r? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY A COMPLETE FOR Lawyers, Administrators, Assignees, Receivers, Trustees, State, County, City and Village Officials CONTAINING T^ORMS of all the more important * legal advertisements in daily use and expressing therein all that the law requires in a clear and concise manner. BY JAMES P. MONAGHAN OF THE CINCINNATI BAR For twelve years in charge of the legal advertising department of the Court Index the official journal of the courts of Hamilton County, Ohio). FUNK PUBLISHING Co. PUBLISHERS CINCINNATI, OHIO 1910. T Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1907 BY JAMES P. MONAGHAN In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Cincinnati, Ohio Tin: CHAS. O. EBEL PRINTING Co.. PRINTERS. 1910. PREFACE. In submitting to the legal profession, court, state, county and city officials a publication differing in its ob- jects, method and scope from anything heretofore puo- lished, the author feels a word of explanaton is necessary. After twelve years spent in the legal advertising de- partment of the Court Index, the official journal of the courts of Hamilton County, Ohio, and during that period calling upon the lawyers of the city of Cincinnati daily for the purpose of trying to interest them sufficiently by argument to place their publications in the Index; and, being somewhat successful in this respect, I was obliged to write fully two-thirds of all the advertisements myself. This was due to the fact that most of the lawyers were invariably busy when I called upon them and could not take the time to write the advertisement. Another reason given by some of the lawyers was that I ought to be able to write the same in less space than they could, because I was making a special business of the same, and that I could write the advertisement in less time than it would take them to find the law prescribing how, and what the advertisement should contain. Actinng upon the suggestion of the last proposition, I ventured upon the task of writing the following work, with a desire to render the labor of the lawyer and offi- cial less tedious. This is not intended to be a text book, but simply one to lighten the labors and to obviate the loss of time of the busy lawyer, state, county, and city official. To make the work complete I have enedavored to pre- sent a form for every legal advertisement prescribed by the Statutes of the State of Ohio, which advertisement requirements are in effect the same in every state of the Union. Of course, every specific advertisement that may at times be required can not be given, but it is believed that any legal advertisement may be written by a slight modification of the forms given in this work. The majority of the advertisements herein presented have been approved by the courts, and a great number of them have been obtained by examining the advertisements actually drawn by attorneys of standing at the Ohio bar. The importance of the subject of legal advertising will not be questioned, and the peculiar adaptability of the ar- rangement of this work is for the purpose of constructing a work applicable alike, and equally valuable, in all the states of the Union, and in all the English-speaking coun- tires of the world. The object of this work is to provide a comprehensive, clear and reliable legal advertising form book, for law- yers, administrators, assignees, receivers, trustees, and state, county, and city officials. Forms for all the more important legal advertisements .which are in daily use and required to be written with precision are herein given. In this work the busy lawyer will find legal advertise- ments which can be depended upon to fit any given case. Public officials will find this work one to be relied upon at all times. In the preparation of this work I have carefully exam- ined and followed the approved forms of legal advertise- ments in actual use in the various courts, and have aimed to make it, in all respects, an accurate, reliable and safe guide in the matter of writing legal advertisements. While any ordinary and precise language will be suffi- cient to express in a legal advertisement what is required to be expressed by the law, the following pages of legal advertising forms have been prepared with the view of expressing all that the law requires in a clear and concise manner, thereby saving much money for the cli- ents which has heretofore been expended unnecssarily by giving entirely too elaborate a notice, and the saving of time necessary to a new investigation upon the writing of every legal advertisement. And it is with the view of saving money, time and labor to attorneys and officials, that this work is undertaken, and with the hope that the design of the author has been accomplished. The author has endeavored to present the subject in a simple, concise and perspicuous manner, and every effort has been made to make it reliable, practical and con- venient. In the arrangement of the index, each advertisement can be found under at least three heads, which makes it easy to find the required advertisement. In presenting this work the author does so with the hope that it will be found useful to lawyers and officials J. P. M. fi* fa ^ V. f/tstm*is#ri~e*~~ ff 7 RATES FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING. Publishers of newspapers may charge and receive for the publication of advertisements, notices and proclama- tions the price or rate for which is not otherwise fixed by law, required to be published by any public officer of the State, or of a county, city, village, hamlet, township, school, Denevolent or other public institution, or by a trustee, assignee, executor, or administrator, the following sums, to wit: For the first insertion, one dollar for each square, and for each additional insertion, authorized by law or the person ordering the insertion, fifty cents for each square, fractional squares to be estimated at the same rate for space occupied; and in advertisements containing tabular or rule work, an additional sum of fifty per cent may be charged in addition to the foregoing rates. A square shall be considered and held to be a space occupied by two hundred and forty ems of the type used in printing such advertisements; and all legal advertising shall be set up in compact form, without any unnecessary spaces, blanks or head lines, and shall be printed in type not smaller than nonpereil. When an officer, in the due execution of his office, is re- quired to write or set up an advertisement, he shall be allowed for every such advertisement twenty-five cents; and if the advertisement is required to be published in a newspaper, the officer shall be allowed twelve and one-half cents in addition to the price thereof, to be taxed in the bill of costs; but constables shall not be allowed more than twenty-five cents for advertising the sale of property taken in execution. There shall be allowed to the publishers of newspapers, 1 2 - for advertising the delinquent and forfeited lists of the 5 several counties, and the notice of sale, a sum not exceed- ing the folowing rates: For notice of sale, ten dollars - for designating the several school districts, townships, 10 hamlets, villages and cities, and the several wards in any ]\ city, fifty cents each; and for each tract of land, city or - town lot, or part of lot, contained in each of said lists - thirty cents; provided, that in no case shall a greater sum 17^1 than one-half of the taxes and penalties, due on any tract, " lot, or part of lot, be allowed for advertising such tract, 20 lot or part of lot. 2i r In all cases where any Cunty Auditor, by inadvertence H~ or mistake, shall have omitted, or in any future year shall - omit, to publish the delinquent list of his county, accord- - ing to requirements of law, it shall be his duty, in case the ^ taxes and penalty with which the land and town lots there- to- in stand charged, shall not have been paid, to charge the - said lands and town lots with the said taxes and penatly, 34HI and also the taxes of the current year, and record, or cer- tify, and publish the same as part of the delinquent list. -X) ~ 37 38 39 40 SQUARES DEFINED. 43 ^ The accompanying rule is seven squares in length, - graduated by nonpareil point system. The majority of the newspapers of the country today ?o are using this measurement, and are making their columns - thirteen pica Ems in width, or twenty-six Ems of nonpar- - eil type in width. The law provides that type not smaller ^ than nonpareil must be used in legal advertisements. In measuring legal advertisements it is always best to 58 be guided by the number of lines contained in each ad- o~ vertisement. The line rule here given is of nonpareil type measurement, and nine of such lines contain two hunderd and thirty-four Ems, and this is as close as it is possible to figure out a square. To find the number of squares in a given legal adver- tisement, measure the same by this rule, and if the adver- tisement is more than seven squares in length, count the number of lines in the same, and then divide the number of lines by the figure 9; and to find the number of Ems in the advertisement, just multiply the number of lines by the same figure 9. If an advertisement contains sixty-three lines, you will find that by dividing the same by nine you will have seven squares. In order to find out what the cost of this advertisement seven squares in length should be, as allowed by law, we will suppose that the same is a notice given to a non- resident defendant, and is required to be published for six consecutive weeks. Allow seven dollars for the first insertion, and three dolars and fifty cents for each of the succeeding five insertions, which will amount to seventeen dollars and fifty cents; then add the two items together and you will have twenty-four dollars and fifty cents. The newspaper publisher will have to make an affidavit to the effect that the advertisement was published in his news- paper for six censecutive weeks and for this affidavit add forty cents more; then you will find the total cost of the alvertisement to be twenty-four dollars and ninety cents. WHEN ACTION DEEMED COMMENCED. An acion shall be deemed commenced, within the mean- ing of the law, as to each defendant, at the date of the summons which is -served on him, or on a co-defendant who is a joint contractor or otherwise united in interest with him. And when service by ptiblication is proper, the action shall be deemed commenced at the date of the first publication, if the publication be regularly made. RULE DAYS. The answer or demurrer by the defendant shall be filed on or before the third Saturday, and the reply or demurrer by the plaintiff on or before the fifth Saturday, after the return day of the summons, or service by publication; and the answer or demurrer of a defendant to a cross-petition shall be filed on or before the third Saturday, and the reply or demurrer thereto on or before the fifth Saturday after the cross-petition is filed; but the court, or a Judge there- of in vacation, may, for good cause shown, extend the time for filing any pleading, upon such terms as are just. Notice of Appointment. The undersigned has been duly ap- pointed and qualified by the Court of County Ad- ministrator of the estate of , deceased, late of said county. Name. . . Attv. Administrator's Sale Notice to Non- Rident Defendants. John Doe, devisee and heir at law of Helen Doe, deceased, whose place of resi- dence is , will take notice that on the .... day of 190..., Richard Roe, administrator of the es- tate of Helen Doe, deceased, filed his pe- tition in the Court of alleging that the personal estate of said decedent is insufficient to pay her debts and the charges of administering her estate ; that she died seized in fee simple of the following described real estate, and praying for an order to sell the same : (Here describe the real estate.) Said defendant is required to answer on or before the .... day of , 190..., or judgment will be taken ac- cordingly. RICHARD ROE, Administrator of the Estate of Helen Roe. Atty. 10 Notice by Administrator of Probable Insolvency of Estate. Notice is hereby given that on the day of , 190... the Court of County, declared the estate of , de- ceased, to be probably insolvent. Cred- itors are therefore required to present their claims against the estate to the undersigned for allowance within months from the time above mentioned, or they will not be entitled to payment. Name. Administrator of the Estate of deceased. Atty. 11 Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. In pursuance of an order of the Court of County, I will offer for sale at public auction upon the premises on the day of 190 at ... o'clock . .M.,. the following described real estate, be- longing to the estate of de- ceased, the personalty belonging to said estate being insufficient to pay the debts and cost of administering the estate. | Here describe the property.) To be sold in case No. .... of the Court of Said property is appraised at dollars. Terms of sale . . Name. Administrator of the Estate of deceased. ' Atty. Affidavit in Proof of Publication. State of County, ss : Personally appeared before me, a in and for said coun- ty of the after being first duly sworn, says that the annexed idvertisement was published in the a newspaper printed and of general circulation in said county, once a week for consecutive weeks, commencing on the .... day of 190.., and that each Insertion was upon the same day of e"ach week, namely on Name. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this .... day of ]'JO. .. within and for County Notice for Alimony. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of 190 .., Mary Doe filed her petition in the Court of being case No praying that she be awarded alimony against him. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the .... day of 190... Atty Plaintiff. 14 Notice of Annexation of Territory to the Village of Notice is hereby given that on the .... day of , 190.., an applica- tion was made to the commissioners of County, asking for permission to be granted to the village of to annex the following de- scribed territory, in accordance with the laws provided by the General Assembly of the State of (Here describe the territory to be an- nexed. ) Said application further sets forth that an ordinance was duly passed by the council of said village of on the .... day of , 190. ., for the annexation of the territory above de- scribed, and authorizing to act as agent for said village. Said application, with a plat of the territory to be annexed to said village, is now on file in the office of the auditor of County and will be for hearing before said com- missioners at ... o'clock ...M., on the day of 190 ... In the offices of the commissioners of County, Acting for the Village of 15 Notice of Application to Court By Administrator of the Estate of Deceased, To Complete a Contract En- tered Into By Said Decedent Before Death. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of , 190. ., administrator of the estate of , de- ceased, filed his petition in the Court of County, praying for authority to complete the contract for the sale of the following real estate, which was entered into by deceased, prior to his death. ( Here describe the real estate. ) And for authority to execute a deed for and on behalf of the heirs at law to the purchaser. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of 190... Administrator of the estate of deceased. Atty. 1C Noti<-- of Application for Allowance of Claim out of Uri-edriift. Ksiul*', for a Note Paid for Decedent. John Doe. whose place of residence is , will take notice that have presented to the Court of , for allowance to out of the estate of deceased, being case No , a certain claim of dollars, with .... per cent interest from , 190.., being the amount paid by to for said during his lifetime, at his request, in payment of a certain promissory note executed by the said , , ... payable to (Deced't) (Month) (Date) |Yr.) or order for dollars, which said note was cashed by and the proceeds paid to said , Testimony concerning said claim will be heard by said Court, on the day of 190... Petitioner. Atty. Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing named persons have applied for license to retail liquors at the locations following their respective names. Any person desiring to object to the granting of license to either of said persons may file a remonstrance with the undersigned at any time within weeks iis date. Name. No. Street. Name. No. Street. Name. No. Street. Secretary License Board. ( Month. V ' ( Date.')' (' Year j Notice of Intent of the City of To Appropriate Private Property for Public Use. John Doe, whose place of residence is , is hereby notified of the passage of the following resolution by the council of the city of on declaring the (Month.) (Date.) (Year.) intent to appropriate property to pub- lic use for the opening and extending of avenue in said city. A resolution declaring the intent to appropriate property to public use for the opening and extending of avenue in the city of Be it resolved by the Council of the city of State of : That it is the intent of the city of to appropriate to public use for the opening, widening and extending of avenue, in the city of county of State of (as per plat hereto attached), the following described property: (Here describe the property.) Passed A. D. 190 ... (Month.) (Date.) President of Council. Attest Clerk. 19 Notice to N o ii - K !.!(( i-ii I < of Appropriation of Private Property for Public Use, by the City of The defendants, whose last known places of residence were as follows : (Here give the names and last known addresses of all non-resident defend- ants.) Will take notice that on the day of 190. ., the city of filed an application to asses compensa- tion for appropriating private property to public use for street purposes, in the Court of county, being _case No on the dockets of said ' court, entitled: The City of plaintiff, vs et al. (including the above named par- ties), deefendants. The application states that on the .... day of 190... by resolution duly passed by the Council of the city of , said city de- clared its intention to appropriate the following described property to public' use for street purposes, for widening, opening and extending street, to wit : (Here describe the property to be ap- propriated. ) Said application further states that due notice of said resolution was given ac- cording to law, to all the owners of said property, and by ordinance duly passed on the ....day of 190... the appropriation of said property was directed to proceed ; that the defendants above named own, or claim to own, or have some interest or title in said prop- erty, and prays that the court will im- panel a jury to award the compensation so assessed, or deposit the same Into court, possession of said property may be awarded to the said city of , according to law. The said application will be for hear- ing in the above named court on the ....day of at ... .o'clock. . .M. City Solicitor of the City of. 20 Appropriation of Private Property By Board of Public Works for a Public Necessity. John Doe, owner of the following tie- scribed property, and whose place of residence is , will take notice that on the day of , 190... the Board of Pub- lic works of the city of and State of , did take unto them- selves as such board the following de- scribed property. (Here describe property.) The same being taken by them to satis- fy the public exigency, and that an offer on behalf of the State to pay therefor a specific sum of money, was made, be- ing such a sum as the board, or their members, deemed reasonable for such property. Secretary Board of Public Works. 21 Notice to Architects To Submit Plans. The board of of the city of hereby in- vites all architects to subhit plans for a building. Plans to be pre- sented by , copy (Month.) (Date.) (Year.) of specifications and details can be had upon application to the of the board. President of the Board of , Clerk. 22 Notice of Application for Appointment of Arbitrators. John Doe, et al., whose places of resi- dence are will take notice that on the .... day of 190 , filed his petition in the Court of , praying therein that the said court appoint three disinterested persons to act as arbitrators, in the question of the value of shares of stock of the Railroad Com- pany, held by, and being the property of the plaintiff, for the reason that said Railroad Company on the .... day of 190.., did by a vote of the majority of its stockholders pres- ent at a meeting held on said day, make an agreement with the Railroad Company to consolidate their companies. And the said plaintiff, finding it im- possible to agree with the Board of Directors of said Railroad Company as to the value of the shares of stock held by him. Said petition will be for hearing by said court on the .... day of 190. . Petitioner. 23 Notice of Application To Assess Damages. The defendants,, whose last known places of residence were as follows : (Here give the names and last known addresses of all non-resident defendants.) Will take notice that on the .... day of ., 190.., the city of filed an application to assess damages, If any, which will be suffered by the defendants, and to which they may be lawfully entitled by reason of the pro- posed improvement of street from street to street, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Legislation, passed (Month.) being case No. .... on the ( Date. ) ( Year. ) docket of the Court of and entitled : The city of plaintiff, vs et al. (including the above named parties), defendants. Said application further states that due notice of the passage of said resolution was given according to law, to all of the owners of property abutting on said improvement ; that the defendants herein filed claims for damages by reason of said improvement, and that by resolu- tion No , duly passed the ( Month. ) ( Date. ) ( Year. ) Board of Legislation determined to pro- ceed with said improvement, and directed that the claims for damages filed should be judicially inquired into before the improvement was made, and prays that the court will impanel a jury to inquire into and assess the damages, if any, which will be suffered by the defendants and to which they may be lawfully entitled by reason of the proposed improvement. The said application will be for hear- ing in the above named court on the. . . . day of 190. ..at .... o'clock. .M. City solicitor of the city of Assessment By County Commissioners. Notice is hereby given that the Coun- ty Commissioners of County, , have levied an assessment upon the lots and lands abutting upon avenue, which has been im- proved in the following manner, to wit : ( Here state the nature of the improve- ment.) And upon the lots and lands benefited thereby. The assessment so made is now on file in the office of the county commis- sioners for the inspection and examina- tion of persons interested therein. By order of the County Commission- ers of County Clerk. Notice of Estimated Assessment for Costs and Expenses of Improvement. Notice is hereby given that an esti- mated assessment of the cost and ex- penses for improving street, from street to street, has been made upon the lots and lands benefited thereby and set forth in the ordinance passed by the Board of Legis- lation of the city of (Month.) , , and that copies thereof (Date.) (Year.) are now on file in the offices of the City Clerk and of the clerk of the Board of of the city of for the inspection and examination of persons interested therein. By order of the Board of Clerk. 2 Notice of Assessment By Council, Notice is hereby given that the City Council of , . . , has levied and assessed, upon the general tax list, an assessment on all taxbale real and personal property in the cor- poration, for the payment of the costs and repair of the following improvements : (Here state what improvements are to be made.) The assessment so made is now on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun- cil for the inspection and examination of persons interested therein. Clerk of Council. Notice to Non-Resident of Atwesament of the Council of John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the .... day of 190... the Council of the city of " , levied an assessment of dollars, upon the following lots and lands belonging to the said John Doe : (Here describe the lots and lands.) Said assessment was made for the fol- lowing improvements (Here state what the improvements consisted of. ) The assessment so made is now on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun- cil for the inspection and examination of all persons interested therein. Clerk of the Council of the city of 28 Assignee's Notice of Appointment. The undersigned has been duly ap- pointed and qualified by the Court of County , As- signee in trust for the benefit of the creditors of Atty.' Notice of Sale of Desperate Claims by Assignee. The undersigned, assignee in trust for the benefit of the creditors of hereby gives notice that on the .... day of 190... he filed his petition in the Court of of County asking for authority to sell all the unpaid accounts belonging to said assignor's estate, the same being desperate, and the said petition will be heard on the .... day of 190. ., at . . o'clock . .M. Assignee. Atty. Sale of Personal Proprty. The following described personal prop- erty (here describe the property), be- longing to the estate of As- signor, will be sold at public vendue, at , on the .... day of 190.., at .... o'clock ..M., and to con- tinue thereafter until all of the property is sold. Assignee. Atty. 31 Assignee's Sale of Real Estate. Pursuant to an order of sale of the Court of to me di- rected, I will offer at public sale on the premises, on the .... day of , 190.., at .... o'clock . .M., the follow- ing described real estate, situated, etc., (Here describe the property.) Appraised at Dollars, to be sold in case No of said court. Terms of sale, Assignee of. Atty.'" 32 Notice of Suit By a Creditor To Recover Possession of Property Assigned or Transferred in Fraud of Creditors. To all whom it may concern, notice is hereby given that on the . . . .day of 190... John Doe, Trustee, filed his petition in the Court of , in the county of and State of praying to recov- er possesstion of the following property, (Here describe the property.) belonging to the estate of , who on the .... day of , 190.., made an assignment in the Court of for the benefit of his creditors, but who on the .... day of assigned, or transferred the above described property in fraud of his creditors. Plaintiff prays that said property be ordered placed in the estate for the bene- fit of all the creditors. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the .... day of 190... Trustee, Plaintiff. Atty. Attachment Notice in Common Pleas Court. John Doe, whose last known place of residence was will take no- tice that Richard Roe. on the .... day of 190.., filed a petition in the Court of Common Pleas of County , being case No praying for the recovery of dollars, with interest from 190. ., due on a contract. Notice is also hereby given that an order of attachment has been issued in this action, and that funds in the hands of have been garnished. Said John Doe is required to answer on or before the .... day of 190. or judgment willl be taken against him. Plaintiff. Atty. Attachment Notice in Justice of Peace Court. A. B., Plaintiff, vs. C. D., Defendant, before Justice of the Peace of Township County, State of On the of 190. ., said Justice issued an order of attachment in the above ac- tion, for the sum of dollars. Said cause will be for hearing on the day of 1.90.., at o'clock . .M. Plaintiff. Atty. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant of Attachment of Real Estate. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of 190... Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of . . ., being case no against him. praying for a personal judg- ment against him in the sum of dollars, and in which action the interest of the defendant in the following real estate was attached, to wit : (Situate, etc. Here describe the real estate.) Said defendant is required to answer on or before the .... day of 190.., or his interest in the aforesaid real estate will be sold and the pro- ceeds thereof applied to the payment of the claim set forth in the above de- scribed petition. Plaintiff.' ' Atty. County Auditor's Notice of Delinquent Taxes. The lands in County upon which taxes and penalties are shown to be due by the list furnished to me by the Auditor of the State of are described as follows : (Here insert the list as received from the Auditor of the State of ) And notice is hereby given that if the tax and penalties charged on said lands be not paid into the county treas- ury, and the Treasurer's receipt produced therefor on or before the .... day of 190.., said lands will be sold by the undersigned at the door of the Court House in said county on said day ; said sale will continue from day to day until all of said lands have been offered for sale. Auditor of County, 37 Statement of Condition of the Bank. City. State. At the close of business , 190.. (Month.) Date. Resources. Loans on real estate All other loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds and other bonds Due from banks and bankers Real estate Vault, furniture and fixtures Current expenses Cash and clearing house exchange Total Liabilities. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided . profits Dividends unpaid Individual deposits Due to banks and bankers. . Total I, , cashier of the Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cashier Correct Attest : President. State of County, ss : Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this .... day of . 190. .. Notary Public. County, 38 Notice of Desire to Locate a Factory Near , a Benevolent Institution, at Less Distance Than That Prohibited By Law. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned, on the .... day of , 190... filed his petition in the Court of County .set- ting forth therein his desire to erect and locate within seventy-five rods of the benevolent institution a factory, and further alleging in said petition that because of the erec- tion or location of said factory, there can be no harm come to the inmates of said institution and that their lives and health will not be endangered on that account. Said petition will be for hearing by said court on the .... day of 190... Petitioner. Notice of Sealed Bids By City Auditor. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of of the city of at the office of said board, until o'clock . .M. of 190 ., for furnishing the necessary la- tMt and materials for the construction of a combined sewer and drains, with their appurtenances, from to according to plans and speci- fications filed with the City Auditor, and subject to inspection in duplicate in the office of this board. Each bid must contain the full name of every person or company interested in the same, and be accompanied by a bond in the sum of dollars, to the satisfaction of the board, or a cer- tified check on some solvent bank, as a guaranty that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Should any bid be rejected such check will be forthwith returned to the bidder ; and should any bid be accepted, such check will be returned upon the proper execution and securing of the contract. Bidders are required to use the print- ed forms, which will be furnished upon application. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of 'Clerk. 40 Sale of Bonds. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of Public Im- provement of the city of , until .... o'clock . .M 190. :, for the pur- chase of bonds of said city of in the aggregate sum of dol- lars, dated 190. ., payable in years from date, each bond be- ing in the sum of dollars, and bearing interest at the rate of per cent per annum, payable Said bonds were issued by the said Board of Public Improvement to pay the compensation, costs and expenses of pro- ceedings in the appropriation by the said city of of ave- nue for the purpose of a public street. Said bond will be sold to the highest and best bidder for not less than par and accrued interest. All bidders must state the amount of bonds bid for, and the gross amount he will pay for the same, including prem- ium and accrued interest to date of de- livery. All bids must be accompanied with a certified check, payable to the Treas- urer of said city, for per centum of the amount of bonds bid for, upon condition that if the bid is accepted the bidder will pay for such bonds as may be issued, as above set forth, within .... days from the time of said award, said check to be retained by the city of if said condition is not fulfilled. The board reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Bids should be sealed and indorsed. "Bids for bonds." The Board of Public Improvement. . .Clerk. 41 itoixN, Sale of by Koad Commissioners. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Secretary of the Road Commissioners of County, until .... o'clock . . M., , for the pur- chase of bonds, which were issued by said Road Commissioners for the pur- pose of improving road to and road to Bonds in the aggregate sum of dollars, dated , payable in years from date, each bond being in the sum of dollars, and bearing interest at the rate of .... per cent per annum, payable s?mi-annu- ally. Said bonds were issued under author- ity of the laws of the State of and in accordance with the resolution adopted by said Road Commissioners, passed on the .... day of , 190... Secretary. 42 Sale of Condemnation Bonds by the City of Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of of the city of until .... o'clock ..M. of , , for the purchase of dollars worth of .... per cent "Special Condemnation Bonds" of the city of There bonds are issued in accordance with and under provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of entitled "An act to author- ize cities of the first grade of the first class to issue bonds to pay for property to be hereafter condemned and appro- priated for street purposes." passed. . . . ( State laws, page ....), and the resolution of the Board of , passed ( Here give the denomination of bonds. the date, and when same are redeem- able, where payable, and what rate of interest they will bear.) Bidders will be required to state the number of bonds for and the gross amount they will pay for the bonds bid for, and accrued interest from , to date of delivery of bonds ; also as a guarantee of good faith on their part, to enclose with their proposals a certified check on some solvent bank, or good and suf- ficient security, to the satisfaction of the Board of , for .... per cent of the par- value of the bonds bid for. Bidders to use the printed forms of proposals furnished by the clerk of the Board of as none other will be received. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. All proposals to be by the bidders, sealed and indorsed, "Bids for Special Condemnation Bonds," and de- posited with the clerk of the Board of , before By order of the Board of , President. Clerk. 43 Notice of Issuing Bonds of Village in Excess of Taxes Allowed by the State, on All Property Listed for Taxation. Notice is hereby given that in pur- suance of a resolution of the Council of the village of passed on the .... day of , 190.., there will be submitted to the qualified elect- ors of said village at a special election to be had in said village, on the .... day of 190.., the question of issuing bonds of said village in an amount in excess of per cent of the total value of all property in said village as listed and assessed for taxation ; that is to say, in the sum of dollars, for the purpose of. (Here state the purpose.) Said election to be held at the usual voting place in said village. Those who vote in favor of the prop- osition of issuing the bonds aforesaid shall have written or printed on theeir ballots the words "For the issue of bonds," and those who vote against the same shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "Against the is- sue of bonds." Mayor. 44 Notice for Judgment on Bond. John Doe, whose place of residence is , will take notice that on the day of 190 filed petition in the Court of being case No praying for judgment on his 'bond, giv- en in case No of the Court of Said cause will be for hearing on and after the .... day of 190... ' 'Plaintiff.' ' Atty. Sale of Non-Taxable Bonds. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor of the city of State of until o'clock , of the .... day of 190... for the purchase of bonds of the said city, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $ dated on the day of sale and payable in years from date at each being in the sum of $ and drawing interest at the rate of ... per centum per annum, payable and are non-taxable. They are issued for the following purpose. (Here state the particular purpose for which they have been issued. ) under the authority of the laws of the State of and un- der and in accordance with ordinance No of the Council of the city of , passed , Said bonds will be sold to the highest and best bidder for not less than par and accrued Interest. Bids may be made upon all or any part of this issue. All bids must state the number of bonds bid for and the gross amount of the bid. with accrued interest. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to city Auditor, for per cent of the amount of bonds bid for. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. All bids must be sealed * and must be indorsed on the outside of the envelope, "Bids for Bonds." Auditor. 46 Notice of Redemption of Bonds. Notice is hereby given to holders and owners of all outstanding bonds of County, known as Bonds, Issue No , amount- ing to dollars, and numbered to , inclusive, denomi- nation dollars each, dated due , with the option on the part of County to redeem said bonds on and after , payable at the office of the County Treasurer of County, at and issued under authority of an act of the General As- sembly ( , page ) , passed , that the same be and are hereby called for pay- ments, pursuant to said option contained in said bonds on behalf of the county of Holders and owners of said bonds are further notified that interest will cease on and after , and no claim for interest will be allowed after that date. All such holders and owners of said bonds should present the same to the Treasurer of County for payment. By order of the Board of County Com- missioners. President. Attest: , Clerk. Sale of Village Bonds to Pay Costs and Expenses of Construction of Sidewalks. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the clerk of the village of until o'clock ..M. of for the purchase of bonds of said village in the aggregate sum of dollars, dated the day of is- sue, payable in from to years from date of issue, being in a ser- ies of of equal amount, and bearing interest at the rate of .... per cent per annum, payable is- sued for the purpose of paying the cost and expense of construction of sidewalks in said village, and in accordance with an ordinance passed on the day of authorizing the same, and in accordance with the laws of the State of (Here give the names of the streets upon which the sidewalks are to be con- structed. ) Said bonds will be sold to the highest and best bidder for not less than par and accrued interest. Provided, that if before the opening of bids any of the owners of abutting property shall pay their full quota of costs and expenses, then the aggregate bond issue shall be decreased accordingly. All bids must state the number of bonds bid for and the gross amount of bid and accrued interest to date of de- livery, all bids to be accompanied with a certified check, payable to the Treas- urer of said village for .... per cent of the amount of the bonds bid for, upon condition that if the bid is accepted the bidder will receive and pay for such bonds as may be issued as set forth with- in days from the time of award. Said check will be retained by the vil- lage if said condition is not fulfilled. The village reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Bids must be sealed and indorsed "Bids for Bonds." Mayor of the Village of ., Clerk. 48 Sealed Proposals for Sale of Bonds. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Village of , until .... o'clock, , 190. ., for the purchase of bonds of the said vil- lage of in the aggregate sum of dollars, dated 190. ., payable in years from date, each bond being in the sum of dollars, and bearing interest at the rate of .... per cent per annum, payable Issued for (Here state the purpose for which same was issued.) in the village of State of and under authority of the laws of such state, made and provided, ;irul under and in accordance with a cer- tain ordinance number of the said village of , entitled, "Ordinance to issue bonds,'' passed on the .... day of , 190... Said bonds will be sold to the high- est and best bidder for not less than par and accrued interest. All bidders must state the number of bonds bid for, and the gross amount they will pay for the same, including premium and accrued interest to date of delivery. All bids must be accompanied with a certified check, payable to the Treas- urer of said village, for per cen- tum of the amount of bonds bid for, upon condition that if the bid is accepted the bidder will pay for such bonds as may be issued, as above set forth, within.... days from the time of said award, said check to be retained by the village if said condition is not fulfilled. The village of reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids should be sealed and indorsed. "Bids for . . Bonds." Clerk of the illage of 49 Notice of Statement of Condition. Building and Loan Company of... Authorized capital, f . . . Incorporated President Secretary Address .... Address. . . . Treasurer Attorney Address .... Address Financial statement for the fiscal year ending [Assets Receipts Profit and Loss... Liabilities Disbursements .... Profit and Loss . . . 50 Notice of Election of First Board of Directors of Building and Loan Association. Notice is hereby given to the sub- scribers to the capital stock of the Building and Loan Association that a meeting of said Association will be held on the day of 191.., at o'clock . .M., at for the purpose of e'lecting the 'first Board of Directors of said Association, and transacting such other business as might come before said meeting. Incorporators of Building and Loan Associations. 51 Xotiop of Sale of Burial Grounds by the Director* of a Cemetery Association. Notice is hereby given that on the .... day of 191.., the under- signed directors of the Ceme- tery Association will offer for sale at public auction, on the premises, the follow- ing described property : (Here describe the property.) The said company having determined to discontinue the use of said property as a burial grounds, have removed all the dead buried therein, and have also removed all tombstones and monuments from said grounds. Directors of Cemetery Asso- ciation. 52 N .Ii: . of Transfer by Religious Association of Real Estate I'secl us a Burial Place, to Cemetery Association. Notice is hereby given that on the .... day of , 191.., the under- signed trustees of (Here give the name of the religious association,) filed their petition in the Court of County, , praying for authority to transfer, the folllowing real estate : ( Here describe the property. ) Said real estate is now owned by said association, and said association is desir- ous of making said transfer. Any and all persons claiming an in- terest in the said real estate may appear and file an answer therein within weeks from the first publication of this notice. Trustees of Religious Asso- ciation. 53 Notice of Ix>6t Certificate of Stock. Notice is hereby given that on the day of 191 . ., filed .... petition in the Court of against the Com- pany, alleging that a certain certificate, No in the number of shares of the par value of dol- lars each, of the capital stock of said company, belonging to said has been lost or destroyed by fire, and that said shares have not been sold, assigned, transferred, disposed of, or pledged to, any one, and the petition prays that an order be made by said Court requiring the said Company to reissne and deliver to said petitioner a new certi- ficate of stock of the original amount and kind, calling for said shares of stock in said defendant company. Said petition will be for hearing in the Court of on the .... day of at o'clock ..M. Petitioner. Atty. 54 Notice to Noii-Kesidents of the Sale of Chattel Property, Under a Chattel Mortgage. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of 191 tiled petition in the Court of , being case No against praying therein to re- cover from the sum of dollars on a promisory note, with per cent interest from the day of and asking for the foreclo- sure of a chattel mortgage given to se- cure the said note, sale of chattel property and other relief. The defendant, John Doe, is required to answer on or before the day of 191 . ., or judgment may be taken against him. .Atty. 55 Notice of Sale of Unappropriated Church Property. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed, trustees of the property herein- after deescribed, belonging to Church, have filed their petition in the Court of praying the directions of the court as to the proper disposition of the following described pro- perty, which has not been claimed or appropriate to the use of said Church for twenty years : (Here describe the property.) Any and all persons, churches, or con- gregations claiming an interest in the subject matter of said petition are re- quired to answer on or before the day of , 191 Trustees for the use of Church. Notice of Bale of Desperate Claims. Notice is hereby given that on the day of 191. ., at o'clock . .M.. the undesigned of the estate of will make application for the sale of desperate claims in the Court of County ; at .... o'clock . .M., or as soon thereafter as practicable. A schedule of said debts and claims is now on file in said case. Petitioner. Atty. 57 Notice of Appeal from Decision of County Commissioners to the Probate Court of the County. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed, owner of the follow- ing described property, being adjacent to the , ( Here de- ( Stream ) scribe the property), has filed his peti- tion on appeal from the decision of the County Commissioners with the Probate Court of County, and that he has also given written notice to the Auditor of said county. Said petition will be for hearing be- fore said Probate Judge on the day of , 191.., at which time the jury will meet and determine the rights of all parties interested in said improvement. Petitioner. 58 Notice to Architects by Board of City Hall Commissioners. Notice is hereby given that the Board of City Hall Commissioners of the City of will, until thee .... day of receive plans, specifications and estimates from architects for the erection of a City Hall building, in said city. The Board of City Hall Commissioners. 59 Notice of Erection of a Work House for the Joint Use of Two Counties. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned Commissioners of County, and the undersigned, Commis- sioners of County, have, by resolutions, passed in their respective counties, decided that it would be to the interest of both counties to erect, manage and maintain a work house for the joint use of said counties. Notice is hereby further given to the qualified electors of each of the above- named counties that at a general elec- tion to be had on the .... day of 191.., the question of the establishment of said work house will be submitted for their approval. Said election to be held at the usual voting places in said counties. Those who vote in favor of the es- tablishment of said work house shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "For the establishment of a work house, and those who vote against the same shall have written or printed on their ballots the words. "Against the establishment of a work house. Commissioners of County. Commissioners of County. 60 Notice by County CoiniiiisRlonerg of Inten- tion to Erect a Bridge. Notice is hereby given that the Com- missioners of County, , intend erecting and constructing a .... ....bridge, with proper abutments and approaches thereto, over between and in County, said bridge and its approaches to extend from street to street, in the (City or Village.) The erecting and constructing of said bridge to be made after the expiration of weeks from the date hereof. All petitions for, and remonstrances against, such proposed location and im- provement will be heard by the County Commissioners on the day of 191... at o'clock ..M., at their office in County. By order of the Board of County Com- missioners of County. (City,) (State.) (Month.) (Date.) (Year.)" Clerk or said Board. 0] Notice of Removal of Mill-Dam By County Commissioners. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned petitioner, being owner of the following described property, adjoining and adjacent to the ( Stream. ) (Here describe the Qroperty. ), has filed his petition with the County Auditor, praying that a certain Mill-dam be re- moved, that it is a menace to the health, convenience and welfare of the public, and that the free passage of water in the natural channel of said stream is being retarded by said Mill-dam, and that the removal of same is a public necessity. The County Commissioners will meet on the .... day of , 191. ., at which time they will hear said petition and complete their proceedings thereon. Petitioner. 62 Notice of Application for Commutation. Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the Board of an application will be made for the com- mutation of , convicted at the term, 191 . . ., of the Court of of of the crime of , and sentenced to impris- onment in the for the period of years. Applicant. 63 Condemnation Notice. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of , 191.., The Company, a corporation under the laws of filed its petition in the Court of being case No. praying that the following described real estate be condemned for its use.. . (Describe the property. ) Said petition requires the said John Doe, defendant to. set up his claim and interest in said premises, and that just and reasonable compensation, for .the ap- propriation thereof be awarded him. and the Said John Doe is hereby .notified that unless he enters his appearance or file his answer or other pleading in said action on or before the day of 191 .., judgement may be taken against him. Attorney for the Company. Plaintiff. 64 Notice of Public Auction of Condemned Property by City Auditor. Notice 4s hereby given that I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, on the premises, , at o'clock . .M., the following condemned property : ( Here describe the property. ) Together with all the fences, out build- ings, etc., condemned by the city of to connect street with street, in case No pending in the Court of The terms of sale are The buildings and appurtenances to be removed from the premises within days. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. ' (City.')' " (State'.) ' " (Month.')' ' (Date!) " "(Year!) " 'City 'Auditor'.' 65 Notice of Contest of Validity of J'ote Given at an Election, for the Removal of the County Seat of County. Notice is hereby given that on the day of 190 elector of County, filed his notice of contest in the Court of County, to contest the validity of the vote given at an election which was held in said county on the day of , 190.., and at which election the ques- tion of removing the present seat of said county from to Said court has this day appointed , a competent and disinterested person, to serve as commissioner, and perform the duties prescribed in the mat- ter of said contest. Clerk of Court, Coun- ty 66 Notice to Contractors by County Auditor. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of County Com- missioners, until , at .... o'clock . . M., for the following county work. Improvement of road from road to road. The work to be done according to plans and specifications now on file in the office of the Board of County Commissioners, All bids must be made on blank forms, to be had at said office, and be accom- panied by two good and sufficient sure- ties, in the sum of dollars, that the bidder will enter into the contract to perform the work in case same is awarded to him. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. By order of the Board of County Com- missioners. ( County'. ) ' '(State. ) " if Month.')' ' ' ( b'a't'e'. ) (Year'.)' County Auditor. Xotice to Contractors by County Commissioners. Office of the Commissioners of County. ' (C'ity.')' " ('State.')' ' "(Month.')' '' /Date.')" 190. .. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of County Commis- sioners until , 190.., at .... o'clock . .M., for the following county work : (Here describe the work to be done.) The work to be done according to plans and specifications now on file in the of- fice of the Board of County Commis- sioners. All bids must be on blank forms, to be had at the office of the Board of County Commissioners, and be accompan- ied by two good and sufficient sureties in the sum of dollars, each, that the bidder will enter into the 'con- tract to perform the work in case same is awarded to him. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. President. 'cfe'r'k'. 68 Notice to Contractors by Board of Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of of the city of State of , at the of- fice of said Board, until .... o'clock . . M.. 190... for furnishing and delivering (Here state what is to be furnished), according to specifications on file in said office. . Each bid must contain the full name of each person or company interested in the same, and be accompanied by a bond in the sum of dollars, to the satisfaction of the board, or a cer- tified check on some solvent bank, as a -guarantee that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Should any bid be rejected, such check will be forthwith returned to the bidder, and should any bid be accepted, such check will be returned upon the proper ' execu- tion and securing^ o^ the contract'. Bidder's are' required 'to' use the printed form which will be furnished upon appli- cation. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of , 190... "clerk." Notice to Contractors By Village Council. Sealed bids will be received at the of- fice of the Clerk of the Village of at in said village until 190. ., at . . o'clock ...M., for furnishing (here state what is to be furnished.) for according to the specifications on file at the office of said clerk, where also can be had the forms which must be used. The right is re- served to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council of the Village of Clerk.' 