INDEX TO SHORT STORIES COMPILED BY INA TEN EYCK FIRKINS Reference Librarian, University of Minnesota THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. 19 15 ^' Preface P/\/72?P5^ I 1 1 -J The Index to Short Stories is the outgrowth of a large number of scat- tered bibhographies of special authors prepared to meet the recurring needs of students and members of the English Department in the University of Minnesota. Title lists of Kipling, of Stevenson, of Balzac, of F. Hopkinson Smith, and others proved to be so great a convenience to the library assistants as well as to the students, that the preparation of a comprehensive index for general use was the logical result of the work done in a small way for the benefit of one institution. No claim for completeness in the work is made. To index all short stories would be impossible even were it desirable. America n and English authors whose stories have appeared in magazines onlV'have not been in- dexed. The work of no American or English writer is included unless he has -had published by a reputable publishing house, at least one volume of col- lected stories; but all the work of the selected authors, as far as it has been available, has been indexed. Thus, collected editions, separate volumes, peri- odicals, and composite collections of various short stories, have all been consulted for the work of the chosen authors.' No efifort has been made to recover obscure and fugitive work of the authors indexed ; that is the work of the bibliophile and special authority, but the best editions of the short story writers have been carefully and generously indexed. To discriminate the short story from longer works of fiction, the arbitrary limit of two hundred pages as the maximum length was adopted instead of a literary criterion on the basis of structure. This extends into the realm of the novellette, but was deemed expedient on the ground of convenience. A corresponding lapse in literary discrimination is to be found in the inclusion of many short sketches which are not, in the strict sense, stories. In the work of authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Sir James Barrie, and Alphonse Daudet, to mention but three, it is often difficult to tell whether the sketch should be classed as a short story, or as a descriptive narrative. When in doubt, the sketch has been included; occasionally, when there has been no doubt, it has been indexed because contained in a volume in which all the other titles were those of stories, and the sketch might therefore be called for in the same connection. Farces, which are in reality short stories in dialogue form, such as those of William Dean Howells, have occasionally been in- cluded. Juvenile and fairy stories have been excluded except when they are a minor part of a selected author's work and their omission would make the bibliography incomplete. English translations of foreign short stories have been included wherever found. As the work progressed the mass of material became so great that the cost of publication would have been prohibitive had all authors lieen retained. f^OiJ^QG Therefore, it was necessary to eliminate about three lunulred minor authors whose work had been indexed. The selection was made by a referendum sent out to a hundred libraries, requesting them to indicate their preference as to the authors listed. It is hoped that the form of entry is self-explanatory : 1. The arrangement is alphabetical by author and title, the author's name being printed in bold-faced type. 2. The title entry gives the exact title, followed by the author's name. 3. The author entry gives full information. The titles of the stories under the author's name are alphabetically arranged and each is followed by references given in the following order : a. Reference to the complete edition if one has been issued, of the author's works. b. References to the titles of the separate volumes of the author's works in which the story has appeared. c. References to editions of collected stories in which the story has been reprinted. These are indicated by the use of the editor's name, whenever that is known. d. References to the magazines if the story has appeared in periodicals. By means of this arrangement, it is possible to find the author of a short story, the title only of which is known ; the exact title of a story whose author is known, and the different places in which the story may be found. In col- lege and high school work the demand often comes for as many copies as possible of a given story. The Index informs the librarian of resources perhaps unsuspected in his own collection. The abbreviations of magazine titles are those used in the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, and Poole's Index. The Index has been compiled chiefly from the Library of Congress Cata- logue, and verified by a comparison with local collections, and with the books in the Lil)rarv of Congress. I. T. F. Minneapolis, Minn., March 24, 1915. CONTENTS Index to Short Stories Appendix A. — List of the Books Indexed 357 Appendix ?>. — List of Authors Classified by Nationality . . Z72 EXPLANATIONS Abbreviations of periodical titles are those used in The Reader's Guide and Poole's Index. In magazine references to Scribner's, Scribner's Monthly (being volumes 1-22 of the old series Century) is cited as Scrib o s. In the references to Century Magazine the old series numbers of volumes are used. To get a new series number, subtract 22. In citing collected works, [ ] are aiscd to indicate publisher and ( ) for edition. The order of references, as given under the author's name is as follows 1. Author's collected works 2. Author's separate works 3. Composite collections. 4. Magazines INDEX TO SHORT STORIES A-playin' of Old Sledge at the settlemint. Craddock, C. E. Aaron Macklehouse. Phillpotts, E. Aaron Trow. TroUope, A. Abandoned. Maupassant, G. de Abasement of the Northmores. James, H. Abbe Aubain. Merimee, P. Abbe Constantin. Halevy, L. Abbe Marignan. Maupassant, G. de Abbe's repentance. Allen, G. A'Becket, J. J. Song of the comforter In Stories of Italy (Stories from Scrib- ner) Scrib M lo: 255 Abencerrage. Irving, W. Abijah the brave and the fair Emmajane. Wiggin, K. D. Abijah's bubble. Smith, F. H. Ablest man in the world. Mitchell, E. P. Abner Simpson's new leaf. Wiggin, K. D. Aboard: a monologue. Daudet, A. About, Edmond Frangois Valentin, 1828- 1885 Uncle and nephew In Stories by foreign authors, French V I About the umbrella-mender. Harraden, B. Above rubies. Tracy, V. Abraham's offering. Erckmann. E., and Chatrian, A. Absalom's hair. Bjornson, B. Absent member. Mitford, M. R. Absent-minded botanist. Stockton, F. R. Absent-minded man. Jerome, J. K. Absent-mindedness in a parish choir. Hardy, T. Absent three. Morrison, A. Absurd romance of P'tite Louison. Parker, G. Acadian exiles. Hawthorne, N. Accent. Maupassant, G. de. Accident. Coppee, F. Accommodating circumstance. Stockton, F. R. Accomplished and lucky teakettle. Mitford, A. B. According to his lights. Glaspell, S. According to how the drop falls. Harris, J. C. According to St. John. Troubetzkoy, A. R. According to the law. Smith, F. H. According to their lights. Henry, O. Account book. Alarcon, P. A. de Account of a consulate; second story. Mitchell. D. G. Accursed bread. Maupassant, G. de Accursed house. Sec Balzac, H. de. Grande Breteche Acebal, Frangesco Embers In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Achilles the butler. Andrews, M. R. S. Achilles Tatius. See Tatius, Achilles Acia. See Turgenev, I. S. Asya Acid test. Osbourne, L. Acontius and Cydippe. Morris, W. [Edgar] Across the creek. Pratt, L. Across the gulf. Davis, Rebecca H. Across the jumping sandhills. Parker, G. Across the March dyke. Crockett, S. R. Across the plains. Sienkiewicz, H. Across the way. Grant, R. Acting for the best. Bland, E. N. Actors all. Cabell, J. B. Acts and entr'actes. Trask, K. N. Adalantado of the Seven Cities; a legend of St. Brandan. Irving, W. Adam and Eve. See Hawthorne, N. New Adam and Eve. Adam Bell. Hogg, J. Adam Scott. Hogg, J. Adam's diary. See Clemens, S. L. Extracts from Adam's diary Adams, Oscar Fay, 1855- Archbishop's unguarded moment In Archbishop's unguarded moment Cosmopol 12: 612 Discontented bishop In Archbishop's unguarded moment Evolution of a bishop In Archbishop's unguarded moment ISIight with William of Wykeham In Archbishop's unguarded moment Serious dilemma of the bishop of Ok- laho In Archbishop's unguarded moment Munsey 11 : 278 Trials of a retired bishop. In Archbishop's unguarded moment Why the bishop left Rye Beach In Archbishop's unguarded moment Addolorata's intervention. Fuller. H. B. Adee, Alvey Augustus, 1842- Life magnet In Stories by American authors v S Adelia in Arcady. Bacon, J. D. Adeline Thurston poetess. Jordan, E. G. Adieu. Balzac, H. de Adieu. See Maupassant, G. de. Farewell Adios Cordera! Alas, L. Adjusted honeymoon. French, A. W. Adjustment of nature. Henry. O. Adjutant's story. King, C. Admiral. Henry, O. Admiral Peters. Jacobs, W. W. Adopted. Donnell, A. H. Adopted daughter. Freeman. M. E. W. Adopted son. Maupassant, G. de Adoption. Coppee, F. Adoption of Albert and Victoria. Wright, M. O. Adoration of the mage. Kipling, R. Adoration of the magi. Yeats. W. B. Adulteration act. Jacobs, W. W. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Advantage's of a college' 'education. Wil- liams, J. L. Adventure. Maupassant, G. de. Adventure at Brownville. Bicrce, A. Adventure in Paris. Maupassant, G. de. Adventure in philanthropy. Martin, E. S. Adventure in the upper sea. London, J. Adventure in Tluile. Black, W. Adventure of Black Peter. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of Ciiarlcs Augustus Milvcrton. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of Corkcy and Mr. Tapper. Phillpotts, E. Adventure of Dona Isidra. Crockett, S. R. Adventure of Mucklebcrrv Finn. Clemens, S. L. Adventure of Mrs. Burlingame's diamond stomacher. Bangs, J. K. Ad\enture of my aunt. Irving, W. Adventure of my grandmother. See Irving, \\'. Bold dragoon Adventure of my uncle. Irving, W. Adventure of Padre Vicentio. Harte, B. Adventure of Prince Florizel and a detec- tive. Stevenson, R. L. Adventure of room 407. Bangs, J. K. Adventure of the Abbey grange. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the bervl coronet. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the I)lack lisherman. Irving, W. Adventure of the blue carbuncle. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the brass check. Bangs, J. K. Adventure of tlie Canadian heiress. Lang, A. Adventure of the copper beeclies. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the dancing men. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the Dorrington ruby seal. Bangs, J. K. Adventure of the dying detective. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the empty house. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the engineer's thumb. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of tlie luiglishman. Irving, W. Adventure of the exemplary earl. Lang, A. Adventure of the fair American. Lang, A. Adventure of the final problem. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the first clients. Lang, .\. Adventure of the German student. Irving, W. Adventure of the golden pince-nez. Doyle, A. C. Adventure of the hansom cab. Stevenson, R. L. Adventure of the hired burglar. Bangs, J. K. Adventure of tlie l.idy novelist and tlic vaccinationist. Lang, .\. Adventure of tiie lady ])atroness. I^ang, .\. Adventure of the little anti(|uary. Irving, W. Adventure of the mason. Irving, W. Adventure of tlic miserly mar(|uis. Lang, A. Adventure of the missing pendants. Bangs, J. K. Adventure of the missing three-roa John Cann's treasure In Backslider Twelve tales INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Allen, Grant —continued Joseph's dream In Cosmopol 26: 277 Mad Medlicott In Eng Illust 10: 619 Melissa's tour In Stories by English authors, v 10, The sea Reverend John Crecdy In Backslider Twelve tales Cornhill 48: 225 That v-ry Mab In Longman's 7-^i •When was Wednesday the tenth? See Allen. G. Cruise of the Albatross Wolverden tower In Backslider Twelve tales Woman's hand 1)1 Cosmopol 26: 151 Allen, James Lane, 1849- Aftermath; part second of Kentucky cardinal In Aftermath Kentucky cardinal Bride of the mistletoe In Bride of the mistletoe Cathedral singer In Cent 88: i Flute and violin In Flute and violin Harper 82: 58 John Gray [forms the basis of the later work Choir invisible] In Lippinc 49: 643 Kentucky cardinal In Kentucky cardinal Harper 88:926; 89:20 King Solomon of Kentucky In Flute and violin Warner library Outlook 85:468 Last Christmas In Cur Lit 46: 225 Old King Solomon's coronation. See Allen, J. L. King Solomon of Ken- tucky Part of an old story In Cent 33: 507 Posthumous fame; or, A legend of the l)eautiful In Flute and violin Sister Dolorosa In Flute and violin Cent 41 : 265. 580 Summer in Arcady In .Summer in Arcady Too much momentum In Harper 70: 701 Two gentlemen of Kentucky In Flute and violin Two gentlemen of Kentucky Outlook JT,: 623 White cowl /» Flute and violin Cent 36:r>84 Alliance of laughter. Benson, E. F. Alloutna. Maui)assant, G. de All's well that ends well. Hawkins, A. H. Almeria. Edgeworth, ]\L "Alms-giving." Moore, G. Almshouse. Sigourney, L. H. Aloha oe. London, J. Alone in China. Ralph, J. Along shore. Jewett, S. O. Along the Bronx. Smith, F. H. Along the Garonne. Weyman, S. J. Alpine divorce. Barr, R. Alpine lights and shadows. French, A. W. Alsace! Alsace! Daudet, A. Altar of her beauty. Davis, C. B. Altar of the dead. James, H. Alternative. McCutcheon, G. B. Alternative. Overton, G. Aways lock the door. Maupassant, G. de Alyosha the pot. Tolstoi. L. N. Am I insane? Maupassant, G. de Amadan of the dough. MacManus, S. Amalgamated brotherhood of spooks. Bangs, J. K. Amanda and love. Freeman, M. E. W. Amanda Todd. Freeman, M. E. W. Amarina's roses. Freeman, M. E. W. Amateur. Davis, Richard H. Amateur night. London, J. Amateur of lying. Lucian Amateur photographer. Bates, A. Amateur rehearsal. Bates, A. Amatua's sailor. Osbourne, L. Amazon. Hawthorne, J. Ambassador. Hibbard. G. A. Amber gods. Spofford, H. P. Ambitious guest. Hawthorne, N. Ambitious Jimmy Hicks. Masefield, J. Ambitious rose-tree. Ouida Ambuscade. Harris, J. C. Ambush. Gibbon, P. Amelia. Deland, M. American flirtation. Litchfield, G. D. American senator. Trollope, A. Americanization of Roll-Down Joe. Con- nolly, J. B. American's tale. Doyle, A. C. Amethyst box. Green, A. K. Amethyst comb. Freeman, M. E. W. L'.\mie inconnue. See Edgeworth, M. .\ngclin,T Amiable revenge. Parker, G. Amici. Andrews, M. R. S. Amicis, Edmondo de, 1846- 1908 College friends /;; Stories by foreign authors, Italian Great day In Stories by foreign authors, Italian Mendicant melody In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Aminadab Skelch and his free library. Loomis. C. B. Amir's homUj. Kipling, R. Amis and Amile. LeGallienne, R. Among the camps. Page, T. N. Among the cliffs. Craddock, C. E. .A.mong the climbing roses. Lagerlof, S. .'\mong the corn-rows. Garland, H. Among the railway folk. Kipling, R. Amos Barton. Sec Eliot, G. Sad fortunes of Amos Barton .'\mos Kilbright. Stockton. I'. R. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Amour dure. Paget, V. Amourette. Chambers, R. W. Amours of Daphnis and Chloe. Longus Amours of Mr. Dcuccace. Thackeray, W. M. Amputated arms. Bergs0e, J. W. Amy Foster. Conrad, J. Ananias. Harris. J. C. Anarchist. Conrad, J. Anarchist, Quida Anarchist: his dog. Glaspell, S. Anastasia's elephant. Loomis, C. B. Anathema in the family. French, A. W. Anatomist of the heart. Sullivan, T. R. Ancestors. Morris, G. Ancestors of Peter Atherly. Harte, B. Ancestral footstep. Hawthorne, N. Ancestr}' of Irene. Michelson. M. Ancient history. Hawkins, A. H. And Maude! French, A. W. And there was light. Harben, W. N. Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875 Angel. Ill Tappan. E. ^1. Children's 257. Constant tin /;; Tappan. 246 Darning-nee(! In Tappan, soldier. E. M. lie. E. M. Children's Children's 252 Fir-tree In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour I : 261 Nightingale In Warner library Ugly duckling /;; Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i: Warner library Andre Cornelis. Bourgct, P. C. Andrea Delhn. Heyse, P. J. L. Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich, 1871- Dilemma; a story of mental perplexity In Dilemma His excellency the governor In Harp W 51: 196, 236. 270, 310 Judas Iscariot (abridged trans.) In Sewanee R 16: 136 Seven who were hanged In Seven who were hanged Silence In Silence Esenwein, J. B. Short-story master- pieces, Russian v 2 -Andrei K61osof¥. Turgenev, I. S. Andreieff, L. N. See Andreev, L. N. Andrevv. Sec Page. T. N. How Andrew car- ried tlie precinct Andrew Kent's temptation. Ward, E. S P. Andrew Venlaw. See Parker, G. Chief fac- tor Andrews. Mary Raymond Shipman (Mrs. William Shankland Andrews) Achilles the butler III Scrib M*56: 389 Aide-de-camp • /)/ Militants Scrib M 41 : 209 Amici In Eternal masculine Scril) M 54:88 Better treasure In Better treasure Big Bateese In Bob and tlic guides Bill the trapper In Bob and the guides Scrib M 34: 741 Bishop's silence In Militants Scrib M 32: 703 Black care and the horseman In Scrib M 38:736 Butler In Am M 68: My p 22 Camp of the' bears In Delin 78: 149 Camp of the good fairy /;; Bol) and the guides Scrib M 35:448 Campaign trout In Eternal masculine Scrib M 48:61 Captains In Internal masculine Scrib M 42: 18 Counsel assigned In Counsel assigned Courage of the common-place /;; Courage of the commonplace Scrib M 50: 41 Crippled Mercury In Scrib M 33: 557 Crowned with glory and honor In Militants Scrib M 31 : 189 Diamond brooches In Militants Harper 112: 55 Enchanted forest /;; Enchanted forest Eternal feminine /;; Harper 116: T97 Fete of M'sieur Bob In Scrib M 55: 327 Fifth of October /;; McClure 35: 438 Forgiveness of sins In Everybody's 17:3 Fox's understudy /;; Bob and the guides Harper 105: 425 Fugitive III Har])er no: 285 Good Samaritan In Good Samaritan McClure 23: 580 Grandfathers of Bob /;/ Bob and the guides Scrib M 32: 222 Happiness In Enchanted forest Everybody's 21:291 How Starbright found his laugh In Enchanted forest In the open In Bob and the guides Scrib M 34:66 8 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Andrews, Mary R, S. ~Co)iliiiiird. Judge's cherubs In Ladies- 11 J 25: Jl p 13 Kidnapped colony In Kidnapped colony Harper 107: 50, JS^ Lake of devils In Bob and the guides Scrib M 39: iis« Lifted bandage In Lilted bandage Scrib M 46: -'93 Lingc of JM'sieur In Bob and the guides Scrib M 31 : 472 Little Marcus In Eternal masculine Little Revenge In Scrib M 34: -'04 Lost caravel In Bob and the guides Scrib M 39: 327 Majesty of the law In Harper 108: 668 Messenger In Scrib M 40: 4' 7 Nengnie In Enchanted forest Perfect tribute In Perfect tribute Scrib M 40: 17 Place aux dames In Bol) and the guides Harper 111:609 Play to the gallery In Harper 107: 853 Political tip In McClure 25: 426 Reward of virtue In Eternal masculine Scrib Al 44: 395 Sabine maiden In Eternal masculine Scarlet ibis In Eternal masculine Scrib M 52: 204 School-boy In Howclls, W: D., and others. Whole family ch ^o ThrouR-h the ivory gate In Militants Scrib M 37:''>oS Two sides of a street In McClure 21 : 347 Vive IVrnpcrcur /)! Vive rcmpercur Scrib M 32: 271 West Point regulation; a farce In McClure 23: 385 What the donkey did fn Harper 114: 42 Whistling of Zoctique In Eternal masculine Scrib M 42: 34 T Wife of the governor In Militants TTar])er 104: 8R5 Witnesses fn Militants Scrib M 34:464 \'oung man with wings In Eternal masculine Dclin 76: 86 Ag 1910 Andrew's fortune. Jewett, S. O. Audrey Satchel and the parson and the clerk. Hardy, T. Andreyev, L. N. See Andreev, L. N. Andy M'Gee's chorus girl. Davis, Richard H. Angel. Andersen, 11. C Angel and the flowers. Field, E. Angel at the grave. Wharton, E. N. Angel child. Crane, S. Angel in the house. Spofford, H. P. Angel of chance. Gray, D. Angel of his youth. Thanet, O. Angel of life. Hornang, E. W. Angel of the Lord. Howells, W. D. Angel of the odd. Poe. E. A. Angelina; or, L'amie inconnue. Edge- worth, M. Angel's visits. Jacobs, W. \\'. Angel's wickedness. Corelli. M. Anglicization. Zangwill, 1. Animal shop. Duncan, N. Animation of Beck Ann. Hopkins, M. S. B. Ann Arbor tales. See Ilarriman, K. E. Ann Eliza. Brown, .A. Ann Going. Donnell, A. H. .Ann Lizy's patcliwork. iMecman, ^I. E. \V. .\nn Malann. Slosson, .\. T. Ann Mary; her two Tlianksgivings. Free- man, M. E. W. .Anna. Lady Baxby. Hardy, T. Anna's whim. Alcott, L. M, Anne. Davis, Rebecca H. Anne Marie and Jeanne Marie. King, G. E. Anne Rodway. Collins, W. Anner 'Lizer's stumliliu" block. Dunbar, P. L. Annette. See Parker, G. Tragic comedy of Annette Annette de Viroflay. IMaartcns, M. .Annette Delarbre. Irving. W. Annie Laurie. Ward, f".. .S. P. .Annie Touscy's little game. Hopkins, M. S. B. -Annihilation of tlie conscience. Vorse, M. H. .Annonchka. Turgenev. I. S. Annunciata. Boyesen. H. H. Annunzio, Gabriele d', 1864- San Pantaleone In Stories l)y foreign authors. Italian .Anointed man. Sharp, W. Anonymous l''or .-inonvmous stories see first word of titles" .Anonymous letter. D:indet. A. .Anonymous letter. Davis. Ricliard H. .\nother dog. Smith, E. H. Another gambler. Bourget, P. C. Am.tlur little heath-lioun German tales Ru(!oli)h and l-:ii7al>eth /;; German tales Step-mother. /» German tales INDEX TO SHORT STORIES II Auld licht in arms. Barrie, J. M. Auld licht kirk. Barrie, J. M. Auld licht manse. Barrie, J. M. Aunt Abby's neighbors Slosson, A. T. Aunt Amity's silver wedding. Stuart, R. M. Aunt Calista's way. AlacManus, S. Aunt Caroline's present. Hale, E. E. Aunt Clementine's old days. Earle, M. T. Aunt Cynthy Dullett. Jewett, S. O. Aunt Deborah. Mitford, M. R. Aunt Delphi's dilemma. Stuart, R. M. Aunt Fountain's prisoner. Harris, J. C. Aunt Kipp Alcott, L. M. Aunt Liefy. Slosson, A. T. Aunt Mandy's investment. Dunbar. P. L. Aunt 'Randy. Slosson, A. T. Aunt Rose. See Maupassant, G. de. Our letters Aunt Sarah's brooch Morrison, A. Aunt Sue's panic. Payn, J. Aunt Tempe's revenge. Dunbar, P. L. Aunt Tempe's triumph. Dunbar, P. L. Aunt Tempy's story. Harris, J. C. Aunt Ursula's misfortune. Ohnet, G. Aunty Bligh. Maseheld, J. Aunty Lane. Jackson. H. H. Aurelia's unfortunate young man. Clemens, S. L. Austin, Mrs. Mary (Hunter) 1868- Agua Dulce /;; Lost borders Harp W 53: Ag 28 p 22 Basket maker In Atlan 91 : 235 Basket woman. First story In Basket woman Basket woman. Second story In Basket woman Bitterness of women In Lost borders Harp W 53 : O 9 p 22 Case of conscience In Lost borders Harp W 53: Ag 14 p 22 Cheerful glacier In Basket woman Christmas fiddle In Cent 8t: 239 Christmas tree In Basket woman Coyote-spirit and the weaving woman In Basket woman Crooked fir In Basket woman • Fakir In Lost borders Harper 119: 556 Fire bringer In Basket woman Frustrate In Cent 83 : 467 Golden fortune In Basket woman Atlan 92: 791 Green bough In Am M jt,: 642 Hoodoo of the Minnictta In Lost borders Cent 74: 450 House of offence In Lost borders Harp W 53: O 23 p 22 Jimville; a sketch In Atlan 90 : 690 Land In Lost borders Last antelope In Lost borders Atlan 92: 24 I Little coyote In Atlan 89: 249 Lost dog In Cath World 89:624 Mahala Joe In Basket woman Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 10: 419 Atlan 94: 44 Mamichee In Cath World 91: 183 Merry-go-round In Basket woman Nayang-Wite, the first rabbit drive In Basket woman Night adventure In Cath World 92: 157 Ploughed lands In Lost borders Harp W 53: S II p 22 Pocket-hunter's story In Lost borders Pot of gold In Munsey 25: 491 Readjustment In Lost borders Harper 116: 694 Return of Mr. Wills In Lost borders Cent 74:244 . ' Search for Jean Baptiste In St N 30: 1024 Spring o' the year In Cent 75 : 923 Stream that ran away In Basket woman Sugar pine In Basket woman Walking woman In Lost borders Atlan too: 216 White-barked pine In Basket woman White cockatoo In Cent 83: 549 White hour In Munsey 29: 88 Woman at the Eighteen-mile In Lost borders Harp W 53: S 25 p 22 Austin, William, 1778-184J Peter Rugg, the missing man In Baldwin, C. S. American short stories Austin's girl. Norris, K. "Author! Author!" Hornung, E. W. Author of Beltraffio. James, H. Author's reading and its consequences. Harrison, C. C. Author's reading in Simpkinsville. Stuart, R. M. Author's story. Maartens, M. Autobiographical romance. Hawthorne, T. 12 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Autobiography of a thief. Readc, C. Autobiography of an omnibus. Alcott, L. M. Autobiography of Aureola. Ward, E. S. P. Autobiography of IMcthusclah. Bangs, J. K. Automobile. See French, A. \V. -Mrs. La- throp's love affair, part 2 Autumn. Goeringer, I. Autumn. Strindberg, A. Autumn and love. Benson, E. F. Autumn manoeuvres. See Halevy, L. Ala- dame de Ciiateaubrun's series of three Aux sericux. Kirk, E. O. Avalanche. Herrick, R. Avaricious priest. Bandello, M. Avatar. Gauticr, T. Avatar. Huneker, J. G. Avenger. De Quincey, T. Avenger. Maupassant, G de Avenger of blood. Gibbon, P. Average woman: RcfTey. Balcstier, C. W. Aver.v. Ward. K. S. P. Avicenna and the olxservant young man (Turkish) In Hawthorne. J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Awakening. Maupassant, G. dc Awakening of Angus Ogue. Sharp, W. Awakening of George Raymond. Osbourne, L. Awakening of Zojas. Michelson, M. Awful fate of Mr. Wolf. Harris, J. C. Awkward question. Vorse, M. H. Axel and Anna; or, correspondence between lovers. Eremer, F. Aytoun, William Edmonstoune, 1813-1865 Glenmutchkin raiUtay In Stories by English authors, Scot- land Azalia. Harris, J. C. Aztec romance. Janvier, T. A. Baa, baa, black sheep. Kipling, R. Bab. W^eyman, S. J. Babcock, Mrs. Winnifred (Eaton), 1879- Sce W^atanna, Onoto, pseud. Babe Jerome. Catlierwood, M. H. Babenay. Phillpotts, E. Babes in the jungle. Henry, O. Babet's lover. Zola, E. Babette. Maupassant, G. de Babiche. See Parker. G. Little Babiche Baby grand. Long, J. L. Baby in the mail-pouch. Craddock, C. F. Baby in the siege. Harris, J. C. Baby Sylvester. Hartc, B. Baby tr.inip. Bierce, A. Baby's bath. Bennett, E. A. Baby's Christmas. Harris, J. C. Baby's fingers. Lewis, A. H. Baby's fortune. Harris, J. C. Bach concertf) in D minor. Harradcn, P.. Bacheller, Irving Addison, 1850- "CliarL'-c it"; or. Kiii)ing uj) with Harry In Charge it Colonel's organization In Good H 49: 489 Commodore Vanderbilt and the hand- made gentleman In Am M 67: 463 Fben Holden's last day a-fishing In Eben Holden's last day Cent 73:232 Kce])ing up witli Dan'l Webster. See Bacheller, L A. Turning of Griggsb}-: being a story of keeping up with Dan'l Webster. Keeping up with Harry. See Bacheller, L A. "Charge It" Keeping up with Lizzie In Keeping up with Lizzie Harper 121:688 Lonesome man of Huckleberry lake In Am M 71: 649 Lost in the fog In St N 28:33-' Man on the hill-top In Harper 119: 370 Marie and the talk-trust In Harper 124: 909 Master of silence In Master of silence Our honeymoon summer In Good FI 50: 723 Shadow of happiness In Cosmop 31 : 661 Socrates invents a new sin In Harper 123: 429 Socrates to the rescue In Harper 122: 502 Soloist of Center Pond In Hampton 27:206 Cur Lit 5^: 697 Stories of a railroad king /;; Harp W 53: My i p 11 Story of the big timber In Cosmop 31: 396 Tale of two burdens In Cent 76: 548 Turning of Griggsby; being a story of keeping up with Dan'l Webster In Turning of Griggsby Cent 84: 606, 726 Uncle Eb's last day a-fishing In Cent 73- -'3-' Bachelor and the baby. Cameron, M. Bachelor's Christmas. Grant, R. Bachelor's experience. Coppee, F. Bachelor's fancy. Brown, A. Bachelors of Braggy. MacManus. S. Back home. Donnell, A. II. Back o' beyont. Crockett, S. R. Back of Bohemia. Merrick, I^. Back seat. Morris, G. Back there in tlie grass. Morris, G. Back to back. Hale. E. E. Back to back. Jacobs, W. W. Back to Indiana. Peake. E. E. Backgrounds. Stetson, G. E. C. Backslider. Allen, G. Backsliding of Harriet T'.Iake. Bacon, J. D. Backward view. Jewett, S. O. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 1.3 Bacon, Josephine Dodge (Daskam) (Ingra- ham Lovell, pseud. 1876- Adclia in Arcady In Aladncss of Philip McClure 18: 33^ Adventures of an uncle In Her fiance At commencement In Smith college stories Backsliding of Harriet Blake In Whom the gods destroyed Bayard of Broadway In Whom the gods destroyed Harp W 46: p6p 64 Biscuits ex machina In Smith college stories Blue dress In Scrib M 33:457 Bobbert's merry Christmas In Madness of Philip Harp B 35: 703 Case of interference In Smith college stories Castle on the dunes In Harper 119: 531 Children In Strange case of Dr. Stanchon Harper 119: 3^7 College girl In Sister's vocation Confessions of a husband In Bookm 15: 443 Conversion of Constantia In Am M 64: 396 Country cousin In Sister's vocation Courting of Lady Jane In Middle-aged love stories Crystal In Strange case of Dr. Stanchon Hampton 27: 305 Edgar, the choir boy uncelestial In Madness of Philip McClure 18:262 Education of Elizabeth In Smith college stories Emotions of a sub-guard In Smith college stories End of it In Smith college stories Ends of the earth In Good H 48:267 Evolution of Evangeline In Smith college stories Fair exchange In Sister's vocation Family aflfair In Smith college stories Few diversions In Smith college stories First of October In Harper log: 721 Flesh-pots of Egypt In Sister's vocation Goddesses from the machine In Scrib M 37- 18 Gospel In Strange case of Dr. Stanchon Gypsy In Woman's H C 40: Mr p 3; Ap p 17 Heart of a child In Madness of Philip McClure 16: 291 Her father's daughter In Sister's vocation Her fiance In Pier fiance Her little sister In Her fiance Her stepmother In Sister's vocation Hope deferred In Middle-aged love stories Cent 62: 420 Plouse of their rest In Ladies' H J 28: F i p 7 Idyl of the road In McClure 29: 603 Idyll of All Fool's day In Idyll of All Fool's day Am M 65:563; 66:71, 181 Imp and the angel In St N 27: 956 Imp and the author In Harper loi: 202 Imp and the drum In St N 28:995 Imp disposes In Harper 103: 474 Imp's Christmas visit In St N 29: gg Imp's matinee In St N 28:884 In the border country In In the border country In the valley of the shadow In Middle-aged love stories McClure 20: 41 Julia the apostate In Middle-aged love stories Key In Strange case of Dr Stanchon Key to the East gate In Ladies' H J 28: Jl p 7 Legacy In Strange case of Dr. Stanchon Hampton 26: 415 Levitation of Miss Weeks In Scrib M 36: 195 Little brother of the books In W4iom the gods destroyed Scrib M 32: 400 Little god and Dicky In Madness of Philip ; McClure 17: 338 Little silver heart In Harper 113: 762 Little victory of the general In McClure 31 : 253 Madness of Philip In Madness of Philip McClure 16: 183 Maid of the mill In Whom the gods destroyed Miracle In Strange case of Dr. Stanchon Harper 121:843 14 IX'DEX TO SHORT STORIES Bacon, Josephine D.— Continued. Miss Biddle of Bryn Mawr In Smith college stories Mrs. Dud's sister In Middle-aged love stories Harper 104: J79 Oracles In Strange case of Dr. Stanchon Peggy's summer In Harp B 46: 278; 47: 290 Philanthropist In Middle-aged love stories Point of view In Her fiance Harp B 3t':405 Pretenders In Collier's 4-^: J^i 30 p 16 Prodigal imp In St N 28:675 Question of values In Good H 53: 435 Reversion to type In Middle-aged love stories Scrih M 31 : 453 Scandal in high life In Scrib M 37: 4ii Singer's story In Sister's vocation Sister's vocation In Sister's vocation Study in piracy In Madness of Philip McClure 16:497 Taste of Bohemia In Sister's vocation Twilight guests In Whom the gods destroyed Unburied In Strange case of Dr. Stanchon Warning In Strange case of Dr. Stanchon Scrib M 44: 712 When Pippa passed In Whom the gods destroyed Where thieves break in In Collier's 43: My 29 p 12 Whom the gods destroyed In Whom the gods destroyed Wind flower In Whom the gods destroyed Bad conduct. See Chekhov, A. •'Kasch- tanka" Bad error. See .Maupassant. G. de. Window. Bad medicine man. Garland, H. Bad night. Hornung, E. W. Bad old times. Jokai, M. Badalia Herodsfoot. See Kipling, R. Rec- ord of Badalia Herodsfoot Badge of J'oliceman O'Roon. Henry, O. Biiader. Smith. F. H. Baffled aml)uscade. Bierce, A. Bailey's babies. Kelly, M. Baiilie's double. Watson, J. Baker of Barnbury. Stockton, K. R. Balaam and his master. Harris, J. C. Balaam and Pedro. Wister, O. Balacchi brothers. Davi4k,Rcbecca H. Balance. Keats, G. Balance of power. Bangs, J. K. Balcony, King, G. E. Balestier, Charles Wolcott, 1 861 -i 891 Average woman: RefTey In Average woman Cent 43: 561 "Captain, my captain" In Average woman Cent 44: 65 Common story In Average woman Cent 42: 497 Fair device In Fair device Balking of Christopher. Freeman, M. E. W. Ball at Sceaux. See Balzac, H. de. Rural ball Ball of fat. See Maupassant, G. de. Ball of tallow Ball of tallow. Maupassant, G. de Ballast. Quiller-Couch. A. T. Ballet dancer. Serao, M. Balloon hoax. Poe, E. A. Balsam fir. Freeman, M. E. W. Balthasar. France, A. Balthazar: or, The science of love. See Bal- zac, H. de. Balthazar Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850 Accursed house. See Balzac, H. de. La grande Breteche Adieu [Farewell] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 36; (Centenary) v 31 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 46 Works (Kelmscott) v 1-2 Works (University) v i Best of Balzac Christ in Flanders (Farewell) Juana and other stories Albert Savarus /;; Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 4; (Centenary) v 2 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 16 Works (Kelmscott) v 19-20 Works (University) v 10 Albert Savarus Another study of woman In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 24; (Centenary) v 15 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 22 Works (Kelmscott) v 5-6 Works (University) v 3 Balzac's shorter stories Modeste Mignon (Saintsbury) At the sign of the cat and racket [At the cat and battledor: At the cat and racket: Fame and sorrow: House of the cat and racket: I. a mai.^^on du chat cjui pelotel /;[ Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Rol)crts] V 2; (Centenary) v 3 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 12 Works (Kelmscott) v 7-8 Works (University) v 6 Fame and sorrow Woman of thirty (Saintsbury) Atheist's mass. In Comedy humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 2; (Centenary) v 3 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Honore de Balzac. [Barric] v 15 Works (Kelmscott) v 11-12 Works (University), v 6 Atheist's mass Balzac's shorter stories Country doctor Le Cure de Tours Eclectic M 106: 112 Ball at Sceaux. See Balzac, H. de. Rural ball Balthazar; or. Science and love In Balthazar Cat and racket. See Balzac, H. de. At the sign of the cat and racket Chief of the devorants. See Balzac, H. de. Ferragus Christ in Flanders [Jesus Christ in Flan- ders; Miracle in Flanders] /« Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 39; (Centenary) v. 29 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 42 Works (Kelmscott) v 1-2 Works (University) v i Balzac's shorter stories Christ in Flanders Country doctor Seraphita [Roberts] Colonel Chabert /)/ Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v. 3; (Centenary) v 3 Honore de Balzac. [Barrie] v 20 Works (Kelmscott) v 17-18 Works (University) v 9 Celibates Saintsbury) FaiTie and sorrow Comedies played gratis. See Balzac, H. de. Gaudissart II Commission in lunacy [Interdiction] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 7; Centenary) v 6 Honore de Balzac. [Barrie] v 20 Works (Kelmscott) v 13-14 Works (University) v 7 Country doctor Daughter of Eve Conscript. [Madame de Dey's last re- ception; Recruit; Requisitionnaire] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 36; (Centenary) v 31 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 46 Works (Kelmscott) v 1-2 Works (University) v i Balzac's shorter stories Christ in Flanders Little French masterpieces v 4 Month 58: 248 Outlook 89: 717 Temple Bar 77: 558 Cure de Tours [Vicar of Tours] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v. 10; (Centenary) v 10 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 24 Works (Kelmscott) v 7-8 Works (University) v 5 Le Cure de Tours Pierrette. [Roberts] Dance at Sceaux. See Balzac, H. de. Rural ball Daughter of Eve In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 7; Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 16 Works (Kelmscott) v 9-10 Works. (LTniversity) v 5 Daughter of Eve Seraphita (Saintsbury) Deserted mistress. See Balzac, H. de. Deserted woman Deserted woman. [Deserted mistress; Forsaken woman; Madame de Beau- seant] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 3; (Centenary) v 3 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 18 Works (Kelmscott) v 9-10 Works (University) v 5 After dinner stories of Balzac Father Goriot, etc. Domestic peace. See Balzac, H. de. Peace of a home Don Juan. See Balzac, H. de. Elixir of life Doomed to live. See Balzac, H. de. El Verdugo Double family. See Balzac, H. de. Double life Double life [Double family; Second home] 1)1 Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 6; (Centenary) v 3 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 22 Works (Kelmscott) v 6 [Second liome] Works (University) v n [Second home] ]Marriage contract. Drama on the seashore. See Balzac, H. de. Seaside tragedy Duchesse de Langeais. [One of series of three stories called "Histoire des Treize"] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 20; (Centenary) v 13 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 6 Works (Kelmscott) v 15-16 Works (University) v 13 Duchess de Langeais Jealousies of a country town v 2 Elixir of life. [Don Juan] /); Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 36; (Centenary) v 31 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 42 Works (Kelmscott) v 4 Works (University) v 2 Balzac's shorter stories Christ in Flanders Wild ass's skin (Saintsbury) Patten, W. International short stor- ies V 2 Episode under the Terror. [In the time of the Terror] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 28; (Centenary) v 21 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 34 Works (Kelmscott) v 31-32 Works. (University) v 16 Balzac's shorter stories Duchesse de Langeais Little French masterpieces v 4 i6 IXIJEX TO SHORT STORIES Balzac, Honore de —Cuiliiiucd. Episode under the terror —Continued. In Passion in the desert (.Caldwell) Woman of thirty. (Saintsbury) Esenweni, J. P.. Short Story master- pieces V 2 Dublin Univ M S^: 185 Gentleman's M. n. s. 50: i Lippinc 89: 431 Liv Age ig6: 464 Executioner. Sec Balzac, 11. de. JCl Ver- dugo Exiles [Les Proscrit.^J In Comedie 'humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 39; (Centenary) v 29 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 46 Works (University) v 2 Lc Cure de Tours. [Les Proscrits] Peasantry (Saintsbury) Seraphita | Rol)crts] Facino Cane [Gold] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 38; (Centenary) v 29 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 10 Works (University) v 16 W'orks (Kelmscott) y 31-32 Balzac's shorter stories Louis Lambert Modeste Mignon (Saintsbury) Fame and sorrow. See Balzac, H. de. At the sign of the cat and racket Farewell. See Balzac, H. de. Adieu Father's curse. See Balzac, H de. Hated son Fcrragus, chief of the devorants. In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 20; (Centenary) v 14 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 6 Works (Kelmscott) v 15-16 Works (University) v 13 Firm of Xucingen. See Balzac, IE de. .Xncingen and Co. Forsaken woman. See Balzac, H. de. Deserted woman Gallery of antiquities. [Jealousies of a country town] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 15; (Centenary) v 9 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 29 Works (Kelmscott) v 13-14 Works (University) v 7 Gambara In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 38; (Centenary) v 29 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 44 Works (Kelmscott) v 3 Works (University) v 2 Father's curse Jealousies of a country town v 2 Louis Lambert Gaudissart H [Comedies played gratis; Selim shawl] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 24; (Centenary) v 14 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 8 Works (Kelmscott) v 31-32 Works (University) v 16 Distinguished i)r()vincial (Saints- bury) Girl with the golden eyes In Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 5 Works (Kelmscott) v 15-16 Works (University) v 13 Gobscck. [M. Gobseck] Iji Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 24; (Centenary) v 14 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 17 Works (Kelmscott) v 9-10 Works (University) v 5 Father Goriot (Saintsbury) Gold See Balzac, H. de. Facino Cane Grande Breteche. [Great Breteche; Ac- cursed house] In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 2; (Centenary) v 3 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 22 Works (Kelmscott) v 5-6 Works (University) v 3 After-dinner stories from Balzac Balzac's shorter stories. Best of Balzac Fame and sorrow Little French masterpieces v 4 Modeste Mignon (Saintsbury) Jessup. A. and Canby, H. S. Book of short stories Warner library Great Breteche. See Balzac, IE de. Grande Breteche La grcnadiere III Comedie humaine. Wormeley. tr. [Roberts] v 3; (Centenary) v 3 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 17 Works (Kelmscott) v 9-10 Works (University) v 5 Celibates (Saintsbury) Fame and sorrow Hated son In Comedie humaine. Wormeley, tr. [Roberts] v 36; (Centenary) v 31 Honore de Balzac [Barrie] Works (Kelmscott) v TI-12 Works (University) v 6 Father's curse. Elermit of Le Croisic In Liv Age 177:473 Hidden masterpiece. See Balzac, H. de. Unknown masterpiece Honorine In Honore de Balzac [Barrie] v 20 Works( Kelmscott) v J-S A\'orks (University) v 4 Modeste Mignon (Saintsbury) House of Xucingen. Sec Balzac. IE eldonald Holbein. James, H. Belford races. Mitford, M. R. Belhomme's beast. Maupassant, G. de Belisaire's Prussian. Daudet, A. "Bell." Maupassant, G. de Bell of St. Basil's. Ward, E. S. P. Bellaford. Phillpotts, E. Belle Amour. See Parker, G. Pilot of Belle Amour Bellamy, Edward, 1850- 1898 At Pinney's ranch In Blind man's world Atlan 60: 777 Blind man's world /;; Blind man's world Atlan 58: 693 Cold snap In Blind man's world Scrib o s 10: 619 Deserted In Blind man's world Lippinc 22: 612 Dr. Heidenhoff's process In Dr. Heidenhofif's process Echo of Antietam In Blind man's world Cent 38:374 Hooking water melon In Blind man's world Lost In Blind man's world Stories by American authors v 7 Scrib o s 15: 219 Love story reversed In Blind man's world Cent 36: 26 Old folks' party In Blind man's world Scrib o s II : 660 Positive romance In Blind man's world Cent 38:625 Pott's painless cure In Blind man's world Scrib o s 17: 587 Six to one; a Nantucket idyl In Six to one Summer evening dream In Blind man's world To whom this may come Li Blind man's world Harper 78: 458 Two days' solitary imprisonment In Blind man's world With the eyes shut In Blind man's world Harper 79: 7^6 Belle-Nivernaise. Daudet, A. Belle of Athabasca. Warman, C. 26 NDEX TO SHORT STORIES Belle of Canada citj'. Harte, B. Belle of St. Valerien. Harris, J. C. Bcllerophon at Argos. Morris, W. Bellerophon in Lycia. Morris, W. Belles demoiselles plantation. Cable, G. W. Bellflower. See Maupassant. G. de. Clo- chette Bellringer of Angels. Ilarte, H. Bell's biography. Hawthorne, N. Belonging to the third order. Jordan, K. G. Beloved. Stetson, G. E. C. Below the mill dam. Kipling, R. Belsnickel. Singmaster, E. Ben. Osbourne, L. Bench of desolation. James, H. Benefit of the doubt. London, J. Benefit performance. Jacobs, W. W. Benevolent frog. Perrault, C. Bcnigna. Auerbach, B. Benjamin, P. End of New York In Stories by American authors v 5 Benjamin Franklin. Sec Hawthorne, X. Biographical stories Benjamin Parrot's fancy. Keats, G. Benjamin West. See Hawthorne, N. Bio- graphical stories Benjamin's mess. Phillpotts, E. Benje's eulogy. Dyar, M. Bennett, Enoch Arnold, 1867- lialiy's bath III Grim smile of the Five Towns Matador of the Five Towns Am M 73: 411 Beginning the New Year In Grim smile of the Five Towns Matador of the Five Towns Burglary In Grim smile of the Five Towns Clarice of the autumn concerts In Tales of the Five Towns Death of Simon Fuge In Grim smile of the Five Towns Matador of the Five Towns Dog In Matador of the Five Towns Tales of the Five Towns Elixir of youth In Matador of the Five Towns Tales of the Five Towns Feud in the Five Towns In Matador of the Five Towns Tales of the Five Towns Liv Age 234: 202 From one generation to another In Grim smile of the Five Towns Matador of the Five Towns McClure 35: 249 His worship the goose-driver In Matador of the Five Towns Tales of the Five Towns Honeymoon, a comedy In McClure 36: 501, 608 Hungarian rhapsody In Tales of the I'ive Towns Idiot In Matador of the Five Towns Talcs of the Five Towns In a new bottle III Grim smile of the Five Towns Jock-at-a-venture In Matador of the Five Towns Am M 73: 263 Letter home /;; Tales of the Five Towns Lion's share In Grim smile of the Five Towns Matador of the Five Towns Mary with the high hand /;/ Tales of the Five Towns IMatador of the Five Towns In Matador of the Five Towns Mimi In Matador of the Five Towns ]\Iurder of the mandarin /;; Grim smile of the Five Towns IMatador of the Five Towns News of the engagement In Grim smile of the Five Towns Nineteenth hat In Grim smile of the Five Towns McClure 35: 5i Nocturne at the Majestic /;; Matador of the Five Towns Tales of the Five Towns Phantom In Tales of the Five Towns Silent brothers In Grim smile of the Five Towns Matador of the Five Towns Sisters Qita /;; Tales of the Five Towns Tiddy-fol-lol In Tales of the Five Towns Vera's first Christmas adventure In Grim smile of the Five Towns Vera's second Christmas adventure In Grim smile of the Five Towns Bcnoist. Sec Maupassant, G. de. Martine Benson, Edward Frederic, 1867- Alliance of laughter III Scrib M 32: 665 At Abdul Ali's grave III Room in the tower At King's Cross station In Double overture Autumn and love In Double overture Between the lights In Room in the tower Blue stripe In Double overture Bus-conductor In Room in the tower Carrington In Double overture Cat In Room in the tower Caterpillars III Room in the tower Confession of Charles Linkworth In Room in the tower Death of Demetri //( Cosmopolis 8:305 Death warrant In Double overture Defeat of Lady Grantham In Double overture INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Double overture In Double overture Room in the tower Dust-cloud In Room in the tower Eemme dispose In Lippinc 66: 313 Garden gate In Canad M 41 : 191 Gavon's eve /;; Room in the tower House witli the brick-kiln /;; Room in the tower How fear departed from the long gallery In Room in the tower Jack and Poll In Double overture Like a grammarian In Double overture Man who went too far In Room in the tower Middleman In Lippinc 91 : 720 Mrs. Naseby's denial In Longman's 23:271 Once III Double overture Other bed In Room in the tower Outside the door In Room in the tower Poor Miss Huntington /;; Double overture Room in the tower In Room in the tower Shootings of Achnaleish /;/ Room in tlie tower Lippinc 78: 626 Sound of the grinding In Double overture Terror by night In Room in the tower Thing in the hall In Room in the tower Canad M 42: 436 Three old ladies In Double overture Tragedy of a green totem In Double overture Two days after In Double overture Winter morning In Double overture Zoo In Double overture Bent twig. Kelly, M. Beppe, the star-gazer. Hevse. P. J. L. Bequest. Jacobs, W. W. ' Bereaved. Verga, G. Bereavement. Donnell, A. H. Berenice. Poe, E. A. Bergs0e, J. W. Amputated arms In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German, etc. Bertha. Maupassant, G. de Bertha. Sigourney, L. H. Bertha's debut. Peattie, E. W. Berthold the madman. Hoffmann, E. T. W Bertran and Bimi. Kipling, R. Besant, Sir Walter, 1836-1901 Le chien d'or In 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay Doll's house — and after In Eng Illust 7: 315 Equal woman In In deacon's orders Even with this In Liv Age 164: 139 Eive years' tryst In Five years' tryst Glorious fortune In Uncle Jack All the Year 52: supp i In deacon's orders In In deacon's orders In three weeks In In deacon's orders Idler 5: 115 Indian summer In Five years' tryst Kerb and gutter In Five years' tryst King David's friend In In deacon's orders Last mass In Harper 78: 3 Limner's romance In Five years' tryst Long game In Five years' tryst Luck of the Susan Bell /» Five years' tryst Married beneath him In Five years' tryst Memory cell In Five years' tryst Night with Tantalus In In deacon's orders One and two In In deacon's orders Peer and heiress In In deacon's orders Quarantine Island In In deacon's orders Stories by English authors, The sea Shepherds all and maidens fair In 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay Short way In Five years' tryst Shrinking shoe In In deacon's orders Sky-rocket In Five years' tryst Solid gold reef company, limited In In deacon's orders Such ^ a good man J'n 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay To the third and fourth generation In In deacon's orders 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay In 'Twas_ in Trafalgar's bay Two Sophias In Five years' tryst Uncle Jack In Uncle Jack Besant, Sir Walter, 1836-1901, and Pollock Walter Herries, 1850- Sir Jocelyn's cap In Besant, W. Uncle Jack Longman's 5: 156, 269 28 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Besant, Sir Walter. 1 836-1901, and Rice, James, 1844- 1882 Case of Mr. Lucraft In Case of Mr. Lucraft Death of Samuel Pickwick In Case of Mr. Lucraft Edelweiss In Case of Mr. Lucraft Lady Kitty In Case of Mr. Lucraft Love finds the way In Case of Mr. Lucraft My own experience In Case of Mr. Lucraft Mystery of Joe Morgan In Case of IMr. Lucraft Old four-poster In Case of Mr. Lucraft Old, old story In Case of "Sir. Lucraft On the Goodwin In Case of IMr. Lucraft Titania's farewell In Case of IMr. Lucraft When the ship comes home In When the ship comes home Besetment of Kurt Lieders. Thanet, O. Beside a dead man. See Maupassant, G. de. Beside Schopenhauer's corpse. Beside Schopenhauer's corpse. Maupassant, G. de. Bessie's mother. French, AW Bessy's troubles at home. Gaskell, E. U. Best-laid schemes. Spofiford, H. P. Best man. Morris, G. Best man. Wharton, E. Best of a bad job. Duncan, N. Best of three falls. Phillpotts, E. Best seller. Henry, O. Bethlehem's children. Lagerlof, S. Bethulah. Zangwill, I. Betrayal of confidence. Kipling, R. Betrayed by a button. King, C. Better dead. Barrie, J. M. Better times. Kirk, E. O. Better treasure. Andrews, M. R. S. Betty and Thanksgiving. Spofford, H. 1. Betty Barnes, the cook. Lang, A. Betty Bethune. Hopkins, W. J. Betty Leicester's Christmas. Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester's English Christmas. Jewett, S. O. Betty's bright idea. Stowe, H. B. Betty's Virginia Christmas. Seawell, M. E. Between darkness and dawn. Jordan, E. G. Between mass and vespers. Jewett, S. O. Between rounds. Henry, O. Between Scylla and Charybdis. French, A- W. ^^ ^^ Between sea and sky. Boyesen, H. 11. Between shipmates. Connolly, J. B. Between showers in Dort. Smith, F. H. Between the lights. Benson, E. F. Between the lights. Gibbon, P. Between the lines. Loomis, C. B. Betwixt and between. Bishop, W. II. Beverly's bear killing. Janvier, T. A. Beverly's benevolent hairpin reclamation so- ciety. Janvier, T. A. Beverly's bomb synchronizer. Janvier, T. A. Beverly's circulating cattery. Janvier, T. A. Beverly's egg pedigree and dating machine. Janvier, T. A. . Beverly's pneumatic cat silencer. Janvier, T. A. ^ ^ Beverly's protective mechanical goat. Jan- vier, T. A. Bewildered president. Thanet, O. Bewitched ball-sticks. Craddock, C. E. Bewitched fiddle. MacManus, S. Bewitched huntsman. Harris, J. C. Bexar script no. 2692. Henry, O. Beyond. Trask, K. N. Beyond the city. Doyle, A. C. Beyond the gates. Ward, E. S. P. Beyond the limit. Thanet, O. Beyond the pale. Kipling, R. Beyond the wall. Bierce, A. Bianca. Norris, W. E. Bible Book of Ruth o T. 1 £ III Jcsup, A., and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story Bible dream. Donnell, A. H. Bierce, Ambrose, 1842- Adventure at Brownville In Works v 2 Affair at Coulter's Notch III Works V 2 Affair of outposts /;; Works v 2 Applicant In Works v 2 Arrest In Works v 3 Cosmopol 42:622 Baby tramp In Works v 3 Baffled ambuscade In Works v 3 Baptism of Dobsho In Works v 8 Beyond the wall In Works v 3 Cosmopol 44: 185 Boarded window In Works v 2 Bottomless grave In Works v 8 Captain of "The Camel" In Works v 8 " Cargo of cat In Works v 8 Charles Ashmore's trail /;( Works v 3 Chickamauga In Works v i City of the Gone Away In \\orks v 8 Cold greeting In Works v 3 Corrupting the press In Works v 8 Coup de grace In Works v 2 Curried cow In Works v 8 Damned thing In Works v 3 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 29 Death of Halpin Eraser /;; Works v 3 Diagnosis of death In Works v 3 Difficulty of crossing a field In Works v 3 Eyes of the panther In Works v 2 Eailure of Elope & Wandel In Works v 8 Famous Gilson bequest In Works v 2 For the Ahkoond In Works v i Fruitless assignment In Works v 3 George Thurston In Works v 2 Haiti the shepherd In Works v 3 Haunted valley In Works v 3 Holy terror In Works v 2 Horseman in the sky In Works v 2 Cur Lit 47:343 Hypnotist In Works v 32, Little Jane In Harp B 44: 228 Little windows into the world In Harp B 44: 83. 156, 310 Looking-glass In County road McClure 21 : 179 Man and his rose-garden In Harper 114: 27 Man in the cloister In Vanishing points Harper 1 19: 786 Man of feeling In Vanishing points Harper 122: 684 Man who was obstinate In Atlan 98:836 Map of the country In High noon March wind In Tiverton tales Atlan 83: 537 Mary Felicia In Harper 124: 526 Masquerade In Country neighbors Atlan 105: 31 Master In Vanishing points Harper 121 : 64 Master minds of history In Country neighbors Harper 117: 662 Meeting in the market-place In High noon Mcrrylinks In Merrylinks Mind cure In Harper 129: 381 Minister of grace In Harp B 44: 370 Minister's fire works In Harp B 33:588 Miracle In High noon Harper 108: 75 Mis' Wadleigh's guest In Meadow-grass Missy In Harp B 40: 1094 Mortuary chest In Tiverton tales Harper 93: 562 Mother In Vanishing points Harper 119: 465 Nancy Boyd's last sermon In Meadow-grass Natalie Blayne In High noon Harper 105:505 Number five In Meadow-grass Old immortality /;; County road Harper no: 957 One-footed fairy In One-footed fairy Other Mrs. Dill In Country neighbors Atlan 103: 595 Partners /;; Country neighbors Harper 114: 568 Tath of stars In Harper 123: 598 Peggy In Howells, W. i:).. and others. Whole family Ch 11 Pilgrim chamber In County road Atlan 96: 188 Play house /;; Country neighbors Harper 112: 662 Poetess in spring In Country neighbors Harper_ii8: 940 Private soldier In Vanishing points Atlan 103: 308 Queens of Arcady In Vanishing points Scrib M 50: 214 Race In Delin 74: 407 Red poppies /;; Delin 74: 144 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 39 Return of father In Harp B 42: 1045 Righteous bargain In Meadow-grass Rosamund in heaven In High noon Rose brocade In Harp B 43: 1184 Rose of hope In Rose of hope Rosy balm In Country road Harp 111:947 Runaway match In High noon Saturday night In Country neighbors Craftsman 14:634 Sea change In County road Atlan 86:180 Second marriage In Tiverton tales Atlan 80:406 Silver tea-set In Country neighbors Harper 113: 707 Sister Ann In Outlook 72: 91 Soul's debt In New Eng M n s 10: 121 Sower In Outlook 86: 202 State-house platter In Lippinc 70: 567 Stolen festival In Tiverton tales Story of Abe In Vanishing points Harper 122: 290 Strollers in Tiverton In Meadow-grass There and here In High noon This creature named I In Reader 9: 133 Told in the poorhouse In Meadow-grass Torch of life In Harper 113: 231 Tree of a thousand leaves In County road McClure 22: 327 Trial at Ravello In Scrib M 52: 231 Tryst In High noon Scrib M 49: 718 Twisted tree In County road Outlook 80: 337 Way of peace In Tiverton tales Winter's courting In County road McClure 23: 374 Wizard's toucli In Vanishing points Harper 109: 253 Woman whom God loved In Outlook 84:78 Brown, E. Levi At the hermitage In Howells, W. D., and Aldcn, H. M. Shapes that haunt the dusk Brown, John, 1810-1882 Marjorie Fleming In. Warner Library Liv Age 79:405; 80:177 Mystery of black and tan In Rab and his friends Spare hours Our dogs In Rab and his friends Spare hours Rab and his friends In Rab and his friends Spare hours Brown box. See Stevenson, R. L. Des- borough's adventure Brown coat. Futrelle, J. Brown hand. Doyle, A. C. Brown man's servant. Jacobs, W. W. Brown of Calaveras. Harte, B. Brown stone boy. Bishop, W. H. Brown wolf. London, J. Brownberry. Phillpotts, E. Browne, Bradwell, and me. Phillpotts, E. Browne's folly. Hawthorne, N. Brownie of Bodsbeck. Hogg, J. Brownie of the Black Hags. Hogg, J. Browning courtship. White, E. O. Bruce's mighty weakness. Ralph, J. El brug. Ouida "Brugglesmith." Kipling, R. Brushwood boy. Kipling, R. Brute. Bland, E. N. Brute. Conrad, J. Brynhild's immolation. Huncker, J. G. Bubble boy. Loomis, C. B. Bubbling well road. Kipling, R. Buccaneers. Mitford, M. R. Buccaneers. See Pyle, H. With the buc- caneers Buckeneers. Phillpotts, E. Buckeye Hollow inheritance. Harte, B. Buckley lady. Freeman, M. E. W. Buckmaster's boy. Parker, G. Bucko. Gibbon, P. Buckthorne: or The young man of great expectations. Irving, W. Bud Zunt's mail. Stuart. R. M. Budgery-Gar. Parker, G. Bulgarian opera boufife. Smith, F. H. Bulger's reputation. Harte, B. Bull-dog. Watson, J. Bull-fight. Sienkiewicz, H. Bull-fight. Stowe, H, B. Buller-Podington compact. Stockton, F. R. Bullfinch. Ouida Bully. Turgenev, I. S. Bunch of yellow roses. Chesnutt, C. W. Bunches of knuckles. London, J. Bundle of letters. James, H. Bundle of life. Craigie, P. M. T. R. Bunner, Henry Cuyler, 1855-1896 "As one having authority" In Love in old cloathes Scrib M 12: 201 By way of explanation In Made in France 40 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Bunner, Henry Cuyler —Coiiliintcii. Capture In Made in France Casperl In Zadoc Pine Colonel Brereton's aunty In Short sixes Crazy wife's ship In Love in old cloathcs Harper 86: 115 Cumbersome horse In More short sixes Cutwater of Seneca In More short sixes Dennis In Made in France Documents in the case. Sec Matthews, J. B. and Bunner, H. C. Father Dominick's convert In Made in France French for a fortnight In Love in old cloathes Scrib M 16: 161 Ghoollah /;/ More short sixes Hector I>i Short sixes In the wine cellar In Scrib M 20:475 Jerry and Mulberry In Scrib M 13:641 Joke on M. Peptonneau In Made in EVance Letter and a paragraph In Love in old cloathcs Letter to town In Scrib M 19: 760 Lost child In Scrib M 19:342 Love in old cloathes In Love in old cloathes Stories by American authors v 4 Cent 26:768 Love-letters of Smith In Short sixes Baldwin, C. S. American sh(n-t stor- ies I Warner library "Man with tlie pink pants" In More short sixes Minuet In Made in France ,Mr. Copernicus and the proletariat fn Short sixes Mr. Vincent Egg and the wage of sin /;; More short sixes Mr. Wick's aunt /;; More short sixes Mrs. Tom's spree In Zadoc Pine Scrib M 6:677 ^Ty dear Mrs. Billingtnn /;; More short sixes Natural selection: a romance of Chelsea village and East Hampton (own //; Zadoc Pine Scrib M 3:64. t8i, 321 Nice peo]jlc In Short sixes Nine cent-girls In Short sixes Old, old story In Short sixes Our aromatic uncle In Love in old cloathes Scrib M 18: 169 Pettibonc' brolly /;; Made in France Pint's a pound III Made in France Prize of propriety In IMade in France Red silk handkerchief In Love in old cloathes Cent 28:275 Round-up In Short sixes "Samantha Boom-de-ay" In More short sixes Second-hand story In Zadoc Pine Scrib M 4: 344 Seven conversations of dear Jones and Baby Van Rensselaer. See Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. Sisterly scheme In Short sixes Squire Five-Fathom In Zadoc Pine Scrib M 4:657 Story of a New York house In Story of a New York house Tenor In Short sixes Third figure in the cotillion /;; More short sixes Tony In Made in France Two churches of Quawket In Short sixes Uncle Atticus In IMade in France What Mrs. Fortescue did In More short sixes^ Zadoc Pine labor union In Zadoc Pine Scrib M 2:660 Zcnobia's infidelity In Short sixes Zozo In Short sixes Buondelmonte's saga. Hewlett. M. TT. Burbury Stoke. Hopkins, W. J. Burgher of the Free State. Kipling. R. Burglar. Cameron, M. _ ._ Burglar and the lady. Williams, J. L. Burglars in Paradise. Ward, F. S. P. Burglary. Bennett, E. A. Burglary club. Ouiller-Couch, .\. T. Burial of the guns. Page, T. N. Burial of the tithe. Lover. S. Buried anchor. Gibbon, P. Bm-icd treasure. Henry. O. Buried treastirc. Wliite, S. F. Buried treasure of Cobrc. Davis. Richard H. Burles(|uc liiography. Clemens. S. L. Burnett. Mrs Frances (Hodgson) (Mrs. Stephen Townsend) iSjo- Bcliind lb.' white iM'ick In Little Saint Elizabeth Sara Crewe INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 41 Captain's youngest In Piccino Closed room. Sec Burnett, V. H. In the closed room Cosy lion In Cosy lion St. N 34:291 Dawn of a tomorrow In Dawn of a tomorrow Scrib M 38:64 Editha's burglar In Editha's burglar Enchanted coach In Ladies' H J 28: O p 11 Good wolf In Good wolf In the closed room In In the closed room McClure 23: 330, 471 Jarl's daughter 1 In Jarl's daughter Lancashire story. Sec Burnett, E. II. Surly Tim Land of the blue flower In Ladies' H J 26: Dp; Lindsay's luck In Earlier stories ist ser Lindsay's luck Little Betty's kitten tells her story In Piccino Eng Illust 12 no 3:3 Little Saint Elizabeth In Little Saint Elizabeth Sara Crewe and other stories Lodusky /;; Surly Tim Scrib o s 14: 6j:i Louisiana In Louisiana Scrib o s 19: 512; 20: 16 Making of a marchioness In Making of a marchioness Cent 62: 178, 358, 521 Men who loved Elizabeth In Jarl's daughter Mere Giraud's little daughter In Surly Tim Scrib o s 13: 108 Miss Crespigny In Earlier stories ist ser Miss Crespigny Miss Vernon's choice In Jarl's daughter and other novelettes Monsieur de la petite dame In Surly Tim Scrib o s 14: 224 One day at Arle In Surly Tim Scrib o s 4: 541 Piccino. Sec Burnett, F. 11. Two days in the life of Piccino Pretty sister of Jose In Pretty sister of Jose Prince Fairy-foot. See Burnett, F. H. Story of Prince Fairyfoot Proud little grain of wheat In Little Saint Elizabeth Sara Crewe and other stories Queen Silver-Bell In Queen Silver-Bell St N 33: 1059 Racketty-Packetty house In Racketty-Packetty house St N 34:97 Sara Crewe, or What happened at Miss Minchin's In Sara Crewe "Seth" In Surly Tim Lippinc ig:2g6 Smethurstses In Surly Tim Scriij o s 14: 467 Spring cleaning as told by Queen Cross- patch In Spring cleaning St N 99: IG4, 242 Story of Prince Fairy-foot In Little Saint Elizabeth Sara Crewe and other stories Story of the Latin quarter In Stories by American authors v 3 Surly Tim, a Lancashire story III Surly Tim Scrib o s 4: 220 Surly Tim's trouble. See Burnett, F. H. Surly Tim Theo fn Earlier stories ist ser Theo Two days in the life of Piccino /;; Piccino Two little pilgrims' progress In Two little pilgrim's progress Wanted — a young person In Jarl's daughter What happened at Miss Minchin's. Sec Burnett, F. H. Sara Crewe White brick. See Burnett, F. H. Behind the white brick Burning of Babel. Silbcrrad, U. L. Burning of 'Le Prince'. Payn. J. Bus-conductor. Benson, E. F. Bush. Millet, F. D. Bush league here. Ferber, E. Bushranger at bay. Hornung, E. W. Bushwhacker nurse. Stockton, F. R. Bushwhackers. Craddock, C. E. Business man. Jewett, S. O. Business man. Poe, E. A. Business meeting. Bates, A. Busted blue doll'. Keats, G. Buster John alarms Mr Rabbit. Harris, J. C. Butcher's bills. Macdonald, G. Butler. Andrews, M. R. S. Buttercup. Dasent, G. W. Butterfly. Freeman, M. E. W. Butterfly man. McCutcheon, G. B. Butterfly that stamped. Kipling, R. Butterneggs. Slosson, A. T. Butting-cow and the hitting stick. Harris, J. c. Buyer from Cactus city. Henry, O. Buyer of sorrows. Le Gallienne, R. Buying a horse. Howells, W. D. By-an' by Brown of Blunder cove. Dun- can, N. By courier. Henry, O. By hook or crook. Grant, R. By stages. Morris, G. By telephone. Matthews, J. B. 42 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES ]'.y that place called Peradveiilure. rarkcr, V,v the l)ayoii St. John. l)unl)ar, .\. Rv the committee. Perry, 1!. I'.y the 111. Perry, B. By the morning boat. Jewett, S. O. By the river. Alcott, L. M. By the Sawyer method. Pafigborn, G. W. By the second intention. Martin, E. S. By the terror of the law. See Thanet, O. Through the terrors of the law By the waters of paradise. Crawford, F. M. By way of explanation. lUinner, 11. C. By word of mouth. Kipling, R. Byezhin meadow. Turgencv, I. S. Caballero, Fernan [pseud] (Arrom de Ayala, Cecilia Francisca Josefa Bohl de Faber y Larrea), 1796-187/ Bread cast upon the waters /;; Stories by foreign authors, Spanish Caballcro's way. Henry, O. Cabell, James Branch, 1879- Actors all In Gallantry April's message In Gallantry Castle of content In Harper 107: 327 Casual honeymoon In Gallantry Ducal audience In Gallantry Episode called Adhclmar at Puysange In Line of love Episode called Conspiracy of Arnaye In Line of love Episode called In necessity's mortar In Line of love Harper 109: 702 Episode called In Ursula's garden In Tine of love Harper 106:909 Episode called Love-letters of Falstaff In Line of love Episode called "Sweet Adelais" In Line of love Episode called The castle of content In Line of love Heart of gold In Gallantry In necessity's mortar. See Cal)ell, J. P>. Episode called In necessity's mortar In the second April In Gallantry In Ursula's garden. See Cabell, J. B. Episode called In Ursula's garden Love at Martinmas In Gallantry Love's alumni hi Gallantry Rliyme to porringer In Gallantry Scape-goats fn Gallantry Appleton's M 8: 260 Sestina. See Cabell. J. B. Story of the Sestina Simon's hour In Gallantry Story of the choices In Chivalry Story of the fox-brush In Chivalry Story of the heritage In Chivalry Story of the housewife In Chivalry Story of the Navaressc In Chivalry Story of the rat-trap In Chivalry Story of the satraps In Chivalry Story of the scabbard In Chivalry Story of the sestina /;; Chivalry Harper T12: 191 Story of the tenson In Cliivalry Harper 114: 147 Tenson. See Cabell, J. B. Story of the tenson Cabin-boy. Phillpotts, E. Cabin passenger. Jacobs, W. W. Cabinet organ. Thanet, O. Cable, George Washington, 1844- Advcntures of Franqois and Susanne In Strange true stories of Louisiana Alix de IMorainville. See Cable, G. W. History, of Alix de Morainville Attalie Brovillard In Strange true stories of Louisiana Cent 38:749 Belles demoiselles plantation In Old Creole days Cent 86: 273 Cafe des exiles In Old Creole days Scrib o s 11: 727 Carancro In Cent 33:355, 545 Clock in the sky In Scrib M 30: 327 Entomologist < In Strong hearts Scrib M 25 : 50 "Haunted house" in Royal Street In Strange true stories of Louisiana Cent 38: 590 History of Alix de Morainville /;/ Strange true stories of Louisiana Cent \37: 742 How I got them /;; Strange true stories of Louisiana Jcan-ah Poquelin /;/ Old Creole days Scrib o s lO: 91 Aladame Dclicicuse In Old Creole days Scrib o s 10: 4C)8 Madame Delphine /;; Madame Delphine Old Creole days |n(^t in the earlier editions] Scrib o s 22: 436 INDEX TO SHORT STORIFf, 43 Pere Raphael In "Posson Jone" Cent 62: 545 "Posson Jone" In Old Creole days "Posson Jone" Warner library Outlook 87: 217 Salome Miiller, the white slave In Strang-e true stories of Louisiana 'Sieur George In Old Creole days Scrib o s 6: 739 Solitary In Strong hearts Taxidermist In Strong hearts Scrib AI 13: 679 'Tite Poulette In Old Creole days Scrib o s 8: 674 "Unto the least of these" [selections from The taxidermist] In Liv Age 221 : 61 War diary of a Union woman in the South In Strange true stories of Louisiana Young aunt with white hair In Strange true stories of Louisiana Cable-car, the bow flume. See Kipling, R. Bow Hume cable-car Cabriolet; fifth story. ]\Iitchell, D. G. Cadger-boy's last journey. MacManus, S. Caesar. Stuart, R. M. Cafe des exiles. Cable, G. W. Cage at Cranford. Gaskell, E. C. Caged lion. Norris, F. Cahan, Abraham, 1860- Circumstances In Imported bridegroom Daughter of Reb Avrom Leib In Cosmopol 29: 53 Dumitru and Sigrid In Cosmopol 30: 493 Ghetto wedding In Imported bridegroom Imported bridegroom In Imported bridegroom Providential match In Imported bridegroom Sweat-shop romance In Imported bridegroom Tzinchadzi of the Catskills In Atlan 88:221 Yekl, a tale of the New York ghetto In Yekl Cain and Arteme. Gorky, M. Caitlin Dhu. MacManus, S. Cake. Maupassant, G. de Cake of charity. Loomis, C. B. Calamity Ahmad and Habzalom Bazazah (Arabic) In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Calderon, the courtier. Lytton, E. B. Calderon's prisoner. Miller, A. D. Caldron of oil. Collins, W. Calhoun fiddler. Catherwood, M. PI. Calico. Ward, E. S. P. California conscience. Wyatt, E. F. Californian's talc. Clemens, S. L. Caliph and the cad. Henry, O. Calipli, cupid and the clock. Henry, O. Call from the past. Merrick, L. Call loan. Henry, O. Call of spring. Jordan, E. G. Call of the tame. Henry, O. Calla lillics and Hannah. Freeman, M. E. W. Calladon. Hawthorne, J. Callahan. See Fox, J. Army of the Callahan Called to account by the preacher. Harris, J. C. Calloway's code. Henry, O. Camelia Riccardo. Stuart, R. M. Cameo and a pastel. Matthews, J. B. Camera capture. King, C. Cameronian preacher's tale. Hogg, J. Cameron, Margaret, 1867- (Mrs. H. C. Lewis) Apples of Hesperides. See Smith, A. P., and Cameron, M. Apples of Hes- perides Bachelor and the baby In Bachelor and tlie baby Harper 1:4: 381 Burglar In Comedies in miniature Cat and the canary In Cat and the canary Harper 113:454 Chance Samaritan /;; Tangles Harper 115: 894 Christmas chime In Comedies in miniature McClure 22: 174 Committee on matrimony In Comedies in miniature McClure 21 : 659 Denouement In Tangles Harper iii : 63 Doing the Dollivers In Golden rule Dollivers Harper 126: 26 Dolliver's aid to the injured In Golden rule Dollivers Harper 126: 582 Dollivers caught napping In Golden rule Dollivers Harper 125: 366 Dollivers dine out In Golden rule Dollivers Harper 127:217 Dollivers' long lane In Harper 127: 560 Dollivers' old dears In Golden rule Dollivers Harper 124: 552 End and the beginning In Golden rule Dollivers Flood-tide In McClure 28: 322 Forlorn hope In Tangles Harper 120:611 Golden rule Dollivers In Harper 123: 382 Great God Pan In Harper 115: 584 44 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Cameron, Margaret —Coiiliimcd. Her neighbor's creed III Comedies in miniature In a street car 1)1 Comedies in miniature Kleptomaniac /;; Comedies in miniature Like young Lochinvar III Harper ii6: sjS "Little Avhite bin" In Tangles Harper 121:404 Man in the road /;; Golden rule Dolli\ crs Migbty trifle III Tangles Harper 123: 214 Miss Doulton's orchids III Comedies in miniature r. A. I. L. W. R. In Comedies in miniature Patron of art In Comedies in miniature Pipe of peace In Comedies in miniature Pipes o' Pan In Tangles Price of the past participle In Tangles Harper 105: 731 Thing that couldn't In Tangles Harper 118: 30 Trellis In Harper 106: 402 LHtimate moment In Tangles Unexpected guests In Comedies in miniature Wainwright and the little gods In Tangles Harper 114: 76 Way to the wedding In Tangles Harper 121 : 597 When the turtle turned loose In Tangles Harper 109: 189 Who killed Cock Robin? In Tangles Harper 121 : 946 '■\\'ho laughs last" /;( Tangles Harper 115: 379 Woman and the law In Tangles Harper 116: 29 Camp-meeting at Mayo. Parker, G. Camp of the bears. Andrews, M. R. S. Camp of the good fairy. Andrews, M. R. S. Campaign trout. Andrews, M. R. S. Can a life hide itself? Taylor. P>. ('anal lioat. Hawthorne, N. Candid friend. Miller, A. D. Candidate for divorce. Boyesen, 11. 11. Candle. Tolstoi, L. N. Candle in the plate. Matthews, J. B. Candle's flame. Tracy, V. Candy country. Alcott, L. M. Cannibalism in the cars. Clemens, S. L. Cannibals and Mv. Bufifum. Loomis, C. B. Canterbury pilgrims. Hawthorne, N. Canterville ghost. Wilde, O. Canvasser's tale. Clemens, S. L. Capillary crime. Millet, F. D. Capitaine Burle. Zola, E. Capitalist. Gissing, G. R. Capitoline Venus. Clemens, S. L. Cap'n Ben. Brown, A. Cap'n Bob of the Screamer. Smith, F. H. Cap'n Jollyfax's gun. Morrison, A. Cap'n Patti. Peattie, E. W. Cap'n Tom's Christmas supper. Spof^ord, H. P. Captain Black. Carryl, C. E. Captain Blaise. Connolly, J. B. Captain Brand. See Pylc, H. Ghost of Cap- tain Brand Captain Close. King, C. Captain Cole's passenger. Payn, J. Captain Dick and Captain Jacka. Quiller- Couch, A. T. Captain dreams again. King, C. Captain Elijah Coe. Osbourne, L. Captain Eli's best ear; a Christmas story, Stockton, F. R. Captain England. Morris, G. Captain from Bath. Quiller-Couch, .\. T. Captain Jim's friend. Harte, B. Captain Joe. Smith, F. H. Captain joe and the Susie Ann. Smith, F. H. Captain John Adams, missing. Doyle, A. C. Captain John Coxon. Masefield, J. Captain John Jennings. Masefield, J. Captain John Ward. Masefield, J. Captain Kidd's money. Stowe, H. B. Captain Littlepage. Jewett, S. O. Captain Mansana. Bjornson, B. "Captain my captain." Balestier, C. W. Captain of "The Camel." Bierce, A. Captain of the "Heather Bell." Jackson, H. H. Captain of tlie school. Barrie, J. M. Captain Robert Knox. ]\Iasefield, J. Captain Rogers. Jacobs, W. W. Captain Santa Clans. King, C. Captain Sharkej'. Doyle, A. C. Captain Salomon Brazenhead's tale of The half-brothers. See Hewlett, M. H. Half- brothers Captain Wyvern's adventures. Quiller- Couch, A. T. Captains. Andrews, M. R. S. Captains all. Jacojjs, W. W. Captain's charm. French, A. W. Captain's daughter. Pushkin, A. S. Captain's exploit. Jacobs, W. W. Captain's story. Clemens, S. L. Captain's vices. Coppec, F. Captain's youngest. Burnett, F. H. Captive. Kipling, R. Captive in the Caucasus. See Tolstoi, L. N. I'risoner in the Caucasus Captive of the ada-wehi. Craddock, C. E. Captor of old Pontomoc. Earle, M. T. Capture, l^unner, 11. C. Capture of Nellie Carribin. MacManus, S. Capture of the Burgomeister Van der Werf. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Capture of the emperor. Seawell, M. E. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 45 Captured dream. Thanet, O. Captured Santa Claus. Page, T. N. Capuana, Luigi, 1839- Deposition In Hawthorne, J. Library_ mystery and detective stories, Italian-Spanisli Carancro. Cable, G. W. Carasoyn. Macdonald, G. Caravan. Earle, M. T. Caravansary. Daudet, A. Carcellini emerald. Harrison, C. C. Cardillac, the jeweller. Hoffmann, E. T. W. Careful man. Galsworthy, J. Caresses. Maupassant, G. de Cargo of cat. Bierce, A. Carhart mystery. Viele, H. K. Carleton, William, 1794- 1869 Neal Malone In * [Traits and stories of Irish peas- antry] In Johnson, R. Little classics v 5 Stories by English authors, Ireland Carleton Barker, first and second. Bangs, J. K. Carlotta's intended. Stuart, R. M. Carmen. Merimee, P. Carmichael's Christmas spirit. Davis, C. B. Carnation's morning joy. Crockett, S. R. Carnival jangle. Dunbar, A. Carnival of love. Maupassant, G. de Carolina night's dream. Morris, G. Carpenter's daughter. Mitford, M. R. Carpet of Belshazzar. Chambers, R. W. Carriage lamps. Crane, S. Carrington. Benson, E. F. Carrion, Miguel Ramos Breadseller In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Carroll's family party. Williams, J. L. Carroll's formal garden. Williams, J. L. Carroll's fortune. Williams, J. L. Carroll's millionaire tenant. Williams, J. L. Carryl, Charles Edward, 1841- Captain Black In Stories of the sea Scrib M 10: 513 Cartel. Mitford, M. R. Carteret. See Gray, D. Mr. Carteret. Carter's inn. Maupassant, G. de Carter's wench. See Maupassant, G. de. Carter's inn Carthorses and the saddle-horse. Steven- soil, R. L. Carty Carteret's sister. Gray, D. Case in diplomacy. Stuart, R. M. Case in point. Hibbard, G. A. Case is closed. See Futrelle, J. Super- fluous finger Case of Ca'line. Dunbar, P. L. Case of Catherwood. Harriman, K. E. Case of circumstantial evidence. Train, A. C. Cass of conscience. Austin, M. H. Case of desertion. Jacobs, W. W. Case of fever. Barr, R. Case of Frederick. Vorse, M. H. * Work not listed. Case of General Oplc and Lady Camper. Meredith, G. Case of George Fisher. Clemens, S. L. Case of identity. Doyle, A. C. Case of interference Bacon, J. D. Case of John Arniston's conscience. Crock- ett, S. R. Case of Katrina. Jordan, E. G. Case of George Dedlow. Mitchell, S. W. Case of Lady Sannox. Doyle, A. C. Case of Laker, absconded. Morrison, A. Case of Mary Ellen. Harris, J. C. Case of measles. Harris, J. C. Case of metaphantasmia. Howells, W. D. Case of Mr. Helmer. Chambers, R. W. Case of Mr. Lucraft. Besant, W. and Rice, Case of nerves. Spoi¥ord, H. P. Case of Paramore. Gerould, K. F. Case of the Bronson patent. Barr, R. Case of the Evanstons. Gray, D. Case of the grippe. Harris, J. C. Case. of the lost foreigner. Morrison, A. Case of the missing hand. ]\Iorrison, A. Case of Thomas Phipps. Aldrich, T. B. Cask of Amontillado. Poe, E. A. Casperl. Bunner, H. C. Cast away on Feather's Folly. Duncan, N. Cast of the apple. Hewlett, M. H. Cast of the net. Ward, H. D. Castaway. Jacobs, W. W. Castaway ambassador. Payn, J. Castaway of the South. Parker, G. Castelnuovo, Enrico, 1839- It snows In Stories by foreign authors, Italian Two funerals In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Casting vote. Craddock, C. E. Casting vote. Vorse, M. H. Castle, Agnes Sw.eetman, and Castle, Eger- ton Flower o' the orange In Flower o' the orange Great Todescan's secret thrust In Flower o' the orange Great white deeps In Flower o' the orange Love gilds the scene and woman guides the plot In Love gilds the scene Mirror of the faithful heart In Flower o' the orange My rapier and my daughter In Flower o' the orange Ninth wave In Ninth wave Pomona In Flower o' the orange Rape of the beau In Cosmopol 49: 486 Young conspiracy In Flower o' the orange Castle, Egerton, 1858- Baron's quarry In Hawthorne, J. Library Mystery and detective stories v 2 Liv Age 191 : 650 Temple Bar 93=343 46 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Castle, Egerton—Coiitiuiicd. Death-dance In IMarshfield the observer Guests of the wolfmaster In Temple Bar io8: 552 Nocturne In Bookm 35: 265 Castle Dangerous. Scott, W. Castle knight and troubadour. Peattic, E. W. Castle Nowhere. W'oolson, C. 1'. Castle of Bim. Stockton. F. R. Castle of content. Cabell, J. B. Castle on the dunes. Bacon, J. D. Castle Rackrent. Edgcworth, ]\I. Castles near Spain. Harland.^ IT. Casual encounter. Janvier, T. A. Casual honeymoon. Cabell, J. B. Cat. Benson, E. F. Cat. Freeman, M. E. W. Cat and racket. See Balzac, II. dc. At the sign of the cat and racket Cat and the canary. Cameron. M. Cat and the cherub. Fernald, C. B. Cat and the king. Weyman, S. J. Cat and the rill. Stockton, F. R. Cat of high degree. Freeman, M. E. \V. Cat that walked by himself. Kipling, R. Catastrophe. Wells, H. G. Catching a runaway engine. Warman, C. Catching up with Christmas. Ferber, E. Caterpillars. Benson, E. F. Cathal of the w^oods. Sharp, W. Catharine Carr. Freeman, M. E. W. Cathedral courtship. Wiggin, K. D. Cathedral singer. Allen, J. L. Gather, Willa Sibert, 1875- Alexandcr's bridge In Alexander's bridge Alexander's masquerade In McClure38:384, 523,658 Behind the Singer tower In Collier's 49: My 18 p 16 Bohemian girl In McClure 39: 420 "Death in the desert" In Troll garden Scrib M 33: 109 El Dorado In New Eng M n s 24: 357 Eleanor's house In McClure 29: 623 Eric Hermann son's soul In Cosmopol 28:633 Flavia and her artists In Troll garden Garden lodge In Troll garden Joy of Nellie Deanc In Cent 82: 859 Namesake In McClure 28: 492 On the gull's road In McClure 32: 145 Paul's case In Troll garden McClure 25: 74 Professor's commencement In New Eng M n s 26: 481 Profile In McClure 29: 135 Sculptor's funeral In Troll garden McClure 24: 329 Treasure of Far Island /;; New Eng M n s 27: 234 Wagner matinee /); Troll garden Willing muse In Cent 74: 550 Catherine. Thackeray, W. M. Catherine Duval. Halevy, L. Catherwood, Mrs. Mary (Hartwell) 1847- 1902 Babe Jerome In Queen of the swamp Beauport loup-garou /;; Chase of Saint-Castin Atlan 72: 630 Beaver lights In Mackinac and lake stories Beetrus III Queen of the swamp Black feather In Mackinac and lake stories Blue man In ]\Iackinac and lake stories Bony and Ban, the story of a printing venture In Bony and Ban Bride of Arne Sandstrom III Queen of the swamp British islander In Mackinac and lake stories Harper 96: 345 Calhoun fiddler In Queen of the swamp Chase of Saint-Castin In Chase of Saint-Casti 1 Atlan 72: 60 Cobbler in the devil's kitchen In Mackinac and lake stories Cursed patois In Mackinac and lake stories Harper 96: 753 Fairfield poet /;; Queen of the swamp Gargoyle. Sec Catherwood, M. 11. Old Gargoyle Indian on the trail /;; Mackinac and lake stories Kaskaskia. See Catherwood, M. H. Old Kaskaskia Kentucky princess In Queen of the swamp Kidnapped bride III Chase of Saint-Castin Atlan 74:326 King of Beaver In Mackinac and lake stories Harper 96: 185 Little domestic In Atlan 77:217 Little Renault /;( Spirit of an Illinois town Cent 42: 557 Man from the Spanish war Jn Queen of the swamp Man who "hadn't time" In Woman in armor INDEX TO SifORT STOKII-.S 47 Marianson III Mackinac and lake stories Harper 96: 92 Mill at Petit Cap ]n Chase of Saint-Castin Mothers of Honore In Mackinac and lake stories Harper 99: 136 Old Gargoyle III Woman in armor Old Kaskaskia In Old Kaskaskia Atlan 71: I Penitent of Cross village In Mackinac and lake stories Pontiac's lookout In Chase of Saint-Castin Atlan 74: 35 Queen of the swamp In Queen of the swamp Renault. Sec Catherwood, M. H. Little Renault Rose day In Queen of the swamp Serena In Queen of the swamp Atlan 49: 752 Skeleton on Round Island In Mackinac and lake stories Harper 96: 524 Spanish Pegg; a story of young Illinois In Spanish Peggy Spirit of an Illinois town In Spirit of an Illinois town Stirring of? In Queen of the swamp Lippinc 31:303 Sweetness In Queen of the swamp Liv Age 222: 664 T'fergore In Queen of the swamp Vacant house In Lippinc 37- 431 White islander In Cent 46: 222 Windigio In Chase of Saint-Castin Atlan 73: 526 Wolfe's cove In Chase of Saint-Castin Atlan 73:79 Woman in armor In Woman in armor Catherwood's data of ethics. Train, A. C. Cat's-paw strike. French, A. W. Caught. Henry, O. Caught. Maupassant, G. de Caught in the very act. Maupassant, G. de Caught in Toy town. Bangs, J. K. Cause of it all. Tolstoi, L. N. Cause of the difficulty. Harris, J. C. Cautious king and the all-wise woman. Freeman, M. E. W. Cavalleria rusticana. Verga, G. Cave of Adullam. Brown, A. Cavin Edward kirk militant. Crockett, S. R. Cecca's lover. Allen, G. Cecil Castlemaine's gage. Ouida Cecilia the Pharisee. Michelson, M. Cecil's tryst. Payn, J. Cecily. Hopkins, W. J. Celestial chat. Phillpotts, E. Celestial railroad. Hawthorne, N. Celestial slingers. Jokai, M. Cellars of Rueda. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Celtic beauty. MacManus, S. Cenotaph. Earlc, M. T. Centaur. Guerin, G. M. de Centurion of the thirtieth. Kipling, R. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616 Liberal lover In Jessup, A. and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story Chad Gadya. Zangwill, I. Chained to virtue. Thanet, O. Chair of philanthromathematics. Henry, O. Chaldean magician, an adventure in Ronie, in the reign of the Emperor Diocletian. Eckstein, E. Chali. Maupassant, G. de Challenge. Brown, A. Challenge! Maartens, M. Challoner's adventure: The squire of dames. Story of the destroying angel. Steven- son, R. L. Chalmer's gold piece. Gray, D. Chamber of light. Morrison, A. Chamber over the gate. Bates, A. Chambers, Robert William, 1865- Amourette In Hampton 26:530 Becasse In Harp W 48: Ja 16 p 98 Black Water In Maker of moons Eng Illust 15: 546 Blue-bird weather In Blue-bird weather Cosniopol 51:843; 52:124 Boy's sister In Maker of moons Bridal pair In Tree of heaven Harper 106:84 Carpet of Belshazzar In Tree of heaven Case of Mr. Helmer In Tree of heaven Harper 109: 769 Crime In Maker of moons Daughter of the revolution In Hampton 27:330 Demoiselle d'Ys /;; King in yellow Envoi In Mystery of choice Ex curia In Tree of heaven Scrib M 36: 240 Fire-warden In Young man in a hurry Harper 108: 930 Ghost of chance III Tree of heaven Everybody's 13: 146 Golden pool III Tree of heaven Harp W 47: D 12 p 1967 48 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Chambers, Robert William— C(W)/!;M/f(/. How love came /;; Cur Lit 33- 43^ In Nauvoo 1)1 Young man in a hurry In the name of the Most High In Maker of moons Eng Illust i6: 305 lole In lole Lords of creation In Hampton 27: 131 Maker of moons In Maker of moons Eng Illust 15:315 Man at the next table In Maker of moons Market-hunter In Youny man in a hurry Marlitt's shoes In Young man in a hurry Harper 106:682 Mask In King in yellow Matter of eugenics In Hampton 26:675 Matter of interest In Alystery of choice Cosmopol 23:315, 421 Messenger In Mystery of choice Scrib M 21 : 194 Xon-coml^atants In Harper 109: 831 One man in a million In Young man in a hurry Harper 103: 944 Orchard-land, a chilaren's story In Orchard-land Out of the depths In Tree of heaven Outdoorland In Outdoorland Pasque Florida In Young man in a hurry Harper 107: 583 Passeur In Mystery of choice Eng Illust 18:62 Path-master In Young man in a hurry Picketts In McClure 7: 437 Pilgrim In Young man in a hurry Harper 103:358 Pleasant evening In Maker of moons l'om])c funebre In Mystery of choice Pro bono publico In Hampton 27: 19 Prophet's paradise In King in yellow Purple emperor In Mystery of choice Repairer of reputations In King in yellow River-land; a story for children In Riverland Rue Barree In King in yellow Shining band In Young man in a hurry Sign of Venus In Tree of heaven Harper 108:99 Silent land In Maker of moons Special messenger In Harper no: 344 Street of Our lady of the fields 1)1 King in yellow Street of the first shell In King in yellow Street of the four winds In King in yellow Swastika 1)1 Tree of heaven Tree of dreams In Tree of heaven Trouble for two In Harper 109: 390 White shadow In Mystery of choice Wolf! W^olfl 1)1 Harper's \V 47: 1912 Yellow sign 1)1 King in yellow Yo espero In Scrib M 21 : 413 Young man in a hurry In Young man in a hurry Harper 107: 377 Chamisso, Adalbert, von (Louis Charles Adelaide de Chamisso), 1781-1S38 Peter Schlemihl; the shadowless man In Wonderful liistory of Peter Schlem- ihl Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction, v 5 Stories by foreign authors, German Champagne. Chekhov, A. P. Champion of the weather. Henrj^, O. Champions. Harriman, K. E. Championship. Morris, G. Champney, Elizabeth (Williams) (Mrs. James Wells Champney) 1850- Heartbreak cameo In Stories by American authors, v 6 Chan Tow, the highrob. Fernald, C. B. Chance child. Mayo, I. Chance of Araminta. Freeman, M. E. W. Chance Samaritan. Cameron, M. Chandra's vengeance. Frere, M. Change of air. Van Dyke, H. Change of heart. Hawkins, A. H. Change of heart; a drama. James, H. Change of heart. SpofTord, H. P. Change of treatment. Jacobs, W. W. Change of views. Payn, J. Changed man. Hardy, T. Changed view. Donncll, A. H. Changeling. Jacobs, W. W. Clianging nunil)ers. Jacobs, W. W. Channing, Grace Ellery. Sec Stetson. G. 1'. C. Chanson de Bolieme. Henry. O. Chaparral Christmas gift. Henry, O. Chaparral prince. Henry, O. Chajiel of case. Davis, Rebecca II. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 49 Chaperon. Hibbard, G. A. Chaperon. James, II. Chaplin, Heman White, 1847- Eli In Stories by American authors v 9 Cent 23: 131 Village convict In Stories by American authors v 6 Charcoal sketches. Sicnkiewicz, H. Charge for France. Heard, J., jr. "Charge it"; or. Keeping up with Harry. Bacheller, I. Chariot of hre. Ward, E. S. P. Ciiarity. Bovct, M. A. de Charity. Boyesen, H. H. Charles Ashmore's trail. Bierce, A. Charley's coup. London, J. Charlie Whittler's Christmas party. Page, T. N. Charm dispelled. Sec Maupassant, G. de. Discovery Charm of the stable. Maupassant, G. de Charmed life. Davis, Richard H. Charmer of snakes. Hichens, R. S. Charming family. Gissing, G. R. Charming woman. Jerome, J. K. Chase of Saint-Castin. Catherwood, M. H. Chase of the fin-back whale. Duncan, N. Chase of the tide. Duncan, N. Chase overnight. Connolly. J. B. Chasing a major-general. Remington, F. Chasing a rainbow. Futrelle, J. Chasing the white mail. Warman, C. Chasse-Croise. Zangwill, I. Chastening of Sally. Vorse, M. H. Chat with Xanthippe. Bangs, J. K. Chateau of Prince Polignac. Trollope, A. Chatelaijie of Burnt Ridge. Harte, B. Chatelaine of La Trinite. Fuller. H. B. Chatelaine of Vergi. Marie de France Chatelaine sans chateau. Ouida Chatter-box. Wyatt. E. F. Chautauquaed. Kipling, R. Cheap boat. Vorse, M. H. Cheap tour. Payn, J. Cheapness of the boat. Vorse. M. IT. Cheating the gallows. Zangwill, I. Check and countercheck. See Matthews, J. B., and Jessop, G. H. Tale of twenty- five hours Checked imagination. Bjornson, B. Checked love affair. Ford, P. L. Checkmate. Maupassant, G. de Cheerful glacier. Austin, M. H. Cheese-soup. Daudet, A. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, i860- 1904 Agatha In Stories of Russian life At home In Black monk Stories of Russian life At the manor In Black monk Bad conduct. See Chekhov, A. P. "Kasch- tanka" Beggar In Stories of Russian life Black monk In Black monk Champagne In Stories of Russian life Children In Stories of Russian life La cigale In The kiss Death of an oflicial In Stories of Russian life Decoration In Stories of Russian life Dreams In Stories of Russian life Event In Black nunik Family council In Black monk Father In Black monk Head gardener's tale In The kiss Stories of Russian life Hush In Stories of Russian life In exile In Black monk Esenwein, J. P>. Short story master- pieces, Russian v 2 Fortn 80: 529 Lippinc 90: 370 In the ravine Fn Stories of Russian life "Kaschtanka." Bad conduct /;; New Eng M n s 39: 564 Kiss In The kiss Lean and fat In Stories of Russian life Little Jack In Stories of Russian life Malefactor In Stories of Russian life Man in the case /;; Stories of Russian life Mass for the dead In The kiss Murder will out /// Stories of Russian life Muzhiks /;;, The kiss Night before Easter In Stories of Russian life Not wanted In Stories of Russian life On the way /;; Black monk- Stories of Russian life On trial In The kiss Overseasoned In Stories of Russian life Oysters In The kiss Philosophy at home In Short stories Oct 1891 Princess In The kiss Privy councillor In The kiss Reed /;; The kiss =^0 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich — Ccn/i^nd'c/. Robbers In Stories of Russian life Rothschild's liddlc In Black monk Runawaj^ In The kiss Safety match In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German, etc. Sleepy-eye. Sec Chekhov, A. 1'. Sleepy head Sleepyhead In Black monk Cosmopol 41 : 151 Street scene in Russia [frcmi Chameleon] In Canad M 24: 556 Terrible nipht /;; Cur Lit 42: 112 Troublesome guest /;; Stories of Russian life Trousseau In Stories of Russian life Two tragedies In Black monk Verotchka In The kiss Ward No. 6 In Black monk Without a title In Stories of Russian life Woe /;; Tlic kiss ^^'omen /;; The kiss Zinotchka In The kiss Chekko and Uncle Ben. Warmaii, C. Chelkash. Gorky, M. Chemistry class. Phillpotts, E. Cheneviere, Adolphe, 1S55- Tonton In Patten, W. International short stor- ies V 3 Cherchez la fcmme. Henry, O. Cherokee Hall. Lewis, A. H. Cherokee Hall plays poker. Lewis, A. H. Cherry. Tarkington, B. Cherry orchard. Edgeworth, M. "Cherry ripe." Phillpotts, E. ("herrycotc. Harrison, C. C. Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, 1858- Baxter's Procrustes In Atlan 93: 823 Bouquet /;; Wife of his youth Atlan 84:648 Bunch of 3-ellow roses /;; Liv Age 225: 63 Cicely's dream In Wife of his youth Conjurer's revenge In Conjure woman Overland n s 13: 623 Dave's neckliss In Atlan 64: 500 Goo])hered grapevine In Conjure woman Atlan 60: 254 Gray Wolf's lia'nt In Conjure woman Her Virginia Mammy In Wife of his youth Hot-foot Hannibal In Conjure woman Atlan 83 : 49 March of progress In Cent 61 : 422 Mars Jeem's nightmare In Conjure woman Matter of principle In Wife of his youth Passing of Grandisson In Wife of his youth Po' Sandy /;; Conjure woman Sheriff's children 1 In Wife of his youth Sis' Becky's pickaninny In Conjure woman Swaj'-backed house In Outlook 66: 588 Uncle Wellington's wives In Wife of his youth Web of circumstance In Wife of his youth Wife of his youth In Wife of his youth Atlan 82: 5^ Chest of silver. Hornung, E. W. Chesterfield's postal cards to his son. Matthews, J. B. _ Chevalier de Resseguier. Aldrich. T. B. Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. Fuller, H. B. Chevalier Saint Agar. Trumbull, A. E. Chick of the Easter tgf;:. Howells, W. D. Chickama;uga. Bierce, A. Chickens. Ferber, E. Chief and his fellow dogs. Smith. F. H. Chief clerk's Christmas. White, W. A. Chief engineer. Osbournc, L. Chief factor. Parker, G. Chief of the devorants. See Balzac, H. de. Ferragus Chief operator. Ward, E. S. P. Le chicn d'or. Besant, W. Child. Donncll, A. H. Child. Galsworthy. T. Child. "Maupassant. G. de Child Christoiiher and Goldiluid the I'air. Morris. W. Child in the garden. Merrick, L. Child of light. Crosbv, M. Child of the age. Bovesen, H. H. Child of the Ghetto. Zangwill. T. Child of the Jago. Morrison, .\. Child of the phalansterv. .Mien, G. Child of the rain. Peattie, E. W. Child of Urbino. Ouida Child spv. See Daudet, A. Boy spy Child who had evervthing but — . Bangs, J. K. Children. Bacon, J. D. Children. Chekhov. A. P. Children mav be wiser than their parents. See TdlstoT, L. N. Texts for woodcuts. Children of the barren. Stetson, G. E. C. Children of the public. Hale. E. E. Children of the zodiac. Kipling, R. Children of water. Sharp, W. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 51 Children of wind :iiul the clan of peace. Sharp, W. Children's crusade. Sec Peattie, E. W. With scrip and staff. Children's hearts. Bourget, P. Child's dream of a star. Dickens, A. Child's letter. Field, E. Child's mother. Deland, M. Child's story. Dickens, C. Chilhowee lily. Craddock, C. E. Chinitcra. Hawtliornc, N. Chimes. Dickens, C. Chinago. London, J. Chinese ambassador. Halevy, L. Chinese girl graduate. Douglas, R. K. Chip. Hopkins, M. S. B. Chippings with a chisel. Hawthorne, N. Chiropodist. Taylor, B. Choice. Galsworthy, J. Choice. Wharton, E. Choice of Cyril Harjohn. Jerome, J. K. Choice spirits. Jacobs, W. W. Choolah. Sec Craddock, C. E. Exploit of Choolah Choosing time. Moulton, L. C. Chopin of the gutter. Huneker, J. G. Choy Susan. Bishop, W. H. Chrisna; the queen of the Danube. Sain- tine, J. X. B*. Christ in Flanders. Balzac, H. de Christening. Maupassant, G. de Christian Gellert's last Christmas. Auer- bach, B. Christian Lahnsen's baron. Theden, D. Christie Johnstone. Reade, C. Christmas accident. Trumbull, A. E. Christmas and Rome. Hale, E. E. Christmas at Goldberg. Peattie, E. W. Christmas at Peace Haven. Grenfell, W. T. Christmas at the Trimbles. Stuart, R. ]\I. Christmas at Thompson Hall. Trollope, A. Christmas banquet. Hawthorne, N. Christmas before last. Stockton, F. R. Christmas, beggar's. Wyatt, E. F. Christmas bells. Spofford, H. P. Christmas betrothal. Coppee, F. Christmas burglary. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Christmas by injunction. Henry, O. Christmas carol. Dickens, C. Christmas child. Schock, G. Christmas chime. Cameron, M. Christmas club. Eggleston, E. Christmas, Conscript's. Harris, J. C. Christmas crime. IBishop, W. H. Christmas day on Old Windy mountain. Craddock, C. E. Christmas devotee. French, A. W. Christmas, Dick Spindler's. Harte, B. Christmas dinner. Dickens, C. Christmas episode of the plantation. Stuart, R. M. Christmas eve. Maupassant, G. de Christmas eve concert. Allen, G. Christmas eve on Lonesome. Fox, J., jr. Christmas-eve revel in the Marais. Daudct, A. Christmas eve under the Terror. Bourget, P. Christmas every day. Howells, W. D. Christmas fantasy, with a moral. Aldricli, T. B. Christmas feast. Father Balagnerc's. Dau- det, A. Christmas fiddle. Austin, M. H. Christmas for Big Amc. Fox, J., jr. Christmas geese. Stuart, R. M. Christmas gift, chapparal. Henry, O. C'hristmas gift of Thaddeus. Bangs, J. K. Christmas gift, Penelope's. Jordan, E. G. Christmas gift that came to Rupert. Harte, B. Christmas gift, V'an Valkenburg's. Jordan, E. G. . J . Christmas gifts. Stuart, R. I\L Christmas guest. Kelly, M. Christmas guest. Lagerlof, S. Christmas guest. See Stuart, R. AL Sonny, a Christmas guest Christmas handicap. Connolly, J. B. Christmas hare-hunt in old Virginia. Sec Page, T. N. Long hill-side Christmas, Her. Freeman, ]\L E. W. Christmas Jenny. Freeman, ]\L E. W. Christmas, Josiah's first. Freeman, M. E. W. Christmas, Journey in search of. Wister, O. Christmas joy that came to Betty. French, Christmas Kalends of Provence. Janvier, T. A. Christmas lady. Freeman, M. E. W. Christmas, Little lady who wouldn't spoil. Long, J. L. [Christmas] Lost! Dec. 25th. Thanet, O. Christmas lovers. Coppee, F. [Christmas] Mamsell Fredrika. Lager- 15f, S. Christmas masquerade. Freeman, M. E. W. Christmas miracle. See Craddock, C. E. His Christmas miracle [Christmas] Misadventures of John Nichol- son. Stevenson, R. L. Christmas, Mr. Davidson's last. Watson, J. Christmas monks. Freeman, M. E. W. Christmas mummers. Hopkins, M. S. B. Christmas mystery. Locke, W. J. Christmas night. Lagerlof, S. Christmas, Night before. Harris, J. C. Christmas night with Satan. Fox, J., jr. Christmas, Old-time. Davis, C. B. Christmas, Old-time. Dunbar, P. L. Christmas party, Charlev Whittler's. Page, T. N. Christmas party. Woolson, C. F. Christmas passage, Joy of a. Connolly, J. B. Christmas peace. Page, T. N. Christmas picture. Barr, R. Christmas possum, Mt. Pisgah's. Dunbar, P. L. Christmas present. Heyse. P. J. L. Christmas present for a "lady. Kelley, M. Christmas, Recruit at. Davis, C. B. Christmas rose. I-egend of. Lagerlof, S. Christmas shadrach. Stockton, F. R. Christmas, Shakespeare's. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Christmas sing in our village. Freeman, M. E. W. Christmas sketch: Salvette and Bernadon. Daudet, A. Christmas spirit, Carmichael's. Davis, C. B. 52 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Christmas, Stephen Skarridge's. Stockton, F. R. Christmas stocking, Whistling Dick's. Henry, O. Christmas, Stolen. Freeman, M. I£. W. Christmas storms and sunshine. Gaskcll, E. C. Christmas storj-: Captain Eli's best ear. Stockton, F. R. Christmas story; Mr. Blake's walking-stick. Eggleston, E. Christmas story of a little church. King. G. E. Christmas stor>-. Return. Bazin. R. Christmas story, unlinislied. Henry, O. Christmas, Summer. Maartens, M. Christmas supper in the Marais. Sec Dau- det, A. Christmas-Eve revel in the Marais Christmas tree. Austin, M. II. Christmas tree, First. Van Dj'ke. H. Christmas tree on Pigeon. Fox, J., jr. Christmas truants. Stockton, F. R. Christmas venture; a romance of Valley Forge. Mitchell, S. W. Christmas waits in Boston. Hale, E. E. Christmas wreck. Stockton, F. R. Christopher. See Harris, M. In the inter- ests of Christopher Christopher II. Donnell, A. H. Christopherson. Gissing, G. R. Christophorus. Ward, E. S. P. Chrystal's centurv. Hornung, E. W. Chu Chu. Harte, B. ("humming with a savage. Stoddard, C. W. Chums. Gorky, M. Chun Ah Chun. London, J. Church mouse. Freeman, M. E. W. Church of San Pablo, Seville. Smith, F. H. Church with an overshot wheel. Henry, O. Churching of Grandma Pleasant. Dunbar, P. L. Churchwarden's brother. Allen, G. Cicatrice. IMorris, G. Cicely's dream. Chesnutt, C. W. La cigale. Chekhov, A. P. Cigar divan. See Stevenson. R. L. Pro- logue of the cigar divan Cinderella. Bland, E. N. Cinderella. Davis, Richard H. Cinderella. Perrault, C. Cinderella; or the glass slipper. (Adapted.) Scudder, FI. E. Cinnamon roses. l-"reeman, M. I'.. W. Cipher. Parker, G. Cipher, Lost. Weyman, S. J. .007; story of a locomotive. Kipling, R. Circe's palace. Hawthorne, N. Circular tour. Jacobs, W. W. Circulating library. Donnell, A. II. Circumstance. SpofYord, H. P. Circumstances. Cahan, .\. Circus. Bland, E. N. Circus at Denby. Jewett, S. O. Circus charger. Halevy, L. Circus Dan. Harbcn, W. N. Citizen and the traveller. Stevenso)i, R. L. Citizen of the roads. Gibbon, P. Citizen Schneider. Erckmann, E., and Cha- trian, A. City editor's conscience. Williams, J. L. City of dreadful night. Henry, O. City of dreadful night. Kipling, R. City of dream. Crockett, S. R. City of the beast. Jokai, M. City of the Gone Away. Bierce, A. City of the sea. Jerome, J. K. City urchin and the chaste villagers. Crane, S. Civil servant. Hale, E. E. Clair de lunc. Maupassant, G. dc Clammer. Hopkins, W. J. Clan of No-name. Crane, S. Clancy. Connelly, J. B. Clara Militch. Turgenev, I. S. Clarence. I farte, B. Clarence at the ball. Fernald, C. B. Clarence's mind. Fernald, C. B. Clarice. Spofford, H. P. Clarice of the autumn concerts. Bennett, E. A. Clarion call. Flenry, O. Clarissa's own child. Comer, C. .\. Clash of sentimentalists. Miller, .\. D. Claude Gueux. Hugo, V. Clavis. Slosson, A. T. , Claws of the tiger. Morris, G. Clear field. Cutting, M. S. Cleeve court. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.) 1835-1910 Adam's diary. See Clemens, S. L. l^x- tracts from Adam's diary Adventure of Huckleberry Finn; with an account of the famous Grangerford- Shepherdson feud III Cent 29: 268 At the appetite cure In Writings [Harper] v 23 Cosmopol 25: 425 Aurelia's unfortunate j^oung man In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [.'\mer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Burlesque biography In Writings [Harper] v -^4 $30,000 bequest Californian's tale In Writings [Harper] v 24 $30,000 bequest Harper 104: 601 Cannibalism in the cars In Writings [Harper] v 10 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 . Sketches, new and oUl Canvasser's tale In Writings [Harper] v 20 Writings [Amer Pub Li>| v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad Atlan 38:673 Capitoline Venus In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer T^d) Co] v 19 Sketches, new and idd Captain's story In Merry tales Case of George Fisher In Writings [Harper] v i«) Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 53 Curious book; complete In Writings [Harper] v 21 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 21 American claimant £ico,coo,ooo banknote Curious dream In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Curious experience III Cent 23: 35 Death-disk III Harper 104: 19 Disgraceful persecution of a boy In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v IQ Sketches, new and old Dog's tale III Writings [Harper] v 24 Dog's tale $30,000 bequest Harper 108: 11 Double-barrelled detective story III Double-barrelled detective story Harper 104: 254, 430 Edward Mills and George Benton; a tale III Writings [Harper] v 24 $30,000 bequest Encounter with an interviewer In Writings [Harper] v 20 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad Enemy conquered; or Love triumphant. See Clemens, S. L. Curious book Esquimau maiden's romance In Writings [Harper] v 23 Man that corrupted Hadleyburg Cosmopol 16: 53 Eve's diary In Eve's diary Harper 112:25 Experience of the McWilliamscs with membraneous croup In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Extract from Captain Stormfield's visit to Heaven In Extract from Captain Stormfield's visit to Heaven Harper 116: 41, 266 Extracts from Adam's diary In Extracts from Adam's diary Harper 102:762 Fable In Harper 120: 70 Facts concerning the recent carnival ol crime in Connecticut In Writings [Harper] v 20 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad Facts concerning the recent resignation In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old- Facts in the case of the great beef con- tract In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old l'"i\-c boons of life III Writings [Harper] v 24 $30,000 bequest From the "London Times" of 1904 In Writings [Harper] v 23 Man tliat corrupted Hadleyburg Cent 57: 100 General Washington's negro body-ser- vant In Writings [Harper] v 24 $30,000 bequest Ghost story In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v ig Sketches, new and old Golden arm [In How to tell a story] In Works [Harper] v 23 Man that corrupted Hadleyburg Great revolution in Pitcairn In Writings [Harper] v 20 W^ritings [Amer Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad A tlan 43:295 Helpless situation In Writings [Harper] v 24 $30,000 bequest Horse's tale In Horse's tale Harper 113: 327,_ 539 How I edited an agricultural paper In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old How the animals of the wood sent out a scientific expedition. Pt i of Some learned fables In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old How the animals in the wood completed their scientific labors. Pt 2 of Some learned failles /;; Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v ig Sketches, new and old How the author was sold in Newark In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Is he living or is he dead? In Works [Plarper] v 23 Man that corrupted Hadleyburg Cosmopol 15: 629 Jim's investments, and King Sollerman In Cent 29: 456 Journalism in Tennessee III Writings [Plarper] v rg Writings [Amer Pub Co] v ig Sketches, new and old Judge's spirited woman /;; Writings [Harper] v ig Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Jumping frog In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Jumping frog Man that corrupted Hadleyl)urg (extracts) Sketches, new and old No Am R 158:446 Overland, n s 40: 287 54 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Clemens, Samuel Langhorne—C o)i!iniu'il. Jumping frog' of Calaveras. See Clemens, S. L. Jumping frog Killing of JuHus Caesar localized 1)1 Writings l Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Tub Co] v ly Sketches, new and old Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany In Writings [Harper] v 20 Writings [Amer Tub Co] v 20 Tom Sa\v3'er abroad Lionizing murderers In Writings [Harper] v ly Writings [Amer Pub Co] v ly Sketches, new and old Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Ros- annah Ethelton In Writings [Harper] v 20 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawj-er abroad Luck hi Writings [Harper] v 21 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 21 American claimant Merry tales Harper 83:407 j\Ian that corrupted Hadleyburg In Writings [Harper] v 23 Man that corrupted Hadleyburg Harper 100:29 Mediaeval romance III Writings [Harper] y 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v ig Sketches, new and old Overland, n s 50:483 Meisterschaft: in three acts In Writings [Harper] v 21 \Vritings [Amer Pub Co] v 21 American claimant Merry tales Cent 35:457 Merry tales. [Private history of a cam- paign that failed; Luck; Curious ex- perience Mrs. McWilliams and the lightning; Meisterschaft in three acts] In Waitings [Harper] v 21 Writings [Am pub co ] v 21 American claimant £r, 000,000 bank note /;; Writings [Harper] v 21 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 21 American claimant £1,000,000 bank note Cent 45:338 Mrs. McWilliams and the liglitning In Writings [Harper] v 21 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 21 American claimant Merry tales My bloody massacre fn Writings [Harper] v iQ Writings [Amer Pul) Co] v to Sketches, new and old My late senatorial sccretaryshii) /;.' Writings [Harper] v 10 \yritings [.\mer Pub Cn] v 10 Sketclies, new and old My watcli — an instructive little tale fn Writings [Harper] v ly Writings [Amer Pub Co] v U) Sketches, new and did Mysterious visit In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v ly Sketches, new and old Niagara hi Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer I'ub Co] v ig Sketches, new and old Petrilied man In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Playing courier //; \Vritings [Harper] v 21 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 21 American claimant £1,000,000 bank note Political economy In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Private history of a campaign tliat failed In Writings [Harper] v 21 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 21 American claimant Merry tales Cent 31: 193 Private history of the jumping frog stories In Writings [Harper] v 23 Punch, brothers, punch In Writings [Harper] v 20 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad Rogers III Writings [Harper] v 20 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad Science vs. luck /// Writings [Harper] y 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Siamese twins /;; Writings [Harper] y 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Some learned fables for good old boys and girls. 3 pts. In Writings [Harper] y 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v ly Sketches, new and old Stolen white elephant In Writings [Harper] y 20 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad Story of the bad little boy In Writings [Harper] y 19 Writings [.^mer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Story of the good little boy In Writings [Harper] v tq Writings [.\mer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old $30,000 bequest /;; Writings | Harper] v 24 $30,000 bequest Harp W 48: 1870 Tom Sawyer abroad /;/ Writings [Har])er] v 20 Writings [.\nier Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 55 Tom Sawyer, detective In Writings [Harper] v 20 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 20 Tom Sawyer abroad Harper 93:344. 5i9 True story In W'ritings [Harper] v 19 Sketches, new and old Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Two little tales . In Cent 63: 24 Undertaker's chat In Writings [Harper] v 19 Writings [Amer Pub Co] v 19 Sketches, new and old Was it Heaven? or hell? In Writings [Harper] v 24 $30,000 bequest Harper 106: 11 Clerk's conscience. Payn, J. Clerk's quest. Moore, G. Clever Lady Sophia. Norris, W. E. Clever necromancer. Sherwood, M. P. Clever thief. (Tibetan) In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories. Oriental Clients of Aaron Green. Lewis, A. H. Cloak. Gogol, N. V. Clochette. Maupassant, G. de Clock in the sky. Cable, G. W. Clock of Bougival. Daudet, A. Clockmaker and his wife. Harraden, B. Clocks of Rondaine. Stockton, F. R. Clod of the valley. Moulton, L. C. Clodhopper. King, G. E. Cloisonne vase. Cutting, M. S. Closed room. See Burnett, F. H. In the closed room Closet. Maupassant, G. de Closing of Santa Claus' door. French, A. W. Cloth of gold. Ward, E. S. P. Cloud on the mountain. Foote, M. H.^ Clouds and sunshine. See Reade, C. Course of true love never did run smooth Cloverfield's carriage. Stockton, F. R. Clown. Maupassant, G. de Clown and the Columbine. Seawell, M. E. Club benefactor. Payn, J. Club chestnuts warmed over. Smith, F. H. Club-fooled grocer. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the club-footed grocer Clue. Brown, A. Coal from the embers. Fuller, H. B. Coal oil Johnny. Osbourne, L. Coals of fire. Bland, E. N. Coat of red lead. Smith, F. H. Cobbler in the devil's kitchen. Cather- wood, M. H. Coccaro the clown. Davis, C. B. Cock crowed. Maupassant, G. de Cock of the walk. Freeman, M. E. W. Cocked hat. Alargon, P. A. de Coco. Maupassant, G. de Cocotte. Maupassant, G. de Code of the corps. King, C. Codger. Galsworthy, J. Coffin, R. T. How old Wiggins wore ship In Stories by American authors v 9 Coffin-maker. Pushkin, A. S. Cogan Capeador. Connolly, J. B. Cold greeting. Bierce, A. Cold heart. Hauff, W. Cold iron. Kipling, R. Cold snap. Bellamy, E. Collaboration. James, H. Collaboration. Jordan, E. G. Collaborators. Hichens, R. S. Collaborators. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Collector's inconsistency. Watson, J. College and the circus. Williams, J. L. College friends. Amicis, E. de College girl. Bacon, J. D. College men. Williams, J. L. Colleging of Simeon Gleg. Crockett, S. R. Collins, Wilkie, i. e. William Wilkie, 1824- 1889 After dark In After dark Anne Rodway In Queen of hearts Biter bit In Queen of hearts Black cottage In Queen of hearts "Blow up with the brig!" In After dark Miss orMrs.? Caldron of oil In Patten, W. International short stories v 2 Dead alive In After dark Canad M 5: 16, 128 Dead hand In Queen of hearts Dream-woman In Queen of hearts Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Scotch-English Temple Bar 42:547; 43: 125 Events in the lives of a lady and her lovers In "I say no" Family secret In Queen of hearts Fatal cradle; otherwise, The heart-rend- ing story of Mr. Heavyside In After dark Miss or Mrs.? Fatal fortune In After dark All the year 33- U, 37 Fauntleroy In Queen of hearts Frozen deep In After dark Temple Bar i: 145, 289 Ghost's touch In Ghost's touch "I say no" Heart-rending story of Mr. Heavyside. See Collins, W. Fatal cradle How I married him In Belgravia 46: 29s Eclectic M 98:383 "I say no"; or. The love-letter answered 1)1 "I say no" Love-letter answered. See Collins, W. 'T say no" 56 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Collins, Vfilkie— Continued. Mad Monckton /;; Queen of hearts Miss or Mrs.? In After dark Miss or Mrs.? Mr. Lismore and the widow In Stories by English authors, England My lady's money /)( Ghost's touch "I say no" Mysterious cash-box. See Collins, W . Stolen mask Mystery of Marnieduke /;; Temple Bar 55:53 Old maid's husband In Belgravia 6i : 278 Our last walk In Ghost's touch [Lovell] Parson's scruple In Queen of hearts Percy and the prophet 1)1 Ghost's touch "1 say no" Air the year round 38 ^upp Harper 55^440 Plot in private life /;; Queen of hearts Sailor's story In After dark She loves and lies In Belgravia 52: 285 Shocking story In Shocking story Belgravia 37- supp i Internal R 5:847 Stolen mask; or The mysterious cash-box. A story for a Christmas fireside In Stolen mask Terribly strange bed In Stories by English authors, trance Household words 5:129 Yellow mask In Yellow mask Household words 11:529 Colonel Amnion and the Franklin syndicate. Train, A. C. ^ . Colonel Baigent's Christmas. Quiller- Couch, A. T. _ Colonel Breretons aunty. Bunner, 11. L Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith, It of .Ann Ponsford. Silherrad. U. L. Dower ladies. Smgmaster, E.^ Down the ravine. Craddock, C. E. Downfall of a criminal lawyer. Train, A. C. Downfall of Abner Joyce. Fuller, H. B. Downie. Lagerlof, S. Dowry. ISTaupassant. G. dc Dowrv. Sherwood, M. P. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 8i Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 1859- Advcnture of Black Peter In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the abbey grange /;; Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the beryl coronet In Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the blue carbuncle /)/ Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the copper beeches In Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the dancing men In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the dying detective In Collier's 52: N 22 p 5 Adventure of the empty house /;; Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the engineer's thumb In Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the final problem In McClure 2: 99 Adventure of the golden pince-nez In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the missing three-quarter In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the noble bachelor In Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the Norwood builder In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the priory school In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the second stain In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the six napoleons In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the solitary cyclist In Return of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the speckled band Iti Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of the three students In Return of Sherlock Holmes American's tale In My friend the murderer Beetle hunter In Round the fire stories Behind the times In Round the red lamp Beyond the city In Beyond the city Black doctor. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the black doctor Blighting of Sharkey In Last galley Bones, the April fool of Harvey's sluice In My friend the murderer London Society 41 : 391 Boscombe Valley mystery In Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Brazilian cat. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the Brazilian cat Brown hand In Round the fire stories Captain John Adams, missing In Harper 100: 783 Captain Sharkey In Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko Case of identity In Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sign of the four Tales of Sherlock Holmes Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Scotch Case of Lady Sannox In Round the red lamp Idler 4: 331 Club-footed grocer. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the clul)-footed grocer Coming of the Huns In Last galley Scrib M 48:548 Contest In Last galley Crime of the brigadier In Green flag Croxley master In Croxley master Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko Strand 18: 363, 483, 615 Curse of Eve In Round the red lamp De profundis In Last galley Debut of Bimbashi Joyce In Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko McClure 15: 60 Disappearance of Lady Carfax In Am M 73: 130 Doctors of Holyland In Round the red lamp Idler 5: 227 McClure 3: 274 Doings of Raffles Haw /;; Beyond the city False start In Round the red lamp Fiend of the cooperage In Round the fire stories First cargo //( Last galley Scrib M 48:655 Five orange pips /;; Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Foreign office romance In Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko McClure 4: 70 Giant Maximin In Last galley Governor of St. Kitts /n. McClure 9: 565 Great Brown-Pericord motor In Last galley Great shadow /;/ Great shadow Green flag In Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko McClure 4: I55 Gully of Bluemansdyke In My friend the murderer His first operation In Round the red lamp Home-coming //( Last galley 82 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Coiili)uir(l. Iconoclast III Last galley Japanned box /;; Round the fire stories Jelland's voyage /;; Round the fire stories Jew's l)reastplate III Round the lire stories John Huxford's hiatus In Sign of the four Cornhill 57:598 Liv Age 1/8: 210 King of the foxes In Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko Last galley In Last galley Last of the legions /;; Last galley Leather funnel In Round the fire stories I^IcClure 20: 17 Little square box In My friend the nuirdcrcr Lord of Chateau Noir /;; Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko Lord of Falconbridge In Last galley Los Amigos fiasco In Round the red lamp Idler 2:548 Lost special. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the lost special Lot No. 249 In Round the red lamp Harper 85: 525 Man from Archangel In Aly friend the murderer London Society 47^75 Man with the twisted lip In Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Man with the watches. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the man with the watches :Marriage of the brigadier In Last galley Medical document In Round the red lamp My friend the murderer In My friend the murderer Sign of the four London Society 42: supp 30 Mystery of Sasassa Valley In My friend the murderer Stories by English authors, African New catacomb In Green flag Night among the nihilists In My friend the murderer One crowded hour In One crowded hour Our Derby sweepstakes In My friend the murderer London Society 41:417 Out of the running In Last galley Parasite In Parasite Parson of Jackman's gulch In My friend the nuinlcrer Physiologist's wife /;; Round the red lamp Blackw 148: 339 Eclectic M 115: 493 Liv Age 187: 207 Plaj'ing with fire In Round the fire stories Pot of caviare /;; Round the fire stories Question of diplomacy In Round the red lamp Red-headed league /;/ Adventures of Sherloek Holmes Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Scotch Warner library Red star In Last galley Scrib M 49: 24 Ring of Thoth In Sign of the four Cornhill 6r: 46 Eclectic M 114: 355 Scandal in Bohemia In Adventures of Sherlock Plolmes Sign of the four Tales of Sherlock Holmes Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Scotch Sealed room. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the sealed room Secret of Goresthorpe Grange In Patten, W. International short stories v 3 Selecting a ghost /;} My friend the murderer London Society 42:681 Shadow before In Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko Sherlock Holmes's latest adventure. .S"c-^ Doyle, A. C. Disappearance of Lady Carfax Sign of the four /;; Sign of the four Tales of Sherlock Holmes Lippinc 45: 147 Silver hatchet In ^ly friend the murderer Silver mirror III Last galley 'Sla]iping Sal" In Green flag- Tragedy of the Korosko McClure i: 206 Story of the beetle-hunter /;[ Strand 15:603 Story of the black doctor In Round the fire stories Strand 16: 372 Story of the Brazilian cat /;; Round the fire stories Strand 16: 603 Story of the club-footed grocer 7)1 'Round the fire stories Strand 16:483 Storv of the lost special /;;' Round the fire stones Strand !'>: 15.^ INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 83 Story of the man with the matches In Round the fire stories Strand 16: 33 Story of the sealed room III Round the fire stories Strand 16: 243 Straggler of '15 /;; Round the red lamp Striped chest /;; Green flag Surgeon of Gaster Fell In Sign of the four Chambers's J 67: 770 Surgeon talks In Round the red lamp Sweethearts In Round the red lamp Idler 5:451 IMcClure 3: 400 Tempted by the devil In Cosmopol 19 '• 561 Terror of Blue John Gap In Last galley Third generation In Round the red lamp Three correspondents In Green flag Tragedy of the Korosko Through the m,ists: i. Coming of the Huns; 2. First cargo; 3. Red star In Scrib M 48: 548, 655; 49: 24 Through the veil In Last galley Tragedy of the Korosko In Tragedy of the Korosko Uncle Bernac In Great shadow Usher of Lea house school In Round the fire stories Draft on the bank of Spain. Mitchell, S. W. Dragon fang. O'Brien, F. Dragoness. Hibbard, G. A. Dragoumis, Julia D. Alexander the son of Philip In Under Greek skies Barba Stathi In Tales of a Greek island End of the fairy tale In Tales of a Greek island Finding of the cave In Under Greek skies In the cave In Tales of a Greek island Atlan 108: 211 Mattina In Under Greek skies North and south In Tales of a Greek island Atlan 107: 721 On the hills In Tales of a Greek island Only son of his mother In Tales of a Greek island Atlan 108: 540 Shepherd of Arcadia In Atlan 112: 551 Stepmother In Tales of a Greek island Atlan 108:68 Under the mulberries /;; Tales of a Greek island Atlan 109:22 Vasili In Talcs of a Greek island Dragon's teeth. Hawthorne, N. Drake who had means of his own. Wistcr, O. Drama of an evening. King, G. E. Drama of three. King, G. E. Drama on the seashore. See Balzac, H. dc. Seaside tragedy Dramatic funeral. Coppee, F. Drawing the color line. Comer, C. A. P. Drawn blind. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Drawn shutters. Connolly, J. B. Draxy Miller's dowry. Jackson, H. H. Dray Wara Yow Dee. Kipling, R. Dread. See Maupassant, G. de. Fear Dream. Henry, O. Dream. Morris, W. Dream. Turgenev, I. S. Dream and a story. Flarris, J. C. Dream children. Lamb, C. Dream-face. Gibbon, P. Dream-gown of the Japanese ambassador. Matthews, J. B. Dream knight. Maartens, M. Dream of Akinosuke. Hearn, L. Dream of Armageddon. Wells, H. G. Dream of Debs. London, J. Dream of Duncan Parrenness. Kipling, R. Dream of John Ball. Morris, W. Dream of Nageeb Fiani; a story of the Syrian quarters. Duncan, N. Dream of the morning. Brown, A. Dream woman. Collins, W. Dreamer. Jacobs, W. W. Dreamers discuss a magazine poem. Bangs, J. K. Dreamers in congress. Zangwill, I. Dreams. Chekhov, A. P. Dreams. Maupassant. G. de Dress clothes of Monsieur Pomponnet. Merrick, L. Dressing-maid. Coppee, F. Dressing room. Futrelle, J. Drift from Redwood camp. Harte, B. Drift of fate. Weyman, S. J. Drifting crane. Garland. H. Drifting down Lost creek. Craddock, C. E. Drinkwater romance. Morrison. A. Drop a tear in the slot. Henry, O. Drop of blood. Maartens, M. Drowned man. I\Taupassant. G. de Drowne's wooden image. Flawthornc, N. Droz, [Antoine] Gustave Semptress's story In Stories by foreign authors. French V 2 Drum-maior. Seawell, M. E. Drums of the fore and aft. Kipling, R. Drumshcugh's love story. Watson, J. Drunkard. Maupassant. G. de Drunkard's death. Dickens. C. Dual control. Jacobs. W. W. Dual personality of Slick Dick Nickerson. Norris. F. Due d' I'Omclette. Poc, E. A. Due de Nevers. Train. A. C. Ducal audience. Cabell. J. B. Duchess and Madame Margot. Halevy, L. Duchess at prayer. Wharton, E. 84 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Duchess Eleanor. Maartens, M. Duchess of Hamptonshire. Hardy, T. Duchcssc de Langcais. Balzac, H. dc Duchess of Nona. Hewlett, M. M. Duchoux. Maupassant, G. de Duel., E. X. Dud. Conrad, J. Duel. 1 lenry, O. Duel. Maupassant, G. dc Duel. Pushkin, A. S. Duel. Strindberg, J. A. Duel between the fox and tlic wolf /;; Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:219 Duel in the desert. Hornung, E. W. Duel of the two sharpers (Arabic) /;; Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Duellist. See Page, T. N. When the Colonel was a duellist Duellist. See Turgenev, I. S. Two friends Duke Humphrey's dinner. O'Brien, F. Duke's allotment. Hawkins, A. H. Duke's Christmas. Stuart, R. M. Duke's reappearance. Hardy, T. Dulham ladies. Jewctt, S. O. Dull Jim. Long, J. L. Dullet. See Page, T. N. Prosecution of r^lrs. Dullet Duluth tragedy. Janvier, T. A. Dumas, Alexandre (pere) 1802- 1870 Countess Bertha's honey-feast /;; Fairy tales Crop-eared Jacquot /;; Crop-eared Jacquot Dead alive. See Dumas, A. Julien Fisherman of Naples. See Dumas, A. IMasaniello Galley-slave In Galley-slave Horrors of Paris /;; Horrors of Paris Jane In Crop-eared Jacf|uot Julien; or, The dead alive In Galley-slave Masaniello; or, The fisherman of Naples /;; Masaniello Mohicans of Paris In Mohicans of Paris Pauline /;; Pauline Prince of thieves In Prince of thieves Snow-ball In Snow-ball and Sultanctta Tales of the Caucasus Solange: Dr. Ledru's story of the reisn of terror /;/ Patten, ^^■. International short stor- ies V 3 Sultanctta fit Snow-ball and Sultanctta When Pierrot was young /); Fairy tales W^olf-lcader /)/ Wolf-leader Dumb fox glove. Slosson, A. T. Duniitru and Sigrid. Cahan, .\. Dun. I'.dgeworth, ]\T. Dunbar, Alice Ruth Moore (Mrs. Paul Lawrence Dunbar) By tile bayuu St. jolin In Goodness of St. Rocque Carnival jangle In Goodness of St. Rocque Fisherman of Pass Christian In Goodness of St. Rocque Goodness of Saint Rocque /;; Goodness of St. Rocque In honor bound /;; Munsey 30: 728 La Juanita In Goodness of St. Rocque Little Miss Sophie /;; Goodness of St. Rocque Mr. Baptiste /;; Goodness of St. Rocque ]\rsieu Forticr's violin In Goodness of St. Rocque Odalie /;.' Goodness of St. Rocque Orpheus In Pall Mall 26: 192 Praline woman /;; Goodness of St. Rocque Rose Dormant /;; New Eng M n s 31:397 Sister Josepha /;; Goodness of St. Rocque Titee In Goodness of St. Rocque Tony's wife In Goodness of St. Rocque \\'hcn the bayou overflows In Goodness of St. Rocque Dunbar, Paul Lawrence, 1872-1906 Anner 'Lizcr's stumhlin' Ijlock /;; 1^'olks from Dixie Ash-cake Hannah and her Ben /;; In old plantation days At Shaft II In Folks from Dixie Aunt Mandy's investment /;/ Folks from Dixie Aunt Tempe's revenge /;; In old plantation days Aunt Tempe's triumph /;; In old plantation days Blessed deceit /)( In old plantation days Brief cure of -A.unt Fanny /;; In old plantation days Case of Ca'line /;; Strength of Gideon Churching of Grandma Pleasant In Lippinc 75: 3.^7 Colonel's awakening /;; Folks from Dixie Conjuring contest /;; In old plantation days Council of state /;/ Strength of (udeon Dandy Jim's conjure scare In In old plantation days Defection of Maria .-Xnn Gibbs In In old plantation days Deliberation of Mr. Dunkin /;; Folks from Dixie Cosmopol 24: 678 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 85 Dizzy-headed Dick /;; In old plantation days Easter wedding In In old plantation days Faith cure man In Strength of Gideon P'amily feud In Folks from Dixie Finding of Martha In In old plantation days Lippinc 69: 375 Finding of Zach In Strength of Gideon Finish of Patsy Barnes In Strength of Gideon Fruitful sleeping of tlie Rev. Elisha Ed- wards In Strength of Gideon How Brother Parker fell from grace In In old plantation days Independence of Silas Bollender In Lippinc 68: 375 Ingrate In Strength of Gideon New Eng M n s 20:676 Intervention of Peter /;; Folks from Dixie Jethro's garden /;/ Era 10: 78 Jim's probation In Strength of Gideon Jimsella /;; Folks from Dixie Johnsonham, junior In Strength of Gideon Judgment of Paris In In old plantation days Lady slipper In In old plantation days Last fiddling of Mordaunt's Jim In In old plantation days Mammy Peggy's pride In Strength of Gideon Memory of Martha In In old plantation days Mess of pottage In Strength of Gideon Minority committee In Lippinc 68: 617 Mr. Cornelius Johnson, office-seeker In Strength of Gideon Mr. Groby's slippery gift In In old plantation days Mortification of the flesh /;; Lippinc 68: 250 Mt. Pisgah's Christmas 'possum In Folks from Dixie Nelse Hatton's vengeance In Folks from Dixie Old man's fortunes In Strength of Gideon Old-time Christmas In Strength of Gideon Ordeal at Mt. Hope In Folks from Dixie Silas Jackson In Strength of Gideon Silent Sam'el /;; In old plantation days Sport of the gods In Lippinc 67: 515 Stanton coachman /;; in old plantation days Strength of Gideon /;/ Strength of Gideon Lippinc 64: 617 Supper by proxy In In old plantation days Tragedy at Three Forks In Strength of Gideon Trial sermons on Bull-Skin 1)1 Folks from Dixie Trouble about Sophiny /;; In old plantation days Trousers In In old plantation days Trustfulness of Polly In Strength of Gideon Uncalled In Lippinc 61 : 579 Uncle Simon's Sundays out In Strength of Gideon Vindication of Jared Hargot In Lippinc 73 ■ 374 Viney's free papers In Strength of Gideon Visiting of Mother Danbury In Lippinc 68: 746 Walls of Jericho In In old plantation days Way of a woman In In old plantation days Way of love In Lippinc 75: 68 White counterpane In Lippinc 68: 500 Who stand for the gods In In old plantation days Duncan, Norman, 1871- Animal shop In Harper 126: 79 Art of Terry Lute In Cent 85:397 Beat t' harbour In Way of the sea Harper 107: 614 Best of a bad job In Harper 124: 410 Black pawn In Harper 125: 264 Boss of the gang In Canad M 25: 506 Breaking camp at Kantara In Harper 118: 516 Breath of the north In Way of the sea McClure 22: 44 By-an' by Brown of Blunder cove In Harper 117: 526 Cast away on Feather's Folly In Cosmopol 41: 353 Chase of the fin-back whale In Outing 44: 679 Chase of the tide In Way of the sea Outing 44: 679 ]McClnre 17:307 Comedy of Candlestick cove In Harper 114: 954 Concerning Billy Luff and Master Good- kind In Way of the sea 86 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Duncan, Norman— Continued. Croesus of Gingerbread cove /;; Harper 125: 862 Cure of Hezekiah /;; Harper 115: 940 Dog with a bad name In Outing 51: 705 Dream of Nagecb Fiami; a story of tlie Syrian quarters In Canad M 25: 241 Every man for liimself /;; Harper 113: 255 Fairmeadow. See Duncan, N. John Fair- meadow's foundling; Judgment of John Fairmeadow; Ordination ot John Fairmeadow Father for the baby In Harper 122: 933 Finding his soul /;; Finding his soul Fool of Skeleton Tickle In Outlook Si : 229 For the hand of Haleem In Soul of the street Atlan 86: 347 Fruits of toil In Way of the sea McClure 19: 257 God in Israel In Harper 126: 165 Greatest player in all the world In Soul of the street Haleem. See Duncan, N. For the hand of Haleem Halfyard's mutiny In Canad M 25:433 Healer from Far-Away cove In Way of the sea Harper 105: 669 Higgins — a man's Christian In Harper 119: 165 In the absence of Mrs. Halloran In Soul of the street Atlan 85: 255 In the fear of the Lord In Way of the sea Atlan 90: 145 John Fairmeadow's foundling In Harper 122: 298 Judgment of John Fairmeadow In Harper 121 : 717 Lamp of liberty In Soul of the street Atlan 85: 649 Little romance In Harper 119: 841 Love of the maid In Way of the sea Lower animal In Harper 124: 752 Madonna of Tinkle Tackle In Atlan 1 10: ()15 Minstrel In Harper 1 17: 29 Miracle at Pale Peter's In Harper 123: 239 Mrs. Halloran. Sec Duncan, N. In llic al)senco of Mrs. Halloran Ninety-ninth notcli In Harper 114: (>33 Of the real sea In Outing 40: 590 Ordination of John Fairmeadow In Outlook 97: 649 Our harl)or In Outlook 77:846 People from the east In Harper 106: 553 Questing veteran In Harper 120: 245 Raging of the sea In Way of the sea McClure 18: 433 Regenerate In Cent 81: 439 Revolution of Satan's Trap In Cent 74: 185 Romance of Whooping Harbor In Howells, W. D., and Alden, II. M. Quaint courtships Harper in: 268 Santa Clans at Lonely Cove In Atlan 92: 742 Small Sam Small In Harper 122: 463 Spirit of revolution In Soul of the street McClure 15: 466 Squall In Harper 116: 826 Stitch in time In Harper 122: 463 Strength of men In Way of the sea McClure 21: 532 Suitable child 1)1 Suitable child Harper 119: 511 Surplus In Harper 116: 749 Sympathetic part In Harper 120: 858 They who lose at love In Harper 112: 338 Under-shepherd In Soul of the street Wayfarer In Atlan 98: 145 With that measure of love In Harper 121 : S79 Wreck of tlie Will-o'-the-Wisp In Canad M 25: 330 Yarn of the "Sink or Swim" In Harper 108: 444 Duncan Campbell. Hogg, J. Dnnnal)ridgc. Pliillpolts, F. Dunne, Finley Peter (Martin Dooley, pseud.) 1867- Mr. Dooley on corporal punishment In Patten, W. International short stories v i Dunmll, slicpherdcss. Jcwrtt, S. ( ). Duplicilv of Hargravcs. llonry, O, Dury. i'hillpotts, F,. Dusk of tlie gods, llunrkcr, J. G. Dusky philosophy. Stockti)n, I\ R. Dust. Bjornson, B. Dust-cloud. Benson, E. F. Dust of defeat. Osbourne, L. Dutcli Kilty's white slippers. Ralph, J. INDEX TO SHORT STCJRIES 87 Dweller of the threshold. By Sir Ed-d L-tt-n B-lw-r. Harte, B. Dwellers. Bland. E. N. Dyar, Muriel Campbell Beau In Harper 112: 390 Benje's eulogy In Harper 107: 472 Crime in Jedidiah Peeble s house In Harper 124: 599 Davie and Elizabeth In Davie and Elizabeth Harper 109: 556 In the other room /;; Harper 118: 510 Johnny Hall In Harper 115: 174 Last visit to a scholar In Harper 114: 772 Man of destiny In Harper 117: 873 Mother bird In Harper 116: 786 Old 'Lijah Bale's escape In Harper 115: 13 On the birdcage road In Harper 121 : 107 Oversight In Harper 117: 136 Piece of good fortune In Harper 122: 533 Resignation In Harper 119: 213 Sleepyhead In Harper 119: 611 Story of a great week In Harper no: 504 Tea-party In Harper iiO: 277 Valedictory In Harper 114: 545 Dying fires. Norris, F. "Dymchurcli flit." Kipling, R. E. Holbrook's patience. Pangborn, G. W. Each to his lights. Connolly, J. B. Eagle and the fir. Bjornson, B. Eagle's nest. Bjornson, B. Earl of Dunvon. Janvier. T. A. Earle, Mary Tracy (Mrs. William T. Home) 1864- Alarm bell In Man who worked for CoUister Aunt Clementine's old days In Man who worked for CoUister Beau of 'Arriette In Through old rose glasses Cent 58:561 Captor of old Pontomoc In Man who worked for CoUister Scrib M 19: 749 Caravan In Harper 106: 367 Cenotaph In Harper 108:868 Dinner of herbs In Outlook 71 : 1021 Fig-tree of old Jourde In Man who worked for CoUister First Mrs. Keener In Through old rose glasses Flag on the hilltop In Flag on the hilltop Glass door /;; Harper 114: 351 Governor's prerogatives In Man who worked for CoUister McClurc 2: 562 Great state of Johnsing In Man who worked for CoUister Heartsease In Through old rose glasses Atlan 86: 472 Hildreth's wedding day In Man who worked for CoUister In the street of flower-makers In INIunsey 26: 107 Johnny Sands In Harper 108: 692 King James of the strawberry patch /;( Dclin 72,: 562 Law and the long bone In Man who worked for CoUister Lawyer Money In Through old rose glasses Little mountain maid /;;- Man who worked for CoUister Man who worked for CoUister In Man who worked for CoUister Cent 53:728 Mask of the lost soul In Man who worked for CoUister Mr. Willie's wedding-veil In Man who worked for CoUister Harper 96: 131 JNIountain gold In Man who worked for CoUister On the night train In Through old rose glasses Atlan 85:748. On the word of Victor Paul In Outlook 66: 345 Race of the little ships * In Man who worked for CoUister Shuttles of the web In Through old rose glasses Six brave soldiers In Man who worked for CoUister Munsey i7: 357 Through old rose glasses In Though old rose glasses Atlan 84: 506 Tinkling simlins In Through old rose glasses Atlan 82: 225 Tomorrow's child /;; Atlan 90: 599 Wonderful wheel 1)1 Wonderful wheel ' Earlier manner. Hibbard, G. A. Early days. Tolstoi, L. N. Early experiences of Ralph Ringwood. Irving, W. Earth letter of a :\Lartian. Loomis, C. B. Early majority of Mr. Thomas Watts. Johnston, R. M. Earthlings. King, G. E. Earthquake-child. Phillpotts, E. Earth's holocaust. Hawthorne, N. East and west. Hale, E. E. Easter blessing. Spofford, H. P. Easter night. Korolenko, V. G. 88 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Easter of tlio soul. Henry, O. Easter story. Thcuriet, A. Easter symljol. Stuart, R. M. Easter wedding. Dunbar, P. L. Eastern I-^aster. I.oomis, C. B. Eastman, Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa the Sioux Indian) 1858- Gray chieftain /// Howells, W. D. and Aldcn, H. M. Under the sunset Easy nlone}^ Jacobs, W. W. Eat-'em-up Jack. Lewis, A. H. Ebb-tide. Stevenson, R. L. and Osbourne, L. Eben Holden's last day a-lishiuR. Bach- cllcr, I. Ebner von Eschenbach, Marie von, 1830- Princess Lciladin In Chaut 19: 623 Two countesses In Two countesses Echo. Hopkins, M. S. B. Echo hunt. Gray, D. Echo in Egypt. Hichens, R. S. Echo of Antietam. Bellamy, E. Eckstein, Ernst, 1845-1900 Chaldean magician. An adventure in Rome in the reign of the Emperor Diocletian In Chaldean magician Monk of the Aventine In Monk of the Aventine Edda and the oak. Peattie, E. W. Edged tools: a tale in two chapters. Mat- thews, J. B. and Pollock, W. H. Eddy, John A. Dinner party In Stories by American authors v 2 Atlan 30: 527 Edelweiss. Besant, W. and Rice, J. * Edelweiss of the Sierras. Harrison, C. C. Edgar, the choir boy uncelestial. Bacon, J. D. Edge worth, Maria, 1767- 1849 Almeria /;; Tales and novels v 7 Angelina: or L'amie inconnue In Tales and novels v 3 Barring out: or, Party spirit In Parent's assistant Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 6: 201 Basket woman /;( Parent's assistant Birthday present In Parent's assistant Bracelets In Parent's assistant Castle Rackrent In Tales and novels v i Cherry orchard In Harry and Lucy Contrast In Tales and novels v 5 Dun In Tales and novels v 6 Emilc de Coulanges In Talcs and novels v lO Ennui In Tales and novels v 6 Eton Montem In Parent's assistant False key In Parent's assistant Forester Iji Tales and novels v 2 • Forgive and forget In Parent's assistant Good aunt In Tales and novels v 2 > Good French governess /;; Talcs and novels v 3 Grateful negro /» Talcs and novels v 5 Harry and Lucj' In Harry and Lucy Knapsack In Tales and novels v 3 Lame Jervas In Tales and novels v 4 Lazy Lawrence In Parent's assistant Leonora In Tales and novels v 13 Letters of Julia and Caroline In Talcs and novels v 13 Limerick gloves In Tales and novels v 4 Little dog Trusty In Harry and Lucy Little merchants In Parent's assistant Lottery /;; Talcs and novels v 4 Madame de Fleury III Tales and novels v 10 Mademoiselle Panache /;; Parent's assistant Tales and novels v 3 Manoeuvring In Tales and novels v 7 Manufacturers In Tales and novels v 5 Mimic In Parent's assistant ]\lodern Griselda /;; Tales and novels v 10 Murad the unlucky In Tales and novels v 5 Old Poz In Parent's assistant Orange man In Harrj' and Lucy Orphans In Parent's assistant Out of debt, out of danger In Talcs and novels v 4 Party spirit. See Edgeworth, M. Barring out Prussian vase In Tales and novels v 2 Purple jar Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 6: 3 Rosanna In Tales and novels v 4 Simple Susan In Parent's assistant Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 6:253 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 89 To-morrow In Tales and novels v 5 Vivian In Talcs and novels v 8 Wager In Tappan, E. M. Cliildren s hour 6:12 Waste not, vvrant not In Parent's assistant Waste not, want not White pigeon In Parent's assistant Will In Tales and novels v 4 Editha. Howells, W. D. Editha's burglar. Burnett, F. H. Editing of Xanthippe. Bangs, J. K. Editor. See Page, T. N. Her sympathetic editor Editor's story. Davis, Richard H. Ednah and her brothers. White, E. O. Edric and Sylvaine. Pyle, H. Education of a butterfly. Loomis, C. B. Education of Elizabeth. Bacon, J. D. Education of Otis Yeere. Kipling, R. Edward Fane's rosebud. Hawthorne, N. Edward Herrics. Masefield, J. Edward Mills and George Benton; a tale. Clemens, S. L. Edward Randolph's portrait. Hawthorne, N. Edwards, Amelia [Ann] Blandford, 183 1- 1892 Four-fifteen express In Stories by English authors, England Edwin and Ardella. Bishop, W. H. "Ee," said 'Lizabet— "Ee," said Hans. French, A. W. Eekhoud, Georges, 1854- Ex-voto In Warner library Kors Davie In Warner library Eel-king. Sec Field, E. Hawaiian folk-tales Effectual fervent prayer. Van Dyke, H. Efiferati family. Janvier, T. A. Egg-stealing. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Eggleston, Edward, 1837-1902 Basement story In Duffels Christmas club In Duffels Gunpowder plot In Duffels Huldah, the help In Duffels Scrib M i : 189 Mr. Blake's walking-stick In Mr. Blake's walking-stick New cashier In Duffels Cent 45: 189 Periwinkle In Dufifels Priscilla In Dufifels Scrib o s 3: 18 Redemptioner In Dufifels Cent 46:625 Sister Tabea In Dufifels Cent 31: 894 Story of a valentine In Dufifels Talking for life In Dufifels Eglantina. Freeman, M. E. W. Egotism; or, The bosom serpent. Haw- thorne, N. Egypt. Stuart, R. M. Egyptian fire-eater. Baumbach, R. Eidolons of Brooks Alford. Howells, W. D. Eight years in a rock. Hawthorne, J. Eighth deadly sin. Huneker, J. G. El Dorado. Gather, W. S. El dorado. Masefield, J. El verdugo. Balzac, H. de Elaborate elopement. Jacobs, W. W. Elder Pill, preacher. Garland, H. Elder's wife Jackson, H. H. Eleanor Cuyler. Davis, Richard H. Eleanor's house. Gather, W. S. Election for beadle. Dickens, C. Electionccrin' on Big Injun Mountmg. Craddock, C. E. Electric lady. Garland, H. Electrical error. Bangs, J. K. Eleonora. Poe, E. A. Elephant has a bet with the tiger (adapted). Skeat. W. W. Elephant's child. Kiplmg, R. Elevator; farce. Howells, W. D. Eleventh hour. Foote, M. H. Eleventh hour. Gibbon, P. Eleventh hour. Stetson, G. E. C. Eli. Chaplin, H. W. Elias. See Tolstoi, L. N. Ilyas Elias Windmanstadius; or. The medizeval man. Gautier, T. Elijah's goblet. Zangwill, I. Eliot, Annie. See Trumbull, A. E. Eliot, George, pseud. (Mrs. Mary Ann Evans [Lewes] Cross) 1819-1880 Amos Barton. See Eliot, G. Sad for- tunes of the Rev. Amos Barton Brother Jacob In Silas Marner Janet's repentance In Scenes of clerical life Lifted veil In Silas Marner Mabie. H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 4 Blackw 86: 24 Liv Age 62: 360 Mr. Gilfil's love-story In Scenes of clerical life Sad fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton In Scenes of clerical life Blackw 81: 153 Liv Age 53 ■•24, 92 Scenes of clerical life In Silas Marner ; Silas Marner In Silas Marner Theophrastus Such •In Theophrastus Such Eli's education. Akott, L. M. Elisha. Quillcr-Couch, A. T. 90 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Elissa; the doom of Zimbabwe. Haggard, R. Elixir. Gissing, G. Elixir of life. IBalzac, H. dc Elixir of life. See Hawthorne, N. Septi- mius Fclton Elixir of the Rev. Pere Gaucher. Daudet, A. Elixir of youth. Bennett, E. A. Eliza Hepburn's deliverance. Fuller, H. B. Eliza Sam. Freeman, M. E. W. Elizabeth. Dcland, M. Elizabeth's husband. Davis, Rebecca H. Ellen. Mitford, M. R. Ellen and J\Ir. Man. Morris, G. Elleneen. Jewctt, S. O. Elm-tree. I-'rceman, M. E. W. Elmina's living-out. Singmaster, E. Elopement. See Jacobs, W. W. Elaborate elopement Eloping with papa. Bangs, J. K. Elsie: a Christmas story. Kielland, A. L. Elsie in New York. Henry, O. Elsie's dance for her life. Crockett, S. R. Elsket. Page, T. N. Elves. Tieck, L. Emancipation of Billy. Henry, O. Emancipation of Thaddeus. Bangs, J. K. Embers. Acebal, F. Embroideress of Trierso. Hcyse, P. J. L. Emerenz. Heyse, P. J. L. Emergency men. Jessop, G. H. Emergency mistress. Stockton, F. R. Emigrants. Connolly, J. B. Emigrants. Harris, J. C. Emigration. Hogg, J. Emile de Coulanges. Edgeworth, M. Emile Roque; seventh story. Mitchell, D. G. Emmeline. ]\Iusset, A. de Emotional acrobat. Huneker, J. G. Emotions of a sub-guard. Bacon, J. D. Emotions of a voung red partridge. Dau- det, A. Emperor's picture. HaufY, W. Emperor's vision. Lagerlof, S. Empire of the ants. Wells, H. G. Empress's money-chest. Lagerlof, S. Empty house. Ward, E. S. P. Emulation. Miller, A. D Enchanted coach Burnett, F. H. Enchanted forest. Andrews, M. R. S. Enchanted kiss. Henry, O. Enchanted mountain. White, E. O. Enchanted people. Henry, O. Enchanted typewriter. Bangs, J. K. Enchanted yodler. Huneker, J. G. Enchantment. Cutting, M. S. Encore. Dcland, M. Encounter with an interviewer. Clemens, S. L. End and tlic beginning. Cameron, M. End and the beginning. Looniis, C. B. End and the means. Gerould, K. F. End of all living. Brown, A. End of desire. Herrick, R. End of it. Bacon, J. D. End of love is love. Garland, II. End of Mr. Bear. Harris, J. C. End of New York. Benjamin, P. End of Tchertopkhanofif. Turgencv, I. S. End of the beginning. Hibbard, G. A. End of the fairy tale. Dragoumis, J. D. End of the game. Brown, A. End of the journey. Stetson, G. E. C. End of the passage. See Kipling, R. At the end of the passage End of tlic tether. Conrad, J. End of the vendetta. Davis, Rebecca H. Endicott and the red cross. Hawthorne, N. Ends of the earth. Bacon, J. D. Enemy conquered; or Love triumphant. See Clemens, S. L. Curious book. Enemy of the world. London, J. Engagement at the frontier. Janvier. T. A. Engineer's white hair. Warman, C. England! Quiller-Couch, A. T. English girl's Christmas presents. Keats, G. Englishman of Entretat. Maupassant, G. de Enlightenment of Pagett, M. P. Kipling. R. Ennui. Edgeworth, ]\I. Enough. Sec Turgenev, I. S. It is enough Enright's pard, Jim Willis. Lewis, A. H. Ensign Knightlcy. Mason, A. E. W. Entail. Hoffmann, E. T W. Enter a dragoon. Hardy, T. Enter the Earl of Tyne Fernald, C. B. Enthusiast. See Maupassant, G. de. Ma- dame Husson's "Rosier" Entomological wooing. Hopkins, M. S. B. Entomologist. Cable, G. W. Entrance of Ezekiel. Pratt, L. Envoi. Chambers, R. W. Epaulettes. Parker, G. Epic in yellow. Parker, G. Epilogue of the cigar divan. Stevenson, R. L. Epiphany. ]\Iaupassant, G. de Episode at Mrs. Kirkpatrick's. Jordan, E. G. Episode called Adhelmar at Puysange. Ca- bell. J. B. Episode called Conspiracy of Arnaye. La- bell, J. B. Episode called In ncccssitv's mortar. Ca- bell, J. B. Episode called In Ursula's garden. Cabell, J. B. Episode called Love-letters of Falstaff. Ca- bell, J. B. Episode called "Sweet Adclais." Cabell, J. B. Episode called The castle of content. Ca- bell, J. B. Episode in a mask. Bates, A. Episode of Fiddletown. Harte. B. Episode of the :\Iar(iues de Valdeflorcs. Janvier, T. A. Episode of West Woodlands. Harte, B. Episode under the Terror. Balzac, H. de Equal woman. Bcsant, W. Equation of a failure. Ward, II. D. Erastasius of the Whanghoa. Kipling. R. Erckmann, fimile, iS2j-iSi)(). and Chatrian, Alexandre i. e. Louis Gratien Charles Alexandre, 1826-1800 Abraham's ottering In Strange stories Citizen Schneider In Eng Doni M i-': Joi Comet In Mabie. II. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 4 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 91 Dean's watcli /;; Strange stories Eclectic M 84: S/i Forest betrothal /;; Patten. W. International short stories v 3 Grandmother and her three lovers In Leisure Hour 32:408 Liv Age 158: 353 Inheritance In Lakeside 11 : 169 Invisible eye In Strange stories Hawthorne, J. Lilirary mystery and detective stories, French Temple Bar 31 : 47 Madame Jeannette's papers In Every Sat 10: 430 Madame Therese In Liv Age 99: 361, 3-^8 Mysterious sketch In Strange stories Owl's ear In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French Queen of the bees In Scrib o s 4: 7^8 Three souls 1)1 Strange stories Waters of death In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, F'rench Wonderful glass In Strange stories Erdmutha. Auerbach, B. Eric Hermannson's soul. Gather. W. S. Ermolai and the miller's wife. Turgenev, I. S. Erring father. Miller, A. D. Error in the fourth dimension. Kipling, R. Error of the day. Parker, G. Esarhaddon, king of Assyria. Tolstoi, L. N. Escapade in Cordova. Smith, F. H. Escape of Wilkins. Train, A. C. Esmeralda herders. Peattie, E. W. Esmeralda of Rocky Canon. Harte, B. Espero Gorgoni, gondolier. Smith, F. H. Esquimau maiden's romance. Clemens, S. L. Essential sense. Davis, C. B. Establishing relations. Jacobs, W. W. Esther Dudley. Sec Hawthorne, N. Old Esther Dudley Esther Feverel. Matthews, J. B. Esther Wynn's love-letters. Jackson, H. H. Esther's Christmas. Overton, G. Etelka Talmeyr: a tale of three cities. Mat- thews, J. B. Eternal duel. Huneker, J. G. Eternal feminine. Andrews, M. R. S. Eternal feminine. Singmaster, E. Eternal feminine. Zangwill, I. Eternal woman. Lewis, A. H. Ethan Brand. Hawthorne, N. Ethan Frome. Wharton, E. Ethics of pig. Henry, O. Etiquette of Yetta. Kelly, M. Eton Montem. Edgeworth, M. Etruscan vase. Merimee, P. Ettrick shepherd (pseud). Sec Hogg. James Eugene Pickering. James, H. Eugenia. Grand, S. Eugenio and Galeotto. Flewlett, M. H. Euphemia among the pelicans. Stockton, F. R. Euroclydon. Crockett, S. R. Eurodias and Syntyche. Watson, J. Europe. James, H. Evangelist. Watson, J. Evans, Marian, See Eliot, George, pseud. Eve of Caesar's triumph. Harraden, B. Eve of St. John. Janvier, T. A. Eve of the Fourth. Frederic, FI. Evelina's garden. Freeman, M. E. W. Even with this. Besant, W. Evening and the morning. Brown, A. Evening at whist. Bates, A. Evening dress; farce. Howells, W. D. Evening in May. Gogol, N. V. Evening party. King, G. E. Evening with the Ku-Klux. Harris, J. C. Event. Chekhov, A. P. Eventful trip of the Midnight Cry. Wiggin, K. D. Events in the lives of a lady and her lovers. Collins, W. Every goose a swan. Kelly, M. Every man for himself. Duncan, N. Everyman's riddle. Davis, C. B. Everything in the world. Thanet, O. Eve's diary. Clemens, S. L. Evil allures, but good endures. See Tolstoi, L. N. Hatred is sweet, but God is strong Evil eye. Pyle, H. Evil to him who evil thinks. Davis, Rich- ard H. Evocator. Mikhael, E. Evolution. Galsworthy, J. Evolution of a bishop. Adams, O. F. Evolution of Evangeline. Bacon, J. D. Ewan M'Gabhar. Hogg, J. Ew^ing, Julianna Horatia [Gatly] 1841-1885 Jackanapes /;; Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 10: 96 E.v curia. Chambers. R. W. Ex voto. Eekhoud, G. Exact science of matrimony. Henry, O. Exceeding high mountain. Deland, M. Exchange of animals. Reade, C. Exchange of courtesies. Grant, R. Excursion to the forest belt. Turgenev, I. S. Execution. Morris, G. Executioner. See Balzac, H. de. El verdugo Executors. Davis, C. B. Exercise book of Field-Marshall Prince Ilantz. Crockett, S. R. Exile. Moore, G. Exiles. Balzac, FT. dc Exiles. Davis, Richard H. Exiles. Singmaster, F. Exorcism. Gorky, M. Exorcism of Lily Bell. Jordan, E. G. Exorcism that failed. Bangs, J. K. Exotic prince. Maupassant, G. dc Expatriation of Jonathan Taintor. Loomis, C. B. Expedient. Donnell, A. Ff. Expedition in quest of a diploma. Irving, W. 92 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Expensive privilege. Hawkins, A. H. Experience of Hannah Prime. Brown, A. Experience of the ]\Ic\Villiamses with mem- braneous croup. Clemens, S. L. Experience of William Henry as a farmer. Harris, J. C. Experiences of the A. C. Taylor, B. Experiment in econoni}-. Davis, Richard H. Experimenter. Pangborn, G W. Expiation. Wharton, E. Explanation of Mir Baksh. See Kipling, R. Smith administration Exploit of Choolah, the Chickasaw. Crad- dock, C. E. Exploiter of souls. Deland, M. Explorers. Morris, G. ^ Express messenger. Warman, C. Exterminator. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Extra blanket. Smith, F. H. Extra dry. Wister, 0. Extra girl. Davis, C. B. Extra turn. Barr, R. Extract from Captain Stormiield's visit to Heaven. Clemens, S. L. Extracts from Adam's diary. Clemens, S. L. Extradited from Bohemia. Henry, O. Extradition. Train, A. C. Extraordinary adventure of chief mate. Russell, W. C. Extraordinary adventures of Baron de Ville. Train, A. C. Eye for an eye. Grant, R. Eye of the harem. Smith, A. C. Eye of the needle. Parker, G. Eyes. Wharton, E. Eyes and no eves. Aikin, J., and Barbauld, A. L. Eyes of affection. Hibbard, G. A. Eyes of the panther. Bierce, A. Ezekiel in exile. Pratt, L. Ezekiel. in transit. Pratt, L. Ezekiel promises. Pratt, L. Ezekiel refuses. Pratt, L. Ezekicl's Mis' Simons. Pratt, L. Ezra's Thanksgivin' out West. Field, E. Fable. Clemens, S. L. Fable for heiresses. Miller, A. D. Fable for vouths. Miller, A. D. Fables. Tolstoi, L. N. Face of failure Thanet. Q. Face of the monk. Hichens, R. S. Face on the wall. Deland. M. Facino Cane. Balzac. H. de Facts. Galsworthy, J. Facts concerning the recent carnival of crime in Connecticut. Clemens, _ S. L. Facts concerning the recent resignation. Clemens, S. L. Facts in the case of M. Valdcmar. Poc, E. A. Facts in the case of th.c groat beef con- tract. Clemens, S. T.. Faded leaf of history. Davis. Rebecca. H. Faded scapular. Millet, F. D. Failing of the conscience. Vorse, M. II. Failure. Wyatt, F. F. Failure of David Berry. Jewett, S. O. Failure of Flipperty. Keats, G. Failure of Hope & Wandel. Bierce, A. Failure of justice. Remington, F. ^ Fair Abigail. Heyse, P. J. L. Fair at Sorotchinetz. Gogol, N. V. Fair day. Jewett, S. O. Fair device. Balestier, C. W. Fair exchange. Allen, G. Fair exchange. Bacon, J. D. Fair exchange. Harben, W. N. Fair exchange. See ^laupassant, G. de. Di- vorce Fair exile. Garland, H. Fair-haired Eckbert. Tieck, L. Fair Kate. Heyse, P. J. L. Fair Lavinia. Freeman, M. E. W. Fair-lover. Maartens, M. Fairfax, Lina R. Misfortunes of Bro' Thomas Wheatley In Stories by American authors v 6 Scrib M 22: 665 Fairfield poet. Catherwood, M. H. Fairies. Perrault, C. Fairies of France. Daudet, A. Fairies of Pesth. Field, E. Fairmeadow. Sec Duncan, N. John Fair- meadow's foundling; Judgment of John FairmeadoAv; Ordination of John Fair- meadow Fairy finder. Lover, S. Fairy gold. Cutting, AI. S. Fairy gold. Jacobs, W. W. Fair'y gold. Kirk, E. O. Fairy poodle. Merrick, L. Fairy wife. Hewlett, M. Faith and works. Janvier, T. A. Faith cure man. Dunbar. P. L. Faith, half-faith, and no faith at all. Steven- son, R. L. Faith of men. London, J. Faithful failure. White, E. O. Faithful ghost. Donnell. A. H. Faithful John. Grimm, W.. and Grmim, J. Faithful retainer. Payn, J. Faithful steward. Watson, J. Faithfulness. Sec Bjornson, B. Fidelity Fake gems. Sec Maupassant, G. de. False gems Fakir. Austin. Af. H. Falcon. Boccaccio, G. Falk. Conrad, J. Fall of the house of Johns. Hopkins. W. J. Fall of the house of Perigueux. See Long- fellow, H. W. Notary of Perigueux Fall of the house of Usher. . Poe, E. A. Fall of the Pequod. Sigourney, L. H. Fallen idol. Kipling. R. Fallen king. Lagerlcif, S. False alarm. Maupassant, G. de False dawn. Kipling, R. False gems. Maupassant, G. de False key. Fdgeworth, M. False start. Doyle, A. C. Fame and sorrow. Sec Balzac, H. de. At the sign of the Cat and racket Fame's little day. Jewett. S. O. Family. Maupassant, G. de F.-imily affair. Bacon, J. D. Family affair. Maupassant, G. de Family Bible. Ouillcr-Couch, A. T. Familv couiu-il. Chekhov, A. P. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 93 Family feud. Dunbar, P. L. Family happiness. Tolstoi, L. N. Family honor. Barric, J. M. Family portraits. Sigourney, L. H. Family portraits. Weyman, S. J. Family scapegrace. Payn, J. Family secret. Collins, W. Family tree. Matthews, J. B. Famine among the gnomes. Boyesen, H. H. Famous Gilson bequest. Bierce, A. Famous victory. Watson, J. Fanchon. France, A. Fancy's show-box. Hawthorne, N. Fanny and the fireman. Warman, C. Fanshawc. Hawthorne, N. Fantine. After the French of Victor Hugo. Harte, B. Far adventures of Billy Burns. MacAIanus, S. Far-away melody. Freeman, M. E. W. Far-away road. Jordan, E. G. Fara-ghaol. Sharp, W. Farewell. See Balzac, H. de. Adieu Farewell. Maupassant, G. de Farewell performance. Hornung, E. W. Farina. Meredith, G. Farmer Bassctt's romance. Jackson, H. H. Farmer Eli's vacation. Brown, A. Farmer Finch. Jewett, S. O. Farmer's wife. Maupassant, G. de Farming the taxes. Weyman, S. J. Farrier lass o' Piping Pebworth. Trou- betzkoy. A. C. Fascination. Hoffmann, E. T. W. Fascination. Maupassant, G. de Fashionable woman. INIaupassant, G. de Fast. Zola, E. Fatal boots. Thackeray, W. :\1. Fatal cradle; otlierwise The heart-rending story of Mr. Heavysides. Collins, W. Fatal curiosity. Payn, J. Fatal Florozonde. Merrick, L. Fatal fortune. Collins, W. Fatal letter. Weyman. S. J. Fatal marksman. De Quincey, T. Fatal numbers. Serao, M. Fatal obstacle. Hawkins, A. H. Fatal success. Van Dyke, H. Fate and the apothecary. Gissing, G. R. Fate dominant. Stockton, F. R. Fate of Faustina. Hornung, E. W. Fate of Guadalupe. King, C. Fate of Humphrey Snell. Gissing, G. R. Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow. Harris, J. C. Fate of the cheerataghe. Craddock, C. E. Fate of the diddy pawn. Harris. J. C. Fate of the Georgiana. Blunt, M. Father. Bjornson, B. Father. Chekhov, A. P. Father. Howclls, W. D. P'athcr. Maupassant, G. de Father. Sigourney, L. H. Father Alexyci's story. Turgenev, I. S. Father and mother (mystery). Howells, W. D. Father and son. Maupassant, G. de Father and son. Rod, E. Father Balagnere's Christmas feast. Dau- det, A. Father Boniface's crime. Maupassant, G. de Father Dan and the fiddles. MacManus, S. Father Dominick's convert. Bunner, H. C. heather for the baby. Duncan, N. Father Gaucher's elixir. See Daudet, A. Elixir of Rev. Pere Gaucher Father James. Spofford, H. P. Father Jinks. Watson, J. Father Judas. Maupassant, G. de Father Matthew. Maupassant, G. de Father Matt's text. MacManus, S. Father Milon. Maupassant, G. de Father of a full-back. Michclson, M. Father Quinnalon's convert. Thanet, O. Father Serguis. Tolstoi, L. N. Father Stafford. Hawkins, A. H. Father Tom and the pope. Ferguson, S. Father Vasily. Tolstoi, L. N. Father Zosimus. Osbourne, L. Fathers. Maupassant, G. de Father's confession. Maupassant, G de Father's curse. See Balzac, H. de. Hated son Fatima. Kipling, R. Fatted calf. White, E. O. Fauntleroy. Collins, W. Faust: a storv in nine letters. Turgenev, ■ I. S. ' Favorite plot (v.'ith variations). Merrick, L. Fear. Galsworthy, J. Fear. Maupassant, G. de Fear. Morris, G. Fearful responsibility. Howells, W. U. Feast of blue-birds. Stetson, G. E. C. Feast of the dead and the living. Crockett,, S. R. Feather-top. Hawthorne, N. Feathers of the sun. London, J. Featureless wisdom. Paget, V. Fecundity. Maupassant, G. de Feder Kusmich. See Tolstoi, L. N. Post- humous papers of the hermit, Fedor Kus- mich Federigo. Merimee, P. Federigo Albcrighi and his falcon. Boc- caccio, G. Fee. Ward, E. S. P. Feel doll. Donnell, A. H. Felice. Long, J. L. Felice and Petit-Poulain. Field, E. Felipa. Woolson, C. F. Felix tells a story. Pratt, L. Fellow-townsmen. Tlardy, T. Fellow-traveller. Hawthorne, N. "La Femme." After the French of M. Michelet. Harte. B. Femme dispose. Benson, E. F. Fennel and rue. Howells. W. D. Fenwick Major's little 'un. Crockett, S. R. Ferber, Edna Bush league licre Fn Buttered side down Catching up with Christmas: an Emma McChesncy story In Roast beef, medium Am M 75 : 54 Chickens /;; Roast beef, medium Am M 73 : 407 94 IXDKX TO SHORT STORIES Ferber, Edna— Ct>;//j)i»<'»/(;;;(r(/. Pilgrims to Mecca In Touch of sun Cent 57:74-' Prodigal In Prodigal Atlan 86: 299, 526, 679 Rapture of Hctty In In exile Cent 43: 198 Story of the Alcazar In In exile Cent 24: 185 Touch of sun In Touch of sun Cent 59:339 Watchman /;; In exile Cent 47; 30 Footprint. Morris, G. Footprints on the sea-shore. Hawthorne, X. For a night of love. Zola, E. For all these, thy saints. Thanet, O. For better or worse. Jacobs, W. W. "For bravery on the field of battle." Aldrich, T. B. For bread. See Sicnkiewicz, H. For daily bread For conscience sake. Hardy, T. For conscience sake. Watson, J. For daily bread. Sicnkiewicz, H. For divers reasons. Loomis, C. B. For green is hope. Kielland, A. For one night only. Kipling, R. For sale. Maupassant, G. de For Simla reasons. See Harte, B. Stories three For the Ahkoond. Bierce, A. For the blood is the life. Crawford, F. M. For the cause. Weyman, S. J. For the faith. Fuller, H. B. For the hand of Haleem. Duncan, N. For the honor of France. Janvier, T. A. For the love of — . Hibbard, G. A. For the love of oneself. Freeman, M. E. W. For tomorrow; an Easter story. Glaspell, S. Forbidden fruit. Maupassant, G. de Force of habit. Bland, E. N. Ford, Paul Leicester, 1865-1902 Checked love affair In Checked love affair Cortclyou feud In Checked love affair Tattle-talcs of Cupid Distinctly a plight In Harper 103: y^ Great K. & A. train rol)bery In Great K. & A. train robbery Lippinc 58: 145 His version of it In His version of it Tattle-tales of Cupid Cent 56: 677 Love finds a way In Love finds a way "Sauce for the goose" In Tattle-lales of Cupid Warning to lovers Wanted — a ciiaperon In Wanted — a chaperon Cent 64: 331 Wanted — a matchmaker In Wanted — a matchmaker Harper loi : 498 Warning for lovers /;; Tattle-tales of Cupid Warning for lovers Fordham castle. James, H. Fords of Galium. Hogg, J. Fore-room rug. Wiggin, K. D. Foreign office romance. Doyle, A. C. Foreign policy of Company 99. Henry, O. Foreign prince and the hermit's daughter. Stockton, F. R. Foreigner. Jewett, S. O. Foreman. White, S. E. Foreordained. Hawkins, A. H. Poorest betrothal. Erckmann, E., and Cha- trian, A. Forest is murmuring. See Korolenko, V. G. Forest sloughs Forest laugh. Heyse, P. J. L. Forest queen. Sec Lagerlof, S. Queens at Kungahalla Forest sloughs. Korolenko, \'. G. Forester. Edgeworth, M. Forever. Galsworthy, J. Forfeit of the gods. Janvier, T. A. Forge in the valley. Parker, G. Forged coupon. Tolstoi, L. N. Forgive and forget. Edgeworth, M. Forgiveness. Coppee, F. Forgiveness. Maupassant, G. de Forgiveness of sins. Andrews, M. R. S. Forlorn hope. Cameron, ]\I. Forsaken temple. Sedgwick, A. D. Forsaken woman. See Balzac, H. de. De- serted woman Fortier, Alcee, 1856- Compair Lapin's godchild In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:461 Fortnight at the dead lake. Heyse, P. J. L. Fortunate opening. Stockton, F. R. Fortune of a day. Stetson, G. E. C. Fortunes of the game. Hibbard, G. A. Forty minutes late. Smith, F. H. Forty-seven Rofiins. Mitford, A. B. Forty years between. Osbourne, L. Foster sister. Copee, F. Fostering of Aslaug. Morris. W. [Edgar] Found: a situation. Martin, E. S. Found at Blazing Star. Harte, B. Fount unsealed. Brown, A. Four and five. Hale, E. E. Four beasts in one. Poe, E. A. Four days. Garshin, V. M. Four-fifteen express. Edwards, A. B. Four gifts. Souvestrc, E. Four guardians of Lagrange. Harte, B. Four-leaved clover. Jackson, H. H. Four letters from Helen Hamilton. Moul- ton, L. C. Four Macnicols. Black, W. Four meetings. James, H. Four pigeons. Jacobs, W. W. Four reformers. Stevenson, R. L. Four sisters. Dickens, C. Fourteen to one. Ward, E. S. P. Fourlcenth guest. Mitchell, S. W. Fourth class appointment. Deland, M. l"\)urth, V.\Q of the. Frederic, H. Fourth in Salvador. Henry, O. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 99 Fourth of July. Harris, J. C. Fourth waits. Millet, F. D. Fourth watch. Pangboni, G. W. Fowl in the pot. Weyman, S. J. Fox, John, jr., 1862- Arniy of the Callahan In Christmas eve on Lonesome Scrib M 22:72 Br'er coon in old Kentucky In Blue-grass and rhododendron Cent 55:594 . , ^ , Callahan. Sec Fox, J. Army of the Cal- lahan Christmas Eve on Lonesome In Christmas Eve on Lonsome Ladies' H J 19: p 8 Christmas for big /Vme In Scrib M 48: 690 Christmas night with Satan In Christmas Eve on Lonesome Scrib M 34:673 . Christmas tree on Pigeon In Collier's 44: D 11 p 10 Courtin' on Ciitshin In "Hell fer Sartain" Crisis for the guard In Christmas Eve on Lonesome Cumberland vendetta In Cumberland vendetta Mountain Europa Cent 48: 163 Grayson's baby In "Hell fer Sartain" Hanging of Talton Hall In Blue-grass and rhododendron Outing 39: 39 Kentuckians In Kentuckians Harper 95: 763 Knight of the Cumberland In Kentuckians Scrib M 40: 257, 452, 546 Last Stetson In Christmas Eve on Lonesome Cumberland vendetta Mountain Europa Man-hunting in the pound In Blue-grass and rhododendron Outing 36:345 Message in the sand In "Hell fer Sartain" Mountain Europa In Cumberland vendetta Cent 44: 760, 846 On Hell-fer-Sartain Creek In Cumberland vendetta "Hell fer Sartain" On horseback to Ivingdom Come In Scrib M 48: 175 On the road to "Hell fer Sartani" In Scrib M 48:350 On the trail of the lonesome pme In Scrib M 48:417 On the war-dragon's trail In Scrib M 2,7 '■ 54 Pardon of Becky Day In Christmas Eve on Lonesome Passing of Abraham Shivers In "Hell fer Sartain" Preachin' on Kingdom Come In "Hell fer Sartain" Purple rhododendron In "Hell fer Sartain" Southern M 31: 584 Senator's last trade In "tlell fer Sartain" Through the gap In "Hell fer Sartain" To the breaks of Sandy In Blue-grass and rhododendron Scrib M 28: 34° Trail of the Saxon In Scrib M 35:658 Trick o' trade In "Hell fer Sartain'' Fox and the stork. Wyatt, E. F. "Fox-in-the-morning." iienry, O. Fox terrier Frisky. Barric, J. M. Fox's understudy. Andrews, M. R. S. _ Fragment of a play, with a chorus. Wright, M. T. Fragment of lives. Parker, G. Fragments from the journal of a solitary man. Hawthorne, N. Fragoletta. Le Galliennc. R. Frame-up. Morris, G. France, Anatole, pseud. (Jacques-Anatole Thibault) 1844- • Balthasar In Balthasar Brother Joconde In Works v 16 Cure's mignonette In Balthasar Daughter of Lilith In Balthasar Fanchon In Works v 16 Five fair ladies of Picardy. of Poitou_, of Touraine, of Lyons, and of Paris In Works v 6 Good lesson well learnt In Works v 16 Honey-bee In Balthasar Juggler of Notre Dame /;; Esenwein, J. B. Short story master- pieces, V 2 Stories by foreign authors, French V I Lippinc 90: 102 Juggler to our lady. Sec France, A. Jug- gler of Notre Dame Laeta Acilia In Balthasar Lead soldier's story In Cur Lit 47:463 ^, ,^ , Mademoiselle de Doucine s New Year s present In Works v 16 Mademoiselle Roxane In Works v 16 Miracle of the magpie In Works v 16 M. Pigeoneau In Balthasar Oliver's bag /;; Works v 16 Red egg In Balthasar Satan's tongue-pie In Works v 16 lOO INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Francesca and Carlotta Rondoli. See Mau- passant, G. de. Rondoli sisters Francis. See Maupassant, G. dc. Cocotte "Francis Spaight." London, J. Frankenstein II. Merrick, L. Franklin syndicate. Train, A. C. Franklin's adventure. Bates, A. Frankness. Stowc, H. B. Frank's scaled letter. Morris, W. Franz Abt. Field, E. Frasine's first communion. Allen, G. Frau a. D. French, A. W. Fraud of men. White, W. A. Freak's midsummer night's dream. Davis, C. B. "Freckles" and Frenchv. Phillpotts, E. Freckles M'Grath. Glaspell, S. Frederic, Harold, 1 856-1898 Brother Angelan In Harper y^- 5^7 Brother Sebastian's friendship In Stories by American authors v 6 Copperhead In Copperhead In the sixties Scrib M 14: 112 Day in the wilderness In Deserter Deserter In Deserter Eve of the Fourth In In the sixties Marsena Baldwin, C. S. American short stories How Dickon came by his name In Deserter Marsena In In the sixties Marsena My Aunt Susan In In the sixties Marsena Path of Murtoch; an Irish story In Idler 7:457 War widow In In the sixties Marsena Where Avon into Severn flows In Deserter Frederic and Bernerctte. Musset, A. de Frederic Carroll, monogamist. Williams, J. L. Free Joe. Harris, J. C. Free holder Ovyyanikoff. Turgenev, I. S. Freeman, Mary Eleanor (Wilkins) (Mrs. Charles M. Freeman) 1862- Adopted daughter In Pot of gold Amanda and love In New England nun Amanda Todd: the friend of cats In People of our neighborhood Amarina's roses In Fair Lavinia Harper 11 1 : 456 Amethyst com!) In Copy-cat Ann Lizy's patchwork In Young Lucretia Ann Mary; her two Thanksgivings In Young Lucretia Apple-tree In Six trees Harp B 36: 944 Arethusa In Understudies Harp B ^y. 1734 Balking of Christopher In Copy-cat Harper 125: 499 Balsam fir In Six trees Harp B 35:7i5 Bar light-house In Humble romance Big sister Solly In Copy-cat Harper 127: 419 Billy and Susy In Winning lady Harp B 41: 1033 Blue butterfly In Woman's H C 40: Ja p 3 Bouncing Bet In Understudies Harp B sy. 1179 Bound girl In In Colonial times Pot of gold Brakes and white vi'lets In Humble romance Buckley lady In Silence Harper 88: 499 Butterfly In Givers Harper 107: 441 Calla-lilies and Hannah In New England nun Cat In Understudies Harper 100: 906 Cat of high degree In St N 39: 417 Catharine Carr In Love of Parson Lord Harper 98:882 Cautious king and the all-wise woman In Harp W 53: Je 26 p 22 Chance of Araminta In Givers Christmas Jenny In New England nun Christmas lady In Ladies' H J 27: D p 17 Christmas masquerade In Pot of gold Christmas monks In Pot of gold Christmas sing in our village In People of our neighborhood Church mouse In New England nun Cinnamon roses In Humble romance Cock of the walk In Copy cat Harper 124: 70 INDEX TO SHORT ST:0R1£^ Comfort Pease and her gold ring In Comfort Pease Eng lUust 13:3 Conflict ended In Humble romance Harper 72: 470 Conquest of humility In Humble romance Copy-cat In Copy-cat Harper 105: 179 Coronation In Copy-cat Harper 128: 93 Cow with the golden horns In Pot of gold Criss cross In Harper 129: 360 Cyrus Emmett: the unlucky man In People of our neighborhood Daniel and little Daniel In Copy-cat Deacon Thomas Wales's will In Pot of gold Dear Annie In Copy-cat Harper 121 : 650 Dickey boy In Young Lucretia Dill In Pot of gold Discovered pearl In New England nun Doctor's horse In Understudies Harper loi: 446 Doll lady In Harper 124: 279 Eglantina m Fair Lavinia Givers Harper 105: 387 Ladies' H J 27: D p 13 Eliza Sam In Winning lady Elm-tree In Six trees Harp B 37:34 Evelina's garden In Evelina's garden Harper 93: 76 Fair Lavinia In Fair Lavinia Harper 114: 202 Far-away melody In Flumble romance Fighting McLeans /;; Delin 75: 113 Flora and Hannah In Winning lady For the love of oneself In Harper no: 303 Gala dress In New England nun Gatherer of simples In Humble romance Harper 69: 787 Gentian In Humble romance Gentle ghost In New England nun Harper 79: 366 Givers In Givers Gold In Fair Lavinia Harper no: 58 Great pine In Six trees Harp B 36: 670 Green door In Green door Guest in Sodom In Cent 83:343 Happy day In McClure 21: 89 Her Christmas In Winning lady Harp B 42: 1163 Honest soul In Humble romance Harper 69: 301 Horn of plenty In Collier's 48: N 18 p 22 How Fidelia went to the store In Young Lucretia Humble pie In Ind 57:477 Humble romance In Humble romance Harper 69: 22 Hyacinthus In Howells. W. D., and Alden, H. M. Quaint courtships Harper 109: 447 In butterfly time In Humble romance In colonial times. See Freeman, M. E. W. Bound girl Independent thinker In Humble romance Innocent gamester In New England nun Jamesons In Jamesons Johnny-in-the-woods In Copy-cat Harper 124: 662 Josiah's first Christmas In Collier's 44: D 11 p 9 Joy In Givers Harp W 47: 1990 Joy of youth In Winning lady Harper 116: 92 Julia — her Thanksgiving In Harp B 43: 1079 Kitchen colonel In New England nun Last gift Givers Harper 106:438 Life everlastin' In New England nun Little-girl-afraid-of-a-dog In Winning lady Harper 114: 15 102 iSDEX TO SHORT STORIES Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins~r('H//;/;/('J. Little Kroen door lit Eng Illust 15: 293 Little Liic}' Rose III Cop3--cat Harper 125: 418 Little maid at the door In Silence Harper 84: 349 Little Margaret Sncll In People of our neighborhood Little Mirandy In Young Lucretia Little Persian princess In Young Lucretia Lombardj' poplar In Six trees Harp B 36: 763 Lost dog In Understudies Harper loi : 699 Lost ghost In Wind in the rosebush Everybody's 8:405 Louisa In New England nun Love of Parson Lord In Love of Parson Lord Harper 98: 219 Lover of fiowcrs In Humble romance Lucy In Givers Harper 106: 50 Luella Miller In Wind in the rosebush Everybody's 7:553 Lydia Hersey, of East Bridgewater fn Silence Mehitablc Lamb In Young Lucretia Mistaken charity In Humble romance Modern dragon In Humble romance Monkey In Understudies Harper 102: 109 Moral exigency In Humble romance Morning glory In Understudies Harp B 34: 138 Mountain-laurel In Understudies Harp B 33: 2018 New England nun In New England nun New England prophet In Silence Harper 89: 601 New Year's resolution In Winning lady Noblesse In Copy-cat Harper 126: 231 Object of love hi Humble romance Old arithmcthician In Humble romance Harper 71 : 611 Old Lady Pingree In Humble romance Old maid aunt /;; Howells. W. D., and others. Whole family ch 2 Old woman Magoun /;; Winning lady Harper 11 1 : 728 On the \Valpole road In Humble romance One good time In Love of Parson Lord Harper 94: 309 Parrot In Understudies Harper loi: 603 Parsnip stew In Young Lucretia Patchwork school In Pot of gold Patient waiter In Humble romance Peony In Understudies Harp B 33:2217 People of our neighborhood In People of our neighborhood Phebe Ann Little, the neat woman In People of our neighborhood Pink shawls In Fair Lavinia Harper 112: 138 Plain case In Pot of gold Poetess In New England nun Harper 81: 197 Pot of gold In New England nun Pot of gold Prince's feather In Understudies Harp B 33: 1429 Princess Rosetta and the pop-corn man In Pot of gold Prism In Cent 62: 469 Pumpkin In Harp B 33: 1863 Pumpkin giant In Pot of gold Quilting bee in our village In People of our neighborhood Reign of the doll In Givers Harper 108:285 Revolt of "Motlicr" In New England nun Warner library Harper 81 : 553 Revolt of Sophia Lane In Harper 108: 20 Robins and hammers In Humble romance Scent of the roses In New England nun INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 103 Secret In Fair Lavinia Harper 115: 39- Selfishness of Amelia Lambkin In Winning lady- Harper 117: 364 Serena Ann's first valentine /;; Eng- Ulust 17: 235 Seventoes ghost In Young Lucretia Shadows on the wall; a ghost story /;; Wind in the rosebush Hawthorne. J. Library mystery and detective stories, American Patten, W. International short stories v i Everybody's 8: 219 She who adorns her sister adorns herscil In Harp B 38:456 Silence In Silence Harper 87: 213 Silver hen In Pot of gold Sister Liddy In New England nun Slip of the leash In Harper 109: 668 Solitary In New England nun Something on her mind In Harp B 46: 607 Southwest chamber In Wind in the rosebush Everybody's 8: 327 Souvenir In Humble romance Harper 70: 590 Squire's sixpence In In colonial times Pot of gold Squirrel In Harper loi: 869 Steeple In Hampton 27: 412 Stockwell's apple-paring bee In People of our neighborhood Stolen Christmas In New England nun Story of little Mary Whitlow In Lippinc 31 : 500 Stranger in the village In Pot of gold Susan Jane's valentine In Harp B 2,y- 132 Sweet-grass basket In Young Lucretia Symphony in lavender In Humble romance Tardy Thanskgiving /n Humble romance Taste of hone}^ In Humble romance Three old sisters and the old beau In Love of Parson Lord Harper 92: 854 Timothy Sampson: the wise man In People of our neighborhood Toby In Pot of gold Tragedy from the trivial In Cornhill 83: 63 Travelling sister /;; Winning lady Harper 118: 54 Tree of knowledge In Love of Parson Lord Harper 99: 343 Twelfth guest In New England nun Harper 80: 97 Two for peace In Lippinc 68: 51 Two old lovers In Humble romance Umbrella man In Copy-cat Harper 120: 2>7i Underling /;; Fair Lavinia Harper 112: 211, 462 Unwilling guest In Humble romance Up Primrose Hill In New England nun Vacant lot In Wind in the rosebush Village Lear In New England nun Village singer /;; New England nun Wandering Samaritan In Cosmopol 2: 28 Wayfaring couple In New England nun Where Sarah Jane's doll went In Young Lucretia Where the Christmas-tree grev.' In Young Lucretia White birch tree In Six trees Harp B 35:403 Willow-ware In Fair Lavinia Harper 115:913 Wind in the rosebush In Wind in the rosebush Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction, v 7 Winning lady In Winning lady Harper 119: 823 Witch's daughter In Harp W 54: D 10 p 17 Yates pride; a romance /;/ Yates pride French, Alice. See Thanet, Octave, pseud. French, Anne (Warner) (Mrs. Charles Ellis French) 1869-1913 Adjusted honeymoon In An orginal gentleman After fifty years In Munsey 29: 919 All the cats look black at night In Putnam's 4: 583 Alpine lights and shadows In An original gentleman Anathema in the family In Canad M 41: 502 "And Maude!" In Lippinc 75: 251 I04 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES French, Anne 'Warner —Continued. As taught by Ellen In An original gentleman As told by Renaud's wife In An original gentleman At the Three Kettles In Munsey 28: 908 Automobile. Pt 2 of :\Irs. Lathrop s love affair , , In Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors Bessie's mother In An original gentleman Between Scylla and Charybdis In Cent 82:540 Bride's prevision In An original gentleman Captain's charm In Your child and mine Lippinc 83:472 Cat's-paw strike In Reader 10: 198 Christmas devotee In Your child and mine Christmas jov that came to Betty In Ladies' H J 26: D p 20 Closing of Santa Claus' door In Y'our child and mine Cradle In An original gentleman ^ Deacon's dilemma. Pt i of Mrs. Lathrop s love affair In Cent 69: 709 Dead letter come to life In Lippinc 84: 599 Domesticity and Mrs. Reed In Delin 78:325 "Ee," said 'Lizabet— "Ee" said Hans In An original gentleman Find the hero In Reader 8: 411. 5o5 Frau. a. D. In An original gentleman Gaspard and his wax lady In An original gentleman German Easter and the Easter rabbit In Y'our child and mine Gran'ma Mullin's woe. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door Her husband /;; An original gentleman Lippinc 73- /H Her marital recapitulation In Lippinc 79: 245 Himself reborn In Your child and mine His Majesty and the fairies In Your child and mine His one and only meet In An original gentleman His story, tlicir letters In His story His terrible father In An original gentleman Jane and her genius In An original gentleman Jathrop Lathrop's cow In Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop Susan Clegg, lier friend and her neighbors Cent 68: 961 Little sister and the baby In Y'our child and mine Lord of all In Munsey 30: 264 Lucy Dill's wedding. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door Madame's battle In Munsey 30: 159 Man of the future In Canad M 39^ 21 Marrying of Susan Clegg In Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors Cent 67: 63 Cur Lit ?-: 349 Minister's vacation In Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs Lathrop Susan Clegg. her friend and her neighbors Miss Clegg's adopted In Susan Clep-g and her friend Mrs. Lathrop Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors Cent 68: 470 Mr. Jilkin's hat. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door Mrs. Lathrop's love affair. Deacon's di- lemma. The automobile In Susan Clegg and her neighbors' af- fairs Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors Cent 69:838 pt I Mysterious man In Your child and mine New woman and the old In Cent 79: 85 Old-fashioned school In Your child and mine Old man Ely's proposal In Susan Clegg and her neighbors' af- fairs Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors Old witch and the black cats In Y'our child and mine Original gentleman In An original gentleman Other side In Cosmopol 48: 212 Panther; a tale of temptation In Panther Parting of the clouds In Y^our child and mine "Le Petit" In Your child and mine Play is not the thing In Cent 74: 892 Practical care of a fairy In Your child and mine Reversed love letters In An original gentleman Salvation at sea In Cosmopol 46: 704 Seeking blindfolded //( An original gentleman Smoke or hre? /;; An original gentleman INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 105 Soul of a tree In Your child and mine Steinhard pride In Your child and mine Surrenders of Cornwallis In Your child and mine Everybody's 19: 35 Susan Clegg's cousin Marion In Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop Cent 68:564 Their family tree In Canad I\l 42: 54 Their ideal grandmother In Putnam's 6: 338 Thief in the night In Canad M 37- 534 Through the eyes of a dog In Your child and mine Trading his mother In Your child and mine Cent 73- Qi Trial trip In Reader 6: 31 True woman In Your child and mine Twelve little broilers In An original gentleman Velvet gown In Harp W =;o: Ap 14 p 516 Verita's stratagem In Cent 86: 430 Very bottom of her purse In Your child and mine Very superior man In Susan Clegg and her neighbors' af- fairs Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors Wedding present problem In Putnam's 5: 24 When Janet comes marching home In An original gentleman When woman proposes In When woman proposes Who is she? In Your child and mine Wilfred and his grandmother In An original gentleman Winged coronet In Lippinc 89: 385 Winter of their discontent In An original gentleman Wolf at Susan's door. i. Miss Clegg's speculations. 2. Gran'ma Mullin's woe. 3. L.ucy Dill's wedding. 4. Mr. Jilkin's hat In Susan Clegg and her neighbors' af- fairs Susan Clegg. her friend and her neighbors Reader 7: 126, 250, 365 pt 1-3 French Enoch Arden. See Maupassant, G. de. Return French for a fortnight. Bunncr, H. C. French marriage. Halevy, L. French village. Hall, James Frenchman's Creek. Quiller-Conch, A. T. Frenchy's last job. Osbourne, L. Frere, M. Brahmin, the tiger, and the six judges /u Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i: 378 Chandra's vengeance In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour. 2:487 Muchie Lai In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour. 2:445 Panch-Phul Ranee In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour. 2:456 Sing Rajah and the cunnmg little jackals In Tappan, E. Al. Children's hour. 375 Tit for tat In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour, i: 383 Fresh-water romance. Hibbard, G. A. Freya of the Seven Isles. Conrad, J. Frey's Christmas party. Stuart, R. M. Frictions. Strindberg, J. A. Friend Barton's "concern." Foote, M. H. Friend Eli's daughter. Taylor, B. Friend Joseph. Maupassant, G. de Friend of justice. Van Dyke, H. Friend of man. Harland. H. Friend of my youth. Aldrich, T. B. Friend of the commune. Parker, G. Friend of the family. Davis, C. B. Friend of the family. Dostoievski, F. M. Friend of the family. Train, A. C. Friend of the family. Van Dyke, H. Friend Patience. Maupassant, G. de Friendly call. Henry, O. Friends. Kelly, M. Friend's friend. Kipling, R. Friends in need. Jacobs, W. W. Friends in San Rosario. Henry, Q. Friends of the friends. James, H. Friendship of Alanna. Norris, K. Friendship of Amis and Amile. Morris, W. Frithiof the Bold. See Morris, W. Story of Frithiof Frog and the puddle. Ferber, E. Frog-king, Grimm, W^, and Grimm, J. Frog that played the trombone. Matthews, J. B. Froken Berghot. Sharp, W. From a clear sky. Hibbard, G. A. From a cottage in Gantick. Quiller-Couch, A. T. From a mattress grave. Zangwill, I. From A to Z. Glaspell, S. From advance sheets of Baron Munchau- sen's Further recollections. Bangs, J. K. From clue to climax. Harben, W. N. From each according to his ability. Henrv, O. From four to six; a comedietta. Trumbull, A. E. From generation to generation. Hale, E. E. From making to baking. Hale, E. E. From one generation to another. Bennett, E. A. From out the old life. Jordan, E. G. From Reykjavik to Gloucester. Connolly, J. B. From the cabby's seat. Henry, O. io6 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES From the diary of a tutor in Poznan. Sien- kiewicz, H. From the hand of Dolorita. Jordan, E. G. From the Hebrid isles. Sharp, W. From the "London Times" of 1904. Clem- ens, S. L. From the loom of the dead. Peattie, E. W. From "the Point" to the plains. King, C. From the Spanisli. Masefield, J. From the veranda. Stetson, G. E. C. Front yard. Woolson, C. F. Frontier. Maupassant, G. de Frozen deep. Collins, W. Frozen Margit. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Fruiterer. Alitford, M. R. Fruitful sleeping of the Rev. Elisha Ed- wards Dunbar, P. L. Fruitless assignment. Bierce, A. Fruits of toil. Duncan, N. Frustrate. Austin, M. H. Fugitive. Andrews, M. R. S. Fugitives of pleasure. C)sbourne, L. Full circle. Wharton, E. Full day at Palomjtas. Janvier, T. A. Fuller, Henry Blake, 1857- Addolorata's intervention III Waldo Trench Scrib M 40: 715 Chatelaine of La Trinite In Chatelaine of La Trinite Cent 44: 232 Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani In Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani Coal from the embers In Waldo Trench Dr. Gowdy and the squash In Under the skylights Harper 102: 262 Downfall of Abner Joyce hi Under the skylights Eliza Hepburn's deliverance In Waldo Trench Cent 5Q:533, 698 For the faith In Waldo Trench Scrib M 42:433 Greatest of these In From the other side Atlan 80: 762 House-cat In Waldo Trench Lady of quality In Liv Age 228: 328 Life-tale of Pearl McRoy In Everybody's 23:380 Little O'Grady's vs. the Grindstone In Under the skylights Make way for the young /); Scrib M 46: 625 Miranda Harlow's mortgage In Atlan 86: 671 New wine In Waldo Trench Pasqualc's picture /;/ I'rom the other side Pilgrim sons /)( From the other side Cosmopol 10: 4T3 Quartette In Harjjcr 121 : 934 Silence 1)1 Scrib M 48: 430 Under the crest of Shishaldin In Everybody's 16: 809 Waldo Trench regains his youth In Waldo Trench Scrib M 42: 231 What youth can do In From the other side Funeral of old Holt. Lewis, A. H. Furnished room. Henry, O. Further adventures of a yachtsman's wife See Vorse. M. H. Value of the usual Fury. Sec Heyse, P. J. L. L'Arrabiata Futile dialogue. Loomis, C. B. Funeral march of a marionette. Harland, H. Futrelle, Jacques, 1875-1912 Before midnight. See Futrelle, J. Opera box Brown coat. 2. A human problem In Thinking machine Case is closed. See Futrelle, J. Super- fluous finger Chasing a rainbow In Cosmopol 41 : 496 Crystal gazer. 2. A matter of logic In Thinking machine Dressing room. 2. Fitting a hypothesis In Thinking machine Fitting a hypothesis^ See Futrelle, J. Dresbing room Fool of good intention. See Futrelle, J. Roswell tiara Gap in the trail. See Futrelle, J. Phan- tom motor Gray ghost In Everybody's 13:101 Green-eyed monster. 2. Two and two again make four In Thinking machine His perfect alibi. 2. A question of time In Thinking machine Human problem. See Futrelle, J. Brown coat Literrupted wireless. 2. Midnight mes- sage In Thinking machine Lost radium. 2. The suit case In Thinking machine Madness of Barry In Harp W 49: 1636, 1645 INTaster of his profession. See Futrelle, J. Missing necklace Matter of logic. See Futrelle. J. Crystal gazer Midnight message. .S"(V Fntrcllc, J. In- terrupted wireless Missing necklace. 2. IMaster of his pro- fession. In Thinking machine Motor boat. 2. Woman in the case //; Thinking machine Opera box. 2. Before midnight fn Tliinking machine Phantom motor. 2. Gap in the trail In Thinking machine Question of time. See Initrelle, J. His perfect alibi Roswell tiara. -'. Fool of good intention /;; Thinking machine INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 107 Suit case. See Futrelle, J. Lost radium Superfluous finger. 2. The case is closed In Thinking machine Thinking machine In Thinking machine Two and two again make four. See Fu- trelle, J. Green-eyed monster Woman in the case. See Futrelle, J. Mo- tor boat Gaboriau, fimile, 1835-1875 Little old man of Batignollcs In Little old man of Batignolles Love or wealth? In Little old man of Batignolles Marriage at a venture. See Gaboriau, E. Matrimonial ambassador Matrimonial ambassador [Marriage at a venture] In Little old man of Batignolles Missing! In Little old man of Batignolles Promise of marriage In Promise of marriage Seminary In Little old man of Batignolles That unfortunate house In Little old man of Batignolles Gabrielle. de Bergerac. James, H. Gadsbys, The story of. See Kipling, R. Story of the Gadsbys Gage, C. S. Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor In Stories by American authors v 9 Gala dress. Freeman, M. E. W. Galleazzo carries ofi a damsel from Padua. Bandello, M. Gallegher: a newspaper story. Davis. Richard H. Gallery of antiquities. Balzac, H. de Galley slave. Dumas, A. Galloper. (Farce). Davis, Richard H. Galsworthy, John, 1867- Apotheosis In Motley Black godmother In Inn of tranquillity ' Careful man In Commentary Child In Commentary Choice In Motley Codger In Motley Comfort In Commentary Compensation In Motley Consummation In Motley Courage In Motley Delight In Motley Demos In Commentary Evolution In Inn of tranquillity Facts In Commentary F'ear In Commentary For ever In Motley Gone In Inn of tranquillity Grand jury — in two panels and a frame In Inn of tranquillity Hope hi Commentary Japanese quince In Motley Lime tree In Motley Lost dog In Commentary Magpie over the hill In Inn of tranquillity Meeting In Motley Memories In Inn of tranquillity Miller of Dee In Motley Money In Commentary Mother In Commentary My distant relative : 1)1 Inn of tranquillity Neighbors In Motley Novelist's allegory In Inn of tranquillity Old age /;/, Commentary Once more In Motley Order In Commentary Pack In Motley Parting In Motley Pilgrimage In Motley Prisoner In Motley Progress In Commentary Quality In Inn of tranquillity Reversion to type /;;• Motley Runagates /;;. Motley Sheep-shearing In Inn of tranquillity Woman In Motley Workers In Motley Gait, John, 1779-1839 Haddad-Ben-Ahab In Johnson, R. Little classics v g Gambara. Balzac, H. de Gambler. Bourget, P. Gamibler. Dostoievski, F. M. Gambler's death. Thackeray, W. M. io8 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Game. London, J. Game and the nation. Wister, O. Game of backgammon. Merimee, P. Game of billiards. Daudet, A. Game of life. Phillpotts, E. Gamekeeper. Maupassant, G. de Games in gardens. Kelly, M. Ganconagh (pseud.) See Yeats, W. B. Gap in the trail. See Futrelle, J. Phan- tom motor Garden behind the moon. Pyle, H. Garden gate.. Benson E. F. Garden lodge. Gather, W. S. Garden of Eden— dialogue. Kipling, R. Garden of the king. Troubctzkoy, A. C. Garden tea. Jewett, S. O. Gardener Jim. Brown, A. Gargoyle. See Cathcrwood, M. H. Old Gargoyle Garland, Hamlin, 1860- Aftcrword In Other main-travelled roads Alien in the pines In Other main-travelled roads Wayside courtships Among the corn row^s In Main-travelled roads Carpenter, G. R. and Brewster, W. T. Modern English prose At the beginning In Wayside courtships At the brewery In Cosmopol 13: 34 Bad medicine man In Ind 52: 2899 Before the low green door In Other main-travelled roads W^ayside courtships Branch road In Main-travelled roads Creamery man of Molasses Gap In Main travelled roads Outlook 56: 538 Daddy Deering. See Garland, H. Old Daddy Deering Day of grace In Other main-travelled roads Day's pleasure In Main-travelled roads Delmar of Pima In McClure 18: 340 Division in the coolly In Other main-travelled roads Drifting crane In Prairie folks Elder Pill, preacher In Other main-travelled roads Electric lady In Cosmopol 29: 73 End of love is love In Wayside courtships Fair exile. fPt. 3 of Of those who seek] In Other main-travelled roads Wayside courtships Good fellow's wife In Cent 55: 937 Hippy, the dare-devil In McClure 19: 474 Little Norsk or, OT pap's Flaxen In Little Norsk Cent 43: 743. 912: 44: .39 Lucretia Burns In Other main-travelled roads Marshall's capture In Harp W 48: 1894 Meeting in the foot-hills In Wayside courtships Mrs. Ripley's trip In Main-travelled roads Moccasin ranch; a story of Dakota In Moccasin ranch My first Christmas tree In Ladies' H J 28: D p 13 Night raid at Eagle river In Cent 76: 725 Of those who seek: i. Prisoned soul. 2. Sheltered one. 3- l^'air exile. 