UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY of CAUFOmm AT LOS ANGELES T.TRWARY HEADS OF FAMILIES FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES: 1790 STATE OF VERMONT FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES 1790 ■9 VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF THE CENSUS S. N. D. NORTH, DIRECTOR HEADS OF FAMILIES AT THE FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES TAKEN IN THE YEAR 1790 VERMONT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 131553 ;.• ".• • ; aoi c V.3 HEADS OF FAMILIES AT THE FIRST CENSUS 1790 ^ INTRODUCTION. The First Census of the United States (1790) com- prised an enumeration of the inhabitants of the present states of Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carohna, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia. The law which authorized this enumer- ation appears on page 6. A complete set of the schedules for each state, with a summary for the counties, and in many cases for towns, was filed in the State Department, but unfortimately they are not now complete, the returns for the states of Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, Tennes- see, and Virginia having been destroyed when the British burned the Capitol at Washington during the War of 1812. These schedules form a imique inheritance for the Nation, since they represent for each of the states con- cerned a complete list of the heads of families in the United States at the time of the adoption of the Con- stitution. The framers were the statesmen and leaders of thought, but those whose names appear upon the schedules of the First Census were in general the plain citizens who by their conduct m war and peace made the Constitution possible and by their intelligence and self-restraint put it into successful operation. The total population of the United States in 1790, exclusive of slaves, as derived from the schedules, was 3,231,533. The only names appearing upon the sched- ules, however, were those of heads of families, and as at that period tlie families averaged 6 persons, the total number was approximately 540,000, or slightly more than half a million. The number of names which is now lacking because of the destruction of the schedules is approximately 140,000, thus leaving schedules con- taining about 400,000 names. The information contained in the published report of the First Census of the United States, a small vol- ume of 56 pages, was not uniform for the several states and territories. For New England and one or two of the other states the population was presented by coun- ties and towns, that of New Jersey appeared partly by counties and towns and partly by counties only; in otlier cases the returns were given by counties only. Thus the complete transcript of the names of heads of families, with accompanying information, would present for the first time detailed information as to the number of inliabitants — males, females, etc. — for each minor civil division in all those states for which such information was not originally published. In response to repeated requests from patriotic so- cieties and persons interested in genealog;y, or desir- ous of studying the early history of the United States, Congress added to the sundry civil appropriation bill for the fiscal year 1907 the following paragraph: The Director of the Census is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in a permanent form, by counties and minor civil divi- sions, the names of the heads of families returned at the First Cen- sus of the United States in seventeen hundred and ninety; and the Director of the Census is authorized, in his discretion, to sell said publications, the proceeds thereof to be covered into the Treasury of the United States, to be deposited to the credit of mis- cellaneous receipts on account of ' ' Proceeds of sales of Government property:" Provided, That no expense shall be incurred hereunder additional to appropriations for the Census Office for printing therefor made for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven; and the Director of the Census is hereby directed to report to Congress at its next session the cost incurred hereunder and the price fixed for said publications and the total received therefor. The amount of money appropriated by Congress for the Census printing for the fiscal j^ear mentioned was unfortunately not sufficient to meet the current re- quirement of the Office and to publish the transcrip- tion of the First Census, and no provision was made in the sundry civil appropriation bill for 190S for the continuance of authority to publish these important records beyond the present fiscal year. Resources, however, are available for publishing a small section of the work, and the schedules of New Hampshire, Ver- mont, and Maryland have been selected. In these states the names of heads of families in 1790 were limited in number, and the records are in a condition which makes transcription comparatively easy. In the fol- lowing pages all the information is presented which appears upon these schedules, and the sequence of the names is that followed by the enumerator in making his report. (3) FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. It is to be hoped that Congress will again grant au- thority and money for the publication of the remain- ing schedules, in order that the entire series, so far as it exists, may be complete. For several of the states for wliich schedules are lacking it is probable that the Director of the Census could obtain lists which would present the names of most of the heads of families at the date of the First Census. In Virginia, for exam- ple, a state enumeration was made in 1785, of which some of the original schedules are still in existence. These would be likely to prove a reasonably satisfac- tory substitute for the Federal list made five years later. THE FIRST CENSUS. The First Census act was passed at the second ses- sion of the First Congress, and was signed by President Washington on March 1, 1790. The task of making the first enumeration of inhabitants was placed upon the President. Under this law the marshals of the several judicial districts were requii-ed to ascertain the number of inhabitants within their respective districts, omitting Indians not taxed, and distinguishing free persons (including those bound to service for a term of years) ; the sex and color of fi-ee persons ; and the num- ber of free males 16 years of age and over. The object of the inquiry last mentioned was, un- doubtedly, to obtain definite knowledge as to the mili- tary and industrial strength of the country. This fact possesses special interest, because the Constitution directs merely an emmieration of inhabitants. Thus the demand for increasingly extensive information, which has been so marked a characteristic of census legislation, began mth the First Congress that dealt with the subject. The method followed by the President in puttmg into operation the First Census law, although the ob- ject of extended investigation, is not definitely Icnown. It is supposed that the President or the Secretary of State dispatched copies of the law, and perhaps of in- structions also, to the marshals. There is, however, some ground for disputing this conclusion. At least one of the reports in the census volume of 1790 was furnished by a governor. This, together with the fact that there is no record of correspondence with the marshals on the subject of the census, but that there is a record of such correspondence with the governors, makes verj^ strong the inference that the marshals re- ceived their instructions tlirough the governors of the states. This inference is strengthened by the fact that in 1790 the state of Massachusetts furnished the printed blanks, and also by the fact that the law re- lating to the Second Census specifically charged the Secretarj^ of State to superintend the enumeration and to communicate directlj^ with the marshals. By the terms of the First Census law nine months were allowed in which to complete the enumeration. The census taking was supervised by the marshals of the several judicial districts, who employed assistant marshals to act as enumerators. There were 17 mar- shals. The records showing the number of assistant marshals emplo3^cd in 1790, 1800, and 1810 were de- strojj^ed by fire, but the number employed in 1 790 has been estimated at 650. The schedules which these officials prepared consist of lists of names of heads of families; each name ap- pears in a stub, or first column, which is followed by five columns, giving details of the family. These col- umns are headed as follows : Free white males, 16 years and upward, including heads of families. Free white males under 16 years. Free white females, including heads of families. All other free persons. Slaves. The assistant marshals made two copies of the re- turns; in accordance mth the law one copy was posted In the immediate neighborhood for the information of the public, and the other was transmitted to the mar- shal in charge, to be forwarded to the President. The schedules were turned over by the President to the Secretary of State. Little or no tabulation was re- quired, and the report of the First Census, as also the reports of the Second, Third, and Fourth, was pro- duced without the employment of anj' clerical force, the summaries being transmitted directly to the printer. The total population as returned in 1790 was 3,929,214, and the entire cost of the census was $44,377. A summary of the results of the First Census, not in- cluding the returns for South Carolina, was transmitted to Congress by President Washington on October 27, 1791. The legal period for enumeration, nine months, had been extended, the longest time consumed being eighteen months in South Carolina. The report of October 27 was printed in full, and published in what is now a very rare little volume; afterwards the report for South Carolina was "tipped in." To contain the results of the Twelfth Census, ten large quarto vol- umes, comprising in all 10,400 pages, were required. No illustration of the expansion of census inquiry can be more striking. The original schedules of the First Census are now contained in 26 bound volumes, preserved in the Cen- sus Office. For the most part the headings of the schedules were written in by hand. Indeed, up to and including 1820, the assistant marshals generally used for the schedules such paper as they happened to have, ruling it, writing in the headings, and binding the sheets together themselves. In some cases merchants' account paper was used, and now and then the sched- ules were bound in wall paper. As a consequence of requiring marshals to supply their own blanks, the volumes containing the sched- INTRODUCTION. ules vary in size from about 7 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 4 inch thick to 21 inches long, 14 inches wide, and 6 inches thick. Some of the sheets in these Tolumes are only 4 inches long, but a few are 3 feet in length, necessitating several folds. In some cases leaves burned at the edges have been covered with transparent silk to preserve them. THE UNITED STATES IN 1790. In March, 1790, the Union consisted of twelve states — Rhode Island, the last of the original thirteen to enter the Union, being admitted May 29. Ver- mont, the first addition, was admitted in the following year, before the results of the First Census were announced. Maine was a part of Massachusetts, Kentucky was a part of Virginia, and the present states of Alabama and Mississippi were parts of Georgia. The present states of Ohio, Indiana, Illi- nois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, with part of Minnesota, were known as the Northwest Territory, and the present state of Tennessee, then a part of North Caro- lina, was soon to be organized as the Southwest Territory. The United States was bounded on the west by the Mississippi river, beyond which stretched that vast and unexplored wilderness belonging to the Spanish King, which was afterwards ceded to the United States by France as the Louisiana Purchase, and now comprises the great and populous states of Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana, and most of Colorado, Wyo- ming, and Minnesota. The Louisiana Purchase was not completed for more than a decade after the First Census was taken. On the south was another Spanish colony known as the Floridas. Texas, then a part of the colony of Mexico, belonged to Spain; and California, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, also the property of Spam, although penetrated here and there by venturesome explorers and missionaries, were, for the most part, an undiscovered wilderness. The gross area of the United States was 827,844 square miles, but the settled area was only 239,935 square miles, or about 29 per cent of the total. Though the area covered by the enumeration in 1790 seems very small when compared with the present area of the United States, the difficulties which con- fronted the census taker were vastly greater than in 1900. In many localities there were no roads, and where these did exist thej^ were poor and frequently impassable; bridges were almost unknown. Trans- portation was entirely by horseback, stage, or private coach. A journey as long as that from New York to Washington was a serious undertaking, requiring eight days under the most favorable conditions. Western New York was a wilderness, Elmira and Binghamton being but detached hamlets. The terri- tory west of the Allegheny mountains, with the excep- tion of a portion of Kentucky, was unsettled and scarcely penetrated. Detroit and Vincennes were too small and isolated to merit consideration. Phila- delphia was the capital of the United States. Wash- ington was a mere Government project, not even named, but known as the Federal City. Indeed, by the spring of 1793, only one wall of the Wliitc House had been constructed, and the site for the Capitol had been merely surveyed. New York city in 1790 pos- sessed a population of only 33,131, although it was the largest city in the United States; Philadelphia was second, with 28,522; and Boston third, wdth 18,320. Mails were transported in very irregular fashion, and correspondence was expensive and uncertain. There were, moreover, other difiiculties which v/ere of serious moment in 1790, but which long ago ceased to be problems in census taking. The inhabitants, having no experience with census taking, imagined that some scheme for mcreasing taxation was involved, and were inclined to be cautious lest they should reveal too much of their own affairs. There was also oppo- sition to enumeration on religious grounds, a count of inhabitants being regarded by many as a cause for divine displeasure. The boundaries of towns and other minor divisions, and even those of counties, were in many cases \mknown or not defined at all. The hitherto semi-independent states had been under the control of the Federal Government for so short a time that the dift'erent sections had not yet been welded into an harmonious nationality in which the Federal authorit}'^ should be unquestioned and instructions promptly and fully obeyed. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ENUMERATION OF THE INHABITANTS OF THE UNITED STATES APPROVED MARCH I, 1790 Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent- atives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the marshals of the several districts of tlie United States shall be, and they are hereby authorized and required to cause the mun- ber of the inhabitants within their respective districts to betaken; omitting in such enumeration Indians not taxed, and distinguishing free persons, including those bound to sei'V ice for a term of years, from all others; distinguishing also the sexes and colours of free persons, and the free males of sixteen years and upwards from those under that age ; for effecting which purpose the marshals shall have power to appoint as many assistants within their respective districts as to them shall appear necessary; assigning to each assistant a certain division of his district, which division shall consist of one or more counties, cities, towns, townsliips, hundreds or parishes, or of a territory plainly and distinctly bounded by water courses, mountains, or public roads. The marshals and their assistants shall respectively take an oath or affirmation, before some judge or justice of the peace, resident within their respective districts, previous to their entering on the discharge of the duties by this act required. The oath or affirmation of the marshal shall be, "I, A. B., Marshal of the district of , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I wUl well and truly cause to be made a just and perfect enumeration and description of all persons resident witliin my district, and return tlie same to the President of the United States, agreeably to the directions of an act of Congress, intituled 'An act providing for tlie enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States,' according to the best of my abil- ity." The oath or affirmation of an assistant shall be "I, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that 1 will make a just and perfect enum- eration and description of all pei-sons resident within the division a&signed to me by the marshal of the district of , and make due return thereof to the said marehal, agreeably to the directions of an act of Congress, intituled 'An act providing for the enumera- tion of the inhabitants of the United States,' according to the best of my ability." The enumeration shall commence on the first Monday in August next, and shall close within nine calendar months thereafter. The several assistants shall, within the said nine months, transmit to the marshals by whom they shall be respec- tively appointed, accurate returns of all persons, except Indians not taxed, within their respective divisions, which returns shall be made in a schedule, distinguishing the several families by the names of their master, mistress, steward, overseer, or other principal person therein, in manner following, that is to say: The number of persons within my division, consisting of , appears in a schedule hereto annexed, subscribed by me this day of , 179-. A. B. Assistant to the marshal of . Schedule of the whole number of persons within the division allotted to A. B. Names of beads of families. Free white males of 16 years and upwards, indud ing heads of families. Free white males under 16 years. Free white fe- rnalps, inchid- ing heads of families. All other free per- sons. Slaves. S»CTiON 2. And be it further enacted, That every assistant fail- ing to make return, or making a false return of the enumeration to the marshal, within the time by this act limited, shall forfeit the sum of two hundred dollars. Section 3. And be it further enacted, That the marshals shall file the several returns aforesaid, with the clerks of their respective district courts, who are hereby directed to receive and carefully preserve the same: And the marshals respectively shall, on or before the first day of September, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, transmit to the President of the United States, the aggregate amount of each description of persons within their respec- tive districts. And every marshal failing to file the returns of his assistants, or any of them, with the clerks of their respective dis- trict courts, or failing to return the aggregate amount of each descrip- tion of pei-suns in their respective districts, as the same shall appear from said returns, to the President of the United States within the time limited by this act, shall, for every such offense, forfeit the sum of eight hundred dollars; all which forfeitures shall be recoverable in the courts of the districts where the offenses shall be committed, or in the circuit courts to be held within the same, by action of debt, information or indictment; the one-half thereof to the use of the United States, and the other half to the informer; but where the prosecution shall be first instituted on the behalf of the United States, the whole shall accrue to their use. And for the more effectual discovery of offenses, the judges of the several district courts, at their next sessions, to be held after the expiration of the time allowed for making the returns of the enumeration hereby directed, to the President of the United States, shall give this act in charge to the grand juries, in their respective courts, and shall cause the returns of the several assistants to be laid before them for their inspection. Section 4. And be it further enacted. That every assistant shall receive at the rate of one dollar for every one hundred and fifty per- sons by him returned, where such persons reside in the country; and where such peisons reside in a city, or town, containing more than five thousand persons, such assistants shall receive at the rate of one dollar for every three hundred persons; but where, from the dispersed situation of the inhabitants in some divisions, one dollar for every one hundred and fifty persons shall be insufficient, the marshals, with the approbation of the judges of their respective districts, may make such further allowance to the assistants in such divisions as shall be deemed an adequate compensation, provided the same does not exceed one dollar for every fifty persons by them returned. Tlie several marshals shall receive as follows: The mar- shal of the district of Maine, two hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of New Hampshire, two hundred dollars; tlie marshal of the district of Massachusetts, three hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of Connecticut, two hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of New York, three hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of New Jersey, two hundred dollars; the marshal of the dis- trict of Pennsylvania, three hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of Delaware, one hundred dollars; the marshal of the dis- trict of Maryland, three hundred dollars; the marshal of the dis- trict of Virginia, five hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of Kentucky, two hundred and fifty dollars; the marshal of the dis- trict of North Carolina, three hundred and fifty dollars; the marshal of the district of South Carolina, three hundred dollars; the marshal of the district of Georgia, two hundred and fifty dollars. And to (6) FIRST CENSUS ACT. obviate all doubta which may arise respecting the persons to be returned, and the manner of making the returns. Section 5. Be it enacted, That every person whose usual place of abode shall be in any family on the aforesaid first Monday in August next, shall be returned as of such family; the name of every person, who shall be an inhabitant of any district, but without a settled place of residence, shall be inserted in the column of the aforesaid schedule, which is allotted for the heads of families, in that division where he or she shall be on the said first Monday in August next, and every person occasionally absent at the time of the enumeration, as belonging to that place in which he usually resides in the United States. Section 6. And be it further enacted, That each and every person more than 16 years of age, whether heads of families or not, belonging to any family within any divi.-^ion of a district made or established within the United States, shall be, and hereby is, obliged to render to such assistant of the division, a true account, if required, to the best of his or her knowledge, of all and every person belonging to such family, respectively, according to the several descriptions aforesaid, on pain of forfeiting twenty dollars, to be sued for and recovered by such assistant, the one-half for his own use, and the other half for the use of the United States. Section 7. And be it further enacted, That each assistant shall, previous to making his return to the marshal, cause a correct copy, signed by himself, of the schedule containing the number of inhabitants within his division, to be set up at two of the most public places within the same, there to remain for the inspection of all concerned ; for each of which copies the said assistant shall be en- titled to receive two dollars, provided proof of a copy of the schedule having boon so set up and suffered to remain, shall be transmitted to the marshal, with the return of the number of persons; and in case any assistant shall fail to make such proof to the marshal, he shall forfeit the compensation by this act allowed him. Approved March 1, 1790. 8 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. Population of the United States as returned at the First Census, hy states: 1790. Vermont New Hampshire ■ Maine Massachusetts Khode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Virginia Kentucky North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Total numlwr of inhabitants of the United States exclusive of S. Western and N . territory Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. 22,435 36,086 24,384 95,453 16,019 00,523 83,700 45,251 110,788 11,783 55.915 110,936 15,154 69,988 35, 576 13.103 807,094 I Vks white Free white , females, males under i including 16 yejirs. 22,328 34,851 24,748 87,289 15.799 54,403 78.122 41.416 106. 94S 12,143 51.339 116. 13.'\ 17.057 77,606 37,722 14,044 heads of fauiilies. 791,850 40,505 70,160 46,870 190,582 32,652 117,448 152.320 83,287 206,363 22,384 101.395 215,046 28.922 140, 710 66. 880 25, 739 1,541,263 All other free persons. 255 630 S38 5,463 3,407 2,808 4,654 2,762 6,537 3,899 8,043 12,866 114 4,975 1,801 Slaves. 116 158 None. None. 948 2,764 21,324 11,423 3,737 8,SS7 103,036 292,627 12,430 100,572 107,094 29.264 Total. "85,539 141,885 96,540 378,787 68,825 237,946 340, 120 184,139 434,373 ' 59, 094 319, 728 747, 610 73, 677 393,751 249,073 82,548 3,893,635 8. W. territory. N. Free white males of 21 yea-rs and upward. 6,271 Free males under 21 years of age. Free white females. AU other persons. 10,277 361 Slaves. Total. 35,691 1 The census of 1790. published in 1791, reports 16 slaves in Vermont. Subsequently, and up to 1860, the number is given as 17. An examination of the original manuscript returns shows that there never were any slaves in Vermont. The original error occurred in preparing the results for publication, when 16 persons, returned as "FriKi colored," were classified as "Slave." ' Correc'ed figures are S5.425, or 1 14 less than figures published in 1790. due to an error of addition in the returns for each of the towns of Fairfield, Milton, Shelbume, and Williston, in the county of Chittenden; Brookfleld, Newbury. Randolph, and Straflord, in the county cf Orange; Castleton. Clarendon. Hubbardton. Poultney, Rutland, Shrewsbury, and Wailingford. in the county of Rutland; Dummerston, Guilford, Halifax, and Westminster, in the county of Windham; and Woodstock, in the county of Windsor. ' Corrected figures are 59,096, or 2 more than figures published in 1790, due to error in addition. HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 9 Summary of population, hy counties and towns: 1790. ADDISON COtTNTY. TOWK. m ■a ^« °S s e white males of years and upward, cludmg heads of milies. Is — tr. fe-9 • a) 3 jj i P. £ "3 TOWN. ■s v. n e white males of years and upward, eluding heads of milies. a 3 |i .5 2 1° 11 ■- to — a i p< i > 'A •i § u Sora ? =j o £S ^.2 Z =J o z; (a fe. Pm m H 125 fe fc. fe" <; (Z3 6- 68 79 39 108 123 63 106 122 67 186 205 101 2 402 4.50 211 133 39 75 180 57 122 218 66 107 319 97 215 717 220 Bristol Salisbury 444 160 80 214 137 218 119 393 213 825 481 135 39 198 73 161 35 337 79 14 701 Ferrisburg .. 12 Vprgonnps 201 9 18 11 27 66 32 48 41 84 174 Kingston 19 26 ■il 44 101 Whiting 46 70 57 121 249 61 74 94 125 81 92 169 176 344 395 Total Middlebury ? 1,157 1,768 1,656 2,959 37 6,420 79 122 134 193 449 BEI^KINGTON COtTNTY. Arlington Bennington. . . Bromley Dorsett Glastonbury.. Landgrove Mancliester... Fownal Reedsborough 170 375 15 155 6 6 200 282 14 252 628 21 240 6 7 338 418 16 262 601 19 230 11 4 339 498 15 488 1,101 31 487 17 20 596 815 32 992 3,350 71 967 34 ; 31 1,278 1,732 63 20 5 1 Rupert Sandgate . . Shaftsbury Stamford . . Sunderland WinhalL... Woodford . T:)tal 179 135 301 48 69 28 14 251 198 491 69 113 39 16 289 189 628 65 101 46 18 494 386 967 137 199 69 26 ::::::::: 4 1 1 1 1,997 3,103 3,205 5,865 33 1,034 773 1,990 272 414 155 60 12,206 CHITTENDEN COtTNTT. 90 2 16 60 62 3 118 28 8 7 62 51 27 9 56 17 85 7 10 7 14 64 21 147 4 21 108 108 3 189 42 9 7 118 85 43 13 105 26 127 16 25- 10 18 115 31 106 4 26 68 84 6 142 40 18 1 76 61 28 14 80 31 115 8 10 12 13 90 16 189 5 41 161 167 6 301 55 ^f 160 108 65 20 155 45 212 11 11 18 16 176 46 4 446 13 88 330 359 15 636 137 39 12 354 254 126 47 340 103 454 40 46 43 47 381 93 Middlesex 13 49 2 6 4 28 7 31 44 12 77 14 95 9 14 10 13 16 14 93 5 1,380 16 90 6 10 6 34 10 40 89 14 108 28 164 15 22 16 21 22 23 136 11 19 65 6 6 ■■■"45" 7 25 61 17 103 14 128 6 25 12 16 27 8 120 7 25 128 6 8 4 62 14 57 105 26 176 28 245 19 27 31 24 44 32 213 14 60 Milton 283 Bolton . . Mindon 18 3 24 Cambridge Morristown 10 136 3 New lluutington Gore 31 3 1 125 Duxbury St. Albans . . 256 .... 57 Essex ... Shelbume . . . 387 Smi thfleld 70 Fairfield South Hero 537 Fletcher .^ts^ rl.- 73 « C CO ■5 '-•'3 <» as B-o s « Stsa ^ No attempt has been made in this publication to correct mistakes in spelling made by the deputy marshals, but the names have been reproduced as they appear upon the census schedules. 12 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. ADDISOKT COFNTT— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 3ESg Ft COENWALL TOWN— con. Campliell, James Tomblin, Stephen Squier, Wait Squier. Timothy.. Uall, Benj" Hall. Kouben Gibbs, Henry Sco vil. Daniel Douglass, Rhoda Fields. EUsha Rockwell, John Wright, Elisha Wright, EUsha Mead. Isaac Mead, Ezra Rockwell, John, jr ... Ives, Enos Prat, David Ives, Enos, Jur Nutting, David DiUeno, Nathan Ditleno, Abisha Chapman, Lemuel Newell, Ebenezer Richardson, BarziU.. Minor, Richard Jams, Israel C Ballard, John Reeves, Benjamin Newell, Riveriis Sampson, Daniel Meed, Caizah Peck, Jacob Peck George Gibbs, Nathan Squier, Eben' Sampson, Wm., Jr Sampson, Wm * Sperry, David '. Post, Roswel Bingham, Jeremiah Hull, Isaac Cogswell, Nathi Parker, Mathew Parker, James Sanford, Benj Bingham, Jeremiah Cogswell, Joseph Blanchard, Nathan Foster, Thomas . . ". Stickney, Lemuel Tomberlln, Stephen A. Chipman, Jesse Lattin, John Hatheway, Erastus... Roekwell, Sam' Seymour, Da\-id Hailey, Stephen Gilbert, Isaiah Ingram, Nathan Richard, Sam'.. Dwinelle. W~ Brown, Warren Pratt, Ephraim Hamlin, Isaac Benton, Sam' FEERISBUBG TOWN. Pangbone, Samuel Pangbone, Joseph Flemmon, Beimoni. . . Hoof, Hendrick Squire, Ezra Squire. Nathaniel Mark, Isaac Baker. Daniel Hays, Michael Munson, Jerard White, Zenos Braidy, D.^vid Burdock. Paul Wilson, Naham Hammon, James Webster, William Craddinton, Zebulon. Tompson, Nathan Collinder, David Gage. Isaac Gagi\ WilUam Holladay, Azariah Tupper, Zurul Eg 4i ox: ~ no 4 5 1 3 1 2 5 2 1 2 4 3 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 5 5 3 2 4 3 6 1 2 6 6 1 3 4 3 1 3 1 3 5 5 5 4 1 2 1 2 2 4 3 1 NAUE OF HEAD OF FAMILY. FEERISBVItG TOWN- continued. Saxton, Jonathan Odle, John '.'.[ llawley, Gidion Chijson, Joseph Burrus, Joseph Tupper, Absolum Powers, Joseph Tompson, .\bel Drewey, Noble Olford, Bennedick Akins, James Barnes, Joshua Barnes, Richard Chase, .\braham Davies, Daniel Dakins, Timothy Dakins, Presarvid Fields, Anthoney Fuller, Ashbel Fields, John Goodridg, James Fuller, Ishem Gage, George Gage, Warier Gage, Wilham, Ju Iloyegg, EUgah Hatch, Jeremiah.. Ilofl, John Huntley, John Jacobs, Lewis Keelor, Jonathan. ..]'.. Kellogg, William Prindle, Samuel , Powers, Nathaniel Pourter, Noah Roggers, Timothy Robberts, Benjamin... Roggers, Abraham Shelhaus, Martin Walker, Nathan Powers, Simeon Frassnor, John Hait, Henry Burt, John *]i Green, Benjamin Saterly , Robbcrt Ganson, Benjamin Cronktite, Peter Simmons, Caleb Dakins, Timothy, Jr .. Iloyegg, John Odle, Abijah Case, Ephraim Higley, Nehemiah Gould, Edward Whippor, James Harvey, John HANCOCK TOWN. Bellows, John Butts, Esech Butts, Joseph Famum, Eliphelet. ClaOin, James Cady, Noah Dowling, J. ., Claflin, Daniel Bordman, Isaac KINGSTON TOWN. Lamb, Jonathan Ball, Israel Thatcher, Peter Lewis, Ell Brown, Adam Deane, Alexander King, Moses Farnum, Eliphalct Wood, Asa Rice, Joel Sterling, Nathan Wade, Timothy Lee, Phiueas Converse, J ude Patrick, Joseph Beckwith, Joshua Lamb, Jonathan, Ju'. . Parker, Joseph Lyman, Richard si" EC 03 : ^T3~ Bs? 'ai ■3 bO NAME OP HEAD OP FAWLY. LEICESTER TOWN. Merrifield, Joseph Powers, Blanchard.. Mack, Robert Cook, Nathaniel.. Cook, Elkanah Sawyer, Stephen... Perry, Abijah Brigham, Abner Moore, George Olin, Henry ...... Swimiington, Joseph. Reed, Isaac Whitman, Benjm.,!!" Rounds, \Vm '/' Childs, Eljenezer Dagget, John Farr, Salmon Dow, James Swinnington, James!! Sparks, Stephen.. Fish, David Smith, John Chapman, Nathaniel.. Capron, J oseph Griswold, Moses.. Church, Caleb ! Church, Silas Bacon, Jacob Bacon, Asa Whitman, John ! ! Lawson, John Dow, Moses ! ! Knap, James Knap, Benj" Smith, Abial ! ! ! Woodward, Joseph Enos, James, Jur Enos, James White, Peter Farr, James R'pner, John Sawyer, Thomas ChaU'ey, Nathaniel Huntlev, Samuel White, EUsha Brown, John Alden, Tho« . . Cole, AUen !! Payne, Edward Moss, Jonathan Robins, Moses ! Perkins, Eliphaz ! ! Reed, Leonard Reed, Martin KindaU, Samuel Hosley, Joseph Fish, W"> Earty. Joseph Sabins, Nehemiah Blair, Edward Flagg, Rebekah MIDDLEBURT TOWN. Horton, Robert Young, Wm Deming. John Miller, Sam' How, Uriah Painter, Gamaliel Keep, Sam' Mathew, Darius ,• Freeman Stodard, Samuel Fuller, EUsha Haile, Josiah Barnard, Rufus Sumner, Wm. B Olmstcad , EUjah Little, James Knap, Solomon Bulluph, EUjah Goodrich, Stephen Goodrich, Wm Kipp, Wm Wadsworth, Israel Woodworth, Uezekiah Farr, Simon Hale, Moses Rof^ers, Jabesh Kirby, Abran^ Sovereign, Sam' Johnson, Ebenr S te "n S3 ulon. ........ Smith, Simon .. . . Cfirlpj^, Tohn Chamberhn, Leander... Dagget, John Elhs, Stephen Holmes, Nicholas Lomis, Samuel. 3 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 ...... ...... 4 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 \ 4 3 4 4 1 2 Normen, Soloman Freeman, Joseph Homes, Jonathan Suard, Joseph Smith, Daniel Duran, Joseph Suard, Charles Fields. Rubm. Pingree, Moses Cholker, Samuel Boyenton, David Griswould, Addonijah.. Cook, Ichabod Hoag, Joseph 4 3 5 1 4 3 2 5 1 4 5 5 1 2 1 1 3 1 5 2 Stearns, John Hcaddy, James Dudley, Simeon Pierc, Moses 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 I ""2 ...... Ferguson, Henry Treaver, Nickelas Hawkins, Zebulou Hawkins, Eben-z Stewart, Nathi PANTON TOWN. KnaD Zadock Barnum, Richard Bamum, Jehiel Wright, Johiel Peck, Ebenezer Hobbs, Elijah Bordman, Josiah Rudenton, Jacob Peer, OUver, Ju Smith, Asa Ferguson, John Horsunton, James Horsunton, James Holcomb, Jodediah Spalding, Timothy Freddenboro, Thomas.. Bostwick, Austin Johnson, BuclUey Barton, Anthony Trips, A ugustus Hinman, Benjamin Whclon, Ashbel Bostick, John W Bird, Joseph . Barney, Barney Atwood, Paul ...... '""'i' 1 3 2 3 Finney, Rofus Phrlni Giles Page, Ephraim Holoomb, EUsha Laurence, Josiah Fuller, Josiah Shcnherd Wm 3 2 Smith, Uezekiah Sarles, Benjamin B Shepherd, Sam' 30752—07- •■niegible. 14 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. ADDISON COUNTY-Continued. NAUE OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. IS ■ Is ii IS ©ja *«« III i 1 5 1 NAME OP HEAD OF FAMILT. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. § 09 . 3" 1^ 41 ffija 3^ Sl3 10 i 1 1 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 18 years and upward, including heads of families. a « . H is •3° 2 03 ■S s 1.1. &4 M 1 t < 1 CO PANTON TOWN— con. Judd, Thomas.. 2 ■* 3 1 2 3 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 4 e 2 2 1 •■■■j" 2 2 2 1 1 i I 3 '"'h' 5 ""2 4 1 5 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 5 ...... 1 2 3 1 2 2 " 'i' 2 1 1 4 4 ...... ...... 4 1 2 ■ ■■3' 3 3 ...... "2" 3 "2* 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 1 4 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 4 2 4 6 3 5 3 4 2 1 2 3 1 .5 6 2 3 1 3 4 4 6 3 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 3 (») SALISBURY TOWN— con. Kelscy, EUas . 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 4 4 1 1 2 i 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 3 1 1 ""2 2 3 ...... 3 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 ■"2" ""2 1 4 1 "'i' 1 2 ""2 3 ? '"'i' 2 1 '."'i' 2 1 1 1 ••■•j- 3 2 3 3 2 3 ""'2' 1 1 1 '"i 1 '"""i' 2 2 ""'i' "i' 1 2 2 2 3 3 G 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 3 1 6 7 1 2 1 1 SHOKEHAM TOWN— COn. M<^Lomen, Sam' Stone, Amos 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 (*) (*) (*) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 ■■■■4" ""2 "V 1 4 ""'i' \ (*) '\ 3 3 \ 1 3 3 5 2 4 2 3 1 3 2 4 1 5 4 6 1 2 1 3 2 2 4 3 3 Shepherd, Wm. . J r Phelps, Hezekiah TCnap, Mnsps Waterous, James Claghorn, Elcazer Hodgden , J ohn Holcomb; Joseph Fuller, Joseph Wilson, Joseph Simons, Gardner Simons, Andrew Rnssel. David, J r Ctilver, Eliakim Northrup, Jeremiah Newell, Soth Holcomb, Isaac Ozier, Consider. , . Spaldinp, Phinoas Warner, Daniel Holbrook, David Biggilow, Solomon Spalding, Henry Goodrich, Noah Rhodes, Obadiah Harrington, Samuel. ... Grandy, Edmund SHOREUAU TOWN. Hunter. Timothy Reynolds, Jared Kellogg. Wm Olcott. Eliphalet Russell, David Ferris, ! Vtor Smith. John Doolittle, Ephraim Moore, Paul Custor. Ephraim Reynolds, William Wait, Henry Stana rd , Plinny Wait, Barton Peek, Isaac Bayley. Elijah KpiioptT Elijah . . . Firris, Darius Pavno, Sam' Smith, Stephen, "Jr Kansom, Renbcn Pond.W" Suokrt. Joseph Reynolds. John, Jr Landers, Nathan Payne, Cull 4 Lumidien, Henry M Cooper, Stephen Doolittle, Ephraim. Jr.. Woolcot, Samuel Woolcot, Jesse 1 2 1 1 {*) 2 2 2 1 (*) (*) '*\ 2 "\ 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 (*) 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 5 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 ""2 3 """i" 1 ■"■■4" (*) ...... 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 "i' "'i' 3 ....„ 1 2 ""2 1 2 ...... 1 1 2 3 4 } 1 "'i' 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 1 2 4 2 2 5 2 4 3 3 5 5 1 1 3 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 5 2 3 3 6 5 1 3 2 i 2 2 3 1 6 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 SALISBURT TOWN. 2 1 2 5 4 1 1 2 2 3 5 3 3 1 4 6 1 3 1 2 2 5 6 1 1 4 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 6 3 5 1 3 4 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 Wooleot, Samuel, Jr Callender, Amos Newton, Litjerty North, John Benton, Joseph "i' Nichols, Allen Wallaee. Nehemiah Laral)Oe . Timothy Bamum, Jabesh North. Simeon Barniun, Stephen. Butkr. Joseph Gailicld Ilenjm Post, Jordan Cook, Nathan :;:: GaaU'ld. Elijah Barnum, Solomon Chipman, Tho' Collender, Reuben SegtT, Joseph Kiudull Wm Pond. Nathaniel Page, Tim" Barter, Robert Burchell, Lhi Barnum, Tho> Skpplfl, .Seniiiol Turrell, Eben' Hemenway, Dan' Martin, Solomon Chipman, Timo Chipman, Barnabus Brown, Jeremiah Rowley, Thomas, Jr Rowley, Nathan Rowlpy, Thomas Bamuin, Zacheus Fobes, Jolm. . . . Lovelow, W" 1 1 1 .... 1 "\ 1 1 Waterous, Joseph Treet, John Palmer, Wn Jones, Wm Crigger, John Skeels, Belden Waterous, Abey Golding, Isaiah. .. . Rams'l !, Michael Wilson, Jonath" Holt. Barzilla Wright, EUjah . Noble, Asa Douglas, Joseph Douglass, Domini Rich, Tho> VERQENNES TOWN. Fitch, Johe G Rich, Nathaniel Barniim, Joseph Goodridg. William Rich, Charles Branch, Alexander Chipman, Samuel Graves, Joshua. Wright, Andrew AVlcks, Holland Brookins, Philip Lewis. Robbert Strong, Asa Ames, Barney Banner, George Sprague, Nathan Cudman, Peter Goodale, Timothy Newton , Lemuel Spencer, Ebenez' Utlev, William M'lntosh, Daniel Woodbridg, Enoch Hopkins, Ros* Shearman, James . Ames, Barzilla Hogol. Isaac Storey, Ephraim Wrighl, Etwn' Tompson, Isaac Dibble, James WclLs, William Dibble Hez»>fciah McCiinnis. Stephen Armstrong. Martin Armstrong, .lust Burton. Rimmon ilagle, Coniellus Montv, James Hard Stephen Haekstail. John Robherts, Eli Chambers. William Avoril, Thomas Korah, James ITcalv. Abner 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 "i" ...... 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 Biggelow. Zenas Robinson, Ralph Wilson, Heman StrcH'ter. Joslah ::::"' TTclev, Jaljez Man, Ebenez' Bumn, Salathiel Ilerrington. Ammi Pond, .loslah Ilimtington, Ehenz' Painter, Azariah Brush, Ruth Storey, Solomon Everts, Gilbert Flagg. Isaac 1 2 Moore, James Green, Jolin W 1 i ►lUegible. HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 15 ADDISON COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. VERGENNES TOWN— Con, Stephenson, Nathaniel.. Brooks, Azaniah Wyman, Asa Hamlin, Isaac Atley , Samuel Banley, James Smith, George Booth, David ■WEYBRIDGE TOWN. Sanford, Tho» Britton, Claudius Peck, Elisha Lanson, Richard Field, Nathi Wright, Abner Wright, Abel Dumiing, Abrara James, Daniel Gilbert, Joseph Lewis, John Jewott, Sami Laurence, Nehemiah.. Kellogg, Joseph Laurence, Elisha Kellogg, Adah Norton, Shadrack Laurence, Jonathan. . Jackson, John Stickney, Zilla > Astin, "Elisha Furbush, John Maddon , J ohn Snider, Jacob Dunlap, Woo , Dunlap, Seth , Snider, John Sherwood , Dyah Buck, Benjamin Clarke, William Root.Wm Chipman, Lemuel Parks, Reuben Hawley, Mary Stodder, James Mattison, David Barber, William Himas, William , Starnes, Ebenezer P. Falsom, Sam^i Merrifield, Abraham. Aylsworth, Abel Caatale, Levi Rug, Mathew Coy, Daniel Datcn, Caleb Hurd. Tirus Turner, Miller Crowfoot, David Hawley, Courtis Jones, Wm Welch, Micah Buck, Lemuel Horton, Elijah Darton, Josenh Warding, William... Wiley. Bartholomu.. Austin, Jeremiah Blowers, W« Blowers, Alice Blowers, Abiel Blowers, David ARLINGTON TOWN— COU. Shays, Daniel Pettingale, OUiver Hawley, Zadock Barney, Constant Jones, Lucus Cluit. John McDanals. Richard B.'.'br.. R.'iibin Norton, Hc-nry Holibort, Wait Dyer, Eliab , Barny, Daniel , Wood, Moses , Hard, James, J"" Parsons, David Baker, John Baker, Jonathan Main, Thomas Hall, Jeremiah Weaks, Samel , Stone, Pcleg , Stone, Samel Stone, Elisha Bills, Joshua Burrit, Daniel Benncdick, Ickebod. . , Nickols. Anna , Eastman, Benjc Warters, Sam^i Cerm, John Buck, Ruama Buck, Robert Vandoozer, Abraham. Fairchild, Jesse Clyde, Wra Washburn. Sam^i Jones, John SuUeven, Sam"' Hines, Jacob Burrit, Edmond Bostick. Mathew Daton, Daniel Mackey. John Hoick. Solomon Squires, Eli Searls, Mary Hatch, Wi"" Deming, Gamaleil Murwin, Elnathan... Wails, Elisha Leonard, Ebenez^ Leonard, Zar Deming, Martin Deming, Silvester ARLINGTON TOWN— COU. Hawley, Abel Leonard, Benajah Canfield, Israel Herrman, Benji Hawley, Andrew Butlor, Solomon Berns, Susannah Hawley, Isaiah Sterns, Daniel Parsons, Aron Welman, Benjamin Wells, Wm Foot, John Elsworth, Samuel Ash, John Squires, Joseph Moflit,Zebulon Knap, Ephraim Blowers, Alixander Spencer, Ruf us Stone, Uriah Wallace, Isaac H., Jm. Wallace, Isaac H Whiston, John Debzin, Micah Williams, John Forriss, ! Peter Odel, Same' Wall, William Squires, Deliverance. . . Parks, John Hawley, Josiah Hawley, Lemuel Fuller, James Pierce. Silvanus Hawkins, Benoni Hard, Philo Lince, Fredrick Ostrander, Agbert Lot, Abram Coy, Elisha Sharp, Uriah Gray. John Norton, David Oatman, George Oatman, Isaac Oatman. Daniel Oatman, Benjo Spinck. Benjo Silvester, Andrew Andrew, Thomas Oatman. George Spink, Sineca Baker, Ozi 16 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. BENNINGTON COUNTY— Continued. KAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. c a n . ■12 H •22 f CD® a S NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 yea rs and upward, including heads of families. a s H 57! CO g P. 1 1 < V OS ARLINGTON TOWN— COn. HUl, Levi 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 3 7 3 3 3 5 1 4 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 4 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 7 1 1 1 2 } 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 2 1 ■■3' 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 '"'i' 3 3 2 4 1 1 3 4 5 1 5 1 3 2 ""i ...... 1 2 2 2 i 4 3 3 3 3 5 I 2 4 6 6 2 4 3 2 3 1 4 '3 1 i 3 5 4 3 2 7 5 ....„ 3 1 4 2 2 3 4 3 5 6 6 3 2 4 5 2 BENNINGTON TOWN— Con. Hajmes, Aaron. . 3 5 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 3 1 2 ""2 9 6 2 6 2 2 2 6 BENNINGTON TOWN— Con. Clark. .Samuel Strong, Elijah 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 9 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 4 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 Sharp, Abel Haynes, David Sharp, Lt'wis Harmon, Daniel Porter. David Hard, Zadock S Weal), Reuliin Hatheway , Joshua Hatheway, Simeon Hathaway, Shadrch ... Shephard, Ashur Cole, Austin Palmer, Timothy 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 Cogsdill,.Iohn WestcrOeld, Robert BENNINGTON TOWN. Rude,Josua 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 McCoy, Samuel.. Brown, Samuel GoreHam, Stephen Johnson, Esecke Carpenter, Joshua Mattison, John Robinson, Moses Sly, Mill 4 4 1 1 1 1 ""3 5 2 1 2 ■"'"2" ...... 3 1 2 ""'i' 1 3 ■■■■5" ■■■■3" 3 ...... 1 7 4 3 3 3 5 1 5 4 4 2 5 3 2 5 2 2 4 2 3 6 4 2 4 3 2 3 1 1 1 6 5 2 3 4 2 3 2 4 3 2 5 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 1 2 4 1 2 3 Sadord, Sam«i Sly, Wi" 4 6 7 5 6 Swift. Job Smith, Ephraim Dolph, Sibbel Walbridgo, Ebenozer. . . 2 1 Newel, Normon Smith, Noah Allen, Abiel Leonard, Wilhams Cleaveland, Solomon . . . Cleaveland. Johnson Redman, Thomas Rudd, John 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 Brush, Nath' Fay, Elijah Dewev, Elijah 2 1 2 4 1 5 1 5 4 2 6 3 1 1 3 Robinson . J onathan Billings, Bulah Butler, Eldad Harwood, Zachariah. . . Wabbridge, Silas Grihams, Abraham Robinson, Leonard Robinson, Silas Robinson, Paul Robinson, Sam«i Robinson, David Robinson. Moses, J' Edv. Obediah Nelson, J osoph Bu.shnal, .Tames Hunt, Thomas Bumford, Thomas Spencer, Nath' Johnson, Geore Chase, Harverlin Moscly, Roswel 1 5 1 1 1 1 .■; 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...... ...... 3 2 4' 2 3 3 1 1 i' 3 ""i ...... ....„ 1 """i' 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 S 1 4 4 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 4 7 4 1 Squires, .Saxton Follitt. Charles Smith, Ezekiel Wickwire, Joseph Attwood, Samuel Smith, Champion Farnsworth, Joseph Blackamore, Samuel Blaekamore, Sam' Harmon, Simeon, Jun^ . Potter, John Hendrick.s, Isaiah HaswiU, Anthony Russell, David Potter, Will Potter, Amos Danforth, EUicnah Cole, Rcul)en Colpfiv .Tnhn Jackson, Robert Kuzear, John Prat, Stephen McElcharan, George Rise, Moses Robinson, Joseph Harwood. Stephen Teakies, Alli.xander Rug, Martha Walbridgo. Henry Wood, Eljenezer Clark, Nathan 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 G 1 Willis, Asa Houghton, Silas Follit, Timothy Storv, Benajah Whiteomb, John Griswould, W" Hicks. Sami Norton. John Nichols, EUsha 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 4 2 2 1 2 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 5 1 5 1 • 3 1 ...... "■'■3' ...... 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 5 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 4 2 2 1 ....„ 1 3 Fassitt. Bcnj" Palmer, Samuel... . Church, Samuel Safford, Jacob Fairchild. Sheman Lester. Guy Ilouse, Joseph 1 "'i' 1 2 1 4 1 ""3 1 4 4 1 1 "s 2 5 "'3' ...... 3 1 3 1 ■■■2" 2 2 3 4 5 1 3 3 <% 2 3 5 6 4 2 4 3 .5 7 2 2 5 5 5 3 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 7 Walbridge, Asa Colvin, Renbin Norton, Joseph Armstrong. Hezekiah . . Armstrong. Reuben Brown, Zachcriah Reed, Johua 4 Hebro, Zepheniah Parker, William Meril, Jodndiah Bordman, Elijah Wood. Job, Jun' McEndrick, Anna 3 6 2 3 2 4 1 8 3 2 Saflord, Solomon Fisk, Jacob Walbridge, Solomon Tracy Daniel Atkins, John Comb, Timothy Greenslit, James Doge, John 1 1 1 4 1 1 ...... 1 1 2 1 Randol, Gideon Potter, William Hawks, Eleazer Biddlocome, Daniel Webster, Samuel Wood, Ephriam Buck. Sainl Roach. Israel Bliss, Luther Larrenec, Nath' Chase, El tenezer Scot. Phenhas Hopkins, Stephen Hurd, Moses Hill. Daniel 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 2 3 3 1 i 3 2 5 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 3 2 4 4 3 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 6 5 2 Church, Ira 6 2 2 4 4 6 4 3 2 4 3 2 2 1 2 5 3 1 6 2 6 4 3 1 Eager, William Godfrey, George Robinson, Joseph Hatheway, Simeon Hatheway, Levi Rice, Silas Paddock, Ichabod Paddock, Thomas Pattison, Andrew Sent, William. Field, Jesse Hinsdale, Joseph Deming, Bcnj" Duel, .Tjicob PottiT, Shradrach Luther, Martin .. Hulible, Lemuel Hubbel. Ehiathan Parker, Henry Masascns, Francis Herington, James Bumit, Micajah Parsons, Aaron Camp, John Rogers, Jonathan Stearns. Benjamin Rosier, Nathan . . Lamard , Joseph Brakonidge, Daniel Wailes. John Beaman, Daniel Davis, David Hinomon, Kstor Armstrong, Hopestil.... Noicc, Nathi 1 Rug, Mfises Huntlev, Solomon Clark, thcophilus Sterns, Shadrach McCnlloch, John Fuller Josiah . ... Rose, Elijah 1 5 1 3 1 Mailer)', Kphriam Nichols, liobert Mallery, Kphraim, Jun'. Ashley, Thomas Yale, .\aron Ashley, Zenas Brooks, Barnabas Smith. William White, Leonard Dyer, Silvanus Webb. Benjamin Rice. Isaac Brakenidge. William . . . 1 Hinson, John 1 Stickney, EUphlet 1 Henry, John ► Illegible. HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 17 BENNINGTOX COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. a 3 a; 3 m q « 0) CD q (d BENNINGTON TOWN— continued. Finch, Joshua Hurd. Isaac Rice, Oliver Biddiecome, Richard.. Rice, Stephen Lamphier, Ezra Prindle, Sam' Harvey, Samuel Alixander, John Wheat, Jonathan Dorlinff, Joseph. Cady. ComeUus Scot', Abigal Abbot, Timothy Rug, Sami Rug, Nath«> Rug, Joel Story, Daniel Waibridge, Gustavus.. Harto, John Lyon, Simeon Lyon, Abiel Stratton. Joel Raswer, Robert Stacia, Sam ' Webster, Isaac China, W iUiam Herderson, Thomas... Gilbert, Jonathan Geers, Joseph Parkas, Alpheus Atkins, John White, Ebenezer Wright, Eleazer Demo, Aaron Gilbert, Solomon Wright, Phinehas Bamey, Riifus Burt, WilUam Safford, Sam'., Jun'. . . Bavison, Peter Bolten, Richard Sheffield, Daniel Hall, Joseph Biblins, Thomas Hall, Edward Pierce, Uriah Harmon, Ezekiel Harmon, Simeon French, Marcy Harmon, Austin Larebe, William Wood, Nathan Wood, John Turner, Nath^ Bingham, Calvin Marther, Wilham Branch. Zepheniah, Jr. PhiUips, Esquire Sage, Moses Alixander, John North, Asa Spaldin, Jacob Robins, John Larrencc, Josiah Kieth, George, Junr... Weaks, David Dowing, David Clark, Daniel Whitcomb, Samuel FoUit, J oseph Wood, Ebenezer, Juni^. Marther, Stephen Sharwood , Ruth Mosyer, John Brown, Nath*' Harwood , Benjn Clark, Joseph Tracy, Lemuel Smith, James Vaughan, Simeon Parson, Modad Parson, Jonathan Dibble, Benjamin Adams, William Rice, Silas Harmon, Silas Porter, Widow Kingsley, Jasan Wintworth . J ohn Annstrong, Andrew... FoekJt, James e| .9 a 3 W) NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. BENNINGTON TOWN— continued. Granger, Jeremiah Allen, Icabod Lomis, Jesse Beamon, Joseph Davis, Samul Sabins, Josiah Henry, William Davis, Josiah Eliit, John Armstrong. Libbeus.. Armstrong, Jacob Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Erastus Harwood, Peter Dickison, Nath^^i Rude, Daniel Smith, Robert Fillmore, Nathei BEOMLEY TOWN. Gilbert, John Dewey, Aaron Hollibert, Zacheriah. . Dewey, James Boland, William Molten, Joseph Colten, William Miller, Thomas Hollibert, Ebenezer. . Saxton, George Butterfield, Jonathan Cheney, Joseph Dewey, Aaron White, David Graham, David DORSETT TOWN. Kent, Cephu Shum way, John Underhil, Abraham . . Presson, John Pulford, Ehsha Squires, Isaac Armstrong, Ebenezer Paddock, Price Chenia, Howard Martindil, Gershom . . Gray, John Gray, Isaah Gray, Isaac Hocumb, Noah Danton, Wn> Rider, Stephen Thomson, Amos Sykes, Silvanus Hocumb, John Kent, Cephus, Jun'... Kent, Allexander Harmon, Asel Post, Reuben Sykes, Titus, Jun^ Mirick, Joseph Nichols, Abraham Dimick, Ichobod Farewell, Asa Farewell, Isaac Farewell, John Balding, Eleazear Field, Amos Risden, Josiah Balding, Silas Rae, Abner Bams, John Lukin.'j, John Bebe, Eiisha Bonner, John More, Dudley Courtis, Zacheriah Runnals, Ephriam Allen, Henry Curtis, Joseph Curtis, Nicholus Clark, Nathan Gifford, Umphory Baker, Solomon Saxton, William Marsh, William More, Jedidiah Murrey, Mary Gilbert, Samuel 3 as tj} 3 2-9 J .as OSS NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. DORSETT TOWN — COn. Derga, Moses French, John Aylsworth, Ather Stores, Printice Basley, Price Morse, John Vaughn, Obediah French, Andrew Barlow, Daniel Hubbard, Thomas Morse, Noah Mattison, Amos Harris, Thomas Boings, Daniel Mattison, PhiUip Deming, Eli Duning, Richard Burnham, Francis Burnham, Ashbel D... Balding, Benj" Morse, Ebenz"" Soper, Samel Squires, Jonathan Mattison, Benjn Washl}ern,"'Tabor Barto, Sam^i Barto, Francis Hoit, Barnabas Stores, Chipman Casson, Joshua Casson, Jacob Casson; Hannah Durge, Adeign Mamey, George Manley, John, Ju"" Manley, John Manley, Nathan Armstrong, Jonathan. Warden, Jcse Basil, Thomas Crane, David Eaton, Luther Kellog, Titus Clark, George Huggins, Zadoch Danton, Thomas Kent, John Kent. Dan Martindil, Stephen Balding, Eleazer. Balding. Asa, Ju' Sykes, Israel Sykes, Victory Gray, Eward Gray, Sam' Hawley, Joseph Langdon, Jonathan Walton, George Balding, Asa Blackmore, Abner Manley, WiUiam Whelor, Nathan Rament, Joshua Hawley, Justice Touseley, W™ Famsworth, Reubln... Smith, Seth Wells, Abraham Church, Sami G renal, Jonathan. Mattison, Edward Sykes, Titus Cook, Shubel Shumway, Peter Colings, Abraham Colings, Sam ' Collings, J ustus Chesbro, Silvester Paddock, Anthony Sergents, John. State, Ebenez' Kent, Moses Kingsburv, Thomas... Bostick, Israel Manley, John Blomer, Reubin Smith, Israel. Underhlll, Isaac. Underbill, W« Soper, Sam' Cook, John . Allen, Seth. £-3 5 H si lb 3! ■" Hi •q "> ■5.5 18 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. BBNNTNGTON COtTNTT-Continiied. NAME OF HEAD OP FAMILY. DOESETT TOWN— con. Soper, John Sutherland, Sam'. Allen, KoliiTt ; Alien, Obcdiali King. Joshna Sheldon, Joseph Collins, Charles Scofflcld, Seth Munson, Erastui! Weaver, Fredrick. GLASTONBURY TOWN. Tibbets, George. Wood, Coffin Clark, Jonathan. Clark, .\sa Fuller,Mathew... Sly, Henry LANDGKOVE TOWN. tltley, Asa Utley, Oliver Utley, Pebody Richardson, Daniel. Carpcnder, David . . , Tuttle, Daniel MANCnESTEE TOWN. Ormsby, Gideon Roberts, Christopher.. Munson, Jarud Biggelow, Ezra Taylor, Moses Smith, Firi^z Brevoort, Isaac Ells, Wartennan Mindiis, Wilhelmus Hicks, Daniel Hicks, Benj" Mackintire, Benj" Smith, Noah Barber, Daniel Gould, William Weller, Asa Danks, !3hadrack Powel, Martin Brunson, Eli Lunimis, Fredum , Hitchcock, Ebenexer.. . Hoit, Meriam , Gifiin, James , Sheldon , Josiah , Field, George Pettibone, Sami Rose, Joel Curtis, Caleb Curtis, David Soper, Stephen Anderson, David Purdev, Benjn Purdey, Daniel Hawley, Jabez Hollistor, C.urdin Brown, Timothy Munson, Rufus AUin, Abel Richardson, Amos Richardson, Nathan...! Richardson, John Richardson, .\ndrew Sabin, John Mackentire, Richard Whitman, George Washburn. Stephen Collins, Soloman Collins, Nathaniel Ormsby, Jonathan Purdey, Benj'., J' Jones, Daniel BuUls, Charles BuUis, Henry Curtis, Elias French, David Luis, James Obriant, Timothy...!! Robert, John Curtis, John !!! Purdy , Reuben Dates, WiUiam 2§«,. as; .9§ B'S ■S.a . a) 3 (u NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. CPO ';2 « c cri •5 ^;3 ^ a> IT — « ^u S MANCHESTER TOWN— COn Hilliard, Daniel Roberts, John Hilliard, Joshua. .!!!... Richardson, Nathan, J'. Meed, Timothy Meed, Truman Soper, Timothy ! Anderson, James Spencer, Stephen Meed, Jacob Kinney, Jesse Whelpley, Jeremiah. Vanderlap, John Gideons, Job -Anderson, Robert... Sperey, Moses Saxton, George Wood, Berzeliel Stephens, Daniel Boorn, Nathaniel Boom, Amos Soper. Moses Hennise, Richard Straight, Sam' Peck, Simeon Boom, Jarod Smith, Joseph... Pettibone, Abel Chipman, Wm Corey, Jacob i Colvin, Richard 2 Wood, Edmond i Wood, Nickalus i Lord, John i Thomas, Charles i French, Sam 1 2 Odel, Jeremiah i Woodword.Ebenezer... 1 Benadicts, Ezra i Duning, Ehakim i Blackesly. Ezra 1 Sidway. James i Bermedict, Sami i Hyde, Clarke i Cowel, Sam' i Benedict, Jonathan 2 Holt, James i Hyde, Nehemiah 2 Akins. Jonathan 2 Jemison, Jeames 3 Jemison, William i Loggins, Robert 3 Loggins, Hugh i Walt, Jeremiah 3 Cornwell, Joseph 3 Berkit. Danil 3 Beedle, John 1 Henderson, Edward 1 Comwill, Reubin 1 French, Samuel 1 French, Joshua 1 Lee, David 2 Buihce, Jarman 2 Beedle, WiUiam 2 Bristol, .\bel 2 Bates, Zadock 1 Serjents, John !. 2 Odil, Jacob 4 French, Joseph 2 French, Elijah 1 Sutherland, Sam> 5 Johns. Daniel 1 Day, Dudley 1 Vaughn, James 1 Saxton, Aron 2 Soper, Elizabeth DycWn "2 Runalds, Phillip 2 Jones, John i Squire, Isaac 1 Robhet, Peter !. 4 Sterge, Christopher 2 Collens, Christopher 2 Sunderland, Wallis 1 Prindle, Gideon j Bull, Thomas. Jun' 1 Harmond. DanleL 1 Holmes, Edward 1 Harmond, Benjn i Mason, .\ron 1 Smith, Fredrick 1 Bull, Thomas 4 B? .SB a, -3 oj g-ia a 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 3 2 4 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 "'3 1 6 4 3 3 5 5 7 3 1 4 3 6 5 4 4 2 2 1 4 3 5 2 1 6 2 5 1 6 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. MANCHESTER TOWN— eOn. Sunderland, Peleg Smith, John. 03 g-oj Chipman, Deborah. . . Beers, Benjn Palmer, Noah !!!! Dickson, Joseph Burton, Elijah Brintnal, George Andres, Elijah , Soper, Stephen Soper, Thomas Dun, Dunkin Coory, Jonathan Smith, Nathan Bracket, Christopher. . Basley, Daniel Austin, John Kyle, Wm !!! Kyle, Ephraim !!!! Bolder, Edmond Glazier, David Walton, Perez Wakeli n, Benjn Boiden, Jonathan ! Hogobone, John Andres, Nath' Edmons, Joseph Bishop, Benony Boom, Nathl., Jun' . . . Boom, Bamed Allen, William Pettibone, Seth Pettibone, Eli Burton, Josiah Burton, Isaac Hollister, Elijah !!! Nickerson, Constant.. Hurd, Abijah Stodder, Stephen ! , Lockwood, .Tosiah. . Canfield, Silas Coley , Levi ! ! Taylor, Jonathan. . . . ."