SOCIETY OF FRIEIDS The Epistles from the Yearly-Meeting 11 K-^ ■''ANTA BAJiBARA rvKNl^ (O THE T L E F R O M T H E Yearly-Meetin, Of 'Friends and Brethren^ held in London, hy Adjr^urnment, from the loth Day of the Fourth Month, to the f 4th Day of the fame, inclufive, 1728. To the §^iarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends and Brethren in Great Britain and eljewhere. Dear Friends and Brethren^ N the pure Love of that Eternal Truth, whereby we have been gathered to be a People, we tenderly fa lute You, liaving renewed Occafion in great Humility, to bleK the Name of our gracious Got), whole continued Goodnels we have been lavoured with at this our ■^■''''"""''* Annual Meeting; and tliroughout the Atiairs thereof, have been con- tluded in Meeknefs of Wispom and true Brotherly Condcfccntion, to Our mutual Comi ort and lion ication. BY Accounts from the Qiiarterly Meetings in England ^.nd of the rnff-:. li'j/U-s, a^ aUu by Hpiltlcs iVom ^SffuA;;;^, IrcLijid, l^iriiinn, M.i>}l.iriJ,''iiJH>t Truth. Pcnjylvamti, 'luirhados. Long Ijlifui and Holland, we iinderllantl tlut l-'RiENDsin General, continue in a good Djgrceof Brotlierly Love and Unity ; and that there is an Oi'emni ?s in divers Place*;;, both in Great JjV//d/ii and beyond the Seas, to hear the Teltimony of Truth, and Ibme convinced j tho' in fomc lew Places the Accounts arc not fo favourable. THE CO THE Accounts of Frikkd's Suffering;; brought in tliis Year, in En^bnd and IVales, do amount to Three Thoufand Nine Hundred Mccwiof and Fourteen Pounds and upwards, moAly on Account orriTHFs and "H""&'' Church Rates, fo called : and there is one Friend only continued Pri loner on that AccouiNt. AND Dear Friend?, inafmuch as the holy Scriptures are the ex- ternal Means of conveighing and preserving to us an Account of the Things moR furcly to be believed, concerning the Coming of our Lord JefusChria in the Flesh ; and the Fulfilling the Prophesies relatin-- thereto. We therefore recommend to all Friends, efpecially Elders in the Church, and Mailers of Families, thatTHFv would, both by Example and Advice, imprcfs on the Minds of the Younger, a reve- rend Elleem of thofe Sacred Writings, and advife them to a frequent reading and meditating therein; And that Ministers as well as El- ^Jvice to tbc DERs and others, in all their Preaching, Writing and Converfing about "'''• the Things of God, do keep to the Form of found Words, or Scripture- Terms ; and that .none pretend to be wise above what is there written; and in fuch pretended Wisdom, go about to explain the Things of God, in the Words wliich Man's Wifdom teaches .• But on the contrary, that you would at proper Times and Seafons, when you find your Minds rightly difpofed thereunto, give the Youth to underlhnd, ihit the fame good Experience of the Work of Sanftification, through the Opc- rationsof theSpiiitof God, which the lioly Scriptures plentifully bear Teftimony to, is tobe witnciTed by Believers in all Generations, as well as by tlioiem rlie nrit Ages or ^Christianity ; in wT.icn Liale, Joinc Account of yourown Experience will be helpful to them. And this wc ^ recommend as the moft effedlual Means for begetting, Am\ eftablilliing, in their Minds a firm Belief of the Chriilian Dodrinc, in general, as wellasthe Neceflity of the Aid and Hclpof the Operations of the holv Spirit of God in the Hearts of Men, in particular, contained in tha't moft excellent Book the Bible ; arid for the preferving them from bcin^^ defiled with the many pernicious Notions and Principles, contrary to fuch found Doctrinf, which are at this Time indulhioully dilperf- cd in the Nation, to the Reproach of the Chriftian ProfelFion in gcneraf. And forafmucli, as repeated Occafion hath been given of great Grief and Affliftion to Friends, which hath caufed the Way of Tku in tube evil fpoken of, by the launching out of divers under our Profcinon too far into the Affairs of tiiis World, to their own Hurt, the Reproach of the Society, and wronging other Perfons ot their uill Properties ; We recom- mend great Care and Circumfpedion to all Friends in this Refjx-'d, and in particular do refer to the Advices in the Yearly Epiilles in 1710, 1724 and lad Year; and do dcfire Friends at their I'cvcral Monthly- Meetings, toufc their utmolt Endeavours by a watchful E)e, to pre- vent as much as io them lyes, all fuch un)uli Practices and Scandals- At this Time, as at feveral other Times in former Years, it hath been thcConceiji of this Meeting, to advife on particular Occafions, and ■ (3) and in particular Cafes ; which Occafions could not offer thcmfclves ia this Manner, if all Friends, who make Profcffion of the holy Truth with us, did duly regard the Teachings of the Grace of God in thenn- felves ; and obey the Advice of that imnderful Counfellor : Becaufe it is ifa. ix. 6. moll certain, that all thofe who do or fliall attend to the Teachings and ,(■_,. ^.