KllRliOTT & KREBS.I.ITH. CiNXINNiVTI.O IIC?.B LIBRARY Cinciimati ^^M III Manufactures, Products and tlie Arts. Premium List 1012. 7- CINCINNATI: ROBERT CLARKE & CO., Print. 1872. THE THIRD PlNCINNATI TnDUSTI\TAL EXPOSITION, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, APPOINTED TY THE Cliaiiiljer of Conimerce, Boari of Trade, and OMo Mecliaiilcs lustitute, Wio. Open to the Public on AND CONTINUE UNTIL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1872. filjMCINNyVTI Jp^DU^TRIAX. J^XPO^ITIOJ^, 1872. i©» Chamber of Commerce. C. W. Rowland. Lewis Seasongood. George Sharples. W. W. Taylor. L. C. Weir. Board of Trade, a. t. goshorn, D. B. PlERSON. Clement Olhaber. W. H. Blymyer. Thomas G. Smith. Ohio Mechanics Institute. Thomas Gilpin. H. McCollum. James Dale. Frank Millward. A. L. Helm. OFFICERS Board of Cominissioiiers. A. T. Goshorn, - - - _ Ppesident. Thomas Gilpin, - - - 1st Viee-Pres't. D. B. Pierson, - - - 2d Viee-Pres't. Lewis Seasongood, - - - Treasurer. "VV. W. Taylor, - - - Secretary. Joiin B. Heicli, - _ _ Assistant Sec'y. STANDING COMMITTEES, Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 1872. FINANCE. Lewis Seasongood, R. R. Springer, J. SiMPKiNsox, A. P. C. Bonte, James Bradford, George W. Jones. building. D. B. PlERSON, H. McCoLLUM, George Sharples. rules and regulations. H. McCoLLUM, A. T. GOSHORN, Frank Millward. printing and advertising. W. W. Taylor, W. H. Blymyer, A. L. Helm. TRANSPORTATION. L. C. Weir, W. J. Armel, F. A. Armstrong. PRITILEGES. Clement Olhaber, A. T. Goshorn, L. C. Weir. AWARDS. Thomas Gilpin, H. McCollum, James M. Clark. JUDGES. James Dale, Thomas Gilpin, L. C. Weir. Cincinnati Industrial Exbosition. SPACE. W. H. Blymyer, L. M. Dayton, Thomas G. Smith. machinery, Frank Millward, Charles A. Wilson. George A. Gray. AGRICULTUKAL DEPARTMENT. W. H. Blymyer, Thomas H. Foulds, R. H. Lyman. textile fabrics. Thomas G. Smith, M. T. Antram, John Shillito, J. Heberd, Earl W. Stimson, ladies department. C. W. Rowland, W. P. Anderson, Lewis E. Mills. NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENT. A. L. Helm, Dr. J. S. Newberry, L. S. Cotton, Julius Dexter, Dr. H. H. Hill. fine arts department. George Sharples, John R. Tait, P. H. Burt. horticultural department. Clement Olhaber, William S. Munson, L. C. Weir, Alexander Gordon, William E. Jones. COTTON. C. W. Rowland, George Sharples, W. W. Taylor. THIRD ;iif Mail I V ppffstttati 1872, The Board of Commissioners, in announcing the Third Grand Exposition, cordially invite from all sources contribu- tions of works of art, new inventions, the products of the soil and mine, and of skilled labor in every branch of industry. They solicit the co-operation of those interested in their effort to attain variety and completeness, and to present the best works in every department. Space Accommodations. Profiting by the experience of former years, the manage- ment have matured plans for new buildings surpassing in extent any heretofore erected in the United States for a sim- ilar purpose, and comprising an exhibiting space of about 7 acres. In the arrangement of the various departments the convenience of both exhibitors and visitors has been carefully consulted, and an improved distribution of articles into groups will add largely to the general symmetry of the Exposition. The want of a detached building for the Fine Arts' De- partment having been generally expressed, the management have erected for its use a handsome fire-proof structure, 62 by 8 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. 160 feet, in the beautiful park opposite the main buildings, with which it is connected by an ornamental covered bridge across the intervening street. Premium List. Attention is called to the enlargement and thorough re- vision of the premium list, and to the special announcements in the Departments of Fine Arts, Natural History, and Horti- culture. Transportation. Articles not sold during the Exposition will, as usual, be returned free by the transportation lines, and the new ar- rangements for reduced fares and excursion trains will insure a large increase in the number of visitors. Hotel Accommodations. The hotel accommodations of Cincinnati, heretofore am- ple, will be greatly enlarged in view of the increasing number of visitors which the Exposition attracts from all parts of the country, so that no deficiency in this respect may be feared. Early Application. Persons intending to exhibit at this Exposition should give early notice of the articles, and amount and kind of space