! Ferrey, Josiah Meed, Timothy, Jun' Meed, Phillip Purday, David POWNAl TOWN. Jewet, Thomas.. Wright, Charles Wright, Solomon Prat, Daniel Hungerford, Amasa. Bowdish. Joseph Carpender. Bamed.. Doby, Benjamin Allen, Christopher. . . Reynolds, Robert. . . Page, Elijah Nobles, Eli Towsley, Gideon Mash, Nathan Mash, Eleazer, Ju'... Moon, Asa Noble, John !!! Aylsworth, Judiah. . . Fay, Isaac Ladd , James Blood, John Larabee, Eleazer Mash, Eleazer , Demick, .\bel , Lovit, John Jmks, Levi Rud, John Larabee, Joseph Downer, John Wallace, Isaac Eaton, Benjamin Morgin, Benjamin Barber, Joseph Clark, Nathaniel Tharp, Benjn Wallace. Nathi Carter, Fredrick Carpender, Gardner. . Barlier^loseph, Jun'.. Bates, Francis Bates, Stephen Bates, Daniel 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 2 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 ' 1 1 1 1 •si "V 00 O ^ Qi 4) — — 4 1 3 2 5 2 4 2 "'5' 4 1 3 4 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 .■■i 3 4 4 a 2 i 5 4 4 1 2 2 5 1 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 4 5 5 2 5 2 1 2 1 6 1 5 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 .a HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 19 BENlSriNGTON' COXTNTr— Continued. NAUE OF HEU) OF FAMILY. •2I.-S ] :3 ay > f^ } CO Q m P" 3 Si NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. BUPERT TOWN— con. Huston, Wm Levit, Joseph llubbert, Lutions Hayes. Israel Harmon, Amos Hopkins, Marcey Robinson. Stephen... Rising, Simeon Rising, Aron Hopkins, Sam^' Norton, Nathi Shoidin, Seth Norton, Zadack Harmon, Seth Taylor, Joel Sheldon, John Elwil, Jese McClenethan. W=i Oles. Stephen Hastings, Jonathan .. Bennington, Thomas. Baley , Henry Phillips. Eiihu Hunt, Sam«i Rising, James Rising, Jonah Hopkins, Daniel Bording, Sanr' Mansfield. Amos Rising. Aron Noble. Ephraim Yale. Amesa Dones, Levi Gray, Isaac McClere, W"" Mac, John Harrace, Thaddeus... Hough, Justin Noble, Reubin Noble, Luke Noble, Reubin Tucker, Sam^^i . Loggins. Daniel Risden, Omisemis Coley, William Smith, Israel Allen, Moses Turner, Roswell Porter, James Towsley, Nath"' Courtis, Josiah Shelden, Moses Stedman, John Stedraan, Robert Albro, Samuel Harmon, Ruibin Harmon. Oliver Smith, J oseph Barto, Thomas Barto, William Eastman, Stephen Tousley, Mathew Eastman, Jonathan. . Eastman, Enoch Moore, Grove Blacmore, Eseck Ingrom, Jarit Lin, James Barnes, Lemuel Malone, J ohn Eastman, Jonathan . . SANDGATE TOWN. Hoit, David Curtiss, Hull. Woodward, Alpheus Woodward, Noah. Lewis, Daniel. Lewis, Sam«> Curtis, Caleb Curtis, Jonathan. Conkey. Richard. Hurd, Reubin Hurd, Jedediah... Hurd, Daniel Hurd. Isaac Schels, Simeon.. . Thomas, Reubin. , Squires. Hemon. . Hurd, Timothy... Squres, Gideon... ; l , © OJ . "^ "M a) -T" '^ to 'V >-o a, ) 0) 9 « > «•— ;r* 1 E^ HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 21 BENNINGTON COtJNTT— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 9 9 a> "S m n to Q) to a cs SANDGATE TOWN — COB. Sherman, Enoch Rood, Jonah Bristole, Abraham, J^ Bristole, Daniel Hurd, Simeon, J"" Burt, Josiah Cogswill, Joseph Cogswill, Faris Cogswill, Asa Bristol, Gideon Bristol, NatV Bradley, James Bradley, James, Jun^. . Rug, David Washburn, Sam-^i Johnson, John Hambleton, John Morehouse, Nathan . . . Tattle. Amos Bristol, James Sidmore, Daniel Hard, Theophelus Sidmore, James Park, George Andrup, Elihu Brown, Daniel SHAFTSBCRY TOWN. Olin, Gideon Galusha, J onas Galusha. David Howlit, Mary Goss, Jonathan House. Jonathan Mattison.Abraham.Jun' Martin. Masha Martin, Simeon Martin, Amaziah Martin, Nathan Black, David Pierce, John Ward, William Mathews, David -Wheeler, Nathan Larrence, Petter Perry. J osiah Harace, Eljenezer Bumit, Jedediah Cross, Ehaha Rogers, Ebenezor Cote, David Brown, Constent Larrence, Rufus Ward, Stephen Bumham. Sam-^i Millins, William Smith, Roger Howlit, Parley Slocumb, Jonas Holmes, WiUiam Brigs, John Perry, Winslow Larrence, Bigelow Iveonard, Nathan Bumit, Thomas Burnit, James House, Sam*'' Huntington, Amos Burows, Amos Bumham, William Montauge, Nath' Rice, Abner Burnham, Asa Stevens, Henry Bottom, Simeon Huntington, Nathan.. Huntington, John Wright, Isaiah Bakon, Daniel Spencer, Charles Adams, Henrey Hunt. Seth Justin, Gershora Whitford. I'clfg Harrington, Squire Herrington, Levi Fisk, Jeremiah Fisk, Jeremiah, Jun*' . . Salsbury, Martin Herrington. Aliraham. Herrington, Paul a« .as a-s xi a NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. SHAFTSBUBY TOWN— COn, Herrington, WiUiam Burlington, William Doge, Alexander West, Thomas Pierce, Cleather Boings, Obediah Millinton, Solomon Simons, Josiah Luther, Sam^' Salsbury, Daniel Saleshury, Nathan Cole, Parker , Cole, Robert , Munro, Joshua Martin, Sam"' Cole. Benjm Draper, Nathan Faning. Thomas , Hibberd, EUjah Rice, Artemas Dunlap, Robert Lincoln, John Kilburn, Aruna West. Barnitt Daniels, John Millington, Solomon. . . B rigs, Josias Weaver, Thomas Olin. John Grren,Asa Hulin, John Btiamon, Josiah Ginning, Lemuel Olin, Giles Hulin, Allixander Watson, John Galusha, Jonas Galusha, David, 2 . . . Smith, Elisha Smith, Timothy Seldin, Thomas Seldin, Thomas, Ju'. GUmore, Robert Richard, John Porter, Ebenezer Gardner, John Whitney, Isaac Ball, Zembebel Mallery, Neram Jones, Enos Whiple, John p E o is CHITTENDEN COUNTY. 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 3 2 1 4 ...... 2 3 2 4 2 2 ALBUEGH TOWN— con Maning. Gabriel Maning. Joshua Garlick, Reuben Duel. Michael Tar, George Frier, Samuel ..'.! Martin. Jacobus Vanblete, John Weeks, Joseph Mott, Jacob NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. SUNDERLAND TOWN- continued. Whipple, Ezra Hill, Abnah Hoit, Joseph Bingham, Hanah..!! Lee, Chancey Oens, Leonard Bradley. Gilbert Howel, John Chipman. Amos Wooward, Noble Bishop, Lemuel Lamphier, Sam'i Wallace, Nathaniel... Vanderider. .\ndara.. Meggs, Benjm Seamons, Richard Brunson, Gideon Bruson, Isaac Field, Francies Buckley, Asa Bradley, Lemuel Coffin, Eleazer Graves, Edraond West, Ol)ediah Brunson, Timothy HerMson, Edward Bentley, Elisha WINHALL TOWN. Beebe, Asa Beebe, Asa, Ju .!, W'heelor, Moses Wheelor, Beriah ' Williams, Isaac Taylor, Moses Brooks, John. Fuller, Shubil Whitney, Ephaim Rose, Nathaniel Rose. Joseph Rose, Benjo ] Taylor, Jonathan...'."^ Eaton, Ebenezer Eaton. Nathan Day, Russel... Taylor. Seth '." Whitney, Ebenezer Barnard, John Foot, .\ddenijah .' Sprage, Jonathan Day, Oliver Brown, Nathaniel Day. Ephaim Barrit. Benjo W'heelor, Aaron W'illiams, James Whitney, Elisha WOODFORD TOWN. Scott, Mathew Scott, Noah Seott, Zerish '.." Wilson, Joseph Forgeson, Hezekiah. . " Hunt, Joseph Reed, Benjo Moore, Caleb Pelrce, Zadock Felice, Eli Grover, Benjo Biggelow, Noah, Ju . . . Bigelow, Noah Dant, Sam«i 1 1 3 4 4 2 6 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 3 .... ALBUEGH TOWN — COD Mott, Joseph Soal, Wilham Mott, Samuel Grigs. John Andrew, Thomas Housinger, Michael... Fisher, James Mott, Joseph, Jtinf. Mott. Richard Conroy, Patrick III 1! 2!.. .ss £■0 © 03 "... © 4 1 2 3 2 S 6 2 5 1 5 6 3 3 1 3 5 3 5 '6 2 2 "4" 2 4 3 1 3 3 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 2 S 1 5 5 2 1 HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 23 CHITTENDEN COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of, families. a h il ■S3 . oi a V p, u a> .q =3 < > M NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of famiUes. •ii ■2s 3 K 9.1 11 a) XI a bo ill § e « c Xi a < i > r/l NAME OF DEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. g .a (D 2s a§ "3 CO fa . 030 NAME OF BEAD OP FAMILY. J2 °^ COLCHESTER TOWN— COD. Hill, David , 1 Johnson, Jacob 3 DUXBtmT TOWN. ,\ very, Walter | 2 Parker, Daniel 1 1 Morse, John ' 1 Morse, Daniel 1 Briant, Jeremiah 1 Page. Samuel 1 Crage. James 1 Shepherd, George 1 ELMORE TOWN. Olmstead. James I Olmstead. Scth 1 Elmore, Jesse 1 Elmore, Martin 1 Gibbs. Job 1 lycach. Joseph 1 Gibbs, Silvester 1 ESSEX TOWN. Chipraan, Jonathan .... 1 Chibman, Joseph 1 Miller, Calvin 1 Monross, Jesse 2 Staunton, Solomon 1 Slaughter, Uenry 1 Baker, Ezra 2 Heed, Ebenezer 3 Yeoman, Elisha 2 Nash, Asahel 1 Tyler, David 2 Heed, Stephen 3 Tul)b8, Simon 2 Kellog, David 2 iieevel, Samuel 2 Gallard, Jonathan 2 Morgan, Daniel 4 Morgan, Daniel, Jun'. .. 1 Nelson, Samuel 1 Nobles, Stephen 2 Nobles, Morgan 3 Castle, .\bel 1 Winchel, Jonathan 2 Bingham, Abner 1 .■\ndrews, Isaac 3 HaU, David 2 Bradley, Cap'. Samuel.. 2 Day, David 1 Bixby.Joel 1 Lawrence. John 1 Sinclear, John 2 Slnclear, Samuel 1 Castle, Nathan 1 Castle, David, Jun' 1 Thomson. James 1 Hicks. Levi 1 Thomson. William 1 Smith. .Samuel 2 Messinger. I.#muel 1 Evens. Stephen 1 MeNall, Joseph 2 Major, George 2 Woodworth. Joel, Esq'. 9 Thompson, David 2 Bliss, Timothy, Esq'... 4 Stevens, Cap. Abraham. 4 Dunham, Gideon 1 Day, David 4 Mitchell, Ensign 1 Curtis, Gideon 2 Talt, Moses 2 Collins, Nathaniel 1 Skinner, Thomas 4 Willard. Dubartis 3 Spoor, John 1 L vans, Barnabas 2 Smith, Orange 2 Norton, William 1 Castle, David 2 Slnclear, Jeremiah 1 Harvey, Joel 1 Spoor.' William 2 FAIRFAX TOWN. Farewell, John 2 Parker, Thomas 2 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. '3 SD S CO I FAIRFAX TOWN— con. Farewell, Oliver Farewell, David Chadock, William FuUington, Francis Spafford, Broadstreet.. Spafford, Nalban Spafford, Asa Bomet, Robert Bomet, Robert, J im^ . . . Maxfield, William Grosvenor,Lieester,Jun' Richards, Cap'. Thomas Sq^uiers, Lieu'. Silas . . . Crissey, John, Jtm' Spafford, Josiah Andress, Levi Andress, John t'hurchwell, WLUiam... Maxfield, David Crissej', John Ilartti John Fams worth, Oliver Farnsworth, Levi Bowen, Roswell Farnsworth, James. . . Farnsworth, Joseph.... Wilson, Joes , Russell. Thomas, Esq'. Chirke, Daniel French, J ohn , Strong, Arial , Lothrop, Elkanah Orton, Gideon , Burton, Nathaniel Strong, Jacob , Story, Francis , Beeman, Joseph Lovogrovo, Paul H Baraet, Jose Kingsley, Roger , Porter, Asahel , Satlord, Erastus Orton, Ichabod Grosvenor, Cap. Leu- ester Newbury, John Buck, Joseph Buck, Gold Buck, George Hateley, Abijah FAIRFIELD TOWN. Roberta, Lemuel . . . Saul, Joseph Brown, BarziUa "WTieeler, Joseph Wheeler, Zalmon. . . Holt, David Lobdin, Ebenezer.,, Whitney, Sherad . . . Squier, Asa Baker, David Taund, Edmimd Wheaton, Joseph.. . Luse, Isaac Lockwood, John Leach, John Bradley, Andrew... Smith, Johiel Gregory, Ralph K.. Wakeman, Levi Gregory, Levi Gregory, Keeler Barsley, Whitmore. Barsley, Nathaniel. , Northrop, Thomas. Pangbowen, Jesse . . , Hawley , J ames Smith," Daniel FLETCHER TOWN. Scott, Lemuel Palmer, Elisha Klngsley, John Chadock, Samuel Daley, Elijah Woodworth, Elisha. Thustin, Peter Flood, Moses Goodwin, Asa a leg CO . \^Z « 3 O HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. CHITTENDEIf COTXNTV— Continued. 25 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of famihes. is p CD . H ■9 a II ".9 . iP § K 1 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. a H g •9.1 il ■5.S . £■§13 § t-l NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. s Free white males of 16 y»ars and 'inward , including heads of families. 1 h ID U •»-. Ill fl a ft .a t NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. a IS g la 4^ P ■t^ be ta i E s. 1 V .c < i NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. H. ■22 .HS " a) il II 111 ? E < 1 JERICO TOWN— con. Spafford, Jacob 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 } 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 X 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 i 1 1 1 1 2 1 ...... 1 1 MILTON TOWN— con. Hill, Calvin 2 4 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ""1 1 1 NORTH HEBO TOWN— COn. Ladd, Jedadiah ■. . 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 8 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 6 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 5 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 ■■■3' 3 2 2 2 Dilts. Peter Austin, Jol). Barsley, Joshua Johnson, John Austin, David 5 ■ '3' 3 3 3 1 2 4 6 1 4 2 2 2 4 Huzen, Andrew Ilanes, Jonathan Ilanes, '^'illiam liazen, Joseph ' Henry, Enoch T i 2 Gilder, Jacob .... Chittenden, Martin,Esq' Winehel, Hezekiah MINDEN TOWN. Crafts, Colonel 3 2 1 4 S 3 2 2 .... JOHNSON TO\ra. Brownson, Reuben Townd, Silas 2 1 Erwin, David MiUs, Daniel Cutler, Mr Bro^vnson. Liman Strong, William ST. ALBANS TOWN. Hoit, Winthrop Campbell, David Vandozer, Abraham Hathaway, Silas, Esq'.. Hathawaj'. Ralph Eatt)n, Samuel MORETOWN TOWN. Heaton, John 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 """i 1 ""2 3 2 1 1 ....„ 3 ...... ...... ■'2" 1 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 2 5 3 4 4 s 2 2 1 4 4 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 6 2 2 1 Rogers, William 1 1 2 4 McConncl, Thmnas McConncl, Moses Achiaon, Seth Grag, Isaac "i' 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 Sherman, Abner Haseltine, Joseph Haseltine, Ebenezcr Tucker, Ephraim MORRISTOWN TOWN. Chamberlain, Thomas. . 1 Smith, Aaron Grag, George 2 1 1 McConnel, John Bradley, Benjamin * * McConnel, John, Jun^... Brooks. Azariah Sawyer, Noahdiah Potter, Freeborn Potter, Noel Saunders, Joshua..' Walker, William "'""i" ...... 2 3 '""'3' 1 1 4 4 2 4 5 2 4 Hastings. Theophilus.. . Herd, Aaron Hemkins, John NEW HUNTINGTON TOWN. Stevens, David 1 1 5 3 "'i' 1 3 1 1 ...... 1 2 3 2 4 2 2 1 3 2 6 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 Jenkins, Valentine Miller, Samuel Barnet, Nehemiah Edmond, Eliphiilet Greene, Job MIDDLESEX TOWN. Greene, Nathan Winters, Timothy Colkins, Samuel Kcilog, Joseph Griffin, William Weldon, Jesse Fargo, Samuel Putnam, Seth, Esq' Raiment, J ohn Putnam, Ebenezcr Johns, Johiel, Esq' Martin, John Warren, Lovewell Harrington, J onah Ambler, Ebenezcr Cook, Archilmld .... Harriss, Samuel 1 2 5 2 "i" 1 4 2 1 1 1 Rood, Elijah Russell, Silvester Brewster, Ozem Barton, Solomon GiUet, Asa Spoor, Abraham Mud, Thomas Horton, Samuel Benton, Nathan Hodley, Daniel Holden, Edmund Stevens, Orange Harriss, Leban Hartt, Jonathan Hines, Solomon Hines, Joseph Putnam, Jacob 1 1 """i' I ""'3' ...... 2 4 3 "i" 2 1 1 1 '"'i' 2 3 1 3 2 3 4 1 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 5 2 1 Starr, Comfort MILTON TOWN. Alger, Asa Starr, Pearly Duteher, Christopher... I 1 Mansfield, Amos Joslin, Zebediah Alger, Nathaniel Brownson, Amos Anderson, John Hall, James 3 3 ""2 2 2 3 2 2 2 S i Rood, Silas Potter, Andrew Clarke, Ebenezcr Gibbs, Thomas 4 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 Joslin, B(aijamin Smith, Nehemiah Waters, .\bel Taylor, Absalom McFarson, Joseph Saunders, Jonathan Everts, Jesse, Jun' Thesber, Squire Williams, Rufus NEW HIINTINGTON COKE. Turner, Abel Gibbs. Joshua Brooks, Adonijah 2 1 3 Smith, Ebenezcr Story, Stephen Jackson, fcolomon Howard, Elisha Mansfield. Theophilus.. 3 1 2 3 1 2 S 3 2 2 1 1 2 Stackhouse, J oseph ST. GEORGE TOWN. Ferris, Joseph 1 Sopcr, Morfljiicii Woodworth. Wier Logings, S:iniuel 1 s 1 2 Logings, Samuel, Jun'.. Hull, Samuel Turner, Samuel Fairman, Jacob Shepherd, Elisha Turner, John Sutton, Benjamin T.ockwood, Reuben Lockwood, Nathan Isham, Johiel. . .. ........ Owen, Elijah 1 3 2 2 •■'■]■•*■ Owen, Elijah, Jun' 1 Castle, Solomon Blasdei. Nathaniel 2 ...... 2 2 3 3 ...... 2 3 "i' 1 3 ..... "■'i' 1 5 .5 3 5 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 6 3 3 1 2 1 4 1 Owen, John NORTH HERO TOWN. ■ ■■"4' 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 6 1 2 .|. ... Malary, Luther Bull, Gideon Higbv, EInathan Higby, Wheeler SHELBURNE TOWN. Vernomom, Isaac Pierson, William Pierson, Moses Nowel, Medal 1 2 1 2 4 ■ '2" "'i' ...... 2 1 1 3 3 2 6 3 3 5 3 1 3 1 6 1 2 1 3 1 4 4 2 3 More, John . . 1 Cooley, Solomon Brownson, John Trunumbai. Asahal. . . . Stone, Ephraim Bail, Jacob Blaekman, Ephraim llartt, William Matthews, Aaron, Esq'. Church, Ephraim Wales, George ■ ' ■ ' Church, Samuel Ayres, Ebenezcr Hutchins, Nathan Hutchins, Nathan, Jun'. Hutchins, .\sahel GiUord, Gideon 2 Kip, Samuel.. Gage, Robert Andrews, Moses Smith, Zadock 1 Irish, Stephen ""3 3 3 ...... 1 6 2 C 1 3 2 Bachelder, ,\bel Rowley. Cap. .\aron Powers, Joseph Lcat, Miles Butler, Benjamin 1 Ashley, Enoch 2 Vanner, Richard i Ashlev, Elisha I'nine, Roger . . |. . Dewey, Thomas Herrick, John Smith, Caleb Hancey, Gideon ::; 1 Wood, Solomon Stockwell, Levi HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. CHITTENDEN COTXNTY— Continued. 27 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males oJ 16 years and upward, including heads of familiea. Is H ag 1-9. 2-S5 s m 1 1 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including hearls of families. 2« 4i a, J- 03 a 2 1 < 3 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 10 vears and upward, includmg heads of famines. h n S-a .■S tie gal a E S. 1 5 1 SHELBUKNE TOWN— COn. 3 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 i 2 1 ...... 2 1 1 1 1 "i" 4 5 2 3 4 2 6 3 1 3 3 1 5 SOUTH HERO TOWN — COn. Loyd, Thoa. P^Esqr.... Bumel, Solomon Welch, Nathaniel Morison, David Pearl, Timothy 4 2 3 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 I 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 STARKSBOROUGH TOWN — continued. 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 } 1 2 2 2 5 1 T 1 1 \ 1 7 4 ...... 2 2 3 2 ...... 3 2 5 1 3 4 2 1 3 ""2 2 4 3 3 6 7 1 3 3 2 4 5 3 1 5 2 2 3 1 4 2 Bostwick, Joseph BidweU, George Hurlbut. Timothy, Esqr. ::;.;::. 2 4 Hall Thomas Griffin, Jonathan Hacket, Allen SW ANTON TOWN. Lampman, Stephen. . . . Butterfield, Cap«. 3 3 2 1 1 5 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 3 2 Harrington, WlUiamC Esq'" Pelton, James- Deming, Asahel Martin, Eleazar Peters. Ebenezer Blanchard, John Allen, Col. Ebenezer.... Allen, Cap. Timothy.... Johnson, Samuel Hitchcock, Luke Trowbridge, Keeler Aslestine, Isaac Lampman, Homy 1 1 1 ...... ""s I 3 2 Robison, Joseph Clarke, Thomas Thair Dan 3 1 2 4 3 Lawrence, Horman Hall, Alpheus .. Gregory. Salmon Aslestine, Coonrod 3 3 Peter, Valentino M-^NaU, Uriah 3 '""i" ■•••j- 1 " 'i' 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 ""2 3 ""2 4 1 1 3 4 4 2 7 2 1 4 2 2 3 4 3 1 3 2 3 3 2 Laslin, Matthew Laslin, Charles, .. Greene, WilUam UNDERBILL TOWN. Benedict, Elijah Hurlbut, Adam 2 1 3 1 4 Bitgood, Ramington. .. WMtley, John Dennis, Jesse Hide, WiUiam Eldridge, Amos Davidson, John Sawyer, Col. Ephraim.. Sawyer, Ephraim, Jun'. Martin, Jonah 2 1 4 1 ""2 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 Cook, Ezekiel Collins, Alexander Mills. Samuel Morehouse, Elisha 2 3 1 2 4 1 3 2 3 Post, Darius, Jun"' Eaton, Abner Reed, Joshua Fletcher, Isi Cady, Waiiam Welch, Amos .1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 ""3 1 2 3 2 i 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 Dixon, Alexander Butler, Benjamin Smith, Ezekiel Seely, Benjamin -,-- Hohbard, Asahel 2 ■ "4" 4 "'i' 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 "2' 3 2 3 4 2 1 4 2 3 3 1 1 3 I 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 4 3 1 Adams, Isaac Fletcher, Samuel Winters, Obadiab Wonen, Bishop Sheldon, Caleb WAITSFIELD TOWN. Wait, Gen. Benjamin. . . Lyon, Gashum Slawson, Eleazar Fisk, John Ventine. Abraham Sherman. Thomas Wait. Jeduthan Sherman, Beriah Morehouse, Sturgens. .. David, John Holabird, Abel Hazen, Levi Bartlett, WiUiam Hcacocks, Elihu Baras, Robert Rosmond, Colrod Reynolds. Grinnel Palmater. Isaac Lyon, Jane (widow) Seamonds, David Chase, Mr Lyon. Wilham Fairchild Daniel 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 6 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 6 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 3 3 Burns. Samuel Peke.Mr WATEEBUKY TOWN. Kenedv, Jason 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 3 2 2 11 1 1 2 2 2 4 Linsev, James Wilha'ms, .Amariah Hazens, William Clarke Ozial Hamilton, Dudley, Jun*^ Hamilton. Joseph 1 "'"3' 2 4 2 2 2 I ? 2 1 2 1 3 Munson, Caleb Knap, Paul Fulson, John Famsworth. WiUiam... Norton, John Hvde, Jedadiah, Junr. . . Butler, William Campbell, WiUiam, Jun*^ Hvde Elijah Holdcn, Richard Wilson, Isaac WeUs, Reuben Mash, Ellas Bartlett, Philip McMiillin NpHp Butler, Ezra 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ...... 1 2 3 1 I 1 2 2 3 Right, Jonathan Smith, Thomas Gordon , Alexander ...... 1 I ...... 3 5 2 1 3 2 3 Parcher, Robert Waters, Amos Barlow, Ilubbart, Esq'. Noble Asahel Jones, Stephen Sherman, Stiles 4 3 2 ...... X 1 ...... 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 4 1 4 3 Cragne, John Hall, Lewis Hazen. Andrew WESTFOED TO-WN. Crandol, David Moflet. WilUam M-^Burgh. Wilson Crandol, David, Jun'. . . B'urdick, Joseph Austin, Jeremiah Balch, Silas 3 1 " "i' 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 S 8 3 3 3 1 3 1 Mitchel. John Stark Benaiah Wilmouth, James Woodworth. Shubal Burlington, Clark 2 7 Lawrence, Susaima Mincley, Kelcon Graham, Aaron ....L... ...... 3 5 1 1 4 2 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 3 1 Barlow, Warren Northaway, Francis Seelev. John Allen, Lambertson Pearl, Col. Stephen Palmerly, Hezekiah Johnsom, Stephen Coboum, David WILLISTON TOWN. Chittenden, His Excli' Thorn*, Esq' 1 1 6 3 Sampson. Daniel Mincley, John, Jun' STABKSBOEOUQH TOWN. Darrow, Samuel, Esq'.. Ketch, James Landon, Benjamin Phelps, Joseph 1 3 5 2 1 2 4 2 Smith, Maj' Jacob Janes, Humphrey Campbell, William Stewart WilUam Spaflord, Jonathan, Esq' Fairchild, Jesse 1 Bostwick, Austin 28 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. CHITTENDEN COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. T 3 «) ■WILLISTON TOWN — COn. Brownson, Amos, Esq' Chamberlain, John Brownson, Joel, Esq'.. Chamberlain, Joshua.. Taylor, John Shaw, Daniel Tavlor, Eldad Chittenden, Giles Harrington, Timothy.' Ferrend , J ared Donaly, Robert Wade, Joshua Barnett, Samuel Hallock, Stephen Hallock, Stephen, Jun' Halloek, Content Rogers, Thomas Walden, Abiathar Tomlinson, Ehphalet.. Barbar, Martin Andress, Benoni Flemming, Asa Squire, Benjamin Everts, J esse Stevens, James Stevens, James, Jun'.. Taylor, Abraham Bishop, Daniel, Jun'... Bishop. Daniel "VVeldon, Benjtuuin Porter John Auger, L*. Felix Whitcomb, Robert BAKNET TOWN. Abbot, Job Aikins, Samuel Blair, Robert Bonnett, Joseph Brock, Roliert Brock, Walter Brown, Isaac Brown, James Buchannan, John Calder, James Cross, James Cross, Moses Chamberlin, Raiment.. Evens, Joseph Fowler, J onathan Garland, George Gibbrith. John Gibson, George Gilchrist, James , Gilchi'iston, John Gillcllon, William Gilfellon, William Goddard, John Goodcwille, David Hadley. I'arrit Uadley, Samuel Hall, Jacob Hall, Levi Hazeltine, Thomas Hazeltine, Timothy... Hcrriman, J ohn Hervey, Alexander. . . Hcrvey, .\rchibald — Hinman, John Holladay, Noah Hustin, Samuel Johnson, Olxuliah Keycs, John King, Elijah Kinley, James Lachy, Andrew Lard, Robert Lofferty, James Long, Alexander Long, Andrew McCallum, John M«rierran, James MeClaiTen, J ohn M''Farling, Daniel MiFarling, John M'Nabb, John M'Nadoe, John Manchester, Ezeldel. . ■Se .ss e-s s-5?. h NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. ©■go 5 =3 tt . ~ oi C cc f '-'^ ^ 6 sd'C— , OS—, a, ^ a C ©o a erlain, Samuel.., Tuttle, Timothy , Murray, Curtis Ames, Ezra AUen, Elihu Russel. Oliver Close, Stephen Snider, Jacob Squiers. Stephen Jones, John Center, Jeremiah , Leonard, JoeL , J udson , Enoch , Ilawlev, Philo Taylor, Eldad, 3uw. . . Meigs, Simon Puckings, Andrew howrey, Gad Cook, John Smith, Abraham Crane, James Crane, Peter WOLCOTT TOWN". Whitney. Hezekiah Tavlor, Thomas nubbel.Z.nh Guyer, Luke Taj'lor Robert ■5 = 1- ' 3l be . z y3 C 1^ BRAlNTREE TOWN. Bass, Edward Bass, Samuel Bracket, Henry... Copeland, David.. Curtis, Nehemiah. . Dolbe, Exeter ^ >. as "S-S '"a CO 3-- to n cd FERDINAND TOWN. Not inhabited. GLOVER TOWX. Not inhabited. GRANBY TOWrr. Not inhabited. GEEENSBOROUGH TOWN Davison, Paul., Shepard, Aron. ,se ■§■2 . P4 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. GREENSBOEOUGH TOWN- continued. Shepard, Ashbel Shepard, Horace Stanly, Timothy GROTON TOWN. Abbot, James Bailey, Israel Darling, John Hermon, Aaron James, Jonathan Morse, Edraond Townshend, Timothy . Darling, Robert GaiLDIlALL TOWN. Benjamin, John Burnes, Edmond Cheney, Benjamin Cook. "Benjamin Craflford, Eleazer Crafford, John Crara, Jonathan Curtiss, Abner Curtiss, Clark Cutler. Benoni Cutler, Charles Farnham. Nathaniel., Hartshorn. Ebenezer. Hopkinson, David How, Samuel How, Simon Ives, Joel Judd. Ebeu W Linsy, John Nash, Samuel Roberts, Joseph Rosbrooks, Eleazer... Rosbrooks, James Rosbrooks, John Rosbrooks, William.. S*. John, James Wheeler, George HARDWICK TOWN. Norris & Sabins . Norris, Mark !§■! . 03 bo HARKIS GORE. Not inhabited. HOPKINS GRANT. Not inhabited. LEMINGTON TOW.N. Bailey, O rsamus Baley. Ward CooIj, Jared D'Forest, Mills Luther, James LEWIS TOWN. Not inlial)ited. LITTLETON TOWN. Adams, James Brown, James Felton, Josepii Hamlet, William Knoulton, Thomas... Morgan, Cornelias Pike, Nathan Potter, Barnabas Sylvester, Peter Wood, John Wood, Joseph LUNENBURGH TOWN Buclcman, Abner Bucicman, Joseph Bruce, Ezekicl Cross. Uriah Currier, Josepli Dodge, Phinehas a§ 1 1 4 4 2 3 2 2 hb 4 ' NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. r J i " ill 65 .ss [S-o HJNENBDBGH TOWN— continued. Eames, Aaron Emerson, Jacob Everitt, Penuel Gates, Samuel Grout, Amaza Gustin, Elisha Hope, Joseph Lamson, Reuben Parker, Josiah Phelps, Samuel Quimby, Moses Saunders, Jonathan. . . Smith, Christopher Spatlord, Elijah Watson, Alexander Williams, Abraham... Wheeler, Jason LYNDON TOWN. CahooD, Daniel Davis, Jonathan Hacket, Stilson Hall. Daniel Hervey, Daniel nines, Nathan M^Gaffy, Andrew RenetT, Daniel , Robert, Charles , Spooner, James , Sprague, Jonah , Tnurston, Thomas MAIDSTONE TOWN. Amy, John Amy, Michal Amy, WilUam By ram, Benjamin French, Hains Gaskill, David Gibb, Jobn Taylor.... Gilds, Abraham Hawkens, Reuben Hugh. John Lounsbiiry. Jarus Lucas, James Rich, John Sampson, Aaron ScholT, Daniel Schoff, Isaac Scholl, Jacob Stevens, Isaac WiUiams, Willian MARSHFIELD TOWN. Not inhabited. MINEHEAD TOWN. Not inhabited. MONTPELIER TOWN. Brooks, Theophilus.. Carpenter, Allen Cutler, Jonathan Davis Jacob Davis, Perley Dodge, Solomon Frizzle, Joel Hawkins, James Hurlbutt, Josiah Morey, James Peck." Nathaniel Putnam, Ebenezer... Snow, Jonathan Stevens, Prince Templeton, John Wheeler, Jerathmel... Woodworth, Ziba NAVY TOWN. Not inhabited. NEWARK TOWN. Not inhabited. NEWBITRY TOWN. Abbot, Bencroft. Abbot, Ezra 3 1 5 12 2 3 I- ?L 2 > 1 3 8 3 4 2 4 2 1 4 1 2 3 1 5 2 3 2 I. 4 2 3 32 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. OKANGE COtTNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. NEWBUBY TOWN— con. Abbot. James Aikens, lienjiimin Aikcns, James Bailey, Charles Bailcv.Ctiarles Bailey, Fry Bailey, Isaac Bailey, Jacob Bailey. Jacob Bailev, John G BaileV, John Bailev, Joshua Bailev. Webster Barnard. Job Barnet, Samuel Bigelow, Jabez Bliss, Tcletiah Boyes, William Bricket , Abraham Brock, Robert Brown, John Brock, Thomas Burroughs. Thomas Buttcrlleld, Jonathan .. Carlton. Dudley Carter, Andrew Carter, Andrew Carter, William Cawley, Timothy Chamberlin. Alngail Chamberlin, lilanchard. Chamberlin, Elanah Chamberlin, Err Chamberlin, Joseph Chamberlin, Moses Chamberlin, Nathaniel . Chamberlin, Remem- brance Chamberlin, Silas Chamberlin. Thomas... Chamberlin, Uriah Chapman. Jonah Chase, Stephen Clark, Timothy Clark, John Coll)y, Joseph Colbv. Nicholas Crown. John Dodge. James Doe, Reuben Doe, William Dorrah, Arthur Downer, Andrew Downer , M OSes W Emerv, John Fellows, Samuel Ford, Paul Forster, John Fowler. Jacob Gale, Samuel Gale, Thaddcus Gates, F.zra Gates, Jonathan Goodwin, Jonathan ... Goodwin. Nathaniel... nadley . Samuel Hale. Jo.>!hua Hazi'ltine, David Uazcl tine, John TIcnth. Ai-.uba IJealli. James Tlerriman, Joseph Hibbard, Jacob lliblmrd, Thomas Jlill. Samuel Ilovey, Simeon Johst'on, James Johnson , John Jolnison, John Johnson, Moses Johnson, Robert Johnson. Thomas Johnson, William Jones, Samuel Kenedv, William Kenedy, I'atrick Kriil , Jacob Kent . Joseph Kiinliall. /\sa KuiuiiiighHHi, David . KunninKham, James . J^ec, Samuel 03 "Os cj 3.- Les B-a © 3 « 4) — — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 4 1 .1 3 4 NAME OF DEAD OF FAMILY. newbuhy town— con. Linsey, Benjamin Linsey , Samuel Lovewell. Nehemiah... Lovewell, Robert Mann. Solomon McCutchin. Hugh M'-Duffec. Worcester... McKetch, Thomas Mellon, Thomas Mills, John Mills, Nathaniel Moor, George Munroe, Samuel Page, Jacob Peach, William Powers, Stephen Pratt, Josiah Putnam, Asa Putnam, Israel Putnam, Torrent Randols, Samuel Ricker, Benjamin. Ricker, Joshua Rogers, Daniel Saunders, John Sawyer, John Scagel, Jacob Scott, John Sleeper, Joseph Smith, Gideon Smith, James Spear. James Stevens, Levi Stevens, Simon Stevens, Otho Stevens, Samuel Straw, Moses Sylvester, Levi Sylvester, l/cvi Tenney, Asa Thompson , Samuel — Teuxbury, Phillip Tucker, Samuel , Vance, James Vance, John Vance, John Virginia, Jeremiah Wallace, William White. Ebenoxer , White, Samuel White, Timothy NOETUFIELl> TOWN. Ashcraft, W'illiam Jones, Aquila Nicholas, Nathaniel.. Richardson, Stanton. Robinson, Amos Robinson, Nathaniel. . Shipman, Eliphas ORANGE TOWN. Not inhabited. PEACHTJM TOWN. Abbot, Jeremiah Ambrose, Benjamin. . . Bailey, Abijuh Bailey, Benjamin Bailey, Cyrus Bailey, James Bailey, James Bailey, Luther Bailey, Moses Bailey. Moses Baker, Samuel Blanchard, Abel Blanchard, Abel Blanchard, Joel Blanchard, Reuben Brown, Joseph Buel, Abraham Carr. Robert Carter. Levi Chamberlin, William Currier. David Drue, Enoch Eaton, Solomon Elkins, J onathan BS .sa E-o j= a NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. o-g'o b;^S Sate . is 2 ^ S oi'2 = OJ 3-- OJCO c eg PEACaUM TOWN— COD. Elklns, Jonathan Elkins, Moses Foster, Ephraim Gibson, William Gilman, Ezekel Guy, Jacob Guy, James Hall, Timothy Hinman, Beth Johnson, Dole Kelley, William Knox, William Linsey, James Martin, Andrew Ashbel, Martin Martin, Samuel Massey, John Mathews. Hugh McLaughlin, Archibald Merril, Jesse Miner, Abner Miner, James Miner, Reuben Miner, Samuel Morse, Moody Perry & Bevins Pettmgal. Jonathan... Redington. Isaac Scott, William Skeels, John Sunmer, C. Edward . . . Thayer, Benoni Vamham. Abraham... Vemam, William Walker, Joseph Walker, Sijneon Welch, Benjamin Wesson, John RANDOLPH TOWN. Adams, Robert Adams, Silas AUyn. Wolcott Amesdown, Jonathan , Anesworth, Amasiah., Anesworth, Lemuel.. Bacon, John Bales. David Bates, Edward Bates, EUphalet Bates, Jonathan Bates, Mojses Bates. Oliver Bates, Samuel Bates. Solomon Belknap. David Bellaiap, Moses Belknap^ Simeon Bissel. Daniel Bissel, Daniel Bissel, Elias Bloget. Beniamin Bloget. Caleb Bloget, James Bloget. James Blogi't, John Blog' t. Jo.shua Bloget, Uonry Blodget, Salmon Blodget. Sylvanus Bonn, Stephen Boylus, Tmiothy Brainard, Ely Call, Joseph Carpenter. David Carpenter, Jacob Carpenter, John Carpenter, Jonathan . Carpenter, Joseph Carpenter, Nathan. . . Chase, Scth Cobb, Jacob Coggsdill, Jesse Convass. Israel Darby, John Davis, Experience Davis. Nathan Eddy, James Edgerton. Asa Edgerton, Ezra Edgerton, Oliver .SB II £g •= " x: c ^■5 en OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. I 4i l-s . S5-S i ft u a -< i > NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. i .3^ 'HJR .■S bo ■9.3 . i CQ RANDOLPH TOWN— con. Edgerton, William 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 4 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 i 2 2 3 2 i 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 2 i 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 ■^ 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 '"^ 1 2 3 5 2 2 '"'i' 1 '"'i' ""3 4 3 1 "'i' 1 2 i 1 1 "'i' 3 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 '"'3' 1 1 2 2 1 "'i' 1 ""i" ...... 2 3 1 1 4 3 3 2 3 ...... 2 4 2 3 1 2 4 1 ...... 3 .....^ 2 2 ""3" 2 3 2 2 3 1 5 2 4 3 2 6 3 2 4 3 C 5 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 4 1 2 4 1 4 5 3 2 2 2 2 5 3 4 3 5 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 5 4 2 3 1 3 1 ."> 3 2 3 7 3 3 9 3 3 5 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 RANDOLPH TOWN— con. Weston, Abner \ 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...... 1 3 1 1 1 " '\ 5 1 4 3 2 3 4 1 4 4 2 3 1 4 1 4 3 5 1 1 3 2 2 1 ST. JOHNSBURY TOWN— continued. 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 } 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 i 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 I 1 2 2 1 I 1 ...... 2 1 Woodward, Asahel Woodward, David Woodward, Eleazer Woodward, Jehiel Thrubur, James 3 1 1 2 T 2 ""X ...... 2 1 2 2 '" 'i' 1 4 6 1 ""■i 2 ■■3' 4 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 7 4 1 1 1 3 2 5 4 2 1 6 1 1 5 6 5 1 2 2 4 2 4 1 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 Ellis, Elijah English, John Treseott, William Wheeler, Gardiner SHEFFIELD TOWN. Not inhabited. STRAFFORD TOWN. York, Garshom KANDOM TOWN. Not inhabited. ROXBnRY TOWN. Dudley, Ezra Evins, William risk, Stephen Gillet, Abnor Goodale, Elisha Green, David Griswold, Joseph Handy, Joshua Mger, John , Huntington, Christo- Alger, Silas Hibbard, Zebulon Lewis, Isaac. Badcock, Richard Baker, Benjamin Hide, Azariah RYEGATE TOWN. Brock, Andrew Huntington, Christo- pher Barrows, David Bartlett, Moses Batchelor, Jethro Huntington, James Joiner, William Chamberlin, Nicholas... Crague, William Gardner, Hugh . Kibbee, Josiah Blake, Elijah Kibbee, Reuben Goodwin, Wiloby Gray, John Blake, Sanburn Blake, Timothy Lamb, Joseph Heath, Ebenezer Heath, Jesse Lamson, Amos Brisco, Wilham Lamson, Samuel Hervey, Wilham Hunderson, James Brown, Absolom 4 ""i' 4 2 2 3 1 1 " "3 2 ""■i ...... 2 2 1 2 2 ...... 3 1 3 1 6 4 3 3 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 5 2 Lee, Asa. Hunt, Joshua Brown, Nathaniel Brown, Wilham Bullock John 1 Lilley, Elisha Martin, Gideon Johnson, William Miller, Alexander Nelson, James . . Buffum, Stephen Cambo, John H Carpenter, Ehas Carrier, Isaac Miles, Hannah Miles, Timothy Nelson. WiUiam Oar, John Molton, Phinehas Chamberlin, Amasa Chamberlin, Asahel Chamberlin, Ehas Chamberlin, Isaac Chandler, Andrew Comstock, John Morris, James Page, Jonathan Page, Josiah NeCf. Thomas Newton, Isaac Pattee, John Nye, Nathan Reed, David Orcutt, Jacob Ritchie, John Johnson, Samuel Runnels, George Deming, Ebenezer Denison, Wilham Dilhnghara, Thomas ... Paine, Lemuel 3 2 ... ... 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 6 3 5 2 3 1 1 4 3 3 1 1 3 2 2 Parker, Daniel Simm, Camel Parrish, J aeob Flanders, Zebulon Foster, Thomas Swithier, Joseph Peckham, Nye Peckham, Pardon WalUs, John Frary , Jonathan George, Benjamin George, Isaac. Wbitlaw. James Peckham, Philip Wright, Benjamin ST. ANDREWS TOWN. Not inhabited. ST. JOnNSBURY TOWN. Adams, Jonathan Pember, Samuel Gilbert, Ezra Gilbert, Heber Pinnee, Oliver Richardson, Sam" Green, Elijah. Riddle, John Smallev, Daniel 4 3 9 2 ' "i" 1 ...... 4 1 ■■2" ...... 2 3 2 .....^ 2 1 "'i' '""i 4 4 1 4 2 1 4 2 2 4 1 3 1 2 5 1 4 3 2 4 4 2 2 1 3 3 2 Smalley, Jonathan Smith, Aaron HaU. Fhhu Arnold, Jonathan Hall, Wilham Smith, Parker Smith, William Ayer, Samuel Harris, John Barnabas, Barker 1 1 1 Harris, John, Jun"^ Sprague, William Sprought, Michel 1 Barker, John Haze, Eleazer 1 ChfTord, Jonathan Colby, Ezekol 1 Steel, James ■■"■4" ...... 4 2 2 2 3 Hide, Asa Steel, Samuel Colo, Simeon Steel, Zadock Doolittle. David Ed.son, Nathaniel Homes, Chandler Story, .\sa 4 Townshend, John 3 .5 2 ■) 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 Hervey, Ira Hunt. Solomon Tucker, Ashbel 9 2 1 1 3 I 1 1 HurU)urt. Elij.'ih Tucker, Woodword McGaffy, John Judd PhiUip Judd, WiUiam Vaughn, Jabez Parkard. Daniel Parkard, Richard Richards, Bradley Richards, Jonathan Ripley, Wilham Roberts, Joel ICimball, Caleb 1 3 2, 4 1 Ladd. Ashbel Walbridge, Oliver Ladd, Oliver Walbridge, Henry Lilly, Benjamin Washburn, Jonah 2 1 1 1 3 2 Robinson, Jonathan Sawyer, Eleazer Washburn, Josiah Marvin, Jonathan .... 34 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. ORANGX: COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF UKAD OF FAMILY. a4 ;t^ O 8 3 a> •a -a o ° 'S ca S n VCD q 33 STRAFFORD TOWN— COn. May, Uezekiah Merriman, Joseph Miller, James Mille.r, William Moody, Clement Moody. Elisha Morey, Moses Morey, Zeuos Morey, Zones Muncii, Benjamin Newell, Asa Newman, Ebenezer. .. Newman. William Norton. Klihu Norton, Elihii Norton, Elisha Norton, Joseph Norton, Nathan Norton, Zerah Osmorc. Eleazcr Packard, Zachariah.., Paine, Jesse Palmer, Araos Parish, Mary Parsevai, Asahel Pinnock. Aaron Pinnock, Alexander.. Pinnock, Ira Pinnock. Isaac Pinnock, James Pinnock, Joseph , Pinnock, Tlaman Pinnock. Oliver Pinnock, Peter , Post. Daniel Powell, Calvin PoweU, Elisha , Powell, Daniel , Preston, Alexander... Preston, Benjamin... Preston, Robert Preston, WiUiam Rich, David Rich, Jonathan Rich, Solomon Robinson, Abraham.. Robinson, Daniel Roberts, Eliphiilet... Root, Daniel Root, Levi Root, Oliver Root, Solomon Root. William Rowol, Jonatlian Sambum, Moses Seekins, Aaron Shepard, Elisha Shepard, Thomas Smith. Frederick Stevenson. James Trusdall, Aaron Tucker, Benjamin. . . Vaughn, William Wedge. John Wells, David West, Daniel West, Oilman White, Ebenezer Wliite. Joel Williams, Asa TIIF.TFORD TOWN. , Abbot, Walter Annes, Ezra | Annis, Jacob Annis, Jacob Annis, John , Baker, John | Bartlett, Samuel ...*... Bartholomew, Timothy I Baxter, Nichard Benuot, Jatnes Blanchard, Daniel Bliss, James Bliss, John Bliss, John Brown, John - Buckingham, Jededi- ahP Burges. Benjamin I Burgoine, Augustus 11. .i ^^ s~ ^^ «A g 3,S ^ 1 1 I 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 1 1 NAMF, OF HKAP OF FAMILY. £2.35 THETFORD TOWN — COn. Bumham, William... Bumham, Thomas. . . Burroughs, John Burton, Asa Bush, Elcazcr Cadweil, Aaron Cadwell, Moses Cadwell. Moses Chamberlin, Abner... Chamberlin, Amos Chamberlin, Benjamn Chamberlin, Charles.. Chamberlin. Joel Chamberlin, John ChamberUn. John Chamberlin, Joseph... Chappel, Joseph Clark, David Clark, Elijah Claris, Joseph Childs, J onathan Childs. William Crandall, Ki<:hman... Cross, Nero Cushman, Eleazer Cushman, William Davis, Isaac , Divine, Thomas , Downer, Cushman Downer, James Downer, Joseph Do>-ne, Francis , Earnest. Frederick... Eaton, Orange , Eaton, William , Faunce, J oseph , Fellows, Adolphus Fellows, Gustavus Fisk, William Fisk, Isaac , Fletcher, I^eonard Fowler, PhilHp , Francis, Jacob , Freeman, William Frizzel, John , Gahisha. Samuel Gillct, Adonijah Gillet, Simon Greon, Joseph Ilammon, i^Ujah Hanks, Asa , Hardy, Daniel Hinkley, Orimol Hinkloy. Gar-^hom. .. Hogin.^ Daniel Horsford, Aaron Horsford, Elihn Horsford, Joseph Horsford, Obcdiah... Howard, Ainjah Howard, Abner Howard. Elijah Howjird, Elijah , Howard, Jonathan.. Howard, Zebedee Hubbard, Josiah Hunt, Samuel Inglish, Da\id Keyes, J oseph Kinney, David Knox," George I^awronce. Levi l/ock, James LoomJs, Beriah Lord, Joseph Mann, Frederick Mann, Nathan Merrill, Isaac Moors, J ames Moors, Thomas Moors, William Nelson, Charles Newcomb, .Instus Newcomb, Simon.... Nichols, Jonathan... Osmorc, Aaron Osborn, John Pa-ge, Abraham Paine, John Paine, Thomas Parker, Levi Pettegrew, Stephen . . as II C >. « OS cr, Lemuel Thompson, Samuel... Wilson, James o"g o silt. TCNBRIDGE TOWN. Alexander, "U'illiam . . . . Allvn, Amos Anflrus, James Anesworth, Ephrain ... .\ustm, Seth Barret, Thomas Bioget, David Branch, Poter Burroughs, Aimer Burroughs, Zebulon Button, Louis Camp, Abel, Jun' as ■53 2 2 3 I. 2 3 1 2 4 4 2 HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 35 OKAXGE COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. o'g'o -Si) ) ° ; c3 M . ■3 to d m ,J5 I-."- a; a; '.o d oi TUN BRIDGE TOWN — COn, Camp, Gould Camp, William Cliapman, Becket Cheney, Eliphalet Cheney, John demons, William Cheney, Thomas Chambers, William — Colbum, Abiah Cresey, Daniel Cowelcry, James Curi-in, Hubbard Curtis, Elias Curtis, Simeon Curtis, Solomon Cushman, Solomon — Davis, Dudley Dcane, Asa Dean, Levi Dewey, Timothy Durkee, Solomon Eastman, Ebenezer ... Eaton, Samuel Eaton, Daniel Flanders, Josiali Folensbee, Moses j Forest, Robert Gilford, Ziba Gray, James Green, Jonathan I Grow, David Grow, Edward Grow, Peter ' Hale, John Hatch, Reuben Hayse, John Hazen, Frederick Hutchinson, Abijah Hutchinson, Elisha Hutchinson, Hezeldah. .! Hutchins, John Kilsey, James I Kingsbury, Lemuel Kingsbury, Nathaniel.. Kire, William Kno.x, David Lasdal, John Lilley, John Lyon, James Mastin, Thomas Moody, John Nichols, Humphrey. . . . Noyos, .\aron Ordway, Michael Ordway, Moses Ordway, Sewell Otis, Edward Pratt, Daniel Pratt, Le\T Pudrav, James Riddle, John Roberts, Jonathan Ross, Lemuel Smith, Obediah Stanley, Mathew Stedman, jVle.vander Thompson, Nathan. . . . Tracy, Elijah Tracy, Cyrus White, Hemy White, Simeon White, William Whitney, Peter Wright, William VERSniRE TOWN. Avery, Charles Ayers, Joseph Ayers, Nathaniel Baldwin, .Asa Baldwin, Jal>ez Baldwin, Stephen Barrett, Benjamin Barrett, Luke Barrett, Thaddeus Bartholomew, Moses.. Bartholomew, Oliver.. Blake, Nicholas Bliss, Simeon Cad well, Jonathan Carr, John E " NAME OP HEAD OF FAMILY. ap o •o-o 1 a bo . ^ m « « „ > COUNTY. KAHE OF DEAD OF FAMILY. BENSON TOWN. Austin, Pervius Abbot, Jonas Bisbie, Robert Barber, Simeon Barber, Joseph Barber, Margeret Barber. Levi Barber. Robert Barber, John Bassett , Rufiis Barker, Oliver Belden. Levi Bamt's, Esther Belden. Charles Beldon, Elisha Belden. Phinehas Belden, Phinehas, J^.. Belden. Abraham Barnes, John Barber, Daniel Benson. John Briggs. Simeon Bugby, Peletiah Branch. Mason Branch, Luther Branch. Isaac Barks, Seth Chittenden, Solomon. Carter. Jabez Carter, John Clark, Joseph Cooly . Hezekiah Chceseman, Amos Calkins, Samuel Crowfoot. Stephen. . . Crowfoot. Stephen, J' Dunning, John Dunning, Stephen Dunning. Enoch Durfce, Peleg DaWs, Samuel Durfee. Walker Danforth, Jonathan.. Flagg, BarzUlai Flngg, Elijah Ford. William Fisher, John Farnam, Asa Foredom, Gideon Gibbs, Darius Gibbs, Friend Goodrich, Allen Goodrich, Josiah Goodrich, Simeon Gleason, Jacob Goodrich, Caleb Goodrich. Thorn* Gleason, Benoni Hocomb, Amos Higgins, Sami Tlotskiss. James Hotchldss, David ITennise, William Harrison, Lemuel How, Asa llinman, Abijah Holbert, Abijah Haywood. Sam' Haywood, James Hoiton, Benjamn Haywood, Benj'» Hiiiman, Daniel Jones. William Jones. Jonathan Johnson, Ozias Luddington, W™ Lewis. Ebenezer Leet. .\llen Maynard, Shnb" Merrit, Barthol"' Martin. David Manly, Calvin Meecham, Will» Marsh, Reuben Munro. John Meeeham, Jona° Miller. Charles Miller, CharlesJ"- Noble, James Noble. John Noble, Ithamar Olmstead, Stephen. . . , a I oj bo I m Q a : a^:= .2 6 u o^ NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. ©■go S'l SB is e4 BENSON TOWN— con. Olmstead, Step", Ju' . Olmstead, Jesse Parkin, James I^arsons, Reuben Payne, Sparrow Parker, Prince Peters, Comfort Roots, Stephen Roots, Oliver Risden, John Roots, Amos Shaw, Joseph Shaw, John Shaw, Benjamin Smith, Asahel Smith, Asahel, J' Smith, Chaunccy Strong, Russell Standish, Lemuel Stoddard. Jonathan.. Smith, Ella Stacy, Joseph Southwick, David Stacy, Benjamin Spicer, Elijah Shelden, Elijah Stiles, Israel Stiles, Silas Tyler, Jonathan Warden, James Winters, William Wilkinson. Lewis Wilco.x, Elijah Wallace, Henian Woodward, Jonath°. . Walch, Nathaniel Uflord, Shoers BRANDON TOWN. Ambler, James Avery, Daniel Avery, Simeon Buttols, John Barnes, Vinten Burnet. Samuel Beebe, Alexander Barnard , Joel Bigelow, Simeon Buckland. Timothy. . Buckland. David Bacon, Nathaniel Bacon, Nath', Ju' Bacon, Philip Blake, Obadiah Barker, Joseph Barnes, Moses Clark, John Cutler, Amos Cheney, Edward Crooks, John Cross, Daniel Collins, Thaddeus Childs, Parly Cook, Samuel Darling, Samuel Dodge, Jonathan Darby, Roger Darby, Asa Dodge, William Duyee, Stephen Daniels, Nathan Pixon, William D.arby, Shadrach Finnv, David Flint", Nathan, J' Flint, Ephraim Fisk, Nathaniel Fisk, Eben Flint, Nathan Fields, Joshua Farrington, Jacob Gilbert, Moses, J' Gilbert, Moses Gilbert, .\braham Goodenough, .\sn Goodenough, Sarah .. Goodenough, Elijah.. Grandy, Reuben Goss, Joshua Holbert, Benj« Uill, John f-9 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. eg O oJ tiD . H n O n PS c: * BRANDON TOWN — COn. Holt, Silas Hall, Stephen Hawly. J oseph Ilawley, David Howlet, Wilham Horton, Gideon Horton, Hiram, 3' Horton, Gideon, J >■ Jones, Philip Jacobs, David Jones, John June, David King, Simeon King, Simeon, J' Kelsy. Samuel Keep, Samuel Lyon, Jabez Larkin, Joseph Larkin, Lorain Lull. John Mott, John McCoUom, John Mott, Gideon Mott, Samuel Merritt, Noah Mcrriam, David Olds, George Cobb, Justus Polly, Amasiah Patch, Ephraim Steward. Abraham ScoviU, S. Sami Scovill, Eunice Simonds, Jacob Squire, Ehenezer Strong, Noah Strong, Ephraim Stiles, John Strong. Reuben Strong, Isaac Sutton, Willard Sutton, John Starkweather, Elisha.. Starkweather, Roger.. Simonds, Jacob Soper, Prince Soper, Solomon Stues, Daniel Sheldon, Natfai Tuttle, Othniel Tuttle, Solomon Tuttle, Thomas Tuttle, John Tracy, Solomon Welch, Nathaniel Whaland. John Worster, Ebenezer White, Jabez Whaland, James Whaland, Peter Wcbl), Isaac Wood, Charles Wood, Christopher Winslow, Calvin Winslo w, J edediah CASTLETON TOWN. Ackly, Benjamin Arvin, David Belknap, Jesse Brownson, Abijah Braneh, Joseph Bond, Moses Brown, Jeremiah Brush, Josiah Brockway, Timothy... Bord, D. Cornelius Brownson, Benj» Branch, Darius Branch, Rufus Rliss, Daniel Bordin, Ezekiel Rlanchard. Asahel Brau. Eleazer Uradley. Thomas Bordin, Elisha Calkins, Simeon Cushman, Wilham Cogswell. Peter Clark, Robert Carter, Lorenzo 3 is l-se ^■5 CO gj — — • 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 1- 1 HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT 37 RUTLAND COTJNTX— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. ■23 11 - bo — a £"■" n P. u aj ,C < i > en NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILT. Free white males of 16 years and upward, includuig heads of families. 4i ^ bo ■§■9 ■ 3.2 i e a S < 1 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. Is 11 f -9 • i 1 < 00 1 CO CASTLETON TOWN— COn. 1 1 3 4 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 i 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 ...... i 3 3 ""z 2 ...... 1 1 5 ...... "'"i 2 5 1 5 .... ...... 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 4 1 3 4 3 3 3 c 6 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 7 G 6 3 1 1 1 4 1 2 4 4 5 2 5 2 1 5 5 1 2 1 2 2 1 G 1 5 2 3 4 4 3 2 4 5 3 1 4 3 3 5 2 3 3 5 4 CASTLETON TOWN— COn. Roberts, William Rogers, Joseph 1 2 1 9 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 } 1 1 1 9 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 5 1 3 1 3 "'i' 1 ...... ...... ""2 ""z 1 1 ""2 ""I 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 ""'3' 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 1 3 4 2 3 e 3 1 1 1 ...... 2 3 1 1 1 9 2 "'i' 2 1 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 4 1 i ? 2 4 3 1 1 3 3 4 1 G 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 1 5 1 5 1 4 3 3 2 5 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 5 5 1 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 5 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 5 3 3 3 3 CLAHENDON TOWN— COn. 1 "'i' ""2 1 ...... ....„ ....„ "'"i 1 1 2 1 4 3 1 1 2 '""3 ""2 1 " "3 1 1 ""2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 ""2 2 2 ■■2" ""3" 1 1 ■3' 2 1 1 7 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 4 3 9 ""2 5 1 1 1 3 "i 1 ...... 4 2 4 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 2 4 s 1 3 3 3 2 4 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 5 2 3 4 4 5 2 2 3 5 4 1 1 2 9 3 G 1 2 4 4 1 4 2 4 2 5 4 3 6 1 3 3 Clark David Crary, Nathaniel | 1 Robinson, Isaiah Eedfleld, Reuben Remington, Zadock Robinson, Ebenezer Southwic. Isaac Clark, Gen' Isaac Cogswell. EU, Esq Carver, Benjamin 1 3 \ Carpenter, \ViUiam Clark, Jedediah, Jun^ Stanton, Robert Stacy, Cornelius Simmons, James Scovel, Daniel Cobb, John \ 1 Cobb, John. Junr ! 1 Condon, John 1 Crocker, Andrew > 1 Dudly, Ephraim 1 1 Donnihue, Jeffery Sturdevant, Perry Condon, Jobe Capwell, Stephen Clark, Ezekiol Dunning, Andrew Dyer, William Stevens Luke Carley. Ebenezer Chatman, William Cooper, Abel, Esq"" Col via, Daniel Sanford, David Tucker, Isaac .- Turner, Reuben Drake, EU Woleott, Wiliiam Woodward, Joseph Whipple, James Whitlock, John Colvin, Jeremiah Chapman, Obadiah 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 9 3 1 1 2 i 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 o 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Evitts, Timothy Chatsy, Richard Chaffee, Comfort Dantforth, John Whitlock, Zalmon Woodward, Arunah CHITTENDEN TOWN. Ayerill, Wyman Beech, Gersham Fisher Peter Dean, David Gates, Cyrus Davis, John. Juii» Gill William Barnard, Andrew Bancroft, John Eddv James Gamsv, Wid" Sarah. . . EddV, Jonathan Eddv, Peter Hartwell, Ebenezer Baldwin, Josiah Bogue, Samuel Hall, Ebenezer Eddy, Peleg Bogue, Jeffery Eastman, Deliverance. . Eastman, Ely HoUibert, Israel Bogue, Oliver Holllbert, Curtiss- . . Edmunds, James Edmunds. William Edmunds, James, Ju" . . Foster. Whitefield Hall, Elias Hail, Silas Hamraon, Nathan Dyke, Jonathan Egleston, Freeman Hodgis, Lewis G reen, Zebediah Harrison. Samuel Koelor, Thomas Ladd, Nathi, Esq' Nelson, Nathan Foster, Benjamin Franklin. Nathan French, Ziba Hawlev, Ezekicl Fairfield, John Hyde, A rana Fasset, Joshua Hawkins, Gaylor Hawkins, Joseph Hawkins, Moses Graves, William Gould, Henry Parsons, Josiah Graves, Barnv Hoit, Noah Taylor, Solomon Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Joseph, Jun' . . Thomas, Eber Gould, Jacob Uyly, Brewster, Jf Gould, Jacob . Jum Jones, Asahel Green, Philip Kellog, Preserver Woodward, Amos CLAKENDON TOWN. Gould, Benjamin Gould, Benjamin. Jun"-. Goodridge, WidoMarv.. Kiiburn, Roswell .\rnold, Stephen Gilcrease, Wiliiam Hancock, Oliver Hunt, W. Henry Huit, Gideon ! .\ngel, Nedebijah Adjutant, John Lusk, Samuel Long, Alexander Long. Z;ichariah 1 Baker, Doc Elisha Baker, Jonathan Bigelow, Nathan Huit, Gideon. Junr Horry, Ichabod Hammond, Asa Harrington. William ... Howland, Caleb Hutchins, Thomas Hey wood. Christopher.. Hey wood. Isaac Harrington, Theopho- M^Kinstor, Amos 1 "'i' 2 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 2 ""'5' 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 3 4 3 2 9 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 Moulton, Freeman Brown, Purchase Bordman, Elisha Miison, John Moulton, Wid. Hipsy... Merrills, Enos Button, Frederick Button, Joseph Harrington, Caleb Hadges, Doct' Silas Hill. John Mason, Wid. Anna.. Beds, Re NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. ^ S*cJ ':^ CO □ « — (-•■— u •^ O 3-- DANBY TOWN-H^on. Comstock, Jeremiah. . . Coinstock, David Colvin, Luther Colvin, Stephen Cook, Daniel Cook. Daniel. 2n»i Calkins, Richard Cook, Seth Calkins, Stephen Conger, Gershom Conger, John Crandle, Caleb Chase, Henry Conger, Enoch Conger, Jo'oe Conger, PriciUa Davis, Josiah Dyke, Peter Day, Joseph Day, James Douglas, Peleg Eddy, Jacob Edmunds, William Edmunds, Obadiah . . . Eddy, Amos Fay, John Fish, Reuben Fish, Benoni Fowler, Benjamin Fish, Elisha (Foster, William Green, Caleb G rippen, Lemuel Grilhth, James Griffith, David Griffith, George Griffith, Bethiah Griffith, Philip Holmes, Perkms Harrington, Israel Harrington, Peter Harrington, John Harrington, Gardner.. Horriok, Henry Harrington, Oliver Harrington. Thomas.. Horrick, Henry Harrington, Thomas, J' Horton, Abel Ilowlet, Daniel Harrington, Elisha Harrington, Thomas.. Harrington, Lott Harrington, Samson .. Harrington, Mercy Hopkins, Abel Hilyard, John Ililyard, Minor Holmes, Samuel Hatheway, James Harris, Jason Hill, Aaron Huntley, Durill Holmes, Ozial Hill. Bela Hill, William Irish, Jonathan Irish, Jesse Irish, Gideon Irish, David, Ju^ Irish, Jonathan Irish, Joseph Irish, David Irish, Abet Irish, Jesse John.son. John Johnson. Adam King, Jobe Kolsv, Benjamin Kelly, Daniel Kcnipfield, Dennis. . . . KetchLun, Jonathan... Lolxlen, Darius Lobdcn, Jared Lt>\vis, Jacob Lobden, Darius Lattin, Richard Lake, William Lewis, Peter Lapham, Nathan Lowings, William 1? i to m p O.C ■= tc b U,, s ^ < 2 4 •) ,•» j •> S 5 1 1 •> 1 1 1 1 fi s 1 fi 1 1 1 ^ 1 ■) 1 1 ■> 1 1 •i a f; •i HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 39 RUTLAND COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. DANBY TOWN— con. Langdon, Richard,.. Morpy, Ebenezer Matterson, David... Morricc, Lottie Morey, Caleb Mory, Warton Nichols, Ebenezor... Nichols, David Nichols, James Nichols, Antony Nichols, Charles Nichols, Thomas Olcut, Thomas Perkins, Holmes Philips, Caleb Philips, Chad Parks, Benjamin Philips, Israel Parish, Daniel Parmer, James Parmer, Gilbert Parmer, Elias Parmer, Ichiel Rogers, Wing Randall, Snow Rogers, Stephen Rogers, Deliverance. Ross, Joseph Ross, Joseph, Jun'.. Randall, Matthew... R ussell, William Ross, Eleazer Remington, Joshua. . Sherman, Levi Sherman, Elihii Salisbm'y, Nathan . . . Sprague. Joseph Sail, John Signor, John Signor, Henny Smith, Ezekiel Sutton, Benjamin. . . Sutton, Benj'i, Jun^. Seelj', John Sairy, Stephen Seely, Jonathan Sole, James Stafford, John Sherman, Philip Stafford, Rowland. . . Shippy, Jacob Sherman, Daniel Smith, Ebenezer Smith, Caleb ' Smith, Nathan Seelcy, Israel Smith, Zebulun Stephen, Theodore. . . Thayer, Oliver Taft, Levi Tanner, Benj" Tabor, Walter Terrv, Jonathan Tafti Phinehas Wilier, Nathan Woodin, Peter White, Andrew White, Peter Wing, Matthew Wing. Matthew, Jw. White, Edward Williams, S'phen Wilier, Isaac Wilier, Henry WUler. William Winnow. Jacob Veal, Moses Veal, Constant Veal, Edward FAIR HAVEN TOWN. Arvin, David Austin, Shubai!. . Bravnard. Timy.. Bidden, Rich!>rd. Ballnrd, Joseph. . Ballard. M.John. Bueli. William Boyle. Charles Barlow, Nathan.. 3 3 5 :: oi s r. » so a) 3 fl^ NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. FAIR HAVEN TCWN—COn. Cleveland, Josiah Cleveland, Oliver Chilson. Elihu Clark, Ashbel Chamberlain, Josi» Cuttin, Isaac Carter, Elijah Cushman, Dani Cranmer, Henry Cranmer, Henry, J' Cole. Samuel Cranmer, John Cook, H. Eben-- Cone, Asabel Church, Oliver Debile, Thomas Doghasty, Cornelius... Darrar. Jeremiah Dixon, Thomas Everetts, Eli Freleigh, John Goodrich, Timothy Gibbs, Sheiden Holmes, Moses Holt, Stephen Hill. Frederick Handy, James Calkins. Charles Ilambleton, Ezra Hambleton, Joel Hows, John Hyde, Lemuel Horton, Jesse Hurlburt, William Hinman, Josiah Jones, Horace Jones. Ezekiel Kilsy, Curtiss Leonard, Gamaliel Lee, John Lyon, Matthew Lay, Amos MoCarter, James Mitchell, Ichabod , Merrit, Michael McCartcr, Alex'' Malcolm, Israel Munger, David Mo Luiry, James McCarthy, Charles McCarthy, Dan^ Meecham, John Newton. Jonathan Newland, Jabez Orms, Jonathan O rton, Elisaba Priest. Noah Petty. Benjamin Priest, Philip Phippany, Benj" Richard, William Rogers. Stephen Rice, Charles Querry, Simeon Skinner. Thomas Spooner, John Safford, Silas Snow, Joseph Sharpe, James Stephens, Nathan , Stannard. Sam' Smith, Simeon Smith, Dan , Smith, Russell Strong, Worham , Sanford. David , Smith, Joseph Trvon, Elijah , Taft, Gideon Trowbridge, Le\i Trowbridge, Israel Taylor, Elijah Wellor, Benjamin Weller, Cooley Wetherell. James Wilkes. Thomas Whipple. Ethan..! Utler, Al>rahjim Kocler, HezeUiah Brownson, CorueUus Quevy, David 5B <0 Cj o jj a* NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. HARWICH TOWN. Allen, Elihu Baker, Gideon Baker, Reuben Brock, John Carr, Joseph Carpenter, Beloved... Comwel, Benjamin... Gerry, Elijah Oilman, Daniel Garret, William Oilman, Sara' ■. . . Hill, Stephen Harris, Asel Jenkins, John Mann, John Stafford, John Stafford, Stuckely Sherman, Dan' Stafford. Parmer StalTord. Thomas Sherman, .\braham... Stafford, Rowland, Jr. Tallman, David Taher, Gideon Wood, Jonathan Wilber, Jacob W hite, Jacob Wheeler, John HUBBARDTOX TOWN, Ackley, Champion Ashley, Abner Dewey, Elijah Davis, David Dewey, Israel Debro, Samuel Dodge. Nehemiah Doiid, Peleg Doud, Peleg, J' Forest, William Flag, Thophelus Foster, Chandler Gregory, Ithamar Gilbert, Thaddeus Gilbert, Thomas Giliet. Benjamin Churchill, Jenna Culver, Nathan Churchill, Josiah Churchill. Joseph Churchill, Sam' Churchill, Ezek' Churchill, Jesse Churchill, John Churchill. Silas Churchill. William.... Churchill. Sam'., Jr.. . Handy. Joshua Hubbard, .\mos Hubbard, Sam' Hollebert, John HamUn, Eleaser Hoit, Nathan How, Isaac Hicock, Mathew Hicook, Benjamin Hicock, Uriah Hicock. David Jennings. Joseph Keeler, U ri Lewis. Ebenezer Lawrence, Joab Lawrence, Bigelow... Meed, James Nicherson, John Osgood, Josiah Pierce, Nathan Parson, Samuel Payne, Daniel Spalding, Wm., Jui-... Stanton. Jonathan Spalding, William Sellick, John Sellick, Benjamin Squire, Jesse Saint John, John Sabins. I.saac Saint John, Nehem*-.. Rumspy, Lsanc Rumsey, Hezekiah ... II s P. 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1. 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 '2 1 2 'i' 3 'i' 2 'i' 1 1 5 40 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. EUTLAia> COTTNTY-Continued. NiiSE OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males ot 16 years and upward, including beads of families. Free white males un- der 10 years. Free wliite females, in- cluding beads of fam- iUes. a 1 1 =3 < i 1 09 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 18 years and upward, including heads of families. i, 3 H So f is b P, « s u Q> < OQ NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including beads of families. § H si! i En 11 i 1 < > CO HUBBAKDTOK TOWN— continued. Riunsey. John, S 2 3 1 ""3 1 1 1 MrODLF.TOWN TOWN— continued. Bateman. Eleaser Baldwin, Frederic Burn ham, John Burnhani. Jacob Buckingham. Wm Blunt, -\shur 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ■■■"4" 2 2 2 ...... 3 "i' ""2 ""1 1 4 ••-■j" 3 1 1 1 ...... 1 '0' 4 1 3 ""3 2 3 3 ' "i' 1 1 2 "'i' ""2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 ' "i' 2 ' ' i' 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 ...... 4 ...... 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 '■'3' 5 ? 