I--. ^VZJ /^ Jz^ presented to the LIBRARY I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA • SAN DIEGO by FRIENDS OF HIE LIBRARY WITH JOHN BULL AND JONATHAN f f AND JONATHAN. Reminiscences of Sixty Years of an American's Life in England and in the United States By JOHN MORGAN RICHARDS ITH JOHN BULL AND JONATHAN. Reminiscences of Sixty Years of an American's Life in England and in the United States By JOHN MORGAN RICHARDS President of the American Society in London 1 90 1 - 19OZ NEW YORK D. APPLETON & COMPANY 1906 TO MY RELATIVES AND FRIENDS ON BOTH SIDES THE ATLANTIC Foreword In putting on record my reminiscences of life on both sides of the Atlantic I do so from a British-American point of view. I have not attempted to give advice to " pilgrims " about to visit England, or the United States. There are no descriptions of climate and scenery of either country, nor statistics as to population, heights of mountains, lengths and breadths of rivers and lakes, miles of railway, average rainfall, hours of sunshine, or "vital statistics" of any kind; nor do Politics enter into any of my observations. My narrative concerns my own personal experiences in both countries, covering a period of sixty years, thirty- eight years of which — 1867-1905 — have been spent in England. I was born in 1841, and my early life, until 1867, was passed in the United States. My wish has been to give, in pleasant outlines, sketches of those with whom I have had social or business relations, how we fared together, and apart. The contrasts that are made as to Methods of life, both Social and Commercial, are not to be regarded other than as my own personal views, and have no further authorita- tive importance. I have placed myself really in the position of one answering questions, which I believe to be of general in- terest. In my estimate of the importance of such questions I may have been greatly mistaken, and fallen short of my aim and desire in the value of my replies. JOHN MORGAN RICHARDS. Steephill Castle, Isle of Wight, October 1905. AUTHOR'S NOTE As this book was passing through the press I was absent from England on a brief visit to the United States and Canada. During my journey I was so frequently reminded of the terms "hustler" and " hustling," as applied to American alertness in con- trast with British activity, that I made careful notes upon the subject, and have now added a chapter to this volume giving the result of my observations. Upon one or two points these notes may seem to slightly contradict statements I have elsewhere made. My reply to that possible inconsistency is that I now speak of a later experience. J. M. R. London, \st January 1906. Contents CHAPTER I 1841 Birth and Parentage — The inevitable Genealogical Tree — An- cestors on both Sides — Their Settlement in the States — My Mother's Death — Village Life of an American Minister — A Donation Party — Early Friends — F^irst School Ex- periences — Sports and Pastimes — The Dame's quaint Punishments — "Boys and Girls, turn your Heads" — Begin Life on a Farm — Hard Work — Rejoin my Father — Fly from "Yellow Jack" to a Slave Plantation — Life amongst Slaves in Mississippi — Removal to New Orleans CHAPTER II My Father goes to England — I take his Library and effects to New York — My First Warehouse Engagement — Manage a Branch at Boston, and marry — Join the Firm of Demas Barnes, and travel — In U.S. and Canada — I canvass the Confederate States — Instructions for a Journey in California — "Create a Sensation" — My Mustang Ponies — Bankers and Credit — Novel Identification — Return to New York — The Firm of Demas Barnes and the Partners — The Beecher-Tilton Affair . . . . .16 CHAPTER III I get tired of Travelling — Resume my Road Work for a brief Time — Engaged by Mr Van Duzer to represent his Firm In England — The s.s. Russia — Cunarders in 1867 — Reach Liverpool, and train for London — The Langham Hotel — ix Contents PAOB Look around on Sunday— Settle down to Work— A Copy- right Claim — My First Law-suit — My Wife rejoins me — Madame Tussaud's — Visit America — Partnership dissolved — Begin Business on my own Account . . • 3° CHAPTER IV Proprietary Business and Advertising — English Editors and their Advertising Columns — Sale of Plantation Bitters — A Cute American — River Scenery — A Puzzling Advertisement — Advertising Fireworks — Taxing Proprietary Articles — Pirating English Medicines — A New Fascination — Mr Lever's View — United States for Machinery — England for Cabinet Work — American Boots and Shoes . , .46 CHAPTER V My New Business — The First Introduction of American Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco into England — The Richmond Gem — The Quaker and the Cigarette — Forcing the British Sale — A Great Tobacco Combination — Removal to Holborn Viaduct — Interesting Neighbourhood — The Smithfield Martyrs — Here John Bunyan died — Burial-place of Captain John Smith — Bad Debts— Street Language— Forms of Address — English Proprietary Articles in the United States — Advanced Pharmacy — The Diamond Match Company ....... 66 CHAPTER VI Dr Joseph Parker — Personal Acquaintance and Friendship — My Father's Visit and Death — Thursday Morning Services — Henry Ward Beecher's Visit to London — Colman's Mustard — Dr Parker's Lectures in the United States — Controversy arises — Lecture Tour abbreviated — Dr Parker's Letters — Plymouth Church — I join the Diaconate of City Temple — Dr and Mrs Parker's Silver Wedding — Presentation of Gifts — Dr Parker's Commandments for Men of Business . 79 CHAPTER VII English Holiday-making — Our Visits with Dr and Mrs Parker — Mrs Parker's Illness and Death — The Doctor's Grief — He Contents FACK is Heart-broken — Continues his Ministry — His last Holiday with us — Illness and Death ..... 98 CHAPTER VIII Home Life — Dr Parker and Pearl — Illustrated Letters — My Daughter Pearl's early Life — A Mimic — Her Studiousness — Reads Thackeray — Effect of Toole's Acting and others — Her First Book — Her First Play Education of my Sons — Dorothy — Her Marriage . . . ,111 CHAPTER IX First Visit to a Theatre — "Romeo and Juliet" — A morning Call — Tenants and Rent-collecting in New York — My early Acquaintance with Mr Joseph Jefferson the Actor — Edwin Forrest — F. B. Conway — Dan Bryant — The London Stage in 1867-68 — Mrs Dallas Glyn — Her Gifts and Death — An Experience at Stein way Hall — Racers through London . 124 CHAPTER X Cost of Living in the States and in England — American and English Hotels — The Question of Servants and of Clerks — A dainty English Clerk v. A smart American — House- keeping Expenses and Servants — Cab and Bus Fares — Education in the United States and Great Britain — Food — The American Society — American Charities in London — Applicants for Relief — A Benevolent Fund — Stranded in London — National Monument to the Queen — New Year Calls — Tipping ...... 138 CHAPTER XI Tke Academy — Scheme of Academy Crowns — London Forty Years ago — Footsteps of the Martyrs — Middle Row dis- appears — Opening of the Viaduct — Alterations in Build- ings and Streets — Railways — Baron Grant and Leicester Square — Athletics — English the better Oarsmen — Field Sports — Mr Cooke of Leeds — The Isle of Wight — Steephill Castle , . . . . . . .159 xi Contents CHAPTER XII PAGE Walking and Driving Tours in England— Widows as Publicans- Young America in England and Young England in the United States— The Alien American — An " Unnaturalised Alien," — Firms of Americans in London — Continental Experiences — A visit to Canada — Holland — Railway Travel- ling — Porters and Porters . . . . -173 CHAPTER XIII Revisiting America— The Changes apparent — In Ships crossing the Atlantic— Improved Roads— Sky-scrapers — Servants — Hours of Labour changed — Merchants seen by Everybody — Travelling Facilities — Tyranny of Hackmen — Charity Collections — Eating, Drinking, and Smoking — American Women — The Stage Yankee — Questions of Accent and Pro- nunciation . . . . . . .187 CHAPTER XIV Social Amenities in American Clubs — Jonathan a Man of Business — The Fashion in Vehicles — English in Clothes, Walking- sticks, Umbrellas, and Hats — Liveries creeping in — Dust- bins — Tomatoes on the Table — " Chicken Food " — Renting Houses — Public Undertakings — What John Bull owes to Jonathan — The Toast Master — The Seasons . . . 204 CHAPTER XV Popularity of Americans in England — Episcopacy in the States — National Distinctions — Prince of Wales' Visit — American Public Men in England — Story of Mark Twain — The East- Enders of New York — Relief of the Poor and the Sick — "Wake up. England" — Mail-carrying, Old and New — The Pony Express — Sunday Observances . . 220 CHAPTER XVI The Times and The Standard as Publishers — The Encyclopcedia Britannica and Ent^lish Literature Half-a-million spent in advertising — Company Promoting — Savings Banks in United States — Cheque System— The Waldorf Astoria xii Contents PAGE — United States Officials — Divorce Laws in America — English and American Women— A great Snowstorm . 235 CHAPTER XVII Commercial Monopolies— The Presidential Platform, 1904- No Loyal or Patriotic Toasts at Banquets in the States—" Our Beggar Pedlar Bouncer is in"— Mock Auctions and Barkers — Camp Meetings— Story by Sir John Millais— Mr Birch and his Work — Mrs Jemima Luke — Conductors on Railways — Art of Criticism — Luck— Precedents . . . 254 CHAPTER XVIII Solicitors, Barristers, and Attorneys-at-Law — Bills of Costs — Judges in England and United States— Medical Men— Fire Brigades — Management of Street Traffic — Bank of England — General Post Office — Holidays — Waste caused in England — Bicycles andTricycles — Freemasons — Clubs — The Sphinx Club — Circulating Libraries — The Times Book Club — Patents— Motors ...... 268 CHAPTER XIX 1905 Afterwords — Gathering up the Threads .... 286 CHAPTER XX American "Hustling" ... . 293 xni List of Illustrations Author ........ Rev. James Richards, D.D. — grandfather ; Thomas Beals, Frontispiece Banker — grandfather (mother's side) facing page 2 The Brothers Field. Taken at Stockbridge, Mass., in i860, for their Aunt, Mrs Abigail Field Beals, of Canandaigua, New York. Reading from left to right, Henry M. Field, Cyrus W. Field, Jonathan Field, David Dudley Field, Matthew Field, Stephen J. Field . Rev. James Richards, D.D. ; Mrs Elizabeth Beals Richards (from a marble bust taken, 1840) John Morgan of Aurora, New York (from an oil painting) ; Morgan Hall, Auburn Theological Seminary Main Street, Pen Yan, New York ; Bird's Eye View of Canandaigua, New York ..... First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, New Jersey, 1797- 1847 ; Public School, Canandaigua, New York John Morgan Richards at New Orleans, La. (aged 12) ; Cayuga Lake, Aurora, New York Edward Cowles Richards ; Mrs Elizabeth Beals Richards (from a pencil drawing, 1845) .... Demas Barnes, Merchant, New York ; William Porter Ward, Merchant, New York .... Main Street, Penn Yan, New York ; Brent Good Joseph Parker — Drawn in the firelight in the study at "Tynehouse," Hampstead, 1888, by Maude Porter . Rev. Dr Parker ; Mrs Parker ; Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and Mrs Beecher on the Guildford Coach, June 1886 . XV 10 12 16 18 26 28 82 86 facing page 98 ^ J 102 page 112 facing page 112 )> 122 >> 116 )> 126 j> 130 List of Illustrations Cyrus W. Field (Atlantic Cable) ; Rev. Dr Joseph Parker, 1875 ...... Rev Dr Parker at the Zoological Gardens, May 1902 Facsimiles of Dr Parker's Letters to Pearl Richards Pearl Richards (aged 5) . . . . Mrs Craigie at Lancaster Gate Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie .... Stage favourites in America in the Sixties and after . Stage favourites in London in the Seventies and after Miss Glyn as Cleopartra, 1853 (from a crayon drawing by Solomon) .......,, 134 Ventnor, Isle of Wight, looking East. Photo by Broderick Ryde ,,170 Steephill Castle, Isle of Wight ....,, 172 Coaching Party from Steephill Castle, August 1905 , . ,,176 National Bank of North America, New York . . ,, 190 Steamer P//qrim passing under Brooklyn Suspension Bridge, East River, New York .....,, 194 Margaret Wilson, the Puritan Martyr, by C. B. Birch, A.R.A. ,, 262 Facsimile of Drawing by Phiz, 1S79— Mrs John Morgan Richards . . . . . . • ,, 292 Cartoon by F. C. G. of the Author as President of the Sphynx Club ...... Efid paper XVI With John Bull and Jonathan CHAPTER I 1841 Birth and Parentage — The inevitable Genealogical Tree — Ancestors on both Sides— Their Settlement in the States— My Mother's Death — Village Life of an American Minister — A Donation Party — Early Friends — First School Experiences — Sports and Pastimes — The Dame's quaint Punishments — " Boys and Girls, turn your Heads ' — Begin Life on a Farm — Hard Work — Rejoin my Father — Fly from "Yellow Jack" to a Slave Plantation — Life amongst Slaves in Mississippi — Removal to New Orleans. Writers of fiction and romantic history have a licence in the method of introducing their heroes and heroines which cannot be allowed to the biographer. In the works of the former class, questions of parent- age, birth, and family history may be settled without minute genealogical research. Not so, however, the biographer : he is bound by conventions to account for his progenitors, however tedious the recital, by relating the "truth," which is oftentimes "stranger than fiction." My family is of English origin. An ancestor on my father's side was a native of Lichfield, Stafford- shire, who left England in the reign of Queen Anne, and, after serving against the • French in Canada, settled in the State of Connecticut. With John Bull and Jonathan My grandfather, James Richards, was in the fourth generation, being the son of James, who was the son of James, the son of Samuel, the original settler. He was born in New Canaan, Connecticut, 1767, and was the eldest of nine children. His father was a farmer, and his mother's maiden name was Ruth Hanford. She was a woman of vigorous intellect and of uncom- promising faithfulness in questions of social duty. Children were then subjected to their parents, whom they loved not less, but feared much more, than they do now. Her son James was accustomed to say "his mother governed her family" of nine children "with her eye and forefinger." My grandfather James Richards entered Yale Col- lege in 1789. He was afterwards licensed to preach in the western district of Fairfield, Conn., by the Presby- terian Association, 1793. Subsequently he preached at Ballston, New York, and at Sag Harbour and Shelter Island, New York State. He married Caroline Cowles of Farmington, Conn. She survived her hus- band a little more than four years, and died at Auburn, New York. She was great-aunt to Commander William Sheffield Cowles, recently acting as naval attache to the American Embassy in London, who married Miss Anna Roosevelt, sister of the President of the United States. In 1794 my grandfather was called to the pastoral charge of the Presbyterian Church at Morristown, New Jersey, and was installed in 1797, and in 1805 was elected Moderator of the General Assembly of o /\ V With John Bull and Jonathan the Presbyterian Church. Afterwards, in 1809, he accepted an invitation from the First Presbyterian Church in Newark, New Jersey. Finally, in 1823, he accepted a professorship at Auburn Theological Seminary, New York. He died 2nd August 1843. On my mother's side my grandfather was Thomas Beals, who was born in Boston, Mass., and settled in Canandaigua, Ontario Co., New York, October 1803. His ancestor was John Beals, who emigrated from Hingham, near Attleboro, Norfolk, England, in 1638. He came over with his wife, five children, and two servants in the sailing ship Diligent, There were 133 others from the same village on board ship, nearly all of whom settled in Hingham, Mass. Thomas Beals was a man of marked attainments, combined with great industry and energy. He estab- lished the Ontario Savings Bank in 1832, and after- wards " The Thomas Beals Bank," locally known as the " Bee Hive." A sign hung over the bank entrance representing this emblem of industry and savings. He became Treasurer of the Church and Schools and various Corporations of the County, was U.S. Pension Agent, and acted as financial adviser and banker to the trading people and farmers of the district. He erected several blocks of buildings, built two large hotels, was interested in all move- ments for the benefit of the town, and was greatly respected. He died at Canandaigua in 1864, in his eighty-second year. Thomas Beals' sister Lydia, a noted beauty, became the second wife of the Rev. Dr Lyman 3 With John Bull and Jonathan Beecher, the father of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Speaking of her, Mr H. W. Beecher wrote she was " the possessor of great personal beauty, a cultivated and intellectual mind, polished manners, and rich in all social acquirements. Her religious awakening assumed the character of a religion solemn, inflexible, vigorous, and sombre." My grandmother Beals was a Miss Abigail Field, daughter of Captain Timothy Field, who came from Guildford, Connecticut, with her brother, to reside in Canandaigua, and was married to Thomas Beals. Her brother, the Rev. Timothy Field, became first pastor of the Congregational Church in that village. This Grandmother was aunt to Cyrus W. Field of Atlantic cable fame ; Stephen J. Field, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court at Washington ; David Dudley Field, jurist of New York ; and of Henry M. Field, editor of The New Yoj^k Evangelist, a traveller and an author, who is still living at Stockbridge, Mass. She was also great-aunt to the present David J. Brewer, Associate Judge of the United States Supreme Court, Washington. Thus the singular coincidence was presented, that both uncle and nephew were associate judges, sitting together on the same Bench, in the highest court of justice in the land — the one being 73 years of age and the other 52. A daughter of David Dudley Field resides in England. She is the widow of the late Sir Anthony Musgrave, G.C.M.G., Governor of Queensland 1883-8. ■J. < '■j ~ id^ X 'J) -^ I ^ -£ - ■^ « /^ 1 "^ — ^t ' OS With John Bull and Jonathan My father, Dr James Richards, was the youngest son. He was originally destined for the Church ; but after completing his early education at Union College, Schenectady, New York, declared his preference for the law, and entered upon the necessary studies in the office of Judge Henry W. Taylor at Canandaigua, New York. As nothing is supposed to happen save the un- expected, James Richards, the young law student, who had no intention at that time of entering the ministry, became acquainted with Elizabeth Beals. She was the fifth daughter of Thomas Beals, an educated and attractive young woman, deeply imbued with sound religious convictions ; and was currently reported to have vowed that she would never marry anyone but a clergyman. Her influence soon produced a change in my father's projects, and he determined to give up law and be- come a minister. There was no difficulty in this ; and Dr Richards, then a professor of Auburn Theological Seminary, welcomed his son as a student. After three years he was licensed to preach. In the autumn of the same year, Dr Richards of Auburn officiated at the marriage of his son to Elizabeth Beals. For many years, long after the death of the bride, one sentence of Dr Richards' ad- dress to the youthful couple was remembered and quoted. He said to them : " God bless you, my dears. Remember that love is as necessary after, as before, marriage." My father soon after accepted a call to the Presby- 5 With John Bull and Jonathan terian Church of Aurora, a lovely village on the shores of Cayuga Lake. This call was the more acceptable because there lived here Mr Christopher Morgan, whose son John, was in previous years, a schoolmate and close friend of my father. While residing here my mother gave birth to my elder brother James ; and two years afterwards my father's good friend, John Morgan, died. By his will 10,000 dollars was left to my father's church, and 2000 dollars for the purchase of a parsonage. These were very substantial reasons for my father and mother, on my birth, i6th February 1841, naming me after their deceased and generous friend John Morgan. My Father soon after transferred his ministry to the church at Penn Yan, Yates County, New York. Here mother gave birth to my two sisters, Caroline Cowles and Anna Beach. At this period my mother's health seriously declined, and her death soon after- wards took place. Her life at Penn Yan may be gathered by extracts from letters, which she wrote to her parents and sisters, that have been preserved. There are con- stant references to her increasing illness, and to visits from medical men, whose services were always ren- dered gratuitously, as the custom was with regard to the wives of all ministers. There are slight glimpses of home life — sewing parties, and of the entertainment of friends, relatives, and ministers. There is one reference to the loss of a double fee for the marrying of two couples at a 6 CD -t » ^"' ~ rV\!«Jk tA»v«> AV^^nx^JA, ^»«\\ \«»K»s With John Bull and Jonathan done, or training for a commercial life, and I decided upon the latter course. The responsibility of the maintenance of my brother and myself was from this period assumed by my uncle. He was my father's senior by ten years, had no children, and during the greater part of his life had engaged with great success in the importation of woollen goods from England and the Continent ; but at this time had retired from business, with a high character for hon- ourable dealing as a merchant, and as a land owner. His great kindness to those members of his family who had any claim upon his sympathies, or who bore the surname of Richards, and his unwearied benefi- cence on their behalf, stands unrivalled. He died 25th February 1880 at New York, in his seventy- fourth year, and was buried at Auburn. He lived to see many of those whom he assisted in early life rise to honourable positions. Within four weeks of my arrival in New York I entered upon my first engagement as an office-boy and general clerk, in an agricultural implement and seed warehouse ; for which my previous farming ex- perience had to a certain extent prepared me. The salary at first was but $2.50 (los.) a week. My Uncle Edward kindly supplemented this sum with sufficient to find me food and clothes. After the first year I was fortunately able to obtain a salary I could live upon ; and after my sixteenth year had never again to ask pecuniary aid. I remained in this warehouse five years, and in i860, in my nineteenth year, was appointed by the firm to manage a branch B 17 With John Bull and Jonathan of their business in Boston, and while so occupied the Civil War broke out. While in Boston I had the happiness of meeting with Laura Hortense Arnold, the third daughter of Captain Seth Harris Arnold of East Boston, who became my wife on 31st December 1863. Captain Arnold came origin- ally from Mahone Bay, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia, and my wife, who was born there, was brought thence when she was three years old. Her grandfather on her mother's side was the Honourable Peter A. Spearwater, who represented Shelburne County, in the Colonial Parliament at Halifax for twenty-five years. During the year and a half of our acquaintance she paid visits to members of my family in Connecticut, and in New York. We were married at Boston. I was then twenty-three years of age. We remained in Boston for a year after our mar- riage, and in 1864 returned to New York, where I entered the service of Messrs Demas Barnes & Co., a firm occupying a very high position in the mercantile world. I had been acting for them in Boston for upwards of three years, on commission terms, as an adjunct to other business in which I was engaged. They formed an opinion that they could employ my whole time, and proposed a permanent post and salary. Mr Demas Barnes was a very re- markable man of business, possessed of untiring in- dustry, and amazing shrewdness, who had the rare gift of inspiring all about him with confidence, and winning their devotion. The second day after my new engagement a short 18 Edward Cowlks Richards. ■M^%b-: Mrs. Elizabivih Bi:als Richards. (From a pencil tirawiiiLi. 18IG ) With John Bull and Jonathan journey in Canada was arranged for me ; after which I was directed to visit every town in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri — the journey to occupy three months. Mr Barnes said to me : " Stop at every town in these States on the line of railway where there is a church spire, a bank, and a newspaper office." I carried no samples, only a catalogue containing a price list of about looo articles in which the firm dealt. I passed from town to town by rail ; but when the next town was at a considerable distance I travelled by night, and so economised my time. Wherever I stopped I always lodged at first-class hotels — "Commercial Hotels" were unknown in America. The firm had no fixed allowance per day for their travellers, but liberal out-of-pocket expenses were paid. I remember Mr Barnes saying to me : " The firm does not wish to make money out of your economies, nor may you make profit out of travelling expenses. You are expected to render a careful account of all expenditure." My expenses averaged about $8,00 a day, including railway fares. There are no second or third class travelling facilities in the United States, other than on emigrant trains. We were allowed Pullman cars and sleeping berths if we travelled at night. This journey was regarded as a successful one. During the following two years, journeys of a similar character were arranged for me, upon each of which I found my experience ripening ; and these continued until I had travelled the whole of the 19 With John Bull and Jonathan United States, from Maine to Georgia, over and over again. At the close of the war — which lasted from 1861-65 — I was in Louisville, Kentucky, and received a telegram from Mr Barnes to proceed at once through the Confederated territory of Nashville and Chatta- nooga and Memphis, in Tennessee. These towns had been laid under restrictions of travel during the war, but were once more opened to Northern travellers. I was authorised to use my own discretion in dealing with the customers I might discover. Most of the old firms were in existence, with which the firm had done business in one form or another, though many of the previous proprietors had either been killed, or wounded durinof the war. The dealinor with new men required much caution and discretion. I was the first Northerner in our business who had ap- peared among them to advertise in their newspapers. I was regarded with some suspicion at first, but I never had anything unpleasant said to me ; the re.- putation of the house which I represented was quite sufficient to disarm suspicion, and on such a footing satisfactory business was possible. The orders which I took were important, and the newspapers gave ex- cellent terms for space, and expressed themselves well pleased to again receive Northern support for their journals. My work comprehended a good deal more than sellincr o-oods. The advertisements had to be revised and adapted. Separate and careful accounts of the same had to be kept. This involved much care and attention. 20 With John Bull and Jonathan Throughout 1865 I was continually travelling, ten months being so occupied out of the twelve. In February 1866 Mr Barnes requested me to undertake a journey to California, on the Pacific coast, and although this would involve an absence of a year I immediately accepted the engagement. At the same time I told him that, upon a great journey such as he proposed, I thought I should feel more content, and accomplish better results for the firm, if my wife were allowed to accompany me. Without a moment's hesitation Mr Barnes said : " Engage passages for yourself and wife at our ex- pense ; we will pay all the cost." This is only one out of many instances which I might quote in illustration of the goodness of heart which regulated the conduct of Mr Barnes, In all business matters he was exact and strict, and his instructions were models of perspicuity, full of shrewd observation, and exhibiting a grasp of every detail, which was never at fault. In illustration of what I say, the following were my instructions upon setting out upon this journey — omitting only a few details about the prices, and percentages, and credits, upon several classes of articles ; and the names of places I was to visit : — "New York, 10th February 1866. " You will please proceed to California by first steamer, stopping on the Isthmus of Panama one week. . . . Your first business is to advertise in all good family papers possible. Avoid all mining, 21 With John Bull and Jonathan scientific, and agricultural journals. Rely princi- pally upon religious, secular, and literary weeklies. It will hardly pay to advertise in many dailies. San Francisco and Portland, Oregon, are particularly im- portant as emanating centres. Contract for twelve months on best terms you can — longest settlements possible — probably about three months. Make arranorements with some house in San Francisco to receive your duplicate contracts. Examine newspaper vouchers, and pay the accounts on date due. In all advertisements say ' Sold by all dealers.' Grant no favours, advertise no man ; we expect all dealers to sell our goods, hence the majority cannot be alienated for the benefit of a few. In making newspaper con- tracts please remember you are not limited in adver- tising to any amount of dollars. ' Create a sensation.' "The Pacific coast is without many railways, and has to rely upon rivers and waggon roads for trans- portation, hence the season has much to do in determining time to visit the different places. You will arrive in San Francisco 20th March. After getting everything organised and under weigh, visit following towns (a list of which was given), subject to such changes as we may advise later. Advise me by telegraph once a month, and by letter twice a month. — With best wishes, etc." In this careful and thoughtful manner, out of his large experience, he gave me the wisest counsel at his command. My wife and I went by steamer as directed, disembarked at Aspinwall, and did business 22 With John Bull and Jonathan there and at Panama, occupying seven days, and caught the s.s. Golden City, on which we sailed for San Francisco. The trip, including the time spent on the Isthmus, occupied exactly twenty-eight days. This was the ordinary course of the mail service before the Pacific Railway was constructed. My introductory work in San Francisco occupied a month. When arranging my long road journey into the interior I came to the conclusion that I should waste a great amount of time by waiting for the mail stage-coach over my routes, and decided, on my own responsibility, to purchase a pair of mustang ponies and a suitable four-wheeled vehicle of sufficient ca- pacity to carry my advertising materials and my assistant. This was soon accomplished. I found my wife a good home with a private family in San Francisco, and started. The principal banking busi- ness on the coast at that period was not done with banks, but with Wells, Fargo & Co., Express Agents, who had offices in every town on the Pacific coast, and the only currency was gold and silver. I carried a letter of credit upon which I could draw on San Francisco for any amount I required, so that it was only necessary for me to carry about with me sufficient for my daily needs. My methods of identification at the express offices, when any question was raised, was to bare my right arm, and exhibit my name, which was tattooed thereon. This was original, but never failed to satisfy the most sceptical cashier with whom I had to deal. Now to return to my journey. I drove the mustang 23 With John Bull and Jonathan ponies myself, and covered during my tour with them over 2600 miles. I carried out, as closely as possible, the instructions laid down in Mr Barnes' letter. This really meant visiting- every town and mining camp from San Diego to Fraser River. I had many interesting experiences : was often obliged to get shelter for the night in the most primitive of inns ; sleep on the floor in a room with a dozen miners and teamsters ; partake of food of coarsest description, badly cooked ; bar-rooms open all night ; drunken men quarrelling, and sometimes shooting at one another — in fact, "roughing it " as rough as is possible to imagine. The roads were good. I followed the stage routes as far as possible, and tried always to get at night to one of their stations to sleep — if I could not manage a town or camp. The Alkali dust was something fearful to face. I wore linen overalls and jackets, above my woollen clothing to protect my- self, and to be presentable when making business calls. Northern California in 1866 was a wilderness in contrast with the condition of things to-day. Even then the larger towns, both in California and Nevada, were well laid out, and had many fine buildings, churches, and shops, warehouses, hotels, and flourish- ing newspapers. The gold discovery and the rush to this El Dorado was in 1849. This was seventeen years later. The journey was an important one from a business standpoint. Mr Barnes had not in the least over-estimated the harvest that was possible to be secured for his firm. After reaching Portland, 24 With John Bull and Jonathan Oregon, and putting the ponies to feed and rest for a time, I sold them and my "Concord buggy" to a jobmaster for only ;^io less than I paid for them. I had driven them, on the average, twenty miles a day. Before starting, the ponies had been well seasoned, and, I think, came from a travelling circus. I accomplished the journey in one-third less time than was possible by mail-coach, and at less expense — no mishap occurred to buggy, ponies, or myself. I carried a six-chambered revolver in my belt, as was the custom with all men driving on the road or engaged in min- ing, and this I never had the least occasion to use. Once the weapon was jerked from my belt, while standing in a saloon, by a miner, and was pointed at a man with whom he was quarrelling. No firing took place, however, and the revolver was returned to me. From Portland, Oregon, we took steamer to Victoria, in British Columbia ; then across Puget Sound to Olympia and Seattle, in Washington territory ; back to Portland ; thence by steamer to San Francisco, cleared up all business ; and took steamer to New York, via Panama and Aspinwall, making no stop, and arrived in New York twenty-one days after starting. I was complimented on the success of my journey, and awarded a generous advance in salary. At the period of my joining the firm of Demas Barnes & Co., who carried on business at 21 Park Row, New York, the place was known as the United States Medicine Warehouse, and the firm were pro- prietors of, or agents for, or had upon sale, all the 25 With John Bull and Jonathan principal proprietary medicines of the day, foreign and domestic. There were also departments for the sale of druggists' sundries, for perfumery, and for fancy goods. The firm consisted of Demas Barnes and William Porter Ward ; but at the time I left, in 1867, there were five partners, with a branch under the name of Barnes, Ward & Co. trading at New Orleans ; and another branch trading as Barnes, Henry & Co. in Montreal, Canada. In the partner- ship there were Messrs Barnes & Ward, Mr John F. Henry, Amos G. Torrey, and Brent S. H. Good. I am bound to mention that this firm was an ex- ceptionally interesting one in consequence of the unique personality of the founder, and the remarkable talent he was able to gather about him as partners and workers — the firm not merely buying or manu- facturing goods to be sold at a trading profit ; but the transactions of each day bringing into exercise the best mental effort and genius of those concerned. Mr Demas Barnes, the head of the firm, was a self-made man — a strong character at every point. In personal appearance he was above medium height, stood very upright, possessed piercing, resolute, deep- set eyes, and high forehead. In his manner he was always conciliatory, if not plausible ; and especially courteous and agreeable to those in his employ. He was prompt in deciding questions submitted to him of every character, and was rarely found in error on a business point, while his acumen was really phenomenal. On coming to a decision he was not 26 <1 o 5 With John Bull and Jonathan easily turned away. He was a very industrious man, and an early riser : he was frequently at his desk writing letters at five o'clock in the morning. He made a rule to receive as few calls as possible at his office, on social or political matters. All such ap- pointments were fixed by him at his private residence before breakfast, or after dinner. Correspondence by dictation or the use of typewriting machines was entirely unknown then, and so was the use of the telephone. All letters of instruction to his travellers he took upon himself, and wrote with his own hand. I remember that upon one occasion when I went into his room to see him he was so fatigued that he said : "I do not wish to call down any judgment upon myself, but I could almost hail with delight if my right arm were paralysed, so that I could escape the necessity of further writing, I am so tired." All the same, when away from New York travelling, he found time to correspond with newspapers on topics of the day ; and wrote several books upon his travels at home and abroad. Work was rest to him, and he never absented himself from the office will- ingly. Two of his books which were published were entitled, respectively, " From the Adantic to the Pacific," and " In Search of Summer Breezes in Northern Europe." Mr Demas Barnes, after his election to Congress, became part proprietor of The Brooklyn Eagle, one of the most successful daily papers in the state of New York. After his retirement from commercial life in 1870 he started The Brooklyn Argus, a daily 27 With John Bull and Jonathan morning and evening paper. This was never a financial success, though the enterprise and energy he threw into the work astonished the most experi- enced newspaper proprietors in the country. One incident in proof of this may be mentioned. During his proprietorship of The Argus the so-called confessions of Mrs Theodore Tilton in reference to the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher were made by her. The MS. was brought to Mr Barnes at ten o'clock one night. He at once gave directions that the paper should not be put to press until he gave the word. Repairing to the residence of one of his leader-writers he roused him from sleep by throwing ofravel at his bedroom window. A short conference followed. Mr Barnes told him what he had had offered to him, and the price put upon the MS., and asked what he should do. "Accept," was the laconic reply. He hurried back to his office, and set the compositors to work, and next morning the startling story was telegraphed from The Argus, throughout the United States and to Europe. This was the beginning of the Beecher-Tilton controversy. By a singular coincidence, when in 1886 Mr Barnes came over to England, Henry Ward Beecher and his wife were passengers by the same vessel. The Argus was not a financial success. Mr Barnes, though editor, did not secure the loyal ser- vice of his writers. They were too independent, and he was unable to control or guide them. In his newspaper enterprises he was so keen that, at the age of fifty, he mastered all the details of the 28 MAIN STHEET, l'EN> VAN, NEW YORK. BHENT auOD. With John Bull and Jonathan work, the mechanical methods, as well as composing, imposing, and the laying on and taking off the sheets. He frequently set up certain paragraphs which he wanted kept secret until publication, and dropped them into the forme himself. He sold his shares in The Eagle when he started The Argus ; but subsequently, thoroughly discouraged with his experience as a pro- prietor and editor of a daily paper, he sold The Argus for a mere song, which was then incorporated with another paper in Brooklyn, which is still in existence. His pecuniary loss was enormous at the time ; but by a singular turn of fortune the buildings which he purchased for the production of The Argus became of greatly enhanced value, owing to their proximity to the City Hall and Law Courts ; and upon selling the property he more than recouped his loss on the newspaper venture. Mr Demas Barnes died at New York, I St May 1888. Mr William Porter Ward was to some extent a protege of Mr Barnes, as he joined the firm, in the first place, as one of the office staff. Recognising in him the supreme quality of mastership of detail, not only in stock keeping and purchasing, but in all matters of finance and accounts, he was glad to make him a partner, and to share with him the re- sponsibility of success. He said to me upon one occasion when in London, Mr Ward could manage the Bank of England. 39 CHAPTER III I get Tired of Travelling — Resume my Road Work for a brief Time — Engaged by Mr Van Duzer to represent his Firm in England — The s.s. Russia — Cunarders in 1867 — Reach Liverpool, and train for London — The Langham Hotel — Look around on Sunday — Settle down to Work — A Copyright Claim — My First Law-suit — My Wife rejoins me — Madame Tussaud's — Visit America — Partnership dissolved — Begin Business on my own Account. Having now reached my twenty-sixth year, I became quite tired of travelling, which involved long absences from home, so I sought an interview with Mr Barnes in reference to my future position. I explained to him that I had been travelling five years, and had visited all important places in Canada and the United States in the interests of his firm, and that I desired to have a post assigned me in the advertising depart- ment at headquarters. He listened attentively to what I said, declared that he sympathised with my wishes, but pointed out that there was no vacancy in the establishment where I could be suitably placed, and he promised that if I would be patient, the time would come when I should get a position in the office, and an interest in the business also. I therefore resumed my road work. On returning from my next journey one of the partners told me that Mr S. R. Van Duzer, a well- known wholesale druggist in New York, with a branch 30 With John Bull and Jonathan business in London, England, had called that day to ask if they had anyone they could recommend, as an advertising and sales manager, for his English branch, who could sail at once. My name was men- tioned. Mr Barnes was consulted upon the question ; then I was interviewed by Mr Van Duzer ; the result was that I was engaged to go to London immediately. Terms were embodied in a provisional agreement, and I sailed with Mr Van Duzer for England, 13th November 1867, on the Cunard s.s. Russia, which was at that time considered the greyhound of the Atlantic. The best Atlantic passage of thirty years ago was made by the City of Berlin, which reached Queens- town from New York, in October 1875, in seven days, fifteen hours — the distance being 2820 miles. This record was beaten in 1882 by the Alaska, which covered the same distance in six days, twenty-three hours. Here I must pause a moment to mention that ten days prior to my sailing for England, my wife gave birth at Boston, Mass., to her first-born child, after- wards christened Pearl. An ocean voyage to England at that time was regarded as quite an event. The travellers were few, and limited to those seeking health in another climate, and men engaged in business. The voyager for recreation or pleasure was an exception. I remember the scenes in the Cunard Dock, New York, when we embarked. Members of parting families seemed overcome with grief and apprehension. Now, although 31 With John Bull and Jonathan moist eyes and a stray tear are witnessed, smiles and cheers predominate, and people entrust their most precious of human treasures, their best beloved, to strongly-made ships, experienced and skilful captains, with a feeling of confidence, which is a great relief. The steamer Russia was a very different class of vessel to those of the present day. The first-class dining-saloon was in the after-part of the ship. There were no state-rooms much above the water-line, no music-room, nor lounge, nor smoking-room. Those who wished to smoke had to go on deck, near the smoke-stack for warmth, or go into the " Fiddle," a deck-room amidship. There were coils of rope here, and hard wood benches, and not more than ten could enter at a time. On the voyage there were about sixty saloon pas- sengers. The food was wholesome, and the service excellent, but no attempt was made at an elaborate menu. There were no electric bells to call the stewards to your room ; no light in state-room, except a fixed lamp set in the partition, and controlled from outside. Stewards were called by shouting. No steering by machinery — the enormous steering-wheel being hand-worked by two seamen. No speaking- tubes — the orders "Port" or "Starboard" were passed by word of mouth to the man at the helm — and sails were spread to supplement the steam power. We reached Liverpool on the morning of the tenth day from New York. Proceeding to the railway station. Lime Street, we booked at once for London. At that time luggage was placed on the roof of the 32 With John Bull and Jonathan carriage in which one travelled. There was then a six hours' journey to London. On arrival we drove to the Langham Hotel, Portland Place, at that time the principal hotel in London, and favoured with the largest American patronage. The hotel, however, was not to be compared in appointments or service with any large hotel of any important city in America, or with the "Langham" itself of to-day. All the guests were lighted to bed with candles. The halls, staircases, and quarters were bitterly cold, and there was no heat- ing apparatus of any kind. There were grate fires in the reception and reading rooms. I never re- membered to have suffered from cold to the same extent indoors ; the chilliness of the atmosphere went right to the bones. The coffee-room would compare favourably with the chief dining-room of a Boston or New York hotel at that day. In the street at night I was astonished at the brilliancy of the public houses ; I had never before seen such miles of plate- glass and such blazing gas chandeliers in any part of America. The four-wheeled cabs and hansoms were exactly of the type of the present day, except for the addition of rubber tyres now. Next morning I was curious to discover what an English breakfast was like. Before ordering, I watched other guests settling down to that meal. I was interested to find that there was no variation in the order given — coffee (or tea), with toast, bacon and eggs, was the cry of each. The eggs were brought in either poached on the bacon, or in egg- c 33 With John Bull and Jonathan cups, with the shells unbroken, not broken into a glass as was the invariable practice in America. I was astonished to see the es^or thus eaten out of the eggshell. On asking for ice water, I was informed " no ice supplied." That beverage is an absolute essential in every part of the United States, and is immediately served at each meal — a jug of ice water is always sent to your hotel bedroom in answer to the first bell you ring. In contrast with the urgent thirst habit which prevails in America, one ceases to be thirsty in England, and rarely cares to drink except with meals. I doubt if the average Englishman drinks a gallon of water, pure and simple, in a whole year. I am not able to give the reason, but pos- sibly the moisture of the climate allays thirst. An American lady, the wife of an Englishman, told me this year [1905] that her father could not be persuaded to visit England because he had heard that ice water was never served in hotels unless expressly ordered, and the ice charged for as an "extra." Iced champagne is an American innovation ; no one in England served wine iced twenty years ago. I have known Americans decline iced champagne during this period as "not English." To-day this is the universal custom. Another surprise was the sideboard, on which were placed huge joints of cold meats of every kind, and I noticed that some of the guests, after eating their eggs and bacon, finished up with a slice of cold meat, either by helping themselves, or pointing out to the 34 With John Bull and Jonathan carver the particular cut which they wanted. There was also oatmeal porridge for all who liked. Of bread there were only two kinds — white and brown ; while in America there were never fewer than four or five, including hot biscuits and Johnny cake, and, in the winter months, there would be buckwheat cakes and fried hominy. I soon followed the lead set me, and ordered bacon and eggs. I am bound to say I liked the breakfast, and, so far as breakfast food is concerned, became an Englishman at once, and have remained one. I sauntered early out, and found my way to West- minster, looking with strange delight on the Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, and the Bridge. On this walk I learned my first lesson as to the difference of dress on each side of the Atlantic. I was wearing a soft-felt hat and a military cloak, instead of a top or stiff- brimmed hat, and a tight - fitting topcoat. People eyed me curiously, and made comments. We attended the Tabernacle at Newington Butts for morning service, and were able to hear the simple oratory of the Rev. Charles Spurgeon, and were thrilled with the force of delivery which he displayed. There was not the slightest apparent attempt to produce a studied effect. In proof of the immense popularity of this preacher, 30,000 copies of his sermons were sold weekly during his lifetime; and in 1905 20,000 copies of his books and sermons were still sold every week. In the evening I went to hear the Rev. J. M. Bellew at Bloomsbury Chapel, who had a consider- 35 With John Bull and Jonathan able reputation at the time as a pulpit orator ; but I considered that Spurgeon had by far the better pulpit manner, and was a more interesting preacher. As soon as the shops were opened on Monday morning I bought a bowler hat and topcoat, and found that my appearance did not attract any further special attention. Mr Van Duzer and I proceeded early to his ware- house in Holborn. I carefully went through the books, and at the end of a week he asked me my opinion. I replied : " If it is your pleasure I will complete the provisional agreement as originally con- templated." This was done, and at the end of thirty days I was left in full charge of the business. Mr Van Duzer then gave me full freedom of action to conduct an active advertising campaign, and soon after he sailed for New York. Mrs Richards and our daughter Pearl joined me three months later. At the end of two years I had acquired a partner- ship, with a-third interest in profits : that was accord- ing to the agreement at the start, and was contingent upon certain results being accomplished. The style of the firm now became Van Duzer and Richards. That people in London are quick to discern differ- ences in dress was again amusingly illustrated by a little adventure Mrs Richards and I had. At Easter 1868 we paid a visit to the famous exhibition of Madame Tussaud, then located in the Portman Rooms, Baker Street. There was an enormous crowd of visitors, 36 With John Bull and Jonathan and I noticed that, as we passed along, people pointed and talked, and there was a good deal of laughing. I did not suspect at first that we were the object of their curiosity. But the interest and excitement continued from room to room, so I asked the door- keeper what was exciting the curiosity and mirth of the people. He at once replied : *' The lady is wearine a oreen veil over her hat and face, which, in London, is just equivalent to shaking a red rag- in the face of a bull, and suggests that you are members of the Fenian Association." This was about the time of the Fenian outbreak in London ; and we decided to retire from the building, for fear of provoking somethinof more serious. I must not omit to mention the little coffee shops on some of the thoroughfares, where I saw, for the first time, food being cooked in the front window in plain sight, the food emitting supposed savoury odours likely to whet the edge of one's appetite. I refer to the fried fish and cook shops, in which fried fish, eels, pork chops and onions, sausages and potatoes, and batter pudding, were thus exhibited, simmering in hot grease. Little tin labels would be displayed on the several metal dishes inscribed as follows : — " Sausage and Plain, 2d. Sausage and Chips, 