TH HISTORY OP THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, FROM THE DAYS OF T^rffe kft>STLES, TO THE YEAR 1551, ABRIDGED FROM THE FIVE FIRST VOtUMES OB MILNER'S CHURCH HISTORY. II BY REV. JESSE TOWNSEND, A. B, UTICAt PUBLISHED BY CAMP, MERRELL & CAMP, At their Theological Bookstore, one door west of the Post-Office, Genesee Street. JKEBBHtL AJfD CAMP, PBISTHW. If :\*orllern District of New York, to wit: BE it remembered, that on the fifteenth day of February, in the fortieth year of the Independence of the United States of America, TALCOTT CAW, ITIA MKRRELL 6? GEORGE CA>IP, of tlie said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words follow- ing, to wit : "The History of the Church of Christ, from thedavs of the Apostles, to the year 1.551, abridged from the five first volumes of Milner's Church History. By Rev. JESSE TOWNS END, A I{." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States entitled. "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing 1 the copies of Maps, Charts and Book*, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned," and also to an act entitled, "An act supplementary to an act, entitled an act ior 'he encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Bm-ks, to the au'hors and propr.etors of such copies, during the t niv -.herein mentioned, and ext-iuLng the benefits thereof to the arts of g, engraving and. etching historical an 1 other prints. RICHARD R LANSING, Clerk of the Northern District of New York, TO THE PUBLIC. THE publishers are bound to offer an apology for some delay in the publication of the ABRIDGMENT OP MILNER. The only one they can offer is, that the oc- currence of events unforeseen and uncontrollable by them, has rendered ineffectual their strenuous exer- tions to ensure its earlier appearance. WHILE they regret the necessity of any excuse, they trust, this, in the estimation of the candid ancj generous, will be sufficient. HISTORIES of the church have always been re- garded as most interesting and valuable works. The multitude of marvellous events that have happened to it, its vicissitudes, its dangers and sufferings, its dis- asters and successes, its miraculous preservation and progress, cannot fail to excite the wonder and admi- ration of mankind, the poignant regret and grief of its enemies, the lively joy and gratitude of its friends. To become acquainted with these facts must be an object of peculiar and earnest desire with all true be- lievers in Christianity. The size and expense of gen- eral histories of the church, have locked up their abundant treasures from many readers whose piety made them especially anxious to acquire a portion of those exhaustless riches, iv IN this Abridgment, it has been a principal object to retain the material and most interesting facts, that the value of the original work might be preserved, and the price and size so reduced that the former should not surpass the ability of those who are desir- ous to purchase, and the latter not require more time and attention in perusal than they can easily bestow. These objects they hope will be fully accomplished, and the work in its present form prove extensively useful. That it may be satisfactory to the public, and beneficial to the interests of religion, is the sincere desire of THE PUBLISHERS, RECOMMENDATIONS. I have examined TOWNSEND'S ABRIDGMENT, and in my opinion, it is executed in such a manner, as will render it an acceptable and useful work to the public,, HENRY DWIGHT, Pastor of first Presbyterian Church Utica, JV. Y. From my acquaintance with the Rev. Mr. DWIGHT, I most cheer- fully give my name, if it will aid in the more general diffusion of the Abridgment ojf Milner's Church History. AZEL BACKUS, D. D. President of Hamilton College. I have examined a part of Townsend's Abridgment, and cheerfully concur in opinion with the Rev. Mr. Dwight and Doctor Backus, ex- pressed in the above recommendations. ASAHEL S. NORTON, D. D. Pastor of the fast Congregational Church, Clinton JV. Y. PREFACE THIS Abridgment of MILNER'S CHURCH HISTORY, Is designed for (he use and benefit of such families as may not feel themselves able to purchase, or may not have time to read the entire work. THE principal facts there detailed, are here presented to the public in a condensed form, mostly in the language of the author. THE progress of truth and its salutary influence on a world ruined by sin ; the consolations which result from a life of true holiness, and the faithfulness of Zion's King in the means used to support his cause in the world, are here exhibited. The saints are seen in sackcloth* with their hearts fixed, trusting in God : errors in their various forms and deleterious nature, are noticed, and the blood of the martyrs is seen to be the seed of the church. MAY all, who shall read this abridgment, be excited, by the Holy Spirit, to live to the glory of Him, who has said to his church ; FEAR NOT, LITTLE FLOCK, IT is TOUR FA- CER'S GOOD PLEASURE TO GIVE YOU THE KINGDOM." J. T. Utica, Feb. 10. 1816, CENTURY I. CHAPTER I. A SUMMARY VIEW OF THE CHURCH, SO FOR AS IT MAY BE COLLECTED FROM THE SCRIPTURE. SECTION L Jerusalem. A HAT "repentance and remission of sins should be preached in the name of Jesus Christ, beginning at Jerusalem ;" is a text which shows what the Chris- tian religion is, and where we are to look for its com- mencement. We are to describe the rise of a dispen- sation, the most glorious to God, and the most benefi- cent to man. In Judea alone something of the wor- ship of the true God, and of the forms of the Mosaic economy subsisted, but greatly obscured and corrupt- ed with Pharisaic traditions, and Sadducean pro- faneness. Of that religion, which consists in repen- tance and remission of sins, they were totally igno- rant. The great body of the Jewish nation knew not that men need to be made new creatures, and to re- ceive the forgiveness of sins by faith in the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. Some there were, however, who implicitly rested on the God of Israel, and trusted in the Redeemer that was to come ; such were Zachari- as, Simeon and Anna. This dark season was chosen by Him "who hath put the times and seasons in his own power," for the exhibition of the Light of Life. 10 But few souls were converted during Christ's abode on earth. The five hundred brethren, who all saw him at one time, after his resurrection, seem to have been the sum total of his disciples. The first Christian Church was erected at Jerusa- lem. As repentance and remission of sins were the leading doctrines of Christ's religion, the most ample room had been made for them by the completion of his redemption. He had offered himself a sacrifice for the sins of men, " was risen" from the dead " for p*r justification," and in the sight of his disciples had just ascended up to heaven. That the gospel, the good news of reconciliation to God, for penitent sin- ners, should begin at Jerusalem, the scene of so much wickedness perpetrated, and of so much grace abu- sed, evinced the Divine goodness, and displayed the grand purposes of the gospel to be, to justify the un- godly, and to quicken the dead. By command from their Divine Master, the Apostles remained at Jerusalem waiting for the promised Holy Spirit, in mutual charity, and in the fervent exercise of prayer and supplication. During this interesting crisis, they elected Matthias to fill the place from which Judas by transgression fell. The day of Pefiticost was the eta of the Divine visit- ation. They were filled with the Holy Ghost, and be- gan to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. By this they were prepared to propagate the gospel ; and this was an attestation of its truth. Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven, then dwelling at Jerusalem, with amazement, heard these Gallileans speak, each in his own language. But some derided the apostles as intoxicated with new w r ine. The zeal of Peter was now excited t6 preach both to those who admired and to those who scoffed. The design of his sermon was to beget a conviction of sin in his hearers, and to bring them to look to Je- sus, through whom alone salvation is exhibited to sin- ful men. It pleased God to crown his preaching with success. Multitudes were pricked in their hearts-, found themselves guilty of having murdered the Christ 11 of God, and anxious to know what they should do. Peter's direction to them was ; " Repent and be bap- tized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the Ho- ly Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Thus the doctrine of repentance and remission of sins in the name of Jesus, began at Jerusalem. They, who gladly received the word which Peter preached, were baptized, " and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls." These appear tq have been fully converted to Chris- tianity ; for we are assured, " they continued steadfast- ly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." Here we see the regular appearance of the first Christian church. A church that understood and be- lieved the apostolic doctrine of repentance and remis- sion of sins in the i^ame of Jesus Christ. A church that continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship. They regarded their pastors as those whom God had made instruments of their conversion. They manifested their faith by their obedience to the command of Christ relative to the Lord's supper, and were devout and prayerful. " And all that believed were together, and had all things common, and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need." Mutual charity proved how soon the operations of Di- vine grace had loosened their affections from a love of this world, and that they had chosen God for their portion. This was a happy season of religious revival, for "the Lord added to the church daily such as sliouldbe saved." Soon after this, a miracle, wrought by Peter and John, OH a lame man, a well known beggar, above for- ty years old, gave a further attestation to their doc- ^rine ; and prepared the way for Peter to preach to the admiring multitudes the same doctrine of repen- tance and remission, and to point them to Jesus for pardon and salvation. In this St. Peter exalts the Lord Jesus as the Holy One, and the Just, the Prince of Life ; shows them their guilt in their having prefer- red Barrabas, a murderer, to him, disclaims all merit in himself and his colleague in the miracle just wrought, and shews that God had glorified his Son Jesus, and that it was through faith in his name, the wonderful cure had been performed ; exhorts them to repentance and conversion, and shows them that " there is none other name" than that of Jesus "under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." The signal for persecution was now raised by the magistrates of Jerusalem, who were enemies to all practical godliness. The two apostles were imprison- ed that evening ; but their examination was deferred until the next day. To the interrogatories put to him by the court of ex- amination, Peter frankly answers, that the miracle had been " wrought in the name of Jesus, whom ye cru- cified, whom God raised from the dead," and boldly rebukes them for their contempt of him, who is the only Savior. The wisdom and boldness, of these two unlettered fishermen, struck the court with astonish- ment. But finding no present opportunity to gratify their malice, on account of the splendor of the miracle, they dismissed them with a strict charge to be silent in future concerning the name of Jesus. With this charge the apostles ingenuously confessed they could not comply, because they must obey God rather than men. The apostles returning and reporting all these things to their company, they all with united supplication entreated the Lord to grant them boldness to perse- vere, notwithstanding the menaces of his and their enemies. They were filled with the Holy Ghost and enabled to proceed with calm intrepidity. At this season, brotherly love and the most perfect unanimity happily prevailed among the Christians. Divine grace was largely diffused among them. The poor lacked nothing; the richer brethren converted their possessions into money, and left the distribution IS of the whole to the discretion of the apostles. But the wheat among the tares now began to appear. There was one Ananias among the disciples, whose conscience had been so far impressed, as to respect that doctrine and fellowship to which he had joined himself; but whose heart was never divorced from the love of the world. A regard for his reputation in- duced him to sell his possessions with the rest ; but the fear of poverty and the want of faith in God, dis- posed him to reserve a part of the price, while he brought the other to the apostles. Peter upbraided him with being under the influence of Satan, in lying to the Holy Ghost ; shewed him that the action was not committed against man, but against God, that the guilt of his hypocrisy was hereby aggravated ; that he was under no necessity of selling his property, or of laying it at the apostles- feet when sold, and that nothing could be said to extenuate his baseness. Im- mediately the unhappy man fell down dead ; and about three hours after, his wife Sapphira, who had been partaker of her husband's guilt, was made a similar monument of Divine justice. Such a proof of the discernment of spirits, and of the power of punishing hypocrisy, resting in the gov- ernors of the church, rilled all who heard these things with awe. The Lord had now shewn his holiness as well as his grace : and the love of the world, was a se- cond time punished by a signal interposition of hea- ven. Multitudes of both sexes were now added to the church, chiefly of the common people. At the progress which the gospel was thus making, the rage of the high priest and his party, all of whom were of the sect of the Sadducees, was greatly excited. Their first step was to imprison the apostles. But God by night, sent his angel and set them free, and bade them preach in the temple. The next morning, a full Sanhedrim \vas convened, and the apostles were sent for. They were not, however, found in con- finement, but preaching in the temple, and in a gentle manner were conducted before the court. The high priest upbraids them with their disobedience to his 14 former injunction of silence, to whom they again an- swer, "they ought to obey God rather than men." They bore witness to the resurrection of Christ, and declared that " God had exalted him with his own right hand to be a Prince and Savior, to give repen- tance to Israel, and forgiveness of sina," and that " the Holy Ghostj whom God bestows on those who obey him, witnessed" the same thing. Thus these first Christians did, with the most pungent plainness, lay open the gospel, and exhibit it as something extreme- ly different from a mere system of morals, though it included all good morality in its nature. The spirit of persecution was now about to burst forth in violent counsels. But Providence made use of the counsel of Gamaliel, a judicious, learned, res- pectable man, though as far as appears, a man of the world, and a hater of Christianity, to prolong the lives of the apostles. They were dismissed, but not with- out stripes, and a severe charge no more to preach in thq name of Jesus. They ceased not, however, to " teach and preach Jesus Christ, and rejoiced that they were accounted worthy to suffer shame for his name," The church was now much enlarged ; an increase of ministerial labor devolved upon the apostles : dis- satisfaction in the mean time arose in the minds of some, from a supposition that, in the daily supply of the poor, relief had not, by the apostles, been equally ministered to the widows. Seven coadjutors were chosen to see to an equal ministration to the poor, ancl the apostles were left free to give themselves continu- ally to prayer and the ministry of the word, The love of Christ then ruling in the hearts of his people, the multitude consented with pleasure. Many of the priests now obeyed the gospel, and Jerusalem saw, con- tinually large accessions made to the church. The enemies of Christianity could not be at rest, Stephen, one of the seven who had been chosen to as- sist the apostles, in relieving them from the daily min- istration to the poor, a man most distinguished for his piety, was accused of blasphemy against Moses and 15 against God ; and brought to make his defence before the Sanhedrim. In his defence, he boldly rebuked the Jews and labored to bring his audience to a deep conviction of their sin in having been the murderers of the Prince of Life, and to leave them no hope in their own righteousness. Behold the contrast between the spirit of the world and the spirit of true Christianity ! His enemies " were cut to the heart, and gnashed on him with their teeth." He, " full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly to heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God," and what he saw, he openly confessed. Their malice burst into a flame. " They cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord, and cast him out of the city, and stoned him," while he called upon his Divine Master, " Lord Jesus receive my spirit." He kneeled down, and cri- ed with a loud voice, " Lord, lay not this sin to their charge." And having thus shewn the constancy of his faith, and the ardor of his benevolence, " he fell asleep." Real faith in Christ, and real charity to men, were here a glorious exemplification of the true spirit of Christianity. Stephen was buried with great lamentation by the church, and a considerable num- ber soon after suffered. The spirit of persecution now raged with unrelent- ing fury. Saul of Tarsus, a young man of an active, am- bitious spirit, educated at Jerusalem under Gamaliel, and pre-eminently versed in Judaical learning, distin- guished himself as a most bitter persecutor. He took care of the clothes of the witnesses employed in ston- ing Stephen, and made havoc of the church, entering into every house, " and haling men and women, com- mitted them to prison, and when they were put to death, he gave his voice against them." In truth the disciples seemed now to be left to the rage of men, disposed to shew them no mercy, and a superficial ob- server might have supposed, that the fate of Theudas and Judas, mentioned by Gamaliel, was going to at- tend the Christians. Men had not yet learned that the " blood of the martyrs \va the seed of the church," 16 The religious worship of the disciples must have suf- fered a grievous interruption. They were all in a perilous condition. The apostles alone stood their ground, and by the watchful care of their God, were preserved. The dispersed Christians preached the word wherever they went. And thus this persecution was the first occasion of the diffusion of the gospel through various regions, and what was designed to an- nihilate it, was overruled to extend it exceedingly. But we shall confine ourselves in this section to the church of Jerusalem. Saul, zealous for persecution, was vexed to hear, that a number of the Christians had escaped to Da- mascus, an ancient city of Syria, and procured a commission from the high priest to bring them bound to" Jerusalem. On his way, when near to Damascus, a sudden light from heaven, exceeding that of the sun, arrested the daring zealot, and struck him to the ground. At the same time, a voice called to him, " Saul, Saul, w r hy persecutest thou me ?" And he said, Who art thou, Lord ; and the Lord said, " I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest : it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." The will of this bitter per- secutor was broken for the first time, and, "Lord, what wilt thou have me do," was his cry. He was directed to go into Damascus, where, after having remained three days without sight and with- out food, by the particular direction of a vision from the Lord Jesus, Ananias, a disciple of Damascus, was sent to him with the tidings of peace. He receiv- ed his sight and was filled with the Holy Ghost, was baptized, and soon refreshed both in mind and body. From that time till his death, he was engaged in the service of Jesus Christ, in a course of labors in the church, with unparalleled success. - This is he who is commonly known by the name of St. Paul, and his memorial is blessed forever. Particularly commis- sioned to preach to the Gentiles, he entered with the greatest penetration into the nature of Christianity, became one of its most able advocates and zealous supporters, and travelled extensively for its propaea- 17 lion. Having preached Christ for three years abroad, he went up to Jerusalem, not to join himself to his former friends in persecution, but to join himself to the church, The church, after receiving particular information of his genuine conversion, received him cordially. Gladly would he have remained at Jeru- salem ; but the Lord by a vision assured him that the Jews would not receive his testimony, and that the great scene of his labors was to be among the Gen* tiles. The unconverted Jews sought his life, but by the address of his Christian brethren, he was safely con- ducted to his native city of Tarsus. The fury of per- secution now subsided, the Lord gave rest to his church and the disciples, both at Jerusalem and else- where, " walked in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost." Where these are united^ excesses of all sorts are prevented, and inward joy and outward obedience demonstrate that there Christ reigns indeed. Yet so slow are men to receive new divine truths, especially those which militate against old prejudices, that the Christians of Jerusalem con- tended with Peter on account of his intercourse with the Gentiles of Csesarea. Peter with great meekness reasoned with his bigoted brethren, convinced them by evident proofs that the grace of God was vouch- safed to the Gentiles, and that it was lawful to have communion with them. They glorified God, saying, " Then hath God, also to the Gentiles, granted repen- tance unto life." Evert a converted Jew, now admits with difficulty, that the grace of God may visit a Gentile, The visits of Paul to Jerusalem seem to have been but short. In one of these the grace of God shone bright, in the alms of Gentile converts sent by him to the Jewish Christians aiilicted with a famine in the days of Claudius Caesar. His companion to Jerusa- lem was Barnabas, whose liberality in the beginning had been so eminent. Having discharged this ser- vice, they both returned to minister to the Gentiles, 18 The civil power of Judea was now in the hands of Herod Agrippa, a person of considerable talents, and full of specious virtue, but a persecutor of the church of Christ. Of this persecution, James, the son Zebe- dee, was the first victim ; who was slain with the sword, the first of the apostles, who departed from the church below, to join that which is above. Herod, finding this act popular, sought to despatch Peter also. But God had reserved him for more ser- vices. Though irriprisoned and strictly guarded, with a view to his being publicly executed, after the pass- over, when the concourse of Jews at Jerusalem was very large, yet was he miraculously preserved. A spirit of earnest, persevering prayer, on his behalf was poured on the church of Jerusalem, and on the night before his intended execution, an angel was sent for his deliverance from prison. Jie then gladly re- paired to his praying Christian friends, who received him with great joy, and he informed them of the Lord's wonderful interposition in his favor. After thi* he retired to a place of concealment. Little did Herod apprehend that his own death should precede that of his prisoner. On a public oc- casion, in which he appeared in great splendor, he de- livered an oration, so pleasing to his audience, " that they shouted, it is the voice of a god and not of a man." 'That moment he was smitten with an incurable dis^ /ease by an angel, because he " gave not God the glo- ry." Thus he fell, a warning to princes not to seek glory in opposition to God. The next memorable circumstance in the mother church was "the first Christian council." The many thousands, in whose hearts God had erected his king- dom, though in the midst of one of the most wicked nations in the world, had now lived about twenty years, in great unanimity and charity, "keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." But at length their peace and harmony were interrupted by some Christian Jews, who urged upon the Gentile con- verts the necessity of circumcision, and of obedience to the whole of the Mosaic ceremonial, in order to sal- 19 nation. In this they practically averred, that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, was not sufficient for man's salvation, that the favor of God was, in part at least, to be purchased by human works, and that they by their ritual observances contributed to their acceptance with God. In this an attempt was made to corrupt the simplicity of the faith, by which Christians had hith- erto rested with complacency on Jesus alone, had en- joyed peace of conscience, and been constrained to obedience by love. This growing evil, the apostles Paul and Barnabas, after no small fruitless altercation with the zealots, sought to counteract, by referring the full consideration of the question to a council of apos- tles and elders at Jerusalem. At the council Peter argued, that as God had select- ed him to preach to the Gentiles, and had given great success to his preaching among them, in purifying their hearts by faith, and in shedding down upon them the Holy Ghost, no less than upon the Jews, God had unequivocally decided, that the yoke of ceremo- nial observances was not to be imposed on them, as necessary to their salvation. Paul and Barnabas also gave full proof of the divine grace vouchsafed to the Gentiles. James, who seems to have been the stand- ing pastor of Jerusalem, confirmed the same argument, by the prophets of the Old Testament, agreeably to Peter's declaration of the mercy of God in visiting the Gentiles. He gave his opinion, that the Gentiles should no lohger be molested with sentiments subver- sive of the grace of God, and tending to teach them dependance on human works, instead of the merits of Christ for salvation. Only he recommended, that the council should direct them to abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things stran- gled, and from blood. For the Jews, dispersed through Gentile cities, and who heard Moses read every Sab* bath day, required these precautions. A letter was sent according to these views, nor does it appear there was one dissenting voice in the coun- cil. The result of this council among the Gentile converts, appears to have had a most salutary eflo<;t. 20 The tenor of this result was, that none were required to live in Mosaic observances, as necessary to sal- vation: that dependance for salvation was to be pla- ced, solely on the atoning blood and justifying righ- teousness of Jesus Christ. From the Acts of the apos- tles, and from their epistles it appears, that they regulated their religious instructions and practices agreeably to this prudent and excellent result, where- ever they went. The inveteracy and self-righteous spirit of those who adhered to Mosaic observances, their opposition to the soul-humbling, apostolic doc- trine of justification by faith alone, and the zeal, faith- fulness and success of the apostles, we have stated in the Acts of the apostles, and in their epistles. Ta these the reader is referred for particular information. From the same source we learn too that the church at Jerusalem did not uniformly maintain its first love, but even in the apostles' day experienced a of declension, SECTION II. Judea, Galilee and Samaria. 1 HE holy land was divided into three provinces, Judea, Galilee, and Samaria. ' In all these, Christian churches were early planted. These, most probably,, followed the example of the .parent church at Jerusa- lem, both in its first love and auspicious progress, and also in its unhappy declension. Samaria, though situated between Judea and Ga- lilee, was distinguished from them both in its polity and religion. Its inhabitants occupied a great part of the district which had belonged to the tribes, whom the kings of Assyria had carried into captivity. They mixed the worship of Jehovah with their idols, vainly boasted of their relation to Jacob, professed to regard the law of Moses, and depreciated the rest of the Old Testament. 21 They were extremely corrupted in their religious views and practices. This people the divine Savior pitied, and visited them himself, when some sinners were converted. But the effusions of his kindness toward this unhappy peo- ple appeared most conspicuous, in blessing the minis- try of Philip to their spiritual good. Philip, one of the eleven, spoken of in the sixth chapter of Acts, driven from Jerusalem by persecution, was directed to go to Samaria. There he preached Christ, and the gospel entered the hearts of many, so that " there was great joy in that city." Though the inhabitants were a simple and ignorant people, yet when the spirit of God was greatly poured out upon them, under Phi- lip's preaching, none received the gospel with more cordial pleasure. Superstition and diabolical delu- sions vanished ; and numbers of both sexes were bap- ^ized. Simon, the sorcerer, who had for a long time de- ceived this people with his sorceries, though a stran- ger to the nature and power of Christ's religion, was convinced that Christianity in general was true, be- came an historical believer and was baptized. The apostles, hearing of the happy success of the gospel at Samaria, sent thither Peter and John, who prayed that the Holy Ghost might be imparted through the imposition of hands. Their prayer was answered. The Spirit was communicated, not only in extraordinary gifts, but also in an effusion of the same holy graces, which had . appeared in Judea. By the former the attention of Simon was attracted. His avarice prompted him to attempt to purchase the power with money ; in expectation that if possessed of the supposed secret, he could soon acquire vast wealth. Peter, who at once saw his covetousness and ignorance, rebuking him in the severest manner, as- sured him his heart was altogether wrong, and that notwithstanding his baptism arid profession of Chris- tianity, his state was accursed, and exhorted him to repent and to seek divine forgiveness. Here we see how singularly remote the religion of Jesus is from all worldly plans and schemes, and what an awful differ- ence there ever is between a real and nominal Chris- tian. The conscience of Simon felt the reproof: he begged the apostle's prayers, but it does not appear he ever prayed for himself. Peter and John preaejied through many Samaritan villages, and then returned to Jerusalem. Thus, converted Jews and converted Samaritans, who, while unregenerated, had disagreed in rites, were now united in Jesus, and while each felt the game obligations to grace, learnt for the first time the, sweets and comforts of mutual charity. SECTION III. Ethiopia. JL HE persecution which had driven many of the re* al friends of Christ from Jerusalem, wa's overruled to the furtherance of the gospel. After Philip had fin- ished his work at Samaria, he was, by an extraordi- nary commission, ordered to travel southward toward the desert. He soon learnt for what intent ; he fell in with an Ethiopian eunuch, a minister of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who had been worshipping at Jerusalem, and was returning home in his chariot, and reading the prophet Esaias. The adorable pro- vidence of God directed him, at that particular time, to the fifty-third chapter, which gives so clear a de- scription of Christ crucified. Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading. The man, confess- ing his ignorance, desired Philip to come and sit with him. The evangelist took the opportunity of expound- ing the gospel to him through the medium of the pas- sage he was then reading, which at once lays open the guilty and miserable state of man, his recovery only by the grace of Jesus Christ, the nature, end and efficacy of his death and resurrection, and justification before God, by the knowledge of hira. God gave ef~ 23 ficacy to the truths explained, brought hifri to see and feel his guilt -::.r.d wickedness, to discover the remedy provided for divine acceptance, and as soon as he came to a certain water, he desired to be baptized. Phi^ Hp, assuring him there was no impediment, if he was* sincere in the faith of Christ, the humbled applicant professed that he believed that the Jesus of Nazareth, whom Philip had preached to him, was indeed the Son of God prophesied of in Isaiah, and answered the character of Savior there given him. Philip then baptized him. . Though Philip, by the spirit of the Lord, was im- mediately taken from him, yet he went on his way, to his own country rejoicing. This joy, had doubt- less^ a solid and powerful cause, arising from a spirit- ual, internal work, humbling him for sin, and com- forting him, in a view of the truths which he had just heard explained, with forgiveness by Christ. The Eunuch, thus enlightened and rejoicing in God, when he returned home, did probably use his influence to plant the gospel among his own countrymen. We have, however, no scripture light on this subject. SECTION IV. Ccesarea. V//ESAREA,-. situated in the confines of Syria and Judea, was the residence of the Roman Governor, a city of great importance. Philip, after he was caught away from the Eunuch, was found at Azotus : " and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea." Here he was stationary many years. Toward the conclusion of the period of about thirty years, which takes in the history of the Acts, we find him still fix-^ ed in the same place, with four virgin daughters, where he entertained St. Paul in his last journey to Jerusalem. Here we may well suppose he did not 24 gpend his time in idleness and inactivity, but with zeal and engagedness for the good of souls. In this city the grace of God was displayed in the conversion of Cornelius ; the history of whom, and the method taken by the grace of God for his in- struction, and the spiritual good of other Gentiles in that city, the reader may see at large in Acts, tenth chapter. In these instances of Gentile conversion, Christian Jews were taught that Jesus had a chosen people among the Gentiles, whom he had come to seek and to save, and that Gentile converts were to be by them received as fellow-heirs of the grace of God. SECTION V. Antioch ttnd some other Asiatic Churches, 1 HE good effects which Providence brought out of Stephen's persecution were great. Many, who fled from persecution, disseminated the gospel in Gentile regions. Some travelled as far as Phenice, Cyprus and Antioch, still preaching only to Jews- At length, some Cypriot and Cyrenian Jew r s ventured to break through the pale of distinction, and at Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, preached the Lord Jesus to the Gentiles. These were called Grecians, because the Greek language here prevailed. The Lord, willing to overcome effectually the reluctances of self-righteous bigotry, caused the idolaters to feel the sanctifying power of divine grace accompanying the gospel, and great numbers to turn to him. The mother church, hearing of this, sent Barnabas, whose piety and charity w^ere renowned, to carry on and propagate a work, which required more labourers. Salvation, by the grace of Christ, thus exemplified on persons, whose Jives had hitherto been involved in Paganism, and ev- idenced in a manner hitherto unknown, cheered the benevolent heart of this devout missionary: with a most pleasing prospect of usefulness. Finding many converts, he exhorted them to perseverance, and the addition of believers was still so large, that he began to look out for a coadjutor. He sought for Saul, then laboring at Tarsus, perhaps with no great success ; " for a prophet is not honored in his own country," and brought him to Antioch. This populous city em- ployed them a whole year. Christian societies, con- sisting in a great measure of Gentiles, were here regu- larly formed. And here the followers of Christ were first called Christians. A name given them, probably, by their adversaries, by way of contempt. But a name now honorable to all who maintain the real character t)f disciples of their divine Master. That the faith of the Christians of Antioch was sig- nally operative, and that they rejoiced in the prospect of heavenly treasures, they manifested by contribut- ing cheerfully to the relief of their poor brethren of Jerusalem distressed by a famine. The Holy Ghost now called Barnabas arid Saul to other labors ; and Seleucia, in the neighborhood, was their first destina- tion. Thence they passed to the fertile and pleasant island of Cyprus. From Salamis, the eastern point of the island, to Paphos the western, they spread the glacl tidings of the gospel. In this last place they found Elymas, a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet, with Sergius Paulus, the Roman governor of the island. The governor being a man of sense and candor, sent for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God. The good effects of their labors, the sorcerer endeavored to prevent ; till Paul, full of holy indigna- tion at his diabolical malice, was enabled miraculous- ly to strike him blind for a season. Sergius was as- tonished " at the doctrine of the Lord," and com- menced a Christian from that hour. The two apostles sailed now to the adjoining con- tinent, and arrived at Perga in Pampriylia. John Mark, who had thus far attended them as minister^ here left them and returned to Jerusalem. 26 Antioch in Pisidia was the next scene of their labors. There, on the Sabbath day, they attended the Jew- ish synagogue, and Paul, having been invited by the rulers to give a word of exhortation, addressed the au- dience with such instructions as tended to beget in them a conviction of sinfulness, and to give testimony to Jesus, concluding with a remarkably plain decla- ration of the grand doctrine of justification by faith in Jesus only, and a solemn warning against the dreadful consequences of hardness of heart, and of contempt of the divine message. The Gentiles, powerfully im- pressed with the news, desired to hear more of the subject the next Sabbath. Many Jews and proselytes were converted ; and almost the whole city came next Sabbath to hear. The envy of the infidel Jews Avas hereby excited against Paul, and was manifested in most decided and virulent opposition. The two apos- tles boldly assured them, that though it was their du- ty to carry the news of salvation to them first, yet as they despised God's gift of eternal life, they would now turn to the Gentiles. The Pagans, feeling that they had no righteousness to plead before God, thank- fully embraced the gospel, and believed, in great num- bers. In Pisidia the apostles proceeded with vast success, till a persecution stirred up by the Jews, induced some self-righteous ladies, in conjunction with the magis- trates, to drive them out of their coasts. And they came to Iconium, the northern extremity of the coun- try. The disciples whom they left, though harrassed with persecution, "were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost." The ministry of these two apostles at Iconium, where they continued a long time, was bles- sed to the conversion of a great multitude both of Jews and Gentiles. The unbelieving Jews, who were Uni- tarians in sentiment, exerted their usual malevolence and filled the Gentiles with the strongest prejudices against the Christians. They labored, notwithstand- ing all their knowledge of the law of Moses and the prophets, to prevent their Pagan neighbors from being instructed in airy thing whitsh deserved the name of 27 religion, and persecuted with unceasing acrimony two of their own countrymen, who agreed with them in the profession of the worship of the one living and true God. They evidently preferred to have their Pagan neighbors remain buried in the depths of the most senseless idolatry in worship, and of vicious profliga- cy of life, rather than to have them brought over to the real Christian religion, the hearty renunciation of their own righteousness, and an humble dependance on the atoning blood and justifying righteousness of Jesus Christ. In this they exhibited the practical na- ture of real Unitarianism, as it stands unconnected with the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. In this city, the preaching of Paul and Barnabas excited a variety of speculations. The Gentiles were divided, and part ranged themselves with the Jews, and part with the apostles. The former, for the present, had the advantage, because they had the arms of vio- lence and persecution, which Christian soldiers can- not use. The apostles aware of their designs, " fled unto Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lyeaonia, and into the re- gion that lieth round about : and there they preached the gospel." At Lystra, a poor cripple, who ne- ver had the use of his feet, with the most respectful attention heard Paul preach, and was brought to be- lieve there was virtue in the name of Jesus Christ to heal him. To confirm him in his infant views of the Christian religion, to attest the truth, and to convince men that Jesus was both mighty and benevolent, Paul was enabled by a word to restore the man to the full use of his limbs. Immediately these poor idola- ters concluded, that the gods were come down to them in the likeness of men. Through this whole country of Asia Minor, the Greek Literature, and with it the numerous fables of Hellenistic vanity, abound- ed. They had heard of Jupiter and Mercury, parti- cularly as visiting mankind ; and now Barnabas, whose figure of the two was the most majestic, must be Ju- piter, and Paul, as the more eloquent speaker, must be Mercury, the classical God of eloquence. The 28 priest of Jupiter brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people. It was a grievous circumstance ; but an opportunity was hereby given to the apostles to demonstrate the Spirit of real godliness. The humble teachers of the gospel, rent their clothes, ran in among the people, and expostulating with them on the absurdity of their con- duct, assured them they were no more than men like themselves, and that the object of their preaching to them \vas, to turn them from their idolatrous practices, to the worship of the living God, the maker of heaven and earth. Thus faithfully did they preach conviction of sin to the Lycaonians, and with difficulty prevented the actual performance of the sacrifice, which would have given them more pain than the persecution which followed. Jews, who came from Antioch and Iconium, soon persuaded the fickle multitude to harbor the worst opinion of Paul and Barnabas, and to persecute them. In a tumult Paul was stoned and dragged out of the city, as dead; but while the discipfes stood round about him, he rose up, miraculously restored, and came into the city, and next day departed with Bar- nabas to Derbe, There many were converted, and the persecuting spirit intermitting, they visited again, in circuit the regions of Pisidia, and Lycaonia, en- couraging the disciples to persevere in the faith of Je- sus in confidence of divine support, and in full expec- tation of the kingdom of heaven, into which real chris- tians must not expect to enter without much tribula- tion. Having ordained some of the brethren to minister in every church, and having solemnly recommended pastors and flocks to the care of that gracious Lord, on whom they had believed, they returned through Pamphylia, preached again at Perga, and from Attalia sailed to the great Antioch, whence they had been, by the prayers of the church, recommended to the grace of God for the work which they had fulfilled. The Christians of Antioch now rested on Christ alone, and, manifested their faith and love by acts of filial obedi- 29 ence. Here Paul and Barnabas spent some time, and were instrumental of great consolation to their Chris- tian brethren ; afterward they were about to visit again the Asiatic churches. Barnabas proposed to take Mark with them, but Paul, remembering his former desertion, thought him unfit for the work. The con- sequence was Paul and Barnabas separated ; Barna- bas with Mark sailed to Cyprus. Paul took Silas for his fellow laborer, and went through Syria and Silicia confirming the churches. In Lycaonia he found the pious Timothy, whom he took as an associate, and confirmed the Gentile con- verts every where in Christian liberty: thus were the churches established in the faith, and daily increased in number. SECTION VI. Galatia. -IN this country the grossest idolatry had reigned ; but here the grace of God accompanying the ministry of Paul among them had a wonderful effect, to turn great numbers of vile idolaters from their vanities to the 1 love of the truth in Jesus Christ. And several church- es were planted among them, formed almost, if not entirely, of Gentiles. These understood and received the apostolic doctrine, that justification is attainable only by faith in Christ crucified. They received the spirit of adoption, by which they rejoiced in God as their Father, and cheerfully suffered much persecu- tion for the name of Christ. But on Paul's leaving them, with the most pleasing hopes of their spiritual growth and steadfastness in the great doctrines which he had taught them, certain Judaizing teachers sought to pervert them from the simplicity of the gospel way of life and salvation by faith in Christ's name, by urg- ing upon them circumcision and various other Mosaic rites, as necessary to their salvation. These teachers endeavored to alienate the 'affections of the Gentile 30 converts of Galatia from Paul, and to foster among them a self-righteous spirit, by endeavoring to bring them not to depend on Christ alone for salvation. Paul having learned what was taking place at Gala- tia in his absence, addressed to them a very plain and affectionate letter, in which he warns them of their dan- ger from Judaizing teachers, and asserts that if they mixed circumcision, or any work of the law, with Christ, in the article of justification, Christ would be of no effect to them ; that Christ must be their whole Savior, if they were saved by him ; law and grace in this case being quite opposite. He urges that the doctrine they were embracing would but foster a self- righteous spirit, void of love to God and man, and make them no better, in their spiritual state, than they were while idolaters ; that if they cherished this spirit, they would not experience the liberty of the gospel, but be mere slaves in religion, still unconvert- ed, and merely self-righteous, and that the gospel is entirely distinct from any thing which mere man is apt to teach or ready to embrace. In the historical part of the epistle, he vindicates his own apostolic character, and with clear argument and strong dic- tion, inculcates the all important article of justifica- tion, and presses the necessity of continuing in it, to be benefitted by it. He appeals to their own experi- ence of the happy fruits of the gospel, which they had felt, and represents himself as travailing in birth for them, till Christ be formed in them. From their readiness to listen to Judaizing teachers, he had just reason to be doubtful of their state, and therefore he manifests his great desire to visit them, and give them, in their perilous condition, personal instruction. Their evil advisers were so mischievous to their souls, that he wishes them to be cut off, and assures them that the divine vengeance would overtake them. He in- forms them that the persecution, which he himself en- dured, was on account of this very doctrine, which he was defending; that this being lost, the gospel becomes a mere name, and Christianity is lost in the group of common religions. 31 There is reason to hope that the best effects attend- ed this epistle ; for in his epistle to the Corinthians we find St. Paul exhorting his brethren of Corinth to use the same plan for the relief of the poor saints, which he had suggested to the Galatians. From this it appears that he still had influence in Ga- latia, and that the Judaical perversion was over- come. SECTION VII. PhilippL JL HIS city, though originally Macedonian, and nam- ed from Philip the father of Alexander, was then a Roman colony, inhabited by Roman citizens, and regu- lated by Roman laws and customs. Paul and Silas were determined, in their visit to this city, by a nightly vis- ion, in which there stood a man of Macedonia, before Paul, saying, " Come over into Macedonia and help us." Here, these two apostles spent a few days with little prospect of success. But on the Sabbath they went out of the city by a river-side, where prayer was wont to be made, and sat down, and spake unto the wo- men who resorted thither. One of them was Lydia, a person of some property. Her heart the Lord open- ed to attend to the things spoken of Paul. She was baptized, and her household, and with affectionate importunity prevailed on the apostle and his compan- ions to make her house their home in Philippi. Here we have the commencement of the Philippian church. Satan, vexed at the prospect, employed a girl posses- sed with a spirit of Python, a diabolical spirit, to bring, if possible, the gospel into contempt. She constantly followed the Christian preachers, and bore them the most honorable testimony, " saying, these men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation." Paul was griev- ed, being fully sensible of the ill effect, which a sup- 32 posed union between Christ arid Python must sion in the minds of men ; and was enabled miracu- lously to eject the demon. The proprietors of the girl, who had made a traffic of her oracular powers, finding that she was dispossessed of the demon, wreaked their vengeance on Paul and Silas, and by slanderous accusations induced the magistrates to scourge them severely, and to commit them to prison* The jailer thrust them into the inner prison, and fas- tened their feet in the stocks. But the enemies of the truth cannot prevent the consolations of the Holy Ghost, from being communicated to the people of God united in affliction. " At midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God ;" and the Lord caus- ed a great earthquake, which opened all the doors of the prison, and loosed every one's bonds. The jailer " awaking out of sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, drew his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm ; for we are all here.'* Struck with horror at the thought of the world to come, to which he had been hastening in all his guilt, he came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, " brought them out, and said, sirs, what must 1 do to be saved." The answer was plain and direct, such, as in every like case of en- quiry, ought to be given: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved and thy house." They then instructed him and his household in the nature of the gospel, and opened to him the doctrine of for- giveness by the blood of Christ. His conversion ap- pears to have been sound. His ready submission to baptism, his affectionate treatment of those who had just before been the objects of his severity, and his joy in the Lord, evinced that he was turned from Sa- tan to God. His whole family shared with him in the same blessings. In the morning, the magistrates sent an order for the dismission of the prisoners. But Paul thought it not inconsistent with Christian meekness, to demand from them an apology for their illegal behavior to 33 Roman citizens ; for such it seems Silas was, as well as Paul. The magistrates, alarmed, came personally to make concessions, which were easily accepted* Being dismissed from prison, they entered into Ly- dia's house, comforted the brethren, and left Philippi for a season. Some years after, the apostle again visited this peo- ple, and found them still in a flourishing state. Such was the work of God at Philippi. A considera- ble number of persons, once worshippers of idols, de- voted to the basest lusts, and sunk in the grossest ig- norance, were brought to the knowledge and love of the true God, and to the hope of salvation by his Son Jesus. In this faith and hope, they persevered amidst a severe persecution, steadily brought forth the fruits of charity, and lived in the joyful expecta- tion of a blessed resurrection. SECTION VIIL Thcssalonica. OF Amphipolis and Apollonia, the next cities of Ma- cedonia through which St. Paul passed, nothing par- ticulars recorded. But at Thessalonica, a city re-built by Philip of Macedon, and deriving its name from his conquest of Thessaly, a church was formed inferi- or, in solid piety, to none in the primitive times. Here Paul followed his usual custom of preaching first to the Jews in their synagogue, and spent the first three Sabbaths in pointing out the evidences of Christianity. The custom of the Jews, in allowing any of their countrymen to exhort in their synagogues, gave the apostle an easy opportunity of preaching to this peo- ple, till their usual enmity began to exert itself. Some of the Jews were, however, converted ; and a great multitude of devout Gentiles, who used to attend the synagogue, " and of the chief women not a few." 34 The restless, unconverted Jews were not ashamed to join with the most profligate Pagans in persecuting the new converts to Christianity, and decent hypo- crites and open sinners were now seen united in op- posing the church of God. They assaulted the house of Jason, by whom, Paul and his companions were entertained. Precautions having been used to secrete them, Jason and some other Christians were brought before the magistrates, and calumniated with the usual charge of sedition. The Roman governors were, however, content with exacting a security from Jason and his friends, for the peace of the state. But the apostle knew too well the malice of the Jews to trust to their moderation, and therefore was obliged abruptly to leave the infant church, which appears, however, not to have been without pastors, whom, he charges the brethren, in an epistle soon after address- ed to them, to honor and obey. The growth of this church in godliness was soon re- nowned through the Christian world. Their persecu- tion appears to have been grievious, and hence the comfort of God their Savior, and the prospect of the invisible world, became more and more precious to them. The apostle made two attempts to return to them, but was as often disappointed by the malice of Satan. To strengthen and comfort them, he sent Timothy to them. From him, on his return, he learnt the strength and constancy of their faith and love, and their unshaken attachment to him, and affection- ate remembrance of him. They appear to have felt the love of God in the strongest manner, and to have exercised it towards all around them. To them the apostle wrote two affectionate epistles, in which he gave them much important instruction. Afterward he visited them and gave them much ex- hortation. SECTION IX. Berea and Athens. Jb ROM Thessalonica, Paul was conducted to Berea a city of Macedonia. Here also was a Jewish syna- gogue, and here the preaching of the cross was, for the first time candidly received by the Jews. " They re- ceived the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Therefore many of them believed : also ho- norable women which were Greeks, and of men not a few." The rage of the Thessalonian Jews soon, however, disturbed this pleasing scene and stirred up a persecution, which obliged the Christians to use some art to secure the apostle's life. His conductors, at first, took the road toward the sea, which might lead the persecutors to suppose he had quitted the continent. They then brought him safe to Athens, a city of Greece, renowned for taste and science, the school in which the greatest Romans studied philoso- phy. Here, while waiting for the arrival of Silas and Timothy, he beheld the monuments of the city with other eyes than those of a scholar and a gentleman. He saw, that even the excess of learning brought men no nearer to God : that no place was more given to idolatry. In the midst of classical luxury, he saw his Maker disgraced, and souls perishing in sin. Com- passion for them, and indignation at their idolatry and refinement in sin, swallowed up all other emotions* He felt the worth of souls, and laid open the reasons of Christianity to Jews in their synagogue, and to Gen- tile worshippers who attended the synagogue, and daily to all persons whom he met in the forum. Among the Pagan philosophers,' the Epicureans and the Stoics, were two opposite sects. The former plac- ed the chief good in pleasure, the latter in virtue/ These were correspondent to the two chief sects among the Jews, the Sadducees and the Pharisees, and 36 indeed to the dissipated and the self-righteous, who substitute their own reason and virtue in the room of Divine grace and influence. As these will in any age unite against the real friends of Jesus Christ, so it was here. To them the apostle appeared a mere babbler ; " a setter forth of strange Gods." Jesus and the res- iirrection, which he preached, were ideas from which their minds were so abhorrent, that they took them for new gods. It belonged to the court of Areopagus to take cog- nizance of things of this nature. This court had un- justly condemned to death the famous Socrates for his having honestly rebuked vice and improbity. St. Paul's escape from condemnation here, was owing to circumstances. This court, under the tolerating max- ims of its Roman superiors, seems now to have had only the privilege of examining tenets as a synod, without the penal power of magistracy. Paul, in his defence before this court, diplayed the native greatness of his mind, and the sanctified good- ness of his heart. In language and by arguments strict- ly classical, he reproved their idolatry and announced to them so much of the gospel as was adapted to their very, ignorant state. In this, though himself a prisoner at the bar, he labors to beget in the minds of the court a conviction of sin, and to prepare them to receive gospel mercy. A few believed in reality and with steadfastness, among whom was Dionysius, a member of the court, and a woman named Damaris. These, Paul having left to the care of that gracious God, who had opened their eyes, departed from a city as yet too haughty, too scornful, and too indifferent, concerning things of infinite moment, to receive the gospel. The little success at Athens evinces, that a spirit of literary trifling in religion, where all is mere theory, and the conscience is unconcerned, does effectually harden the heart. 