THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES . 0. BAKLff U A TEXT BOOK ON THE DE VERE SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND A course or practical lessons simpli- fied for self instruction, and adapted for use in Public Schools, Business Colleges, and Private Teachers By A. T. DeVERE-M. BOLET Published by THE DEVERE SHORTHAND PUBLISHING & SUPPLY CO. (Incorporated) 25 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. infringements will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. COPYRIGHT, 1914. (United States and England) By A. T. DE VERE M. BOLET. fc? PREFACE THE DE VERE SYSTEM is an entirely new departure in the method of writing and reading shorthand. Differing from all other systems of shorthand, it teaches to write and read words by syllable. The pupil is not con- fused by rules and exceptions, but is taught to write and read shorthand from the first lesson, exactly as it has been used by the author for twenty-two years in professional work, as an expert shorthand reporter, secretary, and teacher. By the DE VERE SYSTEM every syllable has a cor- responding sign in shorthand. The pupil memorizes syllables instead of separate letters, or groups of letters. These syl- .. lables are joined, forming words. This is the foundation of % the DE VERE SYSTEM. Every spoken word is made up of one or more distinct 05 syllables. No one speaks a word without giving utterance to some syllable. When we say "pit" we do not name the three 13 letters "p, i, t," but we give the sound of the three blended together, as one syllable. By the DE VERE SYSTEM the ^ word "pit" is recognized as one syllable, and learned in its ' entirety, instead of learning the three separate letters of which * the word is composed. This is just as easy as to resort to ^ the old, cumbersome method of picking out the three sepa- rate characters. With the time-wasting old shorthand alphabet, a pupil oJ was considered "bright" that could master the sounds of the letters, rules, and exceptions, and complete a course in short- f hand within six months. Tt has been demonstrated by a large number of success- ful graduates that shorthand can be learned by the DE VERE METHOD in much less time, advancement from the start being far more rapid. No rules to confuse. Writing by syllable is the key that unlocks the secret of success in the shorthand profession to all. A. T. DE VERE. New York City, December, 1913. 448399 Letter From a TKree Months' Graduate [n] Thanks to the DE VERE SYSTEM of Shorthand, my start in the Secretarial field has been delightful. So thorough is the method, that I have absolutely no trouble in taking and transcribing the most difficult work, which fact has enabled me to act as private executive as well as social secretary. This entails taking shorthand notes from the foremost financiers, statesmen, social leaders, et cetera. I am rapidly reaching the "top of the ladder," and the highest-point of success does not seem an impossible feat with the De Vere System as a foundation. (Signed) EDITH TERRY, Social Secretarv. J r ^ - Pronunciation of syllables when placed in the SECOND POSITION. fa va tha sa za sha la ma map na way yea A._L-LJ__JL.^ -C.^..^ _.^V /I. Pronunciation of syllables when placed in the THIRD POSITION. ef ev eth es ez esh ezh ala ar am amp an ang away WORDS WRITTEN BY SYLLABLES. Words. Written phonetically Words. Written phonetically. fidgety fi-ja-ty ,fi _____ villa vi-la _{.. ___ .-_. busy bi-sy ___ _^ _____ Elsie El-sy ,.^^"_ ___ army ar-my _"\ ______ lineal li-ne-al The syllables "fi," "vi," "ith," "the," "es," "sy," "sha," "zha," "el," "ar," "way," "yea" are written downward. The syllable "ish" is written upwards. The syllable "ly" is also an upward stroke. The syllables "em," "mi," "en," "ny," "ung" are written from left to right. PRONUNCIATION OF FIRST POSITION SYLLABLES. The syllable "fi" is also pronounced "fo," as heard in the words "fidgety" and "folly." The syllable "vi" is also pronounced "vo," as heard in the words "vivid" and "volley." The syllable "thi" is also pronounced "tho," as heard in the words "thistle" and "thoughtful." The syllable "si" is also pronounced "so," as heard in the words "cereal" and "soddy." The syllable "zy" is pronounced as heard in the word "dizzy." The syllable "shi" is also pronounced "sho," as heard in the words "chivalry" and "shoddy." The syllable "li" is also pronounced "lo," as heard in the names "Lillie" and "Lottie." The syllable "mi" is also pronounced "mo," as heard in the words "military" and "money." The syllable "ni" is also pronounced "no," as heard in the words "nonny" and "knobby." PRONUNCIATION OF SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES. The syllable "fe" is also pronounced "fa," "fu," "foo," as heard in the words "feathery," "family," "funny," "foolery." "The syllable "ve" is also pronounced "va," as heard in the words "venison" and "valley." The syllable "the" is also pronounced "tha," as pro- nounced in "Thackery." 18 The syllable "se" is also pronounced "su," as heard in the words "sachet," "sumach." The syllable "she" is also pronounced "sha," "shu," as heard in the words "chevalier," "shabby," "shoddy," "shutter." The syllable "la" is also pronounced "le," "lu," as heard in the words "lavish," "levity," "lucky." The syllable "me" is also pronounced "ma," "mu," "moo," as heard in the words "many," "mummy," "moody." The syllable "map" is pronounced like the word "map."' The syllable "ne" is also pronounced "na," "nu," as heard in the words "Nettie," "natty," "nugget." The syllable "way" is pronounced like the word "weigh" or "way." The syllable "yea" is pronounced as heard in the word "yellow." PRONUNCIATION OF THIRD POSITION SYLLABLES. The syllable "ef" is also pronounced "of," "af," as heard in the words "effigy," "off," "afar." The syllable "ev" is also pronounced "av," as heard in the words "every," "average." The syllable "eth" is also pronounced "ath," as heard in the words "ethnic" and "athlete." The syllable "es" is also pronounced "as," "os," as heard in the words "espy," "asbestos," "osier." The syllable "ash" is pronounced like the word "ash." The syllables "ala" are pronounced as heard in the word "Alabama." The syllable "el" is also pronounced "al," "il," "ol," "ul," as heard in the words "Elsie," "alimony," "illegal," "oligarch." (The syllable "el" is always written downwards. The syl- lables "ala" is an upward stroke.) The syllable "am" is also pronounced "em," "im," "urn," as heard in the words "am," "empty," "immunity," "umbrella." 19 The syllable "emp" is also pronounced "imp," as heard in the word "impish." The syllable "an" is also pronounced "en," "in," "un," as heard in the words "Annie," "enmity," "image," "uncanny." Practice each pair of syllables fifty times, comparing your work with the engraved plates. Do not leave this lesson until each syllable can be instantly written, and words can be formed without stopping to think how the syllable is formed. Write the following words for correction. Sound each word by syllable, using the syllables as directed, being care- ful to put the first syllable of a word in its proper position. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. dizzy, heavy, empty, envy, pillory, penny, Jennie, Fannie, Jessie, Ezra, Annie, impish, ash, map, gummy, shoddy, Lillie, funny, enmity, chilly, agony, Jimmie, jiffy, taffy. 20 LESSON THREE SHORTENED SYLLABLES. ALL syllables ending with a final sound of "t" or "d' J are shortened one-half of their usual length. The shortening of the syllable adding the sound of "t" or "d." Many beginners make the error of calling the syllables "ti" and "di" by the names "t" and "d." It must be kept in mind that we are writing by syllables, not letters of the alpha- bet, or sounds of the letters of the alphabet. The syllables "ti" and "di" express vowel sounds as well as consonants, and can never be used in any other way but as syllables. The shortened syllables are used in exactly the same way as the straight and curved strokes, and are pronounced the same, the exception being that the shortened syllables end with the sound of either "t" or "d." Many syllables are obscure when the word is spoken quickly, as the stenographer must hear it in doing actual stenographic work. It is therefore important that words are written from the beginning exactly as they should be written in taking steno- graphic notes. Write only such syllables as are necessary. For example, take the word "battery." Although the word divided in syllables would be "bat-ter-ry," the stenographer simply hears "bat-ry" when the word is dictated. The proper stenographic outline for the word "battery" would therefore be "bat-ry." Practice hearing words as they sound when dictated in a business letter, or during ordinary conversation, and use only the syllables actually heard. As before directed, touch lightly on the vowel sounds; the short vowels are so similar, no confusion would result if mispronounced in a word or syllable. We can easily under- stand a foreigner speaking broken English, although each word may be mispronounced. Actual vowel sounds are not heard when taking stenographic notes. Be careful to make the shortened syllables half the size of regular length syllables. 