3d." etc. etc. — the "plain" and "chips" meaning potatoes baked or fried. Then there were the shops for "cooked meats," where a carver in white apron and cap was waiting to serve customers with slices of cold ham, beef and tongue — all sold by weight. This enabled one to take home to his own table cooked and 37 With John Bull and Jonathan carved meat, just as one would call at the baker's for a loaf of bread or cake. Many small families, having- limited cooking arrangements, send out joints of meat and meat-pies, also puddings and tarts, pre- pared for the oven in their own pans and basins, to be baked at the baker's shop, a small fee being charged. I also came across the " Muffin and Crumpet " man canvassing in residential streets in London, attracting attention by ringing at intervals a litde ''tea-bell," and shoudng "Hot Muffins and Crumpets ! " The foregoing are London institutions which exist to-day. All were new and strange to me. In Boston, Mass., many families send out to the public baker the pots of beans and brown bread, to be baked for their standard Sunday morning breakfast. I had to come to London to see milk served at residences by a milkman or woman, walking, wearing a wooden yoke on the shoulders, with an eight-gallon tin can suspended from each end — the costume of the milkman being the old-fashioned flowing white cotton smock, with the collar and cuff and shoulder portion gathered in pleats. Then there were to be seen goats and asses led about to residences of certain customers, and a half pint or more milked direct from the creatures — meaning "the real thing; no adulteration." This was for delicate infants, and prescribed by the family doctor. In London I first saw the Royal Arms, with the words " By Special Appointment," emblazoned over the shop entrances of those holding Royal 38 With John Bull and Jonathan Warrants. I was not prepared to see, but I did see in Portland Road, the following : — " Purveyor of Asses' Milk to the Royal Family." I soon observed the friendly terms existing between the London omnibus driver and conductor, who always address each other as " Bill." If Driver " Bill" wished to communicate with Conductor " Bill," he swishes the lash of his whip to the rear of the bus, and lightly touches " Bill," who stands mounted on the " monkey-board." This " board " has been abandoned since the introduction upon all London omnibuses of the spiral staircase to the roof in place of a ladder, and "garden-seats" in place of the old "knife-board." Now all passengers sit facing the horses instead of sideways. The box-seats alongside of the driver are also with- drawn. Conductor "Bill" mounts the steps, and shouts : " I say, Bill." These messages to and fro are not always intelligible to the passenger. I heard an amusing explanation given by the driver to a passenger on the following message being shouted to him : — " Woman on horseback." Whereupon the driver gave the whip to his steeds. "What does he mean?" said the passenger. "Well you see, sir, that lidy who just got down gave Bill a half-a-sovering for a sixpence." Taking up the business of an omnibus driver would seem to be a life appointment in London ; and once in the front seat, a driver very rarely abandons the reins again. In the old style of bus there were two seats provided on each side of the driver for passengers, and these were always regarded by strangers as the best seats for viewing London, as 39 With John Bull and Jonathan well as hearing the most amusing accounts of men, women, and things from the driver. An American visitor in such a position is always impressed by the pleasant chatter which he hears, and the entire absence of oaths, or any kind of swearing. The drivers are very fond of chaffing one another as they draw up side by side in a block ; or they make un- pleasant remarks about some fellow-driver's handling of the reins. As the fashion of the bus changes, so will the character of the language used. Thus one would say: "Hallo! old Garden Roller!" — being a refer- ence to the garden-seats with which all the busses are fitted. The reply would probably be: " Oo yer getting at ? " or " Wodder you think ? " An angry ex- pression which I have often heard is : " Cum orf hit!" While others expressive of contempt have been : "'E ain't no class!" and " Corl 'im a gent!" Our first home in London was a furnished house near Kennington Gate, and here we resided until January 1869. In 1870 I took the lease of a house in Upper Woburn Place, Tavistock Square, for a dwelling. During our residence here three sons were born : Edward Cowles, in 1870, who died in his second year ; John Morgan, and Nelson. During the first three or four years of our residence in London we made few English acquaintances, but some of our American friends and relatives were frequently passing through London, and called. I gave my whole time, early and late, to the work, in which I was greatly interested. Almost the first American visitor to come was Mr 40 With John Bull and Jonathan Brent Good, a member of the firm of Demas Barnes and Co. He spent two or three weeks in London. Since that visit Mr Good has crossed the Atlantic sixty times, and has been a constant visitor, up to the present year. We have had a most happy social and business association for many years. In 1872 Mr Demas Barnes came over to England on his first visit, when he re- newed a proposition previously made in several letters, that I should rejoin him in business in New York. In 1873, soon after the death of our son, Mr and Mrs Van Duzer invited my wife, Pearl, and myself to pay them a visit at Newburgh-on-the- Hudson, which we accepted, this being our first sight of America since 1867-8. The London business continued to improve from year to year, and about 1875, as the result of negotia- tions with Mr Van Duzer, I renounced my interest in the goodwill and partnership upon certain terms ; and taking newly-built premises at the corner of Great Russell Street and Charlotte Street, Blooms- bury, called Great Russell Buildings, began business in my own name. When I first began to advertise in England, any novelty in the way of presenting one's business was then, as now, regarded as desirable, and I was desirous of making an experiment which I had some con- fidence would be successful. This was soon after the death of Artemus Ward, the American humorist who had contributed a series of articles to Punch, 41 With John Bull and Jonathan which were afterwards collected in a small volume, published by Mr J. Camden Hotten of Piccadilly. I wrote to Mr Hotten, and asked permission to make extracts from some of Artemus Ward's articles as an advertisement pamphlet, and explained that I wanted to cut freely from the chapters, and inter- leave the same with advertisements of the proprietary articles in which I was interested. His reply to my letter was in the following words: — "You have my hearty consent to do exactly what you have stated in your letter." Upon this I proceeded, and possibly exceeded what Mr Hotten intended. I printed two whole chapters of Artemus Ward — his visit to the British Museum and to the Tower of London — and also gave extracts from several of the other articles. I went to press with the pamphlet to the extent of over 100,000 copies, which I pro- ceeded to distribute amongst the public. To my surprise, within a week of issue I received a letter from the solicitors of Mr Hotten, calling upon me for damages, and insisting that I should immediately withdraw the pamphlet from circulation. After a vain attempt to see Mr Hotten I compromised the matter by paying ^50 as damages and destroying such of the pamphlets as had not been circulated. Mr Hotten founded these proceedings upon the fact that, while I asked only for permission to make ex- tracts, what I had really done was to quote two entire chapters. Since then I have acted more cautiously. Within a year after this incident I was waited 42 With John Bull and Jonathan upon by a firm of advertising agents, who made proposals to me for a certain space in a selected list of English, Irish, and Scottish papers, the con- dition of acceptance being that there was to be a uniform price throughout all the papers. The posi- tion of each advertisement was clearly stated, and the space they were to occupy, and a contract em- bodying these points was drawn up and signed. At the end of the quarter, on presenting their account, I found that they had inserted the advertisements in all of the cheap and unimportant papers, and had omitted to do so in papers named of large circulation and important standing. The price agreed upon being an average one, I considered that I was right in refusing to pay until the advertisements had ap- peared in each of the mediums agreed upon, a clause being inserted in my agreement to this effect, and that there should be no exemption unless publication of that particular newspaper had ceased. I was immediately served with a writ, and by representing I was a stranger, and likely to leave the country, a lien was placed on my banking account. The manager of the London and Westminster Bank told me what had taken place, but courteously informed me that he would, nevertheless, continue to honour my cheques. By giving bonds, however, I had the order removed within twenty-four hours. At the trial of the action the matter was referred by the judge for examination of the papers, and eventually I was ordered to pay contract price for every paper in which the advertisement appeared, notwithstanding 43 With John Bull and Jonathan the proviso that the appearance in any one was de- pendent upon the same advertisement appearing in all, which, the referee held, was what the plaintiff could not possibly carry out. I therefore paid con- tract price for what was inserted, and the law costs. These were the only two instances which occurred in my advertising career, during thirty-eight years, in which I had any dispute with an owner of a copyright, or an advertising agent. This firm of agents were quite unknown by adver- tisers, and ceased to exist more than thirty years ago. My relations with advertising agents in England have been of the most satisfactory character. My first business was done through Mr Richard Crossley in 1867. On his death, two years later, his son, Mr Charles R. Crossley, succeeded him — a man of my own age ; and Messrs Crossley & Co. have placed the chief part of my newspaper advertising to this day. My experience has been that it is unwise to yield to any temptation in the way of very low prices, and offers of exceptional advantages, offered by firms whose standing will not bear the test of careful refer- ences and inquiry : in the case of agents with small capital, and printers with insufficient means, the result is nearly always disappointing. The least delay in payment to the papers causes the advertisement to be left out by the publisher ; and in printing, if workman- ship and paper are not up to sample and agreement, they are unable to bear the loss involved by a return of goods, and beg for mercy. 44 With John Bull and Jonathan The very reasonable practice of the advertiser, to turn to good account any event of the day, whereby to bring into further notice any speciaHty, has amus- ing illustration in September 1905 at the conclusion of the Treaty of Portsmouth between Russia and Japan. The pen manufacturers from every corner of the earth addressed samples of their wares to the Plenipotenti- aries, each hoping that his particular handiwork might be immortalised as the pen that was mightier than the Far Eastern sword. High diplomacy has happily proved equal to the task of contriving a way out of the difficulty by using Quills. 45 CHAPTER IV Proprietary Business and Advertising— English Editors and their Ad- vertising Columns — Sale of Plantation Bitters — A Cute American — River Scenery — A Puzzling Advertisement — Advertising Fire- works—Taxing Proprietary Articles — Pirating English Medicines — A New Fascination — Mr Lever's View — United States for Machinery — England for Cabinet Work — American Boots and Shoes. To more clearly explain the nature of the business which I had surrendered, and was now taking up on my own account, I should state that this was what is known as a Proprietary one — the results of which depended upon the intrinsic merit of the article, real usefulness, and publicity. My chief training in the United States was the preparation of advertise- ments, and the issue of advertisement literature as belonged to the publication department of such a business. Following out this experience, I set to work in London on a poster for wall space, and devised the first sixteen-sheet double demy poster ever seen in England in connection with a proprietary article. My next work was to endeavour to bring London and Provincial newspapers to allow display advertisements such as were appearing in American journals, and to give further facilities to large advertisers. This was a difficult task, and a sad disappointment, so strongly were the newspaper pro- prietors ensconced behind the barriers of what they 46 With John Bull and Jonathan considered to be the proper and seemly method of English advertising. The Ilhtstrated London News was the first to grant the privilege of inserting an illustrated advertisement with blocks. No daily paper would at that time accept "copy" which they did not first edit, and in some important papers no ad- vertisement was accepted without prepayment being made. In The Times the form of setting up an advertisement was subject to many restrictions. A repetition of the same words line after line would not be received, but the regulation was insisted upon that each such line should be followed by explana- tory matter. No two lines exactly alike could ap- pear in any advertisement, even though a column in length, and costing ^20 per insertion. In illustra- tion, if you wanted a column advertisement about cocoa, as soon as the word appeared in a line there must follow different explanatory or descriptive words, as "Grateful, Comforting." Nothing whatever in the way of display was allowable. Enormous changes have occurred since this time, as The Times, as well as all other London journals, morning and evening, now admit display blocks of the largest and boldest character, and know their value. The old-fashioned system was regulated by the conservative taste of the editor ; and not with a view to fall in with the wishes of the advertiser. Now that policy is exactly reversed. The wishes of the advertiser regulate the character of the display made in the advertising columns. In conjunction with another American firm I believe I was the first to ensfagfe a full ad- 47 With John Bull and Jonathan vertisement column in a single issue of a London daily, and a whole back page of several London weeklies. I do remember that Messrs Pears, Bryant and May, and Epps did occupy the back pages oi Punch occasionally. This was no novelty in the United States at that day, nor is this now in England. Full pages in both dailies and weeklies are in constant evidence. A great deal depends upon the way in which an article is advertised whether the object desired is attained. An amusing illustration of this came under my own notice. A friend lost his umbrella at church, and advertised in the usual way, saying the finder would be rewarded ; but this was quite a failure : the umbrella was not forthcoming. Taking the advice of a journalist, he advertised again, but in a different form. The new advertisement read as follows: — " If the orentleman who was seen to take a silver-handled umbrella from St — — Church on Sunday attaches any value to the Christian character he has hitherto borne, he will return the article immediately to No. Street. He is known." Within three days twelve umbrellas were sent to his house, several with notes — apologising for the inadvertence. Before the early seventies, in the United States, posters in colours or of large dimensions were almost unknown, and the only coloured posters which I can remember were those issued by the managers of circus companies. Commercial posters rarely ex- ceeded a two-sheet double demy, with word.s in black letters on a white ground. There was then no system 48 With John Bull and Jonathan of protected stations, and posting was done with the knowledge that possibly the poster would be covered up within twenty - four hours. Posting was then usually done at night, to avoid the possibility of encountering an opponent. A common form of posting in the United States was called "Gutter Snipes." These were composed of narrow strips of paper, from two to three feet in length, which would be found in a morning lining the gutters the entire length of Broadway from the Water-works to the Battery. The Bill posters of England at that time were greatly in advance of those practising in the United States. The "Snipes" in the gutter would probably disappear about midday ; but before that hour every foot passenger, and everyone riding along the thoroughfare, would have read, and remembered what was advertised. London hoardings at the present day exhibit picture posters which have been designed by many of the most eminent painters of the day, including a number of Royal Academicians ; at the same time, the fact should be borne in mind that these pictures were not originally intended for advertisements. Many of the large protected hoardings in London thorough- fares measure from 300 to 400 feet in length. In fact, as soon as ever a new buildinor site is taken, or a street improvement is entered upon, an advertise- ment contractor will at once secure the hoarding- space to let to advertisers ; and the contract is usually based upon a fixed price per sheet per week. D 49 With John Bull and Jonathan " Art " in advertising is, therefore, a correct expres- sion to use in describing the artistic work carried out in the advertisements which cover street hoardings. The showcards also which are seen in shop windows bear the hall mark of high artistic merit. I have never seen in the United States, or in any city upon the Continent, any posters which can compare with the artistic elegance of those which are displayed upon hoardings in the streets of the metropolis. This survey also includes shop windows, hotel walls, omnibuses, street cars, railway approaches, and rail- way stations. The art of designing a poster is worthy of the highest gifts of a modern painter. Bill-posting contractors of the present day now form an important section of the advertising trade, and have a very large capital invested in the business. The income derived by omnibus and tramway companies from their advertising spaces forms a large part of their revenue, and swells the dividends paid to the shareholders. At the present moment search is being made for some metal other than iron for display signs which would be lighter for the omnibuses to carry. In the street Omnibus traffic there is room for oreat improvement in the indication of routes which they carry on their sides. London is probably the only city in the world which gives the names of public- houses as the starting - places and termini of these public vehicles : the Angel, Mother Red Cap, Elephant and Casde, and Swiss Cottage are only a few which may be quoted as examples in point. 50 With John Bull and Jonathan Much amusement is often enjoyed by strangers at hearing the manner in which conductors shout out the names of well-known places : thus the Bank is always " Benk," Westminster is "Minster" or "Habbey," and Victoria Station never anything else but " Toria." As to the value of Advertising, an interesting illus- tration recurs to mind. In 1861 I' was advertising and selling among other things " Plantation Bitters," which is a Digestive Tonic and also a specific for fever, ague, and other ills arising from climatic in- fluences. I was in Boston at the time, and, having full liberty in the matter of advertising, I ordered column and half- column advertisements in all the principal daily and weekly papers in the city, and the neighbourhood, This was kept up for a month, and I remained on the spot to watch the result, all the time canvassing the trade to obtain orders. At the end of the month I was so discouraged by what orders came in that I wrote to my principals telling them that, as all my previous experiences ap- peared to be contradicted by orders in this case, I was of opinion that the article advertised was not likely to be successful " Down East," and suggested that I should cease advertising. This happened to be in the beginning of July, and the answer I received from them was practically in the following words : — " You will please renew the advertisements, taking double the amount of space in every medium now under contract in Boston. Please also arrange with the authorities having charge of the illuminations on 51 With John Bull and Jonathan the evening of Independence Day on Boston Common, to be allowed to display three large pieces containing the name of the article you are advertising, at an expense of ^150 to i^200. We are in no way dis- couraged by what you have accomplished. In about four weeks the State of Massachusetts will require 'Plantation Bitters.'" This prediction was absolutely correct, and I was able before the month was out to take important orders from all the leading houses in the trade ; and was welcomed by certain establishments where a month previously I had almost had the door closed in my face. This article was first largely advertised throughout the United States in the fall of 1861, and rapidly became the success of the day, because of the enormous amount of placarding given to the cabalistic characters "S — T — 1860 — X," which was a description of the medicine. Those strange letters and figures stared upon the people from wall and fence and tree, in every leading town throughout the United States. They were painted on the rocks of the Hudson River to such an extent that the attention of the Leg-islature was drawn to the fact, and a law was passed to prevent the further disfigurement of river scenery. Naturally, comment and inquiry arose, and people were invited to make ijuesses as to what the letters and figures meant. The result was that newspapers teemed with attempted solutions, some of which were very amusing. Thus one was " Started Trade in i860 with $10," but no one hit upon the correct 52 With John Bull and Jonathan solution. The fact was that the basis of Plantation Bitters was " St Croix Rum," and the casks in which this rum was imported were marked " S — T " for "Saint"; then the year of importation i860 — and then "X," the last letter of the word " Croix " — which meant that it was St Croix Rum of the vintage of i860. That was a device to advertise the mixture and puzzle the people. No article at that period ever received the same amount of publicity and achieved so gigantic a sale. "Plantation Bitters" was billed in the Sutlers' de- partments in all the armies of the North, and implicit faith grew up in the specific. The outlay on advertis- ing was enormous, but the results were prodigious. In a single year the sale ran up to thousands of dozens. The Bitters were placed in corrugated dark amber glass bottles, resembling the old plantation log cabin ; and the labels and printed matter sur- rounding the bottles were most attractively de- signed. In fact, every word which was written, every advertisement used, and every showcard pro- duced, were models of good work, and no detail that seemed likely to assist the business was over- looked. The Government of the United States was not slow to appreciate the importance of the trade which had grown up in the proprietary medicines, and during the Civil War a stamp tax was levied on all advertised medicines which produced a large income, and was continued until 1884. In that year a committee of which Mr Brent Good was a member, he having largre 53 With John Bull and Jonathan proprietary interests, succeeded in inducing the Con- gress to abolish the impost ; but a similar tax was imposed during the Spanish War, which was abolished when the campaign terminated. All proprietary- articles, as well as perfumery, were included in the list of articles so taxed. Proprietors were allowed, contrary to English regulations, to get up designs of their own for stamp duty, which, of course, had to be adapted to the size of the article sold. The stamp used by many proprietors bore their own portraits, and names of the various articles controlled, and was printed on bank-note paper, being engraved by the American Bank-note Company. The Government received a fee of looo dollars (^200) for engrav- ing the plate, but made no charge for printing. Many popular English medicines were imitated and sold in the United States at this time, having a forged English stamp thereon. I personally called the attention of the Board of Inland Revenue at Somerset House to this fact, and furnished them with examples of the counterfeits so used. The reply I received was that the matter did not concern the English Board of Revenue ; that if the pro- prietors of such forged articles were interested they should take action, and the Board would thereby be protected. In one instance I particularly remember, of a very popular and well-known medicine, the sale of which became very large, the original pro- prietor has now lost his sole control of the copy- right in America. 54 With John Bull and Jonathan In the United States there is no prejudice against the advertising of medicines ; but at one time, in England, there was an apparent misconception as to the value of proprietary articles which are advertised ; many holding the opinion that the advertisement sells the article, and not the merit of the medicine. Those who have been engaged in advertising campaigns know that nothing is more wasteful, or would lead more quickly to financial ruin, than a large expenditure upon a worthless article. No proprietary article has any lasting value, nor en- riches the inventor, unless possessing undoubted merit, and which, in a marked degree, accomplishes the purpose stated. No single purchase would repay the proprietor of an article, but the renewed purchases after use ; and the recommendation of those who have bought once, creates the demand, and ensures success. This is the history of every patent medicine and proprietary article of renown in the United States and Great Britain. Out of the thousands and tens of thousands of proprietary articles issued in different parts of the world, there are said to be really less than looo which are successful ; and possibly those upon which great fortunes have been made may be counted upon the fingers of both hands. The method of judging the value of a new invention is, having made a certain outlay on advertising, to mark the indications of results in various directions, and if they are not up to a particular standard, then the result is not satis- 55 With John Bull and Jonathan factory — either the public do not require the article, or the advertising has not been properly arranged. Misplaced efforts of the latter class would enrich the newspaper proprietor and printer, but beggar the owner of the article. Things which are most largely advertised are usually well worth buying. An expert would undertake to definitely pronounce as to the success or failure of any article advertised provided the following facts were submitted to him : — Evidence as to the actual merits ; the advertisement which is being placed ; the extent of advertising ; the papers used ; the districts covered ; the actual amount of money expended during the first three months ; a correct list of each sale effected ; and the total of actual sales at the end of three months. Though the result might appear to contradict every possibility of success, an expert would not be led to any false conclusion. I should be glad if advertising could be reduced to an exact science. After an experience of over fifty years I consider that advertising as a profession is the most fascinat- ing form of speculation in existence. Instead of scouring the columns of the morning paper for the latest Stock Exchange news, or the final betting, you can speculate upon the deliveries from the postman's bag, and sum up the result of your advertising. These always vary in their character, and are never for two days alike. In the experience of many advertisers the result for a week may turn out so small that one is almost driven to the conclusion that the public believed one had retired from 56 With John Bull and Jonathan business, and yet on the eighth day an avalanche of orders may descend upon the firm. Occasionally, after doublino- and treblino- the advertisement orders, the first month's returns would suggest that you were killing the article, and yet after that the harvest comes — perhaps. I remember a good story told upon one occasion by Mr W. H. Lever of Sunlight Soap fame. After an enormous struggle with the public by advertising, Mr Lever has landed himself at Port Sunlight, probably the most successful man of the day in this particular line of business. Soon after commencing his advertising scheme, and occupying large spaces in the newspapers, which were attracting much attention and with satisfactory results, he found upon his countinor-house desk one mornino- a telegfram signed with a name he did not recognise, asking him for half-an-hour's interview the next day, as he wished to consult him upon a very important question. The request was so unique that he resolved to give the man an interview, and he replied in the affirmative, fixing the hour of one the next day. Mr Lever was then in the habit of occupying a workman's cottage, near the works for his own convenience, during the week, his private residence being at Bolton ; and he and his wife spent from Monday to Friday in the cottage at Port Sunlight. This place was only partly furnished. The draw- ingr-room windows were fitted with curtains to make people believe that the room was occupied, but was 57 With John Bull and Jonathan used as a receptacle for empty boxes. The only furnished rooms were the breakfast-room, a bedroom, and the servant's room. At one o'clock Mr Lever went to the cottage for lunch, and in the course of the meal the door bell rang, and the mysterious stranger was announced. He was at once shown into the drawing-room, amongst the empty packing- cases, and word was given that Mr Lever would see him in a few moments. After apologising for keeping him waiting, Mr Lever invited him to state as briefly as possible what his business was. The stranger had a very melancholy expression on his face, and evidently the appearance of the drawing- room had caused this, as he had only a packing- case to sit upon. In reply he managed to blurt out this sentence : " Mr Lever, how soon after a man begins to advertise ought he to expect handsome results ? I have been advertising now for six months, and nothing has happened, except a demand from the printer and the newspaper, for payments of their bills." Treating the question half seriously, and to have another jest with him, Mr Lever replied : " We have been advertising for a very considerable time ; look around this room and see the condition we are in, and we are still waitinor for orders to come." The effect of his reply was of so crushing a nature that Mr Lever took pity on his visitor, and added: "After all, I cannot give you any data. If you have a good article, go on advertising, ad- vertising, advertising ; printing, printing, printing ; and paying, paying, paying." S8 With John Bull and Jonathan To make a comparison of the effect of advertising in the United States and Great Britain is very diffi- cult. Great Britain had a population of 41,609,091 souls in 1 90 1, and possesses 9500 newspapers, besides journals and magazines, in which to advertise. The United States contained a population of 76,000,000 souls in 1900, and 23,265 newspapers. I consider that advertising in Great Britain should produce as prompt and satisfactory results, in pro- portion, as in the United States. With regard to the advertising of an English article in the United States, or an American article in England, many points have to be considered. After an experience of nearly forty years, and possessing exact knowledge with regard to all American articles introduced into this country, either by means of advertising or other processes, I am convinced that no American article can succeed in Great Britain in any direct competition with an English article of the same character, quality, and price. The American articles which have succeeded in Great Britain are not great in number, and in every instance with which I am acquainted have contained some element of originality and superiority which contrasted favourably for them with the English article, or were entirely new in idea and purpose. Take, for example, American furniture, which has been largely imported into this country on account of cheapness. With the exception of roll-top desks, letter-file cabinets, and rocking-chairs — all of which 59 With John Bull and Jonathan were novel and also new ideas — nothing has suc- ceeded. Advertising American sideboards, sofas, and the like have been condemned as dear at any price, and their exportation has yielded a loss to the shippers. The reason for this is that they could not compare, in quality and finish, even with the cheapest British-made articles. American furni- ture is glued where it ought to be morticed, and nailed where screws should be used, and nothing whatever carefully finished, except the portion visible to the eye. The wrong side of any piece of furniture is seldom even planed, and shows plainly the teeth of the saw. A surprising success, however, has been made in this country with American boots and shoes. This may seem contradictory to my statement already made about the superiority of English products. The machinery which is employed in boot and shoe making by all the large manufacturers in Great Britain is of American invention. The machine boot-making industry in the United States is very large and important, and the Americans, when they discovered that English boots were being made with the help of American machinery, attempted to sell their completed footgear in this country. At first the experiment was tried in a very small way ; but the success was immediate and enormous, and for the reason that much neater shaped boots and shoes, and better-fitting articles, were produced. There is no longer any necessity for a person in this country, however unshapely the 60 With John Bull and Jonathan natural foot may be, to imagine that he cannot be fitted with ready - made boots. The American Company suppHes every size of boot and shoe, with such minute gradations that "made to order" is no longer necessary. The best-fitting and best- working boots and shoes now worn in England are of American make. Since writing the foregoing, I find that the English Consul at Boston, Mass., enters his protest in his annual report (1904) against the large importation of American boots into Engfland. "That England should import in one year from Boston alone," he says, "530,015 pairs of boots and shoes, of a value of .^^239,097, whilst Scotland took 59,334 pairs, valued ^26,526, and Ireland 82,549 pairs, of a value of ^27,446, is a matter for the consideration of the British shoe industry. Why cannot this demand be supplied by British manufacturers ? " American labour - saving inventions have always been successful in England, either as applied to domestic use, tools for mechanics, printing processes, or agricultural machinery. American sweets, canned fruits, vegetables, salmon, have had an enormous sale. An American visitingr Encjland for the first time is always impressed with the admirable quality and handsome finish of every article of furniture, from the Windsor kitchen chair to the most delicate inlaid cab- inets, ornamental tables, or secretaires. In the matter of sideboards, no country in the world can produce such examples of the beautiful as the early English side- 61 With John Bull and Jonathan board and cabinet — and the history of English furni- ture will prove this. On my first visit to The Tifnes offices, when I was courteously shown over the premises by Mr Moberly Bell, opening the door of the machinery department, with a wave of the hand he exclaimed : " All American ! " The growth and improvement in regard to news- papers during the period under review are pheno- menal. The only evening newspapers were The Globe^ established in 1803, and The Evening Standard in 1827, The Echo being published in 1868. The Echo was the first to be brought out at the price of a halfpenny. There was a serious struggle for existence at first, and the strongest possibility of a failure, until Mr Albert Grant came to the rescue. At that time he was considered a financial king, and the capital he ad- vanced caused a rapid rise in the circulation of the paper until a position was secured. After a fitful life The Echo ceased publication this year— -1905. There are in London to-day four evening penny papers, and three halfpenny papers, and all have important circulations. There are six halfpenny daily papers, all well supported, both as to circulation and advertisement income. The Daily Mail leads the way. The Expi^ess, Leader^ Chronicle^ Daily Neivs have more recently entered the field, the last two being penny papers for many years previously. Another class of publication has come into being during the last ten or fifteen years with which the advertiser has to reckon, and with advantage to him- self and the publisher. The circulation of such penny 62 With John Bull and Jonathan journals as Tit - Bits, Answers, M.A.P., T. P.'s Weekly, and others, have become enormous, and command the highest rates for advertisements. The popularity of this class of publication seems boundless. Mr T. P, O'Connor, M.P., was the founder of, and is the editor of, both M.A.P. and T. P's Weekly, and has turned to most profitable account his remarkable journalistic genius and his wealth of ideas in Mainly About People {M.A.P.). The amount of literary work Mr O'Connor can accomplish week by week, and yet give attention to his Parliamentary duties, is one of the marvels of English journalism and authorship. Mr O'Connor is an Irishman who has had an American experience and training — and then, too, he has married an American lady. Mrs O'Connor has won distinction in many branches of journalism, and as author-actress as well. As a reader of the plantation negro dialect she is without a rival. I had the pleasure of hearing her read from Thomas Nelson Page's " Massa Chan," at the residence of the late Dr Parker at Hampstead, on the occasion of a large reception given to Henry Ward Beecher during his last visit to England. The praise she received upon that occasion would have delighted the author. All her work has been taken up and accomplished from pure love, and as recreation and pastime. In illustrated journalism in 1867 The Illustrated London News had no rival. On the breaking- out of the Franco-German War the Graphic appeared, and soon became a popular success. Then came Black and White, The Pictorial World, the several 63 With John Bull and Jonathan illustrated ladies' papers, The Sketch ; and, more re- cently, we have the Sphere and Tatler, both of the latter under the wise editorship and direction of Mr Clement Shorter, than whom there is no more accom- plished and able editor of illustrated journalism living. Mr Shorter had previously the editorial management of the Illustrated London News, the proprietors of which started The Sketch, which was projected by him. He, therefore, took up the The Sphere and Tatler with ripe experience. Many said, as new illus- trated papers appeared, "they cannot live"; "there is no field or demand for another." The actual ex- perience is that, while nominally they are rivals, they really assist each other. The invention of the "pro- cess block," by which means photographs can be reproduced, has so enlarged the facilities for accurate illustration that the public demand is insatiable for views, and descriptions of events, places, and peoples, that all these papers have very large and important circulations, and vie with each other to produce the best and most for the " nimble sixpence." Thousands of families subscribe to three and four of these papers weekly. The growth and extension of the monthly magazines and reviews, religious and class weeklies of every description, have also advanced with giant strides during the last fifteen years. Of American daily newspapers, the price is usually two cents, or five cents for special Sunday editions. The Sunday editions of American newspapers issued in chief cities are oriorantic collections of news and o o literary matter, illustrations and advertisements. 64 With John Bull and Jonathan I recently spread upon the floor the separate sheets of a New York Sunday World, and found by measure- ment that it covered 363 square feet, and, of course, printed upon both sides — making an issue of 528 columns of 18 inches each. Sunday editions of The London Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail were attempted a few years ago, but were discontinued after a very short run in answer to adverse public opinion. The London newspapers are themselves large advertisers, "Largest circulation in the world" is a phrase to be seen on huge posters everywhere. They also take up important spaces in the advertis- ing columns of their contemporaries when wishing to attract attention to some new feature of their publication. The provincial press of Great Britain rivals London in the enterprise and importance of its daily news- papers. In great centres — like Liverpool, Birming- ham, Manchester, Bristol, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Belfast and Dublin, etc. — papers are issued of the highest class, and cannot be ignored in any advertising campaign. Nearly all have offices in London, with private wires and tele- phones connecting with headquarters, and are as con- venient of approach for business and news purposes as though visited in the towns where they are published. E 65 CHAPTER V My New Business— The First Introduction of American Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco into England — The Richmond Gem — The Quaker and the Cigarette— Forcing the British Sale— A Great Tobacco Combination — Removal to Holborn Viaduct — Interesting Neighbourhood— The Smithfield Martyrs — Here John Bunyan died — Burial-place of Captain John Smith — Bad Debts — Street Language — Forms of Address — English Proprietary Articles in the United States — Advanced Pharmacy — The Diamond Match Company. After the dissolution of partnership with Mr Van Duzer I commenced business on my own account in April 1876 with one of the proprietary articles formerly owned by Van Duzer & Richards, which came to me in the course of settlement, and to this article was shortly afterwards added others. I also became the purchasing agent in London of all English goods for the firm of John F. Henry & Co. of New York ; and in 1877 I undertook the sale and exclusive agency for Great Britain and the British colonies of J. F. Allen & Co., the Virginia manu- facturers of American cig^arettes and smokinsf tobaccos. At that time there was not a single American cigar- ette sold in this country, so I am responsible for the introduction to this country of American cigarettes, and had for nearly ten years the entire control of the product of Messrs Allen & Ginter, and for a con- siderable period the branch of Messrs J. R. Duke 66 With John Bull and Jonathan and Co. Although considerable advertising was at once resorted to, and travellers were employed to call upon retail tobacconists, I found the cigarettes made no headway ; and the " Richmond Gems " were absolutely refused, though they were the pro- duct of an eminent Virginian firm. The smoking of cigarettes of any sort or kind was extremely limited ; in a few shops in localities frequented by foreigners one could buy a packet of " Caporal " or " La Ferme," also Egyptian and Turkish brands of a few sorts — but Englishmen did not then care for ciofarettes. The trade in them and their popularity is at the present time almost beyond computation. But I was determined not to be beaten, and as a last resort I conceived the plan of offering to purchase a tobacco dealer's licence for every chemist in the United Kingdom who would place the American cigarettes on their counters, and undertake their sale. In a short time this proposition turned out highly success- ful, and the chemists themselves were greatly pleased with the result ; and then the retail tobacconists, who had turned their backs upon us suddenly awoke to the fact that the American cigarettes were appreciated and required in this country, and they had no choice but to stock and sell the Richmond Gem Ciofarettes. As soon as the retail dealers came to this conclusion I decided to give them the utmost support possible by advertising, and in this I was backed up by the firm in Virginia. Just at that time we produced as a poster and 67 With John Bull and Jonathan showcard the now well-known old Quaker smoker, wearing a broad-brimmed hat, who very soon made acquaintance and won his way to the hearts of all British smokers. This was copyrighted for Great Britain and the United States, and to-day remains the principal trade mark of the various brands of tobacco manufactured by Messrs Allen & Ginter, the Richmond Gem Tobacco and Cigarette Manu- facturers. Every kind of ingenious method was employed to advertise their goods, and experts have admitted that no advertising was better done or with a more satisfactory result. The first welcome Sfiven to these cig-arettes did not come from the west, but the east of London, and dealers in the west doggedly refused to take up the sale. There- upon a tobacco shop was rented at the Piccadilly corner of the Circus, and styled "The Ole Virginny Tobacco Shop." The windows were dressed in the most attractive form, and in a very short time the brand became the fashion. Then the cigarettes crept into the hotels, clubs, and public-houses, and everybody began to demand the Richmond Gem Cigarettes and Tobacco. Allen & Ginter held the monopoly of American cigarettes for perhaps two years, but at the end of that time the demand for cigarettes became so enor- mous that every tobacco manufacturer in the United States entered the market, and began turning out cigarettes, shipping them to England. English manu- facturers began the manufacture also. At the present time the cigarette industry exceeds that of all manu- 68 With John Bull and Jonathan factured tobacco, and the rivalry created by the sale caused the creation of that important amalgamation known as the "American Tobacco Co." and the " Imperial Tobacco Co." This business, so lucrative and so extensive, I regret to say, was lost to me and those interested with me without a farthing compensation, although I had introduced and created the demand for the cigarette in Great Britain. When the American Tobacco Co. was formed, all the important cigarette manufacturers in the United States, with agencies in England, were included, and they elected to conduct the business for the future in their own name, on their own premises, and with one staff, to represent the whole of the members, under one manager. Since that day the Imperial Tobacco Co. of Great Britain has absorbed the combined American companies, and the capital runs into some millions of money. At first the cigarettes were all hand made ; but the a;reat demand stimulated the inventive o-enius of America, and now all cigarettes are made by patented machinery, under various American patents. I was associated in this tobacco business with my brother-in-law, Mr Henry K. Terry, and as soon as the business became important, separate premises were rented, in which the business was carried on. The fret and worry of this business were enormous, on account of the wearisome restrictions with which every dealing with a dutiable commodity is sur- rounded. The general increase of my special business in 69 With John Bull and Jonathan proprietary articles at length became larger, and I was oblioed to remove from Great Russell Street to more capacious premises at No. 46 Holborn Viaduct ; and at that time quite three-fourths of the buildings in that locality were unoccupied. Prior to the con- struction of the Viaduct, vehicles had to descend a steep road on Holborn Hill, cross Farringdon Street, and ascend the steep face of Snow Hill, to gain the level of the city in Newgate Street. This was the road traversed by the martyrs on their way from the old Fleet Prison in Farringdon Street (now covered by the Memorial Hall) to Smithfield, where they were burned at the stake. The exact spot of martyrdom in Smithfield is now marked by a red pillar-box for the posting of letters, on the north side of the market opposite St Bartholomew's Hospital. Here Anne Askew, Rogers, Bradford, and Philpot suffered death with many others. My new premises stand on what was called Snow Hill, where, 300 years ago, one John Strudwick, a grocer, kept a shop, in whose house John Bunyan died, and from here the procession passed to his burial in the Bunhill Fields, where he was laid in the vault of his host. At the east end of the Viaduct stands the Church of St Sepulchre, where Captain John Smith lies buried, the lover of Pocahontas ; and on the right hand is the New Sessions Court, on the old site of Newgate. Dr Parker's City Temple is almost opposite my premises on the Viaduct. 70 With John Bull and Jonathan Speaking of trading in Great Britain, such as I have experienced : — I am not, of course, famiHar with the course of all trades, but I can with pleasure bear my testimony to the honourable character of that tradinor with which I have come in contact. In the thirty-eight years I have been trading in London I have not lost ^200 by bad debts. There are com- mercial agencies which make inquiry into the stand- ing of a tradesman who would do business with you ; and cautious people can also refer to bankers as to monetary position, or obtain references when dealing with new firms, and the credit system is less abused, in my experience, by default, than I have found else- where to be the case. Where a firm is believed to have made a success in a particular line of business, applications are fre- quently made from various people, anxious to improve their financial position, who are full of ideas and in- ventions which, they declare, would yield great fortunes if the firm would only take them up. I have been interviewed by several, who have looked furtively round my office, and asked if I were sure no one would be able to overhear our conversa- tion. Then, when assured no one could possibly hear what passed, they have told me of some poor formula, or process of manufacture, utterly worthless, in bated breath, as if they were divulging a great State secret. Occasionally a professional man has honoured me with his confidence, and been tortured while he spoke lest I should pierce his anonymity, and ruin his reputa- tion by disclosing that he was engaged in anything so 71 With John Bull and Jonathan mercenary as trade! In no single instance have I ever had anything placed before me, under such circumstances as I have described, that I could enter- tain for a single moment, and I think I have been able, in every instance, to satisfy my interviewer that his proposal was impracticable, if not silly, and con- tained nothing new or important. Since removing to the Viaduct an interesting plan in connection with luncheon has been adopted among a group of Americans who are engaged in kindred pursuits. This began with fifteen or more lunching daily at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel from i to 2 p.m. For their exclusive use Messrs Spiers & Pond have set apart in the coffee-room a large table, which has been for twenty years known as "the American Round Table " ; and here, Americans resident in London regularly lunch together, with their friends. During this period I have met at that Round Table nearly every important advertiser and advertisement agent in England, and many from the United States, and from all parts of the Continent. This Round Table forms a very pleasant rendezvous for those having mutual interests, and an opportunity for ex- changing views and finding new friends. The table is now so well known that no surprise is caused by former guests sending from all parts of the Continent telegrrams addressed to "The Round Table, Viaduct Hotel, London," and timing their arrival for the luncheon hour. One hears of Americans being strongly criticised as to their manners at hotel tables and elsewhere. 