4. Pass- ing stranger In Wayside courtships or pap's flaxen. Sec Garland, H. Little Norsk Old Daddy Deering In Other main-travelled roads Prairie folk Owner of the mill farm In Wayside courtships Partners for a daj^ In Collier's 52: Mr 14 P 5 Passing stranger. [Pt. 4 of Of those who seek] In Wayside courtships Preacher's love-story In Other main-travelled roads Wayside courtships Prisoned soul. [Pt. i of Of those who seek] In Wayside courtships Return of a private In Main travelled roads Arena 3: 97 Rising Wolf — ghost dancer In Idler 20: 471 Saturday night on the farm In Prairie folks Sheltered one. [Pt. 2 of Of those who seek] In Wayside courtships Sim Burn's wife In Prairie folks Sociable at Dudley's In Prairie folks Spirit of Sweetwater In Spirit of Sweetwater Stop-over at Tyre In Other main-travelled roads Wayside courtships Test of Elder Pill In Prairie folks Arena 3:480 Two stories of Oklahoma In Cent 68:328 Uncle Ethan Ripley In Main-travelled roads Prairie folks Arena 5 : 125 Uncle Ethan Ripley's speculation. See Uncle Ethan Ripley Under the lion's paw In Main-travelled roads Up tlie coolly In Main-travelled roads INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 109 Upon impulse In Wayside courtships Bookm 4: 428 Village cronies In Prairie folks William Bacon's hired man In Other main-travelled roads Prairie folks William Bacon's man. See Garland, H. William Bacon's hired man Witch's gold. A new and enlarged ver- sion of The spirit of Sweetwater In Witch's gold Zalea: a psychological episode and tale of love In Zalea Garland of wild olive. Harraden, B. Garni— a hostage. Kipling, R. Garroters; farce. Howells, W. D. Garshin, Vsevolod Mikhailovich, 185S-1888 Four days In Esenwein, J. B. Short story master- pieces, v 2 Red flower III Red flower Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn (Steven- son) [Mills, C. M. pseud.] i8io-]865 Bessy's troubles at home In Novels and talcs v 5 Mary Barton Cage at Cranford In All the Year Round 10: 332 Liv Age 80: 17 Christmas storms and sunshine In Novels and tales v 5 Mary Barton Howitt 3: 4 Cousin Phillis In Novels and tales v 5 Cousin Phillis Mary Barton Cornhill 8:619, 688; 9:51, 187 Liv Age 80: 3, 100, 204, 494 Cranford In Novels and tales v 4 Household Words vol 4, 5, 6, 7 Crooked branch In Novels and tales v 4 Right at last Curious if true In Novels and tales v 4 Cornhill i : 208 Dark night's work In Novels and tales v 7 All the Year Round 8:475; 9: I Doom of the Griffiths In Novels and tales v 7 Round the sofa Harper 16:220 Grey woman In Novels and tales v 6 All the Year Round 4: 300, 32T. 347 Half a life-time ago In Novels and .tales v 7 Cou-sin Phillis Round the sofa Household Words 12:229, 276 Half-brothers In Novels and tales v 7 Round the sofa Dublin Univ 52: 586 Liv Age 60: 12 Hand and heart In Novels and tales v 6 Heart of John Middleton III Novels and tales v 4 Lizzie Leigh Household Words 2: 325 Libbie Marsh's three eras In Novels and tales v 4 Howitt 1:310, 334, 345 Lizzie Leigh In Novels and tales v 7 Lizzie Leigh Household Words 1:2-60 Harper i : 38 Lois the witch /;; Novels and talcs v 4 Right at last All the Year Round 1:564, 587, 609 Manchester marriage In Novels and talcs v 4 Liv Age 60: 339 Mr. Harrison's confessions In Novels and tales v 6 Cousin Phillis Moorland cottage In Novels and tales v 4 Morton Hall In Novels and tales v 6 Lizzie Leigh Household Words 8: 265, 293 Liv Age 40: 31 My French master In Novels and tales v 5 Lizzie Leigh Mary Barton Household Words 8:361, 388 My Lady Ludlow In Novels and tales v 7 Cousin Phillis Round the sofa Plousehold Words 18: i Liv Age 58: 223; 59: 208 » Old nurse's story In Novels and tales v 5 Lizzie Leigh Mary Barton Household Words 6: 583 Poor Clare In Novels and talcs v 7 Round the sofa Household Words 14: 510 Right at last In Novels and tales v 4 Cousin Phillis Right at last Sexton's hero In Novels and talcs v 4 Cousin Phillis Howitt 2: 149 Six weeks at Hcppenheim In Novels and tales v 4 Cornhill 5: 560 Squire's story In Novels and tales v 4 Lizzie Leigh Well of Pen-Morfa In Novels and tales v 4 Lizzie Leigh Household Words 2: 182, 205 Gaspard and his wa.x lady. French, A. W. Gasper Ruiz. Conrad, J. Gastronomic scenes. Daudet, A. no INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Gate of the hundred sorrows. Kipling, R. Gatherer of simples. Freeman, M. E. W. •" Gaudissart II. Balzac, H. de Gautier, Theophile, 1811-1872 Arria Marcella In Complete works (Gascon) v 6 Works (Pocket) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 11 Avatar In Works (Sumichrast) v 15 Bowl of punch In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11 Works (Pocket) v 10 Conversion of a classicist. See Gau- tier, T. Daniel Jovard Daniel Jovard; or, The conversion of a classicist In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11 Works (Pocket) v 10 Elias Wildmanstadius; or, The mediaeval man In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11 Works (Pocket) v 10 Jettatura In Works (Sumichrast) v 15 King Candaules In Complete Works (Gascon) v 4 Works (Pocket) v 4 Marchioness's lap-dog In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11 Works (Pocket) v 6 IMedi^Eval man. See Gautier, T. ■ Elias Wildmanstadius Mummy's foot In Complete works (Gascon) v 6 Works (Pocket) v 10 Esenwein, J. B. Short-story master- pieces V 2 Mabie, H. W^., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v i Stories from foreign authors. French, V 3 Lippinc 89: 874 Nightingales In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11 Works (Pocket) v 6 Omphalc In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11 Works (Pocket) v 6 One of Cleopatra's nights In Complete Works (Gascon) v 4 Works (Pocket) v 4 Thousand and second night In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11 Works (Pocket) v 10 Vampire In Complete Works (Gascon) v 6 Works (Pocket) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 11 Water pavilion In Works (Sumichrast) v 15 Gavon's eve. Benson, E. F. Gay deceiver. Norris, K. Gaylcy the troubadour. Norris, K. Ged. Peattie, E. W. Gemini. Kipling, R. General Glover's true story. Hale, E. E. General jail delivery. More, H. General manager. Merrick, R. General Washington's negro body-servant. Clemens, S. L. Generals and Number Seven. Pratt, L. General's bluff. Wister, O. General's match-making. Ouida Genevieve Maud and the new thought. Jor,- dan, E. G. Genevieve Maude's mission. Jordan, E. G. Genevieve Maude's perishin' soul. Jordan, E. G. Genius. Peattie, E. W. Gentian. Freeman, M. E. W. Gentle art of dining. See Smith, F. H. Wherein the gentle art of dining, etc. Gentle boy. Hawthorne, N. Gentle ghost. Freeman, M. E. W. Gentle life. Van Dyke, H. Gentle robber. Sherwood, M. P. Gentle sinner. Donnell. A. H. Gentle traveler. Donnell. A. H. Gentleman and players. Hornung, E. W. Gentleman from Huron. Hibbard, G. A. Gentleman-in-plush. Hopkins, M. S. B. Gentleman in the barrel. Fernald, C. B. Gentleman of Japan and a lady. Long. J. L. Gentleman of the plush rocker. See Stuart, R. M. Napoleon Jackson, gentleman of the plush rocker Gentleman ranker. Seawell, M. E. Gentleman vagabond. Smith, F. H. Gentleman with the green tie. Pratt, L. Gentleman's gentleman. Smith, F. H. Geoffrey and Garcinde. Heyse, P. J. L. George Dobson's expedition to Hell. Hogg, George Silverman's explanation. Dickens, C. George Thurston. Bierce, A. George Walker at Suez. Trollope, A. George Washington Jones; a Christmas gift that went a-begging. Stuart, R. M. "George Washington's" last duel. Page, T. N. George's birthday. Field, E. George's mother. Crane, S. George's wife. Parker, G. Georgia watermelon. Harris, J. C. Georgiana's reasons. James, H. Georgia's ruling. Henry, O. Georgic Porgie. Kipling, R. Gerald. Weyman, S. J. Geranium leaves. See Page, T. N. She had on her geranium leaves Gerardo secretly weds his mistress and sets out for Baruti. Bandcllo, M. Germ-destroyer. Kipling, R. German Easter and the Easter rabbit. iM-ench, A. W. German policL-nian. Ivalph, J. Gerould, Katharine FuUerton Bird in the bush In Scrib M 54: 247 Case of Paraniore In Vain oblations Scril> M 54: 419 Divided kingdom /;; Vain oblations Cent 84: 255 TmkI and the means In Harper 126:878 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES III Great tradition In Cent 88:428 Impasse In Harper 127: 521 Mango-seed In Vain oblations Cent 83: 422 On the staircase In Vain oblations Scrib M S4 -731 Pearls In Harper 129: 194 Poppies in the wheat In Cent 63:383 Straight tip In Scrib M 56: 224 Tortoise In Vain oblations Scrib M 55:46 Vain oblations In Vain oblations Scrib M 49: 367 Weaker vessel In Cent 87: 270 Wesendonck In Harper 126: 740 Wine of violence In Vain oblations Scrib M 50: 75 Geitha's lovers. Morris, W. Ghamba. Scully, W. C. Ghetto violet. Kompert, L. Ghetto wedding. Cahan, A. Ghoollah. Bunner, H. C. Ghost. O'Connor, W. D. Ghost, Canterville. Wilde, O. Ghost club. Bangs, J. K. Ghost, Double-barrelled. Zangwill, I. Ghost riower. Pangborn, G. W. Ghost, Gentle. Freeman, M. E. W. [Ghost] Haunted and the haunters. Lyt- ton, E. B. Ghost, Her great-grandmother's. Page, T. N. Ghost in the Cap'n Brown house. Stowe, H. B. Ghost in the cross-trees. Norris, F. Ghost in the mill. Stowe, H. B. Ghost in the sedan-chair. Corelli, M. [Ghost] Lady Ludlow. Gaskell, E. C. Ghost, Laying the hose-pipe. Connolly, J. B. Ghost. Lost. Freeman, M. E. W. Ghost of a chance. Henry, O. Ghost of Captain Brand. Pyle, H. Ghost of chance. Chambers, R. W. Ghost of Dr. Harris. Hawthorne, N. Ghost of glory. Mitchell, S. W. Ghost of Matthias Baum. Singmaster, E. Ghost of Miser Brimpson. Phillpotts, E. Ghost of Sandy Carr. Lewis, A. H. Ghost of the bar B-8. Lewis, A. H. Ghost of the Black Inn. Loomis, C. B. Ghost of the Sierras. Harte, B. [Ghostl Old nurse's story. Gaskell, E. C. [Ghostl Poor Clare. Gaskell, E. C. Ghost, Seventoes. Freeman, M. E. W,. [Ghostl Shadows on the wall. Freeman, M. E. W. Ghost, Speakin'. Slossin, A. T. Ghost story. Clemens, S. L. Ghost story. Harris, J. C. Ghost story, My own true. Kipling, R. Ghost, Story of the inexperienced. Wells, H. G. Ghost train illusion. Warman, C. Ghosts. Maupassant, G. de Ghosts, John and the. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Ghosts in my tower. Stockton, F. R. Ghosts of Stukeley castle. Harte, B. Ghosts, Rival. Matthews, J. B. Ghosts that have haunted me. Bangs, J. K. Ghost's touch. Collins, W. Giant Maximin. Doyle, A. C. Giant's heart. Macdonald, G. Gibbet hill. Phillpotts, E. Gibbon, Perceval Ambush In Harper 125: 823 Avenger of blood In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Blackw 176: 154 Between the lights In McClure 33: 418 Bucko In Collier's 43: Ap 24 p 15 Buried anchor In McClure 31: SQO Citizen of the roads In Harp W S7- Je 21 p 18 Counting the colors In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Blackw 176: 517 Coward In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Liv Age 247:331 Darkened path In Harp W 58: Ja 3 P 6 Day of omens In McClure 43: My p 63 Debt In McClure 39:27 Dice In McClure 28:603 Did they marry? In Hearst's M 24: 10 Dona Victoria In Harper 116: 343 Dream-face In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leadmg cases Blackw 176: 149 Eleventh hour In Harper 114: 47i Girl In McClure 42: Ap p 96 Good end In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leadmg cases Blackw 176: 666 Great Jew In McClure 42: 121 Grim irony of luck In Canad M 28:230 Hands of the pitiful woman In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leadmg cases Blackw 176: 303 112 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Gibbon, Perceval —Continued Her man of fate In Hearst's M 24:698 Her own story In Vrouw Grobclaar and her leading cases Liv Age 247: 681, 726 His lady of silence In Hearst's M 24: 521 His wife In Ladies' H J 25: Jl p 7 1 lonie kraal In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Idealist In McCliire 30: 229 In the dark hour In McCIurc 31: 82 Iron star In Harper 127: 354 King of the baboons In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading- cases Blackw 176: 521 McClure 31 : 467 Like unto like In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Blackw 176: 310 Lola In Harper 118: 248 Madame Robin /;; Scrib M 53:334 Man before the mast In McClure 42: N p 46; Ja p 48 Man in the shadow In Ladies' H J 27: Jl p 7 Man who knew /;; Blackw 174: 467 Liv Age 239:541 McClure 28: 243 Manasseh In Harper 117: 541 Martyrdom lottery In McClure 22>- 482 Master In Harper 126: 48 . Mate of the Gatwick In Collier's 43: Ag 28 p 16 Morder drift In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Blackw 176: 660 Murderer In Harper 125: 443 Parisienne In Harper 122: T76 Peruvian In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Piet Naudc's trek In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Blackw 176: 306 Sacrifice In Vrouw Grobclaar and her leading cases Second-class passenger In Blackw 175: 646 Liv y\gc 242:336 McClure 2~: 641 Second mate In McClure 25: 2t, Sense of climax In Delin 75: Ja p 31 Strange patient /;; Collier's 44: X 27 p 16 Tagalash In Vrouw Grobelaar and her Uadnig cases Task appointed In McClure 34: 558 Trader of Last Notch In Blackw 175:40 Liv Age 240: 465 McClure 27: 466 Unknown factor In McClure 30: 662 Unto the third generation In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Blackw 176: 145 Vasco's sweetheart In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases Blackw 176: 811 Liv Age 244: 160 Weaver's son In McClurc 29: 465 Wood-ladies In Scrib M 54: 22^ Gideon's front tooth. Phillpotts, E. Gift horse. Wister, O. Gift of Abner Grice. Barr, R. Gift of fulfilment; an allegory. Harraden, B. Gift of tact. Loomis, C. B. Gift of the emperor. Hornung, E. W. Gift of the magi. Henry, Q. Gift of the simple king. Parker, G. Gifts of the child Christ. Macdonald, G. Gifts of the philosophers. Kelly, M. Gil Bias and Dr. Sangrado. Le Sage, A. R. Gilded idol and the King Conch-shell. Stockton, F. R. Giles, the poacher. More, H. Gilray's flower pot. Barrie, J. M. Gipsy George. Bates, A. Giridih coal-fields. Kipling, R. Girl. Gibbon, P. Girl. Henry, O. Girl and the anarch. Parker. G. Girl and the game. Williams, J. L. Girl and the graft. Henrj-, O. Girl and the habit. Henry. O. Girl at Lake Lincoln. Merrick, L. Girl from Mercury. \'icle, 11. K. Girl from the machine. Williams, J. L. Girl from the marsh-croft. Lagerlof, S. Girl in a steamer chair. See Smith, F. H. With special reference, etc. Girl in red. White, S. E. Girl next door. Davis, C. B. Girl of the period. Harrison, C. C. Girl that Peter brought. Hopkins. M. S. B. Girl who got rattled. White, S. E. Girl who loved Herbert. Jordan, F. G. Girl who was. Jordan, \i. G. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 1^3 Girl with the golden eyes. Balzac, H. dc Girl with the Greek face. Merrick, L. Girl with the green toque. Davis, C. B. Girl with the guitar. Bland, E. N. Gissing, George Robert, 185 7- 1903 Capitalist In House of cobwebs Charming family In House of cobwebs Christopherson In House of cobwebs Daughter of the lodge In House of cobwebs Day of silence In Liv Age 199: 802 National R [Lond] 22:558 Despot on tour In Strand 15: 25 Elixir In Idler 15: 43° Fate and the apothecary In House of cobwebs Fate of Humphrey Sncll In Eng Illust 14: i Honeymoon /;/ Eng Illust 11:895 House of cobwebs In House of cobwebs Argosy 71: 394 Humplebee In House of cobwebs In honor bound In Eng Illust 13: 79 Liv Age 205 : 470 Letty Coe In Liv Age 191: 19 Temple Bar 92: 533 Light on the tower In Eng Illust 16:432 Lodger in Maze pond /;; House of cobwebs National R [Lond] 24:847 Miss Rodney's leisure In House of cobwebs One way to happiness In Eng Illust 19: 225 Our Mr. Jupp In Eng Illust 11:631 Pig and whistle In House of cobwebs Poet's portmanteau In Eng Illust 12: No. S; 3 Poor gentleman In House of cobwebs Pall Mall M 19: 1/7 Riding-whip In House of cobwebs Ring finger In Cosmopolis 10:297 Salt of the earth In House of cobwebs Scrupulous father Iti House of cobwebs Cornhill 83: i75 Simple Simon In Idler 9: 509 Topham's chance In House of cobwebs Givers. Freeman, M. E. W. Glance ahead. Bangs, J. K. Glaspell, Susan, 1882- According to his lights In Am M 72: I53 Anarchist: his dog In Lifted masks Am M 74: 14.S At twi-light In Lifted masks Harper 124: 790 ]5oarder of art In Ladies' H J 29: O p 10 For to-morrow; an Easter story In Booklovers' M 5:559 I'reckles M'Grath In Lifted masKs Munsey 31: 481 h'roni A to Z In Lifted masks Am M 68: 543 His America In Lifted masks How the prince saw America In Lifted masks Am M 62: 274 In the face of his constituents In Harper 107: 757 Last sixty minutes In Lifted masks Love of the hills In Lifted masks Man of flesh and blood In Lifted masks Harper 108:957 "One of those impossible Americans In Lifted masks "Out there" In Lifted masks Delin 80: Jl p 5 Plea In Lifted masks Preposterous motive In Lifted masks Glass door. Earle, M. T. Glass-eyed Bill. Osbourne. L. Glasses. James, H. Gleaner. Mitford, M. R. Glenmutchkin railway. Aytoun, W. E. Glimpse of the underworld. Matthews, J. B. Glimpses of the insurrection. Daudet, A. , Glistering beaches. Crockett, S. R. Gloaming ghosts. McCutcheon, G. B. Gloriana. Kipling, R. ,, ^ ^, ., . La Gloriense. ^ce Davis, M. E. M. At La Gloriense Glorious fortune. Besant. W. Glory. Long, J. L. „ x tt Glory and the other girl. Donnell, A. H. Gloversville plunger. Davis, C. B. Gnawing a file. See Habberton, J. Out at Twinnett's Goat of Monsieur Seguin. Daudet, A. Goblet. Tieck, L. Goboto night. London, J. Gobseck. Balzac, H. de God from the machine. Kipling, R. God in Israel. Duncan, N. God of coincidence. Davis, Richard H. God of his fathers. London, J. God rest ye, merry gentlemen. Crane, S. God sees the truth, but waits. Tlstoi, L. o Goddess of Excelsior. Harte, B. 14 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Goddesses from the machine. Bacon, J. D. Godmothers. SpofFord, H. P. God's and man's. See Tolstoi, L. N. Divine and the human God's babe. Crockett, S. R. God's garrison. Parker, G. God's puppets. Davis, C. B. Godson. Tolstoi, L. N. Goeringer, I. Autumn In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Flannel In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Folk-legend In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Housekeeping book In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Love In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Parting In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Springtime In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages When the flowers fade In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Gogol, Nikolai Vassilyevitch, 1809-1852 Cloak In St. John's eve Esenwein, J. B. Short story master- pieces, Russian v i Evening in May In Evenings m little Russia Cosmopol 3: 186 Fair at Sorotchinetz In Evenings in little Russia May evening. See Gogol, N. V. Evening in May Mid-summer evening In Evenings in little Russia Night of Christmas eve In Cossack tales Old-fashioned farmers [Old-fashioned gentry] In St. John's eve Warner library Portrait In St. John's eve Blackw 62: 457 Liv Age 15: 299 St. John's eve In St. John's eve Taras Bulba Stories by foreign authors, Russian Tale of how Ivan Ivanovitch quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovitch In St. John's eve Going into society. Dickens, C. Going of BitTf Ellison. Lewis, A. H. Going of the White Swan. Parker, G. Going U) Shrewsbury. Jcwett, S. O. Gold. Freeman, M. E. W. Gold. See Balzac, H. dc. Facino Cane Gold-bug. Poe, E. A. Gold that glittered. Henry, O. Golden apples. Morris, W. [Edgar] Golden arm. Clemens, S. L. Golden ashes. Pemberton, M. Golden ])aby. Brown, A. Golden bird (adapted). Scudder, H. E. Golden calf; a novelette. Boyesen, H. H. Golden braid. Maupassant, G. de Golden castaways. Osbourne, L. Golden chain. Overton, G. Golden dreams. See Irving, W. Wolfert Webber Golden egg and the cock of gold (adapted). Scudder, H. E. Golden fleece. Bangs, J. K. Golden fleece. Hawthorne, J. Golden fleece. Hawthorne, N. Golden flood. Lefevre, E. Golden fortune. Austin, M. H. Golden helmets in the Alleberg. Strind- berg, J. A. Golden ingot. O'Brien, F. Golden key. Macdonald, G. Golden key: a problem in lovers for the crime doctor. Hornung, E. W. Golden morning. Crockett, S. R. Golden mountain. Crockett, S. R. Golden pipes. Parker, G. Golden pool. Chambers, R. W. (jolden pot. Hoffmann, E T. W. Golden-rod; an idyl of Mount Desert. Har- rison, C. C. Golden rule DoUivers. Cameron, M. Golden touch. Hawthorne, N. Golden touch. Train, A. C. Golden venture. Jacobs, W. W. Golden wedding. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Golden wedding. Stuart, R. M. Golden wings. Morris, W. Goldschmidt, Meir, 1819-1887. Flying mail In Flying mail Stories by foreign authors, Scandina- vian Goldsmith's apprentice. Harraden, B. Golf in Hades. Bangs, J. K. Goliath. Aldrich, T. B. Golly and the Christian; or, The minx and the manxman. By H-11 C-ne. Harte, B. La gommeuse. Davis, C. B. Gone. Galsworthy, J. Goneril. Robinson, A. M. F. Good aunt. Edgeworth, M. Good Brahmin. Voltaire, F. M. de A. Good-by, Jack. London, J. Good conscience. Kielland, A. L. Good dinner. Cutting, M. S. Good end. GiI)bon, P. Good fellow's wife. Garland, H. Good-for-nothing. Boyesen, H. H. Good for the soul. Deland, M. Good French governess. Edgeworth, M. Good gracious! and the forgct-mc-not. Neal, Good hunting. Kipling, R. Good intentions. Jacobs, W. W. Good lesson well learnt. France, A. Good luck. Jewett, S. O. Good man's dilemma. Weyman, S. J. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES "5 Good match. Maupassant, G. de Good news from a far country. Watson, J. Good reasons. Sec Maupassant, G. de. Moustaches Good Samaritan. Andrews, M. R. S. Good Samaritan. Crockett, S. R. Good wolf. Burnett, F. H. Goodness of Saint Rocque. Dunbar, A. Goophered grapevine. Chesnutt, C. W; Goose-chase. Hopkins, M. S. B. Gooseherd. Sudermann, H. Gordon, Armistead Churchill, 1855- Flandroe's mogul In Stories of the railway (Stories from Scribner) Scrib M 2:361 Gordon Baldwin. Lindau, R. Gordon the Gipsey. Hogg, J. Gorgon's head. Hawthorne, N. Gorky, Maxim, pseud. (Alexei Maximovitch Pyeshkov) 1868- Afifair of the clasps In Outcasts^ Cain and Arteme In Individualists Chelkash In Tales Twenty-six and one Fortn 76: 1083 Liv Age 232: 202 Chums In Tales Comrades /;; Orlofif and his wife Talcs Esenwein, J. B. Short-story master- pieces, Russian, v 2 Craftsman 11: 288 Confronting life In Cosmopol 38: 7i7 Creatures that were men In Creatures that were men Devil Nat'l M [Bost] 15: 161 Exorcism In Orloff and his wife Green kitten In Tales Heart of a beggar In Cur Lit 47: 220 Heartache In Heartache Her lover In Tales In the steppe In Tales Individualists In Individualists Insolent man 1)1 Orloff and his wife Khan and his son In Orloff and his wife Konovaloff In Orloff and his wife Malva In Twenty-six and one March of man In Cosmopol 39:286 Men with pasts In Orloff and his wife Old woman Izerofel In Heartache One autumn night In Tales Orloff and his wife In Orloff' and his wife Outcasts In Outcasts Philip Vasilycvich's story In Ind 59: 543 Rolling stone In Tales Strange companion In Individualists Tchclkache. See Gorky, M. Chelkash Twenty-six and one In Tales Twenty-six and one Twenty-six men and a girl Twenty-six of us and one other. See Gorky, M. Twenty-six and one Varenka Olesoff In Orloff and his wife Waiting for the ferry In Outcasts Gospel. Bacon, J. D. Goth. Page, T. N. Governess of Greenbush. Hornung, E. W. Government official. Watson, J. Governor. Hibbard, G. A. Governor general. Stockton, F. R. Governor-general's trunk. Train, A. C. Governor Manco and the patrol. Irving, W. Governor of St. Kitts. Doyle, A. C. Governor's dinner. Hale, E. E. Governor's prerogative. Thanet, O. Governor's prerogatives. Earle, M. T. Gradual fairy. Brown, A. Grahame, Kenneth, 1859- Departure In Dream days Dies irae In Dream days In Arcady In New Review 12:225 Its walls were as of jasper /;;. Dream days Scrib M 22: 157 Magic ring In Dream days Scrib M 20: 693 Mutabile semper In Dream days Reluctant dragon In Dream days Saga of the seas In Dream days Scrib M 24: 194 Twenty-first of October In Dream days New Review 13: 359 Grain that was like an egg. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Seed as big as a hen's egg Gramigna's mistress. Verga, G. Grammatical ghost. Peattie, E. W\ Grand, Sarah, pseud. (Mrs. Haldane Macfall) Ah man In Our manifold nature ii6 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Grand, Sarah — Coiitiiuicd. Bocimellcn In Our manifold nature Eugenia III Our manitolil nature Janey, a humble administrator 111 Our manifold nature Kane, a soldier servant In Our manifold nature Momentary indiscretion In Cosmopol 20: 169 When the door opened /;/ Idler 12:708 Yellow leaf In Our manifold nature Grand cross of the crescent. Davis, Rich- ard H. Grand Hotel du Paradis. See Janvier, T. A. At the Grand Hotel du Paradis Grand jurj' — in two panels and a frame. Galsworthy, J. Grand prior of Minorca; a veritable ghost story. Irving, W. Grande Breteche. Balzac, H. de Grande demoiselle. King, G. E. Grandfather's chair. .Hawthorne, N. Grandfather's dream. Hawthorne, N. Grandfathers of Bol). Andrews, M. R. S. Grandison's quandary. See Stockton, F. R. Dusky philosophy Grandmama. Hil)bard, G. A. Grandmama. King, G. E. Grandma's story. Alcott, L. M. Grandmother. Vorse, M. H. Grandmother and her three lovers. Erck- mann. E. and Chatrian, A. Grandmother and the dolls. Harris, J. C. Grandmother Stark. Wister, O. Grandmother's grandmother. King, G. E. Grandsire Triples. Bland, E. N. Gran'ma Mullin's woe. See French, A. W. Wcilf at Susan's door Grant, Robert, 1852-1914 Across the way In Law-breakers Against his judgment In Law-breakers Lippinc 44:831 Bachelor's Christmas In Bachelor's Christmas By hook or crook In Bachelor's Christmas Harper 90: 884 Exchange of courtesies In Law-breakers Eye for an eye In Bachelor's Christmas Scrib M 5:315 In fly-time In Bachelor's Christmas Harper 89: 296 Knave of hearts In Knave of hearts Law-breakers In Law-breakers Everybody's 12: 732 Matrimonial tontine benefit association In Bachelor's Christmas Scrib M 16: 679 Richard and Robin In Bachelor's Christmas Harper 90: 139 Romance of a soul In Law-breakers St. George and the dragon In Law-breakers Surrender In Law-breakers Two ways of telling a storj-; a dramatic dialogue In Lippinc 39:345 Grantham's limitations. Vorse, M. H. Grass-green maid. Brown, A. Grasse widow. Phillpotts, E. Grasshopper and the ant. Deland, M. Grateful foxes. Mitford, A. B. Grateful Joe. Allen, G. Grateful negro. Edgeworth. M. Gratitude. Bourget, P. Gratitude of the Samebito. Hearn, L. Grave. See Maupassant, G. de. Tomb Grave by the handpost. Hardy, T. Graven image. Sharp, W. Graves and goblins. Hawthorne, N. Graveyard sirens. Maupassant, G. de Gray, David, 1870- Angel of chance In Collier's 44: D 11 p 11 Bishop's missionary meeting In Gallops 2 Braybrooke baby's godmother In Gallops Cent 66: 614 Braybrooke's double event steeple-chase In Gallops Cent 55: 29 Carty Carteret's sister In Gallops Cent 56: 247 Case of the Evanstons In Mr. Carteret Cent 74: 521 Chalmer's gold piece In Gallops Crowninshield's brush In Gallops 2 McClure 17: 194 Echo hunt In Gallops 2 Cent 65: 127 Her first horse show In Gallops 2 Cent 61 : 74 His first race In Gallops How Mr. Carteret proposed In Mr. Carteret and others Cent 76: 584 How the fence-breaker's league was stumped In Gallops Isabella In Gallops 2 Cent 66: 511 Matter of a mashie In Mr. Carteret and others Cent 58: 18 Medal of honor story In Mr. Carteret and others INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 117 Mr. Carteret and his fellow Americans abroad [11 Mr Carteret and others Mr. Carteret's adventure with a locket III Mr. Carteret and others Cent 78: 5,^6 Parish of St. Thomas Equinas In Gallops Cent 55:24 Peach and the admiral In Cent 75-337 Popularity of Tompkins /// Gallops Reggie Livingstone's country life In Gallops 2 Cent 67: 133 Ride of his life /;; Gallops Ting-a-ling III Gallops 2 Cent 64: 352 Transfigured pair III Gallops White birds of Sandakkan In Collier's 44: S 25 p 17 Woman's auxiliary of the Oakdale hunt In Harper 123: 267 Gray champion. Hawthorne, N. Gray chieftain. Eastman, C. A. Gray collie. Pangborn, G. W. Gray frock. Hawkins, A. H. Gray ghost. Futrelle, J. Gray jacket of "No. 4." Page, T. N. Gray madam. Green, A. K. Gray man. Jewett, S. O. Gray mills of Farley. Jewett, S. O. Gray mouse. Davis, C. B. Gray pippin. Bazin, R. Gray wolf's ha'nt. Chesnutt, C. W. Grayson's baby. Fox, J., jr. Great and little Sherberton. Phillpotts. E. Great Bartram. Tracy, V. Great Breteche. See Balzac, H. de. Grande Breteche Great Brown-Pericord motor. Doyle, A. C. Great bubble syndicate. Osbourne, L. Great carbuncle. Hawthorne, N. Great census. See Kipling, R. Smith admin- istration Great composer. Bangs, J. K. Great condition. James, H. Great day. Amicis, E. de Great day. Singmaster, E. Great day when Matilda voted. Bangs, J. K. Great Deadwood mystery. Harte, B. Great diamond is obtained and used. O'Brien, F. J. Great expedition. Jewett, S. O. Great Feversham. Silberrad, U. L. Great five-cent case. Osbourne, L. Great God Pan. Cameron, M. Great good place. James, H. Great-grandmother. See Page, T. N. Her great-grandmother's ghost Great Jew. Gibbon, P. Great K. & A. train robbery. Ford, P. L. Great men's sons. Tarkington, B. Great Minus. Parker, G. Great Mogul. Barr, R. Great oaks from little acorns. Kelly, M. Great pine. Freeman, M. E. W. Great revolution in Pitcairn. Clemens, S. L. Great right-of-way. Crockett, S. R. Great scoop. Seawell, M. E. Great secretary-of-state interview. Williams, J . L. Great shadow. Doyle, A. C. Great show in Kobolland. Stockton, F. R. Great ^aircase at Landover Hall. Stock- ton, F. R. Great state of Johnsing. Earle, M. T. Great stone face. Hawthorne, N. Great sword. Maupassant, G. de Great Todescan's secret thrust. Castle, A., and Castle, E. Great tradition. Gerould, K. F. Great triangular duel. Marryat, F. Great tri-club tournament. Davis, Richard H. Great war syndicate. Stockton, F. R. Great White Chief. See Parker, G. Woods- man's story of the Great White Chief Great white deeps. Castle, A., and Castle, E. Great Winglebury duel. Dickens, C. Great wish syndicate. Bangs, J. K. Great Wolfville strike. Lewis, A. H. Great wreck on the Pere Marquette. War- man, C. Greater Coney. Henry, O. Greater courage. Thanet, O. Greater love than this. Peattie, E. W. Greatest man in the country. Ward, H. D. Greatest of these. Davis, C. B. Greatest of these. Fuller, H. B. Greatest player in all the world. Duncan, N. Greatness of Helena. Michelson, M. Greaves' disappearance. Hawthorne, J. Gree-Gree bush. Connolly, J. B. Green, Anna Katharine (Mrs. Charles Rohlfs) 1846- Amethyst box In Amethyst box Black cross In Old stone house Bronze hand In Difficult problem Difficult problem In Difficult problem Doctor, his wife, and tlie clock /;} Doctor, his wife and the clock Gray madam /;/. Difficult problem Grotto spectre In Cosmopol 55:86 Hermit of — street In Difficult problem House in the mist In House in the mist Memorable night In Old stone house Patten, W. International short sto- ries V I Midnight in Beauchamp row In Difficult problem IMysterious case In Old stone house Lippinc 47:352 Old stone house In Old stone house ii8 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Green, Anna Katharine —ro;//i;i.'.'r7 Miss Pcckskill's spirometer In Eng Illust 16: 344 Mr. Dunton's invention In Mr. Dunton's invention Six cent Sam's Model murder In Mr. Dunton's invention Six cent Sam's My friend Paton In David Poindextcr's disappearance Belgravia 51: 294 Old and new music In Cosmopol 25:303 Raxworthy's treasure In Mr. Dunton's invention Six cent Sam's Rose of death: a fantasy In Cornhill 34: 3S8 Rumpty-Dudget In Eraser 102:437 "Set not thv foot on graves" In David Poindextcr's disappearance Manhattan i: 359 Sinfire /;; Eippinc 39: i Singing of a bird In Harper loi: 125 Spirit of the dance In Cosmopol 42: 611 Strange friend In Belgravia 53:326, 481 Symposium In Mr. Dunton's invention Six cent Sam's Third of March In Cent 37: 208 "When half-gods go. the gods arrive" In David Poindextcr's disappearance Harper "i : 566 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864 Acadian exiles /;; Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Grandfather's chair Wonder book Adam and Eve. See Hawthorne, N. New Adam and Eve Alice Doane's appeal In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches] Complete writings (Autograph) v 16 Ambitious guest In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales! Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Hawthorne New Eng M 8: 425 Ancestral footste]) In Complete works (Riverside) v 11 [Septimus Eelton] Complete writings (.A.utograph) v 14 Anticjue ring In Complete works (Riverside) v 11 [Talcs and sketches] Complete writings (Autograph) v 16 Apple-dealer. See Hawthorne, N. Old Apple-dealer Artist of the beautiful In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Democratic R 14: 605 At home In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (autograph) v 5 Bell's biography In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Benjamin Eranklin. See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories Benjamin West. See Hawthorne, N. Bi- ographical stories Biographical stories: Benjamin W'est, Sir Isaac Newton, Samuel Johnson, Oliver Cromwell, Benjamin Franklin, Queen Christina /;; Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches] Complete writings (Autograph) v i; Birthmark In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Best short stories Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Haw- thorne Bosom serpent. -SV^ Hawthorne. N. Ego- tism Boston massacre In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Browne's folly In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches] Complete writings (.Autograph) v 17 Canal boat In Complete works (Riverside") v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Canterbury pilgrims In Complete works (Riverside) a' 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (.Autograph) v 3 Celestial railroad; parody on Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (.Autograph) v 4 Democratic R 12:515 Liv Age 66: 740 Chimaera /;; Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Tappan. E. M. Children's hour 2:202 Chipi)ings with a chisel /;; Complete works (Riverside) v I [Twice told tales] Complete writings (.Autograph! v 2 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 139 Christmas banquet .^K-Prside) v 2 In Complete works (R^crsidej v [Mosses from an old mansel _ Complete writings (Autograph) v ^ Democratic R 14:78 "Srco-'mlletc worK. (Riverside) v 4 r Wonder book] int.. Complete writings Autograph) v 13 Colonial stories [In Colonial days] /u Colonial stones , DaffydowndiUy. See Hawthorne, N. Little DaffydowndiUy °/r Complete works (Riverside) v . [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Devil in manuscript -a \ .r -z In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gablesj Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 '^'/..''compTcte works (Riverside) V .. [Tales and sketches] Complete writings (Autograph) v 17 Dr. Grimshaw's secret In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 Complete writings (Autograph) v 1.5 Cent 25:433 Dr Heideger's experiment /■/complete works (Riverside) v I [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) vi Perry, B. Little masterpieces, Haw- thorne Dnlliver romance . , . 7n Complete works (Riverside) v n [Dolliver romance] Complete writings (Autograph) v 14 ""rrd^nX^: works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete wri'tings (Autograph) v 13 Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 2. 128 Drowne's wooden iniage In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Haw- thorne Earth's holocaust /-RH-erside) v 2 In Complete works (Ri^^isiae; v [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Edward Fane's rosebud In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Edward Randolph's portrait /n Complete works (Riverside) v [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Colonial stories In colonial days . Legends of the Provmce house Egotism, or the bosom serpent . In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Democratic R. 12:255 Elixir of life. See Hawthorne, N. Sep- timius Felton Endicott and the red cross In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Legends of New England Esther Dudley. See Hawthorne, N. Old Esther Dudley Ethan Brand -j a „ , In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gablesj Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Canby, H. S. Study of the short story Johnson, R. Little classics v i Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Haw- thorne ''rfimpleTe''°worKs (Riverside) v x [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i "^rS^plete works (Riverside) v n [Dolliver romance] Complete writings (Autograph) v 16 Fantasy. See Hawthorne, N. Hall of fan- tasy ''=/=;''corplete works (Riverside) V . [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 4 Internat M 5: 182, 333 Fellow traveller ^^■,Af.\ v 2 In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Flight in the fog [Passages from an relin- quished work] • 1 \ ir •? /n Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograpn) v 5 Footprints on the seashore /H Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Fragments from the journal of a solitary /."complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches] Complete writings (Autograph) v 17 ^Ifcom'plete works (Riverside) v I [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Ghost of Dr. Harris In Eclectic M 134: 437 Liv Age 224: 345 19th Cent 47 : 8« °f,??ompTete works (Riverside) v 4 CoTp?ae'™rU&'s(Au.ograp„)v.3 Tappan. E. M. Children's hour 2.60 °°/;f Co^pMe works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Tappan, E.M. Children's hour 3: 92 I40 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Hawthorne, Nathaniel — ro;///;/(a-(/. Gorgon's head In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [\\'onder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Tappan. E. M. Children's hour 2:29 Grandfather's chair In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Grandfather's dream In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [\A'onder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Graves and goblins In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches] Complete writings (Autograph) v 17 Gray champion In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told talcs] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Legends of New England Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Haw- thorne , New Eng M o s 8: 20 Great carbuncle In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Great stone face In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Cody, S. Selection from the world's greatest short stories Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fictionV 4 Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Haw- thorne Nettleton, G. E. Specimens of the short story Tappan, E. M. Cliildren's hour 10:271 Hall of fantasy /;; Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v4 Haunted mind In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Hollow of the three hills In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Howe's masquerade In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Colonial stories In colonial days Legends of the Province house Hesperian i : 234 Hutchinson's mob hi Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 In colonial days (Colonial stories] In In colonial days Indian Bible In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Intelligence office In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Democratic R 14:269 John Inglefield's Thanksgiving In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Lady Arabella /;/ Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Lady Eleanore's mantle In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Colonial stories In colonial days Legends of the Province liouse Lily's quest In Complete works (Riverside) v I [Twice told talcs] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Little Annie's raml)le In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Little Daffydowndilly In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Main street In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Man of adamant In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Maypole of Merry Mount In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Legends of New England Minister's black veil In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told talcs] Complete writings (Autograph) v I Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, American Mabic. H. W., and Strachey. L. Little masterpieces of llction v 5 Minotaur In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder l)ook] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Tappan, E. M. Cliildren's liour 2: 166 Miraculous pitclier In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book| Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 3:67 Molyneux. See Hawthorne, N. My kins- man, Major Molyneux Mr. Higinbotliam's catastroplie In Complete works (Riverside) v I [Twice told talcs] Complete writings (Autograph) v 1 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 141 Mrs. Bullfrog In Complete works (Riverside) \ I [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 4 Monsieur du Miroir /;; Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 4 M}^ home return In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and skelclies] Complete writings (Autograph) v 17 My kinsman, Major Molyneux hi Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 New Adam and Eve In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Notch of the White Mountains In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Old apple-dealer In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Old Esther Dudley In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Colonial stories In colonial days Legends of Province house Old-fashioned school In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Old manse In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 4 Warner library Old woman's tale In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches] Complete writings (Autograph) v 16 Oliver Cromwell. Sec Hawthorne, N. Bio- graphical stories Paradise of children In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 2: 107 Passages from a relinquished work In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Peter Goldthwaite's treasure In Complete works (Riverside) v I [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Pine-tree shillings In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Pomegranate seeds In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 3: 114 Procession of life In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 4 Democratic R 12:36 Prophetic pictures In Complete works (Riverside) v I [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Patten, W. International short sto- ries V I Provincial muster In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 P's correspondence In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Pygmies In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Tappan, E. M. Children's 1101^2:3 Queen Christina. See Hawthorne, ;^TCio- graphical stories Randolph's portrait. See Hawthorne, N. Edward Randolph's portrait Rappaccini's daughter In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 4 Trent, W. P., and Henneman, J. B. Best American stories Red cross In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v Rejected blessing In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Rill from the town pump In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Roger Malvin's burial In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Legends of New England Rosebud. See Hawthorne, N. Edward Fane's rosebud Samuel Johnson. See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories Select party In Complete Avorks (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 4 Septimius Felton; or, The elixir of life In Complete works (Riverside) v il [Dollivcr romance] Complete writings (Autograph) v 14 Atlan 2g:5, 645; 30:1, 129 St. Paul's M 10: I, 569 Seven vagabonds In Complete works (Riverside) v I [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 142 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Hawthorne, Nathaniel —Continued. Shadow brook In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Shaker bridal In Complete works (Riverside) v i ^ [Twice told tales! Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Show-box. See Hawthorne, N. Fancy's show-box Sir Isaac Newton. See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories Sister years In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (.\utograph) v 2 Snow image In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Internat M i : 537 Sunken treasure In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Sylph Etheridge /;/ Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Tanglewood tales hi Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Three golden apples /;; Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 13 Threefold destiny In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Toll-gatherer's day In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i Tory's farewell In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book] Complete writings (Autograph) v 12 Village uncle In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice tohl talcs] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Virtuoso's collection In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [ATosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 5 Vision of the fountain In Works (Riverside) v i Twice told talcs Complete writings (Autograph) v i Wakefield In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] , ("omplete writings (Autograph) v i Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Haw- thorne Wedding knell In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v i White old maid In Complete works (Riverside) v i [Twice told tales] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 Baldwin, C. S. American short stor- ies Wives of the dead In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables] Complete writings (Autograph) v 3 Young Goodman Brown In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse] Complete writings (Autograph) v 2 New Eng M 8: 250 Hayes, Augustus Allen, 1837-1892 Denver express In Stories by American authors v 6 Hazard of the North. Parker, G. Hazing of Valliant. Williams, J. L. Hazy night. Janvier, T. A. He? Maupassant, G. He also serves. Henry, O. He knew Lincoln. Tarbell, I. M. He knew what was due tlie court. Page, T. N. He would have gotten a lawyer. Page, T. N. He would not be denied. Parker, G. Head gardener's tale. Chekhov, A. P. Head-hunter. Henry, O. Head of the district. Kipling, R. Head of the family. Jacobs, W. W. Headstone of the corner. Phillpotts, E. Healer from Far-Away cove. Duncan, N. Healing springs and the pioneers. Par- ker, G. Heard, John, jr. Charge for France In Stories of the army (Stories from Scribner) Scrib M 10:697 Hearn, Lafacdio, 1850-1904 Before the supreme court In Japanese miscellany Common sense In Kotto Corpse-rider In Shadowings Dead secret In Kwaidan Diplomacy III Kwaidan Dream of Akinosuke In Kwaidan Atlan 03: 340 Gratitude of the Samebito In Shadowings Hi-Mawari In Kwaidan Horai In Kwaidan Ikiryo In Kotto In a cup of tea /;/ Kotto Jikininki In Kwaidan Jio-Roku-Zakura In Kwaidan INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 143 Legend of Fugen-Bosatsu In Shadowings Legend of Tchi-Niu In Some Chinese ghosts Legend of Yurei-Daki In Kotto Mirror maiden In Romance of the milky way Mujina In Kwaidan Of a mirror and a bell In Kwaidan Of a promise broken In Japanese miscellany Of a promise kept In Japanese miscellany Oshidori In Kwaidan Reconciliation /;} Shadowings Red bridal In Atlan 74: 74 Retun of Yen-Tchm-King In Some Chinese ghosts Riki-Baka In Kwaidan Rokuro-Kubi In Kwaidan Romance of the Milky Way In Romance of the Milky Way Atlan g6: 238 Screen-maiden In Shadowings Shirvo In Kotto Soul of the Great Bell In Some Chinese ghosts Storm In Warner library Storv of a fly /»" Kotto Story of a pheasant In Kotto Story of Aoyagi In Kwaidan Storv of Chugoro In Kottd Story of Ito Norisuke In Romance of the Milky Way Atlan 95: 98 Story of Kogi the priest In Japanese miscellany Story of Kwashin Koji In Japanese miscellany Story of Mimi-Nashi-HoTchi In Kwaidan Atlan 92: 237 Story of Ming-Y In Some Chinese ghosts Story of O-Kame In Kotto Story of O-Tei In Kwaidan Story of Umetsu Chiibei In Japanese miscellany Stranger than fiction In Romance of the Milky Way Atlan 95: 494 Sympathy of Benten In Shadowings Tale of the porcelain-god In Some Chinese ghosts Tradition of the tea-plant In Some Chinese ghosts Ubazakura In Kwaidan Youma In Youma Y'uki-onna In Kwaidan Hearne's romance. Hawthorne, J. Heart of a beggar. Gorky, M. Heart of a child. Bacon, J. D. Heart of darkness. Conrad, J. Heart of gold. Cabell, J- B. Heart of John Middleton. Gaskell, E. C. Heart of the house. Vorse, M. H. Heart of the Princess Osra. Hawkms, A. H. Heart of the spring. Yeats, W. B. Heart-rending story of Mr. Heavysides. See Collins, W. Fatal cradle Heartache. Gorky, M. Heartbreak cameo. Champney, E. W. Hearts and crosses. Henry, O. Heart's desire. Stetson, G. E. C. Heart's key. Hewlett, M. H. Hearts unfortified. Trumbull, A. E. Heartsease. Brown, A. Heartsease. Earle, M. T. Heathen. London, J. Heathen. Warman, C. Heather lintie. Crockett, S. R. Heaven-kissing hill. Magruder, J. Hector. Bunner, H. C. Hector. Tarkington, B. Heimweh. Long, J. L. Heir of the Broken-O. Lewis, A. H. Heir of the McHulishes. Harte, B. Heiress! Maartens, M. Heiress of Red Dog. Harte, B. Heirs of fate. Pratt, L. Heliodorus, 4th Century Lovers In Warner library Theagenes and the bull In Warner library Help from the hopeless. Fernald, C. B. Helping the other fellow. Henry, O. Helpless situation. Clemens, S. L. Heman's ma. Brown, A. Heminway, Percy Gregorio In Stories by English authors, Africa Henry, C, pseud, (William Sydney Porter) 1862-1910 According to their lights In Trimmed lamp Adjustment of nature In Four million Admiral In Cabbages and kings Adventures in neurasthenia. See Henry, O. Let me feel your pulse Adventures of Shamrock Jones In Sixes and sevens After twenty years In Four million Afternoon miracle In Heart of the West Apology In Rolling stones 144 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Henry, 0.—Co)iliiiucd. Aristocracy versus hasli //) Rolling stones Art and the bronco //; Roads of destiny Assessor of success /;/ Trimmed lamp At arms with Morpheus 1)1 Sixes and sevens Atavism of John Tom Little Bear III Rolling- stones Babes in the jungle III Strictly business Badge of policeman O'Roon In Trimmed lamp Best seller III Options Between rounds /;; Four million Bexar script no. 2692 /;/ Rolling stones Bird of Bagdad In Strictly business Blackjack bargainer /;; Whirligigs Munsey 25: 620 Blind man's holiday //; Whirligigs • Brickdust row In Trimmed lamp Brief debut of Tildy /;; Four million Buried treasure In Options Buyer from Cactus city In Trimmed lamp By courier In Four million Caballero's waj' In Heart of the West Everybody's 17:86 Caliph and the cad In Sixes and sevens Caliph, Cupid and the clock In Four million Call loan In Heart of the W^cst Call of the tame In Strictly business Calloway's code //; Whirligigs Munsey 35: 687 Caught In Cabbages and kings Chair of pliilanthromathematics In Gentle grafter Ciiampion of tlie weather In Sixes and sevens Chanson de I'ohemc In Rolling stones Chaparral Christmas gift In Whirligigs Chaparral prince In Heart of the West Chercliez la femme /;/ Rfjads of destiny Christmas by injunction In Heart of the West Church with an overshot wheel In Sixes and sevens City of dreadful night /;/ Voice of the city Clarion call In Voice of the city Comedy in rubber In Voice of the city Coming-out of Maggie In Four million Complete life of Jolin Hopkins In Voice of the city Compliments of the season In Strictly business Conscience in art In Gentle grafter Contribution In Rolling stones Cop and tlie anthem In Four million Cosmopolite in a cafe In Four million Count and the wedding guest , In Trimmed lamp Patten, W. International short stories v i Country of illusion In Trimmed lamp Everybody's 15:465 Cupid a la carte In Heart of the West Cupid's exile number two In Cabbages and kings Day resurgent In Strictly business Day we celebrate In Sixes and sevens Reader 11 : 16 Defeat of the city In Voice of the city Departmental case /;; Roads of destiny Diamond of Kali In Sixes and sevens Dicky In Cabbages and kings Dinner at — In Rolling stones Critic 44: 530 Discounters of monej^ In Roads of destiny Door of unrest In Sixes and sevens Cosmopol 37: 91 Double-dyed deceiver In Roads of destiny Everybody's 13:814 Dougherty's eye-opener In Voice of the city Dream In Rolling stones Cosmopol 40: 444 Drop a tear in this slot In Rolling stones Duel In Strictly business Duplicity of Hargraves In Sixes and sevens Easter of the soul In Voice of the city Elsie in New York In Trimmed lamp INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 145 Emancipation of Billy /;; Roads of aestiny Enchanted kiss In Roads of destiny Enchanted people 1)1 Roads of dcstinj' Ethics of pig 1)1 Gentle ^rafter Munsey 36: 61 Exact science' of matrimony 1)1 Gentle grafter Extradited from Bohemia 1)1 Voice of the city Ferry of unfulfillment 1)1 Trimmed lamp Eickle fortune; or. How Gladys hustled /;; Rolling stones Fifth wheel /;/ Strictly business Everybody's 17: 193 Flag paramount 1)1 Cabbages and kings Fog in Santone 1)1 Rolling stones Cosmopol 53:658 Fool-killer /;/ Voice of the city Foreign policy of Company 99 In Trimmed lamp Fourth in Salvador In Roads of destiny McClure 21: 328 "Fc)x-in-the-morning" In Cabbages and kings Friendly call In Rolling stones Friends in San Rosario 1)1 Roads of destiny From each according to his ability In Voice of the city From the cabby's seat /;; Four million Furnished room 1)1 Four million Georgia's ruling In Whirligigs Outlook 65: 498 Ghost of a chance In Sixes and sevens Gift of the magi In Four million Girl In Whirligigs Girl and the graft 1)1 Strictly business Girl and the habit In Strictly business Gold that glittered In Strictly business Greater Coney In Sixes and sevens Green door In Four million Guardian of the accolade In Roads of destiny Cur Lit 47: iii Guardian of the 'scutcheon In Cosmopol 35:49 Guilty party In Trimmed lamp Halberdier of the little Rhcinschloss 1)1 Roads of destiny Everybody's 16: 627 Hand that riles the world In Gentle grafter Handbook of Hymen 1)1 Heart of the West Munsey 35: 414 Harbinger In Voice of the city Hard to forget In Rolling stones Harlem tragedy In Trimmed lamp He also serves In Options Head-hunter In Options Everybody's 18:593 Hearts and crosses In Heart of the West Helping the other fellow In Rolling stones Hiding of Black Bill In Options Everybody's 19^447 Higher abdication In Heart of the West Munsey 35: 548 Higher pragmatism In Options Holding up a train In Sixes and sevens McClure 22: 611 Hostages to Momus In Gentle grafter Munsey 33: 466 How Gladys hustled. See Henry, O. Fickle fortune Hygeia at the Solito In Heart of the West Hypotheses of failure hi Whirligigs Indian summer of Dry Valley Johnson In Heart of the West Am M 63 : 406 Innocents of Broadway In Gentle grafter Jim Peters as a personal magnet In Gentle grafter Jimmie Hayes and Muriel In Sixes and sevens Munsey 29: 127 Lady higher up In Sixes and sevens Last leaf In Trimmed lamp Last of the troubadours In Sixes and sevens Everybody's 19: 16 Law and order In Sixes and sevens Everybody's 23:299 Let me feel your pulse [Adventures in neurasthenia] In Let me feel your pulse Sixes and sevens Cosmopol 49: 217 146 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Henry, O.— Continued. Lickpenny lover In Voice of the city Little local colour In Whirligigs "Little speck in garnered fruit" In Voice of the city Lonesome road In Roads of destiny Lord Oakhurst's curse In Rolling stones Lost blend In Trimmed lamp Lost on dress parade In Four million Lotus and the bottle In Cabbages and kings Love-philtre of Ikey Schoenstein In Four million Lullaby boy In Rolling stones Madame Bo-peep, of the ranches In Whirligigs Madison Square Arabian night In Trimmed lamp Makes the whole world kin In Sixes and sevens Making of a New Yorker In Trimmed lamp Mammon and the archer In Four million Man about town In Four million Man higher up In Gentle grafter Marionettes In Rolling stones Marquis and Miss Sally In Rolling stones Marry month of May In Whirligigs Masters of arts in Cal)bages and kings Matter of mean elevation In Whirligigs Medley of moods. See Henry, O. Two women Memento In Voice of the city Memoirs of a yellow dog In Four million Midsummer knight's dream In Trimmed lamp Midsummer masquerade In Gentle grafter Alissing chord; a tale of Texas In Heart of the West Cent 68:313 Modern rural sports In Gentle grafter Moment of victory In Options Money maze In Cabbages and kings Municipal report In Strictly business Murderer In Rolling stones Nemesis and the candy man In Voice of the city New Manhattan nights In Am M 66:433, 540; 67:88 New York by campfire light In Sixes and sevens Newspaper story In Whirligigs Next to reading matter In Roads of destiny Everybody's 17: 735 Night in the new Arabia In Strictly business Everybody's 18: 302 No story /;; Options Nothing to say In Rolling stones October and June In Sixes and sevens Octopus marooned In Gentle grafter Old farm In Rolling stones On behalf of the management In Roads of destiny One dollar's worth In Whirligigs Munsey 29: 127 One thousand dollars In Voice of the city Passing of Black Eagle In Roads of destiny Past one at Rooney's /;( Strictly business Pendulum In Trimmed lamp Pewee In Rolling stones Philistine in Bohemia In Voice of the city Phoebe In Roads of destiny Everybody's 17: 592 Phonograph and the graft In Cabbages and kings McClure 20: 428 Pimienta pancakes In Heart of the West McClure 22: 141 Plutonian fire In Voice of the city Poet and the peasant In Strictly business Poor rule In Options Everybody's 21 : 234 Pride of the cities In Sixes and sevens Princess and the puma In Heart of the West Prisoner of Zembla In Rolling stones Proof of the pudding In Strictly business Psyche and the pskyscraper In Strictly business Purple dress In Trimmed lamp Queries and answers In Rolling stones INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 147 Quest of Soapy In Cur Lit 45: 581 Ramble in aphasia In Strictly business Ransom of Mack In Heart of the West McClure 24: 123 Ransom of red chief /;; Whirligigs Rathskeller and the rose In Voice of the city Reformation of Calliope In Heart of the West Remanats of the code In Cabbages and kings Renaissance at Charleroi In Roads of destiny Era 10: 368 Retrieved reform. See Henry, O. Re- trieved reformation Retrieved reformation In Roads of destiny Cosmopol 34: 632 Roads of destiny In Roads of destiny Roads we take In Whirligigs Robe of peace In Strictly business Romance of a busy broker In Four million "Rose of Dixie" In Options Everybody's 18: 761 Roses, ruses and romance In Voice of the city Rouge et noir hi Cabbages and kings Rubaiyat of a Scotch highball In Trimmed lamp Ruler of men In Rolling stones Everybody's 15: 157 Rus in urbe 1)1 Options Sacrifice hit In Whirligigs School and schools In Options Seats of the haughty In Heart of the West Munsey 36: 285 Service of love In Four million Shamrock and the palm In Cabbages and kings Shearing the wolf In Gentle grafter Ships In Cabbages and kings Shocks of doom In Voice of the city Shoes In Cabbages and kings Sisters of the golden circle In Four million Skylight room In Four million Sleuths In Sixes and sevens Smith In Cabbages and kings Snapshot at the president In Rolling stones Snow man In Hampton 25: 231 Social triangle In Trimmed lamp Sociology in serge and straw In Whirligigs Some letters In Rolling stones Some postscripts In Rolling stones Song and the sergeant In Whirligigs Sound and fury In Rolling stones Sphinx apple /;; Heart of the West Springtime a la carte In Four million Squaring the circle In Voice of the city Strange stories In Rolling stones Strictly business In Strictly business Suite homes and their romance In Whirligigs Supply and demand In Options Tale of a tainted tenner In Trimmed lamp Tamales In Rolling stones Technical error In Whirligigs Telemachus, friend In Heart of the West Munsey 34: 286 Tempered wind In Gentle grafter McClure 23:349 Theory and the hound In Whirligigs Thimble, thimble In Options Thing's the play In Strictly business Third ingredient In Options Everybody's 19:790 Tictocq 1)1 Rolling stones To him who waits 1)1 Options Collier's 42: Ja 23 p 15 Tobin's palm 1)1 Four million McClure 21: 443 Tommy's burglar In Whirligigs Tracked to doom In Rolling stones Transformation of Martin Burney In Sixes and sevens Transients in Arcadia In Voice of the city 148 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Henry, O. —Cofilinttcd. Trimmed lamp III Trimmed lamp ]\IcClure 27: 391 Two recalls 1)1 Cabbages and kings Two renegades III Roads of destiny Two Thanksgiving day gentlemen In Trimmed lamp Two women: the one. a fog in santone: the other, a medley of moods /;; Two women Ulysses and the dogman /;; Sixes and sevens Unfinished Christmas story In Rolling stones Uniinished story In Four million McClure 25: 422 Unknown quantity III Strictlj' business Unprofitable servant III Rolling stones Everybody's 25:787 \'anity III Rolling stones Vanity and some sables In Trimmed lanvp Venturers In Strictly business Everybody's 21:486 Vitagraphoscope In Cabbages and kings ^'oice of the city In Voice of the city "What you want" /;; Strictly business While the auto waits In Voice of the city Whirligig of life In Whirligigs Harper 107: 317 Whistling Dick's Christmas stocking In Roads of destiny McClure 14: 138 Witches' loaves In Sixes and sevens World and the door In Whirligigs Am lAI 64: 412 Henry. Cutting, M. S. Henry Koehler, misogynist. Singmaster, E. Henry Smith's honeymoon. Jordan, E. G. Hephzibah Guinness. Mitchell, S. W. Hepzibah's turkeys. Hale, E. E. Her audience of two. Jordan, E. G. Her baby brother. Moulton, L. C. Her captivity. Conrad, J. Her character. Hibbard, G. A. Her Christmas. Freeman, M. E. W. Her Christmas cabby. Troubetzkoy, A. C. Her dying words. -Udrich, T. B. Her eyes arc doves. Spofford, II. P. Her father's daughter. Bacon, J. D. Her father's wife. Maartcns, M. Her fiance. Bacon, J. D. Her first appearance. Davis, Ricliard H. Her first ( hristmas party. Donnell, A. H. Her first horse show. Gray, D. Her friend. Jordan, ]■".. G. Her great-grandmother's ghost. Page, T. N. Her housecleaning day. Cutting, M. S. Her husband. French, A. W. Her ladyship. Moulton, L. C. Her last day. Jordan, E. G. Her last word Maartens, M. Her letter to his second wife. Matthews, J. B. Her letters. Brown, A. Her little responsibility. Kipling. R. Her little sister. Bacon, J. 1). Fler lover. Gorky, M. Her lover. Stockton, F. R. Her majesty's servants. Kipling, R. Her man of fate. Gibbon, P. Her marital recapitulation. French, A. W. Her marriage day. Watson, J. Her marriage lines. Bland, E. N. Her neighbor's creed. Cameron, M. Her neighbor's landmark. Trumbull. A. E. Her own country. Singmaster, E. Her own doing. Norris, W. E. Her own storj'. Gibbon, P. Her stepmother. Bacon, J. D. Her stocking. Hibbard, G. A. Her story. Spofiford, H. P. Her sympathetic editor Page, T. N. Her two husbands. Zola, E. Her uncle. Jacobs, W. W. Her Virginia mammy. Chesnutt, C. W. Her way of convincing him. Hibbard, G. A. Her weight in gold. McCutcheon. G. B. Heralds of fame Barr, R. Herb called heartsease. White, W. A. Hercules and Aphrodite. ]\Ierrick, L. Heresy of Abner Caliban. Harben, W. N. Heritage. Cutting, M. S. Heritage. Maupassant, G. de Heritage of Dedlow marsh. Ilarte, B. Herman's ma. , Brown, A. Hermaphrodite. Maupassant, G. de Hermit. Hibbard, G. A. Hermit. Maupassant, G. de Hermit and the wild woman. Wharton. E. Hermit in Arcadia. Brown, A. Hermit of Le Croisie. Balzac, H. de Hermit of Saint-Eugene. Norris, W. E. Hermit of — street. Green, A. K. Hermitage. Sec Brown, E. L. At the her- mitage Hero of Com])any G. Thanet, O. Hero worship. Williams, J. L. Herodias. Flaubert, G. Heroes. Conncdly, J. B. Herrick, Robert, 1868- Avalanche In Scrib M 41 : 705 End of desire In Atlan 92: 462 General manager In Scrib M 43: 270 His leetle trees In Everybody's 27:35 In the doctor's office In Scrib M 43: 103 Literary love-letters In Literary love-letters Atlan 74:814 Love's dilemmas /;( Love's dilemmas INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 149 Man who wins III Man who wins Mare Morto In Literary love-letters Marriage by proxv In Love's dilemmas Master of the inn In Scrib M 42:669 Miracle In Harper 124: 138 Miss Atherton's mission In Love's dilemmas Mute In Love's dilemmas Payment in full In Literary love-letters Pension love storv In Love's dilemmas Polity of nature In Lippinc 68: 458 Price of romance In Literary love-letters Scrib M 18:60 Professor's chance In Atlan 87: 723 Prothalamion In Literary love-letters Psychological moment In Love's dilemmas Question in art In Literary love-letters Scrib M 17: 514 Rejected Titian In Literary love-letters Scrib M 22: 29 Temple of Juno In Atlan loi: 353 Temporary infidelity In Love's dilemmas Their child In Their child Herrisdale. Maartens, M. Herself. Hibbard, G. A. Hester. Mitford, M. R. Hewlett, Maurice Henry, 1861- Beckwith's fairy In Scrib M 46: 129 Brazenhead the great In Fond adventures Buondelmonte's saga In Fond adventures Harper 106:343, 541 Cast of the apple In New Canterbury tales Harper 103: 402 Countess Alys. See Hewlett, M. H. Scrivener's tale Countess of Picpus In Putnam's 2:36, 171, 305 Dan Costard's tale of Peridore and Para- vail In New Canterbury tales Duchess of Nona In Little novels of Italy Lippinc 64: 323 Eugenio and Galeotto [Logic of events] In New Canterbury tales Anglo Saxon R 5: 37 Fairy wife In Cent 85: 500 Half-brothers In New Canterbury talcs Fortn 75:939 Putnam's 3: 86, 172 Heart's key In Fond adventures Harper 104: 2 Ippolita of the hills [Paduan pastoral] In Little novels of Italy Judgment of Borso In Judgment of Borso Little novels of Italy Logic of events. See Hewlett, M. H. Eugenio and Galeotto Love chase In Fond adventures Madonna of the peach tree In Little novels of Italy Madonna of the peach tree Marriage of Quidnunc In Forum 44: 691 Master Richard Smith's tale of the cast of the apple. See Hewlett, M. H. Cast of the apple Messer Cino and the live coal In Little novels of Italy Liv Age 219: 240 Macmillan M 78: 296 Oreads In Forum 44: 283 Paduan pastoral. See Hewlett, M. H. Ippolita of the hills Percival Perceforest's tale of Eugenio and Galeotto In New Canterbury tales Peridore and Paravail. See Hewlett, M. H. Dan Costard's tale Prioress of Ambresbury's tale of Saint Gervaise of Plessy. See Hewlett, M. H. Saint Gervaise Quattrocentisteria In Quattrocentisteria Ruinous face In Ruinous face Harper 119: 456 Sacrifice at Prato In Sacrifice at Prato Saint Gervaise of Plessy In New Canterbury tales Saint Gervaise of Plessy Fortn 74: 1049 Scrivener's tale of the Countess Alys In New Canterbury tales Fortn 76: 332 Spanish jade In Harper 113: 489 "Heyo, House!" Plarris, J. C. Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig. 1830- Andrea Delfin In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German L'Arrabiata [The fury] In L'Arrabiata Selected stories Mabie, H. 'W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 3 Stories by foreign authors, German V I At the ghost hour In At the ghost hour ISO INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig — Continued. Barbarossa /;; Barbarossa Beatrice In Dead lake Beginning and end In Dead lake Every Saturday 7: iii, 149 Bcppc, the star-gazer In Selected stories Blind In L'Arrabiata 1 Christmas present In Harper 82: 16 Count Ernest's home /;; L'Arrabiata Divided heart In Divided lieart Donkey In Words never to be forgotten Doomed In Dead lake Embroidercss of Treviso In Barbarossa Emercnz In Cosmopol 5:506; 6:71 Fair Abigail In At the ghost hour. The fair Abigail Fair Kate In Barbarossa Fair Kate Forest laugh In At the frhost hour. The forest laugh Fortnight at the dead lake In Dead lake Fury. See Heyse. P. J. L. L'Arrabiata Geoffrey and Garcinde In Barl)arossa Honest people In Cosmopol 20; 649 House of the unbelieving Thomas In At the ghost hour. The house of the unbeliever Judith Stern In Tales from the German Lonely ones /;; Lippinc 4: 389 Lost son In Barbarossa Lottka In Barbarossa Maria P"rancisca In Selected stories Mid-day magic In At the ghost liour. Mid-day magic Minka In Divided heart My Italian adventure In Appleton 6: 506 Rothenburg on tlic Tauber In Divided heart Solitaries In Solitaries Strange heart In Cosmopol i: 69 Walter's little mother In L'Arrabiata Wedding at Capri In Cosmopol 16: 318 Witch f)f the Corso /;( Witch of the Corso Words never to be forgotten In Words never to be forgotten Hi-.Mawari. Hearn, L. Hibbard, George Abiah, 1858- Aflcr the accident In Cent 71 : 321 Ambassador In Harper 116: 380 Art of love In Cosmopol 40: 727 As others see us In Lippinc 66: 903 "As the sparks fly upward" In Governor Scrib M 8: 721 Before his door In Reader 7: 36 Case in point //; Scrib M 12: 323 Chaperon In Ladies' H J 22: Je p 8, 51 Confessions of an engaged couple In Ladies' H J 25: F p 15 Dark horse In Cosmopol 8: 86 Decdlcss drama In Governor Scrib ^I 7:378 Divided heart In Harper 100: 474 Dragoness In Iduna Harper 81: 667 Earlier manner In Cent 50:878 End of the beginning In Governor Scrib U 3:82 Eves of afifcction 'In Harper ti i: 397 Flirt In Nowadays For the love of — In Putnam's 3: 717 Fortunes of the game /); Hampton's 24: 586 Fresh-water romance In Governor Scrib ]\I 10:774 From a clear sky In Harper 107: 42 Gentleman from Huron In Scrib M 17: 743 Governor In Governor Scrib M 6:64 Grandniama /;; Cosmopol 34: 310 Guilty Sir Guy /;/ Nowadays Her character /;( Cent 72: 302 Her stocking /// Cosmopol 40: 136 Her wav of convincing him In Ladies' H J 27: Je p i6 Hermit In Atlan 07: 444 Herself /;/ Ladies' H 1 21: N p 4. 61 INDEX TO SHORT STORIKS 151 Iduna /;; Iduna Cent 32: 49 In maiden meditation III Iduna Cent 41:443. In the midst of life III Nowadays Journal of a millionaire In Cent 65 : 97 Lawn-mower In Everybody's 17^45^ Lesson /;; Bookm 21:590; 22:30 Lion in the way In Harper 103: 175 "J\Tad world, my masters" /;; Nowadays „ ]\Iaiden meditation. Sec Hibbard, G. A. In maiden meditation Marvels of science In Scrib M 29: 476 Matter of fact In Governor Scrib M 10: 23 Matter of opinion In Scrib M 28:233 Mazeppa /;; Lippinc 91 : 589 Miss Latymcr _ In Scrib M 12: 731 Morning call /;; Harper 106: 305 Mystery of the centenarian In Everybody's 12: 12 Night before Christmas tn Harp B 47: Ja p7 Nowadays In Nowadays On the links In Cent 64: 827 One woman's way In Cent 49: 275 Papoose In Iduna Psyche /;/. Harper 93: 772 Rainy afternoon In Scrib M 15:83 Reproof valiant /;; Reader 7- 37^ Requirements of the situation In McClure 21: 381 Rosamond's romance /;( Harper 91: 219 Sacrifice to the graces In Cosmopol 38: 658 Shadow of love In Cent 67: 126 Sky-scraper In Scrib M 40: 102 Story /;; Harper 97: 30i Storv of a great grandfather /n' Scrib M 33:76 Summer intimacy In Scrib M 15:363 Their storv In Harper 88:756 "There's nothing half so sweet in life' //( Nowadays Thing apart In Cent 59: 512 To Kellogg's farm In Delin 74: 119 Toys In Harp B 39: 1079 Linknown In Scrib M 43: 239 Vehicle of love In McClure 22: 627 Way it was In McClure 22: 627 When Nora bought the piano In Munsey 48: 947 Within the eye of honor /;; Harper 95: 34 Woman in the case /;; Iduna Cent 38:209 "Would Dick do that?" In Iduna Harper 81: 42 Hichens, Robert Smythe, 1864- After tomorrow In After tomorrow Bye-ways Black spaniel /;; Black spaniel Blessed mime In Eng Illnst 18: 345 Boudoir boy /;; Bye-ways Charmer of snakes In Bye-ways Collaborators In Folly of Eustace Cry of the child In Tongues of conscience Desert air In Black spaniel Outing 42:573 Desert drum /;; Black spaniel Echo in Egypt In Bye-ways Temple Bar 109: 34 Face of the monk In Bye-ways Figufe in the mirage In Black spaniel "Fin Tireur" In Black spaniel Folly of Eustace In Folly of Eustace Halima and the scorpions In Black spaniel How love came to Professor Guildea /;; Tongues of conscience Lady and the beggar /;; Tongues of conscience Man of promise In Eclectic M 125:257, 353 Liv Age 206: 140, 208 Man who intervened In Bye-ways Mission of Mr. Eustace Greyne In Black spaniel 152 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Hichens, Robert Smythe —Continued. Pancrazia's hair /;/ Black spaniel Princess and the jewel doctor /;; Black spaniel Return of the soul /;; Folly of Eustace Safti's summer day III P>lack spaniel Sea change In Tongues of conscience Silent guardian In Bye-ways Smain In Black spaniel Spinster In Black spaniel Tee-to-tum In Bye-ways "William Foster" In Tongues of conscience Hichens, R. S., and Hamilton, Lord Frederic Trilnite of souls /;; Bye-ways Hidden house. Troubetzkoy, A. C. Hidden masterpiece. See Balzac, H. de. Un- known Masterpiece Hiding of Black Bill. Henry, O. Higgins — a man's Christian. Duncan, N. High court of Budgery-Gar. Parker, G. High-jinks in the barn Bangs, J. K. High steeple of St. Chrysostoms. Kirk, E. O. High tide of December. Davis, Rebecca. H. High-water mark. Harte, B. Higher abdication. Henry, O. Higher pragmatism. Henry, O. Highland miystic. Watson, J. Highland widow. Scott, W. Highlands of the city. Black, W. Hilary's husband. Litchfield. G. D. Hildrcth's wedding day. Earle, M. T. Hill of illusion. Kipling, R. Hill of pains. Parker, G. Hills of Rucl. Sharp, W. Hiltons' holiday. Jewett, S. O. Himself reljorn. French, A. W. Hinge. Cutting, M. S. Hippy the dare-devil. Garland, H. Hired baby. Corelli, M. Hirelings. Zangwill, I. His America. Glaspell, S. His apparition; a novelette. How^ells, W. D. His avenger. See Maupassant, G. de. Aven- ger His bad angel. Davis, Richard H. His bad half-hour. Hopkins, M. S. B. His boy. Jordan, E. G. His brother's keeper. Kipling, R. His chance in life. Kipling, R. His Christmas miracle. Craddock, C. E. His crowning day. Watson, J. His day in court. Craddock, C. E. His duty. Thanet, O. His enemy. Brown, A. His excellency the governor. Andreev, L. N His father's heart. Ward, E. S. P. His father's son. Wharton, E. His first operation. Doyle, A. C. His first race. Gray, D. His first suicide. Lefevre, E. His first wife. Brown. A. His Grace the Duke. Aldrich, T. B. His heart's desire. Magruder, J. His lady of silence. Gibbon, P. His last cent. Smith, F. H. His leetle trees. Herrick, R. His level best. Hale, E. E. His lordship. Harrison, C. C. His lordship. Jacobs, W. W. His loyal heart. Jordan, E. G. His Majesty and the fairies. French, A. W. His Majesty Baby. Watson, J. His Majesty the king. fCipling, R. His mother-at-heart. Hopkins, M. S. B. His mother's New Year. Spofford, H. P. His mother's sermon. Watson, J. His mother's son. Ferber, E. His need of Mis' Simmons. Pratt, L. His new mittens. Crane, S. His noinination. Hopkins, M. S. B. His old love. Hopkins, M. S. B. His one and only meet. French, A. W. His opportunity. Hopkins, M. S. B. His other engagement. Van Dyke, H. His other self. Jacobs, W. W. His own people. Tarkington, B. His perfect alibi. Futrelle, J. Flis practical view of things. Harris, J. C. His prerogative. Hopkins, M. S. B. His price. Hopkins, M. S. B. His private capacity. Watson, J. His private honour. Kipling, R. His relict. Ward, E. S. P. His senior class day. Stetson, G. E. C. His servant. Strindberg, J. A. His soul to keep. Ward, E. S. P. His story, their letters. French, A. W. His terrible father. French, A. W. His uncle's memory. Moulton, L. C. His unquiet ghost. Craddock, C. E. His version of it. Ford, P. L. His wedded wife. Kipling, R. His wife. Gibbon, P. His wife. See Ward, E. S. P. Avery His wife's deceased sister. Stockton, F. R. His word of honor. Perry, B. His worship the goose-driver. Bennett, E. A. History of a fall. Kipling, R. History of Alix de Morainville. Cable, G. W. History of an acre. Reade, C. History of Lady Betty Stair. Seawell, M. E. History of Mr. Fantom. More, IL History of over-sea. Le Galliennc, R. History of over sea. Morris, W., tr. History of Photogen and Nycteris. Macdon- ald, G. History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond. Thackeray, W. M. History of the Hardcombcs. Hardy, T. Hobbes, John Oliver. See Craigie, P. M. T. Hobby rider. Jerome, J. K. Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm, 1776- 1 8 j_' Agate lu'art In Hoffmann's strange stories Antonia's song In Hoffmann's strange stories Arthur's hall In Weird tales v i INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 153 Berthold the madman In Hoffmann's strange stories Cardillac, the jeweller In Hoffmann's strange stories Cooper of Nuremburg • In Hoffmann's strange stories Coppelius the sandman. See Hoffmann, E. T. W. Sandman Cremona violin In Weird tales v i Mabie, H. W.. and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 2 Stories by foreign authors, German V I Doge and dogess In Weird tales v 2 Entail In Weird tales v i Facination In Hoffmann's strange stories Fermata In Weird tales v i Gambler's luck In Weird tales v 2 Golden pot In Carlyle, T. German romance v 2 Lost reflection In Hoffmann's strange stories Mademoiselle dc Scuderi In Weird tales v 2 Master Johannes Wacht In Weird tales v 2 Master Martin the cooper In Weird tales v 2 Mystery of the deserted house In Hoffmann's strange stories Nutcracker and Mouseking In Nutcracker and Mouseking Pharo bank In Hoffmann's strange stories Salvator Rosa In Hoffmann's strange stories Sandman In Weird tales v i Signor Formica In Weird tales v i Walled up door In Hoffmann's strange stories Hogg, James (Ettrick Shepherd, pseud.) 1770-1835 Adam Bell In Tales and sketches v 3 Adam Scott In Tales and sketches v 4 Adventures of Basil Lee In Tales and sketches v 3 Adventures of Colonel Peter Aston In Tales and sketches v 6 Baron St. Gio In Tales and sketches v 4 Bridal of Polmood In Talcs and sketches v 2 Brownie of Bodsbeck In Tales and sketches v i Brownie of the Black Hags In Tales and sketches v 3 Cameronian preacher's tale In Tales and sketches v 2 Country dreams and apparitions: i. Wife of Lochmabeh; 2, Cousin Mattie; 3, Welldean Hall; 4, Tibby Johnston's wraith In Tales and sketches v 2 Country funeral III Tales and sketches v 3 Cousin Mattie. See Hogg, J. Country dreams and apparitions Duncan Campbell In Tales and sketches v 3 Emigration" In Tales and sketches v 4 Evan M'Gabhar In Talcs and sketches v i Fraser 6: 450 Fords of Galium In Tales and sketches v 2 George Dobson's expedition to Hell In Tales and sketches v 3 Gordon and the Gipsey In Tales and sketches v 6 Hunt of Eildon In Tales and sketches v 3 Julia M'Kenzie In Tales and sketches v 5 Katie Cheyne • In Tales and sketches v 3 Laird of Cassway In Tales and sketches v 3 Long pack In Tales and sketches v 3 Marvellous doctor In Tales and sketches v 4 Blackw 22 : 349 Mary Burnet In Tales and sketches v 4 Mary Montgomery In Tales and sketches v 6 Mr. Adamson of Laversdope In Tales and sketches v 3 Mi^sterious bride In Tales and sketches v 4 Blackw 28: 943 Nancy Chisholm In Tales and sketches v 4 Old soldier's tale In Tales and sketches v 3 Prodigal son In Tales and sketches v 3 Robb Dodds In Tales and sketches v 3 School of misfortune 1)1 Tales and sketches v 3 Shepherd's wedding In Tales and sketches v 2 Sound morality In Tales and sketches v 2 Souters of Selkirk In Tales and sketches v 3 Story of good Queen Bess In Tales and sketches v 2 Story of the forty-six In Tales and sketches v 4 Strange courtship In Tales and sketches v 4 Surpassing adventures of Allan Gordon In Tales and sketches v i Tale of Pentland In Tales and sketches v i 154 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Hogg, James — Continued. Tale of the martyrs 111 Talcs and sketches v 4 Tibl)y llyslop's dream In Tales and sketches v 4 Tibby Johnson's wraith. See Hogg, J. Country dreams and apparitions Trials of temper /;/ Talcs and sketches v 2 Two Highlanders In Tales and sketches v 4 Wat Pringlc o' the yair In Tales and sketches v 6 Watchmaker /;/ Tales and sketches v 4 Wclldean Hall. Sec Hogg, J. Country dreams and apparitions Widow Wat's courtship In Tales and sketches v 4 Wife of Lochmabeh. See Hogg, J. Coun- try dreams and apparitions Witches of Traquair In Tales and sketches v 4 Wool-gatherer In Tales and sketches v i Hoggarty diamond. See Thackeray, W. AI. History of Samuel Titmarsh, etc. Hogni and Hedim. See Morris, W. Tale of Hogni Holbrook, Florence Why the cat always falls upon her feet In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i: 519 Why the evergreen trees never lose their leaves In Tappan, E. M. Children's iiour i: Why there is a man in the moon In Tappan, E. .M. Children's hour i: 517 Hold-uj). See Janvier, T. A. Hart's neph- ew's hold-up Hold-up at the canyon head. Lewis, A. II. Holding hands. Morris, G. Holding up a train. Henry, O. Hole. Maupassant, G. de Hole in the cap. White, S. E. Hole in the wall. Alcott, L. M. Holford will case. .Morrison, A. Holiday. Bland, E. N. Holiday romance. Dickens, C. "Hollow below the devil's finger." See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Hollow land. Morris, W'. Hollow of the three hills. Hawtiiorne, N. Hollow ruby. Hawthorne, J. Holly arid pizen. Stuart, R. M. Holly-tree. Dickens, C. Holstomer. See Tolstoi, L. N. Kholstomcr Holy cross. Field, IC. Holy medal. Coppce, F. Holy night. Lagerlof, S. Holy terror. Bierce, A. Holy wedlock. Zangwill, I. Home-coming. Doyle, A. C. Home coming. Maupassant, G. dc Home-coming. Singmaster, I'".. Home-coming of Coloml I lucks. Wliilc, W. A. Home-coming of Jim Wilkes. Harte. B. Home kraal. Gibbon, P. Home of the bride. Brown, A. Home-sickness. Moore, G. Home tragedy. Verga, G. Homely heroine. Ferber, E. Homespun wizardry. Brown, .\. Homeward bound. Jacobs, \\'. W. Homo. Smith, F. H. Ilonest ideal. Maupassant. G. de Honest log-roller. Zangwill, I. Elonest people. Heyse, P. J. L. Honest soul. Freeman, M. E. \N . Honey and myrrh. Brown, A. Honey-bee. France, A. Honey tree. Jewett. S. O. Honeymoon. Bennett, E. .\. Honeymoon Gissing, G. R. Honfieur the sedate Janvier, T. A. Honor O'Callaghan. Mitford, M. R. Honor of a gentleman. Comer, C. A. Honor of France. Janvier, T. A. Honor of the road. Hornung, E. W. Honor of the troop. Remington, F. Honorable Laura. Hardy, T. Honorable Miss Moonlight. Watanna, O. Honored in the breach. Magruder, J. Honorine. Balzac, H. de Honors of defeat. Overton, G. Hoodlum band; or. The boy chief, the in- fant politician, and the oirate prodigv. Harte, B. Hoodoo of the Minnietta. Austin, M. H. Hood's wood violet. Loomis, C. B. Hookedy-crookedy. ?iLicManus, S. Hooking water-melon. I'ellamy, E. Hop-frog. Poe, E. A. Hop-O'-My-Thumb (adapted). Scudder. H. E. Hope, Anthony. See Hawkins, Anthony Hope Hope. Galsworthy, J. Hope. Maupassant, G. dc Hope deferred. Bacon, J. D. Hopes. Bremer, F. Hope's clad in April green. Kielland. A. L. Hopkins, Mrs. Margaret Sutton (Briscoe) 1864- Animation of Beck Ann /;/ Harp B 32: 1050 Annie Tousey's little game /;; Jimty and others Harper O' : '7') Apples of gold /// Sixth sense Scrib o s 12: 677 Assistant bishoji In Change of lieart Chip /;; Perchance to dream Christmas mummers In Jimty, and others Concealed weapons /;; Jimty, and others Cent 54: 616 Creating a vacuum /;/ Change of heart Outlook 61): 1020 Cnl)aii cactus /" I larper 100: 485 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 155 Daughter's heart In Harper 116: 936 Debt of honor In Everybody's 16:80 Debtors In Change of heart "Die, which I won't" In Perchance to dream Echo In Jimty, and others Entomological wooing In Jinity, and others Fifteen county rock In Perchance to dream Gentleman-in-plush In Perchance to dream Girl that Peter brought In Ladies' H J 26: Mr p 12 Goose-chase //( Jimty, and others His bad half-hour In Harp W 48: 1708 His mother-at-heart In Ladies' H J 26: D p 16 His nomination In Harper 98: 465 His old love In Harper loi : 405 His opportunity In Harp W A7'- 756 His prerogative /;; Harper 107: 196 His price In Harper 106: 583 How Sarah paid for peace In Cent 54: 281 How the spirit moved Cynthia In Perchance to dream I. O. U. In Sixth sense Image of Eve In Harper 116: 516 In loco parentis In Harper 108: 524 It is the custom In Jimty, and others Jimty In Jimty, and others Harper 91: 439 Legacy In Perchance to dream Little still In Outook 76: 836 Made in heaven hi Harper 115: 546 Mathilda's address book In Sixth sense Matriculation of Courtney /;; Harper 108: 380 Miss Chesilia McCarthy In Perchance to dream Mortal coil in Sixth sense Ned In Perchance to dream Overland n s 17: 152 Of her own household In Sixth sense Old Peninsula house In Perchance to dream Oscar and Louise In Change of heart Scrib M 30: 436 Perchance to dream In Perchance to dream Price of peace In Jimty, and others Princess I-would-I-wot-not In Jimty, and others Harper 94: 475 Quarter loaf In Jimty, and others Red tassels In Change of heart Cent 66:- 380 Salt of the earth In Jimty, and others Secret In Harp W 53: Ag 21 p 22 Sixth sense In Sixth sense Haroer 96: 247 Sporting chance /;; Ladies' H J 25 O p 16 Tea-leaf In Perchance to dream Temple of Solomon In Sixth sense Cent 57:692 Thomas Bate's covenant /;( Perchance to dream Through a glass darkly In Perchance to dream Uncle Elijah's corner cupboard In Sixth sense Versus the same In Harper 116: 769 ^^ "Whither tliou goest" In Change of heart Harper 104: 239 Will and a way In Sixth sense Hopkins, William John, 1863- Betty Bcthune In Harper 126: 699 Burbury Stoke In Burbury Stoke Atlan no: 145 Cecily In Meddlings of Eve Atlan 104: 145 Clammer In Clammer Atlan 96: 145 Daughter of the rich In Clammer Atlan 96: 736 Doctor In Atlan 102: 348 Fall of the house of Johns In Atlan 98: 194 Fisherman In Atlan 100: 783 King's son of Palemban In Atlan 102: 169 Margaret In Meddlings of Eve Aleddlings of Eve In Meddlings of Eve 156 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Hopkins, William John— Continued. Old Goodwin's wife In Clammcr Atlan 97: 309 Princess who wanted the moon /;( Outlook 105: 665 Skipper of the Matrimony In Outlook 102: 727 Hoppin, Augustus, 1828-1896 At Auton house In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 10: 26 Hor and Kalinitch. See Turgcnev, I. S. Khor and Kalinitch Horai. 11 earn, L. Horatio Sparkins. Dickens, C. Horla. Maupassant, G. de Horn-o'-the-moon. Brown, A. Horn of plent3^ Freeman, M. E. W. Hornung, Ernest William, 1866- After the fact In Some persons unknown Chamber's J 73: 6, 5c Angel of life In Witching Hill "Author! Author!" In Some persons unknown Bad nieht In Thief in the night Black hole of Glenranald In Stingaree Bride from the bush In Bride from the bush Bushranger at bay In Stingaree Chest of silver In Thief in the night Chrystal's century In Atlan 91: 738 Costume piece In Amateur cracksman Criminologist's club In Thief in the night Croucher — hopeless case: a crime doctor story In Everybody's 29:257 Duel in the desert In Stingaree Farewell performance In Some persons unknown Fate of Faustina In Raffles Scrib M 29: 277 Field of Philipoi In Thief in the night Gentleman and players In Amateur cracksman Gift of the emperor In Amateur cracksman Golden key: a problem in lovers for the crime doctor In Everybody's 29:559 Governess of Greenlnish In Some persons unknown Chamber's J 72: 74 Honor of the road In Stingaree House with the red blinds In Witching hill Ides of March In Amateur cracksman Jubilee present In Raffles Scrib M 29: 220 Kenj'on's innings /" Some persons unknown Liv Age 193: 584 Longman's 19:614 Knees of the gods In Raffles Lady of the lift /" Scrib M 46: 156 Lady Vera, semi-militant: the crime doc- tor gains an assistant In Everybody's 30:413 Last laugh In Raffles Scrib M 29: 483 Last word /;; Thief in the night Life-preserver: a crime doctor story In Everybody's 28: 758 Literary coincidence In Some persons unknown Local colour In Witching hill Locked room yu Witching hill Magic cigar In Some persons unknown Matter of two ciphers In Everybody's 29:660 Moth and the star /" Stingaree Mv double In Harp W 48: 1284 Nine points of the law In Amateur cracksman No sinecure In Raffles Scrib M 29: 30 Old flame In Raffles Scrib M 29: 707 One possessed: the crime doctor solves the mystery of the brown devils In Everybody's 30: 273 Physician who healed himself: a crime doctor story In Everybody's 28:590 Poet of the Jumping Sandhills In Scrib M 49: 326 Premier pas In Amateur cracksman Purification of Mulfera 7" Stingaree Raffles relics /;; Thief in the night Rest cure In Thief in the night Return match /;; Amateur cracksman Shadow of a man In Lippinc 65: 323 Shadow of the law /;) ]\Iunsey 26: K) Spin of the coin In Some persons unknown Spoils of sacrilege In Thief in the night Star of the Grasmcrc /;; Some persons unknown INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 157 Stroke of five In Belgravia 64: 70 Taking of Stingaree In Stingaree Temple of Bacchus In Witching hill Thief in the night In Thief in the night . To catch a thief In Raffles Scrib M 29:591 "To the vile dust" /;;. Stingaree Trap to catch a cracksman In Thief in the night Under arms In Witching hill Unhallowed ground In W'itching hill Vicious circle In Witching hill Villain-worshipper In Stingaree Voice in the wilderness In Stingaree Voice of Gunbar In Some persons unknown Widow of Piper's Point In Some persons unknown Wilful murder In Amateur cracksman Wrong house In Raffles Scrib M 30:343 Horrible. Maupassant, G. de Horror on the stair. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Horrors of Paris. Dumas, A. Horse that b'leeved he'd get there. Slos- son, A. T. Horseman in the sky. Bierce, A. Horse's talc. Clemens, S. L. Horseshoe. Phillpotts, E. Hosier. Blicher, S. S. Hoskaninni. Warman, C. Hospital patient. Dickens, C. Hostage. Liljencrantz, O. A. Hostage. Page, T. N. Hostages to JMomus. Henry, O. Hostile skulls. Jokai, M. ,Hot-foot Hannibal. Chesnutt, C. W. Hotwell's duel. Quillcr-Couch, A. T. Houdin, R. (Jean Eugene Robert Houdin) 1805-1871 Conjurer's confessions /;; Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Modern magic Hour and the man. Barr, R. House and the brain. See Lytton, E. B. Haunted and the haunters House beyond Pretty marsh. Mitchell, S. W . House-boating in China. Ralph, J. House built upon sand. Harrison, C. C. House-cat. Fuller, H. B. House for sale. Daudet, A. House in the mist. Green, A. K. House of cobwebs. Gissing, G. R. House of eld. Stevenson, R. L. House of Eulalie. Harland, H. House of Haddock. Morrison, A. House of life. Cutting, M. S. House of Mapuhi. London, J. House of Nucingen. See Balzac. II. de. Nucingen and Co. House of ofYcnse. Austin, M. 11. House of pride. London, J. House of Rimmon. Dcland, M. House of the bride. Brown, A. House of the cat and racket. See Balzac, H. de. At the sign of the cat and racket House of the dead hand. Wharton, E. House of the golden song. Peattie, E. W. House of the green shudders. Loomis, C. B. House of the pomegranates. Wilde, O. ^ House of the seven Santas. Bangs, J. K. House of the tennis-playing cat. See Bal- zac, PI. de. At the sign of the cat and racket House of the unbelieving Thomas. Heysc, P. J. L. House of the Wolfings. ^ee :Morns, W. Tale of the house of the Wolfings House of their rest. Bacon, J. D. House of two barbels. Thcuriet, A. House on the beach. Meredith, G. House on the hill-top. Stetson, G. E. C. House opposite. Hawkins, A. H. House party. Ouida House surgeon. Kipling, R. House that was not. Peattie, E. W. House with the blinds. Norris, F. House with the brick-kiln. Benson, E. F. House with the broken shutter. Parker, G. House with the red blinds. Hornung, E. W. House with the tall porch. Parker, G. House with the tower. Brown, A. Houseboat on the Styx. Bangs, J. K. Household gods. Le Gallicnne, R. Household gods. Moulton, L. C. Household of felicity. Stetson, G. E. C. Household wreck. DeQuincey, T. Householders. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Housekeeping book. Goeringer, I. How a king was found. Harris, J. C. How a trout broke a friendship. Reming- ton, F. . ., How a witch was caught. Harris, J. C. How Andrew carried the precinct. Page, T. N. How Aunt Minervy Ann ran away and back again. Harris, J. C. How Barrington returned to Joliannesburg. Mason, A. E. W. How Bernt went whaling. Boyesen, H. 11. How Black Snake caught the wolf. Harris, J. C. How Brother Bear's hau" was combed. Harris, J. C. How Brother Fox failed to get his grapes. Harris, J. C. How Brother Fox was too smart. Harris, J. C. How Brother Lion lost his wool. Harris, J. C. How Brother Parker fell from grace. Dun- bar, P. L. How Brother Rabbit frightened his neigh- bors. Harris, J. C. How Brother Rabbit got the meat. Harris. J. c. How Christmas came to the Santa Maria flats. Peattie, E. W. ^58 IXDKX TO SHORT STORIES How Condy Dim raised tlie devil. Mac- Manus, S. How deep knowledge eame to the ehild Jesus. Sharp, W. How Dickon came by his name, i-'redcrie. H. How Dr. Davidson kept his last Christmas at Drumtochty. Watson, J. How doth the sim])le Spelling I'.ee. Wister, O. How Faith came and went. Slosson, A. T. How I'aro Xell dealt bank. Lewis. A. H. How fear came. Kipling. R. How fear departed from the long gallery. Benson, E. F. How Fidelia went to the store. Freeman, M. E. W. How Finlay }iIcGillis held the pier. Barr, R. How Fritz became a wizard. Bangs, J. K. How Gavin Birse put it to Mag Lowric. Barrie, J. M. How Gladys hustled. Scr Henry, O. Fickle fortune How God made Temagami. W'arman. C. How he got the Legion of honor. Sec Mau- passant, G. de. Legion of honor How Hefty Burke got even. Davis, Rich- ard H. How I edited an agricultural paper. Clem- ens, S. L. How I got them. Cable, G. W. How 1 married him. Collins, W. How I sent my aunt to Baltimore. Davi- son, C. S. How I went to the mines. Harte, B. How Jack Rainy quit. Lewis, A. H. How Jackson slew the Doc. Lewis, A. H. How Jarjaille went to heaven. Daudct, A. How Jinny eased her mind. Page, T. N. How Lin McLean went East. Wister, O. How Livia won the brooch. Harraden, B. How love came. Chambers, R. W. How love came home. Crockett, S. R. How love came to Professor (niildea. Hichens, R. S. How Master Caxton showed temper. Har- raden, B. How Aliss Turkington did not see Queen Victoria. MacManus, S. How Mr. Carteret i)rop()sed. Gray, D. How Mr. Rabbit lost liis fine bushy tail. Harris, J. C. How Mr. Raljbit saved liis meat. Harris. J. C. How Mr. Rabl)it succeeded in raising a dust. Harris, J. C. How Mr. Rab])it was too sliarp I'ur Mr. Fox. Harris, J. C. How Mr. Rooster lost his dinner, ilarris, y c. How Mr. Storm met his destinj-. Boyesen. If. H. How much land does a man need? Tolstoi, L. X. How old Craney-Crow lost his luad. Har- ris, J. C. I How old man Plunkett went hunie. ilartc. B. How old Wiggins wore shij). Coffin, R. T. H(jw one woman came to marrj-. Moulton, L. C. How one woman kept her husljand. lack- son, H. H. How order No. 6 went through. Reming- ton, F. How Pango Wango was annexed. Par- ker, G. How Peppa loved Gramigna. See \'erga, G. Gramigna's mistress How Phidias helped the image-maker. Har- raden, B. How Pioggi went to l-^lmira. Lewis, A. H. How Prince Hal got help. Lewis, A. H. How Red Dog came to the rescue. Lewis, A. H. How Relius bossed the ranch. Page, T. N. How Reuben Allen "saw life." Harte. B. How Russians meet death. Sec Turgenev, L S. Death How Santa Claus eame to Simpson's Ijar. Harte, B. How Sarah ])aid for peace. Hopkins, M. S. B. How she and ]\lajor Perdue f railed out the Gosset boys. Harris, J. C. How she joined the Georgia legislature. Harris, J. C. How she went into business. Harris. J. C. How Starbright found his laugh. Andrews, M. R. S. How the alphajjet was made. Kipling, R. How the animals in the wood completed their scientific labors. Clemens, S. L. How the animals of the wood sent out a scientific expedition. Clemens, S. L. How the aristocrats sailed away; a sequel to The floating prince. Stockton, F. R. How the author was sold in Newark. Clem- ens, S. L. How the bear nursed the little alligator. Harris, J. C. How the birds talk. Harris, J. C. How the camel got his hump. Kipling, R. How the captain got his steamer out. Barr, R. How the captain made Christmas. Page, T. N. How the cricket cricks. Loomis, C. V>. How the Derby was won. Robertson. H. How the dumb man rode. Lewis, A. H. How the fence-breaker's league was stumped. Gray, D. How the iirst letter was written. Kipling, R. How the good peasant overcame tlie cruel overseer. See Tolstoi, !.. X. Candle II (iw the king recruited his armv. Ilarris. J. C. How the law got the chaparral. Reming- ton, V. How the leopard got his spots. Kipling, R. How the little devil earned a crust of bread. Tolstoi, L. N. How the Mocking P.ird was won. Lewis, A. H. llow the i)rince saw .America. Glaspell, .S. Iliiw the Raj.ih's son won the Princess l..i- bam (ad.