UC-NRLF flflP IO in ro GAMES AND PLAY FOR SCHOOL MORALE A COURSE OF GKADED GAMES FOR SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY KECREATION ISSUED BY COMMUNITY SERVICE, Inc. One Madison Avenue, New York City AKKANGED BY "MEL SHEPPAKD Department of Recreation and Physical Education ANNA VAUGHAN Director of Recreation Community Council of Michigan Copyrighted 1920 COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMUNITY SERVICE is the medium through which the resi- dents of a community get together and really become mem- bers el that community with a consequent real interest in '> ', } community welfare, prosperity and stability. ;COMm T Nm~ SERVICE is CITIZENSHIP. It promotes Amer- ; ;'; ^toarlizMiorf It denotes PROGRESSIVENESS. Any indi- vidual of the community with a real and active interest in the community is a better citizen. COMMUNITY SERVICE provides an opportunity for people to meet as folks, as neighbors representing no one but them- selves, and the ideas they cherish most. The towering ad- vantage of Community Service is that it is the one move- ment to which everybody can belong. COMMUNITY SERVICE is a community organized for service. This community has a real existence with a soul and per- sonality of its own. The Community needs something to do as a community. COMMUNITY SERVICE is an antidote for idle time. The success of a person or a community is not determined by the num- ber of hours they are busy, but by what they do in their idle time. COMMUNITY SERVICE offers every stranger who comes to a Community "the glad hand," displays true friendship to them and shows that we as a community care for his wel- fare. COMMUNITY SERVICE promotes good will. There is no ritual for Community Service, just as there is no ritual for friend- ship. Friendship is a fact. Most men and women have a talent for it. Community Service organizes and develops that talent until it is made to render a world service. It makes the community a fact instead of a name. PEACE TIME service is a war debt that Conscience and Patriot- ism must pay. 3't/ FOREWORD By Anna Vaughan "Mel" Sheppard It is just as essential that the teacher \vhn enters a schoolroom* in Sep- tember know how to play with children as +.0 'teach them. By no better means, perhaps, may the spirit of friendship ar.d co -operation be so thor- oughly strengthened and firmly established as through games. The mental, moral and physical growth attained through participation in games cannot he ovet estimated. To listen to directions, to understand them thoroughly and to execute them exactly as given require alert atten- tion and accurate motion. To play fair, win honestly and accept defeat cheerfully, remembering at all times to be courteous to opponents, are invaluable lessons, and con- ducive to good citizenship. Active Barnes quicken the sense perceptions. Through them the dull, passive mind is amused to an active interest in external things to which the hitherto inert body is forced to respond. As a result the child observes more closely, thinks more clearly and moves with greater ease. To rhythmic games may be attributed the freedom of movement, grace- ful carriage and appreciation for and response to rhythm by which the child attempts to give expression to his inmost feelings. By correlation with language, quiet games furnish a successful means for establishing correct habits of speech. Correlated with number, much valuable drill in the fundamental processes may be secured in a most delightful and informal way. All children love to play, and. cosmopolitan as is the blend of our pub- lic schools today, in the recreation period is found an opportunity for universal expression not afforded in other activities of the day. Keenly sensitive to their surroundings, they are quick to catch the enthusiasm of their leader. The child, timid and retiring of disposition, becames a creature of initiative, while not infrequently the forward, self-assurred child is given a much needed lesson in self- restraint. Through his skill displayed in playing games involving contest, a formerly unappreciated child compels the respect and admiration of his classmates, a tribute that may play no small part in influencing his course in after life. It is only by getting into the game with the children and encouraging them to play naturally, permitting them to get all the joy there is in the performance hereof, that games may be made of greatest service. The effects of such play cannot fail to dispel the artificial atmosphere which for various reasons permeates many of our schools today, and to establish, in its place, wholesome and natural conditions, that will challenge the child's best efforts and render school life pleasant as well as profitable. C64397 Graded Games for Schools and Community Recreation The Indoor Recreation Work is given in the form of plays ami While the plays and games listed have been carefully arranged and graded with a view to adapting them to the schoolroom, many of them are suited to playground, hall and gymnasium use. It is suggested that at least one game period a day be given out of doors during the pleasant weather. *I * *, B R3uJe< JoJ Be Observed in Giving Games 1.* *T*eacher" shtmld fie familiar with the game before giving it. 2. ,Te,aeljJ>j* .imitation' ifl, the story-plays and rhythm, as best results */ I i/J .Jeoijieifroni tV* . teacher playing with the children. * "S.* Be SuVe tfiat'the alr*is fresh when giving a game. 4. In every rest period give a breathing exercise. 5. See that all the children have a part in the game. 6. Upon the spirit which the teacher puts into it, depends the success of the game. Story Plays are imitations of well -known activities. They may be ex- periences related to home activities, the surroundings near the home, the season and to school work. Capitalize the child's imagination and experience as a basis for develop- ing Story Plays, keeping in mind the types of exercise necessary to give the children the proper amount of exercise. The following is illustrative of the forms of exercise to be found in a story play: A Day in the Woods Stretching Reach up high. Take your coat and hat. Leg movement Walk quickly (skip) to the woods. (Each two rows walk around one row of desks.) Head exercise Look up at the bright autumn leaves. Arm exercise Raise your arms and touch them. Trunk and Arm exercise Rake the fallen leaves. (Lean forward, bend- ing body forward to either side.) Knee Bending Run and jump into the pile of leaves. Breathing Breathe in the fresh air. Suggestive List of Story Plays Home activities Washing, ironing, baking, sewing, sweeping, dusting. Industrial Activities Fireman, soldier, shoemaker, blacksmith, carpen- ter, etc. Seasonal Activities: Fall Nutting, Thanksgiving, Jack Frost, gathering apples, etc. Winter Christmas Toys, Snow Fort, Valentine Day, Washington's Birthday. Spring Flying Kites, making a garden, trees in a storm. Summer The Playground, swimming, picking flowers, a day at the circus. Correlate rhythmic exercises with the reading language and nature work. The movements may be executed to music, Victrola or piano being qsed. Walking fast Marching Walking slow Hopping Jumping Clapping Running Beating drum Ringing bell Blowing bubbles Fairies skipping Birds flying- Boats sailing Blowing bugle Blowing- up a balloon Climbing a steep hill Imitate a steam engine Smell the pretty rose Galloping horses Hammering Rabbits jumping Ducks waddling Skating Raking garden Rowing boat Bouncing ball Throwing snowballs Elephant's walk Giant striding Goose waddle Turkey strutting Indian walking Walk like a dwarf Crow like a rooster r.reathe in the fresh air Blow a feather in the air FOR THE YOUNGER CHILDREN THE CIRCUS All ready for the big circus parade. Choose what you want to do or be in the parade. Now \v. are it the circus grounds. The band marches at cuiid the tent. Choose the instrument you want to play. See the big, big elephants in tlu> circus. Lei us feed the big elephants. Now look at the pretty high-stepping horses. See if \v can step as high as they. The little bulv ponies are coininu now. Let us make- tiny steps just as they do. Now the juggler is n-ady to play. Throw the ball high, way up high, and catch. it on your nose. Heads up high. Now let's breathe hard, drink in the fresh ;iir and run home to Mother. Introduce skipping, hopping, running, jumping. 1. Stand like soldiers. (Head, eyes, chest, feet.) 2. March like soldiers. 3. Run like fairies. 4. Run like brownies. 