37 SECTION X, Corinth. THIS was at that time the metropolis of Greece. Its situation on an isthmus rendered it remarkably convenient for trade. It was the residence of the Ro- man governor of Achaia, the name then given to all Greece, and it was full of opulence, learning, luxury, and sensuality. Hither the apostle came from Athens, and labored both among the Jews and the Gentiles. Here Providence gave him the acquaintance of Aquila and his wife Priscilla, two Jewish Christians, lately expelled from Italy, with other Jews, by an edict of the emperor Claudius. With them he wrought as a tent maker, being of the same occupation : for every Jew, whether rich or poor, was obliged to fol- low some trade. After the arrival of Silas and Timo- thy, the apostle, with much vehemence, preached to his countrymen ; but the only returns he met with, were opposition and abuse. The apostle was un- daunted. He shook his raiment, told them he was clear of their destruction, would leave them, and ap- ply himself to the Gentiles in the city. With this de- nunciation, he left the synagogue, and entered into the house of one Justus, a devout person, well affected to the gospel. Crispus also, the ruler of the synagogue, with his whole family, received the truth. Though we hear of no more Jewish converts made here, yet many Corinthians were converted. And a gra- cious vision from the Lord, informing that he much people in this city, encouraged the apostle- to stay here a year and a half. After his departure. Appollos, a zealous and eloquent Alexandrian Jew, came to Corinth, and was made a powerful instru- ment of building up this church, and of silencing the opposition of the Jews. We first hear of this man at Ephesus, speaking and teaching diligently the things of the, Lord, knowing no more of Christianity than 38 what was contained in the system of John the Baptist, till instructed more perfectly in the way of life through Jesus Christ, by Aquila and Priscilla. From Ephe- sus he passed on to labor at Corinth; where "he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publicly, shew- ing by the scriptures, that Jesus was Christ," St. Paul appears, so far as circumstances admitted, to have kept up a constant correspondence with the churches. The care of them, as he says, came daily upon him. The Corinthians wrote to him to ask his advice on some cases of conscience, by which he learnt that a variety of evils and abuses had crept in among them. Perhaps no church was more numer- ous, and none less holy in the apostolic age. They were proud of gifts, contentious, self-conceited, and warm partizans for Paul, Apollos and other teachers, and by the indulgence of this spirit, shewed how little they had learnt of true wisdom. The apostle wrote them two faithful and pungent epistles, in' which he endeavors by many weighty considerations to bring them to live and act in character as the affectionate friends and humble followers of Christ. Among the Corinthians, there was so much con- formity to the world, that they were very little expos- ed to persecution ; they were even invited by their idol- atrous neighbors, to partake of their idol-feasts, and there were some who complied. This wordly con- formity the apostle sharply rebukes. Among them were false apostles, who, by pretending to instruct gratis, sought to depreciate Paul as a mercenary per- ,son. Hence, while he rebukes the evils of this peo- ple, he observes, that he labored among them freely, which the false apostles pretended to do. He pro- ceeds to correct an abuse which obtained in their as- semblies, in the article of decency of dress, and an- other much worse, the profanation of the Lord's sup- per. He insists also, on the correction of their abuse of spiritual gifts, particularly those of languages. It appears that love among the Corinthians was low, and that they, in some respects, prized gifts more highly than grace itself. There were some in this outwardly 39 flourishing, but inwardly distempered, church, who even denied the resurrection of the body, which gave occasion to the apostle to illustrate that important ar- ticle of our holy religion. But notwithstanding all the corruptions which so much abounded in this church, the apostle mentions a very common effect which attended the faithful preaching of the gospel even at Corinth. If an igno- rant idolater came into their assemblies, he was so penetrated with the display of the truth as it is in Je- sus, that he could not but discover the very secrets of his soul, would prostrate himself in the worship of God, and report that God was in them of a truth. It appears that the two epistles which the apostle wrote them, had a happy effect ; that many of this church were truly recovered to a state of affection and practice worthy of Christianity. SECTION XL Rome. OUR first accounts of the Roman church are very imperfect. This church, however, at an early period, appears by no means insignificant, either for the num- ber, or the piety, of its converts. Their faith was spo- ken of throughout the whole world. The epistle, which St. Paul addressed to them, will, while the world endures, be the food of Christian minds, and the richest system of doctrine to scriptural theologi- ans. By the distinct directions which he gives for the maintenance of charity between Jews and Gen- tiles, it appears there must have been a considerable number of the former among them. Many of these, as persons of note, and eminent for real piety, in this epistle, he salutes by name, in the most kind and af- fectionate manner. Paul had long wished, and even projected a visit to this church. He did not f hawever, expect that his 40 journey thither should at last be at Caesar's expense* He was confident it should be " in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ." And he entreats the prayers of the Romans, that he may be delivered from the infidel Jews, and be acceptable in his minis- try to his believing countrymen at Jerusalem, whither he was then hastening ; that " he might come to them with joy by the will of God," and be with them re- freshed. Thus did Christians in those days entreat the prayers of their brethren throughout the world, and sympathize with one another. Their prayers were an- swered. Paul was saved from Jewish malice, was ac- ceptable to Jewish converts, " who had compassion on him in his bonds," and was conducted safe to Rome. His two years imprisonment at Rome, the apostle em- ployed in receiving and faithfully instructing, without molestation, all who came to him. On account of his imprisonment and examination, the nature of the gos- pel became a subject of enquiry in Nero's court, and some of the tyrant's family hopefully became chris- tians indeed. The indulgences granted to Paul as a Roman citizen, encouraged many preachers at Rome and its vicinity, to make greater exertions than before they had dared to do, for the good of souls. SECTION XII. Colosse. A HIS city of Phrygia was in the neighborhood of La- odicea and Hierapolis, and all three seem to have been converted by the ministry of Epaphras the Co- lossian, a companion and fellow-laborer of Paul, who attended him at Rome during his imprisonment there, and informed him of the sincerity and fruitfulness of their Christian profession. But the apostle, in his epistle to his brethren of Colosse, knowing some of the dangers of their station to which they were expos- ed, cautions them against philosophy and vain deceit, 41 against Judaical dependancies and rites, and against il- legitimate humility and self-righteous austerities, as carrying the appearance of wisdom and goodness, but really leading only to extravagant self-estimation ; cal- culated to draw the mind from that simplicity of de- pendence on Christ, which is the true rest oT the soul, and the right frame of a Christian. For the entire beauty of this epistle the reader is referred to the epis- tle itself. SECTION XIIL / The seven Churches of Asia. his departure from Corinth, Paul visited Ephe- sus, one of the seven churches of Asia, and first ad- dressed by St. John in the book of Revelation. His stay was short, but the impression made on his hearers must have been remarkably great, as they pressed his longer continuance among them. He left, however, Aquila and Priscilla with them, whose labors were afterwards assisted by Apollos. Paul himself, returning to Ephesus, baptized in the name of Jesus about twelve disciples, who had hither- to received only John's baptism. From this circum- stance we learn, that from the first preaching of the Baptist nothing had been done in vain. The imper- fect elements of that harbinger of Christ had paved the way for clearer discoveries, and a variety of prepa- ratory works had tended to ripen the Church of God into the fulness of light and holiness. Paul preached three months in the Jewish syna- ogue at Ephesus, till the usual perverseness of the ews induced him to desist, and to form the new con- verts into, a distinct church. One Tyrannus lent the apostle his school for two years, in which he daily ministered. And the whole region of Asia Proper had at different times an opportunity of hearing the gospel. The word of God wonderfully triumphed at .pphe- sus. The work of conversion there was deep, vigor- g J 42 , and soul-transforming to a great degree. Many, Struck with horror at the recollection of former crimes^ made an open confession ; and many, who had dealt in the abominations of sorcery, now manifested their sincere detestation of them, by burning their books before all men, the price of which amounted to a large sum. " So mightily grew the word of God, and pre- vailed." The spiritual power of Jesus was never seen in a stronger light since the day of Pentecost ; and the venal priesthood of Diana, the celebrated goddess of Ephe- sus, apprehending the total ruin of their hierarchy, with their devotees, made a violent effort to support their sinking superstition, and set the whole city into an uproar. But the prudent and eloquent harangue of a magistrate, called the town- clerk, was the pro- vidential instrument of Paul's preservation and de- liverance. He calmed the spirit of the Ephesians, and silenced the uproar ; after which Paul affection- ately embraced the disciples, and left Ephesus. He left pastors to superintend that and the neighboring churches. But he foresaw with grief, as he afterward told these pastors in a very pathetic address, when he had sent for them to Miletus, that their present puritj would not continue unstained. Wolves would enter \mong them, to devour the flock, and among them- selV r es heretical perverseness would find countenance, and ^roduce a pernicious separation. To prevent these e v ^ s tne apostle exhorted them to the persever- ing dischv ar S e f a ^ the duties of a holy life and con- versation. What the L ' os P e l really is, both as to doctrine, and duly, may be cc ~^ ecte d w ^ tn tne greatest certainty, in the excellent Enj ^ e wn * cn P au ^ wrote to this church, containing a most a >mirable S 7 stem of divinity, suit- ed to the instruction o> * every * church in eyer ^ a S G ' In PaulV absence fro* ' ^ ? UtC ^ Ti ^ th ^. a P~ pears to have been the cL paSt r * ^ rom 1 the dir f - tions which he smve Tim rffc concennng the regula- tion of public worsh^ a ? T ^aracter and conduct of chu^ o -clesiastical polity 43 had taken a firm root in this church. From the vis- ion 1 which St. John received in the isle of Patmos from the Lord Jesus Christ, and the several charges there given him to be addressed to the seven church- es of Asia, descriptive of their spiritual state at that time, and giving suitable directions to each of them ? it appears, that the Ephesians were then still alive in the faith. This was near the close of the first century. They patiently bore the cross, ever attendant on the real faith of Jesus, and labored in good works with- out fainting. They had, however, declined from the intenseness of that love, which they had at first exhi- bited. Their hearts panted not after Christ with that: steady ardour with which they had formerly been an- imated. Though they had still the marks of health remaining, their vigor had much abated. In this they justly deserved blame. True zeal and true charity should ever grow, as the understanding has opportu- nity to improve. The ill effects of this decline, grad- ually paved the way, by the influence of their exam- ple on the rising generation, to unchurch this people, and for the desolation in which this very region now remains under Mahometan wickedness and ignorance. The church of Smyrna was next addressed. It was once in a state of great purity of doctrine, and holiness of heart and life. Though poor in wordly circum* stances, its members were rich in grace. Attempts were, however, now making to introduce Judaical cor- ruptions among them, by those who were of the syna- gogue of Satan. They were reminded that a severe persecution was soon coming upon them, which should last some time, and they were exhorted to continue faithful unto death, with the assurance that the crown of life should be the reward of their fidelity The church of Pergamus was approved. of in gene- ral. They lived in the midst of a very impious peo- ple, who in effect worshipped Satan himself, and did all in their power to support his, kirigdom. Yet was the zeal of this church firm and steady. They did not, however, pass without some blame. There were some among them, who acting like Balaam of 44 old, were employed, by Satan, to entice some of this church to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to com- mit fornication ; two evils often closely connected. Some went even into the abomination of the Nicolai- tans. These are exhorted to repent, from the fear of divine vengeance. On the whole, with a few excep- tions, the church of Pergamus was pure and lively, and upheld the standard of truth, though encircled with the flames of martyrdom. One from their num- ber received the crown of martyrdom while adher- ing to the truth as it is in Jesus, Concerning this church Christ testifies ; " I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is ; and thou boldest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith even in those days, wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Sa- tan dwelleth." The church in Thyatira was also addressed, and re- presented in a thriving state. Charity, active services, patient dependance on God, and a steady reliance on the divine promises marked their works. Their last works are represented to be more than their first. But a few things are alleged against this church. They suffered an artful woman to seduce some into wicked practices. Her allegorical name was Jezebel, doubt- less from her near resemblance in practice to the wife of Ahab, who exerted all her influence to promote idol- atry in Israel. Our Lord informs them, that he gave her space to repent, but to no purpose, and there- fore now denounces severe threatenings against her and her associates, at the same time vindicating his claim to divine worship by the incommunicable title of Him who searches the hearts, and declaring that he would make himself known to be such in all the churches. On those, who had kept themselves unspot- ted from these evils, he declares he would put no other burden; only he exhorts them to hold fast what they already had to the day of judgment. The church of Sardis presents us with an unpleas- ant spectacle. They are spoken of as in a very droop- ing condition. They had neglected that course of 45 prayer and watchfulness, which is necessary to pre serve the divine life in vigor ; and their works were now only faintly distinguishable from those of persons al- together dead in sin. Some good things however re- mained in them, which yet were ready to die ; but their lives brought no glory to God, nor benefit to the cause of Christ, and could scarce prevent its being scandalized in the world. A few names, indeed, there were in Sardis on whom Jesus looked with complacen- cy ; they had not defiled their garments ; but most of the Christians there were deeply stained by corrup^ tion, probably by uniting with the world in their wick^ ed practices. All here are called upon to live near to God, with the assurance that if they thus do they shall be crowned at last as the real friends of Christ. Philadelphia is highly extolled. They were a hum- ble, charitable, fervent people, deeply sensible of their weakness, and fearful of being seduced by Satan and their own hearts. To them, having a little strength, a promise of strong support is given, because they had maintained true patience in suffering. The religion of Christ bids us to be cool in our af- fections but only to worldly things ; the lukewarm state, therefore, of Laodicea is highly blamed. The Laodi- ceans were satisfied with themselves and desired no higher attainments. They had learnt to maintain, in easy indolence an orthodoxy of sentiment without any awakened and affectionate attention to the real activity of vital piety. Such was the situation of the seven churches o(* Asia. " He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spi- rit saith unto the churches." CHAPTER. II. The remainder of the first Century. JL HE apostles in general appear not to have left Ja- dea, till after the first council held at Jerusalem. Probably the threatening appearances of its desola- tion by the Romans, hastened their departure into distant regions. Before the close of this century the power of the gospel appears to have been felt through- out the Roman empire. I shall divide this chapter into four parts, and review, first, the progress and per- secution of the church. Secondly, the lives, charac- ters, and deaths of the apostles. Thirdly, the heresies of this period. And, lastly, the general character of Christianity in this first age. It was about the year of our Lord 64, that the city of Rome suffered a general conflagration. The author of this appears to have been Nero. He, however, en- deavored, by every measure, to fix the odium of this horrid deed upon the Christians at Rome, and thereby to excite against them a spirit of persecution. They, though actuated by the purest benevolence, by call- ing upon their neighbors to repent and believe the gospel, and thus to flee from the wrath to come, had excited the bitter resentment of the opposers of the gos- pel. Thus the Christians at Rome, by their exertions lor the spiritual and eternal good of their heathen neighbors, had incurred the hatred of Nero and oth- ers inimical to a life of holiness. When the city was burnt, the Christians were charged by Nero with hav- ing been the incendiaries. The minds of the opposers of Christianity were hereby greatly exasperated against them, and a bitter persecution immediately ensued. The Christians were seized, were covered with skins of wild beasts and torn by dogs, were crucified, and set on fire, that they might serve for lights in the night time. Nero offered his garden for this spectacle, and exhibr 47 itccl the games of the circus. It appears from weft authenticated history, that Nero ordered some of tha Christians to be covered with wax and other combus- tible materials; and that, after a sharp stake was put under their chin, to make them continue upright, they were burnt alive to give light to the spectators. It is probable that this persecution was not confined to Rome, but that it extended to other parts of the Ro- man empire. The church in Spain appears at this time to have had her martyrs. Three or four years were probably the utmost ex- tent of this tremendous persecution, as in the year 68 the cruel tyrant was himself, by a dreadful exit, sum- moned before the Divine tribunal. He left the Ro- man world in a state of extreme confusion. Judea partook of it in an eminent degree. About forty years after our Lord's sufferings, wrath came on the body of the Jewish nation to the uttermost. But before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman armies, the Christian Jews, warned by a divine command, fled from that devoted city, to Pella, a village beyond Jordan ; where they were saved from the destruction which soon after overwhelmed their countrymen. The death of Nero, and the destruction of Jerusa- lem would naturally occasion some respite to the chris- tians from their sufferings ; and we hear no more of their persecuted state, till the reign of Domitian, the last of the Flavian family, who succeeded to the em- pire in the year 81. He does not appear to have ra- ged against the Christians, till the latter end of his reign. Indeed, in imitation of his father Vespasian, he made enquiry for such of the Jews as were descended from the royal line of David. His motives were evi- dently political. But there wanted not those who were glad of an opportunity of wreaking their malice on Christians. Some persons were charged with be- ing related to the royal family, who were brought be- fore the emperor. They appear to have been related to our Lord, grandsons of Jude the apostle, his cousin. Domitian asked them, if they were of the family of David,, which they acknowledged. He then enquired 48 what possessions they had. They laid open their po- verty, and owned that they maintained themselves by their labor. The truth of their confession was eviden- ced by their hands, and their appearance in general. Domitian then interrogated them concerning Christ and his kingdom, when and where it should appear. They answered, like their Master, when questioned by Pilate, that his kingdom was not of this world, but heavenly ; that its glory should be at the consummation of the world, when he should judge the quick and the dead, and reward every man according to his works. Poverty is sometimes a defence against oppression, though it never shields from contempt. Domitian was satisfied, that his throne was in no danger from Chris- tian ambition, and the grandsons of Jude had the hon- or of being dismissed with the same sort of derision, with which their Savior had been by Herod. Thus had the son of God provided for his relations ; they were poor in worldly circumstances, but rich in faith, and heirs of his heavenly kingdom. As Domitian improved in cruelty, toward the end of his reign, he renewed the horrors of Nero's persecu- tion. He put to death many persons accused of athe- ism, the common charge against Christians, on account of their refusing to worship the Pagan gods. Among these was the consul Flavius Clemens, his cousin, who had espoused Flavia his relation. Some were spoil- ed of their goods, and Domitilla herself was banished into the island of Pandataria. These two noble per- sons, appear to have been genuine Christians, distin- guished for eminent piety, and for their contempt of secular ambition, and the vices of the imperial court. In the year 96, Domitian was slain, and Nerva, the succeeding emperor, published a pardon, for those who were condemned for impiety, recalled those who were banished, and forbad the accusing of any person tvn account of impiety or Judaism. Others, who were under accusation, or under sentence of condemnation, now escaped by the lenity of Nerva. Domitilla, how- ever, still continued in exile, probably because she was a relation of the late tyrant. Doubtless she was not forsaken of bar God and Savior. 49 II. I am now to review the lives, characters and deaths of the apostles. The first of the twelve apostles, who suffered mar- tyrdom, we have seen, was James the son of Zebedee, who fell a sacrifice to Herod Agrippa's ambitious desire of popularity. I recall him to the reader's memory on account of a remarkable circumstance attending his death. The man, who had drawn him before the tribunal, when he saw the readiness with which he submitted to martrydom, was struck with remorse, and, by one of those sudden conversions, not infre- quent amidst the remarkable out-pourings of the Spi- rit, was himself turned from the power of Satan to God, and confessed Christ with great cheerfulness. They were both led to execution, and in the way the accuser requested the apostle's forgiveness, which he soon obtained. James turning to him answered, " Peace be to thee," and kissed him, and they were beheaded together. The efficacy of divine grace, and the blessed fruit of holy example, are both illustrated in this story, of which it were to be wished we knew more than the very scanty account which has been preserved. The other James was preserved in Judea to a much later period. His martyrdom took place about the year 62, and his Epistle was published a little be- fore his death. He always resided at Jerusalem. On account of his singular innocence and integrity, the name of Just was generally given him. Many Jews respected the man, and admired the fruits of the gos - pel in him. It appears from well authenticated hia- tory, that the Jews thought it a pitiable thing that so good a man should be a Christian. His firm adher- ence to Jesus Christ and to the doctrines of the cross, "was, however, their abhorrence. Paul's escape from their malice by appealing to Caesar had sharpened their spirits, and on James, who was merely a Jew, and could plead no Roman exemptions, they were determined to wreak their vengeance. Festus dying president of Judca, before his successor, Albinus, ar- rived, Ananias, the high-priest, a Saducee, and a mer* 50 cilcss persecutor, holding, in the interior, the supreme power, called a council, before which he brought James, with some others, accusing him of breaking the law of Moses. But it was not easy to procure his condemnation. The great were uneasy on account of the vast in- crease of Christian converts by his means, and endeav- ored to entangle him by persuading him to mount a pinnacle of the temple y and to speak to the people as- sembled at the time of the passover, against Christian- ity. James, being placed aloft, delivered a frank con- fession of Jesus, as then sitting at the right hand of power, and who should come in the clouds of heaven. Upon this Ananias and the rulers were highly incensed. To disgrace his character was their first intention. This had failed. To murder him was their next, and this attempt was of much more easy execution. Cry- ing out, that Justus himself was seduced, they threw him down and stoned him. The apostle had strength to fall on his knees, and to pray, " I beseech thee, Lord God and Father, for them ; for they know not what they do." One of the priests, moved with the scene, cried out, " Cease, what do you mean ? This just man is praying for you." A person present with a fuller's club beat out his brains, and completed his martyr- dom. Simeon, the son of that Cleopas mentioned by St. Luke, as one of the two who went to Emmaus, and who was theibrother of Joseph, our Lord's reputed fa- ther, was appointed, in the room of James, a pastor of the church of Jerusalem, where he continued at the end of this century. Paul the apostle seems to have labored with un- wearied activity from about the year 36 to the year 68, that is, from his conversion to the period in which St. Luke finishes his history. Within this period, he wrote fourteen Epistles, which will be the blessed means of feeding the souls of the faithful to the end of time. His pungent preaching at Rome, and his de- fence of the gospel before the Roman court, were at- tended with some fruits of saving conversion. A cup- 51 bearer and a concubine of Nero, Chrysostom informs us, were, by means of Paul's preaching, and his de- fence before the Roman court, converted to the Chris- tian faith. This, it appears, excited Nero's resentment and rage ; and we are assured that Paul was event- ually slain with the sword by Nero's order. Before the conversion of Paul, we find him hurried, by his Pharisaic haughtiness and fiery temper, into a very sanguinary course of bitter persecution against the .church of Christ; after his conversion we see the work of divine grace wonderfully exemplified in him, for about 30 years ; we see him living the friend of mankind, continually returning good for evil, an ex- ample of patience and benevolence, though posses- sing a taste, first began his frantic career in Phrygia. He pretended to prophecy, that he was the Paraclete, or Comforter, whom Christ, at his departure from earth, promised to send to his disciples to lead them into all truth. He declared himself sent with a divine commission to give to the moral precepts, delivered by Christ and his apostles, the finishing touch, which was to bring them to perfection. He urged many things not inculcated in the word of God, gave it as his opinion that whate- ver savored of polite literature, should be banished from the Christian church. The followers of Monta- nus took upon them to revile every church under hea- ven, which did not pay homage to their pretended inspirations. Few of the Phrygians were seduced. The faithful, throughout Asia, in frequent synods, ex- amined and condemned the heresy. The deceit of philosophy formed the last corruption 0f this century. This appeared at Alexandria, which was then highly renowned for learning. There, cer- tain philosophers, who called themselves Eclectics^ ap- peared. They pretended to confine themselves to no particular set of rules, but to choose what they judged most agreeable to truth from different masters and sects. Their prominent sentiments were, that all reli- gions, vulgar and philosophical, Grecian and Barbari- an, Jewish and Gentile, virtually meant the same thing. The most famous of these philosophers was Ammonias 88 Sacas, ah Alexandrian teacher. Plato was his cipal guide. Saccas was an ambiguous character, a kind of Pagano-christian. These philosophers appear to have complimented Christianity with some respect- ful attention, and yet studiously to have avoided the cross of Christ, and the precise peculiarities of the gospel, to preserve their credit with the world. Under the fostering hand of Ammonius and his fol- lowers, fictitious holiness was formed into a system, and generated the worst of evils under the form of em- inent sanctity. That man is altogether fallen, that he is to be justified wholly by the faith of Christ, that his atonement and mediation alone procure us access to God and eternal life, that holiness is the effect of Di- vine grace, and is the proper work of the Holy Spirit on the heart of man ; these, and if there are any other similar evangelical truths, as it was not possible to mix them with Platonisrn, faded gradually of them- selves in the church, and were at length partly denied, and partly forgotten, By the ambitious intrusions of self-righteousness, argumentative refinements, and Pharisaic pride, the Spirit of God was grieved, and godliness, in the pro- fessed friends of Christ, began in this century to decay. Yet the effects of the first out-pouring of the Spirit, and some rich communications of the same Spirit, will appear in the third century. CENTURY IIL CHAPTER I. Irenceus. .OEFOfiE we proceed with the orderly course of events in the third century, it may be convenient to continue the accounts of authors belonging to the last r whose deaths happened in this. We meet with four 89 telebrated men of this description ; Irenseus, Tertulii- an, Pantaenus, and Clement of Alexandria. Irenseus, was instructed in Christianity by Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, and the renowned Poly carp, both disciples of St. John. After the death of Pothinus, he succeeded him in the pastoral charge of the church of Lyons. Never was any pastor more severely tried by a tempestuous scene. Violent persecution with- out, and subtle heresies within, called for the exertion, at once, of consummate dexterity and magnanimous resolution. Irenaeus was favored with a measure of both, and weathered the storm. But heresy prov- ed a more constant enemy than persecution. The multiplication of it, in endless refinements, induced him to write his book against heresies, which must have been at that time a very seasonable work. The beginning o r the third century was marked with per- secution under Septimius Severus, the successor of Julian. In this, we are informed, Irenseus was put to death, and with him, almost all the Christians of the populous city of Lyons. It is no small instance of charity and deep humility in this great man, that for the love of 3ouls, he labor- ed long among the Gauls while they were mere bar- barians, learned their rude dialect and conformed to their rustic manners, to bring them to a knowl- edge of salvation by Jesus Christ. His labors among diem were doubtless of the most solid utility. He agrees with all the primitive Christians in the doctrine of the Trinity, and makes use of the 45th Psalm particularly to prove the Deity of Jesus Christ. He is no less sound and clear in his views of the in- carnation; and in general, notwithstanding some phi- losophical adulterations, certainly maintained all the essentials of the gospel M CHAPTER II Tertullian. AHE Roman province of Asia, in the second centu- ry, abounded with Christians. Of the manner of the introduction of the gospel into that province, and of (he proceedings of its first planters, we have no ac- count. The famous Tertullian, the first Latin writer of the church, whose works have come down to us, flourished at Carthage, in the latter part of the second and in the beginning of the third century. In his day the subtle spirit of self-righteousness appears to have overspread the African church. But little matter of useful instruction is to be found in Tertullian's large collection of treatises, ail professedly on Christian sub- jects. Most of his precepts carried rather a stoical than a Christian appearance. He embraced the her- esy of the Montanists, joined them, wrote in their de- fence, and treated the body of Christians, from whom he separated, with much contempt. His views of the Trinity, were, however, very clear and sound. He speaks of the Trinity in Unity, " Father, Son, and Ho- ly Ghost, yet one God." He speaks of the Lord Je- sus Christ as both God and man, Son of man and Sore of God, and called Jesus Christ. He speaks also of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Sanctifier of those who believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He testifies that this rule of faith had obtained from the beginning of the gospel. His Montanism lessens not the credibility of his testimony as to these things. Tertullian wrote an apology for Christianity, in which he gives a view of the manners and spirit of the Christians of his time. A few quotations may illus- trate the subject, and shew the nature and effect of re- al Christianity; - " We pray," says he, " for the safety of the emperor, Co the eternal God, the true, the living God, whom em- yerors would desire to be propitious to them above all others who are called gods. We, looking up to heaven with out-stretched hands, because they are harmless ; with naked heads, because we are not ashamed ; with- out a prompter, because we pray from the heart ; we constantly pray for all emperors, that they may have a long life, a secure empire, a safe house, strong ar- mies, a faithful senate, a well moralized people, a qui- et state of the world, whatever Caesar would wish for himself in his public and private capacity. I cannojt solicit these things from any other than from Him, from whom, I know,, I shall obtain them, because he alone can do these things, and I am he who may ex- pect them of him, being his servant, who worship him alone, and lose my life for his service. Thus then let the hoofs pierce us, while our hands are stretched out to God, let crosses suspend us, let fires consume us, let swords pierce our breasts, let wild beasts trample upon us. A praying Christian is in a frame for endur- ing any thing. Act in this manner, ye generous rulers ; kill the soul who supplicates God for the emperor. Were we disposed to return evil for evil, it were easy for us to e/eoge the injuries which we sustain. But, God forbid, that his people should vindicate them- selves by human fire, or be reluctant to endure that by which their sincerity is evinced. Were we dispos- ed to act the part, I will not say of secret assassins, but of open enemies, should we want forces and num- bers ? Are we not dispersed through the world ? It is true we are but of yesterday, and yet we have filled all your places, cities, islands, castles, boroughs, coun- cils, camps, courts, palaces, senate, forum. We leave you only your temples. To what war should we not be ready and well prepared, even though unequal in numbers, we who die with so much pleasure, were it not that our religion requires us rather to suffer death than to inflict it ? Were we to make a general seces- sion from your dominions, you would be astonished at your solitude. We are dead to all ideas of hon- or and dignity ; nothing is more foreign to us thau political concerns. The whole world is our republic, 92 We are a body united in one bond of religion, cipline and hope. We meet in our assemblies for prayer. We are compelled to have recourse to the Di- vine oracles for caution and recollection on all occa- sions. We nourish our faith by the word of God, we erect our hope, we fix our confidence, we strength- en our discipline by repeatedly inculcating precepts, exhortations, corrections, and excommunication^ when it is needful. This last, as being in the sight of God, is of great weight, and is a strong prejudice of the fu- ture judgment, if any behave in sa scandalous a man- ner as to be debarred from holy communion. Those who preside among us are elderly persons, not distin- guished for opulence, but worth of character. Every one pays into the public chest once a month, or when he pleases, and according to his ability and inclination ; for there is no compulsion. These are, as it were, the deposits of piety. Hence we relieve and bury the needy, support orphans and decripped persons, those who have suffered shipwreck, and those, who, for the word of God, are condemned to the mines, or impris^ onment. This very charity of ours has caused us to be noticed by some ; see, say they, how they love one another." Tertullian afterwards takes ijotice of the great rea- diness with which Christians paid the taxes to gov- ernment, in opposition to the spirit of fraud and deceit, with which so many acted in these matters. But I must not enlarge ; the reader may form an idea of the purity, integrity, heavenly-mindedness, and passive- ness under injuries, for which the first Christians were so renowned* 93 CHAPTER III. ' Pant&nus.' A LEXANDRIA, the Metropolis of Egypt, piqued it- self on its superior erudition. From the days of St. Mark, who first planted the gospel in this city, a Chris- tian catechetical school appears to have been support- ed here. Pantaenus was the first master of it of whom we have any account. He had received by tradition the true doctrine, from the apostles, Peter, James, John, .and Paul ; but his religious views were unques- tionably clouded with the system of Ammonius Sac- cas, which embraced all sorts of sentiments, as virtu- ally meaning the same thing. For ten years he labo- riously discharged the office of catechist in this school, and freely taught all who desired him. Some Indian ambassadors,, from what part of India they came, it is not easy to determine, entreated Deme- trius, then bishop of Alexandria, to send them some wor- thy person to preach the faith in their country. Pantae- nus was fixed on as the person. He freely complied with this calk In the discharge of this mission, his hardships must have been great. His labors among ig- norant Indians, where neither fame, nor ease, norprofij, were attainable, clearly evinced that he was possessed of the spirit of the gospel. What success attended his mission, we are not informed. We are told, he found in India the gospel of St. Matthew, which had been carried thither by the Apostle Bartholomew, who had first preached among them. I mention this, but much doubt the truth of it He lived to return to Alexan- dria, and resumed his catechetical office. He died not long after the commencement of the third century*. He used to instruct more by word than by writing. Candor requires us to look upon him as a sincere Chris- tian, though his views appear to have been some what confused by that philosophy which had contaminated most of the learned at Alexandria. 94 CHAPTER IV. Clemens Alexandrinus* was of the Eleciic sect, a scholar of and of the same philosophical cast of mind. He aS'- cribed too much to the wisdom of this world, and did hot duly consider that "the world by wisdom knew not God." He succeeded his master Pantcsnus in the catechetical school, and under him were bred the fa- mous Origen, Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem, and other eminent men. Fancying that Gentile philosophy had first taught him true wisdom, he says, that as the husbandman first waters the soil and then casts in the seed, so the notions he derived from the writings of the Gentiles, served first to water and soften the earthy parts of the soul, that the spiritual seed might be cast in, and take vital root in the minds of men. This is however not a Christian dialect, but mere Gentilism. It is not grounding our religion on the truth of Divine revela- tion, but on that philosophy which feeds the pride of the depraved heart, and lulls it into security in self- righteousness, by the blandishments ofmere reason ; ''vain man would be wise." Besides the office of catechist, Clemens was made presbyter in the church of Alexandria. During the persecution under Severus, he appears to have visited the East, and to have had some intimacy with Alexan- der, bishop of Jerusalem. From Jerusalem, he went to Antioch, and afterward returned to his charge at Alexandria. The time of his death is uncertain. The philosophy, to which he was so much addicted, must have darkened his views of some of the most precious truths of the gospel, particularly the doctrine of justifi- cation by faith in Jesus Christ. Amidst all his confu- sed ideas of Christian doctrines, he appears to have had some correct sentiments concerning the Redeemer, a,nd the way of life quid salvation through him. The 95 danger of admitting the pestilent spirit of human self- sufficiency, to dictate to us what to believe and what to practise in the infinite concerns of religion, is awful-* Jy great. CHAPTER T. The affairs of the church during the reign of Severus and Caracaila. 1 HE lives of the four persons, we have reviewed, seem proper to be prefixed to the general history of the third century, partly, because they were studious men, not very much connected with the public state of Christianity ; partly, because their views and taste in religion being known, may prepare the reader to expect that unhappy mixture of philosophical self- righteousness and superstition, which much clouded the light of the gospel in this century Severus, though in his younger days, a bitter perse- cutor of Christians at Lyons, \vas yet, through the in- fluence of the kindness he had received from Procu- lus, favorably disposed toward them. Proculus, a Christian, had cured him of a disorder by the use of oil. Severus felt the kindness, and kept him in his palace till his death. It was not till about the tenth year of his reign, which falls in with the year two hun- dred and two, that his native ferocity of temper broke out afresh, in kindling a very severe persecution against the Christians. Having just returned victorious, from the East, the pride of prosperity induced him to forbid the propagation of the gospel. Christians still thought it right to obey God rather than man. Severus would be obeyed, and exercised the usual cruelties. Perse- cution raged every where, particularly at Alexandria. Thither, the Christians were brought, from various parts of Egypt, to suffer, and expired in torments. Of this number was Leonidas, father of the famous Origen. He was beheaded and left his son very young. Great numbers now suffered martyrdom. * Young Origea 96 panted for the honor and needlessly exposed himself to danger. His mother checked his imprudent zeal, at first, by earnest entreaties ; but perceiving him bent on suffering with his father, who was then closely con- fined, she very properly exercised her motherly author- ity by confining him to the house, and hiding from him all his apparel. Origen's vehement spirit now prompted him to address a letter to his father, in which he thus exhorts him, " Father, faint not, and do not be concerned on our account.' 5 This ardent youth had been carefully instructed in the scriptures by his pious father, who gave him daily, a task out of them to learn and repeat. While in this employment Origen. strove to investigate the abstruse sense of the holy word, and often asked his father questions beyond his ability to solve. The father checked his curiosity, reminded him of his imbecility, and admonished him to be con- tent with the plain, obvious and grammatical mean- ing ; but inwardly rejoiced that God had given him such a son. His rejoicing should have been, perhaps it was, with trembling ; and Origen's early loss of such a father, who was probably more simple in Christian faith and piety than he himself ever was, might have been an extreme disadvantage to him. Origen early possessed that presumptuous spirit which led him afterwards to philosophize so danger- ously in the Christian religion, as never to content him- self with plain truth, but to hunt after something sin- gular and extraordinary 5 though it must be acknowl- edged his sincere desire of serving God appeared from early life ; nor does it ever seem to have forsaken him, so that he may be considered a child of God from ear- At the age of seventeen he was left an orphan. His father's estate was, by the emperor, confiscated : But Providence gave him a friend, in a rich and godly matron, who also supported in her house a person no- ted for heresy. Her motives for this we cannot assign. Origen, though obliged to be in his company, could not be prevailed on to join with him in prayer. Hav- acquired all the learning; his master could 97 give him, and finding that the business of catechizing was deserted at Alexandria, he undertook the work himself, and several Gentiles heard him and became his disciples. He was now in his eighteenth year, and in the heat of the persecution distinguished hirn- seJf by his attachment to the martyrs, not only those of his acquaintance, but in general those who suffered for Christianity* Such, as were fettered in deep dun- geons and close imprisonment, he visited, was present with them after their condemnation, boldly attended them to the place of execution, openly embracing and saluting them, at the great peril of his own life. He was frequently exposed to imminent danger, and sol- diers were commanded to watch about his house, be- cause of the multitudes that crowded thither for in- struction. As the persecution increased, he found his life in danger, could not pass the streets of Alexandria in safety, often changed his lodgings, and was every where pursued ; yet his instructions had great effect y and his zeal incited numbers to attend to Christianity. He now appropriated his school wholly to religious instruction, and maintained himself by the sale of the profane books which he had been wont to study. Thus he lived, many years, an amazing monument of industry and self-denial. Not only the day, but the greater part of the night was devoted to religious study, and he practised, with literal conscientiousness, our Lord's rules of not having two coats, nor shoes, nor providing for futurity* With cold, nakedness and pov- erty 5 he was familiar, offended many by his unwilling- ness to receive their gratuities, abstained from wine, lived many years without the use of shoes, and was so abstemious as to endanger his life. Many imitated his excessive austerities, and were honored with the name of philosophers, and some of his followers pa- tiently suffered even martyrdom. The judgment of these 'Alexandrian Christians ap- pears not to have been very solid. A strong spirit of self-righteousness, connected with a secret ambition, too subtle to be perceived by those who were the dupes of it, led to many austerities, which in their N 93 estimation appertained to religion, but were nothing more than will-worship^ the mere exuberances of a zeal which is not according to knowledge ; yet may we hope there was some real piety among them. An action performed about this time by Origert il- lustrates his character, in the strongest manner. Though much disposed to consider the scriptures as allegories, yet in one passage he followed the literal sense too closely. " There are some who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake." Being much conversant among women as well as men, in his work of catechising and expounding the scrip- tures, he w r as thus desirous of preventing all tempta- tions, and avoiding the slanders of infidels. But though he practised this upon himself, he took all possible pains to conceal the fact from his familiar friends. One cannot but be astonished at the strong self-righ- teous maxims and views which were in the church ; but who, except those that are lost to all sense of goodness, will not revere the piety of his motives and the fervor of his zeal ? It could not, however, be concealed. De- metrius, his bishop, at first encouraged and commend- ed him ; afterwards, through the power of envy, on account of his growing popularity, he published the fact abroad with a view to calumniate him. Howev- er, the bishops of Csesarea and Jerusalem protected and supported him, and ordained him a presbyter in the church. Day and night he continued still to la- bor at Alexandria. But it is time to look into other parts of the Roman empire, and take a more general view of the effects of the persecution. Alexander, a bishop in Capadocia, confessed the faith of Christ, and sustained a variety of sufferings, and yet by the providence of God was delivered, and travelled afterwards to Jerusalem. In Africa too, persecution raged, during the time of Severus. Twelve persons were brought before Sater- ninus, the pro-consul, at Carthage, the chief of whom were Speratus, Narzal, and Cittin, and three wonaen, Donata, Secimda, and Vestina. The pro-consul said to, them all, "You may expect the emperor our mas- 99 ter's pardon, if you return to your senses, and observe the ceremonies of our gods." To which Speratus replied, "We have never been guilty of any thing that is evil, nor been partakers of injustice. We have even prayed for those who persecute us unjust- ly ; in which we obey OUR EMPEROR,* who prescri- bed to us this rule of behavior. Saturninus an- swered, " We have also a religion that is simple, we swear by the genius of the emperors, and we offer up vows for their health, which you ought also to do." Speratus answered, " If you will hear me peaceably, I will declare unto you the mystery of Christian simpli- city." The pro-consul said, " Shall I hear you speak ill of our ceremonies? rather swear all of you, by the genius of the emperors our masters, that you may en- joy the pleasures of life." Speratus answered, " I know not the genius of the emperors. I serve God, who is in the heavens, whom no man hath seen, nor can see. I have never been guilty of any crime pun- ishable by the public laws ; if I buy any thing, I pay the duties to the collectors ; I acknowledge my God and Savior to be the Emperor of all nations; I have made no complaints against any person, and therefore they ought to make none against me." The pro-con- sul, turning to the rest, said, "Do not ye imitate the folly of this mad wretch, but rather fear our prince and obey his commands." Cittin answered, "We fear only the Lord our God, who is in heaven." The pro-consul then said, " Let them be carried to prison, and put in fetters till to-morrow," The next day, being seated on his tribunal, he caused them to be brought before him, and said to the women, " Honor our prince, and do sacrifice to the gods." Donata replied, " We honor Caesar as Caesar ; but to God we offer prayers and worship^" Vestina said, " I also am a Christian.*' Secunda said, " I also believe in my God, and will continue stead- fast to him ; and as for your gods, we will not serve and adore them." The pro-consul ordered them to be separated; then having called for the men, he said to * Christ, loo Speratus, " Perseveres! thou in being a Christian ?" Speratus answered, " Yes, I do persevere ; let all give ear ; I am a Christian ;" which being heard by the rest they said, " We also are Christians." The pro-con- sul said, " You will neither consider nor receive mer- cy." They replied, " Do what you please, we shall die joyfully for the sake of Jesus Christ." The pro- consul asked, " What books are those which you read and revere ?" Speratus replied, " The four gospels of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Epistles of the apostle St. Paul, and all the scripture that is inspired of God." The proconsul said, " I will give you three days to come to yourselves." Upon which Speratus answered, " I am a Christian, and such are all those who are with me, and we will never quit the faith of our Lord Jesus ; do, therefore, what you think fit." The pro-consul seeing their resolution, pronounced sentence against them, that they should die by the hands of the executioner, in these terms ; " Speratus, &c. having acknowledged themselves to be Christians, and having refused to pay due honor to the emperor, I command their heads to be cut off." This having been read, Speratus and the rest said ; " We give thanks to God, who honoreth us this day, with being received as martyrs in heaven, for confessing his name." They were carried to the place of punishment, where they fell on their knees all together, and having again given thanks to Jesus Christ, they were beheaded." At Carthage four young catechumens were also sei- zed, Revocatus and Felicitas, slaves to the same mas- ter, with Secondulus, and also Vivia Perpetua, a lady of quality. She had a father, a mother, and t wo^broth- ers, of whom one was a catechumen ; she was mar- ried ; had a son at her breast, and was about 22 years of age. To these five, Satur voluntarily joined himself by an excess of zeal too common at that time. While they were in the hands of their persecutors, the* father of Perpetua, himself a Pagan, but full of affec- tion to his favorite offspring, importuned her to fall from the faith. His entreaties were in vain. Her pi- ous constancy appeared to him an absurd obstinacy.. 