rv-^s STATUTES OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF Sciences NOTE. The following are the Statutes of the Academy, as adopted January 29, 1823, by occasion of a report of a committee appointed to revise the Statutes of the academy. See the vote, subjoined to the Statutes. STATUTES. CHAP. I. Of Officers. 1. THERE shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treas- urer, a Vice-Treasurer, and a Librarian or Keeper of the Library, which officers shall be annually elected by written votes, the day next preceding the last Wednesday in May. 2. If either of the Secretaries, the Treasurer, or the Keeper of the Library die, resign, or be removed during the year, the vacant office or offices shall, at the next meeting of the Academy, be filled by written votes for the remainder of the year. CHAP. II. Of the President. 1. IT shall be the duty of the President, and, in his absence, of the Vice-President or next officer in order, as 4 above enumerated, to preside at the meetings of the Academy ; to summon extraordinary meetings of the Academy, upon any urgent occasion ; and to execute or see to the execution of the statutes of the Academy. 2. The President, or in his absence the next officer, in order as above enumerated, is empowered to draw upon the Treasurer for such sums of money as the Academy shall direct. 3. Any deed or writing, to which the common seal is to be affixed, shall be signed and sealed by the President, when thereto authorized by the Academy. CHAP. III. Of the Secretaries. i. The Corresponding Secretary shall keep the letter book ; shall record all letters addressed to the academy, and deliver the originals to be filed to the Recording Sec- retary, and at each meeting, the Corresponding Secretary shall read such letters, as have been addressed to the Academy, since the last meeting. S. THE Recording Secretary shall have charge of the charter and statute book, journals, and all literary papers belonging to the Academy ; and all letters, after they have been recorded, shall be kept by him on file. He shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Academy, at its meetings ; and after each meeting is duly opened by the presiding officer, the proceedings of the last meeting shall be read, by the Recording Secretary. CHAP. IV. Of the Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer. 1. The Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer shall give such security, as the Academy may require, for the trust repos- ed in them severally. 2. The Treasurer shall receive officially all monies or sums of money, due or payable, and all bequests or dona- tions, made to the Academy ; and by order of the Presi- dent or presiding officer, shall pay such sums as the Academy shall direct; and shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures. U. All monies or sums of money, which there shall not be present occasion to expend, shall be put out to in- 6 terest on such securities, or otherwise disposed of, as the Academy shall direct. 4. The Treasurer's accounts shall be annually audited by a committee appointed by the Academy for the purpose. 5. In case of the death, resignation, or removal of the Treasurer, the Vice-Treasurer shall discharge his duties. CHAP. V. Library and Cabinet. 1. It shall be the duty of the Librarian, or the keeper of the library, to take charge of the books, to keep a cor- rect catalogue of the same, and to deliver books to the Fellows of the Academy. 2. Every Fellow of the Academy shall be permitted to borrow from the library not exceeding four books at one time, and shall give receipt therefor to the Librarian, or keeper of the Library. 