70 Notice of rinding of Coroner In CM of Inquest. Notice is hereby given that an inquest was held on the .... day of 190. ., upon the body of , deceased, by Coroner of County and the findings of said Coroner being that said came to his death by (here state how the Coroner finds the death to have hap- pened), and that there was found on the person of said deceased, the following property (here describe the property). By order of the Coroner of County Clerk! ' 71 Notice to Creditors of Corporation. Notice is hereby given that on the .... day of 190 fried his petition in the : . . . Court of against the Com- pany, praying for a judgment against said company in the sum of dollars, being .the amount due said from the . . , , company, and the Court deeming, it necessary, and proper, has ordered this publication to be made so that all the creditors of said company can exhibit their claims and become parties to the above action. All creditors are further notified that unless they present their claims and be- come parties to said action within months. from the first publication of this order, they shall be precluded, from all benefits of the judgment, and for any distribution which shall be made under such judgment. Pl'a'intiff.' ' 72 Notice of Judgment Against a Corporation Whose Property Is Insufficient To Dis- charge Its Debts. John Doe, whose place of residence is and who is a stockholder in the Company, a corporation, will take notice that on the .... day of , 190 .., the Court of County rendered a judgment against Said corporation, in the case in which was plaintiff and the Company was defendant, for the sum of dollars. The above named defendant is hereby further notified that the property of said corporation is insufficient to pay its debts, and said judgment, and that the Court will proceed to compel each stockholder to pay in the amount due and remaining unpaid on the shares of stock held by him, or so much thereof as is necessary to satisfy the debts ' of the company. By order of the Court of County Clerk'. 73 Notice of the Opening: of Books for Sub- scriptions to the Capital Stock of the Company. On the day of 190. ., all the incorporators of the above named company met at , and ordered the books of sub- scription to the capital stock of said company to be opened on the day of 190.., at o'clock . .M. at the office of , at Incorporators of the Company. 74 Notice of Application to the General Assem- bly of the State of Praying That a New County Be Erected. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed will present to the General As- sembly of the State of at their next meeting, to be held In the city of their petition praying for the erection of a new county in said State. Said new county to be composed of portion of County and the portion of County. Petitioners. 75 Court Notice (Give Name of Court), f Accounts. The State of County of ss : Whereas, accounts and vouchers have been filed in the office of said court by the administrators of the estates of the fol- lowing deceased persons, to wit : (Names.) and by the executors of (Names.) and by the guardians of ( Names. ) and by the trustees of ( Names. ) Notice is therefore hereby given that said accounts and vouchers are now on file in the office of said Court, being sus- pended for confirmation. Any person interested in said accounts or any item thereof may file written ex- ceptions thereto on or before the day of 190.., when the same will be heard and continued from day to day until finally disposed of. Judge. 76 Notice of Filing of Final Account in Common Fleas Court. State of , County of , Court of Common Pleas. Whereas, a final account and vouch- ers have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas by the of the estate of deceased. Notice is hereby given that said account and vouchers are now on file in the of- fice of the clerk of said court, being sus- pended for confirmation. Any person interested in said account, or any item thereof, may file written ex- ceptions thereto on or before the .... day of 190.., when the same will be heard and continued from day to day until finally disposed of. Clerk of Common Pleas Court. 77 Notice to Non-resident Defendant on Answer and Cross Petition. John Doe, whose place of residence Is will take notice that on the .... day of 190 . ., Richard Roe filed his answer and cross petition in case No in the Court of County , being the case of et al., praying for (Here recite the prayer of said answer and cross petition. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of , 190 ... ' 'piaintiff! Atty. 78 Notice to Non-resident Defendant of Suit for Damages for Negligent and Wrong- ful .Act of Defendant. John Doe, whose place of residence is , will take notice that on the .... day of , 190.., Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of praying for a judgment against him for damages In the sum of dollars, for causing personal in- juries to the plaintiff by the negligent and wrongful act of said defendant. In said action an order of attachment was duly issued at the instance of plaintiff against the defendant, John Doe, and duly levied upon the real estate herein- after described which is owned by de- fendant, John Doe, and it is sought by such attachment to subject to the pay- ment of the plaintiff's said demand the said real estate, which is described as follows : (Here describe the property.) Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of 190 ... Plaintiff.' ' Atty. 79 Notice of Meeting of the County Decennial Board of Revision. Notice is hereby given that the County Decennial Board of Equalization, acting as the County Decennial Board of Re- vision, will meet on . . . . , , and each day thereafter until the adjournment, at the office of the Auditor of County, for the pur- pose of investigating all such complaints as have been filed with the County Audi- tor against any valuation of real estate in County, outside of the city of , and all complaints against any valuation on such real estate filed with it as a board or made by the County Auditor. County Auditor. SO Notice of Reformation of Deed. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the .... day of 190. ., Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of being case No , against him and others, praying for a reformation of deeds to the following described premises : (Here describe the property.) and that he be declared the owner in fee simple to said premises and that his title to said premises be quieted against said parties. Said above named defendant is required to answer on or before the .... day of 190.., or judgment may be taken against him. Plaintiff. Atty. 81 Delinquent Tax Notice. The lands, lots and parts of lots re- turned delinquents by the Treasurer of County, together with the taxes and penalty charged thereon agreeably to law, are contained and described in the following list, viz. : (Here insert -the list with the name or names of the owner or owners of the said respective tracts of land, or town lots, as the same are designated on the duplicate. ) and notice is hereby given that the whole of said tracts, lots or parts of lots, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the taxes and penalties charged there- on, will be sold by the County Treasurer at the Court House in said County on the .... day of 190.., un- less said taxes and penalty be paid be- fore that time, and that the sale will be continued, from day to day, until the several tracts, lots and parts of lots, shall have been sold or offered for sale. Treasurer of County. 82 Deposit of County Money. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the County Commissioners of in the city of , until the .... day of 190. ., at .... o'clock, from the banks and trust companies for the use of th money of in accordance with the law passed by the General Asembly of , laws, Vol page Said proposals shall state the rate of interest, not less than .... per cent ptr annum, that will.be paid on the average daily balance, computed monthly, for the use of the money of ;also whether said bank or trust campany be a private bank, or in- corporated under the laws of or organized under the laws of the United States ; also whether or not said bank or trust company be situated within the County of State of and also the names of sureties, or both, that will be offered the county in case the proposal is accepted. Said proposals must be sealed and in- dorsed "Bids for the use of the money of County, " The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bids shall be prepared upon blanks which shall be furnished upon application by the Clerk of the Board. By order of the Board of County Com- missioners of County State. President. Attest: Clerk. 83 Notice To Take Depositions. No Court of John Doe, plaintiff, vs. Richard Roe, defendant The defendant, Richard Roe, is here- by notified that the plaintiff will proceed to take the depositions of sundry wit- nesses in this action, at the office of , on the .... day of , 190.., between the hours of M. and M., with authority to adjourn from day to day until all such depositions have been taken. Plaintiff. Atty. S4 Notice of Taking- Depositions Before th County Surveyor. John Doe, whose place of residence is , will take notice that Richard Roe, owner of th& following real estate : (Here describe the property.) and upon which real estate the lines and corners have become lost and uncertain, did on the .... day of 190 .., call upon the surveyor for County for the purpose of having him make a survey of said property. The said John Doe is further notified that on the day of 190 ... Richard Roe will take the depositions of sundry witnesses, before the said , the Surveyor of County, and that the taking of said depositions will continue from day to day until completed. Richard Roe. Applicant. 85 Notice of the Taking of Depositions, To Substantiate Impeachment Charges. Notice is hereby given that on the .... day of , 190. ., presented his complaint to the House of Representatives of the State of praying for the investigation of the of- ficial conduct of , a member of said House, and for the impeachment of said The said is further notified tha on the .... day of 190. ., at .... o'clock . .M., the undersigned com- plainant will take the depositions of sun- dry witnesses, at the office of , and that the taking of the same will be con- tinued from day to day until completed, and that said depositions will be used at the trial before said House of Rep- resentatives. Complainant. 86 Notice of Dissolution of Corporation. The Company, of We, the undersigned, (Here give the names of the signers.) being a majority of the directors and stockholders of the Company of , do hereby give notice that on the day of 190. ., at o'clock . .M., at the office of , there will be held a meeting of the di- rectors and stockholders of said com- pany to vote upon the question of the dissolution of said corporation and a sur- render of its franchises. President. Notice of Dissolution of Corporation When Same Is Incorporated Under Laws of Another State. Notice is hereby given that at a meet- ing of the stockholders of the Company, a corporation created and or- ganized under the laws of the State of , held at on the day of 190.., the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, first, That the Company, a corporation created and or- ganized under the laws of does hereby discontinue business as a cor- poration and surrenders to said State of Its charter and corporate franchises, it having sold, transferred and disposed of all its assets, choses in ac- tion, good will and trade mark to the Company, a corporation under the laws of which has also assumed all of the debts, liabilities and obligations of said first named company. Resolved, second, That notice of the foregoing resolution shall be published by the President of this corporation for successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in County, , and that these resolutions be certified to the Secretary of the State of accompanied by proof of publication. Given under my hand this .... day of 190... President. Secretary. 88 Notice of Dissolution of Abandoned Railroad. Notice is hereby given that on the day of , 190... at o'clock . .M., at the office of , there will be held a meeting of the stockholders of the Railroad Company. The purpose of the call of said meeting is to determine the question of dissolution of said company. Said company may be dissolved accord- ing to law by a two-thirds vote of the stockholders present at said meeting. President of Railroad Com- pany. Sit Notice of Dissolution of Limited Partner- ship Asosciation. Notice is hereby given that on the .... day of , 190. ., at a meet- ing held by the Company, a limited partnership association, it was de- cided by a vote of a majority in value of interest and number, that the said association should be dissolved. Said association has this day ceased to do business, except so far as they may be required for the beneficial winding up thereof. President. Secretary. 90 Xotice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the part- nership firm of has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, and that is no longer a member of said firm , and the remaining partners assume all debts of said firm. 91 Notice to Stockholders of Dissolution of Corpoartlon and Transfer of Assets. Notice is hereby given to the stock- holders that the Company, a corporation under the laws of having ccompletely closed its business and paid all the debts and liabilities incurred by said corporation, has taken the necessary steps to dissolve said cor- poration, and cease its corporate exist- ence, and all the assets and good will have been transferred to the Company, a corporation under the laws of In witness whereof the said Company has hereunto affixed its cor- porate seal and name, by and through its President and Secretary, duly authorized on the day of 190... .Atty. Company. President. Secretary. 92 Notice of Establishment of a Ditch in Township, County John Doe, whose place of residence is being the owner of a lot of land, adjacent to the following pro- posed ditch, will take notice that on the .... day of 190 filed his petition with the Township Clerk, to be presented by him to the Township Trustees, praying for the es- tablishment of a ditch in said township for the following reasons: (Here give the reasons for the ask- ing for the proposed ditch, together with a description of the starting points, route a,nd terminus.) Said Township Trustees have set the ....day of 190.., to hear and determine the above petition. Clerk of Township. 93 Notice of Payment of Dividends by Assignee or Trustee. In pursuance of an order of the Court, the undersigned, trustee for the be_neflt of the creditors of will pay to all creditors a dividend of .... per cent, upon the face value of their claims as allowed and as shown by the schedule of liabilities on file, in said court, on and after .... o'clock, on 190. ., at his office, Trustee. Atty. 94 Dividend Notice by Corporation. The Company, at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on , , 190.., the regular , dividend of per cent was declared, payable to the hold- ers of stock, on , 190.., The transfer books of this company will be closed on , 190.., and will be reopened on 190. .. President. Secretary. 95 Dividend Notice by Receiver of Building and Loan Company. A dividend will be paid to the gen- eral depositors of the Build- ing and Loan Co., at , , on and after the day of 190 .., between the hours of .... and Where changes in ownership of books have taken place through death or trans- fers, notice should at once be given to the undersigned. Receivers. 96 Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. Notice ......... whose place of resi- dence is ......... will take notice that on the .... day of ....... , 190. ., ...... filed ......... petition against ...... in the ......... Court of ........ ' County, ....... , being case No ........ praying for a divorce from ....... on the grounds of ................ Said case will be for hearing on and after the .... day of ......... 190... paintiff. Atty. Notice of Application for Dower in Real Estate and for Appointment of Receiver. John Doe et al., whose places of res- idence are , will take notice that on the day of 190... Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of being case No , against the above named defendants therein, praying that the dow- er interest of be assigned to him ; that subject to said dower, par- tition may be made of the real estate hereinafter described, and if that can not be done without manifast injury, that such proceedings be had as are author- ized by law ; that the Court will appoint a receiver to take charge of said estate. (Here describe the property.) Said parties defendant are required to answer on or before the .... day of 190 .., or judgment may be taken against them. Plaintiff. Atty. 98 New School Building:. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Clerk of Board of Education, at until o'clock . . M., on , for the erection of a room school building on the corner of street and street, in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Superintendent of Buildings, No. Each bid must con- tain the name of every person interest- ed therein, and be accompanied by a guaranty of some disinterested person in a sum equal to .... per cent of the bid that if the same is accepted a contract will be properly entered into and the performance of it properly secured. Bids must be upon blank forms, to be obtained at either of the above of- fices, and must be plainly marked on the outside, "Bid for " The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Chairman of Committee. School Desks. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of of Education, at until .... o'clock . .M., on , , 190.., for furnishing, delivering and setting up, screwed to the floor, in the rooms of the School Building, school desks, and in the School Building desks. Each bid must contain the name of every person inter- ested therein, and be accompanied by a guaranty of some disinterested person in a sum equal to per cent of the amount of the bid, that if the same is accepted a contract will be promptly entered into and the performance of it properly secured. Bids must be upon blank forms, to be obtained at the above named office. A marked sample must accompany each bid. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 100 Notice of Filing; Petition for Sale of Real Estate by Board of Education. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of filed its petition in the Court of , being case No praying for authority as provided by law to sell the following described real estate. (Here describe the real estate.) Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of 190 .. President of said Board. 101 Bond Sale of School Bonds. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education of the school district of the city of , at until o'clock . . M, on the for the purchase of hundred bonds of said school district, of the denomination of hundred each, amounting in the aggre- gate to dollars. These bonds are issued in accordance with and under the laws of and a reso- lution of the Board of Education of the schol district of the city of , passed , , Said bonds are to be dated the day of sale, and will be payable in years after said date at with interest at the rate of per cent per annum, payable until the maturity of said bonds at upon presentation and surrender of the proper coupons for the same. Said bonds will be signed by the President and Clerk of the Board of Education of said school district. Said bonds are issued for the purpose of obtaining and improv- ing public school property, and the pro- ceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the Treasurer of the city of to be held as the "building fund," and paid out according to law. Bonds will be sold for not less than par to the highest bidder. Bidders will be required to state the gross amount they will pay for the bonds, the accrued interest to date of delivery and receipt of money to be added to this amount. A certified check for .... per cent of the amount of bonds bid for, pay- able to the order of the Board of Edu- cation, of the school district of the city of must accompany each bid. This check shall inure to the ben- efit of the school district of the city of upon failure of the bidder to comply with the provisions of his bid or to take the bonds at the amount bid. Bidders must enclose their bids in sealed envelopes, and such sealed envelopes must have endorsed thereon the nature of the 102 bid, the name and address of the bidder. Bids will be opened on , at o'clock ..M., at a public meeting of the Board of Education. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. By direction of the Board of Educa- tion of the school district of the city of President. ' Clerk.' ' 103 Notice of Tax Levy By Board of Educa- tion for Kindergarten Schools. Notice is hereby given that in pursu- ance of a resolution of the Board of Education of the city of , passed on the .... day of 190.., there will be submitted to the qualified electors of said city, at a spe- cial election to be had on the .... day of , 190.., the question of levy- ing a tax for the establishment of a kin- dergarten school in connection with the public school of said city. Said election to be held at the usual voting places in said city. Those who vote in favor of the prop- osition to levy the above tax shall have written or printed on their ballots the words "For the levy of taxes," and those who vote against the same shall have written or printed on their ballots the words "Against the levy of taxes." Secretary of Board of Education. 104 Election Notice for Members of Board of Education. Notice of nomination made by petition for members of the Board of Education of school district, in County Notice is hereby given that all the electors of said school district may have due notice thereof, that the following names of candidates, nominated by peti- tion, have been presented to the Board of Deputy State Supervisors and In- spectors of Elections, to be placed upon the ballot for the election of members of the Board of Education of said school district, on , (Here give the names.) By order of the Board of Deputy State Supervisors and Inspectors of Elections. Chief Deputy. Clerk. 105 Primary Election, . To the . . Electors of Notice is hereby given that the Central Comimttee of has authorized a primary election for , , , between the hours of . .M, and . .M, at the regular voting places in said County, , for the purpose of selecting precinct central committeemen, delegates to the State conven- tion, ( and delegates to the county convention. The resolutions fixing the apportion- ment of said delegates and qualifica- tions for voting at said primary elections are as follows : Resolved, That the apportionment of delegates to the State conven- tion for County , shall be upon the basis fixed by the State Central Committee, and that said State delegates shall be se- lected as follows: (Here insert the number of wards and the number of delegates from each ward.) (Here insert the names of each town- ship and the number of delegates from each. ) That the apportionment of delegates to the County Convention be as follows : CITY. Ward Precincts. 1 A. B. C' D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M. Delegates. (Here insert the number of wards and precincts, and delegates. ) COUNTRY. (Here insert the names of the various counties, and the number of delegates from the different sections of the coun- ties.) Resolve:!, That the qualifications for voting at the said primary election shall be : 106 (A) Pronounced bona fide residents of the precincts at which they offer to vote. (B) Registered electors in precincts in which registration is required by the laws of for general elec- tions. (C) Unregistered electors in precincts in which registration is required by the laws of for general elec- tions, who will subscribe under oath that they will be entitled to register for and vote at the November election, 190... (D) Any doubt as to the of any prospective voter at the said Primary Election shall be determined by his sworn declaration to abide the re- sult of the said primary election and to vote the ticket in County at the No- vember election, 190... The county delegates will be notified as to date of convention by the Chair- man and Secretary of the County Cen- tral Committee. State of ss. County : and , being duly sworn, state that they are, respectively Chairman and Secretary of the Central Committee of County ; that the said Central Committee is the controlling committee of the party in said County, and that the above primary election call was authorized by a majority vote of said Cen- tral Committee at a meeting held , 190... Chairman Seceretary. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 190... Notary Public in and for Coun- ty, 107 Notice of the Filing: of Petition With the Probate Judge of County for the Formation of a Joint Sub-district. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed, qualified electors of Township, have filed a petition with the Probate Judge of County, praying for the establishment of a joint sub-district, for the following reasons : (Here state the reasons.) Said Probate Judge, on the .... day of did appoint and , three judicious disin- terested men of the Township, Commis- sioners to act in the premises. Said petition will be for hearing on the day of , 190. ., at o'clock . .M. Petitioners. 108 Notice by County Board of Equalization. The County Board of Equalization will, on the .... day of 190.., hear the complaint of the owner of the following described prop- erty : (Here describe the property as same appears on the tax duplicate of the cur- rent year.) The taxed value thereof will be acted upon by the said board at the above time. The County Board of Equalization, Chairman. :09 Notice of Correction of Clerical Error in Deed. John Doe, whose place of residence is , will take notice that on the day of 190 .., Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of , praying for the cor- rection of a clerical error appearing in the deed which conveys the following property, so as to conform with the in- tention therein expressed, so as to con- vey the entire estate and interest to the paintiff in fee simple, and for all other legal and equitable relief. (Here describe the property.) Said cause will be for hearing on and after the .... day of 190. .. Plaintiff. .Atty. 110 Notice of the Filing: of Petition in Error in the Court of John Doe, whose place of residence is , will take notice that on the .... day of 190 filed his petition in error in the Court of County from the decision of the Court of County, and praying for a reversal of the judgment rendered in said court below, in the case in which was plaintiff and John Doe was defendant. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of , 190. .. Plaintiff In Error. .Atty. Ill Application by Executor to Court for Allow- ance Out of Decedent's Estate. John Doe et al., (Here give the names of all the non-resident heirs, legatees and devisees of the estate of , deceased, late of County, , and whose places of residence are unknown), will take notice that I have presented to the Court of County for allow- ance to me against said estate a certain claim of dollars, for service ren- dered the decedent during life time and at request, and that the testimony concerning the said claim will be heard by the said court on the day of , 190. .. Execut of the Estate of deceased. Atty. 112 Notice to Non-Resident Executor of Appli- cation to Enforce Distribution. John Doe, executor of the estate of deceased, will take notice that on the day of 190... Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of praying that the Court order said executor to pay over to him his certain claim, amount- ing to dollars, which he holds against said decedent's estate. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the .... day of 190. .. ' Plaintiff.' , Atty. Executor or Executrix Appointment Xotice. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been duly appointed and qualified by the Court of County , Execut . . . of the estate of , deceased, late of said county. Execut Atty. 114 Notice of Appointment of Executors and Trustees. Notice 5 The undersigned have been duly appointed and qualified by the Court of as executors and trustees of the estate of , deceased, late of said county. Atty. 116 Notice of Executor's Sale of Business of Decedent. The business known as Com- pany, at , , awned by deceased, late of , and which after his death was conducted by me as and one of the executors of the will of said deceased, was on the .... day of , 190.., under order of the Court of sold to All the interest in said busi- ness belonging to the said estate of said deceased, also all my interest there- in, was included in said sale, both the estate and myself severing our connec- tions with and retiring from said busi- ness on the date above given. Executor. Atty. 116 Executor's Sale of Real Estate. In pursuance of an order of the Court of County , I will offer for sale at public auction on , , at .... o'clock . .M., upon the premises, the following described real estate, in the county of and State of to wit : (Here describe the real estate.) To be sold in case No of the Court Said property is appraised at dollars. Terms of sale Executor of. Atty. 117 Notice to Non-Resident Defendants of Action to foreclose a Mortgage. John Doe et al., whose places of res- idence are unknown, will take notice that on the .... day of , 190.., Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of , being case No , praying, among other things, for a personal judgment against him and others in the sum of dollars, with interest at per cent per annum, payable ..." , and to foreclose a mortgage on the following real estate : (Here describe the property.) Said defendants have, or claim to have, some title to, lien upon or interest in said premises, but subordinate to plain- tiff's mortgage lien thereon, as averred in said petition ; and plaintiff prays in said petition that they, and each of them, be required to set up their right, title and interest in or lien upon said premises, and in case of their default, that they be forever debarred from asserting the same ; that the said premises may be sold, and the several interests of the parties de- termined, the liens marshalled and the amount found due plaintiff, paid from the proceeds of the sale thereof, and for such other relief as plaintiff may be entitled to, either in law or equity in said premises. Said defendants are required to an- swer on or before the . . . day of 190... or judgment may be taken accord- ingly. Plaintiff. Atty. 118 Forfeited Land Sale. The lands, lots and parts of lots in the county of , forfeited to the State for the non-payment of taxes, to- gether with the taxes and penalty charged thereon, agreeably to law, are contained and described in the follow- ing list, viz: (Here insert the list), and notice is hereby given, to all concerned, that if the tax and penalties charged on said list be not paid into the County Treasury, and the Treasurer's receipt produced therefor, before the .... day of 190.., each tract, lot and part of lot so delinquent as afore- said, on which the taxes and penalties remain unpaid, will, on the .... day of 190.., be exposed for sale at the Court House (or usual place of holding courts, if not at a Court House), in said county, in order to satisfy such taxes and penalties, and that said sale will be adjourned from day to day un- til each and every tract, lot and part of lot of land, specified in said list shall have been disposed of, or offered for sale. County Auditor. 119 Notice of Application for a Street Railway Franchise. Notice is hereby given that on , The Company made application to the Coun- cil of the village of , for a street railway franchise, includ- ing the right to construct, equip, oper- ate, and maintain a street railway, with the right to erect and construct poles, wires, switches and turn-outs over and along the following streets and route, to wit : Commencing on street, at the line of the village of , and thence over and along street to the line of said village. An ordinance to establish street rail- way route, No in the village of , will be for passage on and after the legal publication of this no- tice. Mayor of the Village of 120 Notice of Cancellation of Fraudulent Deed. John Doe, whose place of residence is unknown, will take notice that on the day of 191... Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of being case No alleging that a deed was executed on the .... day of from \Villiam Stem to the said John Doe, for the following described real estate, to wit : Situated in the county of and more particularly described as follows: (Here describe the property,) and that the said deed was void, for the reason that at the time of the execu- tion of said deed the said William Stem was mentally incapable of executing a deed ; that said deed was made without consideration and for the purpose of cheating and defrauding the plaintiff and preventing him from rightfully inheriting the estate of said William Stem. Said petition further alleges that the plaintiff, with the defendant, John Doe, are ten- ants in common in said above described real estate, and they are each entitled to the part thereof as heirs at law of Wiliam Stem. The prayer of said petition is that the said pretended deed be canceled and set aside, and that the plaintiff's title to said premises be quieted as against the same ; that said premises be parti- tioned, that an acounting be had from the defendant, for the appointment of a receiver and for such other relief to which he may be entitled, either in law or equity or both. Said defendant is required to answer or demur to said petition on or before the day of 191. ., or said petiton will be taken as true and judge- ment rendered accordingly. RICHARD ROE, Plaintiff. Atty. 121 Notice of Transfer of Public Moneys From One to Another Fund. Notice is hereby given that on the day of , 191.., the County Commissioners of County , filed their petition in the Court of praying therein for authority to transfer the dollars, which are now in the fund of said county, to the fund of said county, the rea- son for the desired change being fully set out in said petition. Said petition will be for hearing in said court on the .... day of . 191.. County Commissioners of County. 122 Notice of Garnishment in Justice .of the Peace Court. Before Justice of the Peace, Township County , John Doe v^s. Richard Roe. On the .... day of 191.., said Justice issued an order of garnish- ment in the above entitled action for the sum of dolars and inter- est from 191.. Plaintiff. Atty. 123 Guardian's Sale. Pursuant to the command of an or- der for sale from the Court of County and to me directed, I will offer for sale at pub- lic auction on 191.., at o'clock, on the premises, the following described real estate : (Here describe the real estate.) Said premises are known and num- bered as Appraised at dollars. Terms of sale, one-third in hand and the balance in one and two years from day of sale, deferred payments to be secured by mortgage on the premises sold, and to bear interest, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. To be sold by order of said court in case No as directed. Guardian, Etc. Atty. Auctioneer. 124 Notice of l.-hiMi-limi-ni of a Home for Children in County, Notice is hereby given that on the .... day of 190.., two hun- dred tax-payers of the county of , State of filed their petition with the County Commissioners of said county, praying that there should be es- tablished a children's home in said coun- ty. On the .... day of , 190. ., the question whether there shall be a children's home established in said coun- ty will be submitted to the qualified elect- ors thereof. Also the question of the issue of county bonds or notes to provide funds for the purchase of a site, and the erection thereon of said home. Said election to be held at the usual voting places in said county. Those voting in favor of the estab- lishment of said home and the issuing of said county bonds shall have written or printed on their ballots the words "For said home and the issuing of county bonds therefor," and those voting against the proposition shall have written or printed on their ballots the words "Not in favor of establishing said home nor issuing said bonds." And Other Petitioners. 125 Notice of Sale of Homestead. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of , 190 . ., Richard Roe, Administrator of the estate of Mary Doe, deceased, filed his petition in the Court of being case No , against him, praying for a sale of the homestead, consisting of (Here describe the property), lately belonging to Mary Doe, widow and de- visee of Harry Doe, theretofore deceased, for the payment of the debts of said Mary Doe, deceased, according to the statute in such case made and provided. Said defendant is required to answer on or before the .... day of 190.., or judgment may be taken against him. RICHARD ROE. Administrator of the Estate of Mary Doe, deceased. Atty. 126 Office of the Hospital. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until . . o'clock . .M , , for supplying the Hospital, for years, with the following articles, at such time and in such quantities as may be required. (Here state what articles are to be supplied.) Bids to be made according to speci- fications on file in the office of the Super- intendent. All bids must be addressed to the Board of Trustees of the Hospital, and marked on the outside lower left-hand corner of the envelope, 'Bids for supplies." Successful bidders will be required to give bond for the faithful performance of contract. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Superintendent. 127 Notice to Stockholders of the and Hydraulic Companies of Intention to Consolidate Said Com- panies. Notice is hereby given by the Hydraullic Company, and the Hydraulic Company, to the stockholders of said companies, that a meeting 1 of said stockholders will be held on the day of 190... at o'clock . .M., at the office of said meeting being called for the pur- pose of considering an agreement to con- solidate the said companies into one com- pany, to be known as the Hydraulic Company. Secertary for the Hydraulic Company. Secertary for the Hydraulic Company. 128 Notice by Commissioners of Insolvents. Upon the day of 190. ., before me, the undersigned appeared , who was detained in the custody of the Sheriff of County, at the suit of the State of , on behalf of and made application, under the insolvent debtor's act, to be released from the said custody, and from arrest or imprisonment at the suit of ; and thereupon I granted a certificate to said , releasing him from arrest or imprison- ment at the suit of upon condition that on the .... day of 190. ., he files his petition with the Court of County, for final discharge. Commissioner of Insolvents for County 129 Insolvency Court Notice. The State of ss. County of Whereas, accounts and vouchers have been filed in the office of said court by the assignees of (Names.) Notice is hereby given that said ac- counts and vouchers are now on file in the office of said court, being suspend- ed for confirmation. Any person inter- ested in said accounts or any item there- of, may file written exceptions thereto on or before the .... day of , 190.., when the same will be heard and continued from day to day until finally disposed of. Judge. 'Clerk. ' 130 Notice of Application by I n - . . surance Company to Discontinue Its Business in the State of Notice is hereby given by the under- signed that there has been filed in the office of the Superintendent of Insurance for the State of an ap- plication by the Insurance Company, expressing a desire to discon- tinue its business in said State of Superintendent of Insurance, State of 131 Notice of Charter of Insurance Company. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed have filed articles of incorpora- tion of the Life Insurance Company with the Secretary of State, of the State of , and have re- ceived from him certified copies of the same ; that they desire to organize such company under the laws of to do the business of life and accident in- surance on the stock plan, and on any other plan that a life insurance com- pany having a capital stock is now or may hereafter be authorized to make and write ; and that books for subscription to the capital stock of said campany amounting at par to dollars will be opened on the .... day of at the office of the Life Insur- ance Company, , , and that said books will re- main open from .... o'clock . .M. each day until said capital stock has been sub- scribed. 132 Notice Certificate of Compliance of tha Insurance Company. State of , Insurance Depart- ment. I Superintendent of Insur- ance of the State of do here- by certify that the Insurance Company, located at in the State of , has complied in all respects with the laws of the State of , applicable to it, and is au- thorized to transact in said State its appropriate business of making insur- ance on the lives of or agiinst acci- dent to persons, and insurance connected therewith and appertaining thereto, and granting, purchasing and disposing ot annuities, as prescribed by the laws of the State of until the day of 191. .. Its condition and business on the .... day of of the year next pre- ceding the date hereof, is shown by the statement, under oath, as required by the laws of said State of to be as follows: Aggregate amount of available assets Aggregate amount of liabilities (except capital,) including reinsurance, and special ac- cumulations General surplus on policy hold- er's account Capital stock Amount of income for the year Amount of expenditures for the year In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused my of- ficial seal to be affixed, this .... day of 191... Superintendent of Insurance. 191... (Month.) (Date.) 133. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants, and to Interplead. John Doe, whose place of residence is , will take notice that on the day of 191 ... the a corporation under the laws of filed its certain petition in the Court of being case No against Mary Doe. James Doe, a minor ; fourteen years of age ; Thomas Suir ( and as many others as may be made defendants,) children and heirs at law of William Doe, de- ceased, and the above John Doe, aver- ing that the said William Doe, deceased, was a member of the and the holder of a certificate of dollars, that the said William Doe, de- ceased, departed this lifee on or about the day of 191 . ., leaving surviving him all of the above parties, except Thomas Suir, being his widow and only heirs at law ; that said plain- tiff is prepared to pay over the said sum of dollars, which it acknow- ledges to be due under said certificate ; that Thomas Suir is claiming the right to demand and receive said sum acknow- ledged to be due thereunder, and that the remaining defendants above named have or are claiming the right to de- mand and receive said dollars ; that the plaintiff is ignorant of the rights of the respective parties, and although ready and willing to pay said sum of dollars, prays the determination of the Court the question involved herein. The prayer of said petition is that the said defendants, and all of them, be com- pelled to interplead in the above action, and adjust their several demands and claims between themselves, or be forever barred from any interest therein ; that the said dollars be paid to the party or parties whom the Court decrees entitled thereto ; that plaintiff, upon pay- ment thereeqf, be absolved from any further liability on account of said cer- tificate ; that said certificate be decreed as fully paid and satisfied ; that the plaintiff be awarded the costs of this pro- ceeding out of the moneys in its posses- 134 sion, and for such other and further re- lief to which in equity it may be entitled. The said John Doe Is required to an- swer on or before the day of 190. ., or judgment may be taken against him, and he be forever barred from asserting his interest therein. Plaintiff. Atty. 135 Notice to Quiet Title to Real Estate. Short I 'iirin for Land Company. John Doe, whose place of residence ia will take notice that on the day of 190.., The Land Company, of filed its petition in the Court of being case No against the above-named party and others, praying therein that its title to ( Here describe the property. ) be quieted against them, that they be compelled to show their interest therein : that the same be adjudged null and void, and that defendants be severally en- joined from asserting any claim to said premises. Said John Doe is required to answer on or before the .... day of 190.., or judgment will be taken against him as prayed for in said petition. Land Company. Atty. 136 \iitic- to \.iii-ISi-siiicnt Defendants When Praying; for a Judgment Upon a Claim Due Under a Lease. The unknown heirs and devisees of John Doe, deceased, and whose present place (or places) of residence are un- known, will take notice that on the .... day of , 190. ., Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of , being No on the' dockets of said court, against (the above described unknown heirs and devisees if you have given names otherwise ) et al., in the sum of dollars with interest from 190.., being for a installment of rent due 190. ., upon premises, ( Here describe the property, under the provisions of a certain lease thereof, made by Richard Roe and wife to John Doe. dated 190. ., and recorded in lease book page . . . , of the Real Estate Records of County Said unknown heirs and devisees of John Doe. deceased, are required to an- swer to said petition on or b3fore the .... day of , 190. ., or judgment will be taken against them by default for said amount with interest and costs. Plaintiff. , Atty. 137 Notice of the Filing of Petition for Author- ity To Execute a Lease of Entailed Real Estate. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the ' day of 190 . ., Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of , being case No , praying for authority to execute a lease of en- tailed real estate, and for authority to sell the same and for all other legal and equitable relief to which he may be en- titled. Said real estate is known and numbered as , and plaintiff prays for au- thority to lease the same for a period of years, at an annual rental of dollars, and also for au- thority to sell the same. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of 190... Plaintiff. Atty. 138 Notice of Sale of a Leasehold. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the .... da5' of , Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of , being case No praying for judgment and the sale of the follow- ing leasehold estate to wit : (Here describe the property.) Said cause will be for hearing On and after the .... day of 190. .. Plaintiff. Atty. 139 Xotice to Non-Resident Defendants of Filing of Petition for Establishment of Levee. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of 190. filed his petition in the Court of County, alleging that it would be conducive to the public health, con- venience and welfare, to cause to be lo- cated, established and constructed a levee, within said county, from (Here give the starting point, route and terminus of said levee), and praying said court to cause the same to be located, established and constructed as in said petition prayed for. Said cause will be for hearing by said court on and after the .... day of 190... ' 'Petitioner. 140 Notice of the Filing: of Petition for Es- tablishment of Public Library. Notice is hereby given that on the .... day of , 190. ., twenty electors of the Township, County, , filed their petition with the undersigned trustees of said township, praying that there should be established a public library in said township. On the .... day of November. 190... the question whether there shall be a public library established In Slid town- ship for the use and benefit of the citi- zens thereof, will be submitted to the qual- ified electors thereof. At an election to be held at the usual voting places in said township. Those voting in favor of the establish- ment of said library shall have written or printed on their ballots the words "Public Library Yes," and those voting against such library, the words "Public Library No." Trustees for Township 141 Notice of Lien on Stock in a Corporation. John Doe, whose place of residence is , will take notice that on the .... day of , 190. ., Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of being case No , against him, claiming to have a lien on shares of the capital stock of the cor- poration known as now ap- pearing upon the books of said company in the name of and formerly owned by said John Doe, and the right to have said shares of stock sold and appropriated to the payment of said lien, and to exclude the said John Doe from all claim or interest in said shares of stock ; and the said John Doe is further notified that he is required to appear is said cause and answer said petition on or before the .... day of , 190... Plaintiff. Atty. 142 Notice of Marshalling of Idem. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of , 190, Richard Roe filed his petition In the Court of being case No , against him and others, praying therein -to marshal liens and for the sale of the following described real estate, to wit: [Here de- scribe the real estate.) and praying fur- ther that the said defendants be com- pelled to set up what claim, if any, they have in said property, or be forevtr barred from so doing; that the Court adjust the priorities of the liens and claims of said parties and the plaintiff's liens In said petition set forth; that the p-oceeds of said sale be distributed among the claimants according to said priorities as the same shall be settled by the Court, and for all other and proper relief. The above named defendant is required to answer on or before the day of 190.., or judgment may be taken against him. "Plaintiff." Atty. 143 Proposals for Electric Lighting. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of the city of , at the office of said board, until , for furnishing electric street lights to said city for a term of years from the .... day of 190 .., under the terms and conditions provided for by said board. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of 'Clerk, !44 Notice of Location of the Principal Office of the Manufacturing: Company. Notic is hereby given that the prin- cipal office of the Manufacturing Company is located at where the books of accounts showing the financial condition of the corporation, and credits subject to taxation, which books and accounts are at all times open for inspection by any assessor lawfully authorized to assess such property and credits. President of Manufacturing Pom- pany. Secretary. 145 Appropriation of Private Property By Board of County Commissioners To Build a County Morgue. By a resolution duly passed by the Board of County Commissioners of County it was decided by said board to appropriate the following pro- perty (Here describe the property.) for the purpose of building a County Morgue thereon. At the end of three weeks from the date hereof, the said board will proceed to appropriate said property to its own use, and at the same time pay to the owners thereof reasonable compensation therefor. Chairman of Board. Attest : Secretary. 146 Notice of Application to Court for Per- mission To Mortgage Charitable Cor- poration Property. The Home of a corporation, under the laws of filed its petition in the... ( Court of being case No on the . . . day of 191 . ., repre- senting to said court that it is a chari- table corporation, and that to carry out its purpose it is necessary to borrow dollars ; that to secure said sum it is necessary to mortgage certain of its real estate described in said petition, situated in said County Said corporation prays said court for permission and authority to borrow said sum of dollars, and for author- ity to execute its said real estate mort- gage, signed by its President and Sec- retary, to secure said sum of money. Said petition will be for hearing by the said court on and after the .... day of 191.. The Home. President. Secretary. Atty. 147 Notice for Foreclosure of Mortgage and Judgment on Promissory Note. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the . . . day of 191. .. Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of being case No praying for judgment upon a certain promissory note for the sum of dollars, with per cent interest thereon, and for fore- closure of a certain mortgage, upon the following described real estate, to wit: (Here describe the real estate.) Said cause will be for hearing on and after the .... day of 191 . . Plaintiff'. Atty. 148 Notice of Change of Name of Corporation, . Notice is hereby given that the Company of incorporated under the laws of the State of , filed its petition in the Court of , of County , praying the court for an order permitting the said company, through its to change the name of said company from "The Company" to "The Company." The Company. By Petitioner. Atty. 149 Change of Name of Individual. Notice is hereby given that will on the day of 191. ., file his petition, and application in the Court of , praying that his name be changed to Petitioner. Atty. 150 Change of Name of Village. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed freeholders of the Village of will on the .... day of file their petition in the Court of praying that the name of the village of be changed to the name of for the following rea- sons : ( Here state reasons. ) Petitioners. Atty. 151 Dedication. Ordinance No , accepting ded- ication by of property for street purposes. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of State of , two- thirds of all the members elected there- to concurring : Section 1. That the dedication of pro- perty made by , described as follows, to wit: (Here describe the pro- perty.) and conveyed to the city for street purposes, by warranty deed, dated be and the same is hereby accepted. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Chairman. Attest: Clerk. 152 Ordinance No Ordinance to appropriate land for the extension of avenue, from avenue to avenue. Be it ordained by the Council of the Village of County, two-thirds of all members elected thereto concurring : Section 1. That the following described property be and the same is hereby appro- priated to the public use for street pur- poses, for the purpose of extending avenue from avenue to avenue, to wit : (Here give description of property to be appropriated. ) Sec. 2. That the Solicitor of the Vil- lage be and is hereby author- ized and directed to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to have a jury impaneled to make inquiry into and as- sess the compensation to be paid for such property. Sec. 3. That the costs and expenses of said appropriation be paid from the proceeds of bonds of the village, to be issued for that purpose. Sec. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed , Attest : Clerk. Mayor ef the Village of 153 An Ordinance. An ordinance, No , to assess a special tax on real estate bounding and abutting on street, between street and street. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of State of , as follows : Section 1. That there be levied and assessed on each front foot of the sev- eral lots of land bounding and abutting on street, between street and street, except the lots and lands exempted by law from assessment (a plat of said property as assessed having been approved by Council,) the cash sum of , and if paid in installments, the sums hereinafter named for each and every year as specified, to wit, (Here give the amounts for each year) to pay per cent of the cost and expense (less the cost of intersec- tions) of improving '. street, by Bewering, between the points aforesaid, together with the interest on the bonds Issued to provide a fund to pay for .... per cent of the cost (less the cost of intersections) of said improvement, ac- cording to the estimate of the chief .en- gineer of the Board of ap- proved by said board and transmitted to Council. Sec. 2. That the owners of the sev- eral lots of land upon each front foot of which the sums aforesaid are assessed shall pay the amount of money by them severally due in -that behalf to the City Treasurer on or before the day following the day from which this or- dinance becomes effective in each of the said several years, and in default of such payment the City Auditor shall forthwith cause all unpaid installments to be cer- tified to the County Auditor, to be by him placed upon the tax duplicate and col- lected according to law. Sec. 3. (Here describe how the fund is to be provided for carrying out said contract. ) Sec. 4. The said annual assessments and all portions thereof shall be paid to and shall be applied in the 154 manner provided for in Cection 3 of this advertisement, and to no other purpose whatsoever. Total cost of improvement, $ Cost of intersection, $ Amount assessed, .... per cent of total. Cost, less cost of intersection, $ Passed President of Council. Attest : Clerk. An Ordinance. Whereas, The Street Rail- way Company has applied to the Coun- cil of the City of for permis- sion to construct and operate Route No. of street passenger railroads of said city : Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Council of the City of State of : Section 1. That the Street Rail- way Company be and is hereby author- ized and the grant is hereby made to said Company, to construct and operate Route No of street passenger rail- roads, as established by an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to establlish Route No of street passenger railroads," passed , Sec. 2. The said route shall commence at or near the intersection of avenue with the corporation line of ; thence on avenue to street ; thence over the present tracks of the Street Railway Company on avenue to the intersection of said avenue with avenue ; thence returning over the same route to the place of beginning. The number of tracks over the entire route will be two with necessary switches, turntables, turnouts and sidetracks. Sec. 3. The motive power shall be either electricity, cable or such other ap- proved motive power as may come into general use. The right to operate said route shall be for the period of years from the date of the grant. * The said the Street Railway Company is hereby authorized and em- powered to erect in the sidewalks, near the tracks hereby authorized to be laid, the necessary supports for electric wires, and construct the necessary fixtures and appliances for the use of an electric sys- tem of motive power along said tracks in said street. The entire work authorized hereby, in- cluding the reductions of the crown of the street when necessary, shall be done 156 at the sole expense of said company, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Board of and its chief engineer. The tracks, where constructed as ordinary double tracks, shall be placed and maintained in the central portion of the streets, at such a distance apart as to allow for safe and convenient passage of cars thereon. The rail to be used in the construction of said tracks in the road- ways of said streets shall be of the pattern known as the " rail" or the " rail," of weight not less than pounds per yard. The sup- ports of said electric system of motive power shall be of the best and most approved pattern, and no wires shall be placed across or over any street within less than feet of the surface thereof. Sec. 4. The construction of the line on the route shall be commenced within days, and the entire route shall be completed and in operation within months from the time the grant is awarded, or this ordinance shall be void, unless delayed by legal proceedings or by the improvement of avenue by the city. Sec. 5. The owner shall, as a condi- tion precedent to the right to run cars as herein specied, pay into the treas- ury of the city of to the cred- it of the general fund thereof, in ad- vance, on the day of each and every year during the term of this grant, an annual license fee of the sum of dollars per lineal foot of e~very such car, inside measurement, that may be operated by them on the line and if not paid within days after due the Mayor shall have the right summarily to stop the running of the cars, and in the event of such stoppage no liability for damage shall accrue. And in addition thereto the owners, under the same condition and subject to the same penalty shall pay into the city treasury, on the day of January, April, July and October of each year, per cent of the entire gross earn- ings from every source of such company during the preceding quarter, including 157 the entire gross earnings on its whole line and its connecting line to , and all other connecting lines and extensions. And such owners shall accept, under all provisions of the general ordinance pro- viding for the construction and opera- tion of street railroads, passed 190.., except as herein other- wise expressly provided. The Board of Legislation shall at any future time have the power, when the public good de- mands, to grant a second or third com- pany, corporation or individual the right to occupy any track already laid down upon avenue, between the corporation line and avenue, provided the expense of laying and keep- ing in repair the said track, so far as used by different companies or individ- uals, shall be equally borne by all su*ch companies, firms or individuals that use the said tracks. Sec. 6. The rates of fare shall be those proposed by the said Street Railway Company, the said com- pany having obtained and filed the written consents of a majority of the property holders upon the street and part thereof represented by the feet front along so much of said route as has been hereto- fore unoccupied by a street railway to the construction and operation thereof, and such rates of fare being the lowest proposed as aforesaid, to wit : Single cash fare, five cents ; children under six years of age, free ; packages of forty tickets, ; packages of twenty tickets ; packages of ten tickets Passed Chairman. Attest : Secretary. 158 Au Ordinance. Notice to change the route of the Street Railway. Whereas, The Railway Com- pany has applied to the Council of the City of for permission to change the street railway route in said city known as the route ; and. Whereas, the Council considers such change advisable ; Now, therefore, be it ordained by the council of the city of State of Section 1. That it is deemed to be to the benefit, convenience and advan- tuge of the public that the street raill- way route known as the route be changed so that the cars operated over that route will be run on street to street street to street street to street, and street to street, instead of on street to street street to street, and street to street ; and Council hereby agrees to said change of route, and that said change be and the same is hereby made. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take ef- fect upon the approval of the same by the Mayor and the filling of the accept- ance thereof by the Railway Company. Clerk of Council. 159 An Ordinance. Aresolution declaring it necessary to improve by sewering street, between street and street, being part of Division No Be it resolved by the Council of the City of , State of three- fourths of the members elected thereto concurring : That it is necessary to im- prove by sewering street, be- tween street and street, being part of Division No in accordance with plan adopted by Coun- cil , , 191.., and now on file in the office of the Auditor of said city, which plan as to the territory above described is hereby approved. And be it further resolved, That said sewers shall be constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications on file in the office of the Auditor of said city (which specifications are hereby ap- proved,) and of the materials set forth in the following approximate estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement. (Here describe the materials to be used and the estimated cost.) Be it further resolved, That the whole cost of said improvement, less .... per cent of the total cost and less costs of intersections, shall be assessed by the front footage on all lots and lands boun- ding and abutting upon the proposed improvement not exempted by law from assessment, which said lots and lands are hereby, determmined to be specially bene- fited by said improvement, and the cost of said improvement shall include the ex- pense of the preliminary and other sur- veys,, and of printing and publishing the notices, resolutions and ordinances re- quired, the cost of construction, together with interest on bonds issued in anticipa- tion of the collection of deferred install- ments of assessments, and other necessary expenditures. That the assessments so to be levied shall be paid in . . annual install- ments, with interest on deferred pay- ments at .... per cent per annum ; pro- vided ; that the owner of any property J60 assessed may, at his option, pay such assessment in cash within days from and after the passage of the as- sessing ordinance, in which case said cash assessment shall not include any item of interest upon bonds to be issued in anticipation of the collection of de- ferred installments of assessments. The bonds of the City of shalll be issued in anticipation of the collection of assessments by installment and in an amount equal thereto. That the remainder of the entire cost of said improvement not especially as- sessed, together with the cost of any real estate or interest therein, purchased or appropriated, and the costs and ex- penses of any appropriation proceeding therefor, and the damages awarded any owner of adjoining lands and interest thereon, and the costs and expenses of any such award shall be paid by the city of out of the pro- ceeds of the sale of bonds to be issued by the said city for such purposes in the manner provided by law. Be it further resolved, That the clerk be and he is -directed to cause this res- olution to be published according to law. Passed , , President of Council. Clerk. 161 An Ordinance. Ordinance No , deeming it neces- sary that the City of , join with the Railroad Com- pany, in the alteration of the following grade in said city. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of , State of , two- thirds vote of all the members elected thereto concurring: Section 1. That it is hereby deemed necessary that said City of should join with the Railroad Company in the alteration of the fol- lowing grade : (Here describe the location of the grade and describe the necessary alterations to be made.) The cost of such alteration of grade shall be apportioned in the following manner, the City of to pay dollars, and the Rail- road Company dollars. This ordinance shall take effect from and after publication. Clerk of Council. An Ordinance. Ordinance No determining to proceed with the improvement of street to street. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of , state of three- fourths of all members elected there- to concurring: Section 1. That it is hereby deter- mined to proceed with the improvement of street, from street to street, by grading, etc. (Here state the kind of improvement.) In accordance with a resolution passed on the day of , 191.., arid in accordance with the plans, specifications, estimates and profiles here- tofore approved and now on file in the office of the Department of Public Ser- vice. Sec. 2. That all claims for damages resulting therefrom shall be judicially in- quired into after the completion of the proposed improvement, and the Solicitor be and he is hereby authorized and di- rected to institute proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to Inquire into such claims. Sec. 3. That per cent of the whole cost of said improvement shall be assessed by the foot frontage on all lots and lands bounding and abutting upon the proposed improvement, which said lots and lands are hereby deter- mined to be specially benefited by said improvement and the cost of said Im- provement shall include the expense of the preliminary and other surveys, and of printing and publishing the notices, resolutions and ordinances required, and the serving of said notices, the cost of construction, together with interest on bonds issued in anticipation of the col- lection of deferred installments of assess- ments, and other necessary expenditures. Sec. 4. That the assessment so to be levied shall be paid in annual installments, with interest on deferred payments at per cent per annum ; provided that the owner of any prop- erty assessed may, at his option, pay such assessment in cash within days from and after the passage of the assessing ordinance, in which case said cash assessment shall not include any item of interest upon the bonds to be issued in anticipation of the collection of deferred installments of assessments. Sec. 5. The bonds of the City of shall be issued in anticipation of the collection of assessments by in- stallment and in an amount equal there- to. Sec. 6. That the remainder of the en- tire cost of said improvement not spe- cially assessed, including the cost of in- tersections, together with the cost of any real estate or interest therein, purchased or appropriated, and the costs and ex- penses of any appropriation proceeding therefor, and the damages awarded any owner of adjoining lands and interest thereon, and the costs and expenses of any such award, shall be paid by the City of out of the proceeds of the sale of bonds to be issued by the said city, for such purposes in the man- ner provided by law. Sec. 7. That all of the lots and lands oounding and abutting street, between street and street, shall be assessed for said improvement as above determined. Sec. 8. That the Board of Public Ser- vice be and is hereby authorized and directed to make and execute a con- tract for said improvement, with the lowest and best bidder, after advertise- ment according to law. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed President of Council. Attest : Clerk. 164 An Ordinance. An ordinance, No to levy taxes for municipal purposes for the year Be it ordained by the Council of the City of State of Council of the City of State Section 1. That there be levied and collected for municipal purposes for the year on each dollar of val- uation of real and personal property re- turned on the grand duplicate, and subject to taxation , mills. Sec. 2. That the levy above author- ized for municipal purposes be and the same is hereby apportioned as follows : For public safety purposes For public service purposes For public health purposes Sec. 3. That there be levied and col- lected on each dollar of property afore- said for the year the follow- in additional sums : For hospital purposes For university purpose For observatory purposes For firemen's pension purposes . . . ' .... For police relief purposes For sinking fund and interest, payment of final judgments, rents due on perpetual leaseholds and expenses incident to the manage- ment of the sinking fund Grand Total : Sec. 4. That the clerk be, and he is hereby directed to certify the above levies to the Auditor of County, to be placed on the tax list anj collected according to law. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force from anJ after the earliest period allowed by law. President of Council. Passed Attest : Clerk. 166 Ordinance No To name an Alley AlK-y. Be it ordained by the Board of Legis- lation of the City of Section 1. That an alley, heretofore unnamed, extending from avenue to avenue of street, shall hereafter be known as alley. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take ef- fect at the earliest period allowed by law. President of the Board of Legislation. Attest : Clerk. 166 Ordinance No To name a certain street in the City of , Street. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Legislation of the City of that the street beginning in the line of street feet ... .of street, and running in a direction feet, as shown on plat and recorded in plat book No , page , County records, as per plat herewith, shall be and hereby is designated as Street. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. President Attest : Clerk. Passed . 167 Ordinance Notice of Improvement. Resolution . declaring it necessary to improve the by constructing a Whereas, on the day of 191.., a petition was filed by the own- ers of more than two-thirds of the front feet lots and lands abutting on the of , from to for the construction of a from to in accordance with an act passed Vol- ume ..... page ..... of the laws of . . . . ; Now, Be it resolved by the Council of of all members elected thereto concurring : That it Is necessary to improve the , from to by con- structing on the a in accordance with said petition and with the specifications adopted by Council with all amend- ments thereto, and as provided by the act passed Volume .... pages .... of the Statutes of as now in force ; said specifications are on file in the office of Be it further resolved, That the be and he is hereby directed to cause notice of this resolution to be published according to law. Adopted this day of 191.. 168 Ordinance. An ordinance, No providing for the organization of a Fire Department for the City of Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Section 1. The Fire Department of the City of shall be composed of the following officers and members, who shall receive salaries hereinafter provided, pay- able and shall give bond as herein provided. 1. The Chief of the Fire Department, who shall receive a salary of dollars per and who hall give bond in the um of dollars. 2 Marshals, who shall each re- ceive a salary of dollars per .... and each shall give a bond In the sum of dollars. 3 Assistant Marshals, who shall each receive a salary of dollars per and each shall give a bond in the sum of dollars. 4 firemen, of whom shall receive a salary of per '. .... a salary of per ; .... a salary of per each, and .... a salary of per each ; Captains shall receive a salary of .... per each ; Lieutenants a salary of per each ; Engineers a salary of dollars per each, and stokers, pipeman, drivers and ladder- men shall each receive a salary of dollars per ; linemen and batteiy- men shall each receive a salary of dollars per each ; plugmen, who shall each receive a salary of dollars per 5 Substitute firemen, who shall receive a salary estimated at the rate of dollars per day for each day of actual service. Said firemen and sub- stitutes shall each give a bond in the sum of dollars. 6 Telephone operators, who shall each receive a salary of dollars per 7 Telegraph operators, of whom .... shall receive a salary of dollars per a salary of dollars per and .... a salary of dollars per 169 And every employee of the Fire De- partment, having regular employment in and connected with any designated engine house, shall be excused from duty such number of days per year as shall afford him one day off duty for each days that he is on duty during the year, such excuse from duty to be granted without loss of pay. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after the .... day of 191. . Passed , , President of Council. Attest : Clerk. 170 Notice of Repeal of Ordlannce. An ordinance, No repealing or- dinance No , entitled: "An ordinance ( Here state the facts. ) passed by Council on the .... day of ..... 191 . . Be it ordained by the Council of the City of , State of Section 1. That ordinance No passed by the Council on the .... day of 191 (Here state the facts.) is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. This ordinance to take effect and be in force on and after the earliest period allowed by law. President of Council, 'cie'rk. 171 An Ordinance To Submit to the People the Question of the. Annexation of the Incorporated Village of Passed Section 1. Question of annexation to be submitted to voters. Be It ordained, etc., That the question of the annexation of the incorporated Village of to the City of is hereby submit- ted to the qualified voters of at the annual election in All those in favor of such annexation shall deposit in the ballot box furnished for such purpose a ballot inscribed "An- nexation of the incorporated Village of to the City of Yes." All those who are opposed to such annexation shall deposit in such box a ballot inscribed "Annexation of the incorporated Village of to the City of No." Sec. 2. Manner of counting and re- turning votes/ A separate ballot box shall be furnished In each ward for the reception of the votes upon this ques- tion of annexation and the votes shall be, counted and returned to the City Clerk in the same manner as votes ac- counted (are counted) and returned at elections for city officers ; and the City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published in the official papers of the city, as required by law. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take ef- fect from and after publication. Clerk of Council. 172 Notice to Non- Residents By Council. Notice to non-resident owners of pro- perty abutting avenue be- tween avenue and avenue. ( Here give the names of all the non- resident property owners of property abut- ting said avenue. ) are here- by notified of the passage by Council of the City of of the following resolution declaring it necessary to im- prove avenue, from avenue to avenue, by ( Here state the nature of the improvement, whether it be paving, sewering or what not.) and said Council at the same time approved the plans, specifications, estimates and profiles therefor. (In the publication of resolutions of the City Council, when there are per- sons interested in the subject matter of the resolution who are non-residents of the city, the above notice should be given in connection with said publications, and should be made the first paragraph there- of.) 173 Application for Pardon. Notice is hereby given that at the next meeting of the State Board of Pardons an application will be made for the pardon of convicted at the term, 191. ., of the Court of of County, of the crime of and sentenced to imprison- ment in the Penitentiary for the period of years. Petitioner. 174 Notice to Non- Residents in Partition Salt. John Doe, whose place of residence is , will take notice that on the day of , 191.., Richard Roe instituted an action in the Court of County being case No against (Him and others, giv- ing their names in full,) praying for the partition of the following described real estate to wit: (Here describe the real estate. ) Said action will be for hearingg on and after the day of 191 .. Plaintiff. , Atty. 175 Sheriff's Notice of Sale in Partition. Sheriff's Sale The State of , County, ss: Pursuant to the command of an or- der for sale in partition from the Court and to me directed, I will offer at public sale at the Sheriff's office in the Court House in the city of on 191... at o'clock ....3VL, the following described real estate, to wit: (Here describe the property.) Valued at dollar, to be sojd by order of court, in the case wherein is plaintiff and et al., are defendant. Case No Sheriff of County. Atty. (Vrtillrate of Umited t'o-rartnerihi|> of Company. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned have formed a limited part- nership under the firm name of ( Here insert the name. ) Company. The name of the general partners are (Here give their names and residences.) and the names of the special partners are ( Here give their names and residences. ) The said special partners have con- tributed to the capital stock the fol- lowing sums of money : ( Here state what amount each special partner has contributed to same. ) The nature of the business to be trans- acted by said co-partnership is that of (Here state the nature of the business.) Said limited co-partnership is to com- mence on the .... day of 191. ., and to continue for the full term of years, terminating on the .... day of 191.. State of 1 | ss. County J Personally appeared before me a ( Here give official title. ) < Here give the names of all the gen- eral and special partners.) to me per- sonally known, and acknowledged the signing and execution of the foregoing certificate to be their voluntary act and deed on this day of 190.. (Seal) Official Title. 177 Xotice By Surviving Partners of Company. Notice is hereby given by the under- signed surviving partners of the Company, a partnership, composed of the following named persons : ( Here give the names of the living PT t :ers. ) and deceased, that they have with the consent of the executor of the es- 'tate of the above named deceased partner, and with the approval of the Court of taken the interest of said deceased partner in the partnership assets at the appraised value thereof. Said surviving partners have given a bond to said executor, with sureties, which has been approved by said court, for the payment of the debts and liabilities of said partnership, and for the performance of all contracts for which said partner- ship is liable. All creditors are hereby notified to present their claims against said part- nership to the undersigned surviving pait- ners for allowance. Surviving Partners of the .. Company. 178 Notice for Parole. Notice is hereby given that a prisoner in the ...'... State is entitled under the laws and rules governing paroles from said institution to recommendation to the Board of by as worthy of consideration. for parole. Said application will be for hearing on and after the .... day of 191.. Petitioner. 171) Notic-e That Plans Have Been Prepared. Notice is hereby given that plans have been prepared and are now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of for the inspection and examination of parties interested, as follows. ( Right of way for .... Here state for what pur- poses, and the streets upon which the same is bounded. ) Any objections thereto may be filed with Council. Clerk.' 180 Notice of Application To Restore Lost or Destroyed Plats. Notice is hereby given that an applica- tion has been made to the County Com- missioners of County, by (Here give the names of ten per- sons, their agents, or attorneys, owning or being interested in any lots of 'land the original plats of which have been lost or destroyed, said lots of land being lo- cated in the City of a muuni- cipal corporation.) asking that the re- cords of the plats so lost or destroyed be supplied. Auditor of County. 