72 With John Bull and Jonathan Well-bred Americans are as careful and particular as well-bred Englishmen, or the well-mannered of any country. If 100,000 English were to pass through New York and Boston every year, doubtless among that number, visiting hotels and popular restaurants, would be found occasionally, both men and women whose table manners could be improved. One must not expect an entire community to be precise and exact in every detail of politeness. I was told the other day of a foreigner at an American restaurant, who, on taking his seat at a table, and while giving his order to the waiter, in rather peremptory language, meantime proceeded to tuck the end of his table- napkin under his chin. The waiter, being a little irritated by his manner, suddenly jerked the napkin from the man's neck, saying : "I beg pardon, sir, your order was for a lunch, not a shave." Forty years ago swearing in the United States on the part of boys and adults in all classes, was alto- gether shocking ; but now, as in England, swearing is "not good form," or rather "the very worst form." English labourers and mechanics, as they walk along the streets, interlard their conversation with such words as "bloody fool" and " bloomin' idyit," but rarely anything stronger. A lady who walked within ear-shot of a number of workmen and labourers, from the Marble Arch to Lancaster Gate one evening, heard the words "bloody" and "bloomin'" uttered over sixty times. These are not refined expres- sions, but they are a great improvement upon the too frequent use of an oath. Even street boys and errand 73 With John Bull and Jonathan lads do not swear in London ; and an American friend, walking with me in the Strand, at a time when the evening- jDapers were being published, remarked, with some surprise: "Why, London newsboys wear shoes, and comb their hair"; and he added: "Bus- drivers wear silk hats, and gloves, and the conductors say ' thank-you.' " These were new experiences for him. Americans have frequently asked me by what rule a man may tell when one in England should be addressed as " Mr," and when as " Esq." in writing to a private gentleman. The difference is one of compliment only ; but it is an established custom that private gentlemen, and those commercially and pro- fessionally occupied, shall be addressed as " Esq." Men in the "services," or holding titles, prefix or affix such titles to their names, not only upon their visiting cards, but painted or stamped upon their trunks and cases : such a practice is both proper and convenient, so that their precise position is disclosed at a glance. The fact is an important one to remember, that the profit of the London Telephone service in 1894 was ;^93,ooo ; while the whole profit of the Post Office department, which included telegraphs and parcel post, was practically ;^5, 000,000. The inventor of the Post-Card was Dr Emmanuel Hermann, Councillor of the Austrian Ministry of Commerce, who first suggested the idea. His pro- posal was at once adopted by the Austrian Post- Office, when the price for the card was fixed at less 74 With John Bull and Jonathan than a half-penny. The number of words was limited to twenty ; but this was very soon increased. The question of cab fares is always a fruitful source of annoyance and trouble in London. All fares are supposed to be regulated by law ; but in practice this is entirely ignored. A passenger can insist upon being carried two legal miles for one shilling, but he is not likely to attempt this twice. A stranger taking a cab in London will be sure to have ascer- tained beforehand, from a friend, the fare he ought to pay. If the Cabman would only accept his legal fare courteously, I am sure he would find his takings at the close of the day much more satisfactory than at present. Possibly, however, a Cabman will never reach the point of contentment, however the fare may be arranged. I am sure many people would volun- tarily add a "tip" if cabby asked no more than his legal fare. Here let me again briefly refer to the subject of International Trading. All English proprietary articles seeking a sale in the United States, owing to enormous import duties, cannot approach the consumer on equal terms with the home manufacturer. Few, therefore, of the great manufacturers of branded goods of any kind, have attempted a serious advertising campaign in America. Among the British successes Pears' Soap, Worcester Sauce, Crosse & Blackwell, Huntley and Palmer, Peak, Prean & Co., and Liebig's Extract may be named. The price of these articles in the United States would be nearly double the price charged in Great 75 With John Bull and Jonathan Britain, and they do not come into competition, to any extent, with what Brother Jonathan offers. What may happen when "John Bull" establishes factories in America is another question. Of products of "Advanced Pharmacy" mention must be made of the ready recognition on the part of the medical profession of Great Britain of the im- proved method of preparing drugs for accurate dis- pensing, which has been introduced by American manufacturing chemists and pharmacists. Apart from such preparations as have been introduced by me, mention should be made of the exceptional and elaborate formulae issued by such well-known American firms as Messrs Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., Seabury and Johnson, Parke Davis & Co., Fairchild Bros., Foster, John Wyeth & Sons, M'Kessor & Robbins, and others. I think I may claim to be the first to get the ear and support of the profession, and hospitals, for American digestive ferments — prepared from Pepsin and Pancreatine — also for American Extract of Malt. In 1880 Mr Silas Mainville Burroughs called upon me in Great Russell Street with a letter of intro- duction. He was a handsome young fellow, of about thirty years of age, blonde of complexion, with fine, pale blue eyes. He was full of enthusiasm as to his purpose to establish the products of Messrs John Wyeth & Sons of Philadelphia, with whom he had been long associated. He rented a little office of two rooms on the first floor of Great Russell Street Build- ings, and, with samples in hand, began a canvass among the London doctors and hospitals without 76 With John Bull and Jonathan delay. He had a magnetic personality, and the items he had to offer were new and important. He suc- ceeded from the very first, at the end of a year taking quite large premises at Snow Hill, and adding a factory for the manufacture of a malt extract and beef wine and iron. He travelled constantly, making friends and customers. He was joined later by Mr Henry S. Wellcome, also a young man of experience and ability, and the firm became Burroughs, Wellcome and Co., and they then removed to the premises at the top of Snow Hill, corner of the Viaduct, with a new and important factory at Wandsworth, sub- sequently removed to Dartford, Kent. Mr Burroughs and I were warm personal friends from the day of his arrival. He was having a holiday at Cannes in 1895, took a severe cold, through some inadvertence, and died suddenly of pneumonia. He lived to see the seed sown by him blossom into success, but not the full development which has been reached by his surviving partner. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the estab- lishment of the firm was held in July of the present year. In my observations concerning American industries which have gained a footing in Great Britain I must mention the Diamond Match Company of Maryland, which erected a gigantic plant and works near Liver- pool some years ago. There was an immediate demand for these cheap, excellent matches, which were produced by automatic, novel, and patented machinery at prices that could not be equalled by British manufacturers. Four years ago this business 77 With John Bull and Jonathan was acquired by Messrs Bryant & May, the eminent match manufacturers of this country. The result of this is that the united industries of these two srreat concerns control the market for every description of matches, from the " Patent Safety " to Wax Vestas, with intermediate lines of every conceivable form of match. Quite recently I had the pleasure of going over these works, and inspecting the manufacture of matches. Passing from one machine to another, I soon discovered on the polished brass plates attached to the "almost human" machines the familiar names "Salem, Ohio," "Cleveland, Ohio," "Chicago, 111." "Yes," said the manager; "they are all American." I timidly asked: "How many matches do you produce per day ? " " Exactly eight times the number of the population of the United Kingdom " was the reply. "Eight matches for every human being!" 78 J CHAPTER VI Dr Joseph Parker — Personal Acquaintance and Friendship — My Father's Visit and Death — Thursday Morning Services — Henry Ward Beecher's Visit to London — Colman's Mustard — Dr Parker's Lectures in the United States — Controversy arises — Lecture Tour abbreviated — Dr Parker's Letters — Plymouth Church — I join the Diaconate of City Temple — Dr and Mrs Parker's Silver Wedding — Presentation of Gifts — Dr Parker's Commandments for Men of Business. Although I was the son and the grandson of Pres- byterian ministers, by early habit and inclination, and also by youthful constraint, an attendant at religious services, I cannot say that I had in early life any decided leaning to one special form of religi- ous worship. While quite a little boy I attended two services on the Sabbath in my father's church. These were in the morning and afternoon : early in the evening I was sent to bed. When I went to reside with my grandfather I found he was a strict Sab- batarian, and never would allow of any domestic work being done unless most urgent, so I had to fall in with his wishes. But when I began my travelling, I think that I became less observant of attendance at church on the Sabbath. On coming to London, however, this feeling passed away after a time. As I was not specially interested in any particular branch of the Christian Church I was at first content to accompany my American visitors to such places 79 With John Bull and Jonathan of worship as they most desired to visit. The most popular preachers in London amongst Americans from 1867 to 1872 was certainly the Rev. Charles Spurgeon and Rev. Newman Hall, and I must have taken be- tween these years several hundreds to hear those ministers preach. I was but rarely asked to accompany visitors to hear the Church of England clergy. The visitors to St Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and other historic churches seemed only anxious to see the edifice, the marvellous painted windows, and the memorials to the illustrious dead. If I were asked to name the clergymen of the Established Church best known to Americans in the seventies, I would answer Dean Stanley, Archdeacon Farrar, the Dean of Rochester, Rev. Charles Haweis — all of whom are now deceased. To-day I would mention Bishop Welldon, late head-master of Harrow, and Archdeacon Sinclair of St Paul's Cathedral. Both of these eloquent and distinguished clergymen have a very large acquaint- ance with Americans, and are greatly appreciated and beloved by them. The most popular preachers in New York in the seventies were Henry Ward Beecher, Rev. Dr John Hall, Rev. Dr Thompson, Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, Rev. Dr G. B. Cheever, Rev. Dr Stephen H. Tyng, and Rev. Dr T. L. Cuyler. During the summer of 1873 my attention was attracted to an article in The New York Evangelist, which was written by the Rev. Dr Theodore L. Cuyler, describing visits to London churches, and 80 With John Bull and Jonathan very strong expressions were used in praise of the preaching of the Rev. Dr Joseph Parker. Services were being temporarily held at the Cannon Street Hotel, as the Poultry Chapel, of which he was pastor, had been sold to the London Joint Stock Bank, and the trustees had only then completed the purchase of a plot of land from the Corporation, on the Holborn Viaduct, for the erection of what is now called the City Temple. The Sunday following the reading of the article I went to the Cannon Street Hotel in the morning, but was disappointed to find that the Doctor was taking a holiday, and that the services would only be resumed the last Sunday in September, when he would preach there in the morning, and at Exeter Hall in the evening. I took special care to be present at that evening service. By going early I was able to obtain seats for my wife, myself, and three friends near to the platform, on the ground floor, so that I could judge for myself whether Dr Cuyler had over-praised Dr Parker's eloquence and power. There was a small table on the platform, by which the Doctor sat, with a deacon on each side of him. When service began I watched the Doctor closely. Dr Cuyler said, in the course of his article: "You will see in him a man with a head like a lion, with a voice that could roar like a lion, but which could be lowered to the gentlest whisper, and yet the whisper could be heard in any part of the hall." I tested this for myself, and found that the description was absolutely correct. His F 8i With John Bull and Jonathan personality was remarkable ; his appearance most striking — enormous head and broad forehead. At that time he wore his hair very long, and had full beard, leaving upper lip and upper part of chin clean shaven ; hair and beard raven black. He wore no gown, only a plain black frock coat and black tie. I noticed particularly that he had a small and shapely hand. He began, I think, with a short in- vocation — " Lord, abide with us, for it is toward even- ing, and the day is far spent " — which was followed by the giving out of a hymn. After reading in the most impressive manner the first two lines — " Hail, Thou once despised Jesus, Hail, Thou Galilean King " — he said : " This is not a funeral hymn — it must be sung with fire." The whole congregation, being over 3000 persons, took up the singing with great hearti- ness. There was not a word spoken in the sermon which he delivered that I did not follow with the closest attention and delight, and I afterwards never failed to attend the service there, generally accompanied by five or six others. Dr Parker delivered his sermons extempore, and the notes he carried into the pulpit could be written on a visiting-card — just a few " Feathers for Arrows," as he called them. Did this mean that he could preach three sermons a week without previous preparation ? Certainly not. He was a deep student. Every subject of discourse was settled definitely in his mind. He once told me he had frequently to reply to 82 JOSEPH PiEKEE. Brawn in the fireliglit in the Study at '' Tynehome',' Eampstead, 1S8S, by Maude Pobtee. With John Bull and Jonathan brother ministers who would say : " How easy and simple, Dr Parker, is yoiir work: thirty minutes' sermon, Thursday ; two thirty-minute discourses on Sunday. No sermon- writing." The irony of his answer was in the tone of voice in which he would say: " Go thou and do likewise." His final word at the finish of a sermon was always delivered sharp and abrupt, with a rising inflection : he then would slowly close the Bible. At the conclusion of an invocation or prayer his habit always was to make a pause of a few seconds before pronouncing "Amen." This was most im- pressive. He spoke such words as " God " — " Jesus Christ " — "No" — "Yes" — "Nothing" in a way to give more value to each word than any speaker I have ever heard. His Bible-reading at services never exceeded a dozen verses, but the reading was remarkable, com- manding the attention of everyone. Dr Parker never cared to see anyone in his private vestry before any service. He wished to be quite alone for half-an-hour or more before preaching. He never hurried or rushed to his work. I was present at the laying of the corner-stone of the City Temple by the Rev. Thomas Binney, and at the dedication service by Rev. Professor W. Lind- say Alexander, D.D., of Edinburgh. In the new building I rented a pew holding seven people on the ground floor, where I was only distant five pews from the pulpit. I did not make the per- 83 With John Bull and Jonathan sonal acquaintance of the Doctor and his wife until several months after the opening of the City Temple, although we attended the services regularly, and occasionally the Thursday morning service also. I had, however, learned much concerning him from others. He was the son of a Northumbrian stone mason, a rugged, dogmatic old Puritan, stern of manner and of thought — one who lived hardly, and was righteous. His son inherited many of these traits, united with an irrepressible industry, which never would admit fatigue. His life was one long devotion to the service of his Master. In 1874 my father paid me a visit, and, naturally, accompanied me to the City Temple upon the first Sunday of his being in London, and I took him into the vestry, and introduced him. Then visits were interchanged between us. He came to my house in Upper Woburn Place, and my wife and I called upon him and Mrs Parker in the Quadrant, Highbury. This was approaching the time for the summer holiday, and Dr Parker invited my father to preach for him on one Sunday in August at the City Temple. The week before this Sunday came my father left London on a visit to Scotland. I took him to Euston Station ; and received a post card from him the next morning, dated Melrose, in which he said he had just visited the Abbey, should spend the night at Melrose, and go forward to Abbotsford in the morning, and proceed thence to Edinburgh in the evening. The following morning, however, I read a paragraph in The Daily Telegraph 84 With John Bull and Jonathan stating that a clergyman, answering my father's de- scription, and with letters in his pocket bearing his name, had met with an accident at the Waverley Station, and that he had been conveyed to the Royal Infirmary at Edinburgh. A few hours later I received a telegram from the house surgeon stating that my father had died. I left London immediately with my wife for Edinburgh ; and the only particulars that I could obtain with respect to the accident were that he was seen by one of the porters at the Waverley Station crossing the track, and judging by the position in which he was found, the supposition was that he caught his foot in a rail, and pitched head first against a stone buttress, which fractured his skull. He died within two hours, without having spoken a word. Dr and Mrs Parker were abroad at this time ; but both telegraphed their condolences to us, and upon their return were the first to call and express their sympathy. My father's body was removed to America, and was finally interred at Auburn, New York, in the same cemetery and plot, where his mother and father are buried. From this time until his death, in 1902, there never passed one week, without my seeing or hear- ing from Dr Parker. The Doctor was pleased, in the course of time, to honour me with his confidence in a marked deoree, as thouoh he recognised in me some quality which satisfied his judgment, that I 85 With John Bull and Jonathan could be trusted in business questions quite apart from those relatinor to his church. He was not only a born preacher, but possessed a marvellous grasp of sound practical knowledge upon the affairs of the day. I often consulted with him regarding my own affairs, always getting the most practical help. In 1886 the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and his wife came to England, on the invitation of Dr and Mrs Parker to pay them a visit, and he was also under an engagement at that time to Major J. B. Pond to deliver a course of lectures in Great Britain. The first lecture was to be delivered in the City Temple, and on the Sunday previous Dr Parker made reference to his presence, and made a slight allusion to the matter of the Beecher-Tilton controversy, in which the Doctor declared Mr Beecher had been entirely exonerated, and remarked that Mr Beecher deserved their warmest sympathy for having been laid under such a dense cloud of suspicion. Calls were made from the congregation for Mr Beecher, whereupon he went into the pulpit, and said : "I must immediately disclaim what Dr Parker has just said, that during the months or year of the controversy to which he has referred I was in any condition of doubt or gloom or unrest. My friends may have been ; but my spirits were never checked, my night's rest never disturbed, and I can truly say that I never felt in the smallest degree but that in the end I should be entirely exonerated." I have often heard Dr and Mrs Parker say how greatly cheered they were by Mr Beecher's visit, 86 a: X u X y. < > I K U Z < X o I u . c > X I I Q X - Q. o as With John Bull and Jonathan and astonished at his wonderful powers and vitality ; and that his amusing companionship had greatly delighted them, and they were very reluctant to part when the time came for Mr Beecher and his wife to return to New York. They remained in England three months, and during the first month of the lecture tour Dr and Mrs Parker accompanied them to every important place where Mr Beecher had to lecture. Dr Parker was with him on the platform of every place where he lectured in London. I remember Mrs Parker tellincj me an amusino- story of an occurrence on the first day of the arrival at their house in Hampstead. On sitting down to dinner that day, Mr Beecher said to her : " Mrs Parker, I want you to tell me what mustard you use in this family." She was very much surprised at such a question, and replied : " Well, Mr Beecher, do tell me why you want to know, because I cannot answer without consulting the cook." He said : " Consult the cook, then, because I cannot eat a mouthful until my question is answered." The cook was at once questioned, and forthwith came the answer: "Colman's." "Very well," said Mr Beecher, "then I will proceed with my dinner; but all the way up from Liverpool, at every railway station, and on every hoarding near the track, I read the legend : ' Colman's Mustard is the best.' That decided me that I must prove the truth of that assertion on the first occasion that I dined in London." During ten or fifteen years I had many interests in which Dr Parker was concerned — notably in the 87 With John Bull and Jonathan publication of The Fountain, The Daisy Family Story Paper, and afterwards The Christian Chronicle. Upon one occasion we were joint owners of The Citizen, a well-known city weekly, for forty-eight hours. Immediately after the purchase of that paper a city merchant, desiring to become the owner, offered a handsome addition to what we had paid, and the copyright was at once handed over without our having published a single number. Amongst other traits I found Dr Parker to be one of the most correct and punctual men I ever met with. He never broke an engagement except from physical inability. His working powers were marvellous, and his industry never tired. During the thirty-three years of his London ministry he issued many volumes of sermons, wrote several novels, published all the volumes of the " People's Bible" and the "People's Prayer-Book, " and he was constantly writing for the press, or reviewing books, while at the same time conducting an enormous private correspondence. In the matter of book publishing and the author's prospect he once said that when about to issue his first book, when his manuscript had been accepted, and he was in high expectation of results in the way of copies sold, he began to make up a list of those to whom he was personally known, all of whom were certain to purchase at least one copy. The total list ran to several hundreds. Alas ! for human calculation, he found that all his friends did not subscribe, and was unable to trace a dozen copies to their patronage. 88 With John Bull and Jonathan In telling this, he remarked that, both as preacher and author, he had put his trust in the great public, adding: "Do not rely upon the patronage of a set or of individuals. Look to your work ; the public will find you if the work is worthy." Dr Parker's labour was without end, because he was in great request for the opening of bazaars, the laying of corner-stones, and preaching sermons at the opening of new chapels and school-rooms, in all parts of the country. Then he had frequently the far more difficult duty of presiding over conferences of ministerial brethren ; or at meetings held upon questions of great social importance. In the City Temple he renewed the Thursday morning services previously held by him in the Poultry Chapel, and carried these on for thirty years — to the close of his life. His service furnished an admirable opportunity to strangers who wished to hear him when they visited the Metropolis. After the public services anyone who so desired might have an interview with him in the vestry, but he always insisted upon these being brief. I have met in his vestry during the last twenty-five years of his ministry many of the most distinguished men of the day, in every department of life, and from nearly every country in the world. Upon one occasion a gentleman entered the vestry, and asked him to be so good as to fix a day when he would give him a two hours' interview for a con- versation on a most important matter, in which Dr Parker would be interested, " Never," said the Doctor 89 With John Bull and Jonathan impressively, to his visitor's astonishment. " Why not?" he asked, "I could never be interested in anything which required two hours to tell. I am perfectly certain whatever you want to communicate can be told in fifteen minutes. That is the utmost time I can spare, and you can begin now if you are ready." The visitor, however, resented the limita- tion, and retired. There were so many of this class of visitors that the Doctor had an electric wire placed under the mat at his table in the vestry where he sat, which communicated with a bell in the outer vestry, and whenever that bell was heard the sexton would enter with the Doctor's hat and coat, or intimated that some other visitor was waiting an interview, and so the "bore," male or female, was checkmated. In one of his books he writes : " One of the plagues of a minister's life is that [people will use so many words in talking to him ; they think they shall be heard for their much speaking. In my early ministry I used to take down in shorthand the wordy speeches of one most persistent bore, and I found that he used eighteen words where six were enough. If ever I were rash enough to ask him how he was, he would say : ' Well, sir, in regards of that, you touch a rather delicate point, for as I was saying, no longer back than yesterday, when we put things together, and consider what sort of weather ' And so on, until my poor patience utterly gave way, and if I had not been a minister I should have slain him with a frown." 90 With John Bull and Jonathan Yet he had plenty of patience with anyone who had a really genuine tale to tell, but he seemed in- tuitively to detect the simple bore. At his own residence he was the soul of hospitality, and would enter into the sport of the occasion with the ardour and simplicity of a child. He was possessed of a wonderful fund of stories, and told them in the quaint manner of a native of the country in which they originated. Although Dr Parker had paid several visits to the United States on pleasure, not until 1887 did he finally assent to the oft-repeated suggestion that he should deliver a series of lectures in the States, and he then entered into an agreement with Major James B. Pond to deliver fifty lectures in the course of three months in the principal cities and towns. These were to begin at New York, and extend as far west as Chicago ; and, crossing into Canada, de- liver fix or six in that country. The subjects were to be secular, and the Doctor selected " Gladstone," and one entitled " Clocks and Watches." His first public appearance was to be In the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, where he was to deliver a promised eulogy upon the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. This he had written out very carefully, and committed to memory, so that upon delivery he did not use any notes. The Doctor left the MS. with me, with in- structions that upon receipt of a telegram that the eulogy was delivered the MS. should be sent to The Christian World for publication in London. This was done. 91 With John Bull and Jonathan Dr Parker was invited to deliver this eulogy in the following words by cable : — " Plymouth Church grateful for sympathy. Invite you to deliver eulogy. All expenses of journey and visit of Mrs Parker and yourself paid by us. In America a serious controversy broke out over this lecture, because Major Pond insisted that this should be treated as one of the course to be de- livered, and the cost deducted from the sale of tickets received. The Doctor delivered about thirty lectures, when the constant travelling, at the most killinor time of year, coupled with the worry he suffered from the newspaper controversy, decided him to return to England at once, and take up again his work at the City Temple in January 1888, instead of in March as he had previously intended. He preached in Plymouth Church on the Sunday morning before he sailed ; but to the surprise of the congregation he left the pulpit the moment he had finished his sermon, and declined to see anybody or receive anyone. He preached the sermon because he had promised to do so ; but he felt so offended at the tone adopted by the Press and some of the members of the church, that he determined not to meet any member of the congregation, or do anything more than what he had promised. With regard to this visit, a few extracts from his letters to me will o-ive the view he entertained of this unfortunate dispute : 92 With John Bull and Jonathan Everett House, 29//: August 1887. • Fourteen reporters first day, ten to-day. Everybody most kind. Shall be glad to escape N.Y. More taken out of me in one day than in a month at home. You know how large and true is the love we send, so I conclude with a monogram and a blessing. J. P. Everett House, N.Y., ^th October. We have been almost overwhelmed with kindness, yet we long, long, long to see how old London looks, and we long to meander in the fragrant neighbourhood of the Viaduct. I am quietly endeavouring to abbreviate my tour. . . . This is our thought and our hope. ... I cannot conceive the circumstances under which I would settle here, even if I had an op- portunity. Think of exchanging London for Brooklyn ! ... In bonds indissoluble. Yours, Joseph Parker. Buffalo, N.Y., 29//^ October 1887. . . . Your sunshine-letter came, and rejoiced us like a jubilee at cold Toronto. It is just possible we may go to some restful place in England in early December. . . . The long, long journeys, and then an exciting lecture, are too much for me. ... A month's rest in England will be invaluable to me. ... I write in furious haste, but with the double love of E. J.— J. P. West Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn., i8//; November 1887. Pity me so far away from home ! I really do feel lonesome. I long for home. I preach in Plymouth Church on 4th December, and they give me a reception during the week. ... I cannot write the particulars about Plymouth Church, but you will know all when we meet. Every- thing is more than satisfactory. I can settle here (in America) on an income of ^5000 (pounds) a year easily made ! But I won't. The opportunities I have had are simply astounding, and as for kind- ness — call it infinite. Our best love to you both. I did think Laurie 93 With John Bull and Jonathan would have written me one line, but princes, dukes, and belted earls quench such sparks as a dissenting preacher. Lord pity us!. . . . . . Longing, longing, longing. O, so wearily. Ever in heartiest love, Yours, J. P. Everett House, Union Square, New York. 4th Decembery 1887. Some of your newspaper countrymen have been scalping me in open day, and telling lies about twice as big as America. They said I charged a fee, or received a fee, for my eulogy. A bigger lie was never invented since the serpent conferred with Eve in the fragrant Garden of Eden. On the contrary, I received 100 dollars less than I was actually out of pocket ! The Eulogy Committee, vindi- cated me in the best possible manner, and after my vindication (I could not before) I gave the whole sum I received towards the fund for erecting the monument, so I have had the pleasure of delivering the eulogy, and paying every penny of our united expenses. I do not (:(?;«plain, I only ei'plain. . . . But the newspapers can lie I At one hotel Mrs Beecher was sent away when she called, with the explanation that I could not see her because I was " at prayer " I Another reporter says he called upon me, and found me playing dominoes, whereas I do not know one domino from another. Yes ; they can lie. . . . On arriving at home I shall need the assurance that I have some friends somewhere, and that assurance will find its way back to America. Please blame only the right parties, viz. : the infamous newspaper reporters and interviewers, and hangers-on. The gentlemen of America have been true, and kind, and noble. Our love, our true love, our growing love, to you and yours. J. P. In 1892 I was invited to join the diaconate of the City Temple, which I did. Dr Parker was an extremely charitable man, and dispensed large sums of money from his private purse, as well as from funds placed at his disposal, to persons in circumstances of need. As a judge of character 94 With John Bull and Jonathan he was rarely at fault, and on a second or third appeal being made to him by the same person, if there were the slightest variation in the story, he detected the imposture at once. Once, in reference to an applicant who had disappointed him, he used the following words : — " Keep her at the utmost dis- tance, she is a consummate beggar. How many sovereigns and half-sovereigns she has had from here (the City Temple) I dare not inquire." In May 1894, on the conclusion of twenty-five years' ministry in the City Temple, opportunity was taken to present Dr and Mrs Parker with suitable gifts, as marks of the public appreciation of his ministry. To Dr Parker was presented pulpit robes, a cheque for 1000 guineas, and a portrait in oils by Mr Robert Gibb, R.S.A., which now hangs in the vestry of the City Temple. These gifts were accompanied by an album containing the autograpns of the donors. The presentation to Mrs Parker, which consisted of a beautiful diamond brooch, was made by me. Dr Parker, in responding upon this occasion, observed : " I am touched especially by the words of my long- tried friend, Mr Richards, con- cerning my wife. The diamonds are of great value, their radiance is indisputable, but I am here, after thirty years' experience and observation, to say that the radiance of the diamonds is eclipsed and quenched by the glory of the life they are intended to adorn." This presentation is duly recorded on a tablet in the vestibule. His pulpit jubilee was celebrated 19th July 1898, 95 With John Bull and Jonathan and the services were attended by enormous crowds of people. One of the most remarkable booklets which Dr Parker wrote was the result of many talks we had together upon business, and business methods. This was originally intended for private circulation, but was subsequently published by the well-known firm of Messrs Hazell, Watson & Viney, to whose courtesy I am indebted for the quotation following. The work was entitled " Successful Business ; How to Get it, Keep it, and Make the Most of it," and closes with the following: — "Ten General Command- ments for Men of Business " : — 1. Thou shalt not in any wise boast, brag, bounce, or bluster, or the wise man will hold thee in low esteem. 2. Thou shalt not permit thy wife to be living at the rate of ^200 a year when thy business is not yielding more than ^199; nor shalt thou withhold from her the business information which, as an help- meet, she is entitled to receive. 3. Thou shalt not mock the unsuccessful man, for he may be richer in his poverty than thou art in thy boasted abundance. 4. Thou shalt not carry the counting-house into the domestic circle, nor in any wise spoil the children's hour by recapitulating the bankruptcies of the day. 5. Thou shalt not hob-nob with idle persons, nor smoke with them, nor encourage them, nor approve their evil life. 96 With John Bull and Jonathan 6. Thou shall not keep company with an un- punctual man, for he will certainly lead thee to carelessness and ruin. 7. Thou shalt not forget that a servant who can tell lies /or thee, may one day tell lies to thee. 8. As to hours of slumber and sleep, remember the good old rule : " Nature requires five, Custom gives seven, Laziness takes nine, And wickedness eleven. 9. Neither a borrower nor a lender be, but give where well-bestowed, right cheerfully. 10. Be honest in copper, and in gold thy honesty will be sure. These are the commandments truly, which will ensure success in business. 97 CHAPTER VII English Holiday-making — Our Visits with Dr and Mrs Parker — Mrs Parker's Ilhiess and Death — The Doctor's Grief — He is Heart-broken — Continues his Ministry — His last Holiday with us — Illness and Death. The method of taking summer holidays in England was one of the first things which interested me, as beinor in such strang-e and marked contrast with the American habit. Across the Atlantic, on setting out for a holiday, the town house would be shut up, locked, and no caretaker left in the place. The family would migrate to the countryside or the seaside, and engage rooms, with full board, at a hotel or boarding-house at a fixed price per week, and remain away during June, July, and August, when the air of the city is at greatest heat — the head of the family taking an occasional run to town on business. I soon found out that in England, except amongst the richer classes, a fortnight or three weeks was the customary length of a summer holiday ; and the system involved negotiations being carried out with the keepers of seaside lodgings, or at farmhouses at the countryside — the prices varying according to the location and the character of the accommodation. A fixed price was paid for the rooms, all food supplies being regulated on a separate basis, or the food 98 to as a X •» M Ph 03 o With John Bull and Jonathan could be purchased by the visitors, and a small charge made for cooking and serving. This plan means that you are practically carrying out your ordinary home life in lodgings, or in furnished houses. Not infrequently families of six or eight persons were to be found who considered their position very satisfactory with only one sitting-room and three or four bedrooms. The seaside hotels in England forty years ago were none of them constructed on the scale and plan of those at Newport, Narragansett Pier, Long Branch, Manhattan Beach, Saratoga, or in the White Mountains. Many of these hotels have ac- commodation for looo guests, and at the inclusive price of $2.50 to $6.00 per day. There are English seaside hotels of the present day that will take 300 guests, and at fixed tariff, from 15s. a day. The lodging-house system exists in London, and in all large towns in England ; but the boarding- house system is distinctly limited, though in many cases one hears of extremely desirable and comfortable establishments of that kind. At all these places there are discomforts of a more or less serious character. The amusements and diversions at English resorts are not of the social character of those in the United States. Families keep together, and there is very little attempt to form new acquaintances or join other families in bathing, promenades, or driving. Even- ing amusements are quiet, and ''early to bed" rules prevail. 99 With John Bull and Jonathan Many of our summer holidays were passed with Dr and Mrs Parker in visiting notable places in England. I remember upon one occasion, while staying together in the Isle of Wight, Dr Parker said to me : "I wish to give you and your wife a holiday with us, but the invitation can only be accepted upon one condition. You are to place yourselves unreservedly in our hands ; you are to have no responsibility of any kind whatever. This will be a holiday at Lake Windermere ; but you are not to have anything to do with choosing the hotel, your room, ordering your meals, or planning any excursions, walks, or drives. I want you to be relieved for one whole week of having to make any suggestion to anybody on earth. Your usual holidays which have come under my observation have been taken up with making arrangements for other people. Will you come ? " " Enthusiastically — yes," was my reply. These were the same words which he had used himself upon one occasion when accepting an invita- tion under similar circumstances from me. A more enjoyable ten days' holiday could not have been experienced by anyone in the world. We were taken to see everything of interest in the Lake District— the Wordsworth country. Nothing was omitted, and the journey was the more enjoyable because I really had no responsibility of any kind. Dr and Mrs Parker always took their holidays together, and the Doctor never left London for the country on a preaching excursion for one day, upon lOO With John Bull and Jonathan which she did not accompany him. So constandy were they in one another's society that Mrs Parker told me that the only written communication which had ever passed between them was a post card written in shorthand which he sent to her at Sunderland, at the time of the death of her mother. On this occasion she was obliged to go alone, because Dr Parker had a preaching engagement which he felt he could not postpone. The last visit which they paid together to Mrs Richards and myself was at Norris Castle, East Cowes, Isle of Wight. They were with us two weeks in September, which were delightfully spent ; and so far as human foresight could foretell, they left us in absolutely perfect health for their journey home to Hampstead — he to recommence his work at the City Temple, on the first Sunday of October. Three weeks after their return Mrs Parker was declared to be very seriously ill — but there was no danger, so the medical men declared. A surgical operation was performed, for the removal of a malignant growth, which was declared to be entirely successful, and her prompt recovery was anticipated. Her symptoms changed from better to worse, and on 27th January 1899 she died. I became ac- quainted with the sad fact by receiving a wire from the Doctor in the following words : — " She is not hej^e : she has risen" I immediately went to his house at Hampstead, and on being admitted went up to his study. He was sitting in a chair in front of the fire, almost bent lOI With John Bull and Jonathan double : he was crushed by the sorrow which had fallen upon him. He saw me enter the room, but did not speak a word. Then he rose, and taking me by the hand, led me in silence to the darkened room in which the body lay, and remained for a few moments — no words were spoken. He led me out of the room and to the door ; with a hand-clasp we parted. Durine Mrs Parker's illness, which lasted two months, I saw her repeatedly, and she always spoke to me in terms of hope about her recovery. Over and over aeain she said : " Never mind what the doctors say, or any personal expressions you may hear, I think I shall get well." The medical men held a consultation, after which, on 14th December 1898, I received a telegram from her in these words : " Greatly better ; splendid night " ; and a letter from Dr Parker, in which he told me that Mrs Parker's recovery was assured. On the last occasion of my seeing her she said : " I am not in any pain." In my opinion, if she realised the fatal character of her illness, she was afraid the announcement would have a serious effect upon Dr Parker, and was not prepared herself to tell him. The funeral service was held at the house — " Tyne- house," Lyndhurst Gardens, South Hampstead — the Rev. Principal Vaughan Pryce, President of New College, officiating. Many ministerial and lay friends were present. Mrs Parker was buried in a plot of 102 < z o Q o < z X <; O o o ts: X < a. < ni With John Bull and Jonathan ground in Hampstead Cemetery, and at his request I wrote the following inscription, which appears upon the monument : — "tro tl3c /llbemorg of EMMA JANE PARKER Born, June 20th, 1846. Ascended, January 27th, 1899. For more than 34 years the loving and devoted wife of Joseph Parker, Minister of the City Temple, London. Gratefully erected by the Church and Congregation. ' Purer, dearer. With eyes clearer On the Home shore.'" The concluding lines were quoted from her own poem, " Perchance," published in a volume entitled " Summer Sonnets," and issued during her last illness. Dr Parker was, of course, present at the funeral in the cemetery, but never visited the grave after- wards. Her death broke his heart, but not the purpose of his life ; and what she would have wished him to do was the after inspiration of every act of his life. He would say : "I have come to see you because I know she would have wished me to do so " ; or : "I will go there because I know she would have me 0,0." Behind all this was the resignation of despair. He prayed morning and evening ever afterwards that he might die ; and his prayer was shortly answered. 