HD 3s / GIFT FEB 1917 Library Bureau of Railway Economi cs January 17, 1917 List of References Relating to the Eight -Hour forking Pay and to Limitations of V'orking Hours in the United States with Special Reference to Railway Labor. * • BOOKS. ,-ican association for labor legislation Constitutional amendments relating to labor legislation and brief in their defense. Submitted to the constitutional convention of Mew York State oy a committee organized by the American association for labor legislation. June 9, 1915. "Number of U.S. wage-earners , and per cent of total working specified number of hours per week-, by i ndustri es" , Table ,p .14. Quoted in "The Case for the shorter work day... Brief for the defendant in error", by Felix Frankfurter, p. 544-9 56. B, LC. And rev: s, John B. , and Irene 0. Andrews. Labor and legislation. In the American year book, 1915. Hew York, 1916. Strikes for the eight-hour day, p. 429 Hours of labor (legislation) p. 444 Reprinted in the Railroad trainman, v. 33:749-50; Sept. 1916. 3, LC. Bliss, W. P. P. Eight-hour day. In his Encyclopedia of socia! reform. 1910, p. 429-38 ; L, LC. Brandeis, Louis P. ...Anna Hav/ley, plaintiff in error, vs. Joseph H. 17 alker, constable for the township of Hontgomery, Franklin' County, Ohio, defendant in error. Brief qnd argument for defendant in error. By Louis P. 3randeis, counsel for the defendant in error, assisted by Josephine Ooldmark. . . [n. p. 1914 j. xvii,622 p. diagr. 5°. 14-6^10 In the Supreme' court of the United States, no. 217, Oct. tern:, 1913. Part first: Legislation restricting the hours of labor for women. Part second: The world's experience upon which the legisla- tion limiting the hours of labor for women is based. BL, LC. * Supplement to the "List of Books. .. Relating to the Eight-Hour working day...", published by the Library of Congress in 1908. Prepared with the assistance of the Pivision of Bibliography, Library of Congress, and the library of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This list does not include references to the literature on the train- men's wage controversy of 1916 nor to the so-called Adamson eight-hour law, except as such literature relates to the eight-hour movement in general. 438178 #9 570* « j ' ' J IV Eight-Hour Vorking Dav - 2 . ^5 Brandeis, Louis P; ...V, C. Ritchie and company, et al. appellees, vs. John E. ? r . dayman and Edgar T.Pavies, appellants. ...Bri ef and argument for appellants. By Louis D. Brandeis, counsel for appellants," assisted by' Josephine Goldmark. . . [Chi cago ? 1909 ], iv. 610 p. ': ° BL , LC. In the Supreme court of Illinois, appeal from the Circuit court OF* Cook County. Contains much of the material used in the author's' brief in the Curt Hille vs. Oregon case. Part 1' Legislation restricting ths hours of labor for women. Part 2- '■ The v/orld'fl experience u; : which the legislation limiting the hours of women is V-\ -ed* , LC. Erandeis, Louis T. V'omen in industry; decision of the United States Supreme court in Curt Miller vs. state of Oregon, upholding the constitutionality of the Oregon ten hour law for women and brief for the state of Oregon, by Louis D. Brandeis assisted by Josephine Goldmark. .. Reprinted for the National Consumers' league. Mew York [1908] 113,8 p. 8°. BL, LC. Bureau of railway economics* Memorandum on the extent to which the eight-hour day is enjoyed among wage-earners generally in the United States. Washington [Aug. 1916]. 3 1. 4°. B Prepared by Dr. Arthur S. Field. Butler, Elizabeth Beardsley. ...V'omen and the trades, Pittsburgh, 1907-1908 ... Mew York, 1909. 2 p. 1., 440 p. incl. tables. 8°. (The Pittsburgh survey; findings in six volumes, ed. by P. U. Kellog, [c.l] ). BL, LC. Hours of women in wage earners in Pittsburgh, a.35l«-357. California. State library. Eight-hour working day. Select list of references. In Mews notes of California libraries. Jan. 1914. p. 5-11. BL California. Supreme Court. ... Decision upholding the constitutionality of the eight hour law for women. Supreme court of the state of California. Sacramento, 1912. 7 p. 8°. BL, LC Commons, John R. , and John B. Andrews. Principles of labor legislation. New York and London [1916]. 7 p. 1., 524 p. diagrs. 3°. BL , LC. "Eight-hour laws, p. 203, 204.. Commonwealth club of California. San rranciscc. The 8-hour law. August, 1914. 5 p. 3°. BL, I' LC. ( its Transactions. Mo. 7.) Crosfield, Arthur K. ...A plea for the eight-hours' day in continuous processes. London [1912 j £ p. 8°. LC v. Eight-Hour V'orking T ay - 3. , '-'alter. ...The real problem of the eight- hour day. [New York, n.cl.] 11 p. nar. 8°. (-national association of manufac- turers of the United States of America, no. 19) ~L The Eight-hour day. Various articles, argument 8 and bills relating to the eight-hour law. Washington, 1913. 21 p. 8°. BL, LC. 62nd Cong. 3d sess. S.B. 1124. Elliott, Howard. The case for the railroads; the sign " . : cancc of the surrender of ** Congress to the brotherhoods as seer by a railroad y resident. ...[New York, 1916]. 16 p. 8°. B. A 16-1387 ""From the New York times-, magazine section, September 10, 1916." "California voters beat an 8-hour day, 2 to l' 1 : p. 8. Frankfurter, Felix. The case for the shorter work day. . .Franklin 0. Bunting, plaintiff in error, vs. The state of Oregon, defendant in error. r rief for defendant in error ... Assi sted by Josephine Goldmark. . .Mew 'York City. Reprinted by national consumers' league [.1916]. 2 v. illus. 8°. B, BL, LC. Reviewed under title: Shorter hours for men as a public welfare measure, in Monthly review of the Bureau of Labor Statisti cs. , June, 1916, p. 23-28. Goldmark, Josephine. Fatigue and efficiency; a study in industry. New York, Charities publication committee., 1912. xvii, 591 .p. 8°. . Eight-hour day, 141-54. The trend toward shorter hours in the United States, p. 157-74. BL, LC. Gompers, Samuel. Statement ["on Compulsory arbitration -vr-d the eight-hour day]. In U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee or. interstate commerce. Threatened strike of railway employees. Hearings. Washington. 1916. p. 42-62. B, BL, LC. Grant , Luke. V'ages and hours of railroad employees. [Chicago, 1916]. 8 p. 8°. Reprinted from Ghamberlin's magazine, Feb. 1916. 3,BL,LC Abstract in Fall Street journal, Apr. 17, 1916, p. 3, col. 3, ?,LC Hazard, Frederick R. Some practical experiences in shortening hours of labor. Address at Cleveland, 0. , hov.4, 1915. In Hational consumers' league, 15th annual report. New York, 1916. LC Kichborn, Franklin. Story of the session of the California Legislature of 1911... San Francisco, 1911. 4 p. 1. [ll]-348, Ixvii p. 8°. LC Women's eight-hour bill, y. 246-60. > '>0'|', ' - « c : Ei tt ht-Hour forking Lay - 4. Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc, riinois ten hour law.. Tex- of the law and the decision of the Supreme court sustaining its constitutionality. [Pontiac .Illinois state reformatory print, 1910 j. 21 j. 3°. BL, LC. Lloyd, Willi ati L. Hours 02' service la for railroa- 1 men, ; -Mth official rulings and opinions of the Inter-state commerce commission, analyzed by T 'ill L. Lloyd. -. Alb ,.- y , 1908. 3 p. 8°. B. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics. Labor legislation in Massachusetts , 1915. Boston, 1915. (Labor bulletin no. 110). . Hours of labor and days off, p. 62, 84. B, EL, LC. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics. ... T "nion scale of ./ages and hours of labor in Massachusetts. 1913-14. Boston, 1914-15. 2 v. 6°. (Labor bulletin no. 97) B,BL,LC Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics. ...Time rates of '.vages and hours of labor in certain occupations on October 1, 1911. April, 1912. Boston, 1912. 80 p. 8°. (labor bulletin no. 91). E, EL, LC Merchants' association of New York. Protest against the demand for an eight-hour labor clause in the Pennsylvania tunnel franchise. Made... at a public hearings before the Rapid transit commission, October 2, 1902. [New York, 1902]. 15 p. 8°. B. The Movement for an eight hour day. [n.p., 1916]. 8 p, 8°. B. National consumers' league. Sight-hour laws in the United States. Reprinted from Brief in de- fense of the California 8-hour law for women. Submitted to the Owipreme Gcurx oi "cne ^.iit/ed SuuGto, January, xMlj# .oy __ouis B. Brandeis and Josephine t-'-cldmark. 8 p. 8°. ( 1 omen in industries series , no. 6 . ) LC National consumers' league. Memorandum addressed to the Joint legislative committee investiga- ting the New York Public service commissions on the need of legis- lation empowering the ,om :.; seic rs to regulate hours of work and .'age3 of em; loyees of public utility/ companies. New York, ..... M consumers' league, 1916. EL, LC. T 'earin , Scott. Social adjustment, Mew York. 1911. xvi , 377 p. 8°. BL, LC. Ei ght -hour movement , p. 191-192. New York. Bureau of labor statistics. Progress toward shorter hours, 1900-1910. In its Annual report foi The year ended September 30, 1910. Albany, 1911. p, xi-xlvi i L. L. LC. :-j Eight-Hour Working Pay - 5. Peters, Andrew J. Proposed model lav/ to regulate the hours of employment for "'cnien in the Pi strict of Columbia. Speech... in the House of Representatives, March 1, 1913. rr a-M n "ton, 1913. 16 p. 8°. EL, LC. Redf ield, V'illiam. C. The limits oi efficiency. An address before the Cleveland Chumoer of Commerce. November 12, 1912. Cleveland, 1912, LC. Red field, Villi am C. The new industrial day- Pe'v York, Century CO., 1912. BL, LC. Rice, Fletcher C. The proposed sixt en hour lav/, an unv/i ,;s measure .. Y ashi n, ton , P.C. [l906j. 47 p. C°. B. Partly reprinted in Railway age, v.42:£; January 4, 1907.) 3 Stimsdn, Frederic Oesup. Popular lav/-makingj a study of the origin, history and present tendencies of la /making by statute, P& ,? York, 1910. xii, I 90 p. 8° Hours of labor, 215-18. LC. Streighteff, Frank H. The standard of living among the industrial people of America. Boston u Pew York [19111- xix, 196 p. 8°. E, EL, LC. Shorter hours of labor, p. 123-125, 173. Taussig, Frank 17 illiam. Principles of economics, by F. T Y Taussig. . .Pev/ York, 1915. BL,LC. 2 v. 8°. The demand for a general eight-hour day, p. 293-97. Texas. Court of civil appeals. Precision under hours of service act. State of Texas v« Texas ft New Orleans railro 1 company. in the court of civil appeals of the state of Texas. "Error from the District court Yof Liberty County. Pelivered December 15, 1909, Piled January 7, 1910. Washington, Govt. print. off. 1910 ]. 5 p. 8°. LC United States, petitioner. Transcript of record. .. The United States, petitioner, vs. The Atchi- son, lopek; R (- - O Cl - . J CJ. Pe railway co . On United States Circuit court of appeals ic Petition for certiorari filed April IC filed Pay 6, 1910. [" ashington , C7C" r t . ; Hour j o f labor. oi certiorari to tne the Seventh circuit. .910. Certiorari and fetu -:. of 1. 1910]. 41 p. LC. nixea states, petitioner . . . iiie •-' i "c e o. states , rail ay company . c 1910"! 4 r,. RO T r. ,uV c i c n , i'opexa c: . irt .i u tor , ( cv-z . print .off Eight-Hour forking Ba3f - 6 United States, petitioner. ...The United States, petitioner, v. the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway company, respondent. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the Circuit court of appeals for the seventh circuit, and brief thereon. [Washington, Govt. print. of f . ,1910. ] 24 p. 8°. LC U, S. Bureau of Labor. ... yr ages and prices of commodities. V'ages and hours of labor of union carpenters in the United States and in English speaking for- eign countries during the first quarter of 1910. . .Washington, Govt • print. of f ,1910 • 18 p. incl. taoles*8°. ( 61st Cong.2d sess, Senate Doc. 630). B, FL, LC From bulletin 87 of the U. S. Bureau of labor. U. S. Bureau of labor. Working hours of '.'/age-earning women in selected industries in Chicago, by H. L. Obenaur. Inits Bulletin no, 91, November, 1910, B,BL,LC U. S. Bureau of labor. Working hours, earnings, and duration of employment of women workers in selected industries cf Haryland and of California, by I'. L. Obenaur. In its Bulletin no. 96, Sept. 1911. B, BL , LC. U. S. Bureau of labor. Report on conditions of employment in the iron and steel industry in the United States. Washington, 1911-1913. 4 v. 8°. B, BL, LC Eight-hour- system, v. 3 p. 187-192. U. S. Bureau of labor. ... Summary cf the wages and hours of labor from the report on conditions of employment i r. the iron and steel industry in the United States. . .Washington , 1912. 57 pp. tables. 8°. (o2d Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 301). B, BL, LC U. S. Bureau cf labor statistics. Decisions of courts affecting labor. 1912-1915 4 numbers. Labor laws of the United States series, ros. 2 ,4 , 5 ,8 ; "'hole r.os. . 112,152,169,189. B, BL , LC See eight hour day in Indexes. U. S. Bureau of labor statistics. Labor laws of the United States, series. Labor legislation of 1912. Bulletin no. Ill Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. Bulletin no. 148. Labor legislation of 1914, Ful. no. 166. Laoor legislation of 191$. Pul. 1 6. una decisions of court:; ..fie. tun; labor. See Laws relating to the eight hour day in Indexes. F, EL, LC Eight-Hour Working Day - 7. U. S. Bureau cf labor statistics. Union scale of v/ages and hours of labor. Bulletin no. 131, 1-13-171, 194. Y.'ages an: Washington, 1913-1915. he.-. n - of labor series. " L. LC. T J. S. Bureau of labor statistics. V'ages and hours of labor series no. 1-22. V r ashingtcn, 1913-1916 ta c 7 t p J, —J- 1 , bu. U. S. Bureau of labor statistics. Bulletin. t V'oraen in industry series, no. 1-6. Fhol'e nos. 116,119 122,160,. 176. 