-iiited). Jacobs, T. llow the raven died". Lewis. .\. H. How the rhinoeenis got his skin. Kii)ling, R. llow the si)irit moved Cviithia. lloi)kins, -M. S. B. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 159 How tlic terrapin was tau.triit to tly. Harris, J- c- How tlie whale got his skin. Kiplin.y-, R. How the widow crossed the line. Davis. Rebecca H. How Thor recovered liis hammer. Liljen- crantz, O. A. How three men went to the moon. Stock- ton, F. R. How to fight the devil. Stowe, H. B. How to write a Blackwood article. Poe. E. A. How Tricotrin saw Eondon. Merrick, E. How Tutt shot Texas Thompson. Eewis, A. H. How Uncle Thomas gave himself a first- class notice. Martin, E. S. How Wattle Weasel was caught. Harris, J. C. How Whalel)one caused a wedding. Harris, J. C. How Willv Wolf rode m the bag. Harris, J. C. How Wolfvillc made a jest. Eewis. A. H. Howard, Blanch Willis (Baroness von Teuf- fel) 1847-1SQ8 All sails spread for monkeyland In Seven on the highway Ihalatta! In Seven on the highway Majesty of the law In Seven on the highway Marigold-Michel In Seven on the highway No continuing city In Seven on the highway Puss-in-boots In Seven on the highway Tony, the maid In Tony, the maid Harper 75: 530, 692 Youth that never smiled /" Seven on the highway Howe, G. Last slave ship /;/ Stories of the sea (Stories from .Scribner) Howells, William Dean, 1837- After the wedding; a drama /// Harper 106: 512 Angel of the Lord In Questionable shapes Apparition. See Elowells, W. D. His ap- parition At the sign of the savage In Eearful responsibility Atlan 40: 36 At third hand In Cent 61: 496 Braybridge's of¥er /'( Between the dark and the daylight Howells, W. D., and Aldcn, H. M. Quaint courtships Harper 112: 229 Bride roses: a scene In Harper 87: 424 Buying a horse In Day's pleasure Atlan 43:741 Case of metaphantasmia In Between the dark and the daylight Harp W 49: 1816 Chick of the Easter eggs hi Between the dark and the daylight Harp W 50: 509 Christmas every day In Christmas every day Counterfeit presentment In Counterfeit presentment Atlan 40: 148, 296. 448 Dau.ghtcr of the storage In Harper 123: 572 Day of their wedding /;/ Day of their wedding Day's pleasure In Day's pleasure Atlan 26: 107, 223, 341 Difficult case /;/ Atlan 86: 24, 205 Doorstep acquaintance In Doorstep acquaintance Suburban sketches Atlan 2T,: 484 Editha In Harper tig: 214 Eidolons of Brooks Alford In Between the dark and the daylight Harper 113: 387 Elevator; a farce In Elevator Sleeping-car and other farces Harper 70: 11 1 Evening dress; a farce In Evening dress Cosmopol 13: 116 Father In Howells, W. D., and others. Whole family ch i Father and mother: a mystery In Harper 100: 869 Fearful responsibility In Fearful responsibility Scrib o s 22: 276 Can ad M 20: 59, 134 Fennel and rue In Fennel and rue Five o'clock tea; a farce In Five o'clock tea Mouse-trap Harper 76: 86 Garroters; a farce In Garroters Mouse-trap Harper ■j2: 146 His apparition In Questionable shapes Harper 104:621 Imperative duty In Imperative duty Harper 83: 191 Indian giver; a comedy In Indian giver Harper 94: 235 Letter of introduction; a farce In Lette- of introduction Harper 84: 243 Likely story In Likely story Mouse-trap Harper 78: 26 i6o IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Howells, William Dean —Continued. Memory tliat worked overtime In Between the dark and the daylight Harper 115:415 Airs. Johnson In Suburban sketclies Mouse-trap; a farce In Mouse-trap Harper 74: 64 Open-eyed consoiracy In Open-eyed conspiracy Cent 52: 345 Out of the question In Out of the question Atlan 39: 195, 317, 447 Pair of patient lovers In Harper 95: 832 Parlor car; a farce In Parlor car Slccping-car and other farces Atlan 38: 290 Parting and a meeting In Parting and a meeting Cosmopol 18: 183 Parting friends; a tragedy In Harper 121 : 670 Previous engagement; a comedy In Harper 92: 28 Private theatricals /» Atlan 36:513, 674; 37:11 Pursuit of the piano In Harper 100: 725 Register; a corned}'- III Sleeping-car and other farces Harper 68: 70 Romance of real life In Doorstep acquaintance Suburban sketches Room forty-five; a farce In Room forty-five Scene III Suburban sketches Sleep and a forgetting In Between the dark and the daylight Harp W 50: 1781, 1862. 1899; 51:24 Sleeping-car; a farce In Sleeping-car Smoking-car; a farce In Smoking-car Talking of presentiments In Harper 116: 76 Though one rose from the dead In Questionable shapes Harper 106: 724 Tonelli's marriage In Doorstep acciuaintance Fearful resnonsibility Atlan 22:96 Unexpected guests; a farce In Unexpected guests Harper 86: 211 Howe's masquerade. Hawthorne, X. Huckleberry. Stockton, b'. R. Hugo, Victor Marie, viscomte, 1802-18S5 Fight with a cannon In Patten, W. International short stories v 3 Huldah, the help. Fggleston, E. Huldah the prophetess. Wiggin, K. D. Human problem. S'rc Futrelle, J. Brown coat Humble abolitionist. Harben, \^^ N. Humble drama. Maupassant, G. de Humble pie. Freeman, M. E. W. Huml)le romance. Freeman, AI. E. \\'. Humiliation. Maupassant, G. de Humin' natur' on the Han'bul 'nd St. Jo. Field, E. Ilumoreske. Van Dyke, H. Humplebee. Gissing, G. R. Hunding's wife. Huneker, J. G. Hundred and oneth. Donnell, A. H. Huneker, James Gibbons, 1860- Anti-christ /)/ Visionaries Avatar /;; Melomaniacs Brynhild's immolation /;; Melomaniacs Chopin of the gutter In Melomaniacs Corridor of time In Melomaniacs Cursory light In Visionaries Disenchanted symphony /;/ jNIelomaniacs Dusk of the gods In Melomaniacs Eighth deadly sin In Visionaries Emotional acrobat /;; Melomaniacs Enchanted yodler In Visionaries Eternal duel In Visionaries Hall of the missing footsteps In Visionaries Haunted harpischord In Visionaries Plunding's wife /;; Melomaniacs Ibsen girl In Melomaniacs Intermezzo In Melomaniacs Involuntarj' insurgent In Melomaniacs Iron fan In Visionaries Iron virgin In Melomaniacs Lord's prayer in B In Melomaniacs Magic lantern In Cent ys: 417 Master of cobwebs In Visionaries Scib M 34:693 Mine enemj' //; Bookm 25: 501 Mock sun /;; Visionaries Music the conqueror /;; Melomaniacs Nada hi Visionaries Pan //( \'isionarics Piper of dreams In Melomaniacs INDEX TO SHORT STORIES i6i Purse of Aholibah In Visionaries Quest of the elusive In Melomaniacs Rebels of the moon In Visionaries Red-headed piano player In Melomaniacs Rim of finer issues In Melomaniacs Sentimental rebellion In Visionaries Siegfried's death In Melomaniacs Soldier's mother In Melomaniacs Son of Liszt In Melomaniacs Spinner of silence In Melomaniacs Spiral road In Visionaries Tannhauser's choice In Melomaniacs Third kingdom In Visionaries Tragic wall In Visionaries Tune of time In Visionaries Wegstaffes give a party In Melomaniacs Woman who loved Chopin In Visionaries Hungarian rhapsody Bennett, E. A. Hungry man was fed. Davis, Richard H. Hunt of Eildon. Hogg, J. Hunted down. Dickens, C. , , . Hunted look. See Morris, G. Little heiress Hunter cats of Connorloa. Jackson, H. H. Huron. Voltaire, F. M. A. de Husband who was to miiitl the house. Da- sent, G. W. ^ ^ „ , Husband's confessions. Maupassant, G. de Hush. Chekhov, A. P. Hussar. Pushkin. A. S. [See also Men- mee, P. tr. Hutchins. Smith, F. H. Hutchinson's mob. Hawthorne, N. Hvoschinskaya, N. D. See Krestovsky, V. pseud. Hyacinthe and Honorine. Phillpotts, E. Hyacinthus. Freeman, M. E. W. Hydrophobia? Maupassant, G. de Hygeia at the Solito. Henry, O. Hyperborean brew. London, J. Hypnotist. Bierce, A. Hypnotist. Thanet, O. Hypotheses of failure. Henry, O. Hyppolytc's claim. Maupassant, G. de L O. U. Hopkins, M. S. B. I buy the Tar Baby. Vorse, M. H. I introduce beauty culture. Jordan, E. G. I introduce motion study. Jordan, E. G. I saw three ships. Quiller-Couch, A. T. "I say no," or the love-letter answered. . Collins, W. I write a play. Jordan, E. G. Ibsen girl. Hunckcr, J. G. Ice-dogs. Connolly, J. B. Ickery Ann. Peattie, E. W. Iconoclast. Doyle, A. C. Idea. Bangs, J. K. Ideal. Spofford, H. P. Idealist. Gibbon, P. Ideals. Hale, E. E. Ides of March. Hornung, E. W. Idiot. Bangs, J. K. Idiot. Bennett, E. A. Idiots. Conrad, J. Idle notes of an uneventful voyage. Mat- thews, J. B. Idler's house-party. Sec IMorns, G. On the spot Iduna. Hibbard, G. A. Idyl. Maupassant, G. de Idyl of Central Park. Matthews, J. B. Idyl of first love. Meredith, G. Idyl of London. Harraden, B. Idyl of Pelham Bay Park. Morris, G. Idyl of Red Gulch. Harte, B. Idyl of the East side. Janvier, T. A. Idyl of 'the road. Bacon, J. D. Idyll of a summer night. Spofiford, H. P. Idyll of All Fool's day. Bacon, J. D. If I had a father. Macdonald, G. If you neglect a fire, you don't put it out. See Tolstoi, L. N. Neglect a fire and it spreads Ignoble martyr. Davis, Rebecca H. Ihalatta! Howard, B. W. Ike the blood. Lewis, A. H. Ikiryo. Hearn, L. Iliad of Sandv Bar. Harte, B. Ilka on the hill-top. Boyesen, H. H. "I'll do it if you will." Phillpotts, E. Ill-omened groom. Maupassant, G. de Ill-regulated courtship. Peattie, E. W. Illimitable sense. Connolly, J. B. Illustrious Gaudissart. Balzac, H. de Ilyas. See Tolstoi, L. N. Texts for wood- cuts Image of Eve. Hopkins. M. S. B. Image of San Donato. Johnson, V. W^ Imaginary mistress. See Balzac, H. de. Pa^z Imaginative woman. Hardy, T. Immediate jewel. Dcland, M. Immigrants. Wright, M. O. Imp and the angel. Bacon, J. D. Imp and the author. Bacon, J. D. Imp and the drum. Bacon, J. D. Imp disposes. Bacon, J. D. Imp of the perverse. Poe, E. A. Imp of the telephone. Bangs. J. K. Impasse. Gerould, K. F. Imperative duty. Howells. W. D. Imperfect conflagration. Bierce, A. Impolite sex. Maupassant. G. de Important decision. Bangs, J. K. Imported bridegroom. Cahan, A. Impossible man. Watson. T. Impressionists. Kipling, R. Impressions of a cousin. James. H. Imprudence and happiness. See Balzac, H. de. Love in a mask Imp's Christmas visit. Bacon. J. D. Imp's matinee. Bacon. J. D. In a bob-tail car. ]\Tatthews, J. B. In a Carlist camp. Crockett. S. R. 1 62 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES In a castle ruin. Mascficld, J. In a cellar. Spofford, H. P. In a conspiracy. Spofford, H. 1'. In a cup of tea. Hcarn, L. In a far country. London, J. In a hansom. Matthews, J. B. In a hollow of the hills. Harte, B. In a new bottle. Bennett, E. A. In a pioneer restaurant. Harte, B. In a state of sin. Wistcr, O. In a steamer chair. Barr, R. In a street car. Cameron, M. In ambush. Kipling, R. In an even balance. Stetson, G. E. C. In an opium factory. Kipling, R. In and out of a cab in .\msterdam. Smith, F. H. In Arcady. Grahamc, K. In August. Tracy, V. In bad society. Korolenko, V. G. In Bohemia. Vorse, M. H. In borrowed plumes. Jacobs, W. W. In Brittany. -Maupassant, G. dc In business. Morrison, A. In ])utterfly time. Freeman, M. E. W. In Camargue. Daudet, A. In Castle Dangerous. Lang, A. In charge of Trusty. Pratt, L. In Cinderella's shoes. Cutting, M. S. In collusion with fate. Boyesen, H. H. In colonial days. Hawthorne, N. In colonial times. Sec Freeman, M. E. W. Bound girl In Cupid's toils. Weyman, S. J. In dark New England days, jcwett, S. O. In deacon's orders. Besant, W. In defiance of the occult. Singmastcr, E. In error. Kipling, R. In exile. Chekhov, A. P. In exile. Foote, M. H. In extremis. Maartens. M. In flagrante delictu. Maupassant, G. de In flood time. Kipling, R. In fly-time. Grant, R. In Goose alley. Pratt, L. In His name. Hale, E. E. In his sweetheart's livcrv. Maupassant, G. de In honor bound. Dunbar, .\. In honor bound. Gissing, G. R. In Limchouse Reach. Jacobs, W. W. In little new New York. Morris, G. In loco parentis. Hopkins, M. S. B. In loco parentis. Kelly. M. In love with a shadow. Janvier, T. A. In love with the czarina. Jokai, M. In maiden meditation. Tlibbard, G. A. In Mary Jane's house. Bates, A. In memorv of Hannnh's laugh. Jordan. E. G. " In mid-Atlantic. Jacobs. W. W. In midsummer days. Sec Striiidbcrg, J. .\. Midsmnmcrtide In my lady's garden. Trask. K. N. In Nauvoo. Chambers, R. W. In Nazareth. Lagcrlof, S. In necessity's mortar. Sec Ca])ell, J. B. Episode called In necessity's mortar Tn November. Wyatt, E. F. In regard to Josephine. Cutting. M. S. In remembrance of John Ingerheld, and of Anne, his wife. Jerome, J. K. In rerum natura. Merrick, L. In search of local color. .Matthews, J. B. In sight of home. Payn, J. In some lady's garden. Harris, J. C. In tenebras. Pyle, H. In the absence of Mrs. Halloran. Dun- can, N. In the absence of the agent, h'crber, E. In the abyss. Wells, H. G. In the after-days. Wister, O. In the anchor watch. Connolly, J. B. In the apple-country. Ouida In the Avu observatory. Wells, H. G. in the back. Wister, O. In the back water. Vorse, M. H. In the Black Canon. Warman, C. In the border country. Bacon, J. D. In the brownie's house. Bangs, J. K. In the cage. James, H. In the Carquinez woods. Harte, B. In the cave. Dragoumis, J. D. Tn the chinking. Craddock, C. E. In the clay. Moore, G. In the closed room. Burnett, F. H. In the cool of the day. Stetson, G. E. C. In the cotton country. Woolson, C. F. In the course of justice. Train, .\. C. Tn the court room. Maupassant, G. de In the dark hour. Gibbon, P. Tn the doctor's office. Herrick, R. Tn the express. Halevy, L. Tn the face of his constituents. Glaspcll. S. Tn the family. Cutting, M. S. Tn the family. Jacobs, W. W. In the fear of the Lord. Duncan, N. Tn the fog. Davis, Richard TT. In the forest of the north. London, J. In the frozen sky. Maupassant, G. de In the Gray Goth. W^ard, E. S. P. In the headsman's room. Thanct, O. In the hospital. W^^rman, C. Tn the house of Suddhoo. Kipling, R. Tn the interests of Christopher. Harris, ^I. Tn the jury-room. Bates, .\. Tn the king's chamber. Phillpotts, F. Tn the library. Jacobs, W. ^^'. Tn the little church down the street. Mat- thews, J. B. Tn the married quarters. Cutting, M. S. In the matter of a bale of blankets. Con- nolly, J. B. Tn the matter of a private. Tvipling, T\. Tn the midst of alarms. Barr. R. Tn the midst of life. Hibbard, G. A. Tn the midst of life. Matthews. J. P.. Tn the mixing of the waters. Fernald. C. B. Tn the modern vein. A\''ells. TT. G. Tn the moonlight. .*^('<- Maupassant. G de. Clair de bun^ In the name of the law. Wevman, S. T. Tn the name of the M.^st Tli-h. Chambers, R. W. Ill the o(l(nir of snnctitv. ^^an T^vke. TT. In the open .\ndrews, M. R. S. In the order of Providence. Harris, J. C. In the other room. Dyar, M. In the jiresence. Kiiiling. R. In the pride of his ymilh. Kipling, R. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES ^63 In the ravine. Chekhov, A. P. In the reign of Quintilia. Cutting, M. S. In the Rip. Perry. B. In the role of a tartar. Harris, J. C. In the rukh. Kipling, R. In the St. Peter's set. Janvier, T. A. In the same boat. Kipling, R. In the second April. Cabell, J. B. In the small hours. Matthews, J. B. In the southeast bastion. Stockton, F. R. In the spring. Maupassant, G. de In the spring running. Kipling, R. In the steppe. Gorky, M. In the street of flower-makers. Earle, M. T. In the sunlight. Maupassant, G. de In the temple. Lagerlof. S. In the time of the Terror. See Balzac, H. de Episode under the terror In the train. Quiller-Couch, A. T. In the Tules. 'Harte, B. In the tunnel. Harte, B. In the Tuscan Maremma. Paget, V. In the valley of the shadow. Bacon, J. D. In the vestibule limited. Matthews, J. B. In the Virginia room. Bates, A. In the watches of the night. Matthews, J. B. In the wine cellar. Bunner, H. C. In the wood. Maupassant, G. de In three weeks. Besant, W. In trust. Wharton, E. In two moods. Korolenko, V. G. In Ursula's garden. See Cabell, J. B. Epi- sode called In Ursula's garden In various roles. Maupassant, G. de In Venice. Woolson, C. F. In which a mince-pie is responsible for a re- markable coincidence. Bangs, J. K. In which Boggs becomes dramatic and re- lates a tale of woe. Smith, F. H. In which certain details regarding a lost opal are set forth. Smith. F. H. In which Henry Snobbc recites a tale of gloom. Bangs, J. K. In which Madame la Marquise binds up broken heads and bleeding hearts. Smith, F. H. In which Murphy and Lonnegan introduce some mysterious characters. Smith, F. H. In which our landlord becomes both enter- taining and instructive. Smith, F. H. 'n which the difference between a cannibal and a free-booter is clearly set forth. Smith, F. H. In which the habits of certain ghosts, gob- lins, bandits and other objectionable per- sons are set forth. Smith, F. H. In which Thomas Snobbe, Esq., of Yonkers, unfolds a tale. Bangs, J. K. In which we entertain a jail-bird. Smith, F. H. In which yellow journalism creeps in. Bangs, J. K. Inability to interfere. Vorse, M. H. Incandescent lily. Morris, G. Incantation. Lytton, E. B. Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney. Kipling, R. Incident in the life of Mr. George Crookhill. Hardy, T. Incident of the British ambassador. Perry, B. Incognito, or Count Fitz-Hum. De Quinccy, T. Inconsiderate waiter. I'arrie. J. M. Incorrigible poet. Perry, B. Incurable. Zangwill, I. Independence: a centennial love story. Al- cott, L. M. Independence of Silas BoUender. Dunbar, P. L. Independent thinker. Freeman, M. E. W. Indian Bible, tiawthorne, N. Indian gift. Comer, C. A. Indian giver. Howells, W. D. Indian Louie. Lewis, A. H. Indian on the trail. Catherwood, M. H. Indian summer. Besant, W. Indian svmimer of Dr\^ Valley Johnson. Henry, O. Indiana campaign. Crane, S. Indifference of the miller of Hofbau. Haw- kins. A. H. Indiscretion. Maupassant, G. de Indiscretion in the life of an heiress. Hardy, T. Indiscretion of Elsbeth. Harte, B. Indiscretion of his majesty. Tracy, V. Individualists. Gorky, M. Inevitable white man. London, J. Inez of the 'dobe walls. Lewis, A. H. Infidelity of Monsieur Noulens. Merrick, L. Influence of Faro Nell. Lewis, A. H. Informer. Conrad, J. Ingemann, Bernhard Severin, 1879-1862 Sealed room /;; Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German, etc. Ingenue of the Sierras. Harte, B. Ingrate. Dunbar, P. L. Ingrate. (Juida Inhabitant of Carcosa. Bierce, A. Inheritance. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Inheritance. See Maupassant, G. de. Heri- tage Inheritance. Spofiford, H. P. "Injun fin' um paper-talk." Warman, C. Ink-stain. Bazin, R. Inlet of peach blossoms. Willis, N. P. Inn. Maupassant, G. de Inn. Turgenev, I. S. Inn of San Jacinto. Underbill, Z. D. Inn of the Golden Pear. Jackson, H. H. Inn of the Silver Moon. Viele, H. K. Inn of the two witches. Conrad, J. Innocent gamester. Freeman, M. E. W. Innocents of Broadway. Henry, O. Inoculation day. Phillpotts, E. Inroad of the Nabajo. Pike, A. Inscription on the grave. Lagerlof, S. Insolent man. Gorky, M. Inspector. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberan tourist Inspired lobbyist. De Forest, J. W. Instance of chivalry. Comer, C. A. Insurgent. Halevy, L. Intelligence office. Hawthorne, N. Intemperate. Sigourney, L. H. Interdiction. See Balzac, H. de. Commission in lunacy Interlopers at the Knap. Hardy, T. Intermezzo. Huneker, J. G. 164 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES International episode. James, H. International row. Barr, R. Interpreter. Brown, A. Interpreters. Tracy, V. Interrupted proposal. Bates, A. Interrupted reign of Queenie. Pratt, L. Interrupted wireless. Futrelle, J. Intervention. Jacobs, W. W. Intervention. Phillpotts, E. Intervention of Peter. Dunbar, P. L. Interview with Miss Marlenspuyk. Mat- thews, J. B. Intimidation of a colored voter. Harris, J. C. Intoxicated ghost. Bates, A. Introducing Mr. Raffles Holmes. Bangs, J. K. Introduction. Donncll, A. H. Introduction. Maupassant, G. de Introduction to "A mother." Tolstoi, L. N. Intruder. Pangborn, G. W. Inundation. Zola, E. Invaders. Tolstoi, L. N. Invalid in lodgings. Barrie, J. M. Invasion of England. Davis, Richard H. Investigation continued. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Invisible cloak. Bangs, J. K. Invisible eye. Erckman, E., and Chatrian, A. Invisible portraits. Weyman, S. J. Invisible prince. Harland, H. Invisible princess. O'Connor, F. Invitation. Barr, R. Invitation to dinner. Merrick, L. Involuntary comedians. See Balzac, H. de Unconscious comedians Involuntary insurgent. Huneker, J. G. lole. Chambers, R. W. Ippolita of the hills. Hewlett, M. H. Irene dc Lcoty. IlaleVy, L. Irish courtship. MacManus, S. Irish haymaker. Mitford, M. R. Iron fan. Huneker, J. G. Iron horse and the trolley. Warman, C. Iron pine-apple. Phillpotts, E. Iron star. Gibbon, P. Iron virgin. Huneker, J. G. Irregular Christian. Watson, J. Irresponsible conllict. Matthews, J. B. Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 Abencerrage In VVollert's roost Adalantado of the Seven Cities; a legend of St. Brandan In Stories and legends Wolfert's roost Adventure of my aunt In Tales of a traveller Adventure of my grandmother. See Ir- ving, W. Bold dragoon Adventure of my uncle In Tales of a traveller Adventure of the black fisherman In Tales of a traveller Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, American Adventure of the Englisiunan In Talcs of a traveller Adventure of the German student in Tales of a traveller Adventure of the little antiquary In Tales of a traveller Adventure of the mason In Alhambra Adventure of the mysterious picture In Tales of a traveller Adventure of the Popkins family In Tales of a traveller Annette Dclarbre In Bracebridge Hall Belated travellers In Talcs of a traveller Bold dragoon, or The adventure of my grandmother In Tales of a traveller Booby squire //; Tales of a traveller Buckthorne: or, The young man of great expectations In Tales of a traveller Contented man In Wolfert's roost Count Van Horn In Wolfert's roost Crusade of the grand master of Alcantara In Alhambra Devil and Tom Walker In Stories and legends Tales of a traveller Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Irving Dolph Heyliger In Bracebridge Hall Stories and legends Don Juan: a spectral research In Wolfert's roost Early experiences of Ralph Ringwood In Stories and legends Wolfert's roost Expedition in quest of a diploma In Alhambra Golden dreams. See Irving, W. Wolfert Webber Governor Manco and the patrol In Alhambra Grand prior of Minorca; a veritable ghost story In Wolfert's roost Kidd the pirate In Stories and legends Talcs of a traveller Legend of Don Munio Sancho de Hinojasa In Alhambra Legend of Prince Ahmed al Kamel; or, The pilgrim of love In Alhambra Legend of Sleepy Hollow In Sketch book Stories and legends Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Irving Ncttleton, C. R. Specimens of short stories Patten, W. Litcrnational short stor- ies v I Legend of the Arabian astrologer In Alhambra Legend of the enclianted soldier In Alhambra IXDEX TO SHORT ST0RIE:S 165 Legend of the engulphed convent In Wolfert's roost Legend of the Moor's legacy in Alhambra Legend of the rose of the Alhambra In Alhambra Legend of the three beautiful princesses In Alhambra Legend of the two discreet statues In Alhambra Leslies In Sketch book Mountjoy; or, Some passages out of the life of a castle builder In Wolfert's roost Painter's adventure In Tales of a traveller Pilgrim of love. See Irving, W. Legend of Prince Ahmed al Kamel Poor-devil author In Tales of a traveller Pride of the village In Sketch book Rip Van Winkle In Sketch book Stories and legends Baldwin, C. S. American short sto- ries Cody, S. World's greatest short sto- ries Jessup, A. and Canby, H. C. Book of the short story Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v i Nettleton, C. R. Specimens of the short story Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Irv- ing Tappan, E. M. Children s hour 10: 186 St. Brandan. See Irving, W. Adalantado of the Seven Cities Spectre bridegroom /;; Sketch book Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 6 Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Irv- ing Story of the bandit chieftan /)( Tales of a traveller Story of the young Italian In Tales of a traveller Story of the young robber In Tales of a traveller Strolling manager In Tales of a traveller Student of Salamanca in Bracebridge Hall Truant In Alhambra Widow and her son In Sketch book Widow's ordeal; or, A judicial trial by combat In Wolfert's roost Wolfert Webber; or, Golden dreams In Tales of a traveller Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, American Young man of great expectations. See Irving, W. Buckthorne Is he living or is he dead? Clemens, S. L. Is he the dearest one? Sienkiewicz, H. Is it a man? Barrie, J. M. Isabella. Gray, D. Islander. Crosby, M. Isle of pines. Bierce, A. Isle of voices. Stevenson, R. L. Israels! a bit of biography. Maartens, M. Isrul's bargain. Page, T. N. It. Barrie, J. M. It! Kipling, R. It! Lagerlof. S. It. Morris, G. It is enough. Turgenev, I. S. It is the custom. Hopkins, M. S. B. It snows. Castelnuovo, E. Item of fashionable intelligence. Jerome, J. K. Its walls were as of jasper. Grahame, K. Iturim and his fortunes. Stockton, F. R. Ivan, aged thirty-eight years. See Koro- lenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Ivan Greet's masterpiece. Allen, G. Ivan Ilyitch. See Tolstoi, L. N. Death of Ivan Ilyitch Ivan the fool. See Tolstoi, L. N. Skazka Ivy cottage mystery. Morrison, A. Ivy spray and ladies' slippers. Alcott, L. M. J. S. of Dale. See Stimson, Frederick Jesup Jack and his comrades (adapted). Jacobs, J. lack and his master (adapted). Jacobs, J. jack and Jake. Page. T. N. Jack and Jill of the Sierras. Harte, B. Jack and Poll. Benson, E. F. Jack and the beanstalk (adapted). Scudder, H. E. Jack and the check book. Bangs, J. K. Jack and the lord high mayor. MacManus, S. Jack Farley's flying switch. Warman, C. Jack o' lantern. Wiggin, K. D. Jack of all trades. Reade, C. Jack Ramsay's reason. Warman, C. Jack Royal. King, C. Jack Sprat. Wyatt, E. F. Jack the fisherman. Ward, E. S. P. Jack the giant-killer (adapted). Jacobs, J. Jack who was the ashypet. MacManus, S. Jackanapes. Ewing, J. H. Jack's father. Norris, W. E. Jacks up on eights. Lewis, A. H. Jackson, Mrs. Helen Maria (Fiske) Hunt (H. H., pseud.) 18.31-18S5 Aunty Lane In Atlan -49: 610 Captain of the "Heather Bell" in Between whiles Harper 71: 873 Dandy Steve In Between whiles Draxy Miller's dowry In Saxe Holm's stories ser i Eng Woman's Domestic M 17:237, 296; 18: 20, 66 Scrib o s 4:86, 290 Elder's wife in Saxe Holm's stories ser i Scrib o s 5:747; 6:87 i66 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Jackson, Mrs. Helen Maria —Continued. Esther W'ynn's lovc-lcttcrs In Saxe Holm's stories ser i Scrib 053: 164 Farmer Bassett's romance In Saxe Holm's stories ser 2 Scrib o s 13: 484, 609 Four-leaved clover 1)1 Saxe Holm's stories ser 2 Scrib o s 8: 213, 294 How one woman kept iier husband In Saxe Holm's stories ser i Scrib o s 3: 467 Hunter cats of Connorloa /// Cat stories Hunter cats of Connorloa Inn of the Golden Pear In Between whiles Joe Hale's red stockings In Saxe Holm's stories ser 2 Scrib o s 15:333 Letters from a cat In Cat stories Letters from a cat Little Bel's supplement /;; Between whiles Harper 72: 691 Mammy Tittleback and her family III Cat stories Mammy Tittleback My tourmaline /;; Saxe Holm's stories ser 2 Scrib o s 9: 92, 488 Mystery of Wilhelm Riitter /;; Between whiles Cent 31 : 103 One-legg-ed dancers In Saxe Holm's stories ser i Scrib o s 5: 337 Pansy Billings In Pansy Billings Popsy In Pansy Billings Prince's little sweetheart /;; Between whiles Cent 20: 50 Susan Lawton's escape /;; Saxe Holm's stories ser 2 Whose wife was she? In Saxe Holm's stories ser i Canad M 17:429, 466 Scrib o s 2: 465; "Jacky-my-lantern." Harris, J. C. Jacky-toad. Phillpotts, E. Jacob b'lint's journey. Taylor, 1>. Jacobi, Mrs. Mary (Putnam) 1S42-1906 Martyr to science /;; Stories by Anurican autliors v 2 Jacobs, Joseph, 1854- llow the Rajah's son won the Princess I.abam (adapted) /;/ Tap])an, ¥.. M. Children's liour i: 3'>0 Jack and his comrades (adapted) /;/ Ta])pan, E. M. ('hildrcn's hour i: 413 Jack and his master (ad.-iptcd) In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i: 413 Jack the giant-killer, (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i/: Son of seven (juecns (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 385 Story-teller at fault (adapted) In Tappan, E. .M. Children's hour 423 Three sillies (ada])tud) In Tappan, E. M . Children's iiour 67 Whittington and his cat (adapted) In Tappan. E. M. Children's hour i: Jacobs, William Wymark, 1863- Admiral Feters In Odd craft Adulteration act In Lady of the barge Harper 101:549 After the inquest In Many cargoes Alf's dream In Short cruises Angel's visits In Short cruises Cosmopol 41 : 445 Back to back 1)1 Night watches Benefit performance '^u Many cargoes Bequest In Ship's company Bill Paper chase In Lady of the barge Bill's lapse In Odd craft Black affair In Many cargoes Blundell's improvement In Odd craft Boatswain's mate 1)1 Captains all Boatswain's watch In Many cargoes Bob's redemption 1)1 Captains all Breaking a spell In Odd craft Brother Hutchins /;; More cargoes Brown man's servant 1)1 Skipper's wooing Cabin passenger /;; .More cargoes Cai)tain ivdgers /;; Lady of the barge Harper ioj: 370 Captains all /;; Ca])tains all Captain's exploit /;; l\Lanv cargoes Chamber's J 60:460 Case of desertion /;; Many cargoes Castaway In Odd craft 72 55 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 167 Change of treatment In Many cargoes Patten, W. International short sto- ries V 2 Changeling In Short cruises Cosmopol 42: 69 Changing numbers /;/ Odd craft Choice spirits In More cargoes Idler 10: 380 Circular tour In Short cruises Cosmopol 42: 260 Constable's move In Captains all Cosmopol 40: 29 Contraband of war /;; Many cargoes Cook of the "Gannet" In Many cargoes Cupboard love /;; Lady of the barge Harper 102:874 Deserted In Sailor's knots Disbursement sheet /); More cargoes Chambers J 7,3:445 Eclectic IM 128:612 Disciplinarian /;; More cargoes Distant relation In Short cruises Cosmopol 40: 646 Dixon's return /;' Odd craft Double dcalin? In Sailor's knots Dreamer /;; Short cruises Dual control /;; Ship's company Easy money /;; Night watches Elaborate elopement In Many cargoes Establishing relations /;; Odd craft Fairy gold /;/ Ship's company Fine feathers In Ship's company For better or worse In Ship's company Four pigeons /;; Captains all Cosmopol 30: 577 Friends in need /;; Ship's company Golden venture In Lady of the barge Harper loi : 775 Good intentions /;; Ship's company Grey parrot In More cargoes Guardian angel In Ship's company Harbour of refuge In Many cargoes Head of the family hi Sailor's knots Her uncle In Short cruises Cosmopol 40: 283 His lordship /;; Short cruises Cosmopol 40: 459 His other self /;/. Night watches Homeward bound In Sailor's knots In borrowed plumes /;/ Many cargoes In Limehouse Reach In Many . cargoes In mid-Atlantic In Many cargoes In the family In Short cruises In the library In Lady of tlie barge Harper 103: 5r Intervention In More cargoes Chambers J 71: 301 Keeping up appearances In Sailor's knots Keeping watch In Night watches Lady of the barge In Lady of the barge Harper 101:424" Lawyer Quince In Odd craft Limehouse Reach. Sec Jacobs, W. W. In Limehouse Reach Lost ship /;; A-Iore cargoes Love-knot /;( Short cruises Cosmopol 41 : 31 Love passage In Many cargoes Idler to: 103 Low water /;; Many cargoes ]\Iadness of Mr. Lister In Captains all "Manners makyth man" In Ship's company Mated In Manv cargoes Matrimonial openings /;; Sailor's knots l\Trs. Bunker's chaperon In Many cargoes Mixed proposal In Lady of the barge Harper 102: 255 Mixed relations In Short cruises Money box In Odd craft jNloney changers In More cargoes Monkey's pay /;/ Lady of the barge Harper 105: 634 i68 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Jacobs, William Wymark —Continued. Nest egg /;; Captains all Odd charges In Odd craft Odd man out III Sailor's knots Old man of the sea In Ship's company Outsailed In Many cargoes Over the side In Captains all Persecution of Bob Pretty In Odd craft Peter's pence In Sailor's knots Pickled herring In More cargoes Prize money In Sailor's knots Rash experiment In More cargoes Idler II : 102 Rival beauties In Many cargoes Rule of three In More cargoes Safety match In More cargoes Self-help In Sailor's knots Sentence deferred In Sailor's knots Skilled assistance /;; Ship's company Skipper of the "Osprey" In Many cargoes Skipper's wooing In Skipper's wooing Smoked skipper In More cargoes Spirit of avarice In Odd craft Stepping backwards In Night watches Temptation of Samuel Burge In Captains all Test In Short cruises Third string In Odd craft Three at table In Lady of the barge Three sisters In Night watches Tiger's skin In Lady of the l)arge Toll-house In Sailor's knots Two of a trade In More cargoes Understudy In Night watches Unknown In Night watches Vigil In Night watches Watch-dogs In Ship's conii)any Weaker vessel In Night watches Well In Lady of the barge White cat In Captains all Jacqueline. Longfellow, H. W. Jacques Molan. Bourget, P. Jailbird. Train, A. C. James, Henry, 1843- Abasemcnt of the Northmores In Novels and talcs v 16 After the play In New R 1 : 30 Altar of the dead In Novels and tales v 17 Terminations Aspern papers In Novels and tales v 12 Aspern papers Atlan 61 : 296, 461, 571 Author of Beltraffio In Novels and tales v 16 Author of Beltraffio Eng lUust 1 : 563, 628 Beast in the jungle In Novels and tales v 17 Better sort Beldonald Holbein In Novels and tales v 18 Better sort Harper 103: S07 Bench of desolation /;; Finer grain Putnam 7: 56, 151, 297 Birthnlace In Novels and tales v 17 Better sort Broken wings In Novels and tales v 16 Better sort Cent 39: 194 Brooksmith In Novels and tales v 18 Lesson of the master Bundle of letters In Novels and tales v 14 Diary of a man of fifty Change of heart; a drama In Atlan 29: 49 Chaperon In Novels and tales v 10 Real thing .\tlan 68:659. 721 Collaboration In Wheel of time Eng Illust 9: 911 Covering End In Two magics Coxon fund In Novels and tales v 15 Terminations Yellow book 2: 296 Crapy Cornelia /)( Finer grain Harper 119: 690 Daisy Miller, a study In Novels and tales v 18 Corn bill 37:678; ^8:44 Liv .'\;.^c 138: 27, 226 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES [69 Daisy Miller (dramatized) In Atlan 5:433, 577, 721 Death of the lion in Novels and tales v 15 Terminations Yellow book i : 7 De Grey: a romance In Atlan 22:57 Diary of a man of fifty In Diary of a man of fifty Harper 59: 282 Macmillan M 40: 205 Eugene Pickering In Passionate pilgrmi Atlan 34: 397, 5 13 Europe In Novels and tales v 16 Scrib M 25:753 . Figure in the carpet In Novels and tales v 15 Embarrassments Cosmopolis i: 41, 373 Flickerbridge In Novels and tales v 18 Better sort Scrib M 31: 17° Fordham castle In Novels and tales v 16 Harper no: 147 Four meetings In Novels and tales y 16 Author of Beltraffio Scrib o s 15: 44 Friends of the friends In Novels and tales v 17 Gabrielle de Bergerac In Atlan 24: 55, 231, 352 Georgiana's reasons In Author of Beltraffio Glasses In Embarrassments Atlan 77: 145 Great condition In Anglo Saxon R i : 7 Great good place In Novels and tales v 16 Scrib M 27:994 Greville Fane In Novels and tales v 16 Real thing Guest's confession In Atlan 30: 385, 566 Impressions of a cousin In Tales of three cities Cent 27: 116, 257 In the cage In Novels and tales v 11 In the cage International episode In Novels and tales v L4 Cornhill 38:687; 39:61 Jersey villas In Cosmopol 13:314, 433 John Delavoy In Cosmopolis 9: i, Z'^J Jolly corner In Novels and tales v 17 Julia Bride In Novels and tales v 17 Harper 116: 489, 705 13 13 13 Lady Barbcrina In Novels and tales v 14 Tales of three cities Cent 28: 18, 222, 336 Landscape painter In Atlan 17: 182 Last of the Valerii In Passionate pilgrmi Atlan 33 : 69 Lesson of the master In Novels and tales v 15 Lesson of the master Univ R 1 : 342, 494 Liar In Novels and tales v 12 London life Cent 36: 123, 213 Light man In Stories by American authors v 5 London life In Novels and tales v 10 London life Lord Beaupre In Private life Macmillan 65:465; 66:133 Louisa Pallant In Novels and tales v Aspern papers Harper 76: 336 Madame de Mauves In Novels and tales v Passionate pilgrim Madonna of the future In Novels and tales v Passionate pilgrim Warner library Atlan 31: 276 Marriages In Novels and tales v 17 Lesson of the master Married son In Howells, W. D., and others. Whole family ch 7 Maud-Evelyn In Atlan 85 : 439 Middle years In Novels and tales v 16 Terminations Scrib M 13:609 Miss Gunton of Poughkeepsie In Novels and tales v 16 Cornhill 81 : 603 Mrs. Temperley 1)1 London life Mrs. Medwin In Novels and tales v 18 Better sort Modern warning [Two countries] In Aspern papers Harper 77:82 Mora Montravers In Finer grain Most extraordinary case In Atlan 21: 461 My friend Bingham In Atlan 19: 346 New England winter In Tales of three cities Cent 28:573, 733 I70 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES James, Henry —Continued. Next time /;/ Novels and tales v 15 Embarrassments Yellow book 5: il Nona Vincent In Real thing Eng lllust 9: 365, 491 Owen Wingrave In Novels and tales v 17 Wheel of time Pandora In Novels and tales v 18 Author of Beltraffio Papers In Better sort Passionate pilgrim In Novels and tales v 13 Passionate pilgrim Atlan 27: 352, 478 Paste In Novels and tales v 16 Patagonia In Novels and tales v 18 Lesson of the master Eng lllust 5: 707, 769 Path of duty In Author of Beltraffio Pension Beaurepas In Novels and tales v 14 Siege of London Atlan 43 : 460 Point of view In Novels and tales v 14 Siege of London Cent 25: 248 Poor Richard In Atlan 19:694; 20:32, 166 Private life In Novels and tales v 17 Private life Atlan 69: 463 Pupil In Novels and tales v 11 Lesson of the master Longman's 17:512, 611 Real right thing In Novels and talcs v 17 Real thing In Novels and tales v 18 Real thing Reverberator In Novels and tales v 13 Macmillan 57: 263, 366; 58: 58, 161 Romance of certain old clothes In Passionate pilgrim Atlan 21: 209 Round of visits In Finer grain Siege of London In Novels and tales v 14 Siege of London Cornhill 47: i, 225 Sir Dominick Ferrand In Real thing Sir lulmund Ormc In Novels and talcs v 17 Lesson of the master Solution In Lesson of the master New R 1:666; 2:76, 161 Special type In Better sort Story in it In Novels and tales v 18 Better sort Story of a year /;; Atlan 15: 256 Tone of time 1)1 Better sort Scrib M 28:624 Tree of knowledge In Novels and tales v 16 Turn of the screw In Novels and tales v 12 Two magics Two countries. See James, H. Modern warning Two faces In Novels and tales v 12 Better sort Cornhill 83: 767 Two magics In Two magics Velvet glove /;/ Finer grain Visits In Private life Way it came In Embarrassments Wheel of time In Wheel of time Cosmopol 14:215, 348 - James Sears: a naughty person. White, W. A. Jamesons. Freeman. M. E. W. Jamie. Watson, J. Jamie the kid. Flynt, J. Jan Hunkum's money. IMaartcns. M. Jan, the unrepentant. London, J. Jan Tingloff. Connolly. J. B. Jane. Bangs, J. K. Jane. Corelli, M. Jane. Dumas, A. Jane and her genius. I-'rench. A. W. Jane and John. Phillpotts, E. Jane Murray's Thanksgiving. Davis, Re- becca H. Janet and the minister. Barrie, J. M. Janet's curiosity. Barrie, J, M. Janet's nemesis. Allen, G. Janet's repentance. Eliot, G. Janey, a huml)lc administrator. Grand, S. Janvier, Thomas Allibone, 1849-1913 Affair of Molino del Rey In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36:736 At Mrs. Berty's tea In Cent 31 : 307 At the Casa Napoleon Jii .At tile Casa Napoleon Harper 82: 229 At the Grand Hotel du Paradis //( Passing of Thomas Harper 91 : 510 Aztec romance Jn Harper 122: 317 Barjarvcl's civit of hare III Harper 125:663 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 171 Battle of Churubusco In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36: 740 Beverly's bear-killing In Harper no: 165 Beverly's benevolent hairpin reclamation society In Harper 121 : 641 Beverly's bomb synchronizer In Harper 124: 641 Beverly's circulating cattery In Harper 114: 163 Beverly's egg pedigree and dating ma- chine In Harper 115: 487 Beverly's pneumatic cat-silencer In Harper 124: 479 Beverly's protective mechanical goat In Harper 119: 965 Bishop and Mrs. Allrop In Harper 117: 47Q Bon oncle d'Amerique In Passing of Thomas Border ruffian In Uncle of an angel Boston's lion-hunt In Santa Fe's partner Casual encounter In Harp W 48: 1902 Christmas kalends of Provence In Cent S3- 265 Colonel Withersby's "strike" /;; At the Casa Napoleon Color studies: Rose madder; Jaune d'An- timoine; Orpiment and gamboge; Roberson's medium In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Concentrated polyandry In Harper 124: 155 Conquest of Mexico In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36: 821 Consolate giantess /;; From the south of France Harper 105: 573 Death-fires of Les Martiques In In great waters Harper 100: 136 Duluth tragedy In In great waters Harper 99: 402 Earl of Dunoon In Harper 107: 654 Efiferati family In At the Casa Napoleon Harper 85: 763 Engagement at the frontier In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36: 538 Episode of the Marquis de Valdeflores In At the Casa Napoleon Warner library Harper 83: 242 Eve of St. John In Harper 115: 255 Faith and works In Harper no: 487 Fish of Monsieur Quissard In Passing of Thomas Harper 93: 823 Flower of death In Stories of old New Spain For the honor of France In Uncle of an angel Forfeit of the gods In Cosmopol 31: 593; 32: 2n Full day at Palomitas In Harper 114: 294 Grand Hotel du Paradis. See Janvier, T. A. At the grand Hotel du Paradis Hart's nephew's hold-up In Santa Fe's Partner Harp W 49: 1799 Hazy night In Cosmopol 33: 313 Hold up. See Janvier, T. A. Harts nephew's hold-up Honfieur the sedate In Harper 108: 659 Honor of France. See Janvier, T. A. For the honor of France Idyl of the East side In Uncle of an angel In love with a shadow In Lippinc 6: 518 In the St. Peter's set In Passing of Thomas Cosmopol 13: 131 Jaune d'Antimoine In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Legend of Don Juan Manuel In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper n2: 256 Legend of el Puente de Cuervo In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper n3:385 Legend of La Llorona In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper n3:883 Legend of padre Jose In Stories of old New Spain Cent 26: 449 Legend of the accursed bell In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 120: 431 Legend of the Aduana de Santa Domingo In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper n8: 438 Legend of the altar del perdon In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 118: 436 Legend of the calle de la Cruz Verde In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper n3:883 Legend of the calle de la Joya In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper n3:877 Legend of the calle de la Machincuepa In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 120: 435 Legend of the calle de la Quernada In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper n8:66 Legend of the calle de los Parados In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper n3:878 172 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Janvier, Thomas AUibone —Continued. Legend of tlic calle del Padre Lecuona In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 113: 381 Legend of the callejon del Armado In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 112: 263 Legend of the callejon del Muerto In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 118: 434 Legend of the living spectre In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 118: 63 Legend of the M'ujer Herzzada In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 113: 880 Legend of the Mulata dc Cordoba In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 113: 876 Legend of the obedient dead nun In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 112: 262 Legend of the Puente del Clerigo In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 112: 260 Legends of the city of Mexico In Legends of the city of Mexico Harper 112; 113; 118; 120 Madame Jolicocur's cat In From the south of France Harper 124: 849 Maternal instinct In Harper 113: IS5 Mexican campaign In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36:535, 736, 817 Mexican night In Stories of old New Spain La Mina de los padres In Stories of old New Spain Mobilization of the troops In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36: 535 Monsieur le Docteur Theophile In At the Casa Napoleon Monterey. See Javier, T. A. Pancha: a story of Monterey Moon-mirror light and power co. In Harper 116: 479 Ninita In Stories of old New Spain Cent 23:932 Orpiment and Gamboge In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 29: 397 Our pirate hoard In Uncle of an angel Palomitas In Santa Fc's i)artner Palomitas lion-hunt In Harper 115: 630 Pancha; a story of Monterey In Stories of old New Spain Stories by American authors v 10 Cent 28: 656 Parley under false colors //) Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36: 539 Passing of Thomas In Passing of Thomas Harper 85:439 Poodle of Monsieur Gaillard In From the South of France Harper 122: 31 Purification of Palomitas In Santa Fe's partner Harper 112:448 Radford's diamond digging In St. N 29:867 Recrudescence of Madame Vic In From the South of France Harper iii: 769 Reversible love affair In Cosmopol 15: 4-3 Roberson's medium In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Romance of Tompkins square /;/ Uncle of an angel Rose madder In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Roses of Monsieur Alphonse In From the South of France Harper 104: 7.19 Sage-brush hen /;; Santa Fe's partner Flowells, W. D., and others. Under the sunset Harper in : 769 Saint Mary of the angels In Stories of old New Spain Cosmopol 8: m.t, St.' Peter's set. See Janvier, T. A. In the St. Peter's set San Antonio of the gardens In Stories of old New Spain Cent 38:343 Santa Fc Charley's kindergarten /;; Santa Fe's partner Harper in: 929 Sea upcast In In great waters Shortv Smith's widows fn Santa Fe's partner Harper 125: 839 Skirmish at Buena Vista In Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36: 543 Storming of Chapultepcc /;( Color studies and A Mexican cam- paign Cent 36:816 Temporary dead-lock /;; Uncle of an angel Town of the holy children In Stories of old New Spain Uncle of an angel In Ifncle of an angel Harper 81 : 404 Valley of the dead fn Cosmopol 32:427, 539 White penitent In Harper 103: 131 INDEX TO SHORT STORTES 173 \\'rath of the Zuyder Zee III In great waters Harper 99: 240 Japanese quince. Galsworthy, J. Japanned box. Doyle, A. C. Jar of olives and the bov Kazi (Arabic) In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Jarjaille's visit to the good God. Daudet, A. Jarley's experiment. Bangs, J. K. Jarley's Thanksgiving. Bangs, J. K. Jarl's daughter. Burnett, F. H. Jasmine court and a higher ranger. Wat- son, J. Jathrop Lathrop's cow. French, A. W. Jaune d'Antimoine. Janvier, T. A. Jaybird Bob's joke. Lewis, A. H. Jealous woman. Thanet, O. Jealousies of a country town. See Balzac, H. dc. Gallery of antiquities Jean-ah Poquelin. Cable, G. W. Jean Gourdon's four days. Zola, E. Jean Michaud's little ship. Roberts, C. G. D. Jean JNIonette. Vidocq, E. F. Jeannette. Woolson, C. F. Jeannot and Colin. Voltaire, F. M. de A. Jed's monument. Loomis, C. B. Jeems Roberson's last illness. Harris, J. C. Jefif Brigg's love story. Harte, B. Jeli the shepherd. Verga, G. Jelland's voyage. Doyle. A. C. Jemima of the seventh floor. Stuart, R. M. Jennet. Maupassant, G. de Jenny, the debutante. Harrison, C. C. Jepson's third adjective. Perry, B. Jeroboam. Maupassant, G. de Jerome, Jerome Klapka, 1859- Absent-minded man In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Blase Billy /;; Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Charming woman In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Choice of Cyril Harjohn In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green City of the sea In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Degeneration of Thomas Henry In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Dick Dunkerman's cat In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Hobby rider /;; Sketches in lavender, blue, and green In remembrance of John Ingerfield, and of Anne, his wife In John Ingerfield Item of fashionable intelligence In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Idler 10: 722 Lease of the "Cross Keys" /;; John Ingerfield Man of habit In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Man who did not believe in luck In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Man who lived for others In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Man who went wrong In Sketches in lavender, blue," and green Man who would manage In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Materialization of Charles and Mivanway In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Idler 10: 572 Minor poet's story In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Observations of Henry In Observations of Henry Passing of the third floor back In Passing of the third floor back Philosopher's joke In Critic 47: 533; 48:68 Portrait of a lady In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Idler 11:282 Reginald Blake, financier and cad In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Idler 9: 637 Silhouettes In John Ingerfield Variety Patter In John Ingerfield Whibley's spirit In Sketches in lavender, blue, and green Woman of the Saetcr In John Ingerfield Idler 3:579 Jerrold, Douglas William, 1803-1857 Tragedy of the till; the hermit's story In Warner library Jerry and Clarinda. Bishop, W. H. Jerry and Mulberry. Bunner, H. C. Jerry Jarvis's wig. Barham, R. H. Jerry MacFaddyeen's supper. MacManus, S. Jersey centenarian. Harte, B. Jersey villas. James, H. Jerseys; or. The girls' ghost. Alcott, L. M. Jess. Barrie, J. M. Jessekiah Brown's courtship. Stuart, R. M. Jessie Cliffe. Mitford, M. R. Jessie's neighbor. Moulton, L. C. Jessop, George H. Check and counter-check. See Matthews, J. B.. and Jessop, G. H. Emergency men In Stories by English authors, Ireland One story is good until another is told. See Matthews, J. B. and Jessop, G. H. Tale of twenty-five hours. See Matthews, J. B. and Jessop, G. H. Jesus Christ in Flanders. See Balzac, H. de. Christ in Flanders Jethro's garden. Dunbar, P. L. Jetsom. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Jettatura. Gautier, T. Jew. Turgenev, I. S. Jew on the moor. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Jewels of consistency. Mitchell, S. W. Jewett, Sarah Orne, 1849-1909 All my sad captains In Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Cent 50: 737 Along shore In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Liv Age 211 : 761 174 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Jewett, Sarah Orne —Conlimicd. Andrew's fortune In Country by-ways Atlan 48: 20 Aunt Cynthy Dullctt In Stories and tales v 4 Queen's twin Backward view In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Betty Leicester's Christmas In Betty I>eicester's Christmas Betty Leicester's English Christmas In Betty Leicester's English Christmas Between mass and vespers In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Bit of shore life In Old friends and new Atlan 44: 200 Bold words at the bridge In Stories and tales v 4 Queen's twin Cornhill 79: 489 McClure 12: 508 Born farmer In McClure 17: 164 Bowden reunion In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Business man /;/ White heron By the morning boat In Stories and tales v 4 Strangers and wayfarers Atlan 66: 518 Captain Littlepage In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Circus at Denby /;; Night before Thanksgiving Confession of a house-breaker In Mate of the Daylight Coon dog In Stories and tales v 4 Queen's twin Cent 56: 498 Courting of Sister Wisby In Stories and ta'les v 2 King of Folly island Tales of New England Atlan 59: 577 Decoration day In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Harper 85 : 84 Dulham ladies In Stories and tales v 2 Tales of New England White heron Dunnet, shepherdess In Stories and tales v 7 Queen's twin Atlan 84: 754 Ellen ecn In McClure 16: 335 Failure of David Berry In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Harper 83: 56 Fair day In Strangers and wayfarers Scrib M 4: 199 Fame's little day In Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Harper 90: 560 Farmer Finch /;; White heron Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 10: 209 Harper 70: 198 Flight of Betsey Lane In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Scrib M 14: 213 Foreigner /;/ Atlan 86: 152 Garden tea In Night before Thanksgiving Going to Shrewsbury In Strangers and wayfarers Atlan 64: 18 Good luck In Country by-ways Gray man In White heron Gray mills of Farley /;; Cosmopol 25: 183 Great expedition In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Green island In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Guests of Mrs. Timms In Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Cent 47:575 Hare and the tortoise Atlan 52: 187 Hermitage In Stories and tales v 7 Hiltons' holiday In Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Cent 46: 772 Honey tree In Harper 104: 45 In dark New England days In Strangers and wayfarers Cent 40: 911 Jim's little woman In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Harper 82: 100 King of Folly island In King of Folly island Harper 74: 102 Lady Ferry /;; Old friends and new Landless farmer In Mate of the Daylight Atlan 51: 627. 759 Landscape chamber In King of Folly island Atlan 60: 603 Late supper In Old friends and new INDEX TO SHORT STORIKS 175 Law lane In Stories and tales v 2 King of Folly island Tales of New England Scrib M 2:725 Life of Nancy In Stories and tales v^ 5 Life of Nancy Atlan 75: 175 Little captive maid In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Scrib M 10: 743 Little French Mary /;; Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Little traveler In Mate of the Daylight Night before Thanksgiving Lost lover In Stories and tales v 2 Old friends and new Tales of New England Atlan 41 : 303 Luck of the Bogans In Strangers and wayfarers Scrib M 5: 100 Marsh rosemary In Stories and tales v 2 Tales of New England White heron Atlan 57:590 Martha's lady In Stories and tales v 4 Night before Thanksgiving Queen's twin Atlan 80: 523 Mary and Martha In White heron Mate of the Daylight In Mate of the Daylight Atlan so: 82 Mere Pochette /;( King of Folly island Harper 76:588 Miss Becky's pilgrimage In Country by-ways Miss Debby's neighbors In Mate of the Daylight Miss Esther's guest In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Night before Thanksgiving Miss Peck's promotion /;;. King of Folly island Scrib M i: 717 Miss Sydney's flowers In Old friends and new Miss Tempy's watchers In Stories and tales v 2 King of Folly island Tales of New England Warner library Atlan 61 : 289 Mr. Bruce In Old friends and new Mistress of Sydenham plantation In Strangers and wayfarers Atlan 62: 145 Mrs. Todd In Stories and tales v 7 Native of Winby In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Atlan 67: 609 Neighbor's landmark In Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Cent 49:235 New parishioner In Mate of the Daylight News from Petersham In White heron Night before Thanksgiving In Stories and tales v 4 Night before Thanksgiving Queen's twin Oath In Liv Age 231: 61 Old singers In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs On Shell-heap island In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Only rose In Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Atlan 73-27 Only son /;; Stories and tales v 2 Mate of the Daylight Tales of New England Atlan 52: 664 Passing of Sister Barsett In Stories and tales v 6 Native of Winby Cosmopol 13: 59 Poor Joanna In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Queen's twin In Stories and tales v 4 Queen's twin Outlook 67: 455 Quest of Mr. Teaby In Strangers and wayfarers Atlan 65:83 Schoolhouse In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Second spring In Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Harper 88: 114 Sister Peacham's turn In Harper 105: 902 Sorrowful guest In Old friends and new Spring Sunday In McClure 23: 13 Spur of the moment In Outlook 70: 59 Strange sail In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs Taking of Captain Ball In Strangers and wayfarers Harper 80: 141 176 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Jewett, Sarah Orne —Conliinird. Tom's husband /;/ Mate of the Daylight At Ian 49: 205 Town poor lit Stories and tales v 2 Strangers and wayfarers Atlan 66: 71 Two Browns In White heron Atlan 58: 196 Village shop In King of Folly island War debt In Stories and tales v 5 Life of Nancy Harper 90: 227 Where pennyroyal grew In Stories and tales v 7 Country of tlie pointed firs WHiere's Nora? In Stories and tales v 4 Queen's twin Scrib M 24: 739 White heron In Stories and tales v 2 Night before Thanksgiving Tales of New England White heron White rose road In Strangers and wayfarers y\tlan 64: 353 William In Stories and tales v 7 Country of the pointed firs William's wedding In Stories and tales v 7 Atlan 106: 23 Winter courtship In Stories and tales v 5 Strangers and wayfarers Atlan 63: 145 Jewish trinity. Zangwill, I. Jew's breastplate. Doyle, A. C. Jews in Shushan. Kipling, R. Jikininki. Hearn, L. Jilt: a yarn. Reade, C. Jilting of Jane. Wells, H. G. Jim and the gold spirit. Loomis, C. B. Jim Lancy's Waterloo. Peattie, E. W^ Jim Peters as a personal magnet. Henry, O. Jim Trundle's crisis. Harben, W. N. Jimniie and the honey-bear. Vorse, M. H. Jimmie Goggles the god. Wells, H. G. Jimmie Hayes and Muriel. Henry, O. Jimmieboy — and something. Bangs, J. K. Jimmieboy's fire works. Bangs, J. K. Jimmieboy's valentine. Bangs, J. K. Jimmyjohn boss. Wister, O. Jimmy's big brother from California. Harte B. Jim's investments and King Sollcrman. Clemens, S. L. Jim's little woman. Jewett, S. O. Jim's i)rol)ation. Dunl^ar, P. L. Jimsella. Dunbar, P. L. Jimsie's afternoon ofif. Vorse, M. 11. Jimty. Hopkins, M. S. B. Jimville. Austin, M. II. 'Jinin' farms. Meld, K. Jinny. Ilartc, P.. jio-Roku-Zakura. Hearn, L. Joan of Arc and little Pierre. Ilarraden, B. Joanna, the actress. Moulton, L. C. Joanna's bracelet. Weyman, S. J. Jock, the chipmunk. Peattie, E. W. Jock-at-a-venture. Bennett, E. A. Joe Hale's red stockings. Jackson, H. H. Joel's talk with Santa Claus. Field, E. John. Crockett, S. R. John. Maartens, M. John-a-drcams. Spofford, H. P. John Amend-all. Stevenson, R. L. John and the ghosts Quiller-Couch, A. T. John Bartine's w^atch. Bierce, A. John Bull of Guadalquiver. Trollope, A. John Cann's treasure. Allen, G. John Delavoy. James, PI. John Enderby. Parker, G. John Fairmeadow's foundling. Duncan, N. John Gayther and the galleon. Stockton, F. R. John Gayther's srarden. Stockton, F. R. John Gray. Allen, J. L. John Huxford's hiatus. Doyle. A. C. John Inglefield's Thanksgiving. Haw- thorne, N. John Jay's long journey. Moulton, L. C. John Jenkins; or. The smoker reformed. By T. S. A-th-r. Harte, B. John Kendry's idea. Fernald, C. B. John Mortonson's funeral. Bierce, A. John North mystery. Hawthorne, J. John Norton. Moore, G. John Parmenter's protege. Harte, B. John Rich and Lucy Poor. Hale, E. E. John Sandars, laborer. Smith, F. H. John Sherman. Yeats, W. B. John Vantine. Bates, A. Johnny. Grenfell. W. T. Johnny. Morrison, A. Johnny Florer's axle grease. Lewis, A. H. Johnny Hall. Dyar, ]\I. Johnny-in-the-woods. Freeman, M. E. W. Johnny Sands. Earle, M. T. Johnny Watt's money. Magruder, J. Johnnyboy. Harte. B. Johnny's job. Thanet, O. John's weddiii.n suit. Page, T. N. Johnson, Virginia Wales, 1849- Imagc of San Donato /;; Stories by American authors v 7 Johnsonham, junior. Dunbar, P. L. Johnson's Boswell. Phillpotts, E. Johnson's old woman. Harte, B. Johnston, Richard Malcolm, 1822-1898 h'arly niajoritv of Mr. Thomas Watts //; Warner lilirary Joint owners in Spain. Brown, A. Jokai, Maurus, 1825-1904 Bad old times /;/ Tales from Jokai Celestial slingers In Tales from Jokai City of the beast //( Tales from Jokai Compulsory diversion /;/ Tales from Jokai INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 1/7 Fight for the tsarina In Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 6 Hostile skulls In Tales from Jokai In love with the czarina In Stories by foreign authors, Polish Justice of Soliman In Tales from Jokai Landslide and the train wreck In Warner library Last mass; a reminiscence In Cosmopol 20: 505 Love and the little dog In Tales from Jokai Red Starosta In Tales from Jokai Sherifif of Caschau In Tales from Jokai Unwilling guest In Temple Bar 71:379 Joke on M. Peptonneau. Bunner, H. C. Jokers of New Gibbon. London, J. Jolly Cabordmen. Stockton, F. R. Jolly corner. James. H. Jolly fellow, ^ce Maupassant, G. de. St. Anthony Jolly Parisiennes. Zola, E. Jolly's father. Spofiford, H. P. Jon of Iceland. Taylor, B. Jonas and Dinah. Phillpotts, E. Jonathan. Smith, F. H. Jonathan and David. Ward, E. S. P. Jones. Osbournc, L. Jordan, Elizabeth Garver, 1867- Adeline Thurston, poetess 1)1 May Iverson — her book Harper 109: 300 As told by May Iverson In Tales of the cloister Harp B 34: 1087 At the close of the second day In Tales of the city room Bart Harrington, genius In Many kingdoms Scrib M 43: 456 Beauty culture at St Katharine's. Sec Jordan, E. G. I introduce beauty culture Belonging to the third order In Tales of the cloister Between darkness and dawn In Tales of the cloister Harp B 34: 817 Call of spring In May Iverson tackles life Harp B 46: 162 Case of Katrina In Many kingdoms Cent 73:597 Collaboration In Tales of destiny Comforter In Harper 128: 604 Community's sunbeam In Many kingdoms Harper 116: 107 Conversion of Johnny Harrington In Everybody's 24:8 Cures of Evelina In Harp B 45: 268 Episode at Mrs. Kirkpatrick's In Tales of destiny Harp B 36:208 Exorcism of Lily Bell In Many kingdoms Harp B 40: 199 Far-away road In Harp B 47: 223 First aid to Kitty James In May Iverson — her book Harper 109: 469 From out the old life In Tales of the cloister From the hand of Dolorita In Tales of the city room Genevieve Maude and the new thought In Harp B 46:58 Genevieve Maude's mission /;/ Harp B 43: 26 Genevieve Maude's perishin' soul In Lippinc 86: S83 Girl who loved Herbert In Delin 75: 207 Girl who was In Tales of the cloister Harp B 34:954 Henry Smith's honeymoon In Many kingdoms Harp B 40: 680 Her audience of two In Tales of the cloister Her friend In Tales of destiny Harp B 36:580 Her last day In Many kingdoms Harper 116: Q17 His boy In Many kingdoms Everybodv's 18:341 His loyal heart In Harp B 44:434 I introduce beauty culture In May Iverson tackles life Harp B 46:333 I introduce motion stud}' In May Iverson tackles life Harper 124: 772 I write a play In May Iverson tackles life Harper 123: 20 In memory of Hannah's laugh In Many kingdoms Kittie's sister Josephine In May Iverson — her book Harper 109: 60 Little tangle at Cragsmoor In Harp B 39: 106 Love afifair of Chesterfield, jr. In Tales of the city room Love, the destroyer In May Iverson — her book Harper 108: 898 Mabel Blossom's pearl pin In May Iverson tackles life Harper 124:453 Man proposes In Harper 126: 207 Ma}' Iverson writes a phi}-. See Jordan, E. G. I write a play 178 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Jordan, Elizabeth Garver — Continued. May Iverson's career In Good H 57 : 764 Miss Calhoun's supreme day In Harp B 39: 798 Miss Churchill's twins In Harp B 45: 442 Miss Eliot's soulful day In Harp B 43: 384 Miss Forsythc meets a stranger In Harp B 44: 301 Miss Underhill's lesson In Tales of destiny Ind 52: 650 Miss Van Cortlandt's hur. joy of boats. Vorse, M. H. . . Joy of life. See VVyatt, E. F. Shallow spirit of judgment Joy of Nellie Deanc. Cathcr. W. S. "Joy of their Lord." Grenfell, W. T. Joy of youth. Freeman, M. E. W. Joy-Sing. See Long, J. L. Little Miss Joy- Sing Joyous comrade. Zangwill, I. Joyous miracle. Norris, F. Juana. See Balzac, H. de. Maranas Juanita. Dunbar, A. Jubal sans ego. Strindberg, J. A. Jubilee present. Hornung, E. W. Judas Iscariot. Andreev, L. N. Judge of Lucca's intrigue. Bandello, M. Judge's cherubs. Andrews, M. R. S. Tudge's spirited woman. Clemens, S. L. Judge's wife. Moulton, L. C. Judgment. Brown, A. Judgment o' God Sharp. W. Judgment of Bolinas. Harte, B. Judgment of Borso. Hewlett, M. H. Judgment of Dungara. Ivipling, R. Judgment of John Fairmeadow. Duncan, X. Judgment of Paris. Dunbar, P. L. Judgment of Peter and' Paul on Olympus. Sienkiewicz, H. Judgment on Airs. Smith. Thanet, O. Judith Lynn; a storv of the sea. Donnell, A. H. Judith Stern. Heyse, P. J. L. Judson, Edward Z. C. (Ned Buntline) 1822- 1886 Kathayan III Johnson, R. Little classics v 3 Judson and the empire. Ivipling, R. Jug of sirup. Bierce, A. Juggler of Notre Dame. France, A. Juggler to our lady. Sec France, A. Jug- gler of Notre Dame Jugglers. Seawell, M. E. Julia Bride. James, H. Julia Cahill's curse. Moore, G. Julia— her Thanksgiving. Freeman, M. E. W. Julia ^^I'Kenzie. Hogg, J. Julia the apostate. Bacon, J. D. Julie Romain. Maupassant, G. de Julien; or. The dead alive. Dumas, A. Julot's opinion. Maupassant, G. de July the first. Singmaster, E. Jump at Corey's slip. Davis, Richard H Jumping frog. Clemens, S. L. jumping-off place. Harris, J. C. Jungle folk. See Harte, B. Stories three Jupiter Tonans. Long, J. L. Just man. Trask, K. N. Just meat. London, J. Justice and the judge. Deland, M. Justice of Soliman. Jokai, IM. Justice of the peace. Phillpotts, E. . Kaa's hunting. Ivipling, R. Kaintuck. Seawell, M. E. Kane, a soldier servant. Grand, S. Kansas stories. White, W. A. Karain: a memory. Conrad, J. "Kaschtanka." Bad conduct. Chekhov, A. P. Kaskaskia. Sec Catherwood, M. H. Old Kaskaskia Kassyan of Fair springs. See Turgenev, I. S. Kasyan from the Fair-Metcha Kasyan from the Fair-Metcha. Turgenev, I. S. Kate: a pretense. Michelson, M. Kathayan. Judson, E. C. Kathleen, the daughter of Hoolihan, and Hanrahan the Red. See Yeats, W. B. Hanrahan and Cathlcen the daughter of Hoolihan Katia. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Family happi- ness Katie Cheyne. Hogg, J. Keats, Gwendoline (Zack, pseud.) At the stroke of the hour III Life is life Balance /;; Roman road Benjamin Parrot's fancy In Tales of Dunstable Weir Scrib M 30: i53 Busted blue doll In Life is life Crooksie In Tales of Dunstable Weir Dave In Life is life English girl's Christmas presents /;; Life is life Failure of Flipperty In Life is life Hall and he In Tales of Dunstable Weir Mary Amelia Spot /;; Tales of Dunstable Weir Blackw 165:616 Eclectic M 137: i54 Liv Age 229: 772 Rab Vinch's wife In Life is life Red-haired man's dream In Life is life Right o' wav /;; Tales of Dunstable \\ eir Roman road In Roman road Sisters , ^^ . In Tales of Dunstable A\ eir Pall Mall M 24:440 Stone pine In Life is life Storm In Life is life Critic 33- 71 Thoughty /;/ Roman road Travelling Joe /;/ Life is life Blackw i6t : 420 . Liv Age 213: 548 Village pump Fewins In Talcs of Dunstable Weir i8o IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Keats, Gwendoline —Continued. Widdcr V'lint /;/ Life is life Blackw i6o: 463 Liv Age 213: 271 Keen-point, Cob-handle, and Butch. Har- ris, J. C. Keeper of conscience. Zangwill, I. Keeper of the bishop. Mason, A. E. W. Keeper of the light. Van Dyke, H. Keepers of a charge. Stetson, G. E. C. Keepers of the lamp. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Keeping up appearances. Jacobs, W. W. Keeping up with Dan'l Webster. Bacheller, I. A. Keeping up with Harr}^ See Bacheller, I. A. '"Charge it" Keeping up with Lizzie. Bacheller, I. A. Keeping watch. Jacobs, W. W. Keesh, the son of Kcesh. London, J. Kelly, Myra (Mrs, Allan MacNaughton) 1876-1910 Bailey's babies /;; Little aliens Bent twig In Little aliens Brand from the burning /;; Little aliens Christmas guest In New faces Christmas present for a lady In Little citizens IMcClure 20: 195 Etiquette of Yetta In Little aliens Every goose a swan In Little aliens Friends In Little aliens Games in gardens In Little aliens Gifts of the philosophers In Wards of liberty Ladies' H J 22: D p g, 55 Great oaks from little acorns In New faces H. R. H., the prince of Hester street In Little citizens McClurc 23: 103 In loco parentis In Wards of liberty McClure 25: 366 Land of heart's desire /;; Little citizens AlcClure 23: 240 Little Bo-peep /;; Wards of lil)crtv McClure 2o Moral reformers In [Works] Stalky & Co. [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Mother Hive In [Works] Actions and reactions [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Windsor M D '09 Moti-Guj — mutineer In [Works] Life's handicap [Df.ublc- day] [Works] In black and wliite (Out- ward bound) Mine own people [Caldwell]; [Lov- ell]; [Nottingham Soc.]; [U. S. Book Co] Mowgli leaves the jungle forever. See Kipling, R. In the spring running Mowgli's brothers In [Works] Jungle book. First [Double- day] ; (Outward bound) St N Ja 1894 Musketeers In [Works] Plain tales from, the hills [Doubleday] Mutiny of the Mavericks In [Works] Life's handicap [Double- day] [Works] Soldiers three pt 2 (Out- ward bound) Mine own people [Caldwell] ; [Lov- ell] ; [Nottingham Soc.]; [U. S. Book Co ] My great and only In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Double- day] My lord the elephant In [Works] Many inventions [Double- day] [Works] Soldiers three pt i (Out- ward bound) Macmillan's M 67: 161 My own true ghost story In [Works] Under the deodars [Double- day] [Works] Phantom 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) Phantom 'rickshaw [Altemus]; [Caldwell]; [Lovell]; [Notting- ham Soc] Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Scotch M3' Sunday at home I>i [W^orks] Day's work [Doubleday] [Works] Day's work pt 2 (Outward bound) Idler 7:388 McClnre 5: 18 Naboth In [Works] Life's handicap [Double- day] [Works] In black and white (Out- ward bound) Namgay Doola /;/ [Works] Life's handicap [Double- day] [Works] In black and white (Out- ward bound) Mine own people [Caldwell]; [Lov- ell]; [Nottingham Soc]; [U. S. Book Co ] New brooms In [Works] Aljaft the funnel [Double- day] New dispensation /)( [Works] Abaft the funnel [Double- day] Of those called /;; [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] I Works I Phantom 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) Old men at Pevensey In [Works] Puck of Pook's hill [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) On exhibition In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Double- day] IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES 189 On Greenhow hill In [Works] Life's handicap [Double- , day] [Works] Soldiers three pt i (Out- ward bound) Courting of Dinah Shadd [Harper] IMine own people [Lovell]; [U. S. Book Co] Soldiers three [Caldwell]; [Not- tingham Soc.] Canby, H. S. Study of the short story Macmillan's M 62: 321 On the city wall In [Works] Soldiers three [Double- day] [Works] In black and white (Out- ward bound) On the great wall In [Works] Puck of the Pook s hill [Doubleday]; t;Outward bound) McClurc 27: 147 On the strensth of a likeness In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Only a subaltern /;; [Works] Under the deodars [Double- day] [Works] Soldiers three pt 2 (Out- ward bound) Soldiers three [Lovell] Under the deodars [Caldwell]; [Not- tingham Soc] - Opinions of Gunner Barnabas. See Kip- ling, R. Smith administration Other man In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) - Outsider; a story of the Boer war In Daily Express Je 19, 20, 21 1900 McClure 15: 210 Phantom 'rickshaw /;; [Works] Under the deodars [Double- day] [Works] Phantom 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) Phantom 'rickshaw [Altemus] ; [Lov- ell]; [Nottingham Soc] Pig In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Pit that they digged In [Works] Under the deodars [Double- day] [Works] Phantom 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) Poor dear Mamma: a dialogue (In The story of the Gadsbys) In [Works] Soldiers three [Double- day] [Worksl Under the deodars (Out- ward bound) Potted princess In St N Ja 1893 Priest in spite of himself In [Works] Rewards and fairies [Doubleaay] Delin 76:94 Private Learoyd's story In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] Soldiers three pt i (Out- ward bound) Mulvaney stories [Altemus] Soldiers three [Caldwell]; [Lovell]; Nottingham Soc] Puzzler /;; [WorKs] Actions and reactions I Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Tribune (Lond) Ja i^;. 16 1907 Quiquern In [Works] Jungle book. Second [Doubledayl: (Outward bound) McClure 5: 552 Record of Badalia Herodsfoot In [Works] Many inventions [Double- day] [Works] Day's work, pt 2 (Outward bound) Detroit Free Press Christmas no. 1890 Harper's W N 15, 22, 1890 Recrudescence of Imray In [Works] Mine own people [Cald- well]- [Lovell]; [Mottingham Soc]; [U. S. Book Co] Red dog In [Works] Jungle book. Second [Doubleday] [Works] Jungle book. First (Out- ward bound) Red lamp /;; [Works] Abaft the funnel [Double- day] Reingeldcr and the German liag /;; [Works] Life's handicap [Double- day] [Works] Phantom 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) Rescue of Plutfles In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Under the deodars [Caldwell] Return of Imray /;; [Works] Life's handicap [Double- day] [Works] Phantom 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) "Rikki-tikki-tavi" /;; [Works] Jungle book. First [Double- day] [W'orks] Jungle book. Second (Out- ward bound) St N N 1893 Robin Goodfellow — his friends /;; [Works] Puck of Look's hill [Doubleday] McClure 27:3, 147, 282, 413, 503, 588 Rout of the white hussars In I Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Sahib's war In [Works] Traffics and discoveries [Douoleday]; (Outward bound) Windsor M D 1901 Second-rate woman In [Works] Under the deodars [Double- day] : (Outward bound) Under the deodars [Caldwell]: [Lov- ell]; [Nottingham Soc]; [U. S. Book Co] ■/Self-made man. .S'^^^r Kipling, R. Smith administration 190 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Kipling, Rudyard— r(';i//HJ/(-(/. Sending of Dana Da In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] In black and white (Out- ward bound) Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories. English-Scotch Serai cabal. See Kipling, R. Smith ad- ministration .007; a story of a locomotive In [Works] Day's work [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Scrib M 22: 135 Shadow of his hand In [Works] Al)aft tlie funnel [Double- day] Ship that found herself /)( [Works] Day's work [Doubleday] [Works] Day's work pt i (Out- ward bound) Idler 8: 408 McClure 6: 328 Simple Simon In [Works] Rewards and fairies [Doubleday] Delin 75: 478 Nash's M Jl '10 Sing-song of the old man Kangaroo In [Works] Just so stories [Double- day] ; (Outward bound) Ladies' H J 17: Je p i Slaves of the lamp In [Works] Stalky & Co. [Doul^Ieday] ; (Outward bound) Cosmopolis 6: i, 305 IMcClure 9: 837 "Sleipner," late "Thurinda" In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Double- day] Smith administration [Bazaar djulip. Bride's progress. Cow-house jirga. District at play. Explanation of Mrs. Baksh. Great census. Hands of jus- tice. Hunting a miracle. Killing of Hatim Tai. King ashes. Letter from Golam Singh. Opinions of Gunner Barnabas. Self-made man. Serai cabal. Vengeance of Lai Beg. What it comes to] In [Works] From sea to sea pt 2 (Out- ward bound) Smoke of Manila In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Double- day] Solid Muldoon In [Works] Soldiers three [Douljleday] [W'orks] Soldiers three pt i (Out- ward bound) Mulvaney stories [Altemus] Soldiers three [Caldwell]; [Lovellj; [Nottingham Soc] Son of his father /;; [Works] Day's work ])t i (Outward bound) /Steam tactics In [Works] Tral'tics and discoveries [Doubleday]: (Outward bound) Windsor M D '02 Story of a king. Sec Kipling, R. Smith administration Story of Muhammad Din In [Works I Plain tales from llie liills [Doubleday]: (Outward bound) Nutter, C. R. Specimens of prose composition Story of the Gadsbys In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] Under the deodars (Out- ward bound) Strange ride of Morrowbie Jukes /;: [Works] Under the deodars [Double- day] I Works] Phanton 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) Phantom 'rickshaw [Altemus]; [Lov- ell]; [Nottingham Soc.[ Supplementary chapter In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Double- day] Swelling of Jordan: a dialogue In [VVorks] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] Under the deodars (Out- ward bound) Tabu tale In [Works] Just so stories (.Outward bound) Windsor JM S 1903 Taking of Lungtenpen In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday] [Works] Soldiers three pt i (Out- ward bound) Mulvaney stories [Altemus] Soldier stories [Macmillan] Soldiers three [Caldwell]; [Notting- ham Soc] Tents of Kedar: a dialogue /)/ [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] Under the deodars (Out- ward bound) -Their lawful occasions In [Works] Traffics and discoveries [Doubleday] ; (Outward bound) "They" In [Works] Traffics and discoveries [Doubleday]: (Outward bound) Scrib M 36: 129 Three and — an extra In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday] (Outward bound) Three nmskcteers In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday] [Works 1 Soldiers three pt i (Out- ward bound) Mulvaney stories [Altemus] Soldiers three [Calducllj; | Notting- ham Soc] Three young men In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Double- day] Through the hre In [VVorks] Life's handicap [Double- day] [Works] In black and while (Out- ward bound) Thrown away //( [Works] Plain tales from liie hills I Doubleday]; (Outward bound) "Tiger! tiger!" /;/ [Works] Jungle book. First [ Double- day]; (Outward bound) St N F 1894 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES [91 Tiglath Pileser In Worksl Abaft tlic funnel [Double- day] To be filed for reference In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Tod's amendment In [Works] Plain tales from the Inlls [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Tomb of his ancestors /;; [Works] Day's work [Doubleday] [Works] Day's work pt i (Out- ward bound) McClure 10: 9Q Pearson's M D 1898 Toomai of the elephants In [Works] Jungle book. First [Double- day] [Works] Jungle book, Second (Out- ward bound) St N D 1893 Tour of inspection In Windsor M D 1904 Track of a lie In [Works] Under the deodars [Double- day] [Works] Phantom 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) Treasure of the law In [Works] Puck of Pook's hill [Doubledav]; (Outward bound) McClure 27:588 Tree of justice In [Works] Rewards and fairies [Doubleday] Delin 75: 116 Undertakers In [Works] Jungle book. Second [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Unqualified pilot In Windsor U F 1895 Unsavory interlude In [Works] Stalky & Co. [Doubleday]: (Outward bound) Valley of the shadow — dialogue [In The story of the Gadsbys] In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] Under the deodars (Out- ward bound) Vengeance of Lai Beg. See Kipling, R. Smith administratioii Venus anno domini In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Walking delegate In [Works] Day's work [Doubleday] [Works] Day's work pt i (Out- ward bound) Cent 49: 289 Wandering Jew In [Works] Life's handicap [Doul)le- day] [Works] Phantom 'rickshaw (Out- ward bound) Watches of the night In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Way that he took In Cosmopol 30:49 - Daily Express Jc 12, 13, 14 1900 Wayside comedy In [Works] Under the deodars [Douljle- day] ; (Outward bound) Under the deodars [Caldwell; [Not- tingham Soc] Wee Willie Winkie In [Works] Under the deodars [Double- day] ; (Outward bound) Phantom 'rickshaw [Altemus] ; [Lov- ell 1890] Wee Willie Winkie [Caldwell]; [Lovell] Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 10: 242 Weland's sword In [Works] Puck of Pook's hill [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) What it comes to. See Kipling, R. Smith administration White seal In [Works] Jungle book. First [Double- day] [Works] Jungle book. Second (Out- ward bound) National M 21 : 845 William the conqueror /;; [Works] Day's work [Doubleday] [Works] Day's work pt i (Outward bound) Winged hats In [Works] Puck of Pook's hill [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) McClure 27:282 "Wireless" In [Works] Traffics and discoveries [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Scrib M 32: 129 With any amazement: a dialogue [In The story of the Gadsbys] In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] Under the deodars (Out- ward bound) With the main guard In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] Soldiers three pt i (Out- ward bound) Mulvaney stories [Altemus] Soldier stories [Doubleday]; [Mac- millan] Soldiers three [Caldwell]; [Lovell]; [Nottingham Soc] With the night mail In [Works] Actions and reactions [Doubleday]: (Outward bound) McClure 26: 23 Windsor M D 1905 V/ithout benefit of clergy In fWorks] Life's handicap [Double- day] [Works] In black and white (Out- ward bound) Courting of Dinah Shadd [Harper] Mine own people [Caldwell]: [Not- tingham Soc.]; [U. S. Book Co] Wee Willie Winkie [Lovell] Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story ]\Iabie. H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v i Warner library • — Eclectic M 115: 199 Liv Age 185:788 Macmillan's M 62: 148 192 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Kipling, Rudyard— Cr>)//(»»rcy. World without: a dialogue [In The story of the Gadsbys] lu [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works! Under the deodars (Out- ward bound) Wreck of the Visigoth In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday] [Works] Day's work pt 2 (Outward bound) Wressley of the foreign office In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Wrong thing In [Works] Rewards and fairies [Doubleday] Delin 74: 402 Nash's M My '10 "Yoked with an unbeliever" In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Young men at the manor In [Works] Puck of Pook's hill [Doubleday]; (Outward bound) Xavier Lavclle. See Kipling, R. Life of Xavier Lavelle Kirby's coals of fire. Stockton, L. Kirk, Ellen (Warner) Olney (Mrs. John Foster Kirk) (Henry Hayes, pseud.) 1842- Anti-climax In Lippinc 66: 3 Aux serieux In Better times stories Better times In Better times stories Bit of human nature In Lippinc 70: 259 Bohemian In Better times stories Fairy gold In Fairy gold Lippinc 30: 41 High steeple of St. Chrysostom's In Revolutionary love-story Appleton's M 20: 501 Love in idleness /;; Love in idleness Lippinc 18: 175; 19: 48 Miss Ruth In Better times stories Galaxy 22: 646 One too many In Better times stories Atlan 42: 129 Pair of silk stockings In Better times stories Revolutionary love-story hi Revolutionary love-story Story of a silk dress In Better times stories Tragedy at Dale farm In Better times stories Widow's mite In Better times stories Young doctor In Better times stories Kirkland, Caroline Matilda Stansbury, 1801- 1864 Bee-tree /;; Baldwin, C. S. American short stories Kiss. Bland. E. N. Kiss. Chekhov, A. P. Kiss. Maupassant, G. de Kit Kennedy, ne'er-do-well. Crockett, S. R. Kitchen colonel. Freeman, M. E. W. Kitchen side of a door. Fcrbcr, E. Kito. Long, J. L. Kitten that did. Osbourne, L. Kittie's sister Josephine. Jordan, E. G. Kittykin. and the part she played in the war. Page, T. N. Kitty's class day. Alcott, L. M. Kjelland, Alexander Lange. See Kielland, A. L. Kleptomaniac. Cameron, M. Klingeljungc. Viebig. C. Klosterheim. DeQuincey, T. Knapsack. Edgeworth, M. Knave of hearts. Grant, R. Knee-deep in knickers. Fcrber. E. Knees of the gods. Hornung, E. W. Knickerbocker redivivus. Loomis, C. B. Knife. Crane, S. Knife and the naked chalk. Kipling, R. Knife in the crooked thorn. MacManus, S. Knife that killed Po Hancy. Stockton, F. R. Knight-errant of the foot-hills. Harte, B. Knight of Dannebrog. Bovesen, H. H. Knight of the Black Forest." Litchfield, G. D. Knight of the Cumberland. Fox. J., jr. Knight of the legion of honor. Smith, F. H. Knights of industry. Krestovski, V. V. Knights of the joyous venture. Kipling, R. Knight's secret. Rcade, C. Knightsbridge mystery. Reade, C. Knitters in the sun. Bates, A. Knitting-room. Blicher, S. S. Knitting sale-socks. Spofford, H. P. Knock . . . knock . . . knock. Turgenev, I. S. Kock, Charles Paul de, 1 794-1 871 Guilty secret In Patten, \\'. International short sto- ries V 3 Kompert, Leopold, 1822-1886 Ghetto violet In Stories bj- foreign authors, German V 2 Silent woman /// Maupassant, G. de, and others. ^lod- ern ghosts Kunovaloff. Gorky, M. Koolau the leper. London. J. Korney Vasilyev. Tolstoi, L. N. Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich, 1853- r.lind musician //; Blind nuisician Cormorants. See Komlcnko, \". G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Easter night In Vagrants Exterminator. See Korolenkt), V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Forest is mumuring. See Korolenko, \'. (i. Forest sloughs INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 193 Forest sloughs [Forest is murmuring] In Vagrant Russiaa R 2: 162 "Hollow below the devil's finger." See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist In bad society In In two moods In two moods In In two moods Inspector. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Investigation continued. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Ivan, aged thirty-eight years. See Koro- lenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Old bell-ringer In Vagrant Esenwein, J. B. Short story master- pieces, Russian v 2 Russian R 3: 49 Saghalinian: the tale of a vagrant 1)1 Vagrant Sketches of a Siberian tourist [Cormorants "Hollow below the devil's finger." Slayer. Voltairian of Siberia. Exter- minator. Yevsej'itch. Inspector. Ivan, aged thirty-eight years. Inves- tigation continued] In Vagrant Slayer. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Vagrant. See Korolenko, V. G. Sagha- linian Voltairian of Siberia. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Yevseyitch. See Korolenko. V. G. Sketclies of a Siberian tourist Kors Davie. Eekhoud, G. Kourasoffs. Seawell, M. E. Krestovski, V., pseud. (Hvoschinskaya, N. D.) 1825-1869 Knights of industry In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German, etc. Kreutzer sonata. Tolstoi, L. N. Krishna Mulvaney. See Kipling, R. Incar- nation of Krishna Mulvaney Kuprin, Alexander Ivanovich, 1870- Hangman III Russian R 3: 39 Labor captain. Osbourne, L. Labor of love. Magruder, J. Labour, death and disease. Tolstoi, L. N. Labourer Emelyan and the empty drum. See Tolstoi, L. N. Story of Yemilyan and the empty drum Lad who went to the North wind. Dasent, G. W. Ladder of grief. Thanet, O. Ladder of lions. Harris, J. C. Ladies' battle. Seawell, M. E. Ladies' man. Barr, R. Ladies" societies. Dickens, C. Lads and lassies. Barrie, J. M. Lady. A monologue of the cow-pen. Stuart, R. M. Lady and death. Paget, V. Lady and her soul. Long, J. L. Lady and the beggar. Hichens, R. S. Lady and the Ka7i (Persian) In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories. Oriental Lady Arabella. Hawthorne, N. Lady Arabella Johnson. Sigourney, L. H. Lady-baby. Stuart, R. M. Lady Barberina. James, H. Lady Betty's indiscretion. Weyman, S. J. Lady Caroline, afterwards Marchioness of Stonchenge. Hardy, T. Lady Clare; story of a horse. Boyesen, H. H. Lady Dugdale. TroUope, A. Lady Eleanor: lawbreaker. Barr, R. Lady Eleanore's mantle. Hawthorne, N. Lady Ferry. Jewett, S. O. Lady from Red Horse. Bicrcc, A. Lady Gwendolen episode. Barr, R. Lady higher up. Henry, O. Lady Icenway. Hardy, T. Lady in Hosea. Sharp, W. Lady in the box. Stockton, F. R. Lady in the sacque. 5"t'^ Scott, W. Tapes- tried chamber Lady Kitty. Besant, W. and Rice, J. Lady Alarabout's troubles. Ouida Lady Mary's mistake. Maartens, M. Lady Mottisfont. Hardy, T. Lady of Launay. Trollope, A. Lady of Little Fishing. Woolson, C. F. Lady of Lucerne. Smith, F. H. Lady of Lyons. Merrick, L. Lady of Mount Vernon. Sigourney, L. H. Lady of quality. Fuller, H. B. Lady of Shalott. Ward, E. S. P. Lady of the barge. Jacobs, W. W. Lady of the flagon. Hawkins, A. H. Lady of the land. Morris, W. [Edgar] Lady of the lift. Hornung, E. W. Lady of the pool. Hawkins, A. H. Lady of the red admirals. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Lady of the ship. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Lady of yesterday. Peattie, E. W. Lady, or the tiger? Stockton, F. R. Lady Penelope. Hardy, T. Lady Ravelgold. Willis, N. P. Lady-rustic. Pushkin, A. S. Lady Silverdale's sweetheart. Black, W. Lady slipper. Dunbar, P. L. Lady Tal. Paget, V. Lady Vera, semi-militant: the crime doctor gains an assistant. Hornung, E. W. Lady with the carnations. Corelli, M. Lady's maid's bell. Wharton, E. Lady's shoe. Barrie, J. M. Laeta Acilia. France, A. Lagerlof, Selma [Ottiliana Lovisa] 1858- Air-ship In Girl from the marsh croft Among the climbing roses In Invisible links Astrid. See Lagerlof, S. Queens at Kun- gahalla Bethlehem's children In Christ legends Brothers /;; From a Swedish homestead Cur Lit 31: 149 194 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Lagerlof, Se\ma—Contiiuicci. Christmas guest In Invisible links Christmas night In Good H 53- 745 Dame Fast and Petter Nord In Liv Age 222:665, 750, 810, 877 Dovvnie /;; Invisible links Emperor's vision In Christ legends Empress's money-chest /;; From a Swedish homestead Fallen king In Invisible links Fisherman's ring /;; From a Swedish homestead Flight into Egypt In Christ legends From a Swedish homestead Forest queen. See Lagerlof, S. Queens at Kungahalla Girl from the marsh croft In Girl from the marsh croft Hatto the hermit In Outlook 89: 949 Holy night In Christ legends In Nazareth In Christ legends In the temple In Christ legends Inscription on the grave /;/ From a Swedish homestead It In Poet-Lore 11 : 321 King's grave In Invisible links Legend of Reor In Invisible links Legend of the bird's nest 1)1 Invisible links Legend of the Christmas rose In Girl from the marsh croft Mamsell Fredrika In Invisible links Chaut 54: 246 Mother's portrait In Invisible links Musician In Girl from the marsh croft Old Agnete In From a Swedish homestead On the site of the great Kungahalla. See Lagerlof, S. Queens at Kungahalla Our Lord and St. Peter In Christ legends From a Swedish homestead Liv Age 224: 82 - Outlaws hi Invisible links Peace of God In l-Tom a Swedish homestead Queens at Kungahalla: On the site of the great Kungahalla; The forest queen; Sigrid Storriidc; Astrid In hrom a Swedish homestead Robin Redbreast In Christ legends Bookm 24: 404 Cur Lit 42: 346 Romance of a fisherman's wife In Invisible links Sacred flame In Christ legends Saint Veronica's kerchief In Christ legends Santa Caterina of Sienna In From a Swedish homestead Sigrid .Storrade. See Lagerlof, S. Queens at Kungahalla Silver mine In Girl from the marsh croft • Spirit of fasting and Petter Nord In Invisible links Story from Halstanas In From a Swedish homestead • Story from Jerusalem In Girl from the marsh croft Story of a country house In From a Swedish homestead Story of a story In Girl from the marsli croft Uncle Reuben In Invisible links Valdemar Atterdag In Invisible links ■ Wedding march In Girl from the marsh croft Why the pope lived to be so old In Girl from the marsh croft Wise men's well In Christ legends Lagoon. Conrad, J. Laird of Cassway. Hogg, J. Laird's luck. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Lake of devils. Andrews, M. R. S. Lake of the Great Slave. Parker, G. Lakshadatta and Labdhatta [Sanskrit] III Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834 Adventures of Ulysses In Writings (Temple) v 5 Arabella Hardy; or, The sea voyage In Writings (Temple) v 5 Cupid's revenge In Writings (Temple) v 5 Dream children In Writings (Temple) v 4 Essays of Elia Marie Howe; or, The effects of witch sto- ries In Writings (Temple) v 5 Rosamund Gray In Writings (.Temple) v 4 Sea voyage. Sec Lamb, C. Arabella Hardy Susan Yates; or, First going to church In Writings (Temple) v 5 Lambert's leap. Reade, C. Lame Jervas. Edgeworth, M. Lamentable comedy of Willow Wood: a dia- logue. Kipling, R. Lamentations of Jeremiah Johnson. Stuart, R. M. Lammas preacliing. Crockett, S. R. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 195 La Motte-Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, - freiherr de, 1 777- 1843 Aslauga's knight In Aslauga's knight Lamp and the guitar. Quillcr-Couch, A. T. Lamp of liberty. Duncan, N. Lamp of Psyche. Wharton, E. Lampblack. Ouida Lancashire story. Sec Burnett, F. H. Surly Tim Lancer's wife. Maupassant, G. de Land. Austin, M. H. Land beyond the blow. Bierce, A. Land east of the sun and west of the moon. Morris, W. Land of heart's desire. Kelly, M. Land of love. Harland, H. Land of promise. Zangwill, I. Land of the blue flower. Burnett, F. H. Land of youth. Comer, C. A. Land without common folks. Brown, A. Landed proprietor. See Tolstoi, L. N. Russian proprietor Landers, J. King Bemba's Point In Stories by English authors, African Landless farmer. Jewett, S. O. Landlord of the Big Flume Hotel. Harte, B. Landscape chamber. Jewett, S. O. Landscape painter. James, H. Landslide and the train wreck. Jokai, M. Landsman's tale. Stockton, F. R. Lane that had no turning. Parker, G. Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912 Adventure of the Canadian heiress In Disentanglers Adventure of the exemplary earl In Disentanglers Adventure of the fair American In Disentanglers Adventure of the first clients In Disentanglers Adventure of the lady novelist and the vaccinationist In Disentanglers Adventure of the lady patroness In Disentanglers Adventure of the miserly marquis In Disentanglers Adventure of the office screen In Disentanglers Adventure of the rich uncle In Disentanglers Betty Barnes, the cook In Blackw 187: 231 Black dogs and the thumbless hand In Cornhill 74: 763 In Castle Dangerous In Cornhill 53: 514 Lippinc 37:545 Lover in cocky In Disentanglers Lang men o' Larut. Kipling, R. Lang Tammas and Drumsheugh swear off. Bangs, J. K. Lanier of the cavalry. King, C. Lannigan system with girls. Fernald, C. B. Lantern. Brown, A. Lanty Foster's mistake. Harte, B. La Ramee, Louise de. See Ouida, pseud. La Rochefoucauld's saying. Litchfield, G. D. Larssen, O. Alanuscript In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German etc. Lass of the Laramie. King, C. Last Anderson of Deeside. Crockett, S. R. Last antelope. Austin, M. H. Last assembling. Brown, A. Last asset. Wharton, E. Last book. Daudet, A. Last Carolan. Norris, K. Last Chance gulch. Crosby, M. Last Christmas. Allen, J. L. Last class. Daudet, A. Last conquest of Mrs. Byrd. Thanet, O. Last cruise of the Stella di Mare. Stetson, G. E. C. Last duchess of Belgarde. Seawcll, M. E. Last effect. Merrick, L. Last extremity. Payn, J. Last fiddling of Mordaunt's Jim. Dunbar, P. L. Last galley. Doyle, A. C. Last gift. Freeman, M. E. W. Last laugh. Hornung, E. W. Last leaf. Henry, O. Last lesson. Daudet, A. Last mass. Besant, W. Last mass; a reminiscence. Jokai, M. Last night. Bangs, J. K. Last of the fairy wands. Bishop, W. H. Last of the Fini. See Oisin in Tirnanogo Last of the legions. Doyle, A. C. Last of the smugglers. Crockett, S. R. Last of the stories. Kipling, R. Last of the troubadours. Henry, O. Last of the Valerii. James, H. Last of the wire-tappers. Train, A. C. Last ride together. Davis, Richard H. Last sacrifice. Watson, J. Last serpent. MacManus, S. Last sixty minutes. Glaspell, S. Last slave ship. Howe, G. Last spike. Warman, C. Last step. Maupassant, G. de Last Stetson. Fox, J., jr. Last straw. Michelson, M. Last straw. Phillpotts, E. Last supper. Sharp, W. Last term. Kipling, R. Last visit to a scholar. Dyar, M. Last word. Hornung, E. W. Lasting love. Maupassant, G. de Late Mr. Taylor. McCutcheon, G. B. Late Mr. Watkins of Georgia. Harris, J. C. Late supper. Jewett, S. O. Latin-quarter courtship. Harland, H. Latter-day wooing. Halevy, L. Laughin' in meetin'. Stowe, H. B. Laughter Hole. Phillpotts, E. Laughter of Scathach the queen. Sharp, W. Laurels and the lady. Merrick, L. Laurels of the brave. Corelli, M. Laurette or the red seal. Vigny, A. V. de Laurie Vane. Seawell, M. E. Lauson tragedy. De Forest, J. W. Lauth. Norris, F. Law and gospel. Halo. E. E. Law and order. Henry. O. Law, and the gospel. Ward, E. S. P. 196 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Law and the long bone. Earlc, M. T. Law-breakers. Grant, R. Law lane. Jewett, S. O. Law of life. London, J. Law, or the gospel? Leland, M. Lawn-mower. Hibbard, G. A. Lawyer Money. Earle, M. T. Lawyer Quince. Jacobs, W. W. Lay of Eliduc. Marie de France Lay of Equitan. Marie de France Lay of Graclcnt. IMarie de France Lay of Gugenar. Marie de France Laj'- of Milon. Marie de France Lay of Sir Launfal. Marie de France Lay of the ash tree. Marie de France Lay of the dolorous knight. Marie de France Lay of the honeysuckle. Marie de France Lay of the nightingale. Marie de France Lay of the thorn. Alarie de France Lay of the two lovers. Marie de France Lay of the were-wolf. Marie de France Lay of Yonec. Marie de France Laying of the hose-pipe ghost. Connolly, J. B. Lazarette of the "Huntress." Russell, W. C. Lazy Jaynius. MacManus, S. Lazy Lawrence. Edgeworth, M. Lazy tour of two idle apprentices. Dick- ens. C. Lead soldier's story. France, A. Leader of his people. Pratt. L. Lcadin' road to Donegal. MacManus, S. Leading lady. Fcrber, E. Leading lady's Christmas. Seawell, M. E. Leading man. Tracy, V. Leaf in the storm. Ouida League of the old men. London, J. Lean and fat. Chekhov, A. P. Leandcr of Betsy's pride. Harrison, C. C. Leander of the East river. Davis, Rich- ard H. Leander's light. Page, T. N. Lear of the steppe's. See Turgenev, L S. King Lear of the steppes "Learning" of Gregory. Vorse, M. H. Lease of the "Cross Keys." Jerome, J. K. Leather funnel. Doyle, A. C. Leaves from the diary of Ruth Marchmont. Harrison, C. C. Lcbedyan. Turgenev. T. S. Leclercq, Paul Story in white //("Merrill, S. Pastels in prose Lecture in the Lady Gay. Lewis, A. H. Lee, Vernon Paget, pseud. See Paget, Vio- let Lefevre, Edwin, 1871- Break in turpentine In Wall street stories McClure 16: 539 Golden flood In Golden flood McClure 24: 37.S, S03. .