^j^^ .^^ Counfel of the holy Spirit of God, will findcaufe to fay with the Pfal- mi/^, Thy Commandment ts exceeding broad. For by it, all may be fuffici-aTim.ii. ai. cntly inltrufted and prepared to every good Work. Finally, dear Friends, Our Beginning was in the Spirit, and our comfortable Fellowfhip is ^'""''^'*''' under the holy Influences of it. Therefore, let all be diligent in waiting on God for the Renewings thereof, and watching in it, whereby the Snarcsof the Evil One may be feen and avoided ; and we continue a People tothePraife of his Name, who hath called us out of Darknefs into his marvellous Light, and therein fhine as his Children before the Wot Id, And weearnelily pray the Father of all our Mercies, may keep you blamelefs unto the Day of the Coming of his Son our Lord Jefus Chrift ; in the Fellowfhip of whofe Spirit we falute You, and remain Your Friends and Brethren. Signed in and on the Behalf of the ICearly- Meeting in London, the it\xhof the Fourth Month, 1728. By Alexander Arfcott, Clerk of the Meeting this lear. CO ib^Ai^^Mri^H THE V P T L E J i.. FROM T H.E -ivieetini Of Friends and Brethren, held in London, by Adjournment, from the 26th Day of the Third Month, to the 30th Day of the fame, inclufive, 17:29. To the SluarterJy and Monthly Meetings of Friends and Brethren in Great Britain md elfewhere. ^ear Friends and Brethren^ ~ryN the Love of our Heavenly Father, we hlute you, fignifying, that in 1 I i\ii% o\xr Aiinual yi[femhl)\ the Light ot hi"; gloiious Countenance hath i ■ gracioufly been atrorded to us ; and under the BleiTing thereof, the ""-^ Affairs of his Church have been carried on amongft us inmuch Love, Peace and Condefcenlion. By Accosttiti brought Irom the feveral Quarterly and Monthly Mcetirgs in Fjighvid, and by Epiftles from tValeSy Ncrlh-Bntairt^ Ireland^ llolLwdy Rbode-ljhtid, Lon^j^-IjlarJ, Peufthama., Miiiylaud, hlorth-Caroltna, BaiLidoes^ and yJntegiia-y and alfo by the verbal Accounts ot our Friends Jcjl^ua Fdldtn^:; and Samuel Bo-junasy who have lately, fcperately, vifitid the Meetings of Friends in Aiver'tcHy alfo fomc Place, where no Friends do dwell, and where 'no Meetings had before been: We have the comfortable and fatisfaflory Ac- count, that 'Trutb doth profpc!"^ and in many Places, there is an Opcnncfs among the People, not only to hear, but alfo to receive the Tcflimony •thereof; And that Friends are generally in Peace and Unit>- one with another. \Vc • \\'e rii-e slfo particularly iiiformed, (hat on (Ik Cor.tinent of JiiML-j^}}^: :s-a very ^rcrir Incrraic ot the Number ot Friends, among whom the Afeirs ot Tnitb arc well managed, and that there is a Spring ot Jiung ar«i fpuni Miniftry raifed in divers Parts of thoie Pbutatioiu ; which we heartily wj^ and defire, may be a Means to provoke and ftir up Fiiends in general, to a l<:rv<;nt Zeal and Conce/n /or die Hcxnour and Glory of tJie Lord our God, and xheGofpel of our Saviour Jefus ChriU, who ha:h been gracioufly plealcd, ncito'nJy togathcr usto be a People, but hath alfo hitherto prefcrved ii<^ and by the Arm oi his mighty Power, hath wrought wonderlully for cur Deliverance from many grievous Burdens and Opprellions whxh our El- ders laboured under. The Accounts of the i'/ijferiu^s o[ FrieirJs brought in this Year in EnglvJ and JVdl-s^ do amount unto Vour ThnfjnJ one llnndicd and (birty tcuiidi and upwards, yi:oftly on Account of T///v/, ^ud Cbuirh- Rales fo called; There is at prelent jio Fxiend Prifoner on T^rutbs AccoUHt, that we hear of in this Kingdom, on which Occafion, we cannot but commemorate the Goodnef> ot our God in this his merciful Difpcnfation, i'o ditlcrcnt from.ihs jLoc ot our Fathers, which we earneftly pray, may, by all o:" us, be remem- bied with deep Humility and Tbankfulncls. All Friends every where, keep to the Lord's Power that gathered >x)u to be a People that were not a People, that under the Work