21 SYLLABLES EXPRESSED BY SHORTENED STROKES. pet oet tet det chet jet ket get ret het fet vet thet est shet let elt aft met net ent wate yate (They may also be pronounced ped, bed, ted, ded, ched, jed, kcd, ged, red, hed, fed, ved, thed, shed, ledj'ard, eld, med. ned, end, wade, yade). FitfST POSITION SYLLABLES. pit bit tid dit chit jit kit git rit hit \\1 I / / / S fit vit thit shid lit mit nit v. ^ ( J r -> ^ SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES, pet bat tet det chat jet kut get ret hat fat^vet_thot shet let met not wate yatc THIRD POSITION SYLLABLES. apt ebd echd ejd akt egd aft este ult art cmet ant a wate 22 (Continued from Page 22). WORDS (Written phonetically), tidbit, rid-bit__S fidget, fid-get __/___ battery, bat-ry ^ Lx rigid, ri-jed cigarette, si-ga-ret 'hatchet, ha-chet_^J__ rivit, ri-vet___ cutlet, kut-let. jmidway, mid- way : writ, rit WRITE FOR CORRECTION. cadet, caddy, debt, debit, ballet, jetty, jet, met, net, get, bit, bet, pit, pet, jagged, pettish, petted, bit, chatted, chit, mitt, midway, rigid, rapid, rapidly, carry, tarry, tarried, marry, married, tibbet, chat, hat, apt, ebbed, etched, act, aft, Emmet, ant, await, kidney, ticket, latchet, petal.' In writing words containing double letters, be careful to not repeat syllables. The word "married" should be writ- ten in shorthand "ma-red," the word "tarry" should be writ- ten "ta-ry," the word "carried" should be written "ka-red." Third position syllables are used in writing words such as "etched," using the syllable "echd." The word "act" is expressed by the syllable "akt," "ebbed" is expressed by "ebd," etc. The spelling of a word having nothing whatever to do with the way it is written in shorthand. Review each lesson every day, and practice at least five pages in your stenographic note book of every word the les- sons contain, reading back from your shorthand notes. Write carefully the words given in each lesson for cor- rection. 23 LESSON FOUR WORD-SIGNS. In shorthand as in longhand we have abbreviations for the most frequently occurring words and phrases. In longhand "Collect on Delivery" is expressed by the abbreviation C. O. D. The dollar sign stands for the words "dollar" or "dollars." The abbreviations "cts." and "0" stand for the word "cents." The names of the States are abbre- viated, as are the days of the week, as well as a large number of frequently occurring business words, such as "ft.," foot; "frt," freight; "lb.," pound; "gal.," gallon; "h. p.," horse power; "N.," north; "S.," south; "sq.," square; "c. p.," candle power. In shorthand we have abbreviations for the commonly occurring words, and business phrases which the stenograph- ers must write over and over again. These abbreviations are called "WORD-SIGNS" and should be given careful atten- tion, as the words they represent are those occurring most frequently in stenographic work. These signs are placed in different positions, some above the line, some on the line, some below or through the line. The principle of "Position" (placing words according to the accented vowel in the first syllable) having nothing to do with the positions occupied by word-signs. They are many times placed in certain positions simply to avoid conflict with some word having a similar outline. Two words may be expressed by the same outline in shorthand, the context of the sentence preventing confliction. In longhand many words are spelled alike, such as "tear" and "tear" (tare), but no diffi- culty is experienced in reading the proper word. It is the same in writing and reading shorthand. Memorize the word-signs thoroughly. Practice them two by two, line after line, hundreds of times, pronouncing them aloud as you do so. They can only be memorized by patient and persistent practice, and reading them from your short- hand notes. As these words are the ones occurring most fre- quently in stenographic work, a daily review of them should be taken in order to write them instantly and read them with- out hesitation. 24 fcvp WORD SIGNS. _ each ____ : __ which __ S. ___ much__^ --- however __ JL __ think ____ C ___ ./ ____ they, them__X ___ was__J) ___ whose__!k. I ' shall....*/ thank common.. . come__ _ wish usual ^ , him_x-=-^__ home.^.^ in any.Jl .. give together _, - ^_ time it 1 at i your fl_ < V> V that without C if for.A^.. oft__l dollar had I hearJT^i her our_rs^ SENTENCES. Shall he come for them? Betty had pity for Annie. Shall he give him ybur cigarette? He had your heavy hatchet. He was in her debt. They met at her home Let him wait for her. He will thank them if they will come at any time. They have your dollar. ^ He will give it for charity. - He will marry Kittie. He carried her jacket for her. LESSON FIVE LONG VOWELS. / Although very few vowels are used in actual stenographic work, yet the stenographer may meet unusual words or tech- nical phrases which require vocalization. A thorough knowl- edge of the vowels are therefore very necessary, and they should be thoroughly memorized and placed in words for practice, until they can be put in a word instantly and cor- rectly, without the slightest hesitation. The long vowels are expressed by heavy dots and dashes, which are placed at the side of syllable stems. The vowels are placed at the beginning, middle and end of a syllable, and called first, second and third place vowels. The first place is where the syllable begins. The second place is the middle of the syllable. / The third place is at the end of the syllable. On stems which are written downward, the first place is at the top counting downwards. On stems written upward the first place is at the bottom, counting upwards. The long sound of "e," as heard in the word "tea," is expressed by a heavy dot, written in the first place, or be- ginning of the syllable stem. The long sound of "a," as heard in the word "day," is expressed by a heavy dot written in the second place or mid- dle of the syllable stem. The long sound of "ah," as heard in the word "mamma," is expressed by a heavy dot, written in third place or end of the syllable stem. The long sound of "aw," as heard in the word "saw," is expressed by a heavy dash written in the first place, or be- ginning of the syllable stem. The long sound of "o," as heard in the word "so," is ex- pressed by a heavy dash written in the second place or middle of the syllable stem. 26 LONG VOWELS. . e as in tea .a as in say ah as in rah -aw as in saw .0 as in so _oo as in shoe Syllables containing the sound of First Place long vowels, "e" and "aw," are placed in the FIRST POSITION. pee ____ . bee ___ _ tee__'_ . dee.. 1 . _ chee iee kee * _ ree "... ._ hee 2 fee ^ vee ^r thee see _ shee.jl. lee *^~ mee 1_ _ nee ^TTl. wee ' _ _ yee paw. _ . baw _ . . taw ' _ daw [ . chaw jaw . kaw.l _. raw ~ _ haw T faw Jn _ vaw _^-_ thaw > saw'.jl.. __ shaw _-^ _ law.ri. maw ' N . naw_ *~~~^ _ Waw .1 . yaw../.. Syllables containing the sound of any other long vowel sound are placed in the SECOND POSITION. __>^___ kay_ tay___L__ ._ gay thay fc .. nay__^ 27 . day 1* chay. _ say J*__. shay. -r-_ way.. IX. _ yea The long sound of "oo," as heard in the word "shoe," is expressed by a heavy dash written in the third place, or end of a syllable stem. If a vowel is written at the right of an upright or slanting syllable stem, or above a horizontal stem, the vowel is read first. If a vowel is written at the left of an upright or slanting syllable stem, or below a horizontal syllable stem, the vowel is read last. Dash vowel signs should be struck at a right angle to the stern by which they are placed. The syllable stems are writ- ten first, the vowels placed afterwards. PHRASING. In writing shorthand, often two or more words can be easily joined together without taking the pencil from the paper. This method of joining words is called "phrasing." Words should never be phrased that do not make a good outline, easy to write. The first word of a phrase should be written in its proper position, the words following joined without regard to position. PHRASING "A," "AN," "AND," "THE." The words "a," "an," "and," "the" occur so often in a sentence that to stop and express them by dots would take too much time. They are therefore phrased or joined to other words by means of very short ticks ; "a," "an," "and" are expressed by a short straight tick, struck either up or down, usually downward. The word "the" is expressed by a small slanting tick. These small ticks may be used in the middle or end of a phrase, but never at the beginning. Practice carefully the words containing vowels ; learn the vowel places thoroughly, and do not leave the lesson until you can write every word sign from memory, and place the vowels instantly and correctly in words in which they may occur. 28 \. v I. I. / pah _______ bah _____ ... tab.,, ______ dah ______ chah _____ / , _ /' "^~v ar#> \ '^~ ' " "."/"" 29 HOW TO PLACE VOWELS IN WORDS. Vowels placed before or to the left of upward or dowi ward strokes are read first. ape__^____ aid J ____ ail__^___ ate__.| ---- easy__-\ ___ ace__^ ___ ooze__\ __ ear_C\_X VoWels placed after or to the right of upward or down ward strokes are read last. pay..