103 With John Bull and Jonathan In the meantime he went on with his ministerial work — "She would have wished this," he continually- said to me. The following summer Dr Parker came to visit us at Old Park, near Ventnor, and again in 1900 he visited us at Steephill Castle, Ventnor, and finally in the following summer, 1901. Dr Parker was gifted with a high sense of humour, and greatly delighted his friends on many occasions by telling stories in the dialect of the people where they originated : thus he told tales in the North- umbrian tongue, and he was equally at home with those of Irish, Scottish, or Welsh origin, and in some degree had mastered the American accent. He had an enormous fund of amusing stories, and, whether new or old, his manfier of telling them was the feature of such entertainment. One can repeat the stories, not the genius in telling them. No one who ^was present at the time in Steephill Castle can ever forget the jest under cover of which he left the dining-room one evening when we were sitting rather late. " Let me tell you an Irish story," he began ; and those present became silent at once. "There was an Irish priest, upon one occasion, preaching in a village church to the peasants, and he spoke thus at the conclusion of a sermon on the virtues and wisdom of St Patrick." Here he adopted a broad Irish brogue, and continued : " ' Now, my dear children, where shall we put St Patrick? Shall we put him where the sapphire river rolls around the throne of the Almighty ? No ; we will not put him 104 With John Bull and Jonathan there. Shall we put him where the golden light plays around the golden city ? No ; we will not put him there. Shall we put him in a boat sailing over the golden lake when the angels are calling ? No ; we will not put him there.' For the fourth time he demanded in a loud voice : ' Where shall we put St Patrick ? ' Then at that moment a peasant called out : ' Well then, shure, you can put him here, for I'm going.' " And with a bow the Doctor rose, and retired to his bedchamber, leaving those present convulsed with lauo-hter. Dr Parker was much sought after by the leading men of the day, and he was in the habit, where possible, of inviting them to the Thursday morning service at the City Temple. Upon one occasion the subject he announced was : " What has the Pew to say to the Pulpit?" He called upon Mr Glad- stone, in view of this service, with whom he had been upon most friendly terms, to arrange the date. Upon returning from Harley Street, Dr Parker told me that Mr Gladstone had promised to attend, and that on leaving he said : *' Now, Mr Gladstone, I have to announce this from the pulpit, so may I consider it as such a definite engagement as you can give?" To this Mr Gladstone replied: "Nothing but the inevitable will prevent." Mr Gladstone duly attended the service, and opened the discussion, which was regarded as one of the most important services ever held in the City Temple. Amongst other visitors to the City Temple, on 105 With John Bull and Jonathan similar occasions, were the great Earl of Shaftesbury and Dean Stanley. The names of these and other visitors were signed in the pulpit Bible, which is now enclosed in a glass case, and stands below the pulpit. Soon after the visit of Mr Gladstone he and his wife accepted an invitation to a garden party at Dr Parker's residence, Daleham Gardens, Hampstead, where the venerable statesman met a distinguished company of clergymen, ministers, and laymen. A similar party was given during the visit of Mr Beecher, when there was also an important gathering. Mr Gladstone soon afterwards invited Dr and Mrs Parker, and the Rev. H. Ward Beecher and Mrs Beecher, to breakfast with him in Downing Street. Mrs Parker was a lady of many accomplishments, and a devoted helpmeet. In Dr Parker's work of preparation at home, and in the execution of many labours at the Temple, she was his comrade and his rieht hand. She was the leader of his choir, and an excellent singer herself; and, as an excellent stenographer, she took down in shorthand many hundreds of his sermons, and wrote them out for the Press. More than all this, she sympathised with him in many whims and fancies, and indulged him to the 'utmost of his bent" in the harmless amusements of the day. One of these was that of mind telegraphy, or the directing of the thoughts of a third person, and, assisted by his wife, he con- stantly practised this power upon his friends or visitors. He would agree with Mrs Parker that, 23 io6 With John Bull and Jonathan when a certain person would sit down at lunch or dinner with them, they would concentrate their will power in one direction upon him ; and he has declared to me that, whenever they adopted this plan, they were always successful. One instance he told me of related to a visit paid him by Professor Newth, who was well known for his antipathy to Mr Gladstone. After Dr and Mrs Parker had exercised their will power over him with special regard to Mr Gladstone, they were immensely amused to hear him all at once ask the Doctor a question regarding that statesman. In the holidays of 1902 he said he was afraid of the trip across the Solent. So the holiday was spent in a visit to Mrs Burnett Smith, "Annie Swan" (the well-known writer). He invited me to visit him there, but pressure of business engagements prevented me, to my great regret. In May 1902 Dr Parker, on the invitation of Mrs Richards, accompanied her to the Zoological Gardens in Regent's Park, and, at her request, was photo- graphed standing by the lion's cage. This is, I believe, the last photograph taken of Dr Parker. At that time he frequently complained of not feeling up to the mark : he suffered from shortness of breath and a pressure upon his chest, which often took him when speaking ; nor could he walk far without feeling fatigue, which was entirely contrary to his usual ex- perience. The fact is well known that he used to walk from his house in Hampstead, a distance of four miles, to the City Temple on Thursday morning and 107 With John Bull and Jonathan on Sunday, allowing himself plenty of time to rest and refresh himself before entering the pulpit. Before his last holiday he announced that he should take up his usual work at the City Temple on the first Sunday in September 1902, and that he would make the experiment of preaching on the previous Thursday to test his voice and strength. During the last three or four months before the holidays he invariably arranged with a brother minister or one of his deacons to sit near the pulpit, and if they noticed a certain sign, to come to the pulpit and continue the service — he was afraid of a collapse. So far as his personal appearance was concerned he showed little sign of weakness or illness, though there was loss of weight and vigour. His manner towards those about him was as cheerful and cordial as ever. I saw him after the morning service of Thursday, 25th September 1902, and took my leave of him, as I was sailing on the following Saturday for a short visit to New York. In taking my hand at parting Dr Parker said, in a voice full of emotion : " God be with you. I shall not say good-bye." I was only a fortnight in America, and during that time learned from the newspapers that the Doctor preached on Sunday morning and evening, 28th September, and again on the Thursday morning following, but that on the next Sunday, although no notice had been given by him, he failed to appear 108 With John Bull and Jonathan at the City Temple in the morning. Then the fact became known that he was seriously ill, and doubts were at once published as to whether he would ever enter the pulpit again. I returned to England on 25th October, and im- mediately wrote to him to know how he was ; in reply I received a private message to go to see him at once, I found him sitting in an arm-chair, his legs stretched out in front of him. He put out both his hands to welcome me, and said : " I cannot rise." He was much interested to hear about my visit to the States, and asked many questions about mutual friends. So far as his voice was concerned, he spoke firmly and without effort. I said : " Tell me how you really feel. Are you in pain ? " He replied : " Yes ; in terrible pain at times, but at the present moment I am free from pain ; but I am sure my case is beyond medical relief, and I am glad this is so. I have finished all my work in this world, and I am chiefly thinking of what is going on up there ! I long to go." I spoke to him cheerfully, but not lightly, of his ailments. I left after the lapse of half-an-hour. I had spoken to him of his brave attempt to resume his work during the previous month, and he remarked : " I was determined to do so, even if I fell on the pulpit stairs.'' He alluded with considerable feeling to an invitation sent him by the Bishop of Ripon to use his marine residence if he so desired. He also said that he was thankful The Times newspaper had published his letter on the Education Act, but added : " I shall never know, 109 With John Bull and Jonathan on this earth, what the resuh of this educational controversy will be." This was my last interview with him. I received daily bulletins as to his health until his death, 28th November 1902. He was buried in the same plot of ground at Hampstead where his wife lay. no CHAPTER VIII Home Life — Dr Parker and Pearl — Illustrated Letters — My Daughter Pearl's Early Life — A Mimic — Her Studiousness — Reads Thackeray — Effect of Toole's Acting and Others — Her First Book — Her First Play — Education of my Sons — Dorothy — Her Marriage. In 1878 we removed to Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park, to a house named by me " Sandyhook," of which I had taken a lease of twenty-one years. This was a charming residence, with gardens in front and rear, and ivy covering porch and windows. Here my second daughter and youngest child was born — Dorothy Christine. My family then consisted of Pearl, my eldest daughter ; John Morgan, Nelson, and Dorothy. Dr Parker took a deep interest in Pearl from a very early age. He was especially fond of children, and he delighted in their ideas. Much to Pearl's amuse- ment, Dr Parker occasionally wrote illustrated notes to her, of which the two following in fac-simile are samples. These gave infinite pleasure to my daughter, and have been preserved with care. At a later date Dr Parker wrote of her : " How did she begin the world of letters ? I can tell you. She has always been a devotee of the family ink-horn, and early she went in even for printers' ink. Probably I was the first III an // J ' ^ 7**-'^ s>, /cP y f i P4 With John Bull and Jonathan editor who received and printed the writings of Pearl Richards. Do you wonder, then, that I feel upon my face a sheen of reflected glory ? " Dr Parker delighted to show his friends the copy of her first book of any size — "A Study in Temptations," which she inscribed: "To my first Reviewer, Dr Joseph Parker, the first also to encourage my childish at- tempts at literary composition ; the first to prize work which was only remarkable for its gigantic intentions." Pearl from early infancy manifested traits which indicated a faculty for literary composition. As a child she was a keen observer of those about her, and imitated their peculiarities of speech and manners. She was a born mimic, inheriting this faculty from her mother ; while through my ancestry she grew up with perhaps unusually strong religious instincts, manifested in early womanhood by the constant analysis of the serious problems of life. Upon one occasion, in a Congregational Church, where the Holy Communion was to be celebrated, the preacher requested those who desired to com- municate to sit on the right-hand side of the church and non-communicants on the left. To this she made the strongest objection, because in her mind she could not disassociate the division from the separation of the sheep and the goats. Her mother and I were always interested to note the keenness she possessed in observing occurrences that were in any way unusual, and we allowed her to follow out the little plans she formed for amuse- H 113 With John Bull and Jonathan ment. As she was our only child for some time, she invented imaginary companions to whom she told stories by the hour. She was also fond of dressing up, and acting plays of her own improvisation. As she grew older her powers of mimicry were still further developed ; and on returning from her daily walk in the park or the streets, she greatly amused her Mother by imitating the voices of people she had casually seen, actually quoting snatches of the dia- logues she had heard ; the upbraiding of one another by poor people, threats used by mothers to their children, or tender words spoken by sweethearts. Strange words were caught up in this way, and re- peated innocently in the very tone of voice used, and accompanied with the facial expression of those who had uttered them. A few intimate friends who heard and saw these child actings were greatly surprised, and urged her Mother to check these manifestations, which she in her better wisdom declined to do. She became the natural leader in all o;athering"s of children of her own age, and even older than herself. Their games were always those which she suggested, and tauoht to those who were io^norant of their character. She instilled into each the enthusi- asm and merriment with which she was liberally endowed ; and the greatest joy always pervaded the children's parties in my house, while she be- came the chosen favourite of every party given by friends. In this way she passed from age to age in child- 114 With John Bull and Jonathan hood. When the time came for the appearance of a governess she entered upon her lessons with en- thusiasm, and her Mother never had to say to her : "Go and study your lessons." The appetite to learn grew in strength as she advanced in years. She petitioned me and her mother to indulge in fresh studies, and not to reduce the number of those which were set her. She was educated in London, Boston, and Paris — chiefly by tutors. Her progress was such as to occasionally cause embarrassment and surprise, to her teachers. One lady gravely confided to her mother the fact that the girl knew "the whole of" Thackeray, and read him in school-hours, and she did not think Thackeray was an author any girl of thirteen ought to be allowed to read. As a matter of fact, no restriction was placed upon her reading, and although she read, no doubt, every work of fiction she could find, she also read a great deal of history, poetry, and philosophy. She had a love of Picture Galleries and Museums, and went constantly to the National Gallery and the British Museum. She became an excellent musician, and developed a sweet voice of great flexibility. At an early period she indulged her cosmopolitan instincts by inducing her nurse to place her on the table in the nursery, and wheel the table from side to side, while she stretched cords across the room to hooks in the walls, and, attaching small pulleys, drew little parcels towards herself from all quarters of the globe. 115 With John Bull and Jonathan As soon as she was capable of writing with ease she indulged in the composition of fiction — and this took a singular turn. She wrote for the maid-servants letters to their sweethearts, and the unconventionality of these missives often led to quarrels and misunder- standings between the lovers. It is possible that her ironic humour was scarcely soothing to the vanity of an adored police sergeant. The dramatic instinct was so strong that she en- treated me to buy a toy theatre for her, with pasteboard figures representing the characters ; and she would invent the story to fit the drama, making little speeches for each character as she pushed them on to the stage. This love of the theatre, I should confess, she may have inherited from me. A governess at the school she attended told my wife in great alarm that Pearl was in the habit of sitting on a table, with the girls around her, crying with laughter, at her imitations of the men and women she had met in the street. When in her ninth year Pearl was presented to the late General U. S. Grant. The occasion was this. After the term of his second Presidency of the United States ended, he made the grand tour of Europe, and coming to London, a reception was held at the house of Mr Edwards Pierrepont, the United States Minister. Mrs Richards and I were invited ; but neither of us could attend, and, to her great delight. Pearl was entrusted with a bouquet of roses, cornflowers, and lilies, to present to the General. This was accomplished in a very graceful manner, ii6 PEARL MARY TEKEr5 o o t3 O o H With John Bull and Jonathan as his opening play in New York. The New York Herald called it a tedious and uninteresting play, and added : " But not one who knew Toole that would not have exchanged a thousand hours of " Wig and Gown" for one of "Artful Dodger." He revised his programme, and appeared afterwards in the plays which had won for him such fame in Great Britain, and was most thoroughly appreciated. Both Mrs Craigie and her mother were my constant companions at these performances, and at all my visits to theatres — Mrs Craigie being at that time from seven to eight years of age. In the early seventies a number of the popular actors and actresses from the United States visited England, and I had the opportunity of witnessing the performances of John S. Clarke, Edwin Booth, John E. Owens, Charles R. Thorne, Stuart Robson, Mrs John Wood, and others. Mr J. S. Clarke played a long engagement at the Strand Theatre. His appearance in Dr Pangloss in the " Heir-at-Law " was a great triumph. Mrs John Wood was also playing at St James's Theatre, and drew the town in her fine impersonation of " Pocahontas, the Gentle Savage." Mr John E. Owens had made an enormous success in America as Solon Shingle in the play called "The People's Lawyer," but in London, at the Adelphi Theatre, he was unable to excite much lauofhter. Owens in the course of the play was called as a witness in the case in which "A Bar'l of Apple Sass " was in dispute, and the fun of the piece was supposed to begin upon his entering 131 With John Bull and Jonathan he Court, and familiarly addressing the Judge : " Walt, Squire, how dew do you do ? " — adding that he wished to give evidence in the " Bar'l of Apple Sass " case. The whole point, however, failed, as an English audience did not understand what really a " Bar'l of Apple Sass" meant. ^ At the back of the Judge's chair there was a painting of the Goddess of Justice, with eyes blindfolded. Solon Shingle, looking at the figure, remarks : " Say, Judge, is that lady behind you with the sore eyes any ways related to you, sir .-* " Finally, when the case was proceeding, he took a great hunk of tobacco out of his cheek, which he placed on the side of the witness-box while he gave evidence, and the act, instead of exciting- laughter, rather disgusted the audience. After four or five repre- sentations the piece was withdrawn, and Mr Owens returned to the United States a disappointed man. Charles R. Thorne and Stuart Robson appeared at the Gaiety in Boucicault's " Led Astray," and with success. During this engagement the Theatre Stalls were first advanced to los. 6d., and Dress Circle to 7s. 6d., and soon after this advance was adopted by the principal London theatres. About forty years ago the only music halls of any standing were the Alhambra in Leicester Square, and " Westons " in Holborn, About this time the attractions of " Evans' Supper-Rooms," in Covent Garden, were on the wane. The story of the Alhambra illustrates the remark- able improvement which has taken place in the music ^ A Barrel of Apple Sauce. 132 With John Bull and Jonathan halls, within the memory of living man, not only in the size and beauty of the place and the splendour of the ballets and other scenes presented, but also the advance in public taste for good singing and acting, and in the conduct and manners of the audiences. There are those still living who remember witnessing occurrences in the Boxes which would not be tolerated at the present day. In 1867 there were only twelve theatres of importance ; there are now forty-six. This enormous growth means the greater popularity of theatrical representations, and further, to the in- creasing influx of visitors from the Provinces, America, and all quarters of the Globe. The fact is well known that these strangers are great supporters of theatres. A similar growth is evidenced in the present number and character of metropolitan hotels ; the steady increase in their number has served to raise their style and character until they can compare with the best and noblest to be found in the United States or upon the Continent of Europe. During our residence in Porchester Terrace my wife and I became acquainted with Miss Isabelle Dallas Glyn, who in her day had been a most suc- cessful actress, and had taken leading parts in many engagements with Charles Kemble, by whom she was designated "the English Rachel," and received the highest encomiums from Macready and Phelps. In the height of her career she was married to Mr Dallas, a Times critic ; but differences ensuing, they were separated, and at the time we knew her she 133 With John Bull and Jonathan had given up acting, and was limiting her work to readings, and giving lessons in elocution. I introduce her name in these recollections because of her very interesting career as an actress ; and of the entertain- ing faculty she had of talking on theatrical subjects, which I was always interested to hear. Most of her stories were of the golden era of English theatricals, rather than of the younger actors and actresses, and she had a never-failing supply of tales and anecdotes which she was very fond of relating. My wife be- came much attached to the dear old lady, and she was a constant visitor to my house, and remained so until her death, 19th May 1889. One week before she died she called me to her bedside, and pointed to two pictures on the wall. One was a mezzotint of herself as Cleopatra, and the other a line enorravino" of Sheridan. She said : " I want to present these pictures to you, for you to remember me by when I am dead." And she insisted that her servant should remove them from the wall, and carry them to my cab, at that same visit. This happened at 13 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square. I hesitated to accept such valuable pictures, but nothing would serve to dissuade her from her pur- pose. She had a long illness, and being unable to read or give lessons her resources became much reduced, and only during the last year of her life she received a Royal Bounty. The Royal Literary Fund also ministered to her wants ; and during the last two months a fund was started by Sir Henry Irving and Miss Ellen Terry, which secured many comforts for 134 Miss Glyn as Cleopatra, 1853. (From :i crayon drawinj; hy A. Solomon.'. With John Bull and Jonathan her up to the time of her death, in her sixty -eighth year. A week before her death she told Mrs Richards she would very much like to see Canon Farrar, to which he gladly assented. He asked her if she had any fear of death, and her answer was : "If I have had the courage to live, why should I be afraid to die ? " At that time an American lady was visiting us, and expressed a great wish to see her, and she gave her consent to this. At the interview Miss Glyn said to her : " Madam, my greatest successes in life have been death scenes." At her funeral in Kensal Green there was a large attendance of professional and private friends, and Canon Fleming was amongst the mourners. Upon two occasions only have I been induced to enter into speculative public entertainments. One was the giving of a series of readings by Miss Glyn in Steinway Hall, and another was the giving of monologue entertainments by Mr Stephen Massett. My wish was to revive interest in their public careers, but the results were not satisfactory. During my long residence in London there is little wonder that I have received hundreds of letters • of introduction from people in all parts of the United States. Many of these have, of course, asked for nothino- more than the usual courtesies between residents and strangers who had the same birthplace ; and I could not estimate now the number of parties to whom I have acted as cicerone to the sights of London ; 135 With John Bull and Jonathan or to the number of my visits to the Tower, the British Museum, St Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and Madame Tussaud's — always a favourite visiting-place for Americans. Occasionally, however, I have been sorely tried to get into a few hours all that an American friend demands. Upon one occasion a gentleman called upon me, in a cab, and addressed me in the following terms : — " I have only got three hours before I must leave by train for Liverpool. I have never been in London before, and want you to jump into my cab and take me to see all that is possible in that time " — add- ing when he saw my look of surprise : "A friend of mine rendered me a similar service the previous day in visiting the attractions of Paris." I took on, and actually raced him at full speed through the Royal Academy, which was open at the time, the British Museum, the Tower of London, and the National Gallery, besides pointing out places of interest in the thoroughfares along which we drove. He ex- pressed himself as thoroughly satisfied, and at the close of the run effusively thanked me, adding that he knew London as well as I did. His method of inspecting a picture gallery was to stop at the entrance of a room and take a sweeping glance all round, over the four walls, then gallop ofif to the next room. On some occasions, I am bound to say, I have pre- ferred a visitor of this sort to those who, in their desire for detail, have exhausted my patience even in looking upon such a relic as the block, on which the head of Lady Jane Grey was cut off. 136 With John Bull and Jonathan I remember one visitor who, after a tour of inspec- tion round the Tower, grasped my hand, and said : " I suppose, John, that this is a genuine show— no ' Barnum's Museum' about this?" I was happy to assure him that he had at last seen a perfectly genuine and historical show. 137 CHAPTER X Cost of Living in the States and in England — American and English Hotels — The Question of Servants, and of Clerks — A dainty English Clerk 7'. A smart American — Housekeeping Expenses and Servants — Cab and Bus P^ares — Education in the United States and Great Britain — Food — The American Society — American Charities in London — Applicants for Relief — A Be- nevolent Fund — Stranded in London — National Monument to the Queen — New Year Calls — Tipping. When I had settled to come to England in 1867 I made inquiry as to the comparative cost of living in Boston and New York, with the cost in London, This was somewhat difficult of accomplishment, as at that period comparatively few Americans, other than those who travelled for business or health, came to England, and even those who did come were limited in numbers, and had no housekeeping ex- perience. In this year, 1905, the computation, however, has been made that 200,000 American tourists will visit England and the Continent. The charges at the Langham (1867) averaged for a single man, having a small bedroom, and taking his three meals in the coffee- room, £1 a day. One was charged separate prices for room, light, fire, and attendance ; and one penny per sheet of notepaper or envelope, notwithstanding that both would bear the advertisement of the hotel. In Boston or New York a hotel of similar standing at 138 With John Bull and Jonathan that date, such as the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York, and the Revere House in Boston, would charge 5 dollars (;^i) a day for everything, no extras what- ever, and meals served from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. In other words, a visitor could eat four times a day if he chose, and the price charged would remain practically the same. There would be no allowance for meals taken elsewhere, and there were no extras of any kind— writing-paper and envelopes were freely distri- buted in all reception-rooms. This latter fact, being known to outside people, was frequently taken ad- vantage of, and they would not hesitate to enter a hotel and conduct their correspondence without pay- ing anything for the privilege. The greater privacy of the hotels in England greatly impressed me, as no "loungers," or "sitters" as they are called in America, are allowed to frequent them. Many persons use American hotels to meet friends, read the newspapers, and generally to pass time which would otherwise hang heavily upon their hands, as in a club, for which they would be called upon to pay a subscription. Such a thing as being met at the door by a porter in livery and asked his business, whom he wished to see, is unknown on the other side of the Atlantic. The doors stand wide open, and the bars, corridors, and halls are thronged with visitors, and outsiders alike. No ques- tioning of any sort as to the right to be there takes place. Under these circumstances there are persons who will venture to walk into the dininor-rooms and take their chance of obtaining a lunch, or a dinner 139 With John Bull and Jonathan free. This is checked as much as possible by the training of a man unknown to EngHsh hotels. At the entrance to every hotel dining- or coffee room stands a man of well-trained memory, who takes your hat, if you have one, and umbrella or walking-stick, but gives you no check or number, and, even if several hundred are present, will hand you on your coming out your proper hat, umbrella, or walking-stick with- out any mistake whatever. Such a man, having a particular guest pointed out to him, can at once tell whether he is a paying guest or not, and a mistake is rarely made. A tip of lo cents will reward this attendant for the care of your belongings. A bathroom with hot and cold supply attached to a suite of rooms was unknown in an Encrlish hotel in 1867 ; only the public bathroom existed, for the use of which a fee was charged. At the present time every luxury known is provided in British and Continental hotels. I noticed at first that the majority of people had baths brought into their rooms, with large cans of hot or cold water — most visitors preferring a sponge bath in this way. Bathrooms attached to bedrooms in hotels were not common in the United States forty years ago. Another difference noticeable between the personal habits of English and American men consists in the practice of shaving — the former carry their own shav- ing apparatus with them, and shave themselves each morning; but the latter have that done for them in the barber's shop, which is an important department in every American hotel. There is much resort made to the barber's shop in America, and generally his 140 With John Bull and Jonathan place is one of the largest rooms in the administra- tion department. In the largest hotels there are twenty or more chairs always in use, with as many barbers in attendance, and at a busy time a visitor has to take his turn. For a shave the fee charged is 25 cents (is.), and if haircutting were added to the shave there would be charged a further fee of 25 cents. Attached to the barber's department is the boot- cleaning establishment, for the luxury of which a fee, varying from 10 cents to 15 cents (5d. to 7id.), is charged. The place is fitted up with comfortable arm-chairs, and one may read his paper or smoke a cigar while the shining-up operation is carried out. Boots are not usually left outside the bedroom door on retiring. In the boot-cleaning department the work is thoroughly done for the extra fees. Mr Ralph Waldo Emerson relates, in one of his essays, that an Englishman told him that when he inquired in a New York hotel for the "Boots" he was shown across the street, and had found Mungo in his own house dining on roast turkey — adding, the Londoner had said, the best thing he knew of the country was that a man can have meat for his labour. In England the fees for Shaving, Hair Cutting, and Shampoo are each sixpence in well-appointed hair-dressing shops; in very smart establishments, double these fees. For Boot Cleaninaf and " Shininof " one penny and twopence per pair is charged. The fact is noticeable that not every man avails him- self of the services of the barber and the shoeblack each morning. This probably accounts for the con- 141 With John Bull and Jonathan trast between an American and an Englishman at the beginning of the day, and the smarter turn-out of the latter. I could not help being attracted by the clean-shaven faces of the English, and their smartly- polished boots and tidy appearance — and this was the rule even with clerks in England. The average American forty years ago would only shave three times a week, and his boot-cleaning often would be left until towards evening, when on his way home. There is, however, a great improvement noticeable now, and the better class of American shows as much attention to his clothing and personal appearance as the most fastidious Britisher. In the matter of housekeeping expenses I am bound to say that there are ways of living very cheaply in London ; but if you were to consider the cost as a whole, with a house and one or two servants, the expense would equal that of any important city in the United States. Servants' wages are less in England than in America ; but an English servant would not perform as many duties as are required in an American family. Across the Atlantic a cook in a small family, is ex- pected to do the entire laundry work ; but in England she would not be asked to do anything of the kind, and allowance has to be made her for her own wash- ing, and beer money as well. In London the charges for conveyances — cab, omnibus, and rail (third class) — are very much cheaper than in New York. Car and omnibus fares in New York are lo cents (sd.) for any distance, and railw^ay travelling averages 5 cents (2^d.) a mile. Cab fares 142 With John Bull and Jonathan or hack hire averages $1.50 (6s.), and from that up to 10 dollars for a journey of four or five miles. As a result of this exorbitant cab and hack hire, the majority of people when travelling have their luggage sent on by express carriers, at a fixed price of 35 cents per package, and use the cars and omnibuses to and from railway stations, or steamboat landing. With regard to food — meat, vegetables, and fruit are all cheaper in the United States, as also are milk, butter, and cheese. The work of the laundry is cheaper than in England for all household and personal linen, the labour being performed by labour- saving machinery. Another method in America is to contract for the laundry work being done by a laundry company. In quite a large family I knew the contract was at $250 (^50) a year. In New York the average office-boy clerk would have a beginning salary of $1.50 (6s.) a week, which would be increased to $2.50 or $3 (8s. or 12s.) a week before the end of one year's service if he is bright and smart. Salesmen, book-keepers, and department managers are all well paid, and have, on the average, larger salaries than men doingr similar work in England. I was, entering upon business in London, struck with the appearance of some employees. The junior clerks or book-keepers came to their office work in top-hats, and often carrying a walking-stick. When asked to go on some errand, one of them, I remember, would immediately proceed to wash his hands, brush his hair, put on his gloves, and take stick in hand before starting, wasting several minutes in preparation. Should a direction be given to a junior clerk in 143 With John Bull and Jonathan a New York office in my day he would be off in double quick time, without any thought about gloves or walking-stick. The ordinary clerk there goes to business ready to begin work without any of the accessories necessary to his English prototype. A young fellow would be greatly prejudiced in his work at New York if he ever appeared at business wearing a top-hat, and carrying a cane. He is required to keep up his pace in every department to which he may succeed. There is much more time allowed in England over a clerk's meals. In America a clerk is allowed half- an-hour for his midday lunch ; in England he has a full hour. There is no time allowance for afternoon tea in New York or other cities, but fifteen or twenty minutes are consumed over tea in many London offices. In New York work begins at 7.30 a.m. ; in London 8.30 a.m. or 9 a.m. Closing time is 5.30 P.M. in New York, and 6 p.m. in London ; while closing time on Saturday is 5 p.m. in New York, and 2 p.m. in London. A clerk in England will spend from is. to is. 6d. upon his lunch; in the United States he is able to get a satisfactory lunch for from 6d. to lod. This meal must be got through with great speed by the American, which is the origin of the term "a quick lunch." Nothing in the form of intoxicants is ever taken during business hours by the American youth, and, indeed, he has no wish for any: his drink is a choice of tea, coffee, or iced water. This may account for the greater activity of the American lad. The boy who smokes is altogether 144 With John Bull and Jonathan a modern innovation in the United States, and the smoking of cigarettes and pipes was much rarer forty years ago, than now. I have noticed on my recent visits that nearly all young fellows, from fourteen years upwards, now smoke a pipe or cigarettes, but never in business hours either there, or in England. Forty years ago the non-smoking habit may be illustrated by my own case, as I never formed the habit of smoking until I was upwards of thirty years of age. No American family until quite recently placed beer, wine, or spirits on their dinner or lunch table ; and rarely does any youth indulge habitually in any of these beverages. At the same time, there is no doubt whatever that intemperance is one of the greatest evils from which America suffers. The method of drinking is more insidious from the habit of bar-drinking. Four, five, or six young fellows go up to a bar, and one stands treats to the others until the treating has gone all round. In this respect I consider that the English youth shows greater firmness in resisting invitations than his American cousin. I know that frequently the head of a family, though having neither wines nor spirits on his table, will stop at some bar to have a drink before reaching home for lunch or dinner. Furthermore, the American habit was to drink spirits neat, and take a gulp of water afterwards. Over the sea if a man calls for brandy or whisky he will never have the spirit measured out to him, as is the case in this country, but the bottle of spirit is placed before him, and he helps himself, which is K 145 With John Bull and Jonathan a dangerous custom, as he is tempted to take a far too large dose. At a bar like that of the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York, at which fifty men could stand up at one time, the price of an ordinary drink like whisky and soda would be 25 cents (is.), while a mixed drink like a cocktail, or julep, would be anywhere from 25 cents to 40 cents (is. 8d.). All drinks are iced to freezing point summer or winter. I never had seen soda water, or effervescing water of any kind, drunk with spirits until I came to England. The cost of an education in the United States in the sixties and seventies was far less expensive than in England. The public school system is based upon the principle of the best possible educational ad- vantages at most nominal charges. Excellent private day-schools and boarding-schools charge half as much as the same class of schools in England. A middle class day-school, inclusive of boys' fees, for a year of four terms of ten weeks each, with no extras, would cost 25 dollars, while an English school possessing similar advantages would cost ^10. At an American boarding-school for middle-class boys ^40 a year would be charged, and this would include everything to be desired in the way of food and tuition, with laundry, and all school-books. There are now, and were then, of course, exceptional schools in the United States where the fees are very large indeed ; but this is caused by some unusual circumstance, and is intended to make the pupils more select. Under ordinary circumstances, the highest 146 With John Bull and Jonathan fees at any boarding-school within my knowledge was 400 dollars a year (^80), but in England similar advantages would cost ^150. There are endowed schools in the United States which compare with Eton, Harrow, Rugby, and Winchester ; but the fees are less. At colleges the fees are one-half as compared with English uni- versities. While in England, the educational expenses have not advanced during my residences here, but I am able to say, on the authority of a correspondent who has investigated the subject, that in the United States a girl costs nearly three times as much to send to an important school as even twenty years ago. Vassar College declared this year (1905) an increase of 100 dollars in the yearly rate, and others have followed this course in the charges for tuition, board, and rooms. Besides the actual fees, a new order of things in the way of equipment is developing. The million- aire's daughter sets up an establishment, bringing her own riding and driving horses, and fine dogs, for which board is found in the vicinity of the college. Any exercise excursions are quite as likely to include a motor, as walking-boots. Her spare hours are spent riding, driving, golfing, playing tennis, and running an automobile, for which elaborate and costly outfits are provided for each amusement. Her rooms are elegantly furnished ; no longer the bare little chamber with a worn carpet, a deal chair, and an iron bedstead, but a suite crammed with pictures, statuary, rich rugs, couches, and artistic drapery. At certain of these 147 With John Bull and Jonathan establishments for young ladies ^500 may be put down as the minimum annual expense. Precisely the same conditions exist in reference to the select schools for boys and young men. Students, both men and women, of limited means from New England colleges and high schools fre- quently employ their summer holidays by acting as table waiters during the "season" at the hotels at White Mountains and other resorts, doing the pre- scribed work with ability and cheerfulness. They get their board and certain fees, which go to supple- ment their income for educational expenses. Employ- ment bureaus are connected with nearly all the universities, where young men may register their names for any kind of work they may be willing to undertake in spare hours — even to look after heating apparatus in private houses ; or shovelling snow to clear paths in winter, thus getting exercise as well as dollars. With regard to the charities organised and carried on in London for the relief of distressed Americans I can speak with absolute knowledge. I remember at a banquet of Americans held last year (1904) Mr Choate, the American Ambassador, asked the question : " Have any of you present ever seen a stranded American ? " The query was received with roars of laughter. This laughter was provoked by the image at once raised of the average American who applied to the American resident for a donation, always with the same ostensible object of paying his fare back to the States. During my long re- 148 With John Bull and Jonathan sidence in London I have had visits from certainly looo men and women who claimed to be dis- tressed "stranded Americans." Many of them were utterly unworthy of assistance, their distress arising entirely from idleness, or in consequence of leaving America to come here without any credentials or means of maintaining themselves, relying, as one poor fellow once said to me : " I supposed any good, smart American would find plenty of work to do in London." A great factor of introducing to this country poor and unfriended Americans has been the cattle trade. Cattle-boats coming from the United States to London will allow any able-bodied man, any applicant almost, however indigent he may be, to go on board and look after a certain number of cattle for a free passage and food. On reaching London docks the man is sent adrift without wages, and as empty-handed as when he left the shores of America. Were these men willing to work no amount of human application and diligence would secure work for them. These men know nothing of the character of the work expected from them. They cannot compete with the dock labourer either in strength or method, and they inevitably come to grief. The America Colony in London has assisted many of these cattle boatmen to return to the United States — and with this result, to see the same men turn up again later, under exactly the same circumstances, not having profited by their previous experience. I have been applied to half- a-dozen times by the same identical persons, who have been lucky to get steerage passage home, paid. 149 With John Bull and Jonathan During the last five years a society has been formed to raise a benevolent fund for the assistance of those who deserve help. Mr F. C. Van Duzer, London, is the hon. secretary — the bankers to the fund, Messrs Seligmann Bros. Any native of America in distress may apply for assistance, and his case will be most promptly and carefully inquired into. Resident Americans who are subscribing" to the fund may refer to the secretary any applicant for aid. "Frauds" will not be assisted. During the twelve months, August 1903- 1904, many pathetic cases were relieved by the almoners of the fund. There is also another class of Americans who become stranded in London, who, perhaps, have been well connected in the United States, and who, on arriving here, have had a certain amount of funds with them. These people, by extravagance or indul- gence, have wasted their substance. They usually, in the first place, apply to the Embassy or the Consul, to American bankers or merchants in busi- ness, and if any of these classes will start a sub- scription for them then they will search the directory for every American name they can find, to whom application is made. Dining on one occasion with the Deputy Consul- General, who had filled that important office for over forty years, in reply to my question as to how many of those who had sacredly promised on reaching home to refund the advance made to them had fulfilled their promise, he said : " Not one had ; but on one occasion a sum of los. 6d. 150 With John Bull and Jonathan was returned by a poor woman whom I had once assisted." In my own experience I may safely say that I have sheaves of little scraps of paper with addresses and promises to pay amounts varying from £i to ^5, which would suffice, if they could be cashed, to found several Sunday school libraries. Before the establishment of the Benevolent Fund I adopted the plan of assisting only such applicants as would permit a cable being sent to their relatives or friends in the States, asking funds to be cabled to my care. In few instances would the applicant allow this, urging they did not want to distress their friends, or did not wish them to know of their help- less condition. "But," I would reply, "you are perfectly willing that I, a total stranger, should know this, and ask me to contribute to your necessity, and this is the only method by which I will assist you." I did not make many loans upon these stringent conditions, probably for the reason, in most cases, that the funds of friends in the United States had been well worked upon before they came to me at all. I remember one instance of a widow and her two daughters who came with a very pitiful tale. I asked them if no one in the United States would come to their assistance if they knew of their condition. They said they had an uncle in New Jersey who they believed would respond. They were very reluctant that a cable should be sent to him, but assented. So I wired these words: "Cable sixty pounds for 151 With John Bull and Jonathan desperate necessity, and passage home." This was signed by one of the daughters. I forwarded the message, and told them to call next morning for the reply. As a matter of fact, the reply came the same night ; and I took this to their lodgings, where they were apprehensive of being turned out on account of the arrears which they owed. The answer I handed to them was in the following terms : — " Have cabled sixty pounds. Apply Bank." I scarcely ever remember witnessing such expressions of joy and relief in my life. They sent a message down to the landlady to have her bill ready by eleven o'clock next morning ; and the ladies returned home by the first ship. This was the only instance of a satisfactory response coming to any message to relatives sent by me. The Annual Report of the American Society Benevolent Fund for 1905 has just been issued by Mr F. C. Van Duzer, the Hon. Secretary, and this shows that no fewer than 700 distressed Americans applied for relief. From this number 1 1 8 were found unworthy of assistance, and put upon the Black List; 126 made a second call on being told that proofs, which they alleged they had, must be produced to confirm their statements ; 462 were assisted in various ways ; and a total of ;^8o was refunded to the Society, contributed by 27 different individuals, which is very pleasant to record. In 1895 the American Society in London was established. The declared object of the Society was the promotion of patriotic and social life among 152 With John Bull and Jonathan Americans residing in London. Dinners were to be given on Washington's Birthday, 4th July, Thanks- giving Day, and any citizen of the United States was eligible for election by the general committee. At the preliminary meeting, held at the United States Consulate in March 1895, the Society was formally constituted, and the following gentlemen elected to form a permanent committee : — Ex-officio — the American Ambassador, the Ameri- can Consul - General, the United States Military Attache, the United States Naval Attache, Benjamin F. Stevens, Chairman ; Henry S. Wellcome, Vice- Chairman ; H. B. Chamberlain, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. Members of Committee — Poultney Bige- low, Frank S. Blake, Frank E. Bliss, George H. Bouorhton, Walter H. Burns, R. Newton Crane, Roland R. Dennis, John A. Ferguson, Thomas L. Feild, John G. Meiggs, George A. Mower, Howard Potter, James R. Roosevelt, Ballard Smith, Colonel James L. Taylor, Frederick C. Van Duzer, Henry White, and John Morgan Richards. The lines of the Society were modelled upon those of the New England Society, and the Southern Society of New York. The inauguration banquet took place at the Cafe Royal, Regent Street, 19th April 1895, with the American Ambassador, the Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, in the chair. This Society has greatly prospered, and has now a large membership. The banquets which are given are regarded as important events ; and a new chairman is elected each year from the governing ^53 With John Bull and Jonathan committee. I had the honour of beinor elected chair- man in 1901-2. The Society has been the means of promoting good will and friendship not only amongst Americans, but between them and English representative men who have been invited to the banquets, and there are many Englishmen affiliated members. The American Ambassador for the time being is always the chief guest. The following copy of a toast list at the 4th July banquet, 1897 — the Diamond Jubilee Year of H.M. the Queen — ^will give an excellent example of the proceedings : — THE QUEEN Proposed by the Chairman. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Proposed by the Chairman, R. Newton Crane, Esq. OUR AMBASSADORS Proposed by the Right Rev. the Bishop OF New York Response by His Excellency the American Ambassador, the Hon. John Hay, and His Excellency the Hon. Whitelaw Reid (Special American Ambassador to the Queen's Jubilee). THE DAY WE CELEBRATE Proposed by the Hon. Alex. W. Terrell, {ex United States Minister to Turkey). Response by the Rev. Dr Milburn, (Chaplain of the United States House of Representatives). THE COMMUNITY OF ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLES Proposed by the Hon. A. E. Stevenson (ex Vice-President of the United States). Response by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Albany. With John Bull and Jonathan THE CHAIRMAN Proposed by J. L. Taylor, Esq. (Vice-Chairman of the American Society in London). Response by the Chairman. At these banquets held during the last ten years the most distinguished men in every department of English and American Society have been present. Numerous efforts have been made to establish in London an American club, with club premises and an organisation on the lines of the best English clubs — thus far, such efforts have not been successful. In 1 90 1, when a public subscription was opened in London towards a national monument to the late Queen Victoria, the committee of the American Society addressed a letter to Lord Esher, the hon. treasurer of the fund, suggesting that Americans might be allowed to subscribe. The following reply was received by the hon. secretary, Mr F. C. Van Duzer : — " Dear Sir, — I have laid before the King the sug- gestion, which you were good enough to make, that the American Society should be allowed to add a contribution to the fund for the Memorial to Queen Victoria, and it is needless for me to say that His Majesty was touched by the spirit in which the offer was made on behalf of many who, though not subjects of the Crown, are united to us by blood and by ties of friendship. "In accepting, with gratitude, the proposal of the American Society, may I be allowed to add that the 155 With John Bull and Jonathan Memorial will, in all probability, assume a form which would permit of a clear designation for all time of the offering made in memory of the Queen by the citizens of the United States? — Yours faithfully, "ESHER." The subject was promptly taken up by an appeal issued in the following terms : — "There is practically a unanimous feeling that Americans resident in London, citizens of the great Republic of the West, and descendants of Great Britain's first colonists, would be gratified to have the privilege of joining in this memorial, in order to demonstrate in some fitting manner the affection and reverence they have always felt for that unique and illustrious personality which, to the loss of the whole world, has recently passed away. It is be- lieved that all Americans who have lived in Great Britain during the reign of Queen Victoria will desire to associate themselves with this tribute to her memory, for by her wise administration of domestic and foreign affairs, they have not only been protected in their persons and accorded equal liberties and privileges with her subjects, but have been given the largest encouragement for the practice of their professions and the development of their business interests. A committee will at once be formed in America to receive subscriptions from our fellow- countrymen there, it having been made manifest, from the widespread sympathy expressed throughout 156 With John Bull and Jonathan the United States with Great Britain in the national loss she has sustained, as well as from the universal testimony to the goodness and graciousness of the late Queen, that a number would gladly embrace an opportunity of subscribing to a fund such as is out- lined above." I think ^2000 and over was subscribed. The National Monument is embraced in the great work now (1905) proceeding in St James's Park. Forty years ago the ist of January, New Year's Day, was observed throughout the United States as "the Ladies' at Home Day," and every lady expected her gentlemen friends to pay their respects to her upon that day. Calls began at 11 a.m., and went on until 10 r.M. The blinds of the house would be drawn, the gas lighted, and callers always appeared in evening dress. Every drawing - room would have a table set out with wine, cake, and light refreshments ; and, while the calls were of the most formal character, we were expected to wish the hostess "A Happy New Year." Afterwards men would boast of having made 300 or 400 calls in the day. On such an occasion men who had not been very prudent at the beginning would find themselves greatly embarrassed before their calls were finished. This custom has been practically abandoned now. The custom now prevailing is to fasten a card-basket to the door knob, so that callers simply drop their cards into the basket, and pass on. Whether this 157 With John Bull and Jonathan reform is due to the gentleman or the lady I do not know, but the ist of January no longer demands the social observances of former years. In 1867 the sending of New Year cards, Christmas cards, and Easter cards was unknown in the States, but since that year the custom has grown up, and is now popular in America. The question of " tipping " both in England and abroad, which has grown to such great dimensions as to threaten the curtailments of many social pleas- ures, and increase the cost of many resources of civilisation, is too large to discuss in a book of reminiscences merely, I can only put on record the fact which is within my own experience, that the "tips" given very readily a few years ago for real services rendered at hotels, restaurants, railway stations, and on board steamers have now become a tax. Domestics, and upper servants, porters, waiters, and stewards make impertinent remarks, if the gratuity tendered does not come up to the in- flated notion they possess of what a "tip" should be. Americans themselves, by ostentatious gifts to the servants and employes of their friends, are much to blame for the state of affairs in question. Those merely passing through the country can make one tip go a long way. They might reconsider their liberality if they were residents or employers. 