LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. J. H. KINEALT, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. ILLUSTRATED WITH DIAGRAMS AND NUMEROUS CUTS SHOWING AMERICAN TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FIFTH EDITION. NEW YORK : SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, 123 LIBERTY STREET. LONDON : E. & F. N. SPON, 57 HAYMARKET, S. W. 1905. GENERAL COPYRIGHT, 1901, BY J. H. KINEALT. THE BURK PRINTING HOUSE, NEW YORK. PREFACE. This book is written solely as an elementary text-book for the use of beginners and students in engineering, but more especially for the students in the various universities and colleges in this country. No attempt has been made to tell everything about any one particular subject, but an attempt has been made to give the student an idea of elementary thermodynamics, of the action of the steam in the 1 cylinder of the engine, of the motion of the steam valve, of the differences between the various types of engines and boilers, of the genera- tion of heat by combustion, and the conversion of water into steam. Care has been taken not to touch upon the design and proportion of the various parts of engines and boilers for strength ; as, in the opinion of the writer, that should come after a general knowledge of the engine and boiler has been obtained. In the derivation of some of the formulae in thermo- dynamics, it has been necessary to use the calculus, but the use of all mathematics higher than algebra and geometry has been avoided as much as possible. An earnest endeavor has been made to present the subject in a clear and concise manner, using as few words as possible and avoiding all padding. J. H. KINEALY. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, August y 1895. (iii) 180712 PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. This edition is practically the same as the previous one. The only change made has been to correct some typo* graphical errors. J. H. KlNEALY. BOSTON, MASS., August, TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS. ARTICLES. 1. Thermodynamics 2. First Law of Thermodynamics ...... 3. Work, Power 4. Unit of Heat 5. Mechanical Equivalent 6. Application of Heat to Bodies 7. Second Law of Thermodynamics . 8. Specific Heat 9. Absolute Temperature 10. Application of Heat to a Perfect Gas . 11. Isothermal Expansion 12. Adiabatic Expansion 13. Fusion 14. Vaporization 15. Application of Heat to Water ...... 16. Superheated Steam 22 CHAPTER II. THEORY OP THE STEAM ENGINE. 17. Theoretical Heat Engine 23 18. Cycle 19. Thermodynamic Efficiency . 20. Perfect Gas Engine 27 21. Perfect Steam Engine . 32 22. Theoretical Diagram of the Real Engine . ... 86 23. Clearance 24. Efficiency of the Actual Engine . . . . - 46 Vi STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. CHAPTER III. TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. ARTICLES. PAGE. 25. Classification of Engines , . 53 26. Plain Slide Valve Engines ....... 65 27. Automatic High Speed Engines 56 28. Corliss Engines 59 29. Cylinder and Valve Chest 61 30. Piston 63 31. Cross-head 64 32. Connecting Rod ........ 68 33. Crank . 72 34. Main Bearings 74 35. Eccentric ........ 75 36. Governors .......... 76 CHAPTER IV. ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. 37. Opening and Closing the Ports by the Valves . , 78 38. Relative Movements of the Piston and Valve 83 39. Balanced Slide Valve 89 40. Piston Valve 90 41. Multiple Admission Valve 91 42. Meyer Valve .......... 91 43. Corliss Valve ...... . , . 92 44. Link Motion 95 CHAPTER V. VALVE DIAGRAMS. 45. Zeuner Valve Diagram . . . . . . .97 46. Valve Diagram Problems 101 47. Effect of the Obliquity of the Connecting Rod on the Point of Cut-off .......... 110 48. Swinging Eccentrics 113 CONTENTS. Vll CHAPTER VI. INDICATOR AND INDICATOR CARDS. ARTICLES. PAGE. 49. Indicators .... . 118 50. Adjustments and Connections of Indicators . 120 51. Reducing Motions . 122 52. Cord for Indicator . 127 53. Taking the Indicator Card . 128 54. To Determine the Horse-power from the Indicator Card 128 55. To Find the Ratio of Clearance of the Engine from the Indicator Card . . . 132 56. To Find the Weight of Steam used per Hour per Horse- power ... .... 57. Interpretation of the Action of the Valves from the Ap- pearance of the Indicator Card .... 134 CHAPTER VII. COMPOUND ENGINES AND CONDENSERS. 58. Compound Engines 59. Tandem Compound Engines . 60. Cross- Compound Engines 61. Ratio of Cylinders of Compound Engines 62. The Horse-Power of Compound Engines . 145 63. Condensers 64. Effect of the Condenser on the Power of the Engine . 150 65. Amount of Condensing Water Required .... 153 CHAPTER VIII. HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 66. Steam Making . 155 67. Steam Required per Hour . 157 68. Heat Required per Hour . .158 69. Fuel Required per Hour . 160 70. Air Required for Combustion . I 66 71. Rate of Combustion 72. The Furnace 169 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. ARTICLES. p AaE 73. Firing the Furnace 171 74. Mechanical Stokers ...... 174 75. Hawley Down-Draft Furnace .... 177 CHAPTER IX. BOILERS. 76. Types of Boilers 180 77. Old Types of Boilers 181 78. Return Fire-Tube Boilers 183 79. Water-Tube Boilers 189 80. Vertical Boilers 192 81. Marine Boilers 194 82. Rating of Boilers 194 83. Appendages to a Boiler ....... 196 84. Settings of Boilers .... 207 CHAPTER X. CHIMNEYS. 85. Chimneys 212 86. Draft of Chimney 214 87. Velocity of the Gases Passing Through the Chimney . 217 APPENDIX. CARE OF BOILERS. How to Prevent Accidents 221 How to Save Fuel 224 How to Lengthen the Life of the Boiler 225 TABLES. I. The Properties of Steam * 229 II. Hyperbolic Logarithms 234 III. Factors of Evaporation 235 IV. Heating Power of Fuels 236 CHAPTER I. ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS. I. THERMODYNAMICS. The Science which treats of the laws and principles according to which work may be con- verted into heat and y conversely \ heat into work is Thermo- dynamics. The whole science is based upon the present conception of " heat as a mode of motion ; " and until the present theory of heat was established and accepted, the science was unknown. Up to about the middle of the nineteenth century the usually accepted conception of heat was that it was a material substance that could be made to enter or leave bodies; and according as this substance was present in greater or less quantities the body was more or less hot. In 1798, Count Rumford was led to assert that heat was a mode of motion and not a material substance, by the results of experiments made while boring cannons. The results of his experiments and his conclusions as to the nature of heat were given in a paper, read before the Royal Society in England, entitled, "An Enquiry Con- cerning the Source of the Heat which is Excited by Friction," In 1/99, Sir Humphrey Davy, by a series of experi- ments upon the heating effect of rubbing two pieces of ice together, supported and strengthened the conclusions reached by Count Rumford. In spite, however, of the work of Rumford, Davy, and others who followed them, it was not until about 1843 2 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. that the modern conception of heat as a mode of motion was firmly established, and accepted by physicists. To Dr. Jules Robert Mayer, of Heilborn, Germany, and Dr. James Prescott Joule, of Manchester, England, is due more than, perhaps, to any others, the honor of firmly establishing the modern conception of heat. Dr. Mayer published, in 1842, an essay on the subject, in which he showed by clear reasoning and analysis that heat could not be a material substance. This was almost immedi- ately followed by the publication, in 1843, of the results of the elaborate experiments made by Joule at Man- chester. The results of Joule's experiments proved conclusively the falsity of the materiality of heat, and established the modern conception. In February, 1850, Prof. John Macquorn Rankine read, before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a paper, treating of thermodynamics, which, with a paper by Prof. R. Clausius read in the same month and year, before the Berlin Academy, may be considered as the beginning of the work, carried on since then to the present day, upon the Science of Thermodynamics. It is to be noted as a curious coincidence that Rankine, in Scotland, and Clausius, in Germany, each working independently of the other, had reached practically the same conclusions at the same time. Before leaving this subject it may be well to call attention to the fact that many of the methods of discussion used in thermodynamics, in its application to the study of heat engines, are due to Sadi Carnot, who, while rejecting the modern conception and accepting the materiality of heat, did much work that has been of value in formulating methods of discussion and analysis. To him is due the idea of the cycle process known as the Carnot Cycle, a discussion of which will be given in the proper place. 2. FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS. Work and heat ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS. 3 are mutually convertible; and whenever work is produced by heat the quantity of heat consumed is exactly propor- tional to the amount of work done, and, conversely, by the expenditure of the same amount of work the same quantity of heat may be produced. The first part of this law was established by the experiments of Rumford and Davy, but it was not until the careful experiments of Joule were made that the second part was assured. / 3. WORK, POWER. Work is the overcoming of resist- ance. In order that work may be done it is necessary that there should be not only a force but motion also. This must be kept clearly in mind ; and it must also be remembered that the element time does not enter at all. A man may hold up a weight for any length of time imaginable, but he does no WORK, in the mechanical sense of the word, so long as the weight is held at rest. If, however, he raises the weight, and in so doing overcomes the resistance due to the force of gravity, he does work. Again, if two men carry the same weight of goods up the same stairs, each will do exactly the same amount of work, even if one should carry his weight up the stairs in one-tenth the time that the other does. The unit of work is the foot-pound (ft.-lb.), which is the amount of work done by a body in moving throzigh a distance of one foot against a resistance of one pound. It follows, from the definition of the unit of work, that the work done by a body in overcoming any resistance is equal to the product of the mean force of resistance and the distance moved through. The force must be ex- pressed in pounds, and the distance in feet. Since, then, work is the product of two factors it may be represented on a diagram as the area of a closed figure, whose mean altitude represents the mean force of resistance, and whose 4 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. length represents the space or distance moved through. Such a figure may be termed a " Work Diagram." To illustrate the method of forming a " Work Dia- gram," let, in Fig. I, OX and OYbe two lines drawn at right angles to each other, termed axes, a represents the position of a body that is doing work. Its distance, ad, from OX, represents the force against which it is act- ing ; and its distance, ae t from Y, represents the distance it has moved from its starting point or origin. Now Fig. l. suppose the body moves from a to b along the line ab, which is so drawn that at any instant the distance of the body from OX represents the force against which it is act- ing at that instant, and its distance from Frepresents the distance from its origin at the same instant. When the body gets to b it is acting against a force represented by the line be; and it has moved a distance dc from a. The work done while the body moved from a to b is the mean force of resistance, F m , multiplied by the distance dc t and is represented by the area of the figure abed. If the force of resistance had been uniform, while the body moved from a to b, the line ab would have been parallel to OX, and the work would have been equal to ad X dc. ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS. 5 In general, the expression for the work done is given by the equation, (1) Where F is the force of resistance at any instant, and s is the distance from the origin. In order to solve (i) it is necessary to know the law of the path, ab, of the body. Power involves the element time, and is the amount of work done in a unit of time. In all calculations relating to engines, the power involved is usually so large that the unit of power used is the Horse-Power, H. P., which is 33,000 ft.-lbs. of work done in one minute ', or 550 ft.-lbs. in one second. To obtain the Horse-Power exerted by an engine, get the work done per minute and divide by 33,000; or, if W represents the work done per minute, the horse-power is < 2 > ** 4. UNIT OF HEAT. Rankine defines the unit of heat as "the quantity of heat which corresponds to an interval of one degree of Fahrenheit's scale in the temperature of one pound of pure liquid water, at and near its tempera- ture of greatest density (39.1 Fahrenheit)." Other writers define it as " the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 32 to 33 F." In this work, however, the Unit of Heat will be taken as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 62 to 63 Fahrenheit. The difference between the three amounts taken as 6 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS." the unit, is, however, so small that in practice it may be neglected. 5. MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT. The " Mechanical Equiv- alent" means the number of foot-pounds of work that is done when one unit of heat is consumed, and is generally designated by the letter J. The experiments made by Rumford and Davy were too crude to give any accurate value for the mechanical equivalent, and it was not until the time of Mayer and Joule that a value could be assigned to it with any degree of certainty. Mayer, from certain properties of gases, deduced a theoretical value forj; but it remained for Joule to determine, by a series of carefully conducted experiments extending from 1842 to about 1850, the value of /as 772 ft.-lbs. This value was accepted and used as the correct one until Joule and others showed by later, and perhaps more carefully conducted, experi- ments, that 772 was probably too small. Recently, Rowland, of Baltimore, by a series of experiments, in which great care was taken to guard against errors of all kinds, showed the value of the Mechanical Equivalent to be 778 ft.-lbs, the unit of heat being as used in this work. It is probable that 778 ft.-lbs. is nearer the true value of J than 772, and in this work 778 will be assumed as the true value. 6. APPLICATION OF HEAT TO BODIES. Whenever heat is imparted to a body, that is not on the point of chang- ing its state, two effects may generally be observed : 1st. The temperature of the body rises; its "sensible heat " is increased. 2nd. The body expands ; its volume is increased. There are some exceptions to the general law that the body expands when heated, but in all cases the statement ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS. 7 of the law, as given, will suffice if contraction be considered as a negative expansion. When heat is supplied to a body, a part of the heat is used simply to increase its temperature, and the remainder is converted into work. The work done may be classed under two heads, internal and external. The internal work is made up of two parts: the first is the work done in effecting that change of the condition of the particles due simply to the increase of temperature ; the second is the work done in increasing the volume of the body against the resistance of molecular attraction. The external work is that due to the increase in the volume of the body against the resistance of the pressure of the surrounding air or gases. The general expression for the heat used in heating a body may, then, be put in the form (3) H = JQ = S + L + W. H is the total heat used, expressed in mechanical units, i. e., foot-pounds ; /is the Mechanical Equivalent of heat, 778 ; <2 is tne total heat used, expressed in heat units ; S is the heat used in simply increasing the temperature of the body ; L is the heat used in doing the internal work ; W is the heat used in doing external work. S, L, and W are expressed in foot-pounds. 7. SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS. Rankine gives this law as follows : " If the total actual heat of a homo- geneous and uniformly hot substance be conceived to be divided into any number of equal parts, the effects of those parts in causing work to be performed are equal" He also says, " This law may be considered as a par- ticular case of a general law applicable to every kind of actual energy ; that is, capacity for performing work con- stituted by a certain condition of each particle of a sub- 8 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. stance, how small soever, independently of the presence of other particles (such as the energy of motion) ." Rankine's statement of the Second Law means simply that a unit of heat is equivalent to a definite amount of work independent of the part or the temperature of the hot body from which it is taken. A unit of heat taken from the inside of a body is equivalent to the same amount of work as a unit of heat taken from the surface ; and a unit of heat from a body whose temperature is 1000 is exactly the same as a unit of heat taken from a body whose temperature is 60. Clausius agrees with Rankine in his statement of the first law, but as his method of reasoning is different from that of Rankine, his statement of the Second Law, or Second Main Principle as he calls it, is different. It is : " Heat cannot, of itself, pass from a colder to a hotter body" 8. SPECIFIC HEAT. There are two specific heats to every body ; they may be termed the apparent specific heat, and the real specific heat. The apparent specific heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of a substance one degree Fahrenheit. The apparent specific heat is usually spoken of as simply the " specific heat. " It includes not only the amount of heat required to change the temperature of the body one degree, but, also, that heat used in doing such internal and external work as may accompany the change of temperature. It is further subdivided into specific heat at constant volume, CM, and specific heat at constant pres- sure, p . Specific heat at constant volume is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of one pound of a substance one degree when the volume is kept constant. It includes only such heat as is required for the change of temperature and that part of the internal work due to this change, and excludes all heat required to do work on account of change of volume. ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS. 9 Specific heat at constant pressure is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of one pound of a sub- stance one degree when the pressure is kept constant. It in- cludes all the heat required to do the internal and external work due to change of volume, and is, therefore, greater than the specific heat at constant volume. The real specific heat of a body is the amount of heat required simply to change the temperature of one pound of a substance one degree, excluding all heat used for internal and external work. In the case of perfect gases the internal work done during a change of temperature is zero, and the specific heat at constant volume is actually equal to the real specific heat. In the cases of solids and liquids, the amount of heat used for internal work when the temperature is changed at constant volume is so small as compared with that required only for change of temperature, that it is usual to consider the specific heat at constant volume as equal to the real specific heat. Let -v represent the specific heat at constant volume, expressed in foot-pounds ; K^ the specific heat at constant pressure, in foot-pounds ; then, for a perfect gas, (4) Jp, = ,7cp = 7 * =14Morair _ Ay J C V 9. ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE. Gay-Lussac made a series of experiments to determine the change in volume of a gas when heated under constant pressure, and, as a result of his experiments, found that the volume, Ft, of a gas at a given temperature, /, on the Fahrenheit scale, was always given in terms of its volume, V Q , at o, and its temperature /, by the equation (5) F t = F (l + aO, where a is a constant factor, equal to ^ , termed the co- efficient of expansion of perfect gases. * This symbol is the Greek letter Gamma. It is used by all writers to repre- sent the ratio of Jf p to K^. 10 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. If the temperature, /, of the gas is below zero, or nega- tive, then the plus sign in (5) becomes minus. If a gas is cooled below o its volume will be less than Vo\ if the cooling is continued, and the gas should always contract in the manner indicated by Gay-Lussac, it is apparent that finally a temperature will be reached where the volume of the gas will become zero. To determine this temperature put, in (5), for V^ its supposed value, and get, O = F (l+aO. Whence t = -- -=461. ct This point y 461, is the absolute zero, on the Fahrenheit scale, and temperatures counted from it as the starting point are absolute temperatures, and are usually designated by T. Since the absolute zero is 461 Fahrenheit degrees below the Fahrenheit zero, any temperature, /, on the Fahrenheit scale may be converted into a temperature, T, on the absolute scale by adding 461 to it. T = 461 + t. Equation (5) may be written in the form To is the absolute temperature for o F., and is equal to 461; T is the absolute temperature for f F., equal to 461 +t. Equation (6) may be changed to (7) I r = ^ = a constant. 10. APPLICATION OF HEAT TO A PERFECT GAS. If a pound of gas be put into a cylinder, closed at one end, in which works, without friction, a piston, the gas will expand and force out the piston until the pressure of the gas inside the cylinder is equal to that of the air on the outside. If now, while the temperature is kept constant, x> "7"* f o" THE (UNIVERSITY V^ o? ^^JJ^-'^ ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS. 11 the volume of the gas is decreased by pushing in the piston, the pressure exerted by the gas on the piston will be increased ; if the volume occupied by the gas is increased, the pressure exerted by it on the piston will be decreased. The pressure exerted by the gas, while its temperature remains constant, will increase or decrease, as the volume is decreased or increased, according to " Boyle's Law," which is: the pressure exerted by a gas, whose temperature remains constant^ is inversely as its volume. In other words, if V\ and P represent respectively the initial volume and pressure of a gas, at a constant tem- perature, and V-2 and P 2 its final volume and pressure, the relation existing between V\, Pi, Vi, and Pi, is (8) ZL = 4X or p 2 F 2 = Pi Fi = a constant. Fl /2 From equation (7), representing the relation between the volume and absolute temperature of a perfect gas under a constant pressure, and equation (8), representing the relation between the volume and pressure of a per- fect gas under a constant temperature, is obtained the relation that must always, under all circumstances, exist between the volume, pressure and absolute temperature of a perfect gas. It is given by the equation (9) ^p = ~p = R, a constant. ' When the pressures are expressed in pounds per square foot and the volumes in cubic feet, the value of R for one pound of air is 53.15. For w pounds of a gas the con- stant is w R. Let it be supposed that the air in the cylinder, spoken of before, is heated, while the pressure is kept constant at PI Ibs. per square foot, until the absolute temperature is increased from 7i to 7a . By definition, the amount 12 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. of heat supplied to the pound of the gas is, in mechan- ical units, the change in temperature, T 2 71, multiplied by the specific heat at constant pressure, K P) or (10) H = K(T 2 Ti). But from (3) it is evident that (11) H=S + L + W. Where S, the heat required to change only the temper- ature, is, fora perfect gas, K v (T* 71), since the real specific heat is equal to the specific heat at constant volume; L, the internal work, is, for a perfect gas, equal to zero ; and W, the external work, must be the total force exerted on the piston multiplied by the distance it has moved. The total force exerted on the piston is the pressure per square foot, Pi, multiplied by the area, A, of the piston ; and if the initial distance of the piston from the bottom of the cylinder is d\, and the final distanc e is d^, the dis- tance moved is di d\. The external work is, then, W=PiA (d 2 di) =Pi (Ad 2 Adi). But Adi is equal to V 2 , the final volume occupied by the gas ; and Adi is equal to V\ t the initial volume of the gas. The expression for Wis, therefore, Tr=Pi(F 2 Fi). If for 5, L, and W\ are put their values, (n) becomes, (12) H=K v (T, Ti) + Pi(F 2 Fi) = K V (T 2 Ti) + P, F 2 Pi Fi. Since the relation between the initial, and the final ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS. 13 pressure, volume, and absolute temperature must satisfy P Vi PI V\ equation (9), we have \.. R, and = R. Whence, P 1 Vz= R T^ and PI Fi = /2 TI Substituting these values of /\ J^ and /^ f^l in (12), and putting for .// its value, as given by (10), there is obtained, (13) #p (T 2 TO = /r v T7" /\ /7i 5 or Kl ^2 (25) ^ In Fig. 4, let #^ and <: 2 , its volume Vi, and its absolute temperature 71. Next it expands adiabatically from b to d, where its pressure is /s, its volume V s , and its absolute temperature Ti. Then it is compressed, and heat is taken from it, so that it con- tracts isothermally from d to c, where its pressure is P^ its volume V\ and its absolute temperature T- 2 . During the last period it is adiabatically compressed from c to a, thus completing the cycle. While the gas expanded isothermally from a to b, the 30 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. heat given to it was that necessary to do the external work, represented by the area abmf, which, from (16), is Pi Fi hyp. log. -?-. Therefore, (36) H=Pi Fi hyp. log. ~. v\ The heat emitted by the gas to the cold body, is equal to the work done during isothermal compression from d to c, represented by the area cdng, which, from (16), is P* V\ hyp. log. ~- Therefore, (37) U= P 4 Fi hyp. log. -~. The external work done during the cycle is represented by the area abdc. Area abdc = area abmf + area bdnm area acgf area cdng. But, as has been shown in Art. 12, area acgf= area bdnm, and, therefore, W= area abdc = area abmf area cdng. Since area abmf = H, and area cdng = U, we get from (36) and (37), (38) W= Pi Fi hyp. log. j^ P 4 F 4 hyp. log. ~. * 1 K4 From (9) we have P l V = 71 R and P F 4 = T 2 R; and since ac and &/ are adiabatic lines, we have, from (25), M7-1 From this relation we get - = . THEORY OF THE STEAM ENGINE. 31 Putting for Pi Fi, its value, 71 R t for P^ V its value, > R, anc and (38), (39) T7 -rr i> R, and for -JL its value, 1 we have, from ( 36), ( 37 ), H=RT l hyp. log. IL. U= R T 2 hyp. log. II. W= R (T! T 2 ) hyp. log. 2 . M. The efficiency of the perfect gas engine working ac- cording to the Carnot cycle is, from (39), Since this expression for E does not involve any special function or property of the working fluid, we say : The efficiency of all heat engines, using any working fluid according to the Carnot cycle, is as given by (40), 71 T-2 71 ' As a further proof, let us suppose that the perfect gas engine is used to run in the reverse direction a heat engine using a working fluid that is more efficient than the perfect gas. The working fluid in the second engine would take heat from the cold body at a temperature T-i\ would have work done upon it, instead of doing work ; and would give heat to the hot body at a temperature 71. The second engine is transforming work into heat instead of heat into work. It is evident, therefore, that since the working fluid of the second engine is in pre- cisely the same condition at the end of the cycle that it was at the beginning, the heat given to the hot body must equal the sum of that taken from the cold body and that resulting from the transformation of work into heat. It follows also, that if the second engine is more efficient, 32 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. as supposed, than the perfect gas. engine, it will give to the hot body more heat than the perfect gas engine trans- forms into work. But as all the work done by the perfect gas engine is used to run the second engine, the two to- gether form a system by means of which heat is either being created or made to pass from a cold to a hot body without any disappearance of energy or change of any kind in the conditions of the working fluids. That is, by an arrangement of machinery, heat is either created or made to pass from a cold to a hot body without any com- pensation. This conclusion is contrary to all our experience as to the action of heat, and to our knowledge of the transform- ation of heat into energy, and, therefore, cannot be con- sidered true. Hence, the second engine is not more efficient than the perfect gas engine. If it were supposed that the second engine ran the per- fect gas engine in a reverse direction, the same argument would show that the second engine cannot be less effici- ent than the perfect gas engine. We are, therefore, forced to conclude that, since the second engine is neither more efficient nor less efficient than the perfect gas engine, the two engines have the same efficiency. By a method of proof that belongs to a more advanced work than this, it can be shown that the Carnot cycle is the most efficient of all possible cycles. Care must be taken to remember that the efficiency of the heat engine 'p *p is - : only when working according to the Carnot T\ cycle. It would be well for the student to work out the ex- pressions for the work done by, and the efficiency of, the perfect gas engine working according to a number of the cycles given under the head of Problems. 21. PERFECT STEAM ENGINE. The perfect steam THEORY OF THE STEAM ENGINE. 