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The Villager's Friend and Phy- sician ; or, a familiar Addrefs on the Pie- fervation of Health, and the Removal of Dif- eafe, on its firft Appearance ; fuppofed to be delivered by a Village Apothecary. With curfory Obfcrvations oa the Treatment of Children, on Sobriety, Induftry, &c. in-" tended to promote domeilicHappinefs. , By James -jpARKixsoN. Price is. Ic wed. q. By the fame Author, Dangerous Sports. A' Tale, addreffed to Children: vvai-ning them againft Expofure to thofe Si- tuations from which alarming Injuries often proceed. ** Who knows but one of my flories may one day fave the life of feme child ?" OLD MILLSON". Price 2S. bound. PREFACE. COURTEOUS READER, JF thou art acquainfet^ nvith the divine Ufcj I need not inform fJicr, that although all the^ a^s and exercifes of devotion are Jkveet and delightful ; yet out never refemhle the blejjed ivorJ}:ippers ahove more than ixihen fjue are joininp^ to, ether In public devotion^ and cjoith hearts and I'ps unfci^JJcd fingin'r praifes to Him ixjho Jitte*h upon the thr0nc for ever. Confe^ quently. Hymns compcfcd for fuch a purpofe ought to abound much in thanlf^iving^ and to he of fuch a nature^ th^.t all noho attend may join in them \uithout being ohd^-ed tojin;^ Ups^ or not ftng at all. — Upon this plan the follo^w- ing Collection is fo'oidfd. '2hi'y are intended purely for facial ivorp^ip^ and fo altered in. fome particulars^ that 1 think all may f.ifely concur in ufng them. They are Jhort^ hecnufe I think tlxrec or four fianr.a$y ivith a doxology^ are fujficicnt to be fun^ at one tim^. I urn no great friend to long fcrmojis^^ long praverSy or long hymns ; they -generally ^vjeary infiend of edifying, and therefore^ I th'nk, Jhould h" avoided by thofe I'jhc pre fide in any public *WorJhipping ajjembly, Bejidcs^ as the j^enevdlity of thofe nvho receive tha Gofpel are commonly the poor of the fock, 1 havejiudied cheapncfs A 3 ( iv ) as well as coftcifene/s. Much in a Uttle is nuhat God gr:> T 'M not afham'd to own my Lord 222 ■^ If ever it could come to pafs 258 If Jefus be yours — — 272 I know that my Redeemer lives 24;: In every trouble fiiarp and ftrong 1S9 Infinite grief, amazing woe — 84 In fi lent fad nefs, I'm condemn'd 22.3 Is there a thing beneath tlie fky 86 Is there a thing that moves and - 195 I've found the Pearl of greatell 201 1 will lay me down to ileep — 274 /-> TESU, let thy pitying eye — ^^ ^ Jefu, lover of my foul — 170 Jefu, fliow us thy faivatioii — 175 Jefu, thou doft cry aloud — 21^ Jefu, thy blood andrighteonfnefs 204JI Jefus come, our dearell Jefus — ^59. Jefus, I love thy charming najiie 203 Jefus^ Lord, we look to thee — 13? Jefus my all to heaven is gone 2 1 3 Jefus, we blefs thy Father's name 239 Jefus, who died a world to fave 32 Join all the glorious names — 17 Join alt who love the Saviour's 24.7 INDEX. Pag(! ^ ING of faints, to whom arc 136 K T ADE?\ with guilt, finners anfe 197 •*-^ Lamb of God, whofe bleeding 218 Lamb of God, we fall before thee 259 Lei: angels and archangels fing 163 Lee every mortal ear attend — 5 Let God the Father live — 46 Let them negieft thy glory, Lord 80 Let us, the iheep by Jefus nam'd 121 Lift up vour eyes to th' heav'nly 38 Lo he Cometh ! countlefs trumpets 149. Long have we fat beneath the found 7a Lord, accept our feeb;e praife — 191 Lord, and God of heav'nly powers 52 Lord, difmifs us with thy bleffing 271 Lord, look on ail affcmbled here 225 Lord, make me faithful to my call 228 Lord of the worlds above "— ^5 Lord, thou haft bid thy people pray 1 10 Lord, we adore thy vaft defigns 93 Lord, we are vile, conceiv'd in fin 94 Lord, we come before thee now % Lord, we would fpread our fore 100 Lord, what a heav'n of faving 55 Love.brought down God's dear 187 Love divine, all |pve excelling I44 Loving Saviour, Prince of Peace 117 TV/TKET and right it is to fing 51 ^^ Mercy, good Lord, mercy 273 4 INDEX. Page Come, thou Iong-expe6ted Jefus ibz Come, we that love t;.e Lord — 1:27 Come, worfhip at Immanuel's feet 3 Come, ye lovers ot the Lamb 1 1 5 Come, ye finners, poor and wretched 214 Creator, Spirit, by whofe aid — 21 "pvEAREST of gll the names 96 -■-^ Deareft Saviour, help thy fervant 238 Deep in tne dufl:, before thy throne 57 Defcend, celeftial Dove ' — 9S Defcend from heav'n, immortal 63 Difcipies of Chrift — _. ^^7 Difmifs us with thy bleffing, Lord 273 Down headlong from the native 87 TpR£ I fleep, for ev'ry favour 171 T^AITHFUL Bridegroom, holy 190 "*- Far from our thoughts, vain 2 Father, -our hearts we lift — 26 Fat.er, Son, and Holy Ghi ft 275 Fa her, Son, and Spirit, hear — 134 Firm as the earth thy Gofpel ftands •:.23 For all the bleffings of the dav 24S From all that dwell below the floies 61 From thee, my God, my joys fliall 205 I VER of concord, Prince of 131 Give thanks to God moft 60 Give to the Father praife — 276 Give us thy ftrcjigth, thou God 273 G INDEX. ' Pagf Glory be to God on high — 53 Glory to ^,ur gracums Donor — 193 Giory to God on high — - — 253 God of my falvation^ hear — 207 God inoves'in a m y fieri 011 s way 26S Grace, how exceeding fueet to 1S7 Grace I 'tis a charming found 254 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah 227 TTAIL, holy, holy, holy Lord 4^ -^■*- Hail the day that fees him rife 36 Happy he whoe'er beheves — 75 Happy the heart where graces — 212 Happy' the man to whom 'tis — 248 Hark I tiuil foul, how every thing 65 Hark! the herald. angels fmg n — 24 Head of the church triumphant 129 He comes ! he comes ! the Judge 1 74 He dies! the Friend of finners 194 Hence, from my foul, fad thoughts 217 Hither ye poor, ye fick, ye blind 4 Ho ! every one that thirfts draw 198 Holy Xamb, who thee receive 74 Ho! pilgrims (if ye pilgrims be) 126 Hofannsh to Jefus on high — 155 Hofanuah to our conqu'ring King 58 Hofannah to the Prince of Light 35 How can we adore — — 43 How condefcending, and how kind 223 How empty was our former boall ^26 How glorious the Lamb — 56 INDEX. P.-ge Muilng on my habirari >\\ — 228 Wy God, my li'e, aiy love — 2zz My -God, n-.y portion, and my lo^e 206 My moft indulgent ^aviour — 182 Iviy loul, come mtditate the day 153 >Iy foul, repeat his praile — 7 My time, O ye daughters — 236 Ts/r ATURE wi'h all her pow'rs 109 ^ -*-^ None but Jclusu'iii we fing 274 Ko farther go to-night, but Itay 274 Not all the biood of btafls — 96 Koihing hut rh> blood, O [eius 239 Now begin the heav'niy ihtme 1B4 Ko'.v for a tune of lofty praiie 31 Kow for a wondrous fong — 260 Kow in a fong of grateful praife 243 Kow from the altar of our hearts 12 Kow may the Spirit's holy fire i Kow to the Lord a nob'c ibng 56 Kow to the power of God fupreme 62 /^ COME let lis join, in mufic 166 ^^ O coir.e let us join, together 148 O come, thou wounded LamD of 67 Offspring of David — — 169 Of Him who did falvation bring 70 O God! how endiefs is thy iove 13 Oh I for a glance of heav'nly day 219 Oh! the delights, the heav'nly 84 O Jefa I our Lord, thy name be 172- INDEX. Page O Lord, how great 's the favour iBo O Lord, how many are our foes 8 O Lprd onr God, how wondjous 50 O Love divine, how fweet thou art 68 O Love divine, what haft thou done 217 Oh ! may i be:ir an humble part 276 Once llaughtcr'd, now exalted 124 O Saviour, thou thy myfteries 128 Oh! lell me no more — — 211 O Thou in whom the Gentiles tnift 72 Our drovviy powers, v;hy fleep ye fo 74 Our God reigns, ye lands rejoice 106 Our lives, our blood we here 273 Oh ! when fhall we, fuprem.ely bleft 241 IDARTNERS of a glorious hope 133 ^ Plung'd in a gulf of dark 82 Poor fin ner, come, caft off thy fear 261 Fraife God irom whom all Sellings 27^ . Praife ye the Lord, exalt his name 6o Praife ye the Lord, 't is good to raifc 64 . "O AISE your triumphant fongs 89 ^*^ Rejoice, the Lord is king 130 B.ife, my foul, adore thy Maker 170 Rife, my foul, and flretch thy 113 Rife, o-ur fouls* to praife the care 9 Rife, O ye feed of David, rife 121 CALVATIONl O the joyful 58, 272 ^ Saviour, canft thou love a traitor 229 Saviour, King, alTume thy pow'r 105 INDEX. Page Javionrof the world, a;tend 102 See a poor finner, cleared Lord 244. See, my foi)}, with wonder fee 28 ShoiTt to the Lord, arid let our joys 107 Since ali the downward iradts 2-442 Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name 59 Sing we to our God above 27^- Sinners, obey the Goipel v.ord 4 Soldiers of Chrili, atiie 14- Son of God, thy bleflings grant loS Source or hght and povv'r divine 237 Sure thy Name is Wondenul 40 Sweet is the work, O God our King 14, Sweet the moments, rich in blelTmg 209 npAKE my poor heart, jufl as 1S6 . Teach me the meafure of my 1^3 Tell us, O women, we would know 12s Thanks be to God, whofe faithful 156 Thee we adore, eternal Name 241 The God of Abrah'm-praife 230 The King of Glory Itnds his Son 23 The Lord of earth and (ky 108 The Lord iupplies his people's need 8 The Lord the Sov'reign King 48 There is a land of pure delight 199 There is a fountain fiU'd with -266 The Saviour who kept us to-day 1 1 The Sun of Righteonfnefs appears This God is the God we adore 27 The fountain of Chrift 262 This is the day the Lord hath made 13 £ z zy INDEX. Page Thou denr Redeemer, dying Larrb 1 16 Thr.u hidden Love at God, whofe 147 Thon "-"hepherd nt Ih-'el divine ib'^ Thus did the ion.- o\ Abrah'm pafs 99 Thy favour?, Lord, furpnfeour 77 Thy mercv, my God, is the theme 233 'T !S finifli'd, toe Redeemer faid 54. ' r is fi:)ifli'd, 't i' done — 154. To all my vilcnels, Chr^ft is 221 To Father, Son, :ind Holy Ghoft 275-6 To Gcd the Father's throne 276 To God the Oily wife — . 71 To God who rtigns enthron'd OQ 275 To him that choie ns fird 47 To praife redeeming love 79 Try ns, O God, and learch the 138 U P to the Lord, that reigns on 77 Vain are the hopes the fons a 10 Ty E b'efs the Prophet of the 9; ^^ We gi" e immortal praife 46 Welcome iweet day of reft 14 Welcome, welcome, bleflcdfervant 221 Well ! the Redeemer 's gone 37 We ma: nify thy gr-^ce, O Lord 93 We ling to thee, thou Son of God 119 We thank thee. Lord, for this • 171 What eqnnl hoaours Hiall 've brhig 31 What good nevK's the angels bring 25 What jo^ tu! i^ews la'utt-s o r ears 250 What fhall vre render unto theC'^ 1S3 INDEX. When I furvcy the wondrous crofs When fhall my frozen heart When languor and difeafe invade When I can read my title clear Who can have greater caufe to fing Who hath our report believ'd Why do we mourn departing friends Why fliould the children of a King Why was unbelieving I With fiery ferpents greatly pahrd With joy we meditate the grace Vv'iih all my pow'rs of heart and Worthy is Chrift our paf.:hal Lamb YE children of my God Ye feekers of God, whofe Ye ferious f juIs draw near Ye fervants of God, your M'.fter Ye that pafs by, behold the man ^iON 's a garden wali'd around .;.•?• 73 256 270 I iz 137 iri 49 29 14 V 100 A2 AN H Y M N TO THE HOLY GHOST. Extract eJ from the Ordination Ofice, OOIME, Holy Ghost, our fouls infpire^ ^^ And ligh ( n with celeftial iii e. Tbou the anointing,' b pi /it art, Who doll thy fev nfoldgiits impart. Thy biefled iinclioii from above, Is comfort, lite, anc fire of iove. Illumine with perpetual light Tiie duinef^ of our biinded fight. Anoint and cheer our foiled face With the abupdance of thy grace. Keep far our foes, give ytzce at home: Where thou art guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee, of both, to be but onej That through the ages a'l a'ong. This, thi^ may be our endiefj fong; — Praife (?8d, from whom all bleffings flow, Praife him all creatures here below, Praii'e him above, ye heav'nly holl, Praife Father, Sqn, aiid Holy Ghofl* H Y M N S FOR PUBLIC JVORSHIF. HYMN I. AT THE OPENING OF WORSKI?. ^^OW may the Spirit's holy fire, •*- Defcer.ding from above, His waiting family infpire With joy, and peace, and love ! How wretched do our fouls appear, If thou refufe to blefs ! We feem to utter heartlefs prayer, And offer vain adclrefs. Wake, heav'niy wind, arife and come; Blow on the drooping field ; Our fpices'then fiialt breathe perfume, And fragrant incenfc yield. Touch with a Hving coal, the lip Tiiat fliall proclaim thy word. And bid each a-.vful hearer keep Attention to the Lord. Then fhall we prove thy worfnip fweet, And love ihy facred courts ; Where faints in bleft communion meet, And God, quy God, reforts. ( ^ ) HYMN II. Ue Samt. T7 AR from our thoughts, vain world, bs gonc^ ■^ Let our. religious nour:; alone; O may our eyes our Saviour itt\ We wait a vifit, Lord, from thee. O warm our hearts with holy fire, And kindle there a pure defire. Come, our dear Jefas, from above, And feed our fouls with heav'nly love, Blefi: Jefu?, what delicious fare ! How. fweei thy entertainments are \ Never did angels tafle above, Redeeming grace and dying love, Hai", great Immanuel, all divine? In tbee thy Fathe*"'s glories fhine : Thou bngbtefl, fweeteft, faireft One, That eyes have feen, or angels known! HYMN III. Puhlk mrjhiju T ORD, we come before thee, now; -*-^ At thy feet we humbiv bow ; Oh I do not our fuit difdain ; Shall we feek thee, Lord, in vain? Lord, on thee our fouls depend; In compaiiion now defcend ; Fill our hearts with thy rich grace^ TTune our Jips to fing tliy praife. ( 3 ), In thine own appointed way, ISow we feek t'.ee, here we flay ; Lord, we know not how to go, Till a blefling thou bellow ; Send fome me(r?.;][e from thy word. That may joy and peace afford j Let thy Spirit now impart Full fa Ivat ion to each heart. Comfort thofe who weep and rnourn, Let the time of joy return : Thofe who are call down, lift up ; Make them llrong in faith and hope; Gnnt that thofe who feek may find Thee a God fupremely kind : * Heal ^he lick, the captive free," J-et us all rejoice in thee. HYMX IV. ne Same. /^OME worfhip at Tmmanuers feet, ^^ See in his face what wonders meetj Wordi are too feeble to exprefs His worth, his glory, or his grace. When niall we climb thofe higher Ikies, Where ilorms and tempefts never rife, Where he unveils his lovely face, And fiiines and reigns the God of grace ? Nor earrh, nor air, nor fun, nor liars, Nor heav'n, nis full refemblance bears j Hi- beauties we can never trace TiiJ v>'e behold him face to face, ( 4 ) HYMN V. Invitation. TTlTriER, ye poor, ye fick, ye blind, ^- A fm difor^er'd trembiing-taiong; To yoii ht Gofv^l calls, to you MeflL^r - bleliings. all belong;. Reaion*s tnd Virtue's boiirnng fons Derive no biefiings from this tree, For Tinners only Jefus tJied, Then lure I hear he died for ilie, ^T was with our griefs Meffiah gro.M/d, 'Tv..,s vith our guilt his foul was tried; Our puniil'ment he took, he bore, And finners liv'd when Jefus died. Awake each heart, arife each foul, And join the blifsful choirs above: May nothing tune our future fong. But heav'nly wifdom, heav'nly love HYMN VI. 77/,? Same. CINNERS, obey the Gofpel-word, ^ Halle to the f upper of our Lord; Be wife to know your glorious day. All things are ready, come away. Ready the Father is to own, And kifs his Ldie-returning foji ; Ready ihe loving Saviour (lands, And lprea4s for you his bleeding liands. ( 5 ) Ready the Spirit of his love, Juil HOW the ftony heart to move ; T' apply and witnefs with the blood, And vvaih, and feal you Tons of God, . Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your bkil eftate ; Tuning their harp?, they long to praifc The wonders of redeeming grace. Come then, ye finners, to your Lord, To happinefs in Chrifi reflor'd : His proffer d benefits embrace. And live the fubje^ts of his grace, HYMN VII. T/ie Same, T ET ev'ry mortal ear attend, "■^ And ev'ry heart rejoice. The trumpet of the Gofpel founds With an inviting voice. Ho, aM ye hungry ftarving fouls, That feed upon the wind, ■And vainly ftrive with eatthly tc^-3 To fill an empty mind : Eternal wifdom hath prepar'd A foul-reviving feafl ; And bids our longing appetites The iich provifion tafte. ( 6 ) K^ , ye that pant for living ftreams, A nd pine away and die, ' Kcrs ycu may quench ycnr raging tliirfl, With iprings that never dry.- Dear God, the treafures of thy love Are evcrlafting mines; Deep as our helplefs misVies are, And boundlefs as our fins. The happy gates of Gofpel- grace Stand open night and day ; Lord, we are come to feek fupph'es. And drive our wants away. KYMN VIII. Thankfglvhg. T3LESS, O my foul, the living God, -*-^ Call home thy thoughts that rove abroad ; Letal! the pow'rs within thee join. In work and worfliip fo divine. Blefs, O my foul, the God of grace; His favours ciaim thy higheft praife; Why fliould the wonders he hath v>Tought Be loft in filence, and forgot? 'Tis he, my foul, that fent his Son, To die for crimes which thou haft done; He owns the ranfom, and forgives The hourly follies of our lives. Our youth decay'd, his pow'r repairs; His mercy crowns our growing years; He fatisfies our mouth with good, And feeds our hopes with heav'nly food. { 7 ) Let the whole earth his pow'r corifef?, Let the whole earth adore his grace; The Gentile with ti.c Jew fliall joia In work and worlhip lb divine. HYMN IX. The Same. TV/fY foul repeat his praife, -*-'-'■ VVhofe mercies are fo great r Whofe anger is fo flow to rile, So ready to abate. High as the heav'ns are rais'd Above the ground we trerjd, So far the riches of \m grace Our higheft thoughts exceed. The pity of the Lord, To thofc that fear his name. Is fuch as tender parents feel: He knovvs our feeble frame. Our days are as the grafs, Or like the morning flow'r; If one (harp biafl: fweep o'er the field. It withers in an hour. But thy compalTions, Lord, To endiefs years endure ; And children's children ever ^\\i Thy word of promife fure« ( 8 ) HYiMN X. Cod's Goodnefs to his People. n^KE Lord fupplies his people's need, ■^ Jehovah is his name ; lii paltares fr^fh he makes them feed, Befide the Hving ftream. He brings their wand'ring fpirits back, Wiien taey forfake his wavs; And leads them, for his mercy's fake, In paths of truth and grace. When they walk through the fliades of death, His prefence is their ftav ; A word o;" his fapporting breath Drives all their fears away. His hand, in fight of all their foes, Doth full their table fpread ; Their cup with bleflings overflows, His oil arioincs their head. , The fare prov>{ions of our God Attend us all our days : O may ids houfe be our abode, And ail our works his praife. HYMN XL Morning JTorJhip. r\ LORD, how many are our foes, ^ In this weak ftate of flefh and blood \ Our peace they daily difconip>ofe. But our defence and hope is Cod, ( 9 ) Tir'd wirh the burdens of the day, To thee we rais'd an ev'ning cry ; Thou heard 'ft wren we began to pray. And thine airnighry help was nigh. Supported by thine heav'niy aid, We laid U5 down and fleet fecure • Not death Ihould n-'ake our heart > afc'aid, Though we thould fleep and rife no more. But God fuftain'd us all che tiight, Salvadon doth to God belong : He rais'd ^oiir head .to fee the hght. And he ibaU nave our morning fon'^. HYMN XII. The Same. T> ISK, our fouh, to praife the care "''*' wf Jeius true and good : Sing to him wn fe robes aupear As newH' d'pt in biood. By h's pow'r we I've to lee The dawnin'^ of another day: Farther tavout'd may we be. When he.e no more ve (by. O may we in righteoufncfs. In Jefu's arms awake ; And the joys 'he Tiinrs pcflefs. With them ere long \ artake ; With our common Fathe: fit. And in hi; heav'niy xdii^cm praifej (Bowing c^^ n before hi* feet^} The riches of his grace, c z ( 10 ) HYM]^ XIII. The Same. J^OME, let us adore ^-^ The Lord's gracious hand, (Our great Governor,) Wno gave a coi . nand And charge to his angels To watch round our bed. To guara us from evils, From dangers and dread. Our fliepherd alone, The Lord, let us b'efs, Who reigns on his throne. The Prince of our peace; Who evermore faves us, By fhedding his blood : All hail, holy Jefus, Our Lord and our God. We daily will fing Thy merits, thy praife, Thou merciful fpring Of pity and grace ; Thy kindnefs for ever ^ To men we will tell ; And fay our dear Saviour Redeems us from hell. Preferve us in love, While ,here we abide ; J*3"or ever remove, IvJor cover, nor hide ( " ) Thy glorious fal vatic n, Till jovful we lee The beautiful vifion Completed in thee. HYMN XIV. The Same. /^HRl^T, vvhofe glory fills the fkies, ^-^ Chrift, the true, the only light, Son of righteoufnefs, arife, Triumpli o'er the (hades of night ; Pay-(pring from on high, be near, Day-ftar, in our hearts appear. Dark and cheerlefs is the morn, Un:".ccompanied by thee^ Joylefs is the day's return, Till thy mercy's l^eams we fee. Lord, thine iuv.'ard light impart, Cheering each benighi.ed heart. •Vifit ev'ry foul ot thine, Pierce the gloom of fm and g-rief ; Fill with nidiancy divine, Scatter all our unbelief; - More and more thyfelf difplay, Shining to the perfect day. HYMN XV. Evening JrorJJii/t. 'T'HE Saviour who kept us to-day, ^ T e L'-.rnb, who took our fms away, Our thankful fouls fhall hlefs; Thou worthy art, O Son of God, Of endlefs praife; for in thy blood Saints fwettlv reft in peace, ^^3 ( 12 ) Wc lay us down, and thou, O Lord, With all thy angels us u'ilt guard; Our fouls to ihee we truft; Thou fhalt (for thou art able) keep Our fouls among the feilowfhip Of faints through thee made jufl. HYMxV XVI. The Same, T^OW, from the altar of our hearts, -*"^ Let incenfe flames arife ; Affift us, Lord, to offer up Our evening, facrifice. Awake our love, awake our joy ; -Awake our heart and tongue : Sleep not, when m.yft'ries loudly call, Break, forth into a fong. Minutes and mercies multiplied. Have made up all this day ; Mimites came quick, but mercies were More fleet and free than they. New time, new favours, and new joys, Do a new fong require : Till we fhall praife thee as we would, Accept our hearts' deli re. Lord of our time, whofe hand hath fel New time upon our fcore ; Thee may we praife for all our time, When time fhall be no more. o ( 13 ) HVMN XVI r. Morning and Ez'aiing, GOD, how endlefs is tliy love, Thy gifts are ev'ry evening new ; And morning mercies, from above, Gently diftii like early deu'. Thou fpVead'ft the curti.in of the night, Great Gnardian of our fleeping hours; Thy fov'reign word refiores the lig:it. And quickens all our drowfy pow'r-s. We yield our powers to thy command. To thee we confecraie our days; PerpeLnal blefiings from thy hand Demand perpetual fongs of praife. HYMN X Viir. On the Lord's Day, HIS is the day the Lord hath made. He calls the hours his own ; Let heav'n rejoice, let earth be glad. And praife furround the throne. To-day Chrill: rofe, and left the dead, And Satan's enripire tell ; To-dav the faints his triumphs fpread, And all his wonder^ teil. Hofannah to th" anointed King, To David's holy Son ; Help us, O Lord ; defcend, and bring Salvation from thy throne. Hofannah, in the highrfl ftiains The church on earth can raife; The higheil heav'ns, in which he reigns. Shall give him nobler praik^ T ( 14 ) HYM>; XIX Ue Same. TyEl^COy.E, fv/eetdayof reft, ' '^ That law the I o.d arife ; Welcome to tliis iev:ving brcafl, -And theie r joicing c) es. Thf-. King himfelf cr-mes near, And erfis his fa.nts to d.ly : Kere we m.^y 5t and ioe h.-.r. here, And love, and pniife, and pray. One day amidll the pj.?ce Where our dear God hath been, . Is fvveerer than ten thcuiand days 05 pleafurable fin. O may we ever ftay In fnch a frame as this ; And^fweetly fing our fouls away To everlaftiiig blifs. HYxMN XX. 7' he Same. CWEET is thy work, O God, our King, ^ To praife thy ntme, give thanks and ling: To fhov\r thy love by morning light, And talk -of all thy truth by night. Sweet is the day of facred refl, No mortal care fnould Icize cur breaft ; O m-ny our hearts in tune be found. Like David'? haip of folemn found. ( 15 ) Jar hcrtrts fhall triumph in thee, Lord, And bids thy woik, and blels thy word ; Thy works of grace, how oright chcy ihine ! How deep thy counlels, how divine ! O may we fee, and hear, and knou', What m()rt:il3 cannot reach below : May all our pow'rs find tweet employ In thine etsrnal world of joy. HYMN XXI. Longing for the UoufeofGod. T ORD of the worlds above, -■^ How p!ea1an' and hov/ fair The dwellings of thy love, Thy earthly temples are ! To his abode. My fonl afjiire, \ With warm deiire To fee thy God. O h3ppy fouls that pray Where God appoints to hear ! O happy men that pay Their conftant iervice there ! They praife Chrifl ftiil j And h^ppy they, Who love the way ToZi'n'shill. They go from ftrength to llrength, Throu^^h thia dark v^ilc of tears ; Till each arrive at length, Till each in heav'n appears* . ( i6 ) O glorious feat ! Our God and King, Us thither nrirg To kiis thy feci. The Lord his | eop e loves: His hand no good withholds 'From thofe his heart approves, From pi '^ying humhle Ibiiis. Thrice happy he, O God or hrlls, Whofe fpirits truft Alone in thee! HYMN XXIL The Same, TTOW pleafant, how divinely tair, -*--*- O Lord of hofts, thy dwtll.'ngs arc; The new-born foul boil;^ longs an i faints To meet th' a(!cmbiies of thy famts. Bleft are the fouls that hod a place Within ^he temple of thy grace; There thc'v behold thy ger.tler rays. And l^eK tny face, and learn thy praife,' Blefl are the men whofe hearts are fet To find the way to Zion^s gate ; God is [heir il^ ength, and through the road They iean upon their helper God. Oh may we walk with growing ftrengtb, Till we all meet in heav*n at length ; Till all before thy face appeir, And join in nobler worfliip there. ( ^7 ) HYMN XXIII. Offices of Chnji, JOIN ail the glorious names Of wifdom, Jove, and pow'r, That mortals ever knew, That ange'is ever bore: All are too mean To fpeak his worth, Too m-an to 'et Our bavi." :'. torrh. But, O, what gen'le terms, What condcfcending ways Doth our Redeemer ule, To teach his heav'niy grace ! My fold, with joy And wonder fee ^ What forms of love He bears for thee. Great Prophet of our God, 0\ir tongues would bJefs thy name ; By thee the joyful news Of our filvarion came; The j'7iul news Of firiij fori^iv'n, Of hell fahJu'd And p€ac6 wirii H.av'n, Jefu?, our great H-igh-prieft, Orfe;'d his bboJ -rl- ciied j Thou ..,.'"