8 UC-NRLF * IFT OF SThe French Pavilion and I Its Contents p. p. i. E., 1915 ~.r The French Pavilion V and Its Contents Copyright 1915 by Marie Soulas All Rights Reserved KEY TO GROUND PLAN OF THE FRENCH PAVILION Room 1. Hall of Modern Sevres and Gobelins. 2. Main Central Hall. L. Souvenirs of La Fayette. R. Souvenirs of Rochambeau. 3. Rotunda. 4. Contemporary Decorative Arts. 5 and 6. Retrospective Paintings. 7 and 8. Exhibits of the City of Paris. 9. East Atrium. Artistic Furniture and Fur- nishings. 10. Antiques, China and Ivory. 11. Theatre. 12. DoU Land. 13. Dioramas of Picturesque France. 14. Historical Monuments. 15. Architectural Exhibit. P. L. Library. 5. Souvenirs of the Romanticists: Balzac, Hugo, Dumas, etc. 16 and 17. West Atrium: Belgian Exhibit: 18 and 19. Dressmakers' and Milliners' Exhibit. Exhibits of French Manufacturers. GROUND PLAN OF THE FRENCH PAVILION 312797 French Pavilion The French Pavilion is a reproduction of the Palace of the Legion of Honor, built in Paris and conse- crated to the order of the Legion of Honor, created by Napoleon I, in 1802. ROOM I HALL OP MODERN SEVRES AND GOBELINS The porcelains are from the National Manufactory of Sevres, situated near Paris and founded during the reign of Louis XV. The tapestries are from the National Manufactory of the Gobelins. This was, at the beginning, a dye works, owned by two brothers named Gobelin. In 1667 it was bought by Louis XIV and then became the National Manufactory of the Gobelins. This establishment is situated on the River Bievre. There is a tradition that its water possessed a peculiar property which gave to the Gobelin tapestries the beautiful coloring which first made them famous. At the foot of the stairs, are two huge decorative vases, high fired and of hard paste, remarkable for their color. On each side of the door is an oil painting by Cazin. At the top of the stairs, (right), is a handsome vase with children, porcelain enameled, high fired, by Dalou. Above the entrance door is a large Gobelin tapestry. This tapestry represents a scene in the beginning of the 15th century: The Due de Berry at his court in Bourges, buying from merchants of the Orient, animals for his menagerie, works of art, and especially books. The Due do Berry left a beautiful collection of manu- scripts. This tapestry was designed by P. Cormon. In front of the staircase is the armed modern statue of "La Gallia", wearing a helmet with the Gallic coq. It is a remarkable piece of allegorical work. By Alfr. Boucher. To the right, as you enter, is an historical tapestry with the authentic monogram, dated 1902. It repre- sents the battle of Fontenoy, won by the French over the English and the Austrians in 1745. Beneath this tapestry there is a carved gilded "con- sole", period of Louis XIV, upon which are two large vases, hard porcelain, N. M. of Sevres. In the corner: A terme Pan in enamelled porcelain, high fired. A second tapestry shows Jeanne d'Arc listening to the voice which urges her to take up arms against the English and then to take the Dauphin (Charles VII) to the Cathedral of Rheims to be consecrated, as was the custom for all the kings of France. Forming a background for the Maid, are shadowy figures which represent the terrible sufferings of the people. 1st Inscription: "Maid of the noble heart, go. Duty calls." 2d Inscription: "In the midst of the scenes of suf- fering and desolation of the Civil War, the heart of Jeanne is filled with love and pity." The next tapestry represents Jeanne d'Arc on her way to Chinon to find the Dauphin (Charles VII). The Vision tells her not to fear the dangers of the road, represented by the dying Dragon crushed under the foot of the Vision. Notice the remarkable drawing and coloring, espe- cially of the dragon's wings. 1st Inscription: "The way is open for you." 2d Inscription: "If there are enemies in my path, I have God my Lord who will open a way for me that I may reach the Dauphin. I was born to save him." 8 In the next tapestry an old peasant woman is telling stories of the olden time to an eager group of young people which surrounds her. In the background are the different characters and attributes of the fairy tales to which all are listening with marked interest. This tapestry is noticeable for the number and variety of the figures and the delicacy of the details. The designs are after E. Tapissier. Under this tapestry is a fountain composed of a group of children, done in porcelain. N. M. of Sevres, by Blondat. Near it, a large show case with many objects of art, vases, cups, groups of "biscuit de Sevres" or "gres flamme". The Reader and Maternity, by the famous Parisian sculptor, Jules Dalou. At the foot of the stairs are the busts of Franklin and of Washington, in "biscuit de Sevres", by the French sculptor Houdon, and four large decorative vases, high fired; two are ornamented with bronze mouths and are mounted on stands of bronze. N. M. of Sevres. On the left hand side of the staircase is a tapestry representing Africa pacified and civilized by the French, after the drawings of Rochegrosse. The Genius of Peace advances; the book of Law in his hand is the emblem of civilization. That he succeeds in inspir- ing the Africans with confidence is shown by the for- ward movement of the natives. This wonderful work is remarkable for the richness and harmony of the vivid tropical coloring and the artistic and delicate execution of the numerous details. Rochegrosse has lived in Africa and thus is enabled to present a scene which is absolutely true to nature. Beneath is a carved wooden console, period Louis XIV, with a vase decorated with horses, in hard enamelled porcelain. Of great value. The next tapestry shows Jeanne d'Arc in front of Orleans. She is on horseback and implores the Lord, who appears to her in armor, and says: 9 1st Inscription: "You will overcome your enemies. Victory is yours." 