c J\ * A== \ A| SPECIAL REGULATIONS NO. 11 8g 813 8^ ALLOTMENTS, FAMILY ALLOWANCES, COMPENSATION, AND INSURANCE UNDER WAR RISK INSURANCE ACT AND ACT OF MARCH 2, 1899, AS AMENDED BY PUBLIC NO. 66, SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS (Section VI, Bulletin No. 61, W. D., 1917) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 oc[3qggo(* -* SPECIAL REGULATIONS Xo. 72. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, February 28, 1918. The following regulations and instructions relative to the ad- ministration of the war risk insurance act and allotments of pay under the act of Congress approved March 2, 1899, as amended, by Public, Xo. 66, Sixty-fifth Congress (Section VI, Bulletin No. 61, War Department, 1917), in the Army are pub- lished for the information and guidance of all concerned. [004.61, A. G. O.] By order of the Secretary of War : JOHN BIDDLE, Major General, Acting Chief of Utaff. Official: h. p. McCain, The Adjutant General. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraphs. Section I. General provisions 1-9 II. Preparation and disposition of applications for allotments and insurance and for changes and discontinuance of allotments 10-19 III. Pay rolls, pay accounts, and abstracts of allot- ments 20-24 IV. Allotments and family allowances under war risk insurance act 25-42 V. Allotments under act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 1899, as amended 43-49 VI. Compensation for death or disability 50-61 VII. Insurance G2-G7 ALLOTMENTS, FAMILY ALLOWANCES, COMPENSA- TION, AND INSURANCE. SECTION I. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Paragraph. Articles of war risk insurance act 1 Classification of allotments 2 Establishment and administration of Bureau of War Risk Insur- ance 3 War Department cooperation with Treasury Department 4 Rulings and decisions of bureau govern 5 Channels of communication within the Army and to and from the bureau 6 Reports in case of death, discharge, appointments, or desertion 7 Terms used in the war risk insurance act, and decision No. 1, relat- ing to definition of "pay" 8 Punishment for fraud 9 1. Articles of war risk insurance act. The act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department, approved October 6, 1917, is separated into four articles : Article I (sections 1-26), general provisions. Article II (sections 200-210), allotments and family allow- ances. Article III (sections 300-314), compensation for death or dis- ability. Article IV (sections 400-405), insurance. 2. Classification of allotments. Allotments are classified as follows : Class A. Compulsory allotments under war risk insurance act to dependent relatives of Class A, paragraphs 28-32. Clcss B. Voluntary allotments under war risk insurance act to dependent relatives of Class B, paragraphs 33-34. Class C. Government insurance premiums under war risk in- surance act, paragraphs 62-64. Class D. Allotments under war risk insurance act for the payment of premiums on insurance policies held in private com- panies, societies, or organizations, paragraph 66. 7 8 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. Class E. Allotments under the act of Congress approved March 2, 1899, as amended by later acts, approved March 2, 1901, and October 6, 1917, paragraphs 43-49. 3. Establishment aud administration of Bureau of War Risk Insurance. The war risk insurance act established in the Treasury Department a Bureau of War Risk Insurance composed of a Division of Marine and Seamen's Insurance and a Division of Military and Naval Insurance. The general ad- ministration of the act is, by section 13, vested in the Treasury Department, through the director of the bureau, provision being made in section 15 for the cooperation of other departments of the Government. The sections referred to are as follows: Sec. 13. That the director, subject to the general direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall administer, execute, and enforce the provisions of this act, and for that purpose have full power and authority to make rules and regula- tions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, neces- sary or appropriate to carry out its purposes, and shall decide all questions arising under the act, except as other- wise provided in sections five and four hundred and five. Wherever under any provision or provisions of the Act regulations are directed or authorized to be made, such regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, shall or may be made by the director, subject to the general direc- tion of the Secretary of the Treasury. The director shall adopt reasonable and proper rules to govern the procedure of the divisions, to regulate the matter of the compensation, if any, but in no case to exceed ten per centum, to be paid to claim agents and attorneys for services in connection with any of the matters provided for in articles two, three, and four, and to regulate and provide for the nature and extent of the proofs and evidence and the met bod of taking and furnishing the same in order to establish the right to benefits of allowance, allotment, compensation, or insurance provided for in this Act, the forms of application of those claiming to be entitled to such benefits, the method of mak- ing investigations and medical examinations, and the man- ner and form of adjudications and awards. * * * * * * * Sec. 15. * * * The director may obtain such informa- tion and such reports from officials and employees of the departments of the Government of tin* United States and of GENERAL PROVISIONS. 9 the States as may be agreed upon by the heads of the respective departments. 4. War Department cooperation with Treasury Depart- ment. To effect cooperation between the Treasury Depart- ment and the War Department, the latter will explain to the personnel of the Army their privileges and duties under the act ; supervise the preparation of applications and correct those improperly filled out; and, transmit to, and secure from, the personnel of the Army, information and data required by the Treasury Department in connection with the administration of the act. 5. Rulings and decisions of bureau govern. Such addi- tional regulations, decisions, and rulings relative to the war risk insurance act as may be issued by the director of the bu- reau will govern all concerned. 6. Channels of communication within the Army and to and from the bureau. Except as otherwise provided, all com- munications to and from the Bureau of War Risk Insurance concerning the administration of the act will be transmitted through the commander of the department, division, recruiting depot, or port of embarkation concerned. Commands ordinarily exempted from the control of department commanders and not enumerated above, will, for purposes of the war risk insurance act, be considered as a part of the department in the territorial limits of which they are situated. Communications concerning personnel stationed in Europe will be transmitted through gen- eral headquarters, American Expeditionary Forces. Communi- cations relative to military policy or Army administration will be addressed to The Adjutant General of the Army. Com- munications relating in any way to deceased officers or enlisted men, and those discharged or otherwise separated from the serv- ice, will invariably be addressed to The Adjutant General of the Army, except as provided in paragraph 7. 7. Reports in case of death, discharge, appointments, or desertion. In case of the death, discharge, appointment as commissioned officer, or desertion of an enlisted man, his com- pany or detachment commander will report such fact with the date of death, discharge, or desertion, or acceptance of appoint- ment direct to The Adjutant General of the Army, such report to be sent by telegram if death, discharge, or desertion occurs on or after the 20th of the month. In the Philippine, Hawaiian, and Panama Canal Departments, and in the American Expedi- 41934 18 2 10 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. tionary Forces, the reports will be made to the commanders of these departments or forces, who will transmit the information to The Adjutant General of the Army by cable. In case of death this report will show the amount of insurance in effect at date of death. The Adjutant General will at once notify the Bureau of War Risk Insurance and the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C. In Europe, when practicable, the report of the names of men missing will be separated from those absent without leave. 8. Terms used in the war risk insurance act. Section 22 of the war risk insurance act reads as follows: Sec. 22. That for the purpose of this amendatory act the marriage of the claimant to the person on account of whom the claim is made shall be shown (1) By a duly verified copy of a public or church record ; or (2) By the affidavit of the clergyman or magistrate who officiated; or (3) By the testimony of two or more eyewitnesses to the ceremony ; or (4) By a duly verified copy of the church record of bap- tism of the children ; or (5) By the testimony of two or more witnesses who know that the parties lived together as husband and wife, and were recognized as such, and who shall state how long, within their knowledge, such relation continued : Provided, That marriages, except such as are mentioned in section forty-seven hundred and five of the Revised Statutes, shall be proven in compensation or insurance cases to be legal marriages according to the law of the place where the par- ties resided at the time of marriage or at the time when the right to compensation or insurance accrued ; and the open and notorious illicit cohabitation of a widow who is a claimant shall operate to terminate her right to com- pensation or insurance from the commencement of such co- habitation: Provided further, That for the purpose of the administration of Article II of this act marriage shall be conclusively presumed, in the absence of proof, that, there is a legal spouse living, if the man and woman have lived together in the openly acknowledged relation of husband and wife during the two years immediately preceding the date of the declaration of war, or the date of enlistment GENERAL PROVISIONS. 11 or of entrance into or employment in active service in the military or naval forces of the United States if subsequent to such declaration. In Articles II, III, and IV of this act, unless the context otherwise requires (1) The term "child" includes (a) A legitimate child. (b) A child legally adopted more than six months before the enactment of this amendatory act or before enlistment or entrance into or employment in active service in the mili- tary or naval forces of the United States, whichever of these dates is the later. (c) A stepchild, if a member of the man's household. (d) An illegitimate child, but, as to father only, if ac- knowledged by instrument in writing signed by him, or if he has been judicially ordered or decreed to contribute to such child's support, and if such child, if born after De- cember thirty-first, nineteen hundred and seventeen, shall have been born in the United States, or in its insular pos- sessions. (2) The term "grandchild" means a child as above de- fined of a child as above defined. (3) Except as used in section four hundred and one and in section four hundred and two the terms " child " and " grandchild " are limited to unmarried persons either (a) under eighteen years of age, or (b) of any age, if insane, idiotic, or otherwise permanently helpless. (4) The term " parent " includes a father, mother, grand- father, grandmother, stepfather, and stepmother, either of the person in the service or of the spouse. (5) The terms "brother" and "sister" include brothers and sisters of the half blood as well as those of the whole blood, stepbrothers and stepsisters, and brothers and sisters through adoption. (6) The term "commissioned officer" includes a war- rant officer, but includes only an officer in active service in the military or naval forces of the United States. (7) The terms " man " and " enlisted man " mean a per- son, whether male or female, and whether enlisted, en- rolled, or drafted into