5. Fly like birds. Fly to the woods in front of you. Fly to the woods in back of you. Fly to the woods to the left. Fly to the woods to the right. Play you are trees. Bend to the left; arms sideward or overhead. Bend to the right; arms sideward or overhead. Galloping horses: Hold reins gallop forward. Skipping children: Skip lightly and evenly. Bursting bag: 1. Breathe in. 2. Blow. 3. Clap. Blow a soap bubble. Keep a feather in the air. Blow out a candle. Blow a trumpet. Imitate the wind. Imitate a train of cars. Imitate a, flute. Blow a whistle. Blow a bugle. MOVING DAY Two adjacent rows, play together. The first of May is moving day. The seats are houses. One player is chosen to be "It" and he walks up rind down the street between the two rows. At a signal, the residents along the street change houses before and behind him and he tries to get a house while it is vacant. The seats not occupied and one more must be marked and not used in the game so that there is at all times one person without a house. If the people do not move often enough the one who is "It" may number the players and then when he calls, two or three numbers may change places. OLD HEN AND CHICKENS Choose a leader to be the old hen, who goes out of the room. All the others sit at their seats, heads bowed on the desk. Touch four on the head. Immediately they become little chickens. The old hen is recalled and as she says "Cluck! Cluck!" the four wee chicks answer "Peep! Peep!" The mother hen tries to locate them by sound. The chick discovered first becomes the old hen. GOOD MORNING GAME One child is chosen as leader. He stands in front of class facing the blackboard; the teacher steps lightly down among children and touches a pupil on the head who says to the leader "Good Morning John Brown." The leader responds by saying "Good Morning, Mary Smith." If the leader fails to recognize voice of the pupil speaking, his place is taken by that child and the game continues. This game is especially good exercise in ear training. BIRDS LEARNING TO FLY Mother bird and little birds all stretch wings. Look up at the pretty blue sky. Ply around lightly. Tuck wings under and hop. Drink from the pretty "brook. Stretch wings ready to fly back home. Tired, breathe, raise and lower wings. Rest in your little nest. AUTOMOBILE Let us go for a spin in the park. Stoop, crank your automobile. Step into the machine. Ride around the track; blow your horn. Pump up your Hat tire. Bend and stretch arms upward to rest them. Ride home. Breathe in the good fresh air. Put your automobile into the garage. A DAY AT THE BEACH Run down to the beach, one row at a time. Stoop, gather a handful of stones. Raise hand, high, throw stones out into the sea. Now dig a well with your shovel. Put shovel down hard, throw sand over shoulder. See the big wave coming in. Run and see how near you can come to it without wetting your feet. Run back quickly as wave comes nearer. Wade out into the water. Lift knee high. Mother is calling. Run home quickly. Take a long, deep "breath. OUT FOR A PICNIC Pack your baskets. Hans? them over your arm. Run down to the street car. Give your fare to the conductor. Step down from the car very care- fully. Look up and down for passing automobiles. Run down to the beach. Ready for lunch baskets. Kat your lunch. Drink the cool spring water. Now for the whirligig. Choose a galloping horse. Ready go. Stop, slowly. Get off the merry-go-round. Run for the street car. Wave good- bye to your friends. Take a deep breath. First Grade SQUIRREL IN TREES Three players stand so as to represent a hollow tree, facing center with hands on each other's shoulders; a fourth player stoops within to represent a squirrel. Let the other players see how this is done and they in the same way form groups of four. There must be one extra player, who is a squirrel without a home. Upon a signal by the teacher all the squirrels must change trees and the homeless squirrel tries to get a tree. This leaves another squirrel without a home. And the game is repeated. After a time let each squirrel change places with one of the players of the tree so as to give all a chance to be squirrels. BEAN BAG PASSING The class is arranged so that there are the same number of players in each row. A bean bau is plai-eil on each front desk. At a given signal the occupant of the front seat passes it overhead to the pupil behind him, who passes it to the next and so on until it reaches the end of the row, when it is* returned the same way. The row returning the bag to the front desk soonest, wins. CROSSING THE BROOK Draw two parallel lines on the floor with chalk to represent the banks of the brook. The players form in line and take a running jump across the brook. Those who step into the brook must run home to put on dry stock- ing s. Those who succeed in jumping across the brook continue round the course and jump again, this time in. -leasing the width of the brook. Stand- ing jump may be used in playing this game. DAYS OF WEEK Name first row across the room. Monday; second, Tuesday; third, Wednesday, etc. Teacher stands in front of room with rubber ball. As she bounces the ball, she calls "Thursday." The row named Thursday run to the front. The child catching the ball takes place of teacher. The children failing to catch ball pass to their seats. The new teacher continues game until the ball is caught. c % WEE BOLOGNA MAN I am the wee Bologna Man. Always do the best you can To follow the wee Bologna Man. A leader resourceful in ideas and. brisk in movement stands in front of and facing the other players and rapidly repeats this verse, performing some action that the other players immediately imitate such as beating a drum, playing a fiddle, sawing wood. Without pausing he varies his actions, the others continuing to follow his movements. Rapidity of time and vivacity determine the success of the game. DO THIS, DO THAT All players stand facing one of their number who' is the leader. The leader assumes any position or imitates any action, at the same time saying "Do this," and the others immediately imitate. Should the leader at any time say "Do that!" instead of "Do this!" any player who imitates the ac- tion performed must be seated. The leader may choose any positions that are familiar, such as arm movements, head bendings, trunk bendings, jump- ing, hopping, etc., or imitate familiar actions, such as sawing, hammering, washing, ironing, sewing, sweeping, flying, etc. I SAW Class stands as for gymnastics. The teacher, beginning with the first file, asks the leader, '^What did you see?" The leader suggests some ac- tivity as "I saw a butterfly flying," "I saw a. boy beating a drum," "I saw a chicken hopping on one foot." "I saw a drum major leading a band," "I saw a horse galloping down the street," "I saw a boy rolling a hoop," etc. Each row in turn imitates its leader, following him around the room and back to place. SQUIRREL GAME Players all seated but one, heads on desks, eyes covered, one hand on desk with palm up. The odd player is a squirrel. The squirrel passes up and down between the rows and puts a nut in some player's hand. This one rises and chases the squirrel. If the -squirrel is caught before reaching his own seat, the one caught becomes squirrel. If the squirrel is not caught, he can be squirrel again. I SAY STOOP One person is chosen leader, taking his place before the class which is standing at their seats. Whenever the leader says "I say stoop!" both he and the class stoop and quickly rise again. But when he says "I say stand!" and stoops as before, the class must remain standing. He repeats his com- mands in rapid succession and any player who makes a mistake must be seated. GAME FOR ALERTNESS Draw a circle on the floor. Call upon a child to run into the circle, while you count ten. If he succeeds in getting both feet into the circle before you finish counting- he is safe. Otherwise he is out of the game and must per- form some other task IK lore taking his seat. CHARLEY OVER THE WATER Tlayers stand in a circle, hands joined. One player is chosen to be Charley. If more than twenty players have several Charlies. Charley stands in the center. The other players, skipping around him, repeat: Charley over the water, Charley over the sea, Charley caught a blackbird, can't catch me. At the last word, the players sloop and Charley tries to tag them be- fore they reach that position. If successful, the player tagged changes j, laces with him. HICKORY, DICKORY, DOCK Hickory. Hickory. Dock. (Move arms to right, left, right, in pendulum fashion.) Stamp right left. Tin- mouse ran up the clock. (Run four steps forward.) The clock struck "One!* 1 (Pause a moment to listen on "< >m-"--rl.-ip hands) And down he ran. (Run four steps back to p. Hickory. IMckory. Dock. Swing arms right, left, right. Stamp left, right.) SEE SAW. MARGERY DAW i. Mother (loose .Melody.) w- Margery 1 >a\V. (Arms sideward raise, sway body to left and right.) Jack shall have a new master. (I'artnei-s join hands skip forward four steps.) Hut he shall have a penny a day. (Step left, point right toe forward, shaking right forefinger at partner and left hand on hip.) ise he won't work any faster. (Join both hands with partner, skip around in place four steps.) THE LEAVES 1. The leaves are green, the leaves are brown. They hang so high they will not come down. l,eave them alone until frosty weather And then they will all come down together. Rhythmic The above is an old English circle game. During the first ST-i lines skip or run around the circle, stretching arms high overhead, and on "Come down together," drop to the floor. RUN FOR YOUR SUPPER Players in a circle. One player chosen by teacher goes around inside, holds out his hand between two players and says, "Run for your supper." The two players run around opposite ways outside. The one who returns first to the vacant place wins, and may start the next runners. Second Grade SCARF RELAY Divide the room into teams of three rows each. In front of each team, some six or eight feet distant, place a chair with a scarf tied to each. The first child in each team acts as leader. He runs to the chair, unties the scarf and returns with it to the child sitting back of him. That child in turn runs quickly to the chair and reties the scarf and returns to his seat. The next child runs to the chair and unties the scarf, runs back with it to the next child and the game continues. The object is to see which team finishes first. By keeping the feet under the desks and returning by the same aisle as they came forward, the game proceeds quickly and quietly. TEACHER AND CLASS One player is chosen for "teacher". The others stand in a line side by side, facing her at an interval of five to ten feet. If there are many players, make several groups of this kind, keeping a distinct interval between groups. The teacher starts the game by tossing the ball to each pupil in turn, and it is immediately tossed back to her. If a pupil misses, he goes to the foot of the line. If the teacher misses, the player at the head of the line takes her place, the teacher going to the foot. Make the action as rapid as possible. SLAP JACK The players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen to be "it" and runs on the outside. He taps another player, who quickly runs in opposite direction. The place he left remains vacant until one or the other shall have returned to it first. The unsuccessful player continues the running. The players upon meeting may exchange greetings, bow to each other or shake hands, before completing the circuit. HAND TAG The players form a circle facing inward. A tagger stands in the center of the circle. The players raise their hands forward, palms upward. As soon as a tagger tries to slap a hand it should be quickly lowered. The one who is tagged takes the place of the tagger. 