181 Amended Flat No Notice is hereby given that the Board of has agreed that a change of plat in Section No ..... Town- ship, , , from that here- tofore adopted by the- platting commis- sion. A plat showing the proposed change is now on file in the office of the Board of and meetings of the board to hear objections will be held at the office of said board at o'clock on the following days: (Here give the days of meeting of the board.) By order of the Board of President. ' Clerk'.' ' Notice By City Civil Engineer of Plate on File in His Office. Notice is hereby given that the whole plan for the location of streets and alleys already dedicated, and of those proposed, to the city of , County , are now on file in my office for the in- spection of persons interested therein. City Civil Engineer. 183 Notice of Division of Precinct. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been presented to the undersigned board, to divide the Precinct, as now constituted into two precincts, the one to be known as Precinct, to comprise so much of the present pre- cinct as lies of the line of street, and of the line of street ; the remainder of the territory to be formed into a new precinct, the name of which will be designated by the board. Said petition will be considered by the board on the .... dav of 191... at its office at .... o'clock ...M. All persons interested in said matter are invited to be present. By order of the Board of Deputy State Supervisors of Elections. Clerk. 184 Preferrd Stork Payable Prior to Com- mon Stock Notice. On the day of 190.., the stockholders of the Company, of , voted to amend Its articles of Incorporation, as provided by the laws of the State of by providing that the preferred stock and the dividends thereon s -all be payable before the common stock, and that, ex- cept by way of purchase money mort- gage upon real estate hereafter ac- quired, the corporation shall make no preferential obligation except with the assent in writing of. the holders of a majority of the preferred stock issued and outstanding. Secretary. 185 (Vmxtruct a System <>f Subways in the City of Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Public Improvements of the City of , at its office, un- til o'clock . .M., of , for the grant, per- mission and authority to cor. at uct and operate a subway an 1 underground con- duits through the streets, avenues, s ! de- walks, alleys, lands, squares and public places of said city of with the necessary manho'es, junction boxes, connecting boxes, feeders, pipe and other connections and applications needed in connection therewith. Bidders must enclose their bids in sealed envelopes, addresser! to the of said board, Indorsed "Proposals for grant to construct a system of subways." By order of Board of Public Improve- ments of the City of President. Attest : Clerk. 250 Notice for Furnishing License Tags. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Audlior of , up to noon of for furnishing license tags of the following kinds and quantities : Number. Privilege tags Cabs or hacks Furniture cars Two-horse omnibus Pour-horse omnibus Carts 1-horse 1-horse wagon 2-horse spring 2-horse jolt 3-horse jolt 4-horse jolt Peddler from vehicle Tags for police Automobile tags k The work must be equal in all re- spects to the samples on file In the of- fice of the City Auditor, and of design to be approved by him. The successful bidder will be required to furnish bond to be approved by the Auditor. All bids must be marked on the envel- ope, "Bids for Tags." The right to reject Is reserved. Auditor. 251 Notice to the Taxpayers of the Ciiy of Notice is hereby given that city taxes for the City of are now due and payable at the office of the City Treas- urer in said city. All taxes not paid on or before will be- come delinquent and subject to a pen- alty of per cent and interest at ... per cent, and the city's lien therefor will be enforced according to law. City Treasurer. 252 Valuation aiid Kate of Taxation on One Hollar ($1.00) In the Various Town- Nhips, YiM:iK'i-s and School Districts of County, , for the Year 190 Townships Villages and cities School districts No State levy County levy Township levy School levy Corporation levy Whole year Half year Road levy Valuation I certify that the above and forego- ing is a true and correct statement of the tax levies of State, county, several townships, incorporated villages, school districts, City of and City of for the year 190.., as certi- fied by the proper authorities to me. County Auditor. 2-5 3 Notice of Increase of Tax Valuation. The following persons are hereby noti- fied that complaint has been filed against the tax valuation of the following de- scribed property, to the effect that the said valuations should be increased in the amount set opposite each name : (Here give names, value of lands, and increase. ) The usual places of business or resi- dence of the parties above named can not be ascertained, and the said persons are therefore hereby notified to appear on at o'clock . .M. at the office of the County Decennial Board of Revision of County, in the Audit- or's office. By order of the board. Clerk County Decennial Board of Revision. 254 Notice of Tax L*vy for Erection of a Public Building. Notice is hereby given that applica- tions have been filed with the Mayor of the Village of , and with the Trustees of Township, asking that the said village and township joint- ly erect a public building. The applications were signed by the num- ber of freeholders required by law. Notice is further given that there will be submitted to the qualified electors of said village and township at an elec- tion to be held on the day of 190.., the question of levying a tax for the erection of said ... A public building. Said election to be held at the usual voting places in said village and town- ship. The cost of the erection of said build- ing will be dollars, and the rate of taxes proposed to be levied is Those who vote in favor of the prop- osition to levy the above tax, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words. "For the levy of taxes," and those who vote against the same shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "Against the levy of taxes." Mayor of the Village of Trustees of Township. 256 Notice of Opening of Terms of the Court of County, . .for the Year 190 Notice is hereby given that the Court of County, has named the following days for the open- ing of the terms of said court in the City of , County, , during the year 190. .. (Here give the days, dates and months.) The above notice is given in accord- ance with the laws of the State of Clerk of Court. 256 Niiiii-i- of Holding of Special Term of the Court of County. Notice is hereby given that His Honor Judge being of the opinion that a special term of the Court of County, should be held by said court to determine the mat- ter of (Here state what matter is to be decided. ) has issued his order for such special term to be held on the day of 190... at which .time said cause will be heard. Clerk of Court. 257 Notice of Trade Mark. To the Secretary of the State of : The Company hereby certifies that it is a corporation duly organized and operating under the laws of the and it is engaged in manufac- turing and selling food or beverages, to wit : ( Here state what the bottles contain. ) in bottles in and that the bottles so used by it are marked and designed as fol- lows: (Here describe the particulars.) This certificate is filed in pursuance to law (Here state the title of the law, and where it is to be found.) Executed at , , 190.., corporate seal, , Company, United States of America, State of Office of the Secretary of State. I, Secretary of State of the State of do hereby certify that the annexed instrument is an exempli- fied copy of the certificate of mark of ownership, or trade mark, filed in this office, on the day of A. D. 190.., by the Company, pursu- ant to the provisions of (Here state under what law, as above.) In testimony whereof I have hereun- to subscribed my name and affixed my official seal, at this day of A. D. 190... Secretary of State. Any persons using above named bot- tles will be prosecuted. 258 Timber Dealers' Trade Marks Notice. Notice is hereby given that has adopted the following trade mark, to be used in business as timber dealers, to wit: (Here insert the let- ters, words or figures, etc., constituting the trade-mark, or if it be any device other than letters, words, or figures, etc., insert a fac simile thereof.) Dated this day of 190. . 259 Ii-i> >!( of the Examination of the Treas- ury of County, To tlie Judge of County, Pursuant to our appointment, accord- ing to law, made by you on the day of , 190.., we, the undersigned. after being duly qualified, proceeded in the following manner to carry out the duties devolving upon us. We counted the money in the Treasury of County, and inspected and examined the books, records and vouchers thereof, and we hereby certify that the following is a true and accurate statement of the condition of said Treasury, as disclosed by said examination, made on the day of 190.., to wit: (Here enumerate balances, and what funds they belong to.) Total balance Balance shown by Auditor's book Outstanding warrants ' .;.... Total cash balance Cash found in Treasury Cash in following legal de- positories : (Names of banks and amounts depos- ited in each.) REMARKS. There are in Treasurer's possession as custodian the following (Here state what he has.) Examiners. . ., ; . 260 Notice of Filing: of Petition for a New Trial. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of , 190. ., Richard Roe filed his petition in the Court of , praying that he be granted a new trial of the case in which John Doe wsis defendant and Richard Roe was plaintiff, in said court, and in which a verdict was rendered in favor of the said defendant, John Doe, on the follow- ing grounds : ( Here state the grounds for a new trial.) and that the said grounds for a new trial could not, with reasonable diligence, have been discovered before. Said defendant, John Doe, is required to answer said petition on or before the day of or judgment may be taken as prayed for RICHARD ROE, Plaintiff. Atty. 261 Hospital Trustees' Notice. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Hospital Trustees of the City of , State of , at the office of said board until o'clock . .M. of 190... for furnishing the necessary materials and supplies for the improvement of ' Hospital, according to plans and specifications on file in said office. Bach bid must be accompanied by a bond in the sum of dollars to the satisfaction of the board, that the bidder will .perform the work and fur- nish materials in accordance with his contract. Bidders are required to use the print- ed forms, which will be furnished upon application to the Clerk of the Board. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Hospital Trustees. Clerk. 262 Legal Advertisement. Board of Trustees, "Commissioners of Water Works," Proposals for the laying of cast iron pipe, special castings and valves, and other miscellaneous work in connection therewith, for the extension and better- ment of the Water Distribution System of the City of County, Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of Trustees, "Com- missioners of Water Works," of the City of , until o'clock ..M. of , 190... for the laying of cast Iron pipe ana special castings and valves on ... from to , and on from to , and on , from . . . to and other miscellaneous work in connection therewith, for the exten- sion and betterment of the Water Dis- tribution System of the City of County in accordance with plans, profiles and specifications on file in the office of the Chief Engineer of the Board of Trustees, "Commissioners of Water Works." The same to be paid for as stipulat- ed in the form of contract for the per- formance of the above work, and which form of contract is on file in the office of the Board of Trustees, "Commission- ers of Water Works." The aggregate length of the main to be laid is about lineal feet of and inch cast iron pipes. Plans and profiles of the work can be seen and copies of the specifications, estimated quantities of the work to be done, form of proposal, forms of bonds and form of contract, can be secured at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Board of Trustees, "Commissioners of Water Works." Bidders must enclose their bids in sealed envelopes, and deposit the same with the Clerk of the Board of Trus- tees, "Commissioners of Water Works." before , 190.., at o'clock ..M., and such sealed envelopes must have endorsed thereon the nature of the bid and the name and address of the bidder. 263 Bids will be opened on 190.., at ... o'clock. .M., at the office of the Board of Trustees. "Commission- ers of Water Works." Each bid shall be accompanied with a bond in the sum of dollars, and signed by two sureties, for the accept- ance of the contract, if awarded by the Board of Trustees. "Commissioners of Water Works," or the bidder may deposit with the Board of Trustees, Commis- sioners of Water Works," in lieu of such bond, a certified check or bank certificate of deposit, payable to the order of the Board of Trustees. "Commissioners of Water Works," or cash equal in amount to the bond, as above required. Bidders must furnish satisfactory evi- dence of their ability to do the class of work required. Bidders must use the printed forms, as none other will be received. The Board of Trustees, "Commission- ers of Water Works," reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By direction of the Board of Trustees, "Commissioners of Water Works.*' President. ' ' Clerk. 264 NotU'r to Non-KpHidents in Turnpike Abandonment Case, Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned freeholders have filed their peti- tion in the Court of praying that the following described road be declared abandoned and vacated as a toll road. (Here describe the road.) and that such road has not been kept In repairs for the preceding six months. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of 190 .. Petitioners. 265 Xotice of Petition to County Commissioners for a Free Turnpike Road. Xotice is hereby given that a majori- ty of all the landholders residing in County who own lands lying within the bounds of free turnpike, , will on the day of , 100. ., present a petition to the Board of County Commissioners, at which time will be held ,pne of their regular meetings, asking for the appointment of commissioners to lay out and establish a free turnpike ^oad from to within said county, and stat- ing therein that they desire the County Commissioners to levy an extra tax, the amount of which shall not exceed mills on the dollar valuation in any year, on the lands and taxable property within the bounds of the road, and that they desire the levy to continue until the day of , 190. . Committee for Landholders. 2fi6 Notice of Final Dividend by Turnpike Company. Notice is hereby given that a final dividend to the stockholders of the Turnpike Company will be paid by the officers of said company, who will meet for that purpose on the . . . day of 190.., at o'clock ..M., at the office of said company, No Street, This dividend will be paid to all stock- holders of record or their legal repre- sentatives. Those applying for the same will be required to surrender their certi- ficates and show conclusive proof of ownership. The Turnpike Company, President. Secretary. 267 Notice of Sale of Part of Road Belonging to the Turnpike Company. Notice is hereby given that at a meet- ing of the stockholdei s of the Turnpike Company, he.d on the day of , 190. ., by a vote of a hold- ers of a majority of the s:ock of said company, present at said meting, it was decided to sell the part of road, belonging to said company, to the Commissioners of County, together with all rights and privileges appertaining thereto. By order of the Board of the Turnpike Company. President. Secretary. 268 Notice of Taking Possession of Road By the Turnpike Com- . .pany. Notice is hereby given that Turnpike Company, on the day of 190... filed a petition which was signed by citizens interest- ed in said road, with the County Commissioners of County praying for authority to enter upon and take possession of the said road, to complete the building of the turnpike belonging to said turnpike company. The above notice is given so that in case any person or persons have any remonstrances to make, they have any sent the same to the Commissioners. Said petition will be acted upon by said Commissioners at a meeting to be held on the day of , 190. ., The Turnpike Company, Petitioner, By Secretary. Notice to the Stockholders of the Turnpike Company, of Submission of Report at the Regular Meeting To Be Held on the Day of 190 Notice is hereby given that at the regu- lar annual meeting of the Turnpike Company, to be held on the . . . day of 190 . ., at No Street, , the directors of said company will submit to the stockholders present at said meeting a report of the transactions of the said company for the year next preceding, showing the amount of revenue received from all sources during said year, and the amount of tolls received at each gate, respective- ly, and showing in detail the amounts expended for Improvements, salaries, etc. ; also showing the amount remaining on hand, and the debts and credits of the company, together with the names of the debtors and creditors. By order of the Board of Directors of the Turnpike Company. President. Secretary. 270 Notice of Sale of Property By the University of , At a meeting of the stockholders of the University, held on the day of , 190.., by a vote of the holders of three-fourths of the stock of said University, it was decided by them that they dispose of the following de- scribed property at public sale : (Here describe the property.) Said property will be offered for sale by the Trustees of said University on the day of 190. ., at o'clock on the premises at No Street , Terms of sale : Cash on day of sale. Trustees. 271 Notice of Application to the Court of , for the Vacation of the Portion of Plat Notice is hereby given that (Here give the names of all persons to said application.) being in number two-thirds of the proprietors thereof, have filed their petition in the Court of County, , praying that parts of the plat of the said City of be vacated. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of 190. . Petitioners. Atty. 272 Notice of Vacation of Street. Notice is hereby given that a petition for the vacation of street, be- tween street and street, has been filed and is now pending be- fore the Council of the City of , Action thereon may be taken on or after , and not later than By order of Council. 'Clerk. 273 Notice of Filing of Petition With the City Council for Vacation of Portions of Street and Street. Notice is hereby given that and being lot owners in the immediate vicinity of the following named streets, have filed their petition with the City Council of ., praying for the vacation of that portion of street, between the line of street and the line of street. Also that portion of street be- tween the line of street and the line of street. Action thereon may be taken on or after and not later than By order of Council. Clerk. 274 Solid- of Filing of Petition with the County < omiiiis-i'UH'rs for Vacition of County Road. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed twelve freeholders of the County of State of , residing in the vicinity whence the road is to he vacated, filed their petition with the County Commissioners of County for the vacation of road, from. . . . road to road. Action thereon will be taken by said Commissioners on the day of 190. .. Petitioners. 275 Notice of Filing of Petition With County Commissioners for Vacation of Dedi- . i ai I'd Road. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed owners of lands adjoining the road, filed their petition with the County Commissioners of County, asking that the said road be vacated. Said Commissioners will hear and de- termmine the said cause at a meeting to be held by said Commissioners of County, on the day of , 190 . . Petitioners. 276 Notice of Filing: Petition With the Court of for Vacation of Street. Notice is hereby given that , owners of a lot in the immediate vicin- ity of street, filed his petition in the Court of on the day of , 190. ., praying for an order of court declaring the follow- ing street vacated : street, from street to street. Said petition will be for hearing in said court, and determined on the day of 190. .. Petitioners. Atty. > 277 Notice of Advance of Village From Second Class to That of First Class. In accordance with the laws of the State of , the Governor, Auditor of State, and Secretary of Statee, did at the time of the apportionment of mem- bers of the General Assembly, for the decennial period, as required by the article of the constitution, ascertain and declare that the Village of is entitled to be advanced from a village of the second class to a village of the first class. Secretary of State. 278 Notice of Exchange of Lots By a Village. Notice is hereby given that on the day of 190 of the village of filed his petition in the Court of mayor of the village of praying for authority to exchange the fol- lowing described lot, belonging to said vil- lage, and set apart for the use of and support of schools: (Here describe the lot.) for the following described lot, be- longing to : (Here describe the lot.) for the reason that the said exchange is necessary, and will be of great benefit to said village, which reasons are more fully set forth in said petition. Said cause will be for hearing by said court on the day of , 190 . . By Mayor. The Village of 279 Notice By Village To Construct a Sidewalk. Village of Notice is hereby given to the owners of property specified below to construct sidewalks in front of same with as per a resolution of Council passed on the day of 190... and in accordance with the specifications and rules governing the same, said specifica- tions being on file in the office of the Village Clerk. (Here give the location of the property and the names of the owners. ) Said sidewalks to be constructed with- in days from date, otherwise Coun- cil will have same done at expense of owners, with penalty of per cent and interest. Mayor of the Village of 280 Notice of Proposed Incorporation of Village. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been presented to the Commission- ers of County praying for the incorporation Into a village the following described territory, to wit ; (Here describe the territory to be in- corporated. ) Located In Township County known as the town of Said village to be named The population included in said pro- posed incorporation lines numbering about Said petition has been signed by the requisite number of electors residing with- in the limits of said proposed incorpor- ation, and the County Commissioners have sett the of , at o'clock . .M., at the Commis- sioners' office in said county as a time for hearing arguments for and against the granting of said petition. Petitioners. 281 Notice of Sale of Goods in Warehouse. Notice is hereby given that on the day of , 190.., at o'clock . .M, the undersigned warehouseman will offer for sale at public auction to pay charges thereon goods at the warehouse of the undersigned Company, Proprietor. 282 Notice of Admission of Copy of Will to Record. Notice is hereby given that on the ..... day of , 190... I, the under- signed, Probate Judge of the Probate Court of '. County, having heard testimony relative to the destruction of the last will and testament of deceasel, and being satisfied in the prem- ises, duly admi ted to rcco d a copy of said last will and testament In said court. Judge of Probate Court of 283 Notice of Application To Admit Lost Will to Record. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed on the day of .... 190.., filed an application in the Pro- bate Court of County for the admission to record the last will and testament of deceased, which was duly executed according to law on the day of , 190. ., but which has since been lost, spoliated or destroyed. Said application will be for hearing in said court on the ... day of 190.. Applicant. 284 Notice of Application To Admit Exempli- fied Copy of Will to Probate. Notice is horeby given to all persons interested, that on and filed in the Court of , their application to admit to probate and rec- ord in said court, an exemplified copy of the will of deceased, late a citizen and resident of , and of certain documents showing the establishment of said will, according to the laws of , or of so rnudh thereof as establishes the devise by said testator to said petitioner of certain prem- ises in the City of County of , and State of , known as (Here describe the property.) Said applications will be for hearing In said court on the day of , 190.. Petitioners. Atty. 285 Notice of Flea To Set Aside a Will. John Doe, whose place of residence is will take notice that on the day of 190. ., Richard Roe filed his petition against him et al, in the Court of being cast- No. ..... asking that the will of Mary Roe, deceased, be set aside. Said cause will be for hearing on and after the day of , 190 ... Plaintiff. Atty. 286 Notice for Construction of Will. John Doe et al., whose places of ersi- dence are will take notice that on the day of 190... Richard Roe, executor of the last will and testament of John Smith, deceased, filed his petition in the Court of being case No. ..., against Mary Smith (widow) et al., praying for the contruction of the will of the said John Smith, deceased, and the rights of . in the personal and real estate of John Smith, deceased. (And praying, further, for the sale of the following real estate, if there is any to sell.) (Here describe the real estate.) The above named defendants are re- quired to answer on or before the day of 190.., or judgment may be taken accordingly. ''Plaintiff'.'' Atty. 287 Notice of Probate of Will Made in a For- eign Country. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed executor of the last will and tes- tament of deceased, has filed his aplication with the Probate Court of County asking that the will of said decedent, which was duly executed, proved and allowed according to the law of on the day of 190... be admitted to^record in said court. Said court has set said motion to ad- mit said will to probate, for hearing on the day of 190.. Executor of the Estate of. 288 GENERAL CIRCULATION. By a newspaper of general circulation the Legislatures certainly do ^not intend a newspaper read by all the people of the county. As a matter of fact, every newspaper is in greater or less degree devoted to some special interest. No one, however, would claim that because a newspaper should, for example, be the organ of a certain political party, and especially devoted to the interests of such party, it would not therefore be a newspaper of general circula- tion. Yet, such a newspaper is, to a large extent, read only by the members of the political party whose doctrines are advocated and expounded in its columns. A newspaper is a publication usually in sheet form in- tended for general circulation and published regularly at short intervals, containing intelligence of current events and news of general interest. But if a publication con- tains the general and current news of the day, it is none the less a newspaper because it is chiefly devoted to the dissemination of intelligence of a particular kind, or to the advocacy of particular principles or views. Most news- papers are devoted largely to special interests, political, religious, financial, social, etc., and each is naturally pat- ronized mainly by those who are in accord with the views it advocates, But if it gives the general current news of the day, it still comes within the definition of a newspaper. The term, "General Circulation," while not a mislead- ing one, for we all understand perfectly well what it means, is exceedingy difficult of application. It is true of any term which has no exactly defined scope that it is not easy to say where it shall begin and where it shall end. It is not to be supposed a statute means that the avdertisement must be published in a paper that is taken and read by every one in the community, or by nearly every one, or by one-half or three-fourths of the commu- nity. It means, doubtless, by "general," what we should 289 understand by the phrase, "common, but not universal.' It would be difficult indeed to find a paper that does nol appeal more strongly to one class than another, and one that is not restricted in its circulation. There are statutes providing for publications "in s newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county," and it is a well-known rule that the words of the statutes, "In pari materia," must be understood in the same sense as the statute in question, and vice versa. In view of this same rule, it is probable that all the statutes on the subject must be read to mean what the statutes oJ the most exacting phrasing indicates, viz.: a newspapei printed and of general circulation in the county, or il there be none printed in the county, then a newspaper in general circulaion in the county. Therefore, though a statute provides simply for publication, or for publicatior in a newspaper, we may assume that the publication of all legal notices must be in a newspaper, and the newspapei must be in general circulation in the county. It is not required that the newspaper have a general circulation in any particular city or part of the county. A newspaper is defined, according to the usage of the commercial world, to be a publication in numbers consist- ing commonly of single sheets and published at short and stated intervals, conveying ntelligence of passing events, 290 WHAT IS SUFFICIENT PUBLICATION, AND HOW APPROVED? It shall be sufficient to publish any notice or advertise- ment required by law to be given for a definite period, if one side of the newspaper in which such publication is made is printed in the county, municipal corporation, or State, in which the newspaper containing such notice or advertisement is required to be printed, and notices or proclamations required to be published in a newspaper by a trustee, assignee, executor, administrator, receiver, or any other officer of the court, or any party in any case or proceeding shall be approved by the court or clerk thereof and allowed as a part of the costs in the case or proceeding. When a notice is directed by law to be published in a newspaper, and no such paper is published at the place mentioned, or if such paper is published at the place, but the publisher refuses to insert the same in his newsp iper, on tender of his usual charge for a similar notice, then publication can be made in any newspaper of general cir- culation at such place. 291 INDEX ABANDONMENT. Page Notice in turnpike case 265 ACCEPTING. Notice of accepting dedicated property for street purposes 152 ACCOUNT. Notice of filing in Common Pleas Court 77 Notice of filing in Probate Court 76 Notice by receiver of religious corporation 209 ACTION. When deemed commenced 7 Notice of revivor of action 223 ADDITION. Notice of building an addition to the County In- firmary 190 ADMINISTRATORS. Notice of Appointment 9 Notice to Non-resident Defendants 10 Notice of probate insolvency of estate 11 Notice of sale of real estate 12 Notice of sale of personal property 233 ADMISSION. Notice of admission of copy of will to record... 283 ADOPT. Notice by stockholders to adopt a code of regula- tions 247 ADVANCE Notice of by village from second class to first class 278 ADVERTISING. Rates for legal advertising 5 292 AFFIDAVIT. Page Affidavit in proof of publication 13 ALIMONY. Notice of, to Non-resident Defendant 14 ALLEY. Notice to name an alley 166 ALTERATION. Notice of alteration of a grade 162 ANNEXATION. Notice of annexation of territory to village 15 Notice of annexation of an incorporated village. . 172 ANNUAL. Notice of annual meeting "of stockholders 246 APPEAL. Notice from decision of commissioners, to the Probate Court 58 APPLICATION. Notice of, by Administrator to complete a con- tract 16 Notice of, to admit lost will to record 284 Notice of, to admit exemplificated copy of will to probate 285 Notice of, for Arbitrators 23 Notice of, to sell cemetery belonging to religious corporation 216 Notice of, for allowance of claim out of Deced- ent's estate 17 Notice of, for commutation 63 Notice of, for Dower in Real Estate 98 Notice of, to enforce distribution 113 Notice of, to erect a new county 75 Notice of, for franchise by street railway 120 Notice of, by Insurance Company to discontinue business 131 Notice of, for liquor license 18 Notice of, to mortgage chartiable corporation property 147 293 Page Notice of, for a pardon 174 Notice of, for parole 179 Notice of, to appoint receiver 98 Notice of, to register land title 214 Notice of, by religious corporation to transfer real estate 218 Notice of, to vacate portion of a plat 272 Notice of, for verity of copies of lost record of roads 226 Notice of, to set aside a will 286 APPOINTMENT. Notice of Administrator 9 Notice of Assignee 29 Notice of application for, of Arbitrators 23 Notice of Receiver 206 Notice of Trustee^ 115 APPROPRIATE. Notice by city to, land for avenue purposes 153 Notice by city to, private property 19 Notice by city to Non-resident Defendants 20 Notice by County Commissioners to, private property 228 Notice by Board of Public Works to, private property, for a public necessity. 21 APPROVED. What is sufficient publication and how approved. 291 ARCHITECTS. Notice by city to submit plans 22 ARBITRATORS. Notice for appointment of arbitrators 23 ASSESS. Notice of application to* assess damages 24 Notice of meeting to assess stockholders 248 Notice of resolution to assess a special tax against porperty 154 294 ASSESSMENT. Page Notice of, by County Commissioners 25 Notice, for costs and expenses of improvements. 26 Notice of, by Council 27 Notice of, by Council to Non-resident Defendants 28 ASSIGNEES. Notice of Appointment 29 Notice of payment of dividends 94 Notice of sale of desperate claims 30 Notice of sale of personal property 31 Notice of sale of real estate 32 ASSIGNED. Notice of suit by creditor to recover assigned property 33 ASSOCIATIONS. Notice of transfer by religious association to cemetery association 216 ATTACHMENT. Notice of, in Common Pleas Court 34 Notice of, in Justice of Peace Court 35 Notice of, to Non-resident Defendants 36 AUDITORS. Notice of delinquent taxes 37 Notice of public auction of condemned property. 65 Notice of valuation and rate of taxation by the Gouty Auditor ' 253 AUTHORITY. Notice of filing petition for authority to execute a lease of entailed real estate 138 AUTHORIZING. Notice of resolution authorizing the construction and operation of a street railroad 156 AVENUE. Notice of appropriation of land for avenue pur- poses 153 295 BANKS. Page Notice of statement of condition of bank 38 Notice for bids for deposit of school funds with bank 191 BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Notice of desire to locate factory near same ... 38 BIDS. Notice of sealed bids by City Council 194 Notice of sealed bids by County Auditor 40 Notice of sealed bids by County Commissioners.. 68 Notice of sealed bids for deposits of school funds with bank 191 Notice of sealed bids for new school desks by Board of Education 100 Notice of sealed bids for new school building by Board of Education 99 Notice of sealed bids by Superintendent of Hos- pitals 127 Notice of sealed bids by Village Council 48 Notice of sealed bids by City Auditor 40 Notice of sealed bids by Road Commissioners. ... 42 BOARDS. Notice of election of Board of Directors of Build- ing and Loan Association 51 Notice of election for members of Board of Edu- cation -. 105 Notice of hearing complaints by Board of Equali- zation 109 Notice of meeting of the County Decennial Board of Revision 80 Notice to Non-resident Defendants by city of appropriation of private property 20 Notice of resolution by city to appropriate private property 19 Notice of sale of bonds by Board of Public Im- provement 41 Notice of sale of bonds by Board of Education. . 102 Notice of seal of real estate by Board of Educa- tion 101 Page Notice of sealed bids for new school building by Board of Education 99 Notice of tax levy for kindergarten schools by Board of Education 104 BONDS. Notice of general form of advertising for 49 Notice of sale, by Board of Education 102 Notice of sale, by Board of Public Improvements 41 Notice of sale of, by Road Commissioners 42 Notice of sale of condemnation bonds 43 Notice of issue in excess of allowance by law. . 44 Notice for judgment on 45 Notice of sale of non-taxable bonds 46 Notice of redemption of bonds 47 Notice of sale of village bonds, to pay costs and expenses of construction of sidewalks 48 Notice of sealed proposals for sale of bonds 49 BRIDGE. Notice by commissioners of intention to build a bridge 61 BUILDING. Notice for bids for building a retaining wall. . . . 221 Notice for bids for building a new school build- ing by Board of Educaton 99 Notice of tax levy for erection of a public build- ing 255 Notice by trustees for proposals for improvement of building . 262 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. Notice of Statement of Condition 50 Notice of election, of Board of Directors of 51 Notice of payment of dividends by receiver of . . 96 BUSINESS. Notice of sale of business of decedent by executor 116 BURIAL. Notice of sale of burial grounds by the directors of a cemetery association 52 297 Page Notice of transfer by religious association to cemetery association 53 CAPITAL. Notice of meeting to increase capital stock of corporation 249 CANCELLATION. Notice of cancellation of fraudulent deed 121 CEMETERY. Notice of application to sell cemetery belonging to religious corporation 216 Notice of sale of burial grounds by the directors of a cemetery 52 Notice of transfer by religious association to cemetery association 216 CERTIFICATE. Notice of filing certificate with Secretary of State by creditors of railroad company 204 Notice of lost certificate of stock 54 CHANGE. Notice of change of channel of river 225 Notice of change of name of corporation 149 Notice of change of name of individual 150 Notice of change of plats 182 Notice of resolution by railroad company author- izing change of line 201 Notice of change of termini of railroad 202 Notice of change of name of village 151 CHANNEL. Notice of change of channel of river 225 CHARGES. Notice of sale of property by express company to pay charges due thereon 232 CHARITABLE. Notice of application for permission to mortgage charitable corporation property 147 298 CHARTER. Page Notice of charter of insurance company 132 CHATTELS. Notice of sale of chattel property 229 Notice of sale of chattel propertv by Sheriff. . . 238 Notice of sale of, to Non-resident Defendants ... 55 CHILDREN. Notice of establishment of home for children . . . 125 CHURCH. Notice of sale of unappropriated church porperty 56 CIRCULATION. General denned 289 When notice to be placed in any newspaper cir- culating in the county 291 CITY. Notice to non-resident owners of property, of improvement by city 173 Notice of porposals for the erection of a city building 192 Notice of public auction of condemned property by City Auditor ' 65 CITY TREASURER. Notice by City Treasurer that taxes are due 252 CIVIL. Notice of civil service examination 244 CIVIL ENGINEER. Notice by civil engineer of plats on file in his office 183 CLAIMS. Notice for allowance of claims out of decedent's estate 112 Notice of sale of desperate claims 57 Notice of sale of difficult and doubtful claims by administrator 231 299 Page Notice of filing petition for a claim due under a lease 137 Notice of sale to satisfy a claim 239 CLASS. Notice of advance of village from second class to first class 278 CODE. Notice of stockholders' meeting to adopt a code of regulations 247 COMMISSIONERS. Notice of appeal from dicision of, to the Pro- bate Court 58 Notice to Architects 59 Notice of assessment by County Commissioners. . 25 Notice to contractors for work to be done 68 Notice of the erection of a workhouse, for the joint use of two counties 60 Notice of intention to build a bridge 61 Notice of removal of mill-dam 62 Notice of sale of bonds' by Road Commissioners. . 42 Notice by Commissioner of Insolvents 129 COMMITTEE. Notice of report of committee 220 COMMUTATION. Notice of application for 63 * COMPLAINT. Notice of hearing complaint by Board of Equali- zation 109 COMPLIANCE. Notice by Insurance Company of certificate of compliance 133 COMPROMISE. Notice of compromise by receiver 207 300 CONDEMNATION. Page Notice of filing petition for, in court by a cor- poration 64 Notice of filing of petition for condemnation of private property 19 Notice of public auction of condemned property by City Auditor 65 Notice of sale of condemnation bond 43 CONDITION. Statement of condition of bank 38 Statement of condition of Building and Loan Association : 50 CONSOLIDATE. Notice by hydraulic companies of intention to consolidate 128 CONSOLIDATION. , Notice of consolidation of different railroad com- panies 203 CONSTRUCT. Notice by village to owners to construct sidewalk 280 CONSTRUCTION. Notice of filing petition for construction of a will 287 Notice of grant for construction of a system of subways 250 Ntice of resolution authorizing the construction and operation of a street railway 156 CONTEST. Notice of filing of petition to contest validity of votes for removal of a county seat 66 CONTRACT. Notice by administrator to complete a contract. . 16 CONTRACTORS. Notice to, by County Auditor 67 Notice to, by County Commissioners 68 Notice to, by Trustees, of work to be performed. 69 Notice to, by Village Council 70 301 CORONER. Page Notice of finding by Coroner 71 CORPORATION. Notice of application to sell cemetery belonging to religious corporation 216 Notice of application by religious corporation to transfer real estate to newly organized com- pany 215 Notice of change of name of corporation 149 Notice to creditors of corporation 72 Notice of lien on stock in corporation 142 Notice of judgment against corporation 73 Notice of meeting to increase capital stock of corporation 249 Notice by municipal corporation of sale of real estate not needed for municipal purposes 235 Notice of opening of books for subscription to capital stock 74 Notice of petition to encumber by mortgage real estate belonging to religious corporation 217 Notice by, of sale of delinquent stock 230 Notice to stockholders of dissolution 92 CORRECTION. Notice of correction of error in a deed 110 COUNCIL. Notice of assessment by Council 27 Notice by Clerk of Council of filing of plans 180 Notice to non-residents of assessment by Council 28 Noice of petition to Council to vacate a street. . 273 Notice of petition to Council to vacate a portion of a street 274 Notice of resolution of Council to join a railroad company in the alteration of a grade 162 COUNTY. Notice of application to the General Assembly to erect a new county 75 Notice of deposits 'of county money 83 302 When notice to be made in any newspaper circu- lating in the county 291- COUNTY DECENNIAL BOARD OF REVISION. Notice of meeting of the County Decennial Board of Revision 80 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Notice by, to electors of purchase of toll roads. . 227 Notice of petition to, for a free turnpike road. . . 266 Notice of petition to, for vacation of dedicated road 276 Notice of petition to, for establishment of a county road 228 Notice of assessment by 25 COUNTY ROAD. Notice of petition to County Commissioners for establishment of a county road 228 COUNTY SEAT. Notice of filing of petition to contest the validity of votes for removal of county seat 66 COUNTY SURVEYOR. Notice to take depositions before County Sur- veyor 85 COUNTY TREASURER. Notice by, of sale of real estate to pay the for- feited taxes due thereon 234 COUNTY TREASURY. Notice of report of examination of, by ex- aminers 260 COURT. Notice by, of accounts 76 Notice of appeal from decision of Commissioner.', to the Probate Court of the County 58 Notice of application to court by religious cor- poration to transfer real estate to newly organ- ized company 215 Notice of application to court to vacate portion of a plat 272 303 Page Notice of garnishment in Justice of Peace Court 123 Notice of the holding of special terms of court. . 257 Notice of the opening of the terms of court 256 Notice of filing of final account in Common Pleas Court 77 Notice of filing of final account in Porbate Court 76 CREDITOR. Notice of suit by creditor to recover assigned property 33 CROSS-PETITION. Notice of filing to non-resident defendants 78 DAMAGES. Notice to non-resident defendant of suit for 79 Notice to assess damages 24 DAYS. What are rule days in pleadings? 8 DECEAESED. Notice of the taking of the interest in business of deceased partner, by surviving partners 78 DECEDENT. Notice of allowance of claim out of decedent's estate 112 Notice of sale of business of decedent, by executor 116 Notice of sale of personal property belonging to estate of decedent 233 DECENNIAL. Notice of meeting of the County Board of Re- vision 80 DECISION. Notice of appeal from decision of Commissioners to the Probate Court of the County 58 DECLARING. Notice of resolution declaring it necessary to improve by sewering 160 304 DEDICATED. Page Notice of resolution accepting property dedicated for street purposes 152 Notice of filing of petition with County Commis- sioners for vacation of dedicated road 276 DEED. Notice of cancellation of fraudulent deed 121 Notice of correction of error in a deed 110 Notice of reformation of a deed 81 DEFENDANT. Notice to non-resident defendant by administrator 10 Notice to non-resident defendant of alimony suit 14 DEFINED. General circulation 289 DELINQUENT. Notice by corporation of sale of delinquent stock 230 Notice of delinquent taxes 82 DEPARTMENT. Notice of resolution providing for the organiza- tion of a fire department 169 DEPOSITS. Notice for bids for deposits for county money with bank 83 Notice for bids for deposits of school funds with bank 191 DEPOSITIONS. Notice to take 84 Notice to take, before County Surveyor 85 Notice to take, to substantiate impeachment charges 86 DESPERATE. Notice of sale of desperate claims by assignee. . . 30 Notice of sale of difficult and doubtful claims by administrator 231 305 DESKS. Page Notice for bids for school desks by Board of Education 100 DESTROYED. Notice of application to restore lost or destroyed plats 181 Notice of restoration of destroyed records 213 DETERMINING. Notice of resolution determining to proceed with the improvement of a street 163 DIRECTORS. Notice of election of, by building and loan asso- ciation 51 Notice of protest by directors of railroad company 196 Notice of sale of burial grounds by the directors of a cemetery association 52 DISSOLUTION. Notice of, by corporation 87 Notice of, by corporation, when same is incorpor- ated under laws of another state 88 Notice of, by corporation of abandoned railroad 89 Notice of, by limited patnership 90 Notice of, by partnership 91 Notice of, by stockholders of corporation 92 DISTRIBUTION. Notice to non-resident executor, of application to enforce 113 DITCH. Notice of the establishment of a ditch 93 DIVIDENDS. Notice of payment of, by assignee or trustee... 94 Notice of payment of, by corporation 95 Notice of payment of, by receiver of a building and loan company 96 Notice of final dividend by turnpike company. . . 276 306 DIVISION. Page Notice of division of precinct 184 DIVORCE. Notice to non-resident defendant of petition for divorce 97 DORMANT. Notice of revivor of dormant judgment in Justice of Peace Court 224 DOWER. Notice of application for dower in real estate and appointment of receiver 98 EDUCATION. Notice for bids for new school building by Board of Education 99 Notice for bids for school desks by Board of Edu- cation . 100 Notice of sale of bonds by Board of Education. . 102 Notice of sale of real estate by Board of Educa- tion 101 Notice of tax levy for kindergarten schools by Board of Education 104 ELECTION. Notice of, for members of Board of Education.. 105 Notice of election of Board of Directors by Build- ing and Loan Association 51 Notice of election of Board of Directors, and offi- cers of new railroad company, formed by con- solidation of different railroad companies 203 Notice of primary election 106 Notice by Sheriff to electors of the holding of an election . 189 ELECTORS. Notice by County Commissioners to electors of purchase of toll roads 227 Notice by electors of filing of petition with Pro- bate Court for formation of a joint suo-district 108 Mayor's proclamation to electors 187 Sheriff's proclamation to electors 189 307 ELECTRIC. Page Notice of sealed proposals for electric lighting. . 144 ENCUMBER. Notice of petition to encumber by mortgage real estate belonging to religious corporation 217 ENGINEER. Notice by civil engineer of plats on file in his office 183 ENTAILED ESTATE. Notice of the filing of a petition for authority to execute a lease of entailed real estate 138 ENTRY. Entry approving publication 197 EQUALIZATION. Notice of hearing complaint, by Board of 109 ERROR. Notice of correction of error in deed 110 Notice of filing of petition in error Ill ESTABLISHMENT. Notice of establishment of a ditch 93 Notice of establishment of a home for children. . 125 Notice of establishment of a levee 140 Notice of establishment of a public library 141 EXAMINERS. Notice of report of examination of County Treas- urv by Examiners 260 EXAMINATION. Notice of civil service examination 244 EXCHANGE. Notice of exchange of lots by village 279 EXECUTOR. Notice of application for allowance out of deced- ent's estate by 112 308 Page Notice of application to enforce distribution to non-resident executor 113 Notice of appointment of 114 Notice of appointment of, and as trustee 115 Notice of sale of business of decedent, by 116 Notice by, of sale of real estate 117 EXEMPLIFIED. Notice of application to admit exemplified copy of will to probate 285 tXPRESS. Notice by express company of sale of property for charges due thereon 232 FACTORY. Notice of desire to locate factory near benevolent institution 39 FILING. Notice of, final account in Common Pleas Court. . 77 Notice of, final account in Probate Court 76 Notice of, petition for authority to execute a lease of entailed real estate 138 Notice of, petition for condemnation of private property 19 Notice of, petition to contest validity of votes for removal of a county seat 66 Notice of, petition for construction of a will... 287 Notice of, petition to Council to vacate a portion of a street 274 Notice of, petition with county commissioners for vacation of a county road 275 Notice of, petition with County Commissioners for vacation of a dedicated road. .- 276 Notice of, petition with court for vacation of a street 277 Notice of, a cross-petition 78 Notice of, petition for divorce 97 Notice by electors, of petition with the Probate Court for formation of a joint sub-district. . 108 Notice of, petition in error Ill 309 Page Notice of, petition for establishment of a levee. . 140 Notice of, petition for establishment of public library > 141 Notice of filing certificate with Secretary of State, by creditors of railroad company 204 Notice of, petition for foreclosure of mortgage, and judgemnt on promissory note 148 Notice of, petition for a new trial 261 Notice of, petition for revivor of judgment.... 222 Notice of, petition for sale of real estate belong- ing to religious corporation 218 FINAL. Notice of final dividend by turnpike company. . . 267 FINDING. Notice of finding by Coroner 71 FIRE. Notice of resolution providing for the organiza- tion of a fire department 169 FORECLOSURE. Notice to .non-resident of action to forclose a mortgage 118 FOREIGN. Notice of probate of will made in foreign countrv 288 FORFEITED. Notice by County Auditor of sale of real estate, to pay the forfeited taxes due thereon 119 Notice, by County Treasurer of sale of real estate to pay the forfeited taxes due thereon 234 FORMATION. Notice of formation of limited partnership 177 FRANCHISE. Notice of application by street railway for fran- chise 120 FRAUDULENT. Notice of cancellation of fraudulent deed 121 310 Page Notice of suit to recover possession of property assigned or transferred in fraud of creditors. . 33 FREE. Notice of petition to County Commissioners for a free turnpike road 266 FUNDS. Notice of deposit of school funds with bank.... 191 Notice of transfer of public money from one fund to another 122 FURNISHING. Notice for furnishing license tags 251 GARNISHMENT. Notice of, in Justice of Peace Court 123 GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Notice of application to General Assembly to erect a new county 75 GOODS. Notice of sale of stored goods 243 GOVERNOR. Notice of Governor's Thanksgiving Proclamaton 186 GRADE. Notice df alteration of grade 162 GRANT. Notice of grant to construct a system of subways 250 GUARDIAN. Notce of Guardian's Sale 124 HOME. Notice of establishment of home for children. . . . 125 HOMESTEAD. Notice of sale of homestead 126 311 HOSPITAL. Page Notice for bids by Superintendent of Hospital.. 127 Notice by trustees of hospitals for proposals for improvement of building 262 HYDRAULIC. Notce by, companies of intention to consolidate. . 128 IMPEACHMENT. Notice to take depositions to substantiate im- peachment charges 86 IMPROVEMENT. Notice of estimated assessment for costs and ex- penses of 26 Notice of, resolution declaring it necessary to im- prove by sewering 160 Notice of resolution determining to proceed with the improvement of a street 163 Notice of, to non-resident owners of property by city 173 Notice of, by trustees of hospitals for proposals for hospital building 262 INCORPORATED. Notice of resolution to submit to the people the question of the annexation of an incorporated village 172 INCORPORATION. Notice of proposed incorporation of village 281 INCREASE. Notice of meeting to, capital stock of corporation 249 Notice of, tax valuation 254 INDIVIDUAL. Notice of change of name of individual 150 INSOLVENCY. Notice by Commissioner of 129 Notice by Court of 130 312 INSURANCE. Page Notice of application by, company to discontinue Us business 131 Notice of charter of, company 132 Notice by, company of certificate of compliance. . 133 INTEREST. Notice of the taking of the interest in partnership business, of deceased partner, by surviving partner 178 INTERPLEAD. Notice to Non-resident defendants to interplead. . 