1912-1916. B, BL , LC. S. Commission on. industrial relations. Final report. Washington, 1915- The st day in Colorado mines, p. 50-52. hours oj. gle for ' p- d o r , 7 eight nour 94. F ,?L,LC. S. Congress. Extracts from the Congressional record in reference to the bill granting an eight-hour day to the railroad employees of the United States. Washington, 1915. 150 p. 4°. 3 Reprinted from Congressional record. Contains the eight-hour Ian bill is it passed Congress. Pres. V'dlson's message, debates in the Senate and House, Aug. 30 to Sept. 2, 1916, and speeches of Senators LaFollette and Cummins and cf Representative Bailey. rt requiring U. S. Congress. House. Debate in house, March 14, 1916, on the Borland amendme* eight hours minimum- for government employees. (Congressional record, v.53:no 71; 4604-4716) B, EL, LC. Rejected, ayes 44, noes. 176. u. S- Congress. House. Eight-hour day. Debate in the House, Sept.l, 1916, on the bill (K.R. 17700) to establish an eight-hour day for employees of carriers engaged in interstate and foreign commerce, ar>d for other j urposes. (Congressional record, v. 53, 'no. 218 (current f ile ): 158 51-15379 . --v- Sept. 4, 1915. v.53: no. 220 (current file): 16116-15119 ). B. r J-. LC. Congress. House- Ccmmi-i^ee Bills affecting inter state roads for passengers t I crease of pay of inspectc 1916, 247 p. illus. G°. hearings on bills to ii, ii on interstate and orcm e rce. hear: n s - " o"663 . and hours 3 > tpril •L, LC . \ o j. r s 1R Congress. ::ouse. l Jc mm i t z^e e Hearing before Com: i ttee . . . < H.R. 18671, to limit the he... [A- nil 20, : ay 1, 4, 11, 108, u2, 15 p-. 8°. L( to i c re i . .3 01 1CI 5, 191 v: 6 , c n o i s e rv i c e , p . 5 - < s- and for; * c n - lc-n ht-Hour i orking Day - 8. U. 5. Congress. House, Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Hearing before Committee. * -on the Dills Senate act 5133 and E.?.« ^ 24373, to limit the hours of service of fa* 1 road employees. ; - L ar- uary 31 and 25, 1907]. Washington, Govt.print.-off. 1907, 44 p.8°.LC U. S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and f oreignccommerce. Hearings before the Committee. .. [February 5,7,1908] on the propo- sition to amend the act limiting the hours of service of railway employees. Washington, Go vt .print .of f. 1908, 54 p. 8°. , L,LC. TT . S. Congress, House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. ...Hours or service act... Report Washington, 19121 10 p. 8°. (62nd Cong. 2d Bonn. House. Rept. 1141.) B, BL, LC. l>. 8. Congress, house Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Hours of service law. Hearings before the Committee. . -HB 25040, June 10, 1912, to July 12, 1912. Washington, 1912. 131 p. 8°.B, LC. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. ...Hours of service of railroad employees .. .Report . [To accompany H.R.9132]. [Washington, Govt. print.off. 1916]. 4 p. 8°. B,BL,£- r . (64th Cong. 1st sess. House, Rept. 60S.) U. S . Congress. House. Committee on interstate and fo.reign commerce. ..•Hours of service of railroad employees. .. Report. .. [ r ashi ngton, Govt. Print. off . 1916], 6 p. 8°. (64th Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept, 699.) B, BL, LC. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign .commerce. ...Limiting the hours of service of railroad employees. . « Report, (To accompany H.R. 18671). [Washington, Govt .pri nt . of f . 1906 ]. 10 p. 3°. LC. (59th Cong. 1st sess. house. Rept. 4567) u s - Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce* ...Limiting the hours of service of railroad employees. ,. Report \Tq accompany S. 5133) Washington, govt. print osg.1907*, 12 p.8°.LC (59th Cong. 2sess, House, Rept; 7641 ) U S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce, "office memorandum upon H.R.9216, a bill to amend the hours of service act for telegraphers and others, also extracts - thereon from hearings before the Committee. . .April 27th, 1916. 1916. 31 p. 4°. B. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on labor. Briefs submitted by subcommittee no. 2, in re H.R. 15441, 61st Congress, second session, entitled "A bill limiting the hours of daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon work done for . the United States, or for any territory", on the constitutionality of the proposed act. Washi ngton, Govt. print. of f. 1910. 20 p. 8°. BL,LC. Eight-Hour V.'orking Day - 9. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on labor. Briefs submitted to sub committee no. 2, of the . ..April , 1910, in re H.R. 15441, 61st Cong. 2d sess., entitled "A bill limiting the hours of daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon work done fcr the United States, or for any territory, or for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Opinions on the legal status of the proposed act .. .Washington, Govt. pri nt. of f. 1910 . 2 p. 1. 50 p. 8°. . BL, LC. U. S. Congress* House. Committee on labor. Briefs submitted to subcommittee no. 2. of the committee on labor House of Representatives, United States, in re H.R. 15441, 61st Cong., 2d sess., entitled "A bill limiting the hours on daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon the work done for the United States, or for any territory/, or for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes". The legal status of the proposed act. . .V r ashington , Govt, print . of f. 1910. 2 p. 1.45 p.8°. LC U. S. Congress. House. Committee on labor. The eight-hour lav/. .. Report (To accompany H.R. 9061. [Washington, Govt. print. of f . , 1911], 29 p. 8°. (62nd Cong.. 1st sess. House. Rept. 165.) BL, LC. U. S. Congress. Hou3'e. Committee on labor. Eight hours for dredge work. Hearings. . .on the bill H.R. IS 78 7... February 20 and march 9, 1912. T 'as hi rigt on , 1912. 32 p. BL, LC U. S. Congress. House. Committee on labor. Eight hours for dredge workers. . .Report. (To accompany H.R. 18787) [V'ashington, 1912]. 13 p. (H. report 910). BL, LC U. S. Congress. , House. ' Committee on labor. Eight hours for women employed in the District of Columbia. Hearings on the bill H.R. 27281, relating to the limitation of the hours of women employed in the District of Columbia. January 30 and February 6, 7, 6, 10, 11 and 12, 1913. Washington, 1913. 172 p. 8°. BL, LC U. S. Congress. House. Committee , on labor. ...Hours of employment of females in the District of Columbia... Report (To accompany H.R. 29). [Washington, Govt. print. of f .1913) 7 p. 8°. (62nd Cong. 2d sess. House. Rept. 96). BL, LC U. S. Congress. House. Committee on labor. ...Hours of employment of females in the District of Columbia... Report (To accompany H.R. 27281.) [Washington, Govt. print. off .1915] 7 p. 8°. (62nd Cong. 3d sess. House. Rept. 1574. ) BL, LC U. S. Congress. House. Committee on labor, H.R.13651. Eight hours for laborers on government work. Hearings before subcommittee no, 1. Committee on labor of the House of representatives, February and Karen, 1908. . .Washington, Govt. print, off. 1908. 