean Kennedy, " lift the lassie, there, turn back her boddice, and we will bathe her shouther. So ! By my halidome !" " Ah ! Mort de ma vie !" The two exclamations darted simultaneously from the lips of the Scottish nurse and the French doctor. Susan beheld what she had at the moment forgotten, the curious mark branded on her nursling's shoulder, which indeed she had not seen since Cicely had been of an age to have the care of her own person, and which was out of the girl's own sight. No more was said at the moment, for Cis was reviving fast, and was so much bewildered and frightened that she required all the attention and soothing that the two women could give, but when they removed the rest of her clothing, so that she might be laid down comfort- ably to rest, Mrs. Kennedy by another dexterous move- ment uncovered enough of the other shoulder to obtain a glimpse of the monogram upon it. Nothing was spoken. Those two had not been so many years attendants on a suspected and imprisoned queen without being prudent and cautious ; but when they quitted the apartment after administering a febri- fuge, Susan felt a pang of wonder, whether they were about to communicate their discovery to their mistress. For the next quarter of an hour, the patient needed all her attention, and there was no possibility of obeying the summons of a great clanging bell which announced dinner. When, however, Cis had fallen asleep it became possible to think over the situation. She foresaw an inquiry, and would have given much for a few words with her husband ; but retlection showed her that the one point XIV. J THE MONOGltAMS, 167 essential to his safety was not to betray that he and she had any previous knowledge of the rank of theii nursling. The existence of the scroll might have to be acknowledged, but to show that Eichard had de- ciphered it would put him in danger on all hands. She had just made up her mind on this point when there was a knock at the door, and Mrs. Kenuedy bore in a salver with a cup of wine, and took from an attendant, who remained outside, a tray with some more solid food, which she placed on the broad edge of the deep-set window, and coming to the bedside, invited Mrs. Talbot to eat, while she watched the girl. Susan complied, though with little appetite, and Mrs. Kennedy, after standing for a few minutes in contem- plation, came to the window. She was a tall woman, her yellow hair softened by an admixture of gray, her eyes keen and shrewd, yet capable of great tenderness at times, her features certainly not youthful, but not a whit more aged than they had been when Susan had first seen her fourteen years ago. It was a quiet mouth, and one that gave a sense of trust both in its firmness, secrecy, and kindness. "Madam," said she, in her soft Scotch voice, lowered considerably, but not whispering, and with her keen eyes fixed on Susan — " Madam, what garred ye gie your bit lassie yonder marks ? Ye need not fear, that draught of Maister Gorion's will keep her sleeping fast for a good hour or two longer, and it behoves me to ken how she cam by yonder brands." " She had them when she came to us," said Susan. " Ye'll no persuade me that they are birth marks," returned Mistress Jean. " Such a thing would be a miracle in a loyal Scottish Catholic's wean, let alone an English heretic's." 168 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. " !N"o," said Susan, who had iu fact only made the answer to give herself time to thiuk whether it were possible to summon her husband. "They never seemed to me birth marks." " Woman," said Jean Kennedy, laying a strong, though soft hand, on her wrist, " this is not gear for trifling. Is the lass your ain bairn ? Ha ! I always thought she had mair of the kindly Scot than of the Southron about her. Hech ! so they made the puir wean captive ! Wha gave her till you to keep ? Your lord, I trow." " The Lord of heaven and earth," replied Susan. "My husband took her, the only Living thing left on a wreck off the Spurn Head." " Hech, sirs !" exclaimed Mrs. Kennedy, evidently much struck, but stdl exercising great self-command. "And when fell this out ?" " Two days after Low Sunday, in the year of grace -1568," returned Susan. " My halidome !" again ejaculated Jean, in a low voice, crossing herself. " And what became of honest Ailie — I mean," catching herself up, " what befell those that went with her ? " " Not one lived," said Susan, gravely. " The mate of my husband's ship took the little one from the arms of her nurse, who seemed to have been left aloue with her by the crew, lashed to the wreck, and to have had her life freshly beaten out by the winds and waves, for she was still warm. I was then lying at Hull, and they brought the babe to me, while there was still time to save her life, with God's blessing." "And the vessel ?" asked Jean. " My husband held it to be the Bride of Dunbar, plying between Dumbarton and Harfleur." XIV.] THE MONOGKAMS. 169 "Ay! ay! Blessed St. Bride!" muttered Jean Kennedy, with an awe-stricken look ; then, collecting herself, she added, " Were there no tokens, save these, about the little one, by which she could be known ? " " There was a gold chain with a cross, and what you call a reliquary about her little neck, and a scroll written in cipher among her swaddling bauds ; but they are laid up at home, at Bridgefield." It was a perplexing situation for this simple-hearted and truthful woman, and, on the other hand, Jean Kennedy was no less devoted and loyal in her own line, a good and conscientious woman, but shrewder, and, by nature and breeding, far less scrupulous as to absolute truth. The one idea that Susan, in her confusion, could keep hold of was that any admission of knowledge as to who her Cis really was, would be a betrayal of her husband's secret ; and on the other hand she saw that Mrs. Kennedy, though most keen to discover every- thing, and no doubt convinced that the maiden was her Queen's child, was bent on not disclosing that fact to the foster-mother. She asked anxiously whether Mistress Cicely knew of her being only an adopted child, and Susan replied that they had intended that she never should learn 1 hat she was of alien birth ; but that it had been revealed by the old sailor who had brought her on board the Mastiff, though no one had heard him save young Humfrey and the girl herself, and they had been, so far as she knew, perfectly reserved on the subject. Jean Kennedy then inquired how the name of Cicely ha: bisn given, and whether the child had been so baptized by Protestant rites. " Wot you who the maid may be, madam ? " Susan 170 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [UHAIV took courage to ask ; but the Scotswoman M'ould not be disconcerted, and replied, " How suld I ken without a sight of the tokens ? Gin I had them, maybe I might give a guess, but there was mony a leal Scot sairly bestead, wife and wean and all, in her Majesty's cause that wearie spring." Here Cis stirred in her sleep, and both women were at her side in a moment, but she did not wake. Jean Kennedy stood gazing at the girl with eager- ness that she did not attempt to conceal, studying each feature in detail ; but Cis showed in her sleep very little of her royal lineage, which betrayed itself far more in her gait and bearing than in her features. Susan could not help demandiug of the nurse whether she saw any resemblance that could show the maiden's parentage. The old lady gave a kind of Scotch guttural sound expressive of disappointment, and said, "I'll no say but I've seen the like beetle-broo. But we'll waken the bairn with our clavers, I'll away the noo. Maistcr Gorion will see her again ere night, but it w^ere ill to break her sleep, the puir lassie !" Nevertheless, she could not resist bending over and kissing the sleeper, so gently that there was no move- ment. Then she left the room, and Susan stood with clasped hands. " My child ! my child ! Oh, is it coming on thee ? Wilt thou be taken from me ! Oh, and to what a fate ! And to what hands ! They will never never love thee as we have done ! God, protect her, and be her Father." And Susan knelt by the bed in such a paroxysm of grief that her husband, coming in unshod that he might not disturb the girl, apprehended that she had become seriously worse. XIV.] THE MONOGRAMS. l7l However, his entrance awoke her, and she found herself much better, and was inclined to talk, so he sat down on a chest by the bed, and related what Diccon had told him of the reappearance of the woman with the basket of spar trinkets. " Beads and bracelets," said Cicely. " Ay ?" said he. " What knowest thou of them ?" " Only that she spake the words so often ; and the Queen, just ere that doctor began his speech, asked of me whether she did not sell beads and bracelets." " 'Tis a password, no doubt, and we must be on our guard," said Richard, while his wife demanded with whom Diccon had seen her speaking. " With Gorion," returned he. " That was what made the lad suspect something, knowing that the chirurgeon can barely speak three sentences in any tongue but his own, and those are in their barbarous Scotch. I took the boy with me and iiiquired here, there, and everywhere this afternoon, but could find no one who had ever seen or heard of any one like her." " Tell me, Cis," exclaimed Susan, with a sudden conviction, " was she like in any fashion to Tibbott the huckster- woman who brought young Babington into trouble three years agone ?" "Women's heads all run on one notion," said Richard. " Can there be no secret agents save poor Cuthbert, whom I believe to be beyond seas ?" " Nay, but hear what saith the child ? " asked Susan. " This woman was not nearly so old as Tibbott," said Cis, " nor did she walk with a staff, nor had she those grizzled black brows that were wont to frighten nie." "But was she tall ?" asked Susan. 172 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP " Oh yes, mother. She was very tall — she came after Diccon and me with loug strides — yet it could never have been Tibbott!" Susan had reasons for thinking otherwise, but 'she could not pursue the subject at that time, as she had to go down to supper with her husband, and privacy was impossible. Even at night, nobody enjoyed exten- sive quarters, and but for Cicely's accident she would have slept with Dyot, the tirewoman, who had arrived with the baggage, which included a pallet bed for them. However, the young lady had been carried to a chamber intended for one of Queen Mary's suite ; and there it was decreed that she should remain for the night, the mother sleeping with her, while the father and son betook themselves to the room previously allotted to the family. Only on the excuse of going to take out her husband's gear from the mails was Susan able to secure a few words with him, and then by ordering out Diccon, Dyot, and the serving-man. Then she could succeed in saying, " Mine husband, all will soon out — Mistress Kennedy and Master Gorion have seen the brands on the child's shoulders. It is my belief that she of the ' beads and bracelets ' bade the chirur- geon look for them. Else, why should he have thrust himself in for a hurt that women-folli: had far better have tended ? Now, that kinsman of yours knew that poor Cis was none of ours, and gave her a hint of it long ago — that is, if Tibbott were he, and not some- tliing worse." Eichard shook his head. " Give a woman a hint of a seminary priest in disguise, and she would take a new-born baby for one. I tell tliee I heard that Cuthbert was safe in Paris. But, be that as it may, I trust thou hast been discreet." XIV.] THE MONOGRAMS. 173 " S( I strove to be," said Susan. " Mrs. Kennedy questioned me. and I told her." " Wliat ?" sharply demanded her husband. "Nought but truth," she answered, "save that I showed no knowledge who the maid really is, nor le*: i-3r guess that you had read the scroll." ■■■ That is well. Frank Talbot was scarce within his duty when he gave me the key, and it were as much as my head were worth to be known to have been aware of the matter." To this Susan could only assent, as they were interrupted by the serving-man coming to ask directions about the bestowal of the goods. She was relieved by this short colloquy, but it was a sad and wakeful night for her as Cicely slept by her side. Her love was too truly motherly not to be deeply troubled at the claim of one of differing religion and nation, and who had so uncertain and perilous a lot in which to place her child. There was also the sense that all her dearest, including her eldest son, were involved in the web of intrigue with per- sons far mightier and more unscrupulous than them- selves ; and that, however they might strive to preserve their integrity, it would be very hard to avoid suspicion and danger. In tliis temporary abode, the household of the Queen and of the Earl ate together, in the great aall, and thus while breaking their fast in the morning Jean Kennedy found opportunity to examine Eichard Talbot on all the circumstances of the wreck of the Bride of JDunlar, and the finding of the babe. She was much more on her guard than the day before, and said that she had a shrewd suspicion as to who the babe's parents mifdit be, but that she could not be certain without 174 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. seeing the reliquary and the scroll. Eichard replied that they were at home, but made no offer of sending for them. " Nor will I do so," said he to his wife, " unless I am dealt plainly with, and the lady herself asks for them. Then should I have no right to detain them." M. Gorion would not allow his patient to leave her room that day, and she had to remain there while Susan was in attendance on the Queen, who did not appear to her yet to have heard of the discovery, and who was entering with zest into the routine of the place, where Dr. Jones might be regarded as the supreme legislator. Each division of the great batli hall was fitted with drying and dressing room, arranged commodiously accord- ing to the degree of those who were to use them. Royalty, of course, enjoyed a monopoly, and after the hot bath, which the Queen took immediately after rising, she breakfasted in her own apartments, and then came forth, according to the regimen of the place, by playing at Trowle Madame. A board with arches cut in, just big enough to permit the entrance of the balls used in playing at bowls was placed on the turf at a convenient distance from the player. Each arch was numbered, from one to thirteen, but the numbers were irregularly arranged, and the game consisted in rolling bowls into the holes in succession, each player taking a single turn, and the winner reaching the highest number first, — being, in fact, a sort of lawn bagatelle. Dr. Jones recommended it as good to stretch the rheumatic joints of his patients, and Queen Mary, an adept at all uut-of-door games, delighted in it, though she .had refused an offer to have the lawn arranged for it at Sheffield, saying that it would only spoil a Buxton delight. She XIV.] THE MONOGRAMS. 175 was still too stiff to play herself, but found infinite amusement in teaching the new-comers the game, and poor Susan, with her thoughts far away, was scarcely so apt a pupil as befitted a royal mistress, especially as she missed Mrs. Kennedy. When she came back, she found that the dame had been sitting with the patient, and had made herself very agreeable to the girl by drawing out from her all she knew of her own story from beginning to end, having first shown that she knew of the wreck of the Bride of Dunhar. "And, mother," said Cis, "she says she is nearly certain that she knows who my true parents were, and that she could be certain if she saw the swaddling clothes and tokens you had with me. Have you, mother ? I never knew of them." "Yes, child, I have. We did not wish to trouble and perturb your mind, little one, while you were con- tent to be our daughter." "Ah, mother, I would fain be yours and father's still. They must not take me from you. But sup- pose I was some great and noble lord's daughter, and had a great inheritance and lordship to give Humfrey !" " Alas, child ! Scottish inheritances are wont to bring more strife tlian wealth." Nevertheless, Gis went on supposing and building castles that were pain and grief to her foreboding- auditor. That evening, however, Eichard called his wife. It was late, but the northern sunset was only just over, and Susan could wander out with him on the greensward in front of the Earl's house. " So this is the tale we are to be put off with," he said, " from the Queen herself, ay, herself, and told with such an air of truth that it would almost make 176 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. me diocredit the scroll. She told me with one of her sweetest smiles how a favourite kinswoman of hers wedded in secret with a faithful follower of hers, of the clan Hepburn. Oh, I assure you it might have been a ballad sung by a harper for its sadness. Well, this fellow ventured too far in her service, and had to flee to France to become an archer of the guard, while the wife remained and died at Lochleven Castle, having given birth to our Cis, whom the Queen in due time despatched to her father, he being minded to have her bred up in a French nunnery, sending her to Dum- baiton to be there embarked in the Bride of Dunbar." "And the father?" " Oh, forsooth, the father ! It cost her as little to dispose of him as of the mother. He was killed in some brawl with the Huguenots ; so that the poor child is altogether an orphan, beholden to oiu' care, for which she thanked mo with tears in her eyes, that were more true than mayhap the poor woman could help." " Poor lady," said Susan. " Yet can it not be sooth indeed ?" " Nay, dame, that may not be. The cipher is not one that would be used in simply sending a letter to the father." " Might not the occasion have been used for cor- responding in secret with French friends ? " " I tell thee, wife, if I read one word of that letter, I read that the child was her own, and confided to the Abbess of Soissons ! I will read it to thee once more ere I yield it up, that is if I ever do. Wherefore cannot the woman speak truth to me ? I would be true and faithful were I trusted, but to be thus put off with lies makes a man ready at once to ride off with the whole to the Queen in council." XIV.] THE MONOGRAMS. 177 " Think, but think, dear sir," pleaded Susan, " how the poor lady is pressed, and how much she has to fear on all sides." "Ay, because lies have been meat and drink to her, till she cannot speak a soothfast word nor know an honest man when she sees him." " What would she have ?" "That Cis should remain with us as before, and still pass for our daughter, till such time as these negotiations are over, and she recover her kingdom. That is — so far as I see — like not to be till latter Lammas — but meantime what sayest thou, Susan ? Ah ! I knew, anything to keep the child with thee ! Well, be it so — though if I had known the web we were to be wound into, I'd have sailed for the Indies with Humfrey long ago !" 178 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. CHAPTEE XY. MOTHER AND CHILD. Cicely was well enough the next day to leave her room and come out on the summer's evening to enjoy the novel spectacle of Trowle Madame, in which she burned to participate, so soon as her shoulder should be weU. It was with a foreboding heart that her adopted mother fell with her into the rear of the suite who were attending Queen Mary, as she went down- stairs to walk on the lawn, and sit under a canopy whence she could watch either that game, or the shooting at the butts whicli was being carried on a little farther off. " So, our bonnie maiden," said Mary, brightening as she caught sight of the young girl, " thou art come forth once more to rejoice mine eyes, a sight for sair een, as they say in Scotland," and she kissed the fresh cheeks with a tenderness that gave Susan a strange pang. Then she asked kindly after the hurt, and bade Cis sit at her feet, while she watched a match in archery between some of the younger attendants, now and then laying a caressing hand upon the slender figure. " Little one," she said, " I would fain have thee to share my pillow. I have had no young bed-fellow XV.] MOTHER AND CHILD. 179 since Bess Pierrepoint left us. Wilt thou stoop to come and cheer the poor old caged bird ?" " Oh, madam, how gladly will I do so if I may !" cried Cicely, delighted. " We will take good care of her. Mistress Talbot," said Mary, " and deliver her up to you whole and sain in the morning," and there was a quivering playfulness in her voice. " Your Grace is the mistress," answered Susan, with a sadness not quite controlled. " All ! you mock me, madam. Would that I were !" returned the Queen. " It is my Lord's consent that we must ask. How say you, my Lord, may I have this maiden for my warder at night ?" Lord Shrewsbury was far from seeing any objection, and the promise was given that Cis should repair to the Queen's chamber for at least that night. She was full of excitement at the prospect. " Why look you so sadly at me, sweet mother ?" she cried, as Susan made ready her hair, and assisted her in all the arrangements for which her shoulder was still too stiff; " you do not fear that they will hurt my arm ?" " No, truly, my child. They have tender and skil- ful hands." " May be they will tell me the story of my parents," ■oaid Cis ; " but you need never doubt me, mother. Though I were to prove to be ever so great a lady, no one could ever be mine own mother like you !" " Scarcely in love, my child," said Susan, as sho wrapped the little figure in a loose gown, and gave her such a kiss as parents seldom permitted themselves, in the fear of "cockering" their children, which was con- sidered to be a most reprehensible practice. Nor could she refrain from closely pressing Cicely's hand as they 180 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CIIAP. passed througli the corridor to the Queen's apartments, gave the word to the two yeomen who were on guard for the night at the head of the stairs, and tapped at the outmost door of the royal suite of rooms. It was opened by a French valet ; but Mrs. Kennedy in- stantly advanced, took the maiden by the hand, and with a significant smile said : " Gramercy, madam, we v^ill take unco gude tent of the lassie. A fair gude nicht to ye." And Mrs. Talbot felt, as she put the little hand into that of the nurse, and saw the door shut on them, as if she had virtually given up her daughter, and, oh ! was it for her good ? Cis was led into the bedchamber, bright with wax tapers, though the sky was not yet dark. She heard a sound as of closing and locking double doors, while some one drew back a crimson, gold-edged velvet curtain, which she had seen several times, and which it was whispered concealed the shrine where Queen Mary performed her devotions. She had just risen from before it, at the sound of Cis's entrance, and two of her ladies, Mary Seaton and Marie de Courcelles, seemed to have been kueeliug with her. She was made ready for bed, with a dark-blue velvet gown corded round her, and her hair, now very gray, braided beneath a little round cap, but a square of soft cambric drapery had been thrown over her head, so as to form a perfectly graceful veil, and shelter the features that were aging. Indeed, when Queen Mary wore the exquisite smile that now lit up her face as she held out her arms, no one ever paused to think what those lineaments really M^ere. She held out her arms as Cis advanced bashfully, and said : " Welcome, my sweet bed-fellow, my little Scot — one more loyal sub- ject come to me in my bondage." XV.] MOTHER AND CHILD. 181 Cis's impulse was to put a knee to the ground and kiss the hands that received her. " Thou art our patient," continued Mary. " I will see thee in bed ere I settle myself there." The bed was a tall, large, carved erec- tion, with sweeping green and silver curtains, and a huge bank of lace-bordered pillows. A flight of low steps facilitated the asceut ; and Cis, passive in this new scene, was made to throw off her dressing-gown and climb up. " And now," said the Queen, " let me see the poor little shoulder that hath suffered so much." " My arm is still bound, madam," said Cis. But she was not listened to ; and Mrs. Kennedy, much to her discomfiture, turned back her under-garment. The marks were, in fact, so placed as to be entirely out of her own view, and Mrs. Susan had kept them from the knowledge or remark of any one. They were also high enough up to be quite clear from the bandages, and thus she was amazed to hear the exclamation, " There ! sooth enough." " Monsieur Gorion could swear to them instantly." " What is it ? Oh, what is it, madam ? " cried Cis, affrighted ; " is there anything on my back ? No plague spot, I hope ;" and her eyes grew round with terror. The Queen laughed. " No plague spot, sweet one, save, perhaps, in the eyes of you Protestants, but to me they are a gladsome sight — a token I never hoped to see." And the bewildered girl felt a pair of soft lips kiss each mark in turn, and then the covering was quickly and caressingly restored, and Mary added, " Lie down, my child, and now to bed, to bed, my maids. Put out the lights." Then, making the sign of the cross, as 182 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. Cis had seen poor Antony Babington do, the Queen, just as all the lights save one were extinguished, was divested of her wrapper and veil, and took her place heside Cis on the pillows. The two Maries left the chamber, and Jean Kennedy disposed herself on a pallet at the foot of the bed. " And so," said the Queen, in a low voice, tender, but with a sort of banter, " she thought she had the plague spot on her little white shoulders. Didst thou really not know what marks thou bearest, little one ?" " No, madam," said Cis. " Is it what I have felt with my fingers ?" "Listen, child," said Mary. "Art thou at thine ease ; thy poor shoulder resting well ? There, then, give me thine hand, and I will tell thee a tale. There was a lonely castle in a lake, grim, cold, and northerly ; and thither there was brought by angry men a captive woman. They had dealt with her strangely and sub- tilly ; they had laid on her the guilt of the crimes them- selves had wrought; and when she clung to the one man whom at least she thought honest, they had forced and driven her into wedding him, only that all the world might cry out upon her, forsake her, and deliver her up into those cruel hands." There was something irresistibly pathetic in Mary's voice, and the maiden lay gazing at her with swimming eyes. " Thou dost pity that poor lady, sweet one ? There was little pity for her tlien ! She had looked her last on her lad -bairn; ay, and they had said she had striven to poison him, and they were breeding him up to loathe the very name of his mother ; yea, and to hate and persecute the Church of his father and his mother hoth. And so it was, that the lady vowed that ii XV.] MOTHEK AJS^D CHIIJ). 183 another babe was granted to her, sprung of that last strange miserable wedlock, these foes of hers should have no part in it, nor knowledge of its very existence, but that it should be bred up beyond their ken — safe out of their reach. Ah ! child ; good Nurse Kennedy can best tell thee how the jealous eyes and ears were disconcerted, and in secrecy and sorrow that birth took place. Cis's heart was beating too fast for speech, but there was a tight close pressure of the hand that Mary had placed within hers. " The poor mother," went on the Queen in a low trembling voice, " durst have scarce one hour s joy of her first and only daughter, ere the trusty Gorion took the little one from her, to be nursed in a hut on the other side of the lake. There," continued Mary, forgetting the third person, " I hoped to have joined her, so soon as I was afoot again. The faithful lavender lent me her garments, and I was already in the boat, but the men-at-arms were rude and would have pulled down my muffler ; I raised my hand to protect myself, and it was all too white. They had not let me stain it, because the dye would not befit a washerwoman. So there was I dragged back to ward again, and all our plans overthrown. And it seemed safer and meeter to put my little one out of reach of all my foes, even if it were far away from her mother's aching heart. Not one more embrace could I be granted, but my good chaplain Eoss — whom the saints rest — baptized her in secret, and Gorion had set two marks on the soft flesh, which he said could never be blotted out in after years, and then her father's clanswoman, Alison Hep- burn, undertook to carry her to France, with a letter of mine bound up in her swathing clothes, committing 184 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. her to the charge of my good aunt, the Abbess of Soissons, in utter secrecy, until better days should come. Alas ! I thought them not so far off. I deemed that were I once beyond the clutches of Morton, Euthven, and the rest, the loyal would rally once more round my standard, and my crown would be mine own, mine enemies and those of my Church beneath my feet. Little did I guess that my escape would only be to see them slain and routed, and that when I threw myself on the hospitality of my cousin, he"r tender mercies would prove such as I have found them. 'Libera me, Domine, libera mey Cis began dimly to understand, but she was still too much awed to make any demonstration, save a convulsive pressure of the Queen's hand, and the murmuring of the Latin prayer distressed her. Presently Mary resumed. " Long, long did I hope my little one was safely sheltered from all my troubles in the dear old cloisters of Soissons, and that it was caution in my good aunt the abbess that prevented ray hearing of her ; but through my faithful servants, my Lord Fletnyng, who had been charged to speed her from Dumbarton, at length let me know that the ship in which she sailed, the Bride of Dunbar, had been never heard of more, and was thought to have been cast away in a tempest that raged two days after she quitted Dum- barton. And I — I slied some tears, but I could well believe that the innocent babe had been safely wel- comed among the saints, and I could not grieve that she was, as I thought, spared from the doom that rests upon the race of Stewart. Till one week back, I gave thanks for that child of sorrow as cradled in Paradise." Then followed a pause, and then Cis said in a low XV.] MOTHER AND CHILD. 185 brembliug voice, "And it was from the wreck of the Bride of Danhar that I was taken ? " " Thou hast said it, child ! ]\Iy bairn, my bonnie bairn ! " and the girl was absorbed in a passionate embrace and strained convulsively to a bosom which Leaved with th3 sobs of tempestuous emotion, and the caresses were redoubled upon her again and again with increasing fervour that almost frightened her. " Speak to me ! Speak to me ! Let me hear my child's voice." " Oh, madam " " Call me mother ! Never have T heard that sound from my child's lips. I have borne two children, two living children, only to be stripped of both. Speak, child — let me hear thee." Cis contrived to say " Mother, my mother," but scarcely with effusion. It was all so strange, and she could not help feeling as if Susan were the mother she knew and was at ease witli. All this was much too like a dream, from which she longed to awake. And there was Mrs. Kennedy too, rising up and crying quite indignantly — " ]\Iother indeed ! Is that all thou hast to say, as though it were a task under tlie rod, when thou art owned for her own bairn by the fairest and most ill-used queen in Christendom ? Out on thee ! Have the Southron loons chilled thine heart and made thee no leal to thine ain mother that hatli hungered for thee ?" The angry tones, and her sense of her own short- comings, could only make Cis burst into tears. " Husli, hush, nurse ! thou shalt not chide my new- found bairn. She will learn to ken us betJ^er in time if they will leave her with us," said Mary. " There, there ; greet not so sair, mine ain. I ask 186 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. thee not to share my sorrows and my woes. That Heaven forefend. I ask thee but to come froiQ time to time and cheer my nights, and lie on my weary bosom to still its ache and yearning, and let me feel that I have indeed a child." " Oh, mother, motlier !" Cis cried again in a stifled voice, as one who could not utter her feelings, but not in the cold dry tone that had called forth Mrs. Kennedy's wrath. "Pardon me, I know not — I cannot say what I would. But oh ! I would do any- thing for — for your Grace." " All that I would ask of thee is to hold thy peace and keep our counsel. Be Cicely Talbot by day as ever. Only at night be mine — my child, my Bride, for so wast thou named after our Scottish patroness. It was a relic of her sandals that was hung about thy neck, and her ship in which thou didst sail ; and lo, she heard and guarded thee, and not merely saved thee from death, but provided thee a happy joyous home and well -nurtured childliood. We must render her our thanks, my chUd. Bcata Brigitia, ora fro nobis." " It was the good God Almighty who saved me, madam," said Cis bluntly. " Alack ! I forgot that yonder good lady could not fail to rear thee in the outer darkness of her heresy ; but thou wilt come back to us, my ain wee thing ! Heaven forbid that I should deny Whose Hand it was that saved thee, but it was at the blessed Bride's intercession. No doubt she reserved for me, who had turned to her in my distress, this precious consolation ! But I will not vex thy little heart with debate this first night. To be mother and child is enough for us. What art thou pondering?" " Only, madam, who was it that told your Grace that I was a stranger ?" XV,] MOTHER AND CHILD. 187 "The marks, bairnie, the marks," said Mary. " They told their own tale to good Nurse Jeaiiie ; ay, and to Gorion, whom we blamed lor his cruelty in branding my poor little lamniie." " Ah ! but," said Cicely, " did not yonder woman with the beads and bracelets bid him look ? " If it had been lighter, Cicely would have seen that the Queen was not pleased at the inquiry, but she only heard the answer from Jean's bed, " Hout no, I wad she knew nought of thae brands. How should she?" " Nay," said Cicely, " she — no, it was Tibbott the huckster-woman told me long ago that I was not what I seemed, and that I came from the north — I cannot understand ! Were they the same ?" " The bairn kens too much," said Jean. " Dinna ye deave her Grace with your speirings, my lammic. Ye'll haA^e to learn to keep a quiet sough, and to see mickle ye canna understand here." " Silence her not, good nurse," said the Queen, " it imports us to know this matter. What saidst thou of Tibbott?" " She was the woman who got Antony Babington into trouble," exj)lained Cicely. " I deemed her a witch, for she would hint strange things concerning me, but my father always believed she was a kinsman of his, who was concerned in the Eising of the North, and who, he said, had seen me brought in to Hull from the wreck." " Ay ? " said the Queen, as a sign to her to con- tinue. " And meseemed," added Cicely timidly, " that the strange woman at Tideswell wlio talked of beads and bracelets minded me of Tibbott, though she was 188 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. younger, and had not her grizzled brows ; but father says that cannot be, for Master Cuthbert Langston is beyond seas at Paris." " Soh ! that is well," returned ]\Iary, in a tone of relief. " See, child. That Langston of whom you speak was a true friend of mine. He has done much for me under many disguises, and at the time of thy birth he lived as a merchant at Hull, trading with Scotland. Thus it may have become known to him that the babe he had seen rescued from the wreck was one who had been embarked at Dumbarton. But no more doth he know. The secret of thy birth, my poor ,bairn, was entrusted to none save a few of those about me, and all of those who are still living thou hast already seen. Lord Elemyng, who put thee on board, believed thee the child of James Hepburn of Lillie- burn, the archer, and of my poor Mary Stewart, a kinswoman of mine ain ; and it was in that belief doubtless that he, or Tibbott, as thou call'st him, would have spoken with thee." " But the woman at Tideswell," said Cis, who was getting bewildered — " Diccon said that she spake to Master Gorion." " That did she, and pointed thee out to him. It is true. She is another faithful friend of mine, and no doubt she liad the secret from him. But no more ques- tions, child. Enough that we sleep in each other's arms." It was a strange night. Cis was more conscious of wonder, excitement, and a certain exultation, than of actual affection. She had not been bred up so as to hunger and crave for love. Indeed she had been treated with more tenderness and indulgence than was usual with people's own daughters, and her adopted parents had absorbed her undoubting love and respect. XV.] M(frHEK AND CHILD, 18ft Queen Mary's fervent caresses were at least as em- barrassing as they ^vere gratifying, because she did not know what response to make, and the novelty and wonder of the situation were absolutely distressing. They would have been more so but for the Queen's tact. She soon saw that she was overwhelming the girl, and that time must be given for her to become accustomed to the idea. So, saying tenderly something about rest, she lay quietly, leaving Cis, as she supposed, to sleep. This, however, was impossible to the girl, except in snatches which made her have to prove to herself again and again that it was not all a dream. The last of these wakenings was by daylight, as full as the heavy curtains would admit, and she looked up into a face that was watching her with such tender wistful- ness that it drew from her perforce the word " ]\Iother." " Ah ! that is the tone with the true ring in it. I thank thee and I bless thee, my bairn," said Mary, making over her the sign of the cross, at which tlie maiden vanced as at an incantation. Then she added, " My little maid, we must be up and stirring. Mind, no word of all this. Thou art Cicely Talbot by day, as ever, and only my child, my Bride, mine ain wee thing, my princess by night. Canst keep counsel ?" " Surely, madam," said Cis, " I have known for five years that I was a foundling on the wreck, and i never uttered a word." Mary smiled. " This is either a very simple child or a very canny one," she said to Jean Kennedy, " Eitlier she sees no boast in being of royal blood, or she deems tliat to have the mother she has found is worse than the being the nameless foundling." " Oh ! madam, mother, not so ! I meant but that 1 had lield my tongue when I had something to tell !" 190 UNKNOWN TO HISfORY. [CHAP. " Let thy secrecy stand tliee iu good stead, child," said the Queen. " Eemember that did the bruit once get abroad, thou wouldest assuredly be torn from me, to be mewed up where the English Queen could hinder thee from ever wedding living man. Ay, and it might bring the head of thy foster-father to the block, if he were thought to have concealed the matter. I fear me thou art too young for such a weighty secret." " I am seventeen years old, madam," returned Cis, with dignity ; " I have kept the other secret since I was twelve." " Then thou wilt, I trust, have the wisdom not to take the princess on thee, nor to give any suspicion that we are more to one another than the caged bird and the bright linnet that comes to sing on the bars of her cage. Only, child, thou must get from Master Talbot these tokens that I hear of. Hast seen them ? " " Never, madam ; indeed I knew not of them." " I need them not to know thee for mine own, but it is not well that they should be in stranger hands. Thou canst say — But hush, we must be mum for the present." For it became necessary to admit the Queen's morning draught of spiced milk, borne in by one of her suite who had to remain uninitiated ; and from that moment no more confidences could be exchanged, until the time that Cis had to leave the Queen's chamber to join the rest of the household in tlie daily prayers offered in the chapel. Her dress and hair had, according to promise, been carefully attended to, but she was only finished and completed just in time to join her adopted parents on the way down the stairs. She knelt in the hall for their blessing — an action a? residar and as mechanical as the morning kiss and XV.] MOTHER AND CHILD. 