33 engine is a theoretical engine using water and steam as the working fluid. In the actual steam engine the working fluid is usually considered as being steam only. This is due to the fact that the steam engine really consists of two parts that, in practice, are separated and are considered always as being separate and apart from one another. These parts are the engine, proper, and the boiler. The steam receives its heat while in the boiler, from which it passes to the engine and there does work ; then it leaves the engine and usually passes out and away. The steam drawn from the boiler is replaced by an amount of water necessary to make a quantity of steam equal to that taken away. In some cases, the steam, after leaving the engine, is condensed and returned to the boiler. In such cases, the actual engine approaches nearer to the perfect engine than in any other, as here the same work- ing fluid is used over and over again. In the perfect steam engine the water is supposed to be converted into steam while in the engine, and the engine itself takes the place of both engine, proper, and boiler, in the actual engine. The changes that the steam passes through dur- ing one cycle of the perfect steam engine, may be sup- posed to be exactly the same that it would pass through in an actual engine and boiler together, if the losses of heat due to radiation and conduction are neglected, and, therefore, the work diagram of a cycle of the perfect steam engine will be the same as the work diagram of the real engine. The cycle, then, that the perfect engine will be assumed to make will be that which approaches nearest to the cycle of the actual engine. In Fig. 7, let a represent the initial condition of one pound of water, just on the point of boiling, whose volume is Vvr, pressure per square foot is PI, and temperature is ti F. Let heat be given to the water so that it will be all 3 34 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. converted into steam at the temperature t\ F. The line showing the change in volume will be the line ab, parallel to X, since the pressure remains constant. At b the volume of the steam will be V\, the volume of one pound p of steam under a pressure per square inch of . When all the water has been converted into steam, let the hot body be taken away and let the steam expand from b to d. In the actual engine the line of expansion bd is not an adiabatic line, but usually approaches nearer the equilateral hyperbola, unless the expansion is great, whose equation is PI V\ = PI Vi = PV. We will suppose, then, in order that the cycle of the perfect steam engine may approach as nearly as possible to that of the real engine, that the steam loses some heat while expanding from b to d, and that bd is an equilateral hyperbola. While ex- panding from b to d, part of the heat in the steam is being transformed into work, and some of the steam is being condensed ; so that, at d the fluid in the engine is a mix- ture of water and steam at a volume V*, pressure per square foot PI, and temperature / 2 F. At d it is sup- posed that the engine is put in contact with a cold body, corresponding to the condenser of the actual engine, and all the steam is condensed at the uniform temperature /2 F. The line showing the change in volume during the condensation is dc, parallel to OX, since the pressure is constant. The point c represents one pound of water, whose volume is Vz, under a pressure per square foot of P-2, and at a temperature / 2 F. Now, the engine is again put in contact with the hot body until the tempera- ture of the water is increased from fa to A, and the pres- sure raised from P% to PI, thus completing the cycle. The line ac represents the change in volume and pressure during this last period of the cycle, and it is sufficiently accurate to consider it as parallel to OY ; the volume at c is equal to the volume at a. THEORY OF THE STEAM ENGINE. 35 The total quantity, H, of heat given to the water dur- ing the cycle is, evidently, the heat required to raise the temperature of the water from h to t\ t plus the latent heat of evaporation at t\ ; it can be obtained from Table I, m Fig. 7. in this work, or it may be calculated by using the ap- proxmate formulae given in Art. 15. The work, W, done during the cycle is represented in the work diagram by the area abdc. From the figure, it is seen that area abdc = area abng + area bdmn area dcgm. Area abng = Pi ( Fi F v ). Area bdmn = \PdV = PiV -- = P x Fi /W- Zo^. -^ Area dcgm = A ( F2 Fs). 36 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Therefore, F> W = area abdc = PI ( Fi F w ) + PI Fi hyp. log. -y- -P 2 (F 2 - Fa). V w and Pa are usually so small that they may, without error, be considered as zero, and the expression for W becomes (41) W = Pi Fi l + fty/>. log. ~ - P 2 F 2 . The value of U t the quantity of heat emitted by the fluid during the cycle, cannot be calculated directly, as we do not know the quantity of heat emitted during expansion from b to d> nor the exact quantity of steam condensed during compression from d to c. The value of U t however, is given by the expression U=H W. The efficiency of the engine working according to the given cycle is, P! Fi (1 + hyp. log. -^ )- P 2 F 2 (42) E =- = ^ - H H If the engine had followed the Carnot cycle its efficiency would have been 22. THEORETICAL DIAGRAM OF THE REAL ENGINE. In order that all may fully understand the explanation of the action of the steam in the engine, those who are not THEORY OF THE STEAM ENGINE. 37 f *o 38 STEAM EXGIXES AXD BOILERS. familiar with the names of the different parts of the engine should refer to Figs. 8 and 9. The steam is taken from the boiler to the " steam chest " of the engine, through the u steam pipe." From the steam chest it passes through the " steam ports " into the " cylinder," and there moves the " piston." The motion of the piston is communicated through the " piston rod " to the " connecting rod," then to the " crank," by means of which the " crank shaft " is given a rotating motion. While the piston moves from one end of the cylinder to the other, makes one " stroke," the crank makes half a revolution. The "point of cut-off" is that point in the stroke at which the piston is when steam ceases to be admitted to the cylinder: thus, the point of cut-off is at one-quarter stroke, if the steam ceases to be admitted at the instant the piston has finished one-quarter of a stroke. The action of the steam in the cylinder is as follows : It begins to enter the cylinder when the piston is beginning its stroke, and by its pressure forces the piston forward. As the piston moves forward steam is generated, at a constant pressure, in the boiler, and flows into the cylin- der ; so that the volume displaced by the piston is kept constantly filled with steam at the boiler pressure. When the piston reaches the point of cut-off the valve closes communication between the steam-chest and the cylin- der, and steam can no longer enter the cylinder. From this on to the end of the stroke, the steam expands and drives the piston forward simply by its expansive force. As the piston reaches the end of its stroke the valve opens the exhaust port, and the steam at once rushes out of the cylinder into the place of exhaust, until the pres- sure in the cylinder becomes about equal to that of the place into which the steam is exhausted. If the engine ex- hausted into the atmosphere, the pressure of the steam in THEORY OF THE STEAM ENGINE. 39 40 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. the cylinder would drop almost to the atmospheric pres- sure when the exhaust port is opened. In order to empty the cylinder of the steam remaining in it, the piston is forced back to its original position, against whatever pressure there may be in the place of exhaust, either by the pressure of steam admitted on the other side of the piston or by the momentum of the fly-wheel fixed to the shaft. To make the diagram of work done by the engine during one forward and backward stroke, assume, in Fig. IO, that ao represents the absolute pressure, Pi, in pounds per square inch, of the steam entering the boiler. Since the steam enters at constant pressure up to the point of cut-off, the line ab will represent the volume, V\, in cubic feet, of the steam admitted to the cylinder at a pressure per square foot of 144 P\. From the point of cut-off the steam expands until the piston reaches the end of the stroke, when the volume of the steam is, in cubic feet, V^ and its pressure is P$ pounds per square inch, as represented by the point c. The line of expansion, be, may be assumed as the equi- lateral hyperbola, whose equation is P\ T/i=P 2 V n THEORY OF THE STEAM ENGINE. 49 The mean effective pressure per square inch, P' et is evi- dently the mean forward pressure, P' m , less the back pressure, P- A . Hence (55c) P'e=P' m P3 n This expression gives the true mean effective pressure per square inch when clearance is taken into account. The effect of clearance is not only to reduce the number of times the steam is expanded, but also to very mate- rially change the expression for the mean effective pres- sure, as can be seen by comparing (50) and (55^). 24. EFFICIENCY OF THE ACTUAL ENGINE. The thermo- dynamic efficiency of the actual engine is expressed by the same equation as the efficiency of the perfect steam engine, and is *=J. Where Wis the work done by a given weight of steam, and //is the total heat in mechanical units, required to raise the temperature of the same weight of water from the initial temperature of the water up to the temperature of the steam and there turn it into steam. The work done per stroke by an engine is, from (52), P e L A, and the volume, in cubic feet, of the steam, at the -IT initial pressure, used per stroke is V\= . L A From (51), F2= ; and, therefore, the volume of 144 steam used per stroke is LA (5G) 144r If s is the volume in cubic feet of one pound of steam 4 50 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. at the initial pressure, as given in Table I, the weight, S, of steam used per stroke will be Let k\ t as in (29), be the total quantity of heat, in me- chanical units, required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from the initial temperature of the watef to the temperature of the steam and there convert it into steam. Then the heat, HI, required for the weight, S, of steam used per stroke will be, from (57), (58) 144 r s Since the work done per stroke is P e L A, and the heat used per stroke is //i, the efficiency of the engine is As the perfect steam engine had its efficiency de- creased by departing from the Carnot cycle, so too, the efficiency of the actual engine is less than that of the perfect engine the more it departs from the cycle of the perfect engine. In the perfect engine the expansion is always continued until the pressure of the steam is*that corresponding to the temperature of the feed water. In Fig. 7, let dm be the pressure of the steam correspond- ing to the temperature of the feed water, then the work done by the perfect steam engine would be represented by the area abdc y which is greater than the work that would be done by the actual engine, by the area d'de. The actual engine loses a great deal of heat by radia- tion and conduction, which results in a condensation of THEORY OF THE STEAM ENGINE. 51 52 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. the entering steam ; and the volume of steam that must be applied to the engine is Fi, plus that required for clearance, plus that required to compensate for what is condensed. A part of the work, resulting from the transformation of the heat of the steam, is used in overcoming the friction of the moving parts of the actual engine ; so that the engine has a mechanical efficiency as well as a thermodynamic efficiency, and the two must be care- fully distinguished from one another CHAPTER III. TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 25. CLASSIFICATION OF ENGINES. Engine builders usually classify their engines in two great classes as follows : 1. Condensing Engines. 2. Non-condensing Engines. Condensing engines are those that exhaust the steam into a condenser; they may be either simple, have but a single cylinder, or compound, have two or more cylinders. While a condensing engine maybe a simple engine, most of them are compound and expand the steam a greater number of times than could be well done in a simple engine. The mean back pressure, P 3 in Art. 22, is always less than atmospheric pressure in the case of a condensing engine. Non-condensing engines are those that exhaust the steam into the atmosphere ; and, while they may be either simple or compound, they are usually simple. The mean back pressure in these engines is always greater than the atmospheric pressure, when the engine is running properly. Engines are sometimes classified according to whether they are used on land or on the ocean, as Land engines and Marine engines. They may be classified according to the position of the cylinder, as Vertical engines or Horizontal engines. (53) 54 STEAM EXGINES AND BOILERS. In this work, all engines will be considered as coming under one of the following heads : 1. Plain Slide Valve Engines. 2. Automatic High Speed Engines. 3. Corliss Engines. There are engines on the market that on account of peculiarities of design it would be extremely difficult to Fig. 15. Horizontal Section. Cylinder, Dick and Church Engine, determine exactly under which head they would belong; but such engines must be considered simply as connect- ing links, in which an endeavor has been made to obtain all the good qualities of the engines of two or more types. Such engines are often, however, unfitted for any special kind of work, as they possess to a certain degree qualities that make them better than is necessary for some work, and yet do not possess the same qualities to TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 55 a sufficiently high degree to make them well fitted to do other special work. 26. PLAIN SLIDE VALVE ENGINES. These engines are usually plain in appearance, and use a simple form of D- valve. Some are heavy, well made, and made of good material; others are slight in weight, poorly made, and' made of the poorest material. To this type of engines belong most, if not all, of the very cheap engines. Engines of this type, however, will stand more hard usage and neglect than perhaps any other on the market; good ones, of course, will stand more than cheap, poor ones. They have rather gone out of fashion at present, and yet, for some conditions and some kinds of work, they are good engines. Engines of this type have a fixed cut-off, which can only be changed by re-adjusting the engine, and they regulate by throttling the incoming steam so as to reduce the initial pressure in the cylinder. The cut-off usually occurs at about three-fourth stroke ; the clearance is about ten to twelve per cent of the volume swept through by the piston ; and there is little compression of Che exhaust steam. It results, therefore, that as the steam has practically no expansion, these engines are not economical in the use of steam. The mean back pressure for engines of this type may be taken as about seventeen or eighteen pounds absolute. In favor of engines of this type it may be said that they are simple in construction ; require very little attention ; are difficult to put much out of order, and are easily repaired when deranged. They are suitable for out-of- the-way places where facilities for repairs are few, and for places where fuel is cheap and the work to be done is practically constant. The mechanical efficiency, as well as the thermody- namic efficiency, of engines of this type is often small. OO STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. In Fig. 8 is shown a section of an engine of this type, and in Fig. 9 is shown a side view of one. 27. AUTOMATIC HIGH SPEED ENGINES. This type of engines may be considered as the modern type, as it has been evolved since the beginning of the great use of electricity, and, indeed, is the result of the demand for an engine to be used to run electric machinery. With the Fig. 16. Cross-section. Cylinder, Dick and Church Engine. advent and great use of dynamos there was at once a demand for small engines that could run at a high rota- tive speed, that would be fairly economical under fluctu- ating loads, and, above all, would run at a uniform speed under great changes of load. The plain slide-valve type of engines could not be said to satisfy any one of these conditions; the Corliss engine did not satisfy the first TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 57 condition as to high rotative speed, and, then, they were too large, and, for small plants, occupied too much space. Engines of this type are termed high speed not on account of the speed of the piston, but on account of the number of revolutions they will make per min- ute. The speed of the engine is kept almost con- stant by automatically changing the point of cut-off and the amount of compression to suit the various fluctuations of the load. The increase or diminution in the number of revolutions will usually be about one per cent, or less, for a sudden change of from full load to no load, or no load to full load. This increase or diminution of speed, however, will seldom last more than a few revolutions. The number of revolutions made by an engine of the automatic high speed type will depend upon the length of stroke and upon the make ; the shorter the stroke the greater the number of revolutions. Ordinarily, the number of revolutions that an engine of this type will make may be obtained by the formula, N= ~ v L l Where N is the number of revolutions made per min- ute ; and L, the length of the stroke in inches. On account of the high speed of rotation, engines of this type must have large, ample bearings ; all parts must be carefully proportioned, fitted and adjusted, and made of good material. The greatest source of trouble with these engines, which is overheating of bearings, can usually be traced to poor materials and workmanship. Engines of this type almost invariably use some form of balanced valve, which is automatically made to change the amount of steam admitted to the cylinder in such a manner that the amount of steam admitted is nearly proportional to the work to be done by the engine. The cylinders of engines of this type are usually of comparatively large diameter and short stroke ; the diameter is usually between 0.60 and 0.80 of the 58 STEAM ENGINES AXD BOILERS. stroke, and is often equal to the length of the stroke. These proportions of cylinders mean a short engine for a given horse power, and a comparatively large clearance. The clearance varies from about 5 to 10 per cent of the volume swept through by the piston ; it may usually be o> "I t 3 taken as about IO per cent for those engines having a single valve, and 4 to 6 per cent for those having a system of multiple valves. The mean back pressure for engines of this type may be taken as about eighteen or twenty pounds absolute. TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 59 Most engines of this type have a center crank, although some are made with a side crank. Summing up, it may be said in favor of engines of this type that they are fairly economical in the use of steam ; occupy small space for a given power ; regulate well under a fluctuating load ; and, as compared to engines of the Corliss type, are of small first cost. The engines of this type require careful attention to be paid to the bearings, on account of the high speed of rotation, and to the adjustments of the valves and other moving parts. All bearings must be kept in good con- dition and well lubricated. Figs. II and 12 illustrate engines of this type. 28. CORLISS ENGINES. Under this head the author includes, in addition to the engines of the pure Corliss type, all of those engines that, even though not having the Cor- liss valve gear, have more of the characteristics of the Corliss engines than of the engines of the types already described. Engines of this type, while having a high velocity of piston, have a rather slow speed of rotation; even the smaller sizes seldom make more than 100 revo- lutions per minute. This is due principally to the nature of the valve gearing used to operate the valves. An aver- age value of the number of revolutions made per minute by engines of this type will be given by the equation N= y -, where L is the length of stroke in inches. V J^i The cylinders of engines of this type are usually of comparatively small diameter and long stroke. The dia- meter varies from one-third to two-thirds the length of the stroke, but is usually about one-half the length of the stroke. These proportions of cylinders mean a long engine, occupying much space, for a given horse-power. Engines of this type usually use a system of multiple valves, which, by means of suitable mechanism, are made 60 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. to cut-off the steam to suit the requirements of the load, without changing the amount of compression of the ex- haust steam. There is usually one steam valve and one exhaust valve for each end of the cylinder, and the gov- erning mechanism changes the action of the steam valve only. In order to preserve a uniform velocity of rotation, the engines of this type not only have the cut-off automati- Fig. 18. Cylinder, Porter-Allen Engine. cally changed to suit the varying fluctuations of the load, but are provided, also, with large heavy fly-wheels, in which surplus energy is stored when the load is de- creased, and from which energy may be drawn when the load is suddenly increased. By the aid of the au- tomatic cut-off valves and the large fly-wheels, the varia- tion in speed of engines of this type may be made as small as desired. TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 61 The clearance in engines of this type is usually about 2 per cent of the volume swept through by the piston, although it varies from I to 4 or 5 per cent of that volume. The mean back pressure for engines of this type may be taken as about 16 to 18 pounds absolute. As the engines of this type make comparatively few revolutions per minute, the bearings are not so apt to get hot as in the case of engines of the automatic high speed type. This type of engines is the most economical of all types, and for large establishments requiring much power is undoubtedly the best. The engines of this type, how- ever, are of greater first cost, and occupy more space than do engines of the automatic high speed type. They require considerable care and attention, and have a number of small, light parts to be kept in repair and adjustment. Engines of this type are illustrated by Figs. 13 and 14. 29. CYLINDER AND VALVE CHEST. The cylinders of engines are made of cast iron, with walls sufficiently thick to stand the stress induced by the pressure of the steam, and, also, the straining due to the motion of the piston back and forth. The thickness should be such as to allow at least one reboring. They are all true cylinders inside, but the shape of the outside will 'depend upon the style of engine and the maker. Most cylinders for short stroke engines overhang the beds of the engines ; some are cast solid with the beds, others are cast separate and bolted on. This last form is perhaps the better, as the cylinder can then be rebored with less trouble. The steam chest is usually cast with the cylinder, although it is sometimes cast separate and bolted on. Its form and dimensions depend upon the valve, ports, and type of the engine. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. o ti TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 63 The ports should be large, with smooth surfaces and without any sharp or abrupt changes in direction. The area of cross-section of the ports should be such that the steam will travel at a velocity between 100 and 1 50 feet per second when passing into the cylinder. The ports should slope from the cylinder towards the steam chest, so that all water that is condensed in the cylinder may easily drain away. Fig. 20. Cylinder of Corliss Engine. All cylinders should be provided with drip cocks, for draining the cylinder and steam chest. Some of the various methods of inserting the heads, and protecting the cylinders by lagging, are shown in the cuts of cylinders in this work. 64 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 30. PISTON. The main point to be considered in con- nection with a piston is tightness, as a leaky piston reduces the efficiency of the engine very materially. For engines of the high speed automatic type, where the weight of the reciprocating parts is used to aid in regu- lating the engine, weight is of an advantage rather than a disadvantage ; while in the case of engines of the Corliss type, weight is a disadvantage. The pistons of engines of the automatic high speed type are, usually, much thicker in proportion to the diameter, than those of the Corliss type. Pistons are usually made tight by using as "packing rings," split cast iron rings that are turned slightly larger in diameter than the bore of the cylinder. When they are in the cylinder, the elasticity of the cast iron keeps the rings pressed out against the cylinder, and thus pre- vents the passage of the steam. The piston may be a single casting, with grooves into which the packing rings are sprung, or may be built up, as shown in Fig. 2 1 . There, A is the "spider;" C, the "chunk" or "bull "ring; D, the "packing ring;" and E, the "follower plate." The bolts marked O are for adjusting the bull ring so that it will always run true in the cylinder, even if the center of the piston rod should not coincide with the center of the cylinder. 31. CROSS-HEAD. The cross-head consists of the body of the cross-head, the " slippers " or bearing surfaces, and the " cross-head pin." The cross-head is guided in its backward and forward motion by the bearing surfaces of the top and bottom "guides." Center crank engines have usually two top guides and two bottom guides, as the cross-heads are made with two sets of bearing surfaces, one at each end of the cross-head pin, as shown in Fig. 22 ; while side crank engines have usually one top guide and one bot- tom guide, as the cross-heads have the general form shown in Fig. 23. For automatic high speed engines, the TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 65 bearing surfaces are usually plane surfaces, as shown in Fig. 22 ; while for Corliss engines, they are usually V- shaped, or cylindrical as shown in Fig. 23. Engines are usually run "over," so as to bring the pressure of the cross-heads always on the bottom gudes : that is, the en- gines are run so that an observer facing an engine with his left hand towards the cylinder, sees the fly-wheel re- volve from left to right. The bearing surfaces of the cross-heads are usually made of some anti-friction wear- ing metal, such as Babbitt metal, and care should be Fig. 21. taken to keep them well lubricated. It is always best to have some arrangement by means of which adjust- ment may be made for the wear of the slippers, so as to keep the line of motion of the center of the cross-head pin coincident with the center line of the cylinder. If there is no means of adjusting for the wear, and the line of motion of the center of the cross-head pin is not coin- cident with the center line of the cylinder, the friction on the cross- head pin and crank pin is increased, and, also, the cross-head will run loose in the guides and cause a knocking noise when the load on the engine is suddenly changed. The cross-head pin is sometimes cast solid with the body of the cross-head, and then turned up either by hand 66 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. or, if the shape of the cross-head permits, by machinery ; often, however, the pin is made separate and put into the cross-head. This last method gives no advantage, to the user of the engine, over the method of making the pin and cross-head body one casting, unless the pin is put into the body in such a way that it can be removed at any time for returning. Separate pins are usually made of steel. Many engine builders flatten the top and bottom of the cross-head pin in order to reduce the wear. It is Fig. 22. Cross-head, Porter-Allen Engine. doubtful, however, whether this practice attains its ob- ject. Ample facilities should be provided for good and proper lubrication of the cross-head pin. Cross-heads are shown in Figs. 22 and 23. TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES, 67 Fig. 23. Cross-head, Ide Engine. 68 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 32. CONNECTING ROD. The motion of the cross-head is transmitted to the crank-pin through the connecting rod, which is always made either of wrought iron or steel. If it is assumed that the crank-pin moves with a uniform velocity, the length of the connecting rod will have a marked influence upon the velocity of the cross-head. If the connecting rod could be so arranged that it would always remain parallel to the line of motion of the piston, then the distance that the piston has moved from the end of its stroke, for a given movement of the crank, would always be equal to the distance from the position of the Fig. 24. crank-pin when on dead center to the foot of a perpen- dicular let fall from the crank-pin on the line of motion of the piston. In Fig. 24, let B represent the cross-head of an engine, which being rigidly connected to the piston has the same motion as the piston ; and let the line BC represent the line of motion of the piston. Also, let A represent the center of the crank-pin revolving about C and connected to B by the connecting rod BA. Now, if the rod were infinitely long it would always remain parallel to the line BC t and the distance that the piston would have moved while the crank moved from a\ to A would be equal to the distance a\ d. Since, however, the connecting rod, BA, does not remain parallel to BC, but is oblique to it, for all positions TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 69 of the crank -pin except at a\ and #2, the distance, b\ B, that the piston actually is from the end of its stroke is not equal to a\ d. As will be shown in Art. 47, it is known that during the forward stroke the distance the piston moves from the end of the stroke, for a given motion of the crank-pin, is greater than it would be if there were no obliquity to the connecting rod ; and during the re- turn stroke, the movement of the piston is less than it would be if there were no obliquity. The length of the connecting rod is usually made equal to three times the length of the stroke for Corliss engines, and about two and a half times the length of the stroke for automatic high speed engines. The cross-section of the connect- ing rod of a Corliss engine is usually a circle, and that of the connecting rod of an automatic high speed en- gine is usually a rectangle whose greatest dimension is the depth of the rod. The connecting rod has at one end the " cross-head pin brasses," and at the other, the " crank-pin brasses." The "brasses " are castings of brass, fastened to the connecting rod in various ways, which form the bearing surfaces of the rod on either the cross-head pin or the crank-pin. In order that, as the brasses wear, the length of the rod, measured from center of cross-head brasses to center of 70 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. crank-pin brasses, may remain constant, it is necessary to provide a means of taking up the wear. In Fig. 25 is shown a connecting rod whose cross-head Fig. 26. Connecting Rod, Porter-Hamilton Eogine. end is of a solid box form, into which the brasses fit; the crank -pin end has the brasses attached to it by means of a " strap/' held by a gib and key. The method of taking up the wear of the brasses is indicated in the cut. Fig. 27. Connecting Rod, Woodbury Engine. In Fig. 26 is shown a connecting rod whose crank end is of the " marine " type, sometimes known as " club ended; " the cross-head end has the strap attached to the rod by a bolt, and a gib and key. TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES, 71 72 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Fig. 27 shows a connecting rod whose cross-section is I-shaped. The method of attaching the brasses and taking up the wear is clearly shown. 33. CRANK. Those engines that have the crank between the two main bearings of the shaft are center- crank engines ; and those that have the crank on the same side of both the shaft bearings are side-crank engines. Fig. 29. Most center-crank engines are of the automatic high speed type, and have the crank and the shaft forged out of one solid piece of iron or steel. Where this is the case it is, usually, customary to fasten to each arm of the crank a cast iron disk provided with a balance weight to balance the weight of the crank and a part of the weight of the connecting rod. The method of fastening these balancing disks to the crank differs for different makes of engines. Some center-crank engines have a TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 73 built up crank ; the shaft is made of two pieces, to the end of each of which is fastened a disk or wheel, and these disks are then fastened together by the crank pin. The disks are, usually, forced on the pieces of the shaft by hydraulic pressure, and then keyed. The pin is, also, forced into the disks by hydraulic pressure. The diameter of the crank-pin of center-crank engines is almost invariably the same as, of slightly greater Fig. 30. than, the diameter of the shaft ; and it's length is usually equal to that of the cross-head pin. In Figs. 28 and 29 are shown the forms of center- cranks that have been described. Fig. 28 shows the crank of the Woodbury engine, and Fig. 29 shows the built up center-crank of the Straight Line engine. Side crank engines may have simply a crank, forced by hydraulic pressure onto the end of the shaft, into which 74 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. the crank-pin is forced; or they may have a disk, termed the crank-disk, forced onto the end of the shaft, which carries. the crank-pin. Most engines of the Corliss type have simply a crank, while the side-crank engines of the automatic high speed type, usually, have a crank-disk. The crank-pin of side-crank engines is, usually, about the same size as the cross-head pin. The method of fastening the crank-pin into the crank, or the crank-disk, varies with different makes of engines. Some are simply forced into the hole, provided for them, by hydraulic pressure; others are forced in, and then have a nut put on the back ; while others are fastened in by other methods. It is of the utmost importance that ample provisions be made for the proper lubrication of the crank-pin of all engines, whether side-crank or center-crank. 