973 p. 8°. LC Eight-Hour Wp-r] ing Day - 10. U. S. Ccufgress. Senate. Eight-hour labor lav/. Debate in Senate, I'ay 22, 1912. (Congressional record, v. 48 : no -142 : 72.79-7267) . B, BL, LC. U. S. Congress. Senate. Eight-hour labor law. Debate in the Senate, Hay 20, 1912. {Congressional record, v. 48 : no . 140 : 7130-7134. ) p , p L, LC. U. S. Congress. Senate. Hours of labor of railroad employees. [".Debatej on bill introduced by Mr. La Follette.J (Congressional record, v. 40 : c 259-59 , 9364-66, 70-72; 9469-70, 9643,67-70, 74-75, 85; 9787-90; June 26, June 30, 1906.) B. U. S. Congress. Senate. Proposed railroad legislation. Debate in Senate. Aug. 30, 1916. (Congressional record, v . 53 , no. 216 (current fi le) : 15674-15701 )?L , DC -___ Sept.l, 1916. (v. 53, no. 218 ( current file) : 15830-49') BL,LC Sept. 2, 1916. (v. 53, no . 219 ,( current file) ; 15913-62 ) PL,LC U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on education and labor. Eight-hour lav/, hearings before the subcommittee of the Committee on education and labor. • .Sixty-second Congress, on H. P.. 9051. . . 428 p. 8° January- i'iarch 14, 1912. . .Washington, Govt .print .of f . 1912. DL,LC U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on education and labor. Eight-hour law. Statements before the Committee, . .on the bill (S. 5578 ) limiting the hours of daily service of laborers and mechan- ics employed upon v/ork done for the United States or for any terri- tory or for the District of Columbia, and for nther purposes. V'ash- ington, Govt. print. of f . 1910. 11 p. 8°. T 'L, LC. -- S. Congress. Senate. Committee on education and labor. ' --Eight hours for dredge workers. , .Report. (To accompany H.R. 18787) [Vashington, 1912] 11 p. Senate rept. 1056). .BL, LC Congress, Senate. Committee on education and labor. "■'"D Gurs CI daily service cf laborers and mechanics upon government contract",.. .Report (To accompany H. a. 9061) P'asMngton, Govt. print, ' ff ' ^1-2-- ( P. 8°. (62r.a C.r::>2d sees. Senate Kept. 601) BL* LC.' U, S. Congress. Senate. Committee on interstate Hours of service of railroad employees. Hearing before a = ox the committee on. interstate commerce. . .on H.R.1W3 1915. Washington, 1915. 40 p. 8°. B, LC. ^^^... ommerce. subcommittee February 2, g. Congress. Comate. Committee on interstate commerce • Threatened strike of railway employees. Hearing before the Commit ...on proposed bills in connection vith ledsiatio V • ? ° ee 1916, 157 p. 8° 64th Cong. 1st ~e~s L™+ * ?;: ; [ * shi ngton » &•= ^ bw sess. benate Doc. 549) B BL LC Eight-Hour Working Day - 11. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia, Employment of females. Hearing... on S,7723, a bill to regulate the hours of employment ... Jan. 3 , 1913. Washington, 1913. 30 p. 8°. BL,LC U. S, Congress. Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia, •..Hours of employment of females in the District of Columbia, Report. (To accompany S. 1294). Washington, 1915. [2 p. 6°]. BL,LC Rept, no. 34 U, U. S, Courts, Decisions construing federal hours of service act for railroad employees* ..Washington, 1912. 92 p. 8°. B, LC. Published by the Interstate commerce commission. Separate "Decisions under the hours of service act", are published by the Interstate commerce commission. U. S. Dept. of justice. ...Baltimore and Ohio railroad company, appellant, v. Interstate commerce commission. Appeal from the Circuit court of the United States for the district of Maryland* Motion to advance. [Washington, Govt. print. off . 1909].' 2 p. 8°. LC Wo.- 874. In the Supreme court of the United States, October term, 1908, Hours of labor. U. S. Dept. of justice. Eight-hour lav/. [Washington, Govt .print. off . 1912], 12 p. 8°. LC A letter from the. attorney-general to the secretary of the Navy. Signed: George W. Wickersham. U, S, Dept, of justice, ...United States, petitioner, v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway co,, respondent. • .Brief and argument for petitioner. [Washington, 'Govt. print. off .1912]. 12 p. 8°. LC No. 506: In the Supreme court, October term, 1910. Hours of labor, U. S. District attorney (Indiana) ...United States of America, plaintiff, v. Louisville & Nashville railroad co., defendant. Brief for plaintiff on demurrer to com- plaint. Charles W, Miller, U. S. attorney. Philip J. Doherty, special assistant U.S. attorney. [Washington, Govt .pri nt .of f . 1910.] 82 p. 8°. LC. U. S. District court, district of Indiana, no. 7035. The hours of service act and the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. ,1-" 2ight-Hour Working Day - 12. U. S. District attorney (Kentucky, Eastern district) ...United States of America, plaintiff, v. Louisville £ Nashville railroad company, defendant. Brief for plaintiff on demurrer to complaint. J.H.Sharp, U.S. attorney. Philip J, Dcherty, special assistant U. S .attorney. [Washington, Govt. print. o ff. 1910]. 74 p. 8°. LC. Hours of labor. U.S. District attorney. (Maryland) In the Circuit court of the United States for the District of Maryland. In equity. Baltimore e: Ohio railroad company , complainant , v. Interstate commerce commission, defendant* Brief and argument for the defendant. John C. Rose, U.S. attorney, Luther M.Walter, Philip JkDoherty, solicitors for defendant. ; ashi ngton, Govt. print. of f. 1908]. 104 p. 8°. LC, Hours of labor. U. S. Interstate commerce commission. . , . Admini strative ruling and opinion on the act approved March 4, 1907, entitled "An act to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by limiting the hours of service thereon" Issued by order of the Commission, .'."arch 16, 1908. Washington, Govt. print. off. , 1908. 7 p. 8°. B, LC. U. S. Interstate commerce commission. The hours-of-servi ce lav/ and administrative rulings and opinions thereon. . .Washington, 1914. 8 p. 8°. U. S. Interstate commerce commission. ...Hours of service of railway employees. State statutes and relat- ed court decisions. February, 1909. Washington, Govt. print. oil. 1.909, 29 p. 8°. B, LC. U. S. Interstate commerce commission. • .•Memorandum on hours of service lav;. Consideration of certain •" objections which have been suggested as affecting the validity of the hours of service la--. Washington, Govt. print. of f . , 1908. 16 p. 8°, LC. U. S. Interstate commerce commission. A statistical analysis of carriers' monthly hours of service re- ports... June 30, 1915... Washington, -Nov. 1913, 16 p. obi. 4°. B, LC. U. S Interstate commerce commission. ...A statistical analysis of carriers' monthly hours of service reports, covering all railroads ./hich reported during the year ended June 30, 19-15, together mth a comparative summarv covering the fiscal years ending June .0, 1913, 1914 and 1915. ovember, 1915. Washington, Govt .pri nt. of f . l r 15. 