191 greeting now are between pcarent and child ; Lut there was something in her face tliat made Susan say to herself, " She knows all." They could not speak to one another till not only matins but' breakfast were ended, and then — after the somewhat solid meal — the ladies had to put on their out-of-door gear to attend Queen Mary in her daily exercise. The dress was not much, high summer as it was, only a loose veil over the stiff cap, and a fan in the gloved hand to act as parasol. However the retirement gave Cicely an interval in which to say, " mother, she has told me," and as Susan sat holding out her arms, the adopted child threw herself on her knees, hiding her face on that bosom where she had found comfort all her life, and where, her emotion at last finding full outlet, she sobbed without knowing why for some moments, till she started nervously at the entrance of Kichard, saying, '■ The Queen is asking for you both. But how now ? Is all told ?" " Ay," whispered his wife. " So ! And why these tears ? Tell me, my maid, was not she good to thee ? Doth she seek to take thee into her own keeping ?" " Oh no, sir, no," said Cis, still kneeling against the motherly knee and struggling with her sobs. " JSTo one is to guess. I am to be Cicely Talbot all the same, till better days come to her." " The safer and the happier for thee, child. Here are two honest hearts tliat will not cast thee off, even if, as I suspect, yonder lady would fain be quit of thee." " Oh no !" burst from Cicely, then, shocked at having committed the offence of interrupting liim, she added, " Dear sir, I crave your pardon, but, indeed, she is all fondness and love." 192 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. " Then what means this passion ?" he asked, looking from one to the other. " It means only that the child's senses and spirits are overcome," said Susan, " and that she scarce knows how to take this discovery. Is it not so, sweetheart ?" " Oh, sweet mother, yes in sooth. You will ever be mother to me indeed !" " Well said, little maid !" said Pdchard. " Thou mightest search the world over and never hap upon such another." " But she oweth duty to the true mother," said Susan, with her hand on the girl's neck. " We wot well of that," answered her husband, " and I trow the first is to be secret." " Yea, sir," said Cis, recovering herself, " none save the very few who tended her, the Queen at Lochleven, know who I verily am. Such as were aware of the babe being put on board ship at Dumbarton, thought me the daughter of a Scottish archer, a Hepburn, and she, the Queen my mother, would have me pass as such to those who needs must know I am not myself" " Trust her for making a double web when a single one would do," muttered Kichard, but so tliat the girl could not hear. " There is no need for any to know at present/' said Susan hastily, moved perhaps by the same dislike to deception ; " but ah, there's that fortune-telling woman." Cis, proud of her secret information, here explained that Tibbott was indeed Cuthbert Laugston, but not the person whose password was " beads and bracelets," and that both alike could know no more than the story of the Scottish archer and his young wife ; but they were here interrupted by the appearance of Diccon, who had been sent by my Lord himself to hasten tliem, XV.] MOTHER AND CHILD. 193 at the instance of the Queeu. Master Eichard sent the boy on with his mother, saying he would wait and bring Cis, as she had still to compose her hair and coif, which had become somewhat disordered, " My maiden," he said, gravely, " I have somewhat to say unto thee. Thou art in a stranger case than any woman of thy years between the four seas ; nay, it may be in Christendom. It is woeful hard for thee not to be a traitor through mere lapse of tongue to thine own mother, or else to thy Queen. So I tell thee this once for all. See as little, hear as little, and, above all, say as little as thou canst." " Not to mother ?" asked Cis. " No, not to her, above all not to me ; and, my girl, pray God daily to keep thee true and loyal, and guard thee and the rest of us from snares. Now have with thee. We may tarry no longer!" All went as usual for the rest of the day, so that the last night was like a dream, until it became plain that Cicely was again to share the royal apartment. " Ah, I have thirsted for this hour !" said Mary, holding out her arms and drawing her daughter to her bosom. " Thou art a canny lassie, mine ain wee thing. None could have guessed from thy bearing that there was aught betwixt us." " In sooth, madam," said the girl, " it seems that I am two maidens in one — Cis Talbot by day, and Bride of Scotland by night." " That is well ! Be all C:^ Talbot by day. When there is need to dissemble, believe in thine own feign- ing. 'Tis for want of that art that these clumsy Southrons make themselves but a laughing-stock when- ever they have a secret." Cis did not understand the maxim, and submitted o 194 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. in silence to some caresses before she said, " My father will give your Grace the tokens when we return." "Thy father, child?" " I crave your pardon, madam, it comes too trip- pingly to my tongue thus to term JMaster Talbot." " So much the better. Thy tongue must not lose the trick. 1 did but feel a moment's fear lest thou hadst not been guarded enough with yonder sailor man, and had let him infer over much." " 0, surely, madam, you never meant me to with- hold the truth from father and mother," cried Cis, in astonishment and dismay. " Tush ! silly maid !" said the Queen, really angered. " Father and mother, forsooth ! Now shall we have a fresh coil ! I should have known better than to have trusted thy word." " Never would I have given my word to deceive them," cried Cis, hotly. " Lassie !" exclaimed Jean Kennedy, " ye forget to whom ye speak." " Nay," said Mary, recovering herself, or rather see- ing how best to punish, " 'tis the poor bairn who will be the sufferer. Our state cannot be worse than it is already, save that I shall lose her presence, but it pities me to think of her." " The secret is safe with them," repeated Cis. " madam, none are to be trusted like them." " Tell me not," said the Queen. " The sailor's blundering loyalty will not suffer him to hold his tongue. I would lay my two lost crowns that he is down on his honest knees before my Lord craviug par- don for having unwittingly fostered one of the viper brood. Then, via ! off goes a post — boots and spurs are no doubt already on — and by and by comes KnoUys, XV.] MOTHEK AND CHILD. 1911 or Carey, or Walsingham, to bear off the perilous maiden to walk in Queen Bess's train, and have her ears boxed when her Majesty is out of humour, or when she gets weary of dressing St. Katherine's hair, and weds the man of her choice, she begins to taste of prison walls, and is a captive for the rest of her days." Cis was reduced to tears, and assurances that if the Queen would only broach the subject to Master Eichard, she would perceive that he regarded as sacred, secrets that were not his own ; and to show that he meant no betrayal, she repeated his advice as to seeing, hearing, and saying as little as possible. " Wholesome counsel !" said Mary. " Cheer thee, lassie mine, I will credit whatever thou wilt of this foster-father of thine until I see it disproved ; and for the good lady his wife, she hath more inward, if less outward, grace than any dame of the mastiff brood which guards our prison court ! I should have warned thee that they were not excepted from those who may deem thee my poor Mary's child." Cicely did not bethink herself that, in point of fact, she had not communicated her royal birth to her adopted parents, but that it had been assumed hetween them, as, indeed, they had not mentioned their previous knowledge. Mary presently proceeded — " After all, we may not have to lay too heavy a burden on their discretion. Better days are coming. One day shall our faithful lieges open the way to freedom and royalty, and thou shalt have wliatever boon thou wouldst ask, even were it pardon for my Lady Shrewsbury." " There is one question I would fain ask, Madam mother : Doth my real father yet live ? The Earl of " 196 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. Jeau Kennedy made a sound of indignant warning and consternation, cutting her short in dismay ; but the Queen gripped her hand tightly for some moments, and then said : " 'Tis not a thing to speir of me, child, of me, the most woefully deceived and forlorn of ladies. Never have I seen nor heard from him since the part- ing at Carbery Hill, when he left me to bear the brunt ! Folk say that he took ship for the north. Believe him dead, child. So were it best for us both ; but never name him to me more." Jean Kennedy knew, though the girl did not, what these words conveyed. If Bothwell no longer lived, there would be no need to declare the marriage null and void, and thus sacrifice his daughter's position ; but supposing him to be in existence, Mary had already shown herself resolved to cancel the very irregular bonds which had united them, — a most easy matter for a member of her Church, since they had been married by a Reformed minister, and Both- w^ell had a living wife at the time. Of all this Cicely was absolutely ignorant, and was soon eagerly listening as the Queen spoke of her hopes of speedy deliverance. " ]\Iy son, my Jamie, is working for me !" she said. " Nay, dost not ken what is in view for me ?" " No, madam, my good father. Master Eichard, I mean, never tells aught that he hears in my Lord's closet." " That is to assure me of his discretion, T trow ! But this is no secret ! No treason against our well- beloved cousin Bess ! Oh no ! But thy brother, mine ain lad -bairn, hath come to years of manhood, and hath shaken himself free of the fetters of Knox and Morton and Buchanan, and all their clamjamfrie. The Stewart lion hath been too strong for them. The XV.] MOTHER AND CHILD. 197 piiir laddie hath true men about him, at last, — the Master of Gray, as they call him, and Esme Stewart of Aubigny, a Scot polished as tlie French know how to brighten Scottish steel. Nor will the lad bide that his mother should pine longer in durance. He yearns for her, and hath writ to her and to Elizabeth ofiferiug her a share in his throne. Poor laddie, what would be oiitrecuidance in another is but duteousness in him. What will he say when we bring him a sister as well as a mother ? They tell me that he is an unco scholar, but uncouth in his speech and man- ners, and how should it be otherwise with no woman near him save my old Lady Mar ? We shall have to take him in hand to teach him fair courtesy." " Sure he will be an old pupil !" said Cis, " if he be more than two years my elder." " Never fear, if we can find a winsome young bride for him, trust mother, wife, and sister for moulding him to kingly bearing. We will make our home in Stirling or Linlithgow, we two, and leave Holyrood to him. I have seen too much there ever to thole the sight of those chambers, far less of the High Street of Edinburgh ; but Stirling, bonnie Stirling, ay, I would fain ride a hawking there once more. Methiuks a Highland breeze would put life and youth into me again. There's a little chamber opening into miue, wdiere I will bestow thee, my Lady Bride of Scot- land, for so long as I may keep thee. Ah ! it will not be for long. They will be seeking thee, my brave courtly faithful kindred of Lorraine, and Scottish nobles and English lords will vie for this little hand of thine, where courses the royal blood of both reabns." " So please you, madam, my mother " " Eh ? What is it ? Who is it ? I deemed that 198 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP yonder honourable dame had kept thee from all the frolics and foibles of the poor old profession. Fear not to tell me, little one. Eemember thine own mother hath a heart for such matters. I guess .'liready. G'etait un heau gargon, ce pauvre Antoine." " Oh no, madam," exclaimed Cicely. " When the sailor Goatley disclosed that I was no child of my father's, of Master Eichard I mean, and was a nameless creature belonging to no one, Humfrey Talbot stood forth and pledged himself to wed me so soon as we were old enough." "And what said the squire and dame ?" " That I should then be indeed their daughter." "And hath the contract gone no farther ?" "No, madam. He hath been to the North with Captain Frobisher, and since that to the Western Main, and we look for his return even now," " How long is it since this pledge, as thou callest it, was given ?" " Five years next Lammas tide, madam," " Was it by ring or token ?" " No, madam. Our mother said we were too young, but Humfrey meant it with all his heart." " Humfrey ! That was the urchin who must needs traverse the correspondence through tlie seeming Tibbott, and so got Antony removed from about us. A stout lubberly Yorkshire lad, fed on beef and pud- ding, a true Talbot, a mere English bull-dog who will have lost all the little breeding he had, while commit- ting spulzie and piracy at sea on his Catholic Majesty's ships. Bah, mon enfant, I am glad of it. Had he been a graceful young courtly page like the poor Antony, it might have been a little difficult, but a great English carle like that, whom thou hast not seen XV.] MOTHER AND CHILD. 199 for five years — " She made a gesture with her grace- ful hands as if casting away a piece of thistledown. " Humfrey is my very good — my very good brother madam," cried Cicely, casting about for words to defend him, and not seizing the most appropriate. " Brother, quotha ? Yea, and as good brother he shall be to thee, and welcome, so long as thou art Cis Talbot by day — but no more, child. Princesses mate not with Yorkshire esquires. When the Lady Bride takes her place in the halls of her forefathers, she will be the property of Scotland, and her hand will be sought by princes. Ah, lassie ! let it not grieve thee. One thing thy mother can tell thee from her own experience. There is more bliss in mating with our equals, by the choice of others, than in following our own wild will. Thou gazest at me in wonder, but verily my happy days were with my gentle young king — and so will thine be, I pray the saints happier and more endur- ing than ever were mine. Nothing has ever lasted with me but captivity, libera me." And in the murmured repetition the mother fell asleep, and the daughter, who had slumbered little the night before, could not but likewise drop into the world of soothing oblivion, though with a dull feeling of aching and yearning towards the friendly kindly Humfrey, yet with a certain exultation in the fate that seemed to be carrying her on inevitably beyond his reach. 200 UNKNOWN TO HISTOfiY. [CHAP. CHAPTEE XVL THE PEAK CAVEEN. Tt was quite true that at this period Queen Mary had good hope of liberation in the most satisfactory manner possible — short of being hailed as English Queen. Negotiations were actually on foot with James VI. and Elizabeth for her release. James had written to her with his own hand, and she had for the first time consented to give him the title of King of Scot- land. The project of her reigning jointly with him had been mooted, and each party was showing how enormous a condescension it would be in his or her eyes ! Thus there was no great unlikelihood that there would be a recognition of the Lady Bride, and that she would take her position as the daughter of a queen. Therefore, when ]\Iary contrived to speak to Master Eichard Talbot and his wife in j)rivate, she was able to thank them with gracious condescension for the care they had bestowed in rearing her daughter, much as if she had voluntarily entrusted the maiden to them, saying she trusted to be in condition to reward them. Mistress Susan's heart swelled high with pain, as though she had been thanked for her care of Hum- frey or Diccon, and her husband answered, " We seek XVI.] THE PEAK CAVERN. 201 no reward, madam. The damsel herself, while she was ours, was reward enough." " And I must still entreat, that of your goodness you will let her remain yours for a little longer," said Mary, with a touch of imperious grace, " until this treaty is over, and I am free, it is better that she con- tinues to pass for your daughter. The child herself has sworn to me by lier great gods," said Mary, smil- ing witli complimentary grace, " that you will pre- serve her secret — nay, she becomes a little fury when I express my fears lest you should have scruples." " No, madam, this is no state secret ; such as I might not with honour conceal," returned Eichard. " There is true English sense ! " exclaimed Mary. " I may then count on your giving my daughter the protection of your name and your home until I can reclaim her and place her in her true position. Yea, and if your concealment should give offence, and bring you under any displeasure of my good sister, those who have so saved and tended my daughter will have the first claim to whatever I can give when restored to my kingdom." " We are much beholden for your Grace's favour," said Richard, somewhat stiffly, " but I trust never tc serve any land save mine own." " Ah ! there is your fitreU^' cried Mary. " Happy is my sister to have subjects with such a point of honour. Happy is my child to have been bred up by such parents ! " Richard bowed. It was all a man could do at such a speech, and Mary further added, " She has told me to what bounds went your goodness to her. It is well that you acted so prudently that the children's hearts were not engaged ; for, as we all know but too well, royal blood should have no heart." 202 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAF " I am quite aware of it, madam," returned Eich- ard, and there for the time the' conversation ended. Tlie Queen had been most charming, full of gratitude, and perfectly reasonable in her requests, and yet there was some flaw in the gratification of both, even while neither thought the disappointment would go very hard with their son. Eichard could never divest him- self of the instinctive prejudice with which soft words inspire men of his nature, and Susan's maternal heart was all in revolt against the inevitable, not merely grieving over the wrench to her affections, but full of forebodings and misgivings as to the future welfare of her adopted child. Even if the brightest hopes should be fulfilled ; the destiny of a Scottish princess did not seem to Southern eyes very brilliant at the best, and whether poor Bride Hepburn might be owned as a princess at all was a doubtful matter, since, if her father lived (and he had certainly been living in 1577 in Norway), both the Queen and the Scottish people would be agreed in repudiating the marriage. Any way, Susan saw every reason to fear for the happi- ness and the religion alike of the child to whom she had given a mother's love. Under her grave, self- contained placid demeanour, perhaps Dame Susan was the most dejected of those at Buxton. The captive Queen had her hopes of freedom and her newly found daughter, who was as yet only a pleasure, and not an encumbrance to her, the Earl had been assured that his wife's slanders had been forgotten. He was secure of his sovereign's favour, and permitted to see the term of his weary jailorship, and thus there was an unusual liveliness and cheerfulness about the whole sojourn at Buxton, where, indeed, there was always more or less of a holiday time. XVI.] THE PEAK CAVERN. 203 To Cis herself, her nights ware like a perpetual fairy tale, and so indeed were all times when she was alone with the initiated, who were indeed all those orifjinal members of her mother's suite who had known of her birth at Lochleven, people who had kept tco many perilous secrets not to be safely entrusted with this one, and whose finished habits of caution, in a moment, on the approach of a stranger, would change their manner from the deferential courtesy due to their princess, to the good-natured civility of court ladies to little Cicely Talbot. Dame Susan had been gratified at first by the young girl's sincere assurances of unchanging affection and allegiance, and, in truth, Cis had clung the most to her with the confidence of a whole life's daughterhood, but as the days went on, and every caress and token of affection imaginable was lavished upon the maiden, every splendid augury held out to her of the future, and every story of the past detailed the charms of Mary's court life in France, seen through the vista of nearly twenty sadly contrasted years, it was in the very nature of things that Cis should regard the time spent perforce with Mistress Talbot much as a petted child views its return to the strict nurse or governess from the delights of the drawing-room. She liked to dazzle the homely housewife with the wonderful tales of French gaieties, or the splendid castles in the air she liad heard in the Queen's rooms, but she resented the doubt and disapproval they sometimes excited ; she was petulant and fractious at any exercise of authority from her foster-mother, and once or twice went near to betray herself by lapsing into a tone towards her which would have brought down severe personal chastisement on any real daughter even of seventeen. 204 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CIIAF. It was well that the Countess and her sharp-ej'ed daughter Mary were out of sight, as the sight of such " cockering of a malapert maiden " would have led to interference that might have brought matters to ex- tremity. Yet, with all the forbearance thus exercised, Susan could not but feel that the girl's love was being weaned from her ; and, after all, how could she com- plain, since it was by the true mother ? If only she could have hoped it was for the dear child's good, it would not have been so hard ! But the trial was a bitter one, and not even her husband guessed how bitter it was. The Queen meantime improved daily in health and vigour in the splendid summer weather. The rheu- matism had quitted her, and she daily rode and played at Trowle Madame for hours after supper in the long bright July evenings. Cis, whose shoulder was quite well, played with great delight on the greensward, where one evening she made acquaintance with a young esquire and his sisters from the neighbourhood, who had come with their father to pay their respects to my Lord Earl, as the head of all Hallamshire. The Earl, though it was not quite according to the recent stricter rules, ventured to invite them to stay to sup with the household, and afterwards they came out with the rest upon the lawn. Cis was walking between the young lad and his sister, laughing and talking with much animation, for she had not for some time enjoyed the pleasure of free intercourse with any of her fellow-denizens in the happy land of youth. Dame Susan watched her with some uneasiness, and presently saw her taking them where she herself was privilegefl to go, but strangers were never permitted XVI.] THE PEAK CAVEKN. 205 to approach, on the Trowle Madame sward reserved for the Queen, on which she was even now entering. " Cicely !" she called, but the young lady either did not or would not hear, and she was obliged to walk hastily forw^ard, meet the party, and with courteous excuses turn them back from the forbidden ground. They submitted at once, apologising, but Cis, -with a red spot on her cheek, cried, " The Queen would take no offence." " That is not the matter in point, Cicely," said Dame Susan gravely. " Master and IMistress Eyre understand that we are bound to obedience to the Earl." Master Eyre, a well-bred young gentleman, made reply tliat he well knew that no discourtesy was intended, but Cis pouted and mutt§red, evidently to the extreme amazement of Mistress Alice Eyre ; and Dame Susan, to divert her attention, began to ask about the length of their ride, and the way to their liome. Cis's ill humour never lasted long, and she suddenly broke in, " mother. Master Eyre saith there is a marvellous cavern near his father's house, all full of pendants from the roof like a minster, and great sheeted tables and statues standing up, all grand and ghostly on the floor, far better than in this Pool's Hole. He says his father will have it lighted up if we will ride over and see it." " We are much beholden to Master Eyre," said Susan, but Cis read refusal in her tone, and began to urge her to consent. " It must be as my husband wills," was the grave answer, and at the same time, courteously, but very decidedly, she bade the strangers farewell, and made her daughter do the same, though Cis was inclined to 206 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAP. resistance, and in a somewhat defiant tone added, " I shall not forget your promise, sir. I long to see the cave." " Child, child," entreated Susan, as soon as they were out of hearing, " be on thy guard. Thou wilt betray thyself by such conduct towards me." " But, mother, they did so long to see the Queen, and there would have been no harm in it. They are well affected, and the young gentleman is a friend of poor Master Babington." " Nay, Cis, that is further cause that I should not let them pass onward. I marvel not at thee, my maid, but thou and thy mother queen must bear in mind that while thou passest for our daughter, and hast trust placed in tli^e, thou must do nothing to forfeit it or bring thy fa , Master Eichard I mean, into trouble." " I meant no harm," said Cis, rather crossly. " Thou didst not, but harm may be done by such as mean it the least." " Only, mother, sweet mother," cried the girl, child- like, set upon her pleasure, " I will be as good as can be. I will transgress in nought if only thou wilt get my father to take me to see ]\Iaster Eyre's cavern." She was altogether the home daughter again in her eagerness, entreating and promising by turns with the eager curiosity of a young girl bent on an expedition, but Eichard was not to be prevailed on. He had little or no acquaintance with the Eyre family, and to let them go to the cost and trouble of lighting up the cavern for the young lady's amusement would be like the encouragement of a possible suit, which would have been a most inconvenient matter. Eichard did .not believe the young gentleman had warrant from hia XVI.] THE PEAK CAVERN. 207 father in giving this invitation, and if he had, that was the moi:e reason for declining it. The Eyres, then hold- ing the royal castle of the Peak, were suspected of being secretly Eoman Catholics, and though the Earl could not avoid hospitably bidding them to supper, the less any Talbot had to do with them the better, and for the present Cis must be contented to be reckoned as one. So she had to put up with her disappointment, and she did not do so with as good a grace as she would have shown a year ago. Nay, she carried it to Queen Mary, who at night heard her gorgeous description of the wonders of the cavern, which grew in her estima- tion in proportion to the difficulty of seeing them, and sympathised with her disappointment at the denial. " Nay, thou shalt not be balked," said Mary, with the old queenly habit of having her own way. " Prisoner as I am, I will accomplish this. My daughter shall have her wish." So on the ensuing morning, when the Earl came to pay his respects, Mary assailed him with, " There is a marvellous cavern in these parts, my Lord, of which I hear great wonders." " Does your grace mean Pool's Hole ?" " Nay, nay, my Lord. Have I not been conducted through it by Dr. Jones, and there writ my name for his delectation ? This is, I hear, as a palace compared therewith." " The Peak Cavern, Madam !" said Lord Shrewsbury, with the distaste of middle age for underground expedi- tions, " is four leagues hence, and a dark, damp, doleful den, most noxious for your Grace's rheumatism." " Rave you ever seen it, my Lord ?" " No, verily," returned his lordship with a shudder. ** Then you will be edified yourself, my Lord, if you 208 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. will do me the grace to escort me thither," said Mary, with the imperious suavity she well knew how to adopt. " Madam, madam," cried the unfortunate Earl, " do but consult your physicians. They will tell you that all the benefits of the Buxton waters will be annulled by an hour in yonder subterranean hole." " I have h,eard of it from several of my suite," re- plied Mary, " and they tell me that the work of nature on the lime-droppings is so marvellous that I shall not rest without a sight of it. Many have been instant with me to go and behold the wondrous place." This was not untrue, but she had never thought of gratifying them in her many previous visits to Buxton. The Earl found himself obliged either to utter a harsh and uureasonable refusal, or to organise an expedition which he personally disliked extremely, and moreover distrusted, for he did not in the least believe that Queen Mary would be so set upon gratifying her curi- osity about stalactites without some ulterior motive. He tried to set on Dr. Jones to persuade Messieurs Gorion and Bourgoin, her medical attendants, that the cave would be fatal to her rheumatism, but it so happened that the Peak Cavern was Dr. Jones's favourite lion, the very pride of his heart. Pool's Hole was dear to him, but the Peak Cave was far more precious, and the very idea of the Queen of Scots honouring it with her presence, and leaving behind her the flavour of her name, was so exhilarating to the little man that if the place had been ten times more damp he would have vouched for its salubrity. More- over, he undertook that fumigations of fragrant woods should remove all peril of noxious exhalations, so that the Earl was obliged to give liis orders that Mr. xvl] the peak cavern. 209 Eyre should be requested to light up the cave, and heartily did he grumble and pour forth his suspicions and annoyance to his cousin Eichard. " And 1," said tlie good sailor, " felt it hard not to be able to tell him that all was for the freak of a silly damsel." Mistress Cicely laughed a little triumphantly. It was something like being a Queen's daughter to have been the cause of making my Lord himself bestir him- self against his will. She had her own way, and miglit well be good - humoured. " Come, dear sir father," she said, coming up to him in a coaxing, patronising way, which once would have been quite alien to them both, " be not angered. You know no- body means treason ! And, after all, 'tis not I but you that are the cause of all the turmoil. If you would but have ridden soberly out with your poor little Cis, there would have been no coil, but my Lord might have paced stately and slow up and down the terrace-walk undisturbed." " Ah, child, child ! " said Susan, vexed, though her husband could not help smiling at the arch drollery of the girl's tone and manner, " do not thou learn light mockery of all that should be honoured." " I am not bound to honour the Earl," said Cis, proudly. " Hush, hush ! " said Eichard. " I have allowed thee unche-ksd too long, maiden. Wert thou ten times what thou art, it would not give thee the right to mock at the gray-haired, highly-trusted noble, the head of the neftne thou dost bear," " And the torment of her whom I am most bound lo love," broke from Cicely petulantly. Eichard's response to this sally was to rise up, p 210 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY [CHAF make the young lady the lowest possible reverence, with extreme and displeased gravity, and then to quit the room. It brought the girl to her bearings at once. " Oil, mother, mother, how have I displeased him ?" " I trow thou canst not help it, child," said Susan, sadly ; '"' but it is hard that thou shouldst bring home to us how thine heart and thine obedience are parted from us." The maiden was in a passion of tears at once, vowing that she meant no such thing, that she loved and obeyed them as much as ever, and that if only her father would forgive her she would never wish to go near the cavern. She would beg the Queen to give up the plan at once, if only Sir Eichard would be her good father as before. Susan looked at her sadly and tenderly, but smiled, and said that what had been lightly begun could not now be dropped, and that she trusted Cis would be happy in the day's enjoyment, and remember to be- have herself as a discreet maiden. " For truly," said she, " so far from discretion being to be despised by Queen's daughters, the higher the estate the greater the need thereof." This little breeze did not prevent Cicely from setting off in high spirits, as she rode near the Queen, who declared that she wanted to enjoy through the merry maiden, and who was herself in a gay and joyous mood, believing that the term of her captivity was in sight, delighted with her daughter, exhilarated by the fresh breezes and rapid motion, and so mirthful that she could not help teasing and bantering thfi Earl a little, though all in the way of good-humoured grace. The ride was long, about eight miles ; but though the Peak Castle was a royal one, the Earl preferred not tc XVI.] THE PEAK CAVEEN. 211 euter it, but, according to previous arrangement, caused the company to dismount in the valley, or rather ravine, which terminates in the cavern, where a repast was spread on the grass. It was a wonderful place, cool and refreshing, for the huge rocks on either side cast a deep shadow, seldom pierced by the rays of the sun. Lofty, solemn, and rich in dark reds and purples, rose the walls of rock, here and there softened by tapestry of ivy or projecting bushes of sycamore, mountain ash, or with fruit already assuming its brilliant tints, and jack- daws Hying in and out of their holes above. Deep beds of rich ferns clothed the lower slopes, and sheets of that delicate llower, the enchanter's nightshade, reared its white blossoms down to the bank of a little clear stream that came flowing from out of the mighty yawning arch of tlie cavern, while above the precipice rose sheer the keep of Peak Castle. The banquet was gracefully arranged to suit the scene, and comprised, besides more solid viands, large bowls of milk, with strawberries or cranberries floating in them. Mr. Eyre, the keeper of the castle, and his daughter did the honours, while his son superintended tlie lighting and fumigation of the cavern, assisted, if not directed by Dr. Jones, whose short black cloak and gold-headed cane were to be seen almost everywhere at once. Presently clouds of smoke began to issue from the vast archway that closed the ravine. " Beware, my maidens," said the Queen, merrily, " we have roused the dragon in his den, and we shall see him come forth anon, curling his tail and belching ilame." " With a marvellous stomach for a dainty maiden or two," added Gilbert Curll, falling into her humour. " Hark ! Good lack ! " cried the Queen, with an 212 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAP. affectation of terror, as a most extraordinary noise pro- ceeded from the bowels of the cavern, making Cis start and Marie de Courcelles give a genuine shriek. " Your Majesty is pleased to be merry," said the Earl, ponderously. " The sound is only the coughing of the torchbearers from the damp whereof I warned your Majesty." " By my faith," said Mary, " I believe my Lord Earl himself fears the monster of the cavern, to whom he gives the name of Damp. Dread nothing, my Lord ; the valorous knight Sir Jones is even now in conflict with the foul worm, as those cries assure me, being in fact caused by his fumigations." The jest was duly received, and in the midst of the laughter, young Eyre came forward, bowing low, and holding his jewelled hat in his hand, while his eyes betrayed that he had recently been sneezing violently. " So please your Majesty," he said, " the odour hath rolled away, and all is ready if you will vouchsafe to accept my poor guidance." " How say you, my Lord ?" said ]\Iary. " Will you dare the lair of the conquered foe, or fear you to be pinched with aches and pains by his lurking hob- goblins ? If so, we dispense with your attendance." " Your Majesty knows that where she goes thither I am bound to attend her," said the rueful Earl. " Even into the abyss ! " said Mary. " Valiantly spoken, for have not Ariosto and his fellows sung of captive princesses for whom every cave held an enchanter who could spirit them away into vapour thin as air, and leave their guardians questing in vain for them ? " " Your Majesty jests with edged tools," siglied the Earl. Old Mr. Eyre was too feeble to act as exhibitor of XVI.] THE PEAK CAVERN. 213 the cave, and his son was deputed to lead the Queen forward. This was, of course. Lord Shrewsbury's privi- lege, but he was in truth beiioklen to her fingers for aid, as she walked eagerly forward, now and then accepting a little help from John Eyre, but in general sure-footed and exploring eagerly by the light of the numerous torches held by yeomen in the Eyre livery, one of whom was stationed wherever there was a dangerous pass or a freak of nature worth studying. The magnificent vaulted roof grew lower, and pre- sently it became necessary to descend a staircase, which led to a deep hollow chamber, shaped like a bell, and echoing like one. A pool of intensely black water filled it, reflecting the lights on its surface, that only enhanced its darkness, while there moved on a mys- terious flat-bottomed boat, breaking them into shim- mering sparks, and John Eyre intimated that the visitors must lie down flat in it to be ferried one by one over a space of about fourteen yards. " Your Majesty will surely not attempt it," said the Earl, with a shudder. " Wherefore not ? It is but a foretaste of Charon's boat ! " said Mary, who was one of those people whose spirit of enterprise rises with the occasion, and she murmured to Mary Seaton the line of Dante — " Qiiando noi fermerem li nostri passi Su la triste riviera a' Acheronte." ^ " Will your Majesty enter ? " asked John Eyre. " Dr. Jones and some gentlemen wait on the other side to receive you." " Some gentlemen ?" repeated Mary. ''' You are sure they are not Minos and Rhadamanthus, sir? My obolus is ready ; shall I put it in my mouth ? " " Xay, madam, pardon me," said the Earl, spuired 214 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [OHAP. by a miserable sense of his duties ; " since you will thus venture, far be it from me to let you pass over until I have reached tlie other side to see that it is fit for your Majesty ! " "Even as you will, most devoted cavalier," said Mary, drawing back ; " we will be content to play the part of the pale ghosts of the unburied dead a little longer. See, Mary, the boat sinks down with him and his mortal flesh ! We shall have Charon complaining of him anon." " Your Highness gars my flesh grue," was the answer of her faithful Mary. " Ah, ma mie I we have not left all hope behind. We can aftbrd to smile at the doleful knight, ferried o'er on his back, in duteous and loyal submission to his task mistress. Child, Cicely, where art thou ? Art afraid to dare the black river ? " " No, madam, not with you on the other side, and my father to follow me." " Well said. Let the maiden follow next after me. Or mayhap Master Eyre should come next, then the young lady. For you, my ladies, and you, good sirs, you are free to follow or not, as the fancy stiikes you. So — here is Charon once more — must I lie down ? " "Ay, madam," said Eyre, "if you would not strike your head against yonder projecting rock." Mary lay down, her cloak drawn about her, and saying, " Now then, for Acheron. Ah ! would that it were Lethe ! " " Het Grace saith well," muttered faithful Jean Kennedy, unversed in classic lore, " would that we were once more at bonuie Leith. Soft there udw, 'tis you that follow her next, my fair mistress." Cicely, not without trepidation, obeyed, laid herself XVI. J THE PEAK CAVERN. 215 flat, and was soon midway, feeling the passage so grim and awful, that she could tliink of nothing but the dark passages of the grave, and was shuddering all over, when she was helped out on the other side by the Queen's own hand. Some of those in the rear did not seem to be simi- larly affected, or else braved their feelings of awe by shouts and songs, which echoed fearfully through the subterranean vaults. Indeed Diccon, following the example of one or two young pages and grooms of the Earl's, began to get so daring and wild in the strange scene, that his father became anxious, and tarried for him on the other side, in the dread of his wandering away and getting lost, or falling into some of the fearful dark rivers that could be heard — not seen — rushing along. By this means, Master Richard was entirely separated from Cicely, to whom, before crossing the water, he had been watchfully attending, but ho knew her to be with the Queen and her ladies, and con- sidered her natural timidity the best safeguard against the chief peril of the cave, namely, wandering away. Cicely did, however, miss his care, for the Queen could not but be engrossed by her various cicerones and attendants, and it was no one's especial business to look after the young girl over the rough descent to the dripping well called Eoger Rain's House, and the grand cathedral-like gallery, with splendid pillars of stalagmite, and pendants above. By the time the steps beyond were reached, a toilsome descent, the Queen had had enough of the expedition, and declined to go any farther, but she good-naturedly yielded to. the wish of Master John Eyre and Dr. Jones, that she would inscribe her name on the farthest column that she had reached. 216 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. There was a little confusion while this was being done, as some of the more enterprising wished to penetrate as far as possible into the recesses of the cave, and these were allowed to pass forward — Diccon and his father among them. In the passing and re- passing, Cicely entirely lost sight of all who had any special care of her, and went stumbling on alone, weary, frightened, and repenting of the wilfulness with which she had urged on the expedition. Each of the other ladies had some cavalier to help her, but none had fallen to Cicely's lot, and though, to an active girl, there was no real danger where the torch- bearers lined the way, still there was so much diffi- culty that she was a laggard in reaching the likeness of Acheron, and could see no father near as she laid herself down in Charon's dismal boat, dimly rejoicing that this time it was to return to the realms of day, and yet feeling as if she should never reach them. A hand was given to assist her from the boat by one of the torchbearers, a voice strangely familiar was in her ears, saying, " Mistress Cicely ! " and she knew the eager eyes, and exclaimed under her breath, " Anton y, you here ? In hiding? What liave you done?'' " Nothing," he answered, smiling, and holding her hand, as he helped her forward. " I only put on this garb that I might gaze once more on the most divine and persecuted of queens, and with some hope likewise that I might win a word with her who deigned once to be my playmate. Lady, I know the truth respecting you." " Do you in very deed ?" demanded Cicely, consider- ably startled. " I know your true name, and that you are none of the mastiff race," said Antony. %vl] the peak uavekn. 