2d Inscription: "0 Lord, I must fight. Even if our enemies were in the clouds ; we should conquer them. I am sure of victory." Notice the gesture of Jeanne, confident of victory. The last tapestry concerning the story of Jeanne d'Arc represents the martyrdom of the Maid, and shows her on her way to the stake. Notice in the upper gal- leries the Bishops of Rouen, the city where Jeanne died, and in the lower galleries, the civil authorities. The surrounding buildings (some of them are still there) give a good idea of the architecture of that epoch. 1st Inscription: "It is to you, Bishop, that I owe my death. Rouen! Rouen! a curse upon you." 2d Inscription: "Yes, the Voices were divine. All that I have done for my country I have done by the help of God." The drawings for these four Jeanne d'Arc tapestries were made by Jean P. Laurens. A carved gilded console, period Louis XIV, with two vases. Above this console, a tapestry, with the monogram of authenticity, represents the Coat of Arms of the City of Paris. In the center, Cross of the Legion of Honor, a sailing boat, emblem of the City, with the fleurs de lis above. Higher up, on a ribbon, the motto of the City: "Fluctuat Nee Mergitur" (It floats but does not sink). At the sides, the figures of Truth and Justice; at the top, the Gallic coq; beneath, the Lion, emblem of strength; the Caduceus (rod with wings and serpent) represents Commerce; a pallet with brushes, for Fine Arts; a compass for Science; a scythe for Agriculture; a horn of abundance for the fertility of the soil; and garlands of flowers, the emblems of Grace. Above all these is the Star of Enlightenment. This tapestry was designed by Joseph Blanc. In the corner, a statue of gres flamme, The Dreamer, a young shepherdess, by the sculptor Larehe. 10 Another glass case containing various kinds of Sevres porcelains. Several groups in "biscuit" Sevres: "La Jota", a Spanish dancer; Goat and Fawn eating grapes, etc.; a little St. John the Baptist, by P. Dubois, director of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, in Paris. ROOM 2 MAIN CENTRAL HALL In this hall are four large antique tapestries and four large rugs of the 17th century, made for King Louis XIV, at the National Manufactory of the Gobelins. The four tapestries refer to events in the life of Alex- ander the Great. The first on the right shows Alexander at the Battle of Arbela and The Death of Darius. Mortally wounded, the Persian king is carried into the camp of Alexander's soldiers. Above are the arms of Louis XIV, and a head representing the Sun, emblem of "Le Grand Monarque". The next represents Alexander Crossing the River Granicus. Notice the onward rush of the soldiers. The composition, remarkably conceived, gives the impression of terrible and violent battle, and makes this tapestry one of the most beautiful in the collection. The third tapestry shows the triumphal Entry of Alexander into Babylon. The conqueror is standing up- right on his chariot, crowned with glory and with laurels. The fourth represents The Destruction of Persepolis, the ruins of which still stand and are amongst the largest and the most beautiful in the world. These four tapestries were made after the drawings of Charles Lebrun, ttie famous painter of Louis XIV, who supervised the art work of the palace of Versailles. They are called "tapisseries de haute lisse", woven of gold and silk. When they were new, their coloring was as bright as in the modern ones, but, although it has softened, it is still very beautiful after all these years. 11 The furniture, of carved and gilded wood, is of the earlier period of the reign of Louis XIV. All these marvels belong to the state and are kept in the different palaces in Paris, especially in the "Garde Meuble", and are taken out only for great occasions, such as the Panama Pacific International Exposition. The busts are those of celebrated persons of the 17th and 18th centuries: Moliere, the Prince de Conde, Richelieu, Colbert, La Fontaine, etc. They are repro- ductions of the marble originals in the Museum of Versailles. Two other tapestries of the time of Louis XVI, relat- ing to the American War of Independence, represent: one, the Battle of Yorktown; the other Brimstom HilL Two show cases containing: Left. Autographs and portraits of historic person- ages (time of the Revolution) : Comte d'Estaing, Due de Lauzun, A. de Bougainville, Comte Duchaffault, Bouille, etc., exhibited by the "Imprimerie Nationale"; two swords, one belonged to Duchaffault, the man who fired the first cannon shot for the Independence of America ; the other, smaller, to Louis XVI when a child ; an old illuminated parchment, the prayer book of La Fayette. At the right: The finest specimens of typography; exhibited by the Imprimerie Nationale. On the right side is a collection of varied objects: furniture, portraits, engravings, arms, relative to the life of La Fayette, and which once belonged to him. The portraits are of Louis XVI, La Fayette and Bailly, Mayor of Paris. The busts are of Washington and of the philosopher J. J. Eousseau. A plan of the Bastille. An authentic engraved stone taken from the ruins of the prison of the Bastille. On the opposite side are various objects of art and furniture which belonged to Rochambeau. A bronze statue of Rochambeau, portraits of his wife and of himself. An engraving representing Rochambeau, Wash- ington and La Fayette at the Siege of Yorktown. A bronze group of Louis XVI and Franklin. The dress 12 sword of Bochambeau and the Cross of the Order of St. Louis. Rodin exhibits in the Court of Honor: The Thinker (bronze). In the Central Tapestry Hall, two bronze busts: Rochefort, French litterateur and politician; Bellona; the statues of St. John the Baptist (bronze) ; Despair (bronze); Age