active service in the military or naval forces of the United States, and include noncommis- sioned and petty officers, and members of training camps authorized by law. 12 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. (8) The term " enlistment " includes voluntary enlistment, draft, and enrollment in active service in the military or naval forces of the United States. (9) The term "commissioner" means the commissioner of military and naval insurance. (10) The term " injury " includes disease. (11) The term "pay" means the pay for service in the United States according to grade and length of service, ex- cluding all allowances. (12) The term "military or naval forces" means the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserves, the National Naval Volunteers, and any other branch of the United States service while serving pur- suant to law with the Army or the Navy. Relative to paragraph (11), section 22, quoted above, decision (T. D. 6, W. R.), Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department, reads as follows : (1) Pay in the Army and Marine Corps for the purpose of the act of October 6, 1917, includes () base pay with the increase thereof granted by section 10 of the act of May 18, 1917; (&) continuous-service pay; and excludes all other forms of pay, such as extra-duty pay, pay for marksman- ship, rated positions, certificates of merit, aviation increase, foreign-service pay. 9. Punishment for fraud. The attention of every person making claim for family allowance, compensation, or insurance will be directed to sections 25 and 26 of the act, which read as follows : Sec. 25. That whoever in any claim for family allowance, compensation, or insurance, or in any document required by this act or by regulation made under this act, makes any statement of a material fact knowing it to be false, shall be guilty of perjury and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment for net more than two years, or both. Sec. 26. That if any person entitled to payment of family allowance or compensation under this act, whose right to such payment under this act ceases upon the happening of any contingency, thereafter fraudulently accepts any such payment, he shall be punished by a fine of not more than 2.000, or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. SECTION II. PREPARATION AND DISPOSITION OF APPLICA- TIONS FOR ALLOTMENTS AND INSURANCE AND FOR CHANGES AND DISCONTINUANCE OF ALLOT- MENTS. Paragraph. Preparation of forms and channels of transmittal 10 Report of commanders upon arrival overseas 11 Scrutiny of application before transmittal 12 Action in case of change of pay of enlisted man or status of bene- ficiary 13 Transmittal of application for insurance of officer 14 Third parties making application for insurance 15 Discontinuance of allotments 16 Notification of action taken on application 17 Notations made on service record 18 Transmittal of record in case of transfer 19 10. Preparation of forms and channels of transmittal. Forms for allotments of pay and applications for family allow- ances and insurance of enlisted men will be filled out and signed in duplicate under the supervision of the company or detach- ment commander, who will forward the originals to the divi- sion, department, port of embarkation, or recruiting depot com- mander, as the case may be, retaining the duplicates for file with the records of the company or detachment. The division or other commander to whom the original applications are for- warded will cause them to be carefully examined, and unless found to be incomplete or improperly executed, will transmit: them directly, except as hereinafter indicated, with letter of transmittal giving the name, rank, and organization of each applicant, to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Washing- ton, D. C, or to the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C, in case of Class E allotments. (See par. 45.) When an application is incomplete or improperly executed, it will be returned to the company or detachment commander for cor- rection before transmittal to the Bureau of War Risk Insur- ance or to the Quartermaster General. The necessary changes will be made on both the original and duplicate copies. In the case of the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe, 13 14 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. the war risk insurance forms will be filled out and signed in triplicate, the original and one copy to be forwarded through the division commander to the commanding general, American Expeditionary Forces, who will transmit the original directly to Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Washington, D. C, retain- ing the copy for file at his headquarters. Allotment blank forms, 1 B, Bureau of War Risk Insxirance, will be made out for every enlisted man entering the service of the United States whether he has dependent relatives or not. A man who has no dependents will be required to sign and execute the form, filling in the word " None " in the proper spaces. Form No. 38, Quartermaster Corps, will be used in stating Class E allotments, but if such form is not available, the allotment may be made by letter (par. 45). War risk insurance forms will be used in all other cases. Allotments of permanent civilian employees will be prepared on Form No. 38, Quartermaster Corps, and for- warded to division or other commander, as prescribed for Class E allotments of enlisted men. 11. Report of commanders upon arrival overseas. When troops arrive overseas, a report will be made to the command- ing general, American Expeditionary Forces, by the command- ing officer showing the number of officers and enlisted men that have not submitted applications for insurance or family allow- ance under the war risk insurance act. Organizations will not be required to furnish to any headquarters or war risk section in France any copy of insurance or allotment applications executed prior to leaving the United Stales. 12. Scrutiny of application before transmittal. Before witnessing a Class E allotment the company or detachment commander will satisfy himself that the allotment is not made for the purpose of obtaining an advance of the soldier's pay. When a bank is designated as allottee, the company or detach- ment commander will furnish the bank with the signature of the grantor, and also inform the bank of the amount and period of allotment. Such commanding officer will also, if possible, satisfy himself that the bank named has an existence. 13. Action in case of change of pay of enlisted man or status of beneficiary. In case a change of a dependent rela- tive or beneficiary affects the allotment (Class A or B), the family allowance, or the insurance the company or detachment commander will cause a new form to be prepared and for- warded as hereinbefore provided for original applications, PREPARATION AND DISPOSITION, ETC. 15 showing plainly thereon that such application is an amend- ment to application previously forwarded, marking the new form in a conspicuous place with the word " Change." ( See par. 10.) New applications will not be forwarded in case of changes in pay status of enlisted men, the amounts shown on the abstracts of allotments furnishing all necessary information to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. 14. Transmittal of application for insurance of officer. The original application of an officer for insurance will be for- warded through the division or other commander to the Director of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Washington, D. G. In- structions for preparation and disposition of forms for allot- ment of pay of officers are contained in paragraph 44. 15. Third parties making application for insurance. Third parties can not make insurance applications without authorization by officer or enlisted man making such person his agent in applying for such insurance. This ruling will require that in those cases in which the third parties have applied for such insurance the officer or enlisted man must, by formal or informal writing, authorize such person as his agent. Sub- sequent ratification is equivalent to previous authorization. (Opinion of the Attorney General of the United States.) 16. Discontinuance of allotments. Discontinuance of allot- ments under the war risk insurance act will be made by letter or by use of such form as may be provided for the purpose, such discontinuance to be sent through the division or other commander to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, but Q. M. C. Form No. 39 will not be used for this purpose. Class E allot- ments (see par. 48) will be discontinued on Q. M. C. Form No. 39, which will be forwarded direct to the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C. 17. Notification of action taken on application. Notifica- tion of action taken by the Bureau of War Risk Insurance with respect to war risk allotments, family allowances, and insur- ance applications will be sent to the division or other com- mander from whom the original applications were received, and by the latter transmitted through the company or detachment commander to the individual applicant, proper notation being made on the retained copies of the application. Notification of action taken on discontinuance of Class E allotments will be forwarded by the Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C, directly to company or detachment commanders in case of en- 16 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. listed men, and in ease of officers will be sent directly to such officer. (See par. 48.) 18. Notations made on service record. War risk allowances and insurance premiums will be entered on page 7 of the sol- dier's service record in space provided for " Clothing settle- ments." On separate lines, the following notations will be made, leaving a vacant line under each notation to allow for notice of discontinuance Class A family allowance, $ per month. Class B family allowance, $ per month. Government insurance premiums, $ per month. Private insurance premiums, $ per month as the case may be. Class E allotments will be entered in space provided for allotments at the bottom of page 7, interpo- lating the words " Class E " before "Allotments " in the heading. 19. Transmittal of record in case of transfer. When an enlisted man is transferred or detached from his company, all papers pertaining to his allotments or insurance will be for- warded with the service record to his new company or detach- ment commander, a list of the papers so forwarded being en- tered on the retained copy of the indorsement on the service record. When any person, other than an enlisted man or a commissioned officer, having an allotment running, is trans- ferred, the papers relating to such allotment will be forwarded with letter of transmittal to the new station of its allotter. SECTION III. PAY ROLLS, PAY ACCOUNTS, AND ABSTRACTS OF ALLOTMENTS. Paragraph. Additional columns on pay roll 20 Insurance premiums 21 Entries in case allotments and other charges exceed pay for month 22 Allotments and insurance premiums of officers 23 Abstracts of allotments 24 20. Additional columns on pay roll. Feuding the prepara- tion of a new form of pay roll, six narrow columns will be ruled on the right side of the column for " Remarks " on the present pay roll and headed, respectively, " Class A allowances," " Class A allotments." " Class B allowances, " Class B allotments." " Insurance premiums," and " Class E allotments." In the column headed " Class A allowances " company and detach- ment commanders will enter the estimated Class A allowances from information given on the war risk insurance application form. In the column headed " Class A allotments " the settling quartermasters will enter the amounts of allotments based on the allowances shown in the column headed " Class A allowances." In the column headed "Class B allowance*." the company and detachment commanders will enter the estimated amounts of 'lass B allowances from information furnished by Treasury Department application form. In the column headed "Class B allotments " the settling quartermaster will enter the amounts of allotments for Class B based on the amounts given in the column headed " Class B allowances." In the column headed " Class E allotments " company and detachment commanders will enter the amount of allotments made on Q. M. C. Form No. 38 under old Army allotment system. No explanatory entry in column of " Remarks " is necessary except in the case of a charge or credit to correct an error on a previous roll. 21. Insurance premiums. The monthly premium for Gov- ernment insurance will be entered on pay rolls in the column headed " Insurance premiums," no explanatory entry being 41934 18 3 17 18 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. made in the column of " Remarks " except in case of error on a previous roll and as indicated below. Care should be taken by the officer preparing the roll that the premium is increased on the anniversary of the date insurance became effective. (See also rules relating to prorating insurance premiums, par. 63.) In the case of an enlisted man who has made a Class D allotment for the payment of premium in private companies, societies, or associations, the sum of such allotment and the Government insurance premium (Class C), if any, will be en- tered in the column headed " Insurance premiums," the amount for each purpose being stated in the column of " Remarks." Class C allotments for Government insurance premiums and Class D allotments for the payment of private insurance premi- ums will be withheld from pay by the paying officer and not treated as collections. 