of it," you may lie made what the Lord would have you to be; where every one of you may come clearly to fee your Places and Services in the Chinches ofCbrift, and from a real Senfe of your Duty, be heartily engaged to fiand by the Tcftimonv which God hath given you to bear ; that as good Stewards of the mrjiifoli Gilts he hath been pleated to beftow, you may be prcierved faithful : And iabouT in that Ability to ftir up one another in Loe, and againft the Evil One, who is ialiouring toiovv^his evil Seed ot St n je :ind Contention^ whereby' he JTiay diviJc in Ju^ub^And f>.attcrin Jjr.zdy or by Coldncis and Nci^]ji/ericc, lead any from the Lord and the Light ot his holy Spirit, wherem our Com- munion hath been and ftill is fweet and pleafant, in which as we are careful to walk, wecanhavc no Fellowfhip wilh the unfruitful Woiks of Dark- iicfs, but are engaged to reprove them. Dear Frieiidsy many are the good and wholeiome Advices which in for- mer Years have been recommended from tliis Meetjit^^, exhorting to Faith- fulneis and Perfe crance in all Godlincfs and Honefty, yet to our Grief wc find there are freili Inftances of great Shortnels in coming up in the Praaicc thereof, particularly by fome injurioufly detrauding their CieJiiors ot their Jtift Deists, and not pcrt'orming their Word and Promifc, which have occa- fioncd grievous Complaints ; Whcrctore wc dclire and intrcaf, when any fuch Occafion of Reproach fliall be, that whatfoevcr Monthly Afi-r/;/;^ within the Compafs whereof it may happen, they do not fail fpcedily to 1ft ri^^h- teous Judgmoit on the Head of the Ti\Ji:ji',re[jor. And we would hope if Friends in their ;^/o;/rW>• M-ff/w.!:;, fliouldpurfunr.c to the Direction of this Meetmi in the Epiftlc 1708, appoint proper, fcr>!:blc and h.nefl Friends to vifit their refpcrtive Members, it may in great Mcl- fure, prevent the Neccflity of repeating the Ad jccs which have keen ;o fre- quently piven. To which we hnd ourfclves at this Time engaged, to add, i:d do reoueft, that Friends in any Fart of this Kingdom or other, ^here Fro'vifions, and the NccctTarics of Life arc dear and tcarcc, cr/ick- a (3 ) nefs doth remarkably afflict, would in proportion tofuch Scarcity orAfflif^ion, exert cheir charitable Afiidance to ihc Poor, which is our Chriftian Duty, as Stewards of the many Mercies wherewith the Lord hath intrufted us. This Medina being at this Time under a tender and religious ■Concern for the Toitto among us, that the fucceeding Generation may be preferred in the Way of Ti/.;/^, and through the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, grow up therein, that when we are removed, they may ftand in a faithful Te- fiimony for the Lord, and be valiant in their Day for his Truth upon Earth. Do earncftly recommend it to all Friends, as much as in them lyes, to prevent their Children and Servants from reading Flays, KomaiictSy and all fuch Books as have any Tendency to lead their Minds t'rom God, and draw their Youthful Affediions to a Love of the World, and Defire after the Vanities and Evils that are therein. And alfo to be very careful, to prevent their Children and Servants from reading vile and corrupt Books (fomc of which have been publifhed of late) 'as maniteftly tend to oppofe andrejcflthe divine Authority ot the Holy Scrip- tares, and to introduce Deiftn, yitbeifm, and all manner of Infidelity and Cof Tiiption both in Principle and Praflice And likewife it ought to be the great Care and Concern o^ Parents, as they value the Wellfare of their Children and Pofterity, and others who have Youth under their Care, that they endeavour, by their Example as well as Precept, to keep them from bad Company, for many have found by lad Experience, theTruthof that Saying of the Apoftle, Evil Communication doth corrupt good Maimers. We again recommend the Advice given in the Year 1723, that Friends le diligent in attending Firfl and Week Days Meetings, for the Worfhip of Almighty God, and that the Elders and Heads of Families, be good Exam- ples therein, and bring their Children and Servants to them. Finally JearFyi.^nds^ approve your felves as tlic Children of the Light and of the Day, in all holy and chriftian Converfation among Men, whereby God will be glorified, the Inquirer informed, the Weak flrengthned, the •whole Cbnrcb edified and comforted in the Spirit of the Lamb, by whom the Vi£fory over the JVorld, the Fle[h and the Devil is obtained j and that thus the Ends of the Earth may be gathered, and all Flc(h fee his Salvation, is the hearty Prayer of your Friends and Brethren. Stgnedin and by Order of the YE ARLY -MEETING, ■ . ' By John Wilfon, Clerk this Tear. ( ' ) THE K .