..t- '"inp.er, feek No facrifice ueiide : , ^ ( i8 ) His pow'rful blood Did once atone, And now it pleads Before the throne. Thou dear Almighty Lord, Our Conqueror, and our King; Thy fcepne and rhy fword, Thy reigning grace we ling. Thine is the povv*r ; O may we lit In willing bonds, Beneath thy feet. HY:v-N XXIV. The Same. A RRAY'D in mortal flefli, ■^*- Our lovely Jefas {lands, And holds the promifes And pardons in his hands : ComraifT.orr'd from his Father's thronC^ To make his grace to mortals known. Be thou our counfellor, Our pattern and our guide, And through this defert land, SiiU keep us near thy fide. O let our feet ne'er run aftray, Nor rove, fior feek the crooked way. We'd hear our Shepherd's voiccj Whofe watchful eye doth keep Poor Avaid'ing fouls, among The thoufands of his flieep: I '9 ) He feeds his flock, he calls their name«, His bofom bears the tender lambs. To this dear Surety's hands, My foul, commend thy caufe ; He anfwers and fulfils His Father's broken laws : Believing fouls now free are fet, For Chrift hath paid their dreadful debt* Their Advocate appears For their defence on high ; The Father bows his ears. And lays his thunder by : Not all that hell or (in can fay. Shall turn his heart, his love away. Then let our fouls arife, And tread the tempter down ; Our Captain leads us forth To conqueft and a crown : A feeble faint fliall win the day. Though death and hell obftrud the way, HYAIN XZY. Chrljl our Wifdom^ Rigbteoufnrfsy San^lfica* tion, and Redemption, BURIED in fliadows of the night, We lie, till Chrift reftore ih^ light; Wifdoni defcends to heal the blind, And chafe th^ darkncfs of the rnind. \> i 20 ) Lofl" guilty fouls are drown'd in tears, Til] tlie atoning blood appears j ^ Then they awake from deep diftrefs. And fmg, " The Lord our Righteouihefs,** Jefus beholds where Satan reigns, Bindiag his {laves in heavy chains : He fets the prisoners free, and breaks The iron bondage from our necks. Poor helplefs worms in thee pofltfs Grace, wifdom, powV, and righteoufncfs i Thou art our mighty All, may we Give our whole felves, O Lord, to thee ! HYMN XXVI. ne Sar^tt. TTOVV heavy is the night -" That hangs upon our eyes, Till Chrift with his reviving light Over our fouls arife ! Our guilty fpirits dread To meet the wrath of Heav*n ; But, in his righteoufnefs array'd. We fee our fins forgiv'n. Unholy and impure Are all our thoughts and ways j His hands infected nature cure, With fandifying grace. C 21 ) The powers of hell agree To hold our foul in vain ; He fets the fons of bondage free, And breaks the curfed chain. Lord, we adore thy ways, That bring us near to God ; Thy fov'reign powV, thy healing grace, And thine atoning blood. HYMN XXVII. ro the Holy Ghofi, r^REATOR, Spirit, by whofe aid ^ The world's foundations firfl were laid, Come vifit evVy waiting mind, With pleafures lafling and refin'd ; Thy temple in our hearts uprear, And take thine endlefs dweilmg there. O Source of uncreated heat, The Father's promised Paraclete, Thrice holy Fount, immortal Fire, Our fouls with heav'nly love infpire ; Come, and thy facred un6tioa bring To fandify us while we fmg. Our raging paflions now control. Expel the tyrant from each foul. Lead us to Jefus crucified, And be his merits all applied ; Our faith increafe, our ftrength renevr^ And guide us all eur journey through. B 2 ( 22 ) Then (hall our filent flumbVing tongues Break forth in fweet harmonious fongs; The Father's grace Ihall be their theme, So fliall the Saviour's balmy name : Nor fliall the facre.d Spirit's praife Be banifli'd from the notes they raifc, HYMN XXVIII. The Same. /^OME, Holy Ghojfl, our hearts infpire, ^^ Let us thine influence prove ; Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of life and love. Come, Holy Ghoft (for mov'd by thee The holy Prophets fpoke) ; Unlock the truth, thyfelf the key, Unfeal the facred book. Expand thy wings, prolific Dovcj Brood o'er our nature's night ; On our diforder'd fpirits move, And let there now be light, God through himfelf we then fliall know, If thou within us fliine ; And found, with all thy faints below, The depths of love divine; ( 23 ) HYMN XXIX. Ut Same. Tt^HY (hould the children of a king ^^ Go mourning all their days ? Great Comforter, defcend, and bring Some tokens of thy grace. Doft thou not dwell in all thy faints, And feal the heirs of heav'n ? When wilt thou banifh our complaints. And (how our lins forgiv'n ? AlTure each confcience of its part In the Redeemer's blood, And bear thy witnefs in each heart. That it is born of God, Thou art the earned of his love, The pledge of joys to come : May thy bleft wings, celeftiai Dove, Safely convey us home ! HYMN XXX. Chri/i's Birth, 'T^HE King of Glory fends his Son ^ To make his entrance on this earth ; Behold the midnight, bright as noon, And heav'nly hofts declare his birth. About the young Redeemer's h»ad What wonders and what glori'js meet I An unknown ftar arofe, and led Tfie eaftero Sages to his feet. ( 24 ) Simeon and Anna both confpire The infant Saviour to proclaim ; Inward they felt the facred fire, And bleft the babe, and own'd his namtf"^ Let Jews and Greeks blafpheme aloud, And treat the holy child with fcorn ; Our fouls adore th'e'ternal God, Who eondefcended to be born, HYMN XXXI. The Same, TTARK ! the herald-angels flng -•■-*• Glory to the new-born King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and finners reconcilM. Joyful, all ye nations rife. Join the triumphs of the (kies j Nature rife, and worftiip him. Who was born in Bethlehem. Chrifl by higheil heav'n ador'd, Chrifl the everlafting Lord ; X-ate in time behold him come, . Offspring of the "Virgin's wom'j; Veil'd in ffeHi the Godhead fee, Hail th' incarnate Deity! Pleas'd as man with men t'appear, Jefus our Immanuel here. Hail, the heav'n-born Prince of Peace! Hail, the Sun of Righteoufnefs ! Light and life around he brings, Ris'n with healing in his wings. ( is ) Mild he lays his glory by, Born, that men no more may die; Born to raifc the fons of earth, Born to give them fecond birth. Come, Defire of Nations, come, Fix in us thy heav'nly home ; Rife, the woman's conquering feed, Brnife in us the Serpent's head, Adam's likcnefs now efface, Stamp thine image in its place : Second Adam, from above, Reinilate us in thy love. HYMN XXXII. The Same. '^H'HkT good news the angels bring ^^ What glad tidings of our King 1 Chrift the Lord is born to-day, Chrift who takes our fins away ; He who rules in heav*n and earth, Hath in Bethlehem his birth; Him fliall all his people fee, And rejoice eternally. Lift your hearts and voices high. With Hofannahs fill the Iky ;^ Glory be to God above ! God, che infinite in love. Now reveals his glorious plan — Teace op' earth, good will to man. Angels, join wjth us in praife, Join to fing redeeming ijrace^ ( 26 ) J*3ow tile wall is broken down^ Now tht: Gofpel is made knowa ; Now the door is open wide, Chrift for Jew and Gentile died J All who feel the weight of fin. All who languilh to be clean, All who for redemption groan,. May be favM by faith alone. Jefus is the lovely name, This the angels do proclaim ; He (hall all his people fave, They in him remiffion have ; When they fee themfelves undone They take refuge in the Son ; ' They fliall all be born again, And with^iim in glory reign. Shout, ye nations of the earth. Sing the triumphs of his birth : All the world by him is bleft ; , Sound his praife from eaft to weft. Jews and Gentiles jointly fing Chrift our common Lord and King Chrift, our life, our hope, our joy, Shall our endlcfs praife employ. HYMN XXXIII. The Same. "P»ATHER, our hearts we lift ^ Up to thy gracious throne, And blefs thee for the precious gift Of thine incarnate Son ; ( =7 ) The gift unfpeakable We thankfully receive, And to the world thy goodnefs tell j O may we to thee live ! Jefus, the holy child, Doth by his birth declare. That God and man are reconcil*d| And one in him vve are. Salvation through his name To loft mankind is giv*n. And loud his infant cries proclaim A peace 'twixt earth and heav'n* A peace on earth he brings, Which never more fliail end ; The Lofd of Hofts, the King of KingSj . Declares himfelf our friend ; AiTumes our flefli and blood, That we his fpirit may gain. The everlafling Son of God, The mortal Son of Man. O may we all receive The new-born Prince of Peace, And meekly in his fpirit live. And in his love increafe ! Till he conveys us home, Cry ev*ry foul aloud, ** Come, thou Defire of Nations, coma. And take us all to God." ( 28 ) ftYMN XXXIV. CircumnpnefCbri/t^ OEE, my foul, with wonder fee, •^ The incarnale Deity j Human nature he alTumes^ He to ranfom finners comes ; He was not conceiv'd in lin. He was infinitely clean : Him no finful fpot difguisM^ Yet, lo ! he was circumcis'd. He fulfiU'd all righteoufnefs, Standing in our legal place ; From the cradle to the crofs All he did he did for us : He did all our woes retrieve, He expir'd that we might live ; By his ftripcs our wounds arc h€ftl*df By his blood our peace is feal'd, Jefu's pain procures our eafe, J efu's death is our releafc, Jefu's crofs obtains our crown, Jefu's fepulchrc our throne ; Lord, conform Us to thy death, Bid our fins yield up their breath : By thy refurrcdion's pow*r Make our fouls to glory foar, , Circumcife our filthy hearts, Furify our inward parts ; Lord, deftroy the carnal mind. That irt thee we peace may find ? ( ^9 ) In thy rightcoufnefs array 'd. Let us triumph and be glad ; Let MS walk with thee in white. Till we fee thy face in light. HYMN XXXV. Chrifl*s Companion for the 'tempted* ^^JVTH joy we meditate the grace ^^ Of our High-Prieft above ; His heart is made of tenderncfs, ^ His bowels meJt with love. Touch *d with a fympathy within, He knows our feeble frame ; He knows what fore temptations mean, For he hath felt the fame. He, in the days of feeble flefii, Pour*d out his cries and tears ; And in his meafure feels afrefli What ev'ry member bears. He '11 never quench the fmoking flax, But raife it to a fiame ; The bruiCed reed he never breaks, Norfcoins the meaneil name. Then let our humble faith addrefs His mercy and his pow'r ; We fhall obtain delivering grace In the diftrefling hour. ( 30 ) HYMN XXXVI. Chrifi's Pajion. YE that pgfs by behold the Man, The Man of Grief condemn'd for yotf| The Lamb of God for. finners flain, Weeping to Calvary purfue. His facrcd limbs they ftretch, they tear. With n^Us they faflen to the wood His facred limbs expos'd and bare. Or only coverM with his blood. See there, his temples crown'd with thorns, His bleeding hands extended wide, His ftreaming feet transfixt and torn. The fountain gufhing from his fide. Oh, thou dear fuff 'ring Son of God, How doth thy heart to finners move J Help us to catch thy precious blood. Help us to tafte thy dying love. The earth could to her centre quake, ConvulsM v/hile her Creator died; O may our inmofl nature fliake, And bow with Jefus crucified ! At the laft gafp, the graves difplay'd Their horrors to the upper (kies : Oh, that our fouls might burft the fhade, And quicken'd by thy death arife ! The rock$ could feel thy pow'rful deaths . And tremble, and aiunder part : Oh, rend wUb thy expiring breath The harder marble of our heart !. ( 31 ) HYMN XXXVir. Chrifi''i Sufferings and Glory ^ ^ OW for g tune of lofty praife, -^ To great Jehovah's only Son ; -Awake, my voice, in heav*nly lays. Tell t;hQ loud wonders he hath done. Pown to this bafe, this finful earth, Jefus the Saviour came to die; He canne t' atone Almighty wrath, And bring the diftant rebel nigh. Peep in the fliades of gloomy deaths The Almighty Captive prisoner lay; The Almif;hty Captive left the earth, ^^nd rofc to everlailing day., X^iv ^ip your eyes, ye Tons of light. Up to his throne of fliining grace: Sec what immortal glorias fit jocund the fweet beauties of his face. Aropngfl: a thoufand harps and fongs^ J^fus toe God exalted reigns : <0 may his praife fill all our tongues, ^pd ^cto ^0 the heav'niy plains ! HYMN XXXYIII.. the Same. 'TIT'H-'VT equal honours fliall we bring ^ ^ To thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb^ $kice all the notes that angels fing J^j^_ far inferior to thy nair-c ? ( 3^- ) . Worthy was be who once was flam^ The Prince of Peace that groan'd and died; Worthy to rife, and live, and reign, * At his Almighty Father*s fide. Pow'r and dominion are hi« due, Who flood condemn'd at Pilate's bar ; Wifdom belongs to Jeias too, Though he was charg'd with madnefs here.- Honour immortal mud be paid, Inftead of fcandal and of fcorn ; While glory fliines around his head. And a bright crown without a thorn. Bl;;ffings for ever on the Lamb, Who bore our fins, and ciirfe, and pain; Let angels found his facred name. And every creature fay, Amen. HYMN XXXIX. Chrlft'i Rcfurrc^hn. TESUS, who died a world to fave, ^ Revives and rifes from the grave, By his Almighty pow'r : From fin, and death, and hell fet free, He captive leads captivity, An4 lives to die no mor«. ( 33 ) Children of God, look up and Tee Your Saviour doth'd with majefty, Triimiphnnt o'er the tomh : Reftrain your griefs, difmifs your fear^ In heav'n your manfion he prepare£. And foon will take you home. His church is flill his joy and crown. He looks with love and pity down On her he did redeem ; He taftes her joys, he feels her woes. And prays that flie may fpoil her foes. And ever re •* Lift your heads, eterilal gates ; *' Wide unfold the radiant fccne, ** Take the King of Glory in 1'* Circled round with angel po\v'rs> Their triumpham Lord and ours, Conqu'ror o'er death, hell, and iifr^ Take the King of Glory in. Him thjDugh highetl heav'n receives^ Stil! he loves the earth he leaves ; Though returning to hi^ throne, Still he calls mankind his own* See, he lifts his hands above ; See, he fliows the prints of love ; Hark: his gracious lips beftow Elelfings on his church below j Still for us he intercedes ; iPrevalent his death he pleads ; Next himfelf prepares our plac^^ Harbinger of human race. Ivlsirer (may \vc ever fay). Taken from our head to-day, See thy faithful fervants, fee, liver g^z\t\g up to thee ', ( 37 ) Grant, though parted from our fight, High above yon azure height, Grant our hearts may thither rife, Seeking thee beyond the Ikies. "Ever upward may we move, Wafred on the wings ot love ; Looking when our Lord ftiall come, Longing, gafping after home. There may we with thee remain. Partners of thine endlefs reign ; There thy face unclouded fee, Find our heav'n of heav'ns in thee. HYMN XLIV. Chrift's InterceJJiuru "VXT'ELL, the Redeemer 's gone, ^^ T' appear before our Ciod ; To fprinkle o'er the flaming throne. With his atoning blood. No fiVy vengeance now, No burning wrath comes down ; If juflice calls for finners* blood, The Saviour fliows his own. Before his Father's eye Our humble fuit he moves ; The Father lays his thunder by, And looks, and fmiles, and loves« Now may our joyful tongues Our Maker's honours fmg ; Jefui the Prieft receives our fongs, And bears ihem to the King, ( 38 ) HYMN XLV. The Bamt, T IFT up your eyes to th' heav'niy feat, -■^ Where your Redeemer (lays ; Kind interceffor there he fits, And loves, and pleads, and prays. *Tvvas well, my foul, he died for rhee. And fhed his vital blood ; AppeasM ftern juftice on the tree, And then arole to God. Petitions now, and praife may rife. And faints their off'rings bring ; The Prreft, with his own facrifice, Prefents them to the King. Ten thoufand praifes to the King, Hofanna in the higheft ; Then thoufand thanks our fpirits brrng To God, and to his Chrill. HYMN XLVI. Praifing ClriJ!, A WAKE, and fing the fong ^^ Of Mofes and the Lamb'; Wake evVy heart, and every tongue. To praife the Saviour's name." Sing of his dying love. Sing of his rifing pow'r, Sing how he intercedes above For thofe v.-hofe fms he bore. ( 39 ) Sing till we feel our heart* Afcending with our tongues ; Sing till the love of fin departs. And grace infpires our longs. Sing till \ye hear Chrift fay, " Your fins are ail forgiv*n;" Sing on rejoicing ev'ry day, Till we all intQt in heav'n. HYMN XLVII. The Same. /^OME, my brethren, Ifrael's race, ^ And hear me blefs my King j Hear me my beloved praife. My Jefus do I fing j Neither hear my fong alone, But help, O help me to proclain:| Jefus, our Creator's Son ; Jefus, that lovely name. Others fing their time away. Who Jefus never knew : Ought not we to pafs our day In joy and finging too ? Others, h^ve they caufe to blefs ? The children of the King have more ^ They have Chrift their righteoufnefs, Their glory, peace, and power. Bow thy throne, thou Son of God, And with a living coal, ;om the altar ilain'd with bloody ]nfpirc each diowfy fuul j ( 40 ) SlaughterM Lamb, who, whdcan fhovt* Or who can fully ling thy praife ? Lord, we fail in hymns below, O teach Us heav'nly lays. HYMN XLVIII. Chriji vjorjhipped hy all his Creatures* /^OME, let ns join cur cheerful fongs ^^ With angels round the throne : Ten thoufand thoufands are their tongueSj But all their joys are one. "Worthy the Lamb that died, they cr\', ' To be exalted thus j Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply. For he was flain for us ! jcfus is worthy to receive Honour and pow'r divine ; And bleflings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever thine. The whole creation join in otie, To blefs the facred name Of him that fits upon the throne, And to adore. the Lamb. HYMN XLIX. n/Sanf. OURE thy name is wonderful^ ^-^ Counfellor, the mighty God. Whom the heav'nly hofts adore, Praife we through the earth abroad. ( 4t ) Thou the Godhead bearing down ' To the fight of mortal man, Fkih in form, and God in pow'r. Suited art to aJl thy plan. Centred in thy lovely face, Judgment, mercy, both appear; All the Father's honour meets. All his glory triumphs here. Wonderfully form'd to raife Adann's fallen, helplefs race ; form'd to purchafe and fecure for thy people boundlefs^race. Thou that Prophet art and King, Thou the Prieft foretold to rile; Thou the Sacrincer art, Tiiou too art the Sacrifice. Lnmb of God that once was flain> Bleeding on the painful tree, Jlileii and afcended high. We adore thy majelly. Wonderful art thou in powV, Wonderful art thou m love; Be thou all our theme below, Be thou all our luav'n above ! Hallelujah. ( 42 ) HYMN L. Tht Same. YE lervants of God, Your Mafter proclaim. And publifti abroad His wonderful name ; The name all viftoriou* Of Jefus extol ; His kingdom is glorious, And rules over all. God ruleth on high, Almighty to fave. And Hill he is nigh. His prefence we have ; The great congregation His triumph fliall fmg, Afcribing falvation To J el us our King. Salvation to God, Who fits on the throne ; Let all cry aloud, And honour the Son : Our Jeui^'s praifes The angels proclaim: Fall down on their faces, *. And vvorfliip the Lamb.* Then let us adore, 5- And give hirttfhis tight, *~ All glory and power, ; And wifdom and mig^t f ( 43 ) All honour ahd bleffing. With angels above ; And thanks never ceafing, And infinite love. H HYMN LI. Te Jhunu OW can we adore, Or worthily praife Thy goodnefs and powV, Thou God of all grace? With hoQour and bleffing Before thee we fall, Moft gladly confeffing Thee Father of all. The heav'ns and earth. And wate:, and air, To thee owe their birth, . Subfift by thy care ; While angels are finging Thy praifes above. We mortals are bringing Our tribute of love. Thou, Saviour, art one With God the fupreme. His eternal Son, And equal with him : Invefted with glory On high dolt thou fit. While angels adore thee, And bow at thy feet. ^ F ( 44 ) How great was thy love ! How wondrous thy grace ! Thou cam'ft from above To fave a loft race ; And, man to deliver. Of Mary waft born. That ev'ry believer To God might return* How foon will thy feat Of judgqaent appear Prepare us to meet. And welcome thee there; Thy witneffing Spirit In us filed abroad. And bid us inherit The kingdom of God.] Tke Father and Son And Spirit agree To conftitute one Complete Deiry : Sweet Jefus, thy merit Reflores us to God, And by thy good Spirit Our fouls are renew*^. HYMN UI. U the Trinity. IDLEST be the Father, and his love, ^ To whofe celeftial fource we owe Rivers of endlefs joys above. And rills -of comfort here below* ( 45 ) Glory to thee, great Son of God ; Forth from thy wounded body rolb A precious ftream of vital blood, Pardon and life for dying fouls. We give the facred Spirit praife, Who in our hearts of fin and woe Makes living ftreams of grace arifc, And into boundlefs glory flow. Thus God the Father, God the Son* And God the Spirit we adore ; That fea of life and love unknown, Without a bottom or a lliorc. HYMN LIII. r/^ Same, TTAIL, holy, holy, holy Lord, '^^ Be cndlefs praife to thee ; Supreme, cflential One, adorM In co-eternal Three ! Inthron'd in eVerlafting ftatc. Ere time its round began ; Who joia'd in council to create The dignity of man. All that the name of creature owns To thee in hymns afpire; ^lay we (as angels on their thrones) For ever join their choir I Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord, Be endlefs praife to thee : Supreme, effential One, ador'd la co-cternal Three! ( 46 ) llYMN LIV. The Same. T ET God the Father live "^^ For ever on our tongues ; Sinners from his free love derive The ground of all their fongs. Ye faints employ your breath In honour to the Son, Who bought your fouls from hell and death, By ofFVing up his own. Give to the Spirit praife Of an immortal ftrain, Whofe light, and pow'r, and grace, conveys Salvation down to men. While God the Comforter Reveals our pardon'd Iin» P may the blood and water bear The fame record within ! To the great One and Three, That feal the grace in heav*n, The Father, Son, and Spirit, be Eternal glory giv*n. HYMN LV. The Same. "tTfE give immortal praife ^^ To God the Father's love, For all our comforts here, And better hopes above ; He fent his own eternal Son To die for fins that man had done» ( 47 ) To God the Son belongs Immortal glory too, Who bought us with his bIoo<], From everlafting woe ; And now he lives, and now he reigns, And fees the fruit of all his pains. To God the Spirit's name Immortal worlliip give ; Whofe new-creating pow'r Makes the dead finner live : His work completes the great defign. And fills the foul with joy divine. Almighty God, to thee Be endlefs honours done ; The undivided Three, And the myfterious One ! Where reafon fails, with all her pow'rs, There faitii prevails, and love adores. HYxMN LVI. The Same. 'pO him that chofe us firfl •*- Before the world began, To him that bore the curie, To favc rebellious man ; To him that form'd our hearts anew, Are endicfs praife and glory due. ( 48 ) The Father's love fliall run Through our immortal fongs J We bring to God the Son Hofannas on our tongues : Our lips addrefs the Spirit's name, With equal praife and zeal the fame. Let ev'ry faint above, And angel round the throne, For ever blefs arid love The facred Three in Onfc; Thus heav'n fhall raife his honours high When earth and time grow old and die. HYMN LVII. Angels praife the Lord. T^HE Lord, the fovereign King, Hath fixt his throne on high ; O'er all the heav'nly world he rules And all beneath the fky* Ye angels, great in might And fwift to do his will, Blefs ye the Lord, whofe voice ye hear, Whofe plaafure ye fulfil. Let the bright hofts, who wait The orders of their King, And guard his churches when they pray^ Join in the praife they fing. While all his wondrous works Through this vaft kingdom fliow Their Maker's glory» thou, my foul, Shalt fmg his glor)'- too. ( 49 ) tiYiMN LVIII. Ue Brazen Serpent. "lirrlTH fiery ferpents greatly pain'd, ^^ When Ifrael's mourning tribes com- And figh'd to be reliev'd ; [plain'dj A ferpcnt ftraight the Prophet made Of molten brafs, to view difplay'd j The patients look'd and iiv'd. But, oh, what healing to the heart Does Jefu's greater crofs impart, To thofe who feek a cure ! Ifrael of old, and we no lefs The fame indulgent grace poflefs. While life and breath endure. To reafon's view, fo llrange effe6l9 Self-righteous fouls will dill reject. And perifl} in their pride ; Not fo the ftung with fin and law, Thefe all their rich falvation draw From Ji^fu's bleeding fide. May we then view the matchlefs crofs> And other obje<5ts count but lofs, No other gain explore : Here ftill be fix'd our ftedfafl eyes, Teeming with tears of glad furprife, And thankfully adore ! Hail, great Immanuel, balmy name! Thy praife the ranfom'd will proclaim* Thee we phyfician ca'l ; We own no other cure but thinej Thou the Deliverer divi it, Qljr health, our life, our all- ( 50 ) HYMN LIX. God made Man. OLORD our God, how wondrous great Is thine exalted name ! Th© glories of thy heav'nly ftate Let men and bibes proclaim. When we behold thy works on high. The moon that rule? the night. And ftars that well adorn the fky, Thofe moving worlds of light ; Lord, what is man, or all his race. Who dwelU fo far below, "That thou fhould^ft vifit him with grace,. And love his nature fo \ That thine eternal Son fiiould bear To take a mortal form ; Made lower than his angels are. To fave a dying worm ! Jefus, our Lord, how wondrous great Is thine exalted name ! The glories of thy heav*nly ftate Let the whole earth proclaim. HYMN LX. Faith in Chrl/i. TJOW fad our flate by nature is, •■■-^ Our (in how deep it flains ! A; d Satan binds our captive fouls iail in his flavilh chains. 