22. Entries in case allotments and other charges exceed pay for month. In the case of an enlisted man against whom charges may be made on the pay roll for post exchange, courts- martial fines, etc., which, with his allotment or allotments, more than absorb his pay, the proper entries will be made on the pay rolls monthly until the paying quartermaster can collect all due and pay a balance to the soldier. 23. Allotments and insurance premiums of officers. Com- missioned officers will note on their monthly pay accounts the amounts of Class E allotments and allotments for insurance pre- miums (Class C and Class D) in the following manner: (a) Allotments other than for the payment of insurance premiums : " Deduct for allotment $ " ; (6) Premium on Government insurance: "Deduct for insurance premium $ " ; (c) Allotments to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance for the payment of premium on insurance in private companies, societies, and associations : " Deduct for allotment for pri- vate insurance premium $ " 24. Abstracts of allotments. All disbursing officers paying commissioned officers, enlisted men, or permanent civilian em- ployees will prepare abstracts of allotments and insurance pre- miums on Form No. 6. Q. M. C, in triplicate, one copy to ho forwarded with original account current, one filed with re- tained account current, and one to be forwarded direct to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. Washington, D. C, or to the PAY ROLLS, PAY ACCOUNTS, AND ABSTRACTS. 19 depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C, in case of Class E allotments. War Department disbursing officers with the American Expeditionary Forces will prepare an additional ab- stract of all allotments and insurance premiums and forward it directly to the Quartermaster General. In all cases the copies of abstracts for the War Risk Insurance Bureau and the Quar- termaster General will be plainly marked in such a manner as to show the office or bureau for which they are intended that is, '"For Bureau of War Risk Insurance" and "For Quarter- master General." Separate abstracts will be prepared for Class A allotments, Class B allotments, insurance premiums, and Class E allotments. These abstracts should be headed with the same title that heads the appropriate columns on the pay roll that is, " Class A allotments," " Class B allotments," " Insurance premiums," and " Class E allotments." In the case of an enlisted man who has made a Class D allot- ment the abstract will show separately the amoxint of such allotment and the amount of the Government insurance pre- miums, if any. SECTION IV. ALLOTMENTS AND FAMILY ALLOWANCES UNDER WAR, RISK INSURANCE ACT. Paragraph. Limitation of allotments under the act 2Z> Article II of the act applies to "enlisted men" 20 Persons included or excluded in term "enlisted men " 27 Class A allotments provided for 28 Commencement of Class A allotments 20 Class A allotments immune from forfeiture by sentence of courts- martial 30 Class A allotments children in custody of divorced wife provided for exemption therefrom 31 Class A allotments when base pay is less than $30 32 Class B, C, and D allotments provided for 33 Commencement of Class B allotments 34 Keport required for eniisted men on nonpay status 35 Family allowances provided for 30 Restriction on family allowances :;7 Amount of Class B allotment prescribed as a condition to family allowance 3s Limitations on allowances To members of Class B 30 Apportionment of allotments and allowances between members of Classes A and B 40 Payments made by Bureau of War Risk Insurance 41 Investigation by bureau before award of family allowance 1 42 (See also " Reports in case of death, discharge, appointments, or deser- tion, ' in par. 7.) 25. Limitation of allotments under the act. From and after the date of receipt of these regulations, allotments under the war risk insurance act will be limited to Class A or compul- sory allotments: Class P. or voluntary allotments, for the bene- fit of dependent relatives of Class B; Class C. or Government insurance premium allotments; and. Class 1 . or allotments for the payment of premiums on policies held in private companies, societies, or organizations. Class B allotment will not exceed 20 ALLOTMENTS AND FAMILY ALLOWANCES, ETC. 21 the amount prescribed in paragraph 37 as a condition to secur- ing family allowance for the dependent relatives of Class B. If the soldier desires to make further allotments to dependent relatives of Class A or Class B, such allotments will be made under the provisions of the act of March 2, 1899, as amended, designated as Class E allotments, using Q. M. C. Form No. 38. (See Sec. V.) 26. Article II of the act applies to " enlisted men." Sec- tion 200, Article II, of the act states : That the provisions of this article shall apply to all en- listed men in the military or naval forces of the United States. Paragraph (7), section 22, quoted in paragraph 8 of these regu- lations, defines the term " enlisted man." 27. Persons included or excluded in term "enlisted men." Relative to section 22, Decisions (T. D. 7, W. It., and T. D. 8, W. R.) of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department, read as follows: Persons included : (1) Field clerks, Quartermaster's Corps: Field clerks. Quartermaster's Corps, are within the terms of the act as enlisted men. (2) Army field clerks: Army field clerks have the same military status as field clerks, Quartermaster's Corps, and are within the terms of the act as enlisted men. (3) Members of training camps: Member)-' of training camps who are enlisted men are within the terms of the act. (4) Students in aviation camps: Students in aviation camps wIki are enlisted men are within the terms of the act. (5) Medical officers, Public Health Service: Officers of the Public Health Service when detailed for duty with the Army or the Navy are within the terms of the act as officers in the active service of the United States. ( See Decision No. 3 (8) as to " contract surgeons.") (6) Male nurses, enlisted: Male nurses who are enlisted men of the Medical Department are within the terms of the act. ( But see Decision No. 3 (9) as to civilians employed as "contract nurses.") I 7) I? e tired officers or men ordered to active duty: Offi- cers and men on the retired list who are ordered t<> active duty by the War Department or the Navy Department are in active service and are within the terms of the act. 22 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. (8) Personnel of Lighthouse Service: The personnel of the Lighthouse Service transferred to the service and juris- diction of the War and the Navy Departments by Executive Order pursuant to the act of August 29, 1916, are within the terms of the act of October 6, 1917. Persons excluded : (1) Cadets at ^Ycst Point and midshipmen at Annapolis: Cadets at West Point and midshipmen at Annapolis who are not assigned to active service are not within the terms of the act. (2) Cadets and cadet engineers, Coast Guard: Cadets at the Coast Guard Academy and cadet engineers in the Coast Guard who are not assigned to active service are not within the terms of the act. (3) Russian Railway Service Corps: Men in the Russian Railway Service Corps are not within the terms of the act. (4) Draftsmen in Engineer Corps: Draftsmen in the En- gineer Corps are civilian employees in the Military Estab- lishment obtained by the department through the civil service and are not within the terms of the act. (5) Field clerks, Engineer Corps: The so-called field clerks in the Engineer Corps are civilian employees who have no military status. They are not within the terms of the act. (6) Civilian field clerks. Signal Corps: Civilian field clerks, Signal Corps, are civilian employees in the Military Establishment, and are not within the terms of the act. (7) Postal agents serving in France: Postal agents sent to France by the Post Office Department to handle field mail for the troops are civilian employees and are not within the terms of the act. (8) Contract surgeons: Contract surgeons arc civilians under employment by the United States by contract for their personal services as medical attendants to the troops and are not within the terms of the act. (See Decision No. 2 (5) as to medical officers. Public Health Service.) C9) Contract nurses: Civilians employed as "contract nurses" in the Army or the Navy are not within the terms of the act. (But see Decision No. 2 Id) as to enlisted male nurses. ) 28. Class A allotments provided for. Particular attention is directed to section 201 of the war risk insurance net, which reads as follows : ALLOTMENTS AND FAMILY ALLOWANCES, ETC. 23 Sec. 201. That allotment of pay shall, subject to the con- ditions, limitations, and exceptions hereinafter specified, be compulsory as to wife, a former wife divorced who has not remarried and to whom alimony has been decreed, and a child, and voluntary as to any other person ; but on the written consent of the wife or former wife divorced, sup- ported by evidence satisfactory to the bureau of her ability to support herself and the children in her custody, the allotment for her and for such children may be waived ; and on the enlisted man's application or otherwise for good cause shown, exemption from the allotment may be granted upon such conditions as may be prescribed by regulations. The monthly compulsory allotment shall be in an amount equal to the family allowance hereinafter specified except that it shall not be more than one-half the pay. or less than $15 ; but for a wife living separate and apart under couri; order or written agreement or for a former wife divorced, it shall not exceed the amount specified in the court order, decree, or written agreement to be paid to her. For an illegitimate child, to whose support the father has been judicially ordered or decreed to contribute, it shall not exceed the amount fixed in the order or decree. If there be an allotment for a wife or child, a former wife divorced and who has not remarried shall be entitled to a compulsory allotment only out of the difference, if any, between the allotment for the wife or child or both and one-half of the pay. An enlisted man making application for exemption from a Class A allotment will forward his application, as hereinhefore provided in case of original application, for transmission to the Director of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Washington. P. C. Such application will be accompanied by evidence, in the form of affidavits, or whatever other evidence can be fur- nished in support of the claim for exemption. In case there are other parties who have knowledge of the cause upon which claim is based and from whom affidavits have not been obtained, their names and addresses will be forwarded together with other documents. 