nrPT MPILED CIRCULARS, ^ ,..i AND SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX rOVERING COMPILED CIRCULARS 8 TO 11, INCLUSIVE \J B UONRLF •y^-f \ III THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONCERNING SELECTIVE SERVICE LAW Sacramento, California, August 9, 1918 CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE SACRAMENTO 19 18 n GIFT OF ^4 i Circular Letter No. 342. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 2, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject:' Error in Print of Key List. The following telegram received from the office of the Pro- vost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : Washington, D. C, July 1, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B eighteen sixteen. Inform all Local Boards that there is a misprint in the Key List of Occupations that goes with the new Questionnaire, namely, in lines four and nine of the directions at the top of the page of the Key List, the figure three should be five. Instruct all Local Boards to see that registrants enter their answer correctly in Question 5 of the Questionnaire. Also in- struct all Local Boards without fail to see that every reg- istrant receives a copy of the List of Occupations for use in filling out the answer to Question 5. Crow^der. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. 40535 dU9aa7 .• • • • • • • ••• • •«• • ••••- • Circular Letter No. 343. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE 8ACRAMENTO 1-12 July 3, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject : Physical Examination 1918 Registrants. The following telegram received from the office of the Pro- vost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 2, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number E seventeen twenty-six. 1. In accordance with Section 122, Selective Service Regulations as amended by the standards of physical examination Form 75, direct Local Boards that immediately upon mailing notice of Final Classification to registrants of the second registra- tion who have been finally classified in Class 1, notices to appear for physical examination shall be sent to all such registrants and Local Boards shall proceed to physical examination without delay and continue to examine all such registrants as soon as they have finally been placed in Class 1 until all registrants of the second registration in Class 1 have been physically examined. 2. Direct attention of Local Boards to Section 9 to 15 of Rules and Regulations Form 74 which prescribe method and manner of determining Order Numbers of registra- tion cards of second registration received after June 18th. These Sections should be literally observed, and any reg- istration numbers erroneously assigned to cards received after June 18th should have an ink line drawn through them, but not erased, and correct numbers assigned there- 'i to as prescribed in said Sections. — 3 — 3. Reference my Telegram B twelve thirty-six. Advise this office at once the approximate number to be added to Class 1 from the rectification of classification for your State. 4. The classification and physical examination of Class 1 men should be given immediate attention. Local, Dis- trict and Medical Advisory Boards should be directed to have Class 1 available for August Calls. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 344. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 8, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Voluntary Inductions for Special Call. Confirming telephone message July 2nd the following tele- gram is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : Washington, D. C, July 1, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number E seventeen twenty. The Engineer Corps is in need of certain skilled men. Only white men qualified for General military service may be accepted under this call. No man who is needed to fill the July Calls already an- nounced should be allowed to volunteer for this service. 2-^0635 — 4 — Volunteers may be accepted from the Nineteen Eighteen Class provided the registrant waives all time limits for classification and examination. 2. The following types of men are desired: Auto re- pairmen, Axemen, Blacksmiths, Boatmen, Bridge Carpen- ters, Cabinet Makers, Caulkers, Concrete Foremen, Con- crete Workers, Construction Foremen, Cooks, Draftsmen, Electricians, Gas Enginemen, Stationary Enginemen, Far- riers, Horseshoers, Lithographers, Machinists, Buglers, Photographers, Plumbers, Powdermen, Quarrymen, Rig- gers, Saddlers, Shoemakers, Surveyors, Tailors, Team- sters, Telephone operators, Timbermen, and Topographers. 3. Please give the widest publicity to this matter using the ''Nation's Want Column" method and urging quali- fied registrants to present themselves to their Local Boards for listing. If a sufficient number of Volunteers are not secured. Involuntary Induction will be used. 4. On July 16th wire this office the number of qualified men listed in each of the above occupations which Ave ma\' expect. Upon receipt of this information we will maki definite allotments and complete mobilization details. Local Boards must understand thoroughly that these reg- istrants are not. now to be inducted until orders are re- ceived as to allotments and that no men needed to fill th'' July Calls already announced shall be permitted to voluii teer. VOLUNTEERS for this service shall not b- released to the Navy or Marine Corps or to withdraw their application prior to August 1st. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. lk)RREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 5 — Circular Letter No. 345. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 8, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject : Forms 1029 A-I3. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Mar- shal General is publivshecl for the information and guidance of all concerned : Washington, D. C, July 3, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number E seventeen thirty-two. Many forms 1029 A-B are being received in this office without the Order Num- ber^ Serial Number and Name of registrants. Instruct Local Boards to comply strictly with instructions in Form 61. Crowder. By direction oe the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 346. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 8, l!»ls. To all Local Boards: Subject: Enlistment of AcRicuiiTURisTS Whose Entrain- MENT IS Deferred. The following telegram is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 3, 1918. Adjutant General, . Sacramento, California. Number E seventeen forty-two. Immediately transmit the following instructions to Local Boards. In case a registrant's number has been passed over because of en- gagement in Agriculture under telegram B eighty, Local Boards may not ivssue permits releasing such registrants to the Emergency Fleet, Merchant ^Marine, Navy or Ma- rine Corps. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 7 — Circular Letter No. 347. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO H-21 July 8, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Report of Delinquents. 1. You will upon receipt of this letter immediately report to this Office : The luimber of registrants to whom Form 1014 has been issued and who have been inducted into service for delinciueney but who have not been reported to the Adjutant General of the Army on Form 1018 for desertion, (this allows for the five day interim for which Section 136, S. S. R. provides). The promjjt and early report of the above is earnestly solic- ited. Time, effort and worry will be obviated by sending this information at once. Your reply should be in the following form, without addi- tion, subtraction or explanation. If you are not able to give an exact answer give as good a one as you can but follow the following form: ''The number of Form 1014 delinquents inducted into ser- vice for delinquency and not reported on Form 1018 for deser- tion is Local Board No " By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C., The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 348. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 9, 191 S. To all Local Boards: Subject: Work or Fight. The following telegrams received from the office ui' the Pro- vost Marshal General are published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 5, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B eighteen sixty. Re Tel Four Seventy-eight. Barbers, Real Estate Operators and Clerks, Insurance Solicitors and Agents, Brokers and Clerks, are excepted from the operation of the Regulations. Crowder. Washington, D. C, July 5, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B eighteen eighty-five. Subdivision C of Sec- tion 121K, Selective Service Regulations, is hereby amended as follows : *' Persons, including ushers and other attendants, en- gaged and occupied in and in connection with games, sports and annisemeiits, excepting owners and managers, actual performers including musicians, in legitimate con- certs, oi)eras, motion pictures, or theatrical performances and the skilled persons who are necessary to such ])r()(luc- tions, performances or presentations." Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 9 — Circular Letter No. 349. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 9, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject : Charges on Typewriters. The following telegram received from the office of the Pro- vost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 5, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number C two forty-six. Instruct all Local Boards not to pay expense charges on typewriters being de- livered, orders from this office. By agreement with type- writers com]>anie.s these charges to he prei)ai(l. Crowdkr. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 10 — Circular Letter No. 351. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July !). litis. To all Local Boards: Subject: Passport Permit^. The following telegram received from the office of the Pro- v( si xMarshal General is published for the information and ^uitlhuce of all concerned: A¥ashington, D. C, July 6, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B eighteen ninety-four. Reference Sections 155 and One-half and One Fifty Six, Selective Service Regulations. This office has been informed that officials of Recruit- ing Service United States Shipping 15oard are having difficulty in obtaining prompt attention from Local Boards to requests for permits for Passports for regis- trants on Emergency Fleet List. It is necessary to ensure immediate issuance of permits to registrants on Emer- gency Fleet List under Section 155 J and 156 upon request contained in Form 1024 P. M. G. O. made by proper officials of Recruiting Service of United States Shipping Board in order that vital process of transi)orting troops may not be delayed. Crowder. By direction op the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 11 — Circular Letter No. 352. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 9, 1918. To all Local Boards: The following letter from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : From : Office of the Provost Marshal General. To: Draft Executives in all States. Subject : Fire-proof Protection for Records. 1. A Local Board in a western state has had every record destroyed by fire. This Board did not obey the requests of this department to properly protect the Classification Sheet. This will cause the Government a great deal of delay in that district. 2. It is earnestly desired that in your next bulletin to Local Board you recite sufficient of this letter to insist upon protection from fire of the records of Boards. E. II. Crowder, Provost Marshal General. By IT. C. Kramer, Major, U. S. N. G., Adjutant General. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C., The Adjutant General. 3r-40535 — 1:^ — Circular Letter No. 353. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-12 July 10. ]:il^ I'n (ill Local Boards: Subject: Delinquents. Many Local Boards have misunderstood the meaning of Cir- cular Letter No. 340. In connection with this letter, the Local Boards should act as follows : 1. Immediately forward to this office Forms 1013 for all delinquents not yet reported? 2. If you cannot do this, immediately telegraph this office stating the number of delinquents yet to be reported and when Form 1013 may be expected. 3. As soon as the 1918 registrants fail to return ques- tionnaires or who fail to appear for physical examination become delinquent, report them on Form 1013. By DUiECTION OF THE GOVERNOR. J. J. Bokree, .Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. -^ 18 — Circular Letter No. 354. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 10, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Enlistment of Instructors in Engineering. The following telegram from the office of the Provost .Marshal General is publish(Hl for the information and guid- ance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 8, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramen to, Calif or n ia. Number B fifteen forty. Notify all Local Boards of following amendments to Section 151, Selective Service Regulations. A Subparagraph is added to Paragraph "D" as follows: ''Under such regulations as the Chief of Engineers may prescribe, teachers who are engaged primarily in the training of man on ground work for Aviation in Engineering Schools which are giving courses for the Mechanical Training of soldiers, may. upon nomination by the school authorities, enlist in the enlisted Reserve Corps of the Engineering Department, and thereafter, upon presentation by a registrant so enlist- ing to his Local Board for a certificate of such enlist- ment, the certificate .shall be filed with the questionnaire of the registrant, and the registrant shall be placed in Class 5 on the ground that he is in the military service of the United States." Crowder. By direction of the Covernor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 14 -^ Circular Letter No. 355. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 10, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject : Industrial Key Numbers. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned: Washington, D. C. July 9, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. » Number E seventeen sixty-five. Attention of all Local Boards is directed to the importance of insuring that new registrants in filing questionnaires enter the key number of their occupations in answer 5, Series 1, Page 4 of the questionnaire. This key number device serves to dis- pense hereafter with all transcribing of Occupational Cards. Boards are hereby notified that no cards are to ])(> transcribed for the new registrants. The cards were necessitated by the absence of the key number system on a sufficient scale in the former questionnaire. Boards are also directed, upon the receipt of each questionnaire and at the time of filling out column 6 of the classification list to enter in red ink in column 29 of the cla.ssification list the key number given by the registrant in answer 5, Page 4 of the questionnaire. At some later time, after all quastionnaires have been filed the Board will be called upon to make a return to the Provost Marshal General of the Occupational Yi^ay Numbers of each registrant as thus shown on tlie Classification List. Tliis simple system will take the place of the former method of transcription of Occupational Cards. Boards are urged to observe care- — 15 — fully the foregoing directions, so that the new method may be relia])le and effective. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 356. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-12 July 11, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Individual Induction 1918 Registrants. The following telegram from the Provost Marshal General refers to the 1st Paragraph of Telegram quoted in Circular Letter No. 320 from this office. Washington, D. C. July 10, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. B nineteen seventy-five. Number E seventeen sixty- four. The first Paragraph of my telegram B fourteen nineteen is hereby cancelled. Effective at once the Indi- vidual Induction of registrants of the June 5th, 1918, class will be permitted. Crowder. The cancellation of this paragraph is not to be taken as the cancellation of permission for 1918 registrants to receive per- mits to enlist in the Navy. Their status is now the same as — 16 — that of 1!)17 I'c.u'istnnits except tliat they i»ia\ not ])e inducted on Ueneral Calls, that is, they may enlist in tiie \;iv\ i\isi«)ii. Franklin SI. 4(11 Tenth Shvct 01 T) Second Slieet Men and Women's. I)i\- I'ost Olficc Illdu-. , 17(1 So. Market SUvct 200 So. San Joa(|uin Slr.'et 804 Ninth Street Post Office Rldg. Post Office Bids-. (\nirt I louse I'.ldsr. :()(j \V. L. CI: Sui»t, Frank N. Dodd Lester INI. Young* Uoy 1). Lindsey Tlionias Graham Walter S. Clough (J to. T. McCabe ir. F. Harris ^Viii. F. Marquette J. P. McConnell Seasonal Ilayward J. D. Armstrong Fvoyalton A. I. Medearis Newcastle F. II. Howell Placerville Nellie Sturges San Bernardino F. L. DeWolf Ilanford Mrs. Grace Davidson Santa Ana Fred Rafferty Hemet O. B. Waite Ilollister IT. IT. Whitmoj*e Antioch J. P. Taylor Merced J. N. McKinnon Salinas Wm. Ilandley I*orterville L. W. Laumeister Watsonville A. L. Briggs Willows R. N. Fenton Fureka J. A. Urquhart Napa IT. C. Johnson Tehama W. D. McCune Golusa F. B. Pryor Red BlufF IT. P. Hatfield Harry M. Lutgens V. Younie SebastopoL Susanville W Oxnard C. J. Flliott :\Iadera D. R. Ilanhart Winters W. P. Womack Grass Valley Geta I. Hore Santa Maria M. M. Purkiss Bieber T. J. Dunlap King City W. (\ Hamilton Anderson Wm. Ri'?e San Luis Obispo J. II. Hollisrer Gedarville W. L. Tiirn')yer — 18 — 2. Ajj^onts designated by U. S. Public Service Reserve to fo-opemte with employment service in plaein*,' men in pro- ductive activities: Counties Name Address Alamoda 1. Enj^cne Bowles, Asst. Sec, C'hamber of Oommerce Oakland 2. J. D. Armstrong Hayward 3. R. S. Hawley Emeryville Alpine 1. W. A. Thornberg Markleeville Amador 1. W. K. MeFarland Jackson Rutte 1. Frank Durkee Chico Calaveras ]. D. Foicot Angels Camp Colusa 1. Arthur J. Fouch Maxwell Contra Cds'a 1. 11. K. Veale Martinez 2, Del Norie ]. E. E. Hersch Crescent City Kl Dorado 1. B. J. Jones — . Placerville Fresno 1. H. Thorwaldsen Fresno 2. Clenn 1. Claude S. Purkitt Willows Humboldt 1. Scott C. Ashmore Eureka Imperial 1. 1). C. Bitler El Centro Inyo 1. W. P. Yaney Bishop Kern 1. J. W. Tatum Bakersfield 2. E. Ballagh Maricopa Kings 1. Wallace Sullivan Hanford Lake 1. Lyon Eraser I^kejwrt Lassen 1. W. S. Harrison Susanville Los Angeles 1. W. S. Brayton Long Beach 2. T. R. Potter Pomona 3. Frank J. Townsend Santa Monica 4. S. V. Cullen Redondo Beach 5. W. H. Boss Huntington Park 0. Alvin E. Johnson Alhambra 7. J. C. Scherer Glendale 8. Madera 1. David R. Ilanhart ^^ MadtMa Marin 1. Robt. E. Graham San Rafael Mariposa 1. L. G. Thistle Mariposa Mendocino 1. T. M'Cleland Ukiah Merced 1. J. B. Olcese Merced Modoc 3. O. D. Morgan Alturas Mono 1. H. B. Patterson Bridgeport Monterey 1. A. E. Warth Salinas 19 Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Clara Santa Cruz Santa Barbara Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba Berkeley Fresno Oakland 1. 11. J. Baade Napa 1. E. G, Kinyon -Grass Valley 1. James C. Metzgar I Santa Ana 2. Wm. French Fulloi*ton 1. 1. L. A. Braden Quincy 1. A. B. Pilch Riverside 1, Jno. T. Blair Sacramento 1. E. E. Holbrook Hollister 1. W. 11. Reed San Bernardino 2. C. P. Hook Redlands 3. T. C. Carter Barstow 1. John E. Boal, Southern Title Bldg San Diego 1. E. P. Foltz, Dist. Atty Stockton 1. F.J. Rodriquez San Luis Obispo L Franklin Swart Redwood City L Henry A. Pfister San Jose 1. H. H. Miller Santa Cruz 1. E. E. Weyborn : Santa Barbara L M. D. Lack Redding 1. W. E. Miller Sierraville 1. W. L. Kleaver Yreka 1. J. M. Munro . Vallejo 1. John S. Saunders Sebastopol 2. W. C. Grant Santa Rosa 1. W. T. McCabe , Modesto 1. D. D. Green Yuba City 1. E. F. Lennon Red Blufle 1. C. A. Chamberlain-^ Weaverville 1. J. E. Cuddebach Visalia 2. J. F. Kirkman Exeter 1. R. W. Ayres ^ Sonora 1. Don G. Bowker Ventura 1. R. G. Lawson Woodland 1. Phil J. Divver, City Clerk Marysville CITY DIVISIONS. 1. A. G. Briggs, City Clerk Berkeley 2. 1. Henry Hawson, Griffith McKenzie Bldg Fresno 1. George E. Gross, County Clerk Oakland (For No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G and 7.) 4-4063S — 20 — Pasadena 1 nnd 2. Ileman Dyer, City Clerk Pasaden Sacramento I and 2. John S. Blair, ITorum Bldg Sacramento San Dioffo 1. J. K. ^FcTx^'s, County Clerk San Diego 2. A. E. Peck, Box 118 San Dice San Jose 1. Henry A. PHster, (>ounty Clerk San Jo- Stockton 1. ('has. C. Itobbins, (Ui7 E, Sonora Stockton By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 358. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 11, 1918. l.\) all Local Boards: Subject : Induction op Declarants. NiiiTi])or B nineteen seventy-one. l^y reeent act of Congress citizens or subjects of countries neutral in the present Wai- who have declared their intentions to become citizens of tin United States are relieved from liability to military servic« on certain conditions in accordance with the Regulations pre- scribed by the President. Pending receipt of these Regulations instruct all Local Boards that they shall not involuntarily induct any registrant who is a subject of a country neutral in the present war and who has declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States l)ut wlm has not completed his final naturalization. — 21 — Declarant registrants of the following conntries do not come within the terms of this tolc^gram: Belgium Greece Brazil Guatemala Bulgaria Italy China Japan Costa Rica Liberia Cuba Monaco France Monte Negro Great Britaili Nicaragua Panama Portugal Roumania Russia San Marino Servia Siam Turkey Subjects of Austria, Hun gar ia and Germany should be still classified as alien enemies. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 359. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 11, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: AmeriCxVn-Britisii-Canadian Convention. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Mar- shal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 10, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. . Number B nineteen seventy-four. The Senate of the United States recently ratified conventions with Great — 22 — Britain and Canada relating to the military service of citizens of the United States in Great Britain or Canada and of British and Canadian Subjects in the United States. Copies of thesis conventions have been forwarded to State Headquarters for distribution. It should be especially borne in mind that this is not a draft by Great Britain of British Subjects and Canadians in the United States. These conventions merely provide that British citizens and Canadians in the United States shall become subject to military service- and entitled to exemption and discharge therefrom under the laws of the United States, unless within the prescribed time they vol- untarily enlist in the British forces or return to Great Britain or Canada for military service. The registration cards of all British Subjects and Can- adians, whether declarants or non-declarants, and whether unclassified or classified in Class 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, except those who have already been inducted into military ser- vice and except those with respect to whom Induction Orders (Forms 1014 or 1028) have been issued shall upon receipt thereof be removed by Local Boards from the file of registration cards and shall be placed in a separate file. The registration cards shall remain in a separate file, where they may be available for inspection by properly accredited representatives of the British, Canadian Re- cruiting Mission, until further notice. The Induction of British Subjects and Canadians, whether declarant or non- declarants, shall be suspended until further notice. The statement of a registrant on his registration card that he is a subject of Great Britain or a Canadian shall be suffi- cient evidence of his nationality unless the Local Board is satisfied that such statement was not true. Paragraph H, Section 151, is hereby amended by the addition of the following after subparagraph No. 2 thereof : '*0n request of any registrant or of a recruiting officer of the British ('{nindian Recruiting IMission, Local Boards shall furnish to any registrant who has stated on his reg- istrati(m card that lie is a British Subject or a Canadian, a certificate in the follmvinGr Poi'in, citlicr in writing or by telegraph : ' ' — 23 — It is hereby certified that , a registrant of this Local Board, stated on his registration card that he is a British Subject or a Canadian. There- after, upon receipt by his Local Board of a notification by a Commissioned Officer of the British or Canadian Army stating that he has been so enlisted, such notification shall be filed with his questionnaire and the registrant shall be placed in Class 5 and marked Division K. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 360. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-12 July 11, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Data on Class 1. In the near future, probably within the next two weeks, it will be necessary to re-figure the quota basis of the Local Boards throughout the United States. For this purpose the following instructions are issued which all Local lioards must follow closely. There were discrepancies in the last quota basis due to erroneous reports of some Local Boards with this State. Therefore, Local Boards are cautioned that the figures quoted must be accurate and instructions nuist be followed closely. Two copies of Form 2002A are licrcwilli enclosed. The data as called for by this Foi'iii will lie Ihc data required. Local Boards should be prepared to riiruisii these figures at a — 24 — iiioiiieiit's notice. By eonipilinfi: these figures now and carry- ing a ledger account of tlie additions and subtractions from day to day, Local Boards will be able to furnish these figures within a half hour of the time they are requested to do so. The request for these figures will be in the form of the fol- lowing telegram: ''Furnish data Class 1 as of date." The reply from the Local Boards should be in the following form : 1. Make your entries on Form 2002A. 2. Then compile the following telegram and send it to this office : BOKKEE SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA AVAILABLE GENERAL AVIIJTE COMMA COLORED COLON LIMITED WHITE COMMA — COLORED COLON REMEDIABLE WHITE COMMA COLORED COLON FLEET WHITE COMMA COLORED COLON DELINQUENTS WHITE COMMA COLORED COLON NOT EXAM- INED WHITE COMMA COLORED COLON INDUCTED WHITE COMMA COLORED. BOARD. You will note that nil figures jimst l)e spelled out and all punctuation nuist be spelled out completely. The telegram should correspond exactly to the form outlined and the figures must correspond exactly to the figures as shown on Form 2()()2A. The headings are merely words indicating the head- ings under Chiss 1 on the forni. Vai'iations fnmi this form of telegram jnay canse confusion or doubt in tliis office and consiMiuent delay in order to check or confirm the figures as rurnished hy tlie Local Boards. In order to confirm the figures, tlie Local lionrds will, im- mediately after sending the telegram, mail Form 2002A to — 25 — this office. Be sure to put your Local Board name or stamp on the form and be sure to mail it immediately. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C., The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 361. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 12, 1918. To all Local Boards: The following letter from the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: From : Office of the Provost Marshal General. To: Disbursing Officers in all States. Subject: Irregular Issue of Transportation Rec^uests. 1. The attention of all Disbursing Officers is invited to the following abstract of a letter from the Quartermaster General : ''1. It has come to the attention of this office that very frequently of late bills are presented by the Pullman Company to this office covering transportation of selected men, supported only by memorandum or receipt signed by the Pullman Conductor, and subsequently investiga- tion in this office reveals the fact that payment has already been made to the Pullman Company for the same accom- modations in another bill supported by a regular form of transportation request. 2. This office has on sever;)] occasions declined to .•i('ce[)t bills sui)ported by these memoranda or irregular evi- dences, and it now develops that The Pullman Company — 26 — is calling on individual Boards to issue a transportation request in lieu of memoranda or receipts, in some cases their requests having been issued six months after the ser- vice was performed. The result of this action is that The Pullman Compan}^ again present the same bill that was previously declined, and at the suggestion of the Chief, Inland Traffic Service, this matter is being brought to your attention, with a view of issuing such instructions to the various Local Boards that will guard against the issuance of a transportation request after the service has been performed." 2. In order to j)revent a recurrence of irregularities com- plained of in this letter, its contents will be made known to all Local Boards in your State, and their attention a^ain directed to instructions printed on the back of transportation requests which must be carefully complied with. Crowder. By direction of the Governor.. j. j. borree, lU^igadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 362. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5I)-17 July 1L\ 1!)18. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Vacation of P]mpix)yef:s. This ul'tice has taken up with Tlie Provost Marshal General tlie matter of vacation for emi)l()yees of Local and District — 27 — Boards throughout the State, and we have received the follow- ing reply which is submitted for your guidance : 1. Vacations may be granted to federal employees in state headquarters, local and district boards on a basis of one day and a quarter per month of services for all em- ployees after they shall have been in the service at least six months. 2. It is urged that these vacations be allowed at such times as will not interfere with important duties now pressing. By direction of the Governor. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 363. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 13, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Review op Form 1010. The following telegram from the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : Washington, D. C, July 12, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B two thousand five. Eeference from Seventy- five standards of physical examination particularly Sec- tions 10 and 81 to 85. Instruct your Medical Aide and all Local Boards to review physical examination Form 1010 of all registrants awaiting induction and wherever necessary to regroup physically registrants not conform- ing in physical requirements with new standards of physi- 5-40633 — 28 — (•ill ('x;iiiiin;iti(»ji l'\!]'iii 7.") wliich nrc also in effect at all jiiohili/alion |)ia(-i's. This is cspcciallN- itnportant with re- ti'afd 1() new iiiiniiiiiiin li('i,u'li1 ami w ri'_;-iit requirements. Act iial pliN sical rc-cxaiiiinat i(»i) oF f( liis' i-;iiiis sliould rarely he !ie(M'ssar\- in order 1o chaiiuc litimi j)in<:- to conl'orm with new ])liysical rc(|iiir('iiiciits l)iit Local Boards have author- ity to rc-c.\;nniii(' rc.uist rants wlici-c they deem the same llcccssa!y^ Ci^tWDKK. ]>^• i)iiv'!:("ii().\ ()i- 'i-|ii; < i()\-i;K'N(»u'. J. .1. !;..i;kki:, T>riiia(li('!' (general, N. U. C, Tlic Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 364. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1 1-' July i:>. I!tl8. To nil Local Boards: !^ii;.ii;' T : 1-] \ii;i;(;!:.\(N l-'i.i:i:r List. The follow iim' lettei- I'l'oni the office of the Provost :Marshal (h'lieral is published Foi- the infoi'ination autl iznidaiiee of all concei'iied : \\ L^!)L lu'Tei-ence Sections lo.")^ ;iii,| 1 .")(;, S. S. K. 'i'his oflice has heen inroi-med that oflicials of Recniit- iii^' Service Cnited States Sliii)piiij; lioard are havinj? dinicnlty in obtaining prompt att(>ntion from Local Boards to requexts for permits for i)a^sp()rts for regis- trants on I'anerirency Fleet Tiist. It is necessary to en- sure iMiine(li;iie issnaiice of peiaints to repristrants on iMneruvn.y h^eei List nnder Section 155.''. ii|>on rcMpiest — 29 — contained in Form 1024 P. M. G. O. made by proper officials of Recruiting* Service of United States Shipping Board in order that vital process of transporting troops may not be delayed. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C., The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 365. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 15, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Work or Fight. The following telegram from the office of the Provost .Marshal General is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned : Washington, D. C., July 13, 1918. Adjutant General , Sacramento, California. Number D two twenty-four re tel number four nine two. Paragraph 5 of Telegram B sixteen fourteen refers to heads of various departments that are named and also heads of other departments, while Paragraph 6 refers to clerks in such departments who are not the heads. Com- mission merchants, who buy and sell for a commission and who do not own the connnodity are not included, nor clerks in manufacturing establishments or in the offices thereof, but only clerks in stores and mercantile estab- lishments engaged in making sales. The Oil Industry as a whole is not included. Clerks in distributing stations — 30 — whore sales are made are included unless exempted as head of department or for some other reason specified in the rules or the explanatory Telegram B sixteen fourteen. If experienced price and cost clerks are heads of depart- . ments they are not included. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 366. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12-16 July 16, 1918. To all Local Boards: The following letter received from the office of the Provast Marshal General is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 5, 1918. From : Office of the Provost Marshal General. To: Draft Executives of all States. Subject: Delinquent Order Numbers. 1. In issuing: delin(iuont orders as provided in Section 132, Selective Service Regulations, for the class of June, 1918, State Adjutants General will number such delin- (juent orders consecutively with a new series beginning with one and preceded by the letter A. 2. The date entered by Local Boards in column 4 of Form lOK^ will generally indicate whether the registrant is of the first or second registration, but to avoid all pos- sibility of error in the handling of these forms, instruct all Local Boards immediately, when issuing Forms 1013 and 1018 for deiinipient registrants of the class of June, — 31 — 1918, to write at the top of such forms the words ''Second Registration." E. ri. Crowder, Provost Marshal General. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 367. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-12 July 16, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Delivery of Deserters to Army Posts. 