^ delay___l chateau _^___essay __v. be beat day t date 1- lay^_/_ laid__/f__. lady_/lJ see say__l* show__^c_ shoe w no i When a vowel is placed before and after a syllable stroke, the vowel preceding is read as a syllable in itself, viz., obey ------ WORD-SIGNS. \ A, an, and____, _____ the --------- of --------- to_._ x_ ---- - all _______ two___v ___ or _______ but ___ i__ already ------ s before ___ j ____ oh, owe ___ j ____ on ________ should.. y ----- / ought ______ who __ ^ ___ PHRASING. > ) have a..^.^. have the.^.. all the way. JIN. _ or the ------ but the..;. ___ but a__i ____ before the.^ ____ should the __ <* should a __ s\ ___ and a __ _, ___ and the __ ^ ___ to-day ___ v ___ SENTENCES. She will pay the lady for the tea. Show him the way to the depot. He bought a jewel and a bouquet for her, and will pay for them on payday. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. me, meet, may, mate, decayed, shadow, alimony, okra, debate, naked, deed, jaw, Joe, ohm, poesy, ditto, invade, yea, oath, vary, navy, knavish, echo, fee, feet, knee, neat, Joe, May, Dora, neigh, know, oar, row, dough, ode,. May, veto, Cora, Laura, chaw, lazy, leeway, Zeno, Fay, chew, ached, beet, be, pay, paid, payday, Kate, Katie, mitigate, goatee, ate, law, age, eke, aid, gnaw, caw, though, saw, so, sue, see, say, she, show, shoe, law, low, Lou, me, may, knee, neigh, eel, ail, lay, lea, raw, chaw, row, Joe, photo, hobo, bony, tony, Mazie, gewgaw, rotary, notary, votary, zoo, era, mitigate. SENTENCES. He will pay for the photo to-morrow. He ought to know the way to the dairy. She ought to make tea on a rainy day for Mary and Kate. He bit a red beet, and saw the lazy goat chew the shoe. She will come to-day or to-morrow to sew on your coat, and cut the meat for tea. He made an oath before a notary that he had a photo of the hobo. She will go all of the way to Dakota -to see the villa. May and Joe met a belated Malay on the way to the armory. LESSON SIX THE DIPHTHONGS. The diphthongs are expressed by small caret shaped angles placed at the beginning or at the end of syllable stems, and used in the same way as the vowels. The sound of "oi, M as heard in the word "oil," is ex- pressed by a small caret pointing upwards; it is always placed at the beginning (first place) of a syllable stem. The sound of "ow," as heard in the word "owl," is ex- pressed by the same shaped caret that stands for the sound of "oi." the difference being "ow" is written at the end of the stem (third place), while "oi" is always written at the beginning of a syllable stem. The sound of "i," as heard in the word "mighty," is ex- pressed by a small caret pointing downward. It may be writ- ten in any place by a syllable stem, as it will not conflict with any other sign. The sound of "oo-ee," as heard in the name "Dewey," is expressed by a small caret pointing to the right, written at the beginning of a syllable stem. The sound of "ow-ie," as heard in the name "Dowie," is expressed by a small caret pointing to the right, like the sign that stands for the sound of "oo-ee," the difference being that "ow-ie" is written at the end of a syllable stem. The sound of "i-a," as in "via," is expressed by the sign for "i," with a small tick attached, and may be written in any place by a syllable stem. The sound of "wi," as heard in the word "wife," is ex- pressed by a small right angle, written at the beginning of a syllable stroke, usually attached. All diphthongs may be joined to syllable stems when it is convenient to do so. 33 THE DIPHTHONGS. A oi as in oil / A ow as in owl 3 v i as in by / i-a as in via 3 wi as in wife oo-ee as in Dewey -ie as in Dowie FIRST POSITION SYLLABLES. (Contain the sounds of "oi" and "i") poi boi toi doi choi joi koi goi roi hoi NC* NT" I" I* /-* /" / \> / / A T~ 4 ^ A foi voi thoi soi shoi loi moi noi pie VL VL c r s t: ^ ^ \ v pitc bie bite tie tite die dite chie jie v \ v r r r i- /- /<- kie gie fie fite thie shie lie lite mie mite nie nite yie wite wide wife -> ^ v fi \ 34 SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES. pow bow tow dow chow jow kow gow row _L-__lv _/____ A. ___ * ____ ^-^_ how fow vow thow sow low mow now wow yow loo-ee vow-ee via WORDS CONTAINING ABOVE DIPHTHONGS. . joyous. __y^___ my ___ v _ ____ might..* _____ mighty i' L v \ v Dewey.J _____ Louie r _/>_ ___ typhoid. __V_ ___ dial. /i_ divide I & \ V___ power. \v_ giant ______ isle_ _^__ bias__^ l *_- I l^" ,-_^I^_. notify__JjL. defy I toilet_____ violet yv- v\ via__ _ isolate __ _ pout___Vv doubt..^ WORD-SIGNS. I or high__, how_/i now_^-r\__ notwithstanding remit______ nevertheless. ^!^1_ advantage. _/___ +**s thing language_^^__ young 35 Practice carefully all syllables containing- diphthongs, pronouncing each syllable as written. After the lesson has been thoroughly learned copy the words and sentences from the shorthand in this lesson, and read back from your notes, without referring to the shorthand plate. If hesitancy is experienced in reading, review the lesson, as well as all pre- vious lessons, until the principle is thoroughly learned. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. boy, toy, joy, ahoy, boyish, tie, tight, coy, coyly, sow, allow, thou, by, bite, rye, right, shy, lie, light, tie, tight, die, indite, wide, wipe, isle, Roy, royal, pilot, tower, towel, invite. SENTENCES. I will take the kite to Joe. He paid for the pie on the way to the depot. The boy saw the cow eat the hay. He will come via Chicago. He made a deed and wrote a note to the Notary. She will have a pie for tea and may invite Katie. She bought a tiny yellow toy pony, which she will donate to charity. .36 LESSON SEVEN SHORT VOWELS. The short vowels are very rarely used, as their sounds are included in the shorthand syllables. An occasion may arise, however, where the pronunciation of a word would be made clearer by the employment of a short vowel. For ex- ample, take the words "charity" and "chariot"; the outline of both words is the same, but if a light dash, representing the short vowel "o," is placed before the syllable "ty" it would change the pronunciation of the syllable from "ty" to "ot" ; the outline of the word would then read "chariot." Without the short vowel, the outline would be "charity." The short vowels should therefore be thoroughly mas- tered, in order that the stenographer may be able to place them instantly in a technical or difficult word, where legibility would require their use. They are expressed by LIGHT dots and dashes placed at the beginning, middle, and end of syllable stems in the same way as the Long Vowels are used. Be careful to make the Short Vowels light in order that they may not confuse with the Long Vowels. Thoroughly master this lesson before taking up new work. A lesson is not mastered until every word, word-sign, phrase and sentence in it can be instantly written and read, and the principle given in the lesson applied without the slightest hesitation. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. He paid a dollar for a ticket in the lottery. She came before a notary and made an oath that the boy bought the jewel. The young poet wrote a poem in the shadow of the old oak by the tower. He will remit on payday. He will ride all the way to Iowa in that rickety old chariot. 37 448399 SHORT VOWELS. / I i as in it / . - o as in got .2. I e as in get ^ 1 - u as in cut ^ I . a as in at j | _ oo as in foot WORDS CONTAINING SHORT VOWELS. h - > y keech kauch kich koch V 7 '*7 43 FIRST POSITION SYLLABLES CONTAINING DIPHTHONGS pipe bipe tipe dipe chipe jipe doich pike dike \ \ k |" M \v SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES. pape pope poop pup pep tape tope toop tep tabe tobe toob dabe dobe doob chape chope ...^..^-v-^ V 4^-4 choop chap jabe jobe kape kope koop kep gape gobe goob rape rope roop rep habe heb paach poach pooch paj poj pooj pach baaj boje booje bach taach toach tooch tuch 44 daach doach doocj duch jaje joje juj raach roach rooch rech haach hoach hooch hech pake poke pek bake boke book bek take _^ ____ \ toke took tak dake doke dock dek chake choke chook chek jake joke jook jek rake roke rak paag poag baag beg tag dag chag ^c../r...\ ___ i ___ \_.