217 "Did — did Tibbott tell yon, sir ?" asked Cicely. " You are one of us," said Antony ; " bound by uatural allegiance in the land of your birth to this lady." " Even so," said Cis, here becoming secure of what she had before doubted, that Babington only knew half the truth he referred to, " And you see and speak with her privily," he added. " As Bess Pierrepoint did," said she. These words passed during the ascent, and were much interrupted by the difficulties of the way, in which Antony rendered such aid that she was each moment more impelled to trust to him, and relieved to find herself in such familiar hands. On reaching the summit the light of day could be seen glimmering in the extreme distance, and the maiden's heart bounded at the sight of it ; but she found herself led some- what aside, where in a sort of side aisle of the great bell chamber were standing together four more of the torch-bearers. One of them, a slight man, made a step forward and said, " The •Queen hath dropped her kerchief. Mayhap the young gentlewoman will restore it?" "She will do more than that!" said Antony, draw- ing her into the midst of them. " Dost not know her, Langston ? She is her sacred Majesty's own born, true, and faithful subject, the Lady " " Hush, my friend ; thou art ever over outspoken with thy names," returned the other, evidently annoyed at Babington's imprudence. " I tell thee, she is one of us," replied Antony impatiently. " How is the Queen to know of her friends if we name them not to her ?" 218 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. "Are these her friends?" asked Cicely, looking round on the five figures in the leathern coats and yeomen's heavy buskins and shoes, and especially at the narrow face and keen pale eyes of Langston. " Ay, verily," said one, whom Cicely could see even under his disguise to be a slender, graceful youth. " By John Eyre's favour have we come together here to gaze on the true and lawful mistress of our hearts, the champion of our faith, in her martyrdom." Then taking the kerchief from Langston's hand, Babington kissed it reverently, and tore it into five pieces, which he divided amoug himself and his fellows, saying, " This fair mistress shall bear witness to her sacred Majesty that we — Antony Babington, Cliidiock Tich- borne, Cuthbert Langston, John Charnock, John Savage — regard her as the sole and lawful Queen of England and Scotland, and that as we have gone for her sake into the likeness of the valley of the shadow of death, so will we meet death itself and stain this linen with our best heart's blood rather than not bring her again to freedom and the throne !" Then with the most solemn oath each enthusiastic- ally kissed the white token, and pul» it in his breast, but Langston looked with some alarm at the girl, and said to Babington, " Doth this young lady understand that you have put our lives into her hands ?" " She knows ! she knows ! I answer for her with my life," said Antony. " Let her then swear to utter no word of what she has seen save to the Queen," said Langston, and Cicely detected a glitter in that pale eye, and with a horrified leap of thought, recollected how easy it would be to drag her away into one of those black pools, beyond all ken. " Oh save me, Antony !" she cried, clinging to his arm. XVI.] THE PEAK CAVERN. 219 " No one shall touch you. I will guard you with ray life !" exclaimed the impulsive young man, feeling for the sword that was not there. " Who spoke of hurting the foolish wench ?" growled Savage ; but Tichborne said, " No one would hurt you, madam ; but it is due to us all that you should give us your word of honour not to disclose what has passed, save to our only true mistress." " Oh yes ! yes !" cried Cicely hastily, scarcely know- ing what passed her lips, and only anxious to escape from that gleaming eye of Langston, which had twice before filled her with a nameless sense of the necessity of terrified obedience. " Oh ! let me go. I hear my father's voice." She sprang forward with a cry between joy and terror, and darted up to Eichard Talbot, while Savage, the man who looked most entirely unlike a disguised gentleman, stepped forward, and in a rough, north country dialect, averred that the young gentlewoman had lost her way. " Poor maid," said kind Eichard, gathering the two trembling little hands into one of his own broad ones. " How was it ? Thanks, good fellow," and he dropped a broad piece into Savage's palm ; " thou hast done good service. What, Cis, child, art quaking?" " Hast seen any hobgoblins, Cis ?" said Diccon, at her other side. " I'm sure I heard them laugh." " Whist, Dick," said his father, putting a strong arm round the girl's waist. " See, my wench, yonder is tlie goodly liglit of day. We shall soon be there." W^ith all his fatherly kindness, he helped the agi- tated girl up the remaining ascent, as the lovely piece of blue sky between the retreating rocks grew wider, and the archway higher above them. Cis felt that 220 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. infinite repose and reliance that none else could give, yet the repose was disturbed by the pang of recol- lection that the secret laid on her was their first severance. It was unjust to his kindness ; strange, doubtful, nay grisly, to her foreboding mind, and she shivered alike from that and the chill of the damp cavern, and tiien he drew her cloak more closely about her, and halted to ask for the flask of wine which one of the adventurous spirits had brought, that Queen Elizabeth's health might be drunk by her true subjects in the bowels of the earth. The wine M'as, of course, exhausted ; but Dr. Jones bustled forward with some cordial waters which he had provided in case of any- one being struck with the cliill of the cave, and Cicely was made to swallow some. By this time she had been missed, and the little party were met by some servants sent by the Earl at the instance of the much-alarmed Queen to inquire for her. A little farther on came Mistress Talbot, in much anxiety and distress, though as Diccon ran forward to meet her, and slie saw Cicely on her husband's arm, she resumed her calm and staid demeanour, and when assured that the maiden had suffered no damage, she made no special demonstrations of joy or affection. Indeed, such would have been deemed unbecoming in the presence of strangers, and disrespectful to the Queen and the Earl, who were not far off. Mary, on the other hand, started up, held out her arms, received the truant with such vehement kisses, as miglit almost have betrayed their real relationship, and then reproached her, with all sorts of endearing terms, for having so terrified them all; nor would she let the girl go from her side, and kept her hand in her own. Diccon meanwhile had succeeded in securing his XVI.] THE PEAK CAVERN. 221 father's attention, which had been wholly given to Cicely till she was placed in the women's hands. " Father," he said, " I wis that one of the knaves with the torches who found our Cis was the woman with the beads and bracelets, ay, and Tibbott, too." * Belike, belike, my son," said Eichard. " There are fol^ who can take as many forms as a barnacle goos3. Keep thou a sharp eye as the fellows pass out, and pull me by the cloak if thou seest him." Of course he was not seen, and Eichard, who was growing more and more cautious about bringing vague or half-proved suspicions before his Lord, decided to be silent and to watch, though he sighed to his wife that the poor child would soon be in the web. Cis had not failed to recognise that same identity, and to feel a half-realised conviction that the Queen had not chosen to confide to her that the two female disguises both belonged to Langston. Yet the con- trast between Mary's endea,rments and the restrained manner of Susan so impelled her towards the veritable mother, that the compunction as to the concealment she had at first experienced passed away, and her heart felt that its obligations were towards her veritable and most loving parent. She told the Queen the whole story at night, to Mary's great delight. She said she was sure her little one had something on her mind, she had so little to say of her adventure, and the next day a little privy council was contrived, in which Cicely was summoned again to tell lier tale. The ladies declared they had always hoped much from their dailing page, in whom they had kept up the true faith, but Sir Andrew Melville shook his head and said : " I'd misdoot ony plot where the little finger of him was. What garred the silly loon call in the young leddy ere he kenned whether she wad keep counsel ?" 222 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. CHAPTER XVII THE EBBING WELL. Cicely's thirst for adventures had re3eived a Check, but the Queen, being particularly well and in good spirits, and trusting that this would be her last visit to Buxton, was inclined to enterprise, and there were long rides and hawking expeditions on the moors. The last of these, ere leaving Buxton, brought the party to the hamlet of Barton Clough, where a loose horseshoe of the Earl's caused a halt at a little wayside smithy. Mary, always friendly and free-spoken, asked for a draught of water, and entered into conversation with the smith's rosy-cheeked wile who brought it to her, and said it was sure to be good and pure for the stream came from the Ebbing and Flowing Well, and she pointed up a steep path. Then, on a further question, she proceeded, " Has her ladyship never heard of the Ebbing Well that shows whether true love is soothfast ? " " How so ? " asked the Queen. " How precious such a test might be. It would save many a maiden a broken heart, only that the poor fools would ne'er trust it." " I have heard of it," said the Earl, " and Dr. Jones would demonstrate to your Grace that it is but a xvil] the ebbing well. 223 superstition of tlie vulgar regarding a natur?*.! pheno- menon." " Yea, my Lord," said the smith, looking up from the horse's lout ; " 'tis the trade of yonder philosopliers to gainsay whatever honest folk believed before them. They'll deny next that hens lay eggs, or blight rots wheat. My good wife speaks but plain truth, and we have seen it o'er and o'er again." "What have you seen, good man?" asked Mary eagerly, and ready answer was made by the couple, who had acquired some cultivation of speech and manners by their wayside occupation, and likewise as cicerones to the spring. " Seen, quoth the lady ?" said the smith, " Why, he that is a true man and hath a true maid can quaff a draught as deep as his gullet can hold — or she that is true and hath a true love — but let one who hath a flaw in the metal, on the one side or t'other, stoop to drink, and the water shrinks away so as there's not the moistening of a lip." " Ay : the ladies may laugh/' added his wife, " but 'tis soothfast for all that." "Hast proved it, good dame?" asked the Queen archly, for the pair were still young and well-looking enough to be jested with. "Ay! have we not, madam?" said the dame. " Was not my man yonder, Eob, the tinker's son, whom my father and brethren, the smiths down yonder at Buxton, thought but scorn of, but we'd taken a sup together at the Eb1)ing Well, and it played neither (f us false, so we held out against 'em all, and when they saw there was no help for it, they gave Eob the second best anvil and bellows for my portion, and here we be." 224 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CIIAP. " Living witnesses to the Well," said the Queen merrily. " How say you, my Lord ? I would fain see this marvel. Master Cuill, will you try the venture ?" "I fear it not, madam," said the secretary, looking at the blushing Barbara. Objections did not fail to arise from the Earl as to the difiiculties of the path and the lateness of the hour, but Eob Smith, perhaps wilfully, discovered another of my Lord's horseshoes to be in a perilous state, and his good wife. Dame Emmott, offered to conduct the ladies by so good a path that they might think themselves on the Queen's Walk at Buxton itself. Lord Shrewsbury, finding himself a prisoner, was obliged to yield compliance, and leaving Sir Andrew Melville, with the grooms and falconers, in charge of the horses, the Queen, the Earl, Cicely, Mary Seaton, Barbara Mowbray, the two secretaries, and Bichard Talbot and young Diccon, started on the walk, to- gether with Dr. Bourgoin, her physician, who was eager to investigate the curiosity, and make it a sub- ject of debate with Dr. Jones. The path was a beautiful one, through rocks and brushwood, mountain ash bushes showing their coral berries amid their feathery leaves, golden and white stars of stonecrop studding every coign of vantage, and in more level spots the waxy bell-heather begin- ning to come into blossom. Still it was rather over praise to call it as smooth as the carefully-levelled and much-trodden Queen's path at Buxton, considering that it ascended steeply all the way, and made the solemn, nmch-enduring Earl pant for breath ; but the Queen, her rheumatics ibr the time entirely in abey- ance, bounded on with the mountain step learned in early childhood, and closely followed the brisk Em- XVII.] THE EBBING WELL. 225 mott. The last ascent was a steep pull, taking away the disposition to speak, and at its summit Mary stood still holding out one hand, with a finger of the other on her lips as a sign of silence to the rest of the suite and to Emmott, who stood flushed and angered ; for what she esteemed her lawful province seemed to have been invaded from the other side of the country. They were on the side of the descent from the moorlands connected with the Peak, on a small esplanade in the midst of which lay a deep clear pool, with nine small springs or fountains discharging themselves, under fern and wild rose or honeysuckle, into its basin. Steps had been cut in the rock lead- ing to the verge of the pool, and on the lowest of these, with his back to the new-comers, was kneeling a young man, his brown head bare, his shoit cloak laid aside, so that his well-knit form could be seen ; the sword and spurs that clanked against the rock, as well as the whole fashion and texture of his riding-dress, showing him to be a gentleman. " We shall see the venture made," whispered Mary to her daughter, who, in virtue of youth and lightness of foot, had kept close behind her. Grasping the girl's arm and smiling, she heard the young man's voice cry aloud to the echoes of the rock, " Cis !" then stoop forward and plunge face and head into the clear trans- lucent water. "Good luck to a true lover!" smiled the Queen. " What ! starting, silly maid ? Cisses are plenty in these parts as rowan berries." " Nay, but " gasped Cicely, for at that moment the young man, rising from his knees, his face still shining with the water, looked up at his unsuspected spectators. An expression of astonishment and ecstasy Q 226 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. lighted lip his honest sunburnt countenance as Master Eichard, who had just succeeded in dragging the portly Earl up the steep path, met his gaze. He threw up his arms, made apparently but one bound, and was kneeling at the captain's feet, embracing his knees. " My son ! Humfrey ! Thyself ! " cried Eichard. " See ! see what presence we are in." " Your blessing, father, first," cried Humfrey, " ere I can see aught else." And as Eichard quickly and thankfully laid his hand on the brow, so much fairer than the face, and then held his son for one moment in a close embrace, with an exchange of the kiss that was not then only a foreign fashion. Queen and Earl said to one another with a sigh, that happy was the household where the son had no eyes for any save his father. Mary, however, must have found it hard to con- tinue her smiles when, after due but hurried obeisance to her and to his feudal chief, Humfrey turned to the little figure beside her, all smiling with startled shyness, and in one moment seemed to swallow it up in a huge overpowering embrace, fraternal in the eyes of almost all the spectators, but not by any means so to those of Mary, especially after the name she had heard. Diccon's greeting was the next, and was not quite so visibly rapturous on the part of the elder brother, who explained that he had arrived at Sheffield yesterday, and finding no one to welcome him but little Edward, had set forth for Buxton almost with daylight, and having found himself obliged to rest his horse, he had turned aside to . And here he recollected just iu time that Cis was in every one's eyes save his father's, his own sister, and lamely concluded "to take a draught of water," blushing under his brown skin as xvil] the ebbing well. 227 he spoke. Poor fellow ! the Queen, even while she wished him in the farthest West Indian isle, could not help understanding that strange doubt and dread tliat come over the mind at the last moment before a longed-for meeting, and which had made even the bold young sailor glad to rally his hopes by this divination. Fortunately she thought only herself and one or two of the foremost had heard the name he gave, as was proved by the Earl's good-humoured laugh, as he said, " A draught, quotha ? We understand that, young sir. And who may this your true love be ?" " That I hope soon to make known to your Lord- ship," returned Humfrey, with a readiness which he certainly did not possess before his voyage. The ceremony was still to be fulfilled, and the smith's wife called them to order by saying, • Good luck to the young gentleman. He is a stranger here, or he would have known he should have come up by our path ! Will you try the well, your Grace ? " " Nay, nay, good woman, my time for such .toys is over !" said the Queen smiling, " but moved by such an example, here are others to make the venture. Master Curll is burning for it, I see." " I fear no such trial, an't please your Grace," said Curll, bowing, with a bright defiance of the water, and exchanging a confident smile with the blushing Mistress Barbara — then kneeling by the well, and uttering her name aloud ere stooping to drink. He too succeeded in obtaining a full drauglit, and came up triumpliantly. " The water is a flatterer !" said the Earl. " It favours all." The French secretary, Monsieur Nan, here came for- ward and took his place on the steps. No one heard, but every one knew the word he spoke was " Bessie," for 228 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAF Elizabetli Pierrepoint had long been the oliject of his affections. No doubt he hoped that he should obtain some encouragement from the water, even while he gave a little laugh of affected incredulity as tliough only complying with a form to amuse the Queen. Down he went on his knees, bending over the pool, when behold he could not reach it ! The streams that fed it were no longer issuing from the rock, the water was subsiding rapidly. The farther he stooped, the more it retreated, till he had almost fallen over, and the guide screamed out a note of warning, " Have a care, sir ! If the water flees you, flee it will, and ye'll not mend matters by drowning yourself." How he was to be drowned by water that fled from him was not clear, but with a muttered malediction he arose and glanced round as if he thought the mortifi- cation a trick on the part of the higher powers, since the Earl did not think him a match for the Countess's grandchild, and the Queen had made it known to him that she considered Bess Pierrepoint to have too much of her grandmother's conditions to be likely to be a good wife. There was a laugh too, scarce controlled by some of the less well-mannered of the suite, especi- ally as the Earl, wishing to punish his presumption, loudly set the example. There was a pause, as the discomfited secretary came back, and the guide exclaimed, "Come, my masters, be not daunted ! Will none of you come on ? Hath none of you faith in your love ? Oh, fie !" " We are married men, good women," said Pti chard, hoping to put an end to the scene, " and thus can laugh at your well" " But will not these pretty ladies tiy it ? It speaka as sooth to lass as to lad." XVII.] THE EBBING WELL. 229 " I am ready," said Barbara Mowbray, as Cuiil gave her his hand to bound lightly down the steps. And to the general amazement, no sooner had " Gilbert " echoed from her lips than the fountains again burst forth, the water rose, and she had no difficulty in reaching it, while no one could help bursting forth in applause. Her Gilbert fervently kissed the hand she gave him to aid her steps up the slope, and Dame Emmott, in triumphant congratulation, scanned them over and exclaimed, " Ay, trust the well for knowing true sweetheart and true maid. Come you next, fair mistress ?" Poor Mary Seaton shook her head, with a look that the kindly woman understood, and she turned towards Cicely, who had a girl's unthinking impulse of curiosity, and had already put her hand into Humfrey's, when his father exclaimed, " Nay, nay, the maid is yet too young !" and the Queen added, " Come back, thou silly little one, these tests be not for babes like thee." She was forced to be obedient, but she pouted a little as she was absolutely held fast by Eicllard Talbot's strong hand. Humfrey was disappointed too ; but all was bright with him just then, and as the party turned to make the descent, he said to her, •' It matters not, little Cis ! I'm sure of thee with the water or without, and after all, thou couldst but have whispered my name, till my father lets us speak all out !" They were too much hemmed in by other people for a private word, and a little mischievous banter was going on with Sir Andrew Melville, who was supposed to have a grave elderly courtship with Mistress Ken- nedy. Humfrey was left in the absolute bliss of ignorance, while the old habit and instinct of joy and gladness in his presence reafiserted itself in Cis, so 230 UNKNOWN TO K2ST0RY. [CHAP. that, as he handed her down the rocks, she answered in the old tone all his inquiries about his mother, and all else that concerned them at home, Diccon meantime risking his limbs by scrambling outside the path, to keep abreast of his brother, and to put in his word whenever he could. On reaching the smithy, Humfrey had to go round another way to fetch his horse, and could hardly hope to come up with the rest before they reached Buxton. His brother was spared to go with him, but his father was too important a part of the escort to be spared. So Cicely rode near the Queen, and heard no more except the Earl's version of Dr. Jones's explanation of the intermitting spring. They reached home only just in time to prepare for supper, anil the two youths appeared almost simultaneously, so that Mistress Tal- bot, sitting at her needle on the broad terrace in front of the Earl's lodge, beheld to her amazement and delight the figure that, grown and altered as it was, she recognised in an instant. In another second Humfrey had sprung from his horse, rushed up the steps, he knew not how, and the Queen, with tears trembling in her eyes was saying, " iVh, JMelville ! see how sons meet their mothers !" The great clock was striking seven, a preposterously late hour for supper, and etiquette ^\■as stronger than sentiment or perplexity. Every one hastened to as- sume an evening toilette, for a riding-dress would have been an insult to the Earl, and the bell soon clanged to call them down to their places in the hall. Even Humfrey had brought in his cloak-hag wherewithal to make himself presentable, ai/d soon appeared, a well- knit and active figure, in a plain dark blue jerkin, with white slashes, and long hose knitted by his motlier's XVII.] THE EBBING WELL. 231 dainty fingers, and well-preserved shoes with blue rosettes, and a flat blue velvet cap, with an exquisite black and sapphire feather in it fastened by a curious brooch. His hair was so short that its naturally strong curl could hardly be seen, his ruddy sunburnt face . could hardly be called handsome, but it was full of frankness and intelligence, and beaming with honest joy, and close to him moved little Diccon, hardly able to repress his ecstasy within company bounds, and let- ting it find vent in odd little gestures, wriggling with his body, playing tunes on his knee, or making dancing- steps with his feet. Lord Shrewsbury welcomed his young kinsman as one who had grown from a mere boy into a sturdy and effective supporter. He made the new-comer sit near him, and asked many questions, so that Humfrey was the chief speaker all supper time, with here and there a note from his father, the only person who had made the same voyage. All heard with eager interest of the voyage, the weeds in the Gulf Stream, the stiange birds and fishes, of Walter Ealeigh's Virginian colony and its ill success, of the half-starved men whom Sir Richard Grenville had found only too ready to leave Roanoake, of dark-skinned Indians, of chases of Spanish ships, of the Peak of Teneriffe rising white from the waves, of phosphorescent seas, of storms, and of shark- catching. Supper over, the audience again gathered round the young traveller, a perfect fountain of various and won- derful information to those who had for the most part never seen a book of travels. He narrated simply and well, without his boyish shy embarrassment and awk- wardness, and likewise, as his lather alone could judge, without boasting, though, if to no one else, to Diccon 232 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. and Cis, listening with wide open eyes, he seemed a hero of heroes. In the midst of his narration a message came that the Queen of Scots requested the presence of Mistress Cicely. Humfrey stared in discomfiture, and asked when she would return. " Not to-night," faltered the girl, and the mother added, for the benefit of the bystanders, " For lack of other ladies of the household, much service hath of late fallen to Cicely and myself, and she shares the Queen's chamber." Humfrey had to submit to exchange good-nights with Cicely, and she made her way less willingly than usual to the apartments of the Queen, who was being made ready for her bed. " Here comes our truant," she exclaimed as the maiden entered. " I sent to rescue thee from the western seafarer who had clawed thee in his tarry clutch. Thou didst act the sister's part passing well. I hear my Lord and all his meind have been sitting, open-mouthed, hearkening to his tales of savages and cannibals." " madam, he told us of such lovely isles," said Cis. " The sea, he said, is blue, bluer than we can conceive, with white waves of dazzling surf, breaking on islands fringed with white shells and coral, and with palms, their tops like the biggest ferns in the brake, and laden with red golden fruit as big as goose eggs. And the birds ! madam, my mother, the birds ! They are small, small as our butterflies and beetles, and they hang hovering and quivering over a flower so that Humfrey thought they were moths, for he saw nothing but a whizzing and a wliirr- ing till he smote the pretty thing dead, and then he said that I should have wept for pity, for it was a little bird with a long bill, and a breast that shines xvil] the ebbing well. 233 red in one light, purple in another, and flame-coloured in a third. He has brought home the little skin and feathers of it for me." " Thou hast supped full of travellers' tales, my simple child." " Yea, madam, but my Lord listened, and made Humfrey sit beside him, and made much of him — my Lord himself ! I would fain bring him to you, madam. It is so wondrous to hear him tell of the Eed Men with crowns of feathers and belts of beads. Such gentle savages they be, and their chiefs as courteous and stately as any of our princes, and yet those cruel Spaniards make them slaves and force them to dig in mines, so that they die and perish under their hands." " And better so than that they should not come to the knowledge of the faith," said Mary. "I forgot that your Grace loves the Spaniards/ said Cis, much in the tone in which she might have spoken of a taste in her Grace for spiders, adders, or any other noxious animal. " One day my child will grow out of her little heretic prejudices, and learn to love her mother's staunch friends, the champions of Holy Church, and the repre- sentatives of true knighthood in tliese degenerate days. Ah, child ! couldst thou but see a true Spanish cabal- lero, or again, could I but show thee my noble cousin of Guise, then wouldst thou know how to rate these gross clownish English mastiffs who now turn thy silly little brain. Ah, that thou couldst once meet a true prince !" " The well," murmured Cicely. " Tush, child," said the Queen, amused. " What of that ? Thy name is not Cis, is it ? 'Tis only the slough that serves thee for the nonce. The good youth will find himself linked to some homely, housewifely 234 UNKNOWN TO HlSTOIiY. [CHAP. Cis in clue time, when the Princess; Bride is queening it in France or Austria, and will own that the well was wiser than he." Poor Cis ! If her inmost heart declared Humfrey Talbot to be prince enough for her, she durst not enter- tain the sentiment, not knowing whether it were un- worthy, and while Marie de Courcelles read aloud a French legend of a saint to soothe the Queen to sleep, she lay longing after the more sympathetic mother, and wondering what was passing in the hall. Eichard Talbot had communed with his wife's eyes, and made up his mind that Humfrey should know the full truth before the Queen should enjoin his being put off with the story of the parentage she had invented for Bride Hepburn ; and while some of the gentlemen followed their habit of sitting late over the wine cup, he craved their leave to have his son to himself a little while, and took him out in the summer twilight on the greensward, going through the guards, for whom he, as the gentleman warder, had the password of the night. In compliment to the expedition of the day it had been made " True love and the Flowing Well." It sounded agreeable in Humfrey's ears; he repeated it again, and then added " Little Cis ! she hath come to woman's estate, and she hath caught some of the captive lady's pretty tricks of the head and hands. How long hath she been so thick with her?" " Since this journey. I have to speak wdtli thee, my son." " I wait your pleasure, sir," said Humfrey, and as his father paused a moment ere communicating his strange tidings, he rendered the matter less easy by saying, " I guess your purpose. If I may at once wed my little Cis I will send word to Sir John Norreys that XVII.] THE EBBING WELL. 235 I am not for this expedition to the Low Coiintrieo, though there is good and manly work to be done there, and I have the offer of a command, but I gave not my word till I knew your will, and whether we might wed at once." " Thou hast much to hear, my son." " Nay, surely no one has come between ! " ex- claimed Humfrey. " Methought she was less frank and more coy than of old. If that sneaking traitor Babington hath been making up to her I will slit his false gullet for him." " Hush, hush, Humfrey ! thy seafaring boasts skill not here. No 7nan hath come between thee and yonder poor maid." " Poor ! You mean not that she is sickly. Were she so, I would so tend her that she should be well for mere tenderness. But no, she was the very image of health. No man, said you, father ? Then it is a woman. Ah ! my Lady Countess is it, bent on making her match her own way ? Sir, you are too good and upright to let a tyrannous dame like that sever between us, though she be near of kin to us. My mother might scruple to cross her, but you have seen the world, sir." " My lad, you are right in that it is a woman who stands between you and Cis, but it is not the Countess. None would have the right to do so, save the maiden's own mother." " Her mother ! You have discovered her lineage ! Can she have ought against me ? — I, your son, sir, of the Talbot blood, and not ill endowed ?" " Alack, son, the Talbot may be a good dog, but the lioness will scarce esteem him her mate, Eiddlea apart, it is proved beyond question that our little maid 236 UNKNOVO TO HISTORY. [rHAP. is of Lii'th as high as it is unhappy. Thou canst be secret, I know, Humfrey, and thou must be silent as tlie grave, f jr it touches my honour and the poor child's liberty." " Who is she, tlien ?" demanded Humfrey sharply. His father pointed to the Queen's window. Hum- frey stared at him, and muttered an ejaculation, then exclaimed, "How and when was this known?" Eichard went over the facts, giving as few names as possible, while his son stood looking down and drawing lines with the point of his sword. " I hoped," ended the father, " that these five years' absence might have made thee forget thy childish inclination ;" and as Humfrey, without raising his face, emphatically shook his head, he went on to add — " So, my dear son, meseemeth that there is no remedy, but that, for her peace and thine own, thou shouldest accept': this offer of brave Norreys, and by the time the campaign is ended, they may be both safe in Scotland, out of reach of vexing thy heart, my poor boy." " Is it so sure that her royal lineage will be owned ?" muttered Humfrey. " Out on me for saying so ! But sure this lady hath made light enough of her wedlock with yonder villain." " Even so, but that was when she c(eemed its olfspring safe beneath the waves. I fear me that, how- ever our poor damsel be regarded, she will be treated as a mere bait and tool. If not bestowed on some foi'eign prince (and there hath been talk of dukes and archdukes), she may serve to tickle the pride of some Scottish thief, such as was her father." " Sir ! sir ! how can you speak patiently of such profanation and cruelty ? Papist butchers and Scottish thieves, for the child of your hearth ! Were it not XVII.] THE EBBING WELL. 237 better that I stole her safely away and wedded her in secret, so that at least she might have an honest husband ?" " Nay, his honesty would scarce be thus manifest," said Eichard, " even if the maid would consent, which I think she would not. Her head is too full of her new greatness to have room for thee, my poor lad. Ik'st that thou shouldest face the truth. And, verily, what is it but her duty to obey her mother, her true and veritable mother, Humfrey? It is but making her case harder, and adding to her griefs, to strive to awaken any inclination she may have had for thee ; and therefore it is that I counsel thee, nay, I might command thee, to absent thyself while it is still needful that she remain with us, passing for our daughter." Humfrey still traced lines with his sword in the dust. He had always been a strong-willed though an obedient and honourable boy, and his father felt that these five years had made a man of him, whom, in spite of mediaeval obedience, it was not easy to dispose of arbitrarily. " There's no haste," he muttered. " Norreys will not go till my Lord of Leicester's commission be made out. It is five years since I was at home." " My son, thou knowest that I would not send thee from me willingly. I had not done so ere now, but that it was well for thee to know the world and men, and Sheffield is a mere nest of intrigue and falsehood, where even if one keeps one's integrity, it is hard to be believed. But for my Lord, thy mother, and my poor folk, I would gladly go with thee to strike honest downright blows at a foe I could see and feel, rather than be notliing better than a warder, and be driven a38 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. distracted with women's tongues. Why, they have even set division between my Lord and his son Gilbert, who was ever the dearest to him. Young as he is, methinks Diccon would be better away with thee than where the very air smells of plots and lies." " 1 trow the Queen of Scots will not be here mucli longer," said Humfrey. " Men say in London that Sir Half Sadler is even now settiug forth to take charge of her, and send my Lord to London." " We have had such hopes too often, my son," said Eichard. " Nay, she hath left us more than once, but always to fall back upon Sheffield like a weight to the ground. .But she is full of hope in her son, now that he is come of age, and hath put to death her great foe the Earl of ]\Iorton." " The poor lady might as well put her faith in — in a jelly-tish," said Humfrey, falling on a comparison perfectly appreciated by the old sailor. " Hell ? She will get naught but stings. How knowest thou V " Why, do none know here that King James is in the hands of him they call the Master of Gray?" " Queen ]\Iary puts in him lier chief hope." " Then she hath indeed grasped a jelly-iish. Know you not, father, those proud and gay ones, witli rose- coloured bladders and long blue beards — blue as the azure of a herald's coat ? " " Ay, marry I do. I remendDer when I was a lad, in my first voyage, laying hold on one. I warrant you I danced about till I was nearly overboard, and my arm was as big as two for three days later. Is the fellow of that sort ? The false Scot." " Look you, father, I met in London that same Johnstone who was one of this lady's gentlemen at XVII. j THE EBBING WELL. 239 one time. You remember him. He breakfasted at Bridgefield once or twice ere the watch became more strict." " Yea, I remember him. He was an honest fellow for a Scot." " When he made out that I was the little lad lie remembered, he was very courteous, and desired his commendations to you and to my mother. He had been in Scotland, and had come south in the train of this rogue. Gray. I took him to see the old Pelican, and we had a breakfast aboard there. He asked much after his poor Queen, whom he loves a,s much as ever, and when he saw I was a man he could trust, your true son, he said that he saw less hope for her than ever in Scotland — her friends have been slain or exUed, and the young generation that has grown up have learned to dread her like an incarnation of the scarlet one of Babylon. Their preachers would hail her as Satan loosed on them, and the nobles dread nothing so much as being made to disgorge the lands of the Crown and the Church, on which they are battening. As to her son, he was fain enough to break forth from one set of tutors, and the messages of France and Spain tickled his fancy — but he is nought. He is crammed with scholarship, and not witliout a shrewd apprehen- sion ; but, with respect be it spoken, more the stuff that court fools are made of than kings. It may be, as a learned man told Johnstone, that the shock the Queen suffered when the brutes put Davy to deatli before her eyes, three months ere liis birtli, hath dam- aged his constitution, for he is at the mercy of wdioso- ever chooses to lead him, and hatli no will of his own. This Master of Gray ■ was at first inclined to the Queen's party, thinking more might be got by a reversal 240 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. of all things, but now he finds the king's men so strong in the saddle, and the Queen's French kindred like to be too busy at home to aid her, what doth he do, but list to our Queen's offers, and this ambassage of his, which hath a colour of being for Queen Mary's release, h verily to make terms with my Lord Treasurer and Sir Francis Walsingham for the pension he is to have for keeping his king in the same mind." " Turnin" a son against a mother ! I marvel that honourable counsellors can bring themselves to the like." " Policy, sir, policy," said Humfrey. " And this Gray maketh a fine show of chivalry and honour, in- somuch that Sir Philip Sidney himself hath desired his friendship ; but, you see, the poor lady is as far from freedom as she was when first she came to Sheffield." " She is very far from believing it, poor dame. I am sorry for her, Humfrey, more sorry than I ever thought I could be, now I have seen more of her. My Lord himself says he never knew her brealc a promise. How gracious she is there is no telling." " That we always knew," said Humfrey, looking somewhat amazed, that his honoured father should have fallen under the spell of the " siren between the cold earth and moon." " Yes, gracious, and of a wondrous constancy of mind, and evenness of temper," said Kichard. " Now that thy mother and I have watched her more closely, we can testify that, weary, worn, and sick of body and of heart as she is, she never letteth a bitter or a chid- ing word pass her lips towards her servants. She hath nothing to lose by it. Their fidelity is proven. They would stand by her to the last, use tliem as she would, but assuredly their love must be doubly bound up in XVII,] THE EBBING WELI<. 