1. Question was raised by Commanding Officer of a certain military post regarding the authority of Local Boards to deliver as deserters aliens who had become delinquents and had been inducted into military service and achieved the status of deserters. 2. The reply of the Provost Marshal General is quoted for your information. You will note that unless the men are alien enemies, it is perfectly proper to forward them to the nearest military post with Form 1021 and it is the duty of the officers at that post to receive the men as deserters: 1. Section 51, S. S. R., as amended by my Telegram B-lOO, copy attached, provides that upon the arrest of a deserter he shall be taken before a Local Board, where inquiry shall be made as to whether the offense was wilful and committed with an attempt to evade military service. There is no provision for the physical examination of a wilful deserter. If Form 1021 is properly made out — 32 — with rc.spcct to a deserter delivered to eamp, siieh deserter should be aceepted by the military authorities mtkI tlw reward paid. 2. In the })artieular ease referred to herein, it ai)piais that Form 1021 was so properly made out and that the reward of $50.00 should, therefore, be paid. 3. The letter of May 15, 1918, from the Commanding Officer at Fort McDowell, California, to the Local Board for the County of Napa, that State, cites Section 78, paragraph (f) of the regulations, which provides that there shall be placed in Class V, any registrant found to be ''a resident alien (not an alien enemy) who has not declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, imless such noii-declarant has stated in answer to question No. 2 of series VII of his questionyiaire that he does not clcdm exemption on the ground of his alienage, in which case he shall he classified as though he were a citizen of tlie United States.^' It appears in the particu- lar case at point that this registrant so waived his rights of deferred classification. Moreover, Section 129 of the regulations provides that: ''Any registrant, except an alien enemy, who fails to return his questionnaire on the date required, shall be deemed to have waived all rights for filing claims and proof for deferred cla^ssification, sliall stand classified in Class i * * *" if a registrant (ex- cept an alien enemy) fails to file his questionnaire or to appear for physical examination, lie becomes a delinquent under the Selective Service Act. If he fails further to comply, within the prescribed time, with induction orders, whether issued by the State Adjutant General or by the Local Board, he becomes n deserter and his case is hnudl«Ml as such. E. II. Crowdku, Provost Marshal General. By Breckinridge Jones, Cn]>1;)in, Infantry, O. R. C, Acting Chief, Administrative Division. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, Tlie Adjutant General. — 33 — Circular Letter No. 368. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-12 July 17, 1918. , To oil Local and Disirict Boards: Subject: Mu^itary Service of British Subjects. 1. The attention of this office has been directed to the fact that several Local and District Boards are holding British Subjects from India for military service, even though they have claimed deferred classification on the grounds of being aliens. This procedure is incorrect. 2. The Convention between the United States and Great Britain specifies that citizens of the United States residing in Great Britain and the Subjects of Great Britain residing in the United States, who have come from territories or posses- sions of either Country in which military service is not com- pulsory, should not be held for military service in the Country in which they are now residing. Military service is not com- pulsory in India, Australia or New Zealand, therefore, British Subjects from those Countries should not be held for military service in the United States, unless they waive deferred classification or fail to claim same, which amounts to the same thing. 3. Such Local and District Boards as have erroneously classified registrants coming under the above ruling should immediately proceed to correct their classification. By DIRECTION OF THE GOVERNOR. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 34 — Circular Letter No. 369. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO H-12 July 18, 1918 To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Work or Fight Correction. 1. This office has been advised by the Provost Marshal Gen- eral that Paragraph 5, Line 5 of Circular No. 333 quoting \\\<, telegram B-1614 should have read **and other depart- ments" instead of ''and their departments." 2. This correction clears away many doubts and seems to make definite a perplexing question. 3. Circular 333 should be immediately corrected as above indicated. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 35 — Circular Letter No. 370. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 20, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Amendment to Section 151. 1. The following telegram received from The Provost Mar- shal General is quoted for the information and giudance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 18, 1918. i? Adjutant Oeneral, Sacramento, California. Number B2109. The following paragraph has been added to Section 151 : ''Under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, a registrant who is regularly enrolled in a .school approved by the War Department Committee on Education and Special Training, and is pursuing full time courses leading to a bachelor or higher degree in medicine, engineering, physics, chemistry and other tech- nical subjects essential to the prosecution of the War, or who is an indispensable teacher in such courses, or who is engaged in the training of army personnel, may enlist in the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and thereafter, on pre- sentation by the registrant to his Local Board of hi^ cer- tificate of enlistment, such certificate shall be filed with the questionnaire, and the registrant shall be placed in Class V on the ground that he is in the Military Service of the United States." Promulgate this immediately. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. 6— 4053S — 36 — Circular Letter No. 371. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12 July 20, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Work or Fight. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Mar- shal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : Wasttington, D. C, July 19, 1918. Adjutant General^ Sacramento, California. Number D two thirty-five. Please advise Local and District Boards that clerks in gas and electric companies as an entirety are not included in Section 121-K, Rules and Regulations. Clerks in Maoiufaeturing Plants, Power Plants and general offices of Gas and Electric Companies are not included. If Gas and Electric Companies maintain sales stores for the sale of supplies, sales clerks and other clerks tlierein are included unless excepted by Paragraph 5 of my Number H sixteen fourteen. Please advise John A. Britton, Vice-President Pacific Gas and Electric Com- l)any, who makes inquiry through Advisory Committee Council of National Defense. Crowder. bv direction op the governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 37 — Circular Letter No. 372. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 23, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Emergency Fleet List. 1. The following telegram received from The Provost Mar- shal General is quoted for the information and guidance of : all concerned: ^ Washington, D. C, July 20, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B 2144. The provisions of Sub-paragraphs B, C and D of Section 154, concerning the rendering of monthly reports of continuous employment and the checking of the Emergency Fleet Classification Lists and the removal from the Lists of registrants not so reported, are indefinitely suspended on account of new regulations about to be issued. Many Local Boards appear to have misunderstood similar instructions heretofore issued and appear to think that Emergency Fleet Classification priv- ileges have been suspended and are inducting registrants who are on the Fleet Lists. This is incorrect and you will please immediately issue telegraphic instructions to all Local Boards correcting such misunderstanding and promulgating the foregoing order suspending the opera- tion of the provisions mentioned. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 38 — Circular Letter No. 373. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 23, 1918. To Local and District Boards: SuB.jECT: Amendment. 1. The following telegram received from The Provost Mar- shal General is quoted for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 19, 1918. Adjutant Generalf Sacramento, California. Number B2116. The War Department has again amended the Physical Examination Regulations concern- ing minimum height and weight requirements so that the minimum height for Selective Service Registrants is sixty inches instead of sixty-three inches, and the minimum weight is one luuulred ten pounds, and has ordered that Sub-paragraphs ''A" and ''H" of Section 85, Page 25, Standards of Physical Examination, Form 75, be amended so as to read as follows: ** Registrants who on examination are found to present the following defects shall be unconditionally rejected for Military Service: (a) Less than sixty inches in height, except for insular troops. (b) Less than one hundred ten pounds in weight, ex- cept for insular troops, unless it is plainly due to some recent illness or to employment and environment of civil life which is considered remediable by camp life." The remainder of said Section 85, namely Paragraph "C," ^4:)" and '*E," remain unchanged. The term *' Insular Troops" means trooi^ who are selected in Hawaii and Porto Rico and does not mean troops raised in the United States for Insular Service. Registrants should be groui)ed as to physical qualifica- tions in accordance with these amendments, both as to registrants examined herenfter and registrants heretofore — 39 — examined who may have been placed in Group D as not qualified for General Military Service on account of for- mer regulations as to minimum height and weight. Crov^der. ^ By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 374. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 23, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Form op Application by Aliens for Passports. 1. The following letter from The Provost Marshal General is quoted for the information and guidance of all concerned : 1. The last paragraph of the amended form of application for passport permit (Section 299) reads as follows: ''My address while absent will be I under- stand my obligations under the law and promise to keep myself informed as to my proximity to call and to return immediately upon call by this Local Board: I also prom- ise to keep this Local Board informed of any change of my address during my absence." 2. It is obviously unnecessary to require non-declarant aliens who have been classified in Class V (f) to sign an affidavit ( (mtaining the above statements. Hereafter, when such an alien registrant makes application for a passport permit, this portion of the form of application should be omitted. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 40 -^ Circular Letter No. 375. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12 July 23, 1918. To all Locul and District Boards: The following letter from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : From : Depot Quartermaster. To: Adjutant General, State of California, Sacrament > California. , Subject : Issue op Street-car Tickets to Draft Boards. 1. It ivS requested that instructions be issued to all Local Draft Boards, re(iuiring them to state quantity and whether Municipal or United Railway, when making ap- plication to this depot for issue of street-car tickets for use of drafted men passing through "the city of Saii Francisco. By authority of the Depot Quartermaster. G. G.