3. All books, borrowed from the library, shall be re- turned on the first Wednesday in May, nor shall any book be borrowed till after the meeting of 4 the Academy next ensuing. 4. At the meeting of the Academy in May, a commit- tee shall be chosen to examine the library, and make re- port of its condition at the next annual meeting. CHAP. VI. Of Meetings. 1. THERE shall be annually four stated meetings of the Academy, viz. On the last Wednesday in January, and the day next preceding the last Wednesday in May, at Boston ; and on the second Wednesday in August, and the second Wednesday in November, at the University of Cambridge. S. The President shall have power to call extraordina- ry meetings of the Academy, at such time and place as he shall see fit. 3. Seven Fellows shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of every description, which may come before the Academy. 4. The meetings of the Academy shall be advertised in the public papers, by the Recording Secretary. 8 CHAP. VII. Of Fellows. 1. No person shall be elected a Fellow of the Academy, unless proposed and recommended by one or more Fel- lows, who shall subscribe their names to the recommen- dation upon the nomination list. The name shall stand on the nomination list at least during the interval between two statute meetings, previous to the election. Three fourths of the votes given shall be necessary to constitute a majority for the admission of a member; and when three fourths shall amount to less than seven, then seven votes shall be necessary. Should any person, on balloting, not be admitted, his name shall be removed from the nomination list ; but may at any future period be placed upon it again for a new nomination. 2. Each Fellow residing in the state of Massachusetts shall pay annually two dollars to the Academy. CHAP. VIII. On Literary Performances. 1. THE Academy will never express its judgment on literary performances or memoirs submitted to it. 9 2. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary, with such others as the Academy may think fit to join, shall constitute a Committee of publications,to which Committee all memoirs submitted to the Academy shall be referred. January 29, 1823. Voted, That the foregoing be held to be the rules, by-laws, and orders of the Academy, from and after the 15th of May next, and that all others be and are hereby repealed. Printed from the copy in the records, by order of the Academy, EDWARD EVERETT, Rec. SecSy. 2 CATALOGUE OF THE FELLOWS OF THE OF anix Sciences. FELLOWS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. rcstttrnt in e, whose names are marked with a star, are deceased. Those, to whose names no other place of residence is attached, reside in Boston. A. *Hon. Samuel Adams. John Adams, Quincy. John Quincy Adams, Washington. Thomas Boylston Adams, Quincy. * Fisher Ames, Dedham. Rev. John Allyne D. D. Duxbury. ^Nathaniel Appleton Esq. ^Nathaniel Walker Appleton Esq. *Rev. Noah Atwater, Westfield. James T. Austin Esq. B. *Hon. John Bacon, Stockbridge. * Loammi Baldwin, Woburn. Loammi Baldwin Esq. Rev. Aaron Bancroft D. D. Worcester. *Rev. Thomas Barnard D. D. Salem. *Hon. Josiah Bartlett M.D.Charlestown. *Hon. William Baylies, Dighton. *Rev. Jeremy Belknap D. I). *Hon. Timothy Bigelow, Medford. Jacob Bigelow M. D. George Blake Esq. Hon Nathaniel Bowditch *Hon. James Bowdoin. * James Bowdoin. * Theophilus Bradbury. *Thomas Brattle Esq. Cambridge. Rev. John Brazer, Salem. C. *Hon. George Cabot. *Rev. Samuel Gary. William Ellery Channing D. D. Henry Channing. "Walter Channing M. D. Edward Channing Cambridge. *Rev. Charles Chauncey D. D. Elisha Clapp Esq *Rev. John Clark D. D. Joseph Greene Cogswell Esq. North- ampton. *Rev. Samuel Cooper D. D. *Hon. Richard Cranch, Quincy. * Thomas Gushing 14 *Hon. Nathan Gushing, Scituate. * William Gushing, Do. Caleb Gushing Esq. Newburyport. *Rev. Manasseh Cutler D.D. Hamilton. D. *Hon. Tristram Dalton, Newburyport. * Francis Dana, Cambridge, Samuel Danforth M. D. *Hon. Timothy Danielson, Brim field. John Davis. * Thomas Dawes. Thomas Dawes. Benjamin Dearborn Esq. Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn, Roxbury. Chester Dewey, Williamstown. *Hon. Samuel Dexter, Weston. * Samuel Dexter. Aaron Dexter M. D. E. Hon Timothy Edwards, Stockbridge. *Samuel Eliot Esq. *Rev. John Eliot D. D. * William Emerson *William Erving Esq. ^Oliver Everett Esq. Dorchester. A. H. Everett Esq. Edward Everett, Cambridge. F. John Farrar, Cambridge. Joshua Fisher M. D. Beverly. Rev. Perez Fobes, Raynham. James Freeman D. D. *Levi Frisbie, Cambridge. G. *Caleb Gannett Esq. Cambridge. *Hon. Henry Gardner. * Elbridge Gerry, Cambridge. Christopher Gore, Waltham. John Gorharn M. D. Francis C. Gray Esq. *Hon. Benjamin Guild H. Nathan Hale Esq. Enoch Hale M. D. *Hon. John Hancock. Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris D. D. Dorchester. *Hon. Joseph Hawley, Northampton. George Hayward M. D. Levi Hedge LL. D. Cambridge. Rev. Abiel Holmes D. D. Cambridge Edward Augustus Holyoke M.D. Salem. *Rev. Simeon Howard D. D. * Bezaleel Howard, Springfield. *John C. Howard M. D. Hon. Samuel Howe, Northampton. *Ebenez Hunt M. D. Northampton. I *Hon. Jonathan Jackson. Charles Jackson. James Jackson M. D. *Charles Jarvis M. D. Rev. Samuel Farmer Jarvis D. D. K. Rev. John Thornton Kirkland D. D. LL. D. Cambridge. Hon Daniel Kilham, Wenham. *Rev. Joseph Lathrop D. D. Springfield. * John Lathrop D. D. *George G. Lee Esq. *Hon. Benjamin Lincoln, Hingham. * Levi Lincoln, Worcester. Hon James Lloyd. *Rev Elijah Lothrop *Hon John Lowell. John Lowell Esq. Rev. Joseph Lyman D. D. Hatfield. M. James Mann M. D. *Rev. Samuel Mather D. D. John Mellen Esq. Cambridge. *Samuel Moody Esq. Newbury. 15 N. Andrews Norton, Cambridge. Thomas Nuttall, Cambridge. O. *Hon. Andrew Oliver, Salem. * Joseph Orne M. D. Do. Hon. Harrison Gray Otis. P. *Hon. Robert Treat Paine. William Paine M. D. Worcester. Hon. Isaac Parker. *Theodore Parsons M. D. Newbury. *Hon. Theophilus Parsons * George Partridge, Duxborough. *Rev. Phillips Pajson D. D. Chelsea. Eliphalet Pearson LL. D. Har- vard. *William Dandridge Peck, Cambridge. Jacob Perkins Esq. Newburyport. *Hon. Samuel Phillips LL. D. Andover. * John Phillips. Willard Phillips Esq. Hon. John Pickering, Salem. Benjaman Pickman, Salem. Rev. John Pierce D. D. Brookline. Nicholas Pike, Newburyport. Allan Pollock Esq. Waltham. *Joseph Pope Esq. Rev. John Snelling Popkin D. D. Cam- bridge. Rev. Eliphalet Porter D. D. Roxbury. *Hon. Oliver Prescott M. D. Groton. William Prescott. Rev. John Prince D. D. Salem. Q. Hon. Josiah Quincy. R. *lsaac Rand M. D. Hon. Edward H. Robbins, Dorchester. *Hon. Thomas Russell. S. Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, Salem. Sanger D. D. Bridge- Sargeant, *Rev. Zedekiah water. *Hon. Nathaniel P. James Savage Esq. Micajah Sawyer M. D. Newbury. *Hon. Theodore Sedgwick, Stockbridge. * William Sever, Kingston. *Stephen Sewall Esq. *Hon. Samuel Sewall, Marblehead. George Cheyne Shattuck M. D. *Samuel Shaw Esq. Bridgewater. William S. Shaw Esq. Lemuel Shaw Esq. Hon. William Spooner M. D. *fioii. John Sprague, Lancaster. Rev. Charles Stearns D. D. Lincoln. Hon. Asahel Stearns, Cambridge. *Ebenezer Storer Esq. Hon Joseph Story, Salem. *Hon. Caleb Strong, Northampton. Rev. Moses Stuart, Andover. *Hon. James Sullivan. William Sullivan. Richard Sullivan. John L. Sullivan Esq. *Hon. Increase Sumner, Roxbury. *John B. Swett M. D. Newburyport. Samuel Swett Esq. T. *Rev. David Tappan D. D. Cambridge. * Peter Thacher D. D. * ; Thomas Thacher, Dedham. * Samuel C. Thacher. Hon. Peter O. Thacher. * Joshua Thomas, Plymouth. George Ticknor Esq. Hon. Joseph Tilden *Hon. Nathaniel Tracy, Newburyport. John D. Treadwell M. D. Salem. Daniel Treadwell Esq. *Hon. Cotton Tufts, Weymouth. 