8 DROP THE BEAN BAG OR HANDKERCHIEF IMayers join hands and form a circle. One is chosen to be the runner and runs around the outside of the circle, dropping the bean bag or hand- kerchief on the floor directly behind one of the players. This player picks up the bag >r handkerchief) and tries to tag the runner before he can reach the vacant place in the circle. If he succeeds he returns to his place and the runner drops the bag (or handkerchief) behind someone else. If he fails he becomes the runner. CHANGING SEATS The class is seated in full rows, each two rows playing together. One pupil having no seat stands in the aisle between the two rows. Th- teacher claps her hands once and all exchange seats as rapidly as ie. The pupil in the aisle attempts to secure one of the vacant seats. If he succeeds the one left without a seat stands in the aisle. The game is repeated as before until the teacher claps her hands twice when nil take their own seats. CAT AND RAT The players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen "rat" and stands inside the circle. Another is the "cat" and takes her place outside. Tin- "cat" tries to catch the "rat". The players favor the "rat" and allow him to i tin in and out of the circle, but try to prevent the "cat" from follow- ing him by raising and lowering their arms without bending knees. When .it" is caught, both join the circle and the next player to the right or left of each becomes "cat" and "rat". When there are a large number of players, two cats may be chosen. ROUND AND ROUND WENT THE GALLANT SHIP Players form a circle, hands joined, stepping lightly around the circle, they recite the following verse, bobbing down quickly on the word "sankj": Hound and round went our gallant ship, Round and round went she; Three times round went our gallant ship, Till she sank to the bottom of the sea. Rhythmic. JACK BE NIMBLE Place a small object eight to ten inches high upright on the floor to rep- resent a candlestick. The players run in single file and jump with both feet at once over the candlestick, while all recite: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Jack jump over the candlestick. Each player tries to clear the candlestick witohut knocking it over. Rhythmic. HUCKLE BUCKLE, BEAN STALK One row of players leave the room. The others hide some small ob- ject, placing- it in plain sight, hut where it would not he likely to be seen, as on the top of a picture frame, in a roi-tier on the floor, behind the steam pipe, etc. It may be placed behind any other object, so long- as it may be seen there without moving any object. When the object has been placed, the players are recalled, and all begin to hunt. As soon as one spies the hidden object, he goes at once to his seat saying-, "Huckle buckle, bean stalk!" which indicates to the class that he has discovered it. When all have discovered the object, another row is sent out of the room, and the pupil who found the object first, proceeds to hide it. The game continues until everyone has had a chance to locate the hidden article. HANDKERCHIEF TAG On player has a handkerchief, one is chaser. The players are scattered about the field. The chaser runs after the one who has the handkerchief, who, to save himself from being tagged, gives the handkerchief to another, who is chased. Should the chaser tag the one holding the handkerchief, that one becomes chaser. ALPHABET GAME Divide the class into two teams. Cards about 5x7, containing in large type the letters of the alphabet, are passed out to each team. The teacher flashes a word before the class. The players, holding the letters necessary to make the word, come to the front and stand holding the cards in front of them, in correct order. The side spelling the word correctly first scores a point. Team scoring- most points wins. (It is advisable to have one letter of the alphabet on one side of the card and a different letter on the other.) RUN RABBIT RUN Class lines up in two groups. One group are rabbits, safe in their homes. The other group are foxes, walking about in the woods. The old mother rabbit takes her young ones out to look for food. They go softly, because they fear the old fox might see them. Suddenly the leader of the foxes cries out "Run, Rabbit, Run," at which all the rabbits try to reach their homes in safety before the foxes catch them. All those who are caught become foxes, and help catch the remaining rabbits. FAIRIES AND INDIANS Let the girls be Fairies. The boys play they are Indians. The Fairies are in the woods. They run about and at last fall asleep in the woods, all but one Fairy, who keeps watch while the others sleep. The Indians, who have been hiding behind the? trees, come out from their hiding places cau- tiously, and as they approach the sleeping Fairies, the Fairy on guard calls "Indians." At the call the Fairies rush out to catch the Indians before they get back to their wigwams. Every Indian caught becomes a Fairy. 10 Third Grade AUTOMOBILE RACE This game is to be played by the second and fifth, the first and fourth rows, or the third and sixth rows. Place a flag on the front desk of the first row and name that row an automobile. Place a flag on the front desk of the fourth row and name that row a different automobile. At a given signal each child on the front seat rises, runs up one aisle and down the next and places the flag on the desk of the second child, who quickly takes the flag, runs up the aisle and down the next, placing it on the desk of the third child. When the flag reaches the child in the last seat he brings it to the teacher. The row which succeeds in getting the flag back to the teacher first is the winner. To vary this game, name one row a steam engine, another an automobile. Name one a bicycle, another a trolley car. Insist that in every ca,se the children keep their feet under the desks to it anyone tripping. Community excitement. TRIP ROUND THE WORLD Geographical. Players form a large circle. Number off by twos. Number one steps in front of number two and kneeis facing center of circle. Number two places finger tips on the head of one kneeling. One player stands alone in center. Number ones represent cities. At a given signal, number twos face left and run around the outside of the circle. Suddenly another signal is given, when all running stop and get safely behind one of the kneelers. The center play- er upon hearing the signal attempts to find a place. If he succeeds someone else is left without a place who, in turn, becomes center player. Let the two circles exchange places and repeat the game. CLUB HUSTLE The players are lined up in flies. The leader of each file has an Indian Club. At the word "Go" all jump in half stride position and the club is passed between the legs, each player passing it on to the next until the end of the line has been reached. The last pupil runs to the front and passes it back along the line again. When every player has been at the head of the line and the leader is in front again the race is over. The file finishing first wins the race. This game may be played with bean bags, medicine balls- or dumb bells. Speed contest. FLOOR TAG Players form a circle, placing right or left hand on the floor as the teach- er indicates. Player who is "it" stands in the center. At a signal the players stand and move about promiscuously, the player who is "it" attempting to tag one of the others before he gets his hand on the floor. If he succeeds, the one tagged becomes "it" and the game proceeds. Off guard. 11 CIRCUS GAME A loader is chosen \vho stands before class and says "I went to the cir- cus and saw a )>ear." The next child says, "I went to the circus and saw a bear and -" naming another animal of his own choice. The next player repeats all that the previous players have said in exactly the same order, adding a third animal. Insist upon exact wording. Concentrated attention. THE WIND BLOWS Players stand as for gymnastics. Leader stands in front of class and says "The Wind Blows East," upon which all turn to the east. If the lead- vs "The Wind Blows West" all turn to the west. The leader continues to give commands and each time the players turn in the direction in which the wind blows. Occasionally the command "The Wind Blows a Wnh*l~ wind" is given, whereupon all make a complete circle, returning to original position. Should the order "Whirlwind" be given by itself all remain still. Anyone caught moving at this point drops out of the game. The players standing longest become next leader. Following directions. HOOP GAME Wind six hoops each with a standard color. Make six bean bags a cor- << .