\_.J jag kake koke kook kek / _ _ _ L _ 45 WORDS PLACED IN POSITION ACCORDING TO THE VOWEL ACCENT IN FIRST SYLLABLE. peppery _ \ . _ tipsy__\_. _ chaplet__ /_ ___ tablet_ _L _ \/ J ^ >v" \srf \ \_ vvrech_x^l_ berich ______ pitch_yl__ patch_\_. l ___ rich _____ ridge__' ____ judge. /___ tactic__L._. chicory cockney ___^ v __,_ peep___> pope I / ^ deep...?!.. tape__l* __ cheap X. keep cape_1T^_ coop.IT^X- heap__l reap..! rope_ } > * teeth tauth tith toth keeth kauth kith gauth F { ! [ T -r ~c n goth heeth hauth hith hoth peesh paush pish T >>':>> f till toll deel daul dill doll cheel chaul chill <*' choll jeel jaul jill joll keel peer paur beer / ' S T S ^ baur teer daur cheer chau keer kaur reer peem paum pirn pom beem baum him teem taum tim torn deem daum dim dom cheem chaum chim chom keem kaum kim kom geem /C A A -^ - ~-^-N _-^ ^ gaum gim gom reem rim pimp pomp baump 49 bimp bomp timp tomp chanmp chimp chomp V kimp komp gaump gimp gomp romp ping ""'^ T~ f ^ / >/ pong bing bong taung ting tong daung ding \* V, V C L. C C L dong ching chong iing jong keeng king kong L L L L C ^ ~ geeng gaung gmg gong ring rong feep faup fip fop fib fob feech fauch fich fij fik fig fog veep vaup vip vop veeb S S vaub vib veech vauj vij voj veek vauk vig voe thaup thip thop thib thob thcech thich thoch thik thok thig thog sheep shaup ship <- c_ <_ <_ shop shaub shib shob sheek shauk shik shig 2- sheeg shig shog leep laup lip lop laub lib t\ lob leech lauch lich loch leej lauj lij loj /f\/7 /C7 (7 tf (7 tf fl leek lauk lik lok leeg laug lig log jneech mauch mich moch meej mauj mij moj meek mauk mik mok meeg maug mig mog neep naup nib nob neech nauch nich noch neej ' nauj nij no; neek nauk nik nok neeg naug nig nog FIRST POSITION SYLLABLES CONTAINING DIPHTHONGS. pile bile tile dile chile jile kile gile pire S / /' - bire tire dire kire pime bime time dime chime like mile poil boil toil doil koil goil u J- r T j. > / /! PRACTICE AND DRILL OF SYLLABLES. VOWELS AND DIPHTHONGS. SYLLABLES FORMED BY JOINING STRAIGHT AND CURVED STROKES. SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES. puth peth path beth booth bath tuth tooth tath doath dooth deth keth kooth kath goath --f-4 ..... M-^--^--^--*.. gooth guth geth gath raath roath rooth rath reth rath hoath hoosh hush hesh hash pale pole pool pul pel pal bale bole bool bal tale tole tool tui tel tal dale dole dool dul koal kool gale goal gool gull pare' pore poor par bare boare boor bar tare tore toor tar chare chore choor jar rare pame pome poom pern pam bame borne boom bum bem bam tame tome toom tern tarn dame .dome doom dum dem dam chum jame jum jem jam ..U. -U .jL. J^. J^ .A. 54 kame kome koom kum kem kam rame rome room rum rem ram fup fep fap fub feb fab fech fuj fake foke fek fak Vake voke vek vak fog vog veg vag thap thup thach fob thek thug shape shep shake shuk shag .._< ___ -_-- lape lope lup lep lap luch lech lach lake loke look lul lak leg lag log much mach make moke muk mek nape nap noch nok nak PRONUNCIATION OF SYLLABLES IN THE MIDDLE OR END OF WORDS. peth beth teth deth cheth jeth keth geth reth heth pesh besh tesh desh chesh jesh kesh gesh resh hesh pall ball tall dall chall jail kael gael par bar tar dar char jar kar gar pern bem tern dem chem jem kem gem rem pemp bemp temp demp chemp jemp -J?*- kernp gemp remp peng beng teng deng cheng *s*~ _/2*~ ^. _-\. r _-_._.^-.- Odd WORDS. path__\ path way _\ Bethany _\ teeth. death.. I CatholicIIOCI _ gothic_~V__ wreathe I " heath. f*_S__ push_\__ bush.V.. dash.l. cashier..^. .^^2. gush ^Z. htish eZ^)__ _ politic .N/lT balcony \ ____ dally __1^__ gallery barely -V^.^ tar__ I _ dare__l _ jar._/ - cargo. .T career_ w! /_ rear I /U /- dictum, j redeem chummy ./^\ jam ^-~> comedy n^_4__ gummv, /-N remedy ^/l.\_ panj tongue^ X^__ kingdom __rTV=v ring_^_"T_ hang. fudge. \^__ factory >s^_,_ . fng-V , fop.Vv^^. revoke >^>i vagaryv s'_ thatch jL thick___( thug t shabbily. V.. shock..^/ julep__^r\_ Caleb___jLA_ comic ^.-^ catnip.TTlX. naphtha .JTTN.- knob .V nudge. __/.. technic_L^__ calamity ^jTT_J calumny. THIRD POSITION. elk_ x_ alp___^r ink arch.J^. __ urge_I^\ avouch _J__ WORD-SIGNS. acquiesce _TT)__ actual. __^C_ anyhow company. continue J_ electricity _/" legible. y^A.. illegible ~ ""^^ i r regular _J\_ magazine. _xr>^__ magnanimnns ^-^ SENTENCES. He was too magnanimous to take the money that the poor boy owed him for the meal. A. --- < He put the catnip and the naphtha in a jug and ate the jam on a cake. / ~~ v ~"V v f / ! ^ He will continue in your company for a mile. 58 LESSON TEN SYLLABLES FORMED' BY JOINING TWO CURVED STROKES. FIRST POSITION SYLLABLES. feef fauf fif veef vauf vif theef thauf thif V V W V ^ ^ sheef shauf shif leef lauf lif meef mauf rv. A mif neef nauf nif feev fauv fiv veev vauv viv theev thauv thiv sheev shauv shiv leev lauv liv meev tnauv miv neev nauv niv feeth fauth fith veeth vauth vith sheeth leeth lauth lith meeth mauth mouth mith neeth nauth noth fish fosh veesh vaush vish leesh laush lish meesh maush mish neesh naush 59 nish feel fall fill veal vaul vol leel laul HI lol meel mawl mill mol neel nawl nol feer veer vaur sheer shawr leer meer neer s s s foam fim veem vim theem thim sheem shim .U. leem lim meem mim neem nim yeem fing ving thing shing ling ring ning ( ) s^*-' y^-' ^-^~ X^ ** ' ' FIRST POSITION SYLLABLES CONTAINING DIPHTHONGS. fife vife vive life nife five live nive file foil lile loil mile nile fire vire liar mre SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES. fuf lofe mafe muff nafe nuff fuv fev thev XT shave shove shuv lave lev mave mev moov nave nove nev noov fath feth veth sheth laath loth lath lale lole lul male mole nole nale fore far vore var zar zore share shore lore more mare mar nore fame fam fum vame vam vum them shame sham shum lame -Xr^x V^. --- ^=> ---- -t^. lome lum mame mam mum name fang vang thang shang lang rang mang nang 61 WORDS. fiftyh^ thief -\-_ chef_ J__ C; Vv_ ^y /<\v ( muffJTTL.- knife five^Jl, revive___^_ thievish__X^/ I ' > V 1 / I chevalier^^,^. move _>s~_ knavish_'_vL. J- ^7 -^^~7 V_ sheathe__C_ lath_/_I mammoth L_ beneath_i^I /\~ ^' reveal__ y^___ shale_^l__^,_ chenille_^^__ revere____JT^ Czar__) _ pillar ish.x^r^. Bedlam __v_._ memory ^r*rcv name_ > _ x cr^ // Shanghai y^ earth TX earl_J7x anthem_^rf_. ( ? SYLLABLES EXPRESSED BY JOINING THREE STROKES. pink bink tink dink chink jink kink gink \^> O O ^> **s~ rink hink think shink link mink nink rink monk rank shank hank donk tank punk lunch /^~ J S^~~ -^~>*fjr--^ ----- \ZJ~" *"' junk 62 WORDS. hank.c/C^T. tank_^ chunky kink! ._ launch.J", WORD-SIGNS. failure _vL__^__ forever and ever.Js^ junior .___. S_ i languish /T?__ punctual_X^r- anguish_v^_ New York.llTl. SENTENCES. He will leave New York for Shanghai, China, tomorrow. He bought a jar of jam, and ate it on the cake. ._*. He had a long rope which he tied to a pole on the beach. For a joke he rang the bell in the tower. 63 LESSON ELEVEN SYLLABLES COMMENCING AND ENDING WITH "S." The sounds of "s" or "z" when commencing or ending a syllable are expressed by a small circle, which may be attach- ed to all syllable stems. It is written on the right side of downward strokes, on the left side of upward strokes, on the upperside of horizontal strokes, and within curved strokes. pes bes tes des ches jes kes ges hes res J? ____ t ____ .P ____ Q ----- D --- _xx - --- *-- --- fes ves thes sees shes les ars mes nes ens ways yeas spes sebs stes seds sechs sejs .^.. E.-.. L...,/..../ seks segs sels sers sems sens sengs sways semp _6 ----- _fi__ ^ra _ _ - The "s" circle is written on the outside of angles. custody,."^ ___ dispatch..^. ___ discuss _______ dusty __ JL ___ When the circle occurs between two curved strokes it may follow the direction of either. incense ^Trx V vessel _\^_ pencil _\.^ miser saucerlA 64 When the circle occurs between a straight stroke and a curve it should be written within the curve. S^ x . / s^ Edison I reason basin __?c_-t chosen _^t_ sake.q. i . _ safe_JL^_ When the circle ends a word, it is read last of all. I /O 9 r V dose_t lace_^j_ mouse^^_ race_^<__ case o._ lace.x*^. > s^? Q_4 /^ZA savages -^-' matches. ^L^ latchesyl gesp rings pinks spank spanks tanks chunks _r> /^ V_^-* III lunks slunks kinks honks shanks skanks hesk resk_Z_77~_ WORDS. asm_2c^__ received ______ stay __ / ___ said __ I __ sage __ X. .*^._ save_JS--__ same.ozr^^.- sane_5Lt> __ seethe __ C ___ sir_rTX_ cerise ______ space. _^So._ stay __ L; ___ stays __ Jl__ -t */> f* messages__<_ ___ sages_^_ __ ^^ sells ___ 6 ____ sneeze smokes ^=%_JD_ task.J __ gasp_T7x_ slings _____ slumps_^___ ^~^\ S~^^ /^\ - v cellar.^ ___ \_ celery __(i ____ slavic_jl_V__ capsule ____ _\a_ )j captious. __X>_ pepsin _\._ ___ science ________ desk. I ____ /. __ give us just had __ S- ___ must be_^^ ____ ^ anything else ___ ^.JQ ^ ^ I am :_ income.^. domesticAr31_ et cetera (etc.)__L^ SENTENCES. Sir: Send us by mail bill for 10 kegs of nails. Yours truly. 68 He was a senior at Yale and said he was anxious to go into business. He will mail us the subject of his speech to-morrow. o x_T\ f O \f. N. He had too much sympathy for the boy to take his small remittance. It is impossible for us to have him come here to-day. Vo ^ He will speak on the subject of the Income tax to-morrow 69 LESSON TWELVE "SES" CIRCLE SYLLABLES. The syllables "ses," "sus," "cis," "sys" and "zes" are ex- pressed by' a large circle four times the size of the l 's" circle, and can be joined to any straight, slanting or curved syllable, stem or syllable formed of more than one stroke, thereby ad- ding the syllable "ses" to any syllable stem to which the large circle may be attached. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. voices, taxes, thesis, bases, necessity, ceases, guesses, masses, raises, nieces, Sorosis, fusses, teases, chases, revises, carouses, vices, novices, chastises, it is necessary, it is as, it has as SENTENCES. He saw Coxes' army in Texas. He will leave for the United States in May. I hope he will send us the molasses as soon as possible. The boy teases his nieces and chases the geese He carouses in the houses of his nieces and chastises the boy because he notices his vices. He thinks it is necessary to speak to the masses on the subject of the high taxes. He thinks it is as large as the United States Army. A synopsis of his speech will be sent to the United States Senate. He arises and arouse!; the ire of the masses. He will go to his offices to make a diag- nosis of the case. 70 PRONUNCIATION OF SYLLABLES WITH "SES" CIRCLE ADDED. (First position syllables). ^ ^ ^. /* peeses___V_ pauses__j : r_ bosses.. _ teeses__5^ L L /' / tosses 5^ deeses___V_ cheeses fr _ jeeses__Q._ kisses.l .. kauses_'_. _ rises 1_ hisses,' _ feeses . > c) r) ttl&fiCfiC. Cf*(*Cf*t: ^"^ O?k \1G(*Q ^ ^ C 1 7f* lllCCbCo^. M . oCCoCo aaUoCo^ _ . al^Cs,, , ~ ~^ 6 leeses__ misses __ neeses weeses__ yeeses SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES. pases__j?Q__ poses. _^O__ bases. _Sb-- dases__D_ doses __ 13. . chases ___ iJ__ chooses. ____ cases__Q_ ___ gazes O ___ razes __^2__ roses __/5__ hoses __ Q_ vases _>sO. susies___<2-_ ___ laces ___ cT___ loses__^T_ ___ maces __ /t ___ ... nooses -^. SYLLABLES FORMED BY TWO STROKES WITH "SES" CIRCLE ADDED. kepses JI^^O jepses X^__^__ tekses LJd bokses N k __Q kokses _ ^ WORDS CONTAINING "SES" CIRCLE. ^ <_ r lr _ pieces_____ pauscs__y__ teases__^rL_ dices_____ caoses__' races___ sausage r___ decisive J^r__ exhaust.. ntL, exercise JT^: emphasize>d\ ig) _ When the $ound of "s" follows the syllable "ses" the small "s" circle may be-continued within the "ses" circle. exercises -TYjx. - successes .o^- possesses.^), recesses,^.. __ WORDS WRITTEN IN THE THIRD POSITION. axes. __Q___ offices ___\^__ opposes. \. ___ abysses __ arises. P_ __ arouses_^^__ WORD-SIGNS. O as has ___ D ____ is his _______ i as soon as__Q,X. ___ United . __ necessary _______ as soon as possible. ourselves .1 __ yourselves __ j_ __ LESSON THIRTEEN "ST" AND "SD" LOOP. The sound cf "st" when commencing or ending a syllable is expressed by a long, narrow loop, attached to the syllable stem. PRONUNCIATION OF SYLLABLES WITHOUT VOWELS. BE- GINNING AND ENDING WITH THE "ST" AND "SD" LOOP. step \.._ steb_,\_,_ stet../_ ^._ . best__Nt>_ . test_.._b_. . dest_.JL__i, steth__ll <^ stan. chest __ ^ __ jest __ ___ Rest __ a __ gest.^^j, __ rest __ _ vest__Vo.._ tnest ___ i)^_ .. kekst 73 WORDS CONTAINING SYLLABLES ENDING WITH "ST" AND "SD" LOOP; WRITTEN IN FIRST, SECOND OR THIRD POSITIONS, ACCORDING TO PRONUNCI- ATION OF FIRST SYLLABLE IN WORD. steep __ _!__ state ___ ( ___ stub___\__ stud ___ L__ stage_/__ __ si _^r-__ stuff__vL_ stiff *~ stellar. 7____ star__7^__ steam_ _____ stitch__ ____ stem_c2^N__ > * ' Nr i^ Nt sting stung_A_x__ post___X; pieced ... paste__3i-_ taste__(i__ tasty__|__ moist_lTl__ moisty^Tl---- rust_^c_ __ _^^X_ dust __ b ___ dusty__t ___ writs ______ rest_^___ , aroused^_y^_ ___ test ___ h _____ attest.l _____ j_ __ adjust., i ___ accost...^. arrest_y2 __ atheist_.Y__ coaxed ._^ = >_ taxed_JL*a_. boxed V-H/ effaced. _W-_ manifest. __V^_ industry ____ . c ___ costly _ stylish foremost.^C _ earnest. I\_^_ tapestry _\_/-_ \v finest _______ vainest. ^v^,. utmost. I ____ starling J^V_T_ pastry ,^^___ ghostly. .^^^L storm_?;\^__ justify. _ vastly__Ss=yc detest. _\ ... stealth _jlL__ chemist__ 74 -I '< r- noticed.^.JL. richest ______ steel _____ stale __ _ ___ tester ___ u ____ dester __ Jb ___ Chester. _L ___ jester__^_ __ kester___^3 ___ gester __ s-^ tester ___ 1 ^___ hester ____ ____ fester __ jc^ ___ vester __ 5ct __ thester ___ jl __ sester__^ ____ lester __ C-_ __ mester __ ^^^. WORDS. poster__JS}__ boaster__NQ __ toaster__4$ ___ duster f ester Chester, jd _ Custer ^-^ arrester __ O_ // '/ / oyster_fl ___ Sylvester ______ mister _______ Nestor. _ yesterday _M_ __ manifesdyrTtnSa-BaxterX^^O- tipster -~-^O s~~^ . minister ______ ministers _____ tipsters 77 WORD-SIGNS. unconscious. /_ systematic Justice of the Peace__o/_. significant insignificant falsehood___4 postmaster_^C5> most SENTENCES. He was unconscious so she sent for the Justice of the Peace. X S It is a most important and significant fact that she saw him J- take systematic exercises each day. .L -L. ._-^.._l._t. She made an oyster pie for the minister. J \ ^ ^^ _-^__....^._ ^-^f?-*- 78 LESSON FIFTEEN ASPIRATE "H"; "ING" DOT; DISJOINED SYLLABLES. The syllables taken up in this lesson, commence with the aspirate "h/' which is expressed by a small slanting tick, writ- ten in such a manner as to form a sharp angle with the syllable stems to which it is attached. It is always written and read first. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. Harlem, Hickey, hire, hole, ham, hammock, hale, whack, whiskey, huckster, checking, bathing, saving, sneezing, smok- ing, gasping, slinging, pacing, emphasizing, opposing, arising, shaving, whipping, moving, saving, facing, erasing, sending, exercising, doing, meetings, hanging, feeling, dated, aided, tooted, booked, looked, poppy, jockey, foggy, Maggie. SENTENCES. He will pay the bill if the establishment will ship the goods immediately. Jim Hickey will emphasize the advantages of systematic early rising in his speech on health. He whacked at the hornet and hit the hermit. He took the whiskey and whistled in the hall for the jockey. 79 SYLLABLES BEGINNING WITH ASPIRATE "H." _2^X^ harped __\, .^O^, hak . hakd_^^_ __ heg_j_; __ (Syllables beginning with "wh" which have a sound of "hw.") whep__7\_ ___ whepd __ 7X: ___ wheb __ _7\..__ whek __ J^ WORDS. hackney.* ^..^ \\t\\o_^C_ __ halo_i/5l __ hall ______ hardy__!l. whim \ hornet. _^X^- whiskey V whistle. 80 DISJOINED SYLLABLES. The syllables "tute," "tude," "ted," "ded," when occur- ring in words where the shortening principle could not be distinguished, may be disjoined and written close to the word of which they form- a part. deeded notated__^TI/|._ rotated.^/?!. dictated.JL- destitute L l They may also be disjoined to show past tense.- popped. \, ___ kicked _______ cooked __ . __ judged __ .j ___ \ ' * \_ ___ i - picked _______ hooked __ c_^_- tacked.^L,^ __ checked __ racked^ jdll studied ied _f ____ II To express the last syllable in words such as "baby," "chubby/* "buggy," the last stroke of the preceding syllable may be repeated. baby.V tippy. _S^_ chubby. / buggy \ cookie.. In reading, the syllable form of two strokes is read first, the remaining syllable stroke last, as follows: Babe-by, tip-py, chub-by, kook-ky. The syllable "ing," when ending a word is expressed by a dot, written at the end of the syllable it follows: . . I \ v S\ doing J-_ being paying _\ reaping saying Jl laying, /il repaying '_ delaying n singing picking sticking stuffing >*.._ f ^ listing wresting. _.^_ detesting. _ I wronging.^t'J- ) /A o seeing '_ repeating "__ sending. _tvr__ saving. __Sr-. taking. J making. ^z^. loving. /^\_, The syllable "ly" may be disjoined when convenient, justly __^-__ vastly _V WORD-SIGNS. feature. _ future___\ fact___v____ establish.. establishment astonishment. _J__ . astonish.}. immediately.. ^___ immediate. ^T... under_^___ hand 82 LESSON SIXTEEN "W" AND "Y" COALESCENTS. Syllables commencing with the sound of "w" and "y" followed by the sound of a vowel, are called coalescents, and are expressed by small semicircles, which can express a syl- lable in themselves, or form part of a syllable by being at- tached to syllable stems. These semicircles are made both light and heavy ; the heavy semicircles express the sounds of long vowels, the light semicircles express the sounds of the short vowels. The direc- tions in which these semicircles are turned show the kind of a vowel whether a dash or dot vowel. "W" COALESCENTS. Syllables commencing with "w" containing the sound of a heavy dot vowel, are expressed by heavy semicircles, opening to the right. Syllables commencing with "w" followed by the sound of a heavy dash vowel, are expressed by heavy semicircles, opening to the left. Syllables comhiencing with "w" followed by the sound of a light dot vowel, are expressed by light semicircles, opening to the right. Syllables commencing with "w" followed by the sound of a light dash vowel, are expressed by light semicircles, opening to the left. "Y" COALESCENTS. Syllables commencing with "y" followed by the sound of a heavy dot vowel, are expressed by heavy semicircles, opening at the top. Syllables commencing with the sound of "y" followed by the sound of a heavy dash vowel, are expressed by heavy semicircles, opening at the bottom. Syllables commencing with "y" followed by the sound of a light dot vowel, are expressed by light semicircles, opening at the top. 83 "W" COALESCENTS. FIRST POSITION SYLLABLES (Light and heavy). ' < "A . wee _ swee weep____ sweep sweet weed _____ . __ sweed ___ !_ ___ weeve____ri ____ weel ___ (___ f~ * ^ y ? weeld ______ wau ______ wasp__\_ __ wauk ______ wauf____-__. j c & e c swash_-r_ ___ wi _______ wis _______ swi _______ wit ______ wid ______ width___ ___ wich ______ swich ______ with _____ V \ V 1 swif_. _____ swift . wiv_. _ swiv____r__. with ___ T. wish wing , swing. SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES. woo _> swoo__?_ wave__v__._, wade__] wafe j_>__ wave__V_.