101 and in his rage he gave her rough treatment. While under guard, before they were confined in prison, these catechumens found means to procure baptism, and Perpetua's prayers were directed particularly for pa- tience under bodily pains. They were then put into a dark dungeon. Perpetua's concern for her infant was extreme, Tertius and Pomponius, two deacons of the church, obtained by money that they might go out of the dark dungeon, and for some hours, refresh themselves in a more commodious place, where Per- petua gave the breast to her infant, and then recom- mended him carefully to her mother. For some time her mind was devoured with concern for the distress she had brought on her family, though it was for the sake of a good conscience, but in time her spirit was more composed, and her prison became a palace. Her father, some time after, came to the prison, overwhelmed with grief, which, in all probability, was augmented by the reflections he made on his pas- sionate behavior to her at their last interview. " Have pity, my daughter," says he, a on my grey hairs; have pity on your father, if I were ever worthy of that name ; if I myself have brought you up to this age, if I have preferred you to all your brethren, make me not a re^ proach to mankind, respect your father and your aunt, (these, probably, were joined in the interests of pagan- ism, while the mother appears to have been a Chris- tian, otherwise his silence concerning her seems hardly to be accounted for ;) have "compassion on your son, who cannot survive you ; lay aside your obstinacy, lest you destroy us all for if you perish, we must all shut our mouths in disgrace." With much tenderness he kissed her hands, threw himself at her feet, weeping and calling her no longer his daughter, but his mistress. He was the only one in the family who did not rejoice at her martyrdom. Per- petua, though inwardly torn with filial affection, could offer no other comfort than to desire him to acquiesce in the Divine disposal. The next day, they were all brought before the court, and examined in the presence of vast crowds. There 102 her unhappy father appeared with his little grand- son, and taking Perpetua aside, conjured her to have some pity on her child. The procurator, Hilarian, joined in the suit, but in vain. The old man then at- tempted to draw his daughter from the scaffold. Hi- larian ordered him to be beaten, and a blow, which he received with a staff, was felt by Perpetua very se- verely. Hilarian ordered them to be exposed to the wild beasts. They then returned cheerfully to their prison. Perpetua sent tbe deacon, Pomponius, to demand her child of her father, which he refused to return. The health of the child, we are told, suffered not, nor did Perpetua feel any bodily inconvenience. Secondulus died in prison. Felicitas was eight months gone with child, and seeing the days of the public shews to be near, was afflicted lest her execu- tion should be deferred. Three days before the spec- tacles, her companions joined in prayer for her. Presently after, her pains came upon her, and she was delivered of a child, but with much difficulty. - One of the door-keepers, who perhaps expected to have found in her a stoical insensibility, arid heard her cries ; said, " Do you complain of this ? what will you do when you are exposed to the beasts?" Felicitas answered with a sagacity truly Christian, " It is / that suffer now, but then there will be another with me, that will suffer for me, because I shall suffer for his sake." Her new born 'daughter was delivered to a Christian woman, who nursed it as her own. The tribune, believing a report of some, that the* prisoners would free themselves by magical practices^ treated them roughly. " Why did'nt you," says Per- petua, "give us some relief? Will it not be for your honor that we should appear well fed at the spec- tacles." This address had the desired effect, and procur- ed a very agreeable alteration in their treatment. The day before the shews, they gave them their last meal. The martyrs did their utmost to convert this into a love feast, they ate it irj public ; their brethren and 103 others were allowed to visit them', and the keeper of the prison himself, by this time, was converted to the faith ; they talked to the people, warned them to flee from the wrath to come, pointed out to them their own happy lot, and smiled at the curiosity of those who ran to see them. "Observe well our faces," cries Satur, with much animation, " that ye may know them at the day of judgment." The Spirit of God was much with them on the day of trial ; joy, rather than fear, \vas painted on their looks. Perpetua, cherished by Jesus Christ, went on with a composed countenance and an easy pace, hold- ing down her eyes, lest the spectators might draw wrong conclusions from their vivacity. Some idola- trous habits were offered them : " We sacrifice our lives," say they, " to avoid this, and thus we have bar- gained with you." The tribune desisted from his de- mand. Perpetua sang, as already victorious, and Revoca- {us, Saterninus, and Satur, endeavored to affect the people with the fear of the wrath to come. Being, come into Hilarian's presence, " Thou judgest us," say they, " and God shall judge thee." The mob was enraged, and insisted on their being scourged before they were exposed to the wild beasts. It was done, and the martyrs rejoiced in being conformed to their Savior's sufferings. After this they were exposed to the wild beasts, and having, with great fortitude and holy composure of soul, undergone a great variety of sufferings, they all fell asleep in Jesus. During the course of this dreadful persecution, the en- mity of the human heart, against the holy religion of Je- sus, raged to an awful degree ; and the grace of God, in the sudden and wonderful conversions of several per- sons who voluntarily suffered death for that doctrine which they before detested, was gloriously displayed. Lyons was once more dyed with the blood of the martyrs. It was at this time that Irenaeus perished and many with him. Some churches purchased their peace of the magis- trates, informers, and soldiers, wiio were appointed to 104 Search them out, by paying them money. The pas- tors of the churches approved of this proceeding, be- cause it was only enduring the loss of their goods, and preferring that to the endangering of their souls. But God, to moderate the distress of his people, and not to suffer them to be tried by persecution at once very long, in the year two hundred and eleven, called the tyrant Severus to his bar, to give an account for his cruelties and opposition to his kingdom, after he had reigned eighteen years. Under his son and succes- sor Caracalla, though a monster of wickedness, the church found some repose and tranquility. During the seven years and six months, which he reigned, the Christians found in him friendship and protection. Indeed, for the space of thirty eight years, from the death of Severus to the reign of Decius, if we except the short, turbulent interval of Maximinus, the calm of the church continued. About the year two hun- dred and ten, Origen came to Rome, desirous of visiting that ancient church, but soon returned to Alexandria, and to his office of catechizing. Heretics and philo- sophers attended his lectures, and he took, no doubt, a very excellent method to win their regard to himself at least, by instructing them in civil and secular learn- ing. When philosophers pressed him with their opin- ions, he confuted them by arguments drawn from oth- er philosophers, and commented on their works with so much acuteness and sagacity, as to acquire among Gentiles a reputation for great learning and wisdom. He encouraged many to study the liberal arts, assuring them, that they would, by that means, be much better furnished for the contemplation of the holy scripture, and was entirely of opinion, that secular and philoso- phical institutes were very necessary and profitable for himself. But what can Origen mean by asserting the utility and even necessity of philosophy for himself as a Christian ? Are not the scriptures able to make a man wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished to every good ivork? To him the gospel seems to have triumphed over Gentilism, through the aid of heathen philosophy; but it appears to have been hereby corrupted, and many greatly departed from the simplicity of the gospel. An acquaintance with the classics and philosophers may furnish a person with strong arguments to prove the necessity and excellency of Divine revelation, and this deserves senousiy to be encouraged in all who are to instruct others, for their improvement in taste, language, elo- quence, and history. But if these are to dictate in religion, or are thought capable, even of adding to the stock of theological knowledge, the scriptures may seem to have been defectively written. Origen was laborious at his attempts to mix things, which the Ho- ly Ghost assures us, will not amalgamate ; for among his learned converts, we hear nothing of conviction of sin, a of conversion, of the influences of the Holy Spirit, or of the love of Christ. The allegorical and philo- sophical interpretations of the scriptures by Origen much clouded their true light. Macrinus succeeded Caracalla. CHAPTER VI. Christian affairs during the Reign of Macrinus , Helioga- balm, Alexandrinus, Maximinus, Pupienus, Gordian y and Philip* . MACRINUS reigned not quite a year. Heliogaba- lus, whose follies and vices were infamous, succeeded him, and having swayed the sceptre three years and nine months, was slain at the age of 18. The church of God suffered nothing from him. His cousin, Alex- ander, in the 16th year of his age, succeeded him, and was one of the best moral characters in civil history. He did not persecute the Christians, but rather approv- ed and countenanced them* This emperor had a domestic chapel, where he, ev- ery morning, worshipped those princes who had been 106 ranked among the gods, whose characters were most esteemed ; among whom he considered Apollonius of Tyana, Jesus Christ, Abraham, and Orpheus. It seems to have been his plan to encourage every thing that had the appearance of religion and virtue, and to discountenance whatever was openly immoral and profane. He appears to have learnt, in some meas- ure, the doctrine of the Unity of the Godhead, and by the help of the Electic philosophy, to have attempted to consolidate all religions in one mass. But things which accompany salvation, will not incorporate with this plan. At this time Noetus, of Smyrna, propagated in the east, the heresy, that there is no distinction between the Divine Persons in the Godhead. The pastors of the church of Ephesus, to which he belonged, sum- moned him before them y and asked whether he really maintained this opinion. At first he denied it; but afterwards, having formed a party, he became more bold, and publicly taught this heresy. Being again interrogated by the pastors, he said, " What harm have I done ? I glorify none but one God ; I know none be- sides him who hath been begotten, who suffered and died." In this way he evidently confounded the per- sons of the Father and the Son together; and being obstmata in his views, was ejected from the church, with his disciples. This proves that there were, at that time y zeal and faithfiuness among the primitive Christians, to support the fundamental articles of their religion. Origen was now sent for to Athens to assist the churches, who were there disturbed with several her- esies. Thence he went to Palestine. At Csesarea, Theoctistus, the bishop, and Alexander, bishop of Je- rusalem, ordained him a priest, at the age of 45, about the year 280. Demetrius, his own bishop was of- fended, and exposed his youthful indiscretion in his having mutilated himself, and on his return to Alex- andria, procured his ejection from the church, by a council of pastors, on account of some errors which 4iad appeared in his works. Banished from Egypt, 107 Origen repaired to Palestine to his friends who had ordained him, followed by many disciples. Here the famous Gregory Thaumaturgus attended his theolo- gical lectures, which were still delivered in Origen's usual manner. Demetrius, bishop of Alexandria, died, after having held that office 43 years. Heraclas succeeded him. In the year 235, the emperor Alexander was mur- dered, together with his mother, and Maximin the murderer obtained the empire. His malice against the house of Alexander disposed him to persecute the Christians, and he gave orders to put to death the pas- tors of churches. Others suffered with them. The flame extended even to Cappadocia. Origen was obliged to retire. The tyrant's reign continued only three years. Pupienus and Balbinus, the successors of Maximin, were slain in the year 238. Gordian reigned six years, and was succeeded by his murderer, Philip the Arabian. That Origen's philosophy had not obliterated his Christianity, appears from a letter addressed to his scholar Thaumaturgus, in which he exhorts him to apply himself chiefly to the Holy Scripture, to read it very attentively, not to speak or judge of it lightly, but with unshaken faith and prayer, which, says he, is absolutely necessary for understanding it. Philip began to reign in the year two hundred and forty four. He appears to have professed the Chris- tian religion, but not to have been cordial in it ; for he conducted the secular games, which were full of idol- atry, and hereby manifested that he was unwilling to give up any thing for the sake of Christ. Philip's pro- fession merely shows that the progress of Christianity in the world was then very considerable ; but its origi- nal purity had greatly declined. Philip reigned five years, and was succeeded by Decius his murderer. A little before his death, in the year two hundred and forty eight, Cyprian was chosen bishop of Carthage. CHAPTER VII. The Conversion of Cyprian. IjYPRIAN was a professpr of oratory in the city of Carthage, and a man of wealth, quality and dignity. Csecilius, a Carthagenian presbyter, had the felicity, under God, to conduct him to the knowledge of Christ, and in his gratitude Cyprian afterwards assumed the surname of Ca?cilius, His conversion was about the year two hundred and forty six. About thirteen years was the whole period of his Christian life. But God can do great things in a little time. He was, by the Holy Spirit, led on with vast rapidity, and in a great measure avoided the errors and delusions of false learning and self-conceit. Faith and love seem, in native simplicity, to have possessed him when an ear- ly convert. He saw with pity the poor of the flock, and knew no method so proper, of employing the un- righteous mammon, as to relieve their distress. He sold whole estates for their benefit. There appeared in Cyprian a spirit at once so simple, so zealous, and so intelligent, that in about two years after his conver- sion, he was chosen presbyter and then bishop of Car- thage. His virtue wa,s not feigned. The love of Christ evidently preponderated in him above all secular con- siderations; His wife opposed his Christian spirit of liberality in vain. The widow, the orphan, and the poor, found in hirn continually a sympathizing bene- factor. It was with much reluctance that he observ- ed thtJ designs of the people to choose him for their bishop. He, however, yielded to their importunate solicitations and accepted the painful pre-eminence. In him we see a man of business and of the world, ri- sing at once, a Phoenix in the church, no extraordina- ry theologian in point of accurate knowledge, yet a useful, practical divine, an accomplished pastor, flam- ing w;ith the love of God and of souls, and with unre- knitted activity, spending and being spent for Christ, Jesus. To all this excellence, he was raised by re* newing and sanctifying grace, and made a happy in- strument of guiding souls to that rest which remains for the people of Go who does all things for those who hope in him, grant that we may be all found thus diligently employed ! The brethren in bonds, the clergy, and the whole church salute you, all of us, with earnest solicitude, watching for all who call on the name of the Lord. And we be- seech you, in return, to be mindful of us also in your prayers." This letter breathes the very spirit of the gospel The Christian tenderness, charity, meekness, zeal and prudence of Cyprian, toward the brethren of Carthage, in his exile from them, appear from the following let- ter which he sent to the clergy of that city. "Being hitherto preserved by the favor of God, I salute you, dearest brethren, rejoicing to hear of your safety. As present circumstances permit not my pres- 115 unce among you, I beg you, by your faith and by the ties of religion, to discharge your office, in conjunction with mine also, that nothing be wanting either on the head of discipline or of diligence. I beg that nothing may be wanting to supply the necessities of those who are imprisoned, because of their glorious confession of God, or who labor under the pressures of indigence and poverty, since the whole ecclesiastical fund is in the hands of the clergy for this very purpose, that a number may have it in their power to relieve the wants of individuals. I beg further, that you would use evey prudential and cautious method to procure the peace of the church ; and if the brethren, through charity, wish to confer with and visit those pious confessors, whom the divine goodness hath thus far shone upon by such good beginnings, that they would however do this cautious- ly, not in crowds, nor in a multitude ; lest any odium should hence arise, and the liberty of admission be denied altogether ; and w r hile, through greediness, we aim at too much, w ; e lose all. Consult therefore and provide, that this may be done safely and with discre- tion ; so that the presbyters one by one, accompanied by the deacons in turn, may successively minister to them, because the change of persons visiting them is less liable to breed suspicion. For in all things we ought to be meek and humble, as becomes the ser- vants of God, to redeem the time, to have a regard for peace, and provide for the people. Most dearly be- loved and longed-for, I wish you all prosperity, and to remember us. Salute all the brethren ; Victor the deacon, and those that are with us, salute you." During this persecution many of the common peo- ple and some of the clergy renounced Christianity. This must have been a sore trial to so affectionate'and pious a pastor as was Cyprian. When Cyprian was in his retirement he wrote many letters to his afflicted brethren at Carthage, in which he warns and exhorts them to stand firm in the faith and religion of Jesus Christ. In these he enjoins sub- ordination of the people to their pastors, and that they 116 should cultivate an humble, modest and peaceable de- meanor; that in all their sufferings they should con- tinue mild and humble. He points out to them the use of good discipline in the church of God, the ben- efits of orderly subjection in the members, the danger of pride and self-exaltation, and the deceitfulness of the human heart. Much did he warn them against contentions and strifes, and exhort and entreat them to live in peace among themselves, and as far as pos- sible with all mankind. Deeply sensible that his people had, before the per- secution, greatly provoked the Lord to wrath, he ur- ges upon them abundantly the duty of repentance. 46 If the Lord see us humble and quiet, lovingly united, and corrected by the present tribulation he will deliv- er us." The persecution at Carthage was dreadful on ac- count of the great number of apostates ; but Christian faith, patience and magnanimity, in Cyprian, and a small remnant, were in strong and lively exercise. Discipline was at this time maintained with a good de^- gree of care and diligence in the church at Rome ; and the pastors of churches there carefully endeavored to strengthen the hands of the faithful in Carthage, to maintain the life, order and vigor of true piety in that church. It was a maxim of great importance, with all who loved the Lord Jesus Christ in truth and sincerity, to consider that there was but one church of Christ in the world ; and that this was diffused through various provinces, and that all ought to watch and strive to keep it as free from heresies as possible, and in a state of life and gospel vigor. It was this unity and uniform- ity of the Christian church which hitherto had preservr ed it, under God, from the baneful infection of here- sies. The Roman clergy appear, at this time, to have been in general, men of real piety. Speaking of the importance of not being hasty to re-admit the lapsed into the church, without having first obtained ample satisfaction of their deep and genuine contrition, they 117 express themselves in the following language ; -" Lei them knock at the doors, but not break them. Let them go to the threshold of the church, but not leap over it. Let them watch at the gates of the heavenly camp, but with that modesty which becomes those who remember they have been deserters. Let them arm themselves indeed with the weapons of humility, and resume that shield of faith which they dropped, through the fear of death ; but so that they may be armed against the devil, not against the church which grievei at their fall ." While Cyprian was absent from his church at Car- thage, he was active in his retirement to revive a spirit of true gospel discipline among the people of his pas- toral charge ; but Felicissimus, who had long been a secret enemy of the bishop, and a person of a very exceptionable character, by many artifices and blan- dishments, drew away a party, and encouraged many not to observe ecclesiastical discipline faithfully and modestly. This ambitious demagogue used his ut- most artifice to bring over to his views all the lapsed, to make his party sufficiently strong to prevent an ex- communication of himself from the church for the crime of adultery, of which he was guilty. Under this state of affairs, Cyprian writes to the lapsed and all leaning to a schismatic spirit, " There is one God, one Christ, one church. Depart, I pray you, far from these men, and avoid their discourse as a plague and pestilence. They hinder your prayers and tears by affording you false consolations. Acquiesce, I beseech you, in our counsel, who pray daily for you, and de- sire you to be restored to the church by the grace of the Lord. Join your prayers and tears with ours. But, if any, careless of repentance, shall betake himself to Felicissimus and his party, let him know that his after- feturn to the church will be impracticable." Novatus, a presbyter of Carthage, was the prin- cipal actor in these disagreeable scenes. He wa extremely scandalous and immoral. His domestic crimes had been so notorious as to render him not only no longer fit to be a minister, but even unworthy 118 t6 be received into lay communion. The examina- tion of his conduct was just going to take place, when the persecution by Decius prevented it. The views of Felicissimus and his party, he cherished and supported, and did much mischief in the church. This dreadful persecution did not unite Christian professors in love. Novatus, either unwilling to face the bishop of Car- thage, or desirous to extend the mischiefs of schism, passed the sea and came to Rome. There he had the address to separate a priest named Novatian from the Roman church, and to bring him to associate with him- self. These jointly insisted that it is wrong to receive those into the church who once had lapsed, though they give the fullest evidence of sincere repentance. At this time, sixteen bishops happening to be at Rome, ordained Cornelius, bishop of Rome, as the successor of Fabian. He was very unwilling to ac- cept the office ; but the election of a bishop to with- stand the growing schism appeared necessary, and the people who were present approved of his ordination. Novatian procured himself to be ordained bishop in opposition, in a very irregular manner, and vented calumnies against Cornelius, whose life appears to have been worthy of the gospel. The Novatians sep- arated from the general church, not on grounds of doc- trine, but of discipline. Their leader appears to have been sound in the doctrine of the Trinity. Novatus, conscious of scandalous crimes, fled from Rome and became bishop of the Novatians in Africa. We are not to believe that all his followers were men void of the faith and love of Jesus : but to refuse the re-admission of true penitents was an instance of Pharisaical pride. In justice to Novatian, it ought to be mentioned that lie advised to exhort the lapsed to repentance, and then to leave them to the judgment of God. This denomination condemned second marriages, and denied communion, forever to such as, after bap- tism, married a second time. At length Cyprian ventured out of his retreat and returned to Carthage. In what manner he conducted himself shall be the subject of the next chapter. CHAPTER X. Cyprian's settlement of his Church after his return, and the History of the Western Church till the persecution under Gallus. OiN the return of Cyprian to Carthage, he had much to do. Decius had left Rome to repel the incursion of the Goths, and the church in this distraction of public affairs had a respite from persecution, but malice against Christianity had not ceased. A council was held at Carthage by Cyprian and the ether bishops of Africa. The ordination of Cornelius was recognized as legitimate : while that of Novatian was declared to be schismatical. Felicissimus was condemned. The case of the lapsed was determined. True penitents were to be restored ; doubtful charac- ters to be deferred, and yet every method of Christian charity to be used to facilitate their return and resto- ration. The Novatians remained a long time after, a distinct body of professing Christians. Though their secession could not be justified, the spirit of God ap- pears to have been with some of them, during their separation from the church. God is not confined to any particular modes of ecclesiastical government. Decius lost his life in battle, in the year two hundred and fifty one, after having reigned thirty months ; his successor was Gallus, who, for a little time, allowed peace to the church. Cyprian watched for the good of souls as one who must give an account to God of his ministry, and strove hard to have all the churches perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judg- ment. Union, among the professed friends of Christ at Rome, was as much on his heart, as union at Car- thage, because he considered Christ's body as one. The appearance of a new persecution from Gallus wow threatening the church, Cyprian, with the African 120 Synod, wrote to Curnelius about hastening the time of receiving penitents, that they might be armed for the approaching storm. CHAPTER XI. The Effects of the Persecution of Decius in the Eastern Church. 1 HOUGH the Eastern and Western churches were divided by the Greek and Roman language, yet were they cemented by the common bond of the Roman government, and much more so by the common bond of salvation* In this persecution, Alexander, bishop of the church at Jerusalem, was cast into prison, and finally breathed out his soul under confinement. The renowned Origen too also suffered extremely. Bonds, torments, a dungeon, the pressure of sin iron chair, the distension of his feet for many days, threats of burning, and other evils, were inflicted by his ene- mies, which he manfully endured. All these things ended, at last, in the preservation of his life, the judge solicitously taking care that his tortures should not kill him. This great man at last died in his seventieth year, about the same time as did the emperor Decius. At this time Dionysius was bishop of Alexandria, a person of great and deserved renown in the church ; for a few of his writings, we are obliged to Eusebius. In an Epistle to Germanus, Dionysius thus speaks : " Sabinus, the Roman governor, sent an officer to seek me during the persecution of Decius, and I remained four days at home, expecting his coming ; he made the most accurate search in the roads, the rivers, and the fields, where he suspected I might be hid. A con- fusion seems to have seized him, that he should not find my house 5 for he had no idea that a man in my circumstances should stay at home. At length after four clays, God ordered me to remove, and having 121 opened me a Way, contrary to all expectation, I and my servants and many of the brethren went together. The event shewed the whole was the work of Divine Providence* About sun-set, being seized, together with my company, by the soldiers, I was led to Tapo- siris. But my friend, Timotheus, by the providence of God, was not present^ nor was he seized. But com- ing afterwards, he found my house forsaken, and min- isters guarding it, and that we were taken captive. How wonderful \vas the dispensation ! but it shall be related with truth. A countrymen met Timotheus, flying in confusion^ and asked the cause of his hurry ; he told him the truth ; the peasant hearing it, went away to a nuptial feast ; for in them the custom was to watch all night. He informed the guests of what lie had heard. At once they all rose up, as by a sig- nal, and ran quickly to us, and shouted ; our soldiers, struck with a panic, fled, and the invaders found us as we were, on naked beds* I first thought they must have been a company of robbers, and remaining on my bed in my linen, reached to them the rest of 'my apparel, which was just by. They ordered me to rise and go out quickly. At length understanding their real design, I cried out entreating them earnestly to depart, and let us alone. But if they really meant any kindness to us. I begged them to prevent my per- secutors and take off iny head* They compelled me to rise by plain violence, and I threw myself on the ground. They seized my hands and feet, pulled me out, by force ; I was set on an ass, and conducted from the place." In so remarkable a manner was his use- ful life preserved to the church. We shall see it was not in vain. At Alexandria, in Egypt, a most bloody persecution raged for a year before that of Decian commenced. There the Pagan Gentiles put the Christians to the greatest distress, and multitudes to the most painful and cruel deaths. Their design was to bring as ma- ny as they possibly could to renounce Christ, by sa- crificing to the heathen gods. But they stood firm, and God supported them under their sore conflicts. 122 Those who suffered for Christ, had embraced him ai their Redeemer, and they manifested that they loved him better than they did even their own lives ; and he as their Savior granted them special tokens of his love, by peculiar supports in their expiring moments. In the Deeian persecution, the instruments of tor- ture, were swords, wild beasts, red-hot chains, wheels to stretch the bodies, and talons to tear them. The genius of men was never known to have had more employment in aiding the savageness of the heart. Life was prolonged in torture, that impatience in suf- fering might, at length, effect what surprize and terrof could riot. See two examples of Satanic artifice. A martyr having endured the rack and burning plates, the judge ordered him to be rubbed all over with honey, and then exposed him in the sun, which was very hot, ly- ing on his back with his hands tied behind him, that he might be stung by the flies. Another person, young and in the flower of his age, was, by the order of the same judge, carried into a pleasant garden among flowers, near a pleasing rivulet surrouded with trees; here they laid him on a feather bed, bound him with silken cords, and left him alone* Then they brought thither a lewd woman, very handsome, who began to- embrace him and to court him with all pos- sible impudence. The martyr bit off his tongue, not knowing how to resist the assaults of sensuality any longer, and spit it in her face* Shocking as these things were, Christianity appeared what it really is, true holiness ; while its persecutors shewed that they were at enmity with all godliness-. Alexander, bishop of Comana, suffered martyrdom by fire. At Smyrna, Eudemon, the bishop, aposta- tized, and several unhappily followed his example. But all did not. Pionius, one of the presbyters, stood firm. In expectation of being seized, he put a chain upon his neck, and caused Sabina and Asclepiadcfc to do the same, to show their readiness to suffer. Po- lemon, keeper of the idol-temple, came to them with th> magistrate* : " Don't you know," says he, " that 123 the emperor has ordered you to sacrifice ?" " We are riot ignorant of the commandments," says Pionius, " but they are those which command us to worship God." " Come to the market-place," says Polemon., " and see the truth of what I have said." " We obey the true God," said Sabina and Asclepiadcs. When the martyrs were in the midst of the multi- tude in the market-place, "you had better," says Po- lemon, " submit to avoid the* torture." Pionius 'began to speak : " Citizens of Smyrna, who please yourselves with the beauty of your walls and city, and value your- selves on account of your poet, Homer, and ye Jews, if there be any among you, hear me speak a few words : We find that Smyrna has been esteemed the finest city in the world, and was reckoned the chief of those which contended for the honor of Homer's birth. I am informed that you deride those who come of their own accord to sacrifice, or who do not refuse when ur- ged to it. But surely your teacher Homer should be attended to, who says, that we ought not to rejoice at the death of any man. And ye Jews ought to obey Moses, who tells you, "Thou shalt not see thy broth- er's ass or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thy- self from him ; thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again." And Solomon says, " Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth. For my part I had rather die, and undergo any sufferings, than contradict my princi- ples. Whence then proceed the laughter and scoffs of the .Jews, pointed not only against those who have sac- rificed, but against us. They insult us with a mali- cious pleasure to see our long peace interrupted. Though we were their enemies, still we are men. But what harm have we done them ? What have we made them suffer? Whom have we spoken against ? Whom have we persecuted ? Whom have we compelled to worship idols? Do they think themselves less culpable than those who suffer death from persecution ?" H then addressed the Jews on the grounds of their own scriptures, and solemnly placed before the Pagans the 4ay of judgment, 121 He spake long, Was very attentively heard, and ther*. is reason to hope it was not in vain. The people, who surrounded him, said with Polemon, " Believe us, Pi- onius, your probity and wisdom make us deem you worthy to live, and life is pleasant." Thus did con-? science and humanity operate in their, hearts, "I own," says the martyr, "life is pleasant, but I mean that which I aspire after. We will not, through a con- temptuous spirit, forsake these gifts ; but that which we prefer to them is infinitely better. I thank you for your expressions of kindness. I cannot, however, but suspect some stratagem in it." The people continued entreating him, and he still discoursed to them of an hereafter. The well known sincerity and unquestion- able virtues of the man, seem to have filled the Sinyr- neans with veneration, and his enemies began to fear an uproar in his favor. " It is impossible to persuade you then," said Polemon. " I would to G*od / could persuade you to be a Christian," says Pionius. Sabina had changed her name by the advice of Pio- nius, who was her brother, for fear of falling into the hands of her Pagan mistress, who, to compel her to re- nounce Christianity, had formerly put her in irons, and banished her to the mountains, where the brethren se- cretly nourished her. After this she called herself The- odota. " What god dost thou adore ?" says Polemon. " God Almighty," she answers, " who made all things, of which we are assured by his Word Jesus Christ." " And what dost thou adore ?" speaking to Asclepiades. "Jesus Christ," says he. "What! is there another God?" says Polemon. "No," says he, "this is the same whom we come here to confess." He who wor- ships the Trinity in Unity will find no difficulty in re- conciling these two confessions. Let him who does not so worship, attempt it- One person pitying Pioni- tis, said, " Why do you that, are so Learned so resolute- ly seek death ?" Being put into prison, they found there a presbyter named Lemnus, and a woman named Macedonia, and another called Eutychiana, a montauist. 125 - The prisoners were placed all together, and employ* ed ihesnseives in praising God, and shewed every mark of paiience and cheerfulness. Many Pagans visited Piomus, and attempted to persuade him; his answers struck them with admiration. Some, who by compul- sion had sacrificed, visited them and intreated them with tears. " I now suffer afresh,'* says Pionius ; " me- thinks I am torn in pieces when I see the pearls of the church trod under foot by swine, and the stars of hea- ven cast to the earth by the tail of the dragon. But our sins have been the cause." The Jews, whose character for bigotry had not been lessened by all their miseries, and whose hatred to Christ continued from age to age, with astonishing uniformity, invited some of the lapsed Christians to their synagogue. The generous spirit of Pionius was moved to express itself vehemently against the Jews. Among other things he said, "- They pretend that Je- sus Christ died like other men by constraint. Was that man a common felon, whose disciples have cast out devils for so many years ? Could that man be forc- ed to die, for whose sake his disciples, and so many others, have voluntarily suffered the severest punish- ment ?" Having spoken a long time to them, he de-? sired that they would depart out of the prison. The continuance of miraculous dispensations in fa- vor of Christianity in the third century, is here attest- ed. Pionius affirms, that devils were ejected by chris- tians in the name of Christ,.'in the face of the apos- tates, who would have been glad of the shadow of an argument to justify their perfidy. The captain of the horse coming to the prison, or- dered Pionius to come to the idol-temple. " Youi- bishop Eudemon hath already sacrificed," says he. The martyr, knowing that nothing of this sort could be done legally till the arrival of the pro-consul, refused. The captain put a cord about his neck, and drag T ged him along with Sabina and others. They cried^ " we are Christians," and fell to the ground, lest they should enter the idol-temple. Pionius, after much resistance, was forced in and laid on the jround before 126 the altar ; there stood the unhappy Eudemon, afte* having sacrificed. Lepidus, a judge, asks, " What god do you adore ?" * Him," says Pionius, "that made heaven and earth." " You mean him that was crucified ?" " I mean him whom God the Father sent for the salvation of men." " We must," said the judges one to another, " compel them to say what we desire." " Blush," answered Pionius, ki ye adorers of false gods ; have some respect for justice, and obey the laws ; they enjoin you not to do violence to us, but to put us to death." One Ruffinus said, " Forbear, Pionius, your thirst after vain glory." " Is this your eloquence ?" answer- ed the martyr. " Is this what you have read in your books ? Was not Socrates thus treated by the Atheni- ans ? According to your advice he sought after vain glory, because he applied himself to wisdom and vir- tue." A case thus apposite, and which doubtless bore some resemblance, as the philosopher's zeal for moral virtue exposed him to persecution, struck Ruffi- nus dumb. A certain person placed a crown on Pionus' head, which he tore, and the pieces lay before the altar. The Pagans, finding their persuasions vain, remanded them to prison. Afew days after, the pro-consul, Quintilian, returned to Smyrna and examined Pionius. He tried both tor- tures and persuasions in vain, and at length, enraged at his obstinacy, sentenced him to be burnt alive. Pionius went cheerfully to the place of execution, and thanked God who had preserved his body pure from idolatry.. Then he stretched himself out upon the wood, and delivered himself to a soldier to be nailed to the pile. After he was fastened, the executioner said to him, " Change your mind, and the nails shall be taken away." " I have felt them," answered he. After remaining thoughtful for a time, he said, " I has- ten, O Lord, that I may the sooner be raised up again." They then lifted him up, fastened to the wood, and af- terwards one Metrodorus, a Marcionite, was placed in the same manner. They weje turned toward the east. 127 Pionius on the right hand and Metrodorus on the left. They heaped round them a great quantity of wood. Pionius remained some time motionless, with his eyes shut, absorbed in prayer, while the fire was consuming him. Then at length he opened his eyes, and looking cheerfully on the (ire, said, " Amen," and expired, say- ing, " Lord, receive my soul." Of the particular man- ner in which his companions suffered death, we have no account. In this narrative of the suffering of Pionius and his companions, we see the spirit of divine charity triumph- ing over all worldly and selfish considerations. The zeal of Pionius deserves to be commemorated while the world endures. What true religion is, in its sim- plicity, is exemplified in him abundantly, and to the very last. In Asia, one Maximus a merchant, was brought be- fore Optimus, the pro-consul, who enquired after his condition. " I was," says he, " born free, but I am the servant of Je^us Christ." "Of what profession are you ?" " A man of the world, who live by my dealings." " Are you a Christian ?" " Though a sin- ner, yet I am a Christian." The usual process was carried on of persuasions and tortures. These are not torments w r hich we suffer for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; they are wholesome unctions." Such was the effect of the Holy Ghost shedding the love of God in Christ abroad in the human heart ! He was or- dered to be stoned to death. All this time the persecution raged in Egypt with unremitting" fury. In the low r er Thebais there was a young man named Paul, to whom at fifteen years of age, his parents left a great estate. He was a person of much learning, of a mild temper, and full of the love of God. He had a married sister with whom he lived. Her husband was base enough to design an information against him, to obtain his estate. Paul, having notice of this, retired to the desert mountains, where he waited till the persecution ceased. Habit, at length, made solitude agreeable to him. He found 9. pleasant retreat and lived there ninety years. At the time of his retirement he was twenty-three, and lived to be one hundred and thirteen years old. This is the first distinct account of an hermit in the Christian church. None should doubt the genuine piety of PauL but he carried his love for solitude too fan With the return of peace, the return of social duties should have taken place. By the Decian persecution the Lord meant to chast- en and to purify his ckurch, not to destroy it. This was not a local, but universal persecution, and must have transmitted great numbers to the regions Where sin and pain shall be no more. The peace of thirty years had corrupted the whole Christian atmosphere. The light- ning of the Decian rage refined and cleared it. No doubt the effects were salutary. Without such a scourge, external religion might have spread^ and in*- ternal have languished. The survivors had an op- portunity to learn what the gospel is, in the faithfulness of the martrys ; and men were taught again, that he alone who strengthens Christians to suffer, can make true Christians. Yet the storm proved fatal to a num- ber of individuals who apostatized, and Christianity was cleared of many false friends. The formation of schisms and of superstitious solitudes, had their date from the Decian persecution. CHAPTER VIII. The History of the Church during the reign of Gallus* IjtALLUS soon began to disturb the peace of the church, though not with the incessant fury of his pre- decessor. One Hyppolitus, a Roman presbyter, had been seduced into Novatianism ; but his mind had not been perverted from the faith and love of Jesus. He was now called on to suffer martyrdom, which he did with courage and fidelity. Being asked in the last scene of his sufferings, whether he still persisted in the communion of the. Novatians? He declared in the 129 most explicit terms, that he now saw the affair in a new light, repented of his having encouraged the schism, and died in the communion of the general church. In this persecution the Roman christians suffered severely, and behaved themselves with exemplary for- titude. Like good soldiers they stood resolute, armed for the battle by watchings, fastings and prayers. Their bishop, Cornelius, was banished, by the emperor, to Civita Vecchia, where he died in exile. The faith- fulness of his sufferings for Christ, clearly evinces the sincerity of his profession. The daily reception of the Lord's supper appears to have been the practice of the African church at that time. Lucius was chosen bishop of Rome instead of Cor- nelius, but was immediately driven into exile by the authority ofGallus. Cyprian congratulated him both on his promotion and sufferings. His banishment must have been of short duration. In the year 252, he was permitted to return to Rome. Soon after which he suffered death and was succeeded by Stephen. During the reign of Callus, a dreadful pestilence ra- ged in Africa. The mortality was great. The pa- gans, alarmed beyond measure, neglected the burial of the dead through fear, and violated the duties of hu- manity. Many dead bodies lay in the streets of Car- thage. Cyprian assembled his people and expatiated on the subject of mercy. He pointed out to them, that if they did no more than others, the heathen and the publican, in shewing mercy to their own, there would be nothing worthy of their profession in that ; that Chris- tians ought to overcome evil with good, and like their heavenly Father to love their enemies, since he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. Why does not he, who professes himself a son of God, imitate the example of his Father ? We ought to answer to our birth, and those who appear to be born of God, should not de- generate, but should be solicitous to prove the gen- uineness of their relation to God by the imitation of his goodness. 130 The eloquent voice of Cyprian was attended to by the people with their usual alacrity. The Christians ranked themselves into classes to relieve the public calamity. The rich contributed largely, the poor did what they could. Their labor was attended with ex- treme hazard to their lives. The Pagans saw, with admiration, what the love of God in Christ can do, and beheld their own selfishness and inferiority. About this time, some Numidian Christians were carried into captivity, by an irruption of barbarians, who neither owned the Roman sway, nor had the least acquaintance with Christianity. The active benevo- lence of Cyprian would not surfer him to be at rest. He took measures to redeem them from captivity, wrote to them a most feeling, affectionate and sympa- thetic letter, and informed them ; " We have sent a hundred thousand sesterces,* the collection of our clergy and laity, of the charge of Carthage, which you will dispense according to your diligence. Heartily do we wish that no such thing may happen again, and that the Lord may protect our brethren from such ca- lamities. But if, to try our faith and love, such afflic- tions should again befal you, hesitate not to certify us, assuring yourselves of the hearty concurrence of our church with you in prayer and in cheerful contri- bution." Soon after the appointment of Stephen to the office of bishop of the church of Rome, Callus was slain, af- ter a wretched reign of 18 months, in the year 253. CHAPTER XIII. The pacific Part of Valerian' } s Reign. 1 N Valerian, the successor of Gallus, the people of God found a friend and protector, for upwards of three years. His house was full of Christians and he had a strong predilection in their favor. During 'this peace, a council was held in Africa by sixty-six bishops, with Cyprian at their head, to set- * About jg 3900. 131 tie various matters relating to the church of Christ, We have an account of two points mentioned, which particularly called their attention. One Victor, a presbyter, had been received into the church without having undergone the legitimate time of trial, and without the concurrence and con- sent of the people. His bishop, Therapius, had done it arbitrarily and contrary to the institutes of the for- mer council for settling such matters. Cyprian, in the name of the council, contents himself with reprimand- ding Therapius ; but yet confirms what he had done, and warns him to take care of offending in future. We here see, that a strict and godly discipline, on the \vhole, now prevailed in the church, and that the wisest and most successful methods of recovering the lapsed, were used. The authority of bishops was firm, but not despotic ; and the share of the people, in mat- ters of discipline, appears worthy of notice. What the other point was which called the atten- tion of this council, we learn from what Cyprian writes to Fidus ; " As to the case of infants, of whom you said that they ought not to be baptized within the sec- ond or third day after their birth, and that the ancient law of circumcision should be so far repeated, that they should not be baptized till the eighth day, we were ail of a different opinion. The mercy and grace of God, we all judged, should be denied to none. For if the Lord says in his gospel, the son of man has not come to destroy merfs lives, but to save them, how ought we to do our utmost, as far as in us lies, that no soul be lost. Spiritual circumcision, should not be impe- ded by that which is carnal. If even to the foulest of- fenders, when they afterwards believe, remission of sins be granted, and none is prohibited from baptism and grace ; how much more should an infant be ad- mitted, who, just born, hath not sinned at all, except that being carnally born according to Adam, he hath contracted the contagion of ancient death in his first birth ; who approaches to remission of sins more easi- ly, because not his own actual guilt ? but that of anoth- er, is remitted." 132 Here, in an assembly of sixty-six pastors, men of approved fidelity and gravity, who had stood the fiery trial of some of the severest persecutions ever known, and who had testified their love to the Lord Jesus Christ; who appear not to have been wanting in any of the essential characteristics of godliness ; a question is brought, not, whether infants should be baptized at all, none contradicted this, but, whether it is right to bap- tize them immediately, or on the eighth day. To a man, they all determined to baptize them immediate- ly. This transaction passed in the year 253. In what light the primitive christia^s viewed thea- trical entertainments, and stage players, may be seen by a letter from Cyprian to Eucratius his brother. As this shews the opinions and manners of the brethren of that age, the reader may be entertained and in- structed by a perusal. " Cyprian to Eucratius his Brother. Health. Your love and esteem have induced you, dearest brother, to consult me as to what I think of the case of the player among you ; who still continues in the same infamous art, and as a teacher of boys, not to be in- structed but to be ruined by him, instructs others in that which he himself hath miserably learnt. You ask whether he should be allowed the continuance of Christian communion ? I think it very inconsistent with the majesty of God, and the rules of his gospel, that the modesty and honor of the church should be defiled by so base and infamous a contagion. In the law, men are prohibited to wear female attire, and are pronounced accursed ; how much more criminal must it be, not only to put on woman's garments, but also to express lacivious, obscene, and effeminate gestures in a way of instructing others ! And let no man excuse himself as having left the theatre, while yet he undertakes to qualify others for the work. You cannot say that he had ceased from a business, who provides substitutes in his room, and instead of one only, furnishes the play-house with a number ; teach- ing them, contrary to the Divine ordinance, how the jnaje may be reduced into a female, and the sex bq 133 changed by art ; and how Satan may be gratified by the defilement of the Divine workmanship. If the man makes poverty his excuse, his necessities may be relieved in the same manner as those of others, who are maintained by the alms of the church, provided he be content with frugal, but innocent food, and do not fancy that we are to hire him by a salary to cease from sin, since it is not our interest, but his own, that is concerned in this affair. But let his gains from the service of the play-house be ever so large, what sort of gain is that, which tears men from a participation in the banquet of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and leads them, miserably and ruinously, fattened in this world, to the punishments of eternal famine arid thirst ? Therefore, as much as you can, recover him from this depravity and infamy, to the way of innocence and to the hope of life, that he may be content with a parsi- monious, but salutary maintenance from the church. But if your church be insufficient to maintain its poor, he may transfer himself to us, and here receive what is necessary for food and raiment, and no longer teach pernicious things out of the church, but learn himself salutary things in the church. Dearest son, I wish you constant prosperity. 1 " What, surely, would Cyprian have said, to see large assemblies of Christians, so called, devoted to the im- purities of the theatre, zealously supporting them, and deriving from them their highest delight ? He would, at the same time, observe the same persons, as might be expected, perfect strangers to the joys of the Holy Ghost. Among the primitive Christians, the clergy were looked upon as men wholly devoted to Divine things, and secular cares were taken but of their hands as much as possible : an instance of this we see in the decision of an African Synod, where Cyprian and his colleagues wrote to the church of Terna? a protest against the appointment of Faustinus, a presbyter, a guardian, by the will of one Germinius Victor. This shows the happy effects produced upon the minds of the church by the spirit of God. 134 During this century the gospel had France and Spain to a great degree. In Spain, two bishops, Basilides and Martial, were deposed for their unfaith- fulness during the persecution. A question arose, whether persons returning from heresies into the church ought to be re-baptized. The active spirit of Cyprian was employed, partly by a council in Africa, and partly by his letters, in main- taining, that the baptism of heretics was null and void; that even Novatian baptism ought to be looked up- on in the same light. But Stephen, of Rome, main- tained, that if they were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, it was sufficient to receive them into the church by imposition of hands ; and though nothing was at present decided, because no party had power to compel others, yet most Christians have long since agreed with Stephen. But the church, while in worldly ease and quiet, is too easily entangled in curious speculations, and loses the vigor of religious affection : but God, in infinite mercy, has a scourge for his froward children ; perse- cution lowers again with re-collected strength, and Christians are called on to forget their idle internal contentions, to humble themselves before him, and prepare for scenes of horror and desolation. CHAPTER XIV. The last Acts and Martyrdom of Cyprian. 