--ponding color. This game is played by six files of equal number. In front of each file station a player who holds the hoop in a vertical position and to his right, shoulder high. Two players, one for scorekeeper the other to return bean bags to the place from which they are to be thrown, stand a little to the back of player who is holding the hoop. Upon a given signal the first player in the file throws his bean bag, endeavoring to pass it through the hoop, in which event he scores one point for his line. The bean bag is returned to the second child in the file, who at the signal throws it through the hoop, if possible. The file scoring the greatest number of points Avins. Test of skill. FLAG RELAY Divide room into two teams, each team holding a flag. Upon a given signal the first child in each team runs forward and makes a complete cir- cuit of his team and upon returning gives his flag to the player behind him, who, upon receiving it, proceeds to make a circuit, giving his flag to the third player. The team finishing first wins. Patriotic. TOUCH GAME Players form a circle one player stands in the center. A basketball is 1 quickly around the circle, moving in one direction only. The ball must not be thrown. If the center player succeeds in touching a player when holding the ball, he immediately exchanges places with him and the game continues. Speed defiance. 12 KING OF THE RING A circle is i?rawn on the ground. The players stand shoulder to shoul- der inside of the circle with arms folded, either on the chest or behind the back. At a signal, the game begins and consists of trying to push one's neighbor out of the circle with the shoulders. Players must not unfold^ arlTre: Anyone doing so or falling down is out of the game. The one who remains longest in the circle is Strength test. BLACKBOARD RELAY Draw a circle on tin- blackboard directly in front of each row. Supply tht- first child in each row with a piece of crayon. At a given signal the first child in each n>w stands to the right of his desk, runs lightly to the board, makes his mark in the circle and returns by the left, placing- the chalk on the desk <>t the child behind him as he is seated. The second player stands, runs, makes his mark in the circle, and, re- turning, places the chalk on the desk of the child behind him. The others proceed in like manner; the row finishing first wins. Kach child must make his mark within the circle and upon returning sit erect, feet under the desk. Speed. NEW ORLEANS The players are divided into two groups A and B. One group (A) performs some action representing an occupation, as sewing, picking flow- ers, driving nails, etc. The other side (B) must guess in a limited number of guesses what the motions represent. If it fails, one player from this group must go over t<> the other group. Then the A's have another chance. If the B's guess correctly they may select one from the "A" side and also have another chance to represi nt an occupation. The side having the most players at the end of the game wins. After the A's have decided what they are to do they approach the B's and the following dialogue takes place: A's. Here we come. B's. Where from? A's. New Orleans. B's. What's your trade? A's. Lemonade. r.'s. How's it made? At the last question, tin- A's begin the motions previously agreed upon. Intelligence test. DUCKS FLY Children stand in files. Leader stands in front of class and gives names of various birds saying "Blue birds fly," or "Sparrows fly," etc., raising her arms sideward to shoulder height and down again in imitation of wing.s. The children follow her motions. After giving successive birds' names, the leader suddenly changes to the name of something that cannot fly, moving her arms as before, while the children must keep theirs still. If a child makes a mistake he must take his seat. The last child standing is the next leader. Intellectual alertness. 13 SIMON SAYS One player chosen to be "Simon" takes his place before the other play- ers. He commands some gymnastic movement as "raise arms forward, bend knees," etc. As he does so he calls out, "Simon says." If, however, he omits "Simon says" before his command, the players should not execute the movement, even though he does. Anyone failing in this must be seated. Intellectual alertness. Fourth Grade FOX AND HOUND The players stand in rank and file. They join hands across the ranks. A fox and hound are chosen. The hound is out to catch the fox. They can only run where the passageways are open. At the command "change," the players face left or right and join hands in opposite direction. The com- mand to change is given often and each time the course of fox and hound is changed. There is no limit to the number of players. More than one fox and hound can be used for large groups. Heeding signals. GRAND RIGHT AND LEFT Players in couples, right hands joined, marching in a circle counter clock wise. For convenience call outside circle number two. the inner cir- cle number one. Odd player in center. At the command "Grand Right and Left," No. 2 swings No. 1 in front of him and to his right, giving his left hand to approaching No. 1. Continue around circle in like manner until command "change" is given. At this point of the game the center player tries to get a partner. If he succeeds someone else becomes "it" and the game proceeds. A challenge alertness. AUTOMOBILE RELAY Each row represents some popular automobile. The first child in each alternate row. at a given signal, leaves by the right side, runs forward around his seat, then to the rear of the room on the left side, thus com- pletely encircling his own row of seats. As soon as he is seated, the next child behind him runs in the same manner, and the game continues until the last child has run and has returned to his seat. The row finishing first wins. Community excitement. HOP TOADS The players form a circle, hands joined. One toad stands in the center holding a rope, at the end of which is tied a bean bag. The center toad swings the rope first in a small circle gradually enlarging the radius until it comes in direct line with the feet of the toads in the circle, who must jump to avoid being hit by the bag. Should anyone in the circle be hit by the bag he takes the place of the center toad. Dodge game. 14 BEAR IN THE PIT The players join hands and form a circle to represent a bear pit. One stationed as bear stands in the center. The bear tries to get out of the pit inuler or over or breaking- through the bars (clasped hands). Should he succeed in getting out all the rest give chase. The one who succeeds in catching him becomes the bear. Strength test. FOLLOW THE LEADER One player chosen as leader performs a series of marching activities; work-a-day occupations, or gymnastic exercises, the other players imitating him accurately and responding promptly. Anyone failing to do so retires to his seat anil becomes a spectator. This is an old but ever new game. Imitation. BEAR IN THE RING one player is chosen ;i s lear. sits in the center of the room on a stool. A second player is chosen to be the keeper. The keeper stands by the bear holding in his hand a short rope about two feet long, knotted at each end to give a firm hold. The rest <>f tli- players stand around in a circle and attempt to tag the bear without b the beginning of a sentence. Upon returning to his seat he gives the crayon to the next child, who runs to the board and adds another word and returns to his seat and the next child in turn adds still another word. The row completing a sentence first wins. Intellectual competition. FROG IN THE SEA One player is chosen to be frog and sits in the middle of the circle, with his feet crossed tailor fashion. The other players stand in a circle around the frog and repeat: "Frog in the sea, can't catch me." They dance for- ward toward the frog, teasing him and trying to keep from being tagged by him. Should one be unfortunate enough to be tagged by the frog, then the tagged player and frog exchange places. The frog is not allowed to m" any time from his position in the middle of the circle. Challenge. HOUND AND RABBIT The players stand in groups of three, clasping hands to form a circle or tree. The other players, one for each tree, are rabbits. An extra player, who is the hound, tries to steal a tree from one of the rabbits as they ex- change places. The hound then becomes a rabbit, leaving the slow player to be hound. No two rabbits may dodge into the same tree. AH rabbits must move at signal. Physical alertness. Fifth Grade DODGE BALL Boys and girls form separate circles. The players form a circle, facing inward. Every other player steps inside the circle, facing outward. The outside players throw a basket or tennis ball at those in the center, trying to hit them. The center players run about in the circle trying to dodge the ball. As soon as a player is hit he must step out of the circle. The game continues until all have been put out. The game then begins over with the other players on the inside. Make five minutes time limit for each sidr> and permit no one to above the knee. Dodge game. FALSE ALARM Two parallel lines are drawn on the ground, about 40 feet distant. All of the players except one stand beyond one of these lines. In the middle territory between the lines the one player chosen to be "it" takes his place and cries. "Black Tom! Black Tom! Black Tom!" whereupon all the other players rush across to the opposite line, being chased by the center player, who catches any that he may. Anyone so caught joins him thereafter in chasing the others. Sometimes the center player, to tantalize or mislead the other players may say, "Green Tom" or "White Tom" or anything else he may choose. If a player starts to run upon any such false alarm or starts IK -fore "I Mack Tom 1 ' has been repeated throe Limes, he is taken captive, and must join the players in the center. The first one ecaught becomes "it" for the next game. Xo one but the original "it" is permitted to give the signal. Challenge. GOT LEFT The players stand in couples behind each other. One player is chosen to be catcher and takes his place about ten feet in front of the other players and facing in the same direction. Without turning his head he calls ".Last couple out, one, t\vo. three," clapping his hands three times. The last pair in the line runs forward, the right hand one on the right side of the double line, and the left hand one on the left side, and try to join hands in front of the catcher. The catcher may not chase them before they are in line with him and may not turn his head to see when and where they are com- ing. They should try to vary their method of approach, circling in and out on either side of or close to the lines. If the catcher succeeds in tagging them before they clasp hands, the one lie does not touch becomes his partner and they take their place at the front of the line. The tagged player be - conn s catcher. If they a re not caught they are free and the game continues until someone is caught. STATUE TAG Any number of players may participate in the --a me. The one who is "it" begins the game hy striking a posture to be assdmed by the other play- ers. To escape being tagged, the players must assume this posture, but no one may do so in safety more than three times. After that he may be The first one tagged is "it" and sets a new posture. THIRD MAN Players stand in couples, facing each oilier, couples scattered in any way about the room. One player is chosen as runner, another as chaser. The runner is free from being tagged when he steps betw-.