of Bronze (bronze), etc. All these Rodins have been loaned by Mrs. Spreckels. ROOM 3 THE ROTUNDA This room is a reproduction of the Rotunda in the Palace of the Legion of Honor. It is decorated with blue and gold brocade panels which, as well as the furniture, were made for Napoleon I. The carpet, also, was made by order of Napoleon and has in its center the Cross of the Legion of Honor, surrounded by the sixteen divisions of the order, called cohorts. At the head of each cohort is a "Grand Commandeur" of the Legion of Honor. (C H., abbreviation for cohort.) A show case with autographs of the historical person- ages of the First Empire, with portraits engraved on medals, among others, Bonaparte as First Consul. ROOM 4 CONTEMPORARY DECORATIVE ARTS A show case containing a collection of various objects in crystal, artistically cut and colored, exclu- sively made by the artist Lalique; among them is a mirror belonging to the Queen of England. Another show case filled with varied collections of objects of art for every day use : Little boxes in chased silver, enameled, tortoise shell; comb, mirrors, bronze flowers ; exquisite jewels, many precious stones engraved and mounted in settings of gold, of beautiful design and workmanship by Decceur, Rivaud, Bonvallet, Capon, Hirtz, Dunand, Malcles, Bourgeois, Verner, Le Noble, etc., etc., and a model of the sword presented by the Society for the Encouragement of Industry and Art, to 13 its president, Mr. Roujon, member of the French Acad- emy; wrought by the sculptor E. Decker. Four other cases containing vases, cups, plates, etc., in gres flamme, cloisonne, enameled, inlaid, bronze, jasper; crystal, beautifully colored; faiences, etc., all signed by the best French artists; Bourgouin, Decceur, Delaherche, Vallombreuse, Desbois, Marinot, Methey, Nelaton, Gandais, Le Noble, Jouhaux, Cros, Capon, Mangeant, Massoul, etc. In two other show cases are book bindings, leather work, illuminated parchments, etc., by Mile. Germain, Mile. Langrand, Kieffer, Mare, etc., and silk embroid- eries, pincushions, parasol, bags, etc., by Marie Alix, Mile, de Felice, Dufrene, Condyser, etc. Several figures in bronze: Spring, a woman seated with a wreath on her head, by the sculptor Bartholome. Some electric lamps in bronze by Brandt. A great number of framed drawings, among others, those of the modernist painter Denis, the author of the beautiful frieze which is in the Palace of Fine Arts, Room 3. Paintings by the impressionist Degas. Butterflies, beautiful water colors by Rene Plot. A picture signed Alb. Andre. Tapestry panel framed by Mile. Cros. Drawings by George Lepape. A picture, Milking the Goat, by the Impressionist Henri Martin. Drawings by Boutet de Mouvel. Two framed drawings by Dethomas. A painting by the impressionist painter D'Espagnat. Of an individual technique. Some drawings for illustration of books by Maurice Denis. A decorative panel by K. X. Roussel, etc. 14 Various designs in water color for stained windows, by Mile S. Lalique. A modern tapestry representing a symbolic scene of The Nativity. The decorations are unusual, bizarre. ROOMS 5 AND 6 RETROSPECTIVE PAINTINGS No. 3. Portrait of Mile Madeleine Brohan. An actress famous for her great talent and for her beauty, the remains of which the painter has skilfully preserved. By Paul Baudry. Died in 1886. No. 5. Portrait of Alphonse Legros. A French painter and engraver. As a water color this picture is remarkable for its size. Two other deco- rative panels by P. A. Besnard. Born in 1849. No. 8. Portrait of Mme. Pasca. A celebrated singer who had great success in 1887. By L. Bonnat, famous for the beauty of his portraits. Born in 1833. No. 10. The Harbor of Bordeaux. Exact in the details. By E. Boudin. Belongs to the group which is called "The Group of the Impres- sionists". Died in 1898. No. 11. Evening. By J. A. Breton. Many of his famous pic- tures are in the United States. Over the life of the fields he has thrown the glamour of poetry. He is of the same school as J. F. Millet, the world renowned painter of the Angelus. Died in 1906. No. 13. Portrait of the Marquise de A. A very beautiful portrait. Notice the delicacy of the details; for instance, the aristocratic shape of the hand and the masterly way in 15 which the artist has painted the dress of his model. By E. A. Carolus Duran. Celebrated mem- ber of the Institut of France ; former director of the French Academy of Art in Rome. He has trained many American artists, among them John Sargent. Born in 1837. Nos. 14-15. Alphonse Daudet and his Daughter. Christ on the Cross. Works of a severe character, but which possess a melancholy charm and make a strong emotional appeal. The draw- ing is indistinct but masterly. By E. Carriere. Known by intimate pictures of family life and by his lithographs. No. 21. The Blacksmith Shop. Realistic and delightful. By F. Cormon. Born in Paris, 1845. Has painted varied subjects; historical and fanciful scenes, and portraits. Nos. 23-24. Un Cafe, Boulevard Montmartre (Pastel). The fidelity with which the faces, the gestures, even the hats, are painted, is strikingly expressive of the atmosphere of the cafe. Les Figurants (Pastel). Very realistic work. By E. H. G. Degas, member of the Im- pressionist group. Many of his works are to be found in the museums and private galleries in the United States. No. 28. The Dream. This is the most popular work of the artist. The soldiers, sleeping at dawn, see in their dreams the apotheosis of the glorious armies of the past century, the armies of Napoleon, announcing the victories of the future. By Ed J. B. Detaille. Member of the Institut of France. Died in Paris, 1912. 