241 ]ier when they see h(jw she regardeth them before her- self. Let what will be said of her, son Humfrey, I shall always maintain that I never saw woman, savo thine own good motlier, of such evenness of condition, and sweetness of consideration for all about her, ay, and patience in adversity, such as, Heaven forbid, thy mother should ever know." " Amen, and verily amen," said Humfrey. " Deem you then that she hath not worked her own woe V " Nay, lad, what saith the Scripture, ' Judge not, and ye shall not be judged ' ? How should I know what hath passed seventeen years back in Scotland ?" " Ay, but for present plots and intrigues, judge you her a true woman ?" " Humfrey, thou hadst once a fox in a cage. When it found it vain to dash against the bars, rememberest thou how it scratched away the earth in the rear, and then sat over the hole it had made, lest we should see it?" " The fox, say you, sir ? Then you cannot call her ought but false." " They tell me," said Sir Eichard, " that ever since an Italian named Machiavel wrote his Book of the Prince, statecraft hath been craft indeed, and princes suck in deceit with the very air they breathe. Ay, boy, it is who.t chiefly vexes me in the whole. I cannot doubt that she is never so happy as when there is a plot or scheme toward, not merely for her own freedom, but the utter overthrow of our own gracious Sovereign, who, if she hath kept this lady in durance, hath shielded her from her own bloodthirsty subjects. Ai.d for dissembling, I never saw her equal. Yet she, as thy mother tells me, is a pious and devout woman, who bears her troubles thus cheerfully and patiently, be- 242 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY, [CKXi: cause she deems tliem a martyrdom for her religion. Ay, all women are riddles, they say, hut this one the most of all !" " Thinkest thou that she hath tampered with — with that poor maiden's faith ? " asked Humfi (»y huskily. " I trow not yet, my son/' replied Richard ; " Cis is as open as ever to thy mother, for I cannot believe she hath yet learnt to dissemble, and I greatly suspect that the Queen, hoping to return to Scotland, may be will-" ing to keep her a Protestant, the better to win favour with her brother and the lords of his council ; but if he be such a cur as thou sayest, all hope of honourable release is at an end. So thou seest, Humfrey, how it lies, and how, in my judgment, to remain here is but to wring thine own heart, and bring the wench and thyself to sore straits. I lay not my commands on thee, a man grown, but such is my opinion on the matter." "I will not disobey you, father," said Humfrey, '* but suffer me to consider the matter." XVIIL] CIS Oii SISTEK. 243 CHAPTER XVm. CIS OK SISTER. Buxtona, qu86 calicloe celebraris nomine lymphse Forte milii post hac non adeunda, Vale.^ Thus wrote Queen Mary with a diamond upon her window pane, smiling as she said, " There, we will leave a memento over which the admirable Dr. Jones will gloat his philosophical soul. Never may I see tliee more, Buxton, yet never thought I to be so happy as I have here been." She spoke with the tenderness of farewell to the spot, which had always been the pleasantest abode of the various places of durance which had been hers in England. Each year she had hoped would be her last of such visits, but on this occasion everything- seemed to point to a close to the present state of things, since not only were the negotiations with Scotland appa- renlly prosperous, but Lord Shrewsbury had obtained an absolute promise from Elizabeth that she would at all events relieve him from his onerous and expensive charge. Thus there was general cheerfulness, as the baggage was bestowed in carts and on beasts of burthen, and Mary, as she stood finishing her inscription on * Buxton, of whose waini waters all men tell, Perchance I ne'er shall see thee more, Farewell. 244 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. the window, smiled sweetly and graciously on Mistress Talbot, and gave her joy of the arrival of her towardly and hopeful son, adding, " We surprised him at the well ! May his Cis, who is yet to be found, I trow, reward his lealty ! " That was all the notice Mary deigned to take of the fcunner relations between her daughter and young Talbot. She did not choose again to beg for secrecy when she was sure to hear tliat .'jhe had been fore- stalled, and she was too consummate a judge of character not to have learnt that, though she might despise the dogged, simple straightforwardness of Richard and Susan Talbot, their honour was perfectly trustworthy. She was able for the present to keep her daughter almost entirely to herself, since, on the return to Sheffield, the former state of things was resumed. The Bridgefield family was still quartered in the Manor-house, and Mistress Talbot continued to be, as it were. Lady Warder to the captive in the place of the Countess, who obstinately refused to return while Mary was still in her husband's keeping. Cicely, as Mary's acknowledged favourite, was almost always in her apartments, except at the meals of the whole company of Shrewsbury kinsfolk and retainers, when her place was always far removed from that of Humfrey. In truth, if ever an effort might have obtained a few seconds of private conversation, a strong sense of embarrassment and perplexity made the two young people fly apart rather than come together. They knew not what they wished. Ham- frey might in his secret soul long for a token that Cis remembered his faithful affection, and yet he knew that to elicit one might do her life-long ^njury. So, however he might crave for word or look when o'lt of XVIII.] CIS OR SISTER. 245 sight of her, an honourable reluctance always withheld him from seeking any such sign in the short intervals when he covild have tried to go beneath the surface. On the other hand, this apparent indifference piqued ]ier pride, and made her stiff, cold, and almost dis- drinfu] whenever there was any approach between thtm. Her vanity might be flattered by the know- ledge that she was beyond his reach ; but it would have been still more gratified could she have dis- covered any symptoms of pining and languishing after her. She might peep at him from under her eye- lashes in chapel and in hall; but in the former place his gaze always seemed to be on the minister, in the latter he showed no signs of flagging as a trencher companion. Both mothers thought her marvellously discreet ; but neither beheld the strange tumult in her heart, where were surging pride, vanity, ambition, and wounded affection. In a few days. Sir Ealf Sadler and liis son-in-law Mr. Somer arrived at Sheffield in order to take the charge of the prisoner whilst Shrewsbury went to London. The conferences and consultations were endless and harassing, and it was finally decided that the Earl should escort her to Wingfield, and, leaving her there under charge of Sadler, should proceed to London. She made formal application for Mistress Cicely Talbot to accompany lier as one of her suite, and her sup- posed parents could not but give their consent, but six gentlewomen had been already enumerated, and the authorities would not consent to her taking my UiOie ladies with her, and decreed that Mistress Cicely must remain at home. " This unkindness has made the parting from this place less joyous than I looked for," said Mary, " but 246 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. courage, ma mignonne. Soon shall I send for thee to Scotland, and there shalt thou burst thine husk, and show thyself in thy true colours ; " and turning to Susan, " Madam, I must commit my treasure to her who has so long watched over her." " Your Grace knows that she is no less my treasure," said Susan. " I should have known it well," returned the Queen, "from the innocence and guilelessness of the damsel. None save such a mother as Mistress Talbot could have made her what she is. Credit me, madam, I have looked well into her heart, and found nought to undo there. You have bred her up better than her poor mother could have done, and I gladly entrust her once more to your care, assured that your well-tried honour will keep her in mind of what she is, and to what she may be called." " She shall remember it, madam," said Susan. " When I am a Queen once more," said Mary, " all I can give will seem too poor a meed for what you have been to my child. Even as Queen of Scotland or England itself, my power would be small in com- parison with my will. My gratitude, however, no bounds can limit out to me." And with tears of tenderness and thankfulness she kissed the cheeks and lips of good Mistress Talbot, who could not but likewise weep for the mother thus compelled to part with her child. The night was partly spent in caresses and promises of the brilliant reception preparing in Scotland, with auguries of the splendid marriage in store, with a Prince of Lorraine, or even with an Archduke. Cis was still young enough to dream of such a lot as an opening to a fairy laud of princely glories. If XVIIL] CIS OE SISTER. 247 her mother knew better, she still hioked tenderly back on her beaio pays de France with that halo of brightness which is formed only in childhood and youth. Moreover, it might be desirable to enhance such aspiration as might best secure the young princess from anything derogatory to her real rank, while she was strongly warned against betraying it, and especially against any assumption of dignity should she ever hear of her mother's release, reception, and recognition in Scotland. For whatever might be the maternal longings, it would be needful to feel the way and prepare the ground for the acknow- ledgment of Bothwell's daughter in Scotland, while the knowledge of her existence in England .would almost surely lead to her being detained as a hostage. She likewise warned the maiden never to regard any letter or billet from her as fully read till it had been held — without witnesses — to the fire. Of Humfrey Talbot, Queen Mary scorned to say anything, or to utter a syllable that she thought a daughter of Scotland needed a warning against a petty English sailor. Indeed, she had confidence that the youth's parents would view the attachment as quite as undesirable for him as for the young princess, and would guard against it for his sake as much as for hers. The true parting took place ere the household was astir. Afterwards, Mary, fully equipped for travelling, in a dark cloth riding-dress and hood, came across to the great hall of the Manor-house, and there sat while each one of the attendants filed in procession, as it were, before her. To each lady she presented some small token wrcught by her own hands. To each gentleman she also gave some trinket, such as the elaborate dress of the time permitted, and to each serving man or maid a 248 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. piece of money. Of each one she gravely but geutly besought pardon for all the displeasures or offences she might have caused them, and as they repHed, kissing her hand, many of them with tears, she returned a kiss on the brow to each woman and an entreaty to be re- membered in their prayers, and a like request, with a pressure of the hand, to each man or boy. It must have been a tedious ceremony, and yet to every one it seemed as if Mary put her whole heart into it, and to any to whom she owed special thanks they were freely paid. The whole was only over by an hour before noon. Then she partook of a manchet and a cup of wine, drinking, with liquid eyes, to the health and prosperity of her good host, and to the restoration of his family peace, Mdiich she had so sorely, though unwittingly, disturbed. Then she let him hand her out, once more kissing Susan Talbot and Cis, who was weeping bitterly, and whispering to the latter, " Not over much grief, ma petite ; not more than may befit, ma mignonne." Lord Shrewsbury lifted her on her horse, and, with him on one side and Sir Ealf Sadler on the other, she rode down the long avenue on her way to Wingfield. The Bridgefield family had already made their arrangements, and their horses were waiting for them amid the jubilations of Diccon and Ned. The Queen had given each of them a fair jewel, with special thanks to them for being good brothers to her dear Cis. " As if one wanted thanks for being good to one's own sister," said Ned, thrusting the delicate little ruby brooch on his mother to be taken care of till his days of foppery should set in, and he would need it for cap and phmie. XVIII.] CIS OR SISTER. 249 " Come, Cis, we are going home at last," said Diccon. " What ! thou art not breaking thine heart over yonder Scottisli Lady — when we are going home, home, I say, and have got rid of watch and ward for ever ? Hurrah !" and he threw up his cap, and was jrined in the shout by more than one of the youngsters around, for Eicliard and most of the eklers were escorting the Queen out of the park, and Mistress Susan had been summoned on some question of household stuff. Cis, however, stood leaning against the balus- trade, over which she had leant for the last glance exchanged with her mother, her face hidden in her hands and kerchief, weeping bitterly, feeling as if all the glory and excitement of the last few weeks had vanished as a dream and left her to the dreary dul- ness of common life, as little insignificant Cis Talbot again. It was Humfrey who first came near, almost timidly touched her hand, and said, " Cheer up. It is but for a little while, mayhap. Slie will send for thee. Come, here is thine old palfrey — poor old Dapple. Let me put thee on him, and for this brief time let us feign that all is as it was, and thou art my little sister once more." " I know not which is truth and which is dreaming," said Cis, waking up through her tears, but resigning her hand to him, and letting him lift her to her seat on the old pony which had been the playfellow of both. If it had been an effort to Humfrey to prolong the word Cis into sister, he was rewarded for it. It gave the key-note to their intercourse, and set her at ease with him ; and the idea that her present rustication wns but a comedy instead of a reality was consoling in her present frame of mind. Mistress Susan, surrounded 250 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. with importunate inquirers as to houseliold matters, and unable to escape from them, could only see that Humfrey had taken charge of the maiden, and trusted to his honour and his tact. This was, however, only the beginning of a weary and perplexing time. Nothing could restore Cis to her old place in the Bridgefield household, or make her look upon its tasks, cares, and joys as she had done only a few short months ago. Her share in them could only be acting, and she was too artless and simple to play a part. Most frequently she was listless, dull, and pining, so much inclined to despise and neglect the ordinary household occupations which befitted the daughter of the family, that her adopted mother was forced, for the sake of her incognito, to rouse, and often to scold her when any witnesses were present who would have thought Mrs. Talbot's toleration of such conduct in a daughter suspicious and unnatural. Such reproofs were dangerous in another way, for Humfrey could not bear to hear them, and was driven nearly to the verge of disrespect and perilous approaches to implying that Cis was no ordinary person to be sharply reproved when she sat musing and sighing instead of sewing Diccon's shirts. Even the father himself could not well brook to hear the girl blamed, and both he and Humfrey could not help treating her with a kind of deference that made the younger brothers gape and wonder what had come to Humfrey on his travels " to make him treat our Cis as a born princess." " You irreverent varlets," said Humfrey, " you have yet to learn that every woman ought to be treated as a born princess." " By cock and pie," said spoilt Ned, " that beats all! One's own sister!" XVIII.] CIS OK SISTER. 251 Whereupon Humfrey had the opportunity of vent. ing a little of his vexation by thrashing his brotlier for his oath, while sharp Diccon innocently asked if men never swore by anything when at sea, and thereby nearly got another castigation for irreverent mocking of his elder brother's discipline. At other times the girl's natural activity and high spirits gained the upper hand, and she would abandon lierself without reserve to the old homely delights of Bridgefield. At the apple gathering, she was running about, screaming with joy, and pelting the boys with apples, more as she had done at thirteen than at seventeen, and when called to order she inconsistently pleaded, " Ah, mother ! it is for the last time. Do but let me have my swing !" putting on a wistful and caressing look, wliich Susan did not withstand when the only companions were the three brothers, since Humfrey had much of her own unselfishness and self- command, resulting in a discretion that was seldom at fault. And that discretion made him decide at a fortnight's end that his father had been right, and that it would be better for him to absent himself from where he could do no good, but only added to the general per- plexity, and involved himself in the temptation of betraying the affection he knew to be hopeless. Before, liowever, it was possible to fit out either Diccon or the four men who were anxious to go under the leadership of Master Humfrey of Bridgefield, the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury were returning fully reconciled. Queen Elizabeth had made the Caven- dishes ask pardon on their knees of the Earl for their slanders ; and he, in his joy, had freely foigiven all. Gilbert Talbot and his wife had shared in the general 252 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CIIAP, reconciliation. His elder brother's death had made him the heir apparent, and all were commg home again, including the little Lady Arbell, once more to fill the Castle and the Manor-house, and to renew the free hosj)itable life of a great feudal chief, or of the Queen's old courtier, with doors wide open, and no ward or suspicion. Eichard rejoiced that his sons, before going abroad, should witness the return to the old times which had been at an end before they could remember Sheffield distinctly. The whole family were drawn up as usual to receive them, when the Earl and Countess arrived first of all at the Manor-house. The Countess looked smaller, thinner, older, per- haps a trifle more shrewish, but she had evidently suffered much, and was very glad to have recovered her husband and her home. " So, Susan Talbot," was her salutation, " you have thriven, it seems. You have been playing the part of hostess, I hear." " Only so far as might serve his Lordship, madam." " And the wench, there, what call you her ? Ay, Cicely. I hear the Scottish Queen hath been cocker- ing her up and making her her bedfellow, till she hath spoilt her for a reasonable maiden. Is it so ? She looks it." " I trust not, madam," said Susan. " She grows a strapping wench, and we must find her a good husband to curb her pride. I have a young man already in my eye for her." " So please your Ladyship, we do not think of marrying her as yet," returned Susan, in consternation. " Tilly vally, Susan Talbot, tell me not such folly as that. Why, the maid is over s(5venteen at the very XVIII.] CIS OR SISTER. 253 least ! Save for all tlie coil this Scottish woman aud her crew have made, I should have seen her well mated a year ago." Here was a satisfactory prospect for Mistress Susan, bred as she had been to unquestioning submission to the Countess. There was no more to be said on that occasion, as the great lady passed on to bestow her notice on others of her little court. Humfrey meantime had been warmly greeted by the younger men of tlie suite, and one of them handed him a letter which filled him with eagerness. It was from an old shipmate, who wrote, not without sanction, to inform him that Sir Francis Drake was fitting out an expedition, with the full consent of the Queen, to make a descent upon the Spaniards, and that there was no doubt that if he presented himself at Plymouth, lie would obtain either the command, or at any rate the lieutenancy, of one of the numerous ships which were to be commissioned. Humfrey was before all else a sailor. He had made no engagement to Sir John Norreys, and many of the persons engaged on this expedition were already known to him. It was believed that the attack was to be upon Spain itself, and the notion filled him with ardour and excitement that almost drove Cicely out of his mind, as he laid the proposal before his father. Eichard was scarcely less excited. " You young lads are in luclc," he said. " I sailed for years and never had more than a chance brush with the Don ; never the chance of bearding him on his own shores !" " Come with us, then, father," entreated Humfrey. "Sir Francis would be overjoyed to see you. You would get the choicest ship to your share." " Nay, nay, my boy, tempt me not ; I cannot leave 254 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. your mother to meet all tlie coils that may fall in her way ! No ; I'm too old. I've lost my sea legs. I leave thee to win the fame, son Humfrey!" The decision was thus made, and Humfrey and Diccon were to start together for London first, and then for Plymouth, the second day after a great festival for the wedding of the little Alethea, daughtei- of Gilbert, Lord Talbot — still of very tender age — to the young heir of Arundel. The Talbot family had been pre- cluded from holding festival for full fourteen years, or indeed from entertaining any guests, save the Com- missioners sent down to confer from time to time with the captive Queen, so that it was no wonder that they were in the highest possible spirits at their release, and determined to take the first opportunity of exercising the gorgeous hospitality of the Tudor times. Posts went out, riding round all the neighbourhood with invitations. The halls were swept and adorned with the best suit of hangings. All the gentlemen, young and old, all the keepers and verdurers, were put in requisition to slaughter all the game, quadruped and biped, that fell in their way, the village women and children were turned loose on the blackberries, cran- berries, and bilberries, and all the ladies and serving- women were called on to concoct pasties of many stories high, subtilties of wonderful curiosity, sweetmeats and comfits, cakes and marchpanes worthy of Camacho's wedding, or to deck tlie lialls with green boughs, and weave garlands of heather and red berries. Cis absolutely insisted, so that the heads of the household gave way, on riding out with Eichard and Humfrey when they had a buck to mark down in Eivelin Chase. And she set her heart on going out to /rather cranberries in the park, flinging herself about y.YlU.] CIS OR SISTER. 255 witli petulant irritation when Dame Susan showed herself unwilling to permit a proceeding which was thought scarcely becoming in any well-born damsel of the period. " Ah, child, child ! thou wilt have to bear worse restraints than tliese," she said, " if ever thou comest to thy greatness." Cis made no answer, but threw herself into a chair and pouted. The next morning she did not present herself at the usual hour ; but just as the good mother was about to go in quest of her to her chamber, a clear voice came singing up the valley — " Berries to sell ! berries to sell ! Berries fresli from moorland fell!" And there stood a girl in peasant dress, with short petticoats, stout shoes soaked in dew," a round face under black brows, and cheeks glowing in morning freshness ; and a boy swung the other handle of the basket overflowing with purple berries. It was but a shallow disguise betrayed by the two roguish faces, and the good mother was so pleased to see Cis smile merrily again, that she did not scold over the escapade. Yet the inconsistent girl hotly refused to go up to the castle and help to make pastry for her motlier's bitter and malicious foe, and Sir Eichard shook his head and said she was in the right on't, and should not be compelled. So Susan found herself making lame excuses, which did not avert a sharp lecture from the Countess on the cockering of her daughter. 256 UJSKNOWN TO IllSTOIiY. [rHAT. CHArXER XIX. THE CLASH OF SWORDS. Festivals in the middle ages were conducted by day rather than by night, and it was a bright noonday sun that shone upon the great hall at Sheflfield, bedecked with rich tapestry around the dais, where the floor was further spread with Eastern carpets. Below, the garniture of the walls was of green boughs, interspersed between stag's antlers, and the floor was strewn, in ancient fashion, with the fragrant rush. All the tables, however, were spread with pure white napery, the difference being only in texture, but the higher table rejoiced in the wonderful extravagance of silver plates, whde the lower had only trenchers. As to knives, each guest brought his or her own, and forks were not yet, but bread, in long fingers of crust, was provided to a large amount to supply the want. Splendid salt-cellars, towering as landmarks to tlie various degrees of guests, tankards, gilt and parcel gilt or shining with silver, perfectly swarmed along the board, and the meanest of tlie guests present drank from silver-rimmed cups of horn, while for the very greatest were reserved the tall, slender, opal Venice glasses, recently purcliased by the Countess in London. The pies, the glory of Yorkshire, surpassed them- XIX.] THE CLASH OF SWORDS. 257 selves. The young bride and bridegroom had the felicity of contemplating one whose crust was elevated into the altar of Hymen, with their own selves united thereat, attended by numerous Cupids, made chiefly in paste and sugar, and with little wings from the feathers of the many slaughtered fowl within. As to the jellies, the devices and the subtilties, the pen re- fuses to describe them ! It will be enough to say that the wedding itself was the least part of the entertain- ment. It was gone through with very few spectators in the early morning, and the guests only assembled afterwards to this mighty dinner at a somewhat earlier hour than they would now to a wedding breakfast. The sewer marshalled all the guests in pairs according to their rank, having gone through the roll with his mistress, just as the lady of the house or her aide-de- camp pairs the guests and puts cards in their plates in modern times. Every one was there who had any connection with the Earl ; and Cis, though flaslies of recollection of her true claims would come across her now and then, was unable to keep from being eager about her first gaiety. Perhaps the strange life she had led at Buxton, as it receded in the distance, became more and more unreal and shadowy, and she was growing back into the simple Cicely she had always believed herself. It was with perfectly girlish natural phasure that she donned the delicate sky-blue farthingale, embroidered with white lilies by the skilful hands of the captive Queen, and the daintily-fashioned little cap of Flanders lace, and practised the pretty dancing steps which the Queen had amused herself with teaching her long ere they knew they were mother and daughter. As Talbots, the Bridgefield family were spectators s 258 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAP. of the wedding, after which, one by one, the seneschal paired them off. Eichard was called away first, then a huge old Yorkshire knight came and bore away Mrs. Susan, and after an interval, during which the young people entertained hopes of keeping together in enviable obscurity, the following summons to the board, was heard in a loud voice — " Master Antony Babington, Esquire, of Dethick ! Mistress Cicely Talbot, of Bridgefield." Humfrey's brow grew dark with disappointment, but cleared into a friendly greeting, as there advanced a tall, slender gentleman, of the well-known fair, pink and white colouring, and yellow hair, apparelled point device in dark green velvet, with a full delicately crimped ruff, bowing low as he extended his hand to take that of the young lady, exchanging at the same time a friendly greeting with his old comrade, before leading Cis to her place. On the whole, she was pleased. Tete-a-Utes with Humfrey were dreadfully embarrassing, and she felt life so flat without her nocturnal romance that she was very glad to have some one who would care to talk to her of the Queen. In point of fact, such conversation was prohibited. In the former days, when there had been much more intercourse between the Earl's house- hold and the neiglibourhood, regular cautions had been given to every member of it not to discuss the prisoner or make any conmiunication about her habits. The younger generation who had grown up in the time of the closer captivity had never been instructed in these laws, for the simple reason that they hardly saw auy one. Antony and Cicely were likewise most comfortably isohited, for she was flanked by a young esquire, who had no eyes nor ears save for the fair widow of sixteen XIX.] THE CLASH OF SWOEDS. 259 whom he had just led in, and Antony, by a fat and deaf lady, whose only interest was in tasting as many varieties of good cheer as she could, and trying to discover how and of what they were compounded. Knowing Mistress Cicely to be a member of the family, slie once or twice referred the question to her across Antony, but getting very little satisfaction, she gave up the young lady as a bad specimen of housewifery, and was forced to be content with her own inductions. There was plenty of time for Antony to begin with, "Are there as many conies as ever in the chase ?" and to begin on a discussion of all the memories connected with the free days of childliood, the blackberry and bilberry gatherings, the hide-and-seek in the rocks and heather, the consternation when little Dick was lost, the audacious comedy with the unsuspected spectators, and all the hundred and one recollections, less memor- able perhaps, but no less delightful to botli. It was only thus gradually tliat they approached their recent encounter in the Castleton Cavern, and Antony ex- plained how he had burnt to see his dear Queen and mistress once again, and that his friends, Tichborne and the rest, were ready to kiss every footstep she had taken, and almost worshipped him and John Eyre for contriving this mode of letting them behold the hitherto unknown object of their veneration. All that passionate, chivalrous devotion, which in Sidney, Spenser, and many more attached itself to their great Gloriana, had in these young men, all either secretly or openly reconciled to Eome, found its ol)ject in that rival in whom Edmund Spenser only beheld his false Duessa or snowy Elorimel. And, indeed, romance had in her a congenial lieroine, who needed little self-blinding so to appear. Her beauty needed 260 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAP. no illusion to be credited. Even at her age now over forty, the glimpse they had had in the fitful torchlight of the cavern had been ravishing, and had confirmed all they had ever heard of her witching loveliness ; nor did they recollect how that very obscurity might have assisted it. To their convictions, she was the only legitimate sovereign in the island, a confessor for their beloved Church, a captive princess and beauty driven from her throne, and kept in durance by a usurper. Thus every generous feeling was enlisted in her cause, with nothing to counterbalance them save the English hatred of the Spaniard, with whom her cause was inextricably linked ; a dread of what might be inflicted on the country in the triumph of her party ; and in some, a strange inconsistent personal loyalty to Elizabeth ; but all these they were instructed to believe mere tempta- tions and delusions that ought to be brushed aside as cobwebs. Antony's Puritan tutor at Cambridge had, as Eichard Talbot had foreboded, done little but add to his detesta- tion of the Eeformation, and he had since fallen in with several of the seminary priests who were circulat- ing in England. Some were devoted and pious men, who at the utmost risk went from house to house to con- firm the faith and constancy of the old families of their own communion. The saintly martyr spirit of one of these, whom Antony met in the house of a kinsman of his mother, had so wrought on him as to bring him heart and soul back to his mother's pro- fession, in which he had been secretly nurtured in early childhood, and which had received additional confirmation at Shetfield, where Queen Mary and her ladies had always shown that they regarded him as one XIX ] THE CLASH OF SWORDS. 261 of themselves, sure to return to them when he was his own master. It was not, however, of this that he spoke to Cis. but whatever she ventured to tell him of the Queen was listened to with delight as an extreme favour, which set her tongue off with all the eager pleasure of a girl, telling what she alone can tell. All through the banquet they talked, for Babington had much to ask of all the members of the household whom he had known. And after the feast was over and the hall was cleared for dancing, Antony was still, by etiquette, her partner for the evening. The young bride and bridegroom had tirst to perform a stately pavise before the whole assembly in the centre of the floor, in which, poor young things, they acquitted themselves much as if they were in the dancing- master's hands. Then her father led out his mother, and vice vcrsd. The bridegroom had no grandparents, but the stately Earl handed forth his little active wiry Countess, bowing over her with a grand stiff devotion as genuine and earnest as at their wedding twenty years previously, for the reconciliation had been com- j)lete, and had restored all her ascendency over him. Theirs, as Mistress Susan exultingly agreed with a Hardwicke kinsman not seen for many years, was the .L^Tandest and most featly of all the performances. All tlie time each pair were performing, the others were awaiting their turn, the ladies in rows on benches or settles, the gentlemen sometimes standing before them, sometimes sitting on cushions or steps at their feet, sometimes handing them comfits of sugar or dried fruits. The number of gentlemen was greatly in excess, so tl\at Humfrey had no such agreeable occupation, but had to stand in a herd among other young men, watching with no gratified eye Antony Babington, in a 262 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [cHAP. graceful attitude at Cicely's feet, while she conversed with him with untiring animation. Humfrey was not the only one to remark them. Lady Shrewsbury nodded once or twice to herself as one who had discovered what she sought, and the next morning a mandate arrived at Bridgefield that Master Kichard and his wife should come to speak with my Lady Countess. Eichard and his son were out of reach, havinsr joined a party of the guests who had gone out hunting. Susan had to go alone, for she wished to keep Cicely as much as possible out of her Ladyship's sight, so she left the girl in charge of her keys, so that if father brought home any of the hunters to the midday meal, tankards and glasses mi CHAPTEE XXIV. A LIONESS jyT BAY. It was in the middle of the summer of 1586 that Humfrey and his young brother Eichard, in broad grass hats and long feathers, found tliemselves again in London, Diccon looking considerably taller and leaner than when he went away. For when, after many months' delay, the naval expedition had taken place, he had been laid low with fever during the attack on Florida by Sir Francis Drake's little fleet ; and the return to England had been only just in time to save his life. Though Humfrey had set forth merely as a lieuteinnt, he had returned in command of a vessel, and stood in high repute for good discipline, readiness of resource, and personal exploits. His ship had, how- ever, suffered so severely as to be scarcely seaworthy when the fleet arrived in Plymouth harbour ; and Sir Francis, finding it necessary to put her into dock and dismiss her crew, had chosen the young Captain Talbot to ride to London with his despatches to her Majesty. The commission might well delight the brothers, Avho were burning to hear of home, and to know how it fared with Cicely, having been absolutely without intelligence ever since they had sailed from Plymouth XXIV.] A LIONESS AT BAY. 325 in January, since wliicli they had plundered the Spaniard both at home and in the West Indies, but had had no letters. They rode post into London, taking their last change of horses at Kensington, on a fine June evening, when the sun was mounting high upon the steeple of St. Paul's, and speeding through the fields in hopes oi" being able to reach the Strand in time for supper at Lord Shrewsbury's mansion, which, even in the absence of my Lord, was always a harbour for all of the name of Talbot. Nor, indeed, was it safe to be out after dark, for the neighbourhood of the city was full of roisterers of all sorts, if not of highwaymen and cut- purses, who might come in numbers too large even for the two young gentlemen and the two servants, who remained out of the four volunteers from Bridgefield. They were just passing Westminster where the Abbey, Hall, and St. Stephen's Chapel, and their pre- cincts, stood up in their venerable but unstaiued beauty among the fields and fine trees, and some of the Westminster boys, flat -capped, gowned, and yellow - stockinged, ran out with the cry that always flattered Diccon, not to say Humfrey, though he tried to be superior to it, " Mariners ! mariners from the Western Main ! Hurrah for gallant Drake ! Down with the Don !" Tor the tokens of the sea, in the form of clothes and w^eapons, were well known and higiily esteemed. Two or three gentlemen who were walking along the road turned and looked up, and the young sailors recognised in a moment a home face. There was an exclamation on either side of " Antony Babington !" and " Humfrey Talbot !" and a ready clasp of the hand in right of old companionship. 326 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. " Welcome home !" exclaimed Antony. " Is all well with you ?" " Eoyally well," returned Humfrey. " Know'st thou aught of our father and mother ?" " All was well with them when last I heard " said Antony. " And Cis — my sister I mean ?" said Diccon, putting, in liis unconsciousness, the very question Ilumfrey was burning to ask. " She is still with the Queen of Scots, at Chartley," replied Babington. " Chartley, where is that ? It is a new place for her captivity." " 'Tis a house of my Lord of Essex, not far from Licl *.*.'''d," returned Antony. " They sent her thither this spring, after they had well-nigh slain her with the damp and wretched lodgings they provided at Tutbury." "Who? Not our Cis?" asked Diccon. " Nay," said Antony, " it hurt not her vigorous youth — but I meant the long-suffering princess." " Hath Sir Ealf Sadler still the charge of her ?" inquired Ilumfrey. " No, indeed. He was too gentle a jailer for the Council. They have given her Sir Amias Panlett, a mere Puritan and Leicestrian, who is as hard as the nether millstone, and weU-nigh as dull," said Babing- ton, with a little significant chuckle, which perhaps alarmed one of his companions, a small slight man with a slight halt, clad in black like a lawyer. " Mr. Babington," he said, " pardon me for interrupting you, but we sliall make Mr. Gage tarry supper for us." "Nay, Mr. Langston," said Baliington, who was in high spirits, " these are kinsmen of your own, sons of XXIV.] A LIONESS AT BAY. 327 Mr. Eicliard Talbot of Bridgefield, to whom you have often told me you were akin." Mr. Langston was thus compelled to come forward, shake hands with the young travellers, welcome them home, and desire to be commended to their woithy parents ; and Babington, in the exuberance of 1* s welcome, named his other two companions — Mr. Tiehborne, a fine, handsome, graceful, and somewhat melancholy young man ; Captain Fortescue, a bearded moustached bravo, in the height of the fashion, a loug plume in his Spanish hat, and his short gray cloak glittering with silver lace. Humfrey returned their salute, but was as glad as they evidently were when they got Babington away with them, and left tie brothers to pursue tlieir way, after inviting them to come and see him at his lodgings as early as possible. " It is before supper," said Diccon, sagely, " or I should say Master Antony had been acquainted with some good canary." " More likely he is uplifted with some fancy of his own. It may be only with the meeting of me after our encounter," said Humfrey. " He is a brave fellow and kindly, but never did craft so want ballast as does that pate of his !" " Humfrey," said his brother, riding nearer to him, "did he not call that fellow in black, Langston?" " Ay, Cuthbert Langston. I have heard of him. No good comrade for his weak brain." " Humfrey, it is so, though father would not credit me. I knew his halt and his eye — just like the venomous little snake that was the death of poor Foster. He is the same with the witch woman Tibbott, ay, and with her with the beads and bracelets, who beset Cis and me at Buxton." 