-n the two play- ers of any couple, and the chaser now must chase the one toward whom the runner turns his back. INDIAN DANCE The players form in a circle about two steps apart. The leader stands in the center holding a cord with a small sand or shot bag attached to the end. He swings the cord around the circle so that the shot bag is close to the ground. Ka.-h player- on the approach of the bag must jump up to avoid being hit. Kach one struck by the bag or cord steps out of the circle, and this is continued until all are out. The last one put out becomes leader and the game continues as before. V^ JOLLY MILLER Place the boys on another, across the circle, or may be passed to the nearest neighbor. The center tries to touch the ball. If he succeeds, the one who last threw the ball or dropped it, becomes center. GUESS WHO Two files, A and B, stand on opposite sides of the room, facing each other. One player of file A stands in the center of the room facing his file. A hollow rubber ball or tennis ball is passed to anyone in file B. from where the ball is thrown to hit the center player, if he"is struck he will quickly turn and try to discover the ball thrower. If he guesses the right one they exchange places, the one going to the center always facing his file. If the center player guesses incorrectly, he remains in the center, but faces about so as to give the other rank a chance to hit him. In case the thrower fails to strike he must exchange places with center. BEETLE GOES AROUND The players form a circle, facing inward, with hands behind body. One player who carries in his hand a towel knotted at one end walks outside the circle. After walking or running a short distance, saying "Beetle is out, don't face about," he puts the beetle in the hands of someone, saying "Beetle move," at the same time taking his place. The one receiving the beetle strikes the player to his right, who, trying to avoid the beetle, runs quickly around the circle to his place. If the one to the right is caught, he becomes the new beetle. The game continues until all have had the beetle. Those who have had the beetle once fold arms, thus avoiding being given the beetle a second time. 19 HAWK AND HEN A file of ten or twelve players, so-e.-illed "hens," stand in line behind each other, hands on shoulders of player in front. The first player raises her arms shoulder high to protect those behind her. One player, the "hawk," tries to catch one of the hens, not the first and second of the file. The first hen must face the hawk throughout all the movements and in order to keep out of the hawk's reach, all the other hens must keep in line with her. A hen caught is out of the play. Both the hawk and first hen take position at rear end of the file, the next two hens becoming hawk and hen. BOGEY-MAN One player, called the Bogey-Man, stands on one goal. All the other players stand on the goal opposite. The bogey-man runs out and calls "Are you afraid of the Bogey-Man?" at which the other players run forward toward his goal, whereat the Bogey-Man tries to capture one of the players. The one caught must follow the Bogey-Man to the opposite goal and from here both run, with or without joining hands, to catch the rest of the play- ers. When all have been caught, the first player caught becomes "Bogey- Man." DAY AND NIGHT The players are divided into two teams formed in two lines about three i'eet apart, facing in opposite directions. Goal Leader Day Night Goal The leader has a disk painted black on one side and white on the other. A coin may be used in place of a disk. In front of each party at a distance of about fifteen -paces is a goal. The leader throws up the disk. If the white side is up when the disk has alighted, he calls out "Day." The day party then rushes toward its goal and the night party pursues, catching as many of the "Day" party as possible. These they take back to their own goal. The captured members are now out of the game. The sides return to their places and the disk is thrown up again. The game is continued un- til all players on one of the sides are out. BOUNDARY BALL The players are arranged as shown in figure. The length of the space is about thirty puces, "a a" being the outer boundaries and "b" a center lino. The two parties stand about ten paces from the center line. A mem- ber of the first party throws the ball. The members of the second party catch it or stop it from rolling. The catcher then throws the ball back to the first party and so on until either party succeeds in passing the ball across the outer boundary line of the other party. FRENCH BLIND MAN'S BUFF A player blindfolded and furnished with a wand stands in the center of tne room. The other players join hands and walk or hop around him until lie signals them to stop, by tapping 1 the floor with his wand. He points the wand at some one in the ring. ' The one at whom he points takes the end of the wand, and holding it must answer any three questions the blindfolded player may choose to ask. The player who answers may disguise his voice. If the blindfolded player recognizes the voice, the two players change places. BULL IN THE RING The players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen bull and wan- ders about in tin- inside, testing the circle in an effort to get out. If he breaks through and escapes the keepers chase him. The one catching him in turn becomes bull. CALL BALL A basketball is needed for this game. The players, 10 to 30, are num- bered and form a circle, one of the players standing in the center. The object is to catch the ball before the second bounce, when one number has been called. The player in the center tosses the ball high up within the circle, at the same time calling the number of some player. The one called must quickly run and catch the ball on the first bounce. If he catches the ball he tosses it up and calls the number of some other player. If the ball is not caught the first player again tosses it up. The ball may be caught on the fly. To vary the game, form sides, numbering the players, the odd numbers forming one side, the even numbers the other. The odd numbers must call on the even, and vice versa. One point is counted for every ball caught, and the side with the highest score after twenty tosses wins. ARCH GOAL BALL Basketball and basket goal are necessary equipment. The players (8 to 10 on a team) are divided into seven groups and line up in a single file in two or more lines, facing a basketball goal. Each line has a basketball and stands behind a starting line. A game is finished when the last man on the team has crossed the starting line before the others have finished. At a signal each leader passes the ball backward overhead and the next player takes it and passes it on in the same way, and so on down the line. 21 When the last player receives the ball, he runs forward and tries to throw it into the basket standing on a line marked from five to ten feet from the goal. He is allowed but one throw, when he quickly takes his place at the front of his line (the line moving backward in place to make room for him), and he at once passes the ball backward overhead. The last player in turn runs forward, tries for the goal, and this is repeated until each player in line has thrown for goal. Two points are scored for each team making the goal, one point may be given for finishing first. The team having the highest score wins. Sometimes the game is played with a time limit. In this case each player throws until he succeeds in getting the ball into the basket. The team wins whose last man finished first. CKEN AND FOX Two players are chosen one to be the mother hen and the other to be the fox, who is after a chicken for his meal. The other players are in the brood each one of them grasps the one; in front of him, beginning with the largest, and placing themselves in line behind their mother. As the fox appears the hen says, "What do you want, Fox?" The fox replies, "I want a chicken." The hen in turn says, "Where will you get it?" The fox then replies "Out of your flock." The fox then runs to the right and left trying to pass the mother and get one of the chickens. The one caught becomes fox and the hen takes her place at the end of the line. The second in line in turn becomes mother hen. Seventh Grade CHANGING PLACES All players but one stand in a circle of about seven yards or more in diameter facing inward. The odd player stands in the middle. Each play- er is given a number which he retains all through the game. The teacher calls out two numbers (but not, of course, that of the player in the middle) and the players so numbered must change places in the circle. While they are doing so the odd player must try to get into one of the vacant places first, and if he is successful the ousted player becomes the odd man in the center. STEAL THE HANDKERCHIEF Players