7r ( 50 feut there 's a voice of fovereign grace Sounds from God's facred word ; Ho, ye deljpairing finners, come. And truft upon the Lord ! O may we hear th* Almighty call, And run to this relief! We would believe thy promife, Lord j O help our unbelief ! To the blefl fountain of thy blood. Teach us, O Lord, to fly; There may we wafli our fpotted fouls from crimes of deepeft dye. Stretch out thine arm, vi ye famts^ the fong ar(>i3nd# Angel's, help the cheerful fonncJ • Publifh through the world abroad Glory to th* etp.rnal God. Prajfes here to thee we give, Gracious thou our thanks receive ; Holy Father, Sov'reign Lord, EvVy where be thou ador*d. Though th* injurious world exclaim^ Sing we ftill in Jefu's name ; Savioiir, thee we ever blefs, Thee our Lord and God cortfcfs, HYMN LXn. rherefdrewithJngeU^^d T ORD and God of heav'nly pow'rs, -*-' Theirs — and oh benignly ours! Glorious King, let earth proclaim. Worms attempt to chant thy name. Thee to laud in fongs divine. Angels and archangels join ; We with them our voices raife. Echoing eternal praife. Holy, holy, holy Lord, Live by heav'n and earth ador*d 5 Full of thee they ever cry, Glory be to God moft high ! ( 53 ) HYMN LXIII. Ghry ht U God on high* rjLORy be to God on high, ^^ God whofc glory fills the Iky ; Peace on earth to man forgiven, Man the weil-belov*d of hcav'n. SovVeiga Father, heav'nly King, Thee we now prefume to fing 5 Glad thine attributes confefg. Glorious all and numberlcfs* Hail, by ali thy works adored, Hail, the everlailing Lord. Thee with thankful hearts we prove, Lord of powY, and God of love. Chrift our Lord and God we own, phrift the Father's only Son ; Lamb of God, for finners flain. Saviour of offending man, Pow*rful advocate with God, Juftify us with thy blood ; Bow thine ear, in mercy bow. Hear thy Saints' atonement thop. Hear, for thou, O Chrift alone, With thy gracious Sire art one ; One the Holy Ghoft with thee. One fupreme eternal Three, ( 54 ) HYMN LXIV. It isfinijhed. *'T' IS finilh'd, the Redeemer faid, -*- And meekly bow*d Bs dying head, Whim we this fentcnce fcan : Come, finners, and obferve the word. Behold the conquefts of our Lord, Complete for helplefs maB. Finifli'd the righteoufnefs of grace ; Finifh'd for finners pard'ning peace ; Their mighty debt is paid : Accufing law, cancell'd by blood. And wrath of an oiTended God In fweet oblivion laid. Who now fliall urge a fecond claim, The law no longer can condemn, Faith a releafe can fliow ; Juftice itfelf a friend appears. The prifon-houfe a wbifper hears, Loofe him, and let him go. O unbelief, injurious bar. Source of tormenting fruitlefs fear, V/hy dofl thou yet reply ? Where'er thy loud objections fall, " 'T is lintfli'd" fliil may anfwcr ail. And filence ev'ry cry. His toil divinely finifh'd (lands. But lo, the praife his word demands Careful may we attend ! Concjufion to our fouls ba this, Becaufc fqlvation finilh'd is, Our thanks fliaU never end. ( 55 ) HYMN LXV. Moptlon. BEHOLD what wondrous grace The Fathsr hath beftow'd On fmners of a mortal race, To call them fons of God. Nor doth it yet appear How great they will be made: But when they fee their Saviour near. They fliall be like their head, A hope fo much divine May trials well endure ; May purge our fouls from itvSt and fin^ As Chrifl the Lord is pure. O Lord, if in thy love We (hare a filial part, Send down thy Spirit, like a dove^ To reft upon each heart. Suffer us not to lie Like flaves before thy throne; Let each now Abba Father cry. And thou the kindred own, HYMN LXVL Enjoyment of Chrift. T ORD, what a heav'n of faving grace ^ Shines through the beauties of thy tace! O light our paflions to a flame, Then {hail we bve thy gbarmmg name. ( 56 ) Then fliall a fcene of facred joy Our rapturM eyes and fouls employ ; " Then lliall we long to gaze away A bleft and everlafting day. Send comforts, Lord, from thy right hand^ While we pafs through ihis barren land ; And in thy temple let us fee A glimpfe of love, a glimpfe cf thee. HYMN LXVli; Glory and Grace in the P erf on &f Chr'ijt, "Vi OW to the Lord a noble fong, ^ Awake my foui, awake my tongue t Hofanna to th' eternal Name, And ail his boundlefs love proclaim! See where it fiiines in Jefu's face. The brighteil image of his grace : God, in the perfon of his Son, Hath all his mightieft works outdone. Grace, *t is a fweet, a charming t'neme ! Exult, my foul, at Jefu's name ; . Ye angels, dwell upon the found ; Ye heav'ns, reflect it to the ground. Oh that we all may reach the place Where he unveils his lovely face ; Where all his beauties you behold, And ling his name to harps of gold ! HYMN LXVIII. Looking to Jefij. HOW glorious the Lamb Is feen on his throne! His labours are o'er, His conquefts put on i C 57 ) A kingdom is giv'a Into our Lamb's hand; In earth and in heav*n For ever to fland. Ye finners below Then tiuft in the Lord, Look lip to his arm, His honour, his word ; Athirft for his favour. His Godhead adore ; Look up to your Saviour, And joy evermore. HYMN LXIX. Firji andfecond AJam. T^EEP in the duft, before thy throne, •*^ Our guilt and our difgrace we own : Great God, we own th' unhappy name, Whence fprung our nature and our fliame. But whilft our Ipirits, fiJTd with awe, Behold the terrors of thy law, We ling the honours of thy grace. That fent to fa^e our ruin'd race; We fing thine everlafting Son, Who join'd our nature to his own : Adam the fecond from the duft Raifes the ruins of the firlL Where fin did reign, ^nd death abound, There have the Vons of Adam found Abounding life ; there glorious grace Reigns through the Lord our righteoufijeCs. G 2 ( 58 ) HYMN LXX. Sahatio^. SALVATION, O the joyful found? What pic.afure to our ears ! A fov'reign balm for ev'ry wound, A cordial lor our fears ! Buried in forrow and in iin At hell's dark door we lays But we arife by grace divine. To fee a heav'nly day. Salvation ! let the echo fly The fpacious earth around ; While all the armies of the fky Confpire to raife the found. HYMN LXXI. C/jrlJ's Viaory over Satan, TJ OS ANNA to our conqu'ring King ! -^ ' The Piince of Darknefs flies ; His troops rufi) head'ong down to hell. Like .ightrimg.lrom the fkies. There bound in chains the lions roar, And fright the refcu*d (heep; But heavy bars confine their pow*r And malice to the deep. Hofanna to our conqu'ring King ! All hail, incarnate love ! Ten thoufand iongs and glories wai| To crown thy head above ! C 59 ) Thy vi^^'ries, and thy deathlefs fame. Through the wide world (hall run ; And everlafting ages fing The triumphs thou haft won! HYMN LXXII. J hlejfed Gofpel. IDLEST are the fouls that liearand know -^"^ The Goi'pers jo}'fui found ; Peace fliall attend the path they go. And Jight their fteps furround. Their joy fliall bear their fpirits up. Through their Redeemer's name ; His righteoufnefs exalts their hope, Nor Satan dares condemn. The Lord, our glory and defence, Strength and falvation gives : Ifracl, thy King for ever reigns, Thy God for ever lives. HYMN LXXIIL Before Prayer. O TXG to the Lord Jehovah's name, ^ And in his fliength rejoice ; ; When his falvation is our theme. Exalted be our voice. With thanks approach his awful light, And pialms ot honour iing; The Lord 's a God o\ boun'dlefs might. The whole creation's king. ( 6o ) Earth, with its rtverns dark and deep^ Lies in his fpacious hand 5 He fixt the feas what bounds to keep, And where the hil!s muft fland. Come, and with humble fouls adore. Come kneel before his face ; Hay we, the creatures of his powV, Be children of hia grace ! HYMN LXXIV. 7 he Church is God's H»ufe and Care* T>RA1 SE ye the Lord, exalt his name, ^ While in his holy courts ye wait ; Ye faints that to his houfe belong. Or ^.2^n^ attending at his gate. Praife ye the Lord, the Lord is good : To praife his name is fweet employ % Ifrael he chofe of old, and flill ■ His Church is his peculiar joy. Blefs ye the Lord, who tafte his lovc^ People and priefls, exalt his name : Amongft his faints he ever dwells. His Church is bis Jerufalem. HYMN LXXV. Praiji7ig Gad. ^IVE thanks to God mod high, ^^ The univerfal Lord, The fov'reign King of Kings, And be his grace ador'd ; His powV and grace are ftill the fame, Aiid let his name have eiidkfs praife. C 6i ) How mighty is his hand, What wonders hath he done ! He form'd the earth and feas, And ipread the heav'os alone. Thy mercy, Lord, fliall ftill endure ; And evqr fure abides thy word. He faw the nations lie All pcrlfliing in fin ; And pitied the fad (late The ruin'd world was in. Thy mercy, Lord, fliall flill endure j And evei fare abides thy word. He fent his only Son To fave us from our woe, From Satan, fin, and death, And ev'ry hurtful foe. His pow'r and grace are flill the fame, And let his name have endlefs praife. HYMN LXXVL The Same, "PROM all that dwell below the Ikies -*• Let the Creator's praife arife ; Let the Redeemer's name be fung Through ev'ry land, by ev'ry tongue. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord ; Eternal truth attends thy word : Thy praife fliall found from (hore to fiiorr. Till funs fliall rife and fet no more. ( 62 ) ■ HYMN LXXVII. Dijiring Chriji's Love to he /bed ahroad in the Heart, /^OME, deareft Lord, defcend, and dwell ^ By faith and love in evVy k'eaft : Then (hall we know, and taile, a,nd feel, The joys that cannot be expreft. Come fill our hearts with inward i^lrength, Make our enlarged fonls pofiefs, And Jearr^ the height, and breadth, and length, Of thine unmeafurable grace. Now to the God, whofe pow'r can do More than our thoughts or withes know. Be everlafling honours done, By all the church, through Chriil his Son, HYMN LXXVIII. Salvation by Grace in Chrijl, 'XJOW to the pow'r of God fupreme -*- Be everlafting honours giv'n ; He faves from hell (we blefs his name), He calls loft wand'ring fouls to heav'n. Not for our duties or deferts. But of his own abounding g'ace. He works falvation in our hearts. And forms a people for his praife, 'T was his own purpofc that begun To refcue rebels doom'd to die ; He gave us grace in Chrift his Son, Before he fpread the ftarry Iky. ( 63 ) Jefus, the Lord, appears at la{l, And makes his Father's counfels known ; Declares the great trani'aftions paft. And brings immortal bleiFings down, HYMN LXXIX. Sighi of God and Chrijl in Heaven, DESCEND from heav'n, immortal Dove, Stoop down and take us on thy wings ; And mount, and bear us far above The reach of thefe inferior things. Oh for a fight, a pleafing fight, Of our Almighty Father's throne I There fits our Saviour, crown'd with light> Cloth'd in a body like our own. Adoring faints around him (land. And thrones and pow'rs before him fa!} ; The God fliines gracious through tlie man, And flieds fweet glories on them all. When fiiall the day, dear Lord, appear, That we fliall mount to dwell above ; And Hand and bow among them there, And view thy face, and fing thy love ? HYMN LXXX. Inviting to Praife. /^OMF, guilty f )uls, and flee away, ^^ Like doves, to Jefu's wounds ] This is the uelcome Gofpel-Day, Wherein free grace abounds. ( 64 ) God lov'd the world, and gave his Son To drink tlie cup of wrath ; And Jefus iays he '11 caft out none That come to him by faith. HYMN LXXXI. The Same. TjR \ISE ye the Lord, 't is good to raifc -*- Our hearts and voices in his praite : His nature and his works invite, To make this duty our delight. Sing to the Lord, exalt hinn high. Who fpreads his clouds around the Iky ; There he prepares his fruitful rair., Kor lets the drops defcend in vain. He form'd the ftars, thofe heav'nly flames, He counts their numbers, calls their names ; His wifdom 's vaft, and knows no bound, A deep where all our thoughts are drown'd. He makes the grafs the hills adorn, And clothes the fmilin>^ fields with corn ; The beads with food his hands fupply. And the young ravens when they cry. But faints are lovely in his fight ; He views his children with delight ; He fees their hope, he knows their fear, /vnd looks and loves his image there. ( 6s ) HYMN LXXXII. ne Same. "Y^E feekers of God, •^ Whofe diligent care Is ever employ'd In Chriit's blood to (liare, With prailes unceafing Your Jefus proclaim; Rejoicing, and blcffing His excellent name. 'T is Jefus commands, Come all to his houfe, And lift up your hands, And pay him your vows : And whilft ye are giving Your Jefus his due, The Lord out of heaven Shall fanctify you. HYMN LXXXIII. Uni'verfal Praifc, TJARK ! dull foul, how ev'ry thing •*-^ Strives t' adore our bountcjips King; Each a double tribute pays. Sings its part, and then obeys. Wake,, for (liame, my fiiiggifti heart, Wake, and gladly fing thy part ; . Learn of birds, and i'prings, aiKl flow'rs, Kow t' employ thy nobler powVs. 4 ( 66 ) Call whole nature to thy aid, Since 'twas he whole nature made ; Toin we in one endlefs fongj \Vho to one God all belong. Live for ever, glorious Lord, Live by all thy works addrM : (One in Three, and Three in One> Ail things i>ow to thee alone. Hymn lxxxiv. r/je «m Creatioftr ATTEND, while God's eternal Son ■*^ Doth his own glories fliew; ** Behold, 1 fit upon my throne, ** Creating all things new : "Nature and fin are paft away, " And thfe old Adam dies ; *' My hands a new foundation lay, ** See a new world arife !'* Mighty Redeemer, fet us free From our old fi:ate of fin ; O make our fouls alive to thee. Create new povv'rs within. Renew our eyes, and form our ears^ And mould our hearts afrefh ; Give us new paflions, joys, and fears, And turn the ftone to flefii. Far from the regions of the dead, From fin, and earth, and hell. In the new world thy grace hath made, May we for ever dwell ! ( 67 ) HYMN LXXXV. Longing for Chriji, r\ COME, thou wounded Lamb of God, ^-^ Come, walli \is in thy cleanfing blood | riide us within thy wounds; then pain is Iweet, and life or death i^gain. Take our poor hearts, and let them be For ever clos'd to all but thee j .Sea! thou our breaftsj and let us vveSr That pledge of love for ercr there. How bicfl are thofe who ftiil abide Clofe fheher'd in thy bleeding fide ; Who life and ftrength from thence derive, And by thee ntove, and in ihee live. How can it He, thou heav'nly King, That thou (liouldft men to glory bring ? Make flaves the partners of thy throne^ Deck'd with a never-fading crown 1 Ah, Lord, enlarge our fcanty thought, To know the wonders thou haft wrought j Unloole our ftamm'ring tongues to tell Thy love immeufe, unfearchable! Firft-born of many brethren thou, To thee both earth antl heav'n mull bow ; Help liS to thee our all to give. Thine may we die, thine may we live! H ( 68 ) HYMN LXXXVI. The Same, C\ LOVE divine, how fwect thou art, ^^ When (hall 1 find my longing heart All taken up by thee ? O make me pant and thirrt to prove The crreatneis of redeeming love, The love or Chrift to me. . God only knows the love of God j O that it now were flied abroad In each poor ftony heart! For love 1 *d figh, for love I'd pine; This only portion, I^rd, be mine. Be mine this better part ! O that we could for ever fit, With Mary, at the Mailer's feet! Be this our happy choice ; Our only care, delight, and blifs, Our joy, our heav'n on earth be this. To hear the Bridegroom's voice! Thy only love may we require, Nothing on earth beneath defire. Nothing in heav'n above ; Let earth and all its trifles go. Give us, O Lord, thy love to know. Give us thy precious love. HYMN LXXXVIL Commit thy IVay unto the Lord, &c, /^OME, my foul, before the Lamb, ^ Fail and do him.rev'rerxe ; ( 69 ) iBIefs him for his blood and name, Sing his great deliv'rance. Why (lion Id IbiTow bow thee down^ Trials or temptation ? Is not Chrift upon the throne. Still thy ftrojig falvation ? Call thy burdens on the Lord, ' Leave them with thy Saviour; He (u hofc hinds for thee were bor'd) Can and will deliver. Turn thee to thy refl, my foul. Turn thee and dilcover How he yer is merciful, 1 urn thee to thy lover. Blufii that thou haft him forgot. Who can happy make thee : Gtzc upon him who tht-e bought. Till to him he take thee. Leave thine earthly cares behind; Mind alone thy ^r^viour ; C(.unt thou all befide but wind^ Trample on it ever. HYMN LXXXVIII. rhe Chrifilan Race. A WAKF, our fouls, away our fears, •^^ Let ev'ry trembling thought be gone. Awake and run the heav'niy race. And put a cheerful courage-on. H 3, ( 70 ) True, 'tis a ftrait and tho'-tiy road. And monal fpirits tire aoii faint ; -But thev forget the mighty God^ Who feeds the flrength of ev'ry faioL O mighty God, thy match'.efs pow'r Is ever new and ever young ; • And iirm endures, while endlels years Their everlafting circles run. From thee, the overfloxing fpring. Believers drink a frefh (apply ; While fuch as truii their native ftrength Shall melt away, and droop, and die. Swift as an eagle cuts the sir, Oh, may we mount to thine abode ; On vrinsTs of love to Jefus fly. Nor lire amidd the heav'nlvroad! HYMN LXXXIX. ff'^e love him hecauf? he firji lo'ijed us,, V^F him who did falvation bring, ^-^ Lord, m2y we ever rhink aad fing ; Arife, ye guilty, he 'II forgive ; Arife, ye needy, hell relieve. Eternal Lord, aimi^lity King, Ail heav'n doth with thy triumphs ring Thou conqner'li all beneath abjve; Psvib with f^rce, and men wi;h love ! ( V ) To clcanfe cur fins Chrift {hed his blood. He died ro hrin.^ us near to God : Let all the world fall down, and knoxv That none but God fuch love could (Ilotv* HYMN XC. Pre/erving Grac:. •y O God the only wife, ^ Onr Saviour and our King, Let all the l ^ints below the ikies Their humble praifes bring. •T is his almighry love. His couni'el and his care, Prcferre us fafe from fin and death. And cv'ry hurlhil Ihare. He will prefent his faints, Unblemirti'd and conrpietc. Before the glory of his face. With joys divinely great. Then all the chofen feed Shdl meet around the throne. Shall bleis the concuct of his grace. And make his wonders known. To our Redeerrer God Witdom and pow'r belongs ; Immortal crowns ut majedy, And everlaiting longs. H 3 ( 72 ) HYMN XCI. To Jefns Chrijl. r\ THOU in whom the Gentiles truil, ^^ Thou only holy, only juft, Oh tune our fouls to praiie.thy name ; Jefus, unchangeable, the fame ! If angels, vvhilft to thee they fing, Wrap up their faces in their wing. How (hall we, finful diift, draw nigh The great, the awful Deity ? Glory to thee, aufpicious Lamb, Thou holy Lord, thou great I AM ! With all our povv'r thy grace we blefs. Our joy, our peace, our righteoufnels. Live, ever glorioua Jefus, live. Worthy all bleffings to receive ! Worthy on high ei'thron'd to fit, With ev'ry power beneath thy feet 1 HYMN XCiL Unfmltfulnefs. T ONG have we fat beneath the found -^ Of thy falvation, Lord ; But (till how weak onr faith is found, And knowledge of thy word I Oft we frequent thy holy place. Yet hear almoft in vain : How fmall a portion of thy 'grace. Do our falfe hearts retain I ( 73 ) Our gracious Saviour and our God, How little art thou known, By all the judgments of thy rod. And bleffings of thy throne i How cold and feeble is our love. How negligent our fear ; How low our hope of joys above, How few atfedtions there 1 Great Gocl, thy fov*reign aid impart, To give thy word fuccefs ; Write thy falvation on each heart. And make us learn thy grace. Show our forgetful feet the way That leads to joys on high, Where knowledge grows without decay, And love (hail never die. KYMN XCIII. "T^e Church a Garden, O* JON 's a garden wall'd around, ^ Choftin and made peculiar ground ; A httle fpot, enclo;>'d by grace, put of the world's wide wildernefs. J^ike fpicy trees believers ftand, Planted by an almighty hand : And all the fprings in Zion flow. To make the rich plantation grow. Awake, O heavenly wind, and come, Blow on this garden of perfume ; Spirit divine, defcend, and breathe A gracious gale on plants beneath. ( 74 ) MaTce thovi our fpices flow abroad, A grateful incenfe to our God ; Let faith, and love, and joy appear. And ev'ry grace be adive here. HYMN XCIV. Redemption found. TJOLY Lamb, who thee receive, -*-^ Who in thee begin to live, Day and night they cry to thee. As thou art, fo let us be. Fix, O fix each wav'ring mind. To thy crofs our fpirits bind; Earthly pillions far remove. Swallow up our fouls in love.' Duft and aflies though we be, Full of guilt and mifery ; Thine we are, thou Son of Go»!, Take the purchafe of thy blood, Boundlefs wifdom, power divine. Love unfpeakable are thine ; Praife to all by thee be giv'n, Sons of earth, and hofts of heav'n, HYiMN XCV. Complaining of fpiritual Sloth; /^UR drowfy powVs, why Hcep ye fo ?. ^^ Avyake, each fluggifii foul ! Nothing has half our work to do. Yet noihiiig 's half io dull. ( 75 ) The iitde ants for one poor grain Labour, and tug, and flrive ; Yet we, who have a heav'n i' obtain. How negligent we live 1 We, for whonn God the Son canie down^ And Ialx)i:r'd for our good, How cRfelefs to lecure that crowa He purchas'd with his blood ! Lord, mall we lie fo fluggiOi flill. And never a6t our parts ? Coi-ne, holy Dove, fronn th* heav'nly hill» And fity and warm your hearts. Then fliall our active fpirits move, Upward our fouls fiiall rife ; With hands of faith and wings of love. We 'U liy and take the prize. HYMN XCVI. CbnJI*s "Righteoufnefi imputed to Believers^. TT APPY he whoe'er believes ■*'^ The embafly of peace, Who at Jefu's hand receives The gift of righteoufnefs : God is his falvation's God ; The Lord is his almighty fliield : He v.'ith grace fliall be endowed, A.nd then with glory fill'd. ( 76 ) Did ihe fon of Adam (lay And ruin all his race?_ Jefus takts our fins away. By fnff' ring in our place : ^e perform'd what God reqnirM, And anfwers all rhs law demaacls ; In his lighteonfnefs attir'd The true believer Hands* Mofes at a diftance fiw The righreoulnefs divine ;^ Id the volume of the law How clearly doth it fhine ! Holy men and prophets old BeheJd from far the bleeding Lau^ Cf his righteoufnefs foretold. And trailed in the fame. How perverfely did the Jews His riohteoufnefs difcard ! Shall we then his love abufe, And flight his great reward ? f Of the law he is the end ; And, after we have done our be^ On his grace we muft depend, , And in his merits reft. What a my fiery of love In God's defigns appears ! Jefiis coming from above, Out iin and torment bear* ; { 77 ). God imputes man's fin to him, Impu'.es to man his righteoufnefs j Guilty he doth Chriil efleem, And guiltlefs us confefs. " HY-MN XCVII. God's Condcfcenjion to our IVorJhip, n^HY favoui Sy Lord, furprife our fouls ; -*- Will the Eternal dwell with us ? Whrit canft thou find beneath the poles To tempt thy chariot downward thus > StmTmight he fill his ftnrry throne, And pleas'd his ears with Gabriel's fongs; But !o, the mighty God comes down, And bows to hearken to our tongues! Great God, what poor returns we pay For love lo infinite as thine ! Words are but air, and tongues but clay; But thy compaliion 's all divine. HYMN XCVIII. The Same. TTP to the Lord that reigns on high, ^ And views the nations from atar, Let everlafting praiics fly, And tell how large his bounties are. He that can fliake the worlds he made. Or with his word, or with his rod. His gooGaels how amiazing great ! And what a cor.defcending God ! ( 78 ) Our forrows and our tears we pour Into the bo Torn of our God ; He hears us in the irwurnful hour. And foon removes our heavy load. Oh, could our thankful hearts devhe A tribute equal to thy grace ! To the third heav'fl our fongs fliould fife. And teach the golden harps thy praife. HYMN XCIX. Fervency of Devotion dejh'ed^ /^OME, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, ^^ With all thy quick*ning po%''o,- Kindle a fiame of facred love In thefc cold hearts of ours. Look how we grovel here below, Fond of thefe earthly toys ; Our fouls how heavily they go To reach eternal joys ! lx\ vain we tune our formal fongs, In vain we llrive to rife ; Hofannas languilh on our tongues, And our devotion dies. Dear Lord, and fliall we ever live At fehis poor dying rate ? Our \o\Q, (o faint, fo cold to thee>> And thine to us fo great ? ( 79 ) Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, With all thy quick'ning pow'rs ; Come fhed abroad a Saviour's love. And that lliall kindle ours. HYMN C. The Same. npO praife redeeming love, -*- Dear Chriftians, lend a voice; Come, thou diviner Dove, And help us to rejoice : Our hearts too low. Lord, thou canft raife ; Bleft Spirit, blow, And we fhall praife.^ Here, Lord, may we admire The riches of thy grace ! Till thou flialt call us higher,. There to behold thy face* Oh height of grace ! Oh depth of love \ Lord, fit us for Our place above. Who can thy love exprefs ? Thy mercy ne*er decays : What can our fouls do lefs, Than love thee all our days.^ Blefs God, each foul, Ev'n unto death ; And write a fong For.ev'ry breath. I ( 8o ) HYMN CI. Pralfe to God for Creation and Redemption, T ET them neglect thy glory, Lord, -*^ Who never knew thy grace ! But our loud fongs ftiail flill record The wonders of thy praife. We raife our fhouts, O God, to thee^ And fend them to thy throne ; All g'iory to th' united Three, The undivided One ! 