16 V. *Charles Vaughan Esq. Francis Vergnies M. D. Newburyport. W. Rev. Henry Ware D. D. Cambridge. John Ware M. D. *John Warren M. D. *Hon. James Warren, Plymouth. John C. Warren M. D. Benjamin Waterhouse M. D. Cambridge. *Rev. Samuel Webber D. D. Do. Redford Webster Esq. Hon. Daniel Webster. John White Webster M. D William Wells Esq. Thomas Welsh M. D. *Rev. Samuel West D. D. Hon. Daniel Appleton White, Salem. *Rev. Edward Wigglesworth D.D. Cam- bridge. *Rev. Abraham Williams, Sandwich. * Nehemiah Williams, Brimfield. * Joseph Willard, D. D. Cambridge. Samuel Willard, Deerfield. Sidney Willard, Cambridge. *Hon. James Winthrop, Cambridge. ' Thomas L. Winthrop. Joseph E. Worcester, Cambridge. Rufus Wyman M. D. Charlestown. American MAINE. Rev. William Allen D. D. President of Bowdoin College, Brunswick. * Jesse Appleton D. D. President of Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Parker Cleaveland, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Brunswick Hon. David Cobb, Goldsborough. Rev. Samuel Deane D. D. Falmouth. * Joseph McKeen D. D. President of Bowdoin College, Bruns- wick. *Hon. Henry Knox, Thomastown. *Rev. Daniel Little, Wells. Ichabod Nichols D. D. Portland. Hon. Nathan Read, Belfast. David Sewall, York. Benjamin Vaughan Esq. HallowelL NEW HAMPSHIRE. Ebenezer Adams, Profesor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Dartmouth College, Hanover. *Samuel Hale Esq. Walpole. *Rev. Samuel Langdon D. D. Portsmouth. Reuben D. Mussey M. D. Hanover. Daniel Oliver M. D. Prof, of Intel, and Mor. Phil. ; also of Phisiol. Theory & Practice of Physic, Materia Medica and Botany, in Dart- mouth College, Hanover. *Hon. John Pickering, Portsmouth. *John Sparhawk Esq. *Hon. Samuel Tenney, Exeter. * Mesech Weare, Hampton. * Nathaniel Wells, Wells. 18 VERMONT. James Dean, Prof, of Math, and Nat. Phil, in the College of Burlington. Hon. Daniel Chipman, Middlebury. Frederick Hall, Prof, of Math, and Nat. Philosophy in Middlebury College. Hon. Elijah Paine, Williamstown. *Rev. Samuel Williams LL. D. Rutland. RHODE ISLAND. Joseph Brown Esq. Providence. Solomon Drowne M. D. Do. "Benjamin West Esq. Do. CONNECTICUT. Jeremiah Day D. D. LL. D. President of Yale College, Newhaven. *Rev. Timothy Dwight D. D. LL. D. President of Yale College, Newhaven. *Hon. Oliver Ellsworth LL. D. Windsor. Benjamin Gale Esq. Benjamin Silliman, Prof, of Chemistry, Newhaven. *Rev. Ezra Stiles, D. D. President of Yale College, Newhaven. *Hon. Jonathan Trumbull, Lebanon. John Trumbull, Hartford. * Jonathan Trumbull, Lebanon. John Trumbull Esq. Lebanon. Hon. John Treadwell, Farmington. Noah Webster Esq. Newhaven. NEW YORK. Robert Adrain, Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil in Columbia College. Archibald Bruce M. D. Prof, of Mineralogy, New York. Benjamin de Witt Esq. Albany. Hon. De Witt Clinton, Do. *Hon. Alexander Hamilton, New York. George Gibbs Esq. Long Island. David Hosack M. D. New York. Hon. John Jay, Bedford. Rufus King, Long Island. *Rev. Samuel Kirkland, Paris. Hon. Samuel L. Mitchell M. D. New York. Samuel Osgood, Do. 19 Horatio Gates Spafford Esq. New York. D. Stansbury Esq. Fr. Adrian Van der Kemp, Oldenbarnevelt. NEW JERSEY. John Garnet Esq. New Brunswick. *Hon. William Livingston LL. D. Elizabethtown. *William Patterson Esq. PENNSYLVANIA. Owen Biddle Esq. Philadelphia. *Benjamin Smith Barton M. D. Prof, in the University of Penn. Hon. Peter S. Duponceau, Philadelphia. *Hon. Benjamin Franklin, Do. Robert Hare, Prof, in the University of Pennsylvania. *Ebenezer Hazard Esq. *David Rittenhouse Esq. Do. ^Benjamin Rush M. D. Hon. Adam Seybert, Do. *Casper Wistar M. D. *Samuel Vaughan Esq. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Charles Bulfinch Esq. Washington. Hon. William Cranch, Do. VIRGINIA. Hon. Thomas Jefferson, Monticello. *Hon. Arthur Lee M. D. Urbanna. Right Rev. James Madison D. D. President of William and Mary College. Hon. John Marshall, Richmond. *Rev. John Jones Spooner, Martin's Brandon. *George Washington, Mount Vernon. SOUTH CAROLINA. Stephen Elliott Esq. Charleston. OHIO. Nathan Drake M. D. Cincinnati. KENTUCKY. Rev. Horace Holley, LL. D. President of Transylvania University, Lexington. 20 C. S. Rafinesque Schmalz, Lexington. MISSISSIPPI. *Hon. Winthrop Sargent, Natches. NOVA SCOTIA. John Halliburton, M. D. Halifax. GREAT BRITAIN. *Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society, London. Edward Bancroft Esq. *Sir Charles Blagden, Secretary of the Royal Society, London. David Brewster, M. D. F. R. S. Edinburgh. Rev. I. Brinkley D. D. Professor of Astronomy in Trinity College, Dublin* Mather Brown Esq. London. *John Singleton Copely Esq. London. John Cranch Esq. London. Sir Humphry Davy, President of the Royal Society, London. George Erving Esq. London. William Falconer M. D. F. R. S. Bath. *Thomas Brand Hollis Esq. London. *Sir William Hamilton, London. John Haygarth M. D. F. R. S. Chester. *Sir William Herschel F. R. S. Windsor. Rev. Thomas Hornsby D. D. F. R. S. *John Howard Esq. F. R. S. *Charles Hutton LL. D. F. R. S. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, President of the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society. William Jackson Hooker. F. R. S. Glasgow. *Edward Jenner M. D. F. R. S. *Edmund Jennings Esq. London. Richard Kirwan Esq. F. R. S *The Marquis of Lansdowne, London. *John Coakley Lettsom M. D. F. R. S. London. *Rev. Archibald Maclaine. *Henry Moyes M. D. London. *Rev. Nevil Maskelyne D. D. F. R. S. Greenwich. The Duke of Norfolk. Samuel Parkes, London. *Richard Price D. D. F. R. S. London. *Joseph Priestley D. D. F. R. S. Birmingham. Thomas Percival M. D. Manchester. John Pond F. R. S. Astronomer Royal. Rev. Abraham Rees LL. D. F. R. S. London. Sir John Sinclair. Dugald Stewart F. R. S. Ed. Kinneil. Jonathan Stokes M. D. Birmingham. Sir Benjamin Thompson. *Right Rev. Richard Watson LL. D. F. R. S. Bishop of Landaff. *Benjamin West Esq. President of the Royal Academy of Painting. William Hyde Wollaston M. D. F. R. S. ' Robert Young Esq. London. Thomas Young Esq. Secretary of the Royal Society, London. PORTUGAL. *The Abbe Corea de Serra, Minister of his most faithful Majesty to U. S. A. SPAIN. The Duke de Almodavar. The Marquess de Santa Cruz. FRANCE. *D ? Alembert, Sec'ry of the Academy of Inscr. and Belles Lettres at Paris. *The Count Claude Louis Berthollet. *The Count G. L. le Clerc de Buffon. M. Jean Baptiste Biot. *M. J. S. Brissot de Warville. M. Jean Charles Burckhardt, Paris. *The Marquis de Chastelleux. The Count de Cassini. *The Marquis Condorcet. The Baron G. L. C. F. D. Cuvier. The Chevalier J. B. J. Delambre. M. W. F. Charles Dumas. M. J. Feron M. D. M. de la Fayette M. Fabre. 23 *The Count de Gibelin *The Count de Grandchain. The Baron Alexandra de Humboldt. M. Jeurat. *M. de la Lande. *The Chev. Cesar Anne de la Luzerne. The Count Barbe-Marbois. The Count Peter Simon de la Place. M. S. D. Poisson. *The Count de Rumford. M. J. P. de la Tombe Louis Valentine M. D. St. Domingo. ITALY. The Count de Castiglione, Tuscany. The Baron von Niebuhr, Rome. The Baron von Zach, Lucca. KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS. *M. Alexandre Mary Cerisier, Amsterdam. *M. Cornelius de Gyzelaer, Leyden. *M. Frederic William