328 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [(5HAP. Young Diccon had proved himself on the voyage to have an unerring eye for recognition, and liis brother gave a h3W whistle. " I fear me then Master Aiitony may be running himself into trouble." " See, they turn in mounting the steps to the upper fence of yonder house with the deep carved balcony. Another has joined them ! I like not his looks. He is like one of those hardened cavaliers from the Netherlands." " Ay ! who seem to have left pity and conscience behind them there," said Humfrey, looking anxiously up at the fine old gabled house with its projecting timbered front, and doubting inwardly whether it would be wise to act on his old playfellow's invitation, yet with an almost sick longing to know on what terms the youth stood with Cicely. In another quarter of an hour they were at the gateway of Shrewsbury House, where the porter proved to be one of the Sheffield retainers, and admitted them joyfully. My Lord Earl was in Yorkshire, he said, but my Lord and Lady Talbot were at home, and would be fain to see them, and there too was Master William Cavendish. Tliey were handed on into the courtyard, where servants ran to take their horses, and as the news ran that Master Eichard's sons had arrived from the Indies, Will Cavendish came running down the hall steps to embrace them in his glee, while Lord Talbot came to the door of the hall to welcome them. These great London houses, which had not quite lost their names of hostels or inns, did really serve as free lodg- ings to all members of the family who might visit town, and above all such travellers as these, bringing news of grand national achievements. XXIV.] A LIONESS AT BAY. 329 Very soon after Gilbert's accession to the heirship, quarrels had begun between his wife and her mother the Countess. Lord Talbot had much of his father's stately grace, and his wife was a finished lady. They heartily welcomed the two lads who had grown from boys to men. My lady smilingly excused the riding-gear, and as soon as the dust of travel had been removed they were seated at the board, and called on to tell of the galUmt deeds in which they had taken part, whilst they heard in exchange of Lord Leicester's doings in the Netherlands, and the splendid exploits of the Stanleys at Zutphen. Lord Talbot promised to take Humfrey to Eicli- mond the next day, to be presented to her Majesty, so soon as he should be equipped, so as not to lose his character of mariner, but still not to attront her sensibilities by aught of uncourtly or unstudied in his ajjparel. They confir-^ed what Babingtou had said of the Queen of Scots' changes of residence and of keepers. As to Cicely, they had been lately so little at Shetfield that they had almost forgotten her, but they thought that if slie were still at Chartley, there could be no objection to her brothers having an interview with her on their way home, if they chose to go out of their road for it. Humfrey mentioned his meeting with Babington in Westminster, and Lord Talbot made some inquiries as to his companions, adding that there were strange stories and suspicions afloat, and that he feared that the young man was disaffected and was consorting with Popish recusants. Diccon's tongue was on the alert with his observation, but at a sign from his brother, who did 330 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. not wish to get Babington into trouble, he \\'as silent. Cavendish, however, laughed and said he ^^•as for ever in Mr. Secretary's house, and even had a room there. Very early the next morning the body servant of his Lordship was in attendance with a barber and the fashionable tailor of the Court, and in good time Hum- frey and Diccon were arrayed in such garments as were judged to suit the Queen's taste, and to become tlie character of young mariners from the West. Huinfrey had a dainty jewel of shell-work from the spoils of Carthagena, entrusted to him by Drake to present to the Queen as a foretaste of what was to come. Lady Talbot greatly admired its novelty and beauty, and thought the Queen would be enchanted with it, giving him a pretty little perfumed box to present it in. Lord Talbot, well pleased to introduce his spirited young cousins, took them in his boat to Eichmond, which they reached just as the evening coolness came on. They were told that her Majesty was walking in the Park, and thither, so soon as the ruffs had been adjusted and the fresh Spanish gloves drawn on, they resorted. The Queen walked freely there without guards — without even swords being worn by the gentlemen in attendance- — loving as she did to display her confidence in her people. No precautions were taken, but they were allowed to gather together on the gi'eeusward to watch her, as among the beautiful shady trees she paced along. The eyes of the two youths w^ere eagerly directed towards her, as they followed Lord Talbot. "Was she not indeed the cynosure of all the realm ? Did she not hold the heart of every loyal Englishman by an invisible rein ? Was not her favour their dream and XXIV.] A LIONESS AT BAY. 331 their reward ? She was a little in advance of her suite. Her hair, of that light sandy tint which is slow to whiten, was built up in curls under a rich stiff coif, covered with silver lace, and lifted high at the temples. Trom this a light gauze veil hung round her shoulders and over her splendid standing ruff, which stood up like the erected neck ornaments of some birds, opening in front, and showing the lesser ruff or frill encircling lier throat, and terminating a lace tucker within her low-cut boddice. Eich necklaces, the jewel of the Garter, and a whole constellation of brilliants, decorated her bosom, and the boddice of her blue satin dress and its sleeves were laced with seed pearls. The waist, a very slender one, was encircled with a gold cord and heavy tassels, the farthingale spread out its magnificent proportions, and a richly embroidered white satin petticoat showed itself in front, but did not conceal the active, well-shaped feet. There was something extraordinarily majestic in her whole bearing, especially the poise of her head, which made the sj)ectator never perceive how small her stature actually was. Her face and complexion, too, were of the cast on which time is slow to make an impression, being always pale and fair, with keen and delicately -cut features; so that her admirers had quite as much reason to be dazzled as when she was half her present age ; nay, perhaps more, for the habit of command had added to the regality which really was her principal beauty. Sir Christopher Hatton, with a handsome but very small face at the top of a very tall and portly frame, dressed in the extreme of foppery, came behind her, and then a bevy of ladies and gentlemen. As the Talbots approached, she was moving slowly on, unusually erect even for her, and her face com- 332 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [cHAP. posed to severe majesty, like that of a judge, the tawny eyes with a strange gleam in them fixed on some one in the throng on the grass near at hand. Lord Talbot advanced with a bow so low that he swept the ground with his plume, and while the two youths followed his example, Diccon's quick eye noted that she glanced for one rapid second at their weapons, then continued her steady gaze, never withdrawing it even to receive Lord Talbot's salutation as he knelt before her, though she said, " We greet you well, my good lord. .Are not we well guarded, not having one man with a sword near me ?" " Here are three good swords, madam," returned he, " mine own, and those of my two young kinsmen, whom I venture to present to your Majesty, as they bear greet- ings from your, trusty servant. Sir Francis Drake." While he spoke there had been a by-play unper- ceived by him, or by the somewhat slow and tardy Hatton. A touch from Diccon had made Humfrey follow the direction of the Queen's eye, and they saw it was fixed on a figure in a loose cloak strangely resembling that which they had seen on the stair of the house Babington had entered. They also saw a certain quailing and cowering of the form, and a scowl on the shaggy red eyebrows, and Irish features, and Humfrey at once edged himself so as to come between the fellow and the Queen, though he was ready to expect a pistol shot in his back, but better thus, was his thought, than that it should strike her, — and both laid tlieir hands on their swords. " How now ! " said Hatton, " young men, you are over prompt. Her Majesty needs no swords. You are out of rank. Fall in and do your obeisance." Something in the Queen's relaxed gaze told Hum- XXIV.] A LIONESS AT BAY. 333 frey that the peril was over, and that he might kneel as Talbot named him, explaining his lineage as Eliza- beth always wished to have done. A sort of trenio^ passed over her, but slie instantly recalled her attention. " From Drake !" she said, in her clear, somewhat shrill voice. " So, young gentleman, you have been with the pirate who outruns our orders, and fills our brother of Spain with malice such that he would have our life by fair or foul means." " That shall he never do while your Grace has English watch-dogs to guard you," returned Talbot. " The Talbot is a trusty hound by water or by land," said Elizabeth, surveying the goodly proportion of the elder brother. " Whelps of a good litter, though yonder lad be somewhat long and lean. Well, and how fares Sir Erancis ? Let him make his will, for the Spaniards one day will have his blood." " I have letters and a token from him for your Grace," said Humfrey. " Come then in," said the Queen. " We will see it in the bower, and hear what thou wouldst say." A bower, or small summer-house, stood at the end of tlie path, and here she took her way, seating herself on a kind of rustic throne evidently intended for her, and there receiving from Humfrey the letter and the gift, and asking some questions about the voyage ; but she seemed preoccupied and anxious, and did not show the enthusiastic approbation of her sailors' exploits winch the young men expected. After glancing over it, she bade them carry the letter to Mr, Secretary Walsingham the next day ; nor did she bid the party remain to supper; but as soon as half a dozen of her gentlemen pensioners, who had been summoned by hei orders, came up, she rose to return to the palace. 334 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CITAP. Yet, to Talbot's surprise, she gavo both the young men her hand to kiss, and even hiid it upon Humfrey's freshly - trimmed head, saying, " You have done good service, my brave young spark. Use your eyes more tlian your tongue, and you will do well We would not wish for stauncher bulwarks against traitor — Papist or Spaniard." This was their dismissal. The audience was over, and they had to depart. Lord Talbot declaring that Humfrey had had marvellous good hap, and he had seldom seen her Majesty so gracious at a first presenta- tion, unless a man was more comely than he could call his young cousins. " Methinks she was glad to see our swords," said Diccon. " There was a scowling fellow she had her eye on, just as I have seen Sir Francis keep a whole troop of savage Indians in check as we landed on an island." Lord Tidbot laughed rather provokingly, and said, " The Queen hath swords enough at command without being beholden to thine, my doughty cousin ! " Diccon was suppressed, and mortified, but he thouglit the more. Humfrey owned his disappointment at more notice not having been taken of his commanders' exploits, and was answered, " Humour or policy, boy, policy or humour — one or both. One day, Drake and Hawkins and the rest will be her brave mariners, her golden boys ; another, mere pirates and robbers, bring- ing the Dons' wrath down upon us. You must take her as you find her, she is but a woman after all ; and even now there is said to be a plot — more deadly- than ever before — which the Council are watching that they may lay the blame on the right sJioulders. Lord Talbot did not, however, know more than XXIV.] A LIONESS AT HAY. 385 that there were flying rumours of a fearful design, that the Duke of Parma sliould laud from the Netherlands, the Queen be assassinated, and Mary of Scotland liberated and proclaimed, all at once ; and he marvelled at her residence at Chartley being permitted, since it would not be difficult to set it on fire, and carry her away in the confusion. He added that the whole of the country, especially the Londoners, were declaring that they should never sleep in peace while she lived, and there was nothing but Queen Elizabeth's life between her and the crown. " And that knave meant mischief, and the Queen knew it, and bore him down with her eye, just as Drake did by the cannibal chief with the poisoned arrow," thought Diccon, but Lord Talbot's previous manner had silenced him effectually. 336 UiJKNOWN TO llISTOliY. [CU.VP. CHAPTEE XXV. Paul's walk. Will Cavendish, who was in training for a statesman, and acted as a secretary to Sir Francis Walsingham, advised that the letters should be carried to him at once that same evening, as he would be in attendance on the Queen the next morning, and she would inquu-e for them. The great man's house was not far off, and he walked thither with Humfrey, who told him what he had seen, and asked wliether it ought not at once to be reported to Walsingham. Will whistled. " Tliey are driving it very close," he said. " Humfrey, old comrade, thy brains were always more of the order fit to face a tough breeze than to meddle with Court plots. Credit me, there is cause for what amazed thee. The Queen and her Council know what they are about. Risk a little, and put an end to all the plottings for ever ! That's the word." " Eisk even the Queen's life ?" Will Cavendish looked sapient, and replied, " We of the Coundii Board know many a thing that looks passing strange." Mr. Secretary Walsingham's tow^n house was, like XXV. J Paul's walk. 337 Lord Talbot's, built round a court, across which Caven- crish led the way, with the assured air of one used to the service, and at home there. The hall was thronged with people waititig, but Cavendish passed it, opened a little wicket, and admitted his friends into a small anteroom, where he bade them remain, while lie aunounced them to Sir Francis. He disappeared, shutting a door behind him, and after a moment's interval another person, with a brown cloak round him, came hastily and stealthily across to the door. He had let down the cloak which mutiled his cliin, not expecting the presence of any one, and there was a moment's start as he was conscious of the young men standing there. He passed through the door instantly, but not before Humfrey had had time to recognise in him no other than Cuthbert Langston, almost the last person he would have looked for at Sir Francis Walsingham's. Directly afterwards Cavendish returned. " Sir Francis could not see Captain Talbot, and prayed him to excuse him, and send in the letter." " It can't be helped," said Cavendish, with his youthful airs of patronage. " He would gladly have spoken with you when I told him of you, but that Maude is just come on business that may not tarry. So you must e'en entrust your packet to me." "Maude," repeated Humfrey, "Was that man's name Maude ? I should have dared be sworn that he was my father's kinsman, Cuthbert Langston." " Very like," said Will, " I would dare be sworn to nothing concerning him, but that he is one of the greatest and most useful villains unhung." So saying. Will Cavendish disappeared with the z 338 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. letters. He probably had had a caution administered to him, for when he returned he was evidently swell- ing with the consciousness of a State secret, which he would not on any account betray, yet of the existence of which he desired to make his old comrade aware. Humfrey asked whether he had told Mr. Secretary of the man in Ilichmond Park. " Never fear ! he knows it," returned the bud:l:rg statesman. " Why, look you, a man like Sir Francis has ten thousand means of intelligence that a simple mariner like you would never guess at. I thought it strange myself when I came first into business of State, but he hath eyes and ears everywhere, like the Queen's gown in her picture. Men of the Privy Council, you see, must despise none, for the lewdest and meanest rogues oft prove those who can do the best service, just as the bandy-legged cur will turn the spit, or unearth the fox wheu your gallant hound can do nought but bay outside." " Is this Maude, or Langston, such a cur ? " Cavendish gave his head a shake that expressed unutterable things, saying : " Your kinsman, said you ? I trust not on the Talbot side of the house ?" " No. On his mother's side. I wondered the more to see him here as he got that halt in the Eising of the North, and on the wrong side, and hath ever been reckoned a concealed Papist." " Ay, ay. Dost not see, mine honest Humfrey, that's the very point that fits him for our purpose ?" " You mean that he is a double traitor and informer." "We do not use such hard words in the Privy Council Board as you do on deck, my good friend," said Cavendish. " We have our secret intelligencers, you see, all in the Queen's service. Foul and dirty XXV.] Paul's walk. 339 work, but you can't dig out a fox without; soiling o< fingers, and if there be those that take kindly to the work, why, e'en let them do it." " Then there is a plot ?" " Content you, Humfrey ! You'll hear enough of it anon. A most foul, bloody, and horrible plot, quite enough to hang every soul that has meddled in it, and yet safe to do no harm — like poor Hal's blunderbuss, which would never go off, except when it burst, and blew him to pieces." Will felt that he had said quite enough to impress Humfrey with a sense of his statecraft and import- ance, and was not sorry for an interruption before he should have said anything dangerous. It was from Frank Pierrepoint, who had been Diccon's schoolmate, and was enchanted to see him. Humfrey was to stay one day longer in town in case Walsingham should wish to see him, and to show Diccon something of London, which they had missed on their way to Plymouth. St. Paul's Cathedral was even then the sight that all Englishmen were expected to have seen, and the brothers took their way thither, accompanied by Prank Pierre- point, who took their guidance on his hands. Had the lads seen the place at the opening of the century they would have thought it a piteous spectacle, for desecra- tion and sacrilege had rioted there unchecked, the mag- nificent peal of bells had been gambled away at a single throw of the dice, the library had been utterly destroyed, the magnificent plate melted up, and what covetous fanaticism had spared had been further ravaged by a terrible fire. At this time Bishop Bancroft had done his utmost towards reparation, and the old spire had been replaced by a wooden one ; but there vras much 340 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY, [CHAP. of ruin and decay visible all around, where stood the fiiraous octagon building called Paul's Cross, where outdoor sermons were preaclied to listeners of all ranks. This was of wood, and was kept in moderately good repair. Beyond, the nave of the Cathedral stretched its length, the greatest in England. Two sets of doors immediately opposite to one another on the north and south sides had rendered it a thoroughfare in very early times, in spite of the endeavours of the clergy ; and at this time " Duke Humfrey's Walk," from the tomb of Duke Humfrey Stafford, as the twelve grand Norman bays of this unrivalled nave were called, was the prime place for the humours of London ; and it may be feared that this, rather than the architecture, was the chief idea in the minds of the youths, as a babel of strange sounds fell on their ears, " a still roar like a humming of bees," as it was described by a contemporary, or, as Humfrey said, like the sea in a great hollow cave. A cluster of choir-boys were watching at the door to fall on any one entering with spurs on, to levy their spur money, and one gentleman, whom they had thus attacked, was endeavouring to save his purse by call- ing on the youngest boy to sing his gamut. Near at hand was a pillar, round which stood a set of men, some rough, some knavish-looking, with the blue coats, badges, short swords, and bucklers carried by serving-men. They were waiting to be hired, as if in a statute fair, and two or three loud-voiced bargains were goii-g on. In the middle aisle, gentlemen in all the glory of plumed hats, jewelled ears, ruffed necks, Spanish cloaks, silken jerkins, velvet hose, and be-rosed shoes, were marching up and down, some attitudinising to show their graces, some discussing the news of the day, for " Paul's Walk " was the Bond Street, the Eow, XXV.] Paul's walk. 341 the Tattersall's, the Club of London. Twelve scriveners had their tables to act as letter- writers, and sometimes as legal advisers, and great amusement might be had by those who chose to stand listening to the blunderiug directions of their clients. In the side aisles, horse- dealing, merchants' exchanges, everything imaginable in the way of traffic was going on. Disreputable-looking men, who there were in sanctuary from their creditors, there lurked around Humfrey Stafford's tomb ; and young Pierrepoint's warning to guard their purses was evidently not wasted, for a country fellow, who had just lost his, was loudly demanding justice, and getting jeered at for his simplicity in expecting to recover it. " Seest thou this ? " said a voice close to Humfrey, and he found a hand on his arm, and Babiugton, in the handsome equipment of one of the loungers, close to him. " A sorry sight, that would grieve my good mother," returned Humfrey. " My Mother, the Church, is grieved," responded Antony. " This is what you have brought us to, for your so-called religion" he added, ignorant or oblivious that these desecrations had been quite as shocking before the Eeformation. '' All will soon be changed, however," he added. " Sir Thomas Gresham's New Exchange has cleared off some of the traffic, they say," returned Humfrey. " Pshaw ! " said Antony ; " I meant no such folly. That were cleansing one stone while the whole house is foul with shame. No. There shall be a swift vengeance on these desecrators. The purifier shall come again, and the glory and the beauty of the true Faith shall be here as of old, when our fathers bowed 342 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. before the Holy Eood, instead of tearing it down." His eye glanced with an enthusiasm which Humfrey thought somewhat wild, and he said, "Whist! these are not things to be thus spoken of." "All is safe," said Babington, drawing him within shelter of the chantry of Sir John Beauchamp's tomb. " Never heed Diccon — Pierrepoint can guide him," and Humfrey saw their figures, apparently absorbed in listening to the bidding for a horse. " I have things of moment to say to thee, Humfrey Talbot. We have been old comrades, and had that childish emulation which turns to love in manhood in the face of perils." Humfrey, recollecting how they had parted, held out his hand in recognition of the friendliness. " I would fain save thee," said Babington. " Heretic and rival as thou art, I cannot but love thee, and I would have thee die, if die thou must, in honourable fight by sea or land, rather than be overtaken by the doom that will fall on all who 4ire persecuting our true and lawful confessor and sovereign." " Gramercy for thy good will, Tony," said Humfrey, looking anxiously to see whoLlier his old companion was in his right mind, yet remembering what had been said of plots. " Thou deem'st me raving," said Antony, smiling at the perplexed countenance before him, " but thou wilt see too late that I speak sooth, when the armies of the Church avenge the Name that has been pro- faned among you !" " The Spaniards, I suppose you mean," said Hum- frey coolly. " You must be far goue indeed to hope to see those fiends turned loose on this peaceful laud, but by God's blessing we have kept them aloof before, I trust we may again." XXV.] Paul's walk. 343 " You talk of God's blessing. Look at His House," said Babington. " He is more like to bless honest men who fight for their Queen, their homes and hearths, than traitors who would bring in slaughterers and butchers to work their will ! " " His glory is worked through judgment, and thus must it begin!" returned the young man. "But I would save thee, Humfrey," he added. " Go thou back to Plymouth, and be warned to hold aloof from that prison where the keepers will meet their fit doom ! and the captive will be set free. Thou dost not believe," he added. " See here," and drawing into the most sheltered part of the chantry, he produced from his bosom a picture in the miniature style of the period, containing six heads, among which his own was plaiidy to be recognised, and likewise a face which Humfrey felt as if he should never forget, that which he had seen in Richmond Park, quailing beneath the Queen's eye. Round the picture was the motto — " Hi mihi sunt comites quos ipsa pericula jungunt." " I tell thee, Humfrey, thou wilt hear — if tliou dost live to hear — of these six as having wrought the greatest deed of our times !" " May it only be a deed an honest man need not be ashamed of," said Humfrey, not at all convinced of his friend's sanity. "Ashamed of!" exclaimed Babington. "It is blest, I tell thee, blest by holy men, blest l)y the noble and suffering woman who will thus be delivered from her martyrdom." " Babington, if thou talkest thus, it will be my duty to have tliee put in ward," said Humfrey. 344 UNKNOWN TO HISIOR^. [CHAP. Antony laughed, and there was a triumphant ring very like insanity in his laughter. Humfrey, with a moment's idea that to hint that the conspiracy was known would hlast it at once, if it were real, said, " I see not Cuthbert Langston among your six. Know yon, I saw him only yestereven going into Secretary Walsingham's privy chamber." ■ " Was he so ? " answered Babington. " Ha ! ha ! he holds them all in play till the great stroke be struck ! Why ! am not I myself in Walsingham's confidence ? He thinketh that he is about to send me to France to watch the League. Ha ! ha ! " Here Humfrey's otlier companions turned back in search of him ; Babington vanished in the crowd, he hardly knew how, and he was left in perplexity and extreme difficulty as to what was his duty as friend or as subject. If Babington were sane, there must be a conspiracy for killing the Queen, bringing in the Spaniards and liberating Mary, and he had expressly spoken of having had the latter lady's sanction, while the sight of the fellow in Eichmond Park gave a colour of probability to the guess. Yet the imprudence and absurdity of having portraits taken of six assassins before the blow was struck seemed to contradict all the rest. On the other hand. Cavendish had spoken of having all the meshes of the web in the hands of the Council ; and Langston or Maude seemed to be trusted by both parties. Humfrey decided to feel his way with Will Caven- dish, and that evening spoke of having met Babington and having serious doubts whether he were in his right mind. Cavendish laughed, " Poor wretch ! I could pity him," he said, "though his plans be wicked enough to merit no compassion. Nay, never fear, Humfrey. XXV.] PAUL'S WALK. 345 All were overthrown, did I speak openly. Nay, to utter one word would ruin me for ever. 'Tis quite suffi- cient to say that he and his fellows are only at large till Mr. Secretary sees fit, that so his grip may be the more sure." Humfrey saw he was to be treated with no confi- dence, and this made him the more free to act. There were many recusant gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Chartley, and an assault and fight there were not im- probable, if, as Cavendish hinted, there was a purpose of letting the traitors implicate themselves in the largest numbers and as fatally as possible. On the other hand, Babingtou's hot head might only fancy he had authority from the Queen for his projects. If, through Cicely, he coidd convey the information to Mary, it might save her from even appearing to be cognisant of these wild schemes, whatever they might be, and to hint that they were known was the surest way to prevent their taking effect. Any way, Hum- frey's heart was at Chartley, and every warning he had received made him doubly anxious to be there in per- son, to be Cicely's guardian in case of whatever danger might threaten her. He blessed the fiction which still represented him as her brother, and which must open a way for him to see her, but he resolved not to take Diccon thither, and parted with him when the roads diverged towards Lichfield, sending to his father a letter which Diccon was to deliver only into his own hand, witli full details of all he had seen and heard, and his motives for repairing to Chartley. "Shall I see my little Cis ?" thought he. "And even if she play the princess to me, how will she meet me ? She scorned me even when she was at home. How will it be now when she h?.s been for well- 346 UNKNO\VN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. nigh a year in this Queen's training ? Ah ! she will be taught to despise me ! Heigh ho ! At least she may be in need of a true heart and strong arm to guard her, and they shall not fail her." Will Cavendish, in the plenitude of the official im- portance with which he liked to dazzle his old play- fellow, had offered him a pass to facilitate his entrance, and he found reason to be glad that he had accepted it, for there was a guard at the gate of Chartley Park, and he was detained there while his letter was sent up for inspection to Sir Amias Paulett, who had for the last few months acted as warder to the Queen. However, a friendly message came back, inviting him to ride up. The house — though called a castle — had been rebuilt in hospitable domestic style, and looked much less like a prison than Slieffield Lodge, but at every enclosure stood yeomen who challenged the passers-by, as though this were a time of alarm. How- ever, at tlie hall-door itself stood Sir Amias^ Paulett, a thin, narrow-browed, anxious-looking man, with the stiffest of ruff's, over which hung a scanty yellow beard. " Welcome, sir," he said, with a nervous anxious distressed manner. " Welcome, most welcome. You will pardon any discourtesy, sir, but these are evil times. The son, I think, of good Master Eichard Talbot of Bridgefield ? Ay, I would not for worlds have shown any lack of hospitality to one of his family. It is no want of respect, sir. No ; nor of my Lord's house ; but these are ill days, and with my charge, sir — if Heaven itself keep not the house — who knows what may cliance or what may be laid on me ?" " I understand," said Humfrey, smiling. " I was bred close to Sheffield, and hardly knew what 'twas to live beyond watch and ward." XXV.] PAUL'S WALK. 347 "Yea!" said Paulett, shaking his head. "You come of a loyal house, sir ; but even the good Eaii was less exercised than I am in the charge of this same lady. But I am glad, glad to see you, sir. And you would see your sister, sir ? A modest young lady, and not indevout, though I have sometimes seen her sleep at sermon. It is well that the poor maiden should see some one well affected, for she sitteth in the very gate of Babylon ; and with respect, sir, I marvel that a woman, so godly as Mistress Talbot of Bridge- field is reported to be, should suffer it. However, I do my poor best, under Heaven, to hinder the faithful of the household from being tainted. I have removed Preaux, who is well known to be a Popish priest in disguise, and thus he can spread no more of his errors. Moreover, my chaplain, Master Blunden, with other godly men, preaches three times a week against Eomish errors, and all are enforced to attend. May their ears be opened to the truth ! I am about to attend this lady on a ride in the Park, sir. It might — if she be willing — be arranged that your sister. Mistress Talbot, should spend the time in your company, and methinks the lady will thereto agree, for she is ever ready to show a certain carnal and Avorldly complaisance to the wishes of her attendants, and I have observed that she greatly affects the damsel, more, I fear, than may be for the eternal welfare of the maiden's souL'* S48 UNKNOWN TO HISIOEY. lCMAJP. CHAPTEE XXVI. IN THE WEB. It was a beautiful briglit summer day, and (Jueen JMary and some of lier train were preparing for tlieii ride. The Queen was in liigh spirits, and that wonder- ful and c]ian<:feful countenance of hers was beamincj with anticipation and hope, while her demeanour was altogether delightful to every one who approached her. She was adding some last instructions to Nau, who was writing a letter for her to the French ambassador, and Cicely stood by her, holding her little dog in a leash, and looking somewhat anxious and wistful. There was more going on round the girl than she was allowed to understand, and it made her anxious and uneasy. She knew that the correspondence through the brewer was actively carried on, but she was not informed of what passed. Only she was aware that some crisis must be expected, for her mother was ceaselessly restless and full of expectation. She had put all her jewels and valuables into as small a compass as possible, and talked more than ever of her plans for giving hei daughter either to the Archduke Matthias, or to some great noble, as if the English crown were already within her grasp. Anxious, curious, and feeling injured by the want of confidence, yet not daring to complain XXVI.] IN THE WEB. 349 Cicely felt almost fretful at her mother's buoyancy, but she had been taught a good many lessons in the past year, and one of them was that she might indeed be caressed, but that she must show neither humour nor will of her own, and the least presumption in in- quiry or criticism was promptly quashed. There was a knock at the door, and the usher announced that Sir Amias Paulett prayed to speak with her Grace. Her eye glanced round with the rapid emotion of one doubtful whether it were for weal or woe, yet with undaunted spirit to meet either, and as she -granted her permission, Cis heard her whisper to Nau, " A rider came up even now ! 'Tis the tidings ! Are the Catholics of Derby in the saddle ? Are the ships on the coast ? " In came the tall old man with a stiff reverence : " Madam, your Grace's horses attend you, and I have tidings " — (Mary started forward) — " tidings for this young lady. Mistress Cicely Talbot. Her brother is arrived from the Spanish Main, and requests permission to see and speak with her." Eadiance flashed out on Cicely's countenance as excitement faded on that of her mother : " Humfrey ! madam, let me go to him ! " she entreated, with a spring of joy and clasped hands. Mary was far too kind-hearted to refuse, besides to have done so would have- excited suspicion at a perilous moment, and the arrangement Sir Amias pro- posed was quickly made. Mary Scaton was to attend the Queen in Cicely's stead, and she was allowed to hurry downstairs, and oidy one warning was possible : " Go then, poor child, take thine holiday, only bear in mind what and who thou art." Yet the words had scarce died on her ears before 350 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. she was oblivions of all save that it was a familiar home figure wlio stood at the bottom of the stairs, one of the fac3s she trusted most in all the world which beamed out upon her, the hands which she know would guard her through everything were stretched out to her, the lips with veritable love in them kissed the cheeks she did not withhold. Sir Amias stood by and gave the kindest smile she had seen from him. quite changing his pinched features, and he proposea to the two young people to go and walk in the garden together, letting them out into the square walled garden, very formal, but very bright and gay, and with a pleached alley to shelter them from the sun. "Good old gentleman!" exclaimed Humfrey, hold- ing the maiden's hand in his. " It is a shame to win such pleasure by feigning." " As for that," sighed Cis, " I never know what is sooth here, and what am I save a living lie myself? Humfrey ! I am so weary of it all." " Ah ! would that I could bear thee home with me," he said, little prepared f>jr this reception. " Would that thou couldst ! , that I were indeed thy sister, or that the writing in my swaddling bands had been washed out ! — Nay," catching back her words, " I meant not that ! I would not but belong to the dear Lady here. She says I comfort her more than any of them, aud oh ! she is — she is, there is no tell- ing how sweet and how noble. It was only that the sight of thee awoke the yearning to be at home with mother and with father. Forget my folly, Humfrey." " I cannot soon forget that Bridgefield seems to thee thy true home," he said, putting etrong restiaint on himself to say and do no more, while his heart throbbed with a violence unawakened by storm or Spaniard. XXVJ,1 IN THE WEB. 351 "Tell me of tliem all," she said. "I lia\'o heard naught of them since we left Tutbiiry, where at least we were in my Lord's house, and the dear old silver dog was on every sleeve. Ah ! there he is, the trusty rogue." And snatching up Humfrey's hat, which was fastened with a brooch of his crest in the fashion of the day, she kissed the familiar token. Then, how- ever, she blushed and drew herself up, remembering the caution not to forget who she was, and with an assumption of more formal dignity, she said, " And how fares it with the good Mrs. Talbot ?" " Well, when I last heard," said Humfrey, " but I have not been at home. I only know wliat Will Cavendish and my Lord Talbot told me. I sent Diccon on to Bridgefield, and came out of the way to see you, lady," he concluded, with tlie same regard to actual circumstances that she had shown. " Oh, that was good !" she whispered, and they both seemed to feel a certain safety in avoiding personal subjects. Humfrey had the history of his voyage to narrate — to tell of little Diccon's gallant doings, and to exalt Sir Francis Drake's skill and bravery, and at last to let it ooze out, under Cis's eager questioning, that when his captain had died of fever on the His- paniola coast, and they had been overtaken by a tornado, Sir Francis had declared that it was Hum- frey's skill and steadfastness which had saved the ship and crew. " And it was that tornado," he said, " which stemmed the fever, and saved little Diccon's life. Oh ! when he lay moaning below, then was the time to long for my mother." Time sped on till the great hall clock made Cicely 352 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [cHAP. look up and say she feared that the ridtis would soon return, and then Humfrey knew that he must make sure to speak the words of warning he came to utter. He told, in haste, of his message to Queen Elizabeth, and of bis being sent on to Secretary Walsingham, adding, " But I saw not the great man, for he was closeted — with whom think you ? No other than Cuthbert Langston, whom Cavendish called by another ^«,me. It amazed me the more, because I had two days before met him in Westminster with Antony Babington, who presented him to me by his own name." " Saw you Antony Babington ?" asked Cis, raising her eyes to his face, but looking uneasy. " Twice, at Westminster, and again in Paul's Walk. Had you seen him since you have been here ?" " Not here, but at Tutbury. He came once, and I was invited to dine in the hall, because he brought recommendations from the Countess." There was a pause, and then, as if she had begun to take in the import of Humfrey's words, she added, " What said you ? That Mr. Langston was going between him and Mr. Secretary ?" "Not exactly that," and Humfrey repeated with more detail what he had seen of Langston, forbearinf; to ask any questions which Cicely might not be able to answer with honour ; but they had been too much together in childhood not to catch one another's mean- ing with half a hint, and she said, " I see why you came here, Humfrey. It was good and true and kind, befitting you. I will tell the Queen, If Langston be in it, there is sure to be treachery. But, indeed, I know nothing or well-nigh nothing." "I am glad of it," fervently exclaimed Humfrey. " No ; I only know that she has high hopes, and XXVI.] IN THE WEB. 353 thinks that the term of her captivity is well-nigh over. But it is Madame de Conrcelles whom she trusts, not me," said Cicely, a little hurt. " So is it much better for thee to know as little as possible," said Humfrey, growing intimate in tone again in spite of himself. " She hath not changed thee much, Cis, only thou art more grave and womanly, ay, and thou art taller, yea, and thinner, and paler, as I fear me thou mayest well be." " Ah, Humfrey, 'tis a poor joy to be a princess in prison ! And yet I shame me that I long to be away. Oh no, I would not. Mistress Seaton and Mrs. Curll and the rest might be free, yet they have borne this durance patiently all these years — and I think — I think she loves me a little, and oh ! she is hardly used. Humfrey, what think'st thou that Mr. Langston meant ? I wot now for certain that it was he who twice came to beset us, as Tibbott the huckster, and with the beads and bracelets ! They all deem him a true friend to my Queen." " So doth Babington," said Humfrey, curtly. " Ah ! " she said, with a little terrified sound of conviction, then added, " What thought you of Master Babington ?" " That he is half-crazed," said Humfrey. " We may say no more," said Cis, seeing a servant advancing from the house to tell her that the riders were returning. " Shall I see you again, Humfrey ?" " If Sir Amias should invite me to lie here to-night, and remain to-morrow, since it will be Sunday." "At least I sliall see you in the morning, ere you de- part," she said, as with unwilling yet prompt steps she returned to the house, Humfrey feeling that she was indeed his little Cis, yet that some change had come over 2 A 354 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. Ler, not so much altering her, as developing the capa- bilities he had always seen. For herself, poor child, her feelings were in a strange turmoil, more than usually conscious of that dual exist- ence which had tormented her ever since she had been made aware of her true birth. Moreover, she had a sense of impending danger and evil, and, by force of con- trast, the frank, open-hearted manner of Humfrey made her the more sensible of being kept in the dark as to serious matters, while outwardly made a pet and play- thing by her mother, "just like Bijou," as she said to herself. " So, little one," said Queen Mary, as she returned, " thou hast been revelling once more in tidings of Sheffield ! How long will it take me to polish away the dulness of thy clownish contact ? " " Humfrey does not come from home, madam, but from London. Madam, let me tell you in your ear " Mary's eye instantly took the terrified alert ex- pression which had come from many a shock and alarm. " What is it, child ? " she asked, however, in a voice of affected merriment. " I wager it is that he has found his true Cis. i^ay, wliisper it to me, if it touch thy silly little heart so deeply." Cicely knelt down, the Queen bending over her, while she murmured in her ear, " He saw Cuthbert Langston, by a feigned name, admitted to Mr. Secretary Walsing- ham's priv^y chamber." She fdt the viulent start this information caused, but the command of voice and counteaance was perfect. " What of that, mignonne ? " she said. " What knoweth he of this Langston, as thou callest him ?" "He is my — no — his father's kinsman, madam, XXVI.] IN THE WEB. 355 and is known to be but a plotter. Oh, surely, he is not in your secrets, madam, my mother, after that day at Tutbury ? " " Alack, my lassie, Gifford or Babington answered for him," said the Queen, " and he kens more than I could desire. But this Humfrey of thine ! How came he to blunder out such tidings to tliee ?" " It was no blunder, madam.' He came here of purpose." " Sure," exclaimed Mary, " it were too good to hope that he hath become well affected. He — a sailor of Drake's, a son of Master Eichard ! Hath Babington won him over ; or is it for thy sake, child ? For I bestowed no pains to cast smiles to him at Sheffield, even had he come in my way." " I think, madam," said Cicely, " that he is too loyal- hearted to bear the sight of treachery without a word of warning." " Is he so ? Then he is the first of his nation who hath been of such a mind ! Nay, mignonnc, deny not thy conquest. This is thy work." " I deny not that — that I am beloved by Humfrey," said Cicely, " for I have known it all my life ; but that goes for naught in what he deems it right to do." " There spoke so truly Mistress Susan's scholar that thou makest me laugh in spite of myself and all the rest. Hold him fast, my maiden ; think what thou wilt of his service, and leave me now, and send Melville and Curll to me." Cicely went away full of that undefined discomfort experienced by generous young spirits when their elders, more worldly-wise (or foolish), fail even to comprehend the purity or loftiness of motive in which they them- selves thoroughly believe. Yet, though she had in- 356 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. finitely more faith in Humfrey's aftection than she had in tliat of Babington, she had not by any means the same dread of being used to bait the hook for him, partly because she knew his integrity too well to expect to shake it, and partly because he was perfectly aware of her real birth, and could not be gulled with such delusive hopes as poor Antony might once have been. Humfrey meantime was made very welcome by Sir Amias Paulett, who insisted on his spending the next day, Sunday, at Chartley, and made him understand that he was absolutely welcome, as having a strong arm, stout heart, and clear brain used to command. " Trusty aid do I need," said poor Sir Amias, " if ever man lacked an arm of flesh. The Council is putting more on me than ever man had to bear, in an open place like this, hard to be defended, and they will not increase the guard lest they should give the alarm, forsooth ! " "What is it that you apprehend?" inquired Humfrey. " There's enough to apprehend when all the hot- headed Papists of Stafford and Derbyshire are waiting the signal to fire the outhouses and carry off this lady under cover of the confusion. Mr. Secretary swears they will not stir till the signal be given, and that it never will ; but such sort of fellows are like enough to mistake the sign, and the stress may come through their dillydallying to make all sure as they say, and then, if there be any mischance, I shall be the one to bear the blame. Ay, if it be their own work !" he added, speaking to himself, " Murder under trust ! That would serve as an answer to foreign princes, and my head would have to pay for it, however welcome it might be ! So, good Mr. Talbot, supposing any alarm XXVI.] IN THE WEB. 357 should arise, keep you close to the person of this lady, for there be those who would make the fray a colour for taking her life, under pretext of hindering her. from being carried off." It was no wonder that a warder in such circum- ■itances looked harassed and perplexed, and showed himself glad of being joined by any ally whom he could trust. In truth, harsh and narrow as he was, Paulett was too good and religious a man for the task that had been thrust on him, where loyal obedience, sense of expediency, and even religious fanaticism, were all in opposition to the primary principles of truth, mercy, and honour. He was, besides, in constant anxiety, living as he did between plot and counterplot, and with the certainty that emissaries of the Council surrounded him who would have no scruple in taking Mary's life, and leaving him to bear the blame, when Elizabeth would have to explain the deed to the other sovereigns of Europe. He disclosed almost all this to Humfrey, whose frank, trustworthy expression seemed to move him to unusual confidence. At supper -time another person appeared, whom Humfrey thought he had once seen at Sheffield — a thin, yellow -haired and bearded man, much marked with smaUpox, in the black dress of a lawyer, who sat above the houseliold servants, though below the salt. Paulett once drank to him with a certain air of patronage, calling him Master Phillipps, a name that came as a revelation to Humfrey. Phillipps was the decipherer who had, he knew, been employed to interpret Queen Mary's letters after tlie Norfolk plot. Were there, then, fresh letters of that unfortunate lady in his hands, or were any to be searched for and captured ? 