=502 Hans Schmelz In Everybody's 24:46 His first suicide In McClure tq: 183 Little lizard In Everybody's 21:625 Lost opportunity In Wall street stories Munsey 25: 429 Man who won In Wall street stories McClure 17:360 Men of little faith In Harper no: 601 Philanthropic whisper In Wall street stories Pike's Peak or bust In Wall street stories ]\IcClure 17: 153 Reason why In Everybody's 26:593 Sixty-thousand dollar face In Harper 109: 567 Theological tipster In Wall street stories Munse}^ 24: 41 Tipster In Wall street stories McClure 18: 71 Woman and her bonds In Wall street stories McClure 16: 339 Left out on Lonestar mountain. Harte, B. Leg. Zschokke, J. H. D. Leg pull. Williams, J. L. Legacy. Bacon, J. D. Legacy. Hopkins, M. S. B. Le Gallienne, Richard, 1866- Amis and Amile In Romances of old France Cosmopol 31: 261 Aucassin and Nicolette In Romances of old France Cosmopol 31: 145 Beautv's portmanteau /;; Painted shadows. Blonde of Oxford and Jehane of Dam- martin In Romances of old France Book bills of Narcissus In Book bills of Narcissus Buyer of sorrows In ]\Iakcr of rainbows Dead, dead woman In Painted shadows First church of the Restoration In Painted shadows Fragolctta In Painted shadows Haunted orchard ./;/ Harper 124: 21 t History of over-sea In Romances of old France Household gods In Painted shadows King Florns and Fair Jehane /;; Romances of old France Cosmopol 3t: 388 King on his way to be crowned In Maker of rainbows Cent 82:208 Little iovs of IMargaret In Harper 1x1:422 Maker of rainbows In ATaker of rainbows Man with no money In Maker of rainbows INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 197 Man with something in his eye In Maker of rainbows Miracle of love III Cosmopol 48: 186 Mother-of-pearl In Maker of rainbows Old coat of dreams In Maker of rainbows Old silver In Painted shadows Perdita's lovers In Harper 105: 435 Poet, take thy lute In Painted shadows Dclin 64: 533, 738 Princess's mirror In Maker of rainbows Rags of King Cophetua In Maker of rainbows Shadow of the- rose In Painted shadows Dclin 63:420 Sleepless lord In Maker of rainbows Stern education of clowns In ]\Iaker of rainbows Stolen dream In Maker of rainbows Harper 125:99 Stolen mirror In Harper 119: 83 Tale of King Coustans the emperor In Romances of old France Cosmopol 32: 52 Two ghosts In Painted shadows Wandering home In Painted shadows Woman in possession In Painted shadows Worshipper of the image In Worshipper of the image Youth of Lady Constantia In Painted shadows Legay Pelham's headache. Morris, G. Legay Pelham's protegee. Morris, G. Legend. Wharton, E. Legend of a billiard club. Black. W. Legend of a billiard club. A sequel to that. Black, W. Legend of Devil's Point. Harte, B. Legend of Don Juan Manuel. Janvier, T. A. Legend of Don Munio Sancho de Hinojasa. Irving, W. Legend of el Puente de Cuervo. Janvier, T. A. Legend of Fugen-Bosatsu. Hearn, L. Legend of La Llorona. Janvier, T. A. Legend of Lapwater Hall. Morrison, A. Legend of Madame Krasinska. Paget, V. Legend of Mont St. Michel. J^Iaupassant, G. de Legend of ]\Ionte del Diablo. Harte. B. Legend of Oxford. Sigourney, L. H. Legend of padre Jose. Janvier, T. A. Legend of Pennsylvania. Sigourney, L. H. Legend of Prince Ahmed al Kamel; or. The pilgrim of love. Irving, W. Legend of Reor. Lagerlof, S. Legend of Sagenfeld, in Germany. Clem- ens, S. L. Legend of Sammstadt. Harte, B. Legend of Sir Dinar. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Irving, W. Legend of Tchi-Niu. Hearn, L. Legend of the accursed bell. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the Aduana de Santa Domingo. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the altar del perdon. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the Arabian astrologer. Irv- ing, W. Legend of the bird's nest. Lagerlof. S. Legend of the calle de la Cruz Verde. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the callc de la Joya. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the callc de la Machincuepa. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the calle de la Quernada. Jan- vier, T. A. Legend of the calle de los Parados. Jan- vier, T. A. Legend of the calle del Padre Lecuona. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the callejon del Armado. Jan- vier, T. A. Legend of the callejon del muerto. Jan- vier, T. A. Legend of the Christmas rose. Lagerlof, S. Legend of the enchanted soldier. Irving, W. Legend of the engulphed convent. Irv- ing, W. Legend of the living spectre. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the man with the golden brain. Daudet, A. Legend of the IMujcr Herzzada. Janvier, T. A. Legend of the Moor's legacy. Irving, W. Legend of the Mulata de Cordoba. Jan- vier, T. A. Legend of the obedient dead nun. Jan- vier, T. A. Legend of the Puente del Clerigo. Janvier, t. A. Legend of the Rhine. Thackeray, W. M. Legend of the rose of the Alhambra. Irv- ing. W. Legend of the sea. Sienkiewicz, H. Legend of the three beautiful princesses. Irving, W. Legend of the two discreet statues. Irv- ing, W. Legend of Yurei-Daki. Hearn, L. Legends of St. Piran. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Legends of the citv of Mexico. Janvier, T. A. Legion of honor. Maupassant, G. de Legs of Sister Ursula. Kipling, R. Leila; or. The siege of Granada. Lytton, E. B. Lemaitre, Jules i. e. Frangois filie Jules, 1853- First impulse In Liv Age 223: 321 Lemonnier, Camille, i. e. Antoine Louis Camille, 1835- Saint Nicholas eve In Stories by foreign authors, Polish etc. [98 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Lemon tree. Ouida Lcona: a blind man"s storj-. Monlton. L. C. Lconi; a legend of Italy. Ruskin, J. Lconi the trouble-maker. Lewis, A. H. Leonora. Kdgeworth, M. Leopard man"s story. London, J. Le Sage, Alain Rene, 1668-1747 Gil Bias and Dr. Sangrado In Patten, W. International short stories v 3 Lese-majeste of Hans llcckendom. Sing- master, E. Leslies. Irving, W. Lesson. Hibbard, G. A. Lesson in natural history. Bates, A. Lesson in the art. Hawkins, A. H. Lesson of silence. Vorse, M. H. Lesson of the master. James, H. Let every man mind his own business. Stowe, H. B. Let me feci your pulse. Henry, O. Let us follow him. Sicnkiewicz, H. Letter and a paragraph. Bunner, H. C. Letter and what came of it. Moulton, L. C. ' Letter-box. Bazin, R. Letter found on a corpse. Maupassant, G. de Letter found on a drowned man. See Mau- passant, G. de. Letter found on a corpse Letter from Golam Singh. Kipling, R. Letter home. Bennett, E. A. Letter of farewell. Matthews, J. B. Letter of introduction; a farce. Howells, W. D. Letter of recommendation. Maupassant, G. .de Letter to Rome. Moore. G. Letter to the Duchess. Merrick, L. Letter to town. Bunner, H. C. Letters. Wharton, E. Letters from a cat. Jackson, H. H. Letters from my mill. Daudet, A. Letters from Troy. Quiller-Couch. A. T. Letters of Julia and Caroline. Edgcworth, M. Letters of marque. Kipling, R. Letters to an absent one. See Daudet, A. Alonday tales Letting in the jungle. Kipling, K. Lettre d'amour. Davis, Richard H. Letty Coe. Gissing, G. Letty's tramo. Alcott, L. M. Level crossing. Parker, G. Lever, Charles James, 1806-1872 Mr. O'Lcary's second love In Patten, W. International short stories v 2 Leviathan. Van Dyke, II. Levitation of Miss Weeks. liacon, J. D. Lewald-Stahr, Fanny, 181 1-1889 Aristocratic world In Stories and novels Maid of Oyas In Stories and novels Lewis, Alfred Henry (Dan Quin, pseud-) 1842-1914 Baby's lingers In .'\paches of New York I'ig Mike Abrams In .\paches of New York r.ill Connors of the Osagcs /;; W'olfville nights I'.ill Hoskins's coon In Wolfvillc Bogg's experience In Wolfville Bowlegs and Major l>en /;/ Wolfville nights Cherokee Hall /;; Wolfville Cherokee Hall plaj's poker In Wolfville days Clients of Aaron (irecn In Wolfville nights Colonel Coyote Chubbs /;; Wolfville nights Colonel Sterett's marvels In Wolfville nights Colonel Sterett's panther hunt In Wolfville nights Colonel Sterett's war record In Wolfville days Confusion of Talky Jones In Cosmopol 44: 539 Cooking of Crazy Butch In Apaches of New York Crawfish lim In Wolfville Cynthiana, pet-named original sin /;; Faro Nell Cosmopol 53: 160 Dawson and Rudd, partners In Wolfville Dead-shot Baker In Faro Nell Death, and the Donna x\nna In Wolfville days Defiance of Gene Watkins /;/ Wolfville days Delicacy of Red Dog /;; Cosmopol 53:400 Diary of a New York policeman /;/ McClure 40: 158 Dismissal of Silver Phil In Wolfville nights Doc Peet's error In Cosmopol 43: 359 Domestic protectorate of Missis Bill /;; Cosmopol 44: 22 Eat-em-up Jack In Apaches of New York Enright's pard, Jim Willis In Wolfville Eternal woman In Cosmopol 53: 766 Feud of pickles /;/ Wolfville days Funeral of old 1 lolt /;/ Faro Nell Ghost of Sandy Carr In Cosmopol 44: 213 Ghost of the bar-B-8 In Wolfvillc nights Going of Biff Ellison In Apaches of New York Great Wolfville strike In Wolfvillc days Grinding of Dave Tutt In Wolfville days Heir of the Broken-O In Cosmopol 43:608 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 199 Hold-up at the canyon head In Cosmopol 45 : 349 How Faro Nell dealt bank In Wolfville nights How Jack Rainey quit In Wolfville days How Jackeen slew the Doc In Apaches of New York How Pioggi went to Elmira In Apaches of New York How Prince Hal got help In Wolfville days How Red Dog came to the rescue //; Cosmopol 44: 272 How the dumlj man rode In Wolfville days How the Mocking Bird was won In Faro Nell Cosmopol 50: 27 How the raven died In Wolfville nights How Tutt shot Texas Thompson In Faro Nell How Wolfville made a jest In Wolfville days Ike the blood In x'Ypaches of New York Indian Louie In Apaches of New York Inez of the 'dobe walls In Outing 44: 436 Influence of Faro Nell In Wolfville nights Jacks up on eights In Wolfville Jaybird Bob's joke In Wolfville Johnny Florer's axle grease In Wolfville days Lecture in the Lady Gay In Cosmopol 44: 431 Leoni the trouble-maker In Apaches of New York Little Bow Kmii In Apaches of New Yoriv Long ago on the Rio Grande In Wolfville nights Looking out of Faro Nell In Cosmopol 45:654 Luck of Hardrobe /;; Wolfville nights Alacc Bowman, sheriff In Wolfville Man from Red Dog //; Wolfville Patten, W. International short stories v i Man from Yellowstone /;; Wolfville Mills of savage gods In Wolfville nights Old man Enright's love In Wolfville days Old man Enright's uncle /;; Faro Nell Cosmopol 49: 506 Old ]\Ionte, ofticial drunkard In Faro Nell Cosmopol 53: 469 Old Sam Enright's romance Jn Wolfville Pihon Bill's bluff In Wolfville Propriety Pratt, hypnotist In Faro Nell Cosmopol 40: 13 Qucerness of Dave Tutt /;; Wolfville nights Red Mike In Faro Nell Rival dance halls In Wolfville Rose of Wolfville In Cosmopol 43 : 479 Salting of the Golden Rule In Cosmopol 44: 575 Slim Jim's sister In Wolfville Spelling book Ben In Faro Nell Sport of kings In Cosmopol 48: 511 Stinging lizard In Wolfville Texas Thompson's "election" In Wolfville That Turner person In Faro Nell Cosmopol 48: 301 That Wolfville Red Dog In Faro Nell Todd Allen's elopement In Wolfville nights Tom and Jerry; wheelers In Wolfville nights Tooth-pick Johnson's ostracism In Wolfville days Treachery of Curly Ben In Wolfville days Troubles of Dan Boggs In Wolfville nights Tucson Jennie's correction In Wolfville nights Tucson Jennie's heart In Wolfville Tucson Jennie's jealousy In Wolfville Wages of the snitch In Apaches of New York Washerwoman's war In Wolfville When the stage was stopped In Wolfville days When Tutt first saw Tucson In Wolfville nights When Whiskey Bill died In Wolfville days Winning of the Saucy Paoli In Munsey 27: 490 With the Apache's compliments In Wolfville nights Wolfville: Boanerges In Cosmopol 55: 5^6 Wolfville Daily Coyote In Wolfville days Wolfville foundling In Wolfville Wolfville: Jimjam Wallis, liar In Cosmopol 55: 1 1 1 Wolfville: Marihuana /;/ Cosmopol 55: 645 IXDF.X TO SHORT STORIES Lewis, Alfred Henry— Cuutiiiucd Wolfville: Red Dog Fourth of July /;; Cosniopol 54: 254 Wolfville Thanksgiving Jn Wolfville Wolfville: the troubles of old Bender In Cosmopol 55: !^4i Wolfville: those differences Ijetween Tutt and Texas Thompson III Cosmopol 54: 556 Wolfvillc's first funeral /;; Wolfville Lewis, Angelo John (Prof. Hoffmann, pseud.) 1839- Wrong black bag In Stories by English autliors, England Liv Age 107: 172 Lewis, Mrs. H. C See Cameron, ]\Iargarct Lgoflf. Turgenev, I. S. Lgov. See Turgenev, I. S. Lgotf Li Wan the fair. London, J. Liar. James, H. Libbie Marsh's three eras. Gaskell, E. C. Libby and the dark. Donnell, A. H. Liberal education. Havv^kins, A. H. Liberal education. Mason, A. E. W. Liberal lover. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de Liberty Jones's discovery. Harte, B. Liberty's victim. Boyesen, H. H. Library. Maartcns, M. Lickpcnny lover. Henry, O. Lie. Donnell, A. H. Lie absolute. Bland, E. N. Liebereich. Long, J. L. Lieutenant Lare's marriage. Maupassant, G. de Life. Maartens, M. Life. Maupassant, G. de Life and death; a Hindu legend. Sicnkie- vvicz, H. Life everlastin'. Freeman, M. E. W. Life for life. Boyesen, H. H. Life in a country manse. Barrie, J. ^1. Life in the North. Bremer, F. Life magnet. Adce, A. A. Life of Nancy. Jewett, S. O. Life of Quintus Fixlein. Richtcr, J. P. F. Life of the winds of heaven. White, S. E. Life of Xavier Lavelle. Kipling, R. Life-preserver: a crime doctor story. Hor- nung, E. W^ Life subscription. Hawkins, A. II. Life-tale of Pearl McRoy. Fuller, H. B. Life they said she ruined. Merrick, L. Life's enigma. Bjornson, B. Life's secret. Sienkicwicz, H. Lifted bandage. Andrews, M. R. S. Lifted veil. Eliot, G. Ligcia. Poe, E. A. Light house. See Bremer, F. Axel and Anna Light-hftuse keeper of Aspinwall. Sienkic- wicz, H. Light house of the Sanguimaires. See Daudct, A. Lighlliousc Light man. James, 11. Light of other days. Parker, G. Light on the tower. Gissing, G. Light i^rincess. Macdonald, G. Light-ship 67. Connolly, J. B. Light sovereign. Harland, H. Light that failed not. Van Dyke, H. Light that shines in darkness. Tolstoi, L. N. Lighted house. Cutting, M. S. Lighthouse. Daudet. A. Lights of Sitka. Fernald, C. B. Like a grammarian. Benson, E. F. Like cures like. Trumbull, A. E. Like father, like son. King, C. Like unto like. Gibbon, P. Like young Lochinvar. Cameron, M. Likely story. Howells, W. D. Likes o' us. Kipling, R. Lilie Lala. Maupassant. G. de Lilith. Harland, H. Liljencrantz, Ottilia Adalina, 1876-1910 As the Xorns weave III Viking's love Hostage In Viking's love How Thor recovered his hammer III Viking's love L^nreasonable Betty In Ladies' H J 28: F p 9 Viking's love //; Viking's love Lillian Morris. Sienkiewicz. li. Lily's guest. Hawthorne, N. Lime-burner. See Parker, G. Story of the lime-burner Lime tree. Galsworthy, J. Limehouse Reach. See Jacobs, W. W. In Limehouse Reach Limerick gloves. Edgeworth, M. Limitations. Wyatt, E. F. Limitations of Pambe Serang. Kipling, R. Limner's romance. Besant, W. Lin McLean's honeymoon. Wister, O. Lindau, Rudolf, 1829- All in vain In Stories and novels First love /;; Stories and novels Gordon Baldwin In Gordon Baldwin Hans the dreamer In Stories and novels Liquidated In Liciuidatcd Our little world In Our little world Philosopher's pendulum In Gordon Baldwin Stories b}' foreign autliors, German V I Seer In Liciuidated Lindcnborg pool. Morris, W. Lindsay's luck. Burnett, F. II. Line-man's wedding. Ralph, J. Line of least resistance. Wharton, E. Linen measurer. Tolstoi, L. N. Linge of M'sieur. Andrews, M. R. S. Linguister. Craddock, C. E. Lion among ladies. Sedgwick, A. D Lion and the unicorn. Davis, Richard H. Lion in the way. Brown, A. Lion in the way. Hihbnrd, G. .\. Lionizing. Poe, I'.. A. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 201 Lionizing murderers. Clemens, S. L. Lion's mouth. Miller, A. D. Lion's share. Bennett, E. A. Liquidated. Lindau, R. Lispeth. Kipling, R. List of starboard. Smith, "F. H. Litchfield, Grace Denio, 1849- American flirtation In Little Venice Atlan 54: 829 As a man sows In Harper 112: 630 Hilary's husband In Little Venice Cent 30:268 Knight of the Black Forest /;; Knight of the Black Forest Cent 29: 180, 344, 568 La Rochefoucauld's saying In Little Venice Little Venice In Little Venice Cent 40: 367 Myrtle In Little Venice One chapter In Little Venice Cent 27: 210 One result In Outlook 73: 84 Price I paid for a set of Ruskin In Little Venice Cent 28: 937 Question In Harper 104: 543 Selina's singular marriage In Little Venice Cent 36: 194 Literary club. Barrie, J. M. Literarv coincidence. Hornung, E. W. Literary life of Thingum Bob, Esq. Poe, E. A. Literary love-letters. Herrick, R. Literary remains of Thomas Bragdon. Bangs, J. K. Little account with Swithin Hall. Lon- don, J. Little Alvida. Boyesen, H. H. Little Annie's ramble. Hawthorne, N. Little Babiche. Parker, G. Little bell of honour. Parker, G. Little Bel's supplement. Jackson, H. H. Little Ben. Spofford, H. P. Little Betty's kitten tells her story. Bur- nett, F. H. Little Big Horn medicine. Wister, O. Little bird and the blacksmith. Warman, C. Little blue overalls. Donnell, A. H. Little Blue Wing finds the gold powder. Sec Strindberg, J. A. Blue Wing finds the gold powder Little Bo-pecp. Kelly, M. Little Bow Kum. Lewis, A. H. Little boy and his dogs. Harris, J. C. Little boy of the lantern. Harris. J. C. Little briar-rose. Grimm, T., and Grimm, W. Little Briggs and I. Ludlow. F. H. Little brother of the books. Bacon, J. D. Little brown shoes. Viebig, C. Little Button-Rose. Alcott. L. M. Little captive maid. Jewett, S. O. Little cask. Maupassant, G. de Little Cayuse. Warman, C. Little change. White, E. O. Little change for Edward. Cutting, M. S. Little chap. Boyesen, H. H. Little Christian. Maartens, M. Little Compton. Harris, J. C. Little confederate hero. Page, T. N. Little convent girl. King, G. E. Little coyote. Austin, M. H. Little Daffydowndilly. Hawthorne, N. Little Darby. Page, T. N. Little David: a coursing story. Mitford, M. R. Little Daylight. Macdonald, G. Little dinner. Bishop, W. H. Little dinner at Timmins's. Thackeray, W. M. Little dog. Morris, G. Little dog Trusty. Edgeworth, M. Little domestic. Catherwood, M. H. Little dramas of the curbstone. Norris, F. Little earl. Ouida Little Edward. Stowe, H. B. Little fairy's constancy. Ralph, J. Little feller. Train, A. C. Little-flower-of-the-wood. Merrick, L. Little flyer in love. Osbourne, L. Little foxes. Kipling, R. Little Fred, the canal boy. Stowe, H. B. Little French Mary. Jewett, S. O. Little Gibraltar. Moulton, L. C. Little girl. White, S. E. Little-girl-afraid-of-a-dog. Freeman, M. E. W. Little girl who should have been a boy. Donnell, A. H. Little god and Dicky. Bacon, J. D. Little grand and the marchioness. Ouida Little gray ghost. Comer, C. A. Little gray lady. Smith, F. H. Little green door. Freeman, M. E. W. Little heiress. Morris, G. Little hopping frog. Pratt, L. Little house in the garden. Alcott, L. M. Little house in the street where the sun never came. Long, J. L. Little Huguenot; a romance of Fontaine- blau. Pemberton, M. Little Jack. Chekhov, A. P. Little Jakey. De Kroyft, S. H. Little Jane. Brown, A. Little Jarvis. Seawell, M. E. Little joys of Margaret. Le Gallienne, R. Little lady who wouldn't spoil Christmas. Long, J. L. Little lame angel. Crockett, S. R. Little liberal. Fernald, C. B. Little lizard. Lefevre, E. Little local colour. Henry. O. Little lonely girl. Thanet. O. Little Louise Roque. Maupassant. G. de Little lover. Donnell, A. H. Little Lucy Rose. Freeman, M. E. W. Little maid at the door. Freeman. M. E. W. Little Marcus. .-Vndrews. M. R. S. Little Margaret Snell. Freeman, M. E. W. Little Mary. Maartens, M. Little masquerade. Parker. G. Little matter of real estate. Kelly, M. Little ]\Iaude and her mama. Loomis, C. B. IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Little Max. Halevy, L. Little merchants. Edgeworth, M. Little Mirandy. Freeman, M. E. W. Little Miss Flutterly's dissertation on war. Loomis, C. B. Little Miss Joy-Sing. Long, J. L. Little IMiss Sophie. Dunbar, A. Little Missy. Seawell, M. E. Little Mr. Cricket and the other creatures. Harris, J. C. Little more beef. Kipling, R. Little Mother Quackalina. Stuart, R. I\I. Little mountain maid. Earle, M. T. Little neighbors. Alcott, L. INI. Little Norsk; or, Ol' pap's flaxen. Gar- land, H. Little number ones. Pratt, L. Little O'Gradv's vs the Grindstone. Fuller, H. B. ' Little old man of Batignolles. Gaboriau, E. Little old shoe. See Alcott, L. M. Modern Cinderella Little old woman. Spofford, H. P. Little One Eye, little Two Eyes, and little Three Eyes (adapted). Scudder, H. E. Little orphan. Dostoievski, F. i\L Little pates. Daudet, A. Little Persian princess. Freeman, M. E. W. Little pies. See Daudet, A. Little pates Little pilgrim. Oliphant, M. W. Little pilgrim; further experiences. Oli- phant, M. W. Little pilgrimage. Crane, S. Little pioneer. Mighels, P. V. Little Poinsinet. Thackeray, W. M. Little post-boy. Taylor, B. Little prep. Kipling, R. Little Prince Pomnik. Grcnfcll, W. T. Little ])rophet. Wiggin, K. D. Little Rathie's "bural." Barrie, J. M. Little Red Riding Hood. Perrault, C. Little Red Riding Hood (adapted). Scud- der. H. E. Little regiment. Crane, S. Little Renault. Catherwood, M. H. Little Revenge. Andrews. M. R. S. Little revenge. Andrews, M. R. S. Little romance. Duncan, N. Little room. Wynne, M. Y. Little Rosebud. Harraden, B. Little Saint Eliza1)eth. Burnett, F. H. Little satyr. Sherwood, M. P. Little silver heart. Bacon, J. D. Little sister and the baby. French. A. W. Little sisters of the poor. Bazin, R. Little Snow-white. Grimm, W., and Grimm, Little soldier. See Maupassant, G. dc. Two little soldiers "Little speck in garnered fruit." Henry, O. Little square box. Doyle. A. C. Little stationer. Coppec, F. TJttle still. Hopkins, M. S. B. Little story. Bierce, A. Little surprise. Cutting, M. S. Little tangle at Cragsmoor. .Tf^>rdan, E. G. Little thief. Ouida Little things. Alcott, L. M. Little Thumbling. Perrault, C. Little Tobrah. Kipling. R. Little Tommy Tucker. Ward, E. S. P. Little traveler. Jewett, S. O. Little tutor. Williams, J. L. Little Union scout. Harris, J. C . Little Venice. Litchtield, G. D. Little victorv of the general. Bacon, T. D. Little violinist. Aldrich, T. B. Little walk. Maupassant, G. dc "Little white hin." Cameron, M. Little widow of Jansen. Parker, G. Little windows into the world. Brown, A. Little wizard. Weyman, S. J. Little wretcli. Hawkins, A. H. Little yallcr baby. Field, E. Lively friend. Maupassant. G. dc Living holy relics. Turgenev, L S. Living mummy. See Turgenev, L S. Liv- ing holy relics Living relics. See Turgenev, L S. Living holy relics Lizerunt. Morrison, A. Lizzie Leigh. Gaskell, F. C. Lizzie's wedding. Barrie, J. ]\L Lloyd, David D. Poor Ogla-Moga III Stories by American authors v 3 Harper 64: 719 Loaded gun. Long, J. L. Loaf of peace. Thanet, O. Local color. London, J. Local colorist. Slosson, A. T. Local colour. Hornung, E. W. Local inquisition. Watson, J. Locke, William John, 1863- Aftermath III Eclectic 'M 125:399 New R 13: 103 Christmas mystery: the story of three wise men III Christmas mystery Am M 69: 146 Conqueror III Everybody's 28:290 Demagogue and Lady Phayre III Demagogue ]\Ioonlight effect /;; Am M 68:3Q2 Locked room. Hornung, E. W. Locomotive as a war chariot. Warman, C. Locomotive that lost herself. Warman, C. Locusts. Daudet. A. Lodge in the wilderness. Parker. G. Lodger in ]\Iaze pond. Gissing, G. R. Lodger overhead. Davis. C. B. Lodging for the night. Stevenson, R. L. Lodusky. Burnett. F. FT. T,og. Alaupassant. G. dc Log-book. Maupassant, G. de Logic of a pike. Mac^Ianus, S. Logic of events. See Hewlett, M. H. Eu- genio and Galeoto Lois the witch. Gaskell, E. C. Lokis. Merimee. P. Lokis. Alerrimee. P. Lola. Gibbon. P. Lombardy poplar. I'reeman. M. F. W. Lonibardy poplars. Perry, B. London, Jack, 1876- .•\d venture in the upper sea In Ind 54: 1290 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 203 All gold canyon In Moon-face Cent 71: 117 Aloha oe In House of pride Amateur night In Moon-face Apostate In When God laughs Batard In Faith of men Benefit of the doubt In Night-born Brown Wolf In Love of life Everybody's 15: I47 Bunches of knuckles In Night-born Charley's coup In Tales of the fish patrol Chinago In When God laughs Harper 119: 233 Chun Ah Chun /)} House of pride Created he tliem In When God laughs Cruise of the Dazzler In St N 29:784 Curious fragment In When God laughs Daughter of the Aurora In National M (Bost) 13:223 Day's lodging In Love of life Death of Ligoun In Children of the frost Demetrios Contos In Tales of the fish patrol Devils of Fuatino In Son of the sun Diable — a dog In Cosmopol 33 : 218 Dream of Debs In Strength of the strong Enemy of the world /;/ Strength of the strong Faith of men In Faith of men Feathers of the sun In Son of the sun Flush of gold In Lost Face "Francis Spaight" In When God laughs Game In Game Goboto night In Son of the sun God of his fathers In McClure 17: 44 Good-by, Jack In House of pride Grit of women In McClure 15: 324 Heathen In South Sea tales Everybody's 23: 193 House of Mapuhi In South Sea tales McClure 32:247 House of pride In House of pride Hyperborean brew In Faith of men In a far country In Son of the wolf Overland n s 51 : 270 In the forest of the North /;; Children of the frost Inevitable white man In South Sea tales Jan, the unrepentant In Outing 36:474 Jokers of New Gibbon In Son of the sun Just meat In When God laughs Cosmopol 42: 535 Keesh, the son of Keesh In Children of the frost King of the Greeks In Tales of the fish patrol Koolau the leper In House of pride Law of life In Children of the frost McClure 16: 435 League of the old men In Children of the frost Leopard man's story In Moon-face Li Wan the fair In Children of the frost Atlan 90: 212 Little account with Swithin Hall In Son of the sun Local color In Moon-face Lost Face In Lost Face ' Love of life In Love of life Blackw 178: 765 McClure 26: 144 IMadness of John Harned In Night-born Everybody's 23:657 Make westing In When God laughs Malemute kid stories. See London, J. To the man on the trail; White Silence; Son of the wolf; Men of Forty-mile Marriage of Lit-lit In Faith of men Master of mystery In Children of the frost Mauki , In South Sea tales Men of Forty-mile In Son of the wolf Overland n s 33 : 401 Mexican In Night-born Minions of Midas In Moon-face Moon-face In Moon-face Nam-bok the unveracious In Children of the frost 204 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES London, Jack —Continued. NcRore, the coward In Love of life Night-born III Night-born Everybody's 25: 108 Nose for the king /;; When God laughs Odyssey of the North In Son of the wolf Atlan 85 : 85 One thousand dozen In Faith of men i\ational M (Bost.) 17:70.^ Passing of Marcus O'Brien In Lost Face Reader 11 : 135 Pearls of Parblaj' In Son of the sun Piece of steak In When God laughs Planchette In Moon-face Cosmopol 41: 157, 259, 37y Priestly prerogative In Son of the wolf Overland n s 34: 59 Proud goat of Alovsius Pankburn In Son of the sun Race for number three In Cur Lit 52: 482 Raid on the oyster pirates In Tales of the fish patrol Relic of the Pliocene In Faith of men Samuel In Strength of the strong Scorn of woman In Overland n s 37:979 Sea-farmer In Strength of the strong Seed of McCoy In South Sea tales Cent 77:898 Semper idem In When God laughs Shadow and the flash In Moon-face Bookm 17: 410 Cur Lit 41 : 585 Sheriff of Kona In House of pride Am M 68:384 Sickness of Lone Chief In Children of the frost Out West 17:468 Siege of the "Lancashire Queen" In Tales of the fish patrol Son of the sun In Son of the sun Son of the wolf In Son of the wolf Overland n s 33:335 South of the slot /" Strength of the strong Story of Jees Uck In Faith of men Story of Keesh In Love of life Strength of the strong /" Strength of the strong Hampton 26: 309 Sun-dog trail In Love of life Harper 112:85 Sunlanders In Children of the frost Terrible Solomons In South Sea talcs Hampton 24: 347 Thanksgiving on Slav Creek In Harp B 33: 1879 That spot In Lost Face To build a fire In Lost Face Cent 76: 524 To kill a man In Night-born To repel boarders In St N 29:675 To the man on the trail: a Klondike Christmas In Son of the wolf Overland n s 33: 36 T^ ) much gold In Faith of men Trust In Lost Face Cent 75:441 Under the deck awnings In Night-born Unexpected In Love of life Blackw 180: 164 McClure 27:368 Unparalleled invasion In Strength of the strong Whale tooth In South sea tales When God laughs In When God laughs When the world was young In Night-born Where the trail forks In Outinor 37: 276 White and yellow In Tales of the fish patrol White man's way /;; Love of life W^hite silence In Son of the wolf Overland n s 31,: 138 Wicked w^oman In When God laughs Wife of a king In Son of the wolf Overland n s 34: 1 12 Winged blackmail In Night-born Wisdom of the trail /;/ Son of the wolf Overland 34:541 Wit of Porportuk fn Lost Face "Yah! Yah! Yah!" fn Soutii Sea tales Yellow handkerchief In Tales of the fish patrol London life. James. li. London visitor. Mitford, M. R. Lone charge of William B. Perkins. Crane, S. Lone corvette. Parker, G. Lonely ones. Heyse, P. J. L. INDEX TO SHORT STORM'S 205 Lonely ride. Harte, B Lonesome little shoe. I'leld, L. Lonesome man of Huckleberry Lake. BacH- eller, L A. Lonesome road. Henry, O. Long, John Luther, 1861- Atonement /;; Sixty Jane Baby grand ' III Baby grand Beautiful graveyard In Sixty Jane Billv-Boy In Billy-Boy Birds of a feather In Hampton's 28: 179 Dizzy Dave In Cosmopol 28: 295 Dolce In Cent 61 : 803 Dolly-Jack In Baby grand Collier's 46: D 10 p 31 Dull Jim In Baby grand Felice In Felice Harper no: 13 Gentleman of Japan and a lady In Madame Butterfly Cent 56:893 Glory In Madame Butterfly Guile In Heimweh Heimweh In Heimweh Joy-Sing. See Long, J. L. Little Miss Joy-Sing Jupiter Tonans In Heimweh Kito In Madame Butterfly Lady and her soul In Sixty Jane Liebereich In Heimweh Cent 69: 232 Little house in the little street where the sun never came In Sixty Jane Little lady who wouldn't spoil Christmas In Baby grand Ladies' H J 27: D p 21 Little Miss Joy-Sing In Little Miss Joy Smg Loaded gun In Heimweh Lucky Jim In Sixty Jane Madame Butterfly In Madame Butterfly Cent 55:374 "Our anchel" In Sixty Jane Outrageous Miss Dawn-Dream In Sixty Jane Prince of illusion In Cent 60:655 Purple eyes In Madame Butterfly Cent 56:354 Sandwich-man In Cent 88:221 Seffy, a little comedy of country manners In Sefify Siren In Heimweh Cent 66: 343 "Sis" In Heimweh Ladies' H J 22: F p 11, 51 Sixty Jane In Sixty Jane Cent 65:388 Spilled milk In Baby grand Strike on the Schlafeplatz railroad In Sixty Jane Cent 63: 710 Thor's emerald In Heimweh Tom, Dick and Harry— et cetera In Baby grand Harper 120: 716 Long ago on the Rio Grande. Lewis, A. H. Long arm. Davis, Richard H. Long courting ot Henry Kumerant. Sing- master, E. Long distance telephone. Barr, R. Long exile. Tolstoi, L. N. Long game. Besant, W. Long hillside. Page, T. N. Long inheritance. Comer, C. A. Long Jim. Smith, F. H. Long, long ago. Ward, E. S. P. Long odds. Haggard, H. R. Long pack. Hogg, J. Long run. Wharton, E. Long wait. Vorse, M. H. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 Baptism of fire In Outre-mer Fall of the house of Perigueux. See Longfellow, H. W. Notary of Peri- gueux Jacqueline In Outre-mer Martin Franc and the monk of St. An- thony In Outre-mer Notary of Perigueux In Outre-mer Baldwin, C. S. American short stories Patten, W. International short stories v i Longus, Fifth century? Amours of Daphis and Chloe In Smith, R. Greek romances Looking-glass. Brown, A. Looking out of Faro Nell. Lewis, A. H. Loomis, Charles Battel!, 1861-1911 Aminidali Skelch and his free library In Yankee enchantments Anastasia's elephant In St N 28:585 Araminta and the automobile In Cheerful Americans 206 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Loomis, Charles BatteW — Conliuitcd. Bear that Ijccame a prince III Yankee enchantments Between the lines III Ind 56: 22 Bottle, the half-brick and the lump of chalk //; More cheerful Americans Ind 53:553 Boy who made a trolley car /)( Yankee enchantments Boy who required windini^ In Yankee enchantments Boy who turned body into food In Yankee enchantments Bubble boy In Yankee enchantments Cake of charity In Yankee enchantments Cannibals and Mr. Buffum In Cosmopol 40: 321 Cosmopolitanism of Mr. Powers In Cheerful Americans Crow's singing lesson In Yankee enchantments Cyril and the gnome In Yankee enchantments 'Dam White In More cheerful Americans Deception of Martha Tucker In Cheerful Americans Cent 63: 291 Earth letter of a Martian In Bookm 25: 654 Eastern Easter In Cheerful Americans Education of a butterfly In I\Iore cheerful Americans Cent 68: 157 End and the beginning In Ind 56: 788 Expatriation of Jonathan Taintor In Cheerful Americans For diveis reasons In More cheerful Americans Futile dialogue In Putnam's 4: 103 Ghost of the Black Inn In Harp W 46: D 6 p 48 Gift of tact In Cent 70: 959 Green boy from "Harrah" In Yankee enchantments Guentham's curious bottles In Ind 7:^: 539 Hood's wood violet In Lippinc 77: 589 House of the green shudders In Bookm 15: 440 How the cricket cricks In More cheerful Americans Jed's monument In Cent 60: 957 Jim and the gold spirit In Yankee encliantments Knickerbocker redivivus In Ind 67: 691 Little Maude and her mama fn Little Maude and her mama Little Miss Fluttcrly's dissertation on war In Cheerful Americans Man, a maid and a motor In New Eng M n s 29: 557 Man from Ochee Point. New Jersey //; Cheerful Americans Man in the red sweater In Cheerful Americans Man of putty In Cheerful Americans Memory of Carlotta In Cheerful Americans Men who swapped languages In Cheerful Americans Million silver dollars /;/ Yankee enchantments Minister's henhouse In Cheerful Americans Mirry In Ladies' II J 22: F p 17 Miss Flutterly on politics and the drama In More cheerful Americans Miss Flutterly on what is doing In More cheerful Americans Mrs. Bidwell's tea In More cheerful Americans Mrs. Harrigan telephones In Cent 69: 319 Mrs. Pettibone's dinner-horn In Cent 46: 304 Mrs. Smith's husband m More cheerful .\mericans My golf In More cheerful .\mericans Cent 63: 820 OfTness of Billy In Cosmopol 42: 688 Oil and water In Munsey 25: 287 Oliver's three gifts In Yankee enchantments Our summer boarders In Outing 56: 83 Poe's Raven in an elevator In More cheerful .Americans Ladies' H J 20: O p 8 Sone that sold In More cheerful Americans Strongest boy in the whole world J.i Yankee enchantments Study in optimism In Am M 65: 409 Suburl^an Christmas In More cheerful Americans Sydney and the jar fairj' /;; Yankee enchantments Talk on tap In Cent 59: 804 Tarkus and the imitation li(|uid air In Yankee enchantments Their wedding day In More cheerful Americans "There's only one Noo York" In Cheerful Americans Thirsty Anna /;; Collier's 44: S 25 p 16 Thousand dollar skates /;/ More cheerful Americans Three golden showers In St N 37: 209 ^ INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 207 Tod and the stolen holidays In Yankee enchantments Too much boy /;{ Cheerful Americans Touch of gold In Yankee enchantments Trolley for Rio Janiero In Cent 60: 636 Truman Wickwire's gloves In Cheerful Americans Uncle Eli's lighting rabbit In Am M 61 : 464 Up the ladder; or. How to rise III Ind 67:858 Veritable Quidors In Cheerful Americans West Point start In More cheerful Americans What is truth? /;!• Bookm 24: 216 While the automobile ran down In Cheerful Americans Cent 61 : 187 Why the delegate walked In More cheerful Americans Widow Callahan's Christmas dinner III More cheerful Americans Loose, Katharine Riegel. See Schock, Georg, pseud. Lord Arthur Savile's crime. Wilde, O. Lord Beaupre. James, H. Lord Camelford's body. See Reade, C. What has become of Lord Camelford's body? Lord Jerningham. Tarkington, B. Lord Oakhurst's curse. Henry, O. Lord of all. French, A. W. Lord of Chateau Noir. Doyle, A. C. Lord of Falconbridge. Doyle, A. C. Lord of the dynamos Wells, H. G. Lord Thorny's eldest son. MacManus, S. Lord Tottenham. Bland, E. N. Lord Venetia. Maartens, M. Lords of creation. Chambers, R. W. Lords of wisdom. Sharp, W. Lord's orayer in B. Huneker, J. G. Loretta of the ship yard. Smith, F. H. Los Amigos fiasco. Doyle, A. C. Loss of breath. Poe, E. A. Loss of the "Gretchen B." Bangs, J. K. Loss of the "Halsewell." Payn, J. Loss of the "Royal George." Payn, J. Loss of the "Semillante." See Daudet, A. Wreck of the "Semillante" Lost. Bellamy, E. Lost. Maupassant, G. de Lost blend. Henry, O. Lost boy. Van Dyke, H. Lost caravel. Andrews, M. R. S. Lost child. Bunner, H. C. Lost child. Coppee, F. Lost child. Kingsley, H. Lost children. Sigourney, L. H. Lost cipher. Weyman, S. J. Lost city. Ward, H. D. Lost dahlia. Mitford, M. R. Lost! Dec. 25th. Thanet, O. Lost dog. Austin, M. H. Lost dog. Freeman, M. E. W. Lost dog. Galsworthy, J. Lost duchess In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Scotch Lost Face. London, J. Lost ghost. Freeman, M. E. W. Lost guidon. Craddock, C. K. Lost hero. Ward. E. S. P. Lost house. Davis. Richard H. Lost identity. SpofTord, H. P. Lost in a London fog. Alcott, L. M. Lost in the fog. Bacheller, I. A. Lost inheritance. W^ells, H. G. Lost jewel. Spofiford, H. P. Lost legion. Kipling, R. Lost lover. Jewett, S. O. Lost magpie. Mitford, M. R. Lost on dress parade. Henry, O. Lost on the steppe; or. The snowstorm. Tolstoi, L. N. Lost opportunity. Lefevre, E. Lost opportunity. Tolstoi, L. N. Lost palace. Hale, E. E. Lost pearl. Mitford, M. R. Lost radium. Futrelle, J. Lost recruit. Barlow, J. Lost reflection. Hoffmann, E. T. W. Lost road. Davis, Richard H. Lost room. O'Brien, F. Lost ship. Jacobs, W. W. Lost son. Heyse, P. J. L. Lost special. See Doyle, A. C. Story of the lost special Lost story. Norris, F. Lost Stradivarius. Train, A. C. Lost word. Van Dyke, H. Lot No. 249. Doyle, A. C. Lothaw: or. The adventures of a young gen- tleman in search of a religion. By Mr. Benjamins. Harte, B. Loti, Pierre, pseud. See Viaud, Julien Lottery. Edgeworth, M. Lottka. Heyse, P. J. L. Lotus and the bottle. Henry, O. Lotus eaters. Tracy, V. Louis-d'or. Coppee, F. Louis Lambert. Balzac, H. de Louisa. Freeman, M. E. W. Louisa Pallant. James, H: Louisiana. Burnett, F. H. Louys, Pierre, 1870- Strange adventure of Madame Esquollicr In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Love. Goeringer, I. Love. iNIaupassant, G. de Love affair of Chesterfield, jr. Jordan, E. G. Love among the beech leaves. Crockett, S. R. Love among the blackboards. Kelly, M. Love and bread. Strindberg, J. A. Love and skates. Winthrop, T. Love and the little dog. Jokai, M. Love at first sight. Matthews, J. B. Love at Martinmas. Cabell, J. B. Love before breakfast. Stockton, F. R. Love-charm. Tieck, L. Love chase. Hewlett, M. H. Love cfime. Bourget, P. Love Diehards. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Love finds a way. Ford, P. L. 208 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Love finds the wav. Besant, W., and Rice, J. Love gilds the scene and woman guides the plot. Castle, A. and Castle, E. Love in a mask; or. Imprudence and happi- ness. Balzac, H. de Love in idleness. Kirk, E. O. Love in old cloathes. Bunner, H. C. Love in the big barracks. Ralph, J. Love is the whole. Hale. E. E. Love-knot. Jacobs, W. W. Love-letter answered. See Collins, W. "i say no" Love-letters of Smith. Bunner, H. C. Love-letters of Superline Gold. Ralph, J. Love marriage. See Ilalevy, L. Marriage for love Love me, love my dog. Davis, Richard M "Love o' women.'" Kipling, R. Love of a fool. Maartcns, M. Love of Azalea. Watanna, O. Love of enemies. See Crockett, S. R. Ver- nor the traitor Love of life. London, J. Love of long ago. Maupassant, G. de Love of Naomi. Quillcr-Couch. A. T. Love of Parson Lord. Freeman, M. E. \\'. Love of romance. Bland, E. N. Love of the hills. Glaspell, S. Love of the maid. Duncan, N. Love of the Prince of Glottenberg. Haw- kins. A. H. Love of woman. See Kipling, R. Love o' woman Love or wealth. Gaboriau, E. Love passage. Jacobs, W. W. Love-philtre of Ikey Schocnstein. Elenry, O. Love song. Maartens, M. Love story reversed. Bellamy, E. Love, the destroyer. Jordan, E. G. Love vs. law. Stowe, H. B. Lovel the widower. Thackeray, W. M. Loveliness. Ward, E. S. P. Lovely bully. Parker, G. Lover, Samuel, 1797- 1868 I'.arny O'Reirdon the navigator 1)1 Jolinson, R. Little classics v 9 lUirial of the tifhe In Patten, W. International short stories v 2 Fairy finder In Johnson, R. Little classics v 12 Gridiron, or Paddy Mullowney's travels in France /;; Mabie, H. W.. and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 2 Warner library Lover and the tell-tale. Crane, S. Lover in cocky. Lang, A. Lover of flowers. Freeman, M. E. W. Lover of music. Van Dyke, H. Lover, the girl and the onlooker., E. N. Lovers. Heliodorus Lovers in heaven. Hawthorne, J. Lovers of Gudrun. Morris, W. [Edgar] Love's alumni. Cabell, J. B. Love's awakening. See Maupassant, G. de. Dowry Trove's conundrum, ilawkins, A. 11. Love's dilemmas. Ilcrrick, R. Love's logic. Hawkins, A. H. Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosan- nah Ethelton. Clemens, S. L. Loves of Clitopho and Lcucippe /;( Smith, R. Greek romances Loves of Sakura Jiro. Watanna, O. Low Dutch and high. Ralph, J. Low water. Jacobs, W. \V. Lowell, Robert Traill Spence, 1816-1891 Raft thai no man made //; Johnson, R. Little classics v 8 Lower animal. Duncan, N. Lowly one. Bourgct, P. Loyal. Brofeldt, J. Loyalty of Esau Common. WclL, H. G. Lucerne. Tolstoi, L. N. Lucian (Lucianus Samosatensis) i20?-200? A. D. Amateur of lying In Warner library Lucifera. Hawkins, A. H. Lucindy. Stuart, R. M. Luck. Clemens, S. L. Luck of Hardrobe. Lewis, A. H. Luck of Roaring camp. Harte, B. Luck of the Bogans. Jewett, S. O. Luck of the horseshoe. King, C. Luck of the Susan Bell. Besant, W. Lucky burglar. Maupassant, G. de Lucy conjurer. Harris, J. C. Lucky Jim. Long, J. L. Lucky number. Stetson, G. E. C. Lucretia Burns. Garland, H. Lucy. Freeman, M. E. W. Lucy Dill's wedding. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door Lucy Poor. See Hale, E. E. John Ricli and Lucy Poor Ludlow, Fitz Hugh, 1836- 1870 Brace of boys In Johnson, R. Little classics v 17 Little Briggs and I 1)1 Johnson, R. Little classics v 11 Ludwig and Eloise. Field, E. Luella Miller. Freeman. M. E. W. Luftmensch. Zangwill, I. La luka. \'erga, G. Lullaby boy. Henry, O. Lulu's pupil. Stowe, FI. B. Lunch at McArthur's. Bishop, W. H. Lure of tlie Je I'Aimais. Vorse, M. H. Lustigs. Van Renssalaer, M. G. Lute Baker and his wife Em. Field, E. Lux in tenebris lucet. Sienkiewicz, H. Lydia Herscy of East Bridgewater. Free- man, M. E. W. Lynn of dreams. Sharp, W. Lynx-hunting. Crane, S. Lys, Georges de Revenge III Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, ist baron, 1803-1873 Brothers Jn Patten, W. International sliort stories v 2 Calderon, the courtier In Novels. Historical romances V 6 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 209 Haunted and the haunters; or, The house antl the brain In Novels v 30 Hawthorne, J. Library mysterj^ and detective stories, English-Irish Blackwood 86: 229 Eclectic AI 48:389 House and the brain. See Lytton, E. B. Haunted and the haunters Incantation In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Irish Leila; or, The siege of Granada In Novels. Historical romances v 6 Leila Maid of Malines In Johnson, R. Little classics v 6 Pausanias, the Sparten /;: Novels. Historical romances v 6 Siege of Granada. See Lytton, E. B. Leila Zicci In Novels v 27 "Ma Bowlin'." Thanet, O. "Ma'am?" Morris, G. Maartens, Maarten, pseud. (Jozua Marius Willem Vander Poorten Schwartz) 1856- AU my story In Brothers all Liv Age 220: 445 Annette de Virofley In Some women I have known Argyment In Brothers all Lippinc 78: 598 Arrangement In Woman's victory Author's story In Woman's victory Scrib M 26:685 Banquet In My poor relations Bargain In Woman's victory Bit of to-day In My poor relations Challenge! In Woman's victory Comedy of crime /;; My poor relations Cosmopol 30: 185 Contract In Brothers all Death-way in Brothers all Diamonds In Woman's victory Cosmopol 36: 161 Diane de Bragade 1)1 Some women I have known Fortn 75:378 I Dream knight In Woman's victory Cosmopol 32: 668 Cur Lit 42: 695 Drop of blood In Woman's victory Duchess Eleanor In Some women I have known Temple Bar 118: 305 Fair-lover In My poor relations Cosmopolis 8: i Fire of love In Putnam's 6: 187 Heiress! In Woman's victorj' Her father's w^ife In Woman's victory Cosmopol 32: 334 Her last word In Woman's victory Herrisdale In W^oman's victory In extremis In My poor relations Israels: a bit of biography In Brothers all Atlan 97: 167 Jan Hunkum's money In My poor relations Temple Bar 121:291, 450, 629 John //; Some women I have known Lady Mary's mistake In Woman's victor}- Cosmopol 27: 595 Library /;; Brothers all Life In Woman's victory Cosmopol 27: 473 Little Christian In Woman's victory Lippinc 65: 418 Little Mary In Some women I have known Lord Venetia In Woman's victory Cosmopol 25: 709 Love of a fool In Putnam's 6: 479 Love song In Woman's victory Madame de Liancourt /;; Some women I have known Madame de Mersy In Some women I have known Cosmopol 28: 234 Madame de Parfondricu In Some women I have known Marseillaise! In Woman's victory Meess In Some women I have known Temple Bar 118: 190 Ministers dog In My poor relations Good Words 35 Christmas no i Mister Brother Jonas /;; Brothers all Mrs. Marsham In Lippinc 83: 603 Mrs. Russell In Some women I have known Mother In My poor relations Good Words 39: 51, 126, 195 210 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Maartens, Maarten — Con I iiiiicd. Nobody's child III Scrib Al 45 : 198 Nod In Brothers all Notary's love story In My poor relations Cosmopolis 2: 305 Our cousin Sonia 1)1 Some women I have known Our lady of lies In Woman's victory Passport In Woman's victory Harper 109: 106 Play /;/ Brothers all Prayer In Brothers all Princesse /)( Some women I have known Promise In Brothers all Cent 67: 305 Question of taste /;/ Question of taste Resurrection In Woman's victory Ring In Brothers all "Silly" In My poor relations Sir Geofifrey's theory /;; Woman's victory Story of the great hail-gamble In Brothers all Summer Christmas III Aly poor relations Chaut 53:93 Eng niust 20: 261 Teetotal III Brothers all Ten million a year III Putnam's 7: 321 Tom Potter's pilgrimage In My poor relations "Trick" In My poor relations Tuberculin In Brothers all Venetia's child In Scrib M 37: 165 Why he loved her In My poor relations Woman's victory In Woman's victory Harper 107: 841 Mabel and I (a philosophical fairy tale). Boyesen, H. H. Mabel Blossom's pearl pin. Jordan, E. G. Mac dilates on the human side. Smith, F. H. McAllister's Cliristmas. Train, A. C. McAllister's data of ethics. Train, A. C. McAllister's marriage. Train, A. C. Merulloughs of the Idufif. Peattie, E. W. McCutcheon, George Barr (Richard Greaves, pseud.) 1866- Advocate's first ulea In McClure 20: 75 Alternative In Alternative Black is white In Munscy 50: 505 Butterfly man /;/ Butterfly man Cowardice court In Cowardice court Day of tlie dog In McClure 21:407, 520 Gloaming ghosts In Her weight in gold Green ruby In Her weight in gold Reader 7: 648 Her weight in gold In Her weight in gold Late Mr. Taylor In Her weight in gold Maid and the blade In Her weight in gold Mr. Hamshaw's love affair In Her weight in gold Quiddlers three In Her weight in gold Ten dollar bill In Her weight in gold When girl meets girl In Her weight in gold Good H 54: 750 Mace Bowman, sheriff. Lewis, A. H. Macdonald, George, 1824-1905 Butcher's bills In Stephen Archer Carasoyn In Light princess Cross purposes /;/ Light princess Giant's heart In Light princess Gifts of the child Christ In Stephen Archer Golden key In Light princess History of Photogen and Nycteris III Stephen Archer U I had a father In Stephen Archer Light princess In Light princess Little Daylight In Light princess Post in a storm In Stephen Archer Shadows /;; Light princess > Stephen Archer In Stephen Archer Every Saturday 7: 140 Warlock o' Glenwarlock In Warlock o' Glenwarlock Macedonia. Wright, M. T. MacFall, Mrs. Haldane. Sec Grand, Sarah, pseud. Mclntyre's false face. Bishop, W. H. McKay, J. T. Stella Grayland In Stories by American authors v 7 Scrib o s 13: 694 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 211 Mackenzie, Henry, 1745-1831 Story of La Roche . , , . In Johnson, R. Little classics v s Mackinac and lake stories. Catherwood, M. H. Maclaren, Ian. See Watson, John Macleod, Fiona. See Sharp, William MacManus, Seumas, 1870- , , , . r Adventures of Ciad, son of the knig of Norway In Donegal fairy stones Amadan of the dough In Donegal fairy stories Aunt Calista's way /;; Our Day 16:49 Bachelors of Braggy In Atlan 93"- 597 Barney Brian's monument In Harp W 44:826 Barney Roddy's penance In Through the turf smoke Bee, the harp, the mouse and the bum- clock m Donegal fairy stones Bewitched fiddle In Bewitched fiddle Billv Baxter In Through the turf smoke Lippinc 69: 474 Billy Baxter's holiday In Lippinc 69: 474 Billy Lappin's search for a fortune In Bewitched fiddle Cent =;9:6oi Boyne water In Through the turf smoke Cadger-boy's last journey In Bewitched fiddle Outlook 63:46 Caitlin Dhu In Lippinc 71 : 706 Capture of Nellie Carribm In Cent 75: 537 Celtic beauty In Lippinc 65: 586 Conal and Donal and Taig In Donegal fairy stories Condy Sheeran's courtin' In Bewitched fiddle Chambers' J 75:780 Corney Clery's balance In Bewitched fiddle Counsellor In Through the turf smoke Counsellor MacCarty's first scalp In Good Words 44:335 County Clare angel /;; Cosmopol 33: 96 Cronaraidh ghost In Lippinc 75: 74 Curiosity of Carney In Delin 65: 92 Curse of the heretic In McClure 34:670 Day of the scholars In McClure 38: 146 Dinny Moneghan's last keg In Through the turf smoke Dinny O'Neill In Lippinc 80: 59 Donal that was rich and Jack that was poor In Donegal fairy stones Far adventures of Billy Burns In Cosmopol 36: 459 Father Dan and fiddlers four /;;, Through the turf smoke Father Matt's text In Ind 51:3279 Hookedy-Crookedy In Donegal fairy stones How Condy Dhu raised the devil In Lippinc 76: 722 How Miss Turkington did not see gueen Victoria In Lippinc 72: 361 Irish courtship In Lippinc 82:739 Jack and the lord high mayor In Through the turf smoke Jack who was the ashypet In Through the turf smoke Jerry MacFaddycen's supper Harp W 44: J a 6 p 9 Knife in the crooked thorn In Ladies' H J 2i:0 p 8 Last serpent In Cosmopol Z7'- 65 Lazy Jaynius In Woman's H C 31 : My p 7 Leadin' road to Donegal In Through the turf smoke Logic of a pike In Ind 52:362 Lord Thorny's eldest son In Cosmopol 35:651 Mam's the miller In Donegal fairy stones Masther and the bocca fadh In Through the turf smoke Misther McCran of Belfast In Harper 99: 738 Mrs. Carney's sealskin In Ladies' H J 21: N p 12 Mrs. McCafferty's mistake In Cent 62:430 Mrs. M'Groarty's inheritance In Cent 70: 757 Old hag's long leather bag /;; Donegal fairy stories Pathrick's proxy In Bewitched fiddle Cosmopol 28: 343 Penalty of greatness In Lippinc 7i'- 456 Philip Slevin's queer courting /„ Ind 55:2688 Plaisham In Donegal fairy stories Postmistress of Knockagar In Outlook 74:860 Prince of Wales' own Donegal militia In Through the turf smoke Quaddhroop-eds In Through the turf smoke Queen's conquest In Everybody's 22:448 Red poocher /n-Red poocher Richard Foster In Harper loi : 45 1 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES MacManus, Seumas Continued. Sacrifice of Xabla 1)1 Lippinc 74: 2t6 Snow, the crow and the blood /;; Donegal fairy stories Stafif of the "Universe" In P)cwitched fiddle Station in Nancy Magnires' In Harper 100: 209 Steed of bells /;; AlcClurc 24: 250 Story of Donacha Laidir /;( Lippinc 89: 235 Strong weakness of Oiney KillacU In Cent 50 Young man from the country /;; Vistas of New York Cosmopol 25: 527 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 219 Matthews, J. B., and Anstey, F. Three wishes In With my friends Matthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. Documents in the case In In partnership With my friends Stories bv American authors v i Scrib o s 18: 755 Seven conversations of dear Jones and Baby Van Rensselaer In In partnership With my friends Manhattan 3: 461 Matthews, J. B., and Jessop, G. H. Check and counter-check. Sec Matthews, J. B. and Jessop, G. H. Tale of twenty-five hours One storj' is good until another is told III With my friends Harper 78: 625 Tale of tw^enty-five hours [Check and counter-check] In Tale of twenty-five hours Lippinc 41 : i Matthews, J. B., and Pollock, W. H. Edged tools: a tale in two chapters In With my friends Longman's M g: 159 JMated by magic; a stor}' with a post- script In With my friends Mattina. Dragoumis, J. D. Maud-Evelyn. James, H. Mauki. London, J. Maupassant, Henri Rene Albert Guy de, 1 850- 1 893 A list of the French titles of the trans- lated stories is given in volume seventeen of the Dunne edition. The statement is made in the catalog- of the Library of Congress that the contents of the Normandy edition are identical with those of the Miromesnil edition, x^bandoned In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 9 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Patten, W. International short stories v 3 Abbe Marignan In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Accent In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Accursed bread In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Adieu. See Maupassant, G. de. Farewell Adopted son In Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Adventure In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Adventure in Paris In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Adventure of Walter Schnaff. See Mau- passant, G. de. Walter Schnaff's ad- venture Affair of state In Works [Dunne] v i After [Apres] In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Cosmopol 16:241 After death In Works [Dunne] v 16 Alexander In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 All over In Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Allouma In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt I Allouma Always lock the door In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Am I insane? In Works [Dunne] v 17 Apparition In Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Apres. See Maupassant, G. de. After Artifice In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Artist In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Artist's wife In Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 xA.ssassin In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Sumichrast) v i Assignation In Works (Brainard) v 3 At sea [Selfishness] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 Pt i Au soleil In Works [Dunne] v 12 Aunt Rose. See Maupassant, G. de. Our letters Avenger [His avenger] In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 10 220 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Maupassant, Guy de —Cor.lmucd. Awakening In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Suinichrast) v 5 pt 2 Babette In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Bad error. Sec Maupassant, G. de. Win- dow Ball of fat. See Maupassant, G. de. Ball of tallow Ball of tallow [Ball of fat; Tallow ball] In Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Little French masterpieces v 6 Bandmaster's sister In Works (Brainard) v 2 W'orks [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Baptism In Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt i Baroness In Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v i Bed In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Bed 29 In Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Beggar ["Bell"] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Odd number Bclhomme's beast [Maitre Belhomme's beast] In Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v i "Bell." See Maupassant, G. de. Beggar Bellflower. See Maupassant, G. de. 'Clo- chctte Benoist. See Maupassant, G. de. Martine Bertha [Story of Bertha] In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Cosmopol 2:381 Beside a dead man. See Maupassant, G. de. Beside Schopenhauer's corpse Beside Schopenhauer's corpse [Beside a dead man] In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Blind man In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 14 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Blue and white In Works (Brainard) v 10 Boitelle In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Bombard [Consideration] In Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Boule de suif In Works (Brainard) v i Bric-a-brac In W'orks [Dunne] v 4 Cake In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 14 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Caresses In Works (Brainard) v 9 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Carnival of love In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Carter's inn [Carter's wench] In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 Carter's wench. See Maupassant, G. de. Carter's inn Caught In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Caught in the very act In W^orks (Brainard) v 3 Chali In Works (Brainard) v 9 Works (Sumichrast) v 8 Charm dispelled. See Maupassant, G. de. Discovery Charm of the stable [On perfumes; Stable perfume] In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Checkmate In W^orks (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v i Child In Works (Miromesnil) v 4 . Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Christening In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v i Christmas eve In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 W^orks (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Clair de lunc [In the moonlight] In Works | Dunne] v 4 Works (Miromesnil) v " Allouma Odd number Clochette [Bellflower] In Works (I'rainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 2 Woiks (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Closet In Works (Brainard) v 9 Clown In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 1 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 221 Cock crowed Iti Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Coco In Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v i Cocotte [Francis: .Mademoiselle Cocotte] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 Pt 2 Colonel's idea [ColoneFs ideas] In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Colonel's ideas. See Maupassant, G. de. Colonel's idea Confession In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Odd number Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French Theatre 32:252 La confession. See Maupassant, G. de. Peculiar case Conservatory In Works (Brainard) v 7 Works [Dunne] v =; Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Consideration. See Maupassant, G. de. Bombard Corsican bandit In Works C Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 14 Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v pt i Corsican bandits In Works (Brainard) v 10 Costly outing In Works [Dunne] v 15 Countess Satan In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Sumichrast J v 9 pt 2 Country excursion In Works (Brainard) v 3 W^orks [Dunne] v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Coup d'etat In Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Coward [The duel] In Works [Dunne] v 14 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Odd number Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story Little French masterpieces v 6 Crash [Lost] In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Cripple In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Crisis /;; Works [Dunne] v 17 Dancers. Sec Maupassant, G. de. Minuet Darkness In Works (Mirpmesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Dead woman's secret In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Miromesnil) v 10 Deaf mute In Works [Dunne] v 16 Debt In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Deer park in the provinces In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Delila In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Denis In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v i Devil In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Diamond necklace. See Maupassant, G. de. Necklace Diary of a madman In Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v i Allouma Dimanches d'un bourgeois. See Maupas- sant, G. de. Sundays of a Parisian Discovery [Charm dispelled] /;; Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v i Dispenser of the Holy water In Works (Miromesnil) v 10 Divorce [Fair exchange] In Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Divorce case In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v _i pt 2 Donkey In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Door /;; Works (Miromesnil) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v '5 pt 2 Double pins [Rival pins] In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v i" Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Doubtful happiness In Works [Dunne] v 16 Dowry [Love's awakening] In Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v i 222 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Dread. Src Maupassant, G. de Fear Dreams In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works (Miromcs'nil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Drowned man III Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Drunkard [Victim] In Works [Dunne] v 13 Works (Miromcsnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt _' Duchoux In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 11 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v i Duel In Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil ) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Duel. See Maupassant, G. de. Coward Englishman In Works [Dunne] v 15 Enthusiast. See Maupassant, G. de. Ma- dame Husson's "Rosier" Epiphany In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Exotic prince In Works (Brainard) v 3 Fair exchange. See Maupassant, G. tiste In Works (Brainard) v3 Works I Dunne] v 4 Works CMiromesnin v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 225 Mmc. Husson's "Rosier" [Enthusiast] In Works [Dunne] v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 2 Madame Parissc In Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v S pt 2 Madame Sauvage. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage Madame Simon In Works (Brainard) v 9 Madame Tcllier/s establishment In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Mademoiselle In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 2 Mademoiselle Cocotte. See Maupassant, G. de. Cocotte Mademoiselle Fifi In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v3 pt 2 Mademoiselle Pearl In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt i Madness In Works (Aliromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Magnetism In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v i Maitre Belhomme's beast. See Maupas- sant, G. de. Belhomme's beast Making a convert In Works [Dunne] v 17 Male courtesan In Works (Brainard) v 10 Mama Stirling In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Man writh the blue eyes. [Man with the pale eyes] In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 HaviTthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French Man with the dogs In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Man with the pale eyes. See Maupassant, G. de. Man with the blue eyes Margot's tapers In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Marocca In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v t6 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Marquis In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Marquis de Fumerol In Works (Brainard) v I Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Martine [Bcnoist] In Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Mask In Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt i Matter of business In Works [Dunne] v 16 Meeting In Works (T'.rainard) v I Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 La mere Sauvage. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage Mesalliance In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt i Military honors. See Maupassant, G. de. Prisoners Million In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Minuet [Dancers] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works( Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Miracle In Works [Dunne] v 15 Miss Harriet In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt i Mistake. See Maupassant, G. de. Father Boniface's crime Model In Works (Miromesnil) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v i Modern ghosts. See Maupassant, G. de. Horla Mohammed Fripouille [Mohammed the rascal] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Mohammed the rascal. See Maupassant, G. de. Mohammed Fripouille Moiron [Revenge] In Works [Dunne] v 9 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Monastery of Corbara — a visit to Father Didon In Works (Brainard) v 10 Monsieur Jocaste In Works (Brainard) v 10 Monsieur Parent In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v i Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v I 226 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Maupassant, Guy de - Continued. Moonlislit In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v i6 Works (Miromcsnil) v i Works (Sumiclirast) v i pt 2 Esenwein, J. B. Short story master- pieces V I Moribund /;/ Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumiclirast) v i La Morillone In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 2 Mother and daughter In W'orks (Brainard) v 5 Mother and son In W^orks (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Mother of monsters [Strange traffic] In Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Mother Sauvage. Sec AJaupassant, G. de. Mother Savage Mother Savage [?iladame Sauvage; La mere Sauvage; Alother Sauvage] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumiclirast) v g pt i Odd number Mount of Olives In Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2 Mountebanks In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v I Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Mustaches [Good reasons] In Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 My landlady In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v S Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 My twenty-five days In Works (Brainard) v 7 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 My uncle Jules In Works (Brainard) v 9 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt i My uncle Sosthencs In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v S Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v I pt 2 Mv wife in Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Necklace [Diamond necklace] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Odd number Cody, S. Selection from llic world's greatest short stories Hawthorne, J. [jl)rary mystery and detective stories. JM-ench Little French masterpieces v 6 Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 5 Stories by foreign authors, French V I Canad M 23: 113 New sensation /;/ Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 New Year's gift /;; Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Night in spring In Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Nieht in W^hitechapel In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Night of the wedding In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 Pt 2 No quarter See Maupassant, G. de Father Milon Noncommissioned officer In Works [Dunne] v 16 Normandy joke In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v i Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Nos Anglais. See Mauspassant, G. de. Our English neighbors Notes of a traveller [Notes on a journey] In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Notes on a journey. See Maupassant, G. de. Notes of a traveller Odalisque of Senichou In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 W'orks (Sumiclirast) v 9 pt 2 Odd feast In Works [ Dunne | v 5 Od3'Sse3^ of an outcast In Wcn-ks (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Old Amable [Old Amiable] In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 11 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Old Amiable. See Maupassant, G. de. Old Amable Old Judas. Sec Maupassant, G. de. Father judas Old maid In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works I Dunne] v 4 Old maid. See Maupassant. G. de. Queen Hortense Old Mongilet In Works (Miromesnil) v 7 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Olive grove In Works (I'.rainard) v 9 Works I Dunne] v 9 On cats /;/ Works | Dunne] v 16 Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 227 On perfumes. Sec iMaupassant, G.' de. Charm of the stable On the journey /;; Works (^liromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Odd number Canad M 23:311 On the railway In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 On the river In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v 6 IMaupassant, G. de, and others. Modern ghosts Idler 15: 376 One evening [Tailor's daughter] In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 One of life's paradoxes In Harper 109: 683 One phase of love In Works [Dunne] v 16 One way. See Maupassant, G. de. Roger's remedj^ Orderly Iv. Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 16 AVorks (Sumichrast) v 2 pt I Orient In W'orks (Brainard) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Orphan In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne) v 14 Works (Aliromcsnil) v 4 [Works] (Sumichrast) vi pt 2 Our English neighbors [Nos Anglais] In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Our friend Patience In Works (Brainard) v 9 Our letters FAunt Rose] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Our peasants In Works (Brainard) v 10 Page of history In Works (Brainard) v 10 Parricide In Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2 Parrot In Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Passion In Works (Brainard) v 5 Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Patron In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 10 Paul's mistress In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 2 Peculiar case [La confession] In Works [Dunne] v 16 Peddler In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works I Dunne] v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Penguin's rock In Works (Miromesnil) v o Philosopher In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 16 [Works] (Sumichrast) v5 pt 2 Piece of string [btring] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Odd number Cody, S. Selection from the world's greatest short stories Little French masterpieces v 6 Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 6 Canad M 23: 557 Pierre and Jean In Works (Bramard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 W^orks (Sumichrast) v 4 Pierrot [Watch dog] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Poor Andrew [What was the matter with Andrew] In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Port In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Portrait In W'orks (Brainard) v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Practical joKe In Works [Dunne] v 16 Prisoners [Military honors] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Profitable business In Vv^orks (Brainard) v 3 Works Dunne] v 3 Works (iiumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Prowess. See Maupassant, G. de. Walter Schnaf¥'s adventure Queen Hortensc [Old maid] In Works [Uunne] v 9 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works 'Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Queer night in Paris In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Question of diplomacy In Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Question of Latin In Works (Brainard) v 7 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 228 INDEX TO SNORT STORIES Maupassant, Guy de - Coitiiiucd. Rabbit In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Real one and the other In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Recollection III Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Regret In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Relic In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Relics In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Relics of the past In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Rendezvous In Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v I pt 2 Repulse In Works [Dunne] v 4 Allouma Return [French Enoch Arden] In Works [Dunne] v 17 Revenge. See Maupassant, G. de. Moiron Rival pins. See Maupassant, G. de. Double pins Roger's remedy [One way] In Works (Brainard) v 9 Works [Dunne] v 16 Rondoli sisters [Francesca and Carlotta Rondoli] In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 Room number eleven In Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Rosalie Prudent In Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Rose In Works (Sumichrast) v i Rupture In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Rust In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v i Rustic tribunals [In the court room] In Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Saint Anthony [Jolly fellowl In Works [Dunne] v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Sale In Works (Miromesnil"! v 7 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Saved In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 2 Selfishness. See Maupassant, G. de. At sea Semillantc. See Maupassant, G. de. Ven- detta Sentiment. See Maupassant, G. de. Widow Sequel to a divorce In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Shepherd's leap 1)1 Works (Sumichrast) v i Signal In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 2 Simon's papa In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Sister's confession In Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Snipe In Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Solitude In Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Miromesnil) v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v i Allouma Son In Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 1 Spasm In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Spectre In Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt i Allouma Stable perfume. See Maupassant, G. de. Charm of the stable Story of a dog In Works (Brainard) v 8 Story of a farm girl In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Story of Bertha. See Maupassant, G. de. Bertha Strange fancy In Works [Dunne] v 16 Strange traffic. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother of monsters Stranger In Works (Sumichrast) v i String. See Maupassant, G. de. Piece of string Stroll In Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Substitute In Works Brainard) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 Pt 2 INDEX TO SHORT STORIKS 229 Suicides In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v i Sunday outing. See Maupassant, G. de. Sundays of a bourgeois Sundays of a bourgeois. See Maupassant, G. de. Sundays of a Parisian Sundays of a Parisian [Dimanches d'un bourgeois; Sundays of a bourgeois; Sunday outing] In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt 2 Sur I'eau In Works [Dunne] v 13 Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Sympathy In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 5 Tailor's daughter. See Maupassant, G. de. One evening Tale of old times In Works [Dunne] v 13 Tallow ball. Sec Maupassant, G. de. Ball of tallow Terror In Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 AUouma Test [Unreasonable woman] In Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 That costly ride In Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 That pig of a Morin In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt i Theodule Sabot's confession In Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Thief In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Thrift In Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Timbuctoo [King's son] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Tobacco shop In Works [Dunne] v 16 Toine In Works [Dunne] v 10 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt I Tomb [Grave] In Works (Brainard) v 10 Works (Sumichrast) v 6 Tombstones In Works (Miromesnil) v 6 Traveler. See Maupassant, G. de. Fear Traveler's story. See Maupassant, G. de. Fear Traveler's tale In Works [Dunne] v 15 Tress [Tress of hair] In Works (Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v 3 pt 2 Tress of hair. See Maupassant, G. de. Tress True story In Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Twenty- five francs of the Mother Su- perior In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Two friends [Fishing excursion] In Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Two little soldiers [Little soldier] In Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v i Allouma Odd number Little French masterpieces v 6 Ugly In Works (Bramard) v i Works [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Umbrella In Works (Brainard) v i Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Uncomfortable bed In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works (Miromesnil) v 7 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt 2 Hawthorne J. Library mystery and detective stories, French Under the yoke In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Unfortunate likeness In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [^ Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Unreasonable woman. See Maupassant, G. de. Test Upstart Works [Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Useful house In Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Useless beauty [Vain beauty] In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Miromesnil) v 7 Works (Sumichrast) v 2 pt i Little French masterpieces v 6 Vagabond In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Miromesnil) v i Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Vain beauty. See Maupassant, G. de. Use- less beauty 230 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Maupassant, Guy de —Coiiliinicd. Vendetta fSomilhintc] /;/ Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 4 Works (Sumiclirast) v 9 pt I Venus of Braniza In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works I Dunne 1 v 2 Works (Sumiclirast) v 9 pt 2 Viaticum 1)1 Works (Brainard) v 3 Works I Dunne] v 3 W^orks (Sumiclirast) v 6 Victim. Sec Maupassant, G. dc. Drunk- ard La vie errant In Works [Dunne] v 12 Works (Miromesnil) v 5 Violated In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Sumiclirast) v 9 pt 2 Virtue In Works [Dunne] v 3 Virtue in the ballet In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Sumiclirast) v 9 pt 2 Visit to Father Didon. See Maupassant, G. de. Monastery of Corbara Waiter, a ''Bock'' In Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Miromesnil) v 7 Works (Suniichrast) v i pt 2 Wake In Works (Suniichrast) v i Walter Schnafif's adventure [Prowess] In Works [Dunne] v 15 W'orks (Suniichrast) v 7 pt i Idler 2: 252 Wardrobe In Works (Suniichrast) v 9 pt 2 Warning note In Works (Brainard) v 8 Works [Dunne] v 5 Works (Suniichrast) v 5 pt i Was it a dream? In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 7 Works (Suniichrast) v 4 pt 2 Watchdog. See Maupassant, G. de. Pierrot Way to wealth In Works [Dunne] v 17 Wedding gift In Works (Miromesnil) v 7 Wedding night /;/ Works [Dunne] v 16 What was the matter with Andrew? See Maupassant, G. de. Poor Andrew White lady In Works ( I'.rainard) v 4 Works I Dunne] v 4 Works (Suniichrast) v 6 White wolf. See Maupassant, G. de. Wolf Who can tell? See Maupassant, G. dc. Who knows? Who knows? [Who can tell?] Ill Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 2 Works (Miromesnil) v 7 Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Widow [Sentiment] In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Miromesnil) v 5 \^'ife and mistress In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 4 pt 2 Wife's confession /;( Works (Brainard) v S Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Miromesnil) v 8 Works (Suniichrast) v 2 pt 2 Will In Works (Brainard) v 3 Works [Dunne] v 3 Works (Miromesnil) v 2 Works (Sumichrast) v i Window [Bad error] In Works [Dunne] v 17 Works (Sumichrast) v i Wolf In Works [Dunne] v 9 Works (Miromesnil) v 7 Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2 Odd number Woman's wiles In Works (Brainard) v 5 Works [Dunne] v 16 Works (Sumichrast) v i pt 2 Woodcocks In Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Wooden shoes In Works (Brainard) v 2 Works [Dunne] v i Works (Sumichrast) v 7 pt I W'ords of love /;; Works (Brainard) v 4 Works [Dunne] v 4 Works (Sumichrast) v 5 pt 2 Wreck /;; Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (ISliromesnil) v 6 Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt i Odd number Canad M 23: 17 Wrong house In Works (Suniichrast) v 3 pt 2 Yveline Samoris In Works (Sumichrast) v 9 pt 2 Yvette In Works [Dunne] v 15 Works (Sumichrast) v 8 pt 2 Maurice Olivier. Bourget, P. Max Kecslcr's horse-car. Hale, E. E. Max — or his picture. Thanet, O. Maximilian diamond. Train, A. C. May be so. Stuart, R. M. May-day idyl of the olden time. Pylc, H. May evening. Sec Gogol, N. V. Evening in May May flowers. Alcott, L. M. May Iverson writes a play. Sec Jordan, E. G. 1 write a play May Ivcrson's career. Jordan. VI. G. Maymeys from e'uba. h'erber, ]•'.. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 231 Mayo, Isabella Fyvie (Mrs John R. Mayo) (Edward Garrett, pseud.) 1843- Chance child In Johnson, R. Little classics v n Mayor's dove cot: a cautionary tale. Quiller- Couch, A. T. Mayor's lamps. Bangs, J. K. Maypole of Merry Mount. Hawthorne, N. Mazed election (1768). Quiller-Couch, A. T. Mazeppa. Hibbard. G. A. Measure. Cutting, M. S. Measure of Margaret Coppered. Xorris. K. :Medal of honor. Smith, F. H. Medal ot honor story. Gray, D. Medallion's whim. Parker, G. Aleddler; a monologue. Viele, H. K. Meddlings of Eve. Hopkins, W. J. Mediaeval man. See Gautier, T. Elias Wildmanstadius ^Mediaeval romance. Clemens, S. L. Medical document. Doyle, A. C. Meditations of Marcus Artelius. Pratt. L. INledley of moods. See Henry, O. Two women Medusa's head. Millet. F. D. Meess. Maartens, M. ^Meeting. Galsworthy, J. Meeting. Maupassant, G. de Electing a ^Moscow acquaintance in the de- tachment. Tolstoi, L. N. A'leeting in the foothills. Garland, H. Meeting in the market-place. Brown, A. Meeting of the Psychical club. Bates, A. ]\leh lady: a story of the war. Page, T. N. Mehitable Lamb. Freeman, M. E. W. Meisterschaft: in three acts. Clemens, S. L. Melancholist and the sharper (Arabic) In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories. Oriental Melancholy hussar of the German legation. Hardy, T. Melancholy of Ulad. Sharp, W. :Melchizadeck, a Jew . . . escapes Sala- din. Boccaccio, G. Meleagri's Gallopavo. Ouida Melissa's tour. Allen, G. Mellonta Tanta. Poe, E. A. Melmoth absolved. See Balzac, H. de. ^lel- moth reconciled Melmoth converted. See Balzac, H. de. Melmoth reconciled Melmoth reconciled. Balzac, H. de Melons. Hartc, B. Memento. Henry. O. Memoir of Mary Twining. Trumbull, A. E. Memoirs of a lunatic. Tolstoi, L. N. . Memoirs of a mother. Tolstoi, L. N. Memoirs of a yellow dog. Henry. O. Memoirs of Mr. J. C. Yellowplush. Thack- eray, W. AI. Memorable murder. Thaxter, C. Memorable night. Green, A. K. Memorandum of sudden death. Xorris, F. Memories. Galsworthy, J. Memories. Matthews, J. B. Memory'. Bikelas, D. Memory cell. Bcsant, W. Memory clearing house. Zangwill, L Memory of Carlotta. Loomis, C. B. Memory of Martha. Dunbar, P. L. ^Memory that worked overtime. Howells, W. D. Men and women and horses. Matthews, J. B. Men of Forty-mile. London, J. Men of little faith. Lefevre, E. Men who loved Elizabeth. Burnett, V. 11. Men who swapped languages. Loomis, C. B. Men with pasts. Gorky, M. Menagerie abroad. Kipling, R. Mendes, CatuUe, 1843- Foolish wish In Warner library Mirror In Patten, W. International short stories v 3 Warner library Sleeping beauty In Warner library ^Mendicant melody. Amicis, E. de Mending the clock. Barrie. J. M. Men's wives. Thackeray, W. M. Mercedes. Harland, H. IMercury of the foot-hills. Harte, B. Mercy of death. White, W. A. La Mere Bauche. Trollope, A. Mere Giraud's little daughter. Burnett, F. H. Mere incident. Merrick, L. [Mere interlude. Hardy, T. Mere Marchette. Bates, A. Mere Pochette. Jewett, S. O. La Mere Savage. See ^Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage Meredith, George, 1828-1900 Case of General Ople and Lady Camper In Works v 21 Case of General Ople Short stories Tale of Chloe Farina In Works v 21 Short stories House on the beach In Works v 21 Short stories Idyl of first love (from The Ordeal of Richard Feverel) /;; Ordeal of Richard Feverel Idyl of first love Tale of Chloe In W^orks v 2T Short stories Tale of Chloe Merely Mary Ann. Zangwill, I. Merely players. Harland. H. Merimee, Prosper, 1803-1870 Abbe .\ubain In Writings v i Arsene Guillot 1)1 Writings v I Blue chamber /;/ Writings v 5 Bohemians [from the Russian of Pushkin] /;/ \\'ritings v 5 Carmen In Writings v i Carmen Little French masterpieces Conspirators In Writings v 3 232 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Merimee, Prosper -Continued. Djoumane In Writings v 5 Double mistake In Writings v 4 Etruscan vase In Writings v 3 Federigo In Writings v 3 Game of backgammon In Writings v 3 Hussar [from the Russian of Pushkin] In Writings v 5 Lokis In Writings v 5 Madame Lucrezia-. See Merimee, P. "Vic- colo" of Madame Lucrezia Marriage to the sea In Esenwcin, J. B. Short story master- pieces V I Mateo Falcone In Writings v 3 Little French masterpieces v i Patten. W. International short stories v 3 Pearl of Toledo In Writings v 3 Pistol shot (from the Russian of Push- kin) In Writings v 5 Queen of spades [from the Russian of Pushkin] In Writings v 5 Souls in purgatory In Writings v 4 Spanish witches In Writings v 5 Storming of the redoubt. See Merimee, P. "Taking of the redoubt Taking of the redoubt. [Storming of the redoubt] In Writings v 3 Little French masterpieces v P Tamango In Writings v 3 Venus of Hie In Writings v 4 Little French masterpieces v i Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 8 Stories by foreign authors, French V 2 "Viccolo" of Madame Lucrezia In Writings v 5 Vision of Charles XI In Writings v 3 Mermaid of Lighthouse Point. II arte, B. Merrick, Leonard, 1864- Assault in the Rue dcs Ccndres In Man who understood women Back ot Bohemia In This stage of fools Bishop's comedy In Whispers about women Cur Lit 53: 357 Body and soul of Miss Azulay In This stage of fools Call from the past In ("all from the past Whispers about women Child in the garden In Man who understood women Danger of being a twin In Man who understood women Dead violets In Call from the past Man who understood women Dress clothes of Monsieur Pomponnet In Call from the past Whispers about women Fairy poodle In Call from the past Man who understood women Fatal Florozondc In Whispers about women Favorite plot (with variations) In Call from the past Whispers about women "Flufifums" In This stage of fools Frankenstein il In Whispers about women Girl at Lake Lincoln In This stage of fools Girl with the Greek face In This stage of fools Hercules and Aphrodite In Man who understood women How Tricotrin saw London In Man who understood women In rerum natura In This stage of fools Infidelity of Monsieur Noulens In Call from the past Whispers about women Invitation to dinner In Man who understood women Lady of Lyons In Call from the past .Man who understood women Last effect 1)1 Man who understood women Laurels and the lady In This stage of fools Letter to the duchess In Call from the past Whispers about women Life they said she ruined In This stage of fools Littlc-fiower-of-t he-wood In Call from the past Man who understood women Man who understood women In Man who understood women IMere incident In This stage of fools Miracle in Montmartre In Man who understood women Nemesis In This stage of fools "Pardon, you are Mademoiselle Girard!' In Call from the past Man who understood women Posthumous In This stage of fools Prince in the fairy tale In Call from the past Whispers about women Reverie /// This stage of fools INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 233 Romance of a cofifee-stall In This stage of fools Social see-saw In This stage of fools Suicides in the Rue Sombre In Call from the past Man who understood women Tale that wouldn't do In Whispers about women Third M. In Call from the past Whispers about women Time, the humorist In Man who understood women To Miss Verschoyle In This stage of fools Tragedy of a comic song In Call from the past Whispers about women Tricotrin entertains In Call from the past Whispers about women Metrop M 27: 245 Very good thing for the girl In Call from the past Whispers about women Weak imitation In This stage of fools Eng lUust 11: 932 With intent to defraud In This stage of fools Woman who wished to die In Call from the past Whispers about women Am M 73 : 39 Merripit. Phillpotts, E. Merry chanter. Stockton, F. R. Merry-go-round. Austin, M. H. Merry maid of Arcady. Harrison, C. C. Merry men. Stevenson, R. L. Merry, merry Zingara. Michelson, M. Merry Thanksgiving of the burglar and the plumber. Thanet, O. Merrylinks. Brown, A. Mesalliance. Maupassant, G. de Mesmeric revelation. Poe, E. A. Mess of pottage. Dunbar, P. L. Mess of pottage. Peattie, E. W. Message. Balzac, H. de Message from the sea. Dickens, C. Message in the sand. Fox, J., jr. Message of the lilies. Peattie. E. W. Messenger. Andrews, M. R. S. Messengers. Davis. Richard H. Messengers. Chambers. R. W. Messengers at the window. Van Dyke, H. Messer Cino and the live coal. Hewlett, M. H. Messrs. Jonnice, Peters, Gipple and Brily. Bierce, A. Methusaleh. Field. E. Metzengerstein. Poe, E. A. Mexican. London, J. Mexican campaign. Janvier, T. A. Mexican night. Janvier, T. A. Meyrink, Gustav Meyer, 1868- Man in the bottle In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German Michel and Angele. Parker, G. Michel Lorio's cross. Stretton, H. Michelson, Miriam, 1870- Anccstry of Irene III Madigans Cent 68: 421 Awakening of Zojas In Awakening of Zojas Cecilia the Pharisee In The Madigans Cent 68: 192 Cradle In Awakening of Zojas Father of a full-back In Munsey 30: 443 Greatness of Helena In Ladies' H J 23: Ag p ir Kate: a pretense In The Madigans Last straw In The Madigans ]\Iag Haggerty's knight /;; Reader 5:79 jMartyrdom of man In The Madigans Merry, merry Zingara In The Madigans Cent 68: 720 Old bachelor of arts In Ladies' H J 22: Je p 14 Old mother Gibson /;; The Madigans Pagan and a puritan In The Madigans Cent 68: 639 Peach blossoms In Awakening of Zojas Prince Roseleaf and a girl from Kansas In ]\IcClure 22: 339 Ready letter-writer In The Madigans Cent 68: 913 Shut-ups In The Madigans Tares In Awakening of Zojas Michigan man. Peattie, E. W. Micobar bullion case. Morrison, A. Micromegas. Voltaire, F. M. de A. Mid-day magic. Heyse, P. J. L. Mid-summer. See Midsummer Middle hall. Stuart, R. M. Middle toe of the right foot. Bierce, A. Middle years. James, H. JMiddleman. Benson, E. F. Midnight fantasy. Aldrich, T. B. Midnight free-traders. Crockett, S. R. Midnight in Beauchamp row. Green, A. K. Midnight message. See Futrelle, J. Inter- rupted wireless Midnight visitor. Bangs, J. K. Midsummer and May. Spofford, H. P. Mid-summer evening. Gogol, N. V. Alidsummcr fires. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Midsummer knight's dream. Henry, O. Midsummer masquerade. Henry, O. Midsummer midnight. Matthews, J. B. Midsummer pirates. Davis, Richard H. Midsummer week's dream. Wharton, E. Midsummertide. Strindberg, J. A. 234 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Migglcs. Hartc, B. Mighels, Philip Verrill, 1S69-1911 Little pioneer In Howclls, W. D., and Alden, H. M. Under the sunset Mighty trifle. Cameron, M. Mikhael, Ephraim Evocator In Merrill, S. Pastels in prose Kingship /;; Merrill, S. Pastels in prose Miracles /;/ Merrill, S. Pastels in prose Solitude III Merrill, S. Pastels in prose Mikkel. Bovesen, H. H. Milady. Stuart, R. M. Mildred Lawson. Moore, G. Military honors. See Maupassant, G. de. Prisoners Mill. Van Dvke, H. Mill at Petit Cap. Catherwood, M. H. Mille, Pierre, 1865- Miracle of Zobeide In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, French Miller, AHce Duer (Mrs. Henry Wise Mil- ler), 1874- Caldcron's prisoner In Calderon's prisoner Candid friend In Scrib M 47: 614 Clash of sentimentalists In Scrib M 33: 61 Cyril Vane's wife In Calderon's prisoner Emulation In Scrib M ^3-72S Erring father In Collier's 52: O 18 p 17 Fable for heiresses In Harper 08: 160 Fable for youths In Harper 96: 315 Lion's mouth In Scrib M 28:685 Man of his word In Lippinc 71 : 147 Penalty of greatness In Scrib ]\I 36: 290 Respecters of law In Harper 127: 954 Things In Things Scrib M 54: 779 Unprepared In Scrib M 36: 290 Without introduction In Harper 125: 458 Miller of Dee. Galsworthy, J. Millerstown j'cllow journal. Singmaster, E. Millet, Francis Davis, 1846- P.ush fn Caiiillary crime Capillary crime fn Cajjillary crime 1 iarper 70: 125 Faded scapular In Capillary crime Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M. Shapes that haunt the dusk Harper 84: 118 Fourth waits In Capillary crime Atlan 38:578 Medusa's head In Capillary crime Harper 80: 130 Tcdesco's Rubina /;; Capillary crime Scrib M i : 499 Yatil In Capillary crime Stories by American authors v 5 Cent 3:74s Millicent and Rosalind. Hawthorne, J. Million. Maupassant, G. de £1,000,000 bank note. Clemens, S. L. ]\Iillion silver dollars. Loomis, C. B. Millionaire from Rough-and-Readv. Harte, B. ^Millionaire's opportunity. Barr, R. Mills, C. M., pseud. See Gaskell, E. G. INIills of savage gods. Lewis, A. H. Milly Dove. O'Brien. F. Milton's conversion. Watson, J. Milwaukee run. Warman, C. Mimi. Bennett, E. A. Mimic. Edgeworth, M. Mimi's marriage. King, G. E. La Mina de los padres. Janvier, T. A. Mind cure. Brown, A. Mind reader. Davis, Richard, H. ^lind-reader. ^litchell, S. W. Mine enemJ^ Huneker, J. G. Minervy's valentines. Stuart, R. M. Mingo: a sketch of life in middle Georgia. Harris. J. C. Minions of Midas. London, J. Minions of the moon. Robinson, F. W. Minister. Donnell, A. H. Minister emeritus. Crockett, S. R. Minister of Dour. Crockett, S. R. Minister of grace. Brown, A. ]\Iinister of St. Bcdc's. Watson, J. Minister's black veil. Plalc, E. E. Minister's black veil. Hawthorne, N. Minister's day. Crockett, S. R. Minister's dog. ]\Iaartens, M. Minister's fire works. Brown, A. Minister's first at home. Bangs, J. K. Minister's gown. Barrie, J. I\I. Minister's henhouse. Loomis, C. B. Minister's housekeeper. Stowc, H. B. Minister's loon. Crockett. S. R. Minister's vacation, brencli. .