form in two lines facing each other and about eight yards apart. Each line is numbered so that there are corresponding numbers on each side. The leader then takes a rag, places it midway between the two lines. He then calls a number, and the players on each side having that number will rush forward and attempt to steal the handkerchief. The one succeeding scores one point for his side. The players return and the game continues; the side scoring highest wins. ON THE BANK IN THE POND Players form in a single file. An imaginary line to the left of the col- umn designated as the Bank and an imaginary line to the right of the column designated as the Pond. These lines are about three feet apart. Teacher facing column calls out "On the Bank," the players jumping onto 22 thfc Hank. He then calls out, "In the Pond." the players jumping into the Pond. At each command the teacher moves his hand to the opposite line from which players are located. In order to keep players "on their toes," teacher calls "In the Pond" when the men are in the Pond and at the same time moves his hand in the direction of the Bank. Those who jump across or remain behind when the command is given to do otherwise are out of the game. MAZE All the players except two stand in parallel ranks, one behind the other. The distance between each player and each rank is that of "double arms' length," so that whichever direction the ranks may face with arms ex- it nded horizontally a line of players with finger tips touching will be formed. The ranks should be drawn up so as to form a square as nearly as possible. The chaser has to pursue the runner up and down the lines until he catches him. neither being permitted to pass under the outstretched arms. The teacher makes sudden changes in the inea by calling "right turn" or "left turn," on which all turn in the required direction, still keeping the arms outstretched. These sudden changes aiter the direction of the paths down which the two players may run. The interest depends greatly upon the judgment of the leader in giving the commands "right (or left) turn." They should be given frequently and sharply, and often just at the moment when the chaser is about to catch the runner. The game continues until runner is caught, or a time reached when a new chaser and runner are chosen. The game may be played with hands on hips instead of arms out- stretched. BOMBARDMENT Playground or gymnasium suitable place for this game. Basketball and Indian clubs are necessary equipment. Number of players 10 to 40. The ground is divided int<> i\\o equal fields by a line across the center. At the rear of each Meld a row <>i Indian clubs is set up, there being the same num- i>< r ni pins as players. Should the number of pins be so great as to re- quire their behiL; closer than two feet, a second row should be placed in front of the first so that each club stands opposite a space in the preceding row of clubs. The players are divided into two teams, from five to twenty in each team. The players stand behind their clubs and the dividing line in any scattered formation. Several balls should be put in play if a large number are playing. The object is to knock down the opponents' clubs. Each player acts both as a guard to protect his clubs, and as a thrower. He may throw whenever he can secure a ball, there being no order in which players should throw. Balls may be made to displace the opponents' clubs by being thrown against the wall behind the clubs so that they will rebound, knocking the clubs down from the rear. No player is permitted to cross the center line. The game is most interesting when several balls are in play at once. For each club overturned the side which knocked it down scores one. Every club overturned by a player on his own side spoils one for the opponents. The game is played in time limits of from one to twenty minutes, the side \viii ning which has the highest score at the end of that time. JAPANESE TAG The players are scattered within a limited playing area. This game is played like ordinary tag except that "it" must place one hand on the spot where he was tagged and hold it there while trying to tag another man. Any player running outside of the playing area automatically be- comes "it". 23 HOOK ARM TAG 1 'layers paired in circular formation, inside arms hooked at elbows, out- side hands on hips. Two players stand in the center, one is "it," the other is chased by "it". The chased player runs about the circle either inside or out and may hook the elbow of any player. The player he catches holds fast to him and a third player is then the one to be chased. If lie tags a player chased, before he can hook an arm, the latter must chase "it" or someone set free by "it," and the game continues. CROSSING NO MAN'S LAND Formation In single line. A parallel line is drawn about fifty feet in front and the player being "it" stands between this line and the players. At a signal, players change to the opposite line. "It" tries to catch as many runners as possible. Play- ers so caught must help "it" catch the others. After such charge those un- t-aught assemble themselves and try to charge back to previous base. Play- ers charge and re-charge until all have been caught. OBJECT RELAY RACE Players stand in flies, an equal number in each file. Opposite and at about fifteen and twenty yards respectively from the front player of each file, two circles (about eight inches in diameter) are marked on the ground, one straight behind the other. In the nearest of each of the circles an ob- ject (stone, stick, club) is placed. At the command "Go" the first player of each file races to the first circle, seizes the object and places it in the second circle, five yards off. He then races back and touches the out- stretched hand of the next player in his row. The latter then races to the object and in the same "way places it back in the near circle, and so alter- nately until each player of the row has had his turn. The last player, having deposited the object in the circle, races back to the line which the front players were originally "toeing". The first row to finish wins. Each player after touching the outstretched hand of the "next to run" places himself at the rear of his row, which keeps moving forward so that the next to run is always "toeing" the original line. PASS AND TOSS RELAY This game is suitable for playground, gymnasium or classroom. Equip- ment necessary is Bean Bag or ball. Number of players preferably 8 to 10 on a team. The players stand in two or more even ranks, facing sideways and numbered consecutively. The players at either end step two paces for- ward of the ranks, to the points marked 1 and 10 respectively, as they are to be in a position to catch the ball tossed by some other player. o 234567! O 3 9 No. 1 of each team tries to return to his original position first. Player No. 1 has a bean bag (or ball) and at a signal for starting runs toward the rear and as he runs tosses the bag to No. 10. The line immed- 24 lately moves forward one place, No. 2 stepping into the place vacated by No. 1. Upon catching the bag, No. 10 takes his place in line with the rank, and passes the bag to his next neighbor, No. 9. The bag is then passed rapidly up the line until it is received by No. 3, who tosses it to No. 2. No. 2 in turn, as soon as he receives the bag, dashes for the rear, tossing the bag as he goes to the player standing at 10, who in this case will be No. 1. The line again moves up No. 3 now stepping out to the place marked 1. The play is continued until No. 1 is back in his origirfal position. The rank getting the bag around to No. 1 first after he returns to his original position wins the game. No. 1 should hold the bag up at arm's length as soon as he gets it as a signal that his rank has completed its play. DOWN AND UP Players form in column of files. All spread legs. First player in the column passes some object (stick, stone, hat, eraser, bean bag) back between legs to the next player, who passes it on. When the last player in the column has received it he yells "Down" and runs forward astraddle the other players to the head of the column. The other players quickly rise and the object is passed back be- tween the legs until all have carried it forward. ZIG ZAG RELAY Players form in columns of files. Place four bean ba^s four fei-t apart at a distance of ten feet in front h column in direction of depth. At a signal the first player in each column runs to the right oi tin- first bag. passes it and then runs to the left of the second, to the right of the third, to the left of the fourth and around it and then zig-zags back. When he reaches the starting line, he touches off a sec-ond player who. in turn, proceeds to duplicat* the first player's performance. Column finishing first scores. Eighth Grade CROWS AND CRANES Players form in two lines, back to back and at about one yard interval. One line is designated "Crows" and the other "Cranes." If the leader calls out "Cranes." the Cranes will rush forward about thirty feet across a safety line, and the line designated as Crows will turn around and attempt to tag his opposing player before he has crossed the distance to the safety line. If the leader calls "Crows." the Crows will rush forward to their safety /.one. Those who are tagged must go over to the other side. The team having the largest number of players at the expiration of a given time wins. The game can be made more intensive by the leader if he drawls out the "r" in either Crows or Cranes. JUMPING CIRCLE Players form a circle about 30 feet in diameter. One player in center holds a light rope about fifteen feet long with a soft weight on one end. The player in the center swings the rope around so that players in the circle have to jump it. Player failing to jump the rope has a point counted against him or he may be made to withdraw from the game. 25 