1 HE change in the disposition of Valerian toward the christians, which now took place, is one of the most memorable instances of the instability of human characters. More than all his predecessors he was at first disposed to kindness toward them. His palace was full of the friends of Jesus, and was looked on as a sanctuary. But, after he had reigned three years, he was induced by his favorite Macrianus, to treat them with the most vindictive cruelty. This man dealt 155 largely in magical enchantments and abominable sac- rifices ; he slaughtered children, and scattered the en-' trails of new born babes. The persecution of chris- tians was an exploit worthy of a mind so facinated with diabolical wickedness and folly. In Valerian he found but too ready a disciple. It began in the year two hundred and fifty seven, and continued the remainder of his reign, three years and a half. Ste- phen, of Rome, appears to have died a natural death about the beginning of it. Sixtus was his successor. Cyprian, who had escaped two persecutions, was now made the victim of the third, though his sufferings were attended with circumstances of comparative lenity. He was seized by the servants of Paternus, the pro- consul of Carthage, and brought into his council cham- ber. "The sacred emperors, Valerian and Gallienus," says Paternus, " have done me the honor to direct let- ters to me, in which they have decreed, that all men ought to adore the gods whom the Romans adore, and on pain of being slain with the sword. I have heard that you despise the worship of the gods, whence I ad- vise you to consult for yourself and honor them." " I am a Christian," Cyprian replied, " and know no God but the one true God, who created heaven and earth, the sea, and all things in them. This God, we chris- tians serve ; to him we pray night and day for all men, and even for the emperors." " You shall die the death of a malefactor, if you persevere in this inclina- tion." Cyprian answered, " That is a good inclina- tion which fears God, and therefore must not be changed." " You must then, by the will of the prin- ces, be banished." "He is no exile," it was replied, " who has God in his heart, for the earth is the Lord's^ and the fulness thereof." Paternus said, " Before you go, tell me where are your presbyters, who are said to be in this city." With much presence of mind,. Cyprian reminded him of the edicts made by the. best Roman princes against the practice of informers. " They ought not therefore to be discovered by me ? but you may find them, and you yourselves do not approve of men offering themselves voluntarily to 136 you." " I will make you discover them by tortures.- 1 " By me," the intrepid Cyprian rejoined, " they shall not be discovered." " Our princes have ordered that Christians hold no conventicles, and whoever breaks this rule shall be put to death," " Do what you are ordered," Cyprian calmly replied. Paternus was, however, not disposed to hurt Cypri- an. He respected his character. Having, in vain, attempted to work on his fears, he banished him to Curubis, a little town 60 miles from Carthage, situ- ate by the sea, over against Sicily. The place was healthy, the air good, and by his own desire he had private lodgings. During the eleven months he resided there, the citizens of Curubis treated him with great kindness, and he was repeatedly visited by Christians. There he served his Divine Master in good works, and in the interim Paternus died. While he was there, nine bishops, all of whom had been present at the last council at Carthage, were seized, and a great number of the faithful, priests, deacons, virgins and children ; who, after having been beaten with sticks, were sent to work in the copper- mines in the mountains. To them Cyprian addressed a most affectionate let- ter, peculiarly calculated to support them under their sore trials ; an extract from this letter is in the follow- ing language : " Let malice and cruelty fetter you as they please, quickly you will come from earth arid its sorrows to the kingdom of heaven. In those mines the body is not refreshed by a bed, but Christ is its consolation and rest ; your limbs, fatigued with labors, lie on the ground ; but to lie down with Christ is no punishment. Filth and dirt defile your limbs, void of the cleansing bath ; but you are inwardly washed from all uncleanliness. Your allowance of bread is scanty ; but man doth not live by bread alone, but by the word of God. You have no proper clothes to fence you from the cold ; but he w r ho has put on Christ is clothed abundantly." In the year 260, Cyprian, returning by permission from exile, lived in a garden near Carthage, which 137 Was now providentially restored to him, though he had sold it at his first conversion. His liberal spirit would have inclined him once more to sell it for the relief of the needy, had he not feared to attract the envy of the persecutors. Here he regulated the affairs of the church, and distributed to the poor what he had left. Here he understood that the persecution, after a little interval, had broken out afresh, and hearing various reports, he sent to Rome to gain certain information. He soon learnt, what he immediately communicated to the brethren, that Valerian had given orders, that bishops, presbyters and deacons should be put to death without delay ; that senators, noblemen, and knights should be degraded arid deprived of their property, and if they still persisted to be Christians, should lose their lives ; that women of quality should be deprived of their property and be banished ; that all Caesar's freed- men, who should have confessed, should be stripped of their goods, be chained and sent to work on his estates. These were Valerian's orders to the senate, and were sent to the governors of provinces* " These letters^" writes Cyprian, "we daily expect to arrive, stand- ing in the firmness of faith, in patient expectation of suffering, and hoping, from the Lord's help and kind- ness, the crown of eternal life." He mentions also the news he had heard of the martyrdom of Sixtusj the bishop of Rome, and the ferocity, with which the per- secution was there daily carried on in all its horrors. He begs that the intelligence may be circulated through Africa, "That we may all think of death, not more than immortality, and in the fulness of faith, may rather rejoice at, tkan fear, the event." Ga- lerius Maximus had succeeded Paternus in the pro- consulate, and Cyprian was daily expected to be sent for. In this awful crisis, a number of senators and others, considerable for their office or their quality, came to him. Ancient friendship melted the minds of some of them toward the man, and they offered to conceal him in country places, but his soul was now jithirst for martyrdom. He was conscientiously afraid of sinning against God by throwing away his life, by 138 courting martyrdom ; but he was not afraid of being found in the discharge of duty. Still he continued at Carthage exhorting the faithful, desiring, that if called to suffer, death might find him thus employed for God. However, being informed that the pro-consul, then at Utica, had sent some soldiers to bring him thither, he was induced to comply^ for a season, with the ad- vice of his friends, to retire to some place of conceal- ment, that he might not suffer there ; but if his execu- tion was inevitable, he might finish his life among his own people at Carthage ; so he states the matter in the last of his letters to the clergy and people. "Here," says he,, " in this concealment, I wait for the return of the pro-consul to Carthage, ready to appear before him, and to say what shall be given me at that hour. Do you, dear brethren, do you, agreeably to the disci- pline you have always received, and to the instruc- tions you have learnt of me, continue still and quiet ; let none of you excite any tumult on account of the brethren, or offer himself voluntarily to the Gentiles. He who is seized and delivered up ought to speak ; the Lord in us will speak at that hour; and confession, rather than profession, is our duty. The pro-consul being returned to Carthage, and Cyprian to his garden, officers with soldiers came there to seize him. They carried him in a chariot between them to a place called Sextus, six miles from Car- thage,, by the sea side, where the pro-consul lodged in a state of ill health. His trial was deferred till the next day, when vast crowds, both of christians and infidels, who revered the virtue of the man, assembled. The chief of the officers guarded him, but in a cour- teous manner ; so that he ate with his friends, and had them about him as usuaL The Christians passed the night in the street before his lodgings, and the charity of Cyprian moved him to direct a particular attention to be paid to the young women who were among the crowd. The next day the pro-consul sent for Cypri- an, w T ho went to the Praetorium, attended by crowds of people. The pro-consul not yet appearing, Cyprian was ordered to wait for him in a private place, where 139 he sat down. Being in a great perspiration, a soldier, who had professed Christianity, offered him fresh clothes. " Shall we," says Cyprian, " seek for a reme- dy for that which may last no longer than a day." He was at length brought into the judgment-hall^ ^where the pro-consul sat. "Are you Thascius Cy- prian ?" " I am." " Are you he whom the christians call their bishop ?" " I am." " Our princes have or- dered y HI to worship their gods." " That 1 shall not do." " You will do better to consult your safety, arid not despise the gods." " My safety and virtue is Christ the Lord, whom I desire to serve forever." " I pity your case," says the pro-consul, " and could wish to consult for you." " I do not wish," replies Cyprian, " that things should be otherwise with me, than that, adoring my God, I may hasten to him with all the ar- dor of my soul ; for the afflictions of .this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." The pro-consul, now redden- ing with anger, says, " You have lived sacrilegiously a long time, and have formed into a society men of an impious conspiracy, and have shewn yourself an ene- my to the gods and their religion, and have not hearken- ed unto the equitable counsels of our princes, but have ever been a father of the impious sect, and their ring- leader ; you shall therefore be an example to {he rest, and they shall learn their duty by your blood. Let Thascius Cyprian, who refuses to sacrifice to the gods, be put to death by the sword." " God be praised," said the martyr, and while they were leading him away, a multitude of people followed and cried, " Let us die with our holy bishop." A troop of soldiers attended, and the officers march- ed on each side of him. They led him into a plain surrounded with trees, and many climbed \ip to the top of them to see him at a distance. Cyprian took off his mantle, and fell on his knees and worshiped his God; then he put off his inner garment and re- mained in his shirt. The executioner being come, Cyprian ordered 25 golden denarii to be given him ; he himself bound the napkin over his eyes, and a pros- 140 byter and deacon tied his hands for him, and the chris* tians laid before him napkins and hankerchiefs to rer ceive his blood. Then his head was cut off by the sword. Thus, after an eventful and important period of about 12 years from his conversion, after a variety of toils and exercises among friends, and open foes, and nominal Christians, by a death more gentle than com- monly fell to the lot of martyrs, rested in Jesus, the magnanimous and charitable spirit of Cyprian of Car- thage. Before Cyprian's time, Africa appears to have been in no very flourishing state with respect to Christianity. Within 12 years he was the instrument of most mater rial service in recovering many apostates, in reforming discipline, and in reviving the essence of godliness. B CHAPTER XV. Other Particulars of Valerian's Persecution. Y order of Valerian, Sixtus, bishop of Rome, and some others of the clergy were seized. While Sixtus was going to execution, Laurentius, his chief deacon, followed him weeping, and, said, " Whither goest thou, father, without thy son ?" Sixtus said, '* You shall fol- low me in three days." After Sixtus' death the prefect of Rome, moved by an idle report of the immense riches of the Roman church, sent for Laurentius, and ordered him to deliv- er them up. Laurentius, requested a little time to set every thing in order, and to take an account of each particular ; three days having been granted, he collected all the poor who were supported by the Roman church, and went to the prefect and said, " Come, behold the riches of our God ; you shall see a large court fhll of golden vessels." The prefect fol- lowed him, but seeing all the poor people, he turned to Laurentius with looks full of anger." " What arc you displeased at ?" said the martyr j '' the gold yoti 141 o eagerly desire is but a vile metal taken out of the earth, and serves as an incitement to all sorts of crimes ; the true gold is that Light whose disciples these poor men are. The misery of their bodies is an advantage to their souls ; sin is the true disease ; the great ones of the earth are the truly poor and con- temptible. These are the treasures which I promis- ed you, to which I will add precious stones. Behold these virgins and widows ; they are the church's crown * make use of these riches for the advantage of Rome, of the emperor, and yourself." Doubtless, had the prefect's mind been at all dispos- ed to receive an instructive lesson, he would here have learned the nature of the liberality of Christians, who maintained a great number of objects, and who look-- ed for no recompense, but that which shall take place at the resurrection of the just. But as the persecu- tors would not hear the doctrines of Christ explain- ed, so neither would they patiently endure an exem- plification of his precepts. The prefect was cut to the quick ; " Do you m0ck me ?" said he, " I know you value yourselves for contemning death, and therefore you shall not die at once." He caused him to be stripped, extended, and fastened to a gridiron, and in that manner to be broiled to death by a slow fire. When he had continued a considerable time on one gide, he said to the prefect, " Let me be turned, I am sufficiently broiled on one side." And when they had turned him he said, " It is enough, ye may eat."-^ Then looking up to heaven, he prayed for the convex sion of Rome, and gave up the ghost! At Csesarea, in Cappadocia, a child named Cyril, shewed uncommon fortitude. Neither threats nor blows could prevent him from owning Christianity,^ He was driven from his home by his own father, ancj persecuted by many children of his owa age. He was brought before the judge, w 7 ho promised that he should be pardoned and be again received by his fa- ther. He replied, " I rejoice to bear your reproaches ; God will receive me ; I arn glad that I am expelled out of our house ; 1 shall have a better mansion ; I fear not 142 death, because it will introduce me into a better life. 19 The judge ordered him to be bound and led to the place of execution, with secret orders to bring him back, hoping that the sight of the fire might overcome his resolution. Cyril remained inflexible. The hu- rnanjty of the judge induced him still to continue his remonstrances. The young martyr stood firm ; " Your fire and your sword," said he, " are insignificant. I go to a better house and more excellent riches ; despatch me presently, that I may enjoy them." The specta- tors wept through compassion. " You should rather rejoice," said he, " in conducting me to my punish- ment. You know not what a city I am going to inhabit, nor what is my hope." Thus he went to his death, and was the admiration of the whole city. Many others suffered with great Christian meekness and fortitude. But after three years employed in per- secution, Valerian was taken prisoner by Sapor king of Persia, who detained him the rest of his life, and made use of his neck when he mounted his horse, and at length had him flayed and salted. Valerian had known and respected the Christians ; his persecution therefore must have been a sin against light, and it is common with Divine providence to punish such in a very ex- emplary manner. Gallienus, son to Valerian, succeeded him, and was an emperor friendly to the Christians ; he stopped the persecution by edicts, and gave the pastors of church- es licence to return to their respective charges. CHAPTER XVI. From the reign of Gallienus to the end of the Century. W E now behold Christians legally tolerated under a Pagan government for forty years. The example of Gallienus was followed by the successive emperors to the end of the century, and was violated only in one in- stance; the effect of which was presently dissipated by the, hand of Providence. This is not a season for the 143 growth of grace and holiness ; genuine Christianity^ during this period, was very little manifested. Though Christianity, at this time was literally tol- erated, yet Christians were not entirely exempt from persecution. At Csesarea, in Palestine, there was one Marinus, a soldier of great bravery, of noble fam- ily, and very opulent. The office of centurion being vacant, Marinus was called to it. Another soldier came before the tribunal, and said, that by the laws Marinus was incapacitated, because he was a Chris- tian, and did not do sacrifice to the emperors ; but that he himself, as next in rank, ought to have it. Achaeus, the governor, asked Marinus what w r as his religion ; on which he confessed himself a Christian. The govern- or gave him three hours to deliberate. Upon this Theotecnes, bishop of Csesarea, calls Marinus from the tribunal, takes him by the hand, and leads him to the church, shows him a sword that hung by his side,, and a New Testament which he pulled out of his pock- et, and bids him choose which of the two he liked best. Marinus, stretching out his hand, takes the Ho- ly Scripture. " Hold fast then," said Theotecnes, " cleave to God, and what you have chosen you shall enjoy, being strengthened by him, and depart in peace." After he had returned thence he was, by the crier's voice, ordered to appear again at the bar, the time of three hours being expired. There he man- fully confessed the faith of Christ, heard the sentence of condemnation, and was beheaded. The greatest luminary in the church at this time, was Dionysius, of Alexandria. He took a decided stand against the Sabellian heresy, which confounded the persons of the Trinity. Paul, of Samosata, attempted, about the year 269, by many artful subtilties to depreciate, the real Divin- ity of Jesus Christ, and introduce into the church the doctrine of Socinianism. But he was, by the pastors, called to an account, deposed from office and excluded from Christian fellowship. The doc- trine usually called Trinitarian, was universal in these times. 144 Aurelian succeeded Gallienus, and Tacitus, Aiireii- &n, who, after a short reign, left the empire to Probus, in whose second year A* D. 277, appeared the mon- strous heresy of Manes, whose fundamental principle was to account for the origin of moral evil, by the ad- mission of two first causes, independent of each other. This heresy continued long to infest the church; In the year two hundred and eighty four, Dioclesian became emperor, and for about eighteen years was ex- tremely indulgent to Christians. His wife, Prisca, and daughter Valeria, the eunuchs of his palace and many of his important officers, with their wives and families embraced the gospel and made a public profession of their faith. In various parts of the empire, vast crow r ds attended religious service, so that the houses of worship were found inadequate to their accommodation, and in all the cities^ large edifices were erected for their use. The number of nominal converts now increased, but Vital piety declined. The influence of philosophers, with whom they were connected, was one of the causes. Toward the end of this century, Dioclesian, practi- sing the superstitious rites of divination, attributed the ill success of his sacrifices to the presence of a Christian servant who made on his forehead the sign of the cross. He ordered all present and all in his palace to sacrifice, or, in case of refusal to be scourged with whips. He wrote also to the officers of his armies to constrain all the soldiers to sacrifice^ and to discharge from service those who should refuse to comply with this rite of heathen superstition. Many resigned ra- ther then submit to the impious direction. Christian truth was not yet lost, and though its influence was di- minished, it was not yet perceptible. Very few were put to death on account of their religious profession. But Marcel lus, the centurion, did not escape. At Tangier in Mauritania, while every one was employ- ed iq feasting and sacrifices, he took off his belt, threw down his vine branch and his arms, and added, " I will not fight any longer under the banner of your emperor, or serve your gods of wood and stone. If the condi- tion of a soldier is such that he is obliged to sacrifice 145 to gods and emperors, I abandon the vine branch and the belt, and quit the service." Marcellus, having thus refused to partake in idolatrous worship, was ordered to be beheaded. These preliminaries to the persecution, with which the next century opens, did not affect the minds of Christians in general ; nor was the spirit of prayer ex- cited among them ; a certain sign of great declension in godliness. Justification by faith, hearty conviction of sin, and the Spirit's influences, are scarcely men- tioned all this season. God, who had exercised long suffering patience, de- clared at length in the course of his providence, " Be- cause I have purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more, till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee." But this scene, which materially changed the condi- tion of the church, and was quickly followed by seve- ral surprising revolutions, belongs to the next century. CHAPTER XVII. Some Account of Gregory Thaumaturgus^ Theognostus, and Dionysius of Rome. fjrREGORY was born at Neacassarea, the metrop- olis of Cappadocia, and early educated in idolatry and the learning of the Gentile world. He travelled af- terwards to Alexandria, and put himself under the tu- ition of the renowned Origen, by whom he was per- suaded to study the Holy Scriptures. Origen spared no pains to ground him in a firm belief of Christianity, and exhorted him to apply his knowledge to its pro- motion, advising him withal to pray fervently and se- riously for the illumination of the Holy Spirit. On his return to his native city, which was very populous and full of idolatry, the very seat of Satan, he gave himself much to prayer and retirement, and was in secret prepared for the important work to which he was soon after called. T46 In tnis idolatrous city, Gregory commenced his public labors, when the church consisted of not more than seventeen members ; but his preaching was soon attended with so great success that he had a nume- rous congregation. His ministry appears to have been accompanied with miraculous gifts, to prepare the way for the propagation of the gospel among his idolatrous countrymen. Here he continued till the Decian persecution, which was most severe. Considering that his new converts would scarce be strong enough to stand their ground and be faithful, he advised them to flee, and to en- courage them in it, set the example.- Many of his people suffered, but God, at length, restored them to peace, and Gregory returned to exhilarate their minds with his pastoral labors. A little before his death, he made a strict inquiry, whether there were any in the city and neighborhood still strangers to Christianity, and being told there were about seventeen in all, he sighed, and lifting up his eyes to heaven, appealed to God how much it troubled him, that any of his fellow-townsmen should remain unacquainted with salvation, yet that his thankfulness Was due to God, that when at first he had found only seventeen Christians, he had left only seventeen idola- ters. Having prayed for the conversion of infidels and edification of the faithful, he peaceably gave up his soul to God. He Was a man eminently holy and most exemplary in his life and conversation. In wor- ship most devout, in conversation chaste, he never al- lowed himself to call his brother fool ; no anger or bit- terness proceeded from his mouth. Slander^ and cal- umny r as directly opposite to Christianity, he peculiar- ly hated and avoided. The wonderful success which attended his ministry, was owing to a marvellous out- pouring of the Holy Spirit. In no particular instance was the divine influence ever more apparent since the apostolic age, Theognostus and Dionysius, of Alexandria, were both firm in the great doctrine of the Trinity in Unity, During the first three hundred years, though this doe- 147 trine was variously opposed, yet the whole Christian church constantly united in preserving and maintaining it, even from the apostles' days, as the proper sphere within which, all the truth, and holiness, and conso- lation of genuine Christianity lie, and exclusive of which, one may defy its boldest enemies to produce a single instance of any real progress in piety, made in any place, where the name of Christ was known. CHAPTER XVIII. The further extension of the Gospel in this Century. AN the midst of the Decian persecution, about the year two hundred and fifty, the gospel, which had hitherto been chiefly confined to the neighborhood of Lyons and Vienne, was considerably extended in. France. Churches were founded at Toulouse, Tours, Aries, Narbonne, and Paris. France, in general, w^as blessed with the light of salvation. The bishops of Toulouse and Paris afterwards suffered for the faith of Christ. In the course of this century Germany, especially those parts nearest to France; also Great Britain and the adjacent isles, received the gospel. Many of the Goths, settled in Thrace, were, like wise, brought from a state perfectly savage, into the light and comfort of Christianity, through the instru- mentality of some teachers from Asia. The barbarians, who ravaged Asia, carried away with them into captivity several bishops, who healed diseases, expelled evil spirits in the name of Christ and preached Christianity. They were heard with respect and attention, and numbers were converted.* This is all that I can collect of the extension of the go spel among those savage nations. 148 CHAPTER XIX. Remarks on the state of the Roman Empire, and the ef- fect which a belief of the doctrines of Christianity had during this century. J.N the Roman empire, luxury and every abominable vice which can be conceived, had for three centuries greatly increased. Civil broils and distractions con- tinually prevailed, and increased the quantity of vice^ and misery. During this period Christianity, in its be- nign efficacy and power, was exemplified in the lives of God's people. Those, who were truly converted to the Christian faith, believed heartily the truth of doctrines the most humiliating. They were poor in spirit, patient under the severest treatment and the most cruel injuries, not because they were not sufficiently numerous and pow- erful to have redressed the wrongs which they suffer- ed, but because they saw the sinfulness of their hearts, and were conscious that they deserved much greater evils than they experienced ; they were contented in the meanest circumstances, because they felt the beauty of his condescension, who, though he was rich, became poor for their sakes, and who has provided for them a sure and eternal inheritance. They were se- rene a,nd confident in God, because they viewed him as their Father, through the grace of Christ ; full of charity, because they knew the love of God in Christ ; in honor preferring others to themselves, because they were ever conscious of their own depravity; in fine, they gladly endured reproach for Christ's sake, be- cause they knew his kingdom was not of this world. The state of the empire was not deteriorated by the prevalence of Christianity within its limits, but the grace of God, in the gift of a Savior, was gloriously displayed, in the benign nature of true benevolence, as exemplified in the lives of the truly godly, as con- trasted with the real tendency of selfishness, fostering 149 every passion which sets man at variance with man, and is in its very nature hgstile to national jfind indi-* vidual happiness. CENTURY IV. CHAPTER I. The persecution of Dlodesian. A HE fourth century opens with a persecution more systematically planned, and more artfully conduct- ed, than those which Christians had ever before known, and the reason why the church survived the storm and rose triumphant after her losses was, because her DEFENDER is invincible. The church had long fceen in a state of ease and prosperity, and had deeply declined from the purity and simplicity of the gospel. God, for her declension, visited her with a rod. Besides the martyrdom of Mar- cellus, in Africa, an attempt was made, in a general, covert manner, to corrupt the army. It was put to the choice of Christian officers to sacrifice and enjoy their dignity, or to refuse and be deprived. Many lost their preferments. Some few were put to death as a terror to the rest. Dioclesian had long favored the christiairs ? but he had now contracted a prejudice against them. He first used artifice rather than violence. This emperor had a partner called Maximian. Un- der them were two Caesars, Galerius and Constantius, Constantius had some probity and humanity. The other three were tyrants. The savageness of Gale- rius was the most ferocious. In the year 302 he met Dioclesian at Nicomedia, in the 19th year of hi? reign, and used every measure to instigate him to be more sanguinary and decisive against the Christians, and urged to a general persecution. Dioclesian was for confining it to the officers of the court and the soldiers. 150 A council of a few judges and officers was called: it was determined that the oracle of Apollo, at Miletus, ^hould be consulted ; the oracle answered in favor of a general persecution. The feast of the Terminalia was the day appointed to commence the operations against the church. Early in the morning an officer, with guards, came to the great church at Nicomedia, and bursting the doors, found the Scriptures and burnt them, and gave every thing up to plunder. The two emperors, looking at the scene from the palace, were long in doubt, wheth- er they should order the edifice to be burnt. Diocle- sian, fearing a general conflagration, advised (# its de- molition. The Praetorian sofdiers were therefore sent with axes and other tools, who, in a few hours levelled the building with the ground. The next day an edict appeared, depriving all men professing the Christian religion, of all honor and dig- nity, exposing them to torture, and debarring them from the benefit of the laws in all cases whatever. A Christian was found hardy enough, under the transports of indignation, to pull down and tear the edict. For his indiscretion he was burnt alive, and bore his suf- ferings with admirable patience. In Egypt many were beheaded, others were burnt. They suffered with the greatest faith and fortitude. To their last breath they employed themselves in psalms and thanksgiving. Phileas, a man of great eminence, suffered at Thebais; being asked how he was persuaded that Jesus Christ was God, he replied, " He made the blind to see, and the deaf to hear, cleansed the lepers, and raised the dead." When asked, " Is a crucified person a God ?" he answered, " He was crucified for our salvation." The governor fsaid, "You are rich, and able to maintain almost all the province, I spare you, and advise you to sacrifice.' 5 It seems that Phileas was very liberal to the poor. The governor added, " Thy poor wife looks on thee. ?J Phileas answered, Jesus Christ is the Savior of all ouj* /spirits, he hath called me to the inheritance of his glo- ry, and he may call her to it." A little before his ex^ 151 ecution, " My children," said he, " you that seek Gocf, watch over your hearts. My dear children, stick fast to the precepts of Jesus Christ." This persecuting governor who treated the Christians with the greatest cruelty and severity, added, " No care ought to be taken of these Christians ; let all treat them as unworthy of the name of men." Some expir- ed under the cruel tortures inflicted upon them. Oth- ers, having been recovered by methods taken to heal them, and being reduced to the alternative of sacri- ficing or dying, cheerfully preferred the latter. One city in Phrygia, being generally Christian, was besieged by armed men, and set on fire. The men with their wives and children were burnt to death, calling upon Christ, the God over all. All the inhabit- ants, magistrates and people, nobles and plebeians, professing Christianity, were ordered to sacrifice, and for refusing suffered in this manner. Some were slain by axes, as in Arabia 5 some by breaking their legs, as in Cappadocia; some, suspen- ded by the feet, with the head downward, over aslovV fire, were suffocated, as in Mesopotamia ; some were mutilated, and cut in pieces, as in Alexandria ; some were burnt to death, as in Antioch. Some despatched themselves, to prevent their falling into the hands of their enemies, by throwing themselves down from the tops of houses ; lamentable instances of impatience ! But the reader will remember that the decline had been very great from Christian purity ; and that so ma- ny should suffer like Christians, in such a season, can? scarce be accounted for, but on the idea of the Lord's reviving his work and ministering the Holy Spirit amidst their afflictions. The persecuting judges exercised ingenious malice in the daily invention of new punishments ; but wea- ried, at length, with murder, and affecting to praise the clemency of the emperors, as desirous to save life r contented themselves with plucking out eyes, arid cut- ting off one of the legs. The number of those who suffered in this way was very great ; and they were afterwards condemned to wurk hi the mines. 152 At Antioch, Romanus, a deacon, of the church of Caesarea, was martyred. He, happening to enter An- tioch at the very time when the churches were demo- lished, saw many men and women, most probably apos- tates from christianty, with their little ones, crowding to the temples and sacrifices. The same spirit which moved Mattathias, the father of the Maccabees, on a like occasion, was felt by him, but exerted in a man- ner more agreeable to the Christian dispensation. He cried aloud, and rebuked their cowardice and per- fidy. But being seized immediately, and condemned to the flames, and fastened to the stake, while the ex- ecutioners expected the definitive order of the empe- ror then present, he asked cheerfully, " Where is the fire for me ?" Csesar, provoked at his boldness, or- dered his tongue to be cut out. This he put out with great readiness. After this punishment he was thrown into prison, and suffered there a considerable time- In the end he \vas dismissed from life by strangling. In the second year, when the persecution grew fiercer, imperial letters were sent into Palestine, com- manding all men, without exception, to sacrifice. At Gaza, Timotheus, after many sufferings, was consum- ed by a slow fire ; some were condemned to the wild beasts. While many apostatized to save their lives, six persons of Csesarea, with excessive forwardness^ ran to Urbanus, the judge, and offered themselves for martyrdom. They suffered, in conjunction with two others, whose spirit and circumstances in the man- ner of their departure out of life, were more conforma- ble 1o the rules of the gospel. The governors of the different provinces being now- authorized to punish the Christians freely, did it as their tempers dictated. Some, for fear of displeas- ing, did more than they were ordered ; others indulg- ed a natural savageness of disposition ; while others considered that to shed blood profusely was the high road to preferment. Some, determining to torment and not to kill, studied those arts of torture, which might keep life in being amid the keenest sensations of pain. Many efforts were made to recover the tor- 153 lured, that they might be strengthened to endure fur- ther sufferings. A considerable part of Roman juris- prudence was then employed on this subject. There nerer before had been so systematic and la- bored an effort made to extinguish the gospel of Christ. Satan had great wrath ; and when we consider how fiercely the enemies of Christianity set upon its pro- fessors, we have cause to admire the grace of God, who raised such a noble army of martyrs, in a time of so great evangelical declension, and who more ef- fectually than ever baffled, in the end, the designs of the Prince of darkness. In France alone, and its neighborhood, the people of God found some shelter. Yet was the mild Con- stantius, to save appearances with his superior Maxi- mian, induced to persecute, not only by destroying the temples, but also, by ordering those of his house* hold to quit the service, who would not retract Chris- tianity. By this means were the Christians of his fam- ily tried. But the issue was contrary to their expecta- tions. Constantius retained the faithful, and dismis- sed the apostates, judging that those, who were un- faithful to their God, would also be so t6 their prince. It appears to have been the intention of the perse- cutors to have destroyed all records of Christianity. Felix of Tibiura, in Africa, being asked to deliver up the scriptures, answered, " I have them, but will not part with them." He was ordered to be beheaded. " I thank thee, O Lord," said the honest martyr, " that I have lived fifty six years, have kept my virginity, have preserved the gospel, and have preached faith and truth- O my Lord, Jesus Christ, the God of hea- ven and es^rth, I bow my head to be sacrificed to thee, who livest to all eternity." In Sicily, Euplius a martyr, being asked, " Why do you keep the scriptures forbidden by the emperors," answered, " because I am a Christian. Life eternal is in them ; he that gives them up, loses life eternal." He suffered in the same cause, and so also did many others in Italy. 154 In the year three hundred and five, Diocleslan re- signed the empire, and Maximian followed his exam- pie. They were succeeded by Galerius in the East, who ruled in the room of Dioclesian, and put Maxi- tnin his nephew, in his own place, and in the West by Constantius. Maximin inherited the savageness and the prejudi- ces of his uncle ; and in Palestine and the more east- ern parts, over which Galerius had ruled, he still con- tinued the horrors of persecution. Apphian, a young man under twenty, who had re- ceived a very polite education at Berytus, and could not bear to live with his father and relations at Pagse in Lycia, because of their aversion to the gospel, left ail his secular employments and hopes for the love of Christ, and came to Caesarea; there he was so trans- ported with zeal as to run up to Urbanus the gover- nor, then making a libation, to seize him by the hand^ to stop his religious employment, and exhort him to forsake idolatry, and turn to the true God. The con- sequence was, he was arrested, ordered to sacrifice, and, after he had sustained most dreadful tortures, was thrown into the sea. His imprudence was great, and his zeal very irregular and extravagant ; but who will r^t admire the sincerity of that love of Christ, which carried this ardent youth through all hardships^ and prefer his disposition, with all his faults, to the cowardice and love of the world, which, in our times, prevents such numbers from daring to show due re- gard for the divine Savior? This Apphian had a brother called Edesius, who had' advanced farther in the philosophical studies than himself, and who likewise embraced the faith of Christ. Having endured, in Palestine, with great for- titude and patience, prisons, bonds, .and the drudgery of the mines, he, at length,, came to Alexandria, and there saw the judge raging with frantic fury against Christians, treating them with various abuses. Fired at the sight, he lost all patience, rebuked the magis- trate, and struck him. Upon which he was exposed to a variety of torture v and thrown into the sea. He 155 seems to have possessed both the excellencies and the faults of his brother. A remark or two may be proper in this place, before we proceed, 1. The persecution we are reviewing found the church in the lowest state in wisdom and piety. Con- cerning the behavior of Edesius, it should be observed, that amidst the great dearth of Christian instruction, it is not surprising that he should so imperfectly know his duty. The piety of Apphian and Edesius resem- bles that of Jeptha and of Samson ; sincere, but irre- gular and injudicious. They lived under similar cir- cumstances, in times of ignorance.' The Spirit' of God, when he creates a new heart, or a new spirit, and disposes men to obedience, supercedes not the use of pastoral instruction. Where this is, to a great de- gree wanting, even Divine love itself, though strong, is, comparatively speaking, blind, and will continually mistake the rule of duty* ' In vain we look for judi- cious and discreet pastors, and for clear and evangel- ical views in all this period. No Cyprian or Dionysius the appeared, to check, to regulate, or to control the spirits of Christians, and to discipline them by scrip- ture rules. The persecution found vast numbers per- fidious and cowardly ; some chosen spirits, were hum- ble and faithful to death ; but of these, many, it is to be feared, were partially informed of their duty, both to God and man, and mixed the intemperance and pre- cipitation of blind self-will, with the love of Christ. 2. In the story of these two brothers, we see the prevalence of the monastic and philosophic spirit ; that they knew too little of Christianity, and though sin- cere enough to become martyrs for Christ, yet they were greatly destitute of Christian simplicity. The doctrines of Christ had ceased to be explicitly unfold- ed; and it was chiefly in suffering, endured with pa- tient faith and cheerful hope, that we can now see, Christ had then a church in the world. The bush was indeed burning in a fire the most dreadful, but not consumed. In the fourth year of the persecution, Maximin Cae- sar, exhibited spectacles in honor of his birth-day. 156 Agapius, a Christian, and a slave who had murdered his master, were both produced at the same time and condemned to the wild beasts. The emperor, to dis- tinguish his birth-day by an act of generosity, pardon- ed and gave freedom to the murderer. The whole amphitheatre rang with acclamation in praise of his clemency. But he, disposed to punish the innocent and spare the guilty, asked Agapius if he would re- nounce Christianity, promising liberty on that condi- tion. The martyr expressed his cheerful readiness to undergo any punishment, not for any crime commit- ted by him, but for piety toward the Lord of the uni- verse. He was condemed to be torn by a bear, was then carried back to prison ; and, after he had lived a day, with weights hung to his feet, sunk in the sea. In the succeeding year a Tyrian virgin, Theodoeia, not quite 18 years old, was put to death for owning and countenancing some Christian prisoners. The judge, Urbanus, afterward condemned them to the mines of Palestine. Silvanus, with some others, were condemned to labor in the brass mines, the joints of their feet having been first weakened by the applicat- ion of hot iron. Few persecutors exceeded Urbanus in malice and activity. He doomed three to fight with each other ; Auxentius, a venerable saint, he condemned to the wild beasts. Some he sentenced to the mines, after he had made them eunuchs.. Others, after bitter tor-* inents, he threvy again into prison. This monster of savage ferocity J having been afterward convicted of crimes, was capitally punished in Caesarea, the scene of his cruelties, and by the same Maximin, of whose imperial savageness he had been the minister. In the sixth year of the persecution, near 100 were sent from Thebais to Palestine, and were adjudged by Fermilian, the successor of Urbanus, to be lamed in the left foot, and to lose the right eye, and in that state to he condemned to the mines. At Gaza, some were apprehended for meeting tor gether to hear the scriptures read, and were punished with the loss of a limb, and an eye, or in a still more 157 fcruel manner. One Paul, being sentenced to lose his head, begged a short space of time to be allowed him, which having been granted, he prayed with a loud voice for the whole Christian world, that God would forgive them, remove the present heavy scourge of their iniquities, and restore them to peace and liberty; he then prayed for the Jews, that they might come to God, and find access to him through Jesus Christ. In the next place, that the same blessings might be vouchsaf- ed to the Samaritans. The Gentiles, who lived in error and ignorance of God, were the next objects of his char- itable petitions, that they might be brought to know God and to serve him : nor did he omit to mention the crowd about him, the judge who had sentenced him, the emperors and the executioner, and in the hearing of all he prayed that their sin might not be laid to their charge. The whole company was moved, and tears were shed. The martyr composed himself to suffer, and offering his neck to the sword was be- headed. Divine grace appeared in him, in a manner worthy of the apostolic age. Soon after 1 30 Egyptian chieftains, having suffe rod the same mutilations which have above been mentioned, were sentenced by Max- imin to the mines in Palestine and Celicia. Fermilian, after having trodden in the steps of Ur-- banus in shedding Christian blood abundantly, like him also suffered capitally by the sentence of the em- peror. Toward the end of the seventh year, the multitude of confessors* in the mines of Palestine enjoyed some liberty, and even erected some places for public wor- ship. The president of the province envied them the smalt cessation of their miseries, and wrote to the em- peror to their prejudice. Afterward the master of the mines having come hither, divided the sufferers into classes. Some he ordered to dwell in Cyprus, others in Libanus ; the rest he dispersed and harrassed with various drudgeries in different parts of Palestine. Four, he singled out for the examination of the military com- mander, who burnt them to death. Silvanus, a bish- op of great piety, John, an Egyptian, and thirty seven* 158 others, were, the same day, beheaded by the order of Maximin. For eight years, the persecution in the East, con- tinued with little intermission. In the West, it abated after two years. The political changes in the em- pire account for the difference. Both in the East, and the West, Satan exerted his malice in the keen- est manner, in this last of the pagan persecutions. The Divine power and wisdom, in still preserving a real church on earth, were never more conspicuously displayed, since the days of the apostles. The time, for its external triumph, under Constantine, was then at hand. Those, who look at outward things alone may be tempted to think how much more glorious it would have appeared, without the previous desola- tions of Dioclesian's persecution ; but when it is con- sidered how much Christian doctrine had decayed, and how low holy practice had fallen, the necessity of so sharp a trial to purify the church, and fit it for a state of prosperity, is evident. Otherwise the dif- ference between Christians and pagans might have been little more than a name. Evangelical doctrines and practices, in their life and purity, had grievously declined from about the year 270. During this season of declension, Christ crucified, justification purely by faith, and the effec- tual influences of the Holy Spirit, together with humbling views of man's total apostacy and cor- ruption, were ideas very faintly impressed on Christian minds. But in this low state of the church, there was much more moral virtue, than could be found any where else; and the charitable spirit of many in suffer- ing, shewed the existence and nature of real religion. The persecution, which was carried on against thc^ Christians, designed their total destruction ; it must, however, injustice to them be acknowledged, that they were, with all their faults, the most loyal, peaceable, and. worthy citizens in the whole empire. God was then raising up a protector for his church. The emperor Constantius lying at the point of death, desired Galerius, his partner in the East, to send him 159 his son Constantine. The eastern emperor, hav- ing delayed as long as possible, sent him at last, and the son arrived in Briton just in time to see his fa- ther alive, who was interred at Eboracum.