'T vvas he, and we '11 adore his name, That form'd us by his word; 'T is he reftores our ruin'd frame — Salvation to the Lord ! Kofanna ! let the earth and feies Repeat the joyful found : Rocks, hills, and vales, refled the voice, In one eternal round. HYMN CII. The Faith fulnefs of God in. the Promifes, T>EGIN, my tongue, feme heav'nly theme^ •*-^ And fpeak fome boundlefs thing ; The mighty works, or mightier name Of our eternal King. Tell of his wondrous faithfulnefs, And found his pow'r abroad ; Sing the fweet promife of his grace^ And the pertoiming God. ( 8i ) Proclaim falvation from the Lord, For wretched dying men ; His hand hath writ the facred word, With an immortal pen. Engrav'd, as in eternal brafs, The mighty piomile fhines : Kor can the pow'rs of darkiicfs raze Thofc everlaftiiig lines. might I hear thy heav'niy tongue But vvhifpf^r, Thou art mine! Thofe gentle words (houId"raife my fong To notes almoft divine. How would my leaping heart rejoice, And think my heav'n fecure ! 1 'd truft the all-creating voice, . And faith deiires no more. HYMN cm. B.efurreHion of Chrifl, "OliEST morning! whofe young dawning ^ Beheld our rifmg God ; [rays That faw him triumph o'er the dull, And'leave his iaft abode ! In the cold prifon of a tomb The de-jr Redeemer lay, Till the revolving fkies had brought The third, th' appointed day. J 2 ( 82 ) Hell and the grave unite their force To hold our God in vain ; The fleeping Conqueror arofe, And burft their teeble chain. To thy great name, almighty Lord, Thefe facred hours we pay ; And loud hofannas fliall proclaim The triumphs of the day. Salvation and immortal praife To our victorious King; Let heav'n and earth, and rocks and fcaSj - With loud hofannas ring. . HYMN CIV. Praife to the Redeemer pLUNG'D in a gulf of dark defpair, •^ V/e wretched finners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or fpark of glimm'ring day. With pitying eyes the Prince of Grace Beheld our helplefs grief; He faw, and, O amazing love ! He ran to our relief. Pown from the fliining feats above, With joyful hafte he fled ; Entered the grave in mortal flefli, And dwelt among the dead. Oh, for this love let rocks and hills Their lafting filence break ! ,^nd all harmonious human tongues The Saviour*s praifes fpeak. ( 83 ) ^ngels, aflift our mighty joys, Strike all your harps of gold; But when you raile your highefl notes, His Jove can ne'er be told. HYMN CV. PaJJIon and Exaltation of Chrtjr, /^OME, all harmonious tongues, ^^ Your noblcft mufic briiig; '^ 'T is Chrift the everiafting God, And Chrift the man we fing. Tell how he took our flefli, To tiike away our guilt ; Sing the dear drops of facred blood. That hellilli monfters Ipilt. Down to the fliades of death He bow'd his awful head ; Yet he arole to live and reign, W hen death itfelf is dcad» No more the bloody fpear, The crols and nails no nioie : For hell itll'If fliakes at his nanie^ And alJ the heav'ns adort. There the Redeemer fits. High on his Father's throne; The Father lays his vengeance by, And imiles upon his Son* 1 3 f 84 ) HYMN CVI. the Glory of Chrijl in Heavgn* /^H the delights, the heav*nly joys, ^^ The glories of the place, Where Jeius flieds the brighteft beams Of his o'erflowing grace ' Sweet majefty and ?iwful love Sit fmiling on his brow ; And all the glorious ranks above At humble diftance how. His head, the dear majeftic head, That cruel thorns did wound. See what immortal glories fliine. And circle it around ! This is the Man, th* exalted Man, Whom we, unfeen, adore ; But when our eyes behold his face, Our hearts fhall love him more. Lord, fet our fpirits all on fire To fee thy bleft abode ; And tune our tongues to fing the praife Of our incarnate God ! HYMN CVII. Look on him "j^hcm they have pierced^ l^ mourn, TNFINITE grief, amazing woe ! -*' Behold our bleeding Lord ! Hell and the Jews confpir'd his death| And us'd the Roman fword. ( 85 ) Oh the lharp pangs of fmarting pain Our dear Redeemer bore ! When knotty whips and ragged thorns His facred body tore ! But knotty whips and ragged thorns In vain do we accufe ; In vain we blame the Roman bands. And the more fpiteful Jews. *T were you, our fins, our cruel fins, His chief tormentors were ; Each of our crimes became a nail. And unbelief the fpear. 'T were you that pull'd the vengeance down Upon his guiltlefs head : Break, break, our hearts; ohburfl, thefe eyes; And let cur forrows bleed ! Strike, mighty grace, each flinty foul, Till melting waters flow ; And deep repentance drown our eyes In undinembied woe. H^MN CVIil. TJjc Same, A LAS ! and did our Saviour bleed ? '^-^ And did our Sov'reign die ? Would he devote that facred head For fuch a worm as I ? Was it for crimes that I had done He groan'd upon the tree ? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! ( 86 ) Well might the fun in darknefs h'ldc^ And fhut his glories in, When God, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's fin. Thus might I hide my blufliing face, While his dear crofs appears : Piflolvc my heart in thankfnlnefs, And meh my eyes to tears. But drops of grief can ne*er repay The debt of love 1 owe ; May -I here give myfelf away ! *T is all that 1 can do. HYMN CIX. ne Same. TS there a thing beneath the iliy ••^ Can comfort bring or fatisfy, But onr de ir Saviour's wounds ? Heie is a fweet and conftant peace, A Ireafure full of richeft grace; All ehe are empty founds. Attend, my foul, link down with fliame, Before his face, uho only came To fufftr, bleed, and die : O think upon thy fm and guilt, for uhich his precious blood was fpill— Thou didfl him crucify. ( 8? ) See, thou vile piece of finful duft, Thy dcarcft Lord fweat for thy lufl-, Till drops of blood fall down ; See how he yonder proflrate lies, Obferve his mournful prayer and cries, Mark evVy tear and groan ! See thy dear Lord dragg'd like a thief, Amidft contennpt, and Itripes, and grief. For thee a facrifice ; Faften*d unto the fliameful wood, Defpis'd by men, and bath'd in blood ; So dear thy ranfom price ! Lord, didft thou fuffer thus for me ? Pidft thou feel all this mifery, To give me life and peace ? Then let me bear it on my heart, My all is purchasM with thy fmart. Thy blood figns my releafe. HYMN ex. Bijlinguljhtng Love: cry An^ gels punijhcd^ and Man fav^ d, "TVOWN headlong from their native fkiei -*-^ The rebel-angels fell ; And thunderbolts of flaming wrath Puifu'd them deep to hell. Down from the top of earthly blifs Rebellious man was hurl'd ; And Jefus ftoop'd beneath the gravCj To fave a finking world» { 88 ) O love of infinite degree ! Unmeafurable grace ! Mull H-^av'n's eternal darling die To iave a trait'rous race ! Mull angels fink for ever down, And burn in quencblefs fire ! Whiie God foriakes his fhining throne, • To raife us wretches higher ? Oh for this love let earth and Ikies With hallelujahs ring : And the full choir of human tongues All hallelujahs fing! HYMN CXI. Chrifi'i CommiJJion, /^OME, happy fouls, approach your God ^-^ With new melodious fongs ; Come render to almighty grace The tribute of your tongues. So ftrange, fo boundlefs was the lovCi That pitied dying men, The Father fent his equal Son, To give them life again. Thy hands, dear Jefus, were not arm'd With a revenging rod"; Ko hard commilfion to perform The vengeance of a God. But all was mercy, all was mild, And wr^th forfook the throne, W^hen Chrift on the kind errand came, * And brought fadvation down. ( 89 ) Here, finners, you may heal your wounds, And wipe your I'orrows dry; Truft in the mighty Saviour's name, And you ihaii never die. O deareft Lord, melt down our fouls, ^ T' accept thine offer'd giace ; Then uill we blels the Sa\icui*s love, And give the Father praife. HYMN CXir. The Same. T> AI5E your triumphant fongs "^"^ To an immoital tune ; Let the wide earth refound the deeds Celeftial grace has done. Sing how eternal love Its chief beloved chofe ; And bid him rail'e our wretched race From the;r abyfs of woes. His hand no thunder bears, No terror clothes his brow ; No bolts to drive our guilty fouls- To fiercer tiames below. *T was mercy fiUM the throne, , And wrath ftood Clent by, When Chiiil was fent with pardon down^ To rebels doom'd to die. ( 90 ) Now, iinners, dry your tears, Let hopelefs forrows ceafe j Bow to the fceptre of his love. And take the offer'd peace. Lord, we obey the call ; We lay an humble claim To the falvation thou haft brought. And love and praife thy nime, HYMN CXIII. Beholdy IJiand at the Door and knock, ts^c, WE nnagnify thy grace, O Lord ; How plenteoufly haft thou prepared A fupper for thy faints ! All things are ready, thou haft faid, A table thou haft richly fpread, To anfwer all our wants. Now, Lord, allure our fouls to thee, O kindly bid us come and fee, And tafte how good thou art : Knock with the hammer of thy wor^. Knock by thy powerful Spirit, Lord, Lord, break into each heart. Darknefs and unbelief remove, And ravifti all our fouls with love, Caft out the powV of lin ; Jefus, attend our feeble pr^y'r. And for thyfelf our hearts prepare; Gome in, our Lord, come in« ( 91 ) . Let comfort, love, -and joy, and peace, Let rivers flow, and ft ill increafe, Unto the ocean driv'n ; Lord, condescend to fup with me, And grant I noiv may lup with thee, And flip at laft in heav'n. HYMN CXIV. Repentance fiovjing from the Patience of God* A ND are we wretches yet aUve ? "^*- And do we yet rebel ? *T is boimdlefs, 't is amazing love, That bears us up from hell. The burden of our weighty guilt Would link us down to flames ; And threat'ning vengeance rolls above, To orufli oiu" feeble frames. Almighty goodnefs cries. Forbear 1 And ftraight the thunder flays : And dare we now provoke his wrath^ And weary out his grace ? -. Lord, we have long abusM thy love. Too long indulg*d our fin ; " O that our hearts may bleed, to fee What rebels we have been ! No more, our lufts, may ye command. No more may we obey ; Stretch out, O God, thy conqiiVin^ hand> And drive thcfc foes away. C 92 ) HYMN CXV. ^€Cefs iff the Throne of Grace hy a Mediator r^O E let us lift our joyful eyes ^^ Jp to the courts above ; And fmile to fee our Father there, Upon a throne of love. Once 't was a feat of dreadful wrath, And (hot devouring flame ! Our God appear'd confuming fire. And Vengeance was his name. Rich were the drops of Jefu's blood. That calm'd his frowning face ; That fprinkled o'er the burning throne. And turnM the wrath to grace. Now we may bow before his feet. And venture near the Lord ; Ko fiery cherub guards his feat, Nor double-flaming fword. The peaceful gates of heav'nly blifs Are open'd b^' the Son : High let us raife our notes of praife, And reach th* almighty throne. To thee ten thoufand thanks we bring, Great Advocate on high ; And glory to th' eternal King, ■ That lays his fury by. . ( 93 ) HYININ CXVI. ► The Darhtpfi of Providence, • T ORD, we adore thy vaft defigns, -^ Th' obfcure abyfs of Providence, Too deep to found with mortal lines, Too dark to view with feeble fenfe. Now thou array'ft thine awful face In angry frowns without a fmile : Saints, thro'igh the cloud, believe thy grace, Secure of thy compalfion flill. Through feas and ftorms oi deep diflrefs They fail by faith and not by fight : Faith guides them in tl e wildernefs, Through all the dangers of the night. Dear Father, if thy lifted rod Refolve to fcourge us here below, Still we muft lean upon our God, Thine arm ihall bear us lafely through. HYMN CXVII. The Priejlhood of Chrijl. T>LOOD has a voice to pierce the Ikies, ^ Revenge, the blood of Abel cries ; But the dear ftream, when Chrift was flain, Speaks peace as loud from ev'ry vein. Pardon and peace from God on high, Behold he lays his vengeance by ; And rebels that deferve his fword, Become the fav'rites of the Lord. K % (94);., ' To JeAis let our praifes rife, Who crave his life a facrifice ; Now he appears before our God, And for our pardon pleads his blood.^ HYMN CXVIII. 7he Benefit of Puhlic Ordinances, A WAY from ev'ry mortal care, ■^ Away from earth, our fouls retreat ; We leave this worthlefs world afar, And wait, and worfhip near thy feat. Lord, in the temple of thy grace We fee thy feet, and we adore ; We gaze upon thy lovely face, And learn the wonders of thy powV, While here our various wants we mourn. United groans afcend on high ; And prayer bears a quick return Of bleflings in variety. Father, our fouls would ftill abide Within thy temple, near thy fide ! But if our feet rauft hence depart, Still keep thy dwelling in each heart. HYMN CXIX. Humiliation, T ORD, we are vile, conceiv'd in fin, •*^ And born unholy and unclean ; Sprung from the man, whofe guilty fall corrupts the race, and taints us all. ( 95 ) Soon as we draw our infant breath, The feeds of fin grow up for death ; Thy law demands a perfeft heart, But we *re defil'd in ev'ry part. Behold, we fall before thy face, Our only refuge is thy grace ; No outward forms can make us clean, The leprofy lies deep within. Jefus, our God, thy blood alone Hath pow*r fufficient to atone : Lord, let us hear thy pard'ning voice. And make our downcall hearts rejoice. HYMN CXX. rhe Offices of Chrifi, 'Y ITTE blefs the Prophet of the Lord, ' ^ That (;omes with truth and grace ; J^fus, thy Spirit and thy Word Shall lead us in thy ways. We rev'rencc our High Pricft above. Who ofFer'd up his blood ; And lives to carry on his love, By pleading with our God, We honour our exalted King ; How fweef are his commands \ He guards our foub trom hell and fin, L^v 1 . . .mighiy hands. Holanna to his gloi ious name, Who faves by diff 'rent ways ; K3 ( 96 ) His mercies lay a fov'reign claim . To our immortal praife. HYMN CXXI. Faith in Chrijl our Sacrifice. "XJOT all the blood of beafts, ^^ On Jewilh altars flain. Could give the guilty confcience peace, Or wafh away the (tain. But Chrifl, the heav'nly Lamb, Takes all our fins away ; A facrifice of nobler name, . And richer blood than they. My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of thine, While like a penitent I ftand, And there eonfefs my (in. My foul looks back to fee The burdens thou didft bear. When hanging on the curfcd tree, And hopes her guilt was there. Believing, we rejoice To lee the curfe remove ; We blels the Lamb with cheerfui-voice^^ And fmg his bleeding love. HYMN CXXII. God recoticiled in Chrijl. DEAREST of all the names above, - Our Jefus and our God, ( 97 ) Who can refift thy heav'nly love, Or trifle with thy blood ? 'T is by the merirs of thy death, The Father fmiles again ; 'T is by thine interceding breath, The Spirit dwells in men. Till God in human flefli I fee, My thoughts no comfort find ; The holy, jufl, and facred Three, Are terrors to my mind. But if Immanuei's face appear. My hope, my joy begins ; His name forbids my flaviHi fear. His grace removes my fms. While Jews on their own law rely, And Greeks of wifdom boaft ; " I love th^ incarnate myftery, And there I fix my truft. HYMN CXXIII. come^ let us Jing unto the hord^ -pxlSCIPLES of Chri{l, -*^ Ye friends of the Lamb, Attend and aflift In finging his fame : Eternal thankfgiving The faithful fhould pay— » '^'he living, the living, * As we do this day. / 98 ) A body of clay He humbly put on j And then took away The fin we had done ; And in it endur'd 't'he wrath to us due, The curfe we incur r'd, Our ftripes, and our woe. Not only he died, But alfo aroft, Laid weaknefs afide. And all of his foes, (Sin, Death, and the Devil,) He triumphed o'er, And every evil Dominion and pow'r. O merciful Lamb, Who fit'ft on the throne, We bow at thy name. We count thee alone Deferving our bleffing ; And bleffing we'll give. Without ever ceafing. So long as we live. HYMN CXXIV. Adult Baptlfm. ■ir\ESCEND, celeftial Dove, ■^-^ In ev'ry bofom dwell ; Upon the prefent water move, While we the influence feeL ( 99 ) Anoint with holy iire, Baptize with purging flames, This foul, and with thy grace infpirc In ccafelefs living ftreams. Thy henv'nly un»5tion give. Thy promife, Lord, fulfil ; Give pow*r thy Spirit to receive. And ftrength to do thy will. Thy ord'nance we obey, O meet us in the fame ! And with this water now convey The virtues of thy name. Witnefs to this thy lign, And grant the inward grace ; Let this thy fervant, feal'd for thine. Prom hence depa,rj: in peace. HYMN CXXV. Infant Baptifm.. T^HUS did the fons of Abr'ham pafs -■- Under the bloody feal of grace \ The young difciples bore the yoke, Till Chrift the painful bondagfe broke. By milder v/ays doth Jefus prove His Father's cov'narit and his love ; He feals to faints his glorious grace. And not forbids their infant race. • Their feed is fprinkled with his blood. Their children iti apart for God ! ( . 100 ) His fpirit on their offspring Ihed,' Like water pour'd upui thefr head. Let ev*ry faint, with cheerful voice, In this large covenant rejoice ; Young children, in their early days. Shall give the God of Abr'ham praife. HYMN CXXVL Original and a5lual Sin confejjed and pardoned, T ORD, we would fpread our fore diftrefs -*^ And guilt before thine eyes ; Againft thy laws, againll thy grace, How high our crimes aiile ! ShouJdft thou condemn our fouls to hell, And crulh our flefii to duft, Heav'n would approve thy vengeance well, And earth muft own it juft. Cleanfe us, O Lord, and cheer each foul With thy forgiving love ; O make our broken fpirits whole, And bid our pains remove. Let not thy fpirit quite depart, I\ or drive us from thy face ; Create anew our vicious hearts, And fill them with thy grace. ^YMN CXXVIL Behold the Man. "^E ferious fouls draw near, ^ My fong of Jefus hear ; ( '61 ) RoH'd In blood his garments fliin'e; See him glorioufly divine ; On his hands your names appear, Come with me, this kingdom (hare. Rivers of pleafurcs How From him, for you to know ; You, who for your Saviour mourn ; You, by blood and water born ; You, who glad the world receive ; You, who, taught of God, believe. Th' exalted Saviour fee — Ke liv'd and died for thee : For you he came down from God, En.jytied all his veins of blood ; This, the Lamb for (inncrs flain, Guiity fouls. Behold the man ! Come near, ye weary, come, His arms fliali make you room : He, the fruit of Jeflc's ftem. Opes to you the living flream ; Jefus, born of David's line. You unto himfelf fhall join. Your folly he (liall hide, And bury in his fide ; O come near, his mercies tafte, Let your fins on him be caft ; Bold approach, for he fliall bear All your burden, all your care. ( 102 ) All ye whom troubles tire, Who M reft from fin*s deiire, Jefiis bids you to the feaft. There is your eternal reft ; Come with me, and ye fhall prove, Hisy an everlafting love. yYMN CXXVIII. Longing for the Latter Day Glory* O AVIOUR of the world, attend, ^ Hearken to thy people's moan : Art thou not the finner's friend ? Art thou not their friend alone ? Then thine ear incline, While they for redemption cry, Think upon that word of tlijne, ** Your redemption draweth nigh." Hear'ft thou not the many pray'rs, OfFer'd by thy church, with thee ? See'ft thou not the thoufand tears, Pour'd before thy Majefty ? Mark'ft thou not the groans ? Mind'ft thou not the yearnings great Of thy ranfom*d little ones, Prolhate round thy mercy>feat ? Is it nothing, Lord, to thee, That fo many years they Ve cried ? Muft their fuit unanfWer'd be ? Shall their prayers be Hill denied } ( '03 ) For thy mercies' fake. Turn thou the captivity, Bring the banifli'd brethren back, Lord, unite them all in thee. Be the captive exile loos'd ; Lord, the Jubilee proclaim ; All who liberty retus'd, Let them call upon thy name : Whofo calls on thee, Shall deliv'rancc gladly prove ; Shall thy fpoil, dear Jefus, be. Monuments that thou art love. Let thy blood's fo boundlefs po\v*r Wide as the creation reach ; Sweetly loud, from fliore to fliore. Thine eternal mercy preach : Let the ranfom'd feed Hear, and to thy temple flow, All for whom thou 'ft deign'd to bleed, Let them thy falvation know. Lift thy enfign very high, Let thy bloody crofs be feen, Let thy fcarlet banners fly, Glorious ill the fight of men • Sound the angel loud, ** Nov.- begins the jubilee, •' Now falvarion comes from God, *' All together it fliall fee 1" L ( 104 ) . HYMN CXXIX. The Same. ilTOVV many years have we been driv'n -*■ ^ Out from our Eden, from our heav'n ? Lord, it is time that thoii reftore Thy wand'ring church, to roam no raore. Six thoufand years are nearly paft, Since Adam from thy li^ht was caft ; So Jong ago his fallen race From age to age were void of peace, Pris'ners in houfes made of clay, And out of fight of hcav'nJy day. They cannot choofe but daily mourn. Till they from banifliment return. When will the happy trgmp proclaim The judgment of the martyr'd Lamb ? When fhall the captive troops be free. And keep th' eternal jubilee ? Haften, O God, in ev*ry land, " Send thou thine angels, and command; *' Go found deliv'rance, loudly blow, ** Salvation to the faints below." We want to have the day appear, The promis'd great fabbatic year, When far from grief, and fin, and hell, Ifr*el in ceafelefs peace fljall dwell. Till then we will not let thee reft. Thou llill fhalt hear our ftrong requeft ; And this our daily prayV fiiall be, Lord, found the trump of jubilee. ( 105 ) HYMN CXXX. All ISations JJjallfcrn^e hhn» C AVJOUR, King, afTume thy powV, ^ Thou that art the Conqueror ; Lead thy promis'ci g'ory on, Bring the nations to thy throne. Japhet's Ifles do b'efs t'ly name, Let the Xtii thy worth proclaim ; VVaili the E,lhio}>iaa clean ; In the Eaft new ligns be leen. Great the band of tlwfc be found, Who proclaim the joyful found ; Let it to thy Jfrael come., Let it bring the wandVers home. To the bri^hinefs of thy face "Fiy in troops the fupphan: race : \ Princes fliaii adorn the train j ^^^onarchs b(;\v, and biefs thy reign. Whin, Irke lighf.iing through the fkics^ AVili thy latter glory rife ? "When ihall we behold thy power ? When faiutc th' accomplifli'd hour? Qiiicldy, Lord, thy triumphs bring, ,'i\>nguc3 and kindred wa-t to fmg : Then Ihall all the chofen race Shout aloud redeeming grace, Hallelujah? I. 2 ( io6 ) HYMNT CXXXf. The Drjlne So'vereignty, /^UR God reigns, ye lands rejoice ; ^^ Lift, ye ifles, a thankful voice : Every throne, by one control'eum, or Song of Frai/e. Dialogue. TXTE fing to thee, thou Son of God, Who i::v\\ us by thy grace ; If^e frnife thcc^ San of Man ^ 'whofe hlood Kedecni'd our filleii race. ( 120 ) We thee acknowledge God and Lord, Father ere time began ; Thou art by heaven and earth ador'^d^ Worthy o'er both to 7-eign, To thee all angels cry aloud, Through heav'n's extended coafts ; Hail, holy, holy, holy God Of all immortal hojis ! The Cherubim and Seraphim Are always praifing thee ; l^he ISE, O ye feed of David, rife, '*'*' Daughters of Zion, fing ; Up^ fans of Jacob, J ejus praife^ Salute th' aufpicioui King. Our fouls arife, and may our tongue Be tun'd to praife the Lamb ; So ready he our ranfom* d throngs To magnify his name* Why flay we then ? the Lord extol ; Zion, break forrh in praife ; Join ev*ry hea'vnly -minded foul In pure ferapbic lays. Open, ye everlafting doors, Divide, ye gates of bJifs ; JVe nvitb dominions^ tbroncs^ and pmxj' rs^ Praife Cbrif our righteoufnefs, HYMN CXLVIIL The Same. T ET us, the fheep by Jefus nam'd, -*^ Our Shepherd's mercy bleis ; Let us, ivhom Jel'us bath redcenidy Show for tb our tbankfulnefs i% ( 122 ) Not unto us, to thee alone, Bleft Lamb, be glory giv'n; Here Jhall thy praifei he begun. But carried on in hca^v'n. The hofls of fpirirs now with thee, Ererrial anthems ling ; 7o imitate them here, io ! 'uoe Our Hallelujahs bring. Had we our tongues like theirs infpir'd, Like theirs our fongs fliould rife ; Like theffi, ixje 7iever Jljoiild he tird. But love the facrijice. Till we the veil of flefli lay down, Accept our weaker Jays ; And nvhc7i, O Lord, "joe reach tly throne. We Uljain in nobler praife. HYMN CXLIX. Pilgrim's Hymn. A Dialogue. TELL us, O women, we would know, Whirher fo faft ye move ? We, calCd to leave the 'world below, Are feeking one above. "Whence came ye, fay, and what the place, That ye are trav'lling from ? From Tribulation ix.'e, through grace^ Are now returning home. Is not your native ccu.itry here ? Like you not this abode ? ( 123 ) IVe fcek a better country far^ A city built by God. Thither we travel, nor intend Short of that bhfs to reil ; Nor otr, //// in the /inner'* s Friend Our lueary fouls are blejs\i. Friends of the Bridegroom we (liall reign, Saviour, we afk no more : Haily Lamb of God^ for finneri flain^ Uliom hea'-fn and earth adore ! HYiMN CL. Refing under the Crofs. pHILDRFN of Ifrael, fee what niade ^ The crol's doth. us afford ; It^jjasfor ivearjr travelers made^ We thank thee for it. Lord. Awhile fit down, and we '11 prepare To fing his worthy fame ; U'ho to redeem us fojourn^d herty Chrifi Jefus is his name. We fing thy fuff 'rings, wounds, and blood, The virtue of thy pain ; IVe fifty tfjy g^icfsy thou Son of God^ Thou Lamb for finners flain. We hail thee, thou, by Jews revil'd, To thee we bow the knee ; Hail! 