required. Special attention is directed to the time for making application as required by the accompanying rules. For further information address the Secretary of the Cin- cinnati Industrial Exposition, Cincinnati. A. T. GOSHORX, President. W. W. TAYLOR, Secretary. THIRD (Ijintiimatt Jitdufitr ial O^xijositbit 1.87S. EULES AND REGULATIONS. The following Eules will be strictly adhered to and en- forced : I. The halls and grounds will be open for the reception of articles from Wednesday, August 14th, to Saturday, August 31st. On Wednesday, September 4th, the Exposition will be opened to the public, and will continue open from day to day (Sundays excepted), from nine o'clock a. m. to ten o'clock p. M., until Saturday evening, October 5th. II. All articles will be entered for exhibition only, except those specifically named in the published list of articles to which premiums will be awarded ; articles named in the premium list may be entered for exhibition or competition at the option of the exhibitor, which must not be later than August 31st. III. Articles intended for competition must be entered on the books as such not later than August 31st; otherwise they will be entered for exhibition only, and all articles must be in 10 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. position ready for exhibition hy Tuesday, September 3d. Tlie driving anilines will be in operation one week previous to the o})cning of the Exposition to the public, and exhibitors of machinery in motion will be re(piircd to have their machines in running order on the day of opening. IV. Each exhibitor (cxcev't in the Ladies' Department) will be required to pay an entry fee of two dollars. An exhibitor competing for more than one premium shall pay two dollars for each additional premium competed for. Each exhibitor Avill have the privilege, upon payment of two dollars in addition to the entry fee for his articles, of securing a ticket of admission (positively not transferable) which will admit him at all hours of the Exposition. Not more than two exhibitors' admission tickets will be issued to a firm or corporation. Ladies entering articles in the Ladies' Department, and not desiring a ticket of general admission, mav have the privilege of entering said articles free. v. All cqrplications for space must be made on or before the 26th day of August, on the jmnted blank forms, which loill be furnished by the Secretary , and ajyplicants after that date icill not be allotted space until those entered, by the 2Qth of August have been assigned. Applications for space must state the exact am.ount and kind required, and for machinery, show cases, etc., a plan of the floor, counter, or wall space must accompany the application. Space allotted to applicants, and not occupied by them on or before the day of public opening, may be assigned to other exhibitors. And the Board reserve the right to exclude from the Exposition patent medicines, nostrum^, and articles of an explosive, highly inflammable, dangerous, or offensive character; also, articles presented after the day of public (Rules and (Regulations. 11 opening, when tlie same can not be introduced into the Ex- position without undue inconvenience to other exhibitors and visitors. "Whenever the articles will admit, contributors are requested to exhibit them in glass cases. VI. Exhibitors will be furnished by the Entry Clerk with duplicate cards, describing each article entered for exhibition , these will be countersigned on the receipt of the articles into the Exposition. One of these cards shall be conspicuously attached to the article which it describes, and the other must be retained by the exhibitor, and be presented as his order for the delivery of the article specified, at the close of the Exposition. VII. Judges in each class, to pass upon the merits, etc., of the articles entered for competition, shall be appointed as follows : One by the Board, one by the exhibitors in competition in each class, and the third by the two thus chosen. They shall be men wholly disinterested, and eminent for their skill and experience in the class of articles assigned to them. VIII. Machines, and other articles exhibited for premium, will be subjected, where practicable, to thorough tests to deter- mine their efficiency, economy, or other alleged merits. And in this respect it is the purpose of the Board to conduct the Exposition in such a manner that its action, in every case, will command the confidence of the public. IX. The premium list will be published, and all awards shall be for the first degree of merit in each class. No second class awards or decisions will be made or reported in any case, excejpting in the Fine Arts and Horticultural Departments. 