* Bailey, Lieut. Colonel, Q. M. Corps, Assistant. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, Tlie Adjutant General. — 41 — Circular Letter No. 376. STATE OF CALIFORNrA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12 July 23, 1918. To all Local Boards: The following letter is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: From : The Adjutant General of the Army. To : The Commanding Generals of all Departments, Camps, and Divisions in the United States, the Commanding Generals of the Ports of Embarkation, and the Com- manding General, American Expeditionary Forces. Subject: Alien Enemies and Allied Alien Enemies. 1. Selective Service Regulations, Section 79, Rule XII, Note 4, and Section 101, Note, provide that no alien enemy residing in the United States, whether he has taken out his first papers or not, will be accepted for service. Notwithstanding these instructions, communications reach- ing this office indicate that many such alien enemies have been inducted by the Local Boards and accepted into ser- vice by the military authorities, and further indicate that the proper disposition of enemy aliens and allied enemy aliens is not thoroughly understood. 2. The instructions of this office in telegram dated Jan- uary 27, 1918, and the further instructions in circular letter dated April 18, 1918, are still in effect. The tele- gram of January 27, 1918, referred to above directed ''that all subjects of countries with which w^e are at war, who do not desire to serve in the United States Army, be, dis- charged at the earliest possible moment. Before dis- charging any soldier w^hom you believe should be interned consult wdth nearest agent of Department of Justice to ascertain if he will order internment. Report to this office by mail names and organizations of soldiers and report by wire number of soldiers discharged pursuant to this order." — 42 — 3. It is presumed that all alien enemy soldiers, wlm were in the service on February 1, 1918, were given an opportunity for discharge under the provisions of this telegram, and applications for discliarge from such sol- diers on the ground of their being alien enemies should be granted only after proof that opportunity for discharge under telegram of January 27, 1918, had not been afforded. 4. The cases of soldiers who have entered the Service since February 1, 1918, will be considered on their merits, and if an alien enemy soldier has once been afforded an opportunity for discharge and expressed over his sign;! ture a willingness to serve he will not be discharged on hi own request, or the request of any other person, on account of his alien enemy birth. 5. When applications are received, from any source, foi* discharge by reason of enemy alienage you will promptly investigate the case, communicating, if necessary, with the soldier's Local Board, through the State Adjutant General, with a view of determining whether or not the soldier is in fact an enemy alien, and if, upon investig;t tion it is ascertained that he is an enemy alien and ha- not been aff'orded an opportunity for discharge under the I)rovisions of telegram of January 27, 1918, final action in his case will be taken by you. If your investigation discloses that he has had such an opportunity and hjis expressed a willingness to serve, he will not be discharged. 6. These instructions are not to be construed to pro- hibit the discharge of enemy 'alien soldiers who by tlieir speech or action indicate that they are tit subjects for in- ternment. In this connection attention is invited to Gen- eral Orders 45, War Department, 1918, especially Section 1, paragraphs 4a, 8, 9 and 10. This order provides an outlet for the disposition of enemy alien soldiers who arc not discharged, who do not become naturalized and wh< ^on account of enemy alien ])irth, are not eligible for service abroad. 7. Completely naturalized citizens of enemy alien birth can not be interned, but such soldiers concerning whose loyalty there is any doul)t should be brought to trial b\ court-martial, providing their speech or conduct furnishes sufficient evidence to wari*ant sucli action. — 43 — 8. Citizens of allied enemy birth do not come under the provisions of the Selective Service Regulations referred to in paragraph 1 of this letter or the telegram of Janu- ary 27, 1918. They are not, however, eligible for service abroad. Attention is invited to circular letter from this office dated Ma.y 7, 1918, especially paragraph 11 thereof. 9. To provide a means by which loyal soldiers of enemy alien or allied enemy alien birth who desire to remain in the service may become eligible for service abroad, a naturalization bill providing for the expeditious naturali- zation of practically all aliens in the military service, including enemy aliens, producing satisfactory evidence of lo3'alty, has recently become a law. J. W. Riley, Adjutant General. Hy direction of the Governor. j. j. bokree, Brigadier General, N. G. C., The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 377. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12. July 23, 1918. 7V> ((II Local and f)i strict Boards: Subject : Misinterpretation by Local Boards of Telegram B 1372— Circular No. 319. The followinj:;" letter from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : 1. Information has been received by this office that Local Boards have misconstrued and do not understand the telegram from this office No. B 1372 (Circular No. 319). — 44 — 2. Some Boards have construed the said telegram as compelling them to reclassify and place in Class 1 all registrants who request a certificate permitting enlist- ment in the Navy or Marine Corps and are refusing to issue any certificates if after such classification in Class 1 the registrant's order number has been passed or is such as to bring him within the current quota. 3. Telegram B 1372 was not intended automatically to put a registrant in Class 1 or otherwise to deprive dependents of registrants of their support. The words ' ' and if reclassified in Class 1 ' ' were used in said telegram with the view of meeting and covering cases of actual dependency where the Boards find such to exist. 4. When any registrant who has been granted deferred classification on any ground applies to his Local Board for a certificate under Section 151, Paragraph (a), thf Local and District Boards should permit the registrant to file such new evidence as he may desire, and should then consider the registrant's case in the light of such applica- tion and new evidence, if any, bearing on the case and should proceed to correctly reclassify the registrant in accordance with the true state of facts. If the registrant is left in a deferred class, he will not be in the current quota of his Local Board, and is entitled to a certificate to that effect. If the registrant is reclassified and placed in Class 1, his order number shall determine whether or not a certificate should ])e issued. Please communicate the foregoing to Local Boards. By direction of the Governor. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier Ceneral, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 45 — Circular Letter No. 378. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-12 , July 24, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: August Inductions. 1. The Provost Marshal General states in his telegram No. E nineteen forty-eight that the August Calls upon this State will be approximately the same as those for July. Local Boards have already received some of the August Calls and additional Calls will be issued. Local Boards can estimate now, from previous experience, about the number which will be inducted on such calls. Boards will, therefore, immediately proceed to examine such of the 1917 registrants as have been reclassified and not yet examined and also the registrants of 1918 who have been placed in Class I so that a sufficient num- ber of men will be available to fill the calls wdth generous allowances for rejections at the camps and any additional calls that might possibly be made. 2. The Provost Marshal General instructs that no releases for enlistments in Navy or Marine Corps or Emergency Fleet may be issued to remaining men physically qualified for gen- eral military service in Class I of 1917 or to any men in Class of 1918 physically qualified for general military service until Local Boards are satisfied that they can fill August Calls and then only to such men as Local Boards are satisfied will not be needed to fill August Calls. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 46 ~ Circular Letter No. 379. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 1-12 July 24, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: County Agents op Departments of Agriculture. The followin«>: telo|?ram from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 23, 1918. lidju Ian t (Jcncral, Sacramento, California. Number B twenty-two naught seven. The Department of Agriculture views with special concern the evidences which reach it of action by Boards in refusing deferred classification and in vacating Deferred Classification and Order NTunl)ers of County Agents employed by that De- partment. The Department is charged by Congress with the duty of stimulating economically food production along all lines. The extension machinery is the mcst valuable single agency for this purpose. It is difficult to secure men with the requisite vision and leadership. In- stitutions have not been training men a long enough time to pernut the department to man the force entirely hy nien over draft age. Great care has been exercised in selecting the extension agents. They rwe selected by tlic farmers, bureaus and the State College Officers and recoui mended to the department. The Bureau Chief canvass<'- each case and reports to the Secretary of Agriculture wb' carefully considers each record. The Department h;is been in the position of having to increase its forces by approximately seven thousand at the very moment when it was losing ap])roximately six thousand of its most effective aiid trained employees. This emphasizes tli' ~ 47 — difficulty of executing tlie tasks imposed upon the Depart- ment by Congress, including* the enforcement of regu- latory statutes, such as the Meat Inspection Act, the Food and Drugs Act, the various Quarantine Laws, and Main- tenance and Development of the Special Emergency Food Production Activities. I recognize the statutory author- ity of Boards to decide these questions but believe that the facts recited above, none of which is disputed, require that Boards give special consideration to certificates issued by the Department of Agriculture to County Agents. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 380. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO f H-18 July 25, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: British Subjects. 1. Forward at once to the British and Canadian Recruiting Mission, 268 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal., the names and addresses of all British subjects who are in the 1918 class. 2. Please expedite. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C. The Adjutant General. 48 — Circular Letter No. 381. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12 July 26, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Changes in Part 14, Selective Service Regulations. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 24, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B twenty-two forty-six. Part fourteen Selec- tive Service Regulations is amended as follows: Under the heading Post Office Department the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 of Part 14, Selective Service Regulations as amended in changes Selective Service Regulations No. 2 dated January 25th, 1918, is hereby furtlier amended so that said first paragraph shall read as follows: "Postmasters at first and second class post offices are herel)y authorized to file affidavits with Local Exemp- tion Boards for the purpose of securing deferred classifi- cation (Class 3) for tlie following employees only: Super- visory Officials in Post Offices; Post Office Clerks whose services cannot be dispensed witli without materially lowering the efficiency of the service; Drivers of Govern- ment owned automobiles; Mechanics and skilled laborers whose services are absolutely necessary; Clerks and sub- stitute Clerks employed at military branches." The remaining subparagraphs of said paragraph to remain unchanged. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 49 — Circular Letter No. 382. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 26, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Classification of 1918 Registrants. 1. The following telegram received from the Provost Mar- shal General is quoted for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 25, 1918. Adjutant General^ Sacramento, California. Number B2265. Am of the opinion that you should hold under a very special scrutiny the report of any Local Board which fails to classify at least fifty per cent of June 5th, 1918, registrants in net Class 1, that is finally classified in Class 1 and examined physically and accepted for General Military Service. The studies of the prior operation of the draft indicate that fifty per cent should be a minimum. The only exceptions which can be recog- nized by this Office are where an unusually large number of registrants of this class are aliens, or have been released to the Navy, Marine Corps or Emergency Fleet. The National average should be much higher than fifty per cent because industrial, agricultural and dependency deferment and physical rejection should be much lower. My telegram E1948, placing in current quota all actual fighting men in Class 1 necessary to fill July and August Calls, making liberal estimate for physical rejections at camp, ought, in its practical effect, to close releases from Class 1 to the Navy, Marine Corps and Emergency Fleet. Failure to get a proper classification of June 5th, 1918, registrants as here indicated must of necessity be followed by orders issuing from this Office for a revision of that — 50 — classification if we are to meet requisitions already in sight. Please regard this niatt<'r as of first importance. Crowder. By direction op the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 383. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 27, 1918. To all Local Boards: 1. The following letter received from the Office of the Provost Marshal General is quoted for the information and guidance of all concerned : From: Office of the Provost Marshal General. To: Draft Executives of all States. Subject : Induction Papers. 1. Section 160 of the Selective Service Regulations is hereby amended to read as follows: ''The Local Board shall deliver to the man in charge of the party Form 1029 (duplicate), and one Form 1, one Form 1029 A and B and one copy of Form 1010 for each man ordered to report for military duty. The man in charge of the party will deliver these papers to the mili- tary authorities immediately upon the arrival of the party at its destination. "The Local Board will send, by registered mail to th(^ Adjutant of the military camp or station to which the party is to be sent the following papers: Form 1029 — 51 — (original) and for each member of the party actually entrained, one copy of Form 1010." E. H. Crowder, Provost Marshal General. By 11. E. Stephenson, Captain, N. A. Chief, Mobilization Division. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 384. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 27, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Individual Induction. 1. It appears that many Local Boards are advising regis- trants who desire individual induction into a Staff Corps to apply direct to The Provost Marshal General for individual induction. 2. The attention of Local lioards is directed to the fact that the function of the Office of The Provost Marshal General is not the selection of men for individual induction into the various Corps, but is confined to supervising the mechanical process of inducting registrants who have been selected for individual induction by the Staff Corps and for whose induc- tion requisitions have been made upon it. 3. Local Boards should inform registrants who apply for instructions regarding individual induction, that such regis- — 52 — trants should first apply to the head of the Staff Corps or 1 tlie Staff Officers at the headcpiarters of the territorial depari nients (such as the AVesteni Department, which is located in the Santa Fe Building, San Francisco). These Officers will investigate the regivstrant's qualifications and, if the man has such (lualifications and is needed in the service, will apply for the man's individual induction through the Office of The Pro- vost Marshal General. 4. It also appears that Local Boards have advised registrant in some cases to personally call at this Ofilce or at the head- quartens of the Western Department for information of tli sort. 5. As this Office can do no more than advise the men to apply to the heads of the Staff' Corps or Departments, it is suggested that Local Boards advise the men to either call ai the headquarters of the Western Department or on the Office i of the organization to which they desire individual induction, or, still better, to advise the registrant to write to the Officer- concerned. By writing, the registrant will obtain all the in formation that he can obtain by a personal interview. It will save his time, and the time of the Military Officers, and it will also give the Military Officers a written record which, in «i great many cases, is very desirable. In almost every case of ;i personal interview, the registrant will be re(piested to write a letter to the Officer vStating the facts of his case and this might just as \\e\] lie done in the first j)lace. By DUtECTION OF THE (lOVERNOR. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 53 — Circular Letter No. 385. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 27, 1918. To Local aiid District Boards: ' Subject : Mariners. 1. The following telegram received from The Provost Mar- shal General is quoted for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 26, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B2288. Reports reaching this Office indicate that Local Boards are forwarding to mobilization camps, as wilful or non-wilful deserters, experienced mariners who by reason of their absence at sea have become de- linquent in complying with the requirements of the Selec- tive Service Regulations. In cases where Local Boards were advised that such mariners were at sea, time for filing questioini aires should have been extended as pro- vided in Section 99 of the Regulations. However, in the cases of bona fide mariners who have become deserters under the Selective Service Regulations and whose deser- tion the Local Board finds to be non-wilful, entrainment to iuol)ilizati()ii cMiiii) slioidd 1)(^ stnyed and the cases handled as provick'd in Section 189 Selective Service Reg- ulations. Crowder. >V DIRECTION OF THE GOVERNOR. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C. The Adjutant General. — 54 — Circular Letter No. 386. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 27, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject : Investigating Bodies. 1. The following telegram received from The Provost Mar- shal General is quoted for the information and guidaiKM' of nW concerned : Washington, D. C, July 26, 1918. Adjutant General^ Sacramento, California. Number B2277. The Headquarters of the American Protective League report that there has been organized in the vicinity of Bakersfield, California, an organization known as ' ' The Safety Committee, ' ' which is operating as an opposed body to The American Protective League. Please call attention to Boards that the Department of Justice and The American Protective League, which is auxiliary to the Department of Justice, are the only investigating bodies to be recognized by Boards. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 55 — Circular Letter No. 387. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-18 July 27, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject : Call No. 998. 1. Quotas for colored men to be sent to Camp Lewis were n.ssigned by letter to such Local Boards as had reported colored men in their Class 1 data as of May 20th. 2. It now appears that many more colored men than were originally reported as being in Class 1 are available for gen- eral military service in this State. 3. Many Local Boards have written or telegraphed this Office requesting authority to send additional men in their quotas. In some cases authority has been granted. 4. By direction of The Provost Marshal General, the author- ity granted by this Office to Local Boards to increase their quotas on this Call is hereby rescinded. 5. Local Boards will send to Camp Lewis on Call 998 only colored registrants of 1917 qualified for general military ser- vice and only in the number specified in the letter announcing the Call. All authority for increase of quotas is cancelled. This is due to lack of accommodations for the men at the mobilization camp. Additional quotas will be assigned at a later date. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 56 — Circular Letter No. 388. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12 July 29, 1918. To all Local and Dislrict Boards: Subject: Central Officers' Training Schools. Tlie following resume is published for your information and for the inforwiation of any of your registrants who may inquire. For Infantry Training — Camp Lee, near Petersburg, Va. Camp Gordon, near Atlanta, Ga. Camp Pike, near Little Rock, Ark. For Field Artillery Training — Camp Taylor, near Louisville, Ky. For Machine-Gun Training — Camp Hancock, near Augusta, Ga. Civilians possessing the requisite (lualifications as to educa- tion, character, and physique who desire to attend will apply either in person or in writing for information and necessarx blank forms to the Army oflficer on duty as Professor of Mili- tary Science and Tactics at the educatiniuil institution near- est the residence of the applicant. Applications made by civilians for held artillery will he forwarded by those professors to the commanding officer Cen- tral Artillery Officers' Training School. Camp Taylor, Ky.. for Machine-Gun units to the Commanding Officer, Machinc- Gun Officers' Training School, Camp Hancock, Ga. Applications made by civilians to enter a Central Infantrx Officers' Training Camp will be forwarded l)y the Profcs-so of Military Science and Tactics, as follows: 57 To Camp Lee, V;i.. api)lieatioiis of lowiiier states: ■^ Connecticut I Delaware I Dist. of Columbia t Maine ; Maryland jMassachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania To Camp Cordon, Atlanta, Ga. — Alabama Kentucky Florida iMichigan Georgia Mississippi Illinois North Carolina Indiana Ohio To Camp Pike, Arkansas — Arizona Missouri jVrkansas Montana California Nebraska Colorado New Mexico Idaho Nevada Iowa North Dakota Kansas Oklahoma Louisiana Oregon ^linncsota South Dakota ilians from the fol- Rhode Island Vermont Virginia West Virginia Panama Canal Zone South Carolina Tennessee Porto Rico Texas Utah Washington Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Hawaii Philippines The following named educational institutions in the State of California have officers of the Army detailed thereat as Professors of Military Science and Tactics: Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Stanford University. The Harvard School, Los Angeles. Throop College of Technology, Pasadena. University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara. University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Pomona College, Claremont. University of California, Berkeley. Hitchcock Military Academy, San Tvafael. — 58 — Mt. Tania]i)ais Military Academy, San Rafael. San Diego Army and Navy Academy, Pacific Beach, San Diego County. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 389. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12. July 29, 1918. To all Local Boards : Subject: Pay op Board Members. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 27, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento y California. Number E twenty-two ninety-four. It is understood that inquiries reach State IIeadquartei*s respecting th« compensation which will be fixed for Local Boards answer all sufh inquiries in the sense that decision is reserved until Congress has indicated what extension of draft ages, if any, it will authorize so that compensa- tion may be adjusted to the amount of work which will devolve upon these boards. Answer further that we anti('i])ate being able to promulgate new rates of com- pensation about Angust ir)tli and that it will then be con- — 59 — sidered by the Secretary of War whether the rates should be made reasonably retroactive. Crowder. By direction of tilk Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C., The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 390. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12 July 29, 1918. To all Local Boards : Subject: Work or Fight Baseball Players. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Marshal General is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 27, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B, twenty-three thirteen. The President di- rects that the application of Selective Service Regulation Changes No. 4 to professional baseball players be made to date from September 1, 1918. No notices shall be served under Section 121-C, Selective Service Regulations upon persons so employed until after the 1st of September. Crov^der. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C., The Adjutant General. — 60 — Circular Letter No. 391. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12 July 29, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject : Quota Basis. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Marslial General is published for the information and guid- ance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, July 27, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number E two thousand six. 1. In modification and ex- tension of my telegram E nineteen forty-eight, the Presi- dent directs that no further releases to the Navy, ^larine Corps or the Emergency Fleet be granted to Class 1 registrants of the June 5, 1917, or the June 5, 1918, Classes, and therefore prescribes that Section 12 of the Regulations governing the appointment of quotas pre- scribed on May 23, 1918, shall l)e amended so as to read as follows: "In order to insure that a Local Board shall alway.s have available a sufficient number of men to fill calls made upon it, the term 'current quota' referred to in subpara- graph A of Section 151, Selective Service Regulations, is hereby defined to be the quota basis of each State and subdivision thereof, less the credits enumerated in Sec- tion 10 thereof." 2. The effect of this amendment is as follows: "Hereafter no registrant either of tlu^ nineteen seven- teen or nineteen eighteen registration shall l)e released to enlist in the Navy or JNIarine Corps or be placed on the Emergency Fleet Classification List who has been finally classified in Class 1 and has been found physically fit for genei-al military service or who has not been finally classified or whose reclassification into or out of Class 1 is still pending either before the Local or District Board or on ai)peal to the President or who, having been finally — 61 — classified in Class 1, has not had his physical examination completed. This prohibition applies even though there is a surplus of Class 1 men over and above the number necessar}^ to fill July and August Calls." 3. Nothing in this telegram or previous instructions shall be construed to authorize Boards to withdraw Emergency Fleet classification from or induct into service involuntarily any registrant who was on the Emergency Fleet Classification List on or prior to July 23rd, 1918, except in accordance with Section 154. Crowder. 2. Attention of Local Boards is directed to the fact that the above quoted telegram does not rescind the authority of Local Hoards to grant releases for enlistment in the Navy or Marine Corps or to classify in the Emergency Fleet List, registrants wlio were properly classified in deferred classifications. It ai)plies only to Class 1 registrants. 3. There are a few cases of men who have been long in the -ci'vice of the Emergency Fleet Corporation who, through some error on the part of the E. F. C. officials, were not listed to the Local Boards by their employers. Some of these men are exceedingly valuable and it is requested that in case a Local Board receives a communication from the Emergency Fleet Officials regarding the deferment of entrainment of such men, the Local Board give such communication all proper consideration and if they are in doubt about the matter com- municate with this office prior to sending the man to the mobilization camp. This, of course, does not apply to non- skilled registrants nor to skilled registrants who have very recently been employed by the Emergency Fleet Corporation, but only to skilled employees who have been long in service, but whose Boards have not been properly notified. PBy direction of the Governor. J. J. BORREE, Brigadier General, N. G. C. The Adjutant General. — 62 — Circular Letter No. 392. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 12 August 2, 1918. To all Local Boards : Subject: Emergency Fleet Corporation Releases for Mariners.- The following telegram from the Provost Marshal Genei;il is published for the information and guidance of all con- cerned : Washington, D. C, August 1, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B twenty-three ninety-five. Reference (Uir general telegrams Number E nineteen forty-eight, July 23rd, and E two thousand six, July 27th, suspending operation of Emergency Fleet Classification listing until further notice, these telegrams of suspension have been modified by order of the Secretary of War so far as the same relate to recruiting of Mariners and Mariners in training under supervision of Shipping Board under Sec-! tion 155^. In otiier words Section 155| is in full force and effect and all requests which may have been received heretofore or may hereafter be received issued in con- formity with the provisions of said Section shall be hon- ored and the registrants named in such request shall be placed on Emergency Fleet Classification List. This modification is made on account of necessity of recruiting Marhiers and comparatively small number of Mariners })eing recruited. Immediately instruct all Local Boards that they shall honor as heretofore all requests on Form 1024 issued under the Recruiting Service of the United States Shipping Board when signed by the director of said Recruiting Service or any Section Chief or supervisor as named in said section. Acknowledge receii>1 ;itnl report your actio?! hereunde?'. Cbowder. — 63 — The attention of Lo(3al Boards is directed to the fact that th(; above telegram refers to the mariners and sea-faring men and mariner students under the supervision of the shipping board, but does not refer to the manufacturing end of the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Local Boards are directed not to quibble about minor tech- nicalities regarding these mariners. The telegram should be i'< yarded as retroactive and if the dates on certificates as presented to you fall within the closed period or prior to that time, 3^ou will regard them as authentic and place the men on the list accordingly. In every case the United States Shipping Board should be given the benefit of the doubt if such exists. ^By du^kction op the G'^vernor. i ' j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 393. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ^ THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE I - SACRAMENTO 5-12 August 5, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject : Data on Class One, 1918. Many Local Boards, when reporting the data on Class 1 on July 20, showed that large percentages of registrants were s1 ill unexamined. By this time all Local Boards should have ;ill registrants classified and examined. — 64 — You will therefore immediately forward to tliis office by mail completed and correeted data on Class 1 of 1918. Form 2002 A is enclosed for the purpose. DO IT NOW. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 394. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO D-12 August 7, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Vacation of Employees. 1. In Circular Letter No. 362 all Local and District Boards were informed in relation to this subject, but inasmuch as this office is daily receiving inquiries as to whether pay will be allowed for the vacation period, this circular is being sent for the i)urpose of answering the question in the affirmative. 2. It is again urged that these vacations be taken at such times as will not interfere with the work of registration and classification, and if possible at such times as will obviate the necessity of employing a substitute. 8. We trust that all employees availing themselves of this privilege will return to their duties refreshed and ready to assume again the arduous duties in which they have been engaged during the past year, each one resolving to devote his full attention and energies toward assisting the Government in conducting the War for Democracy, Justice and Right. — 65 — 4. In presentinf]: vonehors for salaries of substitutes, where the employment of su])stitutes can not })v avoided, be sure to have same appear on voueher; also send oatlis of office of said substitutes with vouchers. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. Circular Letter No. 395. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-16 August 7, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: The following letter from the Provost Marslial General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Prom : Office of the Provost Marshal General. To: Draft Executives in all States and Territories except Porto Rico. Subject : .Dining Car Waiters. 1. The President directs at the present time that Sec- tion 121K, aubdivision (a). Selective Service Regulations, does not apply to waiters on dining cars. 2. The contents of this letter should be communicated to all Local and District Boards at once. E. H. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. j. j. borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 66 -^ Circular Letter No. 396. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-16 August 7, 1918. To all Local and District Boards: Subject: Inspection op Records. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Mar- slial General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : Wasfttnotox, I). ('.. AuiTfust (J, 1M1^. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number B twenty-four sixty-eight. Instruct Local and District Boards to permit Officers of the Internal Revenue Service who present proper credentials from the commis- sioner of that service to examine the answers of any regis- trant to the questions under the head entitled ''Depend- ency" in the Questionnaire. This authorized inspection of Questionnaires must not he permitted to interfere with the imi)ort{mt duties of Boards. Crowder. P>Y DIRECTION OP THE (iOVERNOR. J. J. BORRE?, Brigadier General, N. G. G., The Adjutant General. -^ 67 — Circular Letter No. 397. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-16 August 1, 1918. To all Local Boards: Subject: Reports on Class One. The following telegram from the office of the Provost Mar- shal General is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Washington, D. C, August 6, 1918. Adjutant General, Sacramento, California. Number E twenty-cne thirty-three. Reference my let- ter August 2nd, Subject : Class One Report. It is appar- ent from reports of Class One submitted to this Office on July 28th that Local Boards are not construing uni- formly the item '^ Inducted and Called for Induction" appearing on Form 2002a. Under this item should be reported all registrants who have been inducted and sent to Camp since December 15th, 1917, up to and including the date of report and also the number of registrants who on the date of report have been called for induction and entrainment under pending calls but whose entrain- ment has not yet been accomplished. It appears further that some Boards are not reporting properly the number of registrants to be included under item "Delinquents." Under this item should be reported both delinquents and deserters who have not actually been forwarded to Camp and accepted for service. Deserters sent to Camp and accepted for service should be reported under item ''In- ducted and Called for Induction." Instruct all Local Boards to this effect at once. Crowder. By direction of the Governor. J. J. Borree, Brigadier General, N. G. C, The Adjutant General. — 68 — Circular Letter No. 398. STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE SACRAMENTO 5-1 G August 7, 1918. To (ill Local and District Boards and Government Appeal Agents: SuB.jECT: Deferred Classification for Selective Servici; Executives. Tlie following telegram from the oflfice of the Marslial General is published for the information and guid- ance of all e()nc(^rn~>'-^ COUNTY AGENTS (^V•c• Farm Advisors). Of Department of Agriculture 37'.' DEFECTS. Remediable 29s 1 )EFERRED CLASSIFICATION ( Sec Classification ) . DELINQUENTS. Occupation cards for 202 Copies of lists of to be sent A. G 325^ Must not be inducted , 335 Procedure 1918 same as 1917 340 Report of 347 Explanation of circular 240 353 Order numbers 36G Mariners 3S.i DEPENDENCY. Of 1918 registrants' dependents 3-- DEPENDENTS. Must waive before induction 335 Income of, to l>e disregarded 336 Willingness of parents to care for, not to be considered 341 Records of dependency open for inspection by int. rev. officers 396 Itnlings on married men without children 4<^ — 75 — DEPARTMENT OP JUSTICE. Page Inspection of reports of - 291 As recognized investigating body 38G DESERTERS. Copies of lists of, to be sent to A. G 325^ Must not be inducted 335 Delivery to army posts 3G7 Mariners ^ 385 DISCHARGE. Medical 305 Include men returned since January 1 307 EVIDENCE. New, to be in writing , ' 294 DINING CAR WAITERS {.See Waiters). DISTRICT BOARD. Authority to postpone action in nonproductive employment cases- 333 Deferred classification for 398 DRAFT. Of British and Canadian subjects 359 EMERGENCY FLEET. Retain names listed prior on list 339 List (lack of promptness by Local Board on passport permits) 304 Reports suspended 372 Release of class 1 men stopped 391 Registrants of long service 391 Releases for mariners 392 Form 1024 to be returned promptly if improperly received 285 Checking of list by Local Board deferred 309 List dispensed with 331 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Offices in California 357 ENEMIES {Bee Aliens). ENGINEERS. Instructors of (enlistment) — 354 ENLISTMENT. Credits for (call for statement of) 284 Of registrants by military authority only 288 In various enlisted reserve corps 288 And induction described 288 In navy and marines permitted 288 Confusion in records of 306 Place enlisted men in class 5 319 Navy or marine corps — 320 In forces of co-belligerent 325 Of agriculturists passed over 346 Instructors in engineering 354 ENGINEERS ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. Enlistment provisions 288 EYES. Standards of vision (below 20-200 ) 283 FARM ADVISORS. Entitled to exemption 379 — 76 — FILING CABINETS. Page If moro neetlod ^(U vuiKvnoov PROTKarioN. To records ;;r.i: FORMS. Return No. 1024 promptly if sent wrong board 28.") 3024, E. F. C. list to be purged 281) Of permit for passport to Canada , 300 Conscientious objectors 321 No. 75, new physical examination manual 32G For induction 335 For refusal of induction (2008) 335 For delinquent, 1018 340 Serial numbers and names omitted from 1029 A and B 345 For report of delinquents 347 For passport permits 351 For delinquents, 1918 353 For induction of British or Canadians 359 For data on class 1 3G0 Review of Form 1010, physical examination 363 Delinquent order numbers 3CG Application for passports (alien) 374 To be given party leader iis:; FRAUDULENT COMMUNICATIONS. Refers to P. M. G.'s telegram B1239, June 1, 1918 32 1 FURNITURE. Filing cabinets :'."'l GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANIES. Clerks, etc. .'171 HEALTH. Report of conditions at Camp Lewis L".><> HEIGHT AND WEIGHT (»Sfec Physical Examination). INDEX. Compiled circulars - INDUCTION. Call for statement of, for check of credits 284 Of registrants by Local Board only 288 Persons authorized to order individual 288 Not ijossible if case reopened 204 Confusion in records of 30(> Reiwrt of 311 (-hange in manner of handling 335 Report reason for refusal of induction oil Form 2008 335 Report to June JX) 335 For special call 344 Involuntary to be used if necessary 344 Of 1918 registrants 350 Classification waived prior to 319, 377 A^ugust 378 Papers 383 Individual ^'^l — 77 -^ INDUSTRIAL. Page Key numbers 342 355 INFORMATION. Ou reports may be considered confidential 291 Official look out for forged orders ^ 317 INSPECTION. Of records in re exemption not a right £91 INSULAR TROOPS. Defined 373 INVESTIGATING BODIES. Those recognized 386 KEY NUMBERS. Error in print of key list 342 Industrial 355 LEGAL ADVISORY BOARD. Aid to 1918 registrants 3M List of officers in state 350 LOCAL BOARD. Failure to report colored men numbers 293 Not to reopen case to suiastitute its judgment for that of District Board 294 LOCAL BOARD. Authority to postpone action in nonproductive occupation cases-- 323 List of officers in state , 350 Careful scrutiny in classifying 1918 registrants 382 Pay of 389 Deferred classification for 398 MARINERS. Delinquent 385 Release for, from E. F. 392 MARRIAGE. Recent, classification of 322 MEAL TICKETS. Requests for or transfer 312 Stamp of Local Board to go on 323 MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARDS. Standards of vision 283 Chicago meeting 314 List of officers in state 350 TMEDICAL BOARD. Meeting at ChicaiiO-^ 314 MEDICAL ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. Enlistment provisions 288 NITRATE PLANTS. Colonel Joyce approving official of affidavits 301 NONPRODUCTIVE OCCUPATIONS (See Occupation). OCCUPATION. Cards for delinquents — 292 Nonproductive 333 Error in print of key list 342 Key numbers 355 — 78 — OFFICERS. Page Certifying, designates Colonel Joyce approving officer 301 OFFICERS' TRAINING SCHOOLS. Resume of /_ — 38^ OIL INDUSTRY. Not exempt in toto from "work or fight" 3G5 ORIENT. Registrants in 308 PASSPORTS. Permits for Canada 300 Permits 351 Permits, Local Board must be prompt 364 Alien's application for 374 PERMITS. Agriculturists not released to E. F., merchant marine, navy or marine corps 340 Passports 3ol Passports to E. M. F 3i\\ PHYSICALLY DISQUALIFIED. Not to be inducted 30.". PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. Remediable defects 298 New manual 320 1918 registrants 343 Review of 363 Regulations amended (height and weight) 37*^» PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS. Registrant must possess exact P. R. for induction 3o."'t PHYSICIANS. List of officers in state 350 POSTMASTERS AND EMPLOYEES. Exemption of 381 P. M. G. O. (Telegram) do not wire 341 QUARTERMASTER'S DEPT. ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. Enlistment provisions 2s QUESTIONNAIRES. For new registrants 332 For 1918 registrants (legal aid) 334 Industrial key numbers 355 QUOTAS. New apportionment of 31" Exceeding, under call 908 cancelled 387 Basis of 31»1 RAILROAD FARE. Excess oL*. RECORDS. Fireproof protection of 352 Inspection of 390 — 79 — RECLASSIFICATION. Page Procedure governed by section 120, S. S. R 204 If by District Board by section 121, S. S. R 204 Of doubtful cases 318 Of recent marriage cases 329 RECORDS. Inspection of, not a right 291 Of enlistment and induction 306 REGISTRANTS. Right of, to inspect evidence not a matter of right 291 Occupation to be ascertained from registration card 292 Colored 293 In the Orient 308 Order of liability in class 1 313 Questionnaires for new z 332 Passed for agriculture 346 Report of delinquents 347 Special students or teachers 370 Waiver of classification before induction 319, 377 Individual induction 384 No further releases of class 1 men 391 REGISTRANTS, 1918. Legal aid to 334 Induction of (change in manner of ) 335 Delinquent 340 Physical examination 343 Induction of 356 Classification of 382 Data on class 1 393 REGISTRATION. Proclamation sets June 5 302 Preparation for new 296 Publicity to be given 297 Regulations No. 2 299 Cards, instruction on changes 303 Publicity as to day urged '. 310 P. M. G.'s order for June 5 and appreciation 316 REGISTRATION AND DRAFT. List of officers in state 350 REGULATIONS. No. 2, registration : 299 REMEDIABLE DEFECTS. New examination 298 REMEDIABLY DEFECTIVE. Not to be inducted 335 REOPENING CASES. Explanation telegram A4450 294 — 80 — REPORTS. Page Sent to wrong board to be promptly returned 284 E. F. C. amends section 154 S. S. R 280 Health conditions at Camp Lewis 290 Insi>ection of, of Department of Justice 291 Of medical discharges 305 Of inductions . 311 Of delinquents 347 E. F. suspended 372 Induction papers to be sent to camp adjutant 38-". On class 1 Incomplete 399,397 REQUESTS. For transportation 31- R. O. T. C. Fourth O. T. school, May 15 2S<) RULINGS. Requests for 400 SELECTIVE SERVICE EXECUTIVES. Deferred classification for 398 SELECTIVE SERVICE REGULATIONS. Amends section 151, fourth R. O. T. C 28G Amends section 154, E. F. C -— 288 Amends part G, division E, page 82 300 Amends section 151 310 Amends section 72, rule 5 32- Amends section 151 32.") Enforcement of amendments effective July 1, 1918 33,*) As to care of dependents by parents . 341 Amendment section 151 : 370, 3.")4 Allied and allied alien enemies 37<"i Explanation circular No. 319 as to section 151, waiver of classification 377 Change in part 14, exemption postal employees 38<» Quota basis 391 SIGNAL ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. Enlistment provisions 288 SLACKERS. Must not be inducted 335 STREET CAR TICKETS. San Francisco 37 STUDENTS. Deferred classification for special 370 TEACHERS (Special). (Indispensable) to have deferred class 370 TRANSFERRED CASES. For induction (handling of) 33r» — 81 — TRANSPORTATION. Page Requests, and transfer of blanks . 312 Excess fare requests 327 To Fort Benjamin Harrison 328 Street car tickets 337 Irregular issue of requests 1_ 361 TYPEWRITERS. Charges on 349 UNFIT FOR MILITARY SERVICE. Medical Advisory Board, standard of vision 283 U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. Co-operation with 333 VACATIONS. Of employees 394, 362 VISION. Standards of 283 VOLUNTARY INDUCTION (See Induction). WAITERS. On dining cars 395 WAIVER. Of classification before induction 319, 377 WORK OR FIGHT. Nonproductive occupations 333 Exceptions barbers, real estate, et al . 348 Specification clerks, oil industry, etc 365 Correction 369 Clerks in gas, electric light companies, etc 371 . Baseball players 390 Dining car waiters 395 • ••••••• • ••••• •••• •!•••••• 40535 9-18 1500 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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