16 No. 29. Beggar Dwarfs. Souvenir of Granada. By J. A. J. Falguiere, painter and sculptor. Died in 1900. No. 35. A Meeting of the Editors of "La Eepublique Frangaise". Realistic work with life-like portraits of the politicians. The groups are represented in their own milieu, in action and conversation and the discussion between the first two men seems to be very animated. By Henri Gervex, member of the Institut. Born in 1852. No. 37. Le Saut du Loup. Remarkable work, admir- ably painted, and the drawing is that of the old masters. By Henri Harpignies. Has painted many water colors and decorative panels. Is well known in the United States. Born in 1819. No. 39. Christ on the Cross. No. 40. Portrait of Mme. Laura Leroux. Pretty person, and the portrait gives the impression of being very like the original. The artist's technique is distinctly individualistic. By J. J. Henner. Celebrated artist; has painted many Alsatian family scenes; also mythological subjects. His works are world renowned. He was a member of the Institut. Died in Paris, 1905. No. 44. Members of the Holy Office. The tragedy of the subject is expressed in the faces and attitudes of the personages, and recalls the frightful episodes of the ecclesiastical history of the Inquisition. By J. P. Laurens. "We owe to this great artist the frescoes of the Pantheon in Paris. He was a member of the Institut. No. 46. A Vagabond. "Work of an old school which had no success. By L. A. Lepere. Born in 1849. 17 No. 47. A Musical Evening in a Friend's Studio (Drawing). One sees the portraits of sev- eral very well known artists of the last century ; among them the illustrious composer Saint Saens, seated, with his hand on his forehead. By the well-known artist, L. A. Lhermitte. Born in 1844. No. 48. The Balcony. By Ed. Manet. Realistic painter. Belongs to the Impressionist group. Some of the works of this master are in the United States, in public and private collections. Died in Paris, 1883. No. 49. Antibes. A miniature horseman; a real jewel. Work of extraordinary skill and cleverness. No. 50. Madame Sabatier. Superb portrait of this lady who was well known at the time of Napoleon III. Very famous picture. By J. L. E. Meissonier. Died in Paris, 1891. No. 53. The Church of Vetheuil. Work remarkable for the effects of light and atmosphere at a certain hour of the day. No. 54. The Cathedral of Rouen. By Claude Monet. Impressionist group. Born in 1840. No. 55. Mephisto and Marguerite. This work is painted in the manner of the 18th century; Watteau school. By A. D. Monticelli. Died in Marseilles, 1886. No. 4. Portrait of Aunt Anna. A relative of the artist. By J. J. Benjamin Constant. Painted many pictures of scenes in Morocco and in the Orient; some portraits; many mural decorations in different buildings in Paris. He was a member of the Institut 18 and very well known in the United States. Died in 1902. No. 12. Portrait of the Countess of K. By Al. Cabanel, who has painted many portraits of women. Died in Paris, 1889. No. 16. The House of Socrates. No. 17. The Bear and the Amateur Gardener. By J. Ch. Cazin. This artist occupies a first place among landscape painters. He has done many frescoes. Died in 1901. No. 18. L'Estaque. Neighborhood of Marseilles. By Paul Cezanne. Impressionist group. Has painted much still life and many landscapes. Died in Aix in Provence, 1906. No. 19. Portrait of a Young Woman. By G. Henri Colin. School of his own. He has painted landscapes in the Pyrenees, scenes in the French and Spanish Basque country. Died in Paris, 1910. No. 22. In the Forest. Realistic scene and also very poetical. By P. Ad. Jean Dagnan Bouveret. Many of his frescoes are in different buildings in Paris. Born in 1852. No. 27. Portrait of Mme. Cornereau. By M. Desboutin. Excels in portraiture. Has painted some intimate family scenes and is also a famous engraver. Died in Nice, 1902. No. 30. Portrait of Mme. Fantin Latour, wife of the artist. By Fantin Latour. Belongs to the group of the Realists. Great talent. Has painted subjects taken from contemporary bour- 19 geois life, mythology, etc. Was a friend of the great American artist Whistler. Died in 1904. No. 31. Portrait of Mme Flameng, wife of the artist. The finesse and the firmness of the execution, the exactness of the details, make it an exquisite work. By Frangois Flameng. Born in Paris, 1856. Has painted portraits and many histori- cal pictures depicting scenes of the French Revolution. Member of the Institut. No. 32. Portrait of Mme R. Very interesting for its technique. By 0. F. Gaillard. Was especially remark- able as an engraver. Died in Paris, 1887. Nos. 33-34. Landscape in Brittany, and Frieze. By E. H. Paul Gauguin. Synthetic and symbolic decorator. Died in 1903. No. 36. Autumn in Moret. Art inspired by impres- sionism. By Antoine Guillemet. Has painted many landscapes and marines. Born in 1843. No. 38. Head of a Muse, Crowned. By A. A. Ernest Hebert. Has painted pic- tures depicting popular customs in Italy, and portraits of women. Member of the Institut. Died in 1908. No. 41. Portrait of Mme X. By F. Humbert. Has painted beautiful decorations in the Pantheon in Paris. Born in 1842. Nos. 42-43. The Painter and The Sculptor. By Gaston La Touche. Has painted many decorative works in the manner of the 18th century for French palaces and for Mr. Dougall Hawkes of New 20 York. Very well known as a water colorist. Died in 1913. No. 45. Portrait of Leon Gambetta, friend of the artist. By Alph Legros. Was a professor of art at the South Kensington Museum, then at the University of London. He has depicted scenes of "realite populaire". His work in drawing and engraving is considerable. Died in England, 1911. No. 56. Jason. Subject which lends itself to mythical and symbolic expression. The artist has symbolized the Golden Fleece by a column surmounted by heads of rams and orna- mented with jewels. By G. Moreau. Celebrated for his tech- nique. Painted a great number of water colors. Died in 1898. No. 57. Rezonville 16 aout 1870. Episode of the Franco-Prussian "War; a charge by the French Cuirassiers upon the regiments of White Curassiers of the Prussian Guard and Uhlans, in which the latter were completely annihilated. By Aime N. Morot. Has painted many por- traits. Was a member of the Institut. Died in 1913. The next three pictures are by A. de Neuville. Died in 1885. No. 58. The Cemetery of St. Privat. Episode of the Battle of St. Privat-la-Montagne, in Lorraine, 1870. Had a great success in 1881. No. 59. Le Bourget. Episode of 1870. Eight officers and about twenty French soldiers who had taken refuge in a church were attacked by a division of the Prussian Guard. The enemy was kept at bay for one day and one night by this handful of heroes who surren- dered only at the last extremity. 