158 CHAPTER XI The Academy — Scheme of Academy Crowns — London Forty Years ago — Footsteps of the Martyrs — Middle Row disappears — Opening of the Viaduct — Alterations in Buildings and Streets — Railways — Baron Grant and Leicester Square — Athletics — English the better Oarsmen — Field Sports — Mr Cooke of Leeds — The Isle of Wight — Steephill Castle. The association which I had with the late Dr Parker in certain newspaper ventures, excited my further in- terest in Hterary journals, which I was in the habit of reading from week to week ; and particularly in reviews of books. Therefore in 1894 I became proprietor of The Academy, a weekly journal devoted to book reviews, and the consideration of interesting literary questions, under the editorship of Mr C. Lewis Hind. There are points about the history of this journal which are of great interest. Mr John Murray founded the paper in 1869, and Dr Apple- ton became the first editor. Matthew Arnold and Arthur Hugh Clough were contributors to the first number which appeared. At Dr Appleton's death, in 1879, Mr C. E. Doble succeeded to the editorial chair, and two years later he was followed in that post by Mr J. S. Sutherland Cotton. Under his editorial care for sixteen years The Academy flourished, and became an organ of the highest modern scholar- ship. Amongst other contributors were Professor 159 With John Bull and Jonathan Huxley, William Morris, Professor Tyndall, Walter Pater, Mark Pattison, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mr Andrew Lang, and others. In order to increase the interest in this paper I offered in 1897, 1898, and 1899 prizes of 100 guineas and 50 guineas for the two best books of the season, the scheme being termed "Academy Crown- ing," and the readers of the journal voting the awards. Thus in 1897 Mr Stephen Phillips was awarded the 100 guineas for his volume of poems, includ- ing "Marpessa"; and Mr William Ernest Henley re- ceived 50 guineas for his "Essay on the Life, Genius, and Achievement of Burns." In 1898 Mr Sidney Lee received 50 guineas for his Life of Shakespeare ; Mr Maurice Hewlett 50 guineas for "The Forest Lovers"; and Mr Joseph Conrad a similar sum for "Tales of Unrest." For 1899 there were so many competitors selected that six sums of 25 guineas were awarded, and these were taken by Mr W. B. Yeats for "The Wind among the Reeds"; to Miss Gwendoline Keats for "On Trial"; Mr Hilaire Belloc for " Danton : a Study"; Mr G. M. Trevelyan for "England in the Age of Wycliffe " ; Mrs Garnet for her transla- tion of the novels of Turgenieff; and Mr H. G. Graham for "The Social Life of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century." That this scheme was greatly appreciated, was evidenced by the letters received from the authors. In 1900, however, the scheme was abandoned for a system of wider interest, in which amateur authors 160 With John Bull and Jonathan were encouraged by liberal awards, to contribute essays, on general and miscellaneous subjects to the journal. Under Mr Hind's editorship the contributors in- cluded many of the best - known names in every department of English literature. This was note- worthy and interesting work. In 1903, becoming the purchaser of the Times publication Literature, I incorporated that journal with The Academy; but, in February 1905, I sold the copyrights to Sir George Newnes, under whose direction the title "Literature" has been dropped, and the original name of "Academy" alone pre- served. During my proprietorship there was only one change in the editorial department, Mr Hind being succeeded after seven years by Mr W. Teignmouth Shore, who conducted the paper until the final transfer was made. The present owner has, of course, created a new staff for the conduct of the journal. When I came to London in 1867 the Holborn Viaduct, on which is my present business establish- ment, was not constructed. In the centre of High Holborn there was still standing Middle Row, comprised of a number of almost disreputable houses and shops, greatly to the hindrance of locomotion — a blot upon the highway, bearing strong proof of the folly of that authority which suffered so strange a blot to exist where the city authority exercised no jurisdiction. L 161 With John Bull and Jonathan The Middle Row was removed, and the Viaduct was opened on 6th November 1869, and on that occa- sion my ambition to distinguish myself was so great that I stood against the barricade at the Holborn side for a long time, awaiting the lowering of the bars, that I might be one of the first to walk over the new Viaduct upon the day of opening. Not satisfied with that achievement, I also mounted an omnibus which crossed, and sat beside the driver, to whom I suCToested that he should g-et himself photographed sitting upon the bus, and sell the pictures to such of his passengers as shared the front seat with him, as a souvenir of the occurrence, and this he told me on subsequent occasions had turned out a profitable venture to him. The official portion of the ceremony was performed by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales The Queen, in 1873, unveiled the equestrian statue of the late Prince Consort which now stands upon the west end of the Viaduct. Many great improvements have also been made in this neighbourhood, forming portions of the great scheme for remodelling the whole of the metropolis. Blackfriars Bridge was in course of construction in 1867, and so also was the Thames Embankment. The Bridge was opened in November 1869, and the northern portion of the Embankment in July 1870. In the matter of street buildincrs which have been improved, I remember how the Holborn Casino was changed into the Holborn Restaurant, and the old supper - rooms, and dancing - hall became a famous 162 With John Bull and Jonathan dining-place and hostelry. The Argyle Rooms, in the neighbourhood of Piccadilly Circus, have disap- peared, and also the Cremorne Gardens at Chelsea. Shaftesbury Avenue has been wholly constructed in my time, all the improvements of Piccadilly Circus carried out ; and the thoroughfare widened and im- proved at Hyde Park Corner, where for so many years the old Duke of Wellington sat his horse on the top of an arch. The sweeping changes now going on in the con- struction of the new road from Holborn through Kingsway and Aldwych to the Strand mark the era of far-reaching improvements, which will be carried out in due course when this one is completed. The Metropolitan Railway Underground System has been fully organised, and one of the attractive sights to American visitors has been a journey on the Inner Circle. One visitor said Americans "will not descend to a train ; we prefer to ascend — hence our elevated railway." All the same, in 1905, New York has a subway tube service twelve miles in length. Cleopatra's Needle I saw set up on the Embank- ment, after the adventurous voyage, so fatal to a number of English sailors, through the Bay of Biscay. This is a noble monument, a gift to the nation realised by the generosity of Sir Erasmus Wilson. Leicester Square in 1867 was nothing better than a receptacle for rubbish, and within a miserable iron fence, enclosing an open space, the dilapidated 163 With John Bull and Jonathan equestrian statue of George I. was the butt for all the practical jokes of fast youths. Mr Albert Grant saw his opportunity for doing a good deed, and to him the metropolis is indebted for possessing at the present day, one of the prettiest open spaces in London, He bought up the interests of all the owners, laid out the space as garden ground, with winding paths, flowers, and shrubs, and adorned the whole with the figure of Shakespeare, sur- rounded with the busts of the eminent men who, at various periods, resided in the square, or the immedi- ate neighbourhood, I remember well the day ap- pointed for the formal opening. This was to have been the gracious work of the Prince of Wales, now King Edward ; but Mr Grant, who at the time had bought a title of " Baron," had the misfortune to oc- cupy a considerable amount of space in the news- papers owing to his connection with the Emma Mine, — the Californian Eldorado as many hoped, and the public favour was withdrawn from him : officials and distinguished persons in art, literature, and politics, were absent, and the occasion was with- out glory. Notwithstanding the gift of the square, the public of London turned their backs upon the Baron. In the world of athletics, the first international event I witnessed was the boat race, between the students of Harvard and Oxford, from Putney to Mortlake, upon the Thames, which took place in 1869, and resulted in the defeat of Harvard, I saw the race from the river-bank near Hammersmith. 164 With John Bull and Jonathan For about half the race Harvard led, and people shouted : '* They will win " ; but as they passed where I stood the shout was changed to : " They are pumped," This was the first occasion I ever heard that word applied to the state of collapse into which the American champions had fallen. Since that time I have witnessed many international contests of every kind between the universities, in the course of which the Americans have occasionally come off triumphant. In rowing, however, the point is generally conceded that the English crews are decidedly the better oarsmen. When I was a boy, and living in the State of Mississippi, I was, as all American lads, very fond of horse riding and shooting, and had many oppor- tunities of indulging the taste : and, being much about fields and woods, I was regarded as by no means an indifferent shot for a youngster. But for many years before coming to England, these exercises had been almost entirely abandoned. In the year 1890, how- ever, I found an agreeable opportunity for testing my skill in both arts — riding and shooting. This came to me through making the acquaintance of Mr Alf Cooke of Leeds, who was the head of the largest printing works in Yorkshire, and who rented from the Earl of Londesborough a shooting of 1500 acres of land at Scoreby, near York, some distance from his own residence, Weetwood Hall, near Leeds. Mr Cooke was a man who had enjoyed a remarkably successful career, and was wholly a self-made man, and while a great worker at his business found 165 With John Bull and Jonathan opportunity to set aside certain days of the week during the shooting season to indulge in field sports in the society of invited friends, and share his spare time with them. On my first visit I was rather reluctant to join the party with guns — all practised shots — until I had had the opportunity of testing my latent powers. This opportunity was given me, and I quickly discovered that what I learned as a boy was not altogether lost, and though by no means a crack shot, I was able to acquit myself fairly well. For nearly ten years in succession, up to the period of his death, I uninterruptedly enjoyed a visit to Mr Cooke's place every shooting season for sport amongst the partridges and pheasants. I will own, however, to a few lessons at the Shooting School at Willesden. My American friends will, I am sure, be glad to read further details of the sport I had, because the American method is of an entirely different character. I generally travelled with my host from London on the Friday night, and we spent Saturday in the fields shooting. During my repeated visits we became fast and intimate friends, and I had the greatest appreciation of his generous hospitality. The shooting parties were composed of noteworthy and stalwart Yorkshiremen, who greatly enjoyed days spent in the coverts, or on the moors. The first party in which I was included numbered eight guns, and I was in doubt, considering the character of the fields over which we were to shoot, whether I could i66 With John Bull and Jonathan keep up with the rest. The ploughed land and the beetroot and potato vines made walking very heavy, and the soil clung in heavy masses to one's boots ; but I am glad to say that, although considerably fatigued by the luncheon hour, I was quite keen to resume the shooting, and continued in my place until the close of the day's programme. Notwithstanding the weather, on every occasion when I joined a shooting party I was able to hold my own to the finish. Sportsmen's " kit," or outfit, deserves a word or two. The Englishman, while certainly approving the newest and smartest of morninor clothes and evening dress of all descriptions, has a great contempt for a new shooting or riding costume, a new gun- case, saddle, or boots. Some method of introducing a touch of antiquity into these essentials has been discovered, and with best results, as one's "outing" clothing must wear out in time. However, the tailor, gunsmith, and saddler must have proved equal to the occasion, for one rarely meets the "spick-and- span " costume which figures in illustrations in books and newspapers. The same conditions apply to golf and motoring outfits. The English tourist suit, of the large-check pattern, with breeches and long stockings, familiar to readers of Punch, and caricatured in American illustrated journals, is as rarely seen nowadays as the " old times " enormous diamond pin ostentatiously displayed in the shirt front of the supposed "rich American." 167 With John Bull and Jonathan The plan pursued on these shooting expeditions was the one common to all throuo^hout Eno'land for both partridge and pheasant shooting. All dogs are kept to the rear, and only come to the front to find the fallen bird. In pheasant shooting the guns are stationed at different points, and beaters are sent out to drive the birds forward. In every covert shooting there is one position which is called "the hot corner," near which, after the woods have been thoroughly beaten, the guns take up positions in the open. I have frequently seen men who could drop two birds at a time, with right and left hand shots. Sport such as this cannot fail to be enjoyed thoroughly. In partridge shooting the fields are " walked up," a line is formed by the sportsmen, and a gamekeeper at right and left. At a signal given all steadily move forward, separated by forty to fifty feet. The birds, in coveys of ten to twenty, rise on hearing the footsteps. They may rise from any point, and those guns get the chance that are in range ; but it is 7iol unusual for a very keen sportsman to "wipe the eye" of the "next in line" comrade, and drop the bird seen at longer range — on the outside line, next the head gamekeeper. Lunch was usually taken in the gamekeeper's cottage ; and if the shooting areas were far apart Mr Cooke always arranged for a brake to convey the party from one portion of the estate to another. In the United States the system of shooting quail, partridges, prairie chickens and the like, is to "shoot i68 With John Bull and Jonathan over dogs." Parties divide up, arranging the area each will work. More often men go out singly with a dog, letting a boy, or guide follow, to carry game. "Pointers and setters" are well trained in America. The eastern and middle States are now too densely populated and built over to encourage sportsmen, one must go to the Southern States, the Far West, or the wild Adirondack region of New York State for important game of any kind. Shooting and fishing clubs of large membership flourish in all favourable localities. Shooting, however, as a popular pastime has not the same attraction in the United States for gentlemen, which prevails in England. In 1900— on the last occasion of my visit to Yorkshire — Mr Cooke was in failing health, and rode with the shooting party on a well-trained pony, which allowed him to shoot from the saddle ; but his friends were saddened to see the change which had taken place in their host. He died in 1901, after a long and painful illness. Mr Cooke was a remarkable man. He was one of three boys born in Leeds of humble parentage — all of whom achieved wealth by their own industry, and attained good positions. I refer to the late Colonel North, and Mr Sampson Fox. Mr Cooke became Mayor of Leeds, and at the time of his death was an alderman, and chairman of the great waterworks committee, and other public trusts of Leeds. He was a very witty man in conversation, and had the activity and buoyancy of a boy up to the period 169 With John Bull and Jonathan of his last illness, and was greeted respectfully by every class of people with whom he came in contact. I attended his funeral in the churchyard of St Chad's, Heading-ley, Leeds. The churchyard was crowded with people, all anxious to show their esteem and reg^ard for the deceased. I have often been asked why it is that in London, where there are so many American visitors, there should not be an American newspaper which would give in detail, questions and occurrences specially affecting American people. Several ex- periments have been made in this direction, and not- ably The New York Herald, which gave to Americans and Britons alike a New York r^stimd every morning for something like a year. This proved to be an entire failure as to financial results, and was with- drawn. Several Anglo-American weekly papers have at- tempted to get hold of the reading public in this country, but, with the exception of The American Register, without great success. In Paris, how- ever. The New York Herald publishes a Paris edition, which has now attained the position of a fine property ; and is the only instance on record where an American daily paper has prospered and rewarded the projectors. Americans are of opinion that all really important events are covered by the news given by the London daily papers, and there are also stock quotations and money market details which are ample for all necessary purposes. I have made very few journeys in England in 170 » I. / < o o w o l-l O o a; With John Bull and Jonathan pursuit of business — such travelling as I have enjoyed having been exclusively for pleasure and sight-seeing, though in the course of my thirty-eight years' re- sidence I have probably visited every place of note or importance. Nearly all our summer holidays have been spent in the Isle of Wight, which I was first induced to visit in consequence of a call made upon me by the editor of an Isle of Wight newspaper, who laid before me an illustrated edition of his paper containing views of the sea-front at Ventnor, and of the Downs behind. His eloquent descriptions of the delights of the fragrant island were not to be resisted, and I decided to pay a visit, to see for myself whether the praise bestowed on the island was just, or exaggerated. In May 1873 the visit was made, and I found that every expectation which had been made as to climate, scenery, and general delight with the place, was more than realised ; and though we once spent a summer in Scotland, and other holidays at Eastbourne, Folkestone, Lowestoft, and Brighton, we never found any district which so fully came up to our requirements and wishes as the Isle of Wight ; and this has practically been our summer home for more than thirty years. We usually engaged a furnished house in Ventnor for several months at a time. Our favourite home for several summers was at Rock Cottage under the care of our good friends, Mr and Mrs Thomas Gibbs. In 1899 I rented from Lord Ampthill the property known as Norris Castle, in East Cowes, which over- looked the harbour and the Solent. We went into 171 With John Bull and Jonathan residence in August, and remained there until the end of November. During this year the Prince of Wales met with an accident to his leg, and spent nearly the whole summer on board the Osborne in Cowes harbour — the Oueen being- in residence at Osborne — and because of the presence of Her Majesty and the Prince, at the same time this was probably the most interesting period ever known in the Isle of Wight. The following year I rented " Old Park," the well- known estate of the late William Spindler, Esq., which is situated between St Lawrence and Niton, a charminor and deliohtful residence, with beautiful gardens and ornamental grounds overlooking the Channel, and about ten miles west of the Needles. In 1903 I bought Steephill Castle, an estate near Ventnor, having rented the Castle for three seasons previously ; finding the place exactly suited to our wishes I was glad of the opportunity to purchase. Years ago the late Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort were constant visitors to the grounds, and sat on the South Terrace, now the Victoria Terrace ; and here later came the unfortunate Empress of Austria to reside for a season. The Empress' room, on the ground floor, was her favourite apartment. On the estate is a cottage built by the Hon. Hans Stanley when Governor of the Isle of Wight, 1764- 1780; and I have recently restored this interesting, ivy-embowered structure. Steephill Castle itself was designed by Sanderson, who was the architect re- sponsible for the restoration of the Henry VII. Chapel in Westminster Abbey. 172 H K o w -J o H CHAPTER XII Walking and Driving Tours in England — Widows as Publicans — Young America in England and Young England in the United States — The Alien American — An "Unnaturalised Alien" — Firms of Americans in London — Continental Experiences — A Visit to Canada — Holland — Railway Travelling — Porters and Porters. In 1883 I enjoyed the privilege of a pedestrian tour in England with my old friend and early busi- ness associate, Mr William Porter Ward of New York. We began by walking from London to Oxford, which occupied us four days. The follow- ing year I went upon a similar tour with Mr Ward in North Wales. Starting from Llandudno we ascended Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales, and after descending, walked to Bangor. Previously, in 1872, I took a walking tour round the Isle of Wight with Mr F. C. Van Duzer, the son of my partner at that time. Starting from Ventnor, we made the tour of seventy miles in a little over four days. In 1888 I took my first driving tour, which was from London to Leamington, the route lying through Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and Great Malvern ; returning through South Wales, Bristol, Gloucester, Somersetshire, Oxfordshire to London. The run was through a notable country, the associations historical, and the whole experience was most agree- 173 With John Bull and Jonathan able. My son Nelson was with me on this journey. The vehicle we used was a light dogcart, and we generally covered from twenty to thirty miles a day. This was the first opportunity I had in England of renewing my Californian experiences. In 1889 I took another route, this time driving through the Thames Valley to Oxford, and then throupfh Berkshire and Herts back to London — making a tour of 200 miles. One amusement we had on this tour was the making a collection of the names of all the public-houses which we passed, the result being somewhat amusing in character. The number of ''White Harts," "Red Lions," "White Swans," " King's Heads," I dare not record. I have introduced the subject of these drives and walking tours, which were not eventful, that I might refer to the wonderful country roads and foot- ways which one traverses in almost every part of England, in marked contrast with the distinctly rough driving and walking, one must experience in nearly all sections of the United States. The English roads everywhere are like an American trotting race-course, and at all seasons of the year. " The wayside inns " and hostelries of England have been described by many able writers, and I only wish to confirm all that has been said in their favour — a hearty welcome, simplicity, and comfort of the old-fashioned type. The traveller's reward is assured, whether calling at noonday, or for the dinner, bed, and breakfast. One is also glad to escape the " menu " card, and leave everything to 174 With John Bull and Jonathan the judgment of "mine host." The tap- room and bar is a feature of all countryside inns, and one hears amusing- if not instructive conversation. One extraordinary circumstance attracted my atten- tion in my walking and driving tours — namely, that at nearly every inn and public-house at which we stopped the house was conducted by a woman, and in many instances by a widow and her daughters. Upon questioning my friends after my return, the general opinion was expressed that the fact disclosed the fatal effect of a constant tippling on the part of the husband, the wife not readily falling into that bad habit. I have often been asked as to the possibilities likely to follow when a young American comes to London with a view to acquiring a knowledge of business, and ultimately establishing himself in England. Long observation has led me to the con- clusion that an American's chances are by no means favourable in any line of business. American friends have frequently urged me to take their sons into my employ as clerks or travellers, and in no instance has the trial resulted in a satisfactory way. The whole conduct and habit of business in E norland, are entirely different from what is current in America. The currency differs, the methods of the people differ ; and the conduct of men is entirely dissimilar to what is observable in the United States. American youths are submissive enough, but greatly fail in the matter of reverence for their elders, and for those who are really set in authority. They have no in- 175 With John Bull and Jonathan tention to be discourteous or rude, in tlie slightest degree, yet they invariably seem to be regarded by Englishmen as too full of "bounce." In my judg- ment, tact and good manners are good capital, and are as important as a good banking account. These very differences apply with the same urgency against the prospect of a young Englishman succeed- ing in the United States. The Briton's dignity and manner are apt to suggest to an American employer that he has not got any "go in him." To my mind, foreigners of all countries have an excellent chance of succeeding in America if they are quick to adapt themselves to the requirements of the country. Englishmen and foreigners generally will succeed in the United States as merchants, traders, farmers, and labourers. The climate and general air of freedom in the States seems to stimulate them to put forth their best energies. The present population of the United States is set down at 7o,ooo,0(X), which includes 30,000,000 born of almost every foreign country, and the major number have become naturalised American citizens — a process which is easily gone through — but in my opinion very few Americans settled in England ever become naturalised citizens. About fifteen years ago I was offered the honour of being elected a member of one of the City Com- panies of London, and when I received the papers relating to membership I discovered that I was not eliofible unless I first became a naturalised citizen of Great Britain, and took the oath of allegiance. This, 176 1-5 tn S H X' O r-i ai en o With John Bull and Jonathan however, I was reluctant to do, and, therefore, my name was withdrawn. I am, therefore, in this curious position — I cannot vote for any Member of ParHa- ment, nor hold any public office other than in local parochial matters such as a School Board or a Board of Guardians of the district in which I reside — but I am not excused from paying in full all rates and taxes. My disqualification to vote for a parliamentary candidate is continually being thrust before me ; but rarely have I ever received one more absurdly igno- rant than the last, which came to hand under date 19th August 1905, which reached me at Steephill Castle. The objection is taken by one whose name I mercifully conceal. There are two ob- jections, and the second is : " That you are an un- naturalised alien ! " Even now some men insist, with Dogberry, to be written down "an ass." The non-naturalisation has, however, certain advantages, because I cannot be called upon to serve upon any juries other than a coroner's jury. I have been summoned on a great many juries, but have always been excused because I am an alien, and a man must, by law, be tried by a jury of his countrymen. But I have never encountered any difficulty in con- sequence of my non-naturalisation, and certainly my experience proves that equal justice in law is meted out to the native born, the naturalised, and non- naturalised alike. When I came over in 1867 there were not ex- ceeding a dozen firms of American origin, including the American banking houses. To-day there are many M 177 With John Bull and Jonathan hundreds engaged exclusively in American manu- factures and productions. The principal American banking houses to which visitors from across the Atlantic brought letters of credit to this country in 1867 were Messrs Brown, Shipley & Co., Messrs Barings & Co., Messrs George Peabody & Co., Messrs Jay Cooke, M'Culloch & Co. Messrs George Peabody have been succeeded by Messrs J. S. Morgan & Co. Mr George Peabody, besides being a banker, was also a well-known philanthropist. Many years before his death Mr Junius S. Morgan became his partner, and succeeded to the business. The second time I visited Paris was immediately after the fall of the Commune, when the Napoleonic dynasty had ended. Many of the chief buildings were in ruins, and I examined them with a consider- able amount of interest as relics of a fallen monarchy and the crime of an ignorant section of the people. In 1 87 1 the firm of Van Duzer & Richards established a branch office in Paris, and for two or three years succeeding I made monthly visits there in connection with the branch, and this continued until the dissolu- tion of our partnership. I also paid several visits to Hamburg, where a branch agency of Van Duzer existed, and travelled on business in Holland and Belgium ; and the only pleasure trip I took for several years — other than visits to Paris — was one with Mrs Richards by steamer to Rotterdam, and through Holland up the Rhine on to Hamburg, returning by steamer direct to London Bridge. My impressions of what a foreign country was like 178 With John Bull and Jonathan were realised on visitino: Paris — and I have found this to be the case with nearly all Americans. I do not think they are prejudiced in England, for this is not a strange land, because they hear their own tongue ; but when they cross the Channel they hear for the first time a foreign tongue, and mark foreign customs, which are a great contrast to what they see or hear either in England or America. A short stay in Rotterdam taught me how unjust I had been in my estimate of the Dutch by my ac- quaintance with a Dutchman who was employed in the same warehouse in New York in which I was first employed. He was thoroughly Dutch in all his ways, well educated, and could speak English, but was spoken of and looked upon by the American working staff as someone quite inferior because he came from Rotterdam. My knowledge of geography had failed to impress me with the importance of that seaport, but when I saw for myself the grand streets and stately public buildings, the busy quays and crowded warehouses, I felt inclined to write to my former comrade, and beg his pardon for having be- littled him as not having seen anything grand or important until he reached New York, the Empire City. My travelling in England has never been in any way extensive, though I have paid single or several visits to most of the cities and centres of industry in the United Kingdom. I consider that the con- veniences for travellers and the conveniences for travelling in England surpass those which we possess 179 With John Bull and Jonathan in the United States. The comfort found in first, second, and third class passenger carriages ; the tidiness and smartness of railway stations ; the civilities of the officials ; the absence of all loungers and loafers at the stations — all these are far in advance of the experience obtained in the United States. English railway fares are reasonable, and having three classes of fares people can economise if they wish to do so and without loss of time. I am not prepared to support the opinion which I have frequently heard, that only fools ride first class, and that a third-class carriage is as comfortable as the first — the difference existing in one's imagination only. Personally, I consider a first-class carriage extremely comfortable and luxurious, and a third-class carriage I consider distinctly uncomfortable if the full com- plement of passengers is inside, which is fixed at ten ; while in the first class the maximum is six. The accommodation in third-class carriages has greatly improved during the past few years on some lines ; a few having been guilty of the extravagance of providing cushioned sides and backs. Americans must have the credit of being the first to introduce into England the Pulman car, the dining-car, and a new heating system. But the new method of heating is not popular, passengers preferring the old-fashioned comfort of iron foot warmers, which are simply tubes of hot water. Sleeping-carriages have been adopted on the lines of railway to the north and west, of England, and on all lines where the journey occupies upwards of eight hours. This also is an American i8o With John Bull and Jonathan invention. Americans travelling in England often complain that they cannot get a drink of iced water in a Pulman carriage in England, and that newspapers and periodicals and pop - corn are not offered for sale during journeys. These, which the American considers essentials, can only be ob- tained at the stations. All Americans are favourably impressed with the excellent character of the refresh- ment-rooms on British railways, and the appearance of the railway stations, as compared with the very inferior character of what they see on American lines of railway, particularly in the matter of obtaining drinks, or quick lunches. The dining-car on the American railway has almost effected the abolition of the station restaurant or luncheon bar. There is a noticeable feature on English railways which always excites admiration, and that is the care and attention given to the little station gardens, which often display a high appreciation of horticulture. Another point which is very noticeable in England is that all railway officials in every department wear uniform, which is not the case in the United States. English railway porters are the most obliging creatures the world has ever produced, and for a small " tip " save the traveller from the burden and anxiety of having to look after his luggage. In contrast with this, I may mention what happened to me in the United States in 1902. I arrived at a station called Morristown, in St Lawrence County, New York, by a ferry-boat from Brockville, in Canada. The railway station was some forty yards from the 181 With John Bull and Jonathan landing-stage, and I had seven pieces of luggage, all small, for convenience of handling. The whole seven could have been placed inside an American "Saratoga" trunk. When the boat reached the landing I turned to a "boy" I thought was a porter, but who really was a boatman, and said to him : " I should like my things taken to the railway platform." His reply was : " I guess you will have to take them yourself, then." As the day was hot, I wondered whether I should be able to find someone to carry them for me. Going up to the Stationmaster, I told him what I wanted, and to my surprise he confirmed the boat- man's remark, that there was no one there to handle passengers' luggage. Next, I went to an express office in the station, and asked the clerk in charge if he could give me any assistance, to which he replied: "Yes; I will send a man for them if you will pay 25 cents a package." I expressed my readi- ness to do so, whereupon he shouted up to a lazy- looking fellow : " Bill, here's a man with seven grip sacks left on the boat landing, bring them here in a hurry." The result was quite satisfactory, and I had my luggage safely stowed on board my train for an expenditure of about 6s., for doing which any English railway porter would have accepted 6d. I must here refer to the occasion of my visit to Canada. It was to pay a flying visit to Senator George T. Fulford, residing at Brockville. Senator Fulford and family have spent a portion of each year in London since 1892, and my firm acts as his agents in a very important business. Our relations with 182 With John Bull and Jonathan him and his charming family have grown into those of a warm personal character. I need not say how delighted I was to pay this visit and enjoy the splendid hospitality that was tendered to me. Fulford Place, built of granite in the style of a huge Italian Mansion, faces the St Lawrence River. I arrived on a perfect sunshiny day in October, and had the great pleasure of a cruise in my host's yacht up to Alexandra Bay and the Thousand Islands. Other excursions by land were taken. Every possible delight that kind- ness could suggest was secured to me, and the forty- eight hours at my disposal were too quickly spent. In America you do not always hear a " Thank you " even when tips are given. I have had to bribe porters with large fees, when I have asked them to do something out of their ordinary routine, and help me in or out of a train with my hand luggage. I should explain, however, that the average American traveller does not encumber himself with hand luggage of any kind : he ** checks " his luggage from one station to his destination, and can obtain the same upon arrival by giving up his duplicate check to an express man, who goes through the train before reaching any large town, and for is, per package will deliver your luggage in any part of the city or town to which you are going. To explain the American system of luggage check- ing, about which I am often asked, I append an exact reproduction of the official metal check which a passenger receives for each piece of luggage taken by all lines of the railways. The large check is 183 With John Bull and Jonathan affixed to the handle of the trunk or bag by slipping the end of the leather strap through the loop. The duplicate is retained by the passen- ger until he claims his luggage at the terminus, or is surrendered to the Express Delivery Company, whose representative " boards the train " before reaching the terminus, and from each passenger takes in- structions for delivery to hotel, or residence, or for transfer to another railway, giving Express Company checks in exchange for the railway voucher. A charge of 25 cents to 35 cents is made to deliver such pieces of luggage within city or town limit. The baggage check illustrated is one used by the Boston and Albany and New York and New Haven Railway. This check ing system is more convenient and safe, both for pas- sengers and railway companies, than the pasted label method employed in England. Another advantage is that, if you do not wish to immediately claim your luggage at the terminus, no time is wasted in taking what you have to a cloak-room. The check en- sures the passenger's luggage being taken care of 184 Lond^ Brighton & South Coast RaUway. Portsmouth Harbour to London Bridge With John Bull and Jonathan till called for and the "duplicate" produced. For the information of Americans who have not English railway experience I here add a reduced copy in fac-simile of the paste label as used in Great Britain on all lines of travel. Many Americans coming to this country express surprise that at railway stations passengers are con- tent to have their luggage simply labelled, and that being done, feel confident that their luggage will be properly carried and delivered up to the owner at the station where they will alight, the passenger holding no receipt or voucher of any kind. In practice, the loss of luggage is extremely rare in England, and the claiming of luggage by unauthorised persons is also a rare occurrence. Personally, I have never lost an article in this way, nor had anything miscarry, and I never failed to secure afterwards any article which had been unintentionally left on the platform, or an umbrella casually left in the train. The same degree of safety also attaches to articles left in London cabs or in theatres. Whether employees are more honest than in America I do not know, but the fact remains that articles left behind in vehicles and places of amusement are nearly always restored by application being made in the proper quarter. With regard to English hotels in town or country, Americans are always favourably impressed with the manner of their reception on arrival ; the attention which is paid to the pleasantness of the rooms ; the courtesy of the servants ; and the absence of the rush and indifferent methods at most of the American 185 With John Bull and Jonathan hotels. The EngHsh hotel proprietor, either in person or by proxy, makes a certainty that any guest arriving shall have every attention shown, a hearty welcome, and be made at home. Pains are taken also to identify a guest, so that if a friend calls they can recognise the person wanted without a number. i86 CHAPTER XIII Revisiting America — The Changes apparent — In Ships crossing the Atlantic — Improved Roads — Sky-scrapers — Servants— Hours of Labour changed — Merchants seen by Everybody — TravelUng Facihties — Tyranny of Hackmen — Charity Collections — Eating, Drinking, and Smoking — American Women— The Stage Yankee — Questions of Accent and Pronunciation. Between the years 1867 and 1905 I have crossed the Atlantic forty times. In a previous chapter I have described the characteristics of the Russia, one of the Cunard Line upon which I travelled when I first came to England. The great advance made in sea-going vessels is as remarkable as that of any other great improvement in travelling made upon land. This has not been a rapid development, nor has the savins in time which has been effected been as marked as the size and luxurious appointments of the vessels employed in the transatlantic service. Personally, I have always given the preference to the Cunard Company, and, with three exceptions only, have always travelled by that line. Upon two occasions I have gone by the White Star Line, and once by the old National Line, on the s.s. Spain. Between the Rtissia of 1867 and the Campania of 1902 the improvements referred to are really won- derful, including the introduction of the Marconi apparatus on these ships ; and the publication of a daily paper on board, containing the latest news, 187 With John Bull and Jonathan appears to crown all that can be desired on these fine vessels. I have already referred to the plain and substantial food supplied on the earlier vessels, but now every delicacy which is in season will be found, with ample supply of fruit for dessert. The wines are of every brand known on the market. The third-class menu is also g-enerous in the extreme. I had again brought to my notice the unique opportunity the Atlantic voyage offers for character study. Whether the ship's company may number loo or 500, there will never fail to appear " the life of the ship," in the person of some very energetic, good-looking young lady, wearing a jaunty hat, white shirt waist and navy-blue short skirt, and tan boots, ready for a deck promenade in all weathers. She will explore the engine-room, or sit as near the ship's bows as it is possible to get ; take part in all deck games ; oblige with a song in the music-room ; pass the plate for collection on the evening of the inevitable " Ship Concert" ; and generally interest herself in all that is going on. This performance soon attracts the male counterparts of this young lady, to the extent of three or four, who roam the ship in her glad company, each endeavouring to rival the other in their devotion. Then there is always the passenger who crosses every year ; has " the best room in the ship ; " best seat at the table ; best attendance from the stewards ; special dishes served to his luncheon or dinner, and in a quiet way will tell you that he is allowed by the owners and captain to " run " the ship. 188 With John Bull and Jonathan He is seemingly oblivious to the fact that there are at least a dozen " best rooms," all regulated by the printed rates "according to accommodation," open to first come, first served ; that seats at table are allotted by the saloon steward in a fair manner, and usually according to priority of booking and the class of room occupied. " Attendance " is a matter understood by everyone. And then there is the very select family party, with deck-chairs grouped together in a sheltered position, conscious of their reserved superiority. Speaking to a juvenile member of one of these groups, a bright little girl, I ventured to ask her name. She said : ** My name is . Mamma says we are the nicest people on the ship." The shorter voyages of the present day curtail to a large extent the acquaintance and good fellowship among passengers that used to occur in the old days. People, however, become friendly, and pass the time most agreeably. The individual, however, is respon- sible as to whether he will enjoy himself, or be bored to death, finding fault, and wishing himself on land. One of the latest advantages conferred by the Marconi wireless messages is to hold conversation with other vessels at sea. These may be more than lOO miles apart, and out of sight, yet messages are exchanged, frequently between three vessels at a time during a space of twelve hours ; and messages from land to land are daily received. While changes which I have described have been going on in London, my surprise was very great to 189 With John Bull and Jonathan notice the changes which had been effected in the United States in 1902, These were more especially noticeable in New York. When I first left the States the only communication between up-town and down-town was, by horse railways and omnibuses Now there are no longer any horse omnibuses or horse cars, the latter having been superseded by electric tramways, and the former by what is known as " Elevated railways," and Tube subway service. The paving of the streets has also been vastly improved, and there is now scarcely one thoroughfare in New York where formerly the pavement consisted of cobble-stones, or square blocks of stone, which has not been now relaid on the Macadam system. Thus the old method of constructing roads without a bed, and adjusting with balancing cement — which resulted in streets where the traffic was enormous becoming as uneven as the waves of the sea — has now been superseded by a modern method, where the asphalted surface presents a perfectly level area on which to travel. By the new method there has been overcome the effect of the winter frost, which usually penetrated to a depth of a foot or 18 inches, and brought about a very irregular surface ; but now, by digging down and making a bed, the frost produces no effect upon a road properly constructed on the European plan. The improvements in public buildings have been very great ; while merchants, warehouses, and private dwellings show an equally great advance. The great *' sky-scrapers " — one quite new one, the 190 NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH AMEEICA, NEW YOBK. With John Bull and Jonathan " Times Building," runs up to a height of 362 feet above the pavement, with sixty feet foundation, and the whole structure contains thirty-one floors — are served by electric express lifts, which go through to certain floors without stopping. On Manhattan Island " sky-scrapers " were almost necessary on account of the limited area for building ground and the demand for business premises and offices, so that no course was possible to meet commercial requirements, unless every inch of ground was occu- pied to the full limit of safety, as to the height of buildings. The hotel accommodation had grown as rapidly as in London, and was as greatly improved. As in London, so also in New York, vast numbers of well-to-do families, who would prefer a private residence, reside in hotels, owing to the great servant difficulty. Residential flats or "Apartment Houses" (as they are preferably called in New York) have become the residences of thousands who formerly would rent a house. Probably this mode of house- keeping is adopted to a greater extent in the United States than in London. Living in hotels to avoid the "servants" problem is also on the increase in New York. Good domestic servants in the United States are hard to obtain, and ask extravagant wages. So great is the demand for them that per- sons engage without a reference or asking for a character, and servants leave without asking for a character, and without giving notice. The monthly wages in 1902 for cooks in a private family would 191 With John Bull and Jonathan average $40 (^8) ; for housemaids, $20 (^4) ; and for parlour - maids, $25 (^5)- Men - servants obtained the following wages : — butlers $50, {/^lo) ; coachmen, $40 (^8) ; and footmen, $25 (^5). All these classes of servants are foreigners, and as a rule are badly trained, and come out to America without experience — their one qualification being usually, that they are strong and healthy. They quickly learn the routine of domestic service. An American-born woman of the white race is rarely found acting as a servant in any house. I have heard an American lady say that she had enjoyed in England nothing so much as the civility of ser- vants, whether in hotels or private houses. " Why," said she, "they say 'Thank you' when you have not given them anything." I found that the hours of work in merchants' ware- houses and professional offices had been reduced in number. As a boy, I was expected to be at work by 7.30 A.M., and left at 6 p.m. Now the hours are from 8.30 or 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. But there still remains an atmosphere of bustle and hustle about a place of business, as if you were expected to move quickly and take up the least possible time over any particular duty. The London practice of making appointments with persons whom you wish to see or visit is rarely adopted in American cities. This would result in an enormous waste of time in the States. Every man of business in New York can be found at his place during office hours, and instead of us- 192 With John Bull and Jonathan ing a private room the members of the firm sit where they can be seen by everyone entering the premises, and persons will approach the one wanted without giving a thought as to causing any interruption : he walks right up, in spite of others persons being before him. Personally, I condemn this practice altogether, and instead of showing a democratic and independent feeling in doing so, exactly the reverse is exhibited ; but when I have called attention to the matter, the only answer I have received has been : " Well, this is not London— this is New York." But I do not wish to be understood as saying that no opportunity is given for private conversation with the head of the firm either on commercial or private affairs. The ordinary caller, I mean, will not hesitate to press in if he can see the man he is in search of; will approach him without any hesitation whatever ; and can only be prevented by some special regulation. But, of course, there are establishments where private offices do exist, and where the principal is more secluded ; and the value of the private room is gradually being recog- nised as giving better facilities for business in many respects. There is no improvement, however, in the casual and off-hand manners of railway servants or hotel attendants ; and, to do them justice, I do not think they intend to be rude — only they have not learned the true way of politeness. The parks in New York I found to have been greatly improved, and now Central Park and River- N 193 With John Bull and Jonathan side Drive (which at my last visit were only in a partial state of completion) have developed in such a way as to bear comparison with the parks and drives possessed by the finest cities in the world. The pedestrian traffic is now facilitated by the Elevated Railway, the Tube, and the Brooklyn Bridge ; by street cars and ferries, crossing north and east, and rivers, to Staten Island Ferry. Another great improvement which I noticed was in tne character of the wharves and landing-stages used by the great steamship companies. These are all built of wood resting on piles driven into the bed of the river ; and as the tide rises and falls the largest vessels go alongside, and load or unload, not- withstanding there is a fall of about six feet at every turn of the tide. The hours of departure for vessels are regulated by the depth of water at Sandy Hook Bar at the entrance to the harbour, and not by the state of the water in the north and east rivers. The Custom House regulations have only been slightly improved, and while a Customs' examination is made of passengers' luggage from foreign ports a reasonable amount of property is allowed to enter duty free. Notwithstanding this remission, strangers and Americans greatly complain of the method of examining trunks, after the required declaration has been made by every traveller as to the number of packages he has, and the value of their contents, and that he does not carry anything for purposes of trade, but only for gifts to relatives and friends. This statement has to be made before leaving the 194 OS o X a: a 2 CQ o Z w w IS o o q: CQ q: u Q O o z CO CO < 0. a. C/3 With John Bull and Jonathan ship in the presence of Custom House officers, who board the vessel off the quarantine point. The examination of the baggage does not commence until every piece has been placed on the landing-stage, in sections marked by letters of the alphabet cor- responding to the first letter of the owner's surname. When the luggage has been passed, and the duties leviable paid, you are at liberty to remove your property, and forward by express delivery, at is. each package ; or you may charter a private conveyance, for which you have to pay not less than 5 dollars nor more than 10 dollars to any spot within the limits of the city. The majority of people adopt the ex- press system of despatching their luggage, and then proceed to their homes or hotels by the Elevated Railway, rather than submit to the exorbitant charges of hackmen, and travel by a private vehicle. There is no such system in New York analogous to that which exists in London with regard to articles left in public vehicles, and there is very little probability of anything left behind in a public vehicle ever being restored. No one is ever so foolish as to put an umbrella or walking-stick under a bundle of rugs, and send the whole by public express, as there could be no reasonable hope of their being delivered in the same condition. On attending a church service on Easter Sunday 1890 I was much impressed with the contrast between a similar service in England in a neigh- bourhood of similar character. The pews of a New York church are upholstered in a luxurious V 195 With John Bull and Jonathan manner, costly carpets cover the floors of pews and