358 UNKNOWN TO llIfcJTOJiY. [CHAP. CHAPTER XXVII. THE CASTLE WELL. " What vantage or wliat thing Gett'st thou thus for to sting, Thou false and flatt'ring liar ? Thj' tongue doth hurt, it's seen No less than arrows keen Or liot consuming fire." So sang the congregation in the chapel at Chaitley, in the strains of Sternhold and Hopkins, wliile Humfrey Talbot could not forbear from a misgiving whether these falsehoods were entirely on the side to which they were thus liberally attributed. Opposite to liim stood Cicely, in her dainty Sunday farthingale of white, embroidered with violet buds, and a green and violet boddice to match, holding herself with that unconscious royal bearing which had always distinguished her, but with an expression of care and anxiety drawing her dark brows nearer together as she bent over her book. She knew that her mother had left her bed with the earliest peep of summer dawn, and had met tlie two secretaries in her cabinet. There they were busy for hours, and she had only returned to her bed just as the household began to bestir itself. " My child," she said to Cicely, " I am about to put XXVII.] THE CASTLE WELL. 359 my life into thy keeping and that of this Talbot lad. If what he saith of this Langston be sooth, I am again betrayed, fool tliat I was to expect aught else. My life is spent in being betrayed. The fellow hath been a go-between in all that hath passed between Babington and me. If he hath uttered it to Walsingham, all is over with our hopes, and the window in whose sun- light I have been basking is closed for ever ! But some- thing may yet be saved. Something ? What do I say ? — The letters I hold here would give colour for taking my life, ay, and Babington's and Curll's, and many more. I trusted to have burnt them, but in this summer time there is no coming by fire or candle without suspicion, and if I tore tliem they might be pieced together, nay, and with addition. They must be carried forth and made away with beyond the ken of Paulett and his spies. Now, this lad hath some bowels of compassion and generous indignation. Thou wilt see him again, alone and unsuspected, ere he departs. Thou must deal with him to bear this packet away, and when he is far out of reach to drop it into the most glowing fire, or the deepest pool he can find. Tell him it may concern thy life and liberty, and he will do it, but be not simple enough to say ought of Babington." " He would be as like to do it for Babington as for any other," said Cis. The Queen smiled and said, " Nineteen years old, and know thus little of men." " I know Humfrey at least," said Cis. " Then deal with him after thy best knowledge, to make him convey away this perilous matter ere a search come upon us. Do it we must, maiden, not for thy poor mother's sake alone, but for tliat of 360 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [OHAP. many a faithful spirit outside, aud above all of poor Curll. Tliiuk of our Barbara ! Would that I could have sent her out of reach of our alarms and shocks, but Paulett is bent on penning us together like silly birds in the net. Still proofs will be wanting if thou canst get this youth to destroy this packet unseen. Tell him that I know his parents' son too well to offer him any meed save the prayers and blessings of a poor captive, or to fear that he would yield it for the largest reward Elizabeth's coffers could yield." " It shall be done, madam," said Cicely. But there was a strong purpose in her mind that Humfrey should not be implicated in the matter. When after dinner Sir Amias Paulett made his daily visit of inspection to the Queen, she begged that the young Talbots might be permitted another walk in the garden ; and when he replied that he did not approve of worldly pastime on the Sabbath, she pleaded the celebrated example of John Knox finding Calvin playing at bowls on a Sunday afternoon at Geneva, and thus absolutely prevailed on him to let them take a short walk together in brotherly lo^'e, while the rest of the household was collected in the hall to be catechised by the chaplain. So out they went together, but to Humfrey's sur- prise, Cicely walked on hardly speaking to him, so that he fancied at first that she must have had a lecture on her demeanour to him. She took him along the broad terrace beside the bowling-green, through some yew- tree walks to a stone wall, and a gate which proved to be locked. She looked much disappointel, but scanning the wall with her eye, said, " We have scaled walls together before now, and higher than this. Hum- frey, I cannot tell you why, but I must go over here." XXVII.] THE CASTLE WELL. 361 The wall was overgrown with stout branches of ivy, and though the Sunday farthingale was not very appropriate for climbing, Cicely's active feet and Humfrey's strong arm carried her safely to where she could jump down on the other side, into a sort of wilderness where thorn and apple trees grew among green mounds, heaps of stones and broken walls, the ruins of some old outbuilding of the former castle. There was only a certain trembling eagerness about her, none of the mirthful exultation that the recurrence of such an escapade with her old companion would naturally have excited, and all she said was, " Stand here, Humfrey; an you love me, follow me not. I will return anon." With stealthy step she disappeared behind a mound covered by a thicket of brambles, but Humfrey was much too anxious for her safety not to move quietly onwards. He saw her kneeling by one of those black yawning holes, often to be found in ruins, intent upon fastening a small packet to a stone ; he understood all in a moment, and drew back far enough to secure that no one molested her. There was something in this reticence of hers that touched him greatly ; it showed so entirely that she had learnt the lesson of loyalty wliich his father's influence had impressed, and likewise one of self-dependence. What was right for her to do for her mother and Queen might not be right for him, as an Englishman, to aid and abet ; and small as the deed seemed in itself, her thus silently taking it on herself ratlier than perplex him with it, added a certain esteem aiivl respect to the affection he had always had for her. She came back to him with bounding steps, as if with a lightened heart, and as he asked her what this strange place was, she explained that here were said ta 362 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. be the ruins of the former castle, and that beyond lay the ground where sometimes the party sliot at the butts. A little dog of Mary Seaton's had been lost the last time of their archery, and it was feared that he had fallen down the old well to which Cis now conducted Humfrey. There was a sound — long, hollow, rever- berating, when Humfrey threw a stone down, and when Cicely asked him, in an awestruck voice, whether he thought anything thrown there would ever be heard of more, he could well say that he believed not. She breathed freely, but they were out of bounds, and had to scramble back, which they did undetected,, and with much more mirth than the first time. Cicely was young enough to be glad to throw off her anxieties and forget them. She did not want to talk over the plots she only guessed at; -which were not to her exciting mysteries, but gloomy terrors into which she feared to look. Nor was she free to say much to Humfrey of what she knew. Indeed the rebound, and the satis- faction of having fulfilled her commission, had raised Cicely's spirits, so that she was altogether the bright childish companion Humfrey had known her before he went to sea, or royalty had revealed itself to her ; and Sir Amias Paulett would hardly have thought them solemn and serious enough for an edifying Sunday talk could he have heard them laughing over Humfrey's adventures on board ship, or her troubles in learning to dance in a high and disposed manner. She came in so glowing and happy that the Queen smiled and sighed, and called her her little milkmaid, commending her highly, however, for having disposed of the dangerous parcel unknown (as she believed) to her companion. " The fewer who have to keep counsel, the sickeier it is," she said. XXVII.] THE CASTLE WELL. 363 Humfrey meantime joined the rest of the house- hold, and comported himself at the evening sermon with such exemplary discretion as entirely to win the heart of Sir Amias Paulett, who thought him listening tc» Mr. Blunden's oft-divided headings, while he was in fact revolving on what pretext he could remain to pro- tect Cicely. The Knight gave him that pretext, when he spoke of departing early on Monday morning, offering him, or rather praying him to accept, the com- mand of the guards, whose former captain had been dismissed as untrustworthy. Sir Amias undertook that a special messenger should be sent to take a letter to Bridgefield, explaining Humfrey's delay, and asking permission from his parents to undertake the charge, since it was at this very crisis tliat he was especially in need of God-fearing men of full integrity. Then moved to confidence, the old gentleman disclosed that not only was he in fear of an attack on the house from the Eoman Catholic gentry in the neighbourhood, which was to take place as soon as Parma's ships were seen on the coast, but that he dreaded his own servants being tampered with by some whom he would not men- tion to take the life of the prisoner secretly. " It hath been mooted to me," he said, lowering his voice to a whisper, " that to take such a deed on me would be good service to the Queen and to religion, but I cast the thought from me. It can be nought but a deadly sin — accursed of God — and were I to con- sent, I should be the first to be accused." " It would be no better than the King of Spain himself," exclaimed Humfiey. " Even so, young man, and right glad am I to find one who thinks with me. For the other prac- tices, they are none of mine, and is it not written ' In 364 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP, the same pit which they laid privily is their foot taken ' 1 " " Then there are other practices ?" "Ask me no questions, Mr. Talbot. All will be known soon enough. Be content tliat I will lay no- thing on you inconsistent with the honour of a Chris- tian man, knowing that you will serve the Queen faithfully." Humfrey gave his word, resolving that he would warn Cicely to reckon henceforth on nothing on his part that did not befit a man in charge. xxvulJ hunting down the deee. 365 CHAPTER XXVIII. HUNTING DOWN THE DEEE. HuMTREY had been sworn in of the service of the Queen, and had been put in charge of the guard mus- tered at Cliartley for about ten days, during which he seldom saw Cicely, and wondered much not to have heard from home : when a stag-hunt was arranged to take place at the neighbouring park of Tickhill or Tix- all, belonging to Sir Walter Ash ton. The chase always invigorated Queen Mary, and she came down in cheerful spirits, with Cicely and Mary Seaton as her attendants, and with the two secretaries, Nau and Curll, heading the other attendants. " Now," she said to Cicely, " shall I see this swain, or this brother of thine, who hath done us such good service, and I promise you there will be more in my greeting than will meet Sir Amias's ear." But to Cicely's disappointment Humfrey was not among the horsemen mustered at the door to attend and guard the Queen. " My little maid's eye is seeking for her brother," said Mary, as Sir Amias advanced to assist her to her horse. " He hath another charge which will keep him at home," replied Paulett, somewhat gruffly, and they rode ou. 366 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. 1 1 was a beautiful day in early August, the trees in full foliacje, the fields seen here and there through them assuming their amber harvest tints, the twin spires of Lichfield rising in the distance, the park and forest ground through which the little hunting-party rode rich with purple heather, illuminated here and there with a bright yellow spike or star, and the rapid motion of her brisk palfrey animated the Queen. She began to hope that Humfrey had after all brought a false alarm, and that either he had been mistaken or that Langston was deceiving the Council itself, and though Sir Amias Paulett's close proximity held her silent, those who knew her best saw that her indomit- ably buoyant spirits were rising, and she hummed to herself the refrain of a gay French hunting-song, with the more zest perhaps that her warder held himself trebly upright, stiff and solemn under it, as one who thought such lively tunes equally unbefitting a lady, a queen, and a captive. So at least Cis imagined as she watched them, little guessing that there might be deeper reasons of compassion and something like com- punction to add to the gravity of the old knight's face. As they came in siglit of the gate of Tickhill Park, they became aware of a company whose steel caps and shouldered arquebuses did not look like those of hunts- men. Mary bounded in her saddle ; she looked round at her little suite with a glance of exultation in her eye, which said as plainly as words, " My brave friends, the hour has come !" and she quickened her steed, expecting, no doubt, that she might have to outride Sir Amias in order to join them. One gentleman came forward from the rest. He held a parchment in his hand, and as soon as he was alongside ol the Queen thus read : — XXVIII.] HUNTING DOWN THE DEER. 367 "Mary, late Queen of Scots and Queen Dowager of France, I, Thomas Gorges, attaint thee of high treason and of compassing the life of our most Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth, in company with Antony Babington, John Ballard, Chidiock Tichborne, Eobert Barnwell, and others." Mary held up her hands, and raised her eyes to Heaven, and a protest was on her lips, but Gorges cut it short with, " It skills not denying it, madam. The proofs are in our hands. I have orders to conduct you to Tickhill, while seals are put on your effects." " That there may be proofs of your own making," said the Queen, with" dignity. " I have experience of that mode of judgment. So, Sir Amias Paulett, the chase you lured me to was truly of a poor hunted doe whom you think you have run down at last. A worthy chase indeed, and of long continuance !" " I do but obey my orders, madam," said Paulett, gloomily. " Oh ay, and so does the sleuth-hound," said Mary. " Your Grace must be pleased to ride on with me," said Mr. Gorges, laying his hand on her bridle. " What are you doing with those gentlemen ? " cried Mary, sharply reining in her horse, as she saw Nan and Curll surrounded by the armed men. " They will be dealt with after her Majesty's plea- sure," returned Paulett. Mary dropped her rein and threw up her hands with a gesture of despair, but as Gorges was leading her away, she turned on her saddle, and raised her voice to call out, " Farewell, my true and faithful servants ! Betide what may, your mistress will remember you in her prayers. Curll, we will take care of your wife." And she waved her hand to them as they were 368 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. made, with a strong guard, to ride off in the direction of Lichfield. All the way to Tickhill, whither she was conducted with Gorges and Paulett on either side of her horse, Cis could hear her pleading for consider- ation for poor Barbara Curll, for whose sake she forgot her own dignity and became a suppliant. Sir Walter Ashton, a dull heavy-looking country gentleman of burly form and ruddy countenance, stood at his door, and somewhat clownishly offered his ser- vices to hand her from her horse. She submitted passively tiU she had reached the upper chamber which had been prepared for her, and there, turning on the three gentlemen, demanded the meaning of this treatment. " You will soon know, madam," said Paulett. " I am sorry that thus it should be." "Thus !" repeated Mary, scornfully. "AVhat means this?" " It means, madam," said Gorges, a ruder man of less feeling even than Paulett, " that your practices with recusants and seminary priests have been detected. The traitors are in the Counter, and will shortly be brought to judgment for the evil purposes which have been frustrated by the mercy of Heaven." " It is well if treason against my good sister's person have been detected and frustrated," said Mary ; " but how doth that concern me ? " " That, madam, the papers at Cbartley wiU show," returned Gorges. " Meantime you will remain here, till her Majesty's pleasure be known." " Where, then, are my women and my servants ? " inquired the Queen. " Your Grace will be attended by the servants of Sir Walter Ashton." XXVIII.] HUNTING DOWN THE DEER. 369 •'Gentlemen, this is not seemly," said Mary, the colour coming hotly into her face. " I know it is not the will of my cousin, the Queen of England, that I should remain here without any woman to attend me, nor any change of garments. You are exceeding j our commission, and she shall hear of it." Sir Amias Paulett here laid his hand on Gorges' arm, and after exchanging a few words with him, said — ■ " Madam, this young lady. Mistress Talbot, being simple, and of a loyal house, may remain with you for the present. For the rest, seals are put on all your effectB at Chartley, and nothing can be removed from thence, but what is needful will be supplied by my Lady Ashton. I bid your Grace farewell, craving your pardon for what may have been hasty in this." Mary stood in the centre of the floor, full of her own peculiar injured dignity, not answering, but making a low ironical reverence. Mary Seaton fell on her knees, clung to the Queen's dress, and declared that while she lived, she would not leave her mistress. " Endure this also, ma mie," said the Queen, in French. " Give them no excuse for using violence. They would not scruple " and as a demonstration to hinder French-speaking was made by the gentlemen, " Fear not for me, I shall not be alone." " I understand your Grace and obey," said Mary Seaton, rising, with a certain bitterness in her tone, Avhich made Mary say — " Ah ! why must jealousy mar the fondest affection ? Eemember, it is their choice, not mine, my Seaton, friend of my youth. Bear my loving gi'eetings to all. And take care of poor Barbara !" " Madam, there must be no private messages," said Paulett. " I send no messages save what you yourself may 2 B 370 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP hear, sir/' replied the Queen. " My greetings to my faithful servants, and my entreaty that all care and tenderness may be shown to Mrs. Curll." " I will bear them, madam," said the knight, " and so I commend you to God's keeping, praying that He may send you repentance. Believe me, madam, I am sorry that this has been put upon me." To this Mary only replied by a gesture of dismissal. The three gentlemen drew back, a key grated in the lock, and the mother and daughter were left alone. To Cicely it was a terrible hopeless sound, and even to her mother it was a lower depth of wretche(iness. She had been practically a captive for nearly twenty years. She had been insulted, watched, guarded, coerced, but never in this manner locked up before. She clasped her hands together, dropped on her knees at the table that stood by her, and hid her face. So she continued till she was roused by the sound of Cicely's sobs. Frightened and oppressed, and new to all terror and sorrow, the girl had followed her example in kneeling, but the very attempt to pray brought on a fit of weeping, and the endeavour to restrain what might disturb the Queen only rendered the sobs more choking and strangling, till at last Mary heard, and coming towards her, sat down on the floor, gathered her into her arms, and kissing her forehead, said, " Poor bairnie, and did she weep for her mother ? Have the sorrows of her house come on her ?" " mother, I could not help it ! I meant to have comforted you," said Cicely, between her sobs. " And so thou dost, my child. Unwittingly they have left me that which was most precious to me." There was consolation in the fondness of the loving embrace, at least to such sorrows as those of the XXVIII.] HUNTING DOWN THE DEER. 371 maiden ; and Queen Mary liad an inalienable power of charming the will and affections of those in contact with her, so that insensibly there came into Cicely's heart a sense that, so far from weeping, she should rejoice at being the one creature left to console her mother, " And," she said by and by, looking ap with a smile, " they must go to the bottom of the old well to find anything." " Hush, lassie. Never speak above thy breath in a prison till thou know'st whether walls have ears. And, apropos, let us examine what sort of a prison they have given us this time." So saying Mary rose, and leaning on her daughter's arm, proceeded to explore her new abode. Like her apartment at the Lodge, it was at the top of the house, a fashion not uncommon when it was desirable to make the lower regions defensible ; but, whereas she had always hitherto been placed in the castles of the highest nobility, she was now in that of a country knight of no great wealth or refinement, and, moreover, taken by surprise. So the plenishing was of the simplest. The walls were covered with tapestry so faded that the pattern could hardly be detected. The hearth yawned dark and dull, and by it stood one chair with a moth-eaten cushion. A heavy oaken table and two forms were in the middle of the room, and there was the dreary, fusty smell of want of habitation. The Queen, whose instincts for fresh air were always a distress to her ladies, sprang to the mullioned window, but the heavy lattice defied all her efforts. " Let us see the rest of our dominions," she said, turning to a door, which led to a still more gloomy 372 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. bedroom, where the only articles of fun.itnre were a great carved bed, with curtains of some undefined dark colour, and an oaken chest. The window was a mere slit, and even more impracticable than that of the outer room. However, tliis did not seem to hor- rify Mary so much as it did her daughter. " They cannot mean to keep us here long," she said ; " perhaps only for the day, while they make their search — their unsuccessful search — thanks to — we know whom, little one." " I hope so ! How could we sleep there ? " said Cicely, looking with a shudder at tlie bed. " Tush ! I have seen worse in Scotland, mignonne, ay and when I was welcomed as liege lady, not as a cap)tive. I have slept in a box like a coffin with one side open, and I have likewise slept on a plaidie on the braw purple blossoms of freshly pulled heather ! Nay, the very thought makes this cliamber doubly mouldy and stifling ! Let the old knight beware. If he open not his window I shall break it ! Soft. Here he comes." Sir Walter Ashton appeared, louting low, looking half- dogged, half- sheepish, and escorting two heavy- footed, blue-coated serving-men, who proceeded to lay the cloth, which at least had the merit of being per- fectly clean and white. Two more brought in covered silver dishes, one of which contained a Yorkshire pudding, the other a piece of roast-beef, apparently calculated to satisfy five hungry men. A flagon of sack, a tankard of ale, a dish of apples, and a large loaf of bread, completed the meal ; at which the Queen and Cicely, accustomed daily to a first table of six- teen dishes and a second of nine, compounded by her Grace's own French cooks and pantlers, looked with a XXVIII.] HUNTING DOWN THE DEER. 373 certain amused dismay, as Sir Walter, standing by the table, produced a dagger from a sheath at his belt, and took up with it first a mouthful of the pudding, then cut off a corner of the beef, finished off some of the bread, and having swallowed these, as well as a draught of each of the liquors, said, " Good and sound meats, not tampered with, as I hereby testify. You take us suddenly, madam ; but I thank Heaven, none ever found us unprovided. Will it please you to fall to ? Your woman can eat after you," Mary's courtesy was unfailing, and though she felt all a Frenchwoman's disgust at the roast-beef of old England, she said, " We are too close companions not to eat together, and I fear she will be the best trencher comrade, for, sir, I am a woman sick and sorrowful, and have little stomach for meat." As Sir Walter carved a huge red piece from the ribs, she could not help shrinking back from it, so that he said with some affront, " You need not be queasy, madam, it was cut from a home-fed bullock, only killed three days since, and as prime a beast as any in Stafford." " Ah ! yes, sir. It is not the fault of the beef, but of my feebleness. Mistress Talbot will do it reason. But I, methinks I could eat better were the windows opened." But Sir Walter replied that these windows were not of the new-fangled sort, made to open, that honest men might get rheums, and foolish maids prate there- from. So there was no hope in that direction. He really seemed to be less ungracious than utterly clownish, dull, and untaught, and extremely shy and embarrassed with his prisoner. Cicely poured out some wine, and persuaded her to 374 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. dip some bread in, which, with an apple, was all she could taste. However, the fare, though less nicely served than by good Mrs. Susan, was not so alien to Cicely, and she was of an age and constitution to be made hungry by anxiety and trouble, so that — encouraged by the Queen whenever she would have desisted — she ended by demolishing a reasonable amount. Sir Walter stood all the time, looking on moodily and stolidly, with his cap in his hand. The Queen tried to talk to him, and make inquiries of him, but he had probably steeled himself to her blandishments, for nothing but gruff monosyllables could be extracted from him, except when he finally asked what she would be pleased to have for supper. " Mine own cook and pantler have hitherto pro- vided for me. They would save your household the charge, sir," said Mary, " and I would be at charges for them." "Madam, I can bear the charge in the Queen's service. Your black guard are under ward. And if not, no French jackanapes shall ever brew his messes in my kitchen ! Command honest English fare, madam, and if it be within my compass, you shall have it. No one shall be stinted in Walter Ash ton's house ; but I'll not away with any of your • outlandish kickshaws. Come, what say you to eggs and bacon, madam ? " "As you will, sir," replied IVfary, listlessly. And Sir Walter, opening the door, shouted to his serving-man, who speedily removed the meal, he going last and making his clumsy reverence at the door, which he locked behind him. " So," said Mary, " I descend ! I have had the statesman, the earl, the courtly knight, the pedantic XXVIII.] HUNTING DOWN THE DEER. '375 Huguenot, for my warders. Now am I come to tlie clown. Soon will it be the duncfeon and the headsman." " dear madam mother, speak not thus," cried. Cicely. " Eemember they can find nothing against you." " They can make what they cannot find, my poor child. If they thirst for my blood, it will cost them little to forge a plea. Ah, lassie ! there have been tunes when nothing but my cousin Elizabeth's con- science, or her pity, stood between me and doom. If she be brought to think that I have compassed her death, why then there is naught for it but to lay my head on the same pillow as Norfolk and More and holy Fisher, and many another beside. Well, be it so ! I shall die a martyr for the Holy Church, and thus may I atone by God's mercy for my many sins ! Yea, I offer myself a sacrifice," she said, folding her hands and looking upward with a light on her face. " do Thou accept it, and let my sufferings purge away my many misdeeds, and render it a pure and acceptable offering unto Thee, Child, child," she added, turning to Cicely, " would that thou wert of my faith, then couldst thou pray for me." " mother, mother, I can do that. I do pray foi thee." And hand in hand, with tears often rising, they knelt while Mary repeated in broken voice the Miserere. 376 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. CHAPTER XXIX. THE SEARCH. HUMFREY had been much disappointed, when, instead of joining the hunt, Sir Amias Paulett bade him undertake the instruction of half a dozen extremely awkward peasants, who had been called in to increase the guard, but who did not know how to shoulder, load, or fire an arquebus, had no command of their own limbs, and, if put to stand sentry, would quite innocently loll in the nearest corner, and go to sleep. However, he reflected that if he were resident in the same house as Cicely he could not expect opportunities to be daily made for their meeting, and he addressed himself with all his might to the endeavour to teach his awkward squad to stand upright for five minutes together. Sturdy fellows as they were, he had not been able to hinder them from lopping over in all directions, when horses were heard approaching. Every man of them, regardless of discipline, lumbered off to stare, and Humfrey, after shouting at them in vain, and wishing he had them all on board ship, gave up the endeavour to recall them, and followed their example, repairing to the hall-door, wlien he found Sir Amias Paulett dis- mounting, together with a clerkly-looking personage, attended by Will Cavendish. Mary Seaton was being XXIX.] THE SEARCH. 377 assisted from her horse, evidently in great grief; and others of the personal attendants of Mary w^ere there, but neither herself, Cicely, nor the Secretaries. Before he had time to ask questions, his old com- panion came up to him. " You here still, Humfrey ! Well ! You have come in for the outburst of the train you scented out when you were with us in London, though I could not then speak explicitly." " What mean you ? Where is Cicely ? Where is the Queen of Scots ? " asked Humfrey anxiously. Sir Amias Paulett heard him, and replied, " Your sister is safe. Master Talbot, and with the Queen of Scots at Tixall Castle. We permitted her attend- ance, as being young, simple, and loyal ; she is less like to serve for plots than her elders in that lady's service." Sir Amias strode on, conducting with . him his guest, whom Cavendish explained to be Mr. Wade, sworn by her Majesty's Council to take possession of Queen Mary's effects, and there make search for evidence of the conspiracy. Cavendish followed, and Humfrey took leave to do the same. The doors of the Queen's apartment were opened at the summons of Sir Amias Paulett, and Sir Andrew Melville, Mistress Kennedy, Marie de Courcelles, and the rest, stood anxiously demanding what was become of their Queen. They were briefly and harshly told that her foul and abominable plots and conspiracies against the life of the Queen, and the peace of the Kingdom, had been brought to light, and that she was under secure ward. Jean Kennedy demanded to be taken to her at once, but Paulett replied, " That must not be, madam. We have strict commands to keep her secluded from aU." 378 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAP. Marie de Courcelles screamed akiid and wrung her hands, crying, " If ye have slain her, only tell us quickly ! " Sir Andrew Melville gTavely protested against such a barbarous insult to a Queen of Scot- land and France, and was answered, " No queen, sir, but a State criminal, as we shall presently show." Here Barbara Curll pressed forward, asking wildly for her husband ; and AYade replying, with brutal brevity, that he was taken to London to be examined for his practices before the Council, the poor lady, well knowing that examination often meant torture, fell back in a swoon. " We shall do nothing with all these women crying and standing about," said Wade impatiently; "have them all away, while we put seals on the effects." " Kay, sirs," said Jean Kennedy. " Suffer me first to send her Grace some changes of garments." " I tell thee, woman," said Wade, " our orders are precise ! Not so much as a kerchief is to be taken from these chambers till search hath been made. We know what practices may lurk in the smallest rag." " It is barbarous ! It is atrocious ! The King of France shall hear of it," shrieked Marie de Courcelles. " The King of France has enough to do to take care of himself, my good lady," returned Wade, Avith a sneer. " Sir," said Jean Kennedy, with more dignity, turn- ing to Sir Amias Paulett, " I cannot believe that it can be by the orders of the Queen of England, herself a woman, that my mistress, her cousin, should be de- prived of all attendance, and even of a change of linen. Such unseemly commands can never have been issued from herself." " She is not without attendance," rephed the knight, XXIX.] THE SEARCH. 379 " tlie little Talbot wench is with her, and for the rest, Sir Walter and Lady Ashton have orders to supply her needs during her stay among them. She is treated with all honour, and is lodged in the best chambers," he added, consolingly. "We must dally no longer," called out Wade. " Have away all this throng into ward, Sir Amias. We can do nothing with them here." There was no help for it. Sir Andrew Melville did indeed pause to enter his protest, but that, of course, went for nothing with the Commissioners, and Himifrey was ordered to conduct them to the upper gallery, there to await further orders. It was a long passage, in the highly pointed roof, with small chambers on either side which could be used when there was a press of guests. There was a steep stair, as the only access, and it could be easily guarded, so Sir Amias directed Humfrey to post a couple of men at the foot, and to visit and relieve them from time to time. It was a sad procession that climbed up those narrow stairs, of those faithful followers who were sejDarated from their Queen for the first time. The servants of lower rank were merely watched in their kitchen, and not allowed to go beyond its courtyard, but were permitted to cook for and wait on the others, and bring them such needful furniture as was required. Humfrey was very sorry for them, having had some acquaintance with them all his life, and he was dis- mayed to find himself, instead of watching over Cicely, separated from her and made a jailer against his will. And when he returned to the Queen's apartments, he found Cavendish holding a taper, while Paulett and Wade were vigorously aflixiug cords, fastened at each 380 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. end by huge red seals bearing the royal arms, to every receptacle, and rudely plucking back the curtains that veiled the ivory crucifix. Sir Amias's zeal would have "plucked down the idol," as he said, but Wade re- strained him by reminding him that all injmy or damage was forbidden. Not till all was sealed, and a guard had been stationed at the doors, would the Commissioners taste any dinner, and then their conversation was brief and guarded, so that Humfrey could discover little. He did, indeed, catch the name of Babington in connection with the " Counter prison," and a glance of inquiry to Cavendish, with a nod in return, showed him that his suspicions were correct, but he learnt little or nothing more till the two, together with Phillipps, drew to- gether in the deep window, with wine, apples, and pears on the ledge before them, for a private discussion. Humfrey went away to see that the sentries at the staircase were relieved, and to secure that a sufficient meal for the unfortunate captives in the upper stories had been allowed to pass. Will Cavendish went with him. He had known these ladies and gentlemen far more intimately than Humfrey had done, and allow (id that it was harsh measure that they suffered for their fidelity to their native sovereign, " No harm will come to them in the end," he said, " but what can we do ? That very faithfulness would lead them to traverse our purposes did we not shut them up closely out of reach of meddling, and there is no other place where it can be done." "And what are these same purposes?" asked Humfrey, as, having fulfilled his commission, the two young men strolled out into the garden and threw themselves on the gTass, close to a large mulberry-tree, XXIX.] THE SEARCH. 