* Con- stantine succeeding, gave the most perfect toleration to Christians, so far as his power extended. Pro- vidence was still with him, that, like another Cy- rus, he might give peace and liberty to the church. Rome and Italy were for some time under the power of Maxentius, the son of Dioclesian's colleague Maxi- mian. This prince, a tyrant of the basest character, attempted the chastity of a Roman matron, who by suicide, prevented his base design. Her impatience gives further proof of the prevailing taste in religion. Constantine having come from France into Italy, sub- verted the kingdom of Maxentius, and became sole master of the western world. Maximian, whose daughter Constantine had married, after various at- tempts to recover the power, which by the influence of Bioclesian he had resigned, was put to death by his son-in-law for attempting his destruction. Galerius, in the year 310, was smitten with an in- curable disease; all his lower parts were corrupt- ed : physicians and idols were applied to, in vain : an intolerable stench spread itself over the palace of Sar- dis, where he resided : he was devoured by worms ; and, in a situation the most dreadful, continued a whole year. Softened at length by his sufferings, in the year 311, he published an edict, by which he took off the persecution from the Christians, allowed them to re- build their places of worship, and desired them to pray for his health. Thus did God himself subdue this- haughty tyrant. The prisoners were then released from the mines ancf the highways were full of Christians returning to their friendsj singmg psalms and hymns to God. Christen- dom wore a cheerful aspect. Even Pagans were melted ; and many, who had joined in the attempt to extinguish the Christian name, began to be convinced^ that a religion, which had sustained such repeated and formidable attacks,, was Divine and invincible. * Now York* 160 Soon after the edict of Galerius, he expired, his body being altogether corrupted* Syria and Egypt, with their dependencies, remained still under Maxim- in. Here he renewed the persecution with much ma- levolence and artifice. Under certain pretences, he forbad Christians to assemble in their church-yards, and theri privately procured petitions from various cities, praying that they might not be encouraged in their precincts* Great efforts were made to revive declining Paganism, and sacrifices were offered with great assiduity. Persons of quality filled the highest offices of idolatry, and pains were taken to prevent Christians from building places of worship, or from practising the duties of their religion in public or pri- vate; and the former methods of compelling-them to sacrifice were renewed. Maximin, to render his idol- atrous priests more respectable, clothed them with white mantles, such as were worn by the ministers of the palace. Incited by the example of the tyrant, all the Pagans in his dominions strove to effect, impossible the ruin of the church, and human ingenuity was ex- erted to invent calumnies in support of the kingdom of darkness. Whenfalshood and slander are paid far by a govern- merit) they will not want propagators. Certain acts of Pilate and our Savior were forged, full of blasphemy, which, by Maximin's approbation, were circulated through his dominions, with orders to facilitate their publication in all places, and to direct school-masters to deliver them to the youth, that they might commit them to memory. A certain officer at Damascus, also engaged some infamous women to confess, that they had been Christians, and privy to the lascivious pactices which were committed on the Lord's day in their assemblies. These and other slan- ders were registered, copied, and sent to the emperor. as the authenticated confessions of these women, and he took measures to give them universal publicity. The officer who invented this calumny, destroyed himself sometime after by his ow^n hand. Maximin ? affecting still the praise of clemency, gave orders to 161 the prefects, not to take away the lives of Christians^ but to punish them with loss of eyes, and various amputations. A few persons of high Christian renown were deprived of life, the rest were harrassed by oth- er kinds of suffering short of death, and no arts Were left unemployed to eradicate Christianity out of the mind and to educate the next generation in a con- firmed aversion to it. Never were Christians so dispirited and clouded, as during this period. Thus low did God suffer his church to fall, to try its faith, and to purify it, in the furnace. But man's extremity was the opportunity in which the truth and goodness of God appeared most conspicuous. A drought commenced, and an unex- pected famine oppressed the dominion of Maximin, followed by a dreadful plague and inflamed ulcers. The plague and famine raged in the most terrible manner, and multitudes lay unburied: numbers of Pagans were neglected by their own friends ; but Christians were every day employed in taking care of the sick, giving the rites of burial to the dead, and in distributing food to the famished poor. In this, they manifested the enlarged and disinterested philanthro- py, the pure characteristic and matchless benevolence of their holy religion. In the year three hundred and thirteen there was a war between Licinius and Maximin, who contended each for the complete sovereignty of the East. Before the decisive battle, Maximin vowed to Jupiter, that if he obtained the victory, he would abolish the Christian name. Licinius, in a dream, was directed to suppli- cate, with all his army, the Supreme God, in a solemn manner. He gave orders to his soldiers to do so, and they prayed in the field of battle, using the words which he had received in his dream. The contest, between Jehovah and Jupiter, was now at its height, and drawing to a crisis ; victory decided in favor of Licinius. Maximin published a cautious decree, in which he forbade the molestation of Christians, but did not allow them the liberty of public worship. Li- cinius published a complete toleration of christianty. w 162 Maximin, in the sad reverse of his affairs r slew many priests and prophets of his gods, by whose enchant- ments he had been seduced with false hopes of uni- versal empire in the East, and issued another edict granting full toleration to chistianity. So greatly were affairs now changed, that contending emperors court^ ed the favor of the poor persecuted -Christians. After this, Maximin, struck with a sudden plague, over his whole body, pined away with hunger, fell down from his bed, his flesh consumed and dropped off from his bones, his eyes leaped from their sockets ; and per- ceiving God thus executing judgment upon him, fran- tic with agony, he cried out ; " It was not I, but oth- ers who did it." At length, by the increasing force of torment, he owned his guilt, and every now and then implored Christ, that he would compassionate his mis- ery. He confessed himself vanquished, and gave up the ghost. Thus closed the most memorable of all the attacks of Satan on the Christian church. The arm of God was lifted up in this wonderful manner, to chastise and to purify the church, and to demonstrate to the proudest and fiercest of his ene- mies, that the gospel was divine, and must stand in the earth invincible ; that the MOST HIGH ruleth and will have a church in the world, which shall glorify him in spite of earth and hell united, and that this church contains in it all that deserves the name of true wisdom, of true virtue. CHAPTER II. A view of the State of the Christian Religion on its Es- tablishment under Constantine. J HIS emperor from early life had some predilection in favor of Christianity. Marching from France into Italy against Maxentius, on an expedition, which was* likely either to exalt or to ruin him, he was oppressed 163 %ith deep anxiety. Some God he thought necessary to protect him. The God of the Christians he was most inclined to respect ; with his true character he was unacquainted, but desired to learn it. He pray- ed with much vehemence and importunity. God left him not unanswered. While he was marching with his forces, in the afternoon, the trophy of the cross appeared very luminous in the heavens, higher than the sun, with this inscription, " Conquer by this." He and his soldiers were astonished at the sight. At night Christ appeared to him when asleep, with the 3ame sign of the cross, and directed him to make use of the symbol as his military ensign. Constantine obeyed, and the cross was henceforward displayed in his armies, Constanline asked the Christian pastors who this God was, and what was the meaning of the sign. They told him it was God, the only begotten Son of the only true Gocj, and that the sign was the trophy of the victory, which he, when on earth, had gained over death. At the same time, they explained to him the causes of his coming, and the doctrine of his incarna- tion. From that time Constantine firmly believed the truth of Christianity. After this he began to read the scriptures, and zealously patronized the pastors of the chqrch all his days, He succeeded in his warlike enterjorize, and be- came master of Rome. He now set himself to build churches, and shewed great beneficence to the poor. He encouraged the meeting of bishops in synods, hon- ored them with his presence and employed himself in continually aggrandizing the church. In the mean time Licinius began to persecute the church, prohib- ited Christian synods in his dominions, expelled belie- vers from his court, forbad the women to attend the public assemblies of men, and ordered them to fur- nish themselves with separate teachers of their own sex. He dismissed from his armies those who refus- ed to sacrifice, and forbad any supplies to be afford- ed them in their necessities. He murdered bishops and destroyed churches. He commenced a war with 164 Constantine, and in the issue lost his empire and his life. The spirit of godliness was now low. The external appearance of the church was splendid. An emperor powerful, engaged for the support and propagation of Christianity, forbids sacrifices, erects churches, seeks with much zeal for the sepulchre of Christ at Jerusalem, and honors it with a most ex- pensive sacred edifice. His mother Helena fills the whole Roman world with her munificent acts, in support of religion, and after the erection of church- es and travelling from place to place to evince her zeal, dies at an advanced age, in the presence of her son. Nor is the Christian cause neglected even out of the bounds of the Roman empire. Constaniirie pleads zealously, in a letter to Sapor king of Persia, for the Christians of his dominions, he destroys idol temples, prohibits Pagan rites, puts an end to savage fights of gladiators, stands up with respectful silence to hear the sermon of Eusebius, bishop of Cscsarea, furnishes him with the volumes of the scriptures for the use of the churches, orders the festivals of the martyrs, has prayers and the reading of the scrip- tures at his court, dedicates churches with great so- lemnity, makes Christian orations himself, directs the sacred observation of the Lord's day, to which he adds that of Friday also, the day of Christ's crucifixion, and teaches the soldiers of his army to pray by a short form made for their use. At this period external piety flourished, monastic societies in some places were al- so growing, but faith, love, and heavenly mindedness, appear very rare. The doctrine of real conversion was very much lost, or external baptism was placed in its stead, and the true doctrine of justification by faith, and the true practical use of a crucified Savior for trou-* bled consciences, were scarce to be seen. There was much outward religion, but this could not make men saints in heart and life. True humility and charity were little known in the Christian world, while su- perstition and self-righteousness were making rapid progress, arid the real gospel of Christ was hid from ien who professed it. 165 The schism of the Donatists arose from a contested election of a bishop at Carthage. Csecilian the dea- con had the suffrage of the whole church. Two dis- appointed persons who aspired to the office protested against the election, and were joined by Lucilla, a rich lady, who had been for a long time too haugh- ty to submit to discipline. One Donatus offered him- self as chief of the faction. A number of bishops co- operated with him, piqued that they had not been cal- led to the ordination of Cseeilian. Seventy bishops met at Carthage, to depose Czecilian, who had the hearts of the people, and against whom they could not object any crime, nor support the least material accu- sation. Yet they persevered, and ordained one Ma- jorinus a servant of the factious lady, who, to support the ordination, gave large sums of money, which the bishops divided among themselves. This shows how corrupt many of the pastors of the African church were at this period. Pure doctrinal truth was then too commonly mere speculation. Men were ripe for a perversion of doc- trine. A bold and open assault was made against the Deity of the Son of God, to the grief of all who loved HIM, and walked in his ways in godly simplicity. CHAPTER III. The Progress of the Arian Controversy till the death of Constantino. JL ETER, bishop of Alexandria, had suffered martyr- dom under the Dioclesian persecution. At that time, numbers had recanted to save their lives, and among the rest, Meletus, an Egyptian bishop. This man was of a schismatical and enterprizing spirit, and having been deposed by Peter before his martyrdom, separat- ed himself, continued bishop on his own plan, and or- dained others, and thus became head of the Meleti- an party. This, however, was not the only person, who disturbed the peace of the church, and tried the 166 patience of Peter. Arius of Alexandria espoused the cause of Meletus. Afterward he left this party, be- came reconciled to Peter, and was by him ordained deacon. Arius, having exhibited a restless and fac- tious spirit, was again expelled from the church. Peter having been called to his rest by martyrdom, Achillas succeeded him in the bishopric, and from him Arius, by submissions again obtained favor. Un- derstanding and capacity will command respect, and these were undoubtedly possessed by Arius in a great degree. He was by nature formed to deceive. In his behavior and manner of life he was severe and grave; in his person tall and venerable, and in his dress al- most monastic. In conversation, he was agreeable and captivating, w 7 ell skilled in logic and all the improve- ments of the human mind, then fashionable in the world. Such was the famous Arius, who gave name to one of the most powerful heresies which ever afflicted the church of Christ. Achillas advanced Arius to the office of presbyter. Alexander, the successor of Achillas, treated him with respect, and he appeared backward to censure him for his dangerous speculations in religion. Arius, through the pride of reasoning, asserted, that there was a time when the Son of God was not, that he was capable of virtue or of vice, and that he was a creature, and mil-* table as creatures are. While Arius was insinuating these things, the easiness of Alexander in tolerating such notions was found fault with in the church. Ne- cessity roused him at length, however unwilling, to contend, and in disputing before Arius and the rest of the clergy, he affirmed there was a union in the Trin- ity. Arius eagerly insisted, that " if the Father begat the Son, the begotten had a beginning of existence ; hence it was evident there was a time when he was not." Many persons of a grave cast, and able and elo- quent, like Arius, espoused and fostered the infant heresy. Arius preached diligently at his church, dif- fused his opinions in all companies, and gained over 167 many of the common people ; and Alexander saw the ancient doctrine continually undermined. Lenient measures and argumentative methods having been tri- ed in vain, Alexander summoned a synod of bishops, who met at Alexandria, condemned Arms' doctrine, and expelled him from the church, with nine of his ad- herents. Arius maintained that the Son was totally and es- sentially distinct from the Father ; that he was the first and noblest of those beings whom God the Father had created out of nothing, the instrument by whose subordinate operation the Almighty Father formed the universe, and therefore inferior to the Father both in nature and dignity. To all humble and charitable Christians, it appear- ed, that to persist in blaspheming God, was, at least, as practical an evil, as to persist in drunkenness and theft; and all who feared God, felt themselves obli- gated to join with Alexander against Arius. The Christian world was now the scene of animosi- ty and contention. The orthodox and the heretical did each, their utmost, to support their several pretensions: practical religion was too much forgotten by both. The Pagan world beheld and triumphed. On their theatres they ridiculed the contentions of christians ? to which, their long and grievous provocations of their God had exposed them. Alexander repeatedly, in let- ters and appeals, maintained his cause, so far as spec- ulative argumentation could do it, and proved his point from the scriptures, while Arius strengthened himself by forming alliances with various bishops ; particular- ly with Eusebius of Nicomedia, who supported Arian- ism with all his might. Near one hundred bishops in a second synod at Alexandria condemned Arius, who was then obliged to quit that place, and to try to gain supporters in other parts of the empire. Constantine sincerely strove to make up the breach. He wrote both to Alexander and Arius, blamed both ? expressed his desire for their agreement, and explain- ed nothing. He sent the letter by Hosius bishop of Corduba, one whose faith and piety had been distin- guished in the late persecution. Hosius endeavored to make up the breach ; but it was impossible. The two parties were formed, and were determined ; worldly motives were too prominent in both, to admit of an easy compromise; and it was not in the power of those who loved both truth and peace, to sacrifice the former for the latter, consistently with a good con- science, however sincerely desirous they must have been of promoting both. The object of contention was not a trifle, but an essential principle in religion. Constantine summoned the aid of the whole Chris- tian church ; and three hundred and eighteen bishops met at Nice, in Bithynia* According to Philostorgius, the Arian historian, twenty two espoused the cause of Arius ; other? make the minority still less. Many pres- byters were there besides the bishops ; it is not pro- bable, that the whole number of persons assembled in the council was less than six hundred. They met in the year three hundred and twenty five, being transported to Nice, and maintained there at the emperor's expense. Before they entered on the immediate business of the Synod, their attention was engaged by certain Gentile philosophers who appeared among them ; of these, some wished to satisfy their own curiosity con- cerning Christianity itself; others, to involve the chris- tians in a cloud of verbal subtleties, that they might enjoy the mutual contradictions of the followers of Christ. One of these distinguished himself by the pomp and arrogancy of his pretensions, and derided the clergy as ignorant and illiterate. On this occa- sion, an old Christian, who had suffered with magnan- imous constancy during the late persecution, though unacquainted with logical forms, undertook to con* tend with the philosopher: those who were more earnest to gratify curiosity than to investigate truth, endeavored to make mirth of him, while all the seri- ous were distressed to see a contest apparently so unequal. Respect for the man, however, induced them to permit him to engage* He immediately ad- dressed the philosopher in these terms: "Hear, philos- 169 opher, in the name of Jesus Christ. There is one God the Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things Visible and invisible, who made all these things by the power of his Word, and confirmed them by the holi- ness of his Spirit. This WORD, whom we call the Son of God, compassionating the sons of men, involved in error and wickedness, chose to be born of a woman, to converse with men, and to die for them ; and he will come again, the Judge of all things which men have done in the body; that these things are so, we believe in simplicity ; do not then labor in vain, seek- ing to confute things which ought to be received by faith, and investigating the manner in which these things may or may not be : but if thou believest, an- swer me, now that I ask thee." Struck with this plain, authoritative address, the philosopher said, " I do believe ;" with pleasure owned himself vanquish- ed, confessed that he embraced the same sentiments with the old man, and advised the other philosophers to do the same, declaring that he was changed by a di- vine influence, and was moved by an energy he could not explain. Here it is evident that this successful espouser of the truth, stepped forth in its defence, in humble de- pendence on God to bless his own word with victori- ous energy ; and it was evident by the issue, that the faith of the vanquished stood not in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. I fear we shall not find in the whole Nicene busi- ness so instructive a narrative. The emperor himself came to the synod, and exhorted them to peace and unanimity. A number of mutual accusations having been presented to him, he threw them all into the fire, protesting that he had not read one of them, and char- ged them to forbear and forgive one another. He then gave them leave to enter directly on the business of the synod. They canvassed the doctrine of Arius, extracted his propositions from his own writings, and argued the subject with great vehemence ; Constan- tine himself acting as moderator, and endeavoring to bring them to perfect agreement. But It soon ap- 170 peared, that without some explanatory terms, decisive- ly pointing out what the scripture had revealed, it was impossible to guard against the subtilties of the Ari- ans. Did the Trinitarians assert, that Christ was God ? The Arians allowed it, but in the same sense that holy men and angels are stiled gods in scripture. Did they affirm that he was truly God ? the others al- lowed that he was made so by God. Did they affirm that the Son was naturally God ? it was granted : for even we, said they, are of God, of whom are all things. Was it affirmed, that the Son was the power, wisdom and image of the Father ? we admit it, replied the others, for we also are said to be the image and glory of God. What could the Trinitarians do in this situa- tion ? to leave the matter undecided was ta do noth- ing ; to confine themselves merely to scripture terms, was to suffer the Arians to explain the doctrine in their own way, and to reply nothing. Undoubtedly they had a right to comment according to their own judgment, as well as the Arians ; and they did so in the following manner. They collected together the passages of scripture, which represent the Divinity of the Son of God, and observed, that, taken together, they amounted to a proof of his being of the SAME SUBSTANCE WITH THE FATHER : That creatures' were indeed said to be of God, because not existing of themselves, they had their beginning from him, but that the Son was peculiarly of the Father, being of his substance, as begotten of him. The majority of the council was convinced that this was a fair explanation. The venerable Hosius, of Corduba was appointed to draw up a creed, which, in the main, is the same that is called the Nicene creed to this day. This soon received the sanction of the council, and of Constantine himself, who declar- ed that whoever refused to comply with the decree, should be banished. Here we have the testimony of nearly the whole Christian 'world, in favor of the doctrine of the proper Deity of the Son of God, a testimony free, unbiassed, and unrestrained. How can this be accounted for but 171 hence, that they followed the plain sense of scripture and of the church in preceding ages ? Arius was deposed, excommunicated, and forbid- den to enter Alexandria. The minority at first refus- ed to subscribe, but being advised to yield, at length, by Constantia their patroness, the emperor's sister, 20 of the 22 Arian bishops consented. But by the omis- sion of a single letter they reserved to themselves their own sense, subscribing not that the Son is the same, but only of the like essence with the Father.* Arias and his associates were banished into Illyricum. The Meletian controversy was also settled. Mele- tius was permitted to live in his own city, with the ti- tle of bishop, but without authority. His sect was in- dulged in some degree, and continued a long time af- ter in the church. The canons of this famous council forbid clergymen to make themselves eunuchs ; also the ordination of new converts ; and provided for the chastity of the clergy. These, with some other regulations for the govern- ment of the Christian church, shew that the fear of God was by no means extinct. Discipline, which had been relaxed toward the close of the last century, was revived, and the predominant spirit of superstition carried it, as formerly, into too great an extreme. Liberty was allowed to the Novatians also to re- turn to the communion of the general church, nor was it insisted on, that they should be re-baptized, since they held nothing contrary to the fundamental princi- ples of godliness. With respect to the followers of Paul of Samosata, called Paulianists, some of whom still subsisted, it was required, that if they were ad- mitted again into the church they should be re-bapti- zed, because they did not baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. So accurately did they distinguish between a heretic and a schis- matic, between essentials and circumstantials. Apos- tolical discernment and piety, in no contemptible de- * It Is remarkable, that this duplicity is recorded by Philostorgtus the 4rian historian. 172 gree, animated the spirits of the Nicene fathers, not- withstanding the decline of piety from the primitive times.* Constantine, zealous for a pacific uniformity, having invited Acesius a Novatian bishop to the council, ask- ed him whether he assented to the decrees of the council concerning the faith. The council, said he, has decreed nothing new concerning these things. So I have always understood the church has received from the days of the apostles. Why then, said the emperor, do you separate yourself from our commun- ion? Because, replied Acesius, we think that to apos- tatize is the " sin unto death," and that those who are guilty of it ought never to be restored to the com- munion of the church, though they are to be invited to repentance, and to be left to God, who alone has the power of forgiving sins. Constantine, who saw that his views were impracticably severe, said, " Set up a ladder, Acesius, and climb up to heaven by your- self." From this testimony it appears that the church had, from the days of the apostles, been in the belief of the proper Divinity of Jesus Christ. Three months after the dissolution of the council of Nice, Eusebius of Nicomedia, and Theognis of Nice, were banished by the emperor's command, for at- tempting still to support the Arian cause. Alexander, in five months after his return home died : having desired that Athanasius might be ap- pointed his successor. Alexandria, in general, joined in the same request, and he was ordained as a succes- sor to the zealous Alexander. He was then not above twenty eight years of age, and held the see forty six years, exposed, with little intermission, to persecu- tion, on account of his zeal against Arian ism. In this he manifested great constancy and firmness in sup^ port of the truth, * Not a tew of these bore on their bodies the marks of the Lord Jesus. One, Debilitated by the application of hot iron to both his hands ; some, deprived of then- right eyes : others, deprived of their legs. A crowd of martyrs collected* & on.e body ! 173 After the death of Helena, Constantine shewed pe- culiar kindness to Constantia his sister, who was in the Arian interest. She on her death-bed prevailed with her brother to do justice to these men. The emperor suffered himself to be imposed on by the Arian party, arid wrote in their favor to the churches. Eusebius and Theognis, by owning the Nicene faith in words were restored to '.heir sees. The former wrote to Athariasius, desiring him to receive Arius, now re- turning from banishment, to communion : but in vain^ Athanasius had principle, and could not sport with subscriptions and bonds, as his adversaries did. The Nicene creed had still all the sanction which church and state could give it. It was not then pos- sible, by all the artifice of ingenious and unprincipled men, to persuade the Christian world, that the scrip- ture held what it did not, or that their fathers had all alqng thought as Arius did. Even the chiefs of Arian- ism had been now restored, not as Arians, but as men well affected to the doctrine of the Trinity. And they attempted by subtilty and artifice to establish, at length, what was impossible to be done by fair argu- ment. Determined to ruin Athanasius, if possible, they united themselves closely with the Meletians, and infected them with their heresy. They procured the deposition of Eustathius of Antioch, an eloquent and learned professor, who was, on unjust pretences, banished from his see. This person, before his de- parture, exhorted his flock to be steadfast in the truth, and his words were of great weight with that flourish- ing church. He and several priests and deacons were banished. The good man bore the will of God with, meekness and patience, and died in exile at Philippu Thus while the truth was supported in form, its friends, by a variety of artifices, were persecuted, and its ene- mies triumphed. Men void of principle had every secular advantage, while those, who feared God, chosq rather to suffer than to sin. Among these, Athanasius was eminently distinguish- ed. Rebellion, oppression, rape and murder, were maliciously charged upon him. He was accused with 174 having murdered Arsenius, a Meletian "bishop ; for proof of which the accusers produced a box, out of which they took a dead man's hand, dried and salted, affirming it to be the hand of Arsenius, preserved by Athanasius for magical purposes. The Meletians charged Arsenius to conceal himself till they should have effected their purpose. The party of Eusebius of Nicomedia, spread the report through the Christian world, that Arsenius had been privately murdered by the bishop of Alexandria, and Constantine himself, overcome by incessant importunities, was induced to order an enquiry to be made. Athanasius had learned by his own experience, that any accusation against himself, however improbable, was likely to find numerous and powerful supports. But Providence wonderfully confuted this attempt. Arsenius had privately conveyed himself to Tyre, in- tending to be secreted there during the session of the Synod. Some servants, belonging to Archelaus the governor, heard a rumor whispered, that Arsenius was in town. This they immediately told their mas- ter, who discovered his retreat, apprehended him, and gave notice to Athanasius. The Meletian tool, feeling the awkwardness of his situation, denied himself to be Arsenius. Paul, the bishop of Tyre knew the man, and deprived him of that refuge. The day of trial having come, the prosecutors boasted that they should give occular demonstration to the court of the guilt of Athanasius, and produced the hand. A shout of vic- tory rung through the synod. Silence having been made, Athanasius asked the judges, if any of them knew Arsenius ? Several having affirmed that they did, Athanasius directed the man to be brought into the court, and asked, " Is this the man whom I murdered and whose hand I cut off ?" Athanasius turned back the man's cloak and showed one of his hands ; after a little pause, he put back the other side of the cloak, and showed the other hand. " Gentlemen, you see," said he, " that Arsenius has both his hands : how the accusers came by the third hand, let them explain.'* Thus ended the plot to the shame of thq contrivers* 175 Those, who were concerned in this villany, were op- posed to the real faith of Christ ; and enmity to the doctrine of the Trinity produced this shameful plot. Notwithstanding the clearest proofs of Athanasius 9 innocence, and though the whole course of his life was extremely opposite to such crimes as he was charged with r yet his enemies so far prevailed, that commissioners were despatched into Egypt to examine the matters of which he was accused. Yet John the Melitian bishop, the chief contriver of the plot, confes- sed his fault to Athanasius, and begged his forgive- ness. And Arsenius himself renounced his former connexions, and desired to be received into commun- ion with Athanasius. The Arian commissioners having arrived at Alexan- dria, endeavored to extort evidence against the accu- sed by drawn swords, whips, clubs, and all engines of cruelty. The Alexandrian clergy desired to give evi- dence in favor of Athanasius, but were refused. They remonstrated to no purpose. The commissioners hav- ing returned with extorted evidence to Tyre, whither the accused, who saw no justice was to be obtained > had fled, passed sentence, and deposed him from his bishopric. Athanasius came to Constantinople, and desired jus- tice from the emperor, and a fair trial. Constantino ordered the bishops of the synod to appear before him, and to give an account of what they had done. The greatest part of them returned home. But Eusebius of Nicomedia, sticking at no fraud, and ashamed of no villany, with a few of the synod, went to Constantino- ple, and waving the old accusations, brought a fresh one, alleging that Athanasius had threatened to stop the fleet that brought corn from Alexandria to Con- stantinople. Constantine was credulous enough to be moved by the report: the Arian arts prevailed at court : those, who used no arms but truth and hones- ty, were, for the present, foiled, and Athanasius was banished to Treves in Gaul. Arius, flushed with the success of his party, return- ed to Alexandria, and strengthened the hands of 176 heretics, who had long languished for want of his abil- ities. The city being torn with intestine divisions, the emperor ordered the heresiarch to come to Constanti- nople, and then to give an account of his conduct. That imperial city had now become the chief seat of contention, and Providence had given her a bishop not unequal to the contest. This was Alexander of Con- stantinople, a man of eminent piety and integrity. Eusebius of Nicomedia menaced him with deposition andexile, unless he consented to receive Arius into the church. He could not consent to admit a wolf among the sheep, who could agree in form to the Nicene faith, and yet gradually insinuate his poison into the church. Alexander betook himself to prayer, and spent several days and nights in his church, in earnest cries to God for help. The faithful followed his example, and prayer was made by the church without ceasing, that God would interfere on this occasion. Constantine himself was not to be prevailed on to admit Arius into the church, unless he were convinced of his orthodoxy. He sent for him to the palace, and asked him plainly, whether he agreed to the Nicene decrees. The heresiarch, without hesitation, subscrib- ed : the emperor ordered him to swear : he assented to this also. Constantine, whose scruples were now overcome, ordered Alexander to receive him into the church the next day. Alexander had giren himself to fasting and prayer, and renewed his supplications that day with great fervor, prostrate before the altar, at- tended only by Macarius a presbyter belonging to Athinasius. He begged, that if Arius was in the right, he himself might not live to see the day of contest ; but if the faith which he professed was true, that Ari- us, the author of all the evils, might suffer the punish- inent of his impiety. The next day seemed to be a triumphant one to the Arians : the heads of the party paraded through the city with Arius in the midst, and drew the attention of all toward them. When they came nigh to the forum of Constantine, a sudden ter- ror, with a disorder of the bowels, seized Arius. He asked for a place> where he might retire and ea^e him- 177 self, and being told there was one behind the forum, he hasted thither, and fainted ; and his bowels were poured out with a vast effusion of blood. Such was the exit of the famous Arius. Thus God heard the prayers of his church and sent them deliverance, and confounded the adversaries of Zion. What effect this event had on Constantine, is not known. He died soon after, in the 65th year of his age, having first received baptism from Eusebius of Nicomedia. CHAPTER IV. The progress of the Arian Controversy during the Reign of Constantius. L HE great Constantine was succeeded by three sons, Constantine, Constantius, and Constans. The first ru- led in Spain and Gaul, the second in the East, the third in Italy and Africa. The other relations of the late emperor were put to death by the soldiers. Two sons alone of Julias his brother survived, Gallus and Julian. These were spared, priv r atelv educated, pla- ced among the clergy, and appointe'd readers in the church. The latter was born at Constantinople, was only eight years old at the time of his uncle's death, and was reserved to be a scourge to degenerate Chris- tendom, and a memorable instrument of Divine Pro- vidence. By Constantine the eldest, Athanasius was recall^ ed from banishment, to his church at Alexandria, where he was received with general acclamations. Constantine was afterwards slain by the troops of his brother Constans. Constantius, with the empress his wife, was infect- ed with the Arian heresy, and did much to support the Arian interest. In the year three hundred and forty, died the famous Eusebius of Cresarea. He was the most learned of T 178 all the Christians ; but a man of courtly manners, and one who associated with Arius in the condemnation of Athanasius. His case is one of the many which shew that learning and philosophy, unless duly subor- dinated to the revealed will of God, are unfriendly to Christian simplicity. Alexander of Constantinople, the great and able op- poser of Arianism, died at this time, and was succeed- ed by Paul, a young man discreet and pious. Con- stantius was displeased at the election of Paul, encour- aged an Arian council, directed its resolves, and Euse- bius of Nicomedia was translated to Constantinople, where, from this time, Arian government continued forty years. Thus the ancient usages in choosing bishops were altered, and a precedent was set of fixing in the hands of princes the government of churches in capital cities. A council, of 100 bishops of Egypt, with Athanasius at their head, protested to the Chris- tian world against these proceedings. Another council, convened at Antioch, and support- by the presence of the emperor, undertook to depose Athanasius, and ordain Gregory in his room. They prevailed on Constantius to direct Philagrius, the pre- fect of Egypt, to support their proceedings by an arm- ed force. Gregory commenced a violent persecution against the friends of Athanasius, a number of whom he caused to be scourged and imprisoned. Athana- sius himself fled from the storm, and made his escape to Rome. The church now found herself not free from perse- cution, even when Pagans had ceased to reign. Gregory would not even suffer the Athanasians to pray in their own houses, who in great numbers still refused to own the Arian domination. He visited Egypt in company with Philagrius, and inflicted on those bish- ops who had been zealous for the Nicene faith, the greatest severities. The means of defence which Athanasius used were solid arguments, patience and fervent prayers to God* The Arians must beaivthe infamy of being the first who secularized the discipline of the church. 179 Athanasius continued an exile at Rome 18 months, under the protection of Julius the bishop. Eusebius, of Constantinople, one of the most memorable villians in history, died soon after in the fulness of that pros- perity, which his iniquity and oppression had procured him. A double election followed his death, that of Paul, and that of Macedonius. Hermogenes, master of the militia, was ordered by the emperor to banish Paul. He did so, and Paul's friends exasperated by persecution, forgot the character of Christians and kill- ed Hermogenes. This happened in the year 342. Paul, however, was then banished the city, and his holy character exempted him from all suspicion of being concerned in the outrage. In the year 349 died Gregory, the secular bishop of Alexandria. Then it was that Constantins, intimida- ted by the threats of his brother Constant, wrote re- peatedly to Athanasius to return into the East, and as- sured him of his favor and protection. Complying at length, with the request, he travelled to Antioch and was graciously received by Constantius, who assured him with oaths, that he would for the future, receive no calumnies against him. While at Antioch, Athan- asius communicated with the Eustathians, who under the direction of Flavian, held a conventicle there. This Flavian was the first who invented the doxology, Glo- ry be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. This is agreeable to the Nicene faith. Sabellians and Arians, at that time, opposed each other, and assaulted the truth which was at variance from what they both embraced. While those who were taught of God, sincerely worshipped the Trinity in Unity, and mourned over the abominations of the times. After the death of Constans, Constantius having be- come sole master of the empire, revived the persecu- tion. Paul, of Constantinople, was sent into Mesopo- tamia loaded with irons, and at length to Cucasus, on the confines of Cappadocia, where, after having suf- fered cruel hardships, he was strangled. Macedonius succeeded him, in Constantinople, by an armed force, with much effusion of blood. 180 The weak mind of Constantius was again prejudic- ed, by calumnies against Athanasius, and he joined with the Arians to effect his ruin, and to give ascen- dency as far as possible to Arianism ; he even attempt- ed to impose an Arian creed upon a council convened at Milan in the year three hundred and fifty five, from the consideration that God had declared in his favor by his victories. The people, attached to the doctrine of the Trinity, because they read it in their bibles, re- jected the creed of Constantius, and it was pressed no further. The condemnation of Athanasius, was, how- ever, insisted on, and Dionysius, bishop of Milan and some others, were most unreasonably required to sub- scribe to it. " Obey, or be banished," was the impe- rial mandate. The bish6ps lifted up their hands to heaven, and told Constantius, that the empire was not his but God's, and reminded him of the day of judg- ment. He drew his sword on them in a rage, but con- tented himself with their banishment. The greatest part of the bishops, however, subscribed to the con- demnation of Athanasius : a few only testified that the grace of God was still as powerful as ever in support- ing his people, and in causing them to suffer gladly, rather than to sin. Those who did not subscribe were banished. The venerable Hosius, of Corduba, then one hundred years old, who had been a confessor un- der the Dioclesian persecution, who had presided six- ty years in the church, and also in the Nicene coun- cil, was unsubdued. Flattery and menaces were both employed to prevail on him to condemn Athanasius : but he stood firm, and sharply rebuked Constantius, for his* unreasonable conduct toward him, and remind- ed him of his accountability at the day of judgment for what he was then endeavoring to effect. This persecution raged so violently, that Arianism seemed well nigh to have avenged the cause of fallen idolatry. Supported by the secular power, it then reigned and glutted itself in blood. The pagans took courage and assisted the heretics in the persecution, saying, the Arians have embraced our religion. A Ibishop was found base enough to support those pro- J81 *eedings. It was George of Cappadocia, who began his usurpation in the year three hundred and fifty six. Through his influence, supported by the secular arm, the friends of the Nicene faith were cruelly beaten, and some died under the anguish. The greatest cruelties were exercised by that monster of the Arian faith. Constantius, in a letter to the people of Alexandria, represents this same George as one very capable of instructing others in heavenly things. Athanasius, hav- ing seen this letter, was deterred from his intended journey to the emperor, betook himself to the deserts, and visited the monks. Those were his most faithful adherents, who refused to discover him to his adver- saries, and who offered their throats to the sword with a readiness to die for the Nicene faith. The contest was evidently between truth and error. The opposing sects manifested, in their lives, the con- trary influence and tendency of the adverse doctrines which they respectively embraced. It must, however, be acknowledged that the Trinitarians did not attend, in the degree which they ought to have done, to the connexion which subsists between doctrine and prac- tice. Christian godliness continued very low in all this period. The persecution reached even to Gaul, which had yet happily preserved the simplicity of the apostolic J confession unmolested. Hosius, above one hundred years old, having suffered scourges and tortures, sub- mitted, at length, to subscribe an Arian creed. He lived, however, to retract, protesting against the vio- lence with which he had been treated, and with his last breath exhorted all men to reject the heresy of Arius. Hosius remained in his heart true to his God, and proved that the Lord faileth not them that are his. The Arians made creeds upon creeds, expressed in artful ambiguities, to impose on the unwary : but the power of divine grace was displayed in preserving a remnant in this disastrous season. Athanasius, and a few faithful brethren stood firm. Constantius liberally supported the most expensive forms and ornaments of Christian worship while he was 182 laboring with all his might to eradicate Christian doc- trine. The Arians, then victorious, began to shew them- selves disunited, and separated into two parties. In these confusions, Macedonius lost the see of Constan- tinople, which was given to Eudoxius, who was trans- lated from Antioch in the year three hundred and six- ty. Eudoxius denied the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. The adherents to this sentiment, by the advantage of sober manners, spread themselves among the monas- teries and increased the corruption which then perva- ded the Christian world. To this error Athanasius showed himself a faithful and vigilant opposer. In the year three hundred and sixty one, Constan- tius died of a fever, having received baptism a little before he expired. He was a weak man, armed with despotic power, capable of doing incredible mischief in the church of Christ, and died, as he lived, an Arian, CHAPTER V. A View of Monasticism and other Micellaneous Circum- stances from the establishment of Christianity under Constantine to the death of Constantius. ?V E are not to form an idea of ancient monks from modern ones. It was wrong in holy men of old to retire altogether from the world. But there is every reason to believe this practice originated in piety. The enormous evils of rnonasticism are to be ascrib- ed to its degeneracy in after-times, not to its first in- stitution. What could be better intended than the determination of Anthony to follow literally our Lord's directions ; " Sell what thou hast and give to the poor ?" Was he ignorant, and superstitious ? He was both. But he persevered to the age of 105 years in voluntary poverty with admirable consistency. It \vas a great disadvantage to Anthony's judgment, that he was unwilling to be instructed in literature. .He pushed the desire of solitude to rigors before un- 183 known: Though his faith in Christ Was obscure, yet was his sincerity evident, and his love to Divine things ardent. He preached well by his life, and temper, and spirit, however much he failed in doctrinal knowledge. During the Dioclesian persecution, Anthony left his beloved solitude, came to Alexandria and strengthen- ed the minds of Christian sufferers, exposing himself to danger for his love of the brethren, and yet was not guilty of delivering himself up to martyrdom. Thus, on some occasions, he appeared in the world. While the Arian heresy raged, he entered Alexan- dria, and protested against its impiety, observing, it was of a piece with heathenism itself, "Be assured,' 7 said he, " all nature is moved with indignation against those, who reckon the creator of all things to be a crea- ture." In conversing with pagan philosophers, Antho- ny observed, that Christianity held the mystery, not in the wisdom of Grsecian reasoning, but in the power of faith supplied to them from God by Jesus Christ. He exhorted them to believe and know that the chris- tian art is not merely verbal, but of faith which work- eth by love. Anthony, however, sullied all his evangelical piety ? by a foolish attempt to make mankind believe that he lived without food, while he ate in secret, and by a vain parade concerning temperance, which savored more of Pythagorean fanaticism than of Christian pie- ty. In his extreme old age he gave particular direc- tions, that his body should be interred, not preserved in a house, after the Egyptian manner of honoring deceas- ed saints and martyrs, and charged his two attendants to let no man know the place of his burial. " At the resurrection of the dead, I shall receive my body," said he, "from the Savior, incorruptible.' 2 He expired with cheerfulness. The ancient heresies w r ere now in a declining state. Imperial favors were extended to heretics, in pro- portion to the cordiality and ardor with which they embraced erroneous sentiments. The church of the holy sepulchre^ at Jerusalem, was about this time, built with singular magnificence, and dedicated to Ariacr 184 purposes with much pomp and ceremony. Splendor, however, excluded sincerity, and formality usurped the place of spiritual understanding. Thus that scripture was fulfilled Concerning the hypocrisy of professors in the Christian times, " your brethren, that hated yon, and cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified." CHAPTER VI. The Extension of the Gospel from the Beginning of the Centurv to the Death of Constantius. T x HIS period is far more fruitful in ecclesiastical con- tentions, than it is remarkable for the extension of Chris- tianity. Abyssinia appears to have received the gos- pel and to have erected many churches in this century. The Iberians too, a people bordering on the Black Sea, received the gospel, about this time, through the exemplary life and conversation of a Christian woman, whom they had, in a military excursion, taken prisoner. She is said to have wrought miracles among them. I shall mention only those, which may seem worthy of some credit. A child of the king's was sent to the women of the country to be cured, if any of them knew a proper method of treating it a well known ancient custom. The cause baffled their united skill, and the child was delivered to the captive woman. " Christ," said she, " who healed many, will also heal this infant." She "prayed, and it recovered. In the same manner the queen herself was healed of a distemper some time after. " It is not my work," said the captive woman, " but that of Christ the Son of God, the Maker of the w r orld." The king sent the captive presents in token of his gratitude. But she sent them back, assuring him, that " godliness washer riches, and that she would look on it, as the noblest present, if he would worship the God whom she ador- ed." The next day the king, while hunting, was lost in a thick mist, and implored in vain the aid'of his gods, In his distress, recollecting the words of the woman. 185 he prayed to the God whom she worshipped. The mist was instantly dispersed, and the king found his way home. In consequence of this event, and of fu- ture conferences with the captive, both the king and queen embraced the gospel, and exhorted their sub- jects to receive it. An embassy was sent to Constan- tine, to desire that pastors might be commissioned to instruct them. The emperor gave the ambassadors a very gracious reception. The gospel was introduced about this time into Ara- bia Felix. Probably it also flourished in humble obscu- rity in Britain, PUB France. The nations bordering on the Rhine, were now Christian ; and the Goths near the Danube, about 60 years before, had been civilized at least by the bishops whom they had carried captive under Gallienus : and most probably the Spirit of God attended their labors. Armenia had likewise embrac- ed Christianity, and by means of commerce conveyed it into Persia, where converts began to be numerous. There, because the Christians would not pollute themselves with the worship of the sun, they under- went a very grievous persecution. In this the Magi and the Jews were peculiarly instrumental ; and the people of God suffered with so much sincerity and fortitude, as to evince that the Lord had many people belonging to himself in Persia. CHAPTER VII. The Decline of Idolatry in this Century to the Death of Constantius. JL HE first measures of Constantine, after his success in Italy, were to place Christianity on an equal footing with paganism by the laws, while he gradually pat- ronized the church more and more. He abolished the barbarous punishment of crucifixion. After he had become sole master of the empire, he forbad the pri- vate exercise of divination, the great bulwark of false religion. But he still allowed the public use of it at 186 the altars and temples. Some time after, he prohib- ited the worst branches of sorcery and magic. He took particular care to secure the observation of the Lord's day, and ordered it to be set apart for prayer and holy exercises. He publicly declared, that he would not oblige men, to be Christians though he ear- nestly desired they would be, nor did he abolish the rites of the temples. Finding, however, the pagans extremely obstinate in the preservation of their super- stitions, he publicly exposed the mysteries, which had hitherto been kept secret, melted down the golden statues, and caused brazen ones to be drawn by ropes through the streets of Constantinople. And some of the temples, which had been scenes of horri- ble wickedness, he destroyed. In Egypt, the famous cubit, with which the idolatrous priests were wont to measure the height of the Nile, was kept in the temple of Serapis. This, by Constan- tine's order, was removed to the church at Alexandria. The pagans beheld the removal with indignation, and ventured to predict, that the Nile would no longer overflow its banks. Divine Providence, however, smiled on the schemes of Constantine, and the Nile the next year overflowed the country in an uncommon degree. In this gradual manner was paganism over- turned 5 sacrifices in a partial manner still continued, but the entire destruction of idolatry seemed to be at hand. The temples for the most part stood, though much defaced, and deprived of their former dignity and importance. The sons of Constantine followed his example in aiding the progress of Christianity. - They made an express edict for the abolition of the sacrifices. Constantius at Rome, solemnly prohibited magic in all its various forms, took away the altar and image of victory which stood in the portico of the capital, and manifested great zeal against idolatry. Such was the state of paganism at the death of Con- stantius. Pagans were, however, exceedingly riumej- ous, and enjoyed with silent pleasure the long and Shameful scenes of Arian controversy in the church. 187 Nor were they hopeless. The eyes of the votaries of the gods were all directed to his successor, the warlike, the zealous Julian, a determined foe of the gospel. Great things had been done for the church ; but its rulers of the house of Constantine were weak and void of true piety. In the warm imaginations of many de- votees, even Jupiter himself seemed likely to grow ter- rible again^ and be again adored. This last struggle of expiring paganism, marked as it is with signal instan- ces of Providence, deserves particular attention. CHAPTER VIII. Julianas attempt to restore Paganism. JL HE world in no age ever saw a greater zealot for paganism than Julian. Temper, talents, power and resentment, all conspired to cherish his superstitious attachments. He had seen nothing agreeable in the effects of the gospel on his uncle and his cousins. He had seen the Christian world torn with factions and de- formed by ambition. He had experienced many fam- ily wrongs from those who professed religion. Though he affected a zeal for the cause during (he reign of Constantius, yet it appears that he had not read the New-Testament with that close attention, which led him to see that the doctrines there inculcated, requir- ed a life very different from what he saw in the leaders of the Christian world, both civil and ecclesiastical. He was a man of uncommon genius and capacity, and came into power under the full influence of a car- nal mind, which is enmity against God. All that the wit and prudence of man could do, he attempted, to subvert Christianity and to restore paganism. If he failed in his attempts, it was because his arms were levelled against heaven. From a youth, Julian practised dissimulation with consummate artifice. No person was ever more ad- mirably qualified to act the part which he did when be succeeded Constantius. 188 This happened in the year three hundred and sixty one. He ordered the temples to be set open, those that were decayed to be repaired, and new ones to be built, where he deemed it necessary. He fined the persons who had made use of the materials of such as had been demolished, and set apart the money, in this way collected, to erect new ones. Altars were uni- versally set up, and all the rituals of pagan worship brought into use. Altars and fires, blood, perfumes and priests attending their sacrifices, were general, and the imperial palace itself had its temple and furniture. The first thing he did, every morning, was to sacrifice, and by his presence and example, he encouraged the prac- tice among all his subjects. Heathens exulted and Christians were treated with contumely. He repealed the laws made against idolatry, and confirmed its an- cient honor and privileges. To reform paganism itself was his first object, and he issued precepts for its support. To maintain it on the old system of popular belief, Julian saw was im- possible. Christian light had now rendered pagan darkness visible, its deformity digustful, and its absur- dity contemptible. With great importunity he ex- horted magistrates to correct the vices of men, and to relieve their miseries, assuring them that the gods would reward^them for their charitable acts : that it is our duty to do good to all, even to the worst of men and our bitterest enemies ; and that public religion should be supported by a reverential adoration of the images of the gods, which were to be looked on as the symbols of the gods themselves. Priests, he said, should so live, as to be copies of what they preached by their own lives, and dissolute ones should be ex- pelled from their offices. Not only wicked actions, but obscene and indecent language should be avoided by them. No idle books and wanton plays, but divine philosophy, should be the object of their serious study ; they should learn sacred hymns by heart, should pray thrice or at least twice every day ; and when in their turn called on to attend the temple, they should never depart from it, but give up themselves to their office,-. 189 At other times, they should not frequent the forum, nor approach the houses of the great, unless with a view of procuring relief for the indigent, or to dis- charge some part of their office ; that in no case they should frequent the theatres, nor ever be seen in the company of a charioteer, player or dancer. In every city the most pious and virtuous should be ordain- ed, without any consideration of their circumstances. The godly training of their own families, and their compassionate care for the indigent, would be their best recommendation. The impious Galilseans, he observed, by their singular benevolence had strength- ened their party, and heathenism had suffered by the want of attention to these things. Such was the fire which the apostate stole from heaven, and such his artifice in managing it ! These rules he must have derived from the sacred scriptures, for they are not to be found in any of the heathen writers which he studied and admired. They are rules which well deserve the attention of Christian pastors in all ages. In imitation of Christians he established schools for the education of youth. He appointed lec- tures of religion, stated times of prayers, monasteries for devout persons, hospitals and alms-houses for the poor and diseased, and for strangers. These things he particularly recommended in a letter to Arsacius, the chief priest of Galatia. In this he tells him what it was that advanced the impious religion of the Christians ; that it was their kindness to strangers, their care in bu- rying the dead, and their affected gravity. He bids him warn the priests to avoid play-houses and taverns, and sordid employments. Hospitals should be erected in every city for the reception of all sorts of indigent persons. The Galilaeans, he observes, relieve both their poor and ours. He certainly learnt this language from Christianity, which he ungratefully labored to destroy, It was not, however, in Julian's power to infuse that spirit into his partizans, which alone can produce such excellent fruits. It is in vain to think of destroying Christian principles, and at the same time of preser- ving Christian practice. But here is an additional 190 testimony to the virtues of Christians, from their most determined and bitter enemy ; and a powerful illus- tration of the work of God in those ages. It must be confessed, at the same time, that the good sense and penetration of the emperor, are as conspicuous as are his malice and impiety. The arch-apostate knew that ridicule is a powerful engine with which to assail Christianity, and did not neglect to use this to render it odious, impossible, in the view of his subjects. The son of Mary, or the Galilaean^ were the opprobrious titles which he gave to the bless- ed Jesus, and he ordered christians to be called Gali- Iseans. To render unpopular the truly godly, and to bring Christianity into disrepute, he made an act of sacrificing, the condition of preserving places of honor and authority. He used many methods to impoverish opulent christians, and otherwise to injure them, and when they complained, he sarcastically said to them ; " You know what directions of passiveness under in- juries your Christ has given you !" To this he added an affected encouragement of heretics and sectaries, and thus artfully embroiled the Christian world with factions, by a toleration othem all, but a real want of affection for any. Julian had the sagacity, in a way of refined policy to abstain from open persecution himself, while he connived at it in others, who knew what was agreea- ble to their master. A number suffered for the gospel under his reign, though not by the forms of avowed persecution. If the gospel be indeed the light of heaven, which alone leads men to a holiness that fallen nature ab- hors, we see, why the public teachers of Christianity are abhorred by the proud and the mighty. These, Julian charged with sedition, seized their incomes, ab- rogated their immunities, exposed them to civil bur- dens and offices, and occasionally expelled them by fraud and violence. At Antioch, the treasures of the church were seized, the clergy obliged to flee, and the churches shut. In other places he found pretepces for imprisoning and torturing the pastors. 