22 p. 8°. ~ } "L, LC. u ' q Laws, statutes, etc. An act to establish an ei : .ht-hour day for employees of carriers engaged in interstate and foreign commerce, and for other purposes. [Sep*.191.6j. 1 1. B, BL, LC. Public No. 252, 64th Cong. (K R. 17700). tt-Hc xr r 'orking Fay -13. '. Laws, statutes, etc. Eight-hour laws... Washington, 1912. 7 pi 8°. B, LC. Extracts frc: various lavs rel . : ., to hours of labor. U,S. Laws, statutes, etc. Eight-hour laws. . .Washington, Govt .print*off* 1916. 14 p. 8°. B, LC 16-26865 U, S Laws, statutes, etc. The Hcurs-of-ssrvi ce la ,r and administrative rulings and opinions thereon. Printed by ord: r of the commi 3si on,Harch 25, 1912. Washington, Govt. print. of f. 1914. 8 p. 3 ° . B, LC. U. 5. Laws, statutes, etc. ...The Hours-of- service laws and administrative rulings and Opin*- ions thereon Y'ashington. Govt .print .of f. 1916. 10 p. 8°. LC U. S. Lav/s, statutes, etc. Text of the eight-hour laws of August 1, 189 2, June 19, 1912 and March 3, 1913. [V'ashington, Govt. print. of f . 1913]. 4 p. 8°. B,LC U . S . Libra r y o f ; ._ n g re s s • List of books with references to periodicals relating to the eight hour working da 1 / and to limitation of working hours in general. Comp. under the direction of A. P. C. Gri f fin. . .Washington* Govt. print. off. 1908. 24 p. 4°. B, BL, LC. U. S. Library of Congress. List of books - ith references to periodicals relating to the eight •hour working day and to limitation of working hours in general, Comp. under the direction of A.P.C. ••: I f in. . .* ashington, Govt. print. off. 1908. 24 p. 4°. 3, PL, LC. U. S. President (FilsOn) ...Hours of service on railroads. Address of the President of the United states delivered at a ..joint session of the two houses of Congress, August oc , 1916* . .^ashih^ton, 1916. < Q p. po « B,BL,LC. (64th Cong. 1st sess. Louse doc, 1340) S. Treasury Department. Eight-hour laws. ,0pi:mo:- oi Attorney General and Solicitor of Treasury^ r ashi: .ton, 1313. 14 p. 4°. (Circular letter ::o.3; BL. LC. V Z J it-Hour Working Pay - 14. I'emorandum on Lavs of the United States limiting the Hours of Labor of Pailroad Employees. ht-Hour Tay. Arkansas* Telegraph and tele] ' tors, dispatcher:, -signal men, etc. prohibited ir lug on cut" ::o re than eight hours in 24 consecutive hours. Act no. .-h 32 < 1 l c 07. U. S. Bureau of labor statistics. ulletin 148 (Labor lav/8 of the OA7 Connecticut. Telegraph and telephone oper limited to 8 hours. Acts of 1907, c v^ lletin 148, p. 41 5.* ain dispatchers, Nevada. Dispatchers and signal men limited to 8 hours in a 24-hour period Acts of 1913, chap. 28 3. lletin 148, r. 13 53 York. Signalmen, dispatchers, telegraphers, etc., limited to 8-hour day. Chap. 31, Sec. 8, Consolidated laws, 1909. As amended by chac 56 5, Acts oi 1913. Bulletin 148, p. 1477 xexas. Teleg aphhand telephone operators, dispatchers, etc., limited to 8 hours. Revised civil- statutes, 1911. Art. 6586. lletin 148, p. 2085. t Virginia. Telephone and telegraph operators, etc., limited" to 8 hours. Acts of 1907, chap. 59. Bulletin 148, p. 2242 J Wisoansin. All labor "in any manuf acturing or mechanical business" limited to i! hours. ;This excepts travelling employees of railway and scpress companies.], statutes of 1911, sec. 1729. lull et in 148 , p. 2280 ^ i n e— Ho u r 3 '\~~ • :is30uri. . en ov crating interlocking tov/er- j ; uited to 9 hours. Acts of 1913., p. 187, Bulletin 148, p. 1210 raska Operators train dispatcher: e \ c . i i m itcd to 9 h Rev. Stat. 1913, sec. 5088. Bulletin 148, p. 1313 day, cuu., Carolina, Operators and train dispatchers, etc. limited to day. Acts of 1913, chau. 112- Bulletin 148, p. 1575. h nour lletin 141 refers to '..In i ted States Bureau of Labor Statistics -eom J. " Llette Sixteen hour bill. Senate passes eight-hour bill: trainmen pr.ytest against ' fo reed rest. (Railway rid , v. 51:55-55; Jan. 18, 1907.) B, LC. fright, J. V. Regarding eight hours. (Open shop, Mar. 1907, v. 6: 106-113 . ) BL, LC Sturgis, Roger F. Demands of labor and the fourteenth, amendment. (American law review, v. 41:481-97; July- Aug. 1907) LC 1908. Regulation of the number of hours a "'omen works. (Nation* v. 85:184; Feo.2?, 1908.) LG G-oldmark, J. United States supreme court and working women. (Charities, v. 19*: 1732-35 ; Kar.14, 1908.) BL, LC. Victory for prosperity: the Curt Killer case. (Outlook, v. 88: 522; lAar.7, 1908) LC Nine-hour lav/ for railroads. . (Outlook, v. 88:571-72; Kar.14, 190:.) LC Strangeland, C E. Preliminaries to the labor war in (Political science quarterly, v. 2 1 do. 1908, 1-17.) Hours of women's work. (■ crld's work, v. 1-5:10053- 54 ; Apr. 1908.) LC Somen's labor and the .state. (Chatauquan, v. 59: 338-40; May, 1908.) LC Lae process of law and the eight-hour da3 r . (harvard lav; review, v. 21: 49 5-509 ; hay, 1908.) LC dLi , h . Laws regulating hour 3 of labor of ners and women - constitutionality (Yale law journal, v . 17 : 535-39 ; lay, 1908). LC Is a 10-hour workday too sho'rt for children. (Charities, v. 20:422- 13; July 4, 1908.) BL, 10. Henderson, C R. Protective legislation. (American journal of sociology. v. 14:199-203 J Sept. 1908.) BL.LC Eight-hour v orKing Cay - 17. 19 08 (Clrti::.ued. ! B rower, D. J. Legitimate exercije of the police pc . r in the protection of heal" (Charities, V. 21:239-41; Nov. 7, 1908.; EL, LC. Constitutionality of a la" limiting the hours of labor by employees of -contractors on muni cipai" work. (Yale law journal, v., 18:120-21; Dec, 1908.) LC 1909 Fitch, J. A. Steel industry and the labor problem. (Charities, v". 11 : 1079-1092 ; Mar. 6, 1909.) BL, LC Hornbeck, S. K, Bight-hour day on public work in New York. (American political science review, v.3 : 214-17 ;May ,1909 . ) PL i LC McDowell, II. 5. Girl's bill in Illinois. (Survey, v. 22: 509-13; July 3, 1909.) BL, LC. Somerville, A. Missouri's nine-hour women's bill. (Survey, v. 22: 576-77; July 24, 19' M. ) BL, LC. Taylor, Benjamin. The eight ho (Financial review of reviews, v. 7:10-1? j Aug..lC"9.) The eight hours act and investors. Tettrick, S. J. Police power in its application to the regulation and limitation of .hours of labor. (Green bag, v. 21:375-83; \ug.lS0Q*. ) LC Chapman., S. J. H o u r s of labor. (Economic journal, v,19: 3 53-373 ; Sept. 1909.) p L, LC. Ten-hour law held up in Illinois. (Survey, v. 22 : 8 -il-C-3 ; Sept 25, 1909.) BL, LC. Bruce, A. A. Illinois ten-hour for woiseij, (. ichigan law review, v. 8; Nov. 1909, l»-24.) LC Trylor, G. Illinois ten-hour la,/. (Survey, v. 23:205-06; Nov. 6, 1909.) BL, LC. fc-Hour } orking Da 1 .- - IS. IS 1© ubpoenaing the toxin of fat: me; the injunction against the enforce- ment of the Illinois ten-hour lav; for women* ^: (Survey, v. 23: 344-46; Dec. 11, 1909.} , LC. Overwork. (Survey, v.23: 442-46; Jan. 1, 1910). 3L, LC -ari's inhumanity to woman. I. 