29. Commencement of Class A allotments. All coinpulsory allotments of enlisted men in the service on November 1, 1917. begin on that date, whether proper forms have been executed 24 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. or not; for men entering the service after that date the allot- ments hegin on the date of enlistment and will he prorated. 30. Class A allotments immune from forfeiture by sen- tence of courts-martial. Compulsory allotments are immune from forfeiture by sentence of courts-martial. (See 1370J. A. It., or 311, Manual Courts-Martial.) Treasury Decision 11, War Risk, reads, in part, as follows: (1) Compulsory allotments. If a man is enlisted into or discharged from or dies in the military or naval service of the United States within any month the compulsory allot- ment to be made from his pay shall be prorated in accord- ance with the Government salary table. Upon the hap- pening within any month of any event which gives rise to. or terminates, or increases or decreases the obligation to make a compulsory allotment, the compulsory allotment shall be prorated as above according to the number of days in the month that the obligation (or the increased or de- creased obligation) to make a compulsory allotment existed. (3) Family allowances. In every case where the allot- ment (either compulsory or voluntary) is prorated, the family allowance shall be prorated in like manner. Bui nothing herein shall interfere with the payment of the family allowance for one month after the enlisted man is discharged from the service as provided in section 204. 31. Class A allotments Children in custody of divorced wife provided for Exemption therefrom. Treasury Decision i). War Risk, reads- as follows: An enlisted man is divorced from his wife and in the decree the divorced wife is given custody of the children but no alimony is granted for the support of either the wife or the children. Is the enlisted man required to make a compulsory allotment for the children? The act of October 6, 1917, stipulates no condition, ex- cept waiver or exemption under section 201. upon which the children of an enlisted man may be deprived of their right to an allotment from his pay. This is in direct con- trast to the right of a wife: for in section 201 it is expressly provided that where the wife is divorced the allotment for her shall not exceed the amount specified in the decree to he paid to her. As to a divorced wife, therefore, the right to share in the enlisted man's pay is terminated upon the issuance of a decree awarding no alimony. The act con- ALLOTMENTS AND FAMILY ALLOWANCES, ETC. 25 tains no such limitation, however, with respect to the rights of the children, and such limitations should not be imposed unless the act plainly requires it. It should be further noted that the basis of the right to an allotment is essen- tially one of relationship, and that while the relationship of husband and wife may be terminated by law the relation- ship of father and child can not. The enlisted man must make a compulsory allotment for his children in the circumstances stated, unless the allot- ment is waived or an exemption is granted under section 201 of the act. Treasury Decision 10, War Risk, reads as follows: Section 201 of the act of October 6, 1917, contains the provision, with reference to the compulsory allotment, thai " on the enlisted man's application or otherwise for good cause shown, exemption from the allotment may be granted upon such conditions as may be prescribed by regulations.*' Section 13 contains the provision that " wherever under any provision or provisions of the act regulations are di- rected or authorized to be made, such regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, shall or may be made by the director, subject to the general direction of the Secre- tary of the Treasury." Under the authority conferred by the foregoing provi- sions of the act, the following regulation is issued relat- ing to exemption from the compulsory allotment for chil- dren where they are in custody of divorced wife and no alimony granted for their support, under section 201 of the act of October 6. 1917 : Where an enlisted man is divorced from his wife and in the decree the divorced wife is given custody of the chil- dren but no alimony is granted for the support either of the wife or of the children, the enlisted man may. upon application to the bureau, be exempted from 1 lie compulsory allotment. The application shall state the name and ad- dress of the divorced wife and the names and addresses of the children and shall be supported by evidence showing good cause, including a certified copy of the divorce decree and such other information as the bureau may require. 32. Class A allotments when base pay is less than $30. Section 201 has been interpreted, in the case where a soldier's 41934 18 1 26 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE pay is less than $30 per month, as in the case of the Philippine Scouts, to mean that one-half of the pay is the maximum amount that should he required for the compulsory allotment. I Letter, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Dec. 28, 1917.) 33. Class B, C, and 1) allotments provided for. Voluntary allotments are provided for in the act as follows: Sec. 202. That the enlisted man may allot any proportion or proportions or any fixed amount or amounts of hi*; monthly pay or of the proportion thereof remaining after the compulsory allotment, for such purposes and for the benefit of such person or persons as he may direct, subject, however, to such conditions and limitations as may be pre- scribed under regulations to he made by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, respectively. Treasury Decision 11, War Risk, relating to Class I? allow- ances, reads in part as follows: (2) Voluntary allotments. When a man is enlisted into or discharged from or dies in the military or naval service of the Tinted States within any month and makes a volun- tary allotment to begin with the date of his enlistment, or to continue to the date of his discharge or death, the vol- untary allotment to be made from his pay shall be pro- rated in accordance with the Government salary table. If the enlisted man was in the service on the first day of the month in which he makes a voluntary allotment, the al- lotment shall begin as of the first day of that month unless he specifies that it shall begin on the first day of a succeed- ing month. (3) Family alloiranrcz. In every case where the allot- ment (either compulsory or voluntary) is prorated the family allowance shall be prorated in like manner. But nothing herein shall interfere with the payment of the family allowance for one month after the enlisted man is discharged from t lie services, as provided in section 204. 34. Commencement of Class B allotments. All voluntary allotments to dependent relatives of Class B should he made to hoLrin on tin 1 first day of the month in which executed, if prac- ticable; if impracticable (such as insufficient pay having ac- crued), then on the first day of the following month. 35. Report required for enlisted men on nonpay siatus. When the pay status of an enlisted man. having an allotment running under the war risk insurance act, shews that due to ALLOTMENTS AND FAMILY ALLOWANCES. ETC. 27 misconduct he can not meet such allotment before the close of his service, all the facts will be immediately reported through the prescribed channel, for such action by the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, as the case may warrant. a 6. Family allowances provided for. Sec. 204. That a family allowance of not exceeding $50 ner month shall be granted and paid by the United States upon written application to the bureau by such enlisted man or by or on behalf of any prospective beneficiary, in accordance with and subject to the conditions, limitations, and exceptions hereinafter specified. That family allowance shall be paid from the time of en- listment to death in or one month after discharge from the service, but not for more than one month after the termina- tion of the present war emergency. No family allowance shall be made for any period preceding November first, nineteen hundred and seventeen. The payment shall be subject to such regulations as may be prescribed relative to cases of desertion and imprisonment and of missing men. Subject to the conditions, limitations, and exceptions here- inabove and hereinafter specified, the family allowance payable per month shall be as follows : Class A: In the case of a man, to his wife (including a former wife divorced) and to his child or children: ( a ) If there be a wife but no child, $15. (&) If there be a wife and one child, $25. (c) If there be a wife and two children. $32.50, with $5 oer month additional for each additional child. (d) If there be no wife but one child, $5. (e) If there be no wife but two children, $12.50. (/) If there be no wife but three children, $20. (g) If there be no wife but four children. $30, with $.1 per month additional for each additional child. Class B: In the case of a man or woman, to a grandchild. a parent, brother, or sister : (a) If there be one parent, $10. (ft) If there be two parents, $20. (c) For each grandchild, brother, sister, and additional parent, $5. In the case of a woman, to a child or children : ((7) If there be one child, $5. (e) If there be two children, $12.50. 28 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. (/) If there be three children, $20. ( but less than one-half of the enlisted man's monthly pay and is not sufficient to secure the family allowance for all persons for whom a family allowance is claimed, the allotment shall be considered made in the manner most effective for securing family allowances; pro- vided that the sum of the family allowance that may lie granted as specified in section 204 does not exceed the total ALLOTMENTS AND FAMILY ALLOWANCES, ETC. 31 sum allotted, subject however to the limitations of section 207. The family allowance granted shall be apportioned among the named dependents in Class B according to the rule of apportionment above. (c) If individual allotments are made for the several members of Class B and the sum of the allotments is at least $15 but less than one-half of the enlisted man's pay monthly and if any of the individual allotments is less than the corresponding family allowance (as specified in section 204) for the individual member for whom a family allow- ance is claimed the total allotment shall be considered made in the manner most effective for securing family allowances ; provided that the sum of the total family allowances that may be granted as specified in section 204 does not exceed the total sum allotted, subject however to the limitations of section 207. The family allowance granted shall be apportioned among the named dependents in Class B according to the rule of apportionment above. 41. Payments made by Bureau of War Risk Insurance. Sec 209. The War and Navy Departments, respectively, shall pay over to the Treasury Department monthly the entire amount of such allotments for distribution to the beneficiaries, and the allotments and family allowances shall be paid by the bureau to or for the beneficiaries. The term " such allotments " means the allotments to de- pendents of Classes A and B only. 42. Investigation by bureau before award of family allow- ance. Sec. 210. That upon receipt of any application for family allowance the commissioner shall make all proper investi- gations and shall make an award, on the basis of which award the amount of the allotments t<> be made by the man shall be certified to the War Department or Navy Depart- ment, as may be proper. Whenever the commissioner shall have reason to believe that an allowance lias been improp- erly made or that the conditions have changed, he shall investigate or reinvestigate and may modify the award. The amount of each monthly allotment and allowance shall be determined according to the conditions then existing SECTION V.