1 1 3 1 2 4 5 4 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 3 4 2 2 3 5 6 2 5 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 2 1 3 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 1 2 4 4 3 3 1 4 4 1 3 2 3 4 5 4 1 4 3 2 2 4 2 4 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 S 4 1 2 3 2 1 4 1 4 1 2 MIDDLETOWN TOWN— continued. Spalden, Joseph 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 } 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 4 "i' 3 3 1 1 6 1 2 ' "i" '"'i' 1 3 ""2 2 3 1 2 3 ....„ 2 2 3 ""2 1 1 1 B 3 2 6 8 4 4 3 3 1 2 I 2 4 2 2 4 1 3 1 1 2 3 6 4 1 3 5 1 6 2 1 2 2 2 Rumscy. John, SJ Ray. GUliort Rumscv, Noiih Shipperson, Anselon Stoddard, Samuel Sunderland, John Sunderland , Sam' Smith. Timothy Torrington, Levi Rumsev, Niilhaii I i 4 2 3 3 ""2 1 5 ...... 4 3 3 6 3 4 1 3 3 9 3 2 Rumsev. William Rumscy. Joseph Rumsey, Dan^ Bull, Gideon BiLshnell, .\sa Trowbridgi*. William... Willard, Ebenezer Bigelow. Edmund Butler. Benjamin Whitlocke, David Western, James Whitlocke. Sarah Wood. Lnmuel Campbell, Robert Clark, Thophilus Wood, Nathaniel Wood, Nath"., Ju' Wood, Philemon Wood, Levi... Wright, Asahael Woohvic, Duresher Willard. Ephraini Clark, Elisha Whelplv, James 4 2 Colegrove, Nathan White, Caleb WalkcT. Elisha Weljstcr, .\bdili 2 2 White, Abraham White, Nicholas Warren. Simeon I 2 2 I 1 1 CroweIl,John Willard. Joseph Lewis, Ebenezer Clark, Rufus IKA TOWN. 4 1 2 3 1 ....„ 2 1 1 1 2 i 5 2 "'i' 3 1 3 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 •■••j" 1 1 3 ...... 2 2 ...... 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 4 3 1 2 5 3 7 1 4 3 3 1 5 3 2 6 I i 4 1 1 5 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 6 2 4 4 3 6 2 2 1 1 5 1 5 2 6 1 2 2 2 3 2 Clark, Rosweli Woodward, Rufus Walton, Nathan Waldo, Gamaliel Wood, Ephraim MIDWAY TOWN. Fanner, Benjamin Farmer, Benj'^., Ju' Bettys, Andrew Cleveland , Stephen Allen. Benjamin Adams. Daniel Corbin, Edward Corbin, Eastman Andrescn, Matthew Andresen. John Baley. Hi.'njamin Baley. Beiijainin, Jun^.. Colegrove, Nath'., J'.... Bates. Reiiphus Baley. Edward " Baler, John i Brown. Deacn Emerson, Jonathan Baler. Isaac Downey. William Davidson, Thomas Davidson, Tho»., 2»'i.... Burlingham, John ORWELL TOWN. Carr, llezekiah Car, Benjamin Farr, Salmon Carpenter, Cephas Frisbie, William Allen, William, Ju-- 1 Collins, Nathan Collins, Thomas Frisbie, Jonathan Ford, Daniel Collins, Benoni Austin, Apollos 1 Colvin, Jeremiah Ford, Nathan 3 1 ...... 2 1 1 ...... ""3 4 Collins, John Frisbie, Joel 3 2 2 I Cleft, Uezekiah French, Thomas Gardner. .\sa Griswold, David Griswoid, Jon^* Col\1n, Reuphus 1 Da\is, Benjamin Bacon, Nathaniel Blvn Bella Egl>ert, John 1 ' Gil man, Jonathan Green, David 1 J Hunter, Daniel Brewer, Samuel Brewer, Archibald Blyn, Jonathan Brown. Samuel 1 2 1 4 2 Hicks, ,\sa Hubbard, Selah Hubbard Abel Joiner, Asel Masen, Nathaniel McLoiith, Lawrence Hamlin. Siin".. 2d Ilandv. rrisiUa Ilaskins. Kieh 3= &-S >-0 r, 42 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. IIUTLAND COUXTT— ContiBued. NAME OF UEAD OP FAMILY. Free white males of lOyi'rttsond upward, including heads of families. c a ^ CO 41 if. D9 P e ft 1 CO NAME OF BEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward , inchiding heads of families. i eg ■§2 s 1? s « .- bo .a c c 3 a Ih 1 5 NAUE OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. s Eg. S3 to B (-• j= < i 1 FAWLET TOWN— con. 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 3' 1 1 I 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 ? I 2 i 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 T 3 2 ""i 1 2 1 '"'i' 1 ...... ""■;' 1 3 4 2 " "3' 2 5 4 3 ...... 4 i ""4 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 ""2 3 2 4 ...... .■> 1 2 2 ""2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 s 2 G 3 1 5 3 i 2 3 4 2 4 8 2 ? 1 5 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 5 1 a s 1 3 1 4 2 3 5 2 s 5 1 1 4 1 6 3 riTTSFlELD TOUTS'— con. llotchkiss, Thomas Gaine, John 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 3 2 I 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 • i 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 PITTSFOKD TOWN— con. Lee. Jedediah 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 I 2 I 2 T 1 2 3 '""i' 2 2 G 3 4 2 3 6 Rockwell Seth Lal' Mossman, Joshua Olcutt, William Olmstead, Gideon Olver, Abraham Olmstead, Moses Powers, Jeremiah Adams, Richard 1 1 i Robertson, Abel Robertson, Ephraiin . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 3 4 1 1 ...... 3 3 3 3 1 3 ' 'i' 1 1 "■"■4" 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 ...... 1 2 2 ""2 2 2 2 1 2 ...... 2 "'i' 3 I 1 1 2 2 4 2 3 2 5 1 1 4 5 3 2 3 3 2 1 fi 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 4 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 1 2 2 4 3 2 3 4 4 1 2 I 2 I 3 2 4 3 Barns, John. Bachelor, John Burnet, Benjamin Bradford, Eiisha Steel E'did Patterson, John Philips, Antony Patterson, James Powers, Peter Bates, James Stoddard, John Stark John Barnard , Roger Brooks, Ichabod Patterson, Alexander . . Pamerly, Simeon Spicer, J n< rob ....1 ... Brewster, Justin Cooley, Gideon, Ju"" 1 3 3 3 2 ""2 4 ""'3' 2 3 2 1 2 2 ...... ■■■■j- 2 4 1 ""2 1 3 ...... 3 5 3 1 3 1 3 4 S 5 3 5 4 2 2 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 4 6 1 4 3 4 2 5 1 1 Right. Wait 1 Story, Asa Rich, Eiisha Rowley, Jonathan Rowley, Hopkins Rowley, Joseph Cropton, Ozias Smith, Nathaniel Smith. Eliphalct Childs, David Ripley, Phinehas Russell, Ebenezer Stanton, Abraham Stephens, Roger Chandler, Joseph Crippin, Darius Cooley, Benjamin Starkweather, Stephen. Skinner \shbell Cole, Levi. Stevens, Benjamin Stevens, Simeon Sweet, Amos Coply, Samuel Todd DoctJ" Elias Coleman, Antony Cox, William Stephens, Benjamin, J'. Stephens, James Smith, Ephraim Stephens, Jonathan Strickland, Roger Shelden, Samuel Drury, Ebcnezer Drury, Abraham Drurv. Calvin Tracy, HczekiaU Taylor, Stephen Dunton, Thomas Doolittie. Moses Tnbhs Clement Fin, John Stephens, Asa rairheld, Nathan' Fairfield, Samuel Sweet, Robert Upham, Joseph Sweet, Jonathan Shelden, Gideon Spencer, William Start, David Fenny, David Wood, Jonathan Gibbs, Ebenezer Griswold, Miles Tupper, Simeon Thompson, Robert Titus, John Gitchell, David Worster, Uenry HaU, Elias. Warner, Jonathan Hitchcock, J ohn, J •■ Hopkins, Ash bell Hopkins, Nehemiah Hopkins, Martin Harwood, Eleazer Hill, C. George Webster, Amos 1 Wood, Jeremiah 1 Williams, Thomas 2 Woodruff, Eiisha 1 2 West, Asa 1 Whipple, Abner 1 1 Waters, Samuel 2 Warner, Eleazer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 .•! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ., ^ Willard, Joseph 2 3 2 3 4 2 2 Watkin-? Bodwell Willard Tohn Hopkins, John Hopkins, Noah Hopkins, Stephen Hopkins. James Handy, Richard Harris, Peter Wiswell, Benjamin Wetherly, Nathan Weed, Jacob 1 1 2 1 4 3 2 4 2 Weed, .Vraos Hammond, Thomas Handy Caleb Wait, Ruth Wright, Samuel Wihi-ims Vbel • Warner, Suel 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 ""'i' 2 ""2 3 Handv, Caleb, Jur Hall David Woodward, John Wicker, Frederick Wicker, Luther PHlLADELPmA TOWX. Hitchcock, John ...... ""2 2 5 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 5 POULTNEl- TCWN. Ashley, Stephen Ashlev, John AshlcV, William Herrick, Elijah riiiirehel Caleb 1 2 Harwood, Simeon 2 2 1 2 ...... 1 2 1 1 3 4 1 2 6 1 2 1 2 4 2 3 Jenning, Joseph Jenner, Stephen Jackson, Jonathan Jackson, Samuel Ashley, Thomas Ashley, Zebulun 1 1 3 1 1 ...... 5 ""2 3 6 1 2 1 2 4 3 3 1 3 4 3 ""1 2 3 3 7 2 Adams, Jeremiah Adams, Benjamin Kneedom, Jeremiah Armstrong, Jeremt 1 1 ...... 2 2 1 2 Lawrence, Amos Lathrop, A. John Lampson, Roger Buckland, Samuel Buhas, Timothy Brookings, James ■ Hoii, Stcpiiea ::::;:;: HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. RUTLAND COUNTY— Continued. 43 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. q 3 Is .•§S s s OS'" ■So S CD !•§ s = s PI S •i-i 1 5 CO NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of ] 6 years and upward, including heads of families. S 2 37! •91 ■So ii C 3 0) g-33 B 1 »* CO NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. c 3 11 *■§ 9 s oT-.- Il lis 1 1 1 POULTNEY TOWN— con. Brookings, Cyrus 2 1 2 2 2 1 ■ '3' 3 1 3 1 1 POULTNEY TOWN— con. Manning, Dan 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 " "3 3 2 4 3 2 2 ■ ""4' ...... 2 1 ...... 2 I 5 A ...... 4 4 2 1 2 2 4 4 3 3 1 6 4 1 3 2 2 5 2 4 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 3 7 3 2 1 4 S 3 4 4 2 RUTLAND TOWN— con. Beebe, Solomon 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 I 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1- 2 1 2 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 ""2 ...... "'i' 2 ""2 1 ...... ""2 3 4 4 Brookings, Ithamer Mallory, Calvin Buell, Elias Brookings, Boaz Brookings, Philip Bran, Jeflery Mallory, James Buell, Solomon 1 2 4 6 1 2 1 2 Morgan, Jonatlian Beech, Gershora Barnes, \Mlliam Brundage, Joseph 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 \ 3 1 1 1 1 ■■"4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 ""'i' 3 ...... 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 ""2 2 1 ""i' 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 ■'3' 1 3 2 ■"5' ...... s ""'i' 3 ""i' 2 2 3 ...... 3 4 3 2 1 3 Birje, David Bateman, Eleazer . Moss, J oseptl Moss, Solomon.... Bowkpr, Nathaniel Boardman, Timothy ... Buckland, William . . Meers, John Cole. Nathaniel 2 Norton, Solomon Newton, WiUiam I 4 Craw, Seth 5 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 2 4 1 5 5 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 9 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 I 2 2 5 3 5 3 1 3 2 1 S 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 3 4 4 1 3 2 Blanchard, Benjamin. . . Bates, Christopher Bates, Jonathan Crittenden, Seymour . . . Cady, Ephraim, Ju"- Campfield, Kben' Cady, Ephraim Otis, L. Barnabas Pember, Eli 1 4 1 3 Peraber, Andrew Pipkin. Stephen Briggs, WUUam Butts Francis Blanchard, Ebenezer... Butler, James Cooper, William Chub, John Phelps, John Pond \bel Butler ...... . 3 3 3 4 2 1 3 1 ...... 3 4 ■2" ...... '"2 1 ...... ...... 2 2 i 2 5 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 5 1 2 3 ■'3' 3 1 ...... 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 2 2 3 1 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 5 1 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 5 3 2 2 I 4 6 1 3 4 5 Clark, Samuel Beebe, Ezekiel, Jun^ Beebe, Allen Dixon, David. Demoranville, Stephen . Dixon, Archibald Parker, Abel Pierce, Phinehas Parker, William Baldwin, Miles . . Dewey, Zebediah Beeman, Nathaniel Chipman, Nath', Esq. . . Claghon, Colo. James... Dewey, Zebediah, Ju^ . . Dewev, John Pond, Samuel Darby, Phinehas French, Jonatlian Pond, Samuel, J"" Parmer, Joseph. Cook, John Campbell, Daniel Calvin. Sanford Fellows, Nathan. .... Rusco, Simeon. Frisbie, James Richards, Dani Cushman, Ethel Cheney. Ephraim Carpeiiter. Jabez Clark, Joseph Frisbie, Ebenezer Goodwin, Thomas Richards, Zcbulun Goodwin, Elijah .. Richard, Barnibas Rand, Joseph. . . . Campbell, Samuel Campbell, S.anii., Jun' .. Campbell, David Clark. Nathan . . Green, Robert Grant, John Rose, Russell Cornish. Gabriel Cornish. Benj» Gorham, Jared Rice, Le^i Gorham, Seth, 1st Carpenter. Abra^ Robertson, Eleab Squire, Thomas 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 ...... ■■3" 4 1 ...... 1 ■■■■3' 2 4 3 1 4 2 2 4 3 2 1 ...... 3 4 1 3 1 2 4 2 2 5 3 2 6 2 2 2 4 1 2 8 3 5 2 1 3 3 1 2 4 3 3 4 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 Huff, Wido Ruth Cunningham . J ohn 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 I 1 2 1 i 3 1 2 3 Hooker, Samuel Smith, Ebenezer Cheney, "nmothy Chatterton, Isaac Chatterton, Wait Cobin, Zebediah Cobin, Nathaniel Capron, Benjamin Cushman, Frederic Coleburn, John Hickock, Simeon Smith, Sarah Stephens, Zebulun Stockings, Jonathan Safford, Jonas 1 3> 1 1 1 1 3 2 I 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 Hyde, James Herrick, Rufus Herrick, Ephraim Hyde, Thatcher Smith, Nathaniel Strong, Darius Hollibert, David Dewev, Jeremiah Dewey, Barzillat Dewev, Jeremiah, J' Danic'ls, Nathi Hibbard, Ithamar Strong, OUver Hooker, James. Scribner, Peter How, John Smiley, Aaron 1 Howker, Thomas. . . Seelev, Stephen Db I^and. Rufus Howiand, Joseph Holbrook, Pcletiah Stephens, Reuben Stephens, Cyrus Smith, Joel Fuller, .\sa How, Peter '1 Huegins, William Hyde, Henry Fenton. Matthew Thatcher, Amasa Thompson, Daniel Thomas, Revd. James .. Talmage, William Talmage, ITenry Fin, Da-rid How, Silas Fitch, John Gray. Samuel Gove. Nathanael Graham. A. John 1 Tavlor, Richard Tilden, John Joslin, Lindsey Graves. Gates. Nehamiah Grinold. Noah ""1 Trumbull, John Wood, Thomas Kellog, Samuel Kellog, Samuel, Junr W^oodman, Samuel W^bitney, Solomon Ward, William . . . Graham, Robert Lewis, Josiah. . Goodridge. .\mos Gill. Obadiah 2 ""2 4 1 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 5 4 1 1 1 1 3 5 2 Webb, John Harmon. Oliver TJevwood. Elienezer Harman, Reuben 2 2 ""2 4 1 3 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 7 2 4 5 5 4 4 Lee, Samuel . . W^alson Titus Woodman, Sam' Yeoman, Nathan RUTLAND TOWN. Lampson, Edmund Lee, Abijah Loggin. Hezekiah : . . Lend, Ephraim Marsh, Josiah Andrews, Ebenezer IJalc Thomas 1 Marshall, Joseph Marshall, Ichabod Hvilett John 7 Ames, Matthias ::::':::: Tlobbs. Jacob 44 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. RUTLAND COTJNTX— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILT. BUTLAND TOWN— con. Ilendrick, Asa Hibbard, El>enezer Ilibbiird, Augustin Hale, William Hftlc, Asa Humphrey, Willis How, John How, Amasa Hanes. Lemuel Johnson, Libbcus Johnson, John Johnson, Silas Johnson, Benjamin Kitcham, John Keeler, Jesse Keeler, Lett Keeler, Joseph Humphrey, Amherst. . . Keeler, Ely Kingsly, Phinehaa Ladd, Henry Ladd, Harman Lister, Simon Lilly, Turner Lilly, Richard Lee. Thomas Lee, Ashbell Long, I.e^'i I^ong, Jesse Lewis, Abner M-^Connell, Sam" Molthron, J udc Moon, Thomas Meeds, J amcs Meeds, Abner Moses, Asa Moses, Ezeldel Moses, Shubael Moses, Zebulun Moses, Zebulun, Ju"" Moses, J onah Miller, Aaron Moses, Elnathan Murdock. Sami Meed, Zebulun Meed, Henry Meed, Silas Meed, Zebulun, Ju^ Meed, Stephen Moses. John Morey, Philemon Moses, John, Jur Northerway, George . - . Norton, Benjamin Nichols, Asaph Osgood, Nathan, Esq... Olvord, Oliver Patterson, Andrew Porter, Asa Prentice, John Perry, Daniel Post", Roswell Post, Elias Post, William Post, Noah Parsons, Bartholomew. Purdy, Solomon Pratt, Ebonezer Pratt, Silas Pratt, Joshua Porter, Ezekiel Preston, Levi Perry, Joshua , Phelps, Amos Pratt, Nathan Post, Simeon Partridge, Jonathan — Roberts, Joel Reynolds, Joshua Reed, Issachar Ramsdale, John Roots, Guernsev , Roots, W^, Elisabeth.., Roberts, William Ratz, Wido, Jerusha — Reed, Aaron , Reynolds, Jonathan Reed , Daniel , Staples, Asa , Serjeants, Moses , Strong, Henry , ^S3 .5 3 NAME OF HEAP OF FAMILY. RUTLAND TOWTS— con. Steward, James Shaw, Luther Squire, Daniel Shaw, John Shaw, William Stratton, Jabez Stratton, John Smith, Solomon Smith, Samuel Smith, John Smith, Elijah Smith, John, Ju' Smith, Joel Stowers, Nathan Southerland, Peter Southerland, James Southerland, John Strong, David Seward, Stephen Smith, John, 3rd Stowers, Joseph Stratton, Ichabod Tuttle, David Tuttle. Ichabod Tuttle, Primus Tuttle, Nathaniel Thrall, Aaron Thrall, Samuel Thrall, Eliphas Taft, Alphus Williams, Honi Sam... Wheelock, Eleaser Williams, Doct^Sam... Warner, Elisha Whitney, Micah Whatney, Nathaniel... Wyllis, Abraham Wyllys, Adam Wetherly, George Walker, Jedediah Williams, Stephen Whitman, Jeremiah White, Henry Whitman, Zolva Ward. Jabez Whipple, Jonathan Watkins, Jared Whipple. Nehemiah Whipple, Benjamin Whipple. David Whipple, Benja., Jun''.. Watkins. Aaron Watkins, Moses Wright. Simeon Weller, Amos White, John Wheler, Obadiah SHREWSBtTRY TOYTN. Aldridge, Zeba , Aldridge, Solomon..., Ashley, Martin , Allen, Joseph Barrit, Asa Billings, Joseph Barny, A. Jeffery Barny, Joseph Buckmaster, Joseph. Bishop, Bethuel Bishop, Samuel Bishop, Robert Bishop, Jeremiah Bishop, George Carr, Emanuel Cass, Isaac Comstock, Eunice... Deasanee, Martin Dennis, Samuel Dennis, Solomon Davis, John Finny, Charles Finny, Nathan Foster, Abi jah Farmer, Simon Holden, David Cook, Uriah Fords, Charles Jones, Jonathan Jones. Archilaus Jennison, Abijah ffi t^o £ g2 H^ ^^ HB B-q '^•O 05 3! 3 £ 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 a 2 3 4 3 3 2 1 4 4 6 a 2 2 2 a 5 4 ■ 2 1 2 2 1 1 S 5 1 3 .1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 4 2 4 1 1 4 4 4 2 1 1 4 S 3 6 1 3 NAUE OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 5 S " — « C CO S 3 = 3^ c os SHREWSBI7RY TOWN- continued. Knight, Amos Johnson, Elisha Kilburn. John Lincoln, Daniel Laland, Thomas Marsh. William Niles, David Orsbum, Isaac Orion, Jonathan Perry, David Peters, Israel Parker, James Parsons, Ebenezer... Plummer, Asa Pope, William Rood, Daniel Russil, WilUam Robertson, Ichabad. Rogers, John Rawson, Simeon Richardson. Richard Wilson. Jacob Whiteman, James. . . Wood, Joseph Webber, Benedict... Wyman, Seth Wyman, Israel Wilson, Jacob, Ju'. . . White, John White, Lemuel Sparowhawk, Noah. Sinmions, John Smith. Ahial Sanderson, Moses Sanderson, Moses, J"" Smith. William Shirtliff, Ueman Swetland. David Smith. Nehemiah Stre^ter, Josiah Smith, Elisha Zemichiple, P. John. SUDBURY TOWN. Allen, Reuben Allen, Elisha Allen, Ebenezer Bratton, David Blanchard. Amasa. . Barr, Roger Bullen, Samuel Barker, Elisha Conker. Jonas Farrand, Benoni Foster, Zadock Gates, Andrus Gage, John Hall, Abner Hall, John Huff, Isaac Jackson, Aaron Jackson, Nathan Ketchum, Tho« Ketchum, Piatt Kingsley, David Little, Joseph Little, Joseph, 2nd. . . Miller, Timothy Murray, Stephen Parmer, WiiUam Pond, Paul Parmer, Samuel Parmer, Aaron Parks, .\aron Rice, Eli Rainger, Samuel Reynolds, Peter Smith, Benjamin Smith, Dani Stone, Jeremiah Sanderson, Benj» Sanders, Ashbel Towner, Shalah Townes. Comfort Smith, Phinehas Wood, Joseph Wood, .\bel Warner, Joseph Williams. Asa Ricky, John Bush, William .ss HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 45 RXJTLANB COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 0*0 o &4 TINMODTH TOWN. Ami ilor, Moses Allen, Sam'., Jum Andnis. Joseph Alien, Samuel Adjutant, Dan' Andrus, Ephraim Adams, Amos Alkins, Isaiah Andrus, Moses Bingham, Salmon Brewster, Charles BiU. Oliver Burk, Henry Bartholomew, Isaac Bingham, Silas Blackamoor, Stephen... Bell, Jonathan BaUord, JeUy Bass, Jonathan Brown. Isaac Babcock, ChampUn Benom, Samuel Britain, Benjo Biodget. Artemas Barker, Samuel Briton, Thaddeus Baldwin, Joel Brewster, Eliphas Bingham, Oliver Bingham, Asaph Brewer, Jonathan Calkins. Levi Calkins, Thomas Calkins, Joseph Crampton, Neri Crampton, Augustus... Chandler, John Chandler, Jesse Curtiss. Zechariah Clark, Elisha Campbell, Ebenezer Carpenter, Beriah Cronkhite, James Condon, Benjamin Chipman, Darius Chipman, Samuel Castle, David Chittenden, Bethuel Dvke, Jonathan Dbolittle, Luther Dootey, Osmond Fox, Amos Fox, Elijah Fargo, Jabez Farr, Elias Fox, Oliver Fargo, Aaron Fariman, James Fargo, Jason Gillet, William Gillet, Abraham Gillet, Sylvester Gillet, Jonathan Gerrard, John Hooker, Roland Hamilton, Elisha Hooker, Martin Hamilton, Natho Hamilton, John. Hamilton, Aaron Hill, Luke Hill. Erastus Kurd, Daniel Hill, Zenas Hill, Uri Hill. Ira Hill, Zenas, Jur Hude. Stephen. Hopkins, John Hazelton, Thaddeus Hazleton, RoyaL Harkness, John. Hutchinson, Tho" Johnson. Jacob Ives, David J ohnson, Jesse Jones. Samuel Johnson, Lawrence Johnson, Elihu Johnson, John as ga tD 03 a> D . . White. Philip White, Nehemiah Wheeler, John Willford, Joseph White, Zephaniah Wills, L. Thomas Van , William WALLINGFORD TOWN. Aeyre, Oziel Adams, Alden Button, Stanley. Bumpus, James., Benson, Joseph.. Benson, Roland., 3 (D a? la u fn Mi NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. g to a '^ WALLINGFORD TOWN- continued. Bradley, Benjamin. . . Bumpus, Edward Bull, Crispin Brawton, John Burr, Samuel Barber, Hoxy Crary, Eliaa Crary, William Craudall, Luke Clark. Gardner Clark, Edmund Clark, Chauney Clark, Jonah Clark, Stephen Clark, Goodyear Clark, John Clark, Salmon Davis, James Davis. Andrew Dumoon, Ichabod Dickerson, Simeon . . . Douglass. Will™ Dolly, Fedigreen Fox, William Finny, Isaac Freeman, Daniel Fish, Isaac Forbs, Charles Green, Henry Hinman, John Hill, John Hill, Caleb Hammond, Jed^ Hull Zephaniah Hale, Abner Harrington, Jacob . . . Hale, Jonathan Hammond, Jedi^ Ives, Amos Ives, Ebenezer Ives, Jonah Ives, Nathaniel Ives, Lent Jackson, Joseph Jenny, Aaron Jackson, Jethro Jackson, Asahel , Jackson, Jedediah Jackson, Abraham. . . Jones, William Jackson, Stephen Kinny , Benoni Kinny, Seth , Kingsley, Sylvanus.., Kent, Charles Lamb, Ebenezer Loomis, Solomon Mighell, Ezekiel Miles, Eleaser , Miller, Solomon Mix, Thomas Miller. Thomas , Miller, Thomas, J'.. ., Negro, Jim , Preston. Colebum Randall , J oseph Richmond, Gerge Richmond, Eliakim. . Robbins, John Russell, Samuel, J"". . . Russell, John Randall, John Randall, Joseph Sherman, George Swift, Phililus Sweet, William , Swift, Samuel Swift, Charles Swift, Samuel, 2"'*.... Tift, Samuel Wily, John , Whitehorn. John Wilcox, Jacob , Wilcox, Thomas Wilcox, Bcnjn Yaw, Joseph Van, George Whipple, Jeremiah.. . Jenny, George Arnold, John .2 2 B-o 30752—07- 46 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. KUTLAND COUXTT— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. WELLS TOWN. Andrus, Richard Baker. Seth Brigga, Jonathan Butleii, Joseph Beardsiy, Emanuel Beardsly, Beverly Birch, Jonathan Bellamy, Lydia Broyhten, John Blossom, David Blossom, Abigail Blossom, Peter Beardsley, Andrew Blackmah, Elijah Bellamy, Samuel Clemons, Michael Clemens, Joel Cross, Daniel Condor, William Cone, Abner Cone, Enoch Cole, Zebulun Cook, Childs Carpenter, Woodbery , Cole, Amos Culver, J oshua Culver, Samuel Clark, Andrew Clark, Stephen Calkins, Aaron Calkins, Caleb Clark, Koswell Culver, Daniel Darby, Azariah Dolittle, Rueben Doud, Seth Doud, Jesse Doud , Samuel Dewry, Elias 5J =3 CiO . H 2 ^ S an is e ■as NAUE OF HEAD OF FAMILY. S te « SP u BCD a^ WELLS TOWN— con. Francis, Simon Francis, John , Francis, Thankful . . . Francis, N athan Freeman, Gideon Francis, Daniel Francis, Sarah Goodsill, Dani Glass, Rufus Glass, Samuel Giddings, Benjamin. , Gutridge, Daniel Geers, Alba Gifford, Gershom Hambleton, John How, Joshua How, Samuel Holt, Epiphas Hill, James Hill, Caleb How, David Hunt, William Henshaw, W™., Jur.. Henshaw, Wilham. . . Johnson, Comfort... Johnson, Israel Jones, Nathan Ives, Aaron Lamb, Joseph Lewis, Nathaniel Lathrop, Zaccheus . . . Lane, Allen Lewis, William Lewis, Uriah Lewis, David Lathrop, Samuel Lathrop, Thomas... Lewis, Jacob Lownesbrough, Dan' is a| 2** bo /.^ 3 CJ 3 4 4 5 2 2 1 3 4 2 4 4 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 6 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 I. 3 I. 1 1- ^i^ 2 1. •^ I Ir 3 '. 2 I. leg o NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 5|^ «B WELLS TOWN — COD. Lovel, Joseph Law, John Merritt, HalliweU McGrith, Tliomas .... Merrills, Nathaniel... Moss, Timothy Merriman, Sain' Merriman, .\bel M'^Intosh, Dan' Mallory, Gill Paul, James Parker, Elijah Parsons, Jesse Pember, John Pray, John Preston, Moses Pond. Benjamin Summer, Persie Snow, Jonathan Summer, Dan' Summer, Shubal Smith, Eleazer Stephens, Peter Stephens, Asa Stephens, Abner Stephens, James Shumway, John Silly, Joseph Wood worth, Roswel . Ward, David Way, John Warren, Nathan Wilton, Ebenezer Wynian, Elizabeth... Wilcox, Sam' WjTiian, Dan' Williams. John bo . r.. el 11 1 I ^VINDHAM COUNTY. ATHENS TOWN. Alexander, Thaddous. , Atwood, Sam' Beale, Wm Blanden, Lem' Blanden, John Bunden, John Bulicn. Joseph , Baylcy, Sam' Chaffe, Alvord , Cobleigh, Dan' Chafee, Ezra Chafee, David Carpenter, Tim" , Chipman, Cyrus Chapman, Israel Cranord, John CrafT.Td , J ohn, Jun^. . . Chase, Henry Chapman, Ezek' Davis, Simeon Darry, Abraham Denny, Peter Denny, Lucius Devenport. W"" Evans, Simon EUmore. Elijah E veil Ml. David Field. Ri-ul)cn Fuller, Dan' Foster, Jon* Fisher, Gideon Fasset, Jesse Fletcher, Benj" Fnnieh, David Freeman, John Farringtou, Stephen... Gray, Jonas Green, Absulum Holden. Eph" Hooker, S. Israel Hartwell, John Knapp, Widow Keyes, Jonas Lovejoy, Benj« Martin, Sylvanus ATHENS TOWN— con, Nichols, Widow Nichols, James Merrit, Joseph Oak, Calvin Oak, Nath' Oak, Tho8 Oak, Seth Oak, John Porter, Joshua Porter, George Perham, Joel Perham, Jon" Perhjtm, Leonard Richmond, Amariah... Robinson, John Roger, John. Robinson, Elijah Shatter, J ames Slcinner, W™ Skinner, Eliphalet Skinner, Zachariah Stanhope, Peter Tinckham, Jor^ Thayer, Zeph^ TarlVl, Zach>' Underwood, Joseph , .. Walkpr, Tim" Walker, Tim«. Junr.. .. Whipple, Jabez Whitney. Ezra Whitney, Ezra, Jun' . . Wright, Tho» Wehnan, Tim^ Welman. Isaac Weiman, Timo., Jun'.. Whitcomb, Silas, Jun'. Welman, Ehem Weiman, Darius Wheat, Joseph BRATTLEBORO TOWN. Arms, Josiah Allen, Elnathan Avery, W" •> 1 4 " "i' 3 2 1 3 1 ...... 1 1 3 "2' 1 4 3 1 3 4 4 2 2 1 3 2 2 ""2 1 1 3 . 3 4 2 ■■3" 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 i 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 4 2 4 2 8 3 1 ' ■■":::: :::::;::i ;.::.:.. ft 4 ? 1 BEATTLEBORO TOWN continued. Alexander, .Tohn Akeiey, The Adam's, Nathan Averv, W™., Jun' BJakeley. Nathi Blakeley, .James ButterflcM, Jesse Bennet, .John Bennet, Stephen Blakeley, Dan' Bumpus, Isaac Buraham, Nath' Bigelow, David Baki^r, Benj" Briggs, Solomon . . . . Burt .Toseph Burnhani, John Bcmis, John BiitterGeld, Benj*. . . Briggs, Gideon Barret, Isaac Briggs Sam" Benne t, Noah Blake W. John Briggs, Levi Basset, Joseph Briggs, Elisha Bakor, Fredrick Bond, Tho» Blair, John Burnham, Lem' Blasdale, W" Bayley, Dudley Badger, Gideon Brush. Solomon Carpenter. John Cole, Nathi Chase, Benj« Coveli, Peter Church, Jon» Cook, Oliver Chamberlain, Joseph, Clark, Joseph Chandler, Henry Church, Malachi HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 47 "WINDHAJI COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward , including heads of famihes. Is .as 11 Hi § K < > a NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males ol 16 years and upward, including heads of families. 11 ■2s 3 I. |i.§ a 1 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 10 years and upward, including heads of families. II Is •si as a 1 1 < i to BRATTLEBORO TOWN— continued. Church, Tim« 2 2 3 1 4 3 1 3 3 BBATTLEBOEO TOWN— continued. Herrick, Jon» 3 2 3 2 3 5 5 3 2 BRATTLEBORO TOWN— continued . Thurber, Warden 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 ...... 3 ...... 5 2 3 2 1 3 ""2 2 1 1 7 3 5 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 4 2 6 7 3 2 3 3 3 .... Chandler. Nathi Hager, Widow Townsend, Micah . ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 i 1 Houghton, James Hopkins, Jeroniiah Houghton, Phinehas. . . Houghton, Nehi> Harris, Welman Haven, Nath' .... Church, Eber, Jun^ 1 ""2 2 2 2 1 '"'i' 1 1 1 3 4 .3 3 4 2 2 1 4 6 3 5 I 2 2 T 1 1 2 Tute, Ziba .... 4 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 3 3 S S 3 5 3 4 4 4 3 1 3 4 1 1 2 1 CroswcU, Peter Wilder, Charles. .... Wilder, Abicl Carter, Benj^ Kelsey, John 1 Cune, W«> Knight Sam' Woods, PhiUp / Wells, Oliver Cune, Isaac TTnnp, Khpur King, W» Wilder, Peter King, Adonijah Whipple, W"" Cranny, W" Wells, Sam' CastlR, Peter Knight, Seth Castle, Joseph King, Ezra Warner, Adreal Crosv.-cU, Ehas Lamia, Peter Cole, Henry Lawton, James ' r "",V 1 4 1 Dogget, Asa Mixer, Sam' 1 I 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 5 2 1 Whinnlp Danl Dicknrman, Lem' 1 3 1 2 i 4 3 1 3 3 5 1 '"'i' 1 1 4 2 2 5 1 1 5 .i 1 5 4 1 3 4 1 5 2 1 3 1 8 4 2 3 5 4 8 1 3 2 2 ........ Mixer, Danl Wells Robert Dickerman, John Munro, Rosbotham Wright, Sawyer 4 6 1 2 3 3 ""2 4 3 3 Wilder, Ehas . Dudley, Benajah Martin, Mathew Mav. David Williams, Widow Whitney, Lera' Dickerman, John, Jun"- . Dickinson, Sami May, Sam' DUMMERSTON TOWN. Aldrich, Eleazar Easterbrook, Warren. Mills, Widow 1 2 1 4 1 ...... 2 4 4 3 3 5 7 Elhs, Benj« 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 T 1 1 i 3 1 Ellis, John Nash, Moses Ellis, Simpson Nash, Aaron 2 1 2 1 1 2 ...... 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 4 1 1 3 3 2 3 •3 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 5 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 2 Nash, Eph" Evans, W-^ Newton, Sam' Easterbrook, Benj* AUen, Josiah, Jun' Evans, Widow Nichols, Sarai Earl, Sam" Owin, Sam' Bumham, Gideon Bigelow, Isaac 1 2 3 2 2 4 '4' ""4 2 "2 3 1 1 ...... 2 ""I' 1 1 ...... ""3 3 3 4 4 ...... I 1 2 '""i" 3 4 1 4 4 2 4 4 2 7 3 5 2 2 5 3 1 3 2 3 3 5 I 3 1 3 6 4 5 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 S 3 2 3 2 1 Ferrand, Andrew Plummcr, John Fisher, Eben"- Fox, Ebem Ballard, Sylvanus Frost, Jesse Paddleford, Philip Prince, Nathan Brooks, Aaron, Jim'- Frost, Jesse, Jun^ Fuller, Joseph Prince, Elisha Frazer, Pan' Prouty, Francis French, Nathi French, John Pettis, John Butler Abel French, Asa Prince, Nathan, Jun'... Pratt, Benj" Fisk. Isaiah Bartlett John Frost, Asa Redfield, Levi Field, Bennet 2 3 4 4 4 I 2 I I Gale. Isaac Hoot, Sam' Greenleaf, Stephen Rice, Eph" Goodenow, Jon" Rice, Widow Gould, John Reaves, Abner 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Grout, Abel Smith, Jon* Guernsey, Sam' Salsbury, Barnard Salsbury, Oliver Simonds, Abel Beale, Stephen Greenleaf, Stephen, Jun' Briees. Seth " '3' 1 1 5 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 Gorton, Benji Greenleu f , Dani Scovel, Abner Greenleaf, Sami Goddard, Moses 3 2 5 2 1 1 4 2 ; 2 ?> 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 2 Stoddard, Jon», Jun'... Stoddard, Jacob Salsbury, Hale Butterfleld, Ezra j 1 Baits, Cornelius ' 1 Gardiner. .Vbncr Gould, Nathan 2 2 , Gould, Benja 1 2 2 3 3 ...... 3 1 5 1 t 1 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 ....„ Steward, Dan'., Jun'. . . Shams, Reuben Steward, John Goodenow, Levi f Goodale, Joseph 1 Belknap, Calvin Bennet, Stephen How, Artemas 1 Stock'.veU, Jesse Smith, Levi Harris. Valentine ' Haws, Ebenr Salsbur\-, Widow 4 3 3 3 ."i Harris, Calvin Steward, Renja Stebbins, Zcl: cdiah 3 1 1 1 I 4 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 I 1 2 1 Hadlpv, Jesse Hail, W-n Hall, Josiah Sawyer, Joshua Salsbury, He?.'' Sargeaiit, Tho" Harris, Oliver ........ Bemis, Ehas l How, J oseph Houghton, Hiram Sargcant, John Bryant, Micah 3 Houghton, Philemon... Sargeant, Eli Spalding, Jacob Shelden, Elijah Smith, Noah 3 3 4 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 4 Harris, Joshua Houghton, John 1 Cook, Nathan Hadlev, Jacob .1. . Harris, Soovil, Abner, Jun' Smith, Josiah Cook Solo Houghton, Peter Clark Tho" HjiiTis, V. m Sawtwell, Sylvanus Shelden, Solomon Salsbury, Jon ...... 3 3 I 2 3 Croflord, W» Hadlev, Ehem ....|.... Chllds, Jon« Havs, Rutherford Hoiton, W-n 3 1 Snow, Dan' Carrol, Josepli 48 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. WIXDHAM COTTNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of It) years and upward, ineluding heads of families. a 3 H ■22 ■y Q 1 1 i > NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white mules of lu years and upward, including heads of families. i H ■22 y 11 ■- tc ■§•9 • 1 i NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 10 years and upward, including heads of families. a s H fits II. a a & G < i > DTJMMERSTON TOWN— continued. 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 3 2 DTTMMERSTON TOWN— continued. 3 4 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 "2 1 4 ""2 3 ' "i' 2 ■■3 ) ...... 1 5 4 2 1 2 DUMMERSTON TOWN— continued. Spaldin, Widow Sargeart, Dan' . 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Childs, Isaac Kathan, John. '■ Kathan, Charles Ivilsburv, John 3 1 1 ...... 1 ....„ 2 1 ...... 1 ...... ""3 3 5 1 1 5 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 2 5 3 2 3 s 2 4 3 3 4 B 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 G 2 4 1 Cook, Enoch, Jun*" Town, 1). David 1 2 ....„ 2 3 4 2 3 1 ""2 3 ■ 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 7 2 6 6 1 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 6 2 3 4 1 3 6 1 1 3 2 2 Kathan, John, Jun"-. Kelly, Wm., De venport, A sa Devonport, Dan' Davis, Dan' 4 2 3 1 2 2 2 I 2 4 5 2 2 2 Town, Elijah, Jun' Taf t, SUas ' Kelloe-tr. Josifl.h Taylor, Isaac Dutton, Stephen Kingsbury, Eleazar. ... Knight, Levi Taylor, Eben' . Thompson, Sam' Thompson, Beaman...i Thompson, W" Taft, Asahel Dutton David Kendrick, Heth Livermoro, Jonas, Junr. Lawton, Tho* Taylor, Dani Devenport, i>eni' Dcvcuport.Charlcs.Junf Duncan, Seth Tarbcl. Eleazar La\vton, Sam'., Jun'' Lawton, Jacob Twltchel , J oshua Whitney, Benj"^ Devenport, Amos Duncan, Widow Lawton, Jacob, Jun'' ... Larrabee, John Wilder, Sami Eastcrbrook, Benj» 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 3 ""2 ""2 2 4 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...... 2 i 3 2 1 6 3 3 2 i 3 i s 5 4 2 5 t 3 Wood, Archibald Willard, .Vndrew Wilder, Elias French, Micah Livei-niore. Jonas Luster, W" Willard, Henry Miller, Vespalian, 2nd . . Miller, Hozea 1 4 1 2 i 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 I i 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Wymau, John, Jun' Wyman, John French, Nath' Miller, Win. .. ■Wait, Eben' riarotto, Wakefield, Sami Wood, Jotham Fisher, Ichabod 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 McWain. John Middleditch. W^a tliller. Marshal Whiting, .Vdam Whipple, John Gibbs, Edmond Glazier, Bcnj" Wood. Jon* Graham, Lem' Miller, Joseph Woodbury, Stephen GtnLFOKD TOWN. Annsbee, Caleb Metcalf, John Goddii rd, Levi Manlev, James 2 1 3 1 1 ...... 2 ...... 1 1 ""2 ...... '■■3' 1 2 ""2 2 5 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 2 1 5 3 s 3 3 I 3 4 2 2 5 4 1 1 ""2 4 4 3 1 3 5 1 M^Mancs, Patrick Gates, S. John 3 2 1 5 5 3 2 8 Graham, Andrew .. Ashcratt, Dan' Griflitli, ElUs Gibb, Sam' Goss, Dan'- Mann Nath' Averv, Nathan 2 S 6 6 1 2 Gould, Eben"- 1 ...... 2 1 1 3 1 1 ""2 1 3 4 ""i' 2 1 1 4 8 3 4 5 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 Graham, John Allen, Sara' Iliggins, Peletiah Nc^us, W™ Aldrich, Jon* Aylesworth, Robert Aylesworth, Job Andrews, Neh*" Negus, Sam'., Jim^ Nurse, Solomon Newton, Charles Nurse, W™ Hall, Eph'>» 5 2 1 ...... 3 1 1 3 3 4 3 1 2 1 1 3 "h' 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 6 2 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 2 3 2 4 1 B 4 1 3 3 6 5 3 2 1 4 3 4 G 1 2 S 3 C 2 1 4 1 2 a 3 4 2 4 3 4 3 2 2 How, Benj'^ Ayers, Solomon Haskell, Andrew Newton, Thaddeus Bresson, Lemuel Alvord, Seth Belden, ,\ugustus Beimet, Aaron Hildreth, Jesse Pierce. W™... Ballard, ISenj. Helton, A rad Biicklin, Bcnj* Hilhard, Joseph Boyden, Dan'., Jun' Blauchard, EUsha Brown, Ebon' Holmes, Nath" Haven, J oseph. 1 1 1 2 3 " 'i' 4 2 2 ...... 3 2 4 1 5 1 3 2 3 3 1 2 Hadlcv, Bcnjn Barney, Edward Beniis, Edmond Bullock, Elkanah Bowlter, Gideon Bowker, 1 saac, Jun' Bowkor, Isaac How, Sam ■ ■'2' 5 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 1 2. Hibbard, Dan' Richardson, Eph^" Rhoads, Eleazar Hazen, Silas Hazen, Edw*! 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 5 f) I 8 1 4 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 Rice, E7ek' Barnpj', John Hill, Isaac How, Widow Barney, John, Jun"" Bond, Jonas Hill, John 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 .'i 2 I 3 1 1 I 2 1 3 ...... 1 3 1 4 1 "'i' 3 2 1 ■•••2" Randal, Roliprt Ramsdel Kobt Higpins, Uriah Bigelow, Jo.iiah Battle, John Hiidroth, WUson Spaldin, Reuben Sargeant. Elihu, 2nd . . . Sargeant, Klihu Stroud, Wni .. . Higgins, Joseph Bullock, Joseph Blanrharil, Lem'.i Boyden, J oseph Burrows, James Biselow, Joel Johnson, Simeon 4 3 3 4 Johnson, Ashbel Jones, Aaron. . . Sargeant, Rufus 4 3 1 I 4 5 2 ■■""3" 4 1 3 3 2 1 2 4 1 4 4 2 1 3 2 3 Jones, Benjo., J unr Bovden. .Tames Johns, Abel Bullock, Widow Bixhy, Manassah Bixby, Manassah, Jun'. Barron, Nathan Knight, Joel Smith Seth Stockwell. Joel Knight, Sam' Bavle V. Rich'' Knight, Jesse Sargeant. Calel) Kelly, Alex' Balch. Sam'., Jun' Barnard, Sam' Kelly, Rich^ 10 KeUy, Sami Stratton, Jon« Barney, Sylvanus .... HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 49 WINDHAM COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 03 bO . 32558 GUILFORD TOWN — Con. Barrows, Solomon... Baker, Sami., Jun'.. Bigelow, W» Bixby, Younglove... Brooks, Widow Bradford, Noah Bixby, David Blancliard, Jon" Brooks, Eph" Bennet, Moses Brooks, Jona Bullock, Lovell Cutler, Abner Carpenter, Asapli Cole, Amos Cook, Benji Chamberlin, Benj" Carpenter, Benj" Coats, Charles Cole, Caleb. Jun' Croivningshield, David. Culver, David Chase, Dean Carpenter, Ed wd Carpenter, Joseph Cutting. Jonah Culver, Joshua Crowningshield, James.. Chapen, Joel Cutler, James Chase, James Camp, John Cutler, Joel Crouch, James Culver, Nathan Chase, Paul Colegrove, Reuben Culver, Sanderman Curtis, Sam> Chase, Seth Chase, Stephen Cudworth, Sam' Chickering, Tim° Cutler, Tho» Culver, W»> Camp, James Cole, Caleb Cummins, W™ Cole, Dan' Curtis. Abijah Collins. John Crandall, Sylvester Carpenter, Eufus Carpenter, Caleb Cudwort.h, James Culver, John. Cutler, Silas Chase, Rufus Crouch, W" Dean, Benj» Davis, David Denison, Edward Demander, James Denison, Jabez Densmore, Joseph Dennis, James Dennis, John Densmore, Oliver Devenport, Paul Dean, Perdy Denison, Sam' Da\is. Joseph Denison, David Dean, Sam' Dyer, John Ellis, Caleb Evans, Henry Edwards, Joseph Elliot, Joseph Eastorhrook, Tho» . . . Eddy.W" Edward. W" Evans, Henry, Jim' . . Eddv, Joel Eddy, Benj' Fish, .\mo3 Franklin, Aaron Franklin, .\aron, Jun' Farrist, David Field, Elihu Fitch, Ebenr ag a a B-S NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY, la tt "^ 33 g-ei 3 . s bo . 'S ca C w _ ■» o S .5 ■ si '.a . GUILFORD TOWN — COn. Ferril, Isaac Fisher, Isaac Fox, John Franklin, Jabez Famesworth, Joseph. Ferril, Widow Franklin, Philip Fisk, Rufus Ferril, W" Famesworth, Zach"*.. Fisher, Edmond Fisher, Nehemiah Goodenow, Isaac Gains, David Goodenow, David Gilson, David Gale, Eph" Grover, Eleazar Goodenow, Ehen' Goodspeed, Gideon Gallop, Joseph Goodwin , J oseph Gallop, Joseph, Jum Gould, John Gains, Joseph Goodenow, Levi Gould, Stephen Goodenow, Sam' Grice, Sam' Grover, Jacob Goodspeed, Joseph Goodenow, Ithamer Hill, Asahel Plealy, Comfort Hide, Denny Horton, Hez'> Hammond, John Harrington, Jon" Healy, John Houghton, EdwJ Houghton, James Hay ward, Nath' Horton, Nathan Hager, Simeon. Hager, Simeon, Jun'. . . Horton, Stafford Hinds, W"» Hoit, W=> Hanes, Vene Hanes, Vene, Jun' Healy, Ithamer Hix, Ezra Hix, Henry Harris, Uriah Harris, Stephen Hix, Peleg Hix, Peleg. Jun' Hinster, Elisha j Hayward, Eben' Joy, Abel Johnson, .\sa Joy, .\biather Joy, David. Jun' Jones, Ehftkira Johnson, Jon^ Johnson, Jedediah Jacobs, Joseph Jacobs, Nath' Jacobs, Nathan Jacobs, Peter Jacobs, Stephen Joy, Jesse Jackson, Widow Knight, Dan' Kimball, Eben' King, James Kimpton, Sam> Kingley, Jon" Lynde, Dan'.. Jun'... Leonard, David Littlefleld, Asa Lynde, Joshua Lynde, Leni' Latherbee, Sam' Littlefleld, Tho. Latherbee, Tim'> Lamphicr, Isaac Lynde, Sam' Morton, Abraham Morgan, Henry Marsh, Orsburn 4 3 2 4 5 3 6 2 4 5 3 6 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 4 3 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 0*2 O GUILFORD TOWN— con. Maxwell, PhiUp Mellendy, Sam' Maxwell, Squire Melvin, Sam' Marsh, W'» Marsh, Vft^., Jun'. Morton, Benj" Miles, Jehiel Martin, Cyrus Nichols, Asa Nichols, Eph" Noyes, John Nichols, James Nichols, Paul Newel, John Newel, Joshua Olden, Joseph, Jun'... Olden, Joseph Patoier, Charles Putman, Adonijah Porter, Elisha Peck, Elisha Paul, Henry Palmer, Henry Parker, Jeri^ Parker, James Parker, James Penny, Jon» Partridge, Jaster Powers, Manassah — Pullen, Mathew Peck, Seth Parker, V\''« Pierce, Ichabod Partridge, David Putman, Jesse Paine, Miller Prentis, Sam' Packard, Ichabod Rice, Asa Rogers, Abijah Roxby, Dan' Root, Elisha Rice, Ezek' Roberts, Eben' Reed, George Roberts, Giles Roberts, Giles, Jun' . . Rice, Josiah Roberts, John Rice, Micah Rice, Na.than Rice, Phinehas Reed, Sam' Root, Timo Ramsdel, W"* Ramsdel, W"., Jun'.. Richardson, W» Rogers, Josiah Rice, Jasper Russel Amasa Russel , Jona Russel, Widow Reed, Ithamer Rice, Phinehas, Jun' Shadwick, W"" Stark, -Abijah Shepardson, Alfred.. Smith, Amos Smith, Amos, Jun' .. Starr, Comfort Smalley, David Stowel, David Smith, Dan' Shepardson, Dan'. . . Stafford, Isaac Slater, John Slater, Joseph Shepardson, John... Salsburv, James Shepardson, Jerard.. Stanton, Joseph Stanhope, Joseph — Salsbury, Job Severance, John Stark, Nathan Shepardson, Noah... Stafford, Ohediah... Streeter, Rufus Stafford, Stukeley.. Stevens, Simon i 3 a 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 I 1 I 1 ■'3' 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 T 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 4 8 3 2 3 6 S 1 4 .3' 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 50 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. WINDHAM COt'^TY— Continued. KAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward. Including heads of families. Is H fig 1 1 < > CO NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 10 years and upward, including heads of families. i 1 ^-1 1° 1 < 00 1 GO NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 10 years and upward, including heads 01 families. n a is § S 1 5 < CO OUILFOKD TOWN— con. Smith, Simeon 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 ■3' 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 ""i 2 ...... 6 2 1 1 4 4 4 3 3 4 5 3 4 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 1 4 5 4 4 3 1 HALLIFAX TOWN— con. AlversoD, Widow Artin, Jon" 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 I 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 ...... 8 1 3 2 ""'5' 1 1 1 3 3 ""2 2 2 2 1 4 1 "■"2" 3 1 ■■"■4' 3 1 ...... 3 3 5 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 HALLIFAX TOWN— con. 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 I 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 I 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 ...... 1 3 2 3 4 1 Smith, Solomon Littlefield, Edmond Leonard, Moses Shopardson, Stephen. . . Allen, David, 2nd Allen, David. 3rd Slater, Stephen Leonard, Josiah Littlefield, Jesse Shepardson, Sam' Stafford, Tho> 5 1 1 4 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 S 3 5 S 2 1 2 1 S 2 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 2 2 5 2 1 3 3 4 4 1 2 4 1 4 7 4 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 4 2 4 3 5 6 7 4 " Sawyer, Lem' Bullock, Darius MoClieur, Joseph Metcalf. Reuben " Smith, Cornelius Bennpt, Nathi Baldwin, Jeremiah Baldwin, Isaac, Jim"- . . . Mullet, ■ Spetman, J ohn Stafford, Job Mi-rioiitor ** Smith, Jon* Brooks Asa Newton, Shadroch Slate, Smith, Widow Newton, Zaphon Niles, Ichabod Shepardson, Stephen, 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 \ 2 1 Clark, Josiah 1 1 2 1 3 ■"2" 2 ...... ...... 1 1 1 1 3 ...... 1 ...... 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 "'i' 1 ...... 4 1 1 2 2 1 ■" "2' 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 4 1 7 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 6 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 : 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 2 2 4 3 4 1 3 6 1 2 4 3 1 1 3 3 5 2 3 4 4 1 Shepardson, Seth Salsljurv, Edwd * Colefax. Sami Orvis, Gersham Streeter, .Toseph Clark, Sam'., 2nd Smith, .\mos, Jun' Torry, Abel Clark, James Torry, Abel, Jun' Torry, Abner Clark, Asa Pannpl, John, Jun"" Thompson, Charles Thiirber, David Pannel, Andrew Patterson, Rob' Toby. Eleazar Tubbs, Isaac Coleman, Joshua Tyler, John Tyler, Jer>' Clark Sam' Pratt EUsha Torrv, James Tisdel, Seth 4 1 4 ...... 2 1 3 1 3 2 Taylor, Elias Dalrymple, Edwi Travatt, Benj" Thurber, Squire Thayer, Esicic Dunnagon, Edwd Everett, Jeremiah Ellis Mathew Thurber, Edwd Welman, Abiel Wilder, Aaron 2 ""5" 1 3 1 ••■■j' 1 3 2 6 3 3 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 WUkins, Andrew Whitney. Abel Weld, Calvin Farnsworth, Tho» Scott Tho" Weld. Dani WilUams. Davis '"'3' 2 5 1 ""z 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 1 ""3 4 1 1 2 2 5 1 ...... 3 2 ""'5" 1 2 3 ""2 3 4 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 2 Willcins, Dani Fcszenden, Solomon WcUs, Ezra Sumner, Dan*., Jun*" Whitney, Eph" Ward. Henry Fisher David Stow David Weld. Isaac Williams. Israel Garret W™ Streeter Nath* Wright. John Shepardson.Wm Smith Hezh Whiting, Jon» Walla«e,John 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 2 3 G 4 Garret, W»., 2nd Garret Widow Woolly, Jon» 1 8 ,■) 3 5 3 1 2 6 4 5 2 4 i 2 2 I 1 1 6 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 S 4 3 S 3 3 Saunders, Jonas Safford, Sam'. . . Woodward . Joseph Gore, Elijah Witherhead, Joseph Whitney, Job Wcbnan, Jedediah Weld, Luther Stacy, Nymphas Scott, Philip Whiting, Michal '"'i' 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 Harris, John Weld. Noah Waterhouse, Nathan... Hall, John Stanley, Solomon Witherhead, Widow Hall, Joel .... Whitcomb, Sam' i 1 2 1 1 3 1 \ I 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 Hall, .'Izariah Tilder, Benja Willis, Slaughter Hotchlciss, Elihu Wells, Tho> 1 1 1 4 ...... 3 """2' ...... '"'i' ...... 3 5 1 3 3 I 2 3 5 5 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 i 3 2 1 2 Thomas, John, Jun^ Wells, Tho'., Jum .... Woolly, Theophilus Henderson, Henry Tredaway. Benj* Taggort, James, Jim,""... White, Wm WUUs, Beriah Hambleton. Reuben Harrington, Widow Henderson, Wn> Ha tch, James llanos. Abel Harrington, Dan' .... Wilson. John Taggort Tho» 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 3 2 4 7 3 2 4 2 3 4 3 3 2 1 4 3 3 2 3 1 ■ ... Wilson, James Woolly, Tho» Wheeler. Dani Underwood, Sam' Underwood. Sam'.,Jun''. Woodward, Timo Warden, Svlvanus Washburn, EUab * * Williams. Davis, Junr .. . ... Williams, Rich'* Yaw, Amos Henderson, W™., Jun'. . Jenks Benj* Yaw, Moses *' Yaw, Widow Yaw, W" Wileox, Burden Younglove, John Kirkley, John Weeks, Benj*. .. 1 HALLIFAX TOWN. Kingsbury, John Little, John Wilcox, Stephen Woodward, Sam' Alexander, David Alexander, John 1 Alvorson, DaWd Lamb, Martin 1 \Vhitc, Giles HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 51 WINDHAM COTTNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. |1 i > NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years aud upward, including heads of families. hi a a £3.2 § t-< 1 < i NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. is ■-I a) It. ■"O to a Pi fe .a < 1 HALLIFAX TOWN— con. Whipple, Joseph Woodward. Art Wilrox Tai>or 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 ]^ 1 ...... ""2 2 3 ■■■"4' "i 4 3 5 ...... 2 3 1 1 ■'2' 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 ""3 5 2 2 5 2 4 " "3' 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 4 3 3 7 1 ' "i 2 ■■"■5" 1 1 3 3 5 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 3 3 2 6 3 1 2 1 3 6 5 2 2 2 5 3 4 1 4 6 2 5 3 2 3 1 1 2 5 5 2 5 1 1 3 JAMAICA TOWN. Adams, Seth 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 4 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 "'■■4' ""i' 6 3 6 2 2 3 1 2 4 LONDONDERRY TOWN— continued. CnlP, ATnfl.«?fl. 2 1 1 '2 1 4 5 ""i' 1 1 4 1 2 5 3 4 4 5 2 Cummins, Stephen Cole, Sahnon Berry. Sam' Daggot, Amos Derby, Eliah Blanchard, Joseph Derby, Da\'id Warden, Joseph Butler, Widow Eastman, James Eddy, EUa! Woollv Thos 1 Fnir, John Crapoo, Francis Gushing, Solomon 2 2 ■"■4" 1 2 2 4 3 2 6 2 Fletcher, Sherebiah Grimes, Moses Whitney, Eben"- 1 i 1 1 3 2 7 Grime", James Davidson, Nathi Danolds, Joshua ■■ How, Nehemiah Hodges, Emerson 2 "'i' 1 ""2 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 Hopkins, James Gleason, Josiah Bridgman, John 4 1 2 2 1 3 2 "3' 5 1 5 2 4 1 1 2 2 4 1 3 7 4 3 4 3 2 TTnpkin. 1 ! i 2 1 2 5 4 3 Fitch. James 1 2 10 -^ovd^n. TToz''., Juuf 'Uterlv, Tho* Wilder, Ohver Goodhue, Josiah Goodhue. Josiah Jun'.. Goodhue, .\lex'. 2 3 3 2 4 2 2 5 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 5 2 j^leigh, Reuben Wheeler, Darius White, W» Woods Solomon Wilder Joel Alexancc. , • ; Alverson, Dav. HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 53 WINDH^VM COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. More. Ahiiah, 3rii. More, TTi!zn Not^ross, .Sam" Nichols, Tho» Nichols, Josiah , a ^ fa G rn PUTNEY TOWN — COn. Goodhue, Joseph. . . Gould, Jedediah Green, Ahsulum Green, John Graham, Wn Gilson, Jon«., Jun'. Gleason, Moses Gilbert, Joseph Gilbert, Moses Gilson, David Graves, Reuben Holden, Widow Hibbard, Asa Harden. Rich> Turner. John, Jun' Urin, James Underwood, Russel Underwood, Tim" Wilder, John a s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 I 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. !§■§ si M . 325£ 6 S PUTNEY TOWN — COB. Woodward, Sam' WiUard, Prentiss Washburn, .\sa Wilson, David White, Josiah Witt, Benj» Wright, Eben' Wilson, John Wheat, Sam' Wilson, Peter. Wilson, Edw NAME OF BEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 10 years and upward, including heads of families. is u If ca a 1 £ a < 00 CQ NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of l(i years and upward, inchJding heads of families. 3 •22 IS b. 4i ll 11 » 3 m £0.= Ex. i e < 1 KOCKINOHAM TOWN— continued. 2 2 2 ""2 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 2 3 5 2 2 2 2 1 4 4 2 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 4 7 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 1 4 7^ 1 6 2 ROCKINGHAM TOWN — continued. Stitt, John 2 3 2 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 3 1 9 2 i 1 2 "z 1 ""3 1 3 ...... 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 ...... 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 ...... 1 1 5 ...... 1 1 ...... 2 "■3" 3 1 3 1 4 3 2 2 4 2 ! 4 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 1) 3 4 5 ,■) 4 1 1 4 3 2 2 3 5 4 5 4 3 5 4 1 1 STEATTON TOWN— COD. Kidder, Francis Lam b, Phinehas 3 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 "'i' ""'i' "■■'2" 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 5 1 3 3 1 1 3 Graves, Thinehas Simonds, W*" Stanley, David Gilson, Joseph 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 Stearns, W"*., Jun' Morseman, Timo Miller, J Ikanah Patch, Joseph Hazeltine, J ouas Stearns, Win Hazeltine, W" Sliipman, Abraham Sabin, Ehsha Holton, J on* Stone, Clark Thayer, Stephen Wait, John Hall, James Stearns, John Sanderson . David Stocker, Elijah Woodward, Jaras THOMLINSON TOWN. Hale, Joshua I ...... 1 2 2 4 5 Hall, John 1 "■■3' 1 3 ...... ""i' 3 1 1 '■3' 2 2 ""2 2 I "h' 4 2 ■"■■4" 1 Stowel, John 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 3 1 4 3 2 1 4 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 Axtel, Alex^ Beard, Abijah Johnson, Isaac Sanderson, Eben' Taylor, Sam' Thayer, W''^ Ingals, Eben' Baker, Cornelius 4 1 2 3 ■ 3 1 ""2 1 2 ""2 I 2 3 3 2 2 I 2 3 1 7 3 1 ? 3 3 Johnson, A. Robert Thurstin, Nathan Jewet, Abel Kendal, \V^ Wheelock, JoD"* 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 } 1 2 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Bond, Henry Wait, John Kendall, Eben' Wolfe, C. John Bennet, Nath' Kidder, Tho» Burnham, Peter Buniham, Joshua Cole, Moses. .. Knights, Elisha Wright, Solomon Weaver, Dan' Kendall, Eben', Jun' Knight, Russel Wing, Tho' ... Challis, Nath' King, Dan' Wing, Tho»., Juu' Wing, Turner . . Carver, Eleazar Chafee, David LovGll, Ebcn^ Lock, Eben' Dennison, Aaron Dwindle, Benj» Lane, Obediab Wright, Nath' Lock, .\braham Webb, Charles Davis, Oliver Davis, Tho' . 4 3 1 3 2 2 3 ""3 3 2 2 1 2 3 ..... 2 ■3' 4 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 4 1 1 5 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 4 3 4 2 1 1 2 Lovell, John WilHams, Benj« Webb, Cahnn Dumbleton, Nath' Edson, Ezra Lovell, Elijah Lovell, Oliver Webb, Jehiel Edson, Nehemiah Edson, Rob' Lovell, Timo Walker, James Larcomb, Job White, Phinehas W'hite, .\biel Lawson. Ichabod Edson, John M'l.awland, Tho' Wood, Barnabas White, Josiah Fisher, Asa Fisher, Amos McCalvin, Eben' 3 3 Mellin, John White, Paul.. 2 6 4 2 3 1 ■■■4" 7 6 7 3 4 3 3 2 Whitnev, Asa White, Abijah Fuller, Bartholemew. .. Mathews, Asher ""2 2 2 3 1 ...... 1 "z 3 2" 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 I 1 1 1 2 2 1 U 1 6 3 I 2 3 1 1 4 1 5 3 3 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 6 1 2 1 1 3 Farmer, Joseph ; Gibson, Abranam Metcalf, Sami Woodbury, Jessee Minot, W-n Miller, Sam' Wilson, Nathan SOMERSET TOWN. Badcock, David M°Cawly, Sarai Guile, Ephra Newton. Silas ""2 3 2 5 1 2 ...... ""i" 2 ...... 3 "i" ...... 3 1 3 2 '■3' 1 ...... 1 2 3 2 2 '2' 1 5 4 4 9 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 2 n 1 3 1 3 4 1 1 4 3 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 5 Guttridge, T. Tho- Guttridge, John, Jun"" . . Guttridge, Moses Gibson, Solomon Olcott, Ellas Ober, Sam' Clark,' Da\1d . Procter, Nathan Cobb, Nathan 1 2 2 Pulsitord, David & John Parker, Abiel Kempton, Oliver Pulsiford, Eben' Hall, \\'^ 1 '.... 4 '.... 1 ' Parker. John Hay ward, Stephen Hayward, Ziba Pease, Widow I.awton, John. Potty, John 2 3 1 2 2 ;■; Procter, James Parmalce, James Parmalee, John Palmer, S. Zuri. Holmes, Rob'.. 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 \ 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Petty, Solomon Hadley, Charles Harris. W"" Porter, Chandler Powers, Timo Palmer, James Heaton, W"" Pike, Darid Houghton, Manassah... Robinson, John Rico, Dan' 1 4 Roundy, John Richardson, Jon* Wei man, Benoni ...... i 2 Rose, Edwe7. Savage, Ozias Savage, John G rcenwood, Jon» ...... 1 1 Stearns, Isaac Phelps, Elijah Sturdavant, Zeph^ Putnian, Miles Sandersoi\, Israel 1 I •1 2 3 2 Stoddard, Josiah Hale, Joel . . . Putman, Dan' Stafford, PhiUp Hobbs, Benj» Pollard, Jeremiah HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 55 TVINDHAM COtnVTY— Continued. 4 NAME OF UEAP OF FAMILY. C 16 years and upward, including heads of families. a a S» - 11. S u ■ 1 II a a ©SO) SoH 1 (a U i > NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 16 years and upward, including heads of families. 3 S» - £ HI aj q III a s, £ 1 Hi NAME OF HEAD OF c FAMILY. .fcj si be . S2.S S 'HI go c^ 3 ■2^ 1 n-i Cj i Pi 1 < 1 THOMLINSON TOWN— continued. 1 1 1 1 9 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 .3 2 1 2 1 2 T 1 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 i 1 2 1 1 1 2 ..... 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 "'■3' 1 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 5 5 3 2 4 3 1 2 3 5 1 2 1 1 2 4 5 1 3 3 2 3 4 4 3 4 I TOWNSEND TOWN— con. Holbrook, Ezra Holbrook, Ellas 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 5 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 ...... 2 3 " "5" 1 4 5 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 ■WARDSBOROUGH TOWN— continued. {North District—Con.) Cole, Thoa 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 I 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 i 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 ""2 ...... 1 2 ■'2' 2 1 5 2 3 2 3 1 6 1 5 2 4 3 4 2 3 2 5 4 1 3 2 Rhoads, Joseph Crowningshield, Rich"! . . Crosset. John Holbrook, Tho« Chamberhn, Jacob Caldwell. Ephm Holbrook, Amos Hall Tom Da\is, Sam' Stickney. David Johnson, Mitchel Jennison, Robert Dickerman, W™ Draper, Aaron Johnson, W"'., 3\iw Kimball, Charles Kingsbury, John Lowel. Solomon ■■"2" 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 Smith, George, Jun' Edmonds, Stephen Fairbanks, Perley Glazier. Barzaliel Gould. Natb' Tennv, David Wnnllv Tohn Hammond. Hinsdale... Hammond. Simeon Hammond, Sam' Harris, Dan' 1 1 ...... 2 2 2 1 2 Wnnllv Thns 3 2 Mitohpl Wm ...... 5 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 '■■■3' 2 1 4 ' i' 1 1 ""'i' 1 ...... 1 i 1 3 2 1 3 ...... ""'i' 1 1 ""i 2 ""2 2 3 ...... ...... 3 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 3 2 1 3 4 1 4 1 2 2 3 2i 2 2 1 3 3 2 .5 2 1 4 3 3 2 2 S 3 1 2 1 5 3 3 3 3 2 6 1 1 3 6 Holbrook. Abner Holbrook. John ...... 1 4 "'3' 1 ...... 4 " 'i' ,2 ""2 2 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 (i 2 1 4 2 2 3 2 5 1 2 4 1 2 5 3 2 2 3 8 Harvey, Rufus Witheral, Nathi Whitcomb, Joseph Holbrook, John. Jun'. . . Hiscock, Richd Parkhurst, Sam' .. TOWNSEND TOWN. Johnson, Neh'> Rawson, Gardiner Rawson, Stephen Jones, Asa 3 1 3 ...... 1 '"'i' " '2 2 5 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 Jones, John Bemis. Tho» .... Knoulton. Asa Kilburn, Dan' Brigham, Eben' Keaton, Rich'^ ..1.... Shaw W'm Kidder, Sam' Lizieur, Sam' Bellcnap. Joseph - r Barnard, Joshua Smith. David Martin, .\braham Morse, Isaac Barnard, Joshua, Jun''.. Butterfleld.Zethan Cook, Moses Tflft Ehpm Moffat, Dudley 1 1 1 ...... 3 2 4 1 ! 4 4 .. Taft Willard Newel, Philip Taft W^n Newel, Hiram Perry, Stephen Turtlelow, Abraham ... Watldns rhfl'^p Nqth' Philips, Ezek' Clemouds, Benj'^ Chase, Solomon Chase, Amariah 2 4 3 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 1 I 2 i 1 Plimpton, Abner Perry, Eh Wilkinson, llez^ Wiswftll Sam' .. ...... 1 2 4 4 3 1 5 3 4 3 ■> Rav, Gideon ... Whitcomb. Jonas Whitp Edward .5 2 2 ""2 2 1 3 ...... 2 3 1 5 3 1 4 1 ...... ..... 2 3 3 1 1 4 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 .5 2 4 4 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 Ramsdel, John Wheelock, Caleb Wheelock, Amasa Walker, Jasoram Warren, Jonas Ramsdel, John, Jun' Reed, Dan' 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 .■; 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Dunton, Joseph 1 3 Sherman, Noah 1 Dunham, Joseph DooUttle, Amzi, Jun^... 1 1 3 3 2 """i' 1 3 2 T 1 4 2 9 2 2 3 7 s WatMns, John Wheelock. Ephn» Wood Tho= * .... Underwood, Asa Underwood, Joseph Woodcock, Elkan;ih.... Woodcock, Asahel Warren, Stephen Franklin, Stephen Wood. Joshua, Jun^ Fish, John, Jun' Wood Tini'^ Fairbanks, Mourice Walding, James Wilder, Joseph Willard, Oliver WARDSBOROUGH TOWN. (North Distriri.) 1 Wakefield, Tim« Walker, EdW 1 2 Hazeltine, David Hunt, Isaac, Jim' Wait, Thaddeus Wait, Silas 2 2 4 3 Wheelock, Asa WARDSBOROUGH TOWN. (South District.) Allen, Friday \llen, Aha7 Holbrook, Tim" Hazeltine, Paul, Jun"^.. 