34. MAIN BEARINGS. It is important that the main bearings of an engine be large, lined with a good wearing metal, and have proper facilities for lubricating. Small bearings, or those not having proper provisions for distributing the oil over the bearings, are apt to give trouble by running too' hot and being constantly in danger of cutting. The caps to the main-bearings are those pieces that go down over the shaft after it is in the bearings. They are sometimes put on in a horizontal position and other times are inclined at an angle of about 30. In Fig. 30 is shown a section of the main bearing of the Porter-Allen Automatic Engine. It is made in four parts, viz., the bed, or bottom part; the side boxes, or side parts ; and the cap, or top part of the bearing. By screwing up the nuts marked a, the wedges may be raised, and the side boxes pressed out and tightened against the shaft. TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 75 In Fig. 31 is shown a section of the main bearing of the Porter-Hamilton Engine. 35. ECCENTRIC. The eccentric is simply a cast iron disk through which the shaft passes and which moves the valve of the engine. In the case of engines of the plain slide valve type, and, also, of the Corliss type, the eccentric is fastened to the shaft either by a key or by a set screw. The advantage of the set screw over the key Fig. 31 is that it allows the relative position of the eccentric on the shaft to be changed at will ; and the disadvantage is that at times the eccentric may slip and change its relative position without that fact being known. The distance that the center of the eccentric is from the center of the shaft is its eccentricity. The eccentric is equivalent to a crank whose length is equal to the eccentricity, and takes the place of such a crank. As the shaft is turned, the eccentric turns and moves the valve of the engine back and forth as if it were connected to a crank whose length is equal to the eccentricty of the eccentric. 76 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. On most engines of the automatic high speed type, the eccentric is not fastened to the shaft, but the opening through which the shaft passes is larger than the shaft ; so that the relative position of the eccentric and, also, the eccentricity can be automatically changed by the gov- Fig. 32. erning device. Changing the eccentricity, of course, changes the travel of the valve, and, as we shall see later, this affects the point of cut-off. 36. GOVERNORS. It is impossible to discuss here the governing device of either the automatic high speed type TYPES AND DETAILS OF ENGINES. 77 of engines or the Corliss type, as that involves the dis- cussion of the valve mechanisms that will be given later. The governor used on engines of the plain slide valve type is a " throttling governor," which is attached to the steam pipe and which decreases the pressure of the enter- ing steam by " throttling," or partially closing an admis- sion valve. In Fig. 32 is shown a section of one of these governors. The opening A is connected to the steam chest, and the opening B to the steam pipe, so that the steam passes through the valve C before entering the engine. The gear wheel D is run by means of a belt, from the shaft of the engine to the wheel E, and it, in turn, runs the gear wheel F y which moves the balls G. As the speed of the balls G increases, the centrifugal force makes them rise, and in doing so they force down the valve-stem H t and partly close the valve C. The faster the engine runs, the faster the balls G move, and the more the valve C is closed ; the slower the engine goes, the slower the balls move, and the more the valve C is opened. The valve C, thus automatically opens wider to admit steam if the engine begins to slow down, and partly closes, thus shutting off the steam, if the engine begins to speed up. By properly adjusting the governor, by means of the screw 7", the speed of the engine may be fairly controlled within certain limits. CHAPTER IV. ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. 37. OPENING AND CLOSINGTHE PORTS BY THE VALVE. As has been explained, the valve is worked by an eccen- tric which is fastened to the shaft; and the eccentric is equivalent to a crank whose length is equal to the eccentricity of the eccentric. The motions of the eccentric and the valve, therefore, bear the same relations to one another that the motions of the crank and piston do. During one complete revolution of the shaft the valve makes one complete forward and one complete backward motion, and the length of each of these motions is equal to twice the eccentricity of the eccentric. If we neglect the obliquity of the eccentric rod, which changes the motion of the valve in the same way that the obliquity of the connecting rod changes the motion of the piston, the valve will make one-half of its forward, or backward, motion while the eccentric makes a quarter of a revolution, and the relation of the motion of the valve to that of the eccentric will be very much simplified. In all that follows, except when otherwise stated, the obliquity of the connecting rod, and of the eccentric rod, will be neglected ; and the motions of the valve and the piston will be discussed as if the rods were of infinite length. The valve is said to be in " mid-position " when it has reached the middle of its forward or backward motion. The " travel" of the valve is the total distance that it moves in one direction, either forward or backward, and is equal to twice the eccentricity of the eccentric. (78) ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. 79 The simplest valve is the plain Z?-valve, shown in Fig. 33. There, a represents the steam chest, into which the steam passes from the boiler ; c represents the exhaust port, through which the exhaust steam passes out of the engine.; di and d^ represent the steam ports, through which the steam passes into the cylinder from the steam chest. In the figure, the valve is supposed to be in mid- position and is shown as lapping over and beyond the ports, at each end, a distance marked o ; it is also shown as lapping over the ports, towards the inside, the distance marked i. The distance o is the outside or steam lap, which is, the distance the valve extends over the edges of the steam ports on the outside. The distance i is the inside or exhaust lap, which is, tJie distance t/ie valve extends over the edges of the steam ports on the inside. In Fig. 33, let C represent the center of the shaft, and A, the center of the eccentric ; so that AC is the eccentri- city of the eccentric, and represents the equivalent crank. When the valve is in mid-position, as shown in the figure, the center of the eccentric is at B, and the valve has made half of its travel. While the valve is in this position, it is evident that no steam can enter or leave through either of the ports, d\ or so that the steam may leave the cylinder, and it continues open until Hi is reached. ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. 83 It is usual to say the steam port is open, when d\ is open to a; and to say the exhaust port is open, when d\ is opened to c. By an analysis similar to that made for the port d-^ it can be shown that, during one revolution of the shaft, the port d7/equal to D\ C\ H\. Anything that will make the angle D\ C\ H\ or its equal, DCH t smaller will make the release occur earlier. Now, increas- ing the angle of advance throws Di farther towards //i, and decreases the angle D\ C\ H\\ increasing the exhaust lap, C\ K, throws Hi farther towards A\, and increases the angle D\ C\ H\. It follows, therefore, that, for a given eccentricity and exhaust lap, increasing the angle of advance makes the release occur earlier ; and, for a given angle of advance and eccentricity, increasing the exhaust lap makes the release occur later. ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. 87 The position, L, of the crank-pin when compression begins, or the exhaust port closes, is best obtained by making the small angle D C L, below DC, equal to the small angle D\C\L\. Anything that causes the angle DI Ci LI to be large, will make the point L be farther from D, and will make the compression begin earlier. The angle D\ C\ LI may be increased by making the angle of advance, i C\ D\, greater or by increasing the exhaust lap, thus throwing L\ farther towards A\. It follows, then, that, for a given eccentricity and exhaust lap, an increase in the angle of advance makes the compression begin earlier; and, for a given eccentricity and angle oj advance, an increase in the exhaust lap makes the com- pression begin earlier. Finally, the position, F, of the crank-pin when admis- sion begins, or the steam port is opened, is obtained by laying off, below D C, the angle D C F equal to the angle D\ C\F\. It is evident, from the figure, that, for a given eccentricity and steam lap, an increase in the angle of advance makes the admission occur earlier; and, for a given eccentricity and angle of advance, an increase in the steam lap makes the admission occur later. It will be noticed, from what has been explained, that, for a given eccentricity, steam lap, and exhaust lap, an increase in the angle of advance makes the lead greater, and makes the ports open and close earlier. When the positions of the crank-pin are known for the different positions of the valve, it is very easy to deter- mine the positions of the piston, provided the obliquity of the connecting rod is neglected, since the distance the piston is from the beginning of its stroke is always equal to the distance from the dead center to the perpendicular let fall, on the line of motion of the piston, from the cen- ter of the crank-pin. Thus, when the crank-pin is at G, the piston is at the distance Dg from the beginning of its 88 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Since G is the position of the crank-pin when cut-off takes place, g is the " point of cut-off," and Dg expressed as a fraction of the stroke is the " cut-off." That point in the stroke at which the piston is when the exhaust port is opened, is called the " point of release; " that point in the stroke at which the piston is when the exhaust port is closed, is the " point of compression ; " and that point in the stroke at which the piston is when the steam port is opened, is called the " point of admis- sion.'* The "point of cut-off" has already been defined. The positions of the piston at the times of the opening and closing of the ports are indicated on the drawing, g is the point of cut-off; h, the point of release ; i, the point of compression ; and /, the point of admission. We are now able to trace the motion of the piston and note the action of the steam. The piston starts at the left end of its stroke and moves towards the right, with steam enter- ing the cylinder during the whole time ; at g the steam is cut-off, and while the piston moves to h, from g, the steam remaining in the cylinder is being expanded. At h release occurs ; the steam begins to leave the cylinder and continues to leave until the piston gets to i t on its return stroke. At i the exhaust port is closed, and the steam remaining in the cylinder is compressed while the piston moves from i to f t on the return stroke. Atf the steam port is opened, and steam begins to enter the cylinder. The same kind of analysis can be followed out for the steam entering the cylinder to the right of the piston. The 'point of cut-off, of release, of compression, and of admission, will be the same distance from the end of the stroke ; everything will be the same except that the points of cut-off and release will occur while the piston is moving from right to left, and the points of compression and admission will occur while the piston is moving from left to right. ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. 89 39. BALANCED SLIDE VALVE. In order to avoid the friction of the plain .D-valve, such as shown in Figs. 33 and 34, where the full pressure of the steam presses the valve against its seat, and makes it difficult to move, some form of balanced valve is generally used on automatic high speed engines. A balanced valve not only requires less power to move it, but also wears less than an unbal- anced valve. The general form of balanced slide valve in common use is the " Straight Line " valve, or some modification of it. This valve is shown in Figs. 35 and 36. It will be seen that the valve is simply a flat casting, a, with open- Fig. 35. ings through it, that moves back and forth between the valve seat and a " cover-plate," b. The cover-plate does not rest directly on the valve but on " distance-pieces," c y at the top and bottom of the valve. The cover-plate is sometimes kept in place by means of springs, interposed between it and the steam chest cover; other times the valve is not set exactely vertical, but is slightly inclined, so that the weight of the valve and cover-plate is suffi- cient to keep it in place. The valve shown in Figs. 35 and 36 has no special means of correcting for the wear of the valve ; the only way to do this is to reduce the thickness of the distance pieces, c. Some valves are pro- vided with wedges, by means of which the distance pieces 90 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. may be set out and the cover-plate lifted any desired distance from the valve. Fig. 35 shows steam being ad- mitted to the right-hand end of the cylinder and being ex- hausted from the left-hand end, as indicated by the arrows. 40. PISTON VALVE. The piston valve consists simply of a piston working in a cylinder through which the ports Fig. 36. are cut. The length of the port is equal to the circum- ference of the piston, less the width of such ribs as may extend across the port. This form of valve is perfectly balanced, but it is difficult to keep it tight and prevent it from leaking. When steam is first turned on to an ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. 91- engine having a piston valve, care must be taken not to start it up until the steam chest has got thoroughly hot, as the valve is very likely to become hot before the cylin- der in which it works, and to expand and stick, and per- haps cause a breakage somewhere. The piston used for the valve is sometimes made tight by the use of cast iron packing rings, other times it is simply turned to a steam tight fit with the cylinder in which it works. In Fig. 15 is shown a form of piston valve where the cylinder in which the valve fits is made with thin walls and is surrounded by live steam, so that it heats quicker than the valve and there is not so much danger of the valve sticking. The figure shows steam being admitted to the right-hand end and exhausted from the left-hand end. 41. MULTIPLE ADMISSION VALVE. With the advent of the automatic high speed engine, there came a demand for a single valve which could be made to cut-off early in the stroke and that would give a large port-opening with a small travel. To meet these requirements, the multiple admission valve was devised. Valves of this type are so made that the opening of the port is not, as shown in Art. 37, equal to the distance the valve is from mid-position minus the steam lap, but is equal to two times this distance for a double admission valve, and four times it for a quadruple admission valve. The "Straight Line" valve, shown in Figs. 35 and 36, is a double admission valve. 42. MEYER VALVE. The Meyer valve consists of two valves, one riding on top of the other; and the advantages it has over the single valves are that the clearance may be made smajler, and the point of cut-off may be changed as desired without in any way changing the points of release or compression, something which cannot be done with a single valve. The valve shown in Fig. 17 is a mod- ified form of a Meyer valve. It consists of the main 92 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. valve b, moved backwards and forwards by a hollow valve stem, and the small auxiliary valve c, which rides on b, and is moved by a small valve stem working inside of the hollow valve stem which moves b. In order that steam may enter the cylinder, the port in b must not be covered by c, and it must be over the port in the cylinder. In the figure steam is being admitted into the left-hand end of the cylinder and exhausted from the right-hand end, as indicated by the arrows. D is the steam supply pipe, and K t the exhaust pipe. The cut-off is regulated entirely by the small, riding valve c, while the admission, release, and compression are regulated entirely by the main valve b. 43. CORLISS VALVE. The Corliss valve is a cylindrical valve, but instead of having a reciprocating motion in the direction of its axis, it has an oscillating motion about its axis. In Figs. 19 and 37 are shown Corliss valves. It will be seen, in Fig. 19, that there are four valves in all, two steam valves at the top of the cylinder, and two exhaust valves at the bottom. The valves are not fast- ened to the stem by which they are moved, but the stem is flattened and simply lies in the valve. The valves are always made so that the steam pressure comes on top of them and the pressure of the steam presses them down on their seats. The moving mechanism of the valves is quite complicated, and has many small parts that must be kept in order. The clearance is reduced by making the ports very short and placing the valve close to the cylinder. The Corliss valve permits a regulation of the point of cut-off without any change in the release or compression. As there are separate steam and exhaust ports, the exhaust steam does not pass out through the same port through which the hot, live steam enters. Whether or not this is any advantage, and conduces to the economy of the engine, is a somewhat undecided question. In Fig. ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. 93 37 is shown the mechanism by means of which the valves of the Corliss engine are worked. The "wrist-plate," A, is made to oscillate about the pin B, by means of the " reach-rod," C, which engages with the " wrist-pin." The wrist-plate is connected by the rod D to the bell crank, , that oscillates about the 94 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. N valve stem F. At the farther end of E is the pin G which carries the F-shaped lever H. The inner end of H is kept pressed against the cam / by means of a spring ; and the outer end has a hook which engages with a steel block fastened, by means of the bolt K, to an arm, Z, rigidly attached to the valve stem F. The dash pot rod, M t is, also, attached to the arm L. The cam /has a pro- jection on it, and is moved backward or forward by means of the governor rod, not shown in the figure, that is attached to the pin O. When the wrist-plate is turned right-handed the crank E is turned left-handed, and the hook on //"engages with the block on K t and thus lifts the lever L and opens the valve. When L is lifted, the dash-pot rod, M, is lifted. After the lever L has been lifted to a certain distance, the inner end of //"strikes the projection on the cam /, which turns H about the pin G, so that the hook is released from the block K. As soon as this takes place, the arm L is made to fall, by the weight of the dash-pot piston and the pressure of the air on top of the piston, and thus close the valve. The function of the dash-pot is to close the valve ; and it is so arranged that by means of a small valve a greater or less vacuum may be main- tained under its piston. The governor changes the position of the cam /so that the block K is disengaged early or late, as required to govern the engine, from the hook on H. The exhaust valves have no disengaging mechanism, but are simply made to oscillate backward and forward by means of a rod connecting them to the wrist-plate. Owing to this peculiar method of closing the valve, the speed of rotation of the engine cannot be great, as the dash-pot piston must have time in which to fall. The writer has known of but few cases where the number of revolutions has exceeded one hundred per minute, and in most cases the engines were small. ADMISSION OF STEAM BY VALVES. ( J5 The advantages claimed for Corliss valves are : I. They permit of a regulation of the cut-off without any change in the release or compression. Fig. 38 2. Short ports, and, consequently, small clearance volume. 3. Separate steam and exhaust ports, reducing con- densation. 96 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 4. Quick, sharp, motion of the valve when cutting off steam. 44. LINK MOTION. On marine engines, locomotives, and some few land engines, it is necessary to have some device by which the direction of rotation of the crank-shaft may be changed. The mechanism usually used is the link motion. The engine is provided with two eccentrics, keyed to the crank-shaft, each of which is connected by an eccentric rod to the end of a link. A block, connected by a suitable mechanism to the valve, slides along a groove cut in the link. When the block is at one end of the link it has all the motion of the eccentric connected to that end, and very little of the motion of the other eccentric ; when the block is in the middle of the link it has a little motion, backward and forward, that is the result of the motions of both eccentrics. One of the eccentrics is the " forward " eccentric, and the other is the " back- ward " eccentric. When the motion of the valve, on account of the position of the block, is due more to the " forward " than to the " backward " eccentric, the engine runs forward ; and when influenced more by the "back- ward " than the " forward " eccentric, the engine will run backward. The position of the block in the link may be changed by moving the block and keeping the link in the same position ; or by keeping the block at rest and moving the link, as is done in the Stephenson link motion. In Fig. 38 is shown a small vertical engine with a link motion. A is the " link; " B is the " block" that, in this case, is fastened directly to the valve stem ; C is the " reversing lever" by means of which the link is moved so that the position of the block in it may be changed. CHAPTER V. VALVE DlAGRAMSo 45. ZEUNER VALVE DIAGRAM. A valve diagram is a diagram that will show, at once, the steam lap, exhaust lap, lead, distance the valve is from mid-position, and, also, the amount the port is open for a given position of the crank. By means of valve diagrams, all the various problems connected with the motion of valves may be solved. There are several systems of valve diagrams, each of which is considered better than the others by those who use it ; and as, in the opinion of the author, the Zeuner diagram is better for all uses than any other, it will be used in this work. In Fig. 39, let AA' represent the stroke of an engine drawn to any desired scale, and the circle ABA', the path of the center of the crank pin, or the crank-circle. Also, let nm be the travel of the valve drawn to any desired scale, which may or may not be the same as the scale of AA'. The distance On will be equal to the eccentricity of the eccentric, and the circle nAi m will be the path of the center of the eccentric. When the crank-pin is at A t the center of the eccentric will be at Ai, and YOA\ will be the angle, of advance. Now, if the crank moves from AO to any position as BO, the center of the eccentric will move from A\ to Bi, and the angle AOB will be equal to the angle AiOBi. Draw B\b perpendicular to the line AA ; then, neglecting the obliquity of the eccen- tric rod, when the crank is in the position BO, the valve will be moved from mid-position a distance equal to Ob. To find the distance Ob by the method just described, it r (97) 98 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. was necessary to draw three lines, OB, OB\, and Bib, and to make the angle A\OB^ equal to the angle AOB. Draw OB' so that the angle B'OA' will be equal to the angle BOA, and H O will be the position of an imaginary crank which starts from A O when the real crank starts from AO and moves with the same velocity as, but in Fig. 39. the opposite direction to, the real crank. Draw A\a per- pendicular to OB' . In the two right triangles, OB\b and OAia, we have OAi equal OB\, and the angle B\0b equal the angle A\0a. Therefore, the two triangles are equal, and Oa is equal to Ob : or Oa is equal to the distance the valve is from mid-position when the crank has moved through the angle AOB, equal to A OB'. From this, it is seen that if, instead of considering the real crank, we consider the motion of an imaginary crank revolving in the opposite direction to, but with the same velocity as, the real crank, the distance that the valve is from mid- position, for a given angular motion of the crank, may be obtained by drawing only two lines, OB' and A\a. VALVE DIAGRAMS. D9 Since the position of the point AI is fixed, for a given eccentricity and angle of advance, and the angle A\aO is a right angle, the point a will always fall upon the circum- ference of the circle drawn upon OA\ as a diameter. This gives us, then, an extremely simple means of obtaining the distance the valve is from mid-position after the crank has moved through any given angle. In Fig. 40, let AA' t as before, represent the stroke of the engine, and ADBA' the path of the crank-pin; also, let the angle YOA\ be the angle of advance ; and let OA\ be, to any desired scale, the eccentricity of the eccentric, equal to half the travel of the valve. Upon OA\ 9 as a diameter, draw the "valve circle " OaA^. From the pre- ceding paragraph, it follows that if OB represents any position of the imaginary crank, at any instant, Ob will represent the distance the valve is form mid-position at that instant. That is, by drawing one line we determine, at once, the angle the crank has turned through and the distance the valve is from mid-position. Care must be taken to remember that OB does not represent the real crank of the engine, but an imaginary crank that revolves with same velocity as the real crank, but in the opposite direction. Neglecting the obliquity of the connecting rod, the dis- tance the piston would have moved from the end of its stroke, while the crank moved through an angle equal to A' OB, would be B^A '. And if, as we supposed, the real crank moved in the direction from A to Y t the piston would have moved the distance B\A' from the left-hand end of the stroke and not from the right-hand end. If we describe the arc dc y with O as a center and a radius equal to the outside or steam lap of the valve, the distance the steam port is open, when the crank has moved through the angle equal to BOA' , will be equal to Ob Ob' ; that is, it will be equal to the distance the valve is frjm mid-position minus the steam lap. 100 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. If the lines OC and OD be drawn through c and d, respectively, OC will represent the position of the imaginary crank when steam begins to enter the cyclinder, and OD its position when steam is cut-off; because, for those positions, the distance the valve is from mid-position is equal to the steam lap. When the crank is on the dead center, the imaginary crank is at OA' t and the distance the valve is from mid- position is Oa, so that the lead is a' a. Fig. 40. The valve is open its maximum distance when the imaginary crank is in the position of the line OA\, and then the valve is at the right-hand end of its travel. If the line DD\ is drawn perpendicular to AA', the distance A ' D\ will be the distance the piston is from the beginning of the stroke at the point of cut-off. If the line OA\ be continued to ^2, so that OA 2 is VALVE DIAGRAMS. 101 equal to OAi, and another valve circle be drawn on as a diameter, the exhaust port may be discussed. Draw the arc fg t with O as a center and a radius equal to the exhaust lap. Then, for any position of the imaginary crank, such as O K, the exhaust port is open the distance kk\ y equal "to the distance, Ok, the valve is to the left of mid position minus the exhaust lap, Oki. If OF and OG are drawn through the points/and g t respectively, OF will be the position of the imaginary crank when release occurs, and OG its position when compression begins ; since, for those positions, the dis- tance the valve is from mid-position is equal to the exhaust lap. 46. VALVE DIAGRAM PROBLEMS. By assuming a num- ber of the variables. in the valve diagram, in Fig. 40, as known, various problems can be made up, all of which can be solved by the proper use of the valve diagram. The solution of every problem will necessitate a good, clear, understanding and knowledge of the relation of the various parts of the diagram to one another. For the sake of making the student familiar with the use of the valve diagram and to give him practice in the use of it, a number of the most important problems likely to be met with in practice will be solved in detail. Problem I. Given the point of admission, the point of cut-off, and the travel of the valve ; find the angle of ad- vance, the steam lap, and the lead. Referring to Fig. 40, we see that since Od is equal to Oc, being the radii of the steam lap circle, the arc Od is equal to the arc Oc, and, therefore, the arc dA\ is equal to the arc cA\. That is, the line OA\ bisects the angle between the positions of the imaginary crank at admission and at cut-off. The construction, therefore, is as follows : In Fig. 41, let AA\ be the stroke of the engine drawn to any desired scale ; A\ B\, the distance from the end of 102 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. the stroke to the point of admission ; and Ai C\, the distance from the beginning of the stroke to the point of cut-off. On A\A as a diameter, construct the crank circle ACA\B. Draw the lines B\.B and C\ C perpendicu- lar toy^iand intersecting the crank circle at B and C, respectively. Now draw OB and OC, and they will rep- resent the positions of the imaginary crank at admission and cut-off, respectively. Draw Om, bisecting the angle COB, and lay off Om, according to any desired scale, equal to the given eccentricity of the eccentric, or half Fig. 41. the travel of the valve, m will be the position of the center of the eccentric when the real crank is in the position OA ; and the angle YQm will be the required angle of advance. On Om as a diameter, draw the valve circle intersecting C at c y OA at a, and OB at b. With O as a center and a radius equal to Oc y equal Ob, draw the arc cdb inter- secting OA at d. cdb is an arc of the steam lap circle ; Ob is the steam lap ; and da is the lead. Problem 2. Given the point of admission, the point of VALVE DIAGRAMS. 