\. W. Minka. Heyse. P. T. 1-. Minor canon /); I law tlionie. j. Library mystery and iklective stories. English-Scotch Minor chord. Stuart. R. M. Minor poet's story. Jerome, J. K. Minority committee. i)unl)ar, 1'. L. Minotaur. Hawthorne, N. Minstrel. Duncan. \. Minuet. I'.unner. 11. C Minuet. .M .lupassant, G. de INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 235 Miracle. Bacon, J. D. Miracle. Brown, A. Miracle. Herrick, R. Miracle. Maupassant, G. de. Miracle at Pale Peter's. Duncan, N. Miracle chapel. King, G. E. Miracle in Flanders. Sec Balzac, H. de. Christ in Flanders Miracle in Montmartre. Merrick, L. Miracle of bells. Pemberton, M. Miracle of Las Palnias. Davis, Richard H. Miracle of love. Le Gallicnne, R. Miracle of Purun Bhagat. Kipling, R. Miracle of the magpie. France, A. Miracle of the White Wolf. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Miracle of Zobeide. Mille, P. Miracle play. Thanet, O. Miracles. !\Iikhael. E. Miraculous pitcher. Haw^thornc, N. Miranda Harlow's mortgage. Fuller, H. B. Mircath. Sharp, W. Mirror. Daudet, A. Mirror. Mendes, C. Mirror maiden. Hearn, L. ]\Iirror of the faithful heart. Castle, A. and Castle, E. Mirry. Loomis, C. B. Mis' Elderkin's pitcher. Stowe, H. B. Mis' Simon's protector. Pratt, L. Mis' Wadleigh's guest. Brown, A. Misadventures of John Nicholson; a Christ- mas story. Stevenson, R. L. Miser Morgan. Norris, W. E. Misery landing. Woolson, C. F. Misery loves company. Kelly, M. Misery loves company. Morris, G. Misfit Christmas. Stuart, R. M. M.isfortunes of Bro' Thomas Whcatley. Fairfax, L. R. Misplaced attachment. Dickens, C. Miss Atherton's mission. Herrick, R. Miss Audrey Liston. authoress. Hawkins, A. H. Miss Ayr of Virginia. Magruder, J. Miss Bartram's trouble. Taylor, B. Miss Becky's pilgrimage. Jewett, S. O. Miss Beulah's bonnet. Cooke. R. T. Miss Biddle of Bryn Mawr. Bacon, J. D. Miss Buffum's new boarder. Smith, F. H. Miss Cadogan. Hawthorne, J. Miss Calderon's german. Bishop, W. H. Miss Calhoun's supreme day. Jordan, E. G. Miss Chesilia McCarthy. Hopkins, M. S. B. Miss Churchill's twins. Jordan, E. G. Miss Civilization. Davis, Richard H. Miss Clegg's adopted. French, A. W. Miss Clementine's Christmas present. Spof- ford, H. P. Miss Cow falls a victim to Mr. Rabbit. Harris, J. C. Miss Crespigny. Burnett, F. H. Miss Dangerlie's roses. Page, T. N. Miss Debbv's neighbors. Jewett, S. O. Miss Delaiiiar's understudy. Davis, Rich- ard H. Miss Doulton's orchids. Cameron, M. Miss Dream. Cutting, M. S. Miss Eden's baby. Bland, E. N. Miss Eliot's soulful day. Jordan, E. G. Miss Elizabetha. Woolson, C. F. Miss Ellen. Stetson, G. E. C. Miss Esther's guest. Jewett, S. O. Miss Etherington. Overton, G. Miss Eunice's glove. Webster, A., jr. Miss Evans and the eagle. Dickens, C. Miss Eyre from Boston. Moulton, L. C. Miss ^utterly on politics and the drama. Loomis, C. B. Miss Flutterly on what is doing. Loomis, C. B. Miss Forsythe meets a stranger. Jordan, E. G. Miss Gaylord and Jenny. Bates, A. Miss Gladwin's chance. Hawkins, A. H. Miss Goodwin's inheritance. Page, T. N. Miss Grief. Woolson, C. F. Miss Gunton of Poughkecpsie. James, H. Miss Harriet. Maupassant, G. de Miss Irene. Harris, J. C. Miss Jane. Bates, A. Miss Jemima's valentine. Stuart, R. M. Miss Jennings' companion. Smith. F. H. Miss Jones and the masterpiece. Sedg- wick, A. D. Miss Latymer. Hibbard, G. A. Miss Lily and Miss Chrysanthemum. Wat- anna, O. Miss Lowe. See Thackeray, W. M. Fitz- Boodle's confessions Miss McMillan. Barr, R. Miss Mahala and Johnny. Spofford, H. P. Miss Maria. Deland, M. :\liss Mehetabel's son. Aldrich, T. B. Miss Melissa's miracle. Spofford, H. P. Miss Mildred's friend. Ward, E. S. P. Miss Mix. Harte, B. Miss Mix, kidnapper. Norris, K. Miss Morgan's victory. White, W. A. Miss Murdock — "special." Smith, F. H. Miss or Mrs? Collins, W. Miss Peck's promotion. Jewett, S. O. Miss Peckitt's pincushion. Bland, E. N. Miss Peekskill's spirometer. Hawthorne, J. Miss Peggy's proteges. Plarte, B. Miss Phillv Firkin, the China-woman. Mit- ford, M." R. Miss Pi. See Ralph, J. Story of Miss Pi Miss Rodney's leisure. Gissing, G. R. Miss Ruth. Kirk. E. O. Miss Sally and the enemy. Morris, G. Miss Sally and the tree-man. Harris, J. C. Miss Sarah Jack of Spanish Town, Jamaica. Trollope, A. ^liss Shum's husband. Thackeray, W. M. Aliss Sydney's flowers. Jewett, S. O. Miss Tempy's watchers. Jewett, S. O. Miss Tooker's wedding gift. Bangs, J. K. Miss Underbill's lesson. Jordan, E. G. Miss Van Cortlandt's burglar. Jordan, E. G. Miss Van Dyke's best story. Jordan, E. G. Miss Vernon's choice. Burnett, F. H. Miss Virginia's Christmas. Spofford, H. P. Miss Winchelsea's heart. Wells, H. G. Miss Youghal's sais. Kipling, R. Missing! Gaboriau, E. Missing chord. Henry, O. Missing interpreter. Ward, H. D. Missing necklace. Futrelle, J. Mission of Jane. Wharton, E. Mis'^ion of Mr. Eustace Greyne. Hichens, R. S. 236 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Missionary sheriff. Thanet, O. Missy. Brown, A. Mist over the valley. Moulton, L. C. Mistake. Donnell, A. H. Mistake. See Maupassant, G. de. Father Boniface's crime Mistaken charity. Freeman, M. E. W. Mistaken milliner. Dickens, C. Mr. Adamson of Laversdope. Hogg, J. Mr. and Mrs. Blossom. Field, E. Mr. and Mrs. Follett; or, More than I bar- gained for. Willis, N. P. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry. Thackeray, W. M. Mr. Baptiste. Dunbar, A. Mr. Bear catches old Mr. Bull-Frog. Har- ris, J. C. Mr. Benjamin Ram and his wonderful fid- dle. Harris, J. C. Mr. Benjamin Ram defends himself. Har- ris, J. C. "Sir. Bilson's housekeeper. Harte, B. ■Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor. Gage, C. S. Mr. Blake's walking-stick. Eggleston, E. Mr. Blodger's apology. Payn, J. Mr. Bob. Osbourne, L. Mr. Bostock's backsliding. Morrison, A. Mr. Boswell imparts some late news to Hades. Bangs, J. K. Mr. Bradley's jewel. Bangs, J. K. Mr. Brand, the grocer. Cutting, M. S. Mr. Brinkley to the rescue. Jordan. E. G. Mr. Brisher's treasure. Wells, H. G. Mister Brother Jones. ISIaartens, M. Mr. Brough's client. Norris, W. E. Mr. Bruce. Jewett, S. O. Mr. Carteret and his fellow Americans abroad. Gray, D. Mr. Carteret's adventure with a locket. Gray, D. Mr. Clendenning Piper. Harrison, C. C. Mr. Copernicus and the proletariat. Bun- ner, H. C. Mr. Cornelius Johnson, office-seeker. Dun- bar. P. L. Mr. Deuceace at Paris. Thackeray, W. M. Mr. Dooley on corporal punishment. Dunne F. P. Mr. Dunton's invention. Hawthorne, J. Mr. Fox and Miss Goose. Harris, J. C. Mr. Fox and the deceitful frogs. Harris, J. C. Mr. Fox ligures as an inccndiarv. Harris, J. C. Mr. Fox gets into serious business. Har- ris, J. C. Mr. Fox goes a-hunting. Harris, J. C. Mr. Fox is again victimized. Harris, J. C. Mr. Fox is "outdone" by Mr. Buzzard. Harris. J. C. Mr. Gilfil's love-story. Eliot, G. Mr. Groby's slippery gift. Dunbar. P. L. Mr. Hamshaw's love affair. McCutcheon. G. B. Mr. Harrison's confessions. Gaskell. E. C. Mr. Hawk and Brother Buzzard. Harris, J. C. Mr. Hawk and P.rother Rabbit. Hams, J. C. Mr. Higginbotham's catastrophe, Haw- thorne, N. Mr. Holiday. Morris, G. Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation. Harte. B. Mr. Jilkin's hat. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door Mr. Joseph Hanson, the haberdasher. Mit- ford, xM. R. Mr. Kris Kringle. Mitchell, S. W. Mr. Lcdbetter's vacation. Wells, H. G. Mr. Lion hunts Mr. Man. Harris, J. C. Mr. Lion's sad predicament. Harris, J. C. Mr. Lismore and the widow. Collins, W. Mr. MacGlowrie's widow. Harte, B. Mr. Man has some meat. Harris, J. C. Mr. Masthead, journalist. Bierce, A. Mr. Midshipman Breezv. By Captain M-rry-t, R. N. Harte, B. Mr. Minns and his cousin. Dickens, C. Mr. Mitchelbourne's last escapade. Mason, A. E. W. Mr. O'Learv's second love. Lever, C. Mr. Ormizon's dinner party. Harland. H. Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear. Harris, J. C. Mr. Rabbit as a rain-maker. Harris, J. C. Mr. Rabbit finds his match at last. Harris, J. C. Mr. Rabbit grossly deceives Mr. Fox. Harris, J. C. Mr. Rabbit meets his match again. Harris, J. C. Mr. Rabbit nibbles up the butter. Harris, J. C. Mr. Sandford. Oliphant, M. W. Mr. Schnackenberger: or. Two masters of one dog. De Quincey, T. Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland. Wells, H. G. Mr. Smallpage's John. Silberrad, U. L. Mr. Sonnenschein's inheritance. Har- land, H. Mr. Swiddlcr's Flip-Flap. Bierce. A. Mr. Terrapin appears upon the scene. Harris, J. C. Mr. Terrapin shows his strength. Harris, J. C. Mr. Thimblefinger's friends. Harris. J. C. Mr. Thistleton's typewriter In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English- Irish. Mr. Thompson's prodigal. Harte. B. Mr. Tibbot O'Leary the curious. Griffin. G. Mr. Tolm;in. Stockton. F. R. Mr. Tommy Dove. Dcland, M. Mr. Traver's first hunt. Davis. Richard H. Mr. Van Nore's daughter-in-law. Spofford, H. P. Mr. Vincent Egg and the wage of sin. Bunner, H. C. Mr. Wick's aunt. Bunner, H. C. Mr. Willie's wedding veil. Earle, M. T. Mr. Witt's widow. Hawkins, A. H. Mr. Wolf makes a failure. Harris. J. C. Mr. Wolf tackles old man Tarrypin. Har- ris, J. C. Mr. Ycllowplush Ajew. Tliackeray, W. M. Misther McCran of Belfast. MacManus. S. Mistletoe bougli. Pratt. L. Mrs. Atwood's outer raiment. Cutting, M. S. Mrs. Rassett and the wedding. Spoflford, H. P. INDEX TO SIIORL- STORM- 237 Mrs. Bathhurst. Kipling, R. Mrs. Bidwell's tea. Loomis, C. B. Mrs. Bullfrog. Hawthorne, N. Mrs. Bunker's chaperon. Jacobs, W. W. Mrs. Burr's baby. Pratt, L. Mrs. Carney's sealskin. MacManus, S. Mrs. Claxton's skeleton. Spofford, H. P. Mrs. De Laix's indecision. Hale, E. E. Mrs. Dixon's culture course. Jordan, E. G. Mrs. Dud's sister. Bacon, J. D. Mrs. Finlay's Elizabethan chair. Thanet, O. Mrs. Frufflcs is at home. Bates, A. Mrs. General Talboys. Trollope, A. Mrs. Grabern and Fuz-Buz. Mitchell, S. W. Mrs. H. Harrison Wells's shoes. Williams, J. L. Mrs. Halloran. Sec Duncan, N. In the absence of Mrs. Halloran Mrs. Harrigan telephones. Loomis, C. B. Mrs. Hartwell's perfect treasure. Jordan, E. G. Mrs. Hauksbee sits out. Kipling, R. Mrs. Johnson. Howells, W. D. Mrs. Joseph Porter. Dickens, C. Mrs. Knollys. Stimson, F. J. Mrs. Lathrop's love affair. French, A. W. Mrs. Lirriper's legacy. Dickens, C. Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings. Dickens, C. Mrs. McCaffcrty explains. Jordan, E. G. Mrs. McCafferty's mistake. MacManus, S. Mrs. McClanahan, the Chinese laundry and Beller. Vorse, M. H. Mrs. M'Groarty's inheritance. MacManus, S. Mrs. McWilliams and the lightning. Clem- ens, S. L. Mrs. Manstey's view. Wharton, E. Mrs. Marden's pilgrimage. Jordan, E. G. Mrs. Marsham. Maartens, M. Mrs. Medwin. James, H. Mistress Merciless. Field, E. Mrs. Naseby's denial. Benson, E. F. Mistress of many moods. Theuriet, A. Mistress of Sydenham plantation. Jewett, s. o. Mrs. Ogilvie's local color. Jordan, E. G. Mrs. Ormizon's dinner partv. Harland, H. Mrs. Partridge has a fit. Harris, J. C. Mrs. Perkins's ball. Thackeray, W. M. Mrs. Pettibone's dinner-horn. Loomis, C. B. Mrs. Protheroe. Tarkington, B. Mrs. Ripley's trip. Garland, H. Mrs. Rupert's Christmas. Ralph, J. Mrs. Russell. Maartens, M. Mrs. Skagg's husbands. Harte, B. Mrs. Smith's husband. Loomis, C. B. Mrs. Strongitharm's report. Taylor, B. Mrs. Temperley. James, H. Mrs. Thistleton's princess. Hawkins, A. H. Mrs. Tompkins, the cheese-monger. Mit- ford, M. R. Mrs. Tom's spree. Bunner, H. C. Mrs. Tremain. Barr, R. Mrs. Tremley. Cutting, M. S. Mrs. Upton's device. Bangs, J. K. Mrs. Van Nostrand's night of triumph. Jordan, E. G. Mrs. Van Nostrand's perfect treasure. Jordan, E. G. Mrs. Varney's freedom. Spofford, H. P. Mrs. Warburton's theories. Jordan, E. G. Mrs. Weimar's gift of tongues. Singmas- ter, E. Mitchell, Donald Grant (Ik Marvel, pseud.), I 822- I 908 Account of a consulate; second story In Seven stories At an Irish inn; ist story III Seven stories Basement In Seven stories Bride of the ice-king; fourth story In Seven stories Cabriolet; fifth story In Seven stories Count Pesaro; sixth story In Seven stories Emile Roque; seventh story In Seven stories Over a wood fire In Patten, W. International short sto- ries, v I Petit Soulier; third story /;/ Seven stories Under the roof; attic In Seven stories Mitchell, E. P. Ablest man in the world In Stories by American authors v 10 Tachypomp In Stories by American authors v 5 Mitchell, Silas Weir, 1830-1914 Case of George Dedlow In Atlan 18: i Christmas venture; a romance of Valley Forge In Ladies' H. J. 25: D p 11; Ja p 21 Comedy of conscience In Comedy of conscience Cent 61: 323 Consultation In Little stories Conversion In Little stories Curly Fish In Prince Little Boy Dilemma In Little stories Diplomatic adventure In Diplomatic adventure Cent 71:612 Draft on the bank of Spain In Hephzibah Guinness Lippinc 9; 668 Fourteenth guest In Guillotine club Cent 78: 559 Ghost of glory In Little stories Guillotine club [Society of the guillotine] In Guillotine club Cent 78:323 Haroun the caliph In Little stories Hephzibah Guinness In Hephzibah Guinness Lippinc 21: 425 House beyond Pretty marsh In Guillotine club Jewels of consistency In Little stories 238 l.VDEX TO SHORT STORIES Mitchell, Silas Weh— Continued. King Bear III I'rincc Little 15oy Madeira party In Madeira party Man and a woman In Little stories Mind-reader In Guillotine club Cent 74:655 Mr. Kris Kringle In Mr. Kris Kringle Mrs. Grahern and Fuz-Buz In Prince Little Boy New Samaria /)( Lippinc 70: 131 Old wine in a new bottle In Trince Little Boy Philip Vernon, a talc in prose and verse In Philip Vernon Prince Lazy Boots In Prince Little Boy Prince Little Boy In Prince Little Boy Real magic In Prince Little Boy Sins of the fathers In Little stories Society of the guillotine. See Mitchell, S. W. Guillotine club Step-son of knowledge In Little stories Summer of St. Martin In Cent 67: 144 Tale of the great giant, Smokey Pokey In Prince Little Boy Thee and you In Hephzibah Guinness Lippinc 17:679; 18:81 "Thou art the soul of thy house" In Little stories Two men In Little stories Venture in 1777 In Venture in 1777 Waters of oblivion In Little stories Wise man's sack In Little stories Wogs In Prince Little Boy Wolf that wanted a doctor In Prince Little Boy Mitford, Algernon Bertram Freeman pseud. (Redesdale, Algernon B. F. M.) 1837- Accomplished and lucky tea-kettle In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:324 Adventures of little Peachling In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:321 Forty-seven Rofiins In Johnson, R. Little classics v 11 Fortn 13: 668 Liv Age 106: 349 Grateful foxes CJapanesc) In Tappan, E. M. Childcn's hour 1:326 Mitford, Mary Russell, 1 787-1855 Absent member In Bclford Regis Atherton In Atherton Aunt I^eborah In Country neighbors Baron's daughter In Atherton Beacon In Atherton Beauty of the village In Country neighbors Belford races In Belford Regis Bride In Atherton Buccaneers In Atherton Carpenter's daughter In Belford Regis Cartel In Atherton Country lodgings In Country neighbors Cousin Mary In Our village ser r Dissenting minister In Belford Regis Dolly and her beaux In Atherton Ellen In Our village ser i Flirtation extraordinary In Belford Regis Fruiterer In Belford Regis Gleaner In Atherton Ground asji /;/ Country neighbors Hester In Belford Regis Honor O'Callaghan /;; Country neighbors Irish haymaker In Bclford Regis Jessie Cliffe III Country neighbors King Harwood In Belford Regis King's page In Atherton King's ward In Atherton Little David: a coursing story In Atherton London visitor /// Country neighbors Lost dahlia III Country neighbors Lost magpie In Atherton Lost pearl In Atherton Marion Campbell In Atherton Mark Bridgman In Belford Regis Match-making In Belford Regis Miss Philly iM'rkin. the china-woman III Country neighbors Mr. Joseph Hanson, the haberdasher In Country neighbors IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES 239 Mrs. Tompkins, the cheese-monger In Belford Regis Oaken cross In Atherton Old emigre In Belford Regis Peter Jenkins, the poulterer In Belford Regis Ploughing-match In Atherton Return from the fair In Atherton Rosamund: a story of the plague In Belford Regis Roundhead's daughter In Atherton Sailor's wedding In Belford Regis Signal In Atherton Silver arrow In Belford Regis Sir Allan and his dog In Atherton Story of the woods In Atherton Surgeon's courtship In Belford Regis Tajima In Stories by English authors, Orient Tambourine In Belford Regis Town versus country In Country neighbors Two cousins In Atherton Village amanuensis In Atherton Wager In Atherton Wedding slippers In Atherton Tait n s 5:366 Widow's dog III Countrv neighbors Will In Belford Regis William and Hannah In Belford Regis Wood cutter In Atherton Young market-woman In Belford Regis Young painter In Belford Regis Young sculptor In Belford Regis Mixed proposal. Jacobs, W. W. Mixed relations. Jacobs, W. W. M'liss: an idyl of Red Mountain. Harte, B. Mobilization of the troops. Janvier, T. A. Moccasin ranch. Garland, H. Mock sun. Huneker, J. G. Mocking-bird. Bierce, A. Mocking of the gods. Troubetzkoy, A. C. Model. Maupassant, G. de Model millionaire. Wilde, O. Model murder. Hawthorne, J. Model of sorrows. Zangwill, I. Modern Cinderella; or, The little old shoe. Alcott, L. M. Modern Cleopatra. Davis, C. B. Modern dragon. Freeman, M. E. W. Modern ghosts. See Maupassant, G. de. Horla Modern Griselda. Edgeworth, M. Modern love story, \orse, M. H. Modern magician. Pyle, H. Modern Mcphistopheles. Alcott, L. M. Modern IMercury. Harriman, K. E. Modern Psyche. Hale, E. E. Modern rural sports. Henry, O. Modern Sapphira. Stetson, G. E. C. -Modern Sindbad. Hale, E. E. Modern warning. James, H. Modest scholar. Watson, J. Moe, Jorgen E., 1813-1882 Maste thief. Sec z'Xsbjornsen, P. C, and Moe, J. E. Mohammed Fripouille. Maupassant, G. de Mohammed Maroudi's motor. Train, A. C. Mohammed the rascal. See Maupassant, G. de. Mohammed Fripouille Moiron. Maupassant, G. de Mohicans of Paris. Dumas, A. Molyneux. See Hawthorne, N. My kins- man, Major Molyneux Mom Bi. Harris, J. C. Moment of clear vision. Thanet, O. Moment of victory. Henry, O. Momentary indiscretion. Grand, S. Monastery of Corbara — a visit to Father Didon. Maupassant, G. de Money. Galsworthy, J. Money box. Jacobs, W. W. Money changers. Jacobs, W. W. Money maze. Henry, O. Money meter. Viele, H. K. Monica. Bourget, P. Monis, Virginia O. Black-winged angel In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages "Monitor" and the "Merrimac." Morris, G. Monk and the dancer. Smith, A. C. Monk of the Aventine. Eckstein, E. Monk Tellenbach's exile. Boyesen, H. H. Monkey. Freeman. M. E. W. Monkey-flowers. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Monkey's pay. Jacobs. W. W. Monsieur Alcibiade. Harrison. C. C. Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington, B. M. Copernicus and the proletariat. Buniier, H. C. Monsieur de la petite dame. Burnett, F. H. Monsieur Donaque. Train, A. C. Monsieur du Miroir. Hawthorne, N. M. Gobseck. See Balzac, H. de. Gobseck Monsieur Jocaste. Maupassant, G. de Monsieur le Docteur Theophile. Janvier, T. A. M. Legrimaudet. Bourget, P. Monsieur Motte. King, G. E. Monsieur Parent. Maupassant. G. de M. Pigoneau. France, A. Monsieur Rousseau. Bangs. J. K. M. Seguin's goat. Daudct, A. Monsieur Viple's brother. Bourget, P. Monsieur X. Train, A. C. 240 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Monster. Crane, S. Monstrosity. Viele, H. K. Monte Carlo, a pound of cure. See Bishop, W. H. Pound of cure Monte Flat pastoral. See Hartc, B. How old man Plunkett went home Monterey. See Janvier, T. A. Pancha: a story of Monterey ]\Ioon-face. London, J. Moon in the mill-pond. Harris, J. C. Moon-lady. See Eield, E. Hawaiian folk- tales Moon-mirror light and power co. Jan- vier, T. A. Moonlight. Maupassant, G. de ^Moonlight effect. Locke, W. J. Moonlight fable. Wells, H. G. Moonlit road. Bierce, A. Moonshiners at Hobo-Hebee Falls. Crad- dock, C. E. Moor of Peter the Great. Pushkin. A. S. Moore, George, 1853- Ae-nes Lahens In Celibates "Almsgiving" In Untilled field Clerk's quest In Untilled field Exile In Untilled field Harp W 46: 1321 Home-sickness In Untilled field Harp W 46: nil In the clay In Untilled field John Norton In Celibates Julia Cahill's curse In Untilled field Letter to Rome In Untilled field Alildred Lawson In Celibates Playhouse in the waste In Untilled field So on he fares In Untilled field Some parishioners In Untilled field Under the fan In Tinsley 30: 135 Way back /;/ Untilled field Wedding gown In Untilled field Wild goose In Untilled field Moorland cottage. Gaskell, E. C. Moors and Christians. Alargon, P. A. de Mora Montravers. James, H. Morag of the glen. Sliarp, W, Moral exigency, h'rceman, M. E. W. Moral reformers. Kipling, R. Mordcr drift. Gibbon. P. More, Hannah, 1745-183^ -Ml for the best In Village and otbcr tales General jail delivery JH Village and other tales Giles, the poacher In Village and other tales History of Mr. Fantom /;; Village and other tales Parley, the porter In Village and other tales Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 6: 114 Pilgrims In Village and other tales Servant man turned soldier In Village and other tales Shepherd of Salisbury Plain In Village and other tales Strait gate and the broad way In Village and other tales Tom White, the post boy In Village and other tales Two shoemakers In Village and other tales Tw^o wealthy farmers In Village and other tales Valley of tears In Village and other tales More than I bargained for. See Willis, N. P. Mr. and Mrs. Follett IMore trouble for Brother Wolf. Harris, J. C. Morella. Poe, E. A. Moriah's mourning. Stuart, R. M. Moribund. Maupassant, G. de Morier, James Justinian, 1 780-1849 Hajji as a 'quack In Warner library La Morillone. Maupassant, G. de Mormon. Deland, M. Morning call. Hibbard, G. A. Morning-glories and Queen Aster. Alcott, L. M. IMorning-glory. Freeman, M. E. W. Morrant's half-sov. Phillpotts, E. Morris, Gouverneur, 1876- All that troubled them In Cosmopol 53: 172 All the evidence In Cosmopol 55: 850 Ancestors In Cosmopol 5=;; 10 Asabri In It Back seat In Incandescent lily Back there in the grass In It Collier's 48: D 16 p 17 Battle of Aiken In It Collier's 47: Ja 3 p 20 Best man In Footprint Bobby's return In Reader 5:539, 719 Boot In Spread eagle Bostonian In Incandescent lily Bride's dead In It By stages In Cent 72: 209 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 241 Captain England In Footprint Cent 63:597 • Carolina night's dream In Footprint Championship In Incandescent lily Everybody's 29: 18 Cicatrice In Cent 69:393 Claws of the tiger In It Cosmopol 48: 719 Concerning my Aunt Ellen In Cent 68: 943 Crocodile In Footprint Custody of the child In Incandescent lily Daymare In Collier's 48: D 30 P 18 Despoiler In Spread eagle Ellen and Mr. Man In Ellen and Mr. Man Execution In Footprint Explorers In Footprint Collier's 44: S 25 p 11 Fear In Outing 50: I57 Footprint In Footprint Frame-up In Cosmopol 55: 299 Growing up In It Harper 123:881 Holding hands In It Hampton 28: 151 . „ ^ .. Hunted look. See Morris, G. Litth heiress Idyl of Pelham Bay Park In It Cosmopol 52: 115 In little new New York In Cosmopol 55: 181 Incandescent lily In Incandescent lily It In It King of Bad Bad In Cent 64: 7^4 Legay Pelham's headache In Incandescent lily Legay Pelham's protegee In Incandescent lily Cosmopol 55" 454 Little dog In Cent 68: 32 Little heiress; or, The hunted look In Footprint "Ma'am?" In Spread eagle Collier's 44: S 25 p 11 McTavish In Spread eagle Everybody's 21:88 Married lovers In Cosmopol 51: 749 Mary Ellen and Evelyn May In Cent 70: 682 Misery loves company In Collier's 47: Ap 8 p 17 Miss Sally and the enemy In Cent 70: 182 Mr. Holiday In Spread eagle Collier's 44: D 11 p 13 "Monitor" and the "Mcrnmac ' In Spread eagle On the spot; or, The idler's house-party In Spread eagle Everybodv's ig:.i87 One more martyr In Spread eagle Paradise ranch In Footprint Parrot In Spread eagle Everybody's 7: 278 Pearl-eater In Outing 47:301 Perfect gentleman ot Pelham Bay i ark In Incandescent lily Pickaxe In Putnam's 7: 536 Practice makes perfect In Hampton 25: 155 Provident children In Reader 7: 231 Purloined Christmas In Collier's 46: D 10 p 21 Putting on the screws In Putting on the screws Radium In Cosmopol 53:64 Rich widow of Spanish Town In Cent 68:480 Sapphira In It Hampton 25: 432 Senator's brother In Am M 74: I9i Simon L'Ouvrier In Footprint Spread eagle In Spread eagle Stowing away of Mr. Bill Ballad In Footprint Tango taught in ten teachings In Incandescent lily Targets In Spread eagle Trap In It Two business woman In It "Voice in the rice In Voice in the rice White muscats of Alexandria In Spread eagle Wild pansies In Cent 69:885 Without a lawyer In Spread eagle Cosmopol 47: 278 You can't get away with it In Incandescent lily Cosmopol 54: 737 242 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Morris. William, 1834- 1896 Acontius and Cydippc /;; Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Atalanta's race /;; Edgar, AI. G. Stories from Morris Bcllerophon at Argos In Edgar, AI. G. Stories from Morris Bellerophoii in Lycia In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Child Christopher and Goldiluid the Fair In Child Christopher Dream In Works v i Early romances Story of the unknown cliurch Dream of John Ball In Works v 15 Dream of John Ball Fostering of Aslaug 1)1 Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Frank's sealed letter In Works v i Early romances Friendship of Amis and Amile /;/ Old French romances Gertha's lovers //; Works v i Early romances Gertha's lovers Poet-Lore 10:337 Golden apples In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Golden wings In Works v i Early romances Golden wings Gunnlaug the worm-tongue. See Morris, W. Story of Gunnlaug, etc. History of over sea In Old French romances Hogni and Hedinn. Sec Morris, W. Tale of Hogni Hollow land In Works v i Early romances Hollow land House of the Wolfings. See Morris, W. Tale of the house of the Wolfings King's lesson In Works v 15 Dream of John Ball Lady of the land In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Land cast of the sun and west of the moon In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Lindenborg pool In Works v i Early romances Story of the unknown church Lovers of Gudrun In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Lovers of Gudrun Man born to be king In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Niblung's. See Morris, W. Volsunga saga Ogicr the Dane In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Proud king In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Roi the Fool. See Morris, VV. Tale of Roi the Fool Story of Frithiof the Bold In Works v 10 Story of Gunnlaug the worm-tongue and Raven the skald In Works v 10 Story of Rhodope In Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Story of the glittering plain In Works v 14 Story of the glittering plain Gentleman's M n s 47: 211 Story of the unknown church /;; Early romances Story of the unknown church Story of Viglund the Fair In Works v 10 Svend and his brethren hi Works V i Early romances Golden wings Talc of Hogni and Hedinn In Works v 10 Tale of King Coustans the emperor In Old French romances Cosmopol 32: 52 Poet-Lore 11: 465 Tale of King Florus and the fair Jehane In Old French romances Tale of Roi the Fool In Works v 10 Tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the kindred of the Mark In Works v 14 Tale of the House of the Wolfings Tale of Thorstein Hafif-Smitten In Works v 10 Three Northern love stories In Works v 10 Viglund the Fair. See Morris, W. Story of Viglund Volsunga saga: the story of the Volsungs and the xN'iblungs In Works v 7 Old and New 2: 364 Writing on the image /;; Edgar, M. G. Stories from Morris Morris and the Honorable Tim. Kelly, M. Morrison, Arthur, 1S63- Absent three /;/ Green ginger ■'All that messuage" In Tales of mean streets Arts and crafts In Green ginger Aunt Sarah's brooch in Strand 17: 206 Behind the shade In Talcs of mean streets Cap'n Jollyfax's gun In Green ginger Case of Laker, absconded In Chronicles of Martin Hewitt Case of the lost foreigner In Chronicles of Martin Hewitt Case of the missing hand In Ciironicles of Martin Hewitt Chamber of light In Green ginger Child of the Jago hi Child of the Jago New R 15: 129 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 24- Conversion In Tales of mean streets Copper charm 111 Green ginger Dobb's parrot III Green ginger Drinkwater romance In Green ginger Holford will case In Chronicles of Martin Hewitt House of Haddock In Green ginger In business III Tales of mean streets Ivy cottage mystery In Chronicles of Martin Hewitt Johnny In Liv Age 223: 62 Legend of Lapwater Hall In Macmillan 66: 108 Lizerunt In Tales of mean streets Micobar bullion case /;( Chronicles of Martin Hewitt Mr. Bostock's backsliding In Green ginger On the stairs In Tales of mean streets Cody. S. Selection from the world's greatest short stories Poor stick /;; Tales of mean streets Professional episode In Lippinc 9^:475 Red cow group In Tales of mean streets Rod street revolution In Green ginger Seller of hate /;; Green ginger Skinful of trouble In Green ginger Snorkey Timms, his marks In Green ginger Squire Nappcr III Talcs of mean streets Stolen Blenkinsop In Green ginger That brute Simmons In Tales of mean streets Stories by English authors, London Three rounds In Tales of mean streets To Bow bridge In Tales of mean streets Wick's Waterloo In Green ginger Without visible means In Tales of mean streets La mort a la mode. Hawkins, A. H. Mortal coil. Hopkins, M. S. B. Mortgage on Jeffy. Thanet, O. Mortification of the flesh. Dunbar, P. L. Mortmain. Train, A. C. Morton Hall. Gaskell, E. C. Mortuary chest. Brown, A. Most beautiful woman in Paris. Halevy, L. Most extraordinary case. James, H. Most famous woman in New York. Davis, C. B. Most lamentable comedy. White, W. A. Moth and the star. Hornung, E. W. Moth to the Arctic. Crockett, S. R. Mother. Brown, A. Mother. Daudct, A. Mother. Galsworthy, J. Mother. Maartcns, M. Mother. Norris, K. Mother. Wister, O. Mother. Wyatt, E. F. Alother and daughter. Maupassant, G. de Mother and son. Maupassant, G. de Mother bird. Dyar, M. Mother emeritus. Thanet, O. Mother for heroes. Phillpotts, E. Mother Hive. Kipling, R. Mother in Israel. Boyesen, H. H. Mother in Paradise. Field, E. Mother of Emily. Cutting, M. S. Mother of five. Harte, B. Mother of monsters. ^Maupassant, G. de Mother-of-pearl. Le Gallienne, R. Mother of Pearl. O'Brien, F. Mother of the violets. Phillpotts, E. Mother Sauvage. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother Savage Mother Savage. Maupassant, G. de Mother song. Ralph, J. Mothering Cecilia. Norris, K. Mother's hands. Bjornson, B. Mothers of Honore. Catherwood, M. H. Mother's picture. Donnell, A. H. Mother's portrait. Lagerlof, S. Moti-Guj — mutineer. Kipling, R. Motion study at St. Catherine's. See Jordan, E. G. I introduce motion study ]\Iotor boat. Futrelle, J. Motormaniacs. Osbourne, L. Moutilou. Ouida. Moulton, Mrs. Louise Chandler, 1835-1908 Brains In Some women's hearts Broken lily In Stories told at twilight Choosing time In Stories told at twilight Clod of the valley In Miss Eyre from Boston Cottage on the hill In My third book Daughter to spare In Stories told at twilight Did he forget her? In Miss Eyre from Boston Dr. Huger's intention In Miss Eyre from Boston Fleeing from fate _ In Some women's hearts For pastime In Miss Eyre from Boston Scrib o s 7; 34 Four letters from Helen Hamilton In My third book Haunted inn In Miss Eyre from Boston Her baby brother In Her baby brother Stories told at twilight Her ladyship In Stories told at twilight 244 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Moulton, Louise Chandler —Continued. His uncle's mcmorj' /;; Aliss Eyre from Boston How one woman came to marry In My third book Jessie's neighbor In Jessie's neighbor Stories told at twilight Joanna, the actress In Aly third book- John Jay's long journey In Miss Eyre from Boston Joseph Thorne — his calling In My third book Judge's wife In Some women's hearts Leona: a blind man's story In Mj' third book Letter and what came of it In Some women's hearts Little Gibraltar In Some women's hearts Miss Eyre from Boston In Miss Eyre from Boston Cosmopol 2: 267 Mist over the valley In My third book Mountain road In My third book My inheritance In My third book Nan: a New England love story In Miss Eyre from Boston Nothing venture, nothing have In Stories told at twilight Number loi In My third book Olive Winchcscr Wight In My third book On the stroke of the clock In Miss Eyre from Boston Out of Nazareth In Some women's hearts Pansy vase In Stories told at twilight Perils of a studio In Miss Eyre from Boston Phantom farce: a story for Christmas In My third book Planchette. See Moulton, L. C. Story of the Planchette Pride of Moses Grant In My third book Record of a troubled life In My third book Riching versus Providence In Miss Eyre from Boston Story of a man of business In My third book Story of the planchette In Miss Eyre from Boston Sung in the twilight In Stories told at twilight Tenant of the old brown house In My third book Thanksgiving guest In Stories told at twilight Twelve years of my life In Some women's hearts Uncle Roger's story and mine In My third Ixjok When she was thirty In McClure 2: 141 White chrysanthemums In Stories told at twilight Woe unto the pitcher In Miss Eyre from Boston Mound by the way. Phillpotts, E. Mount Desert. See Harrison, C. C. Golden- rod; an idyl of Mount Desert Mount of Olives. Maupassant, G. de Mount of sorrow. Spofiford, H. P. Mt. Pisgah's Christmas possum. Dunbar, P. L. Mountain. Wright, M. T. Mountain and the sea. Field. E. Mountain Europa. Fox, J., jr. Mountain gold. Earle, M. T. Mountain laurel. Freeman, M. E. W. Mountain-laurel and maiden-hair. Alcott, L. M. Mountain lovers. Sharp, W. Mountain match-maker. Harben, W. N. Mountain of gold. Harris, J. C. Mountain road. Moulton, L. C. Mountain storm. Craddock, C. E. Mountain woman. Peattie, E. W. Mountain's face. Boyesen, H. H, Mountebanks. Maupassant, G. de Mountjoy; or. Some passages out of the life of a castle-builder. Irving, W. Mourner's horse. Quillcr-Couch, A. T. Mouse and lion. Hale, E. E. Mouse and the moonbeam. Field, E. Mouse-trap: a farce. Howells, W. D. Moving finger. Wharton, E. Mowgli leaves the jungle forever. See Kip- ling, R. In the sprmg running Mowgli's brothers. Kipling, R. Moxon's master. Bierce, A. Mozart, a fantasy. Peattie, E. W. M'sieu Fortier's violin. Dunbar, A. Much pomp and several circumstances. White, W. A. Muchie Lai. Frere, M. Muck-a-muck; a modern Indian novel. After Cooper. Harte, B. Muffles, the bar-keep. Smith, F. H. Mugby junction. Dickens, C. Muggles's supreme moment. Smith, F. H. Mujina. Hearn, L. Mummy's foot. Gautier, T. Mumu. Turgenev, I. S. Municipal report. Henry, O. Munnern. Pangborn, G. W. Murad the unlucky. Edgeworth, M. Murder conspiracy. Train, A. C. Murder of the mandarin. Bennett, E. A. Murder will out. Chekhov, A. P. Murderer. Gibbon, P. Murderer. Henry, O. Murders in the Rue Morgue. Poc, E. A. Murfree, M. N. See Craddock, C. E., pseud. Murger, Henri, 1 822-1 861 Passage of the Red Sea In Patten, W. International short stories v 3 Muse of the department. Balzac, IT. de Muse's tragedy. Wharton, E. Mushroom l)e(i of great men. Daudet, A. XDEX TO SHORT STORIES 245 Music-lover. See Van Dyke, H. Lover of music Music the conqueror. Ilunei\:er, J. G. Musician. Lagerlof, S. Musketeers. Kipling, R. Musset, Alfred de, i. e. Louis Charles Alfred de, 1810-1857 Beauty spot In Complete writings v 7 Croisilles In Complete writings v 7 Patten, W. International short stories v 3 Emmeline In Complete writings v 6 Frederic and Bernerette In Complete writings v 6 Grisette In Complete writings v 7 Warner library Margot In Complete writings v 6 Pierre and Camille In Complete writings v 7 Secret of Javotte In Complete writings v 7 Story of a white blackbird In Mabie, H. W.. and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 3 Tiziano In Complete writings v 6 Two mistresses In Complete writings v 6 White blackbird. See Musset, A. D. Story of a white blackbird Mustaches. Maupassant, G. de Mutabile semper. Grahame, K. Mute. Herrick, R. Mute confessor. Harben, W. N. Mutiny of the Mavericks. Kipling, R. Mutual exchange, limited. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Muzhiks. Chekhov, A. P. My aunt Margaret's mirror. Scott, W. My aunt Susan. Frederic, H. My balloon hunt. Stockton, F. R. My bloody massacre. Clemens, S. L. My borrowed torpedo. Ralph, J. My brother Henry. Barrie, J. M. My bull-calf. Stockton, F. R. My buried treasure. Davis, Richard H. My Christmas burglary. Quiller-Couch, A. T. My cousin Fanny. Page, T. N. My cousin the colonel. Aldrich, T. B. Mv dear Mrs. Billington. Bunner, H. C. My disreputable friend, Mr. Raegen. Davis, Richard H. My distant relative. Galsworthy, J. My double. Hornung, E. W. My double and how he undid me. Hale, E. E. My dreani. Tolstoi, L. N. My favorite murder. Bierce, A. My first book. Harte, B. My first Christmas tree. Garland, H. My first dress-coat. Daudet, A. My first dress suit. See Daudet, A. My first dress-coat My first night. Daudet, A. My French master. Gaskell, E. S. My friend Bingham. James, II. My friend Jim. Norris, W. E. My friend Meutrier. Coppee, F. My friend Paton. Hawthorne, J. My friend the boss. Hale, E. E. My friend the doctor. Page, T. N. My friend the murderer. Doyle, A. C. My friend the tramp. Harte, B. My girls. Alcott, L. M. My golf. Loomis, C. B. Mv grandfather, Hendry Watty. Quiller- Couch, A. T. My great and only. Kipling, R. My home return. Hawthorne, N. My husband's book. Barrie, J. M. My inheritance. Moulton, L. C. My Italian adventure. Heyse, P. J. L. My kepi. Daudet, A. My kinsman, Major Molyneux. Hawthorne, N. My Lady Ludlow. Gaskell, E. C. My lady Nicotine. Barrie, J. M. My lady's chamber. Thanet, O. My lady's coach. Quiller-Couch. A. T. My lady's money. Collins, W. My landlady. Maupassant, G. de My last chance. Hawkins, A. H. My late senatorial secretaryship. Clemens, S. L. My lord the elephant. Kipling, R. My neighbor. Donnell, A. H.^ My neighbor Radiloff. Turgenev, I. S. My nephew. Halevy, L. My new experience. Besant, W., and Rice, J. My new language. Smith, F. H. My own true ghost story. Kipling, R. My pipe. Ralph, J. My rapier and my daughter. Castle, A., and Castle, E. My red cap. Alcott, L. M. My rococo watch. Alcott, L. M. My rural experiences. Boyesen, H. H. My stowaway. Barr, R. My Sunday at home. Kipling, R. My terminal moraine. Stockton, F. R. My tourmaline. Jackson, H. H. My translatophone. Stockton, F. R. My twenty-five days. Maupassant, G. de My uncle Jules. Maupassant, G. de My uncle Sosthenes. Maupassant, G. de My unwilling neighbor. Stockton, F. R. My watch— an instructive little talc. Clem- ens, S. L. My well and what came out of it. Stockton, F. R. My wife. Maupassant, G. de My wife's lovers. Parker, G. My wife's tempter. O'Brien, F. Myrtis. Sigourney, L. H. Myrtle. Litchfield, G. D. Mysterious anger of Mrs. Mayberry. Vorse, M. H. Mysterious bride. Hogg, J. Mysterious case. Green. A. K. Mysterious cash-box. See Collins, W. Stolen mask Mysterious chest. Pyle, H. Mysterious man. French, A. W. Mysterious message. Warman. C. Mysterious Mrs. Wilkinson. Norris, W. E. 246 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Mysterious signal. Warman, C. Mysterious sketch. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. Mysterious visit. Clemens, S. L. Mystery. Davis. C. B. Mystery. Vcrga, G. Mystery of Barney O'Rourke. Bangs, J. K. Mystery of black and tan. Brown, J. Mystery of heroism. Crane, S. Mystery of Toe Morgan. Besant, W., and Rice, J. Mystery of Josej.h I.a(|ucdcm. Quillcr- Couch, A. T. Mystery of 'Malibin mill. King, C. Mystery of Marie Rogct. Poe, E. A. Alystery of Marmadukc. Collins, W. Mystery of ray grandmother's hair sofa. Bangs, J. K. Mystery of Old Daddy's window. Crad- dock, C. E. Mystery of Old Gray's inn. Hawkins, A. H. Mystery of Pinkham's diamond stud. Bangs, J. K. Mystery of Sasassa Valley. Doyle, A. C. Mystery of the centenarian. Hibbard, G. A. Mystery of the deserted house. Hoffmann, E. T. W. Mystery of the hacienda. . Harte, B. Mystery of the tobacco shed. See String- berg, J. A. Secrets of the tobacco shed Mystery of Venice. Bangs, J. K. Mystery of Wilhelm Riitter. Jackson, H. H. Mystery of Witch-face mountain. Crad- dock, C. E. Mystery with a moral. Sterne, L. Mystification. Poe, E. A. X. N.; being a novel in the French para- graphic style. Harte, B. Naboth. Kipling, R. Nada. Huneker, J. G. Nail. .M argon, P. de Nais, the brunette. Zola, E. Naked man. Davis, Richard H. Nam-bok the unveracious. London, J. Name of the firm. Cutting, M. S. Namesake. Gather, W. S. Namgay Doola. Kipling, R. Nan: a New England love story. Moulton, Nancy Boyd's last sermon. Brown, A. Nancy Chisholm. Hogg, J. Nancy Pansy. Page, T. N. Nancy's pilgrimage. Sherwood, M. 1*. Nancy's southern Christmas. Spofford, H. P. Napoleon Jackson, the gentleman of the plush rocker. Stuart, R. I\I. Napoleon Shave-Tail. Wister, O. Narrative of the spirited old lady. Sec Stevenson. R. L. Somerset's adventure Natalie Blayne. Brown, A. Natchez's Pass. Remington, 1". Nathancal. Watson, J. Native of Winl)y. Jcwett, S. O. Natural obstacle. .Strindberg, J. A. Natural selection: a romance of ('liclsta vil- lage and l':ast llani])ton town. I'.nnner. H. C. Nature cure. .SK)sson .\ T Nature faker. Davis. 'Richard II. Nayiing-Witc, the first rabbit drive. Austin. M. H. Ndintpile Pont? P>arrie, J. M. Neal. John, 1793-1876 Good gracious! and the Forget-me-not In Johnson. R. Little classics v 10 Neal Malone. Carlton, W. Near the rose. Bishop, W. H. Nearest of kin. Stuart, R. M. Neblitt. Ward, E. S. P. Necessary resources. Hawkins, A. H. Necklace. See Maupassant, G. de. Dia- mond neckace Ned. Hopkins, M. S. B. Ned Bruce's temper. Thanet, O. Nedda. Verga, G. Nee Corrigan. Barr, R. Need of money. Tarkington, B. Neglect a fire and it spreads. Tolstoi, L, N. Neglected conversations. Bangs, J. K. Negore, the coward. London, J. Nehemiah P. Hoskins. artist. Corelli. M. Neighbor Jacques. Zola, E. Neighbors. Galsworthy. J. Neighbor's landmark. Jewett. S. O. Neither scrip nor money. Hale, E. E. Nelse Hatton's vengeance. Dunbar, P. L. Nemesis. Merrick, L. Nemesis and the candy man. Henrv, O. Nengnie. Andrews, M. R. S. Neptune Vale. Bourget. P. Neptune's shore. Woodson, C. F. Nesbit, Edith. Sec Bland, E. N. Nest. Sedgwick, A. D. Nest egg. Jacobs, W. W. Nestie. Watson, J. Netty Sargent's copyhold. Hardy, T. Never bet the devil your head. Poe, E. A. "Never had no sleep." Smith, F. H. Never winks. Train, A. C. New accelerator. Wells, H. G. New Adam and Eve. Hawthorne, N. New agent at Lebanon station. Page, T. N. New Arabian night. Hale, E. E. New assistant at Pine Clearing school. Harte, B. New brooms. Kipling, R. New cashier. Eggleston, E. New catacomb. Doyle, A. C. New dispensation. Kipling, R. New England nun. Freeman, M. E. W. New England prophet. Freeman. M. E. W. New England winter. James, FI. New Manhattan nights. Henry, O. New master. Daudet, \. New matron. Sherwood, M. P. New member of the club. Alattluws, J. B. New order. Donnell, .\. H. New parishioner. Jcwett, S. O. New reporter. Williams, T. L- New Samaria. Mitchell, S. W. New sensation. Maupassant. G de New teacher. Sec Daudet, .\. New master New thing under the sun. Magruder, J. New ticket agent. Warman, I". New wine. l''uller, II. B. New winter sjiort. lioyesin, II. II. New woman. See Ralj)!!, 1. Sad fate of a new woman New woman and the old. FrL-nch, .\. W. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 247 New world. Davis, Richard H. New Year, His mother's. Spofford, H. 1. New Year's gift. Maupassant, G. de New Year's gift. Stowe H. B. New Year's resolution, treeman, M. E. VV. New York by camp-fire. Henry, O. News from Petersham. Jewett, S. O. News from Troy! Quiller-Couch, A. T. News of a famous victory. Watson, J. News of the engagement. Bennett, E. A. Newspaper story. Henry, O. Next his hand. Hale, E. E. Next room. Thanet, O. Next time. James, H. Next to reading matter. Henry, O. Niagara. Clemens, S. L. Niblungs. See Morris, W. Volsunga saga Nice people. Bunner, H. C. Nicolette and Aucassin. Hale, E. E. Niece of Snapshot Harry's. Harte, B. Night adventure. Austin, M. H. Night among the nihilists. Doyle, A. L. Night at Hays. Harte, B. Night at Wingdam. Harte, B. Night before Christmas. Hibbard, G. A. Night before Easter. Chekhov, A. P. Night before Thanksgiving. Jewett, S. O. Night-born. London, J. Night call. Van Dyke, H. Night doings at "Deadman's." Bierce, A. Night in new Arabia. Henry, O. Night in spring. Maupassant, G. de Night in Whitechapel. Maupassant, G. de Night of Christmas eve. Gogol, N. V. Night of the wedding. Maupassant, G. de Night on the Divide. Harte, B. Night out. Smith, F. H. Night raid at Eagle River. Garland, H. Night-watches. Ward, E. S. P. Night with Tantalus. Besant, W. Night with William of Wykeham. Adams, O. F. Nightingale. Andersen, H. C. Nightingale and the rose. Wilde, O. Nightingales. Gautier, T. Nine cent girls. Bunner, H. C. Nine musketeers. Phillpotts, E. Nine points of the law. Hornung, E. W. Nineteenth hat. Bennett, E. A. Ninety-nine guardsmen. By Al-x-d-r D-m-s. Harte, B. 99 Linwood street. Plale, E. E. Ninety-ninth notch. Duncan, N. Ninita. Janvier, T. A. Ninth wave. Castle, A., and Castle, E. Ninth wave. Sharp, W. No continuing city. Howard, B. W. No haid pawn. Page, T. N. No news. Ward, E. S. P. No quarter. See Maupassant, G. de. Father Milon No respecter of persons. Smith, F. H. No sinecure. Hornung, E. W. No smoke. See Manning, M. Prophetess of the land of No-Smoke No story. Henry, O. No thoroughfare. Dickens, C. No title. By W-lk-e C-ll-ns. Harte, B. Noah's ark. Zangwill, I. Nobility obliges. Tracy, V. Nobleman of the steppe. See Turgenev. I. S. Tchertopkhanoff and Nedokihskin Noblesse. Freeman, M. E. W. Nobody's child. Maartens, M. Nobody's story. Dickens, C. Nocturne. Castle, E. Nocturne. White, W. A. Nocturne at the Majestic. Bennett, K. A. Nod. Maartens, M. Noel's princess. Bland, E. N. Non-combatant. Thanet, (X Non-combatants. Chambers, R. W. Nona Vincent. James, H. Noncommissioned officer. Maupassant, G. de Nooning tree. Wiggin, K. D. Norah. Parker, G. Normandy joke. Maupassant, G. de Norris, Frank, i. e., Benjamin Franklin, 1870-1902 Bargain with Pegleg In Deal in wdicat "Boom" In Third circle Caged lion 1)1 Third circle Deal in wheat In Deal in wheat Everybody's 7. 173 Defence of the flag In Third circle Dis-sociated charities In Third circle Dual personality of Slick Dick Nickerson In Deal in wheat Dying fires In Third circle Ghost in the cross-trees In Deal in wheat Grettir at Drangey Iji Third circle Everybody's 8:311 Grettir at Thorhallstead. See Norris, F. Grettir at Drangey Guest of honor In Third circle House with the blinds In Third circle Joyous miracle In Joyous miracle Lauth In Overland n s 21 : 241 Little dramas of the curbstone In Third circle Lost story In Cent 66:371 Memorandum of sudden death In Deal in wheat Passing of Cock-eye Blacklock In Deal in wheat Cent 64: 385 Reversion to type In Third circle Riding of Felipe In Deal in wheat Ship that saw a ghost /;; Deal in wheat New Eng M n s 27: 439 Overland n s 40: 489 Shorty Stack, pugilist 1)1 Third circle 248 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Norris, Frank— Coiitinunl. Son <>\ a sheik III Tliird circle Strangest tiling In Third circle Third circle III Third circle This animal of a Buldy Jones III Third circle AlcClure u: 438 Toppan In Third circle Two hearts that beat as one In Deal in wheat Wife of Chino In Deal in wheat Cent 65:369 Norris, Kathleen Affairs of Caroline /;; Ladies' H J 31: F p 22 Austin's girl In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Everybody's 28: 260 Bridging the years III Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Am M 74: 2 Dr. Bates and Miss Sally In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Friendship of Alanna /;; Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Lippinc 88: 361 Gay deceiver In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby McClure 37: 616 Gayley the troubadour In Poor, dear Alargaret Kirby Last Carolan In Poor, dear Margaret Kirl^y McClure's 36: 673 Making allowances for mamma In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Am M 74: 269 Measure of Margaret Coppered In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby McClure 37: 288 Miss Mix, kidnapper In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Mother III Mother Mothering Cecilia In Good H 56: 304 Poor, dear Margaret Kirby In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Rainbow's end In Poor, dear Margaret Kirl)y Rising water In Poor, dear Alargaret Kirby Rosemary's stepmother In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Am M 72: 42 "S is for shiftless Susanna" In Poor, dear Margaret Kirby Everybody's 27: 224 Saturday's child In Good II 57:572, 8or Shandon waters In Poor, dear Alargaret Kirby Tide-marsh In Po(jr, dear Alargaret Kirl)y Allan 100:745 Walrus and the carpenter In AlcClurc 37- 53^ What happened to Alanna /;; Poor, dear Alargaret Kirby Atlan 106:418 Norris, William Edward, 1847- Bianca In Stories by English authors, Italy Belgravia 37: 47 Liv Age 139: 787 Clever lady Sophia In Mysterious Airs. Wilkinson Despotic lady In Despotic lady Fifteen drops In Cornhill 92: 784 Flower of the flock In Flower of the fiock Temple Bar iiy: i; 120:127 Her own doing In Her own doing Hermit of Saint-Eugene In Liv Age 163: 206 Jack's father In Jack's father Alurray 3: 646, 761 King and the anarchist In Cornhill 94: 516 Alan with the red hair In Cornhill 45 : 45 Liv Age 152: 398 Miser Morgan III Liv Age 208: 467 Longman's 27: 371 Mr. Brough's client In Cornhill 86: 484 My friend Jim In Eng Illust 3: 45i, 77i Alysterious Airs. Wilkinson In Mysterious Airs. Wilkinson Old brown mare In Eng Illust 7: 441 Old Jackson In Good Words 35: 176 Old maid's holiday' In Belgravia 39:319 Poor Harry In Alysterious Mrs. Wilkinson Prince Coresco's duel In Liv Age 170: 717 Longman's 8: 394 Queer business /;; Alysterious Airs. Wilkinson Longman's 11:403 Romance of Paulilatino In Jack's father Cornhill 48: 305 Tliat terrible man III That terrible man b'ng Illust 2: 82, 300 Three-bottle comedy /;; Liv .\ge 199: 584 Longman's 22: ^32 Tug of war In Harper 89: 565 Uncharted reef /;/ Longman's 46: 324 Wingham case In Jack's father Cornhill 53:592 North and South. Dragoumis, J. D. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 249 North walk mystery. Harben, W. N. Nos Anglais. See Maupassant, G. de. Our English neighbors Nose for the king. London, J. Nostalgia of Nervy Jim the snatcher. Bangs, J. K. Not a pin to chose between them. Dasent, G. W. Not a sad story. Cutting, M. S. Not at home. Train, A. C. Not practical. Hawkins, A. H. Not wanted. Chekhov, A. P. Notary of Perigueux. Longfellow, H. W. Notary's love story. Maartens, M. Notch of the White Mountains. Haw- thorne, N. Notch on the axe, — a story a la mode. Thackeray, W. M. Note. Deland, M. Note of scarlet. Stuart, R. M. Notes by flood and field. Harte, B. Notes of a traveller. Maupassant, G. de. Notes on a journey. See Maupassant, G. de. Notes of a traveller. Nothing to say. Henry, O. N'othing venture, nothing have. Moulton, L. C. Nott, Charles Cooper, 1827- Tale of a goblin horse In Stories of the army (Stories from Scribner) Scrib M ly. ^72 Novelist's allegory. Galsworthy, J. Nowadays. Hibbard, G. A. Nucingen and Co., bankers. Balzac, H. de Niirnberg stove. Ouida Number five. Brown, A. Number loi. Moulton, L. C. Number seventeen. Jordan, E. G. Number 13. Ward, E. S. P. Number three. Perry, B. Number three. Warman, C. Nurse Crumpet tells the story. Troubetz- koy, A. C. Nurse Perette. Bazin, R. Nutcracker and Mouseking. Hofifmann E. T. W. Nuzhat. Phillpotts, E. Oak-tree and the ivy. Field, E. Oaken cross. Mitford, AL R. Oath. Jewett, S. O. Oath of allegiance. Ward, E. S. P. Object lesson. Bangs, J. K. Object of love. Freeman, M. E. W. Object of pity; or, The man Haggard. Stevenson, R. L., and others Object of the federation. Thanet, O. Obliterated man. Wells, H. G. Oblong box. Poe, E. A. O'Brien, Fitz-James, 1828-1862 Bohemian In Diamond lens Diamond lens In Diamond lens Mabie. H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction, v 8 Atlan 1 : 354 Dragon fang In Diamond lens Duke Humphrey's dinner In Diamond lens Golden ingot In Diamond lens Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Irish Great diamond is obtained and used In Warner library Lost room In Diamond lens Milly Dove In Diamond lens Mother of Pearl In Diamond lens My wife's tempter In Diamond lens Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories; English-Irish Pot of tulips In Diamond lens Tommatoo /" Diamond lens What was it? In Diamond lens Baldwin, C. S. American short sto- ries Wondersmith In Diamond lens Atlan 4: 463 Obsequies of Peter Schwarz. Comer, C. A. Observations of Henry. Jerome, J. K. Obvious. Bland, E. N. Occurence at Owl Creek bridge. Bierce, A. Oceanus. Quiller-Couch, A. T. O'Connor, F. Invisible princess In Johnson, R. Little classics v 8 O'Connor, William Douglas, 1832-1889 Ghost In Johnson, R. Little classics v 8 O'Conors of Castle Conor. Trollope, A. October and June. Henry, O. Octopus. Davis, C. B. Octopus marooned. Henry, O. Odalie. Dunbar, A. Odalisque of Senichou. Maupassant, G. de Odd charges. Jacobs, W. W. Odd feast. Maupassant, G. de Odd life. Zangwill, I. Odd man out. Jacobs, W. W. Odd money. Phillpotts, E. Odile. Bourget, P. Odyssey of an outcast. Maupassant, G. de Odvssev of the North. London, J. Oeilo, story of. See Hale, E. E. Story of Oello. Of a mirror and a bell. Hearn, L. Of a promise broken. Hearn, L. Of a promise kept. Hearn, L. Of Costello the proud, of Oona the daughter of Dermott and of the bitter tongue. Yeats, W. B. Of her own household. Hopkins, M. S. B. Of the divers mischances and grievous perils which befell Cornelio for the love of his lady. Bandello, M. Of the real sea. Duncan, N. Of the sad end of two hapless lovers. Bandello, M. 250 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Of those called. Kipling, R. Of those who seek. Garland, ?I. Oflf the rocks. Greiifell, W. T. Office seeker. Harte, B. Offncss of Billy. Loomis, C. B. Ogier the Dane. Morris, W. [Edgar] Ogre's tragedy. Pangborn, G. W. Ogress of Silver land. Harte, B. "Oh, shoiitin'.s mighty sweet." Stuart, R. M. O'Halloran, G. B. Master of the "Clirysolitc" III Stories by English authors, The sea Liv Age 197:334 Ohnet, Georges, 1848- Aunt Ursula's misfortune In Shoplifter Pierre's soul /;; Pierre's soul Shoplifter In Shoplifter Song of the swan In Shoplifter Song of the swan Oil and water. Loomis, C. B. Oil of dog. Bierce, A. Oil of gladness. Cutting, M. S. Oisin in Tirnanogo In Warner library Oke of Okehurst. Paget, V. or pap's Flaxen. See Garland, IF. Little Norsk Olalla. Stevenson, R. L. Old acquaintance. Tolstoi, L. N. Old Adam. Bourget, P. Old age. Galsworthy, J. Old agency. Woolson, C. F. Old Agnete. Lagerlof, S. Old Amable. Maupassant, G. de Old Amiable. See Maupassant, G. de. Old Amable Old and new music. Hawthorne, J. Old Andrey's experience as a musician. Hardy, T. Old apple dealer. Hawthorne, N. Old Applcjoy's ghost. Stockton, F. R. Old arithmetician. Freeman, M. E. W. Old bachelor of arts. Michclson, M. Old bachelor's adventure. Reade, C. Old Bascom place. Harris, J. C. Old bell-ringer. Korolenko, V. G. Old Brother Terrapin gets some fish. Har- ris, J. C. Old brown mare. Norris, W. E. Old bundle. Corelli, M. Old clothes; a Jimmie Preston story. Vorse, M. H. Old coat of dreams. Le Gallienne, R. Old Daddy Deering. Garland, II. Old dears. Cameron, M. Old devil and three small devils. See Tol- stoi, L. N. Ivan the fool Old Dib's gold. Osbournc, L. Old dog Tray. Osbournc, L. Old dominie. Barric, J. M. Old Easter. Stuart, R. M. Old emigre. Mitford, M. R. Old Esther Dudley. Hawthorne, N. Old farm. Henry, O. Old-fashioned farmers. Gogol, N. V. Old-fashioned fuss. Harris, J. C. Old-fashioned gentleman. See Smith, F. H. Romance of an old-fashioned gentleman Old-fashioned gentry. See Gogol, N. V. Old-fashioned farmers Old-fashioned school. French, A. W. Old-fashioned school. Hawthorne N Old fiddler. Spofiford, H. P. Old flame. Hornung, E. W. Old folks. See Daudet, A. Aged folk Old folk's party. Bellamy, E. Old four-poster. Besant, W., and Rice, J. Old game. Van Dyke, H. Old Gardiston. Woolson, C. F. Old Gargoyle. Catherwood, M. H. Old gentleman of the black stock. Page. T. N. Old Goodwin's wife. Hopkins, W. J. Old Grinny-Granny wolf. Harris, J. C. Old hag's long leather bag. MacManus, S. Old immortality. Brown, A. Old Jabe's marital experiments. Page, T. N. Old Jackson. Norris, W. E. Old Judas. See Maupassant, G. de. Father Judas Old Kaskaskia. Catherwood, j\I. H. Old King Solomon's coronation. .S"*:^ Allen, J. L. King Solomon of Kentuckv Old Lady Mary. Oliphant, M. W". Old Lady Pingree. Freeman, M. E. W. Old lady's restoration. King, G. E. Old 'Lijah Bale's escape. Dyar, IM. Old Madame. Spofiford, H. P. Old maid. Balzac, H. de Old maid. Maupassant, G. de Old maid. See Maupassant, G. de. Queen Hortense Old maid aunt. Freeman, M. E. W. Old maid's holiday. Norris, W. E. Old maid's husband. Collins, W. Old maid's Paradise. Ward, E. S. P. Old major. Alcott, L. M. Old man. Field, E. Old man Eckert's. Bierce, A. Old man Ely's proposal. French, A. W. Old man Enright's love. Lewis, A. H. Old man Enright's uncle. Lewis, A. H. Old man of the sea. Jacobs, W. W. Old man's fortunes. Dunbar, P. L. Old man's troubles. Harris, J. C. Old manse. Hawthorne, N. Old men at Pcvensey. Kipling, R. Old men of the twilight. Yeats, W. B. Old Mr. Rabbit, he's a good fisherman. Harris, J. C. Old Mongilet. Maupassant, G. de Old Monte, official drunkard. Lewis, A. II. Old mother Gibson. Michelson, M. Old Mother Goose. Ward, E. S. P. Old nurse's story. Gaskell, E. C. Old Olaf. Thorcsen, M. Old, old story. Besant, W., and Rice, J. Old, old story. Bunner, H. C. Old partisan. Thanet, O. Old Peabody pew. Wiggin, K. D. Old Peninsula house. Hopkins, M. S. B. Old pipes and the dryad. Stockton, l'\ R. Old planters. Page, T. N. Old portraits. Turgenev, I. S. Old Poz. Edgcworth, M. Old professor. Harriman, K. E. Old regime. Singmastcr, E. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 251 Old reporter. Williams, J. L. Old roses. Parker, G. Old salt. Viaud, J. Old Sam Enright's romance. Lewis, A. II. Old servant. Sienkiewicz, H. Old shrine. Phillpotts, E Old silver. Le Gallienne, R. Old singers. Jewett, S. O. Old soldier's tale. Hogg, J. Old stone house. Green, A. K. Old Sue. Page, T. N. Old Sunshine. Smith, F._ H. Old Testament man. Phillpotts, E. Old time Christmas. Davis, Rebecca H. Old-time Christmas. Dunbar, P. L. Old-time love story. Davis, Rebecca H. Old Tory. Crockett, S. R. Old wine in new bottles. Mitchell, S. W. Old witch and the black cats. French, A. W. ; Old woman Izerofel. Gorky, M. Old woman Magoun. Freeman, M. E. W. Old woman's tale. Hawthorne, N. Ole 'Stracted. Page, T. N. Oliphant, Lawrence, 1829-1888 Brigand's bride /;; Stories by English authors, Italy Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, iSjS-rSg; Little pilgrim III Stories of the seen and unseen Liv Age 153:472; 154:782 Macmillan M 46: i, 337 Little pilgrim; further experiences III Stories of the seen and unseen 'Sir. Sandford III Ways of life Old Lady Mary III Stories of the seen and unseen Blackw 135: I Eclectic M 102: 314 Liv Age 160: 234, 263 Open door III Stories of the seen and unseen Blackw 131: I Liv Age 152: 269 Portrait III Stories of the seen and unseen Blackw 137: I Eclectic M 104: 315 Liv Age 1.64: 292 Wonderful history of Mr. Robert Dalyell In Ways of life Olive grove. Maupassant, G. de Olive Wincheser Wight. Moulton, L. C. Oliver Cromwell. Sec Hawthorne, N. Bio- graphical stories Oliver's bag. France, A. Oliver's three gifts. Loomis, C. B. Olive's first story. Jordan, E. G. Olivia. Stetson, G. E. C. Olympic victor; a storj^ of modern James. Connolly, J. B. Omnibus. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Omphale. Gautier, T. On a higher level. Craddock. C. E. On a hill-top. Harrison, C. C. On a single card. Sienkiewicz, H. On an errand of mercy. ]\Iatthews, J. B. On behalf of the management. Henry, O. On cats. Maupassant, G. de On exhibition. Kipling, R. On Frenchman's Bay. Harrison, C. C. On George's shoals. Connolly, J. B. On Grecnhow hill. Kipling, R. On guard. Serao, M. On Hell-fer-Sartain creek. Fox, J., jr. On horseback to Kingdom Come. Fox, J., jr. On perfumes. Maupassant, G. de On picket duty. Alcott, L. M. On Shell-heap island. Jewett, S. O. On the battlefield. Matthews, J. B. On the birdcage road. Dyar, M. On the black list. Warman, C. On the blank side of the wall. Thanet, O. On the bottom of the dory. Connolly, J. B. On the bright shore. Sienkiewicz, H. On the city wall. Kipling, R. On the echo o' the morn. Connolly, J. B. On the fever ship. Davis, Richard H. On the Goodwin. Besant, W., and Rice, J. On the great wall. Kipling, R. On the gull's road. Gather, W. S. On the hills. Dragoumis, J. D. On the housetop. Barr, R. On the journey. Maupassant, G. de On the keys of Honduras. Payn, J. On the limited. Warman, C. On the links. Hibbard, G. A. On the night train. Earle, M. T. On the northern ice. Peattie, E. W. On the plantation. King, G. E. On the prairie. King, G. E. On the railway. Maupassant, G. de On the reef of Norman's woe. Parker, G. On the ridge. Cutting, M. S. On the river. Afaupassant, G. de On the road to Hell-fer-Sartain. Fox, J., jr. On the site of the great Kungahalla. Sec Lagerlof, S. Queens at Kungahalla. On the south shore. Crosby, M. On the spot; or. The idler's house-party. Morris, G. On the staircase. Gerould, K. F. On the stairs. Morrison, A. On the steps of the city hall. Matthews, J. B. On the strength of a likeness. Kipling, R. On the stroke of the clock. Moulton, L. C. On the sunny shore. Sec Sienkiewicz, H. On the bright shore. On the trail of the lonesome pine. Fox, J-, jr. On the Walpole road. Freeman, M. E. W. On the war-dragon's trail. Fox, J., jr. On the way. Chekhov, A. P. On the western circuit. Hardy, T. On the word of Victor Paul. Earle, M. T. On trial. Chekhov, A. P. Onawandah. Alcott, L. M. Once. Benson, E. F. Once aboard the lugger. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Once at Red man's river. Parker, G. Once more. Galsworthy. J. Once more. Magruder, J. Once to every man. Davis, C. B. One and two. Besant, W. One autumn night. Gorky, M. One cent. Hale, E. E. One chapter. Litchfield, G. D, 252 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES One class day. Bates, A. One crowded hour. Doj'le. A. C. One dash — horses. Crane, S. One day. Rjornson, B. One day at Arle. Burnett, F. H. One day's courtship. Barr, R. One dollar's worth. Henry, O. One evening. Maupassant, G. de One from four. Page, T. N. One good turn. Freeman, M. E. W. One good turn. Hale, E. E. One horse yarn. Phillpotts, E. One kind of officer. Bicrce, A. One-legged dancers. Jackson, H. H. One man in a million. Chambers, R. W. One man who was content. Van Rens- salaer, M. G. £1,000,000 bank note. Clemens, S. L. One more martyr. Morris, G. One morning in spring. Bates, A. One of Bob's tramps. Smith, F. H. One of Cleopatra's nights. Gautier, T. One of life's paradoxes. Maupassant, G. de One of the elect. Ward, E. S. P. One of the missing. Bierce, A. One of the old girls. Ferber, E. One of the thirty pieces. Bishop, W. H. One of the world's wonders. Corelli, M. One of those imposible Americans. Glas- pell, S. One of twins. Bierce, A. One of us. King, G. E. One officer, one man. Bierce, A. One phase of love. Maupassant. G. de One possessed: the crime doctor solves the mystery of the brown devils. Hornung, E. W. One result. Litchfield, G. D. One story is good until another is told. Matthews, J. B., and Jessop, G. H. One summer night. Bierce, A. One Sunday. Masefield, J. One thing needful. See Davis, C. B. Wm- ter city favorite One thousand dollars. Henry, O. One thousand dozen. London, J. One too many. Kirk, E. O. One way. See Maupassant, G. de. Roger's remedy One way in. Hawkins, A. H. One way of love. Bland, E. N. One way to happiness. Gissing, G. R. One who intervened. Jordan, E. G. One woman's story; a study. Deland, M. One woman's way. Hibbard, G. A. Only a fly. Hale, E. E. Only a subaltern. Kipling, R. Only a waltz. Halevy, L. Only an incident. Ward, H. D. Only rose. Jewctt, S. O. Only son. Jewett, S. O. Only son of his mother. Dragoumis, J. D. Oondcr hoofdcn; or, The undcrcliff. ^Vi!lis, N. P. Oor lang hamc. Watson, J. Opal. Sec Smith, F. II. In which certain details, etc. Open boat. Crane, S. Open door. Oliphant, M. W. Open-eyed conspiracy. Howclls, W. D. Open shutter. Weyman, S. J. Open window. Wright, M. O. Opened door. Hawkins, A. H. Opening of the Alpine tunnel. Warman, C. Opera box. Futrelle, J. Operation m money. Webster, A., jr. Opinions of Gunner Barnabas. Kipling, R. Oppressing the oppressor. Warman, C. Optical dilemma. Stuart, R. M. Oracles. Bacon, J. D. Orange lily. Phillpotts, E. Orange man. Edgeworth, M. Oranges. Daudet, A. Orchard. Ouida Orchard-land; a children's story. Chambers, R. W. Ordeal. Craddock, C. E. Ordeal at Mt. Hope. Dunbar, P. L. Ordeal of Maude Joyce. Jordan, E. G. Ordeal of Sister Cuthbcrt. Jordan, E. G. Order. Galsworthy, J. Order and disorder. Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. Orderly. Alarcon, P. A. de Ordination of John Fairmeadow. Duncan, N. Ordronnaux. Spofford, H. P. Oreads. Hewlett, M. H. Oreste's patron. Stetson, G. E. C. Organist. Becquer, G. A. Organist of Ponikla. Sienkiewicz, H. Oriana. Sigourney, L. H. Orient. Maupassant, G. de Origin of macaroni. Serao, M. Origin of species. Kelly, M. Origin of the ocean. Harris, J. C. Original gentleman. French, A. W. Original wedding present. Cutting, M. S. Orion. See Parker, G. Watching the rise of Orion Orloff and his wife. Gorky, M. Orphan. Maupassant, G. de Orphans. Edgeworth, AI. Orpheus. Dunbar, A. Orpheus and Oisin. Sharp, W^ Orpiment and Gamboge. Janvier, T. A. Orso. Sienkiewicz, H. O's head. Osbourne, L. Osbourne, Lloyd, 1868- Acid test In Everybody's 26: 740 .Xniatua's sailor /;; Queen vs. Billy .\\vakcning of George Raymond In Love, the fiddler Beautiful man of Pingalap In Queen vs. Billy Cosmapol 29: 481 Ben /;; Cosmopol 48: 147 Bolt from the blue /;/ Hampton 24: 321 Bonesy In Everybody's 21: 146 Brothers In McClure 3S: 138 Captain Elijah Coe /;; Wild justice Chief engineer In Love, the fiddler INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 253 Coal oil Johnny In Motonnaniacs Detty the detrimental In Everybody's 23: 146 Devil's white man In Queen vs. Billy Dust of defeat In Queen vs. Billy Scrib M 28:465 Father Zosimus /;; Queen vs. Billy ffrenches first In Love, the hddlcr Forty years between In Wild justice McClure 20: 475 Frenchy's last job In Queen vs. Billy Cosmopol 28: 55 Fugitives of pleasure In McClure 22:379 Glass-eyed Bill In McClure 23:604 Golden castaways In Love, the fiddler Great bubble syndicate In Motormaniacs Great five-cent case In Everybody's 22:70 Happiest day of his life In Queen vs. Billy Jones In Motormaniacs Kitten that did In Canad M 34: 239 Labor captain In Wild justice Little flyer in love In McClure 2i:6iS Major Bronquard of the army /;; Everybody's 30: 66 Mascot of battery B In Love, the fiddler Mr. Bob In Wild justice Motormaniacs In Motormaniecs Old Dib's gold In Wild justice Booklover's M 6: 72 Old dog Tray In McClure 25:623 O's head In Wild justice Phantom city In Queen vs. Billy Professor No No /)), Wild justice Sunset 16: 318 Queen versus Billy In Queen vs. Billy Renegade In Wild justice Schmidt In Schmidt Everybody's 13: 2 Security of the high seas In Wild justice Three speeds forward; an automobile love story In Three speeds forward Everybody's 15: 168 Tin diskers In Tin diskers Wild waters In McClure 26: 434 Oscar and Louise. Hopkins, M. S. B. Osgood's predicament. Stoddard, E. D. B. Oshidori. Hearn, L. Other bed. Benson, E. F. Other doors. Vorse, M. H. Other Englishman. Weyman, S. J. Other lady. Hawkins, A. H. Other lodgers. Bierce, A. Other man. Kipling, R. Other man. Train, A. C. Other Mrs. Dill. Brown, A. Other people's luxury. Bourget, P. Other side. French, A. W. Other side. Stetson, G. E. C. Other two. Wharton, E. Other wise man. See Van Dyke, H. Story of the other wise man Other woman. Davis, Richard H. Ottilia. Thackeray, W. M. Otto of the silver hand. Pyle, H. Otto the knight. Thanet, O. Quida, pseud. (Louise De La Ramee), 1840- 1908 Ambitious rose-tree In Bimbi Anarchist In La Strega Assassin In Two offenders Beauty of Vicq d'Azyr In Cecil Castlemaine's gage Branch of lilac In Dog of Flanders Lippinc 8: 440, 602 El brug /;; La Strega Two new dog stories Bullfinch In Ruftino Cecil Castlemaine's gage In Cecil Castlemaine's gage Chatelaine sans chateau In Bentley 5°: 221 Liv Age 71:365 Child of Urbino In Bimbi Deadly dash In Cecil Castlemame's gage Dog of Flanders /;; Dog of Flanders Stories by English authors, Germany Tappan, "E. M. Children's hour 10: 136 Lippinc 9: 79 Findelkind_ In Bimbi Belgravia 42: 320 Lippinc 26: 438 General's match-making In Cecil Castlemaine's gage Halt In Santa Barbara 254 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Ouida —Coiitiuucd. House party In House party In the apple-country III Bimbi Ingrate In Two offenders Lady Marabout's troubles //( Cecil Castlcniaine's gage Lampblack In Bimbi Leaf in the storm In Dog of Flanders Stories by English aulhrirs, h'rance Lemon tree In Silver Christ Little earl In Bimbi Belgravia 44: 300 Little Grand and the Marchioness /;( Cecil Castlcniaine's gage Colburn 119: 10 Little thief In Cosmopol 28: 552 IMeleagri's Gallopavo In Bimbi AToufflou In Bimbi Niirnberg stove In Bimbi Orchard In Ruffino Pousette In Santa Barbara Provence rose /;( Dog of Flanders Lippinc 7: 561; 8: 27 Rainjr June In Rainy June Rinaldo In Santa Barbara La Rossiccia In Santa Barbara Ruftino In Ruffino Ruffo and Ruff In La Strega Two new dog stories Santa Barbara In Santa Barbara Silver chimes and golden fetters In Bcntley 47: 78 Silver Christ In Silver Christ Stable-boy In Santa Barbara Story of a crayon-licad In Cecil Castlcniaine's gage La Strega - In La Strega Study a la Louis Quinze In Cecil Castlcniaine's gage Talisman; a parable In Harp W 47: 2020 Tonia; a story of crime from poverty- In Cosmopol 20: 190 Toto In La Strega Two new dog stories Trottolino In Ruffino "Our anchel." Long, J. L. Our archery club. Stockton, F. R. Our aromatic uncle. Bunner, H. C. Our cousin Sonia. Maartens, M. Our Derby sweepstakes. Doyle, A. C. Our dogs. Brown, J. Our English neighbors. Alaupassant, G. de Our fathers have told us. Phillpotts, E. Our friend Patience. Maupassant, G. de Our Grouchometer club. Jordan, E. G. Our harbor. Duncan, N. Our honeymoon summer. Bachcller, I. A. Our lady of lies. Maartens, M. Our last walk. Collins, W. Our letters. Maupassant, G. de . Our little world. Lindau, R. Our Lord and St. Peter. Lagerlof, S. Our Mr. Jupp. Gissing, G. R. Our new crusade. Hale, E. E. Our new neighbors at Ponkapog. Aldrich, T. B. Our new servant. Barrie, J. M. Our next-door neighbor. Dickens, C. Our peasants. Maupassant, G. de Our pirate Hoard. Janvier, T. A. Our second girl. Stowe, H. B. Our story. Stockton, F. R. Our street. Thackeray, W. M. Our summer boarders. Loomis, C. B. Out of a pioneer's trunk. Harte, B. Out of debt, out of danger. Edgeworth, M. Out of her class. Davis, C. B. Out of Nazareth. jMoulton. L. C. Out of season. Harrison, C. C. Out of the depths. Chambers, R. W. Out of the question. Howells, W. D. Out of the rose. Yeats, W. B. Out of the running. Doyle, A. C. Out of Thun. Barr, R. Out of work. Zola, E. Out on the road. Warman, C. Out there. Glaspell, S. Outcast. Sec Crockett, S. R. \'ernon the traitor Outcast. Page, T. N. Outcasts. Gorky, M. Outcasts of Poker Flat. Hartc. B. Outdoorland. Chambers, R. W. Outlaws. Lagerlof, S. Outpost of progress. Conrad, J. Outrageous Miss Dawn-Dream. Long, J. L. D'Outre mort. Spofford. H. P. Outsailed. Jacobs, W. W. Outside. Pratt, L. Outside the door. Benson, E. F. Outside the prison. Da\is, Richard H. Outsider; a storv of the I5oer war. Kip- ling, R. Oval portrait. Poe, E. .\. Over a wood fire. MitcluU, D. G. Over on the t'other niountini;-. Cradtlock, C. I'. Over the mountain. Ilarbcn. W. X. Over the plum-pudding. Bangs, J. K. Over the side. Jacobs, W. W. Ovcrseasoned. Chekhov, A. P. Oversight. Dyar, M. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 255 Overton, Gwendolen, 1876- Alternativc /;;_ Harper 119: 755 David In Atlan 108: 634 Esther's Christmas //( St N 37:227 Golden chain In Golden chain Honors of defeat In Hampton 26: 105 Miss Etherington In Harper 114: 592 Price In Harper 124: 205 Speech of deeds In Harper 114: 368 Tragedy of first love In Harper 118: 959 Who aims a star In Harper 120: 680 Worldly Miss Revelle In Harper 118: 471 Overwhelming Saturday. Tarkington, B. Owen Wingrave. James. H. Owl's ear. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. Owl's story. See Smith, F. H. Club chest- nuts warmed over Owner of the mill farm. Garland, H. Oysters. Chekhov, A. P. Ozaki, Yei Theodora Tongue-cup sparrow (Japanese) //( Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i: 334 P. A. I. L. W. R. Cameron, M. Pack. Donnell, A. H. Pack. Galsworthy, J. Paddy Mullowney's travels in France. Sec Lover, S. Gridiron Padre Ignazio. Wister, O. Paduan pastoral. See Hewlett, M. H. Ip- polita of the hills Pagan and a puritan. Michelson, M. Pagan of the south. Parker, G. Pagan seal-wife. Field, E. Page of history. Maupassant, G. de Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853- Among the camps In Works v 11 Among tlie camps Andrew. See Page, T. N. How Andrew carried the precinct Bigot In Land of the spirit Scrib M 48:533 Billington's valentine III Works V 10 _ Pastime stories Bred in the bone In Works v 9 Bred in the bone Cent 62: 939 Brother to Diogenes In Under the crust Scrib M 39: 290 Burial of the guns In Works v 2 Burial of the guns Warner library Scrib M 15: 410 Captured Santa Clans In Works v 11 Among the camps Captured Santa Ciaus Charlie Whittler's Christmas party /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories Christmas hare-hunt in old Virginia. Sec Page, T. N. Long hillside Christmas peace In Works v 9 Bred in the bone Page story book Cornwallis. See Page, T. N. True story of the surrender of the Marquis Corn- wallis Danger of being too thorough In Works v 10 Pastime stories Duellist. See Page, T. N. When the colonel was a duellist Dullet. See Page, T. N. Prosecution of Mrs. Dullet Editor. See Page, T. N. Her sympathetic editor Elsket In Works v 9 Bred in the bone Elsket Scrib M 10:226 "George Washington's'' last duel In Works v 2 Cosmopol 8: 701 Geranium leaves. See Page, T. N. She had on her geranium leaves Goth /;( Under the crust Scrib M 41: 129 Gray jacket of "No. 4" In Works v 2 Burial of the guns Cent 44: 27 Great-grandmother. Sec Page, T. N. Her grcat-grandmothcf's ghost He knew what was due the com-t In Works v 10 Pastime stories He would have gotten a lawyer In Works v 10 Pastime stories Her great-grandmother's ghost In Works v 10 Pastime stories Her sympathetic editor In Works v 10 Pastime stories Hostage In Under the crust How Andrew carried the precinct In Works v 10 Pastime stories How Jinny eased her mind /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories 256 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Page, Thomas Nelson —Conlbiucd. How Relius "bossed tlie ranch" /); Works v lo Pastime stories How the captain made Christmas In Works v 2 Burial of the guns Scrib M 14: 779 Isrul's bargain /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories Jack and Jake /;/ Works v 1 1 Among the camps Page story book John's wedding suit /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories Kittykin; and the part she played in the war In Works v 11 Among the camps Page story book Leander's light In Under the crust Cent 74: 376 Little confederate hero In Page story book Little Darby /» Works V 2 P>urial of the guns Scrib M 16: 285. 457 Long hillside In Works v 9 Bred in the bone Mam' Lyddy's recognition In Works v 9 Bred in the bone Marse Chan; a talc of old Virginia In Works v i In old Virginia Marse Chan Stories by American authors v 9 Cent 27:932 Meh Lady; a story of the war In Works v i In ole Virginia Cen t 32: 187 Mi^i^^igerTTcr's roses In Works v 2 P)urial of the guns Scrib M 12: 650 Miss Goodwin's inheritance In Under the crust Scrib M t,6: 173 My cousin Fanny In Works v 2 Burial of the guns Cent 45: 178 My friend, the doctor In Under the crust Scrib M 40: 539 Nancy Pansy In Works v 11 Among the camps Page story book New agent at Lelianon station In Under the crust Ladies' H J 22: Ap-My p 7, 9 No haid pawn In Works v i In ole Virginia Stories of the South (Stories from Scribner) Scrib M i: 410 Old gentleman of the black stock In Works v 8 Old gentleman of the j^lack stock Harper 89: 774 Old Jabe's marital experiments In Works v 9 Bred in the bone Cent 64: 704 Old planters In Land of the spirit Cent 78: 3 Old Sue /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories Ole 'Stracted In Works v i In ole Virginia Harper yi'- 696 One from four In Works v 10 Pastime stories Outcast In Land of the spirit P'laski's tunament In Works v 2 Burial of the guns Elsket Harper 82: iii Polly; a Christmas recollection In Works v i In ole Virginia Polly Harper 74: 2,7 Prosecution of Mrs. Dullet In Works v 10 Pastime stories Rachel's lovers In Works v 10 Rasmus /;; W'orks v 10 Pastime stories Relius. See Page, T. N. How Relius "bossed the rancli" Run to seed In Works v 2 Elsket and other stories Stories of the railway (Stories from Scribner) Scrib M 10: 367 Santa Clans. Sec Page, T. N. Captured Santa Clans Santa Clans partner /;; Works v 8 Santa Claus partner Slio had on her geranium leaves /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories Shepherd who watched by night /;( Land of the spirit Scrib M ^3: 365 Sheriff's bluff" In Works v 9 Bred in the bone Scrib M 31 : 436 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 257 Soldier of the empire /;; Works v 9 Bred in the bone Elsket and other stories Spectre in the cart In Works v 9 Bred in the hone Scrib M 26: 179 Stable of the inn In Land of the spirit Story of Charles Harris In Works v 10 Pastime stories Stranger's pew in Land of the spirit Scrib M 48:68s Thomas's baptism In Scrib M 54: 204 Tommy Trot's visit to Santa Clans In Tommy Trot's visit Trick-doctor In Land of the spirit Scrib M 50: 272 True story of the surrender of the Marquis Cornwallis /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories Two little confederates In Works v 11 Page story book Two little confederates Two prisoners In Works v 11 Two prisoners "Unc' Edinbug's drowndin' " In Works v i In ole Virginia "Unc' Edinbug's drowntlin' " Harper 72: 304 Uncle Jack's views on geography /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories Wedding suit. .S"t'^ Page, T. N. John's wedding suit When little Mordecai was at the bar /;; Works v 10 Pastime stories When the colonel was a duellist In Works v 10 Pastime stories Page of history. Maupassant, G. de Paget, Violet (Vernon Lee, pseud.), 1856- Aniour dure In Hauntings Murray i: 49, 188 Dionea In Hauntings Featureless wisdom In Pope Jacynth In the Tuscan Maremma In Harper 106: 237 Lady and death In Pope Jacynth Lady Tal In Vanitas Legend of Madame Krasinska In Legend of Madame Krasinska Vanitas Fortn S2-2,77 Okc of Okehurst /;; Hauntings Phantom lover In Phantom lover Pope Jacynth In Pope Jacynth Prince Albcric and the snake lady In Pope Jacynth St. Eudicmon and his orange tree In Pope Jacynth Sister Benvenuta and Christ cliild In Fortn 84: supp i Wedding chest In Pope Jacynth Wicked voice /;.' Hauntings Worldly woman In Vanitas Painful memory. Bjornson, B. Painted pitcher. Pyle, H. Painter and his picture. Harraden, B. Painter's adventure. Irving, W. Painter's bargain. Thackeray, W. M. Pair of hands. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Pair of patient lovers. Howells, W. D. Pair of silk stockings. Kirk, E. O. Palestine pilgrim. Zangwill, I. Palctto's iM-ide. W^illis, N. P. Pa!' iniilas. Janvier, T. A. Palumitas lion-hunt. Janvier, T. A. Pan. Huneker, J. G. Pan and the crusader. Sherwood, M. P. Panch-Phul Ranee. Frere, M. Pancha; a story of Monterey. Janvier, T. A. Pancrazia's hair. Hichens, R. S. Pandolfo del Nero is buried alive with his lady. Bandello, M. Pandora. James, H. Pangborn, Georgia Wood (Mrs. H. L. Pang- born) 1872- At Ephesus In Interventions Broken glass In Interventions Scrib M 50: 246 By the Sawyer method /)/ Interventions Convalescence of Gerald /;/ Interventions Scrib M 35: 496 Dispensation In Interventions Everybody's 15:302 Doubting castle In Bookm 23: 492 E. Holbrook's patience /;; Interventions Appleton's M 8: 139 Experimenter In Interventions Scrib M 46: 272 Fourth watch /;/ Bookm 24: 251 Ghost llower In Bookm 26: 310 Gray collie In Interventions Scrib M 34: 95 Intruder In Harper 115: 112 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Pangborn, Georgia Wood -CoiUiinicd. Martha In Interventions Munncrn In Scrib M 55:583 Ogre's tragedy In Delin 65: 652 Rasselas in the vegetable kingdom In Interventions Rubber stamp In Interventions Scrib M 50: 307 Son of the woods In Interventions Tempered wind In Interventions Turned out to grass /;; Interventions Harper 114: 277 Pango Wango. See Parker, G. How Pango Wango was annexed Pansies and water-lilies. Alcott, L. M. Pansy Billings. Jackson, H. H. Pansy vase. Moulton, L. C. Panther; a talc of temptation. French, A. W. Panther of Jolton's ridge. Craddock, C. E. Papers. James, H. Papoose. Hibbard, G. A. Pappas Narkissos. Bikelas, D. Parables of a province. Parker, G. Paradise of children. Hawthorne, N. Paradise ranch. Morris, G. Paradox. Wyatt, E. F. Parasite. Doyle, A. C. Pardon of Becky Day. Fox, J., jr. "Pardon, you are Mademoiselle Girard!" Merrick, L. Parents and children. Ouiller-Couch, A. T. Parents' assistant. Wyatt, E. F. Parish of St. Thomas Equinas. Gray, D Pari^icnne. Gibbon, P. Parker, Sir Gilbert, i. e. Horatio Gilbert. 1862- Absurd romance of P'tite Louison /;; W^orks v i r Lane that had no turning Across the jumping sandhills In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North All the world's mad /;; Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Amial)le revenge In Works v 5 Cumner's son Andrew Vcnlaw. See Parker, G. Chief factor Annette. See Parker, (i. Trai^ic ((imcdy of Annette Antoine and Angeli(|ue In Works v 1 I'ierrc and his people As deep as the sea In Works v 3 Northern lights At Bambcr's boom In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North At Point o' Bugles In Works v 2 Romany of the snows Idler 6: 603 At the mercy of Tiberius In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Pall Mall M 20:4 At the sign of the Eagle In Works v 7 Liv Age 198:264 National R (Lond) 21:518 Babiche. See Parker. G. Little Bahichc Bamber's boom. See Parker, G. .\t Bam- ber's boom Barbara Golding In Works v 5 Cumner's son Baron of Beaugard In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning Idler 6: 305 Belle Amour. See Parker, G. Pilot of Belle Amour Blind beggar and the little red peg In Works v 5 Cumner's son Bridge house In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North Buckmaster's boy /;; Works v 3 Northern lights Budgery-Gar. See Parker, G. High court of Budgery-Gar By that place called Perad venture In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning Camp-meeting at Mayo In Cosmopol 53: 51 Castaway of the South In Eng Illust 9: 210 Chief factor In Chief factor Cipher In Works v i Pierre and his people Crimson flag In W'orks v i Pierre and his people Cruise of the "Ninety-three" In Works v 2 Romany of the snows Cumner's son In Works v 5 Cumner's son Cypress Hills. See Parker, G. Patrol of the Cypress Hills Derelict In Works v 5 Cumner's son J)esertion of Maliamnu'd Selini In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Didds, R. N. In Works v 5 Cumner's son Epaulettes In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North INDEX TO SHORT STORIF.S 259 Epic in yellow In Works v 5 Cuniner's son Error of the day In Works v 3 Northern lights Everybody's 15: 44 Eye of the needle In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Pall Mall M 19:292 Fielding- had an orderly In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Pall Mall M 18:450 Fight with the bear In Pomp of the Lavilettes Filibuster In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North Finding of Fingall In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North McClure 3:348 Flight of the McMahons In Cosmopol 54^ 184 Flood In Works v i Pierre and his people Flower of the flock In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Pall Mall M 22: 500 Forge in the valley In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning Fragment of lives In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning Friend of the commune In Works v S Cumner's son Eng Illust 10:61 Liv Age 195: 651 George's wife In Works v 3 Northern lights Gift of the simple king In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North Idler 6:255 Girl and the anarch In Cosmopol 50: 35 God's garrison In Works v i Pierre and his people Going of the white swan In Works v 2 Adventurer of the north Going of the white swan Scrib M 17:65 Golden pipes In Works v il Lane that had no turning Great Minus In Scrib M 54:665 Great white chief. See Parker, G. Woods- man's story of the great white chief Grindstone and the drum. See Parker, G. Price of the grindstone Guardian of the fire In Works v 11 Lane that had no turnmg Guest that tarried In Collier's 43: Je26p 13 Hazard of the North In Works v i Pierre and his people 1 le would not be denied /;; Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Healing springs and the pioneers 1)1 Works v 3 Northern lights High court of Budgcry-Gar In Works v 5 Cumner's son Hill of pains In Hill of pains House with the broken shutter In Works v 2 Eng Illust 12 No. I : i House with the tall porch In Works v n Lane that had no turnmg McClure i: 533 How Pango Wango was annexed In Works v 5 Cumner's son John Enderby In Works v 13 Lake of the Great Slave In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North Idler 6: 143 Lane that had no turning In Works v n Lane that had no turning Level crossing In Cosmopol 5^: 1/5 Light of other days In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Lime-burner. See Parker, G. Story of the lime-burner Little Babiche In Work v 2 Romany of the snows Little bell of honour In Works v n Lane that had no turning Cent 51:881 Little masquerade III Works V 5 Cumner's son Little widow of Jansen In Works v 3 Northern lights Lodge in the wilderness /;; Works v 3 Northern lights Lone corvette III Works V 5 Cumne.r's son Lovely bully In Works v 2 Adventurer of the North Mahommed Selim. See Parker, G. De- sertion of ]\laliommed Selim 26o INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Parker, Sir Gilbert -Coiiliuiird. Alalachi //; Works v 2 Adventurer of the North Eng Illust 12 No. 2: 9 Man, a famine, and a heathen boy In Works v 3 Northern lights Man at the wheel /); Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Atlan 83:785 Canad M 13: loi Man that died at Alma III Works V 1 1 Lane that had no turning March of the white guard 1)1 Works V 8 March of the white guard Tavistock tales Good Words 32: Christmas no. 51 Marcile /;; Works v 3 Northern lights Marriage of the miller /;; W'orks v 11 Lane that liad no turning- Masquerade. See Parker, G. Little Mas- querade Mathurin III Works V II Lane that had no turning Liv Age 212: 112 Medallion's whim III W'orks V II Lane that had no turning Michel and Angela III W'orks V 13 Harper loi : 685, 895 My wife's lovers III Works V 5 Cumner's son Norah III Collier's 44: D 25 p 11 Old roses III Works V 5 Cumner's son Liv Age 194:382 On the reef of Norman's woe In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Pall Mall M 19:436 Once at Red man's river In Works v 3 Northern lights Orion. See Parker, G. Watching the rise of Orion Pagan of the South In Works v 5 Cumner's son Pango Wango. See Parker, G. How Pango Wango was annexed i'arables of a province III Works v 1 1 Lane that iiad no turning J'arpon the dwarf /;/ Works v 1 1 Lane that had no turning Patrol of the Cypress Hills In W'orks v i Pierre and his people Warner library Peradventure. 5"^^ Parker, G. By that place called Peradventure Pere Champagne In Works v i Pierre and his people Pilot of Belle Amour In Works v 5 Romany of the snows Cosmopol 15: 334 Pipi valley III A\'orks V I Pierre and his people Planter's wife In Works v 5 Cumner's son Plunderer In Works v 2 Romany of the snows Point o' Bugles. See Parker, G. At Point o' Bugles Pomp of the Lavillettes In Vv^orks v 7 Pomp of the Lavillettes Prairie vagabond In Works v i Pierre and his people Pretty Pierre In Eng Illust 9: 583 Price of the grindstone and the drum III Works V 14 Donovan Pasha Pall Mall M 19: 149 Prisoner In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning P'tite Louison. See Parker, G. Absurd Romance of P'tite Louison Qu'appelle In Works v 3 Northern lights Rawley's last gamble In Canad M 30: 110 Red man's river. See Parker, G. Once at Red man's river Red patrol III Works V 2 Adventurer of the North Eng Illust 12 No. 4:33 Reef of Norman's woe. See Parker, G. On the reef of Norman's woe Romany of the snows /;; Works v 2 Romany of the snows Sable Spartan In Works v 5 Cumner's son Sanctuary of the plains In Works v i I'ierre and his people Scarlet hunter ' In Works \- i Pierre autl his people Liv Age 193: 4(>5 Macmillan O5: 376 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 261 She of the triple chevron In Works v i Pierre and his people Shon McGann's toboggan ride In Works v i Pierre and his people Singing of the bees and the white omen In Works v 1 1 Lane that had no turning Eng Illust 12 No. ;: 23 Son of the wilderness In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning Spoil of the puma In Works v 2 Romany of the snows Cosmopol 15: 80 Stake and the plumb-line In Works v 3 Northern lights Everj'body's 14: 156, 308 Stone In Works v i Pierre and his people Story of the lime-burner In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning Ridpath's library of universal liter- ature Stranger's hut In Works v 5 Cumner's son Stroke of the hour In Works v 3 Northern lights Tall master In Works v i Pierre and his people Liv Age 195:665 National R (Lond) 20: 108 "There is sorrow on the sea"; a Lancashire story In Works v 13 Crockett, S. R. Tales of our coast Idler 7: 297 There was a little city In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning New R 12: 589 Three commandments in the vulgar tongue In Works v 2 Romany of the snows Atlan 73: 613 Three McMahons In Cosmopol 51:400 Three outlaws In Works v i Pierre and his people Tiberius. See Parker, G. At the Mercy of Tiberius Times were hard in Pontiac In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning To-morrow In Works v 3 Northern lights Tragedy of nobodies In Works v i Pierre and his people Tragic comedy of Annette In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning Trail of the sun dogs In Works v 2 Romany of the snows Translation of a savage In Works v 7 Translation of a savage Lippinc 51: 649 Treaty of peace In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Pall Mall M 21:540 Tyrant and a lady In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Uncle Jim In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning Unpardonable liar In Unpardonable liar Eng Illust II : 51, 162 Upset price In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning- Vulgar fraction In Vv^orks v 5 Cumner's son Watching the rise of Orion /// Works V 3 Northern lights Booklover's M 7:281 When the swallows homeward fly In Works v 3 Northern lights Delin 66: 1075 While the lamp holds out to burn In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Whisperer In Works v 3 Northern lights Cosmopol 40: 503 White swan. Sec Parker, G. Going of the white swan White weaver In Macmillan's M 66:462 Widow of Jansen. See Parker, G. Little widow of Jansen Woman in the morgue In Liv Age 190: T,T,i Macmillan's M 64: 104 Woodsman's story of the Great White Chief In Works v 11 Lane that had no turning McClure 2: 130 Worker in stone In Works v 1 1 Lane that had no turning Young lion of Dedan In Works v 14 Donovan Pasha Pall Mall M 27: 475 Parker Anderson, philosopher. Bierce, A. Parlour orator. Dickens, C. Parley, the porter. More, H. Parley under false colors. Janvier, T. A. Parlor car; a farce. Howells, W. D. 262 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Parlous wholeness of Ephraim. Fcrnald, C. B. Parpon the dwarf. Parker, G. Parricide. Maupassant, G. de Parrot. Freeman, M. I^. W. Parrot. Maupassant, G. de Parrot. Morris, G. Parsnip stew. Freeman, M. E. W. Parson Jack's fortune. Quiller-C'oucli, A. T. Parson of Jackman's gulch. Doyle, A. C. Parsonage. Kielland, A. L. Parson's horse-race. Stowe, 11. P). Parson's scruple. Collins, W. Part of an old story. Allen, J. L. Parthenon by way of Papendrociit. Smith, F. H. Parting. Galsworthy, J. Parting. Goeringer, I. Parting and a meeting-. Howells, W. D. Parting friends; a tragedy. Howells, W. D. Parting of the clouds. French, A. W. Partner. Conrad, J. Partners. Brown, A. Partners for a day. Garland, H. Party at Madeira's. Martin, E. S. Party spirit. See Edgeworth, M. Barring out Pasha's prisoner. Barr, R. Pasha's son. Taylor, B. Pasquale's picture. Fuller, H. B. Pasquali, the tailor of Venice. Willis, N. P. Pasque Florida. Chambers, R. W. Passage in the life of Mr. John Oakhurst. Harte, B. Passage in the life of Mr. Watkins Tottle. Dickens, C. Passage of the Red Sea. Murger. H. Passages from a relinquished work. Haw- thorne, N. Passages from the journal of a social wreck. Crosby, M. Passeur. Chambers, R. W. Passing of Abraham Shivers. Fox, J., jr. Passing of Black Eagle. Henry, O. Passing of Cock-eye Blacklock. Norris, F. Passing of Domsie. Watson, J. Passing of Enriquez. Harte, B. Passing of Grandisson. Chesnutt, C. W. Passing of Hope Abbott. Jordan, E. G. Passing of Mclvor. Warman, C. Passing of Marcus O'Brien. London, J. Passing of Sister Barsett. Jewett, S. O. Passing of the third floor back. Jerome, J. K. Passing of Thomas. Janvier, T. A. Passing stranger. Garland, H. Passion. Maupassant, G. de Passion in the desert. Balzac, II. de Passionate pilgrim. James, 11. Passport. Maartens, M. Passport to paradise. Kelly, M. Past one at Rooney's. Henry, O. Past redemption. Watson, J. Paste. James, II. Patagonia. James, H. Patchwork school. l"'reeman, M. E. W. Path-master. Chambers, R. W. Path of duty. James, H. Path of iMurtoch; an Irish story, h'rederic, M. Patii of stars. Brown, A. Path to Spain. Cutting, M. S. I 'ath finding in the Northwest. Warman, C. I'athrick's proxy. MacManus, S. Patient Griselda. Boccaccio, G. Patient Kitty. Payne, J. Patient waiter. Freeman, M. E. W. Patriach. Sigourney, L. H. Patrol of the Cypress Hills. Parker, G. Patron. Maupassant, G. de Patron of art. Cameron, M. Patron of art. Davis, Richard, H. Patronage of High Bear. Wister, O. Patsie Oddie's black night. Connolly, J. B. Patsy. See Wiggin, K. D. Story of Patsy Patty's place. Alcott, L. M. Pauline. Dumas, A. Paul's case. Gather, W. S. Paul's mistress. Maupassant, G. de Paupers. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Pausanias, the Spartan. Lytton, E. B. Pavilion on the links. Stevenson, R. L. Paying guests. Cutting, M. S. Payment in full. Herrick, R. Payn, James, 1830-1898 Arctic travel III In peril and privation Aunt Sue's panic III Sunny stories and some shady ones Burning of 'Le Prince' In In peril and privation Burning of the 'New Honi' In In peril and privation Captain Cole's passenger In Belgravia 38: 169 Castaway ambassador In In peril and privation Cecil's tryst In Chambers J 48:481 Change of views In Belgravia 36: 172 Cheap tour In Sunny stories and some shady ones Clerk's conscience In Sunny stories and some shady ones Club benefactor In Belgravia 48: supp 32 Dauntless Kitty In Sunny stories and some shady ones Faithful retainer In Sunny stories and some shadj- ones Stories by English authors, Italy Family scapegrace In Chambers J 35: i F^atal curiosity /)/ Belgravia 34: supp 94 Guardian angel In Sunny stories and some shady ones In sight of home /;/ In peril and privation Last extremity In In peril and privation Loss of the "IlalseweU" In In peril and privation Loss of the "Royal George'' /;; In peril and privation Married beneath him In Chambers J 41: 497 Mr. Blodger's apology In Sunny stories and some shady ones INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 263 On the keys of Honduras In In peril and privation Patient Kitty In Belgravia 35: 43-^ Raft of the Medusa In In peril and privation Romance of M. de Belle Isle In In peril and privation Slavery In In peril and privation Transfused transformed; a talc of hlood In Belgravia 39: 180 Substitute /;; Lippinc 36: 601 Trials of Philip Austin In In peril and privation Two delicate cases In Belgravia 46: supp 29 Uncle Lock's legacy In Idler i: 405 Under sentence of death In Sunny stories and some shady ones Undiscovered island In In peril and privation Wager island In In peril and privation Wreck of the 'Grosvenor' In In peril and privation Wreck of the 'Jmio' In In peril and privation Paz. Balzac, H. dc Peace manoeuvres. Davis, Richard H. Peace of a home. Balzac, H. de Peace of God. Lagerlof, S. Peacemaker. Perry, B. Peach. Smith, A.' C. Peach and the admiral. Gray, D. Peach blossoms. Michelson, M. Peacock's tail. Wyatt, E. F. Peake, Elmore Elliott, 1871- Back to Indiana In Howells, W. D., and Alden, II. M. Under the sunset Pearl-eater. Morris, G. Pearl of Toledo. Merimee, P. Pearls. Gerould, K. F. Pearls of Parblay. London, J. Peasant proprietor, Ovsyanikov. See Tur- genev, I. S. Freeholder Ovsyanikoff Peasants in exile. See Sienkiewicz, H. For daily bread Peasant's will. Fogazzaro, A. Peat moor. Kielland, A. L. Peattie, Elia Wilkinson (Mrs. Robert Burns Peattie). 