'II. T. (American magazine, v. 69: 5 70; Feb. 1910.) LC Eight-hour day and prohibition of night work. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science, V.35L sup. 239-274;- ..ar. 1910.) EL, LC. Taylor, &.. Ten-hour day for women upheld. (Survey, v. 24: 170-71; Apr. 30, 1910.) BL, LC Rooke, I". Constitutionality of the eight-hour bill. (American f ederatibnist , v. 17:522; June, 1910.) BL, LC. Illinois ten-hour law held valid. (Outlook, v.9 5:50-51; May 14, 1910.) LC Taylor, G-. Illinois supreme court faces forward. (Survey, v . 24: 199-200 ; May 7, 1910.) BL, LC C- o a p e r s , S amu e 1 . Light-hour bill. (Letter to chairman of subcommittee, house Committee on labor. (American f eder it ioni st , v. 17:521; June, 1910.) BL, LC . Breckinridge, S P. Illinois ten- hour law, (Journal ^f political econofiw, v. 18:46^-70* Ju^e vein ^ r m, i.r, Kenry, Alice. The campaign in Illinois for the tan-hour law. (American fede at ioni art, v. 17: 56S-672 ; Aug. 1910.) BL, LC. at, G. C. Judicial vie. 5 of xhe restriction 6f women's hour- cf labor (Politicul science quart.*rli*. v 25:1-20-34: Re- in ) x f,T f f! quarterly, v 25:1-20-34; Sept II c:"', bamuei. Lie ei, ht-hour day c. .ever".": en vo rk ( Ameri can deraticni ,t, v,X7:1057-i 191C ) 1L, LC en-nour lav/ for all women. (Survey, v >5:331-32; Tec. 3, 1510 ) LC fc - H o u r V o r k : - 19 Shier, William Restelle, The economics of the eight-hour day. (Twentieth century magazine, v. 3:229-30; Tec. 1910.) ' LC 1911 American f ederationist [Editorial] The President on eight hours,' (American f ederationist,, v. 18:41 ; Jan. 1911.) PL, LC Speyer, E, Eight -hour day; story. ' (Collier's weekly, v.46:Jan. 21, 1911, 19-20.) LC. Another victory for' w o r k i n gm e n ; t e n h o u r d a y . (Outlook/ v. 97: 53-54; Jan. 14, 1911.) LC, Kelley, F. Limiting women* s working hours. (Survey, v. 2 5: 6 51-6 52 ; Jan, 21, 1911). 3L , LC. Schyltter, T. Hours in the continuous industries. (Survey, v. 25:677-80; Jan. 21, 191l). PL, LC American f ederationi st [[Editorial] Extension of eight -hour lav/. ' (American f ederationist, v. 18:213; ? r arch, 1911). BL, LC Goldmark, J. Another state' in line; hours of labor in Michigan. (Survey, v. 25:937-40; i .arch 4, 191l). EL, LC Goldmark, J, Eight hours. ' (Survey, v. 25: 1055- 56 ; mar, 25, 1911). EL, LC Intent of the eight-hour lav/. Letter from .'esident Taft on the subjec in response to a letter from I'.r, Gompers, (American f ederationi st , v. 18:305-06; April, 1911). BL, LC Novin, A, Parker, The eight-hour day in ilev/ York, (American industries, v. 11:24-25; April, 1911,) BL, LC Lovejoy, 0. R, Is labor satisfied: Massachusetts situation, .(Survey, r. 26:426; June 17, 1911.) BL, LC Eight hour work on government vessels. (American federation! st., v.l£:c22; Oct. 1911.) BL, LC Eight-He ur Working Day - 20. 1912 Gcldmark, Josephine. Standard working hours. (National conference of charities and correcti'ens, Froc. f 1911, p. 179-86,). BL, LC. Lunn, G. R. Eight-hour day in all industries. (National conference of charities and corr'ecti'c ns*, Proc, 1912, p. 403-08.) BL, LC. Lesson in economics from a coal mine. (American f ederati oni st , v . 9 : 59 ; January, 1912.) EL Striezhef f , S.. Eight -hour lav; and the navy; (Scientific American, v. 106:129; Feb, 10, 1912.) LC Edwards, Percy L. Constitutional interpretation and limitation as applied to lav/s limiting the hours of labor. (Central law journal, v. 74: 226-29; larch 29, 1912.) LC Emory, James A. The proposed national eight-hour la . (American industries, v« 2: 10-11; April, 1912.) BL, LC« G o 1 dma r k , Jose p h i n e « Legislative gains for v :omer in 1912. (Survey, v.28:95-97; April 13, 1912.) BL, LC. Maximum working day. (Review of reviews, v. 45: 625-26 ; hay,: 1912). LC Levy, Gaston, A propos de la limitation des hours de travail des employes, (houvement soc'ialisie, V'.32:43-4S; June , 1912.) LC 9: ht-hour la rr for "/omen upheld- (Steam shovel ard dredge ,■ v , 16 : 4 f l- r 2 ; June, 19X2). B, BL, LC : lit hours for ' omen out in V r a.sliington < (Purvey, v 28:353; June 1, 1912). EL, LC i \ e ' e i "' lei t — i o * " ~ : a' * (American federation! st , v, 19:552; July, 1912). Text of lav/. B,BL,L< American f ederationi ^.t '..Editorial.. e e i ght h o u r 1 a v r . V' hat it p c rt e :.i d 3 . (American f ederati oni st , v. 19: 543-44; July, 1912.) B,'EL : LC. onnaoend , Jo seph. The eight hour day. (- ichini3ts' monthly journal, v 24:601-02; Jul", 1912.) ~1 , LC n r», i, ht-Kcur forking Day - 21- Alifas, N. P. A little history and the struggle in the progress of the hughes eight-hour bill through Congress. ' (Machinists' monthly journal, v. 24:635-37; July, 1912.) BL, LC. V'yatt, Edith. The Illinois 10-hour law. (Survey, v. 28: 49 0-9 2; July 6, 1912.) EL, LC. Spread of the eight-hour day. (Literary digest, v. 45:48; July 13, 1912.) LC Matter of precedent: (Cassier, v. 42:358-9; Oct. 1912.) LC. Eight-hour day in puolic and private industry. , LC. (Chautauquan, "v. 68: 138-40 ; Oct. 19 12.) Bull, R. A. The twelve-hour shift in the steel foundry. Results of its abandonment in the Commonwealth steel co'S open-hearth depart- ment, and the substitution of an eight-hour shift. (Iron age, v. 90:808-09; Oct. 3, 1912.) LC Fitch, John A. The eight- hour law. •(Survey, v. 29:78-79; Oct. 19, 1912.) BL, LC Fitch, John A Experiments r/ith the eight-hour day, (Survey, v. 29 : 198-200 ; Nov. 18, 1912.) EL, LC. 1913 Eight-hours versus 12-hour shifts, economies affected in a iteel foundry through shorter hours. (.Engineering magazine, v.44:«599-601j 5#--. 1913.) LC C-oldmark, Josephine. Labor laws for v/oraen. (Survey, v.. 29: 5 52-5; Jan. 2 5, '1913,) BL, LC •Same, Literary di 63t, v 46:232-3; Feo. 8', l c .13.) retermined siege of our la - makers; hours of labor fa- women in the Li strict of Columbia. (Survey, v. 29:659-60; Feo. 15, 1913.) r :L, LC Kelley, Florence. The eight-hour da ,r and "orkin; children. (Survey, v. 29:724; Fe^.22, 1913.) BL, LC. Surv ey Edi t ori al ] . A national eight-hour bill for '/omen workers. (Survey, v 29:746-47; hard: 1, 1913,) PL : LC. Cost of the eight- hour da ir < (Survey, v. 30:267-8: : v av 24, 1913. ) BL. LC. Ei ;ht-Hour Y'orking Pay - 22. Stewart, Ethelbert^ crter hours for pulp and paper makers. ...erican f ederati oni st , v .22 : 461- 6 2 ; Junw, 1913.) T , EL, LC. G o m p ers, S.a m u e 1 . twenty-year struggle for adequate ight-hour legislation a tale of labor's struggles ind its conflict 'ith industrial political corruption.) (American f ederati oni st*, v. 20 ',-' -0X0 Au S .i913.) 