103 cut-off, and the steam lap ; find the angle of advance, the eccentricity, and the lead. An inspection of Fig. 40 shows that the valve circle passes through the points of intersection of the steam lap circle with the lines showing the position of the imaginary crank at admission and at cut-off. Hence the following construction : In Fig. 42, let AA\ be the stroke of the engine, drawn to any scale, and the circle A CA\B, the crank-circle ; A\ B\, the distance of the point of admission from the end of the stroke ; and A\ C\ t the distance of the point of cut-off from the beginning of the stroke. Draw BB\ and Fig. 42. CC\ perpendicular to AA\ and intersecting the crank- circle at the points B and C> respectively. Draw OB and OC to represent the position of the imaginary crank at admission and cut-off, respectively. With as a center and a radius, Ob, equal, on any desired scale, to the steam lap, draw the steam lap circle cutting OB and OC at b and c, respectively. Now pass a circle through the points c, O, and b, and it will be the required valve circle. The center of the valve circle may be found by the ordinary method of finding the center of a circle that shall pass through three given points ; or, if 104 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. desired, the diameter Om of the required circle may be obtained by drawing, at c, the line cm perpendicular to OC and continuing it until it meets, at m, the line bm drawn perpendicular to Ob at b y and then connecting the points O and m. The center of the eccentric is at m when the crank is on the dead center; the angle YOm is the angle of advance ; the line Om is the required eccentricity, equal to half the travel of the valve ; and da is the required lead. Problem j. Given the point of admission, the point of cut-off, and the lead ; find the angle of advance, the eccen- tricity ', and the steam lap. As explained in Problem i, the diameter of the valve circle always bisects the angle between the positions of the imaginary crank at admission and at cut-off. From Fig. 42, we see that the lead, da, is equal to Oa Od; and, since Od is equal to Ob, we have da = Oa Ob. But from the triangle Oma, we have Oa == Om cos. mOa; and from the triangle Omb, we have Ob = Om cos. mOb. Therefore, da = Oa Ob = Om \cos. mOa cos. mOb~\. Since the angles mOa and mOb are constant for a given admission and cut-off, it follows that da will vary directly as Om. Therefore, to solve the problem proceed as follows : In Fig. 43, let AA\ be the stroke of the engine ; A C A\ B, the crank circle; OB and OC, the positions of the imag- inary crank, obtained as in the preceding problems, at admission and cut-off, respectively. Bisect the angle COB by the line Om, and the angle YOm will be the angle of advance. On the line Om take any point, such as m, and from it draw md perpendicular to O B, and ma perpendicular to OA. With O as a center and a radius Od, draw an arc cutting OAi at e. ea would be the lead for an eccentricity equal to Om. As has been shown, the lead is directly VALVE DIAGRAMS. 105 proportional to the eccentricity, and the given lead is to ea as the required eccentricity is to Om. Therefore, make Of equal to ea, and Og equal to the given lead. Connect the points / and m, then, through g t draw gn parallel to fm and intersecting Om in the point n. On is the required eccentricity. Draw, through n, the line ndi parallel to md and inter- secting OB at d\, Odi will be the required steam lap. Y C Fig. 43. Having found the angle of advance and the eccentric- ity, the valve circle may be drawn if desired. Problem 4.. Given the point of cut-off, the lead, and the maximum opening of the port ; find the angle of advance, the eccentricity, and the steam lap. This problem is met with in steam engine designing more than perhaps any other relating to the valve, and it is probably the most difficult to solve exactly. It is usually solved by trial and approximation. The exact solution is usually difficult for the student, because the reasons for the different steps in the construction of the diagram are seldom fully understood. In order to 106 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. explain thoroughly the principles involved, let us suppose that in Fig. 44 the problem has been solved, and let us determine the relations that exist between the different parts of the diagram. In the diagram, Orn is the eccen- tricity ; Ob t the steam lap ; ba, the lead ; and dm, the maximum opening of the steam port. AI C\ is the dis- tance from the beginning of the stroke to the point of Fig. 44. cut-off, and OC is the position of the imaginary crank at cut-off. Draw am, and, since the arc Oam is a semi- circle, am will be perpendicular to OA. Also draw cm, and, since Ocm is a semi circle, it will be perpendicular to OC. Draw bh at right angles to OA ; it will intersect cm at n. Through ;, draw hm parallel to OA and inter- VALVE DIAGRAMS. 107 secting bh at h. km will be equal to ba, the lead. Now, with as a center and a radius equal to Om, draw the arc mk intersecting OA at k; then draw kg at right angles to OA and intersecting hm at g. kg will be equal to bk, equal to dm, the maximum opening of the steam port. Now, since Oc is equal to Ob, and the angles ncO and nbO are right angles, if we draw the line On it will bisect the angle, cnb, between the line nb, at right angles to the imaginary crank on dead center, and the line cm, at right angles to the imaginary crank at cut-off. Continue On until it cuts gk at /, and then draw Im. Draw ns parallel to hg and intersecting kl at s. With n as a center and a radius equal to ns, draw an arc cutting Im at r. Draw nr, and it will be parallel to Om, as may be proved as follows : In the two similar triangles Ins and 10k, we have - - -_ But In and /zrare sides of the triangle Inr-, also 10 and Om are sides of the triangle 10m. Therefore, since the triangles Inr and Olm have their sides proportional and the angle nlm common to both, they must be similar; and the line nris parallel to Om. In the same way it can be shown that if the lines rs and mk be drawn they will be parallel. Knowing the relations that have been shown to exist between the various parts of the diagram, the solution of the problem becomes as follows : Let AA\, in Fig. 45, represent the stroke of the engine, drawn to any scale, and ACA\, the crank circle; A\ C\, the distance the piston is from the beginning of its stroke at the point of cut-off; and OC, the position of the imaginary crank at cut-off. Make Od, according to any desired scale, equal to the given lead ; and Oa, equal to the given maximum opening of the steam port. Through (9 and a, respectively, draw Ob and ^/perpen- dicular to OA. Through d, draw cd at right angles to 108 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. OC. Bisect the angle ceb by the line O'e, and prolong it until it intersects af at /.* Connect / and d by the line fd; and draw eg parallel to OA and intersecting fa at g. With e as a center and a radius eg, draw the arc /* cut- ting df 'at ^5. Connect the points * and h, and then draw */0' parallel to eh and intersecting <9'/at 0'. Fig. 45. The angle Oeh is the required angle of advance ; and O'd is the required eccentricity. Draw O'b parallel to OA and intersecting Oe at b. O'b is the steam lap. A line through d parallel to a line through h and g will pass through the intersection of fa and Ob prolonged. * Thereat of the solution is simply the solution of the well-known geo- metrical problem : Given two lines and a point, to find a point on one of the lines which is equally distant from the other line and the given point, fe and/a are the given lines and d is the given point O', the required point on fe, is equally distant from d and the line/a prolonged. VALVE DIAGRAMS. 109 Problem 5. Given the angle of advance, the eccentricity, and the point of compression ; find the exhaust lap and the point of release. In Fig. 46, let AA\ be the stroke of the engine, drawn to any desired scale, and the circle ABAi, the crank circle. Draw the line OB, making the angle YOB equal to the given angle of advance. Lay off AD\ equal to the distance of the point of compression from the beginning of the return stroke, and, then, draw D D at right angles to AA\. Connect and Z>, and OD will be the position of the imaginary crank at the beginning of com- pression. Fig. 46. Continue OB to /#, so that Om is equal to the given eccentricity, and on Om as a diameter draw the valve circle Ocmd, intersecting the line OD at d. Od is the required exhaust lap. With as a center and a radius equal to Od, draw an arc cutting the valve circle at c. Through c, draw the line OC y and it will represent the position of the imaginary crank when release takes place. Draw CCi perpendicular 110 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. to AAi, and A\C\ will be the distance of the point of release from the beginning of the stroke. Problem 6. Given the point of compression, the point of release, and the eccentricity ; find the angle of 'advance and the exhaust lap. An inspection of Fig. 46 will show that the line Om bisects the angle COD, which is formed by the lines indicating the positions of the imaginary crank at release and at compression. Hence the construction for the solution of the problem is as follows : In Fig. 46, let AA\ be the stroke of the engine, and let the circle ACAi be the crank circle. Let OC be the position of the imaginary crank at release, and OD its position at the beginning of compression. Draw OB bi- secting the angle COD, and on it make Om equal to the given eccentricity. On Om, as a diameter, draw the valve circle cutting OC at c, and OD at d. The angle YOB is the required angle of advance, and Oc, equal to Od, is the required exhaust lap. 47. EFFECT OF THE OBLIQUITY OF THE CONNECTING ROD ON THE POINT OF CUT-OFF. In Fig. 47, let A\ A 2 represent the stroke of an engine; O, the center of the crank shaft ; OA-, the crank ; and AA\, the length of the connecting rod. Suppose the crank to revolve as indi- cated by the arrow. Make Ab equal to A\B\, and draw bB' perpendicular to AA' and cutting the crank circle at B '. If the obliquity of the connecting rod were neglected, the crank would be in the position OB' when the piston has moved through the distance A\B\ on its forward stroke. With B\ as a center and a radius equal to AA\, describe an arc cutting the crank circle at B. OB will be the actual position of the crank when the piston has gotten to B\. It makes no difference where B\ is taken ; the construction will always show that, on the forward stroke of the engine, the obli- VALVE DIAGRAMS. Ill quity of the connecting rod makes the actual position of the crank lag behind the position it would occupy if there were no obliquity: that is, in order that the crank shall turn through a given angle A OB', the piston must move through a greater distance than the distance, Ab, that it would move through if there were no obliquity. It fol- lows, therefore, that on the forward stroke the actual dis- 112 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. tance of the piston from the beginning of the stroke at the point of cut-off is greater than indicated by the valve diagram, by an amount depending upon the obliquity of the connecting rod. In other words, the obliquity of the connecting rod makes the cut-off occur later, on the for- ward stroke, than indicated by the valve diagram. Let C\ be any position of the piston on the return stroke. Make cA' equal to C\ Az t and draw cO perpen- dicular to AA' and intersecting the crank circle at O. OO would be the position of the crank, when the piston is at C\ on the return stroke, if there were no obliquity to the connecting rod. With C\ as a center and a radius equal to AAi draw an arc cutting the crank circle at C. OC will be the actual position of the crank when the piston is at C\ on the return stroke. The construction shows that, for a given movement of the piston on the return stroke, the obliquity of the connecting rod makes the crank keep in advance of the position it would be in if there were no obliquity ; that is, in order that the crank shall turn through a given angle A' OC, the piston must move through a less distance than the distance, A'c, that it would move through if there were no obliquity. It follows, then, that, on the return stroke, the actual distance of the piston from the beginning of its stroke at the point of cut-off is less than indicated by the valve diagram, by an amount depending upon the obliquity of the connect- ing rod. In other words, the obliquity of the connecting rod makes the cut-off occur earlier, on the return stroke, than indicated by the valve diagram. From what has been said, it is evident that if the steam laps of a valve be made as determined by the valve dia- gram, and the valve be set with equal lead on the head end and crank end of the cylinder, the point of cut-off will occur earlier on the return stroke than on the forward stroke, unless there is some special means of equalizing the points of cut-off. The usual manner of equalizing the points VALVE DIAGRAMS. 113 of cut-off is to set the valve with a somewhat greater lead on the head end of the cylinder than on the crank end. The exact amount that the lead on the head end ought to be made greater than that on the crank end, depends upon the obliquity of the connecting rod, the eccentricity of the eccentric, and the lead on the crank end. It may be determined by making a valve diagram for each end of the cylinder, and using in each diagram the positions of the imaginary crank as determined by taking into account the obliquity of the connecting rod. 48. SWINGING ECCENTRICS. Automatic high speed engines regulate by changing the angle of advance or the eccentricity of the eccentric, or both, and thus change the point of cut-off. As no changes in the angle of advance or the eccentricity can affect the dimensions of the valve, the steam lap and the exhaust lap must always remain the same for the same valve. In order to understand how the cut-off and lead will be affected by a change in the eccentricity and angle of advance, for a given eccentric and a given valve, let us refer to the valve diagram in Fig. 48. There, ABA\ is the crank circle ; OB is the position of the imaginary crank at cut-off; OC is the position of the imaginary crank at admission ; YOm is the angle of advance ; Om is the eccentricity ; and Ob, equal to Oc, is the constant steam lap. m is the position of the center of the eccen- tric when the real crank is on the dead center ; and ad is the lead. The line md is perpendicular to Od, since the angle Odm is inscribed in a semi-circle. Now, suppose the center of the eccentric to be shifted to mi from m; then the angle of advance will be YOrni, and the eccentricity will be Om\. By the change we have decreased the angle of advance and increased the eccentricity. The new valve circle, drawn on Om\ as a diameter, intersects the lap circle at the points b\ and c\; 8 114 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. OB\ is the new position of the imaginary crank at cut-off; and OC\ is the new position of the imaginary crank at admission. By making, then, the angle of advance less and the eccentricity greater, we have made the cut-off occur later. If we should consider m 1 the original position of the center of the eccentric and m its final position, we see that by increasing the angle of advance and decreas- ing the eccentricity, we make the cut-off occur earlier. We obtain, therefore, the following propositions: VALVE DIAGRAMS. 115 1. To make the cut-off occur later, make the angle of advance less and the eccentricity greater. 2. To make the cut-off occur earlier, make the angle of advance greater and the eccentricity less. It now remains to see what effect is produced on the lead by changing the angle of advance and the eccen- tricity. In Fig. 48 it is seen that changing the center of the eccentric from m to m has changed the lead from ad to ad\. Draw m\d\ and, since the angle Od\m\ is inscribed in a semi-circle, it will be perpendicular to OA\. Since adi is greater than ad, the line m\d lies to the right of md. Therefore, it is seen that if, when the cut-off is changed, the lead becomes greater, the center of the eccentric will lie to the right of a line drawn through its original position per- pendicular to the center line of the engine. If the lead had remained constant, ad\ would be equal to ad and the line m\d\ would coincide with md. There- fore, it follows that, if the lead remains constant when the cut-off is changed, the center of the eccentric will remain on a line drawn through its original position perpendicular to the center line of the engine. If ad\ were less than ad, the lead would be less than before and the line md would lie to the left of md. That is, if the lead is decreased when the cut-off is changed, the center of the eccentric will lie to the left of a line drawn through its original position perpendicular to the center line of the engine. Very few engines preserve a constant lead under vary- ing cut-offs, owing to the difficulty of making the center of the eccentric have a straight-line motion, as it must in order that m\ may always fall on md. On most engines of the automatic high speed type the eccentric is swung about a pin outside the shaft, so that, as the angle of advance is changed, the center, m, of the eccentric moves in the arc of a circle whose center is the center of this suspending pin. Making the eccentric 116 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. swing about the pin effects a continual variation in the lead, as the point of cut-off is changed, and the way in which the lead varies depends upon the relative positions of the center of the suspending pin, the center of the shaft, and the center of the eccentric. Usually, although not always, the lead is made to decrease as the cut-off becomes later. Often, the lead is made zero for cut-off at one-quarter stroke, negative for points of cut- off later than one-quarter, and positive for points of cut-off earlier than one-quarter. In such cases, the center of the shaft is between the center of the suspending pin and the center of the eccentric. The position of the center of the suspending pin is found by assuming three required positions of the center of the eccentric, and finding the center of a circle that will pass through these positions. The center of this circle will be the required center of the suspending pin. In Fig. 49 is shown a diagram of a governor similiar to that used on the Straight Line engine. R is the eccen- tric, which, as shown, is carried by the frame T t and which has an opening in it through which the shaft passes. The eccentric and frame swing about the pin S, on the governor wheel. When the engine is cutting off at its latest, the center of the eccentric is at n; and when the engine is cutting off at its earliest, the center of the eccen- tric is at a. The center of the eccentric is shown in Fig. 49 as at n, and the eccentricity is the distance of n from the center of the shaft. When the engine is run, the centrifugal force of the weight C tends to make it move farther from the center of the shaft. When C moves, it moves about the pin 0, and, by means of the link //", makes the frame, T t and the eccentric, R, move about S as a center ; so that the center of the eccentric moves from n towards a. When C is moved outward by its cen- trifugal force it will bend the spring E, to which it is con- nected by the band P, until the resistance to bending of E is equal to the moving force acting on C ; then the VALVE DIAGRAMS. 117 eccentric will be at rest, with its center somewhere between n and a. If, on account of an increased load, the speed of the engine should be decreased, the centrifugal force of C would become smaller, and the spring would pull C towards the center of the shaft, and move the center of the eccentric towards n; thus, the cut-off would Fig. 49. be made later and an increased amount of steam would be admitted into the engine to make it go faster. So, also, if, on account of a decrease in the load, the speed of the engine should increase, the centrifugal force would become greater, and C would move farther from the center of the shaft, thus moving the center of the eccentric toward a, making the cut-off earlier, and reducing the amount of steam admitted to the engine. CHAPTER VI. INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 49. INDICATORS. The indicator is an instrument by means of which the actual work diagram of the steam in the cylinder of an engine is automatically drawn on a piece of paper. The diagram obtained by the use of the indicator is termed an " indicator card." There are several indicators, which differ from one another in their details only, for sale on the market. In Fig. 50 is shown a view of the Crosby indicator, made by the Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Co., Boston, Mass. It consists of the " drum " A, on which the paper for the card is held by clips a ; the cylinder F t in which works a steam tight piston connected to the piston, rod G ; and a lever K t which carries a pencil c, at its free extremity. The motion of the engine is reduced by a suitable reducing motion and, by means of a cord D,is com- municated to the drum A. As the piston moves forward, the drum is turned in one direction by the pull on D y and as it moves back, on its return stroke, the drum is turned in the opposite direction by means of a strong spring inside of it, which is shown in the sectional view of the indicator given in Fig. 51. It is evident that if, during the backward and forward motion of the drum, the pencil c had been kept at rest and pressed against the paper, it would have marked on there a line, parallel to the base of the drum, whose length would be propor- tional to the stroke of the engine. The steam enters the cylinder F, and presses against the piston and makes it rise ; and it, in turn, makes the pencil c rise. As seen in Fig. 51, the piston in the cyl- (118) INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 119 inder is kept down by a spring that must be compressed before the piston can rise. The springs used to keep the piston down are numbered and named according to the number of pounds pressure per square inch required to raise the pencil c through one inch : thus, a No. 40 spring, or a 40 Ib. spring, is a spring that, when in the indicator, will require an effective pressure of 40 Ibs. per square inch to make c rise one inch. Fig. 50. By means of the system of levers, shown in Fig. 50, con- necting Kto the frame of the indicator and to the piston rod G, the pencil c is made to move in a straight line parallel to the axis of the drum A. It is in the system of levers for making c move in a straight line, that indi- cators on the market differ most. The handle E can be so adjusted by turning it to the right or left, that when it is pressed forward, so that its inner end strikes against the stop B, the pencil c will 120 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. press with any desired pressure against the paper on the drum A. When the pencil is pressed against the paper it makes a line, every point of which represents, at once, the position of the piston in its stroke and the pressure of the steam at the same instant. The position of the piston is indicated by the distance of the point from the ends of the card; and the pressure of the steam is referred to the "atmospheric line," obtained by shutting off the cylinder of the indicator from the cylinder of the engine, putting it in communication with the air, and then pressing the pencil against the paper. Fig. 51. 50. ADJUSTMENTS AND CONNECTIONS OF INDICATORS. In order that the results obtained by the use of an indi- cator may be of value, it is necessary that the various parts should be in adjustment and act as they are designed to act. If an indicator is tested, and it is in adjustment, it will be found that : I. The pencil will move in a straight line parallel to INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 121 the axis of the drum ; and the line obtained by moving the pencil and keeping the drum at rest,will be at right angles to the line obtained by keeping the pencil at rest and moving the drum. 2. For equal amounts of increase in the pressure on the piston, the pencil will rise equal distances. The motion of the pencil must be adjusted by the maker of the instrument; and if it is not correct the in- strument should not be used for important work, as the cards obtained from it would be distorted, and would be apt to give a wrong impression of the real action of the steam in the cylinder of the engine. The springs used in the cylinder of the indicator should always be tested hot, so that, when being tested, they will be as nearly as possible in the same condition as when in actual use. It is not necessary that the springs should be exact, provided the error is constant, and can be deter- mined. It is important that the friction of the pencil be as little as possible and that the play, or back lash, in the joints of the levers, for producing the straight line motion of the pencil, should be as small as possible. The fric- tion of the pencil on the paper must be reduced to the minimum, by adjusting the pencil so that it presses against the paper with sufficient force to just make a mark and no more. The piston of the indicator should be a nice fit in the cylinder, and it is preferable to have it too loose rather than too tight. The fit will be about right if the piston will be moved down the cylinder by its own weight, when the spring is removed. The piston, and all the moving parts attached to it, should be as light as is consistent with strength. The drum of the indicator should be light and should move easily on its axis. Its cross-section should be a per- fect circle ; and its axis of rotation should coincide with 122 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. the axis of the cylinder. The tension of the spring in the drum should be regulated so that the inertia of the drum will not lengthen the cards too much ; it should be greater for high speed, than for low speed engines. The indicator is connected to the cylinder of the engine by a piece of half-inch pipe; and, while much differ- ence of opinion seems to exist as to whether or not the card obtained with a short connection, having as few bends as possible, is materially different from that obtained with a long connection, having several bends, it is, undoubtedly, true that the long connections do no good ; and, there- fore, the connections should be as short as possible. Where the load on an engine fluctuates through wide ranges, it is almost impossible to determine with any degree of accuracy, from the cards of an engine, whether or not the valves are properly adjusted, unless cards are taken at the same time from both ends of the engine. To do this, it is necessary to have two indicators, one at each end of the cylinder ; they should be so arranged that when the pencil of the one is pressed against its paper, the pencil of the other will, also, be pressed against its paper. Where two indicators cannot be arranged to work together, so that cards may be taken simultaneously from each end of the cylinder, and a single indicator is used, it should be connected to the ends of the cylinder so that it will not be necessary to change its position in order to take a card from either end of the cylinder. The best method of making the connections for a single indicator is to connect both ends of the cylinder to a single pipe, along the side of the cylinder, and in the middle of this pipe put a three-way cock, to which the indicator may be attached. Makers of indicators make special three-way cocks for indicator connections. 51. REDUCING MOTIONS. As the diameters of the drums of indicators are, usually, either ij or 2 inches, INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 123 their circumferences will be about 5 or 6 inches ; and, as the length of the card taken on an indicator must be considerably shorter than the circumference of the drum, the cards will usually be 3 inches long for a drum ij inches in diameter, and about 4 inches long for a drum 2 inches in diameter. The drum is connected to some point on the engine that, by a suitable " reducing motion," makes the drum move through a distance equal to the desired length of the indicator card. The motion of this point must be such that the drum of the indicator will make one complete movement in one direction, dur- ing the same time that the engine makes one stroke ; also, the ratio of the velocity of turning of the drum, at any instant, to the velocity of the piston, at the same instant, ought to be a constant quantity. If this last requirement is not fulfilled, the card will be distorted, shortened up at some places and lengthened out at others, so that an event which occurs at, say, one quarter of the stroke of the engine, will be shown on the card as occurring either before or after one quarter stroke. To test the accuracy of a reducing motion, put the engine on dead center, so that the piston 'is just beginning its stroke, and mark the position of the pencil on the indicator card. Now divide the distance through which any chosen point on the cross- head moves, during one revolution, into a number, such as four or eight, of equal parts, and make a mark at each point of division. Move the piston forward until the chosen point on the cross-head coincides with the first division mark, and mark the position of the pencil on the drum ; then move the cross-head to the next division mark, and mark, again, the position of the pencil on the drum. Continue moving the cross-head forward one division, and marking the corresponding motion of the drum, until the piston has made one stroke. Take the card off the drum and determine whether or not the dis- tance between any two successive marks is always the 124 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. same ; if it is, the reducing motion is correct, but if it is not, the reducing motion is defective. The commonest form of reducing motion is the " pen- dulum motion," shown in Fig. 52. It consists of a bar, A, slotted at one end, and suspended by a pin, B, at the other end. A pin, c, fastened to the cross-head, fits in the slot at the lower end of the bar ; and a pin, D, is fast- ened to the bar. The string from the drum of the indi- cator is tied to D. As the engine moves backward and forward, the pin c makes the bar oscillate about B as a center. At any instant, the ratio of the velocity of the Fig. 52. /? D drum to the velocity of the piston is equal to ~~n^> As Be changes for different positions of the piston, this ratio is not a constant one. The point D moves in the arc of a circle whose center is B; and, therefore, the direction of the string, leading from D to the drum of the indicator, is constantly changing. This makes a slight error in the motion of the drum. If Be is not made less than twice the length of the stroke of the engine and, when in mid-position, is perpendicular to the direction of the motion of the piston, and the string is lead off per- pendicular to Be in mid-position, it will be found that the errors of the motion will be small, and the motion will give fairly good results. INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 125 The length of the card given by this motion is equal to the length of the stroke of the engine multiplied by the length of BD and divided by the length of Be. The " Brumbo Pulley," shown in Fig. 53, is a motion devised to overcome the errors of the simple pendulum motion. It is more elaborate then the simple pendulum motion. It consists of a link, A, which is suspended by a pin, B, and to which is fastened an arc, D, whose center coincides with that of the pin B. The lower end of A is connected to the cross -head, by the link C. It is usual to make the link A, when in mid-position, perpendicular to the line of motion of the piston. By assuming the length of the links A and C, and plotting the required motion of the drum, for given motions of the piston, a form of arc may be obtained that will give a perfectly correct motion to the drum of the indicator. It is usual, however, to make D the arc of a circle ; and, then, the motion is not exact, but the error due to the obliquity of the string leading from D is avoided, as its direction is not changed. 