2 3 Allen, Sylvester ■■■3 2 4 ■■3 3 1 4 5 2 3 1 3 1 Bill, Eben"- . . Bumap, Nathan Baxter, Nathan How, Bcnj» Brigcs, Joseph 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 Bugby, Willard Chittenden, Reutieii .... Chamberlain, Jo.^i-ph. . . Converse. Barnard Coombs, Jon» Knlbrook Widow Corben, Stephen Chapen, Jesse Hazeltine, Paul Hazeltine, John, Jan'.. Hazeltine, Astiv 2 1 2 3 1 3 4 1... Chapen, Dan' 56 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. WINDHAM COUNTT-Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward , including heads ol families. □ 1 = S3 3 I. *■§ O s . as 11 p. lis 1 .a 1 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 10 years and upward including heads of families. II 41 US'" aa a 1 1 < > 1 WARDSBOROUGH TOWN— continued. 1 2 J 3 2 ""X \ 1 ""'i' 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 ■WESTMraSTER TOWN— continued. Carpenter, .\.biel Carpenter, Abiel Jun'.. Clarlc, Seth 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 4 4 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 ■5 9 4 1 1 3 4 3 2 5 5 4 1 Cheney, E ben' Chafce, Squire Dexter, David Ciiamljerlain, Jedediah. Chafee, Otis Dexter, J on* Ellis, Gamaliel Chafee, Clidord Fitts, John... . Chafee, Constant Carpenter, Abner Cook, William Foster, Edw^ Hall, William Chamberlain, Isaac Cone, Samuel Hazoitine, Dan'. Cone Tho» Hathaway, Edward Hodges, Abiather How, Gardiner .... 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 3 2 1 1 1 3 "i" 3 4 ...... 1 3 "'i' "'"i ...... ""2 2 1 Campbell R. Edwd Chafee, -Vtherton Cook, Robert Jones, Elias Crook. W".. Jun' Carpenter, .\hner, Jun'. Carpenter, Amos Cook, Ephtn Johnson, Luther 1 * Johnson, Lemi 2 Crallord, James Crafford, Theophilus. .. Cummins, P. Sam' Colten Charles . Johnson, Joab ...... ....„ ....„ 3 2 1 2 \ 2 2 4 3 4 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 2 Carpenter, Comfort M'^Danolds, Tho" . Cone, Joshua Clark, Calvin Putman, Ozial Cary, Ebcti' Dicldnson, Azariah Doubledav, Widow. Sears, Eben^ Sears, W°> 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 Staples, Jona Downe, Sam' Dickinson, Dan' Dickinson, John Day, Elkanah . ... Stanley, W™ 1 1 I 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 " "3' 2 .....^ 3 1 1 3 C 1 5 3 3 2 \ 7 2 4 1 4 5 1 4 2 5 3 1 Enstou, Bildad Strickiing, W'^ ...... 1 ""■"3' 1 ...... 3 2 2 ...... 2 3 ...... 2 2 ""% ""2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 4 6 3 3 3 4 1 \ 2 1 1 3 6 i 6 5 5 3 4 3 7 4 S 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 Eaton, Marvelick Edgei, John Thompson, Jon* Eaton, Asa, Jun^ Eaton, Marvelick, Jun^. Wells. Dani Fletcher, Artimus Fivirlianks, Eph" Fuller, Tho' .. Arnold, Seth Grout, John . Gilson, Zachariah Gilson, Simon Avcral, Tho' Gould, John 1 4 ...... 3 3 4 1 4 3 Gould, John, Jun"- Gates, Dan Avoral, Sami Avery, Sam> Gould, Dan' Bundy, James Gould, Seth. 1 5 1 3 3 1 2 2 4 4 3 (! 2 1 4 3 G ransey, Oliver Gould, Dani., Jun' Brown. Barron Bragg, Eben"" Goodale, Moses. . Bradley, R. Stephen Goodrldge, Lerf Goodridge, Benja Gerry, Edw^., Jun^ Gerry, Edw^. Baxter, John ...... 3 ...... 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 1 2 5 5 1 5 6 3 4 1 3 2 6 5 Burke, Eliah .. . Goodale, .\biel Bradley, Thaddeus Burke, Joseph 2 1 3 "'i' '""■i 3 1 2 4 3 3 4 S 2 2 4 3 1 1 Goodenow, Adi no Goodhue, Ebon' Goodale, .\sahcl Hildreth, Sheltial nitchcock, Heli Brown, Bcnj* Bayley, Clark llolden, Charles Ilutchins, Buckley Houghton, Jona Holton, El^enr. Baldwin, Jon» Bradlev, John Bliss Nath' Bragg, EUenr., Juii' — Ilolten, Joel NAME OF HE.^D OP FAMILY. ©•o O ^1^ a 3 O 5a 12 ts S 01 •^ © 3-- WESTMINSTER TOWN— continued. Hall, Hall. W=> II olden, Francis Hitchcock, Eldad Hide. W"^ ilolt, John Hooker, Asahel Hunt, Jasaniah Heaton, David Hitchcock, Elisha Hindey, Caleb Heaton, Wi^ Harlow, Eleazar Ide, Joseph Ide, Israel Ide, James Ide. Jesse Ide, Ichaboo Ingram, Gersham Jones, Amos Keth. Dan' Kittridge, Jon» ICittridge, Nath' Lippingwell, Reuben .. Lippingwell, Reuben, Jun"' Lane, J on* Lovejoy, John Lovejoy, Peter Martin. \V°> Mason, Oliver Mason. Isaac M^Neal, John M^Neal. Neh^ Morse, J ohn Miller, Kobt Miller, John Norton, John Norton, Cyrus Noyes, Da"n' Partridge, Lovett Paine, Jabez Powers, Asa Page, Thoo Phippen. Sam' Phippen, Sam'., Jum.. Pomeroy, Phenny Parker, Timo Peck, Levi Peck, Ariel Parmeter, Joseph Pierce, Charles Perry, W™ Phippen. Joseph Pigsiey, Robert Piesley, Paul Philips, Zebulun Paul, John Perry, Jabez Perkins, Timo Pratt, Sami Phippen, Atwater Perkins, Nehi> Pierce, Ezek' Perkins, Elder Priest, John Ranny, Jannah Ranny, Elijah Robinson, Noah Ranny, Joel Rand, Robert Richardson. James . Robinson, Solomon . . . Ranny. W™ Robinson, Reuben Robinson. Nathan Ranny. Eph™ Rice, 'Charles Ranny. Eph"*., Jun^... Robinson, Nath' Sanderson. Ilez^ Shipman, Abraham ... Shipman, Abraham, J' Spoonor, Eliakim Sessions, John Spencer. Ephn> Stoddard, Dan' Stiles, David, Jun' Stone, Benj'' Smith, Benjft in ^ CSC HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 57 WINDHAM COUXTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males ol 16 years and upward . including heads of families. n IS) s is f -3 ■ □ i & > NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white mules of 16 years and upward, includuig heads of families. 1 = ■y ol ■a ^ l-S . m i E s u =3 i NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, includuig heads of families. 1 11 S3 1^ 4i S 10 EO a en §. .a < i WESTMINSTER TOWN— continued. Shipman, Edw-i Shipman, Abraham, 3rd . Stoddard. John . ... 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 ...... 2 3 1 2 3 ■WHITINGHAM TOWN— continued. Gains, James 1 I 1 2 4 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 4 ■WILMINGTON TQ-WN— continued. Davis, Sam' 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 i 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 "'i' "'i' 1 2 ...... 2 1 6 a 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 1 6 4 Green, Amos Green, Nathan Glass, James 3 5 5 ;....'.... 1 .. Doty, Ezra Edgscom, Roger. Eason, Elijah, Jun' Forbes, Stephen 1 Hunt, Thomas Hayward, John. Hayward, John, Jun^ . . Hambleton, Joni^ Lyman, Isaac 3 3 2 Sage Sylvester ""2 1 4 3 " 'i' 1 ...... 3 1 3 2 5 4 2 1 t 1 1 1 Thomas, Joseph Turtle John 1 2 2 1 5 5 2 ....J.... ■■■'! 1 Freeman, Watson Tower Lynde Lyman, Eleazar Lyman, Silas . . ....!.... Fitch Jesse Talmon Widow 3 Lamphier, Banajab Lamphier, Reuljen Lamphier, Chandler Lyon, Joseph ! 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 o 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 : Griswall. Jerard Hunter, Robert 1 Webb, Joseph Wright Medad ...... .5 1 1 2 1 6 ■ 3' 1 \ 1 1 ■1 2 ? 2 i 4 9 1 Whooler Dani '""'i' 2 1 1 2 4 6 6 3 Miillfit, .TampR Haskell Tho* 3 ...... 1 5 "'i' 1 4 3 3 2 1 5 3 3 2 .... White. Joel Morey, Jolm Willi nev. Elijah Wilder, 'W» Nelson, John. . Haskell, Andrew Wilcox John Nye, Wm 5 2 2 7 1 1 3 Livermore, Dan' Whitcomb, Benj» Willis, John Otis, John I ...... 1 4 ■■■■3' 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 "'i' " 'i' ""i' 3 3 1 2 1 S 3 5 2 4 5 3 5 3 1 2 1 3 5 3 2 2 1 2 4 3 Otis, John, Jun"^ 1 Wilco.\, Waitsill Pike, Elisha Lock, Josiah, Jun' Pike, Elijah Pike, Nathi Roberts, James, 2 1 3 2 ""2 4 4 4 4 2 7 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 3 1 3 6 2 3 2 2 5 4 Woolly, Augustus Whitney Benj" 4 Wright, Azariah Wall, Fatriclc 8 I....'.... 3 L... .... Morgan, Reuben Rider, Caleb 2 3 Willard, Abel Sikes, Francis Metcalf, Benj" Willard Lvnde Smith, Jonas More, Judah, Junr Mellen, Rich NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free while males 01 16 years and upward, including beads ox families. (5 ^-1 |i Et3 £§ •"O CD □ 1 1 QQ ANDOVER TOWN. Baldwin, Jesse Bailey, Nathaniel 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 I 2 T 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 2 I 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 •2 1 1 2 1 1 2 T 2 ...... 3 1 ""3 1 "'i' 3 4 3 1 ...... ...... 3 1 1 1 2 4 3 4 3 2 5 2 4 4 6 4 2 3 2 1 1 5 5 4 3 BARNARD TOWN— COn. CroweU, Sheferick Danforth, Isaac 1 2 2 ...... 1 3 4 1 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 BETHEL TOWN. Ainsworth, Wyman Babbet, Joel 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 I 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 I 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 ""3 ""1 1 2 ...... 1 1 "'i' 1 ""'i' 2 1 2 1 5 3 3 1 1 4 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 I BartU'lt, Joseph Beal. Obediah Pettingill, Samuel Eastman, Timothy Brown. Ebenezer Brooks, Simeon Buckman, Josiah Buckman, Jeremiah Burbanks, Eleazer Cumminps, Ehenezer... Sherwm, Daniel 4 5 2 ""2 3 1 1 1 ...... 1 I ...... 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 4 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 Fairbanks, Calvin 1 Fay Eliakim Burnap. Jonathan Burroughs, Abner Chaplin, William Chase, Joshua Fay, Moses Nichols, Timothy Fisk John Cleavcland. Stephen Copcland, David Cotton, Bibye L Crane, Amos Richardson, Josiah Lamson , Daniel Parkhorst, Isaac •• • • Crane, Benjamin Crane, Ebenezer Curtis, William ...... 1 2 3 1 ...... 1 2 2 4 3 2 ""3 2 1 2 3 1 5 1 1 3 4 4 2 4 3 2 2 1 6 3 1 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 I 1 Foster, Peter Freeman, Elisba Freeman, Thomas Freeman, Thomas Freeman, William Fuller Thomas Pease. Ezekiel Hall Hi'nrv Day. Ralph Dean, /a<.'hariah Cogswell, tlathaniel P.'. :■ ...... 1 ■1 3 1 3 2 1 ...... '> 4 3 ""2 '"'i' ""3 ""2 2 ...... 4 '"'i' ■•••j- 1 1 1 3 2 "i" 1 3 "■3' 1 a "'i' 2 2 ...... 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 5 4 2 4 1 1 3 5 3 3 3 1 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 1 2 4 3 3 1 3 3 4 1 4 1 2 3 3 3 1 6 3 2 Dudley. Samuel Gilford, Samuel Dunham, Thomas Eddv, Caleb 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 I 1 1 2 4 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 Eddv, John Jackworth, Joshua O'Brian, Partrick Fiiiley, John .... Harradan, John Haskel, Nathaniel Gould, Asa Rogers, Fradrack Dudley, Stephen Green, Uzziah Howard, Simeon Pease, Augustus Alien Peter Hibbard, Timothy Hinshaw, Isaac ninshaw, Isaac Hinney, Jesse Luce, Jonathan Huntington, Abner Huntington, David Kellogg, Martin Kinney, Daniel 2 3 4 3 2 1 3 6 2 Lurvey, Peter M-^Cormack, Daniel Maynord, Stephen Marrick, Kleazer Mason, Clemont Morgan, Benjamin Newton, Gideon Howard, Joseph 3 Kinnev, John 2 1 3 3 ""3 2 3 2 2 I 2 T 2 ""2 2 1 ""2 3 3 2 4 1 2 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 5 2 1 3 2 4 6 4 6 2 2 2 5 LiUev. David BARN.VED TOWN. Ludington. Lemuel Mackinster, Alexander . Mackinster, Paul M«Gayham, Dennis Marsh, Joel Newton, Timothy Page. Asa I 1 3 1 2 1 ""2 2 "'2 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 ""2 1 3 ""2 1 2 3 1 1 1 ""3 1 4 2 3 3 4 2 T 3 2 5 1 s 3 2 Page, Nathaniel Parnu^er, Nathan I*erkins, Abner. . . Moodv. John Babbet Abel Owen, Sylvanus Parish, Jeremiah Perkins, William Reed, Job Barlow, Benjamin Richmond , AJnaziah Richmond, Amaziah Richmond, Ebenezor . . . Richmond, Lemuel Sabens, Ebenezer Parish, Nathaniel Parker, Stephen Peek, Samuel Putnam, Elwnezer Putnam. Rzro Putnam, Thomas Rich, Justus Belding, Moses Benjamin, John Bennet, Sylvanus Smith, Jesse. . \ Southgate, Steward Steatson, Benjamin SLebbins, Benjamin Stevens, Andrew Stevens. Andrew Steward, Samuel Swift. Tleman 3 Russelt, Thomas Rogers, Jeduthan Sanford, Seth 1 ....!.--. 1 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 5 4 1 3 5 3 1 3 4 3 1 2 1 Billings, Gideon Smith, Benjamin Smith, George Blackman, Timnthy Smith. Willard Bowman, Joseph Bowman, Joseph Swift, Levi 1 2 ...... 3 1 5 2 I 4 Strong. Benajah Tenney, Ephraim Tenney, John Swift Thomas., Townshend, George Tucker, Robert. Briggs, Ephraim 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 4 3 1 3 2 3 4 1 Thoop, Nathaniel Tupper, Samuel Tupper Silas Wallis. Joseph Wallis, John ...... ""■3' 1 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 ""e 5 4 4 4 Call Siliis Walcott, William Wheelock, Peter White, D.avid White, Thomas W Wight. Nathaniel Wilburr, Aaron Wilburr, Benjamin Wilson, Elizabeth Wing, Benjamin Wheeler, Rice Wittard. Jonathan Wilson. William Witchinson, Joseph .... .... Chamberliu, Joseph Cherflp \sa Woodward, Ezckel Woodworth. Benj" . . . BRIDGWATF.R TOWN. Basset t, Howard Bassett, Zaehariah Chedle Williim Clap, Benjamin 1 2 Cox, George Wright, Thomas M HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 59 WINDSOR COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males ol 16 years and upward, including heads of families. Id SB !c I- *•§ S si tn R 2 & Ed .a < > 1. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. rree wnite males 01 16 years and upward, including heads of families. h fux: c I-. 1 u > CO ©•go NAME OF HEAD OF „ p'^ FAMILY. 2 ce do . !2 -"' S ? a 2 11 if J* § a < i BRIDGWATER TOWN— continued. 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 "'i' 1 4 3 1 3 2 5 2 3 CAVENDISH TOWN— con. Wright, John 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 ...... 3 2 3 1 ...... ""2 2 1 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 1 2 CHESTER TOWN — Con. Johnson, Hezekiah Johnson, Uriah 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 I 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 I 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 ...... '"'i' 4 2 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 5 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 5 2 2 2 '"'i' 1 2 3 ""2 1 2 2 ""2 2 ...... 1 2 ...... 1 1 1 2 '"'i' 5 2 1 3 5 1 3 4 1 3 3 2 1 6 4 2 5 4 4 2 3 4 3 1 3 3 2 1 4 1 I 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 a 2 1 2 7 3 1 1 4 6 4 2 4 2 6 3 3 2 3 2 Bozwoith, John Chaplin, William Parker, Aaron Stevens, Samuel Stevens, John Eaton, Abraham Taj'lor, John Fletcher, James Wheeler. Joel French, Ephriam French. Ezekiel Stone, Timothy Wheelock, Jonathan Gibson, John Bullard, Nathan Gowing, Nathaniel Mitchel, Thomas Johnson, David Caryl, Thomas 51 Searls, Robert . . ....K... fJillptt Eli'^ha Powers, Nahum Adams. Tiinothy 1 j 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 2'! 1 1 .. 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 ■■3' ""2 1 ""2 2 "'i' 2 2 5 3 5 4 3 1 1 2 3 5 3 1 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 Pierce, Joseph Baldwin, Thomas 1 .. Hawkins. Joseph Hoisington, Bliss Hoisington, Isaac Hoisinglon, John Hoisington, Virlina 1 Baldwin Abel Turner. Joshua 2 1 4 1 2 Leeland, Joshua Ellis, John Chandler, Willard White. John Preston Aliicl Jackman, Abner Tarble, Edmond WiUington. George Tarble, Whitcomb Jackman. Abner, Jun^.. ' 2\ 4 Knowlton, Stephen Mendall, Amos , . . . Montague, Selah 2 . 3 2 3 2 4 5 4 3 1 2 1 Farmer, Henry W McCuller, William Toby, Paul i 1 Hardy, Samson ...J.... Palmer, Robert Palmer. Thomas 1 Lyud, Benjamin Hole, Josiah ' 1 3 "i' 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 5 4 Johnson, Samuel Perkins. Benjamin Chapman, Reuben Sergeant, Amos Caryl, John Pierce, Eliab Charaberlin, Isaac Caryl, Jonathan Perkins, Joshua Powers, Abraham Powers, Thomas Pratt, Jonathan Lovell, Randall Chubb David 1 '.... 1 Spaulding, William Pelton, Freeman Dodge, Shadrack Russell, Noadiah Atherton, Jonathan Spaulding, William, 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 2 ...... 5 5 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 6 3 2 1 2 3 2 Caryl, Jonathan, Jun' . . Heald, DanieL Carpenter, Knight Parker, ObediaTi Gould, Otis Robinson, Eleazer Sabins, Clement Boyden, Jonathan Haven, Hezekiah Proctor, Leonard Proctor, Isaac . . Kimball, Thomas Whitmore, Elias Gile, Amos 1 1 5 Ranny, Waitstill Stone, John Spaulding, Jesse 5 1 2 2 2 3 6 R Stone, John, Jun' Fletcher, Daniel Perkins, Charles Marshall, Elijah Mann, Charles Southgate, Richard Southgate, Thomas Stevens, Peter R WyTnan, Samuel , ' 2 1 ! 2 Fletcher, Asaph Houghton, Elijah Button, Salmon Button, Ephraim 3 ...... 2 1 1 3 5 2 4 4 1 2 2 Tnrfl Cfllph Dean, Samuel Walkpr FHifih ""2 ...... 2 2 1 2 ' "i' ""5 ""2 2 ""5 ...... 1 ...... 2 3 1 ...... 4 2 1 2 5 4 5 6 5 2 2 2 1 2 1 S 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 5 5 3 2 3 1 3 3 Horton, Aaron Sterns, Solomon White, Sylvanus Woodbury, Joshua Proctor, Timothy Baldwin, Joseph Woodbury, Joseph CHESTER TOWN. Blanchard, Isaac Chandler, Thomas M«CoUester, Peter Wallis, John Williams, Othmel Smith, Nicholas Johnson, John CAVENDISH TOWN. 4 ...... 2 2 1 1 2 2 Houghton, Joshua Strattou, .\sa Chpnpv Wnldn Bigeiow, Ekiathan 1 2 2 2 1 ...... 2 1 ...... I 3 " i' 2 ...... 1 2 1 1 ...... 1 S 3 1 4 2 G 7 2 2 1 5 4 2 2 1 5 7 ■Ripp S'lj]-; Lane, Gershom F Clark, Ephraim Ramsey. Simeon Atherton, Joseph ; M=Collester, David Earl, .\rtimus Gilkey, William, Jun- . . Ba!jcock, Roswell Tarble, Jonathan Morris, Uriah. 1 3 1 Taylor, Edmond 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 ""3 2 1 2 ...... 1 4 1 2 1 1 3 ....„ 3 1 ""■■3" 1 1 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 8 1 4 1 Dralte. Beth Kimball. Amos Drake, Abijah,Junr Olcott, Timothy. Chandler, Bela 1 Hutchinson, Moses Tarble, Peter 1 • Clark, Ephraim, Jun-... Grayhani, John Robinson, James Colbom, Ezekiel Grayham. Robert Atwood, Jeremiah Thirston, John Conant, Nathan Hutchins, Simon Tucker, Caleb 1 Holt, William Williams, .\nthony ....I.... Hutchinson, Samuel, Dutton, Stephen Sanders, Solomon 1 Stone, Thomas Perkins, l^ufus •1 3 2 4 2 3 3 } :::::::: 1 Spaulding. WilUrd Spaulding, Benjamin... Parker, Elijah I Sawyer, .\braham Robins, Nathan Alverson, Simeon 1 Lord, Natlianiel Church, Joshua Sari well. Solomon .TohnsoD, Phebe Walker, Elisha 1 White Samuel Earl, Fradrick. I Adams, Samuel Warren, Thomas Earl, George. 60 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. WINDSOR COUNTX— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. a 1 = H = o SB .■Sm .a a 3 w a a e Xi oi 1 03 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. u .■§3 s P4 41 11 3 £ 1 Ih S. £ < 1 NAME OF HEAD OF F.IMILY. Froo white males of 10 years and upward, including heads of families. h .A 11 l| Hi i I < GO 1 CHESTER Town— con. Gile, Nathan 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 T 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 ...... 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 1 3 3 4 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 "i' 3 ""2 ""2 2 1 " "3" 2 ...... 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 ""'3' 2 1 " i' 1 3 ...... 1 1 2 4 ■■3' e 2 4 2 3 2 2 ....„ 1 2 1 1 ..... 1 4 2 5 2 1 2 3 3 2 S 1 3 1 1 4 3 4 1 5 2 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 8 2 2 3 5 1 2 1 3 3 1 7 3 2 5 4 5 1 2 4 3 1 5 1 4 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 5 3 2 2 1 5 S 1 4 2 1 3 4 HARTFORD TOWN— COn. 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 ...... 1 ■"2' 1 3 4 1 2 2 2 2 5 1 1 1 " '2 I 2 3 3 1 1 1 "i 2 4 3 ...... 2 ""3 1 "i' 1 2 ...... 1 3 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ....„ 4 4 ""2 1 '■3' 1 4 ' "3' "1 3 1 2 2 ...... 2 1 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 7 5 3 3 3 4 2 5 4 3 2 4 5 5 2 3 1 3 3 2 3 4 1 2 6 1 2 6 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 S 3 3 2 2 ,5 3 2 2 1 2 3 6 3 2 7 4 4 1 6 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 5 2 6 1 4 2 2 4 1 6 3 2 1 5 5 3 1 2 2 HARTFORD TOWN — COD. ' Savage. Francis 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 ■■"■3" 2 ""2 2 1 ""2 1 1 ""2 " '3 "1 ""2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 ■■- j- 2 ""'i' 1 2 2 ...... 1 3 ""2 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 ""2 2 2 3 3 ■3 2 3 4 2 1 4 3 a '■■2' '""i" 2 1 1 1 ...... ""2 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 I 3 2 3 5 3 5 3 4 1 4 3 3 5 1 5 2 3 5 1 5 4 1 7 3 3 4 6 6 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 1 3 1 5 4 1 1 2 2 4 2 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 5 2 1 4 3 3 4 Pemmon, Nathan Denimon. William Gilliey, William Colhn, Michael Savage, Thomas ' Scott, Luther Laiand, Aaron Dillino, Zebulon Dimmick, Phillip Dunham. Garshom Dunham, William Drew, Ezra 1 Shalliss, Francis 1 Smith, .\shliel Hodgniun. Nathan { Smith, John ' Sprague, Elkana Sprague, Ignatius Sprague, Phillip Stoddard, Phinehas Strong, Jedediah St rong, Solomon Tenny, Reuben Sergeants, Israel Bowtell, .lohn Dutton, John . . . Atwood, William Dutton, Nathaniel Eaton. Brigham E ngland , Stephen Eudall, Oliver Gile, Moses Laraliee, .lohn Eudall, Samuel Tilden, Stephen Tilden, Stephen Tracy, Andrew Horton, .Vdonijah Hoar, William Fellows, Samuel Follet, Thankful! 1 3 2 i 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Tarble, Nathaniel Gillet, Israel Warner, EUsha . . Watkin s, Aniasa Webster, Samuel W'ebster, Israel Church, Joshua. Junf . Gillet, Roger Chandler, John E Gould, Benjamin Gross, Thomas Putnam, John Whitecomb, Joshua Whitney, Jonathan W^hltney, Nathan Whitney. Jonathan Williams, Isaac Williams, Josiah Wilson. Daniel Hall Jacob .. . . Hall, Willis Rounds. George Field, David Hatchway, John Ilazen, Asa Field, Abner Hazen, Hezekiah W'ood, Ephraim Woodworth, Benjamin. W^oodworth, Roger Wright, Benjamin Fuller, John Hazen, Lemuel Hazen, Solomon Hazen, Thomas Barton, Josi.ah. . . Waterman. Olncy Stone, Kiifus Ilewit, Daniel Wright. Jonathan W^ right, Benjamin Wright, Phinehas UARTLAND TOWN. Holbrook, Thomas Hopkins Noah Field, Nehemiah Clay, Timothy How .stuard Whitman, George Field, Pardon Hoyt, Abraham Hoyt, Benjamin Hunter, John Johnson, Josiah. . . . Ainsworth, Daniel Hutchinson, Zenos Janes, David Johnson, Willard Aldrieh. Noah Lincoln, Hezekiah Marsh, .Miel Alexander, Eldad Alexander, Quartos AUyn. Ebenczer Aniris, Ebenczer Anderson, Robert Ashley, WUliam S Johnson, Ebenczer Parks, Thadeus Marsh, Abraham Marsh, Elisha Parks, Jonathan Marsh, Eliphalet Marsh, John HAJBTFORD TOWN. .... AUyn, William Marsh, Joseph Back, George 1 Baldwin, David AiiUer, Peter Badger, Daniel. .. Ball, John Muncil, Eliakim S Murrol, William Miixley. Thomas Ncwcli Zenos Badger, Gideon Bennet, John Bagley, Henry Bagley, Orlando Baglev. Thomas Billings, Christopher... Billings, Joseph Billings, Joseph Billings, John Bill, Eliptialet Nobles, Shadrick Pease, Christopher Pease, Christopher Blackinan, Jellry Bramble, Abel . Petkin, Rhoda Billings, Nathan Bt'iding, Moses Brink, James Pixlcy, Asa Bugbee, Benjamin Bugbee, Nathaniel rixlej', William Porter, Ambrose Porter, William Burch, Benjamin Burch, Eddv. Bishop. Eleazer Briant, Amasa Powel, Rowland Powel, Rowland Powers. William Burcb. Kphraim Briant. Benjamin Bri^k, Daniel Burch, .lames Bridge, Ebenezer Brown, Solomon Brigham. Abner Buck, Jonathan Bugbee, Daniel Burch, William Pvnneo, Daniel. Ransom, Daniel Ransom, Mathow Richardson, .\mos Richardson, John Richardson, Thomas. . . Richardson, William... \ Rider. Joshua Cady, James Chapman, Ellas Chapman, Erastus Chapman, Jeriah Chapman, Simon Clark, John Burdiek, Stanton Burrell. John 1 Cady. Thomas H Clark, Michael Clark, Paul Rider, Peter ::::::::! Cabot, Marston Cabot. Sebastian Call, Elias Closton, .Simon Robinson, Amos Robinson, Artemus Colburn, La ban Call, Caleb Rust, Nial Cowser, Asa Rust, Phinehas ::::::::! Carey, Ephriam HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 61 AVINDSOR COUNTT— Continued. NAME OF HE.VD OF FAMILY. ( 16 years and upward, including heads of families. D (DOT- IS ia "153 il i M 85.2 1 c 1 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 16 years and upward, including heads of families. Free white males un- der 16 years. Free white females, in- cluding heads of fam- ilies. a a >-• 1 1 > Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. Free white males un- der 10 years. Free white females, in- cluding heads of fam- ilies. a 2 s, a> x: < 1 HAKTLAND TOWN— COn. Carver. Nathaniel 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 HABTLAND TOWN— COn. Lamphier, John Lauton, Thomas 2 i 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1. 1 3 1 4 2 2 i 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 e 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 5 4 ...... ...... 3 '""i' 1 ■"'i' 5 5 2 5 2 4 3 4 5 4 6 3 2 1 5 2 2 4 4 2 1 1 5 4 3 3 3 6 HAKTLAND TOWN — COn. Taylor, Elias 5 5 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 "i' 1 1 2 "'i' ■"■'3' 2 3 1 1 1 "'i' ...... 2 2 "'i' 1 2 2 1 4 ""2 3 2 ■'3' 2 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 1 6 8 1 5 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 "i 3 1 2 ""'2' 1 1 1 2 1 1 " "3' 2 2 2 1 '"'3' 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 4 3 2 5 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 5 3 3 2 3 1 6 4 6 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 3 Taylor, Oliver Teu.xbury, Ephraim — Teuxbury, Israel Teuxbury, Jacob Twiner, EUsha ... ... Liscomb, Thomas Liscomb, Darius ... Chirk, Timothy 2 1 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 1 6 2 i 2 3 5 4 4 2 2 5 3 7 4 3 4 2 4 3 3 4 1 5 3 5 2 1 2 5 2 4 2 5 6 Tylor, Job Livennore. William Tylor, Jonathan Voce, Thomas V Walden, John ... Cotton, Milven " ' Cotten, Thomas Cotten, Willard Waldcn, Nathaniel Walker, Elnathan Warren, Zenos . . . . Croseroot, Lewis Lull, Asa . . Waters, Timothy Webster, Moses Webster, Benoni Weed, Nathaniel Weeden, Samuel Weeden, Thomas White, Asa White, Francis Lull Tuuothy Dailey, WiUiam J Danford, James Danford, Francis Danford, WilUam Danford, William Danforth, Nicholas Lull Timothv Marbel, Benjamin White, Thomas Wild, Elias Mash, Abel . . . Willard, Aaron WiUard, Edward Willard, Ely Denison, George Diusmore, John Willard, James Willard, Oliver Elsworth, Ezra Edson, Sylvester Emmons, Thomas • Willard, Oliver . Willard, Oliver Morrison, Robert 3 1 5 2 1 1 1 ...... 1 1 2 2 1 2 ""s 3 3 3 1 ■■3' 1 3 ...... 3 '"""3' 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 "'"■3" 9 1 "i" 3 ""'5' 2 2 3 3 1 I 2 ""2 3 3 5 2 4 2 I 3 2 2 6 1 1 3 1 3 1 4 5 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 5 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 4 2 5 2 3 5 1 2 5 4 4 5 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 5 Williams, .\dam Willard, Wilder Williams, James Williams, Samuel Williams, Simeon Winch, Jason 1 Evans, Elsi Miner. Ephraim Munsel, Daniel .... , . Fisher, Timothy Miixlev Seth Wood, Edward Wood, Jonathan Wood, Josiah 4 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 ...... 3 1 1 4 3 3 '"'i' 2 1 1 1 2 ...... 2 1 1 3 2 ...... 3 1 3 3 3 ..... 1 ""i 1 5 " "5 1 2 2 4 6 4 2 4 4 3 2 5 5 1 6 3 5 2 2 2 4 2 3 4 4 1 3 4 3 4 2 6 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 4 4 5 1 5 2 4 2 2 4 Paine, Eleazer LUDLOW TOWN. Button, William Patterson, Joseph Patterson, William Gallup, Wilham Garey. Benjamin 1 Remington, Joseph Pingery, Nathaniel Crowley, Abraham Hill, Isaac .... Richardson, James Richardson, Jeremiah . . Farwell, .4bel Wilcox, Robert .... Harris, Ishmael ' Rogers, Benjamin Rogers, ]':iiphal6t Rogers, Nathaniel Duncan, John 1 4 4 2 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 2 ....„ 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 ""i 1 2 2 5 1 3 4 3 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 5 3 3 1 4 3 6 4 1 6 1 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 5 1 Hatch, Ichabod Fletcher, Josiah Holden, Jonas .... Harvey, Xathaniol Hathwey, Wilber Roode, Humphrey Roode, Thomas P Reed, Simeon Bixby, Thomas Bixbv, David .... Hodgeman, Jonathan. . . Hodgeman. Lot Hodley. Thomas Holbrook, Ebenezer Holbrook. Ebenezer, Jr. Holbrook, Harlni Holdridge, Ephraim Holdridge, Thomas Holmes, Stiison Holmes, Absalom Richardson, Thomas . . . GaQield, Joseph Proctor, Silas Beuls, George Lewis, David Sergents, Moses Whitney, .Tames Gieazon. Catherine * Patch, Benjamin Ives, Levi 2 3 1 2 2 " Shattuck Silas Reed, Stephen Simmons, Joseph Simmons, Simon Bixby, Levi NOBWICH TOWN. Armstrong, John Baldwin, Daniel Baldwin, Elijah Baldwin, Levi Sprague, iCikanah Hopkins, WUUam Jaquith, Benjamin Jaquith, WiUiam Spooner, Daniel Stanton, Daniel Stanton, James Stanton, Phinehas Ball, Humphrey Johnson. William Ball, Joseph Stevens, Perula Stickncy, Thomas Ball, Roswell TTpith AzpI Barrett, Jonathan Bartlett, Elliot Bartlett, Garshom Bartlett, Garshom.... Bartlett, George Bartlett, Jonathan Bartlett, Joseph Bartlett, Ithamer Bartlett, Moses .... Kelley, Ebenezer KiUam, Phinehas Kimball, Phinehas Sumner, WiUiam Swcctscr, William Tuft Artimus . .-• Laiton, John Taylor, Asa ... .... 30752—07- 62 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. WENDSOR COTTNTX— Continued. * NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. iree wnite maies oi 16 years and upward, including heads of families. a S 11 M a E IB < CO NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free wnite males 01 16 years and upward , including heads of families. Free white males un- der 16 years. Free white females, in- cluding heads of fam- ilies. a § s. u ^. Jonathan Williams. Silas W'hceler, Jr>siah Woodward. Ebenezer.. Woodworth. Timothy. Young, Ebenezer ".. SALTASH TOWN. Adams, Ephraim... Brown. Boardman. Coolidge, John Coolidgc. Obediah.. Corey, Ebenezer Corlile. William Jones, Nathaniel... Merdye, John Nichols, Robert Page, Samuel Priest. James Sawyer, Paul Sawyer, Thomas. . . Taylor. John WTieeler. Asa Wilder, Ebenezer. . . Wilder, Jacob Wilder, Jacob Wilder. Jonathan.. . Wilder, Reuben W. SHAEON TOWN. Ames, David . . Basset, Jared. Bewel, Abel ... 'O S 0) s to B5 .HS 9.5.2 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. a S o SHARON TOWN— con. Benton , Nathan Bruce, Jesse Bruce, Jonas Bruce, Jonathan Brown, James Burton, Josiah Calkins, Jcdediah Carpenter, Alvin Carpenter, Asa Carpenter, J araes Carpenter, James Carpenter. Nathan Chiel, David Cleaveland, John Darbe, Jesse Day, Orson Doubleday, Jacob Downer, Andrew Downer, Jason Downer, Zacheus Eldridge, Caleb Foster, Aaron Foster, Thomas Foster, William Frink, Willard Gallup, Joseph Gilbert, Daniel Goodspeed, Elisha Hatch, Abner Hatch, Isaac Howard , Thomas Ha/.e, Philemon Herri ngton, Mathew... Herrington. Stephen... How, Jonathan How , Simeon Holt, Abiel Holt, Isaac Hunter, Lark Ladd, Frederick Ladd, Samuel Lazel, Zenos Leonard, Daniel Leonard, Silas Lo vejoy , Daniel Lovejoy, John Lovejoy, Nehemiah — Lovejoy, Oliver Lovejoy, William Mann, "ijenjamin Marsh, James Marsh, Joel Ma}', Elisha Morgin, Roswell Morse, Anthony Moshcr, Aaron Moshcr, Nichols Mosher, I^ardon Mosher, Rodman Mosher, Thomas Mosher, Eber Palmer, Amos Parker, Amos Parker, James Parkhurst, Asahel Parkhurst, George Parkhurst, Ebenezer.. Parkhurst, Jonathan.. Parkhurst, Jonathan.. Parkhurst, Lemuel Parkhurst, Lydia Parkhurst, Noah Parkhurst, Reuben Pigsley , John Plumley, Jonathan Plumley, Samuel Powel, Stephen Powel. Stephen Rockwell. -Vdonijah . . . Shcpard, Moses Shepard, Squire Shepard, Willard Shermon, Joseph Simons, Joshua Smith, Moses Spalding, Asahel Spalding, Reuben Spalding. Royal Spalding, Wright Spear, Edward Thompson, Lathrop... Toi^m, James Tucker, John P Walbridge, John •^ s NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. 11^ S® cS •3^ 6-3 ..c a ? 3.2 SHARON TOWN— con. Wheoler, Ebenezer.. Wheeler, Isaac Wheeler. Nathaniel. White, Lemuel , Williams, Ebenezer. SPRINGFIELD TOWN. Bragg, Nicholas Chapman, EUphalet Bates. Roger Hubbard, Calvin Martin, Margaret Bisbee, John Thomson, Peter Paine, J ohn Paine, Ephraim McRoberts, William Gill, Amos Barrett, John Mill wain, William Swan, John Swan, Aaron Sartwell, Jacob Sartwell, Daniel Kemp, Elijah Goodcnough. Timothy.. W^ard. Nathan "... W'ard, Samuel CovcU, Joseph Corlew, Edward Wright, Joseph Thomson, John Stevens, Solomon Bragg, William Holmes. Hezekiah Holmes, Walter Pearl. Phinehas Bradford, Asa Burge, Nathaniel Bradford. Simeon W^eston, Nathaniel Weston, Jerusha Clark. Elisha Corlew, Silva M<=Roborts, John Farrington. Dan Caldwell, Ebenezer Tuttlc. Isaac Herrick, William Haskins. Samuel Bragg, Nicholas, Junr... Powers, Asahel Tower, Isaac Bates, Theophilus Bates, Phinehas Bisbee, Abner BUS, Oliver Holmes, Orsamus Wells, Obediah Killient, Charity Ward, Jabcz Ward. Jedediah Ball, Daniel ^Vhitney. Lemuel Rugg, J osephas Houghton, Al>el ■Nye, George Loekwood, Joseph Cobb, Samuel Nichols, Le\n. Jun^ Barnard. Jonathan Moore, Mary Tolman, Elijah Nichols, hevi Gould, Jonas Barrel!. Jolin Gell, John Bates, Moses McElroy, James Kingsley, James Parks, David Wynian, Jeduthan Burr. Jonathan Stevens, Simon Stevens, Simon, Jun'' . . . Luther, Wido. Caldwell, Nathan Scott, Samuel Giles, Samuel Hall, George Hall, James Sartwell, Oliver House, Prudence HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 65 "WINDSOR CO'CnNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. SPRINGFIELD TOWN— continued. Rogers, Elisha House, Simon noase, David Sa\vyer, Josiah Stow, Amos Allen, Ebenezer Griswould. Matthew Griswould, Daniel Griswould, Johu Kirk, William Field. Luther Waistcoat, Charles Williams, Timothy Packard, John Smith, Thomas King, Daniel Shirtliff, John Spooner. Benj" Lockwood, Abraham... PoUard, James Cook, Thomas Rogers, Chester Williams, John Scofield, Thomas Locki.vood, Jacob, 2d Blue, Stephen Temple, Fraderick WilUams, Timothy, Jun' Olney, Abraham OUiey, Wilham Olney, Bcnony Herford, Thomas Parker, Robert Parker, Amos Parker, Ezra Williams, Nicholas Redfield, Ezra Stinson, Da\'id Haywood, John Haywood, Paul Hall, John Cass, John Sanborn, John Brown, EUsha Bemis, John Bemis, Isaac Sartwell, Oliver, Jim""... Sartwell, Hale Latham, Simeon Aldrich, Benjamin Wight, Abner Dunphy, James Cummings, Joseph Lockwood, Henry Lockwood, William Loctwood, William ,Jun' Griffith, William Phillips, Levi Field. Daniel Lockwood, Abraham, Sti Hudson, Benjamin Hudson. William Hudson. Benarah Taylor, Jacob Lockwood Lockwood, Amos M<^Collester, John Balcb, Timothj^ Dennison. Daniel, Jun' Lockwood, Benony Randall, Ehsha Hall, James Maynard, John Lock, John Bailey, Jethro Nott, John Bailey, Luther Jer^is, Robert Marks, John Sheldin, Anthony Spencer, Nehemiah Spencer, Simeon Randall, John Randall, James Sartwell, Reuben Sartwell, Ezelciel Sartwell, Daniel Wilson, John Corlew, Thomas Smith, Isaac Randall , Amos Reed, Josiah Putnam, Thomas Clary, Dolly J 5-03 iD at I -si to . ; (73 Q ro : ci'2=; (C 3.- S "^ ,9 a 0) =3 Qj D QJ NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. "5 -go sa £-03 H 3 Si £ 2 1 2 2 7 3 2 66 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. "WUNTDSOR COUKTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free whlU' males of 10 years and upward, including heads of families. i Is C "^ f as II C u:3 1 IS g NAME OF HEAD OP FAUILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. c s en Straw, Reuljen Bruch, Stephen Hatch. John Powers. Jonathan Bill, Benjamin Langworthy, James Leavins, Ch'arles Ledgard. Joseph U'onard, Nathaniel.. .. Leveritt, William Lincoln, James Herwood. Archebaid ... Bishop, Benjamin Bishop, Levi Blake, William Chamljcrlin, Oliver. Jun' Grout, Asa Yoimg, Joseph Blood, John Glazier, Ebenezer Bradlej', William Brown, B riant Chaml>erliii, Oliver Lincoln, Nehemiah Lumbard, David Cliilson. Waters Brown, John . Chilson, Nathan Spaflord. Eliphalet Sisko, 2 4 , Burnnam, Eljenezer Lumbarrd, Stephen M=Daniel, James .... Bumham, Frederick V^iirnh.qni Sumnpl Boynton. John 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 4 5 2 1 3 2 3 6 2 3 3 2 6 1 2 4 2 3 2 3 5 S 1 3 3 6 6 S 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 4 2 4 2 3 2 2 6 3 4 4 3 1 5 Winn, Caleb Cady, Abel Martindale, Ehas Cady, Manassah Cady, Stephen 1 1 1 2 "'i' ...... 4 ""2 1 2 3 5 1 ...... 4 4 1 2 2 ""2 1 ...... 2 ...... 2 1 3 2 4 2 ...... 6 3 1 3 1 "■3' 2 1 ...... 4 2 1 "2 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 8 6 3 2 2 3 5 3 2 3 1 1 5 6 3 1 1 10 1 5 3 3 1 5 2 1 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 4 2 3 5 4 3 3 3 2 5 4 5 S 1 1 2 3 2 1 I 2 1 4 6 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 6 4 1 4 Chapin, Gideon Howard, David 4 I 1 2 1 3 1 6 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 5 1 4 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 Grout, Hezeldah. Jum.. Cady, Benjamin Capin, J ohn Jones, Nathaniel Mollon, Benjamin Boynton, Jewitt Boynton, Ephraim Capin, rhilip Orvis, David . Grout, Seth Colburn, Nathan Coldwell, Ebenezer Conant, Stephen Cooledge, Nathan Crandall, Joel Parker, Joseph Grout, Hezkiah Parmerle, -Me.xander ... Parmertree, Joseph Patrick, Benoni Pat rick, Mathew Pat rick, Samuel Peak, John Grout, Elihu Sears. Silas Hutchins, SerrcU Cooi)er, Thomas Cummings. Jerathmel. . WUliams, John Persons. Samuel Persons, William Persons, William Ordway, Nehemiah Parmale, J ohn Curtis, Silas Farr, Samuel Dake, Benjamin Porter, William Danford . Samuel 3 3 2 1 4 1 1 I I 2 2 1 1 1 5 1 3 Chapin, Joseph Dean, William Root, linfus Nichols, David Bononghue, James Ely, Joel Piper, Noah Rugglcs. Samuel Rumrill, Henry Sherman, Samuel, Jun'. Ely, Joel Eastman, Timothy Eastman, Clark Adams, Samuel Russel, Ely Crague, William Willard, James Emmons, Solomon Fisk, Natimn Russel. Jonathan Willard. I.nngly Willis, Moletinh Fuller, J oseph Sabin, Seth Stoughton, Nathaniel .. Belnap, J oseph GiU, John. Savage, Samuel Savage, Nathan Savage, Samuel Green, Benjamin Green, Isaac Glazier, Joseph Glazier, Aaron Hall, Jonathan Sawing, Munnun Severance, Ebenezer Shepard, Jonathan Smeed, Joel Howard, Archebaid . Hall, David Webb, Joseph Hale', David Edy. Newberry Hale, Silas Smeed, John Edv. Allen Harlow, William Hawley, Elijah Sawing, Samuel Smith, .\sahel Whetmore, Jerusha Stoughton. Joseph Spaflord, J oseph 3 1 ' 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 Hawley, Ezekiel Hawlev, Jesse Smith, Edward Spaflord, Joseph, Jun'. . Hadlock, Thomas Ilayard, Ebenezer Hayard. Ebenezer llrtstings, Daniel Hedge, Solomon Hemingway. Bhinehas . Herrick, Henry Smith, Joseph Smith, Reuben Hadlock. John Smith, Samuel. . . Culver, Andrew Smith, Steel Spalding, .Vndrew Spabiing, Leonard Spalding, Timothy Spafforn, John Morgin, Samuel Alien, Jonathan Hibbard, Elnathan Hoisington, Elias Hoisington, Ebenezer . . Hoisington, Ebennzer.. Hoisington. Nathan^... Hopkins, John Spafford, Taylor Stark, Jesse WINDSOB TOWN. Adams, Abel Stark, William Adams, Isaac Stacy, John. Houghton, Darius Hubbard, Eidad Hubbard, Watts Hunter, David Stockings, Joseph Stoddard, Semion Stoel, Joel .. Ainesworth, Thomas. .. Arkins, Israel Bailev, J oshua Stoel, Jacob Bailev. Samuel Hunter, Thomas Hunter, William Hurd, Abijah Stone, Caleb . Banister, Silas Stone, Ephraim Stone, Hezekiah Stone, Nathan Barrett, Joseph Jenny, Noah Barrett, Oliver Jewit, WiUiam .... Stone, Samuel HEADS OF FAMILIES— VERMONT. 67 WINDSOR COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males 01 16 years and upward, including heads of families. i ■St is a-o 4 1 > 03 NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free wmte males 01 16 years and upward, including heads of families. a) ai ■37^ s s ^ 2 w g.s . £-33 3 g S, 1 u ,a 5 NAME OF HEAD OF g FAMILY. " oi BJ) . ■3 m P m 'Pi is °^ Free white males un- der 16 years. Free white females, in- cluding heads of fam- iUes. SO 1. 1 < CQ WIXDSOR TOWN— con. Story, Zachariah 1 1 X 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 2 5 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 ...... 2 3 3 5 ...... 2 5 2 ■■■■3' 2 2 2 2 i ""2 2 2 2 ■•••j- 1 2 2 ""2 1 2 I ""i" 3 ...... 3 ...... 5 2 5 1 1 WOODSTOCK TOWN— con. Claflin, Tunothy 2 2 2 1 2 2 ■■3' 3 1 ...... 2 2 4 1 2 "'h' 5 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 ■■■4 3 1 1 '"'i' 3 1 1 3 2 ""3 "i 1 1 5 ■'3' 1 2 1 3 3 3 2 ' "i' 3 2 "i ""2 2 ' "l 2 3 ...... 1 "'i' ""'2" 2 6 2 2 ...... 2 4 3 1 3 1 4 4 7 6 3 1 4 3 2 4 2 6 3 3 5 1 3 2 7 2 4 6 3 4 1 1 4 6 2 3 4 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 4 1 4 4 6 3 4 5 3 3 4 3 6 2 4 3 5 3 3 2 6 3 1 3 6 2 4 2 1 2 1 5 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 5 4 1 2 2 WOODSTOCK TOWN— con. Kingsley, Ebenezer Kiugsley, Jonathan Kingsley, Jonathan Kaoutton, Robert Knox, Timothy Ladd, Nathaniel Lake, George 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 i 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 6 2 1 1 1 4 } I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 3 4 1 3 "'i' 2 2 4 ""'i' 1 ""2 2 ""2 1 ...... '"'i' 2' 1 2 2 ■'"'i' ■" "i" 3 ...... 4 1 1 3 ...... 1 3 3 ■"■3" 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 3 2 4 1 2 '"'2 2 3 2 " '3 3 ...... ""■3" 3 4 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 6 4 5 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 2 .5 2 3 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 5 3 1 2 5 1 4 3 I 4 2 3 a 6 S 4 4 4 6 6 2 5 1 3 4 1 1 3 5 2 1 4 6 1 1 4 3 3 4 4 3 1 1 5 3 1 4 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 9 6 3 3 2 1 1 1 Stricklin, Jonah Spicer, Zephaniah Cleaveland, Edward Cobb, Benjamin M Cobb Elias Taylor, Abraham 2 8 3 4 1 1 7 2 2 3 4 1 2 1 4 2 3 2 3 4 1 5 5 2 1 3 5 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 4 1 6 5 4 2 5 1 1 2 4 1 5 3 3 1 5 1 Cobb, James Lamb, Josiah Taylor, Leonard Lamphire, Luke Lord, EUsha Cottle John Temple, Nicanor Thompson, Hozeldah. . . Thompson. Joseph Thompson, Ilezeki'^ Tinkham, Amos Lucus, Confidence Mack, Benjamin Mack, David Cottle, Sylvanus Mack, Nehemiah Mack. Nehemiah M-'Clay, William Mason, Benjamin Mathews, Arthur Cox Timothy Cummins, Israel W Damon, George Mathews, Jonas Mathews, Samuel Meachum, Eleazer Meachum, Frederick Miner, Christopher Darling, Joseph Wakefield, Joseph Washburn, Sylvanus... Waters. Sylvanus Dela no , J onathan Delano, Stephen Myrick, Samuel Murdock, James Dike. Calvin NUes, EliphaL^t Whifp rharlp"? Dimmick, Benjamin Dunham, James Dimham, Josiah Dimham, Simeon Nye, Elisha Paddock, Gauis Paine, Abel . . . Wilkins Uriah Wiliard Oliver Paddock. Stephen Palmer, Ezekiel Palmer, Garshom Willard Peter Dutton. Samuel Eddy, Ephraim Eddv Thomas 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3. 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 i 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Wlllston Caleb Ellis Charles Parker, Eleazer Perrv, Ezra . . Ellis Thomas Ellis William Perkins, Nathan Woodrough, Joseph Emerson, James Emerson, James Pool, Nathaniel Powers, Andrew Powers, Abraham Powers, Stephen Powers. Stephen Emraons. Benjamin Famsworth, . Farnsworth, Stephen. . . Alverd, Stephen Alverd, Stephen W Atwood. Joseph Pratt, Joseph Fletcher, James Fletcher. Nathan Randalls, Micall Randalls, William Ransom, Elisha Ransom, George Freeman, Samuel Bailey, Stephen Fuller, Consider Fuller, Seth Ransom, Lynde Ransom, Richard Raymond, J ohn Raymond, John Raymond. Samuel Raymond. Sylvester ... Raymond, William Richardson, Israel Richardson, Israel Richardson, Jason Richardson, Leander... Rise. Elijah Root, Thomas Russ, Nathan Safford, Jesso Safford. Joseph Fuller, William Goodale, David Green, Benjamin Barrett, Joseph Bennet, Arthur c 2 2 ■'■3' 3 3 3 4 1 4 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 Hammon, Jabez Harlon, Lemuel Bermet, William Hayes, John Benjamin, Jonas Benjamin, Jonathan Bessa. Anthony Hammon, John Hervey, Edraond Hervey, Marshall Besbee, Isaac Hoisington, Asahel Hoisington, Titus V Holt, Jacob . . i Boston, Cato- 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 2' 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 5 5 2 3 5 9 3 a 2 Holt, Uriah Houghton, Israel Houghton, Taylor 1 Horwood, James Howard, Benjanl" Howland, Nathan Ilowland, Seth Samson, Abisha Samson, George Samson, Philemon Sanderson, Benjam° ... Sanderson, James Sanderson, John Sanderson, Phinehas... Simmons, David Brewstor, Ephraim 1 1 Burch, Benjamin Burk, Ehid 1 Call, Ebenezer. . Call, John Carpenter, Rufus Chapin, Pelatiah . Killam, Nathaniel Kindali, Abraham Kindall, Isiiac Churchill, Ichabod. Churchill, Joseph Claflin, Ephraim 1 L... King, Jabez Sears Paul .... 68 FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. "WINDSOR COUNTY— Continued. NAME OF HEAD OF FAMILY. Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads of families. i f s Is c-o ID ai sll 09 a o S p. c e 1-1 a , 61. Babbit, Ira, 51. Babbit, John, 21. Babcock, Champlin, 45. Babcock, Daniel, 65. Babcock, Ebenezer, 40. Babcock, Roswell, 59. Babcock, William Smith, 65. Babecock, John, 40. BacheUler, .■Vbel, 26. Bachelor, John, 42. Back, George, 00. Back, Lyman, 6?.. Backe, Elisha, 20. Backus, Stepnen, 63. Bacon, Asa, 12. Bacon, Benjamin, 22. Bacon, Jacob, 12. Bacon, Jerub, 63. Bacon, John, 32. Bacon, Nathaniel, 36. Bacon, Nath>, Juf, 36. Bacon, Nathaniel, 40. Bacon, Philip, 36. Bacon, Thomas. 63. Badcock, David, 54. Badcock, Jesse, 33. Badcock, Josiah, 62. Badcock, Richard, 33. Badcock, Stephen, 30. Badger, Daniel, 60. Badger, Daniel, 60. Badger, Elisha, 60. Badger, Gideon, 46. Badger, Gideon, 60. Badger, Samuel, 29. Badger, Sam>, 5". Baer, Coonrod, 23. Bagley, .\aron, 34. Bagley, Henry. 60. Bagley, Orlando, 60. Bagley. Thomas, 60. Baier, Isaac, 40. Baier, John, 40. Bailey, Abijah, 32. Bailey, Benjamin, 32. Bailey, Charles, 32. Bailey, Charles. 32. Bailey, Cyrus, 32. BaUey, David, 60. BaUey, Elijah, 67. Bailev, Fry, 32. Bailey, Isaac, 32. Bailey, Israel, 31. Bailey, Jacob, 32. BaUey, Jacob, 32. BaUey, James, 30. BaUcy, James, 32. BaUey, James, 32. Bailev, Jethro, 65. Bailey, John, 32. BaUey, John G., 32. BaUey, Joshua, 14. BaUey, Joshua, 32. Bailey, Joshua, 66. Bailey, Levi, 63. BaUey, Luther, 32. BaUey, Luther, 65. BaUey, Moses, 32. BaUey, Moses, 32. Bailey, Nathaniel, 58. BaUey, Orsamus, 31. BaUey, Richard, 30. BaUey, Samuel, 29. Bailev, Samuel, 66. Bailev, Stephen, 67. Bailey, Welister, 32. BaUy, Joshua, 28. Baits, Cornelius, 47. Baits, Jabez, 56. Baker, Abel, 62. Baker, .\rtemus, 67. Baker, Asaal, 35. Baker, Benjamin, 33. Baker, Bcnj", 40. Baker, Cornelius, 54. Baker, Daniel, 12. Baker, Dan', 54. Baker, David, 24. Baker, Ebenezer, 41. Baker, Edniond. 35. Baker, Elrhid, 20. Baker, Eliab. 23. Baker, Elijah, 41. Baker, Doc Elisha 37. Baker, Ezra, 24. Baker, Fredrick, 46. Baker, George, 19. Baker, Gideon, 39. Baker, Ichabod,41. Baker, Isaiah, 35. Baker, James, 14. Baker, John, 15. Baker, John, 34. Baker, Jonas, 47. Baker Jonathan, 15. Baker, Jonathan, 37. Baker, J oseph . 2?. Baker, Mathew, 22. Baker, Ozi.lS. Baker. Reuben, 39. Baker, Henl)en,41. Baker, Rufws,41. Baker, Samuel, 32. Baker, Sam' Jun', 49. Baker, Scrgent, 22. Baker, Scth, 46. Baker, Silas, 20. Baker, Simon, 24. Baker, Solomon, 17. Baker, Theodore, 28. Baker, Thr», 47. Baker, Timothy, 11. Baker, William, 19. Baker, Zebulon, 23. Bakon, Amos, 22. Bakon, Daniel, 21. Balch, Hart,58. Baleh, Sami,, 48. Balch, Sam'. Jun', 48. Balch, SUas, 27. Balch, Timothy, 65. Balcom, Henry, 52. Balccm, Isaac, 52. Balding, Asa, 17. Balding, Asa Ju', 17. Balding, Benj", 17. Balding, Elcazpar, 17. Balding, Elcazer, 17. Balding, Silas, 17. Baldridge. John,41. Baldwin, Abel, 59. Baldwin, .'Vsa. 35. Baldwin, Benjanun, 28. Baldwin, Caleb, 57. Baldwin, Daniel, 61. Baldwin. David, 60. Baldwin, Ebcnrzer, 31. Baldwin, Elijaii.ol. Baldwin, Frederic, 40. Baldwin, Isaac, 50. Balihvin, Isaac, Jun', 50. Balewin, Isaac, 59. Baldwin, Jabez, 35. Baldwin, Jere:r.iah, 50. Baldwin, Jesse, 58. Baldwin, Joel, 45. Baldwin, John 47. Baldwin, Jon», 56. Baldwin, Joseph, 59. Baldwin, Josiah, 11. Baldwin, Josiah. 37. Baldwin, Levi, 52. Baldwin, Levi, 61. Baldwin, Miles, 43. Baldwin, Stephen, 35. Baldwin, Tho» 56. Baldwin, Tho', Jtm', 56. Baldwin, Thomas, 59. Baldwis, Isaac, 33. Bales, David, 32. Baley, Benjamin, 40. Balev, Benjamin Jun', 40. BaleV, Daniel, 41. Balev, Edward, 40. Baley, llpnry.20. Balev, Kichard.20. Balev, Ward. 31. Balev, WilliMm,20. Balk'ura, Elijah, 30. BaU, U. Gideon, 57. Ball, Daniel, 64. Ball. David, 57. Ball, Davi.l. Jun',57. Ball, Humphrey, 61. Ball, Israel, 12. Ball, Jacob, 26. Ball, James, 57. Ball, John, 60. Ball Jonathan. 11. Ball, Jonathan, 01. Ball, Joseph, 30. Ball, Joseph. 61. Ball, Lemuel, 57. BaU, Moses, 47. BaU, Nathan, 47. BaU, Noah, 57. BaU, RosweU, 61. BaU, Sam', 51. BaU, Zembebel, 22. BaUard, Benj«, 4S. BaUard. John, 12. BaUard, Joseph, 39. BaUard, M. John, 39. BaUard, Sylvanus, 47. BaUord. Jellv, 45. Balster, John. 48. Bancroft, John. 37. BandweU, Moses, 51. Bangs, Abner, 57. Banister, Artimus, 63. Banister, Lazarus, 66. Banister, SUas, 66. Banister, Thomas, 19. Banister, Timothy, 63. Baniston, Jason, 58. BantweU, Tho», 52. Bar, .Vlexander, 15. Barbar, Daniel, 27. Barbar, EUsha, Esq', 25. Barbar, Horice, 25. Barbar, Martin, 2S. Barber, Benj", 50. Barber, Daniel, 18. Barber, Daniel. 36. Barber, Hoxy, 45. Barber, James, 11. Barber, Joel, 11. Barber, John, 11. Barber, John, Jr., 11. Barber, John, 30. Barber, Joseph, 18. Barber, Joseph, Jun', 18. Barber, Joseph, 36. Barber, Levi, 36. Barber, Margeret. 36. Barber, Robert, 36. Barber, Sam', 19. Barber, Simeon, 36. Barber, WilUam, 15. Barber, WiUiam, 19. Bark, Solomon, 66. Barker, Annaniah, 63. Barker, Barnabas, 33. Barker, Daniel. 05. Barker, Ehjah, 25. Barker. EUsha, 44. Barker, John, 14. Barker, John, 33. Barker, John, 33. Barker, John, 35. Barker, Joseph, 36. Barker, OUver, 36. Barker, Samuel, 45. Barker, Zebediah. 30. Barks, Seth, 36. Barlow, Aaron, 58. Barlow, Benjamin, 58. Barlow, Daniel, 17. Barlow, Diamond, 27. Barlow, John. 38. Barlow, Joseph, 58. Barlow, Hubbart. Esq'., 27 Barlow, Nathan, 39. Barlow, Nathaniel, 58. Barlow, Warren, 27. Barnard, Andrew, 37. Barnard, Dan, 37. Barnard, Eli, 55. Barnard, Job, 32. Barnard, Joel, 36. Barnard, John, 22. Barnard, Jonathan, 64. Barnard, Joshua, 55. Barnard, Joshua, Jim', 55 Barnard, Roger, 42. Barnard, Ruius, 12. Barnard. Sam', 48. Barnes, Bradford. 38. Barnes, Daniel, 38. Barnes, Esther, 36. Barnes, John, 36. Barnes, John, 55. Barnes. Joshua, 12. Barnes, Lemuel, 20. Barnes, Moses, 36. Barnes, Richard, 12. Barnes, Vinten, 3ti. Barnes, WiUiam, 43. Bamet, Benjamin, 28. Bamet. John, 13. Barnet. Jose, 24. Bamet. Moses, 60. Bamet, Nehemiah, 26. Bamet, Samuel, 32. Barnet, Sam', 55. Bamett, Samuel, 28. Barney, .\bel, 59. Barney, Barney, 13. Barney, Constant, 15. Barney, Edward, 48. Barney, John, 48. Barney, John, Jun', 48. Barney, Jon», 53. Barney, Rufiis, 17. Barney, Svlvanus, 48. Barney, Cap« Thomas, 23. Barnham. Samuel, 13. Barnon, Timothy, 22. Bams,, 24. Bams, Asa, Jun', 24. Bams, Benjra, 11. Barns, Daniel, 23. Barns, Daniel. 30. Barns, Elijah, 58. Barns, George. 30. Barns, Hezekiah, 23. Barns, Ithiel, 42. Barns, John, 17. Barns, John, 42. Barns, Joseph, 67. Barns, Joshua, 23. Barns, Robert, 27. Barns, William, 67. Barnuin, Daniel, 25. Barnum, Ebcn', 13. Bamum, Gideon, 38. Barnum, Jabcsh, 14. Bamum, Jehiel, 13. Barnum. Joseph, 14. Barnum, Richard. 13. Barnuin, Solomon, 14. Barnum, Stephen, 13. Barnum, Stephen, 14. Barnum, Tho«, 14. Barnum, Zacheus, 14. Barny, X. Jertery, 44. Barny, Daniel, 15. Barny, Jose{)h. 44. Baron. Michal, 28. Barr, Roger, 44. Barr, Samuel, 41. Barr, Simeon. 57. Barr, William, 43. Barrackman, John, 21. Barren, John, 64. Barret, Alexander, 38. Barret, Isaac, 46. Barret, Joel, 53. Barret, Levi, 51. Barret, Moses. 51. Barret, Thomas. 34. Barrett, Benjamin, 35. Barrett, John, 64. Barrett, Jonathan^ 61. Barrett, Joseph. 60. Barrett, Joseph, 67. Barrett, Luke, 35. Barrett, Oliver, 66. Barrett, Thaddeus, 35. Barrett, William, 65. Barrey, James, 48. Barrit, .\sa, 44. Barrit, Benj",22. Barron, John, 28. Barron, Joshua, 28. Barron, Moses, 31, Barron, Nathan, 48. Barrow, Samuel, 67. Barrows, David, 33. Barrows, Isaac, 11. Barrows, Lem', 11. Barrows, Sam', 11. Barrows, Sanmel, 67. Barrows, Solomon. 49. Barsley, Joshua, 26. Barsley, Nathaniel, 24. Barsley, Whitraore, 24. Barter, Robert. 14. Bartholomew, Benj", U. Bartholomew, Eleazcr, 35. Bartholomew, Isaac, 45. Bartholomew, Moses, 35. Bartholomew, Oliver, 35. Bartholomew, Timothy, 34. Bartlet, lehabod, 11. Bartlett, Benjamin, 25. Bartlett, Ebenezer, 25. Bartlett, Ebenezer. 63. Bartlett, Elisha, 24. Bartlett, Elliot. 61. Bartlett, Garshom, 61. Bartlett, Garshom. 61. Bartlett, George, 61. Bartlett, Ithainer, 61. Bartlett, John. 47. Bartlett, John, 51. Bartlett, Jonathan, 61. Bartlett, Joseph. 51. Bartlett, Joseph, 58. Bartlett, Joseph, 61. Bartlett, Moses, 33. Bartlett, Moses, 56. Bartlett, Moses. 61. Bartlett, Niith', 51. Bartlett, Philip, 27. Bartlett, Sanmel. 34. Bartlett, Samuel, 62. Bartlett, WUliam, 27. Bartlett, W", 52. Bartlett, Zarah, 51. Bartlit, Sam'i. 22. Barto, Benjannn, 25. Barto, Francis, 17. Barto, Sam'i, 17. Barto, Thomas, 20. Barto. WiUiam. 20. Barton, ,\nd[ev.'. 13. Barton, Andrew Jr., 13. Barton, Antl'.ony, 13. Barton, Benj", 57. Barton. David, 13. Barton, Dier, 13. Barton, Jon", 57. Barton, Josiah, 60. Barton, Solomon, 26. Barton, Timo, 57. Bascom, Timothy, 51. BasU. Thomas. 17. Basley, Daniel. 18. Basley, Levi, 21. Baslev, Price, 17. Bass.'CuH, 62. Bass, Edward, 29. Bass. Jonathan, 45. Bass. Samuel. 29. Basset, Enoch, 20. Basset, Jared, 64. Basset, Jedediah. 57. Basset, Joseph, 46. Basset, OUver, 31. Bassett, Elnathan, 31. Bassett, Howard, 58. Bassett, Rufus, 36. Bassett, Seth, 25. Bassett, Zachariah, 58. Basteel, John, 25. Basum, Joseph, 40. Batcheior, Daniel, 30. Batchelor, James, 31. Batcheior, Jethro, 33. Batchelor, John. 31. Batcheior, Thomas. 29. Batchelor. Timothy, 30. Bateman, Eleaser. 40. Bateman, Elcazer, 43. Bateman, Joseph, 40. Bateman, Zadock, 43. Bates, Arvin. 21. Bates, Christopher, 43. Bates, Daniel, 18. Bates, Daniel. 43. Bates. David, 28. Bates, Edward, 32. Bates, EUphalet, 32. Bates, Francis. IS. Bates, Francis, 19. Bates, Francis, Jun', 19. Bates, Jacob, 130. Bates, James, 11, Bates, James, 42. Bates, James, 43. Bates, Jonathan, 32. Bates, Jonathan, 43. Bates, Joseph, 60. Bates, Joshua. 22. Bates, Josiah, 19. Bates, Moses, 32. Bates, Moses, 64. Bates, Nathan, 21. Bates. OUver, 32. Bates, Phinehas. 64. Bates, Reuphus. 40. Bates, Roger, 64. Bates, Samuel, 32. Bates, Solomon, 32. Bates, Stephen, IS. Bates, Stephen. 22. Bates, TheophUus, 64. Bates, Walter, 11. Bates, WUUam, 22. Bates, Zadock. 18. Battle, John, 48. Baxter, EUhu, 62. Ba,xter, John, 56. Baxter, Nathan. 55. Baxter, Nichard, 34. Ba.xter, Uriah, 55. Bavlev, Clark, 56. Baylev, Dudley. 46. Bayley, EUjah, 14. Bayley, John, 53. Bayley, Jon», 56. Bayley, Rich-i, 48. Bayley, Sam', 46. Beach, Aaron L., M. Beach, Da\nd, 25. Beach, Elihu, 66. Beach. ElUlU, 66. Beach, John, 15. Beach, John, 28. Beach, Joseph, 23. Beach, Ohel. 13. Beach, Robert, 25. Beach, SUas, 28. Beach. Stephen, 66. Beagle, Daniel, 23. Beal, Obediah, 58. Beale, John, 55. Beale, Stephen, 47. Beale, Wi», 46. Beals, George, 61. Beaman, Daniel, 16. Beaman, Friend, 11. Beamon, Joseph. 17. Beamon. Josiah, 21. Bean. John. 24. Bean. WUham. 66. Beard. Abijah, 54. Beard, Josiah. 54. Beardley. Tchiel. 40. Beardly. Cyrus. 40. Beards'ley, '.Andrew, 46. INDEX. 71 Beardsly. Beverly, 46. Beardsly, Emanuel. 46. Beaton, William, 27. Bebe, Elisha. 17. Bebe, Ephraim, 41. Becldt, David, 21. Beckley, Josiah, 65. Berkley, Zebedee, 65. Beckwlth, Joshua, 12. Beebo, Alexander, 36. Beebe, Allen, 43. Beebe, Amnion, 38. Beebe, Asa, 22. Beebe, Asa Ju., 22. Beclie, Ezelaol, 43. Beebe, Ezekiel, Jun', 43. Beebe, Reyi Lewis, 41. Beebe, Reubin, 15. Beebe, Solomon, 43. Beebe. Timothy, 38. Beebee. Eli, 62. Beech, George, 37. Beech, Gersham, 37. Beech, Gershom, 43. Beech, Moses, 37. Beedlc, John, 18. Beedle, William, 18. Beels, Re*" Isaac. 37. Beeman, Ehjah, 33. Beeman, Joseph, 24. Beeman, Nathaniel, 43. Beers, Benj", IS. Belden, Abraham, 36. Beldeu, Augustus, 48. Beiden, Charles, 36. Belden, EUsha, 36. Beiden, Le\i. 3G. Belden, Phiuehas, 36. Belden, Phinchas, Jf, 36. Belden, Sam', 51. Belding, James, 58. Belding, Moses, 58. Belding, Moses, 60. Belding, Moses, 60. Belding. Titus, 11. Belknap, Asa, 47. Belknap, Calvin, 47. Belknap, David, 32. Belknap, Jesse, 36. Belknap, Joseph, 55. Belknap, Moses, 32. Belknap, Simeon, 32. Bell, Benjamin. 37. Bell, narvey. 11. Bell, Jason. 11. Bell, Jonathan, 45. Bell. Joseph, 50. BeU, Robert. 11. BeU. Samuel, 23. Bell, Samuel. 62. Bell, WiUiam, 22. Bellamy, Lydia, 46. Bellamy, Samuel, 46. Bellows, Charles. 51. Bellows, Ezra, 65. BeUows, John, 12. BeUows, Joseph, 51. Bellows, Silas, 16. Belnap, Joseph, 66. Belts, Sealey. 41. Bemis, David, 47. Bemis, Edmond, 48. Bemis, Elias, 47. Bemis, Isaac, 65. Bemis, Israel, 50. Bemis, John, 46. Bemis, John, 56. Bemis, John, 65. Bemis, Joseph, 47, Bemis, Joshua, 47. Bemis, Phihp, 47. Bemis, Tho% 55. Bemus, Silas, 13. Benadicts, Ezra, 18. Benedict, Benajah, 11. Benedict, Elijah, 27. Benedict, James, 40. Benedict, Jonathan, 18. Benedict, Peter, 23. Benedict, Peter, 4(1 Benedict, Zaclieus, 11. Benfield, George, 28. Benham, Enos, 26. Benjamin, John, 31. Benjamin, John, 58. Benjamin, Jonas. 67. Benjamin, Jonathau, 67. Benjamin, Sam', 11. Bennedick. Ickebod. 15. Bennedict, Saml., IS. Bennet, Aaron, 41. Bennet, Aaron, 48. Bennet, Amos, 62. Bennet, Arthur, 67. Bennet, Banks. 50. Bennet, Cromwel, 41. Bennet, Elijah, 40. Bennet, Isaac, 41. Bennet, Jabez, 67. Bennet, Jamoii, 34. Bennet, James, 41. Bemiet, John, 46. Bennet, John, 47. Bennet, John, 60. Bennet, John, 60. Bennet, John N., 11. Bennet, Jonathan, 60. Bennet, Joseph, 47. Bennet, Moses, 49. Bennet, Nathan, 41. Bennet, Nath', 50. Bennet, Nath', 54. Bennet, Noah, 46. Bennet, RosweU, 41. Bennet, Samuel, 41. Bennet, Sam', 47. Bennet, San.', 52. Bennet, Sam', Junr, 52. Bennet, Stephen, 46. Bennet, Stephen, 47. Bennet, Sylvanus, 58. Bennet, William, 30. Bennet, William, 67. Bennington. Thomas, 20. Bennit, Jedediah, 22. Bennit, Joseph, 21. Bennitt, John, *\5. Benom, Samuel, 45. Benson, Dan', 52. Benson, EUis, 40. Benson, John, 36. Benson, Joseph. 45. Benson, Moses, 52. Benson, Peter, 52. Benson, Roland, 45. Bentley, Abishai, 13. Bentley, Beni". 