__ wathe____s swope__\__ woke__i WOO___JL__ wet j swet__l wed__J "Y" COALESCENTS. FIRST POSITION SYLLABLES (Light and heavy). * T r v 4 yee yeel yeeld yi__ yid___* *J J yish yo__ yot_. SECOND POSITION SYLLABLES. yale __ yank_ yang_^___ yore__ v d\. yooth ,_X_. >-^- WORDS CONTAINING ABOVE SYLLABLES. Sweeney *_ \veep___ sweep___ sweetish \^L^ \ 1 V. f- weeding ? Swede__L weave wield *-* * 71 Suwanee." walk switch witty J . widow witch swift swinging . . 1 4- K* wavy__V 51 ^_ woke_ji yoke ^ Utah I Delia__J Dorothea. JA^_.. Heu_/TT pew__No The coalescents may be used to vocalize words in the same way as the vowels. _^_ refusing _____ . refusal ___ -. beautify __ >C ___ abuse. V V The coalescents may be joined when occurring in the middb of a word. bewitch. x___ mutilate _^^__ bureau. *__ liquid /mL _ puny_\s^_ The coalescent "you" may be inverted, as in eucharist_ _ ^new.,,^. renew ^/_lT cute -- ,*__ jute__/ WORD-SIGNS. c c we ______ with ______ were__c ___ would__j>___ what u r ye ______ year ______ yet__u ___ beyond _______ you \e \v useful__v___ you and I ______ herewith. PHRASES. 9 *> with the ________ with as _____ as with the__._. what is. the ______ what was the__4_ what would be V _i would a ._>. were the__y__ you woul we send you we sent you_ 86 Syllables commencing with "y" followed by the sound of a light dash vowel, are expressed by light semicircles, opening at the bottom. The words "way," "woo," "yea" are expressed by the syllable strokes "way" and "yea" instead of semicircles. The "s" circle can be written within semicircles, either beginning or ending a semicircle. The coalescents can be used in the same way as vowels, in vocalizing a word, where it is inconvenient to attach them to the syllable stems. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. waif, walk, walking, war, war-path, wardrobe, ward, wasp, wave, weal, weave, web, wed, wedding, weed, weedy, weep, wisp, witty, wizard, witch, wooded, yarjt^y, yell, yelk, yelp, yore, yule. Y ari ^ yacht, Yankee, Eugenia, Richlieu, Utica, estuary, usurp, width, eulogy, washing, Eureka, emulate, fuse, nephew, swivel, Washoe, youngish, yank, mule, swift, swiftly, lithia, execute, acute, accuse, abuse, sweaty, Ulysses, washes, weighty. SENTENCES. What would be the advantage of having the Yankee ride all the way to Eureka to meet his nephew? The cute wasp stung the swift mule on the ear. What is the width of your shoe? What would you say were you to hear that we were with her all of the year? She said her name was Dorothea Sweeney, and that she would see you on the date of the wedding at her home in Utica, New York State. Sir: Your invoice showing cash sales for the month of August received, and I am sorry to state that it is impossible to send you the deposit receipts, for the reason that they were sent to the bank on last Tuesday. I am sending you herewith check for $24. Acknowledge receipt as soon as possible. Yours truly, 87 LESSON SEVENTEEN L" HOOK SYLLABLES. The syllables in this lesson are expressed by hooked stems. In syllables where the sound of "1" directly follows and blends with the sound of the consonant preceding it, "1" is expressed by a small hook, written on the right side of down- ward strokes, on the upper side of horizontal strokes and within curved strokes. The hook is formed first, the syllable continued with one stroke. Hooked stems always express the blended sounds of two consonants. The hook on the syllables "pla," "fla," "rel," "mel," "nel" is made much larger than the hook on the other strokes and these syllables should be memorized thoroughly in order to write them without hesitation when outlining a word. The syllable "shel" is written upward. The "s" circle can be written within the hook. When a circle and a hook occur at an angle in the middle of a word, the circle is made first, and the hook also clearly shown by making it a little higher. PRONUNCIATION OF "L" HOOK SYLLABLES. pel pla bcl bla tel de) chel jel kel gel fel JL^-_VA-.L-..L-Z--/1..*^ L. fla vel thel shel mel nel rel ^L w. >~ X ! * flop iL^- pilch \ , plech _\ pelch__\. blech__V._. O ^ ^ ^ ^Z - r k -^~ e "S^- s e P et -^-- C C ., f.. r O <^ i ^ ^ ' ~J r^ c o f ~: i-j r* plesh ^j-- belsh X blesh ^v-- klsh_ J ^L felsh_A>,_, dm_/^_, plemp__S^r^_ blemp_^r. f** C* ._ pling bling kling gling fling plink__ _ blink.. _ klink__ The "s" circle can be written within the "1" hook. ._ sevl_____ fles vp vels__^ 9 C /__ plops.JV ^o felps__V bleshes- _\- kleshes__IZ plers__\_ klers ^" ] s.-^Ly.^- plenks_X_ spels _So skels_Sp_ SHORTENED SYLLABLES. pelts_Js^__ plets_S.. smelts 90 WORDS WRITTEN IN POSITION. ^ ^ c;, plea plead ply plied plow__:\\_ blow Ss__ total Ji delicate clay_x^_ glovv.^. rs^ fly flo ^ canal Phelps__x. _ flops. J No / t "NJ reels fills floss__V^__ pills splash __J\._ snail _.__,__ civil __X_ flocks JL__o c* -J ^^V blithe A. cloth. _TI___ blushes _V clashes *? s. ^ clears glares. ___I^__ plums__bv-r^ clams < ^~^~\ ^- clumsy J_ film flemish^. glimpse flopped_5L_ skilled _______ blessed __ _^ __ classed c ^-> placed __ _ plaits S__ fleets ^ fleeced blister cloisterJl plausible __ reasonable infidel plateau _^s,_ unravel. __X,_ galvanize _TVw > ..p glorify. H flimsy >__ pleases please pleased s; pleats 91 When a vowel is placed before a hooked stem the vowel is read first. able L. awful__-XL_ eagle_____ amiable.^.. Ethel.. ^___ When a vowel is placed after a hooked stem it is read last. blue X clay__c_ plausible. __^ table ___. label J^\. gable. r?L- WORD-SIGNS. \ c comply people _!s.__ belong _V^__ it will. until ___ L ___ at all ___ r ___ deliver ____ f ____ delivery /? c __ each will ______ which will..,/!., much will __ / __ equal difficult. _c ___ glory. _< ___ glorious ,- follow __ ^ collect .!_____ collectable.*?!^^. C.O.D._!rfr'_. rely.S^.. .. reality.S^J.. raiL.cZ. roll.^/. c ,/ , rule __ y/ ___ only ________ unless__S^-? ___ develop.. JL-- most likely_^ro^n bill of lading__ < C__ The same rules for placing vowels on single, double and triple stroke syllables apply to hooked syllables. 92 WRITE FOR CORRECTION. play, place, places, placed, plague, plateau, platonic, playful, pleural, plight, plumage, plummet, black, blade, blame, blanket, blaze, bleak, clammy, clang, clay, claw, clergy, click, client, cling, entitle, enclose, ennoble, English, entangle, fable, facial, faithful, final, flag, flank, flash, flesh, flimsy, flitch, Florida, fly, flea, flame, glare, glory, gleam, glee, globe, maple, medical, model, Plato, Clara, flew, float, reasonable relent, plural, declivity, diplomacy, classical, physical, climb, chattel, title, total, totally, juggle, inflame, glory, float, sample, reply, oblige, spiral, camel, canal, relish, details, emphatical, clear, small, galvanized, supply, possible, black, bless, blush, cloth, pleased, flanges, postal, supplied, including, shovel, disclose, payable, table, focal, vocal, enable, penalty, signals, envelope, Sheffield, blue, cycles, capable, apply, article, novel, salable, nautical, rifle, visible, gospel, rascal, splice, knell, barrel, glide, fly, flies, sable, oval, animal, pay-roll, classified, bottle, me- dicinal, chemically, notable, notably, plus, vegetable, split, clearly, duplex, unbleached, available, alphabetical, bevel, duplicate, optical, novelty, initial, arrival, cyclopedia, double, original, local, horizontal, tumble, glass, label, shingle, shackle, model, included, floor, angle, replace, rambling, capital, devil, liable, vital, labeler, railway, Reynolds, closed, staple, Bible, table, tackle, glass, clash, buckle, able, chapel, plea, please, pleases, ripple, bleak, evil, flee, oval, bleach, Flora, flies, nibble, claw, claim, club, blaze, total, title, glee, chattel, climb, physical, classical, diplomacy, declivity, plural, relent, reasonable, unreasonable, Plato, plateau, juggle, inflame, fluency, glory, flimsy, float, fleet, flew, Clara, Plato. SENTENCES. I recollect that the check for the deed was made col- lectable on delivery. It is difficult to suppose that he will place a claim for damages in the hands of his lawyer. The rule he must obey will cause him to arise at 6 a. m. each day. If not delivered by next Tuesday, it may not be deliv- ered at all. 93 LESSON EIGHTEEN F" OR "V" HOOK. The sound of "f" or "v" when ending a syllable, is ex- pressed by a small hook, written at the end of straight, slant- ing or horizontal strokes. It is NOT attached to curves. The. "f" or "v" hook is written on the right side of down- ward strokes, on the left side of upward strokes, and on the upper side of horizontal strokes. The "s" circle may be placed within the "f" hook. F" or "V" HOOK SYLLABLES. pef bef tef def chef jef kef gef ref hef pefs befs tefs defs chefs jefs kefs gefs -_\S ____ \3 _____ li _____ fe _____ A ____ A ______ 2 refs hefs peft beft teft deft cheft jeft keft _Z____^ ____ \^___N* ____ \t ____ I _____ L _____ L ____ ^_ geft reft heft 94 WORDS. puff__\i__ puffs_Aa.__ tough__L ___ chief ? cave __ a__ ca\ r es__2>__ heave__l" ___ heaves ___ .!__ cuff __ =__ cuffs __ a__ chaff ___ __ caved__a ___ puffed__\>__ Taft__L ___ *y chaffed__ men /__ .. therl _.fX __ dreai ___ *- ^ rear _____ --^ f rear -^^ x y ^^^. <^>~^ ..^^!. __ merar _____ TJV_ mearar _____ 7\..prem_ term__i^v_ trem __ Lr=^ derm __ \^-=^ drem __ ]r=^_ grem 98 t>, ____ frang__ 7 .