21 No. 60. Attack Upon a Barricaded House at Villersexel, 1871. The Prussians, fortified in the houses of the town, were directing a murderous fire upon a small number of French soldiers. Finally, the French collected some fagots and straw, set the houses on fire and thus forced the enemy to abandon their shelters. All the Prussians were killed except those who surrendered. No. 61. Man With a Violin. By J. Ernest Panis. Has painted all sorts of subjects in oil and pastel. "Was a professor in the schools of the City of Paris. Died in 1895. No. 62. The Red Roofs. Portrays rustic life. Lively landscape, vibrating with light and color. By Camille Pissarro. Impressionist group. Pointillist, a manner of painting which he created. He has produced many mag- nificent engravings also. Died in 1903. No. 63. Hope. This work now belongs to the "Walters Collection in Baltimore. The price paid for it was $14,000. No. 64. St. Genevieve Relieving the Famine in Paris. St. Genevieve is the patron saint of Paris. Tradition relates that in 451 when Attila, leader of the Huns threatened Paris, the people wished to abandon the city. St. Genevieve, however, predicted that Paris would be saved and her prediction was ful- filled. Later on, the city being in danger of famine, she procured provisions and thus saved the people a second time. By P. Cecile Puvis de Chavannes. Is essentially a pure idealist, very much admired by the whole world. Many of his monumental works are in America, among others, the great and beautiful compositions in the Library in Boston, executed in 1895. These exalt and 22 develop themes which express, with strength and originality, great and universal ideas. Died in 1898. No. 65. The Wedding Guests. Character study of suburban types. No. 66. Notre Dame de Paris. A realistic and faithful representation of the Cathedral, and painted with the characteristic technique of the artist. By J. P. Rafaelli. Belongs to the Impres- sionist group. He has executed many engravings in color and has published many books. Born in 1850. No. 67. Cuirassiers at the Tavern. By G. Regamey. Consecrated his talent to military subjects. Died in 1875. No. 68. Portrait of Mme H. A work of very original technique. No. 69. The Reader. No. 70. Portrait of Theodore de Banville (Pastel). Celebrated French poet. Died in 1891. By P. A. Renoir. Independent impres- sionist. His favorite subject is the mother and child. Born in 1841. No. 71. The Good Samaritan. A subject treated with the realism and the technique of the Ribera school. By Th. Ribot. Died in 1891. No. 72. Portrait of Damoy, the landscape painter. No. 73. The Dragoon. By A. Phil. Roll. Has decorated the Petit Palais and .the Hotel de Ville in Paris. Born in 1847. No. 74. A Little Girl and Her Doll. By Ferd. Roybey. Born in 1840. No. 75. On the Banks of the Loing. By Alf. Sisley. Impressionist group. Espe- cially a painter of landscapes; is very 23 well known in England where he painted many of his pictures. Died in 1899. No. 76. Portrait of a Young Woman in a Red Cap. Painted with great delicacy, and extremely interesting. By James Tissot. Lived for ten years in Palestine, where he painted 290 water colors illustrating the life of Christ. No. 77. A Lady at Her Toilette. No. 78. Portrait of Gabrielle, la Danseuse. By Henri de Toulouse Lautrec. Pupil of the famous painters Degas and Forain. He was especially fond of realistic scenes. He also drew many posters which were in great demand. Died in 1901. No. 79. Flowers and Fruit. By Vernay. Loved especially to paint still life. Many of his studies are in the Luxembourg in Paris and in the Grand Musee in Lyon. Died in Lyon, 1896. No. 80. Portrait of the Painter, by himself. By Antoine Vollon. A painter who has given us realistic scenes in the life of the people, portraits and still life. His work immediately attracted attention. Died in 1900. No. 81. Antwerp. By Felix Ziem. Travelled around the world painting outdoor scenes. He is a remark- able artist and shows distinct indi- viduality in his technique. Died in 1911. No. 85. Statue of Lavoisier (Bronze). Celebrated French chemist, guillotined in 1794. Atti- tude thoughtful and reflective. This statue was erected in the Great Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne in Paris. 24 By Jules Dalou. The greatest sculptor of the beautiful in France at the end of the last century. After the political events of 1871 he fled ,to London, where he became a professor in the South Kensington Museum. He has executed numerous commemorative monuments and many portraits. The great monument in bronze representing the ''Triumph of the Republic", erected in Paris in the Place de la Nation, is one of his most beautiful works. He lived a very simple and retired life. Died in 1902. ROOMS 7 AND 8 EXHIBIT OF THE CITY OF PARIS The City of Paris Exhibits: school buildings; the metropolitan subway, plans and framed pictures illus- trating this network of iron and its ramifications throughout the city. No. 29. Pictures showing the development of trans- portation. No. 47. Care and lighting of the streets at different periods. No. 22. A plan of Paris. No. 26. Number of pupils in the schools. No. 30. A diagram showing the increase of consump- tion of food stuffs from 1830 to 1913. No. 31. Administration of cheap lodging houses. No. 59. Public health and water supply. No. 27. Schools of Paris; number of instructors from 1801 to 1813. No. 44. Photographs showing the gritstone works (pavements, etc.). 