5, BL, LC LaF o 1 1 e t ": : , Ro b e rt M . The eight-hour day will come - - and soon. (Union leader, Aug. 2, 1013, p. 12.) EL Same, in Organized labor (San Francisco), Aug. 23, 1913, 12-13 Karrin , A. • H, Labor's struggle for the eight-hour work day. (Portland labor press, Sept.l, 1913, p. 6.) EL : h , J o hn Ex eriments with the eight-hour day. ( b-„ Railroad trainman, Sept. 1913, p. 803-6). E, BL , LC. Reprinted fro*., the Survey. haynes , J ohn R. shorter, workday, ittle union record, Sept. 13, 1013, p 5.) EL resiield H, :ase for redaction. Shorter houEs i Dnal hours of work. I. '] re at r .4 f i-ci ency. imated journal, Sept. 25, 1913, p.7.) EL, LC e eci e r cl - 6 jur _a. r on government contract work. .'her -orkers journal, Oct 1913. 0.46-49:1 [S- ateme: of the o i b h e Interior r e 1 at O'i the president of t! ct IblcJ, p # 46-49;; EL, LC sistant secretary a the department wo its i -,-^^- >~^ J - -~- -w. -^ •-+' x r e t a t i o n , 'ith reply r 3 . P r . s f i e id , A . H . Ei „. - A -near shifts in iron ated jour al, C w; :6_ U C 1 Lovejoy, 0, R. Eight-hours for children. (Survey, v. 31:58-59; Oct. 11, 1913.) BL,LC Kelley, Florence. Wages and hours. (Survey, v, 31:450; Dec. 27, 1913.) 3L,LC Eight-Hour 'Forking Day - 23, 1914 Decisions under the Hours of service act. United States of America vs. Southern railway company. In the District court of the United States for the western district of Southern California. (Railway conductor, v. 31:1-4; Jan. 1914#) B, EL, LC. Dickson, F. B. Can American steel plants afford an eight-hour turn? (Survey, v.3l!376; Jan. 3, 1914.) T: L, LC. Bird, C. S. Three eight-h6ur tours in the paper mills of America. (Survey, v. 31:377; Jan.3, 1914.) BL, LC. Edson, K. P. Student nurses and the eight-hour law in California. (Survey, v. 31: 499-500 ; Jan. 24, 1914.) BL, LC. Rochester, A. Eight-hour day for children: with tabulation of state laws. (Child labor bulletin, v. 2:40-53; Feb. 1914.) BL, LC. Calvert, F. T. Trend to eight-hour day. (American f ederationi st , v. 21:112-14; Feb. 1914.) B, BL, LC. Eight hours for women. (American f ederationi st , v. 21:238; March, 1914.) B,3L,LC. Redfield, William C. Forking hours in continuous industries. " Introductory address. (American labor legislation review, v. 4:105-08; March, 1914.) BL,LC Bellard, S. T. Forking hours in continuous industries; eight hour shifts in the milling industry. (American labor legislation review, v.- 1 -: 117-119 ; March, 1914.) BL, LC Garretson, A. B. Forking hours in continuous industries. ' Long hours in railroading. (American labor legislation review, v. 4:120-28; March, 1914.) BL,LC Manly, B. K. Fork periods in continuous day and night occupations. (American labor ' legi slation review, v. 4:109-15; Karch, 1914. ) BL,ftC« Freund, E. Constitutional aspects of hour legislation for men; with discussion. ' (American labor legislation review, v. 4:129-27; Karch, 1914) .BL/,LC. Laf ollette-Peters eight-hour bill enacted into law. (Survey, v. 31: 689; March 7, 1914.) BL , LC. J Eight-Hour Working Day - 24. Resolved: That the eight-hour day, under present international condi- tions, is a menace to our industrial pre speri ty* (industrial economist, v. 1: April, 1915, p. 41-43.; EL, LC. United States steel corporation and the eight-hour' day . (Survey, v. 32:222-23; Kay 23, 1914.) BL, LC* Decisions under the hours of service act. No. 2535. United States of America v. Northern Pacific railway cc- party, in the District court of the United States for' the uestern restrict oi V r ashington. (Railway conductor, v. 31:427-32; June, 1914.) B, EL, LC. Porter, H. F. Reducing labor costs by shortening the ,r or3< day. (Survey, v.. 32: 341; June 27, 1914.) EL, LC Decisions under the Hours of service acts... (Railway conductor, v. 31: 454-6.8 ; July, 1914.) B, B!D, LC Decisions under the hours of service act. No. 1483. United States of America vs. Northern Pacific railwav company. . .Decided Apr. 21, 1914. (Railway conductor, v. 31: 542-43; Sept. 1914.) E, BL , LC. Houston belt and terminal railv/a - - cempa-y, 'defendant. Decisions under the hours of service act. U.S. Circuit court of appeals, 5th circuit, no. 2356. U.S. of America'vs. -• .Decided Fay 6, 1913. (Railway conductor, v. 30:704-07; Oct. 1913.) B, EL, LC Fitch, J. A. Eight-hour day. (Survey, v. 33; 323; Tec. 15, 1914.) ~L, LC. 1915 , Economic organization a^d the eight-hour dav, (American f ederati oni st , v. 22:43-46 J " -i Compere, Samuel. The shorter work day: its philosphy. (American f ederat icni st , v . ZZ : 165-170 ; F, 1915.) E, EL, LC. .rch, 1515 ) :",EL,LC Goldmark, J. Supreme court' and the eight-hour day. (Survey, v 33:577-8; Far. 20, 1515.' EL, LC. ' Famous bad decision Reversed (Outlook, v. 105 : f : 57-58; April 2G , 1515.) EL, LC. Gcmpers , Samuel - The workers and the eight-hour day. (American federationist, v. 22: 565-53; July 2, 1515.) E, r L,LC. Eight-Hour Forking Day - 25, Gompers, Samuel. The workers and the eight hour day, (American f ederati onist , v. 22: 565-93; Aug. 1915). 3,BL,LC. Standard oil and the' eight-hour day, (Outlook, v. 111:109-10; Sept. 15, 1915.) BL,LC Eight-hours for work. ' (New Republic, v. 4:170-71; Sept. 18, 1915.) BL,LC Eight hours that's all. (Machinists' monthly journal, v. 27:569-70; Oct. 1915.) 3L,LC. Movement for an eight-hour day. How it affects industries and workers. (Manufacturing news, v.8:Sept.30, 1915, p. 13-14.) 3L,LC Movement for reduction of hours uf labor in the machine trades. (Monthly review of the Bureau of labor statistics, v.l, no. 4: 17-18; Oct. 1915.) 3,BL,LC. Graham, Irene J. Forking hours of women in Chicago. (journal of political economy, v. 22> :822-31; October, 1915.) B,3L,LC The Eight-hour day, (Review, v. 12:435-63; Oct. 1915*^ [Published by National founders' assn. and National raetal traders assn.J BL Fletcher, P. G. Fhy carmen should support an eight-hour day* (Railway carmen's journal, v. 20: 639-91; Oct. 1915.) 3,3L,LC Eight-hour day for' 10,000 Standard oil workmen. (Survey, v. 86: 59; Oct. 16, 1915.) 3L,LC More concerning the eight-hour day. (machinists 1 monthly journal, v. 27:968-9; Nov. 1915.) BL,LC. Progress toward a universal eight-hour day* (Railroad trainman, v. 32 : 1043-44; Nov. 1915). B,BL,LC A General eight-hour day would paralyse industry and the heaviest loss would eventually fall on' the workers. (Industrial Canada, v. 16: 751-54; Nov, 1915.) BL,LC. Barnum, G, Mary Scully, live wire, the leader of the women's fight for an eight-hour day. (Independent, v. 84: 181 ; ' I-iov.l , 1915,) BL,LC. What is an eight-hour day? (Railway age gazette, v. 59: 883-83 ; Nov. 12, 1915.) 3, LC. General eight-hour day movement. (Manufacturers news, v. 8, Nov, 18, 1915, p. 9-10, 20,22.) BL Eight-Hour Y'orking Day - 26. More about the eight-hour day; Railroad employees join in movement. (Manufacturers n?