'vny God, the promised Child^ The Prophets fang of thee. ( 124 ) While others praife an unknown God, We each will fing of thee ; Jefus has ixjaJFd me in his bloed^ And lin^d and died for me, HYMN CLI. General Praife to Chrifi, /^KCE (laughterM, now exalted Lan^ib, ^^ We ling to thy eternal name, The whole afiembly join : To yonder harneri* harps we tune Our lolemn foiigs, and round the throne We fing the Man divine. Our poor unmeet fociety, Mix with the happy company Ol Chriftians gone before ; And as they blefs Mefiiah's blood, We imitate their fong, and God The holy Lamb adore. Brethren and fillers all agree, To fing he liv'd and died for me ; I thank him for his grace ; Quickly thy chariot, Lprd, fend do'.vn, To bear u? to the wifli'd-for throne, Where we may fee thy face. Or if thou here wouldft have us ftay A longer fpace, lo! we obey; Only let us be fure That lieav'n is ours, die when we will. And let thy fpirit be with us flill, And we '11 defire no more. B' ( ^25 ) HYMN CLII. Privileges of God^s Children, >LESSED are the Sons of God, They are bought with Jefus' blood j They are lanfom'd from the grave, Life eternal they fliall have. God did love them in his Son, Long before the world begun ; They the feal of this receive, When on Jefus they believe. They are jullified by grace, They enjoy a folid peace ; All their fins are wafli'd away. They fliall ftand in God's great day. They produce the fruits of grace, In the works of righteoufnefs j They are harmleis, meek, and miJd, Holy, humble, undefil'd. They are lights upon the earth, Children of a heav'niy birth; Born of God, they hate all fin, God's pure feed remains within. They have fellou fliip with God, Through the Mediator's blood ; One with God, v/ith Jefus one, Glory is in them begun. Though they futfer much on earth, Strangers quite to this world's mirth; ( 1.26 ) Yet 'bey have an inward joy, Pleafures which can never cloy. They alone are truly bleft, Heirs of God, joint heirs with Chrift ; With them numberM may we be, Here, and in eternity ! HYMN CLIII. Peace of Chrifiianity, ADialogue. HO! Pilgrims ^if ye pilgrims be)> We want to join with you ; Poor Chrijlicm travellers are ai;f, To Ca/iaan's land nve go. No peace (though we have fought) we find^ In any country here ; ^Tiijas therefore ive left all hehind,^ i^'ealthf 7iame^ and charader, vVe ne'er fuchpleafure knew before, As now in him we know : Peace (fin'ce our Sa, rejaice. ( 1-3-1 ) Jefus the Saviour reigns, 'f lie God of truth and love ; ^l¥.ij he had purg'd our ilains, He took his feat above : Lift up^ t^c. His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth, p.nd heav'h ; The keys ot death and hell Al^p to our Jefus giv'n : Lfft up^ &c. He fics at God's right hand, Till all his foes iubmit. And bow to his command, And fall beneath his feet : Li/r up, (jfc. Rejoi(«e in glorious hope, Jcfns the Judge fliall come, And take his fervants up To their eternal home : , - We foon fliall hear th' aichangel's voice, The trump of God fliall found, Rejoice"! HYMN CLIX. Liftle Children, lo34 ) Hence may all our aftions ilow, Love the proof chat Chrift we know j IMutual love the token be, J_oi d, that we beiong to thee : Love, rhy image, \ov^ ;mpart, Stamp it fully on each heart ; Only love to us bt giv'ri, Lord, we afk no other heav'n. . HYMN CLXIL Part III. •pATHER, Son, and Spirit, hear- -^ Fauh*s effeclual fervent prayer ; Hear, and our petition feal, Let us nov/ the anfwer feel ; IMyilically one \yith thee, Tranfcript of the Trinity ; Thee let all our nature own, Cne in Three, and Three in One. Build us in one tjgdy up, Caird in one high calling's hope; One the fpirit whom we claim, One the pure baptif.nal flame ; One the taith, the common Lord, One the Father lives ador*d, Over, through, and in us all, God, incomprehenfible ! One with God. the fource of blif?. Ground of our communion this; Life of all thkt live below, Let thy emanations flow ] ( 135 ) l^ifc eternal in our heart ; Thou our only Eden art ; Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, Be to us what Adam loft. HYMxV CLXIII. Part IV. TTUSBAND of thy church belous •*■'*• Chrift, if thee our Lord we know, Unto thee betroth*d m love, Always faithful let us prove : Never rob thee of our heart. Never give the creature part ; Only thou poflefs the whole, Take our body, fpirit, loul. Stedfart let us cleave to thee, Love the myftic union be ; Union to the world unknown, Join'd to God, in fpirit one ; Wait we till the Spoufe fhall con>e. Till the Lamb (hall take us home j For his heav'n the Bride prepare, Solemnize our nuptials there. Let it hence to all be known Thou art with thy Father one ; One with him in us be lhow*d. Very God of very God ; Sent our fpirits to unite, Sent to make us fons of ligh^; Sent that we his grace may provCj All the riches of his love. ( \3^ ) HYMN CLXJV. Part V. /^URIST, from whom all bleffings fxO\<*, Coaiforting thy faints below, Hear lis,- who thy nature (hare, Who rhy-4'nyuic body are i Join us, in one fpint join, Let us ftill receive of thine, Still ijpr more on thee we call, Thee who filleft all in alL , Move, and actune, and guide, Diver le gifts to each divide ; Flacd according to -thy will. Let us all our wqrks fulfil ; Never from our office move, Needful to the others prove, 'Ufe the grace on each beftow'd, Temper'd by the bieiVed God. Ivlany are we now and one, We who Jefys have put on : There is n,eivher bond nor free, INIale nor female, Lrrd^ in thee, Love, like cfeath, h^ch all deftroy'd, Render'd all diftincrions void ; Names, and fe6ts, and parties fall, Thou, O Chrifl, art all in all ! HYMN CLXV. Part VL TT'ING of Taints, to whom are giv'n •^^ All in earth, and all in heav'nj Reconcil'd^arfUCThthee alone, Join'd and gathcr'd iiito one { ( 137 ) Heirs of ^lory, fons of grace, l.o, to thee our hopes v/e r.uiz ; Raite and fix our hopes on thee, FuU of iiVimortalitv. Abfent in our Htlh from home, \Vf are to Mount Siou qome : Heaven is our foul's abode, City of the living God ; \^nter'd there, our feats we cir::n In the new Jeruialem ; Join the countlefs angel-choir. Greet the iirll-born Ions of fire. We o\ir elder brothers meet. We are made with them to ht ; Sweeteil fellowfhip we prove. With the general church above ; Saints, who now their names behold In the book of hfe inroll'd, • . Spints of the righteous, made" Perfect now in Chrift their head". Life his healing blood impart*, ^p^inkled on our peaceful liearts ; Abel's blood for vencreaTice cried, JefusfpenkS us juftified ; bpciiks and calls for better ^hing% Makes us prophets, priclls, and kings Afrt-o that v.'e with him may reij^n— harth, and heaven, fay Amen •( ( 138 ) HYMN CLXVI. For V erf ons joined in Fcllo^vjhip, TRY us, O God, and fearch the ground Of evVy finful heart ; \Vhate*er of fin in us is found, O bid it all depart. When to the right or left we ftray, Reftore us by thy grace ; And guide our feet into the way Of everlafting peace. Help us to help each other, Lord, Each other's crofs to bear : Let each his friendly aid afford, And feel his brother's care. Kelp us to build each other up, Our little ftock improve; Increafe our faith, confirm our hope, And perfect us in love. Then, when the mighty work is wrought, Receive the ready bride : Give us in heav'n a happy lot. With all the fanaified. HYMN CLXVn. The Same. TESUS, Lord, we look to thee, ^ Let us in ihy name agree; Show thylelf the Prince of Peace, Bid our jars for ever ceafe. By thy reconciling love, Every ft umbling- block remove % 2. ( U9 ) Karh to each unite, endear ; Come and I'pread thy banner here. Make us of one heart znd nr.ind, Cuinteou?, piiiful, and kind ; I.ouly, ir.eek in thou<^ht and word, Ahogether like our Lord. Let us each for other care, Lach his brother's burden bear ; To thy church the pattern give, Show how true believers live ; Let us tlien with joy remove To thy family above ; On the wings of angels fly, bhow how true bclieveis die. HYMN CLX\Iir. Ji Mcetir^^, T>LRST by Jefn's providence, -*" Lo, we mtct at/;. in in peace ! luay ue, when vre tiy from hence. Meet in a more glorious place \ When we once fiiali there arrive, , liver bnppy we Hiall reign ; hvtr with our Sra'iour live, 'Midft a hoil of perfect t men. There fhall forrow not intrude, Cncf fha!l never there appear; V'\':i(ird in our Redeemer's blood, Wcfiiall fraud made free from fear. o ( HO ) Com?, dear fellows, joj-ful come» ' Forward boldly let us preis ; HunibJv let our ibuis prefume, Trull in Jefu's righteoufnei's. Pnay we for the promis'd hour, When the family complete. Borne on cload?, and girt with pow*r. In the houfe above ihall meet. Mailer, ha den on the day, Glorious to thy judgment-come : Call thy trav'Uing faints away, Lord, we long to be at home. KYMN CLXIX. Jt Parting. "pl EST be the dear uniting loye, ^•■^ That win not let us part : Our bodies may far off remove. We ftiii are join'd in heart. Toin'd in one fpirit to our Kead, Where he appoints we go ; And flil] in Telu''s lootfieps tread, And doiiis work below. O let us ever v, alk iri him, And nothing knov.' befide ; Nothing defire, nothing eileem, But Jefus crucified. Clofer and clofer let us cleave To his beiov'd embrace ; ( MI ) E,xpe(5l his fulnefs to receive. And grace to anfwer grace. Then let lis haften to the day, Which lha!l cur fiefli reilore ; When death fhall all be done away, And bodies part no more. HYMN CLXX. Jdoring Chrijh. "lyORTHY isT:hnft, our Pafchal Lamb^ ^^ Who bow'd his head, and bore oi:r ilianie. On God's eternal throne ^o reign, For he for us, for us was Oain. From evVy people, land, apc> toi^gue. He calls his royal conqu'ring throng,: Let all thy holts thy grace confefs. And cail thee. Lord our righteoufnefs. We prriife rhee, thou whofe Spiiit refls On us thy kings, on us tiiy priefls ; Keiiceiu'dto bannuet wich our -God, And bought and i anfom'd by his blood. Let every fpirit now with thee, - And alLon earth, -^xdi all on fea, Thy wifdon:^ biefs, and fill thy throne With worihip due to thee alone, Be pow'r and riches ever thine, Aiul ftrength and mnjtily divine; By every creature reign ador'd ; The only, eveilafting Lord 1 , o s ( 142 ) HYMN CLXXI. The Same. T>RETHREN, let us join to bicfs -*^ Jefus Chrift our joy and peace ; Let our prnife to him be giv'n, High, at God*s righi hand in heav'n. Mafter, fee to thee we bow, Thou art Lord, and only thou ; Thou, the blclTed Virgin's leed, Glory of thy church and head. Thee the angels ceafelefs fing, Thee we praife, our Prieft and King ; Worthy is thy name of praife. Full of glory, full of grace. Thou hall the glad tidings brought Of falvation by thee wrought ; Wrought for all thy church, and we Worlhip in their company. We, thy little flock, adore Thee, the Lord, for evermore ; Ever with us fliow thy love, Till we join with thofe above. HYMN CLXXII. For thf Propagation of the Go/pel. /^OME, divine Immanuel. come, ^^ Take poO'eirion of thy honje ; Now thy mercy's wings expand, Stretch throughout the happy land. ( '43 "i Carry on thy vicVoiy, Spread thy rule tiom Tea to Tea ; Re-conver[ the ranfom'd race. Save us, fave us, Lord, by giace. O tkit every foul might be Sudtleniy fubdird to thee ; O that a'l in thee niiohc know Everlaftingiife below. Now thy riiercy*s wings expand, Stretch throni^hout the happy land ^ Take pofTeflion of thy-home. Come, divine Immanuel, come. HYMM CLXXIII. Rejoicing in .% /^^HILDREN of the heav'nly King,' ^' As ye journey, iweetly fing ; Sing your baviour's worthy prajie. Glorious in his works and ways. We are traveling home to God, In the wiy the fathers trod ; They ar*^ happy no;v, and we Soon their hrippiocfs inall fee. O ye banTdi'd feed be glad ; Chrift your .Advocate is made ! U? to fave our flefli afTumes, Brother to our fouls becomes \ Shout, ye littie flock and blc{l, Ye on Jefu's throne Ihall refi ; o -i C H4 ) There your feat Is now prepar'd, There your kingdom and reward. Fear not, brethren, joyful ftand On the borders of your Jand : Jefus Chrill, your Father's Son, Bids you undifnnayM go on. Lord, obediently we go, , Gladly leaving all below 1 Only thou our leader be. And we ftill will follow thee. HYMN CLXXIV. Breathing after Holinefs, T OVE divine, all loves excelling, -*-' Joy of heav'n to earth come down ; Fix in us thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crown. Jefus, thou art all compaffion ; Pure unbounded love thou art : Vifit us with thy falvation. Enter ev'ry trembling heart. Breathe, O breathe thy loving fpirit Into Qv'\"f troubled breail, Let us ail in thee inheiir, Let us find thy promis'd reft; Take away the love of finning, Alpha and Omega be. End of faith as its beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. ( U.' ) Com?, alniighty to deliver, Lc: U) all rhv life receive; Soddeniy return, and never, Never mrre thy temples leave; Thee we would be always blefling. Serve thee as thy hofis above ; Pray and praife thee without ceafing, Glory ill thy j>recioiB love. Finilli then thy new crratijn, Pure, unipottcd may wc be; Let u> fee thy j;reat fdvatioJi Perferaife ! HYMN CLXXV. Th^ Chriftian Scldic' OOI.DIERS of Chria arife, ^■^ And }>nt your armour on : S'.ronsj in the Itre.igth wiiich God fiippllc- TLrvugh his eternal Son; Strong in the Lord of hoft^, And in his mighty pow'r : Who in the ftrength of Jefus tnifls I- nnorc than conqueror. Stand then in his great niigl)r, Witii all ir.s ftrength endu'd ; And take, to arm you for the light, The p-.r-oply £.f God : • / { 146 ) That having all things done, And all your conflicts paft, Yoii may o'erconie through Chrid alone, And ftand complete at lafl. jefus hath died f6r you ; - What can his love withftand ? Believe, hold fait your fliield, and who Shall pluck you from his hand ? Believe that JefuS reigns; All pow'r to him is giv'n ; Believe, till, freed from Nature's chains, You 'le call'd from hence to heav'n. Your Rock can never fliakej^ Kither, he faith, come up ; The helmet of falvation take, The confidence of -hope : Hope for his perfecft love, Hope for his promis'd refl-, ^ Hope to ill down with Chrilt above, And {iiare the marriage feail. In fellovv'fliip alone, To God with faith draw near; Approach his courts, befiege his throne, With all tlie pow V of prayer ; Go to his temple, go, Nor from his altar- move: Let every houfe his worfhip know, And ev'rv heart his love. ( 147 ) From, frrength to llrength go on, Wrtrftlc, and fight, and pray. Tread all the pow'rs of c^rknefs dotvn, And win the well-fought day ; Still let the Spirit cry Ti» all his foldiers, ^K^ome;'' Till Chrift the Lord deictiids from high, And takes ;he conqu'ror^ honie. IIYMX CLXXVI. Vimtr- after GoJ. 'T^HOU hidden love oi ( jod, uhofe height, ■*■ V\ i ofe depth unfjtho-"n'd no man kaows, I fee fruni far thv beauteous li^hS Inly 1 flgli for thy repofe ; ISIy heart is pain'd, nor can it le At' rell, till it find reft in tlitc. Is there a thing beneath th^ r.in That ftrives wi'h thee my lieart to fliare ? Ah tear it thence, and reign alone. The Lord of ev'ry motion there; Then lliall my heart from earth bT free, When it has found repole in thee. O hide this felf from me, th-it I No more, b'Jt Chrift in me may live; My vile nffei-^ions crucify, Nor let one darling luu furvive ; If! all things nf)thing may I fee, Nothing deli re, or leek, but thee. ( 148. )- Oh love 1 thy fov'reign aid impart, To fave me from iow-thoughted caret Chafe this felf-will*th rough all my heart, Through air its latent mazes there : Make me thy duteous child, that I Ceafflefi may Abba, Father! cry. r.2ch m.«m.ent draw from earth away My heart that lowly waits thy call; Speak to my inmoft foul, and fay, t am thy love, thy God, thy all ; To feel thy pow'r, to hear thy voice, To tafte thy love, be all my choice. HYMN CLXXVII. Monng Jefus, r\ COME, let us join, together combine, V^' To praife our dear Saviour, our Mafter divine ; Kim let u:; adore, who, cover'd with gore, Late hung upon Calv'ry both wounded and poor. He worthy is bleft, by fpirits at refl, Who once in this defert his Godhead confefl. The heavenly fpheres, who faw him in tears, Yea, ev'ry flrong angel his perfon reveres. The prophets who told his fuff rings of old, Sing now fwect thankfgiving^, on pfalt'ries of ^old. ( 149 ) Tiic fathers, to whom he Ibow^d he woi'M come, >»ow in his pavilion take up tlicir long home. The fpirits of men, who for him vver^ flain, From Abel the righteous, fliare now in his reign. Th' apoftles who ftood, refiffing to blo6d, For Jefus's gofpel, rejoice in tlftir God. The confellbrs too, thtm proftrating low, C'aft down their bright mitres, una thank- fully bow. O church of the Lamb, here met, do the fame. With faints, and with angels, biefs Jefus's name. IVIy foul bear a part; for ranfom'd thou art, By Jefu's blood-iliedding, his burial and fmart. To him that was flain, the fuorn'd Xazarene, £e glory and honour : — Let all fay, Amen. HYMN CLXXVIII. Jud^^ncut, T O, he come'h ! countlefs trumpets -*^ Blow before the bloody fign-, 'Midft ten thoufand (aints and angels, See the Crucified lliine •" Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujal) ! Welcome, welcome, bleeding Lamb ! Now his merit, by the 'harpers, Through th' eternal deep rcfoiinds : 4 ( 15° ) Now refplendcnt (hirie his nail- prints, Ev'ry eye fliail fee his wounds; They who pierc'd him, they, &c Shall at his appearing waii. Every ifland, Tea, and mountain, Heav'n and earth Ihall flee away ; ^11 who hate him muft, afiiamed, Hear the trump proclaim the day ; Come to judgment, come, &c. Stand before the Son of Man. Saints, who love him, view his glor}*. Shining in his marred face ; His dear perfon on the rainbow, Now his people's head fnall raife : Happy mourners ! happy, &c. Lo, in clouds he comes, he comes. Now redemption long expecled, See in folemn pomp ap})ear; All his people, once defpifed, - Now fliall meet him in the air : Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Halldujah ! Now the prooiis'd kingdom 'b comh View him fmiling, now dcrennin'd Every evil to dedroy : All the nations now fliall fing him Soni|,s of evcriafting joy : O come quickly \ O con%e quickly ! &c. Hallelujah ! con^.e, Lord, come. ( 151 ) HYMN CLXXIX. Chrtji our great High Fiitji. A GOOD High Prieft is come, •^^ Supplying Aaron's place. And taking up his room, Difpenfing life and grace; The law by Aaron's priefthood came, But grace and truth by Jefu's name. My Lord a prieft is made. As fware the mighty God, To Ifr'el and his feed, Ordkin'd to offer blood : For finners who his mercy feek, A Prieft, as was Melchifedec. He once temptations knew, Of ev'ry fort and kind ; Tiiat he might fuccour ftiew To ev'ry tempted mind ; In ev'ry point the Lamb was triei Like us, and then for us he died. He dies, but lives again, And by the altar ftands, There fliows how he was flain, And o{)'ning his pierc'd hands, He 'bides a Prieic, and pleads our caufe, Trangrelfors of his righteous laws. 1 other priefts difclnim, AndlavvS and ofF'rings too; p None bVit the bleedin'g Lamb The mighty work could (So : He (liall have all the praife, for he; Alone m& iov'd, and died for me. HYMN CLXXX. j^t the Death of a Belie'vc: . 'X^T'HY do we mourn departing friends, ^ ^ Or fhake at death's alarms? 'Tls but the vojce that J^fus fends To call them to his arms. Are' we not tending'upwards too, As raft as time can move r Why fliould we wifti the hours more flow That keep us from our love ? Why fliould we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? There the dear flefli of Jefus lay, And kft a fweet perfume. The graves of all his faints he bleft, And foften'd ev'ry bed; . -Where lliould the dying members reil, iir.t v.-ith their dying Head? Thence he arofe, afcending high, And fliow'd our feet the way; Up to the Lord our flefli flialf fiy, At the great riling day. i ( 153 ) H^MN CLXXXI. Fune^:-L 'pEAGH me the meafiire of rny days, ^ Thou Maker of my frame ; I ivoifld furvey life s narrow fpace, And learn how frail 1 am. A fpan is all that we can boaft, An inch or two of time : Man is iwt vanity and duft, \n all his flow'r and prime,. See the vain race of mortals move Like ihadows o'er the plain ; They rage andjirive, defire and love, But all their 'noife is vain. Some walk in honour's gaudy fhow, Some dig for goklen ore : They toil for heir?, they know not v/ho^ And flraight are fee n no more. "U'e are but ftrangers here below, As all our fathers were; May we be wel! prepar-d to go, When we the fummons hear. M HYMN CLXXXII. The Sa. Y foul^'come meditate the day, And thilik how near it ftands, When thou mnfl quit tliis houfe of clr7;.% And fly to unknown lands. Oh could we die with thofe that die, A:k1 plai€-us in their ftead, P 2 { M4 ) Then would our fpirits learn to fly, And converie with the dead. Then (bould we fee the faints above, In their own glorious forms ; And wonder why our fouls fliould love' To dwell with mortal worms. HYMN CLXXXIII. ^ Funeral Hymn for a Bdievcr» ^'J'lS fmifird! 'tis done! ^ The fpirit is fled, The pris'iier is gone : The Chriftian is dead; The C hriftian is living In Jefus his love. And gladly receiving A kingdom above. All honour and praifc Are Jefus's due j Supported by grace. He fought his way through ; Triumphantly glorious, Through Jefus's zeal, And more than victorious 0*er (in, death, and hell. Then let us record The conquering name; Our Captain and Lord With fhou tings proclaim ; ^55 ) Who trufl in his pafTion, And follow our Head, To certain f^lvation We all fliall be led. , O Jefus, lead on Thy militant care, And give us the crou n Of righteoufnefs there: Where, dazzled with glory, The feraphim gaze ; Or proftrate adore thee In filence of praife. Come, Lord, and difplay Thy fign in the Iky, And bear us away To mr.nfions on high : The kingdom be giv'n, The purchafe divine, And crown us in heaven, Eternally thine. 7 CLXXXV. The Same. 'pHANKS be to God, whofe faithful love ^ Hath call'd another to his breafl : 'J'ranflated him to joys above, To man lions of eternal relt I By miniftering fpirits convey'd, Lodg'd in the garner of the fky, He refts ; in Abraham's bofom laid, He "lives with God, no more to die, _ O that we all may thus break through. The crown with holy vi'lence feize; The ftarry crown to conqueft due. The cruwn of life and righteoufnefs. ( HI ) Will not the righteous Judge beflow' The prize on all who (ttk him here; And long, while fojoiirning below, To fee their much-lov'd Lord appear? He will (our hearts cry out), he will Thefe eager wifhes more than meet, Thefe infinite defires fulfil, And make our happmefs complete. O what a foul-o'erpowVing thought \ 'Tis ecftacy too great to bear : We all at once ihall be up caijghr, And meet our Jefus in the air ! HYMX CXCVIII. The Same, A H, lovely appearance of death ! -^*' No fight upon earth is fo fair, Not all the gay pageants that breathe Can with a dead body compare. With folemn delight I farvey • The corpfe when the fpirit is fled, lii love with the beautiful clay, And longing to lie in his (lead. How bled is our brother bereft Of all that couUl burden his mind ; How cafy the foul that hath Lft This \V3rifome bodv behind ! ( 158 ) Of evil incapable thou, Whofe relics with envy I fee : No/ longer in miferv now, No longer a /inner like me. This earth is affected no more With ficknefs, or fnaken with pain The war in the members is o'er, And never fhail vex him ag_ain j No anger henceforv/ard, or fname. Shall redden this innocent clay: Extinft i*^ the animal flame, And palTion is vaiiifh'd away. This languifhing head is at reft, Its thinking and aching are o'er; This quiet immoveable breaft Is heav'd by anlidion no m.ore : This heart is no longer the feat Of trouble and torturing pain j It ceafes to flutter and bear, Jt never fnall flutter again. The lids he fo feldom could clofr, By forrow forbidden to {leep, Seal'd up in the fweeteft repofe, Have ftrangely forgotten to weep r The fountains can yield no fupplies, Thefe hollows from waters are fret, The tears are all wip'd from rhefe eyei. And evil they never ihall fee ! ( »59 ) To mourn and to fufFer is mine, While bound in a prifon 1 breathe, And ftill for deliverance pine, And prefs to the iflues of death : What now with my tears I bedew, O might I this moment become? My fpirit created anew, My flcfh be confign'd to the tomb ! HYMN CXCIX. The Same. TESUS, come, our deareft Jcfus, ^ Save us from the world beneath ; From a life of pain releafe \is, From a life of daily death ; Liften to the ceafelefs moaning Of thy plaintive turtle-dove; Anfwer, Lord, the fpirit's groaning, Take us to our church above. Many faints are gont before us To the manfion of the grave ; Jefus, come ! to life reftore us, Us from all our trouble fave ; Us, in infinite compaflion. To our happier friends unite ; Raife us to oyr higheft ftation, Rank \is with thy faints in light. Still we bear about thy dying, In our feeble bodies here, ( ,6o ^ Languiiliing for thee, and crying, Ligh^ of Life, in ns appear. Take us to thy kind embraces, To thy heavenly banquet lead ; Wipe tlie forrow from our faces. Set the crown upon our head. HYMN CC. ChyTs Kai-^ity. A LL glory to God, and peace upon earth, "^*' Be pubHfn'd abroad, at Jefus's birth ^ The forfeited favour of Heaven we find Keftor'd in the Saviour and friend of man- kind. Then let us behold Meffiah the Lord, By prophets foretold, by angels ador'd ; Our God's incarnation vviih ajigels proclaim, And publifli falvation in Jefus's name. Our newly-born King by faith we have feen^ And joyfully fing his goodnefs to nnen ; That all men may wonder at what we impart. And thankfully ponder his love in their heart. What mov'd the Moft High fo greatly to ftoop ? He comes from the fky our fouls to lift up ; That finners forgiven, might happy return To'God and to heav'n — their iNJaker is born. Immanuel's love let fmners confefs. Who comes from above, to bringus his peace , ( ,i6i ) Let ev'ry believer his mercyi adore, And praife him for ever, when time b no more. A HYMX CCI. The Same. WAY with our fears ! The Godliead appears, . In Chriil: reconcil'd, Tb.e Father ol^iiiei'ciei,, in Jefiis the