aisles, the pulpit stairs and platform, and give the whole the appearance of a grand drawing-room arranged for a concert, or an entertainment of some kind. The school-rooms and lecture-room attached to the churches are also beautifully carpeted and decorated, and furnished with comfortable chairs. On that Easter Sunday I visited two of the fashion- able churches in Fifth Avenue, New York, and was told by friends who were well informed that the floral display on the altars and in other portions of the church represented an outlay of 5000 dollars (^1000), Before quarrelling with such a lavish dis- play, the question should be asked as to what sum the Easter offerings reached. I asked this question, and was told that in each of the churches I visited they would be not less than 10,000 dollars (^2000). These sums were collected on the plates which were handed round. A millionaire, who was a churchwarden, handed the plate round to the pew in which I sat, and so great was the accumulation of bank-notes that he had to keep one hand upon the top of the pile to prevent them from being blown away. Among the contributions I noticed 5-dollar and 100- dollar notes. These large sums so collected were at the disposal of the Rector or Vicar for charitable purposes, and he acted as almoner for his congrega- tion. There was no interference with his discretion as to the bestowal or refusal of alms to anyone, and all requests for help were forwarded to the senior clergyman in charge, he undertaking the serious 196 With John Bull and Jonathan responsibility of inquiring into all applications for help which were received. The demands made by the public for Theatres and Music halls, I found, had been met by an in- creased supply, and on a similar scale of magnificence to those which were more recently constructed in London. The prices of admission to all parts of New York theatres are much lower than in London ; and no rule prevails as to dress, excepting upon occasions when Grand Opera is presented. No tips are expected by the attendants, nor is any charge made for programmes. Visitors reach the theatres by tramcars or the railway service. Ladies wear their hats as a matter of course, and gentle- men go direct from business, and wearing their office dress. Ladies do not remove their head- gear, wherever they may be sitting ; but great numbers of men do attend in evening dress, as in London. There is no line drawn as to the wearing of dress in any particular portion of the theatre, and to exclude a soldier in uniform would be regarded as an outrage ; but the negro, notwith- standing that he is now a free and independent citizen, would not be admitted into the stalls or dress circles of a theatre in North or South : he must get his theatrical experience from the gallery, there not being any pit in an American theatre. The advantage of the democratic method of attending theatres in the United States is largely to the advantage of the proprietors of theatres, and the more moderate charges which are made conduce to 197 With John Bull and Jonathan the same end. A man and his wife may go to a theatre and occupy stalls there at a cost, including conveyance to and from, of not more than 6s. each. At some of the theatres, by signifying your wish at the box office, you will obtain tickets at a charge which will include you being sent for, and taken home, after the performance in a cab. London Hansom cabs were in use in New York to a considerable extent in 1902; the minimum fare for any distance was i dollar. One can scarcely take a cab to pay a visit or make a business call under an outlay of 3 dollars or 4 dollars ; hence com- paratively few can enjoy the luxury of a cab where fares are regarded somewhat in the light of extor- tion. If measured distances and reasonable fares were charged, the patronage extended to them would be as extensive as in London. The habit of taking supper after leaving the theatre prevails in New York as in London, and practically the same menu is met with in both cities. Of course, in New York the oyster is the ever-prevailing dish, and this is the most popular item at all restaurants and refreshment bars. A man will order six or a dozen oysters without any further addition to his meal. The oyster in London is not cooked, as in the States. There is no item of food which can be cooked in so many different ways. In England they only eat the oyster raw ; while in the States the oyster is roasted in the shell, broiled, fried, or stewed. The best oysters can be had from a halfpenny to a penny each, but, of course, in a fashionable restaurant or 198 With John Bull and Jonathan hotel, a considerable addition is made for cooking and serving. I observed no difference in the habit of bar- drinking, nor in that of drinking "between drinks" instead of with meals. Mint juleps, cocktails, plain whisky, and brandy taken almost neat, are the popular beverages, and in many instances they are taken much too frequently. The wine most favoured at dinner is champagne, and the United States are said to be the largest buyers in the world ; and they are also the largest buyers of Havana cigars, smoking tobacco which they produce themselves. There is also an important industry carried on in the manu- facture of "domestic cigars," which possess a tobacco- leaf cover, and inside prepared cabbage leaves. There is an important tobacco and cigar industry carried on at Key West. When I was a boy a cigar costing lo cents (sd.) was considered an ex- travagance even for a man of good position to smoke ; but now the same class buy cigars which cost 40 cents (is. 8d.) and 50 cents (2s, id.). Americans are frequently described, and rightly so, as extravagant in the matter of personal indulgence. On the other hand, many are careful and prudent, and manage their affairs with commendable prudence, like many men in every part of the globe. In London you frequently hear, when a great charity is in need of exceptional assistance, or a sale is about to take place of some famous painting or rare article of value : " Please introduce me to some rich American." Now, Americans are not richer than, nor nearly so rich as, a 199 With John Bull and Jonathan wealthy man in England, nor are they so numerous. If there is any difference between the two classes, the more prudent man is the Englishman, because, as a rule, he limits his expenditure to his means ; while an American does not hesitate to spend his capital in order to carry out his own wishes as to mode of living, or to accomplish what he and his family may desire to carry out. In England men are spoken of as having so much per annum ; in America they are spoken of as being worth so many millions of dollars, and very rarely indeed is a man spoken of by his income. An American will spend the whole of his income without any hesitation if, for social or other reasons, his purpose would be served. An English- man, as a rule, with those with whom he is intimate, will plainly make known his circumstances in a perfectly natural and honest way. " Oh ! " he will say, " I have only got ^{^500 a year." But wild horses would not drag out of an Anierican any admission of that character. He would never be identified with a fixed income until he was connected with a post the emolument of which was known. The Enerlishman by his openness gains the greater credit, and he is not led into expenses which he cannot afford, and he is not asked to participate in entertainments and functions, which are beyond his means. If urged to do so, he will frankly remind you of the state of his finances. American women are more induloed than Enolish women, because they eclipse English women in their ability to inspire their husbands ; and they are also 200 With John Bull and Jonathan more extravagant in their personal expenditure, but in this particular they are encouraged by their husbands. Many Americans who are quite indifferent as to their own indulgence in the matter of dress, amusements, or carriages will cheerfully support the fancies and foibles of the female members of their families. In all matters of pleasure-making, amuse- ments, and travelling the American woman sets the pace. The passion for travel between the two countries during the last twenty-five years has become so great that the better class of Americans have all paid visits to England, and no one in society would admit that a visit was the first, being paid to England. Notwithstanding the English familiarity now with the genuine American, his appearance, speech, and manners, he is still represented upon the stage as wearing short trousers, a '"goatee" beard, long hair, and a curled-up slouch hat ; and he must begin nearly every sentence with the words: "Say, stranger!" As an illustration, the following will give an idea of what such a Yankee is expected to say on his opening a conversation with a Briton : — "Say, stranger! have you seen a yaller dog, with a tail an inch, an inch and a half, or two inches long, about a mile, a mile and a half, or two miles off?" Needless to sav, an American is able to conduct a conversation, even with an unknown person, without beginning with : "Say, stranger!" The nearest approach to a real American character in a play that I have seen produced in London was 20I With John Bull and Jonathan called "The Colonel," and the title role was played by Charles Coghlan. He had the correct American accent without exao'fferation. In this connection I may say that Mr Buckstone, when playing the part of Asa Trenchard in "Our American Cousin" — a character created by Joseph Jefferson — accent- uated his words so that it was in no way creditable to the fine acting of that distinguished actor. There are some Americans who become offended if you tell them they have an accent and speak in some degree with a nasal sound ; but to deny the imputation is to prove ignorance of the chief characteristic of their native country. Why should not an American be satisfied with his accent in the same way as is a Briton, a Frenchman, a German, or any other foreigner ? I have had persons complain to me, that, on going into shops in Regent Street and in the Strand, assistants serving had given them a price in dollars, and asked them if they had any- thing cheaper in New York. On their asking how they knew they were from New York, the answer was : " By your accent," and they appealed to me to know in what way their voice was different from the native-born English. I have never been mistaken for an Englishman in England, though I have resided here thirty-eight years, but on my visits to the United States I have invariably been taken for an Englishman by persons who did not know the contrary, and I did not think this an offence in either case. An American lady told an assistant in a Regent 202 With John Bull and Jonathan Street shop after making a purchase : " I want the goods sent right on now " ; whereupon the assistant laughed. The lady, always ready for an argument, asked why she laughed ; and an amusing discussion ensued upon the proper pronunciation of the word "now," the assistant courteously insisting that the American lady had said " neouw" — a word not unlike that which describes the musical note of a cat's "meow." The city of Paris is pronounced very differently by a Frenchman and an Englishman. An American simply cannot say "Paris" with a French accent. Another phrase by which an American is at once detected is that of " Hurry up," instead of "At once," or " Make haste." An American lady says: "What do you want for that gold watch?" An English lady would say: "How much?" or "What is the price?" Finally, we come to the word "guess," which no American can give up and no Englishman ever adopt. The phrase "Having a good time" is totally different in meaning from the standpoint of America and England. In America the phrase usually sug- gests a large party, and as many practical jokes as possible introduced : they do not invariably think that a courteous and quiet time can be " A good time." 203 CHAPTER XIV Social Amenities in American Clubs — Jonathan a Man of Business — The Fashion in Vehicles — English in Clothes, Walking-sticks, Um- brellas, and Hats — Liveries creeping in — Dust-bins — Tomatoes on the Table — "Chicken Food" — Renting Houses — Public Un- dertakings — What John Bull owes to Jonathan — The Toast Master — The Seasons. In previous chapters I have referred to a few points of difference between the domestic and social ameni- ties of life in New York and London ; these I now propose to go into more fully, and with the utmost fairness to Jonathan and to John Bull. Social points do not vary considerably in the two cities. Invita- tions to lunch, to dinner, and to week-end visits are amonorst the first courtesies and civilities offered to strangrers on both sides of the Atlantic. Club life in both cities is practically the same, though the condi- tions of life cause very considerable variations in club rules and regulations. In New York a member of a club may invite a stranger to make use of his club for a fortnight, and enjoy all the privileges of a member, paying for what he may require, and having access to every department of the club ; whereas in London one cannot return or reciprocate this advantage, not but that the members would wish to do so, but in London with a club of large membership, and a large usage of such privileges, a club would be unworkable. In New York, Americans do not use clubs to the same 204 With John Bull and Jonathan extent as gentlemen do in London, because there are not so many men of leisure who can spare time to read the papers, meet their friends, or conduct their correspondence in a club. In other words, Americans are first of all men of business ; and a club is regarded as an indulgence and a recreation. One of the first things which happens to a stranger on his arrival in New York, after delivering his letters of introduction, is to get put up at a club. If the club privileges are desired for more than two weeks there is no difficulty in getting another member of the club to renew the nomination for a further time. The last time I visited New York, during the first three days, I had cards of invitation to no less than five clubs — the "Union League," the "New York Yacht Club," the "New York Club," the "Uni- versity Club," the "Metropolitan Club," and the " Players' Club." Any one of these I could use as freely as the clubs to which I belong in London, and I could, moreover, even invite a friend to lunch, or dine with me. The American revisiting his country, after a sojourn of several years in London, will immediately notice a marked improvement in the character of the public buildings. But this is not all ; in the conveniences and attributes of private and social life he will mark many advances and im.provements. The American one-horse buggy, and trotting buggy, so valued for driving in Central Park, look like mere toys, and the very reverse of a comfortable vehicle to drive in. But there are now to be seen substantial-look- 205 With John Bull and Jonathan ing private carriages and dog - carts, landaus and broughams, which are nearly all either imported from England, or built on English models. And the follow- ing of English fashions does not end with the private vehicles now in daily use ; the clothes worn, the hat, the walking-stick, and the umbrella are invari- ably, amongst the well-to-do classes, English, or copied from English patterns. At the same time, the English visitor cannot fail to notice that the carriages and other vehicles in daily use are not turned out with the smartness which is customary in London. A wash-up three times a week would be as often as the ordinary coachman would give his carriage. There are exceptions, how- ever, but they are always in the case of very smart people, who employ English coachmen and grooms. Neither are the public omnibuses and cars, which are in constant use, washed daily, as in London. In country places this absence of washing is more noticeable than in the cities. Country people are rarely found who will take the trouble to have their vehicles washed daily, and kept smart and clean. The condition of the roads has, no doubt, a great deal to do with this. In the spring and autumn of the year, the mud is so deep and sticky that owners of vehicles appear to get no satisfaction, or reward for frequently washing up. As a boy, when on the farm, the "carry-all" which was used to take all the family to church on Sunday was never washed more than twice during the season, and such a thing as oiling or polishing the harness was never heard of — 206 With John Bull and Jonathan and I noticed that the same practice prevailed on my last visit, three years ago. In 1867 liveries for male servants — coachmen and grooms — were the exception ; now the practice is general. White male servants within the house is the universal rule amongst the wealthy, but previously the male servants were usually negroes. In the houses in New York where I visited white servants were always to be seen, and liveries were as smart and up to date as in London. Much has been said by English visitors against the abominable habit of placing the dust -bins on the footway. Every house, even in the most fash- ionable streets, is required to place the dust and house refuse in some kind of receptacle on the foot- path, and these vary in character from a closed bin to an open flour barrel, to be emptied into dust-carts, which collect the refuse in the morning between the hours of eiofht and ten. One can imagine the nuisance created on a windy day ; but on all other days this lining of the footways with dust receptacles is a disgrace to the city. The carts are not covered over, and, as the coal universally used in New York produces an enormous white ash, this is caught up by the air as each dust-box is emptied into the cart, and blown over the street in every direction. The London system of closed dust-bins and covered dust- carts could very easily be adopted in New York ; but to the present day the filthy open boxes and open carts are to be seen, even in the best residential streets of the city. 207 With John Bull and Jonathan Everyone has heard of American sweets, and almost the first inquiry of a visitor from the States is for a candy shop ; their contempt for what are called English sweets can only be expressed in strong language. For the last twenty years, however, the American taste has been met by their own country- men, who have established depots for the sale of every description of American candy, and in several cases have extended their stores to the supply of other American dainties. Candy, I may mention, is the generic term for all kinds of candy-sugar sweets. The products in England, as apart from sweets, would be served with dessert. When I first came to Engj'land the veg-etable known as the tomato was only regarded as a prolific vine, and I have seen such vines used as a centrepiece for the dinina--table. The use of the tomato as a vegretable is entirely an American innovation, and, I am happy to say, as popular now in this country as the United States. Soon after my arrival in England I spent a week-end at a gentleman's seat in Kent, and in walking through his garden saw, to my delight, some fine tomatoes grrowing-. I said : " I should like to have some for dinner, as I have never seen them put on the table in England as a food." My host ex- pressed surprise that anyone could eat such veget- ables, but he said that some of them should be served at dinner. When we sat down to that meal I noticed that a covered dish had been placed in front of me, which, upon examination, proved to be two large tomatoes — but they had been boiled, and 208 With John Bull and Jonathan were, therefore, not eatable. Tomatoes in the States are sliced, and eaten cold, grilled, or sliced up and stewed with bread crumbs. English cooks, I am glad to say, have since learned all these methods of preparing the tomato for table. English people have also become very partial to many American cereal foods, and I believe that there is more oatmeal from the States consumed in England than there is of Scotch. Quaker Oats is now a standard oatmeal in Great Britain. Canned corn and beans are also popular here, though when they were first placed on my own table I could hardly persuade an English friend even to taste them ; while the servants dubbed them " chicken food," and utterly refused to eat them. At the present time they have been converted to their use — even to an extravagant extent, if they get the chance. The cold storage system has enabled a vast pro- portion of the population in London to be supplied with fruits from California ; and the supplies of beef and mutton are looked for, with the regularity of delivery from the home counties. An American coming to London to settle is rather staggered to find that if he wishes to take an unfur- nished house, either in town or country, he cannot get one by the month or year ; he is expected to hire by lease of seven, fourteen, or twenty -one years, and to assume all responsibility for decorations, re- pairs, rates, and taxes ; whereas a furnished house, apartments, or flats may be rented by the week. o 209 With John Bull and Jonathan The fact is important to remember that, unhke the process in the States, there is no summary process by which to dispossess a tenant at short notice. In New York, where rents are payable every month or quarter in advance, a tenant can be dispossessed in three days, and the contents of the house put on the foot- way if the rent is not paid ; but the landlord can- not hold the furniture for his rent. In England, however, a tenant having a lease, if he be obstinate, and has recourse to all the tricks of law, can hold on without paying any rent for full twelve months. Therefore a landlord, before granting a lease, will insist upon having very satisfactory references as to ability to pay, and he has a legal lien upon the furni- ture if the rent is not paid, as well as rates and taxes. A freehold property in the most eligible and fashion- able part of London can hardly be found. Nearly the whole of the west end is held by ground landlords, and upon leases varying from 99 to 999 years — the former term being the usual rule. Quite recently, on the Westminster and Bedford estates, a large number of leases for the term of ninety-nine years have fallen in. The statement is generally believed that when this property falls into the lap of the landowners they are never unreasonable in the matter of renewing the leases, though, as a matter of course, after a period of ninety-nine years, the property must have greatly increased in value. Freeholds in the city of London are equally difficult to get hold of upon lease. The gas and water supplies are controlled by 210 With John Bull and Jonathan private companies in England, and the monopoly has become of enormous value to the original shareholders. An effort is now being made in London to acquire the water supply, and this will probably be accomplished by a public trust. In 1867 the Telegraphs in Great Britain were in the hands of private companies, and were not taken over by the Post Office until 1870. The Post Office authorities immediately reduced the rates to a uniform charge of is. for twelve words, including the address. This charge was shortly after reduced to 6d. The Telegraph service in England is now justly re- garded as being as nearly perfect as such an institution can possibly be made ; and even in rural districts, with the arrangement for prepaid replies, the system is altogether in advance of America. The telephone was first introduced into England by private companies in 1880. At the present time the Government and the National Telephone Company work together upon an equitable basis, and adopt the same rate of traffic. Americans complain that the London telephone service is not to be com- pared with that of New York : with this opinion, having tested both systems, I quite agree. The chief difference consists in the fact that in the States the clerks put you on the exchange with a subscriber more quickly than in England ; but telegraphy in England is far more complete and rapid. The American system of District Messengers was first of all Jonathan's invention, and was transplanted to London very successfully in 1894; but progress is 211 With John Bull and Jonathan handicapped by having- to pay a royalty to the Government through the Post Office department. In 1888 a theatrical friend of mine in New York, wishing to show me how swift the service was, sent a messenger boy to me in London to deliver a letter and bring back an answer ; and, with instructions to " make time," the boy left the ship at Queenstown, and travelled with the mails overland, and returned in the same way, only spending about six hours in London, and the messenger accomplished the double journey, as nearly as I remember, in seventeen days. As a souvenir of this trip, I had the boy photographed in front of my business premises. This long distance messenger service has since been frequendy utilised by merchants and others, having personal delivery made in the United States — messengers being despatched from London to New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and other cities with the most complete success. Englishmen, on first visiting the Empire City of the United States, which is built upon an island with a river on either side, have remarked the strangeness of the fact that there should not be a passenger steam- boat service round Manhattan Island — something after the character of the Thames Steamboat Service — calling at various piers on the north and east rivers. I can only suggest that the lack of this accommodation arises from the circumstance that the waterside is in most instances too far removed from residential centres ; and would on that account necessitate the use of omnibuses or tramcars to reach one's destina- 212 With John Bull and Jonathan tfon, and the steamboat would not, therefore, be more economical of time. The streets of New York beingr built at riofht angles to one another, every great thoroughfare has a tram service north, south, east and west, and the greatest saving of time is attained by using this method of transit. Pleasure steamers of immense size ply on the north and east rivers and Long Island Sand, so that there is no difficulty in getting full views of New York and the harbour from these steamers. Ferry-boats are employed to cross from New York to New Jersey shore on the north river, and to Brooklyn and Williamsburgh on the east river. Then, again, there is Brooklyn Bridge to facilitate the traffic. This bridge is justly regarded as one of the great engineering achievements of the nine- teenth century, and, when completed, people imagined that the traffic by the ferry-boats would cease ; but this has not turned out to be the case, as the ferry- boats continue to be well patronised, and with the opening of the Bridge an enormous population has been brought from New York to Brooklyn. So much is this the case that Brooklyn is now frequently called the " Dormitory of New York." Rents, though considerable enough, are cheaper in Brooklyn than in New York, which is, no doubt, one cause of the exodus, but in many parts of the former city the air is more pure than in the older city. Speaking of Brooklyn, in the days of his greatest popularity Henry Ward Beecher not only preached 213 With John Bull and Jonathan at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, but resided also in that delightful suburb ; and the story is current that if the boat had started from either side, and the pilot saw Ward Beecher approaching, he would reverse the engines, and return to the pier for him — and such was the general respect in which he was held that no passenger ever raised his voice in protest against the delay. These American ferry-boats are very extraordinary vessels, being very broad, and having flat bottoms, and are capable of accommodating on board the largest vehicles which are seen in the streets. The ladies' cabin and the o"entlemen's cabin are so distinguished by signboards ; but, as a matter of practice, all men frequent the ladies' cabin, and the only gentlemen who venture into their specially allotted cabin are those who wish to smoke. But if a lady presents herself in the ladies' cabin when full the nearest gentleman will always give up his seat to her. American public dinners do not differ from the character of those in England except in one particular, the office of Toast-master. This functionary is always a great surprise, and the cause of much amusement, to Americans in London, when they hear his voice for the first time at a public dinner. In the United States the chairman who presides at the banquet acts as his own toast-master ; but I am bound to admit that a toast-master is of great assistance to the chairman, regulating the progress of the feast, giving the chairman opportunity for conversing with his friends, and preparing the company for his reception when he rises to speak. 214 With John Bull and Jonathan At a civic banquet in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House, usually a private affair given by the Lord Mayor, or at one held in the Guildhall, which is always official, the Toast-master always appears ; and amongst other quaint ceremonies is the passing round of the "Loving Cup" after the Lord Mayor has first of all drunk to the company. The dinners given by the various City Companies are almost invariably held in their own halls, many of which are remarkably handsome chambers, and in the matter of entertainment nothing could be more lavishly hospitable. Several of the chief Companies give to each guest souvenirs, which take the form usually of the particular "trade" after which the company is named. In this way cloth is distributed, elegant boxes filled with choice sweets, packets of playing-cards, needles, and gold and silver articles. On the occasion of the presentation of the freedom of the Playing-Card Makers Co. to Andrew Carnegie this year, he was presented with a collection of playing-cards from the earliest times to the present in a magnificent casket, and each guest received two packets of playing-cards of a special design. As a curious fact, I may mention that only in a few ex- ceptional instances do the members of the Company follow the trade from which the Company is named. The sums of money at the disposal of these com- panies are known to be large, but no statements of account are ever issued to the public. The property chiefly consists of land in the city bequeathed by members in past times, which has now become of 215 With John Bull and Jonathan immense value. Lavish as they are in their hospi- tality the companies are not less generous in their gifts, and of late years they have spent many thousands of pounds in the cause of education, and in aid of hospitals, in the support of technical schools, and in teaching the rudiments of important trades in a scientific manner — thus reviving the first cause of their existence in ages gone by. One of the most interesting banquets I have at- tended in London was that given in 1874 by my cousin, Cyrus W, Field at the " Star and Garter," Richmond, in celebration of an anniversary in connec- tion with the laying of the Atlantic Cable. The ban- quet was honoured with the presence of many of those most interested in Telegraphy, from all parts of Europe and America. Mr Field was fortunate also in being able to include among his guests Lord Kelvin and Sir John Pender, Members of the Parent Anglo- American Cable Company ; also Captain Anderson, who commanded the Great Eastern, the ship which carried and paid out the Cable. The great feature of the evening was the exchange of Cable Messages, despatched and received at the table, from every part of the world. Proper electrical instruments and connecting wires were fitted up at a table beside the host. Soon after the completion of the Atlantic Cable in 1866, when Her Majesty conferred the honour of a baronetcy upon Mr Curtis Lamson and Mr Daniel Gooch, Directors of the Anglo Cable Company ; and knighthood upon Professor Thompson, the distin- 216 With John Bull and Jonathan guished scientist ; and Captain Anderson, commander of the Great Eastern, Lord Derby informed the chairman of the Company that the name of Mr Cyrus Field was omitted in the distribution of honours solely because it might appear that it encroached upon the province of his own govern- ment, and he would feel himself unable to accept. The use of the Cable for news — private messages and commercial purposes between Great Britain and the United States — soon enabled the Company to revise their tariff charges. In the year 1867 the minimum cost of a cable message was £\o for five words, including the address. Since that period the cost was once reduced to 6d. per word, but at the present time the charge is is. per word to New York. Having briefly outlined many of the different methods of accomplishing the same object practised in New York and London, let me now briefly sum- marise what Jonathan has done for John in the amelioration of the daily life of the people, in aid of labour, by invention of appliances ; and in the saving of time and trouble in divers ways. I chronicle these lest London may forget. These include many agricultural implements which greatly diminish the labour of the field ; printing presses and methods of preparing type ; tramways, which facilitate locomotion ; air brakes ; messenger boys ; typewriting machines for the educated ; sew- ing machines for mothers and daughters ; safe deposit banks ; cheap clocks and keyless watches ; Yale locks ; 217 With John Bull and Jonathan cash registers ; canned goods of all kinds ; scientific dentistry ; the electric light telephone, gramophone, and kodak which gives an additional charm to travellers abroad, and to stay-at-homes with their families. In one respect Jonathan has made a failure — he has not been able to convince John of the merits of rye whisky, and when Jonathan's sons come to England they are not long in discovering the greater merits of English, Irish, and Scotch whiskies. In the cases recited Jonathan has done a goodly work, and John by adopting his inventions acknowledges his obligation in a patriotic manner. With regard to the observance of the fashionable season in EnMand and the States there is a great difference of time. In America families remain at home from the end of October to the middle of January, and in the latter part of that month they begin to repair to the Southern States, Florida, and North Carolina. Many also go to the Bahama and Bermuda Islands, returning home at Easter. In London the season begins in May, and goes on to July, when the end arrives with the close of racing ; and the difference of climate is, no doubt, the cause of the change in these periods on the two sides of the Atlantic. The race meetings in England are far more fashionable functions than in the United States. There are no races in America which can compare with Ascot or Goodwood, as an occasion for the assembling of the fashionable world ; while the Derby has lost none of the popularity always characteristic of the day— but then the concourse 218 With John Bull and Jonathan which assembles is not a fashionable one. Other attractive movements are the Grand National Steeple Chases at Liverpool, the St Leger at Doncaster, and the chief races at Newmarket. All these have neither lost their distinction nor their interest during the past century. I have been present at one time or another with American friends, at each of these functions. In the United States I do not think there is any sporting event which can compare in public interest with the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, Henley Regatta, or the array and fashion gathered together at a university cricket match, or at the university sports. The Eton and Harrow cricket match at Lords, which lasts two days, will attract 20,000 spectators each day, composed of the most fashion- able folks from all parts of England, and tradition seems to require that even old Etonians and Harrovians should put in an appearance. 219 CHAPTER XV Popularity of Americans in England — Episcopacy in the States — National Distinctions — Prince of Wales' Visit — American Public Men in England — Story of Mark Twain — The East-Enders of New York — Relief of the Poor and the Sick — "Wake up, England" — Mail- carrying, Old and New — The Pony Express — Sunday Observ- ances. The question has often been asked me whether Americans are popular in England, and my answer to-day is quite different from that which I should have made in 1867- 1870. I do certainly consider that Americans have won their way to exceeding popularity amongst the English people, and there is no social function of distinction or privilege at which they would not be welcome guests. No American would fail to appreciate the dis- tinctions between classes which exist in England, though they may wonder sometimes at their exist- ence. Take, for instance, the respective positions held by the clergy of the Church of England and by ministers of all other denominations. A Non- conformist minister, of the highest standing and the greatest reputation, would not at any public function be allowed to take precedence of a curate of the Church of England. There being no Es- tablished Church in the United States, a Noncon- formist minister is regarded as occupying exactly the 220 With John Bull and Jonathan same social position, and as being of equal standing in every respect, as a clergyman of the Episcopalian Church, where the worship and ritual correspond to that of the Established Church of England. I am bound to admit, however, so far as the question of fashion in religion is concerned, that the Episco- palians in the States, so far as they can, do regard themselves as a little better than their Baptist or Methodist neighbours. For instance, as an illustration, let me say that a man like Mr Rockfeller, who is a Methodist and a great capitalist (who has contributed thousands to establishing Methodist institutions and the building of churches), would not be invited to take part in an assembly of Episcopalians where bishops, deans, and canons would be present. In England, however, at the greatest of Court functions, like the presentation to the King and Queen, an American of good social position would be admitted after he has gone through the pre- scribed regulations which are customary on such an occasion. American ladies are very much to the fore in Eng- land in the matter of hospitable entertainments, and take a leading part in charitable organisations, quite apart from what is done by those who have married into the aristocracy. Anglo - American marriages have ceased to cause any especial excitement ; they occur daily — chiefly among the titled and professional classes. 221 With John Bull and Jonathan The essential differences existing between Great Britain and the United States lie in the funda- mental characteristics of the two nations. In America titles for individuals do not exist, and, therefore, there are no privileged classes. Nor are there any corpora- tions in the English sense of that term. Wanting a landed aristocracy, beggary is very limited. Having no endowed Church, religious rivalries and jealousies have no existence, and the government of the States is cheap and efficient. By the universality of educa- tion, self-respect is discoverable in the humblest classes, and all alike are animated with a boundless spirit of enterprise. The King, when Prince of Wales, paid a visit to the States in i860, at which time I was in my first situation in New York, and a general holiday was given upon the clay of his reception, which I per- fectly well remember, even to the spot I occupied on the footway in Broadway. The royal cavalcade went along- the Fifth Avenue to the great hotel set apart for his use and that of his suite. When the Prince was about to leave England the fact of a visit to Washington, the capital of the United States, was not settled ; but in order to secure the Prince, President Buchanan, who in 1853 had been United States Minister to Great Britain, wrote a private letter to the late Queen, asking that the Prince might pay a visit to White House, and the following was Oueen Victoria's reply : — 222 With John Bull and Jonathan Buckingham Palace, iind June i860. To President Buchanan. My Good Friend, I have been much gratified by the feelings which prompted you to write to me inviting the Prince of Wales to go to Washington. He intends to return from Canada through the United States, and it will give him great pleasure to have the opportunity of testifying to you in person that your feelings are fully reciprocated by him. He will thus be able at the same time to mark the respect which he entertains for the Chief Magistrate of a great and powerful State and kindred nation. The Prince of Wales will drop all royal state on leaving my dominions, and travel under the name of Lord Renfrew, as he has done when travelling on the continent of Europe. The Prince Consort wishes to be kindly remembered to you. I remain, Your very good friend, Victoria R. On the occasion of the Prince's visit I remember that the streets were magnificently decorated, and a grand pubHc reception was given to him, while the most enthusiastic expressions of welcome were shouted by everyone in his honour. At that time — he was only in his nineteenth year — he was a beardless youth. He drove about New York in an open carriage, without escort of any kind, and in a second carriage were the chief members of his suite. With the Prince there rode, the British Ambassador to the States, and the Duke of Newcastle, who attended him from England. He very graciously accepted invitations to private receptions and balls, and there are numbers of ladies now living in the States whose chief claim to distinction arises from the fact that they danced with the Prince of Wales, on 223 With John Bull and Jonathan his visit to America upon this occasion. His bear- ing was exceedingly dignified throughout his visit, yet without the slightest trace of hauteur ; and his speeches upon all occasions showed that he was thoroughly in sympathy with his surroundings ; and that he enjoyed seeing all that came under his notice. The young bloods of New York were not slow to mark the cut of his coat, and what is there known to the present day as the " Prince Albert frock coat" is the distinctive title of the ordinary frock coat worn now in England ; while many elderly gentlemen took serious notice of the whiskers, and length of hair, worn by the Duke of Newcastle, and established therefrom their standard for the fashion of wearing their hair. During my thirty-eight years' residence in Eng- land, my good fortune has given me the privilege of seeing and hearing most of the public men as- sociated with arts or science, with literature or politics, who have visited this country from the States. None of those men who have been recognised as leaders have been disappointed with the reception which they have met with in England. Nearly all the Ministers and Ambassadors sent to England from the United States have been, with one exception in my recollection, professional men — lawyers representing the larger number. Distinctly literary men have been honoured by representing their country as Minister or Ambassador to Great 224 With John Bull and Jonathan Britain. Amongst the latter may be mentioned John Lothrop Motley and Mr Russell Lowell. Once at a banquet to which Literature was responded to by Mr Anthony Hope Hawkins, the well-known novelist, he said, " in America they took their literary men seriously. They made them Ambassadors. Nothing of that sort happened over here. He was not airing a personal grievance, but merely representing his trade." Amongst the literary Americans whose works have been received with the greatest appreciation, and who have also undertaken lecture tours, was Mark Twain, who most reluctantly consented to deliver three lectures at the Hanover Square Rooms in 1874. At each lecture a crowded house greeted him. I have never seen these lectures in print ; but I re- member that they greatly pleased all who heard them. His method and manner were wholly original. He came upon the platform, on which were simply a chair and table, but he made use of neither one nor the other. Before commencing his lecture he held his hands together, and stooped over the front of the platform ; then he paced backward and for- ward the length of the platform quite half-a-dozen times without speaking. He then advanced to the front of the platform, so that his feet were over the edge, and I felt inclined to utter a word of warning, as I was sitting in the front row ; but this would have been unnecessary, for when he began to speak his manner was most deliberate, and I p 225 With John Bull and Jonathan could see that he had perfect control of the meet- ing. The lectures were mostly humorous, and yet when he turned from story-telling to descriptions of scenery — "The Sandwich Islands" was the subject of the lecture — the audience could not quite realise whether he were serious or joking. I can only re- member now one story which he told. This was a description of a thunder-storm at Honolulu. He said that the clouds assumed the blackest appearance in the east. He was at the time driving in a Sandwich Island cart. The cart was divided into two parts by planking, the rear half being usually devoted to the transport of luggage. The seat was on the central division. Perceiving by the black cloud that the rain was about to fall heavily, seeing the flashes of lightning, and hearing the roll of the thunder, he roused the pony, and managed to keep exactly in front of the storm, although when he got to the end of his journey he found the rear portion of his cart was filled with water. After telling the story he kept perfectly still for a moment ; but no one laughed. With regard to the clothing of the natives, he said he did not see much difference, as all could be obtained anywhere from milliners' shops ; but what they mostly wore was a smile. Meeting him at a public dinner, certainly twenty years after the delivery of these lectures, I asked him if he would tell those present the Sandwich Island thunder-storm story, and he assured me he could not remember a word of it, nor could he 226 With John Bull and Jonathan remember even after I had prompted him as to the point of the story. This was at a banquet given by the Authors' Society, on which occasion Mr Mark Twain was the truest of the evenino-, I have frequently been asked what sort of a population exists in New York city which would come nearest to those living in Shoreditch and Whitechapel. There are precisely such classes in New York, but they are not Americans by birth — they are comprised of a number of various nationalities who have come from all parts of the world thinking to better their fortunes in the States. They come chiefly from Ireland, Germany, Russia, Italy, and other foreign countries. These people are to be found in the districts known as the Bowery, Centre Street, Chatham Street, and the sides of both the north and east rivers, and they largely correspond to the people of Shoreditch and Whitechapel in London. The members of one nationality entering the United States will in some form or another attempt to renew many of the customs, the mode ot life, and the amusements which they have left behind them in the old world, but none of these foreign nationalities — except the Germans — have succeeded to any extent in establishing their old life upon any enduring: footingr. The Germans have built a new Fatherland, and the lager beer gardens flourish on quite as large a scale as they are found in the old Fatherland. The Chinese and Japanese emigrants are in a 227 With John Bull and Jonathan decided minority in the eastern states ; whereas in California and the mining districts they form the chief source from whence labour is obtained. They are industrious and prudent, and engage in any kind of hard work in the field, or in the house act as domestic servants. The laundries on the Pacific coast are almost entirely in the hands of the Chinese. The system of Relief for the Poor and Destitute is ample ; but the wards of Hospitals and Poorhouses are not occupied by Americans, but almost wholly by the foreign immigrant. No American would ever allow any member of his family, however remote the relationship, to become a charge upon any charity ; such a thing would be regarded as a great disgrace, though there is no law compelling their maintenance at the hand of a relative. The instinct in an American's breast is overpower- ing not to allow anyone bearing his name to become a pauper. All institutions of this class are maintained entirely by taxation, and such a thing as a Charity Banquet to raise funds for charitable purposes — like is done in England — is nowhere adopted in any part of the United States. Charity Balls, however, are popular. Of course, all public institutions receive charitable bequests and voluntary gifts ; but appeals are not made on any recognised plan ; and the issue of begging letters in support of them to the un- limited extent which is done in Engrland never occurs. Refuges of various kinds are maintained by unsolicited 228 With John Bull and Jonathan private subscriptions ; and are not erected and estab- lished unless properly endowed. Organisations similar to those existing in this country for the Protection of Children, and for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, exist in the United States, and are entirely supported by voluntary contributions. The columns of all the newspapers would be searched in vain to find a single charitable appeal, in the form prevalent in England. After the return of the Prince of Wales from his tour of England's Colonial Possessions, 1901, upon the first occasion of his returning thanks for his public reception in the Guildhall, he uttered the three words which made that occasion famous: " Wake up, Eng- land ! " said he ; and these words crystallised the experience he had gone through, which taught him that if England intended to march in the van of progress she must throw off all lethargy and sloth, and " wake up " to the adoption of modern, and new methods in order to maintain her supremacy. She is almost likely to slip behind her daughter Colonies and the United States. In the matter of minor Engineering Works for many years England has been beaten, in point of time, in construction of bridcres and similar undertaking-s. English workmen dislike to "hurry up"; and a foot- ball match would take them, away from the most important order for engineering work ever obtained by their masters. Nor have Englishmen advanced as " Universal providers" in the same way as Americans 229 With John Bull and Jonathan and Germans have. Not only are foreign travellers gathering the world's orders, but their employers are adapting their productions to the tastes of their cus- tomers more readily than the English. Many most important building Contracts in London have recently been assisted by American firms — notably the " Savoy Hotel " and the gigantic Hotel Ritz — the work is done in conjunction with English Builders. The failure of British Agriculture might have been prevented by a better application of methods and the utilisation of modern inventions to the work of the farm, not- withstanding the burdens upon the land. Working days are lost to the nation by the over- indulgence of her workmen in holidays. Saturday is a national holiday — almost wholly ; and Monday is taken to recover from indulgence. This tendency to slothfulness runs through all the trades of the country ; and shopkeepers are affected in similar fashion, be- cause they open later and close earlier. This is the real cause of English imports advancing so seriously upon the value of her exports. One of the most pronounced illustrations of American enterprise is furnished by the improvements effected in her Mail-Carrying system. In 1867, when I left America, the railway coup was the connecting of California and Oregon with Missouri, and the mails (which did not proceed by sea and the Isthmus of Panama, occupying twenty-two days) were trans- mitted by overland mail-coaches and riders. An illustration of this was given by Buffalo Bill in his 230 With John Bull and Jonathan Wild West Show at Earl's Court a few years ago. This service was carried out by rough-riders carry- ing the mails across the continent, a distance of 3000 miles, in about sixteen days. ''The Pony Express," known as the Central Over- land California and Pike's Peak Express Co., was organised in i860 to convey letters and news from St Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento and San Francisco (across the Bay) California, between which points there was no railway or telegraph line. On 3rd April i860 the express was opened by a rider leaving each terminus, and the work was carried on for sixteen months. The charge originally made for each letter of half ounce or under was 5 dollars, reduced afterwards to $2.50 per half ounce — the United States postage of 10 cents to be paid in addition. Although they took as much as 10,000 dollars a trip, and received in the course of the whole period 500,000 dollars, there was lost by the projectors and founders 20,000 dollars. The original projectors were Messrs Russell Majors & Waddell, who were engaged as express agents in western overland transportation. The regular United States overland mail was served by mail and passenger coaches, which occupied nine- teen days on the journey to a telegraph station, east of Rocky Mountains, then St Joseph, Missouri. The Pony Express was organised, without Government aid, to carry letters and dispatches the same distance, about 1900 miles, over mountains, in ten days, and the 231 With John Bull and Jonathan projectors hoped after the organisation was running to do the journey in eight days. By calHng at Genoa, Canon Valley, the express delivered despatches which the telegraph forwarded to the Pacific cities, and thus abridged communication in that direction by two days. The calculation for the work was based upon the employment of 300 ponies and 150 riders, with stations every twenty miles apart. The Pony Express was greeted with great en- thusiasm by the people of Canon Valley, which previously had only enjoyed a semi-monthly mail during" winter. With respect to the first express in the opposite direction from St Joseph, the first journey occu- pied less than ten days, and brought 285 letters, 5 private telegraph despatches, and a large summary of news. This feat was greeted with unbounded enthusiasm, and the adventures of certain of the riders were told in the columns of the news- papers. On the 13th April i860 the new Pony Express carried 13,000 letters. This express service was run weekly. Soon after being organised the Pony Ex- press was found able to beat the news carried by the overland mail-coach by nine days. The rules laid down by the company for the observ- ance of their riders are probably unique in the history of any such undertaking in the world. They were as follows : — I. You must sign the pledge. 