12 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, X. The main line of shafting, from which power will he fur- nished for machinery in operation, is 2 7-16 inches in diam- eter, and will be run at the speed of 200 revolutions per minute. Driving pulleys of any required diameter, also counter shafts and pulleys, and belts and hangers, will be furnished to exhibitors at cost, if timely arrangements for them are made. Pulleys for the main line of shafting, if furnished by exhibitors, must be accurately balanced, and must have the exhibitor's name plainly marked upon them, and should be received before the 26th of August, to enable them to be put in place on the shaft without unnecessary labor and inconvenience. XI. Ko article on exhibition can be removed from the prem- ises during the Exposition. But all appropriate facilities for making sales of articles for delivery at the close of the Ex- position will be aflbrded. XII. An adequate police force will be in attendance upon the premises during the day, and watchmen at night; but all articles on exhibition will be at the risk of the owner. In- surance against loss by fire will be effected by the Board in behalf of all exhibitors who apply and provide for the same. XIII. In order to preserve the general harmony of the Exhibi- tion, and to make the display of goods symmetrical and at- tractive, the Board reserve the right to direct the general arrangement of all articles on exhibition, and to regulate the dimensions of all sia-ns and advertisements. (Rules and (Regulalions. 13 XIV. Exhibitors may procure employes' tickets at two dollars each, when shown to the President that the general admission of such employe is absolutely necessary for the care of the exhibitor's articles; but not more than one of such tickets will be issued to an exhibitor, unless by permission of the Board of Commissioners. Applications for employes' tickets must be made in writing to the President, stating the neces- sity for the application. Employes' tickets found to he unnecessary for the purpose for which they were issued, will be forfeited. All tickets of general admission will be registered, and taken up and forfeited if presented by any other person than the party to whom they were issued. [Note. — The great abuse in the use of exhibitors', and especially of employes' tickets during former Expositions, compels the Commissioners to adopt stringent rules for their government, which will be rigidly enforced.] XV. All communications relating to the Exposition, and all boxes or packages containing articles for the Exposition, should be directed to " CINCINNATI INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION," CINCINNATI, loith the name and resi- dence of the sender plainly marked thereon. A detailed statement of the contents of each box or package should be inclosed with the same, and a duplicate sent by mail, with full instructions as to whether the exhibitor's agent will take charge of the articles, or the Exposition Board have the package opened and the goods placed on exhibition. CINCINNATI Industrial Exposition, 1872. PREMIUM LIST. The management of the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition for 1872 will award the following list of premiums, all of which shall be of the first degree, except as stated in the Art and Horticultural Departments. All articles not specifically named in the published list of premiums will be placed on exhibition only, and will be afibrded every opportunity for display and advertisement. Articles named in the premium list may be entered for exhibition only, if the exhibitor so desires. Articles for competition must be of American manufacture or production, and entered in the name of the manufacturer or producer, or their authorized agent, except the articles marked loith an asterisk (*), which will not be required to be of American manufacture or to be entered in the name of the manufacturer or producer. The judges appointed to pass upon the merits of the com- peting articles will be instructed to place, during the last week of the Exposition, a premium badge prominently on the article to which they have made an award. The Board of Commissioners will not open the reports of judges until after the prem,ium badges have been placed. THIRD Cif^ci[l[JA^Tt IfloilsY^i^L Exf©SfYi©fl, 1872- MACHINERY. Class No. I. STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, STEAM PXTMPS, STEAM HAMMERS, AND ALL APPA- RATUS OPERATED DIRECTLY BY STEAM. No. OF Premium. First Premium. 