- ALLOTMENTS UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS AP- PROVED MARCH 2, 1899, AS AMENDED, DESIG- NATED HEREIN AS CLASS E ALLOTMENTS. Paragraph. Act of Mar. 2, 1899, as amended by act of Oct. G, 1917 4.'{ Allotments of officers and retired officers on active duty _^ 44 Allotments of enlisted men and retired enlisted men on active duty and permanent civilian employees 4~> Allotments to run for persons missing or captured by the enemy.. 4t; Report of death of payee of an allotment 47 Discontinuance of allotment before expiration of period 48 Renewal of discontinued allotment 49 (See also reports in case of death, discharge, appointments, or deser- tion in paragraph 7.) 43. Act of March 2, 1899, us amended by act of October <>. 1017. Be it enacted h]j the Saint'- and House of Repre- sentatives of the United state* of America in Congress as- xi inhUd. That section sixteen of the act of Congress approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, entitled "An net for increasing the efficiency of the Army of the tnited States, and for other purposes," as amended by the act of March second, nineteen hundred and one, he. and the same is hereby, amended as follows: "The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to permit, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, any officer or enlisted man on the active list of the Army, any retired officer or enlisted man of the Army on active duty, and any permanent civilian employee under the jurisdiction of the War Department on duly outside of the continental limits of the United States, to make allotments of his pay for the sup- port of his wife, children, or dependent relatives, or for such other purposes as the Secretary of War may deem proper. All allotments of pay of officers, eidisted men. and civilian em- ployees that have been or shall he paid to designated allottees previous to the receipt by disbursing officer of notice of dis- continuance of the same from the officer required by regula- tions to furnish such notice shall pass to the credit of the disbursing officer who has made or shall make such payments; and, if erroneous payment is made because of the failure of an 32 ALLOTMENTS UNDER ACT OF MARCH 2, 1899. 33 oflicer to report, in the manner prescribed by the Secretary of War, the death of the grantor, or any fact which renders the allotment nut payable, then the amount of such erroneous pay- ment shall be collected by the Quartermaster General from the officer who fails to make such report, if such collection is prac- ticable. Nothing herein shall be construed to invalidate allot- ments now in force. - ' (Approved Oct. 6, 1917.) 44. Allotments of officers and retired officers on active duty. ( (/ ) An officer who does not desire to dispose of his pay accounts as prescribed in paragraph 1239. Army Regulations, 1913, may make an allotment of any portion of his pay for the support of his family or dependent relatives, for his own savings or for any other purpose except that of obtaining an advance on his pay, the difference between the amount so allotted and the total pay due to be drawn by the officer at the place where he is serving. This allotment must be in an amount less than the sum of the officer's monthly pay and longevity pay. and the difference between the total pay due him and the amount allotted will be drawn at the station where he is serving on a pay account prepared to cover the total pay due. with the notation " Deduct for allotment .$ ." All allotments of pay will be paid by the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. 0., as they accrue, if the casualty list, stoppage circular, or other report shows no bar to payment. {b) An officer desiring to make an allotment of pay as herein provided will state his allotment on Q. M. C. Form No. 38a, which will be forwarded directly to the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C. Should the allotment form not be available, the officer may make his allotment in the form of a letter reading : I hereby allot $ of my pay per month for months, commencing the 1st day of to who is my and whose address is . (< ) Should the officer desire to have the amount of the allot- ment placed to the credit of his allottee with a bank, he will amplify his letter accordingly, giving the name and location of the bank. This letter should be forwarded in the same manner as is herein provided for the regular allotment form. (*) An officer who has disposed of his pay accounts as pre- scribed in paragraph 12.">9. Army Regulations. 1913, and who desires to substitute an allotment of pay therefor, should, in forwarding his allotment, request the return of said pay accounts. 34 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. The pay accounts will be returned by the depot quartermaster through the proper quartermaster where the officer is serving. (e) Should an officer desire to discontinue an allotment prior to the expiration of the period for which originally made, he will notify the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C, specifying date, which will be the last day of a month on which he desires the discontinuance to take effect. This notification will be sent directly to the depot quartermaster. Washington, D. C, and when practicable will be mailed sufficiently in advance of the date of discontinuance to insure receipt by the depot quartermaster be- fore said date. In case there is any doubt as to the discontinu- ance being received through the mails prior to the date specified therein, the officer, at the time of mailing the discontinuance, will notify the depot quartermaster by telegraph of the date of discontinuance, such telegram to be paid for by the officer. The depot quartermaster will acknowledge receipt of all requests for discontinuance of officer's allotments, and officers will continue to deduct from their monthly pay the amount allotted until re- ceipt of such acknowledgment. When this acknowledgment from the depot quartermaster has been received and it is found that the allotment has been withheld for any month or months beyond the date of discontinuance, as specified by the depot quartermaster. Washington, D. C, the officer will take credit on his next succeeding monthly pay account for the amount so withheld beyond the date of actual discontinuance. (/) It shall be the duty of the immediate commanding officer of any officer who assumes a status which deprives him of pay to ascertain whether the officer has an allotment: and if so, to report the matter to the commanding general of the de- partment or forces with which the officer is serving, who will notify The Adjutant General of the Army by telegraph to dis- continue allotment, or to suspend further payments if the facts do not call for total discontinuance. 45. Allotments of enlisted men, retired enlisted men on active duty, and permanent civilian employees. An enlisted man and a retired enlisted man on active duty wherever located, and a permanent civilian employee of the War Department about to embark for service beyond the sea. or already on over-sea service, may make an allotment of any portion of his pay re- maining after deductions are made in compliance with the war- risk insurance act, for his own savings, or for any other pur- pose, excepting that of obtaining an advance on hi-; pay. (See par. 10.) ALLOTMENTS UNDER ACT OF MARCH 2, 1899. 35 46. Allotments to run for persons missing or captured by the enemy. In case of the capture by the enemy of officers, enlisted men, or permanent civilian employees, and officers, en- listed men. and permanent civilian employees who are missing. and who have made allotments under this section of these regu- lations, which may expire after their capture, or after they are reported missing, the monthly payments of the same shall be continued until otherwise ordered by tbe Secretary of War. 47. Report of death of payee of an allotment. Upon re- ceiving information of the death of any person to whom an allotment is payable by him, the quartermaster properly desig- nated to pay this allotment shall at once report this fact to the grantor's immediate commanding officer. 48. Discontinuance of allotment before expiration of period. When an enlisted man, or permanent civilian employee, who has made a Class E allotment desires to discontinue it prior to the expiration of the period for which it was granted, the company or detachment commander will prepare a request for discontinuance of allotment (Q. M. C. Form No. 39) in duplicate, and forward the original directly to the depot quar- termaster, Washington. D. C, retaining the duplicate for file with the records of the company or detachment office. If Q. M. C. Form No. 39 is not available, allotment may be dis- continued by letter forwarded by the grantor's immediate com- manding officer. The month for which the last payment is to be made will be specified in the request, but the stoppage of pay to meet the allotment should be continued until receipt from the depot quartermaster, Washington, D. C, of acknowl- edgment of request for discontinuance. If, on receipt of the request for discontinuance of the allotment, payment thereon has been made beyond the month specified, the depot quarter- master, Washington, D. C, in making acknowledgment, will state the date to which the allotment has been paid, and author- ize the repayment to the grantor of any pay deducted in excess of the payment of allotment. When an allotment is to run for the fidl period for which granted, no request for discontinuance or notice of expiration is necessary. (See par. 15.) 49. Renewal of discontinued allotment. When an allot- ment is discontinued, at the request of the person making it, before the expiration of the term for which it is granted, it shall not be renewed, but a new allotment form may be exe- cuted and forwarded, constituting a new allotment. SECTION VI. COMPENSATION FOR DEATH OR DISABILITY. Paragraph. Payment of compensation for death or disability 50 Payment at death not made until officially recorded 51 Payment in case of death for crime 52 Burial expenses 53 Services of surgeons _-__ 54 Governmental medical, surgical, and hospital services in addition to compensation 55 Surgeon to make physical examinations in cases of applications for compensation 50 Rehabilitation and form of enlistment therefor 57 Failure to comply with section 304 5S No compensation paid at same time as service or retirement pay 59 Compensation for Nurse Corps fiu Other provisions of Article III of the act Gl (See also reports in case of death, discharge, appointments or de- sertion in paragraph 7.) 50. Payment of compensation for death or disability. Sec 300. That for death or disability resulting from per- sonal injury suffered or disease contracted in the line of duty, by any commissioned oflicer or enlisted man or by any member of the Army Nurse Corps (female) or of the Navy Nurse Corps (female) when employed in the active service under the War Department or Navy Department, the United States shall pay compensation as hereinafter provided : but no compensation shall be paid if the injury or disease has been caused by his own willful misconduct. The payment of compensation for death or disability is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. 51. Payment at death not made until officially recorded. Sec. 807. That compensation shall not be payable for death in the course of the service until the deatli beodioially recorded in the department tinder which he may be serving. No compensation shall be payable for a period during which the man has been reported '"missing" and a family al- lowance has been paid for him under the provisions of Article II. 36 COMPENSATION FOR DEATH OR DISABILITY. 37 52. Payment in case of death for crime. Sec. 308. That no compensation shall be payable for death inflicted as a lawful punishment for a crime or mili- tary offense except when inflicted by the enemy. A dismissal or dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the service shall bar and terminate all right to any compensation under the provisions of this article. 53. Burial expenses. Sec. 301. * * * If the death occur before discharge or resignation from service, the United States shall pay for burial expenses and the return of body to his home a sum not to exceed $100. as may be fixed by regula- tions. * * * When death occurs in the United States. Alaska, or in the Panama Canal Zone, the provisions, paragraphs 87 and 167. Army Regulations. 1913. shall govern for officers, enlisted men, and members of the Nurse Corps (female). When death occurs in the sphere of operations of the present war the bodies of deceased persons of the '-lasses named will be brought to the United States for reinterment under such regulations as may from time to time be in force. 54. Services of surgeons. Section 14 states : * * * -The bureau shall, by arrangement with the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, respec- tively, make use of the services of surgeons in the Army and Navy. * * * 55. Governmental medical, surgical, and hospital services in addition to compensation. Sec. 302. (3) In addition to the compensation above pro- vided, the injured person shall be furnished by the United States such reasonable governmental medical, surgical, and hospital services and with such supplies, including artifi- cial limbs, trusses, and similar appliances, as the director may determine to be useful and reasonably necessary : Pro- vided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to affect the necessary military control over any member of the Military or Naval Establishments before he shall have been discharged from the military or naval service. 50. Surgeon to make physical examination in cases of ap- plications for compensation. Upon the request of the Direc- tor of the Bureau of War Itisk Insurance to The Adjutant Gen- eral, a surgeon of the Army will be designated to make a physi- 38 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. cal examination of the individual whose ease is under considera- tion. The report will be transmitted to the Bureau of War Kisk Insurance through The Adjutant General. Set, 303. That every person applying for or in receipt of compensation for disability under the provisions of this article shall, as frequently and at such times and places ;is may be reasonably required, submit himself to ex- amination by a medical officer of the United States or by a duly qualified physician designated or approved by the director. He may have a duly qualified physician desig- nated and paid by him present to participate in such ex- amination. For all examinations he shall, in the discre- tion of the director, be paid his reasonable traveling and other expenses and also loss of wages incurred in order to submit to such examination. If he refuses to submit him- self for, or in any way obstructs, any examination, his right to claim compensation under this article shall be suspended until such refusal or obstruction ceases. No compensation shall be payable while such refusal or obstruction continues, and no compensation shall be payable for the intervening period. Every person in receipt of compensation for disability shall submit to any reasonable medical or surgical treat- ment furnished by the bureau whenever requested by the bureau ; and the consequences of unreasonable refusal to submit to any such treatment shall not be deemed to result from the injury compensated for. 57. Rehabilitation, and form of enlistment therefor. Sec- tion 304 provides : .That in cases of dismemberment, of injuries to sight or hearing, and of other injuries commonly causing permanent disability, the injured person shall follow such course or courses of rehabilitation, reeducation, and vocational train- ing as the United States may provide or procure to be pro- vided. Should such course prevent the injured person from following a substantially gainful occupation while taking same, a form of enlistment may be required which shall bring the injured person into the military or naval service. Such enlistment shall entitle the person to full pay as dur- ing the last month of his active service, and his family to family allowances and allotment as hereinbefore provided, in lieu of all other compensation for the time being. * COMPENSATION FOR DEATH OR DISABILITY. 39 58. Failure to comply with section 304. * * * In case of his willful failure properly to follow such course or so to enlist, payment of compensation shall he suspended until such willful failure ceases and no com- pensation shall be payable for the intervening period. 59. No compensation paid at same time as service or re- tirement pay. Sec. 312. That compensation under this article shall not he paid while the person is in receipt of service or retire- ment pay. The laws providing for gratuities or payments in the event of death in the service and existing pension laws shall not be applicable after the enactment of this amendment to persons now in or hereafter entering the military or naval service, or to their widows, children, or their dependents, except in so far as rights under any such law shall have heretofore accrued. * * * <>0. Compensation for Nurse Corps. Sec. 312. * * * Compensation because of disability or death of members of the Army Nurse Corps (female) or of the Navy Nurse Corps (female) shall be in lieu of any com- pensation for such disability or death under the act entitled "An act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes."' approved September seventh, nineteen hundred and sixteen. 61. Other provisions of Article III of the act. Sec 301. That if death results from injury If the deceased leaves a widow or child, or if he leaves a widowed mother dependent upon him for support, the monthly compensation shall be the following amounts : ( a ) For a widow alone. $25. (b) For a widow and one child. $35. (c) For a widow and two children, $47.50, with $5 for each additional child up to two. ( d ) If there be no widow, then for one child, $20. (e) For two children. $30. (f) For three children, $40, with $5 for each additional child up to two. (g) For a widowed mother. $20. The amount payable under this subdivision shall not be greater than a sum 40 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. which, when added to the total amount payable to the widow and children, does not exceed $75. This compensation shall lie payable for the death of but one child, and no compensa- tion for the death of a child shall be payable if such widowed mother is in receipt of compensation under the provisions of this article for the death of her husband. Such compen- sation shall be payable whether her widowhood arises bo- fore or after the death of the person and whenever her condition is such that if the person were living the widowed mother would have been dependent upon him for support. * * * * * The payment of compensation to a widow or widowed mother shall continue until her deatli or remarriage. The payment of compensation to or for a child shall continue until such child reaches the age of eighteen years or marries, or if such child be incapable, because of in- sanity, idiocy, or being otherwise permanently helpless, then during such incapacity. Whenever the compensation payable to or for the benefit of any person under the provisions of this section is termi- nated by the happening of the contingency upon which it is limited, the compensation thereafter lor the remaining beneficiary or beneficiaries, if any. shall he the amount which would have been payable to them if they had been the sole original, beneficiaries. As between the widow and the children not in her cus- tody, and as between children, the amount of the compensa- tion shall be apportioned ns may lie prescribed by regula- tions. The word "widow" as used in this section shall not include one who shall have married the deceased later than ten years after the time of injury. Sec. 302. That if disability results from the injury (1) If and while the disability is total, the monthly com- pensation shall be the following amounts: (a ' If he has neither wife nor child living, .$30. (b) If he has a wife but no child living. $4-". (c) If he has a wife and one child living, s.".". (d) If he has a wife and two children living. *>-". (e) If he has a wife and three or more children living. S7.". (f) If he has no wife hut one child living, S to. with Sift fin' i*ach additional child up to two. COMPENSATION FOR DEATH OR DISABILITY. 41 (g) If he has a widowed mother dependent on him for support, then, in addition to the above amounts, $10. To an injured person who is totally disabled and in addi- tion so helpless as to be in constant need of a nurse or attendant, such additional sum shall be paid, but not ex- ceeding $20 per month, as the director may deem reason- able : Provided, however, That for the loss of both feet or both hands or both eyes, or for becoming totally blind or helpless and permanently bedridden from causes occur- ring in the line of duty in the service of the United States, the rate of compensation shall be $100 per month : Provided further, That no allowance shall be made for nurse or attendant. * * * * :|: Sec. 300. That no compensation shall be payable for death or disability which does not occur prior to or within one year after discharge or resignation from the service, except that where, after a medical examination made pursuant to regulations, at the time of discharge or resignation from the service, or within such reasonable time thereafter, not exceeding one year, as may be allowed by regulations, a cer- tificate has been obtained from the director to the effect that the injured person at the time of his discharge or res- ignation was suffering from injury likely to result in death or disability, compensation shall be payable for death or disability, whenever occurring, proximately resulting from such injury. Sec. 309. That no compensation shall be payable, unless a claim therefor be filed, in case of disability, within five years after discharge or resignation from the service, or, in case of death during the service, within five 5'ears after such death is officially recorded in the department under which he may be serving: Provided, however. That where com- pensation is payable for death or disability occurring after discharge or resignation from the service, claim must be made within five years after such death or the beginning of such disability. The lime herein provided may be extended by the director not to exceed one year for good cause shown. If at the time that any right accrues to any person under the provisions of this article, such person is a minor, or is of unsound mind 42 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. or physically unable to make a claim, the time herein pro- vided shall not begin to run until such disability ceases. Sec. 310. That no compensation shall be payable for any period more than two years prior to the d;ite of claim there- for, nor shall increased compensation be awarded to revert back more than one year prior to the date of claim therefor. Sec. 311. That compensation under this article shall not be assignable, :md shall be exempt from attachment and exe- cution and from all taxation. Sec 313. That if an injury or death for which compensa- tion is payable under this amendatory act is caused under circumstances creating a legal liability upon some person other than the United State;-, or the enemy to pay damages therefor, the director, as a condition to payment of compen- sation by the United States, shall require the beneficiary to assign to the United States any right of action he may have to enforce such liability of such other person or any right which he may have to share in any money or other property received in satisfaction of such liability of such other person. The cause of action so assigned to the United States may be prosecuted or compromised by the director and any money realized thereon shall be placed to the credit of the compensation fund. SECTION VII. INSURANCE. Paragraph. Government insurance ; general provisions 6- Kuies relating to prorating insurance premiums Co Government insurance ; decision relative to apportionment of automatic insurance 64 Disposition of premiums collected 65 Insurance other than governmental 66 Other provisions of Article IV of the act 67 (See also reports in case of death, discharge, appointments, or de- sertion, in paragraph 7.) 62. Government insurance; general provisions. Section 400 of the act reads as follows : Sec. 400. That in order to give to every commissioned officer and enlisted man and to every member of the Army Nurse Corps (female) and of the Navy Nurse Corps (fe- male) when employed in active service under the War Department or Navy Department greater protection for themselves and their dependents than is provided in Ar- ticle III, the United States, upon application to the bureau and without medical examination, shall grant insurance against the death or total permanent disability of any such person in any multiple of $500. and not less than $1,000 or more than $10,000, upon the payment of the premiums as hereinafter provided. 63. Exiles relating to prorating insurance permiums. The Bureau of War Risk Insurance has adopted the following rules relating to prorating insurance premiums : (a) Premiums at the beginning of insurance contract shall not be prorated for the portion of the calendar month in which insurance is applied for. The full month premium is payable on or before the end of the calendar month in which applica- tion is made. (b) At the time of leaving the service no action need be taken by the Army in adjusting insurance premiums, either by deduction from pay in respect of days elapsed since the end of previous calendar month or by refund in respect of days for which insurance premiums have already been collected. 43 44 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. (c) At the time of leaving service insured should receive ex- plicit notice that he must pay premiums direct to the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, if he wishes to continue the insurance, checks or money orders to he drawn to the order of the Treasurer of the United States. He should he notified in writing of the date and amount of such premium payments and this bureau notified at the same time by duplicate memorandum that such action has been taken. 04. Government insurance: decision relative to apportion- ment of automatic insurance. Relative to section -1<>1 of the act. Regulation No. 2 of the Bureau of "War Risk Insurance. Treasury Department (T. D. 5. W. R.). reads as follows; Section 401 of the act of October 0, I!>17. contains the following provision authorizing automatic insurance: "Any person in the active service on or after tin- sixth day of April, nineteen hundred and seventeen, who. while in such service and before the expiration of one hundred and twenty days from and after such publication, becomes <>r has become totally and permanently disabled or dies, or has died, without having applied for insurance, shall be deemed to have applied for and to have been granted insurance, payable to such person during his life in monthly installments of .$25 each. If lie shall die either before he shall have received any of such monthly installments or before he shall have received two hundred and forty of such monthly installments, then $2o per month shall be paid to his wife from the time of his death and during her widowhood, or to his child, or widowed mother if and while they survive him: Provided, hoicerer. That not more than two hundred and forty of such monthly installments, including those received by such person durhur his total and permanent disability, shall be so paid; and in that event the amount of the monthly installments shall be appor- tioned between them as may he provided by regulations." Section 13 contains the provision that "Wherever under any provision or provisions of the act regulations are directed or authorized to be made, such regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, shall or may be made by the director, subject to the general direc- tion r.f the Secretary of the Treasury." INSURANCE. 45 Under the authority conferred by the foregoing provisions of the act the following regulations are issued relating to the apportionment of the automatic insurance : If no beneficiary within the permitted class (only the in- sured's widow during her widowhood, his child, or his widowed mother) be designated by the insured, either in his lifetime or by his last will and testament, or if the designated beneficiary does not survive the insured, the in- surance shall be payable to such person or persons within the said permitted class of beneficiaries as would under the laws of the State of the residence of the insured be entitled to his personal property in case of intestacy. 65. Disposition of premiums collected. Section 20 of the act reads in part as follows : * * * All premiums that may be collected for the in- surance provided by the provisions of Article IV shall be deposited and covered into the Treasury to the credit of this appropriation. * * * 66. Insurance other than governmental. Section 24 of the act reads as follows : Sec. 24. That the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, so far as practicable, shall upon request furnish information to and act for any persons in the military or naval service, with respect to any contracts of insurance whether with the Government or otherwise, as may be prescribed by regu- lations. Said bureau may upon request procure from and keep a record of the amount and kind of insurance held by every commissioned and appointive officer and of every enlisted man in the military or naval servce of the United States, including the name and principal place of business of the company, society, or organization in which such in- surance is held, the date of the policy, amount of premium, name and relationship of the beneficiary, and such other data as may be. deemed of service in protecting the interests of the insured and beneficiaries. Officers and enlisted men carrying insurance other than gov- ernmental may, but are not required to, avail themselves of this provision. 67. Other provisions of Article IV of the act. Other pro- visions of Article IV of the act read as follows : Sec 401. That such insurance must be applied for within one hundred and twenty days after enlistment or after 46 REGULATIONS FOE WAR RISE INSURANCE. entrance into or employment in the active service and before discharge or resignation, except that those persons who are in the active war service at the time of the publication of the terms and conditions of such contract of insurance may apply at any time within one hundred and twenty days thereafter and while in such service. * * * Sec. 402. That the director, subject to the general direc- tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall promptly deter- mine upon and publish the full and exact terms and condi- tions of such contract of insurance. The insurance shall not be assignable, and shall not be subject to the claims of creditors of the insured or of the beneficiary. It shall be payable only to a spouse, child, grandchild, parent, brother or sister, and also during total and permanent disability to the injured person, or to any or all of them. The in- surance shall be payable in two hundred and forty equal monthly installments. Provisions for maturity at certain ages, for continuous installments during the life of the in- sured or beneficiaries, or both, for cash, loan, paid-up and ex- tended values, dividends from gains and savings, and such other provisions for the protection and advantage of and for alternative benefits to the insured and the beneficiaries as may be found to be reasonable and practicable, may be provided for in the contract of insurance, or from time to time by regulations. All calculations shall be based upon the American Experience Table of Mortality and in- terest at three and one-half per centum per annum, ex- cept that no deduction shall be made for continuous install- ments during the life of the insured in case his total and permanent disability continue? more than two hundred and forty months. Subject to regulations, the insured shall at all times have the right to change the beneficiary or benficiaries of such insurance without the consent of such beneficiary or beneficiaries, but only within the classes herein provided. If no beneficiary within the permitted class be designated by the insured, either in his lifetime or by his last will and testament, or if the designated beneficiary does not survive the insured, the insurance shall be payable to such person or persons, within the per- mitted class of beneficiaries as would under the laws of the State of the residence of the insured, be entitled to his personal property in case of intestacy. If no such person INSURANCE. 47 survive the insured, then there shall be paid to the estate of the insured an amount equal to the reserve value, if any, of the insurance at the time of his death, calculated on the basis of the American Experience Table of Mortality and three and one-half per centum interest in full of all obliga- tions under the contract of insurance. Sec. 403. That the United States shall bear the expenses of administration and the excess mortality and disability cost resulting from the hazards of war. The premium rates shall be the net rates based upon the American Ex- perience Table of Mortality and interest at three and one- half per centum per annum. Sec. 404. That during the period of war and thereafter until converted the insurance shall be term insurance for successive terms of one year each. Not later than five years after the date of the termination of the war as de- clared by proclamation of the President of the United States, the term insurance shall be converted, without medical examination, into such form or forms of insurance as may be prescribed by regulations and as the insured may request. Regulations shall provide for the right to convert into ordinary life, twenty payment life, endowment maturing at age sixty-two and into other usual forms of insurance and shall prescribe the time and method of pay- ment of the premiums thereon, but payments of premiums in advance shall not be required for periods of more than one month each and may be deducted from the pay or deposit of the insured or be otherwise made at his election. Sec. 405. That in the event of disagreement as to a claim under the contract of insurance between the bureau and any beneficiary or beneficiaries thereunder, an action on the claim may be brought against the United States in the district court of the United States in and for the district in which such beneficiaries or any one of them resides. The court, as part of its judgment, shall determine and allow such reasonable attorney's fees, not to exceed ten per centum of the amount recovered, to be paid by the claimant on behalf of whom such proceedings are instituted to his attorney ; and it shall be unlawful for the attorney or for any other person acting as claim agent or otherwise to ask for, contract for, or receive any other compensation be- cause of such action. No other compensation or fee shall 48 REGULATIONS FOR WAR RISK INSURANCE. be charged or received by any person except such as may be authorized by the commissioner in regulations to be pro- mulgated by him. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall, for each and every such offense, be fined not exceeding $500, or be imprisoned at hard labor not exceeding two years, or both, in the dis- cretion of the court. MONTHLY PREMIUMS FOR EACH $1,000 OF INSURANCE. [Each $1,000 of insurance Is payable in Installments of $5.75 per month for 240 months ; but if the insured Is totally and permanently disabled and lives longer than 240 months the payments will be con- tinued as long as he lives and is so disabled.] Monthly Monthly Monthl v Month- Age. pre- Age. pre- 1 Age. pre- Age. ly pre- mium. minm. i mium. mium. 15 $0.63 28 $0.68 41 $0.82 54 $1.44 16 .63 29 .69 42 .84 55 1.53 17 .63 30 .69 43 .87 .56 1.64 18 .64 31 .70 44 .89 57 1.76 19 .64 32 .71 45 .92 58 1.90 20 .64 33 .72 46 .95 59 2.05 21 .65 34 .73 47 .99 60 2.21 22 .65 35 .74 48 1.03 61 2.40 23 .65 36 . 75 49 1.08 62 2.00 24 .66 37 .76 50 1.14 63 2.82 .66 38 .77 51 1.20 64 3.07 .67 .67 : 39 40 .79 .81 52 53 1.27 1.35 65 3.35 27 INDEX A. Paragraphs. Abstracts of allotments and insurance premiums 24 Act of Congress of March 2, 1899, allotments under 2. 43 Action in case of change of pay of enlisted man or status of beneficiary 13 Action taken on application, notification of 17 Additional columns on pay roll 20 Administration of Bureau of War Risk Insurance 3 Allotments : Abstracts of 24 Amount of Class E, to be noted on officers' monthly pay accounts 23 Apportionment of 40 Blank forms to be made out 10 Changes in 13 Civilian employees 45, 46 Class A 2,16,25,28,29,30,31,32 See also Class A allotments. Class B 2,16,25,33,34,38 See also Class B allotments. Class C 2,16,21,23,25,33 See also Class C allotments. Class D 2,16,21,23,25,33 See also Class D allotments. Class E 2,16,17,18,23,44,45,46 See also Class E allotments. Classification of 2 Compulsory 2, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Discontinuance of 16,44,48 Enlisted men under act of March 2, 1899 45,46 Exemption from 28,31 For payment of premiums on certain insurance policies 2,66 Forms of, preparation and channels of transmittal-- 10 Limitation of 25 Officers 23,44,46 (49) 60 INDEX. Allotments Continued. Paragraphs. Pay less than $30 32 Persons missing or captured by the enemy 46 Preparation of forms for 10 Procedure when charges including allotments exceed pay 22 Provision for 28, 33 Renewal of discontinued 49 Report of death of payee of 47 Retired enlisted men 45,46 Retired officers 44,46 Under act of March 2, 1899 (Class E) 2,43 Under war risk insurance act (Classes A, B, C, and D) 2 Voluntary 2,25,28,33 Allowances. See Family allowances ; Allotments ; Com- pensation. American Expeditionary Forces : Abstracts of allotments and insurance premiums 24 Channels of communications concerning personnel stationed in Europe 6 Preparation and transmittal of war risk insurance forms 10 Reports in case of death, discharge, etc 7 Applications : Changes in 10, 13 For compensation, physical examination 56 New forms 13 Notification of action taken on 17 Preparation of 4,10 Scrutiny of, before transmittal 10,12 Third parties 15 Transmittal of 10,14,28 Appointment as commissioned officer, report in case of__ 7 Apportionment of allotments and allowances 40 Apportionment of automatic insurance, decision rela- tive to 64 Articles of war risk insurance act 1 Article II applies to enlisted men 26 Article IV, provisions relating to insurance 67 Automatic insurance, decision relative to apportionment of 64 INDEX. 51 B. Beneficiaries : Paragraphs. Action in case of change of status of 13 Distribution of allotments to 41 Blank forms, allotment 10 Brother defined 8 Bureau of War Risk Insurance : Allotment blank forms 10 Channels of communication 6 Composition of 3 Director of, duties, rulings, etc 3, 5 Establishment of 3 Investigation by, before award of family allowances- 42 Payments made by, for distribution to beneficiaries- 41 Rulings and decisions of, govern 5 To act for certain persons with respect to contracts of insurance 66 Burial expenses 53 C. Change of pay of enlisted men, action in case of 13 Change of status of beneficiary, action in case of 13 Changes in applications 10, 13 Channels of communication 6 Channels of transmittal of applications, etc 10, 14, 28 Child, family allowances to 36 Child defined " 8 Children in custody of divorced wife, provision for 31 Civilian employees : Allotments of 45 Missing or captured, allotments to run 46 Class A allotments : Commencement of 29 Designation of 2 Discontinuance of 16 Exemption from 28,31 Immune from forfeiture by sentence of court-martial- 30 Limitation of 25 Provision for 28 Provision for children in custody of divorced wife 31 Where soldier's pay is less than $30 32 Class B allotments : Amount of, as condition to family allowance 38 Commencement of 34 52 INDEX. Class B allotments Continued. Paragraphs. Designation of _ ._ 2 Discontinuance of 16 Limitation of 25 Provision for 33 Class C allotments : Designation of 2 Discontinuance of 16 Entry on officers' monthly pay accounts 23 Entry on pay rolls 21 Limitation of 25 Provision for 33 Class D allotments : Designation of 2 Discontinuance of 16 Entry on officers' monthly pay accounts 23 Entry on pay rolls 21 Limitation of 25 Provision for 33 Class E allotments : Continuance of certain 46 Designation of 2 Discontinuance of 16 Enlisted men 45,46 Entry on officers' monthly pay accounts 23 Notation on service record 18 Notification of action taken on application 17 Officers 44, 46 Columns on pay rolls, additional 20 Commencement of Class A allotments 29 Commencement of Class B allotments 34 Commissioned officer defined 8 Commissioner defined 8 Communications, channels of 6 Compensation : Application for, physical examination r>6 Claim for, in case of disability 61 Exempt from taxation, etc 61 Governmental medical and hospital services in addi- tion to 55 Monthly, for dependent families 61 INDEX. 53 Compensation Continued. Paragraphs. Not to be paid while service or retirement pay is re- ceived 59 Nurse Corps 60 Payment of For death 50, 51, 52, 61 For disability 50,61 In case of death for crime 52 To widow or widowed mother 61 Punishment for fraud in connection with 9 Restrictions as to payment of 52,59,61 Suspension of payment of 51, 58 Compliance with section 304 of act 58 Compulsory allotments 2, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Contracts of insurance, bureau to act for certain persons with respect to 60 D. Death, report in case of 7 Death of payee of allotment, report of 47 Death or disability, payment of compensation for 50, 51, 52, 61 Decisions, Treasury 8, 27, 30, 31, 33, 39, 40, 04 Decisions and rulings of bureau govern 5 Definition of terms used in the war risk insurance act 8 Dependent relatives, allotments to 2, 25, 44. 61 Desertion, report in case of 7 Director of Bureau of War Risk Insurance : Duties of 3 Rulings and decisions relative to the act issued by, to govern 5 Disability, payment of compensation for 50, 61 Discharge, report in case of 7 Discontinuance of allotments 16, 44, 48 Discontinued allotment, renewal of 49 Disposition of premiums collected 65 Division of Military and Naval Insurance, created 3 Division of Marine and Seamen's Insurance, created 3 Divorced wife, allotment for 31 E. Employees, civilian, allotments of 45,46 Enlisted man defined 8 54 INDEX. Enlisted men: Paragraphs. Action in case of change of pay 13 Allotment blank forms to be made out 10 Allotments of 4."> Article II of war risk insurance act applies to 2G Class A allotments when pay is less than $30 32 Missing or captured, allotments to run 4G Persons included and excluded from term 27 Report required for, on nonpay status 3o Term "enlisted man" defined S Enlistment defined 8 Enlistment, form of, for rehabilitation HI Entries on pay rolls 20, 21, 22 Entries on service record IS Establishment of Bureau of War Risk Insurance 1, 3 Exemption from allotments 28,31 Exemption of compensation from taxation, etc Gl F. Failure to comply with section 304 of act 5S Family allowance: Apportionment of 40 Instructions relating to 0.30,33 Investigation by bureau before award of 42 Limitations on amount of __ 3(5,1 39 Provision for _^ 3(5 Punishment for fraud in connection wit!i_ . 9 Restriction on 37. 3.8 Forfeiture by sentence of court-martini. Class A allot- ments immune from 3) Forms, allotment blank 10 Forms, Quartermaster Corps, used in connection with allotments 10, 1G, 20, 24. 2.". 41. 4S Forms, war risk insurance, preparation and channels of transmittal 10 Fraud, punishment for _ G. ( Jovernment insurance : Apportionment of automatic insurance, decision rela- tive to G4 General provisions 02 Premiums . 2,21 Governmental medical, surgical, and hospital services .__ :*>."> Grandchild defined S INDEX. 55 H. Paragraphs. Hospital services, governmental, in addition to compen- sation 55 I. Injured persons, rehabilitation of, and form of enlist- ment 57 Injury, monthly compensation for dependent relatives in case of death from Gl Injury defined 8 Insurance: Automatic, decision relative to apportionment of G4 Disposition of premiums collected under Article IV G5 Government, general provisions G2 Other than governmental GO Premiums. See Insurance premiums. Prorating premiums 30, 63 Provisions of Article IV relating to GT Punishment for fraud in connection with 9 Third parties making application for 15 Transmittal of application for, of officer 14 Insurance act. See War risk insurance act. Insurance premiums: Abstracts of 24 Class C allotments 2, _:.""> Entry on pay rolls 21 Notation on officers' monthly pay accounts 23 Rates defined 67 Rules relating to prorating 30, G3 Investigation by bureau before award of family allow- ances 42 L. Limitation of allotments 25 Limitations on family allowances 3G, 30 M. Man defined 8 Marine and Seamen's Insurance. Division of, created 3 Marriage, method of establishing 8 66 INDEX. Paragraphs. Medical services, governmental, in addition to compensa- tion 55 Military and naval forces defined 8 Military and Naval Insurance, Division of, created 3 N. Naval Insurance, Division of Military and, created 3 Noncompliance with section 804 of act, provision as to 58 Nonpay status of enlisted men, report required 35 Notations on officers' monthly pay accounts 23 Notations on pay roils 20,21,22 Notations on service record 18 Notification of action taken on applications 17 Nurse Corps, compensation for 60 O. Officers : Allotments of 23,44 Insurance premiums 23 Missing or captured, allotments to run__ ._. 40 Notations on monthly pay accounts '2'A Transmittal of applications of, for insurance _ 14 Parent defined S Pay defined 8 Pay less than $30, amount of allotments.-. 32 Pay of enlisted man, action in case of change of 13 Pay rolls : Additional columns on 20 Entries or notations on 20,21.22 Payee of allotment, report of death of 47 Payments made by Bureau of War Ilisk Insurance. 41 Payment of compensation for death or disability 50, 51,52. 01 Persons included in and excluded from the term " enlisted men " 27 Pei-sons missing or captured by the enemy, allotments t<> run , 40 Physical examination in case of applications for compen- sation no INDEX. 57 Premiums. See Insurance premiums. Paragraphs. Preparation of war risk insurance forms and applica- tions 4, 10 Prorating insurance premiums, rules relating to 30, 63 Punishment for fraud 9 R. Regulations to carry out provisions, preparation of 3, 31, 43, 64 Rehabilitation of injured persons and form of enlistment therefor 57 Renewal of discontinued allotment 49 Report in case of death, discharge, etc 7 Report of commanders upon arrival of troops overseas 11 Report of death of payee of allotment 47 Report required for enlisted men on nonpay status 35 Restriction on family allowances 37, 38 Retired enlisted men on active duty, allotments of 45,46 Retired officers on active duty, allotments of 44, 46 Rules relating to prorating insurance premiums 30, 63 Rulings and decisions of bureau govern 5 S. Seamen's Insurance, Division of Marine and, created 3 Service record, notations on 18 Services, governmental medical, surgical, and hospital 55 Services of surgeons 54, 55, 56 Sister defined 8 Stepchild defined 8 Surgeons, services of 54,55,56 T. Terms used in war risk insurance act defined 8 Third parties as to making insurance applications 15 Transmittal of record in case of transfer 19 Transmittal of war risk insurance forms and applica- tions 10, 14, 28 Treasury decisions cited 8,27,30,31,33,39,40,64 Treasury Department : Cooperation of War Department with 4 General administration of war risk insurance act vested in 3 58 INDEX. V. Paragraphs. Vocational training for injured persons 57 Voluntary allotments 2,25,33 W. War Department, cooperation with Treasury Depart- ment 4 War Risk Insurance, Bureau of. See Bureau of War Risk Insurance. War risk insurance act : Administration of 3,4 Allotments under 2 Article II applies to enlisted men 26 Articles of 1 Establishment of 1,3 Noncompliance with section 304, provision as to 58 Terms used in act defined 8 War risk insurance forms, preparation and transmittal 10 Widow or widowed mother, payment of compensation for_ 61 Wife : Family allowance to 36 Method of establishing marriage 8 o UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000108 858 2