15. Bentley, Elisha, 22. Bentley, Thomas, 20. Bently, James, 11. Bently, James, 11. Bently, Tho«, 11. Benton, Andrew, 11. Benton, Gardner, 21. Benton, Jacob, 53. Benton, Joel, 62. Benton, Josiah, 62. Benton, Medad, 63. Benton, Nathan, 26. Benton, Nathan, 64. Benton, Philix, 11. Benton, Sam', 12. BerMt, Danil, 18. Berlison, Job, 19. Bems, Susannah, 1.5. Berrey, Simon, 30. Berry, Sam', 51. Besbee, Isaac, 67. Bessa, Anthony, 67. Bessa, Nehemiah, 67. Besto, Ebenezer, 27. Betty, James, 28. Bettys, Andrew, 40. Bevins . See Perry & Bevins, 32. Bevins, Edward, 63. Bevins, Edward, 63. Bevins, Jacob, 67. Bewel, At>el, 64. Biblins, Thomas, 17. Bickford, Sam', 51. Bicknel, Amos, 58. Bicknel, Amos, 58. BiddeU, Richard, 39. Biddlecomo, Daniel, 16. Biddlecome, Richard, 17. BidweU, Gt^orge, 27. Bigelow, Amasa, 29. Bigelow, David, 29. Bigelow, David, 46. Bigelow, Edmund, 40. Bigelow, Eliphez, 52. Bigelow, Elisha, 63. Bigelow, Elnathan, 59. Bigelow, Ely, 29. Big3low, Isaac, 47. Bigelow, Jabez, 32. Bigelow, Joel, 48. Bigelow, Josiah, 29. Bigelow, Josiah, 48. Bigelow, Nathan, 37. Bigelow, Noah, 22. Bigelow, Noah, Ju., 22. Bigelow, Noah, 63. Bigelow, Paul, 47. Bigelow, Silas, 66. Bigelow, Simeon, 36. Bigelow, Timothy, 29. Bigelow, Wni, 49. Biggelow, Ezra, 18. Bigelow, Joel, 14. Biggelow, Zenas, 14. Biggilow, Solomon, 14. Bigsbee, Ephraim, 63. Bigsbee, Jacob, (i3. Bigsbee, John, 63. BiD, Benjamin, 66. Bill, Calvin, 57. Bill, Ebpn^ 55. Bill, Eliphalet, 60. Bill, Oliver, 45. BiUings, Bulah, 16. Billings, Christopher, 60. Billings, Elkanah, 25. BiUings, Enoch, 60. Billings, Gideon, 58. BiUings, John, tjO. BiiUngs, John, 63. BiUings, Joseph, 44. Billings, Joseph, 60. Billings, Joseph, 60. Bilhngs, Moses, 23. Billings, Nathan, 23. BiUings, Nathan, 60. BUUngs, Lt Silas, 23. BiUs, Azariah, U. BiUs, Daniel, 25. Bills, Joshua, 15. Bingham, Abner, 24. Bingham, Asaph, 45. Bingham, Calvin, 17. Bingham, Hanah, 22. Bingham, Jeremiah, 12. Bingham, Jeremiah, 12. Bingham, OUver, 45. Bingham, Orias, 43. Bingham, Reuben, 65. Bingham, Salmon, 45. Bingham, Silas, 45. Bingham, Thomas, 63. Birara, James. 58. Birch, Jonathan, 46. Bird, Joseph, 13. Birdich, James, 27. Birje, David, 43. Bisbee, Abner, 64. Bisbee, John, 64. Bisbie, Robert, 36. Bisbuy, Benj-a, 20. Bishap, Benjamin, 66. Bishop, Benony, IS. Bishop, Bethuel, 44. Bishop, Daniel, 28. Bishop, Daniel. Jam, 28. Bishop, Eleazcr, (30. Bishop, Ehjah, 13. Bishop, Georgc>, 44. Bishop, JerHiniah, 44. Bishop, John, 13. Bishop, John, Jun% 13. Bishop. Lemuel, 22. Bishop. Levi, (i6. Bishop, Naphthalt, 13. Bishop, Oliver, 52. Bishop, Robert, 44. Bishop, Samuel, 44. Bishop, Solomon, 57. Bishop, Sylvester, 51. Bissel, Daniel, 32. Bissel, Daniel, 32. Bissel, Elias, 32. Bissel, Jeremiah, 62. BisseU, Jeremiah, 62. Bissell, John. 43. Bitgood, Ramington, 27. Bitterly. Tho", 52. Bixby. Aaron, 54. Bixby, Dan', 53. Bixbv, David, 49. Bixby, David, 61. Bixby, Ebenezer, 30. Bixby, Ichabod, 30. Bixby, Joel, 24. Bixby, Jonathan, 25. Bixby, Levi, 61. Bixby, Manassah, 48. Bixby, Manassah, Jun'', 48. Bixby, Sampson, 54. Bixby, Thomas, 61. Bixby, Youngiove 49. Blaakman, Ilollon, 58. Blaakman, Isaac, 20 . Black, Asa, 52. Black, David, 21. Black, Jacob, 28. Black, James, 52. Black, John, 47. Black, John, 47. Black, Steward, 52. Black, Wii, 52. Blackamoor, Stephen, 45. Blackamore, Samuel, 16. Blackamore, Sam', 16. Blackesly, Ezra, 18. Blackman, Abner, 38. Blackman, Elijah, 46. Blackman, Ephraim, 26. Blackman, Jeflry, 60. Blackman, Simeon, 41. Blackman, Timothy. 58. Blackman, WUliam, 58. Blackraore, Abner, 17. Blacmore, Eseck, 20. Blair, Edward, 12. Blair, James, 23. Blair. John, 46. Blair, Rol.iert, 16. Blair, Robert, 28. Blake, Elijah, 33. Blake, Nicholas, 35. Blakp, Obndiah, 36. Blake, Sanburn, .33. Blake, Timothv, 33. Blake, WiUiam', 66. Blake, W. John, 46. Blakeloy, Dan', 46. Blakeley, James, 46. Blakeley, John, 20. Blakeley, Nuth', 46. Blakely, Wido Avis, 65. Blakely, David, 41. Blakely, H:innah, 65. Blakely, Mos*'s, t>.5. Blakesley, Eber, 33. Blakesley, John, 22. Blanchard, Abel, 32. Blanchard, Abel, 32. Blanchard, Amasa, 44. Blanchard, Asa, 35. Blanchard, Asahel, 36, Blanchard, Benjamin, 43. Blanchard. Caleb, 37. Blanchard, Clerk, 37. Blanchard, Daniel, 34. Blanchard. David, 29. Blanchard, Ebenezer, 43. Blanchard. Elisha, 48. Blanchard, Isaac, 59. Blanchard, James, 29. Blanchard, Joel, 32. Blanchard, John, 27. Blanchard, John, 37. Blanchard, Jon*, 49. Blanchard, Joseph, 37. Blanchard, Joseph, 51. Blanchard, Lem', 48. Blanchard, Moses, 23. Blanchard, Nathan, 12. Blanchard, Peter, 30. Blanchard, Reuben, 32. Blanchard, Rial, 23. Blanchard. Rubin, 37. Blanchard, WiUiam, 25. Blanchard, W^, 53. Blanchard, Wn», Jun', 53. Blancher, Achabel, 22. Blancher, Asaiel, 13. Blancher, John, 21. Blauden, John, 46. Blandeu, Lem', 46. Blasdale, W^, 46. Blasdel, Nathaniel, 26. BUS, OUver, 64. BUsh, Joseph, 35. BUss, Abner, 25. BUss, Daniel, 11. BUss, Daniel, 36. BUss, David, 60. BUss, EUjah. 63. BUss, ElUs, 28. BUss, Frederick, 25. BUss, James, 34. BUss, John, 28. BUss, John, 33. BUss, John, 34. BUss, John, 34. BUss, John, 62. BUss, Jonathan, 63. BUss, Levi, .58. BUss, Luther, 16. BUss, Nath', 56. Bliss, Peletiah, 32. BUss, Samuel. 31. BUss, Samuel, 31. Bliss, Samuel, 35. Bliss Simeon. 3-5. BUss. Timothy, Esq', 24. Blodget, Archippus, 11. Blodget, Artemas, 45. Blodget, Asa. 11. Blodget. Benja,o7. Blodget, Benj", Juns 57. Blodget, Josiah, 47. Blodget. Salmon, 32. Blodget, Samuel, U. Blodget, Sardius, 25, Blodget. Sylvanus, 32. Blodget, Tho«, 57. Blogct, Benjamin, 32. Bloget Caleb, 32. Bloget, David, 34. Bloget, Henry, 32. Bloget, James, 32. Bloget, James, 32. Bloget, John, 32. Bloget, Joshua, 32, Blomer, Reubin, 17. Blood, Caleb, 21. Blond. Elijah, 3L Blood, Jared, 19. Blood, Jared, 19. Blood, John, IS. Blood, John, 66. Blood, Robert, 52. Blossom, AbigaU, 46. Blossom, David, 46. Blossom, Isaac, 41. Blossom, Peter, 46, Blossom, Seth, 41. Blowers, Abiel, 15. Blowers, Alice, 15. Blowers, Alixander, 15. Blowers, David, 15. Blowers, Ephri-im, 15. Blowers, Hart, 1.5, Blowers. W^. 15. Bloyes, Roubon. 03. Blue, Stephen. 65. Blunt, Ashur, 40. Blunt, Ephraim, 30. Blunt, Jeremiah, 30. Blyn, BeUa, 40. Blyn, Jonathan. 40. Blyn, Simeon, 40. Boardman, Benjamin, 24. Boardman, Jehiel, 62. Boardman, Jonas, 62. Boardman, Joseph, 63. Boardman, Nathaniel, 62. Boardman, Timothy, 43. Bobcock. Lemuel, 6.j. Bogue, Jellery, 37. Bogue, OUver, 37, Bogue, Samuel, 37. Boice, Hendrick, 15. Boice, Peter, 15. Boice, WiUiam. 16. Boiden, Edmond, 18. Boiden, Jonathan, 18. Boings, Daniel. 17. Boings, Obediah, 21. Boland. WiUiam, 17. Boland, WiUiam, 37. Bolder, John, 65, BoUard. Ezekiel.38. Bollard, Isaac, 38. Bolten, Richard, 17. Bond, Aaron, 52. Bond. Asa. 30. Bond, Henrj', 5-i. Bond. Jonas, 43. Bond. Moses, 36. Bond, Seth, 11. Bond, Solomon, 57. Bond. Stephen, 32. Bond. Thos, 46. Bonner, John, 17. Bennett, Joseph, 28. Boom, Amos, 18. Boom, Barned, 18. Boom, Jarod, 18. Boom, Nathaniel, 18. Boom, Nathl., Jun', 18. Booth, David, 15. Bord, D. ComeUus, 36. Bordin, Elisha. 36. Bordin. Ezekiei, 36. Bording. Sam^'. 20. Bordman, Amos, 13. Bordman, Isaac, 12. Bordman, EUjah, 16. Bordman, Elisha, 37. Bordman. Josiah, 13. Borman, Sherman, 22. Bomet, P.o'jert, 24. Bornet. Robert, Junr., 24. Borns, Samuel, 19. Bostick, Israel, 17. Bostick, John W., 13. Bostick, Mathew, 15. Boston, Cato, 67. Bost\vick, Arthur, 25. Bostwick, Austin, 13. Bostwick, Austin, 27. Bostwick, Doctor, 25. Bostwick, El>enezer25. Bostwick, Edmund, 25. Bostwick, Gashum, 25. Bostwick, Joseph. 27. Bostwick, Lemuel, Esq', 25. Bostwick, Nathaniel, 25. Both, Andrew, 20. Bottom, Jesse. 40. Bottom. Lemuel, 23. Bottom. RosweU, 40. Bottom. Simeon, 21. Bottum, PaUetire, 21. Bow, Daniel, 42. Bow, Jacob, 42. Bowdish, John. 19. Bowdish. Joseph. IS. Bowen, Daniel, 63. Bowen, David, 63. Bowen. Francis, 51. Bowen, John, 52. Bowen. Peter, 30. Bowen. RosweU, 24. Bowers, Jerathmel, 30. Bowker, Elias, 43. Bowker. Gideon, 48. Bowker, Isaac, 48. Bowker. Isaac, Jun', 48. Bowker, Nnthaniel, 43. BouTnan, Ezra, 41. Bowman. Isaac. 63. Bowman, John, 37. Bowman. Joseph, 58. Bowman, Joseph, 58. BowTnan, Moses, 13. Bowman, Nathan, 58. Bowman, Thadeus, 66. Bowman. Thadeus, Junr., 66. BowteU, .'Vsa, 60. BowteU, John, 60, Bo\nweU, Josiah, 53. BowtweU. Sam', 54. Bovd. Abraham, 57. Boyden. Dan', 48. Boyden, D»n', Jun', 48. Boyden, Uez^, 52. Boyden, Hez^, Jun', 52. 72 INDEX. Boyden. Isaac, 47. Boyden, James, 48. Boyden, Jon*, 47. Boydea, Jouathan, 59. Boyden, Joseph, 48. Boyden, Josiah, 47. Boyden, Wn>, 47. Boyentou, David, 13. Boyes, Samuel, 30. Boycs, Williuin. 32. Boyington, Cap. Job, 23. Boylc.Cliark's. 39. Boylo, Nathaniel, 41. Boyhis Timothy, 32. Boynton, Amos, 62. Boynton, Ephraim, 66. Boynton, Jewitt, 66. Boynton, John, 66. Boynton, Justis, 25. Boynton, Stewart, 65. Boyse, Daniel, 67. Boyse, George, 59. Boyse, Joseph, 63. Bozworth, John, .S9. Bracket, Christopher, 18. Bracket, Henry, 29. Bracket, Simeon, 30. Bracket & Fisk, 35. Bradford, Asa, 64. Bradford, Elisha, 42. Bradford, Noah, 49. Bradford, Simeon, 6-1. Bradley, Andrew, 24. Bradley, Azaraih, 22. Bradley, Benjamin, 26. Bradlev, Benjamin, 45. Bradley, David, 29. Bradlev, Eber, 28. Bradlev, Eli, 57. Bradlev, EUsha, 28. Bradley, Gilbert, 22. Bradley, James, 14. Bradley, James, 21. Bradley, James Jun', 21. Bradlev. James, 28. Bradlev. John, 22. Bradley, John, 22. Bradley, John, 55. Bradley. John, 56. Bradley, Joseph, 28. Bradlev. Lemuel, 22. Bradley, Miles, 13. Bradley, Moses, 11. Bradley, R. Stephen, 56. Bradley, Capt Samuel, 24. Bradley, Stephen, 22. Bradlev. Stilraan. 28. Bradley, Thaddeus, 56. Bnidk'V. Thomas. 30. BriHllcy, Wm, 55. Bradley. William, CG. Bragg, Ebens 56. Bragg, Kheu'', Jun', 56. Bragg, Nu-holas, 64. Bragg, Nicholas. Jun^, 64. Bragg. William, 64. Braidy, David, 12- Brainard, VAy. 32. Brainard, Israel, 30. Brakenidge, Daniel, 16. Brakenidge. Jonathan, 24. Brakenidge, Wilham, 16. Brakeridge, Francis, 24. Braley. Lemi, 55. Braraan, James, 62. Bramble, Abel, 60. Bramble. William, 60. Bran, Daniel, 22. Bran, Jellery. 43. Branch, Alexander, 14 Branch, Daniel, 41. Branch, Darius, 30. Branch, Elijah, 13. Branch, Isaac, 36. Branch, Joseph, 36. Branch, Luther, 36. Branch, Mason, 36. Branch, Peter, 34. Branch, Rufus, 36. Branch, Zepheniah, Jr., 17. Brandige, William, 23. Brandy, Peter, 20. Brannack, Consider, 67. Brassell, Gabriel, 41. Brassell, V/iliiam, 41. Bratton, David, 44. Bratton, David, 57. Bratton, Robert, 57. Brau, Eleazer, 36. Brawton. John, 45. Braynard, Timy, 39. Brevoort, Isaac, 18. Brewer. Archibald, 40. Brewer, Jeremiah, 23. Brewer^ Jonathan 45. Brewer, Samuel, 40. Brewst<'r, .\sa. h2. Brewster, Charles, 45. Brewster, Cyrus, {>2. Brewster, Ehphas, 45. Brewster, Ephralra, 67. Brewster, Jonah, 23. Brewster, Jon». 40. Brewster, Justm, 42. Brewster, Love, 41. Brewster, Nathaniel, 41. Brewster, Ozom, 26. Brewster, Timothy, 41. Briant, Amasa, 60. Briant, Benjamin, 60. Briant, Jeremiah, 24. Briant. John. 59. Brick, Daniel, CO. Brickct. Abraham, 32. Bride. James O., 11. Bridge, Ebenezer, 60. Bridge, Jesse, 40. Bridge, John, 43. Bridge, Joshua, 13. Bridgeman, John, 25. Bridgman, John, 51. Briggs, A bid. 52. Briggs, Asa, 40. Briggs, Asa. 52. Briggs, Elisha^ 46. Briggs, Ephraim, 58. Briggs, Gideon, 46. Briggs, Henry, 52. Briggs, Hezh 52. Briggs, Jonathan, 46. Briggs, Joseph, 19. Briggs, Joseph, 55. Briggs, Levi, 46. Briggs, Peter, 48. Briggs, Sam', 46. Briggs, Seth. 47. Briggs, Silas, 56. Briggs, Simeon, 36. Briggs, Solomon, 46. Briggs, William, 43. Brigham, Abner, 12. Brigham, Abner, CO. Brigham, Abraham, 30. Brigham, Asa, 58. Brigham, Eben', 55. Brigham, John, 43. Brigham, Paul. 62. Brigs, Daniel, 37. Brigs, Enos, 19. Brigs, John, 21. Brigs, Joseph, 21. Brigs, Josias, 21. Brigs, Philip, 37. Brink, James, 60. Brintnal. George 18. Brintnal, Jon% 51. Brisco. William, 33. Bristol, Abel, IS. Bristol, Eluathan 20. Bristol, Gideon, 21. Bristol, James 21. Bristol, Job, 20. Bristol, NatVi,21. Bristole, Abraham, J% 21. Bristole, Daniel, 21. Bristole. Sam'-i.20. Bristoll, Aaron, 14. Britain, Bcnj", 45. Briton, Thaddeus, 45. Britton, Claudius, 15. Brock, Andrew, 33. Brock, James. 13. Brock, John, 39. Brock, Robert, 2S, Brock, Robert, 32. Brock, Thomas, 32. Brock, Walter, 2S. Broclnvav. Tunothy, 36. Bromley, William, 38. Bromly, William, 38. Brookings, Boaz, 43. Brookings, Cyrus, 43. Brookings, Jthaiher, 43. Brookings, James, 42. Brookings, Philip, 43. Brookins, Philip. 14. Brookins, Silas, 14. Brooks, Aaron. Jun' 47. Brooks, Adonijah, 20. Brooks, Asa. 50. Brooks, Azaniah, 15. Brooks, Azariah, 26. Brooks, Barnabas, 16. Brooks, Cephas. 51. Brooks, David, 51. Brooks, David, 59. Brooks, Ebenr, 51. Brooks, Ephra. 49. Brooks, Icnabod, 42. Brooks, Jabez. 24. Brooks, John, 22. Brooks, Jou", 49. Brooks, Lem'. 50. Brooks, Nath', .')1. Brooks, Samt, 11. Brooks, Sara', J', II. Brooks, Simeon, 58. Brooks, Theophilus, 31. Brooks, Widow, 49. Broom, Noah, 37. Broomly, Bethuei, 38. Broomly, Boston, 38, Broomly, Daniel, 38. Broomly, WilUam, 38. Broughton, Ebenezer, 62. Bro\vn, Aaron, 63. Brown, Abraham, 27. Brown, Absolom, 33. Brovt-n, Adam, 12. Brown, Alexander, 63. Brown, Amos, 38. Brown, Barron, 56. Brown, BarziUa, 24. Brown, Benjamin, 30. Brown, Benj*, 56. Brown, Boardman, 64. Brown, Briant, 66. Brown, C. Jude, 51. Broi^Ti, Charless, 25. Brown, Constent, 21. Brown, Dan', 52. Brown, Daniel, 21. Brown, David, 15. Brown, Deac, 40. Brown, Ebenezer, 23. Brown, Eben"^, 48. Brown, Ebenezer, 58. Brown, Edmond, 28. B^o^^^l, Eli, 14. Brown, Elijah, 42. Brown, Elijah, 42. Brown, Elijah, 47. Brown, Elisha, 65. Brown, Heman. 33. Brown, Isaac, 28. Brown, Isaac, 45. Brown, Isaac, 43- Brown, Isaac, 62. Brown, Israel, 62. Brown, Jabez, 52. Brown, James, 21. Brown, James, 28. Brown, James, 31. Brown, James, 51. Brown, James, 64. Brown, Jeremiah, 14. Brown, Jeremiah, 36. Brown, Jeremiiih, 38. Brown, Jesse, 52. Brown, John, 12. Brown, John, 19. Brown, John, 19. Brown, John, 20. Brown, John, 32. Brown, John, 34. Bro^\Ti, John, 66. Brown, Jon*, 53. BrowTi, Joseph, 25. Brown, Joseph, Jun', 25. Brown, Joseph, 32. Brown, Josiah, 33. Brown, Luther, 40. Brown, Lyman, 51. Brown, Martin, 62. Brown, Mathew, 58. Brown, Moses, 33. Brown, Nath^i. 17. Brown, Nathaniel, 22. Brovm, Nathaniel. 33. Brown, Nathaniel, 62. Brown, Phineas, 13. Brown, Presila. 19. Bro^-n, Purchase, 37. Brown, Richard, 19. Brown, Samuel, 16. B^o^vn, Sem'^K 22. Brown, Sam'^i, Ju^ 22. Brown, Samuel, 40. Brown, Samuel, 58. Brown, Samuel, 62. Brown, Silas, 41. BrowTi, Solomon, 13. Brown, Solomon, 60. Brown, Thomas, 63. Brown, Timothy, 18. Brown, Timothy, 25. Brown, Timothy, 34. BrowTi, Warren, 12. Browm, Wllham, 19. Bro-^vn, William, 33. Brown, William, 65. Brown, Zacheriah, 16. Browning, Benjamin, 38. Browning. Blaeamone, 19. Browning, Thomas, 19. Brownson, Abijah, 36. Brownson, Amos, 26. Brownson, Amos, Esq', 28. Brownson, Asa, 28. Brownson, Benjf . 30. Brownson, CorncUus, 39. Brownson, Eldad, 41. Brownson, Elijah, G2. Brownson, Joel, Esqf, 28. Brownson, John, 26. Brownson. Liman. 26. Brownson, Reuben, 26. Broyhten, John, 46. Bruce, Artemas, 52. Bruce, Asa. 52. Bruce, Elijah, 52. Bruce, Eph^. 52. Bruce, Ezekiel, .11. Bruce, Jesse, 64. Bruce, Jonas, 64. Bruce, Jonathan, 64. Bruce, Josiah, 52. Brundage, Joseph, 4 :. Brunson, Eli, 18. Brunson, Gideon, 22. Brunson, Timothy, 22. Brush, Elkanah, 13. Brush, Josiah, 36. Brush. Nathi, 16. Brush, Ruth, 14. Brush, Solrmion, 46, Brush, William, 14. Bruson, Isaac, 22. Bnister, Jo.scph, 22. Brj'iint, Jacoo, 51. Bryant, Joseph, 51. Bryant, Lem', 55. Bryant, Micah, 47. Buchannan, John, 23. Buchland, Is.iac, 19. Buck, Abel, 20. Buck, Benjamin, 15. Buck, Benjamin, 63. Buck, Daniel, 62. Buck, Frances, 19. Buck, George, 24. Buck, Gold, 24. Buck, Isaac, 11. Buck, Isaac, 35. Buck, Jon:ithan, 1.3. Buck, Jonathan, 60. Buck, Joseph, 24. Buck, Lemuel, 15. Buck, Robert, 15. Buck, Ruama, 15. Buck, Sami, 11. Buck, Sam», 16. Buckannrm, Stephen, 30. Bucker, Calvin. 4:J. Buckingham, Andrew, 20. Bucklnghum, Jedediah P., 34. Buckingham, V>"™, 40. Buckland, David, 26. Buckland, Samuel, 42. Buckland, Timothy, 36. Buckland, William, 43. Buckley, Asa. 22. Buckliii, Bcnj*. 48. Bncknmn, Abner, 31. Buckman, Jercniiah, 53. Buckman, Joseph, 31. Buckman, Josiah, 53. Buckman, Sam'^', 22. Buckmaster, Joseph, 44. Buel, Abraham, 32. Buol, Sam", 57. Buel. Sanii, Junr, 57. Buell, Ehas, 43. Buell, Jonathan, 14. BueU, Solomon, 4.t. BueU, WiUiam, 39. Buffum, Stephen, 33. Bugbee, Abel, 67. Bugbce, Abiei, 02. Bugl>ee, Benjamin, 60. Bugbee,, 62. Bugbee. Daniel. 60. Bugbee, Daniel. &';. Bugbee, Nathan el, 00. Bugbv, Eben', '2. Bugby, Peletiall.:;t^ Bugby, Willard. 55. Buhas, Timothy, 42. Bull, Wid° Abijah, 38. Bull, Crispin, 4.5. Bull, Gideon, 26. Bull, Gideon, 40. Bull, Joseph, 38. Bull. Mii-hael,23. Bull, Thomas, IS. Bull, Thomas, Jum, 18. Bull, Timothy, ::s. Bull. Williamson, 38. Bullard. Abel, 52. Bullard. John, GO. Bullard. Nathan, .59. BuIIen, Joseph, 40. Bullen, Samuel, 44. Bullest, John, 42. Bullice, Jannan, 18. BuIIis, Charies, IS. BuUis. ITcnrv. 18. Bullist, Wrnlam, 38. Bullock, Darius, .'iO. Bullock, Elkanah, 4a Bullock, .lohn, 3.3. Bullock, Joseph, 48. Bullock, Lovell, 49. Bullock, Widow, 48. Bullock. W", 51. BuUuph, Elijah, 12. Bumford, Thomas, 16. Bump. Salathiel. 14. Bumpus, Edward, 45. Bumpus, Isaac. 4».l. Bumpus, James, 45. Bunden. John, 46. Bundy. James, 56. Bunn^ John. 11. Burbank, Abijah, 63. Burbank, Abijah, 03. Burbank, Elias, 47. Burbank, Henry, 03. Burbanks, Eleazer, 58. Burbanks, Joel, 51. Burbee, Jon», 55. Burch, Benjamin, 60. Burch, Benjamin, 67. Burc-h, Eddy, 60. Burch, Ephraiin, 60. Burc-h, Ezra, 20. Burch, James, 00. Burch, Jonathan, 60. Burch, Nehemiah, 20. Burch, Warren, 54. Burch, William, 00. Burchard, Elisha, 25. Burchard, Roger, 57. Burchell, Levi, 14. Burdick, Joseph, 27. Burdick. Stanton, 60. Burdid, Eben', 54. Burdock, Paul, 12. Burdoo, Aaron, 63. Burdoo, Silas, 63. Burge, Nathaniel, 64. Burges, Benjamin, 34. Burges, Eben', 54. Burget, Coonrod, 23. Burgolne, Augustus H. 34. Buril, Fredrick, 21. Burjis, Dennis, 42. Burk, Ebid, 67. Burk, Henry, 45. Burk, Isaiah, 00. Burk, John, 2L Burk, John. Ju',21. Burk, Joseph, 41. Burk. Levi, 21. Burke, Eastman, 53. Burke, Eliab, 50. Burke, Jesse, 50. Burke, Joseph, 56. Burke, Sam', 50. Burke, Silas, 56. Burlingham, Gideon, 38. BurlLngham, John, 40. Burlingham, Solomon, 37. Burimgton, Clark, 27. Burlington. WUliam, 21. Burlison, John, 19. Burlison, John, Junr, 19. Bunningham, Israel, 05. Bunningham, John, 65. Bumap, Abner, 58. Bumap, Elijah, 62. Bumap, John, 51. Bumap, John, 62. Burnap, John, 62. Bumap, Jonathan, 58. Bumap, Nathan, 55. Bumel, Solomon, 27. Buraes, Edmond, 31. Burnet, Benjamin, 42. Bumet, Caleb, 19. Burnet, Isaac, 47. Bumet, Samuel, 30. Bumham, Asa, 21. Bumham, Ashbel D., 17. Bumham, David, 03. Bumham, Ebenezer, tVi. Bumham, Elijah, 29. Bumham, Francis, 17. Bumham, Frederick, 66. Bumham, Gabriel, 52. Bumham, Gideon, 47. Bumham, Jacob, 40. Bumham, John, 40. Bumham, John, 40. Bumham, Joshua, 54. Bumham, Lem', 46. Bumham, Nathi, 46. Bumham. Peter, 54. Bumham, Sam-^i, 21. Bumham, Samuel, 66. Bumham, Thomas, 34. Bumham, Tho», 47. Bumham, William, 21. Bumham, William, 34. Bumit, Charies, 20. Bumit, James, 21. Bumit, Jedediah, 21. Bumit, Micajah, 10. Bumit, Silas, 20. Bumit, Thomas, 21. Bums, Andrew, 25. Bums, Samuel, 27. Burows, Amos, 21. Burr, Jabez, 27. Burr, Jonathan, 64. Burr, Samuel, 45. Burrell. John, 00. Burrett. Israel, 27. Burril, Jesse, 20. Burril, Jessee, 20. Burrit, Andrew, 25. Burrit. Daniel, 15. Burrit, Edmond, 15. Burrit, Peter, 19. Burroughs, Abner, 58. Burroughs, Aimer, 34. Burroughs, John, 34. Burroughs, John, 03. Burroughs, Josiah, 34. Burroughs, Stephen, 63. INDEX. 73 Burroughs, Thomas, 32. Burroughs, Zebuion, 34. Burrows, James, 48. Burrows, Jon"^, 47. Burrus, Joseph, 12. Burt, Aaron, 19. Burt, Benj', 56. Burt, Ebenr, 55. Burt, Gordin, 58. Burt, John, 12. Burt, John, 38. Burt, Jon^, 53. Burt, Jonathan, 66. Burt, Joseph, 46. Burt, Josiah, 21. Burt, Richard, 20. Burt, William, 17. Burt, William, 20. Burt, William, 20. Burton, Amos, 35. Burton, Asa, 34. Burton, Benjamin, 62. Burton, Elijah, IS. Burton, Elisha, 62. Burton, Henry, 62. Burton, Isaac, IS. Burton, Jacob, 35. Burton, John, 62. Burton, Josiah, 18. Burton, Josiah, 64. Burton, Levi, 29. Burton, Nathaniel, 24. Burton, Pierce, 62. Burton, Rimmon, 14. Burts, Joshua, 20. Burts, Wait, 20. Burwash, Nath», 62. Bush, Eleazer, 34. Bush, Joseph, 40. Bush, Moses, 50. Bush, Samuel, 15. Bush, Sarah, 14. Bush, Stephen, 40. Bush, Timothy, 62. Bush, William, 44. Bushnal, Ephriam. 19. Bushnal, James, 16. Bushnell, Abisha, 41. Bushnell, Asa. 40. Bushnell, Benajah, 41. Bushnell, Ichi«l, 41. Butlen, Joseph; ■',6. Butler, , 43. Butler, Abel, 47. Butler, Asaph, 23. Butler, Asaph, 25. Butler, Benjamin, 26. Butlar, Benjamin, 27. Butler, Benjamin, 40. Butler, Calvin, 47. Butler, Eldad, 16. Butler, Ezra, 27. Butler, Isaac, 15. Butler, Isaiah, 40. Butler, Jabez, 47. Butler, James, 43. Butler, Joseph, 14. Butler, Luther, 52. Butler, Reuben, 25. Butler, Sam', 57. Butler, Samuel, 60. Butlor, Solomon, 15. Butler, Thomas, 25. Butler, Widow, 51. Butler, William, 27. Butman, William, 68. Butterfield, Benj', 46. Butterfield, Ezra, 47. Butterfield, James, 24. Butterfield, James, Jun', 24. Butterfield, Jesse, 46. Butterfield, Jonathan, 17. Butterfield. Jonathan, 25. Butterfield, Jonathan, 32. Butterfield, Lulie, 47. Butterfield, Stephen, 63. Butterfield, Cap' Thomas, 27 Butterfield, Zethan, 55. Buttols, John, 36. Button, Benjtn. 15. Button, Frederick, 37. Button, Joseph, 37. Button, Louis, 34. Button. Stanley, 45. Butts, Esech, 12. Butts, Francis, 43. Butts, Joseph, 12. Butts, Samuel, 41. Butts, Samuel, Ju', 41. Buxton, John, 38. Buxton, Simeon, 41. Byram, Benjamin, 31. Cable, Sam', 13. Cabot, Francis, 60. Cabot, Marston, 60. Cabot. Sebastian, 60. Cadwoll, Aaron, 34. Cadwell, Bucldey, 13. Cad well, Charless, 25. Cadwell, Jonathan, 35. Cadwell, Moses, 34. Cadwell, Moses, 34. Cady, Abel, 66. Cady, Amos, 23. Cady, Baracthial, 63. Cady, Barnabas, 31. Cady, Benjamin, 66. Cady, Cornelius, 17. Cady, Elijah. 65. Cady, Ephraim, 43. Cady, Ephraim, Ju', 43. Cady, James, 60. Cady, John. 63. Cady, John, 63. Cady, Jonathan, 63. Cady, Manassah, 66. Cady, Nedabiah, 63. Cady, Noah, 12. Cady, Noah, 65. Cadv, Pearlev, 63. Cady, Kunnells, 60. Cady, Stephen, 66. Cady, Thomas H., 60. Cady, Walter, 23. Cady, William, 27. Gaboon, Daniel, 31. Calagan, Patrick, 23. Calder, James, 28. Caldwell, , 53. Caldwell, Adfim, 53. Caldwell, Ebeuezer, 64. Caldwell, Eph™, 55. Caldwell, James, 34. Caldwell, Nathan, 64. Calf, Stephen, 50. Calkins, Aaron, 46. Calkins, Caleb, 46. Calkins, Charles, 39. Calkins, Jedediah, 64. Calkins, Joseph, 45. Calkins, Levi, 45. Calkins, Richard, 38. Calkins, Samuel, 36. Calkins, Simeon, 36. Calkins, Stephen, 38. Calkins, Thomas, 45. Call, Asa. 63. Call, Caleb, 60. Call, Ebenezer, 67. Call, Elias, 60. Call, James, 63. Call, John, 67. Call, Joseph, 32. Call, Silas, 58. Callender, Amos, 14. Calvin, Amos, 38. Calvin, Isaac, 38. Calvin, Sanford, 43. Calvin, Titus, 38. Cambo, John H.. 33. Camp, Abel, Jun', 34. Camp, Gould, 35. Camp, James, 49. Camp, John, 16. Camp, John, 49. Camp, Silas D., 11. Camp.Vvilliam, 3.5. Campbell, Alex', 52. Campbell, Alext, 63. Campbell, Daniel, 43. Campbell, David, 26. Camplell, David, 43. Campl-iell, David, 53. Campbell, Duncan, 52. Campbell, El.enezer, 45. Campbell, James, 12. Campbell, James, 52. Campbell, John, 52. Campbell, Nathan, 11. Campbell, R. Edw^, .•)6. Campbell, Roliert, 40. Campbell, Samuel. 43. Campbell, Sam>, Jun', 43. Campbell, Tho», 52. Campbell, William, 23. Campbell, William, 27. Campbell, William, Jun', 27. Campbell, W", 52. Campfleld, Eben', 43. Canady. Hugh, 50. Canfield, Israel, 15. Canfield. Nathan, 15. Canfield, Silas, 18. Capin, Abijah, 66. Capin, Ebenezer, 31. Capm, Edmond, 66. Capin, John, 66. Capin, Philip, 66. Capin, Samuel, 60. Capron, Benjamin, 43. Capron, Joseph, 12. Capron, Joseph, 41. Capwell, Stephen, 37. Car, Benjamm, 40. Car, William, 16. Caragan. Peter, 23. Card, Daniel, 19. Card, Jonathan, 19. Carey, Ephriam. 60. Carey, Joseph, 59. Carier, Rev' Matthias, 37. Carlee, John, 13. Carley, Ebenezer, 37. Carley, Jon», 57. Carley, Joseph, Jun'. 19. Carlton, Abraham, 63. Carlton, Asa, 03. Carlton, Dudley, 32. Carlton, Gideon, 63. Carlton, Henry, 63. Carlv, Ichabod, 29. Carly, William, 29. Carnaga, Andrew, 57. Carpender, Barned, 18. Carpender, David, 18. Carpender, Gardner, 18. Carpender, Isaah, 21. Carpender, Timothy, 21. Cai-penter, Aaron, 65. Carpenter, Abeil, Jun', 56. Carpenter, Abiel, 56. Carpenter, Abner, 56. Carpenter, Abner, Jun', 56. Carpenter, Abra™, 43. Carpenter, Allen, 31. Carpenter, Alvin, 64. Carpenter, Amos, 56. Carpenter, Asa, 04. Carpenter, Asaph, 49. Carpenter, Beloved, 39. Carpenter, Benj", 49. Carpenter, Beriah, 45. Carpenter, Caleb, 49. Carpenter, Cephas, 40. Carpenter, Comfort, 56. Carpenter, David, 32. Carpenter, Edwii, 49. Carpenter, Elias, 33. Carpenter, Ephraim, 31. Carpenter, Jabez, 43. Cai-penter, Jacob, 32. Carpenter, James, 64. Carpenter, James, 64. Carpenter, John, 32. Carpenter, John, 46. Carpenter, Jonathan, 32. Carpenter, Joseph, 32. Carpenter, Joseph, 49. Carpenter, Joseph, 63. Carpenter, Joshua, 16. Carpenter, Knight, 59. Carpenter, Nathan, 32. Carpenter, Nathan, 6.3. Carpenter, Nathan, 64. Carpenter, Nathaniel, 62. Carpenter, Reuben, 35. Carpenter, Rufus, 31. Carpenter, BuJus, 49. Carpenter, Rufus, 67. Carpenter, Sam', 47. Carpenter, Simeon, 62. Carpenter, Timo, 46. Carpenter, William, 37. Carpenter, Woodbery, 46. Carr, Daniel, 40. Carr, Emanuel, 44. Carr, Ephraim, 40. Carr, Hezekiah, 40. Carr, James, 21. Carr, John, 36. Carr, John, 65. Carr, Joseph, 29. Carr, Joseph, 39. Carr, Moses, 52. Carr, Robert, 32. Carr, Samuel, 43. Carr, Timothy, 30. Carrier, Isaac, 33. Carrier, John, 35. Carrol, Asa, 48. Carrol, Joseph, 47. Carter, Andrew, 32. Carter, Andrew, 32. Carter, Asa, 05. Carter, Benjamin, 28. Carter, Benj-^, 47. Carter. David, 37. Carter, Elijah, 39. Carter, Fredrick, 18. Carter, Jabez, 36. Carter, John, 36. Carter, Levi, 32. Carter, Lorenzo, 36. Carter, Samuel, 34. Carter, William, 32. Cartwright, Christopher, 19. Cartwright, Edward, 40. Cartwright, Nickolus, 22. Caruth, Josiah, 43. Carver, Benjamin, 37. Carver, David, 41. Carver, Eleazar, 64. Carver, Ezra, 41. Carver, Nath^. 41. Car\'er, Nathaniel, 01. Carver. Ralph, 37. Cary, Eben', 60. Cary, James, 51. Cary, Richard, 66. Carv, Samuel, 37. Caryl, John, .59. Caryl, Jonathan, 59. Caryl, Jonathan, Jun', 69. Carj-1, Thomas, 69. Case, Abijah, 15. Case, Bessel, 11. Case, Ephraim, 12. Case, Gamiel, 11. Case, James, 19. Case, James, 59. Case, Jonah. 11. Case, Lummin, 11. Case, Nathan, 13. Case, Nathi, 19. Cason, Thomas, 16. Cass, Isaac, 44. Cass, John, 65. Casson, Hannah, 17. Casson, Jacob, 17. Casson, Joshua, 17. Castale, Levi. 15. Castle, Abel, 24. Castle, .\sher, 23. Castle, Daniel, 23. Castle, David, 24. Castle, David, Jun', 24. Castle, David, 46. Castle, Jonathan. Esq', 25. Castle, Joseph, 47. Castle, Nathan, 24. Castle, Peter, 47. Castle, Solomon, 26. Castle. Thaddeus, 23. Castle, Timo, 57. Castle, William, 23. Caswell, Boal, 40. Caswell, Josiah, 40. Catlin, Amos, 24. CatUn, Wait, 25. Catling, Roswel, 22. Cawley, Timothy, 32. Center, Jeremiah, 28. Center, Parker, 51. Cerm, John, 15. Chadock, Samuel, 24. Chadock, William, 24. Chadsey, Benjamin, 25. Chadsey. James, 25. Chafee, Alvord, 46. Chafee, Atherton, 56. Chafee, Chfford. 56. Chafee, Constant, 66. Chafee, David, 46. Chafee, David, 54. Chafee, Ezra, 46. Chafee, Otis, 56. Chafee, Squire, 66. Chafee, W idow. 66. Chaffee, Comfort, 37. Chaffee, John, 35. Chaflev, Nathaniel, 12. ChaUis", Nath', 54. Chamberlain, Ebenezer, 24. Chamberlain, Eben', 51. Chamberlain, Edmond, 53. Chamberlain, Eli, 63. Chamberlain, Isaac, 56. Chamberlain, Jedediah, 56. Chamberlain. John, 28. Chamberlain, Joseph, 46. Chamberlain, Joseph, 56. Chamberlain, Joshua, 28. Chamberlain, Josi^, 39. Chamberlain, Samuel, 28. Chamberlain, Thomas, 20. ChamberUn, Abigail, 32. Chamberlin, Abner, 34. Ch.amberlin, Amasa, 33. ChamberUn, Amos, 34. Chamberlin, Asahel, 33. Chamberlin, Ashur, 28. ChamberUn. Benjam", 34. ChamberUn, Benja. 49. Chamberlin, Blanchard, 32. Chamberlin, Calvin, 14. Chamberlin, Charles, 34. ChamberUn, Elanah. 32. ChamberUn, Elias, 14. ChamberUn, EUas. Jr., 14. ChamberUn, EUas, 33. Chamberlin. Err, 32. ChamberUn, Henry, 15. ChamberUn, Isaac, 33. ChamberUn, Isaac, 69. ChamberUn, Jacob, 55. ChamberUn, Joel, 34. ChamberUn, John, 34. ChamberUn, John, 34. Chamberlin, John, 58. Chamberlin, Joseph, 32. ChamberUn, Joseph. 34. ChamberUn, Jo.seph, 58. Chamberlin, Leander. 13. Chamberlin, Moses, 32. Chamberlin, Nathaniel, 32. Chamberlin. Nicholas, 33. Chamberlin, Oliver, 06. Chamberlin, OUver, Junr., 66. Chamberlin, Raiment. 28. Chamberlin, Remembrance, 32. Chamberlin, Silas. 32. Chamberlin, Thomas, 32. Chamberlin, Thomas, 58. ChamberUn, Uriah, 32. Chamberlin, WiUiam, 32. Chamberlin, WiUiam, 58. Chamberlin, Wire, 03. Chambers, John, 23. Chambers, WiUiam, 14. Chambers, WilUam, 35. Champion. Daniel, 11. Chance, Evens, 26. Chandler, Abner, 23. Chandler, Andrew, 33. Chandler, Bola, 59. Chandler, Charles, 52. Chandler, Ebenezer, 63. Chandler, Gardiner, 47. Chandler, Henry, 46. Chandler, Henry, 67. Chandler, Henry, Jun', 57. Chandler, Hill, 23. Chandler, Isaac, 63. Chandler, Jehiol, 51. Chandler, Jesse, 45. Chandler, John, 45. Chandler, J otm, .57. Chandler, John E., 60. Chandler, Jonathan, 63. Chandler, Joseph, 42. Chandler. Nathan, 63. Chandler, Nath', 47. Chandler, Sam', 47. Chandler, Simeon, 13. Chandler, Simeon, 57. Chandler, Simeon, Jun', 57. Chandler, Stephen, 03. Chandler, Thomas, 59. Chandler, Willard,59. Chandler, Zebuion, 63. Chapeu, Dan', 65. Chapen, Jesse, 55. Chapen, Joel, 49. Chapen, Sam', 55. Chapin, Calvin. 66. Chapin, Gideon, 66. Chapin, Ithamar, 31. Chapin, Joseph, 66. Chapin, Ivcwis, 25. Chapin, Pelatiah, 67. Chapin, Sylvanus, 40. Chaplin, Moses, 63. Chaplin. William, S,". Chaplin, William, 59. Chaply, Hannah, 41. Chapman, Becket, 35. Chapman, Daniel, 41. Chapman, Edmond, 29. Chapman, Elias, 00. Chapman, Eliphalet, 64. Chapman, Erastus, 60. Chapman, Ezek', 40. Chapman, Israel, 46. Chapman, Jeriah, GO. Chapman, Jonah, 32. Chapman, Lemuel, 12. Chapman, Nathaniel, 12. Chapman, Obadiah, 37. Chapman, Reuben, 59. Chapman, Simon, 00. Chapman, Thoop. 19. Chapman, Timothy, 23. Chappel, John, 47. Chappel, Joseph, 34. Charlton, Henry, 24. Chase, Abraham , 12. Chase, Amariah, 55. Chase, Benj», 46. Chase, Dean, 49. Chase, Ebenezer, 16. Chase, EUsha, 51. Chase, HarverUn, 16. Chase, Henry, .38. Chase, Henry, 40. Chase, Henry, 55. Chase, Henry, 61. Chase. Isaac, 64. Chase, Jacob, 55. Chase, James, 49. Ch.asc, Joshua, 58. Chase, Jeremiah, 22., M', 27. Cliasc, Nath', 56. Chase. Paul, 49. Chase, Pratt, 51. Chase, Rufus, 49. Chase, Samuel, 24. Chase, Seth, 32. Chase, Seth, 49. Chase, Solomon, 65. Chase, Stephen, 32. Chase, Stephen, 49. Chase, Stephen, 51. Chase, Tim", 55. Chasler, John, 40. Chatman, WilUam, 37. Chatsy, Richard, 37. Chatterton, Isaac, 43. Chatterton, Wait, 43. Chattoek, Henry, 11. Chodle, Asa, .68. . Chedle, Asa, 58. Chedle, John, 62 Chedle, WilUam, 58. Chccseman, .\mos, 36. Cheevee, Ebenezer G., 63. Cheney, Benjamin, 31. Cheney, Eben', 56. Cheney, Edward, 36. 74 INDEX. Cheney, ELias, 28. Cheney, Eliphalet, 35. Oicucy, Kphraim, 43. Cheney, John, 35. Cheney, Joseph, 17. Cheney, Joseph, 35. Cheney, Oliver, :>2. Cheney, Thomas, 35. Cheni'V, Timothy, 43. Cheney, Waldo. 59. Chenla, Howard, 17. Chesbro, Silvester, 17. Chesley, Nathaniel, 30. Chickerine, Tim©, 49. Chiel, David, 04. Child, Abijah. 62. Child, Cephas. 31. Child, Herba, 61. Child, Lyman, 61. Child, Phinehas, 31. Child, Samuel, 35. ChUd, \\ilham, 62. Childs. David, 42. Childs, Ebenezer, 12. Childs, Isaac, 48. Childs, Jonatlian, 34. Childs, Jona, 47. Childs, Jona, 57. Childs, Moses, 48. Childs, Parly, 36. Childs, William, 34. Chillis, William, 34. Chilson, Elihu, 39. Chilson, Joseph, 12. Chilson, Nathan, 64. Chilson, Waters, 64. Chilton, John, 23. China, William, 17. Chipman, Amos, 22. Chipman, Arni, 14. Chipman, Bamabus, 14. Chipman, Cyrus, 41. Chipman, Cyrus, 46. Chipman, Deborah, IS. Chipman, Darius, 45. Chipman, Jesse, 12. Chipman, John, 13. Chipman, Jonathan, 24. Chipman, Joseph, 24. Chipman, Lemuel, 15. Chipman, Lemuel, Esq., 41. Chipman, Natli', Esq., 43. Chipman, Samuel, 14. Chipman, Samuel, 45. Chipman, Tho», 13. Chipman, Tho', 14. Chipman, Timo, 14. Chipman, W™, 18. Chittenden, Bethuel, 45. Chittenden, (; lies, 28. Chittenden, Martin, Esq', 26. Chittenden, Noah, Esq', 25. Chittenden, Keuben, 55. Chittenden, Solomon, 30. Chittenden, His Exch Thom«, Esq', 27. Chittenden, James, 65. Cholker, Samuel, 13. Chote, Arpheus, 40. Chote, Storv, 40. Chote, W illiam, 40. Chub, John, 43. Chubb, David, 59. Church, Amaziah, 26. Church, Anna, 23. Church, Asa, 30. Church, Caleb, 12. Church, David, 43. Church, Ebenezer, 63. Church, Eber, 47. Church, Eber., Jun', 47. Church, Edward. 67. Church, Ephraim, 20. Church, Ira, 10. Church, Jonathan, 19. Church, Jona, 40. " Church, Joseph, 51. Church, Joshua, 59. Church, Joshua, J un', 00. Church, Josiah, 47. Church, Malachi. 46. Church, Moses, 51. Church, Nathi, 52. Church. Oliver. 39. Church, Reuben, 47. Church, Samuel, 16. Church, Sami, 17. Church, Samuel. 26. Church, Silas, 12. Church, Timo, 47. Church, Titus, 52. Churchel, Caleb, 42. Churchel, Isaac, 42. Churchel, John, 42. Churchel, Michael, 42. Churchill. Ezeki, 39. Churchill. Francis. 31. Churchill, Ichabod, 67. Churchill, Jenna, 39. Churchill, Jesse, 39. Churchill, John, 39. Churchill, Joseph, 39. Churchill, Joseph, 67. Churchill, Josiah. 39. Churchill, Sam', 39. Churchill, Sami, J', 39. Churchill, Silas, 39. ChurchiU, William, 39. Churchwell, WiUiam, 24. Claflin, Daniel, 12. Claflin, Ephraim, 67. ClaBin, James. 12. Claflin, Timothy, 67. Claghon. Col^ James, 43. Claghorn, Eleazer, 14. Clap, Benjamin, 11. Clap. Benjamin, 58. Clapp, Daniel. 63. Clapp, Joshua, 53. Clapp. Samuel, 03. Clark. .\bij,ah. 35. Clark, .\ndrew, 20. Clark, Andrew, 46. Clark, Asa, 18. Clark, Asa, 41. Clark, Asa, 50. Clark, Ashbel, 39. Clark, Beldad, 37. Clark. Benjamin. 35. Clark. Benjamin, 03. Clark, Billv. 57. Clark. Bunker, 58. Clark, Calvin, 56. Clark. Charles, 53. Clark. Chauncy, 45. Clark, Cyrus, 40. Clark. Dan. 65. Clark, Daniel, 17. Clark, Daniel, 21. Clark, Daniel, 41. Clark, David, 34. Clark, David, 37. Clark, David, 40. Clark. Da\id. 54. Clark. David. 50. Clark, Eben', 50. Clark, Edmund, 45. Clark, Elijah, 34. Clark, Elisha. 40. Clark, Elisha, 45. Clark, Elisha. 50. Clark. Elisha, 64. Clark, Enos. 40. Clark, Ephraim, .^9. Clark, E[)hraim. Junr., 59. Clark, Ezekiil, 37. Clark, Ezra. 40. Clark. Gardner, 45. Clark, George, 17. Clark, George, 03. Clark, Gershom, 65. Clark, Goodyear, 45. Clark, Henry 38. Clark, Hezh, 53. Clark, Gen' Isaac, 37. Clark, Jabez, 51. Clark, James, 21. Clark, James, 50. Clark, Jedediah. 37. Clark, Jedediah, J un', 37. Clark, Jeremiah, 21. Clark, Jeremiah, Ju', 21. Clark, John, 28. Clark, John, 28. Clark, John, 32. Clark, John, 30. Clark, John, 45. Clark, John, 60. Clark, Jonah, 45. Clark, Jonas, 40. Clark, Jonathan, 18. Clark, Joseph, 17. Clark, Joseph, 28. Clark, Joseph, 34. Clark, Joseph, 30. Clark, Joseph, 43. Clark, Joseph, 40. Clark, Joseph, 59. Clark. Josiah, 40. Clark, Josiah, 60. Clark, Josiah, 07. Clark, Lemuel, 27. Clark, Lemuel, 40. Clark, Michael, 00. Clark, Moses, 22. Clark, Nathan, 16. Clark, Nathan, 17. Clark, Nathan, 43. Clark. Nathan, 50. Clark, Nathaniel, 18. Clark, Noah, 51. Clark, Ozias, 41. Clark, Paul, 60. Clark, Robert, 30. Clark, Roswell, 40. Clark, Roswell, 46. Clark, Rufus, 40. Clark, Salmon, 21. Clark, Salmon. 45. Clark, Sami, 1.5. Clark, Samuel, 10. Clark, Samuel. Jun', 27. Clark, Samuel, 30. Clark, Samuel, 43. Clark, Sami, 50. Clark, Saini, 2nd, 50. Clark, Sam', 51. Clark, Samuel, 60. Clark, Seth. 56. Clark, Stephen, 45. Clark, Stephen, 46. Clark, Theophilus, 10. Clark, Tho», 47. Clark, Tho», 50. Clark, Thomas, 01. Clark, Thomas, 03. Clark, Thophilus, 40. Clark, Timothy, 20. Clark, Timothy, 32. Clark, Timo, 53. Clark, Timothy, 61. Clark, Wesson, 01. Clark, William, 37. Clark, W". 53. Clarke, Caleb, 19. Clarke, Clement. 23. Clarke, Daniel, 23. Clarke, Daniel, 24. Clarke, Ebenezer, 20. Clarke, Ellphlet, 20. Clarke. Guy, 25. Clarke, Ithamer, 19. Clarke, Ozial, 27. Clarke, Smith, 40. Clarke, Thomas, 27. Clarke, Titus, 23. Clarke, WiUiam, 15. Clarke, Zadoek, 25. Clary. Dolly. 65. Claw, John, 25. Clawson, Ichabod, 53. Clawson, Roswell, 53. Clawson, Wildboro, 53. Clay, Ephra, 52. Clay, James, 62. Clay, James. Jun', 52. Clay, Seth, 62. Clay, Timothy. CO. Clayton. Jon*, 55. Clayton, Moses, 55. Cleaveland, Chester, 63. Cleaveland, Edward, 67. Cleaveland, Jeddediah, 63. Cleaveland, John, 64. Cleaveland, Johnson, 16. Cleaveland. Samuel, 03. Cleaveland, Samuel, 65. Cleaveland. Solomon, 16. Cleaveland, Stephen, 58. Cleaveland, WiUiam, 63. Cle£Eord, Jacob, 53. Cleft, Hezekiah, 40. Clements, Isaac, 63. Clements, Timothy, 63. Clemonds. Benj», 55. demons, Joel, 40. demons, Michael, 40. demons, William, 30. demons. William, 35. Clerk, Isaiah, 11. Cleveland, Calvin, 41. Cleveland, Josiah, 39. Cleveland, Moses, 41. Cleveland, Oliver, 39. Cleveland. Stephen. 40. Cleveland, Tracy, 41. CliQ, Joseph, 21. Clifford, Jonathan, 33. Close, Stephen, 28. Closs, Reuben, 27. Closson, Jonathan, 25. Closton, Simon, 00. Clufl, Joseph, 40. Clull, Phinehas, 40. du£E, Zacheus, 30. Cluit, John, 15. Clyde, W=>, 15. Coats, Charles, 49. Cob, Matthias, 22. Cob, William, 21. Cobb, Benjamin, 07. Cobb, El)enezer, 41. Cobb, Elias, 07. Cobb, Elkanah, 41. Cobb, Gideon, 41. Cobb, Isaac, 07. Cobb, Jacob, 32. Cobb, James, 67. Cobb, John, 41. Cobb, John, 37. Cobb, John, Jun', 37. Cobb, Joshua, 41. Cobb, Justus. 36. Cobb, Nathan, 54. Cobb, Samuel, 64. Cobb, Thomas, 67. Cobb, WiUiam, 01. Cobin, Nathaniel, 43. Cobin, Zebediah, 43. Cobleigh, Dani. 40. Cobleigh, Reuben, 52. Coboum, .\masa, 25. Cobourn, Amasa, 53. Coboum, David, 27. Cobum, Ebenezer, 41. Coburn, Hezekiah, 35. Cobum, Lemuel, 31. Cobum, Samuel, 31. Cochran, Coi Robert, 23. Cochran, Samuel, 23. Cochran, Thomas 23. Cockran, David, 51. Coddine, Francis, 52. Coery, Jonathan, 18. Coffln, Daniel, 59. Coffin, Eleazer, 22, Coffin, John, 59. Coffin. Michael, 60. Coggsdill, Jesse, 32. Cogsdill. John, 16. Cogswell, Eh, Esq., 37. Cogswell, Isaac, 23. CogsweU, Joseph, 12. Cogswell, NathI, 12. Cogswell. Nathaniel P., 58. CogsweU. Peter. 30. Cogswill. .\sa, 21. Cogswill, Paris. 21. CogswiU, Joseph, 21. Coit, Samuel, 02. Colt, WiUiam, 23. Colborn, Ezekiel, 59. Colburn. .\biah, 35. Colburn, David, 60. Colburn. Laban, 60. Colburn. Nathan, 06. Colby. Ezekel. 33. Colby. Ezekiel, 30. Colbv, John, 30. Colbv, Joseph, 32. Colby, Nicholas, 32. Colby, Simon, 2S. ColdweU, Ebenezer, 66. Cole, Adny, 40. Cole, Allen. 12. Cole, Amasa, 51. Cole, Amos, 40. Cole, Amos, 49. Cole, Amos, 65. Cole, .\ustin, 10. Cole, Benj».21. Cole, Benj", 51. Cole, Bethuel. 21. Cole, Caleb, 49. Cole, Caleb. J uu', 49. Cole, Daniel, 13. Cole, Dani, 49. Cole. David, 19. Cole, David, 21. Cole, David, 41. Cole. Henry. 47. Cole, Jesse, 51. Cole, Job, 19. Cole, Job, 21. Cole. John, 47. Cole, John, 51. Cole, Levi, 42. Cole, Doc'Matthew, 25. Cole, Moses, 64. Cole, Nathaniel, 43. Cole, Nathi.46. Cole, Parker, 21. Cole, Peleg. 10. Cole, Peleg, 19. Cole, PeUg. 19. Cole. Reuben, 10. Cole, Robert, 21. Cole, Rufus, 27. Cole, Sabin. 51. Colo, Salmon, 51. Cole. Samuf^l, 39. Cole, Simeon, 33. Cole, Tho«,55. Cole, Widow, 51. Cole. Zebulun, 46. Colebum, John. 43. Colelax, Sami, .TO. Colefix, John, 16. Colegro, Jeremiah. 21. Colegrove, Nathan, 40. Colegrove, Nath', J'. 40. Colegrove. Renljen, 49. Coleman, Antony, 42. Coleman, John, 43. Coleman, Joshua, 50. Coley, Levi, IS. Coley, WiUiam. 20. Colings. .\braham, 17. Colings. Sami, 17. Colins. Zerubbabel, 22. Colkins, Samuel, 20. CoUender. Reuben, 14. CoUens, Christopher, 18. CoUens, Cornelius, 28. CoUer. Eben', 13. CoUinder. David, 12. Collings. Justus, 17. CoUins. Alexander, 27. CoUins. Archihal, 13. Colhns. Benoni, 40. Collins. Charles, 18. CoUins, Dani, 13. Collins, Daniel, 28. CoUins. David, 52. Collins. Elisha. 25. CoUins, Ichabod, 28, CoUins, John, 23. CoUins, John, 40. Collins, John, 49. CoUins, Levi, 28. CoUins, Nathan, 40. CoUins, Nathaniel, 18. CoUins, Nathaniel. 24. CoUins, Soloraan, 18. CoUins, Thaddeus. 36. CoUins, Thomas. 40. CoUins. Timothy. 28. Colman, Eliphalet, 33. Colman, Joseph, 67. Colston. WiUiam, 60. Coltcn, Charles, 56. Colten, David, 20. Colten, WiUiam, 17. ColvLn, Daniel, 37. Colvin, David, 21. Colvin. Jeremiah, 37. Colvin, Jeremiah, 40. Colvin. Levi, 37. Colvin, Luther, 38. Colvin, Reubin. 16. Colvin. Reuphus, 40. Colvin, Richard, 18. Colvin. Stephen, 38. Comb. Timothy, 16. Combs, Medad, 52. Comestock. Michael, 35. Comestock, Samuel, 35. Comings, Joseph, 19. Corastock, Abijah, 13. Comstock, Daniel, 27. Comstock, David, .38. Comstock, Eunice, 44. Comstock. Jason, 22. Comstock, Jeremiah, 38. Comstock, John, 33. Conant, .\mos, 50. Conant, Jeremiah, 62. Conant, Jonathan, 63. Conant, Nathan, 59. Conant. Stephen, 66. Concklin, .\braham. 23. Condon, Benjamin, 45. Condon. Caleb, 37. Condon, Jobe, 37. Condon, John, 37. Condon, Joseph, 37. Condor, WiUiam, 40. Cone, Abner, 40. Cone, Asabel, 39. Cone, Enoch, 40. Cone, Joshua, 56. Cone, Lemi, 56. Cone, Samuel, 56. Cone, Tho', 56. Conger, Enoch, 38. Conger, Gershom, 38. Conger, Jobe, 38. Conger, John, 38. Conger, PriciUa, 38. Congor, Asher, 25. Conker, Jonas, 44. Conkey, Joshua, 65. Conkey. Richard, 20. Conn, Tho', .52. Connick. John, 15. Connick, Jonathan, 15. Conroy. Patrick, 22. Convass, Israel, 32. Converse, Barnard, 55. Converse, Jude, 12. Cook. -V-chibald, 26. Cook, AshbeU. 43. Cook, Benjamin, 31. Cook, Benj", 49. Cook, Childs, 40. Cook, Daniel, 38. Cook, Daniel, 2n. INDEX. 75 Cook. Oliver, 65. Cook, Paul, 30. Cook. Paul. 65. Cook, PhUip, 23. Cook, Reuben, 65. Cook, Robert, 56. Cook, Siimuel, 36. Cook, Samuel, 40. Cook, Samuel, 41. Cook, Seth, 38. Cook, Shubel, 17. Cook, Silas, 29. Cook, Solo, 47. Cook, Solomon, 47. Cook, Stephen, 13. Cook, Thomas, 65. Cook, Timothy, 22. Cook, Uriah, 44. Cook, Widow, 57. Cook, WilUam, 56. Cooledge, Nathan, 66. Cooley, Benjamin, 42. Coolev, Benj«, 67. Cooley, Enos, 51. Cooley, Gideon, 42, Cooley, Gideon, Jur., 42. Cooley, Jacob, 42. Cooley, Solomon, 26. Coolidge, John, 64. Coolidge, Obediah, 64. Cooly, Hezekiah, 36. Cooly, Thomas, 19. Coombs, John, 56. Coombs, Jon», 55. Coonley, David, 27. Cooper, Abel, Esq'., 37. Cooper, John, 53. Cooper, Stephen, 14. Cooper, Thomas, 66. Cooper, William, 43. Cooper, Zeb., 53. Cootbath, Winthrop, 30. Coovey, Joseph, 51. Copeland, David, 29. Copeland, David, 58. Coply, Samuel, 42. Corben, Stephen, 55. Corbin, Eastman, 40. Corbin, Edward, 40. Corev, Bonj», 21. Corey, David, 11. Corey, David, 21. Corey, David, 21. Corey, Ebenezer, 64. Corey, Jacob, 18. Corey, Jacob, 22. Corey, John, 11. Corey, FhiUip, 33. Corion, Charless, 25. Corkins, John, 21. Corlew, Edward, 64. Corlew, Silva, 64. Corlew, Thomas, 65. Corlile, William, 64. Cornish, Benja., 43. Cornish, Gabriel, 43. Cornwel. Benjamin, 39. Comwell, Joseph, 18. Cornwill, Reubin, 18. Cory, John, 19. Coss, James, .57. Coss, Reuben, .57. Coss, Rufus, 57. Cotgrieve, John, 20. Cotton, Luther, 61. Gotten, Milven, 61. Cotten, Thomas, 61. Gotten, Willard, 61. Cottle, Jabez, 67. Cottle, John, 67. Cottle, Joseph, 67. Cottle, Nathan, 67. Cottle, Svlvanua, 67. Cottle, Warren, 67. Cotton, Bibye L., 58. Cotton, Enoch, 35. Cotton, George, 31. Cotton, George, 35. Cotton, John, 31. Cotton, John, 31. Cotton, Julius, 35. Cotton, Wilham, 30. Coudrv, Sam>, 13. Coult, Benjamin, 29. Courtis, James, 19. Courtis, Josiah, 20. Courtis, Zacheriah, 17. Covell, Joseph, 64. Covell, Peter, 46. Covey, Nathan, 11. Covey, Samuel, 22. Cowe, James, 37. Cowe, John, 37. Cowel, Sam', 18. Cowelery, James, 35. Cowles, Timothy, 29. Cowley, Wllliara, 63. Cowse'r, Asa, 60. Cox, Benjamin, 58. Cox, Daniel, 67. Cox, Edw, 47. Crapoo, Francis, 51. Crapoo, Jon^, 51. Grary, Elias, 46. Crary, Ezra, Esq', 37. Grary, James, 62. Crary, John, 62. Crary, Nathan, 37. Crary, Nathaniel, 37. Crary, WiUiam, 45. Crary, William, 62. Craw, Seth, 43. Crawford Elijah, 11. Cresey, Daniel, 35. Cresey, Henry, 47. Cresey, Moses, 51. Cresey, W>», 61. Crigger, James, 11. Crigger, John, 14. Crigger, Richard, 11. Crigger, W", 11. Crippin, Darius, 42. Crissey, John, 24. Crissey, John, Jun', 24. Cristee, George, 16. Crittenden, Seymour, 43. Crittenden, Timothy, 43. Crocker, Andrew, 37. Crocker, Josiah, 41. Croflord, John, 48. Crofford, W", 47. Cronkhite, James, 45. Cronktite, Peter, 12. Crook, Charles, 30. Crook, Reuben, 30. Crook, Thomas, 30. Crook, Wra, Jun', 66. Crooks, John, 36. Cropton, Ozias, 42. Crosby, Aaron, 48. Crosby, Isaac, 47. Crosby, Israel, 50. Crosby, Silas, 64. Crosby, Tho«, 62. Crosby, WilUam, 43. Croseroot, Lewis, 61. Cross, Abiel, 16, Cross, Daniel, 30. Cross, Daniel, 36. Cross, Daniel, 46. Cross, Elisha, 21. Cross, Ickebod, 22. Cross, James, 28. Cross, Joel. 42. Cross, Moses, 28 Gross, Nero, 34. Cross, Uriah, 31. Cross, Uriah, 42. Crosset, John, 55. Grossman, WiUiam, 37. CrosweU, Elias, 47. CrosweU, Peter, 47. Crouch, Benjamin, 41. Grouch, David, 41. Crouch, James, 49. Croucli, John, 41. Crouch, Richard, 40. Crouch, W», 49. GroweU, John, 40. Crowell, Sheferick, 58. Crowfoot, David, 15. Crowfoot, Stephen, 36. Crowfoot, Stephen, J', 36. Crowle, Andrew, 62. Crowley, Abraham, 61. Crowley, Royal. 61. Crown, John, 32. Crown, Samuel, 34. Growningshield, David, 49. Crowningshield, James. 49. Crowmingshield, Rich"!, 65. Grozier, Arthur, 60. Crozier, John, 60. Grozier, Robert, 50. Cudman, Peter, 14. Cudworth, Charles, 52. Cudworth, Charles, Jun', 52. Cudworth, James, 49. Cudworth, Sam', 49. CuUier, Thomas, 30. Culver, Andrew, 66. Culver, Daniel, 46, Culver, David, 49. Culver, EUakim. 14. Culver, Esther, 40. Culver, Francis, 37. Culver, Joel, 37. Culver, John, 49. Culver, Joshua, 46. Culver, Joshu.a, 49. Culver, Nathan, 39. Culver, Nathan, 49. Culver, Oliver, G5. Culver, Rotbmel, 62. Culver, Samuel, 46. Culver. Sanderman, 49. Culver, W", 49. Cumings, Abraham, 19. Cumings, WilUam, 19. Cumings, Zedadiah, 24. Cummings, Amos, 65. Cummings, Benjamin, 65. Cummings, Ebenezer, 58. Cummings, James, 25. Cummings, Jerathmel, 66. Cummings, Joseph, 65. Cummins, Israel W., 67. Cummins, P. Sam>, 66. Cummins, Reuben, 57. Cummins, Stephen, 51. Cummins, W"^, 49. Cune, Isaac, 47. Cune, W", 47, Cune, W", Jur', 47, Cutmingham, John, 43. Cupper, Israel, 14. Currier, Aaron, 61. Currier, David, 32. Currier, David, 63. Currier, Joseph, 30. Currier, Joseph, 31. Currier, Moses, 63. Currier, Peter, 66. Currier. Samuel, 30. Currier, Samuel, 66. Currin, Hubbard, 35. Curtis, Aaron, 15. Curtis, Abijah, 49. Curtis, Amos, 26. Curtis, Amos, Jun', 20. Curtis, Caleb, 18. Curtis, Caleb, 20. Curtis, David, 18. Curtis, Elias, 18. Curtis, Elias, 36. Curtis, Frederick, 11. Curtis, Gideon, 24. Curl is, Hiram, 31. Curtis, John, 18. Curtis, Jonathan, 20. Curtis, Joseph, 17. Curtis, Nehemiah, 29. Curtis, Nicholus, 17. Curtis, Sam', 49. Curtis, Samuel, 62, Curtis, Samuel, 63. Curtis, Silas, 66. Curtis, Simeon, 35. Curtis, Solomon, 35. Curtis, Thaddeus, Esq., 37. Curtis, William, 58. Curtis, Zabad, 6.i. Curtis, Zara, 23. Curtis, Zebina, 66. Curtiss, Abner. 31. Curtiss. Clark. 31. Curtiss, Eldad, 41. Curtiss, Hull, 20. Curtiss, John, 3D. Curtiss, Moses, 41. Curtiss, Zeehariah. 45. Gushing, Asaph, 52. Gushing, Dani, 52, Gushing, Joseph, 52. Cushing, Mathew, 52. Gushing, Noah, 52. Cushing, Solomon, 51, Cushman, Barnabas, 57. Cushman, Dan', 39. Cushman, Eleazer, 34. Cushman, Ethel, 43. Cushman, Frederic, 43. Cushman, Job, 62. Cushman, Joseph, 62. Cushman, Nathaniel, 29. Cushman, Solomon, 35. Cushman, WilUam, 34, Cushman, WiUiam, 30. Custer, Ephraim, 14. Cutler , 53. Cutler, Abner, 49. Cutler, Amos, 36. Cutler, Anthony, 51. Cutler, Benoni, 31. Cutler, Charles, 31. Cutler, Dewsbury, 23. Cutler, James, 49. Cutler, Joel, 49. Cutler, Jonathan, 31. Cutler, Josiah, 61. Cutler, Mr., 26. Cutler, Moses, 47. Cutler, Silas, 49. Cutler, Tho", 49. Cutler, Zachi>,47. Cuttin, David, 40. Cuttin, Elijah, 40. Cuttin, Isaac, 39. Cutting, Jonah, 49. Cutting, Jonas, 65. Dagget, John, 12. Dagget, John, 13. Dagget, Joseph, 11. Daggot, Amos, 61. Daggot, Joseph, 51. DaUey, Gideon, 13. Dailey, WUliam J.. 61. Dake, Benjamin, 66. Dake, Joseph, 35. Dake, Susanah, 66. Dakins, Presarvid, 12. Dakins, Timothy, 12. Dakins. Timothy, Jr., 12. Dale, Joshua, 58. Daley, Elijah, 24. Dalrymple. EdwJ. 50. Dalrymple, W": 60. Dame, Ebenezer, 63. Damon, George, 67. Dana, Isaac, 62. Dana, John, 62. Dana. Jonathan, 62. Danchev, Robert, II. Danford, Francis, 61. Danford, James, 61. Danford, Samuel, 66. Danford, William, 61. Danford, WiUiam, 61. Danforth, Elhenah, 16. Danforth, Isaac, 58. Danforth. Jonathan, 36. Danforth. Joseph, 6.5. Danforth, Nicholas, 61. Daniels, John, 21. Daniels, John, 21. Daniels, John, 30. Daniels, Joseph, 35. Daniels, Nathan, 36. Daniels, Nathi, 43. Daniels, Samuels, 30. Daniels, Solomon, .30. Danks, Shadrack, 18. Danley, James, 15. Danolds, Joshua, 51. Dant Sam'', 22. Dantforth, John, 37. Danton, Thomas, 17. Danton, W", 17. Darbarn. Nathaniel, 30. Darbe, Jesse, 64. Darby, .-Vsa, .36. Darby, Azariah, 46, Darby, John, 32. Darby, Oliver, 37. Darby, Phinehas, 43. Darby, Roger, 36. Darby, Samuel, 61. Darby, Shadrach, 36. Darby, William, 40. Darforth, Samuel, 29. Darling. Caleb, 55. Darling, John, 31. Darling. John, 67. Darlmg, John, 67. Darling. Joseph, 67. Darlmg, Oliver, 56. Darling, Peter, 50. Darling, Robert, 31. Darling, Samuel. 36. Darling, Seth, 61. Darling, Tim", 53. Darling, Widow, 52. Darlmg, William, 29. Darrar, Jeremiah, 39. Darren, Ethan, 52. Darro, Samuel, 41. Darrow, Samuel, Esq', 27. Darry, Abraham, 46. Dart, George, 13. Dart, Joshua, 37. Dart, Joshua, 65. Dart, Josiah, 65. Dart, Olivet, 65. Darton, Ezekiel, 11. Darton, Joseph, 16. Daten, Caleb, 16. Daton, Daniel, 15. Davenport, Tho", 40. David, John, 27. Davidson, Alexander, 23. Davidson, James, 51. Davidson, John, 27. Davidson, Nath', 51. Davidson, Thomas, 40. Davidson, The, 2", 12. Dwyer. Jeremiah, 62. Dye, Wm, 18. Dyer, Benj.,21. Dyer, Charls, 22, Dyer Eliab, 15. Dyer, Henry, 22. Dyer, John, 49. Dyer, John, 55. Dyer, Joseph, 52. Dyer, Silvanus, 16. Dyer, Widow,. 05. Dyer, William, 37. Dyke, Jonathan, 37. Dyke, Jonathan, 45. Dyke, Peter, 38. Dyre, Ichabod, 29. Eager, Ward, 52. Eager, William, 16. Eames, Aaron, 31. Eames, Tho% 53. Earl, Artimus, 59. Earl, Eseck. 60. Earl, Fradrick. 50. Earl, George. 5'J. Earl, John, t;0. Earl, Sam', 47. Earnest, Frederick, 34. Earty, Joseph, 12. Eason. Elijah Jum, 57. Easterbrook, Benj». 47. Easterbrook, Bcnj-, 48. Easterbrook, Nathan, 62. Easterbrook, Tho», 49. Easterbrook, Warren, 47, Easterbrooks, Jonathan, 63. Easterbrooks, Kich'd, 40. Easterbrooks, Tho\ 40. Eastman, Benj", 15. Eastman, Benjamin, G3. Eastman. Calvin, 11. Eastman, Clark, 66. Eastman, Cyphrain, 11. Eastman, Deliverance, 37. Eastman, Ebenezer, 35. Eastman, Edmond, 30. Eastman, Ely, 37. Eastman, Enoch, 20. Eastman, James, 51. Eastman, Jonathan, 20. Eastman, Jonathan, 20. Eastmai', Josiah, 20. Eastman, Oliver, 11. Eastman, Sam', 53. Eastman, Stephen, 20. Eastman, Theodore, 30. Eastman, Timothy. 58. Eastman, Timothy, 66. Easton,Bildad, 50. Easty. Aaron, 15. Eaton, Abner, 27. Eaton, Abraham, 59. Eaton, Asa, 56. Eaton, Asa, Jum, 56. Eaton, Benjamin, 18. Eaton, Brigham, 60. Eaton. Daniel. 35. Eaton, Daniel, 37. Eaton, David, 56. Eaton, Ebenezer, 22. Eaton, Enoch. 37. Eaton, John, 37. Eaton, Jonathan, 29. Eaton, Luther. 17. Eaton, Marvelick, 56. Eaton, Marvelick, Jun% 56. Eaton. Nathan, 22. Eaton, OrangL. 34. Eaton. Rebcnah, 37, Eaton, Samuel, 23. Eaton, Samuel, 20. Eaton, Samuel, 35. Eaton, Simeon. 47. Eaton, Solomon, 32. Eaton, William, 34. Eddy, Amos, 3S. Eddy, Benj», 49. Eddv, Caleb, 5S. EddV. Elial. 51. Eddv. Ephraim, 67. Eddv. Jacob, 38. Eddy. James, 32. Eddy, James, 37. Eddy, Joel, 49. Eddy. John. 59. Eddy, Jonathan, 37. Eddy. Josiah, 43. Eddy, Peleg. 37. Eddy, Peter. 37. Eddv. Thomas. 37, Eddv. Thomas, 67. Eddy. Wn>. 40. Edge!. John. 56. Edgcrton, Asa, 32. Edgerton. Ezra. 32. Edgerton, Jacob. 41. Edgerton, Jedediah. 41. Edgerton. Oliver, 32. Edgerton, Simeon, 31. Edgerton, William, 32. Edgeton. Roswell, 22. Edgscom. Roger, 57. Edman, Joseph, 66. Edmond. Eliphalet. 26. Edmonds, Stephen, 55. Edmons, Joseph, IS. INDEX. 77 Edmunds, James, 37. Ediuuuds, James, Ju^, 37. Edmuuds, Obadiah, 38. Edmmids, William, 37. Edmunds, \\ iiliani, 38. Edson, Abel, 59. EdsoQ, Dan', 53. Edson, Daniel, 63. Edson, Ezra, 54. Edson, Isaiah, 53. Edson, John, 54. " Edson, Josiah, 33. Edson, Nathaniel, 33. Edson, Nehemiah, 54. Edson, Kob', 54. Edson, Ruilus, 54. Edson, Samuel, 33. Edson, Srlvester, 61. Edson, Timothy, 33. Edward, W", 49. Edwards, Josepii, 49. Edwords. Daniel, 21. Edv, Allen, 66. Edy, Nathan, 40. Edy, Newberry, 66. Edy, Obediah, 16. Edy, Zachariah, 63. Egbert, John, 40. Egleston, Freeman, 37. EglestoD, Thomas, 40. Eldridge, Amos, 27. Eldridge, Caleb, 64. Kldrige, Daniel, 19. Eldrige, Job, 19. Eldrige, Nathan, 19. Eldrige, Nathan, 21. Elkins, Jonathan, 32. Elkins, Jonathan, 32. Elkins, Moses, 32. Ellice, Moses, 22. EUice, Reuben, 22. Ellice, Reubin, Jn., 22. Ellingwood, Jon*. o2. ElUot, Joseph, 49. EUiot, Nathaniel, 30. Ellis, .\hijah, 52. Ellis, BenJ», 47. Ellis, Caleb, 49. Ellis, Charles, 67. EUis, Charles, 67. Ellis, Elijah, 33. Ellis, Elisha, 29. Ellis, Ephraim. 67. Elhs, Gamaliel, 5b. Ellis, Jabez, 28. Ellis, John, 47. Ellis, John, S3. Ellis, John, 59. EUis, John, 67. EUis, Joseph, 58. EUis, Mathew, 50. Ellis, Samuel, 67. EUis, Simpson, 47. EUis, Stephen, 13. EUis, Stephen, 58. EUis, Thomas, 67. EUis, Thomas, 67. Ellis, \VUliam,67. EUit, John. 17. EUmore, Elijah, 46. EUmore, Elisha, 51. EUmore, Jacob, 51. EUmore, Reuben, 51. Ells, Wartennan, 18. ELmore, Daniel, 65. Elmore, Jesse, 24. Elmore, Martin, 24. Elsworth, Anthony, 11. Elsworth. Eliphalet, 11. Elsworth. Ezra, 61. Elsworth, Hezekiah, 41. Elsworth, Samuel, 15. Elwil, Jese, 20. Elv, Joel, 66. Ely, Joel, 66. Ely, Samuel, 30. Emerson, Abel, 67. Emerson, Asa, 58. Emerson, Daniel, 63. Emerson, Enoch, 63. Emerson, Jacob, 31. Emerson, James, 67. Emerson, James, 67. Emerson, John, 63. Emerson, Jonathan, 28. Emerson, Jonathan, 30. Emerson, Jonathan, 40. Emerson, RindaU, 63. Emerson, Thomas, 63. Emery, John, .32. Emery, Richardson, 34. Emery, Sanii, .'J3. Emmons, Benjamin, 67. Emmons, Solomon, 66. Emmons, Thomas, 61. England, Stephen, CO. EngUsh, John, 33. Eno, William, 13. Enos, James, 12. Enos, James, Jur., 12. Enos, Roger, 61. Enus, Joseph, 52. 30752—07- Ervin, Calvin, 55. Ervin, John, 51. Ervin, Joseph, 56. Erwin, David, 26. Eton, Noah, 25. EudaU, Oliver, 60. EudaU, Samuel, 60. Evans, Asher, 53. Evans, Barnabas, 24. Evans, EU, 53. Evans, Elsi, 61. Evans, Henry, 49. Evans, Henry, Jun^, 49. Evans, Imry, 47. Evans, OUver, 48. Evans. Peter, Jun', 53. Evans, Simon, 4*i. Evans, Widow, 47. Evans, W™, 47. EveUth, David, 46. Evens, Joseph, 28. Evens, Stephen, 24. Everest, Benj., 11. Everest, Joseph, 11. Everest, Zadock, 11. Everett, Jeremiah, 50. Everetts, EU, .39. Everist, Israel, 33. Everitt, Penucl, 31. Everts, Abncr, 22. Everts, Charles, 22. Everts, Eber, 13. Everts, Edward, 22. Everts, Gilbert, 14. Everts, James, Esq'', 25. Everts, Jesse, Jun^, 26. Everts, Jesse, 28. Everts, Solomon, 14. Evins, Abiather, 41. Evins, Cotton, C3. Evins, Edward, 33. Evins, John, 33. Evins, Moses, 61. Evins, V.'iUiam, 33. Evins, Zera, 61. Evits. Ambrus, 13. Evits, Luther, 13. Evitts, Timothy, 37. Ewings James, 42. Extel, Ezra, 42. Fairbanks, Calvin, 58. Fairbanks, Eph", 56. Fairbanks, Luther, 63. Fairbanks, Mourice, 55. Fairbanks, Perley, 55. Fairchild, Daniel, 27. Fairchild, Jesse, 15. Fairchild, Jesse, 27. Fairchild, Joel, 25. Fairchild, Levi, 19. Fairchild, Sheman, .6. Fairchild, Silas, 48. FairchUd, Stephen, 25. FairchUd, Stephen, Jun', 25. Fairfield, John, 37. Fairfield, Nathani, 42. Fairfield, Samuel, 42. Fairman, Jacol), 26. Falsom, Sam'"', 15. Faning, Thomas, 21. Farewel, EUsha, 25. Farewell, Asa, 17. FarewcU, David, 24. FareweU, Isaac, 17. Farewell, Isaac, 25. FareweU, John, li. FareweU, John, 24. Farewell, Ohver, 24. Fargo, Aaron, 45. Fargo, Jabez, 45. Fargo, Jason, 45. Fargo, Samuel, 26. Fariman, James, 45. Farland, Thomas, 25. Farly, Benjamin, 30. Farly, Samuel, 30. Farman, Joseph, 22. Farmer, Benjamin, 40. Farmer, Benj«, Ju"-, 40. Farmer, Benj'',56. Farmer, Henry, W., 59. Farmer, John," 51. Farmer, John, 63. Farmer, ooseph, 54. Farmer, Simon, 44. Farnam, Asa, 36. Famam, Josiah, 24. Farnesworth, Joseph, 49. Fameswort h , Zachb, 49. Famhara. John. 33. Famham, Nathaniel, 31. Famsworth, Benjamin, 25. Famsworth, James, 24. Farnsworth, Jonathan, 67. Famsworth, Joseph, 16. Famsworth, Joseph, 24. Famsworth, Ivcvi, 24. Famsworth, OUver, 24. Famsworth, Reuben, 17. Famsworth, Stephen, 67. Famsworth, Tho>, 50. Famsworth, WiUiam, 27. Famum, BarziUa, 43. Farnum, Eliphalet, 12. Famum, Eliphelet, 12. Farnum, John, 14. Farr, Elias, 45. Farr, James, 12. Farr, Salmon, 12. Farr, Salmon, 40. Farr, Sam uel, 06. Farr, Simon, 12. Farr, Thomas, 51. Farrand, Benoni, 44. Farrington, Dan, 64. Farrington, Jacob, 36. Farrington, Stephen, 46. Farrist, David, 49. Farrow, Jonathan, 20. FarweU, Abel, 01. Fasset, Jesse, 46. Fasset, Joshua, 37. Fassett, Amos, Esq', 23. Fassett, David, 23. Fassett, John, 23. Fassett, Doc, Nathan, 23. Fassitt, Benj", 16. Faunce, Joseph, 34. Fay, Aaron, 58. Fay, David, 16. Fay, Edward, 25. Fa- EUaktm,.'i8. Fay, Elijah, 16. Fay, Ezra. 63. Fay, Isaac, 18. Fay, John, 38. Fay, Jonas, 16. Fay, Joseph, 16. Fay, Moses, 58. Fay, Nathan, 28. Fay, Salmon, 25. Fay, Sherabiah, 63. Fay, Thomas, 63. Felch, Nathan, 63. FeUows, Adolphus, 34. FeUows, Gustavus, 34. FeUows, Joseph, 30. Fellows, Nathan, 43. FeUows, Samuel, 32. FeUows, Samuel, 60. FeUows, Vernev, 65. FeUows, WiUiam, 30. Felt, Abner. 58. Felt, Eliphalet, 53. Felton, Joseph, 31. FeimeU. Edward, 43. Feimy, David, 42. Fenton, Francis, 29. Fenton, John, 43. Fenton, Matthew, 43. Ferguson, Henry, 13. Ferguson, John," 13. Ferrand, Andrew, 47. Ferrend, Jared, 28. Ferrend, Joseph, 25. Ferrend, Joseph, Junr., 25. Ferrend, WUliam, 25. Ferrey, Josiah, 18. FerrU, Isaac. 49. Ferril. Widow, 49. Ferril, W", 49. Ferris, Benjamin, 23. Ferris, Joseph, 26. Ferris, Peter, 14. Ferris, Zebulon, 27. Ferriss, Alanson, 13. Ferriss, David. 13. Feszcnden, Solomon, 50. Field, Abner, 60. Field, Amos, 17. Field, Beimct, 47. Field, Daniel, 65. - Field, David, 60. Field, EUhu, 49. Field, Elijah, 67. Field, Francies, 22. Field, George, IS. Field, Jesse, 16. Field, Le%i. 65. Field, Luther, 65. Field, Nathi, 15. Field, Nehemiah, 60. Field, Pardon, 60. Field, Patrick, 30. Field, Reuben, 46. Field, Samuel, 67. Fields, Anthoney, 12. Fields, Asa, 41. Fields, Ebenez', 13. Fields, EUsha, 12. Fields. John, 12. Fields. Joseph, 13. Fields, Joshua, 36. Fields, Margeret, 13. Fields, Rubin, 13. Fields, Simon, 13. Fife, John, 14. Fifleld, Daniel, 29. Fiflcld, John, 34. Fiflpkl. Samuel, 29. Filimore, Nnth'i, 17. Filman, Luther, 40. Fin, David, 43. Fin, John, 42. Fin, John, 4.3. Finch, Eleazer, 05. Finch, Joshua, 17. Finley, John, 5S. Finley, John, 58. Finney Bethuei,22. Finney, Eleazer, 13. Finney, Joel, 13. Finney, Ruins, 13. Finno, Joseph, 02. Finny, Charles, 44. Finny, David, 36. Finny, Isaac, 45. Finny, Nathan, 44. Firris, Darius, 14. Fish, jVmos, 49. Fish, Benoni, 38- Fish, David, 12. Fish, Da\nd, 63. Fish, Edmond, 50. Fish, Elisha, 38. Fish, Isaac, 45. Fish, John, 53. Fish, John, 55. Fish, John, Jun', 55. Fish, Joseph, 37. Fish, Nathan, 50. Fish, Rueben, 38. Fish, Sami, 50. Fish, Samuel, 63. Fish, Wm, 12. Fisher, Abiel, 52. Fisher, Abijah, 37. Fisher, Amos, 54. Fisher, Asa, 54. Fisher, Dani, 52. Fisher, Dartd, 50. Fisher, Eljen^, 47. Fisher, Edmond, 49. Fisher, Enoch, 55. Fisher, Ephraim, 40. Fisher, Gideon, 46. Fisher, Ichabod, 43. Fisher, Isaac, 11. Fisher, Isaac, 49. Fisher, Isaac, 51. Fisher, James, 22. Fisher, Jeremiah, 13. Fisher, John. 36. Fisher, Nehemiah, 49. Fisher, Noah, 51. Fisher, Peter, 37. Fisher, Simeon, 55. Fisher, Tim». 