1. Best Automatic Cut-off Stationary Steam Engine. (This premium i.s given to promote the introduction of a class of Steam Engines calculated to reduce the consumption of fuel.) Gold Medal. 2. " Smoke Consuming Steam Boiler Furnace Silver Medal. 3. " Stationary Saw Mill Engine " " 4. " Portable Saw Mill Engine " " f). " Vertical Boiler and Engine combined Bronze Medal. G. " Keversible Steam Engine fur Hoisting Purposes, etc. " " 7. " Steam Pump, Direct Action Silver Medal. 8. " Steam Pump, with Crank and Fly-wheel Bronze Medal. 9. " Independent Boiler Feeder " " 10. " Automatic Boiler Feeder " " 11. " Steam Hammer Silver Medal. 12. " Rotary Steam Engine " " 13. " Traction or Road Engine " " 14. " PortableFarm Engine Bronze Medal 16 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. Class No. 2. STEAM BOLER AXU ENGINE FITTINGS, INCLUDING GOVERNORS, SAFETY VALVES, STEAM GAUGES, WATER GAUGES, LOW AND HIGH WATER ALAUMS, GRATE BARS AND APPLIANCES. No. OF Premium. Fikst Premium. 15. Best Low Water Indicator for Steam Boilers Silver Medal. 16. " Steam Gauge " " 17. " Safety Valve for Steam Boilers Bronze Medal. 18. " Steam Engine Governor Silver Medal. 19. " Combined Heater and Lime Extractor for Steam Boilers " " 20. " Tallow Lubricator for Steam Cylinders Bronze Medal. 21. " Piston Packing " " Class No. 3. TURBINE WATER WHEELS AND OTHER HYDRAULIC MACHINERY, EXCLUSIVE OF STEAM PUMPS. 22. Best Double-acting Lift and Force Pump for General Purposes Silver Medal. 23. " Water Pressure Engine " " 24. " Centrifugal Pun^p ^ Bronze Medal. 25. " Rotary Pump " " 26. " Cistern Pump " » 27. " Screw or Propeller Pump Silver Medal. 28. " Fire Hydrants Bronze Medal. 29. " Water Meter Silver Medal. 30. " Tank Valve for Railroad Water Stations " " 31. " Hydraulic Press...., " " (Turbine Water Wheels have been omitted from this Premium List, owing to the impracticability of making satisfactory tests.) Class No. 4. ELECTRIC ENGINES, AIR AND CALORIC ENGINES, GAS ENGINES, ANIMAL POWERS, AND ALL OTHER MOVERS OR MOTIVE POWER NOT INCLUDED IN CLASSES 1 AND 3. 32. Best Electric Engine, Motor for Light Work Silver Medal. 33. " Caloric Engine, Motor for Light Work " " 34. " Gas Engine, Motor for Light Work Bronze Medal. 35. " Horse Power " « (Premium List. Class No. 5. machinists' tools and general metal work'ng machinery. No. OF Premium. First Premium. 36. Best Kailroad Car-wheel and Axle Machinery ...Gold Medal. 37. " Engine Lathe Silver Medal. 38. " Planing Machine Bronze Medal. 39. " Upright Drilling Machine " " 40. " Kudial Drilling Machine Silver Medal. 41. '' Boring and Turning Mill " " 42. " Shaping Machine " " 43. " Bolt or Screw Cutter Bronze Medal. 44. " Power Shearing and Punching Machinery Silver Medal. 45. " Stove Pipe Elhow Machine " " 46. " Pvatchet Drill ; Bronze Medal. 47. " Boiler Flue Expander " " 48. " Assortment of Tinner's Tools Silver Medal. 49. " Nail Machine " " 50. " Tack Machine " " 51. " Pin Machine " " 52. " Lead Pipe Machine " " Class No. 6. wood-working machinery. 53. Best Band Saw for Lumber. (This premium is given to promote the introduction of Machinery calculated to lessen the waste in sawing expensive lumber.). .Gold Medal. 54. " Band Saw for Scroll Work Silver Medal. 55. " Reciprocating Saw for Scroll Work Bronze Medal. 56. " Variable Stroke Mortiser Silver Medal. 57. " Hub Mortising Machine Bronze Medal. 58. " Bung Machinery Gold Medal. 59. " Barrel Machinery Silver Medal. 60. " Lathe for Irregular Forms " " 61. " Stave Machine Bronze Medal. 62. " Carving and Frizzing Machine Silver Medal. 63. " Hoop Machine " " 64. " Tennoning Machine Bronze Medal, 65. " General Wood-working Machine Silver Medal. 66. " Molding Machine " " 67. " Dovetailing Machine " " 68. " Blind Slat Tennoning Machine Bronze Medal. 69. " Flooring Machine " " 70. " Blind Wiring Machine " " 71. " Machine for Dressing Timber Silver Medal. 18 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. Class No. 7. PRINTING, STEREOTYPING, I.ITIIOOKArillNG, ENGRAVING, BOOK-BINDIXG, AND TAG MACHINERY, WITH APPLIANCES, MATERIALS, AND SAMPLES. No. OF Premium. First Premium. Y2. Best Stop Cylinder Printing Press Silver Medal. 73. " Platen Printing Press " " 74. " Typecasting Machine Bronze Medal. 75. " Assortment Book-binding Machinery Silver Medal. 