126 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. In Fig. 54 is shown the " pantograph " used on long stroke engines. It gives a perfect motion if properly used. The instrument is made of a number of light wooden links joined together as shown. When used, the pivot B is fastened, by means of the thumb screw on its end, to any convenient support. The pin A is dropped into an opening either in the cross-head itself or in a piece fastened to the cross-head ; so that, while B remains stationary, A has the motion of the cross-head. The cord leading to the indicator is fastened to a pin, E, in the cross-head bar DC, and should be lead off parallel to the line of motion of the piston. Fig. 54. This instrument may be used either in a horizontal or a vertical position, whichever is the more convenient, and will give equally good results in either position. The length of the card depends upon the ratio of the distance BE to the distance BA, and upon the stroke of the engine. For a given position of the cross-bar, BC, and the pin, E, in it, the ratio of BE to BA is a constant one, no matter how long the instrument maybe stretched. The position of the cross-bar, DC, may be changed by changing the holes in which the pins D and C are placed. The bar DC must always be parallel to the left- INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 127 hand bar passing through B. The pin, E, on the cross- bar, DC, must be placed so that it is on the line BA. The joints of the instrument must be kept tight and well lubricated. The length of the card given by this instrument is equal to the length of the stroke of the engine multiplied by the length of BE and divided by the length of BA. In Fig. 55 is shown one of the many forms of "re- ducing wheels/' used in connection with high speed engines. Its construction is evident from the figure. The cord from the large drum leads to the cross-head of the engine, and that from the small drum leads to the indicator. Fig. 55. 52. CORD FOR INDICATOR. The cord used for trans- mitting the motion of the reducing mechanism to the drum of the indicator, should be a good quality of strong, cotton, cord that has but little stretch. Where the dis- tance from the reducing mechanism to the indicator is great, it is preferable to use good steel wire instead of cord. 128 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. In leading off from the reducing motion, the cord should always run, for a short distance at least, parallel to the direction of motion of the piston of the engine. If this is not done, there will be an error due to the obliquity of the cord. In changing the direction of the cord it should be passed over small guide pulley-wheels, made for that purpose. It is customary to have a loop in the end of the lead- ing, cord in which may be caught the hook that is usually attached to the end of the cord fastened to the drum of the indicator. By unfastening the hook from the loop, the indicator will be disconnected from the engine and stopped, and the card on the drum may be changed ; by catching the hook in the loop, the indicator may be put in motion again. 53. TAKING THE INDICATOR CARD. To take a card, turn steam on the indicator and wait until it has got thoroughly warm ; connect the drum to the reducing motion ; open the communication between one end of the cylinder of the engine and the cylinder of the indicator ; press the pencil against the paper, and hold it there while the engine makes one revolution ; then shut off the indicator from the engine, and at once take the atmospheric line. If the indicator is connected so that a card may be taken from both ends of the engine, take a card from one end, then, as rapidly as possible, shut off that end and take the card from the other end, before taking the atmos- pheric line. While one man is taking the indicator card, another ought to be getting the number of revolutions of the engine. 54. To DETERMINE THE HORSE-POWER FROM THE INDI- CATOR CARD. The indicator card gives us the real INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 129 "work diagram" of the steam in the cylinder, and, as has been explained in Article 22, the area of this diagram represents the work done, by the steam on the engine, each time steam enters the cylinder. Therefore, if we get the area of the diagram in square inches and divide it by the length of the diagram in inches, we shall obtain the mean height of the diagram. If this mean height be multiplied by the number of the indicator spring we shall get the mean effective pressure, P e , per square inch, of the steam Fig. 56. on the piston ; and if we put this value of Pe in the equation for the horse-power of an engine, as given by (54) of Art. 22, we get P e L AN H. P.= 33000 As explained in Art. 22, L is the stroke of the engine in feet ; A, the area of the piston in square inches ; and N t the number of times per minute the engine takes steam. If the engine is double acting, N is equal to the number 130 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. of strokes, or twice the number of revolutions made per minute. P e , for a double acting engine, ought to be taken as the mean of the values of P e derived from the cards from both ends of the cylinder. The best method of determining the area of an indicator card is to use the Amsler Planimeter, shown in Fig. 56. The card is fastened to a drawing board, or the smooth top of a table, and the point A of the instrument pressed into the drawing board or table, so that it cannot move. The tracing point, B, of the instrument is now put at any convenient point on the line of the card, and the reading of the scale on the wheel C is determined by means of the venier , which enables one to read to the hundredth part of a square inch. The tracing point, B, is now moved around, always in a right-handed direction, on the line of the card until it returns to the point from which it was started. The scale on the wheel is again read, and the difference between the last reading and the first reading, of the scale en C, is the area of the diagram in square inches. Measure the length of the diagram; then divide the area of the diagram by the length of the diagram, and the result multiplied by the number of the indicator spring, is the mean effective pressure, P e , to be used in calculating the horse-power. The price of planimeters is now so small that it is rather unusual for any person who has an indicator to be without a planimeter, but for the sake of those who do not have one, the method of obtaining the value of P e without the use of the planimeter is given. In Fig. 57, let AB represent the atmospheric line of the card. Through A, draw AC in any convenient direction. Take any convenient, small distance, AD, on AC. From D lay off successively nine equal distances, DF, FG, GH, etc., to N ; and make each of these distances equal to twice the length of AD. Now lay off NC equal to AD, and draw BC. Through the points D, F, G, H, etc., on AC, draw INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 131 lines parallel to BC and intersecting AB at the points d>f,g, h, etc. Through the points d y f,g, /z, etc., draw lines, IT, 22, 33, 44., etc., perpendicular to AB and, each, intersecting the bounding line of the card in two points. Get the sum of the distances //, 22, 33, 44., etc., and divide it by ten ; multiply this quotient by the number of the indicator spring, and the result will be the value of mean effective pressure, P et to be used in determining the horse-power of the engine. 132 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 55. To FIND THE RATIO OF CLEARANCE OF THE ENGINE FROM THE INDICATOR CARD In Fig. 58 we have a card whose atmospheric line is AB. That part of the bound- ing line of the card from I to 2 is made during admission of the steam to the cylinder ; that part from 2 to 3 is made during expansion of the steam, after cut-off at 2 ; that part from 4 to 5 * s made during the return stroke, while the exhaust valve is open ; and that part from 5 to 6 is made during compression, after the exhaust valve Fig. 58. closed at 5. The part from 3 to 4 is made at the end of the stroke, when the pressure suddenly falls, from the final pressure of the steam after expansion, to almost the atmos- pheric pressure ; and the part from 6 to I is made when the steam begins to enter the cylinder, just before the beginning of the forward stroke. To find the ratio of the clearance volume to the volume swept through by the piston during one stroke, draw AA\ perpendicular to the atmospheric line ; and lay off AA l so that, according to the scale of pressures of the card, it will be equal to the atmospheric pressure, 14.7 Ibs. per square inch. Through A\, draw A\B parallel to AB. INDICATORS AND INDICATOR CARDS. 133 Now take any two points, such as a and b, on the com- pression line 56. Through a draw a line parallel to AB, and continue it until it intersects, at c, a line drawn through b perpendicular to AB; also, through a draw a line perpendicular to AB, and continue it until it intersects, at np. log. r\ _ p 1 ~~ ~ " Equation (66) shows how many times greater the horse- power of the engine is with a condenser than it is with- out a condenser. Suppose that it is desired that the power of the engine should not be increased, but that it should remain the same, and that the cut-off should change so that the engine will use less steam with the condenser than without it. Let rbe the number of times the steam is expanded without the condenser, and r', the number of times it is expanded with the condenser. In this case we have H. P. = H'. P'., and, therefore, P e = P' or 152 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. (67) pi (l+?W. l9-r) _ r r, (1 + hyp. loq. r') * i -, '- ./ 3. From this we get (68) 1 + l*yp* log- r' __ 1 + ft?//?, toff, r (P 3 p^) This equation can be solved by trial, using Table 2. If there were no clearance to the engine and Fwere the volume in cubic feet of the cylinder of the engine, the volume of the steam used per stroke without the Y condenser would be ; and the volume used with the r condenser would be , The fraction of saving would be Z Z (69) y = L *=i r -. r From y, given by (69), must be subtracted the fraction obtained by dividing the quantity of steam required to run Y the condenser by -. r If, instead of increasing the work done by the engine or changing the cut-off, it should be desired that the engine should do the same work with the condenser, and cut-off at the same point, that it did without the condenser, but use a lower absolute pressure of steam in the boiler, we would have, since P e = P' e and the value of r is not changed, fnc\\ -D (1 H~ hyp. log. r) (70) ^i- -P% = jy, (1 -{-hyp.log. r) COMPOUND ENGINES AND CONDENSERS. 153 P'l is the absolute boiler pressure that is carried when the condenser is used. From (70) we have , (A P's) r 65. AMOUNT OF CONDENSING WATER REQUIRED. The number of pounds of water required to condense one pound of steam depends upon the temperature of the steam when it leaves the engine, and upon the initial and final temperatures of the condensing water. The tem- perature of the steam when it leaves the engine depends upon the absolute pressure, P 2 , of the steam at the end of the forward stroke, j ust before the exhaust valve is opened. The expression for this final absolute pressure may n for all ordinary purposes be taken as P 2 = PI is the initial absolute pressure of the steam, and r is the num- ber of times the steam is expanded. The gauge pressure of the steam, or pressure above the atmosphere, when it enters the condenser is PI 14.7- Let / be the latent heat of one pound of steam at a gauge pressure of Pz 14.7, and t\ the corresponding temperature. The values of / and t\ may be obtained from Table I. Also, let fa be the initial temperature of the condensing water, and fa the final temperature. The heat given out by one pound of the steam when it condenses will, evidently, be / + t\ fa\ and the heat taken up by every pound of the condensing water will be /a fa\ therefore, the number of pounds, W, of water required to condense one pound of steam from the engine will be, I 4- ti * 8 (72) W = ta 154 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 4 should be taken as 110, for the ordinary work of condensers. The value of fa depends upon the source of supply of the water and the climate of the location of the engine ; it will be greater in summer than in winter. It will usually be safe to take the value of fa as 80. CHAPTER VIII. HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 66. STEAM MAKING. The steam used in an actual engine is made in an apparatus that is often spoken of as the boiler or the boiler plant. It consists of three main parts, each, in a manner, dependent upon the other two, and yet in many ways distinct from them. These parts are, the furnace, the boiler proper, and the chimney. In Fig. 67 is shown a section of a furnace and boiler such as is in common use everywhere in this country. The various parts are lettered so that their relations to one another may be seen at once. The part termed the furnace is the part in which the heat, afterwards converted by the engine into work, is generated by the combustion of fuel. The boiler is simply a closed vessel which contains the water of which the steam used in the engine is formed. The boiler may be of any shape or size. The chimney is the part which carries off the products of combustion. The fuel is put in the furnace on the grate, and is there burned. During the combustion of the fuel heat is gen- erated; a part of this heat is given directly to the boiler, by radiation from the hot fuel, and a part is carried off by the gases generated by the combustion. These gases pass out of the furnace into the chimney, and from there they pass into the air. On the way from the furnace to the chimney, the hot gases are made to come in contact with the boiler ; and as the boiler is cooler than the gases, a part of the heat they contain is given up to it. The heat thus obtained by the boiler is transmitted to the (155) 156 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. water, which is gradually heated and, finally, converted into steam. The dimensions and proportions of the furnace depend upon the heat required by the boiler per unit of time, the kind of fuel, and the type or kind of furnace. The dimensions and proportions of the boiler depend upon the amount of steam required by the engine per unit HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 157 of time, the conditions under which the steam is gen- erated, and the type of the boiler. The dimensions and proportions of the chimney depend upon the kind of fuel, the amount used by the furnace per unit of time, and the temperature at which the hot gases pass off. 67. STEAM REQUIRED PER HOUR. In all problems relating to boilers it is necessary to know, as a basis upon which to design the furnace, the boiler and the chimney, the number of pounds of steam required per hour and the conditions under which it must be made. If we are designing a boiler to supply steam for an en- gine of given dimensions and power, using steam at a given initial gauge pressure, we may calculate the number of pounds of steam that will be used per hour by the engine and to this add a per cent to cover leakage and condensation, and thus obtain the number of pounds of steam the boiler will probably be called upon to supply per hour. From (57) of Art. 24, we have that the weight of steam used per stroke by an engine is LA 144 r s If N is the number of strokes made by the engine per minute, the weight, W\ t of steam used by the engine per minute will be (73) Wi = N S = To make allowances for waste from various sources, for the amount of steam used by the pumps, and for that condensed in the engine, the amount of steam the boiler ought to be designed to supply per minute may be taken as W. As the steam required to be supplied 158 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. per hour is 60 times that required per minute, the expres- sion for, W, the number of pounds of steam required to be supplied by the boiler per hour is ,70 W - 6 X8 IF.-- ^ } l ~ 144 r a ~ 8rs 68. HEAT REQUIRED PER HOUR. Having assumed or determined the number of pounds of steam required per hour, it is next necessary to determine, if it is not already known, the pressure by the gauge, and the initial temper- ature of the " feed-water," or water entering the boiler. Let P be the pressure per square inch, by the gauge, of the steam in the boiler ; //", the total heat of evapora- tion above 32, in heat units, of one pound of steam at the gauge pressure P; t, the initial temperature of the feed- water. H must be taken from Table I ; while /depends upon the source of supply of the feed water, and upon con- siderations that will be discussed later. It is evident that, since H is the heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 32 to the temperature of the boiling point corresponding to the gauge pressure P and then to turn the water into steam, the heat required to raise one pound of water from a temperature / to the boiling point corresponding to P and then turn it into steam, will be H (t 32). The heat required, then, to evaporate H' 7 pounds of water 'per hour, under the given conditions, will be (75) Hi = W [_H (t 32)]. From equation (75), it is evident that, for a given value of IV, H\ will be smaller as we make H smaller and as we make /larger, and hence the latter should always be as large as possible. HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 159 The value of H depends upon the pressure by the gauge at which the steam is formed and upon nothing else; and as is seen by an inspection of Table I, the higher is the pressure of the steam in the boiler, the greater is the value of H. It is also seen, however, that the value of H increases very slowly as the pressure in- creases. Thus, the value of H corresponding to a pres- sure of 75 Ibs., by the gauge, is 1179.4, and the value of H corresponding to a pressure of 150 Ibs., by the gauge, is 1193.5 ; so that, while the pressure has been increased by 75 Ibs., H has been increased by but 14.1 heat units. The value of / depends upon the source of supply of the feed-water and upon whether or not the feed-water is heated before it is forced into the boiler. It is customary to force the feed-water through a " feed-water heater " before it enters the boiler. As feed-water heaters will be discussed farther along, it will suffice to say that they usu- ally consist of a number of tubes, surrounded by exhaust steam from the engine, through which the feed-water is forced before it enters the boiler. The water, while pass- ing through the tubes of the heater, has its temperature raised by the heat imparted to it by the exhaust steam. The heat in the exhaust steam would be lost if it were not taken by the feed- water; so that the feed- water heater, by raising the temperature of the feed-water, is a heat saving appliance, and a valuable adjunct to any engine and boiler plant, where there is exhaust steam escaping into the atmosphere. The greater / is made, the less will be the value of //i for given values of W and H. Instead of speaking of the number of heat units a boiler will require per hour it is customary to speak of "the equivalent water from and at 212" that it will evaporate per hour. The equivalent water from and at 212 is the number of pounds of water that could be evaporated by the expend- 160 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. iture of the same number of heat units actually used by the boiler, if the water entered the boiler at 212 and was converted into steam at a temperature of 212. Since the heat required to convert one pound of water at a temperature of 212, into steam at 212 is equal to the latent heat of water at atmospheric pressure, about 966 heat units, it is seen that the expression for "the equivalent water from and at 212," W ot is' The factor H ~~ (t ~ 32) is called the " factor of 966 evaporation," and may be defined as, the factor by which the water actually evaporated by a boiler must be multi- plied in order to reduce it to " equivalent water from and at 212. " In Table 3 will be found factors of evaporation for different gauge pressures of steam and different tempera- tures of feed water. Equation (76) gives us a means of determining the heat required per hour for a boiler, when we know the equivalent water from and at 2 1 2 required to be evaporated per hour. As will be seen later, boilers are often assumed as being able to evaporate 34} Ibs. of water from and at 2 1 2 per hour per horse-power. Upon this assumption, W Q = 34^ B, where B is the horse-power of the boiler, and the expression for H\ becomes, (77) J3i = 966 W = 33327 B. 69. FUEL REQUIRED PER HOUR. The number of pounds of fuel required to supply the heat necessary for the boiler per hour, depends upon the heat developed by the combustion of one pound of the fuel and upon the amount of heat that is lost, in various ways, by the furnace, HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 161 the boiler and the chimney. If we take the amount of heat developed by the combustion of one pound of the fuel and from this quantity subtract the amount that is lost, we shall obtain the quantity of heat used by the boiler per pound of fuel ; and the total quantity of heat required per hour divided by the quantity used per pound of fuel will give us the number of pounds of fuel that must be burned per hour in the furnace. It is evident, therefore, that it is extremely important that we should know the amount of heat developed by the complete combustion of one pound of the fuel in the furnace. Combustion may be defined as a rapid oxidation, accom- panied by the evolution of light and heat. In all fuels there are certain elements that will not burn, but which remain after combustion and form ash; and there are other elements that are in the fuel in such small quantities that their presence may be neglected. The principal elements in all fuels, whether gaseous, liquid, or solid, are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The carbon may be present either in a free, uncom- bined state or in combination with a part of the hydrogen. The hydrogen is always present either in combination with the oxygen or with a part of the carbon. We always assume that a part of the hydrogen is in combination with all of the oxygen, and that the rest is in some sort of combination with part of the carbon. It is generally assumed that the oxygen in a fuel is in combination with a part of the hydrogen, and is present as water. The oxygen, of course, does not burn, but simply reduces the amount of hydrogen that is available for combustion. Upon combustion, the carbon in a fuel may form one of two compounds : I. If the combustion is complete, every atom of the carbon will take up, and enter into combination with, two 11 162 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. atoms of oxygen and form carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid gas as it is sometimes called, whose chemical symbol is CO*. 2. If there is a lack of oxygen and the combustion is not complete, every atom of the carbon will combine with one atom of oxygen and form carbon monoxide, whose chemical symbol is CO. It has been determined by experiments that when one pound of carbon is completely burned, so as to form carbon dioxide, there is evolved, by the combustion, 14,500 heatunits ;* also, thatwhen one pound of carbon is burned to form carbon monoxide, there is evolved 4,400 heat units. Thus there is a difference of 10,100 heat units between the amounts of heat evolved by the complete and the partial combustion of one pound of carbon. It is customary, in all discussions as to the heat of combustion of fuels, to assume that all the carbon in the fuel is completely burned to carbon dioxide. Hydrogen, when burned, enters into combination with oxygen, in the proportion of two atom of hydrogen to one of oxygen, and forms water, whose chemical symbol is H*O. It has been determined by experiments that one pound of hydrogen, on being burned, will evolve 62,032 heat units, or about4.28 times as many heat units as are evolved by the complete combustion of one pound of carbon. When one pound of hydrogen burns it unites with eight pounds of oxygen ; so that, with the oxygen present in any fuel there is always united one-eighth of its weight of hydrogen. If, then, we subtract from the total weight of hydrogen present in a fuel, one-eighth of the weight of the oxygen, the remainder will be the weight of free hydrogen in the fuel, or the weight of hydrogen that will be burned. To obtain the theoretical amount of heat that will be * The heat evolved by the complete combustion of one pound of carbon varies slightly with the source from which the carbon is obtained, and recent experiments have shown that it is probably nearer 14,600 than 14,500. HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 163 evolved by the combustion of one pound of fuel, it is nec- essary for us to first learn, from a chemical anaylsis, the weights of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in one pound of the fuel. The weight of carbon multiplied by 14,500, will give the number of heat units that will be evolved by the complete combustion of the carbon ; and the weight of free hydrogen, equal to the total hydrogen less one- eighth of the weight of the oxygen, multiplied by 14,500 times 4.28, will give the heat that will be evolved by the combustion of the hydrogen in the fuel. The sum of the heats evolved by the carbon and by the free hydrogen will be the total heat evolved by the combustion of one pound of the fuel. Putting what has been said in mathe- matical language, we see that the expression for the the- oretical amount of heat, h, evolved by the complete com- bustion of one pound of fuel is (78) h = 14500 [~C+ 4.28 ( H' - C is the weight, in pounds, of carbon in one pound of the fuel. H' is the weight, in pounds, of hydrogen in one pound of the fuel. O is the weight, in pounds, of oxygen in one pound of the fuel. Owing to the fact that, in most fuels, there is always a small quantity of substances, other than carbon and hydrogen, that burn and give off more or less heat, and that a part of the total heat evolved is used in decompos- ing the elements before they can burn, the theoretical amount of heat obtained by the use of equation (78) is not exactly equal to the heat actually evolved by the combustion of one pound of the fuel. Equation (78), however, may be used when no other means is at hand for determining the amount of heat evolved by one pound of a fuel. The principal fuels used in boiler furnaces are wood and coal. Wood is seldom used, on account of the expense, 164 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. except in special establishments where the refuse con- sists largely of shavings, saw-dusts, and pieces of wood that must be got rid of. In such cases, of course, it is much better and cheaper to use this refuse as fuel than it is to buy coal. Wood burns rapidly and with a bright flame, but does not evolve much heat. It is customary to consider one pound of wood equivalent to 0.4 pounds of coal. Coal is more extensively used as a fuel, in boiler fur- naces, than any other substance. Although the mining engineer classifies coal into several groups or classes, it will suffice for us to consider all coal used in boiler fur- naces as either anthracite or bituminous coal. Anthracite coal is a hard, dense coal containing a large per cent of carbon and a small per cent of volatile matter; it is slow to ignite and burns at a high tempera- ture with little or no visible flame. Bituminous coal is somewhat soft and easily broken ; it usually contains from 20 to 50 per cent of volatile matter ; it ignites easily and burns freely with quite a flame. Coke is the residue obtained after distilling off the gases from certain kinds of bituminous coals; it is not very dense, but contains a high per cent of carbon. In Table 4 is given the heat developed by the complete combustion of one pound of various fuels. The loss of heat by a furnace, boiler, and chimney may be ascribed to four causes : 1. Incomplete combustion. 2. Radiation. 3. Hot gases escaping out of the chimney. 4. Dropping of fuel through the grate into the ash-pit. The loss due to incomplete combustion is the most serious of all losses. It may be that, when the coal is put into the fire, there is not a sufficient amount of air to burn the volatile gases that pass off, so that the greater HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 165 part of them will not be burned. Or, it may be, that owing to a lack of air, the carbon is not completely burned to carbon dioxide, but is burned only to carbon monoxide. If the carbon is not completely burned, there is a loss of 10,100 heat units for every pound of carbon converted into carbon monoxide. The loss by radiation may be reduced by a careful and correct setting of the furnace and boiler, and by taking precautions to have just as little hot surface exposed as possjble. The loss due to the hot gases escaping up the chimney may be estimated if we know the temperature, t\, of the air entering the furnace and the temperature, &, of the gases entering the chimney. The specific heat of one pound of chimney gases may, without serious error, be taken as equal to that of ordinary atmospheric air, or 0.24 ; so that every pound of gas escaping out of the chimney carries off 0.24 (fa t\) heat units. The heat carried off by the gases in the chimney can- not be said to be wasted, unless there is some fault in the design of the boiler plant, as this heat is used to produce the draft. It will be seen later that the amount of air entering the furnace depends upon the draft of the chim- ney, which, in turn, depends upon the height of the chim- ney and upon the temperature of the air outside, and that of the gases inside of the chimney. The temperature of the gases in the chimney should be sufficient to produce the required draft, and no more. The loss due to dropping of fuel through the grate ought not to be large, if the grate is properly proportioned and care is exercised in firing the furnace. Some loss, of course, is always bound to occur, but when this loss is large there should be a change either of the grate or fire- man, or perhaps of both. The sum total of all the heat lost in the various ways, per pound of the coal consumed, will amount to from 20 166 STEAM EXGIXES AND BOILERS. to 50 per cent of the total heat of combustion. For the best boiler plants, where care is exercised in firing, the amount of heat used per pound of coal may be taken as from 70 to 80 per cent of the heat of combustion ; for good boiler plants the amount may be taken as from 60 to 70 per cent of the heat of combustion ; and for poorly designed plants, poorly fired, the amount will be from 40 to 60 per cent of the total heat of combustion. Therefore, if K represents the fraction of the total heat of combustion that is utilized, the heat utilized per pound of coal will be, from equation (78), (79) h = Kh = 1T1 4500 C + 4.2 If, now, we divide the total heat, H\, required per hour, as given in (75) or (77), by the heat utilized, ^ , per pound of coal we obtain the amount of coal, F t that it will be necessary to burn per hour in the furnace. Therefore, the expression for (80) 70. AIR REQUIRED FOR COMBUSTION. The air admit- ted to a furnace for the" combustion of a fuel is a me- chanical mixture, consisting principally of oxygen and nitrogen ; these gases are present in the proportion, by weight, of 23 per cent of oxygen and 77 per cent of nirtogen ; by volume, the proportion in which they are present is 20 per cent of oxygen and 80 per cent of nitro- gen. The oxygen, only, is used in combustion ; the nitrogen is inert, and so far as aiding combustion is concerned, is useless. From chemistry we learn that when two substances unite chemically they always do so in a certain fixed proportion, by weight. It is known that one pound of HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 167 hydrogen always requires eight pounds of oxygen for its complete combustion into water, H^ 0; also, that one pound of carbon requires \ of a pound of oxygen for its combustion to carbon monoxide, CO, and f of a pound of oxygen for its combustion to carbon dioxide, CO-2. Therefore, if we assume complete combustion of the carbon and of the free hydrogen, the number of pound? of oxygen required per pound of fuel will be, (81) C is the total carbon, H* the total hydrogen, and O the total oxygen in one pound of the fuel. Now, since, as has been said, there is only 23 per cent, by weight, of oxygen in the air, the weight of air, A y required to supply 0\ pounds of oxygen will be, A = - Putting for Oi its value, and neglecting fractions, we get the following expression for the pounds of air required for the complete combustion of one pound of fuel. (82) A = 12 C -f 36 ( H f V Ordinarily, we may assume that 12 pounds of air will be needed for the complete combustion of one pound of coal; and as one pound of air at 32 occupies a volume of I2j cubic feet, the volume of air, at 32, required for the complete combustion of one pound of coal may be taken as 150 cubic feet. It has been found that in the boiler furnace there is always needed more air than is actually necessary for the combustion of the fuel, in order to dilute the gases of combustion and to make sure that every particle of hydro- 168 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. gen and carbon will come in contact with the amount of oxygen necessary to burn it. The amount of air for dilu- tion, as the surplus air is called, depends upon how inti- mately the air for combustion and the combustible gases are mingled and mixed. It has been found that it is advantageous to have the air enter in a number of streams rather than in a large body, and that the higher the veloc- ity of the entering air the less the quantity required for dilution. Experience has shown that in the case of nat- ural or chimney draft, the amount of air required for dilu- tion will be about equal to the amount required for com- plete combustion; while in the case of forced draft, the amount of air required for dilution will be about equal to one-half that required for combustion. Therefore, we may say that for chimney draft it is nec- essary to supply 24 pounds of air to the furnace for each pound of coal burned; and for forced draft, 18 pounds of air are required per pound of coal. Of course, the greater the quantity of air we supply to the furnace, over and above that actually required for combustion, the greater will be the loss of heat due to the temperature of the escaping gases. Again, the greater the quantity of air supplied per pound of coal burned the larger must be the chimney to carry off the gases from the furnace. It is evident, therefore, that the amount of air supplied to the furnace should be no more than the quantity act- ually necessary for proper combustion. 