25 No. 65. Number of foundlings cared for by the city. Series of humorous drawings illustrating Parisian life in the 19th century, signed Daumier. Office of Public Assistance No. 60. Debts of the City of Paris, from 1800 to 1913. No. 67. Daily expense for one sick person, from the year XI th of the Republic (Revolutionary Calendar) to 1913. No. 61. The budget of the City of Paris, from 1830 to 1900. No. 66. Administration of the Public Help, from the year Xlth of the Republic to 1912. No. 68. Several photographs and plans of the hospi- tals. Number of beds in the hospitals, from the year Xlth to 1913. Framed pictures System for the identification of Nos. 128-131. criminals. Framed picture Photographs of the "Halles" (Great No. 90. Market), markets and slaughter houses. Framed picture Police Headquarters. Training school. No. 121. No. 495. Fire department and everything in connection with it. No. 137. Leaving the central headquarters to go to the fire. No. 143. Taking out the fire engines. Framed photographs. 26 ROOM 9 EAST ATRIUM ARTISTIC FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS A. Imbert, P. Arnavielhe, Bouhon Freres, exhibit a room beautifully panelled, furniture, etc., of very odd style. A. Chonion. A study; furniture style "Art Nou- veau", very "distingue" and ingenious. Mson Pinedo. A bust; imitation bronze, portrait of Napoleon I. Commercial style. Shmit Piolet & Co. Furniture for study; carved wood and copper applique; style 18th century. G. Fabre. Furniture; style 18th century, with clock and candelabra of the same style and a framed tapestry, imitation antique. Another piece of furniture; style 18th century, with panel of Chinese make; executed in Coromandel, eastern coast of India. Work of a lost art; magnificent and unique. On this piece of furniture is a bronze group by the French sculptor, A. Boucher, which represents three runners; perfect execution. The original is in the park of the Luxembourg in Paris. Very much admired. Parlor furniture; style 18th century. Exhibition of architectural sketches, fittings for doors: locks, hinges, iron handles, etc. A reproduction of one of the ceilings of the chateau of Versailles; made in England. Ch. Pied Chevrel exhibits a very beautiful panel in "bois marqueterie" with three figures in costumes of the 18th century. By Edme Conty. The Chamber of Commerce exhibits a beautiful parlor; style 18th century. "Woodwork and furniture by H. Nelson and Forrest. An antique Gobelin representing a scene taken from Cervantes story of Don Quijotte. B. Hilbert. Furniture; style 18th century. Gouff, Remberger & Vinet. Furniture; style 18th century. 27 Etienne Bourgey exhibits a show case full of antique medals of great men and kings of France of all times; also ancient gold pieces. All the gold pieces of money and some of the medals are genuine. P. Plumereau, designer for interior decorating and trade. Vallon, famous French sculptor of animals; world renowned; especially well known in America, exhibits a Wounded Lioness. G. Gardet, sculptor of animals: Lion and Lioness. Susse Bros, exhibit a large bronze group representing Righteousness Overcoming Strength, by Carli. Larche, sculptor. Bronze statue of a Shepherdess listening to the voice of a Vision. Leonard Rosenthal & Bros, exhibit a remarkable col- lection of pearls; gems of rare beauty. This firm owns its own pearl fisheries. This room contains also many materials and objects for interior decoration; tapestries, bronze, lamps, mosaics, artistic photographs, engravings, etc. There is a very interesting display of silverware and of exquisite jewels. The Parisian prefumers, so well known in America, have sent a very complete display of their wares. ROOM 10 ANTIQUES, CHINA, IVORY Haviland and Co. exhibits painted china, made in Limoges, France. In this exhibit is the service which took the " Grand Prix" in Paris. Three Flemish tapestries, made in the 16th century, represent the love of Vertumne and Pomone. Two superb and very valuable moonlight scenes, by the painter Cachoud. Old school. An antique carved and gilded wooden bed; period of Louis XVI. Object of art; unique; belonged to a great personage of high rank in France. Above, a tapestry of the 18th century, from the French factory of Aubusson; white background, gar- 28 lands of flowers; two medallions with personages after Boucher. A large tapestry made in Brussels in the 16th cen- tury represents a royal hunt with allegorical decorations. A wardrobe of the 18th century; of great richness of ornamentation; copper applique, and inlaid with silver; Marqueterie Boulle. A carriage of the 15th century which belonged to a royal family. A stone bust portrait of a deacon ; found in a convent in Malines. Flemish art of the 15th century. Bust of a Flemish lady; found in a convent in Louvain. Art of the 15th century. A large blue bronze perfume burner (cloisonne) on a pedestal of rare wood. Object unique; of very great value. Japanese art. A wooden door, very finely carved in the 16th century in Italy, with the coat of arms of the City of Gubbio, and of the Due d'Urbino, Gonfalonier of the Pope. A carriage box of the 18th century; belonged to a Flemish prince; ornamented with gilded carved wood, the coat of arms of the prince and varnished pictures. Remarkably beautiful. A show case containing dolls made by Margaine Lacroix. Sold to help the living of about a thousand workless girls. ROOM 11 THEATRE Sketches of scenes from famous plays, signed Visconti. Scene from Faust, signed Jambon. Scene from "Foil de Garotte" (Red Hair) at the Paris Theatre. "Le Fils de 1'Etoile" (The Son of the Star). Deco- ration by M. Amable. Scene in Rome. Decoration by Dethomas. In this room are sketches of personages and costumes relating to the theatre; as Paul Mounet dressed in the robe of Charlemagne. 