1862- Astral onion In Shape of fear At luncheon /;( Pippins and cheese Bertha's debut In Ickery Ann Blood apple In Pippins and cheese Breeziest reunion In Ickery Ann Cap'n Patti In Lippinc 53: 5-^3 Castle knight and troubadour In Castle Knight and troubadour Child of the rain In Shape of fear Children's crusade. See Peattie, E. W. With scrip and stafif. Christmas at Goldberg In Ickery Ann Covers for twelve In Pippins and cheese Cupid and the hurdy-gurdy In Harp B 41:636 Dead letter In Ickery Ann Diminuendo In Pippins and cheese Dinner for two In Pippins and cheese Door In Reader 7: 168 Edda and the oak In Edda and the oak Esmeralda herders In Atlan 87: in From the loom of the dead In Shape of fear Ged In Scrib M 34: 580 Genius In Ickery Ann Grammatical ghost In Shape of fear Greater love than this In Harp B 2>3: 212, 268 Grizel Cockrane's ride In Ickery Ann House of the golden song In Harp B 32; 1056 House that was not In Shape of fear How Christmas came to the Santa Maria flats In Ickery Ann Ickery Ann In Ickery Ann Ill-regulated courtship In Harp B 38:256 Jim Fancy's Waterloo In Mountain woman Cosmopol 17: 211 Jock, the chipmunk 1)1 Ickery Ann Lady of yesterday In Mountain woman McCulloughs of the bluff In Ickery Ann Madonna of the desert /;; Howells,W. D., and Alden, H. Al. Under the sunset Harper in: 507 Mess of pottage In Pippins and cheese Message of the lilies In Ickery Ann Michigan man /;( Mountain woman Lippinc 47:394 Mountain woman In Mountain woman Mozart, a fantasy In Atlan 90: 634 16 264 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Peattie, Elia Wilkinson — Co)(//)na'(/. On tile northern ice In Shape of fear Piano next door In Shape of fear Price of a dinner In Pippins and cheese Princess dines In Pippins and cheese Resuscitation In Mountain woman Room of evil thought In Shape of fear Rubaiyat and the liner In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. 1,1. Quaint courtships Harp B 3,3: 1360 Shape of fear In Shape of fear Shehens' houn' dogs In Reader 10: 72) Shut-ins In Ickery Ann Spectral collie In Shape of fear Stage coach In Atlan 93 : 786 Stop gap In Pippins and cheese Story of an obstinate corpse /;; Shape of fear Story of the vanishing patient In Shape of fear Tarts In Ickery Ann Their dear little ghost In Shape of fear Thorold Viborg In Atlan 91: 228 Three Johns In Mountain woman Tommy, the beach cat In Ickery Ann Two pioneers In Mountain woman Up the gulch In Mountain woman Wilderness station In Munsey 29: 272 With scrip and stafif In With scrip and stafif Wooing of Fan Tod In Ickery Ann Peculiar case. Maupassant, G. de Peddler. Maupassant, G. dc Peer and heiress. Besant, W. Peg Woflington. Reade, C. Peggy. Brown, A. Peggy's possum hunt. Harrison, C. C. Peggy's summer. Bacon, J. D. Pelican. Wharton, E. Pemberton, Max, 1863- Daughtcr of Venice In Signors of the niglit Golden ashes In Signors of the night Haunted gondola In Signors of the night "Little Huguenot," a romance of Fon- tainebleau In "Little Huguenot'' Miracle of bells /;; Signors of the night Risen dead In Signors of the night Sermon for clowns In Signors of the night W'hite wings to the raven In Signors of the night Wolf of Cisnion /;; Signors of the night Penalty of greatness. MacManus, S. Penalty of greatness. Miller, A. D. Penance of John Emmet. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Penance of John Logan. Black, W. Pendulum. Henry, O. Penelope in Venice. Wiggin, K. D. Penelope's Christmas gift. Jordan, E. G. Penguin's rock. Maupassant, G. de Penitent. Stevenson, R. L. Penitent of Cross village. Catherwood, M. H. Penitent sinner. See Tolstoi, L. N. Repent- ant sinner Penrod and the pageant. Tarkington, B. Pension Beaurepas. James, H. Pension love story. Herrick, R. Peony. Freeman, M. E. \V. People from the east. Duncan, N. People of our neighborhood. Freeman, M. E. W. People's saviour. Zangwill, I. Pepita. King, C. Pepper and salt. Pyle, H. Peradventure. See Parker, G. By that place called Peradventure Perchance to dream. Hopkins, M. S. B. Perchance to dream. Matthews, J. B. Percival Perceforest's tale of Eugenia and Galeotto. Hewlett, M. Percy and the prophet. Collins, W. Perdita. Hawthorne, H. Perdita's lovers. Le Gallienne, R. Pere Antoine's date-palm. Aldrich, T. B. Pere Champagne. Parker, G. Pere Raphael. Cable, G. W. Percat Rochus. Fogazzaro, A. Perfect gentleman of Pelham Bay Park. Morris, G. Perfect tale. Cutting, M. S. Perfect tribute. Andrews, M. R. S. Perfect woman. Wyatt, E. F. Perhaps it didn't matter. Fernald, C. B. Peridore and Paravail. Sec Hewlett, M. H. Dan Costard's tale Perilous amour. Weynian, S. J. Perilous incognito. Boyescn, H. H. Perils of a studio. Moulton, L. C. Perils of certain English prisoners. Dick- ens, C. Periwinkle, l-'ggleston, ¥.. Perjured Santa Clans. Kelly, M. Permanent husband. Dostoievski, F. M. Perpendicular railroad. Warman, C. Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703 lU'auty and the beast In b'airy talcs [Dutton] Tapi)an. E. M. ChiUIreii's Hour i: 149 (.'\daptcd) INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 265 Benevolent frog In Fairy talcs [Button] Bluebeard In Fairy tales [Button] Perrault's fairy tales [Estes] Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i : 123 (adapted) Warner library Cinderella In Fairy tales [Button] Perrault's fairy tales [Estes] Tappan, P2. M. Children's Hour i: loi (adapted) Fairies In Fairy tales [Button] Perrault's fairy tales [Estes] Little Red Riding Hood I}i Fairy tales [Button] Perrault's fairy tales [Estes] Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i : 3 (adapted) Warner library Little Thunibling III Fairy talcs [Button] Perrault's fairy tales [Estes] Master Cat; or, Puss in boots In Fairy tales [Button] Princess Rosette In Fairy tales [Button] Puss in boots In Fairy tales [Button] Perrault's fairy tales [Estes] Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i: 86 (adapted) Riquet of the tuft In Fairy tales [Button] Perrault's fairy tales [Estes] Sleeping beauty In Fairy tales [Button] Perrault's fairy tales [Estes] Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i: 116 (adapted) Warner library Perry, Bliss, 1860- At Sesenheim /;; Salem Kittredge By the committee In Powers at play By the 111 In Salem Kittredge Commonest possible story In Salem Kittredge Stories of New York (Stories from Scribner) Scrib M 11: 257 Czar's diamond In Salem Kittredge Scrib M 9:753 Fish-warden of Madrid In Powers at play Harper 97:423 His word of honor In Powers at play Cent 56: 722 In the Rip In Powers at play Incident of the British ambassador In Powers at play McClure 10: 165 Incorrigible poet In Salem Kittredge Scrib M 15: 22 Jepson's third adjective In Powers at play Lombardy poplars In Salem Kittredge Madame Annalena In Powers at play Scrib M 19: 97 Number three In Salem Kittredge Peacemaker In Scrib M 26: 643 Phenix In Salem Kittredge Salem Kittredge, thcologue In Salem Kittredge Scrib M 2: 419, 591 White blackbird In Powers at play Perry Chumley's eclipse. Bierce, A. Persecution of a pup. Warman, C. Persecution of Bob Pretty. Jacobs, W. W. Persistence of Coonie Schnable. Singmas- ter, E. Personal offering. Stetson, G. E. C. Personality plus. Ferber, E. Persons of the tale. Stevenson, R. L. Perturbed spirits. Matthews, J. B. Peruvian. Gibbon, P. Perverse generation. Stetson, G. E. C. Perverseness of it. Hawkins, A. H. Pet fairy. Scribe, A. E. Pete and Pete. Phillpotts, E. Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. Hawthorne, N. Peter Griggs. See Smith, F. H. Beguiling of Peter Griggs Peter Jenkins, tlie poulterer. Mitford, M. R. Peter Rugg, the missing man. Austin, W. Peter Schlemihl; the shadowless man. Chamisso, A. von Peter Schroeder. Harte, B. Peter the parson. Woolson, C. F. Peter Wright: mail carrier. Grenfell, W. T. Peter's pence. Jacobs, W. W. Petey Burke and his pupil. Ralph, J. Le petit. French, A. W. Petit Pierre. Sherwood, M. P. Petit Soulier; third story. Mitchell, B. G. "Petrel" and the 'Black Swan" In Stories by English authors, The sea Petrified man. Clemens, S. L. Pettibone. brolly. Bunner, H. C. Petty larceny. Stuart, R. M. Pewee. Henry, O. Phantom. Bennett, E. A. Phantom city. Osbourne, L. Phantom face; a story for Christmas. Moulton, L. C. Phantom lover. Paget, V. Phantom motor. Futrelle, J. Phantom of Bogue Holauba. Craddock, C. E. Phantom 'rickshaw. Kipling, R. Phantoms: a fantasy. Turgenev, I. S. Phantoms of the foot-bridge. Craddock, C. E. Pharais. Sharp, W. Pharaoh. Kielland, A. L. 266 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Pharaoh's harvest. Hale, E. E. Pliaro bank. Hoffman, E. T. W. Phebe Ann Little. Freeman, M. E. W. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, E. S. P. Phenix. Perry, B. Phil FoRarty. Thackeray, W. M. Philanthropic whisper. Lefevre, E. Philanthropist. Bacon, J. D. Philip Marthas. Bikelas, D. Philip Slevin's queer courting. MacMan- us, S. Philip Vasilyevich's story. Gorky, M. Philip Vernon, a tale in prose and verse. Mitchell, S. W. Fhilippa's nervous prostration. Wiggm, K. D. Philistine in Bohemia. Henry, O. Phillpotts, Eden, 1862- Aaron Macklchouse In Belgravia 60:66 /Adventure of Corkey and Mr. Tupper V In Cent 84:558 7*rtK'enturer's story In Pall Mall M 28:306 '"Alas! poor ghost" In Fancy free Another little heath-hound In Striking hours Apostates In Eng R 15:343 Archdeacon and the deinosaurs In Fancy free Artfulness of Steggles In Human boy Babenay /;; Tales of the tenements Bankruptcy of Bannister In Atlan 100: 168 Bellaford In Tales of the tenements Benjamin's mess In Knock at a venture Best of three falls In Striking hours Bills In Fancy free Biography of Peter Parkinson In Fancy free Brownberry In Talcs of the tenements Browne, Bradwell, and me 1)1 Human boy Idler 12:21 Buckenecrs In Human boy Cabin-boy In Folk afield Celestial chat In Fancy free Chemistry class In Human boy "Cherry ripe" In Striking hours Concerning Corkey Minimus hi Human boy Ccjnccrning Papa^acky In Belgravia 62: 369 Curban In Knock at a venture Crazy well In Tales of the tenements Cross-ways In Knock at a venture Pall Mall M 24:20 Cup of the Caldera /;/ Folk afield Death of Augustc Chatenay /); Tales of the tenements Devil's tight rope In Striking hours Diary of a perfect gentleman In Fancy free Doctor Dunston's howler In Human boy Dunnabridge /;; Talcs of the tenements Dury /;; Tales of the tenements Earthquake-child In Folk afield Cent 70: 398 First word In Fancy free Flitting of Nancy Weber In Tales of the tenements "Freckles" and Frenchy In Human boy Game of life In Fancy free Ghost of Miser Brimpson In Tales of the tenements Gibbet hill In Harper 120: 699 Gideon's front tooth In Human boy Grasse widow In Folk afield Great and little Sherberton In Talcs of the tenements Greensmith's charade In Fancy free Half-brothers In Talcs of the tenements Hartland In Tales of the tenements Headstone of the corner In Lippinc 85: 720 Horseshoe In Outlook 81 : 482 Hyacinthe and Honorine In Folk afield Atlan 98:296 "I'll do it if you will' In Tales of the tenements McClure 33- ^5 In the king's chamI?cF In Folk afield Inoculation day In Fancy free Intervention In Idler 29: 163, 291 Iron pine-apple /;; Forum 43: 486 Jacky-toad In Fancy free lane and John In Folk afield Johnson's Boswell In Fancy free Jonas and Dinah /)/ Knock at a venture INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 267 Joseph In Knock at a venture Cent 65:39 Justice of the peace In Striking hours Last straw In Talcs of the tenements Putnam's 6:578 Laughter Hole In Tales of the tenements Maiden bell In Striking hours Mate of the "Bunch o' keys In Fancy free Merripit In Talcs of the tenements Morrant's half-sovereign In Human boy CornhiU 75:487 Mother for heroes In Tales of the tenements Mother of the violets In Ind 55: 1443 Mound by the way In Knock at a venture Mound by the way Nine musketeers In Fancy free Nuzhat In Folk afield Odd money In Ind 59: 80 Old shrine In Folk afield Old Testament man In Striking hours One horse yarn In Idler 2:21 Orange lily In Putnam's 7: 353 Our fathers have told us In Critic 44:504 Pete and Pete In Folk afield "Pickaxe, and a spade, a spade" In Knock at a venture McClure 22:276 Piebald rat In Human boy Idler 10: 430 "Pierrotin" from Paris In Folk afield Pilgrimage to Pigna In Folk afield Point of view In Cent 82:691 Policeman Peter In Tales of the tenements Practical joke In Putnam's 7- 219 Prince Hall In Tales of the tenements Protest of the wing dormitory In Human boy Idler 10:184 Providence and Tim Mudge In Striking hours Argosy 73' I53 Quite out of the common In Fancy free Red Riding-hoods In Pall Mall M 28:450 Red rose In Striking hours Pall Mall M 20: 435 Revenge In Tales of the tenements Rope In Lippinc 89: 80 Ruby humming-bird In Eng Illust ii:377 Runnage and PeshuU In Talcs of the tenements Sacrifice In Fancy free Sam of Sorrow Corner In Striking hours Pall Mall M 20: 149 Skipper's Bible In Folk afield Good words 35 : 242 Snow-storm In Tales of the tenements Souvenir de Maupassant In Folk afield Spectre's dilemma In Idler i: I94 Stannon In Tales of the tenements Star o' Boston In Fancy free Story without an end In Fancy free Summer clouds In Summer clouds Three birds with one stone In Outing 43: 336 Three shots In Tales of the tenements To Giglet market In Striking hours Told to chaplain In Striking hours Tom Tit In Summer clouds Transmigrations of Tarver In Fancy free Traveller's tale In Knock at a venture Two farmers In Cent 81 : 823 Two widows In Knock at a venture Cent 83:836 Walna In Tales of the tenements Wise woman of Walna In Tales of the tenements Witch In Striking hours With bell, book, and candle In Knock at a venture Pall Mall M 25:475 Zagabog In Fancy free Philopena. Stockton, F. R. Philosopher. Maupassant, G. de Philosopher in the apple orchard. HaW' kins, A. H. Philosopher's joke. Jerome, J. K. Philosopher's pendulum. Lindau, R. 268 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Philosopher's scales. Taylor, J. Philosophy at home. Chekhov, A. P. Philosophy 4. Wister, O. Philosophy of relative existences. Stock- ton, F. R. Phoebe, Henry, O. Phoebus on Halzaphron. Quillcr-Coiich, A. T. Phoenix. Strindberg, J. A. Phonograph. Harris, J. C. Phonograph and the graft. Henry, O. Photographer and philosopher. Sec Strind- berg, J. A. Photography and pliilosophy Photography and philosophy. Strindberg, J. A. Phyllis of the Sierras. Hartc, B. Physician who healed himself: a crime doc- tor story. Hornung, E. W. Physiologist's wife. Doyle, A. C. La Pia. Bourget, P. Piano next door. Peattie, E. W. Picayune. Stuart, R. M. Piccino. See Burnett, F. IT. Two days in the life of Piccino Picciola. Saintine, J. X. B. Pichou. Van Dyke, H. Pickaxe. Morris, G. "Pickaxe, and a spade, a spade." Phill- potts, E. Picker and piler. Willis, N. P. Picketts. Chambers, R. W. Pickled herring. Jacobs, W. W. Picnic party. Smith, H. Picture. Reade, C. Picture-taker. Singmaster, E. Piebald rat. Phillpotts, E. Piece of bread. Coppee, F. Piece of good fortune. Dyar, M. Piece of land. Harris, J. C. Piece of red calico. Stockton, F. R. Piece of steak. London, J. Piece of string. Maupassant, G. dc Pierre and Camille. Musset, A... de Pierre and Jean. Maupassant, G. de Pierre-de-la-Baraque. Delattre, L. Pierre Grassou. Balzac, H. de Pierre's soul. Ohnet, G. Pierrette. Balzac H. de Pierrot. Maupassant, G. de "Pierrotin" from Paris. Phillpotts, E. Pieshkov, Alexiei Maximovitch. See Gor- ky, M. Piet Naude's trek. Gibbon, P. Pig. Kipling, R. Pig and whistle. Gissing, G. R. Pike, A. Inroad of the Nabajo In Baldwin, C. S. American short sto- ries Pike's Peak or bust. Lefevre, E. Pilchards. Hale, E. E. Pilgrim. Chambers, R. W. Pilgrim chamber. Brown, A. Pilgrim of love. See Irving, W. Legend of Prince Ahmed al Kamcl Pilgrim on the Gila. Wister, O. Pilgrim sons. Fuller, H. B. Pilgrimage. Galsworthy, J. Pilgrimage to Pigna. Phillpotts, E. Pilgrims. More, H. Pilgrims to Mecca. Foote, M. H. Pillar of the cafe. Coppee, F. Pilot of Belle Amour. Parker, G. Pilot's troubles. Strindberg, J. A. Pimienta pancakes. Henry, O. Pine-tree shillings. Hawthorne, N. Pink shawls. Freeman, M. E. W. Pink tights and ginghams. Ferber, E. Pink villa. Woolson, C. F. Pinon Bill's blufif. Lewis, A. H. Pint's a pound. Bunner, H. C. Pioneers. Brofeldt, J. Piortr Petrovitch Karatacff. Turgenev, I. S. Pipe In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Scotch Pipe of peace. Cameron, M. Piper of dreams. Huneker, J. G. Pipes o' Pan. Cameron, M. Pipi valley. Parker, G. Pirates of Santa Anna. Masefield, J. Pistol shot. Pushkin, A. S. [See also Meri- mee, P. tr.] Pit and the pendulum. Poe, E. A. Pit that they digged. Kipling, R. Place aux dames. Andrews, M. R. S. Plain case. Freeman, M. E. W. Plain Fin — Paper-hanger. Smith, F. H. Plain fishing. Stockton, F. R. Plain sister. Bikelas, D. Plain two-cent letter. Pratt, L. Plaisham. Mac^Ianus, S. Planchette. London, J. Planchette, story of the. See Moulton, L. C. Story of the planchette Plantation printer. Harris. J. C. Plantation witch. Harris, J. C. Planter's wife. Parker, G. P'laski's tunament. Page, T. N. Platonic bassoon. Field, E. Plattner story. Wells, H. G. Play. Maartens, M. Play house. See also Playhouse Play house. Brown, A. Play is not the thing. French, A. W. Play to the gallery. Andrews, M. R. S. Playhouse in the waste. Moore, G. A-playin' of old Sledge at the settlemint. Craddock. C. E. Playing a part. Matthews, J. B. Playing courier. Clemens, S. L. Playing with fire. Dojde, A. C. Play's the thing. Jordan, E. G. Play's the thing. Kelly, M. Plea. Glaspell, S. Pleasant evening. Chambers, R. W. Plodder's promotion. King, C. Plot in private life. Collins, W. Plot that failed. Bangs, J. K. Plough and the sword. Sigourncy, L. H. Ploughed lands. Austin, M. H. Ploughing-match. Mitford, M. R. Plumb idiot. Thanet, O. I'lumblossom Bccbe's adventures. Ralph, J. Plummcr kind. Donnell, A. H. Plunderer. Parker, G. Plutonian fire. Henrj-, O. Po' Sandy. Chcsnutt, C. W. Pocket-hunter's story. Austin, M. H. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 269 Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1847 Angel of the odd In Complete works (Centenary) v 3; (Knickerbocker) v 6; (Virginia) v6 Works (Cameo) v 7; (Woodberry) Article for Blackwood: a predicament /;/ Complete works (Centenary) v 5; (Knickerbocker) v 3; (Virginia) V 2 Works (Cameo) v 10; ( Woodberry ~) V 4 Assignation /;; Complete works (Centenary) v i; (Knickerbocker) v 2; (Virginia) v2 Works (Cameo) v 6; (Woodberry) V I Tales [Century] Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Poe Balloon hoax III Complete works (Centenary) v 2; (Knickerbocker) v s; (Virginia) v 5 Works (Cameo) v 3; (Woodberry) V 2 Berenice In Complete works (Centenary) v i; (Knickerbocker) v 2; (Virginia) v 2 Works (Cameo) v 6; (Woodberry) V I Southern Literary Messenger 1:333 Black cat In Complete works (Centenary) v 2; (Knickerbocker) v 5; (Virginia) v5 Works (Cameo) v 6; (Woodberry) V 2 Tales [Century] Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Poe Bon-bon In Complete works (Centenary) v i; (Knickerbocker) v 2; (Virginia) V2 Works (Cameo) v 7; (Woodberry) V4 Business man In Complete works (Centenary) v 4; (Knickerbocker) v 4 Works (Cameo) v 8; (Woodberry) V 4 Cask of Amontillado In Complete works (Centenary) v 3; (Knickerbocker) v 6; (Virginia) v 6 Works (Cameo) v 6; (Woodberry) V I Tales [Century] Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Poe Godey's M 1846 Descent into the maelstrom In Complete works (Centenary) v 4; (Knickerbocker) v 4; (Virginia) v 2 Works (Cameo) v 3; (Woodberry) V 2 Tales [Century] Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour to: 335 Trent, W. P., and Henneman, J. B. Best American tales Warner library Devil in the belfry In Complete works (Centenary) v 5; (Knickerbocker) v 3; (Virginia) v 3 Works (Cameo) v 8; (Woodberry) V 4 Due d' rOmclette In Complete works (Centenary) v i; (Knickerbocker) v 2; (Virginia) V2 Works (Cameo) v 7; (Woodberry) V 4 Eleonora In Complete works (Centenary) v 4; (Knickerbocker) v 4; (Virginia) v 4 Works (Cameo) v 6; (Woodberry) V I Poe's tales [Eaton] Facts in the case of M. Valdemar In Complete works (Centenary) v 3; (Knickerbocker) v 6; (Virginia) v6 Works (Cameo) v S; (Woodberry) V 2 Fall of the house of Usher In Complete works (Centenary) v i; (Knickerbocker) v 3; (Virginia) v 3 Works (Cameo) v 6; (Woodberry) V I Tales [Century] Baldwin, C. S. American short sto- ries Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Poe Trent, W. P., and Henneman, J. B. Best American tales Warner library Four beasts in one /;; Complete works (Centenary) v i; (Knickerbocker) v 2; (Virginia) v 2 Works (Cameo) v 7; (Woodberry) V 4 Gold-bug In Complete works (Centenary) v 2; (Knickerbocker) v 5; (Virginia) v5 Works (Cameo) v 5; (Woodberry) Monsieur Dupin [McClure] Poe's tales [Eaton] Tales [Century] Canby, H. S. Study of the short story Cody, S. Selection from the world's greatest short stories Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, American Patten, W. International short sto- ries V I Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Poe Trent, W. P., and Henneman, J. B. Best American tales Hans Pfall. See Poe, E. A. Unparalled adventure of Hans Pfall Hop-frog In Complete works (Centenary) v 3; (Knickerbocker) v 6; (Virginia) v6 Works (Cameo) v 7; (Woodberry) V I How to write a Blackwood article /;/ Complete works (Centenary) v 5; (Knickerbocker) v 3; (Virginia) v 2 Works (Cameo) v 10; (Woodberry) V 4 Imp of the perverse In Complete works (Centenary) v 3; (Knickerbocker) v 6; (Virginia) v6 Works (Cameo) v 5; (Woodberry) v 2 270 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Poe, Edgar Allan —rr')!/;;(Hrckniann, E., and Chat- rian, A. Queen of the pirate isle. Harte, B. Queen of the swamp. Catherwood, j\I. H. Queen Silver-Bell. Burnett, E. H. Queen Titania. Boyesen, H. H. Queen Tita's wager. Black, W. Queen versus Billy. Osbourne, L. Queens at Kungahalla. Lagerlof, S. Queen's conquest. MacManus, S. Queen's museum. Stockton, F. R. Queens of Arcady. Brown, A. Queens of beauty. Sharp, W. Queen's triplets. Zangwill, I. Queen's twin. Jewett, S. O. Queer business. Norris, W. E. Queer experience with the phonograph. Harris, J. C. Queer feeling. Donnell, A. H. Queer night in Paris. Maupassant, G. de Queerness of Dave Tutt. Lewis, A. H. Queries and answers. Henry, O. Quest of Aunt Nancy. Jordan, E. G. Quest of Mr. Teaby. Jewett, S. O. Quest of Soapy. Henry, O. Quest of the elusive. Huneker, J. G. Questing veteran. Duncan, N. Question. Litchfield, G. D. Question in art. Herrick, R. Question of diplomacy. Doyle, A. C. Question of diplomacy. Maupassant, G. de Question of Latin. Maupassant, G. de Question of latitude. Davis, Richard H. Question of service. Wyatt, E. F. Question of taste. Maartens, M. Question of time. Futrelle, J. Question of valor. Harben, W. N. Question of values. Bacon, J. D. Questionable shapes. Howells, W. D. Quick change. Hawkins, A. H. Quick or the dead? Troubetzkoy, A. C. Quicksand. Wharton, E. Quicksilver Cassandra. Bangs, J. K. Quiddlers three. McCutcheon, G. B. Quiet day at Creede. Warman, C. Quiet woman. Vorse, M. H. Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas, 1863- Ballast In White Wolf Bishop of Eucalyptus In Wandering heath Blue pantomime In I saw three ships 276 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas— Co»/. Boanerges. See Quillcr-Couch, A. T. Parents and cliildrcn Bridals of Yssclmondc In W^iitc Wolf Pall Alall M 24:338 Burglary club In White Wolf Captain Dick and Captain Jack In Laird's luck Captain from Bath In Wandering heath Captain Wyvern's adventures In Shakespeare's Christmas Capture of the Burgomeistcr Van der Werf In White Wolf Cellars of Rueda In White Wolf Cleeve court /;/ Two sides of the face Collaborators ^ In Two sides of the face Colonel Baigent's Christmas ^ In Corporal Sam Concerning St. John of Jerusalem In White Wolf Conspiracy aboard tlie "Midas" /;/ Delectable duchy Copernican convoy In Corporal Sam Corporal Sam In Corporal Sam Corrected contempt. See Quiller-Couch, A. T. In the train Cox versus Prettyman In White Wolf Cuckoo Valley railway In Delectable duchy Daphnis In Delectable duchy D'Arfet's vengeance In Laird's luck Disenchantment of 'Lizabeth In I saw three ships Doctor Unonius In Corporal Sam Belgravia 67: 22 Drawn blind In Delectable duchy Egg-stealing /;( Delectable duchy Elisha In Old fires and profitable gliosts England! In White Wolf Eamily Bible. .SV^ Quiller-Couch, A. T. Parents and children l'"irst parish meeting. See Quiller-Coucli, A. T. Letters from Troy Plowing source In Wandering heatli I'rencliman's creek In Shakespeare's Christmas From a cottage in Gantick. i 1. Mourner's horse. 2. Silhouettes | In Delectable duchy Pt 2. Patten, \V. International short stories v _- hrozen Margit In Old lires and profitable ghosts Golden wedding In Delectable duchy Great fire in Free thy 's quay. See Quiller- Couch, A. T. Prince of Abyssinia's post-bag Haunted dragoon In I saw three ships Haunted yacht In White Wolf Horror on the stair In Two sides of the face Hotwell's duel In Two sides of the face Householders /;/ ;\[cClure 6: 421 I saw three ships In I saw three ships In the train. [1. Punch's understudy. 2. Corrected contempt] In Delectable duchy Interruption. See Quiller-Couch, A. T. Prince of Abyssinia's post-bag Jetsom In Wandering heath Jew on the moor In Corporal Sam John and the ghosts In White Wolf Keepers of the lamp In White Wolf Pall Mall M 21:205 King o' Prussia In White Wolf Lady of the red admirals In Old fires and profitable ghosts Lady of the ship In Old fires and profitable ghosts Cosmopol 28: 331 Laird's luck In Laird's luck Pall Mall M 23:37.3,475 Lamp and the guitar In Shakespeare's Christmas Legend of Sir Dinar In Wandering heath Legends of St. Piran In Delectable duchy Letters from Troy [i. First parish meet- ing. 2. Simple shepherd] In Wandering heath l.ove Diehards In Wandering heath Love of Naomi In Delectable duchy Man behind the curtain /;( Shakespeare's Christmas Man who could have told In WHiite Wolf Margery of Lawhibbet In Laird's luck Mayor's dovecot: a cautionary tale /;/ Corporal Sam Mazed election (1768) /;/ Two sides of the face Midsummer fires /// Laird's luck Miracle of the While Wolf //( White Wolf Monkey-flowers In Cosmopol 31:405 Mourner's horse. See Quiller-Couch, A. T. From a cottage in Gantick INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 277 Mutual exchange, limited In Corporal Sam My Christmas burglary In Corporal Sam My grandfather, Hendry Watty In Wandering liQ^th My lady's coach In Two sides of the face Mystery of Joseph Laquedem In Old fires and profitable ghosts News from Troy! In Corporal Sam Oceanus In Old fires and profitable ghosts Omnibus In Stories by English authors, London Once aboard the lugger In Old fires and profitable ghosts McClure i: 515 Pair of hands In Old fires and profitable ghosts Parents and children, [i. Famiily Bible. 2. Boanerges] In Delectable duchy Parson Jack's fortune In White Wolf Paupers bi Delectable duchy Warner library Penance of John Emmet In Old fires and profitable ghosts Phoebus on Halzaphron In Laird's luck Scrib Al 30: 163 Poisoned ice In Laird's luck Prince of Abyssinia's post-bag. [i. Inter- ruption. 2. Great fire in Freethy's quay] In Delectable duchy Prisoners of war In Old fires and profitable ghosts Punch's understudy. See Quiller-Couch. _ A. T. In the train Rain of dollars In Shakespeare's Christmas Red velvet In Corporal Sam Regent's wager In Delectable duchy Rider on the dawn In Two sides of the face Roll-call of the reef bi Wandering heath Idler 7:581 McClure 5: 163 Room of mirrors In Old fires and profitable ghosts St. Piran. See Quiller-Couch, A. T. Leg- ends of St. Piran School friends In Delectable duchy Senior fellow In White Wolf Seven-an'-six In Delectable duchy Seventh man In Old fires and profitable ghosts Shakespeare's Christmas In Shakespeare's Christmas Silhouettes Silhouettes. See Quiller-Couch, A. T. From a cottage in Gantick Simple shepherd. See Quiller-Couch, A. T. Letters from Troy Sindbad on Burrator In White Wolf Scrib M 22: 146 Singular adventure of a small free-trader III Old fires and profitable ghosts Spinster's maying In Delectable duchy Stephen of Steens In Two sides of the face Talking ships In White Wolf Pall Mall M 25: 181 Three men of Badajos In Laird's luck Three photographs In W^iite Wolf Tom Tiddler's ground In Atlan 109: 621, 826 Town's memory In Old fires and profitable ghosts Two boys In White Wolf Two householders In I saw three ships Two monuments /;; Delectable duchy Two scouts In Laird's luck Victor In White Wolf Cornhill 85:66 When the sap rose In Delectable duchy Warner library Which? In Old fires and profitable ghosts Widdershins In Wandering heath Woon Gate In Delectable duchy Wrestlers In Wandering heath Ye sexes, give ear! In Shakespeare's Christmas Young man's diary In Wandering heath Quilting bee in our village. Freeman, M. E. W. Quiquern. Kipling, R. Quin, Dan (pseud.). See Lewis, Alfred Henry Quite out of the common. Phillpotts, E Quite so. Aldrich, T. B. R. J.'s mother. Deland, M. Rab and his friends. Brown, J. Rab Vinch's wife. Keats, G. Rabbit. Maupassant, G. de Rabbit and the moon. Harris, J. C. Race. Brown, A. Race. White, S. E. Race at Left Bower. Bierce, A. Race for number three. London, J. Race improvement. Harris, T. C. Race of the little ships. Earle, M. T. 278 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Rachel's lovers. Page, T. N. Racketty-Packetty house. Burnett, E. H. Rnnford's diamond digging. Janvier, T. A. Radiator. Rates, A. Radium. Morris, G. Raffles relics. Hornung, E. \\'. Raft of the Medusa. Payn, J. Raft that no man made. Lowell, R. T. S. Rag-man and the rag-woman. Hale, E. E. Rage of Queen Cophetua. Le Gallienne, R. Raging of the sea. Duncan, N. Raid; a volunteer's story. Tolstoi, L. N. Raid of the guerilla. Craddock, C. E. Raid on the oyster pirates. London, J. Railroad and the church-yard. Bjornson, B. Railroading in France. Warman, C. Railway emergency. Warman, C. Railway mail clerk. Warman, C. Rain of dollars. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Rainbow's end. Norris, K. Raines law arrest. Masefield, J. Rainy afternoon. Hibbard, G. A. Rainy day with Uncle Remus. Harris, J. C. Rainy June. Ouida Rajah of Bungpore. Smith, F. H. Rajah's diamond. Stevenson, R. L. Rajah's treasure. Wells, H. G. Ralph, Julian, 185 3- 1903 Alone in China In Alone in China Harper 91: 685 "Boss" of Ling-foo In Alone in China Harper 92: 620 Bruce's mighty weakness In Prince of Georgia Conquerors of New York In Harper 104:963 Cordelia's night of romance In People we pass Harper 90: 781 Dan Dunn's outfit In Harper 83:880 Dandy at his best In Prince of Georgia Day at the Pinochle club In People we pass Dutch Kitty's white slippers /;; People we pass Harper 90: 914 German policeman III German policeman House-boating in China In Alone in China Line-man's wedding In People we pass Harper 89:828 Little Fairy's constancy In Alone in China Harper 92: 856 Love in the big barracks In People we pass Harper 90: 421 Love-letters of Superfine Gold In Alone in China 1 larpcr 93: 276 Low Dutch and high In People we pass Miss Pi. See Ralph, J. Story of Miss Pi Mrs. Rupert's Christmas /;; Prince of Georgia Mother song In People we pass Harper 90: 102 My borrowed torpedo-boat In Prince of Georgia New woman. See Ralph, J. Sad fate of a new woman Petey Burke and his pupil /;; People we pass Harper 91 : 617 Plumblossom Beebe's adventures In Alone in China Harper 91 : 943 Prince of Georgia /;/ Prince of Georgia Elarper 97: 165 Sad fate of a new woman In Prince of Georgia Cosmopol 20: 548 Story of Miss Pi In Alone in China Harper 92: 189 Torpedo-boat. See Raljdi, J. My bor- rowed torpedo-boat Transformation of Em Durham In Harper 107: 269 Trip with a tin-peddler In Harper 106: 692 When the clouds fell down In Harper 97: 465 Ramble in aphasia. Henry, O. Rancho del Muerto. King, C. Randolph '64. Train, A. C. Randolph's portrait. Hawthorne, N. Ransom of Mack. Henry, O. Ransom of red chief. Henry, O. Ranson's folly. Davis, Richard H. Rape of the beau. Castle, A., and Castle, E. Raphael of Monsieur Prunelier. Bazin, R. Rappaccini's daughter. Hawthorne, N. Rapture of Hetty. Foote, M. H. Rash experiment. Jacobs. W. W. Rasmus. Page, T. N. Raspberry water. Turgencv, I. S. Rasselas in the vegetable kingdom. Pang- born, G. W. Rat-catcher. Wright, M. O. Rathskeller and the rose. Henry, O. Rattlesnake and the polecat. Harris, J. C. Rattling. Turgenev, I. S. Rattling of wheels. See Turgenev, I. S. Rattling Ravenswing. Thackeray, W. M. Rawley's last gamble. Parker, G. Raxworthy's treasure. Hawthorne, T. Ray. Spofford, H. P. Ray's daughter. King, C. Reade, Charles, 1814-1884 Art: a dramatic tale. See Reado, C. Coutm- (if true luve nc\er did run Autobiograpliy of a tliicf III Coursi' (it true \n\v iu'\ it did run smo.ith r.lddnicT. .SVi" Kcadf, C. Course of true lovi.' ne\rr did run siiiontli INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 2/9 Born to good-luck In Good stories of man and otlicr ani- mals Harper 67: 201 Box tunnel hi Stories by English authors, England Christie Johnstone In Peg VVoffington Clouds and sunshine. Sec Reade, C. Course of true love never did run smooth Course of true love never did run smooth I. Clouds and sunshine. 2. Bloomer. .3. Art: a dramatic tale /;/ Course of true love never did run smooth Doubles In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Exchange of animals In Good stories of man and other ani- mals History of an acre III Course of true love never did run smooth Jack of all trades In Course of true love never did run smooth Harper 16: 109 Jilt: a yarn In Course of true love never did run smooth Good stories of man and other ani- mals Jilt: a yarn Kindly jest In Course of true love never did run smooth Knight's secret In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Knightsbridge mystery In Course of true love never did run smooth Patten, W. International short stories v 2 Lambert's leap In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Lord Camelford's body. See Reade, C. What has become of Lord Camel- ford's body Man's life saved by fowls, and woman's by a pig In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Old bachelor's adventure In Course of true love never did run smooth Peg Wofifington In Peg WofTiington Picture In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Harper 68: 625, 680 Reality In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Rus In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Harper 6/: 94 Single-heart and Double-face In Peg Woffiington Special constable In Good stories of man and otiier ain'- mals Stroke of business In Course of true love ne\er did run smooth Suspended animation In Good stories of man and other ani- mals There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Harper 68: 131 Tit for tat In Good stories of man and other ani- mals Harper 66: 251 Two Lears /;/ Good stories of man and other ani- mals Wandering heir In Wandering heir What has become of Lord Camelford's body? In Course of true love never did run smooth Good stories of man and other ani- mals White elephant [This is Jack of all trades with the first four and part of the fifth chapter omitted] In White elephant Reader. Stevenson, R. L. Reading lesson. Bates, A. Reading of the riddle. White, W. A. Readjustment. Austin, M. H. Ready letter-writer. Michelson, M. Real issue. White, W. A. Real magic. Mitchell, S. W. Real one and the other. Maupassant. G. de Real right thing. James, H. Real Robinson Crusoe. See Saintine, J. X. B. Solitary of Juan Fernandez Real sport. Cutting, M. S. Real thing. Bangs, J. K. Real thing. James, H. Real thing. Thanet, O. Reality. Reade, C. Realized ideal. Magruder, J. Realm of the unreal. Bierce, A. Reason why. Harris, J. C. Reason why. Lefevre, E. Rebecca and Rowena, a romance upon ro- mance. Thackeray, W. M. Rebecca Mary's bereavement. Donnell. A. H. Rebecca Mary's diary. Donnell, A. IT. Rebecca's point of view. Wiggin, K. D. Rebecca's reminiscences. Wiggin, K. D. Rebecca's thought book. Wiggin, K. D. Rebellion of Wilhelmina. Singmaster, E. Rebels of the moon. Huneker, J. G. Receiving moderators. Watson, J. Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Recent confederate victory. White W A Little masterpieces of fiction v 5 Reckless character. Turgenev, I. S. 28o INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Reckoning. Wharton, E. Recollection. Maupassant, G. de Recollections of a billiard marker. Tolstoi, L. N. Recompense. Donnell, A. H. Reconciliation. Hearn, L. Reconciliation. Wells, H. G. Record of a troubled life. Moulton, L. C. Record of Badalia Herodsfoot. Kipling, R. Record on the blotter. White, W. A. Recovery. Wharton, E. Recrudescence of Imray. Kipling, R. Recrudescence of Madame Vic. Janvier, T. A. Recruit. See Balzac, H. de. Conscript Recruit at Christmas. Davis, Richard H. Rector of Blicher. Blicher, S. S. Red and white. Hale, E. E. Red bridal. Hearn, L. Red cow group. Morrison, A. Red cross. Hawthorne, N. Red Cross girl. Davis, Richard H. Red dog. Kipling, R. Red egg. France, A. Red flower. Garshin, V. M. Red-haired man's dream. Keats, G. Red Hanrahan. Yeats, W. B. Red Hanrahan's curse. Yeats, W. B. Red Hanrahan's vision. See Yeats, W. B. Hanrahan's vision Red-headed league. Doyle, A. C. Red-headed Malpelo. Verga, G. Red-headed piano-player. Huneker, T. G. Red house. See Balzac, H. de. Red inn Red inn. Balzac, H. de Red lamp. Kipling, R. Red man's river. See Parker, G. Once at Red man's river Red mark. Zangwill, I. Red Mike. Lewis, A. H. Red patrol. Parker, G. Red poocher. MacManus, S. Red poppies. Brown, A. Red Riding-hoods. Phillpotts, E. Red room. Wells, H. G. Red rose. Phillpotts, E. Red silk handkerchief. Bunner, H. C. Red star. Doyle. A. C. Red Starosta. Jokai, M. Red tassels. Hopkins, M. S. B. Red tulips. Alcott, L. M. Red velvet. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Reddy Armstrong's reformation. Williams, Redemption of Mabel Muriel. Jordan, E. G. Redemption of young Billington Rand. Bangs, J. K. Redcniptioncr. Eggleston, E. Redesdale, Algernon Bertram Freeman- Mitford, ist baron. See iMitford, A. B., pseud. Reduction cure for Kittie James. Jordan, E. G. Reed. Chekhov, A. P. Reef of Norman's woe. See Parker, G. On the reef of Norman's woe Reffey. See Balestier, C. W. Average woman: Reffey Reformation of Calliope. Henry, O. Reformation of James Reddy. Harte, B. Reformed pirate. Stockton, F. R. Regenerate. Duncan, N. Regeneration of Colonel Hucks. White W. A. Regeneration of Petlow. Bangs, J. K. Regent's wager. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Reggie Livingstone's country life. Gray, D. Reginald Blake, financier and cad. Jerome J. K. Register; a comedy. Howells, W. D. Regret. Maupassant, G. de Rehearsal of a new play. Matthews, J. B. Reign of the doll. Freeman, M. E. W. Re-incarnation. Harland, H. Reincarnation of Smith. Harte, B. Reingelder and the German flag. Kipling, R. Rejected blessing. Hawthorne, N. Rejected manuscript. Ward, E. S. P. Rejected Titian. Herrick, R. Relic. Maupassant, G. de Relic of the Pliocene. London, J. Relics. Maupassant, G. de Relics of General Chasse. TroUope, A. Relics of the past. Maupassant, G. de Relius. Sec Page, T. N. How Relius "bossed the ranch" Reluctance. Hawkins, A. H. Reluctant dragon. Grahame, K. Remarkable case of David Simpson's eyes. Wells, H. G. Remarkable rocket. Wilde, O. Remarkable wreck of the "Thomas Plyke " Stockton, F. R. Rembrandt. Wharton, E. Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909 Billy's tearless woe In McClurc 16: 455 Chasing a major-general In Stories of peace and war Desert romance In Cent 63: 522 Failure of justice In Harper 100: 267 Honor of the troop In Harper 99: 286 How a trout broke a friendship In Outing 36: 651 How order No. 6 went through /;; Harper 96: 846 How the law got into the chaparral In Harper 94: 60 Joshua Goodenough's old letter //; Stories of peace and war Harper 95 : 878 Natchez's Pass In Harper 102: 437 Shot-gun episode /// Outing 36: 116 Story of the dry leaves //( Harper 99:95 Strange days that came to Jimniie Friday In Stories of peace and war Harper 93: 410 Sun-down's higher self In Harper 97: 846 Sundown Leflare In Sundown Leflare Harper 97: 195 They bore a hand /// Harper 100: 705 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 281 Way Wonderful In McClure 24: 206 Reminiscence. Hawkins, A. H. Reminiscence of Spain. Sienkiewicz, H. Reminiscences of an umbrella. Barrie, J. M. Remnants of the code. Henry, O. Renaissance at Charleroi. Henry, O. Renault. See Catherwood, M. H. Little Renault Rendezvous. Maupassant, G. de Renegade. Osbourne, L. Renegade Zouave. Daudet, A. Repairer of reputations. Chambers, R. W. Repayment. Coppee, F. Repentance. Craigie, P. M. T. Repentant sinner. Hawkins, A. H. Repentant sinner. Tolstoi, L. N. "Reported lost." Grenfell, W. T. Reporter who made himself king. Davis, Richard H. Repplier, Agnes, 1858- Archbishop's visit In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 10: 411 Representing T. A. Buck. Ferber, E. Reprieve. Donnell, A. H. Reprisal. McVickar, H. W. Reproof valiant. Hibbard, G. A. Republic without a president. Ward, H. D. Repulse. Maupassant, G. de Requirements of the situation. Hibbard, G. A. Requisitionnaire. See Balzac, H. de. Con- script Rescue. Davis, C. B. Rescue. Sedgewick, A. D. Rescue of Pluffles. Kipling, R. Rescue of Theophilus Newbegin. Train, A. C. Residuary. Watson, J. Resignation. Dyar, M. Respecters of law. Miller, A. D. Responsibility. Harland, H. Responsibility of Lawrence. Williams, J. L. Rest cure. Hornung, E. W. Rest-house on the hill. Maseiield, J. Restoration of Melie Ziegler. Singmaster, E. Resumed identity. Bierce, A. Resurrection. Maartens, M. Resuscitation. Peattic, E. W. Retreat. Singmaster, E. Retribution. Hawkins, A. H. Retribution; a story of the 17th century. Pyle, H. Retrieved reformation. Henry, O. Return. Bazin, R. Return. Conrad, J. Return. Maupassant, G. de Return; a Christmas story. Bazin, R. Return from the fair. Mitford, M. R. Return match. Hornung, E. W. Return message. Hale, E. E. Return of a private. Garland, H. Return of Aladdin. Bangs, J. K. Return of father. Brown, A. Return of Imray. Kipling, R. Return of Mr. Wills. Austin, M. H. Return of Rebecca Mary. Donnell, A. H. Return of the charm. See Van Dyke, H. Two stories of the unknown quantity Return of the soul. Hichens, R. S. Return of Yen-Tchiu-King. Hearn, L. Revenge. Lys, G. de Revenge. See Maupassant, G. de. Moiron Revenge. Phillpotts, E. Revenge of her race. Beaumont, M. Revenge of the Adolphus. Crane, S. Reverberator. James, H. Reverend Ezekiel Crump. Stockton, F. R. Reverend Father Gauchcr's elixir. See Daudet, A. Elixir of the Rev. Pere Gaucher Reverend John Greedy. Allen, G. Rev. Jordan White's three glances. Stuart, R. M. Reverend Malachi Matthew. Ward, E. S. P. Reverie. Merrick, L. Reverse. Sigourney, L. H. Reversed love letters. French, A. W. Reversible landscape. Stockton, F. R. Reversible love affair. Janvier, T. A. Reversion to type. Bacon, J. D. Reversion to type. Galsworthy, J. Reversion to type. Norris, F. Revolt of "mother." Freeman, M. E. W. Revolt of Sophia Lane. Freeman, M. E. .W. Revolt of the gods. Bierce, A. Revolution of Satan's Trap. Duncan, N. Revolutionary love-story. Kirk, E. O. Reward of virtue. Andrews, M. R. S. Reward of virtue. Harland, H. Reward of virtue. Van Dyke, H. Rhyme to Porringer. Cabell, J. B. Rich widow of Spanish town. Morris, G. Richard and Robin. Grant, R. Richard Carr's baby. Davis, Richard H. Richard Foster. MacManus, S. Riching versus Providence. Moulton, L. C. Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich, 1 763-1825 Army-Chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flatz In Carlyle, T: German romance v 2 Life of Quintus Fixlein In Carlyle, T: German romance v 2 Rici, Richard White sleep of Auber Hum In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M. Shapes that haunt the dusk Riddle of Countess Runa. Hawkins, A. H. Riddle of the rocks. Craddock, C. E. Ride of his life. Gray, D. Rider. Ward, H. D. Rider on the dawn. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Riding of Felipe. Norris, F. Riding-whip. Gissing, G. R. Right at last. Gaskell, E. C. Right eye of the commander. Harte, B. Right hand of Samuel Dodson. Watson, J. Right o' way. Keats, G. Right of the strongest. Thanet, O. Right of way. Davis, Richard H. Righteous bargain. Brown, A. Righteous overmuch. Watson, J. Riki-Baka. Hearn, L. Rikki-tikki-tavi. Kipling, R. Rill from the town pump. Hawthorne, N. Rim of finer issues. Huneker, J. G. Rinaldo. Ouida Ring. Alaartens, M. Ring finger. Gissing, G. Ring of Thoth. Doyle, A. C. 282 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Rip Yan Winkle. Irving-, W. Ripening of the fruit. See \'an Dyke, II. Two stories of the unknown quantity Riquct of the tuft. Perrault, C. Rise and fall of the poet Gregory. Bangs, J. K. Rise of Iskander. Disraeli, B. Rise of the Vanni. Stetson, G. E. C. Risen dead. Pcmberton, M. Rising water. Norris, K. Rising Wolf — ghost dancer. Garland, H. Rival. Comer, C. A. P Rival ally. King. C. Rival beauties. Jacobs, W. W. Rival dance halls. Lewis, A. H. Rival dreamers. Banim, J. Rival ghosts. Matthews, J. B. Rival pins. See Maupassant, G. de. Double pins Rivals. Coppee, F. River. Field, E. River-boss. White, S. E. River-land, a story for children. Cham- bers, R. W. Riverman. White, S. E. Rivermouth romance. Aldrich, T. B. Road to Europe. Stetson, G. E. C. Road to glory. Davis, C. B. Roads of destiny. Henry, O. Roads we take. Henry, O. Roast beef, medium. Ferbcr, E. Robb Dodds. Hogg, J. Robber and the woman (Arabic) In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Robber region of southern California. Taylor, B. Robbers. Chekhov, A. P. Robe of peace. Henrj^, O. Roberson's medium. Janvier, T. A. Robert, Clemence Baron de Trenck In Patten, W. International short sto- ries V 3 Robert White. ,SV^ Matthews, J. B. On the l)attle-fic]d Roberts, Charles George Douglas, 1860- Jcan Michaud's little ship /;/ Patten, W. International short sto- ries V I Strayed In Warner library Roberts, Morley, 1857- King Billy of Ballarat III Stories l^y Englisli authors, Orient Robertson, Harrison, 1856- ilow tile derby was won In Stories of the South (Stories from Scribner) Scrib M 6: 24 Robin and the violet. Field, K. Robin Goodfellow — his friends. Kipling, R. Robin Redbreast. Lagerlof, S. Robins and hammers. Freeman, M. E. W. Robinson, Agnes Mary Francis, 185;- [Mme. Duclaux] Cioiieril /// Stories by Englisli authors, Italy Liv Age 154: 290 Robinson, Frederic William, 1830-1901 Minions of the moon //; Stories by English authors, England Rochefort and Rossignol. Daudet, A. Rock scorpions In Stories by English authors, The sea Rod, fidouard, i. e. Louis £;douard, 1857- 1910 Leather and son In Stories by foreign authors, P^rench V 3 Rod street revolution. Morrison, A. Rodman the keeper. Woolson, C. F. Rodolph and his king. Field, E. Rod's salvation. Trumbull, A. E. Roger Camerden. Bangs, J. K. Roger Catron's friend. Ilarte, P>. Roger Malvin's burial. Hawthorne, N. Rogers. Clemens, S. L. Roger's remed}'. Maupassant, G. de Rogue and the simpleton. Tappan, E. M. Rohlfs, Mrs. Anna Katharine Green. See Green, Anna Katharine Roi the fool. Morris, W. Rokuro-Kubi. Hearn, L. Roll-call of the reef. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Rolling stone. Gorky, M. Roman road. Keats, G. Romance and reality. Kielland, A. L. Romance in the life of Hefty Burke. Davis, Richard H. Romance of a busy broker. Henry, O. Romance of a coffee-stall. Merrick, L. Romance of a fisherman's wife. Lagerlof, S. Romance of a mortgage. Ward, H. D. Romance of a mule-car. Stockton, F. R. Romance of a soul. Grant, R. Romance of a summer day. Alcott, L. M. Romance of an old-fashioned gentleman. Smith, F. H. Romance of certain old clothes. James, H. Romance of Cliinkapin castle. Stuart, R. M. Romance of Madrono Hollow. Harte, B. Romance of M. de Belle Isle. Payn, J. Romance of I'aulilatino. Norris, W. E. Romance of real life. Howells, W. D. Romance of Sunrise Rock. Craddock, C. E. Romance of the bill. Ward, E. S. P. Romance of the city room. Jordan, E. G. Romance of the faith. Ward, H. D. Romance of the line. Harte, B. Romance of the middle ages. Barr, R. Romance of the Milky Way. Hearn, L. Romance of the Moleliill country. Silber- rad, U. L. Romance of the rich young girl. Davis, C. B. Romance of Tompkins square. Janvier, T. A. Romance of Whooping Harbor. Duncan, N. Romantic adventures of a milkmaid. Hardy, T. Romany of the snows. Parker, G. Romeo and Julia. Strindbcrg, J. A. Romeo and Juliet: a tale of two young fools. Black, W. Rondoli sisters. Maupassant, G. de Room forty-five; a farce. Howells, W. D. Room in the tower. Benson, E. F. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 283 Room number eleven. Maupassant, G. dc Room of evil tliought. Peattie, E. W. Room of mirrors. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Rooms. Harland, H. Rope. Phillpotts, E. Rosa alchemica. Yeats, W. B. Rosalie. Harris, J. C. Rosalie Prudent. Maupassant, G. de Rosamond: a story of the plague. Mitford, M. R. Rosamund Gray. Lamb, C. Rosamund in heaven. Brown, A. Rosamund's romance. Hibbard, G. A. Rosanna. Edgeworth, M. Rose. See Bradley, H. L. Bringing of the rose Rose. Maupassant, G. de Rose. Spofford, H. P. Rose and the ring. Thackeray, W. M. Rose and the thrush. Field, E. Rose brocade. Brown, A. Rose day. Catherwood, M. H. Rose Dormant. Dunbar, A. Rose madder. Janvier, T. A. Rose o' the river. Wiggin, K. D. Rose of death; a fantasy. Hawthorne, J. Rose of Dixie. Henry, O. Rose of Glenbogie. Harte, B. Rose of the Ghetto. Zangwill, I. Rose of Tuolumme. Harte, B. Rose of Wolfville. Lewis, A. H. Rosebud. Sec Hawthorne, N. Edward Fane's rosebud Rosemary for remembrance. Harland, H. Rosemary's stepmother. Norris, K. Roses and forget-me-nots. Alcott, L. M. Roses of Monsieur Alphonse. Janvier, T. A. Roses, ruses and romance. Henry, O. La Rossiccia. Guida Roswell tiara. Futrelle, J. Rosy balm. Brown, A. Rothenburg on the Tauber. Heyse, P. J. L. Rothschild's fiddle. Chekhov, A. P. Rouge ct noir. Henry, O. Roumanian romance. Warman, C. Round of visits. James, H. Round the sofa. See Gaskell, E. C. Lady Ludlow Round the world in a hack. Hale, E. E. Round-up. Bunner, H. C. Roundhead's daughter. Mitford, M. R. Rounding off a scene. Bland, E. N. Rout of the white hussars. Kipling, R. Royal edict. Hawkins, A. H. Royal Marine: an idyl of Narragansett pier. Matthews, J. B. Rubaiyat and the liner. Peattie, E. W. Rubaiyat of a Scotch highball. Henry, O. Rubber stamp. Pangborn, G. W. Ruby and the caldron. Green, A. K. Ruby heart. Bland, E. N. Ruby hummingbird. Phillpotts, E. Ruby of Kishmoor. Pyle, H. Rudder Grangers in England. Stockton, F. R. Rudolph and Elizabeth. Auerbach, B. Rue Barree. Chambers, R. W. Ruffino. Guida Ruffo and Ruff. Ouida Ruinous face. Hewlett, M. H. Rule of three. Jacobs, W. W. Ruler in Israel. Watson, J. Ruler of men. Henry, O. Rumpty-Dudget. Hawthorne, J. Run of luck. Harris, J. C. Run to seed. Page, T. N. Runagates. Galsworthy, J. Runaway. Chekhov, A. P. Runaway match. Brown, A. Runaways. Sherwood, M. P. Runaway's Thanksgiving. Boyesen, H. H. Runenberg. Tieck, L. Runnage and Peshull. Phillpotts, E. Running switch. Warman, C. Running the risk. Ward, E. S. P. Running to harbor. Connolly, J. B. Rupert the Resembler. By A-th-y H-pe. Harte, B. Rupture. Maupassant, G. de Rural ball. Balzac, H. de Rural telephone. Spofford, H. P. Rural visitor. Harben, W. N. Rus. Reade, C. Rus in urbe. Henry, Q. Ruskin, John, 1819-1900 King of the golden-river: or, The black brothers In Works v i Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 10:3 Leoni, a legend of Italy /;/ Works v i Russell, William Clark, 1844- 191 1 Extraordinary adventure of chief mate In Stories by English authors. The sea Lazarctte of the "Huntress" In Patten, W. International short sto- ries V 2 Russian proprietor. Tolstoi, L. N. Rust. Maupassant, G. de Rustic chivalry. See Verga, G. Cavalleria rusticana Rustic tribunals. Maupassant, G. de Ruth. See Bible. Book of Ruth Ruth ITerrick's assignment. Jordan, E. G. S. Cohn and Son. Zangwill, I. "S is for shiftless Susanna." Norris, K. S. P. Q. R. Trask, K. N. Sabbath-breaker. Zangwill, I. Sabbath question in Sudminster. Zangwill, I. Sabine maiden. Andrews, M. R. S. Sable spartan. Parker, G. Sabo. Warman, C. Sabots of little Wolff. Coppee, F. Sachem. Sienkiewicz, H. Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 1835-1895 Bookbinder of Hort In Stories by foreign authors, German V I Sacrament. Ward, E. S. P. Sacred concert. Wright, M. T. Sacred lire. Ward, E. S. P. Sacred flame. Lagerlof, S. Sacrifice. Gibbon, P. Sacrifice. Phillpotts, E. Sacrifice. Spofford, H. P. Sacrifice at Prato. Hewlett, M. H. Sacrifice hit. Henry, O. Sacrifice of Antigone. Ward, E. S. P. Sacrifice of Nabla. MacManus, S. Sacrifice to the graces. Hibbard, G. A. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Sad fate of a new woman. Ralph, J. Sad fate of Mr. Fox. Harris, J. C. Sad fortunes of Rev. Amos Barton. Eliot, G. Sad queen. Sharp, W. Sad shepherd. Van Dyke, H. Sad story of a dramatic critic. Wells, H. G. Safe deposit. Hale, E. E. Safety match. Chekhov, A. P. Safety match. Jacobs, W. W. Safti's summer day. Hichens, R. S. Saga of the seas. Grahame, K. Sage-brush hen. Janvier, T. A. Saghalinian: the tale of a vagrant. Koro- lenko, V. G. Sahib's war. Kipling, R. Sail-carriers. Connolly, J. B. Sailorman. Davis, Richard H. Sailor's knot. Stockton, F. R. Sailor's story. Collins, W. Sailor's wedding. Mitford, ]\I. R. Sailor's yarn. Masefield, J. Saint. Bourget, P. Saint Agatha's. See Ward, E. S. P. Supply at Saint Agatha's Saint and genius. Alarcon, P. A. de Saint Anthony. Maupassant, G. dc St. Brandan. See Irving, W. Adalantado of the Seven Cities St. Bride of the Isles. Sharp, W. Saint Caligula. Ward, E. S. P. Saint-Castin. See Catherwood, M. H. Chase of Saint-Castin St. Clair flats. Woolson. C. F. St. Eudaemon and his orange tree. Paget, V. St. George and the dragon. Grant, R. Saint-Germain the deathless. Lang, A. Saint Gervaise of Plessy. Hewlett, M. H. Saint Idyl's' light. Stuart, R. M. St. John's eve. Gogol, N. V. Saint Lucy of the eyes. Crockett, S. R. Saint Mary of the angels. Janvier, T. A. Saint Nicholas eve. Lemonnier, C. St. Patrick and the pedants. See Yeats, W. B. Old men of the twilight St. Peter's set. See Janvier, T. A. In St. Peter's set Saint Piran. See Quillcr-Couch, A. T. Leg- ends of St. Piram Saint Veronica's kerchief. Lagerlof, S. Saintine, Joseph Xavier Boniface, known as, 1798-1865 Chrisna; the queen of the Danulic In Chrisna; the queen of the Danube Liv. Age 61:345, 455, 523, 593 Picciola In Picciola Real Rol)inson Crusoe. See Saintine, J. X. B. Solitary of Juan Fernandez Solitary of Juan Fernandez; or The real Robinson Crusoe In Solitary of Juan Fernandez Woman's whims In Woman's whims Sale. Maupassant, G. dc Sale of the Mammoth Western. Harben, W. N. Sale of LTncle Rustus. Uarljcn, W. N. Salem Kittrcdge, theologue. Perry, B. Salem wolf. Pyle, II. Sally. Deland, M. Sally Dows. Harte, B. Salome Miiller, the white slave. Cable, G. W. Salomy Jane's kiss. Harte, B. Salt of the earth. Gissing, G. R. Salt of the earth. Hopkins, M. S. B. Salting of the Golden Rule. Lewis, A. H. Salvation at sea. French, A. W. Salvation Gap. Wister, O. Salvation of Findlayson. Bangs, J. K. Salvator Rosa. Hoffmann, E. T. W. Salvette and Bernadon. Daudet, A. Salving of the bark Fuller. Connolly, J. B. Sam Joplin's espigastric nerve. Smith, F. H. Sam of Sorrow Corner. Phillpotts, E. "Samantha Boom-de-ay. '" Bunner, H. C. Same Christmas in old England and new. Hale, E. E. Sammy. Smith, F. H. Samooborona.' Zangwill, I. Samuel. London, J. Samuel Cowles and jiis horse Royal. ^ Field, E. Samuel Johnson. See Hawthorne, N. Bio- graphical stories San Antonio of the gardens. Janvier, T. A. San Diego takes up his abode in a grotto. Bandeelo, M. San Jacinto. See Underbill, Z. D. Inn of San Jacinto San Pantaleone. Annunzio, G. d' Sanctuary. Wharton, E. Sanctuary of the plains. Parker, G. Sandman. Hoffmann, E. T. W. Sandwich-man. Long, J. L. Sanguinaires lighthouse. See Daudet, A. Lighthouse Santa Barbara. Ouida Santa Caterina of Sienna. Lagerlof, S. Santa Claus. See Page, T. N. Captured Santa Claus Santa Claus. Zangwill, I. Santa Claus and little Billee. Bangs, J. K. Santa Claus at Lonely Cove. Duncan, N. Santa Claus' door. French, A. W. Santa Claus partner. Page, T. N. Santa Clans, Perjured. Kell}'. ]\1. Santa Claus. War-time. King, G. K. Sante Fe Charlc3''s kindergarten. Janvier, T. A. Sapphira. Morris, G. Sappho of Green Springs. TIartc, B. Sara Crewe. Burnett, F. H. Sarah Walker. Harte, B. Sardou, Victorian, 1S3T-T90S Black pearl /« Mabic, TI. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 4 Stories by foreign authors, Frencli V T Sarrasinc. Balzac, II. de Satan mekatrig. Zangwill, I. Satan's tongue-pie. France, A. Saturday afternoon. Cutting, M. S. Saturday night. Brown, A. Saturday night on the farm, (garland, 11. Saturday's child. Norris, K. Satyr's children. Wyalt, F. V. Sauce for goose. Ford, P. L. Saucy Betty Mork. Bates, A. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 285 Saunders, K. Haunted crust /;; Johnson, R. Little classics v 5 Saved. Maupassant, G. de Saved by faith. Watson, J. Saving grace. White, S. E. Saving of the colors. Wisrgin, K. D. Scab. Thanet, O. Scaler. White, S. E. Scalp for a scalp. Warman, C. Scandal in Bohemia. Doyle, A. C. Scandal in high life. Bacon, J. D. Scape goats. Cabell, J. B. Scar on the throat (Arabic) III Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Scarlet car. Davis, Richard H. Scarlet hunter. Parker, G. Scarlet ibis. Andrews, M. R. S. Scarlet poppy. Spofford, H. P. Scarlet stockings. Alcott, L. M. Sceaux ball. See Balzac, H. de. Rural ball Scene. Howells, W. D. Scenes from common life. Tolstoi, L. N. Scenes of clerical life. Eliot, G. Scent of the roses. Freeman, M. E. W. Schaffer, Robert Dora Nani In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Schayer, Julia Thompson von Stosch, 1846- Story of two lives /;; Stories by American authors v 10 Scherzi and skizzen. Matthews, J. B. Schmelzle's journey. See Richter, J. P. F. Army-chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz Schmidt. Osbourne, L. Schock, Georg [pseud. Katherine Riegel Loose]. 1S77- Christmas child In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M. Shapes that haunt the dusk Scholar's adventure in the country. Stowe, H. B. School and schools. Henry, O. School-boy. Andrews, M. R. S. School friends. Quiller-Couch, A. T. School-girl. Jordan, E. G. School house. Barrie, J. M. School of misfortune. Hogg. J. School we lost. Connolly, J. B. Schoolboy's story. Dickens, C. Schoolhouse. Jewett, S. O. Schoolmaster and Felicia. Mason, A. E. W. Schoolmaster, Uncle Jerry, and the bad boy. Seawell, M. E. Schooner-man's close calls. Masefield, J. Schopenhauer on Lake Pepin. Thanet, O. Schreiner, Olive (Mrs. S. C. Cronwright Schreiner), (Ralph Iron, pseud.) 1863- Three dreams in a desert In \\'arner library Schwartz, J. M. W. vander P. See Maartens, M., pseud. Science and love. See Balzac, H. de. Bal- thazar Science vs. luck. Clemens, S. L. Scientific vagabond. Boyesen, H. H. Scorn of woman. London, J. Scot indeed. Watson, J. Scott, Sir Walter, bart., 177 1 -1832 Castle Dangerous /;; Castle Dangerous Death of the Laird's Jock In Highland widow Highland widow In Highland widow Lady in the sacque. See Scott, W. Tap- estried chamber My aunt Margaret's mirror In Highland widow Tapestried chamber, or The lady in the sacque /;; Highland mirror Two drovers In Highland widow Patten. W. International short sto- ries, V 2 Wandering Willie's tale In Redgauntlet v i Letter XI Canby, H. S. Study of the short story Jessup, A. and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story Mabie, PL W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction Stories by English authors, Scotland Scottish Sabbath day. Crockett, S. R. Scrap of histor}^ Barr, R. Scraptomania. Warman, C. Screaming skull. Crawford, F. M. Screen. Bourget, P. Screen-maiden. Hearn, L. Scribe, Augustin Eugene, 1791-1861 Pet fairy In Warner library Price of life In Warner library Scrivener's tale of The Countess Alys. Hew- lett, M. H. Scrub quarter-back. Williams, J. L. Scrupulous father. Gissing, G. R. Scud. Ward, H. D. Scudder, Horace Elisha, 1838-1902 Beauty and the beast (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i; 149 Blue Beard (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour r: 123 Cinderella: or The glass slipper (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i : lOI Golden bird (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:34 Golden egg and the cock of gold (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i: 507 Half-penny (adapted) /;; Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i: 19 Hans in luck (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i: no Hop-o'-my-thumb (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:44 Jack and the Bean-Stalk (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:23 286 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Scudder, Horace Klisha —Contwucd. Little One Eye, Little Two Eyes, and Lit- tle Three Eyes (adapted) /;; Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i : 9 Little Red Riding-Hood (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:3 Puss in Boots (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:86 Sleeping beauty (adapted) III Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i: 116 Three bears (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:6 Tom Thumb (adapted) /;; Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:93 Wild cat (adapted) In Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour i : 130 Scully, William Charles, 1855- Ghamba /;; Stories by English authors, Africa Sculptor's funeral. Cather, W. S. Sea change. Brown, A. Sea change. Hichens, R. S. Sea-faker. Connolly, J. B. Sea-farmer. London, J. Sea fortunes of Dicky Carew. Seawell, M. E. Sea-magic. Sharp, W. Sea-raiders. Wells, H. G. Sea-side harvest. Daudet, A. Sea superstition. Masefield, J. Sea turn. Aldrich, T. B. Sea upcast. Janvier, T. A. Sea voyage. See Lamb, C. Arabella Hardy Seal man. Masefield, J. Seal wife. See Field, E. Pagan seal wife Sealed orders. Ward, E. S. P. Sealed room. Doyle, A. C. Sealed room. Ingemann, B. S. Search for Jean Baptiste. Austin, M. H. Seashore drama. See Balzac, H. de. Seaside tragedy Seaside tragedy. Balzac, H. de Seats of the haughty. Henry, O. Seawell, Molly Elliot, 1860- Betty's Virginia Christmas In Lippinc 92: 657 Boy of 1/75 In Laurie Vane Capture of the emperor In Collier's 42: F 27 p 16 Clown and the Columbine In Scrib M 46: 670 Crying Tommy In Laurie Vane Drum-major In Scrib M 49: 41 Gentleman ranker In Lippinc 81 : 501 Great scoop In Great scoop Hacienda In Scrib M 52: 443 Hale-Weston In Lippinc 43: i History of Lady Betty Stair In History of Lady Betty Stair Cosmopnl 22:649; 23:57 Jugglers In Jugglers Kaintuck In Maid Marian Kourasofifs In Maid Marian Ladies' battle In Ladies' battle Atlan 106: 289 Last Duchess of Belgarde /;; Last Duchess of Belgarde Laurie Vane In Laurie Vane Leading lady's Christmas In Woman's H C 41 : Ja p 15 Little Jarvis In Little Jarvis Little Missy /;.' Maid Marian Maid Marian 1)1 Maid Marian Priscilla /;; I\Liid Marian Schoolmaster, Uncle Jerry, and the bad boy In Laurie Vane Sea fortunes of Dicky Carew /» Maid Marian Sprightly romance of Marsac /;; Sprightly romance of Marsac Theodora /;; Maid Marian True story of Commandant Lievre In Scrib M 22: 182 Tubal the fiddler In Maid Marian Unc' Ananias //; Lippinc 50: 97 \^all)ella brothers III ]\Iaid Marian Virginia colonel In ]\Liid Marian Wireless tragedy In Lippinc 87: 706 Second best. Bland, E. N. Second-class passenger. Gibbon, P. Second generation. Crane, S. Second-hand story. Bunner, H. C. Second home. See Balzac, H. de. Double family. Second marriage. Brown, A. Second mate. Gibbon, P. Second Missouri compromise. Wister, O. Second Mrs. Slinim. Stuart, R. M. Second-rate woman. Kipling, R. Second spring. Jewctt, S. O. Second wooing of Selina Sue. Stuart, R. M. Secret. I'Vecman, M. K. \\'. Secret. Hawkins, A. H. Secret. Hopkins, M. S. B. Secret cypher. Barr, ]\. Secret of Don Juan. Harrison, C. C. Secret of Goresthorpc Grange. Doyle, A. C. Secret of Javotte. Mussct, A. de Secret of Macarger's dnlch. Bicrcc, A. Secret of Maitre Cornillr. Daudet, A. Secret of Sobricnte's well, llarlc, 1^. Secret of Telegraph Hill. Harte, B. Secret of the sea. Matthews, J. B. Secret rose. Yeats, W. B. Secret-sharer. Conrad, J. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 287 Secrets of the princess of Cadigan. Balzac, H. dc Secrets of the tobacco shed. Strindbcrg, J. A. Security of the high seas. Osbourne, L. Sedgwick, Anne Douglas, (Mrs. Basil de Selincourt) 1873- P'orsakcn temple In The nest Cent 65:43, 255 Lion among ladies In Cent 62: 381 Madeline Tristram /;; Cent 69: 735 Miss Jones and the masterpiece In The nest Scrib M 23: 661 Nest /)/ The nest Rescue In Cent 63: 296 Suicide In The nest Cent 67: 550 White pagoda In The nest Cent 84: 770 "Sedgwick." Davis, C. B. Seductive six-shooter. Warman, C. See Yup. Harte, B. _ Seed as big as a hen's egg. Tolstoi, L. N. Seed of McCoy. London, J. Seeking blindfolded. French, A. W. Seer. Lindau, R. Sefify, a little comedy of country manners. Long, J. L. Select party. Hawthorne, N. Selecting a ghost. Doyle, A. C. Self-help. Jacobs, W. W. Self-made man. Crane, S. Self-made man. See Kipling, R. Smith ad- ministration Selfish giant. Wilde, O. Selfishness. ]\Iaupassant, G. de Selfishness of Amelia Lambkin. Freeman, M. E. W. Selgas, [y Carrasco], Jose, 1S24-1882 White butterfly In Stories by foreign authors, Spanish Selim shawl. See Balzac, H. de. Gaudis- sart II Selina Sedilla. Bv Miss M. E. B-dd-n and Mrs. H-n-y W-d. Harte, B. Selina's singular marriage. Litchfield, G. D. Seller of hate. Morrison, A. Semaphore. Ward, H. D. Semi-sentimental dragon. Zangwill, I. Semillante. See Maupassant, G. de. Ven- detta Seminar3\ Gaboriau, E. Semper idem. London, J. Semptress's story. Droz, G. Senator's brother. Morris, G. Senator's last trade. Fox, J., jr. Senator's plight. King, C. Sending of Dana Da. Kipling, R. Senior fellow. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Senior reader. Smith, A. C. Sense of climax. Gibbon, P. Sentiment. Dickens, C. Sentiment. See Maupassant, G. de. Widow Sentimental rebellion. Huneker, J. G. Sentry-box. Daudet, A. Separ's vigilante. VVister, O. Septimius Felton; or. The elixir of life. Hawthorne, N. Sequel to a divorce. Maupassant, G. de Serai cal)al. Sec Kipling, R. Smith adminis- tration Serao, Matilde, 1856- Ballet dancer In Ballet dancer and On guard Fatal numbers In Liv Age 231 : 325 On guard In Ballet dancer and On guard Origin of macaroni In Cur Lit 46: 456 Story of Greece /)( Poet Lore 15 No 2: 19 Serena. Catherwood, M. H. Serena Ann's first valentine. Freeman, M. E. W. Serenade at Siskiyou. Wister, O. Serene's religious experience. Comer, C. A. Sergeant Croesus. King, C. Sergeant Gore. Armstrong, L. Sergeant's private mad-house. Crane, S. Serio-comic governess. Zangwill, I. Serious dilemma of the bishop of Oklaho. Adams, O. F. Sermon for clowns. Pemberton, M. Servant lass. W^atson, J. Servant man turned soldier. More, H. Service of love. Henry, O. Sestina. See Cabell, J. B. Story of the Sestina "Set not thj' foot on graves." Haw- thorne, J. Set of six. Conrad, J. "Seth." Burnett, F. H. Sevastopol. Tolstoi, L. N. Seven-an'-six. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Seven conversations of dear Jones and Babj-- Van Rensselaer. ^latthews, J. B., and Bunner, H. C. .007, a story of a locomotive. Kipling. R. Seven poor travellers. Dickens, C. Seven studious sisters. Sherwood, M. P. 7-12; a detective story. Green, A. K. Seven vagabonds. Hawthorne, N. Seven who were hanged. Andreev, L. N. Seventh man. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Seventoes ghost. Freeman, M. E. W. Severed hand. Haufif. W. Sexton's hero. Gaskell, E. C. Shabby genteel story. Thackeray, W. M. Shadow — a parable. Poe, E. A. Shadow and the flash. London, J. Shadow before. Doyle, A. C. Shadow between his shoulder-blades. Har- ris, J. C. Shadow Brook. Hawthorne, N. Shadow of a man. Hornung, E. W. Shadow of happiness. Bacheller, I. A. Shadow of his hand. Kipling, R. Shadow of love. Hibbard, G. A. Shadow of the angel. Jordan, E. G. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Shadow of the law. Hornung, E. W. Shadow of the rose. Le Gallicnnc, K. Shadows. Macdonald, G. Shadows on the wall. Freeman, M. E. W. Shaker bridal. Hawthorne, N. Shakespeare's Christmas. Quillcr-Couch, A. T. Shall he wed her? Green, A. K. Sliallow spirit of judgment. \\'3att, E. V. Shame. Crane, S. Shamrock and the palm. Henry, O. Shandon waters. Norris, K. Shape of fear. Peattie, E. W. Share and share alike. Barr, R. Sharon's choice. Wister, O. Sharp. William, (Fiona McLeod, pseud.) 1856-1905 .\hez the pale /;( Sin-eater Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 2 Anointed man In Re-issue of the shorter stories -of Fiona Macleod v i Archer /;/ Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 3 Awakening of Angus Ogue /;; Winged destiny Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v i Cathal of the woods In Sin-eater Re-issue of the shorter stories of P'iona Macleod v 2 Children of water In Winged destiny Children of wind and the clan of peace In Three legends of the Christ child Coward In Gipsy Christ Culidli Mhoire /;( Winged destiny Dan-nan-ron In Re-issue of the shorter stories of F"iona Macleod v 3 Dark nameless one In Sin-eater Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 1 Divine adventure hi Divine adventure Fortn 72: 879, 1058 Fara-ghaol In Winged destiny h'isher of men Re-issue of the shorter stories of In Sin-eater Fiona Macleod v i Flight of the Culdecs In Sin-eater Re-issue of the shorter stories of h'iona Macleod v 2 I'rokcn Rerghot /'( (jypsy Christ h'rom the Hebrid isles ht Harper 92: 45 Graven image III Gypsy Christ Green branches /;/ Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 3 Gypsy Christ /" Gypsy Christ Vistas Harping of Cravetlicen //( Sin-eater Re-issue of the sliorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 2 Hills of Ruel In Re-issue of the sliorter stories of Fiona Macleod v i How deep knowledge came to the child Jesus /;; Three legends of tlic Christ cliild Judgment o' God /;( Sin-eater Re-issue of the sliorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 3 King of Ys and Dahut the Red /;; Sin-eater Cur Lit 42: 462 Lady in Hosea In Gipsy Christ Last supper //; Sin-eater Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v i Laughter of Scathach the queen /;; Sin-eater Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 2 Lords of wisdom In Winged destiny Three legends of tlic Christ child Lynn ofdreams In Winged destiny Con temp 82: 863 Madge o' the pool /;{ Gipsy Christ Man on the moor In Winged destiny Melancholy of Ulad In Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v i Mircath In Sin-eater Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 2 Morag of the glen In Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 3 Mountain lovers /;; Pharais Ninth wave /;; Sin-eater Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 3 Cliamhers's J 80: 273 ( )ri)licus and Oisiti In Winged destiny Pharais In Pharais Queens of beauty In Winged destiny Sad Queen /;( Sin-eater INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 289 St. Bride of the Isles In Sin-eater , Re-issue of the shorter stories of Eiona Macleod v i Sea-magic /,} Winged destiny Contcmp 82: 5t>8 Silk o' the kine In Sin-eater . , Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 2 Sin-eater "• lc'"s'r„e of the , .tone, of Fiona Macleod v 3 Smoothing of the hand . , T Re-issue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v i Harper 42: 45 Song of the sword '" le^rsu" of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v 2 Sorrow on the wind In Winged destiny Sunset of old tales In Winged destiny Fortn 79: 1087 Tale of four white swans In Tale of four white swans Three marvels of Hy '" l'?Sue of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v i Trend of Nan Ron In Winged destiny Ula and Urla ^" Rc-fssu? of the shorter stories of Fiona Macleod v i Venetian idyl In Gypsy Christ Good Words 29:388 W'asher of the ford In Sin-eater , • ^c Re-issue of the shorter stones of Fiona Macleod v 2 Wayfarer /„ Winged destiny Cosmopolis 10: 613 Woman at the cross-ways In Winged destiny Fortn 80: 869 Woman with the net In Sin-eater Sharpers and the money lender (Arabic) ;„ Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Shattered idylls. Fogazzaro, A. Shattered violin. Harrison^ C. C. Shaw's folly. Aldnch, T B. p^^^ ^ N She had on her geranium leaves. Page, 1. W. She loves and lies. Collms, W. She of the triple chevron. Parkei, Lr. She who adorns her sister adorns he. sell. Freeman, M. E. W. Shearing the wolf. Henry O. Sheep-shearing. Galsworthy, J. Shehen's houn' dogs. Peattie, E. W. Sheltered one. Garland, il. Shepherd of Arcadia. Dragoumis, J. D. Shepherd of Salisbury Plain. More, H Shepherd who watched by night. Page, 1 . N Shepherds all and maidens fair. Bcsant, W. Shepherd's leap. Maupassant G. tie Shepherd's wedding. Hogg, J. Sheriff of Caschau. Jokai, M. Sherif^f of Kona. London, J. Sheriff of Siskyou. Hartc B. Sheriff's bluff. Page, T. N. Sheriff's children. Chesnutt, C. W. Sherlock Holmes again. Bangs, J. K. Sherlock Holmes's latest adventure. See Doyle, A. C. Disappearance of Lady Caff ax Sherwood, Margaret Pollock, 1864- All for love In Scrib M 50:635 Bluebird's nest In Scrib M 42: 4io Clever necromancer In Princess Pourquoi Atlan 97: 547 Daphne In Daphne Atlan 92: 145 Dowry In Scrib M 44: mS Gentle robber In Princess Pourquoi McClure 29:87 Little Satyr In Atlan 101:830 Nancy's pilgrimage In Nancy's pilgrimage New matron In Liv Age 278: 166 Pan and the crusader In Atlan 106: 145 Petit Pierre In Scrib M 46: 209 Princess and the microbe In Princess Pourquoi Scrib M 34:236 Princess Pourquoi /,( Princess Pourquoi Scrib M 32:540 Puritan Bohemia In Puritan Bohemia Runaways In Atlan 99:797 Seven studious sisters In Princess Pourquoi Scrib M 35: 71 Shet-up posy. Slosson, A. T. Shifted burden. Vorse, M. H. Shining band. Chambers, R. W. Shinn, Milicent Washburn, 1858- Young Strong of "the Clarion In Stories by American authors v 9 Ship of '49- Harte, B. Ship that found herself. Iviplmg. K. Ship that saw a ghost. Norns, 1'. Ships. Henry, O. Shipwrecked sailor. Froin an Egyptian papyrus of the Xllth dynasty /» Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story Warner library 290 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Shipwreckollection. Bierce, A. For daily bread Shiryo. Hearn, L. /;; After I)rcad Shocking story. Collins, W. I'or daily bread Shocks of doom. Henry, O. Peasant's exile Shoemaker who made but one shoe. Harris, t- Sielanka J Q tvom the diary of a tutor in Poznan Shoes.' Henry, O. ^" ^'^'V'^'', Shon McGann's toboggan ride. Parker. G. iT.nia ''" "Uisician Shootings of Achnaleish. Benson, E. F. / , u^,.;. Shoplifter. Ohnet, G. . 7 V,^'"t Short way. Besant, W. ^' '^l^'"^ ^J'^ one? Shortest day in the year. Matthews, J. B. Tndtnd'tofpi IP , ru Shorty Smith's widows. Janvier, T A. ^ f,fTZ ^Yf^^r/^"^! ^'^^l ''» ^^b^pus Shorty Stack, pugilist. Norris, F. ^" Life and death Shot. 5.. Puskkin, A. S. Pistol shot I e<^end of tie sea Shot-gun episode. Remington, F. /» I ifc and deTth ^'shlvbo- ''' "-^'^l-'--' N. Fancy's Le't^s 'follow hi nf' sno\\-oox 7 TT "Showin' off." Crane, S. ^" OnlV "" i .r r.r. Shrinking shoe. Besant, W. r -r 0"tlook 56: 997 Shut in. Ward, E. S. P ^'^ ^"? ^^^V'i ^ ?'"''" '"^""^ Shut-ins. Peat ie, E. W. t •/'' ^"^"^ '''""^^ Shut-ups. Michelson, M. ' V-'T' , .- Shuttered house. Mason, A. E. W. T iniiul,,^ ' '"^, v ■ Shuttles of the web. Fade. M. T. f^q °, n1 ''''''' °^ -"^^l^'"^^'^" Siamese twins. Clemens, S. L. q^I' " 1 r • ., r, ,• , Sick man and the fireman. Stevenson, R. L. ^'°t"" '^^ ^°''^"^^" =^"^'^^''^' ^°''^''' Sickness of Lone Chief. London. J. Yanko the musician Side-track-ed. Davis, C. B. UHi^,, j^j^^^i^ Siege o Berlin^ Daudet A. ^, ^ ^ ^ /;, Lillian Morris Siege o Granada. See Lytton, L. B. Leila l,.^ ;„ tenebris lucet Siege of London. James, H ;„ Hania biegc ot the Lancanshire Queen. Lon- Qld servant don, J. 7 TJT ■ Siegfried's death. Huneker, J. G . Qua singfe card Sielanka. A forest picture. Sicnkiewicz, H. j„ Sielanka Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 1846- So runs the world Across the plains On the bright shore /;; Sielanka Jn Hania After bread. Sec Sienkiewicz, H. For On the bright shore daily bread Organist of Ponikila Artists end /» Hania /;; For daily bread Munsey 18: ^57 At the source Orso ^« Hania /;; Sielanka Bartek the victor Peasants in exile. Sec Sienkiewicz, II In Let us follow hiiii For daily bread Sielanka Reminiscence of Spain Yanko the musician Jn Sielanka Be thou blessed Sachem ^" P^"'^ , „ , . '/« Lillian Morris -Let us lollow him Sielanka ^"/!!'n!llM. ^r...-; Sielanka. a' forest picture //; Lillian Morns ;„ Sielanka Sielanka a< , Charcoal sketches 1 artar captivity In Hania J'.' ^"^^"''-^ Comedy of error: a sketch of American I lynl woman life '" I lama In I'or daily bread ^^'' '•'>■ '"''^'il -^l""'^^ Sielanka Verdict Yanko the musician I" So runs the world Cranes Whose fault? Jn Life and death /" Sielanka Daily bread. See Sienkiewicz, II. I'or So runs the world daily bread Win or lose. See Sienkiewicz, II. On a Decision of Zeus single card Jn Sielanka Namvol l-'or bread. .S\r Sienkieu irz, 11. I'",,r dailv /// 'Lillian Morris bread ' Sielanka INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 291 Yanko, the musician In Sielanka Yanko, the musician Sierras. Sec Harrison, C. C. Edelweiss of the Sierras Siesta. Kielland, A. L. 'Sieur George. Cable, G. W. Siezure of the "Aurora Borealis." Con- nolly, J. B. Sign of the four. Doyle, A. C. Sign of Venus. Chambers, R. W. Signal. Maupassant, G. de Signal. Mitford, M. R. Signal man. Dickens, C. Signor Didaco Centiglia. Bandello, M. Signor Formica. Hoffmann, E. T. W. Sigourney, Lydia Howard, 1791-1865 Alms-house Jn Myrtis Bertha III Myrtis Fall of the Pequod In Myrtis Family portraits In Sketches Father In Sketches Intemperate In Sketches Lady Arabella Johnson In Myrtis Lady of Mount Vernon //( Myrtis Legend of Oxford In Sketches Legend of Pennsylvania III Myrtis Lost children In Myrtis Mary Rice In Myrtis Myrtis In Myrtis Hogg's Instructor 2: 257 Oriana In Sketches Patriach In Sketches Plough and the sword In Myrtis Reverse In Alyrtis Tale of Poland In Myrtis Hogg's Instructor 1:83 Yankee In Myrtis Sigrid Storriide. Sec Lagerluf, S. Queens at Kungahalla Silas Jackson. Dunbar, P. L. Silas Marner. Eliot, G. Silberrad, Una Lucy, 1872- Burning of Babel In Harper 119: 764 Dower chest of Ann Ponsford In Wedding of the Lady of Lovell Blackw 173: 190 Liv Age 236: 730, 801 Great Feversham In Liv Age 259: 745 Mr. Smallpagc's John In Wedding of the Lady of Lovell Priscilla's maying In Wedding of the Lady of Lovell Outlook 75: 311 Romance of the Molehill country In Eclectic M 127: 693 Temptation of Brother Ezekiel /;; Sunday M 34: 573 Test In Harper 115: 931 Wedding of the Lady of Lovell In Wedding of the Lady of Lovell Winning of Elizabeth Fothergill In Wedding of the Lady of Lovell Blackw 173:638 Liv Age 237:663, 722 Witchcraft of Chuma In Wedding of the Lady of Lovell Harper 108: 428 Silence. Andreev, L. N. Silence. Freeman, M. E. W^. Silence. Fuller, H. B. Silence — a fable. Poe, E. A. Silence of the Maharajah. Corelli, M. Silent brothers. Bennett, E. A. Silent guardian. Hichens, R. S. Silent land. Chambers, R. W. Silent Sam'el. Dunbar, P. L. Silent sisters. Zangwill, I. Silent wire. Vorse, M. H. Silent woman. Kompert, L. Silhouettes. Jerome, J. K. Silhouettes. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Silk o' the kine. Sharp, W. Silly. Maartens, M. Silver arrow. Mitford, M. R. Silver chimes and golden fetters. Ouida Silver Christ. Ouida Silver hatchet. Doyle, A. C. Silver hen. Freeman, M. E. W^ Silver mine. Lagerlof, S. Silver mirror. Doyle, A. C. Silver pitchers. Alcott, L. M. Silver tea-set. Brown, A. Silverhorns. Van Dyke, H. Sim Burn's wife. Garland, H. Simms, William Gilmore, 1806- 1870 Those old lunes In Patten, W. International short sto- ries v I Simon and Susanna. Sec Harris, J. C. Ad- ventures of Simon and Susanna Simon L'Ouvrier. Morris, G. Simone Turchi. Bandello, M. Simon's hour. Cabell, J. B. Simon's papa. Maupassant, G. de Simple child trainer. Slosson, A. T. Simple cross-bearer. Slosson, A. T. Simple dreamer. Slosson, A. T. Simple expositor. Slosson, A. T. Simple faith. Slosson, A. T. Simple folk. Smith, F. H. Simple life. Wright, M. O. Simple life of Genevieve Claude. Jordan, E. G. Simple Pentecost. Slosson, A. T. Simple shepherd. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Simple Simon. Gissing, G. R. Simple Simon. Kipling, R. 292 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Simple soul. Flaubert, G. Simple Susan. Edgeworth, M. Simply skirts. Ferber, E. Sin-eater. Sharp, W. Sin of the Bishop of Moden>tcin. Hawkins A. H. • ' Since I died. Ward, E. S. P. Sindbad on Burrator. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Sindbad the sailor. See Arabian nights' en- tertainment Sinlire. Hawtliorne, J. Sing-song of old man Kangaroo. Kipling, R. Singer mother. Field, E. Singers. Turgenev, I. S. Singer's story. Bacon, J. D. Singh Rajah and tlic cunning little jackals. Frere Singing-match. Harris, J. C. Singing of a bird. Hawthorne, J. Singing of the bees. Parker, G. Single-heart and Double-face. Reade, C. Singmaster, Elsie, 1879- Battlc-ground In Gettysburg Belsnickel In Cent 81:338 Big Thursday In Cent 71: 364 County seat In Atlan loi: 704 Cure that failed //( Harper 126: 155 Dorothea In Harper 122: 950 Dower-ladies In Atlan 104: 219 Elmina's living-out In Lippinc 83: 214 Eternal feminine In Lippinc 86: 107 Exiles In Harper 119: 666 Firm stand of Hans In Cent 73: 869 Ghost of Matthias Baum In Cent 77: 604 Great day In Gettysburg Harper 115: 862 Gunner Criswell In Gettysburg Harper 124: 302 Henry Koehler, misogynist In Atlan 98: 657 I lor own country In Lippinc 89: 548 Home-coming In Gettysburg McClurc 33: 135 In defiance of the occult In J^ooklover's M 7: 174 July the first In Gettysburg Lese-majestc of Hans Hcckendom In Scrib M 38:618 Long courting of Henry Kumerant In Lippinc 80: 348 Man who shot Given In Good H 57: 793 Man who was nice and common In Harper 123: 894 Mary Bowman In Gettysburg Harper 125: 707 IMiIler.stown yellow journal /;( Atlan 97:688 Mrs. Weimar's gift of tongues In Lippinc 81 : 254 Old regime In Atlan 102: 546 Persistancc of Coonie Schnable In Reader 8: 375 Picture-taker In. Lippinc 92: 608 Rebellion of Wilhelmina In Cent 82: 731 Restoration of Melie Ziegler In Everybody's 16:706 Retreat In Gettysburg Scrib M 42: 13 Spite fence In Harper 127: 177 Squire In Atlan 106: 368 Steamer child In McClure 35: 366 Substitute 1)1 Gettysburg- Tale out of season In McClure 35:655 Their great inheritance In Lippinc 89: 625 Third generation Scrib M 45:334 Thousand dollar Daggett In Lippinc 83: 616 LInconqucrable hope In Atlan loi: 54 Vacillation of Benjamin Gaumer /;; Cent 71 : 707 Veteran of seventy-six In Outlook 96: 545 Victory In Gettysburg Visible return In Outlook 99: 224 When town and country meet In Atlan 100: 341 Zion church /;; Atlan 11 1: 401 Singular adventure of a small free-trader. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Sinking ship. Stevenson, R. L. Sinner's comedy. Craigie, P. M. T. Sins of the fathers. Mitchell, S. W. Sir Allan and his dog. Mitford, M. R. Sir Dominick Fcrrand. James, H. Sir lulmund Orme. James, H. Sir Geoffrey's theory. Maartens, M. Sir Isaac Newton. See Hawthorne, N. Bio- graphical stories Sir Jocelyn's cap. Besant, W.. and Pollock, VV. IF. .*~^ire (le Malctroit's door. Stevenson, R. L. Siren. Long, T. L. Sis. Long, J. L. Sis' Becky's pickaninny. Chesnutt, C. W. Sisl' Chaney's black silk. Thanet, O. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 293 Sister Ann. Brown, A. Sister Benvenuta and the Christ child. Paget, V. Sister Dolorosa. Allen, J. L. Sister Ernesta and the imp. Jordan, E. G. Sister Estelle to the rescue. Jordan, E. G. Sister losepha. Dunbar, A. Sister Liddy. Freeman, M. E. W. Sister of a saint. Stetson, G. E. C. Sister Peacham's turn. Jewett, S. O. Sister St. Luke. Woolson, C. F. Sister Silvia. Tincker, M. A. Sister Tabea. Eggleston, E. Sister years. Hawthorne, N. ^ Sisterly scheme. Bunner, H. C. Sisters. Keats, G. Sister's confession. Maupassant, G. de Sisters of the golden circle. Henry, O. Sisters Qita. Bennett, E. A. Sisters under their skins. Matthews, J. B. Sister's vocation. Bacon, J. D. Six brave soldiers. Earle, M. T. Six hours in Squantico. Smith, F. H. Six swans. Grimm, W., and Grimm, J. Six to one; a Nantucket idyl. Bellamy, E. Six weeks at Heppenheim. Gaskell, E. C. Sixteen years without a birthday. Matthews, J. B. Sixth bench. Barr, R. Sixth sense. Hopkins, M. S. B. Sixty Jane. Long, J. L. , i- Sixty-thousand dollar face. Lefevre, E. Skazka. Tolstoi, L. N. Skeat, Walter William, 1866- Elephant has a bet with the tiger (adapt- ed) In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i : 357 Who killed the otter's babies? In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i: 354 Skeleton in the closet. Hale, E. E. Skeleton on Round island. Catherwood, M. H. Skerry of shrieks. Boyesen, H. H. Sketch in umber. Bates, A. Sketches of a Siberian tourist. Korolenko. V. G. Skilled assistance. Jacobs, W. W. Skinful of trouble. Morrison, A. Skipper and El capitan. Stockton, F. R. Skipper of the Matrimony. Hopkins, W. J. Skipper of the "Osprey." Jacobs, W. W. Skipper's Bible. Phillpotts, E. Skipper's wooing. Jacobs, W. W. Skirmish at Buena Vista. Janvier, T. A. Sky-rocket. Besant, W. Sky-scraper. Hibbard, G. A. Slayer. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Skylight room. Henry, O. Slapping Sal. Doyle, A. C. Slaughter of the innocents. Kelly, M. Slave to duty. Thanet, O. Slavery. Payn, J. Slaves of the lamp. Kipling, R. Slayer. See Korolenko, V. G. Sketches of a Siberian tourist Slaying the wild bull. Warman, C. Sleep and a forgetting.^ Howells, W. D. Sleeping beauty. Mendes, C. Sleeping beauty. Perrault, C. Sleeping beauty. Scudder, H. E. Sleeping-car; a farce. Howells, W. D. Sleeping-car experience. Harte, B. Sleepy-eye. .S'^^ Chekhov, A. P. Sleepy- head Sleepy-head. Strindberg, J. A. Sleepyhead. Chekhov, A. P. Sleepyhead. Dyar, M. Sleeveless errand. Harland, H. "Sleipner," late "Thurinda." Kipling, R. Slender figure. Donnell, A. H. ' Slender romance. Stuart, R. M. Sleuths. Henry, O. Slight mistake. Hawkins, A. H. Slim-fingered Jim. Hawkins, A. PL Slim Jim's sister. Lewis, A. H. Slip of the leash. Freeman, M. E. W. Slip under the microscope. Wells, H. G. Slosson, Mrs. Annie (Trumbull) 1838- Ann Malann In Dumb fox glove Apple Jonathan In Dumb fox glove Aunt Abby's neighbors In Aunt Abby's neighbors Aunt Liefy In Aunt Liefy Dumb fox glove Aunt 'Randy In Seven dreamers Harper 75: 303 Botany Bay In Seven dreamers New Princeton R i : 402 Boy that was scaret o' dyin' In Story-tell Lib Outlook 66: 511 Butterneggs In Seven dreamers Warner library Clavis In Dumb fox glove Davy's Christmas In Dumb fox glove Deacon Pheby's selfish natur In Seven dreamers Harper 80: 709 Diff'ent kind o' bundles In Story-tell Lib Dissatisfied soul In Dissatisfied soul Local colorist Atlan 94: 114 Dumb fox glove In Dumb fox glove Atlan 75:466 Fishin' Jimmy /;; Fishin' Jimmy Seven dreamers New Princeton R 5: 37i Horse that b'leeved he'd get there In Story-tell Lib How Faith came and went In Seven dreamers Harper 70: 799 Local colorist In Local colorist Harper 120: 84 Master's garden In Simples from the master's garden 294 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Slosson, Annie Trumbull —r<)/(//;n(('(/. Nature cure III Local colorist Prophetic romancer III Dissatisfied soul Local colorist Shet-up posy III Story-tell Lib Simple child trainer In Simples from the Master's garden Simple cross-bearer //; Simples from the Master's garden Simple dreamer In Simples from the Master's garden Simple expositor III Simples from the Master's garden Simple faith /;; Simples from the Master's garden Simple Pentecost III Simples from the Master's garden Speakin' ghost In Seven dreamers Harper 82: 137 Stony head In Story-tell Lib Story-tell Lib In Story-tell Lib White Christopher In White Christopher Sluggard. See Strindberg, J. A. Sleepyhead Smain. Hichens, R. S Small Sam Small. Duncan, N. Smcthurstscs. Burnett, F. II. Smile of fortune. Conrad. J. Smith, Alice Prescott, and Cameron, Mar- garet Apples of Hesperides /;; Harper 104: 51 Smith, Arthur Cosslett, 1852- Desert In Turquoise cup Scrib M 32: 731 Eye of the harem In Monk and the dancer Scrib M 27: 317 Monk and the dancer In Monk and the dancer Peach In Monk and the dancer Scrib M 25 : 85 Senior reader In Monk and the dancer Scrib M 26: 725 Some old families In Monk and the dancer Trot, trot to market In Monk and the dancer Turquoise cup In Turquoise cup Scrib M 30: 671 What really happened In Scril) M 40: 155 Smith, Francis Hopkinson, 1838- Abijah's bubble In Novels, stories and sketches v 18 Forty minutes late According to the law In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Other fellow "Against orders" In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady Scrib M 40: 583 Along the Bronx In Novels, stories and sketches v i Gentleman vagabond Another dog In Novels, stories and sketches v i Gentleman vagabond Apijle-blossoms and white muslin In Arm chair at the inn Around the embers of a dying fire /;( Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood fire in No. 3 Around the wood fire In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 .Arrival of a lady of quality /;/ Arm-chair at tlie inn Ask Lord Roberts In Cent 84: 109 Bdader In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Gentleman vagabond Cent 25: 204 Beguiling of Peter Griggs In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady Between showers in Dort In Novels, stories and sketches v i Other fellow Boggs. See Smith, F. H. In which Boggs becomes dramatic Boy in the cloth cap In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Other fellow Briareus's story. See Smith, F. H. Club chestnuts warmed over Brockway's hulk In Novels, stories and sketches v i Gentleman vagabond Bulgarian opera boufife In Novels, stories and sketches v 2 Day at Laguerre's Cap'n Bob of the Screamer In Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog McClure 19: 330 Captain Joe In Novels, stories and sketches v 8 Day at Laguerre's Cent 39:225 Captain Joe and the "Susie Ann'' /;; Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady Chief^ and his fellow dogs. See Smith, F. IL Wherein Mac dilates, etc. Church of San Pablo, Seville In Novels, stories and sketches v I Club chestnuts warmed over [Briareus's story; Griffin's story; Owl's story] In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Coat of red lead In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady Colonel Carter of Cartersville /)( Novels, stories and sketches v 3 Colonel Carter of Cartersville Cent 41 : 62 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 295 Colonel Carter's Christmas In Novels, stories and sketches v 15 Colonel Carter's Christmas Compartment number 4, Cologne to Paris III Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Scrib M 32: 692 Containing ]\Ir. Alexander MacWhirter's views on Lord Ponsonby, Major Yan- cey, and their kind III Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood fire in No 3 Containing several experiences and ad- ventures showing Avide contrasts in life In Armchair at the inn Cousin of the king In Novels, stories and sketches v i Dangerous footpad. See Smith, F. H. With a detailed account of a danger- ous footpad Day at Laguerre's and other days lit Novels, stories and sketches v i Day at Laguerre's Cent 42:323 Dick Sands, convict III Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Other fellow "Doc" Shipman's fee In Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Escapade in Cordova III Novels, stories and sketches v i Day at Laguerre's Cent 42: 863 Erspero Gorgoni, gondolier In Novels, stories and sketches v 5 Gondola days Stories of Italy (Stories from Scrib- ner) Scrib M 10: 687 Extra blanket In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 At close range Scrib M 36: 533 Fiddles In Novels, stories and sketches v 18 Forty minutes late Five meals for a dollar In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Other fellow Forty minutes late III Novels, stories and sketches v 18 Forty minutes late Scrib M 44:218 Gentle art of dining. See Smith, F. H. Wherein the gentle art of dining, etc. Gentleman vagabond III Novels, stories and sketches v 3 Gentleman vagabond Cent 48:768 Gentleman's gentleman III Novels, stories and sketches v 18 Forty minutes late Girl in a steamer chair. See Smith, F. H. With special reference to a girl in a steamer chair. Griffin's story. See Smith, F. H. Club chestnuts warmed over Gypsy dance near Granada In Novels, stories and sketches v i 1 1 is last cent III Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Homo In Novels, stories and sketches v 18 I-'orty minutes late Hutcliins In Novels, stories and sketches v 8 Day at Laguerre's In and out of a cab in Amsterdam 111 Novels, stories and sketches v i In which Boggs becomes dramatic and re- lates a tale of woe III Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood fire in No. 3 In which certain details regarding a lost opal are set forth In Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood fire in No. 3 In which Madame la Marquise binds up broken heads and bleeding hearts In Arm-chair at the inn In which Murphy and Lonnegan introduce some mysterious characters /;; Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood fire in No. 3 In wliich_ our landlord becomes both en- tertaining and instructive //; Arm-chair at the inn In which the difference between a canni- bal and a freebooter is clearly set forth //( Arm-chair at the inn In which the habits of certain ghosts, goblins, bandits and other objection- able persons are set forth In Arm-chair at the inn In which we entertain a jailbird III Arm-chair at the inn John Sandars, laborer In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Gentleman vagabond Harper 90: 344 Jonathan In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Gentleman vagabond Cosmopol 19: 654 Kentucky Cinderella In Novels, stories and sketches v 3 Other fellow Patten, W. International sliort sto- ries V I Knight of the legion of honor /;; Novels, stories and sketches v i Gentleman vagabond Cent 45: 223 Lady of Lucerne In Novels, stories and sketches v i Gentleman vagabond Cent 50: 284 List of starboard III Novels, stories and sketches v 18 Forty minutes late Scril) M 46: 198 Little gray lady In Novels, stories and sketches v 18 Forty minutes lat* Long Jim In Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog 296 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Smith, Francis Hopkinson— Co«/j)i»r(/. Loretta of the ship yard In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady Mac dilates on the human side. See Smith, F. H. Wherein Mac dilates, etc. Man from Troy In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Man in the high-water boots In Novels, stories and sketches v 18 Forty minutes late Scrib M 41: 641 Marny's shadow In Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Medal of honor In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 At close range Ladies' H J 22: Ja p 11 Miss BufTum's new boarder In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady Miss Jennings's companion In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady Miss Murdock — "special" In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady. Muffles — the bar-keep In Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Muggles's supreme moment In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady My new language In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 "Never had no sleep" In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Other fellow Night out In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 At close range Scrib M 34:307 No respector of persons In Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Cosmopol 32:601; 33:62 Old-fashioned gentleman. See Smith, F. H. Romance of an old-fashioned gentle- man Old Sunshine In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 Delin 64: 950 One of Bob's tramps In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Other fellow Opal. See Smith, F. H. In which certain details about a lost opal are set forth Owl's story. See Smith, F. II. Club chest- nuts warmed over Parthenon by way of Papendrcciit In Novels, stories and sketches v 18 Forty minutes late Scrib M 45: 384 Peter Griggs. See vSmith, F. H. Beguil- ing of Peter Griggs Plain Fin — paper-hanger In Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Point of honor In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 At close range Pot of jam In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 At close range Procession of umbrellas //; Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Scrib M 33: 411 El puerta del vino In Novels, stories and sketches v i Rajah of Bungpore In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 At close range Romance of an old fashioned gentleman In Novels, stories and sketches v 15 Romance of an old-fashioned gentle- man Ladies' H J 23: Jl p 7; Ag p 9; S p 13; O p 17; N p 17 Sam Joplin's epigastric nerve In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Sam Joplin's epigastric nerve Veiled lady Sammy In Novels, stories and sketches v 10 Under dog Simple folk In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 Six hours in Squantico In Novels, stories and sketches v 3 Day at Laguerre's Harper 81: 139 Soldo of the Castellani In Novels, stories and sketches v 11 At close range Susie Ann. See Smith, F. H. Captain Joe and the "Susie Ann" "Tincter ov iron" In Novels, stories and sketches v 7 Other fellow Up a belfry in Bavaria In Novels, stories and sketches v i Veiled lady of Stamboul In Novels, stories and sketches v 14 Veiled lady Scrib M 40: 672 Veranda in the Alcazaria In Novels, stories and sketches v i Water-logged town in Holland In Novels, stories and sketches v i Other fellow Wherein Mac dilates on the human side of "His worship, the chief justice," and his fellow dogs In Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood fire in No. 3 Wlierein the gentle art of dining is vari- ously described /;/ Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood In-c in No. 3 Why IMignon went to market In Arm-cliair at the inn With a detailed account of a dangerous footpad /;( Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood iire in No. 3 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 297 With a dissertation on round pegs and square holes /)( Arm-chair at the inn With especial reference to a girl in a steamer chair In Novels, stories and sketches v 12 Wood fire in No. 3 With special reference to a certain colony of penguins In Arm-chair at the inn Woman's way In Arm-chair at the inn Wood-tire and its friends In Arm-chair at the inn Smith, H. Picnic party In Johnson, R. Little classics v 9 Smith. Henry, O. Smith administration. Kipling, R. Smoke of Manila. Kipling, R. Smoke or fire? French, A. W. Smoked skipper. Jacobs, W. W. Smoking-car; a farce. Howells, W. D. Smoothing of the hand. Sharp, W. Smugglers. Connolly, J. B. Smugglers of the Clone. Crockett, S. R. Snapshot at the President. Henry, O. Snipe. Maupassant, G. de Snorkey Timms, his marks. Morrison, A. Snow-ball. Dumas, A. Snow-bound at Eagles. Harte, B. Snow fort on Slatter's Hill. Aldrich, T. B. Snow idyll. Black, W. Snow-image. Hawthorne, N. Snow man. Henry, O. Snow-storm. Phillpotts, E. Snow-storm. Pushkin, A. S. Snow-storm. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Lost on the steppe Snow-storm. Wilson, J. Snow-storm in the tropics. Stockton, 1^. K. Snow, the crow, and the blood. MacManus, S. Snow-white and rose-red. Wyatt, E. F. Snow-white goat and the coal-black sheep. Harris, J. C. Snowball. Weyman, S. J. So on he fares. Moore. G. Sociable at Dudley's. Garland, H. Social see-saw. Merrick, L. Social triangle. Henry, O. . , „ ^ „, Society of the guillotine. Sec Mitchell, S. W. Guillotine club Sociology in serge and straw. Henry, O. Socrates invents a new sin. Bacheller, I. A. Socrates to the rescue. Bacheller, I. A. Solange: Dr. Ledru's story of the reign of terror. Dumas, A. Soldier of the empire. Page, T. N. Soldier of the Lord. Watson, J. Soldier's dreams. Zola, E. Soldier's mother. Huneker, J. G. Soldo of the Castellani. Smith, F. H. Solid gold reef company, limited. Besant, W. Solid Muldoon. Kipling, R. Solitaries. Heyse, P. J. L. Solitary. Bremer, F. Solitary. Cable, G. W. Solitary. Freeman, M. E. W. Solitary of Juan Fern'andez; or. The real Robinson Crusoe. Saintine, J. X. B. Solitude. Maupassant, G. de Solitude. Mikhael, E. Solo orchestra. Matthews, J. B. Soloist of Center Pond. Bacheller, I. A. Solomon. Woolson, C. F. Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets. Stuart, R. M. Solution. James, H. Some advice to a colored brother. Harris, J. C. . . -o Some emotions and a blunder. Craigie, P. M. T. Some good intentions and a blunder. Craigie, P. M. T. Some learned fables for good old boys and girls. Clemens, S. L. Some letters. Henry, O. Some old families. Smith, A. C. Some parishioners. Moore, G. Some postscripts. Henry, O. Some wanderings of Zaida in her garden. Crockett, S. R. Some words with a mumrny. Poe, E. A. Somebody's luggage. Dickens, C. Somerset's adventure: The superfluous man- sion. Stevenson, R. L. Something in it. Stevenson, R. L. Something on her mind. Freeman, M. E. W. Son. Maupassant, G. de^ Son-in-law. Bangs, J. K. Son of his father. Kipling, R. Son of Liszt. Huneker, J. G. Son of seven queens. Jacobs, J. Son of a sheik. Norris, F. Son of the gods. Biercc, A. Son of the sun. London, J. Son of the wilderness. Parker, G. Son of the wolf. London, J. Son of the woods. Pangborn, G. W. Song and the savage. Davis, C. B. Song and the sergeant. Henry, O. Song of a shirt. Cutting, M. S. Song of love triumphant. Turgenev, I. S. Song of Miriam. Corelli, M. Song of the comforter. A'Becket, J. J. Song of the morrow. Stevenson, R. L. Song of the swan. Ohnet, G. Song of the sword. Sharp. W. Song that sold. Loomis, C. B. Sonnie-boy's people. Connolly, J. B Sonny, a Christmas guest. Stuart, R. M. Sonny's christenin'. Stuart, R. AI. Sonny's diploma. Stuart, R. M. Sonny's "keepin' company. Stuart, K. M. Sonny's schoolin'. Stuart, R. M. Son's son. Donnell, A. H. Son's veto. Hardy, T. Sore tongue. Taylor, J. Sorrow and joy. Harraden, B. Sorrow of a settler. Warman, C. Sorrow of an old convict. Viaud, J. Sorrow on the wind. Sharp, W. Sorrowful guest. Jewett, S. O. Soul above buttons. Kelly, M. Soul of a tree. French, A. W. Soul of the Great Bell. Hearn, L. Soul of the newly-born. Corelli, M. Soul of W^illiam Jones. Comer, C. A. Souls belated. Wharton, E. Soul's debt. Brown, A. 298 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Souls in purgator3\ Merimee, P. Sound and fury. Henry, O. Sound morality. Hogg, J. Sound of the grinding. Benson, E. F. Source. Van Dyke, H. Sous-prefet alield. See Daudct, A. Sub- prefect in the fields Souters of Selkirk. Hogg, J. South breaker. Spofford, H. P. South devil. Woolson, C. F. South Germany. Daudet, A. South of the slot. London, J. Southwest chamber. Freeman, M. E. W. Souvenir. Freeman, INI. E. W. Souvenir de Maupassant. Phillpotts, E. Souvestre, fimile, 1806-1854 Four gifts In Warner library Virgin's god-child In Stories by foreign authors, French V 2 Washerv^'omen of night In Warner library Sow^er. Brown, A. Spanish jade. Hewlett, M. H. Spanish military nun. De Quincej^ T. Spanish Pegg. Catherwood, M. H. Spanish prisoner. Train, A. C. Spanish witches. Merimee, P. Spark neglected, burns the house. See Tol- stoi, L. N. Neglect a fire and it spreads Spasm. Maupassant, G. de Speakin' ghost. Slosson, A. T . Spears, John Randolph, 1850- Port of missing ships In Stories of the sea (Stories from Scribner) Scrib M 4: 610 Special constable. Reade, C. Special messenger. Chambers, R. W. Special type. James, H. Specimen Jones. Wister, O. Speck of the lens. Bangs, J. K. Spectacles. Poe, E. A. Spectral collie. Peattie, E. W. Spectral mortgage. Stockton, F. R. Spectre. Maupassant, G. de Spectre bridegroom. Irving, W. Spectre cook of Bangletop. Bangs, J. K. Spectre in the cast. Page, T. N. Spectre of folly. Thanet, O. Spectre's dilemma. Phillpotts, E. Speech of deeds. Overton, G. Speech of the evening. Matthews, J. B. Spellbinder. Thanet, O. Spelling book Ben. Lewis, A. FI. Speug. Watson, J. Sphinx. Poe, E. A. Sphinx without a secret. Wilde, O. Sphynx apple. Henry, O. Spider's eye. Hale, L. P. Spilled milk. Long, J. L. Spin of the coin. Hornung, E. W. Spinner of silence. Huneker, J. G. Spinners. See Grimm, J., and Grimm, \V. Three spinners Spinster. Hichens, R. S. Spinster's maying. Quiller-Coiich, A. T. Spinthariscope. Train, A. C. Spiral road. Huneker, J. G. Spirit in the pipe. Fernald, C. B. Spirit of an Illinois town. Catherwood M. H. Spirit of avarice. Jacobs, W. W. Spirit of Cecelia Anne. Kelly, M. Spirit of fasting and Fetter Nord. Lager- lof, S. Spirit of revolution. Duncan, N. Spirit of Sweetwater. Garland, H. Spirit of the dance. Hawthorne, J. Spirits seen and unseen. Harris, J. C. Spit-cat creek. Wister, O. Spite fence. Singmaster, E. Split zephyr. Beers, H. A. Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott) (Mrs. Richard Spofford), 1835- Amber gods /;; .-Vmbcr gods Atlan 5:7, 170 Angel in the house In Harper 107: 78 At the Princess Ida's In Lippinc 34: So Best-laid schemes In Scarlet poppy Harper 67: 454 Betty and Thanksgiving In Ind 53:2825 Birthday In Outlook 70: 581 Blossoms for Christmas In Harp B 46: 513 Cap'n Tom's Christmas supper In Outlook 96: 675 Case of nerves In Harper 104: 61 Change of heart In Harper 116: 661 Christmas bells In Ind 51: 3420 Circumstance In Amber gods Clarice In Harp B 36: 15 Colonel's Cliristmas In Old Washington Harper 90: 109 Composite wife In Scarlet poppy Deacon's whistle In Flarper 115: 269 Desert sands In y\mber gods Easter blessing In Outlook 97: 822 Father James In Harper 109: 16 First Mrs. Petersham In liarper 59: 361 Godmothers /;; Warner library Guardian angel /;; Old Washington liarper 94: 941 1 ler eyes are (loves //( Harper uo: 285 Her story /;/ Old madanie and other tragedies Ills mother's New Year In Ind 55: 84 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 299 Ideal /;; Scarlet poppy Idyll of a summer night In Ind 54: 2006 In a cellar In Amber gods Atlan 3: 151 In a conspiracy In Old Washington Inheritance /;; Inheritance John-a-dreams /;; Harper 120: 464 Jolly's father In Harper 115: 761 Knitting sale-socks /;; Amber gods Atlan 7: 138 Little Ben In Atlan 26:309 Little old woman In Old Washington Lost identity In Old madame and other tragedies Lost jewel III Lost jewel Making of a fortune In Making of a fortune Harp B 44: 626, 692; 45: 10, 62, 114 Midsummer and Alay In Amber gods Atlan 6: 544, 674; 7:9 Miss Clementine's Christmas present In Harp B 47: n Miss Mahala and Johnny In Harper 127: 698 Miss Melissa's miracle In Outlook 94: 720 Miss Virginia's Christmas In Harp W 49: 1830 Mr. Van Nore's daughter-in-law In Scarlet poppy Mrs. Bassett and the wedding In Woman's H C 31: Ag p 3, 27 Mrs. Claxton's skeleton In Scarlet poppy Harper 66: 571 Mrs. Varncy's freedom In Harp B 33:918 Mount of sorrow In Stories by American authors v 2 Harper 67: 128 Nancy's southern Christmas In St N 40: 161 Old fiddler In Harper 112: 39 Old madame In Old madame and other tragedies Ordronnaux In Old madame and other tragedies Scrib o s 8: 610, 734 D'Outre mort In Johnson, R. Little classics v 2 Galaxy 2: 516 Priscilla's love-story In Priscilla's love-story Ray In Johnson, R. Little classics v 11 Atlan 13: 19 Rose In Harper 125: 739 Rural telephone In Harper 118: 830 Sacrifice In Atlan 91 : 616 Scarlet poppy In Scarlet poppy South breaker In Amber gods Johnson, R. Little classics v 7 Atlan 9:557, 687 Sharpe 41: 30o; 42: 14 Story of the queen In Atlan 92: 586, 775 Strathsays In Atlan 11:99 Tale of the Trefetheness In Harper 22: 489 Thanksgiving breakfast In Old Washington Harper 91 : 923 That Betty In That Betty Three quiet ladies of the name of Luce In Harper 69: 887 Tragic story of Binns In Scarlet poppy Harper 73:833 Transformation In Manhattan 3: 115, 206 Two in a garden In Harp B 42:552 Uncle Mason's money In Cosmopol 4:15 Under the mistletoe In Cosmopol 2: 201 Village dressmaker In Atlan 97:59 Wages of sin In Old madame and other tragedies Zoe's masterpiece In Harp B 43:795 Spoil of the puma. Parker, G. Spoils of sacrilege. Hornung, E. W. Spook house. Bierce, A. Sport of kings. Lewis, A. H. Sport of the gods. Dunbar, P. L. Sport royal. Hawkins, A. H. Sporting chance. Hopkins, M. S. B. Spread eagle. Morris, G. Sprig of holly. Stockton, F. R. Sprightly heroine. Harbcn, W. N. Sprightly romance of Marsac. Seawell, M. h-. Spring cleaning as told by Queen Cross- patch. Burnett, F. H. Spring flood in Broadway. Matthews, J. B. Spring in a side street. Matthews, J. B. Spring o' the year. Austin, M. H. Spring running. See Kipling, R. In the spring running Spring "Sunday. Jewett, S. O. Springtime. Field, E. Springtime. Goeringer, I. Springtime a la carte. Henry, O. Spur of the moment. Jewett, S. O. Spy. Davis, Richard H. Spy rock. Van Dyke, H. Squall. Duncan, N. Squaring the circle. Henry, O. 300 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Squire. Singmaster, E. Squire Five-Fathom. Bunner, H. C. Squire Hellman. Brofeldt, J. Squire Napper. Morrison, A. Squire of dames. See Stevenson, R. L. Chal- loner's adventure Squire Patrick's ladJ^ Hardy, T. Squire's sixpence. Freeman, M. E. W. Squire's story. Gaskell, E. C. Squirrel. Freeman, M. E. W. Stable boy. Guida Stable of the inn. Page, T. N. Stable perfume. See Maupassant, G. de. Charm of the stable StafT of the "Universe." MacManus, S. Stage coach. Peattie, E. W. Stage on the road. Hav^^kins, A. H. Staircase at the Heart's Delight. Green, A. K. Stake and the plumb-line. Parker, G. Staley Fleming's hallucination. Bierce, A. Stalled train. Wright, M. O. Stan learns to sail. Vorse, M. H. Stand and wait. Hale, E. E. Standardizing Jimmy. Vorse, M. H. Stannon. Phillpotts, E. Stanton coachman. Dunbar, P. L. Star. Wells, H. G. Star-child. Wilde, O. Star in the valley. Craddock, C. E. Star o' Boston. Phillpotts, E. Star of Bethlehem. Kelly, M. Star of the Grasmere. Hornung, E. W. Starlight ranch. King, C. Stars. Daudet, A. Stars: a slumber story. Field, E. Start in life. Balzac, H. de State-house platter. Brown, A. State o' Maine girl. Wiggin, K. D. Station in Nancy Maguire's. MacManus, S. Station-master. Pushkin, A. S. Staying out of Jimsie Bate. Vorse, M. H. Staying power of Sir Rohan. Stockton, F. R. Steam excursion. Dickens, C. Steam tactics. Kipling, R. Steamer child. Singmaster, E. Steed of bells. MacManus, S. Steeple. Freeman, M. E. W. Steinhard pride. French, A. W. Stella Grayland. McKay, J. T. Step on the stair. Thanet, O. Step one. Donnell, A. H. Step-son of knowledge. Mitchell, S. W. Stephen Archer. Macdonald, G. Stephen of Steens. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Stephen Skarridge's Christmas. Stockton, F. R. Stephen Yarrow; a Christmas story. Davis, Rebecca H. Stepmother. Auerbach, B. Stepmother. Dragoumis, J. D. Stepping backwards. Jacobs, W. W. Stern education of clowns. Le Galliennc, R. Sterne, Laurence, 1 713- 1768 Mystery with a moral In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Irish Stetson, Mrs. Grace EUery Channing, 1862- Ashes, dust and nothing In Fortune of a day Backgrounds In Harper 115: 67 Basket of Anita In Sister of a saint Scrib M 8: 199 Beloved In Harper 117: 12 Bonselli's daughter In Fortune of a day Children of the barren In Harper 114: 511 Confusion of idols In Cent 76: 757 Couleur de rose In Sister of a saint Outing 25: 96 Eleventh hour In Harper 121: 293 End of the journey In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M. Under the sunset Harper no: 936 Feast of blue-birds In Fortune of a day Fortune of a day In Fortune of a day Atlan 84: 809 From the veranda In Harper 115: 299 Heart's desire In Harper 125: 71 His senior class day In Collier's 43: My 22 p 18 House on the hilltop In Sister of a saint Stories of Italy (Stories from Scrib- ner) Scrib M 14: T35 Household of felicity In Harper 118: 626 In an even balance In Everybody's 17:78 In the cool of the day In Atlan 103: 25 Keepers of a charge In Harper in: 198 Last cruise of the Stella di Mare In St N 27:881 Lucky number In Sister of a saint Madness of the rector In Land of Sun 4: 175 Marriage question In Harper in: 435 Miss Ellen In Atlan 96: 636 Modern Sapphira In Out West 16:624 Olivia In Harper 104: 875 Oreste's patron In Fortune of a day Other side /;; I larper 108: 240 Personal offering In Harper 113: 531 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 301 Perverse generation In Cent 72:878 Rise of the Vanni In Fortvine of a day Road to Europe /;; Harper 112: 266 Sister of a saint In Sister of a saint Strange dinner-party In Sister of a saint New Eng M n s 2: 44 Thorn that pricked. In Cent 68:877 Time and the hour In Harper 114: 838 Two daughters of one race In Atlan 100: 495 Uccelli with golden voices In Fortune of a day Wise little fool In Fortune of a day Stevens, C. A. Young Moll's Peavy /;( Stories by American authors v 10 Scrib o s 9: 668 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 Other editions have not been separately listed as the volume titles "New Arabian Nights," "Island Nights' Entertainments," etc. indicate the correct volume for practically all editions. Adventure of Prince Florizel and a de- tective In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) VI New Arabian nights Adventure of the hansom cab In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V I New Arabian nights Suicide club Beach of Falesa [Uma] In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) ^4 . Island nights' entertainment Illust. London News July 2-Aug 6, 1892 Body snatcher In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V 8 Pall Mall Gazette, Christmas no. 1884 Bottle imp In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V 4 Island nights' entertainment Black and White Mr 28, Ap 4 1891 Brown box. See Stevenson, R. L. Des- borough's adventure Carthorses and the saddle-horse In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Challoner's adventure: The squire of dames; Story of the destroying angel In [Works] (Thistle) v 3 Dynamiter [More new Arabian nights] Cigar divan. See Stevenson, R. L. Epi- logue and the cigar divan. Prologue of the cigar divan Citizen and the traveller In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Desborough's adventure: The brown box; Story of the fair Cuban In [Works] (Thistle) v 3 Dynamiter [More new Arabian nights] Devil and the inn keeper In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Distinguished stranger In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. See Stevenson, R. L. Strange case of Dr. Jekyll Ebb-tide. See Stevenson, R. L., and Os- bourne, L. Ebb-tide Epilogue of the cigar divan In [Works] (Thistle) v 3 Dynamiter [More new Arabian nights] Faith, half-faith, and no faith at all In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Florizel. See Stevenson, R. L. Adventure of Prince Florizel Four reformers In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables House of Eld In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Isle of voices In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) v4 Island nights entertainment John Amend-all In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) v8 Lodging for the night In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V I Lodging for the night New Arabian nights Stories by English authors, France Warner library Temple Bar 51: 197 Man and his friend In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Markheim In [Works] Novels and talcs (Thistle) V 7 Merry men Thrawn Janet Jessup, A. Best of Stevenson Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Book the short story Mabie. H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 3 Nettleton, G. E. Specimens of the short story Stories by English authors, Scotland Unwin's annual, Christmas no. 1885 302 Stevenson, Robert Louis Merry men /;: [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V 7 Merry men Cornhill 45:676; 46:56 Misadventures of John Nicholson; a Christmas storj' In [Works] Novels and talcs (Thistle) V 8 Misadventures of John Nicholson Narrative of the spirited old lady. Sec Stevenson, R. I.. Somerset's adven- ture Olalla /;; [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V 20 Merry men Court and Societ\^ R Christmas no. 1885 Pavilion on the links Jn [Works] Novels and talcs (Thistle) V I New^ Arabian nights H"av\^thorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English- Scotch _ Cornhill 43: 307, 430 Penitent III [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Persons of the tale In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Poor thing /;; [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Prologue of the cigar divan In [Works] (Thistle) v 3 Dynamiter Providence and the guitar In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V I New Arabian nights Mabie. H. W.. and Strachey. L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 2 Rajah's diamond In [Works] Novels and talcs (Thistle) v I New Arabian nights Reader In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Sick man and the fireman In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Sinking ship In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 I-'ables Sire de Maletroit's door //( [Works] Novels and talcs (Tiiistle) v I New Arabian nights Sire de Maletroit's door INDEX TO SHORT STORIES C(y:tiinicd. Canby, H. S. Study of the short story Patten, W. International short sto- ries V 2 Temple Bar 52: 53 Somerset's adventure: The superfluous mansion; Narrative of the spirited old lady; Zero's tale of the explosive bomb In [Works] (Thistle) v 3 Dynamiter [More new .Arabian nights] Something in it In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Song of the morrow /;; [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables S(|nire of dames. Sec Stevenson, R. L. Challoner's adventure Story of a lie In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) v3 Liv Age 143: 401 New Quar R O 1870 Story of the bandbox /;; [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V I New Arabian nights Story of the destroying angel. See Steven- son, R. L. Challoner's adventure Story of the fair Cuban. See Stevenson, R. L. Desborough's adventure Story of the house with the green blinds In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) v I New Arabian nights Story of the physician and the Saratoga trunk /;; [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) v I New Arabian nights Suicide club Story of the young man in holy orders /;; [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) v I New Arabian nights Story of the young man with the cream tarts In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V I New Arabian nights Suicide club Strange case of Dr. Jckyll and Mr. Hyde /;; [Works] Novels and talcs (Thistle) V 7 Merrj' men Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Suicide club /;/ [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V I New Arabian nights Suicide club Superfluous mansion. Sec Stevenson, R. L. Somerset's adventure INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 303 Tadpole and the frog In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Thrawn Janet In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) ^- 7 Merry men Thrawn Janet Stories by English authors, Scotland Cornhill 44: 436 Touchstone In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables McClure 6: 300 Tragedy of the great North Road In Cosmopol 20: 147, 289 Treasure of Franchard In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V 7 Merry men Liv Age 157: 713; 158: 563, 601 Longman's i: 672; 2: 83 Two matches hi [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Uma. See Stevenson, R. L. Beach of Falesa Weir of Hermiston In [Works] Novels and talcs (Thistle) V I Weir of Hermiston Will o' the mill /;/ [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) V 7 Merry men Will o' the mill Yellow paint In [Works] Letters and miscellanies (Thistle) V 20 Fables Zero's story of the explosive bomb. See Stevenson, R. L. Somerset's adven- ture Stevenson, R. L., and Osbourne, L. Ebb-tide In [Works] Novels and tales (Thistle) VII Ebb-tide McClure 2: 243; 3: 89 Stevenson, R. L., and others Object of pity; or, The man Haggard In Object of pity Stickit minister's love story. Crockett, S. R. Stiff condition. Whitaker, H. Still waters. See Wyatt, E. F. Shallow spirit of judgment Stimson, Frederic Jesup (J. S. of Dale, pseud.), 185s- Mrs. Knollys In Stories by American authors v 2 Cent 27: 146 Stinging lizard. Lewis, A. H. Stirring ofif. Catlierwood, M. H. Stitch in time. Duncan, N. Stockton, Francis Richard, 1834- 1902 Absent-minded botanist /;; Tales out of school Accommodating circumstance In Clocks of Rondaine Queen's museum Amos Kilbright /;; Novels and stories v 17 Amos Kilbright As one woman to another In Novels and stories v 16 Story-teller's pack Asaph In Novels and stories v 16. Chosen few Watchmaker's wife Cosmopol 13: 91 Baker of Barnbury In Novels and stories v 15 Rudder Grangers abroad Banished king In Novels and stories v 17 Bee-man of Orn Battle of the third cousins In Novels and stories v 17 Bee-man of Orn Bee-man of Orn In Novels and stories v 17 Bee-man of Orn Fanciful tales Queen's museum Bim. See Stockton, F. R. Castle of Bim Bishop's ghost and the printer's baby /;; Novels and stories v 17 Story-teller's pack Blackgum ag'in Thunder In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Cent 63: 248 Borrowed month In Novels and stories v 15 Stockton's stories v 2 Cent 31: 537, 730 Bron and Kruge In Tales out of school Buller-Podington compact In Novels and tales v 19 Bushwhacker nurse In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Cosmopol 27: 384 Captain Eli's best ear; a Christmas story In Novels and stories v 18 Magic cg^ Story-teller's pack Cent 51: 227 Castle of Bim In Floating prince Cat and the rill In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Christmas before last /;; Novels and stories v 17 Bee-man of Orn Queen's museum Christmas shadrach In Novels and stories v 17 Watchmaker's wife Cent 43: 177 Christmas truants /;; Clocks of Rondaine Fanciful tales Queen's museum 304 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Stockton, Francis Richard— Con tinned . Christmas wreck /;; Novels and stories v i8 Magic egg Stockton's stories v 2 Clocks of Rondaine /;/ Novels and stories v 17 Clocks of Rondaine l-'anciful tales Queen's museum Cloverfield's carriage In Novels and stories v t6 Stockton's stories v 2 Cent 31: 389 Colonel Myles's adventures in Africa anc! India /;/ Tales out of school "Come in. New^ Year" In Novels and stories v 19 Conscious Amanda In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Cosmopol 29: 185 Curious history of a message //; Clocks of Rondaine Derelict In Novels and stories v 15 Rudder Grangers abroad Derido: or, The giant's quilt In Floating prince Discourager of hesitancy In Novels and stories v 15 Stockton's stories v 2 Cent 30: 482 Dusky philosophy [i. Story of seven dev- ils; 2. Grandison's quandary] In Amos Kilbright Emergenc}" mistress In Floating prince Euphemia among the pelicans /;; Novels and stories v 8 Rudder Grangers abroad Cent 23: 606 Fate dominant In Atlan 55:535 Floating prince /;( Floating prince Fool-hardy Carl Hofer, and the water- lady In Tales out of school I'oreign prince and the hermit's daughter In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Fortunate opening In Clocks of Rondaine Ghosts in my tower In Novels and stories v 19 Gilded idol and the King Conch-shell In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Governor general In Novels and stories v 19 Grandison's quandary. Sec Stockton, F. R. Dusky philosophy Great show in Kobolland In Clocks of Rondaine Great staircase at Landover Hall In Novels and stories v ig Great war syndicate In Novels and stories v 6 Great war syndicate Grififin and the minor canon In Novels and stories v 17 of Orn Fanciful talcs Gudra's daughter In Floating prince Her lover In Lippinc 33:355 His wife's deceased sister In Novels and stories v 18 Chosen few Lady or the tiger? Magic egg Stockton's stories v i Cent 27: 463 How the aristocrats sailed away; a sequel to The floating prince 1)1 Floating prince How three men went to the moon In Tales out of school Huckleberry In Floating prince In the southeast bastion In Harper 64: 279 Iturim and his fortunes In Tales out of school John Gayther and the galleon In Cosmopol 27: 183 John Gayther's garden In Novels and stories v 19 John Gayther's garden Jolly Cabordmen In Tales out of school Knife that killed Po Hancy In -Novels and stories v 6 Great war syndicate Watchmaker's wife Lady in the box In John Gayther's garden Cosmopol 27: 625 Lady, or the tiger? In Novels and stories v 15 Chosen few Lady, or the tiger? Stockton's stories v i Ridpath's library universal literature Cent 25:83 Cent 85:534 Landsman's tale In Novels and stories v 19 Love before breakfast In Novels and stories v 18 Magic egg Story-teller's pack Maghar's leap In Tales out of school Magic egg In Novels and stories v 18 Magic egg Story-teller's pack Cent 48: 290 Magician's daughter and the high-born boy In Floating prince INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 305 Merry Chanter hi Novels and stories v 2 Merry Chanter Cent 39:42 Mr. Tohnan In Novels and stories v 18 Lady, or the tiger? Magic egg Stockton's stories v I Harper 61: 371 My balloon hunt III Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Ladies' H J: 19 Mr p 5 My bull-calf hi Novels and stories v 16 Stockton's stories v 2 Harper 69: 284 My terminal moraine In Novels and stories v 15 Watchmaker's wife My translatophone In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Harp B 33: 1612, 1678 My unwilling neighbor In Novels and stories v 18 Magic egg Story-teller's pack Eng Illust 16: 402 McClure 8: 154 My well and what came out of it In Novels and stories v 18 Magic egg Story-teller's pack Old Applejoy's ghost In Novels and stories v 19 Old pipes and the dryad In Novels and stories v 17 Eee-man of Orn Chosen few Fanciful tales Queen's museum Our archery club In Novels and stories v 18 Lady, or the tiger? Magic egg Stockton's stories v i Scrib o s 18: 542 Our story In Novels and stories v 15 Lady, or the tiger? Stockton's stories v i Cent 26: 762 Philopena In Novels and stories v 17 Bee-man of Orn Queen's museum Philosophy of relative existences In Novels and stories v 17 Chosen few Watchmaker's wife Cent 44: 536 Piece of red calico In Novels and stories v 18 Chosen few Lady, or the tiger? Magic egg Stockton's stories v i Plain fishing In Novels and stories v 16 Amos Kilbright Polargno. See Stockton, F. R. Story of Polargno Pomona and Jonas tell a story In Cent 61 : 120 Pomona takes the helm at Rudder Grange In Scrib o s 16: 407 Pomona's bridal trip In Scrib o s 17: 692 Pomona's daughter In Novels and stories v 8 Rudder Grangers abroad Cent 26: 20 Prince Hassak's march In Novels and stories v 17 Bee-man of Orn Queen's museum Queen's museum In Novels and stories v 17 Bee-man of Orn Queen's museum Reformed pirate In Floating prince Remarkable wreck of the "Thomas Hyke" In Novels and stories v 16 Chosen few Stockton's stories v 2 Cent 28:587 Reverend Ezekiel Crump In Watchmaker's wife Reversible landscape In Amos Kilbright Cent 28: 434 Romance of a mule-car In Novels and stories v 19 Rudder Grangers in England In Novels and stories v 8 Rudder Grangers abroad Cent 25: 404 Sailor's knot In Novels and stories v 19 Skipper and El Capitan In Novels and stories v 19 Snow-storm in the tropics In Tales out of school Spectral mortgage In Novels and stories v 15 Lady, or the tiger? Stockton's stories v i Cent 25:553 Sprig of holly In Floating prince Staying power of Sir Rohan In Novels and stories v 18 Magic egg Story-teller's pack Scrib o s 18: 745 Stephen Skarridge's Christmas In Story-teller's pack Scrib o s 3: 279 Stories of the three burglars In Novels and stories v 6 Great war syndicate Stories of three burglars Story of assisted fate In Novels and stories v 16 Stockton's stories v 2 Atlan 55:58 3o6 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Stockton, Francis Richard— C(>;//!»»rrf. Story of Polargno In Talcs out of school Story of seven devils. See Stockton, F. R. Dusk^• philosophj' Story of Viteau hi Story of Viteau Story-spoiler /;; Ind 52: 1168 Struck by a boomerang In Novels and stories v 19 Tale of negative gravity In Novels and stories v 16 Chosen few Stockton's stories v 2 Cent 29: 13s That same old coon In Novels and stories v 15 Lady, or the tiger? Stockton's stories v i Scrib o s 16: 213 Tom Reynolds and Moriyama In Talcs out of school Transferred ghost In Novels and stories v 15 Chosen few Lady, or the tiger? Stockton's stories v i Stories by American authors v 2 Cent 24: 43 Tricycle of the future In Clocks of Rondaine L^^nhistoric page In Novels and stories v 16 Stockton's stories v 2 Vice-consort In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Scrib M 28: 642 Vizier of the two-horned Alexander In Novels and stories v 13 Voyage to the lower Amazon In Tales out of school Watchmaker's wife In Novels and stories v 15 Watchmaker's wife National R (Lond) 21:240 Water-devil In Novels and stories v 11 Rudder Grangers abroad Scrib M 9: 108, 157 What I found in the sea In Novels and stories v 21 John Gayther's garden Widow's cruise In Novels and stories v 18 Magic egg Story-teller's pack Patten, W. International sliort sto- ries V I Wonderful adventures of Gutcfundus In Tales out of school Wonderful ash tree In Tales out of school Stockton, Louise, 1838- Kirby's coals of fire In Stories by American autliors v 7 Stockwell's apple-paring bee. JMceman, M. E. W. Stoddard, Charles Warren, 1843-1909 Chumming with a savage In Johnson, R. Little classics v 17 Stoddard, Elizabeth Drew Barstow (Mrs. Richard Henry Stoddard), 1823-1902 Osgood's predicament /;; Stories l)y American authors v 8 Stolen bacillus. Wells, H. G. Stolen Blcnkinsop. Morrison, A. Stolen body. Wells, H. G. Stolen Christmas. Freeman, M. F. W. Stolen cigar case,' by A. Co-n D-le. Harte. B. Stolen dream. Le Gallienne, R. Stolen festival. Brown, A. Stolen mask; or. The mysterious cash-box. A story for a Christmas fireside. Collins, W. Stolen mirror. Le Gallienne, R. Stolen story. Williams, J. L. Stolen Stradivarius. Harrison, C. C. Stolen treasure. Pyle, H. Stolen white elephant. Clemens, S. L. Stone. Parker, G. Stone man. Strindberg, J. A. Stone pine. Keats, G. Stony head. Slosson, A. T. Stop gap. Peattie, E. W. Stop-over at Tyre. Garland, H. Stories for children. See Tolstoi, L. N. Scenes from common life Stories of a railroad king. Bacheller, I. A. Stories of my dogs. Tolstoi, L. N. Stories of Red Hanrahan. Yeats, W. B. Stories of the three burglars. Stockton, F. R. Stories three. By R-dy-d K-pl-g. Ilarte, B. Storm. Hearn, L. Storm. Keats, G. Storming of Chapultepec. Janvier, T. A. Storming of the redoubt. See Merimee, P. Taking of the redoubt Story. Hibbard, G. A. Story about the little rabbits. Harris, J. C. Story for the reformation of poker players. Barr, R. Story from Halstanes. Lagerlof, S. Story from Jerusalem. Lagerlof, S. Story in it. James, H. Story in white. Leclercq, P. Story of a ball-dress. Halevy, L. Story of a blind horse. Harris, J. C. Story of a blue vein. Boyesen, H. H. Story of a conscience. Bierce, A. Story of a country house. Lagerlof, S. Story of a courtship. Weyman, S. J. Story of a crayon-head. Ouida Story of a day. King, G. E. Story of a dog. Maupassant, G. dc Story of a failure. Jordan, E. G. Story of a farm girl. Maupassant, G. de Story of a Hy. FIcarn, L. Story of a grave. White, W. A. Story of a great grandfather. Hibbard, G. A. Story of a great week. Dyar, M. Story of a licart. Hroubetzkoy, A. C. Story of a jockey. Davis, Richard H. Story of a king. See Kipling, R. Smith ad- ministration Story of a lie. Stevenson, R. L. Story of a man of business. Moulton, L. C INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 307 Story of a mine. Harte, B. Story of a New York house. Banner, H. C. Story of a pheasant. Hearn, L. Story of a shadow. Davis, Rebecca, H. Story of a silk dress. Kirk, E. O. Story of a story. Lagerlof, S. Story of a story. Matthews, J. B. Story of a valentine. Eggleston, E. Story of a waj^side inn. Wyatt, E. F. Story of a white blackbird. Musset, A. dc Story of a year. James, H. Story of Aaron. Harris, J. C. Story of Abe. Brown, A. Story of Alcazar. Foote, M. H. Story of Aladdin; or, The wonderful lamp. Sec .\rabian nights Story of an Englishman. Warman, C. Story of an obstinate corpse. Peattie, E. W. Story of an old soul. Magruder, J. Story of an outcast. Boyesen, H. H. Story of Aoyagi. Hearn, L. Story of Aqua Pura. White, W.A. Story of Arnon. Troubetzkoj', A. C. Story of assisted fate. Stockton, F. R. Story of Bertha. See Maupassant, G. de. Bertha Story of Beyond the sea. Marie de France Story of Charles Harris. Page, T. N. Story of Chugoro. Hearn, L. Story of Cupid and Psyche. Apuleius Story of Davidson's eyes. Wells, H. G. Story of Donacha Laidir. MacManus, S. Story of engine 107. Warman, C. Story of Frithiof the Bold. Morris, W. Story of good Queen Bess. Hogg, J. Story of Greece. Serao, M. Story of Gunnlaug the worm-tongue and Raven the skald. Morris, W. Story of his life. Davis, C. B. Story of Ignatius the almoner. Viele, H. K. Story of Ito Norisuke. Hearn, L. Story of Jees Uck. London, J. Story of Johnny; or. The Atheist and the Sage. Voltaire, F. M. de A. Story of Jubal who had no "T." See Strind- berg, J. A. Jubal sans ego Story of Keesh. London, J. Story of Kogi the priest. Hearn, L. Story of Kwashin Koji. Hearn, L. Story of La Roche. Mackenzie, H. Story of Lieutenant Erguoflf. Turgeneff, I. S. Story of little Mary Whitlow. Freeman, M. E. W. Story of Mary Ancel. Thackeray, W. M. Story of Mimi-Nishi-Hoichi. Hearn, L. Story of Ming-Y. Hearn, L. Story of Miss Pi. Ralph, J. Story of Muhammad Din. Kipling, R. Story of O-Kame. Hearn, L. Story of O-Tei. Hearn, L. Story of Cello. Hale, E. E. Story of Patsy. Wiggin, K. D. Story of Polargno. Stockton, F. R. Story of Prince Fairyfoot. Burnett, F. H. Story of Rhodope. Morris, W. [Edgar] Story of St. Joseph's ass. Verga, G. Story of Sanehat In Warner library Story of Setna /;( \\'arner library Story of seven devils. Stockton, F. R. Story of the Alcazar. Foote, M. H. Story of the bad little boy. Clemens, S. L. Story of the bandI)ox. Stevenson, R. L. Story of the bandit chieftan. Irving, W. Story of the beetle hunter. Doyle, A. C. Story of the big timber. Bacheller, I. A. Story of the black doctor. Doyle, A. C. Story of the Brazilian cat. Doyle, A. C. Story of the Caliph stork. Haufif, W. Story of the choices. Cabell, J. B. Story of the club-footed grocer. Doyle, A. C. Story of the days to come. See Wells, H. G. Ways of the city Story of the deluge. Harris, J. C. Story of the destroying angel. See Steven- son, R. L. Challoner's adventure Story of the dry leaves. Remington, F. Story of the fair Cuban. See Stevenson, R. L. Desborough's adventure Story of the forty-six. Hogg, J. Story of the fox-brush. Cabell, J. B. Story of the Gadsbys. Kipling, R. Story of the glittering plain. Morris, W. Story of the good little boy. Clemens, S. L. Story of the great hail-gamble. Maartens, M. Story of the heritage. Cabell, J. B. Story of the Highlands. White, W. A. Story of the house with the green blinds. Stevenson, R. L. Story of the housewife. Cabell, J. B. Story of the inexperienced ghost. Wells, H. G. Story of the late Mr. Elvesham. Wells, H. G. Story of the Latin quarter. Burnett, F. H. Story of the lime-burner. Parker, G. Story of the lost special. Doyle, A. C. Story of the man with the matches. Doyle. A. C. Story of the Navaresse. Cabell, J. B. Story of the other wise man. Van Dyke, H. Story of the physician and the Saratoga trunk. Stevenson, R. L. Story of the pigs. Harris, J. C. Story of the planchette. Moulton, L. C. Story of the queen. Spoflford, H. P. Story of the rat-trap. Cabell, J. B. Story of the river. Harris, J. C. Story of the St. Gotthard. Strindberg, J. A. Story of the satraps. Cabell, J. B. Story of the scabbard. Cabell, J. B. Story of the sealed room. Doyle, A. C. Story of the second brother. Barr, R. Story of the sestina. Cabell, J. B. Story of the stone age. Wells, H. G. Story of the tenson. Cabell, J. B. Story of the two brothers III Warner library Story of the unknown church. Morris, W. Story of the vanishing patient. Peattie, E. W. Story of the woods. Mitford, M. R. Story of the young Italian. Irving, W. Story of the young man in holy orders. Stevenson, R. L. Story of the young man with the cream tarts. Stevenson, R. L. 3o8 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Story of tlic young robber. Irving, W. Story of two lives. Schaycr, J. Story of Umetsu Chubei. Hearn, L. Story of Vighund the Fair. Morris, \V. Story of Viteau. Stockton, F. R. Story of Yemilyan and the oniptj' drum. Tolstoi, L. N. Storj'^ of Xanthippe. I'icld, E. Story-spoiler. Stockton, 1'". R. Story-tell Lib. Slosson, A. T. Story-teller at fault. Jacobs, J. Story without an end. Phillpotts, E. Stout Miss Hopkins's bicycle. French, A. Stove. Crane, S. Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, 1811-T896 Art and nature In Writings v 14 * May flower Betty's bright idea In Writings v 14 Betty's bright idea Bull-f^ght 111 Writings v 8 Sam Lawson's Old town fireside stories Captain Kidd's money In Writings v 8 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories Atlan 26: 522 Colonel Eph's shoe-buckles In Writings v 10 Sam Lawbon's Oldtown fireside stories Atlan 26: 424 Coral ring In Writings v 14 May flower Cousin William In Writings v 14 May flower Deacon Pitkin's farm In Writings v 14 Betty's bright idea Dog's mission In Writings v 16 First Christmas of New England In Writings v 14 Betty's bright idea Frankness In Writings v 14 May flower Ghost in the Cap'n Brown house In Writings v 10 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories Ghost in the mill In Writings v 10 Sam I.awson's Oldtown I'lresid ■ stories How to light the devil In Writings v 10 Sam l^awson's Oldt'iwn lire.-i(k' stories Laughin' in nieetin' In Writings v 10 Sam Lawson's Oldtnwn fireside stories Let every man mind his own business In May flower Hogg's Instructor 2:360 Little Edward In Maj' Hower Little Fred, the canal boy In May flower Love vs. law In Writings v 14 Mayflower Lulu's pupil In Writings v 16 Minister's housekeeper /;; Writings v 10 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories Mis' Elderkin's pitcher In Writings v 10 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories New Year's gift III Writings v 14 May flower Our second girl /;: Writings v 8 Atlan 21 : 50 Parson's horse-race III Writings v 10 Atlan 42: 470 Scholar's adventure in the country In Writings v 8 Student's sea story In Writings v 10 Atlan 43: 100 Sullivan looking-glass In Writings v 10 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories Tea-rose /;/ Writings v 14 May flower Godey 24: 145 Tom Toothacre's ghost story In Writings v 10 Two altars In Writings v 4 May flower Uncle Lot In Writings v 14 May flower Widow's bandbox In Writings v 10 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories Atlan 26: 62 Stowing away of Mr. Bill Ballad. Morris, G. Straggler of '15. Doyle, A. C. Straight tip. Gerould, K. F. Strait gate and the broad way. More, H. Strange adventure of Madame Esquollier. Louys, 1*. .Strange i)an(juel. Hangs, J. K. Strange, but true, llawkins, A. 11. Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. .Stevenson, R. L. .Strange companion. Ciorky, M. Strange courtship. Hogg, J. Strange days tliat came to Jimniie Iwiday. Remington, F. Strange dinner-party. Stetson, G. E. C. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 309 Strange experience. Bland, E. N. Strange experience of Alkali Dick. Harte, B. Strange fancy. Maupassant, G. de Strange friend. Hawthorne, J. Strange friend. Taylor, B. Strange heart. Heyse, P. J. L. Strange horse of Loch Suaiiiabhal. Black, W. Strange idyl. Bates, A. Strange invitation. Weyman, S. J. Strange misadventures of an organ. Bangs, J. K. Strange orchid. Wells, H. G. Strange patient. Gibbon, P. Strange philosopher. Zola, E. Strange ride of Morrowbie Jukes. Kipling. R. ^ Strange sail. Jewett, S. O. Strange stories. Henry, O. Strange story. Turgenev, I. S. Strange thoughts of a beggar man. Crock- ett, S. R. Strange traffic. See Maupassant, G. de. Mother of monsters Stranger. Bierce, A. Stranger. Maupassant, G. de Stranger in the village. Freeman, M. E. W. Stranger than fiction. Hearn, L. Stranger within thy gate. Harrison, C. C. Stranger's hut. Parker, G. Stranger's pew. Page, T. N. Strangest thing. Norris, F. Strategy and seamanship. Connolly, J. B. Strathsays. Spofiford, H. P. Strawberries. Tolstoi, L. N. Strawberry girl. Harris, J. C. Strayed. Roberts, C. G. D. Stream that ran away. Austin, M. H. Street of Our lady of the fields. Chambers, R. W. Street of the first shell. Chambers, R. W. Street of the four winds. Chambers, R. W. Street of the Hyacinth. Woolson, C. F. Street scene in Russia. Chekhov, A. P. La Strega. Ouida Strength of Gideon. Dunbar, P. L. Strength of men. Duncan, N. Strength of ten. Cutting, M. S. Strength of the strong. London, J. Stretton, Hesba, pseud. (Hannah Smith), 1841-1911 Michel Lorio's cross In Stories by English authors, France Strictly business. Henry, O. Strike at Glasscock's. Thanet, O. Strike on the Schlafeplatz railroad. Long, J. L. Strindberg, August, i. e. Johan August, 1849- 1912 Asra In Married Attempt at reform In Married Autumn In Married Cur Lit 53: 115 Big gravel screen In Easter . . . and stories In midsummer days Blue wing finds the gold powder In Easter . . . and stones In midsummer days Bread winner In Married Compelled to In iSIarricd Compensation In Married Compulsory marriage In Married Conquering hero and fool In In midsummer days Corinna In Married Creditors /;; Married Doll's house In Married Duel In Married Frictions In Married Golden helmets in the Alleberg In In midsummer days Half a sheet of paper In Easter . . . and stones In midsummer days His servant In Married ^ • ,, t a In midsummer days, ^ee Strindberg, J. A. Midsummertide lubal sans ego [Story of Jubal who had • no'T"] , ^ . In Easter . . • and stones Little Blue wing l^nds the gold povvder. See Strindberg, J. A. Blue wing finds the gold powder Love and bread In Married , Midsummertide [In midsummer daysj In Easter . . ■ and stories In midsummer days c. • ^ Mystery of the tobacco shed ^--j^ btrmd- berg, J. A. Secrets of the tobacco shed Natural obstacle In Married Phoenix In Married Cur Lit 49'-459 Photography and phdosophy In Easter . . • and stories In midsummer days Pilot's troubles In In midsummer days Proliticacy In l\Iarried Romeo and Julia Secreti'ofthe tobacco shed [Mystery of the tobacco shed] In Easter . . • and stories In midsummer days Sleepy-head [Sluggard] In Easter ... and stories In midsummer days ci ^ - Sluggard. See Strindberg, J. A. Sleep>- head Stone man . In Easter . . • and stories 310 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Strindberg, August —Continued. Story of Julial ulio had no "I." See Strindberj?, J. A. Jubal sans ego Story of the St. Gotthard In In midsummer days Unmarried and married In Married Unnatural selection In Married What the tree-swallow sang in the buck- thorn tree In In midsummer days String. See Maupassant, G. de. Piece of string Striped chest. Doyle, A. C. Stroke of business. Reade, C. Stroke of five. Hornung, E. W. Stroke of the hour. Parker, G. Stroll. Maupassant, G. de Strollers in Tiverton. Brown, A. Strolling manager. Irving, W. Strong weakness of Oiney Kittach. Mac- Manus, S. Strongest boy in the whole world. Loomis, C. B. Strongest — who? or which? Harris, J. C. Stronghold. Van Dyke, H. Struck by a boomerang. Stockton, F. R. Struggle for life. Aldrich, T. B. Stuart, Ruth McEnery, 1856- Afterglow In Haunted photograph Harp B 44: 78 Apollo Belvedere In Moriah's mourning Harper 96: 155 Arkansas prophet In In Simpkinsville Aunt Amity's silver wedding In Aunt Amity's silver wedding Cent 78: 260 Aunt Delphi's dilemma In Carlotta's intended Author's reading in Simpkinsville In Cent 60: 612 ^'Blink" In Golden wedding Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Boy In Sonny Cent 49: 624 Bud Zunt's mail; a romance of the Simp- kinsville post-oftice In Carlotta's intended Harper 88: 58 Caesar In Carlotta's intended Camelia Riccardo In Golden wedding New Princeton R 6: 248 Carlotta's intended In Carlotta's intended Lippinc 48: 257 Case in diplomacy In Haunted photograph Christmas at the Trimbles In Moriah's mourning Christmas episode of the plantation In Moriah's mourning Christmas geese /;; Carlotta's intended Christmas gifts In Golden wedding Christmas guest. See Stuart, R. M. Sonny; a Christmas guest Crazy Abe In Golden wedding Deacon's medicine In Moriah's mourning Dividing fence In In Simpkinsville Harper 90: 81 Duke's Christmas In Carlotta's intended Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Easter symbol. A monologue of the plan- tation In Moriah's mourning Egypt 1)1 Second wooing of Salina Sue Harp B Z^: 1109 Frey's Christmas party In Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Gentleman of the plush rocker. See Stuart, R. M. Napoleon Jackson, gentleman of the plush rocker George Washington Jones, a Christmas gift that went a-begging In George Washington Jones Golden wedding In Golden wedding Harper 80: 60 Hair of the dog In Aunt Amity's silver wedding Delin 72'- 680 Haunted photograph In Haunted photograph Harp B 43: 536 Holly and pizen In Holly and pizen Jemima of the seventh floor In Harper 120: 95 Jessekiah Brown's courtship In Golden wedding Harper 84: 933 Lady. A monologue of the cow-pen In Moriah's mourning Lady-baby In St N 30: 124 Lamentations of Jeremiah Johnson In Golden wedding Harper 76: 863 Little Mother Ouackalina In Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Lucindy In Golden wedding Marth' Ann of the evergreens In St N 28:217 May be so /;; Solomon L'row's Christmas pockets Middle hall; a secjuel to The dividing fence In In Simpkinsville Harper 90: 306 Milady In Second wooing of Salina Sue Harper 106: 563 Minervy's valentines In Second wooing of Salina Sue INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 311 Minor chord In Moriah's mourning Misfit Christmas In Cent 69: 226 Miss Jemima's valentine In In Simpkinsville Moriah's mourning In Moriah's mourning Napoleon Jackson, the gentleman of the plush rocker In Napoleon Jackson Cent 63: 409 Nearest of kin In Moriah's mourning Note of scarlet /;( Holly and pizen Cent 58: 134. 250 "Oh, shoutin's mighty sweet In Golden wedding Old Easter In Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Optical dilemma In Moriah's mourning Petty larceny In Aunt Amity's silver weddmg Cent 66: 763 Picayune In Holly and pizen Lippinc 64: 384 Pulpit orator In Moriah's mourning Queen Anne /)( Golden wedding Queen o' Sheba's triumph In Holly and pizen Rev. Jordan White's three glances In Moriah's mourning Romance of Chinkapin castle In Second wooing of Salina Sue Harper 98: 297 Saint Idyl's light In Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Second Mrs. Slimm In Moriah's mourning Second wooing of Salina Sue In Second wooing of Salina Sue Harper 98:49 Slender romance In In Simpkinsville , Cent 51: 462 Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets In Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Sonny, a Christmas guest In Sonny Cent 49: 198 Sonny's christenin' In Sonny Sonny's diploma In Sonny Cent 52:781 Sonny's "keepin' company" In Sonny Cent 52:874 Sonny's schoolin'; a monologue In Sonny Cent 50:931 Thanksgiving on Crawfish Bayou In Aunt Amity's silver wedding Tobe Taylor's April foolishness In Second wooing of Salina Sue Two gentlemen of leisure In Moriah's mourning Two Tims In Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Uncle Ephe's advice to Brer Rabbit In Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets Uncle Mingo's speculations In Golden wedding New Princeton R 51: 121 Uncle Still's famous weather prediction In Holly and pizen Cent 57: 345 Unlived life of little Mary I'Jlen In In Simpkinsville Harper 93: 697 Wealth and riches In Cent 65:949 Weddin' presents In Sonny Weeds In In Simpkinsville Harper 94: 105 Whence and whither In Haunted photograph Widder Johnsing In Golden wedding Warner library Harper 83: 931 Woman's exchange of Simpkinsville In Golden wedding Harper 86: 454 Women: Monologue In Cent 61 : 595 Student of Salamanca. Irving, W. Student's sea story. Stowe, H. B. Studies of animal nature. Taylor, B. Study a la Eouis Quinze. Ouida Study in finance. Train, A. C. Study in optimism. Loomis, C. B. Study in piracy. Bacon, J. D. Study in sociology. Train, A. C. Study in temptations. Craigie, P. M. T. Study of a woman. Balzac, H. de Stuff that stands. Warman, C. Stupid little apple tree. Bangs, J. K. Sub-prefect in the fields. Daudet, A. Substitute. Coppee, F. Substitute. jNIaupassant, G. de Substitute. Payn, J. Substitute. Singmaster, E. Suburban Christmas. Loomis, C. B. Suburban whirl. Cutting, M. S. Successful operation. Zangwill, I. Such a good man. Besant, W. Such stuff as dreams. Matthews, J. B. "Such sweet sorrow." Bates, A. Sudermann, Hermann, 1857- Gooseherd In Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, , L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 4 Sugar pine. Austin, M. H. Suicide. Sedgwick, A. D. Suicide club. Stevenson, R. L. Suicides. Maupassant, G. de Suicides in the Rue Sombre. Merrick, L. Suit case. See Futrelle, J. Lost radium Suit decided. Harrison, C. C. Suitable child. Duncan, N. Suitable surroundings. Bierce, A. Suite homes and their romance. Henry, O. 312 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Sullivan, Thomas Russell, 1849- Anatoniist of the lieart Jit Stories of Italy (Stories from Scrib- ner) Scrib M 10: 153 Sullivan's looking-glass. Stowc, II. V>. Sultan and his three sons (Arabic) III Hawthorne, J. Eibrary niystt-ry and detective stories, Oricnt;il Sultan Stork. Thackeray, W. M. Sultanetta. Dumas, A. Summer Christmas. Maartens, M. Summer clouds. Phillpotts, E. Summer comedy. Bates, A. Summer evening dream. Bellamy, E. Summer in Arcady. Allen, J. L. Summer intimacy. Hibbard, G. A. Summer of St. Martin. Alitchell, S. \V. Sun-dog trail. London, J. Sun-down's higher self. Remington, F. Sun dried. Ferber, E. Sunbeam of the tower. Harraden, B. Sunday outing. See Maupassant, G. de. Sundays of a bourgeois Sundays of a bourgeois. See Maupassant, G. de. Sundays of a Parisian Sundays of a Parisian. Maupassant, G. de Sundown Leflare. Remington, F. Sung in the twilight. Moulton, L. C. Sunken treasure. Hawthorne, N. Sunlanders. London, J. Sunless world. Boyesen, H. H. Sunny southerner. Magruder, J. Sun's sisters. Boyesen, H. H. Sunset of old tales. Sharp, W. Superfluous finger. Futrelle, J. Superfluous mansion. See Stevenson, R. L. Somerset's adventure Supernatural experiences of Patsy Cong. Black, W. Superstitious man's story. Hardy, T. Supper by proxy. Dunbar, P. L. Supplementary chapter. Kipling, R. Supply and demand. Henry, O. Supply at St. Agatha's. Ward, E. S. P. Sur I'eau. Maupassant, G. de Sure test. Cutting, M. S. Sure thing. Tracy, V. Surgeon of Gaster Fell. Doyle, A. C. Surgeon talks. Doyle, A. C. Surgeon's courtship. Mitford, M. R. Surgeon's guest. Wcyman, S. J. Surly Tim; a Lancashire sttjry. Ikirnett, F. H. Surly Tim's trouble. See lUirnett, F. H. Surly Tim Surpassing adventures of Allan Gordon. Hogg, J. Surplus. Duncan, N. Surprising adventures of Master Charles Summcrton. Harte, B. Surrender. Daudct, A. Surrender. Grant, R. Surrender of Professor Seymour. Jordan, E. G. Surrender of Sister Philonicne. Jordan, K. G. Surrenders of Cornwallis. French, A. W. Survivor's story. Hale, E. E. Susan Clegg's cousin Marion. French, A. W. Susan Jane's valentine. l'"recnian, M. IC. W. Susan Lawton's escape. Jackson, 11. II. Susan Yates; or, F"irst going to church. Lamb, C. Susan ne. Grenfell, W. T. Susan's escort. Hale, E. E. "Susie Ann." Sec Smith, F. H. Captain Joe and the "Susie Ann" Suspended animation. Reade, C. Susy: a story of the plains. Harte, B. Svend and his brethren. Morris, \\ . Swastika. Chambers, R. W. Sway-backed house. Chesnutt, C. W. Sweat-shop romance. Cahan, A. Sweet-grass basket. Freeman. M. E. W. Sweet home. Ward, E. S. P. Sweet home road. Ward, K. S. P. Sweet-one-darling and the dream fairies. Field, E. Sweethearts. Doyle, A. C. Sweetness. Catherwood, M. H. Swelling of Jordan, — dialogue. Kipling, R. Swimming shoes. Corelli, M. Sword of light. MacManus, S. Sydney and the jar fairy. Loomis, C. B. Sylph Etheridge. Hawthorne. X. Symbol and the saint. Field, E. Sympathetic part. Duncan, N. Sympathy. Maupassant, G. de Sympathy of Benten. Hearn, L. Sympathy strike. Warman, C. Symphony in coal. Cutting, M. S. Symphony in lavender. Freeman, M. E. W. Symposium. Hawthorne, J. Syrett, Netta Thy heart's desire III Stories by English authors, Orient System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether. Poc, M. A. Tabby's table-cloth. Alcott, L. M. Tables of the law. Yeats, W. B>. Tabu talc. Kipling, R. Tachypomp. Mitchell, E. P. Tadpole and the frog. Stevenson, R. L. Tagalash. Gibbon, P. Tailor's daughter. Maupassant, G. de Tajinia. Mitford, M. R. Taking a rest; monologue. Cutting, M. S. Taking of Captain Ball. Jewett, S. O. Taking of Lungtcnpen. Kipling, R. Taking of Stingaree. Ilornung, E. W. Taking of the redoubt. Merimee, P. Taking possession. Daudct, A. Taking the blue ribbon at the county fair. Craddock, C. E. Tale of a goblin horse. Nott, C. C. Tale of a Salamander. Hale, E. E. Talc of a tainted tenner. Henry, O. Tale of a demon (Sanskrit) /;; Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental Talc of Chloe. Meredith, G. Talc of four white swans. Sharp, W. 'I'ale of liogin and Hedinn. Morris, VV. Tale of how Ivan Ivanovitch quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovitch. Gogol, N. V. Tale of Jerusalem. Poc, E. A. Tale of King Coustans, the emperor. Le (ialliennc, R. Tale of King Coustans, the emperor. Mor- ris. VV. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 313 Tale of King Florus and the fair Jehane. Morris, W. Tale of mere chance. Crane, S. Tale of negative gravity. Stockton, F. R. Tale of old times. ]\Iaupassant, G. de Tale of Fentland. Hogg, J. Tale of Poland. Sigourncy, L. H. Tale of Roi the fool. Morris, W. Tale of the great giant Smokey Pokey. Mitchell, S. W. Tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the kindred of the Mark. Morris, W. Tale of the martyrs. Hogg, J. Tale of the porcelain god. Hearn, L. Tale of the Ragged mountains. Poe, E. A. Tale of the Trefethness. Spofford, H. P. Tale of Thorstein Hat¥-Smitten. Morris, W. Tale of three lions. See Haggard, H. R. Allan the hunter Tale of three truants. Harte, B. Tale of twenty-five hours. Matthews, J. B., and Jessop, G. H. Tale of two burdens. Bacheller, L A. Tale of two dogs. Warman, C. Tale out of season. Singmaster, E. Tale that wouldn't do. Merrick, L. Tales of home. See Taylor, B. Beauty and the beast Talisman. Field, E. Talisman; a parable. Ouida Talk on tap. Loomis, C. B. Talking for life. Eggleston, E. Talking of presentiments. Howells, W. D. Talking saddle. Harris, J. C. Talking-saddle and the thief. Hams, J. C. Talking ships. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Talking wave. Pratt, L. Talks with a kid brother. Williams, J. L. Tall master. Parker, G. Tall woman. Alargon, P. A. de Tallow ball. See Maupassant, G. de. Ball of tallow Tamales. Henry, O. Tamango. Merimee, P. Tambourine. Mitford, M. R. Tameless team. Tracy, V. Tammyshanty. Ward, E. S. P. Tancred, Prince of Salerno. Boccaccio, G. Tangent of a crime. Ward, H. D. Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne, N. Tango taught in ten lessons. Morris, G Tanis, the sang-digger. Troubetzkoy, A. C. Tanjsar tiger. Bates, A. Tannhauser's choice. Huneker, J. G. Taper. See Tolstoi, L. N. Candle Tapestried chamber; or, The lady of the sacque. Scott, W. Tappan, Eva March, 1854- Country where the mice eat iron (adapted. India) In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i:349 Rogue and the simpleton (adapted. India) In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i: 35i Tar-baby. See Harris, J. C. Wonderful tar- baby story Tarbell, Ida Minerva, 1857- He knew Lincoln In He knew Lincoln Am M 63:339 ^ ^^ „ „, Tardy Thanksgiving. Freeman, M. E. VV. Tares. Michclson, M. Targets. Morris, G. Tarkington, Booth, i. e. Newton Booth, 1869- Alicns In In the arena McClure 22: 389 Beautiful lady In Beautiful lady Harper 110: 38, 195 Beesley's Christmas party In Beesley's Christmas party Cosmopol 40: 115 Boss Gorgett In In the arena Everybody's 9: 718 Boy in the air In Cosmopol 55: 585 Brothers of angels In Cosmopol 56: 74 Cherry In Cherry Harper 102: 240, 406 Great men's sons In In the arena Hector In In the arena Everybody's 11: 769 His own people In His own people Lord Jerningham In Everybody's 13: 734 Mrs. Protheroe In In the arena Everybody's 24: 408 Monsieur Beaucaire In Monsieur Beaucaire McClure 14: iS8, 247 Need of money In In the arena McClure 24: 70 Overwhelming Saturday In Cosmopol 55 : 761 Penrod and the pageant In Everybody's 28: 738 Property-man In McClure 25: 412 Tarkus and the imitation liquid air. Loomis, C. B. Tartar captivity. Sienkiewicz, H. Tarts. Peattie, E. W. Task appointed. Gibbon, P. Taste of Bohemia. Bacon, J. D. Taste of honey. Freeman, M. E. W. Tatius, Achilles, 2nd or 3rd century, A. D. Loves of Clitopho and Leucippe In Smith, R. Greek romances Tatyana Borisovna and her nephew. Tur- genev, I. S. Taxidermist. Cable, G. \\ . Taylor, Bayard i. e. James Bayard, 1825- 1878 Beauty and the beast; a story of old Rus- sia [Tales of home] In Beauty and the beast Boys of other countries In Boys of other countries Can a life hide itself? Beauty and the beast 314 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Taylor, Bayard —r();;//)nu^(f. Chiropodist In Patten, W. International short sto- ries V I Experiences of tlie A. C. In Beauty and the beast Friend Eli's daughter In Beauty and the beast Jacob Flint's journcj^ In Beauty and the beast Jon of Iceland /;/ Boys of other countries Little post-boy In Boys of other countries Miss Bartram's trouble In Beauty and the beast Mrs. Strongitharm's report In Beauty and the beast Pasha's son _/;; Boys of other countries Robber region of southern California In Boys of other countries Strange friend In Beauty and the beast Studies of animal nature In Boys of other countries Tales of home. See Taylor, B. Beauty and the beast Twin love In Beauty and the beast Two herd-boys /;; Boys of other countries Who was she? /;; Baldwin, C. S. American short story Young serf hi Boys of other countries Taylor, Jane, 1 783-1824 Discontented pendulum In Edgeworth, M. Waste not, want not Tappan, E. M. Children's hour i: 504 Philosopher's scales In Edgeworth, M. Waste not, want not Sore tongue In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 6: 39 Three November days In Johnson, R. Little classics v 11 Tchekhov, Anton Paviovitch. See Chekhov, A. P. Tchelkache. See Gorky, M. Chelkash Tchelkasch. See Gorky, M. Chelkash Tchertopkhanoff and Nedokiuskin. Tur- genev, I. S. Tea-leaf. Hopkins, M. S. B. Tea-party. Dyar, M. Tea-rose. Stowe, H. B. Teacher M'Queen. Barrie, J. M. Teague Potcet's. See Harris, J. C. At Teague Poteet's Technical error. Henry, O. Tedesco's Rubina. Millet, F. D. Tee-to-tum. Hichens, R. S. Teeth. Vorse, M. H. Teetotal. Maartens, M. Telegraph message. Barr, R. Tclemachus, friend. Henry, O. Tell it again. See Hale, E. E. Aunt Caro- line's present Tell-tale heart. Poe, E. A. Temperance reformer. Harris, J. C. Tempered wind. Henry, O. Tempered wind. Pangborn, G. W. Temple of Bacchus. Hornung, E. W. Temple of Juno. Herrick, R. Temple of Solomon. Hopkins, M. S. B. Temporary dead-lock. Janvier, T. A. Temporary infidelity. Herrick, R. Temporary insanity. Barr, R. Temptation of Brother Ezekicl. Silbcrrad, U. L. Temptation of Friar Gonsol. A story of the devil, two saints and a booke. Field, E. Temptation of St. Antony. Flaubert, G. Temptation of Samuel Burge. Jacobs, W. W. Tempted by the devil Doyle, A . C. Ten dollar bill. McCutcheon, G. B. Ten million a year. Maartens, M. Ten times one is ten. Hale, E. E. Tenant of the old brown house. Moulton, L. C. Tender link. Harben, W. N. Tennessee's partner. Harte, B. Tenor. Bunner, H. C. Tenson. See Cabell, J. B. Story of the ten- son Tenth of January. Ward, E. S. P. Tents of Kedar— dialogue. Kipling, R. Terminal. Cutting, M. S. Terrence Denville. By Ch-l-s L-v-r. Harte, B. Terrible evening. Ward, H. D. Terrible experience of Plodkins. Barr, R. Terrible horse. Harris, J. C. Terrible night. Chekhov, A. P. Terrible night. Hawkins, A. H. Terrible Solomons. London, J. Terribly strange bed. Collins, W. Terror. Maupassant, G. de Terror by night. Benson, E. F. Terror of Blue John gap. Doyle, A. C. Test. Jacobs, W. W. Test. Maupassant, G. de Test. Silberrad, U. L. Test of Elder Pill. Garland, H. Teuffel, Baroness von. See Howard, B. W. Texas Thompson's "election." Lewis, A. H. Texts for woodcuts. Tolstoi, L. N. T'fcrgore. Catherwood, M. 11. Thackeray, William Makepeace, 181 1 -1863 Amours of Mr. Deuceace In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers P.eatrice Merger In Works v 5 Bedford row conspiracy In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Blue-beard's ghost In Works v 13 Johnson, R. Little classics v 9 I'raser 2>^: 413 C'alherine In Works v 4 Eraser 19:604, 694; 20:98, 224: 21: 106, 200 Cox's diary /;; Works v 3 Yellowplush papers INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 315 Denis Duval In Works v 12 Cornhill 9: 257 Harper 28:675, StS; 29:213, 358 Dennis Haggerty's wife III Works V 4 Mabie, H. W.. and Strachcy, L. Little masterpiece? of fiction v 7 Devil's wager In Works v 5 Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluclie, esq., with his letters In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Dr. Birch and his young friends In Works v 9 Dorothea /;/, Works v 3 Fatal boots /;; Works v 3 Fitz-Boodle papers In Works v 4 Fitz-Boodle's confessions In Works v 4 Eraser 25: 707; 26: 43. 395; 27: y6, 465 Flore et Zeph3'r /;/ Works v 9 Gambler's death In Works v 5 Paris sketch-book History of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Hoggarty diamond. Sec Thackeray, W. M. History of Samuel Titmarsh, etc. Kicklebury's on the Rhine In Works v 9 Legend of the Rhine In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Little dinner at Timmins's In Works v 6 Little Poinsinet In Works v 5 Lovel the widower In Works v 12 Cornhill i: 44-652 Harper 20: 383; 21 : 99, 238 Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Men's wives In Works v 4 Eraser 28: 188-494 Miss Lowe. See Thackeray, W. M. Fitz- Boodle's confessions Miss Shum's husband In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry In Works v 4 Mr. Deuceace at Paris In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Patten, W. International short sto- ries V 2 Mr. Yellowplush Ajew In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Mrs. Perkins's ball In Works v 9 Notch on the axe — A story a la mode In Works v 12 Ottilia In Works v 4 Our street In Works v 9 Painter's bargain III Works V 5 Eraser 18:687 Phil Fogarty /;( Burlesques Nettleton, G. E. Specimens of the short story Princess's tragedy (from Barry Lyndon) In Cody, S. Selection from the world's greatest short stories Professor In Works v 13 Ravenswing In Works v 4 Rebecca and Rowena; a romance upon ro- mance In Works v 9 Rose and the ring In Works v 9 Shabby genteel story In Works v 11 Eraser 21:677; 22:90, 226, 399 Story of Mary Ancel In Works v 5 Sultan Stork In Works v 5 Titmarsh, Samuel. See Thackeray, W. M. History of Samuel Titmarsh Tremendous adventures of Major Gahagan In Works v 3 Yellowplush papers Thanet, Octave, pseud (Alice French), 1850- Adventure in Altruria In Stories that end well Angel of his youth In Scrib M 36: 750 Apparition In Cosmopol 37: 155 Assisted providence In Stories of a western town Besetment of Kurt Lieders In Stories of a western town Bewildered president In Harper 100: 326 Beyond the limit In Cosmopol 34: 451 Bishop's vagabond /;; Knitters in the sun Stories by American authors v 7 Atlan 53:26 Brothers Harper 106: 852 By the terror of the law. See French, A. Through the terrors of the law Cabinet organ In Missionary sheriflf Harper 93: 238 Captured dream In Book of true lovers Captured dream Harper 97: 920 Chained to virtue In Harp B 33: 52 3i6 IXDEX TO SHORT STORIES Thanet, Octave— Coutiinicd. Colonial dame In Slave to dutj' Coinniunist's wife III Knitters in the sun Conjured kitchen III Otto the knight Conscience of a business man III Heart of toil Scrib M 24: 310 Court of last resort In Book of true lovers Day of the cyclone In Otto the knight Scrib M 3: 350 Defeat of Amos WicklifT III ]\Iissionary sheriff Harper 94:86 Dilemma of Sir Guy the neuter In Book of true lovers Scrib M 5: 586 Everything in the world In N.ew Eng M n s 23:649 Face of failure /;; Stories of a western town Father Quinnalon's convert III Knitters in the sun Firebug In Harp B 44: 492 First mayor /;; Otto the knight Atlan 64: 611 For all these, thy saints /;; Harp B 38: 1043 Governor's prerogative In Otto the knight Cent 35:555 Greater courage In Cosmopol 39: 125 Half a curse In Knitters in the sun Scrib M i: 15 Harry Lossing /;; Stories of a western town Scrib M 13: 208 Hero of Company G In Stories that end well His duty In Captured dream Missionary sheriff Harper 93: 612 Hypnotist III Missionary sheriff Harper 93: 678 In the headsman's room [n Cosmopol 6:446 Jealous woman In Slave to duty Johnny's job In Heart of toil Scrib M 24: 439 Judgment on Mrs. Smith /;; Jiook of true lovers Ladder of grief In Book of true lovers McClure 7: 214 Last conquest of Mrs. Byrd In Harp B 35: 609 Little lonely girl In Stories that end well Loaf of peace In Otto the knight Lost! Dec. 25th III National M (Bost) 9: 593 "Ma' Bowlin' " /// Knitters in the sun Matter of rivalry /;; Harp B 33:78 I\Iax — or his picture III Stories that end well Scrib M 26:739 Merry Thanksgiving of the burglar and the plumber /;/ Tales from ISIcClure's, Humor McClure 5: S15 Miracle plaj^ III Stories that end well Missionary sheriff III Missionary sheriff Warner library Harper 92: 773 Mrs. Finlay's Elizalicthan chair III Knitters in the sun Cent 27:76s Moment of clear vision In Heart of toil Scrib M 23: 311 Mortgage on Jeffy /;/ Otto the knight Scrib M 2: 473 Mother Emeritus III Stories of a western town My lady's chamber III National M (Bost) 13: 137, 275, 354 Ned Bruce's temper In National I\I (Bost) 11:297 Next room /;; Missionary sheriff Harper 93:945 Non-combatant In Heart of toil Object of the federation /;; Stories that end well Scrib M 30: 239 Ogre of Ha Ha Bay III Knitters in the sun Atlan 56: 505 Old partisan In Stories that end well On the blank side of the wall III Slave to duty Otto the knight /;/ Otto the knight Scrib M 4: 156 Plumb idiot In Otto the knight Scrib M 8: 749 Problem in honor /;; Sla\e to duty Real tiling In Stories that end well Right of the strongest /;/ Scrib M 32: 718 Scab /;; Heart of toil Scrib M ^8:223 Scliopcnh.-uter on Lake Pepin //' Knitters in the sun Sist" ("haney's black silk /// ( )tto the knight INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 317 Slave to duty /;( Slave to duty Spectre of folly In Sci-ib M 9: 5^3 Spellbinder III Stories that end well McClure 8: 529 Step on the stair In Step on the stair Stout Miss Hopkins's liicyclc In Captured dream Stories that end well Howells, W. D., and others. Differ- ent girls Harper 94: 409 Strike at Glasscock's In Book of true lovers Through the terrors of the law III Stories that end well Cent 68:258 To lecture committees only In National M (Bost) 10: 176 Tommy and Thomas In Stories of a western town Town lot No. 1303 III McClure 2:330 Trusty No. 49 In Otto the knight Cent 40: 212 Two old Imnters /„ Vational M (Bost) 7:321 Under lixc shillings In Scrib U 8:68 Victor In Harper 104: 785 AVas it a good bear? /;; McClure 2:61 Way of an election In Heart of toil Scrib M 22:298 What one man can do //; Harper 104: 205 Whitsun Harp, regulator III Knitters in the sun Cent 34: iTi Why Abbylonia surrendered /;( Book of true lovers Woman who understood In Scrib M 28:729 Thankful blossom. Harte, B. Thanksgiving. A tardy. Freeman, M. E. W. Thanksgiving at the polls. Hale, E. E. Thanksgiving, Betty and. Spofford, H. P. Thanksgiving breakfast. Spofford, H. P. Thanksgiving-day dinner. Matthews, J. B. Thanksgiving day gentlemen. Two. Henry. O. Thanksgiving guest. Moulton, L C. Thanksgiving, Jarley's. Bangs, J. K. [Thanksgiving] Julia— her thanksgiving. Freeman, M. E. W. Thanksgiving matinee. Tracjs V. Thanksgiving, Night before. Jewett, S. O. Thanksgiving of the burglar and the plumb- er. Merry. Thanet, O. Thanksgiving on Crawfish Bayou. Stuart, R. M. , ^ Thanksgiving on Slav Creek. London, J. Thanksgiving out West, Ezra's. Field, E. Thanksgiving story, Jane Murray's. Davis, Rebecca 11. Thanksgiving, Wolfville. Lewis, A. H. Thanksgivings, Ann Mary, her two. Free- man, M. M. W. Tharald's otter. Boyesen, H. H. That Betty. Spofford, FL P. "That bit o' line." Grenfell, W. T. That brute Simmons. Morrison, A. That Christmas at Peace Haven. Grenfell, W. T. That costly ride. Maupassant, G. de That home-town feeling. Ferber, E. That little dinner at Larrabee's. Bangs, J. K. That pig of a Monn. Maupassant, G. dc That Polish fellow. Crockett, S. R. That same old coon. Stockton, F. R. That spot. London, J. That terrible man. Norris, W. E. That Turner person. Lewis, A. H. That unfortunate house. Gaboriau, E. That very Mab. Allen, G. That whereby men live.' See Tolstoi, L. N. What men live by That Wolfville Red Dog. Lewis, A. H. That's for remembrance. White, W. A. Thaxter, Mrs. Celia (Laighton), 1835-1894 Memorable murder //; Stories l)y American authors v 3 Theagenes and the bull. Heliodorus Theden, Dietrich Christian Lahnsen's baron In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German Thee and you. Mitchell, S. W. Their child. Herrick, R. Their dear little ghost. Peattie, E. W. Their great inheritance. Singmaster, E. Their ideal grandmother. French, A. W. Their lawful occasions. Kipling, R. Their second marriage. Cutting, M. S. Their story. Hibbard, G. A. Their uncle from California. Harte, B. Their wedding day. Loomis, C. B. Them old moth-eaten lovyers. Craddock, C. E Theme with variations. Cutting, M. S. Theo. Burnett, F. H. Theodora. Seawell, M. E. Theodora, gift of God. Kelly, M. Theodule Sabot's confession. Maupassant, G. de Theological tipster. Lefevre, E. Theophrastus Such. Eliot, G. Theory and the hound. Henry, O. There and here. Brown, A. There are no guilty people. Tolstoi, L. N. There is sorrow on the sea. Parker, G. There was a little city. Parker, G. There was once a woman. Cutting, M. S. There were ninety and nine. Davis, Rich- ard H. There's danger in numbers. Kelly, M. There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. Reade, C. There's nothing half so sweet in life. Hib- bard, G. A. There's only one Noo York. Loomis, C B. 3i8 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Theuriet, Andre i. e. Claude Adhemar Andre, i«33-i907 All alone /;; All alone Antoinette /;; Antoinette La Bretonne In ICsenwein, J. B. Short stor}- master- pieces V 2 Warner library Easter story /// Warner library Temple Bar 94: 5S4 First communions In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages House of two barbels In House of two barbels Mistress of many moods In Mistress of moods "The)'." Kipling, R. They also serve. Tracy, V. They bore a hand. Remington, F. They saw a great light. Hale, E. E. They that walk in darkness. Zangwill, I. They who lose at love. Duncan, N. Thief. Maupassant, G. de Thief in the night. French, A. W. Thief in the night. Hornung, E. W. Thimble, thimble. Henry, O. Thing at Nolan. Bierce.'A. Thing in the hall. Benson, E. F. Thing that couldn't. Cameron, AI. Thing apart. Hibbard, G. A. Things. Miller, A. D. Thing's the play. Henry, O. Thinking machine. Futrelle, J. Third circle. Norris, F. Third figure in the cotillion. Bunncr, H. C. Third generation. Doyle, A. C. Third generation. Singmaster, E. Third ingredient. Henry, O. Third kingdom. Huneker, J. G. Third M. Merrick, L. Third of March. Hawthorne, J. Third reading. Daudet, A. Third string. Jacobs, W. W. Third woman. Sicnkiewicz, H. Thirst and the draught. Magrudcr, J. Thirsty Anna. Loomis, C. B. Thirteen. Balzac, H. dc Thirteen. Bates, A. Thirteen at table. Harrison, C. C. $30,000 bequest. Clemens, S. L. Tliis animal of a Buldy Jones. Norris, F. This creature named I. Brown, A. This majestic lie. Crane, S. Thomas Bate's covenant. Ho])kins, M. S. B. Tliomas's l)ai)tism. Page, T. N. Thoralf aiul Synnov. r.oyescn, If. H. Thoresen, Anna Magdalena (Kragh) 1810- 1903 Old Olaf In Goldschmidt, M. laying mail Thorn in his cushion. Harrison, C. C. Thorn tliat pricked. Stetson, G. IC. C. Thorold Viborg. Peattie, \L W. Thor's emerald. Long, J. L. Thorstein Stafif-Smitten. Sec Morris, W. Tale of Thorstein Tliorwald and the star-children. Boyesen, H. H. Those old luncs. Simms, W. G. Thou art the man. Poe, E. A. Thou art the soul of thy house. Mitchell, S. W. Tliouarh one rose from the dead. Howells, \\\ D. Thoughty. Keats, G. Thousand and second night. Gautier, T. Thousand and second tale of Scheherazade. Poe, E. A. Thousand dollar Daggett. Singmaster, E. Thousand dollar skates. Loomis, C. B. Thousand quilt. Donnell, A. H. Thousandth woman. Magrudcr, J. Thrawn Janet. Stevenson, R. L. Three and — an extra. Kipling, R. Three and one are one. Bierce, A. Three anniversaries. Hale, E. E. Three at tal)le. Jacobs, W. W. Three bears (adapted). Scudder. H. E. Tliree birds with one stone. Phillpotts. E. Three-bottle comedy. Norris, W. E. Three commandments in the vulgar tongue. Parker, G. Three correspondents. Doyle, A. C. Three deaths. Tolstoi, L. N. Three dreams in a desert. Schreiner, O. Three expert cyclists. Barr, R. Three golden apples. Hawthorne, N. Three golden showers. Loomis, C. B. Three hermits. Tolstoi, L. N. Three incidents of war. Bourget, P. Three ivory bol)1)ins. Harris, J. C. Three Johns. Peattie, E. W. Three low masses. Daudet, A. Three McMahons. Parker, G. Three marvels of Hy. Sharp, W. Three master tradesmen. MacManus, S. Three meetings. Turgenev, I. S. Three men of Badajos. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Three mendicants. Tolstoi, L. N. Three miraculous soldiers. Crane, S. Three Misses Benedict at Yale. Harrison, C. C. Three musketeers. Kipling, R. Three Northern love stories. Alorris. W. Three November days. Taylor. Jane Three old ladies. Benson, E. ]■". Three old men. Tolstoi, L. N. Three old sisters and the old beau. Free- man, M. E. W. Three outlaws. Parker, G. Three partners. Harte, B. Three photographs. Quiller-Couch. .\. T. Three portraits. Turgenev, I. S. Three prodigals. Jordan. E. G. Three (|ncstions. 'Tolstoi. I.. X. 'I'hree i|uiet ladies of tlio name of Luce. Spofford, 11. P. Three rounds. Morrison, A. Three shots. Phillpotts, E. Three sillies (adapted). Jacobs. J. Three sisters. Jacol)s, W. W. Three souls. ]'>ckmann, I*".., and Chalrian. A. Three speeds forward; an automobile love- story. Osbourne, L. INDEX TO SHORT STORIES 319 Three spinners. Grimm, J., and Grimm, W. Three strangers. Hardy, T. Three Sundays in a week. Poc, E. A. Three thimbles and a pea. Borrow, G. Three thousand dollars. Green, A. K. Three vagabonds of Trinidad. Harte, B. Three-volume novel. Hawkins, A. H. Three wise men of Gotham. Corelli, M. Three wishes. Matthews, J. B., and An- stey, F. , Three young men. Kipling, R. Threefold destiny. Hawthorne, N. Thrift. Maupassant, G. de Thrond. Bjornson, B. • tvt c i? Through a glass darkly. Hopkms, M. S. B. Through old-rose glasses. Earle, M. T. Through Seymour narrows. Warman, C. Through the eyes of a dog. French A \\ . Through the eye of a dog. French, A. W. Through the fire. Kipling, R. Through the gap. Fox, J., jr. ^ , ^^ c Through the ivory gate. Andrews, M. R. b. Through the mists. Doyle, A. C. Through the Santa Clara wheat. Harte, B. Through the terrors of the law. Thanet, O. Through the veil. Doyle. A. C. Thrown away. Kipling, R. Thrvmis. Barrie, J. M. Thumbling. Grimm, J., and Grimm, W.^ Thurlow's Christmas story. Bangs, J. K. Thursday. Cutting, M. S. Thv heart's desire. Syrett, N. Tibby Hyslop's dream. Hogg, J. Tibby Johnson's wraith. See Hogg, J. Country dreams and apparitions Tiberius. Sec Parker, G. At the mercy of Tiberius Tickaboo. Warman, C. Tictocq. Henry, O. Tiddy>fol-lol. Bennett. E. A. Tide-marsh. Norris, K. Tieck, Johan Ludwig, 1773-1 §53 Elves /;; Carlyle, T. German romance v i Fair-haired Eckbert III Carlyle, T. German romance v 9 Warner library Goblet In Carlyle, T. German romance v i Love-charm In De Quincey, T. Tales and romances Knights' Quarterly M. Extra number 1825 Runenberg In Carlyle, T. German romance v i Trusty Eckart In Carlyle, T. German romance v i Tiger! Tiger! Kipling, R. Tiger's skin. Jacobs, W. W. Tiglath Pileser. Kipling, R. Tigruche. Veuillot, L. Tillyloss scandal. Barrie, J. M. Tim Calligan's grave-money. Bates, A. Timberlane. Wister, O. Timbuctoo. Maupassant, G. de Time and the hour. Stetson, G. E. C. Time machine. Wells, H. G. Time, the humorist. Merrick, L. Times were hard in Pontiac. Parker, G. Timothy Sampson: the wise man. Freeman, M. E. W. Tin diskers. OslKHirnc, E. Tinaja Bonita. Wister, O. Tincker, Mary Agnes, 1833- Sister Silvia In Stories by American authors v 2 Lippinc 22; 719 "Tincter ov iron." Smith, V. IE Tineau, Leon de Black pearl In Brooks, W. Stories from four lan- guages Ting-a-ling. Gray, D. Tinker of Tamlacht. MacManus, S. Tinkling simlins. Earle, ]M. T. Tiny. Ward, E. S. P. Tiny tramps. Corelli, M. Tio Juan. Kingsley, M. Tipster. Lefevre, E. Tirala-tirala. Harland, H. Tirar y Soult. Davis, Rebecca H. _ 'Tis an ill flight without wings. Craigie, P. M. T. 'Tis dogged as does it. Grenfell, W. T. Tit for tat. Frere. M. Tit for tat. Reade, C. , ti- t Titania's farewell. Besant, W., and Rice, J. 'Tite Poulette. Cable, G. W. Titec. Dunbar, A. „r ^f Titmarsh. Samuel. See Thackeray, W. M. History of Samuel Titmarsh, etc. Titus and Gisippus. Boccaccio, G. Tiziano. Musset, A. de . , ,, ^ T'nowhead's Bell. See Barrie J. M. Court- ing of T'nowhead's Bell To be filed for reference. Kipling, K. To Bow bridge. Morrison, A. To build a fire. London, J. To catch a thief. Hornung, E. W. To die in Jerusalem. Zangwill, L To Giglet market. Phillpotts, E. To him who waits. Henry O^ To Kellogg's farm. Hibbard, G. A. To kill a man. London, J. To lecture committees only. Thanet O To meet the Duchess of Bath. Trask, K. N. To Miss Verschoyle. Merrick, L. To please his wife. Hardy, T. To repel boarders. London, J. To the breaks of Sandy. Fox, J., jr. To the man on trail. London, J. To the third and fourth generation. Besant, W. To the vile dust. Hornung, E. W. To whom this may come. Bellamy, E. Tobacco shop. Maupassant, G. de Tobe Taylor's April foolishness. Stuart, R. M. Tobin's palm. Henry, O. Toby. Freeman, M. E. W. Tod and the stolen holidays. Loomis, C. B. Todd Allen's elopement. Lewis, A. PL Tod's amendment. Kipling, R. Toine. Maupassant, G. de Told by the constable (Arabic) /;; Hawthorne J. Library mystery and detective stories, Oriental 320 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Told in the poor house. Brown, A. Told in trust. Ward, E. S. P. Told to chaplain. Phillpotts, E. Toll-gatherer's day. Hawthorne, N. Toll-house. Jacobs, W. W. Tolstoi, Count Leo Nikolaievitch, 1828-1910 After the dance In Forged coupon Albert In Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowell] Complete works [Estesl v 20 Novels [Scribner] v 13 Alyosha the pot //; Complete \vorks [Estcs] v 26 Forged coupon Bear-hunt In Twenty-three tales .Candle [How the good peasant overcame the cruel overseer; Taper] //; Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crow^ell] Complete works [Estes] v 22 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Ivan Ilyitch Master and man Captive in the Caucasus. See Tolstoi, L. N. Prisoner in the Causasus Cause of it all In Complete works [Estes] v 28 Forged coupon Children may be wiser than their parents See Tolstoi. L. N. Texts for woodcuts Cossacks In Complete wairks. Cossacks [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 2 Novels [Scribner] v 11 Croesus and Solon /;/ Master and man Cutting of the forest. See Tolstoi, L. N. Woodcutting expedition Death of Ivan Ilyitch In Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 3 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Ivan Ilyitch Master and man Twenty-three tales Decembrists. See Tolstoi, L. N. The De- kabrists Dckabrists [Decembrists] In Complete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Complete works [Estes] v 22 . Novels [Scribner] v 16 Desire stronger than necessity In Complete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Novels [Scribner] v 15 Devil's persistent, but God is resistant. See Tolstoi, L. N. Hatred is sweet, but God is strong Divine and the human; or, Three more dcatlis [God's and man's] In Fortn 85: 960, 1160 Liv Age 249: 515; 250: 12 Domestic happiness. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. l'"aniily happiness Early days /;( Novels [Scribner] v 15 Elias. See Tolstoi, L. N. Il}'as Esarhaddon, king of Assyria [King Assar- haddon] /;; Esarhaddon Ind 56: 36 Evil allures, but good endures. See Tol- stoi, L. N. Hatred is sweet, but God is strong Fables In Complete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Novels [Scriljner) v 15 Family happiness [Domestic happiness; Katia] In Complete works. Russian proprietor In Complete works Russian proprietor [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 20 Novels [Scribner] v 13 Family happiness Fatlicr Sergius In Complete works [Estcs] v 25 Father Sergius [Dodd] ; [Nelson] Father Vasily In Complete works [Estes] v 25 Father Sergius [Dodd] Hadji Murad Feder Kusmich. See Tolstoi. L. N. Post- humous papers of the hermit, Fedor Kusmich Fiend persists, but God resists. See Tol- stoi, L. N. Hatred is sweet but God is strong First distiller. See Tolstoi, L. N. How^ the little devil earned a crust of bread Flaming fire cannot be extinguished. See Tolstoi', L. N. Neglect a fire and it spreads Forged coupon Complete works [Estes] v 26 Forged coupon God sees the truth, but waits /;; jMaster and man Twenty-three tales God's and man's. See Tolstoi, L. N. Di- vine and the human Godson In Complete works. Russian jiroprietor [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 4 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Master and man Grain that was like an egg. See Tolstoi, L. N. Seed as l)ig as a hen's egg Hatred is sweet, but God is strong I Devil's persistent; T^vil allures: b'iend persists] Sec Tolstoi. L. N. Texts for woodcuts llolslomer. See Tolstoi, L. N. Khol- stomer I low nuicli land does a man need?' /;/ Complete works. 1 \ an I Iviuli | Crow ell I Comi)Iete works |I",stesJ v 4 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Master and man I low (lie good i)easant overcame the cruel o\erseer. .S'--(- 'J'olsloi, L. N. Candle INDEX TO SHORT STORl F.S 321 How the little devil earned a crust of bread [First distiller] /;; Complete works. Ivan Ilvitch fCrow- cll] C"omplcte works |Estcs] v 4 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Master and man If you neglect a fire, you don't jiut it out. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Neglect a lire and it spreads Ilyas [Elias] See Tolstoi, L. N. Texts for woodcuts Introduction to "A mother" 1)1 Complete works fEstcs] v 25 Father Sergius [Dodd] Hadji Murad Invaders /;; Complete works. Cossacks [Crowcll] Novels [Scribner] v 12 Ivan Ilyitch. See Tolstoi', L. N. Death of Ivan Ilyitch Ivan the fool. See Tolstoi, L. N. Skazka Katia. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Family happi- ness Kernel the size of an egg. See Tolstoi, L. N. Seed as big as a hen's egg Khodinka In Complete works [Estes] v 25 Father Sergius [Dodd] Hadji Murad Kholstomer /;; Complete works. Cossacks [Crowcll 1 Novels [Scribner] v 12 King Assarhaddon. See Tolstoi, L. N. Esarhaddon Korney Vasilyev In Forged coupon [Ogilvic] igi2 Kreutzer Sonata /// Complete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Complete works [Esles] v 3 Novels [Scribner] v 16 Kreutzer sonata Labour, death and disease [\\'ork. de.uli and sickness] In Esarhaddon Master and man Labourer Emelyan and the empty drum. See Tolstoi, L. N. Story of Yemilyan and the empty drum Landed proprietor. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Russian proprietor Light that shines in darkness /;( Complete works [Estes] v 28 Father Sergius [Nelson] Linen measurer /;; Complete works [Estes] v 2.-? Little girls wiser than their their elders. See Tolstoi, L. N. Children may be wiser than their parents Long exile In Complete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Novels [Scribner] v 15 Esenwein, J. B. Short story master- pieces, Russian, v i Lost on the steppe; or. The snowstorm In Complete works. Cossacks [Crowell] Complete Works [Estes] v 3 Novels [Scribner] v 12 Master and man More tales from Tolstoi Lost opportunity hi Ivan the fool Lucerne /;/ Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowcll] Novels [Scribner] v 13 Master and man /;/ Complete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Complete Wcn'ks [Estes] v 2' Novels [Scribner] v 16 Master and man [Dutton] Meeting a Moscow ac(|uaintance in the detachment In Sevastopol Memoirs of a lunatic /;; Complete works [Estes] v 25 Father Sergius [Dodd| Hadji Murad Memoirs of a mother /;/ Complete works [Estes] v 25 Father Sergius [Dodd] Hadji Murad Aly dream In Complete works [Estes] v 26 Forged coupon Neglect a fire and it spreads [Flaming fire cannot be extinguished; If you neglect a fire, you don't put it out; spark neglected burns the house] /;/ Complete works [Estes] v 22 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Ivan Ilyith Master and man Twenty-three tales Cosmopol 5: 40 ( )ld acciuaintance /;( Complete works. Cossacks [Crowell] Novels [Scribner] v 12 Stories by foreign authors, Russian Old devil and the three small devils. See Tolstoi, L. N. Skazka Penitent sinner. See Tolstoi, L. N. Re- pentant sinner Polikushka /// Complete works. Cossacks [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 20 Novels [Scribner] v 12 Ivan the fool Popupar legends In Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 4 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Posthumous papers of the hermit, Fedor Kusmich /;/ Complete works [Estes] v 25 Father Sergius [Dodd] Hadji Murad Prisoner in the Caucasus [Captive in the Caucasus] /;; Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 22 Novels [Scribner] v 13 More tales from Tolstoi Twenty-three tales liable, H. W.. and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction, v 8 322 INDEX TO SHORT STORIES Tolstoi, Leo N'iko\aic-v\tch—Co)itiiiticd. Raid; a volunteer's stor}^ /// Master and man Liv Age 260: 360, 420 Recollections of a billiard-marker /;; Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowelll Novels [Scribner] v 13 Repentant sinner [Penitent sinner | III Complete works, Ivan Ilvitcli [Crow- ell] Complete works [F.stcsl v 4 Novels [ScribnerJ v 14 Master and man More tales from Tolstoi Ind 68:639 Russian proprietor [Landed jiroprietor] /;; Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowell] Com])lete works [Estes] v 2 Novels [Scribner] v 13 Scenes from common life [Stories for children] III Complete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Complete works [Estes] v 22 Novels [Scribner] v 15 Seed as big as a hen's egg [Grain that was like an egg; Kernel the size of an egg] In Complete works. Ivan Ilyitch [Crow- ell] Complete works [Estes] v 4 Novels [Scribner] v 14 ]\Iaster and man Sevastopol III Complete works. Cossacks [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 24 Novels [Scrilmer] v 11 Sevastopol [Constable] Skazka [Ivan the fool; Old devil and the three small devils] /;; Complete works. Russian proi)rictiM- [Crowell] Complete works [ Estes] v 2j Novels [Scribner] v 14 Ivan the fool More tales from Tolstoi Twenty-three tales Snow-storm. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Lost on the steppe Spark neglected, burns the house. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Neglect a lire and it spreads Stories for children. Src Tolstoi, L. N. Scenes from common life Stories of my dogs In Complete works. Long e.xile [Crow- ell] Comi)letc works | Estes] v 22 Novels [Scribner] v 15 Story of Yemilyan and the empty drum [Lal)ourer Emelyan] /;/ Complete works [h'stes] v 4 Novels [Scriluier] v 14 Strawberries In Ind 62:658 Taper. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. Candle Texts for woodcuts [ilatrcfl is sweet but God is strong. Two brothers and the gold. Ilyas. Children wiser than their parents] /;/ Complete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Complete works [Estes] v 22 Novels [ScribnerJ v 14 More tales from Tolstoi That whereby men live. Sec Tolstoi, L. N. What men live by Tiiere are no guilty people /;/ Complete works [Estes] v 26 h'ather Sergius [Nelson] Tlirec deaths /// Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowelll Complete works [Estes] v 2 Novels [Scribner] v 14 More tales from Tolstoi Three hermits In Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 22 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Chaut 52: 279 Three mendicants In Complete works. Ivan Ilvitch. [Crow- ell] Ihrce old men In Master and man Three questions In Esarhaddon Traveller and peasant [a dialo.gue] /;/ Ind 68: 1279 Two brothers and the .gold. See Tolstoi, L. N. Texts f(;r woodcuts Two hussars /// Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 20 Novels [Scril)ner] v 13 Sevastopol Two old men /// Complete works. Russian proprietor [Crowell] Complete works [hastes] v 22 Novels [Scribner] v 14 Two wayfarers /;; Complete works [Estes] v 25 Father Sergius [Dodd] Hadji Murad \\'.\]]< in the light while there is light III Ccunplete works. Lone; exile [Crow- ell] Complete works [Estes] v IQ Novels [Scril)ncr] v 15 What makes people to live. See Tolstoi, L. N. What men live by W hat men live b}^ [That wherebj' men live; What makes people to live] /;/ Comjilete works. Long exile [Crow- ell] Complete works [Estes] v 22 Novels [Scribner] v 15 Master and man Twenty-three talcs Where love is, there God is also //' Comi)!ete works. Russian jiroprietor ^ [Crowell] Complete works [Estes] v 22 N\'. \V. Tradition of 1804. Hardy, T. Tradition of the tea-plant. Hearn, L. Tralinnan. Bremer, F. Tragedy at Dale farm. Kirk, E. O Tragedy at Three Forks. Dunbar, P L Tragedy by the sea. Sec Balzac, H. de Seaside tragedy Tragedy from the trivial, l-'reeman, 3il. E. W Tragedy in millinery. Wiggin, K. D I ragedy of a comic song Merrick, L. Tragedy of a green totem. Benson, E F Tragedy of rtrst love. Overton, G. Tragedy of nobodies. Parker, G. Tragedy of the comedv. Fer'nald, C B Tragedy of the great North Road. Steven- son, R. L. Tragedy of the Korosko. Doyle, A C Tragedy of the till; the hermit's story Jerrold, D. Tragedy of two ambitions. Hardy, T. Tragi-comedy of creeds. Zangwill' I ' Tragic comedy of Annette. Parker, G. Tragic story of Binns. SpofTord H P Tragic w^all. Huneker, J. G. Trail of the Saxon. Fox, J., jr. Trail of the sundogs. Parker, G. Trailer for room No. 8. Davis, Richard H. Train, Arthur (Cheney) 1875- liaron