134 JUDGMENTS. Notice to non-resident defendants of sale of real estate to satisfy a judgment 236 Notice of petition for, against a corporation 73 Notice of petition for, upon a claim due under a lease 137 Notice of petition for on a promissory note 148 Notice of revivor of dormant judgment 222 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notice of garnishment in Justice of the Peace Court 123 KINDERGARTEN SCHOOLS. Notice of tax levy for kindergarten schools by Board of Education 104 LAND. Notice of application to register land title 214 Notice of appropriation of land for avenue pur- poses 153 Notice to quiet title to real estate, short form for land companies 136 Notice of sale of forfeited land 234 Notice of sale of school lands 240 LEASE. Notice, to non-resident defendants, when praying for a judgment upon a claim due under a lease 137 ra LEASEHOLD. Page Notice of filing petition, for authority to execute a lease of entailed real estate 138 Notice of sale of a leasehold 139 LEGAL ADVERTISING. Rates for legal advertising 5 i-EVEE. Notice of filing of petition, for establishment of a levee 140 LEVY. Notice to levy taxes for municipal purposes . . . 165 Notice of tax levy for kindergarten schools by Board of Education 104 LIBRARY. Notice of the filing of a petition for establishment of public library 141 Notice of proposals for the erection of a branch library 193 LICENSE. Notice of application for liquor license 18 Notice for furnishing license tags 251 LIENS. Notice of lien on stock in corporation 142 Notice of marshalling of liens 143 LIGHTING. Notice of sealed proposals for electric lighting. . . 144 LIMITED. Notice of dissolution of limited partnership 90 Notice of formation of limited partnership 177 LOST. Notice of application to admit lost will to record. 284 Notice of application to restore lost or destroyed plats 181 Notice of application for verity of copies of lost records of roads 226 Notice of lost certificate of stock 54 314 LOTS. Page Notice of exchange of lots by village 279 MANUFACTURING. Notice of location of principal office of manufac- turing company 145 MARK. Notice of trade-mark 258 MARSHALLING. , Notice of marshalling of liens 143 MAYOR. Mayor's proclamation to electors 187 Mayor's proclamation prohibiting the sale of in- toxicating liquors on election day 188 MEETING. Notine of annual meeting of stockholders 246 Notice of meeting to assess stockholders 248 Notice to stockholders of special meeting of rail- road company 205 MILLDAM. Notice by Commissioners of removal of mill-dam 62 MORGUE. Notice by County Commissioners of appropria- tion of private property to build a Countv Morgue 146 MORTGAGE. Notice of application to Court for permission to mortgage charitable corporation property. . . 147 Notice of filing of petition for foreclosure of mort- gage and for judgment on promissory note. . . 148 Notice of petition to encumber by mortgage real estate belonging to religious corporation 217 MUNICIPAL CORroRATION. Notice of resolution to levy taxes for municipal purposes 165 Notice by, of sale of real estate not needed for municipal purposes 235 315 NAiyiE. Page Notice of change of name of corporation 149 Notice of change of name of individual 150 Notice of change of name of village 151 Notice of resolution to name an alley 166 Notice of resolution to name a street 167 NECESSARY. Notice of resolution declaring it necessary to im- prove by sewering 160 Notice of resolution deeming it necessary to alter a grade 162 NEWSPAPER. When notice to be made in any newspaper circu- lating in the county 291 NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. Notice to, by administrator 10 Notice to, of alimony suit 14 Notice to, of action to foreclose a mortgage 118 Notice to, of action to qiuet title to real estate. . 198 Notice to, of action to quiet title to real estate by railroad company 199 Notice to executor, of application to enforce dis- tribution 113 Notice to, of establishment of a levee 140 Notice to, of the filing of a cross-petition 78 Notice to, and to interplead 134 Notice to, of petition for divorce 97 Notice to, in partition suit 175 Notice to, when praying for a judgment upon a claim due under a lease 137 Notice to, of replevin suit 219 Notice to, of revivor of action 223 Notice to, of sale of chattels 55 Notice to, of suit for damages 79 Notice to, in turnpike abandonment case 265 Notice to, by Council 173 NON-TAXABLE. Notice of sale of non-taxable bonds 46 316 NOTE. Page Notice of filing of petition for a judgment on a promissory note 148 OFFICE. Notice by Civil Engineer of plats on file in his office J33 Notice of location of principal office of manufac- turing company 145 OPENING. Notice by corporation of opening of books for subscription to capital stock of company 74 Notice of the opening of terms of court 256 OPERATION. Notice of resolution to construct and operate a street railroad 156 ORDINANCES. Resolution, accepting property dedicated for street purposes 152 Resolution, appropriating land for avenue pur- poses 153 Resolution, to assess a special tax afrainst prop- erty 154 Resolution, authorizing the construction and oper- ation of a street railroad 156 Resolution, of change of route of street railroad. . 159 Resolution, declaring it necessary to improve by sewering 160 Resolution, deeming it necessary that a city join with a railroad company in the alteration of a grade 162 Resolution, determining to proceed with the im- provement of a street 163 Resolution, to levy taxes for municipal purposes 165 Resolution, to name an alley 166 Resolution, to name a street 167 Resolution, notice of improvement general form. . 168 Resolution, providing for the orgainzation of a fire department 169 Resolution, repealing an ordinance 171 Resolution to submit to the people the question of the annexation of an incorporated village. . . 172 317 ORGANIZATION. Page Notice of resolution providing for the organiza- tion of a fire department 169 OWNERS. Notice to non-resident owners of property, of im- provement by city 173 Notice by village to owners to construct sidewalks 280 PARDON. Notice of application for pardon 174 PARTITION. Notice to non-resident defendants in partition suit 175 Notice of sale in, by Sheriff 176 PARTNERSHIP. Notice of dissolution by partnership 91 Notice of dissolution of limited partnership 90 Notice of formation of limited partnership 177 Notice of the taking of the interest of deceased partner, by surviving partners 178 PAROLE. Notice of application for parole 179 PAYMENT. Notice of payment of dividends by receiver of building and loan association 96 PERFORMED. Notice by Trustees to contractors of work to be performed 69 PERSONAL. Notice of sale of personal property by administra- tor 233 Notice of sale of personal property by assignee. . 31 Notice of sale of personal property by receiver. . 210 PETITION. Notice of filing of petition for condemnation of private property 19 Notice of filing of petition for construction of will 287 Notice of filing of petition to contest validity of 318 Page . votes for removal of a county seat 66 Notice of filing of petition with Council to vacate a street 273 Notice of filing of petition with Council to vacate a portion of a street 274 Notice of filing of patition with County Commis- sioners for a free turnpike road 266 Notice of filing of petition with County Commis- sioners for vacation of a county road 275 Notice of filing of petition with County Commis- sioner for vacation of dedicated road 276 Notice of filing of petition with County Commis- sioners to establish a county road 228 Notice of filing of petition with Court for vacation of a street 277 Notice of filing of a cross-petition 78 Notice of filing of petition for divorce 97 Notice of filing of petition to incumber by mort- gage real estate belonging to religious corpora- tion 217 Notice of filing of petition in error Ill Notice of filing of petition for establishment of public library 141 Notice of filing of petition for forclosure of mort- gage, and judgment on promissory note 148 Notice of filing of petition for a new trial 261 Notice of filing of petition for revivor of judgment 222 Notice of filing of petition for sale of real estate belonging to religious corporation 218 PLANS. Notice to architects to submit plans 22 Notice by Clerk of Council of the filing of plans. . 180 PLATS. Notice of application to Court to vacate portion of a plat 272 Notice of application to restore lost or destroyed plat ; 181 Notice of change of plat 182 Notice by Civil Engineer of plats on file in his office 183 319 PLEADINGS. Page Rule days for pleading 8 POSSESSION. Notice of taking possession of a road by turn- pike company 269 PRECINCT. Notice of division of precinct 184 PREFERRED. Notice providing that preferred stock be payable prior to common stock 185 PRESENTATION. Notice of presentation of full and accurate ac- count of receiver of religious corporation to Court 209 PRIMARY. Notice of primary elections 106 PRINCIPAL. Notice of location of prinncipal office of manufac- turing company 145 PRIOR. Notice providing that preferred stock be payable prior to common stock 185 PROBATE. Notice of application to admit exemplified copy of will to probate 285 Notice of probate of will, made in foreign country 288 PROBATE COURT. Notice of appeal from decision of Commissioners to the Probate Court 58 Notice by electors of filing of petition with Pro- bate Court for formation of a joint subdiftrict 108 Notice of filing of final account in Probate Court 76 PROCEEDINGS. Notice of proceedings in quo warranto 200 Notice to restore records of proceedings 212 320 PROCLAMATIONS. Page Governor's Thanksgiving proclamation 186 Mayor's proclamation to electors 187 Mayor's proclamation prohibiting the sale of in- toxicating liquors on election day 188 Sheriff's proclamation notifying the electors of the holding of an election 189 PROOF. Proof of Publication 13 PROPERTY. Notice by city to appropriate private property. . 19 Notice to non-resident defendants by city of reso- lution to appropriate private property 20 Notice of filing of petition for condemnation of private propertv 19 Notice of sale of chattel property 55 Notice of sale of chattel property by Sheriff. . . 238 Notice of sale of condemned property by City Auditoir 65 Notice of sale of personal property by assignee. . 31 Notice of sale of personal property belonging to estate of decedent 233 Notice of sale of personal property by receiver.. 210 Notice of sale of stolen property '. 242 Notice of sale of unappropriated church property 56 Notice of sale of property by a university 271 Notice of resolution to assess a special tax against property 154 PROPOSALS. Notice of, for the building of addition to County Infirmary 190 Notice of, for building of retaining wall 221 Notice of, for deposit of school funds with bank. . 191 Notice of, for electric lighting 144 Notice of, for the erection of a city building. . . . 192 Notice of, for the erection of a branch library. . . 193 Notice of, for sale general form 194 Notice of, for letting public printing 195 Notice of, by Trustees for work to be performed 263 321 PROTEST. Page Notice of, by directors of railroad company 196 PROVIDING. Notice of resolution providing for the organiza- tion of a fire department 169 PUBLIC. Notice of the filing of a petition for the establish- ment of a public library 1*1 Notice of tax levy for erection of a public build- ing 255 Notice of transfer of public moneys from one fund to another fund 122 PUBLICATIONS. Entry approving publication l c 7 What is sufficient publication and how approved 291 Proof of 13 PURCHASE. Notice by County Commissioners to electors of purchase of toll roads -27 PURPOSES. No lice of resolution accepting property dedicated for street purposes 152 Notice of resolution to appropriate land for avenue purposes 153 Notice to levy taxes for municipal purposes... 165 QUET TITLE. Not'ce to npn-resident defendants of action to quiet title to real estate 198 Notice to non-resident defendants of action to quiet title to real estate by railroad company. . 199 Notice to quiet title to real estate, short form for land companies 136 QUO WARRANTO. Notce of proceedings in quo warranto 200 hAILROAD. " Not'ce of resolution of railroad company author- izing change of line 201 322 Page Notice of change of termini 202 Notice of consolidation of two or more railorad companies 203 Notice of resolution of Council to join a railroad company in the alteration of a grade 162 Notice of filing certificate with Secretary of State by creditors of railroad company. 204 Notice to stockholders of special meeting of rail- road company 205 Notice of protest by director of railroad company 196 RAILWAY. Notice by street railway of application for fran- chise 120 Notice of resolution to construct and operate a street railway 156 Notice of resolution of change of route of street railway , 201 RATES. Notice by County Auditor of rate of taxation on the dollar 253 For legal advertising 5 REAL ESTATE. Notice of sale of, by administrator 12 Nntice of sale of, by assignee 32 Notice of sale of, by Board of Education 101 Notice of sale of, by executor 117 Notice of applicaton to Court by religious cor- poration to transfer real estate to newly organ- ized company 215 Notice of filing a petition for authority to execute a lease of entailed real estate 138 Notice by County Treasurer of sale of real estate to pay the forfeited taxes due thereon 234 Notice by municipal corporation of sale of real estate not needed for municipal purposes 235 Notice to non-resident defendants of sale of real estate to satisfy a judgment 236 Notice of filing of petition for sale of real estate belonging to religious corporation 218 323 Page Notice by Sheriff of sale of real estate on execu- tion 237 Notice by Sheriff of sale of real estate in parti- tion suit 176 RECEIVER. Notice df application for receiver 98 Notice of appointment of receiver 206 Notice of compromise by receiver 207 Notice to creditors by receiver 208 Notice of payment of dividends by receiver of building and loan association 96 Notice of presentation of full and accurate ac- count of receiver of religious corporation to Court 209 Notice of sale of personal property by receiver. . 210 Notice of sale of real estate by receiver 211 RECORDS. Notice of admission of copy of will to record .... 283 Notice of application for verity of copies of lost records of roads 226 Notice to restore records of proceedings 212 Notce of restoration of destroyed records 213 RdDLMPTION. Notice of redemption of bonds 47 REFORMATION. Notice of reformation of deed 81 REGISTER. Notice of application to register land title 214 REGULATIONS. Notice of stockholders' meeting to adopt a code of regulations 247 RELIGIOUS. Notice of application to Court by religious cor- poration to transfer real estate to newly organ- ized company 215 Notice of application to sell cemetery belonging to religious corporation 216 324 Page Notice of petition to encumber by mortgage real estate belonging to religious corporation 217 Notice of filing of petition for sale of real estate belonging to religious corporation 218 Notice of transfer by religious association to cemetery association 216 REMOVAL. Notice by County Commissioners of removal of milldam 62 Notice of filing of petition to contest the validity of votes for removal of county seat 66 REPEAL. Notice of resolution repealing an ordinance 171 REPLEVIN. Notice to non-resident defendant of replevin suit 219 REPORT. Notice of committee's report 220 Notice to stockholders of turnpike company of submission of report 270 Notice of report of examination of County Treas- ury by Examiners 260 RESOLUTIONS. Resolution accepting property dedicated for street purposes 152 Resolution to apporpriate land for avenue pur- poses 153 Resolution to apropriate private property by city 19 Resolution to apropriate private property by Board of Public Works 21 Resolution to assess a special tax against prop- erty 154 Resolution authorizing the construction and oper- ation of a street railway 156 Resolution authorizing change of route of street railway 201 Resolution declaring it necessary to improve by sewering 160 Resolution deeming it necessary that a city join 325 Page with a railroad company in the alteration of a grade 162 Resolution determining to proceed with the im- provement of a street 163 Resolution to levy taxes for municipal purposes. 165 Resolution to name an allew 166 Resolution to name a street 167 Resolution providing for the organization of a fire department 169 Resolution of railroad company authorizing change of line 201 Resolution repealing an ordinance 171 Resolution to submit to the people the question of the annexation of an inncorporated village. . 172 RESTORE. Notice to restore records of proceedings 212 RESTORATION. Notice of restoration of destroyed records 213 RETAINING. Notice of proposals for building of retaining wall 221 REVISION. Notice of meeting of the County Decennial Board of Revision 80 REVISOR. Notice of filing petition for revivor of judgment 222 Notice to non-resident of revivor of action .... 223 Notice of revivor of dormant judgment in Justice of Peace Court 224 RIVER. Notice of change of channel of river 225 ROAD. Notice of application for verity of copies of lost records of roads 226 Notice by County Commissioners to electors of purchase of toll roads 227 326 Page Notice of filing of petition with County Commis- sioners for vacation of a county road 275 Notice of filing of petition with (Bounty Commis- sioners for vacation of dedicated road 276 Notice of petition to be presented to the County Commissioners to establish a county road... 228 Notice of taking possession of a road by turnpike company 269 Notice of sale of part of road belonging to turn- pike company 268 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Notice of sale of bonds by Road Commissioners. 42 ROUTE. Notice of change of route of street railway 201 RULE. Rule days for pleadings v 8 SALE. Notice of, by administrator, of real estate 12 Notice of, by assignee, of personal estate 31 Notice of, by assignee, of real estate 32 Notice of sale of bonds by Board of Education. . . 102 Notice of sale of real estate by Board of Educa- tion 101 Notice of sale of burial grounds by the directors of a cemetery association 52 Notice of sale of bonds by Board of Public Im- provement 41 Notice of sale of bonds by Road Commissioners. . 42 Notice of, by chattel mortgage company 229 Notice of sale of condemnation bonds 43 Notice of, by corporation of delinquent stock. . . 230 Notice of, desperate', difficult and doubtful claims by administrator 231 Notice of, desperate claims by assignee 30 Notice of sale of business of decedent by executor 116 Notice of, by express company of property for charges 232 Notice of, goods in warehouse 282 Notice of, by guardian 1 34 327 Page Notice of sale of homestead 126 Notice of sale of a leasehold 139 Notice of sale of non-taxable bonds 46 Notice of sale of part of road belonging to turn- pike company 268 Notice of sale of personal property belonging to estate of decedent 233 Notice of sale of property by a receiver 210 Notice of sale of property by a university 271 Notice of sale of real estate by County Treasurer to pay forfeited taxes 234 Notice of sale of real estate by executor 117 Notice of sale of rea lestate by municipal corpor- ation not needed by same 235 Notice of sale of real estate to non-resident defendent to satisfy a judgment 236 Notice of sale of real estate in partition suit. . . 176 J>Totice of sale of real etsate by receiver 210 Notice of sale of real estate belonging to religious corporation 218 Notice of sale of real estate by Sheriff 237 Notice of sale of chattel property by Sheriff. . . 238 Notice of sale to satisfy a claim 239 Notice of sale of school lands 240 Notice of sale of steamboat 241 Notice of sale of stolen property 242 Notice of sale of stored goods 243 Notice of sale of unappropriated church property 56 Notice of sale of village bonds to pay costs and expenses of construction of sidewalks 48 SCHOOLS. Notice for bids for new school building by Board of Education 99 Notice for bids for school desks by Board of Edu- cation 100 Notice for bids for deposit of school funds with bank 191 Notice of tax levy for kindergarten schools by Board of Education 104 Notice of sale of school lands 240 328 SEALED. Page Notice of sealed proposals for electric lighting. . 144 SERVICE. Notice of civil service examination 244 SEWER. Notice of plans of sewer 245 Notice of resolution declaring the necessity of improving by sewering 160 SHERIFF. Notice by proclamation to electors of the holding of an election 189 Notice by Sheriff of sale of chattel property. . . 238 Notice by Sheriff of sale of real estate on execu- tion 237 Notice by Sheriff of sale of real estate in parti- tion suit 176 SIDEWLAKS. Notice of sale of village bonds to pay costs and expenses of construction of sidewalks 48 Notice by village to owners to construct side- walks 280 SPECIAL. Notice of the holding of special terms of court. . 257 Notice to stockholders of special meeting by rail- road company 205 Notice of resolution to assess a special tax against property 154 STATEMENT. Notice of statement of condition by bank...... 38 Notice of statement of condition by building and loan association 50 STOCK. Notice by corporation of sale of delinquent stock 230 Notice by corporation of opening of books for subscription to capital stock of company 74 Notice of lien on stock in corporation 142 Notice of lost certificate of stock 54 Notice providing that preferred stock be payable prior to common stock 185 329 STOCKHOLDERS. Page Notice of annual meeting of stockholders 246 Notice of meeting to adopt a code of regulations 247 Notice of meeting to assess stockholders 248 Notice of meeting to increase capital stock of corporation 249 Notice to stockholders of change of termini by railroad company 202 Notice to stockholders of corporation of dissolu- tion of same 92 Notice to stckholders of special meeting of rail- road company 205 Notice to stockholders of turnpike company of submission of report 270 STOLEN. Notice of sale of stolen property 242 STORED. Notice of sale of stored goods 243 STREET. Notice of petition to Council to vacate a street. . . 273 Notice of petition to Council to vacate a portion of a street 274 Notice of filing petition with Court for vacation of a street 277 Notice of resolution accepting property dedicated for street purposes . : 152 Notice of resolution determining to proceed with the improvement of a street 163 Notice of resolution to name a street 167 STREET RAILWAY. Notice of application for franchise by street rail- way 120 Notice of change of route of street railway. . . . 201 Notice of resolution to construct and operate a street railway 156 SUB-DISTRICT Notice by electors of filing of petition with Pro- bate Judge for formation of a joint sub-district 108 330 SUBMIT. Page Notice to architects to submit plans 22 Notice of resolution to submit to the people the question of the annexation of an incorporated village 172 SUBSCRIPTION. Notice by corporation of opening of books for subscription to capital stock of company 74 SUBWAYS. Notice of grant to construct a system of subways 250 SUFFICIENT. What is sufficient publication and how approved 291 SUIT. Notice to non-resident defendants of suit for damages 79 Notice to non-resident defendants in partition suit 175 Noice to non-resident defendants of replevin suit 219 SUPERINTENDENT. Notice for bids by Superintendent of Hospital . . . 127 SURVIVING. Notice of taking interest in business of deceased partner by surviving partners 178 TAGS. Notice for furnishing license tags 251 TAX. Notice by City Treasurer that taxes are due. . . 252 Notice by County Auditor of rate of taxation on the dollar 253 Notice by County Treasurer of sale of real estate to pay the forfeited taxes due thereon 234 Notice of delinquent taxes 82 Notice of increase of tax valuation 254 Notice of, levy for erection of a public building 255 Notice of levy for kindergarten schools by Board of Education 104 Notice of, levy for municipal purposes 165 331 Page Notice of resolution to assess a special tax against property 154 TERMINI. Notice of change of, by railroad company 202 TERMS. Notice of the holding of special terms of courts. . 257 Notice of the opening of terms of courts 256 TERRITORY. Notice of annexation of territory to village 15 TITLE. Notice to non-resident defendants of action to quiet title to real estate 198 Notice to non-resident defendants of action to quiet title to real estate by railroad company. . 199 Notice to non-resident deiendants to quiet title short form for land companies 136 TRADE-MARK. Notice of trade-mark 258 Notice of timber dealers' trade-mark 259 TRANSFER. Notice of application to Court by religious cor- poration to transfer real estate to newly organ- ized company 215 Notice of transfer of public moneys from one fund to another fund 122 Notice of transfer by religious association to cemetery association 216 Notice of suit to recover possession of property assigned or transferred in fraud of creditors. . 33 TREASURER. Notice by County Treasurer of sale of real estate to pay the forfeited taxes due thereon 234 TREASURY. Report of examination of County Treasury by Examiners 260 . 332 TRIAL. Page Notice of filing petition for a new trial 261 TRUSTEES. Notice by, of Hospital for proposals for improve- ment of building 262 Notice by Trustees for sealed proposals for work to be performed 263 TURNPIKE. Notice to non-resident in turnpike abandonment case 265 Notice of petition to County Commissioners for. a free turnpike road 266 Notice of final dividend by turnpike company. . . 267 Notice of sale of part of road belonging to turn- pike company 268 Notice of taking possession of road by turnpike company 269 Notice to stockholders of turnpike company of submission of report 270 UNIVtRSITY. Notice of sale of property by a university 271 UNAPPROPRIATED. Notice of sale of unappropriated church porpetry 56 VACATION. Notice of application to Court to vacate portion of a plat 272 Notice of filing a petition with Council to vacate a street 273 Notice of filing a petition with Council to vacate a portion of a street 274 Notice of filing of petition with County Commis- sioners for vacation of a county road 275 Notice of filing of petition with County Commis- sioners for vacation of dedicated road 276 Notice of filing petition with Court for vacation of a street 277 333 VALIDITY. Page Notice of filing of petition to contest validity of votes for removal of a county seat 66 VALUATION. Notice of increase of tax valuation 254 VERITY Notice of application for verity of copies of lost records of roads 226 VILLAGE. Notice of advance of, from second class to first class 278 Notice of annexation of territory to village... 15 Notice by, of change of name 151 Notice by, of exchange of lots 279 Notice by, to owners to construct a sidewalk.. 280 Notice of proposed incorporation of 281 Notice of resolution to submit to the people the question of the annexation of an incorporated village : 172 Notice of sale of village bonds to pay costs and expanses of construction of sidewalks 48 VOTES. Notice of fling petition to contest the validity of votes for removal of county seat 66 WALL. Notice of proposals for building a retaining wall 221 WAREHOUSE. Notice of sale of goods in warehouse 282 WILL. Notice of admission to copy of will to record.. 283 Notice of application to admit lost will to record 284 Notice of application to admit exemplified copy of will to probate 285 Not ; ce of application to set aside a will 286 Notice of filing a petition for construction of a will 287 Noice of probate of will made in foreign country 288 334 WORK. Page Notice by Trustees to contractors for work to be performed 69 WORKHOUSE. Notice by Commissioners of the erection of a Workhouse for the joint use of two counties.. 60 335 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. MAR 3 19! Unive So L