71. RATE OF COMBUSTION. By the rate of combustion is meant the number of pounds of fuel that is burned per square foot of grate surface per hour. There are two limits to the rate of combustion, a max- imum and a minimum. The maximum rate depends upon the kind of fuel and the force of the draft ; and where the draft is great enough to supply the amount of air required for combustion, the HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 169 maximum limit will be reached only when the draft be- comes so great as to blow the fuel off of the grate bars. It is evident that this limit will depend somewhat upon the density of the fuel. It is probable that the greatest rate of combustion has been attained in locomotives, where a rate of about 120 pounds of anthracite coal has been reached. Of course, this is not a rate that is con- tinued for any great length of time. The minimum rate of combustion depends upon the kind and nature of the fuel and the construction of the grate of the furnace ; it is the rate at which it is possible to keep a bright clear fire just on the point of burning through in places, and so admitting a body of cool air to chill the furnace. For anthracite coal, the minimum rate of combustion in boiler furnaces is about 4 pounds ; and for bituminous coal, it is about 10 pounds. The rate of combustion, with chimney draft, for an- thracite coal, will vary from 7 to 20 pounds, the average being about 12 pounds; for bituminous coal, the rate will vary from 12 to 40 pounds, the average being about 20 pounds. The whole tendency of modern practice is towards forced draft and high rates of combustion. 72. THE FURNACE. In Fig. 67 the furnace under the boiler is shown in section. It will be seen that the " grate bars " rest on the " bridge wall " at the back end, and on the " dead plate " at the front end. Where the grate is long, it is customary to make it up of two lengths of " grate bars " supported at the middle by a " bearing bar." The grate bars are made of cast iron and of different shapes for different kinds of fuels. There are quite a number of patented grate bars on the market, for each of ivhich the inventor claims certain advantages. In Fig. 68 is shown a view of a common form of grate 170 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. bar. The bars are made single or double, in order that, by using a number of single and double bars, grates of any desired width may be built up. There are lugs, marked A in Fig. 68, which prevent the bars from being Fig. 68. packed too close together, and which cause the formation of air spaces, through which the air for combustion enters from the " ash-pit." The area of the openings for the admission of air between the grate bars, ought to be made to depend, somewhat, upon the kind of coal burned, but is usually about one-half the total area of the grate. Where very fine coal is used the area of the openings should be less than where coarser coal is burned, in order that there may not be a great waste by the dropping of coal, through the openings, into the ash-pit. In Fig. 69 is shown a somewhat different style of grate bar that is quite extensively used. The grate bars are seldom made longer than four feet ; and grates are seldom made longer, measured from the Fig. 69. furnace door to the bridge wall, than seven feet. If a grate is longer than seven feet it becomes almost impos- sible to fire and stoke it properly, and the end next to the bridge is very apt to be useless, if not detrimental. The grate is usually built with a slope, from the front of the HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 171 furnace towards the bridge wall, of from one-half to one inch fall for every foot in length. The dead-plate at the front of the grate is sometimes made quite large, although it is usually rather small. The doors of the furnace should be made double, and should have perforations in them. The perforations are for the admission of air, which aids in the combustion of the gases passing off from the fuel on the grate and, also, cools the door and prevents it from burning out. The inner part, or lining, of the door is to prevent the outer part, or door proper, from being too highly heated by the heat radiated from the burning fuel on the grate. The furnace shown in Fig. 67 is what is termed an external furnace, since it is exterior to the boiler. Some- times, however, the furnace is contained in the boiler itself, as shown in Fig. 73, when it is termed an internal furnace. 73. FIRING THE FURNACE. The term "firing" is applied to the work of putting the fuel in the furnace, and keeping the fire in a clean, bright condition. To the uninitiated it would seem as if the whole thing to be done, in feeding a furnace, would be to open the furnace door and throw the fuel in on the grate ; it has been found, however, that in order to preserve a good, hot, fire, it is best to adopt some system of firing. There are three systems in common use, each of which has its advocates. These systems are, the spreading, the alternate, and the coking. In the spreading system, the fresh charge of coal is spread in a layer over the whole area of the grate. This is perhaps the most common system, and if the fire is fed frequently, with small quantities of fresh fuel at each charge, it will give good results. If, however, the fire is fed at rather long intervals, with a large quantity of fuel at each charge, the fire will be chilled every time fresh fuel is put 172 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. on it. This chilling of the fire will result in the incom- plete combustion of the gases in the furnace and a loss of heat. The alternate system can only be used to advantage with a wide grate. In this system, the fresh fuel is put alternately on each side of the grate in sufficient quanti- ties to cover about one-half of the whole surface. The whole area of the grate is never covered, at any one time, with fresh fuel ; so that, the whole fire is never chilled. The gases that pass off from the fresh fuel on one side of the grate, come in contact with the surplus hot air coming through that side of the grate on which there is no fresh fuel, and are burned. This system of firing does not re- quire such care and watchfulness on the part of the fire- man, as does the spreading system, but as has been said, it can be used to advantage only in the case of rather broad furnaces. The coking system is the system that has been adopted in all mechanical stoking devices. In it, the fresh charge of fuel is put just inside the door of the furnace, on the dead plate, and allowed to remain there until the greater part of the most volatile gases are driven off; then the coal is pushed farther back into the furnace, where a part of it is burned and all of the gases are driven off, and a fresh charge is put on the dead plate. Each succeeding charge pushes the charges preceding it further towards the end of the furnace, and the charges are put in at such intervals that each will be completely burned during its passage from the dead plate to the bridge wall. The gases, evolved from the charge on the dead plate, are obliged to pass over the hot bed of fire and come in con- tact with the surplus air coming through the back end of the grate ; and, as both the gases and the air are at a high temperature, there is a strong probability that all the gases will be burned. This method of firing works equally well with bituminous coal and anthracite coal, HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL, 173 174 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. but is of more value where bituminous coal is used, on account of the large per cent of volatile gases such coal contains. It is impossible to say that anyone of the three systems of firing is better than another; anyone will give good results if it is properly carried out, and any one is better than no system at all. To get good results as to evapora- tion and rate of combustion, it is absolutely necessary that care be exercised in the firing; good results cannot be obtained by careless, bad firing, where the coal is thrown into the furnace in any way and in large quanti- ties at a time. The fire should be kept bright, and free from dirt and clinkers, and of as nearly a uniform thickness over the whole grate as possible. A bright, clean fire will always give better results than one that is dirty, and full of clinkers and ash. The thickness of the bed of coals has quite a marked influence upon the economy of the combustion. The best thickness will depend largely upon the fuel to be burned, but it may safely be said that it should not be allowed to be less than six inches for a good, hot fire. It is seldom- that the thickness of the fire is allowed to be greater than twelve inches. Experiments, with the same coal, have shown that a fire six inches thick gave poorer results, as to evaporation, than a nine-inch fire ; and the nine-inch fire gave poorer results than a twelve-inch fire. Care should be taken to see that the fire never burns through in spots, leaving a portion of tne grate uncovered by hot coals. 74. MECHANICAL STOKERS. There are several forms of mechanical stokers on the market, and almost all -of them feed the coal, from a hopper, onto the front part of the furnace, where it is partially burned, and from where it is gradually .made to move back along the grate to the HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 175 bridge wall. The rate of feeding of the fuel and the rate of combustion must be such that all of the coal will be burned on its way from the furnace door to- the bridge wall. If the rate of feeding is too great, the fuel will not be completely burned when it reaches the end of the grate, and a part of it will be forced into the ash pit, and be lost ; while if the rate of feeding be too small, the part of the grate next to the bridge wall will not be completely covered with live coals, and cold air will leak through and chill the gases on their way to the chimney. The grates of almost all mechanical stokers are usually inclined at a considerable angle to the horizon, and the coal is made to move from the dead-plate/to the bridge wall by a movement of the grate bars. This movement is generally derived from a shaft that is rotated by a s\nall engine. It is probable that the Roney Mechanical Stoker is. one of the most used and best known mechanical stokers in this country. Fig. 70 shows the Roney Mechanical Stoker as applied to the ordinary return tubular boiler. In Fig. 71 is shown the stoker in detail. Referring to Fig. 71, it is seen that the grate is inclined from the front of the furnace towards the bridge wall ;,and that the grate bars are arranged as steps, with their lengths at right angles to the direction of the length of the boiler. The coal is fed into the "coal hopper,". and from there is pushed onto the "dead plate ;" the^coal falls onto the front grate bars and is made to move from one grate bar to another, towards the bridge wall, by an oscil- lating motion of the grate bars. This motion of the grate bars is derived from the " rocker bar," which is moved back and forth by the " connecting rod. ' The " connect- ing rod " derives its motion from the " agitator," that is connected, by means of the "link," to the "disk-crank." The disk-crank is rotated by the shaft to which it is fast- ened. By the motion of the rocker arm the grate bars 176 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 177 are made to assume an inclined position, and then a stepped position. When the bars are in the inclined position, the coal tends to slide down the grate towards the bridge wall. When the agitator is moved out towards the end of its stroke it strikes a nut on the end of the connecting rod and moves the rod until the grate bars assume the inclined position. As the agitator moves inward, it pushes on the pusher and forces coal from the hopper onto the grate and, also, forces the coal on the grate down the grate bars, which remain in their inclined position until the agitator strikes the inside nut on the connecting rod. Thus, it is seen that during about half the time of one revolution of the disk crank, the coal on the grate may move towards the bridge, and during the other half of the time it is at rest on the grate. By means of the " feed wheel/' the pusher may be adjusted so that it will be moved forward during any desired part of the forward motion of the agitator. The amount of coal fed to the furnace depends largely upon the adjustment of the pusher, although in some cases the weight of the coal, in the hopper and on the grate, will cause a movement of the coal along the grate. By adjusting the leek nuts on the connecting rod, the movement of the grate bars may be adjusted. Also, everything may be made to occur quicker or slower by running the disk crank at a high or low speed. 75. HAWLEY DOWN DRAFT FURNACE. One of the latest, successful, improvements in furnaces for boilers may be said to be the down draft system of the Hawley Down Draft Furnace Co. In this system, two grates are used, one above the other, as shown in Fig. 72. The upper grate is made up of a number of tubes, C, connected to the drums A and B. The drums, A and B, are connected to the boiler, so that there is always a circulation of water through the drums and through the tubes. The bottom grate, D y is of the ordinary kind. 12 178 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. / l\ I V i \ ^ Id X \ /- ; /\ SB HEAT AND COMBUSTION OF FUEL. 179 All the fresh fuel is put on the upper grate, through the doors F, and air is admitted, also through F t over the fuel. By the arrangement of the furnace, the air and gases of combustion are made to pass down through the upper grate in order to reach the chimney. All the fine particles of coal, and partially burned coal, drop between the upper grate bars and fall onto the lower grate ; so that, the lower grate is always covered with a thick layer of hot coals. Air is admitted through the ash pit, and it passes up through the hot coals on the lower grate ; a part of this air is used in burning the coals on the lower grate ; the remainder comes in contact with the hot, combustible, gases from the upper grate and burns them. This furnace has given good results as a preventer of smoke. CHAPTER IX. BOILERS. 76. TYPES OF BOILERS. Before considering the dif- ferent types, it will be well to define certain terms used in referring to boilers. The grate surface is the area of the grate of the fur- nace of the boiler. The heating surface is the area of the surface of con- tact of the hot gases with the boiler, while on their way from the furnace to the boiler chimney. The shell is the main vessel in which is contained the water and steam. The water space is the volume of that part of the boiler occupied by the water. The steam space is the volume of that part of the boiler occupied by the steam. All classifications of boilers are based, generally, upon peculiarities in the design of the shell, or in the relative position of the heating surface and grate surface. Boilers are, also, often classified according to the place where they are to be used. Among the different classifications may be mentioned the following: marine boilers, land boilers ; upright boilers, horizontal boilers ; internally fired boilers, externally fired boilers; fire-tube boilers, water- tube boilers. A marine boiler is one that is used on vessels ; and a land boiler is one that is used on land. An upright boiler is one having the axis of the shell (180) BOILERS. 181 vertical ; and a horizontal boiler is one having the axis of the shell horizontal. An internally fired boiler is one that has its furnace inside the shell of the boiler ; and an externally fired boiler is one that has its furnace exterior to the shell. A fire-tube boiler is one a part of whose heating sur- face is the internal surfaces of a number of tubes sur- rounded by water ; and a water-tube boiler is one a part of whose heating surface is the external surfaces of a number of tubes filled with water. 77. OLD TYPES OF BOILERS. Under this head has been included those forms of boilers that were first used, and that are still used to a large extent in England, but Fig. 73. that are seldom met with in this country. The principal among these may be said to be the Cornish boiler and the Lancashire boiler. The Cornish boiler is an internally fired boiler, with a cylindrical shell. The furnace is contained in a large cylindrical flue running the whole length of the boiler from front to rear. In Fig. 73 is shown a longitudinal section of a Cornish boiler, and in Fig. 74 is shown a 182 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. cross-section of one. The furnace is in the flue A, and the products of combustion pass through A to the rear of the boiler, where they divide into two portions, and return through the passages B to the front of the boiler, they then enter C and pass through it to the chimney. Fig. 74. The Cornish boiler has, always, but a single furnace and a single flue. The Lancashire boiler, like the Cornish boiler, is an internally fired boiler, but it differs from the Cornish boiler in having two furnaces and, for a part of its length, two flues. The two flues of the Lancashire boiler are united into a single flue near the back end of the boiler. The distinguishing features of the Lancashire boiler are the two furnaces and the two flues uniting in the single flue a short distance from the back end of the boiler. The Cornish and Lancashire boilers built to-day are almost always provided with " Galloway tubes " across the flues. These are shown in Fig. 75, and are simply tubes, a, of the shape of a truncated cone, placed in an inclined BOILERS. 183 position across the large flue b. They facilitate the cir- culation of the water in the boiler and increase the heating surface. In many of the modern forms of Cornish or Lanca- shire boilers, the gases pass under the boiler from the Fig. 75. rear towards the front, instead of along the sides, and pass along the sides on the way to the chimney. That is, in Figs. 73 and 74, the gases pass to the front through the passage C, after leaving A, and then pass off to the chimney through the passages B. 78. RETURN FIRE-TUBE BOILERS. Boilers of this type are usually spoken of as " return tubular boilers," and are more used in this country than those of any other type. In Figs. 67 and 76 are shown views of a boiler of this type. These boilers, as seen from the cuts shown, are cylin- drical, externally fired, boilers. The gases pass from the furnace under the boiler to the '* back connection," and 184 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. ^BOILERS. 185 from there pass to the front through a number of tubes or flues. If the tubes are of greater diameter than six inches, they are usually spoken of as flues. The number of tubes varies with the diameter of the shell of the boiler and the diameter of the tubes. The heating surface of a return tubular boiler consists of that part of the surface of the shell in contact with the gases ; of the outside surface of the tubes, the surface in contact with the water ; and that part of the ends, or heads, of the boiler with which the gases come in contact. The area of the surface of the shell that is in I Fig. 77. contact with the gases depends upon the setting of the boiler; although it is customary to assume, what is not always true, that two-thirds of the area of the shell is exposed to the hot gases. It is usually customary to neglect, as unimportant, the parts of the heads in contact with the gases. It is evident, then, that the heating sur- face of the shell will be obtained by multiplying two- thirds the outside circumference of the shell, in feet, by the length, in feet ; and the heating surface of the tubes will be obtained by multiplying the outside cylin- drical surface of one tube by the number of tubes in 186 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. BOILERS. 187 the boiler. Therefore, let D denote the diameter, in feet, of the shell of the boiler; /, the length in feet ; d, the outride diameter, in inches, of each tube ; and N, the number of tubes. Then the heating 2 surface of the shell will be, 3.1416 X -- Dl ; and that *J Fig. 79. Fig. 80. 3.14.16 dlN of the tubes will be . The total heating sur- face, S, will be (83) = 2.1 Dl + 0.262 dlN. The tubes used in return tubular boilers are sold accord- ing to their external diameter; and the diameters in most 188 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 00 bfl BOILERS. 189 common use are 3, 3^, and 4 inches. The diameter of the tube used in a boiler is somewhat limited by its length, as the length should not exceed sixty times the diameter. The diameters of the shells of return tubular boil- ers vary from about 30 inches to 84 inches; and the lengths of the shells will vary from about 6 feet to 20 feet, although the usual lengths are from 12 to 16 feet. Boilers whose diameters do not exceed 72 inches, and whose lengths are not greater than 18 feet, may be obtained with the bottom of the shell made of a single sheet of iron or steel, and the top part made of one or more sheets. The advantage of a single sheet on the bottom of an externally fired boiler, is that there are then no rivets to come in contact with the hot gases. The ends of tubes less than six inches in diameter are fastened in the heads of the boilers by " expanding" them, as shown in Fig. 77, and those six inches, or more, in diameter are riveted to the heads. 79. WATER-TUBE BOILERS. Boilers of this type are not as much used as those of the return fire-tube type, but they are becoming more and more extensively used every day. The first cost of these boilers is usually much greater than that of boilers of other types. The heating surface of these boilers is made up of such a variety of surfaces that it is impossible to give any general rule for determining it, that will be applicable to all kinds of water-tube boilers. It must suffice to say that the heat- ing surface is the total surface of those parts of the boiler in contact with the hot gases. It is impossible to illustrate and explain all the different varieties of water-tube boilers, but they may be distin- guished into three classes, each of which may be illus- trated. 190 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. *\jfcv.5 .*.. S_ mi tc BOILERS. 191 In the first class are included those water-tube boilers that have a number of tubes fastened together into sets by common headers or legs, and these common headers connected 'to a drum containing water and steam. The form of the headers, connecting the ends of the tubes, depends upon the make of the boiler and the number of tubes connected into one set. From all boilers of this class, it is possible to remove one set of tubes without in any way injuring the other sets. It is probable that the greater number of all the water-tube boilers on the market belong to this class. As an example of this class of water-tube boilers, the Babcock and Wilcox boiler is shown. Fig. 78 shows a section of this boiler; Fig. 79 shows an enlarged view of the connection of the tubes to the head- ers, and of the connection of the headers to the water and steam drum. In Fig. 80 is shown a front view of one of the headers. It will be seen that each header, both at the front and the rear, is entirely independent of the others, and that by taking off the hand-hole covers, a in Figs. 79 and 80, one of which is placed on the headers opposite the end of each tube, the tubes may be exam- ined, or taken out if desired. In some forms of water-tube boilers, of this class, the headers are so arranged that the water from the lower tubes must flow through the headers of the upper tubes before it can enter the water and steam drum. The Heine boiler will serve to illustrate what might be termed the second class. In this class would be included all those water-tube boilers that have the ends of all the tubes fastened into one common header at each end of the boiler. Fig. 8 1 shows a perspective of a Heine boiler ready for shipment ; Fig. 82 shows a section; and Fig. 83 shows the method of fastening the tubes to the header, and the 192 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. details of the hand holes, one of which is placed opposite the end of each tube. In Fig. 83, T represents the ends of the tubes fastened to the header; 0, hollow stay-bolts bracing the walls of the header; and J t h, H t and b, parts of the hand-hole cover. In the third class of water-tube boilers, would be included those that have two or more large drums con- nected by nearly vertical water-tubes. Fig. 83. This class is illustrated by the Stirling boiler; a section of which is shown in Fig. 84, and a half-front elevation in Fig. 85. 80. VERTICAL BOILERS. Until of late years almost all vertical boilers made were of small size, but now large ones are being made and used. These boilers are usually what might be termed internally fired ; and they are liked on account of the small floor area occupied by them. In Fig. 86 is shown a half-section and half-elevation of a small vertical boiler, such as is in common use in this country. The heating surface in these boilers consists of the sur- BOILERS. 193 Fi. 84. Stirling Boiler, 13 194 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. face of the furnace and of the outside surface of the tubes through which the gases pass. The tubes of these small, vertical boilers are usually of 2 or 2j inches outside diameter. 81. MARINE BOILERS. While any boiler used on a vessel is, or ought to be, called a " marine boiler/' custom has generally confined the name to boilers similar to that show in section in Fig. 87, and in half-elevation and half- section in Fig. 88. These boilers are always internally fired ; they make steam rapidly and occupy but a small amount of space. The tubes used in marine boilers are usually about 2j inches in external diameter. 82. RATING OF BOILERS. Most boilers are usually rated as being of a given number of horse-power. By the term horse-power, when applied to a boiler, is meant the horse-power of the engine to which the boiler is capable of supplying steam. Of course, it is at once evident that the power of a boiler will vary between very wide limits, depending upon the efficiency in the use of steam of the engine to which it is attached. In order that there might be some uniformity in the rating of the boilers tested at the Centennial Exposition, at Philadelphia, in 1876, the judges decided that one boiler horse-power should mean thirty pounds of water per hour, evaporated from an initial temperature of 100 F., under a boiler pressure of seventy pounds by the gauge. This is equal to 34^ Ibs., per hour, of equivalent water from and at 212. This standard of rating has become almost universally adopted, and one horse-power for a boiler may be considered as the evaporation of 34 J pounds of water per hour from and at 212, or its equivalent.* * This has been adopted as the standard boiler horse-power by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. BOILERS. 195 Fig. 85 Stirling Boiler. 196 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. When, however, boilers are sold and no test is made to determine the amount of steam they will make, they cannot be rated according to the standard of 34^ pounds of water per hour from and at 212; and manufacturers usually rate them according to the number of square feet of heating surface. There is no uniformity among manu- facturers as to the number of square feet of heating surface that shall be necessary for one horse-power, nor is any distinction made as to the difference in efficiency of the different parts of the heating surface. Some manufacturers of return tubular boilers rate their boilers on the basis of I2j square feet of heating surface per horse-power, while others rate their boilers on a basis of 15 square feet of heating surface per horse-power. Manufacturers of water-tube boilers usually rate their boilers on a basis of 10 or n square feet of heating sur- face per horse-power. Vertical boilers are usually rated upon a basis of 12 square feet of heating surface per horse-power. When comparing the prices asked by different manu- facturers for boilers of the same rated horse-power, it is necessary to compare carefully the areas of the heating surfaces, in order to determine whether or not the boilers are rated on the same basis. 83. APPENDAGES TO A BOILER. Under this head are included pressure gauges, water gauges, gauge cocks, safety valves, feed-water heaters, and other small parts of a boiler that need some short description. Pressure Gauges. The most common form of pressure gauge is shown in Figs. 89 and 90. In Fig. 90 the pres- sure gauge is indicated by a. It has a dial face graduated to show pressure in pounds per square inch above the atmosphere, so that when the pressure in the boiler is simply that of the atmosphere the gauge will indicate zero pounds. Fig. 89 shows a pressure gauge with the dial BOILERS. 197 Fig. 86. Vertical Boiler. 198 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. face removed, so that the inside mechanism can be seen. The steam enters, through #, the flexible, bent tube b, shown in section at e y and by its pressure tends to straighten the tube. As the tube straightens, it moves the arc c ; which in turn moves the hand d by means of a Fig. 87. Marine Boiler. small pinion fastened to the axis of d and gearing with c. By properly adjusting the position the hand d y and the strength of the tube /5, the gauge may be made to correctly indicate pressures. Syphon. The syphon is simply, a bent piece of J inch pipe, shown at b in Fig. 90, to which the gauge is always fastened. The syphon is used in order to keep the tube of the pressure gauge filled with water, and thus BOILERS. 