child. He comes friam above, In manifeil love; The. defire of our eyes, The meek Lamb of God iu a manger he lies. At Tmrnanuel's birth. What a triumph on earth! Yet could it atford . ^, better a place for its heavenly Lord ? The Ancient of Days, To redeem a loft race, From his glory comes down, Sclf-humbled, to carry us up to a crown. Made fiefli for our fake, That we might partake The nature divine, And again in his image his hollncfs (liine ; An heavenly birth Experience on earth, ( l62 ) And rife to his throne, And live with our Jefus eternally one* Then let us believe. And gladly receive The tidings they bring, Who publifh to finners theirSaviour and King. And while we are here Our King fhall appear, His fpirit impart, And fornn his full image of love in ouriieart* HYMN CCIL The^ame, COME, thou long-expeded Jefus, Born to fet thy people free ; Prom our fears and fins releafe us, Let us find our reft in thee 4 Ifrael's ftrength and confolatiof], Hope of all the earth thou art ; Dear defire of ev'ry nation, Joy of ev'ry longing heart. Born tliy people to deliver, Born a child and yet a kin^ Born to reign in us tor ever, Now thy gracious kingdom bring; By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts r^iore; ( i63 ) By thine all-fufHcient merit, Raile us to thy glorious throne. HYMN CCIII. The Same, T ET angels and archangels fing ^-^ The wonderful Immanuel's name; Adore w ith us our new-born King, And liill tlie joyful news proclaim; AW earth and heav'n be ever join'd To praife the Saviour of mankind. The everlalting God comes down, To fojourn with the fons of men; Without his majefty or crown, The orcat Invifible is feen ; Of all his dazzling glories fliorn, The everlafting God is born. Angels, behold that infant's face, With rapt'rous awe the Godhead own; 'Tis ail your heav'n on him to gaze. And caft yojr crowns before his throne Though now he on his footftool lies, Yc know he built both earth and fkies. By him into exigence brought. Ye fang the ail-creating Word : Ye heard him call our world from nought : Again in honour of our Lord, Ye morning ftars, your hymns employ, And fiiout, ve fons of God, for joy. 0^ r 164 ) MYMN CCIV. Chriji's Inccu-nation. A LL-WI5E, all-good, almighty Lord, -^ Jefus, by higheft heav'n ador'd. Ere time its coiirfe begatl ; How did thy glorious m^rcy ftoop. To take the fallen tiatuce up, When thou thyfelf wert m^n ! Th' eternal God from heav'n came dov^nj The King of Glory \di his crown, And veil'd his majefty : Emptied of all but love, he came : Jefus, I call thee by the name Thy pity bore for me. O holy Child, fdll let thy birth Bring peace to us pcx)r worms of earth, And praife to God on high ; Conic, thou who didft my flefli alTume, Kow to the abject (inner come, And in a manger lie. Didfl thou not in thy perfon join ThtC natures human and divine. That God and men might be Henceforth infeparably one ? Halle thou, and make thy nature knowri; Incarnated in m.e. In my weak finful fle(h appear; O God, be manifefled'here, Pe:ice, righteoufiier% and joy; I ( '65 ) Thy kingdom, Lord, fet up witlila JNJy waiting heart, and all my lin, The devil's workb, dellroy. HYMN CCV. Admiring Chrijl's Lr.r. X^E children of my God, -*^ Ye dear peculiar race, \Vho*rc wafii'd in Jefu's blood. And fav'd through faith by grace, Attend, and join to tell his fame. Whom John the Baptiit cali'd the Lamb. From all eternity, H*; lov'd the fiiiner's train ; His love him forc'd to die, Ccmpell'd lum to be flain For us, and in our ftead he flood, With all his garments roU'd in blood. Hi^ heart he fet on liS, When we were enemies ; And on th' ace ur fed crofs, Amidft his tears and cries, He pray'd for us, who us'd him (o. Father, they know not what they do ! He thought upon us when The blood ran from his heart, In all his grief and pain, - In all his chiefeft fmart: Though we it caus'd, he all forgave; And bare it, th;it he might us fave. ( ^(>(> ) Still he remiins the fame, His foes he loves, and cne5. Believe ye in my name, Lift up, ye lofl, your eyes ; Behold me, and ye yet fliall live, I freely will falvation give. HYMN CCVI. r\ COME, let us join, ^^ In mufic divine, The Saviour to laud, 'T is meet, and fit. It is charming and perfectly fweer, The Saviour to praife, our Lord and our God^ 'T is a pleafure to fing Of a crucified King, With courage and flame; The angels that love us, And feraphs above us. Do always the fame. Hark ! hark 1 how they fhout All heaven throughout In founding his name. Come, all that are here. Your tbankfgivings rear, To Jefus your chief; *T is good we fhould. It is lovely and better than food, It raifes our joy, and banifhes grief; ( i67 ) Then in him we'll rejoice, Up t'j him lift our voice, And fpirit within ; Who lov'd us To greatly, To wafli us completely From guilt and from fin. Hark ! hark ! how they fliout, All heaven throughout, A Jefus divine ! He 's worthy, they cry, The Lamb that did die; So warbles their tongue, Let us do thus, It is comely his praife to difcufs, A theme ever proper by us to be funj;; 'T is our duty and gain, And it (han't be in vain. His praife to repeat, Who pardon difpenfes For all our offences. Though ever fo great. Hp.rk I hark ! how they fliout. All heaven throughout, A Saviour complete I All glory to him ■ Who fouls does redeem From converfe unfit ; Agree* do we, 0.5 ( i68 ) It will ever becoming us be Hofanna to Jefus with joy to tranfmit. To God's dear belov'd Son Be all praife and renown, Dominion and might, Who fmners embraces, And fills them with graces, To do what is right. Hark ! hark ! how they fhout. Ail heaven throughout, The Morning-fiar bright. Come, ling him once more, (We may not give o'er,) For fmners who pleads, Beguil'd,, defird ; And to bring them to God reconcil'd, He ftill intercedes, and always fucceeds This dear Saviour of men Let us fing once again, Who purges his own, And makes them all glorious, And m.ore than viftori^jus, Then gives them a crown. Hark ! hark ! how tliey ihour, All heaven throughout. The Lamb on the throne. To Father, and Son, And Dove, Three in One, Be glory and prai(e, By us, and thofe ( i69 ) vVho in glorious celeftial repofe Do ceafelefs their fongs of thankfgtiving ratfe^ May the Three-One be fiing By each cherubin-tongue; Let no tongue be mute — Join, beings celeftial. And beings terreftrial, The great and minute, Join all in one choir, The Dove, Son, and Sire, With praife to falute. HYiMN CLXXXVr. Praife to Chrijl, r^FFSPRING of David, David's root^ ^^ Thou JefTe's ftem, and JefTe's fruit, To thee propitious, thee our King, The tribute of our hearts we bring. While all thy mercies we enjoy. Hymns fhall our grateful lips employ; Beneath the fliadow of thy wing We'd gladly wait, and lovej'^and fing. Haften the time when we fliall fhine. With angels and archangels join, With righteous fpirits gone before, J'or ever thy fvteet name t' adore. With them our ravifti'd fouls would ref^, And fliare with them thy marriage feaU ; f 170 ) Am:)ng their number, in their lays, We'd pant to join, and thirft to praife^ And while our Ibuls are thus denied. Left we fliould fall, or turn afide, Jefiis, our kind protection prove, And love us with eternal love. HYMN" CLXXXVII. Momitig. T> ISE, my foul, adore thy Maker; -^*" Angels praife, join thy lays, "\^''ith them be partaker. Father, Lord of every fpirit. In thy light lead me right, Through my Saviour's merit. Never call me from thy prefence, Till my foul fliall be full Of thy bfefTed effence. O my Jefus, God Almighty, Pray for me, till I fee Thee in Salem's city. Holy Ghofl, by Jefus given, Be my guide, left my pride Shut me out of heaven. Xho^ this night waft my protecflorg^ With m.e flay all the day, Ever my director. Holy, holy, holy Giver Of all good, life and food. Reign ador'd for ever I ( I/I ) Grnce he/ore Meat, T? E prefent at our table, Lord, ^ Be here, and ev'ry where ador'd: Thefe creatures biefs, and graat that we May feaft in Paradife with tnee. ^fter jMcnt. \X7'E thank thee, Lord, for this our food, ^ ^ But more becaufe of Jefu's blood j Let manna to our fouls be giv'n, The bread of life fent down from heav'n, HVMN CLXXXVIir. Evening. 'pRE I deep, for ev'ry favour, ^^ This day fliow'd by my God, I will blefs my Saviour. O my Lord, what fliall I render To thy name, ftill the fame, Gracious, good, and tender ! Leave me not, but ever love me j Let thy peace be my blifs. Till thou hence remove me- Vifu me with thy falvation; Let thy care ftill be near, Round my habitation. Thou my rock, my guard, mytower^ Safely keep, while 1 fleep, li,l^^ with all thy pow'r. So whene'er in death I (lumber, Let me rife with the wife, Counted in their number* ( 172 ) HYMN CLXXXIX. Glorying in the Crofu "\^\^HEN I furvey the wondrous crofs * ^ On which the Prince of Glory died, My richeft gain I count but lofs, And pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that T iliould boafl, Save in the death of Chrift, my God : All the vain things that charm me mofl, I facrifice them to his blood. See from his head, his hcnds, his feet. Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er fuch love and forrow meet, Or thorns compofe fo rich a crown ? Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a prefent far too fmall: "hov^ fo amazing, fc divine, Demands my foul, my life, my all, HYMN CXC. 4fier ScrmoH. f\ JESU, our Lord, thy name be adored, ^^ For all the rich blelHngs convey'd thro* thy word. In fpirit we trace thy wonders of grace, And cheerfully join in a concert of praifc. The Ancient of Days his glory difplays, <^nd fhines on his chofea withcherifhino rayic ( 173 ) The trumpet of God is founding abroad The language of mercy, falvation through blood. Thrice happy are they, who hear and obey, And fliare in the bleflings of this gofpel day. The people who know the Saviour below, With burning affection to worfliip him glow. This bleffing be mine, through favour divine ; Buf, O my Redeemer, the glory be thine. HYMN CXCI. TESU, fhow us thy falvation, ^ (In thy ftrength we ftrive with thee^) By thy myflic incrjrnation, By thy pure nativity. Save us, thou our new Creator ; Into all our fouls impart Thy divine and holy nature, Form thyfelf within our heart. By thy firft blood-fliedding heal us, Cut us off from ev'ry fm ; By thy circum.cifion feal us, Write thy law of love within. By thy fpirit eircumcife us. Kindle in our hearts a flame; By thy baptifm now baptize Uc Into all thy glorious nam.e. By thy fafting and temptation, Mortify our vain defires ; ( 174 ) Take away what fenfe, or paflion. Appetite, or flefh requires j Arm us with thy felf-denial, Ev'ry tempted foul defend ; Save us in the fi'ry trial, IMake U3 faithful to the end. By thy great and bitter paflion, By thy fufr'ring on the tree, Save us from., the indignation Due to all rriankind and me; Hanging, bleeding, panting, dying, Gafping out thy lateft breath; By thy precious death's applying, 6ave us from eternal death. By the ponip of thine afcending, Livx we here to heav'n reftor'd^ Live ifl pleafures never ending, Share the portion of our Lord j Let us have our converfation With the blelTed fpir'ts above ; Sav'd with ail thy great falvation, Ferfe6tly renew'd in love. HYMN CXCn. Chriji's Second Coming, TJ E comes ! he comes ! the Judge fevere ; -*--*■' Ttie feventh trumpet fpeaks him near; The lightnings" fiafli, thfe thunders roll, He's welcome to the faithful foul, Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcQme, Welcome to the faithful foul. c 175 ) From heav'n angelic voices foiincfy See th' aimighty Jefiis crowri'd ! Girt wiih omnipotence and grace, And glory decks the Saviour's face, Glory, &c. decks the Saviour's face. Defcending from his azure throne, He claims the kingdoms for his ownj- The king-doms all obey his word, And hail him their triumphant Lord, Hail him, &:c. their triumphant Lord. Shout all the people of the fky. And all the faints of the Moft High ; Our God, u-ho now his right obtains, For ever and for ever reigns, Ever, &c. and for ever reigns. The Father blefs, the Son adore, The Spirit praife for evermore ; Salvation's glorious work is done, We welcome thee, great Three in One, Vv'elcome, &c. great Three in One. HYMN CXCin. The Backjlider, TESU, let tliy pitying eye ^ Call back a M'and'ring flicep; Falfc to thee, like Peter, I Would fain like Peter weep; Let me be by grace reftor'd, On mc be all long-fuffTing fliown ; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, Aud break mv he^rt of flone. ( 176 ) Saviour, Prince, enthron'd abore, Repentance to impart, Give me, through thy dying love. The humble contrite heart : Give me, what I've long implcu-'d. The ble^lin'g of thy grief unknown - Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of ftone. See me, Saviour, from above, Nor fuffcr me to die; Life, and happinefs, and love, Drop from thy gracious eye ; Speak the reconcihng word, * And let thy mercy m.ek me down i Turn, and look upon me. Lord, And break my heart of (tone. Look, as when thy grace beheld The harlot in diftrefs, ' Dried her tears, her pardon feal'd, And bade her go in peace ; Foul like her, and felf-abhorr'd, T at thy feet for mercv groan : fry J a Turn, and look upon me. Lord, And break my hea^t of ftone. Look, as when, condemn'd for tbera^ Thou didfl thy foU'wers fee, " Daughters of Jerufalem, ^' Wtep for youi-feirsF, not me,'* ( 177 ) Am I bv my God deplor'd, And ifliall I not iDyfelf bemoan ? Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of ftone. Look as when thy piteous eye Was clos'd, that we might live; " Father,'* (at the point to die,) My Saviour gaCp'd, " forgive !" Surely with that dying word, He turns and looks, and cries, " 'T is done!" O my bleeding, loving Lord, This breaks niv heart of ftone. HYMN CXGIV. An Hymn to the Trinity. /^OME, thou, almighty King, ^^ Kelp us thy name to fm^, Help us to praife ; Father all-glorious. O'er all victorious! Come, and rtign over u?j Ancient of Days. Jef\i«?, our Lord, arife, Scatter our enemies, And make tliem fall ; Let thine almighty aid Our furc, defence be made. Our fouls on thee be ftay'd ; Lord, hear our call. ( T78 ) Come, thou Incarnate Word, Gird on thy mighty fword, Our pray 'r attend; Come, and thy people hlefs, And give thy word fuccefs : Spirit of holinefs, 0,n us defcend. Come, holy Comforter, Thy facred witnefs bear. In this glaa hour j Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in ev'ry heart. And ne'er from us depart. Spirit of pow'r. To thee, great Onein Three^ Eternal praifes be, Kence — evermore ; His fov'reign Majefly May we in glory fee, And to eternity Love and adore. HYMN CXCV. Chrij^ the Bcli everts Refuge and Portkn. TESU, lover of my foul, •^ Let me to thy bofom &y ; While the nearer waters roll, While the tempeft ftill is high ; ^ide me, O my Saviour, hide. Till -the florm of life is pafli ( 179 ) Safe into the haven guid?, receive my Ibul at lail. Other refuge have I none, ' Hangs my helplefs foul on thee j Leave, ah ! leave me not alone, Still fupport and comfort me : All my truft on thee is fiay'd. All my help from thee I bring ; Cover my detencelefs head With ihe fliadow of thy wing. Thou, O Chria, art all I want, Ev'ry good in thee I find : Raife the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the iicl:, and lead the blind. Juft and holy is thy name, 1 am all unrighteoufnefs ; Vile, and full of fm I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. Plenteous -grace with thee is found, Grace to pardon all my fin ; Let the healing dreams abound, Make and ktcn me pure vithin : Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let n:*j take of thee ; SjTing thou up w itliin my heart, Rile to all eternity. JIYMN CXCVT. Drjir'wgiopraifevjorunty, /^OME, thou fount of ev'ry bleffing, ^' Tune my heart to fing thy grace ; ^3 ( i8o ) Streams of mercy never ceafing, Call for fongs of loudeft praife; Teach me fome melodious fonnet, Tung by flaming tongues above ; 'raife the mount — oh fix me on it, Mount of God's unchanging love ! Here I raife my Eben-Ezer, Hither by thine help I'm come; And I hope, by thy good pleafure, Safely to arrive at home ; Jefus fought me when a flranger, VVand'ring from the fold of God; He, to refcue me from danger, Interpas'd with precious blood. O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm conftrain'd to be! Let that grace now Hke a fetter Bind my wand'ring heart to thee ; Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love — Herd's my heart — O take and feal it ! Seal it from thy courts above 1 HYMN CXCVIL Adoring free andfovereign Mercy. /*A LORD, how great's the favour ^-^ That we, fiich fmners poor, Can, through thy blood's fweet favour, Approach thy mercy's doorj And find an open p^ff^^o Unto the throne or" grace ; There wait the welcome mefTage That bids us go in peace. Lord, we are helplefs creatures, Full ot the deepeft need ; ThroiiohoiK dciii'd by nature. Stupid, aiiH inly dead : Our ftrength is perfect weaknefe. And all we hive is fin, Our hearts are all uncleannefs, A den of thieves v/ithin. In this forlorn conditio*h, Who fhall afford us aid ? Where (hail we find compaflion, But in the rhuich's Head ? Jefus, thou art all pity, O take us to thine arms ; And exercifc: thy mercy, To uve us from all harms. We'll never ceafe repeating Our numberltfs complamts, But ever be entreating' The glorious King of Saints ; .Till we attain the image Of him we inly love ; And pay our grateful homage With ail the faints above. ( l82 ) Then we, with all in glory. Shall thankfully relate Th' ^mazing, pleafing ftory Of Jefu's love lb great ! In this bleft contemplation We fliall for ever dwell ; And prove fuch conlolation As none below can tell. HYIMN CCVII. Leaning on the Beloved. TV/TY moft indulgent Saviour, ^^^ I long thy love to lind, To triumph in rhy favour, And know thy Spirit's mind; This grace to me be giv*n, I nothing more requeft ; I afk not other heav*n Than leaning on thy bread. The place of John I covet, More than a feraph's throne ; To reft in my Beloved, And breathe my final groan : On thee alone reiymg. To loie iny fin and pain. And on thy bolom dying, My life eternal gam. Then I, with all in glory. Shall thankfuUy relate Tb' amazing, pleafing ftory Of Jefu's love fo great ; ( i83 ) In this bleft contemplation May I for ever dwell, And (hare fuch confol;iriori As none below can teJ. HYMN CCVIII. GratliuJe, "VfTHAT fliall we render unto thee, Thou glorious Lord ol life- and powV? Teach us to bow i i humble knee. Teach us with tiiankfulnefs t' adore; To praife the* ss thy faints above, To praife thee for thy wondrous love. When like loft flieep we wandered wide. And left the watchful lliepherd's eye, When borne along th' impetuous tide Of this world's fin and vanity. Then Jefus from the heavens came down. To fave us by his grace alone. He bore our fitis upon the tree. To feek and fave the loft he camcj There was he bound to fer us free From death and cverlading fhame ; The captive flock from hell was freed. And ranfom'd when their Shepherd bled. Before the Father's awful throne Our merciful Hrgh-Prieft he ftands ; And, interceding for his own, The purchas'd remnant now demands; Hi? people's everlafring Friend, Who loviMg — love* them to the end I _ ( i84 ) May w«, his banifli'd ones, rejoice Him for our Lord and God to own ; To take him as our only choice, And cleave to him in love alone ; Still gpowing up in holinefs, Till call'd to meet in realms of blifs. Then ftiall our grateful fongs abound, And ev'iy tear be wip'd away ; No fin, no forrow ftiall be found, No night o'ercloud the endlefs day; O praife him ! all beneath, above ! O praife him ! praife the God of love ! HYMN CCIX. Before Sermon. "VT OW begin the heav'nly theme, ^^ Sing aloud in Jefu's name j Ye who Jefu's kindnefs prove. Triumph in Redeeming Love. Ye v/ho fee the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face. As to Canaan on yc move, Praife and blefs Redeeming Love, i\Iourning fouls, dry up your tears, Banifn all your guilty fears ; See your guilt and curfe remove, Cancell'd by Kedeeming Love. Ye, alas ! who long have been Willing ilaves of death and fin, Now from blifs no longer rove, JStop-r-and tafte Redeeming Lovs. ( iS5 ) Welcome, al^by fin oppreft, Welcome to his facred reil: ; Nothing brouojlu him from above, Nothing but Redeeming Love. He fubdu'd th' infernal pow'rs, Thofe tremendous foes of ours ; From their curled empire drove, ' JMighly in Redeeming Love. Hither then your mufic bring, Strike aloud each cheerful firing : 2lIort:ils join the hoib above, Join to praile Redeeming Love. HYMN eCX. Panting after Jefus. T^HOU Shepherd of Ifr'el divine, ^ The joy of the upright in heart ; . For clofer communion they pine, Still, Hill to rclide where thou art ; Tlic pallure, O when fliall weiind, Where all who ilici/ Shepherd obey, Are fed on thv bolom reclin'd. Are fcreenM from the heat of the day ? Ah, fiiow us that happieft place, That plnce of thy people's abode, Whrre faints in an ecftacy gaze. And hang oti the.r Saviour and God : Thy love for loft finners declare. Thy jjaflion and death on the ti'ee. Our fpirits to Calvaiy bear, ' To ftiifcr and tiir-mph vvirh thcc. ( i86 ) ^T is there with the lambs of thy "flocl^ There only we 'd covet to reft: ; To lie at the foot of the Rock, Or rife to be hid in thy breafl^ ^T is there we wouid always abide-. And never, a moment depart ; Conceal'd in the cleft of thy fide, • Eternally held in thy heart. HYMN CCXI. Gi>vhig up the Heart to the Lord, ■. nPAKE my poor heart ju ft as it is ; ■'' ^ Set lip therein thy throne ; So (hall I love thee above all, And live to thee alone. Complete thy work, and crown thy grace, That I may faithfiii prove j . ' And lifcen to that fmall ilill voice. Which only whifpers love : Which teaches me what is thy will. And tells me what to do ; Which covers me with fname, when I Do not thy will purfue. This undion may I ever feel, This teaching from my Lord ; And learn obedience to thy voice. Thy foul-reviving word. ( iS7 ) HYMN CCXII. Praifny the Glory of the Grace of God, ■f^ RACE, how ex-i^eeding fweet to thofe, ^^ Who fetl they finners are ; Sunk and diftreil:, they taftc and know Their heav'n is only there ! Thus Grace, free Grace moft fw.eetly calisj " Diredly come who will, " Juft as you are, for Chrift receives '' Poor hclplefs linners ftill !" We thinl:, O Lord ! give us each day To taite move of this Grace ; More of that itream which from the reck Flow'd through the wiidernefs. Where'er eternal life is giv'n, This thirft the fame will be ; The heart will after Jefns pant To all eternity. 'T is Grace alone th:.t feeds our foulsj Grace keeps us inly poor ; And, oh that nothing elfe but Grace ' May rule for evermore ! HYMN CCXIII. Infinitely condefcending hove, T OVE brought down God's dear only Son, -*-^ Into a virgin's womb ; Love naii'd him to th' accurfed tree, And bid him in a tomb, ' (• i88 ) ^ Through ev'ry action fufF'ring too, The law cf kindners reign'd j Love op'd thofe ghaftly wounds, through which . ' His precious life was drainM.* Love took him to his Father's throne, There to prepare us room : And love will bring him down again, To fetch us to his home. HYMN CCXIV. CON of God, thy blefliog grant, ^ Still fupply our ev'ry want ; Tree of life, thine influence flied, With thy fc^p our fpirits feed. Tend'refl: branch, alas, am I, Wither, without thee, and die: Weak as helplels infancy — jii O confirm our fouls in thee, ^ tJnfuflain'd by thee, we falJ, Send the ftrength for which we call ^ Weaker than a bruifed reed, Help we ev'ry moment need. All our hoprs on thee depend, Love us, fave us to the end, Give us the continuing grace — Take the everlalting praife. ( i89 ) HYMN CCXV. Chrift the BeHever's Refuge, TN ev'ry trouble, (harp and ftrong, -*■ My foul to Jefus flies ; My anchor-hold is firm in him, When fuelling billows rife : His comforts bear myfpirits up, I trufl: a fD'thrul God; The fure foundation of my hope Is in a Saviour's blood. Loud hallelujahs fing, my foul, To thy Redeemer's name : In joy, in forrow, life and death, His love is ftill the fame. HYMlN CCXVI. I-Iean;cn on Earth. /^OMEktusafcend, ^^ My companion and friend, To tafte of the banquet above ; If thine heart be as mine, If for Jefus it pine, Corae up into the chariot of love. Who in Jefus confide, They are bold to outride The ftorms of afHitftion beneath : With the prophet they foar To that heav'nly (bore, And outfly all the arrows of death. By faith we are come 'I'o our permanent homt, S 2 ( '9^ ) By hope we the rapture improve ; By love we frill rife, And look down on the fkies, For the heav^en of heavens is love J Who on earth can conceive Kow happv we liv?, In the city of God the great King ! What a concert of praife, When our Jefus's grace The whole heavenly company fiiig ! What a rapturous fong, When the glorified throng In the fpirit of harmony join I Join all the glad choirs, Hearts, voices, and lyres, And the burden is mercy divine ! Hallelujah they crv, To the King of the fky, To the great everlafting 1 AM ! To the Lamb that was flain, And liveth again, Hallelujah to God and the Lamb ! HYMN CCXVII. Before Sacrament.