HINDU TAG The players are scattered in a limited playing area, about fifty feet square. One player is "it". He chases players about and may tag anyone who is in "safe" position (on both knees, forehead on ground). Players ought not to remain in one place, but must move about. Any player tagged is "it". Players should not go out of playing area. Anyone doing so is au- tomatically "it". SWAT TO THE RIGHT Any number of players may participate. Players form a circle, hands behind back, facing in, eyes closed. One player carrying a swatter (belt, knotted towel, etc.), runs around outside of circle and places swatter in someone's hand. The player receiving it immediately hits the player to the right. The player who is being hit, runs around the circle until he is back to his starting position. The player with the swatter follows the runner and swats him until he is back in position. The player with the swatter runs on and places it in the hands of some other player. SQUAT TAG The players are scattered within a limited playing area. One player is "it". He can touch anyone who is not in a full squat position. The player touched becomes "it" and chases about after some other player. Players who for fear of being made "it" remain in the squat position should be pushed over. The squat position consists of knees full bent with hands on hips. TEN STEPS One player who is "it" blinds his eyes and counts ten while all the other players run for hiding places. As soon as the one who is "it" says "ten," the players must stand motionless wherever they may happen to be while he turns at once to look for them. Any player whom he sees moving must come back to the goal and start over again. The "blinder" repeats this five times, and any player not entirely out of sight the fifth time the blinder turns must change places with him, while the original "it" becomes a spectator. After counting "ten* and turning to look for moving players five times, the hunter counts one hundred to give players chance to reach their final hiding places and the game continues as in regular I Spy. HANG TAG One player is chosen chaser or "if and changes places with anyone whom he can tag. Players may escape being tagged by hanging from any- thing overhead which will enable them to lift their feet from the floor. Played out of doors, players will naturally save themselves by catching hold of the branches of trees. If played in a gymnasium or playground pieces of apparatus may be used for the same purpose. Players are also considered safe if instead of hanging by their hands, they throw themselves across some obstacle such as a fence, which enables them to lift their feet from the ground. No two players may hang from the same piece of apparatus. The last one taking possession may keep his position, the one before him being obliged to find another place. This keeps the players constantly on the move and the game becomes more interesting. 26 CLUB SNATCH A goal is marked off across each end of the playground. An Indian club is placed midway between the goals. A starting base is marked on each goal line in line with the club. The players are divided into two equal teams, ach having a captain. Each party takes its place in one of the goals. The object of the game is for one of the runners to snatch the club and return to his goal before a runner from the opposite side tags him, both leaving their starting bases at the same time on a signal. The players on each team run in turn, the captains naming the runner 'each time. INDIAN CLUB WRESTLE l'lay-rs come up in files not more than eight in a file. Each file forms a circle. In the middle of each circle four Indian clubs are placed. At the signal "K<>" each circle joins hands and pulls. When the umpire sees that any player in any circle has knocked down a club he calls "Out One." That player withdraws from the game. All stop playing and wait for the signal "go" and tin play is repeated. When any one of the circles has been re- duced to one player, the ^ann- ends, the circle scoring that has the largest number of players left. PASS ROUND Players are in circle formation about four feet apart. They number off, odds forming one team and evens the other. A hall, eraser or some Object is given each team on opposite side ..1" the eircle. At a signal the teams pass the object to the light to members of the same team only. Each player must catch the object in his turn. The team which passes its object so that it catches up with the opponent's wins. Any player dropping object must n vain it himself and pass it on fairly. HUMAN TUG OF WAR Mayers form in columns of files facing each other. Mayers stand close together, arms plaeed about the waist of the player in front (grasping the left wrist with the right hand is the strongest grip). Leading player of each team grasps the opponent about neck or shoulders, team breaking first or having one or more players pulled over the line after thirty seconds is th leader. VOLLEY BALL Ten to thirty players may play at one time on playground or gymnas- ium. Equipment consists of volley ball and tennis net. For large teams this game is best played on a ground measuring fifty feet in length and twenty-five in width. A tennis net or a net two feet wide is stretched across the center of the ground from side to side, extending one or two feet beyond the boundary on either side. The upper edge should be from six feet and one-half to seven feet and one-half above the ground. The players are evenly divided into two teams. They scatter over their respec- tive courts without special arrangement. A captain is chosen for each side. An umpire is desirable. Each team tries to keep the ball in lively play toward its opponents' court, as each team scores only on its opponents' failures to return the ball or keep it in the air. The ball is put in play by being served by a selected member of either team, who should stand at the rear of his court with one foot on the rear 27 boundary line behind the line. From this position the ball is tossed up- ward lightly from one hand and batted with the open palm of the other hand over the net and into the opponents' court. The server has two trials. A served ball may be assisted on its course by any other player on the server's side using 1 one or both hands (open palm), no player so assisting the ball on the serve may strike it more than twice in succession, and the server under such circumstances may not strike it more than once. Should the ball then fail to land on the opponents' court, the server loses his second serve. In serving, the ball must be batted at least ten feet by the server before being touched by any other player on his side. If a return ball hits a player on the server's side and bounces into the oppon- ents' court, it is considered no play. The players on a side take turns in serving. A ball which bounds back into the court after striking any other object except the floor or ceiling is still in play. In sending the ball across the net, players should aim for an unprotected part of the opponents' court or try in other ways to place them at a disad- vantage. The service changes to opposite side when the serving side: 1. Allows the ball to touch the floor. 2. Knocks it out of bounds. 3. Fails to return it to the opponents. 4. The ball hits the net during the service. 5. A served ball falls outside the opponents' court. 6. A player on the serving side touches the net at any time. Score. The game consists of twenty-one points only the serving side scores. One point is scored when: 1. A good serve is unreturned. 2. Any time when the opponents fail to return the ball which is in play. 3. When the receiving side touches the net. (Should the serving side fail to return a ball to the opponents' court, they are put out. The serve passes to the opponents and no score is made.) Scoring on Fouls. 1. Touching the net by a player on the receiving side allows the serving side one point. 2. A ball sent under the net counts one for the opposing side. 3. If the ball strikes any object outside the court and bounds back, al- though it is still in play, it counts one for the opposing side. A ball sent out of bounds in returning a service scores one point for the opposing team. One point is scored by the opponents whenever a player catches the ball or holds it for even an instant. Group Games for Adults CHARIOT RELAY Players line up at one end of the room. Count off by threes. Each group joins hands, and on the command "Go!" they run to the other end of the hall and return without letting go of hands. The first group back wins. HURDLE RACE Place several objects at different distances. Contestants race, jumping over them. SONG CONTEST Song contestants are supplied with pencil and paper. Standing on one foot, each writes two lines of a patriotic song. One finishing first wins. Contestants are supplied with paper and crayon, and asked to draw a picture representing some popular song. The one whose drawing is the best representation wins the prize. LAUGHING RELAY Line up players in twos. Partners face and march backwards four 's. Leaders draw for first chance. One side named Blues, other Reds. If "Blues" have first chance, they try for the space of thirty seconds to make the "Reds" laugh. All "Reds"' found laughing are recruited to the other side. Three turns constitute a game. The side having most recruits at the finish wins. TELEGRAMS (live each player a pencil and paper. Ask each to write the name of the city (town or state) in which he was born. Then ask each to separate the letters in the name of his birthplace and, using each letter as the initial of a word, to compose a telegram. Some interesting combinations are the re- sult. WHIRLWIND This is an old English game. Arrange as many chairs as there are play- ers in a circle. All the players but one are seated. This odd player takes his position in the center of the