- 3 , v. 8 :Nov. 25 , 1915, p. 11-12.). EL Eight-hour day regarded as far in the future. (Iron age, v. 96:1242; Nov. 25, 1915.) . BL, LC. The maximum eight-hour da", (Railroad trainman, v. 32 : 1143-45 ; Dec. 1915.) B, BL , LC r.orri son, C. J. The eight-hour day, (Engineering magazine, v. 50:363-66; Dec. 1915.) B, LC 1916 Rice, H. H, The eight-hour day, (Review, v. 13:12-14; January, 1916.) BL Eight-hour day from the manufacturers standpoint. (American review of reviews, v. 53:107-08; Jan. 1916.) B,BL,LC The eight-hour day as an economic problem. (industrial economist, v. 1:19-25; February, 1916.) BL,LC Reduction of hours of labor in. the machine trades, (Monthly review of the Bureau of labor statistics, v. 2, no. 2: 37-38; Feb. 1916.) ' B, BL, LC Lehlbach, Frederick R, [Letter to New York American in which Represenrative Lehlbach ex- presses himself as in favor of ancei ght-hou.r day on railways.] (Ccngressical record, v. 53:2530; Feb- 7, 1916, daily ed.) B,BL,LC Borland, Villi am P. Four million dollars' worth of favoritism. Extension of remarks in House, Feb, 28, 1916.) ("Congressional reco rd ,. v. 53 : no . 57 ; p. 3763-64.) 3, BL, LC* Morrison, C J. Twenty- four hour day. (Engineering magazine, v. 5:910-13; March, 1916.) B, LC Jamison, V. G, The real significance of the eight-hour day. (Industrial economist, v. 1:9-12; .arch, 1916.) BL, LC. Engineering magazine [Editorial], The eight-hour day. (Engineering magazine, v. 50:927-28; Karen, 1916.) B, LC. Borland, Y'llliam P. Speech in the House [on eight hours' minimum for government employees] Harch 14, 1916v x (Congressional' record, v,53; no. 72, 4802-04.) B, BL, LC. T r Eight-Hour Y'prking Lay - 27. Resolved: That the eight-hour day, under present international con- ditions, is a menace to our industrial prosperity. (Industrial economist, v.l; Apr. 1916, ,-.41-48.) BL, LC. Jamison, Y. r . 0. The real significance of the eight-hour day. (Square deal , v. 18: 9 5-96 ; Apr. 1916.) EL, LC Argument against the eight-hour day. (Industrial economist, v.l; Apr. 1916, p. 41-48.) EL, LC Clark, Victor. The eight-hour day: an historical perspective. (Railroad trainman, v. 33:308-04; Apr. 1916.) B, BL, LC r'arne, F. J. The eight-hour day: an historical perspective, (Railroad trainman, v.33 : 308-09 ; Apr, 1910.) B, BL, LC Pi ckering, Ruth Sudden spread of the eight-hour day. V'ithin the past ten months 100,000 wage earners have won a new leisure. (Survey, v. 36: 5-7; Apr.l, 1916,) BL, LC Fitch, J. A. Outlawing exhaustion: the United States Supreme court to decide on the length of the workingmen' s day. (Survey, v. 3:73-74; Apr. 15, 1916.) BL , LC Hours of work must be limited. (New Republic, v. 6: 306-08; Apr, 22, 1914.) B, BL, LC Labor, lav/ and life (Independent, v. 86: 123-24; Apr. 24, 1916.) BL, LC Building up industrial liberty. (Outlook, v. 112:939-41j Apr. 26, 1916.) BL , LC. The Eight-hour day movement. * (Locomotive enginemen's journal, v. 50:429-38; May, 1916.) B,EL,LC. Some eight-hour day testimony. (Engineering magazine, v. 51:280-2; i'a.p, 1916.) B, LC, Hart, Tom. Is the eight hour day a peril to the nation? (Railway conductor, v, 33 : 336-41 ; -'.'ay, 1916.) B, BL, LC. The Fallacy cf the eight- hour' movement. (Iron trade review, v. 57:995-97; tfay 4, 1916.) LC Bread cf life: :-crk cf the Consumers' league. (Survey, v 36:64; may 6, 1916,) BL, LC. :>•! *fli 7 1 \I Ei^ht-Hour Working Day - Hopkins., M. D. Human conservation .ind the supreme court., (Survey, v. 36:221; i.!ay 27, 1916,) BL, LC. Lauck, V r , J. V r hat about the eight- hour day? (International socialist review, v. 16 : 712-43 ; June, 1916.) BL,LC The Eight-hour day 'for all New England worn :.. (Survey, v. 36:269; June 3, 1916.) BL, LG Dowhurst, M. Bridgeport and the eight-hour day. (Outlook, v. 113: 553-56; July 5, 1916.) EL, LC Commercial and financial chronicle [Editorial]. The menace in the demands of railway labor'. (Commercial and , financial chronicle, v. 103 : 616-17 ; Aug. 19,1916. ) 3, BL, LC. Eight hours a day. (New York Herald, Aug. 20, 1916, p. 12, col. 3,) B, LC .Railway and locomotive engineering [Editorial], Eight hours a day. (Railway and locomotive engineering, v. 29 : 30-1-05; Sept. 1916.) E,LC Commercial & financial chronicle [Editorial _j« The eight- hour day before the people. (Commercial and financial chronicle, V. 103 : 791-92 ; Sept.2,1916) B, LC Bates, Onward. V'hat is the significance of the eight-hour working day? (Railway review, v. 59:327; 3 50-52; 3E"'.-C 5; 421-22; Sept. 2 ,9 ,16 ,23 , 1916.) B. T., ;< Abbott, Lyman. The railway problem.. (Outlook, v. 114:15-18; teept.6, 1916.) B, BL, LC Railway age gazette [Editorial]. The eight-hour day in other industries. (Rail- way aee caze' v, 61:441; Sept. 15, 1916.) 3, LC, The Social sanction of the ' eight-hour working day-in the United States, (Economic world, v. 98:397-99; Sept-23, 1916.) B, EL, LC, Judgement of society as reflected in eight-hour day legislation ( Statist ic-s) (Chicago legal news, no. 69, Sept. 28, 1916,) Eight-Hour Forking Day - 29. Hughes, Charles E, Charles E. Hughes on arbitration of eight-hour day* (Commercial & financial chronicle, v. 103 : 1174-75 ; Kept .30 ,1916. ) B, LC. Wilson, Food row. President Fil^son on the Adamson lav/. (Railway review, v. 59:456-57; Sept.3 r . 1.916.) B,LC Text of President's address at ..dow Lawn on Sept .23 ,1916. Ripley, William Z, The railroad eight-hour law. (American review of reviews, v. 54: 389-393 ; Oct. 1916.) B, BL, LC Has the eight-hour day peril come to all industry? (Current opinion, v. 61:277-81; Oct. 1916.) B, BL, LC. Sanger, S. Hours of work in relation to efficnency and output. (Contemporary review, v. 110 : 502-09 ; Oct. 19 16.) LC Hours for women. (Survey, v. 37:95; Oct. 28, 1916.) BL, LC. Fith an account of the 3rd regional conference on the 8 hour day for women, Oct. 17, 1916. International socialist review [Edito rial j. [Eight hour day] (International socialist review, v. 17:265; I4ov. 1915.) BL, LC Hours of work and the efficiency of labor. (New Republic, v. 9: 37-38; Nov. 11, 1916.) LC Lee, F, S. Is the eight-hour' working- day rational? (Science, n.S. 44: 727-35; i'ov.24, ?/:.".) LC Brown, Dcrotny Kirchwey. The shorter workday. (Survey, v. 37:388-90; Jan. 6, 1917.) B, BL, LC Feiss, Richard A. maximum vs. minimum hour legislation. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science, v.69, no. 158; Jan. 1917.) b/bL, LC. C- r o at , George C- , Hours of labor. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science, v.69, no. 158, Jan. 1917.) B, BL, LC. Legislation in the United states. I Eight-He ur Y r cr v i. :ig Day - 30, Johnson, Emory R. Legislation concerning the railroad service. (Annals of the American academy of olitical and social science, v. 69, no, 158; Jan. 1917.) 3, EL', LC. Hopkins, liary A. This matter of the eight hour day. (Century, v. S 3 : 346- 60 ; Jan, 1917. ) Nation [Editorial] The ei ght-h^bur ' dav. (Nation, v. 104:6-7; Jan. 4, 1917,) *f{* ** ' i ^„ TI &S BOOR" to ^ M >>'^^B»* tt — , * AY AND TO a r° SOC ENTSo NT l PENALT V OVERDUE. $l -°° ON THE fiJ"5r° Ul SEVENTH IRTH DAY ^77 LD 2 l-100 W - 8 ,. 34 YE 14127 UC. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 005X0343^1 r