199 t 200 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. prevent the very hot steam from coming in direct contact with it. Water Column. The water column is a casting to which is fastened a number of the small appendages to a boiler. In Fig. 90, A indicates the water column. To it is fastened the pressure gauge a, the gauge cocks c, and the water gauge d. The upper part of A is connected to the steam space of the boiler, and the lower part to the water space; so that the water stands at the same level in the water column that it does in the boiler. Gauge Cocks. The gauge cocks c, in Fig. 90, are for determining the position of the water line in the boiler. There are usually three gauge cocks, about three inches apart. The water line should be just about the middle cock, so that if the upper cock is opened, steam will escape; if the middle cock is opened, a mixture of steam and water will escape ; and if the lower cock is opened, water will escape. Boilers are sometimes provided with two sets of gauge cocks, one fastened to the water column and one fastened directly to the shell of the boiler. Water Gauge. The water gauge or, as it is sometimes called, the water glass, is indicated by d, in Fig. 90. It is a glass tube communicating with the steam space of A at the top, and with the water space at the bottom. If the tube is open and not choked at any point, the level of the water in the water gauge will be the same as that of the water in the boiler ; so that the water in the gauge will enable one to see at a glance where the level of the water stands in the boiler. The glass tube has, usually, about twelve inches exposed to view; and the middle gauge cock is at about the middle of the glass tube. The lower end of the glass tube is about on the level of the tops of the tubes of the boiler, in the case of a return fire-tube boiler. Safety Valve. A safety valve is a valve which, when BOILERS. 201 Fig. 90. 202 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. the pressure of the steam becomes equal to a given amount depending upon the setting of the valve, is opened by the pressure of the steam, and allows some of the steam to " blow off" into the atmosphere; it thus pre- vents the pressure in the boiler from becoming too great. There should be at least one safety valve on every boiler, and it is desirable to have two safety valves to every boiler, in order that if, for any reason, one of the valves should fail to act the other would act. Fig. 91. There are two kinds of safety valves in common use on boilers generating steam for steam engines, the lever safety valve and the pop safety valve. In Fig. 91 is shown a lever safety valve. It consists of a valve, in the body A, to which is a spindle B t that presses against a lever, D. The lever is free to swing about the pin C, and carries a poise, W, whose position on the lever may be changed at will. The steam presses BOILERS. 203 against the bottom of the valve, in the body A, and tends to force the spindle, B, upwards. In order that the spindle may rise and allow the valve to open, the lever must be moved about the pin, C, as a center; but the weight of the lever, D t and the poise, W, tends to keep the lever from moving. It is evident that the valve will not open until the moment of the force acting on the valve becomes equal to the sum of the moments of the weight of the lever and the weight of the poise. Fig. 92. Let, in Fig. 91, V be the area of the valve in square inches; P t the pressure of the steam, by the gauge, at which the valve will blow off; a, the distance, in inches, from the center of Cto the center of the spindle B; b, the distance, in inches, to the center of the poise ; c, the dis- tance, in inches, to the center of gravity of the lever; w t the weight, in pounds, of the lever ; W, the weight, in pounds, of the poise ; and m, the weight, in pounds, of the valve. 204 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Then, it is evident from Fig. 91, that (84) PVa = cw + b W -f ma From (84) we get In a given safety valve, the only thing that can be changed is the distance, b, that the poise is from the center of the pin C; and the greater b is made, the higher will be the pressure at which the valve will blow off. A " pop " safety valve is a safety valve in which the valve is held down on its seat by a spring, instead of a lever and poise. In Fig. 92 is shown a section of a " pop " safety valve such as is manufactured by the Con- solidated Safety Valve Co. The valve is set to blow off at different pressures by adjusting the tension of the spring by means of the nuts at the top. The only objection to a pop safety-valve is the noise it makes when it opens. Feed- Water Heater. We have already shown how the amount of heat required to evaporate a pound of water is reduced by increasing the temperature of the feed water before it enters the boiler. Whenever it is possible, the exhaust steam of a non-condensing engine should be used to heat the feed -water, instead of being allowed to pass off into the atmosphere. The apparatus in which the feed-water is heated before entering the boiler is termed a " feed-water heater." In Fig. 93 is shown a National feed-water heater. As seen in the cut, the feed-water is made to pass through a coil of pipe, before entering the boiler, that is surrounded by the exhaust steam. Sometimes a feed-water heater is made to serve the double purpose of heating the feed-water, and of catching all the sediment and impurities that would otherwise be BOILERS. 205 deposited in the boiler, when the water has been heated as hot as it becomes in the heater. Feed Pipe. The feed pipe is the pipe through which the water enters the boiler. It is often attached to the shell of the boiler near the back, or to the bottom of the front end. Neither of these positions, however, is to be recommended, as in either case the comparatively cool feed-water impinges upon the hottest part of the shell. tXHA'JSt flfE It is better that the feed pipe should be attached to the front end of the boiler a few inches below the water line, and be carried back into the boiler; and the water should be allowed to escape from the pipe through small perfora- tions in it, rather than through the open end. Bloiv-off Pipe. Every boiler should have a blow-off pipe, by means of which it may be emptied of the water it contains. 206 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BOILERS. 207 Valves. The steam pipe, for taking steam from the boiler to the engine, should have a valve close to the boiler. The feed pipe should have two gate valves, close to the boiler, with a check valve between them. The blow-off pipe should not have a valve on it, but should have a good plug-cock. Feeding Apparatus. The feed-water is usually forced into the boiler by means of a pump, called a feed-water pump, although the injector is often used. 84. SETTINGS OF BOILERS. The setting of a boiler means the general arrangement of furnace, boiler, and chimney relative to one another, and the manner in which the furnace and boiler are inclosed and built in. Of course, the setting will depend largely upon the type and construction of the boiler, but for the ordinary return fire-tube boiler there are two recognized standard settings, viz., the full-arch front setting, and the half-arch front setting. Fig, 76 shows a perspective view of a return fire-tube boiler with a half-arch front setting ; and Fig. 94 shows one with a full-arch front setting. When two or more boilers are set side by side, with common front and rear walls, they form what is termed a " battery " of boilers. All the boilers of a battery may, or may not be connected to the same chimney. The setting for return fire-tube boilers, recommended by the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, described in The Locomotive for February, 1895, is shown in Figs. 95, 96 and 97. In this setting the furnace is supposed to be lined with fire-bricks, and the walls are made very thick. The company, in its description of the setting, says: " The width of the furnace in the settings advocated by this company is six inches less than the diameter of 208 STEA3I ENGINES AND BOILERS. the boiler. Beginning just above the grate, the side walls batter at such angle as to make them 3" clear of the boiler at the center, where the walls project inward and close against the boiler. This batter gives greater sta- bility to the walls, and another special feature of it is, that it allows the heated gases to rise without impinging against the walls of the setting, and they flow away from Fig. 95. the wall and distribute themselves evenly over the whole heating surface of the shell. The removal of soot and ash from the shells is also facilitated, and, moreover, it is found that these deposits do not form so readily when the walls are battered as they do when the walls are straight, and the space between them is correspondingly con- tracted. The batter also increases the volume of the combustion chamber, and allows of a more thorough mixing of the oxygen and furnace gases, the result being that complete combustion of the fuel is greatly facilitated. The bridge-wall slopes back from about four inches above the grate, at an angle of 40, in order that the radiant heat from the fire may be diffused over a large portion BOILERS. 209 of the boiler shell. The flame bed back of the bridge- wall slopes down to the level of the boiler-room floor. It is paved for easy cleaning, and the combustion cham- ber is large enough to make examinations and repairs to the boiler comparatively easy. The cleaning door in the rear wall is placed on a level with the flame bed in order that ashes may be readily removed, and as it is Fig. 96. below the currents of highly-heated gases loss by radia^ tion through the door is largely prevented. The loss or waste of heat from this cause is often very great and it has not generally received the attention it deserves. Another point that demands more attention than it usually receives, is the liability of leakage of cold air through the walls of the setting, with the resulting reduc- tion of furnace temperature. To avoid loss of tempera- ture from this cause heavy double walls are constructed in this company's settings, the outside walls of a battery having a two-inch air space between them. The division H 210 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. walls between two or more boilers should have a half-inch clear space between them, to allow free and independent expansion of the walls. With a solid wall and one or more boilers of the battery stopped, one side of the wall separating a boiler in use from another one out of use would be hot and greatly expanded, while the other side of it would be cool ; the result being that the bonded or Fig. 97. solid wall must necessarily be severely strained or injured, and the joints in the masonry quite probably broken by the unequal expansion. Excessive leakage of air is likely to follow. These criticisms apply to all solid-built boiler settings. While the heavy double walls are somewhat more expensive in first cost, the increased economy and capacity of the boilers, as well as the greater durability of the settings, fully warrant their construction. The results obtained in many large plants fully sustain this statement. The exposed portions of the boiler shells above the settings are covered with plastic non-conducting covering 2$" thick. This is much lighter than brick, is a better non-conductor, and does not exert a sensible thrust upon BOILERS. 211 the setting walls as a brick arch does. If leaks occur along the joints of the covered part of the boiler, they are quickly noted by the discoloration of the covering, and may be stopped before the injury from corrosion occurs. The illustrations give the general arrangement of the settings above described, in which it is desired to combine durability with simplicity in design and construction, and at the same time to obtain good results from the boilers, both in economy and in capacity." CHAPTER X. CHIMNEYS. 85. CHIMNEYS. Chimneys are to carry the products of combustion away from the boiler, and, by so doing, produce a draft that will cause fresh air to enter the furnace and carry with it the oxygen to be used Fig. 98. in combustion. They are made either of brick or metal; and usually have either an octagonal or circular cross-section. A circular, inside, cross-section is better than either a square or an octagonal cross-section, as it offers less resistance to the flow of the gases. A square, inside, cross-section is, really, equivalent only to a cir- cular cross-section whose diameter is equal to that of a (212) CHIMNEYS. 213 circle inscribed in the square ; this is so as the corners of square chimneys become almost dead spaces, on account of the excessive resistance there to the flow of the gases. The passage through which the gases pass, after leav- ing the boiler or battery of boilers, on their way to the chimney, is termed the " breeching ; " it may be large or small, long or short, depending upon the number of boil- ers connected to it and the distance from the boilers to the chimney. In the case of a single boiler, or a small battery of boil- 214 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. ers, the chimney is usually made of No. 16 sheet iron, and is carried directly by the breeching. Fig. 98 shows the breeching of a sheet iron stack for a single boiler with a half-arch front setting ; and Fig. 99 shows the breech- ing for a battery of two boilers, with a full-arch front setting. In the case of a large battery of boilers, a number of small, sheet iron chimneys, to each of which will be con- nected two or three boilers, may be used, or all the boilers may be connected to a single large chimney. Brick chimneys, usually, have two walls with an air space between them. The inner wall may extend up the whole height of the chimney or only a part of the way to the top. The outer wall is for stability, and forms the body of the chimney; while the inner wall is simply a lining to prevent the hot gases from coming in contact with the outer wall, and it should be made entirely of fire brick laid in clay, or, at least, should be lined with fire brick. This lining is necessary, as ordinary brick-work will not stand the heat of the hot gases without deteriorating very much. Brick chimneys are very much used, although they are expensive, and are apt to open at the joints and let cold air leak into the inside. In Fig. icois shown a section of a large brick chimney Iron chimneys, of large size, made of thick sheet iron, are becoming more and more extensively used every day. They are usually cheaper than brick chimneys, and are perfectly air tight. They may or may not be lined with fire brick, although it is preferable to have them lined. In Fig. 101 is shown an elevation and section of a steel plate chimney, such as is made by the Philadelphia En- gineering Works, Philadelphia, Pa. 86. DRAFT OF CHIMNEY. By the draft of a chimney is meant the difference in pressure of the gases in the chim- CHIMNEYS, 215 Fig. 100. Fig. 101. 216 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. ney and that of the air on the outside, measured at, or near, the base of the chimney. It is this difference in pressure, or draft, that makes the air flow into the furnace and force the gases out through the top of the chimney. When the draft is due to the difference in temperatures of the gases in the chimney and the air outside, and to the height of the chimney, it is termed a natural draft ; but when the pressure forcing the air into the furnace is that due to a fan or blower, the draft is termed a forced draft, since it is usually much greater than the ordinary, natural, draft. Of course, there is no sharp line of demarkation between natural and forced drafts ; as a nat- ural draft may be very high, and a forced draft may be very low. The draft is usually spoken of as being of so many " inches of water." This method of expressing the draft gives the head of water, in inches, that is equivalent to the difference between the pressure of the air and that of the gases inside of the chimney. The number of inches of draft is measured by means of a U-tube, shown in Fig. 102. The legs of the tube are first filled about half full with water ; then, one end of the tube is inserted through a hole in a piece of cork that fits tightly into an opening in either the breeching, near the chimney, or the base of the chimney itself; the other end of the tube is left open to the air. The water will stand higher in the leg in communication with the hot gases than in the one in communication with the air; and the distance, in inches, that the surface of the water in the one leg is above the surface of the water in the other leg is the draft in inches of water. Except in the case of very high chimneys, the draft of furnaces having natural draft will seldom exceed three- fourths of an inch, and is ordinarily about one-half an inch. The draft in furnaces using forced draft is only limited by the ability of the fan or blower to create it. CHIMNEYS. 217 87. VELOCITY OF THE GASES PASSING THROUGH THE CHIMNEY. The velocity of the flow of the gases through the smallest cross-section of the chimney is determined by the law of the flow of gases under a small pressure. We know, from physics, that for small pressures, the velocity, in feet per second, with which a gas will flow Fig. 102. from a vessel in which the unbalanced pressure per square foot, /, is that equivalent to a head, h, of the gas, is (86) v = y^h v is the velocity of flow, in feet per second, of the gas. g is equal to the constant 32. h is the head, in feet of gas, equivalent to the pressure, p, per square foot, that causes the gas to flow. If the gas has a density, or weight per cubic foot, of D t then = p, and h == . 218 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. In the case of a chimney, the pressure causing the gas. to flow is equal to the difference between the pressures inside and outside of the chimney. Let Fig. 103 represent a chimney, whose height in feet is H, with an opening at the bottom. Also, let PI be the pressure, per square foot, of the gases inside the chim- ney ; Po, the pressure, per square foot, of the air outside the chimney ; D\, the density of the gases inside the chimney ; Do, the density of the air outside ; and P, the pressure, per square foot, of the air at the top of the chimney. Then, evidently, P = P + HDo ; P l = P + HD^ ; and the pressure that forces air into the opening, and the gases out of the chimney, is Po Pi = H (Do - A). The head, h, in feet of hot gas equivalent to the pres- sure Po Pi is, from what has been said before, equal to the pressure divided by the density of the hot gas. Therefore, Po- A (Do ks _____ =H^- From (86) we know that the velocity with which the hot gas will tend to flow, when under a pressure equiva- lent to a head h t is (88) F= 12= Experience has shown, however, that the velocity of the gases in a chimney is reduced by friction, until it is only from one-third to one-half what it would be if there were no friction. Therefore, if we let / represent a factor, varying between one-third and one-half, by which the theoretical expression in (88) must be multiplied in order to obtain the actual value, u, of the velocity of the flow of the gases, we have CHIMNEYS. 219 (89) The density of air at 32 F., or 493 absolute, is 0.08, and it is sufficiently accurate for us to assume, as is al- most true, that the density of the gases in the chimney is, also, 0.08 at 32 F. Now, if the absolute temperature of the air outside of the chimney is To, and that of the gases inside is 7i we Fig. 103. know, from what has been said in Chapter I, that, since the density of a gas is inversely as its volume, 1 KO 0.08 X 493 -- _ -- TO 0.08 X493 "IT , and 220 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Therefore, A __ Ti_ A = To ; and the expression for u, as given in (89), becomes (90) u = 8 The temperature of the gases in chimneys is, ordinarily, between 400 F. and 550 F. ; so that the value of 71 will be between 861 and ion. The temperature of the outside air varies with the locality and the seasons of the year, but it may be assumed as 60 F., or 521 absolute. 7" 1 Therefore, the value of yr may be taken as varying from 1.6 to 2. As the density of the air varies greatly from time to time, depending upon the amount of moisture in the air, and as the density of the gases inside of the chimney also varies greatly, the value of u can never be very accurately obtained by an equation. The result obtained by the use of (90) is apt to differ more or less from the true value of u, because in (90) it has been assumed that the temper- ature of the gases is the same at all parts of the chimney, whereas it really becomes less the nearer we approach the top. APPENDIX. CARE OF BOILERS. As it is very important that everbody having anything to do with the operation of a boiler plant should know how to care for the boilers, there is inserted, here, the rules to be observed in order to prevent accidents, to economize fuel, and to preserve the boiler, that are given by the Fidelity and Casualty Company in its little book, The Engineer's Manual. How to Prevent Accidents. 1. SAFETY VALVES. These should be of ample size and kept in working order. The valve should be tried daily ; this is best done by allowing the pressure to rise gradually until the valve just "simmers," noting the pressure by the steam gauge at the moment. Freedom of action may of course be ascertained by hand, but it cannot be known by this means that the valve will blow off when the proper pressure is attained. Neglect and overloading of this most important adjunct are prolific causes of boiler explosions. Each boiler should have its own safety valve, and no stop valve should be permitted between it and the boiler. See cut " A " (not given here). This illustrates the worst combination of safety and stop valves that could well be contrived. 2. PRESSURE GAUGE. It is absolutely necessary that the pressure gauge should be trustworthy, and if there is any reason to question its readings, it should be compared with one known to be accurate. The gauge should be (221) 222 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. fitted to a " loop " filled with water, which transmits the pressure and prevents contact of steam with the gauge spring. Attach the gauge directly to the boiler and not to the steam pipe, to prevent fluctuations of pressure readings. 3. WATER LEVEL. Before starting, make sure that there is plenty of water in the boiler by trying the gauge cocks. While running do not depend on the gauge glass, but try the gauge cocks often. The water line should be kept at a regular height, and should never be less than three or four inches above the " fire line." The gauge glass should be blown out frequently to see that it is not chojced ; it is an excellent plan to try the gauge cocks every fifteen minutes. Both gauge and cocks must be kept clean. 4. DAMPER. Do not close the damper entirely while there is fire on the grates, as gas may collect in the tubes and cause an explosion. 5. FEED PUMP OR INJECTOR. These should be kept in order, and should be of ample size for all requirements. The feed pump, however, ought not to be so large as to render it difficult to feed the boiler continuously at a slow rate of speed. It is always safer to have two means of feeding. An injector should be used when no feed-water heater is provided, as it prevents the contraction of tubes and plates where the feed water comes in contact with them. 6. Low WATER. The blow-out apparatus should be kept tight, as any leakage here may give rise to low water, with the result of overheating the plates. In case of low water, fresh coal, or better still, wetted ashes, must be thrown on the fire at once. Do not turn on the feed, APPENDIX. 223 though if already in motion, allow it to continue, nor start or stop the engine, or lift the safety-valve until the boiler has cooled down. After a case of low water the tube ends in the upper rows should be examined for leaks. 7. INCRUSTATION, CORROSION. Boilers should be kept free from scale, as its presence increases the liability of burning or cracking the plates and predisposes to explosion. The surest method for preventing internal corrosion is to abandon the use of the water which causes it, but if this is impracticable, a sharp lookout should be kept for defects. Leaks of seams and fittings, drippings from pipes, exposure to the weather, contact of the boiler with brick-work, etc., are causes of external corrosion, and should be at once remedied. 8. BLISTERS, CRACKS, AND BURNT PLATES. When these occur they should receive attention at once. Burnt places and blisters should be cut out and a patch put on inside the boiler to avoid making a pocket for the collection of sediment. 9. FUSIBLE PLUGS. These are required by law in some States. To keep them in an efficient condition their surfaces, both on the fire and water sides, must be often scraped clean, but notwithstanding all precautions, they are unreliable. 10. STARTING THE ENGINE. The engine should be started slowly, in order not to make a violent change in the condition of the water and steam, and when possible, the engine should be stopped gradually. The sudden opening or closing of a large stop-valve may pro- duce a violent rush of steam and water against that part of the boiler whence the steam is drawn, the percussion of which may be sufficient to rupture the boiler. 224 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. How to Save Fuel. 1. FIRING. The fire should be kept level and of some- what greater thickness at the bridge wall. This promotes a uniform consumption of fuel, as the air passes more freely through the fire near the bridge and the greater thickness retards its passage. Fuel supplied regularly in small quantities, combined with an even distribution, produces the best results. When anthracite coal is used, the average thickness of the fire should be 6 to 8 inches ; with bituminous coal, it should be 8 to 10 inches; with coke, 10 to 12 inches. If the draft is poor, however, a thin fire must be used. Do not fire with large lumps. No fragment ought to be larger than a man's fist. Complete combustion is only attained when the fuel is burning with a bright flame all over the grate. Blue flames, dark spots and smoke are evidences of the lack of the necessary air which ought to be supplied above the grate. Fires should be " cleaned " no oftener than necessary. In using a caking coal, it is advantageous to make use of a " coking fire," i. e., firing in front and breaking up with a slice bar, and shoving back when coked. The practice of wetting coal before throwing it on the fire is a bad one, as it wastes heat and produces corrosion. 2. FEED- WATER. Heating the feed-water, either by means of exhaust steam or the waste gases in the chim- ney, adds to the economy of a steam plant. Each in- crease in the temperature of the feed-water of 1 1 F. means a saving of fuel of one per cent. No saving in fuel is effected by the use of an injector, but the employ- ment of one promotes the longevity of a boiler by intro- ducing the feed-water at a temperature so high that no injurious contractions are caused in any part of the boiler. APPENDIX. 225 3. CLEANING. The heating surfaces of a boiler, both inside and out, should be kept clean, in order to prevent a serious waste of fuel. The thickness of the soot or scale which is allowed to accumulate ought never to exceed T ^ of an inch. 4. LEAKS IN BRICK-WORK. Cracks or openings m the brick-work should be carefully stopped. The admis- sion of air, except at the places provided for it, impairs the draft, cools the gases on their way to the tubes, and sometimes causes jets of flame to impinge so strongly on the shell as to injure the plates. 5. COVERING. Radiation from the dome and the top of the boiler is a source of waste. A covering of asbestos or other suitable non-conducting material should be pro- vided as a protection. 6. BLOWING OUT. The bottom blow-out cock should be kept tight to prevent loss by leakage. A plug cock is the simplest, surest and most durable valve for this pur- pose. When the feed water is of a hard or muddy nature, the boiler should be blown out frequently. A boiler should be emptied every week or two, and filled afresh. The proper manner to use a surface blow-off is to open it for about fifteen seconds every hour rather than for a longer time at greater intervals. How to Lengthen the Life of the Boiler. 1. BANKING FIRES. Contraction and expansion, caused by change of temperature, shorten the life of a boiler. For this reason it is better to bank the fires at night instead of drawing them. 2. LEAKS, Leaks, whether in boiler or fittings, should be repaired at once. Leaks often give rise to corrosion. 15 226 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 3. FILLING UP. Wear and tear of a boiler, arising from unequal expansion and contraction, is increased by allowing the feed- water to enter at too low a temperature. If the use of cold water is unavoidable, the feed-pipe should always be extended into the interior of the boiler. It should enter horizontally through the front head, near one side, and a few inches below the water-line, thence extending back to within a few feet of the back head, crossing over and discharging downward between the tubes and shell. By this means the feed-water is heated nearly to the temperature of water in the boiler, and is discharged at the coolest part of the boiler. The use of an injector or feed-water heater renders this extension of the feed-pipe unnecessary. 4. BLOWING OUT. A boiler should never be emptied while the brick-work is hot. When this is done the sedi- ment is baked on the plates, making it difficult to remove. 5. RAPID FIRING. Steam should be raised slowly in a boiler having thick plates or seams exposed to the fire, else overheating or burning results. The greatest effect of a fire on a boiler bottom takes place immediately behind the bridge, and if a seam is located here there is liability of burning the lap. It is best in such cases to change the position of the bridge, so that the seam comes over the bridge, or better still, over the furnace. 6. MOISTURE. The exterior of a boiler should be protected from moisture, as it brings about corrosion and consequent weakening of the boiler. 7. GALVANIC ACTION. Sometimes boilers may be protected from the action of corrosive agents present in the water by means of zinc. As a rule one square inch of surface of zinc to every fifty pounds in the boiler is APPENDIX. 227 sufficient. The plates should be placed in perfect metallic contact with the iron and renewed as they are wasted by oxidation. 8. DISUSE OF BOILER. If it is intended not to use the boiler for some time, the boiler should be emptied of its water, dried thoroughly by pans of charcoal, and after placing pans of lime in the interior, closed to prevent oxidation. If this is impracticable, the boiler should be filled with water in which common soda is dissolved. TABLE I . PROPERTIES OF STEAM. Pressure by the Gauge. Temperature. Total Heat above 32. Latent Heat. Vol. of one Ib. of Steam. 13 119. 1118. 1031. 223. 12 137. 1124. 1019. 135. 11 150. 1128. 1010. 98.9 10 160. 1131. 1003. 78.3 9 168. 1133. 997. 65.0 8 175. 1135. 992. 55.9 7 181. 1137. 988. 48 9 - 6 187. 1139. 984. 43.6 5 191.8 1140.4 980.1 39.31 -.- 4 197. 1142. 977. 35 8 3 201. 1143. 974. 33.3 2 205. 1144. 971. 30.6 -.. 1 208. 1146. 968. 28.4 212.0 1146.6 965.7 26.56 1 215. 1148. 964. 25.0 2 219. 1149. 961. 23.6 3 222. 1150. 959. 22.3 4 224. 1150. 957. 21.2 5 227.1 1151.2 955.1 20.16 6 230. 1152. 953. 19.3 7 232. 1153. 952. 18.4 8 235. 1154. 950. 17.7 9 237. 1154. 948. 17.0 10 239.4 1154.9 946.4 16.30 11 242. 1156. 944. 15.7 12 244. 1156. 944. 15.2 13 246. 1157. 942. 14.6 14 248. 1158. 941. 14.2 15 249.7 1158.1 939.3 13.71 230 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Pressure by the Gauge. Temperature. Total Heat above 32. Latent Heat. Vol. of one Ib. of Steam. 16 252. 1159. 938. 13.3 17 253. 1159. 937. 12.9 18 255. 1160. 935. 12.5 19 ^257. 1160. 934. 12.2 20 258.7 1160.9 932.7 11.85 21 260. 1161. 932. 11.6 22 262. 1162. 931. 11.3 23 264. 1162. 929. 11.0 24 265. 1163. 928. 10.7 25 266.7 1163.3 927.1 10.36 26 268. 1164. 926. 10.2 27 270. 1164. 925. 9.95 28 271. 1165. 924. 9.75 29 273. 1165. 923. 9.54 30 273.9 1165.5 922.0 9.34 31 275. 1166. 921. 9.16 32 277. 1166. 920. 8.98 33 278. 1167. 919. 8.81 34 279. 1167. 918. 8.63 35 280.5 1167.5 917.3 8.45 36 282. 