76. " Tag Machinery " " 77. " Lithographic Printing Machine " " 78. " Engraving Printing Machine " " 79. " Consecutive Numbering Machine " " Class No. 8. SEWING MACHINES. By special request, no premiums will be awarded in this class. Class No. 9. COTTON, WOOLEN, PAPER, HEMP, AND RAG MACHINERY. 80. Best Cotton Gin Silver Medal. 81. " Cotton Press " " 82. " Cotton Seed HuUer " " 83. " Cotton Picker and Lapper " " 84. " Cotton or Wool Carding Machine " " 85. " Cotton or Wool Spinning Machine " " 86. " Waste Machine foi» Wool Clippings .Bronze Medal. 87. " Knitting Machine Silver Medal. 88. " Hand Loom " " 89. " Power Loom " " 9U. " Paper Machinery " " 91. " Paper Bag Machine " " 92. " Machine for JMaking Clotliing Card " " Class No. 10. DISTILLING AND RECTIFYING MACHINERY AND PROCESSES. By special request, no premiums will ho offered in this class. Class No. 11. PRESSURE BLOWERS, POWER FANS, BELLOWS, ALB PUMPS, ETC. 93. Best Power Pressure Blower Silver Medal. 94. " Power Fan Blower " " 95. " Hand BlacUsmith Blower Bronze Medal. 96. ■• Blacksmith's Bellows " " (Premium List. 19 Class No. 12. HOISTING MACHINERY. No. OF PREMIU5I. First rncMiUM. 97. Best Ilydniulic Hoisting Machine Silver Mcnliil. 98. " Steam Power Hoisting Machine " " 99. " Hand Hoisting Machine Bronze Medal. Class No. 13. BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER MACHINERY. 100. Best Sole Stitching Machine for Boots and Shoes Silver Medal, 101. " Sole Cutting Machine for Boots and Shoes " «' 102. " Power Pegging Machine for Boots and Shoes " " 103. " Hand Pegging Machine for Boots and Shoes " " 104. " Assortment of Boot and Shoe Machinery " « Class No. 14. WASHING MACHINES, WRINGERS, CRIMPING MACHINES, MANGLES, IRONING AND CLOTHES DRYING APPARATUS. 105. Best Washing Machine Bronze Medal. 106. " Koller Wringing Machine " " 107. " Centrifugal Wringing Machine <« «' 108. " Crimping Machine " " 109. " Portable Mangle " «' 110. " Clothes Drying Apparatus " " Class No. 15. TOBACCO MACHINERY. 111. Best Tobacco Cutter Silver Modal. II'J. '' Plug Tobacco Machine " <' 111:!. " Cigar Making Machine Bronze Medal. 114. " Cigar Molds » « Class No. 16. UNCLASSIFIED MACHINERY AND APPLIANCES. ] 15. Best Carbonic Acid Gas Fire Engine Silver Medal. IIG. " Portable Fire Extinguisher " " 117. " Railroad Car Brake Bronze Medal. 118. " Eailroad Car Coupling " " 119. " Shaft Coupling " " 120. " Meat Chopping Machine " " 121. " Emery Wheel Machinery " « 122. " Pulley Fastening for Shafting " " 123. " Pulley Blocks " " ■^ 20 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. i Class No. 16 — Cunlimiecl. 1 No. OF Premium. First Premium. ; 124. Best Railroad Car Lifter Bronze Medal. ! 125. " Railroad Car Sprincs " " 126. " Mining Drill Silver Medal. 127. " Brick MacLiiue " " 128. " Cracker Machinery " " 129. " Railroad Switch " « AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. Class No. 17. MO'iVERS, BEAPEBS, TORESHERS, SEED DRILLS, AND ATT.iCHMEXTS. 130. Best Reaper and Mower Combined Gold Medal. 131. " Mower Silver Medal. 132. " Lawn Mower " " 133. " Thresher and Separator " " 134. " Grain Drill " " 135. " Assortment of Reaper and Mower Knives Bronze Medal. 136. " Grain Drill with Guano Attachment Silver Medal. 137. " Broadcast Seeder Bronze Medal. 138. " Self Raker for Reapers " " Class No. 18. PLOWS, CTTLTIVATORS, RAKES, MISCELLAXEOUS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND APPLIA^•CES. 139. Best Cultivator Silver Medal. 140. " Riding Cultivator " " 141. " Sulky Hay Rake " " 142. " Hay Tedder " « 143. " Corn Planter Bronze Medal. 144. " Harrow " " 145. " Power Corn Sheller " " 146. " Hand Corn Sheller " " 147. " Portable Hav Press " " 148. " Hay and Straw Cutter " " 149. " Root and Ye"-etable Cutter " " 150. " Churn " " 151. " Horse Hay Fork " " 152. " Corn Husker " " 153. " Bee Hive, with Bees " " 154. " Portable Fence '• " (Premium List. 21 Class No. 18 — Continued. No. OF Prf.mit'm. First Tkemium. 155. Best Assortment of Plows Silver Medal. 15G. " Sulky Plow Bronze Medal. 157. " Two Horse Plow " " 158. " Steam Plow Silver Medal. Class No. 19. CAXE AND CIDER MILL?, AXD SUGAR EVAPORATING MACHINERY. 159. Best Sugar Mill Silver Medal. 160. " Sugar Evaporator » " 161. " Cider Mill Bronze Medal, 162. " Sorso Mill " «' Class No. 20. GRINDING AND FEED MILLS AND GRAIN SEPARATING AND CLE.iNING MA- CHINERY, ETC. Best Stationary Grist Mill for Flour Gold Medal. " Portable Corn Mill Silver Medal. » Portable Bolting Chest " •' " Smut Machine " " " Hominy Mill Bronze Medal. " Separator and Grader Silver Medal. " Assortment of Mill Tools Bronze Medal. " Flour Packing Machine " " " Bolting Cloth " " '' Mill-Stone Feeder and Separator for Corn Bronze Medal. " Self-Tramming, Driving and Balance Irons for Mill- Stones..... " " 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. lEON, STEEL, METALS, CASTINGS, ETC. Class No. 21. 