__ prenk ^^^ hrenk *A^ trenk__\_^__ __ drenk __ \_ shrank. WORDS CONTAINING THE FOREGOING SYLLABLES. percale_ < } s v_ _ pra.vity__V_ ___ berry_J\^ __ bracket_I\__ __ terminate _1 Nt _,_ traduce __ I ____ dermis__Lra __ draggle. _j. __. Jersey __ 2_ __ ^ kernel.cT^v-- ^ a Sf er __ n ___ cravet____V. __ gravity _ ( ET!k r _ ferocity ^^j.. fragile_5I^ __ verbaLJT^.^ thermaL.Xr^. throttle.O __ sherbet.^ ___ shrubbery _^Xj mermaid _crrv=k_ nourish __ ^3... propagate..X__ abruptly_C\__ trapping __ L _____ drop ___ L ____ chirp __ ^/l.,. carp__I\_ __ crape.fllX. grip_I_A __ Thorp __ 9 ____ i-athrop_^TJ_ __ ; \ sharp __ ^ ____ probe...:^- __ barb __ *\. ___ bribe___N^ ____ , disturb__Jj ___ tribe__V __ drab __ L. __ curb.T__X_ crib ___ \_ garb_^TI\.- grab____^_ Forbes.f^^ ___ frippery___V__x_ verb__T^ ___ throb __ 3 ____ shrub __ J_ ___ perch __ I^y ____ (\ preach_^_ ____ torch.1 ____ treachery __ \--^-- church_/^_ ___ : crutch ___ /___ march..^-/ ___ lurch__^zZ. __ purge__!\ ___ , 99 prejudice. _ A bridge. _yi George. / gorge X. cv. e ^~> C\ . , \ forge___N merge____X_ park__>y prick ^ \ i 1_ Burke X-__ break __ A Turk I trick dirk ..I drake .._jL-^ cork c '. crack.: 2L fork JV=^._ freak shriek lark.J^II. purgatory 1\, pregnable. X-^t f\ V ^ \ ^\ intrigue drag__JU__ cragj shrug _/. troth 1 dearth A Hi girth.."^... GretheL.flT... forth...^.. froth mirth. .___ north..*!^. trash L_ c rush __^/^ credits fresh____J\__ thrash J marsh ^ pearl I\.._ pearly rVTl burlesque'Vn~umbrellari^\^rcurl_r~^_ curly j=^L, girLSTl mongrelC^grillJlT furl^. frill.^.. thrUL^.. Merle C- prayer. !\-_ brier. _7^_. _ betrayer_V. ^> ^\ drear _A crier grayer.^.lJN friar...!^.. shearer..-^, nearer JL promenade_jVr^^* term__lrrv tremble. _tr^. dormitory .1^^.. dream grim ._ bring 100 n a ._J^C-_ drinker throng__4^___ prank__. trinket 'U brink trunk. _l_^__ drink -N .\^^ = shrunk _^/^_^ decrease escrow __\___ The "s" circle may be written within the "r" hook on curved strokes. smear sneer severe _TX snarl. smirk slur__^ WORD-SIGNS. appear principle !\ practice < X_ truth J true o doctor , dear j during *l each are which are__/___ danger J? larger 7_. cure care__c^rr_ occur.. ----- degree from_l^l_. every very.JTN. their J they are__^ f\ C ~\ other ^ pleasure /_ measure Mr. remark more____ ,- humor _^_^ manner s.^.. owner ._ merciful_l_v ;5 _ remarkable.^ c_^ coirect character.crrm everythingfZN^ proper _J\ _. property _\ probable _y_ probability _\_ practical !\ courageous _ universe.Ji^. universal S*^ci_ your favor ^C_ 101 WRITE FOR CORRECTION. purr, pry, burr, burly, birdie, Brady, Burney, brainy, Terry, trolley, teacher, preacher, Jerry, kernel, cranium, girdle, gravy, furtile, frugal, fervid, frazzle, thirty, glazier, Gilmer, nurse, purse, terse, tress, press, cur, cried, gray, great, treat, treaty, traded, dinner, banner, refer, fry, fried, vibrate, Rich- ard, Detroit, burner, reaper, tanner, lunar, wager, preacher, broke, church, Murphy, normal, rumor, cheaper, lover, taper, labor, neighbor, Gaynor, cater, gutter, chatter, batter, verge, nourish, nurture, nerve, marble, morgue, murmur, hammer, Hebrew, tenor, brow, traitor, crow, odor, prairie, trial, paper, euchre, terminate, trapper, archer, maker, baker, taker, rocker, river, fisher, tighter, tutor, butter, crutch, crater, courteous, courtesy, dredge, price, market, proposed, regarding crushers, prison, person, proceedings, inform, form, frame, charge, terminus, increase, treating, purchase, cargo, birds, presume, trap, paper, imported, parcels, vertical, ferry, record, drills, engineer, armature, alternating, makers, perceptible, percent- age, Thursday, indicator, percent, present, endorsed, sulphur, free, copper, flashers, approximate, collar, scholar. SENTENCES. He has a remarkable personality. The doctor said he was the owner of the automobile that injured the baker. Dear Sir: Your favor of the 10th inst. received. I am sending you to-day a crate of fowls to be cared for until they are called for by the owner. I am enclosing invoice and bill of lading, which please file. Please advise me as soon as the birds arrive. Trusting to hear from you, I am, Yours truly. Dear Sir: We acknowledge receipt of your favor giving nautical miles from the Battery to various places, and thank you for your prompt reply to our request. Yours truly. 1 02 LESSON TWENTY "SPER" SYLLABLES. When "s" precedes the syllables "per," "her," "ter," "der," "cher," "sjer,". "sker," "sger" the circle is written on the "r" hook side of the syllable stem, closing the "r" hook, and forming the syllables "sper," 'sber," "ster," "sder," "scher," "sjer," "sker," "sger." This principle will not conflict with the "s" circle syllables, as the "s" circle is always written on the right side of downward strokes, left side of upward strokes, and upper side of horizontal strokes. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. spree, spry, spray, stray, straight, street, stream, spring, strike, scrape, struggle, prosper, destroy, distress, screw, scribe, stretcher, scrupulous, strip, extreme, sprig. SENTENCES. She saw a straight stream near the spring. In distress she struggled to express the surprise she felt at the magistrate for exaggerating the facts of the case. The scrupulous lady was disturbed by the news-boys shouting about the extra papers on the street. The spray from the stream added moisture to the air. She stretched the string across the straight street at the extreme corner. BUSINESS LETTER. Dear Sir: We have your favor of the 28th inst., and wish to state that our stock and buildings were destroyed by fire on the 15th, last. We would like to have you send us an itemized statement showing debits and credits of everything of ours that is on your books. On receipt of same we will check it up and cheque will be sent in the course of a few days. Yours truly, 103 SYLLABLES FORMED BY CLOSING THE "R" HOOK ON STRAIGHT AND SLANTING STEMS ONLY. V__ spert__A._ ster ___ J__ stert schert ___ ?... sker_^rr-__ sger__0ri^_ sgert_jrr:_. spres__j*a __ sprets.J^o. __ stres ___ \ __ strets __ _ strech ___ J ____ skerch__fl/l__ sperj __ f\ ___ sterj ____ 3 ___ skerj ____ /_ __ sprem __ _\cr> __ strem strems __ jtr* ___ skrem __ orrf?_ WORDS FORMED FROM ABOVE SYLLABLES. spry sprite spur__J\ spurt__SS. c\. o spray x stray r straight T skirts . . o r ~ >v a '~" a skirts sr^.^ scream * screams scratch. 6 1" 1 stress b street streets * straps \ scraps ____\j stretch J stream 104 cr ___!___ When any of the "sper" syllables occur in the middle of a word, the circle and hook are written separately. exaggerate, .n"^. ___ disturb ____ I ____ express ____ ^No--- l ' Distribute __ _L._ __ magistrate __ ^/?- __ When found more legible, the large "tra" hook may be used insted of "ster." strata ) sturdy j scorch /__ scratch. I OsV spurt f^ sprite WORD-SIGNS. *%> 9 express surprise. __\a_ suppressjr\_ external J describe . secure orr^_ consider .1. . sister _1. 105 LESSON TWENTY-ONE "N" HOOK SYLLABLES. The sound of "n" when ending a syllable is expressed by a small hook placed at the end of all syllables on the LEFT side of DOWNWARD strokes, and LOWER side of HORI- ZONTAL strokes, the opposite side to that on which the "f" hook is placed. The "n" hook can be attached to all syl- lable stems, differing- from the "f" hook, which is attached to straight and slanting strokes only. When the sound of "s" follows an "n" hook syllable, the circle is written on the "n" hook side of straight and slanting strokes, closing the "n" hook to express "ns." On curved strokes it is written within the "n" hook. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. pain, Spain, pansy, banjo, bandbox, bandit, bandy, bantam, tenant, tend, tendency, tennis, tense, tenth, tenure, tinge, dandy, density, dental, chance, joiner, enjoin, disjoin, candy, skinny, dance, danced, chanced, fans, lines, mens, pertaining, department, engine, ton, tonnage, bonds, documents, amount, machine, depend, beacons, obtain, promontory, written, origin, accordance, guaranteed, bending, specimens, taken, balance, assistance, mine, response, line, resistance, evidence, payment, funds, depending, wooden, demanding, manufacturers, memo- random, American, kind, shipment, discount, ocean, agency, appointed, certain, thirteen, cartons, finest, ornithological, menace, Elgin, stand, pound, obtain, cotton, abundant, ben- zoate, fountain, organ, Oregon, gallon, standard, cement, supplement, benefit, means, outline, outlined, London, reckon, yarn, mitten, linen, lingerie, plain, bones, serpentine, buttons, finish, unfinished, experiments, garments, decline, splendid, harden, iron, Boston, spinning, minimum, turpentine, mineral, wagon, endorsement, pending, installment, applicant, joining, retain, thence, fence, lance, insure, substance, Nevins, flattened, fatten. 106 SYLLABLES FORMED WITH "N" HOOK. pe'n ben ten den chen jen ken gen ren .A-,-Ai J -.,/ _ WORD-SIGNS. happen ______ punishment__^ ___ spoken_/^> ___ behind ____ / J could not._-3u_. better not_^/?__ is at hand_ _____ did not ____ . don't ___ \ CLj) ^r squash__,I,Z quiver wilderness queen equator_^r_3_ quarto _1~_T_N__ quadrille_TI,}__ swindle __. tweezers. WORD-SIGNS. f x- we will ___ _ ____ while^, _______ well ___ d ____ when whence _______ we are _______ where__X_ aware__ /__ require, XL __ requirement _,/_ __ wherewith wherever _cL keshun riD geshun TT3 reshun_^ heshun feshun.Ao veshun_.