191 This vigilant emperor must have hated and despised the Jews: but seeing, that to encourage and advance them in their secular concerns, was an obvious means of depreciating Christianity ; he spake of them with compassion, begged their prayers for his success in the Persian wars, and pressed them to rebuild their tem- ple, and restore their worship. He himself promis- ed to defray the expense out of the exchequer, and appointed an officer to superintend the work. To strengthen the hands of such determined enemies of Christianity, and to invalidate the Christian prophecies concerning the desolation of the Jews, were objects highly desirable in the mind of Julian. But the enter- prise was suddenly baffled, and the workmen were obliged to desist : horrible balls of fire, breaking out near the foundations, with repeated attacks, rendered the place inaccessible to the scorched workmen from time to time, and the element resolutely driving them to a distance, the enterprize Was dropped. No histor- ical fact, since the days of the apostles, seems better attested by credible writers than this. To keep the church in ignorance of the arts of reas- oning and philosophy, Julian suppressed learning among the Christians, forbid Christian school-masters to teach Gentile learning, lest being furnished, says he, with our armor, they make war upon us with our own weapons. By this deep-laid plan, he designed to ef- fect ultimately, an entire extinction of Christianity. To this end philosophers were liberally paid by him for their invectives against the gospel. He used ensnaring artifices to draw unwary chris- tians into compliance with pagan superstitions. He- was wont to place the images of the heathen gods near his own statues, that those who bowed to the lat- ter, might seem to adore also the former. Those who seemed to comply, he endeavored to persuade into greater compliances ; those who refused, he charged with treason, and proceeded against them as delin- quents. He ordered the soldiers when they received their donatives, to throw a piece of frankincense into the fire in honor to the gods. Some few Christians' 192 who had been surprized into the practice, returned t6 the emperor, threw back their donatives, and profes- sed their readiness to die for their religion. Disgrace, poverty, contempt, a moderate degree of severity, checked and disciplined by dissimulation, and every method of undermining the human spirit, were inces- santly employed to subvert Christianity. One cannot see how his schemes for this purpose could have failed, had Providence permitted this artful and subtile geni- us to have proceeded many years in this course : but what a worm is man, when he sets himself to oppose his Maker ! CHAPTER IX. The Church under Julian. A.T this time the people of God were faint and lan- guid in Divine things. Arianism was baneful to ex- perimental piety and fostered pride and bitter animos- ity toward the truly godly. The pastors of churches were far from being intelligent or zealous, and were menaced with a most artful and malicious persecution. However low the state of Christianity was, yet we have grounds to believe there were then many real Christians in the church amid all its corruptions ; for the most of the public teachers and professors of Chris- tianity chose to quit their offices, rather than to forsake their religion. J ulian's partiality and prejudices in fa- vor of paganism urged him to adopt measures which filled the whole empire with confusion. At Merum, a city of Phrygia, Arnachius, the govern- or of the province, ordered the temple to be opened and the idols to be cleansed. Three Christians, infla- med with an ardent love of virtue, rushed by night in- to the temples, and broke all the images. The gov- ernor, in his wrath being about to chastise many inno- cent persons, the culprits very generously offered themselves to punishment. He gave them the alter- native, to sacrifice or die. They preferred the latter. 193 &rid suffered death with excruciating tortures, more admirable in their behavior for fortitude than meek- fcess. At Pessinus, in Galatia, two young men suffered death in the presence of Julian. I wish I could say it was for professing the faith of Christ. But one of them had overturned an idol. The emperor put him to death in a cruel manner with his companion, their mother, and the bishop of the city. At Ancyra, Basil, a priest, had in the former reign, opposed Arianism, and now with equal sincerity re- sisted idolatry. He went through the city, publicly exhorting the people to avoid polluting themselves with sacrifices. Once observing the Gentiles employ- ed in their religious rites, he sighed, and besought God, that no Christian might be guilty of such enor- mity. The governor upon this apprehended him, charging him with sedition, and having tortured him kept him in prison. Julian himself coming to Ancyra, sent for Basil, who reproached him for his apostacy. Julian said, he had intended to dismiss him, but was obliged to treat him severely on account of his impu- dence. In the end Basil suffered death by torture. It would be tedious to recite all the accounts of those who suffered from the insolent cruelty of pagans un- der the politic connivance and partiality of Julian du- ring his short reign. In the year three hundred and sixty two, George of Alexandria, the persecuting Arian, was murdered by the pagans of that city, to whom he had made him- self obnoxious, by exposing their ridiculous rites. All this time Athanasius was in concealment. Af- ter the death of George, he returned openly to his bish- opric. Athanasius treated his enemies with mildness, relieved the distressed without respect of persons, re- stored the custom of preaching on the Trinity, remov- ed from the sanctuary those who had made a traffic of holy things, and thus gained the affections of the peo- ple ; but he was not allowed to enjoy long the s\veets of liberty. The Gentile Alexandrians represented to the emperor, that he corrupted the city ajid ail 2A and that if he continued there, not a pagan would De- left. The consequence was, Julian Ordered him to* be expelled the city. Athanasius was obliged once more to seek safety by flight. All the faithful at his departure gathered around him weeping. " We must retire a little time, friends," says he ; "it is a cloud that will soon fly over." He took his leave of them, and began hier flight for the obscure parts of Egypt ; but finding his life in immi- nent danger, from the persecutors who were following him, he directed his companions to return to Alexan- dria, and to meet his enemies. The pursuers asked them earnestly, "Have you seen Athanasius ?" " He is near," say they, * make haste and you will soon over- take him/' They hasted. Athanasius secreted him- self, and soon returned privately to Alexandria, where he fay concealed till the end of the persecution. The active spirit of Julian was now bent on the dis- tinction of the Persian monarchy ; but Divine Prov- idence was hastening his- end. Toward the Christian part of his subjects, Julian was a tyrant. He persecu- ted numbers at Antioch ; there, as he passed by, he was provoked by the psalmody of the Christians, par- ticularly by the chorus which they used ; " Confound- " ed be all they that worship graven images." He order- ed them to be punished. Publia r too, a widow of great reputation, with a number of virgins over whom she presided, sang and praised God as he passed by. In particular they sung such parts of the Psalms as exposed the wickedness and folly of idolatry. Julian .ordered them to hold their peace r till he had passed them. On another occasion Publia encouraged them to sing as he passed, " Let God arise, and let his ene- mies be scattered." Julian, in a rage ? ordered her to be brought before him, and to be buffetted orr each side of her face. The effects of passion seem but too visible both in the emperor and the woman ; there Is, however, this difference ; the one had a zeal for God^ the other a contempt. God vouchsafed to his church a remarkable deliv- eraace; for Julian, in a skirmish, was wounded mortal- )y by a Persian lance ; when, having filled his with blood, he cast it toward heaven, exclaiming, " O GALILEAN, THOU HAST CONQUERED !" He survived this wound but a short time, and died after a reign of one year and eight months, in the 32nd year of his age. The interposition of Divine Providence is ever to be acknowledged in hastening the death of so formidable an enemy to his people, whose schemes seemed only to require length of time to effect the ruin of the church. But he was left to aim at too many objects at once, the restoration of idolatry, the ruin of Christianity, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the conquest of Per- sia. That he should have pursued this last with such avidity, is an instance of the opposition of two parties to each other, both equally bent on the ruin of the church, a thing very common in history, by which the Lord frequently saves his people. How much more prudent had it been in Julian to have made an alliance with the Persian monarch, who would gladly have ac- cepted it, #nd to have united with him in the destruc- tion of Christianity, against which they were both equally incensed. Thus does God infatuate the coun- sels of his enemies, and lead them to quarrel with one another for the good of his church, rather than to unite for its ruin. CHAPTER X. The Church under Jovian. 1 HIS prince succeeded Julian in the year 363, aged about 33 years. His reign was terminated by sudden death after a little more than seven months. In this short reign he manifested a strong attach- ment to Christianity, showed that in his conduct he was governed by Christian principles, and a man of strict integrity. Convinced that conscience cannot be forced, and that a voluntary religion only is acceptable to God, he made a law, by which h permitted the pagans to rev 196 6pen their temples and freely to enjoy their own mode of Worship. Yet he peremptorily forbad witchcraft and impostures. He suffered the public sacrifices, but put a stop to the overflowings of magic and enchantments^ with which Julian had filled the empire ; in line, he granted the pagans more than Constantius had allow- ed, and placed them in the same state> in which they had been left by the great Constantine. In the former reign Christians found themselves only nominally free j in the latter, pagans were realty so. They were treats ed with mildness, though not with confidence. Jovian declared Christianity to be the established religion, and replaced in the standard the figure of the cross, which Julian had taken away. He ordered the Christians to be restored to their churches, recalled their exiles, and reinstated them in their privileges. Thus did Jovian prove himself the defender of Christianity as the established religion, and of tolera- tion at the same time. Athanasius had no sooner heard of the death of Juli- an, than he suddenly appeared again at Alexandria, ta the agreeable surprise of his people. Jovian, by letter^ confirmed him in his office in the most ample manner. When the Arians of Alexandria attempted to influ- ence him to set over them an Arian bishop, in opposi- tion to the claims of Athanasius, Jovian rejected their application, assuring them that Athanasius taught sound doctrine. This shows that in faith, Jovian was a Trinitarian. The care which he took of Christian; doctrine and piety> his integrity, and strict conscien- tiousness, nianifested him to be a man of a sound un- derstanding, and promised the world a wise and pi- ous government. He seems to have been a character of the solid, not of the shining kind; the wickedness of the times was unworthy of him. He was soon re- moved, and so suddenly, that it was suspected, he had not died a natural death. The Christians sincerely wept, the pagans in general spake well of him the Arians soon endeavored to take advantage of his de- cease, and the church was once more involved in per-, sedition* 197 CHAPTER XI. The Church under Valens; the Death , Character, Writins o J OVI AN was succeeded by two brothers, Valentinian arid Valens; the former governed in the West, the latter in the East. Valentinian followed the plan of Jovian in the affairs of the church, Valens, a man of weak capacity, favored Arianism, and ordered all the adherents to the Nicene faith to be expelled from Con- stantinople, and their churches to be shut. Athanasius ^vas again attacked by the enemies of Christian piety. Tatian, the governor of Alexandria^ by an order from Valens, attempted to drive Athana- ius from that city. The good bishop stood high in the affections of his people. The governor, for some time dared not to execute his orders. But by night he broke into his church with an armed force, where Athanasius generally lodged, and sought for him in vain. Athanasius had retired, and remained four months concealed in his father's sepulchre. Valens at length recalled him, and gave him no further dis- turbance. About this time, Valens received baptism from an Arian bishop who prevailed with him to swear that he would never depart from the Arian creed. Valens, being at a city of Scythia > near the mouth of the Danube, ordered Brettannio the bishop, to meet and communicate with him and his Arian attendant^ who had come to the bishop's church for that purpose* Brettannio firmly refused, professing his regard for the Nicene faith, and leaving the emperor, he went to an- other church, and all his congregation followed him,, Valens, with his attendants being left alone x was so en-* raged that he ordered the bishop to be banished. The. Scythians were indignant at this, as he was a man re- nowned among them for piety and integrity, and Va- lens dreading their revolt, permitted him to return. Eudoxius, the Arian bishop of Constantinople, be- ing dead, the Arians chose Demophilus to succeed 198 him, and Valens approved of the election. The o& thodox elected, at the same time, Evagrius bishop of Constantinople. Valens, incensed, banished both him and the bishop who dared to ordain him. On this oc- casion eighty ecclesiastics were sent to the Emperor at Nicomedia to complain of his conduct Enraged at their presumption, and jet afraid of a sedition, he gave private orders to Modestus his prefect, to murder them secretly. The execution of this order deserves "to be known to all ages. The prefect pretended that he would send them into banishment, with which they cheerfully acquiesced. But he directed the mariners to set the ship on fire, as soon as they were gone to cea. The mariners did so, and getting into a boat which followed them, escaped. The "burning vessel \vas driven by a strong west wind into the haven of Dacidizus, on the coast of Bithynia, where it was con- sumed, with the ministers. The intention of conceal- ing what was done was frustrated ; and the wicked- ness and inhumanity of the murder appeared more dious, by the meanness with which it was contrived, Athanasius died in the year three hundred and seventy three, after he had been bishop forty six years, and having been desired to nominate a successor, he mentioned Peter, an aged saint, and the faithful com- panion of his labors. Let us pause a little to view the writings and character of this great man. As a writer, Athanasius is nervous, clear, argument- ative, and every where discovers the man of sense, except in the life of Anthony the monk, and other monastic pieces ; the superstitions and follies of which unhappy perversion of piety, received but too liberal a support from his influence. But the true nature of the gospel was then greatly misunderstood. Opposition to Arianism absorbed his whole soul, and he keeps it constantly in view throughout the most of his writings. He represents Arianism, as the unpar- donable sin. The incarnation of the Son of God, he describes as essential to the recovery of fallen man, and speaks of the propriety of man's being^ taught by HIM wiio h 199 (he Wisdom of the Father. Redemption by cross he speaks of in a' manner perfectly scriptural ; but little, however, is to be found in him of the expe- rience of these doctrines, and their application to the heart and conscience ; nor does he dwell much on the virtues and graces of the Holy Spirit. Real virtue, was however, the attendant of orthodox sentiments alone. In his defence of the doctrine of the Trinity, he guards it on all sides with great exactness, is not soli- citous to remove its mystery, and leaves it clear and exact only so far as the scripture has explained it. He asserts invaribly the Trinity in Unity. In his life, his conduct uniformly appears consis- tent and upright, sharpened too much by long and cruel opposition, yet never governed by malice, al- ways influenced by the fear of God. Though greatly persecuted himself, yet he never inflicted persecution on others. Peter was chosen as successor to Athanasius at Al- exandria, by the whole church ; but not without op- position from the Arians. Imperial violence prevail- ed ; and many who would not subscribe to Arian sen- timents, were, for their refusal, banished. Many of- fered their necks to the sword, rather than quit the Ni~ cene profession. Numbers of godly men among tile Goths, were murdered for the sake of their Redeemer, by the cruelty of their king Athanaric, who appears to have been an Arian. Valens perished in a battle with the Goths in the year three hundred and seventy eight, after having- reigned fourteen years. CHAPTER XII. 7%e Church under Vakntinian The beginnings of Ambrose. JuET us turn our eyes to a more cheering prospect in the West ; in the East the only comfortable circum- stance has been, that God left himself not without wiN ^ but marked his real church by a number of faith- 200 Ful sufferers. Valentinian, in the beginning of hi? reigfu passed a law that no man should be constrained in re- ligion. He was very indulgent toward the pagans, and Created them with lenity. The x\rians were still ambitious to make proselytes to their faith, and were indefatigable in their opposi- tion to all who advocated the Divinity of Jesus, and they sought to support their creed by military and im- perial power ; but Providence, during the reign of Valentinian, raised up p,n able and successful opposer of this heresy. This illustrious character was Ambrose, who was born about the year three hundred and thirty three, and was first distinguished for pleading causes in the civil law. He Was appointed a judge at Milan, where he resided for five years, and was renowned for pru- dence and justice. On the death of the bishop of Milan, who was an Arian, the bishops of the province met to choose a suc- cessor. The city was divided, the Arians labored vigorously to have one of their sentiment elected ; the contest was warm, every thing tended toward a tu- mult ; the bishops were consulting, and Ambrose on hearing these things hastened to the church of Milan, and exhorted the people to peace and submission to the laws. His speech being finished, an infant's voice was heard in the crowd, " Ambrose is bishop." The hint was taken at once, the whole assembly cried out, " Ambrose shall be the man." The factions agreed immediately, and he whom secular pursuits had seem- ed to preclude from the notice of either party, was suddenly elected by universal consent. Ambrose was astonished, and peremptorily refus- ed ; nor was any person ever more desirous to obtain the office of bishop, than he was to avoid it. He even took unjustifiable measures to bring his moral charac- ter into suspicion his design in this was easily detect- ed. Finding himself unable to resist their urgent im- portunity, he stole out of Milan at midnight, but mis- sing his way, wandered till morning and then found himself at the gate of Milan. A guard was placed 201 Stbout his person till the emperor's pleasure should be known because his consent was necessary to part with a subject in office. Valentinian sincerely consented ; and the consent of Ambrose alone was wanting. Again he made his escape and hid himself in the country- house of a friend. A menacing edict of the emperor brought him again to Milan, because he dared not expose his friend to imperial resentment. Ambrose yielded at length, and Valentinian gave thanks to God and our Savior that it had pleased him, to make choice of the very person to take care of men's souls, whom he had himself before appointed to preside over their temporal concerns. Valentinian received the general admonitions of Ambrose with reverence ; and in particular hearing him represent the faults of some in authority with great plainness ; " I knew," said the emperor, "the honesty of your character before this time, yet I consented to your ordination ; follow the Divine rules, and cure the maladies into which we are prone to fall." Ambrose was then about thirty four years old. Im- mediately he gave to the church and to the poor, all the gold and silver which he had. He gave also his lands to the church, reserving the income of them to his sister. His family he committed to the care of his brother. Thus disengaged from temporal concerns, he gave himself wholly to the ministry. Having read little else than civil authors, he first applied himself to the study of the scriptures. Whatever time he could spare from business, he devoted to reading ; and this he continued to do after he had attained a good de- gree of knowledge. His public labors went hand in hand with his studies. He preached every Lord's day. By his labors Arianism was expelled from Italy. Simplician, a presbyter from Rome, eminent for learn- ing and piety, instructed him in theology. By this presbyter, it pleased God, to convey to Ambrose that fire of Divine love and genuine simplicity in religion, which had very much decayed since the days of Cy- prian, and in this slow and effectual method, the Lord was preparing the way for another great effusion of iiis spirit. Ambrose now gave himself wholly to the Lord, and restored purity of doctrine and discipline. Valentinian died in 375, after a reign of eleven years ? and was succeeded by his brother Valens, who surviv- ed him about three years. Valentinian was fierce and savage by nature, though possessed of an excellent understanding, and when cool, of the soundest judg- ment ; a fit of passion, at length cost him his life. The best use to be made of his character is, to prove how very beneficial it is to human society, that princes should be men of religion. Without this check, Va- lentinian might have been one of the worst of tyrants, but by the influence of religion, he passes for one of the better sort of princes. CHAPTER XIII. The Church of Christ under Gratian and Theodosius, till the death of the former. fjr RATTAN, the elder son of Valentinian, succeeded him in Gaul, Spain, and Britain. His younger sou,, an infant, succeeded in Italy, and the rest of the wes- tern world. And some time after, Gratian chose The- odosius as his colleague, who reigned in the East. Gratian, from his early years, appears to have been truly pious. One of his first actions demonstrates it. The title of high-priest always belonged to the Roman princes. This he considered to be wholly idolatrous, unbecoming a Christian to assume, and refused the habit, though the pagans still gave him the title. Gratian wrote affectionately to Ambrose, request- ing him to come and afford him religious instruc- tion, in which he thus expresses himself, " He will teach me, whom T do not deny, whom I own as my Lord and my God. I would not conceive so meanly of him as to make him a mere creature like myself, who own that I can add nothing to Christ. And yet while I seek to please the Father, in celebrating the Son, I do not fear lest the Father should envy the hon- 203 ors ascribed to the Son, nor do I think so highly of my powers of commendation, as to think I can increase the Divinity by my words. I extol him as I can, not as the Divinity deserves. With respect to that trea- tise which you gave me, I beg you would make addi- tions to it by scriptural arguments, to prove the proper Deity of the Holy Ghost." Ambrose with great sat- isfaction replied most respectfully, reminds Gratian that his arguments for the Divinity of the Son, are equally conclusive in pooof of the divinity of the Holy Ghost, whom we ought not to think the Father to en- vy, nor ourselves who are mere creatures, to be equal with him. ' Ambrose, with ail his piety, while teaching with soundness the essentials of faith and love, was not free from superstition, and abounded in his encomi- ums on virginity. His ignorance of the scriptures be- fore his ordination, and the influence of his sister, a zealous devotee, will account for this. Other parts of the conduct of Ambrose, were more worthy of his understanding. He applied the vessels of the church for the redemption of captives, and was indefatigable in the instruction of catechumens. In the year three hundred and seventy nine, Am- brose was sent for to attend the election of a new bish- op at Senmurn, where their former bishop, an Arian, had caused a wide departure from the faith. The em- press Justina, mother of young Valentinian, was there, and being in favor of Arianism, endeavored by her authority and influence to expel Ambrose from the church : though insulted by the mob, Ambrose stood firm in his tribunal, and when an Arian woman laid hold on his habit, with a view to drag him out of the church, he resolutely said to her, "Though 1 am un- worthy of the priesthood, it does not become you to lay hands on a pastor, you ought to fear the judgment of God." It is remarkable that she died the next day. They were struck with awe, and Artemius, an ortho- dox minister, was elected without molestation. The enmity of Justina afterward broke out against Ambrose in a remarkable manner. 204 Constantinople had now for forty years been sub- ject to Arian impiety and tyranny. In this great city few remained who understood the religion of the gos- pel : truth and godliness had fled. Gregory, of Nazi- anzum was appointed to recover this wretched city, if possible, to the purity of the gospel. Theodosius co- operated with Gregory, and other zealous pastors for the revival of Christianity in the East, in the year three hundred and eighty. He published a law reprobating the Arian heresy, and warmly approbating the Nicene faith. He gave notice to Demophilus, the Arian bishop of Constantinople, to embrace the Nicene creed, to unite the people, and live in peace. Demophilus reject- ing the proposal, the emperor ordered him to give up the churches. The heresiarch struggled to support his cause, but finding himself unsuccessful, retired to Be- raea, where he died six years after, Gregory being now confirmed at Constantinople, at the call of the emperor, three hundred and fifty bish- ops came thither, to settle the distracted state of the Eastern church. The council was very disorderly and confused, little was done, except defining very accurately the doctrine of the Trinity, and enlarging a little on the Nicene creed. In the year 383, Amphilochus, bishop of Iconium, coming to court with other bishops, paid the usual respects to the emperor, but took no notice of his son Arcadius, about six years old, who was near his father,. Tlaeodosius bad him salute his son. Amphilochus drew near and laying his hand upon him, said, " Save you my child." The emperor in anger ordered the old man to be driven from court ; who with a loud voice declared, you cannot bear to have your son con- temned ; be assured, that God in like manner is of- fended with those who honor not his Son as himself. The emperor was struck with the justness of the re? mark, and immediately made a law to prohibit the assemblies of the heretics. In the same year Gratian fell by murder in the 24th year of his age. Chaste, temperate, benevolent, con- scientious., he shines in the church of Christ ; but tal- 205 ents for governing he seems not to have possessed. Divine Providence gives in him a lesson that Christ's kingdom is not of this world ; even a prince of unques- tionable piety is denied the common advantage of a natural death. When dying he bemoaned the ab- sence of Ambrose, and often spake of him. Those, who have received spiritual benefit from a pastor have often an affection for him, of which the world has no knowledge. In his last moments, the mind of Gratian was absorbed in Divine things, compared with which, the loss of empire weighed as nothing. CHAPTER XIV. The Heresy of Priscillian The conduct of Martin' the Progress of Superstition. VERY little of the spirit of Christianity, during this period, is to be found. Evangelical purity had great- ly declined. The Priscillianists, an heretical sect, who seem to have combined all the most pernicious heresies of former times, had already appeared in the time of Gratian, and infected the greatest part of Spain, Their leader, Priscillian, was exactly fitted for the office which he filled : learned, factious, acute, of great powers both of body and mind, and by a spuri- ous modesty and gravity of manners, extremely well qualified to maintain an ascendancy over weak and credulous spirits. Idacius and Ithacius, applied to the secular power to procure, by the decrees of the magistrates, an expulsion of the heretics from the cit- ies. The Priscillianists endeavored to gain friends in Italy ; but their corruptions were too glaring to pro- cure them any countenance either from Damasus of Rome, or from Ambrose of Milan. On the death of Gratian, Maximus the usurper, who had rebelled against Gratian, entered victorious into Treves. While Ithacius earnestly pressed him, against the Priscillianists, the heresiarch appealed to Maximus, who undertook the office of deciding. Both 206 parties were highly culpable ; the heretics in spread- ing sentiments entirely subversive of Christianity, and their accusers in subserving their own factious and selfish views. In the mean time, Martin, of Tours, blamed Ithacius for bringing the heretics as criminals before the empe- or; and entreated Maximus to abstain from the blood of the unhappy men ; he said, it was abundantly suffi- cient, that they, having been judged heretics by the sentence of the bishops, were expelled from the churches, and that it was a new and unheard evil, for a secular judge to interfere in matters purely ecclesi- astical. To punish heretics with death, because they are seen walking in the broad road to eternal destruc- tion, and thus prevent their conversion by shortening their days, is surely contrary to the spirit of HIM, who carne not to destroy men's lives but to save them ! Yet there were men found at this time capable of such enormity, and it marks the degeneracy of the age. But Christ had still a church in the West, and Martin persevered with such zeal in opposing the horrid in- novation, and was himself so much respected for his piety and integrity, that he at first prevailed, and the usurper promised not to proceed to blood against the heretics. Afterward, however, he changed his pur- pose, and Priscillian was put to death, with four other leaders of his sect. A few more were condemned to die, or to be banished. Christianity never received a greater scandal ; but the men, who feared God, and loved moderation and charity, wept and prayed in se- cret, despised and disregarded by the two parties, who trampled on all the rules of godliness, In the mean time worldly passions prevailed in Spain, and though the form of orthodoxy existed, it was evident, that its power was greatly weakened. Let us here endeavor to find the true church, if we can. We see it in Ambrose, who, coming to Maxi- mus on an embassy from the younger Valentinian, re- fused to hold communion with his bishops, who had been concerned in the death of the heretics. Maxi- j enraged, ordered him to withdraw. Ambrose 207 entered on his journey very readily, having applied in vain to some of the courtiers to furnish him with conveniences. Several holy men who protested against these barbarities, were charged with heresy, and among the rest Martin of Tours. Thus, while there were some in Gaul and Spain, who bore the Christian name, to disgrace it with a complication of heresies, and formal orthodoxy, or who dishon- ored the gospel by a life of avarice, faction and am- bition, there were some who feared God and served him in the gospel of his Son. Martin, in his youth, had, against his will, served in the army under Constantius and Julius. His father, by profession a soldier, had compelled him. At ten years old, he went to the church and gave in his name as a catechumen. At twelve he had a desire to lead a mo- nastic life. But being devoted to military service he avoided its vices, and was liberal to the poor, reserv- ing nothing to himself out of the pay which he re- ceived, except what was necessary for daily food. At 18 he was baptized, and at 20 left the army. Sometime after, falling into the hands of robbers among the Alps, he was delivered bound to one of them, to be plundered ; who leading him to a retired place, asked him, who he was. He answered, " I am a Christian." " Are not you afraid ?" I never was more at ease, because I know the mercy of the Lord to be most present in trials ; I am more concerned for you, who, by your course of life, render yourself unfit to partake of the mercy of Christ. Entering into the arguments of religion, he preached the gospel to the robber. The man believed, attended his instructor to the road, and begged his prayers. The new convert persevered in godliness, and this relation was taken from his account. It was with difficulty that Martin was at length prevailed on to quit his monastery, and become bishop of Tours, to which office the universal voice of the people called him. He, however, still pre- served his monastic taste, and had a monastery two miles out of the city. There, with eighty disciples- 108 who followed his example, he lived with extreme aus- terity. The celebrity of his supposed miracles had a mighty effect on the ignorant Gauls; every common action of his was magnified into a prodigy : heathen temples were destroyed, and churches and monaste- ries arose in their stead. That Martin was pious, is unquestionable, but, that his piety was disfigured with monastic superstition, is evident This was not a fault of true religion, but of the times. Europe and Asia, then vied with each other in the promotion of false humility* CHAPTER XV. The Conduct of Ambrose^ under the Emperor Valenti-' man, and the persecution which he endured from the emperor's mother^ Justina* JlJSTINA, the empress, a decided patroness of Ari- anism, after the death of her husband, began openly to imbue her son with her doctrine, and to induce him to menace the bishop of Milan. Ambrose exhorted him to support the doctrine received from the apostles. The young emperor, in a rage, ordered his guards to surround the church, and commanded Ambrose to come out of it. Ambrose resolutely replied, " I shall not willingly give up the sheep of Christ to be devour- ed by wolves. You may use your swords and spears against me ; such a death I shall freely undergo. 5 ' Justina, knowing his influence in the city to be great> and fearing the people, had recourse to vexatious frauds and artifices, and exercised his mind with a series of trials. The Arians were not the only adversaries of the church. The Gentiles, taking advantage of the mi- nority of Valentinian, and scorning the innovations of Christianity, endeavored to recover their ancient estab- lishments, but were foiled in their attempts by the el- oquence and influence of Ambrose. 209 In the year 386 Justina procured a law to be passed to enable the Arian congregations at Milan to assem- ble without interruption, and an Arian bishop was in- troduced under her protection into the city. At his request soldiers were sent to procure for himself the possession of the church called Basilica, and tribunes came to demand it, with the plate and vessels belong- ing to it, and all this under the specious idea that it was unreasonable the emperor should not be allowed to have one place of worship, in the city, agreeable to his conscience. Ambrose calmly answered the offi- cers, that if the emperor had sent to demand his house or land, money or goods, he would have freely resign^ ed them, but that he could not deliver that which was committed to his care. He told his people, he would not willingly desert his right, that if compelled he knew how to resist. " I can," says he, " grieve, I can weep, I can groan. Against arms and soldiers, tears are my arms. Such are the fortifications of a. pastor. I neither can nor ought to resist in any other manner. Our Lord Jesus is Almighty ; what he commands to be done shall be fulfilled, nor does it become you to resist the Divine sentence." During the suspension of this affair, Ambrose em- ployed the people in singing Divine hymns and psalms, at the end of which there was a solemn doxology to the honor of the Trinity. The method of responsive singing had been generally practised in the East, and was introduced by Ambrose into Milan, whence it was propagated into all the churches. The people were much delighted, their zeal for the doctrine of the Trin- ity was inflamed, and one of the best judges in the world, then living, owns that his own soul was melted into Divine affection on these occasions. The demands of the court were now increased : not only the Portian church which stood without the wall, but also the great church newly built within the city, were required to be given up. On the Lord's day af* ter sermon, the chatechurnens being dismissed, Am- brose went to baptize those who were prepared for hat ordinance, when he was told that officers were 210 sent from the court to the Portian church ; he went oa, however, unmoved in the service, till he was told, that the people, having met with Catulus, an Arian presbyt- er, in the streets, had laid hands on him. Then with prayers and tears he besought God, that no man's blood might be shed but rather his own, not only for the pious people, but also for the wicked. And hav- ing sent immediately some presbyters and deacons, Catulus was recovered from the tumult. The court % enraged, sent warrants to apprehend several merchants and tradesmen ; some were put in chains, and vast sums of money were required to be paid in a little time, which many professed they would pay cheerful- ly, if they could enjoy the profession of their faith un- molested. The prisons were by this time full of trades- men, and the magistrates and men of rank were se- verely threatened ; while the courtiers urged Ambrose with the imperial authority 5 whom he answered with the same loyalty and firmness as before. The Holy- Spirit, said he, in his exhortation to the people, has spoken in you this day, to this effect: EMPEROR, WE INTREAT, BUT WE DO NOT FIGHT. The Arians, having few friends among the people, kept themselves with- in doors. Wearied and overcome at length with his resolution, the court, who meant to extort his consent, rather than to exercise violence, ordered the guards to leave tho church, where Ambrose had lodged all night, the soldiers having guarded it so close, that none had been suffered to go out. The people confined there spent the night in singing psalms. The sums exact- ed of the tradesmen also were restored. The spirit of devotion was kept up all this time among the people, and Ambrose was indefatigable both in praying and preaching. But notwithstanding his great piety, and though it is evident that he loved the Lord Jesus Christ supremely, and trusted in him for salvation, yet was he inclined, in some degree, to superstition ; 'for being called upon by the people to consecrate a new church, he told them he would, if he could find any relics of martyrs there. By this he encouraged the introduction of other intercessors be- side Jesus Christ, and the growth of superstition. $11 CHAPTER XVI. The Church under Theodosius. AFTER the exaltation of this prince to the empire from a private life by the generous and patriotic choice Gratian, he reigned in the East, more vigorously sup- porting Christianity, according to his ideas of it, than any emperor before him. His sense of justice deter- mined him to order some Christians to rebuild, at their own expense, a Jewish synagogue, which they had pulled down. This sentence Ambrose prevailed on him to set aside, from a mistaken notion of piety, that Christianity should not be obliged to contribute to the erection of a Jewish synagogue. But, if the Jews were tolerated at all in the empire, the transaction ought certainly to have been looked on as a civil one. This is the first instance I recollect in which a good man was induced, by superstitious motives, to violate the essential rules of justice ; and it marks the growth of superstition. Theodosius was of a passionate temper, and on a particular occasion was led by it to commit a barbar- ous action; the circumstances of the story will be the best comment on the character of this emperor, of Am- brose, and of the times. At Thessalonica a tumult was made by the populace, and the emperor's officer was murdered. The news was calculated to try the, temper of Theodosius, who ordered the sword to be let loose upon them. Ambrose interceded, and the emperor promised to forgive. But the great officers of the court persuaded him to retract, and to sign a warrant for military execution. Seven hundred were put to death in three hours with great cruelty, without trial, and without distinction. Ambrose wrote him a faithful letter, reminding him of the charge in the prophet, that if the priest does not warn the wicked he shall be answerable for it. " You dicover a zeal," says he, "for the faith and fear of God, I own : but your temper is warm, soon to be appeased ittdecd ; if endeavors are used to calm it ; but if not re- gulatecj, it bears down all before it." He urges the example of David, and shews the impropriety of com- municating with him at present. " I love you," says he "I cherish you, I pray for you; but blame not me, if I give the preference to God." On these principles Ambrose refused to admit Theodosius into the church of Milan. The emperor plead the case of David. "Im- itate him," said the zealous Ambrose, " in his repen- tance as well as in his sin." Theodosius submitted and kept from the church eight months. On the feast of the nativity, he expressed his sorrow with sighs and tears in the presence of Ruffinus the master of the of- ficers. " I weep," said he, " that the temple of God, and consequently heaven, is shut from me, which is open to slaves and beggars." Ruffinus undertook to persuade the emperor. Ambrose urged the impro- priety of his rude interference, because Ruffinus, by his evil counsels, had been the author of the massa- cre. Ruffinus telling him that the emperor was coming, " I will hinder him," says he, " from entering the vesti- bule ; yet if he will play the king, I shall offer my throat." Ruffinus returning, informed the emperor r " I will go and receive the refusal which I desire," said he ; and as he approached the bishop, he added> " I come to offer myself to submit to what you pre- scribe." Ambrose enjoined him to do public penance, and to suspend the execution of capital warrants for thirty days in future, that the ill effects of intemper- ate anger might be prevented. The emperor, pulling off his imperial robes, prayed prostrate on the pave- ment; nor did he put on those robes, till the time of his penance had expired. "My soul cleaveth to the dust," said he, " quicken thou me, according to thy word." The people prayed and wept with him, and he not only complied with the rules of penance, but re- tained visible marks of compunction and sadness dur- ing the rest of his life. The discipline thus magnani- mously exercised by Ambrose, and humbly submitted to by Theodosius, appears to have been salutary. At Alexandria the votaries of the renowned temple f Serapis made an insurrection, and murdered a nunv 213 her of Christians. The emperor, being informed of this, declared that he would not suffer the glory of their martyrdom to be stained with any executions, and that he was determined to pardon the murderers in hopes of their conversion, but that the temples, the cause of so much mischief, should be destroyed. In one of them was a remarkable image of Serapis, of which it had been confidently given out, that if any man touched it, the earth would open, the heaven be dissolved, and all things run back into a general cha- os. A soldier was hardy enough to make the experi- ment. With an axe he cleft him down the jaws, an army of mice fled out at the breach he made, and Serapis was hacked in pieces. On the destruction of idolatry in Egypt, it happened that the Nile did not overflow so plentifully, as it had been wont to do. " It is," said the pagans, " because it is affronted at the prevailing impiety : it has not been worshipped with sacrifices, as it used to be." Theodosius, being infor- med of this, declared, like a man who believed in God, and preferred heavenly things to earthly, " We ought to prefer our duty to God, to the streams of the Nile, and the cause of piety to the fertility of the country ; let the Nile never flow again, rather than idolatry be encouraged." The event afforded a fine comment on our Savior's words, " seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you." The Nile returned to its course, and rose above the highest mark, which at other times it seldom reached. The pagans made use of ridicule ; others, however, made a serious use of the remarkable Providence, and Egypt forsook the superstition, in which for so many ages it had been involved. Thus the country which had nourished idolatry more early and passionately than any others, was made the special scene of the triumphs of God and his Christ. Coming to Rome the zealous emperor in a deliber- ate speech endeavored to persuade the senate, very many of whom still patronized idolatry, to embrace the Christian faith, as the only religion, which * ft men how to obtain pardon of sin, and holiness 01 iiie. 214 The Gentile part of them declared, that they would hot give up a religion under which Rome had prosper- ed near twelve hundred years. Theodosius told them, that he saw no reason, why he should maintain their religion, and that he would not only cease to furnish the expense out of the exchequer, but would abolish the sacrifices themselves* The senators complained, that the neglect of the rites was the grand cause, why the empire declined so much : a specious argument, well calculated to gain upon worldly minds, and which, at that time, had great effect on many pagans. Theo- dosius was determined, and made it a capital crime to sacrifice, or attend the pagan rites ; he made it treason- able to offer sacrifice, or to consult the entrails of beasts. He also forbade incense and perfumes. Paganism never after this lifted up its head. This great prince expired at Milan in 395, about 60 years of age, having reigned 16 years. And the century before us nearly closes with the full estab- lishment of Christianity in the Roman empire. The religion which was of God made its way through all opposition ; that which was of man, supported only by power and custom, failed to thrive, as soon as it lost the ascendant, and within a generation it ceased al- most universally to exist. Theodosius possessed a noble character. His cle- mency, liberality and generosity, were admirable. He was brave and successful in war: but his wars were forced upon him. While an enemy to drunken- ness he was a model of gravity, temperance and chas- tity in private life. Excess of anger was his predom- inant evil ; but he was taught, by having done great evil by yielding to this,the importance of governing hi* temper and of studying to be humble. CHAPTER XVII. The private Life and Works of Ambrose. A HIS illustrious man died about the year 397, admi- red, regretted, and lamented by the whole Christian 215 world. His life not improbably had been shortened' by the incessant activity of his mind, and by the mul- tiplicity -of his employments ; for he was only 57 years old, and had been appointed bishop of Milan at the age of 34. Ills spirit was remarkably kind and sympathetic ; his benevolence extended to all, especially to the household of failh. His labors were immense. His temper was heroic and strong, and no dignity or au- thority could shelter offenders from his rebukes, where he deemed it his duty to reprehend. The time he could spare from pastoral and charitable engagements, was devoted to study and meditation. Though Ambrose was called to teach before he himself had learned, yet was he a man of so much in- dustry in the acquisition of knowledge, and of so much real good sense, that his writings contain various things of solid utility. But he might have both preached arid written better, had he always attended to the simple word of God, arid exercised his own na- tural good sense in humble dependance on DIVINE GRACE, and paid less regard to the fanciful writings of Origen, which exceedingly corrupted his understand- ing. Less of this, however, appears in his moral, than in his theological pieces. CHAPTER XVIII. The Propagation of the Gospel among Barbarians-* Heresies and Errors. JLHE Saracens were at war with the Romans, under the conduct of their queen Maovia, who was a Chris- tian. The emperor Valens made peace with her, one condition of which was, that Moses, a monk, who lived in the desert between Egypt and Palestine, should be appointed bishop of her nation. Valens ordered him to be earned to Alexandria, there to be ordain- ed by Lucius. Moses, who knew him to be an Arian, said before him and the magistrates, and all the 216 people, stay, I am not worthy to be called a bishop ; but if I am called to this office, unworthy as I am, for the good of souls, I take the Creator of all things to witness, that I will not receive the imposition of your hands, which are defiled with the blood of so many holy men. If you know not my faith, replied Lucius, learn it from my mouth, and judge not by reports. Mo- ses, however, was aware of the Arian subtilies, and chose to stand by the evidence of, works. I know your faith, said he, the pastors exiled among infidels, condemned to the mines, thrown to the wild beasts, or destroyed by fire, testify your creed; the eyes speak more strongly than the ears. Lucius was obliged to dissemble his resentment, on account of the situation of Valens, his master, and permit Moses to receive or- dination from the exiled bishops. His labors among the Saracens were crowned with success. The na- tion before his time, was chiefly idolatrous : that his work w r as blessed among them appears from his keep- ing them at peace with the Romans. But this is all 'the account we have of the fruits. Among the Goths, some captive bishops, during this century, labored with good success. And the work was of an abiding nature. This people, for some time, held the Nicene faith. In the time of Valens, many of them suffered death from an idolatrous per- secuting prince of their own. By the subtilties of the Arians, however, the whole church of the Goths came by degrees into Arianism ; the consequences of which will be seen in the course of this history. Heresies, chiefly through the various ramifications ef Arianism, multiplied in this century. Moriasticism f pminued to make rapid progress. CHAPTER XIX. Of Christian Authors in this Century, AMID the thick mists of superstition which greatly abounded in this century, some cheering rays of Di- 217 vine truth beamed upon the church to guide the truly pious in their way to heaven. Didymus, of Alexandria, though he lost his sight at the age of five years, became so vigorous and success- ful a student, that he was renowned for his skill in phi- losophy, rhetoric, and geometry. He filled the chair of the famous school of Alexandria with vast applause. Though Origenism was his favorite system, yet as far as appears, he continued always souad, humble and holy, in Christian doctrine. His treatise on the Holy Spirit, which has come down to us, is perhaps th^ best, the Christian world ever saw on the subject. Indeed, what has been said, since that time, in de- fence of the divinity and personality of the Holy Ghost, seems, in substance, to be found in that book- Gregory Nyssen, bishop of Nyssa, wrote in defence of the incarnation of God. In this he shews that man is fallen, and corrupted, and can be recovered only by his Creator ; and hence, that the Word, who created him came himself to raise him again. He shews also, that to be born of a virgin, to eat, to drink, to die, and to be buried, are things not unbecoming the holy nature of God, because there is no sin in them ; and that the Divinity, united to man, lost not its perfec- tions, any more than the soul loses its properties by its union with the body. Ephraim, the Syrian, was born of christain parents, and was educated with great care from his infancy. His mind, from childhood, was devout, contempla- tive and studious, to an extreme degree. Though fond of solitude, he was, at length, induced to live in the great city of Edessa, for the sake of enjoying the benefit of Christian assemblies, and of rendering him- self useful to his fellow men. He wrote much on the scriptures, and various devotional pieces, which were much admired by all the eastern churches. He nev- er was advanced farther than the office of deacon. Once, to avoid being preferred to the office of bishop, he feigned madness and escaped. In his day, the pastoral character appeared to good men, awful be- yond measure, requiring little less than angelical virtue. Love of gain was not the principal motive, and mere decency of character was not the principal qualification. Ephraim, strictly sound in the essential requisites of (he Christian faith, composed Christian hymns for the use of the Syrians, which were sung in tunes, that Harmonius, an Arian, had composed with a design to propagate Arianism among them. He wrote also a discourse on the utility of psalmody, and exploded idle songs and dancing. Let this be regarded as a proof of his zeal and industry. Ephraim' appears, by his writings, to have been a man of undoubted piety, and true humility, evangels zed both in the head, and heart not trifling with the light which he had, nor living in sin, because he con- ceived grace to abound. I shall dismiss this saint, after having given a sketch of the character of Abra- ham, one of his companions : he, for fifty years, lived an Asceiic, in the strictest observation of monastic rules, and confined himself principally to his cell : but he truly acted like a Christian in those intervals when he left it ; in one of which, his zeal and piety were great- ly distinguished. Many presbyters and deacons had been sent to the idolatrous pagans in the vicinity of his retreat ; but being unable to bear persecution had returned unsuccessful. One day the bishop observed among his clergy, that he knew of no person so devoted to God as Abraham, and therefore he would ordain him as an evangelist of these pagans. At first he entreat- ed him, but in vain ; Abraham begged to be permitted to bemoan his own evils. The bishop, however, in- sisting on the obedience which he owed to authority, and how much better it was to be employed in the salvation of many, than of one soul only, Abraham at length submitted. He began his work with fervent prayer for the Divine blessing, and having erected a church, he supplicated in it the conversion of the people. His next step appears not to have been so proper ; he threw down the idols and altars of the pagans ; the consequence of which was, that, with much ill usage, he was expelled from the country. He returned, however, and resumed his work of pray- 219 r in the church, to the astonishment of the pagans i- whom, as they from time to time came to him, he ex- horted to turn from idols to the living God, on which he was worse treated than before. For three years, he bore* their insults, and a constant series of perse- cution. His patience and meekness were admirable, and at length the pagans began to be softened : and comparing Ms preaching with his practice, they con- cluded that God must be with him, and offered them- selves to receive his doctrine. Abraham, rejoicing at the event, desired them to give glory to God, who had enlightened their eyes to know him. In fine he gath- ered them into a church, daily opening to them the scriptures. At length^ when he saw them confirmed in the faith of the gospel, and bringing forth the fruits of it with steadiness, he abruptly retired from them to his former solitude. The work remained firm and strong; and the bishop visited and exhorted them, from the word of God, and ordained pastors from, among themselves. How much better would it have been had Abra- ham thus employed the 50 years of his solitude? but such were the times. While the world proceeded in its usual wickedness, those, who were the best calculated to reform it, had a strong tendency to live a recluse life ; and false fear and bondage kept many from the pastoral office, who might have