174. 175. 176. 1(7. 178. 179. IRON, Best Plate Steel for Boil " Cast Steel " Railroad Bar Steel ■' Boiler Iron STEEL, ers.... SCALES, AND SA-WS. Gold Medal i Silver Medal. j 11 11 Gold Medal " Merchant Bar Iron " Kailroad Iron K 1( i 1 22 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. No. OF Pre 180. Best 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 18G. 187. 188. Class No. 21 — Cojiiinucd. MIU.M. FlKST PbEMIUM. Hoop Iron Bronze Modal. Assortment Wire Silver Medal. Cut Nails Bronze Modal. Wrought Spikes " " Assortment of Saws Silver Medal. Horse Shoes, Machine Made Bronze Medal. Horse Shoes, Hand. Made " " Counter Scales Silver Medal. Platform Scales " " Class No. 22. BRASS GOODS, CASTINGS, ETC. 189. Best Assortment of Plumbers' Brass Work Silver Medal. 100. " Assortment of Machinists' Brass Work " " 191. " Assortment of Brass Castings " " 192. " Assortment of Common Iron Castings Bronze Medal. 1!)3. " Assortment of Malleable Iron Castings " " 194. " Ornamental Fountain Silver Medal. 195. " Drinking Fountain " " 196. " Statuary, Cast Iron Bronze Medal. 197. " Stable Fittings, Cast Iron Silver Medal. 198. " Ornamental Wrought Iron Work " " Note. — An ample Water supply lias been conveyed into the building, for the use of Exhibitors. PvAILKOAD SUPPLIES. Class No. 23. 199.*Bebt Display of Kailroad Supplies Gold Medal. '200. " Locomotive Head-light Silver Medal. 201. " Spun Work for Domes, Cylinder Heads, etc Bronze Medal. 202. " Lamps for Passenger Cars '■ ' 203. " Door Locks and Latches for Kailroad Cars " " 204. " Car Ventilators " " 205. " llailroad Heating Stove, Coal " " 20G. " Kailroad Heating Stove, Wood '' " 207. " Car Seat Springs " " 208. ■' Freight Car and Switch Padlocks " " (Premium List, 23 COOKING, HEATING, AND VENTILATING APPAKATUS. Class No. 24. COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, STEAM HEATERS, AND VENTI- LATORS. No, OP Premium. Ftkst Premium. 209. Best Coal Cooking Stove Gold Medal. 210. " Wood Cooking Stove Silver Medal. 211. " Combined Wood and Coal Cooking Stove " " 212. " Heating Stove for Coal " " 213. " Heating Stove for Wood " " 214. " Open Front Stove for Coal { " " 215. '• Parlor Cook Stove for Coal " " 21«. " Magazine Stove for Coal " " 217. " Parlor Stove for Coal Bronze Medal. 218. " Parlor Stove for Wood " " 219. " School Stove, Ventilating Silver Medal. 220. " Cooking Range " " 221. " Portable Range " " 222. " Hot Air Furnace " " 223.. " Steam Heating Apparatus " " 224. " Range Furniture Bronze Medal. 225. " Stove Furniture " " 226. " Gas Cooking Apparatus Silver Medal. BUILDING MATERIALS AND APPLIANCES. Class No. 25. BUILDING AND GENERAL HARDWARE 227. Best Assortment of Door Locks Silver Medal. 228. " Assortment of Edge Tools " " 229. " Assortment of Malleable Iron Hardware Bronze Medal. 230. " Assortment of Wrought Hinges '• " 231. " Assortment of Wrouglit Screws and Bolts " " 232. " Assortment of Cabinet Hardware • '^' '" 24 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. Class No. 25 — Continued. No. OF Premium. First Premium. 233.*Best Display of General Hardware Silver Medal. 234. " Weather Strips Bronze Medal. 235.« " Display of Cutlery " " 236. " Assortment of Undertakers' Hardware Silver Medal. Class No. 26. MARBLES, STONE AND IMITATIONS, BRICK, MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS AND IMI- TATIONS, AND GRATES, ETC. 237. Best Marble Mantels Silver Medal. 238. " Marbleized Iron Mantels " " 239. " Marbleized Slate Mantels " " 240. " Specimens American Marble " " 241. " Specimens Fire Brick, not less than 12 Bronze Medal. 242. " Specimens Pressed Building Brick, not less than 12... " " 243. " Specimens Artificial Stone " " 244. " Specimens Ornamental Stone Work " " 245. " Specimens Ornamental Brick Work " " 246. " Fire Grates " " 247. " Stone Drain Pipe " " 248. " Cement Drain Pipe.... " " 249. " Ornamental Chimney Tops " " 250. " Iron Burial Caskets Silver Medal. 251. " Wooden Burial Cases " " Class No. 27. GAS AND LAMP FIXTURES, BRONZES, STEAM FITTINGS, PLUMBING WORK, ETC. 252.*Best Display of Gas Fixtures Silver Medal. 253.* " Display of Bronzes. " " 254.* " Display of Plumbers' Supplies " " 255.* " Display of Lamps Bronze Medal. 256.* " Gas Chandelier Silver Medal. 