>O_ ithshun L theshun Jo leshun L_ arshun__xX. washun _^ yeshun (JL COMPARISON OF WORDS SHOWING HOW THE "SHUN" HOOK IS ADDED: stay ___ t ____ station __ Jl ____ no ___ ^^ ___ notion __ ._^l_^ lotion__/j_ ___ ray__^^f___ ration ___^:__ The "shun" hook may be written in the middle of words. dictionary^. _ additional ___ I _ auctioneer rr^rv optional__\__ s r The "shun hook is generally placed on the side oppo- site to a vowel, circle, loop, or hook. section_?TD__ portion __!\1_ relation _6/__ depletion .A. ___ recollection __/l_ x ___ expression __ T^CX __ specification __j^__ proportion _\\ ____ 116 When the sound of "s" follows the sound of "shun" the "s" circle is written within the hook. sections. ^753. sessions_i operations j\2 format ion sT^ e^>_ presentations __V_^. locations./ 19 dedication __| The "shun" hook is always written within CURVES. _4 novation lT5o_- invasion fashion__\O>__ nomination CJ _~ elevation. /I injunction.^;? When the sound of "tiori"' folio ~j \,.t sound of "s." "ses," "st," "ns," it is written by continuing the circle half- way on the other side of the stem. The circle and small hook formed in this manner is called the "sition" hook. physician decision precision. __:__ cessation.^ accusation _.__ possession _j^>_ position__Se_ sensations & ^ WORD-SIGNS. objection __Nj__ attention. I generation __6i_ mention _r~~i. information..^ situation ..if satisfaction. _P ^_,_ publication. \ examination _^C7l__ consideration. __U__^ \j dissatisfaction JQ your communication 0_ ^ & I f . r^ cross examination __. galv_ _ a._ glev_>^i_ perf__\x __ pref ___ \i__ berf_.__\,__ bref__\._ terf ___!_. tref ___ !/__ cherf ___ 2 ___ jerf__ ____ kerv__trr s ._ krev_^rri_ gerf__rr?_ gref__CT^_ speri__Ai __ spref __ A>__ stref__l ___ skerf __ srrf*. skref_^T__ pdn __ _^__ plen __ bi__ beln__^S__ blen_^ __ teln ___ J ____ deln ___ J ____ cheln_____ pren ___ A_ bern ___ ^ ___ bren __ ^ tern ___ 1 __ tren__i/ ___ chern__4/__ jern __ __ gern__CT2_ gren_jrrt?__ fern__7^ ___ fren ___ A them __ J ___ shern__i/__ mern__Cj>_- nern_j^_a._ lern_.0_ spern __ _i ____ spren ___ .i ____ stern ___ J _____ stren ___ J scern __ ^T3>__. sjern___<^ ___ skern __ ^ir>__ skren__C?_ twef __ Ju.__ dwef___\ __ kwef_c_-a_ gwef_^ W>_ wer wherf_^*/__ twen ___ I __ dwen __ J ___ kwen_Cs^. gwen_ weln__j^ ___ wern __ /?_<. sperns.J^ ____ sprens___^ strens^ ___ d ___ skerns.^c^i __ ferns __ _L^> ___ therns __ ju. merns __ c^>_ __ lerns __ j^_ ___ 119 WORDS CONTAINING ABOVE SYLLABLES. O A c -> bluff__\;_- delve__L calve_i_>__ chit , glove__c^>_ deprave__j^ brief.... turf..!... curve.cri. cravej^Tl. <^ ^ strife scarf ..icf*.. grarT__erf > __ plan__i>__ plenty. _^L. Elaine _X , clean J glean __'__-! mellon__C~>.__ prune Jk born...^.. branches..^ torn..] ?__ green _cr? L-^^l twenty__J queen..".." worn < spurn.__Ji. sprains & strains J* scorns. .sg ferns T^i._ frowns.!^ thorns__ learns.^. WORD-SIGNS. O ^ blunder___>. certain __tvi__ compliance darken Q deliberation J ,__ determine. _L determination. _L T V ordinary I each will have which will have__^_ ^> 2, eternal ^j fortunate larger than..? _ shorthand significance significant superintendent.^ unfortunate it will have secretary _t=/transfer__L_ 120 BUSINESS LETTERS. Gentlemen : Kindly let us have your best quotation on one Compression Tank System as shown on page 118 of your catalogue L, complete with measures. Engine to be 3 l / 2 horse power. Yours truly, Gentlemen : We have your advice that you have in stock one wheel, as described in your favor of the 21st ultimo. Kindly send this to us by express at the earliest possible mo- ment, with additional wheels on order. Yours truly, Gentlemen : Kindly advise when shipment will be made of order now in your hands for twenty kegs of special nails. Our customer is urging us for delivery, and threatens can- cellation, so we trust that you will advise us that nails have already gone forward. Yours truly, 121 LESSON TWENTY-FIVE "IN," "EN," "UN" TWIST. When the syllables "in," "un," "en," precede any of the "sper" series of syllables, or the syllables "sen," "sesh," "ser," "sem," the syllables "in," "en," "un," may be expressed by a small twist or half circle, turned on the opposite side from the "s" circle that begins the above syllables. This small twist or curl may be written in any convenient manner to form the following syllable. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. unscrutable, unsearchable, unseemly, unsettle, unsightly, unscrew, unscrupulous, insolubility, insobriety, unseemly, un- solicited, superannuate, supercillious, superdominate, superla- tive, superannuate, superinduce, superior, supercede, super- stition, supervene, "supervise, supervisor. BUSINESS LETTERS. Gentlemen : Your account has now reached a point where we are not in a position to extend future time We there- fore will give you until next Monday to make remit- tance. If same is not in our hands by that time action will be taken without delay. Yours truly, Gentlemen : Replying to yours of the 10th, you may tie in one bundle the three Extra Heavy Malleable Tees and forward same via American Express. You may also secure the heavy Malleable Ells at earliest moment and forward them when they arrive. Yours truly, 122 SYLLABLES COMMENCING WITH "IN," "EN," "UN." _J^\ ___ insber__*^___ inster ___ 3l_^_ insder ___ 7 inscher../? ___ insjer __ %~._., insker.^. _____ insger insen_. insesh ? _ insem_ inserjt'X. insel >_^ JJ~N~" \ WORDS CONTAINING ABOVE SYLLABLES. inspiration _i\x^_. instrument. _^_ _____ unstrung_Y ______ instruction. 4! _ inscribing^IxV.. insult_^rr__ insolent. -/^.- . insolvent. XTVj- .insomnia ______ answer.f^x _ 'TT^^^c/ The syllable '"super" is expressed by placing an "st" loop on the "r" hook side oT a syllable -stroke. WORDS COMMENCING WITH THE SYLLABLES "SUPER." supervise.A _ supervene_.\ _ supercede_JV>__ superintend JV__ WORD-SIGNS. in expressing _______ in describing _______ in securing we are not ______ in consideration _Jb ___ unseasonable. ___ unselfish __ *.__. unscriptura-1 ___ C ____ 123 LESSON TWENTY-SIX LENGTHENING PRINCIPLE. Any curved stroke may add the syllables "ter," "der," or "ther," by simply lengthening the curved stem double its usual length. For convenience these lengthened strokes are read as though the syllable "ter" followed, but it must be understood that any one of the three syllables "ter," "der," or "ther," is expressed by the lengthening principle. Con- text of the sentence will easily give the correct pronunciation. WRITE FOR CORRECTION. father, mother, surrender, calendar, cucumber, chamber, matter, smatter, wonderful, anger. BUSINESS LETTER. Dear Sir: We beg to acknowledge receipt of your let- ter of the 21st enclosing order No. 345. We are sending you enclosed sample of the heaviest galvanized hardware cloth that can be furnished in mesh. The regular hardware cloth does not come any finer than No. 10 mesh, which would make the mesh a little less than 1-8 inch. Yours truly, Kindly advise us which of these you can use and we will enter your order for same with as little delay as possible, Gentlemen : We have your order of the 18th covering one lock set, Concord, Finish 11, as per your requisition. This requisition on our books reads "as per contract." How- ever, we think that your order calls for one cylinder front door lock, and we are ordering same. Yours very truly, 124 LENGTHENED CURVES ADDING "TER," "DER" or "THER." fetter. V ___ vetter. I ___ thetter ____ ( ___ setter^ \ shelter __ _^_ __ metter^r^rr^.. letter. _sl___ order A lengthened "emp," "emb" adds "per," "her." A lengthened "ang" adds "ker" or "ger." anger_^_ __. y _ longer jC^^. tinker _\_^_ clinker. , Hooked stems may be lengthened in the same way as plain stems. flatter. C _ murder.^rrrxwonder^.. _ _^ shelter..^/ further.^ Comparison between words, showing how the lengthen- ing principle adds complete syllables. lay_/f_ later. /_ laugh /_\^_ laughter /C\__ sender_q^__^ lie__^ lighter __*!___ sly slighter tender. j _ order LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN AFFIXES, PREFIXES, EXPEDIENTS. When, the syllables "com," "con," "cog" commence a word they are indicated by a dot, written at the beginning of the word; the dot should be placed before the outline of the word is written. "compose," __^so__ "conduce," \;__ "cognition."- When "com," "con," "cog" occur in the middle of a word they are expressed by separating the preceding from the following portion as in "accommodate," m_ "incomplete," _A_ "recognition." <^2 The syllables "ing-ly" may be expressed*i>y. a disjoined "ang," "exceedingly," rrf. "accordingly," _ "obligingly." A__ ~ 2 The syllables "counter," "contra," "contri" are expressed by a small slanting tick written just before the word, as in "countermarch," ^_ "contradict," _1 __ "controversy." .J?^. The syllables "circum" and "self" are expressed by a disjoined "s" circle, written close to the word, as in "circumvent," j^.. "self-respect," ^. "self-concious." _J^A. The syllables "lessness" may be expressed by a disjoined "ses" circle, as in the words "carelessness,"