been its brightest or- naments. The mischief of this was inexpressible ; the extension of the gospel was checked ; and every circumstance shewed, that the spirit of God was no- longer poured out, in its fullness among men. Hilary was born at Poictiers in France, was de- scended from a very noble family, and was distinguish- ed by a liberal education. He seriously considered the folly and vanity of idolatry, and was led to con* elude, that its professors could not possibly be com- petent to lead men to happiness, From the visible frame of things he inferred an Omnipotent, Eternal Being, as their Maker and Preserver. He observed^ that happiness consists not in any external things, nor n the bare knowledge of the first principles of good and evil, but In the knowledge of the true God. By reading the books of Moses and the Prophets, he found his mind enlightened and his judgment con- firmed in these ideas. The short, but comprehensive account of God, in the book of Exodus, " I am that I am," affected him with admiration. When he was carried forward to the New Testament, there he Jearnt, that there is an eternal world, the Son of God made man, who came into the world, to communi- cate to it the fulness of grace. His hope of happiness was now enlarged : u Since the Son of God was made man, men may become the sons of God. A man who with gladness receives this doctrine, renews his spirit by faith, and conceives a hope full of immortal- ity. Having once learned to believe, rejects the captious difficulties, and no longer judges after the maxims of the world. He neither fears death, nor is weary of life ,and presses forward to a state of a blessed immortality." In such a manner does Hila- ry give us the history of his own mind in religion. And his life was afterward according to such principles. His views of the three Persons in the Trinity are re- markably perspicuous and scriptural. In speaking of the Holy Spirit, he says, that he enlightens our under- standings, and warms our hearts ; that he is the author of all grace, and will be with us to the end of the world ; that he is our Comforter here while we live in expectation of a future life, the earnest of our hopes, the light of our minds, and the warmth of our souls. He directs us to pray for this Holy Spirit, to cause us to do good, and to persevere in faith and obedience. From his conversion till his death, Hilary was a man of the most exemplary piety, and gave no countenance to the fashionable heresies, He died at Poicters about the year 368. Basil, of Csesarea flourished, as one of the distin- guished characters of this century. He was surnam- ed the Great on account of his piety and learning. His Christian ancestors suffered much during the Dio- clesian persecution. His grandmother Macrina, a confessor of the faith of Christ, and disciple of Grego- 2S1 *y Thaumattirgas, was eminently useful to him, in su- perintending his education, and fixing his principles. After a course of instruction in Cappadocia, his na- tive country, he travelled for improvement in knowl- edge. It is certain, that he was possessed of all the secular learning of the age, and if he had chosen to give himself wholly to \hc world, he might have shown as much as superior parts, strong understand- ing, and indefatigable industry, united, can effect. But his mind was under a spiritual influence ; he found an emptiness in the most refined enjoyments of literature. He was led to seek for food to his soul, and bent his studies to obtain that most desirable ob- ject. In his travels into Egypt, Basil conversed witk monks and hermits, and contracted that excessive at- tachment to the spirit of Ascetics, which afterward' made him the great supporter and eacourager of those superstitions. After some time, he lived in retirement at Neocaesa- rea in Pontus, and by his example, concurring with the spirit of the times, he not only drew over his friend Gre- gory, but also great numbers, to embrace a retired life, and to employ themselves in prayer, singing of psalms, and devotional exercises. And here, these two friends formed the rules of monastic discipline, which were the basis of all those superstitious institutions, which afterward overran the church. The want of a more evangelical view of doctrine, and of course, of that lively faith which would animate the Christian to live above the world, though in the midst of it, was, doubtless the principal cause of the overflowing of this spirit among real good men in those times. To flee from society seemed to them the only possible way to escape the pollutions of the world, which they sincerely abhorred. Self-righteousness and ignorance fomented the evil, which, at length, became a vapid system of formality, and degenerated gradually into a sink of secret wickedness. But he who should, in these times, suspect the generality of monks of hy- pocrisy and profligacy, would injure them much. On the contrary, the flower of the flock of Christ, is to be- looked for among them. Basil was charitable in his attempts to relieve the poor and caused hospitals to be erected for that pur- pose. After he was appointed bishop of Caesarek, he took a firm and determined stand against the Arian heresy ; and though in the utmost danger of banishment, yet he remained immoveable in the profession of the faith. Discipline in the church of Cassarea, had, before hi* time, been scandalously neglected. Church-officers, who were a disgrace to religion, ministered. He set himself to produce a thorough reformation, and took great care to examine the lives and manners of the persons to be ordained. Having governed the church ojf Czesareaa little more than eight years, and being enfeebled with bodily disorders, he ordained some of his followers, and then was obliged to take to his bed. The people flocked about his house, sensible of the worth of such a pastor. He discoursed, for a time, pi- ously to those who were about him, and sealed his last breath with the ejaculation, " Into thine hands I com- mend my spirit." His excessive austerities broke his constitution, and left him for years in a very imperfect state of health. He died in the year 379. Epiphanius, bishop of Cyprus, was not inferior to many in this century for unfeigned purity of faith and manners. It is proper to mention his zeal, in tearing a painted curtain which he saw in a place of public worship, in proof of his detestation of images and pic- tures in religion, and also of the weak beginnings of that superstition in the fourth century. His benefi- cence too was truly laudable. Numbers from all parts sent him large sums to distribute to the needy, in con- fidence of his charity and integrity. His steward one day informed him that his stock was nearly exhausted, and blamed his profuse liberality ; but he still contin- ued as liberal as before, till all was gone ; when sud- denly he received from a stranger a large bag of gold. Another story, extremely well authenticated, deserves to be recorded as an awful warning. Tw0 beggars 223 agreeing to impose on him, one feigned himself dead, while the other begged of Epiphanius to, supply the ex- penses of his companion's funeral. Epiphanius grant- ed the request. The beggar, on the departure of the bishop, desired his companion to rise : but the man was really dead. To sport with the servants of God, and to abuse their kindness, is to provoke God himself, as the bishop told the survivor. CENTURY V- CHAPTER 1. John Chrysostom. JL HIS renowned man was born at Antioch about the year 354. His father having died soon after his birth, his education devolved upon his mother, who attended to it with great care and diligence. By her means he had the advantage that his early impressions were in favor of Christianity. Yet, being naturally studious of elo- quence, he devoted himself to the care of that great master, Libanius of Antioch, who being one day ask- ed, who would be capable of succeeding him in his school ? " John, 7 ' said he, if the Christians had not sto- len him from us." So great was the idea he Jmd form- ad of his powers of eloquence . r He predicted right. Having pleaded a little time in the Forum, Chrysostom began to find a vacan- cy in his mind, not to be supplied by secular arts and studies. The spirit of God seems from that time, to have drawn him to the study of the scriptures. By his master Diodorus, who was afterward bishop of Tarsus, he was taught to forsake the popular whims of Origen, and to investigate the literal and historical sojise of the Divine word ; a practice, in which he differed from most of the fathers of his times. For some time he lived in monastic austerities ; af- ter which Flavian, bishop of Antioch, promoted him to the office of presbyter. About the year 379, a sedi- tion broke out at Antioch, on account of taxes, and the people dragged about the streets the statues of Theodosius, and of his excellent lady Flaccilla, and of their two sons, in contempt. But on finding the dan- ger of the emperor's resentment, this inconsistent and turbulent people were in great distress. Godliness among the Christians of that city appears then to have been low. Chrysostom exhorted them to repentance, and made the awful suspense they then were in, an instructive emblem of our expectation of the day of judgment. Hymns and litanies were composed to so- licit God to move the heart of the emperor to pity, and many who had never attended the house of God, but had spent their whole time in the theatre, then joined in Divine worship with much earnestness and assidui- ty. Flavian, the bishop, though aged and infirm, un- dertook a journey to Constantinople to depricate the wrath of the emperor. Libanius the sophist did the same : but the generality of the philosophers hid them- selves in holes and corners, and did nothing for their country in danger ; while the monks left their cells, flocked into the city, and entreated the magistrates and judges to behave with lenity. Thus, even monks, who exhibited Christianity in a degenerate form, exceeded in benevolence and active virtue the boasted and boas- ting sons of philosophers ! Chrysostom, while observing the severe proceedings of the courts, and the vain intercessions of relations for husbands and fathers, was led to reflect, how awful the day of judgment will be, when not a mother, sis- ter, or father can arrest the course of Divine justice, or give the least relief to nearest relations, and with much eloquence and pity pressed these considera- tions on a giddy, unthinking people. Pastors may hence take the hint to improve temporal scenes to the spiritual benefit of their audiences. The generous and good-natured Theodosius expos- tulated with Flavian on the unreasonableness and ingratitude of the citizens of Antioch to himself, who bad ever been as a parent and benefactor to them-. 225 Flavian, admitting the truth of his observations, and confessing the aggravated guilt of the city, pressed him with the Divine rule, if ye forgive men their tres-^ passes, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. And his pathetic and pious admonitions prevailed. Theodosius owned, that if the great Lord of the world, for our sake, became a servant, and prayed for his murderers, it highly became himself to forgive his fel- low-servants ; and with great tenderness he solicited the bishop to hasten his return, to deliver the citizens from their fears. Flavian returned with the joyful news that the city was fully restored to the emperor's favor. These are some of the triumphs of the gospeL Its mild influence on society, in the suppression of the fights of gladiators and other savage practices, and in the kind and liberal behavior of emperors toward their subjects, even in times when true religion was low. demonstrate, not only, that states do act unwisely, when they venture to reject Christianity altogether, and substitute mere ethics in its stead ; but also that it is the duty of governors and legislators, as much as in them lies, by positive institutions to promote the knowledge and influence of that Divine religion. In the year 398, Chrysostom was appointed, by the emperor Arcadius, bishop of Constantinople* On his appointment to this important station, he set himself to reform the clergy, censured their covetousness and luxury, retrenched the expenses of the bishop's table, and applied the surplus to the needy, built a large hos- pital for the infirm, and put it under the most salutary regulations. Such ministers as refused to reform their lives, he suspended from office, and the widows who were maintained by the church, were admonished to abstain from their gay manner of living, or else to marry. Also he pressed the laity, whose employ- ments filled up the clay, to attend Divine worship in the evening. The common people heard Chrysos- tom gladly, as, for a time at least, they generally will hear, a preacher who speaks to the conscience, though he rebuke them severely, if he manifest in his whole manner, an earnest desire to do them good. The cler- gy, indolent arid corrupt as they wete, opposed him vehemently, and watched opportunities against him. The wealthy and the great, offended at his plain re- proofs, were as ill-disposed as the clergy. By theses things, however, he was not dismayed, but persevered ; nor did he confine his cares to Constantinople. To overcome the Arianism of the Goths, he ordained some persons of their country, and assigned them a church within the city, by whose industry he reclaim- ed many, and he himself often preached there ; and prevailed on many of the clergy to do the same. He made liberal and active attempts to spread the gospel among the barbarous nations, though the troubles, which afterwards befel him, must have checked both these and other Christian designs. His qualities and labors excited enemies who strove to effect his destruc- tion. A synod, at length, held and managed by Theoph- ilus, bishop of Alexandria, his determined foe, and one of the worst ecclesiastical characters in history, sup- ported by the influence of the proud Eudoxia, the em- press, deposed him, and he was condemned, with ex- treme injustice, to be banished to a port in the Black Sea. No sooner was it known that Chrysostom was* gone than the whole city was in an uproar ; many bla- med the emperor, who, in so weak a manner, had giv- en up the most upright of men to the malice of his wife and of Theophilus. The tumult even became so violent that Eudoxia herself, alarmed at the danger, pressed her husband to recall him, and even wrote to Chrysostom a letter full of protestations of sorrow and respect. Chrysostom was therefore recalled and re- stored ; but the calm was not of long continuance. A silver statue of the empress was solemnly erected in the street just before the great church of St. Sophia. It was dedicated with many heathenish extravagan- cies, and the people used to meet there in sports and pastimes, to the destraction of the congregation. Chrysostom, impatient of these things, blamed them from the pulpit, and with great imprudence began his sermon after this manner ; " Now again Herodiaa 227 raves and is vexed, again she dances, again she de- sires John's head in a charger." The enemies of the bishop could not desire a great- er advantage. And they improved it to the utmost. Numbers were ready to gratify the resentment of Eu~ doxia. And Arcaduis, overcome by importunity, or- dered again his deposition. He was suspended and confined : his friends and followers were dispersed, ri- fled, killed, or imprisoned. Edicts were issued, severe^ ly threatening all that refused to renounce commun- ion with Chrysostom, It was the season when the chatechumens, who had been instructed, were to re- ceive baptism. The friends of Chrysostom fled into the fields, to keep the festival. The emperor himself went out that day into a meadow adjoining the city, and espied a field covered with white. These were the chatechumens, who had been baptized the night before, and had then their white garments upon them, being near 3000 in number. The emperor, having been told they were a conventicle of heretics, ordered a party of soldiers to disperse them. Several women of quality were very rudely treated on this occasion, and numbers were imprisoned and scourged. Receiv- ing at length a warrant signed by the emperor to de- part, Chrysostom exhorted the deaconesses to contin- ue their care of the church, and to communicate with the bishop, who should be chosen by common consent, in his room, and once more retired, in the year 404. To Arsacius, the bishop appointed in his stead, the friends of Chrysostom refused to submit. They form^ ed separate assemblies, and were severely persecuted. Among these was Olympias, an opulent lady, who had honored him abundantly, and had profitted much by his ministry. She had acted in the church as a dea- coness, and was now banished to Nicomedia, whence she supplied the exiled Chrysostom with money. There she lived many years an example of piety. Her beloved pastor was conveyed to Caucusus, a cold, bar- ren region, infested with robbers. There he preached frequently to a people, who generously treated and heard him gladly. In a time of grievous famine, which 228 afflicted those parts, by the liberality of Olympias, he relieved the poor ; and also redeemed many captives from the Isaurian robbers. In the third year of his banishment, the sufferings of Chrysostom, from famine, pestilence and war, were great. His enemies, beholding him every where treated with respect, procured an order for his being removed even to the shore of the Black Sea. This order they set themselves to accomplish, but this faithful servant of Christ became so exhausted, that, before they had proceeded on their way four miles, he was extremely ill 3 and they were obliged to return with him. There, having received the Lord's supper, he made his last prayer before them all; and having con- cluded with his usual doxoloey, " glory be to God for all events/' he breathed out his soul in the 53d year of his age, in the year 407, of the Christian era. Behold, the Roman empire become Christian ; idol- atry, with all the rites of heathenism, subjected to le- gal penalties ; the profession of the gospel exceeding- ly honorable ; and the externals of religion supported by the munificence of emperors, and by the fashion of the age, even with excessive sumptuousness ! And ask, why it was that the learned Chrysostom, eloquent be- yond measure, of talents the most popular, of a gen- ius the most exuberant, and of understanding the most solid and profound, magnanimous and generous in his disposition, of great liberality, sympathising with dis- tress of every kind ; of temper frank, open, ingenuous, and remarkably conciliatory, yet why was he persecut- ed with relentless hostility ? The answer is at hand. He was a determined enemy of vice, and his exem- plary piety and bold and pungent condemnation of iniquity, excited the hatred of the carnal mind. CHAPTER II. Augustine's Confessions abridged. the latter end of the third century to the for- part of the fifth, we have seen a gradual 229 sion of godliness ; and when we view, in the West, the increase of monastic darkness and superstition ; in the East, the same evils to a still greater degree, attended with such an augmentation of iniquity, that even where all the formalities of godliness are preserved, the power of it is hated and persecuted in the same manner as by pagans; in fine, when the vestiges of Christian truth are scarce discernible, we shall not be far amiss in pronouncing, that, in such a state of religion, the wholesome effects of the first effusion of the spirit of God are brought to a close. It is evident, that real Christianity, notwithstanding its nominal increase under Christian emperors, must soon have been extinct, if Gojd had not interposed with a second great effusion of his spirit. He did so in the course of the fifth century, and the church arose again from its ruins in one part at least of the empire.* It behoves us to attend to this gracious display of divine goodness ; and for this purpose, we must look back into the last century, to trace the secret springs of this dispensation. They particularly involve the private life of Augustine, bishop of Hippo. He was the great instrument of reviving the knowledge of evangelical truth. By a very remarkable work of di- vine grace on his own soul, he was qualified to contend with the growing corruptions. It is a happy circum- stance, that we have, in his confessions, a large and distinct account of his own conversion. And who could relate it like himself ? I proceed to give an ac- count of these confessions : : the propriety and impor- tance of so long a detail will afterwards appear, f *The western, as will appear in the course of the narrative. t The life of this great man was written by Possidius, sometimes called Possi- donius, a pious presbyter ot his diocese, afterwards bishop of Calama. Though poorly written, yet it deserves to be mentioned, as it confirms the authenticity of the historical parts of the Confessions. Augustine was born in the city of Tagas- ta, in Numidia, of creditable parents. His father, Patricius, continued a pagan till near his death; his mother, Monica, was renowned for Christian piety. At the time of his full conversion to %he gospel he was upwards of thirty years of age., POSBIB, LIFK OJT AUGUST. BOOK I. THOU art great, O Lord, and most worthy to be prais- ed ; great is thy power, and of thy wisdom there is no end. A man, a portion of thy creation, wishes to praise th^e, a man too, carrying about him his mortal- ity, carrying about him the evidences of his sin, and a testimony, that thou resistest the proud ; yet, even such a man wishes to praise thee. Thou excitest him, that he should delight to praise thee, For thou hast made us for thyself, and our heart is restless, till it rest in thee. Who shall give me to rest in thee ? who shall give me, that thou mayest come into my heart, and inebri- ate it, that I may forget my own evils, and embrace thee, my only good ? What art thou to me ? Pity me, that I may speak. What am I to thee, that thou shouldest command me to love thee, and be angry at me, if I do not, and threaten me with the greatest mis- eries? Is that itself a small misery, to be destitute of the love of thee ? Alas ! alas ! tell me by thy compas- sion, O Lord my God, what thou art to me ? SAY UN- ro MY SOUL, I AM THY SALVATION. So speak, that F may hear. Behokl ! the ears of my heart are be- fore thee, O Lord ; open them, and SAY UNTO MY SOUL, I AM THY SALVATION. May I run after this voice, and apprehend thee. HIDE NOT THY FACE FROM ME. May I die,* that I may see it, lest I die indeed, The room of my soul is narrow, too narrow for thy en- trance. Oh ! do thou enlarge it. It is ruinous : O do thou repair it. It has what must offend thine eyes, I know and must confess. But who shall cleanse it? or to whom shall I cry but to thee ? CLEANSE ME FROM MY SECRET FAULTS, AND KEEP ME FROM PRESUMPTUOUS SINS. I BELIEVE, AND THEREFORE SPEAK. O Lord, thou knowest. Have not I confessed to thee my sins, and hast not thou pardoned the iniquity of my heart ? I will not contend in judgment with thee, who art truth itself ; for I would not deceive myself, lest my iniquity *He seems to wish to undergo any mortification, even loss of life itself rath- er than loose the enjoyment of hfs 231 He against itself. I will not contend in judgment tvith thee, for if thou, Lord, should mark iniquities, who can stand ?* But do thou suffer me to speak before thy mercy ; me, who am dust and ashes. Suffer me to speak, be- cause I address thy mercy, and not the scornfulness of proud men. Perhaps thou deridest the simplicity of my thoughts, yet wilt thou turn and exercise compas^ sion upon me. What else would I say, O Lord, my God, than that I know not whence I came hither into this, shall I call it mortal life, or vital death ? Thy compassionate consolations however received me, and and thou gavest me the aliment of infancy. Hear me, O God. Woe to the sins of men! And a man says these things, and thou pitiest him, because thou hast made him, and madest not sin in him. Who shall inform me of the sia of my infancy ? For none is clear from sin in thy sight, not even the infant, whose life is one day. Could it be a good thing, with tears to beg, what it would be noxious to receive, to express vehement indignation against my elders and betters, if they did not comply with my will, and to endeavor, though with feeble blows, to revenge myself of them? The imbecility of my infant-limbs was innocent, not So the spirit of the infant. I have seen and observed an infant full of envy, who could not yet speak t pale with anger he looked at his fellow-suckling with bit- terness in his countenance. But as I' was conceived in iniquity, and my mother nourished me in her womb in sin, where, Lord, where, or when was I innocent ? But I pass by this whole time. For, what can I say of that, no traces of which I recollect rf What miseries, Lord, did I experience, when I was directed, in the plan of my education, to obey my teachers, in order to the acquisition of that knowledge, * It is obvious to observe, how a mind like Augustine's, altogether resting- on grace, and free justification, is freed from the solicitude of self-vindication in any part of his conduct : whereus, those who rest for salvation, in any degree, on themselves, are ever-tempted 10 extenuate their sins. f The serious reader will not be inclined to pass over, in levity, these strik- ifg proofs of the sinful propensity of nature exerting itself* antecedent to the growth of reason or the power of habit. 232 Which might be subservient to the attainment of fals riches and honor? Yet, I sinned; O Lord, who or- dainest all things, except our sins ; I sinned in rebell- ing against the orders of parents and masters. That literature, which they wished me to acquire, with whatever intention, was yet capable of being applied to a good use* My disobedience arose, not from the love of better things, but from the love of play and a fondness for games and shows. Behold, Lord, these things with an eye of mercy, and deliver us who now call on thee ; deliver also those, who do not call on thee as yet, that they may call on thee, and experience, thy deliverance. I had heard from childhood of the eternal life prom- ised unto us through the humility of the Lord our God, condescending to our pride. Thou sawest, when 1 was yet a boy, and seemed to be on the brink of death, through a sudden and violent pain of the stomach, with what eagerness I begged Christian baptism from the charity of my mother and of the church. My mother, who travelled in birth for my eternal salvation, herself possessed of very lively faith and hope in thee, was hastening to comply with my desires, that 1 might wash away my sins, confessing thee ? O Lord Jesus, when I was suddenly recovered to health. A relapse into pre- sumptuous sin, after baptism, being judged more dan- gerous, and the prospect of life admitting too great a probability of such relapse, my baptism was deferred. Thus did I at that time believe in Christ, my father being the only infidel in our family. My mother was sedulous, that thou shouldestbe my Father, rather than he, and in this she was favored with thy help : obedi- ent as she was to her husband by thy command, in this point she prevailed over him. Was the delay of my baptism for my benefit ? What is the cause, that we hear every where such sounds as these, LET HIM DO WHAT HE WILL, HE IS NOT YET BAPTIZED. How milch better for me, had I been, in more early life, initiated into the fold of Christ ?* * The narrative, bvfore vis may j'istly be'called a history of the usual opera- tk/ns of the Sp.nt of God on his people. Convictions in early Li"c t on 233 Yet, in childhood itself, though little dreaded by my mother, in comparison of the dangers of youth, I was indolent, and improved in learning only through ne- cessity. A false secular ambition was the only motive laid before me by my teachers; but thou, who num- berest the hairs of our heads, irnprovedst their error to my advantage, whilst thou justly punishedst the great sins of so young an offender by their corrections. The learning, which with no holy intention they taught me, was sanctified by thee, and my guilty laziness was scourged. So hast thou ordained, that a mind disor- dered by c in, should be its own punishment. But why I hated Greek literature, in which I was instructed when very young, I do not even yet suffi- ciently understand. For I was fond of Latin learning, not indeed the first rudiments, but those things which classical masters teach. To read, and write, and learn arithmetic, would have been as severe drudgery to my spirit, as all the Greek literature. I lay this also to the account of my native depravity, which prefers the worse, and rejects the better. The uses of reading, writing, and arithmetic are obvious ; not so, the study of the wanderings of yEneas, which I attended to, while I forgat my own : and of what use was it to deplore the self-murdering Dido ? while yet I could bear unmoved the death of my own soul alienated from thee in these pursuits, from thee, my God, my life. O thou light of my heart, and bread of my in- ward man, and true husband of my soul, I loved thee not, I committed fornication against thee, and (such the spirit of the world) I was applauded with " well done" on all sides, and I should have been asham- ed to have been found otherwise disposed. Yet the friendship of the world is fornication against thee. This is the kind of literature, which has arrogated to itself the name of polite and liberal. Learning of re- ble occasions, are common among these, and usually wear away, as in the case of Augustine. The examples of Constantine and Constantius deterring their bap- tism seem to have made the practice fashionable, not from any idea of the un- lawfulness of infant baptism, but from the selfish and pernicious notions, which he has stated. No wonder, that he, who justly thought that his own soul had suffered much by the delay, was afterwards a strenuous asserter of the expedi. ency of more early baptism. 2 F a! utility is looked on as low and vulgar. Thus, in my childhood did I sin by a vicious preference. Two and two make four, was to me an odious sing-song; but the wooden horse, the burning of Troy, and the ghost of Creusa, were most enchanting spectacles of vanity. Yet why did I hate Greek literature, when employed on the same sort of objects ? Homer is most agreeably trifling ; to me, however, when a boy, he was by no means agreeable. I suppose Virgil would be the same to Grecian youths, on account of the difficul- ties of learning a foreign language. Discipline is need- ful to overcome our puerile sloth, and this also is a part of thy government of thy creatures, O God, for the purpose of restraining our sinful impetuosity. - From the ferulas of masters to the trials of martyrs thy wholesome severities may be traced, which tend to recal us to thee from that pernicious voluptuous- ness, by which we departed from thee. Hear, O Lord, my prayer, let not my soul faint under thy discipline, and let me not faint in confessing to thee thy mercies, by which thou hast delivered me from all my own evil ways, that thou mayest endear thyself to me, above all the blandishments, which 1 was follow- ing, arid that I may love thee most ardently, and em- b a e thy hand with all my heart, that thou mayest free me from all temptation even to the end. For lo ! my King and my God ; , may whatever useful thing I L/arnt when a bqv, serve thee, may what I speak and read and number, serve thee, because while I was learning vain things, thou gavest me thy discipline, and in those vain things forgavest the sins of my delights, For in them I learnt many useful words, though they might have been learned, abstracted from this con- nexioM with vanity. Alas! the torrent of human custom! who shall resist thee ? How long will it be, ere thou be dried up : how long wilt thou roll the sons of Eve into a great and tem- pestuous sea, which even they, who have fled for re- fuge to the cross can scarce escape ? Have not I read in thee of Jove, at once the thunderer and the adulter- er ? What is this, but to teach men to call their crimes 235 no crimes, while they have the sanction of gods, whom they imitate ? Terence introduces a profligate young man justifying his lewdness by the example of Jove, while he beholds a picture on the wall of Jupiter and Danae,* and excites himself to lust, as by divine tui- tion. SH4LL HE DO THESE THINGS, WHO SHAKES HEA- VEN WITH HIS THUNDER ? AND MAY NOT I, A POOR MOR- TAL, DO THE SAME ? Yet I, my God, now indulged by thy grace, to behold thee in peace, learnt these things with pleasure, was delighted with them, and was call- ed a boy of promising genius. The motives of praise and disgrace then spurred on my restless heart to liter- ary exertions. What acclamations were made to a puerile exercise of mine on a particular occasion ! Were not ail these things smoke and wind? Was there not another way of exercising my talents, in cele- brating thy praise ? But, what wonder, that I departed from thee, my God, when men were proposed to me as objects of imitation, who would blush to be de- tected in a barbarism or solecism, in reciting their own actions though innocent, and at the same time might recite the story of their own lewdness, not on- ly with impunity, but even with commendation, pro- vided they did so with a copious and elegant flow of diction ? O thou God of long suffering, who permittest men thus to affront thee ! Wilt thou not deliver, from this horrible pit, the soul that seeks thee, that thirsts after thy delights, and says, THY FACE, LORD, WILL I SEEK ? It was by the darkness of libidinous affection, that the younger sonf went to a great distance from thee, a gracious Father in bestowing on him thy gifts; and still more gracious to him, when returning in indi- gence. How studiously exact are men in observing the rules of letters and of syllables, while they neglect the rules of eternal salvation ! Thou dwellest on high in inaccessible light, and scatterest penal blindness on unbridled lusts. A man shall seek the fame of elo- quence, while, before the crowded audience, he guards against the least false pronunciation, and guards not at all against the fiercest malevolence of his own heart raging against his fellow creatures. -fT.nkf 31 XV. 236 In this school did I wretchedly live. To please men was then to me the height of virtue, whilst I saw not the whirlpool of baseness, in which I was cast from thine eyes. For what more filthy than I, all this time, deceiving by innumerable falshoods both mas- ters and parents through the love of play, and amuse- ments ? I even robbed the storehouses of my parents, either from the spirit of gluttony," or to bestow things agreeable to my play-fellows. In my plays, I often sought to obtain fraudulent victories, overcome by the desire of vain excellence. Yet, what should I dread so much to suffer, or be so ready to accuse in another, if detected, as that very thing, which I did to others ; in which, however, if I myself was detected, I was more disposed to rage than to submit ? Is this puerile innocence ? far from it, O Lord. Change the scene, only from pedagogues and masters, from nuts and balls, and sparrows, to prefects, kings, gold, and es- tates, and you see the vices of men, just as heavier punishments succeed to ferulas. Still, O Lord, in my childhood, I have much to praise thee for. Many, many were thy gifts ; the sin was mine, that I sought pleasure, truth, and happiness, not in thee, but in the creatures, and thence rushed into pains, cpnfusions, and errors. I thank thee, O my pelight and Confidence, for thy gifts ; but do thou pre- serve them for me, and the things which thou hast given me shall be increased and perfected, and I shall be with thee, because thou hast given me to be so*. * It is a very unjust surmise of Mr. Gibbon, to infer from Augustine's unwil- lingness to learn Greek, that he never attained the knowledge of that language ; when he tells us, that he was doubtless a person of uncommon quickness of parts. His sloth and other vicious practices in childhood were, I suppose, such as are common to children. But few are disposed to look on them as seri* ous evils. To Augustine's mind they appeared what they were, the marks of an apostate nature. Though, since the destruction of pagan idolatry, there is by no means the same danger of reading classic authors, yet how justly blamable is the practice of leading boys so much to lewd poets, instead of acquainting- them with the more solid excellencies of many prose authors! A just selection of the most innocent and useful authors, and an insidious comparison of their senti- ments with those of Christianity all along, will not only guard against the poison of the classics, but instruct youth in the necessity and importance of revelation ; and school-musters, as well as children, may learn, in what we have seen, just matter of rebuke for exalting literary above moral excellence. 237 BOOK II. I AM willing to record the scene of baseness and carnal corruption, which I passed through in my youth, not that I may love them, but that I may love thee, my God. I do it with the love of thy love, recollecting my own very evil ways in the bitterness of memory, that thou mayest be endeared to me, O Delight that never deceives, Delight happy and secure, thou which collectest and bindest together the dispersed parts of my broken soul : while averse from thee, the only God, I vanished into variety of vanities !f For I was inflamed in my youth to be satiated with infernal fires, and became as rottenness in thy sight, while 1 pleased myself, and desired to please the eyes of men. Love was my object ; but, by the excess of passion, the serenity of affection was lost in the darkness of lust. My weak age was hurried along through the whirlpool of flagitiousness. Thy displeasure was all the time embittering my soul, and I knew it not. The noise of my carnal chains, and the punishment of my pride rendered me deaf to thy voice; I w^ent far from thee ; thou sufferedst it : I was tossed and agitated, and I overflowed with the ebullitions of levvdness, and thou wast silent, O my too tardy joy ! At that time thou wast silent, and I wandered deeply from thee among the barren seeds of woes, in a state of proud degradation, and restless weariness. Thy Omnipo- tence is not far from us, even when we are very far from thee ; I might have heard thy voice, recommend- ing a single life devoted to God, allowing indeed mat- rimony, and frowning on lewdness.* But I burst all legal bonds, yet escaped not thy scourges ; who of mortals can ? For thou wast always present, severely merciful, mixing all my unlawful delights wdth bitter alloys, that I might seek for pleasure without alloy or obstacle, and not be able to find the possibility of this, fThe beautiful thought, thus diffusively expressed in our author's usual manner, is happily painted in a single word by the Psalmist, TJUTE my heart te fear thy name. Ps. Ixxxvi. U. * 1 Cor. vii. 238 but in thee, thee I say, O Lord, who connectest pain with the breach of thy laws, and smitest that thou mayest heal, and slayest us, that we may not die from thee. Where was I, and how long did I live in ex- ile from thy house, in that sixteenth year of my age, when the madness of lust seized rne altogether, and I willingly suffered the reins to be struck out of my hands ? To the disgrace of our nature, this species of lust is every where tolerated, though forbidden by thy laws.f My friends took no pains to bridle me by the wholesome restraint of marriage ; their anxiety was, that I should acquire the arts and graces of eloquence. That year I had vacation from my studies, being returned from Madaura, a neighboring city, where I had begun to learn oratory, at my father's house at Tagasta. He, with a spirit above his circumstan- ces, for he was but a poor freeman of the town just mentioned, determined to send me to Carthage, that I might have the greatest advantages for proficien- cy. Why do 1 relate these things before thee, my God, to my fellow creatures, the few of them, who may read these lines ? That both I and they may consider, out of how great a depth it behoves us to cry to thee. And what is nearer than thine ears, if the heart confide in thee, and the life flow from faith ? Who did not then extol the noble spirit of my father, laying out so much money on the education of his son ; a spirit, so much superior to that of many much rich- er citizens, who had not the heart, to send their sons to Carthage ? While yet he had no concern in what manner 1 grew up to thee. Whether I was chaste or not, cost him no thought, provided I was eloquent. In this year of vacation my passions were rampant without controul. This pleased my father, who, intox- icated with liquor, expressed his pleasure on the occa- sion to my mother. She had lately begun to feel thy holy love, and had been washed in the laver of regen- f Would to God, that this were not the case in the Christian countries, as well as pag-an ! If he reader ft- el himself inclined to treat with levity the ser.ous manner in wlvch juvenile vices are treated by the author, he will, when better informed of the malignity of sin, condemn his own taste, not that of Augustine The same contrast may be extended to the case of his theft which follows. 239 eration. He was a catechumen in profession, In- stantly, she conceived a pious trepidation on my ac- count. My God, thou spakest to me by her, and warnedst rne strongly against the ways of vice. Thy voice in her I despised, and thought it to be only the voice of a woman, which made not the least impres- sion on my mind. So blinded was I, that I should have blushed to be thought less wicked than my com- panions, and even invented false stories of my sinful exploits, to obtain their commendation. My pious parent was prevented from encouraging me to marry 3 because she thought the usual studies, which I was now to enter upon, might be serviceable to promote in me the work of true religion. My father thought little of thee, much of his son, in vain expectations* Thus while they both were too anxious for my litera- rary improvements, I made progress in vice, and shut myself up in the darkness of sin,so as to bar up, against myself, the admission of thy truth as much as possible, Thy law certainly punishes theft, O Lord, and so does the law* written in the hearts of men. For what thief can bear another? Yet compelled by no want, I deliberately committed theft ; through the wantonness of iniquity and the contempt of justice. It was not the effect of the theft, but the sin itself which I wish- ed to enjoy. There was a pair-tree in the neighbor- hood of my father's vineyard, loaded with fruit, though not of the most tempting kind. At dead of night, in company with some profligate youths, I plundered the tree ; the spoil was principally thrown to the hogs; for I had abundance of better fruit at home. Behold my heart, my God, behold my heart, which thou hast pitied in its deep abyss of sin. What did I mean, that I should be gratuitously wicked? I loved de- struction itself. In the common course of wicked- ness men have some end in view. Even Cataline him- self loved not his crimes, but something else, for the sake of which he perpetrated them. We are deceived by appearances of good, embracing the shadows, while we follow our own lusts, instead of seeking the sub- * He means the voice of natural conscience. See Rooi. ii. 15, 240 stance, which is only in thee. Thus the soul commits fornication, when it is turned from thee, and seeks out of thee, that pleasure, honour, power, wealth, or wis- dom, which it never will find in its genuine purity, till it return to thee. All, who remove themselves far from thee, and set up themselves in opposition, per- versely imitate some attribute of God ; though even by such imitation they own thee to be the Creator of the universe. This is the general nature of sin. It deceives by some fictitious shadow of that good, which in God alone is to be found. But what vicious or perverse imitation of my Lord, was there in my theft ? I can conceive none, unless it be the pleasure of act- ing arbitrarily and with impunity against law; a dark similitude of Omnipotence. O rottenness ! O mon- ster of life, and profundity of death ! Could I delight in what was not lawful, merely on that account, be- cause it was not lawful ? What reward shall I give to the Lord, that I can now recollect these things without fear of damnation ? will I love and bless thee, Lord, because thou hast pardoned such horrible evils. I im- pute it to thy grace that thou hast melted my sins as ice is melted. I impute also to thy grace my exemp- tion from those evils, which I have not committed. For of what was I not capable, who loved even gratu- itous wickedness? I am sensible, that all is forgiven, not only the evils which I have actually committed, but also those evils which by thy guidance I have been kept from committing. He who, called by thee, hath avoided the evils which he hears me confessing, should not deride me a poor patient healed by the physician, since he himself is indebted to the same Benefactor for his health, or to speak more properly, for his being afflicted with a less degree of sickness. O the unsearchable seduction of pernicious friend- ship, the avidity of doing mischief from sport, the pleasure of making others suffer, and this without any distinct workings either of avarice or of revenge ! Let us go, let us do it, and we are ashamed to appear de- fective in impudence* Who can unfold to me the in- 241 tricacies of this knot of wickedness ? It is filthy, I will pry no mre into it, I will not see it. Thee will I chuse, O righteousness and innocence, light honorable indeed, and satiety insatiable! With thee is perfect rest, and life without perturbation. He who enters into thee, enters into the joy of his Lord, and shall not fear, and shall be in the best situation in thee, the best. I departed from thee, and erred, my God, too devious from thy stability in youth, and became to myself a region of desolation. BOOK III. I CAME to Carthage surrounded by flagitious lusts. After ,thee, O my God, the true bread of life, I hungered not ; and though famished with real indigence, and longing after that which satisfieth not, I had no desire for incorruptible aliment, not because I was full of it; for the more empty I was, the more fastidious I grew. My mind was sickly; having no resources within, she threw herself out of herself to be carried away by intemperate appetite. My sordid passions, however, were gilded over with the decent and plau- sible appearances of love and friendship. Foul and base as I was, I affected the reputation of liberal and polite humanity. I rushed into the lusts with which I desired to be captivated. My God, my mer- cy, with how great bitterness, and yet how kindly, didst thou mix that sweetness, by which I was miser- ably enslaved and beaten with all the iron rods of en- vy, suspicion, fear, indignation, and quarrelling. The spectacles of the theatre now hurried rne away, full of the images of my miseries, and fomentations of my fire. 'The arts of the Forum now engaged my ambition ; the more fraudulent, the more laudable. Pride and arrogance now elated my soul, though I was far from approving the frantic proceedings of the men called EVERSORES, who made a practice of disturbing modest pleaders, and confounding their minds by riots. 2c 242 Amidst these things, in that imbecility of judgment which attends youth, I studied the books of eloquence with the most ardent desire of vain glory, and in the course of my reading dipped into the Hortensius of Cicero, which contains an exhortation to the study of philosophy. This book was the instrument of effect- ing a remarkable change in my views. I suddenly gave up the fantastic hope of reputation by eloquence, and felt a most ardent thirst after wisdom. In the mean time I was maintained at Carthage at my moth- er's expense, being in the nineteenth year of my age, my father being dead two years before. How did I long, my God, to fly from earthly things to thee, and I knew not what thou w r ert doing with me. And at that time, O light of my heart, thou knowest,. though I was unacquainted with the apostolical ad-motion,-. TAKE HEED, LEST ANY MAN SPOIL YOU THROUGH PHI- LOSOPHY AND VAIN DECEIT ;* that this was the sole ob 4 - ject of my delight in the Ciceronian volume, that I was vehemently excited by it to seek for wisdom, not in this or that sect, but wherever it was to be found.- And the only thing which damped my zeal was, that the name of Christ was not there, that precious name, which from my mothers milk I had learned to rever- ence. And, whatever was without this name, howev- er just, and learned, and polite, could not wholly carry away my heart. I determined, therefore, to apply my mind to the holy scriptures to see what they were ; and now I see the whole subject was impene- trable to the proud, low in appearance, sublime in substance, and veiled with mysteries ; and my frame of heart was such as to exclude me from it, nor could I stoop to take its yoke upon me. I had not these sensations when I attended to the scriptures, but they appeared to me unworthy to be compared with the dignity of Cicero. My pride was disgusted with their manner, and my penetration could not enter into their meaning/)* It is true, those, who are content to be little * Coloss, ii. f An excellent description of the usual effect of a little scriptural study on 3 proud mind, which, by the just judgment of God, is given up to judicial infatua- tion and specious cielusiou in some way or other. 243 children, find by degrees an illumination of their soul s^ but I disdained to be a child, and, elated with pride, imagined myself to be possessed of manly wisdom. In this situation I fell in with the Alanichees, men, who had in their mouths the mere sound of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and were always talking of THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH, and yet formed the most absurd opinions of the works of nature, on which subjects the heathen philosophers far excelled them. O truth, how eagerly did I pant after thee, which they repeated con- tinually with their mouths, and in many huge vol- umes ! But they taught me to look for my God in the Sun and Moon, and also in a number of splendid phantasies of their own creation.f I endeavored to feed on these vanities, but they being not my God though I supposed so, I was not nourished, but ex- hausted How far did I wander then from thee, ex- cluded even FROM THE HUSKS WHICH THE SWINE DID EAT ! For, the fables of the poets, which I did not be- lieve, though I was entertained with them, were pre- ferable to the absurdities of these lovers of truth. Alas ! alas ! by what steps was I led to the depths of hell ! Panting after truth, I sought thee, my God, not in in- tellectual, but in carnal speculation ; but I confess to thee, who didst compassionate my misery, even while I was hardened against thee. The Manichees sedu- ced me, partly with their subtile and captious ques- tions concerning the origin of evil, partly with their blasphemies against the Old Testament saints.* I f The Manichees, so called from Manes tbeir founder, had existed about an hundred years. Tt would not be worth while to notice them at all, were it not for their connexion with the life of Augustinp. Like most of the ancient here- tics, they abounded in senseless whims not worthy of any solicit ions explanation. This they had in common with the 'pagan philosophers, that they supposed the Supreme Being to be material, and to penetrate all nature. Their grand peculiar- ity was to admit of two independent principles, a good and evil one, in order to solve the arduous question concerning the origin of evil. Like all heretics, they made a great parade of seeking truth with liberal impartiality, and were thus qua- lified to deceive unwary spirits, who, suspecting their own imbecility of judg- ment the last thing in the world, and regardless of the word of God and heart)' prayer, have no idea of attaining religious knowledge by any other method' than by natural reason. *The Manichees objected to the characters of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, &.c. on account of various actions allowed under the dispensation of their tunes, but forbidden under the New-Testament, and thence formed an argument against the divinity of the Old Testament. 