^ 'pAITHFUL Bridegroom, holy Lamb, ■^ By thy church beloved, M nifeil thy fweeteft name, ' To each heart approved. ( '91 ) Crown this ordinance of thine With a foiemn bleffing ; Let our fcail be all divine, Each thyfelf pofleffing. Let thy flefli aiford us food, Ev'ry grace to llrcngthen : Let our drink be Jefu's blood, Nature's pow*r to weaken, Cau'i'e that bleeding Sacrifice, Once for Tinners given, To appe-iT before our eyes, Eaineft of our heaven. We partake the bread and wine, Seals of our profeflion ; Of the inward grace the fign, Symbols of thy paiTion, We comn.emorate thy death. While we are receiving ! Feeding in our hearts by faith, With unfcign'd thankfgiving. May we thus our time employ, While below we tarry ; Till our fouls t' unfading joy- Angels come to carry. HYMN CCXVill. j^/ter Sacrament^ T CRD, accept our feeble praife, "■^ For the banquet given ; S3 (, 192 ) Though unworthy, we would raifo Hearts and hands to heaven. Of the flreams of grr.ce divine We have now been tailing ; On the fcu'eaci, and niyftic wine. With rich comfort feafting, ' Meat indeed thy fiefli we find, Drink, thy blood fo precious : Jefus, SaviC;Ur, thou art kind, INIerciful and gracious. On our guilty fouls thy rod fnlh with gentle chidings ; And thou healeft with thy blood All our great backfiidings. ^lay we to thy bleeding crofs Soul and body faften; AU for Jefus count but lofs, T^ his coming haften. Take our hearts, fo often bleft. Yet fo oft rebelling,^ , Let them on thy boibm ref^, In thy wouu^s be dwelling. No\y, O Lord, that we have fed On thy body broken, Bruife within the ferpent's head, Of thy love the token. ( ^n ) None from trials are below Totally exempted; All-fiifficient grace beftow, Succour, Lord, the tempted. Guard us from the tempter's wiles, From the (in of Judas ; From the world's deceitful Imiles, Till to heav'n thou lead us. H.YMN CCXIX. Afcrihlng all Glory to God for every Mercy, /^LORY to our gracious Donor, ' ^-^ For his mercies ever new ; Hi? alone be all the honour. Nothing we confefs our due : O the ceal'elels mercies flowing From thy grace's boundlefs Hore ! "lay our thankful hearts be glowing With thy love dill more and more. Thy kind hand hath oft afforded To our wants a rich fupply ; We are ev'ry day fupported By thy providential eye. May we, Lord, as fome requital Tl\ankfui hearts to Jefus raife 3 Li his wondrous !ove-s recital Confecrate to him our days. Thou an hunger halt created Jn our hearts for living bread ; ( '94 ) May it never be abated, Till our precious fouls are fed ? Open, Lord, the ark where hiddea Jefus our true manna lies : — Are not hungry fpirits bidden" To that feaft of paradife ? O thou Friend of finners, pity Thirfly travellers who go To an rinfeen diitant city, Through a parched vale below ; O fupply each fainting fpirit With the Hreams of purefl lovfe ; Till our Canaan we inherit, In thy fulnefs lofl above. H YIMN- CCX X. For Eaficr Day, TT E dies ! the Friend of finners dies ! -*^ Loj Salem's daughters weep around J A folemn darknels veiis the fkies ! A fudden trembling fhakes the ground ! Come, faints, and drop a tear or two, For him who groan'd beneath your load; He died a thoufand drops for you, A thoufand drops of richeft blood. Here *s love and grief beyond degree. The Lord of giory dies for men \ But, lo ! what fudden joys we fee ! • Jcfus the dead revives again ! ( 195 ) The rifing God forfakes the tomb ! Tl>e tomb in vain forbids his rife ! Cherubic legions guard him home, AjkI fliout him welcome to the ikies ! Break off your tears, ye faints ! and tell How high our great Deliv'rer reigns ! Sing how he fpoil'd the hofts of hell, And led the moniler Death in chains I Say, ** Live for ever, wondrous King ! *' Born to redeem, and ftrong to fave :** Then a(k the monfter— ** Where's thy fting ? "And Where's thy vift'ry, boafiinc grave ?♦» HYMN CCXXI. The Efficacy of the precious Blood of Jcfu:, TS there a thing that moves and break? -■- A heart as hard as Itone, Or warms a heart as cold as ice, *T is Jefu's blood alone : One drop of this can truly cheer, And heal the wounded foul ; What multitudes of broken hearts This living ftream makes whold ! Hitrk, O my foul ! what fing the choirs Around the glorious throne ! Hark, the flainXamb for evermore Sounds in the fweeteft tone : 'J'he cMers there caft down their crowns, - And all, both night and day, ( 196 ) Sfng pralfe to him who flied his bdve« Thofe gloomy doubts that rife, And fee the Canaai] that we love, • With unbeclouded eyes ! Could we but climb where Mofes flood, And view the landfcape o'er, Not Jordan's ftream, nor death's cold f!ood, Should fright us from the fhore. HYMN CCXXVII. 7hefuppofedSong of a Souljuft entered Heaven* "flTHY was unbelieving I, ^^ Trembling, fo afraid to die ? Now my feet m fafety ftand Here within the promis'd land. Hallelujah. O what wondrous grace is here ! Now I 'm fafe from every fear ; Sin and doubts are ever gone. Sighing fliall no more be known. Henceforth neither grief, nor pain j Here fucceflive pleafures reign ; All things our hofanna raife, Oh, the glories of this place ! Oh, ye perfed: happy ones. Let rne try to join your tunes ;• Come, let us exalt the Lamb, Sbging ever to his name. 4 ( 201 ; He our full redemption wrought, He tor us this glory bought : From the earth he calls us home, To our Father's houfe we 're con.e. Otc in Kedar's tents I tried, When my God his face di 1 h\de. With my friends to raife this fong, But it langu'.fli'd on my tongue. Jefus now unveils his face ; Here 1 Ihout of fuv'reijjn grace ; Fill'd with love inccffiint cry To his praile in raptures high. O my drooping friends below, Did you half this glory know, Daily would you ftretch the vving» Here to fly, and thus lo fing. Hallelujah ! HYMN CCXX VIII. arij JIl in Alj, T 'VE found the pearl of greateft price, ^ My heart doth ling for joy ; And fing I mull, a Chrift I have, Oh what a Chriil have I ! My Chrift he is the Lord of lords, He is the King of kings ; He is the Sun of Righteoufnefs, With healing in his wings. Jie is my meat, he is my drinV, My phyfic, and my health : T a ( 2102 ) My peace, my flrength, my joy, my crowns My glory, and my wealth. He is my father, and my friend, My brother, and my love ; My head, my hope, my counfellor, My advocate ab<'ve. Mv Chrift he is the heav'n of heav'nSi 'l\Jy Chrilt what fliall I call ? He is my fii ft, he is my laft, He is my All in Ail. All glory to the God of love. One God in perfons Three ; To Father, Son, and Holy GhoiV, One equal glory be. HYMN CCXXiX. The Same. T^yrY God, Tny life, nryy love, -^^^ To thee, to thee 1 call ; I cannot live if thou remove, For thou art All in All. Thy fliining grace, can cheer This dungeon where I dwell; 'Tis paradife when thou art here, If thou depart 't is hell. The fmilings of thy face, How aiuiable they are! 'Tis heav'n to reft in thine embrace, And no- where elfe but there. ( 203 ) ^ To thee, and thee alone, The .:ngels owe their blifs ; They fit around thy gracious throne, And dwell where Jcius is. Not all the harps above Can nnake a heav'nly pl.ice, If God his refidence remove, Or but conceal his face. Nor earth, nor all the (ky. Can one dtl ght afford ; No, not a drop of real joy. Without thy prefence. Lord. Thou art the fea of love VVhere all my pleafures roll ; The circle where my paffions move, And centre of my foul. To thee my fpirit fly, With infinite defire : And yet how far from thee I lie ! Dear Jefus, i ..ife me higher. HYMN CCXXX. Chriji r. 'ous to a Believer. JESUS, I love rhy charming name, 'Tis mufic to my eir ; .fain would I found it out lb loud, That earth and heav'n might hear. T 3 ( 204 3r Yes, thou art precious to my foul. My traRfport and my truft ; -Jewels to thee are gaudy toys. Ana gold is fordid duft. All my capacious pow'r can vvifh, In thee aioft richlv meet : Nor to my eyes is li;;ht fo dear. Nor friendfnip half fo fweet. O, may thy grace ftiil cheer my heart, And {he'd its fragrance there-; The nobleft balrh of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. I *11 fpeak the honours of thy name, With m-y l.^ft lab'ring breath ; When fpeechlefi, clafp thee in my arms, My joy in life and death. HYMN CCXXXI. Chriji :s our Righteoufnefs, TESU, thy b'ood and righteoufnefs *^ My beauty are^ my glorious drefs ; 'Mialt flarr-ing worlds, in thefe array'd. With joy ftiall I lift uii my head. When from the dnfl of death I rife "J o ciauii my manfion in the fkies. E'en then fi)ail this be all my plea, *' Jefus hath liv'd and died for me." ( 203 ) Bold ihall I ftand in that great day, For who aught to my charge (hall lay ? Fully, through thee, ablolvM I am, ,. From fin and fear, from guilt and (hame* Thus Abraham, the friend of God, Thus all the armies bought with blood, Saviour of fmners thee proclaim; Sinners, of whom the chief I am. This righteoufnefs the {ame appears, "When ruinM nature finks in years ; l\o age can change its glorious hue, The robe of Chrift is ever new. O let the dead now hear thy voice, ' Now bid thy banilh'd ones rejoice ; Their beauty this, their glorious drefs, Jefus, the Lord our righteoufnefs. HYMN CCXXXII. J divine Rapture. 'C'ROM thee, my God, my joys Hiail rifb, ^ And run eternal rounds, Beyond the limits of the fkies, And all created bounds. The holy triumph of my foul Shall death itfelf outbrave ; Leave dull mortality behind, And fly beyond the grave. There, where my blcfTed Jefus reigns, Jn heav'n's unmeafur'd fpace, ( 206 ) I '11 fpend a long eternity. In pleafure and in praife. Millions of years my wond'ring eyes Shall o*er thy beauties rove ; And endlefs ages 1 '11 adore The glories of -thy love. Sweet Jefus, evVy fmilc of thine Shall frelh endearments bring ; A thoufand taftes of new delight From all thy graces fpring. Hafte, my beloved, fetch my foul -Up to thy bleft abode ; Fly, for my fpirit longs to fee My Saviour, and my God. HYMN CCXXXIII. . God our only Happlnefs, "A/f Y God, my portion and my lovCj iVl j^/[y everialting all ; I Ve none but thee in heav'n above, Or on this earthly ball. What empty things are all the f^ies. And this inferior clod I ■ There 's nothing here deferves my joys, There 's nothing like my God. In vain the bright, the burning fun, Scatters his feeble light j ( 2C7 ) 'T is tliy fweet beams create rr.y noon ; It thou withdraw, *r is night. An^l whilft upon my reftlefs b^d, A mid ft the fliades 1 roll, If my Redeemer (liows his head, ' r is morning wit'h my ibuL To thee I owe my wea th and friends. And health, and lafe abode ; I praife thy liame tor all thefe things, But tUty are not nny God. Hov, vain a toy is glitt'ring wealth, ]f once compared to thee : And what 's my fatety or my health, Or alJ my friends to me ? Were I pofTeflfor of the ear^h, And call'd the ftars my own ; Without thy graces, and thylelf, I were a wretch undone. Let others ftretch their arms like feas. And grafp in all the (hore ; Grant me the vifiis of thy face. And 1 defire no more. HYMX CCXXXIV. ASin?ier'sP iTlOD of my falvation, hear, ^-^ And help me to believe ; Giir.ply WDuld 1 now draw near, Thy blelTings to receive. ( 208 ) Full of guilt, alas! I am, But to thy wounds for refuge flee : Friend of finners, fpotlefs Lamb, Tiiy blood was (bed for me. Standing now as newly flain, To thee I lift mine eye ; Balm of all my grief and pain, , Thy blood is always nigh : Now, as yefterday the fame, Thou art and will for ever be: Friend of finners, fpotlefs Lamb, Thy blood was flied for me. Nothing have I, Lord, to pay. Nor can thy grace procure ; " Empty fend me not away, For I, thou know*ft, am poor ; Duft and afties is my name, My all is fm and milery ; Friend of finners, fpotlefs Lamb, Thy blood was flied for me. Without money, without price, 1 come thy love to buy ; From myfelf I turn mine eyes. The chief of finners L Take, O take me as 1 am, And let me lofe myfelf in thee : l^'riend of finners, fpotlefs Lambj 'J'hy blood vr'as filed for me. ( ^^9 ) HVMN CCXXXV. Sitting at Jcfus's Fefl. O WEET the moments, rich in bleliing, ■^ Which before the crols 1 fpenci ; Life, and health, and peace pofTefiing, From the finner'e dying Friend; Here I 'il fit for ever viewing Meicy's fticams in ftrcams of blood ; Precious drops my foul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God. Truly blefled is this ftation, Low before his crofs to lie j While I fee divine compaflTion P'loating in his languid eye; Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the Lamb 1 gaze ; Love I much ? — I Ve much forgiven— I 'm a miracle of grace. Love and grief my heart dividing, With my- tears his feet 1 'll bathe ; Conftant rti^l in faith abiding, Life deriving from his death, JNlay I (lill enjoy this feeling, In all need to Jefus go ; Prove his wounds each day more healing, And himfelf more deeply know. HYMN CCXXXVL Communion 'ujiib Jefus. y^OME, defcend, O heav'nly Spirit, ^ Fan each fpark into a flame ; . ( 2IO ) Bleffings let us now inherit, Bleffings that we cannot name : Wbilfl hofannas we are finging. May our hearts in rapture move; Feel new grace in them ftill fpringing, Breathe the air of pureft love. Let us fail in Grace's ocean, Float on thar unbounded fea ; Guided ihio pure devotion, Kept from paths of error free ; On thy heav'nly manna feeding, Screened from ev'ry envious foe; Love, O love for finners bleeding, All for thee we would forego. Keep us, Lord, flill in communion^ Daily nearer drawn to thee ; Sinking in the fweeteft union Of that heart-felt myflery; Keep us fafe ftom each deUilion, Well protected from all harms ; Free from fin, and all confufion, Circle us within thine arms. HYiMN CCXXXVIL Jujiljicatlon by Faith. T/AIN are the hopes the fons of men ^ On their own works have built; Their hearts by nature all unclean. And all their adlions guik. ( ^11 ) ^^ ]c\v and Gertile fldp their mouthy VVirhout a muim'ring word ; And the whole race of Adain ftancl Guilty before the Lord. In vain we afk God's righteous h\v To jurtify lis now J Since to convince, and to condemn, Is all the law can do. Jefus, how glorious is thy grace. When in thy i^.ame we trulf : Our faith receives a righrtoufnefs That makes the linner juft. HYMN CCXXXVIII. J is fir rL'Iory that overcome tb the WoiJdy ei'-::i ttur Faith, OTELL me TiO n^.ore of this world's vain l* Sinners Jcfus came to call. Viivv him grov'ling in the garden ; Lo» your M.^ker proilrate lies '. On :he bloody tree behold him ; Hear him cry before he dies — It is finilli'd, it is finifli'd, &c. vSinner, will not thi? fuffice ? Lo, th' incarnate God, afcended, Plep.ds the merit of his blood ; Vent'ire on him, venture wholly ; Let no other tiuft intrude. None but Jelus, none but Jefus, &:c. Can do helpltfs finners good. Saints and angels jom'd in concert. Sing the praifes of the Lamb : While the blifsful feats of heaven ;>wfetly echo with his name. Hallelujah ! hahelujah ! hallelujah ! Sinners here may fing the fame. HYMN CCXLII. Chnjt*s Call and (through Grace) the Sinr.-y Acceptance, JE':>LT, thon dofl cry aloud, *' bmners, halkn to my blood ; ( 2i6 ) Though TiS black as hell within, Yet my blood fliall wafh you clean, *' Vi&vv me in the manger lying ; View me panling, bleeding, dying; In my pierced fide here 's room, Ev'ry drop of blood cries, Come." Lord, I hear thy gracious call ; Proftrate at thy feet 1 fall : AH poor fmners thou calTft home; 1 'm a finner ; lo ! 1 coaie. Satan, Lord, hath me dillrefl, ', I am naked, void of reil ; All my nature *s full of lin, Ohl I'm all unclean, unclean. *' Yes, my child, I know it all, But thy guilt on me did fait; By the fhedding of my blood, Thou art reconcil'd to God. *' Art thou naked, in dirtrefs. Here's the rr^be of righteoufnefs, Here 's my blood to cieanie thy heart ; Clothe thee, walli thee, mine thou art.'* Satan, heareft thou thy doom, ' Jefus my tleliv'rer \s com.e ; Falii on, unbelief, and pride, Hence be gone, for Chrixl has died, - ( 217 Hail, my Jefiis, Lord and God ! Take the purchafe of thy blood ; Thovi didft give thyfelf lor me, Lo, I give myfcif to thee. HY.MN CCXLTII. Bouhts fcattcred. TTENCE from my foul, fad thoughts, be -^ ^ And ler^ve me to my joys ; [gone, My to'-vue fhail triumph in my God, And make a joyful noife. parknefs and doubts had veii'd my mind, And nrown'd my eyes in tears, Till fov^re:gn grace, with fliining rays, Difpeli'd my gloomy fears. p, what immortal joys I felt, And raptures all divine, \V'hen Jcius told me, I was his, And my beloved mine ! In v'lia the tempter frights my foul. And breaks my peace \\\ vain ; Pne glimpie, dear Saviour, of thy face Revives my joys again. HYMN CCXLIV. They crucified hlPi. LOVE divine, what haft thou done ! Th' immortal God hath died for me; The Father's co-ettrnal Son Bore all my fins upon the tree \ O ( z,8 ) Th" immortal God for me hath died ; My Lord, my love, is ciucified ! Behold him, all ye that pafs by, The blf^cding Prince of life and peace; Cortie, lee, ye worms, your Maker die. And ivy, W as ever grief 1 ke his ? Come, feel, with me, his blood apphed ; IVly Lord, my love, is crucified ! Is crucified for me and you, To bring us rebels back to God ; Believe, believe the record true, That v;e are bonght with Jefu's blood ; Pardon and life How from his fide, ]My Lord, my love, is c.ucified. Then let us (it beneath his crofs, And gla'dly catch the healing flieam ; All things for him account but loTs, And give u\j all our hearts to him : Of nothing ipeak or thi-^.k belike. My Lord, my lo/e, is crucified ! HY^.'IN CCXLV. Cahary. ;| T AMB of God, v/hcfe bleeding love •^-^ VVg now recall to mind, Send the anfwerfrom above, And let !'3 mercy find; Think on u?, who think on thee. And &\'\ry ftrugghng foui rdeafe, ( 219 ) O remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. By t!iy ngonizing pain, Aiul bloody lueat/we pray ; Dy rb.y dyinp !ovc to man, Take all our lins away ; Bnrft our bonds, and fet us free, From all iniquity rejeale, O reme:;-iber, S:c. Let thy blood, b_\A faith applied, Tiie linntr's pardon feal ; Speak us I'reely juftified, And all our licknefs heal : By thy paflion on the tree. Let all our griefs and troubles reafe ; O remember, l:c, >sVver would we hence depart, Till thou our wants relieve ; \V.i:e f(u-«;ivenefs on each heart, And all thine image give : Seal mercy, and pardon. And righteoulhefs, niinc» ( 236 ) HJiMN CCLXI. "■The Lofs cf Chrljl lamented^ from the pajl Experience of his Love* MY time, O ye danghters Of Sionf did run Mod fweetly and foftly, When Chiiil was my fun \ Through darknefs I fearlefs Could walk by his light ; His rays were my comtoj t, His fliield was my might. When jefus was with me By day or by night, Though darknefs was round me. My loul was ilill light j My joys and my comforts- Enraptured my mind. While under his fliadow I fweetly reclin'd. What time in communion With Jefus I fpent, 'T was heaven all over, Wherever I went; And oft, when his klndnefs I *vc felt on my heart. In raptures I pray'd He would never depart. His mercy and love Were the theme of my fong ; ( 237 ) To praife and adore him, The joy of my tongvie : To taik of his goodnefs My daily delight ; To iliink on riis kindnefs My pleafuic by night. But when he is abfent My com torts are gone, ^^y heart is dejected, And hard as a ftone ; N ! now in blifs our caufe He pleads, Till ue behold his face ; Uiichangenble love - To us He will prove, .;rnal in mercy and grace. z a ( 250 ) TThen iet ns lift our loudeft praifc To Sion's holy King; He is worthy, we own, Who fits on the throne ; Hofanna to Jefiis we fing. HYMN CCLXXVIII. John, i. 14. The JVord nxias made Flejh, anddnx>elt among us, T/y HAT joyful news falutes our ears, ' ^ From yonder heav'nly choir ! How glorious the fong Of that happy throng! To Him, whom all nations dvjire 1 Behold what glories fill the fkies ! Hear how they chant his praife \ ** Good tidings nue hringy * * Great joy from your King ; *' Fear not^ — 'T is a meflage of grace. «:' All gUry h to God afcriVd,''' Who reigns enthron'd on high : ** Lo I Peace upon earth,'^ At Jesus's birth, ** Good"i^ ill unto meny'' is their cry. Hail, " Everlasting Father," hail! And yetth' Incarnate box ; Though *' THE Mighty Lord,'* Thy name be ador'd ! An infant in time art become. ( 251 ) Welcome the dear-Iov'd " Prtn-ce o; Peace," Born that we ne'er might die ; The '* Counsellor's" fame, Of ** Wonderful" name. We fing in a raj3ture of joy. Loud halleliijah"? reach the iky. At onr Im'manu^ l's birth, The '* Ancient of Days'* His merry difplays, While born of a Virgin on earth. HYMN CCLXXIX. CkriJlLordof AIL A T.L hail 1 the great lmmanucl*s name, -^ *■ Let angels proftrate fall ; Bring torrh the roy^! diudtm, And crown Him Lord of All. Let high-born feraph? tune the lyre, And, aslhey tune it, fall Betore'his face, \vh') tunes their choir, And crown Him Lord of All. Cro'vn Him, ye martyrs of our GoJ, Who from his a'rar call ; Extol the Sttm of JelTes rod, And crown him Lord of All. Ciown Him, ye morning ftars of Ughl, Who fix'd this floating ball ; Now hail the ftrcngth of IfraM's mig^r^ An-j jrj'.vn Kim Lord of All. - 3 ( 252 ) Ye chofen feed of IfraTs race, Ye ranfom'd of the fall, Hiiil Him who faves you by his grace. And crown Him Lord of Ail. Hail Him, ye heirs of David's line. Whom David Lord did call; The God Incarnate! Man Divine! The crowned Lord of All. Sinners, whofe love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall. Go fpread your rrophies at his feet, And crown Him Lord of All, Let ev'ry tribe, and ev'ry tongue. That bound creation's ball. Now (liout, in univerfai fong, The crowned Lord of All. HYMN CCLXXX. JJfurance, A DEBTOR to mercy alone, ^^^ Of covenant mercy I hng ; Nor fear, with thy righteoulnefs on, My perfon and off'ring to bring. The terrors of La'w and of God, With me can have nothing to do ; My Saviour^s obedience and blood Bide all my trarfgrelBons from view. The work which his goodnefs began, 'J'he arm of his ftreugth will complete ; 4 ( 253 ) His promife is Yea and Amen, And never was forfeited yet : Things future, nor things that are now. Not all things below nor above, Can make hrm his piirpofe forego. Or fever my foul from his love. My nanne from the palms of his hands Eternity will iiot erafe ; Jmpreft on his heart it remains. In marks of indelible grace : Yes, I to the end fhail endure, As fiire as the earneft is giv'n ; More happy, but not more fecure. The glorified fpirits in heav'n. HYMN CCLXXXJ. IForthy the Lajrh ! C^ LORY to God on high, •^ Let heav'n and earth reply, Praife ye his Nanfie i Angels, his love adore, Who all our forrows bore; And faints cry evermore. Worthy the Lamb ! AH they around ^the throne, Cheeriuliy join in one, Fraifing his Name : ( 254 ) We, who have felt his blood. Sealing our peace with God, Solind his dear fame abroad ; Worthy the Lamb ! Join. rJl theranfom'd race, bui- L(J! d and God t6 blefs ; Praife ye his Name : In him we will rejoice, Making a ch^eerfui nbife ; And iiiout, with heart and voice, Worthy the Lamb ! Though we muft change our place, Yet (hall we never ceafe Praifing his Name! To him we '11 tribute bring, Hail him ouf gracious King, And, without cealing, fing, Worthy the Lamb ! HYMN CCLXXXII. Grace. /^RACE! 't is a charming found, ^-^ Harmonious to the ear : Heav'n with the echo (liali refound, • And all the earth fliall hear. Grace firft contriv'd a way To fave rebellious man ; And all the fteps did grace difplay. Which drew the wondrgus plan," ( 25J ) nr was grace that wrote my name In thy eternal book : *T was grace that gave me to the Lamb, Who all my iorrows took. Grace forc'd my wand 'ring feet To tread the hcav'nly road ; And new liipplies each hour I meet. While prelxing on to God. Grace taught my Toul to pray, And made my eyes o'erflow ; 'T was grace which kept me to this day. And will not let me go. Grace all the work fiiall crowt;, Through everlafting days : It lays in heaven the topmoft ftone, And well dei'crves the praife. O, let thy grace infpire My foul with ftrength divine ; May all my pow'rs to Thee afpire^ And all my days be thme \ HYMxV CCLXXXm. Rejioring and prefer'ving Grace, T17ITH all my pow'rs of heart ar^ tongue, I Ml praife my Maker in my fong ; An^fls fliall hear the notes I raife, Approve the fong, and join the praife- To God I cr.e.:. --.:-.-. -.:'-"- ts --/. . He heard r?-^. - - : •.' : -,<: :'d .tt :-,.;.i : ily FT fir- '..'.r.:.-': ., And fire .:roug:. ill xy L:;ul.. Afnidn a thcfrfeiw! fhai-es 1 tt^ -i, Uplirifi and gmirde'^ b-^ his h.ir,: ; His words rnj fain:;- --: \\ : . r r; r- c, Aad keep my d^tng r'^icri a.' vt. Grace will cwrvpilete ^hit o"-""? '.'t '".r rr-'»j To lave ■' ; The wc ■ Eternal mci \^/ k*c cf rOkiAji.es« HYMN CCLXX2IV. MeJitatmt mt G*^s ho^t* lyJIEN bnr-^?-d «iilealeiBSV2de T hm ■: - ivifer of daj, 'T u fweet ti: ^ ■. -.i q-zt Cag^ Acd lon^ to nv- awa;- Sweet to Ico4c mwan!^ .i..^ ^ ■c-id The Wf: li'pera of h-j io^re ; S"?feet to ISook upward; to- tiie ptace Where Jefa* pleaicfj' aksw^c • £ «^ '" " -; liadk, and foe my ssmit I . ■ ^r^k. fer Awm ; STTcetc, ---rd, andbduld' ( 257 ) Sweet to refle6V, how grace divine My fins on Jefns laid ; Sweet to renjember, that his blood My debt of fair'nng paid : Sweet in his nghteournei's to ftand, Which faves from lecond death ; Sweet to experience, day by day, His Spirit's qiiick*ning breath: Sweet on his faith fulnefs to reft, Whofe love can never end ; Sweet on his covenant of grace For all things to depend : Sweet, in the confidence of faith, To trull his firm decrees ; Sweet to lie paffive in his hands. And know no will but his. If fuch the fweetnefs of the llreams, What mud the fountain be ? Where faints and angels draw their blifs, Immediately from Thee ! HYiMN CCLXXXV. All my Springs are in Thee, Pf..lxxxvii. 