50. Fisher, Timothy, 61. Fisher, WiUiam. 40. Fisk. See Bracket & Fisk, 35. Fisk, Eben, .36. Fisk, Experience, 29. Fisk, Ichabod E., 25. Fisk, Isaac, 34. Fisk, Isaiah, 47. Fisk, Jacob, 10. Fisk, Jeremiah, 21. Fisk, Jeremiah, Jun^, 21. Fisk, John, 27. Fisk, John, 58. Fisk, Jonathan, 16. Fisk, Nathan, 66. Fisk, Nathaniel, 36. Fisk, Rulus, 49. Fisk, Stephen, 33. Fisk, WiUiam, 34. Fitch, Benjamin, 41. Fitch, Daniel, 41. Fitch, Daniel, 41. Fitch, Ehen', 49. Fitch, Ebenezer, 03. Fitch, Elisha, 41. Fitch, Ephraim, 41. Fitch, Jabez, 25. Fitch, James, 52. Fitch, Jesse, 57. Fitch, Jobe G., 14. Fitch, John, 41. Fitch, John, 43. Fitch, Jonathn, 11. Fitch, Joseph, 41. Fitch, Lemuel, 41. Fitch, Rufus, 41. Fitch, Zoraster, 11. Fitchout, Jacob, 25. Fitts, Alaaham, 48. Fitts, John, 56. Fitts, Samuel, 29. Flag, Thophelus, 39. Flagg, BarziUai, 36. Flagg. Ebenezer, 40. Fiagg, EUjah, 36. Flagg, Isaac, 14. Flagg, Josiah. 57. Flagg, Nathan. .57. Flagg, Rcbekah, 12. Flanders, Josiah, 35. Flanders, Zebulon, 33. Flarettee. , 48. Flay, WiUiam, 28. Fleraming, .\sa, 28. Flenimon, Bonnoni, 12. Flemons, John, 54. Fletcher, Artimus, 56. Fletcher, Asaph, 59. Fletcher, Benj", 46. Fletcher, Benj», 52. Fletcher, Daniel, 59. Fletcher, Ebenezer, 05. Fletcher, Isi, 27. Fletcher, James, 59. Fletcher, James, 67. Fletcher, Jesse, 61. Fletcher, Josiah, 61. Fletcher, Leonard, 34. Fletcher, Luke, 53. Fletcher, Nathan, 67. Fletcher, Samuel, 27. Fletcher, Sam', 55. Fletcher, Sherebiah, 51. Fling, Patrick, 53. FUnt, .\sahel. 29. FUnt, Ephraim, 36. Flint, Nathan, 30. FUnt, Nathan, 36. Flint, Nathan, J ',36. Flint, Samuel, 33. Flint, Silas, 29. Flood, Moses, 24. Flower, EUsha, 01. Flower, John, 61. Flyner, Michael, 58. Fobes, John. 14. Folensbee, Moses, 35. FoUet, Benjaman, 31. FoUet, Francis, 29. FoUet, Giles, 29. FoUet, Thankfull, 60. Follett, Martin D., 23. FoUit, Joseph, 17. FolUt, Timothy, 16. FoUitt, Charles, 16. Foot, Addenijah, 22. Foot, Daniel, 11. Foot, Dani, 13. Foot, EUjah, 13. Foot, George, 37. Foot, John, 11. Foot, John, 15. Foot, Martin, 13. Foot, Nathan, 11. Foot, Nathan, Jur., 11. Foot, Philip, 13. Foot, Samuel, 13. Foot, Stihnan, 11 Forbes, Asa. 57. Forbes, Sam', 53. Forbes, Stephen, 57. Forbes, W™, 50. Forbs, Charles, 45. Ford, Daniel, 40. Ford, Fredrick, 11. Ford, Nathan, 40. Ford, Paul, 32. Ford, WiUiam, 29. Ford, WiUiam, 36. Fords, Charles, 44. Foredom, Gideon, 36. Forest, Robert, 35. Forest, WiUiam, 39. Forgeson, Hezekiah, 22. Ferriss, Peter, 15. Forster, John. 32. Fosbury, David, 15. Foskit, James, 17. Foster, Aaron. 64. Foster, .\bijah, 44. Foster, Asa, 58. Foster, Benjamin, 37. Foster, Chandler, 39. Foster, Rev'd. Dan, 65. Foster, David, 52. Foster, Edw"*, 56. Foster, Ephraim, 32. Foster, George, 37. Foster, Ichabod, 40. Foster, Jabez, 57. Foster, Jacob, 58. Foster, Joel, 15. Foster, John, 58. Foster, John, 59. Foster, Jon«, 46. Foster, Joseph, 58. Foster, Joseph, 58. Foster, Nathi, 51. Foster, Nath', 52. Foster, Peter. 58. Foster, Reubin, 29. Foster, Rulus. 59. Foster, Thomas, 12. Foster, Thomas, 33. Foster, Thomas. 64. Foster, Whitefield, 37. Foster, W iUiam, 38. Foster, W iUiam, 64. Foster, Zadock, 44. Fountain, Joseph, 11. Fountain, Peter, 11. Fowler, .\ bner, 30. Fowler, B cnjamin, 38. Fowler, Curtis, 50. Fowler, Klisha, 60. Fowler, Jacob, 28. Fowler, Jacob, 32. Fowler, Jonathan, 28. Fowler, Joseph, 19. 78 INDEX. Fowler, Phillip, 34. Fowlor, Tho', 50. Fowls, Nathan, 67. Fox, Aaron, 37. Fox, Amos, 4.5. Fox, Amos. 57. Fox, Eben', 47. Fox, Elijah, 45. Fox, John, 49. Fox, John. 51. Fox, Nehemiah, 30. Fox, Oliver. 45. Fox, William, 45. Fraker, Phillip, 20. France, Christopher, 65, Francis, Daniel, 46. Francis, Jacob, :J4. Francis, John, 46. Francis, Nathan, 46. Francis, Sarah, 46. Francis, Simon, 46. Francis, Thankful. 46. Franklin, Aaron, 19. Franklin, Aaron, Jun', 49. Franklin, Ichabod, 30. Franklin, Jabez, 49. Franklin, Joshua. 11. Franklin, Nathan, 37. Franklin, Philip. 49. Franklin, Samuel. 35. Franklin, Stephen, 55. Frarey, David, 20. Frary, Jonathan, 33. Frasier, John. 62. Frasier, Nathaniel, 62. Frassnor, Jolm, 12. Fray, John, 33. Frazer, Daniel, 25. Frazer, Dan', 47. Frazier, James, 57. Freddcnboro, Thomas, 13. Freeman, 12. Freeman, Adam, 48. Freeman, Daniel, 31. Freeman, Daniel, 45. Freeman, Elijah. 02. Freeman, Elisha, .58. Freeman, Elisha, 62. Freeman, Experience, 62, Freeman, Ezra, 42. Freeman, Gideon, 46. Freeman, John, 46. Freeman, Joseph, 13. Freeman, Joshua, 63. Freeman, Ned, 01. Freeman, Roger. 62. Freeman, Samuel, 29. Freeman, Samuel, 67. Freeman, Thomas, 58. Freeman, Thomas, 58. Freeman, Watson, 57. Freeman, William, 34, Freeman, William, 58. Freleigh,John,39. French, Aaron, 59. French, Abner, 65. French, Andrew, 17. French, Asa. 47. French, David, 18. French, Da\id, 46. French, Elijah, 18. French. Elijah. 29. French. Ephriam, 59. French, Ezekiel,59. French, Halns,31. French, Isaac, 23. French, Jacob, 65. French, Jeremiah, 23. French, Jesse, 50. French. John, 17. French, John, 24. French, John, 41. French, John, 47. French, John, 58. French, John, Jun', 58. French, Jonathan, 43. French, Jonathan, 63. French, Joseph, 18. French, Joseph, 59. French, Joshua, 18. French. Joshua, 59. French. Joslah,. 59. French. Marcy, 17. French, Micah. 48. French, Micah, Jun', 48. French. Nathan, 41. French. Nath'. 47. French, Nath>. 48. French. Sanuiel, 18. French, Sam>, 18. French, Simon, 30. French, Thomas, 40. French, Thomas, 58. French, W"'.. 54. French, Ziba,,'i7. Frier. Samuel. 22. Frink, Willard,64. Frisbie, Ebenezer, 43. Frisbie, James, 43. Frisbie, Joel. 40. Frisbie, Jonathan, 40. Friebis, William, 40. Frisby, Elisha, 23. Frlzzel, John. 34. Frizzle, Benjamin, 29, Frizzle, Joel, 31. Frost, Asa, 47. Frost. Benjo.lQ. Frost, Dan'. 47. Frost, Elijah, 19. Frost, Jesse, 47. Frost, Jesse, Jun', 47. Frost, Joel, 11. Frost, Phineas, 11. Fry, Reuben, 30. Fuller, Amasa, 40. Fuller, .\masa. 07. Fuller, .\mrai,24. Fuller, Asa, 43. Fuller, Ashbel. 12. Fuller, Bartholemew, 54. Fuller, Calvin, 67 Fuller, Consider, 67. Fuller, Daniel. 22. Fuller, Dan', 44. Fuller, Dan', 52. Fuller, Daniel, 63. Fuller, Elijah, 22. Fuller, Elisha, 12. Fuller, Ephraim,52. Fuller, Hosea,22. Fuller, Ickebod, 19. Fuller, Ishem,12. Fuller, Jacob, 40. Fuller, James, 14. Fuller, James, 15. Fuller. Jedediah, 19. Fuller, Job, 48. Fuller. John, 22. Fuller, John, 41. Fuller, John, 53. Fuller, John, 60. Full(!r, Jon", 53. Fuller, Joseph, 14. Fuller, Joseph, 47. Fuller, Joseph, 66. Fuller, Josiah, 13. Fuller, Josiah, 16. Fuller, Lemuel. 29. Fuller, Mathew. 18. Fuller. Minor, 41. FuUer, Nathan, 35. Fuller, Samuel, 30. Fuller. Samuel. 37. Fuller, Seth, 67. Fuller. Shubil, 22. Fuller, Solomon, 22. Fuller. Stephen, 13. Fuller. Stephen. 29. Fuller, St.-phen, 35. Fuller, Tho>, 56. Fuller. Thomas. 58. Fuller, Widow, 56. Fuller, William, 40. Fuller. William. 67. Fullington. Francis, 24. Fulson, John, 27. Furbush. John, 15. Furman, Jebediah, 24. Furrall, John, 13. Gaffleld. Benj", 14. Gaffield, Elijah. 14. Gaffleld. Joseph. 61. Gage, .\sa. 51. Gage, George. 12. Gage. Isaac, 12. Gage, John, 44. Gage, Robert, 26. Gage, Warier, 12. Gage, William, 12. Gage. William, Ju, 12. Gahisha, Samuel, 34. Gaine, John. 42. Gains, David, 49. Gains, James, 57. Gains. Joseph, 49. Gale, Eph", 49. Gale, Isaac, 47. Gale, John, 11. Gale, Paul, 52. Gale, Samuel, 32. Gale, Solomon, 54. Gale. Thaddeus. 32. Gailard. Jonathan. 24. Gallop. Joseph, 49. Gallop. Joseph, Jun', 49. GaUup, Elisha, 61. Gallup, Joseph, 61. Gallup. Joseph. 64. Gallup. Perez, 61. GaUup. William. 61. Galor. Baunt. 25. Galusha, Amos, 21. Galusha, David, 21. Galusha. David, 2> Sarah, 37. Garret, Widow, 50. Garret, William, 39. Garret, W"», 50. Garret, W», 2nd, 50. Garven, James, 61. Garvin, Ephraim, 25. Gaskill, David, 31. Gates, Andrus, 44. Gates, Cyrus, 37. Gates, Dan, 56. Gates, Dan', 48. Gates, David, 25. Gates, Elias, 61. Gates, Elijah, 62. Gates, Ezra, 32. Gates, James, 25. Gates, Jonathan, 32. Gates, Nehamiah, 43. Gates, Paul, 25. Gates, Rosimond, 63. Gates, S. John, 48. Gates, Samuel, 31, Gates, Silas, 52. Gates, Stephen, 50, Gates, \A'iIliam, 18. Gault, Eli, 51. Gay, James, 61. Gay, John, 41. Gaylord, Hezekiah, 29. Geer, Jesse, 62. Geers, Alba, 46. Geers, Joseph, 17. Gell, John, 64. George, Benjamin, 33. George, Isaac, 33. Gerald, Gamaliel, 59. Garrard, John, 43. Gerrard, John, 45. Gerry, Edwd, 56. Gerry, Edwi, Jun', 56. Gerry, Elijah, 39. Gerry. Jon", 56. Gib, Caleb, 19. Gibb, John Taylor, 31, Gibb, Sam', 48. Gibbrith, John, 28, Gibbs, Abel, 23. Gibbs, Darius, 36. Gibbs, Ebenezer, 42. Gibbs, Ed7nond, 48. Gibbs, Friend, 36. Gibbs, Henry, 12. Gibbs, Isaac, 26. Gibbs, Job, 24. Gibbs, Joshua, 26. Gibbs, Nathan, 12. Gibbs, Nathan, 56. Gibbs, Shelden, .39. Gibbs, Silvester, 24. Gibbs, Thomas, 26. Gibson .'Vbraham, 54. Gibson, George, 28. Gibson, John, 23. Gibson, John, 27. Gibson, John, 59. Gibson, Jon", 54. Gibson, Nath', 54. Gibson, Solomon, 54. Gibson , Uriah, 54. Gibson, William, 32. Gibson, Zach'', 54. Giddings, Benjamin, 46. Giddons, Dan, 43. Gideons, Job, 18. Giers, Israel, 41. Giffln, Edward, 25. GiflSn, James, 18. GiSord, Ger.shom, 46. Gifford, Gideon, 20. Gifford, Umjihory, 17. Gifford, W", 15. Gifford, Ziba, 35. Gilbert, Abraham, 36. Gilbert, Augustus, 15. Gilbert, Cornelius, 62. Gilbert, Daniel, 64. GillKirt, Elisha, 65. Gilbert, Elnathan, 13. Gilbert, Ezra, 33. Gilbert, Heber, ,33. Gilbert, Isaiah, 12. Gilbert, Jesse, 65. Gilbert, John, 17. Gilbert, Jonathan, 17. Gilbert, Joseph, 1.5. Gilbert, Joseph, 53. Gilbert, Moses, 30. Gilbert, Moses, J', 36. Gilbert, Moses, 63. Gilbert, Nathaniel, 63. Gilbert, Samuel, 17. Gilbert, Sam', 51. Gilbert, Solomon, 17. Gilbert, Solomon, 51. Gilbert, Thaddeus, 39. Gilbert, Thomas, 39. Gilchrist, James, 28. Gilchriston. John, 28. Gilcrease, William, 37. Gilder, Jacob, 26. Gilder, Nicholas, 41. Gilds, Abraham, 31. Gile, Amos, 59. Gile, John. 33. Gile, Moses, 60. Gile, Nathan, 60. Gile, Stephen, 60. Giles, Samuel, 64. Giles. W'idow, 51. Gilfellon, William, 28. Giltellon, William, 28. Gilfinning. James, 23. Gilford, Samuel, 58. Gilkev, William, Jun', 59. Gilkey, Wilham, 60. Gill, .\mos, 64. Gill, Daniel, 65. Gill, John, 66. Gill, Obadiah, 43. Gill, William, 37. Gillct, Abner, 33. GlUet, .■Vbraham, 46. Gillet, Adonijah, 34. Gillet, Asa, 26. Gillet, Benjamin, 39. Gillet, Israel. 60. Gillet, John, 60. Gillet, Jonathan, 45. Gillet, Roger, 60. Gillet, Simon, 34. Gillet, Sylvester, 45. Gillet, William, 45. Gillett, Elisha, 59. Gilman. Daniel. 33. Gilman, Daniel, 39. Gilman, Ezckel, 32. Gilman, Jonathan, 40. Gilman, Joseph, 30. Gilman, Nathaniel, 30. Gilman, Sam', 39. Gilmore, .\dam, 11. Gilmore, David, 41. Gilmore, James, 23. Gilmore, James. 37. Gilmore, John, 53. Gilmore, Robert, 22. Gilmore, Sylvanus, 41. Gilson, Dan', 56. Gilson, Daniel, 63. Gilson, David, 49. Gilson, David, 53. Gilson, Joel, 56. Gilson, Jon", Jun', 53. Gilson, Joseph, 54. Gilson, Michael, 56. Gilson. Simon. 56. Gilson. Zaehariah, 56. Ginning. Lemuel, 21. GitcheU, David, 42. Gitchell. Jacob, 66. Glass, James, 21. Glass, James, 57. Glass, Rufus, 46. Glass. Sanuiel, 46. Glazier, Aaron, 66. Glazier, Barzaliel, 55. Glazier, Benj", 48. Glazier, Benj", 51. Glazier, David, IS. Glazier, Ebenezer, 66. Glazier, Elisha, 51. Glazier, Joseph, 66. Gleason, Benoni. 36. Gleason, Ebenezer, 41. Gleason, Jacob, 36. Gleason, Job, 54. Gleason, Joseph, 48. Gleason, Josiah, 51. Gleason, Moses, 53. Gleason, Sam', 54. Gleazon, Catherine, 61. Gleson, Beza, 29. Glines, John, 29. Ghnes. See Dowe & GUnes,3,5. Goddard, John, 28. Goddard, Levi, 48. Goddard, Moses, 47. Godfrey, George, 16. Godfrey, James, 35. Godfrey, Moses, 35. Godfrey Simon, 35. Gofl, Caleb, 21. Gofl, Daniel, 37. Goff, David, 19. Goff, Ezra, 51. Gofl, Oliver, (2. Goldesbury. John, 35. Golding. Isaiah, 14. Gooch. Joseph, 29. Gooeh, Joseph, 29. Goodale, Abiel, 56. Goodale, Amos, 56. Goodale, .-Vsahel, 56. Goodale, David, 50. Goodale, David, 67. Goodale. EdW, 56. Goodale, Elijah, 54. • Goodale, Elisha, 33. Goodale, Joseph, 47. Goodale Moses, ,56. Goodale, Solomon, 52. Goodale, Timothy, 14. Goodenough, Asa. .36. Goodenough, Elijah, 36. Goodenough, Sarah, 36. Goodenough, Timothy, 64. Goodenow, .\dino, 50. Goodenow, Benj», 57. Goodenow, David, 49. Goodenow, Eben', 49. Goodenow, Isaac, 49. Goodenow, Ithamer, 49. Goodenow, Jon", 47. Goodenow, Levi, 47. Goodenow, Levi. 49. Goodenow, Sam', 49. Goodenow. Silas. 52. Goodewille, David, 28. Goodhue. .\Iex', 52. Goodhue, Eben', 56. Goodhue. Joseph, 53. Goodhue, Josiah, 52. Goodhue, Josiah, Jun', 52. Goodrich, .\llen. ,36. Goodrich, Bethuel, 13. Goodrich, Caleb, 36. Goodrich. David, 02. Goodrich, Hezekiah, 62. Goodrich, John, 62. Goodrich, Josiah, 36. Goodrich, Josiah, 62. Goodrich, Lem', 13. Goodrich, Noah, 14. Goodrich, Peter, 13. Goodrich, Simeon, .30. Goodrich, Solomon, 25. Goodrich, Stephen, 12. Goodrich, Thom«, 36. Goodrich. Timothy, 39. Goodrich. W"», 12. Goodridg, James. 12. Goodridg. William. 14. Goodridge, Amos, 43. Goodridge, Benj", 56. Goodridge, Levi, 56. Goodridge, Wid<> Mary, 37. Goodsill, Dan'. 40. Goodspecd, Elisha, 64. Goodspeed, Gideon, 49. Goodspeed, Joseph, 49. Goodwin, Asa, 24. Goodwin, Daniel, 23. Goodwin. Davis, 65. Goodwin, Elijah, 43. Goodwin, Jacob, 30. Goodwin, John. .52. Goodwin, Jonathan. 32. Goodwin, Joseph. 4'.'. Goodwin, Nathaniel. 32. Goodwin. Thomas. 43. Goodwin, Wiloby. 33. Googins. William, 20. Gookins, Sam', 20. Gookins, Sam', Jn', 20. Goose, John, 03. Gordin. James. 69. Gordon, ,\lexander, 27. Gordon, John, 30. Gore, Amos. 50. Gore, Elijah, 50. Goreham. Stephen. 16. Gorham. James, 43. Gorham, Jared, 43. Gorham, John, 4?. Gorham, Seth, !■', 43. Gorham, Seth, 2nd, 43. Gorton, Benj", 47. Goss, Abel, 61. Goss, Dan', 48. Goss, Dan', 51. Goss. Jonas, 51. Goss, Jonathan, 21. Goss, Joshua, 36. Goss, W"", 51. Gott. Samuel, 25. Gould, .\sa, 58. Gould. Benjamin, 37. Gould, Benjamin, Jun', 37. Gould, Benj". 47. Gould. Benjamin, 60. Gould, Chester. 20. Gould, Dan'. 56. Gould, Dan'. Jun', 66. Gould, Eben', 48. Gould, Edward, 12. INDEX. 79 Gould, Henry, 37. Gould, Jacob, 37. Gould, Jacob, Jun', 37. Gould, Jedediah. 53. Gould, John, 35. Gould, John. 35. Gould, John, 47. Gould, John, 49. Gould, John, 5(3. Gould, John, Jun', o6. Gould, Jonas, 64. Gould, Nathan, 47. Gould, Nathan, 56. Gould, Nathi, 65. Gould, Otis, 59. Gould, Seth, 56. Gould, Stephen, 49. Gould, Waterman, 35. Gould. William, IS. Oourding, Joseph, 30. Gove, Nathanacl, 43. Gowen, Sam', 4H. Gowine, Nathaniel, 59. Grag, George, 26. Grag, Isaac, 26. Grag, Thomas, 26. Graham, A. John, 43. Graham, Aaron, 27. Graham, Andrew, 4S. Graham, Caleb, 4S. Graham, David. 17. Graham, Hugh, 27. Graham, John. 48. Graham, Lem', 48. Graham, Robert, 43. Graham, W"*, 53. Grandy, Asa, 41. Grandy, Bez.aleel, f>3. Grandy, Edmund, 14. Gr.indy, Elijah, 14. Grandy, Reuben, 36. Grandy, Robert, 63. Grandy, Robert, 63. Grandy, Samuel. 63. Granger, Jeremiah, 17. Gransey, Oliver, 56. Grant, Charless, 24. Grant, John, 23. Grant, John, 41. Grant, John, 43. Grant, Josiah, 43. Grapes, Phillip, 29. Graves, Asa, 14. Graves, Asa, 43. Graves, Barny, 37. Graves, Chaneey, 14. Graves, Daniel," 65. Graves, David, 14. Graves, Edmond. 22. Graves, Elisha, 20. Graves, Incrase, 20. Graves, Jesse, 14. Graves, Jesse, 57. Graves, Jonathan, 20. Graves, Joseph, 14. Graves, Joshua, 14. Graves, Josiah, 20. Graves, Nathan, 25. Graves, Phinehas, 54. Graves, Reuben, 53. Graves, Simon, 20. Graves, Svras, 20. Graves, Thaddeus, 28. Graves, Thaddeus, 34. Graves, William, 28. Graves, William, 37. Graves, William, 37. Gray, Amos, 55. Gray, Edward, U. Gray, Edward, 20. Gray, Widow Elisabeth, 41. Gray, Eward, 17. Gray, Isaac, 17. Gray, Isaac. 20. Gray, Isaah, 17. Gray, James, 11. Gray, James, 3.5. Gray, John, 15. Gray, John, 17. Gray, John, 33. Gray, Jonas, .55. Gray, Jonos, 46. Gray, Lamon, 11. Gray, Mathew, 55. Gray, Moses, 54. Gray, Robert B., 11. Gray, Sam«', 17. Gray, Samuel, 43. Gray, Samuel, .58. Gray, Thomas, 58. Gray, Zalmon, 28. Grayham, John, .59. Grayham, Robert, 59. Greely, Jonathan, 30. Green, .\b9ulum, 46. Green, Absulurac, 53. Green, .Vdrijah, 63. Green, Amaza, 58. Green, Amos, 57. Green, Asa, 21. Green, .\sa, 59. Green, Barkos, 62. Green, Benjamin, 12. Green, IJenjainin, 66. Green, B<'njamin, 67. Green, Beriah, .58. Green, Caleb, 38. Green, Charles, 58. Green, D.avid, 33. Green, David, 40. Green, El)snezer, 41. Green, Elijah, 33. Green, Ezekiel, 37. Green, Henry, 45. Green, Isaac, 66. Green, Jobc, 37. Green, John, 52. Green, John, 53. Green, John W., 14. Green, Jonathan, 25. Green, Jonathan, 35. Green, Jonathan, 60. Green, Joseph, 34. Green, Joseph, 01. Green, Nathan, 57. Green, Pcleg, 37. Green, Philip, 37. Green, Robert, 43. Green, Samuel. 19. Green, Tho", 52. Green, Timothy, 19. Green, Uzziah, 58. Green, Widow, 54. Green, Willard, 16. Green, Zebediah, 37. Greene, Daniel, 43. Greene, Job, 26. Greene, Nathan, 26. Greene, WiUiam, 27. Greenleat, Dani, 47. Greenleaf, Sam', 47. Greenleaf, Stephen, 47. Greenleaf, Stephen, Jun', 47- Greenman, Preserved, 19. Greensht, James, 16. Greenwood, John, 29. Greenwood, Jon^, 54. Greer, James, 33. Gregory, Ithamar, 39. Gregory, Keeler, 24. Gregory, Levi, 24. Gregory, Ralph K., 24. Gregory, Salmon, 27. Grenal, Jonathan, 17. Grice, Sara', 49. Griilen, Benj",22. Griffin, .4sa, 13. Griffin, David, 27. Griffin, David, 33. Griffin, Joel, 13. Griffin, John, 52. Griffin, Jonathan, 27. Griffin, WilUani, 26. Griffith, Bethiah, 3S. Griffith, David, 38. Griffith, Ebenezer, 41. Griffith, Ellis, 48. Griffith, George, 38. Griffith, James, 38. Griffith, Philip, 38. Griffith. William, 65. Griffiths, Thomas, 41. Griggs, Gideon, 55. Grigs, Abraham, 22. Grigs, John, 22. Grihams, Abraham, 16. Grimes, Andrew, 52. Grimes, James, 51. Grimes, Moses. 51. Grinnald, Rubin, 13. Grindld, Noah, 43. Grippen, Lemuel. 38. Griswall, Jerard. 57. Griswold, Azariah, 37. Griswold, Benj", 11. Griswold, David, 13. Griswold, David, 40. Griswold. Ebenezer, 41. Griswold, Jedediah, 30. Griswold, Jons 40. Griswold, Joseph, 25. Griswold, Joseph, 33. Griswold, Miles, 42. Griswold, Moses, 12. Griswold, Nathan, 13. Griswold, Sam', 41. Griswold, Shuhal. 35. Griswold. Simeon, 41. Griswould, Addonijah, 13. Griswould, Daniel. 65. Griswould, John. 6.'i. Griswould. Matthew, 65. Griswould, W™, 16. Groover, Amaziah. 29. Gross, Thomas, 60- Grosvenor, Cap. Leuester, 24. Grosvenor, Licester, Jun', 24. Grout, Abel, 47. Grout, Amaza, 31. Grout, .\sa. 66. Grout, Denison, 54. Grout, Elihu, 66. Grout, Helkiah, 66. Grout, Hezeldah, Jun', 66. Grout, John, 56. Grout, Joshua, 54. Grout, Seth, 66. Grovenor, John, 65. Grover, Aaron, 50. Grover, Amaza, 58. Grover, Benj", 22. Grover, Eleazar, 49. Grover, Jacob, 49. Grover, Joseph, 51. Grow, David, 35. Grow, Edward, 35. Grow, James, 62. Grow, John, 61. Grow, Joseph, 61. Grow, Peter, 35. Grow, Samuel, 61. Grow, Timothy, 61. Grow, Wilham, 59. Guardner, Benj", 3'<', 19. Guernsey, Sam', 47. Guggins, James, 63. Guild, Jesse, 50. Guile, Eph"", 54. Gun, Moses, 21. Gustin, Eliphalet, 37. Gustin, Elisha, 31. Gustin, Thos, .53. (iutridge, Daniel, 46. Guttridge, John, Jun', 54. Guttridge, Moses, 54. Guttridge, T. Tho', 54. Guy, Jacob, 32. Guy, James, 32. Guyer, Lake, 28. Habgood, Asa, 63. Habgood, David, 63. Hacket, Allen, 27. Hacket, John, 67. Hacket, Moses, 33. Hacket, Stilson, 31. Hackstafi, John, 14. Hadges, Doct' Silas, 37. Iladley, Benj«, 48. Hadley, Charles, 54. Uadley, Eben', 47. Hadley, Jacob, 47. Hadley, Jesse, 47. Hadley, John, 61. Hadley, Jonas, 61. Hadley, Jonathan, 30. Hadley, Parrit, 28. Hadley, Samuel, 28. Hadley, Samuel, 32. Hadlock, James, 66. Hadlock, John, 66. Hadlock, Jonathan, 21. Hadlock, Thomas, 66. Hager, John, 60. Hager, Simeon, 49. Hager, Simeon, Jun', 49. Hager, Widow, 47. Hagle, Cornelius, 14. Hail, W"", 47. Haile, Josiah, 12. Hailev, Stephen, 12. Hait,"llenrv, 12. Hakness. W-», 20. Hale, .\bner, 45. Hale, Amos, 53. Hale, Apollos, 35. Hale, Asa, 44. Hale, Benjamin, 66, Hale, David, 66. Hale, Israel, 60. Hale, Israel, 66. Hale, James, 53. Hale, Joel, 54. Hale, John, 35. Hale, Jonathan, 45. Hale, Joshua, 30. Hale, Joshua, 32. Hale, .1 oshua, 54. Hale, Moses, 12. Hale, Silas, 66. Hale, Thomas, 43. Iliile. William, 44. Hull, Al.iier, 44. liall, Ali.beus,27. Hall, .\zariah,.50. Hall, lienj-n, 12. Hall, Benjamin, 19. Hall, Caleb, 11. Hall, Daniel, 31. Hall, David, 24. Hall. David, 42. Hall, David, 66. Ball, Ebenezer, 37. Hall, Edward, 17. Hull, Elias,.37. Hall. Eliaa, 42. Hall, Elihu, '25. Hull, Elihu, 33. Hall, Enoch, 25. Hall, Kph-n, 48. Hall, Ephn>, 52. Hiill, George, 37. Hall. George, 04. Hall, Gershom, 41. Hall, Gershom, Jr, 41. Hall, Guardner. Sec Hall, William & Guardner. HaU, Henry, 58. Hall, Jacob, 28. Hall, Jacob, 00. Hall, James, 26. Hall, James, 54. Hall, James, 57. Hall, James, 64. Hall, James, 65. Hall, James, 66. Hall, Jeremiah, 15. HaU, Joel, 50. Hall, John, 23. Hall, John, 41. Hall, John, 44. Hall, John, 50. Hall, John, 54. Hall, John, 6,5. Hall, Jon«, 52. Hall, Jon», 55. Hall, Jonathan, 66. HaU, Joseph, 17. HaU, Joseph, 24. Hall, Joseph, 25. HaU, Joseph, 52. HaU, Josiah, 47. HaU, Levi, 28. HaU, Lewis, 27. HaU, Lott, ,56. Hall, Moses, 33. HaU. Nathaniel, 25. Hall, Phineas, 27. Hall, Reuben, 12. Hall, Saml., 40. HaU, SUas, 37. HaU, Simeon, 51. Hall, Stephen, 36. HaU, The, 11. HaU, Thomas, 16. HaU,, 27. Hall, Timothv, 32. Hall, WiUiam, 33. HaU, W">, 54. HaU, W», 56. HaU, WiUiam, .56. HaU, WiUiam & Guardner, 19. Hall. WiUis, CO. Hallock, Content, 28. HaUock, Stephen, 28. Hallock, Steplien. Jun', 28. Hambleton, Ezra, 39. Hambleton, James, J', 20. Hambleton, Joel, 39. Hambleton, John, 21. Hambleton, John, 21. Hambleton, John, 40. Hambleton, Jon». 67. Hambleton, Reuben, 50. Hambleton, Thomas, 20. Hamenlv, John, 19. Hamiliu, Joseph, Jr, 11. Hamilton, Aaron, 45. Hamilton, Charless. 27. HamUton, Dudley, Jun', 27. HamUton, Elisha, 45. Hamilton, John, 45. Hamilton, Joseph, 27. Hamilton, Nath", 45. Hamlet, WiUiam, 3L HamUn, Dan', 11. Hamlin, Eleascr, 39. Hamlin, Isaac, 12. Hamlin, Isaac, 15. Hamlin, John, U. HamUn, John. J U', 11. Hamlin, Oliver, 29. Hamlin, Sim™, 40. Hamlin. Sim», 2d, 40. Hammon, Benjamin, 23. Hammon, Elijah, 34. Hammon, Faunce, 63. Hammon, Jabez, 67. Hammon, James, 12. Hammon, John. 67. Hammon, Nathan, 37. Hammon, William, 62. Hammond, Asa, 37. Hammond, Hinsdale, 55. Hammond, Isaiah, 27. Hammond, Jed'', 45. Hammond, Jed'", 45. Hammood. John, 49. Hammond, Sam', 55. Hammond, Simeon, 55. Hammond, Thomas, 42. Hancev. Gideon, 26. Hancock, Oliver, 37. Hancross, James, 11. Hand. Ira. 29. Handy, Caleb. 42. Handy. Caleb, Ju', 42. Handy, James, 39. Handy, Joshua, 33. Handy. Joshua, 39. Handy, PrisiUa, 40. Handy, Richard. 42. Ilanes, Abel. 50. Hanes, Jonathan, 26. Hanes, Lemuel, 44. Hanes, Samuel, 26. Hanes, Vene. 49. Hanes, Vene, J un', 49. Hanes, W illiani, 26. Hanks, .Vrunah, 41. Hanks, Asa, 34. Hanks, Levi, 11. Hanks, WiUiam, 41. Happer, George, 65. Harace, Ebenezer, 21. Hard. Abram, 14. Hard, James J'., 15. Hard, Philo, 15. Hard, Stephen, 14. Hard, Theophelus, 21. Hard. Zadock. 16. Harden, Caleb, 53. Harden, Rich, 15. Hatchway, Jolm, 60. Hateley, Abijah, 24. Hathaway, .\braham, 25. Hathaway, Edward. 56. Hathaway, Ralph, 26. Hathawav, Shadrih, 16. Hatlunvay, Silas, Esq', 26. Hatheme, Benjamin, 63. Hatlu'way, Erastus, 12. Hatheway, James, 38. Ilatheway, Joshua, 16. Ilatheway, Levi, 16. Hathew'ay, Simeon, 16. HathewaV. Simeon, 10. Hathwav, Seth,02. Hathwey, ^^■ilber, 61. Haven, Abel, 48. Haven, Eben', 48. Haven, Hezekiah, 59. Haven, Joseph, 48. Haven, Natn', 47. Havens, Daniel, 63. Havens, Joseph, 63. Havens, Robert, 63. Haverland, Benjamin, 30. Hawkens, Reuben, 31. Hawkins, Benoni, 15. Hawkins, Ebencz., 13. Hawkins, Gaylor, 37. Hawkins, James, 31. Hawkins, John, 59. Hawkins, Joseph, 37. Hawkins, Joseph, 59. Hawkins, Moses, 37. Hawkins, Zebulon, 13. Hawks, Eleazer, 16. Hawley, .Vbel, 15. Hawley, Andrew, 15. Hawley, Courtis, 15. Hawley, David, 36. Hawley, Elijah, 00. Hawley, Ezekiel, 37. Hawley, Ezekiel, 66. Hawley, Gidion, 12. Hawley, Isaiah, 15. Hawley, Jabez, 18. Hawley, James, 23. Hawley, James, 24. Hawley, James, 25. Hawley, Jesse, 60. Hawley, John, 11. Hawley, John, 21. Hawley, Joseph, 17. Hawley, Josiah, 15. Hawley, Josiah, 00. Hawley, Justice, 17. Hawley, Lemuel, 15. Hawley, Mary, 15. Hawley, Philo, 28. Hawley, Rana, 21. Hawley, William, 22. Hawley, Zadock, 15. Ha w-ly, Joseph, ;;0. Hawly, Nathan, 42. Haws, Asa, 1,5. Haws, Ebenr, 47. Haws, Jabez, 57. Hayard, Ebenezer, 66. Hayard, Ebenezer, 66. Haydon, Joseph, 23. Hayes, Abner, 07. Hayes, Israel, 20. Hayes, John, 07. Haynes, Aaron, 16. Haynes, David, 16. Haynes, Jom, 40. Hays, Anna, 20. Hays, Jeremiah, 51. Hays, Michael, 12. Hays, Rutherford, 47. Hayse, John, 35. Hayward, Depend, 5L Hayward, Eben', 49. Hayward, Eli, 55. Hayward, Ephraim, 30. Hayward, John, 50. Hayward, John, 57. Hayward, John, Jun', 57. ■ Hayward, Jon*, 52. Hayward, Levi, 55. Hayward, Nathan, 51. Hayward, Nath', 49. Hayward, Oliver, 51. Hayward, Paul, 51. Hayward, Seth, 51. Hayward, Silas, 51. Hayward, Stephen, 54. Hayward Widow, 54. Hayward, William, (B. Hayward, Ziba. 54. Haywood, Benj*!, 36. Haywood, James, 36. Haywood, John, 05. Haywood, Paul, 65. Haywood, Sami. 30. Hayword, Abijah, 19. Hayword, Caleb, 51. Haze, Eleazer, 33. Haze, Philemon, 64. Haze, Robert, 33. Hazeltine, , 55. Hazeltine, Asa, 55. Hazeltino, Dan', 56. Hazeltine, David, 32. Hazeltine, David, .55. Hazeltine, Elisha, 55. Hazeltine. John, 32. Hazeltine, John, 65. Hazeltine, John, Jun', 55. Hazeltine Jonas, 54. Hazeltine Paul, 55. Hazeltine, Paul, Jun', 55. Hazeltine, Samuel, 30. Hazeltine, Thomas, 28. Hazeltine, Timothy, 28. Hazeltine, W"n, 54. Hazelton, Rich^, 54. Hazelton, Thaddeus, 45. Hazen, .\ndrew, 20. Hazen, Andrew, 27. Hazen, Asa, 00. Hazen, Azahel, 26. Hazen, Daniel, 60. Hazen, Edw, Ju', 46. Herd, Aaron, 20. Herderson, Thomas, 17. Heriord, Thomas, 05. Hcriman, Nath', 20. Herington, James, 16. Herington, James, 19. Hermon, Aaron, 31. Herrick, Daniel, 13. Herrick, Edward, 43. Herrick, Elijah, 42. Herrick, Ephraim, 43. Herrick, Henry, 38. Herrick, Henry, 38. Herrick, Henry, 66. Herrick, John, 26. Herrick, Jon*, 47. Herrick, Rufus, 43. Herrick, Simeon, 41. Herrick, William, 64. Herriman, John, 28. Herriman, Joseph. 32. Herrington, Abraham, 21. Herrington, Ammi, 14. Herrington, James, 21. Herrington, James. J°, 21. Herrington, John, 29. Herrington. Levi, 21. Herrington, Mathew, 64. Herrington, Nathan, 35. Herrington, Paul, 21. Herrington, Richard, 20. Herrington. Squire, 21. Herrington, Stephen, 19. Herrington, Stephen, 64. Herrington, William, 21. Herrison, Edward. 22. Hcrrman, Benj"", 15. Hen'ev, Alexander, 28. Hervcy, Archibald, 28. Hervey, Daniel, 31. Hervey, Edmond, 67. Hervoy, Ira, 33. Hervey, Marshall, 67. Hervey, William, 33. Herwood. Archebald, 60. Hewit, Daniel, 00. Hewit, Increase, 62. Hewit, John, 66. Hewlet, Joseph, 59. Hey wood, Christopher, 37. Hey wood, Ebenezer, 43. Heywood, Isaac, 37. Hibl)ard, Asa, 53. Hibbard, .\ugustln, 44. Hibbard. Daui, 45. Hibbard, David, 02. Hibbard, Ebenezer, 44. Hibbard, Elnathan. 06. Hibbard, Ithamar, 43. Hibbard, Jacob, 32. Hibbard. James, 03. Hibbard, Jared, 41. Hibbard, John, 63. Hibbard, John A., 62. Hibbard, Thomas, 32. Hibbard. Timothy, 41. Hibbard, Timothy, 58. Hibbard, Uriah, 41. Hibbard, Zebulon. 33. Hibbord, Ahimas, 21. Hibberd, Elijah, 21. Hibberd. Elijah, 21. Hichcock, Ephraim, 63. Hichcock, Paul, 63. Hickock, Simeon. 43. Hickock, Thaddeus, 43. Hicks, Asa, 40. Hicks, Benj". 18. Hicks, Daniel, 18. Hicks, Jonah, 05. Hicks, Levi, 24. Hicks, Levi, 65. Hicks, Sami, 16. Hicks. Simeon, 22. Hicock, Aaron. 43. Hicock, Benjamin. 39. Hicock, David. 39. Hicock, Mathew, 39. Hicock, Uriah, 39. Hidden, James, 29. Hide, .Vsa. 33. Hide, Azariah, 33. Hide, Denny, 49. Hide, James, 33. Hide, Joseph, 51. Hide, Joshua, 53. Hide, Joshua, Jun', 53. Hide. William, 27.^ Hide, W-", 50. Hide. Zeraas, 53. Iligbv, Elnathan, 26. Higby, Wheeler, 20. Higgins, Eph™, 51. Higgins, Joseph, 48. Higgins, Jo.'^cph. 51. Higgins, Peletiah,48. Higgins, Sam', 30. Higgins, Thos, 52. Higgins, Uri.ah, 48. Uiglev, Dani,51. Higley, Elijah, 51. Uiglev, Joel, 51. Higley. Nchemiah, 12. Hililri-th, Jesse. 48. Hildroth. Joseph, 48. nil.lrelh, Joseph, Jun', 48. llildrcth, Sheltial, 50. llihlreth, Wilson, 48. Ilile, Robert 67. lliliker, John, 25. Hill. Aaron, 38. Hill, Abnah. 22. Hill, Asahel. 49. Hill, Bcia, 38. Hill, BiUias, 13. Hill, C. George, 42. Hill, Caleb, 45. Hill. Caleb, 46. Hill. Calvin, 26. Hill, Daniel, 16. HiU, David, 24. Hill, Elizabeth, 25. Hill, Erastus, 45. Hill, Frederick, 39. Hill, Ira, 45. Hill, Isaac & Moses, 29. Hill, Isaac, 48. Hill, Isaac, 61. Hill, James, 24. Hill, James, 46. Hill, John, 24. Hill, John. 36. Hill, John, 37. HiU, John, 37. HiU, John, 45. Hill, John, 48. Hill, Jonathan, 25. HiU, Levi, 10. Hill, Luke, 45. HiU, Moses. Sec HiU, Isaac & Moses, 29. HiU, Peter, 41. HiU, Richard, 05. HiU, Samuel, 30. HiU, Samuel, 32. HiU, Solomon, 43. HiU, Stephen, 39. Hill, Thomas, 24. Hill, Thomas, 30. HiU, Uri, 45. Hill, WUUam, 38. HiU, W", 53. HiU, Zenas, 45. HiU, Zenas, Jun', 45. HiU. Zimrv, 24. HiUiard, Daniel, 18. Uilliard, Joseph, 48. HiUiard, Joshua, 18. HiUs, Simeon, &}. HUyard, John. 38. Hilyard, Minor, 38. Himas, William, 15. Himes. Stephen, 54. Hindey, Caleb, 56. Hindman, Thomas, 13. Hindricks, W", 19. Hinds, B. John, 55. Hinds, W"., 49. Hine, Simeon, 25. Hine, WiUiara, 25. Hinemon, Ester, 16. nines, Jacob, 15. Hinos, Joseph, 26. Hines, Nathan, 31. Hines, Solimon, 26. Hinkley, Garshom, 34. Hinklcy, Orlmel, 34. Hinkson, Samuel, 29. Hinman, Abijah, 36. Hinman, Adoniram, 41. Hinman, Benjamin, 13. Hinman, Daniel, 36. Hinman, John, 28. Hinman, John, 45. Hinman, Josiah, 39. Hinman, .Seth, 32. Hinsdale, Aaron, 25. Hinsdale, Joseph, 16. Hinshaw, Isaac, 58. Hinshaw, Isaac, 58. Hinson, John, 16. Hinster, Elisha, 49. Hiscoek, Richii, 55. Hiscock, Sami, 55. Hitchcock, Buel, 13. Hitchcock, Ebenezer, 18. Hitchcock, Eldad, 56. Hitchcock, Elisha, 56. Hitchcock, HeU, 56. Hitchcock, John, 42. Hitchcock, John, J', 42. Hitchcock, Luke, 27. Hitchcock, Lyman, 29. Hitchcock, Nathaniel. 02. Hitchcock, Col. Samuel, 23. Hitchcock, Widow, 54. His, Ezra, 49. Hix, Henry, 49. Hix, John, 41. Hix, Peleg, 49. Hix, Peleg, Jun', 49. Hoag, Cardinal, 16. Hoag, Joseph, 13. Hoar, John, 02. Hoar, WUliam, 00. Hobbern, John, 20. Hobbes, Caleb, 29. Hobbs, Beuj=', 54. Hobbs, EUjah, 13. Hobbs, Isaai, 13. Hobbs, Jacob, 43. Hocomb, ,\mos, 36. Hocum, Richard, 23. Hocumb, John, 17. Hocumb, Noah, 17. Hodgden, John, 14. Hodge, Abel, 19. Hodgeman, Jonathan, 61. Hodgeman, Lot, 61. Hodges, Abiather, 56. Hodges, Emerson, 51. Hodges, Eph», 54. Hodges, Ezekiel, 13. Hodges, Jajnes, 13. INDEX. 81 Hodgos, Leonard, 25. Hodgis, Lewis, 37. Hodgman, Nathan, 60. Hodlev, Daniel, 26. Hodlev, Thomas, 6L HoU, John, 12. Hoilard, Daniel, 24. HoUard. Daniel. Jun', 24. Hogan, Edward, 23. Hogel, Isaac, 14. Hogges, .\sa, 62. Hogges, Seth, 62. Hogins, Daniel, 34. Hogobone, John, 18. Hoick, Solomon, 15. Hoig, Daniel, 27. Hoisington, Asahel, 67. Hoisington, Bliss, 59. Hoisington, Ebenezer, 66. Hoisington, Ebenezer, 66. Hoisington, EUas, 66. Hoisington, Isaac, 59. Hoisington, John, 59. Hoisington, Natha°, 66. Hoisington, Titus V., 67. Hoisington, V'irlina, 59. Hoit, Barnabas, 17. Holt, David, 20. Hoit, David, 24. Hoit, Francis, 59. Hoit, Jonathan, 26. Hoit, Joseph, 22. Hoit, Meriani, 18. Hoit, Nathan, 39. Hoit, Noah, 37. Hoit, Noah, 37. Hoit, Sam<', 22. Hoit, Samuel, 30. Hoit, W", 49. Hoit, Winthrop, 26. Holabard, Consider, 27. Holabird, -Vbel, 27. Ilolabut, Bartholomew, 11. Holabut, Elisha, 11. Holbert, .\bijah, 36. Holbert, Benja., 36. Holbrook, Abner, 55. Holbrook, .\braham, 23. Holbrook, .\Jlios, 55. Holbrook, .\sa, 55. Holbrook, David, 14. Holbrook, Ebenezer, 61. Holbrook, Ebenezer, J', 61. Holbrook. Eli, 5.5. Holbrook, Elias, 55. Holbrook, Ezra, 55. Holbrook, Harba, 61. Holbrook, John, 55. Holbrook, John, Jun', .55. Holbrook, Nathaniel, 23. Holbrook, Feletiah, 43. Holbrook, Silas, 56. Holbrook, Tho", 55. Holbrook, Thomas, 60. Holbrook, Tim", 55. Holbrook, Widow, 55. Holcomb, Abner, 14. Holeomb, Benj", 14. Holcomb, Elisha, 13. Holcomb, Isaac, 14. Holcomb, Jedediah, 13. Holcomb, Joseph, 14. Holden, Charles, 56. Holden, David. 44. Holden, Edmund, 26. Holden, Eph". 46. Holden, Francis, 50. Holden, Jonas, 61. Holden, Joseph, 48. Holden. Josiah. 52. Holden, Nathaniel. 65. Holden, Philemon. 51. Holden, Richard, 27. Holden, Widow, 53. Holden, William, 65. Holdridge, Ephraim, 61. Holdridge. Thomas, 61. Hole, Josiah. 59. Holembeck. John, 25. Holibard, Abiram, 23. Holibard, Asahel, 27. Holibard, CorneUus, 25. Holibard, EUsha, 23. Holibard, Isaiah, 24. Holibard, Samuel, 24. Holibard. Solomon, 24. Holibard. Thaddeus, 24. Holibart, Daniel, 23. Holibert, Wait, 15. Holister. Samuel, 27. HoUadav, .\zariah, 12. UoUaday, Noah, 28. Holland, Elihu, 65. Holland, Eph", 52. Holland. Jonah, 52. Holland, Joseph, 52. Holland. Paul. 52. Holland. Reuben, 65. HoUebcrt. John, 39. HoUibert, Curtiss, 37. Holiibert, David, 43. HoUibert, Ebenezer, 17. Holiibert, Israel, 37. HoUibert, Zacheriah, 17. HoUiday, Dan'. 52. HoUiday, Dan', Jun', 52. HoUidav, Eli. 52. HoUinback, Aii">. 41. HoUinbMk, WiU", 41. HolUster. Ashbell. 41. HoUister, Dani, 40. HoUister, Elijah, 18. HoUister, Elijah, 41. HoUister, Enoch, 41. HolUster, W", 13. HoUistor, Gurdin, 18. Holman, John. 54. Holmes, Absalom, 61. Holmes, Benjamin, 25. Holmes, Edward, 18. Holmes, George, 28. Holmes, Hezekiah, 64. Holmes, Joseph, 66. Holmes, Moses, 39. Holmes, Nathi, 48. Holmes, Nicholas, 13. Holmes, Orsamus. 64. Holmes, Ozial. 38. , Holmes, Perkins, 38. Holmes, Rob^, 54. Holmes, Samuel, 23. Holmes, Sanuiel. 38. Holmes, Sam', 50. Holmes, Stephen, 25. Holmes, Stilson. 61. Holmes, Tlio», 53. Holmes, Walter. 64. Holmes, William, 21. Holmes, William, 21. Holmes. WiUiam, 61. Holt, Abiel, 64. Holt, BarziUa, 14. Holt. Epiphas, 46. Holt, Isitac, 04. Holt, Jacob, 67. Holt, James. IS. Holt, John. 56. Holt, Silas. 36. Holt, Stephen, 39. Holt, Stephen, 42. Holt, Uri.ah. 67. Holt, WiUiam. 59. Holten, Joel, 56. Holton, Arad, 48. Holton. Benjam", 36. Holton, Eben', 56. Holton, Jnna. 54. Holton, Nahum. 51. Holton. W", 47. Homes, Chandler, 33. Homes, Jonathan, 13. Honie. John. 23. Honsinger, Michael, 22. Hood, WiUiam, 34. Hoof, Hendrick, 12. Hooker, .Vsahel, 56. Hooker, Brainard. 13. Hooker, James, 43. Hooker, James, 43. Hooker, Martin, 45. Hooker, RoKand, 45. Hooker, Ruel, 54. Hooker, S. Israel, 46. Hooker, Samuel, 43. Hope, Joseph, 31. Hopkins, Abel. 38. Hopkins, Asa, 33. Hopkins, Ashbell, 42. Hopkins, Daniel, 20. Hopkins, Elias, 42. Hopkins, Frederick, 23. Hopkins, Henry, 23. Hopkins, James, 41. Hopkins, James, 42. Hopkins, James, 51. Hopkins, Jeremiah, 47. Hopkins, John, 47. Hopkins, John, 33. Hopkins, John, 42. Hopkins, John, 42. Hopkins, John, 45. Hopkins, John, 51. Hopkins, John, 66. Hopkins, Marcey, 20. Hopkins. Martin. 42. Hopkins, Nehemiah, 11. Hopkins, Nehemiah, 39. Hopkins, Nehemiah, 42. Hopkins, Noah, 42. Hopkins, Noah, CO. Hopkins, Robert, 20. Hopkins, Uos". 14. Hopkins, Sam«', 20. Hopkins, Sam"', 20. Hopkins, Samuel, 2'', 20. Hopkins, Stephen, 16. Hopkins, Stephen, 29. Hopkins, Stephen, 42. Hopkins. Williiini, 61. Hopkinson. David, 31. Hopson, John, 02. Horford, Reuben, 4d. Horham, Jonathan, 35. Homer, James, 23. Homer, James, 29. Horner, John, 29. jlorner, Thomas, 23. Horry, Ichabod, 37. Horsford, Aaron, 34. Horstord, Elihu, 34. Horsford, Joseph, 34. Horsford, Obediah, 34. Horskins, Enoch, 25. Horsiiins, Seth, 25. Horsunton, James, 13. Horsunton, JaTnes, 13. Horton, Aaron. 59. Horton, Abel, 38. Horton, .»donijah, 60. Horton, Elijah, 15. Horton. Gideon, 36. Horton, Gideon, J', 36. Horton, Hezi>, 49. Horton, Hiram, J', .36. Horton, Jesse, 39. Horton, Nathan, 49. Horton, Robert, 12. Horton, Samuel, 26. Horton, Stafford, 49. Horwood, James, 67. Hosford, Aaron, 43. Hosford, Joseph, 19. Hosford, Roger, 23. Hosford. Stephen, 19. Hoskins, Anthoney. 22. Hoskins. Nathan, 53. Hosley, Josei^h, 12. Hosmer, Levi, 61. Hotchkiss, Asahel, 13. Hotchkiss, David, 36. Hotchkiss, Elihu, 50. Hotchkiss, Thomas, 42. Hotskiss. James, 36. Hough, Justin, 20. Houghten, James, 52. Houghton, Aaron, 53. Houghton, Abel, 64. Houghton, Asa, 52. Houghton, Cyrus, 53. Houghton, Dan', 51. Houghton, Darius, 66. Houghton, Eben', 53. Houghton, Edwi, 49. Houghton, Edwd, 51. Houghton, Elijah, 59. Houghton, Hiram, 47. Houghton, Israel, 67. Houghton, James, 47. Houghton, James, 49. Houghton, James, 52. Houghton, John, 47. Houghton, Jon», 56. Houghton, Joseph, 19. Houghton, Joshua, 59. Houghton, Jotham, 52. Houghton, Manassah, 54. Houghton. Nath', 51. Houghton, Nehi", 47. Houghton, Peter. 47. Houghton, Philemon, 47. Houghton, Phinehas, 47. Houghton, Samuel, 31. Houghton, Silas, 16. Houghton, Solomon, 52. Houghton, Taylor I., 67. Hougton, Joseph, 19. House, David, 65. House, Francis, 31. House, Jonathan. 21. House, Joseph, 16. House, Prudence, 64. House, Sam*', 21. House, Simon, 65. House, Stephen, 16. Hovey, Ebenezer, 23. Hovey. Isaac, 62. Hovey, Simeon, 32. Hovey, William, 62. Hovey, Zaeheus, 19. How, Amasa, 44. How, Artemas, 47. How,, 36. How, Benj', 48. How, Benja, 55. How, Darius, 51. How, David. 46. How, Ezekiel, 59. How, Gardiner, .56. How, Hezekiah, 41. How, Isaac, 39. How, Jacob, 43. How, John, 43. How, John, 44. How, John, 51. How, John. 54. How. John, .55. How, John, 3rd, 5.5. How, Jonathan, 64. How, Joseph, 47. How, Joshua, 46. How, Moses. 51. How, Nehemiah, 51. How, Perley, 35. How, Peter, 51. How, Peter, 43. How, Samson, 35. How, Samson, 60. How, Samuel, 31. How, Samuel, 46. How, Sam', 48. How, Samuel, 63. How, Silas. 43. How, Simeon, 64. How, Simon, 31. How, Squire, 51. How, Squire, 63. How, Stuard. 00. How, Talmon. 52. How, Theodore, 63. How, Uriah, 12. How, Widow, 48. Howard, Abijah, 34. Howard, Abner. 34. Howard, Archebald, 66. Howard, Benjamin, 29. Howard, Benjam", 67. Howard, Charles, 29. Howard. David. 58. Howard, David. 66. Howard. Elijah, 34. Howard, Elijah, 34. Howard, Elisha, 26. Howard. Elisha, 61. Howard, John, 26. Howard, John, 29. Howard, John, 62. Howard, Jonas. 29. Howard, Jonathan, 34. Howard, Joseph, 24. Howard, Joseph, 58. Howard, Samuel, 62. Howard, Simeon. 58. Howard, Solomon, 58. Howard, Thomas, 64. Howard, Zebedee, 34. Howcomp, Jesse, 25. Howe, Aaron, 23. Howe, Solomon, 11. Howel, John, 22. Howker, Thomas, 43. Howland, Caleb, 37. Howland, Joseph, 43. Howland, Nathan, 67. Howland, Seth, 67. Howlet, Daniel, 38. Howlet, WilUam, 36. Howlit, Mary, 21. Howht, Parley, 21. Hows, John, 39. Hows, Joseph, 62. Hoyegg, Eligah, 12. Hoyegg, John, 12. Hoyt, Abraham, 60. Hoyt, Benjamin, 60. Hoyt, Jacob, 63. Hoyt, Seth, 13. Hubbard, Abel, 40. Hubbard, Amos, 39. Hubbard, Calvin, 64. Hubbard, Eldad, 66. Hubbard, Eleazer, 28. Hubbard, Elijah, 63. Hubbard, EUsha, 53. Hubimrd, Ephraim, 63. Hubbard, George, 65. Hubbard, James, 28. Hubbard, Jesse, 40. Hubbard, Joseph, 65. Hubbard, Josiah, 34. Hubbard, Lemuel, 65. Hubbard, Moses, 29. Hubbard, Samuel, 25. Hubbard, Sam', 39. Hubbard, Selah, 40. Hubbard, Thomas, 17. Hubbard, Watts, 66. Hubbart, Jonas, 15. Hubbel, Aaron, 16. Hubbel, Abijah, 25. Hubbel, BUdad, 23. Hubbel, David, 24. Hubbel, EInathan, 16. Hubbel, Zeth, 28. Hubhell, John, 25. Hubbert, Lutions, 20. Hubble, Lemuel, IG. Huchinson, Samuel, 62. Hude, Stephen, 45. Hudson, Benarah, 65. Hudson, Benjamin, 65. Hudson, John, 53. Hudson, Nath', 57. Hudson, Samuel, 30. Hudson, Seth. 48. Hudson. William, 65. Hull. Daniel. 24. Hull, Isaac, 44. Hull. Wido Ruth. 43. Huggins, William, 43. Huggins, Zadoch, 17. Hugh, John, 29. Hugh, John. 31. Huit, Asa, .37. Huit, Qidcon, 37. Huit, Gideon, Jim', 37. Hulbert, Ebenezer, 41. Hulburd, David, 28. Hulett, John, 43. HuUn, AUixander, 21. HuUn, John, 21. HuUng, Alexander, 35. Hulit, Nehemiah, 20. HuU, Is.aac, 12. Hull, Jehiel, Ju., 15. HuU, Jehul, 15. HuU, Joseph, 30. HuU, Saml, 11. HuU, Samuel, 20. HuU, Stephen, 41. HuU, Zepnaniah, 45. Hiunphrey, Amherst, 44. Humphrey, Amos, 29. Humphrey, Ebenezer, 30. Himiphrey, James, 29. Humphrey, Nathaniel, 29. Humphrey, Nathaniel, 29. Hmnphry, Daniel, 65. Humphry, WiUis, 44. Hunderson, James, 33. Hungerford, Amasa, 18. Hunkins, Robert, 29. Hunt, Amony, 19. Hunt, Dan', 53. Hunt, EInathan, 37. Hunt, Isaac, Jxm', 55. Himt, Jasaniah, 56. Hunt, Jasper, 50. Hunt, Joel, 63. Hunt, John, 19. Hunt, Jonathan, 37. Hiuit, Jon«, 51. Hunt, Joseph, 22. Hunt, Joshua, 30. Hunt, Joshua, 33. Hunt, Joshua, 33. Hunt, Richard, 55. Hunt, Sam'', 20. Hunt, Samuel, 3-1. Hunt, Samuel, 41. Hunt, Seth, 21. Hunt, Simeon, 62. Hunt, Solomon, 33. Himt, Thomas, 16. Hunt, Thomas, 57. Hunt, W. Henry, 37. Hunt, William, 46. Himter, Daniel, 40. Hunter, David, 66. Hunter, John, 60. Hunter, Jon», 11. Hunter, Lark, 64. Hunter, Robert, 57. Hunter, Thomas, 66. Hunter, Timothy, 14. Hunter, WiUiam, 66. Huntington, Abner, 58. Huntington, Amos, 21. Huntington, Asa, 29. Huntington, Christopher, 33. Huntington, Christopher, 33. Himtington, David, 58. Himtiugton, Ebenz', 11. Huntington, James, 33. Huntington, Jeremiah, 22. Huntington, John, 21. Huntington, John, 53. Huntington, Nathan, 21. Huntington, Sam»', 21. Huntington, Samuel, 30. Huntington, Theoiihilus. 30. Huntley, Asa, 14. Hmitley, DuriU, 38. Huntley, John, 12. Huntley, Samuel, 12. Huntley, Solomon, 16. Huntly, Elisha, 16. Hurn, 20. Hutchins, Asahel, 26. Hutchins, Beni", 53. Hutchins, Buckley, 56. Hutchins, John, 35. Hutchins, Nathan, 26. Hutchins, Nathan, Jun^, 26, Hutchins, Sorrell, 66. Hutchins, Simon, 59. Hutchins, Thomas, 37. Hutchins, Thomas, 66. Hutchinson, Aaron, 62. Hutchinson, Abijah, 35. Hutchinson, Daniel, 25. Hutchinson. Elisha, 35. Hutchinson. Elisha, 62. Hutchinson, Hezckiah, 35. Hutchinson, Jerom, 29. Hutchinson, John, 63. Hutchinson, Jonathan, 30. Hutchinson, Moses, 59. Hutchinson, Natha°, 29. Hutchinson, Samuel, 59. Hutchinson, Samuel, Jum, 59. Hutchinson. Sam', 62. Hutchinson. Tho», 45. Hutchinson. Zenos,60. Hyde, Abraham, 29. Hyde, Amasa, 29. Hyde, Aruna, 37. Hyde, Asahel, 16. Hyde, Benjamin, 29. Hyde, Clarke, IS. Hyde, David, 29. Hydo, Elijah. 27. Hyde, Ephraim, 25. Hyde, Henry, 43. Hyde, Ichabod,29. Hyde, Jacob. 16. Hyde, James, 43. Hvde, Jedadiah, 25. Hyde, Jedadiah. Juns27. Hyde, Joshua. 13. Hyde, Lemuel. 39. Hyde, Nehemiah, 18. Hyde, Thatcher, 43. Hyly, Brewster, 37. Hyly, Brewster. J', 37. Hymes. Amos, 43. Ide, Ichaboo, 56. Ide, Israel, 56. Ide, James, 56. Ide, Jesse, 56. Ide, Joseph, 56. Ide, Squire, 37. Ingalls, Israel, 30. Ingals, Ebens 54. Ingels, Darius. 65. Ingham, Micajah, 28. Inglish, Daviii. 34. Inglish, Joel, 67. IngoUs, Caleb. 37. Ingorson. EVjenezer, 22. Ingraham, John. 62. Ingraham, Phillip, 29. Ingraham, Robert, 35. Ingram, Gershara, 56. Ingram, Jeremiah, 62. Ingram, Jon», .52. Ingram, Nathan, 12. Ii^ram, Sam', 11. Ingrom. Jarit, 20. Irish, Abel.3S. Irish, David. 38. Irish. David, JU', 38. Irish, Gideon, 38. Irish, Jesse, 38. Irish, Jesse. 3S. Irish, Jonathan, 38. Irish, Jonathan, 38. Irish, Josepli.Sa. Irish. Stephen, 26. Irish, William, 26. Isham. Daniel, 26. Isham, Jaira, 26. Isham, Johiel, 26. Isham, Joseph. 26. Isham. Joshua, 26. Isletine, John, 52. Ismond, James, 27. Ives, Aaron, 46. Ive--', Amasa, 14. Ives. Amos, 45. Ives, David, 45. Ives, Ebenezer, 45. Ives, Enos, 12. Ives, Enos, Jur., 12 Ives, Joel, 31. Ives, John. 31. Ives, Jonah, 45. Ives, Lent, 45. Ives, Levi. 61. Ives, Nathaniel, 45. Ives, Reuben. 42. Jackman, Abel, 30. Jackman, Abner, 59. Jackman, Abner, Junf, 59. Jackson, Aaron, 44. Jackson, Abraham, 45. Jackson, Asahel, 45. Jackson, David. 42. Jackson, Jedediah, 45. Jackson, Jelhro, 45. Jackson, John, 15. Jackson. Jonathan, 42. Jackson, Joseph, 45. Jackson, Lyman, 19. Jackson, Marvel, 65. Jackson. Nathan, 44. Jackson, Robert, 16. Jackson. Robert, 19. Jackson, Samuel, 42. Jackson, Solomon, 26. Jackson. Stephen, 45. Jackson, W'idow, 49. Jackworth, Joshua, 58. Jacob, John, 29. Jacob, Stephen, 66. Jacobs, Daniel, 59. Jacobs, David, 36. Jacobs, John, 51. Jacobs, John. 59. Jacobs, Joseph, 49. Jacobs, Lewis. 12. Jacobs, Nathan, 49. Jacobs, Nathi, 49. Jacobs. Peter, 49. Jacobs, Stephen. 49. James, Daniel, 15. James, Jonathan, 31. Janes, David, 60. Janes, Herman, 27. Janes, Humphrey, 27. Jaquis, Ebenezer, 62. Jaquls, Ebenezer, 62. Jaquis. John, 31. Jaquis. Samuel, 62. Jaquith, Benjamin, 61. Taquith, William, 61. Jarems. Mr., 23. Jarow, Ama, 21. Jarus, Israel C, 12. Jeffords, Jacob, 35. Jeffords, Moses, 35. Jemlson, Jeames, 18. Jemison, William, 18. Jenison, Levi, 14. Jenkins, Elijah, 29. Jenkins, John, 39. Jenkins, Joseph, 29. Jenkins, Stephens, 29. Jenkins, Valentine, 26. Jenks, Antony, 41. Jenks, Benj*, 50. Jenks, Jonas, 52. Jenno, Lot, 61. Jenne, Samuel, 61. Jenner, Stephen, 42. Jennlng. Joseph, 42. Jermings, James, 29. Jennings. Joseph, 39. Jennias, Salmon, 54. Jennison, Abijah, 44. Jennlson, Robert. 55. Jennison, W", 51. Jenny, Aaron. 45. Jenny, George. 45. Jenny, Noah, 66. Jentle, Andrew, 24. Jepporson, Ichabod, 63. Jepperson, Jacob, 63. Jer\us, Robert, 65. Jewel, Dani, 53. Jewel, Jesse, 52. Jewel, Tho», 55. Jewet, Abel. 54. Jewet, Benjn. 19. Jewet, Elnathan, 27. Jewet, Thomas. 18. Jewett, Elam, 15. Jewett, Sam', 15. Jewit, David. 30. Jewlt, Fredrick. 16. Jewit, William, 66. Jewitt, Joseph, 59. Jewn, David, 37. JUsom, Joseph, 13. Jinks, James. 37. Jinks, Levi, 18. Johns, Abel. 48. Johns. Daniel, 18. Johns, Johiel. Esq'., 26. Johnsom, Stephen, 27. Johnson, A. Robert, 54. Johnson, Abel, 14. Johnson, Abel, 58. Johnson, Adam, 37. Johnson, Adam, 38. Johnson, Asa. 49. Johnson. Ashbel, 48. Johnson. Beaman, 53. Johnson. Benjamin, 44. Johnson, Benj», 54. Johnson, Buckiey, 13. Johnson, Calvin' 62. Johnson, Comfort, 46. Johnson, Constant, 56. Johnson, David. .56. Johnson, David, 59. Johnson, David, 62. Johnson, Dole, 32. Johnson, Ebem , 12. Johnson, Ebene/.'', 13. Johnson, Ebenezer, 60. Johnson, Eden, II. Johnson, Elihu, 33. Johnson, Elihu, 45. Johnson. EUhue. 37. Johnson, Elisha, 44. Johnson, Elisha, 53. Johnson, Esecke, 12. Johnson, Frei:>um,21. Johnson, Geore, 16. Johnson, Henry, 3.5. Johnson, Hezekiah, 59. Johnson, Hezekiah, 62. Johnson, Isaac, 54. Johnson, Isaiah, 40 Johnson, Israel, 46. Johnson, Jacob, 24. Johnson. Jacob, 45. Johnson, James. 62. Johnson, Jedediah, 49. Johnson, Jesse, 45. Johnson, Joab, 56. Johnson, John, 11. Johnson, John, 21. Johnson, John, 26. Johnson, John, 32. Johnson, John, 32. Johnson, John, 38. Johnson, John, 44. Johnson, John, 45. Johnson, John, 54. Johnson, John, 59. Johnson, John, 62. Johnson, Jonah, 53. Johnson, Jon», 49. Johnson, Joshua, 54. Johnson, Josiah, 60. Johnson, Lawrence, 45. Johnson, Lem', 56. Johnson, Levi, 20. Johnson, Libbeus, 44. Johnson, Luther, 56. Johnson, Mathew, 20. Johnson, Mitchel, 55. Johnson, Moses, 11. Johnson, Moses, 32. Johnson, Moses, 37. Johnson, Neh^, 55. Johnson, Obediah, 28. Johnson, Ozias, 36. Johnson, Phel^e, 59. Johnson, Robert, 32. Johnson, Samuel, 27. Johnson, Samuel, 33. Johnson, Samuel, 59. Johnson, Seth, 20. Johnson, Seth, 50. Johnson, Seth, 62. Johnson, Sibens, 53. Johnson, Silas, 44. Johnson, Simeon, 30. Johnson, Simeon, 48. Johnson, Solomon, 48. Johnson. Stephen, 51. Johnson, Thomas, 32. Johnson, Timo, 55. Johnson, Timothy, 62. Johnson, Uriah, 59. Johnson, Willard, 60. Johnson, William, 32. Johnson, William, 33. Johnson, W'm, 51. Johnson, W™, 55. Johnson, W™, Jum. 55. Johnson, William, 61. Johnson, W'illiam, 62. Johnson, W'illis. 33. Johnson. Zachariah, 11. Johnson, Zachariah, 37. Johnson, Zebediah, 56. Johston, James, 32. Joiner, Asel, 40. Joiner, William, 33. Joinor, Francis, 23. Joinor, William, 23. Jonas, Ezekiel, 37. Jones, Aaron, 48. Jones, Amos, 56. Jones, Aquila, 32. Jones, Archilaus, 44. Jones, Ariel, 59. Jones, Ariel, 59. Jones, Asa, 14. Jones, Asa, 55. Jones, Asanelj 37. Jones, Barzahel,56. Jones, Benj", 48. Jones, Benja, Junr, 48. Jones, Benson, 53. Jones, Charles, 53. Jones, Charles, 61. JoneSj Cornelius, 48. Jones, Daniel, 18. Jones, Eleazar, 56. Jones, Eliakim, 49. Jones, Elias, 5(). Jones, Elias, 63. Jones, Enos, 22. Jones, Ephaim, 20. Jones, Ezekiel, 39. Jones, Horace, 39. Jones, Israel, 50. Jones, Joel, 27. Jones. John, 15. Jones, John, 18. Jones, John, 28. Jones, John, 36. Jones, John, 55. Jones, John. 58. Jones, Jonathan, 36. Jones, Jonathan, 44. Jones, Joseph, 13. Jones, Joseph, 41. Jones, Josiah, 28. Jones, Lucus, 15. Jones, Nathan. 46. Jones, Nath*',20. Jones, Nathaniel, 35. Jones, Nathaniel, 64. Jones, Nathaniel, 60. Jones, Noah, 14. Jones, Olive, 20. Jones, Oliver, 53. Jones, Philip. 36. Jones, Samuel, 32. Jones, Samuel. 45. Jones, Seth, 52. Jones, Silas. 41. Jones, Stephen, 27. Jones, Widow, 54. Jones, Wm. 14. Jones, Wm 15. Jones, W^illiam, 36. Jones, William, 45. Jones, William, 61. Jordon. Samuel, 43. Joslin, Benjamin, 26. Joslin, Jabez, 43. Joslin, Jacob, 28. Joslin, Joseph, 65. Joslin, Lindsey, 43. Joslin, Zebediah, 26. Joy, Abel, 49. Joy, Abiather, 49. Joy, Amos, 53. Joy, David. 53. Joy, David. Jum, 49. Joy, Jesse, 49. Joy, John, 51. Joy, Moses, 53. Joy, Obediah, 53. Jov, Obediah, Jun% 53. Joy, Silas. 59. Joyner, John, 50. Ju'dd, Aruna, 21. Judd, Dan, 13. Judd, Eben W., 31. Judd, Ebenezer, 65. Judd, Phillip. 33. Judd, Thomas, 14. Judd, William, 33. Judson, Eli, 23. Judson, Enoch, 28. June, David, 36. June. Joshua, 42. Justin, Gershom. 21. Juston, Michal, 22. Kathan, Alex'. 48. Kathan, Charles, 48. Kathan, Charles, 53. Kathan, Dan', 48. Kathan, Dani, Jum, 48. Kathan, John, 48. Kathan, John, Jun', 48. Keaton, Riehd, 55. Keeler, Aaron, 23. Keeler, Ebenezer, 23. Keeler, Elijah, 24. Keeler, Ely, 44. Keeler, Ezra, 41. Keeler, Hezekiah, 39. Keeler, James, 29. Keeler, Jesse, 44. Keeler, Joseph, 44. Keeler, Lott, 44. Keeler, Uri,39. Keelor, Jesse, 42. Keelor, Jonathan, 12. Keelor, Seth, 42. Keelor, Thomas, 37. Keep, Sam', 12. Keep, Samuel, 36. Keezer, Reuben, 29. Keith, Azel, 61. Kelley, Ebenezer, 61. Kelley, William, 32. Kellog, Aaron, 41. Kellog, Amos, 42. Kellog, David, 24. Kellog, .loseph, 2(>. Kellog, Joseph. 41. Kellog, Jost^ph, 42. Kellog, Preserver, 37. Kellog, Samuel, 43. Kellog. Samuel, Juns 43. Kellog, Titus, 17. Kellogg, Adah, 15. Kellogg, Elijah, 14. Kellogg, Jon», 50. Kellogg, Joseph. 15. Kellogg, Josiah, 48. Kellogg. Martin, 58. Kellogg. Phinehas, 29. Kellogg. William, 11. Kellogg, William, 12. Kellogg, W™, 14. Kellv. Alexr, 48. Kelly, Daniel, 38. KellV, John, 54. Kellv, Richd, 48. KeliV, Sam', 48. Kelly, Simeon, 52. Kelly, Thomas, 22. Kelly, W«n, 48. Kelsey, Abner, 14. Kelsey, Elias, 14. Kelsey, John, 47. Kelsy, Benjamin, 38. Kelsy, Isaac, 41. Kelsy, Samuel, 36. Kemp, Elijah, 64. Kempheld, Dennis, 38. Kempton, Oliver, 54. Kendal, Amos, 61. Kendal, Samuel, 61. Kendal, W^", 54. Kendall. Amos. 66. Kendall. Ei:>ens 54. Kendall, Eben', JunV54. Kendall, Isaac, 47. Kendall, Isaac, 63. Kendall, James. 59. Kendall, Jostph, 54, Kendall, Joshua, 56. Kendall, Nathaniel, 66. Kendal!, Reuben, 66, Kendall. Zimre, 63. Kendrick, Ileth, 48. Kenedy, David. 29. Kenedv, Jason, 27. Kenedy, John, 23. Kenedv, Patrick, 32. Kenedy, Robert, 23. Kenedy, W'illiam, 32. Kenney. Benjamin, 22. Kenny, Moses, 52. Kenny, Sam', 55. Kenny, Tho", 54. Kent, Abel, 20. Kent, Allexander, 17. Kent, Cephu, 17. Kent, Cephus, Jum, 17. Kent, Charles, 45. Kent, Dan, 17. Kent, Elisha, 63. Kent, Elisha, 63. Kent, Jacob, 32. Kent, Jacob, 34. Kent, John, 17. Kent, Joseph, 32. Kent, Moses, 17. Kent, Thomas, 30. Ketch, James, 27. Ketchimi, Elihu, 15. Ketehura, Jonathan, 38. Ketchum, Piatt, 44. Ketchum, Tho*, 44. Keth, Dani, 56. Keth. Israel. 62. Kettercdge, James, 30. Ketteredge. Samuel, 36. Ketteridge, James, 30. Keyes, Ashley, 52. Keycs, Elias. 65. Keyes, Israel. 53. Keyes. John, 28. Keyes, Jonas, 46. Keyes, Joseph, 34. Keyes. Solomon, 63. Keyes. Wm. 53. Keys, David, 43. Keys, Ezra, 19. Keys, Col. Stephen, 23. ICibbe, Joseph, 21. Kibbec, Israel. 33. Kibbee, Josiah, 33. Kibbee, Reuben. 33. Kickle, Frederick, 22. Kidder, Francis, 54. Kidder, John, 54. Kidder. Oliver, 65. Kidder. Sam', 55. Kidder. Tho». 54. Kies, Samuel, 19. Kieth, George. Jun', 17. Kilbourn, Joel, 25. Kilbum, Abraham, 37. Kilburn, Aruna, 21. Kilbum, Asa, 21. Kilburn, Dan', 55. Kilbum. James, 37. Kilbnm. John. 44. Kilburn. Mollv. 11. Kill'Urn. Ruswell, 37. Kile, William, 63. Killam, Nathaniel, 67. Killam. Phinehas, 61. INDEX. 83 Killient, Charity, 64. KUsbury, Jotin, 48. Kilsey, James, 30. Kilsey, James, 35. Kilsy, Curtiss, 39. Kimball, Aaron, 63. Kimball, Amos, 59. Kimball, Asa, 32. Kimball, Asahel, 52. Kimball. Caleb, 33. Kiraball, Charles, 55. Kimbiill, Ebeus 49. Kimball, Ebeuezer, 59. Kimball, Isaac, 63. Kimball, Jared, 63. Kimball, John, 63. Kimball, John, 63. Kimball, Joseph. 38. Kimt>all, Phinehas, 61. Kimball, Richard, 62. Kimball, Richard, 63. Kiraball, Thomas, 59. Kimball, W^^, 11. Kimpton, SamS 49. Kirasberlly, Abel, 20. Kindall, Abraham, 67. Kindall, Isaac, 67. Kindall, Jacob, 67. Kindall, Jonathan, 60. Kindall. Samuel, 12. Kindall, Silas, 37. Kindall, \V«", 14. King, Adonijah, 47. King, Asahei, 61. King, Caleb, 22. King. Cushing, 47. King, Dan', 54. King, Daniel, 62. King, Daniel, 65. King, Elijah, 28. King, Ezra, 47. King. Gideon, 23. King. Ichabod, 52, King, Jabez. 67. King, James, 49. King, Jobe, 38. King, John. 22. King. Jonathan, 38. King. Joshua. 18. King, Moses, 12. King. Palletire, 20. King, Sam«i, 21. Iving, Simeon, 36. King, Simeon, J"^, 36. King. Theodore, 40. King. Wi=2, 47. Kinglev, Jon". 49. Kingman, Alexander, 23. Kingsbury, Daniel, 29. Kingsbury, Eleazar, 48. Kingsliury, John, 50. Kingsbury, John, 55. Kingsburv, Lemuel, 35. Kingsbury, Nathaniel, 35. Kingsbury, Thomas, 17. Kingsley, Daniel, 23. Kingsley, Daniel, Junr. 23. Kingsley, David, 44. Kingslev, Ebenezer, 41. Kingsley, Elienezer, 67. Kingsley, Elias, 63. Kingsley, James, 64. Kingsley, Jasan, 17. Kingsley, John, 24. Kingsley, Jonathan, 67. Kingsley, Jonathan, 67. Kingsley, Nathan, 23. Kingslev, Roger, 24. Kingsley, Stephen, 23. Kingsley, Sylvanus, 45. Kingsly, Nathn,42. Kingsly, Phinehas. 44. Kiniston, David, 30. Kiniston. Isaac, 30. Kiniey, James, 28. Kinney, Aseph, 20. Kinney, Bradford, 63. Kinney, Daniel, 58. Kinney, David, 34. Kinney, Jesse, 18. Kinney, Jesse, 58. Kinnoy, John. 58. Kinney, John, 58. Kinney, Thomas. 29. Kinny, Benoni. 45. Kinny, Peabody, 38. Kinny, Seth, 45. Kinston, David, 61. Kip, Samuel, 26. Kipp. Wm, 12. Kirbv, Abra™, 12. Kin-.' William, 3.5. Ku^k. \\"illiani, 65. Kirklev. John, 50. Kirkum, Elijah, 15. Kitcham. John, 44. Kittle. Elias. 19. Kittlp. Elias, 19. Kittridge, Jon*, 56. Kittridge, Nath', 56. Knap, . 48. Knap, Aaron, 53. Knap, Abraham, 25. Knap, Abraham, Junr, 25. Knap, Beujn, 12. Knap, Dan, 13. Knap, David, 47. Knap, Ebenr, 47. Knap, Ephraim, 15. Knap, Ichabod. 48. Knap, James, 12. Knap, James, 47. Knap, Moses, 14. Knap, Paul, 27. Knap, Solomon, 12. Knap, Uz, 13. Knap, William, 41. Knap, Zadock, 13. Knapp, John, 56. Knapp, Widow, 46. Kneedora, Jeremiah, 42. Knickerbacor, John, Esqr, 23. Knight, Amos, 44. Knight, Dan", 49. Knight, Elijah, 54. Knight, Jesse, 48. Knight, Joel, 48. Knigbt, John, 26. Knight, Jon", 48. Knight, Joseph, 30. Knight, Levi, 48. Knight, Russil, 54. Knight, Sam', 47. Knight, Sami, 48. Knight, Setb,47. Knights, Abel, 63. Knights, Bcnja, 52. Knights, Elisha, 54. Knoulton, Asa, 55. Knoulton. Luke. 52. Knoulton, Nathan, 52. Knoulton. Silas. 52. Knoulton, Thomas, 31. Knouttou, Robert, 67. Knowlton, Stephen, 59. Knox, David, 35. Knox, George, 34. Knox, Timothy, 67. Knox, William, 32. Korah, James, 14. Kunningham. David, 32. Kunningham, James, 32. Kunningham. James, 34. Kuzear, John, 16. Kyle, Ephraim, 18. Kyle, W'a, 18. Lachy, Andrew, 28. Lacy, David, 38. Lacy, Ebenezr, 20. Lacy, Isaac, 45. Ladd, Amasa,42. Ladd, Ashbel, 33. Ladd, Frederick, 64. Ladd, Harman. 44. Ladd, Ilenrv, 44. Ladd, James. IS. Ladd, Jedadiah, 26. ■ Ladd, John, 33. Ladd,Nathi, Esq'-.,37. ) Ladd, Nathaniel, 67. Ladd, Ohvcr, 33. Ladd, Samuel. 64. Lado, John, 23. Laflin, Abraham, 25. Laflin, James, 25. Laflin, Samuel, 25. Laiton, John, 61. Lake, Collins, 24. Lake. Elij., 62. Lake, Ephraim. 24. Lake, George,, 67. Lake, Gershom, 37. Lake, Israel, 42. Lake, James, 20. Lake, William, 38. Lake, William, 41. Lakins, Robert, 20. Laland, Aaron, 60. Laland, Thomas, 44. Lalkee, Isaac, 38. Lamb, Aaron, 50. Lamb, Asa, 31. Lamb, Ben j™, 20. Lamb, David. .50. Lamb, Ebenezer, 45. Lamb, Edmond, 25. Lamb, Job, 57. Lamb, Jonathan, 12. Lamb, Jonathan, Ju', 12. Lamb, Jon», 57. Lamb, Joseph, 33. Lamb, Joseph, 46. Lamb, Josiah, 67. Lamb, Martin, 50. Lamb, Nathan, 33. Lamb, Peter. 47. Lamb, Phinehas, 54. I,amb, Samuel, 62. Lamb. Widow, 48. Lamfier, Abijah, 63. Lamkins, Joshua, 29. Lamphier, Banajah, 57. Lamphier, Chandler, 57. Lamphier, Ez.ra, 17. Lamphier, Isaac, 49. Lamphier, John, 61. Lamphier, Reuben, 57. Lamphier, Sam«i, 22. Lamphier, Thomas, 62. Lamphire, Luke, 67. Lampman, Abraham, 25. Lampman, Henry, 27, Lampman, Michael, 25. Lampman, Stephen, 27. Lampson, Edmund, 43. Lampson, Roger, 42. Lampson, WiUiam, 13. Lamson, Amos. 33. Lamson, Daniel. 58. I^amson, Jonathan, 33. Lamson, Reuben, 31. Lamson, Samuel, 33. Lamson, Thomas, 33. Landers, Nathan, 14. Landon, Benjamin, 27. Landon, I-uther, 45. Landon. Thomas, It. Lane, Allen, 46. Lane. Elisha, 23. Lane, Gershom F., 59. Lane, Isaac, 52. Lane, Jedadiah, 25. Lane, John, 54. Lano, Jonathan, 30. Lane, Jou*, 56. Lane, Mathew, 54. Lane, Obediah. 54. Lane, Roger, 25. Lane. Samuel. Esqs 23. Langdon, Barnebus, 22. Langdon, Ileman, 45. Langdon, Ira, 66. Langdon, James, 35. Langdon, John, 22. Langdon, John, 35. Langdon, Jonathan, 17. Langdon, Richard, 39. Langdon, Seth, 13. Langley. David, 15. Langnothe, Joseph, 13. Langworth.v, James, 66. Lanson, Richard, lo. Lantford, Daniel, 38. Lapham, Nathan, 38. Lappum, Asa, 24. Larabee, Eleazer, 18. Larabee, John, 14. Larabee, John, 14. Larabee, John, 60. Larabee, Joseph, 18. Larabee, Timothy, 14. Larabee, William, 66. Larcomb, Job, 54. Lard, John, 33. Lard, Robert, 28. Larebe, William, 17. Larkin, Joseph, 36. Larkin, Levi, 54. Larkin, Lorain, 36. Lamard, Joseph, 16. Larrabee, John, 48. Larrence, Bigelow, 21. Larrence, John, 16. Larrence, Josiah, 17. Larrence, Nath', 10. Larrence, Fetter, 21, Larrence, Rufus, 21. Lasdal, John, 35. Laslin, Charles, 27. Laslin, Matthew, 27. Lassel, Joshua, 25. Latham, Simeon, 65. Latherbee. Sami, 49, Latherbee, Timo. 49. Lathrop, A. John, 42. Lathrop, EUsha, 30. Lathrop, John, 58. Lathrop, Joshua, 30. Lathrop, Rufus, 30. Lathrop, Samuel, 46. Lathrop, Thomas, 46. Lathrop, Zaccheus, 46. Lattin, John, 12. Lattin, Richard, 38. Laurence, Abel, 15. Laurence, Asa, 14. Laurence, Elisha, 15. Laurence, Jonathan, 15. Laurence, Josiah, 13. Laurence. Nehemiah, 15 Lauton. Thomas, 61. Law, John, 24. Law, John, 46. Law, Robert, 61. Lawrance, John, 66. Lawrence, Amoa, 42. Lawrence?, Asa, 15. Lawrence, James, 11. LawrcTice, Bigelow, 39. Lawrence, Clarke, 45. Lawrence, Elias, 52. Lawrence, Elijah, 25. Lawrence, llorman, 27. Lawrence, Isaac, 25. Lawrence, Isaac, Jam, 25. Lawrence, Joab, 39. Lawrence, John, 24. Lawrence, John, 27. Lawrence, Levi, 34. Lawrence, Nathan, 23. Lawrence, Noah, 23. Lawrence, Samuel, 25. Lawrence, Stephen, 23. Lawrence, Susanna, 27. Lawson, Ichabod, 54. Lawson, John, 12. Lawton, David, 51. Lawton, Jacob, 48. Lawton, Jacob, Jun', 48. Lawton, Jacob, 58. Lawton, James, 47. Lawton, James, 48. Lawton, John, 54. Lawton, Sami, Jun^, 48. Lawton, Tho», 48. Lawton, W^, 54. Lay, Amos, 39. Lazdel, Isaac, 56. Lazel, Zenos, 64. Lazell, Joshua, 62. Lazell, William, 62. Leach, James, 29. Leach, John, 24. I/cach, John, 27. Leach, Joseph, 24. Learned, Isaac, 30. Leat, Miles, 26. Leavensworth, Jesse, 30. Leavensworth.Cap. Nathan, 25. Leavenworth, Jesse, 30. Leavins. Charles. 66. Lebaron, Isaac, 62. Lelmron, Wellman, 62. Ledgard, Joseph, 66. Lee. Abijah, 43, Lee, Asa, 33. Lee, Ashbell, 44. Lee, Azariah, 25. Lee. Benj'', 51. Lee, Chancey, 22. Lee, David, 18- Lee, David, 41- Lee, Elisabeth, 22. Lee, Elon, 25. hee, Jedediah, 42. Lee, Jesse, 51. Lee, John, 39. Lee, John, 56. Lee, Lucv, 25. Lee, Noah, 37. Lee, Phineas, 12. Lee, Reuben, 25. Lee, Samuel, 32. Lee, Samuel, 43. Lee, Thomas, 44. Lee, Timothv, 28. Lee., William, 43. Lee, Zebulon. 61. Leech. James. 41. Leed, Ephraim, 43. Leeland, Joshua, 59. Leet, Allen, 36. Leets, Wid. Polly, 45. Leevel, John, 62. Legard. John. 22. Lemgotha, Robert, 21. Lent. Roswell. 27. Leny, John, 33. Leonard, Benajah, 15. Leonard, Daniel, 64. Leonard, David, 41. Leonard, David, 49. Leonard, Ebenez^ 15. Leonard, Enoch, 62. I.«onard. Gamaliel, 39. Leonard, Joel, 28. Leonard, John, 53. Leonard, Jonas, 62. Leonard, Josiah, 50. Leonard, Moses. 50. Leonard, Nathan, 21. Leonard, Nathaniel. 66. Leonard, Robert, 27. Leonard, Rowland, 62. Leonard, Silas, 64. Leonard, W>°, 48. Leonard, Williams, 16. Leonard. Zar, 15. Leppinwell, Ebenezer, 41. Lester. Guy, 16. L-everitt, William, 66. Levit, Joseph, 20. Levit, Sam', 20. Lewis, Abisha, 19. Lewis, Abisha, Jun^ 19. Lewis, Abner, 44. Lewis. Asa, 27. Lewis. Asahel, 62. Lewis, Benj«», 22. Lewis, Daniel, 19. Ix)wis, Daniel, 20. Lewis, David. 41. Lewis, David, 46. I^wis, David. 61. I>owi?, El>enezer, 36. Lewis. Ebenezer, 39. Lewis, Ebenezer, 40. Lewis, Edward, 22. Lewis, Eli, 12. Lewis, Isaac, 33. Lewis, Jabez, 65. Lewis, Jacob, 38. Lewis, Jacob, 46. Lewis, John, 11. Lewis, John, 14. Licwis, John, 15. Lewis, John, 43. Lewis, Jonathan, 22. Lewis, Jonathan, 30. Lewis, Joseph, 62. Lewis, Josiah, 43. Lewis, Lem", 11. Lewis, Mathew, 11. Lewis, Mathew, 19. l/cwis, Nathan, 14. Lewis, Nathaniel, 46. Lewis, Peter, 38. Lewis, Robbert, 14. Lewis, Sam'^1,20. Lewis. Samuel, 41. Lewis, Samuel. 65. Lewis, Timothy, 22. Lewis. Timothy, Junr, 22. Lewis, Uriah. 46. Lewis, WiUiam. 46. Lewis, Wilham. 62. Liferd, Fifield, 29. Liferd. Thomas. 29. Lille. Reubin, 19. Lilley, David, 58. LiUey, Elisha. 33. Lilley, John, 35. Lilly. Benjamin, 33. LiUy, Elijah, 45. Lilly. Richard, 44. Lilly. Turner, 44. Lin, James, 20. Lince, Fredrick. 15. Lincoln. Benj». 43. Lincoln, Charles, 37. Lincoln, Daniel. 44. Lincoln, Hezekiah, 60. Lincoln, James, 66. Lincoln. John, 21. Lincoln, Jonah, 57. Lincoln. Nehemiah, 66. Lincoln, Samuel, 30. Lincoln, Samuel, 30. Lincoln, Sylvester, 37. Lindsey, Peter. 48. Lingham, Robert. 45. Linkfield. Benj». 51. Linley. Abial. 11. Linley, Daniel. 11. Linley, Joel, 11. Linlej', Oliver, 11. Linley, Simeon, 11. Linley, Solomon, 11. Linley, Solomon, Jun"^, 11. Linn, Andrew. 22. Linsey, Benjamin, 32. Linsey, James, 27. Linsey, James. 32. Linsev, John, 30. Linsey, Samuel, 32. Linsy, John, 31. Lion, Zebulon, 63. Lippingwell, Reuben, 56. Lippingwell. Reuben, Jun', 56. Liscomb. Darius. 61. Liscomb, Thomas, 61. Liscombe. Ezariah, 13. Lister, Simon, 44. Little, George, 61. Little, James, 12, Little. John. 50. Little. Joseph, 44. Little. Joseph, 2nd. 44. Littlefield. Asa. 49. Littlefield. Edmond. 50. Littlefield, Jesse, 50. Littlefield, Tho-, 49. Livcrmore, Dan', 57. Livermore, Elijah. 51. Livermore. Ezra, 51. Livermore, Jonas, 48. Livermore, Jonas, Jun', 48. Livermore, Lott, 51. Livermore, Sam', 51. Livermore. William, 61. Livington. James, 45. Lizieur. Abner. 50. Lizieur. Sam', 55. Lobden. Darius, 38. Lobdcn. Darius. 38. Lobden. Jared, 38. Lobdin, Ebenezer, 24. Lock, Abraham. 54. Lock, Ebcm. 54. Lock. James. 34. Lock, John. 57, Lock, Jobn. 65. Lock. Josiah, 57. Lock. Josiah. Junr. 57. Lockling. Dennis, 53. Lockhng. Joel. 53. Lockling. Jon». 53. Lockling. Levi. 53. Lockwood, Abraham, 65. 84 INDEX. Lockwood, Abraham, 2d, 65. Lockwood, .\mos, 05. Lockwood, Benony, 65. Lockwood. Uenry, K>. Lockwood, Jacob, 2d, 65. Lockwood, John, 24. Lockivood, Joseph, 64. Lockwood, Josiah, 18. Lockwood, Nathan, 26. Lockwood, Reuben, 20. Lockwood. William, 65. Lockwood. William, Jun', 65. Loflcrty. James, 28. Logan, David. 23. Loggin, Hezekiah, 43. Loggins, Daniel, 20. Loggins, Hugh, 18. Loggins, John, 20. Loggins, Robert, 18. Logings, Samuel, 26. Logings, Samuel, Jun', 26. Lomis, Jesse, 17. Lomis, Samuel, 13. Long, Alexander, 28. Long, ./Uexander, 37. Long, Andrew, 28. Long, Boardman, 24. Long, Jesse, 44. Long, Levi, 44. Long, Mathew, 57. Long, Zachariah, 37. Loomer, Joseph, 15. Loomis, Beriah, 34. Loomis, Elijah, 25. Loomis, Epaphros, 38. Loomis, Jonas, 61. Loomis, Noah, 25. Loomis, OUver, 41. Loomis, Phineas, 23. Loomis, Reuben, 40. Loomis, Roswell, 41. Loomis, Solomon, 45. Lord, David, 62. Lord, Elisha, 67. Lord, Ichabod, 29. Lord, John, IS. Lord, Jonathan, 19. Lord, Jonathan, 62. Lord, Joseph, 33. Lord. Joseph, 34. Lord, Nathaniel, 59. Lord, Samuel, 41. Lot, Abram, 15. Lothrop, Elkanah, 24. Lounsl)ury, Jarus, 31. Lovegrove, Paul II., 24. Lovejoy, Benja, 46. Lovcjoy, Daniel, 04. Lovejoy, Jeremiah, 30. Lovejoy, John, 50. Lovejoy, John, 64. Lovejoy, Nehemiah, 64. Lovejoy, OUver, 64. Lovejoy, Peter, 56. Lovejoy, WilUam, 64. Lovel, Joseph, 46. Loveland, Amos, 35. Loveland, Israel. 54. Loveland, Joseph, 62. Loveland, Lawrence, 45. Lovell, Eben', 54. Lovell, Elijah, 54. Lovell, Enos, 54. LoveU, John, 54. Lovell, OUver, 54. LoveU, RandaU, 59. LoveU, Sam', 57. LoveU, Timo, 54. Loveiow, Wni, 14. Loverin, John, 34. Loverin, Simeon, 30. Lovet, David, .58. LoveweU, John, 30. LoveweU, Nehemiah, 30. LoveweU, Nehemiah, 32. LoveweU, Robert, 32. Lovit, John, IS. Low, Sara', 11. Low, Tho", 55. Lowel, David, 53. Lowel, Jacob, 53. Lowel, Josiah, 53. Lowel, Moses, Jun', .53. Lowel. Solomon, .0,5. Lowel, Stephen, 55. Lowings, W'iUiam, 38. Lownesbrough, Dan', 46. Lowrev, Gad, 28. Lowr^y, Thomas, 25. Lowry, Joel, 23. Loyd, Tho» P., Esq', 27. Lucas, James, 31. Luce, Andrew, 61. Luce, Ephraim, 35. Luce, Ivory, 61. Luce, Jonathan, 58. Luce, Moses, 61. Luce, OUver, 61. Lucus, Aaron. 21. Lucus, Confidence, 67. Lucus, James, 30. Lucus, Thomas, 33. Luddington, \V», 36. Ludington, Lemuel, 58. Luis, James, 18. Luke. John. 63. Lukins, John, 17. Lull, Asa, 61. Lull, John, 36. Lull, Nathan, 61. LuU, Timothy, 61. Lull, Timothy, 61. LuU, Zenos, 0"l. Lumbard, David, 66. Lumbard. John, OG. Lumbard, John, 66. Lumbarrd, Stephen, 66. Lumidieu. Henry M., 14. Lumrais. Kzra, 13. Lummis, Fredura, 18. Lummis, Russill, 21. Lunn, Noah, 30. Lurvey, Moses, 58. Lurvey, Peter, 58. Luse, Isaac, 24. Lusher. Joseph, 53. Lusk, Moses, 40. Lusk, Samuel, 37. Luster, W", 48. Luther, Elisha, 38. Luther, Ellis, 66. Luther, James, 31. Luther, Martin, 16. Liither, Sam«i, 21. Luther, Wid» ,64. Lyman, Abel, 29. Lyman, Asa, 64. Lyman, Benj», 57. Lyman, C". Gersham, 52. Lyman, Daniel, 64. Lyman, Ebenezer, 42. Lyman, Eleazar, 57. Lyman, Elijah, 29. Lyman, Eliphalet, 64. Lyman, Ezekiei, 64. Lyman, Isaac, 57. Lyman, John, 25. Lyman, John, 29. Lyman, Josiah, 35. Lyman, Noah, 25. Lyman, Richard, 12. Lyman, Samuel, 64. Lyman, Silas, 57. Lyman, \\illiam, 64. Lymon, Gideon, 65. Lyn, James, 45. Lynd, Benjamin, 59. Lynde, Cornelius, 3,5, Lynde, Dan', Jun', 49. Lynde, Joshua, 49. Lynde, Lem', 49. Lynde, Sara', 49. Lyon, Abel, 27. Lyon, Abiel, 17. Lyon, Andrew, 41. Lyon, Asa, 27. Lyon, Ebenezer, 14. Lyon, Gashum, 27. Lyon, Jabez, 36. Lyon, James, 35. Lyon, Jane (widow), 27. Lyon, Joseph, 57. Lyon, Matthew, 39. Lyon, Robert, 27. Lyon, Robert, 65. Lyon, Simeon, 16. Lyon, Simeon, 17. Lyon, William, 27. Maatson, Isaac, 42. Mae. John, 20. McArthur, Lieu' Peter, 25. McBurgh, Wilson, 27. McCarter, Alexf, 39. McCarter, James, 39. McCarthy, Charles, 39. McCarthy, Dan', 39. MeCarty, John, 14. McCaUiim, John, 28. McCalvin. Eben', 54. McCawly, Sam', 54. McCivers, James, 27. McClanathan, Josiah, 20. McClarren, John, 23. McClav, William, 67. McClencthan, W"", 20. McClere, W'", 20. M^CIerran. James, 28. M^CIieur, Joseph, 50. M'Cloister, , 50, M=Collester, David, 50. M°Collestcr, John. 65. M=CoUcster, Peter, 59. M=CoUom, John, 30. M°Comiel, John, 26. M°Connel, John, Jun', 26. M'Connel, Moses, 26. M^Connel, Stephen, 29. M*=Coimel, Thomas, 26. M°ConneU, Sam', 44. M=Connack, Daniel. SS. M"Cormick, .\rchibald, 51. M«Cormick, James, 51. M», 54. Mastin, Thomas, 35. Mather, Elihu, 65. Mather, Erastus, 52. Mather, Phin. & Sam', 52. Mather, Sam', 62. Mather, Sam', 52, See Mather, Phin. and Sam'. Mather, Timo, 52. Mathew, Darius, 12. Mathews, Arthur, 67. Mathews, .\sher, 54. Mathews, Benj». 50. Mathews, David, 21. Mathews, Eph"", 54. Mathews, Hugh, 32. Mathews, Isaac, 21. Mathews, Joe!, 07. Mathews, John, 54. Mathews. Jonas, 67. Mathews, Samuel, 67. Matterson, David, 39. Matterson, Dyer, 40. Matterson, Francis, 38. Matteson. .\mos, 35. Matteson, John, 35. Matthews, .Varon, Esq', 26. Matthews, Jesse, 65. Mattison, Abell, 19. Mattison, ,\braham, Jun', 21. Mattison, Amos, 17. Mattison, Asa. 21. Mattison, Bcnajiah, 22. Mattison, Benj", 17. Mattison, Calvin, 21. Mattison, David, 15, INDEX. 85 Mattison, David, 21. Mattison, Edward, 17. Mattisoa, Francis, 19. Mattison, Francis, 21. Mattison, Henry, 19. Mattison, Henry, 21. Mattison, James, 19. Mattison, James, 19. Mattison, John, 16. Mattison, Josliua, 19. Mattison, Feleg, 21. Mattison, Fetter, 21. Mattison, Phillip, 17. Mattison, Richard, 19. Mattison, Richard, 21. Mattison, Sam«i,21. Mattison, Sam^-i, Jus 21. Mattison, Thomas, 19. Mattison, Thomas, 22. Mattison, William, 22. Mattison, Zerubabel, 22. Mattoon, Nathaniel, 35. Maxfield. David, 24. Maxlield, David, 24. Maxfield, Isaac, 25. Maxfiold, John, 41. Maxfield, William, 24. Maxfiold, William, 28. Maxim, Ellis, 11. MaxweU, John, 33. MaxweU, Philip, 49. Maxwell, Squire, 49. May, Asa, 31. May, David, 47. May, Elisha, 64. May, Hezekiah, 34. May, SamS 47. May, Stephen, 31. May, Thomas, 31. Maynard, John, 65. Maynard, Shub^, 36. Maynard, Stephen; 23. Maynord. Stephen, 58. Meach, Elisha, 25. Meach, Frederick, 27. Meacham, Jacob, 25. Meachum, Elerzer, 67. Meachmn, Ehsabeth, 66. Meachimi, Frederick, 67. Mead, Alpheus, 25. Mead, Ezra, 12. Mead, Isaac, 12. Mead, Lock\vood, 25. Medealf, Samuel, (>4. Medkill, Philemon, 15. Meecham, Abraham, 41. Meeeham, Isaac, 41. Meecham, John, 39. Meecham, Jona°, 36. Meecham, Willn», 36. Meed, Caizab, 12. Meed, Henry, 44. Meed, Israel, 21. Meed, Israil, 22. Meed, Jacob, 18. Meed, James, 39. Meed, Levi, 21. Meed, Phillip, 18. Meed, Silas, 44. Meed, Stephen, 42. Meed, Stepliea, 44. Meed, Timothy, 18. Meed, Timothy, Jon', 18. Meed, Truman, IS. Meed. Zebulun. 44. Meed, Zebulun, Ju% 44. Meeds, Abner, 44. Meeds, James, 44. Meers, John, 43. Meers, Ofiver, 30. Meers, Solomon, 66. Meggs, Benjtn, 22. Meigs, Daniel, 26. Meigs, Simon, 2G. Meker, Sam', 15. Mellen, Rich-i, 57. Mellen. W-», 57. Mellendy, Sam", 49. Mellin, .Tohn, 54. Mellon, Thomas, 32. Melven, Nathan, 23. Melvm, Sami, 49. Memsel, Solomon, 20. MendalJ, Amos, 59. Menroe, Josiah, 41. Merdve, John, 64. Merick. Eben', 48. Meril, Jcdediah, 16. Merriam, David. 36. Merrifield, Aaron, 52. Merrifield, Altraham, 15. Merrifield, Joseph, 12. Merril, Jesse, 32. Merrill, Abel, 30. Merrill. Abner, 30. Merrill, Elia^. :{(). Merrill, Isaac, 'M. Merrill, John, 29. Merrill, Nathaniel, 38. Merrill, Peter, 30. Merrills, Eben', 11. Merrills, Enos. 37. Merrills, Nathaniel, 46. Merriman, Abel, 46. Merrimau, Joseph, 34. Merriman, Sam', 46. Merrit, Barthol",36. Merrit, Joseph, 46. Merrit, Michael, 39. Merritt, Halliwell, 46. Merritt. Noah, 36. Messinger, Lemuel, 24. Messinger, Nathaniel, 62. Messinger, Roderick, 25. Metcalf, Bcnj^ 57. Metcalf, George, 53. Metcalf, John, 48. Metcalf, Reuben, 50. Metcalf, Sam', 54. Miars, WiJliam, 23. Michel, Timothy, 62. Middleditch, W™, 48. Mighell, Ezekiel, 45. Miles, Abner, 53. Miles, Charles, 45. Miles, Eleaser, 45. Miles, Ephratm, 64. Miles, Hannah, 33. Miles, Jehiel, 49. Miles, Simeon, 43. Miles, Timothy, 33. Millard, Abiathar, 42. Millard, Calvin. 23. Miller, Aaron, 44. Miller, Alexander, 33. Miller, Calvin, 24. Miller, Charles, 36. Miller, Charles. Jr, 36. Miller, Dan, 11. Miller, Daniel, 38. Miller, David, 52. Miller, David, Jum, 52. Miller, Elkanah, 54. Miller, Henry, 22. Miller, Hozea, 48. Miller, Hugh, 29. Miller, Isaac, 48. Miller, James, 29. Miller, James, 34. Miller, John, 23. Miller, John, 56. Miller, Joseph, 48. Miller, Marshal, 48. Miller, Mathew, 30. Miller, I'eter, 60. Miller, Robert, 29. Miller, Rob', 56. Miller, Sami, 12. Miller, Samuel, 23. Miller, Samuel, 26. Miller, Sami, 54. Miller, Solomon, Esqs 28. Miller, Solomon, 45. Miller, Squire, 22. Miller, Thaddeus, 52. Miller, Thomas, 17. Miller, Thomas, 45. Miller, Thomas, J', 45. Miller, Timothy, 44. Miller, Vesp^, 48. Miller, Vespalian, 2nd, 48. Miller, William, 34. Miller, W'm, 48. Millet, Joseph, 53. Millington, John, 21. MUUngton, John, 22. Millington. Sam«i, 21. Millington, Solomon, 21. Millins, William, 21. Millinton, Solomon, 21. Mills, Daniel. 26. Mills. John, 30. Mills, John, 32. Mills, Nathaniel, 32. Mills, Samuel, 27. Mills, Timo, 11. Mills, Widow, 47. Millwain, William, 64. Mils, Andrus, 13. Minard, Henry, 26. Mincley, Barnabas. 27. Mincley, John, 27. Mincley, John, Juu', 27. Mincley, Kelcon, 27. Mindus. Wilhelmus, 18. Miner, Abner, 32. Miner, Anderson, 35. Miner, Christopher, 67. Miner, Clemont, 61. Minor, P^pbraim, 61. Minor, James, 32. Miner, Reubon, 32. Miner, Samuel, .'?2. Minor, Aaron, 06. Minor, Benj"", 11. Minor, Cideon, 40. Minor, Lewis, 40. Minor, Richard, 12. Minor, Sbrovo, 41. Minot, Sam', 53. Minot, Wio, 54. Mirick, Joseph, 17. Mitcbel, George, 25. Mitchel, John, 27. Mitchel, Joshua, 55. Mitchel, Thomas, 59. Mitchel, Wm. 55. Mitchell, Ensign, 24. Mitchell, Ichabod, 39. Mix, Thomas, 45. Mixer, Dan', 47. Mixer, Sam", 47. Moffat, Dudley, 55. MoiTet, Joel. 41. Moffet, William, 27. Moffit. Heber, 65. Moflit. John. 19. Moffit, Zebulon. 15. Mold, Joseph, 52. Molten, Joseph, 17. Molthrop. Jude, 44. Molton. Benjamin, 66. Molton, Phinehas. 33. Mongar, Eilley, Jr., 13. Mongar, Jehu, 15. Mongar, Nathaniel. 15. Monger, Edmund, 13. Monger, Jonathan, 13. Monger, Nath'. 13. Monger, Reuben, 13. Monross, Jesse, 24. Montague, Adonijah, 41. Montague, Rufus, 42. Montague, Samuel, 23. Montague, Selah, 59. Montauge, Nath', 21. Montgommery, Hugh, 51. Montle, Francis, 23. Montle, Francis, Juu', 23. Monty, James, 14. Mony, Jonathan, 22. Moody, Clement, 34. Moody, Elisha, 34. Moody, John, 35. Moody, John, 58. Moon, Asa, 18. Moon, Martin, 14. Moon, Robert, 19. Moon, Robert, 19. Moon, Thomas, 44. Moor, George, 32. Moor, John, 31. Moor, John, 66. Moore, Abner, 38. Moore, Caleb, 22. Moore, Daniel, 29. Moore, George, 12. Moore, Grove, 20. Moore, Jabez, 20. Moore, James, 14. Moore, James, 19. Moore, James, 20. Moore, John. 30. Moore, Joseph, 30. Moore, Mary, 64. Moore, Paul, 14. Moore, Samuel, 29. Moore, Samuel, 30. Moore, Thomas, 30. Moore, Thomas, 30. Moors, James, 34. Moors, Thomas, 34. Moors. William, 34. More, Abijah, 53. More, Abijah, J urn, 53. More, Abijah, 3rd, 53. More, David, 53. More, Dudley, 17. More, Fairbank, 53. More, Gardiner, 53. More, Gideon, 53. More, Hezi'. 53. More, Jedidiah, 17. More. John. 23. More, John, 26. More, John, 53. More. Jonah, 53. More, Jonas. 55. More, Judah, 57. More, Judah, jun', 57. More, Nathan. 25. More, Rufus, 53. More, Sam'. 52. More, 8f'th. 41. Mor.\ Wai.len, .57. More, Willard, 53. More, A\"'n. 53. Morehouse, Elisha. 27. Morehouse, Ephraim.20. Morehouse, Nathan, 21. Morehouse. Sturgens, 27. Mores, James. 23. Morey, Augustus, 53. Morey, Caleb. 39. Morey, Charles, 35. Morey, Darnel, 19. Morey, Ebenezer, 39. Morey. Israel, 31. Morey, Israel, 31. Morey, James, 31. Morey, John, !t7. Morey. Joseph, 61. Morey, Moses, 34. Morey, I'liilcmon, 44. Morey, Simon, 35. Mercy, Solomon, 31. Morey, Zenos, 34. Morey. Zenos, 34. Morgan, Adam, 11. Morgan, Benj», 57. Morgan. Benjamin, 58. Morgan, Caleb, 43. Morgan, Caleb, 47. Morgan, Cornelius, 31. Morgan, Daniel, 24. Morgan, Daniel, Jim', 24. Morgan, Henry, 49. Morgan, Israel, 42. Morgan, Jonathan, 43. Morgan, Joshua, 25. Morgan, Nath', 57. Morgan, Reuben, 57. Morgan, Thomas, 40. Morgan, W™, 47. Morgin, Anna, 19. Morgin, Benjamin, 18. Morgin, Cypran, 62. Morgin, Enos. 63. Morgin, Isaac, 61. Morgin, Isajic, 64. Morgin, Justin, 33. Morgin, Nathan, 64. Morgin, Koswcll, 64. Morgin, Samuel, 66. Morgin, Timothy, 63. Monn, Edward, 40. Morison, David, 27. Morrel, John, 50. Morrice, Lottie, 39. Morrill, Abraham, 30. Morrill, Isaac, 30. Morrill, Jeremiah, 30. Monill, Joseph. 30. Morrill, Paul, 30. Morrill, Seargent, 30. Morris, Asa, 62. Monis, James, 33. Morris, John, 54. Morris, L«wi3 R.,65. Morris, Uriah, 59. Morrison, Robert, 61. Morse, Abiel, 62. Morse, Abner, 55. Morse, Alpheus, 63. Morse, Amos, 31. Morse, Anthony, 64. Morse, Artemas, 52. Morse, Calvin, 31. Morse, Dan', 11. Morse, Daniel. 24. Morse, Davis, 21. Morse, Ebenzf, 17. Morse, Eben^, 52. Morse, Edmond, 31. Morse, Garshom, 62. Morse, Isaac, 55. Morse, Jacob, 52. Morse, James, 29. Morse, Job, 62. Morse, John, 17. Morse, John, 24. Morse, John, 52. Morse, John, 56. Morse, Jonathan, 63. Morse, Joseph, 55. Morse, Joseph, 59. Morse, Joshua, 52. Morse, Moody, 32. Morse, Moses, 35. Morse, Nathaniel, 64 Morse, Noah, 17. Morse. Seth. 62. Morse, Solomon. 11. Morseman. Tim«, 54. Morton, Abraham, 49. Morton, Benj", 49. Morton, James, 40. Morton, Samuel, 41. Morton, WiUiam, 41. Mory, Warton- 39. Mosely, Abisha, 41. Mosely, Increase, 38. Mosely, Prince, 43. Mosely, Roswel, 16. Moses, Asa. 44. Moses, Elnathan, 44. Moses, Ezekiel, 44. Moses, John, 44. Moses, John, Ju^, 44. Moses, John, 61. Moses, Jonah, 44. Moses, Shubael, 44. Moses, Zebulun, 44. Moses, Zebulun, Ju', 44. Mosher, Aaron, 64, Mosher, El)er, 64. Mosher, Gideon. 62. Mosher, Nichols, 64. Mosher, Pardon, 64. Mosher, Rodman, 64. Mosher, Thomas, 64. Moshier. Joseph, 42. Moson, U'muel, 51. Moss, Jonathan. 12. Moss, loscph, 43. Moss, Joshua. 42. Moss, Solomon. 43. Moss, Timothy. 46. Mossman, Jimy. 42. Mossman, Joshua, 42. Mosure, Jesse. 23. Moswer, Daniel. 21. Mosyer. John, 17. Mott, Gideon, 36. Mott, Jacol), 22. Mott, John, 36. Mott, John. 41. Mott, Joseph, 22. Mott, Joseph, Jun% 22. Mott, Richard. 22. Mott. Samuel, 22. Mott, Samuel, 36. Moulton, David, 30. Moulton, Ephraim, 15. Moulton, Freeman, 37. Moulton. Gcrshom, 37. Moulton, Wid. Hipsy, 37. Moulton, John, 40. Moulton, Rueben, o7. Mud, Thomas. 26. Mudge, Ezra, 57. Mudget, Ezra, 23. Mudget. William, 23. MuUet, 50. Mullet, James, 57. Mumford, Robinson, 13. Muncil. Benjamin, 34. Muncil, Eliakim S., 60. Munger, David, 39. Munn, Calvin, 57. Munro, Elijah, 23. Munro, John, 36. Munro, Joshua, 21. Munro, Rosbotham, 47. Mimroe, Isaac, 64. Munroe, Samuel, 32. Munsel. Daniel, 61. Munsel. L..,zel, 61. Munsil. Gordon. 11. Munson, Caleb, 27. Munson. Ephraim, 11. Munson, Erastus. 18. Munson, Jarud. IS. Munson, Jerard, 12. Munson. Rufus. 18. Munson. Thaddeus, 25. Munson. Timothy, 19. Murch. Charles. 67. Murdock, Asahcl. 62. Murdock, Benj», 55. Murdock, Benj», 55. Murdock. Hezekiah, 11. Murdock, James. 20. Murdock. James, 67. Murdock, Jesse, 55. Murdock, John, 50. Murdock, Sam', 44. Murdock, Sam', 50. Murdock. Thomas, 62. Murray. Curtis, 28. Murray. Ebenezer, 41. Murray. Joseph, 11. Murray, Kesiah, 28. Murray, Stephen, 44. Murrel, William, 60. Murrey. Mary, 17. Murwin, Elnathan, 15. Muxlt-y. Seth, 61. Muxley. Thomas. 60. Muzzy. Amos, 50. Muzzy, Benjamin, 30. Muzzy. Benj\ 51. Muzzy, Joseph, 54. Myas, Gideon, 19. Myas, Hezekiah, 19. Myas, Joseph, 19. Myas, Simeon, ly. My rick. Samuel, 67. Nap, Eleazer, 15. Nap. Isaac, 13. Naramore, Doc Nath', 2S. Narmore, Asa. 23. Nash, Aaron, 47. Nash. Asahcl, 24. Nash, Ephn., 47. Nash, Moses, 47. Nash, Oliver. 47. Nash, Samuel, 13. Nash, Samuel, 31. Nawson, Simeon, 40. Neasmith, John, 34. Needham, Joseph, 15. NelT, Thomas, 33. Negro, Jim, 45. Negus, Sam'. Jun^, 48. Negus, Wt», 48. Nelson, Chaiies, 34. Nelson, Darnel, 20. Nelson, J amcs, 33. Nelson, John. 53. Nelson, John, 57. Nelson, Joseph, 16. Ni'lson, Mose.s, 20. Nelson, Nathan, 37. Nelson, Nehemiah, 52. Nelson, Paul, 20. Nelson, Samuel. 24. Nelson, Tho», 55. Nelson, William, 33. 86 INDEX. Nelson, Younglove, 20. Nemms, Eben', 50. Nerthing, John, 30. Nettleton, George, 57. Nevins, John, 30. Newbury, John, 24. Newcomt), Justus, 34. Newcomb, Simon, 34. Newel, Abel, 23. Newel, lliram, 55. Newel, Jerard, 55, Newel, J ohn, 49.. Newel, Joshua, '49. Newel, Joshua, 51. Newel, Levi, 55. Newel, Medal, 26. Newel, Normon, 16. Newel, Philip, 55. Newel, Zenos, 60. Newell, Asa, 34. Newell, Kbenezer, 12. Newell, Elisha, 29. Newell, Riverus, 12. Newell, Seth, 14. Newhall, Daniel, 45. Newhall, Dan', Jur,, 45. Newhall, Joseph, 45. NewhaU, Sam', 45. Newland, Jabez, 39. Newman, Kbenezer, 34. Newman, William, 34. Newton, Charles, 48. Newton, Dan', 53. Newton, David, 60. Newton, Kdward, 65. Newton, Edward, Junr., 65. Newton, Ehas, 62. Newton, Elijah, 66. Newton, Gideon, 5S. Newton, Isaac, 33. Newton Isaac, 62. Newton, Israel, 57. Newton, Israel, 62. Newton, James, 53. Newton, Jason, 40. Newton, Joel, 14. Newton, John, 11. Ne^vton, John, Jr., 11. Newton, John, 5S. Newton, Jonathan, 39. Newton, Lemuel, 14. Newton, Liberty, 14. Newton, Marshal, 52. Newton, Nathaniel, 22. Newton, Samuel, 40. Newton, Sam', 47. Newton, Sam', 52. Newton, Samuel, 65. Newton, Shadraeh, .50. Newton, Silas, 51. Newton, Silas, 54. Newton, Thaddeus, 48. Newton, Timothy, 58. Newton, William, 43. Newton, Zaphon, .50. Nicherson, John, 39. Nicholas, Nathaniel, 32. Nichols, Aaron, 58. Nichols, Abraham, 17. Nichols, Allen, 14. Nichols, Amos, 11. Nichols, Amos, 14. Nichols, Andrew, 11. Nichols, Antony, 39. Nichols, Asa, 14. Nichols, Asa, 49. Nichols, Asaph, 44. Nichols, Benjamin, 29, Nichols, Charles, 39. Nichols, David, 27. Nichols, David, 39. Nichols, David, 66, Nichols, Ebenezer, 39. Nichols, Eben^ 53. Nichols, Elisha, 16. Nichols, Eph-, 49, Nichols, Francis, 53. Nichols. Humphrey, 35. Nichols, Isaac, 29. Nichols, James, 20. Nichols, James, 39. Nichols, James, 46. Nichols, James, 48. Nichols, James, 49. Nichols, John, 48. Nichols. John, 61. Nichols, Jonathan, 34. Nichols, Jon"^, 53. Nichols, Joseph, .S5. Nichols, Josiah, 53. Nichols, Levi, 63. Nichols, Levi, 64. Nichols, I.evi, Jun', 64. Nichols, Nathan, 19. Nichols, Nathan, 25. Nichols, Paul, 49. Nichols, Robert, 16. Nichols. Robert, 64. Nichols, Samson, 29. Nichols, Sami, 41. Nichols, SiinL', 47. Nichols, Sam', 4S. Nichols, Sami, 50. Nichols, Thomas, 39. Nichols, Tho», 53. Nichols, Timothy, 58. Nichols. Widow, 46. Nichols, William, 00. Nickerson, Constant, 18 Nickerson, Glon, 45. Nickerson, llenrv, 45. Nickols, Anna, 15. Nickols, Caleb, 19. Night, Isaac, 35. Niles, Ama, 19, Niles, Daniel, 67. Niles, David, 44. Niles, Eliphalct. 67. Niles. Elisha, 22. Niles, Ephraim, 35. Niles, George, 21. Niles, Ichabod, 50. Niles. John, 19. Niles, John, Jun', 19. Niles. John, 22. Niles, Nathan, 23. Niles. Nathaniel, 31 . Niles, Sands, 31. Noble, Asa, 14. Noble, Asahel, 27. Noble, David, 41. Noble. Ephraim, 20. Noble, Ithamar. 36. Noble, James, 36. Noble, James, 41. Noble, John, 18. Noble, John, 36. Noble, Luke, 20. Noble, Obadiah, 45. Noble, Reubin, 20. Noble, Reubin, 20. Nobles, Eli, 18. Nobles, Esbon, 25. Nobles, Josiah, 19. Nobles, Morgan, 24. Nobles, Nehemiah, 04. Nobles, Sam', 47. Nobles, Shadrick, r»0. Nobles, Stephen, 24. Noice. Nathi, 16. Noke, John, 27. • Noles, David, 27. Norcross, Sam>, 53. Norton. Elijah, 67. Normen, Soloman, 13. Norris, Benjamin, 30. Norris, Benjamin, 30. Norris, Benjamin, 30. Norris, David, 30. Norris, Jacob, 30. Norris, Mark, 31. Norris, Moses, 30. Norris, Samuel, 30. Norris & Sabins, 31. North, Asa, 17. North. John, 14. North, Simeon, 14. Northaway, Francis, 27. Northerwav, George, 44. Northrop, M', 27. Northrop, Thomas, 24. Northrup, Jeremiah, 14. Nortin, Martin, 16. Norton, Appollus, 13. Norton, Benjamin, 44. Norton, Cyrus, 56. Norton, David, 15, Norton, Elihu, 34, Norton, Elihu. 34. Norton, Elisha, 34. Norton, Henry, 15. Norton, Isaehor, 13. Norton, John, If.. Norton, John, 27. Norton, John, 56. Norton, Joseph, 16. Norton, Joseph, 34. Norton, Joseph, 65. Norton, Josiah, 37. Norton, Levi, 65. Norton, Lois, 13. Norton, M', 26. Norton, Nathan, 34. Norton, Nathi, 20. Norton, Shadrack, 15. Norton, Solomon, 43. Norton, Wm, 20. Norton, William, 24. Norton, Zadack, 20. Norton, Zerah, .34. Nothey, David, 29. Nothrbp, Nathaniel, 37. Nott. John, 65. Noyes, Aaron, 35. Noyes, Dan', 51t. Noyes, John, 49. Noyes, Moses, 33. Numan, Benjamin, 13. Nurse, Francis, 54. Nurse, Solomon, 48. Nurse, W", 48. Nutt, John, 30. Nutting, Abel, 05. Nutting, David, 12. Nutting, David, 63. Nye, Daniel, 62. Nve, David, 28. Nye, Elijah, 28. Nye, Elisha, 67. Nye, George, 64. Nye, Jon«, 57. Nye, Jonathan, 65. Nve, Joseph, 57. Nye, Nathan, 33. Nye, W", 57. Oak, Calvin, 46. Oak, John, 46. Oak, Nathaniel, 30. Oak, Nathi, 46. Oak, Seth, 46. Oak, Tho«, 40. Cakes, John, 14. Oalds, John, 33. Oar, James, 28. Oar. John, 33. Oatman, Benjn, 15. Oatman, Daniel, 15. Oatman, George, 15. Oatman, George, 15. Oatman, Isaac, 15. Ober, Eben', 52. Ober, Eben'. 55. Ober, Ezra, 55. Ober. Sami, 54. O'Bri.m, Partrick, 58. Obriant, Timothy, 18. Obrien, Thomas, 40. Odel, Jeremiah, 18. Odel, Sam^i, 15. Odil, Jacob, 18. Odle, .■Vbijah, 12. Odie, David, 26. Odle, John, 12. Oens, Leonard, 22. Olcott, Ellas, 54. Olcott, Eliphalet, 14. Olcott, Peter, 62. Olcott, Roswell, 62. Olcott, Timothy, 59. Olcut, Thomas, 39. Olcutt, William, 42. Olden, Joseph, 49. Olden, Joseph, Jun', 49. Oldridge. John, 27. Olds, iVaron, 43. Olds, Benj-', 52. Olds, Benj", Jun', 52. Olds, George, 38. Olds, Jasper, 3S. Olds, Thaddeus, 52. Oles, Stephen, 20. Olford, Alexander, 24. Olford, Amos, 37. Olford, Bennedlck, 12. Olin, Caleb, 11. OUn, Gideon, 21. Olin, Giles. 21. OUn, Henrv, 12. Olin, John, 21. Olin, Jonathan, 21. Ohn, Jonathan, Ju', 21. Olin, Justin, 22. OUn, Stephen, 14. OUver, .Indrev.-, 41. OUver, Robert, 11. OUver, Robert, 41. Olmstead, Ebenezer, 29. Ohnstead, Elijah, 12. Olmstead, Gideon. 42. Olmstead, James, 24. Olmstead. Jesse. 36. Olmstead, Moses, 42. Olmstead. Seth, 24. Olmstead, Stephen, 30. Olmstead. Step", Ju', 36. Olmsted, Jabez, 37. OIney, .\braham, 65. Olnev, Benonv, 65. Olney. A\"illiam, 65. Olver, .\braham, 42. Olverd, John, 29. Olvord, Nathan, 29. Olverd, Selah, 29. Olverd, Simeon, 61. Olvord, Oliver, 44. Omsbeck, Ichabod, 31. Omsbeck, Joseph, 31. Oroutt, EUsha, 63. Orcutt, Jacob, 33. Orcutt, Lemuel, 33. Ordway, Michael, 35, Ordway, Moses, 35. Ordway, Nehemiah, 66. Ordway, SeweU. 35. Orion, Jonathan, 44. Orms, Jonathan, 39. Ormsby, Gideon, IS. Ormsbv, Jonathan, 18. Orns, Benj", 19. Orr, 50. Orr, Robert. 30. Orsboum, Alexander, 11. Orsburn, Isaac. 44. Orsbum, Isral, 19. Orton, EUsaba. 39. Orton, Gideon, 24. Orton, Ichabod, 24. Orvls, Ambrose, 51. Orvls, David, 66. Orvls, Gersham, 50. Orvls, OUver, 51. Orvls, Roger, 13. Orvls, WaitstiU. 51. Osbom, John, 34. Osborn, Joseph, 41. Osborn, Lemuel, 29. Osburn, Benjamin, 45. Osbum, Isaac, 42. Osgood, David, 13. Osgood, Josiah, 39. Osgood, Nathan, Esq, 44. Osmore, .A.aron. 34. Osmore, Eleazer, 34. Osmore, John, 61. Ostrander, Agbert, 15. Otis, Edward, 35. Otis, Hannah, 52. Otis. James, 47. Otis, John, 57. Otis, John, Jun', 57. Otis, L. Barnabas, 43. Oughterson, Joseph, 51. Ovit. WiUiam. 19. Owen, Caleb, 50. Owen, Elijah, 26. Owen, EUjah, Jun', 26. Owen, Frederick, 41. Owen, Joel, 50. Owen, John, 26. Owen, Joseph, 40. Owen, Samuel, 40. Owen, Sylvanus, 58. Owin, Sam', 47. Ozier, Consider, 14. Packard, Alien, 63. Packard, Caleb, 47. Packard, E. Sami, 53. Piickard, Ichabod, 49. Packard, John, 63. Packard, John. 65. Pj'-ckard, Josiah, 52. Packard, Levi, 57. Packard, Tim", 57. Packard, Zachariah, 34. Paddin. Robert. 43. Paddleford, PhiUp, 47. Paddock, Anthony, 17. Paddock, Gains, 67. Paddock, Ichabod, 16. Paddock, John, 62. Paddock, Price, 17. Paddock, Stephen, 67. Paddock, Thomas, 16. Paddock, Zenos, 62. Page, .\braham, 34. Page, ."VchUles, 41. Page, Amos, 23, Page, Asa. 5S. Page, Barker, 33. Page, Caleb, 29. Page, David, 19. Page, Ebenezer, 30. Page. Edward, 30. Page, Elijah, 18. Page, Ephraim, 13. Page, George, 5JS. Page, Jacob, 32. Page, James, 23. Page, John, 63. Page, Jonathan, 33. Page, Jonathan, 41. Page, Jon», 48. Page, Josiah, 33. Page, Joss, 35. Page, Nathan, 64. Page, Nathaniel, 58. Page. Pa rker, 23. Page, Peter, 30. Page, Reuben, 30. Page, Samuel, 24. Page, Samuel, 64. Page, Stephen, 19. Page. Thomas, 23. Page, The, 56. Page, Time, 14. Page. Virgil, 19. Paine, Abel, 67. Paine, Asa.. 62. Paine, Benj", 11. Paine, Eleazer, 01. Paine, Ephraim, 64. Paine, Jabez, 50. Paine, Jesse, 34. Paine, J ohn, 34. Paine, John, 64. Paine, Lemuel, 33. Paine, Miller, 49. Paine, Roger, 26. Paine, Thomas, 34. Faines, Amasa, 6(>. Painfield, Samuel, Jun', 23. Painter, Azariah, 14. Painter, GamaUel, 12. Palmater, Isaac. 27. Palmer, .\mos, 34. Palmer, Amos, 64. Palmer, Charles. 49. Palmer, David, 54. Palmer. Elisha, 24. Palmer, Ezekiel, 67. Palmer, Garshom, 67. Palmer, George, 25. Palmer, Uenry, 49. Palmer, I.saac, 33. Palmer, Isaac, 53. Palmer, James, 54. Palmer, Jeremiah, 13. Palmer, John, 23. Palmer, John, 51. Palmer, John, 07. Palmer, Jonah, 51. Palmer, Joseph, 16. Palmer, Noah, 18. Palmer, OUver, 67. Palmer, Paul, 04. Palmer, Robert, 59. Palmer, S. Zuri, 54. Palmer, Samuel, 16. Palmer, Seth, 16. Palmer, Thaddeus, 11. Palmer, Thomas, 23. Palmer, 'I'ho", 54. Palmer, Thomas, 59. Palmer, Timothy, 16. Palmer, W"., 14. Palmerly, Giles. 23. Palmerly, Ilezekiah. 27. Palmerly, Reuten, 25. Paraerly, Simeon, 42. Pangbone, Joseph, 12. Pangbone, Samuel, 12. Pangliom, Timo, 11. Pangboiirn, Sami, 11. Pangl>oum, Stephen, 11. Pangltowen, Jesse, 24. Pangman, Peter, 2.5. Pannel, Andrew, 50. Parmel, James, 50. Pannel, John, SO. Pannel, John, Jun', 50. Parcher, Robert, 27. Pariner, Azariah, 25. Parish, Asa, 2.5. Parish, Daniel, 39. Parish, Jeremiah, 58. Parish, John, 58. Parish, Marj', 34. Parish, Nathaniel, 58. Parish, WiUiam, 27. Park, George, 21. Park, Jon», 52. Parkard, Daniel, 33. Parkard, Richard, 33. Parkas, .\lpheus, 17. Parker, Aaron, £9. Parker, Abel, 19. Parker, Abel, 40. Parker, Abel, 43. Parker, .\biel, 54. Parker, .Vmos, 64. Parker, .\mos, 65. Parker, Benjamin, 38. Parker, Cardv. 28. Parker, Charles, 22. Parker, Daniel, 24. Parker, Daniel, 33. Parker, David, 38. ParkiT. Dennis, 27. Parker, Eben', 53. Parker, Eleazer, 67. Parker, Elijah, 46. Parker, Elijah, 59. Parker, Ephraim, 38. Parker, Ezra, 65. Parker, Henry, 16. Parker, Isaac, 43. Parker, Isaac, 59. Parker, Isaac, 65. Parker, Isaac, 65. Parker, James, 12. Parker, James, 20. Parker, James, 44. Parker, James, 49. Parker, James, 49. Parker, James, 64. Parker, Jemsy, 59. Parker, Jereiiiiah, 14. Parker, Jeremiah, 15. Parker, Jeri>, 49. Parker, Jeremiah, 65. Parker, Jesse, 03. Parker, John, 20. Parker, John, 54. Parker, Jonathan, 38. Parker, Jonathan, Jun., 38 Parker, Joseph, 12. Parker, Joseph, 13. Parker, Joseph, 66. Parker, Joshua, 59. Parker, Josiah, 31. Parker, Leonard, 05. . Parker, Levi, 34. Parker, Levi, 61. Parker, Mathew, 12. Parker, Matthew, 38. Parker, Moses, 19. Parker, Obediah, 59. Parker, Peter, 38. Parker, Philip, 38. Parker, Prince, 36. Parker, Reuben, 63. Parker, Reubin, 22. Parker, Robert, 65. INDEX. 87 Parker, Roswell, 53. Parker, Samuel, Hi. Parker, Samuel, (J3. Parker, Silas, 'Jit. Parker, Stephen, 58. Parker, Thomas, 24. Parker, Timo, 50. Parker, William, 16. Parker, William, 25. Parker, William, 43. Parker, W"», 49. Parkherst, Isaac, 58. Parkhurst, Asahel, 04. Parkhurst, Benjamin, 04. Parkhurst, Calvin, 64. Parkhurst, Ebenezer, 04. Parkhurst, George, 64. Parkhurst, Jabez, 64. Parkhurst, Jonathan, 64. Parkharst, Jonathan, 04. Parkhurst, Jonathan, 05. Parkhurst, Joseph, 04. Parkhurst, Lemuel, 64. Parkhurst, Lydia, 64. Parkhurst, No., 20. Pechard, Abisha, 24. Peck, Abel, 13. Peck, Ariel, 66. Peck, Aron, 20. Peck, Daniel, 41. Peck, Daniel, 59. Peck, David, 22. Peck, Ebenezer, 13. Peek, Elijah, 25. Peck, Elisha, 15. Peck, Elisha, 49. Peck, Enos, 13. Peck, George, 12. Peck, Isaac, 14. Peck, Jacob. 12. Peck, Levi, 56. Peck, Lewis, 38. Peck, Nathaniel, 31. Peck, Reuben, 13. Peck, Soth, 49. Peck, Simeon, 18. Peck, Sperry, 41. Peck, William, 13. Peckot, Giles, 29. Pecket, John, 29. Peckham, Jonathan, 33. Peckham, Nye, 33. Peckham, Pardon, 33. Peckham, Philip, 33. Peckham, Cap. Samuel, 25. Peek, Samuel, 5.«. Peer, Oliver, Ju., 13. Pect, Elijah, 20. Peirce, David, 16. Peirco, Eli. 22. Peirce, Zadock, 22. Peke, Mr, 27. Pen, James, 30. Polly, Edmund, 41. Pelott, Simon, 26. Pelton, Freeman, 59. Pelton, James, 27. Pelton, Moses, 51. Pem'er, Andrew, 43. Pember, Kli. 43. Pember, John, 46. Pemher, Samuel, 33. Peml er, Stephen, 33. Pembleton, Benajah, 19. Penfield, Samuel, 24. Penfleld, Samuel, 24. Pennick, Bezaleel, 62. Penny, Jona, 49. Pepper, Simon, 41. ' Perham, David, 58. Perham, Joel, 46. Perham, Jon*, 46. Perham, Leonard, 46. Perkins, Abuer, 58. Perkins, Barnabas, 62. Perkins, Benjamin, 59. Perkins, Charles, 54. Perkins, Charles, 59. Perkins, Cyrus, 59. Perkins, Ebenezer, 38. Perkins. Elder, 56. Perkins, Eliphaz, 12. Perkins, Elisha. 67. Perkins, Francis, 40. Perkins, Holmes. 39. Perkins, Jacoij, 30. Perkins, Jacob, 42. Perkins, John, 19. Perkins, John, 62. Perkins, Joshua, 59. Perkins, Nathan, 67. Perkins, Nathaniel, 35. Perkins, Neh^, 56. Perkins, Peter, 2(1. Perkins, Phllo, 23. Perkins, Rufus, 59. Perkins, Thomas, 62. Perkins, Timo, 56. Perkins, Westly, 41. Perkins, William, 58. Perkins, William, 62. Perley, John, 28. Perrigo, Brownson. 38. Perrigo, David, 2.'). Perrigo, Elijah, 38. Perrigo, John, 38. Perrin, Abel, 62. Perrin, Asa, 64. Perrin, Asa, 64. Perrin, John, 62. Perrin, Nathaniel, 64. Perrin, Peter, 62. Perrin, Zachariah, 28. Perry, Abijah, 12. Perry, Abner, 56. Perry, Amos, 52. Perry, Amos, 53. Perry, Asahel, 33. Perry, .\zar, 40. Perry, Benj", 52. Perry, Ben]", 57. Perrv, Daniel, 44. Perry, Dan', 52. Perry, Daniel, 67. Perrv, David, 44. Perry, Eli, 65. Perry, Eliakim, 45. Perrv, Eliakim, j', 45. Perry, Ezekiel, 20. Perry, Ezekiel, 40. Perry, Ezra, 67. Perry, Ichabod, 58. Perry, jabez, 66. Perry, James, 67. Perry, Job, 63. Perry, Joseph, .50. Perry, Joseph, 52. Perry Joseph, 53. Perry, Joseph, 67. Perry, Joshua, 44. Perry, Josiah, 21. Perry, Nathi, 25. Perry, Ozias, 45. Perry, Robert, 62. Perry, Silas, 67. Perry, Stephen, 55. Perry, W">, 53. Perry, W", Jun', 53. Perry, W", 56. Perry, William, 62. Perry, Winslow, 21. Perry & Bevins, 32. Persons, Elias, 60. Persons, Moses, 62. Persons, Samuel, 66. Persons, William, 66. Persons, William, 66. Peter, Valentine, 27. Peters, Abimilech. 41, Peters, Andrew, 35. Peters, Andrew B., 29. Peters, Comfort, 36. Peters, Dan', 48. Peters, Ebenezer, 27. Peters, Israel, 44. Peters, Joseph, 65. Peterson, Jonathan, 13. Petibone, Lumun, IS. Petkin, Rhoda. 60. Pettegrew, Stephen, 34. Pettegnie, William, 65. Pettibonc, Abel, 18. Pettibone, Eli, 18. Pettibone, Sam', 18. Pettibone, Setli, 18. Pettingal, Jonathan, 32. Pettingale, Olliver, 15. Pettingill, Asa, 53. PettingiU, Peter, 34. Pettingill, Samuel, 58. Pettis, John, 47. Pettis, Sam', 57. Petty, Benjamin, 39. Petty, John, 54. Petty, Solomon, 54. Petty, William, 34. Petty, WUliam, 62. Phelps, Abel, 27. Phelps, Abel, 52. Phelps, Amos, 44. Phelps, David, 37. Phelps, Elijah, 54. Phelps, Elnathan, 41. Phelps, Francis, 52. Phelps. Giles, 13. Phelps. H.zekiah, 14. Phelps. Ira, 14. Phelps, Joel, 13. Phelps, John. 43. Phelps, Joseph, 14. Phelps, Joseph, 27. Phelps, Lemuel, 13. Phelps, Martha, 13. Phelps, Samuel, 13. Phelps, Samuel, 31. Phelps, Tim", 62. Phelps, Tniman, 37. Phettiplace, Resolved, 22. Philbrooks, James, 63. Philips, Antony, 42. Philips, .\sa, 54. Philips, Caleb, 39. Philips, Chad. 3i). Philips, Charles, 53. Philips, Enos, 48. Philips, Ezek', 50. Philips, Ezek', .5.5. Pliilips, Israel, 39. Philips, John, 48. Philips, John, 52. PhUips, Mr., 25. Philips, Paine, 52. Philips, Zebulun, 56. Phillips, Alpheus, 34. PhilUps, Asa, 67. Phillips, Daniel, 19. Phillips, Daniel, 19. Phniips, Elihu, 20. Phillips, Elijha, 19. Phillips, EUsha, 19. Phillips, Esquire, 17. Phinips, Job, 19. Phillips, Job, 19. Phinips, Levi, 65. PhilUps, Nehemiah, 30. PhilUps, Sam=i, 20. PhilUps, Sevral, 19. PhilUps, Svrel, 19. PhilUps, Zabudy, 22. Phippany, Benj", 39. Phippen, .\twater, 56. Phippen, Joseph, 56. Phippen, Sam', 56. Phippen, Sam', Jun', 56. Pick. Joshua, 20. Picket, Ebenezer, 11. Pickle, Christopher, 23. Pickle, Jacob, 23. Pickle, John. 23. Pier, Chauncey, 45. Pier, Elnathan, 45. Pierc, Moses, 13. Pierce, Allen, 50. Pierce, Benja, 50. Pierce, Benj", 51. Pierce, Benj», 57. Pierce, Benja, Jun"", 57. Pierce, Charles, 56. Pierce, Cleather, 21. Pierce, Dan', 53. Pierce, David, 01. Pierce, Ebenezer, 65. Pierce, Eliab, 59. Pierce, Eph", 53 Pierce, Esther, 28. Pierce, Ezek', 53. Pierce, Ezek', Jun', 53. Pierce, Ezek', 56. Pierce, Ichabod, 49. Pierce, James, 31. Pierce, Jeddediah, 64. Pierce, John, 21. Pierce, John, 29. Pierce, John, 43. Pierce, John, 57. Pierce, John. 65. Pierce, Jon", 53. Pierce, Joseph, 50. Pierce, Joseph, 53. Pierce, Joseph, Jun*", 53. Pierce, Joseph, 59. Pierce, Justus, 13. Pierce, Nathan. 39. Pierce, Nathaniel, 64. Pierce. Nehemiah, 51. Pierce, Oliver, 31. Pierce, Oliver, 65. Pierce, Palmer, 64. Pierce, Phinehas, 43. Pierce, Reuben, 50. Pierce, Reuben, 53. Pierce, RosweU, 53. Pierce, Rulus, 53. Pierce, Sam', 14. Pierce, Samuel, 28. Pierce, Sam', 60. Pierce, Silvanus, 15. Pierce, Simon, 28. Pierce, Tho", 53. Pierce, Thomas, 59. Pierce, Uriah, 17. Pierce, Warner, 27. Pierce, WiUard, 64. Pierce, Wo, 48. Pierson, Moses, 26. Pierson, Usnel, 26. Pierson. William, 26. Pierson, Ziba, 26. Pigsley, John, 64. Pigsley, Paul, 56. Pigsley, Robert, 56. Pike David, 54. Pike, Ebenezer, 61. Pike, Elijah, 57. Pike, Elisha, 57. Pike, John, 21. Pike, John, 37. Pike, Leonard, 57. Pike, Nathan, 31. Pike, Nath'. 57. Pill, Thomas, 38. Pillsbury, Thomas. 29. Pingery, Nathaniel, 61. Pingree, Moses, 13. Pinkam, Samuel, 30. Pinnee, Oliver, 33. Pinneo, James. 34. Pinnej\ Asa, 64. Pinnock, Aaron, 34. Pinnock, Alexander, 34. Pinnock, Haman, 34. Pinnock, Ira, 34. Pinnock, Isaac, 34. Pinnock, James, 34. Pinnock, Joseph, 34. Pinnock, Oliver, 34. Pinnock, Peter, 34. Pioc. Oliver, 13. Piper, James, 59. Piper. Noah, 66. Pipkin, Stephen, 43. Pitcher, Ebenezer, 38. Pitcher, Ebenezer, Ju', 38. Pitcher, Isaac. 23. Pittingill, Joseph, 38. Pitts, John, 55. Pixley. .\sa. 27. Pixley, Asa, 60, Pixley, William, 60. Place, Griffin, 11. Place, Nathan, 38. Place, Samuel, 23. Place, Simon. 23. Place, Thomas, 23. Place, Thomas, 25. Piatt, Daniel, 38. Piatt, Jehu. 38. Plimpton, Abner, 55. Plumb, Joseph, 15. Plumb, Joseph, 24. Plumley. Jonathan. 64. Plumley, Samuel. 64. Plummer. Asa, 44. Plummer. John, 47. Pollard, Edward, 28. Pollard, James. 05. Pollard. Jeremiah, 54. Pollard, John, 66. Polly, Amasiah, 36. Polly. John. 59. Polly, Joseph, 37. Pomeray, Doc John, 23. Pomeroy. Chester, 52. Pomeroy, Phenuy, 50. Pond. A'bel, 43. Pond. Benjamin, 37. Pond, Benjamin, 46. Pond, Josiah, 14. Pond, Josiah, 37. Pond, Mabel, 43. Pond, Nathaniel, 14. Pond, Paul. 44. Pond, Sam'. 11. Pond. Samuel. 43. Pond, Samuel, J', 43. Pond, Wn, 14. Pond, Zebulun, 57. Pool, Nathaniel, 67. Poole, Joseph, 53. Poole, W", 53. Pope, Eleazer, 30. Pope, Joseph. 30. Pope, Michael, 03. Pope, William, 44. Por, Moses, 23. Porter, .\mbrose, 60. Porter, Asa. 44. Porter, Asahel, 24. Porter, Caleb, 35. 88 INDEX. Porter, Chandler, Si. Porter, David, 16. Porter, Ebenezer, 22. Porter, Elijah, 3.^. Porter, Elisha, 49. Porter, Eliot, 02. Porter, Ezeldei, 44. Porter, George, 40. Porter, James, 20. Porter, John, 28. Porter, John, 37. Porter, Joshua, 46. Porter, Moses, 41. Porter, Peter, 35. Porter. Samuel, 41. Porter, Samuel, 62. Porter, Seth, 37. Porter, Thomas, 35. Porter, Thomas, 45. Porter, Tho», Ju', 45. Porter, Widow, 17. Porter, William, 00. Porter, William, 06. Post, Aaron, 34. Post, Caleb, 11. Post, Daniel, 34. Post, Daniel, 35. Post, Darius, 27. Post, Darius, Jun', 27. Post, Eldad, 34. Post, Ehas, 44. Post, Frederick, 11. Post, Jared, 26. Post, John, 34. Post, Jordan, 14. Post, Noah, 44. Post, Routjen, 17. Post, Roswel, 12. Post, Roswell, 44. Post. Simeon, 44. Post, William, 44. Potter, Al»ll, 19. Potter, AljeU, 19. Potter, Amos, 16. Potter, Amos, 19. Potter, Andrew, 26. Potter, Barnabas, 31. Potter, David, 3,S. Potter, Freeborn, 20. Potter, James, 19. Potter, John, 10. Potter, John, 19. Potter, Lyman, 02. Potter, Noel, 26. Potter, Noel, 38. Potter, Shradrach, 16. Potter, William, 16. Potter, W", 10. Potter, William, 41. Potter, Zerubable, 19. Potwine, George, 06. Pourter, Noah, 12. Powel, Luther, 60. Powel, Martin, 18. Powel, Rowland, 60. Powel, Rowland, 60. Powel, Stephen, 04. Powel, Stephen, 04. Powel, Truman, 23. Powel. William, 23. Powell, Calvin, 34. Powell, Daniel, 34. Powell, Elisha, 34. Powers, .\braham, 59. Powers, Abraham, 07. Powers, Andrew, 07. Powers, Asa, 50. Powers, .\sahel, 03. Powers, Asahel, 04. Powers, Blanehard, 12. Powers, David, 20. Powers, Elijah, 48. Powers, Isaac, 01. Powers. Jeremiah, 42. Powers, Jonas, 63. Powers, Jonathan, 38. Powers, Jonathan, 60. Powers, Joseph, 12. Powers, Joseph, 10. Powers, Joseph, 26. Powers, Larrence, 19. Powers, Manassati, 49. Powers, Nahmn, 59. Powers, Nathaniel, 12. Powers. Peter, 42. Powers, Simeon, 12. Powers, Stephen, 32. Powers, Stephen, 35. Powers, Stephen, 07. Powers, Stephen, 07. Powers, Thomas, 59. Powers, Tinio. 54. Powers, W illiara, 00. Prat, Daniel, 16. Prat, Daniel, 18. Prat, David, 12. Prat, Ehjah, 19. Prat, Paul, 25. Prat, Silas, 19. Prat, Stephen, 16. Prat, Stephen, 19. Prat, WiUiam, 19. Pratt, .Vbijah, 38. Pratt, -Alpheus, 52. Pratt, .\mos, 52. Pratt, Asa, 52. Pratt, Benj«, 47. Pratt, Benjamin, 62. Pratt, Caleli, 11. Pratt, Daniel, 35. Pratt, Darius, .50. Pratt, David, 11. Pratt, Ebenezer, 44. Pratt, Edmund, 38. Pratt, Elisha, 50. Pratt, Emerson, 52. Pratt, Ephraim, 12. Pratt, Isaac, 51. Pratt, Isaac, Jun', 51. Pratt, Isaac, 52. Pratt, James, 60. Pratt, Jeremiah, 62. Pratt, John, 45. Pratt, John, 62. Pratt, John, 67. Pratt, Jonathan, 59. Pratt, Joseph, 67. Pratt, Joshua, 44. Pratt, Josiah, 32. Pratt, Lemuel, 45. Pratt, Levi, 35. Pratt, Mathew, 29. Pratt, Moses, U. Pratt, Nathan, 44. Pratt, Nathan, 59. Pratt, Nathaniel, 63. Pratt, Oliver, 52. Pratt, Orlin, 52. Pratt, Samuel, 40. Pratt, Samuel, Jr., 40. Pratt, S.imi, 52. Pratt, Sami, 56. Pratt, Silas, 44. Pratt, William, 14. Pray, John, 46. Prentice, John, 44. Prentice, Thomas, 65. Prentis, Sam', 49. Prescott, William, 35. Presson, Benj«, 48. Presson, John, 17. Presson, Lemuel, 48. Preston, Abiel, 59. Preston, Alexander, 34. Preston, Aner, 69. Preston, Benjamin, 30. Preston, Benjamin, 34. Preston, Coleburn, 45. Preston. John, 29. Preston, John, 43. Preston, Jonathan, 13. Preston, Lemuel, 69. Preston, Levi, 44. Preston, Moses, 46. Preston, Robert, 34. Preston, Tirus, 34. Preston, Tivers, 65. Preston, William, 34. Pride, Abner, 29. Prier, Cloaher, 66. Priest, James, 64. Priest, John, 56. Priest, Joshua, 38. Priest, Noah, 39. Priest, Philip, 39. Priest, Samuel, 38. Prime, Joseph, 13. Prince, Elisha, 47. Prince, Nathan, 47. Prince, Nathan, Junf, 47. Prindle, Gideon, IS. Prindle, Gideon, 24. Prindle, Nathan, 20. Prindle, Salmon, 20. Prindle, Samuel, 12. Prindle, Samel, 17. Printice, Ichabod, 19. Printice, James, 22. Prior, William, 23. Procter, Isaac, 00. Procter, James, 54. Procter, Nathan, 64. Procter, Silas, 01. Proctor, Isaac, 59. Proctor, Leonard, 59. Proctor, Timothy, 59. Prosen, John, 19. Proutv, Amor, 52. Prouty, Elijah, 47. Prouty, Francis, 47. Prowty, Jacob, 00. Pryer, Jedediah, 65. Pucliings, Andrew, 28. Pudray, James. 35. Putter, Amos, 55. Puffer, RichJ, 66. Pulford, Elisha, 17. Pullen, Mathew, 49. Pulsiford, David & John, 54. Pulsiford, Eben', 64. Pulsiford, John. Sec Pulsi- ford, David & John. Purday, David, 18. Purdey, Benj", IS. Purdey, Benj", Jr., 18. Purdey, Daniel, 18. Purdy, Reuben, 18. Purdy, Solomon, 44. Purlington, Sylvunus, 57. Putman, Adonijah, 49. Putman, Asa, 47. Putman, Dan', 54. Putman, Edw, 12. Rockwell, Seth, 42. Rockwell, Timothy, 42 Eoe, John, 63. Roe, John, 63. Roger, John, 46. Rogers, Abijah, 49. Rogers. Artha. 61. Eogcrs, Benjamin, 61. Eogers, Chester, 65. Bogers, Daniel, 32. Eogers, Deliverance, 39. Eogers, Ebenezer, 21. Eogers, Eliphalet, 61. Eogers, Elisha, 65. Bogers, EUzabeth, 29. Bogers, Fradrack, 58. Rogers, Ishmeil, 21. Eogers, Jabesh, 12. Rogers, James, 16. Rogers, Jeduthan, 58. Rogers, John, 34. Eogers, John, 44. Bogers, Jonathan, 10. Eogers, Joseph, 30. Eogers, Joseph, 37. Eogers, Joseph, 43. Eogers, Josiah, 49. Eogers, Martha, 16. Eogcrs, Nathananiel, 61. Eogers, Nehemiah, 45. Eogers, Paul, 61. Bogers, Perley, 29. Eogers, Samuel, 34. Eogers, Samuel, 35. Rogers, Stephen, 39. Bogers, Stephen. 39. Eogcrs, Thomas, 28. Bogers, William, 20. Bogers, Wing, 39. Eoggers, Abraham, 12. Eoggers. Timothy, 12. Eolin, Richard, 30. Rolling, Stephen, 29. Rood, Abijah, 42. Eood, Azariah, 25. Bood, Daniel, 44. Eood, Elijah, 26. Eood, Jonah, 21. Bood, Moses, 33. Eood, Silas, 26. Rood, Simeon, 29. Rood, Simion, 20. Eood, Thomas, 25. Boode, Humphrey, 61. Eoode, Thomas P., 61. Root, -Vbel. 66. Root, Daniel, 34. Root, Eli. 41. Root, Elisha, 49. Root, John, 19. Root, Levi, 34. Root, Oliver, 34. Root, Rufus, 66. Boot, Saml., 47. Root, Samuel, 60. Boot, Solomon, 34. Eoot, Thomas, 67. Boot, Timo, 49. Eoot, Wt", 15. Eoot, William, 34. Boots, Amos, 36. Roots, W<1 Elisabeth, 44. Boots, Guernsey, 44. Boots, Oliver, 36. Boots, Stephen, 36. Bosbrooks, Eleazer, 31. Eosbrooks, James, 31. Eosbrooks, John, 31. Bosbrooks, ViaUiam, 31. Rose, Benj". 22. Eose, Edwi, 54. Bose, Elijah, 16. Rose, Joel, 18. Eose, John, 24. Eose, John, 3.8. Eose, Joseph, 22. Bose, Nathaniel, 22. Bose, Russell, 43. Eose, Samuel, 43. Rosier, Nathan, 16. Rosmond, Colrod, 37. Ross, Donald, 69. Ross, Eleazer, 33. Ross, Hugh, 28. Ross, James, 45. Ross, James, .55. Boss, John, 28. Ross, Joseph, 39. Boss, Joseph, Jun', 39. Eoss, Lemuel, 35. Eossetter. Josiah, 11. Rothbone, Amos, 21. Rounds, George, 38. Rounds, George, 60. Rounds, James, 38. Rounds, W", 13. Roundv, John, 54. Roundy, John, Junr, 54. Roundy, Uriah, 54. Rouse, Oliver, 25. Rouss, James, 21. Rowe. Robert, 30. Rowel, Jonathan, 34. Eowell,, 29. Bowley, Cap. .\aron, 26. Eowlev, Hopkins, 42. Bowley, Israel, .51. Bowley, Jonathan, 42. Eowlev, Joseph, 42. Eowlev, Nathan, 14. Bowley, Reuben, 24. Bowley, Thomas, 14. Bowley, Thomas, Jr., 14. Bowley, Widow, 51. Eoxby, Dan', 4J. Bud, John, 18. Eudd, Bezaleel, 13. Eudd, John, 16. Budd, Joseph, 16. Budd, Zebulon, 13. Bude, Daniel, 17. Eude, Josua, 16. Eudenton, Jacob, 13. Bug, David, 21. Bug, Joel, 17. Bug, Martha, 16. Bug, Mathew, 15. Bug, Moses, 16. Bug, Nath'i, 17. Bug, Oliver, 20. Bug, Sam', 17. Eugg, David, 64. Eugg. John, 63. Eugg, John, 57. Eugg, Joseph, 56. Eugg, Joseph, 57. Eugg, Josephas, 64. Eugg, Levi, 65. Buggies, Nathaniel, 62. Buggies, Samuel, 66. Buggies, Silas, 40. Eumrill, Henry. 66. Bumsey, Dan', 40. Eumsey, Ilczekiah, 39. Bumsey, Isaac, 39. Eumsey, John, 2>', 40. Eumsey, John, S',40. Bumsey, Joseph , 40. Bumsey, Nathan, 40. Rumsoy, Noah, 40. Eumsey, William, 40. Eunalds, PhUlip, 18. Eunnals, Benj", 19. Eunnais, Constant, 21. Eunnals, Ephriam, 17. Bunnals, Eobert, 21. Bunnell, Jonathan, 62. Eunnells, Enoch, 30. Runnels, George, 33. Runnels, Stephen, 35. Rusco, Simeon, 43. Eusco, Stephen, 43. Rush, Apollos, 42. Bush, Jacob, 42. Bush, Jacob, Junr., 42. Eusil, Asa, 19. Eusil, Jonathan, 19. Buss, Jonathan, 31. Buss, Nathan, 67. Eussel, jUnasa, 43. Eussel, .\sa, 66. Eussel, David, Jr., 14. Russel, Ely, 66. Eussel, John, 66. Ru.ssel, Jon", 49. Eussel, Jonathan, 66. Russel, Oliver, 28. Eussel, Reuben, 66. Russel, Widow, 49. Russell. David, 14. EusseU, David, 16. Eussell, Ebenezer, 42. Eussell, Isaac, 38. Eussell, Jethro, 30. Eussell, Cap' John, 25. Eussell, John, 33. Russell, John, 45. Russell, John, 59. Eussell, Noadiah, 50. EusseU, Samuel, J', 45. Eussell, Silvester, 26. Eussell, Thomas, Esq', 24. Eussell, Thomas, .58. Eussell, William, 39. Eussil, William, 44. Bust, Daniel, 15. Bust, Jeremiah, 64. Bust, Joseph, 35. Bust, Lemuel, 60. Bust, Natthias, 61. Rust, Nial, 60. Bust, Oliver, 61. Bust, Phinehas, 60. Butherford, Andrew, 13. Eutherlord, Thomas, 13. Butter, Philip, 52. Eyne, Edword, 22. Sabens, Ebenezer, 58. Sabin, Dan', 53. Sabin, David, 63. Sabin, Elisha, 54. Sabin, John, 18. Sabin, John, 53. Sabin, Levi, 54. Sabin, Noah, Jun', 63. Sabin, Seth, 66. Sabin, Stephen, .51. Sahins. See Norris and bins, 31. Sabins, Clement, 59. Sahins, Isaac, 39. Sabins, Josiah, 17. Sabins, Nehemiah, 12. Sacket, Joseph, 11. Sacket, Joseph, 14. Sacket, Philo, 35. Sacket, Eeuben, 11. Sacket, William, 34. Saddler, Joseph, 63. Saflord, Chellis, 59. Safford, Dan', 60. Saflord, Erastus, 24. Saflord. Jacob, 16. Saflord , Jacob, 64. Saflord, Jesse, 67. Saflord, Jonas, 43. Saflord, Joseph, 67. Saflord, Joseph. 07. Saflord, Sam". 10. Saflord, Sam«i, Jun', 17. Safford, Sam', .50. Saflord, Silas, 39. Saflord, Solomon, 16. Sage, Gideon, 13. Sage, Jonathan, 22. Sage, Moses, 17. Sage, Sylvester, 57. S'. John, James, 31. Saint John, John, .39. Saint John. Nehemt, 39. S'. Johns, Elijah. 15. Sairv, Stephen, 39. Sale'sbury, Nathan, 21. Salisbury, Abraham, 38. Salisbury, Gardiner, 38. Salisbury, Nathan. 39. Sail, John. 39. Salsburv, Barnard, 47. Salsburv, Daniel, 21. Salsbury, EdwJ. .50. Salsburv, ITale, 47. Salsbury, Uoz'>, 47. Salsbury, Jacob, 63. Salsbury, James, 49. Salsbury, Job, 49. Salsbury. Jon«, 47. Salsbury, Martin, 21. Salsbury, Oliver, 47. Salsburv, Widow, 47. Saltar, Richard, 16. Sambum. Benjamin, 30. Samburn, Moses, 34. Sambum, Samuel, 35. Sambum, Simon, 29. Sampson, Aaron, 31. Sampson, Daniel, 12. Sampson, Daniel, 27. Sampson, Wn», 12. Sampson, W">, Jr., 12. Samson, Abisha, 67. Samson, Eliphalet, 11. Samson, George, 67. Samson, Isaac, 19. Samson, Philemon, 67. Sanborn, John, 65. Sanborn, Moses, 30. Sanborn, Reuben, 30. Sanders, Aaron, 50. Sanders, Ashbel, 44. Sanders, Obededom, 29. Sanders, Solomon, 69. Sanderson, Ecnj*, 44. Sanderson, Benjam", 67. Sanderson, David, 54. Sanderson, Eben', 53. Sanderson, Eben', 54. Sanderson, Ilez'^, 56. Sanderson, Israel, 54. Sanderson, James, 67. Sanderson, John, 07. Sanderson, Moses, 44. Sanderson, Moses, J', 44. Sanderson, Phinehas, 67. Sanford, Benj., 12. Sanford, David, 20. Sanford, David, 37. Sanford, David, 39. Sanford, Ephraim, 20. Sanford, Joseph, 41. Sanford,, 43. Sanford, Eobert, 11. Sanford, Seth, 58. Sanford, Simeon, 20. Sanford, Tho», 15. Sangar, John, 63. Sanner, George, 14. Sargeant, Caleb, 48. Sargeant, Eli, 47. Sargeant, Ellhu, 48. Sargeant, Elihu, 2nd, 48. Sargeant, John, 47. Sargeant, Rufus, 48. Sargeant, Tho«, 47. Sargeant, W», 48. Sargeart, Dan', 48. Sarles, Benjamin B., 13. Sartwell, Daniel, 64. Sartwell, Daniel, 6.5. Sartwell, Ezckiel, 65. go Sartwell, Hale. 65. Sartwell, Jacob, 61. Sartwell, Oliver, 64. Sartwell, Oliver, Jun', 65. Sartwell, Reuben, 05. Sartwell, Solomon, 59. Sat, John, 25. Saterly, Eobbert, 12. Saul, Joseph, 24. Saunders, John, 32. Saunders, Jonas, 50. Saunders, Jonathan, 26. Saunders, Jonathan, 31. Saunders, Joshua, 26. Saunders, Oliver, 35. Savage, Francis, 60. Savage, John, 23. Savage, John, ,54. Savage, Nathan, 66. Savage, Ozias, 54. Savage, Samuel, 66. Savage, Samuel, 66. Savage, Seth, 60. Savage, Thomas, 60. Sawing, Munnun. 66. Sawing, Samuel, 60. Sawtweel, Levi, .52. Sawtwell, Sylvanus, 47. Sawyer, Abel, 61. Sawyer, Abraham, 59. Sawyer, Benjamin, 63. Sawyer, Conant, 62. Sawyer, Comelius, 63. Sawyer, Darius, 50. Sawyer, Ebenezer, 30. Sawyer. Eleazer, 33. Sawyer, Col. Ephraim, 27. Sawyer, Ephraim, Jun', 27. Sawyer, Jacob, 38. Sawyer, Jacob, 62. Sawyer, James, 34. Sawyer, John, 28. Sawyer, John. 32. Sawyer, John, 63. Sawyer, Jonathan, 24. 90 INDEX. Sawyer, Joshua, 47. Sawyer, Josiah, 65. Sawyer, Lem'. 50. Sawyer, Noahdiah, 26. Sawyer. Paul, G4. Sawyer, Stephen, 12. Sa^vyer, Sylvamis, 34. Sawyer, Thomas, 12. Sawyer, Thomas, 64. Saxton, Aron, 18. Saxton, Daniel, 34. Saxton, Ebenezer, 19. Saxton, Col. Fredrick, 23. Saxton, George, 17. Saxton, George, IS. Saxton, Jonathan, 12. Saxton, Nehemiah, 23. Saxton, Noble, 13. Saxton, William, 17. Scagel, Jacob, 32. Scanton, Joshua, 19. Scanton, Vv iUiam, 19. Sceely, Benj», 20. Schels, Simeon, 20. Schofl, Daniel, 31. Schoflf, Is.aac, 31. Schoff. Jacob, 31. Scile, Ebenezer, 19. Sciseo, Henry F., 25. Scoffield, Seth, 18. Scofield, Thomas, 65. Scot, Abigal, 17. Scot, Moses, 16. Scot, Phenhas, 10. Scot, William, 16. Scott, Aaron, n. Scott, Amos, 11. Scott, Andrew, 30. Scott, David, 20. Scott, Ebenr, 51. Scoit, George, 33. Scott, Hezekiah, 20. Scott, Isaac, 14. Scott, John, 32. Scott, John, 51. Scott, John, 61. Scott, Josiah, 50. Scott, Lemuel, 24. Scott, Lemuel, (.1. Scott, Luther, i;0. Scott, Vaihew, 22. Scott, Noah, 22. Scott, Philip, 50. Scott, Robert, 55. Scott, Salmon, 14. Scott, Samuel, 3.''. Scott, Samu;l,(,4. Scott, Tho', 50. Scott, Wmiam, 29. Scott, William. 32. Scott, Zerish, 22. Scnvel, Abner, 47. Seovel, Daniel, 37. Scovell, Daniel, 41. Scovell, Nathaniel, 41, Scovell, Thomas, 41. Scovil, Abijah, 33. Scovil, Abner, Jun', 47. Scovil, Daniel, 12. ScoviU, Eunice, 30. Scovill, Matthew, 3S. Soovill. S. Sam', 3o. Scribner, Peter, 43. Scrior, Nicholas, 25. Seamonds, David, 27. Seamons, James, 27. Seamcns, John, 26. Seamons, Joseph, 24. Seamons, Richard, 22. Seamour, Limon, 19. Seargent, Nahum, 63. Searls, Aaron, 11. Searls, ,\bijah, 54. Searls, Enoch, U. Searls, Mary, 15. Searls, Philip, 11. Searls, Robert, 59. Sears, Eben^, 56. Sears, Paul, 67. Sears, Silas, 60. Sears, Widow, 56. Sears, W", 56. Sebree, Benjamin, 29. Seekins, Aaron, 34. Seeley, Israel, 39. Seeley, John, 27. Seeley, Stephen, 43. Seely, Benjamin, 27. Seely, John, 39. Seely, Jonathan, 39. Seeres. Samuel. 42. Seers, Simeon, 42. Segar, Gideon, 11. Seger, Joseph, 14. Seldin, Andrew, 22. Seldin, Thomas, 22. Seldin, Thomas. J ur., 22. Scley, David, 1.3. Selick, Seymour, 13. Sellick, Benjamin, 39. Sellick, John, 39. Semen, William, 13. Sergeant, .\mos, .19. Sergeant, Jabez, 59. Sergeants, Israel, 60. Sergenis, John, 17. Sergents, Moses, 61. Serjeants, .Moses, 44. Serjonts, J ohn, IS. Serls, John, 64. Scrls, Samuel, 64. Sessions, Darius, 62. Sessions, David, 31. Sessions, John, 53. Sessions, John, 56. Sessions, Simeon, 62. Sever, Calvin, 62. Sever, Comlorl , 64. Sever, Nathaniel, 62. Sever, Roijert, 37. Severance, Ebenezer, 66. Severance, John, 49. Severeil, Solomon, 14. Sewar.i, Stephen, 44. Seymour, Diivid, 12. Shadwick, W", 49. Shafler, James, 46. Shalliss, Francis, 60. Shapley, Vy'iUiam, 23. Sharns, Reurjcn, 47. Sharp, .VIjcI, 16. Sharp, Daniel, 58. Sharp, Jcpther, 29. Sharp, Lewis, 16. Sharp, L'riah, 15. Sharpe, James, 39. Sharwood, Huth, 17. Shatock, Jonas, 27. Shattuek, Silas, 61. Shattuek. Silas, 61. Shaw, Bala, 48. Shaw, Benjamin, 36. Shaw, Benj", 48. Shaw, Benoni, 59. Shaw, Chrispas, 68. Shaw, Daniel, 28. Shaw, Daniel, 59. Shaw, David, 67. Shaw, Isaiah, 59. Shaw, James, 59. Shaw, J ames, 67. Shaw, Job, 59. Shaw, John, 28. Shaw, John, 36. Shaw, John, 44. Shaw, John, 53. Shaw, Joseph, 30. Shaw, Joseph, 48. Shaw, Lemuel, 67. Shaw, Luther, 44. Shaw, Richard, 61. Shaw, Samuel, 37. Shaw, Stephen, 22. Shaw, William, 28. Shaw, William, 44. Shaw, W», 55. Shays, Daniel, 15. Shays, David, 40. Shead, Daniel. 27. Shea 1, So!an>on. 05. Shearer, William, 28. Shearman, James, 14. Shearsvocs, John A., 23. Shed, Jonathan, 63. Sheffield, Daniel, 17. Sheffield, Ichabod, 45. Shelden, Elijah, 36. Shelden, Elijah, 47. Shelden, Gideon, 42. Shelden, Isaac, 20. Shelden, Moses, 20. Shelden, Samuel, 42. Shelden, Seth, 42. Shelden, Solomon, 47. Sheldin, Anthonv, ti5. Sheldin, Jonathon, 19. Sheldin, .Nathaniel, 65. Sheldin, Seth, 20. Shelding, Cephas, 63. Sheldon, Aseph, 20. Sheldon, Caleb, 27. Sheldon, David, 20. Sheldon, Col. Elisha, 25. Sheldon, Elisha, Junf, 25. Sheldon, Ezra, 20. Sheldon, George, 25. Sheldon, I.srael, 23. Sheldon, Joel, 20. Sheldon, John, 20. Sheldon, Joseph, IS. Sheldon, Josiah, 18. Sheldon, Nath', 30. Sheldon, I'hinehas, 20. Sheldon, Selah, 34. Sholhaus, Martin, 12. Shepard, .\ron, 31. Shepard, Ashbel, 31. Shepard, Elisha, 34. Shepard, Horace, 31. Shepard, Jonas, 50. Shepard, Jonathan, 66. Shepard, Moses, 64. Shepard, Squire, 64. Shepard, Thomas, 34. Shepard, Willard, 64. Shepardson, .\lfred, 49. Shepardson, Dan', 49. Shepardson, Jerard, 49. Shepardson. John, 49. Shepardson, Noali, 49. Shepardson, Sam', 50. Shepardson, Seth, 50. Shepardson, .Stephen, 50. Shepardson, Stephen, Juns 50. Shepardson, W", 50. Shepardson, Zephi>, SO. Shepardson, Zeph's Junf, 50. Shephard, Ashur, 10. Shepherd, .