circle. His object is to take the vacant chair, but this the others prevent by hastily moving up (to right or left, as the movements of the person standing indicate) so as to fill the empty seat whenever the standing player approaches it. In this manner, the vacancy is kept at the point farthest from him, and unless he is agile, the player cannot capture it. THE LAUGHING GAME Players form a circle. The first player starts with the word "ha," the second says "ha, ha," the third "ha, ha, ha," and so on, each one in turn adding one more ha than has been made by his neighbor. In each case, the ha ha's must be made without laughing, which is almost an impossibility. Before the circuit has been completed the entire circle is in peals of laugh- ter. Each one guilty of laughing drops out of the game. The one remaining longest without laughing wins. GAME OF OPPOSITE Players stand in a circle. An extra player stands in the center, holding in his hands as many pieces of tape as there are players in the circle. The tape (or ribbons) are of two colors, red and blue. The opposite ends of each tape are held in the hands of a player. When the leader says "Reds let go," "Blues, hold on," the blues will let go, always doing just the opposite of the command given to be obeyed. Commands should be given rapidly and in military tone. When word for "all to hold on" is given the entire circle lets go, and so on. MUSICAL CIRCLE All players sit in a circle. One in the centre is the leader. To each one is assigned some musical instrument, which he must play. The leader waves his baton, but from time to time he will quickly begin to pantomime the in- 29 strument of someone in the circle. For instance, he plays the cornet, and as soon as he does this, the one to whom the cornet \v;is assigned immed- iately sits back with folded hands until the leader goes back to his baton. Should a player fail to remark that the leader has taken his instrument he is subject to forfeit. MEMORY TE5T A tray piled high with all sorts of objects, as diverse as possible in character is brought into the room. The players are given one minute in which to take a rapid survey of same. At the end of that period the tray is taken away and the players, with pencil and paper (previously supplied them) write down the names of as many of the articles as they can remem- ber. The one whose list is largest and most correct is the winner. FINDING A PARTNER An odd number of players participate. At a signal (preferably a musi- cal accompaniment), the players, fly or skip promiscuously about the room. "When the music stops each player attempts to stand back to back with a partner. The one left without a partner, as the game proceeds, tries to be successful the next time. NOSE AND TOE TAG This game is played like ordinary tag, with the exception that no one can be tagged who has his right hand on his toes and left hand on his nose. SPIRITS MOVE A leader and his accomplice are required in this game. The one illus- trating the game leaves the room. His accomplice passes among the play- ers and stopping before one of the number and with hands outstretched .says, "Spirits Move." The leader from without replies "Let them move." Again the accomplice passes among the number and steps in front of another player, saying, as before, with hands outstretched, "Spirits Move." Again the reply from his accomplice, "Let them move." He proceeds in this man- ner until finally he takes his stand before another one of the group saying "Spirits Move and Rest Upon." The leader from without completes the sentence by adding the name of the person over whose head the hands are extended. The trick is simply this: The one over whose head the accomplice's hands rest is the one who spoke last before the leader retired from the room. HANDS OVER HEAD A leader and his accomplice are necessary to this mystifying game. The leader leaves the room while his accomplice passes around among the players, occasionally stopping in front of one of them, and with hands ex- tending over the player's head says, "Hands Over Head." The leader an- swers from without "Hands Over Head." He continues around the circle in like manner until finally he stops in front of a player and with hands ex- tended says "Hands Over Head and Rest Upon" whereupon the leader an- swers "Hands Over Head and Rest upon (John Smith)" naming the person over whom the hands are extended. 30 The trick: The accomplice places his hands over the head of the per- son before whom he has been standing at the time the leader withdraws from the room. BOTTLES Any number of couples may compete in this game. Arrange two flies of Indian clubs, large bottles or ten pins, five in a file, at a distance of four feet apart with an aisle of six feet between files. Each couple is comprised of a man and woman. The man is blindfolded and to his wrists are attached streamers or reins about three feet long. The woman, at a given signal guides her partner by means of these reins on and around each bottle in the first file, returning- in like manner by the second file. The team succeeding in making the circuit without overturning any of the bottles wins In no way is the driver permitted to suggest direction except by driving with the reins. RELAY SPELLING RACE This same is particularly interesting if the men and women of the party pete. Km each team a pronouncer is chosen who takes his place di- rectly to the right of the blackboard immediately in front of his team, who are standing in file formation, and at a distance of about fifteen feet from the blackboard. Kach pronouneer is supplied with a list of words previously agreed upon Ix'twen themselves, and consisting of words commonly used but frequently misspelled, as necessary, parallel, embarrass, harass, etc. At a given signal the first contestant leaves his place in the file, runs to the board and as the pronouncer announces the first word to him, proceeds to write it on the board, quickly, but legibly, turns and runs to the end of the file, tag-ing as h-- does so the second player in his file. The second con- testant in turn, runs to the board, writes the word pronounced to him and in like manner returns to the end of the file, tagging as he does so the third coin. -stunt. No contestant except the first leaves his place until tagged by the returning contestant. With ten contestants to a file, count finishing first as equal to two misspelled words at first, later to one misspelled word. The side finishing first is thereafter entitled to consider 2 (or 1) misspelled words as correctly spelled in the final count. 31 SUGGESTION FOR CONDUCTING PLAY LEADERS' TRAINING CLASS MELVIN W. SHEPPARD Community Service, Inc., One Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. THE PURPOSE The purpose of play leaders' training classes is to develop volunteer leaders who will carry on recreational program in various schools, churches and industrial plants, and later on who will organize play groups on vacant lots in home vicinities. This will lead to neighborhood activity. As the schools progress those leaders who display more initiative than the others should be noted as a desirable source from which paid recreational leaders may be drawn by the city recreational commission and other agencies. PROCEDURE Before starting the class, confer with superintendents of schools, churches, and industrial leaders, and send to all institutions in the city, which are likely to be interested, invitations to send delegates to the pro- posed class. After organization of the class there should be some classifi- cation of its members so that the most efficient work may be done. It is desirable in neai case that there be separate classes for white leaders and color* order that there may be the utmost freedom of expression and the least hindrance to the enthusiastic participa- tion in the gan THE COURSE nee shows that ten lessons of one hour's duration each will be sufficient in which to present a total of thirty games with such directions and general sugges" \vill enable the leaders to take the games taught back to their organizations. During the first few lessons, the time should be taken up entirely with the teaching of games and toward the end of the course train all students to act as leaders in turn. This brings out initiative and enables the instructor to prepare tentative lists of the most efficient leaders. Towards the end of the course, the students should do practically all of the game-leading. By dividing them into groups, each under a leader, the instructor can increase his own efficiency and help more specifically the individual members of the class. RECOGNITION FOR ATTENDANCE If the instructor deems it advisable, a certificate of attendance testify- ing to the interest shown by the student may be presented at the end of the course. It should, however, be made plain that this certificate does not in- dicate that the student is an expert playground director. An expert play- ground director is one who not only can direct the games on the playground, but also by his influence makes the playground an asset to the neighborhood instead of a liability. Unless a book on games is provided as a guide to the course, each stu- dent should receive at each lesson a mimeographed copy of the direction for the games taught at that class, to become a part of his permanent equipment. Neighborhood organizations, particularly rural schools and vacant lots, can be put in shape for playgrounds through simple and cheap athletic equipment such as volley balls and net, basket balls, quoits, playground balls and bats, medicine balls, which can be purchased at a very reasonable price and will answer all purposes until more elaborate equipment can be obtained. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Stockton; CaKf. PAT. JAN. 21. 1908 66439? c UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY