liPliiiipPililHIlii!;^^ a THE CUSTOMS OF LONDON. HARDING AND WRIGHT, PRINTERS, St, John's Square, London. THE Ctt0tomsf of Eonion, OTHERWISE CALLED ^rnolti's CJronicle; CONTAINING, AMONG DIVERS OTHER MATTERS, THE ORIGINAL OF THE CELEBRATED POEM OF REPRINTED FROM THE FIRST EDITION, WITH THE ADDITIONS INCLUDED IN THE SECOND. iLonDOJT : rRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON ; T. PAYNE; WILKIE AND ROBINSON, LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN; CADELL AND DAVIES ; J. MAWMAN; AND R. II. EVANS. 1811. fINIVERSn V Ui t>.L SAiNTA liAUUA] ADVERTISEMENT. The authority on which the present, apparently anonymous, work has been ascribed to Arnold, depends on the concurrent testimony of Bale, Pitts, Stowe, and Holinshed. Of these writers, the first two content them- selves with denominating his book an historical repository. Stowe, in a description of the authors that he had made use of, prefixed to one, or at most two, of the editions of his " Summarie of English Chronicles," thus speaks of him ; " Arnolde was a citizen of London, who, being inflamed with the fervente love of good learninge, travailed very studiously therin, and principally in observing matters worthy to be remembred of the pos- teritye ; he noted the charters, liberties, lawes, constitucions and customes, of the citie of London. He lived in the year 1519." Holinshed, in his enumeration of writers, at the end of the reign of Henry the Eighth, briefly notices him as follows, and nearlj^ in the words of Bale: "Arnolde of London, wrote certayne collections touchyng his- torical! matters." It is remarkable that neither of the above historians has mentioned the Christian name of Arnold, contenting themselves Avith the appellation of " one Arnold, a citizen of London :" but that his name b ■VI ADVERTISEMENT. was Richard, appears from the evidence of his own work, in which he is frequently alhided to, and which affords almost the only particulars re- corded of liim. It should seem that he was a London merchant, trading to Flanders. He is sometimes called a "haberdasher," a term which originally designated a vender of small wares imported from abroad ; but it is possible that this was not, strictly speaking, our author's trade, but that he was only a member of the company. In tiie form of a will, occur- ing in Arnold's book, made by one John Amell, A. D. 1473, he is named as an executor, and must therefore have been at that time at least twenty- one years of age. If we suppose him to have died about the year 1521, the date of the last impression of his work, he must have been seventy years of age at his death, and was, most probabl}^ older. It appears that he resided in the parish of Saint Magnus, London bridge, but, from his pecu- niary embarrassments, he was compelled at one time to take shelter in the sanctuary at Westminster. In the year 1488, he appears to have been confined in the castle of Sluys, in Flanders, on suspicion of being a spy, but was soon liberated. If the forms and precedents that constitute a great part of his work were really taken from originals, as they seem to be, we are to conclude that he had either committed, or was at least suspected of, some treasonable practices at home, as among them there is a charter of pardon granted to him for that olFence. In one of the precedents, men- tion is made of his wife Alice. On the whole, he seems to have been a very active, and even a medling character. Of his work, it may be necessary to say a few words. It has certainly but slender pretensions to the appellation of a chronicle; or, if such be conceded, it should, properly speaking, be termed the Chronicle of the City of London. It has been sometimes called, " The Customes of Lon- don ;" and the other, and more common, title " Arnold's Chronicle," seems to have been first bestowed on it by Thomas Hearne, and afterwards generally adopted. It is, in fact, an extraordinary medley of information. ADVERTISEMENT. Vll consisting of a list of the Mayors and other officers; of charters, municipal regulations, assizes of bread, legal and mercantile forms and documents, family and other receipts, with some few historical matters ; the whole being adapted to the particular and more immediate use of the citizens of London. Pitts, if he ever saw Arnold's work, which is much to be doubted, treats it too ceremoniously as an historical composition supported by authorities. He expresses his ignorance of any other writings by him ; though Bale, in his loose manner, asserts that he did compose other works, but none of which he has specified. That Arnold's book is not an original composition is extremely clear. A copy of what seems to have been his prototype, as to the list of Mayors, &c. is still remaining among the Cotton manuscripts, Julius, B.I. It commences at the same period, is continued to the twenty-third year of Edward IV. and is interspersed with a great deal more historical matter than Arnold has given. His details of the controversy between Humphrey Duke of Gloucester and the Cardinal of Winchester are also extracted from it; and it has been justly remarked that these are much more ample than any others to be found in print. It is likewise probable t])at Arnold made use of another work on the customs, laws, &c. of the city of Lon- don, compiled by Robert Bale, Recorder of London in the reign of Edward IV. but now considered as lost, unless it may happen to exist among the city archives. The first edition of Arnold's Chronicle^ of which that now presented to the public is a copy, was undoubtedly printed at Antwerp by John Doesborowe, vfiiiiout particular indication of date, place, or printer's name ; but the two latter are sufficiently evident from a comparison with some other books printed by the same person, and more particularly' with the very curious life of Virgil the necromancer, the history of the Parson of Kalenborowe, the letter sent from the Great Turk to the Pope of Rome, and a grammatical treatise, b2 via ADVERTISEMENT. all undoubtedly printed by Doesborowe, in the same type and manner. It is probable that Arnold, when residing in Flanders on his mercantile concerns, became acquainted with this printer, who had been employed by other Englishmen. This must have happened about the beginning of the sixteenth century, the last Sheriffs in Arnold's list, in his first edition, being Herry Keble, and Nicolas Nynes, in the 1 8th of King Henry VII. 1502 ; in which year, or soon afterwards, the book must have been printed. It is remarkable of Doesborowe, that, whilst only one book in the Dutch language is recorded to have been printed by him, we know of nine that he put forth in English. The second edition was also published without date, place, or printer's name ; but there is no manner of doubt that it came from the press of Peter Treveris : and, as the list of sheriffs is continued to the 11th of Henry VIII. about the year 1520 or 1521, when Arnold might still be living. From the mode of printing particular words in this edition, there is reason for supposing that no intermediate one had been published. A third has indeed been alluded to, by the learned compiler of the catalogue of Lord Oxford's printed books ; and Mr. Ames speaks of a quarto edition, with wood cuts, which his con- tinuator, the praise-worthy and industrious Herbert, says was only a fragment in Mr. Tutet's possession. This was purchased at the latter gentleman's sale, for his Majesty's library, and will, probably, whenever it is inspected, turn out to be nothing more than a clipped copy of Treveris's edition, the large and ornamented capital letters having been, as it is conceived, rather in- accurately denominated wood cuts. It may not be improper to offer a few remarks on the popular, and justly celebrated poem of the Nut-brown Maid, which first made its appearance in Arnold's work, so far at least as is known at present. It is greatly to be wished that any thing satisfactory, with regard to its age and author, had been transmitted to us; but, unfortunately, all inquiries on this ADVERTISEMENT, {% subject have hitherto proved fruitless ; and little more remains, on this occasion, than to state the opinions of those who have already dis- cussed it. Mr. Hearne, who neither favoured, or was inspired by, the Muse of poetry, has conceived a most extravagant notion, that the Nut-brown Maid was written by Thomas de Elmham, the historian of Henry the Fifth, and who likewise composed an unpublished metrical life of that monarch, in Latin. It would be an unnecessary trespass on the reader's time to enter on the refutation of so wild an opinion, which Hearne, however, has not ventured to make public in his valuable edition of the above author; con- tenting himself with the suggestion of it to his friend and correspondent Mr. AVest. Mr. Cape], who published this poem in his "Prolusions," but not with the pains and fidelity which it deserved, was of opinion that it was not written earlier than the beginning of the sixteenth century; and, in support of this opinion, he refers to the poem of "The Merry Jest of the Serjeant," at the beginning of Sir Thomas Move's works, which, undoubtedly, comes very near, in point of rythm, to the Nut-brown Maid. But this re- semblance might, in fact, be nothing more than an imitation of older poems, as was probably, in later times, a part of Archbishop Parker's metrical version of the Psalms ; for it would not be difficult to produce specimens of a similar versification, at least as early as the reign of Henry the Seventh. With respect to orthography and affinity of language, Mr. Capel is correct, and, consequently, on the whole, in his sentiments of the age of the poem. The learned and tasteful editor of " The Reliques of Ancient English Poetry," not assenting to Mr. Capel's arguments, is inclined to allow the poem to have been written, at a rather, but not much, earlier period ; but X ADVERTISEMENT. he is not quite accurate in stating that Mr. Wanley agreed with Prior that it was "near three hundred years old." That truly excellent antiquary had a better judgment than to have formed such a conclusion. In an anonymous, but by no means incurious Lilliputian volume, pub- lished about the year 1763, and intitled " A short Account of the first rise and progress of Printing, with a compleat list of the first books that were printed," is the following confused and extraordinary passage — The author is speaking, though most inaccurately, of Arnold's Chronicle. — " In this is the Nut-brown Maid, supposed by Chaucer, as Skelton confirms, by having had a copy given him by Lidgate, Monk of Bury. Mr. Prior has made a paraphrase on it, and has also printed it from the old English, but knew not that it was by Chaucer ; besides, in his, each verse is divided into two, as the first verse ends with among, and the second ends with it is. Sec. Also, in his, Woman and Man, is printed at the beginning of each stanza, (here they are supposed) as they speak. Also the last stanza, (which makes twelve lines, by his division,) is wanting." As far as it is possible to com- prehend the meaning of the author of the above strange little book, he seems to quote this unaccountable jargon from " Lord Pembroke's manus- cript notes before his Book of St. Albans," but in all likelihood, if any such notes there be, without either care or fidelity ; nor is it worth while to dwell any longer upon so total an absence of intelligibility. Adopting, probably, the mistake of the above writer, the editor of a work intitled, "Melanges de pot^sie Angloise," 1764, 12% has given a very dull prose translation of Prior's beautiful version, which he calls " Poeme imite de la Belle Brunc, de Chaucer." So much for French accuracy ! Mr. Warton, in his elegant critique on the Nut-brown Maid, and which it may be amusing to contrast with what Dr. Johnson has said of it in his life of Prior, has conceived that it was not written earlier than the be- ADVERTISEMENT. XI ginning of the sixteenth century ; and, in consequence of this very pro- bable opinion, the compiler of the present slight essay, begs permission, with all becoming diffidence, to submit another conjecture, as to its age and authorship. There is preserved in the works of Bebelius, Poet Laureat to the Emperor Maximilian I. originally printed at Paris, I5l6, quarto, a Latin poem, inti- tled " Vulgaris Cantio," and professedly translated from an old German ballad. It is a dialogue between a lady and her lover; and the general cast of feature in this poem, together with some striking coincidences of expres- sion, cannot fail to impress any one who may feel disposed to admit a pos- terior age in the English ballad, with an idea, if not a conviction, that the author of the latter had seen the other. The German ballad does, in all probability, still exist, and may be better known in its own country. It must certainly have been very popular ; for, besides the translation of Be- belius, there is another from his Latin into French, by Jean Paradin, printed in 1516. Now we have already seen that Arnold was a consider- able time at Antwerp, in which city he most probably compiled his work, and where he would certainly meet with a great many of his own country- men. Certainly there is no evidence that Arnold was himself favoured by the Muses ; but it is by no means improbable that some English- man, dwelling at Antwerp, who had seen and admired the German ballad, might be prompted to write an imitation of it, which, falling into the hands of the industrious and inquisitive author of our Chronicle, was inserted by him in that singular miscellany. One might, indeed, be induced to carry this idea still further, and even to conceive, from the exquisite tenderness and delicacy which pervade the whole poem, and especiallj^ trom the last stanza, that it was the production of some polished and romantic female, who was telling her own story. If any objection can be fairly made to this last conjecture, it is, that there seem in some passages to be indications of an acquaintance with the works of Catullus and TibuUus. See parti- Xll ADVERTISEMENT. cularly the Epithalamium of Thetis and Peleus of the former, and the lines of Tibullus beginning. " Sic ego secretis possum bene vivere sylvis." Lib. iv. ad amicam. The Nut-brown Maid was more than once, and probably often, re- printed in a separate form, being named in the curious collection of romances, &c. belonging to Captain Cox the mason, who attended Queen EHzabeth in her progress to Kenilworth castle. It appears also that John Kynge was fined half-a-crown by the stationer's company, for printing it without a licence, in 1559. Had the worthy author of that truly elegant work, "The History of the Deanery of Craven," been aware of the first edition of Arnold's Chronicle, he would not, in all probability, have adopted the conjecture that Lord Henry Clifford was the hero of the Nut-brown Maid. Xlll In this Booke is conteyiied the Names of f Baylifs, Gustos, Mairs, and Sherefs, of the Cite of Londo, from the Tyme of King Richard the Fiirst ; and also th'Artycles of the Chartur and Libarties of the same Cyte ; and of the ChartLir and Liberties off England, wyth odur dyuers mat's good and necessary for eiiery Citeze to vndirstond and knowe. Whiche ben shewid I Chaptirs after the fourme of this Kalendir folowinsr. f|[ The names ofl' Balyes, Costose, Mayers, Schreujs of London. ^ The articules off the Cliauitour of London, C.xij. articles, fo. 1. |[ The hoell Chaurtour off London, wyth C.xij. articles, fo. !!• |[ The acte for correcio off erores, wronge jugementj, in London, fo. 43. ^ The acte for treys aboue xx. yere grouyng, pay no tythis, fo. 45. ^ The charge of euery wardy in London at a fyueteen, fo. 46. ^ The ordinaunce for asyse of brede in London, fo. 49. H[ The copye of the Popys bulle in Latyne, for offerygis in Lodon, fo. 57. Hi The copye of Pope Innocentis lett' for the same offeryng, fo. 58. ^ The copye of the Popis bulle in Englysh, for offeryngis, . fo. 67. m I'he copye of Pope Innocent^ lett' in Yngliysh, for of- feryng i, fo. 69. ^ The composicion for the same offeryng^ made by arbitermet, fo. 71. ||[ The ordinaunce for brokers, fo, 73, ^ The nombre and names off all y paryche chirchis, and all od' chyrchis in London and subarbes, fo. 75, ^ The ordynaunce for wolle clothe in London, fo. 78. .H The articles dishired bi y comouse of ihecety of Loudon, for reformacyo of thyngis to the same, of the Mayer, Aldirmen, and Comon Counsell, to be enacted, fo. 80. c XIV ||[ The charge of the queste of wardmote in euery warde in London, fo. 90. ^ The articules off the good gouernaunse of the cety of London, fo. PO. HI The articles of presture and other noyingis in y cety of Londo, fo. 92. ^ The articles ayenste perell of fyer, fo. 92. H The othe of the bydell of the wardis in London, fo. 93. ^ The othe of the constabellys in Lodon, fo. 94. ^ The othe of the shreuys sargeauntis, fo. 94. iQl The othe of franke pleagis off foryners, fo. 95. ^ The othe of the skauageres of the warde, fo. 96. d[ The othe of euery freman made in London, fo. 96. ^ The othe for brokers in London, fo. 9<5. ^ The ordynaunse for the asisse off talhvode and bellet i Londo, fo. 97. ^ The marchaundyses wherof skauage ought to be taken in London, and how nieche, fo. 98. ^ Those thyngis that longeth to tronage and pondage of the Kyngis in Londo, fo. 100. ^ The forme of makyng of oblygasions in dyuerse maner, fo. 102. Hi The forme of makyng of aquitauses in dyuerse manor, fo. 104. ^ The forme of makyng of byllis of paymet I dyuse maner, fo. J 06. ^ The forme of makyg of letters of atorney, fo. 108. The forme of makyng of endentures in dyuerse maner, fo. 109. m The forme of makyng off letters of lysens, fo. 113. Q The forme of makyng of letters of sale, fo. 1 16. ||[ The forme of makyng lettrs bi exchaung, fo. 117. ^ The forme of awarde gheuen out by arbyterment, fo. 118. H The copy of the Kyngis proteccyon ryall, fo. 120. mi Item, the copye of another proteccion, fo. 121. ^ The copye of the Kyng^ chartour for all causis, fo. 122. ^ The forme of makyng of supplicacions, fo. 123. ^ The forme of makyng of coplayntes to y Kyng and other lordis, fo. 129. |[[ The ordinaunce of y cety of Londo for tenauntis of housis ; what thynggis they shal not remeue at ther departyng, fo. 137. XV f[ The copye of the othe yeuen to the Mayrand Aldermen, y tynie of Kyg Harry the VI. fo. 138. |[ The nomber of parysh chirchis and townnys in Yngland, fo. 139. ^ The nomber of byshoprychis, and shyers, and counteis, in Yngland, fo, 140. §[ The longeth and brede of Ynglad, and the compase, fo. 140. C The copye of a carete, compasyng y cyrcuyte oft' the worlde, and the copase of euery yland compre- heded i the same, fo, 140. |[ The hooU pardon of Rome, grauiited by dyuerse Popis, and stacyons that be there, fo, 145. C[ The vij. aegesse of the worlde, fro Adam forewarde, fo. 156. ^ The vij. aeges of man lyuinge in the worlde, fo. 157. §[ The copye of a letter sent out of the lande of Messye into the lande of Garnade, before the conquest therof, fo. 157. §[ The copye of a letter sende from y Sowdan of Babelone vntoo the Pope of Rome, fo. 159, ^ The orasion of the messangere to the Pope, fo. l62. ^ The crafte of graffyng and plantyng of tryes, and alter- yng of frutis, as well in colour as in taste, fo. l64. ||[ A trctyse of the iiij. elementes and iiij. seasons of y yere, whiche they be, and of what nature, and of y canykeler days, fo. 171. C The crafte to make a water to haue spottys out of clothe, fo. 173. ^ The forme and mesure to mete lande by in Ynglande, fo. 173. §[ The copye of f generall curse, too be declared iiij. times 1 f yere, fo. 174, |[ The articule for the off'eryng^ out of Ghylde Halle in London, fo. 173. §[ The prouyssyon by acte of parlement, to brynge Kyng Harry the VI. out of dette of CCC. Ixxxij. M. IT. fo. I79. ^ The crafte to make corke fore dieris, fo. 187. C The reseyte to make ypocrase, ande clarey, and braget, fo. 187. ^ The crafte too make gounpoudir, fo. 188. |[ The crafte to make orchell fore diers, fo. 188. c2 XVI fo. 189. io. 189. lb. 189- fo. 189. fo. J 90. |[ To make a pickell, loo kcpc freshe storgion in, ^ To make winncgrc shortly, if nede be, g[ To make pcrsely too growe in the space of an oure, g[ The rekenyge for to bye Rynyshe wyn at Andwerpe and Dordrite. ^ The rekenynge of wyn at Bourdeux, ^ The wcyght and nianer ot beygof yrne, and thedifferense of y weyghti vsid in Yngland, fo. 190. M The acte of parlement to compelle the Juges of spuall law too graunt any parte tiie copy of the libell for any cause, f^>. 192. ^ The rate off the Kyngis coustum and subside of mar- chaundise, registered in the escheker, fo. 193. @ The composision bytwyxe the towne of Andwerpe and the marchauntes of Yngland, for costis of ther marchaundyses, fo. 197. ^ A ballade of y Notte-browne Mayde, fo. 198. @[ The rekenyng to bye wares T Flaundres, fo. 204. ^ The offyce that belongeth to a bishop or a preyst, fo. 207. g[ The copye of the Chaurtor of the Forest of Yngland, fo. 2C8. ^ The articles of the Chaurtor of Yngland, and liberteys of the same, called Magna Carta, fo. 213. M Naracio of them that been shrefd, and not contryte, fo. 223. ^ The valewe and steynte of the benyfice of Seint Magnus in London, fo. 224. ^ The copye of a sauecondute, fo. 229- fl[ The copye of a certificat in diners manyers, fo. 230. ^[ The copye of specery, fo. 234. |[[ The rekenynge of grocery, and weight sobtyll and grosse, fo. 237. ^ The crafte for to make inke, fo. 238. i[[ The seruysis att stallacion of the Bishop of Ely Morton, fo. 238. ^ The way fro Calays to Rome, thrughFraunce, fo. 241. ^ The copye of a testamet, fo. 243, ^ The crafte for to make soope, fo. 246. Q The crafte for to brue bier, fo. 247. XVll @ In this cliapitre is shewed the patrons of all the benyficis in London, fo. 247- fl[ The teraporolitces off" deanries, archideacos, and other places off religion, fo. 255. ^ The corodyes in all th'abbeys of England, fo. 256. mi The Aveight of Essex and Suffblke chese in England, and the weighte of Andwerpe and Barough, fo. 263. ^ The charge and cost in niakyng heryng and sprot at 5" coost, fo. 263. ^ The copy of a letter to mi Lorde Cardinal wel made, fo. 264. ^ The laws and belyue of the Sarasjnis, fo. 265. ^ The lernig for to make a cot by f yerl}' rentis of London brygge, fo. 270. ^ The articles vpon whiche is to be Iquerid in the vysita- cions of ordynarijs of chirchis, fo. 273. ^ The articles founde by the inquesitours, fo. 277. ^ A compleynte made to Kyng Herry the Sext, by the Duke of Gloceter, vpon tlie cardynal of Wynchester, fo. 279» ^ The articles that the LordJ off the Kyng^ counsell con- seyuid of y greff that my Lorde of Gloceter hade sormisyd vpon my Lorde of Wynchester, fo. 287- ^ The answere by my Lorde of Wynchestere vnto y greffe of my Lorde off Glocetyre, fo. 288. ^ The copy of y reconysanse y bothe my lordis were boudyfi in to abyde y arbytyremente of the lordyse of y Kyngys counsele, fo. 296. XIX The Names of y Balyfs, Gustos, Mayers, and Sherefs, of y Cite of London, from the tyme of Kynge Richard the First, called Cure de Lyon, whiche was crowned y iij. Daye of Septebre, y Yere of oure Lorde God, xi.C.lxxx.ix. Ga. pri°. ^ Baylyfs. Kerry Cornhyl, Richardson Reinery ; y first yere of his regne. This yere began y ordiir of oure Lady Saint Mary, in Pruce ; and this yere the Jewes were put out of England. ^ Baylifs. Johan Uerlion, Roger ]a Duke ; the second yere ^ Baylyfs. WilHam Ilawerell, Johan Buknot; the thred yere. f|[ Baylyfs. Nichas Duked, Petir Neuelyn ; the fourth yere. ^ Baylifs. Roger la Duke, Richard Fiztalyn ; the fyueth yere. ^ Gustos. William Fizt Isabel, Williason Arnulphy ; the vi. yere. ^Gustos. Robert Beysaint, Jokell le Josue; the vii. yere. This yere y Kyng wente in to the Holy Lande, and toke the cite of Acres, Portchaf, and Babiloii, y yere of our Lord, M.iiij.C.xvi. ||[ Gustos. Garard de Anthioch, Robert Durant ; the viii. yere. This yere was one William, wyth the longe berde, take oute of Bowe Ghirche, and put to deth for heresye. ^ Gustos. Roger Blount, Nichas Duket ; the ix. vere. This yere began the ordur of the Trinite. ^ Gustos. Gonstantinson, Robert la Bole ; the x. yere. This yere y Kyng decessid in Fraunce, b}' f hurt of a quarell, and this was King Johii, crowned vpo Ascecio day, Anno Diii, xi.G.lxxx.xix. ^ Gustos. Arnoldson Arnulphe, Richardson Barthelniew ; y first yere of his reygne. This yere lost the Kinge Normandy and Angeoy, and euerj plough land tasked at iij. s'. for to gete it ageyne. d Gustos. Roger Dorset, Jacobson Barthihnew, aldirman ; the seconde yere. XX This yere wer chosen, be wise men of tlie cite, xxxr. men, and sworne to mayntene the assisis in London. (H Gustos. Normandy Blounde, Johan de Ely ; the thirde yere. ■ft Custos. Simon de Ald'niabury, Williiison Alls ; the fourth yere. This yere fyl gret reynes, and grete thondring, hztnynge, and haile stones as gret as an egge, that distroyd comes and frutj ; and foules seen flienge in the eyr, bering burning coles, and brent many houses, and y land enterdyted. m Custos. Walter Browii, William Chabirlayn ; the fj'fthe yere. H Custos. Thomas Ilanirhyll, Ilamon Bronde; the syxthe yere. This yere, date of our Lord xij.C.iiij, bega f ordur of frier prechers ; and a gret wynter of frost, y durid from New- yeras day vnto our Lady day in Lenta. ^ Custos. John Walgraue, Richard de Winchester ; the vii. yere. This yere all plees longing to the crowne, were at ^ Tour pletyd. ^ Custos. John Felylond, Edmondson Gardrd ; the viii. yere. ^ Custos. Serle Mercer, Hugh de Saint Albons ; the ix. yere. ^ Custos. Rogar Winchester, Edmond Hardell; y ix. yeare also a parte. This yere the land was interdited, and f same yere was borne Herry the kingis sone, and this yere bega the names of Mayers and Sherefs in London, lierryson Alwyii, Pctur Dickc, Thomas Fiztnell, sherefs; the x. yere. Mayer. Petir la Josue, Williii Blounde, sherefs ; the xi. yere. This yere the lande was reconciled, and the interdiction relesed. Adam Whitby, Stephan le Grase, sherefs ; the xii. yere. Jocensson Petir, Johan Derlaunde, sherefs ; the xiii. yere. This yere was gret descencio betwene the Kynge and his iordis ; and Lowis, the Kingis soue of Fraiace, ded moche harme in England, and Southwarke, the brigge, and moche of the cite, and was bret. Harrison Ahvyn, Randolf Eland, Constance le Josue, sherefs; the xiiii. Mair. yere. Rogirson Ala, Martinson Alis, Petir Bate, sherefs ; the xv. yere. Mair. XXI Serle Mercer, Mair viii. wek). Willim Harde, Mair. Mayers. Serle Mercer, Mair. Serle Mercer, Mair. Serle Mercer, Maier. Richard Reuge, Mair. This yere at Candilmas, the Kinge shippyd at Por- tismoth, and sayled to pey too. Salmon Basing, Hugh de Basing, sherefs ; the xvi. yere. This yere, Aiio Diii, xij.C.xiiij. bygan the fryr my- nors. Johii Trauers, Andrew Newland, sherefs ; the xvii. yere. The yere folowing y Kinge decessid, y xviii. yere of hys regne, and thenne began the regne of Kinge Fferre the III. Anno Dni, M.ij.C.xvi. ^ Jacob Aldrema one part mair, and Salmon Ba- sing, f other part. Benet de Centre, Willia Blountiruers, sherefs ; the first yere. This 3'ere Wales Avas interdited, and Lewis of Fraunce and his company, had a M. marke of siluer for his reward. Thomas Bolerell, Richard Helysond, sherefs; the ii. yere. Johii Vyell, Josuus le Spicer, sherefs ; the iii. yere. This yere the Kinge had of euery plough lande, C. s'. And the same yere Saint Thomas of Cant' was translatid. Richard Wimbuldeis, Johan Vyell, sherefs; the iiii. yere. Roger Renger, Jocence le Josue, sherefs ; the v. yere. This yere y Kynge was crowned, and plees loging to y crowne pletid in y Tour ; and this yere f castell of Bedford was destroyed ; and frirs carims began first; and a gret winde, A°. Diii. M.ij.C.xx. Richard Reyner, Thomas Sibcrt^, sherefs; the vi, yere. Williri Gaynor, Thomas Lambert, sherefs ; the vii. yere. This yere com frirs minors first into England r and a man of Oxenford feyned hym to be Crist, and was crucefied at Addurburj^ d xxu Richard Rege, Andrew Buckrel, Main Andrew Bukre], Mair. Roger Renger, Mair. Willm Joy nor, Gararde Bate, Mayr, Reynold Bogay, Ma Rauf Asshby, Michel Coni, Johii Gesones, Mayr. Pet' Aleyn, M. Michell Thorny, Mair. Richardson Roger, John Norman, Adaz Rasing, M. Johii Tholozane, M. Nichas Bate, Johii Trauers, Andrew Bukrell, shereft ; the viii. yere. Johii Trauers, Roger le Duke, sherefs ; the ix. yere. Martin Fiztwilliam, Hcrry Cobhiii, sherefs; the x.yere. Stephan Bukrell, Robert Winchester, sherefs ; the xi. yere. Robert Yoii, Richardson Water, sherefs ; the xii.yere. Johii Venborne, Michell of Saint Elins, sherefs ; the xiii. yere. Watir Russell, Watir Edmonton, sherefs ; the xiiii. yere. Gerard Bate, Symondson Auery, sherefs; the xv. yere. Roger le Blount, Rauf Asshby, sherefs ; the xvi.yere. Johii Norman, Gerarde Bate, sherefs ; the xvii. 3'ere. Robert Hardell, Herry Cobhin, sherefs ; the xviii.yere. Jordan Gouer, Johii Tholosan, sherefs; the xix. yere. GarardCordwayn, Johii Wilhall, sherefs ; the xx. yere. Reymond Bongay, Rauf Asby, sherefs; the xxi.yere. Johii Gesours, Michell Cony, sherefs ; the xxii. yere. Johii Vyle, Thomas Duryson, sherefs ; the xxiii. yere. Johfison Johii, Rauf Asshby, sherefs ; the xxiiii. yere. Hugh Blunt, Adam Basyng, sherefs ; the xxv. yere. Rauf Spicer, Nichas Bate, sherefs ; the xxvi. yere. Robert deCornehyll, Adam Butlar, sherefs ; the xxvii. yere. Symondson Mary, Laurence Frowyk, sherefs ; the xxviii. yere. Johii Wyell, Nichas Bate, sherefs ; the xxix. yere. Nicholasson Jesay, Geffrey Winchester, sherefs ; the XXX. yere. Rauf Hardell, Johri Tholozane, sherefs; the xxxi. yere. Vntfrey Basse, Williamson Richard, sherefs ; the xxxii. yere. Laurence Fro wick, Nichas Bate, sherefs; the xxxiij. yere. Williii Duresson, Thomas Wymborne, sherefs ; the xxxiiii. yere. Johii Norhacton, Richard Pycard, sherefs; thexxxv. yere. xxin Richard Ilardell, Mair. John Gisoncs, Mair. Wylliason Richard, M. 'I'lionias Fizt Tiiomas. ^ Custoos, Williasou Richard. Alein South, Gustos. ilerre FiztTlios, Gustos. Johifi Adryan, Mayr. Walt' Heny, M. RaufAsshwy, Robert Lynton, sherefs; the xxxvi.yere. Stephan Doe, Herrc Walmonde, sherefs ; the xxxvii. yere. Michell Bukrell, John Moyour, sherefs ; the xxxviii. yere. ^ Richard Ewyl],Wi]hn Asshwy, sherefs ; the xxxix.yere; Robert Gattheloyne, Thomas Fizt Richard, sherefs ; the xl, yere. Johii Adryan, Robert Cornchylle, sherefs ; the xli. yere. Adam Browning, Harr}^ Gouentree, sherefs ; the xlii. yere. John Norhiii ton, Richard Pycard, sherefs; the xliii. yere. John Taylour, Richard Wawrock, sherefs ; the xliiii. yere. Robert ISIounpillers, Osbert Stokesley, sherefs ; the xlv. yere. Thomas LafFord, Edward Blount, sherefs; the xlvi.yere. Petir Armyger, Robert Rokkesley, sherefs ; the xlvii. yere. Johii Lynde, Johii Walrauyn, sherefs ; the xlviii. yere. Johii Adryan, Lucas Batencott, sherefs; the xlix. yere. Walter Huyn, Williri Duresme, sherefs; the 1. yere. Thomas Basing, Robert Gornehyll, sherefs ; the li. yere. Walter Plott, Phelyp Taylor, sherefs ; the lii. yere. Gregory Roc kes ley, Henry Walsh, sherefs; the liii. yere. Johii Bentlee, Richard de Paris, sherefs ; the liiii.yere. The Regne of Kinge Edward y First, callyd Longe Shankis. Walter Henny, Kerry Waleis, Mayr. John Heme, Walter Portar, sherefs; the furst yere. Nichas AVinchester, Herre Gouentre, sherefs; the ii. yere. d2 XXIV Lucas Batincour, Herry Frowyk, sherefs; theiii.yere. Gregori Rokeslei, Johii Ilorne, Rauf Blounte, sherefs ; y iiii. yere. Mair. Rauf Harras, Rauf Feuir, sherefs ; the v. yere. John Bryan, Walter le Glisse, sherefs; the vi. yere. Robert Basing, AVillm Masarar, sherefs ; the vii. yere. Thomas Box, Rauf Moere, sherefs; the viii. yere. WillmFaringdon,NichasVintener,sherefs; the ix. yere. Harry Waleis, Willm Malary, Richard Chiklywelle, sherefs; the Mayr. x. yere. Rauf Blounte, Austin Bedill, sherefs ; the xi. yere. Jordan Goodchep, Martyn Bonxcs, sherefs ; y xii.yere. |[[ Gregory Rockes- Stephan Cornhyll, Robert Rokles, sherefs ; the xiii. ley, Mayre, yere. Watkyn Blount, Johii Warde, sherefs ; the xiiii, yere Thomas Grose, Waltir Awden, sherefs ) the xv. yere. The xiii. yere, aboue wreten, Geffrey Rockisley vt^as Mayre vnto the feste of Saint Petir, in somer, and than was chosen Randolf de Sande, Gustos, vnto Candilmas, and tha was chosen Gustos, Johii Bey- ton, vnto Seint Margreet^ day, the yere xv. ^ Gustos. Williii de Harford, Thomas Stanes, sherefs ; the xvi. Randolf de Sand- yere. wich. Williii Betayne, John Santenary, sherefs ; the xvii. yere, Fulco de Sco Edmondo, Salmon Lancfare, sherefs; the xviii. yere. Thomas Roumayn, Willin Leyer, sherefs ; the xix. yere. Randolf Blounte, Johii Haruy, sherefs ; the xx. yere. Edmond Box, Ely as Russell, sherefs ; the xxi. yere. Johii Breto, Robert Rockesley, Martin Aunbury, sherefs ; the Mayre. , xxii. yere. Herry Box, Richard Glouceter, sherefs; the xxiii, yere. Johii Dunstable, Adam Halingbury, sherefs ; the xxiiii. yere. Thomas de Southfolke, Adam de Fulham, sherefs ; the XXV. yere. Nichas de Stortford, Williii Stortford, sherefs; the XX vi. yere. XXV Harry Wales, Mayr. Robert Russlim, Thomas Coly, sherefs; thexxvii.yere. Elyas Russell, Johii A rmentirs, HerreFyngry, sherefs; the xxviii.yere. Mayr. Lucas Aueryll, Thomas Compys, sherefs ; the xxix.yere. Johii Blount, M. Robert Callere, Petir Bosinge, sherefs ; the xxx. yere. Hugh Porter, Symorid Paris, sherefs ; the xxxi. yere. Willm Combmerton, Johii Bueford, sherefs ; the xxxii. yerc. Roger de Paris, John Lyncolne, sherefs ; the xxxiii. yere. Herre Waleis, M. "Williii Colyn, Reynold Poderell, sherefs ; the xxxiiii. yere. Geffrey Conditij, Symon Beket, sherefs; thexxxv.yere. The Reone of Kinge Edward the Seconde, borne at Carnarvan. Johii Blout, IMair. Nichas Pigoll, Nichiis Brury, sherefs ; the furst yere. Nichas Faringha, Robert Basing, Jacob Buttelar, sherefs; the ii. yere. Thomas Roma, Roger Palmer, Jacob de Saint Edon, sherefs ; the iii. yere. Richard Busshiii, Symon Scrope, Petir Blackeney, sherefs ; the iiii.yere. Johii Crosse, Mair. Symon Merworth, Richard Welford, sherefs ; the V. yere. Johii Lambyne, Adam Ladkyn, sherefs ; the vi. yere. Nichas Farudon, Robert Durdeyne, Hugh de Carton, sherefs ; the vii. yere. Johii Geserue, M. Stephan Abyngdon, Hamond Hekylvvelle, sherefs . the viii. j^ere. Stepha Abyngdo, Hamond Goodchep, Willrn Botley, sherefs ; the ix. yere. Johii Wyncrane, Williii Cawston, Rauf Balaunce, sherefs ; the x. 3^ere. Mayre. Johii Pryours, Willm Furnex, sherefs ; the xi. yere. Johii Wyell, Johii Dalyng, sherefs ; the xii. yere. Hamond Chicwell, Symond Abyngdon, Johii Breston, sherefs ; the xiii. yere. Nichas Farindo, Johii Bredhm, Reynold Condyght, sherefs ; the xiiii* yere. XXVI Hamond Chicwell, Richard Constantyn, Richard Haknej, sherefs ; the May re. xv. yere. John GranthiTi, Roger Hely, sherefs ; the xvi. yere. Nichas Faringdo, Benet Fulhiii, Johia Cawston, slierefs : the xvii. yere. Hamond Chicwell. Adam Salesbury, John Oxenford, sherefs; the xviii. yere. Richard Betayn, Gylbcrt ISIordon, Jolmo Cnditn, sherefs ; the xix. yere. May re. The Regne of Kinge Edward the Thryd, borne at Windsore, in the Yere of our Lorde God, M.CCC.xxxvii. Richard Betayn, Hamond Chicwell, Johii Grantam, Mayre. Symond Swan, Johii Pulteney, Johii Pulteney, Johii Preston, M. Johii Pulteney, Roger Conduyt, Mayre. Johii Pulteney, Harry Darcy, Ma. Andrew Awbrey, Mayre. Andrew Awbrey, Johii Oxon, M. Symo Fraucesse, Mayre. Richard Rotyng, Roger Channcelar, sherefs ; the furst yere. Harry Darcy, John Ilunteyn, sherefs ; the ii. yere. Symond Fransois, Herry Cumbirton, sherefs ; the iii. yere. This yere was Mortymer, Erie of March, hangyd and drawe. Richard Lesar, Herry Gysoui's, sherefs ; the iiii. yere. Robert Ely, Thomas Horwolde, sherefs ; the v. yere. Johii Mockyng, Andrew Awbry, sherefs; the vi.yero. Niclas Pyke, Johii Husbond, sherefs ; the vii. yere. Johii Hamond, Williii Hansard, sherefs ; the viii. yere. Johii Kyngton, Water Turke, sherefs ; the ix. yere. Waller Mordon, Richard Vpton, sherefs ; the x. yere. Williii Brykisworth, John Northale, sherefs; thexi.yere. Water Nele, Niclas Graue, sherefs; the xii. yere. Williii Pountfret, Hugh Marberer, sherefs; the xiii. yere. Johii Thornay, Roger Forshiii, sherefs ; the xiiii. yere. This yere was the batayle in the Sluse Hauyn wshyppis. Adam Lucas, Bartylmew de Marcy, sherefs ; the XV, yere. Richard Berking, Johii Rockley, sherefs ; the xvi. yere. Johii Lowkyng, Richard Kislyngbury, sherefs ; the xvii. yere. This yere was a grete erth quave. XXvii John Hamond, John Hamond, Richard Laiere, Richard Lacere, Majre. Richard Lacer, M. Ric. Killingbury, Andrew Awbery, Richard Subbarbe, Johii Ayleshm, shefefs ; the }tviii. yere. Geffrey Wynham, Thomas Legct, sherefs; the xix- yere. Edmond Hamdeuale, John Glouceter, sherefs ] the XX. 3^ere. Geffrei Whitingham, Williii Clapton, Johii Croydon, sherefs; the xxi. yere. Mayre. This yere the Kinge wan Calcis, f yere of our Lord? M.iij.C.xlviii. Adam Brabson, Richard Basinstok, sherefs; the xxii. yere. Herry Pycarde, Symond Colcell, sherefs ; the xxiii. yere. This 3^ere was a grete pestilence in Englande. Adam Bury, Rauf Lynne, sherefs ; the xxiiii. yere. Johii Nottc, Willm Worccter, sherefs ; the xxv. yere. Johii Wroth, Gylberd Steyndrop, sherefs; the xxvi. yere. Johii Petche, Johii Stodey, sherefs ; the xxvii. yere. Willrii Welde, Johii Lytley, sherefs; the xxviii.yere. Williii Tudnam, Richard Smet, sherefs; the xxix, yere. Walter Foster, Thomas Brandon, sherefs; the xxx. yere. This yere the Prince Edward toke the Kinge of Era u nee. Richard Notynghiii, Thomas Dooelde, sherefs; the xxxi. yere. Stephan Caundish, Bartylmew Frestlyng, sherefs ; y xxxii. yere. Johii Bures, Johii Bernes, sherefs; the xxxiii. yere. Symond Benyngton, Johii Chichester, sherefs; the xxxiiii- yere. John Dcynes, Walter Berney, sherefs ; the xxxv. yere. This yere was the ij. grete pestilence. Johii Petchee, Ma. Williii Ilalberch, James Tame, sherefs; the xxxvi. yere. Stepha Caiidish, James Albon, Johii Andrew, sherefs ; the xxxvii.yere. This yere, on Saint Mauris daye, was a greatc wynde, and dyd moch harnie. Thomas Egry, Symond Fraces, Mayre. Herry Pycard, Johii Stody, Mair. Johii Lewkyn, M. Symon Dossley, John Wroth, Ma, XXVlll Adam Bury, Ma. John Lowkin, M. John Andrew, M. Symon Mordo, John Winchester, Johii Bremys, John Palle, M. Adam Bury, M. Willm Walworth, Johii Ward, M. Adam Stable, M. Niclas BrembjT, John Philpot, M. John Hadley, M. John Hadlev, M. Richard Croydon, John Hyltoste, sherefs ; the xxxviii, yere. Johii Brykelswortb, Thomas Irlande, sherefs ; the xxxix. yere. Johii Medford, Symon Mordon, sherefs ; the xl. yere. This yere, in Janiuer, Adam Bury was dischargyd, and Johii Lowken chosen, by the Kingis comaunde- ment. Thomas Atlye, John Warde, sherefs ; the xli. yere. Johii Thorngolde, Willin Dikman, sherefs; the xlii. yere. Adam Wimondhiii, Robert Gyrdler ; the xliii. yere. Johii Pyell, Hugh Holbech, sherefs; the xliiii. yere. Willin Walworth, Johii Cayton, sherefs; the xlv. yere. Robert Hatfeld, Niclas Brymbar, sherefs; thcxlvi. yere. Johii Phylpott, Niclas Brymbar, sherefs; thexlvii.yere. Johii Awbry, Johii Fisshed, sherefs ; the xlviii. yere. Richard Lyons, Willin Woohous, sherefs; the xlix. yere. Johii Hadley, Willin Newport, sherefs; the 1. yere. Johii Norhampton, Robert Launde, sherefs ; the li; yere. This yere, in Marche, Niclas Brembre was chosen Mayr, by the Kingis writt, and one Johii Mistir- worth, Avas drawen and put to deth ; and this yere began the regno of Kinge Richard the II. sonneof Prince Edward. Andrew Pykman, Johii Twy ford, sherefs; thefurstyere. Johii Boshrii, Thomas Cornwaleis, sherefs ; theii. yere. Johii Heldon, Williii Barell, sherefs ; y iii. yere. This yere galyottis of Spayne, \v od' smale shippis of warre, come a londe at Graucsendc, and brente y most parte of y town. Watir Doget, Willm Knygrot, sherefs; the iiii. yere. This yere men of Kent brent the Sa\vy, and robbet Saint Johes, and toke the Archbisshop of Cant' than Chauncelar, and the Prior off Saint Jons, XXIX John Northaton, John Northaton, Niclas Brembyr, May re. NicUis Exton, M. Niclas Exton, M. Niclas Swinford, Williii Venour, M. John Bamme. Johii Hynde, M. Willm Standon. John Hadley, M. than Tresorer, w many od', oute of tlie Towr, and smote of ther hedis; and slew many Flemyngis in London. John Hynde, Joliii Rote, sherefs ; the v. yere. Johii Cely, Adam Bamme, sherefs ; the vi. yere. Symon Winchombe, Johii More, sherefs ; the vii.yere. Niclas Exton, Johii Fresh, sherefs ; the viii. yere. Johii Organ, Johii Owchman, sherefs ; the ix. yere. Williii More, Williii Standon, sherefs ; the x.yere. Hugh Festoll, Williii Venour, sherefs; the xi.yere. This yere the Archbisshop of Yorke, the Duke of Irlande, y Erie of Souifolk, Treuylion, Justice, and Niclas Brembre, Knyght, were apeched of treson, and y sayd Duke and Erie were exyled, w iiij. od' psons, and viij. Knyghtis and Squyers were put to deth. Adam Karlyle, Thomas Austen, sherefs j the xii. yere. Johii Walcott, Johii Leuey, sherefs ; the xiii. yere. This yere was anotlu r grete pestilence in England. Thomas Vincent, Jolm Fraunceys, sherefs; the xiiii. yere. Herre Vanner, Johii Shadworth, sherefs; the xv. yere. This yere, at Mydsomer, Johii Ilindc was discharged by the Kyngis councell, and Edward Derlinglon, Knight, made Gustos ; and (Jilbcrd Maghfeld, and Thomas Newton, chosen sherefs ; and in Julij folow- yng, the sayde Gustos was discharged, and for hym was chosen Badwyn Raduton ; and at Saint Ed- wardis tyde after Avas chosen Mayr and Sherefs, thes persones folowyng, by lycence of the Kynge. Gilberd Maghfeld, Thomas Newton, sherefs ; the xvi. yere. Eichard Whitington, Drew Barentyn, sherefs; the xvii. yere. This yere Queue Anne decessid, and buryed at Westiii. XXX John Fresh, Ma. WilliTi More, M. Ad a 11) Bam me. Ric.Whitington, Drew Baretyn, May re. Thomas Knollis, May re. John Frauces, M. John Chad worth, John Valiot, M. Willia Ascam, M. John Hynde, M. Johii Wodcok, Hie. Whitington, Wihn Standon, May re. Drew Bramgto, Willm Beynton, Thomas KnolUs, sherefs; the xviii. yere. This yere, in August, the Irishmen were comaundyd home by y Kinge. Roger Elyas, Johii Siierjaigton, sherefs; tlie xix.yere. Thomas Wyford, Williri Parker, sherefs ; the xx.j^ere. This 3'ere, in Junij, decessid the Mayre, and for hym chosen Richard Whitington, who y Lord) wold not admytt, tyll on the raorowe was admitted be y King, and occupied tyl Saint EdwardJ day. Willm Afkan, Johii Wodcol, sherefs; the xxi. yere. John Warner, Johii Wade, sherefs ; the xxii. yere. This yere the Kinge was deposed, and after hym regned Herry the Fourth, that was Duke of Lan- caster. William Walderne, William Hyde, Sherefs ; the furst yere. This yere Ewe Gledor, Squyer, of Wales, made warre ayenst y King. Johii Wackle, Willin Emot, sherefs ; the ii. yere. Willrii Venour, Willin Framynghiii, sherefs ; the iii. yere. Robert Chichester, Richard Marlow, sherefs ; the iiii. yere. This yere was y batayl of Shrewisbury, and y Quene crowned. Thomas Polle, Thomas Faukencr, sherefs ; the v. 3'ere. This yere Bisshop Scrop, and Mombrey t' Erie mar- chal, beheded, and ii. yemen of the Kingis chambre hanged. Williii Louthe, Steuen Spylman, sherefs ; the vi. yere. Willm Crowmer, Herry Barton, sherefs ; the vii.yere. Niclas Wotton, Geffrey Broke, sherefs; the viii. yere. Herry Pumfret, Herry Halton, sherefs ; the ix. 3'cre. This yere was behcdyd th' Erie of Northumbirlande, Wiliii Norton, Thomas Duke, sherefs ; the x. yere. XXXI Ric. Marlow, M. Thomas Knoll is, Robert Chichelee, WiUm Walden, May re. Willia Crowmer, Willia Crowmer, Mayre. Niclas Wncton, Mayre. Kerry Barton, Mayre. Ric. Marlow, M. Willia Sevumok, Mayre. Ric. Whitinglim, Mayre. Willia Cambreg, Robert Chichelee, Mayre. Joliii Lane, Williii Chichell, sherefs; the xi. yere. This yere was ordeyned y alay of golde, and y guy Ida begonne to make ; and the Kingis sonnes beten in Chepe. Johii Reynwell, Walter Cotton, sherefs ; the xii.yere. Rauf Lubenhtn, Seuynok, sherefs ; the xiii. yere. Jolm Penne, Thomas Pyke, sherefs ; y xiiii. yere. Tiiis yere decessid the Kinge, and his sonne Herry y V. crowned in Aprill, the yere of our Lord, M.iiii.C.xiii. Johii Nicoll, Johii Sutton, sherefs ; the furst j-ere. This yere the Lord Cobhiii made a rysing w many Lollardys. Thomas Aleyn, Johii Michell, sherefs ; the ii, yere. This yere the Kynge wan Harflew, in Normandy. Aleyn Euerarde, Thomas Chambrege, sherefs; y iii. yere. This yere, in Octobre, y King had a batayle at Agin- court, and wan it. Robert Whitington, Johii Couontre, sherefs ; the iiii. 3^ere. This 3'cre th' Empour came into England, and the Duke of Holland ; and this yere y Kinge wan Nor- mandy. Ilerre Rode, Johii Gedne}', sherefs ; the v. yere. This yere the Lorde Cobham was taken, and iuged to deth. J(jhii Bryan, Rawlyn Barton, herefs ; the vi. yere. This yere was the sege of Roene and Cane; and of many other castels and townes. John Butler, Robert Whitinghin, sherefs ; the vii. yere. This yere the Queue Katheryn was crowned. Johii Neellj Johfi Butlar, sherefs; the viii. yere. Richard Goflyn, Willm Weston, sherefs ; the ix. yere. This yere Mortymer brak out of y Tour; and y same e 2 xxxu Willia Waldern, May re. Willia Crowmer, Mayre. Johii Michel, Ma. John Couentre, Willia Rynwell, Mayre. JohR Gedney, Mayre. Kerry Barton, Willia Estfeld, Mayre. Niclas Wncton, John Wellis, Ma. Johii Pues, Ma. John Borcley, Robert Otiey, M. Hairy Frowyk, yere f King decessid, and his son Herre f VI. regned king A°. Dili. M.iiii.C.xx. Willm Estfelde, Ptobert Tatirsale, sherefs ; the furst yere. This yere Mortyraer was hangyd, and Newgat new- made. Niclas James, Thomas Wanford, sherefs ; the ii. yere. This yere the Prince of Portyngale came into England. Symon Seman, Johii Watir, sherefs ; the iii. yere. This yere was gret debate betwene f Cardinal of Wine, and the Duke of Glowcet'; and v, galeis came to London w marchaiidyse. Willa Mylred, Johii Brokley, sherefs ; the iiii.yere. Robert Arnold, Johii Hegman, sherefs ; the v. yere. This yere, one called Segewyk, was hangyd and quar- tryd. Herre Frowyk, Thomas Otley, sherefs ; the vi. yere. This yere Wyll Wawe was hanged and quartryd. Johii Abkott, Johii Dushous, sherefs ; the vii. yere. Johii Rose, Rauf Holland, sherefs ; the viii. yere. This yere f Kinge was crowned ; and Jak Straw hangyd and q'tred. Watir Chirchsay, Robert Large, sherefs; the ix. yere. Stephan Brown, Johii Adderley, sherefs ; the x. yere. This yere y King was crowned in Paris, Kinge of Fraunce. Johii Olney, Johii Paddisley, sherefs ; the xi. yere. This yere was the grete councell at Basill, and many lollardys distroyed in Pruce. Thomas Chalton, Johii Lynge, sherefs; the xii. 3'ere. This yere was a grete pestilence, and a grete frost ; and the Duke of Bedford dyed, and lyethat Roene. Johii Benieuell, Symken Eycr, sherefs ; the xiii. yere. Robert Cloptou, Thomas Chadworth, sherefs ; the xiiii. yere. This yere the Duke of Burgoine layd scge to Caleis, and fayled his purposse. XXXlll John Michel], M. Winii Estfeld, M. Stepha Brown, Stepha Brown, Robert Clopton, Robert Clopton, JohnAddirle, M. Toiiis Chad worth, Herre Frowik, M. Symken Eyer, May re. John Gluey, M. John Gedney, M. Stepha Brown, Thomas Nersted, Willm Gregory, sherefs ; the xv.yere. This yere sanke a parte of London bredge. Thomas Chapman, Willm Hales, sherefs ; the xvi.yere. This yere fell downe another parte of the brygge. Hugh Dyke, Nichas Yoo, sherefs ; the xvii. yere. This yere a busshell whete was worth xl. pens. Robert Marchall, Phelip Malpace, sherefs ; the xviii. yere. This yere the Dulerswasrcdy to answere all that wolde come to iust, the fyrst of the iiii. was y Kynge hym selfe, he brake moo speres than ony other man, the other iii. clialdyngys was the Lorde William of Deuyn- shyre, Joliii Neuel, an Knyet ; and on the scconde daye of iustys, the Kynge came in to the felde on his party, richely appcreld as eucr was seen, and xii. defenders catnc in agaynst them, rychely ap- pereld, and dyde many feytys ; and in the nyght folowynge was a grot tryumph in the Kyngys hall, and a banked wlier in the Kynge hymself was one of them, and all theyr garmentis was rychely sette with letters of golde and stonis, and aftyr they all daunryd, theyr garmentys was torne of the bodyes, take who so cowde, that the Kynge and g xlvi all thev had no more left vpon them but theyer dub- lettys ; and vpon Saynt Mathys daye ncxte aftyr, the sayde Prynce Henry dyed at Rychmond, and wasberyed at Westm ; and in Junij next aftyr, the Lorde Willm of Deuynshyre dyed, and was beryed at the Blak Frers ; and in this yere ii. eretyckys was burnyd in Smythfeld on Saynt Lukys day. Rooer Acheldv, Nicholas Shelton, Thomas My rseii, sherefs; the iii. Mayre, yere. M This yere the Lorde Darcy, with many Knyghtys that was sent in to Spayne, came home agaync, and fanght not ; and on Relyk Sonday, in the aftyr none, was a grete thondre and tempest, wherin a norse with a chylde in her lappe, rydynge on a horse in Saynt Georgys Felde, was slayne, and the horse swellj'd with the hey t of the wylde fyre, as grete as the skynne myght holde ; and the norse beyng with chylde, aftyr she was dede v. owres, the chylde was cut out of her bely, and was crys- tenyd, and lyued aftyr ii. owres. This yere was grete warre betwayne the Pope and y Frenche Kynge, wherupon the Emperoure, the Kynge of Englande, and the K^^nge of Spayne, toke the Popys parte, and the Kynge of England sent the Lorde Mar- ques, the Lord Howard, with many other noble men, to the nombre of x. M. in to the hether ende of Spayne, to make warre vpo Gaston and Byen, and a gret nauy of Englysh shyps was sente to the see, and dyde moche hurte to Fraunce ; a grete shyppe of England callyd the Regent, set vpon the Caryk of Brest, aftyr whiche, ii, grete shyppes cow- pled to gyder, made grete batayle, so that the Caryk, rather than she wolde be taken, sett fyre in her goupowdyr, and in burnynge of her, the fyre burnyd the Regent bothe to gydders, wher in Syr Thomas Knewe, and the Knyght Marshal, was, w M. me of armesj whiche was a! lost, sawynge a xlvii {ewe y swyniyd to botes for socoure; this ^'ere, in August, the Kynge saynt Syr Edward Ponyngys, with XV. r. men, to Gelderlonde, to le}' syegc to a towne callyd Fenlowe, where many Englyslune was k3'llyd, and leuyng y towne vngotey cam home agaync. William Copynger, Robert Iloldnes, Robert Fenrother, shcrefs ; tlie iiii. Mayre. yere. ^ The sayde Mayre dyed, and for hym was chosen Syr William Haddori; this yere was a perlament at Westmynster, in the wliiche wasgrauntyd ii. fyftens and iiij. dymes, and hedde money for euery ma ; for a Duke, x. marke ; for an Erie, v. 11. ; for a Lordc, iiij. 11. ; a Knyght, iiij. marke; and so aftyr loer degres ; he that myght spende xl. s, to paye xij. pens, and euery man was valued y was worthe in goud, viij. C. li. to pay iiij. mark, iiij. II. to paye iiij. nobles, ii. C. li. to paye ii. nobles, xl.ll. to paye a noble, xx. IT. to paye xl. pens; and euery man, valued worthe xl. s. to paye xij. pens, and ser- uauntys, prentycys, women, and all other, to paye iiij. pens a pece ; this yere, on May euyn, Edmond dc la Pole, was behedyd at the Towre Hyll ; and a gret nauy of shyppys was sent to the see, and Syr Edward Howard, the Amerall, with other, was drownyd by mysfortune ; y Kynge of Englande, this yere, went ouer the see toward Fraunce, with a grete armye royall, and leyd syege to Turwyn, in Pycard}^ and wanne it on Bartylmew ewin, and theder came the Emperour with a ccrteyn of me of armes, and accompanyed with the Kynge, at whiche wynnyng of Turwyn, the Frenclie armye, shewyngc them to the syght of the Englysh armye, the En- glysh men was so fers and couragyous agaynst the in goynge toward them in batayle, the Frenshmen fledde, in whiche flyght the Englyshme toke the Duke of Langfeld, and many other noble men pry- o- 2 xlviii soners ; and aftyr thai done, tlic Kynge than re- moujd his army, and lyed syegc to the cyte of Tornej', and wan it by poyntment, and all men therin sworne to the Kynge, and capteyns was put therin to kepeit; this ycre, in August, an armyc of Englysh men met the Kynge of Scotis, with his armj^c entryg in to England, in the Kyngys absence, and at a place callyd Brastone, besyde Berwyck, bothe partys mett in batayle, whcr the Kyng of Scottis was slayne, and gretest parte of all the noble me of Scotland, iij.gret Bysshops, iij. Abbottys, xij. Erl3's, xvij. Lordis of name, be- syde Knyghtis and gentylmen, and xviij.M. Scott* in the felde, and all ther ord3'naunc3's and stuffys ■was taken, and brought in to England, and the body of the Kynge of Scottys was caryed to Ber- wyck, and fro Berw^x'k thorow the reame of En- gland vnto Wynsore, and from Wynsore to Sheen, and was not ber^ed in no crysten beryalh's because he was accursed. . Willm Browne, John Brydgys, Johii Dawes, sherefs ; the v. yere. Mayre. f[[ This 3'ere the Kynge came in to England liome agayne, in Octobre, and lefte the Lordvs Ponyngys inTorney, with viij. M. men ; and in February nexte aftyr, a perlement Avas kepte at Westmynster, at the whiche the Erie of Surrey was made Dnke of Northfolke, and his eldyst sonne was made Erie of Surrey ; and Syr Charls Brandon was made Duke of Suftblke, and Syr Charls Somersett was made Erie of Worchester ; and in the same perlement, was grauntcd to the Kynge, vi. pens of the pounde of all mens goodys; and in Apryll next aftyr, the Kynge sent a nauy of shyppys to the see, at Portysmoutys, was xij.M. men shypped ; the Mayr dyed on Whitson euyn, and for hym was chosen Syr Johan Gate; and on Corpus Cristi euyn, Johan Dawys dyed, and for hym was chosen Roger xlix Basforcl. Tliis yere, in Auguste, the Kjnge of England and llie Kynge of Frauncc, made a peas and concordc to gyders, duiy^nge both her Jyues, and a maryage was conchidyd betwaync the Kyngc of Franncc and the Lady Mary, the syster of the Kyngys of England, whichc was maryed to gyders at Abyneld in Pycardy, in Octobre next aftyr folowynge, George Monoid James Yarford, Johan Mund}-, sherefs : the vi. yore. Mayre. ^ This yere, in Octobre, one Richard Hoono, dwel- jyng in the parysh of Saynt ISIargarct, in Brydge Strct, was apeciied of hercs}^, and j)ut in to the Lollars Towre, at Powles, and therin was fonndc hangyd, in prison, whcrupon grcte exclamacyon was amongc people, how, by who, or by what meane, he was hangyd, the dowt was demyd by the tenipcrali lawe, and was sayd that one Kok Charls, a sufier, and the Bell Rvno;c of Powles, sholde, in a ny^ht, hano; the sayd Hoone, howe be it, aftyr he was hangyd, he was iugyd an heretj'ck, by the spuall lawe, and burnyd in Snijtfeld ; this yere was made a peas betwajne the Kyngc of England and the Kynge of Franncc, Frauncys, that tyme new made Kynge, aftyr the deth of Lewes, duryng both tlieyr lyues; and the Lad}' Mary, Frcnsh Quene, was graunted her dowry, to be bronght in to England, and was sufferd to banc all her goodys and ryches ; and the Duke of Suffolke, w Syr Richard Wyngfeld, and Doctor West and othci", set in to France as Ambassatours ; a conclusyon was made that the sayd Duke was weddyd to the sayd Lady Mary, in Fraiice, and therupon came oner in to England, and w them brought all thyngys aftyr theyr my n tie. "Williii Butler, Plenry Worley, Ricliard Gray, sherefs ; the vii. yere. Mayr. ^ This Ri. Gray dyed in Octobre, and for hyni was chosen WilhTi Bayly ; this yere my Lady Mary, Prj'nces, was borne at Grenvvych ; in this yere the K3'ng of Spayne dyed ; in this j'ere y Qucne of ScottJ, 1 that was daughter of Kyng Henry f VII. came out of Scolad porcly, and was recejued in to Englande rychely, and rode thoro\v y cyte of London, fohan Rest, Thomas Seymer, Johan Thurstond, sherefs ; the viii. Mayre. yere. ^ This yere a gret frost bega, f xij. day of Jaau. in suche wyse y »<> bote myght go betwixt London and Westmynster all the terme tyme, and fro Wcstiii to Labhith was a como way ouer y Temes, vp5 y ise ; this yere y Turke warred vpo y Sowdan, and slewe hym, and i.C.M. me, and the contrey made a newe Sowdan ; this yere, in y nyght before May day, was ^ surrexyo of vacabodj, and pretysys among the yong me of handy craftj of y cyte rose agaynst straugers, wherupo y Kyng set y Lord of , and other, with harnest men, to kepe the cyte in peace, and many of them that rose was taken and put in to the Towre of London, and xi. gallows was set vp in dyuers stretys in the cyte, and in that weke xxi. was iugyd in the Gyld Halle to be hangyd, drawen and quartyrde, of whiche one Lyncoln, a broker, and iiij. moo, was hangyd and quartyd, and ther quarters was set vpon dyuers gates of the cyte, and theyr hedes set on Lon- don brydge; and on the xvi. day of Maij, and xi. women was bownde in ropys, with cordys, and ledde from Gyld Halle to Westmynster, and the Sherefs waytynge on them, and euery prysoner a peyr of bedys in ther handys, and in the Kyngys Strete in Westmynster, was stryped in to theyr shyrtys, and euery one an halter about his necke, and so was brought in to Westmynster Halle, ther beenge the Mayre, Aldermen, and the craftes in theyr lyuery, and than came in the Kynge, with his Lordys spyrytuall and temperall, and the Kynge, syttynge in his seyt royall, all the prysoners came before hym and knelyd downe, and cryed with a lowde voyce, mercy and grace, ii. or iij. tymes, and than the Mayre, Alder- li men, and cj'tezens, kneivd for the same petycyon, and the Lordes spirytuall and temporal! kneled before the Kynge for pardon, vpon all whichc petycyons y Kynge tha grauntyd pardon, and those that was iugyd to dethe had thcr charters. Thomas Exmew, Wyllyam Baldry, Rauf Syniondes, sherefs ; thcix.yere. Mayrc. ^ This yere a Legate came fro Rome, and made the Lorde Cardynal of England a Legate, whiche Legate of Rome lay in England longe tyme, and had gretc chere, and at his departynge had grete rewarde. Thomas Myrft n, John Alen, James Spenser, shcrefs ; the x. yere. Mayrc. f[[ This yere the Mayre made an acte that no offycersin London sholde sell no vytalles. James Yar ford. John Wylkynsone, Nycholas P'tryche, sherefs ; the xi. Mayre. yere. ^ This yere the Emperour came out of Spayne to go in to Almayne, to be crowned in his Empyrc, and in his way he landyd at Doner, in England, and came to Cantorbury, where the Kynge of Englad receyuyd liym honourably, and there lay on Whytso Sonday, and from tliens reniouyd to Doner caste), and after that, the Emperour toko shyppyng and seylyd ouer into Flanders, and the Kynge seylynge ouer to Caleys ; and a meruelous howse was bylded at Gynes, by the syde of y castell, wherupon a iij.M. werkme was werkynge iiij. monethes, to make it so grete in quan- tyte, so statly, and all with clere story l^-ghtys, lyk a lantorne, the rofFys garnyshed with sarsnettys and buddys of golde, and borderyd ouer all the aras ouer longe to dysturbc the rychnes therof ; one chamber was iij.C.xx. fote longe, whiche place was bylded agaynst the Kyngys comynge to mete with the French Kynge; it was concluded to a coicatofi betwene 5" Emperour, the French Kyng, and the Kynge of En- gland, to moue a gencr;;!! legghe and peace on all pcrtyes, in a vo^^dynge wcrre, and for that entent the Kynge of Tranche mett with the Kynge of England, lii betwene Gynes and Arde, and duryg xv. dayes, mett toojydcrs euery day, and lielde grcte iustes and bav- ryers in a campe, daylj^ mctynge with gretc tryumph and solcmpnyte, botlic Kyngys and Qncns, and all ther noble statys on botlie partyes, and in the cainpe the Lord Legate of England sang a masse, in a chapel newe made and rychely garnysshyd, whiche masse was reuerently songe \V the most melody of all the best syngers bothe of Fraunce and of Englande, at whiche masse bothe Kyngys and Qnens, and all other states was present, and after masse, helde agrete feste in the campe ; and after all the trynmphe was endyd, bothe Kyngys and Quens departyd, the French Kynge to- warde Fraunce, and the Kynge of England retournyd to Caleys, and ther was made a meruelous banket howse for the Empcronr, so that the Kynge of En- gland rode agaynst y Eniperour, and receyued hym at Grauelyng, and brought hym to Caleys, and there lay togeders a iij. dayes, makynge the most honorable solempnyte and good chere that cowde be, and after the Emperour departed in to Flaunders agayne, and the Kynge came oner in to England ; and the howse that was made at Gyne, was taken downe agayne, and made pleyne feld lyk as it was before. Johri Brydgys, JohiiKyem, JolmSkeuyngton, sherefs ; the xii. 3^ere. Mayre. ^ This yere galy halfpens Avas banysshed out of En- gland ; and whete was wortlie xviij. s. a quarter; and this yere one Luther was accowntyd an eretyck, and on a Sonday, that was the xij. day of Maij, in the presence of the Lorde Legate, and many other Bys- shops and Lordys of England, the sayd Luther was openly declared an heretyck, at PowJys crosse, and all his bokes burnyd. THE ARTICLES OF Y CHARTER AND LIBER- TEIS OF THE CITE OF LONDON CA. ii. Tlie Sherefs of London and Mydelsep lete to ferme to the citezens of London for CCC. pund by yere : y first article. That the citezens of theym self make Sherefs whan they wylle and put away whan they wyll, and for theym answere : the ii. artycle. That the Sherefs be not amercyed ouer xx pond : the iii. artycle. That the Sherefs of pill of lyf of membris be jugyng after the lawe of the citee : the iiii. artycle. If ony greef impedimet or diminucio of theis whiche to the shyre per- teyne graunted by y Kynge so were, it shal be acompted in the schequer for a quetaunce of the ferme : the v. artycle. Amocion of kiddell under payne of x. pond and the citezens haue the same amercymentis : the vi. artycle. That the kepar of the tour of London take nought of the weres : the vii. ar. That noo citezen plete wout the walles out take , or any of our Mynistirs. ^ The xxxii. article, Morcoucr we haue grauntid for vs and for our! 23 eyers, and this present cliartur confirmyd to the same cite:ten3, that we nor our ej'ers, for any thing in the cite fallyng or in y subarbes ther- of we shall not assygne oure Justic^ w in the same cite, than our Justic) that l)en goyng to y tour of Lodon, and the Justicis that ben goyng to the goyle of newgat to delyuer and to amend errors at Seint Martys graut of Londo as it hath ben vsed of olde tynie but yf it be any -thig that toucheth vs or our eyers that falle in tlie same cyte or within y subarbis of the same ^ Why we wil and graunt and stedfastly bydde for vs and for our eyers, that the forsayd citezes her eyers and successors cite- zens of the same cyte, haue and vse for euer alle her frauchesis quitauucis and her free custumes as it is before said by thes witnesses, W. Archbishop of YorkePrimat of Englad, John Bishop of Ely our Chauncelar, J. Bis- shop of Norwich, John Bishop of Chester, Adomarc of Valaunce Erie of Penbrock, John of Bretaigne Erie of Richmod, Umfrey of Bochiii Erie of Hertford and Esex, Hugh de Speser the yong Barthm of Badelfmore, Sty ward of our hostel and other, yeuen by our hand at Yorke, the viij. day of Junij, y yere of our regne xii. ^ Tlie xxxiii. article. Also we haue vnderstond, some articles wliich y our said fader y same viij. day of Junij grauntid to y same citezcus by his letters patetj to holde and to kepe T theis wordes y is to say, y the Mairand y the Sherefs of ycite aforsaid after y tenour of the chartnrs of our proge- nitors somtyme Kyng^ of England to hem thcrof made by chosen and none other wyse. ^ The xxxiiii. article. And that none of the Sherefs of the same cite that shalbe for the tyme haue but ij. Sergeant and ij. Clarkis for that oflice. And that they taken to hem such clarkis and sergeaunt for which they shuld wel answer vpon her owne paril. @ The XXXV. article. And that the Mair of the cite afor sayde the whyles y he is Mair haue none other office to the same cite belonging but his office of ^ Mairship of y same and y he draw not before hem ne holde in y chambre Sherefs plee ne other pices but doo after the olde custumes of •the cite as Mair shuld holde. The xxxvi. article. Alsothat the talyagj and subsidies of the cite to 24 our vse and to our eyers, and for the state and profiztj of the said C3'te from this tyme forthe be men of the ward^ therto cliosen to be sett be not aug- mentid norarered by f Mayror Aldirmen or other but of comoun assent of the gretis partye of comonaltee of the forsaid cite. ^ The xxxvii. article. And that the siluer thatcomethe of such talyagj be in the keping of iiij. comonars of the same cite therto chosen, and that it be not delyuerd but bi witnesse of y same iiij. men, so that y same iiij men may enforme the forsayd comons to what profight and to whos vse the forsayd siluer fallyth. ^ The xxxviii. arti. Also that none alyen be amytted in to the fraun- ches of the said cite but in hustingis. ||[ The xxxix. ar. And that exchaunge namly an English marchaunt bee not amytted in to the fraunches of y cite of any crafte but be mempris of vi. goood men and sufficyent of the crafte or of the office of the which he shalbe made freman of, which vi. men shul vndirtake for hym to kepe the forsayde cite wout harme, and in the same maner of vndcrtakyng shalbe don of alyens aforsayd which shulbe amittid into the fraunches of y cite, in hustings yf they bee of any crafte or offyce, and yf they be of none certayn crafte, thei shul not be amittid in to the frauches of the same cite, wout assent of the comonalte of the same cite. ^ The xl. ar. And they that sythen we taken goucrnaile of owr kyngdoni ageyn the fourme aforsayd, beth admitted in to the libarteis of the same cite, ^ The xli. article. And they that ageyn ther othe or ageyn the state of the cite haue done and laufulli therof couicte y thei lesen the fraunches of the same cyte, sauyng alwey y of aprenticj in the same cite be kepe the olde maner and fourme of f cite. ^ The xlii. ar. And f euery yere in the forsayde cite as ofte as nede be. Be it. enqueryd yf any off the frauches of the same cite, chaffur \V other mennys good that be not off the fraunches of the same cite, and seye the same good^ be her owne ageyne her othe and ageyn the cite and therof ben conuict that they lese the frauches of the same cite. 25 ^ The xliii. arty. And that alle and euery man in f for sayd fraunches beyng, and the frauches and fre custumes of the same cyte wyllyng to re- ioyse, be in lotte and scott and partiners of alle maner chargj for the state of the same francheis to maytent after her othe, y they wyl not done as it is aforsayd they shal lese her fraiiches. ^ The xliiii. ar. And y all and euery man of the fraunches of y same cite beig, and wout y sayd cite dwellyng and hauten her marchaudicj in y same cite that they be in scotte and lotte w our comonars of y^ same citee or ellis y they lese her franches. H[ The xlv. article. And that y comon scale of the same cite be i keping of ij. aldirme and ij. comoners of the same cite, by y comonars of y same cite therto chosen and y f scale be not denaied to rich ne to pour of y same cite wha they haue nede therof yf her axio may be proued trewe, and y no thing be take for y seling of the same seal. ^ The xlvi. article. And y y balauncj and weight^ of marchandises be- twene marchaut and marchaut for to wey of which y ysnes comyng and knowleg therof logen to y commonallee of y forsaid cite y they be in kep- ing of y good and sufficiet men y ben knowyng in that office and therto chosen by the for sayd comonaltee to y wilje of hem to kepe y non other be in the same office but that they be chosen thertoo. ^ The xlvii. article. And that the Sherefs of the for sayd citee y shuld be for y tyme tol or custumes that falle to ther ferme and other knowe of- fice that fallyth to he and be od' me vsed yf they will deliuer tha to any man, y than they delyuer the to suche me, as they wyl answere fore and noon other and yf any man be y for said Sheref be put in office as it is afor sayd take any custum y is not dewe or bere him I his office other wise than he shuld, and at y sute of any man be covicte he shalbe put out of his of- fyce and after hys doyng he shul be punyshed. ^ The xlviii. article. And marchant^ y be not in y franshes of the for sayd cite y they selle noo wyne ne ne noo od' marchaundisis to retaille w in y cite ne i y subarbis of y same. 26 HI The xlix. article. Also y ther be noo broker of an}'^ nianer marchauu- dyse in the for said cite from hensforward but that they be chosen by mar- chant^ of the same craftj of which the brokers haue to haunte her oftyce and therupon they shul taken her othe before y Mair of the for sayd citee. ^ The 1. article. Also that como herburgers in the same cite and in the subbarbes ther of that be not of the frauncheise of the said cite be party- ners of alle maner charg^ y fallithe in y same cite for the state therof to maynteyne as vvel as od' comon harburgers free and of the same fraunches in the cite or subbarbes for sayd. ^ The li. article. Sauyng al way y f marchautis of Gascoyne and other alyens may dwelle and harborough to geder in y said citee as they were wont to doo here before, ^ The lii. article. And that the keping of f brydge of the cite aforsayd and y rent^ and profyt^ therof belonging at y wylle of y same comonalte of the same cite be take, ij. wise and sufRciet men and to od' than toaldirmen therto chosen by the same comonalte which shul answer therof to the comonalte. ^ The liii. article. And that noo sergaunt of y chambre of y gvvild halle of y forsayd cite take noo fee of y comonalte or doo excusion but only be the forsayd comonalte therto chosen. ^ The liiii. article. And that y Chaburleyne the comon Clarke, and como Sergaunt of y forsayd citee be chosen by y comonalte and remeued at y wille of the sayd comonalte. ^ The Iv. article. And y y goodes of Aldirmen of f forsayd cite in helpe of y talaygj and od' contribucios fallyng to y same cite be taxed by men of the same warde that they dwelle in as wel as the good5 of other citeijens in the same warde. f[[ The Ivi. article. Which articles aboue ben shewed and the thing^ in whom conteyned, our sayd fader be his forsayd letters, hath excepted 27 preued and ratifyed hem for hym and his eyers as myche as was in hym, to the samecitezens and lier successours hathgraunted and confermed, in the cite and subbarbarb^ aforsayd to the coraon profyt of hem that ben dwel- lyng therin, and to hem that be comyng therto to haue and to kepe for euer. ^ The Ivii. article. And morouer Avyllyng to doo more ful grace to the Mayre Alderme and citezens of y same cite at her request to hem by his same lytters for hi and for his eyers y the Mayr Aldyrmen citezens and the comonalte of the comonnars of the forsayd cite her^yres and her succes- sours for the nedys and profyt of the same cite as wel vpon rent^ as od' and as well vpon craft^ as odur wyse they mowe set talages and areren hem wout any lett of our sayd fader his eyers or any od' of his mynysters. mi The Iviii. ar. And that the siluer of suche manor talag^ comynge, be in the kepyng of iiij. trewe men by the comnalte of the same cyte therto chosen and that they be not spedyd od'wyse than for the nedis and profit^ of the sayd cite. ^ The lix. ar. Also we haue grantyd and confermed to y citezens of y same cite her eyers and her successours citezens of the same cite, y forsayd yeft^ grant^ and cofirmacions, and all articles in y same letters of our fadir coteyned, to haue hem ferme and stable for vs and our eyers as miche as is in vs, as the chartur and y letters of our fader resonably wytnessith. Morouer wyllyng to do more plentious grace to the cytezens of the for sayd cite we haue graunted hem for vs and for our eyers, and our present chartur confermed that though thei ne her predecessours citezens of y for- sayd cite haue not full vsed any tyme any of her fraunches quitaunc^ ar- ticles or of her free custumes as tliey shulde, as it is in the same chartour and letters conteyned. Neuerthelesse y same citezens her eyers and her successours citezens of the same cite and ech of hem reioy for euer and vse hem fro hensforward wythout ony lettyng of vs or of any of our eyers Jus- tic^ escheturs or of any of ourBaylyfs and mynysters. ® The Ix. article. Moreouer we haue graufyd for vs and for our eyers and our present chartur confermyd to the Mayre Aldyrmen of the cyte, f yf ony custumes haue been vsed any tj^me in the forsayd cite ageyn y 28 frauches or thing^ of newe haue fallen in the cite and ma}^ not be amendid, the Mayre Aldirmen her eyers and her successours by assent of all the comonalte of the same cite, may sette congrew remedy and ordeyn for the common proffit of the citezens of the cite and of other trevve men repay r- ing to the same cyte as ofte as it is nede. Soo that suche maner ordy- nauncc be profytable to vs and to owr people, as it is aforsayde be this wyt- nesse. The wurshipfull fader John Archbisshop of Caunterbury Pi imat of alle Englad, Ri. of Durha, Rauf of Lodo Bishops, Willin Vohu Erie of North, Willm of Klinton Erie of Huntingdon, Hewe of Awdley Erie of Glouceter, Thomas Wake of Lydel, Rauf Basset of Braiton, Rauf of Staf- ford Styward of owr hostell and other, yeuen by our hand att Westrii, the xxvi day of May f yere of our reigne of England xv, and of our reigne of Fraunce seconde. ^ Also we haue vnd'stonde anothr chartour of our for- said ayall in thes wordis. Edward, by the grace of God Kynge of En- gland Lord off Irland and Duke of Aquytanye, vnto Archbishops Bishops Abbott^ Preiors Erles Barons Justic^ Sherefs, Stywardis Mynysters, and to all Baylifs, and to his trewe men gretyng. ^ Wetith wel that we for the amendement off our cite of London and for the good seruyce that to vs haue done our welbelouyd Mayre Aldermen and the commonalte of the sayd cite of Londo of assent of Prelat^ Erlis Barons Justicisand of all other coiiionalte of owr reame beig in our parlemetat Westm hauegrauntyd and oure present chartour confermed for vs and for our eyers to the citezens of the forsayd cite the frauches that ben suyng to haue to hem and to her eyers and her successours for euer. ^ The Ixi. article. Furst in the grete chartour of the fredoms of En- wlod amonge other it is conteyned that y citezens of London haue alle her olde fraunches, and the same citezens in y time of y makig of y forsaid chart' and i y tynie of Saint Edward Kinge and Confessor, and of Willin Conquerour and of other progenitours. They had diuers fraunches and custumes as well bee chartours of our progenitours wout charturs of olde custom vpon whyche in dyuers weis and in other contrays of our forsayd progenitours as well be domes as by statutis many tymes they haue been lettyd. And of some of her fraunches forbarred. ^ We wyl and graunte for vs and for oure e3'ers that the same citezens haue her fraunches after the fourme off the grete chartour, and alle lettynge and greuaunce in that party e to hem done be the reuoked and anulled. 29 ^ The Ixii. article. Moreouer we haue graunt3'd for vs and for our eyers to the same citezens her eyers and her successours, that the Mayre that is for the tynie be one of the Justicis assigned to the deliueraunce of the gayole of newgate. And that he be named in euery comission therof made. And that the same citezens her eyers and her successours haue infangchief and outfangchif and the goodys and catels of alle hem that before hem be domed wyth in the forsaid fraunches and of alle them that be of the for- said fraunches at the forsayd gaole to bee demed. ^ The Ixiii. artycle. Also for as myche as by chartours of our proge- nytours it hath ben grauntyd to the forsayde citezens that they shulde holde her sherefhode off London and Myddelsex for CCC. II. to yelde yerly at owr excheker and the nevve bee charged euery yere off CCCC. 11, for the same sheref hodis at the same escheker ageyn the fourme of the forsayde chartours. ||[ We wyll and graunte for vs and owre eyers, that the same cytezens her eyers and successours holde from hensforvvard, the forsayd sheref hodj for CCC. II. to yeld yerly at our escheker. After the tenour of the forsayde chartours and that of the forsayd, C. II. fro this tyme forth they be quyt. ^ The Ixiiii. article. Moreouer we haue grauted for vs and for oure eyers to the same citezens her eyers and her successours mowe bequethe her tenementis wythin the forsayd cite, as well to mortmayne as od' maner as it hath ben vsed of olde tyme. ^ The Ixv. article. And for as miche as in a chartour of Syr Edward Kyng of England our fader to the same citezens made amoge other, it is conteyned that the Sherefs of the same cite as often as it fallyth hem to be admercyed for any trespace I her court, that they be amercied after the quantite of y trespace as other Sherefs of the reame ben wont to be amer- cyed for lyke trespace. ^ The Ixvi. artycle. And the Sherefs of the forsayd cite, after the making of that chartour for eschape of thefes were amercyed other wyse than other Sherefs on this behalfe trente which for such maner escape at an Cs. onlych as it is sayd ben amercyed. ^ We wil and graunte for vs and our eyars y 30 Sherefs of the same cite that ben for f tyme for escape of thefys other wyse than other Sherefs on this half trent be not charged nor amerced. f^ The Ixvii. artycle. And that the forsayd citezcns of the kcpyng of hem whiche that fleen to chirches within the francheis aforesayd be not charged odurwyse than they were wont of olde to be charged. Notwy th- stondynge any thyngis done or demyd in the last goyng to the tour of London. ||[ The Ixviii. article. And that the same citezens remeue, and do awey all f weres in Thamys and Medwey and that they haue the punishment^ therof longing to vs. ^ The Ixix. artycle. Moreouer we wyl and stedfastly bydde, that all marchauntis al3'ens comyng in to Englond that they selle her marchaudyses wy th in xl, dayes after her coming, and that they be at the table of fre men of the forsayd cite and of other cites and townes in England wy thout any innes of them self holde. ^ The Ixx. article. Also we wyl and we gravtnte for vs and oure eyers, y the Sty ward of f marchalsye ne Clarke of market of our houshold or of our eyers, sytte not from hensforward w in the fraunches of the forsayd cite ne haunte there none office ne drawe bi any maner any of the forsayde citezens in to plee, wythout the fraiiches of thyngis that fallen wythin the same fraunches. ^ The Ixxi. article. And that none eschet' ne none other Mynyster from this tyme forwarde haunte th'offyce of eschet' wythin the forsayd fraunches. But that the Maire of the forsayd cite that is for the tyme do the office of escheter within the forsayd fraunches, so that he swere that office truly to done, and therof to vs or to our eyers as he ought to answere. ^ The Ixxii. article. And that the forsayd citezens from hensforward be not distreyned to gone or to senden to any ware out of the forsayde cite. ^ The Ixxiii. article. And y the Constable of the tour of London make 31 no preses by londe ne by wat' of vytayle or any other thingj what so euer thei be of me of y forsaid cite nor of non od' coming to y cite or going out nor he shal not areste be ony man wey shipes ne botj bringing or leding vitayles or od' marchaundyses to the cite or fro the cite forsayd. ^ The Ixxiiii. article. And for as myche as the forsayde citezens were wont to haue v/ardeins in all f good feirs of England of he self to hold plees touching the citezens of the same cite to suche maner feirs comyng, wewil and graunt as myche as in vs is, y y same citezens haue suche wardeins of her owne citezens to holde and termyn such maner plees as it was wot to ben of olde tyme outake plees of lade or of ceyme. ^ The Ixxv. article. More ouer we haue graunted for vs and for our eyers that the Sherefs of the forsayd cite that been for the tyme be not dystreyned to swere but vpon the yeldyng of her acompte. fd The Ixxvi. article. Also for as myche as the same citezens in the wey to the tour of Herry of Stauton and his felows, Justicis of Syr Edwarde, somtyme Kynge of England our fad' at the tour of London iaste goyng were constreyned to clayme her fraunchese and her free custumes agayne her olde custu^. And vpon that the claymed dyuers fraunchese by char- tours of our progenytours aforsayd, and other frauchese and her fre cus- tumes by vse and wont of old tyme, which claime thei hange afore vs vndetermyned. ^ The Ixxvii. article. We wyl and graut for vs and for our eyers y y same citezens her eyers and her successours, that they haue her frauches and her free custumes and y they vse hem as they dyd of olde tyme, and y they mowe recorde her frauches and her free custumes by our Justic^ and our od' Mynysters, in maner such as thei were wont to done, notwyth- stondlg any statutis or domes ther ayen made. ^ The Ixxviii. article. And as to the allowans of her charters, to haue afore vs in our eschequer or in any od' places on wrytt suffice in euery place for the tyme of ouer Kyng. H The Ixxix. article. And y none summaunce attachment^ nor execu- 3'i ceon by don by any of our Mynystirs or any of oure eyers by writte wythin the fraunches of the forsayd cite, but by Mynystirs of the same cite. ^ The Ixxx. artycle. And that the Sherefs of f forsaid cite that been for the tyme in helpe off her ferme that they haue y forfeturs of vitayles and of other marchaundises after the tenour of the chartours, to the same citezens therof made and that they be not greuyd fro hensforward therof ayene the tenour off her chartours. ^ The Ixxxi. article. And that the forsayd citezens in the weys of jus- tice to the tour of Londo fro hensforward goyng, that they bee not lad by the lawes by which they were ledde in the weys holden in the tymes of John and Herry, somtyme Kynge of Englande and our progenytours. ^ The Ixxxii. article. And yf any thing^ haue ben made in the last wey ayenst ther fraunches and her fre custumes we wolde not that they falle to preiudlce of hem but thei mowe be ledde as they were wont to be of olde tyme. ^ The Ixxxiii. article. Also we haue graunted for vs and our eyers fro hensforward that the same citezens that they be itaxed wyth y comunalte of our reame, as other men of coutheis, and not as men ofcitees and of borugh townes and thai they be quit of alle other tallagis. ^ The Ixxxiiii. article. And that the fraunches of the cyte be not taken in to our hand or ouyr eyers for ony maner personall trespace nor personal dome of any Mynyster of the same cite. Be the Wardeyn of the same cite be that enchesen bee not greued, but the same Mynister be punysshed after the trespace that he hath done. ^ The Ixxxv. artycle. And that no Puruior Officer ne none od' My- nyster of our eyers, ne none other make any price wythin the forsayde fraunches ne wythout of the goody s of the forsayde citezens ageynste her wylle. But anon be made therof dew payment or ellys that they may haue respyte therof by the wyll of the sellar, |[ The Ixxxvi. arti. And that of the wynes of the forsayd citezens no 53 pryce be take by any of our niynysters or of our eyers nor be any other ageyn the wylle, that is for to saye, of a tone before the maste, and another behynde after the maner ne in none other nianer, but ther of be they quyt. ^ The Ixxxvii. article. Morouer we defende that none officer or pur- uyor of our or of our eyers chaffour by hym self or any other wythin the forsayde cite ne wythout of good^ touchyng her office. ^ The Ixxxviii. article. Also we haue grauntyd that the foreyn landis and tenement^ of the forsayd cite whiche haue ben or shul ben from lies- forward Mynysters of the same cite be bounde to kepe the cite wytliout harme ayense vs and our e^'^crs of thyngys y fallen to her off'yce as her tenement^ w in the same cite. ^ The Ixxxix. article. And y noo market from hensforward be graunted to ony wyght to holde w in vii. myle in the circuyte of the for- sayd cite. ^ The Ixxxx. article. And that all the questis that shulbe tako of me of the forsayd cite, fro hensforward be our JusticJ or of any of our Mynis- ters that they be I taken at Saint Martins the graunt of London and in none od' place out take questis in the weys att the tour of London, and for the delyueraunce of gayol at newgate. ^ The Ixxxxi. article. And that none of y frauclies of the forsayd cite be empleted at our eschequer nor in none other place by bylle, but of the thingis that touchen vs or oure eyers wherfore wee wyl and fcrmely com- maunde for vs and our eyers, that the forsayde citezens her eyers and her successours haue alle her fraunchyses and her free custumes albrsayd, and that they vse hem and reioyse hem for euer, in the fourme aforsayd, by thes wytnesses AVilliri Archbisshop of Caunterbury Primat of al England, John Bisshop of Hely oure Chaunccler, A Bysshop off Harford our Tre- surere, Williii Bishop of Norwich, Thomas Erie of Norfolke and Marshall of England, Ediiiond Erie of Kent, Herry Erie of Lancaster, and Roger Mortymer of W>^gmore, Thomas Wake, John de Roos, Sty ward of our 54 jtousholde and other, yeuen by oure hande att Westmonster, tlie vi daye of Marche, the yere of our reygne the furste. ^ The Ixxxxii. artyclc. Also we haue vnderstande some letters patently «f oure forsayd a3'^all rn the^^s wordj's. Edwarde, by the grace of God Kynge of England, Lord of Irlande, Duke of Aquytanye, to all men to whom theys letters shall come gretynge. 0[ Wetith well that sithe our welbelouyd citezcns of our cite of London by ther peticion before vs and our councell in our present parlemet at Westiii delyuered. Haue yeuen vs to vndyrstonde that felons thefes and other euyl doers and dis- turbers of the pese of our forsaid cite and in other placis haue done man- slauter thefis and od' felons dyuers and after suche felons don pryuely from the same cite deptinge flede to the towne of South warke where they mow not ben arestyd by the Mynystirs of the sayd cite and there openly they ben ressayued, so that for defaute of punyshement thei be the more hardy to do suche felonis, and the}"^ haue besought vs, that for the conseruyng of our pease in y forsayd cite and the malyce of suche cuyll doers to refrayne we wyll graunt to hem the sayde towne to haue and to holde to hem and to her successours euermore for the ferme therof dewe, at our escheker yerly yelding. We hauyng consideracion to the thingis for sayd of assent of Prelat^ Erlis Barons and Comonalte of our reame in the forsayd parlement bcyng, haue graunted for vs and our eyers to the same citezens the sayd towne of Southwarke wyth the appertinauncj, to haue and to holde to hem and to her eyers for euermore yelding to vs be yere at our escheker or our eyers in termes conswet the ferme therof diew. In wytnesse of whiche thingis theis our letters we haue done be made patent^, witnesse my self at Westiii y vi. daye of Marche, the yere of our reignefurst. @[ Thelxxxxiii. article. Also we haue beholden other letters patentis of our sayd ayal in thes wordis Edwarde by the grace of God Kynge of En- gland, Lord of Irlande and Duke in Aquytanye, to alle men to whom theis present letters comen gretyng. @ Wetith wel that for as myclie at our parle- ■lent holdcn at Yorke th' monjwe after th' assencion of our Lord, the yere of our reygne ix. it was ordeynid that alle marchuntis allyaiitj and straungers and eche of hem of what condicion or estate that he be, that comes wynes auerdepaise flesh Gshe or odur vitayles wullcs clothes mar- cUaundyses or odur tliingis what so euer they be that they wolde bye or sell, wher y euer they were od' in citees borughs townes portes of the see feyrs markettis or odur placis wythin thcs our reame of England or wythin frauncheses or wythout hem ; the same vitayles and marchaudyses frely and wythout letting mj'ght sellen to who eu' thei wolde as wel to forels ase to denysins or ony odur wout any lettyng of ony man outake our enemis of our reame. Q Moreouer it wasordeyned that none alyen ne none odur straunger shulde be letted that he ne shuld mowe suche maner vytayles and marchaundises in placis forsayd freely to bye, an wheder he wolde shulde mowe cary wynes into our forsayde reame brought, also not taken not\Vr stonding chartur of frauncheses to ony of the cites or placis forsayd in coa- trar}' graunted or conswetude or dome vpon suche maner charturs yeue ag in the forsayd statute fully is conteyned. Neuertheles for as myche as in the statutis as well in our sayd parlemcnt and of our progenytours somtyme Kynge of Englande I made by vs and by hem our progenytours of comoa assent of PrelatJ Erles Barons and Comnalte of the same reame, it was graunted and stablyshid that y grete chartour of the fraunchyses off En- gland, and alle y singlars artycles be maintened and stedfastli kepe : and in the same chartour amonge other thinges it is conteyned that the cyte of London haue alle her fraunchises and alle her olde free custumis vnble- mished, and as well it hath ben our entent alwey and our progenitours as ■wel as of Erles and Barons, beyng in our forsa^'d parlement and yet is y y forsayd grete chartour in alle his articles be holden and kepte as it is afore sayd. And for encheson that ther was made some thingis in the same statute in preiudice and harme of the same grete chartur and of the fraun- chises of olde free custumes of London ; wee wyllvns: to dcclaren our entencion y the citezens of the same cite, vpon her fraunchises and fre cus- tumes forsaid ayen suche maner mencion vnduly be greuyd. ^ Of assent of PrelatJ Erles and Barons in our present parlemet wyth vs beyng, we haue graunted for vs and our eyers that the citczes of the same cyte her eyers and suceessours haue alle her fi-aunchyses and free custumes holl and vnblemyshed as they before this tyme hadde hem more free the for- sayde statute I made do a\'en the forsayd marchauntes in harmvno- of the forsayde fraunchises and free custumes notwithstonding. ^ In Avytnesse of the whyche tliynge theis letters patentis we haue done made wytnesse my self at Westin the xxvi. daye of Marche, the yere of our reisne xi. 36 (||[ The Ixxxxiiii. artycle. We haue also vnderstonde other letters patentis of cure same ayal in theis wordjs. Edwarde, bj the grace of God Kyngc of Eiiglande and off Fraunce, and Lorde of Irlondc, to alle men to whom theis present^ letters shall come gretyng, wctyth that we for the confir- macyon encrese and kepyng of the name and of the warship of our cite of London, at the supplicacion of the Mayre Sherefs and Communalyte of the cite of London to vs mekely I made, we wol and graunt for vs and for oure eyers that tlie Sergeauntis that been ordeyned to bere macis in our cyte for- sayd they ma}' ouer gylt sylucr orellj^s of syluer wyth syngcs of ourarmes, or of other I wrought the maces wythin the forsayd cyte or subbarbis of the same. ^ The same Sergeauntis to bee, and in the contrey of M^^delsex. or in ony od' place apertenaunt to the fraunclies of the same cyte. And also wythout the forsayde cyte metyng vs our moder oure wyff oure chyl- dren, or oure eyrs or other reyals to the same cyte comyng, and also goyng wyth vs or any of vs whan we shall departen or any of vs shall departe fro the forsa^'d cite and as ofte as it fallith any of y forsade Sergeautis to bee sent by our maundement or of the maundemet of the Mayre Sherefs for- sayde, to forayn contre3's wythout the cyte to doo execucyon of her offyce, they mowe here hem openly both goyng and comyng ryght as our owne Sergaunt^ ofarmes stondynge be oure syde wythout ony lett^ngordynaunce or maundement notwythstondyng into cotrary ther ageynst made. In wytnesse of which thige made these our letters w^e haue done be made j)atcntis, wytnesse myself at Westiii the x. day of Junij, the yere of ouv regnc of England xxviij. and of our reigne of Fraunce xv. ^ The Ixxxxv. artycle. Also we haue beholde our letters patcntj of our same ayal in thcs wordis, Edward, by the grace of God Kynge of En- gland and of Fraunce, and Lorde of Irlonde, to all me to whom we sonde gretyng. AVetyth amonge other art^xles whiche our Lorde Edwarde som- tyme Kynge off Englande our fader the yere of his regne xij. by his letters patentis hath graunted and confermyd to the citezens of the same cite of London for the amendement and common profyt of them that ben dwei- lyng in the same cite, and of hem that ben repayryng ther to in the same letters it is conteynyd that the Aldermen of the forsayd cite that eueri yere they ben remeued and namely the day of Saint Gregori by the Comonaltc of tlie same cite and that they so remeued be not chosen ayen the next yere suyng but iay stcde of hem that ben remeued odur be chosen by the same 37 wardys of whiehe such Aldermen were remeued as in y same letters playnljr it is contejncd vp the whiehe for the party of y commonalte of the forsayd eite by her peticion before vs in oure grete councell now newe asked to vs mekly it is be sought, that syth dyuers opynionsand dyuers streyues hade ben sprongeu betwene th' Aldcrme and the Commonalte of the sayd cite vp' the remeulg of Aldirmen for the wrong interpretacion of wurdes in the for^- sayd artycle conteyned, that is to saye that the forsayd Aldyrmen affermen that by thoo wordis s. sint amabiles p coltatem, Sec. be the remeuable, by the comnion they owe not to be remeued fro the office of aldyrmanshyp wythout certayn cause or noteri dcfaute be fonden in hem. Other citezens of the same cite felyng the contrary longe tyme Ijetwene hem they stryued that it shuld deyne vs that artycle to putt away, and to commaunden all f dout thcrof be twene hem, more playnly and openly to ben declared we fauorably more enclined to the supplicacion fore sayd more wylfully in as moche as y same Mayre and Aldyrmen and Commonalte from hensforward shul mowe dwelle in tranquilyte and reste y artycle to the forsaid citezens and her succcssours wyth assent of oure sayde councell we declare that is to weten, that all and euery Aldirman of f forsayd cite euery yere for euer- more in y teste of Saynt Gregory y Pope, from y office of aldyrmanry vtterly and percj^sly to cessen and therof holych to be remeuyd and y next yere folowynge to y office of aldermanry, ne be nought chosen ayen but in stedc of hem to be cessed and to be remeuyd. ^ Odur discret citezens of good fame and vnhurt, by y same wardis of f whyche y odur Aldirmen Avere so remeuyd euery yere shalbe chosen for euer. In witnesse of whiehe thinge theis oure letters we haue don be made patetis witnesse myself at Westiii the xxij. day of Nouembre the yere of our reygne of England I. and, of our reigne of France xxxvij. ^ The Ixxxxvi. article. Also we haue beholden od' letters of our sayd ayal in thes wordis Edward by y grace of God Kyng of Egland Lord of Irland and Duke of Giau, to allemen to whom thes present letters shal com we sende gretyng. The Mair Aldirmen and Comonalte of our cite of Lon- don bi her peticion haue shewed byfore vs and our counsel in our last par- lement that for as mych that Edward the Thred after the conquest ix. somtyme Kyng of England our ayal sent by hj's Avrittes to Herry Waleys that tyme Mair of Lodo and to the Sherefs of the same cite that they shuld chastyce bakers miliars and mynystirs by bodyly peine and other chas- 38 •tysementi after the discression of the Mail- Sherefs and other good folke of y forsaid cite bi vertu of which writte by comon assent of the good folke of the same cite and for comon profyt; it was ordeigned the herdyl for bakers that baken bred ageinst the assise and for myllars that stele corne at the niylle. And the tonne for nyght walkers and trespassars ageynst the pece. M The Ixxxxvii. artycle. And for as mych as gret party of <:ornes sent to the mille to gryden was stolen oft tymes by the same myllars to gret damao-e of y peple of y same cite it was ordeined weight and balaunc^ to wey5^ comes comyng fro the mylles so that euery man shal haue hys full and to the weight and balaunce we also ordeyned sartayn houses in dyuers plac^ in the cyte forsayd and that a man that the sayd balauc> and weight hath to kepe shulde take ob' for euery quarter for the costj of him that entyrmeten the thyngis aboue sa3^d which ob' after bi comon assent of the comonalte of the sayd cite was assigned to the Mair of the cite to take keping^ and costagj of the thing^ aboue said and the same citesens haue requered vs that we woUe approue and c5ferme the sayd ord3^naunce. ^ We for our pece in the said cite the more fermely to kepen and for the chastisment of evil doers, and for f comon profyt of our peple for vs and for oureyers the said ordynaunce approuen and conferinen. fm The Ixxxxviii. article. And we wil as mych as yn vs ys that the same ordynaunce be holde and kepte in the sayd cite in alle theis poynt^. Soo alwcys y noo foreyner be costreyned to wey his corne. In witnesse of whych thing we haue don make thes our letter patentis yeue, at Westiii the XX. day of March, the yere of our reygne furst. ^ The Ixxxxix. article.' We forsothe the yeftj grailt confirmaciouns luocacions and ordinauncj aboue sayd and also alle the articles and alle odur and singlar thing^ in alle the charturs and letters aboue sayd con- teyned hauyng free hem alle and singlar at the pcticion of the citezens of y sayd cite of London, and at the instance of the comonalle of the reame of Lglad of the assent of Prelatis Lordis and Peiers of the same reame in this our present plement by vs being for vs and our eyers as mich as is in vs to the citezens of y forsayd cite and to her eyrs and successours citezens of the same cytec of our special grace bi y tenor of thes present letters. 39 we graunt and confiime as f chartours and letters aboue sayd resonably witnessen. ^ The C. article. Morcouer willing to the citezens of y forsaid cite to don more pleteuous grace at the peticion and instavice afor sayd and of assent afor said we haue granted to the same citezens, for vs and our eyers and by theis our chartour confermed that though they or her predecessors cyte- zes of the same cite haue not vsed any tyme as they shulde any of her fraunches quytaunce grauntis ordinauncj articles free custumes or any other in the same letters and charters conteyned that they vse hem full and reioye hem for euer as it is conteyned in y charturs and letters afor sayd \vout any lettyng of vs or of our eyers JusticJ Escheturs Sherefs or of ani of our Bailefs or any odur of our Mynysters. ^ The Ci. article. Morouer for as mych as the same citezens bi the same peticyon in y^ same parlemet haue vs besought, that thought they sertayn her free custumes vnd' wreten haue vsed and enioyd til now in fewetymes passed that thei were therof restrayned wrongfuly, as euydently it shal mow be shewed, y is to sey y non estrangj bey or selle w any od' estraugj any maner marchadises wythyn y fraiiches of y same cite vpon peyne of forfetur of y same marchadises. Neuer the lesse we to pesen and don away y stryf in this party that to the same cytezens and her successours bi the defendyng of our chartur wil strength bi expresse wordys we of y assent aforsayd wolde graunt and by this our chartour confermen for vs and our eyers to y' forseyd citezens her eyers and her successours that fro hens forward none estrage marchailt selle any maer marchaudises to any other strange marchaunt \v in the fraiiches of the sayd cite, nor any such straiige marchaut bey not of any od'straiige marchaunt such maner marchadises vp payne of forfeytour of the same marchancj, saving alwei the preuelegis of our legemen of Gascoyn so y auch maner beyng and sellyng betwene marchaunt and marchaut of y for- said cite. @ The Cii. article. Also y forsaid citezens haue besought vs bi her same peticio y though they haue hold of vs in mene and of olde tyme they were not holden nor were wont to ben, atendaiit to the preccptj and maun- dement5 of any Lord Constable Sty ward Marchal Amiral or Gierke of 40 ^Miarket, nor oi' non other oflice no Mynysteis of our ne of our predeces- sors, but onli to our precepte and maudementj and our progenytors for- sayd \V the articles of our names enseled \V our seales, open or proui outake the comaudementis of our Justicis after the founne of the charters of the same cytczens vpon hem to be assigned neuertheles to don awei bi all tymes all the stryf thcrof we wol hoten by our charters theis thing^ to be made expressed we in our forsayd parlement more playn delyberacyo I had of all assent of Prelatis Lordis and other Peris forsayd we maden our answere in the same plement to the peticion of the same citezens I theis Avordcs be it vsed as hath ben of old tyme. 'd '^^^ ^^'^- article. Also they haue be saught vs y for as mich as of her most oldest free custume of the same cite of alle man custumes vsagis and ymposicions and also prepresturs and other things what so they bee that fall with in the fraunches of the forsaid cite or to the comonaite of f same cite or to any office ther of belonging by the same cytezens and be non other it was wont to be enqucred. Neutheles to peysen and don awey the stryf therof fro hensforward, that we sliuld will our forsayd chartur by expresse wordis to exprouc wc of the assent aforsayd of our special grace v,'y\ and graunt and bi this our chartour conferme for vs and for our eycrs that as ofte as any custumes vsagis and ympossicyons and also of prepresturs and all other thing what soo they be, w in the fraunches of Ihe said cite fallyng, or to the comonaite of the same cite or to any office of the same w in the fraunches of the same cite belonging, that it be enquered bi the citezes of the same cite and by none odur. fl[ The Ciiii. article. Also we wol and graunt and bi this chartur con- ferme forvs and for our eyers, to the forsaid cytezens and her successours, that our ptecios or our eyers, to ani persones to be made and graunted \v vs to gon and dwellen in our viage or of our eyers from hensforth shul not be allowed in plees of dett for vytayles. I. bought or to be bought vpon f viage, wherof in such pteccios mencion befallith to be made, ne also in plees of trespace or contractis made after the date of such manerpteccions where that the party playntyf be free man of the same cyte. The Cv. article. And moreouer at the instauncs of t same citezens we iiaue charged and be this present chartur we charge, the Tresourer and 41 Barnes and other Ministers of the cheker that fro this tymc forward our wrytt goo not out of our escheker for sayd to don come the body of any prisoner fro our gayol of newgat or elliswher w in the fraunches of the forsaid cite for dettis or damagis or ani nianer accions to the same citezens there codempned to answer to vs or to other in y forsaid escheker for our dettj or for any other Mynysters i y same escheker, but furst the same Barons and Mynysters fynde be good and trewe examynacyo y the same dett were trewe, and not det feyned byfore y such a prysoner was con- dempned. ^ The Cvi. article. Wilhng moreouer to the forsayd cytezes do more large grace we haue granted for vs and for our eyers to the same cytezens and her successours that yf any defeculte be or dout conteyned in an}^ ar- tycle in the chartours made by vs and our progenitors to the same cytezens I made wherof stryf myght aryse and that the same article may be take to dyuers vndirstodyngj we for as mych as be the parti of the same citezens vpon y were required by th'auice off" our cowncel, we shal don be made therof such interpretacions as shalbe of good fcith and most acordaunt to reson. ^ The Cvii. article. Why we wol and stedfastly bydde for vs and for ours as mych as I vs ys, that the same citezes her eyers and her successours eu'more vse and inioye all and singlar graulj forsaid I maner and fourme aboue expressed. Neuertheles we wol not ne it is not our entent that by colour and vertu of any graunt or any answere made to the peticions made to the same citezens in our forsaid parlemet as it is aforsayd to the citezens nor her successours be restra^'ned of any of her free custumes or of her fraunches byany maner,by thes witnesses,ourwurschipfulfa(lers S. ArchbisshopofCan- t'bury Primat of England, W. of London, W. of Wycliester, A. of Mene our Chancelar, Thomas of Exetur our Tresurer, Thomas of Karlyl and R. of Salesbury BysscopJ, Johannes Kyng of Castel and of Longion, Duke of Lancaster, Edmond Erie of Cambregi our leuest vncles Ed mod Morty- mer of the March, Richard of Arundel, Thorns Beauchriip of Warwak^ Erles, Guy Bryan our Chabirleyn, Richard Scrope Stiward of our hostel, John of Ferda Clarke of our priuy signet and other, yeuen b}- our hand at Westmyster, the iiij. day of Decebre, the yere of our leigne furst, bi heself the Kyng and peticion in the parlenitJit. G 42 ^ The Cviii. article. After wordis in another chartur of confirmacio of the same our Lord the Kynge, y yere of his rcigne vij. in the ende of the same chartur it is conteyned thus, we for sothe y graunt^ yestis cofirmacios newyng and ordinauncis aboue sayd and also all articles and other thingj in alie the charturs and lett's aboue sayd as wel ours as of our progeni- tours aforsaid what soeuer be conteynid rehersed and opeyned, hauyng free hem all and sirvgler, at the instaunce and request of f comonalte of our reame of England in our present parlement for the more quyet and pese be twene our legis to be norijsshed, and for the good publyk of the assent of Prelatis Lordis and Peris by vs beyng in y same parlement for vs and our eyers as mych as is in vs, to the citezens of the same cite her eyers and her successours citezens of the same cite of our special grace bi the tenor of thes present letters, we grant and conferme as the charturs aad letters aboue said plynly witnessen. ^ The Cix. article. Willing therupo and grauntyng at the instaunce and request forsaid with the assent forsayd and also by this chartur of con- fermyng for vs and our ayers forsayd to the cytezens her eyers and her successouis citezens of the same cite to alle her frauches and free vsagis as hoely and fully be they restututed as thei or her predecessors the tyme of other our progenitors more fre and more ful hadde hem. ||[ The Cx. article. And though the same citezens or her predecessors ey tezens of the same cite, any of the fraunches quytaunce grauntis ordi- naucis artjxles or free vsagis or of any other thing^ in the same charters or letters conteyned any case fall3'ng sithens haue nought ful vsed or any quy- tauncis grauntis ordinauncis articles or free vsagis or other in the same char- turs or letters as it is beforsaid conteyned haply they haue mysse vsed. Neuertheles the same citezes her e3'ers and successours citezens of the for- said cite alle and singlar fraunches quytaucis grauntis ordinauncis articles free vsagis and alle maner other thingis the forsayd charters and letters coteyned soo not vsed or also mysused and eche of hem from hensforthe fully and freely they mowe cnjoye and vsen with oute occasion or lettyng of vs, or of our eyers of lusticis Eschcters Sherefs or odur our Baylyfs or Mynisters whatso they ben any statutis or ordynauncis made or domes yewen or any of our charters or of our progenitors forsaid in tymes passed made and graunted in to the contrary not with, stondyng. 43 ^ The Cxi. article. Moreouer at the instauiice and request forsaid we wol and bi this our chartur cofernie that alle maner w^mes i y forsaid cite to be solde, and also vitalars as -wel fishmogers as other in the same cite dwellyg and to the same cyte fro nowe forth w vitayles to com, that fro hens forth y he be vnd' the regement and gou'naiice of the Mayr and Aldir- men of the same cite as they were wot to be of olde tyme. ^ The Cxii, article. Furthermore not willyg that any Mayers of the cite forsaid fro now forth to make any other othe tha in the tyme of our Lord Kyng Edward y Thred our ayal he was wot to make at our escheker or of our eyers or other placis in an}' maner be compellid to do or make any statutis or ordinauncis in contrari made notwithslondyng, by thes witnesse, wurshipful faders William Archbishop of Caiit'bury Pryniat of all England, Robert of London, Willrn Winchester, Thomas of Ely Bis- shops, Edniond of Cambreg, Thomas of Bokynghin, our alther lieuest vncles Hugh Stafford and Willin of Montagew, of Salesbury, Herry Percy of Nortumbirland Erles, John Neuel of Rabi, Mihel of y Pole our Chaucelar, Hugh of Segraue our Tresurer, John of Montegeew Sty ward of our hostel and other, yeuen by our hande at Westmynster, the xxvi. day of Nouibre, the yere of our reigne vii. Explicit libertas London. m The Acte for correccio of the Errours and wrong Juge- gementis in London. By a statute made in the tyme of y noble Kyng Edward ayal to our Lord the Kyng that now ys, the yere of his reigne the xxviij. it was or- deined and establyshid that for this, that the errours defautis and mystak- yng y be naturally taken and vsed in the cite^ of London for defaut of good gou'naiice of the Mair Sherefs and Aldirmen y haue the gouernaunce of the said cyte. They to correcte and redresse the defautis errours and mystakyng^ aboue named, and them duly to punyshe from tyme to tyme 44 vpo certayne peyne, that is to wet at the furst dcfavit M. niarke vnto the Kyng, and at the ij. tyme. ij. M. marc, and at tlie thred defaut that the fraunchcs of the sayd cite of London bo take in to the Kyng^ hadis, and be to enquere vpon tlieni at fest of Saint Mychael next comyng, soo that they nede dewe redresse as is aboue sayd. ^ Be it equered of ther defautis bi enquest of me of foreyn shires, that is to scy Kent, Esex, Southsex, Hertf 5, Buck^, Barkshire, as wel at the Kyiio^ sute as of other which tliat playne wille. And yf the Mair Sherefs and Aldirme be by sucli enqueslis indyted bi thei mad coraen by dew pro- cesse bi fore y Kyng^ Justic^ that shalbe to this assigned out of y said citee, by fore whom haue thei iher answer as wel to tlie Kyg as to y part}^ and yf they put themself in enquest^ taken bi me forayns as is aboue sayd, and yf they be aitaynted, be the said peyne renne and leuyed of a M. marc of the Mayr Sherefs and Aldirraen for defaut of good gouernauce and neuerthelcs the playntyf shal recouer ther treble damagisayenst the sayd Mair Sherefs and Aldinnen for ther defaut, and by cause that the said Sherefs of Lon- don ben partyes to the same be synes or nede, by the Constable of the tour of London or hys Lyeftenaut Mynyster in place and stede of the said Sherefs receyue wnttes aswel oryginal of thechauncery as judicial vnd' the scales of justicis, to doo therof execucyon in the said cite and bi processe made by attachment and distresse, and bi exigent yf nede be, so that the said sute of the Kyng be exigent awarde after the furst capias retourned at sute of ptye. And yf the Mair Sherefs and Aldirmcn haue landis and tentis out off y cite be processe made ayenst hem bi attachment and dis- tresse in the same shires where the land^ and tciitis ben, and that euerj'ch of the said Mayr and Sherefs and Aldirmcn that cometh to fore the Jus- ticis, answer euery for hemself, as wel bi him as bi other which be absent as of him self, and this ordinaiicis be holde fermc and stable notwstoding fraunchises preuylag^ or other custumes Avhat so euer they bee, and extede this ordinaunce as wel to other cytees and borughs of the reame where such defaut and mystakA^ig shalbe do and vsed and not duly correcte, nor redressed, as of the sayd cite of London, sauing that the sayd enquestis ben take be men foreyns of the same shires wher such citecs and boroughs and of townes that of thys shalbe attaynte be adiuged b}' the discression of Justicis y to this shalbe assigned. 45 ^ Our Lord the Kyng considerj^njr the good and trewe beryngof y Mair Shciefs and Aldirmen and of all the Conionalte of the same cite of Londo, ayenste our Lorde the Kyng, and bi so mych thei w illyng to doo ease and niytigacion of the peynes aforsayd. Of the assent of Lordis spuall and temperal and the Comons aforsaid, hath ordeyned and enstablisshid, that the peynes aswel of y M. mark as of y ij. M. marc and of y said fyne of fraunches comprised in the same statute, ne be not lymyted I certay but that the peine in this case be y wisdoms and discrescion of lusticis to this assigned as of other cytees and borughs with in the reame, and that the remenant of the statute and processe of the same be in ther force and strengeth. fl The Acte of Parlemet for Tything^ of Trees aboiie xx. yere growing!, &c. Also at y parlemet of y gret and comons shewynge be their peticion that how thei shuld selle their gret woede of age of xx. ycre or xl. yere or of gretter age to marchaiit) to theyr profyte in helpe of the Kynge in his warre, persuns vycars of holi chirche y said marchaiit^ enplede and trauaill I Crysle court for y dymes of y said woede in name of this worde silue cedue wherfore they may not selle ther woode to v'ri value to gret harme to he and of y reame, it is ordeygned y phibicio I this case graiitid and vppo attacheme, as liathe be vsed afore this tyme. ^ VVherbi it ap- perithe be this statute y no ma shulde haue no tithe for noo trees past xx. yere of age, yf any persuns or vicars of holy chirche trouble any man for suche tythes, he to haue a good accion ayens the i the kyngj benche or in y como place. And also it aperethe another statute made at Wynchester I y xvi. yere of Kynge Richard the Seconde. 46 M. The Charg of euiri Ward i Lodo at xv. The Ward I i y West sjde of Walbrok. The wardeof Chepe, taxed i Lodo at Ixxij. IT. xvi. s. and in thescheker alowed Ixxij. II. The ward of the Vytre, in Lodo at xxxvi. li. and I y cheker acopted for XXXV. li. V. s. The warde of Quenehith, in Lodo taxed xx. 11. and in y cheker acopted for xx. li. The warde of Bayardj Castell, taxed i Lodo xij. 11. and i y cheker acopted for xij. II. The ward of Cordwayners Stret, i Lod5 Ixxij. li. xvi. s. and I y cheker acopted Ixxij. li. The ward of Breed Stret, taxed i Lodo xxx. and vij. li. and i y cheker acop for xxxvi. li. x. s. The ward of Faringdon Without, in London xxxv. li. and in the scheker acompted for xxxiiij. II. x.s. The ward of Farygdo With!, Lodo at liiij. II. and I y scheker acopted liij. II. vi. s. viij. d. The ward of Aldrichgat, tax i Lodo vij. II. I the escheker acompted for vij. II. The ward of Crepilgat, tax in Lodo xl. II. and in y scheker acopted for xxxix. II. X. s. The warde of Crepilgate w out, in Lodo at x. li. and i the cheker acopted x. II. The ward of BassingJ Hawe, i Lodo, vij. li. and in the cheker acopted for vij. II. The warde of Colman Stret, in Lodo at xix. 11. and i the scheker acopted for xix. II. 47 The Wardis in y Est side of Walbroke. The ward of Walbrok, taxed in Lodo at xl. 11. and i y scheker acopted for xxxix. II. The ward of Dowgate, in Lodo at xxxvi. 11. and in the scheker acompted xxxiiij. lu X. s. The warde of y Brydge, taxed in Lodo 1. II. in the scheker acopted for xlix. II. X. s. The ward of Billyg^ Gate, taxed in Lodo xxxij. 11. in y cheker copied for xxxi. II. X. s. The warde of y Towr, taxed in Londo at xlvi. 11. and acopted in f scheker x v. II. x. s. The ward of Portsoke, taxed in L5doat ix. II. and in y scheker acopted for ix.ll. The ward of Algate, taxed in Lodo at vi. II. and in the scheker acopted for V. 11. The warde of Lyme Stret, taxed in Lodo xl. s. and acopted in the scheker for xl. s. The ward of Bysshopsgate, taxed in Lodo xxij. 11 and acopted in y cheker for xxi. II. x. s. The ward of Braed Stred taxed in London at xxvij II. and acompted in the scheker for xxv. II. The warde of Cornehille, taxed in Londo xvi. II. acopted in y scheker for xvi. II. The ward of Langborne, taxed in Lodo xxi. 11. and in y scheker acopted XX. II. X. s. The ward of Cadilwik Stret, tax in Lodo xvi. II. and acompted in y scheker xvi. II. The Some of f hole xv- taxed in Lodoxi. C. xviij. marke v. s. iiij. d. and in the scheker acompted for xi. C. mark. 48 The Particion of f Brydg Ward at xv. Greschirch Stret q'rt' at a xv. is xi. IT. xij. d. Brjdg Stret q'rt' at at a xv. is xi. II. v, s. viij. d. Thame Stret quarter at a xv. is xiij. II. xi. s. viij. d. The Brydge q'rt' at a xv. is xiiij. li. iij. s. iiij. d. Some 111. The fourme of the iiij. part and the half and also the hole part of a xv. | in London as aper in y cheker. I The hole Soin of the iiij. part is C. Ixxx. iij. 11. vi. s. viij. therof deducte xix. II. iij. s. X. d. ob. rest C. xiiij. II. ij. s. ix. d. ob. The hole Srii of half a xv. is iij. C. Ixv. II. xiij. s. iiij. d. therof deduct xxxviij. II. vij. s. ix. d. rest iij. C. xxviij. II. v. s. vij. d. The Soin of y hole xv. is vij. C. xxxiij. II. vi. s. viij. d. ; therof deducte Ixxvl. 11. XV. s. vi. d. rest. C. Ivi. II. xi. s. ij. d. The Fourme of the same Particion as aperith in Gwilehalle. The hole Sorn of the fourth part is C. Ixxx. vi. II. viij. s. ; therof deduct xix. II. iij. s. X. d. ob. rest. C. Ixvij. II. iiij. s. i. d. ob. The hole Some of the half xv. is iij. C. Ixxij. II. xvi. s. ; therof deducte xxxviij. II. vij. s. ix. d rest iij. C. xxxviij. II. viij. s. iij. d. The Some of the hole xv. is vij. C. xlv. II. xij. s. therof deducte Ixxvi. II. XV. s. vi. d. rest vi. C. xviij. II. xvi. s. vi. d. The Some of a xv. in Ynglad is xxxviij. M. ix. C. xxx. II. ix. s. ob. 49 fl The Ordinaunce for the Assise and Weight of Bred in the Cite of London. The ferthing symnell poise xv. vuncis and di. q't'. the ferthing whit loof coket poise Thepriceofaquar- the ob' whit loot' poise ter whet iij. s. the ob' whet loof poise the peny whet loof poise xvij. vunc^ dl. and ob*. XXXV. vuncis and a peny. Iij. vuncis di and peny ob'. C. V. vuncis and di. q'ter and ob'. the halfpeny whet loof of all greynes poise Ixx. vuncis and ij.peny. The ferthing simnell xix. vuncis dl. and dl. q't' and q'ter. xvi. vncis and half peni. xxxvij. vuncis i.d'. ob'. xlviij.vunc^ ij-d'- q'. Ixxxxvi.vucJ and half a q' and ij.peni Avheit. the ob' loof of all greynes Ixiiij. vuncis and iij.d'. the quart' whit loof coket the half i.d'. whit loof The quart' whet the half pen}^ whet lofF at iij. s. vi. d'. y peny whet loof The q' symnell the q' whit loof coket The q't' whet at the ob' whit loof iiij. s. the half peny whet loof the i. d'. whet loof the ob' loof of all greynj The q' symnell the q' whyt loof coket f[Theq't'wheteat the ob' white loflf iiij. s. vi. d'. the ob' whete loof the peny whete lofF y ob' loof of all graeynis H xij. viicis q't' iij. pence, xiiij. vuncis iij.q't' i.d'. xxix. vuncis di. ij.d'. xliiij. vunc^ q't' dl. and ob'. Ixxx.viij. vuncis iij. q'. i.d'. lix. vuncis and a q' i.d'. ob'. xi. vuncis q't' and ij. d'. xiij. vuncis dl. and iij. q't', xxvij. vuncis and half, xli. vuncis and a q't'. Ixxxij. vuncis and half, Iv. vuncis. 50 f[ The q' symnell the q' whyt loof coket the ob' whit loof g[ The q't' whete the ob' whete loof at V. s. the peuy whete loof f ob' loff of all graeynis f[ The q' symnell the q' whyte loff coket f[ The q't' whete the ob' white loff at V. s. vi. d'. the ob' whete loff the peny whete loff y ob' lof of all graeynis ^ The quarter whete at vi. s. i[ The q' symnell y ferthlg white lof coket the ob' white loof the half peny whete loof the peny whete loof y half peny loof of al graeynis Ixv. vunc^ di. ij. d'. wxght. X. viuicis q't' dl. i.d'. ob'. xij. vuiicis iij. q't' and ij.d'. xxv.vuncis dl. and half q'. i.d'. ob'. xxxviij. vuncis di. and i.d.' Ixxvij. vuncis ij.d'. dl. and ob*. li. vuncis q't' di. and ob'. ix. vuncis di. dl. q't' i.d'. ix. vunci. xij. vuncis i.d'. ob'. xxiiij. vuncis di. q' and ij.d'. xxxvi.vunci dl. q't' and ob'. Ixxij. vuncis q't' di.i.d'. ob'. xlviij. vuncis q't' and i.d'. ix. vuncis. xi. vuncis q't' and di. ob'. xxij. vuncis iij -q't' i.d'. xxxiiij. vuncis di. q't. and ob'. Ixviij. vuncis q't' di. and ob'. ^ The quarter whete at vi. s. vi. d'. ^ The ferthing symnell the ferthing whit lof coket the ob' whit loof the ob' whete loof the peny whete loof viij. vuncis q't' anddi. and ob'. x. vuncis iij .q't' and a i.d'. xxi. vuncis di. and ij.d'. xxxij .vuncis q't' dl. and ob'. Ixiiij. vuncis iij.q' and i.d'. the ob' loof of all graeynis xliij. vuncis dl. q't' i.d'. ob'. HI The ferthing symnell vij. vuncis iij.q't' ij.d'. q'. the ferthing whit loof coket x, vuncis q't' and q'. ^The quarter the ob' whit loof xxi. vuncis di. ob'. weight. whete at vij. s. the ob' whete loof xxx. vuncis iij. q'and ob'q'. the peny whete loof Ixi. vuncis and half i.d'.ob'. the ob' loof of all graeynis xli. vuncis i.d'. 51 §[ The quarter whete at vij. s. vi. d.' ^The farthing symnell vij. vunc^ qY dl. and q'. the farthing whit lof coket ix. vuncj iij.q't' ob' q'. tlie ob' whit lof the halfpeny whete lof the peny whete lof the ob' lof of all grenys xix. vuncj and di and i.d'. ob'. xxix. vunc^ q't' ij.d'. q'. Iviij.vuncis and half and dl. q't' ij.d'. xxxix.vuncisdi.q't'andob'. The ferthyng symnell vi. vuncis iij.q't' dl. i.d'. ob/ q'. the ferthyng whit loff coket ix. vuncis q't' ij.d'. q'. HJfThe quarter the halfpeny whyte loffe xviij. vuncis dl. q't' ij.d'. whete at viij. s. the halfpeny whete loffe xxviij. vuncis i.d'. ob' q'. the peny whete loffe Ivi. vuncis dl. and q't' i.d'. the ob' lof of all greynes xxxvij. vuncis qt di. i. d.'ob'. The ferthing svHinell vi. vuncis di. and i.d'. ob'. the ferthing white loffe coket viij. vuncis iij.q't' di. ijd'. ^ The quarter the ob' whyte loffe xvij.vuncisiij.q'di.i.d'.ob'. whete at viij. s. the ob' whete loof xxvi. vuncis iij.q't' dl. i.d'. vi. d'. the peny whete loff liij. vuncis iij.q't' ij.d'. the ob' loff of all greynis xxxv. vuncis iij.q't' dl.ob'. The ferthing simnell vi. vuncis and di q't' i.d'. q'. the ferthing whit loff coket viij. vuncis di. ij. d'. q'. ^ The quarter the ob whit loff xvij. vuncis di. q't' ij.d'. whete at ix. s. the half peny whete loff xxv. vuncis iij.q't' i.d'. ob.' q'. the peny whete loff li. vuncis dl. and half q' i.d'. the ob' loff of all greynis xxxiiij. vuncis q't' | i.d'. ob'. ^ The quarter whete at is. s. • vi. d'. ^ The ferlhing symnell v. vuncis iij. q't' ^ q'. the ferthing whit loff coket viij. vuncis q't' q'. the ob' whit loof the ob' whete loof the peny whete loof the ob' loof of all greynis xvi. vuncis ? and i.d'. xxiiij vuncis iij.q't'ij.d'.q'. xlix. vuncis ? and di. q't'. ij.d'. xxxiij.vuncis d 1. q't' and ob'. 52 Hi The ferthing symnell the ferthing whit lof coket ^ The quarter the ob' whit loof whete at X. s, the ob' whete loof the peny whete lof the ob' loof of all greyncs The q' symnell f|[ The q't' whete the q' why t loof coket at X. s. vi. d*. the ob' white loff the ob' whete loof the peny wloete loff y ob* loof of all graeynis f[ The q' symnell the q' whyt loof coket f[ The q'f whete the ob* whit loof at xi. s. the ob* whete loof the peny whete loof y ob' loff of all graeynis V. vuncis 5 and ij.d'. in weyght. viij .vuncis, xvi. vuncis. xxiiij. vuncis. xlviij. vuncis. xxxij. vuncis. V. vuncis q't' and i.d'. ob*. weght. vij. vuncis dl. and q' ij.d'. XV. vuncis q't' ? i.d'. ob\ xxiij. vuncis half q't' i.d'. xlvi. vuncis q't' ij.d'. XXX. vuncis iij.q' ob*. V. vuncis i.d'. ob*. weight, vij. vuncis q't* ? ij.d'. xiiij. vuncis iij. q't' ? i.d. ob'. xxij. vuncis q't' ^ i.d'. xliiij. vuncis iij. q't' ij.d*. xxix. vuncis iij. q't' ij.d'. f[The q't* whete at xi. s. vi. d'. H The quarter whete at xij. s. ^ The q* symnell the q' whyte loft' coket the ob* white loff" the ob' whete loff" the peny whete loff" y ob* lof of all graeynis ^ The q' symnell y ferthig white lof coket the ob' white loof the halfpeny whete loof the peny whete loof iiij. vuncis iij. q't' ? and ob'. vij. vuncis q't'. xiiij .vuncis ? xxi. vunc^ iij-4't' xiiij. vuncis ^ xxix. vuncis. iiiij. vuncis ? and half q't'. vij. vuncis and ob'* xiiij. vuncis and i.d'. xxi. vuncis i.d. ob'. xlij. vuncis ? and half q't' ob'. y halfpeny loof of al graeynis xxviij. vuncis ij. d'. weght. 53 ^ The quarter whete at xij. s. vi. d'. mi The terthing S3'mnell the ferthing whit lof coket the ob' whit loof the ob' whete loof the peny whete loof iiij. vuncis q't' ? and i.d*. vi.vuncis iij.q' i.d'. ob' xiij. vuncis ? and dl.q' ob'. XX. vuncis q't' f and ij.d*. xl. vuncis iij.q*. ? i.d*. ob'. the ob* loof of all graeynis xxvij. vuncis q' i.d'. ^ The ferthing symnell iiij. vuncis and dl.q't' ij.d*. q'. the ferthing whit loof coket vi.vuncis J and di. q't* q*. ^ The quarter the ob* whit loof xiij. vuncis q't' and ob'. whete at xiij. s. the ob' whete loof xix. vuncis iij.(i'. 5 ob' q'. the peny whete loof xxxix. vuncis iij.q' i.d'.ob'. the ob' loof of all graeynis xxvi. vuncis f and i.d*. ^ The quarter whete at xiij. s. vi. d'. ^ The ferthing symnell iiij. vuncj and i. d'. q*. the ferthing whit lof coket vi. vunc^ q't* | i.d'. ob' q'. the ob' whit lof xij. vunc^ iii.q't* J i.d'. the halfpeny whete lof xix. vuncj q't' } q'. the peny whete lof xxxvi. vuncis iij.q't' ij.d'. the ob' lof of all grenys xxv. vuncis iij.q'- ij-d'. The ferthyng symnell iij. vuncis iij.q'. ? and ob', the ferthyng whit loff coket vi. vuncis q't' and i.d'. m The quarter the halfpeny whyte loffc xij. vuncis J and ij.d'. whete at xiiij. s. the half peny whete loffe xvij. vuncis iiij. q't' ^ and ob'. the peny whete loffe xxxvij. vuncis iij.q'. and i.d.' the ob' lof of all greynes xxv. vuncis and di. q'. i.d'. ob'. The ferthing symnell iij. vuncis iij.q't'. the ferthing white loffe coket vi. vuncis and dl. q'. and ob'. |[[ The quarter the ob' whyte lofle xij. vuncis q. and i.d'. whete at xiv. s. the ob' whete loof xviij. vuncis q'. 5 i.d'. ob'. vi. d'. the peny whete loff xxxvi. vuncis iij.q*. ? and ob'. the ob' loff of all greynis xxiiij. vuncis 5 and ij.d'. 54 ^ The quarter whete at xv. s. The quarter whete at xv. s. vi. d'. The ferthing simnell iij. vuncis | and ij.d'. the ferthing Avhit lofFcoket vi. vuncis in weyght. the ob' whit loff xij. vuncis. the half peny whete lofF xviij. vuncis. the peny whete lofF xxxvi. vuncis. the ob' lofF of all greynis xxiiij, vuncis. ^The ferthing symnell iij.vuncis q't' ? and i.d*. ob'. q*. the ferthing whit loff coket v. vuncis iij. q't' ij.d'. the ob' whit loof xi. vuncis^ and di. q't' and ij.d'. the ob' whete loof xvij, vuncis | and i.d'. ob'. q'. the peny whete loof xxxv.vuncisanddi. q't'and i.d. the ob' loof of all greynis xxiij. vuncis q't' J and i.d'. ob'. The ferthing symnell iij. vuncis q't' and i.d.' ob'. q'. the ferthing whit lofF coket v. vuncis and half and dl. q't'* ij.d'.q'. xi. vuncis q't' f and ij.d'. xvij. vuncis and di. q't' i.d'. ob'. q'. the peny whete lof xxxiiij. vuncis q't' $ and i.d'. the ob' loof of all greyncs xxij. vuncis q't' ? and i.d'. ob'. m The quarter the ob' whit loof whete at xvi. s. the ob' whete loof The q'. symnell the q'. whyt loof coket [ The q'f whete the ob' white lofF at xvi. s. vi. d*. the ob' whete loof the peny whete lofF y ob' loof of all graeynis iij.vuncis and half q't' i.d'. ob'. q'. V. vuncis and ? and ij.d'.q'. xi. vuncis and half q'. ij.d'. xvi. vuncis iij. q't' i.d'. ob'. q'. xxxiij. vuncis J and half q't' i.d'. xxij. vuncis q't' ? i. d'. ob'. (^The q't' whete §[[ The q'. symnell iij.vuncis ij.d'. weight. at xvij. s. the q'. whyt loof coket v. vuncis and half. 55 the ob* whit loof xi. vunois. the ob' whete loof xvi. vuncis and half. the peny whete loof xxiij. vuncis. y ob' lofF of all graeynis xxij. vuncis. f[ The q'. symnell the q'. whyte loft" coket f[ The q't' whete the ob' white lofF at xvij. s. vi. d'. the ob* whete lofF the peny whete loff y ob' lof of all graeynis The quarter whete at xviij. s. ^ The q. symnell f ferthig white lof coket the ob' white loof the halfpeny whete loof the peny whete loof ^ halfpeny loof of all graeynis xxi. vuncis and dl. i.d'. ij. vuncis iij.q't ? ij.d'. q'. V. vuncis q't' ^ and q'. x. vuncis iij.q't' and ob'. xvi. vunc^ and half q't' ob'. q'. xxxij. vuncis q't' and i.d'. ob.' xxi. vuncis and half i.d'. ij. vuncis iij.q't' ? and q'. V. vuncis and q't' ob'. q'. x. vuncis 5 and i.d'. XV. vuncis iij-q't' ij.d'. q', • xxxi. vuncis f and dl. q't' ij.d'. ^ The ferthing symnell ij. vuncis iij.q't' ob'. q'. ^The quarter the ferlhing whit lof coket v. vuncis and dl. q't' i.d'.q'. whete at xviij. s. tlic ob' whit loof x. vuncis q't' and di. vi. d'. the ob' whete loof xv. vuncis di. and i.d'. q'. the peny whete loof xxxi. vuncis and di. q'. the ob' loof of all graeynis xx. vuncis iij. q't'. ||[The ferthing symnell ij.vuncis^anddi.q't'andi.d'.q'. the ferthing whit loof coket v. vuncis and i.d. ob'. q'. (g[ The quarter the ob' wliit loof x. vuncis and dl, q't' and i.d'. whete at xix. s. the ob' whete loof xv. vuncis q't' and q'. the peny whete loof xxx. vuncis f and ob'. the ob' loof of all grayenis xx. vuncis q't' and ij.d'. ^ The q't' whete The q'. simnell ij.vuc^ ad ij. peny wyght. at xix. s. vi. d'. the ferthing whyt lof coket v. vunc'. 56 the ob' whyte lofFe x. vuncj. the ob' v/het loffe xv. vuncj. the pony whet lofFe xxx. vunc^. the ob' lof of all granes xx. vuncj. The ferthyng syninell ij. vunc^ f and a quarter, ^ The q't' whete the ferthyng whit loif coket iiij. vuncj iij. q't' | ob*. q'. at XX. s. the halpeny Avhyte loffe ij. vuncj iij. quarter i.d*. ob'. the halpeny whete loffe xiiij.vunc^^anddi.q't' ij.d'.q', the peny whete lof xxix.vunc^ q't' ? ij.d'. the halpeny lof of all grenys xix. vuncj ? and dl. q'. ob'. ^ Item the half peny loffe whyte of Stratford muste weye ij. vuncj more thaiie the half peny whit lof of Londo. ^ Ilem the half peny whete loff of Stratford muste weye iij. vunc^ morethanne the half peny whete loof of Lon- don. Item the peny whete lof of Stratford muste weye vi. vunc] more thaiie y peny whete loof of London. ^ Item iij. halfpen}' white lofes of Stratford muste wey as myche as the peny whete loof. H[ Item the loof of all greynes that is to saye, the whete loof muste wey as miche as the peny whete loof. And the half peny whyte looffe. 57 ii The Copy of the Bulle for the offring to y Curattj of the Pisshens of the Cite of London in Latin and in Engflish, e _ _^ and of y Coposicio of the same. Cap. Ixxxvi. Nicuola!? epus s'uus s'lioc Dei ad ppetua rei memoria ad ols aplice seruitutj supna dispositoe vocali ambiguitates p q's eccl'ijs ps'tij curaaiai^ hiitib? illai? qf rectorib? dispedia ac inter eos necno pochianos suos dis- cetones lites et scadala suboiiii posse timetur sequestrare cupim? ne illaru ppagat^ laqis rectorib? et pochiais pdictis gramora in spualibt" et tepo- ralib? p tepore resultet detritneta dudu siqde p? q'^ bo. niemorie Thomas Archicpl Catuarieii asscrcs q& put I sua visitatoe reparerat olim recoledc niemorie roger? Epus Lodonieii sup oblaotib? i dieb? diiicis et solepnib? ac feslj duplicib? et pseruatim aplo? quoQ vigilie ieiunatur p Ihabitates domos hospicia sine shoppas quolibet occupates ifra citate Lodo faciedas quada cdideiat pstitutocf p q'? It'cetera statuerat et ordinauerat qft ois et singuli ililtates ct occupates liiiioi donios hospTa sine shoppas panii p domo hospicio siue shoppa cui^ pesio ad x. solidos stcrligo^ anua se extederet q'drate si ad vigiti solift p annu obolu, si ad q'dragita solifii, p anu dena'r ct sic assensiue p ra*^a pesiois vltra dca^ sutna qdraglta solifl ad quatG- cuqf su", pcsio Iiiiioi anua se extederet ofTerre teneret'put ecia eatenus logc rctractis tporib? ct Ipo |)scriplibili p pochianos eccliac dicte citatj cosuetii cxtiterat ciliq^: pstitutoe? hiiioi ut pote laudabilej nonulli ei^ predecessor Archiep Cantuarieii expresse conhrmauerat constitucionem ipa? p quas- dam suas littcras ex ccrta sua scientia cofirmaucrat ct approbauerat. Et cum nonnulU ex pochianis dictau eccliac suo puerso sensu constitu- cionem ipam et sanij ipTus intellectu subuerterc niteretur certa desup dccla- rationemfeccratacmaioremvicicountesq^etalfimannos dicte ciuitatjnecnon ois el singulos ciues seu inhabitantes in ea sub peiui niaioris excomunicatois cui non parentes et rcbelles ipso facto dccreuerat, subiacere ct in termina- tione maledictiois eterne monuit (juatenus constitucionem et declarationc predictas de cctero absq' scnsu peiuiso seu torta exposicione inuiolabiliter obsernarcnt ct tacerent quantu in eis cssetet in futurii ab alijs obseruari, nonnulla quoq? alia tuncexprcssa preccpcrat voluerat et ordinauerat felicis I 58 recordatois. Innoccencius vij. predecessor uv Iras Thome archicpl pre- dict' et quecu^ indc secuta rata habeas et grata per quasda suas Iras ex certa sua scicntia confirmauit et sui scripti patrocinio coniuniuit suppliens oisdefectus secjui forsau interuenissent in eisdein prout in dictis Innocencij Iris in quibus prefate arehiepl littere inserte fuerut ct q's cu sic insertis inferius de v'bo ad v'bu? inferi fecirniis plcnius cotinetur: postinodu v'o nonnuUoq fide digna relatone p nos accepto qt licet, maior vicecountes aldermanni ciues et inhabitantes predicti, seu maior ps eoe ab atiqua et laudabili legitimeq' prescripta consuetudine constitucionem pret'atam obseruantes oblationes ipsas de dieb? dhic^ et solepnib^ ac testis duplicibus et preseruatim aploc quo^ vigilie ieiunatur fecisset tame a quatuor vcl circa tuc annus citra quida ex eis pprie salut^ in memores erga iporuui matre eccliam que no absq' maximis studio et labore eos dieti? spualibuj enutris alimetj plurimu se ingratos reddentes ac cupientes oblatoes hirioi dimittere et paulatim ipi ecclle subtrahere quas si ea que dei sut sapent potius adaugerent et vitro ofl'erret dictas oblatoes non nisi in diiicj diebj et festj solempnib? aploc quo^ vigilie ieiunatur facerant et faciebant in alijs solepnib? dicb? qui quaplures fore noscebatur eas facere temere recusates et ad paliaton^ temeritat^ sine hiiioi asserebat tarn ex costitu- toe Rogeri epi hiiioi qua etia ex cosuetudle atiqua in ciuitate Londn hinoi legitime prescripta, et in ptradictorio iudicio obteta dUtaxatdequol't domicilio conducto p decern solidis qualiter die dnica et alia die festi solemnis apl'oi^ quoe vigilie ieiunatur annum ab inhabitante in ead? quadras deo et ecclic noie oblationis in cuius pochia situabatur dicta dom? ac consistebat et de doicilio conducto pro viginti solidis obulus et de dome conducta pro quadraginta solidis denarius et de domo conducta pro niaiori suma plus scfim proportion^ prepositam ab ihabitatib? i cade quibusciici^ ^^ cui? cuq^ coditionis status sexus vel gradus psone ihabitates existerent racoe domoc q's ihitabat oftcrri debebat. Et qfii si quis T vna et eade prochia duo vel tria ocupet domicilia ocupas satisfaceret deo et ecclle de eisde oblatoib? debit^ psuetj proporcionalit' scti? qfl ecclTa pochial' de eisde atiquit? pcipe psueuerat qfiq? nullo alio modo qua vt pfcrt' aut sc6m qfiin litteris Inocencij etTho. arehiepl predictis ofterri tenebantur sic recusantcs predicti affirmare uitebantur qfi in Iris Thome Archicpl et Innocencij prc- decessoris nostri prefat^ vcrus ipius constitucionis tenor seu effectus iuxta qucm pretendebant se in diebus dfiicis et solemnibus aploc quoe vigilie ieiuaantur vt prefertur dumtaxat ad hriioi faciedas oblacioncs teneri ex- 59 pressus non esset qflq? ppteria ipe archiepi ct Innocencij Ire surreptice nul- lius q^ roboris vel mometi existebant percepto insuper per nos quod nup tres difinitiue sentecie vna in partibns et due in roman Cur per quas inter cetera dilectus filius Rob'tus Wright ciuis Lodoneii et tunc inhabitator eiusdeni donuis site ifra limites pocliie pochialis ecclie Sancti Edmundi in Lumbard stret Londoneii ad faciendani oblaciones iuxta rata? predicta in quibusda alijs diebus solenibus et festiuis qua in dominicis et festiuis soleninibus aploi: quoc vigilie reuiuatur videl't in tribus in natiuitate salt' scoQ Stepliani Joins InoceciuJ ac in cotidiam in resurrexionis domini rni Jhu xpi necnon in tribus in pentecostes ebdoinadac festiuis dieb? ac Cir- cucicionis Epiphanye et Ascencionis eiusd J diii nri Jhu xpi nee non corporis xpl et quatuor btc Marie v'ginis ac sco^ Philippi ct Jacobi aploj^ fes- tiuis diebus nee non in fcsto Tris scl patroni ecclie sancti Edmundi predicto in quibus illas facere denegauerat seu noglexerat condeninatus extitit cotra ipin Ilobertu? prouulgate fuerat ct quod graue et dcficile plurimum essetrec- toribus et vicarijs ecclTaif pcrocliiahli hiuoi ac alijs ad quos oblaciones hinoi ptinent contra singulos illas solucrc recusantes litigare et in iudicio ex- pcriri cum sic forsan plus expederent qua hrTioi oblationes inppem foret valitur itellccto quoq' p nos ex nonnullis carissimi xpo filij nri Henrici Regis Anglic Illustris ad nos directis Iris Regeni ipiii suuope assertare per nos super premissis taliter prouideri qft ois anibiguitatis dubiu? defencionii q? ac litigio^ materia necn5 lites et rancores que inter ipos rectores et pchianos ex premissis oriri possent de medio penitus auferatur nosqf cunctoB Cristifilin pacem etcjuiete intensisdesiderijsaffectantesilloclitibus difencionibus et scandalis quatu cum Deo possumus obuianius cupientes super premissis tali prouidcre remedio p qfi sublato cu suis ambiguitalis ecclie predicteillacqpectorescupacis et quietis dulcedine iura eis debita a suis pochianis percipianl sicqf pereipicntcs rectores ipoc pochianorii animac cure et regimini studic suis et libcntiusinsistercA^alcrent nonnullis ex venerabilis frib? nris EpTs tunc in romana curia presentibus oraculo vine vocis comissimusvtpin spectioneactoc actitatonin causaipa super premissis omnibus etsingulis se aiicte nra diligentcr informarent et que per informa- tionem hmoi rcperirent nobis fideliter referre curarent cu aute per fidelem eon quibus informationem hiiioi comisimus quibus attitata predicta et gesta in dca causaipsius q? cause ct illius processimi ac setcncias diligentcr inspexerut relacionem nobis desuper fractam dietc premissis et quod con- suctudo generalis J predicta ciuitatc Londoneii offeren di iuxta dictam ratam 60 tarn in diiicj qua alijs festis et festiuis diebus superius noTatim expressis sufficienter in p'ma probata extilit ac in sccundo exslacijs pietensa copia constitutionis Rogeri Epi hiiioiin quacaneri dicitur qfl singulis diebfdnicis et alia die festi solepnis aploc vigilie ieiunantur oft'ciri debeut in dicta causa pducta fuit quod q? pfatus Robertus tani vigore constitucois et psue- tudinis pdictae in dnic^ et festj aploo quoK vigilie iciunatur otfcrre debere iuxla rata ante dcani concessus est ac vencrabilis iVater nr Guillel- nius epus tuc electus olereii et locii vnius ex causae palacij appostolici auditoribus de niandato nro tenens secundan:) et dilectus lilius niagister Ludowicus deLudomsijs cappcllanus nr et causae dci palacij auditor con- suetudine sic deducte et probate ac Innocencij predecessoris et Thome archiepi Iris constitucoe? predcaj; Rogeri continentibus iani din in obser- uancia deduct^ et lut^ iheretes ptensa copia prefate constitutois Rogeri p dciii Robertu? in iudicio coram eis pducta vt minus autentica seu legi- tima non attenta, terciam sentencias hiiioi puulgaret siuius plenissime ifor- mati motu pprio aucte aplica et ex certa sciecia tenore prescnciu Innocecij et archiepi Iras ac constitutoe? Rogeri epI put in ipTus archiepi Iris de v'bo ad v'bu 1 dictis Innocencij Iris in sertis exprimit' seu narratur probatum q^ ofFerendi psuetudine et sentencias predcas necnon oia et singula in eis contenta appbam" et pfirani? ac pset^ scripti procio pmulmus eaq? pleno et ppetuo firmitatis robore subsistere ac ppetuis futuris temporibus luiola- bilit' obseruari debere decernimus ac mand antes hai: serie distructois et singulis qui a quatuor annis proxime preteritis inhabitauert et quomodol't occuparunt ac inhabitant et occupant inhabitabunt q^ ocupabunt quomo- dol't i futurum domos hospiciasiueshoppas in ciuitate predca cuius cuqf gradus ordinis status scxus vel condicois fuerint quatinus tam ratione pre- teriti a quatuor anis citra decursim q} presentis et futuri temporum scfim dciim ratam pensionem p quibus domus hospicia sine shoppe inhabitantc seu occupate aut inhabitata vel occupata hiiioi p tempore comuni et vera extimacione locari potuerint videl't oblatoes pdcas in tribus in natiuitatis, vil't Sancti Stephani Sancti Johis et scoc Innocenciii ac totidem in rcsur- rectois Diii nri Ihu Cristi nee non silr in tribus in pentecostes ebdomadaij festiuis diebus ac circucisionis Ephie et assentois eiusde Dili nri nee non corporis xpi et quatuor bte Marie Virginis ac sanclorQ Philippi et Jacobi aploc festiuitatib^ predcis necnon in singuloc; sanctorum patronorum poclualium eccliac Londonen predictac festis ac omnibus dnicis et festiuis soleranibus aplou quorum vigilie ieiunantur alijs qf fest^ solemnibus et 61 duplicibus iuxta tenoreni et formam Irac Innocencij et nrchiepl predictati ac in olbus et singulis alijs diebus in quibus ratam predcain ante quatuor annos predcos oft'erre cosueuerut pochiali ecclie infra cnius limites domus hospicia et slioppe sup dca fuerint etiani sub cxcoicalois pena in prefciti archiepi Iris contenta, qf secus facientcs iuxta ipaB Irac tenorem conli- ncntia atq^ forniam incurrere voluinius ipo fco eta (jua iilo ligatus no nisi primitus p eum de tunc del)it' oblationibus ccclTs cui dcbite fueiTt real'r in- tcgre et cu eftectu satisfacto aut desuper aniicabiTr concordato quauis aucte pterqiii i niort^ artico costitutus absolui non possit. Ita tfi quod ipse sic absolutus si supuixe erit alioquin illius heredes satisfaccioem hmoi facere teneant' soluant sea offerant et real'r integre et cu effectu volentes insup parit' et deccrnentes ipsos omis et singl'osad solucoem vel oblacioes facien- das hmoi per ordinaries loci et comissarios cos^dem quibus i causis quas sup premissis vl'eoc occasioe p tempore moneri ptigerit p so vl' aliu seu alios eciam ex suo mero ofificio iquiredi ac alias sijmariesimpliat' et dcplanesine strcpitu et figura Judicij sola facti veritate ispecta })recededi et iuxta ap- })robacioe^ pfirmaciocm dccretu et mandatu nra hmoi deccndenfi cont'- dictores quoci? p censura ecclesiastica et alia iur^ rcniedia copesscendi ac ola alia ct singula I premissis et circa ca nccessaria seu quomodol'c oportuna faciendi et exequendi plena? et liberam tenore presenciu cocedin)? facul- tatem cogi et compelli posse et debere necnon p loci ordinarios ct causaru palacij aplici auditoresac quoscuq? alios quis aucte Judices seu comissarios in causis etiam p appellationeseu alias in qcuq? instancia int'qua suis psonis et coram quibusciuj? eciam iRomana curia vel extra earn occasione obla- tionii hiiioi indccisis pendenlib? quae quidem psonau necnon auditoi;: et iudiciii hiiioi noTa et cognomia ac qualilates necnon causai; status et scn- tenciaru? hinc inde habitac ac oi? supra narratoc tenoresprcsentibushaberi volumus pro expressis seu qs imposteru quandocuq? moueri et pedere con- ligerit iuxta approbat(3e5 cofirmatoem decretnm ct mandatum prcdca Judicandum et sentenciandn? fore ac Judicari et sentenciari debere ct quicquid secus per supradcos seu q'scu? alios scient' et ignoranter quauis aucte sententiatum forsan est hacten? vel imposteru sentential Judicari seu attcmptari contigeritirritum et inane nulliusq? fore roboris vel monienti uon obstantib? olbus premissis et preserti? supradcis ac alijs libris seu scripturis <^tiam antiquis et mstris quantumcuq? publicis et in archiuis seu alijs etiam publicis locis repcrt^ ct cjue in posteru forsan rcperiri contigcrit I q'bus tenor dictcconstitucois Rogeri cpi hinoi alteri? continentietenoris atqf forme 02 reperiatur q^ in dels Thome arcliiepi et Innocencij Iris continetnr necnon aplicis ac in pronuncialibus et soniadalibus consulis editj generalibus vel specialibusconstitucoibus etordinacoibus statutis quoqf et consuetudinibus cccllai? et ciuitatj predcac etia. juramento confirinacoe aplica vel quauis alia firinitate roboratis necnon preuilegijs induUis Et iris aplicis generalibus vel specialib? quorucuq? tcnorum cxistant percjue presentibus no expressa vl' totalit' no inscrta effect? earuni impediri valeat quomodol't vel dcferri etde quib? quonun de tot) tenoribus habenda sit in nris Iris mentio spalls ceterisq^ contrarijsquibusciiqf tenores vcro Ira^ Jnnocencij et archiepi in iilis insertac et sententiac predcau scquitur et sunt isti. Jnnocenci? epus seru? seruoe Dei ad futurani rei memoriii. Eaque p vlilitate eccllac et eccllasticai: psonac facta sunt et alac salute respiciut vt illibata libenter cii a nobis petitur aplice pfirniatois p'sidio comuniui- mus sane peticio pro pte dilectoc filioc vniuersoi? recto^ pochialiu eccllac ciuitat) Lodonen nobis nup exliibita continel' qfi olini bone memorie Ro- gerus Epus Londoner! ad earGdeni eccllac et ipoc pochianoc qui essent p tempore pfectum puide' ct salubriter ititendes quada costitutoe? auctoritate ordinaria fecit in Iris venerabilis fris nri Thome archiepi Cantuarieii loci Metropolitaii quae tenor de v'bo ad v'bu inferi? describitur insertam et qua quide costitutoe? nonuUi archiepi cantuarieii pdci Thome archiepi pdecessores qui fuerunt p tempore et etiam idiii Thomas archiepus aucte Metropolyta approbartet confirmart etq? q'deconstitutoez licet a tpe cuius contrarij bonu| memoria no existit in eadem ciuitate obseruata fuisset cu postea nonnulli earn adeoc sensum in preiudiciu eccllac et rectoc predco^ interpretareturde facto eande aiicte metropolityca p ainplius comuniendo ct declarado declarandoq?: ex predcis tunc abs(if sensu puiso sen torta expo- sitoe inuiolabile obseruarent et faccrcnt quatum in cis essent ab alijs obser- nari et alia fecit in premissis et circa ea put in dels Iris ciusdc Thome archiepi sigillo munitis plcnius continetnr, quare p pte dcoc rectoru nobis fuit huniililer supplicatu? vt pro subsistencia firmiori earunde Irac robor ipis aplice cofirmatois adijcere de spali gra dignaremur Nos igitur hinoi supplicatoibus iiiclinati Iras predcas et quecuncjl indesecuta rata habcntes et grata de auctoritate aplica ex certa sciencia confirmamus et present^ scripti patrocineo comuniuimus supplentes oes defectussi qui interuenerint in cisde tenor vero dictac Irac sequitur et est talis. 63 Thomas, pniissione diuiiia Cantuarieii archiepps tocius Anglie p'mas el aplTce sedis legatus ciuitate? et diocecj Londonen nre cantuarien prouincie iure nro metropolitico actualit' visitantes dilect^ filijs niaiori vicecomitibus ct aldirmandus ciuitatis Londonieii oib^ alijs et singulis ciuib^ sen inhitan- tibus in eadem saltin gianiet biidixione? ops dns cuius est terra etplenitudo eius et vniuersi q' habitant in ea decimas in signuni vniuersalis diii sibi reddi precepit oblatoes noluit vt in ministroo suoa personis oblationu^ libamine spualit* honorari soleret et pro inde attendens recolede menioric Rogerus niger duduni epus Londonen quandam constitutoej vt i nra repnii? visitatoe de et sup oblatoibus in diebus dnicis et solemnibus ac Tes- tis duplicibus et presertim aploe quorum vigihe ieiunantur p inhabitantes domos hospicia sine shoppas quomodol't occuj)antes infra ciuitatem pre- dictam faciendas [niatura deliberatione edidit videlicet quod omnes et singuli inhabitantes et occupantes, hiiioi domos hospicia siue shoppas p annum domo pro domo hospicio siue shoppa cuius pensio ad decern solift. p annum obolum Si ad quadraginta solifi per annum denarium et sic asce- ciue pro rata pensionis vltra dcam sumam quadraginta solift at quantam cuqf summam pensio hiiioi annua se extendat ofFerre tcneantur, prout etiam hactenus longis retractis temporibus et tempore prescriptibili perpochianos eccllarum Ciuitatis predce otrerrlexstitit consuetuq^quidem constitutoeqf nonnulli predecessores nri archiepi ecclie Cantuarien vt pote laudabilem expresse confirmariit q?da? tamen pochiam ecclTac ciuitatis predce pprie salutis in memores sue astucie nimis Imitentes suo puerso sensu constitu- coej eandem et sanum intellcctum eiusdem subuertere moluntur assertentes qfi si pensio annua hospicij domoc et shoppau hiiioi quadragita solidos excedat vel loco oblatois at decimac deo et ecclie prefer vnvi solu? denariu vt preferlur ofterri seu dare dcbere diebus dnicis et festiuis supi? expres- satis. Nos igitur Thomas archiepus antedcus annuac saluti et ecclesiac Juribus ac inde mutati diligecia qua possimusex officij nri debito pspicere cupientes constitutoe^ predca?: ex certa nra scientia cofirmam? et appro- bamus ppresentes ac ad tollendu et sopiendu dubitatois et ois alterationis materia int' rectores et curatos eccliai? ciuitatis predce et pochianos eorude dc et super interpretatoe sinistra conslitutois predce supradca orta ac ppctua quiete eorude volum? etdeclaramus ppresentes quod si annua pen- sio domott hospitioc et shoppac hiiioi vltra quadraginta soliJi stcrlingou excedat et summa quinqginta solifl attigat tunc denarium et quadrantem. Si vero vltra cpiadraglta solidos ad scxaginta solidos attingat denarium 64 obolum. Si autem ad septuaginta solidos atlingat denarium obolnm et quadrantem. Et si ad octuaginta solifi attingat tunc duos denarios et sic seppcr decern solidos ascendendo per ralam pcnsiois hinoi inhltates domos liospicia siue slioj)pas lirTioi rectorib^ sen curatis eccliac in quae pochijs domus hospicia siue shoppc liiiioi situat' offerre teneantur. Quo circa nos CIS etsingulos ciucs dee ciuitatis Londonen in visceribus xpi Jhu requirini? et roganius ac prinio scfio tertio et pemtorie et sub pena excomunicatois niaioris et int'niinatois maledcois eterne tenore presenciuni monemPquatin? costitutoe? predca^ et declaratoc nia^ eiusdeni do cetero absq^ sensu per- uerso sea torta expositoe? inuiolaljililer obsuetis et facietis qt^ in vobis est sic infuturum ab alijs obseruari alioquin lebeliis vestruni et non parentes costitntionum predicte et eius nostre declarationi si quis vrni in presenti sunt aut in t'uturum erunt sententie excomunicatois niaioris ipo facto extunc prout ex tunc decerninius subiacere et ne ignorantia constitutois predicte et declarationis nostre eiusdcm ab ipsius obseruantia quemqf possit auer- tere sen quolibet excusare precipim? vniuersis et singulis rectorib^ vicarijs et curatis ciuitatis Londoneii predce ac virtute obedientie mandamus eis- dam vt predictam constitucione et declarationem nostrani eiusdcm sub forma supi? puulgata inscriptis habeat et cam singulis annis in ecciis suis qtuor in anno palam et publico inter missarum solemnia suis pochianis plegifaciant de vcrbo ad vcrbumet exponat ac volumus et per presentes or- ilinamus quod quilibet rector seu vicarius dicte ciuitatis Londonen habet plenam potestatem in sua propria pochia suos pochianos hiTioi constitutionis et nostre declarationis eiusdcm rebcUes et contradictorcs citare siue alio quo alio mandato ad comjjaradis legitime coram nol)is vl' officiali nro cure cantuaricii (jui pro tpefuerit rcsposuros et recepluros pro eoc in hac parte dementis q& juris fuerit et eciam racionis cui quidem officiali pro tem- pore esistenticomittm? vices nras ppresentes cu cuiuslibet cohercois cano- nice potestate in quoc oTm testimonium et perpeliuim fidem sigillum nrf pntibus apposuim? data in manerio nro de lamechigth sexto die niesis Augusti anno dni Milesimo Tncentesi' nonagesimo scptimo et nre transla- tionis p'mo. Nulli ergo omnino lioim licet banc dignan> nre confirniatioi* comunitionis et suppleccionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire si (juis autem hoc attemptare psuuq^scrit indignationem opotentis Dei et beatoc Petri et Pauli aploj: ei? se nouerit in cursuru late Rome apud sciii Pctrum decimosexto kail' ]\Iaij, Pontificatus nri anno sccundo. In Dei nolo Amen. Auditis et plcnus intellectus per nos ^Villiii Preston legu doc- . &cl. Crediturs of R. A. citesen and hab' of London send greling I God euer- lastig knowe ye vs the forsaid A. B. C. D. &cj. And euery of vs bi him self to haue graunted and yeuen vnto f sayd R. A. or by what soo euery other name he be callid and to alle the which for him to vs or eni of vs stodith bouden and charged ful hole and free lycence and sure sauf conduyt, so that the same R. A. and alle thei which for him to vs or eny of vs stondith Q 114 boude or charged may freely suerly and pesebly at tlier large and libartie bothe be day and benyghtgooandco tary soiourne and dwell bey and selle and alle other ther prophyt doo and make and all their goodj and catallj thing^ and marchaundic^ whatsoeu they be to leede dryue bere cary or re- cary at ther wille from place to place within the reame of England and in the partie of Wales and I the parties beyonde the see and ellis where whe soeuer and as often as it shall please the said R. A. and alle them which for him to vs or any of vs stondeth boiiden or charged from the day of makyng lierof vnto the feste of M. next suyng and from the same fest vnto the terme of v. yeris than next suyg and fully to be complete wout ani attachement arrestinge impresonmet wholding inpleting pursute vexacio hurt or gref what soeuer it be by vs the forsaid A. B. C. D. Sccl or eny of vs or be any other in the name or names of vs or ani of vs or by the comaudement autorite or procuring of vs or any of vs to the sayd R. A. or to theym whiche for hym to vs or any of stondith bounde or charged in ther owne persones or theyr good^ catallj thing^ or marchaun- dises or of any of them durjmg the terme aforsaid in any wise to be made or done bi reson of any accio pursute playnt codempnacio dett or acompt^ couenaunt contracte beyng sellyng trespace strif or discorde or of any od' mat' thing or cause what soeuer it be betwene vs and for said A. B. C. D, fkcl or any of vs and the forsayd R. A. and them which for him to vsor any off vs stondith bounde or charged or any of them in any maner wise before f date herof had made moued or depending and we the forsaid A. B. C. D. &c^. wille and graunte that is say euery of vs for his owne parte Avillith and grauntith to the forsayd R. A. by thees presentis that we the same A B. C. D. &c^ duryng alle the tyme and terme of theise our pre- sentis sauf conduyte shal not sue nor vex nor cause to be suyd nor vexed in any courte of our soueraigne Lorde f Kyng within the cite of London aftir the custum of the same cytee or ellj what so euer it be the said R. A. or any of them which for him to vs or any of vs stondith bounde or charged for to fyndeto vs or any of vs bett' or od' suertes for the payment and conte- tacion of the dettj and somes of mony the said R. A. and bj' them whicli for him to vs or any of vs due than oonly souch suertee or suertes which we and euery of vs haue therof of hi at this day and furthermore we the forsaid A. B. C. D. &cj wil graunt and pmytte }' is to say euery of vs for his owne partie willeth grauntith and promitteth to the sayd R. A. be thcs presentis that 115 duryno- all the tejme of this our present sauf conduyt, ^\c nor any of vs shall not doo pour nor make any goodj or somes of money by the sayd R. A. to vs or any of vs now due vpon any persone or persones which for him to \'s or any of vs stondith bounde or charged to be attached in the handis or keping of the said R. A. and of thera which for him to vs or any of vs stondith boude or charged or of any of them by v'tu of any origenall bill or playnt or origenall billes or pla3'ntis by vs or any of vs taken or affermed in any courte of our souerayne Lorde the Kyng within the citce of London aftir the cuslum of the same cite and if it hap by any persone or persones what so euer thci be any such goodj or somes of money before of any original bille or playt or origenall billes or playtis in any courte of our souerayn Lorde the Kynge within the sayd cite in the name of vs or an}^ of vs to be taken or aft'ermed to be tached in y hadis or kepyng of the R. A. and of the which for him to vs or any of vs stodith bounde or charged or of any off them that thene we the}^ or he of vs by any such original billes or playntis or original bille or playnt shalbe taken or affermed shall dissolue and lose the said attachmentis or altachmen by putting in of suerte to y said original! billes or plaint^ or original bil or playnt assone and as often as thertoo we or any of vs shalbe lawfully recpiired by the sayd R. A. and by the which for he to vs or any of vs stondith bounde or charged of bi any of them and therfore we and euery of vs shall discharge and saue harmles the sayd R. A. and alle the which for hem stonde bounde or charged as is aforsaid without delay or colusyon furthermore we the for- said A. B. C. D. &cj wille and graunte that is to sey, euery of vs for his owne |)te willeth and graunteth to the sayd R. A. by thees present^ that if it happ the same R. A. and them which for hem to vs or any of vs standith boude or charged in their owne psones or of any of them or i ther goodis catalls tiling^ or marchaundises or ef any of them at any tyme vVin the terme aforsaid by vs or any of vs be any other in the name of vs or ani of vs or be the wil comaundement procuring autorite concent or knowleg of vs or any of vs stondith ayenst y fourme tenor and effect of these our pre- sent lettres of lycence in any wise too be attempted vexed sued hurt or hyndred and therof aftir the fourme aboue said be not releued and hoipe that than the sayd R. A. and alle thei which for hi stondith boilde or char- ged as is aforsayd and ther eyers and executurs shalbe quyte and dis- charged be thees presentis and euery of them ayenst hem or them of vs by whom the said R. A. and thoy which for him to vs or ani of IIG vs stondith bounde or charged slialbe so attempted vexed sued hurte and hindred ayenst the fourme tenor and efFecte of theis our present lettres off saufcoduyt and not rehuid nor holpen therof in the fourme aforsaid of all maner accions sutis quarels dettis chalengl and demaund^ what so euer they be from the begynnyngeofthe worlde vntothe day ofsuch attempting^ suyng hurte or hldryng ayenst the fourme tenor and effecte of thees our presentis lettres of sauf conduyt without relece or helpe therof made, in witnesse wherof, and cetera. ^ The Fourme of makyng of Lettres of Sale. Be it knowen to alle me by thees present]^ that I Johii B. citesen and drap of London the day of the date of thes presentis haue bargeyned sold'e and delyu'ed to R. A. citesen and haburd^ of Londo the peels folowing that is to wet, a d^'mysen with a red crosse harnossid with siluer wrought with golde weyng vncj. Itin a purple corse harnessid w siluer and gilt w v. bares and enameled in the bukkel with ij. ymagis oon of Saint Kateryn another of Saint Barbara weyng vi. vnc^. q'?t' di. Itin a grene corse harnassid with siluer with viij. barres weyng vi. vncis di. q'?t'. Itm a corse of crysyn of damask werke harnesschid with silu with vi. barres and grauen in the buk- kel Johii Mercy, weyng viij. vncv Itni a litel stonding masar weyng iij. vnc^. Itin a masar with apr^'nt weyng vi. vncis di. Itin a masar without a make weyng v. vnc^. Itin a peir of coral beedis the gawdies gilt wrythen weyng i.vnce q'?t'. di. Itin a peir of smale corall bedis with rownde gau- dies weyng iij. q'?t'. of a vnce. Itrii a peyre of corall bed gaudied^ w golde weyng an vnce q'?t'. di. for the some of iiij. 11, xiij. s. ij. d'. st^. to haue and to hold all the forsaid percels to the said R. to his executurs and assignes for euermore ther with to doo ordeyne and dispose his free wille as of his owne ppur good is and catals without any agayn say eg of any persone. Neuer- theles the sayd R. for hem and hys executurs willeth and grauntith by thees presentis that yf the said Johii content or pay or doo to be contet or paid to the said R. to his certayne atturnay or executurs any tyme on this syde the of August next comyng aftir the date of these pre- sentis the said soin of iiij. IT. xiij.s. ij.d'. st^. to delyuer or doo to be de- lyuerd come the said Johii to my certayne atturnay or executurs so making the said payment the same percels in lyke as he ressayued them without 1 117 any agayne sayeng and yf defaut be made off, and in the payment of the said iiij.ll. xiij.s. ij.d'. stj or in any pcell therof at the of Au- gust, than I, the sayd Johii graunte too warrant the forsaid bargayn and sale of all the forsaid percels to the said Richard to his executurs and as- signes ageinst all pepull for euermore bi these preset^. In witnesse wherof to thes presentis I haue sett mi seale yeuen the vij. day of Apriell in the furst yere of Kyng Richarde the iij. ^ Itm a Lettres of Sale. To alle trewe cristen pepull to whom thys present wrytting shalbe come Alexander Andrewson citeze and haburd* of Londo sendeth gretyng in cure Lorde euerlastyng, knowe ye me the forsaid Alexaunder for li. st^. by Richard A. citeze and haberdassher of London to me before had payde wherof I knowlage myself by these presentis wele and truly contented and satisfied, to haue bargayned solde and delyuerd to the same Richard in the cite of London the day of the date of these presentes the goodes and stuf here vndre written, that is to wete furst a brasen morter. Itiii ij. bras pannes. Itiii a ketell of bras. Itiii a peyr of brigandynes. Itrii a salt. Itiri a peyre of gauntelettj. Itiii ij. baggis with alume. Itiii a ioyned cheste with all maner stuf therin, that is to sey lycloth lato pewter and gownes to haue and too holde alle the forsaid goodes and stuf to the sayd Richard to his executours assignes for euermore as his owyn propre goodes without eny chalaiigc clayme interrupcion or geynsayng of me the said Alexader or of myne heyres or executours in tyme to come, and I, the saide Alexader and myn executurs all the forsaid gredes and stuf to the said Richard to hisexecutours and assignes ageyns al maner persons shalle warant and defende tor euermore. In witnesse wherof to these presentis haue sett my seall yeuen the furst day of Jully the viij. yere of reigne of Kyg E. the iiij. |[ The Fourme of making of Leitres of Payment for Mony, made bee Exchauge from London to the Martis i Braband. Bee it knowen to all men by thes presentis that I R. A. citezen and 118 liaburd' of Lond5 haue taken vp by exchunge in London the da}' of makyng of herof, off T. W. citezen and mercer of London Ixiiij. 11. xiij. s. iiij. d'. stj. to be payde in Anvvarp in Brabant the xiij. day off Junii next comyng "after y date herof vnto T. Balde in good nioneye of Brabant as was there proclamed, be the Kynge of Romayncs in the yere of oure Lorde God, M. CCCC. Ixxxix. to whiche payment well and truly to be made and also content, and make good alle maner costis lossis and damagis whiche shall happen too falle for lac of payment at the daye aforesayde of the principall some aboue saydebe it bee exchaunge rechaunge or other wyse, I bynde me myn eyers myn executors and alle my good is be this my furst lettour of pay- ment yf it be not payd be the ij. sealed wyth my scale wry ten the xvij. day of May in the yere of oure Lorde God M. CCCC. Ixxxxij. ^ Another Lcttre of Exchaunge. Be it knowen to alle me y I R. A. citezen and habd' of London haue ress' by exchaunge of N. A. mercer of the same cite xx. li. stj. whiche twenty ponde stj. to be payd to the sayd N. or to the bringer of this byll in synxten marte next comyng for vi. s. viij. d'. stj. ix. s. iiij. g. fllj. money currant in the said mart and yf ony defaut of payment be at the day in alle or ony parte yrof that I promyse to make good all costis and scathes that may growe therby for defaute ofl' payment as well as the principal soiiie bee this my furst and seconde lettur of payement and herto I b3'nde me myn executurs and alle my goodis whersoeuer they may be founde. In wytnesse wherof I haue written and sealyd this byll the x. day of Marche A°. Diii. M. CCCC. &c. f[ The Fourme of Award geuen out by Arbytroment. To alle trewe crysten people that this presente Ires shal here or see R. A. hab' W. Leyfeld cutler John D. lethersellar and Robert Buc skinner sendyth gretyng &c. m That for as moche as the ij. day of the monethc of Maye the yere of the Kynge &c. R. E. and J. V. on that one parti groscer on that other party, them putten and submytten in to tharbytro- mcnt ordinaunce and jugementis of vs the sayde R. A. &c. and arbitrcsbc- 119 twene them Idefferetly chose of and vpo al and singules causes acciossutis quarels debatis and demaundis betwene the forsayd parties before the sayde ij. day of M. in any manner vvyse had moued or hanginge, wherupon the sayd R. E. and J. H. by ther seueral obHgacio were boude eyther of them toother in xx. li. st^. to stonde and obey our awarde ordenauncis and juge- mentis of and vpon the premisses to be made and yeuea vp byfore the x. day of the moneth of A. thenne nexte ensuyng by force of whiche sub- mysshion, we the sayd arbytrors takyng vpon vs y charge of the sayd pro- mj'se wylling and desyryng as moche as in vs is to set the sayd partyes at vnyte and rest and good accorde, callyng before vs the same partyes and theym be vs duly cxamyned and clerly vndirstonde felt and herd their com- playntis contrauersies allegeauncis and greuauncis in this behalf and ther vpon by good delyberacion and rype aduice yeue in jugementand awarde ordeyne and deme betwene the sayd partyes the v. daye of Au. aforesayd wythin the tyme to vs aboue lymyted in manor and fourme ensuyng, that is to wet. f|[ Fyrst we awarde that ether off y sayd R. E. and J. H. make enseale and deliuer for his dede to other in aquitaunce general of alle maner axios, and that done wee awarde y ether of theym by his obligacion be bounde to other x. II. stj. wyth condycion, endoced, andyf they be of good and honest bcring and behauyng the one ayenste the other as in the sayde obligacions more pleynly coteyned whiche obligacion we awarde that they shal remayne and abyde in f custody of R. E. lether, and W. W. haburd' and citezen of London to kepe in meane hande vnto y fest of Crystmas whiche shalbe in y yere of our Lorde God &c. On lesse y ony tyme on this behalf the same feste yf the said R. E. and J. H. charitably and frendly and as frendis Jontly come to gyd' to y sayd Ro. E. W. W, wyllTg them to haue the sayd obligacio cancelyd. Than we awarde y the sayd obligacios be then delyuved to the sayd R. E. and J. H. by them to be cancellyd. ^ Also we awarde y the fader of the said J. H. at eny tyme on this lialue the last day of payment of the sayd soiii com to London and than wyl enseale and delyver for his dede to y sayd J. H. an obligacio of the sayd soirie of &c. or of as moche therof as than shalbe vnpayd, than the sayd J. H. shal take his obligacio for payment and discharge the sayd E. of y sayde sorn &c. and eny peel therof. Also where as the sayd J. H. claymeth of the sayd R. E- 11. s. d'. wherof we y sayde aribytros by dew examinacio fynde y ther is no more dew to the sayd J. H. of f sayde soiiie, but only iij. 11. wherof we awarde y the R. E. shall content and pay to y sayd J. H. 120 forw at y yeuyng out of this awarde xx. s. and also than to be boude to the said J. by liis obligacio &c. to be payd att dyuers day as in the same obhgacion may appere. §ITlie Copy of the Kingis Protection Ryal,ancl Protection grautyd othewyse than Ryall. Henri, be y grace of God Kynge of Englande and of Fraunce and Lorde oft' Irlande, to all to whom thes presentis shal com greting knoweye that for certayne causis vs mouyng by reason of our prerogatyues y suerte of our welbeloued and feythfuU W. H. of thq cite of London grocer tak- ynge hede of our speciall grace and of oure certayne knowlege and mere mocion that vnto hym by ony maner of violence arest distresse or imp- sonment or ony other maner of hurte by occasion off ony dette trespace conspiracy or of ony other occasion of plee real or personell or condemp- nacion of the same W. for eny occasion of thingis before sayde or of ony other thing ageinst the same W. at the sute of eny man beefore this tyme had moued or herafter duryng this present protection and sauegarde to be had or to be moued to bee in brought for the indepnite of the said W. wyl- lyng to take hede haue resseuyd of the same W. his seruauntis factours and deputyes londis tenementis and rentis al his possessios goodis and catels meuable and onmeuable in to our protection tuicio defence and specyal sauegarde. Not wyllinge the same W. att the sute of ony man for ony occasion of trespace conspiracy accion plee cotracte real or personel or of condempnacion of the same \V. at the sute of ony man or of ony sentece or pleint by the same W. vnto ony ma ought or done by theis our proteccion and sauegarde by our justicj vycountis mayers lieftenauntis baliuis stywardis constables castellanes prouostis officers wherso euer they be or be ony of them aswel within this our reame of England as other our lord- ship, whersoeuer they be ordeyned or set, and ether of theyr lyeftenauntis .be arcstyd inquieted vexid troubled or holdc in prison, or by the forsayd tm thyiigis rentis or goodis and catayll or ony other maner tlnnge in y meaiie tyme ony maner of wyse be distrayned ony statute acte or ordynaunce contrary to this made not wythstondyng we gyue to alio and euerich of out iusticis mayers lyeftenauntis baliues stywardis constables and castellan 5 puost officers and all other our seruautis beeforsayd aswel wythin our sayd reame of Englad as other our lordships whersoeuer they beordejned or set and to eylher of their lieftenauntis aswel wythin frauncheses as with out to whom thes presentis shal come by tenour off the same stray tly in com- maundement that the same W. his seruauntis factor and deputes aforesaid fro euer accion during this our protcccion and sauegarde vVout let arrest vexacio pturbauce sauf and surly suffer to go, abide go to and com fro. And furthermore we hauc grauntid to the same W. that if thes oure pre- sentis lettres patentis as vnto oure graunte beefore sayde be not baleable, that then our chaucelar for tyme beyng soo many and ofte tymes our lettres patent^ good and effectuell in the lawe to y same W. be made and dely- uered as mani and ofte tymes, as the sayd W. shalbe necessarye and be- houeful wythout ony maner of sute to vs and our cyers eny maner of wyse for thens to be made or psecuted, in witnesse. ^ Another Protection. Herry, be the grace off* God Kinge of England and of Fraunce and Lord e of Irlande. To all his balliues and feythful subgettis to whom this present writyng shall com gretyng-, knowc ye that of our special! grace wee haue receyued in to our specyall protectio tuition and defencion Ric. A. marchaunt other wyse callyd R. A. of London haburd', or what so oner name he be callyd by wyth his men lond^ thingis rentis and alle the possessions of the same R. the whiche shall goo in to our scruise in the compani of our welbelouyd and feytfull coucellar Reynold Bray knight and tresorcr of our wares aboute the vitailyng of our armye the whiche wee purpose wyth theJielpe of God to lede wyth vs to the partyes of Fraunce for our right there to be recouerid and therfore wee commaunde yow that the same Ric. his men landys thingis rentis and alle his posses- sions ye mayntene and defende, not doyng to hym iniury hurt dissease of grief to be done vnto hym. And yf ony thingis be done vnto hym y ye see it amendyd wythoulen ony dclaye. In wytnesse wlierof wee haue caused to R 122 to be made these our Irers patentis to endure by one yere. We wyll also that the same R. in the meane whyle be quyte of alle playntis of dutee bee writte pleintis or dury. Vnde nichel het or querc impedet, and writlj of assise of the last presentacion, witnesse mi self at WestiTi the iiij. yere of our reigne. fl[ The Copy of the Kyngis Chartour grauntyd for OfFencis of Treson. The Kynge to his bailliuis and trewe liege men too who &c. knowe ye that of our speciall grace and certayne knowlege and mere mocion we haue perdoned foryenen and releaced to R. A. late of London haburd' or ony other name or addicion of name he be callyd, alle maner of treasons rauishing of wome rebellious insurrections feloneys and knowelege of felo- nis conspiracions mayntenyng consideracions ryattis vnlawfull conuenty- culis transgressions oft'encis negliencis mesprisios ignoracj cotept^ kepige of coucell decepcios and ony many of trespac^ be y same R. afore y date of thes present^, any maner wey don or made thow therof he were indyted reyned apelid atteynt or iuged or hei-after happen to bee indyted reyned appealed or iuged and also of outlawry yf ony ayenst the same Ri. by theis occasions or ony other be shewyd. Also yf ony thing by informacion in our escheker or for y pease afore vs whersoeuer we bee wythin our reame of Englande be taken, or be to be taken we graijt hym therof our suer and stedfast peace. Moreouer we haue perdoned foryeuen and rclcaccd too the sayd Richard, all maner execucions paynes punysshement and losses the whiche the sayde Ric. ayenst vs or to vs hath ronne in, or lost or shall tonne in or lossc by the occasio of the premisses or ony of theym. In witnesse &c. 123 ^ The Fourme of makyngof Supplicacions to f King and to other Lord is and Estatis. H[ To the Kynge our most drad Lorde. Shewen vnto your Higlines, and mercyfull grace in the most humble wyseyour ful humble and trewe subgettis, A. B. Sec. citezen of your cite of Londo that where as late they caused certayne bookis to be madeayenst the marchauntis Italiens y whiche to their greate heuyness and desolacion as they conceyue haue founde to y greuous displesure of your Highnes to the whiche they neuer intendyd in ther myndes to haue soo attempted but only procedyd of ignoraunce and symplenesse so done they be as sorj and as heuy therfore as euer youre subgettis may bee, and crye j'oure grace hertely mercy. Neuer while they lyue as nye as God wyll put in their myndc to do eny thyng that in ther conceytes may redounde to the displesur of your Highnesse. In consideracio that they haue ben your trewe lyegemen as they dare be reported by ther neybours being your trewe liege people and at this daye bethe and entende to bee to their vtter- raest power to their lyues ende. Hit plesylh your Highnes to bee so gracious an so merciable Lorde vnto theym to pardon theym ther offence afore sayde so ignorantly done and scmply. And doo dismisse the out of the duresse whiche they be in, and to assigne theym to bee at their libarte lyke as your other subgettj bee. And they shalbc your contynuall oralours and preye to God for the preseruacion of yourroyall persone, and moost excellent estate alle the dayes of ther lyucs. ^ Another Supplicacion. @ The moost Reuerent Fader in God my Lorde of Caunturbery. ^Rfekly besecheth youre good and gracious Lordship tendirly to coii- ?ydrt- y humble coplaynt and also y trewe entent of me R. A. your dayly and vafeyned bedman new abeyding in the seintwary of Westuiynster, y for as niyche as xij. monethes past I consydered well that by the meane of luoni and dyuers greate losses I was come to that decay that I hadde nott ■wherof to pay my dettis, wherfore in discharging of my conscience I dis- close my mynde in lliat behalue vnto mayster John Foster Archedeken of London and deliuered to hym bothc my testenient and inuentory of all niy goodis at dettj, and also delyuered vnto hym, xl. fyn clothes and xij. clothes engreyned Avyllyng and desyring hym as myn excecutur and ordy- nary to do therin as he wolde if I were dede, and specially that aswell the sayd clothes as alle other good^ that I had in erth myght bee retayled deuyded and distrubuted amonge my creditours yf they wold so be con- ten tyd, and for the execucion of y same I valured my grejied clothes at XV. s. the yarde and myn other fyne clothes at xij. s. the yarde, so as my sayd creditors wolde haue been well content. Fro the whiche my trewe cntent and purpose to the saide mayster Foster, many wayes declyned and varieth kepyng styl my sayde goodis in his handes, and nether wyll dclyuer the sayde goodis to me or to ony other indifferet ma to the entent afore- sayd, nor yet vnto my creditors after the rate but bi many crafty and sub- tyll meanes psuadyth aswell to me as to myn sayde credytors, in suche as he entendyd to haue greate lucre and auautage be his occupacion in this behalue. And rather than he W3'l delyuer my saj^d goodis vnto ony other man to thentent aforesayd, he saith tome greate fere and joperdy that he wyll after his owne wyl and plesure pay some of my creditors their hole dewtes though the rcmcnaiQt bee neuer payd or ellis that he will cause or suffer the sayd goodis to be attached in his handis by suche off my credi- turs as he fauoreth for mede and greate rewardis promysed vnto hym on their behalue, wherfore I beseche your good and gracio? Lordship, in my must humble and herty wyse to sende a commaundement vnto the same master Foster bi your letter mysylf or other wyse to dclyucr the sayde goodis into y hadis of suche one, as by y fauour and auctorite of your Lordship maye dyspose theym amonge my sayde creditours as shal be thought best to y pleasur of God and moost acordyng to right and good conscience. And this at the rcuerence of God and it he waye of charitee and pytee, and ellis your sayd besechcr is wythout remedy for the rcforma- cion of the pmysses by the cours off the comon lawe or othcrwysc, onlesse your goode and gracious Lordship to hym be shewyd in the premysses wherfore the premysses consyderyd and in cspeciall the vyolece dispoc^-on ©f the said Archdecon his singlar and subtil opynyon for lucre of money to 125 haue the said good J attached in his liadis as my goodes b_y ij. or iij. of such psones as he sought specyall favour too and so wolde Icuo dyuers psones that 1 am in dctt to vncontet bi hys owne wille not hauyng ani parte of ther dutee acordig, of my said goodj to my will and entet cotrary to Godis iawe and mannys and contrary myn entent that I made a lett' of sale of, beseching you too direct a writt subpena vnto the said Archdekon c6- inaunding him be the same to appere afore the Kyng our souerayne Lorde in his courte of chauncery at a certayne day by your good Lordship to him be lymyttid bi tiie same there to answere vnto your sayd besechar and to the primisses and there to obey and receyue as the said courte of the chaiicery him shall awarde and demc. ^ Another Suplicacion. ^ To the most Reuent Fadir in God th* xVrchbishop of Cantirbury, Chaun- celar and Primate of England. Mekly besecheth your good and gracious Lordship your cotidial oratur, R. A. haburde of London that where he was in dettid to oon Willam Har- ris in y some of IT. and were the said William Herris sued a plee from the courte Xpian too the court of Rome i a cause of deuors hanging betwixt oon Alis Doughtirlaue of R. S. and the said Williil for y suete wherof the sayd Willm H. desered your said besechar and other too be bounde for him in this entet that the said Willia shulde sue the said appele with effecte and also to appere 1 the KyngJ courte of chauncery at a certayne day as more playnly doth apere by a recognisaunce therof made and therupon your said besechar and other were bounden by reconisaunce in the same of ]i. for y said W. H. in fourme aforsaid and it is so gracious Lorde thatnowe of late the said R. S. beyng of gret trust and amite with y said S. H. shewid vnto your sayd besecher that he was endcttid vnto the said R. H. in the some of li. willyng exortyng and steryng your said besecher to be bounde by his obligacions in said some of, toy said R. S. in recompenceof such dett as the said W. H. owed vnto the said R. S. pmysing fcithfuljy in the presence of credyble persones that yf your sayd besecher be bounde to him in the some of 11. that than he wold discharge your said besechar of the said reconysaunce and for eucry peny y he lost by reson of y said reconi- 126 sauce he wolde recompence him at all times acordingtohis lossis your said besechar trusting the promyse afor sayd, and ahveys intcdiiig y conteta- cyon of y said soiii of II. and that y said W. H. had keptc his day of ap- paraunce in y courte of chauncery acordig to the promyse aforsaid bounde him self be his deede obligacy to the sayd R. S. in the some of II. and for as myche as the said Willm H. kepte not hys day the which he had by the said reconysaunce your sayd besechar and other forfet the said some coteyned in the said reconysaunce the whichc was content and paid by the awarde of this courte to diuers of the Kyg^ seruautis of y which forfeturc your said besechar paid II. as your Lordship know wel trasting that he shulde haue ben dischurged therof according to the said R. pmyse. Please it therfore your good Lordship the promysses tendirly considered to graunte awritt sub pena to be directe to the said R. S. comauding hem be the same to apere be fore tlie Kynge in his chaucery at a cerlayne day and vndir a dertayne peyne there to answere y promyssis and ouer that to brynge i the said obligacio which he hath of your sayd besechar and to answere why the said obligacio shal not becancellid acordyng too right and good conscience. And this in y loue of God and in the way of charitee, ^ Another Supplicacyo. (^ To the Right Honorable Lorde the Mair and the Riglit WurshipfuU Soura3'ns the Aldirmen of the cite of London. Mekly besecheth vnto your gracious Lordship and Mastirships R.A. cyteze and hab' of London and Alis his wifj that where the day of Sept. the yere of the regno of the Kyng our souerayne lorde that now is, Petir Caldecot and William Gallc the wardeins of the bridg^ of Londo lete and dymised to your besechcr a tent sett in the perish of Seint Mag- nus of London, belongyng to y Mair and Comonaltie of the said cyte be- ing in the gouernauce of thoosaid brydge to haue and to holde to the sayd R. A. and A. his wif from y fest of Seynt Mychaell th'Archangell then next folowyng vnto thende off xl.yeris than next ensuyngyelding therfore ycrly to the sayd wardens and to their successours wardeyns of the said brydge iiij. marke at iiij. terraes of the yere in the cite of London vsucis by euyn 127 poi'cyons as it apperith by certayn endenturs made be twene the sayd P. C. and W. G. as wardeins of the said brydge on that oon party and the said R. and A. his wif on that other partye, the which wardens grauntid by the said indeturs that they shuld doo make vpo a uoyde ground adioynlg to the said tent a crane sufficient and able to take vp from the water of Thamis the weight of a tonne tight and to haue and to ocupie y same krane too your besechers duryng the sayd lerme vppon trust of makyg of which krane your said bysechars haue taken the same tet foriiij. marke by yere where it stood wyde without ani tenaiit many yeres afore. And where your sayd besechar at the haue for half the rente a tet next adioyng to the sayd tenement more and auayleable to them than is the said tent and vpon trust to haue had the said crane made acording to the said co- uenaunt your sayd besechers haue don gret cost^ in makyng diu's neces- saries in the said tent soo as it is aforsayd to them leucr tha the valure of XX. 11. and it is so that the said wardens of the brydge haue made noo crane in the said voyde grounde but they haue made in the stede of y said crane a gibet hanging on a wall not able to take any thing^ out of the watir of Thamyscnottoodooani scruicewherforey our said besechers alle therauaunt- age of ther kranage cuer sithe the said lees was made haue vtterly lost, to the very gret hurt and damage of your said besechers. Wherfore in as myche as the sayd tent, so to your said besechers leten longeth to the Mayr and Comonalte of this cite and not to the wardens ayainst which Mayr and Comonalte your said besechers haue noo remedy by the course of the coni5 lawe to doo com before you the sayd P. C. and W. G. and the examyn of the pmisses and to sett direxion therl as mai be acording to right and good. CGSciece and that for the loue of God ficcj. ^ Another Supplicacyo. ^ To the Right Honorable Lord the Mayr and his brethcrne the Aldirme. Mekly besecheth your humble sup[)liant R. A. citescn and habur' of the cite of London and whereon Jhii Derby citcze and drapand late Aldirman of the said cite the xxiij. day of Junij now late past bargeyned with your said suppliant and sold vnto him xij. bales of peper then beyng within the 128 mansion place oflf the said John set in the perish of Seint Denys Bakchircli of London which xij. bales than and there weied grose be his weight^ iij. M. C. xxvi.ll. sotel iij. M. iiij. C. xxxxviij.ll. wherof by couenaunt made betwixt the said J. D. and your said suppliat shulde be rebated for the tare of euery of the said xij. bales iiij. 11. and for the cloff of euery off the said xij. bales ij. 11. soiii Ixxij. 11. and for the tret of y same peper C. xxxvij. II. and also rest iij. M. ij. C. xxxxix. 11. p'ce of euery pounde of tlie same rest XV. d'. som in money xi. s. iij.d'. too be paid at iij. payment^ that is to sai yerly during iij. yeris than next folowing at euery xij. monethes endc y iij. part therof the which J. D. at the tyme of y sau)e bargeyne affermid promysed and warantid vnto your sayd suppliat that the sayd pep was as g-ood as any in the worlde and marchauntable and therupon your said sup- pliant yeuing credence and trust vnto the saieng of the said John D. i the promysses made and deliued vnto him iij. obligations for the soiii aforsaid payable aftir the fourme as is aboue rehessed and recayued of y said J. D. the said xij. bales and caryed the vnto the dwellyg place of oon William War in the pish of Seint Margret in Lothbury of London which is boundc with your sayd suppliant in the said obligac^ vnto the sayd J. D. trusting verily the said peper had be good and marchauntable lyke as y said John affermid promysed and warraiitid, where in dede the said bales had taken gret moystir, and by occasion therof were myche heuyar in weight than they shulde naturally haue be and the same peper was corhupt and musty and not marchauntable which your suppliat then knewe noo thing of and than aftir wha the said bales had stonde in dry place within the said dwel- ling place of the said W. War by the space of iiij. or v. dais the sayd bales were lightir the they were at tyme of f said bargay by xxiiij. 11. in oon bale and alle the remenaunt of the same bales by verri lyklyhod lakked of ther weight in lyke wyse which lak also the said J. D. rekeneth to tret of the said xij. bales, but C. xxxij. II. where in troulhe yt is, C. xxxvij. 11. wherbi your said suppliat shulde lese vi.s. ix.d'. of weight in alle the said bales tainountith in money to xviij. li. and by cause of y gret trust that your said supplyant had in the said John D. he bought the said pep at derrar price trustyng to haue had than forth with daily good and redi vtteraunce therof and sithen that tyme peper is fallen too a lesse pryce which if the said peper shulde abyde wythe your said suppliat as his charge wolde be his gret hurte also if the said peper had ben good and marchaii- table a cording to the sayd prorayse and warant of ^ said J. D. your said 129 suppliant might haue soldeall the same peper on Seint Jon'eseuyn last past, XV. 11. derrar in the C. 11. then the price of peper was at that tyme to haue geuen xij. moneth day of pay met, and he to haue had good siluer plate and iron for his suerte bounde be a lettres of sale as he ca euydently proue how- be it because the said peper is so musty and coreupte your said suppliat as yet can haue non vttraunce therof, and by that occasion he is put in gret losse to prouid for the contentacion of other his crediturs and odur wise and ouir this to his vndir stondyng he is neuer lyke to haue ani vttirauce of the said peper herattir which yf he shulde so fortune wolde be his vtt' distruxion for euer. Please it your good Lordship and mast'shippis the promissis tendiily considered and also how the daies of respite of payment of your suppliant rene daily and he ca haue non vttrauce of the said peper for y causes aboue said to do calle y said J. D. afore your Lordship and gret wisdoms to be examyned of and vpon the promisses and therupon to sett such direxion and rule as shall seme vnto your lordship and gret wisdoms to be acording to feith and good conscyence and this in the reuerece of God and in way of charitee &cj. ^ The Fourme of Complayntis mad to the Kynge and to odur Lordis. ^ To the Kyng our Souerayn Lord. Pytyously complaynt shew vnto your most noble Grace your pour and trewe liege man, J. S. of London marchant, y where as your gracyous High- nes was ones enformed bi Thorns Colte of the most greuos sorous losses imprisonment and troubles and gret and importable charges and expec^ that he hath suftVed for the trew and herteli loue that he had alway vnto your most noble excellent Grace and also in lyke wise to your noble pro- genitor and fadir the Duke of York hit plesed your gracious Highnes in cosideracion and recompence of the same to assigne him certayn liuelod of Sir T. Tudnam which is callid Wantford in Norfolke which lyuelod cost y said Johii Sencle more than euer he had therof for withi short tyme that he had it hit was taken ageyn from him and in recompence therof than was yeuen to him the custumshipp of Brystow, which too his vndir^- s 130 stonding was for tenne of lyf and f caused him lo bynd him self for your dettis iu so gret somes which is now his vtterest confucion and vndoyng without aide and socor of your most gracyous Highnes for at this day f said John is vnpaid of liys wages and fees of the said office and also put fro the same custumership and stondith so charged and bounde in so gret somes for your said dettj that he ferith dayly to be Ipresoned and dare not passe his house for the Plese it therfore your most haboundaunt and benygne Grace the primis- ses tendirly considerid, and thorought your noble reame to restore ageyne the same Johii vnto f said custumership and therupo your gracious lettres patentis I dew forme to be made that he may haue and ocupye the said office by him self or by his sufficient deputee for terme of hys lyf with all maner wages fees profytis and comoditys therto due and acustumed in the way of charyte and he shall prey God for your most noble and ryall estat. ^ Another Complaynt to the Kynge. Lamentably sheuen and coplayne vnto your most excellent Highnes your humble subgettis your pour marchauntis auenturers y where thei had freighted dyuers shippis at Cyuill with dyuers marchaundicis to haue be brught vnto your cite of London on Estir euenow last, Estirlyng^ asitissayd, callyng themself Danes, toke oon of the forsaid shippis I the Downes and haue conueid thesameshipandgoodisasit is sayd to Since, Avhich goodis amount to and more, that it may therfore plese 3'oursaid Highnes the premissis tendjn'iy consider to adresse your gracious Ires missiues vnto the gounors of Flanders and to the compani of Sluse willing and desering the by the same to see the sayd goodis to be restored to your besechers at the reuerence of God and in the way off charyte, and they shall euer prey for the longe preseruacion of your most noble and riall estate. ^ Another Complaynt to the Kynge and the Councel. In ful humble wise shcAvith and besethe vnto 3'our Highnes and noble Lordships your humble supplyant and trewe liege man R. A. of London 131 hab'. that where on Mychelms day the yere of K. H. tlie vij. a ship of this your reame calUd the Xpofur A. wherof your said besecher was tha owner and possessour hidin with dyuers marchaundises saihng vpon y see from Selande towarde this your reame, ther com vpon her oo Hans Van Alton, Estirlyng, than capteyn and reular of a ship calhd y Partrich re- plenshed with men of warre which Hans Van Alton and his company toke the said ship of your sayd besechar and alle the maryiis in her beynof and the ship brought and conueied vnto Camfere in Seland and therof than and there made sale vnto the factour of oon Jhii W. the elder marchaunt of your cite of London, which factor was than at Canfere aforsaid, and for a certayne som of money betwene the said Hans and the said factor than appoyntyd and paid wherupon your besecher made meanes and labor vnto 3^oursayd Highnes for a prouision of restitucio to him to be made of y said ship ther vpon your noble Grace among od' thingis entending restitucion of the said ship to be made to your sayd besecher sent Gartar your kynge off armes, with dyuers marchauntis in missage too the Kyngof Ramays for res- titucion to be had in that partie, the which Kyng of Romayns as your said supplyant vndirstondith hath geuen answere vnto your said messagers that restitucio of the said shipp to your said besecher in thoo partyes may not be made for that the said shypp was bought by the factor of the said Warii, which is subget vnto your Highnesse, and ondir your obeysaiis, so that as now your sayd besechar is without remedy in this behalue, withoutyour gracios Highnes therin to him be shewed. That it may therfore please your Highnesse of your most noble grace, and honorable Lordshippis, the premisses tenderly consydered to calle the sayd Johii W. befor you in examinacion vpon the premisses, and ther vpon ordeyne comaunde and directe that youre besecher maye in this behalue be deuly recompensed and restored for the loue of God, and in y waye of charite, and your besecher shal dayly prey for the conscruacion of your Highnes and of your ful noble Lordshippis. f[ The Answer of J. W. to this By 11. Where as the sayde R. A. by his sayd bille alledgith ageyst your sayd suppliant that the ship comprised i his said bille coveyd as he alledgith in 132 to Cafere in Scland by oon Hans Va Alton was soldo bi the same Hans vnto y factor of your sayd suppliant tha as the sayd Ric. alledgeth be his sayd bille his sayd supplyant for his answere sayth that nether he nor his factor be yonde the see was not at Cafere nor at any other place be yonde the see nor a thys side the see to by the sayd ship of the sayd Has nor off non odir ma for redy money as y said Ri. hath alledged be his sayd byll nor other wise and \vout that the factor of your sayd suppliaunt at tyme of f sayd sale made of the said shipp at Cafere in eny wyse was there, and wout that y said Hans made any sale therof ther to the said factor of your said suppliaunt for a certayne som of money be twene them tha appoynted or paid in maner and forme as y Ric. by his sayd bill hath aleged. And that your said suppliaut and his said factor wil doo it good and be the redy to auerify it as your sayde Hyghnesse by the auyse of your noble Lordis wall awarde. And he humbly besecheth your good grace to be clerly dismissed out of this your excellent courte. ^ The Prouis and Wytnesse of the sayde Ric. Furst as it hath ben shewed whan Garter kynge of armes and Thomas Wynhin marchaunt were withe the Kynge of Romayns on the behalue of our souera3^ne Lorde the King, and there amonge other thingys desyred restitucion of the said shippe the sayde Kynge of Romayns answered vnto hym that belonged noo restitucio by hym tlierof to be made by cause the ship was bought by the subgettj of the Kyng our souerayne Lorde the whiche answere to the Kynge of Romayns the sayd Garter and Thomas Wynhin can testefie yf they be callid and dewly sworne and examyned of y same. (^ Also the sayde Garter vpon his comyng from the Kynge of Romayns com vnto y sayd Ri. shewig y he oweth good wyl vnto y sayd J. War, and therupon prayd y sayde Ric. to she we for his sake fauour vnto the sayd War, for he sayde he knewe well the processe of y lawe wokle passe ayenst the sayde Warii. ^ Also Richard Cloos of London mar- chaiit, yf he be callyd sworne aud examyned can testifye how that afore Cristmas last passyd he beynge att Andwarpe in Brabant had comunica- cion M'yth one W. Vaderwowe whiche as War alledgyth bought the sayd shyp in Zeland of Hans Van Alton that toke her, in whiche connnunica- . cion the sayde W. fad* that W. was son and factor of J. W. thelder of Lon- 133 don armerer. ^ Also the sayde Willra War, son of y sayd John War wrott a lettur to his fader on tyme whiche lettur the sayde R. A. sawe and anionge other ihyngys therin nioued, thatyf the sayd R. A. wolde paye for the sayde shyp the mony that was payd to the rouer, wyth a pot of wyne ouyr, that than he shulde haue ageyn the ship, and ther vpon your sayde besecher oftVed the sayd J. W. the hole price as the ship coste to haue the ship ageyn but that soo to doo the sayde John Warii refused and to proue this trewe the sayd J. W. yf he bee callyd sworne and examyned can shewe wheder he hadde such lettre or not. @[ Also the sayd J. W. grauntyd vnto Willin Warbois of London haburd* whiche hadd the mater in communication betvvene your sayde besecher and the sayd W. that yf youre sayde besecher wolde paye half the price that was payde for the ship to the sayde rouer, and haue half the ship, and suffer the saide John W. or his son W. W. to kepe stylle the other halfe, that than he wolde be agre- able to take that wey and to make it a bargeyne, whiche to doo your sayde besecher refused. And after the sayd Johii denycd his sayde offur made to the sayd Willia Warbois of half the ship as it is afore sayde, than the sayde W. Warbois yf he be callyd sworne and examyned can testifye the same. ^ Also the sayd John War yf he bee sworne and examyned can telle where the gables ankyrs and takelyng of the sayd ship becom after tyme she was weyed and toued to the hauyn at Caleis. ^ Also it is of trouthe that one Willm Segne seruaunt of the sayd J. yf he were called sworne and examined coude not of ryght denay but y he was of councell of beyng of the sayde ship and of vitayling and rigging of her to the see after the sayd being. ^ Also your besecher hath due knowlege from bee yonde the see as well bee writtyng as other vvyse that generally the marchauntis there haue sayd that the ship was Warners ship. How bee it the towne of And- werp wyl nothlg certefy aj-enste hy bee cause he is sworne the sayde Kynge of Romayns subget and freman of Andwerpe and hath laboured for thcym of Andwerp in Normandy to gete ageyn suche goodis as the late lost in the Zelad shippis. @ Also it is of trouthe that the saide William W. occupyed the sayde shyppe and spent her att Caleys in soo moche thatalle the gables sayles and other takell that belongyd to the sayde shyp ether he solde them at Caleis or ellis conueyd them by water vnto Deepe for to serue a Duche shyp whiche the sayde J. Ware had bought there. ^ Item the sayd R. A. saylh that yf the sayd W.Ware were councellyng to the ryg- gyng or vitalyng of the sayde shyp in to Fraunce than the same shyppe 134 muste apperte}'!! to the same Willia for at that seson it was open warre be- Iwene the Frenshe Kynge and the Kynge of Romaynes, and no persone of the juridixion of the same Kinge of Romains auentured hemself in to Fraunce. Beseching this fnl honorable and excellent courte, that y per- sones for wytnesse afore named rnaye be callyd by auctorite of the same courte and of the articles afore sayd duly examyned and therupon accord- ino- to trouthe and good concience to procede in jugement for the loue of God and in y way of charite. H Another Complaynt. H To the Right Honorable Lord the Mayre of this cite and to his Right Worshipful and discret bretherne the Aldirmen of the same. Mekely shewyth vntoyour Lordship and discret wysdoms youre humble oratour Richard A. haburd' of the sayd cite how that in Midsomer terme was twelf monethes by the name of one Johii Samwelle late rent gaderer of the brydge rentis there was a wrytt pursued ayenst your sayde suppliaunt in f comen place att Westmynster in the names of the brydge maystirs that is to saye W. G. and H. B. contrary to ther othes, and to the lybartyes of the cite supposynge bee the same wrytt that your sayde suppliaunt shulde owe vnto theym marc, where in trouthe he owyth therof noo peny. And where your sayde suppliaunt had ordeyned appoynted and deter- myned hym self to bee att Lymster to bye wulles and other fellis for his occupacion ther to doo in the sayde Mydsomer terme whiche is the seesen- able tyme therof. Your sayde supplyaunt by force of the sayde wrytte was arrestyd and muste fynde suertee to kepe his apparaunce in the sayde commen place att suche tyme as he shulde bee att the sayde market. Wherfore he entredyd the sayde brydge maysters of respyte in the mater tyll he myght come home ageyn. ^ How bee it notwythstondyng many resonable offirs to them made in that behalue he myght not be easyd, tyll he hadde leyde downe in pledge for the sayde marke in accion crownes of golde in too the hand is of Herry A. to kepe as in meane hande tyll the sayd mater myght be duli examened and vndirstond wherupon your said suppliant vpon his 135 comynghem from Lenistir aforsayd made diligent sute vnto the sayd brydg- mastyrs for the trouth to be kiiowen in the saj-d matir i so miche at laste they named and chose H. W. toexamyn and fynde y truth of the said mater wherto your said besecher was wcl agreable and so he laboreth continually to the said H. W. for his cnde in this behalue, but the said brigmastirs re- ferred all ther maters to the said Samwell, f which Samwell vpon exami- nacio made by the said H. W. was so fer from reson and trouth in that bihalue that the said H. W. wolde noo ende make I that behalf, so that your said besecher can in noo wise hitherto haue delyueraunce of the said crownes of golde out of the handj of f said H. A. Plese it therfore your good Lordship and discrete wisdoms consideryng that your said besecher was wroged to be sued at come lawe in y names of the said bridgmastirs where he hathe be and is alwey forth comyng within the cite redi to answer to all accions that ca be Icyde ageyst him of trouth, to comaunde the said bridgmastirs to cause the said H. A. to delyuer him ayen the sayd crownes of golde and what soeuer accion that the said brydg mastirs or f said Samwell will ley ayenst your sayd besecher bi the lawe and custume of the cite or any other direccyon that ca be had for ther demande afore your said besecher shalbe redi to answereand obeye att allc tymes wyth the grace of God to whom he shall dayli praye for your good Lordshyp and wurshipfuU reuerence. ^ Another Compleynt. ^ To the Mayre and his wurshipful brethern th'Aldermeu. Humbly besecheth jour good Lordshyp and your honorable brethern, your orator R. A. to consider y behauiour and demenur of M. R. F. now sheref of this cite of Ludon y wher as your sayd besecher after his power hath employed hym self to satisfyc the sayde M.F. the duteey your sayd orator ovvyth vnto y said M. F. he neyther moued wyth pite neyther wyth good conscience, toke an accion of dette ayenst your sayde besecher, and your sayde orator not denyeng the dutce was condemned and jugement passyd, after whiche jugement the sayde mayster F. had awardyd a fiery fecias, for the execucion of the goodis of your oretor, and thus regurously he delyra- 136 But other his crediturs knowinge trcweentent and purpose off youre orator, that is to pay euery man resonably as ferre as hys goodys niaye cxtende wyth drewe ther accions, of whom mayster W. \vas one to this enlent that your oratour bcynge at libartye shulde make y hastyer expedicion for the contacion of his dettis. But than the sayde mayster Fabyan perceyued that tlie sayd accyons were wythdrawen and y of riglit your sayd oratour shuld bee dischargyd from prison entry d serteyn accions of dette ayenst your sayde oratour in ther names to who he ought noomanerdutee, and in ther names whiche were not a knowen nor wylling to the trouble of youre sajde oratour, wiierby your sayde oratur longe tyme hath contynued wrongfully in prysonment by the occasion of the sayde M. Ffj, ageyn right and good consience and cotrary to the laudable of honour and worship. "NVherfore besechythe your good Lordship and your honorable bretheri your said besecher in this mater, it plese your Lordship and your wurship- ful bretheren, to take a direccion for the reformacion of f wrongis don vnto youre orator be the sayd mayster Fabyan, for bythe occasions of suche accions as he vttirly hath coniensyd ayenst j^our besecher other accio hath ben taken ayenst hym to his vtter vndoynge and distruxcion onless y justice and equyle be to hym remedy by the ayde of your Lordship and your wurshipfull brethern wherfore your sayd orator humbly besethe you herin to haue a consideracion as right and equite requireth, and this at the reuerence of God, and youre sayd orator shal euer pray for the prosperyte of your noble estate. ^ Another Compleint. ^ To ther wurshipful Maystirs the Auditours of the Bredge of London. Where Thomas Obmede and R. A. be condempnyd to Edward S. and H. B. in 11. st^ of the whiche money ther is in tenauntis handys, y whiche money we haue none auctorite to geder it, wherfore we beseche your maystership to charge the^^m w^yth this money for the grettest peel of this is in our tenementis handis that we can not recouer it. And that is thorow their defence for wee had founde a tenaunte and profurd hym to theym that wolde haue payed all the hole dett and foude them sufficient sucrte for the rente y was to come. Moreouer we aske alowaiTice of 11. 137 that E. S. hath resseuyd of the tenementis for the whiche we stonde chargeable, that is to saye of the baker in Crokyd Lane, in bred xv. s. of th'abbot of the Tourhil for quyt rente, s, of the chambyrlayne of Ponies, s. and of R. B. soiii li. s. so thees deducted of f soin aboue, li. s. For the whiche R. A. besechith you that it may bee departyd, that euery of vs may bee chargeable for his part, and so that it be deseuyrd, I wyll charge me w more than half by li. s. and E. S. owyth hym that is boude aswell as I li. s. and soo shall they not be charged wyth Edmede, but right lytel whiche drawyth s. Item we beseche your maystershyp that E. S. and H. B. may be bounde to auowe alle manner accions and sutis that we shall take in the names ayenst the same reragj for we haue noo specyalte to shewe therfore. fl The Ordynaunce of the Cite for TenauntJ of Houses what thingis they shall not remeue att theyr departinge. Intrat' in libro cum littera G. folio C. Ixxiiij. tempore Ade Bury tunc Majoris A°. Reg^ Edwardi Tei'cij. xxxix. ^ Ordinatum est quod si aliquis codicat tentm vel domos in ciuitate Louden vel in subbarbijs eiusdem ciuitatis tenendum ad tcrminum vite vel annorum vel de anno in annum vel de q'rterio in q'rteriu, si huius in- teneus aliqua appencia seu alia asiamenta in huiusmodi tentiuf vel in domi- bus fecerit, eciam ad mereniu? dcoK tiito^ vel domos clauos fcrios aut ligneos attachiamet nolicebit tali tenenti huiusmodi appecicia seu asia- menta in fine terminu vel aliquo alio tempore abradicare sed semper per- manebut diio soli vt percelli eiusdem. 13a ^ A Confirmacion of the same Acte be the Mayre and Aldermen. Where as nowe of late amonge dyuers people was sprongen a mater of dowt vpon the most olde custume had and vsed in this cyte of Lodon of suehe thingis which by tenatis terme of lyf oryeris ben affixed vnto houses wythout speciall licence of the ownar of the soyle, whether they owe or remayne vnto the ownar of the soyle as percell of y same or ellis wheder it shalbc lefull vnto such tenauntis on thende of her terme, all such thingis affixed to remeue. Wherupon olde bokis seen, and many rccordis olde processis and iugementis of the sayde cyte, it was declared by the Mayre and th' Adermen for an olde prescribed custum of the cyte aforesayde. That alle suche easmentis fixed vnto houses or to soile by suche tenement^ wythout special and cxpresse lycence of the ownar of the soile. Yf they be affixed w nayles of irne or of tree as pentises glasse lockis benchis or ony suche other, or of ellis yf they bee affixed w morter or lyme or of erther or ani other morter as forneis leedis candorus chemjmeis corbels pauemetlis or such other, or ellis yf plantj be roetid in the groud as vynes trees graffe stoukj trees of frute &c. yt shal not be leeful vnto such tenauntis in y ende of her terme or any other tyme therin nor any of them to put away moue or pluk vp in any wyse, but y they shall alwey remayn to the owner of the soyle as percels of y same soyle or tenement. fl The Copy of y Othe yeue to f Mayr and Aldirmen y tyme of Kyng Herre the vi. The furst day of May in the xij. yere of the reigne of Kj^ng Herre the vi. The othe was yeuen to the Mair and Aldirmen of the cyte of London bi the kyng^ councel i this maner folowing and the same othe Avas yeuen to alle the lordis and estatis of the lode spiritual and tempall. ^ In eschewing of ryattis excessis and mysgouernaunce ayenst the Kygis 139 estate and ayensi his lawes and in example ycuing of restfust rule and good gouernaile here aftir to all his subgettis. It is aduised ap- poyted and agreed, that noo lord of the sayd councel, nor non odur of what estate degree or condicion he be, shall wetygly ressayue cheryshe holde in housolde ne may tcine pelers oppressurs of the peple man- slears felons outlawes rauishars of women aienst the lawe vnlawfull hunt- ters of forestis parkj or wareyns or any other ope euil doers or any od' openly named or famed for such to his innocence be declared and that non other bi colour or occasion of feofFement of the yeste of good meueable passed b}' dede nor other wyse any of the said lordis or other shal take any othe menys causes or quareis. In fauour supportacion mayntenaunce as by wordis by messagis by wrytyng of officers iuge iure nor party by yeftis of his clothing lyuery or takyng in to seruise the party ned' councellid ayenst any iuge or officer idingnacion or displesaunce for doyno- of his office I fourme of lawe and that they shal kepe this not only in her persones but that they see that alle other in her contreys as myche as in hem is and their s'uautis all other as be vnder he of lesse estate doo the same. And they that doo the contrary make hem wout delay leeue it or ellis put hem awey from hem. H The Nombre of Pish Chirches, Townesand Bisshopriches and Sherys in Englande, and J Copasse of the Lande. ^ Tlie Nombre of ^ Parishe Chirchyse and Towwnyse in England. Ther ben in England of perish chirches thenombre of xlviij. M. viij.C. xxij. §[ Also ther ben in England of townes besyde citces and castels to the nombre of lij. M. Ixxx. 140 ^ The nombre of bishopriche schyrese in Englande. ^ Also ther ben of byshopriches in England xvij, Itm tlier ben of shires or countees i England the nombre xxxvi. di. ^ The Lengeth and the Brede of England. M The lengeth of England is from Tateney in the marche of Scotland to Totnes in Deunshir iiij. C. myles. i ^ And the brede from Selnt Dauys in Wales vnto Douir iij, C. mylen. ^ And England is I compace roiid aboute iiij. M. iij. C. Ix. mylis. fl The Copye of a Carete cnmpasyng the Circiiet of the Wolde and the Compace of eiiery Yland comprehendid i the same. In the generall hystories of Rome and cronycles maketh mencyon of alle cronycles of the worlde and specially of the vij. bookes hystoryall thatse Alpheg^ oft' Castel that was chosen empsone for his gret wisdom, com- piled out of y vij. bok^ all the lyf of Hercules with y- councell of Claudeo Tholomeo that copiled out C. xxxvij. book^. This Arcules was y son of Jupiter Kyng of Grece and of Almena by y Quene of Thebes. Also Tito- lenoo that hath breuied all y annuell storys of Rome makyg mencion of the iiij. powers empyell that ben in the worlde. ^ And in that partye, that is to say in the este party of the worlde that was the furst empire in Pertya in y tyme of Nyu? and of Gynus and of Serfes and of Sarys and of Antyochus and many odur gret kyng' reynyng in the este. 141 |[ The second empire was in y northe party of the worlde, that is to sey in Grecya. In the tyme of Herkules and of Phelip of IVIesscdon and of Alexander and of Pierus Kynge of Pjrotis and of many other gret kyngi reynyng in Grecya. ^ The thredde empyre was in the southe that is to sey in An fry k, in the tyme of Cola King of Lybya and of Aserewball and of Amylkare and of Ancy and of Amylkare the yonger y fader of Grece Hanyball and of As- drewbal his brod' and of mani gret kyng^ reynyng in AnfrykJ. f[ The iiij. empere was in the weste that is to sey at Rome and of Italj^e in the tyme of RomaUis y made Rome and of Marco Furcanullo and of Marco Coriliano and of Gret Sypio Aftrecano and of Sypyon Humantyno and of gret Silla and of gret Pompio and Jidyus Cezar, was the furst tyrant and of Octauyan that was y furst crowned empour, and of Cons- tantyno the son of Seint Heljai and of many other kjmg^ in y wcste partie. Julyus Cezar was on of y i-^- worthies of the worlde in armes and co- questj that he made and wond' wise in all thingj that tyme vsed he in his tyme to enserche and mesured the worlde in legeth and breede and ded make therof gret bok^, and of all the parties cotrais andpuincj and wodres in hem conteyned. And that booke acorded to Bartilmew, and to Marcus Paulus and Claudens Tholomeiis add to the gret Arystotell that went with. Kynge Stondig and ben proued trewe be mani diuers resonable prouingis but I haue nedur lust ne leysour to copy alle tho book^, but of all the substance that me lyked best to lere and to knowe for to make shortly mencio of all the parties of the worlde as T vndirstond aftir mi auctres that the worlde is rounde aboute bi the occ yan see xxiiij. M. mylez of assice of Rome and viij. M.mylethwarte ouerand iiij.M.myle to themidel there Jerlin stondith, and there dcptith the worlde in iiij. parties. Est West North and South. ^ Furst the party of the worlde is to A^ndirstond fro the north to the south est all aboute by the cost^ of the occya see by the est parly and tlieis be names and prouinc^ of the est quater of the worlde Ynde Maior Ynde Medyan and the most part' of Ynde Mynor and Sanre Corneto Etliopia 142 Azonas Grecia Apyonya Mcsapotaneo Sakas Confides Mede f more Ama- sona Alboiiia and a gret parte of Percia, the contray of Babel. ^ The sothe quartir of the worlde is from the south est to the southe west, by y costis of the Oxya see on y southe partyc and thes by the names and prouincis in the soutlie party of y workle, Ynde My nor there the most maruelous ben of dyuers shap of pepull and many other gret wonders and therr it is so hot burnyng y noo ma may duelle therefor the gret hete of the Sonne and genophif^ and there be trees of the sonnc and otF the mone and brakmana meros hebricos gysonas merdos bubogras there they growitli and the yle of Clcophas the peple haue no hedis, and AfFricabiUa Babilo- nia Neubra Arrabia Ethiop and parte of Barbary and parte of Sury. ^ The west quartir of the worlde is from the south west to the north ■west alaboute the costis of the Oxya see in the west party and thes bi the names and prouincis of the west pie of the workle and the mare media that some men callen the GreekJ see and that is in the west quartir of the worlde a parte of Mare Mayor that lyeth betwix Turkye and Tartary and there lyeth a gret parte of Barbari and of Belmere that is be south yStreit) Jebalter and be north y Streits Jebalt' theis be y puicj fur Ilyspania y is see y reame of Castel and Lyos Dragone Catalayne Garnate Portlgale Algarue Cales Byskay and Nauerne and Gallya is to vndirstond Fraunce Guyan Prouince amorous Bretayne Normandy Picardy Turayne Lorayn Euorgon Sauoy Almayne that is to vndirstond alle the honor of the empire from the Oxian see to the mount Gadarde on bothe the parties of the water of Rync. The citees of thempire aforsaid ben theis Aeon Coleyn Mes Tryre Frankforth Strawisborught Basyle and Constans, and so forthe to the mountays of Almayne and Bayer Sweuen Ostrich Demarke Boeme Norwey Swccya Pomar Pruce, Saxson Friseland Holland Gellerland Bra- bant Flaunders England Wales Scotland Irland and the out iles of Orbenay Gutland Seland, Iseland Fryseland and many other smale iladis y be i y^ party ot'the Oxcyan see and Italya is to vndirstonde Pymond Lumbardy Fryol and y markis of Trenisane Romayne Tuskane de patrimon of Rome. The duke of Splate y marke of Aeon, the reame of Naples and Poyle, Tarat' Calebre the ile of Serle and f ile of Sardyne and Grecia is to vndirstonde Romenay Tracia Tessalya Athenas Sallydon Thobas Aquaya, 143 that now is called the principalite of Murre Albania and all the ile of the Archypelago the ile of Sjpre Rodes Grece that now is callid Candy, Curfu Chiffolonia Jacento Nygrepoiat Lango Calanjo Palamose Nyporey Ixeo Methlonie Andre Stalahto and many other iles within the Archpelago that is f Gulf be twix Grese and Turkye that cometh from the Grekes see in to the grete see before Constantynople, thorow the brace of Seynt George- And theis ben the names and prouincis be twixte Grece and y Oxcian see, toward the north west parte that is too say Hungary Polony Russe Ramy Gallacy Ludwary Conieny Blylgary Blagy Ccrny Slawny and a parte of Turky and a parte of Surri and the Avest parte of the worlde. ^ The northe quartar of the worlde ys for to vndirstande from y northe ■west to the north est by the Oxcyan see on the northe partye and thcs be the names and prouincis in y north quartir of the worlde, a parte of Russi Lectony Tartary Parcy the lesse Media Ermenya y more there stondith yet the arke of Noe vpon the moiit Arake and Germynia the lesse that gothe to the Grekj see i the north quarter of the worlde tliat f most parte oft' Turky is I, that is to sey the reame of Frygy there that grete citee of Troy stondith and the reame of Lydia and Pompsilia Cilica Ponto, there now duellis the Empour of Tripasand y is a Greke and Kinge George Sa- nostoply that is a cryste ma and holdilh of the Pope of Rome, and his landis ioyneth Tartari on the on sydc and with thempor of Trapasond on the other at the est ende of the GregJ see and also in the north quartir is yn Asarya Lismaco and a gret parte of Surre, there was Antioche the grete cite there the prince of Antyoch dwellid. ^ Venys stondith from Flaunders est and be south viij. C. myle, and next cours by the see from Flaunders I to Jaf is this fro Sluse to Caleis Ixx. myles fro Caleis to Bewchef Ixxx. mylez from Bewchef to Lezarde CC. Ix. myles fro Lezard to Cape Fenestir vi. C. 1. myles fro Cape Fenestir to Lys- bone CC. Ixxx. myles fro Lysbone too Cape Seint Vincent to the Stract^ CC. xl. myles fro y Street^ of Jebalt' to the ile of Sardyn xi. C. myles fro Malfitana in Sardy to Jnalta iiij. C. and Ix. myle from Jnalta by the cours of Sarogogora and Sysil to saile to Jaf in Surry is M. viij. C.myles from Jaf to Baft'a in Sipre to y Castel Roge CC. xx. myles from y Castel Roge to Rodes C. myle fro Rodis to Candi CC. 1. myles fro Candy to Modo CCC. myles fro Modo to Corfu iij. C. myles fro Corfu to Venes vij. C. myles. 144 ^ The lengetb of coost J of Surre by the see coeste, is from the gulf of Eniiony to the gulf Dalaryse nexte the southe and be west fro Lasary to Ryse is v. C. xx. myles y is to vndirstonde from Lazary in Ermony to Sadyn y Cometh fro y ryuer comyng from Antioch Ixx. myles, and fro Saldyne to f porte of Lycha nexte y south L. myles fro Lycha to y porte of Tortosa southe L. myle fro Tortosa to y porte of Trj^pol southe xl. myles fro Barnte to Acres southe and by west Jxx. myles fro Acres to port Jaf south and be west Ixx. myle fro porte Jaf to port de Larysa south south west C. XXX. myles fro Damy at Laryza in Surre to Damyat in Egipte C, Ixxx. myles fro Damyat to Babylone Alchaier Ixxx. miles and fro Damyat to Alexander C. 1. myles. The lengeth of y Mare Maior is fro y gulf Seint George i middes of y gulf that is be twixt Trapaz and Sanastopoly vnto y porte of Mesembre Avest fro Seint George M. Ix. myles. @ The breed of y west endc is fro the brase Saint George at Constantjm- nople vpon y reuer of Danabes next y north fro Saint Georges brace is v. C. Ix. myles from Pero to Caffa in Tartary north est vi. C. myles fro Caffa to y StractJ of y Tane north est C. myles. The gulf of y Tane is a boute vi. C. miles the cape of Caffo is aboute vi. C. myles fro f hed of y Tane to Sanastopoly iiij. C. myles fro Sanastopoly to Trapasond and by west CC. 1. myles, fro Tapasond to Synopya next the southe iiij. C. xxx. myles fro S3'nopya to Pero next y west and south west CC. and xxx. myles from Pero to Messembre next y north west CC. xxx; fro Messembre to Mancro north north est CCC. Ix. myles fro Mancro Castro to Danobia north est C. xxx. myles fro Danobro too y Stract^ of Caffa next y est ij. C. myles. The ile of Sypre is a boute v. C. miles, y ile of Rodes is aboute C. Ixxx. myles, the ile of Lage is aboute Ixxx. myles, the ile of Negrepount is aboute iij. C. myle, the ile of Cecilia is a boute vij. C. mile, the ile of Sardyne is aboute vij. C. myle, the ile of Mayorke is aboute CC. myle, the ile of Gret Bretayn is aboute ij. M. myle, the ile of Irland is aboute M. vij. C. myle, the princi- palite of Murre is a boute vij. C. myles. 145 H The hoole Pardon of Rome granted be dyuers Popes and the Stacios that ben there. From y begynyng of y worlde vnto y tyme y Rome was furst made was iiij. M. iiij. C. xlix. yeres and fro y tyme y Rome was made vnto f Natiuite of our Lorde Iliu Cryste vij. C. 1. yeres. ^ In y cite of Rome be iiij. C. chirches in which is masse dayly don but ther ben vij. of the same priueleged aboue all the other which gret holines pardon as is here aftir shewid. ^ The furst is called Salt Petr? chirch th'Appostel and is set vpo y^ fot of an hill and men goo vpward thcrtoo a steyre of xxix. steppes high and as oft as a ma goth vp and downe j steyer he is relesid of y seuenth parte of penaiice inioyned granted by Pope Alysad'. ^ Itin as ye com before the chirche ther y well sporyngeth so may ye see aboue y- dore an ymage of our Lorde and betwcne his feet stondilh on of y^ pece that God was solde for and as ofte as ye loke vpon that peny ye haue xiiij. C. yeris of pardon. ^ Itin in y same cliirge on the right side is a pilour that was somtyme off Salamons temple at which pylour our Lord was wont too rest him whan he preched to y peple at which pelour if ther any be frentyf or made or troubled with spyritt^ they be deliuered and made hoole. And in that chirch be xi. aulters, and at euery aulter is xlviij. yere of pardon and as many lentes or quarys and vij. of thoo aulters ben seuerally priuelegyth with gi'ace and pdon. At the furst aulter is f vysage of our Lorde who loketh vpo that hathe vij. C. yere of pardon. Itin at the same aulter is the spere y Crist was parced Avith whiche was brought from Costatynenople sent fro the gretTurke to Pope Innocent the viij. The second aulter is of Saint Andrew there ye haue v. C. yere of pardon. The iij. aulter is of Saint Gregory there ye haue iiij. C. yere of pardon. e y iiij. ault' is of our Lady ther is vij. C. yere pardon. u 146 The V. aulter is of Saint Leoo there he ressaiued the absolucion in hit masse fro Heuyn and there is vij.C. yere off pardon. The vi. aulter of All Soules and there is v. C. yere of pardon. And euery hight fast an soule out of purgatory. The vij. aulter is of Saint Simond and Jude there is vi. C. yere of pardo. ^ And before the quyer dore stand ij. yrne crosse whoo kysseth thoo crosses hatla v. C. yere of pardon. Itm vpo our Lady day in Lete is hanged a fore f quyer a clothe f our Lady made her self, and it hangeth stille til our Lady day Assumpcio and as many tymes as a man be holdith it hathe iiij. C.yere of pardon. Also as many tymes as a man goethe thorow the croudes at Saint Peters chirche hath iiij.C. yeres of pardon. And as often as a man folow the sacrament to the syke bodies hathe xiiij. C. yere of pardon. Also Pope Siluesler grauntyd to all theym y dayly gothe to the chirche of Saint Peter the iij. parte of alle his synnes releced, and all aduowers and promyse re- Icced and all synnes forgete releced and forgeuen, except leynge hande vpon fader and moder violetly, and abouc this is grautyd xxviij. C. yere of pardon, and the merytis of as many lentis or karjns. The knowlege of a karyn ye shal fynde it in the ende of this bocke. And in y feste of Saint Peter a M. yere of pdon and as many karyns. And the thredden del of penaunce enioyned releced. And from th'Assencion day of our Lorde in to th'Assumption of our Lady ye haue xiiij. C. yere of pardon and as many karyns and foryefenes of the iij. parte of alle synnes. And vpon the one syde of Salt Peters chirche lyeth a chirchyard and that is called Godis felde and there bethe buryed youre pylgryms and none other and it is the lande that was bought wyth the xxx. pens that our Lorde Avas solde fore as ofte as a ma goth vpon that grounde he hath xv. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Poule wythout the walles ye haue xlviij. M. yere of pardon, ^ Item in the day of his conuercion C.yere of par- don. Q Item on Childermesse day iiij. M. yere of pardon. ^ Item on the vtas of Saint Martyn whan the chyrche was halowed xiiij. M. yere of pardo and as many karyns and the thred parte of all synnes releced. Also whoo that visite the chirche of Saint Poule two Sondayes doth as moche as he went to Saint James and come ageyne. 147 ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Laurece wythout the walks there Ijetli ^ body of Saint Laurence and of Saint Stephan and att the hygh aulterye haue xviij. M. yere off pardon and as many karyns. And who that visyte the other aulters hath att eche aulter vij. M. yere of pardo, and as many kareyns. Also the Pope Pelagius graunted there att iiij. festis of the yere at eche feste vij. C. yere of pdon and as many karyns and who that goth thether euery Wednysdai he delyueryd a soule out of purgatory, and hym self quyte of all synnes. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Crucis ther is a chambre or a chappel win that Pope Siluestre named Jherusalem there is the bonde that Cryste was led aV to his crucifyeng, and there ben ij. sausers the one is ful of Ihs bloode and the other is full of oure Ladyes mylke and the sponge wherin •was mengyd eysell and galle. And one of the nayles that Ihs was nay led wyth on the crosse and a parte of the blocke that Saynt Johii his hed was smeten of vpon and two amies the one of Saint Peter the od' off Saint Poule. Ite ther stondyd a cheir in whiche Pope Accensiiis -.vas martred, and to all theym that sitte in that cheir he yaue C. M. yere of pardon and as many karyns and euery Sonday a soule out of purgatory, and the thrcd- den dele of al synnes releced. ^ Item in the same chirche is a grete parte of one of the crosses, y one of the theuis was put on y was crucifyed ■wyth Cryste. H Item in y same chirche is y tytell of Cryst whiche that was in Latyn Ebrewe and Greke, whiche was founde in the tyme of Pope Innocent, in the same chirche the viij. Pope of his name in the vij. yere of his regne to the whiche the same Pope hath graiited grete pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Mari Mayor ther stondyth on the hygh auter the hed of Saint Jheronimus, and there ye haue xiiij. M. yere of pdon as many karynes. And on the other auter on the ryght hand ther is the cradell that Ihs laye in, and of oure Ladyes mylke and a grete parte of the holy crosse, and of man}' od' bodyes seintis. And there ye haue xix. M. yere of pardon and as mani karyns. And Pope Nicholas the iiij. and Saint Gregory eche of them grated therto x. M. yere of pardon, and as many karyns, and from th'Ascecion of oure Lorde vnto Cristmas ye haue there xiiij. M. ycres of pardon and as many kareyns, and f thred parte of all synnes releced. 148 ^ Item in the cliirche of Saint Sebastian wythout the towne, there is a place that Pope CaHxt named Takindas there the aungeli appered and spack to Gregory the Pope. In that place is forgefnes of all synnes and all penaunce. Att the hygh auter is graunted xxviij. C, yere of pardon, and as many karyns. And who that conieth too the fyrste aulter that stondith in the chirche hath xxiiij.C, yere of pardon, and there is a sellare or a vaute, there lyeth buried xlix. Popes that dyed alle martyrs, whooso comyth fyrste in to that place delyueryth viij.soules out of purgatory of suche as he moste desyrcth and as moche pardon therto that all the worldc can not nombre nor reken, and euery Sonday ye delyuer there a soule out of purgatory. And in that sellar stondyth a pytt there Saint Peter and Saynt Poule were hyd in CC, 1. yere that noo man wyst where thei were becom, and who that puttith his hed in to that pytt and takyth it out ageyne is clene of all synnes. Pope Gregory and Siluester and Pope ISicholas and Pope Pelagius and Pope Honori? eche of hem grauted to the same place M. yere of pardon and as many karyns. Also there lyelh the bodys of dyuers od' holy psones wliiche were to loge to write of And so the grace y is at Saint Sebastias is grouded y it can not be taken away. ^ Ite in y chirche of Saint Mary Mayor afore written, afore the quyer is the ymage of our Lady Avhiche Seint Luke dyd peynte whiche ymage Seit Gregor}' d3'd bere from Saint Mary Mayor to Saint Peters the Appostle and so comyng afore the castel of Saint Aiigel he see an angell i f h3ght of y castel hauig i his hande a burninge sworde, and wyth hym a greate multitude of aungels, whiche songe afore that ymage. ^ Regina celi letare &c. Answering Saint Gregory. Ora pro nob' deum allia. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint John Latrynens the Pope Siluester yaf therto as many yere of pardon, as it reyned droppes of water the day that he halowed the same chirche. And that tyme it reyned so sore that noo man had seen a gretter rayne before that daye. And whan he had graunted this, he thought in hym selfe whedyr he had soo moche power or not. ^ Thenne ther came a voyce from Heuen, and sayd. Pope Siluester thou hast power inough to yeuethat pdon, and God graunted thus moche therto. That and a man had made auowe too Jherusalem and lacked good to doo his pilgrimage yf he go from Saint Peters chirche to Saint J. Latrynes he 149 shalbe dischargid and haue absolution of that promise. And on}- tyme that a man conieth to Saint John Latrj-nes, he is qu3'te of all S3-nnes and of all penaunce w that, that he be penytent for his sinnes. Blyssed is the moder that bereth the chylde that heryth masse on Saterdayes at Saint Johri Latrynes for he delyuaryd all them that he desyreth out of purgatory too the nombre of Ixxvij. soules. ^ Item vpon the on tour of the chirche stondyth a double crosse y was made of the swerde that Saint Johii was be- heded wyth, and at euery tyme that a man beholdith that crosse he hath xiiij. M. yere of pardo and as many karynes of all penaiice, and at y high aulter ye haue remisshion of all sines and of all penuce and inumerable pdo, more tha he nedeth for hym self. There is the graue that Seint Johii laide him self yn whan he hath sayd masse, and than com a gret light ouer the graue and whan that light was goo than funde they noo th>^ng there but heuynl}' bred. In that graue cometh euery Good Fryday in the nyght y holy creme and oyle, and he y putteth theryn his hed he hath an C. M. yer of pardo and as many karynes. And behynde the hygh aulter slondith a cheyr which that God sat yn and whoo that sitteth therin hath the iij. pte of all hys synnes releced. ^ And who that visitethe alle yodiraulters hath at eche aulter xliiij.C. yer of pardo, and as mani kar^'nes, and on the oon side of the chirch ther is a sacryfice j- is at Seynt Johii Baptist aultar, there is the table that our Lordeete att vpon Madi Thurrysday and also the tables of stone w the x. comandemetis that our Lord yaf to Moyses vpon the mount of Synai and many other relyques that beloged to our Lorde out of Heuyn, iiij. square, ther is in that of y v. barly loues and of the twoo fyshes, and also ther is our Lad^'es keuyrchese. Also ther is f heuynlj' bred that was funde in Seint Johii graue, in that offrlg you haue relece of all sinnes and of alle penance. Item in y same chirch on the high aulter be y hedis of Saint Peter and Paul and the hed of Zacharie the pphet fader of St. Johii Baptiste, w dyuers odyr reliquys. Ite in the same chyrch yard standith a chapel that is cailid Seta set 6c ther is y face of our Lorde there may ye haue xiiij. M. yere of pdo and as man}^ karynes, and whan the Emperour Constatyn? was crystened tho spake h\e to Pope Sil- uester, in \' that I hauegeue my hous to y vurship of God graunte you mekly hvs grace to all them that wyllvnglv cometh to thvs towne, thoo answerd the Pope Siluester, our Lord IhuCriste that be his gret mercy hath purged yo of your gret lazarye he mut purge all the y visiteth this chyrch of all her sinne and of all ther penaiice, he that wil not beleue this may goo to Seint Johii 150 Latrynes before ^ quyer dore, and there he may see in a marbil sto all y ys wry ten here. From Seint Ihes day i to Schorouetid all this pardo is doubled, and fro Schrouetyd vnto Ester ^ pardo is thre folde double, blyssid ys he that may deserue to haue this pdon, and in the same chapel aboue sayd may com noo women. Item aboue that chapel on the lefte syde are steppis wich soratymc ware at Jei-l'm, and who soo goth vp tho steppis on his knees he delyuereth oo soule out of purgatory. Item in the chirch of Saint Eustace there ye may haue relece and pardo of alle sinne, and that ys shreuen and repetat of his sinne he hath a M. yere pardo, and as many karynes. Here folow the knowelege what a Karyne ys. It is too goo wulward and barfott vij. yere. Item to fast on bred and watter the Frydaj' vij. yere. Item in vij. yere not too slepe oo nyght there he slepith a nother. Ite in vij. yere, nott to com vndir noo couered place but yf it bee too here masse in the chyrch dore or porche. Ite in vij. yere nott to ete nor dryncke out of noo vessel but in the same that he made hys avow in. Item he that fulfilleth alle thes poyntis vij. yere duryng, dothe and wynnethe a Karjme, that ys to sey a Lenton. Thus may a man haue at Rome gret pardo and soule helth, blessed be thoos pepul and yn good tyme borne that ressajveth thes graces and wel kepith them, of the which pardo and grace our Lord Ihesu Crysti mot grant toeueri good Cryste man, Amen. Hjl Here folow j Idulgece y is graunt to other lowar chyrches m Rome. ^ In y chirch of Saint Peter ad Vlcula the wich Pope Pelagius cosecratand ther to grauted remissios of all sin f furst day of August be y prayer of y son of Theodorus Eperour which brought^ chayne from Jh'rmy St. Peter J' Apostel wasse bounden w. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Viti and ModestiandCres- sencie and Marcello and other of f nombre of v. M. martirs the bodyes of whom were slayne in the same place in the tyme of Antonius Emperour and there is grauntcd C.yere of pardon, and as many karyns and foryefnes off the iiij. parte of all synnes, and there is a j)lace that is a uawte there lyed the body of Saynt Silucster the Pope and is graunted viij. C. yere of pardon, and as many karyncs and remission of the iij. parte of all sinnes. 151 H Item in the chirchc of all th'Appostles is euery day a yere of pardon, and euery feste of on of tli'appostles iij. C. yere of pardon. ^ Item in thechirche De QuatuorCoronatoc is xl. yere indulgence, and in the festof Seint Juliane is C. yere of pardon, ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Felix is a M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Orsy is a C. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Marcellyn and Peter is a M. yere of pardon. @[ ItiTi in the chirche of Saint Marcellin is a M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Cire and Johiies is remission of the iiij. parte of all synnes. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Johii and Paule is M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saynt Eustace where his body lythe his wyf and his two sonnes is M. yere of pardon. HI Item in the chirche of Saint Bartylmew, where his body lyeth, and the body of Saint Pawlyn is M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Aungell is a M. yere of pardon. f|[ Item in the chirche of Saint Gregory is iij. C. yere of pardon, and in the same chirche who so euer be buryed therin shal neuer be dampned. ^ Item in the chirche of Seint Augustin is M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saynt Jeroni'- mus is M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Alerius there his body lythe is ij M. yere of pardon. |[| Item in the chirche of Saint Saluator Decline is xi. C. yere of pardon and xl. dayes. ^ Item in y ehappel of iij. wellis there as Saint Poule was beheded is M.yere of pardo and as many karynes and the iij. parte af al synnes releced. |[ Item att Saint Saluator in the way to Saint Poules is C.yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Siluester is M. yere off pardon, and there is the hed of Saint J. Baptiste. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Jacob de Sitignam is M. yere of pdo and y iiij. pte of all synnes releced, and ther is the hed of Saint James y^ Appostel. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Nicholas de Carcerib' is C. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint James in Pticaiij. C. yere of pdo, and as many lentis. ^ Ite in the hospital of Spiritis vij. C. yere of pdon, and y vij. pte of all synnes releced- ^ Ite in ^ chirche of Saint Michael is ij. M, yere of pdo. ^ Ite in f chirche of Saint Mathew is ij. C. yere of pardon, and there is his arme and the arme of Saint Cristofere. ^ Item in the chirche of Seit Celoy is C. yere of pardon and there is y finger of Saint Nicholas the Bisshop and the fote of Mary Magdalene. @[ Item in the chirche of Seint Simplici and Faustinus is v. M. yere of pdon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Anastacius in the way to Saint Poules is M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Thomas is M. yere of 152 pardon. And there is solentesse the stoles of the Romaynes. ||[ Item in the chirche of Saint Johii Portlatyne is one soule delyuerd out of purgatory. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Xp5fur is C. yere of pardon. |[ Item in the chirche of Saint Appolynaris is C. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Benet is C. yere of pardon. ^ Item in y chirche of Saint Andrew is M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche off Saint Cosma is M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Symond and Jude is M. yere off pardon. ^ Item in the chapel that is called Oiiequo vadis, be f steppys of the fot of oure Lord Ihu Criste and there is M. yere of pardon. ^ Itm in the chirche of Saint Johii and James is M. yere of pardon. f[ Item in the chirche of Saint Bernard is CCC. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Luke is M. yere of pardon. |||[ Item in the chirche of Saint Marke is M. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Seint Pantheleon is xlviij. yere of pardon. ^ Item in the chirche of Saint Paucrace, is C. yere of pdo. ^ In the Chirches of oure Lady called Minoris Ecclesie. In the chirche of oure Lady called Rotunda is euery Frydaye in the yere, and in the feste of Alholowyn remission off alle synnes, whiche chirche was edefyed by one called Agryppa in the wurship of Cibylla and Venus and Neptym that tymes called goddes and al od' tha called goddes and y tyme was named Pantheon, and made there the ymage of Cibylles in golde. And after that in the tyme of Pope Boniface he seeng y temple edefyed in the name of thoos goddis, he desyred of th'Emperour than beyng the yefte of the teple the which grauted it to y Pope tha y Pope w grete multytude of the people of Rome dedicat that place the fyrste kalendas of Nouembrein the wurship off our Lady and alle Saintis, and made an auter and sayd masse there himself and mynistred the sacrament to the people, and the morow after sayde masae in the same place for alle soules past. ^ Item in the chirche off onre Lady called Trusciberimo, where as the Avelle of oyle breketh vp in the Natiuite of oure Lady, is vij. C. yere of par- don, and in Lcnte iiij. C. yere. ^ Item in the same chirche are the steppes of Odraphyn prented in the stone whiche was founden vpon f castell of Saint Aungell. ^ Item in the same chirche is one of y V. ymag^ of our Lady which Seint Luke ded paynte. 153 ^ Itm 1 the ctiirch of our Lady called Ara Cely the which somtynie was the chainbre of Octauian? and there he saw in his visio a fair viro-ine i Heuen stondyng vpon an aultir holding a childe i her amies of y whech he marueled sore and than he herde a voyce from Ileuin sayng, Ilec Ara Cell filij Dei est. And anon he fel to the grounde and wurshipped Cryste, and beleucd in hys comyng, this vision he had i his chabre where is now the chirch of Saint Mary i Ara Celi nyhe to the chapel of Sibilla and therfore it is callid Saint Mary in Ara Cely where is now a chirch of friers niynors and there is iij. M. yere of pardon and as many ientes. Itin vndir the same chirch is a p'son where Saint Peter was inprysoned where is now a fair chapel, in y chappel is a pitte in which pitte Seint Pet' ded baptyse many marters and Seint Peter was led out of that prison hi f aungel and there is gret pardon. ^ Itin in the chirch of Seint Mary y Newe is on of the v. ymagis of our Lady that Seint Luke ded paynte and T that chirch is M. yere of pardon, and in Lente ij. C. yeres. Itin in the chirch of Saint Mary Trasipadine at y ij pylours to which wag bounden Saint Peter and Seint Paule is iij. C. yere of pardon. |[[ Itm in the chirch called Seint Mary de Campo is xl. yere of pardon. ||[ Itin in the cherch of Seint Mary in Particas is ij. C. yere of pardon, &cj. ^ Itin in the chirch of our Lady de Aqua salina is M. yere of par- don and 1 f day of cosecracion of f same is remission of alle synnes, Itm in y chirch of our Lady de Apl'o is ij. C. yere of pdon. Itm in f chirch of Saint Mary called Scala Greca is C. yere of pardo. Chirches of other SaintJ. m In the chirch of Saint Agnes is euery day xlviij, yere of pardon ande i the Feste of f same Saint ij. C. yere of pdon. Itin in the chirch of Salt Susanne is iij. C. yere of pardo. Itrii I the chirche of Saint Tabyne the wyf ofif Seint Alex? is ij. M. yere of pardon and as many karyncs. Itin in y chirche of Saint Praxedis is remission off the iiij. parte of all synnes, X I 154 and there is the pelour that Cryst was boude to and that beten. Itfn in y chirch of Seit Kateryne is ij. C. yeris of pardon. Itm in the chirch of Saint Felicis is xl. yeris of pdo. Itm in y chirch of Salt Barbara is C. yere of pardon. Itin in the chirch of Saint Lucie is C. yere' off pardon and as many lentes, and y iij. parte all synnes foryeuen. Itin in the chirch of Saint Elyzabelh is C.yere of pardon. Itm in the chirch of Saint Pnille is a M. yere of pardon. Itiii in the chirch of Seint Mary Magdalen is C yere of pardon and as many karynes. Itiii in y chirch of Selt Clare is C. yere of pardon. Itiri in y chirch of Seint Vinniane is iij. M. yere of par- don, and in Lente v. M. yere of pardon. Itiii in the chirch of Seit Agathe is xxviij. yeris of pardon. Itiii in the chirch of Seint Margeri is ij. C.yere of pardo. Itifi in f chirch of Saint Cristian is xl. yere of pardon. Q Itiri all the Indulgence of Rome is in Lente doubled, and yf ani persone falle n the case of dethe i the way of his pilgrymage he is truly assoiled of alle dedly synes and of all other what so euer they be. Ite in f chirch of Seint Mary Minarua other wyse called Myuarba is a M. yere of pardon. Ite in y^ chirch of Salt Mari de Pessebola is C. yere of pardo and as many karynes or lentes. @ Here folwith y Stacions at Rome. IP In the circumsicion of our Lorde is stacions to Saint Mari Transu- bcrine. Itm in the Epiphanye of our Lord is stacios to Seit Peter ^ Ap- postel. Itm in y Sonday in Septuagesima, is stacions to Salt Laurence Avont y walles. Itm in y Sonday Sexagesima is stacions to Salt Paule Ap- postel. Iliii in y' Sonday in v. is slacyos to Seit Peter th'Appostel. Itiii on Ashvvednysdai is stacios to Seyt Sabin?. Itm the Thursday next is stacios to St'it Georgeus. Itm the Friday folowyng is stacions to Seint John and Paule. Itm the Satterday after is stacios to Seint Triphone. ^ Itvii the furst Sonday in Lente is stacios to Seint lohn Latrine. Itiii y Moday is stacios to Seint Peter aduitula. Itiii the Tuysday is stacios to Seit Eusta- chium. Itiii y Wednysday is stacions to Seint Mary Maior. Ite the Thursda}' is stacios to Seint Laurence called panis pue. Ite the Fryday is stacios to f xij. Appostels, Ite y Satt'day is stacions to Seit Pet' th'Ap- postel. @ Ite the second Sonday in Lete is stacios to Seit Mary Idonicii. Ite f Monday is stacios to Seit Clemet^ Ite y Tuysday is stacios to 155 SeintSabina and Saluia. Ite y Wednysday is stacios to Scit Cecilie. Ite y Thursday is stacios to Seint Mary Tiansciberini. Ite y Friday is stacios to Salt VitaK Ite y Satterday is stacios to ScTt Marcellini and Petri. ^ Ite y iij. Sonday in Lete is stacios to Selt Laurece vVout the wallcs. Ite y Monday is stacios to Salt Marke. Ite y Tuysday is stacyon to Seit Po- tenciani. Ite ,y Wednisday is stacios to Seit Sixte. Ite the Thursday is stacions to Seint Cosnia and Daniyan. Ite y Friday is stacions to Seit Laurence in Lucina. Ite y Satterday is stacios to Seit Susanne. ^' Ite f iiij. Sondy of Lete is stacions to Seint CrucJ in Jerirn. Ite y Monday is stacions to y iiij. coronatoi?. Ite f stacions on Tuysday is to Salt Laurece in Damasco. Ite y Wednysday^is stations to Seint Poules. Ite the Ttmrs- day is stacions to Seint Martine and Siluester. Ite y Friday is stacions to Seit Euscbius. Ite y Satterday is stacions to ScTt Nicholas Incarcerem. ^ The V. Sonday Passio Sonday is stacions to Seint Peter th'Appostel. Ite y Monday is stacions to Saint Gresogono. Ite the Tuysday is stacions to Seint Ciriacum. Ite the Wednysday is stacions to Seint Marcclline. The Thursday is stacions too Seint Appolinaris. Ite the Fryday is stacios to Seit Steue I Cilio mote. Ite y Satt'dai is stacios to Seit J. le Porte-line, ^ Itiii the vi. Sonday Lete Palme Sonday is stacions to Seit John La- tranece. Itrli the Monday aftir is stacyons to Seint Praxedis. Itin the Tuysday is stacions to Seint Pristinus. Itiri the Wednysday is stacyons too Seint Mari Maior. Itrn y Thursday is stacions to Seynt John Latranencis. Itiii the Friday Good Friday is stacyons ad StiH lerlm. Itin the Satt'day is stacions to Seint lolm Latranencis. ^ Itin the vij. Sonday called Est' is stacions to Seint Mary Maior. Itm y Monday is stacions to Seint Peter y Appostel. Itin the Tewsday is stacyons to Seint Paule. Itiii y AVednys- day is stacions to Seint Laurece without the walles. Itiii the Thursday is stacions to the xij. Appostels. Itiii the Friday is stacions to Seint Mary retundam. Itiri the Satt'day is stacions to Seint Joliii Latranencis. ^ Itiii ther be other chirches edefied in the honor of our Lady that is to sey oo chirchof our Lady called Minorua which chircli ded make lobes de Turre Cremata cardinal and doctor of diuinite where he put in frier prichers of y ordor of Seint Domynyk in which chirch the sayd doctor is buryed. Itiii there is buryed the bodi of Seint Katcryn de Senys. Itiii to y same chirch dyus Popes hath grauted gret indulgences. 156 ^ Itvii ihcr is another chircli whiche Pope Syxte the iiij. ded edefie, and callid it Sea Marria de Ppl'o, and there he ded make friers of y ohserua- cis and in the sayd chirch is 06 of the v. yniagis of our Lady tliat Seint Jjuke ded paynte and to the sayd chirch is gret indulgence graunted. ^ Expliciunt Indulgencie et Stacions ciuitatis Rome. IE The vij. Ages of the Worlde from Adam forward. In the begynnyng God made heuyn and erthe and all that in hem is comprehended, the syxte daj of the creacio off the worlde was made our foure fad' Adam. ^ The furst age of the worlde from Adam vnto Noe, ij. M. C. xl.yere. ^ The seconde age of the worlde fro Noe vnto Abraham, M. Ix. yere. ^ The thredde age of the worlde fro Abraham vnto Moyses CCC. XXX. yere. ||[ The iiij. age of the worlde fro Moyses vnto Kynge D&uid nij. C. Ixx. yere. ^ The v. age of the worlde from Dauid vnto the transmigracion of Babilon v. C. yere. 1^ The vi. age from the transmigacion of Babilon vnto f comyg of Ihu Cryste our Sauyour v. C. Ixxxxix. ^ The vij. age of the worlde from Ihu Cryst vnto thede of y worlde whereof y yeres be not nombred. |[[ The yeris from the begynnyg of f worlde vnto j natiuite of our Lorde, v. M. C. Ixxxix. From f natiuite of our Lorde vnto his passion, xxxiij. yere. ^ Adam lyued here on erthe i this 157 worlde ix. C. xxx. yere. ff[ Ite Adam was! lybo patrn iiij. M. iij. C. Ixxv. yere. ^ The yeris from y natiuitc of Iliu Criste viito tU'assupcion of our Lady Salt Mary, xlv. yere. ^ Fro f natiuilc of iLu Crysle vnlo ^ pas- sion of Selt Pet' and Paule, lix- yere. @ Fro the natiuite of Cryste vnto f fyndyg of f holy crosse in y mounte of Caiucri by Saint Elyn, Quene of J- Bretaygne now cailid Englad, CCC. xv. yere. Fr5 y natiuite of our Lorde Ihii Cryst vnto f fondacion of f chirch of Seint Paulus in Londo by Kyng Athelbert C. j^ere. Our Lady leueid in this worlde Ixiij. yere, tlierof be- fore her mariage to Joseph xiiij.yere, and w her blessid son our Lord Ihii Crist xxxiij. yere, and aftir f passio of her blessid son our Suuyor she lyued xvi. yere. tt The vij. Ages of Ma lining i the World, The furst age is infancie and lastith from y byrth vnto vij. yere of age. The ij. is childhod and endurith vnto xv. 3'ere age. The iij. age is adholo- cencye and endurith vnto xxv. yere age. The iiij. age is youthe and endurith vnto xxxv. yere age. The v. age is manhod and endurith vnto l.yere age. The vi. age is and lasteth vnto Ixx. yere age. The vij» age of ma is crepilil and endurith vnto dethe. tt The Copy of a Letter sent out of the lande of Messye e e _ in to y lande of Garnade before y coqiiest therof. This is which in efFecte was pteyned in a lett' which the gret Capeteyne of the reame of Messye, writeth to the reame of Garnade. In cspecialle 158 to a grct Alfa3'ke which is called Makamet Vengalip, take out of Arabye language in to Castilian. Prcised be God only in vnitc, and the grace of God and his saluacio w Machomet his prophet seruaut and messanger to the Lord whom beleue to be of crcacion we honor the High Almyghty exalted and togeder preise ■we his maruailes. The honorable auncient Alfayques Predicatorcs, in especial the honorable vertuous wise and discret Abnadalj^ Ahnifiky Machamet Vengalij) Auen Aladep Zenzehe, God Almyghtj- mot prosper your honor and the honor of alle the honorable auncietof realme and co- teinew your suerte and peas. I send to greete you as he that loueth you, and is your neybour and beleuith in the lawe of God and his pphet Macha- met as ye doo Areuandetgh Almynykj y God mot remedy writith this leter and bryng it good euer preyng God to cotynu your suerte for the suernesse of the contynual keping of this holy lawe for therby you haue to be sauf, and ther with that God kepe you as ye defree. ^ Here we haue vndirstond what hathe behapped of the Moors of that rcame of y gret euil which the}' haue had by the meane of y encmi fals beleuyng, and how mani plac^ and fortressis he toke, and caste out the duellers of tham out of f castels townes and citees and we knowe y gret necessite and streytnes that ye be in God knowith the gret sorow and dis- plesur whiche thcrof cometh to all f Moors. Therfore we may noo more doo for that is sentenced vpo that reame that this enemy hath to wyne it ■without any witholdyng, and thus wefynde in the scripturis and book J of God and so say alle the aunciot wyse me and y which must be must be, and so it is sentenced that he hathe to wynne that reame and parte of this ther is noo more but put all in the hand^ of God and resaiwe all his sentences for wel and a byde his mercy and to holde vp your hadis to him for they may not doo any thing and make prey and fasting, for ther is noo necessite but sone comyth remedy. And to prey him too with drawe the will of this enemy fals beleuyng of that coquest and trouble to y which he putteth you, for the lenger he pursueth, to the more necessite he shal put you til he hath wonne that reame. And from henforth we may not any more remedy you but wha we sawe the messanger of your Kynge, our Kyng whom God exalte and yeue mych more than the pepul may thinke for he promysed him of whete and barly xxv. fanegas and v. C. horses and he yaf power 159 to get this to the wiirshipfull marchaunt Mazohod Alazar, which laboreth very well and puttith good diligence ther too and in allc thingcs Avhich be too the wcle and prophyte of the reame to y whicli messager he yeuith mych honor, and entretith him wel more than ye kon thinke and to his hadis is retoued all this almes and in lyke there we haue resayued a letter from y right honorable Lord Alphaky the Alkayde in the which he preicth vs off heipe in the necessite and trouble which that reame is in and i wey to be wonne. Of the which gret sorow and trouble hath ben to all the Mooris yeue we alle vs to God sith that I God is all, in him must you yelde your truste. Salu me highly with honorable salutacions to the honorable Lordis Alfak^ studyeng in the lauwe of God and of his prophete Machamet. In espcciall to the Lorde Alphake Euelas Truguy and to the Lord Alphaky Alcaide and to all the Lordis sustiners off the lawe of Machamct God Almyghty yeue you parte of his saluacion and make you lukky and kepe that reame and alle the Mooris therin and sone sende his remedy and the salutacion of God and pite and his blessing be with you generally. Fro the cite of Fesse f x. day of March Ixxxx.yeris Machometi, that is to sey M. iiij.C. Ixxxvi. ^ The Copy of a Letter sent fro the Sowdan of Babilon unto the Pope of Rome. Unto the most holycst and fauorablist Price in erthe, Vicary and Liefte- naunt of Cryst, euermore during Lord Innocence the viij. the grettist Bishop of the cite of Rome, and Conseruator of the cryste feith and religion. Prince of alle lordj and princes of Cristedom, Lord of the lande and see and fiodis, Mayntener of right, Moderator and EncresarofF ail goodnes, Extirp of synners and grettest interpiter of dew lauwe, the stede of God vsing in erthe. 160 ^ Abdalazys Soldaii of Babilon, y Disposer of cquite and of right, Empor of the Worlde and of ^ feilh of Machamet, chief Prince of dyuyne preccptis, Scruator and Defensor of the lordj of Assia, f grettest lord bothe of good and cuyll, most iust arbiter and juge of trouth and most wurshypfull wurshipper of peas and justice, the most right wisnes, lyuylly descedid from the stirp of prophettis, aboue alle princes and lordis not oonJy of Moores biit alsoo enip'ryng vpon ful many cristen lordis and holy houses, beyng and firmly hoping in on very God, sendith full gret saluting^ in y name of God, the which euermore duer y thi mynde i wel doyng for in as mych as thou art aboue cardinals pauiarkis archbishops abbotis priestj monkes and nonnes rulyng and gouernyng the vniuersal clargie of Crystendom thou maist neuer auoyde from the tryall of trouthe and the right pathe of good warkis as in a maner a God I crthe and the sacred brethe of Cryst, we notifye vnto the, that oon which is callid Gegemy on of the gret Turk J sonnes the which Turk J now late the dyuine buxunmes for his ineffable justice hathe taken to his grace where that the said Gegemy as in the last yere past hapned to com from Cicilia too Rhodis how be it the Gret Mastiroffthe Rhodis and religyon had yeuen be hem before tyme the faith of suertee and saufconduyt, neuertheles ageynst the promisse and feith yeuen the said Gegemi was take and to prison mancipate ageynst alle office of humanite and ageinst all right, how be it of tymes without n5bre it hath ben desired that he myght be restored vnto his furst libartee but that myght not be opteyned. For in as myche as the forsaid mastir of y^ Rhodis did send the said Gegemy vnto the ferther placys and kyngdomes to be kepte. Wherfore whan the moder and the children of this Gengemy be und* our power bothe nyght and day in our presence for his mysse fortune they wepe and waile and neuer cease desirig to see and enbrace him they demaiide of vs with instant priers that we shulde treate with thy holynesse for his delyberacion for as mych as the forsayd mastir of y Rhodes and another gretter than he i whoos power he is kepte as a kaylyf in myserableseruitude vnd' the obedyence of thy bles- sidnes. In all good maner we prey thy Holynesse as thou arte moste juste and ppetual name of goodnes to compelle y forsayde mayster to restore the sayde Gengemy to his lybartce so wronfully wyth holden and delyuer h3'm from so wranful seruytude. Also thisdedeso declyned from all equyte and honeste that yt niaye not be wout a grete note and reprife of the cristen 161 name and who for the most hjgh God shal wee calle them that hauenoo feyth they w a bek on thinge wyl aftermc, and the same streit wyl denye, and that thei w other promyse at one tyme at another tyme vnfeythfully they wylle deney. We must take hede most holy fader lest whan we wolde bee calelyd feythfull that we lacke feyth the whiche or promysse as well ought to be kepte to an enemy or an iniust or cruel man. Certes yf we shulde breke our promesse we were not better than vnfeythful men, but nioche more detestable. Thy hoolynes knoweth y many deuout placys off thy feyth ben onder our comaundement as Jhl'rm and Bedlem where Ihu Crist the son of tlie Virgine Mari was borne prayd vnto and saluted. Saint Katheryne also the spose of Crist is buried in the monte of Synai, w fulle greate reuerence and voyce y place is vsed and many od' innumer- able placis ofdeuocid ben vnd' our protection, to the whiche placiscometh euery 3'ere so grete multitude of cristen men of all maner of ordurs of princis dukes jentylmen and comnte y is incredyble to be sayde and so grete a multitude off cristen men yerly passing by our kingdomse to ful- fylle their vowys and pylgrimagis sawt^ ne wrong J wee suffyr not to be done but wee wyll y they haue free comyng and goyng for wyl not suffer our intemerat and Iviolat feyth in no maner of promesse to be corrupte or defilled. ^ O thou most noble Bishop it belongeth to thy dewte of dignite and th}"^ cristen feith in f whiche worthily thou boldest the primacie to haue re- membraunce and cure of thy most clerest name and glorie for thou art f clere lyght of thy feyth and y sexten of y crysten relygion for thou suffrest no sacrelege of thy subgettj to be comytte in thy feyth thou maj'st yf thou wilte lyghtly put away y gret spot and infamy of thy criste name, serteynly yf thou so do thou doeste a thinge worthy preysing for the which wee shal more ben volent vnto thy Holynesse and to all y wyl visit y Holy Lande we shal exhybite our self more graciously and more buxume and what so euer thou aske we shall study to oure power y whiche is ferme and stable, it to ratyfye and fulfylle, but for as moche as this thinge is gretly inprentid in our hert and h^ghtly all thingis maye not be sent in writting we haue put f charge herof vnto our orator and messanger Marfote y whiche knoweth our wyl and mynd in this behalf wherfore more playnly he shal certifye thy Hoolynesse f whiche I praye God may fare wel in his feyth and soule. From Cair, xxi. day of None, A°. M. CCCC. Ixxxv iij. y 162 ^ The Oracion of the Messanger to the Pope. Beatissime: Moost blessed fader Primate and chefe dome of cristen men, whom Ahiiighty God by hys ineffable buxumnes to the moderacion of riohtwysnes, and to the rule of good lyf in erthe to be kepte hath creat and erecte God the yeuar of all goodnes graute the prosperauce and happy encreses, whan my noble prince the Soudan of Babilone had decerned to sende me his oratour to Fraunce and to Naples he commaundyd me in oni wyse in this my iournay that I shulde present m3'selfe before thyn holynes how be it he halh not sente opinly como orotour and presentis off plesure as it longyth to thy pontificall dignyte, and as his greate and inwarde loue towardc thyn holynes askyth, for that had he done yf the Greate Turke wyth whom my lord hath batayll and grete enmyte, shulde not suppose that the Soudane send an oratour or a messanger vnto the grettest bysshop of Cristendome for to ask helpe of hym, whan that my lord by hym self is able not only to put done the malyce off the Turke but also to auenge the iniury as it hath ben ofte tyme sene that hath ben done to hym. Serteynly y cause chief hostylyte and enmyte y is betwene my lordethe Soudane and the Grete Turke be namly ij. the whiche my lorde hath commaudyd me too shewe to thyn hyghnes, one cause as breueli as we may we shal shewe thyn jjyghnes. Soo it is that whyle this Turkes fader a lytell before his deth sent a messanger vnto the Soudane bostyng hym selfe that he had subduwed the one half of Cristendome and shewyd that he wold prouyde to subdewethe other halfe to his empire wherefore he prayed the Soudane that he oon his parte shulde destroye the Holy Lande and y he shulde prohibyte the pas- . sage fro all cristen pylgryrnes promysynge hym self feythfully to paye xxx. M. ducatis yevly to y Soudane y whiche somme the Soudane ressayueth yerly for tribut of cristen men, more ouer ther be aboue CC. M. of men and wymen cristened to whom we mynyster iustice and shewe our self more fauorably to theym than we doo to our other subgettis people of Moris, for in noo maner wyse he wyll goo from the ordenaunce and lawe stabled by whiche his grete for fadir had ordeyned and cdmaunded, wha. the Turke had harde this answer he dismayed gretly herof and made he redy anon w a gret army of knightes redy to distroy Ihrm. Whan the Souda vnderstode his malice he caused the Holy Lande to be better repared and more suerly kept for y more displesur of the Turke the whiche dede 163 the Turke toke so greuuously in so miche y wha he shulde dey he comaundyd his son y he shuld distroye bi strengeth and myghty power the Holy Lande and make it desolate. ^ The seconde of hostilyte is this, for whan that the Turke had beseged Rodes by the lande and by water, he it oppressyd wyth a greate nauy of shippes, in this tyme the Soudane sent to the grete mayster of y Rodes confortyng hym ofFeryng hym self to gyue hym ayde and heipe yfF he had nede of men or money to defende hym ayenst the Turke, the whiche the Turke greuoysly toke to his hert, wherfore he sayd wh}' shulde Ihe Soudane bee so redy to gyue ayde or socour to cristen men, I swere by Machmete he shal for euer suffer the indignacion of my sonnes. Than O holy fader theis ben the ij. causes grettest that bee off enmyte betwene the Soudane and the Turke. Furthermore my mooste excellet Prince comaunded me in hys name incessauntly to praye thyn Holynes that thou wylt vouchsaf to entrete wyth the Grete Mayster of the Rodes wyth whoom the one of the greate Turke sonnes callyd Gengemy the whiche vnder colour of feyth and sauf conduite is wrongfully taken and wytholden maye be restoryd vnto his fyrst lybarte, for whiche hys moder and his children bee there owne free wyll hath put theymself in to our warde, and so the be redacte vnder the pour of the Soudane, and they neuer ceasse of preyers and teeris humbly to beseche his Hyghnes too procure the delyueraunce of the sayde Gengemy, the whiche he hath graunted hem to procure and with all his power it to doo. Syerely thi Holines in this behalf might shewe ful grete kyndnes vnto the sayd Soudan as I shall more largely shewe vnto the, whan it shall the to assigne the tyme daye and place, wherby al cristen men that wyl visyt the Holy Lande shall haue more fauor as it shalbe opynly knowen. 164 ii The Craft of Gr-ffyng and Plantinge of Trees and altering of Frutis as well in Colours as in Taste. To graf frute that shal haue no core. Take a graff and bowe it in bothe endes combyng and kyt bothe end is graf wyse and so fasten theym in the stoke, and yf it growe soo wyth the tree, kyt away the grete ende and lete the smaller ende growe and his frute shall haue no core. Yf thou wyl make aplys redd' take a graf of an apyli tree and graf it in a stoke of elme or aller and it shal bere redde aplys. M Item another for the same: bore an hole in an appl' tree to the pithe and tempir in water what colour thou wylt and then put it in the hole and stop it \V a pynne and y appil shalbe of y same colour y thou puttist into the tree. M It is to be noted that euery tree y is plantyd and set on Saint Lam- bert^ daye in to the erthe shall not perish but proue and come to profyght. M Yf thou wyl haue a pere tree fulle of frute or ellis as moche as it hath ben wonte to bere before, tempyr scamony wyth water and putt it in to an hole that is percyd to the pithe of the tre and stoppe the hole w a pynne of the same tree or off an other and it shal bere as it was wonte or moche more. M Yf thou wyl haue y frute to smell lyke spycesofrygh, other asmuske bawme or other spycis, make on hole in lyke wyse in the tre and stoppe it ao-eync and the frute shal smelle and sauour after the spycis that thou puttest in to the tree. A| Yf an olde tree begynne to waxe drye, in this wyse quycken hym ao-eyne, see that the erthe that is aboute the roetis be done away and cleue two or iij. of the grettest roetis wyth an axe and putte a wedge off tree in to the cliuing and hele the rotis ageyn wyth the same erthe. 165 ^ Another for the same : perce y tree thorugh wyth a percer crosse wyse or wyth a wymble and f strengeth of the tree shal begynne to waxe yoge. Yf thou wyl haue a frute tree that is sour to bee made to bee swete frute, de]f the tree rounde aboute, and donge the rootis wyth pyggis donge and so the frute shalbe made swete. f|[ Item another for the same : make an hole in the sour tree wyth a per- cer to the pyth and in to the hole put water tempred with hony and stoppe the hole ageyne wyth a p3'nne of the same tree. Yf thou wylt plante an almaunde tree or a walsh nott tree or a chery tree or a peche tree, put the kyrnels of whiche thou wylt in water iij. dayes and than putte many kyrnels togyder in the erth or seuerelly and whan the sprynge is growen oute and hath stonde soo an hole yere, than take hym out of the grounde and sette them where thou wylt. And it is to be noted that euery tree the braiiches must be cutt in setting tyme sauf the peche tree whiche muste haue his dry braunches kit onely. Yf the peche tree begynne to drouke let hym be wel moysted at the rote w drest^ of wyne and the same moystyng shal kepe hym from shedyng of his frute, and some seyn that and the roetj be moysted w water of the decokcien of benes, it shall quyk the tree gretly and yf he cast his frute or they be rype, make holes \v a wymbyl in the roetj and make piiiys of wylowe and smyte them faste in, and y frute shal abyde on faste inough. ^ Yf an appyl tree begynne to rote or yf the aplys begynne to wex rusty, than y barke of hym is syke, tha kyt it wyth a knyf and late it be opened and whan the humour therof is some what flowen, out lette donge hym wel and stoppe dilygently his wounde wyth kley. Q The quence tree all the tyme that he is abill to be tranlatyd he wolde be remeued euery iiij.yere and that shal make hym bere grete plente of frute afterwarde. 166 ^ The chery tree loueth cold eyer and moyst grounde, but sommechery trees ben full lykyng in hylly placj the best settyng of chery tres is in f moneth of Nouembre and yf neede bee in the ende of Janiuer, and yf a chery tree roote in ony wyse make an hole wyth a grete persour vnder that rote, that the v/ater that causeth the rottynge maye haue yssue out, and it is to suppose this medecin is good for all maner of tres thatbegynne to rotte. ^ Also it is good for all maner of trees than whan a bough is kyt away y the place that is cutt be heled and couered wyth clay or some other defensable plaster for defence of the regne that it make not the tree to rotte. ^ The plantyng of prunes, in colde and moyste placis is best in Feuerell and Marche, and the stones muste bee sette a hande breede in the erthe and whan they haue stonde soo an hole yere take vp the springis of the and sette them depper in the grounde, and the stones must lye in water iij. dayes or they bee sett. ^ The medlar wyl berevvelle yf he bee plantyd,but graf hym in a white thorne called an hawthorne, and they wyll bere the more plentuosly. Yf thou wyll haue many rooses in arberer, thou muste take the harde pepyns of the same rooses that bee right rype and sowe hem in f erthe in Feuerell or in March, and whan they springe dew them wyth water and after the space of a yere thou must translate theym departed further from other, in what od' place thou wilt. Yf thou wyl that a uyne bere whit grapes, and on the other syde redde, puruey that a whit vyne and a rede be sette nye to gyder, and whan they bee rotted mesur of eche both lyky moche, and of eyther pare awaye half endlang vnto the pyth and joyne hem to gyder and bynd the so y ether sap mete wythout disioyning and warppe it to gedyr wyth a souple lynnen cloth and at euery thred dayes moyste it wyth water til hit borgeon, and after j they be growen to geder thou mayst kitt awey the oon roete and the odir may bere it, and that wyne shel bere bothe rede grapes and white 167 not vf stondlg the oon roete be don awey and also thou mayst doo w twoo pere trees or ij. appuU tre braunces. If thou will haue grapis growe on a plonietree or on a chery tree set a vine vndir oon of theis trees, which thou wilte, and whan the vyne begyn- neth to growe bore that odir tre thorough w an awgne according to gret- nysse of the vine tha drawe the thorugh the tree an pare awey the vppar rynde of y same vyne as fer as shalbe in the hold and soo suffir it growe, and whan bothe be ioyned to gedir cut a wey the roete ende of the vyne by the tree and sowde the place weel of the cuttinge and drawing of f vyne thorugh the hold ; and the kyttyng awey of the rote of the vyne must be don in Marche and som men wil say it must be doon or the knottis be- gynne to burgeon, y for the streit drauing the burgeons be not huet and tho maist do y same \f dyuers trees and dyuers frutis and make oon tree to bere diners frutis of dyuers colores. ^ Item it is to wet that a vyne be T good erthe, and sprede it selfFof m3'kel in many scourges it is good to kyt hem of \V a knyff, and yf it lache yet ouermych delue the stock aboute and fille y^pitful of grauel of aflode medled w asshes, also som men in to the pita good quatitee of smale stones and say that it is good ther fore. ^ Item it is to wet that wan y mone is in tauro it is good tyme to plate trees of greynes and pepins and whan she is in cakro leone or libra it is good wurch in trees that bethe newe sprongen, and whan the mone is in vrgine it is good tyme to sowe alle maner thingis. And from y middes of Septembre in to the myddes of Decembre is opene tyme off plantynge, and ryght soo from the myddes of Janiuer to the myddes of Marche but yet in theis tymes it is good to chese whan the mone is v. vi. vij. viij. or ix. dayes befor the full mone, also after y full mone wha she is xxi. xxij. xxiij, xxiiij. or xxv. daj^es olde for in thes quarters of the mone is most temperat. f|[ Item euery plantyng it is to dyspose it so that the sonne beames'mowe come to the rote or to the erth fro tiie oure of terce vnto noon and tha ben thc}^ plantyd in the best maner, and that thoo trees that be beryng and of grete height that party that stoode toward the north he bee sette ageynste the north wynde and the north west wynde, for the heyghte north wynde. 168 and the north weeste wynde haue kynde to kiele and drye too mych trees that be newe sett, for her vnmesurable gretnesse, f erthe muste be ordeyned soo that it be neyther too fat ne to grauelly but pportionably. ^ Alle maner pepins cornellis and greynes must be set in y erth in depnes of iiij. or v. fingers brede, so that eche be from odur half a fote, alwey keping this speciall rule that f ende or greyne of the pepin that stode next the roete be northest I the settinge and that other ende vpward toward heuyn; tha thomost moyst the tvvyes orthries i the day not yeting but dewyng or springling, this is a preuitee among cunnyng men that in vere is most couenable tyme for seedis greynes and pepins and in autumpne of springis and plantj. ||[ Whan thou wilt take a setlyng y spryngeth out of a nother trees roete make a delf ther aboute aftir quatite thcrof and so deepe til thou com to the gret rote that the spring grow out of, than thou most cut it holding the edge of the knyf toward the tree grounde, and kitt it soo with a slope draught, and leue as mych of the erthe aboute the roote and stok of the setlynge as thou may and set it in a good grounde ordeyned therfore, and in a conuenyet tyme as is be forsayd, and so yf any spryg that grow out of any tree chese it that growith right out that be not ouir loge but euin wout any smale branches holdyng y knyf in the cutty nge alwey towarde the tree as is aboue said. Yf thou will remeue a tree that is gret or beryng frute chese thee a ful moone from the middis of Octobre to the middis of Decembre hauyg vp the roetis as hole as thou best may, leuyng as myche of his owne erthe a boute the roetis as thou may with the same maner and ordur as thou doest with setlygj of smale trees and setlyngj, it is noo fors though the mone be not euyn in the fulle, soo she bee in the ij. or iij. quartir, the gouevnaile of thes plantis is dowblyng of beryng of frute. Yf thou wil kepe late set plantis, kepe hem from vesptyn reynes and from wyndis nameli in heruest, for it is not so gret defecidti in vere ; ageynst the comyng of wynter sett or steke aboute the setlyng many bowes that j northerne windeof gretnes of odur wydis distroy it not, doo donge medlide with strawe aboute the stoke toward the roete of a good thiknes that frost 169 and snowe congeile not on the roete and make a depe valey aboute the root ethe space of vi. or vij. fote that y water abyde not and freese aboute j^ roete; in haruestthat is betwene somerand wyter, that whan wyter cometh it may be filHd with donge and soo late it stonde all the wynter and in vere put vnder the dong new erthe and cut awey alle the vnprofitable braunches and make it clene aboute the stok and the roetis from wormes scurfus and mosses and euil wyndis goyg aboute the braunches : alle the closse of thy orcharde wolde beset about with other highe trees that bere noo frute that the flours myght bekepe sauf from wyndis, and be ware that noo frute be gadired of noo tree before the tyme for that is right a gret and a priuy harmyng to tlie tree. ^ The maner of Graffing. The grafF stoke must be chosen in a good groude and it must be smothe and euyn and cut it without the erthe the lengith of a fote or more yf it be as gret as thy thombe or more if it be grett' and se that the cuttyng be euin ouer thwarte the stok and a syden and it muste be clouen aboue in the middis of the pithe the lengith of ij. fynger brede, and in the clyfte set thy graf which must be choseen of y best tree the stok is of, chese y graf y stodith right vp toward heuy that hath a knot of the forue yere, and an ynche benethe y said knott kytte thi graf and thsvyte it on bothe sydes euy 1 maner of a wedge as fere as it shall goo into the clyfte of the stokke it must be so euen thwete that the eyer may not com bytwene the clyfte and the graf and tha close it with good tempat erthe aboute y greffe for defens of rayne and wedur. Yf thou will greff dyuers frutis vpon oe stok that hath as many brail- chis as thou will haue grafies on and in euery brauiiche sett a graf in maner and fourme as said before, and euermore chese thy graf on the sou^ syde of the tree that berith it and nexte the toppe yf tho may and tho mayst gref dyuers frutis in oon clyfte but non of them may be thykkar than odur as thy reson will telle thee in y workyng. @[ To haue frute without cores, loke thou haue a sufficient graffstok and doo therwith as I said before. Chese a sraf of a good merle tree and cut z 170 it on this maner that the eiideof the graff that was vpward next the firma- met must be thweten lyke the nedev of a comon graffe and the nedur ende turned vpward, it is too be don sleely, this rule is trewe in alle trees that haue stones and kyrnels but a vyne it behouith too cutt y is downwarde next the erthe with gret cunyng and sleight. Yf tho will haue a vyne growe on a chery tree and haue ^ taste of cherys, sett a vyne by a chery tree till it growe and in y begynyg of Feu'ell whan tyme ys make an hole thorough y chery tree in wat height thou will and as ofte as tho will and drawe thorugh y hole a braunche of y vyne so y it fiUe the hole, and shaue awey the oldebarke oft' the vyne as myche as shalbe in the hoole and shaue it in soo that the shauen place of the branche stopp full y hole of the chiri tree, and than cut away the roete end of the vyne, and wrapp it wel aboute with good erthe and bynde it well with lynne clothe and kepe it wel in all thing^ as is said in odur grafFyng^, but som men late the roete ende of the vyne be vncutt a yere til it be sowded with the chiri tree and than cut it away and y isa good maner and a sure and soo it may be doo with dyuers trees off" dyuers frut^ and the grape and the vyne shall haue sauour of hem, and soo of euery tree may be graffid in other and it is a meruelous graff'yg. Yf thou will haue a tree bere dyiis frutis and of dyuers colours and diners sauaurs, in the furst yere graf in dyuers brauches of a cheri tree dyuers aples to thy lykyng and leue so of the braunches vngraffed, the ij. yere make holes thorow the chiry tree and drawe thorught y hole a vyne braunche the vttcr rinde shaue off" as is before said and i the same maner thorow another hole a red rosar and doo therwith as is befor said off' the vyne and this diuersitee thou may doo aftir thyn owne lykyng. Yf thou will haue frute of diners colours thou shalt make an hole in a tree ny the roete euyn to the pithe of the tree and anon doo in y hole good asure of almayne so that it be ny full and stoppe the hole wel and iuste w a short pynne and wrapp it well w tempred erthe and bynde it wel as thou doest a graff" and the frute shalbe blew colour and this may be doo w alle colours. 171 C A Tretise of the iiij. Sesons of the Yere, and of the iiij. Elementl which thei be and of what nature, and of the Caniculare Daies. The iiij. elementis ben theis, eyer fyie erthe and watir, also ther bethe iiij. humors in ma and they be theis, blood red color blakis color and flewme. ||[ Also ther bethe iiij. sesons T the yere, in which a ma o^ and behouith to be gouerned, the furst is Vere and y begynneth the vij. ide of Feuerell, and endurith to the vij. ide of May, i this tyme wexeth bloed that is i the furst humor of ma and acordith with the eyer that is the furst element for it is wat'y and hote as is Vere that is the furst tyme of the yere; in that tyme bok5 of medecyn lerneth vs to take drynkj solyble for to purgen the bodi of euyll humors and to ete flesh and drynke drynkes that ben holsum for mannys bodi, as yong porke and clene moto and lambis fleshe and kyddis and fowles that ben of the lande but noo watir fowles, and fresh water fish porettj tame nepis and parcely, and other erbis off medecyn and to drinke good clene ale and noo stronge ale and theis thygj make clene blod so thei be not surfetly taken. ^ The ij. tyme and seson of the yere is Estasor soriiand beginnithe the vij. ide of May and lastith vnto the vij. ide of August, in y tyme wexith reed colour, and that is the ij. humor in man, and acordith to the ij. elemet that is fire, for it is hot and drye, in y tyme men shuld not drynk erbis, nor lete blode but if it were for gret nede nor myche faste. It is good in that tyme to ete wel soden fleshe of all maner bestis and all maner fowles, sauf porke 1 May is good too forbere, and ete alle maner fishe w vynegre or ieuse of grapys or vergews made with good erbis sawge and sauery and seed of anneis fenel sed and comyn, and it is good to drynke wurmod iij. tyme in the weke tempred with wine, it is good also to tempir it with water and drynke noo stronge ale and vsc louach see and letews and they shall temp wel the red color and kepe the from syknes. 172 ^ The iij. tjine of f yere is Autupn? or haruest, and it begj-nnjth the vij. ide of August and lastith into the vij. ide of Nouebre, and in thatt3'me wexeth blak color that is the iij. humor in man, and accordith to the iij. element that is erthe and that is colde and drie, in that tyme is good too take drynke solyble that purgithe the bodye of euill and blak color that mych is in a man and he ma}' somtyme late him blood in that seson, and ete litel fresh fleshe, and namly fresh bief and mylke is good to dryke and good wyne mesurably and good stale ale and noo newe ale, and ete scaled fish with peper and wyth ginger and galingale and ete baies and stamarch seede and corny and browort roetj wyth wyne or with other licor fasting and ete not an owir or ij. aft'. The iiij. tyme and seson of the yere is lems or winter, and beginnitli y vij. ide of Nouembre and lastith to y vij. ide of Feu'ell, and in that tyme entroth flewme, and that is the iiij. humor in man, and accordith to the iiij. element that is water, for that cold and moyste, as is wyntir, and i that tyme men shulde lete them bloode i ther bodj^s by garsinge but not on vej'nes but if it be the more neede, and a ma must kepe him from dryk- yng of to mych slronge drink^, also powdred flesh is good to ete and for as mych as all fisshes aftir water be flcwmatike therfore they be better rost than sosen, and vse mustard and pep and ofte tymes chewe in thy mouthe pelletes of spayne and such other thingj as wil cause the flewme to voyde, and also etc fenel sede comy and ache for theis seed) destroyen flewme that alle the euellis in a manys body begynith of ^ The Canycular daies begynne y xv. kalendas of August and endure to the iiij. nonas of Septembre i which seson is gret pill to take syknesse and it is perilkis to take drj'nk^ or medecyns or too be lat blod but if it be for gret nede and ihat must be aftir the middis of the day. 173 fl The Crafte to make a Watir to haue Spottis out of WuUen Cloth, Take a galon of rennyng watir, a pynte of aqua vite, ij. vnc^ of alom, ij. vncis white oprose, ij. vncj of woed asshes, a q'rt' of a 11. white sope, and putt all this in a vessell till it take restnes all a nyght. IC The Fourme and the Mesur to mete Land by. The lengith of a barly corne iij. tymes make an ynche, soo that the barly growe in comon soyle not to leuene too niych copostid, and xij. ynches make a fote and iij. fote make a yarde and v. quatirs of the yarde make an elle, v. fote make a pace, C. xxv. pace make a furlong, and viij. furlong make an English myle, and xvi. furlong make a Frensh leuge, V. yardis di. make a perche in Londo to mete lande by, and that perch is xvi. fote di. longe. In dyuers odur placis in this lande they mete grounde by pollis gaddis and roddis som be of xviij. foote som of xx. fote and som xxi. fote in lengith, but of what lengith soo euerthey be C.lx. perches make an akir, for as a mark of English monei conteyneth an C. Ix. pence soo euery akir lande conteyneth C. Ix. perchies, and as a noble coteyneth Ixxx. pense soo half an aker lade conteyneth Ixxx. perchis, &c^, and as the half a noble conteyneth x1. d'. soo a roede lande coteyneth xl. perchi &cj, and a perche of grounde shal coteyngne I lengith of the perche euery wey i the maner of a cheker soo y it be as loge as brode. jQ Xvi, fote and half makith a perch as is a boue said, that is v. yardis and half, vi. C. foote bv fife score to the C. makith a furlog, that is xxxviij. perchis sauf ij. fote, vii]. furlong make an English myle that is v. M. fote, and so iij. C. and iij. perchis also an English myle. 174 d The generall Cursse to be declared iiij. tymes in the yere. As in the coucel of Oxenford it is prouided and decreed that the sentence of excommunicacion whiche is sayd medecinall, iiij. tymes in the yere to be pronouced, that is to sey the first Sonday of Aduent or comyng of our Lord Ihu Cryst, the first Sonday of Lenten, the Sonday i the Feste of the Trinite, and the Sonday within f vtas of the blessid virgine our Lady Saint Mary. H Articulo i. Alle they ben acurssed the rightis of holy chirch as in londis teiitts rent possessions marices lesurs pasturs weies pathes wetingli and Liniustli or maliciously defoulen and witholden concelen hyden or to witholde or to auoide procuren. ^ The ij. articule. Also all they that entenden maliciously to depriue the good pees and triiquillite of our soueray lorde the Kyge and of the reame presumen to perturbe and trouble. ^ The iij. articule. Also al thei whiche fraudelently and wetingly false vvitnesse bere or pcure to be borne or alsoo whiche such false witnesse in bryng or vnder arere in cause of matrimony that is to sey where it is don ageinst matrimony or to the disenheritaunce of any other. ^ The iiij. articule. Also alle aduocatis whiche in causis of testamentis or matrimony sette or putte malicously false excepcioiis or to be sett and put procure on that y due effecteof very trew matrimony be notstrengthed or that agenst the rightwis processe and cause is logere suspendid. ^ The V. articule. Also alle they whiche for desire or grace of lucre or foule wynyng of cursed malice and hate, putten cryme and blame vpo other and them falsli deame so good folkis ben only driuen for their purgacions or in other mautretly greuid. fll The vi. articule. Also alle they which in the vacacion of chirches 175 malisciously setten and putten or procur to be put or set the question of patrimony so the veri-y true patron only at that tyme they defreden him of the collacion of his chirch. ^ The vij. articule. Also alle they that falsly and maliciously casten any out or many from their lawfull and trew patrimony. ^ The viij. articule. Also alle they that taken any thyng of howses of religion persones vicaris grauntes of chirches vvythoutthe freewill of theym or of the wardeyns. ^ The ix. articule. Alsoo alle they whiche noterye and knowen forni- catours or auonteres or strompettes openli knowen witlgly and wilfully defenden which at the leste by the lawe of holy chirche ben they punyssed vndir peyne of exc5municacion and curs stedfastly inhibiting that noon of the sayd persones them witingly restayne or herborugh. ^ The X. article. Also al they what someuer they bye whiche violently drawen out of chirche cloyster or cherchehawe any fugitif thider fled for socur or which y forbeden him necessary liflode. ^ The xi. article. Also all they that violently leyn hande on religion maner priest or clarke. ^ The xij. article. Also all they ben acursed ones in y yere in the generall sentece and chapiter of al persones vicars chapleis pochials al tho which y pitaucj of psos vicars chapleis pochials T f cite of Lodo f charit- able biquestj defraude or to defraude pcurren or rentis in their laste wyllis of this mekly to be done their deputes alien and enstranngen or procuren to be aliende and so the wyl of the testatur islettyd and the forsayde persones of their pytauncj depuid. ^ The xiij. article. Also all sacrelegers whiche good^ of ehirchis per- teyning and the thingis in the same deposed from chirches chirhawts or other holy plac^ wythout lycence of person or curat of the same chirches they aweye taken beryn rauysshen or violently and wyth strength awey beren or do to be born, or who that suche asportacion or awey berynge in 176 their name or in their seruauntis or meyne fully haii or whiche to that preuy or a pert counceile helpe yeuen or consenten. ^ The xiiij. article. Also all they that falsen the Popes bulles and the seale of our lorde the Kynge or of ony other seale autentik. ^ The XV. artycle. Also all they whiche vsen false mesurs and weyghtis what some euer they be more or lesse. ^ The xvi. article. Also alle they that drinken potacions or do depress* or withdraw the nurisshing of the byrth win the body. ^ The xvij. article. Also all they settyng to hande too baptyme the childe of whom sumeuer or husumeuer wherof they knowen not who is fader nor moder. ^ The xviij. article. Also that ben euyn helpers of Sarazyns ayenst cristen men. ^ The xix. article. Also all brenners of houses and chirchesin the tyme of tranquillite and ageinst the institucion and ordinance of the Kynge and Kingis. ^ The XX. article. Also all rauisshers open theues and menslaers. ^ The xxi. article. Also all pturbars ageyn sayers f last wylles of them y been discesed and their good]^ wetingly wytholde. ^ The xxij. article. Also fals money makers and clepars of money. ^ The xxiij. article. Also al they ben acurssed that communith wyth eny man or woman that is opynly acurste Avetyngly but yf it bee in cause suffred of the lawe. 01 The xxiiij. article. Also all they whiche in lawful denunciacions in chirches had of thingis awey taken from the laste sentence in this chirche done vnto now. And vpon this of ded niennie dett^ and deutees shewed to 177 to the satisfaction of suche cliargeii not to com knowyng theym self sucho cursednes done in this present sentence worthi and merjtoryly they fallen in this sentence of corsyng. ^ The XXV. arti. Also all they ben acursed that letten the iuredictiou of hooly chirche by the K3'ngis lettres and prohibyssliions bryno-en in causes of hooly chirche where they haue noo place whiche moAven not ben assoiled tyl they haue satysfyed to y Juges and partyes of their damao-vs and iniuries and expensis and interesse, as in the chapitor, Oiii intellexin)? de in niuet li°. vi. @^ The xxvi. article. Also all they be acursed more and lesse Avhiche Avyttyngly wylfully or maliciously and vnw^^sly for ony ma hathe had vttirly the seruaunt^ of God, that is to seye their persones vicars chapleis parochials what someuer condicio that they ben or fame, the tythes puent^ profitis oblations of custum and consuetude vsed lasse or more wholden or done to be wytholden or }' sayd tithes or oblacionschaungen or turnen into other vse thU it was prouyded in holy chirche lawe. ^ The xxvij. article. Also alle the whiche done asken or byleuen in whichcrafte and sorsery of what sumeuer kinde that they be and their facturs and felowis. ^ The xxviij. article. Also alle the hurtyng the ryghtesof holy chirche harme or grief I their goodis or psones for why they bringen forth the sen- tensis of excommunicacion ageinst anj^ or many deseruen the same peyne. But yf they maken satisfaction wythin ij. monethes they mo wen not been assoyled but only of the Pope or of his vikargenerall as it is conteyned in. C. Quicuqj de sentencijs libro vi. ^ The xxix. article. Also they ben acursed of all y Archbisshops and Bisshops of Englande alle they whiche comen or done ageynste the grete charters whiche conteyncn xxxvi. chapiters or artycles whiche sentencj and many mo been confermed by the apostolicall seete, that is to saye of the ]ybarlyes and of forest and theis thingis ben done and made of the con- sent and wyl of cure lorde the Kynge. A a 178 ^ The XXX. article. Also alle they whiche awayten clerkis to end^'ghi or to tleme and iuge vnto the dethe in scculcr courtis, ageynst the libartees and fraunchises of holy chirche. ® The Article conteyned in the Bull of Pope Nicholas, pur- chaced by the Curatis of the same cite of oblacions. In the bul of Pope Nicholas purchaced by the curatis of y cite of Lon- don for their oblacions the vi. daye of August the yere of our Lorde God M. CCCC. liij. amonge others is it conteyned this, That euery inhabytant and hosholder wythin the same cite of London and lybarte therof that is in the ret of x. s. by the yere shall peye to God and his curat euery offeryng daye in the yere a ferthing; and he that is of the rente of xx. s. shall paye an halfpeny ; and he that is of the rent of xxx.s. by the yere shall paye thre ferthingis ; and he that is of the ret of xl. s. shall paye a peny euery offeryng day, and soo ahvcy assending by x. after the rate of a ferthing of euery x. s. ^ This is the very content of the saide bull, the whiche sayde bul all compositions leyd aparte the inhabytatis and hou&holders of the cytee of London and of the lybartees off y same been bounde to obey the acte of comon councell holden the Frydaye the iij. daye of Marche, the xiiij.yere of the reygne of Kynge Edward y iiij. And as for the meane sommcs bytwene x. and x. there is nomencion made therof in the sayde bulle. But the men that ben of the rent of vi. s. viij. d'. or of ony hygher somme vndcr x. s. vse to pay ther iiij. offiig dayes and no more accordynge too their dewte, as euery body is bounde to do that hath liys conmiunion and he that is of the rent of a mark or of ony hygher somme vnder xx. s. most paye but after the rate of x. s., that is to saye enery offryng daye a ferthyng as is aforcsayde, and as for the odde money he is not chargeable by the bulle, and he that is oiF the rente of xxvi. s. viij. d'. or of ony higher somme vndcr 179 XXX. s. shall paye but alter the rate of xx. s. and nothig for the meane somnies. And euery curat of the same cytee is bounde by vertu of obedience by expresse wordis in the sayde bulle to shewe and declare the forsayde bulle to his pisshons iiij. tymes in the yere as in f same bnl! more playnly it dothc appcre. @ A Prouision by Acte of Parlement, lo brynge Kynge Herrythevi. oule of the dett, CCC, Ixxxij, M. li. Prayen the comons in this your present parlement assembled to con- sider y wher your Chauncclar of your rcame off England your Tresorer of England and many other Lordis of your councell b}' yourehygh comailde- met to your sayd comons at your parlement holden at Westiii and ended at Winchester, shewed and declared the state of thisyoure reame ; whiche was that ye were indetted in CCC. Ixxxij. M. li. whiche isgrete and greuous and that 3'oure lyuelod in yerly value was but v.M. li. and for as moche as tliis V, M. li. toyoure hygh and noble estate to be kepte and pay your saj'de dettis ^yolde not suffice, therefore that your hygh estate myght be re- lyeued ; and furthermore it was shewed that your expencis necessaryes to your houshold wythouten any other ordenary charges co to xxiiij. M. li. yerly whiche exedith yerly in expencis necessary ouyr 3'our lyuelod^ xix. M. li. ' @ Also please your ITyghnes to consider that your comons of your sayde reame ben as wel wylled to theyr power to the releuynge of your Hyghnes as euer were people too ony Kytige of your progenytours y euer rcgned in your sayd rcame of England, but3"ourconions by so inpowryshed that by taking of vitaylc for your houshold and other thingis in your sayd reame and noght pa3'^dc for, and the quynzysne by your saide commons afore this tyme so ofte grauntcd, and by graunt of tonnag and poundage, and by the graunte of the subsidj'C vpon the w^ulles and other grauntis too youre Hyghnes made, and for lak of execucion of iustice of that your 180 power comons be ful nye dystro^'ed, and yf it shuld lenger contynew in suche grete chargj it coude in noo wise be had and borne, Wherfore plese it your Ilyghnes the premysses gracyously to consider, and by the aduyse and assent of your Lordis spirituell and temporal and by the auctorite of this 3'our present parlement for the consernacyon off yourc hygh state in comfort and ese of your pour comons, wold take resume sease and rctaygne in your hades and possessyon ail honours castels U)rdbhips townships maners h)nciis tenementis wastis rentis reuercions lees feefermes and seruicis wyh alie other apertinauncis in the whiche you had estat in fee in England Wales and in y marches there. Of Irlande Caleice Gvvynes and in the marches thcrof, y whiche you had graunted by youre lettres patentis or other wj^se sythe f first daye of your rcgne, and alle the honours castels lordships townes townships manners landis tenemenlis wastis rentis reuer- sions fees fefermes and seruice wyth her appertynauncis the wiiiche were of the Duchy of Lancaster and passyd from it by your graunte, and ye to haue holde and retenew all premisses in and of lyke estate as ye had them at the tyme of suche graunt^ by you of them made, and that alle lettres patentis or grauntis b}' you or by ony other persone or persones atte youre requeste or desire made to any persone or persones of y primysses be voyde and of noo fors. ^ And ouer that alle maner of grautis of rentis charges and anuyte made by you of a state of enheritaunce for terme of lyf or termes of yeres, or at wylle of wylle of ony persone or persones to be take of ony of thes premisses or off ony other of youre possessyons or of youre custumes or subsidyes or auerage or of your hap or acte or in your ressayt or in other wyse or in ony place or in ony of the or of the profy t comyng of them win this your reame Irland Wales Caleis Guynes and the marches of the same be voyd and in none effecte. ^ And that all maner grauntj made by you to ony persone or persones of estate of enheritaunce terme off' lyf or terme of yeres or att wylle, of ony herbage or pannage fisshig pasture or common or pastur wareyn wood wyne clothing furres to none office longing nor perteyning sith the sayd furst day of youre reygne, nor afore not yeldynge to yeue veri value therof doing no charge to yeue therfore and the value therof, to be voyde and of none effecte. 181 m And tliat alle lettres patenlis by 3'ou made or in ony of the premisses to ony persone of the whiche ony recouer hath ben had ayenst the sayd patentis or ony other by conen or colusion, that as well the recouerer therof as the lettres patent^ be voyde and of none efFecte. ^ And ouer thatlykytyoure Hyghnes to take resume seaseand retaygne in your sayd handis and possession all maner preuylegis frauncheses hundredis wapentakes leet^ rapis vyew of frankpledge sherefs turnays sherefgyldes amerciament) issues and profytes of the same bee yeue and grauntyd syth the furste daye of your reygne to ony persone or persones or abbot priyour deane chapiter mayster or wardeyne oiF collao-e fratcr- nyte crafte or gwylde, and all maner such grauntys be voyde and of none effecte, except sitche libartees preuylegis fraunches hundredis wapentakes letis rapis vyew of frankplcdgis sheref turneis sherefgwykles fynes amercia- mentis issues and profytes off the same and all other lybartyes fraunches preuylegis and amytees as you haue graunted to the prouostis and scoles of your collage ryall of our Lady and Saint Nicholas in Chambriege or to your prouoste and colege ryall of our Lady of Eton, and to there suc- cessours. ^ And for as moche as it is thought to vs your humble and leege people of this your noble reame comen to this your hygh courte of parlement by your auctorite ryall, that certeyne diners lybartees preuylegis fredoms frauches and ony fees be you to the prouost scolars and to the prouostes college and their successours of your collegis of Eton and Chambrege graunted, ben to youre Hyghnes prejudicial and ouer chargfull and noyouse toyour leege people of this your reame. @ Please it therfore your moost byghe and reall Mageste, to ordeyne and appoynte by your hygh wisdom and discrccion that all grauntis and actis of suche lybartees preuylegis and fredoms fraunchees and amytees as ben to you preiudicial and ouerchargefull, and noyous vnto your people of this your reame be voyde and of none efFecte. Wherof we your trewe comons in the most lowly wyse that we can thinke, beseche your moste habundant Grace to haue knowlege during this your sayd courte of parle- ment for youre speciall rejece and comfort. 182 ^ And ouer that all tliegrauntis or releces made bj you Sythe the fyrst daye of your regne to ony abbot priyor couente or to ony other persone or peisones of discharge of quit clame of any corrydics corride pencion or pencions dysnies quynsyms or dysmes tempals or off dyscharge or qnyte. clayme of ony rentis of fee or seruyce of fee, be voyde and of none eftecte, ^ This acte and peticion of resunipcion to bcgynne and take efFecte the fyrst daye off youre parlement holden at Westmynster the xxviij.yere of 3otu- rcgnc, and that alie nianer of grauntis bee you made of ony of y sayde honours castels lordships townes townships maners land^ tenementis wastes rentis reuercions fees feefermes and seruice or discharge of quyt clayme as is aboue reherssed, wyth all other appartynauncis from the fyrst day of the parlement holden at Westmynster the xxviij. 3'ere of your reygne vnto the laste daye of this present parlement be voyde and of none eftecte. fP And yf ony persone or persones at ony tyme after the fyrst daye of this present parlement accepte or purchace your lettres patent^ of ony off y sayde honours castels lordships townes townships manner landis tene- mentis wastis rentis rcucions fees feefermes and seruic^ w all other a})per- tinaunce or ony dyscharge or quyt clayme as is aboue reherssed, or ony of the premisses or ony other possessions of fee or of freholde thatshulde growe vnto yow in the tyme comynge bee the wey of forfeytour or other wyse, but yf it so be that this lettres patentis passe be aduyse and assent of 3'our Chauncelar and Tresorer of England Preuy Scale and vi. lordis of youre greate councel for the tyme being, and that they and eche of them subscribe in suche lettres patentis there names, and that tlieis lettres patentis soo subscribed wyth the sayd names be inrolled in youre chauncery of record. -fl[ And yf ony persone or persones accept or purchas your lettres patentis of ony of the premisses otherwyse, forfeyte vnto you our souerayn Lorde all his landis or tenementis y he or ony persone or persones haue to his vse at the tyme of such lettres patentis made, or ony tyme after shal haue in fee semple holde of you, inmediatly to you, and all other landis and teiicis that, they soo shall holde off other psones to them that they shal holde inmedyatly, and the same letters patent] to be voyd and to non effecte. 183 ^ And that noo persone or persones that had any thing of the premisses afore the tyme of the said rcsunipcie be not chargeable bi the wey of acopte odurvvise for the same ayenst you your eyers or successours excepte thoos that be yourgrautj afore the sayd resumpcion were acomptable, and that by auto- rite of this your present parlemcnt euery of your lyege men that hath yeuen or grauntid any landis tciientis rentis aduousos or other poscessions to you or to ani other by your desire, for any other ladis tehentis rentis aduousons or other possessions by you graunted, or by any other bi your desire silh y said furst day of 3 our regne, y they y be now on lyue and their eyers, and (o the eyers and successors of them y be dede, may entir liaue and ioy all such landis teiitis rentys aduousons or other poscessions so yeue and graunted in lyke wyse, as they ther auncestres or prediccssors had them afore such graunte or a state made, and that amcrcymet in case may be had admytted and res- saiued bi this sayd autorite for eueri partie that so shall entre in haue or enioye ani of the promisses by their seruyce, that y said landis tenentis retis aduousos or odur poscessions that they so shal entre inne haue or enioy were yeuen or graunted for other landcs tenemetj ret^ aduousons or other possessyons that they graunted to yeue or to any other at your desire niencyon be made therof, soo that such landis tenemetis retis aduousons or other poscessions were not rightfully in your possescions in fee aftir such yeftes or grauntis as is aboue rehessid, sauing to euery persone ther right tytel and enterest in any of the primisses other than they their auncestres or pridecessors had be forsse of your lettres patentis, so that therof hath ben had noo recoilery by couyn or collusion. @ Prouided alwey, y thys acte shall not extende to the p'iudice of our soueryn lady the Queue of her dower ioyter or frcholde, to her be you graunted nor to any acte of parlement for her made. Prouided alv/ey, y this acte shal not extede to ani priories aliens pencios or any other poscessions, alyens belonging to the same priorys grauntid by you to any of your prouostis and college and ther successours, or your collegis ryall of our Lady of Eton and Seint Nycholas of Cambrege or any of them to the vse of the said colleois. -» ^ Prouided alwey, that this acte exlende not to any free holdes and tenetis that the prouostis scolars and puostis and collegis of your collagis rial of Eto and Cambrege, that they or any of the forsaid puostis scolars or collegis 184 haue too the and ther successors seuerally or joyntly to the vse of the said collegis in the towne of Eton and Canibrege aforsayd or any of them. ^ Prouyded alwey, that this acte and ordynaunce of resumpcion extende not to any graunt made by you to y prouostis and college and their succes- sours, your collegis ryall of Cambrege and Eton or any of them or any pur- chage made by your said prouostis scolars and prouost and college and their successors or any of the or any other personc or psones of any landis tenementis rentis or poscessions purchased by them or ani of them to the vse of ani of the said collegis payng for the sayd landes and tenementis as conscyens and right requireth, of the which landis and teiitis rentis or pos- sescions ye were infeoffed of bi the said persones or psone to thentent to feof the said puostis or any them, in the whiche land^ and tenementis rentis were not yours before the said feoffement and made to you be not coprehendid and coteyned in this acte. ^ Prouided also, y this acte extende not ne be not preiudiciall to any graunt made by you to the wardeyn or mastir scolars and thcr successours of the college Valeyns Marie Pebrok halle, comonly called wythin 3'our vnyuersile of Cambrege, of the priory alyen of Lynto wj'th alle the rightis and the appartinauncis therto longyng and the aduouson of the t'icariage of the same, ne to denay any graunt by you made to the said wardey maslir scolars, and ther successours of a pencyon the which the abbot of Ryall Lien late paid vnto the abbot of Pryne odur wise called Pynne Alyen. ^ Prouided alwey, that this acte extende not to cherchcs bcyng in spirit tuel mennys handis ne to gleuis off the same dismes pencions of desmes obligacions of pencyons goyng out of chirches and gleuis al only which were parte or percel of any priors alyen, nor to any tythes or offryngis being in spirlel mens handis in y coiitie of Guynes or the marches of Caleys, so that the same spirituel men dwellyn vpon ther benefices wythi the countee and marches forsaid. ^ Prouided also, that this acte extende not to any lettres patentj here after to be graunted by force of the tresorers bille of England for thetyme beyno', and that in euery patent so to be made, be coteined that who wil geue more tiia the graunt or grauntis in the said letters patentis wouten 185 fVaude or malengynes if the sayd grant or grauntis wil not yeue so myche as so is offred off encrese, y than he that soo offerth encrese haue it by letters patentis conteynyng f wordis aforsaid and if ani letters patentis heraftir be made I other fourme than is afore rehessed that they be voyde and non effecte. ^ Prouided alwei, that noo persone or psones that hath paid by any •warrant that were sufficient any of y premysses or of profeitis and issues of them be not hurt for any such paiment be this acte. ^ Prouyded alsoo, that thys acte be not p'iudicial to your Chaucelar and Tresorer of Englad, priuesel justice barons of the shekeryour sergeant^ of lawe your atturnay nor to ani other of your officers in the curtis of re- corde of any wagis rewardis or clothig dew or accust'med vnto such officers as in the dayes of any of your noble progenitors because of this said officis ne too any acte of parlement for them made. ^ Prouided also, that this acte ordynaunce made in your last parlemet for paimentis of the areragis of wagis and rewardis dew to Vmfrey Duke of Bokynghrii than capten of the castel and towne of Caleis and of the towne of Risebanke for him his lieftenauntes and sowdiars etendiir for the saufgarde of the same towne castel and tour for the tyme that the said Duke wascapteyne there. Ne that the sayd acte or ordinaunce so made I your last parlemet be not cumprised and comprehedidin this acte. ^ And that this acte extende not too any parsone or psones hauyg right- full and lawful restitucio of any posscessios of fee or of free holdes be you, vpon his tytle to yow dewly shewid as for the sayd possessions in ther lettres patentis of restitucion coteyned nor to any grauntis in ani wise made for discharge of any townships or men of the same by ther ferme of the same towncs whiche they were too gretly charged yf soo that it hath be dewly enquerid and certefied. ^ Prouided also, that any letters patentis made to the mayr councille or baylif and burges of any cite towne or borugh, or to citezens or burges of the same to be exemple for the power autorite or iurdixyon of the Admyral of England, clarke of the market for the tyme beyge or for B b 186 the power of the wardeyns of your marches of England toward Scotlad be vtturly forprised and excepte out of this acte and noon of such lett'* patentis comprised in the same. M Prouided also, that this acte extende not to any maner of graunte mirage or any thing graunted for the same made by you to any mayr cominaltee or to baylyf and cominalte or citezes or burges of any cite towne or porte of this your reame of England. ^ Prouided also, that noo parsone that liathe paid be warant sufficient at the tyme of such paymet any of the primysses of the profeytis and issues of he be not hurte of any such pa^-ment be this acte. ^ And for as myche as it is playnli and vniuersally conceyued thorugh al this your reame that the good spede of this acte of resumpcio is to you fullhonrable necessary and behouefuU and to alle your liege peple cofortable and gret relyf of yer pouertee f whiche they ben in ful mani inportable charges leyd vpon the afore this tyme for that the said resumpcyo afore tliis tyme hathe not ben effectually had. ^ We your trewe humble obe3^saiit and feithful liege peple comen for y comons of this your noble reame to this your high courte of parlemet be your autoryte ryal, in the moste homble wyse to vs possible besechen your most noble grace graciousli and tendirly to consider the gret benefettis that shulde growe vnto you and to this your reame be the meane off the resump- cion, that it plese therfore your most habundaunt grace that the said re- sumpcyon may take good and effectuall conclusion, wherof we your said humble and liege peple vndir the fauour of your hygh and most noble grace ma}'^ haue knovvlege durig this your said parlemet for your singlar and speciall comfort and consolacio of vs and all thoo that we co fore, &cj. 187 C The Crafte to make Corke for Diars. Take an C. and a q'rt' of lyztmose and ley it half a day in stale pisse and tha put vnto hitt xiiij. 11. pot asshes and xx. galons stale pisse the doo it in pottj and hete an ouyn w iij. fagottj the furt tyme, the ij. tyme wyth iiij. fagottis and so forth wyth moo fagottis, jiij. tymes at f lest, &cj. ^ The Ressaite to make Ypocras. f|[ For a galon and a pynt of red wy take synamon iij. vncis, gynger tryed an vnce, greynes and longe peper dl. vnce, clones and masys, a q'rt' of an vnce, spignard a quatir of an vnce, suger ij. 11. ||[ Clarey. For xviij. galons synamo, dl. a pute gynger, q'rt' of a 11. pepir, a q'rt' of a II. greynes, an vnce safron, a quatir of an vnce colyaundir, ij. vnce calaraose aromaticus. m The Crafte to make Ypocras and Braket and Clare. Take a quarte of red wyne an vnce of synamo and half an vnce of gynger and a quartir of an vnce of greynes and half a 11. off suger, and brose alle thes not to small and than putt them in a bage of wullen clothe made therfore with the wyne and late it hange ouir a vessell till y wyn be rune thorow. And aftir thou mayst breke the spicj smaller and putt new wyne ther to, and make more wyth the same stuflf, but it can not be so good as the furst, and thus if thow wilt haue more quantyte of ypocras make thi quantite of spicis ther aftir as is boue said. 188 ^ For Clarrc. Take cloues and gilofre quibible, and macj canll' gynger and spiguale off an in poudreand temper hem with good wyne and the iij. parte as micli of fyn honi that is clarefied and streine hem thorugh a cloth and doo it into a clene vessel, and it may be made wyth ale &cj. C[ For Braket. Take a pott of good ale and put therto a porcion of hony and peper i this maner, Avhen thou hast good ale lete it stonde in a pot ij. daies and tha drawe out a quarte or a potell of that ale and put to the hony and set it ouer the fire and lete it sethe well and take it of the fire and scinne it clene and than set it ouer the fire and scinne it ayen and then lete it keele a while and put thertoo the peper and the set he on the fire and lete hem boyle wel togedur with esy fir ; but peper take iiij. galons of good ale a pynte of fyn tryed hony and the mountenaunce off saucer full of poud' of peper, 8ccl, ^ The Crafte to make Gunepoudir. Take as myche weight as thou will of salt pet' and half asmyche weyght of brymston and half soo myche of coles of salow or of wylow tree, and yf thou wilt, a litel of quyke siluer and bete he in a mortir to smal powdir and sarce hem and put hem in a bote drye place as in thy bed strawe. C[ The Crafte to make Orchell. Take iij. C. weight orchell drye grounde and doo it in a trouthe and put therto xvi. or xx. galos of stale pisse and medell it wel togedir and so lete it lye ij. or iij. daes and than fede it wyth pisse and wood asshes too this proporcions, for eueri C. of the orchel x.ll. wood asshes, and to this iij. C. orchell in all ij. barels of stale pisse, and for to doo it wel it wilbe xiiij. daies i makyng &c j. 189 ^ To make a Pigell to kepe freshe Sturgen in. Take of the same brothe it was socle in and for half the hed of sturgeon take a pynte of whit W3'ne and a pynte of white venegre and fenell sede broken and bounde in a clothe and ley it in the same souse for oo day, but yf it shalbe lenger or packed in a barell and caried, take only while wyne and white venegar and a litel salte and soo it shall contynu well ij. monthes. To make Veneger shortli if ye haue nede. Caste benys in the fire, a quantite as thou shalt seme good, andhote put them in to wine and it shalbe shortly turned to venegre. ^ To make Percely to growe in an our space. Take a quantite of erthe, and put therto lyes of swete wyne that is dried and medull the erthe and that togedir and than sowe thy percely and medell the seed and y erthe togedir and wete it wyth aqua uite and tha set your turfe or your erthe ayen the fyre, and set it shoring ayen the fyre and wythin an our ye shal haue there percely abill to cutte yi a knyf, and ^ the prouf ye shal knowe the trouthe herof. The mesurs of Reynysb Wyne too be bought by in And- warpe and Dordreight, and also the mesurs and rekenyng of Wyne to be bought at Burdeux, and gawge of the same. The rood of reynysh wyne of Dordreight is x. awames and euery awme is 1. salons. 190 ^ Itin the rood of Andwarp is xiiij. awmes and eueri awme is xxxv. galons. .^ The Rekenyg of Wyne at Burdeux. ^ The tonne of Burdeux holdith mesur xij. score and xij. galons, the pipe vi. share and vi, galons, the hogg^hed Ixiij. galos, y tone holdilh I sesternes Ixiij. sesternes, the pipe xxxi. s'. di, the hogg^hed xv. s'. dl and a q'rt' sesterne iiij. galons. ^ Itin XV. sous? of Burdeux makithe a franke whiche is ij.s. This is the rekenyg to bye wyne by the frankes, that is to wet iij. frakes makith a nobill, soo yf yow bye a tonne wyne for xl. frankis, that is aftir the maner of Burdeux xiij. noble and a franke, so if ye will make a iuste rekenag of wyne ye must loke how many poundis ye pay for a tonne wyne, soo many pence stondith yo in a galon iust, for in a poundis sterlyng ben xij. share pence and so many galons holdith a tone, and looke how many poundis ye pay for a pipe, soo many ij. d'. drawyth a galon, and how many poundis ye pay for an hoggH^ed, so many iiij. d'. the galon. The Weight and maner of beyng of Irne, and the dif- ference of y Weyghtes vsed in England. It is to wett, that xx. C. weyght is a tonne irne, and to rescayue it CCC. q'terand xxv. li. at a draught, or be the endys as the marchauntis can agree. ^ Item ye shal vnderstande that xv. kyntayls yron of the weyght of Este Spayne weyed xx. C. English wyght and more, the pryce of a kyntayl there is ij. s. and viij. d*., and lesse by xx. d'. or ij. s. in the tonne, &c. 191 H The Difference of the Weyghtis. Ther beth iij. maner weyghtj that is to wete, troy weyght, auncell weyghtis, and lyggynge weyght. By troy weyght is bought and solde golde syluer perlys gette, that is to saye of this weyght xxxij. d'. st^. maketh an vunce, and viij. vucis makyth a marke, and xij. vunc^ makyth a pounde of this troye weights ^ Another Weyght Ys called auncels shafte, and this weyght is forboden in England by statute of parlement, and also hooly chirche hath cursed in England alle thoo that beyen or sellen by that aiicel weyght, for it is a disseuable weyght yf a man cast hym to deceyue the people and for to be false. f[ The Lygginge Weyght. And therby is boughte and solde alle maner of marchaundise, as tynne ledde irne coper stele waxe woode mader and al maner of specerycorsis lac^ hempe ropis and t.ilow and suche other as is vsed to be solde be weyght, and of this weyght xvi. vuncis make a pound and C. and xij. li. is an C. and x. C. marke a M. of all suche marchanndises that is solde be this weyght and rekenynge made by the same excepte Avulle only, for wulle is weyed by thcAveyght aforsayd, but not reconed after that maner. Wulle is bought by the sacke by the tod by the stone and by the mayle, as is afore sayd, but in the contree amoge the husbandis it is moste vsed to be bought by the stone and by f tod, and bytwene gaderars of the countree and mar- chauntis it is moste vsed to be bought be the sacke. 192 €1 The Acte of Parlenient to compelle the lugis of Spuall Lawe to graunt ony party the Copy of the Lebel for any cause. Edward, by the grace of God Kyg of Englad and of Frauce and Lord of Irlade to y wursbipful fad' in God T. Archbishop of Cant'bury Primat of alle Englande and Auditor of his causes and to ther comyssaries and deputees what so euer they be and to euery of them gretyng. Syns it* is so that in the statute in f parlement of Kynge Herry the iiij. lately of the deede and not off the lawe, at Leyceter the secode yere of his reygne, a crye holden among other thingis was conteyned, that whan so euer the copey of the lybell or the articles by lawe of the cause is to be graunted and bee delyuered vnto f party wythout dificulty, and nowe of the com- pleynt of Ric. A. we haue harde that thow he often tymes bathe desyred the copy of the lebel or artycles of the cause ayenst hym before you in the courte of cristiante moued and hanging, to be deliuered vnto hym the whiche copye by the lawe is to be graunted as it is sayde. And ye neuer- thelesse haue deferred and now defene to do it, in despyte of vs and greuous hurt of the same Ric. and ayenst y strengeth fourme and effecte of the for- sayde statute ; we wyllinge the same statute in euery of his articles vnde- fyled to be kepte, commaunde you y ye graunt to the sayd Ric. the copy of the lybell or articles of the cause aforesayd before you as it is sayd moued and haging yf it be to be grauted by the lawe, and delyuer to the same Ric. the same copy wythout any difficulte aftir the strengeth fourme and effectc of the forsayde statute : wytnessemyself att Westin. 193 H The Rate of the Kyngis Custum and Subside of Mar- chaundises registred in the Escheker, ||[ The Custum of Clothe wythout greyn. The Kingis subgettis pay for custum of a cloth xiiij. d'. The Spaynardis paye for custum of a cloth xiiij. d'. The Hanse payth xij. d'. ; and aliauntj pay for a cloth ij. s. ix. d'. ^ The Custum of Cloth in greyn. ^ The kyngis subgettis payeth for euery cloth ij. s. iiij. d'. The Spay- nard^ pay ij. s. iiij.d'. The Hanse payeth ij.s. Other slraungers paye V. s. vi. d'. ^ The Custum of Cloth half grayed. ^ The kyngis subgettis pay for suche cloth xxi. d'. The Spaynardis pay xxi. d'. The marchaunt of the Hanse paye xviij. d'. Other straungers paye iiij. s. i. d'. ^ The Subside of Cloth as wel in greine as vngreyned, after the valuore of euery pounde. The kyngis subgettis for subside paye nothinge. The Spaynardis pay nothinge. The Hanse paye nothinge. Other straungers paye for sub- side of euery li. xij. pens. ^ Custum of Sengle Wursted. ^ The kyngis subgettis, the Spaynardis and marchautis of the Hase c c 194 pay for custum of euery pece i. d'. and all other straungers payd for custu i.d'. ob'. f[ The Custum of the Doubll Worsted. The kjngis subgettis, the Spaynardis, and marchautis of the Has, pay for euery pece custum ij. d'. and all od' straungers pay iij. d'. The Custum of euery bed Sengle Wursted. The subgettis of England, the Spaynyardis, and the marchauntis of the Hans pay for custum of euery pece, v. d'. and all other straungers paye vij. d'. ob'. f[ The Custum of beddj Double Wursted. ^ The kyngis subgettis, the marchauntis of the Hanse, and the Spay- nardis pay for custum of euery suche pece ix. d.' and all other marchauntis straungers pay xiij. d*. ob'. ||[ The Subsidie of euery poud value of Wursted sengle and double, and of the Wursted beddis sengle and double. The kyngis subgettis, the Spaynardis, and marchauntis of the Hanse pay for subsidie of the ponde i. d*. Alle other straungers pay xij. d'. ^ Custum of Waxe, and subside, ^ For euery C. waxe alle marchautis paye for custum xij. d'. The kyngis subgettis, the marchauntis of Spayne, and of the Hanse paye nothynge for subsidie of noo maner waxe. f|[ Alle other marchauntis straungers paye for subsidie xij. d'. 195 ||[[ Custuui and Subsidie of Wynes. ^ The marchauntis off England and of Spayne pay tonnage for euery tonne iij. s. §[ The marchauntis of the Hanse and other marchauntis straungers paye for custum of euery tonne ij. s. And the other marchauntis straugers paye for subside iij. s. ^ The Custum and Subside of euery tonne Swete Wyne. ^ The marchauntis of England and of Spayne paye for tonnage iij. s. The marchauntis of the Hanse and alle marchauntis straungers paye for custum ij. s. And the marchauntis straungers paye for subside iij. s. H Custum and Subside of Tyne be f li. value. ^ The marchauntis of England and of Spayne paye for subside xij. d'. The Hanse and marchauntis straugers paye for custum iij. d'. And the marchauntis straungers for subside paye ij. d'. ^ Custum of Pewter and Subside be the li. value. HI The marchauntis of England and of Spayne paye for subside xij.d'. And the marchauntis straungers pay for subside ij. s. And the same marchaunt straungers paye for custum iij. d'. 0{ The Custum and Subside off Wulle and Felle shipped to Caleis. ^ The marchaunt of the stapil payeth for custum of a sac. vi. s. viij. Ite he payed for subside xxxiij. s. iiij. d*. ^ Ite for euery CC. xl. wulle fellis for custum vi. s. viij. d. ^ Item for subside of y same, xxxiij. s. iiij.d'. 196 Custum and Subside shyppyd in to other parties of WuUe and Felle. ^ Euery marchaut payeth for custum of a sac x. s. ^ Item for subside iij. li. vi. s. viij. d'. §[ Item for f comyng to Caleis viij. d'. ^ Item of euery CC. xl. skynnes off" wull fel eu marchaut payth for custum X. s. and euery marchaut paith for subside iij. li. vi. s. viij.d'. ^ Item for deuerii they pay viij. d'. Custum and Subside of Ledur. (|[ The marchaut of England payth for euery last ledur tanned, for custu xiij. s. iiij. d'. ^ Item for the subside vi. viij.d'. Item for deuery to Caleis xvi. d'. H The marchaunt of Spayne payed for custum xiij. s. iiij. d*. ^ Item for subside iij. li. vi. s. viij. d'. ^ Ite deuery, aleis viij. d'. fH The marchaut straugers pay for custum xx. s. ^ Ite for subside xiij.s. iiij.d'. ^ Ite deuery, Caleis xvi. d*. ^ The Charge for the CoketiJ of MarchaudicJ. All maner of marchaiitis shal pay for his covet ij.d'. ^ The Custum and Subside of euery li. value of alle other Marchaundise. ^ The English marchaut payde for subside xij. d'. and the marchaut of Spayne xij. d'. The marchaut J of the Hans paye for subside ij. d'. the same marchaijt^ pay for custum iij.d'. All other marchautis paye for custii iij. d'., and for subside xij. d'. 197 §[ The Composicion betwene the Marchauntis of England and f towne of And warp, for the Costis of ther Marchaundicis brought to the said towne, and hauing thens. f[ The Tolle. Fvrst to pa^'e for the tolle off C. ferendel corne of our mesure CC. busshels, XX. d'. Flemish. ^ Item for a grete packe, the tolle ij. s. g^. |[[ Item for a myddel packe, the tolle xviij. gret. ^ Item for a terlyng, the tolle xij. gj. ^ Item for a fardel, the tolle vi.gj, kranage. |[[ For a grete packe slogen ^ the cheyncs x.gj. ^ Item for a myddel packe in the krane vi. gJ. ^ Ite for a terling in y krane iiij. gJ. ^ Ite for a fedell in the krane ij- gJ. Excise. 1^ Thexcise of euery clothe is viij. mytj g^. Kolle Waynes. For a grete packe for the rolle wayne, iiij. gret. ^ Item for a lytill packe, the rolle wayne iij. gJ. ^ Item a terlyng payth, for the rolle wayne ij. gJ. Costis at the Fery. ^ To pay at the fery for a man and his bagage, iiij. mitj. ^ Item a hors the man and his bagage, i- gJ. ||[ Item an emty hors only i. d'. Brokers to pay for a cloth under xl. s. the broker shal haue ij. gJ. ^ Item for a cloth aboue xl. s. the broker hath iiij. gJ. ~ Item C. ellis cotton cloth payth lyke a clothe iiij. gJ &c. 198 Be it right or Avrog, these me among, on wome do coplaine, AfFermyng this, how that it is, a labour spent in vaine To loue the wele, for neuer a dele, they loue a man agayne, For lete a man, do what he can, ther fouour to attayne, Yet yf a newe, to them pursue, ther furst trcw louer than Laboureth for nought, and from her thought, he is a bannisshed m^. I say not nay, but that all day, it is bothe writ and sayde That womans fayth, is as who saythe, all vtterly decayed. But neiitheles, right good witnes, i this case might be layde That they loue trewe, and cotynew, recorde y Nutbrowne Maide, Whiche from her loue, wha her to proue, he cam to make his mone, Wolde not departe, for in her herte, she louyd but hym allone. Than betwene vs, lete vs discusse, what was all the maner Be twene them too, we wyl also, telle all they peyne in fere That she was in, now I begynne, so that ye me answere. Wherfore ye, that present be, I pray you geue an eare : I am the knyght, I cum be nyght, as secret as I ca, Sayng; — Alas, thus stondyth the cause, I am a banisshed man. And I your wylle, for to fulfylle, in this wyl* not refuse. Trusting to shewe, in wordis fewe, y men haue an ille vse To ther owne shame, wyme to blame, and causeles the accuse; Therfore to you, I answere now, alle wymen to excuse. — Myn owne hert dere, w you what chiere, I prey you telle anoon, For in my mynde, of all mankynde I loue but you allon. It stodith so, a dede is do, wherfore moche harme shal growe, My desteny, is for to dey, a shamful dethe I trowe, Or ellis to flee, the ton must bee, none other wey I knowe. But to wdrawe, as an outlaw, and take me to my bowe; Wherfore adew, my owne hert trewe, none other red I can, For I muste to the grcne wode goo, alone a bannysshed man. 199 Lorde what is this worldis blisse that chaungeth as y inone. My somers day, i lusty May, is derked before the none; 1 here you saye farwel, nay, nay, we departe not soo sone; Why say ye so, wheder wyl ye goo, alas what haue ye done ? Alle my welfare, to sorow and care, shulde chaunge yf ye wereoon; For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone. I can beleue, it shal you greue, and shomwhatyou distrayne; But aftyrwarde, your paynes harde win a day or tweyne Shal sone a slake, and ye shal take, comfort to you agayne. Why shuld ye nought? for to make thought your laburwere in vayne, And thus I do, and pray you loo, as hertely as I can ; For I muste too y grene wode goo, alone a banysshed man. Now syth that ye haue shewed to me f secret of your mynde, I shalbe playne to you agayne lyke as ye shal me fynde ; Syth it is so, that ye wyll goo, I wol not leue behynde, Shal neyer be sayd, the Nutbrowne Mayd, was to her loue vnkind; Make you redy, for soo am I, allthough it were anoon, For in my mynde of all mankynde, I loue but you alone. Yet I you rede, take good hede, whan men wyl thinke and sey Of yonge and olde, it shalbe tolde, that ye be gone away, Your wanton wylle, for to fulfylle, in grene wood you to play, And that ye myght, from your del3'te, noo lenger make delay. Rather than ye shuld thus for me, be called an ylle woman, Yet wolde I to, the grene wodde goo, alone a banyshed man. Though it be songe of olde and yonge, that I shuld be to blame. Theirs be the charge, y speke so large in hurting of my name ; For I wyl proue, that fey thful loue, it is deuoyd of shame In your distresse, and heuynesse, to parte wyth you the same, And sure all thoo, that doo not so, trewe loucrs ar they noon ; But in my mynde of all mankynde, I loue but you alone. 200 I councel yow, remembre how, it is noo maydens lawe, Nothing to dought, but to rene out, to wod w an outlawe : For ye must there, in your hande bere, a bowe to bere and drawe, And as a theef, thus must ye lyue, euer in drede and awe, By whiche to 3^ow, gret harme myght grow, yet had I leuer than That I had too, the grene wod goo, alone a banysshyd man. I thinke not nay, but as ye saye, it is noo maydens lore. But loue may make me, for your sake, as ye haue said before, To com on fote, to hunte and shote to gete vs mete and store, For soo that I, your company may haue I aske noo more ; From whiche to parte, it makith mjui herte, as colde as ony ston. For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone. For an outlawe this is the lawe, that men hym take and binde "Wythout pytee, hanged to bee, and wauer w the wynde. Yf I had neede, as God forbede, what rescous coude ye finde ; For sothe I trowe, you and your be we, shul' drawe for fere behynde, And noo merueyle, for lytel auayle, were in your councel than ; "Wherfore I too, the woode wyl goo, alone a banysshd man. Ful wel knowe ye, that wymen bee, ful febyl for to fyght, Noo womanhed, is it in deede, to bee bolde as a knight. Yet in suche fere, yf that ye were, amonge enemj-s day and nyght I wolde wythstonde, w bowe in hande, to greue them as I myght, And you to saue, as wymen haue, from deth many one ; For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone. Yet take good hede, for euer, I drede, that ye coude not sustein The thorney wayes, y depe valeis, the snowe, y frost, y reyn. The colde, the hete ; for drye or wete, we must lodge on the playn ; And vs abowe, noon other roue, but a brake bussh or twayne; Whiche sone shulde greue you, I beleue, and 3'e wolde gladly than, That I had too, the grene wode goo, alone a banysshyd man. 201 Syth I haue here, ben partynere, \Vyou of ioy and blysse, I muste also, parte of your woo endure, as reason is ; Yet am I sure, of oo plesure, and shortly it is this. That wiiere ye bee, me semeth perde, I coude not fare amysse ; Wythout more speche, I you beseche, that we were soon a gone ; For in my mynde, of all man kynde, I loue but you alone. Yef yc goo thedyr, ye must cosider, whan ye haue lust to dyne, Ther shal no mete, before to gete, nor drike, bere, ale, ne wine, Ne shetis clene, to lye bctwene, made of thred and twyne ; Noon other house, but leuys and bowes to keuer your hed and myn : Loo myn herte ssvete, this ylle dyet, shuld make you pale and wan, Wherfore I to the wood wyl goo, alone a banysshid man. Amonge the wylde dere, suche an archier, as me say y ye bee, Ne may not fayle, of good vitayle, where is so grete plente, And watir cleere, of the ryuere, shalbe ful swete to me Wyth whiche in hele, I shal right wele endure as ye shal see ; And er we goo a bed, or twoo I can prouide anoon, For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone. Loo yet before ye must doo more, yf ye wyl goo \V me. As cutte your here vp by your ere, your kirtel by y knee, Wyth bowe in hade, for to wstode your enmys, yf nede be : And this same nyght, before day lyght, to wood ward wyl I flee ; And ye wyl all this fulfylle, doo it shortely as ye can, Ellis wil 1 to the grene wode goo, alone a banysshyd man. I shal as now, do more for you, y longeth to womanhod, To short my here, a bowe to bere, to shote in tyme of nede. O my swete mod', before all other, for you haue I most drede. But now adiew, I must ensue, wher fortune duth me leede: All this make ye, now lete vs flee, the day cum fast vpon ; For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone. Dd 202 Nay nay not soo, ye shal not goo, and I shal telle 3'ou why ; Your appetyte, is to be lyglit of loue, I wele aspie, For right as ye, haue sayd to me, in lyke wyse hardely Ye wolde answere, who so euer it were, in way of company. It is sayd of olde, sone hole sone colde, and so is a woman ; Wherfore I too, the woode wyl goo, alone a banysshid man. Yef ye take hede, yet is noo neede, suche wordis to say bee mee. For ofte ye preyd, and Jonge assayed, or I you louid pdee ; And though that I, of auncestry, a barons doughter bee. Yet haue you proued, how I you loued, a squyer of lowe degree, And euer shal, what so befalle, to dey therfore anoon ; For in my mynde, of al raankynde, I loue but you alone. A barons childe to be begyled, it were a curssed dede ; To be felow w an out lavve, Almyghty God forbede : Yet bettyr were, the power squyer, alone to forest yede, Than ye shal saye, another day, that be wyked dede Ye were betrayed, wherfore good maide, the best red y I can, Is that I too, the grene wode goo, alone a banysshed man. Whatsoeuer befalle, I neuer shal, of this thing you vpbraid, But yf ye goo, and leue me soo, than haue ye me betraied ; Remembre you wele, how that ye dele, for yf ye as the sayde, Be so vnkynde, to leue behynde, your loue the Notbrowne Maide, Trust me truly, that I dey, sone after ye be gone. For in my mynde, of all raankynde, I loue but you alone. Yef that ye went, ye shulde repent, for in the forest now I haue purueid me, of a maide, whom I loue more tha you. Another fayrer than euer ye were, I dare it wel auowe ; And of you bothe, eche shuld be Avrothe w other as I trowe : It were m}^! ease, to lyue in pease, so wyl I yf I can, Wherfore I to the wode wyl goo, alone a banysshid man. 203 Thouo-h in the wood, I vndirstode, ye had a paramour, All this may nought rcmeue my thought, but y I wil be your ; And she shal f'ynde me softe and kynde, and curleis euery our, Glad to fulfylle all that she wylle c5maunde me to my power, For had ye loo, an hondred moo, yet wolde I be that one; For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone. Myn owne dere loue, I see the proue, that ye be kynde and trewe ; Of mayde and wyf, in al my lyf, the best that euer I knewe. Be mery and glad, be no more sad, the case is chauged newe ; For it were ruthe, that for your trouth, you shuld liaue cause to rewe. Be not dismayed, what soeuer I sayd to you whan I began, I wyl not too the grene wod goo, I am noo banysshyd man. Theis tidingis be more glad to me, than to be made a quene, Yf I were sure, they shuld endure, but it is often seen, When men wyl breke promyse, they speke the word is on the splene. Ye shape some wyle, me to begyle, and stele fro me I wene. Then were the case, wurs than it was, and I more woo begone ; For in my mynde, of al mankynde, I loue but you alone. Ye shal not nede further to drede, I wyl not dispage, You God defende, sith you descende, of so grete a lynage : Now vnderstonde, to Westraerlande, whiche is my herytage, I wyl you bringe, and wyth a rynge, be wey of maryage I wyl you take, and lady make, as shortly as 1 can; Thus haue ye wone an erles son, and not a banysshyd man. Here may ye see, that wymen be in loue meke kinde and stable, Late neuer man, repreue them than, or calle them variable; But rather prey God that we may to them be cofortable, "Whiche somtyme preuyth suche as loueth, yf they be charitable : For sith men wolde, that wymen sholde be meke to them echeon, Moche more ought they to God obey, and serue but hym alone. ^04 (B The Rekenyiig to bey Waris in Flauntlres. First ye shal vnderstode, y xxiiij. niitj makith a peny, and viij. mytj niakith an Eng^ d'. iij. Eng^ makith a peny. Ite a Ell', ell coteyneth iij. q't's of an Eng^ yarde, and v. q't's off Fll". ell makith an EngJ ell, and so rekin aft' this maner wyse y ij. Ell', ell makith an EngJ ell and a q't' off a yavde, and so reken for v. ell Ell', make iij.EngJ ell, and x.makevi. and XX. make xij. d'. so ye maye reken eiamore what cotent so eu it be. ^ To reken what a Dosen FIT. stondith you in Eng^. Yf yebye a pace Hollad cloth or Braban or ony lynen cloth in y cotrey y shal cost you ij. g. yell, for eiiy grete ley xx. g. as thus, ij.g. take xx. pens y is iij s'. and stodith you y dosen in Eng^. and I like wise for euy EngJ XX. Eng^, and for euery mitexx.mytis: asthus, your cloth cost you ij.grete, a English and a myte, take for euery grete xx. grete for euery English xx. English, and for euery myght xx. mit^, as th? xx.g. and xx. g. is iij.s'. iiij. g. than take xx. EngJ and xx. Eng^ that is xl. Eng^ and take xx.mitj and XX. mitj that is xl. mitis, which drawyth all iiij.s'. vij. d'. a dossen, and so you may reken what so euer your cloth cost. ^ To knowe how you shal deuyde and knowe your Gretis your Eng^. and and your Mit^ from an Ell to the Dossen and to the C. ^ Fyrst for a myte take xx. mytis, of xx. ell Fll^ make but xij. ell Eng^. and therefore ye must take as ye shall see after folowyng as wel in mit] in Eng^ as in gretj. as thus : @ Fyrst for oon myte take xx. mytis, that is ij. Eng^. and iiij. the dossen. Item ij. mytis is xl. mytis, that is v. Eng^ the dosen. Item iiij- mitis is Ixxx. mytis, that is iij. g. and a Eng^. Item vi. mytis is C. and xx. mytis, tliat is V. g. y dosen. Ite vij. mit^ is C.xx. mitj y is v. g. ij. Eng^ and iiij. Item 205 ij. Eng^. is xl. Eng^ that is xiij. grete and a EngJ. Item iiij. Eng^. is Ixxx. Eng^. that is ij.s*. ij.g. ij. EngJ. Item vi. EngJ is C. and xx. that is iij.s'. ^ The dossen : furste for a grete take xx. gret'. ^ Item for ij. gret. xl. gt'. that is iij. s'. iiij. d'. Item for iij. grete xl. gt', that is V. s'. Item for iiij. gt'. take Ixxx. g. that is vi.s'. viij.g. Item for V. g. C. gl that is viij. s'. iiij, gt'. ^ To reken thy MytJ into EngJ and into Gretis. ^ Fjrste a myte is the C. iiij. g. mitj. Item ij. mytis is the C. viij. g. a Eng^. Item iij. mylis is the C. xij. g. dl. Item iiij. is the C. xvi. g. ij. Eng^. Item vi. mitis is the C. ij. s'. i. g. Item vij. mitis is the C. ij. s'. v.g. ij. t'. Item oon EngJ is tlie C. ij. s'. ix. g. a Eng^. Item ij. Eng^ is the C. v. s'. vi. g, ij. Eng^, Item iij. Eng^ is the C. viij. s'. iiij. g. Item iiij. Eng^ is the Cxi. s*. i.g. i. EngJ. Item oon grete is the C. viij. s*. iiij. g. Item ij. grete and iiij. t'. is y xviij. s'. ij. EngJ. Item iij. g. is the C. xxv. s'. Item iij.g. ij. t'. is the C. xxv. s'. viij.g. i. EngJ^. Item iij. g, dl. is the C. xxix. s'. ij.g. Ite? iiij. grete is the C. xxxiij. s*. iiij- g- ^ To knowe what a pece Lawne stodyth a plyt in. f^ A pece lawne conteynethe xvi. plit and a plyte is a yerde and a q't', and yf ye bey a pece lawne for viij.s'. take for euery xij. d'. iij. q'. and so stodith you a plyt in; or ellis thus, for euery noble v. d'. or of euery xx. s'. XV. d'. and soo stondith you euery plyt in. A sorte lawne conteyned xxiiij. pecis, and yf you by a sorte lawne for x. li. or xij. li. reken thus for as many poudys as many half score pence, as xij. li. take therfore xij. half score pens that is vi. score pence that is x. s. And so stondith y a pece in one wyth another, ^ Or ellis thus, for as many poudis as the sorte lawne cost y as mani g^. and as mani grot]' and as many pence of ij. pece, as thus xij. li. the sorte reken xij. d'. and xij. d'. and xij. grotis and xij. grot] that is x. s'. soo stondyth the a pece in ; or thus, as many poundis take as many 206 shelyngis, as thus, a sorte coste viij. poud take therof viij.s. and thenne abate of euery shelyng ij.d' and there remayneth vi. s'. viij. d'. and soo stondyth you a pece oon wyth another. Q Item a balle bokrom conteyneth Ix. pecis, and yf you bye a balle for or for XV. li. take for euery poud iiij. d', ; as thus, xv. grotis that is V. shclino-is and soo stondith the a pece in one wyth another, and so reken for euermore what soo euer it cost. d| Item a balle fustiaii conteyneth xlv. half peces that is xxij. peces and half, and yf a balle coste xv. pound ; reken thus, for as many grotis and as many pens and as many Englishe, as thus xv. pound take xv. grotis and XV. pens and xv. Englishe that is alle vi. shelingis viij. pens and soo stondyth the in the half pece, and the hole doble ; and soo reken euer- more what so euer the balle coste. ^ Item a balle bultell conteyneth xxxvi. half pecis that isxviij. pecjand yf the bale coste xl. s'. or 1. s'. take for euery xij. an Englishe, as thus the balle coste xlviij.s'. take therfore xlviij. Eng^ that is xvi. pens and that stondith f the half pece in, and double the pece, and so forth what so euer it cost. ^ Item a pece Holland or ony other lynnen cloth conteyneth Ix. ell]. Fll] y cost viij. Eng^ di. the sommeis xiiij. s'. iij. pens x. mitj. ^ Item iij. pece Holland conteyneth h?. h?. Ix. at iij. g. the ell. somme xl. s. ix. g. ^ Item a pece Holland marked t g. that conteyneth Iviij. ell Fll'. att iij. g. that somme xv. s'. viij. g. ^ Item ij. pecis Holland de t g. att i.s'. conteyneth Ixi. ?. Ix. |. att iij. g. iiij. mit], somme xxxij. s'. ij. pens, ij. estj. g[[ Item a pece Holland markith t, coteyned Iviij. ell Fll' at iij. g. f. somme xvi. s'. xi. g. m Item ij. pecis Holland conteyneth Ixi. ?. Ixi. at iij. g. ?. somme xxxv, s'. viij. d'. xviij. mitis. ^ Item one pece Holland conteyned Iviij. ell atx. EngJ. ij. mitis, somme xvi.s. vi. g. iiij. mitj. ^[ Item ij. pece Holland marketh de Eng^ conteyned Ixvij. atxi.Eng]. somme C. xxvi. ell Fll'. at xi. Eng^ somme xli. s'. iiij.g. ?. viij. mitis. 207 C The Office that beloogithe to a Bisshop or to a Pristl. It is to be noted that the office of a bisshop or a priste is I v. maners. Tlie first is truly to preche Cristis gospell, the seconde is to prey God con- tynually for his chirch, the thred is the sacrametis freely to make and here to whom it behougthe, the iiij. is only to study in holy scripture, the V. is to preue and yeue ensample of pfeccyon ntoo other liuars and wey- faring me. ■& ^ Isodorus tercio : priestis shuld be dampned for the wykidnes of the peple if they ne teche and lerne y ignoraunt and vncumyng. ^ Augustinus : all y werke of a priest stant in pryer and preching. ^ Griso? : but if priestis shewyn to the peple all f treuthe thei shuld yeue rekenyng therof in the day of dome and iugement. ^ Augustius : fewe priestis ther ben that iustly and truly preche y worde of God, but many which dampnably bien still and other of ignoraunce and vncumyng refusen to be taught. ^ Apl? : ignoraunt shalbe ignoraiit to mowe excuse he another ignorat from peyne. ^ Augusti?: who wil not for shame a short tyme suffir lore and lerne T al tyme in shame and vnwitty shal he abide. No man for ignoraunce shalbe excused. ^ Griso? : euery man cum he to good conuersacion. ^ Apl? : be thou a feithfull ensample in worde couersacio charite feithe and chastite. ^ Apl? : in al thlges proue thiself an example of good werkis. 208 ^ Apl? : a priest ought to be poucr as to aucryce or couetise freely w voice be he chastised ; also a priest ought to be sighyng and wailynge his owne synne and other nienys; a priest ought to be hungry and thirsty; a priest ought to be swete and softe more rather to foryeue than to vengy ; a priest ought to be mercifull to all other. Also he ought too be clene off herte and not only to medil himself abought wordly bisynes nother to thinke on the worlde : also him ought to be redy to desiros passionn and not with vayne glorie. ^ Jerol? : the office of a priest diewli to answere him that axith the lawe off the Lorde yf he be the priest of God and knowith the lawe of his Lord. If otherwise he can not the lawe of the Lorde he reproueth and vnd'nymeth himself to be noo priest of his Lorde. ^ Apl? : wake thou in praiers and in bokis of holy scripture contynually. fl Here folow the Chartur of Forest. Edward, be y grace of God Kyg of Englad Lord of Irland and Duke of Guyan, to alle to who thes prisent letters shal com greting, we haue beholden the chartur of Herry sotyme Kyg of Englad our fad ir, off the forest in thes wordis, Herry by y grace ofGodKyng of England Lord of Irlad Duke of Normadi, and of Guy a, &cj. ^ As in the precedent chartur furst we graunte y all y forestis y whiche Kyng Herry our graund- fadir aforested be uiewed by good and laufull men, and yf any wood other than 5' lord^ Avood his owne he aforestid to y hurte of hy of who y wood were,it shalbe disforestid,and yf he afforested his owne ppurwood remayne it forest, sauf the comon of herbage and cdur in y same forest to the f whiche were furst to haue it. 209 HI Of Me duellyng wout y Foreste. Men forsoth which duelle wout the forest ne com they not fro hens- forthe afore our iusticis off the forest by comon somauce but yf thei were impleed or pledg( of any odur y which were attached for our forest. H Of Woodes to be aforested. Aho the wode which were aforestid by Kyng Richard our vncle or Kynge John our fader vnto our furst coronacion anon shalbe disaforestid but yf they were our woodes. ^ Of Wastis and P'presturis. Archbisshops bisshops abbottj priours erles baros knyghtj and free- holders y Avhiche were wont to haue ther wodes the tyme of y furst corona- cion of Kyng Herry our graudser, so that they be quyte ppetually of all pripresturs wast^ and of all made in the woode aftir that tyme vnto the be- gynnyng of the second yere of our coronacion. And we fro hesforth made waste pripresture or kyttigis of in the wythout our licence off thoo same wastis p'presturis and awey kyttyngis or cariengj to vs shal thei answer. ^ For Inquisicio and Regarde. Our raungers shall goo by our forest too make regarde as they were wont to doo the tyme of the furst coronacion of the forsaid Kyng Herry our graundsir and noon odur wyse. Inquisicio or vyew of chasing^ off hundis beyng in the forest fro hensforthe shalbe made whan it so aught to be made regarde, y is to sey fro thredde yere to thredde yere and thabe it made by sight and witnesse of sad and trewe men and non other wise; and he of whom the hounde were not expeditate, so he shal pay for his mercy iij. s. and fro hensforth be ther noo oxe taken for expeditacion of houndis. EC 210 Expeditacion of houndis is suche be assice comoly vsed that iij. toes of an hounde be cut awej of y formest feete wythout forthe, nor be not houndj expeditate soo from hensforth but in thoo placis in y whiche they were Avont to be expeditate in the tyme of the f'urst coronacion of Kyg Hery our graundsir. ^ For Scotale and Gadur Garbe. Noo forestir fro heforth or bayli make scotal or gadir garbe or otes or any corne orlambis or piggis, or make any gaderj^ng, but be the sight and othe of xij. regarders whan they make regard. Soo many foresters be ther put to kepe it resonabl}^ they semen to suffice. For the keping of Swanmot. Noo swanmot fro hesforth be holde in our reame but thryes in y^ yere, that is to sey, in the begynnyg of xv. daies afore the fest of Saint Mychael whan that our wood walkers co toogedur for serch abought our lordships woodes, and ayen abought y feste of Saint Martin whan our wood walkers comen togeder to ressayue our pauage, and to theis twoo swanmotis shall com togedur our foresters grasyers and woodwalkers, and not other by distraint; and the iij. swanmot shalbe holde in the begynyng of xv. daies afore the fest of Salt John Baptist for the fedyng there oft' our bestis, and to this svvanmot to be holde shall co togedur forcsturs and vierdours and non other be distraint. ^ And moreouer euerych xl. daies bi al the yere forestirs and virydaries shall com togedur to see the attachmentis of the forest aswel of grasingis as of venery by the present acion of the foresters, and afore them the forsaid attachmetis to be attached and the forsaid swanmotis shal not be holden but in shires in the whiche they were wont to be holden. Euerych free ma shal may see abouglit his owne propur Avoode in the forest for his wiile and shall haue hys pannage. ^ Also we graunte that euerych free man may leede hes swyne by our 211 lordship free and wythout impedyment for to serch them in his propur woodis, or odur where as he will, and yf the swyne of any free man abode on nyght I our forest thei shal not therfor be occasion so that any thige of his be lese. |[[ For vnlefull takyng of Venery. Noo man fro hensforth shall lese lyf or membre for our venery, that is to say, yf any man wer take and conuicte of takyng of veneri he shalbe greuonsly redemed if he haue wherof he may be redeemed, if he haue not wherwyth he may be redemed he shall lye in our prison by on yere and oh day and aftir the yere and adai pledge may bee founde than goo he out fro our pryson and forswere he ourreame of England. ^ Lybarte for Lordis in the Forestis. Whosoeuer archbisshop bisshop erle or baron comyng vnto vs at our maundement goyng by our forest, be it leful to hym to take oon beste or tweyne be the syght of our foresters yf they were present or ellis lete them do make blowe an home that thei be not seid to doo that stelyngli. Itrii be it leful to them i ther comyg ayen to doo as it is aforesaid. The Liberte of Free men in ther owne Woodis. Euyche free man from hensforthe wythout ocasion make in his wod^ or in his lande whiche he hath i the forest a mille a vyne yard a ponde a diche a marie pit or other erable lande wythout couert in erable lande. So that it be not to the noymet of any neybur, eiiych free ma may haue in his woodis mieduesof goshaukis sparhakis faucons egles and haue also the hony that is founde i his woodes. ^ For Chymynage takyng, Noo forester from hensforthe which is not forester of the fee yeldig ferme 212 to vs for his bayliwik shall not take chymynage i his bayly vvik ; a forest' of the fee yelding ferme to vs for his ferme may take chymynage, that is to sey, for a carte by the half yere ij. d'. and for an hors beryng somage be the half yere ob'. and not but of them which out of his baylyship come as marchauntis to bey and too selle be his licence into his baylyship for too cary barke lathes also to bere coles and other whar to selle where they wolde, and of noo other carte or of hors bering sonage ani chemynage be taken but in thoo placis where as of olde it was Avont to be take and augh. They forsothe whiche vpon ther bake beren wood barke and cole to selle though they bere wyth lyuen fro hensforth shall yef noo chymynage to our fores- ters or take them in our lordships woodes. ^ For Pepull Outlawed for cause oft' Forest. Alle outlawed for our forest only fro the tyme of Kyng Hery our graund- sirvntothe furst coronacion of vs c6 to our pese without impedymet and fynde sauf pledge that from heforth they forfeit not to vsof our forest. ^ For Plees holding or grasingj. Noo costable casteley or other bayli holde plees of our forest owther ot our grasingj or of venery, that is to sey euerych forest' of our fee fro hesforth attache plees of forest as wele of grasingj as of our veneri and the p'sente to y virydour of f puincj, and wha they were inroUed vndur the scale of ourvirydon inclosed they shalbe presentid to y chief or iustice wha he co into thoo pties to holde plees or f forest and afore the they shalbe deter- myned. ^ For Confirmacio of this Chartur. Theis libarties of the forest we haue graunted to all saufly archbisshops bisshops abbottis priours erlis barons knightj and other free holders aswel to parsoncs of the chirch as to seculars teplars ther libartees and free vsagis in the forest and without wareynship also in alle other placis forsothe all the liberties and vsagis aforsaid the whiche we haue graunted to be holde 215 in our reame as m yche as too vs parteyneth and ayenst ours and alle of our reanie aswel clarkis as lay felle they shall obserue as myche as to them parteynethe and ayenst theirs forsothe for this donacion and concession ot thes lybarties and of odur conteyned in the moore chartur of libertees of England, The archbisshop &c^. as aboue I the gret chartur the witnesse aforsaid. Explicit carta forest. 411 The Articles of the Chartur and Libarties of En glad, called Magna Carta, that is to sey, the Gret Chartur. Edward, bi the grace of God Kyg of England Lord of Irland and Duke of Guyan, to alle to whom ther present lettery shal com gretyng, we haue beholde the gret chartur of the Lord Herry sotyme Kyng of Englad our fader of the lybartees of Englad in tlieis Avordis : Herri, by the grace of God Kyng of England Lord of Irland Duke of Normandy and Guyan and Erie of Angeoy, to archbisshops bisshops abbottis priours erles barons vicountis p'positis mynystirs and alle baylifs and his feithfull pepull this present chartur to be holde gretyng wet ye that we in f behalue of God and for helth of our souleand for the soules of our antecessurs and successours and of our good will. We haue yeue and graunted and to the exaltacyo of holy chirche and the amending of our reame wy th our free and good Avill. We haue yeuen and grauted to arch- bisshops bisshops abbottis priours erles barons and to alle of our reame the libertees vnd'vvreten to holde in our reame of England ppetually. ^ The Furst Article for Liberte of the Chirche. Furst we haue graunted to God and blessid Mary and too alle Seintis and wy th this our p'sent chartur we haue confermed for vs and our eyers per- 214 petually y y Chirch of England bee free and haue alle her rightis hole and her libertees vnhurte. |[[ We haue graunted and yeuen to alle free men of our reame for vs and for our eyrs perpetually theis liberties vndVreten to haue and to holde to the and ther eyers of vs and our eyers perpetually. H The Second Article of Erlis and Barons holdyng be Knyghtis Fee. Yf any of our erles or barons or our other holders of vs in f hede hi knyghtly seruice werre dede and whan thei decessed f heir of hy were of full age and our releuy haue he his heritage by olde releuy, that is for to sey the eyer or the eyers of an erle of an hole counte by C. II. the yer, or eyers of barons of an hole barony by C. marke. The eyer or eyers of knyo-htj of an hole knyghtis fee by C. s'. and to more and whoo lesse helde lesse geue aftir the olde vsage of fees. H The Lorde haue the kepyng of any Eyr, Yf forsothe f eyer of any suche were with! age the lord of him shal not haue the kepyng of him nor of his lade afore that he take of him homage aftir that suche an eyer were i kepTg whan he com to age, that is to sey of xxi. yere he must haue his heritage wout releuy or v/ythout fyne so netheles that yef he whiles he were with! age be made knyght natheles hys land to abide in the keping of his lorde vnto the forsaid terme. (^ That the Kep take but resonable Issues. The keper forsothe of y lad of such maner eyer whiche were within age ne take he not of the lade of f eyer but resonable issues and resonable ser- uicis and that without distencio of men and goodis and vast and we comytted the custodye of any such lade to the vndir sheref or to any other whiche of f issues of that lande out to answere vs and he of the kepyng made distrucyon or wast we of him shal take amedis. And the lande 215 shalbe comytted to twoo laufull and discret men of that fee wliiche off the issues of that lande shall answer to vs or to him to whom we comyttid it or assigned, and yf we yaf or soldo to any man the keping of any such lande and he therof made distruxion or wast he shall lese the kepyng and it shalbe taken to twoo lawfull and disscret men of that fee the whiche also lyke wise shall ansvvere vs as it is aforsaid. ||[ That the Keper shall sustoyne the Landis of the Eyer. HI The keper forsothe as longe as he hathe the keping of this lode he shal susteyne y houses parkes vyneyardis pondis milles and other to that land belonging and parteynyng of the yssues of the same lande and he shall yelde to the eyer whan so he co to ful age all his lade instored of hus- bondry and of all other thingj at the leste as he ressayued it. Alle theys shalbe obserued of the keplgj of archbisshopriches bisshoprichs abeys p'orys chirches and dignitees soo vacaiitis the whiche to vs parieyne excepte this that the keping of such ought not to be solde. The eyers shalbe maryed without dispaging. §[ The Dowar of Wydos after the deth of her Husbondis. A wydou after y deth of her husbod anon and wythout any defeculte must haue maritage and her herytage whiche that her husbond and she helde y day of the obyt of him her husbond and abyde she in the chief hous and masion of her husbond by xl. dales aftir the obyte of her hus- bond within the whiche she shalbe assigned to her dowar but it were furst to her assigned or but if that house be hers and that she wente from the castel and a competent hous to her anoon muste be prouided, in the whiche she may honestly abyde vnto her dower be too her assigned, after that it is aforsayd and she shall haue resonable her dew morienere ther shalbe assigned too her for her dowar of como the thred parte of alle 5^ land of her husband f wiche was his but yf she were of lesse dowayred at the chirche dore. ^ Noo wydow be distrayned to mary her while she wold lyue wythout 216 husbonS, so netheles that she fynd suerte to vs f she shal not maryher Avythout th'assent of vs yf she holde of vs, or without th'assent of her lorde of another. ^ That noo Land ne Rente shalbe distrayned for Dette. We for soche or our baylifs shall not sease any lade or rent for any detas longe as the catels of the dett' present suffisen to yelde the rente and the detter therof be redy to satisfye, nor f pledges of the delt' be distrayned as longe as y chyef dett suffice f payment of the dett, and yf the chyef dett' failed in payment of y dette not hauyg wherof he may yelde or wolde yelde whiles he may than y suertees muste answere of the dette, and yf they wolde not they too haue the landes and rentis of the dettor vnto hit be satesfied to hem of the dette y whiche afore they paid for him but yf the chyef dett' shewed for hem too be quyte ayenst thoo suerties. §[[ For f Cite of London and alle od' Citees Boroughs and Townes and ^ V. Portis to brouke ther Libarties. The cyte of London mote haue alle her olde libarties and fre vsagj. Moreouer we will and graunte that alle other citees boroughs and townes and the baros of the v. portis and all other portes haue all ther libartees and free vsagis. 0[ Of vniuste Distreynt and of Comon Plees to be holden. No ma shalbe distrained todoomore seruice of knyghtj fee nor of other free tenemetis than therof is owed, como plees shal not be sued or folow our courte but be holden in soin sertaine place recognyssaiicis of newe discesme and of deth of y auncet' but in his shires and this wyse we for- sothe yf we were out of the reame our chief iusticis shal sende our iusticis by euerych contrey ones in the yere the whiche with the knyghtis of the shirs shall take in the shires the forsaid assises and thoo whiche in that shire comyng in the sheir bi oure forsaid iusticis at the forsaid assises too be taken. 8ute may not be determyned odur where I ther way and they whiche by 217 thoo same for deficulte of soin articles may not be determyned shalbe re- ferred to our iusticis of the benche and there shalbe endid. ^ Of the last Presentacion and of Marchauntis. Assises of the last presentacion alwei shalbe taken afore our iusticis of 5' benche and there shalbe determyned. A free man shal not be aniercycd for a iitel trespace but after y maner off the trespace saue his contenemet, and a marchaunt the same wyse saue his marchaud3'se,and a villayne other than ours the same wise shalbe amercyed,sauyng his waynageyf he falle into our handis. And non of J' forsaid mercyes shalbe put but be othe of sad and honest men of neyborhod: erles and barons shall not be amercycd but be ther peeres and not but after the maner off the trespace. Noo ma of the chirche shalbe amercyd aftir the- quantite of his chirchly benefyce but after hys lay tenement and after the quantite off his trespace. ^ That noo Man be distreyned too make Bruggis ne Ryuals. Noo vylayne ne free man be dystreyned to make brudgj nor ryuals but whiche of olde and of right shuld make them. Noo bankis or ryuals shalbe deffendid from hensforth off the ile which were in defence the tyme of Kyng Hery our grauncer bi y same placis and thoo same termes as they were wont to be i tyme paste. i^ Of Detlis ressaiued to be leuid. Noo sheref constable crownar or any other holde plees of our crowne, yf any man holding of vs lay fee dey and our sheref or baylyf shewe our letters patentis of our somonicioof the dett that the deed owed vnto vs, it shalbe lefull to our sheref or baylyf to attache, and in brief all the goodis and cattels of the ded founde in the lay fee to the value of that dette be the sight of lawfuU men of the same, soo nothing therof be had awey vnto the dette be to vs paid whiche were clere and f resedewe too be lefte to th'executurs to make y testament of the dede, and yf nothinge be to vs Ff 218 owed of hym alle the catels shall falle to the dede, sauyg to the wif of hym and their children their resonable partis. And yf ani free ma decessed intestat, by the handis of his kynnes folk and of his next frendis be the sight of holy chirch, his goodis shalbe des- tribute y whiche he had, saiiyng to euery ma his dettis the wliiche he ded owe. ^ Noo Constable or his Baylyf take Cornes ne Catellis, Sec]. Noo constable or his baylife lake the cornes or other catellis of ani ma whiche be not of ther owne where y cattelis set but he anon yelde the money therof, or may haue y respyt therof by f wille of the sellar, yf for- sothe he ware off the towne he muste win xl. daies yelde the price. |[[ That noo Constabil distrayne for keping of any Castel. Noo costable nor his bayiif distraine ani knyght for to yeue money for the keping of y castel yf he wold doo it it in his propur psone or bi another honest ma doo he it, and if lad or sent him into any army be he quytc of y kepyng after the quantite of the tyme whiche he were by vs in armey of the see for whiche he did seruice in the army. @[ For takyng of Hors or Cartis, &;c. Noo sheref or bayiif or any other take horses or cartis of any man for carrage to me made but he yelde deliueraunce of antiquite statuted, that is to say, for a carte with ij. horses x.d'. by the day, and for a carte at iiij. horses xiiij. d'. be y day, noo lordis cartis, of any personc of y chirch, of knyght or of any ladi, bi our bailifs shal not be taken. Nor we nor our od* shall take woode of other menn^^s to the makyng of our castels or any od' but bi the wille of him of whom that wood were. 219 ^ For the Landes of Felons. We shall not holde the landis of he whiche were couicte of felony but by on yere and oh day and than be the landis yeldid to the lorde of the fees. (^ For the Weres in Thamyse. Also weres in Thaniys shalbe put awey from hensforth vtterly and in Midway, and by all England but bi the coste of the see. ^ For a Wrytte called Pricipe. A wrytte whiche is called p'cipe from hensforth shall not be made too any ma of ani freeholde wherthrugh a free man lese his courte. ^ For Mesurs of Wyne and odur. Onemesurof wyne shalbe made bi all our reame, and mesur of ale and oh mesur of corne, that is to say, y quarte of London. And oii largenes dyed clothes and of russetis and of hanberiect^, that is to sey two ell^ be- twyxt the listis. Of weightis forsothe be it as off mesurs. ^ Of Inquysissions. Noo thing be geuen from hesforth for a wrytte of inquisicion of him Avhiche asketh inquisicio of lyf or of mebres but frely be it grauted and not denaied. ^ Of Holders of Feefcrnie. Yf ani holde of vs bi feeferme or bi socage or burgage, and off another land by knyghtis seruice, we haue not the kcping of the heyrs ne of his Q20 lande, the which is of the fee of another ferme or socage or burgage. Nor ■\ve haue not the keping of that feeferme or socage or burgage, but yf that feeferme owe to vs knyghtj seruice : we forsothe haue not the kepyng of an heir or any lande the whiche he holdeth of any other bi knyghtis seruise by occasion of any lyttel sergeauntship the whiche he holdeth of vs by seruice too yelde too vs knyues or arons or ani such maii. ^ That a Free ma be -not inprisoned. Noo baylif from hensforth to put ani man vpon lawe nor to an othe be his only speche wythoute trewe and feithfuU witnes to that brought in. Noo fre man shalbe taken or inprisoned or be decessed off his free tene- metis or libarteis or of his fre vsagis or be outlawed or exiled orod'wise be distraynet nor vpo him shal we goo nor vpon him shal we sende but by lawfull dome of peeres or by the law of the lande. To noo ma shal we denay or deferre right or iustice. ^ Of Marchauntis Alyens. Allemarchauntis but yf they wer openly afore forboden shall haue sauf and suer conduyte to goo fro Englad and to com into England and dwelle and goo bi England as wel bi lande as by water to bey and to selle with- out all euil tollis and by olde and right vsagis, outake that I tyme of Avarre and yf they be of lande of warre ageinst vs, and such be founde in our land in the begynnyng of warre be atached without harrae of body or goodis til it be knowen of vs or of our chief iusticis how ymarchaiitis be entreted the whiche be founde in the lande, and ayenst vs in the lad of warre, and yf our folke be sauf there, sauf be other in our lande. ^ Of Eschetis to be holden. Yf any ma held of any eschete as off the honor of Wallygford Bolloyn Notynghrn Lancaster or of other eschetis the whiche be in our handis and be baronyes and deyd, the eyer off him shal notyeuc other rcleuye nor shal nt doo to vs other seruice tlia he shulde doo to the baroun yf that lande were in the hand of a baroun, and we in ysame wise shall holde it as the baron helde it. Nor we by occasio of suche baroni or eschet shal haue ani eschet or keping of any of our men but yf thci helde of vs other where in the lied to him which helde y barony or eschet. ^ Of Land to be solde or alyend. Noo freman from hensforth gef more of or selleto any man of his hmde, than as for the resedew of his lande he may make to the lord of the fee sufficiet seruice to him dew and vsed than parteyned to the fee. ^ Of Patrons of Chirches. Also patrons of abbeys of chirches hauing the kyngis charturs of En- glad off auouson or other olde tenur of possession, haue thei the keping of them whiles they were vacaunt as they aught tohaueand as aboue isdeclared. ^ Of Apele of Women. Noo man be taken or inp'soned for the apele of a wome for the dethe off another than of her husbonde. ^ For Shires to be holde, and of Retor to be made. No shire from hensforth shalbe holden in our reame but from moneth to moneth and there as the more terme is wont too be there be the more; nor noo sheref or baylif make his turne by the hunderd but twyes in the yere and not but i diew place and wonte, that ys to sey, aftir Estir ones, and aycn after the ende of Seint Michael. And the vyew of franke pledge must be made at the terme of Seint Michael wythout occasion, so that is to sey that eche ma haue his libartees and free vsagis the which he had or was >vont to haue the tyme of King Here our graundsir or whiche after he pur- ehesed. |[| Be ther forsothe made a vyew of frankpleg, so that is to sey 222 that our pees be holden and that y othyg be holden holli as it was wonte, and that the sheref seche not occasions, and that he be contet of that the sherref was wont too haue of his vyew, made y tyme of Kyng Hery our graiidsir. ^ Of Land yeuyn to Religion. Be it liefull fro hensforth to any ma to yeue or to selle his lande to any rehgious lorde, soo that he resume it from the same hous, nor be it lefal to any religious lorde to take the lade of any man, so that after he yeue it him of whom he ressaiued it to holde. ^ Yf any man from hensforth to any religiouse lady yaf so his lande andtherupon be conuicte, his yefte vtterly shalbe put away and the lade shall renne to the lorde of the fee. ^ Of Scutage to be taken. Scutage from hesforth shalbe take as it was wonte in the tyme of Here our graundsir, and be ther sauf archbishops bisshops abbottis priours tem- plars hospitales erles baros knyghtis and all odur as wel chirch persones as secular, alle theis libartees and her free vsagis the which fiirst they had. AUe thes lybartees and vsagis the whiche we haue grauted in our rcaine to holde as myche as to vs pteynethe and ayenst all of our reame as wel clarkis as lay folk5 they obserue as to them perteyncn ageinst theirs. ^ The Confirmacyon of the forsayd Libartees. Porsothe for this donacion and concession of thees libarties and of odur libartees conteyned in the chartur of liberties of the forest, archbisshops bisshops abbottis priours erles baros knyghtis and freeholders and all of our reame haue yeuen to vs y xv. parte off alle her godes and mcueables, we haue graunted to them for vs and our eyers that nether we ne our eyers shall purchas ani thig^ by the whiche tlie libarties in this chaitur con- teyned, be broke or lessed,and yf any thing be sought, nought be it worthy and for no thig be it had. Theis witnessis, s. S. Archbisshop of Caunter- 223 bury, E. Bisshop of Londo, J, Blsshop of Balhe, P. of Wjnchest', H. of Lyncolne, R. of Salesbury, W. of Rowdiest', W. of Worcet', J. off Ely, H. off Herford, R. of Chichestur, Willm. of Excetur, bysshops and other, yeuyn at Winchestur the xi. day of Feuerell, the ix. ycre of our reigne. 0[ We forsothe, the donacions and grauntis aforsaid hauyng rate and aworthem for vs and our eyers we do graunt and haue confermed and them be tenor of theis presentis we in newe wilhng and graunting for vs and our eyers, that the chartur aforsaid in alle and euerych her articles parpe- tually fermly and inuiolatly be obserued, and if so were that some articles iu y same chart* conteyned hyderto haply we not obserued. In witnesse wherof thes our letters haue done make patentis, witnes Edward our son at Westm, the xij. day of Octobre, the xxv. ycre of our reigne. Explicit the chartur of the libartees of England. fl[ Narracio of the that ben slireuen an not contrite. Cesarons, the gret clerk tellith that ther was a man in P'is, a yonge man, that yaf all to lecchery and to other dyuers synnes, and ther fil vpon him a gret feruent sykenesse, and anon he was shreue and wepte his synnes and beUnight hi that he wolde amend his lif, but yt was a feyt bihest as ye shulii here hereafter : he was howsled and anelid and soo died, and a fewe daies after he apiered to one of his seruauntis and seid y he wasdapned for he had will if he myght haue lyued to haue turned to his syne ageyn, and hesayd,bycause I had not a stable purpose and a trewe wylle to forsake all ray liuyg, therforc alle my confession and all that I did i ressauyng my sacrament^ it auayled me not; but I am perpetualli and wythouteende dapned as I am wel worthy, for our Lord seyth i the gospel of John, qui manducat et bibit indigne iudiciu sibi manducat and bibit, &C3. 224. il The Valew and Stynt of the Benefyce of Saint Magnus, at Lond5 Brydge, Yerly to the Person. The Rekenyng of the same the Fyrst Day of Decembre, Anno Diii M. CCCC. Ixxxxiiij. Edward Bellowe, Herry Somer, Thomas Cuwper, Heyman, Richard Arnod, John Ball, Herry Can, James Rustdon, "Willin Gardiner, Roger May de, Thomas Faring, Huntley, Johii Yonge, "WilhTi Motte, Petir Stotte, Robert Vincent, John Vmfrey, Cokar, Thomas Blounte, Symken Newnton, Johii Tem pill, Johii Wylford, Joliri Palmer, Willin Clarke, Thomas Horwod, Willrn Alye, Thomas Knollyng, Thomas Dauy, Moter Bylle, his rent, iiij. li. the ofFring, xiiij, s'. his rent, viij. li. the offryng, xxviij. s'. iiij. li. vi.s'. viij. d'. xv. s*. ij.d*. xxxiij.s. iiij. d*. xl. s'. Iiij. s'. iiij.d'. iij. li- iij. s*. iiij. d'. xl.s\ V. li. xlvi. s'. viij.d*. Iiij. s'. iiij. d'. xlvi. s'. viij.d'. Iiij. s. iiij.d'. iiij. li. iij.s'. iiij. d*. xlvi.s. viij. d'. vi.s'. viij. d'. xiij. s'. iiij. d'. Iiij. s'. iiij. d'. iij. li. iij. s'. iiij. d'. xl.s'. xxxiij. s'. iiij. d'. XXXV. s*. xxvi.s'. viij. d'. xxvi. s'. viij. d'. xxxiij.s'. iiij.d*. xxvi. s'. viij. d'. xl. s'. , XX. s'. v. s'. X. d'. XXXV. s*. vij. s'. ix. s'. iiij.d'. xi. s'. viij.d'. ij. s\ xvij. s'. vi.d'. viij.s'. ij.d'." ix. s'. iiij.d'. viij. s'. ij.d'. ix. s'. iiij. d'. xiiij. s'. vij.d'. viij.s'. ij.d'. X viij.s'. vij.d'. ij. s'. iiij.d'. ix.s'. iiij.d'. xi.s*. i. d*. vij.s'. v. s'. x. d'. vi.s'. i.d'. ob'. iiij. s'. viij.d'. iiij. s'. viij. d'. V. s'. x.d'. iiij.s'. viij.d'. vij. d'. iij. s. vi.d'. 225 Robert Seton, Willm Haroewelel, Mayster Stokton, John Gregory, Thomas Brytte, Thomas Mator, Gilbert Forman, Water Boswelle, Richard White, Willis Stede, Jolm Hastelar, Richard Berne, Richard Warton, Richard Franclyn, Richard Alyf, Reynold James, Willrn Romyng, Richard Gareyner, Richard Gardyner, Herry Tomson, Thomas Morton, Richard James, Johii Robchanut, Willis Weller, Johii Forde, Johii Adam, Willis Blanke, Johfi Browne, Holmeby, Johii Calker, Johii Etton, Symken Motte, Hew Saundir, Roger Slyngisby, James Walker, Nicholas Hylle, Andrew Austen, xlvi, s'. viij. d'. Ivi.s'. viij.d'. xxvi. s'. viij. d'. xl.s*. XXX. s'. xxvi.s'. viij.d'. xxvi. s'. viij. d'. xl.s'. v. li. xi. li. liij. li. v. li. xl. s'. xxvi. s'. viij. d'. xxxiij.s'. iiij.d'. XX, s'. XX. s'. xxvi.s'. viij.d*. xl. s\ xxvi. s'. viij. d'. iij. li. vi. s'. viij. d', xxxvi.s'. viij. d'. iij. li. X. s'. XXX. s'. xxvi.s*. viij.d' xxvi.s'. viij. d'. XXX. s'. xxvi.s'. viij. d'. iij. li. xxxvi.s'. viij. d', xxxiij. s'. iiij.d', xlvi. s'. viij. d'. xxxiij. s'. iiij. d'. xl. s'. xl. s'. xxxiij. s'. iiij.d'. iiij. li. Gg viij.s'. ij.d'. x.s', ij. d'. iiij.s'. viij.d'. vij.s'. v. s'. iij. d'. iiij.s'. viij.d'. iiij. s'. viij.d'. vij. s'. xvij.s'. vi.d'. xxxviij.s'. vi.d'. xiiij. s'. xvij.s'. vi. d'. vij.s'. iiij.s*. viij.d'. v.s'.x.d'. iij.s'. vi.d'. iij.s'. vi.d'. iiij.s'. viij.d'. vij.s'. iiij. s'. viij.d'. xi. s'. viij.d'. vi. s'. v.d'. xij.s'. iij.d'. V. s'. iij.d'. iiij. s*. viij.d*. iiij.s'. viij.d'. V. s'. iij.d'. iiij.s*. viij. d'. X. s'. vi. d'. vi. s'. v. d'. V. s*. X. d'. viij.s'. ij.d'. V. s'. X. d'. vij. s'. vij. s'. V. s'. X. d'. xiiij. s'. 226 Bartilmew Dwale, Willm Sheringfold, Wilis Gryn, John Hastelar, John Turrett, Richard Clarke, Robert Lanne, Steuen Wibneu, John Alk3'n, Richard Hayell, Thomas Petite, Willrn Dekon, Hew Crshm, Thomas Burgat, Johii Former, Richard Jeffrey, Thomas Ewen, Kerry Bube, Johii Chankis, Robert Blake, Eche Wyf, Eche Wyf, Baldwyn Hawkins, Johii iiusten, Thomas Ladall, Thomas Broke, Willrii Pawley, Willin Bowar, Willm Bowar, Selby Wyf, Willm Barre, Johii Peirson, Johii Barbor, Mary on Gregory, Robert Bartilott, Maystres Newma, Richard Hyl, xlvi.s'. viij. d'. xl. s'. iiij. li. X. s'. xxxiij. s'. iiij. d', vi.s. viij. d'. Iiij. s. iiij.d'. iij.s'. iiij. d'. xiij. s'. iiij.d'. Iiij. s'. iiij.d'. xxvi.s'. viij, d'. V. li. vi.s*. viij. d'. V. li. vi.s'. viij.d'. vi.s'. viij. d'. vi. li. xiij.s'. iiij.d'. vi.s'. viij.d'. xlvi. s'. viij. d'. iij. li. XX. s'. XXX. s'. xlvi.s'. viij. d'. V. li. vi.s'. viij. d'. V. li. X. s'. iiij. li. xxxiij. s'. iiij. d'. iij. li. vi. s'. viij. d'. xix.s'. xiij.s'. iiij. d'. x.s'. X. s'. x. s'. X. s'. vi.s'. viij.d'. xlvi.s'. viij. d'. vij. li. viij.s'. ij.d'. vij. s'. XV. s'. ix. d'. v. s'. X. d'. xiiij. s'. X. s'. vi. d'. X viij.s'. viij.d'. xiiij. s'. ix. s'. iiij.d'. xi. s'. i. d'. xxxvij. s'. iiij. d*. ix.s'. iiij.d'. iiij. s'. viij.d*. xviij.s'. viij. d*. xviij.s'. viij.d'. xxxix.s'. viij.d'. xxiij.s'. iiij.d*. xi.s', viij.d'. viij. s'. ij. d'. x.s'. vi. d'. iij. s'. vi. d'. V. s'. iij. d*. viij.s'. ij.d'. xviij.s'. viij.d'. xix.s'. iij. d'. xiiij. s'. V. s'. X. d'. xi. s'. viij. d'. iij.s'. iiij.d'. ij. s'. iiij. d'. xxi.d'. xxi. d'. xxi. d'. xxi.d'. xviij. s'. viij.d'. viij. s'. ij. d'. xxiiij.s'. vi.d'. 227 Willm Laurens, liij.s'. iiij. d'. ix. s*. iiij.d'. Willm Laures, for a hous of J. R. xiij.s'. iiij. d\ ij.s'. iiij.d'. Roger Middelton, V. li. xvij. s'. vi.d'. The same R. for a flax shop. XX. s'. iij.s'. vi.d'. Johii Pye, xiij.s'. iiij.d'. ij.s'. iiij.d'. Richard Knyt, vi. li. xiij.s'. iiij .d'. xxiij. s'. iiij. d'. Richard Gowhe, vi. li. vi. s'. viij. d'. xxij. s'. ij.d'. Richard Mathewe, iij. li. vi.s'. viij. d'. xi. s'. viij. d'. Gregori Stott, vi.s'. viij .d'. XV. s'. ij.d'. AHsaunder P'poynter, V. li. xiij.s'. iiij. d'. xix. s'. X. d'. Johii Ben, iiij. li. xiiij. s*. Johii Ben, for a watering place, X. s'. xxi. d'. Item the same a seler, vi.s'. viij.d'. xiiij. d'. Johii Trowthe, xi. li. xiij.s'. iiij .d*. xl.s'. X. d'. Johii Alman, xij. li. xlij. s'. Johii Turke, iiij. li. xiiij. s'. Johii Kirkby, xvi. li. Ivi. s'. Phelip Semer, xxi. s*. Edmone Garard, xxvi. s'. viij.d'. iiij.s'. viij.d'. The Lyon, ■ xiiij. s'. Nicholas Morton, iij. li. X. s'. vi. d'. ■Willin Ramsey, v. li. xvij.s'. vi.d". The Dolfyn, XX viij. s'. Willm Adkynson,, xvi. s'. xiij.s'. v.d'. Johii Smythe, iiij. li. xiij. s. iiij.d'. xvi. s'. iiij, d'. Justyn Wyf, xlvi. s'. viij.s'. ij. d'. Williii Hoppy, vij. li. vi. s'. viij. d'. XXV. s'. viij. d*. Richard Cockis, vi. s'. viij. d'. xi.s'. viij.d*. ^ Somme of all this rentis, f^ The somme of the offringis, CCCC. xxxiiij. li. xij. s. viij. d'. Ixxv. li. viij. s'. viij. d'. ob'. ^ The Shoppis in Brig-stret. Thomas Lydale, for ij. shoppis, Johii Thorneton, ix. li. vi. s'. viij.d'. xxxij. s'. viij. d'. l.s'. viij.s'. ix.d'. 228 Gregory S toll, liij. s'. iiij.d'. ix s'. iiij.d'. Willm Pauley, iiij. li. xiiij.s'. Richard Knyght, vi. li. xiij. s'. iiij. d'. xxiij.s'. iiij. d'. Thomas Leg, v. li. vi. s'. viiij.d'. xviij.s'. viij. d'. Kerry Shotford, iij. li. x. s'. vi. d'. Johii Palmer, v. li. xvij. s'. vi.d'. Thomas Gaslep, Ivi.s'. viij. d'. ix.s'. xi.d'. Richard Cockis, iiij. li. iij. s'. iiij. d*. xiiij. s'. vij.d'. Johii Austen, xiiij.s*. Johii Turke, iij-lj. xiij.s'. iiij.d', xij.s*. x.d'. Johii Sepman, liij. s'. iiij. d'. ix.s'. iiij.d'. Willrii Ramsey, v. li. xvij. s'. vi.d'. The same Willm, iij. li. vi. s'. viij. d'. xi. s'. viij. d*. Thomas Broke, vi. li. xviij.s'. viij. d'. ^ The somme of rent of shoppis, iij.s'. iiij. d'. ^ The somme of the offring for them, xij. li. iij. s. iij. d'. ^ Item the ymage of our Lady on the brydge, valet iiij.marke. ^ Item the personage, valet xxxiij. s'. iiij.d*. ^ Weddingis buryeng^ puryficacions, xiij.s*. iiij.d'. ^ Cresoms and preuy tythes. ^ Somme of this parte, xvij. li. ^ Somme of the hole reuenues, C. v. li. xxiij. d'. ob'. ^ This ben the Costis and Chargis longyng to the same Chirche of Saint Magnus. First the pristis wagis, Item for waxe to the hygh aulter, xx. s'. Item for the pension of the same, xl.s'. Item for wasshing of the auters on Mandy Thursday, v. s'. Item for frankensence, x. d'. ^ Somme of this charge, xiij li. v. s'. x. d'. ^ Soo the somme of the clere value of the benefice was this yere, xvi.s'. i. d'. ob'. 229 fl The Copy of Saue Conduyie. Maximilian and Philyp, by the grace of God Duke of Austry of Bur- goyn of Lotryke of Lymburgh of Lucenburgli and off Gelder, Erie of Flaundresof Artoys of Burgoyn, Palatyn of Henawd of Holland of Zeland of Namen and of Zutson, Marques of the Hole Ryke, Lord of Frezeland of Salynen and of Mechlen, vnto alle our lieutenauntis marchauntis admirallis and other capteis of our people of wane, i usticis and officers, or ellis their leiutenauntis and to eueriche of hem the whiche these present letters shalbe shewen. And we doo you to vnderslonde that we at the prayer of certeyn our speciall seruauntis the whiche haue desyred this off vs we haue gyuen graunted and accorded by theise presentis lohan Pykton Thomas Bradbery Thomas Ryche and Pasquer Yerford of the kyngdom off England, good trewe and sure saufconduyt to endure from the daye of makyng herof vnto thende of x.monethis to the behof of theym that tyme durynge or ellis by one named Thomas Miles and iij. other of ther sayde factours ber- ing these present letters or the vidimus therof that they may brynge or do to bee brought and caryed out of the forsaid lande of the kyngdom off England into our landis and lordshippis by the see fresshe waters or by lande in one shippe or dyuers shippis alle suche marchaundyses and wares as too them please, therfore to selle barter and occupye in oursayd landis and lordships, and to do their moste auayle and profyte in the beste than they can or may, and that they may be in our sayde landis and lordshippys for too bye and gader lade and freith and cary awaye, or doo to bee caryed awey and conueied into the sayde kyngdom of England into suche placis as shal please theym vpon the sayde ships all suche wares goodis and mar- chaundises profytable, like as to them shalbe thought moste profvtable, excep bolion harnes bowes arowes artillary and other thingis whiche is for- boden, habilementis of werre and none but suche barneys and wepens as they shall bringe wyth them for theyr defence and saufgarde of their goodis, so we do you to vnderstonde and charge you precisely that the forsayd Johii Pykton Thomas Bradbury Thomas Riche Pasquer Perford and their sayd iiij. factours wyth their shyp's freight wyth suche marchaundises as it 230 is aboue sayde and wyth y maryners of the same ye suffer and let go passe and repasse and thorough passagj lorships and landis and placis as ye be corny tted vnto and of f vvhiche ye haue abyding and kepig of to cary and to come ayen wyth f sayd ship and marchaundises by daye and by nyght suerly free peasibly wythout to them to do or to gyue or not suffre to bee done or gyuen to be in body nor in goodis arrestid letted nor wythstondon ayens or p'iudicial of our forsayd saufconduyt, and that they whiche haue desired letters of marke countremarke or graute taking ayen nether for what werre or for what cause it be, butt yet that ye wyll see and make to be seen their saufconduyt and other causes ^ they haue nede of yf they disyre it of you vpon their resonable costis outcepte euer the goods mar- chaundises or dette yf they haue oni in your forsayde landis arrested or tached afore the date of this writtigand ouerseen that during our foresayd saufcondut and wythin the tyme of the same that they nor theyr factours shal not doo thinge preiudiciall or lettyng vs or our landis or subiettis and that whyche is theyr ppre dette their, that the lawes and iustice shall passe thervpon as behouith therunto, and for bicause that this sayd saufconduyt must be occupied in diuers placis, we Avill the vidimus or copy auctetike take effect and strenght as this present saufcoduyt after te monethis past and goo stonde to noon effect. Yeuen in our towne of Andwerp, the x. day of October, in the yere off our Lord God M. CCCC. Ixxxv. This sub- scribed bi mi Lord the Duke. Certificat. To alle them that these presentis ower letters shall see or here, and in especyall too the noble and puissaut our right dere welbeloued lord my lord chauntreyne borogh maistres skepyns and counseyle off the towne of Baroue vpon the Some send gretyng and loue. AVe late you weten in beryg witnesse and certifiyng for troueth that f day of the date of these presentis before oure scoute and vs and appered thesse persones Anthony Bastard of Ghymes and Johii Busshman both abidyng and dwellyng in the said towne, Swere Naghell our secretary, the which bi their oothis, y is 231 to say the sayd Antony and John by the oothis to tlieni soleply esstablislied by our said scoute and f sayd Swere Naghel bi f oothe y he hath made to vs and to oure said towne for his office of secretari haue testyfied sayd affirmed and declared fyrst the said Antony and John that they be well remenbred and in myde that at f free passe marte of this said towne of Barowe last passed, Richard Arnolde marchaut of England and oon Anthony Hosted at the Lion i Middilborought, Lubard sittyg at tabyll wyth the sayd Athony Bastard i his house called y Horse Showe i this said towne had many wordis and argumentis the oon ageynst y other touching the valeure and puissance of y realme of England and the contray of Italy, in prysing and enhaunsing eueryche of the puissaunce valure and bountye of his contray whery finally they chauffyd theself bothe I suche wise that the sayd Richard amonge other sayd these wordis : Yf Ynglisshme where not the Lumbard? shulde haue no thyg to ete but saladis and chese, and after they lyede yche other hoteli i suche wise that Anthony Lumbard roose from the tabill sayng to the said Richard that he wolde do hym atorne with many other bote wordj and at that tyme nor neuer tofore nor neuer after thay neuer hard that the sayd Richard hade spoken or sayed ony maner of worde touching the Kyng of Romayns that were or myght in oni wise torne too the preiudice or dishonor of his Riall Magiste or any of his seruauntis. |[[ Moreouer the same Anthony Bastrad off Glyues sayed and declared that ofte tymes he hathe harde the said R. spoke and come touching the Kyng of Romayns and the Kyng off Englond prayng too God that he wolde saue them bothe of his grase, and sayg that as longe as they were fredis this contray and the contray of England shulde haue welthe and psperite. And the sayd Swere Naghell our secretary sayed declered and affermed by his sayd othe that the Satterday y xvij. day of this present moneth of May Sir Nycholas off Werue knyght, seneshal of the contray of Barow and the sayd secretary as therl on our behalf charged spak in the towne of Lire wyth oure redoubtyd lady the Danagere sayng too her that our lord of Barow and the towne off Barow had vndirstandyng that by certayn her letters sent to the sayd Lord Chauntreyne she shulde haue accused the sayd Rychard for a spyse and for hym that shulde haue sayed and spoken many dishonest wordis vpo and touchyng the sayd Kynge of Romayns, and tha our sayd redoubtyd lady thervpon sayd and answerde 232 that she neuer thought yt so too doo, sayng also that she know well the sayd Richarde and that she knewe of hy noo other thyg but y he was a good and an honest marchaunt without frade or nialegyne. In witnesse of which ihyng we haue doon to be sett the seall of causys of ^ said towne of Barow to these presentis, the xxviij. day May, the yere of our Lord God, M. CCCC. Ixxxviij. Cerlifycat. In the towne of Seynt Lucas off Berrameda, Saterday the xxix. day of the moneth of May, the yere of the byrthe of our Sauiour Ihu Crist of M. CCCC. Ixxxx. in this day aboue sayd before the honorable Peter Gracia Carnayl alcaydy ordinary of this sayd towne for f worthy and right noble Lord my Lord, Lord Henry de Gusnianys Duk of y citye of Medena Sydonya, Erie off Niebla, Lord of the noble citee of Gibrealtare, and i the presence of me Johii de Oraga scryua publico of this said towne for the sayd Lord Duk, apiered present Nicolas Arnolde Englissh abyder in this towne and saied to the sayd alcayde in the presens of me the sayd scryua publico and the witnesses vndir wreton, that for asmoche as it myght be ij. monethes litel more or lesse that Nicholas Warbaoys mar- chaunt Englissh had laden and laded in y ship of Johii Mychels Biscayn neyghboure of Matrico xv. tone of oyle consigned theoon half to Richard Arnolde marchaiit Englissh his fadre neyghboure of the cite of Lodon, and the other of the sayd xv. tonne at the charge and aduenture of y sayd Nicolas Warboys and for hym, and for asmoche as it behoued hym and to hym was conuenyent to sheue by trouth and wytnesse y aforesayd in some parties and places to hy conuenyent he disired and asked the same alcaydy that he comaunde to receyue and he wolde receyue y sayd deposi- cion of Wiilyam Holibrad marchaunt English bider in this towne and that he shulde make to be asked what it is that he knoweth of the forsayd for the sayng aforesayd, and that he shulde say and depose bi his seyng and deposicio that he wolde comaund to geue and shulde geue ferme of his name and of myn the sayd scryuan publice. And the sayd alcayde caused too be receyued and receyued the oothe of y sayd Wiilyam Holibrande marchaunt English, by the name of God and Mar}', and by the wordis of Holy Gospell accordyng to the forme of right. And vpo the sayd othemade lie was asked for that he knewe of the foresayd ; and he sayed that that he knewe ^233 was, that it myght be xv. dajes litell more or lesse, that goyng he the same witnesse walkyng with the said Nicholas Warboys and Nicholas Arnolde, by the pley of the ryuer of this said towne, that y sayd Nicholas Arnolde said to the said Nicholas Warboys, Nicholas those xv. tonne of oyle that ye laded in the ship of Johii Mighels, were they the oon half yours and the other half my faders, and laded you them for him and for you, and that y said Nicholas sayd well, and that the sayd Nycholas Arnolde sayd ageyn what thing is wel, say ye or nay, and tha y sayd Nicholas Warboys sayed ye he had laden the sayd xv. tone of oyle, the oon half for hym and the half for the fader of the said Nycholas Arnolde, and that he had nat laden them in noon other maner, and that this that he knewe and past vpon his sayd othe that he made ; and the sayd alcayde said and comaiided me the sayd scryua publico that I shuld gyue of all witnesse to the said Nicholas Arnolde, and I haue gyue hym therof this writyng accordyng as it passed fermed of the sayd alcayde, and my name and signe that is made and past the day, moneth, and yere abouesayd, wytnesses off thys towne, and Peter Serrono scriuans neighbores. Certificat. Willyam the Haze, leuetenaunt to Sir Philyp of Cleuis, off the castell off Sluse, certyfie to all the that this shal beholde, that I haue, by the ordinavice of my Lord Chauntryne, do sett prisoner oon named Richard Arnolde Englisshman, and by the inhortacyon and aduertisment of a chapleyne off my lady the gret that wolde impose the sayd Richard cer- taye thing^ wherof he hath not be foude culpabill ne giltye as yt aperith by an informacyo ther vpon made at Barowe vpon and the zoom, wherfor I haue sett y said Richard to the lyueraunce. This that I certyfie aboue witnessith my name and signe manuell hereto sett, y xxiij. day of Juyne, anno Ixxxviij. Hh 234 Spycery. Peper, at xviij.d'. Burnijkat safraen, at vij. s'. Clewes, at ij. s*. iiij. d'. Mases, large, at iij. s'. iiij. d'. The garbyll of macis, at Gjnger, at ij. s'. Synamon, at xviij.d'. -Liong peper, at VI. s . Greynes, at XV. s'. Notmyggis, at ij. s'. Gallyngale, at xvi. d'. Coraunce, at i.d'.ob'. Saunders, at xi. d'. Suger candy, at viij. d\ Suger Portjngale, iiij. d'. ob'. Suger vallauncis, at viij. d'. Suger cass', at ij.d'. Gynger vert, at v.d'. Socate, at iiij. d'. Lemondis, at iiij.d'. Prunys, at i. d'. ob". the C. xiiij.s'. Tornesott, at vi. d'. Comfectis, v. d'. Worme sede, ij. s'. vi. d*. Almandis, at xviij.s'. Ryce, at x. s'. Gallis rowe, at xviij. s'. Gum, at xiiij.s'. Coporose vert, at vi. s'. viij. d'. Coporose blank, Jj-d*. White lede, at x. s*. Rede lede, at x. s'. Generall, at ij. d'. y 11'. Orpinent, at ij. d'. y 11'. Vermelon, at xv. d'. Vertgrece, at vij. d'. Rosset, at xij. d'. Brasyll,at xij.d'. Ryse. Golde paper, siluer paper, Symap pap,grenepap, y grose, viij.s'. Paynters oyle, rape 03'le, the barell, xxvi. s\ viij. d'. Fyne golde, at iij. s'. iiij. d'. the C. Party golde, at xiiij. d'. y C. Siluer, at . viij.d'. the C. Paynte, at xviij. d'. the 11'. Vernysh, at ij. d'. the 11'. Golde foyle, at iij. s'. the grose. Orsady, at x. d'. the H'. Totty, at xvi. d'. the 11'. Terra sygyllata, iij'd'. Azafedida, at xvi. d'. Galbum, at xvi. d'. Candarides. RosyndeBurdeus, the C. ij.s'.viij. d'. Alees cycacrine, at xvi. d'. Lapdaunu, at vi. d'. Aspalton, Ffrankke, vi. d'. Parosyn, the C. iiij. s'. Olsbanum, Mastik, xvi. d' Mirre, vi. d'. Borras, vi. s'. viij. d'. Saltpeter, iij-d*. 235 Sail armonyake, ij.d'. Sope, Castell, the C. iij.s'. iiij.d'. Sell gem. Sope, Seuylc, XV. s'. Sail alkaly. Sope, negar, the bare!! Termenet, at iij. d'. Trytayll, i. d'. ob'. Setuall, xvi. d'. Spmacete, the U'. vi.s'. viij.d'. Spekenerd, ij.s'. viij.d'. Fenycrete, X. s. the C. Arsnyk, iij.d'. Quyksiluer, at XV. d'. the ir. Resalgere, iij. d'. Cardanuiri maior, ij.s'. viij.d'. Annesche, C. XX. s'. Cardanuin minor, ij. s'. Coniyn, the C. XX. s'. Storar liquida. Boll fyne, Storax calaunda, xvi. d'. Ynbawdias, at ij.s'. Tamerendus. Colyander, the C. iiij.s'. Antemony. Lykeryse, the bale V. s'. Bongowme, the 11'. iij. s'. iiij. d'. Alym foyle, the C. vi. s" viij.d'. Scriuabill pap, at xxiiij. s'. iiij.d'. Gunilake, XX. d'. Pap ryall, the reme. vi. s'. viij. d'. Carbite, iij.s'. Browne pap, at xij. d'. Rubarb, fyne xxvi. s'. viij.d'. Wex, the C. iij. 11. Appolic. Monche wexe, the C. l.s'. Scaniony, v.s'. Prunes, of Damaske, the C. xiiij.s'. Camfere, at x.s'. Portyngale greyne, the C. viij. 11. Stauisaker, at xiij . d'. Spanyshe grene, the C. vi. li. Sangins dracons, at viij . d'. all. Woll oyle, the tonne. vi. li. X. s'- Datis, the C. XX. s'. Spanyshe yre, f tone. iij. IT. vi. s'. Cotyn woll, at iiij. d'.ob'. viij.d". Coten yerne, at vi. d'. Mader croppe, at xviij. s'. Bays, at iij. s'. iiij. d' . the C. Mader onberoued, at xvi. s'. Calmus aromaticus, at ij. d'- Mader ghemene fayer, at X. s'. Essustom, at xvi. d'. y 11'. Mull mader, at iij.s". iiij.d'. Ayshull. Corse wode, of theyllis, iij.s'. iiij.d'. Spongis, the 11'. vi. d'. Amyas woode, the pype, xxvi. s'. Gome armonyak, x.d'. viij. d'. Sene leuis, at vi.d'. Geue wolde, after yt is yC. Glevv, the C. iiij. s'. Venise woode, the C. v.s'. Seruse, XX. s'. Hoppis, the C. XV. s'. Brymstone, the C. iij. s' . iiij. d'. Flax, the last, vi. IT. tC.viij.s'. Fulfer, the C. iij. s' . iiij.d'. Pyche, the last. l.s'. <236 Terre, the last, xlvi.s'. viij. d'. Osemonde,thelast, iij. s'.viij. d\ Faget yerne, the C. iij. s*. Waynskot, the C. l.s'. Regale, the C. v. 11. Clapholde, the C. Tabyll, ioyned, the nest Playing tabill^. Bastis, the C. Mastis. Owris. Coper grey. Coper spletter, the C. xvi. s'. Trayne oyle, the barell. Stele, the burden, Fatyn nayle, the some iiij. s'. Tardeii, the some iij-s'. Bragotii, the some ij. s'. viij. d'. Roffn, the some vi. s'. Spryge, the some ij. s'. viij. d'. Rollys of wadmoll, the been fyne, xiij. s'. iiij. d'. Curse wadmoll, the pece, Spruse canuas, the C. xxv. s'. viij.d'. Pytelyng, xxx. s'. Jlarfrodislymogoes,andosyngbrygis- Ulsomys. Mynsteris boltis. Hannoucr. Soltvvhiche. Buske clothe. Werkyn. Nijpuiidis Enttynggis, Loren canuase. Barras canuase. Browsvvekis. Ghentyse^clothe. Holondis clothe. Brabaunt clothe. Henegoes clothe. Outnardis clothe. Brusell clothe. Cotyns. Cypres Lombardis. Voylys for nunys. Holmus fustian. Osborowis fustian. Fustian of all sortis. Pakkyng shetis. Ounarde threde. Collen threde. Collen hemp, at xxviij. s'. Tukkyng hemp, at xvi. s'. Rede hidis, at vi. s'. Rede lashe, large, at iij. s'. Golde skynes, at xxiij.s'. iiij. d*. Bultell fyne and course, Pynnes of all sortis, at iij. s'. iiij. d'. Brug^ clothis, at xxiiij. s'. Anlettis of all sortis. Leder lasys. Wire girding, vij. s'. Latyn basyns,at xxviij. s'. Latyn plate, Dowbill plate, xvi.s'. White plate, at xij. s'. Sengyll plate, at vij.s'. vi.d'. Sakbett, at xiiij.d'. Anto nybell, large, at iiij. Fyne harp' stryngis, fyne at vi. s'. Course harp' stryngis, at iiij.s'. Fyne swauishe nedillj, at xxiij.s'. Fyne qurellj, at xxiiij. s'. Styngyng threde, at ix. d'. 237 Ballis, XV. d'. Small pragys, at iiij.s'. Large cushy n clothis, at iiij. s*. Small cushen clothis, at ij.s'. Long skyne threde and jnkyli, at viij. d*. Pakke threde of all sortis. Box combis, large and small. Fyne pykyd here. Al bladis mydlyn, at viij. s'. Al hastis, at iij. s'. Pynwyer, at Yere wyer of all sortis. Knywes peyers, at vi. s'. x\ninbyr, at xx. s'. the 11'. Ballauses of all sortis. Worstede girdell^. Maystell bedis. FuUis off" ketellis redy bownde, the full, at iij-s'. iiij.d'. Batery trople, C. Rollis of golde, gret', at vi .s'. Rollis of golde, small, at iij. s'. Paknedillis, at vi. d'. y C. Brugis threde, at xvi. s'. Guttynggis. Thymbilli of all sortis. Veluetis, dobbyll, at ix. s'. theyerde. Syngel veluett^, at vi. s'. vij. d*. the yerde. Daraaske, saten, and taffata. Sarsenet, chabelot, tukis. Bokerames of all sortis. Rede threde. Grene threde. Fyne corall, the 11'. xxxij. s'. |[[ Item a Rekening for Grocery Ware. i. C. q'. forb*. vi.U'. ii. iij.q'. XX. 11'. for b'. iiij. 11'. iii. iij.q'. XX. 11'. for b'. liij.C. q'. XX. ir. for b". vi;il'. ^ Som gret, iiij. C. iij.q'. f|[ Som sotill, V. C. xxxij. 11'. Rebate for tare. Rebate for trete, xij. ir. XX. 11'. ^ Rest h V. C. ir. at xx. d'. the pounde. Soiii in argent, xlvij. li. xviij.s', iiij. d'. ^ Caste thy som grete in grosse, y C. as it is 5" half C. q'. make it sotil after v. score to y C. and y odde and di. q't' and odde U'J. aft' V. score xij. li. to y C. y is v. score to f C. sotil, rebate in euy v. score iiij. li, y is trete, and also in y half C. ij. 11'. in the q'. i. 11'. in y half q'. half a U'. 238 d The maner to make Ynke. Take a pottel of leyne wat' and breke half a 11. of galle, eche galle in iij. or iiij. pec^, and lete this galle stode in y forsajd water iiij. or v.dayes, and than poure out y A^permost of the water, and put therto di. 11. weyght off vitryol in pouder, and put therin in an erthen vessel, and stere hem Avel togyd*, and stoppe the potte that none eyer cum therto, and lete it stonde a daye and a nyght, and then take di. 11. off gorue of stryter weyght than was f vitryoll and put it therto, and stoppe ayen the pott, and stere it aboute, and at iij. or iiij. dayes ende then take the forsayd gallis and drye them in the sonne, and breke them smaller then they were, and put therto a quartir and di. of water, and lete hem stode vij. nyghtes, and pure out the cler water, and put therto lesse than a q.' of vitrioll in small pouder, and doo as is before sayde, and put therto lesse weight of goiiie then of the vitriol, and wyth that later ynke temper y fyrst ynke when nede is, and yf th5 tempre good ynke wyth semple water, it wyl turne to corrupcion, and the iij. tyme setlie the galle in water tyl the be softe, and porcion the remenant as is before sayde. Use and crafte shal teche the better, &c. fl Le premere Course pur Lestates. d Un Sotelte de Lyon Blake. Rehersal. Thinke and thanke prelate of grete prise That it hath pleasid the habudant grace, Of King Edward in al his act^ wise The to promote hyder to his please. This lytil yle whyle thou hast tyme and space For to repayre, do ay thy besy cure. For thy rewarde of Heue thou shalt be sure. 239 m Pur Potage. Frumenty and venyson, syngnet rosted, graunt luce in sarris, roo roested regardaunt, feusaunt roosted, venison in paste, grete custarde, leche porpul. ^ Un Sotelte de Natiuite Saint Johii. Rehersall. Blissyd Johii Baptist, for thy name so preciouse. Gracia Dei be thy true interpretacio ; Pray euer to God y in thy lyue vertuouse, Johii nowe of this see thorough thy meditacion, Preserued be ; which be this stallacio. Thus is entred into his chirche, Ther longe to endure many goode dedis to worche. ^ The Seconde Course. §[ Un Sotelte le He de Ely. Rehersall. O mortal man cal to remembraiice This text, de terra tu plamasti me. What than auayleth al worldly plesaunce, Sythe to the erthe thou shalt reiite. De lime terre, how God hath ordeyned the, Lodesterre of Ely, loo suche is Godys myght ; Hym therfore to serue thou art bonden of right. Gely to potage, storke roosted, pecoke florisshed, carpe in soppis, rabett^ roosted, breme fresshe water, freature semeca, orenge in paste, tarte bor- boyne, leche damaske. §1 Un Sotelte de Dieu Schepard. Ego sum Pastor Bonus. Rehersall. Johii ofte reuolue I thy remeberace. That of my grace haue made the here protector, And of this folde I geue the goiinace, Fro rauenors to be ther true defesor. 240 Tliem to prcserue euy tyme and ower, Lerne of me and do thy besy deuor Fro my folke al rauen to disseuor. ^ Respocio Ep'i. Fayn I wolde blissed Lorde yf it like y, This cure of thy diuine puruiauce And special most grace hast giue me. To gyde and rewle after thy plesaiice. And to expel al rebel w thy manitence From y chirche ; good Lorde geue me that grace. And so me to rewle wyth the to haue a place. ^ The thirde Course. ^ Un Sotelte le Sentis Petre, Paule, and Andrew. Rehersall. Remebre Johii, this y shineth bright Wt' gret abudauce al is but vayn gl'e ; Lerne for to die and welcome my owne knight, Welcome my preist and bisshop verily, The holy Peter blissed Poule and I Of this our chirche make y ptector And of this yle y vertuose gouernor. ^ Creme of almondes to potage, boetour roosted, perche in gelye, cur- lew, plouer roosted, un caste de gely florisshyd, creues deudose, larkes roosted, fresshe storgion, quynces in paste, tarte poleyn, fritour bounce, leche reiall. ^ Un Sotelte de le Egle sure Letonne. Rehersall. Now hertely ye bee welcome into this hal, Fro y' highest vnto y lowest degree. Requiring and specialy praing you al Yeld to God y louing^ and not to me ; And ferthermore of your benignite, Diio Deo nostro gras agamus. And prayse his name w Te Deu laudamus. 241 Syttyng at the hygh dees. My Lord of Ely in the myddes : on the right hande ; the Abbot of Berye, the Abbot of Ramesey, the Prior of Ely, the Mayster of the RoUis, the Priour of Braunwell, the Priour of Anglesheye. ^ On the other hande; Syr Thomas Howard, Syr John Donne, Syr Jolrn Wyngelfeld, Syr Harry Wentworthe, John Sapcote, Syr Edward Woodhous, Syr Robert Chamberleyn, Syr John Cheyne, Syr Williii Branden, Syr Robert Fynes, Johii Fortescu. The Abbot of Thorney and my Lady Brandon and other estatis in the chabre. Wl The Waye from Calice to Rome, thorough Fraunce. m From Calice to BoUyn, legis, vij. From Bollen to Motrell, vij. From Motrell to Sanrogers, vij. From Sanrogers to Vixyns, viij. From Vixyns to Paylard, vi. From Paylard to Clermont, viij. From Cleremont to Lesarchers, vij. From Lesarchers to Saint Denyse, v. From Saint Denyse to Parise, ij. From Montarges to Bony, xij. From Bony to Lecheriter xij. From Lecheriter to Portetis, xi. From Portetis to Banlon, vij. From Banlon to Perefetter, iij. FroPerefett'toMercelinesNoues,vij. From Nouens to Saint Clement, ix. From Saint Clement to Arberel, iij. From Arberel to Lyons, iij. ^ Somma Ivij. legys. ^ Somma from Paris, Ixxxxi. legis. From Paris to Kerbel, From Kerbel to Antemors, From Antemors Montarges, ^ij' ^ ^^^^ from Caleis to Lyons, X. C. xlviij. legis. II 242 ^ The Dukedom of Sayuo3^e. From Lyons to Volipera, mile, xv. From Volipera to Borgoyd, vi. From Borgoyd to Tore Delpyne, vi. Fro Tore Delpine to PontJ Bel- uisme, xi. From Beluisme to Gabiletta, vi. From Gabiletta to Cambelle, vi. From Cambella to Momeliane, vi. From Momeliano to Aqua Bella, ix. From Aqua Bella to Cambella, xij. Fro Cabella to Sait Johii de Mo- riaa, vi. Fro Moriana to Salt Michel, vi. Fro Sait Michel to Saint Adrea, ix. From Saint Adrea to Borgetto, vi. From Borgetto to Vlzera, iij. From Vlzera to Juboo, ix. From Jubgo to Nolalexa, xv. From Nolalexa to Susa, ij. From Susa to Vilrana, xv. From Vilrana to Riuole, iiij. From Riuole to Torino, vi. From Torino to Septuno, v. From Septuno a Kemasse, vi. From Kemasse to Ligorin, ix. From Ligorin to Salaske, ix. From Salaske to Versilia, vij. vij. ^ Somma from Lyons, C.lxxxxij. myle. ^ The Dukedom of Myllaen Lombardy. From Versilia to Nouara, x rayle, x. From Nouara to MargentJ, x. From Argent^ to Millano, xiiij. From Millano to Maryniano, x. From Moryniano to Lody, x. From Lody to Caxale, viij. From Caxale to Piesonza, xij. From Piesenza to Ferenzola, xij. Fro Ferenzola to Borgo Saint Dno, viij. From Borgo to Parma, xv. From Parma to Rego, xv. From Rego to Modena, xv. From Modena to Castelo Fran- cho, V. From Castelo Francho to Bo- nonia, xv. From Bonoaia a Pianora, viij. From Pianora to Lorana viij. Fro Lorana to Discariga Lasmo, iiij. Fro Discarga Lasmo to Firen- sola, xij. Fro Firensola to Skaparia, x. Fro Skaparia to Pontis Sa'uit Piro, ij. Fro Pontis Saiat Piro to Flo- rens, XIJ. ^ Somma from Nouara to Flores CC. XV. mile. 243 Fro Florens to Sancaxano, Fro Sancaxano to Tauernelle, Fro Tauernelle to Poge Bonze, Fr5 Poge Bonze to Sena, Fro Sena to Bonconuento, Fro Bonconuento to San Qui- lico, Fro San Quilico to Ricorse, Fro Ricorse to Lapalia, Fro Lapalia to Pontis Sentino, Fro Pontis Sentino to Aqua Pendentj, mile, iiij vnj. V. xij. xij. viij. viij. Fro Aqua Pendetis to San Lorenzo, Fro San Lorenzo to Bolzena, Fro Bolzena to Montflascone, Fro Montflascone to Viterba, Fro Viterba to Ronsilyone, Fr5 Ronsilyone to Bacano, Fro Bacano to Rome, inj. iiij. vi. viij. ix. xiij. xiiij. Soma fro Florens to Rome, C. xxxvi. mile. C Fro Rome to Naples. Fro Rome to Marino, Fro Maiino to Bellitera, Fro Bellitera to Sarmoneta, Fro Sermon etta to Casa Nona, Fro Casa Noua to Moreffa, Fro MorefFa to Terrazena, Fro Terrazena to Fonda, xij. Fro Fonda to Molla, x X. Fro Molla to Sessa xiij Fro Sessa to Chapolia, xviij xij. ix. Fro Chapolia to Napele, xviij viij. ^ Et sic est finis. xi. ^ In Dei nomine. Amen. The xviij. day of the moneth of Auguste, the yere of our Lorde, M. CCCC. Ixxiij. and y yere of the reigne of King Edward, y forth after the conquest xiij. I Johii Amell the elder, citezen and cotteler off Loudon, beyng of hool mynde and in good memory, laude be to Almyghty God, make and orden this my present testament conteyn- ing therin my last wyl, in maner and forme that foloweth. HI First I bequethe and recomende my soule too Almighty God my maker and my redemer, to the most glorious virgine his moder our Lady 244 Saint Mary, and to all the holy company of Heuen, and my body to bee beryed in the myddes of the parise chirche or colage of Saint Michel, called Whittyngton Collage of London, or as nye thervnto as it may goodly be done after the wyse discrecion of my executors. Ite I bequethe to y high auter of Saint Magne y Marter beside y bridge of Lodon, wherof now I am a parisson, for my tythis and oblacions by me forgetten or with holde, yf ony suche be, in my discharge of my soule, and f curat ther praye specyaly for my soule, iij. s'. iiij'. d'. Ite I bequethe to y werkis of f body of y pise chirche of Saint Michel aforsaide, for my berieng to be had w me y-same, vi.s'. viij. d'. and aft' this done and myne faual expesis payd, first and formest and bifore al other ligacis, I wil y al mi dett^ y which of right and cosiece I owe to oni maner psone be Avel and truly payed bi my executors, or ellis ordeined or to bee payed. ||[ Item I bequethe to the werkis of the cathederal chirche of Saint Poule of London, xij. d'. ^ Item I bequethe to the Charter-house beside London, to the entent y the prior and couent ther pray specialy for my soule and for the soule off Jane late my wyf, x.s'. ^ Item I bequethe to Margrete my sister my goodes here vnder wrytten, that is to wete, the hangyng bakers and cussyons in my halle hole as they bee, my bedde in my chamber hoole as it is, that is to say, fed' bedde, niatras, bolster, pyllowes, blakettis, shcteis, couerlet, quylte, tester, and iij. curtyns, and iiij. peyer of my beste sheteis, and ij. couerlettis, besyde that that lyeth on my bedde, and ij. siluer spones beyng in my boxe, all my pewter vessel goyng abrode, alle my pottis of pewter, a salt- selar of pewter, an holy water stope of pewter, a borde cloth of dyap, a towell of dyaper, two candelstykis of latto, a chafyng dysshe of laton, iij. bras pottis, that is to saye, a greate potte, a myddel potte, and a lytel pot, and iij. brasse pannis after the same sortinge, a spett of yron, a treued and a ladyl. 245 (d Item I bequethe to Johii Amell of Greewiche my cosyn, all my bed- dyng beyng in the chamer att Walworthc, and all my weryng clothes as well wollen as lynne, belonglge to my body, excepte my beste blewegowne, and my morey gowne engreyned, the whiche I reserue to the performyngof the remenaunt off my legates conteyned in this mi testament. ^ Item I bequethe to the sayde Johii Amell my cosyne, all my stuf beyng in my shoppe, that is to saye, yuery, dogeon, horn, mapyll, and the toel y belongeth to my crafte, as saues, anfeldis, hameres, rapis, filis, and other to werke wythal, and x. of boxsis bein in my shoppe, to lay his ware in, all my wares redy wroughte excepted. ^ Item I wyl that my executours redeme and bye the dett that the sayde Johii Amell my cosyne oweth, they yf they can compounde wyth his credy- tours to gyue amonges theym for the same dett the some of v. li. of my goodj, or lesse yf they may soo, that the same Johii by that meane goo quyte and be at his liberte. But I wyll not that my executours excede the sayde some of att the moost. f^ Item I quethe to Richard A. haburdassher, to the entent that he take vpon hym the cxecucion off this my present testament xl. s'. ^ Item I bequethe to Thomas Mariet steynor, in y lyke maner for me, xl. s'. The residcw of alle my goodis, catellis, and deltis whatsoeuer thei bee after my dettis pa3'ed, my fynal expensis doon, and my sayd legatis performed, I wolde that it bee solde be my sayd executours at the moste auayle that they maye selle it for redy money, and the money comynge of the sacU therof to be disposed bi my sayde executours for my soule and for all cristen soulis, in doyng of massis, aquytyng of poer prysoners out of prisone, releuyng of impotet pepul, blynde, lame, and febul, and in other dedis of mercy and charite, as they shal thinke best to the pleasure of Almyghty God and f helthe of my soule and of y soule of Jane late my wife. Itm yt is the full entet and last will off me the said Johii Amell, that myne executores namyd in this my psent testament, as sone as ther shall seme tyme expedient after my dissese, sell alle my landes and tenement^, the whiche that I or any other persones to myne vse haue in the townes, 246 parissh ynnes and fildes off Wynbyshe and Tharsted in the counte off Exsex, and in Walworthe in y county of Sowthey, at the best that they shall counsel them for redy money, and the money comyng of the same sale mi said executores to dispose for mi soule and for the soulesaforesayd, in good werkys off chaiiteleke as I haue aboue asyned; the money comyng of the sale of the resedewe of my sayd goodes, catellis, and enly to be disposed j and I wyll and charge alle seche psoncs as stonde in enfeoffed by my and to mi vse, and in mi landes and tenemetis aboue sayd, whan they shalbe reasonably required by myne executores, or by any of them, make a sufficient astate in the lawe of and in alle y said landis and tene- mentis, wyth y portenauntes to that parsone or too the parsones too who my sayd executores shal make the sayd sale of the sayd lades and tene- mentj vnto, as the sayd parsones soo by me infeffed haue off my testoment, wythout any maner excuse or delay. And this my present testamet and last vvylle, I make and ordeine myne executores the sayd R. Arnolde haber- dassher, and Thomas Mariet steynor, citezens of London, in witnesse wherof this my psent testament conteynyg theryn my last wil, I haue set to my seale, yeue the daye and yere aboue sayd. The Coestes to make Soep. To make iij. last soep; ij. tonne of seuyll oyle, iij. laste soep hashis, iij. lode talwode, a lode onsleked lyme, iij. laste of barellj. Mennys laboer mete and drynke. The barell of soep, xxx. galones. The barell of aell, xxxij. galones. The barell of beer, xxxvi. galones. 247 To brewe Beer. X. quarters malte, ij. quarters wheet, ij. quarters ootes, xl. 11'. weight of hoppys. To make Ix. harelip of sengyll beer. Finis. d In this Chapiter is shewid the Patrons of alle the Beneficis in London. Anne on the Towr Hill, and Abbey of Whit Monkys. Anne wythin Aldrichgate, diocis London, patron Deane of Seynt Mar- ty n the Graunde, the desine. Augustin in Brad Stret Ward, f pryour of Friers August. Anthonius in Bred Stret Warde, a college, the Kyng patron. Augustin by London Wall, prior of Crichirch in Londo patron. Augustin in Watlj^igStrete, bi Poules gate, patrone. Antelyne in Bogerowe, diocis London, patrone deane and chapiter of Poules, the decis, xx. s'. Albon in Wood Stret, diocis London, prouost of Eton patron, decis XX. s'. Alphey wythin Crepilgate, deocis London, patron deane of Seint Mar- tyn the Graunte, the sine. Alborought wythout Bisshoppisgate. Alhalwyn in Bred Stret, diocis Canter, patron bishop of Canter. Alhalwyn Lumbard Stret, deocis Canter, patron pryor of Crichirch in Canturbury, the desine. Alhalwyn by London Walle, diocis London, patron prior of Crichirch in London, the desine. Alhalwyn the More, diocis London, the Kyng patron, the decis xiij.s'. iiij. d'. 248 Alhalwyn the Lesse, diocis London, patrone the master of Laurence Pulteney, the sine. Alhalwyn Berking chirch, diocis London, patron abbat of Berkyng, the desine x. s'. viij. d'. Alhalwyn Stanyngis, diocis London, patron th' abbot of Tourhill, the decis xvij.s'. iiij. d'- Alhalwyn in Ilony Lane London, patron the wardeyns of grocers, the decis xvij.s'. iiij. d*. Andrew in Cornehill, diocis London, patron bisshop of London, the decis xvij.s'. iiij.d'. Andrew Hubert in Estchep, diocis London, erle of Shrewisbury patron, the decis xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Andrew at Ba3aiard castell, diocis London, patron bisshop off London, the desine xx. s'. Andrew in Holborne, diocis Londo, patron abbot off Barmonsey, the decis xiij. s'. iiij. d'. Botulf bi Billyg^ gate, dioc^ Lodo, patro deane and chapit' of Poles, y decj x.s'. iiij. d'. Botulf without Algate, dicis London, patron the pryor of Crichirch in London, the decis. Botulf wythout Bisshoppisgate, diocis London, patron the bisshop of London, the decis xvij.s'. iiij. d'. Botulf wythout Aldrichgate, diocis London, patron deane off Seint Martyns Graunt, the decis. Benet at Greshirch, diocis London, patron deane and chapit' of Polis, the decj xxiiij. s'. Benet at Poules wharf, diocis London, deane and chapit' of Poulis patron, the dec J xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Benet Sherehog, callid Seint Sithes, diocis London, patro prior of Seit Mary Ovirthere, the decj xx. s'. Benet Fynke, diocis London, patron the master of Seint Anthony, the decj xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Bryde in Flet Stret, diocis Londo, patrons y Kyng and th' abbot of Westm, decj xx. s'. Barthilmew the Litell, diocj Londo, patrone th' abbot on the Towr hill, the decj xvij. s'. iiij. d'. 249 Barthilmew in Smythfelde, prior}^ tempaltes, Ixxxx. )i. xiiij. s'. iiij. d'. desine viij. 11. xvij. s'. q'. Barthilmew in Smythfelde Spitill, a master and a colao-e. d Clement beside Estchep, diocj London, patron abbot of Westiii, dec^ XX. s'. Clement wythout Temple Barre, diocis London, patron the bisshop of Exccster, dej. Clare Sistres Minores, wythout Algate in the subarbz of London, Dominick Friers, p'ochers of London at Ludgate. Dunstan in the Est, diocis Canter, patron prior of Crychirch in Cautur- bury, the dec^. Dunstan the West, diocis London, patron the abbot of Alnewik, the dec J XX. s'. Deonise in Fanchircli Stret, diocis Caunter, patron the bisshop of Caiiter and the prior of Crychirch of Caunter, dec^. ^ Edmond wythout Newgale, callid Selt Sepulcre, diocis London, patron prior of Seint Bartilmews, decj x. s'. Edmond in Lumbard^ Stret, diocis London, patron prior of Crichirch in London, decj xx. s'. Ethelborugh wythin Bisshopsgate, diocis London, patron prioresse of Seynt Helyne, the dec^. ^ Feyth wythin Powles, diocis London, patrons dene and chapitur of London, the decis xx. s'. Faster in Faster Lane, diocis Canter, patron bisshop of Canter, the decj. Fraunces wylhin Newgate Freers. Gregory by Poulis, dioc^ London, apropred to the peti chanons of Powles, the decis xx.s'. Giles wythout Crepilgate, diocis Londo, patrons deane and chapit' of Powles, the decTs xx.s'. George in Pudding Lane, diocis London, patron abbot of Bermonse}', the decis. Kk 250 George in Soutlnverke, diocis Winchester, patron abbot of Bermosey, the desine. Gilis, an hospital! beyond Holborne. ^ Heleyne, priory of Nunnes wythin Bisshopsgat, y dec! xvij.s'. iiij. d'. Heleyn, peris chirch wythin Bisshopsgate, diocis London, the priores of Seynt Heleyn person. Heleyn beside Mart Lane, a priory of Crossed Freers. ^ Johis, an hospitale beside West Smythfelde, of London. Johls Racharie, diocis London, patrons deane and chapit' of Powles, the dec! XX. s'. Joins Ewangelist, in Friday Stret, diocis Cauter, patron prior of Cry- chirch of Cauter, the decj. Joins in Walbroke, diocis London, patron priores of Seynt Heleyn, the decj x.s'. viij. d'. James at Garlik Hill, diocis London, patron abbot of Westmyster, the decis ix. s'. iiij. d'. James, an hermytage wythin Crepilgate. James, an hospitale beside Charing Crosse. James, perishe chirche, wythin the priory of Haliwell. Johis of Hahwell, ^out Bisshopsgate, a priores of Nones. ^ Kateryn on the Towurhill, master and colage, the Kyng patron, Kateryne chapell, beside Charen Crosse and hermytage. Kateryne Crichirch, wythin Algate, diocis London, patrone priour of Crichirch in London, the decj. Kateryn Colman, wythin Algate. ^ Lenard in Estchep, diocis Canter, patron the priour off Crichirch in Caunturbury, the decj. Leonard in Fastir Lane, diocis London, patron deane of Seynt Martins Graunt, the decis xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Leonard in Shordich, diocis London, belonging to the Archdeken of Lo- don, the decj. Laurence Pulteney, UiocJ London, patron duke of Suffolke, the decj XX. s". 251 Laurence in the Jury, diocis London, patron Bayly Colage of Oxen- ford, the dec J. ^ Mary at Bowe, diocj Canter, patrone bisshop of Canter, dec^. Mary Aldirmary chirch, in Watlyng Stret, diocis Canter, patron bisshop of Canter, the decTs. Mary Bothhawe by the Erbar, diocis Canter, patrone priour of Cri- chirch of Canter, the decls. Mary Colchirch, diocis London, patron master of Seynt Thomas off Acres, the decis. Mary Stanyng Lane, diocis London, patron priores of Clerkenwell. Mary in Aldirmanbury, diocis London, patron priour of Elsyng Spitell, decls xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Mary VVohiothe, in Lumbard Stret, diocis London, patrone pryores off Seynt Heleyn, the dec^ xxiiij. s'. Mary Abchirch, diocis London, patron master of Seynt Laurence Pul- teney, the decls v. s'. iiij. d'. Mary Wulchirch, diocis London, the abbot of Seynt Johis Colchester patron, the decls xxiiij. s'. Mary Foundchirch, diocis London, prior of Crichirch patron in London, the decls xvij.s'. iiij.d'. Mary Somerset, diocis Lodon, patro deane and chapit' of Poles, the decj. Mary on the Hill, diocis London, patron Page of Dortford in Kent, gentilman, the decis xxiiij. s'. Mary at Ax, diocis London, patron priores of Seynt Helyns, decl. Mary Mownthawe, diocis London, patro bisshop of Herford, the decj. Mary Matfelow, diocis London, patron bisshop of London, the decls. Mary at the Stronde Crosse, diocis London, patron bisshop of Wurcet', the decj. Mary in Flet Strete, a priory of Whit Freers. Mary chapell, by Berking chirch. Mary de Grace, an abbey of Monkis by the Towur of London. Mary priorie, of Elsing Spitill win Crepelgate. Mary, the newe hospitall, wythout Bisshopsgate. Mary Salutacion, chartirhous by West Smytfelde, in London. Mary, hospitall of Bedleem, wythout Bisshopsgate. 252 Mary, ouer the ree in Southwerke, a priorye of Chanons. Mary callid Seynt Mary Spite], wythout Bissbopisgate. Mary Magdalen in Milk Stret, diocis London, patron deane and chapiter of Powles, the decis xx. s'. Mary Madalen in Olde Fish Stret, diocis London, patrone deane and chapiter of Powles, dcc^ xiij.s'. iiij.d'. Mary Madalen by Bermonse}^ diocis Winchester, patron abbot of Ber- monsey. Mary Madalen by Seint Mary ouer the ree, diocis Winchester, patron the prior of Seynt Mary ouer the Ree, the dec^. Mary Madalen at Tuthill, callid Lawles chirch. Martyn Otirwich, diocis London, patrons wardens of taylours, y dec^ xvij.s". iiij.d'. Martyn Pomers in Irmonger Lane, diocis London, patrone priour of Sej-nt Bartilmews, the dec^ xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Martyn in the Vintre, diocis London, patron th' abbot off Glouceter, the decj xxvi.s'. viij.d'. Marty by Ludgat, dioc^ Londo, patro abbot of Westin, decj xxvi.s*. viij. d'. Martyn Orgar, in Candilwik Strele, diocis London, patron deane and chapiter of Powles, the decj xvij.s'. iiij.d'. Martyn in the Felde, besyde Charyng Crosse. Magne by London brydge, diocis London, patron the abbot^ of West- myster and Bermonsey, the dec^ xxv. s'. viij. d'. Mathcw in Friday Strete, diocis London, patron the abbot of Westiri, the dec5 XX. s'. Margretin Lothbury, diocis London, patrons abbeis of Berking in Essex, the decj. Margret in Bridg Stret, diocis London, patro abbot of Winchester, decj. Margret Moyses in Friday Strete, diocis London, the kyng patron, y decj xxvi. s'. viij.d'. Margret Patens, diocis London, patron mair and aldirmen off London, the decj. Margret in Southwerke, diocis Winchester, patron the prior of Seit Mary ouer the ree, the desine. Margret at Westm. 253 Mildredis in Bred Stret, diocis London, patron the prior of Seit Mary ouer the ree, the decis xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Mildrede in the Pultry, diocis London, patron prior of Seit Mary ouer the ree, the dec^ xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Michell in Cornehill, diocis London, patron abbot oflf Eyueshrn, the decIs Iiij. s*. iiij.d'. Michell in Bassingis hawe, diocis London, patron deane and chapit' of Poules, the decTs xiij.s*. iiij.d'. Michell by Quenehith, diocis London, patron deane and chapit' oft' Poules, the dec^ xx. s'. Michell Querene by Powles gate, diocis London, patrone deane and chapiter of Poules, the decj. Michell in Wood Stret, diocis London. Michell in Croke Lane, diocis Canter, patron bisshop of Canter, decTs. Michell Pat'nostei-, Whittyngton college, diocj Canter, patros werdens of mercers, the decj. ^ Nicholas Colde Abbey, diocis London. Nicholas Oluf, in Bred Stret, diocis London, patron deane and chapit' of Powles, the decTs xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Nicholas Aeon, by Lumbard Stret, diocis London, patron abbot of Malmesbury, the decj xx. s'. Nicholas in Fleshhamels, diocis London, patrons the Kyng and f abbot of Westin, the decj xl.s'. ^ Oluf in Siluer Stret, diocj London. Oluf in the Olde Jury, diocj Londo, patrone priour of Bottlee in Suf- folke, the dec^ x. s'. Oluf by the Crossed Friers, diocis London, patron Cely in Mart Lane, f decis XX. s'. Oluf in Southwarke, diocj Winchester, patron priour of Lewes in Southsex, the dec]. Owyn win Newgate, diocj Lodon, patro Lord of Seit Johes Jerlim, f dec]. Poulis, the cathedrall chirch of London, deane and recidences. 254 Petir in Cornehill, diocis London, patrons mair and aldirmen of Lon- don, the decj xxvi. s'. viij. d*. Petre in West Chepe, diocis London, patron abbot of Seyt Albons, the dec^ XX. s'. Petir the Poure, diocis London. Peter the Litell, at Powles Wharf, diocj London, patrons deane and chapit' of Poules, the decis xvij. s'. iiij. d'. Pancras in Nedeler Lane, diocis Canter, patron bisshop of Cant*, decj. Pancras in the felde. Petir, wythin the Towr of London. Petir, of Westiii, abbey of Blak Monkes. Stephan in Walbrok, diocis London, Master Lee of the same perish patrone, the decj xiij.s'. iiij. d'. Stephan in Colman Stret, diocis London, patron priour of Botlee, I SufFelde, the decj x. s'. Stephan a college, and the King^ chapell at Westiii. Stephan in Candilwik Stret, diocis London, patron prior of Cortington, the decj xx. s'. Saluator, of Bermonsey, an abbey of Blak Monkes. ^ Trinite callid Crichirch, win Alnate, of London, a priorye, Trinite, in Knyght Riders Strete, diocis London, patron deane and cha- piter of Powles, the decj xx. s'. ^ Xpofore, by the Stokkis, diocis London, patron the bisshop of Londo, the dec^ xxix.s'. viij.d'. ^ Thorns of Acres, a college in West Chepe. Thorns Appostill, pish chirch, in the Ryall. Thoiris a Spitall, in Southwerke. Thoins Martir, a chapell on London bridge. ^ Corpus Cristi, chapell in the Pultry of London. Corpus Cristi, chapell in the college of Seit Laurence Pulteney. Trinite Chapell, vpon the charnehell, in the chirch hawe of Seynt Michell, in Crokid Lane. The chapell vpon y charnell, i the chirch hawe of Selt Poules, I Lodo. The chapell of Seint Thoins, in Pardon chirch awe, London. 255 The chapell vpon the charnell, in the chirch haue of Seint Dunstan in the Est. The chapell of the Guylde Halle, in London, callid Seint Nichas. The chapell vpon the charnell, at Seint Mary Spitall, wjthout Bisshops Gate. The litell chapell of Beelem, wythout Bisshops Gate. The chapell vpon the charnell, in the chirch hawe of Seint Thoiiis, in Southwerke. The chapell in the chirch hawe at Chartir Hous. The Frary chapell, beside Seint JohTs Jerlrn, callid Vrsula. The chapell wythout Tempel Barre, callid Seynt Spirite, The chapell at Our Lady at Rounceuale. The chapell wythin Barthelmew Spitell. ^ And here begyneth the Tempalities of diners Archedekenj-s and other placis of Religion. Archidiacon? Londo, het tempalt', xx. marc, Tde dec. xxvi. s'. viij.d*. Vicar: de Iseldon, habent tempalties xx, marc, inde decima, xxvi. s'. viij. d', Fratres Autonim, het tempalt' viij.s'. inde dec. ix. d'. ob'. Fratres Hospitales de Warwik, hent tempalt' xij. d'. inde dec. i. d'. q'. Magist' Seint Thome de Aeon, hent tempalt' Ixij. II. inde dec. xiiij.s'. iiij. d'. Decanus and Capiter, Seint Pauli Lodo, het tepalt' Ixxx. xij. IT. inde dec. ix. II. iiij, s'. iiij.d'. tempalt' xxxiiij. II, iij. s'. iiij.d'. dec. iij.ll. viij. s'. iiij. d'. Canonici Cicestri, het tempalt' xl.s'. inde dec. iiij.s'. Canonici de Hastinges, het tempalt' xxiij.s'. iiij.d'. dec. iij.s'. iiij.d'. Archbisshop of Cant', tempt' xxxv. s'. iij. d'. dec. iij. s'. vi. d'. q'. Epus Cicestrie, het tempalt' iij.ll. x. s'. decj. vij.s'. Epiis Saru, het tempalt' xij. II. viij. s'. inde decj xxiiij.s'. x.d'. q'. Epus Wigoru, het tempalt' ij. s'. x. d'. ob'. q'. decj iij. d'. ob'. ^ Prebende of Brounsbury, tempalt' xl. s'. the decj iiij, s'. Prebende of Brunsbury hath tempalt' iij.ll. xiij,s'. iiij.d', the decj vij.s', iiij. d'. Prebende of Cheswik hath tempalt' ix. mark, the decj xij. s'. Prebende Consuinptcr, bi the see, the tempalt' xiij. s'. iiij.d'. dec^ xvi. d'. Prebende of Eldlonde, tempalt' xl. s'. decj iiij.s'. Prebende of Eld Strete, tempalt' 1. s'. decj inde v.s'. Prebende of Holborne, liij. s'. iiij. d'. decj v. s'. iiij. d'. Prebende of Haliwell, tempalt' xx. mark, dec^. xxvi. s'. iiij. d'. Prebende of Hokston, tempalt' v, mark, the dec^. vi.s. viij. d'. Prebende of Herlisden, tempalt' v. mark, the dec^ vi. s'. viij.d'. Prebende of Iseldon, tempalt' viij. mark, the decj x.s*. viij. d'. Prebende of Kentish Toun, tempalt' x. mark, decj xiij. s'. iiij.d'. Prebende of Mapisbur}', tempalt' v. mark, dec J vi. s'. viij. d'. Prebende of Mora, tempalt' viij. mark, the dec^ x. s'. viij.d'. Prebende of Nesden, tempalt' iij. 11. ij.s'. the dec^ vi.s*. ij.d'- ob'. Prebende of Newington, tempalt' ix. mark, the dec^ xij. s'. Prebende ofOxgate, tempalt' xlviij.s'. dec^ iiij.s'. ix. d*. ob'. Prebende of Portpole, tempalt' vij. mark, dec^ ix. s'. iiij. d'. Prebende of Seynt Pancrace, tempalt' xiij. s'. xi. dec^ iiij. s'. iiij.d'. ob'. Prebende of Rokonslond, tempalt' v. mark, dec^ vi. s'. viij. d'. Prebende of Rogemore, tempalt' iiij. mark, dec. vi. s'. iiij. d'. Prebende of Swetyng, tempalt' v. marc, s'. viij.d*. Prebende of Totenhal, tempalt' xvi. marc, dec. xxi. s'. iiij. d'. Prebende of Twyford, tempalt' lix, s'. xi. d'. dec. v. s'. x. d'. ob'. Prebende of Wyldland, tempalt' xl.s'. the dec. iiij.s'. Prebende of Wyllesden, tempalt' vi. marc, the dec. viij.s'. Prebende of Wenlok^, tempalt v. li. dec. x.s'. ^[ Here begynith the Corodise in all the Abbeyes in Englandc. Prior of Awmesbury, i. corodie. Prior of Saint Andrew, in Northiiiton, i. corodie and i. pencion. Priour of Blakamor, in Essex. Priour of Saint Barthilmew in Smithfild, Ixxx. li. xiiij. s'. iiij. d'. the dec viij. li. xvij. s'. q'. Priour of Bernewel by Cambrige, ten)pt' xiij.s'. iiij.d'. the dec. xvi. d'. and i. corodie. Priour of Butle, tempalt' xxvi. s'. viij. d'. dec. ij. s'. viij. d' 257 Priour of BrodisbyiTi, i. corodie. Priour of Bathe, i. corodie. Priour of Bradstok or Bradstow, i. pencion. Priour of Bustlishiii, in Oxfordshire, i. pencion. Priour of Blithe, in Notinghmshire, i. corodie. Priour of Buthulphes, in Colchester. Priour of Crichirch, in London, C. iij.s'. ij. d'. the dec. xviij. s\ iij. d*. ob'. i. corodie. Priour of Chiksond, in Bedfordshir, vi. s'. viij.d'. the dec. xviij. s'. viij. d'. Priour of Crichirche, in Caunterbury, i. corodie and a pencion. Priour of Couentree, i. corodie of viij. marc. Priour of Dunmowe, in Essex, v. marc, xx. d'. dec. vij. s'. ij. d'. Priour of Dauntrie, in Northiiitonshire, i. corodie. Priour of Doner, in Kent, Blak Monkis. Priour of Dunstable, i. corodie. Priour of Durhiii, beyonde Yorke, i. corodie, i. pencion. Priour of Dorchester, in Oxenfordshire, i. corodie. Priour of Ely, in Chambredshire, tempalt' vi.s'. viij. d'. the dec. viij. d'. i. corodie. Priour of Episwych, in Suftblke, i. corodie and i. pencion. Priour of Saint Feith, in Norfolke, tempalt' xxxi. s'. the dec. iij.s'. i. d.' q'. Priour of Saint Friswith, within Oxenford, i. corodie, i. pencion. Priour of Gaunt, in Flaunders, tempalt' xvi. s'. x. d'. y dec. xx. d'. q'. Priour of the NevTC Place by Gylford, v. li. xvi. s'. iij. d'. dec. xi. s'. viij. d'. ob'. Priour of Herfeld Penevell, ix.s'. iiij. d'. the dec. xi. d'. ob*. Priour of Kenelworth, in Warwykshire, xxv. s'. dec. ij.s'. vi. d'. i. corodie. Priour of Kokersaud, in Lancastershire. 258 Priour of Lews, in Southsex, tempalt' v. li. dec. x.s'. Priour of Lancaster, i. corodie. Priour of Lantony, in Glocetershire, i. pencion. Priour of Lawnde, in , i. corodie. Priour of Lenton, in , i. corodie. Priour of Ledis, in Kent, i. corodie. Priour of Saint Mary, Outheree, Ixx. li, xvij.s'. ix. d'. ob'. the dec. iij. li. xviij. s'. vi. d'. ob*. q'. i. corodie, i. pencion. Priour of Montagu, i. corodie. Priour of Markyat, tempalt' xx.s'. the dec. ij.s'. Prior of Newenhiii, tempalt' xxix. s'. iiij. d'. dec. ij. s'. xi. d'. ob'» Prior of Norwich, i. corodie. Prior of Okeborne, tempalt' xvi. s'. iiij. d'. dec. xix. d'. ob'.q'. Prior of Saint Oswold, in Yorkshire, i. corodie. Prior of Pritwel, tempalt' xiij. s'. iiij.d'. dec. xvi. d'. Prior of Panfield, tempalt' xxx. s'. dec. iij. s'. Prior of Reiston, tempalt' xxxv. s'. dec. iij. s'. vi.d'. and i. corodie: Prior of Rewchester, in Kent, xxvij.s'. iiij.d'. dec. ij. s'. viij.d'. ob'. q'. Prior of Shuldhm, in Northfolke, x.s'. viij.d'. dec. xv.s'. ob'. q'. Prior of Synipringhiii, in Yorkshir, xxxiij. s'. viij.d'. dec. iij. s'. Prior of Sopwelle, in Herfordshir, vi s'. the dec. vij.d'. q'. Prior of Sandgate, i. corodie. Prior of Tortington, in Southsex, xv. li. v.s'. iiij.d'. dec. xxx.s'. vi.d'.ob'. Prior of Tauistoke, in Deuenshir, i. corodie. Prior of Tudbury, i. corodie. Prior of Tedford, in Northfolke, Blak Monkis, i. corodie. Prior of Tunbredge, in Kent. Prior of Wraxton, in , xxiij. s'. vi. d\ dec. ij. s'. iiij. d'' q'. 359 Prior of Ware, in Hertfordshire, xx. s'. dec. ij. s'. Prior of Walerice, in , xxix. s*. ij. d'. dec. xxiij. d'. Prior of Wincester, in Hamsliire, i. corodie. Prior of Wurcheter, i. corodie. Prior of Wenlok, i. corodie. Prior of Walingford, i. corodie. Prior of Wedoroll, in Combirland, Chanons. Abbey of Saint Albons, in Hertfordshire, Blak Monkis, xviij. li. x. s'. vi.d'. the dec. xxxvi. s'. ob'. q'. i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Saint Augustines, in Caut*, Blak Monkis, lemplj xliiij. s', ix. d'. the dec. iiij. s'. v. d'. q'. Abbey of Saint Augustines, in Bristow, i. corodie and i. pencio. Abbey of Abbatisbury, in , i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Abyngdon, in Oxenfordshire, Blak Monkis, ij. corod'. i.pecion. Abbey of Anreoll. Abbey of Saint iVnne, on tlic Tour Hyll, Whit Monkis, i. corodie. Abbey of Berking, in Essex, Nonnes, xxx. s'. x. d'. dec. iij. s. i. d'. q'. and a pencion. Abbey of Borle, in Kent, xxxviij.s'. viij.d'. dec. iij. s'. iiij. d'. ob'. q'. Abbey of Butlesden, tempalt' xxv. s'. dec. ij. s'. vi. d'. Abbey of Beggeshrn, in Southsex, xx.s'. the dec. ij.s'. Abbey of Eyle, in Essex, xxiij. s'. dec. inde ij. s'. iij. d'. ob'. q'. Abbey of Bukfast, in , ij. corodies. Abbey of Bewley, in , i. corodie and a pencion. Abbey of Batell, in Sussex, i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Bensale, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Burton, in , i. corodie and a pencion. Abbey of Saint Benet, in Norfolke, i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Bermonsey, besyde London, Blak Monkis, i. corodie, i. pencio. Abbey of Bardeney, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Boypled, i. corodie. Abbey of Bradstowe, in , i. pecion. Abbey of Bylond, in Abbey of Bury, in Suthfolke, Blak Monkis, i. corodie. Abbey of Saint Bees, of Cupland in Combirland, i. pencion. 260 Abbey of Chirchsey, in Surey, Blak Monkis, vi. li. xv. s. vij.d'. the dec. xiij. s'. vi.d'. ob'. q*. i. corodie and a pencion. Abbey of Circester, in , vij. d'. dec. viij. s'. ob'. q'. Abbey of Colchester, in Essex, xxi. s'. the dec. ij.s'. i. d'. ob'. Abbey of Chester, in Chesshire, i. corodie. Abbey of Crowland, in Lincolnshire, i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Cleue, in , i. corodie, and a pencion. Abbey of Cleborne, in , i. pencion. Abbey of Christlonde, in , i. corodie, i. pencion. Abbey of Coggisale, in Essex, i. corodie. Abbey of Cristal, in Yorkshire, i. corodie. Abbey of Dorseley, i. corodie. Abbey of Eveshm, in , xxvi. s'. viij.d'. dec, ij. s'. viij. d'. i. corodie, i. pencion. Abbey of Eueshiii, in , i. corodie and a pencion. Abbey of Feuershin, in Kent, xxij. s'. viij. d'. dec. ij. s'. iij.d'. <\\ j. corodie. Abbas of Fisthin, in , xvi. s'. dec. xix. d'. q'. Abbey of Forde, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Fonteyn, in Yorkshire. Abbey of Goodstowe, in , v. s'. the dec. vi. d*. i. pencion. Abbey of Glascenbury, in Somersetshire, xvi. s'. dec. xx. d'. i. corodie and a pencion. Abbey of Saintaris, in Yorkshire. Abbey of Gisborne, in Yorkshire. Abbey of Grymmesby, in Lyncolnshire. Abbey of Gloucester, Blak Monkis, xl. s'. dec. iiij. s'. Abbey of Hayles, Whit Monkis. Abbey of Hj'de, in , i. corodie, i. pencion. Abbey of Holme, in Combirland, Blak Monkis. Abbey of Saint James, of Northinton, i. corodie. Abbey of Kirs ted, in , iiij. li. xvij.s'. iiij. d'. dec. ix.s'. viij.d'.ob'. q'. 261 Abbey of Kokirsande, in Lancastershir, Chanons. Abbey of Lyleshull, in , xiij. s'. iiij. d'. dec. xvi. d'. i. corodie, i, pencion. Abbey of Lyssnes, in Kent, Chanons, xx. s'. dec. ij. s'. Abbey of Leycester, Blak IMonkis, xl. s'. dec. iiij. s'. Abbey of Langton, in Yorkshir, i. corodie. Abbey of Mamesbury, in ', vi. s'. iij. d'. dec. vij. d'. ob'. Abbey of Mesenden, in , xxv.s'. vi.d'. dec. ij.s'. vi. d'. ob'. q\ Abbey of Motlieley, in , ij. corodies, i. pencion. Abbey of Saint Mary, in Yorke, a pencion of v. li^. Abbey of Monmowth, in Wales, i. corodie. Abbey of Mews, in , i. corodie» Abbey of Notley, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Nenshed, of Newsted, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Newynton, in , i. pencion. Abbey of Osney, besyde Oxenford, Chanons, xxv. s*. iiij.d'. the dec, iij. s'. vi. d'. ob'. i. corodie of v. marcke. Abbey of Saint Osies, in Essex, Chanons, xij. d'. the dec. i.d'. Abbey of Peterborught, in Lyncohishir, Blac Monkis, xx. s'. the dec, ij. s\ Abbey of Presshore, in , i. corodie and a pencion. Abbey of Pypwelle, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Reding, Black Monkis, vi. li, xij. s'. dec. xiiij. s'. ij. d' ob^ Abbey of Ramsey, in liuntingdonshir, tempalte vij. li. xij. d'. dec. xiiij. s'. ij. d*. and i. corodie. Abbey of Regali Loco, in , vi. li. xiij.s', iiij.d'. dec. xiij. s'. iiij.d'. Abbey of Rumsey. i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Redyngton. Abbey of Reymans, in Abbey of Stratford, in Essex, Whit Monkis, iij. s'. xi. d'. dec. v. d'. 262 Abbey of Stoneley, in , xxx. s'. the dec. iij. s'. Abbey of Sawtry, in Hiitindonshir, iij. ii. xvij. s*. dec. vij. s'. vijj. d'. ob'. q'. Abbey of Shirborne, in , i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Shaftisbury, in , i. corodie and i. pencio. Abbey of Stanley, in Gloucetersliir, Blak Monkis, i. corodie. Abbey of Shrewisbury, i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbe}^ of Spalding, in Lincolnshir, i. corodie. Abbey of Seistwolde, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Suthwyke, in , i. pencion. Abbey of Sutham, in , i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Salley, in Yorkshir, i. corodie. Abbey of Swynslied in Lyncolneshir. . ' Abbey of Shap, in Westmerland, Whit Chaiions. Abbey of Tiltey, in , xiij. s'. iiij. d'. the x. xvi. d'. Abbey of Tame, in , ij.s'. the dec. ij.d'. ob'. i. corodie. Abbey of Thewsbury, in Gloucestershir, xxx. s'. dec. iij. s'. Abbey of Thowey, in Chambredgshir, i. corodie and i. pencion. Abbey of Saint Thomas of Pounford, i. corodie, i. pencion. Abbey of Thimmothe, in ,i. pencion. Abbey of Thaderhyl, i. corodie. Abbey of Twierdrage, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Thornten, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Tawnton, in Lincolnshir. Abbey of Walden, in Essex, Blak Mokes, iiij. li. tiij. s'. iiij.d'. f dec. viij. s'. X. d'. Abbey of Woburne, xiij.s'. iiij.d'. dec. xvi. d'. Abbey of Wandeley, xx. d'. the dec. ij. d'. i. corodie. Abbey of Wardon, in , xiij.s'. iiij. d'. the dec. xvi. d'. ij. corodie. Abbey of Wjlton, in , i. corodie, i. pencion. Abbey of Warwcll, in , i. pencion. Abbey of Winchcombe, i. corodie of v. li. a pencion of iiij. marck. Abbey of Vawriall, i. corody and i. pencion. Abbey of Worshop, in Notinghrnshir, i. corodie. Abbey of Westin, in Mydelsex, Blak Monkis, i. pencion. 263 Abbey of Whytby, in , i. corodie. Abbey of Walle, in Lancastershir. tt The Weyglit of Essex Chese, and of SufFolke, in England ; and the Weyght in Andwarpe and in Barough. ^ The weyght of Essex chese is in England, CCC. weyght, fyue score xij. li. for the C. The weyght of SufFolke chese is xij. score and xvi. 11. ^ The weyght of chese in Anwerpe and in Barough, is viij. score v. li. M. The Costis for to make Hering and Sprottis at the Coeste^ ^ Ye shal bye fresh hering out of the ship, x. M. vi. score, and iiij. heringis for the C, and that Avyl coste xxvi. s'. viij. d'. or xxxiij.s'. iiij. d'. more or lesse, as it happeth ; and this wyl make a laste white or rede heringe; salt, barellis, and mennis labur wyll coste xviij.s'. or xx. s'. ; xij; barellis ful packed is a last of white hering, and xx. cadis rede hering is a. last, V. C. in a cade, vi. score iiij. heringis for the C. ^ To make Rede Sprottis at the Coste. ^ The drifte sprottis is the best; x. cades maketh a last, xij.C. in e5y cade ; the last wyl stande a man redy made at the coste v. s'. vi. d'; and a last of the Were sprottis wyl stande a man in ij. &. viij. d'. 264 @ Most rcuerend and myne especial good Lord, as humbly as I can or may, I beseclie your Grace to haue me your true and fe3'thfLdl seruate as recommende, and that it may please your good Lordship to vnderstonde that very necessyte hath causeth me to writte this lettre vnto your Grace, for as moche as I knowe mj'self so ferdful for defaute of comyng, and by cause I knowe myself vnworthy tohaueony wordis in your presence, that though I haue neuer so good mater I neyther dare nor can shewe it. Wherfore I beseche your Grace to rede thise lettre wherby your Grace shal vnderstonde the very trouth of the mater betwene me and Mayster Foster, yet hanging in iugement afore 3'our Grace, to myne intollerable cost and charge, onlesse that by your Grace it be hastely remedyed : and yf ony thing in this lettre be vntrue, I am contente that your Grace giue vnto mc therfore perpetuell prison. First, I delyuered my clothes engrened to Mayster Foster, to delyuer ouer to my creditours at xv. s'. a yarde, as ap- perith by the deposicion of Robert Odyam, for the parte of Mayster Foster, wher he sayth y he sawe in Mayster Foster's house a lettre of my hade, wherin was conteyned, that he shulde so delyuere them. And the sayd Foster sold iij. scarlett^ wythout ony assent or wyl, vnder the prise off vi. s'. a yarde, wherupo my feith thei cost me, of on John Peycok of Cogsale, that wyl depose the same I dought not, viij.s'. eucry yarde white, and I might haue had for the gi'eyne that euery yarde was grayned wyth v. s'. and the fuller sherman and the dier had for euery yarde for ther labor xij.d'. and so they cost me euery yard xiiij. s'. in redy money. And Mayster Fos- ter wyl alowe but lityl aboue v. s'. for a yarde, to myne vttcr vndoyng, onles that your wyll, accordynge to good conscience, be myne helpe and socoure; and therfore I humbly beseche youre grace, as I am and euer haue ben your true seruaunt to my power, that ye suffer me nott by the vntrue dealing of the sayde Foster, to bee thus vndone; and, as I euer haue bene, ye shal fynde me youre true and feythful seruaunt. And Jhesus kepe your Grace in prosperitc. Amen. 265 fl The Lawes and Beleue of the Sarasyns. MAU^^DuyLE wryttyth in his booke of pylgrymage and trauayle, of the lawes and beleue of the Sarasyns, after her boke that they callen Alcarom, and some callen that boke Mesaap. Some of hem be of diuers langage and of dyuers countreys, the whiche boke Machemet made and gaue hem, in the whiche he wrote, amonge other thingis as I Johii Mandeuile haue often red and seyn, they that ben good shal goon to Pradyse, and tho that been euyl to Helle, and that trowen all the Sarasyns. -And yf a man aske hem what Paradyse beemeneth, they sayn it is a place of delytis, where a a man shall fynde alle maner delytis and all maner of frutis in al tymes, and the ryuer rennyng mylke, wyn, and hon}', and freshe water, and thry shal haue fayr houses after that they haue deserued, and the houses ben made of precious stones of gold and syluer, and cche ma shal haue x. wyues and all maydes, and also they speken and trowen on the Virgin Mary, and also of the incarnacion of our Lord Jhcsu Cryste, and how that Mary was lernyd off the Angel, and that Gabryel sayde to her that she was chosen beforne al other fro the begyiiyng of the worlde, and that wyt- ncsse ther booke y tolde of her, and of the incarnacion of Jhesu Cryst, and that she conceyued and bare childe, and yet she was mayde, and they sayne that Jhu Cryste spac as sone as he was borne, and he was very God and very pphete, in worde and dede meke and rightwos to all,\Vouten any vice, and they sayne whan the Aungell tolde her of the Icarnaci5 she had gret drede she was yong ; and ther was oon T the cotraj^ that delyd niyche w soserj^ and men callid hi Takney that wyth enchauntement cowdc make him lyke an Augell, and he ycde ofte and lay be maydens, and thcrfore was our Lady aferd of him, for she wende th 'Aungell had ben Takney that wet so to maydes, and thcrfore was our Lady ferd of hi, and sheconioured him and bad hy seye yf he were Takney, and the Angell bad her not drede for h^ was verry Aungell and messanger of our Lorde Jhu Criste. And also her booke sath that she had childe vndir palme, and than was she shamed and wepte, and sayd that she wolde ben dede, and f childe comfortid her, and sayd — Ne timeas Maria, that is to sayn, drede the not Mari. And in other many placis the booke M m <266 sath he spak as sone as he was borne ; and the boke sath that he was sent from our Lord Ahnyghty to yeuen exaple to alle men, and y God shal deme all good to Heuyn and all euill to Helle, and that Crist is y best pro- fight and next to God, and that he was verry pphet, and yaf sight to blinde and helid mesels, and reysed dede men, and steied all quyk to Heuin, and yf they may fynde a booke of Gospels, and namly of 5" Gospell. Missus est Angelus Gabriell. They don gret wurship thcrto, and they fasten vij. monthes in the yere, and they ete nought but on nyghtj and then they kepen hem from ther wyues, and that they ben syke they be not c5stryned to that fast. And the booke spekilh off Jewes, and sayth, y that they be wyked folke, for they trowe not that Jhu Crist is oon wyth God, and they seyn that Juwes lye 6 our Lady and on her son Jhu Crist whan y seyne that the}' dedyn him not on f crosse. And for Sarzens trowen soo myche our feith they be lyghtly to couert whan men pchen to hem the lawe of Crist, and they sey that they weten well that the lawe of Machemet shall faylen, as dothe the lawe of the Juwes, and that Crist^ lawe shal last into the worldis ende, and if a ma aske hem wheryn they trowen y say in God Almighty maker off Heuyn and of Erth and off all other tiling^, and wythouten him is nothing doon, and at the day of dome all thing shalbe rewardid after her deseruyng, and all thing is sothe y Crist sayd by the mouthes of prophetis, and alsoo Ma- chemet bad in his alcoron that ech ma shulde haue ij. wyues or iij. and now they taken x. or xij. or as many lemmas as they may geten, and yf any of her wyues doo amisse to her husbondis they may dryuen he away and take another, but he must yeui hem of his goodis. Also when men speke of the Fader, Sone, and Holy Gost, they say that they arne iij. psons and not one God, but they scorne it and speke nought therof but of the Trinite, but they sayn y God spak or ellis he was dona, and God is a goos^ or he were on lyue. And they sayn that Goddis worde hath grete strenthe, and so seyn they in scorne, and they seyn that Abraham and Machemet weren ■well w God, for they spaken wyth hym, and Machemet thei seyn was the right messenger of God, and they haue many good articles of oure feyth, and alle they vndirstondin y Scripture and the prophetis, for they haue 267 theym written in the Gospels and in the Bjbill, in her langage, and so they knowe moche of Holy Writte, but they vnderstande it not but after the letter of the Gospel, and therfore saythe Sainte Poule— ^ Litera occidit spus aut viuificat, that is to sayn, the letter sleilhe, and the goost quykeuth ; and the Sa- rasyns sayne that Juwes kepen not y lawe that Moyscs toke hem, and also cristen men done euyll, for they kepen nought the x. commaundementis of the Gospell that Jhesu Crist sayd to hem, and therfore I shal telle you- what the soudan tolde me on a day in his chambre. He lete voyde out of his chambre lordis and all other that were therin, for he wolde speke wyth me in councell ; and he asked me how cristen men gouerned the, and I sayde right welle, blessyd bee God ; and he sayde sekirly nay, for he sayd that our priestis sa3'de nought her seruyse as they shulden do, nor yeuen not example of good lyuinge to the peple, and the folke that shulden on the haliday seruen her God they goon to the tauerne and lyen there in gloteny all the day and al the night, and etyn and drinken as beestis that weten not whan they haue inough, and also he sa3'd that cristen men en- forced hem to fyghte togyder, and eche one too begyle other, and they be so proude that they wot not how they may clo them, ne how longe ne how shorte, but now longe now shorte, now streit now wyde, in all maner guyses, and sayde y they shulde be meke, seniple, and sothfast, and done almes, as Crist ded in who they trowen, and they be soo couctous that for a lylill siluer they selle her trouth, and her children, and her susters, and her wyucs, and one takytli anothers wyf, and fewe holde thcr trouth ; and therfore he sayde, for theis synnes cristen men haue loste al! the landis that we holden, for thorow syime hath God put theis ladis into our handis, and not thorou strength but thorou 3'our synnes. But we woten vvel for southe, whayou seruen well youre God that he wyll helpe you, soo that noo man shall doo ayenst yow, and that we knowen well by oure prophecies y cristen men shall wynne ayen these landis whan they seruen wel her God but whyle they lyuen soo foule as they don we haue noo drede of he. And than I asked him how he wist so the state of Criste ; and he sayd that he knewe bothe of lordis and of comos, by his messangers whiche he sent through alle contreis, as they were marchauntis, wj'th pricious stones and other marchaundisis to knowe the maner of alle contreis; and than he clepid 268 I the lordis againe, and ilia he shewed me the grettest lordis of y contraj, and they spoke Frensh right well and the sowdan also, and tha I had grct niaruell of the disclaudir of our feith, and so theis that shulden be turned to JIui Crist by good example, they ben drawen awcy thorugh oureuill lyuing and therfore they seyn sothe, but the Saresins ben trewc, for they kepen wel the lawe off Alkeron, that God sent hem by his messangcr Ma- chemet to whom they say Seynt Gabriel spac ofte wyth and seyd him the wille of God, and this Machemet was borne in Arable, and he was furst a knaue and kepte horsseis, and wet after marchuntis, so he com ones into Egipte wyth a marchaunt, and Egipte was that tyme crysten ; and there was a chapell besides Arable, and there wonned and heremyte, and Avhan he cntred in too the chapell y was a litell hous and a lowe, anon it bega to wexe as gret as a palays yate, and the Sarasins sayn y it was the furst myrakele that Machamet ded in his youthe, and aftirward bygan Macha- met to ben rightwys, and he was a gret astromyar, and sithe he was keper off all the golde off the princes of Corydan, and gouerned itt ful wisly, and whan the prynce was dede he weddid his wife, and the lady that me clepe Quadryge ; and Machemet fell often in too the falling euill, wherfore y lady Avas wroth for that she had taken him too her husband, but he made her to beleue that euer whan he fell soo tliat Gabriel the Angel spake with him> and for the gret bryghtnes of the Angell he fell downe. This Machemet regned in Arable the yere of our Lord vi. C. xx. and was of the kynred of Ismael, that was Abrahiri is son, and he begat him of Agare his chambirer, and therfore y Sarezons ben clepid Ismaelites, and some Agarens of Agar, and some ther be that be clepid Moabites, and some Amonytis, after ij. sones of Loth, and alsoo Machemet loued wel an holy man that duellid in wildirnes, a myle fro Mount Synay in the vale, as men goon fro Arabic to Caldas, and a dayes jurney fro the see whan marchaunt^ come fro Vcnys. Machamet went often into that hermytage, and alle his men weren wroth; and for sothe he wolde gladly here the heremet prieche, and made his me wake all nyght, therfore thei Avolde fayn a haue had the heremet dede ; and so it befell on a nyght that Machemet had well dronken wyne and fell on slepe, and his me toke out his swerd off his shethe whyles he lay and slepe, and slought ther with this heremet, and the put it vp agey in the shethe al blody ; and on the morow wha he founde the heremyt dede, he was wrothe, and wolde haue slayne his men, but they all with oo accorde said that he himself had slayne him Avhan he was dronken, and shewid him 269 his swardc all blody, and than he trowed that they had sayd soth, and this is the second myracle y Machaniet dede, and than he cursed the wyne and alle him that dronke the wyne, and there the Sarasens y ben deuout drynken noo wyne, but som drynken it preuely, for and they dronken opinly they shulde be reprouid, but they drynken good beuage and norishlg, tliat is made of camamele, and therof is suger made. Also it befallitli somtynie cristen men becom Sarazens outhir thorugh pouertee or thorugh som wikidnes, and therfore lerith he his beleue whan they ressayuen him he saith thus — La oles clla Machamet roses alla,. that is to sayn, there is noo God but oon, and Makamet is his messages Now have T tolde you a parti of her lawes and custumes, I shall telle 3^ou of her letters wyth her names and the maner of figuris what they ben. Almoy, vthat, cathi, delphor, photi, carophy, hethom, iosehi, caythy, lochia, marache, nabilot, orthi, coriry, sothe, rut, halot, riowthi, salathi, thatumis, irthom, azazot, arothy, zotipy, ichetus; thes ben y names. Now shall yow knowe the figuris, Hi b E >