1168. 917. 8.31 37 283. 1168. 916. 8.16 38 284. 1169. 915. 8.02 39 285. 1169. 914. 7.87 40 286.5 1169.3 913.0 7.73 41 288. 1170. 912. 7.61 42 289. 1170. 911. 7.48 43 290. 1170. 911 7.36 44 291. 1171. 911. 7.23 45 292.2 1171.1 909.0 7.11 46 293. 1171. 908. 7.01 47 294. 1172. 907. 6.91 48 295. 1172. 907. 6.81 49 296. 1172. 906. 6.71 50 297.5 1172.7 905.2 6.61 51 299. 1173. 904. 6.52 52 300. 1173. 904. 6.43 APPENDIX, 231 Pressure by the Gauge. Temperature. Total Heat above 32. Latent Heat. Vol. of one Ib. of Steam. 53 301. 1174. 903. 6.34 54 302. 1174. 902. 6.25 55 302.4 1174.2 901.6 6.16 56 303. 1174. 901. 6.08 57 304. 1175. 900. 6.00 58 305. 1175. 900. 5.93 59 306. 1175. 899. 5.85 60 307.1 1175.6 898.4 5.77 61 308. 1176. 898. 5.70 62 309. 1176. 897. 5.63 63 310. 1176. 897. 5.57 64 311. 1177. 896. 5.50 65 311.5 1176.9 895.1 5.43 66 312. 1177. 895. 5.37 67 313. 1178. 894. 5.31 68 314. 1178. 893. 5.25 69 315. 1178. 893. 5.19 70 315.8 1178.2 892.1 5.13 71 317. 1179. 892. 5.08 72 317. 1179. 891. 5.02 73 318. 1179. 890. 4.97 74 319. 1179. 890. 4.91 75 319.8 1179.4 889.1 4.86 76 321. 1180. 889. 4.81 77 321. 1180. 888. 4.77 78 322. 1180. 887. 4.72 79 323. 1180. 887. 4.68 80 323.7 1180.6 886.3 463 81 324. 1181. 886. 4.59 82 325. 1181. 885. 4.54 83 326. 1181. 885. 4.50 84 327. 1182. 884. 4.45 85 327.4 1181.7 883.6 4.41 86 328. 1182. 883. 4.37 87 329. 1182. 883. 4.33 88 330. 1182. 882. 4.28 89 330. 1183. 881. 4.24 232 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Pressure by the Gauge. Temperature. Total Heat above 32. Latent Heat. Vol. of one Ib. of Steam. 90 330.9 1182.8 881.0 4.20 91 332. 1183. 881. 4.16 92 332. 1183. 880. 4.13 93 333. 1184. 880. 4.09 94 334. 1184. 879. 4.06 95 334.4 1183.9 878.5 4.02 96 335. 1184. 878. 4.00 97 336. 1184. 878. 3.97 98 336. 1185. 877. 3.93 99 337. 1185. 877. 3.90 100 337.6 1184.9 876.0 3.86 101 338. 1185. 876. 3.83 102 339. 1185. 875. 3.80 103 340. 1186. 875. 3.77 104 340. 1186. 874. 3.74 105 340.9 1185.9 873.8 3.71 106 342. 1186. 873. 3.68 107 342. 1186. 873. 3.65 108 343. 1186. 872. 3.63 109 343. 1187. 872. 3.60 110 343.9 1186.8 871.4 3.57 111 345. 1187. 871. 3.55 112 345. 1187. 871. 3.52 ' 113 346. 1187. 870. 3.50 114 346. 1188. 870. 3.47 115 346.9 1187.7 869.3 3.45 116 348. 1188. 869. 3.43 117 348. 1188. 868. 3.40 118 349. 1188. 868. 3.38 119 349. 1189. 868. 3.35 120 349.8 1188.6 867.1 3.33 121 350. 1189. 867. 3.31 122 351. 1189. 866. 3.28 123 352. 1189. 866. 3.26 124 352. 1189. 865. 3.23 125 352.6 1189.5 864.9 3.21 126 353. 1190. 865. 3.19 127 354. 1190. 864. 3.17 APRENDIX. 233 Pressure by the Gauge. Temperature. Total Heat above 32. Latent Heat. Vol. of one Ib. of Steam. 128 354. 1190. 864. 3.14 129 355. 1190. 863. 3.12 130 355.4 1190.3 863.0 3.10 131 356. 1191. 863. 3.08 132 357. 1191. 862. 3.06 133 357. 1191. 862. 3.05 134 358. 1191. 861. 3.03 135 358.0 1191.1 861.0 3.01 136 359. 1191. 861. 2.99 137 359. 1192. 860. 2.97 138 360. 1192. 860. 2.96 139 360. 1192. 860. 2.94 140 360.7 1191.9 859.1 2.92 141 361. 1192. 859. 2.90 142 362. 1192. 858. 2.88 143 362. 1192. 858. 2.87 144 363. 1193. 858. 2.85 145 363.2 1192.7 857.2 2.83 146 364. 1193. 857. 2.81 147 364. 1193. 857. 2.80 148 365. 1193. 856. 2.78 149 365. 1193. 856. 2.77 150 365.7 1193.4 855.4 2.75 NOTE. Although the quantities in the table are not carried out to as many significant figures as in many tables, they are sufficiently exact for practical purposes. The volumes have been calculated upon the assumption that the mechanical equivalent is 778, instead of 772. All the volumes have been calcu- lated up to 201bs. pressure; above that they have been calculated only every five pounds, and the intermediate values interpolated. 234 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, TABLE II. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. Number. Hyperbolic Logarithm. Number. Hyperbolic Logarithm. Number. i Hyperbolic Logarithm. Number. Hyperbolic Logarithm. 1.0 0.00 3.5 .25 6.0 1.79 8.5 2.14 1.1 0.10 3.6 .28 6.1 1.81 8.6 2.15 1.2 0.18 3.7 .31 6.2 1.82 8.7 2.16 1.3 0.26 3.8 .34 6.3 1.84 8.8 2.17 1.4 0.34 3.9 .36 6.4 1.86 8.9 2.19 1.5 0.41 6.5 1.87 1.6 0.47 4.0 .39 6.6 1.89 9.0 2.20 1.7 0.53 4.1 .41 6.7 1.90 9.1 2.21 1.8 0.59 4.2 .44 6.8 1.92 9.2 2.22 1.9 0.64 4.3 1.46 6.9 1.93 9.3 2.23 4.4 1.48 9.4 2.24 2.0 0.69 4.5 1.50 7.0 1.95 9.5 2.25 2.1 74 4.6 1.53 7.1 1.96 9.6 2.26 2.2 0.79 4.7 1.55 7.2 1.97 9.7 2.27 2.3 0.83 4.8 1.57 7.3 1.99 9.8 2.28 2.4 2.5 0.88 0.92 4.9 1.59 7.4 7.5 2.00 2.01 9.9 2.29 2.6 0.96 5.0 1.61 7.6 2.03 10.0 2.30 2.7 0.99 5.1 .63 7.7 2.04 10.1 2.31 2.8 1.03 5.2 .65 7.8 2.05 10.2 2.32 2.9 1.06 5.3 .67 7.9 2.07 10.3 2.33 5.4 .69 10.4 2.34 3.0 1.10 5 5 .70 8.0 2.08 10.5 2.35 3.1 1.13 5.6 .72 8.1 2.09 10.6 2.36 3.2 1.16 5.7 .74 8.2 2.10 10.7 2.37 3.3 1.19 5.8 1.76 * 8.3 2.12 10.8 2.38 3.4 1.22 5.9 1.78 8.4 2.13 10.9 2.39 APPENDIX. 235 o ri I i- 5 iJ H 8 jo earn f^ o ^s oc i> O -rf CO TM I-H O Ci QO l^- >O ^ '-^OGOt^ 'O^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3 ^ A & Wood, air dried Peat 40.4 40.8 46.1 86.5 84.9 85.3 50.1 643 83.78 82.12 77.90 78.53 69.80 83.74 82.70 72 29 79.81 91.50 81.32 4.90 3.30 4.60 12.00 13.70 13.90 3.90 4.20 4.79 5.31 5.32 5.61 5.26 4.52 4.77 6.53 5.98 3.50 32.70 26.30 23.60 1.50 1.40 0.80 13.70 10.00 4.15 5.69 9.53 9.69 8.35 0.54 8.81 8.28 4.80 2.60 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.20 7.70 1.50 6400 6800 7600 19800 19200 18100 10300 11000 15100 15200 14600 14900 12600 14400 14000 13400 14400 15200 12200 " air dried Petroleum, crude, from Baker, Russia Petroleum, heavy crude, from Penn- sylvania Petroleum, common, from Virginia Lignite, American *' Australian... Coal Welsh 0.90 1.00 98 1.35 1.30 1.00 1.33 1.50 1.74 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.60 1.43 1.24 1.44 1.11 2.02 1.60 0.98 0.43 1.35 0.67 13.20 10.00 4.91 3.77 4.88 4.03 6.90 6.63 1.00 2.72 6.48 10.96 *' Newcastle " Lancashire ' Scotch " Big Muddy, " Jackson Co., Ill " Johnson Co., Arkansas 11 Block Id " Hocking Valley, Ohio " Coking, Pitts- burgh, Pa " Anthracite " Penn- sylvania, Buck- wheat C means per cent of carbon contained in the combustible ; H, the per cent of hydrogen ; O, the per cent of oxygen; N, the per cent of nitrogen, and S, the per cent of sulphur. PROB LEMS. 1. How much work is done in lifting a weight of 20 Ibs. through a height of 20 ft. ? Ans., 400 ft. -Ibs 2. How much work is done in moving a weight of 100 Ibs. along a horizontal plane surface against a resist- ance of 10 Ibs. through a distance of 6 ft.? Ans., 60ft.-lbs. 3. If the resistance to be overcome on a railroad is 10 Ibs. for each ton of weight of the cars, what horse- power will be required to move a train of cars weighing 100 tons at a speed of 40 miles per hour? Ans., 107 horse-power. 4. How many units of heat per minute are equivalent to one horse-power? Ans., 42.4. 5. A piece of iron weighing 5 Ibs. is heated to 212 de- grees and then dropped into a vessel containing 16.5 Ibs. of water at 60 degrees. If the temperature of the water is increased 5 degrees by the heat from the iron, what is the specific heat of the iron? Ans., 0.112. 6. The specific heat, c p , of air at constant pressure, ex- pressed in heat units, is 0.24. What is the specific heat expressed in ft. -Ibs. at constant pressure, K p , and at con- stant volume, K y l Ans., K p = 186.7 ft.-lbs., K,= 134.4 ft.-lbs. 7. A quantity of air at a temperature of 60 degrees under a pressure of 14.7 Ibs. per square inch, has a volume of 5 cubic feet. What is the volume of the same air (237) 238 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. when its temperature is changed to 120 degrees at con- stant pressure? Ans., 5.57 cub. ft. 8. The volume of a quantity of air at a temperature of 60 degrees under a pressure of 14.7 Ibs. per square inch is 10 cub. ft. What is the volume of the same air when the pressure is changed at constant temperature to 60 Ibs. per square inch? Ans., 2.45 cub. ft. 9. Assume that the initial pressure, volume, and abso- lute temperature of a gas are P lf V ly and 7\; and that after a change the final pressure, volume, and absolute temperature are P 2 , V 2 and T 2 . Prove that Let the pressure remain constant at P l while the tem- perature is changed from 7\ to T 2 . The volume will change from V t to some volume that we may call V . From (7) we have V l V (a) -Y=~r 1 1 1 2 Now let the absolute temperature remain constant at T 2 while the pressure is changed from P l to P 2 . The volume will change during this change of pressure from V to V 2 . From (8) we have (b) P, V> = P 2 V 2 . Multiply (a) by (b) and we have P, V l V P 2 V 2 V 10. The volume of a quantity of air at 70 degrees under a pressure of 16 Ibs. per square inch is 20 cubic feet. What is the temperature of this air when the vol- ume is 4 cubic feet and the pressure is 70 Ibs. per square inch? ' Ans., T= 464.6, and * = 3.6. PROBLEMS. 239 11. What is the weight of the quantity of air which occupies a volume of 10 cubic feet at a temperature of 100 degrees under a pressure of 50 Ibs. per square inch? When the pressure is in pounds per square foot, we know P V thatjr- w 53.15, where w is the weight of the air in __ PV 50X144X10 pounds. . 53357- (461 + 10 0) 53.15= 2 ' 4 12. How much work is done by a quantity of air while expanding under a constant pressure of 80 Ibs. per square inch from a volume of 2 cubic feet to a volume of 6 cubic feet? For expansion at constant pressure, the work is equal to the pressure per square foot multiplied by the change of volume, or P = 80X144, F 2 = 6, Work = 80X144 (6 -2) = 46080 ft.-lbs. 13. How much heat, expressed in foot-pounds, must be given to the air during the expansion in Problem 12? We know that H = S + L + W. For a perfect gas whose weight is w we know that S = wK v (T 2 7\),andL = O. In this case W = P l (V 2 -V 1 ). Therefore, H=WK V (Tt-Tj+Pt (vvj. But P l V 2 = R w T 2 and P, V, = R w 7\. Hence w T 2 = ?^l and p y w 7\ = L . Put for w T 2 and w 7\ their values and get 240 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Hence, H=P 1 (F 3 -.y i )^j = 80Xl44(6-.2)|g = 158,500 ft.-lbs. 14. How much heat is given to a quantity of air while P P it changes in such a manner that 7-=-^, from an initial volume of 9.23 cubic feet under a pressure of 100 Ibs. per square inch, to a volume of 18.46 cubic feet under a pressure of 200 Ibs. per square inch? * As before, H = S + W; and S = w K v (T 2 rj; where w is the weight of the air; T 2 the final absolute tem- perature; and Tj the initial absolute temperature. W=area abed, in the figure, * 4 P V - 2 , and T,= ^-^. Therefore, w _P 2 V 2 -P 1 V 1 H= 200 X 144 X 18.46 - 100 X 144 X 9.23 1.41 - 1 300X144(18.46-9.23) 2 1,172,000 ft.-lbs. PROBLEMS. 241 15. What fraction of the heat in Problem 14 is trans- formed into work? Ans., 0,17. 16. How much heat must be given to a quantity of air which expands isothermally, at a temperature of 60 de- grees, from a valume of 0.83 cubic feet under a pressure of 60 Ibs. per square inch, to a volume of 3 cubic feet? Here, no heat is required to change the temperature of the air ; all is used in doing ex- ternal work. W=area abed, in the figure, = P 1 F 1 hyp. log. ~\ Ans., 9180 ft.-lbs. 17. How much heat in ft.-lbs. must be given to 1.3 cubic feet of air which is heated at constant volume from an absolute temperature of 520 degrees under a pressure of 2 Ibs. per square inch, to an absolute temperature of 1000 degrees? Since the volume is kept constant, the external work is zero and w =-^V Hence K 1 P V K _ _ -^ 1.41-1 0.41' 2X144X1.8 (1000-520), ft 520 X 0.41 16 242 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. . 18. How many heat units are given to the air in Prob- lem 17? Ans., 1.08. 19. In which is there the greater amount of energy: 1 Ib. of air at 60 degrees, under a pressure of 100 Ibs. per square inch, or 1 Ib. of air at 60 degrees under a pressure of 15 Ibs. per square inch? Give the reasons for your answer. 20. Given a quantity of air whose volume is 3 cubic feet at 60 degrees under a pressure of 45 Ibs. per square inch. What is the volume and temperature of this air after it is expanded adibatically until its. pressure is 15 Ibs. per square inch? I V = 6.54 cub. ft. [ 7 = 378.6; and *=-82.4. 21. (a) What is the work done during the expansion in Problem 20? (b) What is the heat, in heat units, con- verted into work? j (a) 13,170 ft.-lbs. '" ( (b) 16.9 heat units. 22. Given a quantity of air whose volume is 2 cubic feet at a temperature of 60 degrees under a pressure of 80 Ibs. per square inch, (a) What is the weight of the air? (b) What will be the temperature and pressure if the air be expanded adibatically until its volume is 8 cubic feet? (c) How much work will be done during this expansion? (d) How much work will be. done if the air be expanded isothermally until its volume is 8 cubic feet? Ans., (a) 0.83 Ibs. (b) -166 degrees and 11.3 Ibs. per sq. in. (c) 24,450 ft.-lbs. (d) 32,000 ft.-lbs. 23. (a) What is the temperature of the steam in a boiler PROBLEMS. 243 whose gauge pressure is 90 Ibs.? (b) What is the weight of one cubic foot of the steam? j (a) 330.9 degrees. '* | (b) 0.238 Ibs. 24. How many heat untis are required to heat 16 Ibs. of water from an initial temperature of 60 degrees and evaporate it under a pressure of 30 Ibs. by the gauge? Ans., 18,200. 25. The temperature of the water entering a boiler, in which the gauge pressure is 60 Ibs. per square inch, is the same as the temperature of the steam in the boiler, (a) What is the external work done in evaporating one pound of water? (b) What is the internal work done in evapo- rating one pound of water? . ( (a) 62,300 ft. -Ibs. 5 ' I (b) 636,600 ft.-lbs. 26. Given a quantity of air whose temperature is 80 degrees; whose pressure is 100 Ibs. per square inch; and whose volume is 2.2 cubic feet. It is made to pass through the following Carnot cycle: It is expanded isothermally until its volume is 4.0 cubic feet; then expanded adia- batically until its temperature is 30 degrees; then com- pressed isothermally; and'finally it is compressed adibat- ically until its volume, pressure, and absolute tempera- ture are the same as at the beginning of the cycle, (a) What is the total quantity of heat, H, given to the air? (b) What is the heat, U, taken from the air? (c) What is the work, W, done during the cycle? (d) What is the efficiency, E, of the cycle? H= P t Vi hyp. log. pS- 19,000 ft.-lbs. U - P,V, hyp. log. = Pl ft TZ hyp. log. V 4 * 1 V I = 17,300 ft.-lbs. W=H [7=1,700 ft.-lbs. E = ^ = Z>zl? = 0.093. ti l 244- STEAM ENGINES AND BO-ILERS. 27. One pound of air is made to pass through the fol- lowing cycle: It is expanded at constant pressure; then expanded isothermally; then compressed at constant pressure; and then compressed isothermally until the cycle is completed. What are the expressions for H, U, and E? The work diagram is shown in the figure. Let the co-or- dinates of a be V lf P lt 7\; of b be I/ 2 , P lt T 2 ; of c be F 3 , P 2 , 7 2 ; and of d be F 4 , P 2 , 7\. During the expansion from a to b the heat given to the pound of air is K v (T 2 7\) + P l (V 2 Vj)', and during the expansion from b to c the heat given to the air is PI V 2 hyp. log. ~. Adding these expressions we have that "2 the total heat, H, given to the air is H = K, (T 2 - TO +P l (V 2 -VJ +P, V 2 hyp. log. ^ 2 p (V V } P __- t lV^2 *' \ T> /T7 T7 \ i T) T7 ?.>, 7^^ * 1 r i PI (F 2 FO r During the compression from c to d the heat taken from the air must be the same that would be put into it during expansion from d to c, or K v (T 2 7\)+P 2 (V 3 F 4 ); and the heat taken from the air during compression from d to a is P l VJL hyp. log. ~. Therefore, the heat, 17, taken from the air is V- K- T (r, T.) +p t (V,VJ+P 1 V.hyp.log.^. . log. &. - PROBLEMS. 245 Since P 2 V 3 = P l V 2 , and P 2 V, = P l V lt we have P,(V 9 V 4 )^P l (V 9 V l )' t and p (Y _ y \ p V- ' ( r . + p i (Vf-V^+P, V, hyp. log. / ^2 - Pl ( ^~ Fl) r + P, V. hyp. log. r L ^2 W- HU=P l (VVJ hyp. log. ^ ^2 W 28. If in Problem 27, the weight of air used is 0.25 Ib. ; P l is 11,520 Ibs. per square foot; P 2 is 2,200 Ibs. per square foot; Y! is 0.61 cubic foot; and V 2 is 2 cubic feet;, what will H, U, W, and E equal? Since the expressions derived for H, U, W, and E, in- volve only the pressures and volumes of the gas, the weight need not be considered. Substitute the values of P lt Vj, and P 2 in the expressions for H, U, W, and E and get: H = 93,300; U= 66,700; W = 26,600; and = 0.285. 29. Find the expressions for H, U, W, and E, for one pound of air working according to the following cycle: It is heated at constant volume; then expanded adiabati- cally; then compressed at constant pressure to its initial condition. The work diagram is shown in the figure. The co-ordi- nates of a are P lt V lt 7\; of 6, P 2 , V lt T 2 ; and of c, P lt V 2 , TV During the change from a to b the air is heated at constant volume, no work is done, and the heat put in during this change is /Y V (T 2 7\). During the change from b to c no heat is either given to, or emitted by, the air. Dur- v ing the change from c to a the 246 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. same amount of heat is taken from the body that must be given to it for a change from a to c, or, Therefore we have TT i r = 0.632 rl. In order to solve this we must assume various values of r and try them in the equation, we shall finally get a value of r that will satisfy it. If r= 3, hyp log. r=1.10; and we have 1.10> 1.89-1 " r = 4, " " =1.39; " 1.39<2.52-1 " r = 3.5, " " =1.25; " " 1.25>2.21-1 " r = 3.6, " " =1.28; " 1.28>2.27-1 " r = 3.7, " " =1.31; " 1.3K2.34-1 r is equal to 3.6, about. 43 About how many revolutions per minute should be made by an automatic high speed engine whose stroke is 18 inches? Ans., 218. 44. About what should be the diameter of the cylinder of an automatic high-speed engine whose stroke is 16 inches? Ans., 12 inches. 45. About what should be the length of the connecting rod of an automatic high-speed engine whose stroke is 14 inches? Ans., 35 inches. 46. About how many revolutions per minute should be made by a Corliss engine whose stroke is 42 inches? Ans., 67. 47. About what should be the diameter of the cylinder of a Corliss engine whose stroke is 36 inches? Ans., 18 inches. 48. About what should be the length of the connecting rod of a Corliss engine whose stroke is 54 inches? Ans., 162 inches. 49. How does increasing the angle of advance affect 250 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. the lead, the point of cut-off, and the point of compression? 50. Through what distance will the valve move, if the eccentric be turned through an angle equal to the angle of advance? 51. What must be done to make the cut-off occur later, on a single-valve engine, and not change the point of re- lease or the point of compression ? 52.* Find the steam lap and the lead of a valve, whose travel is 4J inches, that admits steam when the piston is yij-g- of the stroke before the beginning of the forward stroke, and that cuts off at $ of the stroke. Ans., Lap= 1J in.; 53. Find the steam lap and the lead of a valve, whose travel is 4 inches, that admits steam when the piston is iff of the stroke before the beginning of the forward stroke , ^nd that cuts off at of the stroke. Ans., Lap= IJf in.; lead = T 5 T in. 54. Steam is admitted when the piston is at the begin- ning of the stroke and is cut off at J of the stroke, by a valve whose steam lap is 2J inches. Find the lead, the eccentricity, and the angle of advance. Ans., Lead=0; eccentricity = 3 in.; angle of advance = 45. 55. Steam is admitted when the piston is -jj-j of the stroke before the beginning of the forward stroke, and is cut off at J of the stroke, by a valve whose steam lap is 1 T \ inches. Find the lead, the eccentricity, and the angle of advance. Ans., Lead = /3- in.; eccentricity = If in.; angle of ad- vance = 63- 15'. 56. Steam is admitted when the piston has made yj-g of *In working the valve diagram problems it will be well to make the crank circle 8 inches in diameter. PROBLEMS. 251 the stroke, and is cut off at -fy of the stroke, by a valve whose lead is - -fa of an inch. Find the steam lap and the eccentricity. Ans., Lap = If J in.; eccentricity = 2^| in. There are some , special cases where the construction shown in Fig. 45 fails, and other constructions must be used. The most common case that occurs is when the line eh is so nearly parallel to ef that it is impossible to deter- mine with any accuracy their point of intersection, O' . In such cases the construction must be exactly the same as for Fig. 45 until the point h is fixed, then instead of draw- ing the line eh draw kg, as shown in Fig. 45a. Then draw dk through d parallel to hg, and continue it until it cuts fg prolonged at k. Through k draw O'k cutting Ob at 6, and efatO'. O'b is the steam lap. If O'd be drawn, the angle it makes with Ob will be the required angle of advance. O'd is the eccentricity. If the lead be zero, the points 0, d, and e, in Figs. 45 and 45a will coincide. In this case the method of Fig. 45 fails but the method shown in Fig. 45a may be used for the FIG. 45a. 252 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. solution of the problem. Sometimes it is preferable to use the following method, indicated by Fig. 456: Since he lead is zero we know that the crank is in the position OA 1 in Fig 456 when the steam is admitted. Let OB represent the position of the crank at cut-off. Now we know that the center of the eccentric is somewhere on the line, OD, bisecting the angle BOA l . Assume any point, a, as a trial center of the eccentric; and draw the valve circle aeO. With O as a center draw the lap circle em, cutting Oa at m. If Oa were the eccentricity and Oe the steam lap, the maximum opening of the valve would be am. But am = Oa Om = OaOe = Oa ( I cos DO A ) . Since the angle DO A, is constant, we see that the maximum opening of the valve is, in this case, directly proportional to the eccentricity. Therefore, make Od equal to ma; and Oh equal to the required maximum opening. Draw da; then draw ha' parallel to da and cutting Oa at a'. Oa' is the required eccentricity. Through a' draw a line perpendicu- lar to OA, and cutting it at e f . Oe' is the required steam lap. In Problem 57 the student may use the regular construc- tion shown in Fig. 45 or the construction shown in Fig. 45a. In Problem 58 the regular construction fails, and the con- struction shown in Fig. 45a or that in Fig. 456 must be used. In Problem 59 it will probably be best to use the construction shown in Fig. 45a. PROBLEMS. 253 57. Steam is cut off at f of the stroke by a valve whose maximum opening is } of an inch, and whose lead is J of an inch. Find the steam lap, the eccentricity, and the angle of advance. Ans., Lap=l in.; eccentricity = 1J in.; angle of ad- vance = 40. 58. Steam is cut off at \ of the stroke by a valve whose maximum opening is f of an inch, and whose lead is T 1 ^ of an inch. Find the steam lap and the eccentricity Ans., Lap= 1 T \ in.; eccentricity = 2^ in. 59. Steam is cut off at \ of the stroke by a valve whose maximum opening is inch, and whose lead is zero. Find the steam lap, and the eccentricity Ans., Lap = 3^2 in.; eccentricity = 3|J in. 60. The sine of the angle of advance is J|, the eccen- tricity is 2J inches, and the compression begins when the piston has made -fj of the return stroke. Find the exhaust lap and the point of release. Ans., Lap=l T \ in.; release begins when the piston is of the stroke from the end of the stroke. 61. The sine of the angle of advance is }, the eccen- tricity is 2 inches, and the point of compression is ^f of the stroke from the beginning ot the return stroke. Find the exhaust lap and the point of release. Lap=l 5 5 in.; release begins when the piston is T J^ of the stroke from the end of the forward stroke. 62. The point of release is T f ff of the stroke before the end of the forward stroke, compression begins at T \ of the return stroke, and the eccentricity is 3 inches. Find the exhaust lap and the angle of advance. Lap =1 }f in.; angle of advance = 50-45 / . 254 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 63. Find the center of suspension of the eccentric of an automatic high-speed engine on which the cut-off changes from | to f of the stroke, and the maximum opening of the valve when cutting off ^ stroke is f of an inch. The lead of the valve shall be -f s of an inch positive, for cut-off at J the stroke ; zero, for cut-off at J the stroke ; and T 3 F of an inch negative, for cut-off at f of the stroke. 64. For an indicator pendulum motion, such as is shown in Fig. 52, what should be the shortest lengths of the distances Be and BD in order to get a card 3 inches long from an engine whose stroke is 18 inches? Ans., Bc = 36in. 65. The indicator card taken from an engine whose cylinder is 13 inches in diameter and which has a stroke of 21 inches, is 3 r 3 ^ inches long, and has an area of 1.46 square inches. What was the horse-power developed by the engine if the card were taken with an 80-lb. spring while the engine was making 180 revolutions per minute? Ans., 93 horse-power. 66. On an indicator card 3^ inches long, taken from an engine whose cylinder is 13 inches in diameter and whose stroke is 21 inches, the length of the line corre- sponding to the line fg in Fig. 58 is 2f inches. If the pressure corresponding to the point /, in Fig. 58, be 13 Ibs. per square inch by the gauge, what is' the weight of steam used per stroke by the engine? Ans., 0.0825 Ibs. 67. If the engine from which the card in Problem 66 is taken, develop 93 indicated horse-power when making 180 revolutions per minute, what is the weight of steam used per hour per indicated horse-power? Ans., 19.1 Ibs. PROBLEMS. 255 68. Assume c in (63) to be 0.85; E in (64) to be 9; P l to be 105 Ibs., by the gauge; P 3 to be 8 Ibs. absolute; the length of the stroke to be 20 inches; the number of revo- lutions to be 200 per minute; and the ratio of the volume of the low-pressure cylinder to that of the high-pressure cylinder to be 3; and determine the diameters of the cyl- inders of a compound-engine to develop 200 horse-power. Diameter of low pressure cylinder = 20.7 in. " " high " " = 12.0 in. 69. How many times is the steam expanded in the high pressure cylinder in Problem 68? Ans., 3 times. 70. An engine takes steam at an initial pressure of 80 Ibs. by the gauge and expands it 3.7 times against a mean back pressure of 18 Ibs. absolute. How much would the horse-power of the engine be increased by the use of a condenser which reduces the mean back pressure to 6 Ibs. absolute ? Ans., 29 per cent. 71. To what could the number of expansions of the steam in the engine of Problem 70 be changed, and the engine continue to do the same work with the condenser that it did without? From (68) we have 1 + j iy p m l og , r _ 1 + hyp, log. 3.7 18-6 _ " ~~ ~~- Therefore, we have hyp. log. r = 0.50r-.l If r = 3 we ha r 5 r = 6 " ' r=5.5 " r=5.4 " r=5.3 " r = 5.4, about. ve 1.10> 1.50 1 1.61>2.50 1 1.79 <3. 00-1 1.70<2.75-1 1.69<2.70 1 1.67>2.65-1 256 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. 72. To what could the boiler pressure of the steam in Problem 70 be reduced, and the engine continue to do the same work with the condenser that it did without? Ans., about 65 Ibs. by the gauge. 73. If the condensing water enters the condenser at 70 degrees and leaves it at 110 degrees, how many pounds of water will be required to condense one pound of steam exhausted from the engine in Problem 70? Ans., 26.9 Ibs. 74. About what is the vacuum, in inches, of Mercury, maintained by the condenser in Problem 70? Ans. We may say that, roughly, the difference between the pressure against which the steam is exhausted without and with the condenser is equal to the difference between the mean back pressures without and with the condenser, or to 18 6=12 Ibs. That is, the pressure in the con- denser is 12 pounds less than atmospheric pressure, or is only 3 Ibs. absolute. This corresponds to a vacuum of 12X2 = 24 inches. 75. Calculate the factor of evaporation for a gauge pressure of 75 Ibs. and an initial temperature of the feed water of 135 degrees. 76. A boiler evaporates 5000 Ibs. of water per hour from an initial temperature of 145 degrees, and under a pressure of 80 Ibs. by the gauge. What is the equivalent water evaporated per hour from and at 212 degrees? *Ans., 5515 Ibs. 77. What is the boiler horse-power of a boiler which evaporates 3080 Ibs. of water per hour from an initial temperature of 135 degrees and under a pressure of 100 Ibs. by the gauge? Ans.. 100. 78. A boiler evaporates 3500 Ibs. of water per hour from an initial temperature of 120 degrees and under a PROBLEMS. 257 pressure of 80 Ibs. by the gauge; a second boiler evap- orates 4000 Ibs. of water from an initial temperature of 110 degrees and under a pressure of 60 Ibs. by the gauge. Which of the two boilers utilizes the greater amount of heat per hour? 79. Calculate the number of heat units evolved by the complete combustion of one pound of coal which con- tains 69.8 per cent, of carbon; 5.26 per cent, of hydrogen; and 8.35 per cent, of oxygen. Ans., 12,750 heat units. 80. Calculate the number of heat units evolved by the complete combustion of one pound of petroleum which contains 84.9 per cent, of carbon; 13.7 per cent, of hy- drogen; and 1.40 per cent, of oxygen. Ans., 20,700 heat units. 81. How many pounds of water can be evaporated from and at 212 degrees by the heat evolved by the com- plete combustion of one pound of coal containing 65.2 per cent, of carbon; 4.92 per cent, of hydrogen; and 8.64 per cent, of oxygen? Ans., 12.65 Ibs. 82. Assume that one cord of wood weighs 3000 Ibs. and that each pound of wood will evolve 5000 heat units when completely burned, and determine when it is cheaper to buy wood than to buy the coal in Problem 81. Cheaper to buy wood as long as one ton (2000 Ibs.) of coal costs more than 1.57 as much as one cord of wood. 83. If 40 per cent, of the heat evolved by the combus- tion of each pound of the coal in Problem 79 is lost, how many pounds of coal will be required to evaporate 5650 Ibs. of water from an initial temperature of 130 degrees and under a pressure of 80 Ibs. by the gauge? Ans., 800 Ibs: 17 258 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, 84. Suppose that in burning the coal in Problem 81 it is found that one-half only of the carbon is completely burned, and that the other half is burned to carbon mon- oxide ; what is the heat evolved per pound of coal burned ? Ans., 8540 heat units. 85. How many pounds of air are required for the com- plete combustion of one pound of coal containing 79.65 per cent, of carbon, 5.58 per cent, of hydrogen, and 4.64 per cent, of oxygen? Ans., 11.4 Ibs. 86. Assume that 20 Ibs. of .air at 60 degrees are ad- mitted to a furnace for each pound of the coal in Problem 85 that is burned; that the specific heat of the gases in the chimney is 0.24; and that the temperature of the escaping gas is 430 degrees ; and determine the number of heat units carried off by the gases per pound of coal burned. All the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the coal that is burned is carried up the chimney. Therefore, the weight of the gases carried up the chimney per pound of coal burned is the weight of the air admitted per pound of coal plus the weight of the combustible and volatile matter in the coal, or it is 20 + 0.7965 + 0.0558 + 0.0464, equal 20.9 Ibs. Heat carried off =1850 units. 87. Determine the area of the heating surface of a return tubular boiler 66 inches in diameter, 16 ft. long, and containing 98 tubes each 3 inch in diameter, that is set so that of the -circumference of its shell is exposed to the hot gases. Ans., 1414 sq. ft. 88. What would be the area of the heating surface of the boiler in Problem 87 if it were set so that but of the shell was exposed to the hot gases? Ans., 1368 sq. ft. 89. Assume 12 sq. ft. of heating surface per boiler horse-power, and determine the horse-power of the boilers in Problem 87 and 88. PROBLEMS. 259 90. Assume k in (90) to be J, and determine what will be the velocity of the gases in a chimney 120 ft. high, when the temperature of the gases is 450 degrees and that of the air is 65 degrees. Ans., 25 ft. per second. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. r* > *L* ' -*:-, /.V,