29 Oil portrait of Mile. Cath. Fonteney, danseuse of the Theatre des Champs Elysees. A study of Talma in a toga, by Mile Lambert. Studies of Dancers, in red; signed E. Landolff. Water color of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt in "Jean Marie". The costume designed by E, Landolff. Other water colors by the same artist. Costumes for L 'Ombre de Don Juan (The Shadow of Don Juan). Drawings and water color by J. P. Pinchon. Costumes for King David and for Ethiopian Slave by L. Granier. Small Dioramas in color. The illuminated decorations are by E. Frey. Different emblems, sketches, drawings, armor, photo- graphs; all relating to the theatre. Emile Bertin exhibits actors of Italian comedy. ROOM 12 DOLL LAND French soldiers in the trenches. In the "Halles" (large market in Paris). The Taube. Court scene in the 18th century: Toilette of a princess. Dioramas giving scenes of Montmartre, one of the highest points in the City of Paris. Street and square of the Tertre, near the church of the Sacre Coeur; a regiment of soldiers passing. ROOM 13 DIORAMAS OF PICTURESQUE FRANCE These Dioramas represent places and buildings in France: Vichy, Marseilles, Mont St. Michel, interior of the Cathedral of Chartres, etc. There are many photographs of Paris and of other French towns; beautiful photographs of the Cathedral of Rheims and of the Town Hall of Arras. 30 ROOM 14 HISTORICAL MONUMENTS In four show cases are numerous medals and auto- graphs of: 1st, Gretry, Murat, Talma, F. de Lesseps, Rachel, etc. 2nd, Louis XII, Francois 1st, Mary Stewart, Catherine de Medicis, Marie Antoinette, the Little Dauphin Louis XVII, etc. 3d, Kleber, Mirabeau, Robespierre, Danton, Lazare Carnot, etc. 4th, Prince de Conde, Mazarin, Richelieu, etc. All these medals were coined at the Mint, in Paris, from the original matrices which are preserved there. Two paintings representing, one, the Cathedral of Rouen, by the Impressionist Claude Monet; and the other, the interior of a church, by Helleu. A magnificent collection of photographs of ancient buildings in France; examples of different periods of architecture. A bust; copy of the portrait of the great painter Ch. Lebrun. A large number of drawings and plans of different French buildings; executed and exhibited by the archi- tects, Magne, Mancel, etc. A copy of a group of children, in bronze, from the park of Versailles. A copy of the portrait of Robespierre, and of the sculptor Couston. A series of weeping monks, reproductions of the marble sculptures on the tomb of the Dues de Bourgogne in Dijon. Three specimens which are copies in plaster of statues and ornaments of the art of the middle ages in France. LITHOGRAPHS AND ENGRAVINGS No. 209. The Death Bed. No. 210. Study of a Woman (original etching), by P. A. Besnard. No. 211. Erasmus, after Holbein (etching). 31 No. 212. Sea-gulls (original etching), by F. Bracque- mond. Died in 1914. No. 213. Portrait of Alphonse Daudet. The Head of a Woman (original lithograph), by E. Carriere. Died in 1906. No. 215. The Man With a Pipe (dry point etching). Shows the great talent of the artist, M. Desboutins. Died in 1902. No. 216. Diana. ) T .., No. 217. Nymph. [ Ll thographs. By H. Fantin Latour. Died in 1904. No. 218. The Virgin (etching), by Flameng. Died in 1911. No. 219. St. George (engraving). No. 220. Virgin and Child (engraving), by C. F. Gaillard. Died in 1887. No. 221. Calvary (engraving), by A. Jacquet. Died in 1908. No. 222. Mother and Child (etching), by Gaston La Touche. No. 223. The Shepherd. No. 224. Death and the Woodcutter. Fable of La Fon- taine (etching), by Al. Legros. Died in 1911. No. 225. Cathedral of Rouen. No. 226. The English Parliament at 9 o'clock in the evening (wood engraving). No. 227. The Apple Market (etching), by L. A. Lepere. No. 228. Spring. No. 229. Victor Hugo (dry point etching), by Rodin. 32 ROOM 15 ARCHITECTURAL EXHIBIT In this room are exhibited drawings, plans, etc., of different cities, monuments, etc., by well known archi- tects; among them is The Plan of Imperial Rome; remarkable work executed by P. Bigot. Two show cases containing works by Th. Riviere; a group in plaster representing Salambo and Matho kneeling. Blessing During a Storm, by a monk envel- oped in his cowl; an Arabian Horseman, two sculptured bas reliefs in bronze; style Hindu; small bronze statue, portrait of the famous engraver Roty. Several other groups in bronze. A Scene in Morocco: The Eoghi or pretender to the temporal and spiritual government in Morocco, is in a cage, prisoner of the Sultan. Attention has been drawn to the Eoghi in recent years, because of interest in the Moroccan question. Group very dramatic. By Th. Riviere. A lion, perfectly motionless, is watching a mouse that is climbing quietly up his paw. This illustrates La Fontaine's fable The Lion and the Mouse; by Peter. Lioness With Her Young, by Peter. A Desk, Japanese style. ROOM B SOUVENIRS OF THE ROMANTICISTS In this room is a collection of different works of art, objects and souvenirs which belonged to some of the most famous authors of the Romantic School. A reproduction of the hand of V. Hugo, A. Dumas and Renan. Statue sketch of Balzac ; his portrait in oil. A clock which belonged to V. Hugo; his autograph, and his pen. Some paintings and drawings of the great artist. 