381 whose luscious fruit dropped round, and hung m it-bin easy reach. " To trace out all the coils of as villainous and bloodthirsty a plot as ever was hatched in a traitor's brain," said Will ; " but they little knew that we over- looked their designs the whole time. Thou wast mystified in London, honest Humfrey, I saw it plainly; but I might not then speak out," he added, with all his official self-importance. " And poor Tony hath brought himself within compass of the law ?" " Verily you may say so. But Tony Babington always was a fool, and a wrong-headed fool, who was sure to ruin himself sooner or later. You remember the decoy for the wild-fowl ? Well, never was silly duck or goose so ready to swim into the nets as was he !" " He always loved this Queen, yea, and the old faith." " He sucked in the poison with his mother's milk, you may say. Mrs. Babington was naught but a concealed Papist, and, coming from her, it cost nothing to this Queen to beguile him when he was a mere lad, and make him do her errands, as you know full well Then what must my Lord Earl do but send him to that bitter Puritan at Cambridge, who turned him all the more that way, out of very contradiction. My Lord thought him cured of his Popish inclinations, and never guessed tliey had only led him among those who taught him to dissemble." " And that not over well," said Humfrey. " My father never trusted him." " And would not give him your sister. Yea, but the counterfeit was good enough for my Lord who sees nothing but what is before his nose, and 382 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. for my mother who sees nothing but what she vjill see. Well, he had fallen in with those who deem this same Mary our only lawful Queen, and would fain set her on the throne to bring back fire and faggot by the Spanish sword among us." " I deemed him well-nigh demented with brooding over her troubles and those of his church." "Demented in verity. His folly was surpassing. He put his faith in a recusant priest — one John Ballard — who goes ruffling about as Captain Fortescue in velvet hose and a silver-laced cloak." "Ha!" " Hast seen him ?" "Ay, in company with Babington, on the day I came to London, passing through Westminster." " Very like. Their chief place of meeting was at a house at Westminster belonging to a fellow named Gage. We took some of them there. Well, this Ballard teaches poor Antony, by way of gospel truth, that 'tis the mere duty of a good Catholic to slay the enemies of the church, and that he who kills our gracious Queen, whom God defend, will do the holiest deed ; just as they gulled the fellow, who murdered the Prince of Orange, and then died in torments, deeming himself a holy martyr." " But it was not Babington whom I saw at Bich- mond." " Hold, I am ooniing to that. Let me tell you the Queen bore it in mind, and asked after you. Well, Babington has a number of friends, as hot-brained and fanatical as himself, and when once he had swallowed the notion of privily murdering the Queen, he got so enamoured of it, that he swore in five more to aid him in the enterprise, and then what must they do but have XXIX.] THE SEARCH. 383 all their portraits taken in one picture with a Latin motto around tliem. What ! Thou hast seen it ?" " He showed it to me in Paul's AValk, and said I should hear of them, and I thought one of them mar- vellously like the fellow I had seen in Itichmoud Park." " So thought her Majesty. But more of that anon. On the self-same day as the Queen was to be slain by these sacrilegious wretches, another band was to fall on this place, free the lady and proclaim her, while the Prince of Parma landed from the Netherlands and brought fire and sword with him." " And Antony would have brought this upon us?" said Humfrey, still slow to believe it of his old com- rade. " All for the true religion's sake," said Cavendish. " They were riuging bells and giving thanks, for the discovery and baffling thereof, when we came down from London." " As well they might," said Humfrey. " But how was it detected and overthrown ? Was it through Langston ?" " Ah, ha ! we had had the strings in our hands all along. Why, Langston, as thou namest him, though we call him Maude, and a master spy called Gilford, have kept us warned thoroughly of every stage in the busi- ness. Maude even contrived to borrow the picture under colour of getting it .blessed by the Pope's agent, and lent it to Mr. Secretary Walsingham, by whom it \'^as privily shown to the Queen. Thereby she recognised the rogue Barnwell, an Irishman it seems, when she was walking in the Park at Eichmond with only her women and Sir Christopher Hatton, who is better at dancing than at fighting. Not a sign did she give, but she kept liim in check with her royal eye, so that lie 384 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CIL^P. durst not so much as draw his pistol fiom his cloak; but she owned afterwards to my Lady Norris that she could have kissed you when you came between, and all the more, when you caught her meaning and fol- lowed her bidding silently. You will hear of it again, Humps." " However that may be, it is a noble thing to have seen such courage in a woman and a queen. But how could thej^ let it go so near ? I could shudder now to tliink of the risk to her person ! " " There goes more to policy than you yet wot of," said Will, in his patronising tone. " In truth, Barn- well had started off unknowm to his comrades, hoping to have the glory of the achievement all to himself by forestalling them, or else Mr. Secretary would have been warned in time to secure the Queen." " But wlierefore leave these traitors at large to work mischief ? " " See you not, you simple Humfrey, that, as I said methinks some time since, it is well sometimes to give a rogue rope enough and he will haug himself ? Close the trap too soon, and you miss the biggest rat cf all. So we waited until the prey seemed shy and about to escape. Babington had, it seems, suspected Maude or Langston, or whatever you call him, and had ridden out of town, hiding in St. John's Wood with some of his fellows, till they were starved out, and trying to creep into some outbuildings at Harrow, were there taken, and brought into London the morning \ve came away. Ballard, the blackest villain of all, is likewise in ward, and here we are to complete our evidence." " Nay, throughout all yon have said, I have heard nothing to explain this morning's work." Will laughed outright. " And so you think all this XXIX.] THE SEARCH. 385 would have Leen clone without a word from their liege lady, the princess they all wanted to deliver from captivity ! No, no, sir ! 'Twas thus. There's an honest man at Burton, a hrewer, who sends beer week by week for this house, and very good ale it is, as I can testify. I wish I had a tankard of it here to qualify these mulberries. This same brewer is instructed by Gifford, whose uncle lives in these parts, to fit a false bottom to one of his barrels, wherein is a box fitted for the receipt of letters and parcels. Then by some means, through Langston I believe, Babington and Gifford made known to the Queen of Scots and the French ambassador that here was a sure way of sending and receiving letters. The Queen's butler, old Hannibal, was to look in the bottom of the barrel with the yellow hoop, and one Barnes, a familiar of Gifford and Babing- ton, undertook the freight at the other tJiid. The ambassador, M. de Chateauneuf, seemed to doubt at first, and sent a single letter by way of experiment, and that having been duly delivered and answered, the bait was swallowed, and not a week has gone by but letters have come and gone from hence, all being first opened, copied, and deciphered by worthy Mr. Phillipps, and every word of them laid before the Council." " Hum ! We should not have reckoned tliat fair play when we went to Master Sniggius's," observed Hum- frey, as he heard his companion's tone of exultation. '' Fair play is a jewel that will not pass current in statecraft," responded Cavendish. " Moreover, that the plotter should be plotted against is surely only his desert. But thou art a mere sailor, my Talbot, and these subtilties of policy are not for thee." " For the which Heaven be praised !" said Humfrey. " Yet having, as you say, read all tht^se letters by th(* 2 c 386 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CIUP. way, 1 see not wherefore ye are come down to seek foi more." Will here imitated the Lord Treasurer's nod as well as in him lay, not perhaps himself knowing the darker recesses of this same plot. He did know so much as that every stage in it had been revealed to "Walsingham and Burghley as it proceeded. He did not know that the entire scheme had been hatched, not by a blind and fanatical partisan of Mary's, doing evil that what he sup- posed to be good might come, but by Gilford and Morgan, Walsingham's agents, for the express purpose of causing Mary totally to ruin herself, and to compel Elizabeth to put her to death, and that the unhappy Babington and his friends were thus recklessly sacrificed. The assassin had even been permitted to appear in Eliza- beth's presence in order to terrify her into the convic- tion that her life could only be secured by Mary's death. They, too, did evil that good might come, thinking Mary's death alone could ensure them from Pope and Spaniard ; but surely they descended into a lower depth of iniquity than did their victims. Will himself was not certain what was wanted among the Queen's papers, unless it might be the actual letters from Babington, copies of which had been given by Phillipps to the Council, so he only looked sagacious ; and Humfrey thought of the Castle Well, and felt the satisfaction there is in seeing a hunted creature escape. He asked, however, about Cuthbert Langston, saying, " He is — woi'se luck, as you may have heard — akin to my father, who always pitied him as misguided, but thought him as sincere in his folly as ever was this imlucky Babington." " So he seems to have been till of late. He hovered about in sundry disguises, as you knciw, much to the XXIX.] THE SEARCH. 387 torment of us all ; but finally he seems to have taken some umbrage at the lady, thinking she flouted his services, or did not pay him high enough for them, and Gifford bought him over easily enough ; but he goes with us by the name of Maude, and the best of it is that the poor fools thought he was hoodwinking us all the time. They never dreamt that we saw through them like glass. Babington was himself, with Mr. Secretary only last week, offering to go to France on business for him — the traitor ! Hark ! there are more sounds of horse hoofs. Who comes now, I marvel !" This was soon answered by a serving-man, who hurried out to tell Humfrey that his father was arrived, and in a few moments the young man was blessed and embraced by the good Eichard, while Diccon stood by, considerably repaired in flesh and colour by his brief stay under his mother's care. Mr. Eichard Talbot was heartily welcomed by Sir Amias Paulett, who regretted that his daughter was out of reach, but did not make any offer of facilitating their meeting. Richard explained that he was on his way to London on behalf of the Earl. Eeports and letters, not very clear, had reached Sheffield of young Babing- ton being engaged in a most horrible conspiracy against the Queen and country, and my Lord and my Lady, who still preserved a great kindness for their former ward, could hardly believe it, and had sent their useful and trustworthy kinsman to learn the truth, and to find out whether any amount of fine or forfeiture would avail to save his life. Sir Amias thought it would be a fruitless errand, and so did Eichard himself, when he had heard as nmch of the history as it suited Paulett and Wade to 388 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. toll, and though they esteemed and trusted him, they did not care to go beneath that outer surface of the plot which was filling all London with fury. When, having finished their after-dinner repose, they repaired to make farther search, taking Cavendish to assist, they somewhat reluctantly thought it due to Mr. Talbot to invite his presence, but he declined. He and his son had much to say to one another, he observed, and not long to say it in. " Besides," he added, when he found himself alone with Humfrey,having despatched Diccon on some errand to the stables, " 'tis a sorry sight to see all the poor Lady's dainty hoards turned out by strangers. If it must be, it must, but it would irk me to be an idle gazer thereon." " I would only," said Humfrey, " be assured that they would not light on the proofs of Cicely's birth." '•' Thou mayst be at rest on that score, my son. The Lady saw them, owned them, and bade thy mother keep them, saying ours were safer hands than hers. Thy mother was sore grieved, Humfrey, when she saw thee not ; but she sends thee her blessing, and saith thou dost right to stay and watch over poor little Cis." " It were well if I were watching over her," said Humfrey, " but she is mewed up at Tixall, and I am only keeping guard over poor Mistress Seaton and the rest." " Thou hast seen her V " Yea, and she was far more our own sweet maid , than when she came back to us at Bridgefield." And Humfrey told his father all he had to tell of what he had seen and heard since he had been at Chartley. His adventures in London had already been made known by Diccon, Mr. Talbot was aghast, per- XXIX.] THE SEARCH. 389 haps most of all at finding that his cousin Cuthbert was a double traitor. From the Eoman Catholic point of view, there had been no treason in his former machi- nations on behalf of Mary, if she were in his eyes his rightful sovereign, but the betrayal of confidence reposed in him was so horrible that the good Master Eichard refused to believe it, till he had heard the proofs again and again, and then he exclaimed, " That such a Judas should ever call cousin with us !" There could be little hope, as both agreed, of saving the unfortunate victims ; but Eichard was all the more bent on fulfilling Lord Shrewsbury's orders, and doing his utmost for Babington. As to Humfrey, it would be better that he should remain where he was, so that Cicely might have some protector near her in case of any sudden dispersion of Mary's suite. " Poor maiden ! " said her foster-father, " she is in a manner ours, and we cannot but watch over her; but after all, I doubt me whether it had not been better for her and for us, if the waves had beaten the little life out of her ere I carried her home." " She hath been the joy of my life," said Humfrey, low and hoarsely. " And I fear me she will be the sorrow of it. Not by her fault, poor wench, but what hope canst thou have, my son ?" " None, sir," said Humfrey, " except of giving up all if I can so defend her from aught." He spoke in a quiet matter-of-fact way that made his father look with some inquiry at his gTave settled face, quite calm, as if saying nothing new, but expressing a long- formed quiet purpose. Nor, though Humfrey was his eldest son and heir, did Eichard Talbot try to cross it. 390 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. He asked whether he might see Cicely before going on to London, but Sir Aniias said that in that case slie would not be allowed to return to the Queen, and that to have had any intercourse with the prisoners might overthrow all his designs in London, and he therefore only left with Humfrey liis commendations to her, with a pot of fresh honey and a lavender-scented set of kerchiefs from Mistress Susan. XXX.] TiTE-A-xilTE. 391 CHAPTER XXX T^TE-A-TETK During that close imprisonment at Tixall Cicely learnt to know her mother both in her strength and weakness. They were quite alone, except that Sir Walter Ashton daily came to perform the office of taster and carver at their meals, and on the first even- ing his wife dragged herself upstairs to superintend the arrangement of their bedroom, and to supply them with toilette requisites according to her own very limited notions and possessions. The Dame was a very homely, hard-featured lady, deaf, and extremely fat and heavy, one of the old uncultivated rustic gentry who had lagged far behind the general civilisation of tlie country, and regarded all refinements as effeminate French vanities. She believed, likewise, all that was said against Queen Mary, whom she looked on as barely restrained from plunging a dagger into Elizabeth's heart, and letting Parma's hell-hounds loose upon Tix- all. To have such a guest imposed on her was no small grievance, and nothing but her husband's absolute mandate could have induced her to come up with the m.iids who brought sheets for the bed, pillows, and the like needments. Mary tried to make her requests as moderate as necessity would permit ; but when they 392 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAP. had been shouted into her ears by one of the maids, she shook her head at most of them, as articles unknown to her. Nor did she ever appear again. The arrange- ment of the bed-chamber was performed by two maid- servants, the Knight himself meanwhile standing a grim sentinel over the two ladies in the outer apart- ment to hinder their holding any communication through the servants. All requests had to be made to him, and on the first morning Mary made a most urgent one for writing materials, books, and either needlework or spinning. Pen and ink had been expressly forbidden, the only book in the house was a thumbed and torn primer, but Dame Joan, after much grumbling at iine ladies' whims, vouchsafed to send up a distaff, some wool, a piece of unbleached linen, and a skein of white thread. Queen Mary executed therewith an exquisite piece of embroidery, which having escaped Dame Joan's first impulse to burn it on the spot, remained for many years the show and the wonder of Tixall. Save for this employment, she said she should have gone mad in her utter uncertainty about her own fate, or that of those involved with her. To ask questions of Ashton was like asking them of a post. He would give her no notion whether her servants were at Chartley or not, whether they were at large or in confinement, far less as to who was accused of the plot, and what had been discovered. All that could be said for him was that his churlishness was passive and according to his ideas of duty. He was a very reluctant and uncom- fortable jailer, but he never insulted, nor wilfully ill- used his unfortunate captive. Thus Mary was left to dwell on the little she knew, namely, that Babington and his fellows were arrested XXX.] TETE-A-TETE. 393 and that she was supposed to be implicated ; but there her knowledge ceased, except that Humfrey's warning convinced her that Cuthbert Langston had been at least one of the traitors. He had no doubt been of- fended and disappointed at that meeting during the hawking at Tutbury. " Yet I need scarcely seek the why or the where- fore," she said. " I have spent my life in a world of treachery. No sooner do I take a step on ground that seems ever so firm, than it proves a quicksand. They will swallow me at last." Daily — more than daily — did she and Cicely go over together that hurried conversation on the moor, and try to guess whether Langston intended to hint at Cicely's real birth. He had certainly not disclosed her secret as yet, or Paulett would never have selected her as sprung of a loyal house, but he might guess at the truth, and be waiting for an opportunity to sell it dearly to those who would regard her as possessed of dangerous pretensions. And far more anxiously did the Queen recur to examining Cicely on what she had gathered from Humfrey. This was in fact nothing, for he had been on his guard against either telling or hearing anything inconsistent with loyalty to the English Queen, and thus had avoided conversation on these subjects. Nor did the Queen communicate much. Cicely never understood clearly what she dreaded, what she expected to be found among her papers, or what had been in the packet thrown into the well. The girl did not dare to ask direct questions, and the Queen always turned off indirect inquiries, or else assured her that she was still a simple happy child, and that it was better for her owu sake that she should know nothing, then caressed 394 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. her, and fondly pitied her for not being admitted to her mother's confidence, but said piteously that she knew not what the secrets of Queens and captives were, not like those of Mistress Susan about the goose to be dressed, or the crimson hose to be knitted for a surprise to her good husband. But Cicely could see that she expected the worst, and believed in a set purpose to shed her blood, and she spent much time in devotion, though sorely dis- tressed by the absence of all those appliances which her Church had taught her to rest upon. And these prayers, which often began with floods of tears, so that Cicely drew away into the window with her distaff in order not to seem to watch them, ended with rendering her serene and calm, with a look of high resignation, as having offered herself as a sacrifice and martyr for her Church. And yet was it wholly as a Eoman Catholic that she had been hated, intrigued against, and deposed in her own kingdom ? Was it simply as a Eoman Catholic that she was, as she said, the subject of a more cruel plot than that of which she was accused ? Mysterious woman that she was, she was never more mysterious than to her daughter in those seven- teen days that they were sluit up together ! It did not so much strike Cicely at the time, when she was carried along with all her mother's impulses and emotions, without reflecting on them, but when in after times she thought over all that then had passed, she felt how little she had understood. They suffered a good deal from the heat and close- ness of the rooms, for Mary was like a modern Englishwoman in her craving for free air, and these were the dog-days. They had contrived by the help XXX.] TETE-A-TETE. 8 Of) of a diamond that the Queen carried about with her, after the fashion of the time, to extract a pane or two from the lattices so ingeniously that the master of the house never found it out. And as their two apart- ments looked out different ways, they avoided the full sunshine, for they had neither curtains nor blinds to their windows, by moving from one to the other ; but still the closeness was very oppressive, and in the heat of the day, just after dinner, they could do nothing but lie on the table, wdiile the Queen told stories of her old life in France, till sometimes they both went to sleep. Most of her dainty needlework was done in the long light mornings, for she hardly slept at all in the hot nights. Cis scarcely saw her in bed, for she prayed long after the maiden had fallen asleep, and was up with the light and embroidering by the window. She only now began to urge Cicely to believe as she did, and to join her Church, taking blame to herself for never having attempted it more seriously. She told of the oneness and the glory of Eoman Catholicism as she had seen it in France, held out its promises and professions, and dwelt on the comfort of the intercession of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints ; assuring Cicely that there was nothing but sacrilege, confusion, and cruelty on the other side. Sometimes the maiden was much moved by the tender manner and persuasive words, and she really had so much affection and admiration for her mother as to be willing to do all that she wished, and to believe her the ablest and most clear-sighted of human beings ; but wiienever Mary was not actually talking to her, there was a curious swaying back of the pendulum in her mind to the conviction that what Master Eichard and Mistress Susan believed must be the right thing, that led to 396 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. trustworthy goodness. She had an enthusiastic love for the Queen, but her faith and trust were in them and in Humfrey, and she could see rehgious matters from their point of view better than from that of her mother. So, though the Queen often felt herself carrying her daughter along, she always found that there had been a slipping back to the old standpoint every time she began again. She was considering with some anxiety of the young maiden's future. " Could I but send thee to my good sister, the Duchess of Lorraine, she would see thee well and royally married," she said. " Then couldst thou be known by thine own name, and rank as Princess of Scot- land. If I can only see my Courcelles again, she would take thee safely and prove all — and thy hand will be precious to many. It may yet bring back the true faith to England, when my brave cousin of Guise has put down the Bearnese, and when the poor stumbling- block here is taken away." " Oh speak not of that, dear madam, my mother." " I must speak, child. I must think how it will be with thee, so marvellously saved, and restored to be my comfort. I must provide for thy safety and honour. Happily the saints guarded me from ever mentioning thee in my letters, so that there is no fear that Elizabeth should lay hands on thee, unless Langston should have spoken — the which can hardly be. But if all be broken up here, I must find thee a dwelling with my kindred worthy of thy birth." " Mr. and Mrs. Talbot would take me home," mur- mured Cicely. " Girl ! After aU the training I have bestowed on thee, is it possible that thou wouldst fain go back to make cheeses and brew small beer with those Yorkshire XXX.] TETE-A-TETE. 397 boors, rather than reign a princess ? I thought thy heart was nobler." Cicely hung her head ashamed. " I was very hapjiy there," she said in excuse. " Happy — ay, with the milkmaid's bliss. There may be fewer sorrows in such a life as that — ^just as those comely kine of Ashton's that I see grazing in the park have fewer sorrows than human creatures. But what know they of our joys, or what know the commonalty of the joy of ruling, calling brave men one's own, riding before one's men in the field, wielding counsels of State, winning the love of thousands ? Nay, nay, I will not believe it of my child, unless 'tis the base Border blood that is in her which siDeaks." Cicely was somewhat overborne by being thus accused of meanness of tastes, when she had heard the Queen talk enviously of that same homely life which now she despised so heartily. She faltered in excuse, " Methought, madam, you would be glad to think there was one loving shelter ever open to me." " Loving ! Ah ! I see what it is," said the Queen, in a tone of disgust. " It is the sailor loon that has overthrown it all. A couple of walks in the garden with him, and the silly maid is ready to throw over all nobler thoughts." " Madam, he spoke no such word to me." " 'Twas the infection, child — only the infection." " Madam, I pray you " " Whist, child. Thou wilt be a perilous bride for any commoner, and let that thought, if no other, keep thee from lowering thine eyes to such as he. Were I and thy brother taken out of the way, none would stand between tljee and both thrones ! What would English or Scots say to find thee a household Joan, 398 UNKNOWN TO IIISTOEV'. [CHAP. wedded to one of Drake's rude pirate fellows ? I tell tliee it would be the worse for him. They have made it treason to wed royal blood without Elizabeth's consent. ~No, no, for his sake, as well as thine own, thou must promise me never thus to debase thy royal lineage." " Mother ; neitlier he nor I have thought or spoken of such a matter since we knew how it was with me." " And you give me your word ? " " Yea, madam," said Cicely, who had really never entertained the idea of marrying Humfrey, implicit as was her trust in him as a brother and protector. " That is well. And so soon as I am restored to my poor servants, if I ever am, I will take measures for sending the French remnant to their own land ; nor shall my Courcelles quit thee till she hath seen thee safe in the keeping of Madame de Lorraine or of Queen Louise, who is herself a kinswoman of ours, and, they say, is piety and gentleness itself." " As you will, madam," said Cicely, her heart sink- ing at the thought of the strange new world before her, but perceiving that she must not be the means of bringing Humfrey into trouble and danger. Perhaps she felt this the more from seeing how acutely her mother suffered at times from sorrow for those involved in her disaster. She gave Babington and his companions, as well as Nau and Curll, up for lost, as the natural consequence of having befriended her ; and she blamed herself remorsefully, after the long experience of the fatal consequences of meddling in her affairs, for having entered into correspondence with the bright enthusiastic boy whom she remembered, and having lured him without doubt to his death. XXX.] t£te-a-tete. 399 " Alack ! alack ! " she said, " and yet such is liberty, that I should forget all I have gone through, and do the like again, if the door seemed opened to me. At least there is this comfort, cruel child, thy little heart was not set on him, gracious and hand- some though he were — and thy mother's most devoted knight ! Ah ! poor youth, it wrings my soul to think of him. But at least he is a Catholic, his soul will he safe, and I will have hundreds of masses sung for him. Oh tliat I knew how it goes with them ! This torture of silent suspense is the most cruel of all." Mary paced the room with impatient misery, and in such a round the weary hours dragged by, only mitigated by one welcome thunderstorm, for seventeen days, whose summer length made them seem the more endless. Cicely, who had never before in her life been shut up in the house so many hours, was pale, listless, and even fretful towards the Queen, who bore with her petulance so tenderly as more than once to make her weep bitterly for very shame. After one of these fits of tears, Mary pleaded earnestly with Sir Walter Ashton for permission for the maiden to take a turn in the garden every day, but though the good gentleman's complexion bore testimony that he lived in the fresh air, he did not believe in its efficacy ; he said he had no orders, and could do nothing without warrant. But that evening at supper, the serving-maid brought up a large hrew of herbs, dark and nauseous, which Dame Ashton had sent as good for the young lady's megrim. "Will you taste it, sir ?" asked the Queen of Sir Walter, with a revival of her lively humour. " The foul fiend have me if a drop- comes within my lips," muttered the knight. " I am not bound to 400 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. taste for a tirewoman !" lie added, leaving it in doubt whether his objection arose from distaste to his lady's messes, or from pride ; and he presently said, perhaps half-ashamed of himself, and willing to cast the blame on the other side, " It was kindly meant of my good dame, and if you choose to Hout at, rather thau benefit by it, that is no affair of mine." He left the potion, and Cicely disposed of it by small instalments at the windows ; and a laugh over the evident horror it excited in the master, did the captives at least as much good as the camomile, centaury, wormwood, and other ingredients of the bo^vd. Happily it was only two days later that Sir Walter announced that his custody of the (^ueen was over, and Sir Amias Paulett was come for her. There was little preparation to make, for the two ladies had worn their riding-dresses all the time ; but on reaching the great door, where Sir Amias, attended by Humfrey, was awaiting them, they were astonished to see a whole troop on horseback, all armed with bead-pieces, swords and pistols, to the number of a hundred and forty. "Wherefore is this little army raised?" she asked. " It is by order of the Queen," replied Ashton, with Ids accustomed surly manner, " and need enough in the time of such treasons !" The Queen turned to him with tears on her cheeks. " Good gentlemen," she said, " I am not witting of anything against the Queen. Am I to be taken to the Tower V " No, madam, back to Chartley," replied Sir Amias. " I knew they would never let me see my cousin," sighed the Queen. " Sir," as Paulett placed her on XXX.] t^te-a-t]£te. 401 her horso, " of your pity tell me whether I shall find all my poor servants there," " Yea, madam, save Mr. Nau and Mr. Ciirll, who are answering for themselves and for you. Moreover, Curll's wife was delivered two days since." This intelligence filled Mary with more anxiety than she chose to manifest to her unsympathising surroundings ; Cis meanwhile had been assisted to mount by Humfrey, who told her that Mrs. Curll was thought to be doing well, but that there were fears for the babe. It was impossible to exchange many words, for they were immediately behind the Queen and her two warders, and Humfrey could only tell her that his father had been at Chartley, and had gone on to London ; but there was inexpressible relief in hearing the sound of his voice, and knowing she had some one to think for her and protect her. The promise she had made to the Queen only seemed to make him more entirely her brother by putting that other love out of the question. There was a sad sight at the gate, — a whole multitude of wretched-looking beggars, and poor of all ages and degrees of misery, who all held out their hands and raised one cry of "Alms, alms, gracious Lady, alms, for the love of heaven !" Mary looked round on them with tearful eyes, and exclaimed, " Alack, good folk, I have nothing to give you ! I am as much a beggar as yourselves !" The escort dispersed them roughly, Paulett assuring her that they were nothing but " a sort of idle folk," viio were only encouraged in laziness by her bounty, which was very possibly true of a certain proportion of them, but it had been a sore grief to her that since Cuthbert Langston's last approach in disguise she had been prevented from giving alms. 2 D 402 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CEAP. In due time Cliartley was reached, and the first thing the Queen did on dismounting was to hurry to visit poor Barbara Curll, who had — on her increasiug ilhiess — been removed to one of the guest-chambers, ■where the Queen now found her, still in much distress about her husband, who was in close imprisonment in Walsingham's house, and had not been allowed to send her any kind of message ; and in still more immediate anxiety about her new-born infant, who did not look at all as if its little life would last many hours. She lifted up her languid eyelids, and scarcely smiled when the Queen declared, " See, Barbara, I am come back again to you, to nurse you and my god-daughter into health to receive your husband again. Nay, have no fears for him. They cannot hiu't him. He has done nothing, and is a Scottish subject beside. My son shall write to claim him," she declared with such an assumed air of confidence that a shade of hope crossed the pale face, and the fear for her child became the more pressing of the two griefs. " We will christen her at once," said Mary, turning to the nearest attendant. " Bear a request from me to Sir Amias that his chaplain may come at once and baptize my god-child." Sir Amias was waiting in the gallery in very ill- humour at the Queen's delay, which kept his supper waiting. Moreover, his party had a strong dislike to pri\ate baptism, holding that the important point was the public covenant made by responsible persons, and the notion of the sponsorship of a Eoman Catholic likewise shocked him. So he made ungracious answer that he would have no baptism save in church before the congregation, with true Protestant gossips. " So saith he ?" exclaimed Mary, when the reply XXX.] TEfE-A-TETE. 403 was reported to lier. "Nay, my poor little one, thou slialt not be shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven for his churlishness." And taking the infant on her knee, she dipped her hand in the bowl of water that had been prepared for the chaplain, and baptized it by her own name of Mary. The existing Prayer-book had been made expressly to forbid lay baptism and baptism by women, at the special desire of the reformers, and Sir Amias was proportionately horrified, and told her it was an offence for the Archbishop's court. " Very like," said Mary. " Your Protestant courts love to slay both body and soul. Will it please you to open my own chambers to me, sir ? " Sir Amias handed the key to one of her servants, but she motioned him aside. " Those who put me forth must admit me," she said. The door was opened by one of the gentlemen of the household, and they entered. Every repository had been ransacked, every cabinet stood open and empty, every drawer had been pulled out. Wearing apparel and the like remained, but even this showed signs of having been tossed over and roughly rearranged by masculine fingers. Mary stood in the midst of the room, which had a strange air of desolation, an angry light in her eyes, and her hands clasped tightly one into the other. Paulett attempted some expression of regret for the disarray, pleading his orders. " It needs not excuse, sir," said Mary, " I understand to whom I owe this insult. There are two things that your Queen can never take from me — royal blood and the Catholic faith. One day some of you will be sorry . 404 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. for what you have now put upon me ! I would be alone, sir," and she proudly motioned him to the door, with a haughty gesture, showing her still fully Queen in her own apartments. Paulett obeyed, and when he was gone, the Queen seemed to abandon the command over herself she had preserved all this time. She threw herself into Jean Kennedy's arms, and wept freely and piteously, while the good lady, rejoicing at heart to have recovered " her bairn," fondled and soothed her with soft Scottish epithets, as though the worn woman had been a child again. " Yea, nurse, mine own nurse, I am come back to thee; for a little while — only a little while, nurse, for they will have my blood, and oh ! I woiild it were ended, for I am aweary of it all." Jean and Elizabeth Curll tried to cheer and console her, alarmed at this unwonted depression, but she only said, " Get me to bed, nurse, I am sair forfaugliten." She was altogether broken down by the long suspense, the hardships and the imprisonment she had undergone, and she kept her bed for several days, hardly speaking, but apparently reposing in the relief afforded l)y the recovered care and companionship of her much-loved attendants. There she was when Paulett came to demand the keys of the caskets where her treasure was kept. Melville had refused to yield them, and all the Queen said was, " Eobbery is to be added to the rest," a sentence which greatly stung the knight, but he actu- ally seized all the coin that he found, including what belonged to Nau and Curll, and, only retaining enough for present expenses, sent the rest off to London. XXXI.] EVIDENCE. 405 CHAPTER XXXI. EVIDENCE. In the meantime the two Eichard Talbots, father and son, had safely arrived in London, and had been made welcome at the house of their noble kinsman. Nau and Curll, they heard, were in Walsingham's house, subjected to close examination ; Babington and all his comrades were in the Tower. The Council was continually sitting to deliberate over the fate of the latter unhappy men, of whose guilt there was no doubt ; and neither Lord Talbot nor Will Cavendish thought there was any possibility of Master Eichard gaining permis- sion to plead how the unfortunate Babington had been worked on and deceived. After the sentence should be pronounced. Cavendish thought that the request of the Earl of Shrewsbury might prevail to obtain per- m.ission for an interview between the prisoner and one commissioned by his former guardian. Will was daily attending Sir Francis Walsingham as his clerk, and was not by any means unwilling to relate anything he had been able to learn. Queen Elizabeth was, it seemed, grectUy agitated and distressed. The shock to her nerves on the day when she had so bravely overawed Barnwell witli the power of her eye had been such as not to be easily 406 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [cHAP. surmounted. She was restless and full of anxiety, continually starting at every sound, and beginning letters to the Queen of Scots which were never finished. She had more than once inquired after the brave sailor youths who had come so opportunely to her rescue ; and Lord Talbot thought it would be well to present Diccon and his father to her, and accordingly took them with liim to Greenwich Palace, where they had the benefit of looking on as loyal subjects, while her Majesty, in royal fashion, dined in public, to the sound of drums, trumpets, fifes, and stringed instruments. But though dressed with her usual elaborate care, she looked older, paler, thinner, and more haggard than when Diccon had seen her three weeks previously, and neither her eye nor mouth had the same steadiness. She did not eat with relish, but almost as if she were forcing herself, lest any lack of appetite might be ob- served and commented upon, and her looks continually wandered as though in search of some lurking enemy ; for in truth no woman, nor man either, could easily forget the suggestion which had recently been brought to her knowledge, that an assassin might " lurk in her gallery and stab her with his dagger, or if she should walk in her garden, he might shoot her with his dagg- er if she should walk abroad to take the air, he might assault her with his arming sword and make sure work." Even though the enemies were safe in prison, she knew not but that dagger, dagg, or arming sword might still be ready for her, and she believed that any fatal charge openly made against Mary at the trial might drive her friends to desperation and lead to the use of dagg or dagger. She was more unhinged than ever before, and commanded herself with ditficulty when going through all the scenes of her public life as usual. XXXI.] EVIDENCE. 