\bel, 20. Shepherd, David, 45. Shepherd, EUsha, 26. Shepherd, George, 24. Shepherd, Jonathan, 45. Shepherd, Jona", Jur., 45. Shepherd, Ralph, 45. Shepherd, Sam>, 13. Shepherd, W", 13. Shepherd, W", Jr., 14. Sheppard, Timothy, 64. Sherman, Abner, 26. Sherman, Abraham, 39. Sherman, Amos P., 13. Sherman, Asaph, 35. Sherman, Beriah, 27. Sherman, Dan', 39. Sherman, Daniel, 39. Sherman, Ehhu. 39. Sherman, Enoch, 21. Sherman, George, 40. Sherman, George, J', 40. Sherman. George, 45. Sherman. Jonathan, 35. Sherman, Joshua 38. Sherman, Levi, 39. Sherman, Noah, 55. Sherman, Philip, 39. Sherman, Prince, 25. Sherman, Sam=i, 20. Sherman, Samuel, 66. Sherman, Samuel, Junr, 66. Sherman, Stiles, 27. Sherman, Thomas, 27. Sherman, William, 38. Shermon, Andrew, 19. Shermon, Jacob, 19. Shermon, John, 1'.'. Shermon, Joseph, 64. Sherwin, Ahionaas, 59. Sherwin, Daniel, 58. Sherwin, Jacob, 22. Sherwin, John, 63. Sherwin, Nathan, 63. Sherwin, Samuel, 63. Sherwood, Dyah, 15. Sherwood, Gabriel, 27. Shidler, John, 25. Shipman, .\braham, 54. Shipman, .\braham, 56. Shipman, Abraham, J^ 56. Shipman, Abraham, 3rd, 57. Shipman, Edw<', 57. Shipman. Eliphas, 32. Shipman, Sam', 55. Shipperson. .\nselon, 40. Shippy, Jacob, 39. Shirthil, Ileman, 44. Shirtliii, John, 65. Shoot, John. 30. Short, Daniel. 61. Short, Shubael, 29. Shumway, Amasa, 57. Shumway, John, 17. Shumway, John, 46. Shumway, Levi, 57. Shumway, Peter, 17. Shuts, Simeon, 45. Sias, Charles, 30. Sias, Solomon. 30. Sidmore, Daniel, 21. Sidmore. James, 21. Sidway, James, 18. Signor, Henny, 3D. Signor. John, 39. Sikes, Francis, 57. Sikes, Nathan, 52. Silloway, Aaron, 28. SiUoway, Hezekiah, 28. SiUy, Joseph, 46. Silvester. Andrew, 15. Silvester, Richard, 25. Simm, Camel, 33. Simmons, Caleb, 12. Simmons, Charles, 38. Simmons. David, 67. Simmons, James, 37. Simmons, John, 44. Simmons, John, 3S. Simmons, John, Jim', 38. Simmons, Joseph, 61. Simmons, Moses, 62. Simmons, Simon. 61. Simond, .\lven, 58. Simond, John, 58. Simond, John. Jun', 58. Simonds, .\bel, 47. Simonds, Dan, 58. Simonds, Dan'. 52. Simonds, Jacob, 36. Simonds, Jacob, 36. Simonds, Joel, 42. Simonds. Wm, 54, Simons. Andrew, 14. Simons, Caleb, .59. Simons, Gardner, 14. Simons, George, 67. Simons, John, 31. Simons, Joshua, 64. Simons, Josiah, 21. Simpson, Amos, 48. Simpson, Tho', 55. Sinclear, Jeremiah, 24. Sinclcar, John, 24. Sinclear, John. 25. Sinelear, Samuel, 24. Singer, Peter, 21. Sisko, William, (iO. Sitchv.-ell. Belcher, 42. Skecls, Belden, 14. Skeels, Elder, 14. Skeels, John, 32. Skeels, Samuel, 14. Skiff. Saunders, 29. Skinner, .\shbell, 42. Skiimer, Benjamin, 30. Skinner, Benjamin, 02. Skinner, Daniel. 3.5. Skiimer. Eliphalet, 46. Skiimer, Isaac, 64. Skinner, Luther, 64. Skinner, Sam', 53. Skinner, Thomas, 24. Skinner, Thomas, 39. Skinner, W>», 46. Skinner, Zachariah, 46. Skul, Elijah, 38. Skull, Truman, 13. Slack, W™, 55. Slade, William, 11. Slaid, .\aron, 50. Slaid, Dan', 52. Slate, ,* .50. Slater, John, 49. Slater, Joseph. 49. Slater, Stephen, 50. Slaton. I'hinehas. 35. Slaughter. Henry, 24. Slawson, Eleazar, 27. Slayton, .Vmasa, 68. Slayton, Samuel, 68. Sleeper, Jacob, 30. Sleeper, Joseph, 32. Sloan, George, 13. Slocmu, .\.sa, 27. Slocum . I'eleg, 22. Slocumb, Jonas, 21. Slocumb, Sam'i, 21. Slouter, John. 20. Sluman, Peter, 30. Sly, Gedeon, 22. Sly, Henrv, 18. Sly, MiU. 16. Slv, Mill. 22. Sly, Wi", 16. Smalley, Benj", 13. Smalley, Daniel, 33. SmiiUey, David, 49. Smalley, Francis. 62. Smalley. Imri. 13. Smalley, Jonathan, 33. SmaUev, Joseph, 62. Smallev, Justus. 62. Sraallev, Olford, 25. SmaUey. Sarah, 62. Smead, .\sa, 66. Smead, Eli. .57. Smead. Reuben, 53. Smedlev, Moses, 25. Smecd, EUsha, 66. Smecd, Joel, 66. Smeed, John, 66. Smiley, Aaron, 43. Smiley, John. 38. Smith, ,\aron, 26. Smith, .\arnn, 3.3. Smith, Abijah. 41. Smith, Abisha, 62. Smith, Abner, 06. Smith, Abraham, 28. Smith, .\braham, 45. Smith, Ahial, 12. Smith, Ahiiil, 44. Smith, Alexander, 30. Smith, Allin. 13. Smith, Amos, 22. Smith, .\mos, 49. Smith, .Vmos. Jun', 49. Smith, Amos. Jun', 50. Smith, .\ndrew, 68. Smith, .\sa, 13. Smith, .\sa, 35. Smith. .Vsa, 38. Smith, Asa, 62. Smith, Asahel, 36. Smith, Asahel, J', 36. Smith, .\sahel,66. Smith, .\shbel,C0. Smith, A.'ihur, 11. Smith, Bariah. 68 Smith, Benj", 13. Smith, Benj', 21. Smith, Benj". Ju', 21. Smith, Benjamin, 25. Smith, Benjamin, 44. Smith, Benj", 56. Smith. Benjamin, 58. Smith, Benjamin. 63. Smith, Benjamin, 68. Smith, Benoni, 42. Sm'th, Caleb, io. Sm th, Caleb, 27. Smith, Caleb, 39. Smith. Caleb, 40. Smith, Ceohas 45. Smith, champion, 16. Smith, Chauncev, 36. Smith, Christopher, 31. Smith, Christopher 62. Smith, Cornelius, 50. Smith, Dan 39. Smith, Daniel, 13. Smith, Daniel, 21. Smith, Daniel, 22. Smith, Daniel, 23. Smith, Daniel, 24. Smith, Daniel, 38. Smith, Dan', 44. Smith, Dan', 49. Smith, David, 19. Smith, David, 55. Smith, Derrick, 19. Smith, Eljenezer, 20. Smith, Ebenezer, 21. Smith. Ebenezer, 26. Smith. Ebenezer, 39. Smith, Ebenezer, 43. Smith, Edward, ti6. Smith, Eleazer. 46. Smith, Eleazer. 02. Smith, Eli. 14. ' Smith, Colo Elihu, 38. Smith, Elijah, 44. Smith, Elijah. 53. Smith; Eliphalet, 42. Smith, Elisha, 22. Sm'th, Elisha, 35. Smith, Elisha, 44. Smith, Elisha, 45. Smith, Ella, 36. Smith. Enoch, 20. Smith, Enos, 30. Smith. Ephraim. 11. Smith. Ephraim, 10. Smith, Ephraim, 42. Smith, Ezekiel. 16. Smith, Ezekiel, 27. Smith, Ezekiel, 39. Smith, Frederick. 18. Smith. Frederick, 34. Smith, Fredrick, 13. Smith, Gans, 16. Smith, George, 13. Smith, George. 15. Smith, George; 55. Smith, George, Jun', 55. Smith, George, 58. Smith, Gideon, 22. Smith, Gideon, 29. Smith, Gideon, 32. Smith. Hannah, 13. Smith, Henrv, 11. Smith, Hezekiah. 13. Smith, Hezh, 50. Smith, Humphry, 23. Smith, lehiel. 41. Smith, Isaac, 13. Smith, Isaac, 50. Smith. Isaac. 65. Smith, Isaiah, 52. Smith, Israel, 17. Smith, Israel, 20. Smith. Israel, 34. Smith, Jacob, 11. Smith. Maj' Jacob, 27. Smith, James, 17. Smith, James, 29. Smith, James, 32. Smith. James, 35. Smith. James, 40. Smith, James, 43. Smith, James, 51. Smith, James, 53. Smith, James, 55. Smith, Jason, OS. Smith, Jehul, 14. Smith, Jesse, 58. Smith, Joel, 41. Smith, Joel, 43. Smith, Joel, 44. Smith, Johiel, 24. Smith. John, 12. Smith. John, 14. Smith. John, 18. Smith, John, 21. Smith, John, 23. Smith, John, 29. Smith, John, 38. Smith, John, 44. Smith, John, Ju', 44. Smith, John, 3rd, 44. Smith, John, 52. Smith, John, 55. Smith, John. 55. Smith. John. 60. Smith, Johnson, 34. Smith, Johnson, 38. INDEX. 91 Smith, Jonah, 52. Smith, Jonas, 57. Smith. Jonathan, 29. Smith, Jon', 47. Smith, Jona, 50. Smith, Joseph, 18. Smith, Joseph, 20. Smith, Joseph, 28. Smith, Joseph, 29. Smith, Joseph, 38. Smith, Joseph, 39. Smith, Joseph, 45. Smith, Joseph. 52. Smith, Joseph, 53. Smith, Joseph, 66. Smith, Josiah, 29. Smith, Josiah, 29. Smith, Josiah, 42. Smith, Josiah, 47. Smith, Levi, 35. Smith, Levi, 47. Smith, Marshal, 11. Smith, Martin, 42. Smith, Mary, 64. Smith, Medad. 57. Smith, Moses, 59. Smith, Moses, 64. Smith, Nathan, 11. Smith, Nathan, 14. Smith, Nathan, 18. Smith, Nathan, 23. Smith, Nathan, 39. Smith, Nathaniel, 42. Smith, Nathaniel, 43. Smith, Nehemiah, 26. Smith, Nehemiah, 44. Smith, Nicholas, 59. Smith, Noah, 16. Smith, Noah, 18. Smith, Noah, 47. Smith, Nye, 84. Smith, Obediah, 35. Smith, Oliver, 22. Smith, Orange, 24. Smith, Ozial, 38. Smith, Parker, 33. Smith, Peter, 43. Smith, Philip, 14. Smith, PhiUip, 62. Smith, Philo, 29. Smith, Pliinehas, 44. Smith, Phinehas, 52. Smith, Phinehas, 57. Smith, Pirez, IS. Smith, Plinnv, 41. Smith, Rachel, 11. Smith, Eeuben, 41. Smith, Reuben, 41. Smith, Reuben, 62. Smith, Reuben, 60. Smith, Robert, 17. Smith, Roger, 21. Smith, Roger, 55. Smith, RusseU, 39. Smith, Sarah, 43. Smith, Sam', 11. Smith, Sami, 15. Smith, Samuel, 16. Smith, Samuel, 23. Smith, Samuel, 24. Smith, Samuel, 31. Smith, Samuel. 44. Smith, Samuel, 58. Smith, Samuel, 61. Smith, Samuel, 63. Smith, Samuel, 63. Smith, Samuel, 6C. Smith, Seth, 17. Smith, Seth, 4':.. Smith, Silas, 3o. Smith, Simeon, 39. Smith, Simeon, 50. Smith, Simon, 11. Smith, Simon, 13. Smith, Simon, 51. Smith, Sims, 41. Smith, Solomon, 44. Smith, Solomon, 50. Smith, Steel, 66. Smith, Stephen, 14. Smith, Stephen, Jr., 14. Smith, Stephen, 20. Smith, Stephen, 68. Smith, Svlvanus, 62. Smith, Sylvester, 35. Smith, Tho", 13. Smith, Thomas, 27. Smith, Thomas, 28. Smith, Thomas, 65. Smith, I'imothy, 22. Smith, Timothy, 40. Smith, Venus, 29. Smith, Widow, 50. Smith, Willard, 58. Smith, William, 16. Smith, William, 25. Smith, William, 27. Smith, William, 30. Smith, WiUiam, .33. Smith, William, 44. Smith, William, 59. Smith, William, 63. Smith, Zadock, 26. Smith, Zebulun, 39. Snell, Samuel, 11. Snell, Solomon, 59. Snider, Jacob, 15. Snider, Jacob, 28. Snider, John, 15. Snow, Benj», 52. Snow, Dan', 47. Snow, John. 53. Snow, Jonas, 53. Snow, Jonathan, 31. Snow, Jonathan, 34. Snow, Jonathan. 46. Snow, Joseph, 39. Snow, Joseph, 53. Snow, Robert, 59. Snow, Samuel, 62. Soal, Rowland, 26. Seal, WiUiam, 22. Sole, James, 39. Sole, Joseph, 23. Sole, Timothy. 23. Sommer, Bartholomu, 28. Sommer, Robot, 28. Soper, Amasa, 53. Soper, Elizabeth, 18. Soper, Gilbert, 43. Soper, John, 18. Soper, Mordaica, 26. Soper, Moses, 18. Soper, Prince. 36. Soper, Sam"', 17. Soper, Sam', 17. Soper, Solomon, 36. Soper, Stephen, 18. Soper, Stephen, 18. Soper, Thomas, 18. Soper, Timothy, 18. Soulo, John, 62. Southard, David, 56. Southerland, James, 44. Southerland, John, 44. Southerland, Peter, 44. Southgate, Richard, 59. Southgate, Steward, 58. Southgate, Thomas, .59. Southward, Asa, 31. Southward, Benj", 11. Southward, Joshua, 45. Southward, L,emuel, 31. Southward, Obadiah, 45. Southward, Ralph, 31. Southwel, Asel, 19. Southwell, John, 19. Southwic, Isaac, 37. Southwick, David, 36. Sovereign, Sam', 12. Spaftord, Amos, 41. SpafFord, Asa, 24. Spallord, Broadstreet, 24. Spaflord, Cap' David, 23. Spaflord, Elijah, 31. Spaflord, Eliphalet, 06 Spaflord, Jacob, 20. Spaflord, Job, 25. Spaflord, John, 23. Spaflord, John, i':. Spaflord, John, 66. Spaflord, Jonathan, Esq' Spaflord, Joseph, 68. Spaflord, Joseph, Junr, 66. Spaflord, Josiah, 24. Spaflord, Nathan, 24. Spaflord, Col. Solomon, 38. Spaflord, Taylor, 66. Spalden, Joseph, 40. Spaldin, Elisha, 30. Spaldin, Jacob, 17. Spaldin, John, 48. Spaldin, Reuben, 48. Spaldin, Sami, 55. Spaldin, Widow, 48. Spalding, Andrew, 66. Spalding, Asahel, 64. Spiilding, Caleb, 14. Spalding, Henry, 14. Spalding, Jacob, 47. Spalding, Leonard, 66. Spalding, Phineas, 14. Spalding, Reuben, 64. Spalding, Royal, 04. Spalding, Samson, 41. Spalding, Simeon, 41. Spalding, Stephen, 41. Spalding, Timothy, 13. Spalding, Timothy, 66. Spalding, William, .39. Spalding, W", Ju', 39. Spalding, Wright, 64. Sparhawk, Ebenezer, 63. Sparks, Ebenf, 56. Sparks, Stephen, 12. Sparlin, Philip, 15. Sparowhawk, Noah. 44. Spaulding, Benjamin, .59. Spaulding, Jesse, .59. Spaulding, Willard, .59. Spaulding. William, 59. Spaulding, William, Jun', 59. Spear. Anchier, 63. Spear, Barnabas, 23. .27. Spear, Barzilla, 23. Spear, Dearing, 23. Spear, Edward, 64. Spear, Elijah, 29. Spear, Jacob, 29. Spear, Jacob, 29. Spear, James, 32. Spear, Joshua, 62. Spear, Nathaniel, 29. Spear, Samuel. 29. Spears, John, 50. Spears, Sami, 54. Speers, Nathaniel, 20. Spelman, John, 50. Spencer, Abel, 38. Spencer, Andra, 21. Spencer, Charles, 21. Spencer, Daniel, 25. Spencer, Ebenez"", 14. Spencer, Ebenezer, 41. Spencer, Eph", 56. Spencer, Hubbard, 29. Spencer, Isaac, 21. Spencer, John, 20. Spencer, John, 38. Spencer, Joseph, 11. Spencer, Luther, 05. Spencer, Nath', 16. Spencer, Nath', 41. Spencer, Nehemiah, 65. Spencer, Noah, 25. Spencer, Phinehas, 20. Spencer, Piercee, 38. Spencer, Rufus, IS. Spencer, Simeon, 65. Spencer, Stephen, 18. Spencer, Taylor, 65. Spencer, Tho', 57. Spencer, William, 42. Sperey, Moses, 18. Sperry, David, 12. Sperry, Levi, 11. Sperry, Philo, 13. Spicer, Elijah, 36. Spicer, Jacob, 42. Spicer, Zephaniah, 67, Spinck, Benjn, 15. Spink, Sineca, 15. Spinks, Maria, 13. . Spooner, Alden, 06. Spooner, Anna, 61. Spooner, Benja, ijr). Spooner, Daniel, 01. Spooner, Eliakim, 56. Spooner, Gardiner, 68. Spooner, James, 31. Spooner, John. 39. Spoor, Abraham, 20. Spoor, John, 24. Spoor, William, 24. Sprage, Jonathan, 22. Sprague, Abraham, 38. Sprague, Abram. 11. Sprague, Eleazar, 25. Sprague, Elkana, 60. Sprague, Elkanah, 61. Sprague, Esegh, 13. Sprague, Gideon, 13. Sprague, Ignatius, 60. Sprague, Jesse, 38. Sprague, Jonah, 31. Sprague, Jonathn, 3.1. Sprague, Joseph, 23. Sprague, Joseph, 39. Sprague, Nathan, 14. Sprague, Nehemiah, 57. Sprague, Phillip, 60. Sprague, William, 33. Spring, Sam', 55. Sprought, Michel, 33. Squier, Asa, 24. Squier, Daniel, 11. Squier, Eben', 12. Squier, Timothy, 12. Squier, Wait, 12. Squiers, Lieut. Silas, 24. Squiers, Stephen, 28. Squire, Benjamin, 28. Squire, Charles, 55. Squire, Daniel, 44. Squire, Ebenezer, 36 Squire, Ezra, 13. Squire. Heber, 23. Squire, Isaac, 18. Squire, Jesse, 39. Squire, Nathaniel, 12. Squire, Solomon, 24. Squire, Thomas, 43. Squires, Andrew, 13. Squires, Deliverance, 15. Squires, Eli, 15. Squires, Hemon. 20. Squires, Isaac, 17. Squires, Jonathan, 17. Squires, Joseph, 15. Squires, Sa.Kton, 16. Squros, Gideon, 20. Stacia, Sam', 17. Stackhouse, Joseph, 28. Stacy, Abel. 57. Stacy, Benjamin, 36. Stacy, Cornelius, 37. Stacy, Ebenezer, 63. Stacy, John, 55. Stacy, John, 66. Stacy, Joseph, 30. Stacy, Malum, 35. Stacy, Nymphas, 50. Stacy, W", 50. Stafl'ord, Caleb, 05. Stafford, Isaac, 49. StaSord. Job, 50. Stafford, John, 39. Stafford, John, 39. Stafford, Obediah, 49. Stafford, Parmer, 39. Staflord, Philip, 54. Stafford, Rowland, 39. Staflord, Rowland, J', 39. Staflord, Stakeley, 65. Staflord. Stuckely, 39. Staflord, Stukeley, 49. Staflord, Thomas, 39. Staflord, Thos 50. Staflord, Thomas, 65. Stafter, John, 62. Stanard, Plinny, 14. Standish, Lemuel, 30. Stanhope, Joseph, 49. Stanhope, Peter, 40. Stanley. David, 54. Stanley, John, 21. Stanley, John, 21. Stanley, Josiah, 50. Stanley, Mathew, 35. Stanley, Solomon, 50. Stanley, W", 56. Stanly, John, 63. Stanly, Joseph, 03. Stanly, Timothy, 31. Stannard, Daniel, Esq', 25. Stannard, David, 19. Stannard, Libbeu, 20. Stannard, Sam', 39. Stanord, Lemuel, 19. Stanton, Abraham, 42. Stanton, Benj", 60. Stanton, Daniel, 61. Stanton, David, 63. Stanton, James, 61. Stanton, John. 19. Stanton, Jonathan, 39. Stanton, Joseph, 49. Stanton, Moses, 50. Stanton, Phinehas, 61. Stanton, Robert, 37. Staples, Asa, 44. Staples, Jacob, 56. Staples, Jona, 56. Staples, Joseph, 16. Stark, Abijah, 49. Stark, Benajah, 27. Stark, Jesse, 66. Stark, John. 42. Stark, John. 42. Stark, Nathan, 49. Stark, William, 66. Starks, Joseph, 27. Starks, Samuel, 27. Starkweathe r, jVmos, 62. Starkweather, Cyrus. 13. Starkweather, Daniel, 21. Starkweather, Elisha, 36. Starkweather, Roger, 30. Starkweather, Stephen, 42. Stames, Ebenezer P., 15. Starr, Comfort, 26. Starr, Comfort, 49. Starr, Pearly, 26. Start, David, 42. State, Ebencz', 17. Staunton, David, 23. Staunton, Joshua, 24. Staunton, Solomon, 24. Stearns, Aldon, 41. Stearns, Asaph, 50. Stearns, Benjamin, 10. Stearns, Eben', 13. Stearns, Elias, 29. Stearns, Elijah, 56. Stearns,, 13. Stearns, Isaac, 54. Stearns, Jabez, 54. Stearns, John, 13. Stearns, John, 37. Stearns, John, 54. Stearns, Jon"^, 54. Stearns, Pierce, 23. Stearns, Reuben. 19. Steams, Thomas, 41. Steams, W™, 54. Steams, W", Jun', 54. Steatson, Benjamin, 58. Stebbins, Abner, 50. Stebbins, Arad, 29. Stebbins, Benjamin, 58. Stebbins, David, 13. Stebbins, Eliaklm, 51. Stebbins, Elijah, .51. Stebbins, Jon», 53. Stebbins. Joseph, 51. Stebbins, Levi, 47. Stebbins, Solomon, 53. Stebbins, Zebediah, 47. Stebins, Ebenezer, 11. Stedman, Alexander, 35. Stedman, John, 20. Stedman, Nath', 52. Stedman, Robert, 20. Steel, Andrew, 33. Steel, Eldad, 42. Steel, James, 33. Steel, Samuel, 33. Steel, Samuel, 65. Steel, Stephen, 6c. Steel, Zadock, 33. Steele, Eliphes, 25. Steele, James, 53. Steenhawer, George, 25. Stephen, Theodore, 39. Stephen, Thomas, 19. Stephens, Abel, 42. Stephens, Abii!l,34. Stephens, Abner, 40. Stephens, Asa, 42. Stephens, Asa, 46. Stephens, Benjamin, J', 42. Stephens, Beriah, 41. Stephens, Cyrus, 43. Stephens, Daniel, 18. Stephens, James, 43. Stephens, James, 46. Stephens, Jonathan. 42. Stephens, Nathan, 39. Stephens, Peter 46. Stephens, Reuben, 43. Stephens, Roger, 42. Stephens, Zebulun, 43. Stephenson, Nathaniel, 15. Sterge, Christopher, 18. Sterling, Joseph, 68. Sterling, Nathan, 12. Sterling, Sith, 68. Stems, Asa, 65. Sterns. Daniel, 15. .Sterns, Isaac, 42. Sterns, Shadrach, 16. Sterns, Solomon, 59. Stevens, Abel, 64. Stevens, Cap. Abraham, 24. Stevens, Andrew, 58. Stevens, Andrew, 58. Stevens, Asahel, 37. Stevens, Benjamin, 42. Stevens, Daniel, 30. Stevens, David, 26. Stevens, Elias, 64. Stevens, Enos, 28. Stevens, Enhraim, 13. Stevens, Henry, 21. Stevens, Henry, 48. Stevens, Isaac, 31. Stevens, Isaac, 61. Stevens, Israel, 52. Stevens, Israel, 57. Stevens, Jacob, 52. Stevens, James, 28. Stevens, James, Jun', 28. Stevens, John, Esq', 24. Stevens, John, 28. Stevens, John, 59. Stevens, Joshua, 30. Stevens, Josias, 27. Stevens, Lem', 52. Stevens, Levi, 32. Stevens, Luke, 37. Stevens, Lunis, 65. Stevens, Nicholas, 29. Stevens, Oliver, 28. Stevens, Oliver, 61. Stevens, Orange, 26. Stevens, Otho, 32. Stevens, Pennel, 14. Stevens, Penila, 61. Stevens, Peter R., 59. Stevens, Phinehas, 28. Stevens, Prince, 31. Stevens, Samuel, 28. Stevens, Samuel, 30. Stevens, Samuel, 32. Stevens, Samuel, 59. Stevens, Simeon, 42. Stevens, Simon, 32. Stevens, Simon, 49. Stevens, .Simon, CI. Stevens, Simou, Jim', 64. Stevens, Solomon, 81. Stevens, Thomas, 14. Stevenson, James, 34. Stevenson, W™, 53. Steward, .\brah.Lni, 36. Steward, .Mien, 33. Steward, Benj«, 47. Steward. Dan',', 47. Steward, James, 4:. Steward, John, 34. Steward, John, 47. Steward, Joshua. 38. Steward, Oliver, 38. Steward. Samuel, 58. Steward, William. 33. Stewart, Archibald, 28. Stewart, Clood, 28. Stewart, Jam!s, 28. Stewart, Nathan, 25. Stewart, Nath' 13. 92 INDEX. Stewart, Sam', 11. Stewart, Thaddeus, 25. Stewart, Walter, 28. Stewart, William, 25. Stewart, William, 27. Stlckncy, David, 55. Stickney, Kliphlet, 16. Stlckney, Lemuel. 12. Stickney, Thomas, 61. Stickney, W", 55. Stickney, Zilla. 15. Sticknor, Lemuel, 29. Stiles, .\ustin, 16. Stiles. Caleb. 2S. Stiles, Caleb. 28. Stiles, Daniel, 30. Stiles, David, Jun', 50. Stiles, George, 33. Stiles, Israel, 30. Stiles, John, .36. Stiles, Jonas, 20. Stiles, Samuel, 33. Stiles. Silas, 36. Stiilman, E. Amos, 52. Stilson, Abel, 20. Stilson, Comfort, 20. Stilson, Luther, 20. Stimson, Abijah, 29. Stlmson, Joel. 62. Stimson, William, 28. Stinson, David, 05. Stinson, Robert, 23. Stitt, John. rA. Stocker, Elijah, 54. Stockings, Jonathan, 43. Stockings, Joseph, 66. Stockwell, Abi^, 52. StockwcU, Jesse, 47. Stockwell, Joel, 48. Stockwell, Jonas, 48. Stockwell, Levi, 26. Stockwell. Moses, 53. Stodard, Samuel, 12. Stoddard, Dan', 56. Stoddard, Jacob, 47. Stoddard, John, 42. Stoddard, John. 57. Stoddard, Jonathan, 36. Stoddard, Jon», 47. Stoddard, Jon", Jun', 47. Stoddard, Joshua, 57. Stoddard, Joshua, Juu', 57. Stoddard, Josiah, 54. Stoddard, Phinehas, 60. Stoddard, Samuel, 40. Stoddard, Semion, 66. Stodder, James, 15. Stodder, Rcmbin. 20. Stodder, Stephen, 18. Stool, Jacob, 66. Stoel, Joel. 66. Stone, Abel, 01. Stone, Abijah, 03. Stone, Alexander, 21. Stone, Amos, i 1. Stone, Benj*, 5(i. Stone, Caleb, 60. Stone, Clark, 54. Stone, Daniel, 60. Stone, David, 58. Stone, David, 65. Stone, Dudley. 25. Stone, Ebeuezer, 25. Stone, Elisha, 15. Stone. Ephraim, 11. Stone, Ephraim, 26. Stone, Ephraim, 66. Stone, liezekiah, 06. Stone, Isaac, 51. Stone, Jacob, 24. Stone, Jeremiah, 44. Stone, John, 14. Stone, John, 25. Stone, John, 59. Stone, John, Jun', 59. Stone, Josias, 15. Stone, Luther, 15. Stone, Moses, 20. Stone, Nathan. 21. Stone, Nathan, 52. Stone, Nathan, O'J. Stone, Nathan, 66. Stone, Feieg, 15. Stone, Philip, H. Stone, Rufus, 60. Stone, Sanri, 15. Stone, Samuel; 00. Stone, Stukely, 15. Stone, Thomas, 15. Stone, Thomas, 59. Stone, Timothy, 59. Stone, Uriah, 15. Stoors, Ilurdins. 33. Stores, Chipman, 17. Stores Printiee, 17. Storey, Ephraim, 14. Storey, Solomon, 14. ■ Storey, Solomon, 14. Storrs, Aron, 62. Storrs, Seth, 11. Story, Asa, 33. Story, Asa, 42. Story, Benajab, 16. Story, Daniel. 17. Story, Francis, 24. Story, James, 24. Story, Stephen, 20. Story, Zaenariah, 07. Stoughton, Joseph, 60. Stoughton, Nathaniel, 66. Stout, James, 10. Stow, Amos, 05. Stow, Clark, 13. Stow, David, 50. Stow, George, 67. Stowel, Abel, 25. Stowel, David, 49. Stowel, Ebenezer, 62. Stowel, Ira. 62. Stowel, John, 54. Stowers, Joseph, 44. Stowers, Nathan. 44. Stowre, David, 38. Straight, Job, 19. Straight, Sami, 18. Strait, Asa, 19. Strater, Isaiah, 61. Strattoa, Asa, 59. Stratton, Benjamin, 31. Stratton, Betsy, 3S. Stratton, Ebenezer, 29. Stratton, Ichabod, 44. Stratton, Isaac, 38. Stratton, Jabez, 44. Stratton, Joel, 17. Stratton, John, 44. Stratton, Jon", 4S. Stratton, Samuel, 42. Straw, Moses. 32. Straw, Reuben, 60. Streater, Benjamin, 30. Streater, Beononi, 30. Streater, Daniel, US. Street. Silas, 16. Streeter, Enoch, 51. Streeter, James, 51. Streeter, James, 57. Streeter, Joel, 51. Streeter, John, 55. Streeter, Jon", 51. Streeter, Joseph, 50. Streeter, Josiah, 14. Streeter, Josiah, 44. Streeter, Nathi, 50. Streeter, Nathi, 51. Streeter, Rufus, 49. Streeter, Sam', 51. Strickland, Roger, 42. Stricklin, Jonah, 67. Strickling, W", 50. Strong, Aaron, 28. Strong, A rial, 24. Strong, Asa. 14. Strong, Asahel, 24. Strong, Benajah, 58. Strong, Darius, 43. Strong, David, 34. Strong, David, 44. Strong, Elijah, 16. Strong, Elisha, 34. Strong, Ephraim, 36. Strong, Ezekiel, 34. Strong, Famis, 14. Strong, Henry, 44. Strong, Isaac, 30. Strong, Jacob, 24. , Strong, Jedediah, 60. Strong, Joel, 34. Strong, John, 11. Strong, John, 6S. Strong, John, J', 11. Strong, Noah, 36. Strong, Oliver, 43. Strong, Return, 42. Strong, Reuben, 36. Strong, Russell, 36. Strong, Sam I, 11. Strong, Solomon, 34. Strong, Solomon, 60. Strong, Stephen, SFu Strong, William, 20. Strong, Worham, 39, Stroud, John, 4S. Stroud, W". 48. Studson, .\nthony, 57. Sturdavant. Zeph*', 54. Sturdevant, Perry, 37. Sturdivant, Justus, 13. Sturdlvant, RichJ, 13. Sturvant, Job, 61. Stutson, John, 20. Stutson, Thomas, 20. Suard, Charles, 13. Suard, Joseph, 13. Sokins, Martin, 31. SiUleven, Sanu'i, 15. Summer, Danl., 46. Summer, Persie, 46. Summer, Shul>a,i. 46. Sumner, C. Edward, 32. Sumner, Dan', .',0. Sumner, Dan', Jun', 50. Sumner, Eben', 13. Sumner, Joel, 50. Sumner, John, 61. Sumner, Tho», 52. Sumner, William, 61. Sumner, W" B., 12. Sunderland, John, 27. Sunderland, John, 40. Sunderland, Peleg, 18. SuiKlerland, Sam'. 40. Sunderland, Wallis, 18. Sutherland, Adam, 27. Sutherland, Saml., 18. Sutherland, Sam', 18. Sutton, Benjamin, 20. Sutton, Benjamin. 39. Sutton, Benj>, Jun', 39. Sutton, James. 26. Sutton, John, 36. Sutton, Willard, 36. Swain, Joseph, 50. Swain, Nathaniel, 63. Swan, Aaron, 04. Swan, Abraham, 41. Swan, John, 64. Swan, Joshua, 30. Swan. Joshua, 30. Swear, Dan', 48. Sweat, James, 23. Sweat, Luke, 30. Sweat, Stephen, 23. Sweet, Abraham, 25. Sweet, Amos, 42. Sweet, James, 22. Sweet, James, 45. Sweet, John, 45. Sweet, Jonathan, 42. Sweet, Mical. 19. Sweet, Robert, 42. Sweet, Samuel. 42. Sweet, William, 45. Sweetland, Noah, 34. Sweetser, William, 61. Swetland, David, 44. Swezey, Dudley, 35. Swift, Barney, 45. Swift, Charles. 45. Swift, Chipman, 57. Swift, Ebenezer, 34. Swift, El>enezer, 34. Swift, Heman, 45. Swift, Heman, 58. Swift, Jesse, 57. Swift, Job, 16. Swift, Joseph, 58. Swift, Joshua, 31. Swift, Judah, 34. Swift, Levi, 58. Swift, Perez, 57. Swift, Phililus, 45. Swift, Samuel, 45. Swift, Samuel, 2f, .55. Taggert, Patrick, 51. Tagget, William, 13. Taggort, James, 50. Taggort, James, Jun', 50, Taggort, Tho», 50. Tainter, Steven, 52. Talbert, Eph", .55. Talbert, Wealthy, 53. Tallman, David, 39. Talmage, Henry, 43. Talmage, William, 43. Talmon, John, 57. Talmon, Widow, 57. Tamlin, Tim°, 52. Tanner, Benj», 39. Tanner, John, 25. Tanner, Joseph, 27. Taplin, Benjamin, 30, Taplin, Ehslia, 30. Taplin, John, 28. Taplin, John, 30. Taplin, Jnlmson, 30. Taplin, Mansfield, 30. Taplin, .Nalhan.30. Taplin. William, 30. Tar, George, 22. Tarbel, Eleazar, 4$. Tarbcl, Isaac, 55. Tarbel, Zaehi>, 40. Tarble, Edmond. 59. Tarble, Jonathan, 59. Tarble, Nathaniel, 60. Tarble, Peter, 59. Tarble, Reuben. 59. Tarble, Whitcomb, 59. Tarbox, James, 67. Tarr, Simeon, 57. Tarrenco, Thomas, 20. Tate, Widow, 51. Tattle, Amos, 21. Taund, Edmund. 24. Taylor, Abraham, 23. Taylor, Abraham, 63. Taylor, Abraham, 67. Taylor, Absalom, 26. Taylor, Amos, 25. Taylor, Amos, 63. Taylor, .\mo3, 68. Taylor, .\sa, 61. Taylor, Benjamin, 29. Taylor, Dan', 48. Taylor, Dan', Jun', 52. Taylor, D.avid, 65. Taylor, Ebenezer, 24. Taylor, Eben', 48. Taylor, Edmond, 59. Taylor, Eldad, 28. Taylor, Eldad, Jun', 28. Taylor, Eldad, 45. Taylor, Elias,50. Taylor, EUas, 61. Taylor, Elijah, 39. Taylor, Elisha, 68. Taylor, EInatlian, 64. Taylor, Erastus, 17. Taylor, Gamaliel, 25. Taylor, Giles, 13. Taylor, Hez's 52. Taylor, Isaac, 48. Taylor, Jacob, 07. Taylor, Jacob Lockwood, 65. Taylor, James, 65. Taylor, Joel, 20. Taylor, John, 19. Taylor, John, 28. Taylor, John, 33. Taylor, John, 51. Taylor, John, 59. Taylor, John, 64. Taylor, Jonathan, IS. Taylor, Jonathan, 22. Taylor, Joseph, 23. Taylor, Joseph, 07. Taylor, Leonard, 67. Taylor, Matthew, 40. Taylor, Moses, 18. Taylor, Moses, 22. Taylor, Oliver, 61. Taylor, Reuben, 22. Taylor, Richard, 43. Taylor, Robert, 28. Taylor, Rntiert, 08. Taylor, Sam', 54. Taylor, Seth, 22. Taylor, Silas, 68. Taylor, Simeon, 67. Tavlor, Solomon, 37. Taylor, Stephen, 42. Taylor, Thomas, 17. Taylor, Thomas, 28. Taylor, Vi'iUiam, 63. Teakles, .Mli.xander, 16. Temple, Fraderick, 05. Temple, Joseph, 48. Temple, Nicanor, 67. Temple, rrijah.57. Templeton, John, 31. Tenney, .\sa, 32. Tenncy, Ephraim, 58. Tenney, John, .58. Tenny, David, 55. Tenny, Eben', 55. Tenn'v, Reuben. 60. Terre'l. Arid, 20. TerriU, Josiah, 11. Terrill, Reber, 14. Terry, Daniel, 64. Terry, Jonathan, 39. Teu.xbury, Ephraim, 61. Teuxbury. Irsael, 61. Teuxbury, Jacob, 61. Teuxbury. Phillip, 32. Thair, Dan, 27. Thair, Siim'-i, 19. Thare, BiUey. 13. Thare, Calvin. 13. Tharp, Benj", 18. Tharp, John, 24. Thatcher, Amasa, 43. Thatcher, Bliss, 62. Thatcher, John, 23. Thatcher, Mr., 23. Thatcher, Peter, 12. Thatcher, Peter, 62. Thatcher. Samuel, 29. Thayer. Bcnoni, 32. Thavt-r, I>avid, 55. Thayer, Esick, 50. Thayer, Fredrick, 51. ThaVer, .lerijah. 51. Thaver, Neh'', 53. ThaVer, Oliver, 39. Thayer, Rufus. 51. Thayer, Stephen. 54. Thayer, Widow, .52. Thaver, W-", 54. Thaver, Zeph'', 46. Th.iver, Zeph'', 51. Thaverd, Joseph, 34. Their, Simion, 19. Thesber, Squire, 26. Thirbur, Jonathan, 19. Thirston, John. 59. Thirzel, Benj», 51. Thomas, Andrew, 68. Thomas, Benj", 50. Thomas, Charles, 18. Thomas. David. 68. Thomas, Eber, 37. Thomas, Ellas, 68. Thomas, Elijah, 11. Thomas, George, 68. Thomas, Israel. 51. Thomas, Jacob, 14. Thomas, Jacob, 20. Thomas, RevJ James, 43. Thomas, Joel, 16. Thomas, John, 45. Thomas, John, .'>0. Thomas, John, Jun', 50. Thomas, Jonathan, 68. Thomas, Joseph, 37. Thomas, Joseph, Jun', 37, Thomas, Joseph. 57. Thomas, Nathan. 68. Thomas, Peter, 34. Thomas, Phinehas, 68. Thomas, Reubin, 20. Thomas, Solomon, 68. Thomas, W", 50. Thomas, Zcb. 59. Thomas, Zebel, 65. Thompson, Beaman, 48. Thompson. Benj", 53. Thompson, Benj", 62. Thompson. Charles. 50. Thompson, Daniel, 43. Thompson, David, 24. Thompson. Francis. 29. Thompson, liezekiah, 67. Thompson, Hezeki'', 67. Thompson. Jon", 56. Thompson, Joseph, 07. Thompson, Lathrap. 64. Thorapeon, Nathan, 35. Thompson, Robert, 42. Thompson, Samuel, 32. Thompson, Samuel, 34. Thompson, Sam', 48. Thompson, Sam', 51. Thompson, Sam', 57. Thompson, Sam', Jun', 57. Tiiompson, Seth, 35. Thompson, Seth, ()3. Thompson, Stevens, 33. Thompson, W"", 48. Thomson, .Vlexander, 28. Thomson, .■\mos, 17. Thomson, Benoni, 19. Thomson, Eleazer. 19. Thomson, Isaac, 65. Thomson, James, 24. Thomson, John, 25. Thomson, John, 41. Thomson, John. 42. Thomson. John. 64. Thomson, Jonathan, 41. Thomson, Jonathan, 45. Thomson. Joseph, 20. Thomson. J(>s('i)h. 22. Thomson, Levi, 19. Thomson, Nathan, 19. Thomson. Peter, 04. Thomson, William, 24. Thomson. William. 60. Thoop, Nathaniel, 58. Thornton, Stutelv, 38. ThnaU. Aaron, 44. Thrall, Eliplms, 44. Thrall, Samuel, 44. Throop, John, 62. Throop, John W., 62. Thrubur, James. 33. Thurber, Baniabas, ,53. Thurber, Barnabas, Jun', 53. Thurber, David, .50. Thurber, Edw', 50, INDEX. 93 Thurber, Squire, 60. Thurber, Warden, 47. Thurstin, James. 53. Thurstin, Nathan, 64. Thurston, I'hinehas, 28. Thurston, Thomas, 31. Thustin, Joseph, 23. Thustin, Peter, 24. Thwing, James, 35. Tibbet, George, 13. Tibbets, George, 18. Tibbets, Johnathan, 21. Tibbit, Edward, 11. Tichenor, Isaac, 16. TiSaner, Christopher, 23. Tiffany, Hezekiah, 40. Tift, John, 45. Tift, Royal, 45. Tift, Samuel, 45. Tilden, John, 43. Tilden, Josiah, 60. Tilden, Stephen, 60. Tiiden, Stephen, 60. TUder, Benj", 50. Tillotson, John, 13. Timothy, Daniel, 19. Tinoliham, Jeri", 46. Tinkham, Amos, 67. Tinlcham, Josiah, 62. Tinkham, Nathan, 68. Tinkham, Seth, 67. Tisdel, Seth, 60. Titus, Abel, 38. Titus, Ephraim, 35. Titus, Eph", 67. Titus, John, 42. Titus, Lenox, 35. Titus, Michael, 36. Titus, Robert, 38. Tobias, James, 13. Tobias, Joseph J., 13. Toby, Eleazar, 50. Toby, Josiah, 42. Toby, Paul, 59. Todd, Doct' Elias, 42. Todd, Thomas, 33. Todd, Timothy, 15. Tolcott, David, £8. Tolcott, David, Jun% 28. Tolcott, Parker, 28. Toles, Clark, 65. Toles, David, 65. Toles, Henry, 66. Tolman, Elijah, 64. Tolman Thomas, 11. Tomberlin, Stephen A., 12. Tomblin, Stephen, 12. Tomlinson, Eliphaiet, 28. Tompson, Al'el, 12. Tompson, Isaac, 14. Tompson, Nathan, 12. Toms, John, 38. Toogood, Dan', 47. Tooiey, Josiah, 67. Toplifl, James 69. Tora, Caleb, 69. Torrance, Thomas, 25. Torrence, John, 38. Torrence, Robert, 13. Torrence, W", 20. Torrington Levi, 40. Torry, Abel, 50. Torry, AbelJunr, 60. Torry, Abner, 50. Torry, James, 50. Torry, Samuel, 41. Tours. Jonas, 59. Touseley, David, 19. Touseley, Hezekiah, 19. Touseley Thomas, 19. Touseley, W", 17. Touseley, William, 19. Tousley, Mathew, 20. Tower, Isaac, 64. Tower, Lynde, 67. Tower, Nathaniel, 40. Tower, Samuel, 14. Towers, Joseph, 40. Towl, Brackett, 30. Town, Aaron, 68. Town, Abner, 48. Town, Asa, 35. Town, D. David, 48. Town, Edmond, 67. Town, Elijah, Jun', 48. Town, James, 64. Town, Joseph, 67. Town, Wilder, 55. Townd, Silas, 26. Towner, Erasmus, 24. Towner, Shalah, 44. Towner, Truman, 11. Townes, Comfort, 44. Towns, Jacob, 65. Townsend, Jacob, 38. Townsend, John , 53. Townsend, Micati, 47. Townsend, Richii, 63. Townshend, George, 58. Townshcnd, John, 33. Townshend, Thomas, 63. Townshend, Timothy, 31. 30752—07 7 Towsley, Gideon, 18. Towsley, Nath«i,20. Tozzer, Eben% 64. Tracy, Andrew, 60. Tracy, Bela, 35. Tracy, Cyrus 35. Tracy, Daniel, 16. Tracy, Elias, 36. Tracy, Elijah, 35. Tracy, Hezekiah, 42. Tracy, Lemuel, 17. Tracy, Nathaniel, 42. Tracy, Solomon, 36. Tracy, Stephen, 40. Tracy, Thomas, 60. Train, John, 38. Train, Orange, 45. Train, Robert, 38. Train, William, 38. Trash, Silas, 29. Trask, Nathan, 67. Travatt, Benj», 50. Treaver, Nickelas, 13. Tredawav, Benj«, 60. Treet, John, 14. Treet, Thomas, 65. Trescott, Jona, 33. Trescott, William, 33. Trewwan, Reubin, 21. Trial, Daniel, 21. Tripp, Abiai, 38. Tripp, Parmer, 38. Trips, Augustus, 13. Triscott, E.xperience, 64. Triscott . Jeremiah, 64. Troop, Orange, 11. Trowbridge, Israel, 39. Trowbridge, Keeler, 27. Trowbridge, Levi. 39. Trowbridge, Seth 28. Trowbridge, Stephen, 28. Trowbridge, Wiiliam, 40. Truman, Peter, 23. Trumble, Alixander, 20. Trumble, John, ''2. Trumble, Judah, 20. Trumble, Simeon, 22. Trumbull, John, 43. Trunumbal, Asahal, 26. Thomas, 31. Trusdall, Aaron, 34. Trussell, Jacob, 30. Tryon, Elijah, 39. Tryon, Jesse, 42. Tubbs, Clement, 42. Tubbs, Ezra, 47. Tubbs, Isaac, 50. Tubbs, Sam', 51. Tubbs, Simon, 24. Tucker, Ashbel, 33. Tucker, Benjamin, 33. Tucker, Benjamin, 34. Tucker. Caleb. 59. Tucker, Daniel, 20. Tucker, Ephraim, 26. Tucker, Isaac, 37. Tucker, James. 60. Tucker, John P., 64. Tucker, Joseph, 26. Tucker, Joseph, 50. Tucker, Joseph, 62. Tucker, Nathan, 22. Tucker, Robert, 68. Tucker, Sam«i, 20. Tucker, Samuel, 32. Tucker, Woodword, 33. Tuffs, Henry, 19. Tulley, John, 19. Tupper, Absolum, 12. Tupper, Bonjo, 22. Tupper, Darius, 24. Tupper, Hazel, 26. Tupper, Israel, 58. Tupper, John, 27. Tupper, Samuel, 58. Tupper, Silas, 68. Tupper, Simeon, 42. Tupper, Zurul, 12. Turner, Abel, 26. Turner, Abran", 13. Turner, .\dam, 68. Turner, David, 33. Turner, Henry, 37. Turner, Ishmael, 59. Turner, John, 13. Turner, John, 19. Turner, John, 19. Turner, John, 22. Turner, John, 26. Turner, John, 53. Turner, John, Jun', 53. Turner, Joshua, 69. Turner, Lemuel, 42. Turner, Miller, 15. Turner, Moses, 43. Turner, Nath«i, 17. Turner, Reuben, 37. Turner, Roswell, 20. Turner, Samuel, 26. Turner, Samuel, 45. Turner, Tho", 53. Turrell, Eben' 14. Turtle. John, 57. Turtlelow, Abraham, 55. Tute, Moses, 47. Tute, Ziba, 47. Tutler, Reuben, 38. Tuttle, Daniel, 18. Tuttle, David, 44. Tuttle, Ezra, 65. Tuttle, Hezekiah, 25. Tuttle, Ichabod, 44. Tuttle, Isaac, 64. Tuttle, Isaac, 67. Tuttle, Jesse, 41. Tuttle, John, 36. Tuttle, Nathaniel, 44. Tuttle, Othniel, 36. Tuttie, Primus, 44. Tuttle, Reuben, 29. Tuttle, Solomon, 36. Tuttle, Thomas, 36. Tuttle, Timothy, 28. Tuvey, John, 22. Twaddle, Robert, 28. Twiner, Elisha, 61. Twiss, Samuel, 29. Twitchel, Joshua, 48. Tyler, David, 24. Tyler, Jeremiah, 34. Tyler, Jerh, 50. Tyler, John, 50. Tyler, Jonathan, 36. Tyler, Joseph, 55. Tyler, Joshua, 34. Tyler, Phinehas, 29. Tylor, Job, 61. Tylor, Jonathan, 61. Tylor, Nathan, 23. TJflord, Benjamin, 23. Uflord, Shoers, 36. Underhil, Abraham, 17. Underbill, Isaac, 17. Underbill, W", 17. Underwood, Amos, 30. Underwood, Asa, 55. Underwood, John, 29. Underwood, Jon», 52. Underwood, Joseph, 46, Underwood, Joseph, 56. Underwood, Phinehas, 29. Underwood, Russel, 53. Underwood, Sam', 50. Underwood, Sam', Jun', 50. Underwood, Thaddeus, 62. Underwood, Tim", 53. Upham, Asa, 65. Upham, James, 57. Upham, Joseph, 42. Upham, William, 65. Uran, James, 42. Urin, James, 53. Utler, Abraham, 39. Utley, Asa, 18. Utley, Elisha, 45. Utley, Oliver, 18. Utley, Pebody, 18. Utley, William, 14. Vales, Abraham, 62. Vales, Thos., 62. Vallancc, David, 11. Vallance, John, 11. Van, George, 45. Van, William, 45. Vanblete, John, 22. Vanderider, Andara, 22. Vanderlap, John, 18. Vandoozer, Abraham, 15. Vandozer, Abraham, 26. Vandozer, John, 13. Vance, James, 32. Vance, John, 32. Vance, John, 32. Van Gilder, Andrew, 25. Vanner, Richard, 26. Vanomam, John, 23. Vansickling, John, 23. Vamam, Benjamin, 29. Vamam, Ebenezer, 35. Varnham, Abraham, 32. Vaughan, Jabez, 02. Vaughan, Simeon, 17. Vaughn, Jabez, 33. Vaughn, James, 18. Vaughn, Ohediah, 17. Vaughn, William, 34. Veal, Constant, 39. Veal, Edward, 39. Veal, Moses, 39. Veasy, Benjamin, 29. Veets, Hezekiah, 19. Venen, Joseph, 35. Ventine, .Miraham, 27. Verbeck, Phillip, 29. Vemam, WMIliam, 32. Vernomom, Isaac, 26. Vialls.Nathi. SceVialls, & Nathi. Vialls, Sami & Nathi, 51. Vicary, Merrifield, 67. Vincent, Joseph, 62. Virginia, Jeremiah, 32 • Voce, Thomas V., 61. VoUentine, Robert, 19. Voshbough, Abraham, 19. Wabbridge, Silas, 16. Waddle, John, 28. Wade, Hezekiah, 26. Wade, John, 25. Wade, Joshua, 28. Wade, Timothy, 12. Wadkins, Nathan, 34. Wadsworth, Israel, 12. Wagacr, John, 19. Waggoner, Francis, 23. Waggoner, John, 25. Waight, Oliver, 13. Wailes, John, 16. Wails, Elisha, 15. Waistcoat, Charles, 65. Waiste, Barzaliel, 64. Wait, Barnabas, 61. Wait, Barton, 14. Wait, Gen. Benjamin 27. Wait, Daniel, 29. Wait, Eben', 48. Wait, Ezra, 27. Wait, Gardiner, 25. Wait, Jedutban, 27. Wait, Jeremiah, 18. Wait, John, 54. Wait, John, 54. Wait, Joseph, 29. Wait, Henry, 14. Wait, Nathan', 23. Wait, Nathaniel, 29. Wait, Richard, 67. Wait, Robert, 29. Wait, Ruth, 42. Wait, Silas, 65. Wait, Thaddeus, 65. Waite, Nathaniel, 35. Wakefield, Elijah, 29. Wakefield, Joseph, 67. Wakefield, Sam', 48. Wakefield, Tim», 55. Wakefield, William, 29. Wakelin, Benj», 18. Wakelin, John, 19. Wakeman, Levi, 24. Walbridge, Asa. 16. Walbridge, Ebenezer, 16. Walbridge, Eleazer, 33. Walbridge, Gustavus, 17. Walbridge, Henry, 16. Walbridge, Henry, 33. Walbridge, John, 64. Walbridge, Oliver, 33. Walbridge, Solomon, 16. Walch, Nathaniel, 36. Walcott, Charles, 62. Walcott, Elijah, 35. Walcott, William, 58. Walcott, William, 62. Walden, Abiathar, 28. Walden, James, 20. Walden, John, 61. Walden, Nathaniel, 61. Walding, James, 65. Waldo, Daniel, 68. Waldo, GamaUel, 40. Waldo, Loice, 22. Waldow, Miatha, 21. Wales, Aaron, 57. Wales, George, 26. Wales, John,'42. Wales. Nathaniel, 25 Wales, Roger, 30. Wales, Sami, 57. Walker, Asaph, 58. Walker, Edwaniel, 62. Waterman, Elijah, 62. Watennan. Klisha, 62. Watennan, James, 02. Watennan, John O., 29. Watennan, Levi, 34. Waterman, Olney, 60. Watennan, Samuel, 62. Waterman, William, 64. Waterous, Abey, 14. Watcrous, Jabesh, 11. Waterous, Jtuiies, 14. Waterous, Joseph, 14 . Waters, Abel, 26. Waters, Amos, 27. Waters, Oliver, 10. Waters, Samuel, 42. Waters, Sylvanus, 67. Waters, Timothy, 61. Watkins, , 55. Watkins, Aaron, 44. Watldns, Amasa, 60. Watkins, Bodwell, 42. Watkins, Dan', 55. Watkins, Elias. 60. Watkins, Jared, 44. Watkins, John. 5.5. Watkins, Moses, 44. Watson, Ale.xander, 31. Watson, Frebum, 19. Watson, John, 21. Watson, John, 51. Watson, Oliver, 19. Watson, Peliliah, 28. Watson, Silas, 19. Watton, Oliver, 62. Way, John, 34. Way, John, 46. Weaks, David, 17. Weaks, John, 10. Weaks, Sam"', 15. Weaver, Dan', 54. Weaver, Fredrick, 18. Weaver, Cap' Jabe/,, 38. Weaver, Richard, 38. Weaver, Rufus, 19. Weaver, William, 41. Weavor, Benj". 21. Weavor, Nickolus, 21. Weavor, Thomas. 21. Weavour, Jacob, 20. Webb, Benjamin, 16. Webb, Calvin, 54. Webb, Charles, 54. Webb, Isaac, 23. Webb, Isaac, 36. Webb, Jehiel, 54. Webb, Jeremiah, 19. Webb, John, 43. Webb, Joseph. 57. Webb, Joseph, 00. Webb, Joshua, 54. Webber, Benedict, 44. Webber, Norman, 65. Webster, Abdili, 40, Webster, Amos. 42. Webster, Benjanun, 29. Webster, Benoni,01. Webster, Isaac, 17. Webster, Israel, 60.. Webster, M', 25. Webster, Moses, 30. Webster, Moses, 61. Webster, Nathan, 42. Webster, Nathaniel, 29. Webster, Samuel, 16, Webster, Samuel, 30. Webster, Samuel, 60. Webster, William, 12. Wedge, John, 34. Weeb, Jeremiah, 19. Wceli, Reubin, 16. Weed, Amos, 42. Weed, lehial, 20. W««l, Ichial, Jun' 20. Weed, Jacob, 42. Weed, John, 20. Weed, Nathaniel, 61. Weeden, Sanuii'l, 61. Weeden, Thomas, 61. Weeks, Bcnj", m. Weeks, John. 38. Weeks, Joseph, 22. Weeks, Judah, 16. Weeks, Nathaniel, 67. Welch, Amos, 27, Welch, Benjamin. 32. Welch, Daniel, 19. Welch, Daniel, 42. Welch, Ebcnezer, 19. Welch, Eix-nezer, 21. Welch, EUjah. 19. Welch, John, 19. Welch, Micah, 15. Welch, Nathaniel, 27. Welch, Nathaniel, 36. Welch, Samui'l. 19. Welch, Sam', 19. Weld, Calvin, .50. Weld, Dan', .50. Weld, Isaac, 50. Weld, Luther, 50. Weld, Noah, .50. Welden, Benjamin. 28. Welding, James, 14. Weldon, David, 26. Weldon, Jesse, 26. Welter, Amos, 44. Weller, Asa, IS. Weller, Benjamin, 39. Weller, Cooley, 39. WeUer, David, 25. Weller, Jonathan, 25. Wells, Abraham, 17. WeUs, Dan', 56. WeUs, David, 34. Wells, David, 47. Wells, Ebenezer, 64. Wells, Ezra, 50. Wells, Jacob, 30. Wells, James, 38. WeUs, John, 47. Wells. John, 57. Wells, Jonathan, 64. WeUs, Joshua, 57. WeUs, Nath'. 11. WeUs, Olxdiuh, 64. Wells, OUver. 47. WeUs, OUver, 57. WeUs, Paul. 30. WeUs, Reuben, 27. WeUs, Robert, 47. WeUs, Sam', 47 WeUs, Tho», .50. WeUs, Tho', Jun', 50. WeUs, WilUam, 14. WeUs, W", 15. Wolman, Abiel, 50. Welman, Benjamin, 15, Wolman, Benj", 22. Welman, Benoni, 54. Welman, Darius, 46. Welman, Eben^, 46. Welman, Isaac, 46. Welman, Jacob, 54. Welman, Jedediah, 50. Welman, Sam', 47. Welman, Silas, 54. Welman, Timo, 46. Welman, Timo, Jun', 46, Weimath, Epbarim, 21. Welton, Peter, 29. Wench, Abijah, 38. Wentworth, Charles, 51. Wentworth, Edward, 45. Wentworth. Elijah, 41. Wescot, George, 38. Wescot, Jobe, 38. Wescot, Oliver, 38, Wescot, Ziba, 40. Wescott, James, 38, Wescott, Thomas, 38. Weset, Henry, 15. Wesson, Aron, 28. Wesson, John, 32. West, Asa. 42. West, Barnitt, 21. West, Caleb, 02. West, Daniel. 34. West. Ebenezer. 35. West, Ebenezer, 35. West, Elijah, 07. West, Elisha, 68. West, Francis, 29. West, Francis, 29. West, Oilman, 34. West, Israel, 13. West, John, 20. West, John, 35. West, John, 35. We5t, Jonathan, 31. West, Jonathan, 35. West, Joseph, 35. West, Noah, 30. West, Obediah, 22. West, Samuel, 26. West, Samuel, ,35. West, Thomas, 21. West, Thomas, CS. Westerfield, Robert, 16. Western, James, 40. Westinghousen, John IL, 19. Weston, Abncr, 33. Weston, James. .5r>. Weston, Jerusha, 04. Weston, Nathaniel, 04, Wetherbe, David, 65. Wethorell, James, 39. Wetherly, George, 44. WetherlT, Nathan, 42, Whaland, James, 30. Whaland, John. 36. Whaland. Peter, 36. Whaley, Sam'', 21. Whatriey, Nathaniel, 44. Whealon, Truman, 13. Wheat, Jonathan, 17. Wheat, Joseph, 46. Wheat, Sam', 53. Wheatley, Nathaniel, 29. Wheaton, Jonathan, 34. Wheaton, Joseph, 24. Wheeler, Amos, 34. Wheeler, Amos, 57. Wheeler, ,\sa, 59. Wheeler, Asa, 64. Wheeler, Daniel, 30. Wheeler, Daniel, 38. Wheeler, Dan', 50. Wheeler, Dan', 57. Wheeler, Darius, 52. W^heeler, Ebenezer, 64. Wheeler, Edmund, 42. Wheeler, Gardiner, 33. Wheeler, George, 31. Wheeler, Isaac, 57. Wheeler, Isaac, 04. Wheeler, Jason. 31. Wheeler Jerathmel, 31. Wheeler, Joel, 59. Wheeler, John, 39. Wheeler. John. 45. Wheeler, John. 52. Wheeler, Joseph, 24. Wheeler, Josiah. 64. Wheeler. Nathan. 21. Wheeler, Nathan, 25. Wheeler, Nathaniel, 64. Wheeler, Preserved, 24. Wheeler, Rice, 58. Wheeler, Wilder, 38. Wheeler, William, 67. Wheeler, Zalmon, 24. Wheelock, Abijah, 29. Wheelock, Amasa, 55. Wheelock, Asa, 29. Wheelock, Asa, 55. Wheelock, Caleb, 55. Wheelock, Eleaser,44. Wheelock, Eph", 55. Wheelock, Jon", 34 Wheelock, Jonathan, 59. Wheelock, Peter. 29. Wheelock. Peter. 58. Wheclor, Aaron, 22. Wheelor, Beriah, 22. Wheelor. Moses, 22. Wheeton, .\nselm, 42. Wheler, Obadiah, 44. Wheloek, Ebenz'', 15. Whelon, Ashbel, 13, Whelor, Asa, 13. Whelor, Nathan, 17. Whelpley, Jeremiah, 18. Whelply, James, 40. Whetmore, Jerusha, 66. AVhillier, David, 30. Whiple, John, 22. Whipple, Abner, 42. Whipple, Benjamin 44, AVhipple, Benj", Jun', 44. Whipple, Dan', 47, Whipple, David, 44. Whipple, Elijah, 21. Whipple, Ethan, 39. Whipple, Ezra, 22. Whipple, Jabez, 46. Whipple, James, 37. Whipple, Jeremiah, 45. Whipple, John, 48. Whipple, John, 55. Whipple, Jonathan, 44. Whipple, Joseph. 51. Whipple, Moses, 63. Whipple. Nehemiah. 44. Whipple. W". 47. Whippor, James. 12. Whiston, John. 15. Whitcomb. Antony. 42. Whitcomb. Benj", 57. Whitcomb. Charles, 63. Whitcomb, John. 16. Whitcomb, Jonas. 55. Whitcomb, Jon«, 52. Whitcomb, Joseph, 55. Whitcomb, Robert, 28. Whitcomb, Samuel. 17. Whitcomb, Sam', 50. Whitcomb, Silas, Jun^, 46. Whitcomb, Widow, 54. White, Abiel, 54. White, -\bijah. 54. White. Abner, 38. White, .\braham, 40. White, .\ndrew, 39. White, Archibald, 67. White, Asa, 61. White. Caleb. 40. White. Charles. 67. White. David. 13. White, David. 17. White, David, 58. White, Eljenezer, 17. White, Eljenezer, 29. White, Ebenezer, 32. White, Ebenezer, 34. White. Edward, 39. White, Edward, 55. WhiU', Eli, 02. White. Elisha, 12. White, Elisha, 02. White, Francis, 61. White, Giles, 50. White, Gregory, 45. White, Henry," 35. White, Henri', 44. White, Hugli, 35. White, Jabez, 36. White, Jacob, 39. White, James. 34. White, Joel, 34. White, Joel, 57. White, John, Esq', 25. White, John. 29, White, John. 44. White. John. 44. White. John. 59. White. John. 05. White, Josiah, 53. White, Josiah, 54. White, Jotham, 65. White, Lemuel, 44. White, Lemuel. 64. White, Leonard, 16. White, Lorenzo, 41. White. Nathaniel. 29. White, Nehemiah, 45. White, Nicholas. 29. White. Nicholas. 40. White, Paul. 54. White. Perez. 19. White, Perigreon. 21. White. Peter. 12. White. Peter. 39. White. Philip. 45. White, Phinehas, 54. White, Robert, 19. White. Ruloll. 41. White. Samuel. 32. White, Sanmel. 35. White. Samuel. 59. White. Sanmel. 02. White. Simeon. 35. White. Solomon. 62. White. Solomon. 62. White. Sylvanus. 59. White. Thaddeus. 35. White. Thomas. 19. White. Thomas. 01. White, Thomas, 67. White, Thomas W., 58. White, Timothy, 32. White, WiUiam, 35. White, W", 50. White, W", 52. White, William, 07. White, Zenos, 12. White, Zephaniah, 45. Whitecomb, Asa, 05. Whitecomb, Elisha, 02. Whitecomb, John, 65, Whitecomb, Joshua, 60. Whitecomb. Thomas, 65. Whitehorn. John. 45. Whiteman. James, 44. Whitlord, Peleg, 21. Whiting, .\dam, 48. Whiting, John, 54, Whiting, Jon>, 50. Whiting, Michal, 50. Whiting, Sam', ,54. Whitiaw, James, 33. Whitlev, John, 27. Whitlock. John. 37. Whitlock. Zalmon. 37. Whitlocke. David, 40. Whitlocke. Sarah, 40. Whitman, .Vbiel, 51. Whitman, Benjm, 12. Whitman, George, 18., George. 00. Whitman. Jeremiah. 44. Whitman. John. 12. Whitman. Noah. 51. Whitman. Samuel. 42. Whitman, Volentine. 21. Whitman. Znlva. 44. Whitmash, David, 25. Whitmond, Abraham, 52. Whitmore, Elias, 59. Whitney, Aaron, 51. Whitney, Aaron. 57. Whitney. Abel, 50. Whitney, Asa. 54. Whitney, Wid«, Barsheba, 65. Whitney, Bart, 3S. Whitney, Benjamin, 15. Whitney, Benj", 48. Whitney, Benj«, 57. Whitney, David, U. Whitney, David, 38. Whitney, Ebenezer, 22. Whitney, Eben', 51. Whitney, Elijah, 38. Whitnev, Fvlijah, 57. Whitney, Elisha, 22. Whitney, Ephaim. 22. Whitney, Eph", 50. Whitney, Ezra, 46. Whitney, Ezra, Jun', 46. Whitney, Guilford, 52. Whitney, llezekiah, 28. Whitney, Isaac, 20. Whitney, Isaac, 22. Wtiitiiev, James, 61. Whitney, Job, ,50, Whitney, John, 5(>. Whitney, Jonas, 52. Whitney, Jonathan, 00. W^hitney, Jonathan, 60. Whitney, Joshua, 11. Whitney, Lem', 47. Whitney, Lemuel, 64. Whitney, Micah, 44. Whitnev, Moses, 52. Whitney. Nathan, 60. Whitney, Nath', 52. Whitney, Oliver. 38. Whitney. Peter. 35. Whitney, Sam'. 52. Whitney, Sherad, 24. Whitney, Silas. 38. Whitney. Silas, Jun', 33. Whitney, Solomon, 43. Whittier, .\bner, 30. Whittier, David. 30. Whittier, John. 29. Whittier, Joseph, 30. Whittier, Seargents, 30, Whore, Elijah, 63. Wicker, Frederick, 42, Wicker, Luther, 42. Wicks, Holland, 14. Wickwire, Joseph. 16. Wickwire, Joseph, 23. Wiggins, Joshua, 31. Wiggins, WiUiam, 31. Wight, .\bner, (vS. Wight, Nathaniel, 5S. Wilber, Jacob. .39. Wilburr, .\aron, 58. Wilburr, Benjamin, 58. Wilcocks, Hosea, 15. Wilcott, Joseph, 23. Wilcox, Abner, 11. Wilcox, BenjD, 45. Wilcox, Benja, 50. Wilcox, Burden, 50. Wilcox, Dan', 57. Wilcox, Elijah. 36. Wilcox, Elisha, 33. Wilcox, Eph", 57. Wilcox, Jacob, 45. Wilcox, James, 57. Wilcox, John. 42. Wilcox. John. 57. Wilcox, Nathan, 51. Wilcox, Robert. 61. V'ilcox, Saml.. 46. Wilcox, Stephen, 50. Wilco.x, Tabor, 51. Wilcox, Thomas, 45. Wilcox. WaitsiU, 57. Wilcox, W", Jun', 51, Wild, EUas, 01. Wild, Elisha, 31. Wild, John. ta. Wild. Randol. 31. Wilder, .\aron, 50. Wilder, .\aron, 55. Wilder, Abel, 02. Wilder, Abiel, 47. Wilder, Charles, 47. Wilder, Dan'. 51. Wilder, Ebenezer, 64. WUder, Elias, 47. Wilder, Elias, 48. Wilder, Eph", 52. Wilder, Jacob, 64. Wilder, Jacob, 64. Wilder, Joel, 52. Wilder, Joel, ,53. WUder, John, 53. Wilder, Jonathan, 64. Wilder, Joseph, 55. Wilder, Joshua, 47. WUder, Oliver, 52. Wilder, Oliver, 57. Wilder, Peter, 47. Wilder, Reuben W., 64. Wilder, Saml, 48. Wilder, Tilly, 47. Wilder, Wm, ,57, Wiley, Bartholonui, 15. Wilev, Joseph, 27. WUcy, Robert, twj. Wiley, Samuel, 05. Wiikcos, Joseph, 03. Wilkes, Thomas, 39. Wilkins, Andrew, 50. Wilkins, Asa, 63. WUkins, Dan', .50. Wilkins. Uriah. 67. Wilkinson. Hezh.. .55. Wilkinson, Lewis, 36. INDEX. 95 Willard, Aaron, 61. Willard, Abel, .57. Willard, Andrew, 48. Willard, Billv, 57. Willard, Dubartis, 24. Willard, Ebenezer, 40. Willard, Edward, 61. Willard, Ely, 01. Willard, Epliraim. 40. Willard, Henry, 48. Willard, James, 61. Willard, James, 66. Willard, John, 42. Willard, Jonathan, 42. Willard, Jonathan, 42. Willard, Jonathan. Ju', 42. Willard, Jonathan, 60. Willard, Joseph, 40. Willard, Joseph, 42. Willard, Joseph, 57. Willard, Longlv. 66. Willard, Lyndo, 57. Willard, Oliver, 55. Willard, Ohver, 61. Willard, Oliver, 61. Willard, Oliver, 61. Willard, Oliver, 67. Willard, Peter, 67. Willard, Prentiss, 53. Willard, Widow Sarah, 42. Willard, Wilder, 61. Willard, W", 57. Willeen, Cornelius, 25. Wilier, Henry, ^9. Wilier, Isaac, 39. Wilier, Nathan, .39. Wilier, William, 39. Willford, Joseph, 45. WlUiams, Abel, 42. Williams. Abraham, 31. Williams, Adam. 61. Williams, Amariah, 27. Williams, Anthony, 59. Williams, Asa. 34. Williams, Asa, 44. Williams, Benj^. 54. Williams, Davis, 50. Williams, Davis, J u', 50. Williams, Ebenezer, 64. Williams, Edward, 42. Williams, Isaac. 22. Williams, Isaac. 60. Williams, Isaah, 19. Williams, Israel. 19. WiUiams, Israel, 50. Williams, James, 22. Williams. James, 57. Williams, James, 61. Williams, Jesse, 68. Williams, John, 15. Williams, John, 40. Williams, John, 51. Williams, John, 65. Williams, John, 60. Williams, John & Reuben, 51. Williams, Joseph, 11. Williams, Joseph, 19. Williams, Joseph, 19. Williams, Joseph, 35. Williams, Josiah. 60. Williams, Nathan, 42. Williams, Nicholas, t»5. Williams, Oliver, 68. Williams, Othmel. 59. Williams, Phinehas, 68. Williams. Reuben. See Wil- liams, John & Reuben. WiUiams, Richd. 50. Williams, Rognr, 68. Williams, Rufus, 26. Williams, Doctr Sam, 44. Williams, Hon' Sam, 44. Williams, Sami, 52. WiUiams, Samuel, 61. WiUiams, Silas. 64. WiUiams, Simeon, 61. WiUiams, S'phcn, 39. Williams, Stephen, 44. Williams, Thomas, 42. WiUiams, Timothy, 65. WiUiams, Timothy. Jun', 65. Williams, Widow, 47. WiUiams, WiUiam, 23. WiUiams, WiUian, 31. Williamson, Moses. 11. WiUiamson, Wynut, 11. WiUington, George, 69. Willis, Asa, 16. WiUis, Beriah, 50. WilUs, Edmond. 68. Willis, John, 25. WilHs, John, 30. WiUis, John, 30. WiUis, John, 57. WiUis, Jonathan, 30. WiUis, Jonathan, 67. WllUs, Joseph, 67. WiUis, Meletiah, 66. WiUis, Nathan, 62. WilUs, Slaughter. 50. WiUis, Stouten, 16. Willis, William, 68. WiUiston, Mr., 23. Willman, William, 45. Willoby, Joseph, 13. Willoby, Joseph, 13. WiUoughby, Bliss, 21. WiUs, HubbPl, 51. Wills, Hubljel, Jun', 51. WiUs, Jon«.51. Wills, L. Thomas, 45. Willston, Caleb, 67. Wilman, Gideon, 22. Wilraot, .\sa, 11. Wilmot, John, 11. Wilmot, Timothy, 62. Wilmouth, James, 27. Wilson, Abner, 00. Wilson, .\mi. 67. Wilson, Daniel, 60. Wilson, David, 53. Wilson, David, Jun', 63. Wilson, David, Jun', 53. Wilson, Deliverance. 66. Wilson, Ebenezer, 41. Wilson, Edwi, 53. Wilson, Ellas, 11. Wilson. Elizabeth, 68. Wilson, Ezeki, 53. Wilson, George, 23. Wilson, George, Jun', 23. Wilson, George. 25. Wilson, George, 63. Wilson, Gilbert, 20, Wilson, Heman, 14. Wilson, Isaac, 27. Wilson, Isaac, 60. Wilson, Jacob 44. Wilson, JiK^ob, Ju', 44. Wilson, Jacob, 67. Wilson, James, 14. Wilson, James, 34. Wilson, James, 50. Wilson, James, 67. Wilson, Jeremiah, 53. Wilson, Joes, 24. Wilson, J"ohn, 15. Wilson, John, 25. Wilson, John, Jun' 25. Wilson, John, 50. Wilson, John, 53. Wilson, John, 65. Wilson, Jonathn, 14. Wilson, Joseph, 14. Wilson, Joseph, 22. Wilson, Joseph 25. Wilson, Joseph 60. Wilson, Joshua, 67. Wilson, Josiah, 60. Wilson, Levi, 53. Wilson, Luc us, 53. Wilson, Luke, 57. WUson, Michael, 41. Wilson, Naham, 12. Wilson, Nathan, 54. Wilson, Noah, 14. Wilson, Paul, 53. Wilson, Peter, 53. Wilson, Samuel, 07. Wilson, Solomon, 60. Wilson, Thomas, 67. Wilson, William, 58. Wilson, William, 63. Wilson, William, 67. Wilton, Ebenezer, 46. Wily, James, 38. Wily, John, 45. Winch, Jason, 61. Winchel, Hezekiah, 25. Winchel, Hezekiah, 26. Winchel, Jonathan. 24. Winchest, James, 41. Winchester, Andrew. 42. Winchester, Asa, 52. Winchester, Benj*, .72. Winchester, Joseph,. 52. Winchester, Joseph, J ', 52. Winchester. Joshua, 52. Winfield, Joseph, 15. Wing, Benjannn, 58. Wing, Daniel, 22. Wing, Isaac, 03. Wing, Matthew, 39. Wing, Matthew, Jun', 39. Wing, Nathaniel, 6.3. Wing, Tho», 54. Wing, Tho», Jun', 64. Wing, Turner, 54. Winn, Caleb, 66. Winnow, Jacob, 39. Winslow, Calvin, 36. Winslow, Dan', 57. Wmslow, Ebenezer, G3. Winslow, Jedediab, 36. Winslow, Joseph, 53. Winslow, Lemuel, 28. Winslow, Nathaniel, 28. Winslow, Peleg, 53. Winslow, Samuel, 63. Winslow, Timothy 68. Winter, John, 57. Winters, Uawley, 24. Winters, John, 24. Wmters, Obadiah 27. Winters, Timothy, 26. Winters, William, 36. Wintworth, John, 17. Wire, Frederick, 63. Wire, Joseph, 34. Winn, Jacob, 23. Wise, Abner, 35. Wiswall, Sami, 55. Wiswell, Benjamin, 42. Witchinson, Joseph, 58. Witham, Malica, 19. Witham, Witherly, Jun', 19. Witheral, Lott,57. Witheral, Nathi, 55. Witherhead, Joseph, 50. Witherhead, Widow, 50. Witherill, Simeon, 63. Witt,Beaj«,53. Witt, Jon«,.57. Wittard, Jonathan, 68. Wolcott, Emerson, 28. Wolcott, WiUiam, 37. Wolfe, C.John, 54. Wonen, Bishop, 27 Wood, Aaron, 56. Wood, Abel, 44. Wood, Abiel,34. Wood, Andrew, 16. Wood, Archibald, 48. Wood, Asa, 12. Wood, Barnabas, 54. Wood, Barnard, 40. Wood, Benjamin, 68. Wood, Berzeliel, IS. Wood, Charles, 36. Wood, Christopher, 36. Wood, Coffin, IS. Wood, Daniel, 30. Wood, Daniel, 67 Wood, David, 54. Wood, Ebenezer, 16. Wood, Ebenezer, Jun', 17. Wood, Edmond, 18, Wood, Edward, 61. Wood, Enos, 26. Wood, Ephriam, 16. Wood, Ephraim, 40. Wood, Eph", 55. Wood, Ephraim. 00. Wood, Ezra, 68. Wood, Houn. Henry, 40. Wood, Hezekiah, 23, Wood, Isr.ael,34. Wood, Israel, 34. Wood, Jabez, 47. Wood, Jacob, 40. Wood, James, 22. Wood, Jeremiah, 42. Wood, Job, 16. Wood, Job Jun', 16. Wood, John, 17. Wood, John, 23. Wood, John, 31. Wood, Jolin, 40. Wood, John, 55. Wood, John, 57. Wood, Jonathan, 25. Wood, Jonathan, 39. Wood, Jonathan, 42. Wood, Jon^, 48. Wood, Jonathan, 61. Wood, Joseph, 31. Wood, Joseph, 44. Wood, Joseph, 44. Wood, Joseph, 58. Wood, Joshua, 16. Wood, Joshua, 55. Wood, Joshua, Jun', 55. Wood, Joshua, 68. Wood, Josiah, 61. Wood,Jotham,48. Wood, Lamuel, 40. Wood, Levi, 40. Wood, Moses, 15. Wood, Nathan, 17. Wood, Nathan, 55. Wood, Nathan, 56. Wood, Nathan, IB. Wood, Nathan', 25. Wood, Nathaniel, 40. Wood, Nathi, Ju', 40. Wood. Nathaniel, 68. Wood, Nathaniel, 68. Wood, Niekalus, IS. Wood, Paul, 58. Wood, Philemon, 40. Wood, Robert, 13. Wood, Sam', 50. Wood, Solomon, 26. Wood, Stephen, 28. Wood, Thomas, 43. Wood, Tho», 55. Wood, Timo, 55. Wood, Timo, 56. Wood, WiUiam, 24. Wood, W", 51. Wood, WiUiam, 54. Wood, W",55. Wood, Williams, 68. Woodale, James, 21. Woodbridg, Enoch, 14. Woodbridge, W-", 13. Woodburn, John, 51. Woodbury, Jessee, 64. Woodbury, Joseph, 59. Woodbury, Joshua, 69. Woodbury, Stephen, 48. Woodcock, Asanel, 55. Woodcock, Elkanah, 65. Woodford, Timothy, 11. Woodin, Peter, 39. Woodman, Sam', 43. Woodman, Samuel, 43. Woodrough, Joseph, 67. Woodruff, EUsha, 42. Woods, Jabez, 47. Woods, Philip, 47. Woods, Solomon, 52. Woodward, Alpheus, 20. Woodward, Amos, 37. Woodward, Art, 51. Woodward, Arunah, 37. Woodward, Asa, 11. Woodward, Asahel, 33. Woodward, David, 33. Woodward, Ebenezer, 64. Woodward, Ebinczer, 18, Woodward, Eleazer, 33. Woodward, Elihu,62. Woodward, Ezekel, 58. Woodward, James, 41. Woodward, James, 61. Woodward, Jaras, 54. Woodward, Jehiel, 33. Woodward, Jonn, 35. Woodward, John, 42. Woodward, Jonath", 36. Woodward, Joseph, 12. Woodward, Joseph, 37. Woodward, Joseph, 50. Woodward, Nathaniel, 30. Woodward, Nath', 61. Woodward, Noah, 20. Woodward, Rufus, 40. Woodward, Sam', 50. Woodward, Sam', 53. Woodward, Thaddeua, 35. Woodward, Tim", 50. Woodworth, Amasa, 31. Woodworth, Benj°, 58. Woodworth, Benjamin, 60. Woodworth, Benjamin, 62. Woodworth, Elisha, 24. Woodworth, Hezekiah, 12. Woodworth, Joel, Esq', 24. Woodworth, John, 29. Woodworth, Ler\'i, 34. Woodworth, Roger, 00. Woodworth, Roswel, 40. Woodworth, Shubal, 27. Woodworth, Timothy, 64. Woodworth, Wier, 2(i. Woodworth, Ziba, 31 Wnolcot, Elijah, 24. Woolcot, Jesse, 14. Woolcot, Samuel, 14. Woolcot, Samuel. Jr., 14. Woolf, Charles, 03. Woolly, Amasa, 57. Woolly, Augustus, 57. Woolly, John, .55. Woolly, Jon», 50. Woolly, Jona, 55. Woolly, Nathan, 57. Woolly, Theophilus, 60. Woolly, Tho«, .50. Woolly, Tho», 51. Woolly, Tho>, 55. Woolrodoriger, John, 19. Woolwic, Duresher. 40. Wooward, Noble, 22. Worcester, Benjamin, 65. Worcester, Ephraim, 24. Wordin, Ickebod, 21. Wording, .luder, 21. Wording, Rufus, 21. Worstcr, Ebenezer, 36. Worster, Henry, 42. Woster, Asa, 67. Wright, Abel, 15. Wright, Abel, 34. Wright, Abner. 15. Wright, Amasa, 51. Wright, Andrew, 14. Wright, Asahael, 40. Wright, Azariah, 67. Wright, Benjamin, 30. Wright, Benjamin, 33. Wright, Benjamin, no. Wright, Benjamin, 00. Wright, Caleb, 67. Wright, Charles, 18. Wright, David, 60. Wright, Elienezer, 11. Wright, Ebenez', 13. Wright, Eben', 14. Wright, Eben',53. Wright, Eleazer, 17. Wright, Elijah, 14. Wright, Elisha, 12. Wright, Ehsha, 12. Wright, Ephraim, 65. Wright, Gad, 51. Wright, Isaiah, 21. Wright, John, 34. Wright, John, 50. Wright, John, 59. Wright, John, 62. Wright, J on«, 51. Wright, Jonathan, 60. Wright, Joseph, 14. Wright, Joseph, 57. Wright, Joseph, 64. Wright, Josiah, 19. Wright, Josiel, 13. Wright, Medad, 57. Wright, Moses, 54. Wright, Nathan. 15. Wright, Nath', 54. Wright, Peter, 22. Wright, Phinehas. 17. Wright, Phinehas, 60. Wright, Richard, 57. Wright, Salmon, 57. Wright. Samuel, 11. Wright, Sam"', 22. Wright, Samuel, 42. Wright, Sawyer, 47. Wright, Silas, 56. Wright, Simeon, 44. Wright, Solomon, 18. Wright, Solomon, ,54. Wright, Thomas, 31. Wright, Tho», 46. Wright, Thomas M., 58. Wright, William, 35. Wyes, Dan', 55. Wyllis, Abraham, 44. Wylly, Asa, 42, Wyllys, Adam, 44. Wyman, Asa, 15. Wyman, Danl.. 40, Wyman, EUzabeth, 46. Wyman, Israel, 44, Wyman, Jeduthan, 64. Wyman, John, 48. Wyman, Jolin, Ju', 48, Wyman John, 57. Wyman, Samuel, 59. Wyman, Samuel, 60. Wyman, Seth, 44. Wyman, Wa», 48. Yale, .\aron, 16. Yale, Amesa, 20. Yale, Moses, 24, Yale, Stephen, 23. Yates, BarziUa, 35, Y*aw, Amos, 50. Yaw, Joseph, 45. Yaw, Moses, 50. Yaw, Tempv, 38. Yaw, Widow, 60. Yaw, W», 50. Ycmmons, Elijah, 62. Yeoman, Elisha, 24, Yeoman, Nathan, 43. Yerangton, Ebenezer, 63. York, Garshom, 33. York, Joseph, 33. Young, Duncan, 65. Young, Ebenezer, 64. Young, Ichahod, 66. Young, James, 23. Young, Joseph, 60. Young, Samuel, 63. Young, W">, 12. Younglove, John, 50. Younglove, Sam*-', 22. Youngman, John, 28. Youngman, Peter, 30. Youngman. Thomas, 38, Youngs, Abraham, 19. Youngs, Ebenezer, 20. Youngs, John, 19. Youuz, Simeon, 41. Zemicbiple, P. John, 44. ^ UNIVERSITY OF CAUIORNIA LIBRARY Los Angela Thu book is DUE on the last date sUmped below. AC WAY 1 1995 1? J TH N( -URL m? For; 315 ifo 3 1158 00742 8120 OKIVBRSITY of CALITOiam AT LOS ANGELES LIBRA Rv