33 The armchair, the table with the inkstand, pens and candleholder of Balzac. A group in bronze, taken from The Three Musketeers of A. Dumas, by Moncel. In the adjoining small room ; a portrait of the French Generalissime J. Joffre. By H. Jacquier. Lent by Mrs. Spreckels. LIBRARY. This room is called Salon de la Pensee Franchise. Here lectures are delivered by the special delegates of the French government. The library contains about 4000 volumes which are truly representative of the French intellectual activity in science, philology, liter- ature, philosophy, history and art. The busts are those of Buffon, Corneille, Lebrun, Seguier, Louvois and Vauban. On the center table are found the principal French magazines. Visitors are welcome to rest and read. RED ROOM This represents a typical living room in a French home. To the left of the fire-place is a table for the use of the very little ones, with songs, picture books, etc., suitable to their age. The two bookcases contain the family library, con- cerning which, see catalogue. YELLOW ROOM Exhibit of the French Publishers ' Association. Cata- logues and information may be obtained from the librarian. Busts of Flaubert, Mirabeau, Voltaire and J. J. Rousseau. La Fontaine, Moliere and Corneille (biscuit de Sevres). 34 ROOMS 16 AND 17 BELGIAN EXHIBIT Model of the Harbor and City of Antwerp with boats on the River Scheldt. i Paintings Baertsoen. Mining Country under Snow. The Wharf at Ghent. Cassiers. River at Edam. The Belfry. A Day at Volendam. Franz Charlet. The Fisherman's Family. Baby's Toilette. Interior. Children on the Seashore at Westende. Emile Glaus. The Green Door. Landscape. Mme. Collart. The Orchard. The Farm. Crespin. Old "Bibelots". Aug. Donnay. Valley of the Ourthe. Autumn Morning near Liege. Landscape: End of the Day. Landscape in Wallony. Joseph Frangois. On the Seashore. L. Frederic. Flemish Young Girls (drawing). Gilsoul. Brussels, seen from the artist's studio. Evening at Antwerp. Brussels: Grand' Place. The San Dunes at Nieuport. Corner in a Beguinage. De Groux. Wounded at Brussels. (Study) Haustrate. End of the Dinner. Modeste Huys. The Market at Audenaerde. Hynckes. The Old Boat in the Harbor. The Pier. 35 Jeffrys. The Pont Royal and The Pont des Saints Peres, Paris. Bouquet of Poppies. Flowers. Lambert. Twilight at the Seashore. A Beautiful Day on the Seashore. Marcette. Fishing boats. Storm in the Dunes at Nieuport. 0. Meunier. In the Mine. Study of Miners' Heads. Serfdom. Pierre Paulus. St. Paul's Cathedral in London. The Thames. Market in Flanders. Rassenfosse. Woman's Head (pastel). A Woman, (study). A Head (study). Working Women in Wallony. The Young Sorceress (dry point). The Knitter. A Woman (study). The New Year (red chalk drawing). Woman Besting. Herman Richir. Looking Backward. The Red Shawl. Mile. Alice Ronner. Wall-flowers. Pelicien Rops. The Lady With the Glasses. The " Grande Lyre". The Snail Vender. Van Rysselberghe. Nude. St. Brelade Road in Jersey. Fountain in Granada. Garden in Granada. Bouquet of Stock. Alf. Stevens. Miss Fauvette. 36 Struys. At the Lace Maker's. Ter Linden. Cliffs at Comblain-au-Pont. The Black Guardian. Henry Thomas. The Bird of Prey. , Werwee. Lady in Her Dressing Boom. Woman With a Dog. Willems. In the Painter's Studio. Baertsoen. Facade of a House in Ghent (etching). A Corner in Amsterdam. A Corner in Flanders (snow). Vieilles Eaux (Ghent). Celos. The Market at Malines. Gilsoul. \ Charlet. > Prints. Celos. ; Marechal. 17 Prints in three frames. Opsomer. Old Gate in Lierre. Beguinage. Jos. Renis. Little Girl Praying (etching). "Ave". Sculpture Dillens. The Grocer (bronze statuette). The Bench-worker. Dupon. Team of Draught Horses (bronze bas relief), Young Indian on a Camel (bronze). (THaveloose. Dance of the Veil. Lagae. Bust of H. M. the King of the Belgians. Lorrain. Heather-bells (marble). Meunier. Bust of the painter Van Bysselberghe. Ecce Homo (statuette). 37 Minne. Bey emptying a leather Bottle. Samuel. Bust of H. M.* the Queen of the Belgians. V. Rousseau. Bust of a Young Girl. Souvenir (marble statuette). A model of the Harbor of Ghent in 1913. A collection of framed photographs of the most beautiful Belgian cities : Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, Liege, Ostende, Dinant-sur-Meuse, Brussels, Tournai, etc. A collection of colored photographs of paintings belonging to Belgian museums (Antwerp, Brussels, Louvain, etc.) (About 60 pictures.) A collection of photographs representing historic monuments in Belgium recently destroyed. In several show cases: Very valuable collection of genuine laces of exquisite design and workmanship, belonging to Mme. Rigaud: Flounces, bed spreads, scarfs, shawls, fans, bridal veil, etc., in English point, Binche point, Malines, Valenciennes, Bruges, English applique, needle point, etc. All of Belgian handiwork. ROOMS 18 AND 19 Dressmakers' and Milliners' Exhibit. Gowns and hats designed by the best dressmakers and milliners of Paris. Exhibits of French Manufacturers, Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, St. Etienne, etc. Silks (Lyon), ribbons (St. Etienne), velvets, brocades, crepes, mousselines de soie, trimmings, feathers, etc., all in the most exquisite shades; passementeries, gold and pearl embroideries, buttons; lingerie, shoes, gloves (made in Grenoble); linen and cotton materials; real laces; trunks, 'bags, harness and other articles of leather, etc., etc. In room 18, a bronze statue of Buddha, made in 1697, by the Japanese artiste, Sakon de Kioto, one of the first artists of that epoch. It is the most beautiful example of Japanese art known in Europe. 38 PERNAU PUBLISHINQ CO. 763 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO AY USE FROM WHICH BORROWED CAN DEPT. ik is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. STACK' OCT JAN LD 21A-50m-9,'58 (6889slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. 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