40 7 The Talbots soon felt her keen eye on them, and a look of recognition passed OA'er her face as she saw Diccou. As soon as the meal was over, and the table of trestles removed, she sent a page to command Lord Talbot to present them to her. " So, sir," she said, as Eichard the elder knelt before her, " you are the father of two brave sons, whom you have bred up to do good service ; but I only see one of them here. Where is the elder ?" " So please your Majesty, Sir Amias Paulett desired to retain him at Chartley to assist in guarding the Queen of Scots." " It is well. Paulett knows a trusty lad when he sees him. And so do I. I would have the youths both for my gentlemen pensioners — the elder wdien he can be spared from his charge, this stripling at once." " We are much beholden to your Majesty," said Eichard, bending his head the lower as he knelt on one knee ; for such an appointment gave both training and recommendation to young country gentlemen, and was much sought after. " Methinks," said Elizabeth, who had the royal faculty of remembering faces, " you have yourself so served us, Mr. Talbot ?" " I was for three years in the band of your Ma- jesty's sister, Queen Mary," said Eichard, " but I quitted it on her death to serve at sea, and I have since been in charge at Sheffield, under my Lord of Shrewsbury." " We have heard that he hath found you a faithful servant," said the Queen, " yea, so well affected as even to have refused your daughter in marriage to this same Babington. Is this true ? " " It is, so please your Majesty." 408 UNKNOWN TO HISTOKY. [CHAR "Aud it was because you already perceived his villainy ?" "There were many causes, Lladam," said Eichard, catching at the chance of saying a word for the un- happy lad, " but it was not so much villainy that I perceived in him as a nature that might be easily practised upon by worse men than himself." " N'ot so much a villain ready made as the stuff villains are made of," said the Queen, satisfied with her own repartee. " So please your Majesty, the metal that in good hands becomes a brave sword, in evil ones becomes a treacherous dagger." "Well said. Master Captain, and therefore we must destroy alike the dagger aud the hands that perverted it." " Yet," ventured Eichard, " the dagger attempered by your Majesty's clemency might yet do noble ser- vice." Elizabeth, however, broke out fiercely with one of her wonted oaths. " How now ? Thou wouldst not plead for Lhe rascal ! I would have you to know that to crave pardon for such a fellow is well-nigh treason in iUelf. You have license to leave us, sir." " I should scarce have brought you, Eichard," said Lord Talbot, as soon as they had left the presence chamber, " had I known you would venture on such folly. Know you not how incensed she is ? Naught but your proved loyalty and my father's could have borne you off this time, and it would be small marvel to me if the lad's appomtment were forgotten." " I could not choose but run the risk," said Eichard. ^What else came I to Londoji for ?" XXXI j EVIDENCE. 409 " Well," said his cousin, " you are a brave man, Richard Talbot. I know those who had rather scale a Spanish fortress than face Queen Elizabeth in her wratk Her tongue is sharper than even my step- dame's, though it doth not run on so long." Lord Talbot was not quite easy when that evening a gentleman, clad in rich scarlet and gold, and armed to the teeth, presented himself at Shrewsbury House and inquired for Mr. Talbot of Bridgefield. However, it proved to be the officer of the troop of gentlemen pensioners come to enroll Diccon, tell him the require- ments, and arrange when he should join in a capacity something like that of an esquire to one of the seniors of the troop. Humfrey was likewise inquired for, but it was thought better on all accounts that he should continue in his present situation, since it was especially needful to have trustworthy persons at Chartley in the existing crisis. Master Eichard was well satisfied to find that his son's immediate superior would be a gentleman of a good Yorkshire family, whose father was known to him, and who promised to have a care of Master Richard the younger, and preserve him, as far as possible, from the perils of dicing, drinking, and running into bad company. Launching a son in this manner and equipping him for service was an anxious task for a father, while day after day the trial was deferred, the examinations being secretly carried on before the Council till, as Cavendish explained, what was important should be disclosed. Of course this implied what should be fatal to Queen Mary. The priest Ballard was racked, but he was a man of great determination, and nothing was elicited from him. The other prisoners, and Nau and Curll, were questioned again and again under threats 410 UNKNOWN TO HISTOItY. [cilAP. and promises before the Council, and tie letters that had been copied on theil" transit through the beer barrels were read and made the subject of cross-examination — still all in private, for, as Cavendish said, " perilous stuff to the Queen's- Majesty might come out." He allowed, however, day after day, that though there was quite enough to be fatal to Ballard, Babiug- ton, Savage, and Barnwell, whatever else was wanting was not forthcoming. At last, however, Cavendish returned full of a certain exultation : " We have it," he said, — " a most undoubted treasonable letter, which will catch her between the shoulders and the head." He spoke to Lord Talbot and Kichard, who were standing togetlier in a window, and who knew only too well who was referred to, and what the expression signified. On a further query from his step-brother, Cavendish explained that it was a long letter, dated July 1 5, arranging in detail the plan for " the Lady's " own rescue from Chartley at the moment of the landing of the Spaniards, and likewise showing her privy to the design of the six gentlemen against the life of the Queen, and desiring to know their names. Nau had, he said, verified the cipher as one used in the coitc- spondence, and Babington, when it was shown to him, had declared that it had been given to him in the street by a stranger serving-man in a blue coat, and that it had removed all doubt from his mind, as it was an answer to a letter of his, a copy of which had been produced, but not the letter itself. " Which we have not found," said Cavendish. " Not for all that search of yours at Chartley ?" said Iiichard. " Methought it was thorough enough ! " " The Lady must have been marvellously prudent as to the keeping of letters," said Will, " or else she must XXXI.] EVIDENCE. 411 have received some warniug ; for there is absolutely naught to be found in her repositories that will serve oiu' purpose." " Our purpose !" repeated Eichard, as he recollected many little kindnesses that William Cavendish when a boy had received from the prisoner at Sheffield. " Yea, Master Eichard," he returned, unabashed. " It is absolutely needful that we should openly prove this woman to be what we know her to be in secret. Her Majesty's life will never be safe for a moment while she lives ; and what would become of us all did she overlive the Queen ! " " Well, Will, for all your mighty word ice, you are but the pen in Mr. Secretary's hand, so there is no need to argue the matter with you," said Eichard. The speech considerably nettled Master WiUiam, especially as it made Lord Talbot laugh. " Father !" said Diccon afterwards, " Humfrey tried to warn Mr. Babington that we liad seen this Lang- ston, who hath as many metamorjihoses as there be in Ovidius Naso, coming privily forth from Sir Francis Walsingham's closet, but he would not listen, and declared that Langston was holding Mr. Secretary in play." " Deceiving and being deceived," sighed his father. " That is ever the way, my son ! Eem ember that if thou playest false, other men will play falser with thee and bring thee to thy ruin. I would not leave thee here save that the gentlemen pensioners are a more honest and manly sort of folk than yonder gentlemen with their state craft, wherein they throw over all truth and honour as well as mercy." This couversation took place as the father and son were making their way to a house in Westminster, 412 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP where Antony Babington's wife was with her mother, Lady Eatcliffe. It had been a match made by Lady Shrewsbury, and it was part of Eichard's commission to see and confer with the family. It was not a satis- factory interview. The wife was a duU childish little thing, not yet sixteen ; and though she cried, she had plainly never lived in any real sympathy or companion- ship with her husband, who had left her with hei parents, while leading the life of mingled amusement and intrigue which had brought him to his present state ; and the mother, a hard-featured woman, evidently thought herself cheated and ill used. She railed at Babington and at my Lady Countess by turns ; at the one for his ruinous courses and neglect of her daughter, at the other for having cozened her into giving her poor child to a treacherous Papist, who would be attainted in blood, and thus bring her poor daughter and grandchild to poverty. The old lady really seemed to have lost all pity for her son-in-law in indignation on her daughter's account, and to care infinitely less for the saving of his life than for the saving of his estate. Nor did the young wife herself appear to possess much real affection for poor Antony, of whom she had seen very little. There must have been great faults on his side ; yet certainly Eichard felt that there was some excuse for him in the mother-in-law, and that if the unfortunate young man could have married Cicely his lot might have been different. Yet the good Captain felt all the more that if Cis had been his own he still would never have given her to Babington. XXXIL] WESTMINSTEU IIAJJa, 413 CHAPTER XXXn. WESTMINSTER HALL. Beneath the noble roof of Westminster Hall, with the morning sun streaming in high aloft, at seven in the morning of the 1 4th of September, the Court met for the trial of Antony Babington and his confederates. The Talbot name and recommendation obtained ready ad- mission, and Lord Talbot, Eichard, and his son formed one small party together with William Cavendish, who had his tablets, on which to take notes for the use of his superior, Walsingham, who was, however, one of the Commissioners. There they sat, those supreme judges, the three Chief-Justices in their scarlet robes of office forming the centre of the group, which also numbered Lords Cobhani and Buckhurst, Sir Francis KnoUys, Sir Cliristopher Hatton, and most of the chief law officers of the Crown. " Is Mr. Secretary Walsingham one of the judges here ?" asked Diccon. " Methought he had been in the place of the accuser." " Peace, boy, and listen," said his father ; " these things pass my comprehension." Nevertheless Richard had determined that if the course of the trial should offer the least opportunity, 414 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. he would come forward and plead his former knowledge of young Babington as a rash and weak-headed youth, easily played upon by designing p(;rsons, but likely to take to heart such a lesson as this, and become a true and loyal subject. If he could obtain any sort of miti- gation for the poor youth, it would be worth the risk. The seven conspirators were brought in, and Eichard could hardly keep a rush of tears from his eyes at the sight of those fine, high-spirited young men, especially Antony Babington, the playfellow of his own children. Antony was carefully dressed in his favourite col- our, dark green, his hair and beard trimmed, and his demeanour calm and resigned. The fire was gone from his blue eye, and his bright complexion had faded, but there was an air of dignity about him such as he had never worn before. His eyes, as he took his place, wandered round the vast assembly, and rested at length on Mr. Talbot, as though deriving encourage- ment and support from the look that met his. Next to him was another young man with the same look of birth and breeding, namely Chidiock Tichborne ; but John Savage, an older man, had the reckless beariDg of the brutalised soldiery of the Netherlandish wars. Robert Barnwell, with his red, shaggy brows and Irish physiognomy, was at once recognised by Diccon. Donne and Salisbury followed ; and the seventh conspirator, John Ballard, was carried in a chair. Even Diccon's quick eye could hardly have detected the ruffling, swag- gering, richly-clad Captain Fortescue in this tonsured man in priestly garb, deadly pale, and unable to stand, from tlie effects of torture, yet with undaunted, penetrat- ing eyes, all unsubdued. After the proclamation, Oyez, Oyez, and the com- mand to keep silence, Sandys, the Clerk of the Crown, XXXII.] WESTMINSTER HALL. 415 began the proceedings. " John Balhard, Antony Bab- ington, John Savage, Eobert Barnwell, Chidiock Tich- borne, Henry Donne, Thomas Salisbury, hold up your hands and answer." The indictment was then read at great length, charging them with conspiring to slay the Queen, to deliver Mary, Queen of Scots, from custody, to stir up rebellion, to bring the Spaniards to invade England, and to change the religion of the country. The question was first put to Ballard, Was he guilty of these treasons or not guilty ? Ballard's reply was, " That I procure .1 the delivery of the Queen of Scots, I am guilty ; and that I went about to alter the religion, I am guilty ; but that I intended to slay her Majesty, I am not guilty." " Not with his own hand," muttered Cavendish, " but for the rest " "Pity that what is so bravely spoken should be false," thought Eichard, "yet it may be to leave the way open to defence." Sandys, however, insisted that he must plead to the whole indictment, and Anderson, the Chief-Justice of Common Pleas, declared that he must deny the whole generally, or confess it generally ; while Hatton put in, " Ballard, under thine own hand are all things confessed, therefore now it is much vanity to stand vaingloriously in denying it." " Then, sir, I confess I am guilty," he said, with great calmness, though it was the resignation of all hope. The same question was then put to Babington. He, with " a mild countenance, sober gesture," and all his natural grace, stood up and spoke, saying " that the time for concealment was past, and that he was ready to avow how from his earliest infancy he had believed 416 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. England to have fallen from the true religion, and had trusted to see it restored thereto. Moreover, he had ever a deep love and compassion for the Queen of Scots. Some," he said, " who are yet at large, and who are yet as deep in the matter as I " " Gifford, Morgan, and another," whispered Caven- dish significantly. " Have they escaped ?" asked Diccon. " So 'tis said." " The decoy ducks," thought Eichard. Babington was explaining that these men had proposed to him a great enterprise for the rescue and restoration of the Queen of Scots, and the re-establish- ment of the Catholic religion in England by the sword of the Prince of Parma. A body of gentlemen were to attack Chartley, free Mary, and proclaim her Queen, and at the same time Queen Elizabeth was to be put to death by some speedy and skilful method. " My Lords," he said, " I swear that all that was in me cried out against the wickedness of thus privily slaying her Majesty." Some muttered, " The villain ! he lies," but the kindly Piichard sighed inaudibly, " True, poor lad ! Thou must have given th}'' conscience over to strange keepers to be thus led astray." And Babington went on to say that they had brought this gentleman, Father Ballard, who had wrought with him to prove that his scruples were weak, carnal, and ungodly, and that it v»^ould be a meritorious deed in the sight of Heaven thus to remove the heretic usurper. Here the judges sternly bade him not to blaspheme, and he replied, with that " soberness and good grace " which seems to have struck all the beholders, that ho XXXII.] WESTiMINSTEK HALL. 417 craved patience and pardon, meaning only to ex- plain how he had been led to the madness which he now repented, understanding himself to have been in gTievous error, though not for the sake of any temporal reward ; but being blinded to the guile, and assured that the deed was both lawful and meritorious. He tlius had been brought to destruction through the persuasions of this Ballard. " A very fit author for so bad a fact," responded Hatton. " Very true, sir," said Babington ; " for from so bad a ground never proceed any better fruits. He it was who persuaded me to kill the Queen, and to commit tlie other treasons, whereof I confess myself guilty." Savage pleaded guilty at once, with the reckless hardihood of a soldier accustomed to look on death as the fortune of war. Barnwell denied any intention of killing the Queen (much to Diccon's surprise), but pleaded guilty to the rest. Donne said that on being told of the plot be had prayed that whatever was most to the honour and glory of Heaven might be done, and being pushed hard by Hatton, turned this into a confession of being guilty. Salisbury declared that he had always protested against killing the Queen, and that he would not have done so for a kingdom, but of the rest he was guilty. Tich- borne showed that but for an accidental lameness he would have been at his home in Hampshire, but he could not deny his knowledge of the treason. All having pleaded guilty, no trial was permitted, such as would have brought out the different degrees of guilt, which varied in all the seven. A long speech was, however, made by the counsel for tlie Crown, detailing the plot as it had been ar- 2 E 418 UNKNOWN TO HISTOEY. [CHAP. ranged for the public knowledge, and reading aloud a letter from Babington to Queen Mary, describing his plans both for her rescue and the assassination, saying, " he had appointed six noble gentlemen for the despatch of the wicked competitor." Eichard caught a look of astonishment on the un- happy young • man's face, but it passed into hopeless despondency, and the speech went on to describe the picture of the conspirators and its strange motto, con- cluding with an accusation that they meant to sack London, burn the ships, and " cloy the ordnance." A shudder of horror went through the assembly, and perhaps few except Eichard Talbot felt that the examination of the prisoners ought to have been public. The form, however, was gone through of asking whether they had cause to render wherefore they should not be condemned to die. The first to speak was Ballard. His eyes glanced round with an indomitable expression of scorn and indignation, which, as Diccon whispered, he could have felt to his very backbone. It was like that of a trapped and maimed lion, as the man sat in his chair with crushed and racked limbs, but with a spirit un- tamed in its defiance. " Cause, my Lords V he replied. " The cause I have to render will not avail here, but it may avail before another Judgment-seat, where the question will be, who used the weapons of treason, not merely against wliom they were employed. Inquiry hath not been made bere who suborned the priest, Dr. Gifford, to fetch me over from Paris, that we might togetlier overcome the icruples of these young men, and lead them forward in a scheme for the promotion of the true religion and the right and lawful succession. No question hath here XXXII.] WESTMINSTER HALL. 4l9 been put in open court, who framed the conspiracy, nor for what purpose. No, my Lords ; it would baflle the end you would bring about, yea, and blot the reputation of some who stand in high places, if it came to light that the plot was devised, not by the Catholics who were to be the instruments thereof, nor by the Lady in whose favour all was to be done, — not by these, the mere victims, but by him who by a triumph of policy thus sent forth his tempters to enclose them all within his net — above all the persecuted Lady whom all true Catholics own as the only lawful sovereign within these realms. Such schemes, when they succeed, are termed policy. My Lords, I confess that by the justice of England we have been guilty of treason against Queen Elizabeth ; but by the eternal law of the justice of God, we have suffered treachery far exceeding that for which we are about to die." " I marvel that they let the fellow speak so far," was Cavendish's comment. " Nay, but is it so ?" asked Diccon with startled ^-yes. " Hush ! you have yet to learn statecraft," returned his friend. His father's monitory hand only just saved the boy from bursting out with something that would have rather astonished Westminster Hall, and caused him to be taken out by the ushers. It is not wonderful that no report of the priest's speech has been preserved. The name of Antony Babington was then called. Probably he had been too much absorbed in the misery of his position to pay attention to the preceding speech, for his reply was quite independent of it. He prayed the Lords to believe, and to represent to her Majesty, that he had received with horror the suggestion 420 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CILVP of compassing lier death, and had only been brought to believe it a terrible necessity by the persuasions of this Ballard. On this Hatton broke forth in indignant com- passion, — " Ballard ! Ballard ! what hast thou done ? A sort of brave youth, otherwise endowed with good gifts, by thy inducement hast thou brought to theii utter destruction and confusion !" This apparently gave some hope to Babington, for he answered — "Yes, I protest that, before I met this Bal- lard, I never meant nor intended for to kill the Queen ; but by his persuasions I was induced to believe that she being excommunicate it was lawful to murder her." For the first time Ballard betrayed any pain. " Yes, Mr. Babington," he said, " lay all the blame upon me; but I wish the shedding of my blood might be the saving of your life. Howbeit, say what you will, I will say no more." " He is the bravest of them all !" was Diccon's comment. " Wot you that he was once our spy ?" returned Cavendish with a sneer ; while Sir Christopher, with the satisfaction of a little nature in uttering reproaches, returned — " Nay, Ballard, you must say more and shall say more, for you must not commit treasons and then huddle them up. Is this your Religio Catholica ? Nay, rather it is Biaholica." Ballard scorned to answer this, and the Clerk passed on to Savage, who retained his soldierly fatalism, and only shook his head. Barnwell again denied any pur- pose of injuring the Queen, and when Hatton spoke of his appearance in Eichmond Park, he said all had been for conscience sake. So said Henry Donne, but with far more piety and dignity, adding, "Fiat volunsta XXXII.] WESTMINSTER HALL. 421 Dei ; " and Thomas Salisbury was the only one who made any entreaty for pardon. . Speeches followed from the Attorney-General, and from Sir Christopher Hatton, and then the Lord Chief Justice Anderson pronounced the terrible sentence. Eichard Talbot sat with his head bowed between his hands. His son had begun listening with wide- stretched eyes and mouth, as boyhood hearkens to the dreadful, and with the hardness of an unmerciful time, too apt to confound pity with weakness ; but when his eye fell on the man he had followed about as an elder playmate, and realised all it conveyed, his cheek blanched, Ids jaw fell, and he hardly knew how his lather got him out of the court. There was clearly no hope. The form of the trial was such as to leave no chance of escape from the utmost penalty. No witnesses had been examined, no degrees of guilt acknowledged, no palliations admitted. Perhaps men who would have brought the Spanish havoc on their native country, and have murdered their sovereign, were beyond the pale of compassion. All London clearly thought so ; and yet, as Richard Talbot dwelt on their tones and looks, and remembered how they had been deluded and tempted, and made to believe their deed meritorious, he could not but feel exceeding pity for the four younger men. Ballard, Savage, and Barnwell might be justly doomed ; even Babington had, by his own admission, entertained a fearfully evil design ; but the other three had evidently dipped far less deeply into the plot, and Tichborne had only concealed it out of friendship. Yet the ruth- less judgment condemned all alike ! And why ? To justify a yet more cruel blow ! No wonder honest Richard Talbot felt sick at heart. 422 DNKKOWN TO HISTORY. fCHAP. . CHAPTEE XXXIIL IN THE TOWER. " Here is a lette? from Mr. Secretary to the Lieu- tenant of the Tower, Master Eichard, bidding him admit you to speech of Babington," said Will Cavendish. ••He was loath to give it, and nothing but my Lord Shrewsbury's interest would have done it, on my oath that you are a prudent and discreet man, who hath been conversant in these matters for many years." " Yea, and that long before you were. Master Will," said Eichard, always a little entertained by the young gentleman's airs of patronage. " However, I am be- holden to you." " That you may be, for you are the only person who hath obtained admission to the prisoners." " N^ot even their wives ?" " Mrs. Ticliborne is in the country — so best for her — and Mrs. Babington hath never demanded it. I trow there is not love enough between them to make them seek such a meeting. It was one of my mother's matches. Mistress Cicely would have cleaved to him more closely, though I am glad you saw through the fellow too well to give her to him. She would be a landless widow, whereas this Eatcliffe wife has a fair portion for her child." XXXIII.] IN THE TOWEK, 423 "Then Dethick will be forfeited?" " Ay. They say the Queen hath promised it to Raleigh." " And there is no hope of mercy ? " " Not a tittle for any man of them ! Nay, so far from it, her Majesty asked if there were no worse nor more extraordinary mode of death for them." " I should not have thought it of her." " Her Majesty hath been affrighted, Master Richard, sorely affrighted, though she put so bold a face upon it, and there is nothing a woman, who prides herself on her courage, can so little pardon." So Richard, sad at heart, took boat and ascended the Thames for his melancholy visit. The gateway was guarded by a stalwart yeoman, halbert in hand, who detained him while the officer of the guard was called. On showing the letter from Sir Francis Walsingham, Mr. Talbot was conducted by this personage across the first paved court to the lodgings of the Lieutenant under so close a guard that he felt as if he were about to be incarcerated himself, and was there kept waiting in a sort of guard-room while the letter was delivered. Presently the Lieutenant, Sir Owen Hopton, a well- bred courteous knight, appeared and saluted him with apologies for his detention and all these precautions, saying that the orders were to keep a close guard and to hinder all communication from without, so that nothing short of this letter would have obtained entrance for the bearer, whom he further required to set down his name and designation in full. Then, after asking how long the visitor wished to remain with the prisoners — for Tichborne and Babington were quartered together — he called a warder and committed Mr. Talbot to his guidance, to remain for two hours locked up in the celL 424 UNKNOWN TO HISTOIIY. [CHAP " Sir," added Sir Owen, " it is superfluous to tell you that on coming out, you must either give me your word of honour that you convey nothing from the prisoners, or else submit to be searched." Eichard smiled, and observed that men were wont to trust his word of honour, to which the knight heartily replied that he was sure of it, and he then followed the warder up stone stairs and along vaulted passages, where the clang of their footsteps made his heart sink. The prisoners were in the White Tower, the central body of the grim building, and the warder, after unlocking the door, announced, with no unneces- sary rudeness, but rather as if he were glad of any comfort to his charges, " Here, sirs, is a gentleman to visit you." They had both risen at the sound of the key turn- ing in the lock, and Antony Babington's face Lighted up as he exclaimed, " Mr. Talbot ! I knew you would come if it were possible." " I come by my Lord's desire," replied Eichard, the close wringing of his hand expressing feeling to which he durst not give way in words.' He took in at the moment that the room, though stern and strong, was not squalid. It was lighted fully by a window, iron-barred, but not small, and according to custom, the prisoners had been permitted to furnish, at their own expense, sufficient garniture for comfort, and as both were wealthy men, they were fairly pro- vided, and they were not fettered. Both looked paler than when Eichard had seen them in Westminster Hall two days previously. Antony was as usual neatly arrayed, with well-trimmed hair and beard, but Tichborne's hung neglected, and there was a hollow, haggard look about his eyes, as if of dismay at his XXXIII.] IN THE TOWER. 425 approaching fate. Neither was, however, forgetful of courtesy, and as Babington presented Mr.. Talbot to his friend, the gTeeting and welcome would have befitted the halls of Dethick or Tichborne. " Sirs," said the young man, with a sad smile irradi- ating for a moment the restless despair of his counte- nance, " it is not by choice that I am an intruder on your privacy ; I will abstract myself so far as is pos- sible." " I have no secrets from my Chidiock," cried Babington. " But Mr. Talbot may," replied his friend, " there- fore I will only first inquire whether he can tell ns aught of the royal lady for whose sake we suffer. They have asked us many questions, but answered none." Richard was able to reply that after the seclusion at Tixall she had been brought back to Chartley, and there was no difference in the manner of her custody, moreover, that she had recovered from her attack of illness, tidings he had just received in a letter from Humfrey. He did not feel it needful to inflict a pang on the men who were to die in two days' time by letting them know that she was to be immediately biDiight to trial on the evidence extracted from them. On hearing that her captivity was not straitened, both looked reheved, and Tichborne, thanking him, lay down on his own bed, turned his face to the wall, and drew the covering over his head. " Ah ! " sighed Babington, " is there no hope for him — he who has done naught but guard too faith- fully my unhappy secret ? Is he to die for his faith and honour ?" '* Alas, Antony ! I am forbidden to give theo hope 426 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. for any. Of that we must not speak. The time is short enough for what needs to be spoken." " I knew that there was none for myself," said Antony, " but for those whom " There was a gesture from Tichborne as if he could not bear this, and he went on, " Yea, there is a matter on which I must needs speak to you, sir. The young lady — where is she ?" — he spoke earnestly, and lowering his voice as he bent his head. " She is still at Chartley." " That is well But, sir, she must be guarded. I fear me there is one who is aware of her parentage." " The Scottish archer ?" " No, the truth." " You knew it ?" '■ Not when I made my suit to her, or I should never have dared to lift my eyes so far." "I suppose your knowledge came from Langston," said Richard, more perturbed than amazed at the dis- closure. " Even so. Yet I am not certain whether he knows or only guesses ; but at any rate be on your guard for her sake. He has proved himself so unspeakable a villain that none can guess what he will do next. He — he it is above all — yea, above even Gilford and Ballard, who has brought us to this pass." He was becoming fiercely agitated, but putting a force upon himself said, " Have patience, good Mr. Talbot, of your kindness, and I will tell you all, that you may understand the coilings of the serpent who led me hither, and if possible save her from them." Antony then explained that so soon as he had become his own master he had followed the inclina- tions which led him. to the church of his mother and XXXIII.] IN THE TOWER. 427 of Queen Mary, the two beings be bad always regarded witb the most fervent affection and love. His mother's kindred had brought him in contact with the Epman Catholic priests who circulated in England, at the utmost peril of their lives, to keep up the faith of the gentry, and in many cases to intrigue for Queen Mary. Among these plotters he fell in with Cuthbert Lang- ston, a Jesuit of the third order, though not a priest, and one of the most active agents in corresponding with Queen Mary. His small stature, colourless com- plexion, and insignificant features, rendered him almost a blank block, capable of assuming any variety of disguise. He also knew several languages, could imitate different dialects, and counterfeit male and female voices so that very few could detect him. He had soon made himself known to Babington as the huckster Tibbott of days gone by, and had then dis- closed to him that Cicely was certainly not the daughter of her supposed parents, telling of her rescue from the wreck, and hinting that lier rank was exalted, and that he knew secrets respecting her which he was about to make known to the Queen of Scots. With this purpose among others, Langstou had adopted the disguise of the woman selling sj^ars with the password " Beads and Bracelets," and being well known as an agent of correspondence to the suite of the captive Queen, he had been able to direct Gorion's attention to the maiden, and to let him know that she was the same with the infant who had been put on board the Bride of Bunhar at Dumbarton. How mvich more did Langston guess ? He had told Babington the story current among the outer circle of Mary's followers of the maiden being the daughter of the Scotch archer, and had taught him her true 428 UNKNOWN TO HISTORY. [CHAP. name, encouraging too, his aspirations towards her dur- ing the time of his courtship. Babington believed Langston to have been at that time still a sincere partizan of Queen Mary, but all along to have enter- tained a suspicion that there was a closer relationship between Bride Hepburn and the Queen than was avowed, though to Babington himself he had only given mysterious hints. But towards the end of the captivity at Tutbury, he had made some further discovery, which confirmed his suspicions, and had led to another attempt to accost Cicely, and to make the Queen aware of his knowledge, perhaps in order to verify it, or it might be to gain power over her, a reward for the introduction, or to extort bribes to secrecy. For looking back, Antony could now perceive that by this time a certain greed of lucre had set in upon the man, who had obtained large sums of secret service money from himself ; and avarice, together with the rebuff he had received from the Queen, had doubtless rendered him accessible to the temptations of the arch-plotters Gifford and Morgan. Eichard coidd believe this, for the knowledge had been forced on him that there were an incredible number of intriguers at that time, spies and conspirators, often in the pay of both parties, impartially betraying the one to the other, and sometimes, through miscalculation, meeting the fate they richly deserved. Many a man who had begun enthusiastically to work in undergTound ways for what he thought the righteous cause, became so enamoured of the undermining process, and the gold there to be picked up, that from a wrong-headed partizan he be- came a traitor — often a double-faced one — and would work secretly in the interest of whichever cause would pay him best. XXXIII.] IN THE TOWER. 429 Poor Babington had been far too youthfully simple to guess what he now perceived, that he had been made the mere tool and instrument of these traitors. He had been instructed in Gifford's arrangement with the Burton brewer for conveying letters to Mary at Chartley, and had been made the means of informing her of it by means of his interview with Cicely, when he had brought tlie letter in the watch. The letter had been conveyed to him by Langston, the watch had been his own device. It was after this meet- ing, of which Eichard now heard for the first time, that Langston had fully told his belief respecting the true birth of Bride Hepburn, and assured Bab- ington that there was no hope of his wedding her, though the Queen might allow him to delude himself with the idea of her favour in order to bind liim to her service. It was then that Babington consented to Lady Shrewsbury's new match with the well-endowed Eleanor Eatcliffe. If he could not have Cicely, he cared not whom he had. He had been leading a wild and ex- travagant life about town, when (as poor Tichborne afterwards said on the scaffold) the flourishing estate of Babington and Tichborne was the talk of Fleet Street and the Strand, and he had also many calls for secret service money, so that all his thought was to have more to spend in the service of Queen Mary and her daughter. " Oh, sir 1 I have been as one distraught all this past year," he said. " How often since I have been shut up here, and I have seen how I have been duped and gulled, have your words come back to me, that to enter on crooked ways was the way to destruction for myself and others, and that I miglit only be serving 430 UNKNOWN TO IIISTOIIV. [CHAP. worse men than myself ! And yet th(iy were priests who misled me !" " Even in your own religion there are many priests who would withhold you from such crimes," said Piichard. " There are ! I know it ! I have spoken with them. They say no priest can put aside the eternal laws of God's justice. So these others, Chidiock here, Donne and Salisbury, always cried out against the slaying of the Queen, though — wretch that I was — and gulled by Ballard and Savage, I deemed the exploit so noble and praiseworthy that I even joined Tichborne with me in that accursed portraiture ! Yea, you may well deem me mad, but it was Gifford who encouraged me in having it made, no doubt to assure our ruin. Oh, Mr. Talbot ! was ever man so cruelly deceived as me ?" " It is only too true, Antony. My heart is full of rage and indignation when I think thereof. And yet, my poor lad, what concerns thee most is to lay aside all such thoughts as may not tend to repentance before God." " I know it, I know it, sir. All the more that we shall die without the last sacraments. Commend us to the prayers of our Queen, sir, and of her. But to proceed with what imports you to know for her sake, while I have space to speak." He proceeded to tell how, between dissipation and intrigue, he had lived in a perpetual state of excitement, going backwards and forwards between London and Lichfield to attend to the correspondence with Queen ]\Iary and the Spanish ambassador in France, and to arrange the details of the plot ; always being worked up to the highest pitch by Gifford and Ballard, while Langston continued to be the areat assistant in all the XXXIII.] IN THE TOWER. 431 correspondence. All the time Sir Francis Walsingham, who was really aware of all, if not the prime mover in the intrigue, appeared perfectly unsuspicious ; often received Babington at his house, and discussed a plan of sending him on a commission to France, while in point of fact every letter that travelled in the Burton barrels was deciphered by Phillipj^s, and laid before the Secre- tary before being read by the proper owners. In none of these, however, as Babington could assure ]\Ir. Talbot, had Cicely been mentioned, — the only danger to her was through Langston. Things had come to a climax in July, when Bab- ington had been urged to obtain from Mary such definite approbation of his plans as might satisfy his confederates, and had in consequence written the letter and obtained the answer, copies of which had been read to him at his private examination, and which certainly contained fatal matter to both him and the Queen. They had no doubt been called forth with that intent, and a doubt had begun to arise in the victim's mind whether the last reply had been really the Queen's own. It had been delivered to him in the street, not by the usual channel, but by a blue-coated serving- man. Two or three days later Humfrey had told him of Langston's interview with Walsingham, which he had at the time laughed to scorn, thinking himself able to penetrate any disguise of that Proteus, and like"\\dse believing that he was blinding "Walsingham. He first took alarm a few days after Humfrey's de- parture, and wrote to Queen Mary to warn her, convinced that the traitor must be Langston. Ballard became himself suspected, and after lurking about in various diso'uises was arrested in Babin^fton's own lod