257. " Plumbing Work " " 258. " Assortment of Steam Fittings and Fixtures " " 259. " Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead " " Class No. 28. TIN, GALVANIZED IRON, AND SHEET IRON, SHEET BRASS AND COPPER WORK, BELLS, FIXTURES, AND AVORK. 260. Best Galvanized Iron Work Silver Medal. 261. " Copper'^ Work Bronze Medal. 262. " Tin W^rk... " " (Premium List. 25 Class No. 28 — Continued. No. CF Premium. First Prkmium. 263. Best Sheet Brass Work Bronze Medal. 264. " Bell Fixtures and Work Silver Medal. 265. " Chime of Bells " " 266. " Assortment of Bells Bronze Medal. Class No. 29. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, BANK AND SAFE LOCKS, ETC. By special request, no premiums will be offered to this class. Class No. 30. CARPENTERS, JOINERS, CARVERS, STAIR BtriLDERS WORK, ETC. 267. Best Carving in Wood, for Building Purposes Silver Medal. 268. " Vestibule, for Workmanship " " 269. " Set Inside Pivot Blinds, for Workmanship Bronze Medal. 270. " Set Inside Shutters, for Workmanship " " 271. " Specimen of Joining, for Workmanship " " 272. " Specimen of Stair Building, for Workmanship " " 273. " Newel Posts, for Workmanship \ " " Class No. 31. ORNAMENTAL WINDOW GLASS, SIGN PAINTING, ETC. 274. Best Stained and Ornamental Window Glass Silver Medal. 275. " Wheel-cut Ornamental Window Glass Bronze Medal. 276. " Ornamental Cut Window Glass , " " 277. " Memorial Window ,. Silver Medal. 278. " Specimens ol Graining (Woods and Marbles) Bronze Medal. 279. " Sign Painting on Glass , " " DOMESTIC MANUFACTUKES. Class No. 32. BOOTS, SHOES, FINDINGS, LEATHER, MOROCCO, RUBBER GOODS, LEATHER HOSE, BELTING, ETC. 280. Best Ladies and Misses' Machine-made Shoes Silver Medal. 281. " Ladies and Misses' Hand-made Shoes " " 282. " Men's Machine-made Buots and Shoes " '< 283. " Men's Hand-made Boots and Shoes " " 284. " Men's Pegged Boots and Shoes » « 26 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. Class No. 32 — Continued. No. OF Pbemium. 285. 28G. 287. FinsT Peemium. Best Assortment of Shoe Findings Bronze Medal. " Solo Leather " " Fair Leather " 288. " llorocco " 289. " Calfskins " 290. " Slioep Skins " 291. " Leather Belting Silver Medal. 292. " Leather Hose Bronze Medal. 293. " Improvement in Tanning or Leather Dressing Silver Medal. Class No. 33. HARNESS, TRTTNKS, TRAVELING EQUIPAGE, ETC. Set Coach Ilai-ness Silver Medal. Set Baggy Harness " " Set Draft Harness " " Saddle and Bridle, Gentlemen's Bronze Medal. Saddle and Bridle, Ladies' " " Horse Collars " " Trunk, Ladies' Silver Medal. Trunk, Gents' " " Valise Bronze Medal. Assortment Traveling Equipage " " Assortment Whips " " Improvement in Harness Silver Medal. Class No. 34. PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMES, MIRRORS, ETC. 30G, Be?t Mirror Frames — Design and "Workmanship Silver Medal. 307. " Picture Frames — Design and Workmanship " " 308.* " Display of Mirrors " " 309. " Carved Wood Frame " " Class No. 35. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS. By request, no premiums are offered in this class. Class No. 36. CARRIAGES AND OTHER LAND- CONVEYANCE AND ATTACHMENTS, CHILDREN'S CAR- RIAGES, HODBY HORSES, ETC. By special request, no preraiunis are offered on pleasure carriages. Ex- hibition limited to G pieces. JIO. Best Platform Spring Doable Wagon Silver Medal. 311. " Farm Wagoa Bronze Medal. 312. " Omnibus Silver Medal. 313. " Street Pvailroad Oar " " 314. " Hearse \ " " 294. Best 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. (Premium List. 27 Class No. 36 — Continued. No. or Peemium. First PnEMiuM. 315. Best Wagon "Wheel Bronze Medal. 316. " Buggy Wheel " " 317. " Double Perch for Carriages " " 318. " Carriage Springs and Axles " " 319. " Child's Carriage Silver Medal. 320. " Hobby Horse Bronze Medal. 321.« " Display of Saddlery Hardware " " Class No. 37. TOBACCO LEAF AND MAKUFACTURKD CIGARS, SXUFF, ETC. 322. Best Hogshead Le'\f Tobacco Silver Medal. 323. " Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco " " 324. " Assortment Plug Tobacco " " 325. " Smoking Tobacco " 326. " Cigars from American Tobacco " " 327. " Cigars from Foreign Tobacco " "• 328. " Cigars from American and Foreign Tobacco " " 329. '• Assortments of Snuifs Bronze Medal. Class No. 38. CURED MEATS, GROCERIES, FLOUR, CRACKER.S, ETC. 330. Best Sugar Cured Hams (not less than 6) Silver Medal. 331. " Refined Lard " " 332.* " Display of Groceries " 333. " Barrel Flour " " 334. " Assortment of Crackers " " Class No. 39. COXFECTIOXERY, CANNED FRUIT, JELLIES, PICKLES, ETC. 335. Best Ornamental Confectionery.. Silver Medal. 336. " Fine Candies " " 337. " Plain Candies " " 338. " Chocolate Candies Bronze Medal. 