232 With John Bull and Jonathan 2. You must not use profane language. 3. You must not get drunk. 4. You must not gamble. 5. You must not beat the ponies cruelly. 6. You must not do anything incompatible with the conduct of a gentleman. The postage was 5 dollars for each letter weighing half-an-ounce or under. This was afterwards reduced to $2.50 (lOS.). Riders were required to ride seventy-five miles west one day, and return next day with the east-bound mail. Buffalo Bill's ride was from Red Buttes, in Wyoming territory, to Three Crossings, in Nebraskam — a journey of 116 miles. The railway, which terminated the use of the express, was made by the Central Pacific Railway and the Union Pacific, and was not completed until 1869. The loss sustained to the organisers of the express was made up to them subsequently, by grants of land along the line of railway, which more than compensated them for their loss. New York and London are practically alike in the matter of Sunday observance and attendance at church services. The Week-End holiday is greatly appreciated in both cities. Younger members of families go out for the day, and the heads of families attend church. There are entertainments on the Sunday for members of the theatrical and other professions 233 With John Bull and Jonathan who are engaged throughout the week, just as there are in London. The holiday-maker in the States is orderly and well-behaved ; but the observance of Sunday partakes largely of the custom of the mother country, of what- ever nationality. 234 CHAPTER XVI The Times and The Sta?tdard as Publishers — The Rncyclop(xdia Britannica, and English Literature — Half-a-million spent in Advertising — Company Promoting — Savings Banks in United States — Cheque System — The Waldorf Astoria — United States Ofificials — Divorce Laws in America — English and American Women — A great Snowstorm. Amongst the advertisers who have developed the art in England I must make special reference to the work of those who managed the sale of the Encychpcedia B7'itannica and its Supplement ; of an important Atlas ; of a first-class Dictionary ; and of the fifty years of Punch, all of which were issued by The Times ; and of the tw^enty volumes of ''Famous Literature'' issued by The Standard. These undertakings were mam- moth in their character, in the cost of producing the volumes themselves, and in the payments made to literary men for their preparation. The Supplementary Volumes of the Encyclopcedia Britannica entailed an investment of ;^ 100,000, and the money was certainly well spent. Perhaps the most startling feature of all was the outlay on advertisements to effect their sale to the British public. The advertising of these under- takinos was on a scale which had never before been known in Great Britain, or indeed in any part of the world, in connection with the sale of books. The advertisement outlay in connection with this method 235 With John Bull and Jonathan of bookselling by newspaper during the last few years must have amounted to no less a sum than half-a- million sterling ; and as all the works were a success, the libraries, private and public, in Great Britain were enriched with these volumes at a cost of not less than two and a half millions of money, and the profits upon the sales must have been enormous, both to the original owners of the Eitcyc lopes dia and the other books, and also to the newspaper, which had fostered the sales. The whole business, however, is not one which can be contrasted with the ordinary transactions between advertisers, and newspaper proprietors ; the difference being due to the extraordinary boldness of expenditure, and to the minute care shown in preparing the adver- tisements and choosing the most effective advertising mediums. In all my advertising experience I have never seen better use made of position, space, and type, than was shown in the announcements of these books. The Encyclopcedia Britannica was, of course, the greatest triumph, as this comprised a set of thirty-seven volumes. When completed, each sub- scriber became responsible for a minimum of ^^28 up to ;^48, according to the binding. The terms upon which the purchase was made— that of monthly or deferred payments — was a startling proposition to the book-buyer ; and the tempting bait thus held out accomplished the object in view, and secured sub- scriptions ; and I have been assured that the de- faulters in connection with the different payments were moderate in the extreme. 236 With John Bull and Jonathan In carrying out the publication and issue of these books there was a staff organised of probably 500 persons. No cost was spared in securing the very best staff of Editors and Writers, in the pre- paration of the advertisements ; and of men who were authorities on the methods of display and of type. Some of these were Americans brought over for the purpose, and others were found in London. The English publishing trade is said to have suffered in consequence of the drain made upon the pockets of book-buyers to pay for these standard works. The Display Advertisements allowed by The Times and Standard had a good deal to do with paving the way for the appearance of blocks and the per- manent display of advertisements of articles of mer- chandise, which had been previously forbidden. In the provision of Savings Banks there is a marked difference in the customs prevailing in England and the States, There are no Government savings banks in America, similar to the Post Office savings banks of Great Britain. There are plenty of Banks, however, well and honestly conducted ; but they are private speculations without any Government guar- antee. I cannot recall the failure of any Savings Bank in the United States. At periods of great financial excitement runs upon certain of these banks have taken place, but in the end greater confidence even than before has been reposed, in these well- managed and excellent institutions. In relation to the question of Banks, I might here 237 With John Bull and Jonathan very properly refer to the Cheque system which pre- vails throughout the United States in the matter of withdrawing money from banking institutions. English cheques which are crossed and marked "not negotiable " can only be collected through a bank, and are never payable over the counter. Thus the payer and the payee are amply protected against any loss in the event of a cheque being improperly dealt with ; or any attempt being made to do so. This system of crossing Cheques I have had the greatest difficulty in explaining to American friends, who have received such cheques, and on presenting them at the bank counter have been refused cash, even when payable to bearer — the two lines drawn across the face of the cheque being the bar to any such transaction. The only protection for the cheque in America is making the cheque payable to the order of the payee, and he will be unable to obtain cash at the counter unless he is personally identified, or can get someone known at the bank to place his name below that of the payee, with the words " Endorsement correct." The English system, I am bound to say, is really the better for all parties, because less trouble is caused to the public and the bankers when once understood. A crossed cheque may be payable to the order of John Smith, and a man known to the bank cashier to be John Jones would write John Smith on the back of the cheque in front of him, and the cheque would be cashed without the slightest hesitation whatever. 238 With John Bull and Jonathan An important point of the English method in con- nection with Banks is that Cheques payable only throuGrh a bank must have the endorsement in exact accord with the name of the payee appearing on the face of the cheque. A cheque may be payable to Adolphus Clark, and the man's real name may be Adolphus \V. Clark, and known to be so by the bankers ; therefore, if the cheque is not endorsed exactly as is written by the payer, it would be re- turned with the words " Endorsement irreo^ular " thereon, and the signature must be made correct. The promotion of public companies by means ot advertised prospectus assumed enormous proportions between the years iSSo and 1900. The history of many of these undertakings, some prosperous and others utter failures, are so well known to the public that it is not my purpose to particularise ; but it is not surprising that I should, among others, have been often invited to take an interest in some of these attractive investments which were offered to the public. I had, early in my life, made it a rule not to take an interest in any business which I did not thoroughly understand ; I had alwavs been able to find invest- ments for any surplus moneys I might have which would come under that ruling. I did, however, make an exception, when the invention of the writing tele- graph was brought to my notice about the year 1890. I had seen the practical working ot the instruments, and had the strongest possible endorsements by eminent electricians that the system was practical, and could be adopted for commercial purposes. The late 239 With John Bull and Jonathan Duke of Marlborough, who was an expert electrician, took a very serious interest in the invention, and came to my office personally, where the machines were set up, and was prepared to take an important interest in the formation of a company. So also were several other gentlemen of reputation and financial position. The formation of a company had got to a point when it seemed almost a certainty that a large sum of money would be paid to me and one or two others who had the option and control of the patents, when, like a thunderbolt, came the discovery that the English patents had been anticipated, and that no protection could be given to the holders of the invention in this country. So the matter came to a sudden and irrevocable end. Fortunately, my in- vestment in the matter was quite nominal, and really no money was lost. Upon another and later occasion, the well-known company promoter, Mr Ernest Terah Hooley made an offer of ;^ 1,000,000 for the good- will and trade marks of one of the properties which was owned in the United States, and for which I was the British agent. This matter was under consideration for a few months ; but the American owners ultimately de- clined to sell and that matter came to an end. Still later, an American invention known as the Blaisdell Paper Pencils was brought to me, with patents fully protected, and also machinery in readiness to manu- facture. Thinking well of it, I invested a considerable sum of money, as also did several of my friends, and it was ultimately offered to the public, and successfully floated. It was found, however, that the cost of pro- 240 With John Bull and Jonathan ducing" the pencils had been gready under-estimated, and that the pencils which we, in order to compete with other lead pencils in the market, would have to sell at id. and 2d. each, cost to manufacture something like a is. each. Of course, this meant a failure, and after every effort was made to reduce the cost of the pencils and to continue the sale at a profit, it became necessary to abandon the effort to continue the manufacture. The company was liqui- dated and wound up, and a substantial loss, of course, had to be faced by those who had invested in it. I am bound to say that a more useful and convenient pencil for all purposes than the Blaisdell has never been manufactured and sold in this or any other country, but the cost of production has rendered it out of the question to manufacture them on the large scale to compete with the existing supplies of pencils both of English and foreign make. I certainly blame myself for not having more thoroughly tested the statements which had been made as to the cost of manufacturing these pencils. It is the old story of the sanguine inventor having no real knowledge of practical matters of business. With these experi- ences, I am not likely to become personally interested in the promotion or development of any invention which is outside my own knowledge in every detail. All the same, I have the satisfaction of knowing that, in each of the foregoing promotions, they were en- tirely genuine, and that they were not capitalised be- yond their value and dividend-earning capacity had it been possible to work and develop them on the Q 241 With John Bull and Jonathan lines that were intended when the prospectus was issued. The Water Supply of the chief cities of the United States is carried out on the same principle as in England, though in no case is there any restriction as to the quantity used. Every house has a con- stant supply direct from the mains ; and cisterns do not exist, even for holding a reserve in case of a mishap to the water mains. Everyone using the supply can turn off the water at the main in case of need, and this frequently becomes necessary in the winter owing to the freezing of water pipes. In order to avoid freezing, every householder, however, has learned by experience that the best prevention is to allow the water to be kept slowly running day and nicrht. The occurrence of a water famine in New York is of infrequent occurrence, notwithstand- ing the enormous waste which is continually going on. The supply is obtained from Croton Lake, which is twenty miles from New York, and the water is inexhaustible. This lake is owned by the city of New York ; and the owners of all house property must pay the water rate : never the tenant. In 1902 I found that the latest, as well as the largest and most perfectly-equipped. Hostelry in the United States had been opened. This was the Waldorf Astoria, and I stayed there for one week. I had a bedroom, with bathroom attached, at an in- clusive charge of 10 dollars per day, without refresh- ments, but no extras. I was completely surprised with the size and maonificence of the hotel and 242 With John Bull and Jonathan the appointments. There was accommodation for 2500 guests, and the employees numbered several hundreds. The method for securing comfort and happiness was perfect. There is no hotel in London or Paris carried on upon the same plan. Every party on arrival is conducted to the Public Bureau, and one of the party must sign the register and give the number of guests, before the key of his rooms is handed to him, and a servant directed to show the rooms. The hotel is sixteen storeys in height, and every floor is under the separate manage- ment of a Manageress, who has at her command three or four Call-boys ; and she sits at a desk directly opposite the lifts, so that she commands the whole situation. Persons coming to the floor, either by the staircase or lift, cannot get to their rooms without her knowledge, and after the rooms are left, the keys are deposited with the floor Manageress. The room assigned to a Guest consists of a bed- sitting-room, furnished with a writing-table, chairs, and easy-chair, as well as the usual bedroom furni- ture. On lookinor at the table I noticed there was no o stationery, pens, or ink, so touching the electric bell, a Call-boy answered, and I pointed out to him what I wanted. He was back within three minutes with the articles I required. Then I discovered that the electric light was exactly where I could not sit to write, so I rang the bell again, and when the Call-boy appeared I told him the difficulty I was in. The boy disappeared, but in a very few minutes an electrician came with an electric lamp having a coil of 243 With John Bull and Jonathan flexible tube, which he connected with a wall bracket which he fitted up immediately ; carrying the wire to the exact position desired, and in less than five minutes the shaded lamp stood in the proper place upon the table, the light switched on, and everything in order. Another system which prevails in all American hotels, and which might well be adopted in some of the large west-end hotels, is the method of dealing with Visitors calling to see guests. For this particular purpose there is a separate Bureau. The name of every guest is alphabetically arranged in front of the person in charge of the department. You inquire for the one you want, and your card is at once sent by pneumatic tube to the Manageress of the floor where the one wanted is lodging, and a Call-boy takes the card to him at once. If you are out, which is seen in a moment by the key being in place, then the card is sent back, with the word "Out" written thereon. All the reception - halls may be looked through if the Visitor may chance to be in, but there is no bawlinof of the name from room to room as in London. Another marvellous adjunct is the rapid Lift system. There are a dozen of these, which work separately ; each having a special man in charge — the whole directed by a Conductor. As you approach he waves his hand to one of the lifts, and you enter. Then no words are wasted with the lift man — you say "third" or "fourth" or " fifteenth," according to the particular floor you want. The use of the Telephone is remarkable, and the 244 With John Bull and Jonathan system has been brought to a high state of perfection. This instrument is not only much used for local pur- poses in New York, but is fitted up in such a way with long-distance attributes, that you can communi- cate immediately with Boston or Philadelphia, Chicago or St Louis. This would be a distance of 1500 miles, and the fee would be very moderate. On my last visit to New York I found that the sale of Spirits and Wine on Sunday is entirely for- bidden at open bars. You may order wine at your hotel with meals, and be served ; but if a stranger wishes for a drink he must sit down to a table, and order a sandwich with his liquor, or he would not be served. I have been told by experts in discover- ing secret passages, that those who are well enough known can find access to private bars at most of the hotels, where the restriction about the sandwich is not literally observed — but I never sought one of these bars myself. The remark is generally made by Americans who have visited London, how very admirable the choice has been of the men who represent the Commercial interests of the United States as Consul or Consul- General, This appointment is greatly sought after as one of the greatest importance. During the thirty- eight years under review I have been personally acquainted with all the occupants of these posts in London, as well as the members of the Staff. The Deputy Vice-Consul, Major Frigout, has held that office from 186710 1905. Whoever the Consul-General has been he has retained the services of the Major ; 245 With John Bull and Jonathan which is the highest possible testimony to the ability with which he discharges his onerous duties. The post of American Minister was held in 1867 by Mr Charles Francis Adams of Massachusetts ; the Ambassador since July 1905 has been Mr Whitelaw Reid. Mr Joseph H. Choate held the appointment for six years — being two years longer than any previous Minister or Ambassador since Mr Adams. I have often been questioned as to the operation of the Divorce Laws of the United States, and of the remarkable facilities which seem to prevail, enabling disappointed married folk, to dissolve the nuptial knot at short notice. The fact is that the divorce laws differ in every state of the Union. In some of them the conditions are difficult, and hedged about as seriously as they are in England ; while in certain States a slight basis of incompatibility would answer every requirement of the State law. A residence of six weeks in the State is made sufficient to put the law in motion to secure relief, and some of the States are very lax in their rules, as to notice to the defendant. There can be no doubt that gross injustice is often caused by the laxity of the legal rules ; and the fact is known that President Roosevelt at the present time has the subject under very serious consideration, and that he is anxious to have one law for the whole of the States, which shall be just and merciful in operation. The plea of adultery, unlike the English law on the point, is equally available for man or woman ; cruelty not being coupled with adultery, on 246 With John Bull and Jonathan the part of the man, in the United States. In England a separation may be obtained for adultery on the part of a man, or for cruelty, or both, or for non-support ; but divorce can only be obtained on the ground of adultery with legal cruelty. This legal cruelty may take the form of threatening the life — not actual violence — or keeping back the necessaries of life. Those who have carefully considered the question all round, consider that the English law of divorce as it is now administered is really just, and no one has ever yet proposed a reform of the English law. In the United States a not unusual occurrence is to find hastily-divorced people reconsidering their position, and remarrying ; nor is it unusual for di- vorced persons afterwards to meet at dinners and other social functions without difficulty or restraint. I heard quite recently of a man, whose wife had divorced him, meeting her six months afterwards on an Atlantic steamer bound for England, both still unmarried. On reaching Liverpool the man pro- cured a special licence ; and they were remarried, proceeded to London together, and have been living m agreement ever smce. Another subject which has caused a great deal of remark and criticism has arisen in regard to American Women — particularly those having large fortunes — who marry into families of the aristocracy in England, frequently for no other reason than to secure a title and a money settlement. In such cases no opportunities have occurred for study- ing each other's character, and there can be little 247 With John Bull and Jonathan wonder at differences subsequently arising. I do not think that American men feel specially flattered that the wealthy women of their own country are anxious to marry English husbands on such grounds as I have mentioned. At all events, whatever ad- vantages an American husband may be able to offer his wife, a title is not one of them ; but American men are, in the majority of cases, more thoughtful, considerate, and indulgent than English or Con- tinental husbands, and more ready to allow their wives to take the lead in such social functions as interest them, and bring them into friendly rivalry with other women of the same nationality. American women residino- in London with their husbands have always been well received. They have earned a distinct reputation for the smart- ness of their sayings in conversation, and they have perhaps more vivacious manners than English women. There would be great difficulty in finding an American woman who would be prepared to take a back seat ; and if she were placed in one, no long time would elapse before she would march into a front one. Those women from the States who have won their way to distinction or fame in the theatrical or musical world are very popular in general society ; their adaptability and amiability are possibly the result of their cosmopolitan education. In a lecture recently given in London by an American, she remarked that she was frequently asked if American girls were sent to England for 248 With John Bull and Jonathan education. Her answer was that they were, because " England had much to give for their spiritual and physical betterment. A less personal outlook, mental poise, calmer nerves — only environment, could ac- complish these. If the English and American tem- perament could be rolled into one, the combination would be unequalled." Another lady on the same occasion declared that "the matrimonial alliance between Great Britain and the United States was often spoken of vulgarly as a union of titles and dollars. In the large majority of cases, however, there were no titles, and not enough dollars to talk about." In my opinion, American girls can never rival the English in physical exercises and field sports, although a few American ladies have recently achieved con- siderable success at lawn tennis, golf, and hockey Still, the English have a better physical development, and, what is still more to the point, less nerves. What is known as the American headache does not, so far as my observation has gone, attack the British Maiden or Matron to the same extent as those of the United States. Probably the true ground of this is that Americans of the gentler sex, are less careful in the selection of diet, and take less exercise, than those of the British Isles. One thing I cannot overlook is the difference between American and English children. The pre- cocity of American children is noticed, not because they are brighter or more clever than English children, but arises from the fact that their parents allow them 249 With John Bull and Jonathan to assemble with their elders, and do not place them under the discipline and restrictions of English youth. This is not to the advantage of children in the States. The " Buster Brown" small boy would not be appre- ciated in Eng^land. "Tall Talk," as it is sometimes called, is not practised by Americans to the same extent as formerly. People realise that the "discount" taken off an extravagant story reduces its value below the real truth. The Engrlish habit is to state facts ac- curately, unless it be the weight of a fish caught, or the number of brace of birds shot at the opening day of a "shoot." I have known both Americans and English to sometimes "waver a little" when giving the circulation of a newspaper ! In the matter of conversation, however, there can be no doubt whatever that American ladies eclipse their British sisters in brilliant talk, in the piquancy of their observations, and in their astonishing com- mand of slang. In regard to the latter, it is nothing unusual in England to hear American girls introducinor innocent Enorlish slan^ into their con- versation ; while the English now just as frequently catch at and adopt humorous American phrases. The most taking expressions of society are readily taken up by young ladies on each side of the Atlantic. A woman of education, however, on either side en- tirely avoids any approach to coarseness. I have observed in my long residence in England that upon the advent of American families the women more readily adapt themselves to English customs 250 With John Bull and Jonathan than the men ; and though this may be unpatriotic to say, yet the truth is that the longer the residence in England the greater becomes the attachment to the mother country. During the first year of my residence in London my wife and I were living in Upper Woburn Place. This was in the early spring, when the weather was foggy, chilly, and wet, day after day, producing a most desponding feeling, and keeping us completely house- bound, and we could scarcely see across the road. However, to get a change I took a Hansom, and my wife and I were driven slowly into the heart of the city. There was gloom on every hand ; pedestrians slowly pacing the side paths ; vehicles more slowly crawling along the streets. Just as we reached the Mansion House the fog lifted, and disappeared, just like the raising of the curtain at a theatre, upon a brilliant scene. Sunshine flooded the streets and buildings, and my wife, turning her head to the left, read aloud the words on the facade of the Royal Exchange: "The Earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof." "That is true," she exclaimed, "and, there- fore, I am content to stay in London." The nearest approach to an American winter which I ever experienced in London was in 1882, when a terrific snowstorm raged over the metropolis. Wind and snow mercilessly fought together, until in all the principal thoroughfares, like Regent Street, the Strand, and Oxford Street, on the one side or the other, the drifted snow stood in banks eicrht or ten feet in height. Every vehicle was withdrawn, not only on the day 251 With John Bull and Jonathan of the storm, but upon the following day also, and only with the greatest difficulty could one get from one part of London to another. Weeks elapsed before the snowstorm wholly disappeared, because the whole had to be carted away, and deposited in the parks, on all waste ground, or thrown into the Thames from the Embankment. London at that time was not prepared to cope with such an emergency, and had not such an army of scavengers as she now possesses. As soon as any traffic could be carried on cabs (four-wheelers) appeared with two horses driven tandem fashion, and they were quickly followed by Hansom cabs with the same outfit. Omnibuses required the assistance of three or four horses to get along the streets, even at a very slow pace, and fares were doubled and quadrupled, in every direction. The loss to the shopping community and to the proprietors or lessees of the theatres and music halls was immense. At one theatre which opened doors at this period four people were counted in the stalls. There was one American in London at this time who was the owner of a cutter (known as a sleigh in England) — and this was "Pony" Moore, the pro- prietor of the Moore and Burgess Minstrels. He created immense excitement in all parts of the metrop- olis by driving the cutter through Regent Street, Bond Street, Piccadilly, and in Hyde Park, where he met with a right royal reception. This cutter he had imported ten years previously, and kept in his stables, awaiting a favourable opportunity for use. This came 252 With John Bull and Jonathan at last, but, of course, his triumph only lasted for a few days. Snow does fall to a certain extent in many parts of England every winter, and interferes frequently with railway and road traffic ; but so far as London proper is concerned the interference is only a question of a few hours as a rule — the storm of 1882 was altogether exceptional. 253 CHAPTER XVII Commercial Monopolies — The Presidential Platform, 1904 — No Loyal or Patriotic Toasts at Banquets in the States — " Our Beggar-Pedlar Bouncer is in " — Mock Auctions and Barkers — Camp Meetings — Story by Sir John Millais — Mr Birch and his Work — Mrs Jemima Luke — Conductors on Railways — Art of Criticism — Luck — Precedents. Probably no organisation and combination of men has created greater surprise in England amongst commercial men than the operations of Com- mercial Monopolies. The question of their very existence formed part of the platform of the Demo- cratic party in the United States, as well as that of the Republican section, at the last Presidential Election in 1904. Their respective views were set forth in the following terms : — The Democratic Platform Trusts and Unlawful Combinations. — We recognise that the gigantic trusts and combinations designed to enable capital to secure more than its just share of the joint products of capital and labour, and which have been fostered and promoted under Republican rule, are a menace to beneficial competition and an obstacle to permanent business prosperity. A private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable. Individual equality of opportunity and free competition are essential to a healthy and per- manent commercial prosperity, and any trust or monopoly tending to destroy these by controlling production, restricting competition or fixing prices, should be prohibited and punished by law. We especially denounce rebates and discrimination by transportation companies, as the most potent agency in promoting and strengthening these unlawful conspiracies against trade. 254 With John Bull and Jonathan The Republican Platform Anti-trust Laws enforced. — Laws enacted by the Republican party which the Democratic party failed to enforce, and which were intended for the protection of the public against the unjust discrimination or the illegal encroachment of vast aggregations of capital, have been fearlessly enforced by a Republican President, and new laws insuring reasonable publicity as to the operations of great corporations, and providing addi- tional remedies for the prevention of discrimination in freight rates, have been passed by a Republican Congress. The President was elected on the basis of the " Anti-trust Laws " beinof enforced. This formed the strongest plank in his platform, and as he re- ceived the largest number of votes, ever cast at a Presidential Election, the will of the American people has been pronounced upon the question. In the States a man does not usually make a settle- ment upon his wife at marriage, in whatever position of life they may move. An American would resent any such suggestion being made to him by the parents of his intended bride. A father who was in a position to do so would of his own accord say : " I shall allow my daughter so much per annum " ; but he would not enter into any bond to that effect, nor allow any investment to be made in trust for that purpose. He would consider his promise as sufficient, and the fulfilment as morally binding upon him. Nor does the father ask his future son-in-law, to make any settlement upon his daughter. His consent to the marriage would be difficult to obtain if the man were not in some substantial way of business, and in a position to maintain a wife — not on the scale of what the parents were then living, but on that upon which 255 With John Bull and Jonathan they commenced life themselves. Every encourage- ment is given to make people self-dependent, and the parents would not be expected to contribute towards the maintenance of those married, save under excep- tional circumstances arising" after marriao^e. At public dinners in the United States Toasts are, of course, given ; but the health of the President is not an established rule, nor that of the Army and Navy, nor the Houses of Congress. At the end of a banquet the usual custom is to sing " Home, sweet home." Hawkers and Pedlars are allowed to ply their trades in the public streets. They usually sell eatables of all kinds — fruit, ice-cream and nuts. So long as they do not obstruct the footway they are not interfered with. These men may stand on one spot all day long if they choose ; and men are allowed to use a small hand-cart, upon which to carry the food they sell, and they may sell hot cakes and potatoes. Until the last few years they were allowed to enter the largest warehouses, banks, and offices quite un- restricted, and peddle stationery and jewellery, and canvass for books or pictures ; but this became such a nuisance by the interference caused to business, that merchants universally adopted a plan to keep them out. This was to suspend a large placard at the entrance to the place of business, on which was printed in large letters : "OUR BEGGAR AND PEDLAR BOUNCER IS IN" This was an effectual cure. 256 With John Bull and Jonathan Another privilege allowed to pushing shopkeepers in districts where cheap goods are sold is to hold mock auctions for the disposal of clothing, jewellery, and watches. The man who stands at the door of the shop is called a "barker," because, in addition to calling out his master's wares, he utters a growl like a dog to attract the attention of passers-by. The "barkers" become very proficient, and appear to be possessed of lungs as powerful as a church organ. Out-of-door preaching on Sunday or week-day is of very rare occurrence ; but, in the summer, enormous camp meetings are held in country places, where religious meetings are held continually for weeks at a time, the promoters and worshippers living under canvas. I am not able to say that camp meetings are very seriously taken by any class of the com- munity ; and they are generally regarded as pleasant holiday picnics. A Town-Crier is unknown in the United States, There is no opening for the services of such a per- sonage, and all lost cfoods are forthwith advertised. There is no official proclamation made by Criers, even of the election of a new President : the fact is announced by newspapers. During my residence in London I have had the pleasure of meeting many of the most celebrated artists and sculptors of the day. What is called " Show Sunday," which comes before the opening of the Royal Academy, is generally the occasion when artists and sculptors send round invitations to R 257 With John Bull and Jonathan friends and dealers to inspect the work which they have prepared for exhibition, and on these occa- sions highly interesting parties are given in the studios. Upon one occasion, through the good offices of Mr C. B. Birch, A.R.A., the sculptor, I had the pleasure of being present at a banquet held by the Royal Academicians at the Old Ship Inn, Greenwich. Sir John Millais, the President, was in the chair, and he was surrounded by the leading Academicians of the day. There was an entire absence of formality which was pleasant to notice. The chairman smoked a short briar-wood pipe after the loyal toasts had been given ; and his example was followed by many of the R.A.'s present. Upon this occasion I had the rare opportunity of hearing from the artists themselves a relation of their experiences in the struggle to secure a footing in the art world. The chairman told in graphic language the story of his early life. He said when he first began the practice of his art, his mother was keeping the home together, and, as their means became very restricted, she obtained his reluctant consent to put in their front window a card with the words " Lodgings to let " thereon, as there was one room which was unoccupied. His consent was given about a fort- night before Show Sunday. Having completed two pictures, he invited such friends as he knew, and also some dealers, to see them. Three o'clock in the afternoon of Show Sunday came, and no visitors had appeared ; but at four a gentleman arrived, and asked 258 With John Bull and Jonathan to see the pictures. He examined them carefully, but showed no particular interest, though when about to leave he asked for pen, ink, and paper, and permission to sit down that he might write a memorandum. After doing this he got up, and after remarking that he had left an address inside the book which lay on the table, and if the pictures were not sold before " sending-in " day, he should like to hear from Millais, he took his departure. Upon opening the book he found inside a cheque for 200 guineas, signed "John Ruskin." There were also a few lines in high terms of praise of the work, and asking the privilege of being allowed to purchase the pictures for the sum he had enclosed. He was so overcome with his good fortune that he sank down on the chair, and did not recover himself for several moments. When he did, however, the first thino- he thouijht of was the notice in the front room window, and dashing in, he tore down the objectionable notice, and then hastened to his mother to receive her congratulations. He assured his brother Academicians that he had never mentioned the circumstance in public before, and he added that from that day, he had not known any of the pinching distress in the matter of rent-paying or domestic expenses which he had previously endured. Yet, at that period, he had never received more than ^15 for any work of his. At this same dinner a song was sung by Mr Vicat Cole, R.A. (who was constantly addressed by his fellow Academicians as "Old King Cole"). The song was of a convivial character. 259 With John Bull and Jonathan The Old Ship is famous as the scene of many im- portant Ministerial White-bait dinners, and, in the season, was also noted for the fish dinners which were served there — eight or ten different kinds of fish being cooked in as many different ways, and served with vegetables, and plenty of good wine. In 18S9 a large bazaar was organised on behalf of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society, to be held at the Cannon Street Hotel, and the ladies of the City Temple were asked to take part therein. At the time, Mrs Richards conceived the idea that if we could obtain a good portrait of Mrs Jemima Luke, the authoress of the beautiful hymn, " I think when I read that sweet story of old," signed by her, and obtain a facsimile of the words in her own handwrit- ing, they would form an interesting feature of the sale. Mrs Luke's father was one of the founders of British and Foreign Sailors' Society. I agreed, and my wife thereupon set upon the task of finding out the dis- tinguished lady's address. This was, however, no light task, and after many inquiries and much pursuit, the real address was found only a week before the day for opening the bazaar. She was then residing, as she is now, at Newport, Isle of Wight. My wife posted off there, was admitted to see Mrs Luke, who was then in her eighty-second year, and obtained from her permission to have her portrait on sale, and she gladly wrote down the famous words in her own hand- writing for reproduction and sale. The result was most satisfactory, and a great sale of portraits and hymns took place. 260 With John Bull and Jonathan This particular Hymn had been more particularly brought to our notice by the fact that two little American girls once sang the words very sweetly at the morning service in the City Temple. The children also sang the same hymn at the bazaar in the Cannon Street Hotel, when they received great applause. The fact is singular that there also resides at Newport the author of another child's hymn, which, though not so popular as Mrs Luke's, has, neverthe- less, been sung in every Sunday school of England and the United States: "There's a place for little children, above the bright blue sky." About the same time these little American girls sang at the City Temple there came to London two small African boys, under the care of a missionary, to sing, with a view of raising funds to erect a school for native children in Natal. These lads heard the American girls sing Mrs Luke's hymn, and immedi- ately set to work to learn the same hymn, and after- wards sang the same with great effect in the City Temple, and throughout England. Amongst the trifling differences of custom in every- day things which attracts attention on arrival in England is the varying method of despatching a train. In the States, the conductors who have charge of trains give the cue to the passengers by calling out " All aboard," and not in a too polite tone of voice. But the signal is well understood, and there is no loitering upon the platform after the words are heard. In England, however, the guard calls out : " Please 261 With John Bull and Jonathan take your places." The difference illustrates the temper of the people in both nations. Mr Birch, who was my host at the Academy dinner at the Ship, executed a bust of Dr Parker, the cost of which was defrayed by private subscription, mainly through the efforts of Mrs Richards, This was de- clared to be, by all who knew the Doctor, an excellent portrait, and a thorough work of art. This now stands in the vestibule of the City Temple, having been bequeathed to the deacons and trustees by Dr Parker. Mr Birch also sculptured a bust of Mrs Richards, which members of the family and friends regard as an excellent likeness. In 1890 Mr Birch exhibited in the Academy a model in plaster of Margaret Wilson, the Puritan Martyr who was fastened to a stake in the River Solway, and drowned by the rising tide. The story is so interesting and pathetic that I offer no apology for telling it. In the reign of James II. of England, nth May 1685, two women, Margaret Maclachlan and Margaret Wilson, the former an aged widow, the latter a maiden of eighteen, suffered death for their religion in Wigtonshire. They were offered their lives if they would consent to abjure the cause of the insurgent Covenanters and attend the Episcopal worship. They refused, and were sentenced to be drowned. They were conveyed to a spot where the Solway overflows twice a day, and were fastened to stakes forced in the sand between the high and low water mark. The elder sufferer was placed near 262 JEAUGAEET \VILSJ>", iUE I'DUUAX MAKTYK. Life size Figure in Marble, Ay C. B. Birch, A.R.A. With John Bull and Jonathan to the advancing flood, in the hope that her last agonies might terrify the younger into submission. The sight was dreadful. But the courage of the survivor was sustained by an enthusiasm as lofty as any that is recorded in martyrology. She saw the sea draw nearer and nearer, but gave no sign of alarm. She prayed and sang verses of the Psalms till the waves choked her voice. After she had tasted the bitterness of death she was, by a cruel mercy, unbound, and restored to life. When she came to herself, pitying friends and neighbours implored her to yield. " Dear Margaret, only say : ' God save the King ! ' " The poor girl, true to her stern theology, gasped out : *' May God save him, if it be God's will ! " Her friends crowded around the presiding officer. " She has said it ; indeed, sir, she has said it." "Will she take the abjuration?" he demanded. "Never!" she exclaimed. "I am Christ's; let me go!" And the waters closed over her for the last time. The name of Margaret Wilson, in the churchyard at Wigton, appears in the appendix to "Cloud of Witnesses " : " Murdered for owning Christ supreme, Head of His Church, and no more crime, But her not owning Prelacy, And not abjuring Presbytery, Within the sea tied to a stake. She suffered for Christ Jesus' sake." The subject — a painful one — became, in the hands of Mr Birch, a masterpiece of exalted heroism 263 With John Bull and Jonathan in the moment of death, and as such was greatly admired by all critics. I gave the talented sculptor a commission to execute the work life size in marble, and in little over a year he completed the statue, which I regard as one of my most precious possessions. Mr Birch died quite suddenly ten years ago. Had he lived he would, no doubt, have greatly advanced his reputation as a sculptor of refined taste. One of the most interesting visits I ever paid to the Royal Academy and to the New Gallery was in the company of a well-known painter of Biblical subjects. He took the greatest pains to point out to me the most telling points in the best paintings of both galleries, and laid down for my instruction the principles of correct art criticism, which I had never before properly appreciated. This knowledge alone enables one to distinguish between meritricious work and the creation of genius. Of American writers and novelists a long roll of distinguished names confront me, both men and women, with an international reputation, and with as large a public interested in their works in this country as in their own land. To particularise would be invidious. The works of American poets, his- torians, biographers and essayists, writers of fiction, dialect stories, humorous works — all of such as have achieved renown in their own country have been equally appreciated in England. International Copyright Laws, happily, have passed for protec- tion. During my proprietorship of The Academy, I had often the pleasure of hearing American 264 With John Bull and Jonathan authors express high appreciation of English literary criticism. The expressions "Good Luck" and "Bad Luck" fall very glibly from the tongue, but they represent no principles which have any existence in fact ; they have no meaning as determining the source of success or failure. Change the phrases into "good work" and "bad work," and you have a substantial explanation of " crood " and " bad " luck. Some people apparently fail in everything which they undertake, and others seem to prosper in every- thing which they enter upon. There is no mystery about either success or failure. I have never had a complaint made to me of "bad luck" but that, after hearing details, I could trace the cause of failure. Some men have, unfortunately for themselves, got the word "unlucky" attached to their character, and are consequently handicapped in every one of their under- takings beforehand, and feel unable to make the great effort necessary to ensure success. Men who have this reputation find a difficulty in obtaining a remuner- ative appointment, because they are perpetually faced with the proverb : " Never have anything to do with unlucky men." The truth is that an unlucky man is one who is entirely responsible for his own bad luck. If nerve, energy, and exertion had been brought to bear upon his work there would have been no failure. I am not speaking of those who have been unfortunate through ill -health, or unexpected cares and respon- sibilities being cast upon them — I refer more 265 With John Bull and Jonathan particularly to those who admit that they have had chances in life, but that bad luck pursued them, and nothing good happened. On the lines of non-success and failure I place as the most serious of reasons — assuming that there exist the qualities of insight and intelligence — un- punctuality, vacillation, or indecision ; and lack of concentrated industry and perseverance. The un- punctual man is simply impossible, and no amount of excuses can redeem this fault. " Talking through your hat," with vague, indefinite answers, always exasperates, to the prejudice of one's proposition. Indolence, and no continuity of purpose, will ex- plain many a failure. Another point to be remembered in connection with success or failure is the mistaken policy of people who will not undertake any work which is not congenial, or work in which they are not inter- ested. A man out of employment must take the first respectable work which is offered him, and not many days will elapse before something more suitable to his abilites will come in his way. The waiting for things to turn up, and doing nothing meanwhile, is the cause of disaster to thousands. The subject of precedents frequently hinders suc- cessful business operations from being brought to a successful completion. You can rarely escape from a difficulty by following precedents. Because a thing which has been proposed has not been done before, merchants frequently decline really good and sub- stantial business. An American, on the other hand, 266 With John Bull and Jonathan is always ready to consider any business proposition, whether there is a precedent for the transaction or not. He will decide the matter upon the question of merit alone, and not upon the ground that his grandfather did, or did not do, a similar thing before him. I am able to record, however, several remarkable successes of Englishmen in becoming Universal Pro- viders, and in the Establishment of " Stores " and Co-operative Trading for