Pestel, Do. *John Luzac, Do. GERMANY. D.John Frederic Blumenbach, Prof, of Natural History, Gottingen. M. J. T. Burg, Vienna. M. Charles F. Gauss, Prof, of Astronomy, Gottingen. ^Christian Gottlob Heyne, Prof, at Gottingen. D. James Hemmer, Manheim. The Baron William von Humboldt, Minister of State, Berlin. *The Baron von Hupsch, Cologne. The Baron von Lindenau, Gotha. D. William Olbers, Bremen. SWEDEN. *Peter Jonas Berg, Prof, of Natural History in Stockholm. M. Jacob Berzelius, Stockholm. *Samuel Gustavus Hermelin, Stockholm. Gustavus Paykull, Upsal. *Peter Wargentin, Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. DENMARK. J. G. Thorkelin LL. D. Copenhagen. 24 RUSSIA. ^Leonard Euler, Petersburg. M. Charles Etter, Do. M. G. Fischer, Director of the Imperial Society of Naturalists at Moscow. M. Nicholas Fuss, Secretary of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. M. F. T. Schubert, Director of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY 25, 1824. Hon. John Quincy Adams, President. Rev. John Thornton Kirkland, Vice-President. Hon. John Pickering, Corresponding Secretary. Mr. Edward Everett, Recording Do. Hon. T. L. Winthrop, Treasurer. Jacob Bigelow M. D. Vice- Treasurer. Hon. J. Q. Adams, Rev. J. T. Kirkland, Hon. John Pickering, Mr. Edward Everett, Hon. N. Bowditch, Mr. John Farrar. Committee of " Publications. Mr. Joseph Backus, Keeper of the Library. Erratum. Top of page 9, for Secretary read Secretaries. TREATMENT REPORT Statues of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences AS3A7S81823 Condition - The original binding was quarter-leather, with marbled paper sides. Spine was completely missing. There was evidence of a previous rebacking. Back and front endsheet were not marbled and wer separated from the text. Both boards were completely detached. The text is sewn, on 5 sawn-in cords. One folio in the center of text block was never sewn in. Two pages at front and one at back were loose. Treatment - Spine was cleaned with methylcellulose. - Loose pages were hinged with Japanese paper (Kizukishi) and Zin Shofu paste. - Loose folio was sewn with linen thread- 30/2. - Linen hinged handmade endsheets (Rotunda) were sewn on- 18/3 thread. - Endsheets were guarded on using Kizikishi and paste. - Spine lined twice overall with Kizikishi and paste. - Spine lined twice overall with Japanese paper (Sekishu) and paste. - Spine lined two times overall with handmade paper (BG9) and paste. - Bradel binding was made using Berkeley Blue handmade paper for the bonnet. - Boards were lined with bond paper and adhesive mixture. - Boards were covered with Berkeley Blue handmade paper, cloth, and vellum tips. - Text block was cased-in using adhesive mixture. - Twinrocker Rotunda paper was used for paste-downs and attached with adhesive mixture. - Label and treatment report were laser printed on Twinrocker Rotunda paper. - Label and treatment report were sprayed with a fixative (Krylon) and attached with adhesive mixture Materials Kizukishi Japanese paper- Barrett, University of Iowa, Iowa. Zin Shofu paste- Bookmakers- Riverdale, Maryland. Thread, 30/2 and 1 8/3- Bookmakers- Riverdale, Maryland. Linen- Bookmakers- Riverdale, Maryland. Rotunda Laid handmade paper TT/CP- Twin Rocker, Brookston, Indiana. Sekishu Japanese paper- Bookmakers Riverdale, Maryland. B9G handmade paper- Barrett- University of Iowa, Iowa. Berkeley Blue handmade paper- Twinrocker, Indiana. Permalife Bond paper- University Products- Holyoke, MA. Adhesive mixture- 60% PVA and 40% methylcellulose. Boards- Supreme Blue Conservation Board- Archivart, New Jersey. Cloth- Cotlin Cloth- Talas- New York, NY. April-03 Karen Sosa, Conservation Assistant Conservation Department, University of California, Berkeley