- Yearly-Meetin Held in LONDON, by Adjournments, from the 2 jd of the Fifth Month 1763, to ih^ 31 ft of the fame, inclufive. To the §luarterJy and Monthly Meetings of Friends and Brethren, in Great Britain, Ireland, ' and elje-where^" •— - '\ Z"^' ' Dearly beloved FrkhJs an J Brethren ! TTE have renewed Caufc, in deep Thankfalnefs, to acknowledge SSI the Continuance ot divine Regard, nianifcftcd to us in this large Airembly j and in a Seirie of the rcfreHiing Influences of that Love, which firrt: gathered and united us into an heavenly FellowHiip in our Lord Jesus Christ, we tenderly falute you. In a good degree of this pure and precious Love, we have been enabled to tranfad the Affairs of this Meeting, in brotherly Condefcention and Concord, to our mutual Edification and Comfort. The Amount of Friends Suftlrings in E/ig/anJ and JTaUs, brought in this Year, being chiefly for Tithes, and thofe called Church-Rates, is Two Thoufand Six Ilundred and Sixty-nine Pounds and upwards ; and from Ireland, One Thouland Seven Hundred and Sixty-one Pounds and upwards. By the Accounts received fiom the Quarterly and Monthly-meetings in England, and by Epifllcs from IVales, North-Britain, Ireland, Holland, Rhode-ljland ior Nra:-England, N^iv-Tork, Penfihania znd Nnv-Jerfey, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, and Soutlj-Carolina ; and by the verbal Relation of a Friend lately re:urn'd from a jcligious Vifit to fomc Parts of America, wc arc informed, that the Churches arc generally prcfcrvcd Tlie SjIuU- lioQ. State of tlic Meeting. Account o( Sutfcf.nj'. Of the Hrnf['cd f:oin the many Snares which arc laid to incrcalc the arfii<5^ing Inftinccs of Folly and Milcondui^. - May ( 3 ) May tlie holy Principle of Truth prevail in your Minds, whom Advice to Providence hath ennulicd with Afriuence, that your Inclinations and ''"■■ ^''=''- AfteiTtions may be rightly bounded, and not carried away, by a Pcrverfion ' of the divine Bounty, into Pride, Indolence, or Extravagance ; which have led many to exceed their Ability, whereby they have brought Ruin upon themfclves. Damage to thofe with wiioin they have been concerned, and great Affli(5tion and Reproach to our Society. We think it feafonable, at this Time, to renew our Exhortation, That Caution Friends every where be cfpecially careful to keep their Hands clear of a;aiiift ufing giving Encouragement, in any fhnpe, to the ^lt»U^tr(lt)e, it being evi- Jl^J'^''" dently dcflrudive to the natural Rights of Mankind ; wlio arc all ranlomed . by one Saviol'R, and vifitcd by one divine Light, in order to Salvation : A Traffick calculated to enrich and aggrandize fome, upon the Mifery of others ; in its Natuic abhorrent to every jufl 'and tender Sentiment, and contrary to the whole Tenor of the Gofpel. And, dear Friends, as it hath pleafed the Most High; who ruleth in TliankfnlncC; the Kingdoms of Men, fo to influence human Affairs, that Peace is aeain acknowlcJg'd Reffored ; we earneftly defire, that an humble Senfe of fo great Mercy, jtoriag of may reft upon all our Minds : That, in a grateful Commemoration of Peace. His wonderful Kindnefs, who hath preferved thefe Kingdoms from the Defolation and Diftrefs which attended divers other Countries, we may reverently acknowledge it is the Lord's Doing, and ought to be marvelous in our Eyes : And, as the beft Return for Favours received, let us, thro' divine Afilllance, bring forth Fruits of an holy and.blamelcfs Converfa- tion ; endeavouring to .advance His righteous Kingdom amongft Man- kind, that His Salvation may become our Walls and Bulwarks, in every Trial permitted to come upon us, by that God who judgcth the Earth. And althou'a,h the Favour of Princes hath never been the Rule of our Admonition dutiful SubmilVion and Fidelity to them, being bound by our religious ^"^"^^^[IJy*^ Principles to a quiet and peaceable Conduit, even when under fcvcrc ,o tiic K-mg. Sufferings ; yet inafmuch as the Obligations of Gratitude, for the Enjoy- ment of our religious and civil Liberties, are added to thofe of Duty, let their united ImpreHlons engage all our Minds, to walk with great "Cir- cumfpe4)476