which there was no pre- cedent until they set the example, " John Bull " has certainly eclipsed "Jonathan" in one branch of tradincr with which I have been associated. American and British Proprietors have good reason to appre- ciate the enterprise and genius of Jesse I3oot, of Nottingham, by whose wise judgment and untiring devotion to work 350 chemists' shops of the highest class have been established in Great Britain for the dispensing of Pure Drugs at popular prices and the distribution of all wares belonging to a Chemist's business. How was this accomplished ? The answer is, by a personality ! a master mind for organisation ! But it is " Boots, Limited," a public Company ; yes ! there is, however, but one Manag- ing Director ! The One Man authority : the triumph of personal direction — unhampered by a "Board" and a " Committee." Other chemists' organisations of suitable character with important branches exist in England, but Mr Boot was the pioneer — just as William Whiteley was the original Universal Pro- vider, 267 CHAPTER XVIII Solicitors, Barristers, and Attorneys-at-Law — Bills of Costs — Judges in England and United States — Medical Men — Fire Brigades — Management of Street Traffic — Bank of England — General Post Office — Holidays — Waste caused in England — Bicycles and Tri- cycles — Freemasons — Clubs — The Sphinx Club — Circulating Libraries — The Times Book Club — Patents — Motors. In England there are two branches of the law, repre- sented by Solicitors and Barristers ; whereas in the United States there is only one branch. The solicitor in the States is usually styled Attorney and Counsellor- at-law, and he not only prepares the case, but re- presents the plaintiff or defendant in court. What usually happens, however, is this. Two or more Attorneys form a partnership, and they select from amongst themselves the one who will best represent the firm by pleading in open court, the consulting partner seeing the clients and their witnesses, and preparing the brief. In England the barrister is the only one who pleads in the High Courts, and the solicitor prepares the case for him. The barrister does not directly see the client himself, until he appears in court. So carefully are cases prepared that not unusually a barrister has a brief handed to him only a few minutes before the case is called, and by his experience in examining briefs he is able at once to master the contents, and to grasp the points, and proceed without 268 With John Bull and Jonathan difficulty. This duplicating of legal services adds, of course, to the expenses of legal proceedings. An important case would always involve the briefing of a senior as well as a junior counsel, and when there are two or three parties to a suit each must be re- presented by Counsel, senior or junior. In the United States the Attorney carries the whole business through all the courts. Wigs and gowns are not worn. In rendering the Bill of Costs in the States, attorneys do not present them in detail, but put down one sum for the whole business. Frequently, in important cases, a retaining fee is paid to the Attorney, but credit is given for this when making up the final account. Many of my American legal friends have been much amused at seeing an English solicitor's bill of costs, setting forth every interview had, and every letter written, at 6s. 8d. — whole pages of fool- scap being taken up with the setting out of these items. In the United States Judges are not appointed for life; and there is no pension upon retirement, the period of service being limited to fifteen years. In England a Judge selects his own time for retiring, and receives a pension. A judge of the Supreme Court of New York receives from 10,000 to 15,000 dollars a year, the sum varying according to the particular district in which he sits. Those sitting for the city and county of New York have the largest salaries. A judge of the High Court in England receives a salary of 269 With John Bull and Jonathan ^5000, and upon retirement a pension amounting to ^2500, a year. In reference to the practice of Medicine in England, no man may style himself a "doctor" unless he has passed the examinations prescribed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. Surgeons, as a rule, prefer to be called " Mr.," and, therefore, rarely take the M.D. degree. Prosecutions frequently take place of unauthorised persons styling themselves "doctors." In England no one can obtain the degree of M.D. who has not gone through a proper course of study and hospital experience ; but in the United States there is no difficulty about obtaining this degree, nor is there any objection to any man calling himself " doctor," if he thinks fit to do so. A great many retail chemists in the States call them- selves Doctors ; and there is no law to prevent chemists prescribing. A man may also set up as a chemist and druggist, and act as an apothecary, without holding any degree whatever. But, notwithstanding this, chemists' shops are well conducted, and more elaborately fitted up and appointed, than Chemists' shops in England. Silver-mounted showcases, marble floor and counters, are usual fittincrs ; and the owners have studied properly, and understand the proper methods of dis- pensing. They are responsible in law for any evil result following upon their mode of prescribing or dispensing medicine. In 1 87 1 I made the acquaintance of Dr James Edmunds, F.R.C.S. London, and he became our 270 With John Bull and Jonathan family physician and devoted friend, and has so con- tinued to this day. What we owe of gratitude to Dr Edmunds for his professional skill and services and warm friendly interest in our welfare, at all times and in all ways, I cannot express in words. Dr Edmunds has retired from active practice, and has removed from London to Brighton, but still attends upon old patients and friends when possible. His plan was always to suggest methods to "keep well," and he was never a doctor who believed in much coddling, nor was he disposed to order narcotics or spirits. He was loth to recommend sea - voyages, winters in Egypt, or the Riviera. His sound practi- cal advice was " Get well at home," where favourable conditions are under your own control, such as good beds, warmth, food, sanitation, quiet, and nursing. "But change of air?" "Yes; when you are well, and fit to travel, and can put up with the self-denials involved in all journeys and the life in hotels." Dr Edmunds has not "Luke" for his surname; but he is known as "The Good Physician," to hundreds of American and English families. Another variation upon an accepted practice in England is that Members of both Houses of Con- gress in the States are paid a yearly salary. A Senator receives 5000 dollars per annum, and a Member of Congress 5000 dollars. In addition they are allowed mileage expenses. Members of both Houses do not now enjoy the privilege of "franking" letters through the Post Office. Members of the British Houses of Parliament 271 With John Bull and Jonathan enjoy no allowances or privileges of this kind what- ever. A Member of Parliament in England may be elected for any constituency for which he chooses to stand, and he decides for himself whether this shall be his own county or borough, or any other more distant. As an example, Mr Gladstone always selected what was considered the most difficult constituency, in order that he might in this way strengthen the political party to which he belonged, knowing that he could really get in through any constituency he chose. In 1880 he chose to put up for Mid- Lothian, in the south of Scotland, a strong Tory centre, and which was sure to return a Conservative Member unless a powerful opponent came forward. Mr T. P. O'Connor, an Irishman, residing in London, has represented North Liverpool for a great many years ; and this is the case with many of the most prominent members of the House of Commons. They become identified with important constituencies, and repre- sent them year after year, probably only paying a visit to their constituents, and making a speech, once in the twelve months. Members of Parliament in England may be un- seated if proof is given that they have directly or indirectly been guilty of bribery amongst the voters whom they represent. The employment of vehicles for which payment has to be made is illegal, though many voters may reside at a considerable distance from the polling booth. All carriages and other vehicles then made use of on the day of election, must be lent free of cost by friends of the cause. 272 With John Bull and Jonathan Another curious matter which differs from the practice in the United States is that, a voter may cast his vote for a Member of Parliament in as many different constituencies, as he pays rates and taxes, A Londoner may have one vote in the suburb in which he resides, another in the city where he carries on business ; and yet others in more distant places where he happens to pay the rent and the taxes. Any Candidate is allowed to employ and pay a Parliamentary agent to act for him, send out circulars, and solicit votes, but he must not make any monetary payment to a voter, or promise any- thing of the kind. Treating at public-houses at election time is also prohibited by law. Legitimate election expenses include the cost of Halls for meet- ings. But this is well known : that any independent candidate for Parliamentary honours is afforded ample opportunities of influencing an election by the subscriptions and donations he is asked for, on behalf of all sorts of local schemes for raising money for bazaars, charities, hospitals, and athletic sports. The Fire Brigade service in London I once believed to be as perfect, or more perfect, than any other in the world. But my faith has been rudely shaken by the declarations of Dr Edward Atkinson, who ranks as one of the greatest experts on pro- tection from fire living in the States. I shall quote from a statement made by him to a representative of The Evening Standard and St Jaiuess Gazette, which appeared on 3rd August. He has studied s 273 With John Bull and Jonathan the question of protection from loss of life and property by practical observation ; and upon his advice several precautionary measures were taken for the better security of the art treasures in the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square. A further im- provement he suggests is the substitution of "wire glass for ordinary glass in all the upper windows." This is as important for use in Private houses and factories as in Art galleries and Museums. He says : " I have seen it made red-hot on one side, while cold water was played on the other without causing a break. As a fire protection this glass is as good as a brick wall." Appliances in England, he declares, "are mere toys" compared to those in use throughout the States. He did not see, on his last visit, "a single stand-pipe in any street." "In America the stand-pipe runs to the highest floor of the loftiest building, and is so constructed that the engine can be connected without a minute's delay. No hose is needed, and water is thrown on to every floor." Fire protection in factories throughout England " he considers "inadequate." Since the system he re- commends has been adopted in the States, "not one life has been lost in any of the factories." Improved methods of protection from fire are greatly needed in London. Up to within the last forty years, in the United States, the whole Fire Department in cities and towns was entirely voluntary, and only became a duly- organised body with the creation of the steam fire- engine, which, I believe, was an American invention. 274 With John Bull and Jonathan At the Communal insurrection in Paris, when that delightful city was set on fire in more than a score of places at the same time, there was no steam fire- engine to be found. One had never been seen by the Parisians, and the first used in Paris was sent over from London, when the Communists had been suppressed. As a young man in new York, I remember that to belong to a Fire Company, or a Hook and Ladder Company, was as popular as volunteering in England, and the major number of young men of the best families were members of one company or another. The Engine- House and the Hook and Ladder Shelters were used as Clubs, and members would o-Q there to talk and smoke, and wait for the alarm signal. Both forms of these fire appliances were drawn by ropes, every member of the company assisting to drag, and the expenses were raised by private subscriptions. With the invention of the steam fire-engfine came the creation of the Public Fire Department, which is under the control of the city of New York, and is maintained out of the rates. The chief engineer of the Fire Department, Harry Howard, I can remember, became the idol of the youth of New York. His career was a re- markable one. He had been left an orphan at an early age, and was cared for in the first instance by some city charity, and when he grew up attracted attention by the successful manner in which he rescued a number of persons from burning buildings, winning for himself a reputation for fearlessness and 275 With John Bull and Jonathan courage second to none. At his death he had a public funeral, which was attended by the entire Fire Brigade of New York. The management of the London Street Traffic by the police has been a subject of frequent, and always complimentary, remark by visitors from all parts of the world, and only recently an inspector of the police force of New York was despatched to London to study the method which is in force. As a boy, I can remember that in New York there was no Rule of the Road in existence, and omnibuses would bolt across the street in front of a carriage, dray, or private equipage. The principle adopted was for everyone to drive as they liked, the result being an absolute block in the streets for hours at a time, which the police were unable to unravel. Upon one occasion our American Am- bassador, Mr Bayard, wrote a letter to the Press of England complimenting the authorities on their management of the Street Traffic, and he spoke of the method adopted as illustration of the power of a policeman's uplifted hand. " No word was spoken," he remarked. " A constable raises his hand, and the traffic in one direction was immediately stopped. Any breach of the signal given resulted in the offender being summoned before a magistrate, and fined, and, if the driver of a licensed vehicle, upon a repetition of the offence, the licence would be cancelled. So admirable a system is to the interest and advantage of the whole travelling community." The Bank of England is always an object of great 276 With John Bull and Jonathan interest to all American visitors, and I believe this is the only bank anyone has the least curiosity to visit. An order to view is easily obtained, and the visitor is shown the whole process of issuing bank- notes, and the various methods adopted in a great banking institution. At the close of his visit the stranger will probably boast that he has seen more gold, and more value represented by bank-notes, than ever in his life before. If, when a cheque is presented, the question is asked : " How do you wish this cheque cashed, in notes or gold ? " and the reply is " Gold," the sovereigns are never counted, but shovelled into a scale, weighed out, placed in a bag, and handed over. So accurate is the weiohjnor that no mistake is ever made. In the course of his journey the Visitor will be shown a comparatively small bag of gold, and will be courteously informed that if he can carry the bag across the room he may become the owner for his pains, yet no one has ever been able to carry the bag far enough to establish a claim to possession. At another point a bundle of bank-notes is placed in the stranger's hand, with the announcement that the bundle re- presents ^1,000,000 of money, so that for a few seconds the stranger has really been a millionaire, without the burden of any further responsibility after leaving the precincts presided over by the "Old Lady of Threadneedle Street." The bank is guarded at night by a Lieutenant of the Guards and a number of Guardsmen. The Postal System in England deserves the highest 277 With John Bull and Jonathan possible commendation for accuracy and promptness and the rarity of a failure in delivery. Since my residence in England commenced, the Telegraph and Telephone services have been acquired by the Service, and the parcel post has been established — all of them being carried on at as reasonable a cost as is consistent with the administrative outlay. The only omission in the Parcel Post system — which is included in that of the United States — is that in England the Post Office will not C.O.D. This system, which is found to be of great utility in the States, has been carefully and experimentally considered in England, and, no doubt, will in time be adopted. One great source of objection is that raised by Provincial Traders, who consider that the system would divert the small trading upon which they rely to large houses in the cities. In the States, if the receiver of the parcel does not pay on the tender of the parcel, the goods are not handed over. With regard to the matter of Holidays, Americans are greatly surprised with their frequency, and con- sider that they are far too numerous. I do not share this opinion. The legalised Bank Holidays are Good Friday, Easter Monday, Whit Monday, the first Monday in August, Christmas Day, and 26th De- cember. These six holidays as an aggregate are not really too numerous, but the difficulty arises when to each of these holidays an extra day or two is, by universal custom, added. For instance, with regard to Good Friday, most of the large city warehouses and public institutions will close from the Thursday to the 278 With John Bull and Jonathan following Tuesday, and even longer occasionally. Factories are shut down for a week, and the same thing recurs at August and Christmas. The belief is that the indulgence of the people generally at these periods causes absence from work really extending through many weeks. The wages paid at factories stop, of course, during these prolonged holidays, and debt is incurred which cri[)ples the work-people for a long time after they return to their usual employ- ment. In the United States the great holidays are Decora- tion Day, 30th May ; New Year's Day ; Lincoln's Birthday, 12th February; Washington's Birthday, 22nd February ; Independence Day, 4th July ; Labour Day, 5th September ; Thanksgiving Day, usually the last Thursday in November ; and Christmas Day. These are two more in number than are enjoyed in England and Ireland ; but the consequences are not the same, because work is resumed on the day follow- ing a holiday with almost exact regularity, so that there is no loss of wages following through the indul- ofence of the workers, as is the case in E no-land. When I first came to England Bicycles and Tricycles had not been invented. The Bicycle gradually rose to an unprecedented popularity, being taken up by men, women, and children in every rank of life. The tricycle had a very short popular existence, and this year (1905) both vehicles are gradually dropping out of popular esteem, and they are not in demand by one-tenth what they were ten years ago. I never became a successful cyclist, 279 With John Bull and Jonathan though I was one of the first to purchase a tricycle — one of those popularly known as a " H umber." At that time the only fault the machine had was the risk the rider ran in descending a hill, which made the probability of a spill over the handle- bar not at all unlikely, unless you could carefully balance yourself. But improvements followed in rapid succession, and to-day the makers maintain their high reputation for both bicycles and tricycles. On one Bank Holiday I set out for a long day in the country, and came to utter grief at Richmond Hill, which is only six miles frorh the Marble Arch. One knee was so badly scarred by my fall that I had to call a four-wheeler, put the tricycle on the roof, and so was driven home in disgrace. A few days later, having recovered, I rode my tricycle to Harrow, accompanied by a medical friend. We rode well on the outward spin, but returning, coming down Harrow Hill, my companion just happened to touch the hub of my machine, and I was made to repeat the gymnastic feat I accomplished at Richmond Hill, and had to repeat the course I previously took, in order to reach home. I have never mounted any cycle since. I should admit that from boyhood I never considered I ever had any Engineering ability, and I was regarded as one so utterly devoid of mechanical knowledge as to be unable to sharpen a blacklead pencil. I do not think I am quite so helpless as that ; but upon one occasion Professor Fowler, the phrenologist, examined my bumps at a lecture he gave at the City Temple, 280 With John Bull and Jonathan and declared that whatever other gifts I might possess mechanical genius was not one of them. The Professor was right. While Bicycles and Tricycles have largely retired from public favour, the Motor car has certainly become established in public use in a most remarkable manner. Probably no single invention of so costly a character — for motor cars in England cost from o ;^2 5o to /^2000 — has ever before attained such enor- mous popularity. Even wealthy people have practically emptied their stables, and sold their carriages, preferring Motor Broughams for daily use, and large Cars for road travel. F'or the future, I believe that the inventive genius of the manufacturers in the several foreign countries where they are now made, will shortly put on the market a car, which will not exceed the cost of an ordinary carriage. The Motor vehicle is not only used in England as a private carriage, but is rapidly becoming a public convenience of the day. About the streets the Motor Bus is fast supplanting the omnibus with horse power. As trade vehicles they have appeared in large numbers, and motor engines on the roads have met with the distinct approval of many classes as a great convenience. The great Omnibus companies are gradually altering their plant for motor power, and the same may be said of almost every description of public vehicle, including Tramcars. There are so many Freemasons in all parts of the world that I have frequently been questioned by members of the brotherhood as to the extent of the 281 With John Bull and Jonathan Order in the States. As to numbers, I believe there are, according to Grand Lodge returns, upwards of 1,000,000 Masons in the States. I joined the Order in 1872, and since then have had many American Masons as personal guests, or as guests of the Lodges to which I have belonged. A Masonic banquet is not a feature in the United States, and the habit of holding one following a meeting of the lodge is unusual. This, however, is invaribly the custom in England. Amongst London Clubs there are a large number which are partly social and partly literary. These have no Club-houses of their own, and only meet upon certain fixed occasions. This is the case with the New Vagabond Club, the White Friars, the Sphinx, and others. Amongst many associations in London formed amonorst Commercial men for mutual assistance and O the interchange of ideas, one of the most interesting is the Sphinx Club, which was founded in October 1904 by twenty gentlemen connected with the advertising profession, and their allies — newspaper proprietors, publishers, and advertisers. I had the honour of being elected the first president. A monthly dinner is held, after which a debate upon a given subject connected with the profession takes place. One of these was "What is Advertising?" which gave rise to an important and valuable discussion. Other topics of a kindred character have been taken at the club dinners. At the banquet held in May at the Hotel Cecil members had an agreeable surprise at the hands of that prince of cartoonists, Mr F. 282 With John Bull and Jonathan Carruthers Gould, who presented to each a copy of an Egyptian scroll, in which, while gently carica- turing, he also idealised and immortalised, a few of the prominent members of the Club. The system of Circulating Libraries in London and other parts of England is well carried out, and all of them are well supplied with up-to-date literature, while the subscriptions are really moderate. A firm known as Mudie's is the most prominent and best known, and from this library the vast majority of country libraries are supplied. The business done by circulating libraries has greatly diminished since the establishment of rate-aided Public Libraries and by the reduction in price of popular fiction. Prior to 1890 nearly all novels were issued in three-volume sets, the published price being 31s, 6d. This put the purchase of such works quite out of the reach of ordinary readers, and the Libraries not only became the best customers of the publishers, but frequently determined the success or failure of a new work. If the Libraries declined to buy, the book was almost certainly doomed to be a failure. All this, however, has now been changed, and at the present day 6s. is the publishing price of books by the most popular authors, and this is practically reduced to 4s. 6d. by the net figures charged by retail booksellers. As a result, people now buy books, where previously, they borrowed from a library to read only. This should also be noted, that books published originally at 6s., after their first popularity is passed, are issued in cheap editions 283 With John Bull and Jonathan of IS. 6d., and even at is. — ^^well bound — while many standard works, of which the copyrights have expired, may be bought at ^.^d. or 6d. While these pages have been passing through the press, Tke Times, which is ever in the van of literary progress, has announced a new scheme for a lending library in conjunction with the issue of their journal. This is called " T/ie Times Book Club," and affords every subscriber to their paper the opportunity of reading the latest published works in every depart- ment of art, drama, philosophy, poetry, travels and science, on demand without charge. Three books may be had at a time ; they may be changed every day ; and after being read be purchased at half the published price. A finely-appointed depot is opened in the west end, and the enterprise is worthy the genius of the great paper. The Book- Lovers' Library is also a flourishing institution with a reasonable subscription and con- venient facilities. Boots Limited have added a lend- ing library to their other departments, and have scored a great success in obtaining the patronage of book readers in all localities where their stores are situated. What were called the "Yellow Backs" have almost disappeared, and the new cheap editions are issued bound in cloth, and sold at the lowest prices. Even authors of the present day find their works saleable at these low figures, and while they are glad of the large circulation which they obtain, have to admit a loss of income as a result of this form of trading. 284 With John Bull and Jonathan The fact is not generally known that a Patent can be obtained in England upon any article, whether a new invention or otherwise. No inquiry or test is made of any kind. You simply say to the clerk you wish to patent a certain invention, and they issue a Patent, and take your fee, which is no guarantee whatever as to the validity, because an- other may have anticipated yours. The fees, fortun- ately, for this supposed patent are most moderate. In the United States a Patent is not granted until after submission to the examiners, and search made as to similar patents, and no Patent is granted unless there is proof that the invention is new, novel in principle, and that principle never antici- pated. Such a Patent is at once of great value if the invention is valuable, because protection is at once ensured from infringement. But in P^ngland the value or insignificance of a Patent can only be ascertained after an action at law with another claimant, which is a very expensive transaction. 285 CHAPTER XIX Afterwords — Gathering up the Threads In this closing chapter of my reminiscences I have left many friends and relatives in business and at home doing their appointed work with all their might, with all their heart. Many are still living and labouring as before, and the consecrated life flows on, like a stream descending from a mountain, only occasionally ruffled by a projecting rock or jutting crag, pressing forward to the sea. I have spoken of my sainted mother's death and burial. She now lies in the Beals burial plot at Canandaigua, whither her body was removed in 1863. The last journey my dear father took, by sea and land, was to visit me, and he met his death by a strange accident at Edinburgh. Of this I have spoken. My Father married for his third wife Mrs Helen Lawrence Franklin, widow of George Franklin, and a descendant of the Lawrence family of Flushing, Long Island. She survived my Father twenty-eight years, and died in 1902, leaving one son, the child of her first marriage. He adopted legally the name of Richards, and is a practising lawyer in New Hampshire. In reviewing the years of my business life in 286 With John Bull and Jonathan London, justice compels me to refer to those who have been actively engaged with me, and to whose loyal service I am deeply indebted. My office staff from the very beginning have, in the majority of cases, proved most efficient, and in several cases have developed exceptional gifts, showing great devotion to the furtherance of my plans, and so advanced the interests of my firm. A member of my staff who joined me in i886 was my uncle, Mr Thomas Spencer Beals, my mother's brother. The late Mr Beals, in consequence of a business disaster in the States, caused by no neglect of his own, urgently requested me to take him into my office, and in his sixty-fifth year, with his wife and daughter, crossed the Atlantic to take up my work in the old country. He came over in 1886, entered upon his new duties with great zest, carried them out with the utmost ability and punctiliousness ; was never absent except on two occasions when ill, took very moderate holidays, and died after seventeen years' faithful service, at the age of eighty-three, 19th March 1904. His whole career of work in London was a remarkable performance. In addition to American agencies, I have for twenty years been the English representative of two eminent manufacturers in Belgium — viz. Ch. Delacre et Fils and L. Ecckelaers of Brussels — and my personal relations with these gentlemen have always l^ecn delightful to me, and their hearty appreciation of Anglo-American methods has been a matter of satis- faction — ever evincing a keen interest to advance 287 With John Bull and Jonathan with the times ; never seeking for a precedent, or fearing an innovation. Other firms have entrusted their business agencies in England to me, and our relations have nearly always ripened into warm friendship with their principals, and I am glad to say that no firms which have placed their business in my hands have ever withdrawn from me ; and I have never been associated with a failure in their interests. This may be ac- counted for by their talent and skill in suggesting a course of procedure, rather than following my own initiative. Still, in many cases I acted entirely on my own responsibility, and without any limitations being placed upon my actions. Mr W. P. Ward and Mr Brent Good, with whom I was so pleasantly associated in my early days, have both carried on business associations with me up to the present time ; and each of them spends a portion of each year travelling in England and upon the Continent. My brother-in-law, Mr Henry K. Terry, with whom I was associated in the tobacco enterprise, left England soon after the Tobacco Trade Amalgama- tion, and settled in Richmond, Virginia — afterwards removing to Minnesota, where he now resides. Mr John F. Allen, and Mr Lewis Ginter, the founder of the " Richmond Gem," and other brands of American cigarettes and tobaccos (Allen & Ginter), both died at Richmond, Virginia, within the last ten years. Mr S. R. Van Duzer, under whose auspices I came 288 With John Bull and Jonathan to England in 1867, died at Newburgh, New York, in 1904. I saw him upon two occasions only after the dissolution of partnership, in 1872. His son, Frederick C. Van Duzer, has conducted and managed the business, first as partner with his father, and latterly as the surviving partner, and has for many years been one of my best friends. With regard to those of my relatives whose names I have introduced into these reminiscences, I must place on grateful record a few facts concerning them. My brother James, after leaving college, entered upon the study of the law. He received the degree of LL. B. from the University Law School, taking a further course of two years in the Columbia Law School under Theodore W. Dwight, LL.D., receiv- ing the same degree and the further honour of LL.M. after having delivered the Alumni address a year after ofraduatincf, and in due course was admitted a member of the Bar in New York. He began practising Law at once, continuing in practice from 1863 to 1898. At first in partnership with Mr C. N. Bovee, the well- known author and Philosophical writer, and from 1874 to 1898 was associated with the eminent Law firm of Coudert Brothers of New York. The special Branch to which he gave his attention was the Law of Real Property. In 1897 he was elected President of the Dwight Alumni Association of the City of New York, succeeding in that office Justice Morgan J. O'Bryan of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the City of New York. T 289 With John Bull and Jonathan Leaving the States, he has travelled considerably through Europe, enjoys excellent health, and is a constant visitor at Steephill Castle. He married three years later than I did. His wife died five years ago, leaving no family ; and he now enjoys complete rest from professional labours, and finds in the pursuits of a country gentleman, with occa- sional excursions into literary work, that solace and happiness which he deserves. My sister Caroline married Mr Edmund C. Clarke of Naples, a lake village about eight miles from Canandaigua, New York. She has one son and three daughters. All of them are living. My sister Anna married Mr A. A. Cummings of San Francisco, who died while on a visit to me in 1894, since which time she has made her home with me. My stepmother, after a number of years, died at Jackson, Michigan. My sister Elizabeth became the wife of Mr Justice J. T. Marean of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Their home is in Brooklyn, New York, and they are in the enjoyment of leisure and means. They have crossed the Atlantic many times, always visiting me, and meeting together on terms of mutual affection and interest. My sister Julia died when she was three years of age. My wife is an established favourite with all classes. Her heart is ever open to the appeal of the " unlucky." She facetiously observed upon one occasion: "There 290 With John Bull and Jonathan are two classes of letters addressed to me, the contents of which I know by heart as soon as I read the open- ing sentence. One begins : * Knowing your kind heart ' — she is a woman who wants me to visit her, and see her seventeen children. A second com- mences : * Forgive an utter stranger for troubling you ; if you knew my distress ' — she is a lady who wants me to lift a mortgage on her house of ^300." Occasionally, in her goodness of heart, she has been led into undertakings of great difficulty. Upon one occasion, in 1879, she received from Hablot K. Browne (''Phiz''), the well-known illustrator of Dickens' works and others, a portfolio full of sketches, which he asked her to show her friends, who might purchase a few. She was unsuccessful in this, and after a certain time had elapsed he wrote a pleasant note, asking for the return of the portfolio, expressing the hope that they were not thrown on the dust-heap. On the opposite page is a facsimile of his letter, sketch, and autograph. In my own family circle there has for many years been only "one vacant chair." My daughters have known sorrow ; and still face their daily duty with heroic faith. My sons are at my right hand with me in business. My wife has counselled and supported me in the most difficult and the most sad experiences of my life ; all my joys have been shared with her. We both are blessed with wonderful health and cheerful tem- peraments. Personally, I am both active and energetic, 291 With John Bull and Jonathan continuing in my business from preference, and desire. To other comrades and beloved ones whom I have loved, and from whom I have parted, with deep reverence I adopt the language of St Paul the Apostle: "And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah." For myself I also use a Scriptural expression : " What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits ? " " The Now is an atom of Sand, And the Near is a perishing Clod, But Afar is as Fairyland, And BEYOND is the Bosom of God." 292 "^ 7 r^-f^ 'A^'^^&-^- /. ;- // :-^_. >. y #-r, /-• FAC-SIMILE OF DKAWING UY "I'lllZ/' liS?!*. MHS. .lOlIN MOI((iAN UICHAKUS. CHAPTER XX American " Hustling " Londoners so frequently hear from American visitors the expression "hustle," meaning to make haste — be quick — that an impression exists that the American people are more active and prompt, not only in the performance of definite work, but that in every pursuit or task their haste and despatch outstrip the English, I am prepared to defend the English position, and to declare that their more deliberate and methodical habit stands for better work — saving of time — and with less friction at every point. I have just returned from New York, my first visit there since 1902. I have taken careful notes as to my recent experience in the States in reference to this particular subject of American "hustling." I began these notes the very hour of arrival in New York. I was on the alert for the first evidence of the "hustle." When I explain that three hours are taken up at the landing- stage of the Cunard Line by the American Customs to take declarations, examine and clear passengers' luggage, one cannot say that the " hustling " begins there. The carriages and cabs that ply in New York are not fitted up to carry boxes like English four-wheelers, and, therefore, one's personal effects, beyond light hand luggage, must be sent to hotels 293 With John Bull and Jonathan or residence by "express" vans. In my own case, my trunks did not reach my hotel, a distance of three miles, until four hours after I had secured my rooms. No "hustling" in transfer of luggage. The hotel porters did not place my luggage in my room for more than one hour after I saw it arrive at the hotel — thougrh urored to do so. No " hustle " there. At the coffee-room and restaurant, not an item of any kind ordered a la carte was as quickly served — for breakfast, luncheon, or dinner — as at the best London hotels. The first evidence of "hustle" was in the management of the "lifts." These certainly ascend and descend quicker than anything seen in this country — but no attention is paid to the lift "bell call." You simply wait till the "cage" comes in sight, and watch your chance to call out "up" or "down," and you are allowed to enter. In the matter of conveyance by steam or electric cars, they are as quick and prompt as the London service, but not more so. Hired cabs or carriages go at less than half the speed of similar vehicles in London, and for fares four times as great. The drivers are neither so respectful nor careful in their driving as in England. In matters of boot cleaning, and "barbers' shop" ser- vice, double the time is taken for these details as in London. Public telephoning is accomplished quicker — not because the attendant "hustles," but because the mechanical appliances are better. In shops, people crowd up to the counters and "hustle" one another, but those who serve are in no hurry what- ever. There is not a shop in New York that succeeds 294 With John Bull and Jonathan in placing in your hand a purchase, together with a bill and your change, as readily as in large English establishments of similar character. At railway plat- forms for arrival or departure, again the "hustle" is not in evidence — you cannot purchase your tickets or pass to the train quickly because of the punching and tedious examination of coupon tickets. Your luggage, unless "expressed," cannot be checked or claimed with anything like the despatch of an English railway station. At merchants' offices, in- terviews, whether by appointment or by chance, are occasions for constant interruptions and time wasted that would never occur in a London office where an appointment had been previously made. At banks a cheque cannot be changed quicker or with less formality than in London. Clearing mer- chandise at New York Customs-house requires all the patience, and even more, than I have found in the "Long Room" at Upper Thames Street, the "red-tape" being quite as carefully observed. The despatch of telegrams is not so quickly accomplished by the private enterprise monopoly existing in American as in the Government offices of this country, and the rates are much higher. The de- livery of letters, parcel post, messenger service, and post-office business generally is not to be compared with the British system as to speed. The street wheel traffic is distinctly slow, everything giving way to electric tramcars, motors, and elevated railways. Of the American "quick lunch" I had no experi- ence. I found both at "up town" clubs and "down 295 With John Bull and Jonathan town " clubs, an hour to an hour and a half was the average indulgence, time being taken for "coffee and smoke." At restaurants and lunch counters one could "hustle" over a "a piece of apple pie" or "a bowl of milk," but I did not observe the least inclination to "hurry up" more than would occur every day in London at such places as " Pimm's " in the Poultry. The reading habit, whether of books or of the daily paper, seemed to me to be indulged in with as much deliberation and interest as one observes in England. But, in the matter of newspaper reading, I am bound to say the American gives up even more time to it than the Britisher. The Sunday issues of American journals frequently contain 500 columns, of which fully one half would be reading matter, quite apart from advertisements. This supply of literary " food" would not be printed if there were not eager readers with time to absorb and appreciate the " banquet " ! I observed a vast difference among workers in the matter of haste in the morning "start" and the evening "return." There is certainly a quicker step and more evidence of "hustle" at the latter hour. This is not unnatural, nor unlike other nationalities. I will say this, that the American temperament is more optimistic and speculative, and men will decide important questions, giving the irrevocable "Yes" or " No," with less deliberation than would happen in England. It would be just to say that Americans are less bound by precedents, and will "hustle" through a negotiation if they are struck with the " proposition." 296 With John Bull and Jonathan My search for any improved method, whether called "hustling" or by any other name, whereby one actively disposed could accomplish more in the business hour or social hour than in England, and with less wear and tear of nerves, utterly failed. Instead of "hustling," I every day saw more idle well-to-do and well-dressed people lounging about hotel corridors, bars, and reading-rooms, five to one, than I would ever meet with in London, with the very extreme of deliberate plans to kill time, and without the least element of "hustling" or making haste. I therefore have returned to England again well satisfied that John Bull has a just right to resent the call of "Jonathan" to hurry up or to "hustle." For punctuality in keeping engagements, replying to correspondence, and for general considerateness in all matters where the time of others is involved, either in matters social or commercial, the English people cannot be excelled — nor can they be expected to listen with much interest to the remark: "You people are so very slow in England ; you must learn to * hustle.' " If we turn from the subject of "hustling" to "time saving" and "labour saving" inventions, no one will deny that there is any branch of industry that has not felt the influence of American ingenuity. The British public have always been prompt to acknowledge and appreciate their indebtedness to America for such inventions, and to contribute liberal reward to the inventors. In the use of tools, American mechanics of all trades are most alert, and have the "knack" of getting the utmost result in the shortest time. 297 With John Bull and Jonathan Whether driving nails by hand, or directing the out- put of a piece of complicated machinery, I would say that the American would accomplish the most work within given hours and hold the record week in and week out. In November of this year I visited the gigantic plant and works of the General Electric Company, at Schenectady, New York, where upwards of 10,000 hands are employed. The general manager had no hesitation in saying that the American artisan was the most efficient. Every American workman is ambitious to "get ahead," believing, and justly so, that a substantial reward is attached to skilled labour, and that he may at any time be promoted to a fore- man's or to a manager's position, and even become a master — knowing; that the masters he is now serving" were themselves at one time of their lives, perhaps, "workers at the bench." The certainty of advance- ment is an enormous stimulant to effort and energy, and the American in every department of labour and industry never loses sight of "his chance in life," and will not settle down content with his weekly or daily wage, and continue the grind without "prospects" ahead. In time contracts for the completion of certain important works, such as railway bridges, electric installations, hotel building, and the like, American contractors will get the award in competition with either English or foreign builders. They will employ largely foreign labour, but the important positions will be filled by Americans, who will "set the pace," and 298 With John Bull and Jonathan keep it up. Examples of American time contract work can be shown in London. Personally, I am prepared to back my countrymen as to their alertness and ability to fulfil every condition of a " time con- tract " ; all the same, I am of opinion that the more deliberate methods of the British contractor would stand for a more enduring structure, no matter what it was. There would be more pains taken with many small details, even if the contract did not require it. They are not disposed to shirk or slight any minor work, even if not specified, if the omission would develop a flaw in their work after supposed com- pletion. I do not sugrorest that one is more honest or con- scientious than the other. The American contractor considers he has acquitted himself well having ful- filled the conditions as to materials and " time." The British contractor has in mind the question of re- putation for future work. In England even a small residence or building has an enhanced value when put up "For Sale" if it can be stated: "Built by Messrs " Firms of this standing never retire from business — their position becomes a valuable asset. The "good- will " passes on to successors, who realise the import- ance of maintaining a reputation for thoroughly good work. 299 Index Academy, 159, 161, 264 " Academy crowning," i6o Accent and pronunciation, 202 Advanced pharmacy, 76 Advertising, 46 et seq. — fireworks, 52 — in England and United States, 59 . . — half-a-million spent in, 236 Advertisement, a puzzling, 52 Albany, Bishop of, 154 Alexander, George, 120 Alexander, Rev. Prof. W. L., 83 Alfonso XII., 117 Alien American, the, 177 "Alien unnaturalised," 177 Allen & Co., J. F., 66, 290 Allen & Ginter, 66, 68, 290 Alterations in buildings and streets, 162 American, a cute, 5 1 ct seq. — cigarettes, introduction into England, 66, 67 — colony in London, 149 — extract of malt, 76 — Round Table, Holborn Viaduct Hotel, 72 — society, 152 — Tobacco Co., 6g Ampthill, Lord, 171 Anderson, Captain, 216 Annie Swan (Mrs Burnett Smith), 107 Answers, 63 Appleton, Dr, 159 Arnold, Laura Hortense, 18 — born at Mahone Bay, N.S., 18 Arnold, Matthew, 159 Arnold, Captain Seth Harris, 18 Art of criticism, 264 "Artful Dodger," 131 Artemus Ward, 41 Aspinwall, 22, 25 Astor Place riots, 126 Athletics, 164 Auburn Theological Seminary 3, 5 Bad debts, 71 Ballston, New York, 2 Bancroft, S. B., 129 Bank of England, 276 Bank holidays, 278 Bankers and credit, 23 " Bar'l of Apple Sass," 131 Barnes, Henry & Co., 26 Barnes, Ward & Co., 26 Bateman, Kate and Isabel, 130 Beals, Elizabeth, 5, 6 — John, 3; emigrated from Hing- ham, Norfolk, England, 3 — Lydia, 3 — Thomas, 3, 5 ; estabHshed the Ontario Savings Bank, 3 — Thomas Spencer, 287 "Bee Hive," 3 Beecher, Rev. Dr Lyman, 3 — Rev. Henry Ward, 4, 28, 63, 80, 86, 87, 106, 213 Beecher-Tilton affair, 28, 86 Bell, Moberly, 62 " Bells, The," 130 Bellew, Rev. J. M., 35 Belloc, Hilaire, 160 Belmore, George, 129 301 Index Benevolent Fund, American Society, 151, 152 Bill of costs, 269 Billington, 129 Binney, Rev. Thomas, 83 Birch, C. B., A.R.A., 258, 264 Bishop, Dorothy, 122 Black and White, 64 Blaisdell Paper Pencils, 240 Blauvelt, Isaac A., 9 Bolton, 57 Boot, Jesse, genius of, 267 Boots' Library, 284 Boots and shoes, American, 61 Boston, 18, 51 Boucicault, Dion, 129 Bovee, C. N., 291 Brewer, Chief-Justice, 4 British Museum, 136 Brooklyn Argus, 27 et seq. — Eagle, 27, 29 Brough, Lionel, 129 Browne, H. K. (" Phiz "), 292 Bryant, Dan, 128 Buchanan, President, 222 Bufifalo Bill at Earl's Court, 230 Bunyan, John, 70 Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., 76 Byron, H. J., 130 Cab fares in London, 75, 142 — in New York, 198 Cable message in 1867, cost of, 217 California, instructions for journey to, 21 — Northern, of 1866 contrasted with to-day, 24 ; and Pike's Peak Express to, 230 Campania^ 187 Canandaigua, 3-5, 11-13, 291 Carnegie, Andrew, 215 Charity collections in New York, 196 Charities in London, American, 148 Cheever, Dr G. B., 80 Cheque system, 238 Chicken food, 209 Children, discipline of, 2 Choate, Joseph H., 148, 246 Christian Chronicle, 88 Christian World, 91 Chronicle, 62 Cigarettes, forcing British sale, 68 Circulating libraries, 283 Citizen, 88 City of Berlin, 31 City Temple, 78 et seq. — Thursday morning services, 84 Civil War, 18 Clarke, Edmund C, 291 Clarke, J. S., 131 Clough, Arthur Hugh, 159 Clubs, 282 Coghlan, Charles, 202 Cole, Vicat, R.A., 259 " Colleen Bawn," 129 Colman's Mustard, 87 " Colonel, The," 202 Commercial Hotels unknown in United States, 19 Company promoting, 239 Conrad, Joseph, 160 Conway, F. B., 126, 127 Cooke, Alf, of Leeds, 165, 169 Cost of living in United States and England, 138 Cotton, J. S. Sutherland, 159 Coudert, Brothers, 291 Cowles, Caroline, 2 Cowles, William, Sheffield, 2 " Create a sensation," 22 Cross & Blackwell, 75 Crossley & Co., Richard, 44 Cummings, A. A., 291 Cunarders in 1867, 31 Custom-House regulations, 194 Cuyler, Dr T. L., 80, 81 Daily Mail, 62, 65 Daily News, 62 Daily Teleg7-aph, 65, 84 Daisy Family Story Paper, 88 Dean, Julia, 124 " Dearer than Life," 129 Delacre et Fils, Charles, 287 302 Ind ex Demas Barnes & Co., i8 Democratic platform, 254 Derby, Lord, 217 Diamond Match Company of Maryland, 'j'j Dickens, Charles, 126 Divorce Laws in United States, 246 Doble, C. E., 159 " Donation Party, A," 9 Dormitory of New York, 213 Duke& Co., J. R.,66 Dust-bins, 207 Duzer, S. R. Van, 30, 36, 41, 66, 150, 152, 155 Dwight, Theodore W., LL.D., 291 ECCKELAERS, L., 287 Echo, The, 62 Edmunds, Dr James, F.R.C.S., 270 Education in United States, 146 et seq. Ellsworth, Judge, 8 — Stewart, 8 Emerson, R. W., 141 Encyclopedia Britaii7iica , 235, 236 England in age of Wycliffe, 160 — for cabinet work, 59 English editors and advertising columns, 46 — proprietary articles in United States, 75 Episcopacy in United States, 220 Esher, Lord, 156 Evans' Supper-Rooms, 132 Evening Sia?tdard, 273 Express, 62 Extracts from Dr Parker's letters, 93>94 Fairchild Brothers, 76 Fairfield, Conn., 2 " Famous Literature," 235 "Fanchette," 130 Farrar, Archdeacon, 80, 135 Fascination, a new, 56 " Feathers for Arrows,'' 82 Fechlcr, Charles A., 129 Fenian outbreak in London, 37 " Ferme, La," 67 Field, Abigail, 4 - Cyrus W., 4, 216 — David Dudley, 4 — Henry M., 4 — Stephen J., 4 — Captain 'i'imothy, 4 — Rev. Timothy, 4 Field sports, 165 et sc