7, TD LESS the Lord, my foul j and raife -*-' A glad and grateful fong To my dear Redeemer's praife j For I to Him belong. ( 258 ) iie, my goodnefs, flrength, and God, III wliom I live, and move, and am, Paid my ranlom with his blood : My portion is the Lamb. Thoi'gh temptations feldom ceafe ; Though frequent griefs I feel ; Yet his Spirit whifpers peace ; And he is with me ftill : Weak of body, fick in foul, Depreft at heart, and faint with fears. His dear prefence makes me whole, And with fweet comfort cheers. my Jefus, thou art mine, ^ With all thy grace and povv'r; 1 am now, and fliall be thine. When time (hall be no more. Thou reviv'it me by thy death ; Thy blood from guilt has fet me free; My frefti fprings of hope, and faith, And love, are all in thee. HYMN CCLXXXVI. Depcndance on Cbrijl alone, IF ever It could come to pafs, That flieep of Chhft might fall away. My fickle, feeble foul, alas 1 Would fall a thoufand times a day. Were not thy love as firm as free. Thou foon wouldft take it. Lord, from mc. ( 2$9 ) I on thy promifes depend (At leall, I to deptrnd defire), That thou wilt love me to the end, Be with me in temptation's fire ; WWi/or me work, ahd /// me too. And guide me right, and bring me through. No other fray have 1 befide ; If thefe can alter, I muft fall j I look to Thee to be fupplied With life, wirh will, with pow'r, Vvith all. Rich fouls may glory in their itore ; But Jefus will relieve the poor. HYMN CCLXXXVII. Chnji the Believer's JIL T AMB of God, we fall before thee, ^^ Humbly trufting ir» thy crofs, That alone be all our glory ; All things elfe are dung and drofs. Thee we own a perfect Savionr, Only lource of all that *s good j Ev'ry grace and ev'ry favour Come to us through Jefu's blood. Jefus gives us true repentance, By his Spirit fent from heav'n ; Jefus whifpers this fweet fentence, ** Son, thy fins are all forgiv'n." Faith he gives us to believe it, Grateful hearts his love to prize ; A A ( 46o )• Want we wiWom r He muft give it ; Hearing ears, an^. Teeing eyes. Jefiis gives us pure affeftions, Wills to do what he requires ; Makes us follow his directions, And what he commands, infpires. All our pray'rs, 'and all our praifes, Rightly offer'd in his name. He that diftates them is Jefus, He that aniwers is the fame. When we live on Jefu's merit, Then we worfhip God aright ; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Then we favingly unite. Hear the whole conclufion of it. Great or Good, whate'er we call, God or King, or Pneft or Prophet, Jefus Chrilt is All in All. ' HYMN CCLXXXVIir. T/je Prodigal, ' "^rOW for a wondrous fong, "•-^ (Keep diflance, ye profane ; Be filent, each unhallow'd tongue, , Nor turn the truth to bane :) The prodigal 's return'd, Th'.apoltate bold and bafe, That all his Father*s counlels fpurn'd. And long abus'd his grace. ( ^6i ) What treatment iince he came ? Love tenderly expreft. What robe is brought to hide his fliame ? The beft, the very beft. Rich food the fervants bring, Sweet mufic charms his ears ; See whal a beauteous cofily ring The beggar's finger wears ! Ye elder fons, be ftilJ, Give no bad paffion vent ; My brethren, 'r is our Father's will, And you muft be content. All that he has is yours ; Rejoice then, not repine, That love that ^Wyour ilates fecures, Thar love has alter'd 772inc* Good God, are thefe thy ways ? If rebels thus are freed, Anctfavour'd with peculiar grace,' * Grace mull be free indeed. HYMN CCLXXXIX. Sal'vation to the Lamh, "pOOR finner, come, cad off thy fear, ^ And raife thy drooping head ; Come,, fing with all poor fmners here, Jefus, who once was dead. Salvation ling, no word more meet To join to Jefu's name ; A A 2 ( 262 ) Let every thankful tongue repeat, Salvation to the Lamb ! Saints, from the garden to the crofs, Your conquVing Lord purfue, Who dearly to redeem your lofs, Groan'd, bled, and died for you ; Now reigns victorious over death. The glorious great I AM ; Let every fpul repeat with faith. Salvation to the Lamb I When we incurr'd the wrath of God, (Alas ! what could be worfe ?) He came, and with his own heart's blood m RedeemM us from the curfe. The Pafchal Lamb, our heav'nly meat, Was reafled in the flame : Repeat, ye ranfom'd fouls, repeat, Sahaticn to tht Lamb i HYMN CCXC. Jn that "Day fhcr^Jhall he a Fountain opened t» the Houje of David, and to the Inhabitants of Jerufalem, for Sin and for Unckannefs^ Zech. xiii. i. qPHE fountain of Chrifl ^ Affift me to fin^, The blood of our Priefl, Our crucified King ; Who perfectly cleanies ^-r rom ^\i\ ^nd from filth % ( ^-(>3 ) And richly difpenfes Salvation and health. This fountain fo dear He '11 freely impart ; Unlock'd by the fpear, It gufli'd from his heart: With blood, and with water, The fir ft to atone ; To cleanl'c us the latter. The fountains but one. The fountain is fuch (As thoufands can tell), The moment we touch Its ftreams, we are well* All waters befide them Are full of tliecurfe ; For all that have tried them Swell, rot, and grow worfe. This fpuntain, lick foul, Recovers thee quite ; Bathe here, and be whole ; Wafli here, and be white ; Whatever difeafes Or daiigers befall, The fountain from Jefus Will rid thee of all. This fountain from guilt Not only makes pure, A A 3 ' ( 264 ) And gives, foon as feJt, Infallible cure ; But if guilt removed Return and remain, Its pow'r may be proved Again and again. This fountain unfeal'd. Stands open for all •That long to be heal'd, The great and the fmall ; Here 's ftrength for the weakly, That hither are led ; Here 's ht^alth for the fickly, Kere 's life for the dead. This fountain, though rich. From charge is quite clear ; The poorer the wretch The welcomer here. Come needy, come guilty, Come loathfome and bare ; You can't come too filthy — Come juft as you are. This fountain in vain ^ Has never been tried ; It takes out all ftain. Whenever applied : The water flows fvveetly With virtue divine. To cleanfe fouls completely, Though Icpious as mine. ( 265 ) HYMN CCLXXXIX. The Name of J ef us, TTOW fwcet the name of Jcfus founds -*^ In a believer's ear ! it fooths his forrows, heals his wounds. And drives away his fear. it makes the wounded fpirit whole. And calms the troubled bread 5 ^T is manna to the hungry foul, And to the weary, reft. Dear name, the rock on which I build, My fliield and hiding-place ; My never-faihng treas'ry, fill'd With boundlefs ftores of grace ! Jefus, myfliepherd, hulband, friend, My prophet, prieft, and king, My Lord, my life, my way, my en^, Accept the praife I bring. \Vcak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmeft thought | But when I fee Thee as Thou art, 1 '11 prailc Thee as I ought. Till then 1 would thy love proclaim With ev'iy Meeting breath ; And m^v the mnfic of thy name Refrefli my foul in death. ( 266 ) HYMN CCXC. Praife for the Fountain opened. THERE is a fountain fiU'd with blood Dra^^n fi-om Immanuel's veins : And linners, plung'd beneath that flood, Lofe all their guilty ftains. Tbe dying thief rejoic'd to fee That fountain in his day ; And there have I, as vile as he, Wafh'd all iny fins away. Dear dying Lamb, tliy precious blood Shall never Icfe its pow'r, Tid nil the ranlonn'd church of God Be ^'\\''A^ to fm no more. E'er fince, by faith, I faw the rtreani Thy flGu-ing v^'ounds fupply. Redeeming love has feeen rpy theme, And fna'il be till I die. 4 Then, in a nobler, fweeler fong, I 'il ling thy pow'r to fave ; . When this poor, lifpirig, HanaQi'ring tong Lijss filent in t^e grave. Lord, I believe thou hafl prepared (Unworthy though 1 be) i-or me a biood-bought, free reward, A golden harp for me. 'T is flrung, and tun'd,,for e'dlefsyearf; ' And form'd, by pow'r divine, 1 ( 267 ) To feund in God the Father's cars No other name but thine, HYMN CCXCI. The Pool of Bethefda. BESIDE the Gofpel pool, Appointed for the poor, From year to year my helplefs foul Has waited for a cure, How often have I feen - The healing waters move. And others round mc, ftepping in. Their efficacy prove ! But my complaints remain, I feel the very fame, As full of guilt, and fear, and pain, As when at firfl I came. Oh ! would the Lord appear. My malady to heal ; He knows how long I 've languifh'd here, And what diftrefs I feel. How often have I thought. Why fhould 1 longer lie ? Surely the mercy I have fought Is not for fuch as I, But whither can I go ? There is no other pool, "Where ft reams of fov 'reign virtue flow, 'jTo make a finner whole. ( =63 ) Here th?n, from day to Hay, 1 'II wait, and hope, and try ,■ Can Jefus hear a (inner pray, Yet fiiffer him to die ? No, he is fnll of grace, He never will permit A foul, that fain would fee^his face, To perifii at his feet. HYMN CCXGII. I-ight Jhin'ing out of Darhicpp /^OD moves in a myfterious way, ^^ His wonders to perform ; He plants his footfleps in the fea, And rides upon the florm. Deep in th' unFathomable mines Of never-failing fkill, He treafures up his bright defigns, And works his fov'reign wili. Yc fearful faints, frefli courage take ; The clouds ye fo much dread Are big with riiercy, and fiiall break In bleffings on your head. Judge not the Lord by feeble fenfe, But truft him for his grace ; Behiiid a frowning providence He hides a fmiling fac^. ' ( 269 ) His purpofes will ripen faft, Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter tafte, ^ But fweet v.iil be the flowV.. Blind Unbelief is fure to err, And fcan his work in vain j God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain. HYMN CCXCIII. Spiritual Apparel, namely. The Role of Rtgh' teoufnefi and Garments of Salvation, A WAKE, my heart, arife, my tongue, -^^ Prepare a tuneful voice \ In God, the life of all my joys, Aloud will I rejoice. 'T was he adorn 'd my naked foul, And made falvaiion minej Upon a poor polluted worm He makes bis graces fhine. And left the fliadow of a fpot Should on my foul be found. He took the robe the Saviour wrought. And caft it all around. How far the heav'niy robe exceeda What earthly princes wear ! Thefe ornaments, ho'.v bright they fliine J How white the garments ars ! I ( 270 ) Thy Spirit wrought my faith, my love,' And hope, and every grace ; But Jefus {"pent his life to v/ork The robe of righteoufnefs. Strangely, my foul, art thou array'J By the great facred Three ! In f\veeteft harmony of praife Let all thy pow'rs agree. HYMN CCXCIV. 7he Hopes of Heaven our Support un^er Triair on Earth. TI/'HEN I can read my title clear ^^ To manfions in the Ikies, I bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. Should Earth againft my foul engage, And hellifli darts be huri'd, Then I can fmile at Satan's rage, And race a frowning world. Let cares like a v/ild deluge come, And ftorms of forrow fail, IVIay I but fafely reach my home, My God, my heav'n, my all. Then (hall I bdthe my weary foul In feas of heav'nly reft, And not a wave of trouble roll Acrois my peaceful breaft. ( 271 ) DISxMISSION. T ORD, difmifs us with thy bleffing, -■-' Fill our hearts with joy and peace ; Let us each, thy love polTefTing, Triumph in redeeming grace. O refredi us, O refFcfii us, O, Slc ■ Trav'iling through this wilderneis. T/janks we give, and adoration. For thy Gofpelh joyful finind; May the fruits of thy falvation In our hearts .>nd lilies be found. May thy preff nee, &c. With us evernaore be found. So, whene'er the figns' 's given^ Us from eai th to 'all away, Borne on angels' wings to heav'n, v Glad the fummons to obey, ^ M^y we ever, &c. Reign with Chriil in endlefs dajC The Same* TF Jefus be yours. You have a true friend^ ^ Hisgoodne^s endures,'! he fame rothee'id; Your tempers may vary,- Your comforts de- [cline^ You cannot mifcaify, Your aid is divine. ( 272 ) The Same, 'y HIS God is the God we adore, -*- Our faithful, unchangeable friend, %Vhofe love is as large as his pow'r, And neither knows meafure nor end ; ^Tis Jefus the Firft and the Laft, Whofe Spirit fhall guide us fate home ; We '11 praife Him for all that is pair, And truft Him for ail that 's to come. I'he Same, OALVATIOxN I O the joyful found, *~^ 'T is pleafure to our ears, Afov'reign balm for ev'ry wound, A cordial for our fears. Salvation ! let the echo fly The fpacious earth around, While all the armies of the fky Confpire to raife the found. CHORUS. Glory, honour, praife, and power, Be unto the Lamb for ever ; Jefus Cluift is our Redeemer, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallclujahl Praife ye the Lord. ( ^73 ) The Same, •rxISMISS us with thy bleffiiig, Lord ! -*-^ Help us to feed upon thy word \ All that has been ami Is torgive, And let thy truth for ever live. Though we are guilty, Thou art good ; Wafli AX our works in Jefu's blood ; Give ev'ry fetter'd foul releafe. And bid us all depart in peace. The Sams. /^,UR lives, our blood, we here prefent, ^'^ If for thy fake they may be fpent ; Fulfil thy fov'reign counfel. Lord ! Thy will be done, thy name ador'd. 7he Same. /^IVE us thy ftrength, thou God of pow'r ; ^^ Then men may fcorn, and Satan roar ; Thy faithful witnefl'es are we, 'T is fix'd, we can do ail through Thee. The Same, ' "|V/rERCY, good Lord! mercy I crave; ■^^-*- This is the tota' fiim ; For mercy. Lord, is all my fuit; Lord, let thy mercy come. jk' B B 2 ( 274 ) ^he Same^ "V] O farther go to night, but ftay, -^^ Dear Saviour, ti:'; the break of day, Turn in, de?.r Lord, with me ; And in the morning, when 1 wake, Ale in chinearms, my Jelus, take, - And 1 '11 go on with Thee. The Same, T WILL by me d(>wn to fleep, -* And lately take my reft ; Me commend t- jefu*s grace, And Jvari u j ■ hiS I: eaii. So, it jet 's p'eafe, 1 '11 fleeo, While trt ops ot angels are my guards Oh ! my bi.-pherd, Iovp and keep^ And be my great reward. The Same* "^TONE but Jefus will we fing, *^^ None elfe will we adore : He our Piophet, Prieft, and King, Shall be for everraoie. None am.' ng the heav'nly pow'rs, Nor one on e rtn our praife may claim | None but jeius call we ours, None but the bleeding Lamb* ( 275 ) DOXOLOGIES. TDRAISE God from whom all bleffings flow* -*■ Praife Him all creatures here below ; Praife Him above, ye heav'nly hofl ; Praife Father, Son, and Holy Gholl. 'y O Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, '■■ One God, whom we adore, Be glory, as it was, is now, And fliall be evermore. T^ATHER, Son, and Holy Ghofl, -^ One God, whom we adore, Join we with the heav'niy hofr, To praife Thee evermore. Live, by hcav*n and earth adorM, Three in One, and One i.^ Three, Holy, holy, holy Lord ! All glory be to Thee. CIXG we to our God above ^ Praife, eternal as his love ; Praife Him all ye heavenly hofl, praife Father, Son, and Holy Ghod ! 'T'O God who reigns enthron'd on high, -^ To his dear bon who deign'd to die, Our guilt and curfe t' remove ; To that blefl Spirit, who life imparts, Who rules in all believing hearts, Be endlcfs glory j praife, and love. J B 3 ( 276 ) n^O Father, Son, and Holy Ghofr, '*■ Be praife amidft the heav*nJy hoft^ And in the church below ; From whom all creatures drew their birth, By whom redemption blefs'd the earth, From whom all comforts flow. /^IVE to the Father praife, ^-^ Give glo y to the Son, And to tne Spirit of his grace Be equal honours done. nrO God the Father's throne ■^ Perpetual honours raife ; Glory to God the Son, To God the Spirit praife : With all our pow'rs, , Eternal King, Thy name we fing, While faith adores. The following Verfe is fometimes fung as the laft verfe of the 48th Hymn, page 40. Oh ! mav I bear fome humble part In that immortal fong ; Wonder and love fhall tune my heart, And praife command my tongue. ( 277 ) (Si'bcn erratts. O HYMN CCXCV. Lord, remcmher me, THOU, from whom all goodnefs flows, 1 lift my voice to Thee ! In all my forrows, conflicts, woes. Dear Lord, remember me. When guilt lies heavy on my heart. Thy raerits arc my pica ; My pardon fpeak, and peace impart — in love remember me. From fin's defileaient in my foul I pant to be let free; To fave, and cleanfe, and make me whole, Dear Lord, remember me. Teinptations fore obftru^l my way. Lord, to my fuccour flee ; Give llrength according to my day — For good remen.ber me. If, for my love to thy dear name, 1 mull: reproached be, I *!! hail reproach, and welcome fhamc, iTThou remember me. When 1 draw near the vale of death. And meet the juft decree, Saviour, with my laft parting breath, i'il cry, Remembt:r me, J £ 4 ( 278 ) HYMN CCXCVL Chrijl unchangeable* "VTTHAT a changing world is this \ ^^ Void of all iubilantial blifs; All we fee beneath the fun. In fucceffive changes rim ; But our Jefus proves the fame, Endlefs bleffings on his name. Wifdom, holinefs, and might, Truth and juftice, are his right ; Boiindlefs goodnels, love fupreme, Fiow'd eternally from him ; JefiiG Chrifl is ftill the fame, Endlefs bleiTiiigs on his name. Abra'm's bold, rebellious race Found him full of truth and graces Priefts and prophets, ail have told What he did for faints of old ; Jefus Chrift is iVili the fame, Endlefs bleffings on his name. Let us to his throne repair, •Wait v;ith humble patience there ; He w?]] foort our cries attend, Love and fave us to the end ; He will ever prove the fame, Badiefs bleffings on his r.ame^ ( 279 ) HYiMN CCXCVII. Kingdom of Chrifi enlarge J ^ T ET us fing the King Mefliah, ""-^ King of righteoufnefs and peace ; Hail him, all his happy fubjeds, Never let his praifes ceafe : Ever hail him. Rich in mercy, truth, and peace. Gird thy fword on, mighty Saviour, Make the word of truth thy car ; Profper in thy courfe majeftic, All fuccefs attend thy war ; Mighty Viftor, Make the world before thee bow. Majefty, combin'd with meeknefsj Righteoufntfs and peace unite ; To enfure thy blelTed conqiieiis, Afcertain, great Prince, thy right ; Ride triumphant. All around the conquer'd globe. Blefl are they that touch thy fceptre, Pardon, peace, and joy obtain ; Freed from (in that worft of tyrants, Refcu'd from its galling chain : ■Saints and angels, AH who know thee blefs thy reign, £ B 5 ( 28o ) HYMN CCXCVIir. 0£ice of the Holy Spirit. "V^ E faints, begin a cheerful fong, -*- Ye angels, bear a part ; To the Spirit we raife An anthem of praife, Who builds up his throne in our heart. When fin's malignant poifon fpread O'er Adam's wrerched race, This heavenly Dove Came dovv>i tiom above, To change them by infinite grace. 'T is he difplays the bleeding crofs. And prompts us to be ieve i Our pardon he feals, And [euis reiveals. As able ami willing to fave. When Satan rifes like a flood, To deluge us in grief. His rage he confounds, And lets hinr his bounds ; Atfording us timely relief. By him we meet to praife and pray, And prove his worfliip fvveet ; By him we afcend To Jefusour friend, And ^sft down our crowos at his feeto ( aSi ) Now to tills heavenly Paraclete Your choiceft off'rings bring; Amen, and amen; Repent it again ; All prajfe to the Spiiit wc fing. O^ HYMN CCXCIX. Deferthn. |NCE was my foul indnIgM to prove The Imiles of Jeiii's face ; 1 knew my intVcft m his love, And triumph'd in his grace. I thought of hell with fearlefs heart. And wanted death to come ; It fcem'd fo pleafant to depart. And dwe'l wirh Chrift at home. But, ah, tlicfe pleafing hours are fled, My Lord no n ore appears ; This ftrikes my choiccfl comforts dead> And nil my ioul with tears. And fliall this fcene for ever iaft, Will Chrift return no more ? O lovely Lamb, make haile, make hallc^ And former joys rellorc. O HYMN CCC. Dijirefs, NCE more we meet to pray, Once more our guilt confefs ; Turn not, O Lord, thine ear away From creatures in diiUefs. 4 ( 283 ) Our fins to heaven afcend. And there for vengeance cr}' : O God ! behold the finner's Friend, Who intercedes on high. Though vve are vile indeed, And well deferve thy curfe, The merits of thy Son n-e plead. Who iiv'd and died for us. Now let thy bowels yearn, As they have done before ; Return to us, O God, return, And ne'er forfake us more. HYiMN CCCI. Prayer for Rain. 1^ OW may the Lord of earth and ikks ■^ Regard us when we call ; 'T is he who bids the vapours rife. And fliowers abundant fall. On thee, our God, we all depend, For life, and health, and food ; O make refrefiiing drops defcend. And crown the year with good. The evil and the juft partake Thefe bounties of thy hand ; Nor vv'ill a God of love forfake This long-indulged land. Let grace comt down, as copious rain, On Sion's drooping field ; So fliall our fouls revive again. And fruits abundant yield. . ( 283 ) Then fmillng Nature fiiall imprcfs Her mighty Malcer's praife; And we, the children of thy grace. Join her harmonious lays. HYMN CCCn. Wet Har'vefi. C\ God, whofe bounteous hand has crownM ^^ The fmiling fields with grain. Let not thefe precious fruits be drown'd With defolating rain. Command the threai'ning Ihowers to ceafe, And make the Iky ferene ; That this revolving year's increafe May all be gather'd in. Thou, who dofl hear the ravens or}', Our earned prayers attend ; The needy poor witia bread fupply, And all our fouls befriend. We now thy Gofpel harveft fliare, But this will foon be paft ; With grace abundant blefs us here, And fave our fouls at laft. HYMN CCCIV, Good Harveft. NCE more our condefcending God Has fen: a harveft rich and good. Nor cankering worm, nor hoftile band. Has fpoil'd the produce of the land* O ( 284 ) With kindty rays thy favours fmilc On Britain*s long-^ei'riended ifle ; O let this favour'd ille at large Htr work of gratitU'le dilcharge. "U'e blefs rhy n-^ms for fun and {liowerS| An' all the good that natiire p >urs ; But thy ent jching (lores at grace Tianfcend oui hij^heft notes of praife, Poi'.r out thy gracious fpirit, Lord, And pread the influence of thy word ; Till flints a richer harveft rife, To fili tne garner of the Ikies. HYMN CCCV. Clofe of the Tear* TT/'E faife our Ebenezer here, ^^ With thmkiul hearts and joyful tongues ; For Go< has crown'd ihe cJofing year With 'eve that claims ouj highefl fongs. From m'.nth to month, from day to day^ ( nir cup with bleflinj^s he did fill ; He led th'ough each intricate way, An-i bleffcs ind proteds vs ft ill. But, gracious God ! it damps our joys. Our baie ingratitude to fee ; Amidft fii'.-h love, fuch ; ich fupph'es. How feldom do we think of thee \ ( 285 ) Forgive, forgive our mighty guilt, Nor let thine anther, Lor'l, appear; Jjouk on t^t blond ttie Sivlour Ipilt, And let a pardon ciofe the year. HYMN CCCVI. Bapttfm. T3EHOLD us now affembled, Lord, ^ Here let thy licred prefence be; We are inftru(5ted in rhy word. That children may be brought to thee, Subraiffive to thy mild commands, We now approach rhy gracious throne % Receive this infant at our hands, And kindly feal him tor thine own. While we bipt ze him in thy name. His native guilt and curfe renr-ove ; Ditfule ti y graces through his frame. And all thy goodnefs let him prove^ As olive-branches green and -fair. So to his parents let him be ; But let him not become a fnare, ^ To turn away their hearts from thec, HYMN CCCVII. Clofet. T ORD, I from the world retire, "■^ Let the world recue from mej 3 polTefs a flrong defire To commune a while with theet ( 2§6 ) I have bufy been to-day, Bufy with a Martha's heart ; Now I long to get away, To enjoy a Mary's part. ^ In this fecret place thou had. Ofien easM me of my pain ; And a fenfe of mercies paft Makes me love to come again. Now thy prefence manifeft. Make with me a lading day; This will footh my foul to red. This will turn my night to day. When I to the world repair. With me, deared Saviour, be; In my various duties there. Let me dill acknowledge thee. HYxMN CCCVIII. Woman dranving near the Time of TravaiL T O, the painful hour 's at hand ; -^ How diall I the trial dand ? Can I not fome promife find, To fupport my feeble mind ? I fliall find enough to bear. Void of all my fruitlefs care ; Jefus, let thy power convey Strength proportionM to my day. ( 287 ) Thou didft travail once in birth, For the wretched fons of earth ; With temptation thou waft tried, Thou halt languifli'd, groan'd, and died. Let thy travail eafe my pain, Raile my drooping hopes again ; Timely help do thou afford To thy handmaid, deareft Lord. Blefs the child, the parents biefs, VVi^h thy fanaifying grace ; One in love and one in thee, Deareft Jel'us, let us be. HYMN CCCIX. Praifefor Deliverance in ChiJd-hirth, T O, from the borders of the grave, ■■^ Jefus^ thy hand is ftrong to fave. And thou hnft a-jade it bare! In deep diftrefs thine handmaid pray'd. And thou haft interposM thine aid, In anfwer to her prayer. Oft was her fonl deprefs'd with fear. As the expefted hour drew near. And greatly did flie mourn ; But now her gloomy fears depart, And fmiling mercy melts her hearty And former joys retura. ( 288 ) Thus favourM in the time of need. Her eyes behold her infant feed, And praiies fill her tongue ; . Her huftand of the joy partakes, And now this happy loul awakes, To join the grateful fong. HYiMN CCCX. Prayer for ChiUren. n^HOU who a tender parent art, ■*■ Regard a parent's plea ; My offspring, with an anxious heart, I now commend to thee. My children are my chiefefl care, A charge which thou haft giv'n ; In all thy graces let them fliare, And all the joys of heaven. If a centurion could fucceed, Who for his fervant cried, Wilt thou refufe to hear me plead For thofe fo near allied ? On**me thou haft beftow'd thy grace. Be to my children kind ; Among thy faints give them a place^ And leave not one behind, Happy we then fliall live below, The remnant of our days ; And when to brighter worlds we go^ Shall ever found thy praife, THE EWD. Little Queea Street, JHolboro* ^ UKIVEI^ITY OF CALIFORNU AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY {^^ ^^^;^is|pool*feI}TO^onthelast V date stamped below j9EC 2 3 1949 £, eCT241986 m 1 4 1987 K'; J^^ BV 469 W58c 1801