339. " Drage Candies " " 340. " Gum Work Candies " " 341. " Assortment Canned Fruits Silver Medal. 342. " Assortment Jellies Bronze Medal. 343. " Assortment Pickles " " Class No. 40. WINES. 344. Best Sparkling Catawba Wines Silver Medal. 345. " Sparkling Delaware Wines " " 346. " Still Catawba Wines " " 347. " Still Delaware Wines '* " 348. " Still Ives Seedling Wines '■ •■ 349. " Still Concord Wines " '• 350. " Still Virginia Seedling Wines " " 28 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. Class No. 41. BOOKS, STATIONERY, PRINTING, BINDING, ETC. No. OF Premium. First Premium. 351. Best Fine Book Printing Silver Medal. 352. " School Book Printing " " 353. " Ornamental Printing Bronze Medal. 354. " Book Binding in full Morocco or calf Silver Medal, 355. " Book Binding in half Morocco or calf " •' 356. " Book Binding in Cloth Bronze Medal. 357. " Blank Books Kuling and Binding Silver Medal. 358. " AVriting Papers " " 359. " News Paper Bronze Medal. 360. " No. 1 Book Paper, White " " 361. " No. 2 Book Paper, White " " 362. " Tinted Book Papers... Silver Medal. 363. " Manilla Papers Bronze Medal, 364. " Straw Wrapping Papers '* " OF THE HOUSEHOLD. Class No. 42. FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, BILLIARD TABLES, CARPETS, RUGS, MATS, OIL CLOTHS, ETC, 365. Best Set of Furniture (Design and Workmanship con- sidered) Gold Medal. 366. '• Set of Parlor Furniture Silver Medal, 367. " Set of Parlor Furniture (Oiled Walnut and Hair Cloth) " " 368. " Set of Bed Room Furniture " " 369. " Set of Dining Room Furniture " " 370. " Set of Library Furniture " " 371. " Sideboard Bronze Medal. 372. " Office Furniture '' " 373. " Library Table " " 374. " Easy Chair " " 375. " Book Case " " 376. " Extension Lounge " " 377. " Hat Rack " « 378. '• Etegere " " 379. " Assortment of Wood Seat Chairs Silver Medal. 380. " Assortment of Cane Seat Chairs " " 381. " Assortment of Upholstered Chairs " " i (Premiu^i, List. j 29 Class No. 42 — Continued. No OF PREMtUM. 382. Best Assortment of School Furniture 383. " Billiard Table (Beauty of Design, Finish, and Acci racy of Cushions considered) First Premium. ..Silver Medal. " " .Bronze Medal. " " MACHE, ETC. ..Bronze Medal. ..Silver Medal. ..Bronze Medal. " " MISCELLANEOUS .Silver Medal. .Bronze Medal. " " .Silver Medal ..Bronze Medal. ..Silver Medal. ..Silver Medal. K (1 384. " Set Billiard Balls 385. " Spring Mattress 386. " Folding Mattress 387. " Spring Bed Bottom Class No. 43. PAPER HAXGIXGS, DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADES, PAPIER 388.* Best Display of Paper Hangings 389. " Specimen of Decoration in Paper Hangings, etc.... 390.« " Display of Papier Mache 391. " AVindow Shades 392. " Window Shade Fixtures 393® " Display Lace Window Curtains and Trimmings.... Class No. 44. REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, FREEZERS, FILTERS, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. 394. Best Refrigerator and Water Cooler Combined 395. " Refrigerator 396. " Water Cooler 397. " Filter 398. " Japanned Ware 399. " Retinned Stamped Ware 400. " Planished Tin Ware 401. " Ice Cream Freezer 402.* " Display of House Furnishing Goods Class No. 45. CHINA, GLASS, EARTHENWARE, ETC. 403. Best Assortment of Glassware 404. " White Granite Ware 405. " Cream Color Ware " " ..Bronze Medal. ..Silver Medal. RUSHES, ETC. .Silver Medal. ..Bronze Medal. 406. " Yellow and Rockingham Ware 407.* " Display Parian Marble Ware 408.* " Display Glass, China, Porcelain, and Fancy Ware. Class No. 46. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, COOPERAGE, WIRE GOODS, B 409. Best Assortment of Wooden Ware 410 " Assortment of Willow Ware 30 Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. Class No. 46 — Continuexl. No. OF PnEMiUM. First Premium, 411. Best Assortment of Wire Goods Silver Medal. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. Assortment of Brushes " " Beer Cask Bronze Medal. Beer Keg " " Well Bucket ' " White Lead Kegs " " Packing Boxes " " Tobacco- Boxes " " n3:B]:p.A.i^Tis/^E:]iNrT i. CHEMICALS, DRUGS, APPARATUS. AND APPLIANCES. Class No. 47. CHEMICALS, DKUGS, PIIARM.4.CEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, SOAPS, CANDLES, BAKING POWDER, YEAST PREPARATIONS, ETC. 419. Best Assortment of Chemicals Silver Medal. 420. " Assortment of Druggists' Glassware and General FurnL^hing Material " " 421. " Assortment of Fine and Rare Chemical.'? " " 422. " Assortment of Pharmaceutical Preparations " " 423. " Disinfectants and Antiseptics " " 424. "