244 did not then understand, that, though the divine rule of right and wrong be immutable in the abstract, and the love of God and our neighbor be ever indispensa- bly necessary, yet that there were particular acts of du- ty adapted to the times and seasons and circumstan- ces in which they were placed, which, abstracted from such considerations, would be unlawful. In much ig- norance I, at that time, derided thy holy servants, and was justly exposed to believe most ridiculous absurd- ities. And thou sentest thy hand from above, and freedst me from this depth of evil, while my mother prayed for me, more solicitous on account of the death of my soul, than other parents for the death of the body. She was favored with a dream, by which thou comfortest her soul with hope of my recovery. She saw herself standing on A WOODEN RULE, and a person coming to her, who asked her the cause of her affliction, and on being answered, that it was on my account, he charged her to be confident, that where she was, there also I should be. On which she be- held me standing by her on the same wooden rule. Whence was this but from thee, gracious Omnipo- tent ! who takest care of each and all of us, as of sin- gle persons ? When she related this to me, I endeav- ored to evade the force of it, by observing that it might mean to exhort her to be what I was ; without hesitation she replied, it was not said, where he is, there thou shalt be, but where thou art, there he shall be. Her prompt answer made a stronger impression on my mind than the dream itself. For nine years, while I was rolling in the slime of sin, often attempting to rise, and still sinking deeper, did she in vigorous hope per- sist in incessant prayer. I remember also, that she intreated a certain bishop to undertake to reason me out of my errors. He was a person not backward to attempt this where he found a docile subject. "But your son," says he, "is too much elated at present, and carried away with the pleasing novelty of his er- ror, to regard any arguments, as appears by the pleas- ure he takes in puzzling many ignorant persons with bis captious questions. Let him alone ; only continue 245 praying to the Lord for him ; he will, in the course of his study, discover his error. I myself, perverted by my mother, was onee a Manichee, and read almost all their books, and yet at length was convinced of my er- ror, without the help of any disputant." All this sat- isfied not my anxious parent ; with floods of tears she persisted in her request, when at last he, a little out of temper on account of her importunity, said, " Be gone, good woman ; it is not possible, that a child of such tears should perish." She has often told me since, that this answer impressed her mind like a Voice from heaven. BOOK IV. FOR the space of nine years, from the nineteenth to the twenty-eigth year of my age, 1 lived deceived and deceiving others, seducing men into various lusts, openly, by what are called the liberal arts, and secret- ly, by a false religion ; in the former, proud, in the latter, superstitious, in all things, seeking vain glory, even to theatrical applauses and contentious contests ; and, to complete the dismal picture, a slave to the lusts of the flesh. So infatuated was 1 with the Ma - nichean follies, that 1 drew my friends into them, and with them practised the impieties of the sect. The arrogant may despise me, and all who have never felt a salutary work of self-humiliation from thee, my God. But 1 would confess to thee my own disgraces for thy glory. What am 1, left to myself, but a guide rashly conducting others down a precjpice ? and when I am in a better state, what am 1 but an infant sucking thy milk, and enjoying thee, the bread that perishetii not ? and what is any man, since he is flesh ? Let the proud and strong despise us ; but we, weak and poor, would confess to thee. At this time 1 maintained myself by teaching rheto- ric ; and without fraud 1 taught my scholars, not how to oppress the innocent, but sometimes how to .vindi- cate the guilty. I lived also with one woman, but 246 without matrimony. At this time I ceased not also to consult astrologers, nor could I be induced by the arguments of a very sensible physician, nor by the admonitions of my excellent friend Nebridius, to re- ject these follies. While I was teaching rhetoric in this manner in my native town, I enjoyed the friendship of a young man of my own age, a schocJ-fellow and companion from in- fancy. Indeed there is no true friendship, except thou cement it among those who cleave to thee, through the love shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given to us. But it was a friendship too sweet, inflamed by the fervor of similar studies. For I had drawn him aside from the true faith, which he held not in a deep and genuine manner, into the Ma- nichean follies, on account of which my mother be- wailed me. And lo ! thou who pursuest thy fugitives, O God of vengeance and source of mercies, and con- vertest us to thyself by wonderful methods, lo ! thou removedst him from this life, when I had scarce enjoy- ed his friendship a year, after my return to Tagasta. While he lay a long time senseless in a fever, and his life was despaired of, he was baptized without his own knowledge, a thing which I regarded with great in- difference, as not doubting but he would retain my in- structions which had been instilled into his mind rather than that which had been applied to his body, when he was ignorant of the matter. However, against all expectation, he recovered. As soon as I had an opportunity of conversing with him, I attempted to turn into ridicule his late baptism, in which I expected his concurrence. But he dreaded me as an enemy, arid with wonderful freedom suddenly admonished me, that if I would be his friend, I should drop the subject. Confounded at this unexpected behavior, I deferred the conversation, till he should be thoroughly recovered. But he was removed from my madness, that he might be saved with thee to my consolation ; after a few days the fever returned and he died. How miserable was my life ! my country was a punishment, my father's house a wonderful infelicity, and whatever 247 I had enjoyed in common with him, without him torment itself. I found I could now no longer say, He will come shortly, as I was wont to do. If I said, hope in God, my soul refused; for the man whom I had lost was an object preferable to the phantasm,* on which I was bid to fix my hopes. Weeping alone was sweet to me, and supplied the absence of my friend. Wretched I now was, and wretched is every soul that is bound by the friendship of mortal things. Be- hold my heart, my God; O my hope, who cleansest me from the contagion of such affections, and directest my eyes to thee, and pluckest my feet out of the net. O madness ! riot knowing how to love men as men ! foolish man ! bearing with no moderation the lot of humanity! The load of misery burdened me, which 1 knew thoti alone couldst cure ; but I was unwilling and impotent, because when I thought of thee, I had only a shadowy idol before me. If I attempted to throw my burden on thee, it returned upon myself, as I found nothing that would support it. I lied however from my country, and came to Carthage. Time, other objects, and other friendships, gradually lessened my sorrow. But happy is he who loves thee, and his friend in thee, and his enemy for thy sake. For, he alone loses no friend, to whom all are clear in him who is never lost, and who is he but our God, who made and fills heaven and earth ? None loses thee, but he who lets thee go ; and he who dismisses thee, whither does he fly, but from thee PROPITIOUS, to thee AVERSE ? God of power ! turn us, and shew thy face, and we shall be saved. For, wherever the soul of man turns itself, it fixes upon sorrow, except in thee. Be not vain, my soul, and deaf in the ear of the heart through the tumult of vanity. The word cries, that thou shouldst return, and there is rest. There with God fix thy mansion, there intrust what- ever thou hast, my soul, at least when fatigued with fallacies. If souls please thee, love them in God, and carry them with thee to him as many as thou canst, * He roeaus the fcintastic idea of God, which as a Man rhee le had em- braced. 248 #hd say to them, let us love him, he made these things, and he is not far off. The good ye love is from him, but it will deservedly be bitter, if ye love it unjustly, deserting him. Ye seek a happy life: our life de- scended hither, and bore our death, and destroyed it from the abundance of his own life. After his descent will ye not ascend and live ? But why ascend, since ye are too high already ? Come down that ye may as- cend to God. For by rising up against him ye have fallen. Tell them these things, that they may weep, and so take them with thee to God, because thou say- est these things, from his spirit, if the fire of his love burn in thee. I made approaches to thee, and thou repelledst me, because thou resistest the proud ; and what was proud- er than to assert, that I was naturally what thou art ?* Alas ! of what avail was it, that I understood the logic of Aristotle and what are called the liberal arts, while I had my back to the light, and to those things which really illuminate the face ? I had, it is true, a facility of comprehension, and acuteness in argumentation, thy gift, but I sacrificed not thence to thee. Hence they were to me a curse and not a blessing. Yet, all this time, I looked on thee as an immense lucid body, of which I myself was a fragment. How much better was it with thy children of more tardy genius, who did not recede from thy nest, but were fledged and grew up in safety in thy church, and nourished the wing of love with the aliment of sound faith ! O Lord our God, let us trust in the shadow of thy wings. "Do thou carry us to hoary hairs."* When thou art our strength, we have strength ; our own is weakness. BOOK V. RECEIVE the sacrifice of my confessions, and heal all my bones, that they may say, Lord, who is like * In this blasphemy the Manichees followed the pagan philosophers. They had no idea, also, that God was a spirit. Hence onr author's long conflict, be- fore be could form a spiritual idea of God. j- Isaiah xlvi, 4, 249 unto thee ? The heart, that is shut against thee, ex- cludes not thine eye, nor does the hardness of men's hearts repel thine hand, but thou dissolvest it when thou pleasest, in compassion or in vengeance, and none can hide himself from thy flame* But may my soul praise thee, that it may love thee, and confess to thee thy compassions, that it may praise thee ! Let men be converted and seek thee, and behold, thou art there in the heart of those who confess to thee, and cast themselves upon thee, and in thy bosom deplore their evil ways ; and thou in mercy wilt wipe their tears, that they may deplore still more, and rejoice in tears, because thou, Lord, refreshest and comfortest them. In the sight of my God I will give an account of the twenty-ninth year of my age. A Manichee bishop named Faustus, had now come to Carthage, a great snare of the Devil, and many were enchanted by his eloquence, which though I could not but commend, I yet distinguished from truth. Report had represented him as a very liberal and accomplished scholar. And as I had read many things of the philosophers, I com- pared them with the tedious fables of the Manichees, and found the former more probable. Thou regard- est, Lord, the humble; the proud thou beholdest afar off. No doubt the foretelling of eclipses, and other things that might be mentioned, demonstrate the truth of the philosophical sciences in secular things, though in their pride they departed far from thee. Unhappy is that man who knows all these things, and knows not thee; but blessed is he who knows thee, though he knows not all these things. But he, who knows both thee and them, is not happier on their account, but on account of thee alone is happy, if knewing thee he glorify thee as God, and be thankful, and be not vain in his imaginations. For, as he is in a better situation, who knows how to possess a tree, and is thankful to thee for the use of it, though he know 7 ? neither its height nor breadth, than he who measures it, and counts all its branches, and neither possesses it, nor knows nor has learned his Creator ; so the believer, whose property all the riches of the world arej 250 WHO HAVING NOTHING, YET POSSESSES ALL TKttNG3 r by cleaving to thee, whom all things serve, is indispu- tably better than the most knowing natural philoso- pher upon earth, who lives in the neglect of thee.* Yet the rashness of the Manichee writer, who under- took to w r rite of astronomy, though completely ignor- ant of the science, is inexcusable, especially as he pretended that the Holy Ghost resided personally in him. The ignorance of a believer, in such subjects is very excusable ; even if he fancy his mistaken notions in natural philosophy to be branches of religion. But who can bear to hear a pretender to infallible inspira- tion venting absurdities on the works of nature ? Here then I had my doubts concerning the divinity of Ma- nicheism, and in vain proposed them to those of the sect whom 1 met with. " You must wait till the ail- accomplished Faustus comes to Carthage," was all the answer I received. On his arrival I found him an agreeable speaker, and one who could deliver their dotages in a more persuasive tone. But by this time I was surfeited with these subjects, and I had been taught by thee, my God, who hast instructed me mar- vellously, but secretly, that style and manner, however excellent, were not the same things as sound argu- ment. The address, indeed, the pathos, the propriety of language, and facility of expression in clothing his sentiments delighted me ; but my mind was unsatis- fied. The proofs of ignorance in science, which I saw in Manicheisin, connected with pretensions to infalli- bility, staggered my mind with respect to their whole system. On freely conversing with him, I found him possessed of all ingenuous frankness, more valuable, than all the subjects of my investigation. He owned his ignorance in ail philosophy, and left me convinced of it. Grammar alone, and some Ciceronian and other classical furniture, made up his stock of knowledge, and supplied him with a copiousness of diction, which received additional ornament from his natural vivacity * An excellent comparison between the state of an illiterate believer, who fef-d" OM Christ by faith, and that of an accomplished man of science, even of one skilled in speculative theology among other branches of knowledge, but destitute of spiritual lite. 251 f imagination. My hope of discovering truth was now at an end. I remained still a Manichee, because I despaired of succeeding better on any other plan. Thus that same Faustus, who had been the snare of death to many, was the first who relaxed my fetters, though contrary to his own intention. Thy hands, my God, in the secret of thy providence, forsook not my soul : day and night the prayers of my mother came up before thee, and them wroughtest upon me in ways marvellous indeed, but secret. Thou didst it, my God. FOR MAN'S GOINGS ARE FROM THE LORD , and who affords salvation but thy hand, which restores what thou hast made ? It was from thy influ- ence, that I was persuaded to go to Rome to teach, instead of Carthage. The deep recesses of thy wis- dom and mercy must be confessed by me in this dis- pensation. I understood, that at Rome a teacher was not exposed to those turbulent proceedings, which were so common at Carthage. Thus the madness of one set of men, and the friendship of others promising me vain things, were thy means of introducing me into the way of life and peace, and in secret thou madest use of their perverseness and my own. Here I detest- ed real misery, there sought false felicity. But the true cause of this removal was at that time hidden both from me and my mother, who bewailed me going away, and followed me to the sea ; but I deceived her r who held me close, with a view either to call me back, or to go along with me. I pretended, that I only meant to keep company with a friend, till he set sail* ; and with difficulty persuaded her to remain that night in a place dedicated to the memory of Cyprian. But that night I departed privily ; she continued weeping and praying. Thus did I deceive my mother, and SUCH a mother ; yet was I preserved from the dangers of the sea, foul as I was in all the mire of sin, and a time was coining when thou wipedst away rny mother's tears, with which she watered the earth, and even this base undutifulness thou hast forgiven me. And what did she beg of thee, my God, at that time, but that I should be hindered from sailing ? THOU, consulting 252 in profound wisdom, and regarding the HINGE of her desire, neglectedst the particular object of her present prayers, that thou mighest gratify the general objects of her devotions. The wind favored us, and carried us out of sight of the shore, when in the morning she was distracted with grief, and filled thine ears with groans and complaints ; whilst thou in contempt of her violent agonies, hurriedst me along by my lusts to complete their desires, and punishedst her carnal de- sire with the just scourge of immoderate griefs.* She loved my presence with her, as is natural to mothers, though in her the affection was uncommonly strong, and she knew not what joy thou wast preparing for her from my absence. She knew not ; therefore she wept and wailed. Yet after she had wearied herself in ac- cusing my perfidy and cruelty, she returned to her for- mer employment of praying for me, and went home, while I went to Rome. And there I was punished with the scourge of bodi- ly sickness, and I drew nigh to hell, carrying the load of all my sins, original and actual. For Christ had not freed me from them by the body of his flesh through death. For how could a fantastic death, such as I then believed his to be, as a Manichee, deliver my soul ? Whither must I have gone, had I at that time departed hence, but to the fire and torments worthy of my deeds according to the truth of thy appointment ?t She was ignorant of this, and yet prayed for me ab- sent. But thou, every where present, heardest her where she was and pitiedst me where I was. Still in the crisis of my danger, I desired not thy baptism, as I had done when a boy : I had grown up to my own disgrace and madly derided thy medicine of human * It requires a mind well seasoned with Christian discernment and humili- ty, to admire in all this the Providence of God bringing good out of evil, to sep- arate what is truly holy and humble in the affection of our author's mother from what was really carnal and earthly, and hence to discover the justness of his re- fections. f Does the reader think this harsh ? let him consider whether it can be any iliing else than the want of a firm belief of the word of God, and a contempt of feis holiness and authority, that can make him think so, and he will do well tf *PPV * ue awful case to his own conscience! 253 Biisery. How my mother, whose affection, both nat- ural and spiritual towards me was inexpressible, would have borne such a stroke, I cannot conceive. Morning and evening she frequented the church, to hear thy word and to pray, and the salvation of her son was the constant burden of her supplications. Thou heardest her, O Lord, and perform edst in due season, what thou hadst predestinated. Thou recoveredst me from the fever, that at length I might obtain also a recovery of still greater importance. The Manichees are divided into two bodies, auditors and elect. He, in whose house I lodged, was of the former sort. I myself was ranked among the latter. With them I fancied myself perfectly sinless, and laid the blame of the evils I committed on another nature, that sinned within me,* and my pride was highly gratified with the conception* My attachment to this sect, however, grew more lax, as I found the impossi- bility of discovering truth, and felt a secret predilec- tion in favor of the academic philosophy, which com- mends a state of doubt and uncertainty.! My land- lord, who had not so much experience as I of the sect, was elevated with their fancies. I checked his san- guine views, and though the intimacy I had contracted with this people, (for a number of them live at Rome) made be backward to seek elsewhere for truth, I was, however, little solicitous to defend the reputation of their tenets. It was a deplorable evil with me, that my prejudice was so strong against the Christian faith. When I thought of thee, my God, I could not conceive any thing but what was corporeal, though of the most exquisite subtilty: but what was immaterial, appear- ed to be nothing. And here I seemed incurable in * Every human soul was supposed by the Manichees ^to have in it a mixture of the good and the evil principle. \ A very natural and common effect of reasoning pride. When a man at- tempts to discover and adjust religious truth by leaning to his own understan- and a spiritual understanding- from above. It' the errors of Manicheism appear very absurd, there are other modes of deviat >on from scripture truth, which Would appeal' no less so, were they as uni'asluonable in our times. 254 error. I did not conceive it possible, that a good Be- ing should create an evil one, and therefore, chose to admit limits to the infinite Author of nature, by sup- posing him to be controuled by an independent evil principle. Yet, though my ideas were material, I could not bear to think of God being flesh. That was too gross and low in my apprehensions. Thy only begotten Son appeared to me as the most lucid part of thee afforded for our salvation. I concluded that such a nature could not be born of the Virgin Mary without partaking of human flesh, which I thought must pollute it. Hence arose my fantastic ideas of Jesus,t so destructive of all piety. Thy spiritual chil- dren may smile at me with charitable sympathy, if they read these my confessions ; such, however, were my views. Indeed, while I was at Carthage, the dis- course of one Helpidius had moved me in some de- gree, who produced from the New-Testament several arguments against their positions, which appeared in- vincible ; and their answer appeared to me to be weak, which yet they did not deliver openly, but in secret ; namely, that the scriptures of the New-Testament had been falsified by some, who desired to insert Judaism into Christianity, while they themselves produced no uncorrupted copies.* Still did I pant under those masses of materialism, and was prevented from breath- ing the simple and pure air of thy truth. Some unexpected disadvantages in the way of my profession laid me open to any probable offer of em- ploy in other parts of Italy. From Milan a requisi- tion was made to Symmachus, prefect of Rome, to send a professor of rhetoric to that city. By the interest of my Manichean friends, I obtained the honor, and f The Manichees, like all other heretics, could not stand before the scrip- tures. They professedly rejected the Old Testament, as belonging to the ma- lignant principle ; and when they were pressed with the authority of the New, as corroborating the old, they pretended the New was adulterated. Is there any new thing under the sun ? Did not Lord Bollingbroke set up the authority of St John against Paul ? Have we not heard of some parts of the gospels as not genuine, because they suit not Socinian views ? Genuine Christian principles alone will bear the test, nor fear the scrutiny of the whole word of God. * It is evident that this sect comprehended in it the fundamental erropg of the Docites. 255 came to Milan. There I waited on Ambrose, the bishop, a man renowned for piety through the world, and who then ministered the bread of life to thy peo- ple with much zeal and eloquence. The man of God received me like a father, and I conceived an affection for him, not as a teacher of truth, which I had no idea of discovering in thy church, but as a man kind to me ; and I studiously attended his lectures, only with a cu- rious desire of discovering whether fame had done justice to his eloquence or not. I stood indifferent and fastidious with respect to his matter, and at the same time was delighted with the sweetness of his language, more learned indeed, but less soothing and agreeable than that of Faustus. In their thoughts there was no comparison; the latter erred in Manichean fallacies, the former taught salvation in the most sal- utary manner. But salvation is far from sinners, such as I then was, and yet I was gradually approaching to it and knew not. As I now despaired of finding the way to God, t had no concern with sentiments ; lan- guage alone I chose to regard. But the ideas which I neglected came into my mind, together with the words with which I was pleased. I gradually was brought to attend to the doctrine of the bishop. I found reason to rebuke myself for the hasty conclusions I had ormed of the perfe ctly indefensible nature of the law and the prophets. A number of difficulties, started tipon them by the Manichees, found in the expositions of Ambrose a satisfactory solution. The possibility of finding truth in the church of Christ appeared; and I began to consider by what arguments I might con- yict Manicheism of falshood. Could I have formed an idea of a spiritual substance, their whole fabric had been overturned, but I could not. Moreover I found the philosophers in general explained the system of nature better than the Manichees. It seemed shame- ful to continue in connexion with a sect replete with such evident absurdities, that -I could not but prefer the pagan philosophers to them, though I dared not trust these with the healing of my soul, because they were without the saving name of Christ, In conclu- 256 aion, I determined to remain a catechumen in the church recommended to me by my parents, till I saw my way more clearly* BOOK VI. O THOU! my hope from my youth, where wast thon ? thou madest me wiser than the fowls of heaven 5 yet I walked through darkness and slippery places. My mother was now come to me, courageous through piety, following me by land and sea, and secure of thy favor in all dangers. She found me very hopeless with respect to the discovery of truth. However, when I told her my present situation, she answered, that she believed in Christ, that before she left this world, she should see me a sound believer. To thee her prayers and tears were still more copious, that thou wouldst perfect what thou hadst begun, and with much zeal and affection she attended the ministry of Ambrose. Him she loved as an angel of God, because she understood that I had broken off from Manichean connexions through his means, and she confidently expected me to pass from sickness to health, though with a critical danger in the interval. She had been used to bring bread and wine for the commemoration of the saints ; and still retaining the African custom, she was prohibited by the door-keep- er, understanding that the bishop had forbidden the practice. Another person would not soon have been obeyed, but Ambrose was her favorite, and was him- self amazed at the promptitude of her obedience. The reasons of the prohibition were, the fear of excess, and the danger of superstition, the practice itself being very similar to those of the pagans.* Instead there- fore of a canister full of the fruits of the earth, she henceforward, on the commemoration-days of the mar- * Here is a striking instance of the growth of pagan superstition in the church. The torrent was strong 1 , and notwithstanding occasional checks which it received, it at leg-nth overspread all Christendom,, and quite obscured th KgUt of the gospel- 257 tyrs, gave alms, according to her ability, to the poor, and received the Lord's supper, if it was celebrated on those occasions. Ambrose himself was charmed with the fervor of her piety, and the amiableness of her good works, and often brake out in his preaching, when he saw me, congratulating me that I had such a mother, little knowing what sort of a son she had, who doubted of all these things, and even apprehended the way of life to be impervious to man. Nor did I groan to thee in prayer for help, intent only on study, and restless in discussion and investigations. In a secular view Ambrose himself appeared to be an happy man, revered as he was by the imperial court ; only his ce- libacy appeared to me in a melancholy light. But what hope he bore within, what struggles he had against the temptations of grandeur, what was his real comfort in adversity, his hidden strength and joy de- rived from the bread of life, of these things I could form no idea ; for I had no experience ; nor did he know the fluctuations of my soul, nor the dangerous pit in which I was enslaved. It was out of my power to consult him as I could wish, surrounded as he was with crouds of persons, whose necessities he relieved. During the little time in which he was from them, (and the time was but little,) he either refreshed his body with food, or his mind with reading. Hence I had no opportunity to unbosom myself to him. A few words of conversation sufficed not. I expected in vain to find him at leisure for a long conversation.* I profit- ed however by his sermons. Every Lord's Day I heard him instructing the people, and I was more and more convinced of the falsity of the calumnies which those deceivers had invented against the divine books. And when I found, that the Mosaic expression of man made after the image of God was understood by no believer to imply, that God was in human form, though I still could form no idea of a spiritual sub- stance, I was glad and blushed to think how many * Doubtless, could the modesty of Augustine have prevailed on him to de- sire such a conference, he might have obtained it. And what a bishop then was in the church of Christ may be seen in Ambrose. I had falsely accused the church, instead of lear- ning by careful enquiry.* The state of my mind was now something altered , ashamed of past miscarriages and delusions, and ^ hence the more anxious to be guided right for the time to come. I was completely convinced of the falshood of the many things I had once uttered with so much confidence. I was pleased to find, that the church of Christ \vas plainly free from the monstrous absurdity of which I had accused her. I found too, that thy holy men of old held not those sentiments with which they were charged. And I was pleased to find Am- brose very diligently commending a rule to his people, the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life ;"f when the bishop, removing the mystic veil, opened to us those things, which according to the letter might seem to teach perverseness : what he said was agreeable to me, though I was far from being convinced of its truth. t My former mistakes and blameable rashness rendered me now exceedingly skeptical, and I wanted the fullest intuitive evidence. By faith, indeed, I might have ' been healed. But having experieraced a bad physician, I now dreaded a good one. By believing alone could I be cured ; yet for fear of believing false things I refused to be healed, resisting thy hands, who hast made for us the medicines of faith, and hast sprin- kled them over the diseases of the world, and hast at- tributed so great authority to them. I could not, however, but prefer the general doctrine of the church, and think it was more reasonable to en- join^ faith in subjects incapable of demonstration, than * A remarkable instance of partiality attended with a remarkable frankness of confession. Augustine for nine years believed that the general church held the corporeal form of the Supreme Being, though he might with ease have learn- ed the contrary at any time. Bat heresy in all ages acts in the same disingen- uous spirit. f An important observation surely ! abused much by Origen and many of his followers, to fanciful and capricious purposes. In Augustine, however, the dis- tinction between letter and spirit was generally made commensurate with that between flesh and spirit, and in effect distinguished self-righteous from evangel- ical religion. t It would be well, if many who stumble at the Old Testament, were more convinced of their own ignorance and incompetency, for want of a just and soli4 acquaintance with its typical nature and the laws of interpreting it. 259 to require the belief of most absurd fables, after pre- tending to promise us knowledge. By degrees, thou Lord, with a mild and merciful hand regulating and composing my heart, enabledst me to consider how many things I believed which I had never seen, what credit I give to friends, jto physicians, to many others, without which the common affairs of life could never be transacted ; also how firmly I believed who were iny parents, though I could not possibly have any de- monstration concerning the matter. Thus thou per- suadest me, that those who believed thy books were not to be condemned of credulity, but those w r ho dis- believe them were to be condemned for unreasonable obstinacy, especially as their credibility was estab- lished by the great authority which they had obtain- ed throughout the world. " How do you know that those books were divinely inspired ?" appeared to me now a question implying a doubt not worthy to be at- tended to. For amidst all the contentiousness of phi- losophers which had so much agitated my mind, 1 had ever preserved the belief of thy existence and di- vine Providence. Sometimes, indeed, this belief was stronger, sometimes weaker, yet it never left me, not- withstanding my great perplexity concerning thy na- ture, or the way of approaching thee. As we are then too infirm to discover truth by abstract reasoning, and therefore need the authority of Divine revelation, I apprehended, that thou wouldest never have attributed such high authority and influence to the scriptures through the world, unless this had been the appointed means of our knowing thee and seeking thy will ; and now the absurdities, which the literal interpretation of many things seemed to involve, after I had heard a probable exposition of several of them, I referred to the depth of mysteries ; and hence the authority of the books appeared more venerable and more credible, as they in fact lay open, to every one's view and yet re- served the dignity of their secret by the most pro- found sentiments, offering themselves to all in a lan- guage the most open and the most humble, and exer- cising the attention pf serious souls ; so that they re- 260 delved all in their popular bosom, and through narrow holes transmitted only a few to thee. though many more in number, than they would do, if they were not recommended by such high authority, and did not draw in the multitude by the garb of sacred humility. I considered these things, and thoti wast present with me ; I sighed, and thou heardest me ; I fluctuated, and thou directedst my course ; I went along the broad way of the world, and thou didst not desert me.* My heart was thirsting after honors, profits, and marriage, and thou deridest me. In these lusts I suf- fered the bitterest difficulties ; thou being so much the more propitious, the less thou sufferedst any thing to be pleasant to me which was not thyself. See, Lord, my heart. Now let it stick close to thee, which thou feast freed from the tenacious glue of death. How miserable was I, and how didst thou cause me to feel my misery on that day, when I was preparing to recite a panegyric to the emperor, in which there were many falshoods, and I expected applause, even from those who knew them to be falshoods, when my heart brooded over its anxieties, and passing through a cer- tain street of Milan, I saw a poor beggar, I suppose at that time with a full belly, jocund and merry ! I sigh- ed, and spake to my friends who were with me, of the many pains of our madness, because from all the toils, which with so much labor and vexation we under- went, we expected only that same rest and security, which that beggar had already attained, though we were uncertain, whether we should ever reach it. In truth, he was not possessed of true joy, but I, by the * We have seen here the close thoughts of an original thinker, who had once as strong a prejudice as any against scripture truth, owning his rashness in con- demning what he had not understood, convinced of the rationality of the scrip- tures, after bj2 had in some measure discovered the true key to their meaning, persuaded of th?ir divinity from their providential propagation in the world, owning the unreasonableness of expecting demonstration, and of refusing assent to grounds of faith such as determine us in common life, spying a divine beauty in the plainness and simplicity of their language, adapted to all capacities, and comprehending at length the necessity of a serious mind, to render them ef- fectual to saving purposes. Skeptics and infidels would do well to follow him in this train of thought : they need not be ashamed to imitate a person so acute 261 Ambiguous windings of art, sought it in a more deluso- ry way. He, however, was evidently merry, I full of anxiety ; he at his ease, I full of fear. Were I asked, whether frame of mind I should prefer, I should with- out hesitation choose his. Yet if I were asked, wheth- er I would be Augustine, or the beggar, I should say the former. How perverse was this ? Much to this purpose did I say to my friends, and often observed how things were with me, and I found myself misera- ble, and I grieved, and doubled that misery. And if any thing prosperous smiled upon me, I was backward to lay hold of it, because it flew away almost before I could lay hold of it.* My most intimate conversations on these subjects were with Alypius and Nebridius. The former, my townsman, had studied under me both at Tagasta and at Carthage, and we were very dear to each other. The torrent of fashion at the latter place, hurried him into the Circensian games, of which he became extrava- gantly fond. I was vexed to see him give into a taste so destructive of all sobriety and prudence in youth, and cannot but take notice of the providential manner, in which he was delivered. While I was one day ex- pounding in my school at Carthage, an allusion to the Circensian games occurred as proper to illustrate my subject, on which occasion I severely censured those who were fond of that madness. I meant noth- ing for Alypius ; but thou, Lord, who hadst designed him for a minister of thy word, and who wouldest make it manifest, that his correction should be thy own work, infixedst a deep sting of conviction into his heart; he believed that I spake it on his account, lov- ed me the more for it, and shook off the Circensian follies. But he was afterwards involved in Manicheism with me, deceived by the Appearance of good. After- wards he came to Rome, to learn the law, and there* was ensnared with a new evil, a fondness for the bar- barous sports of gladiators, to which he had had a * A lively picture of human vanity, perfectly agreeable to the whole tenor of ECCLKSIASTES, and evidencing the distress of those in high life to b equal to that of those in low at least ! Ambition receives HO cure from^the_ review, tlfl Jfye man knows what is better- 262 strong aversion, Some friends of his carried him to them by force, while he declared with great confi- dence, that his mind and eyes should still be alienated from those spectacles. For a while he closed his eyes with great resolution, till on a certain occasion, when the whole house rang with shouting, overcome by curiosity, he opened his eyes to see what was the matter. Beholding a gladiator wounded, on the sight of the blood, he was inebriated with the sanguinary pleasure. He gazed, he shouted, he was inflamed, he carried away with him the madness, which stimulated him to repeat his visits ; he became enamoured of the sports, even more than those, who had dragged him thither against his will, and seduced others. Thence thou with a strong and merciful hand recoveredst him at length, but long after, and taughtest him to put his confidence not in himself, but in thee.* On another occasion, Alypius was apprehended ae a thief, and cir- cumstances seemed to tell so much against him, that it was by a particular providence his innocence was cleared. But he was to be a dispenser of thy word, an examiner of many causes in thy church, and he learnt caution and wisdom from this event. Him I found at Rome, and he removed with me to Milan, and practised in the law with uncommon uprightness and integrity. With me he was uncertain, with res- pect to his plan of religion and the way of happiness. My friend Nebridius also left a good paternal estate in the neighborhood of Carthage, for the sake of en- joying my company ; and we three were panting after happiness, till thou shouldest give us meat in due sea- son ; and amidst all the bitterness which attended our w r orldly concerns, while we were wishing to see the end of these things, we found ourselves in darkness, and we said with sighs, how long ? yet we still follow- ed objects with which we were dissatisfied, because we knew nothing better to substitute in their room. *It is obvious to observe hence the folly of self-confidence, and the bewitching power of temptation over so weak and corrupt a creature as man. Many who would deem it impossible that they should enter with spirit into the obscenity of the stage, or the cruelties of the slave-trade, by a little indulgence may BOOH become what beforehand they would abhor. 263 As to myself in particular, I reviewed attentively how long I had been in pursuit of the true wisdom, with a determination to give up secular pursuits in case of success. I had begun at nineteen, and Iwas now in my thirtieth year, still miserable, anxious, procras- tinating, fed with tantalizing hopes, solicited in my conscience to set apart a portion of time each day for the care of my soul. " Your mornings are for your pupils : why do not you employ to serious purpose the afternoons: but then what time shall I have to attend the levees of the great, and to unbend my mind with necessary relaxation ? What then, if death should sud- denly seize you, and judgment overtake you unpre- pared ? Yet, on the other side, what if death itself be the extinction of my being? But far be from my soul the idea. God would never have given such high E roofs of credibility to Christianity, nor have shewn imself so marvellously among men, if the life of the soul be consumed with the death of the body. Why- then do not I give myself wholly to God? But do not be in too great a hurry. You have friends of conse- quence, by whom you may rise in the world !" In such an agitation of mind as this did I live, seek- ing happiness, and yet flying from it To be divorc- ed from the enjoyments of the world 1 could not bear, particularly from female society ; and as I had no idea of acquiring continericy but by my own strength, I was a stranger to the way of prayer and divine supply of grace. Thou, Lord, wilt give, if we solicit thine ears with internal groaning, and in solid faith cast our care on thee. My mother was solicitous and impor- tunate for my being married, that I might in that state receive baptism. And I agreed to marry a young per- son, who was at present too young ; as she was agree- able to me, I consented to wait almost two years. During this interval a number of us, about ten in all, formed a scheme of living in. common in a society separate from the world, in which a townsman of mine Romanianus, a man of considerable opulence was par- ticularly earnest. But some of us being married men, and others desirous of becoming so, the scheme came 264 io nothing. Thou deridest our plans, and preparedst thy own, meaning to give us food in due season, and to open thine hand, and fill our souls with blessedness. In the mean time my sins were multiplied, and the woman with whom I had cohabited, returning into Africa under a vow of never more being acquainted with our sex, and leaving with me a natural son which I had by her, I, impatient of the delay, took another woman in her room. Praise and glory be to thee, O Fountain of mercies, I became more miserable, and thou approachedst nearer. Thou wast going to snatch me out of the mire of pollution, and I knew it not. The fear of death and future judgment was the check which restrained me. This had never left me amidst the variety of opinions with which I was agitated, and I owned to Alypius and Nebridius, that the Epicurean doctrine would have had the preference in my judg- ment, could I have fallen in with Epicurus' idea of the annihilation of the man at death ; and I inquired why we might not be happy, if we were immortal, and lived in a perpetual state of voluptuousness without any fear of losing it, ignorant as I was of the misery of being so drenched in carnality, as not to see the excellency of embracing goodness itself for its own sake. I did not consider, that I conferred on these base topics with friends whom I loved, and was incapable of tast- ing pleasure, even according to the carnal ideas I then had of pleasure without friends.* O my serpentine ways ! Wo to the soul which presumed, if it departed from thee, that it should find any thing better. I turned backward and forward on my sides, my back, and my belly ; and all things were hard, and thou alone my rest, and lo ! thou comest and freest us from our miserable delusions, and placest us in thy way, and comfortest us, and sayest, " Run, and I will bear you, 1 will carry you through, and bear you still." * A strong- intimation, that happiness consists in love, or friendship. Whence the pleasure of frV.>J;;hip with Jesus, an Almighty, all-suffrcient frienclj made ma,- f or us, and sympathizing with us, appears to give us the just and adequate idea of bliss. 265 BOOK VII. AND now the older I grew, the more defiled was I with vanity, still destitute of the spiritual idea of God ; not conceiving however of thee, O Lord, as existing in human form, an error of which I now saw, T had unjustly accused the catholic church, but still viewing thee as an object of sense however refined ; and when I removed the ideas of space and quantity, thou seem- edst to be nothing at all. For thou hadst not yet illu- minated my darkness. The arguments of my friend Nebridius, appeared to me conclusive against the Ma- nichean idea of an independent evil principle in nature. I was grown firm in the belief, that in the Lord is nothing corruptible, mutable, tir in any sense imper- fect ; that evil must not be imputed to him, in order that we may clear ourselves of blame with the Mani- chees. Still, however, a question distressed me, how came evil into being at all ? admitting that it lies in the will of man, trtat the distinction between a natural and moral inability is real and just, and that the for- mer is not the proper subject of blame as the latter is, still I inquired, who inserted in me this bitter plant, when I was made by my God of infinite sweetness ? I inquired, whence came evil, and I saw not the evil which was in my investigations. I stated the great dif- ficulty in various lights, and it still appeared as inex- plicable as ever. The faith, however, of Christ our Lord and Savior remained firm with me, rude and un- formed indeed ; yet my mind forsook it not, and was imbibing it daily more and more.* From the vain science of astrology also, which I had cultivated with obstinacy, I was delivered, partly by the reasonings of my excellent friend Nebridius, and * I have endeavored to compress the author's accounts of his difficulties it* two questions, of the substance of God and of the origin of evil, into a small compass, not thinking it needful to translate them at large. Manicheism was the cause of his' trouble in regard to the former. The latter is in all ages a nat- ural temptation to our proud minds, and we are slow to learn to answer it witk St. Paul, " Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God ?" Rom. ix- Humility will end the subject there ; and pride is not to be /satisfied by any in- -yes fixations. 266 partly by a story which I heard of a master and slave born at the same point of time, whose different for* tunes in life appeared to be a sufficient confutation of all predictions by the stars ;f and the case of Esau and Jacob in holy writ illustrated the same thing. Bui it was thou, and thou only, who recalledst me from the death of all error, O thou Life that knowest not death, and thou Wisdom who illuminatest indigent minds. Thou brakest this bond for me ; still was I seeking whence comes evil ? Yet, by all the fluctuations of thought thou didst not suffer me to be seduced from the faith of thy existence, of thy perfections, of thy providence, or to doubt that in Christ thy Son and in the scriptures thou hast laid down the way of human salvation. What were the groanings, the la- bors of my heart! While I silently enquired, distressed and confounded, thou knewest the whole, thou kncw- est what I suffered, and no man whatever, not my most intimate friends, could know, by any relation which I could give, the bitterness of my soul. IVly folly was, to look for a local, extern&l happiness. No such was found to receive me. By the original digni- ty of my nature, I was above all sensual objects, infe- rior to thee, and thou, my true joy, madest me subject to thyself, and subjectedst to me the works of thy hands. This was the middle region of health, in which I might serve thee and rule the body. But I proudly rose up against thee, and was justly pun- ished, by being enslaved to those things which should have been my subjects ; they gave me no respite nor rest. My pride separated me from thee, and closed my eyes with its own tumor. But thou, Lord, remainest for ever, and retaincst not anger for ever, thou pitiest us and rememberest that we are dust and ashes. It pleased thee to remove my deformities, and by internal incentives thou agitateds.t me that I might be impatient till thou madest thyself assuredly known f Few men have candor enough to put themselves in the places and scenes *f others. Nothing is more certain than this, that Augustine and Melancthon were men of extraordinary understanding ; both however were addicted to as- trology and absurdity, which even the weakest in our age escape* Such is th i:fferene of the times ! 26? to me by internal illumination. The morbid tumors of my mind were gradually lessening under thy secret medicinal hand, and the eyes of my understanding, darkened and confounded as they were, by the sharp eye-salve of salutary pains were healing day by day. And first, as thou wouldest shew me how thou re- sistest the proud, and givest grace to the humble ; and how great thy mercy is shewn to be in the way of hu mility ; thou procuredst for me, by means of a person highly inflated with philosophical pride, some of the books of Plato translated into Latin, in which I read passages concerning the Divine Word, similar to those in the first chapter of St. John's gospel ; in which his eternal Divinity was exhibited, but not his incarnation, his atonement, his humiliation, and glorification of his human nature. For thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and revealed them to babes ; that men might come to thee weary and heavy laden, and that thou mightest refresh them; thou who art meek and lowly in heart, who directest the meek in judgment, and teachest the gentle thy ways, seeing our low estate and forgiving all our sins. This is a knowl- edge not to be obtained, while men are lifted up by the pomp and grandeur of what appears to them a snblimer doctrine. Thus did I begin to form better views of the divine nature, even from Plato's wri- tings, as thy people of old spoiled the Egyptians of their gold, liecause, whatever good there is in any thing, is all thy own, and at the same time I was ena- bled to escape the evil which was in those books, and not to attend to the idols of Egypt. However, I was hence admonished to retire into myself under thy guidance, and I was enabled to do it, because thou art my helper. I entered and saw with the eye of my mind the immutable light of the Lord, perfectly distinct from sensible light, not only in de- gree, but in kind. Nor was it in the same manner above my mind, that oil is above water, or as heaven is above earth, but superior, because he made me. and J \Vas inferior, because made by him.*' He wh knows truth, knows this light, and he who knows it. knows eternity. Love knows it. O ^eternal Truth, true Love, and loving Eternity ! Thou art my God, I pant after thee day and night. And when I first knew thee, thou tookest me that I might see that "to be" which I saw, and that I who saw, " as yet was not." Thou impressedst repeatedly my infirm sight', thou shinedst on me vehemently, and I trembled with love and horror, and I found that I was far from thee in a region of dissimilitude, as if I heard thy voice from on high, " I am the food of those that are full of age, grow and thou shalt eat me. 3 " Nor shalt thou change me into thyself but shalt thyself be changed into me. And I said, can God be nothing, since he is neither diffused through finite nor infinite space ? And thou criedst from afar, " I am, that I am,"t and I heard with my heart and could not doubt. Nay, I should sooner doubt my own existence, than that that is not truth which is understood by the things that were made. I now began to understand, that every creature of thine hand is in its nature good, and that universal na- ture is justly called upon to praise the Lord for his goodness.* The evil which I sought after has no pos- itive existence ; were it a substance, it would be good, because every thing individually, as well as all things collectively, are good. Evil appeared to be a want of agreement in some parts to others. My opinion of the two independent principles, in order to account for the origin of evil, was without foundation. Evil is not a thing to be created ; let good things only forsake their just place, office, and order ; and then, though all be good in their nature, evil, which is only a pri- vative, abounds, and produces positive misery. I as- * He had been long corrupted by the atheistic views which he had learned from the Manichees, and no wonder that he now found it so difficult to conceive aright of God. There appears something divinely spiritual in the manner of hi* deliverance. That the Platonic books also should give the first occasion is very remarkable; though I apprehend the Latin translation which he saw, had im- proved on Plato, by the mixture of something scriptural, according to the mau- ler o* the Ammonian philosophers. t Exodus ill * Psalm cxlviii. 269 ked what was iniquity, and I found it to be no s stance, but a perversity of the will which declines from thee, the Supreme Substance, to lower things, and casts away its internal excellencies, and swells- with pride externally.f And I wondered that I now began to have a desire after thee, and no longer took a fantasm for thee. I was not urgent to enjoy thee, my God, for though I was hurried toward thee by thy beauty, I was presently carried downward from thee by my own weight, and I could no longer sin without groaning; the weight was carnal habit. The memory of thee was with me, and I did not doubt of the reality of that divine essence to which I should adhere, but of myself being ever brought into a state of spiritual existence. I saw thy invisible things by the things which were made, but I could not fix my attention to thee ; my corruption exerting itself, I returned to my usual habits, but I could not shake off the fragrance of memory, smelling the true good, regretting the loss, and impotent to taste and enjoy. J I now sought the way of obtaining strength to enjoy thee, and found it not, till I embraced the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, WHO is ABOVE ALL, GOD BLESSED FOR EVER,* calling and say- ing I am the way, the truth, and the life. For the word was made flesh, that thy wisdom might suckle our infancy. But I did not yet in humility hold the humble Jesus my Lord, nor know the mysterious pow- er of his weakness, that he might humble, nourish, and at length exalt heavy laden souls. Far other thoughts had I conceived of Christ, I had viewed him only as a f Perhaps a more just account of the manner in which evil is produced can scarce be given ; it is certainly well calculated to confute the principles of Man- icheism. t In many true converts this was their state exactly, while God was turning them from darkness to light. Such a sense of God, as never before was known, is attained, sufficient to conquer the false and injurious thoughts of him which had been before imbibed, be they what they may. But the man feels his impo- tence with respect to good, and he must, with Augustine, struggle and endure for a time, till the strength of Jesus is perfected in his weakness. * Here is a clear testimony to the authenticity and genuine interpretation of that remarkable text, Rom. ix. 5, the light of which has been so peculiarly of- fensive to those, whom, fashionable heresies in our age have darkened. 270 man of unequalled wisdom. But, of the mystery of the word made flesh, I had not formed the least sus- picion. Only I concluded from the things written of him, that he must have had a human soul. Alypius indeed had conceived, that the catholic faith denied him the spirit of a man, and was a longer time preju- diced against the truth, because he confounded the church with the Apollinarian heresy. As to myself, I was not till sometime after taught to distinguish the truth from the opinion of Photirms;t but there must be heresies, that they who are of the truth may be made manifest. But when by reading the Platonic books, I began to conceive of the immaterial, infinite Supreme, 1 talked of these things like a person of experience, but was perishing, because void of Christ. I desired to appear wise, was puffed up with knowledge, and wept not. Love, on the foundation of humility, which is Christ Jesus, was to me unknown. The books of Plato knew not this; still would I remark the providence of my God in leading rne to study them, before I searched the scriptures, that I might remember, how I had been affected by them, and when afterwards my wounds should be healed by thy hand through the scriptures, I might distinguish the difference between presump- tion and confession, between those who see whither we ought to go, without knowing the means, and those who see the way itself leading to the actual inheri- tance. Had I been informed at first by thy scriptures, and thou hadst endeared thyself to me in their famil- iarity, an after-acquaintance with Plato might either have shaken my faith, or raised in me an undue esti- mation of the worth of his writings. With eagerness, therefore, I took up the volume of inspiration,* and particularly the apostle Paul, and those questions in which he once had seemed incon- sistent with himself, and the law, and the prophets, f Wh'ch seems to have been the same with Sabellianism. * It may be remarked here, how depraved the taste of man is, and "how much and IICAV lc,ng he will suffer before he give himself simply to the instruction ol" God's own words. 271 were now no more. There now appeared one uniform tenor of godliness, and I learnt to rejoice with trem- bling, and I took up the book, and found whatever truth I had read there, is said with this recommenda- tion of thy grace, that lie who sees should not so GLO- RY AS IF HE HAD NOT RECEIVED, not only that which he sees, but the power of seeing itself, f For what hath he, which tie hath not received ? And he who cannot see afar, should however walk in the way, by which he may come, see, and lay hold. For though he be delighted WITH THE LAW OF GOD IN THE INWARD MAN, YET WHAT SHALL HE DO WITH THE OTHER LAW IN HIS MEMBERS WARRING AGAINST THE LAW OF HIS MIND } AND BRINGING HIM IKTO CAPTIVITY TO THE LAW OF SIN, WHICH is IN HIS MEMBERS ?J Fp,r thou, Lord, art just, but we have sinned and dealt wickedly, and thy hand is heavy upon us, and we are justly delivered up to the power of the old sinner who has the power of death, because he persuaded us to follow his will, by which he did not stand in the truth. Who shall de- liver us from the body of this death, but thy grace through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whom the prince of this world could find nothing worthy of death, and who by his death blotted out the hand writing that was against us ? The Platonic books had nothing of this, nor the face of piety, the tears of confession, the sacrifice of a troubled spirit, a broken and contrite heart, salvation, the spouse, the holy city, the earnest of the Holy Spirit, the cup of our redemption. None there hear, "Come unto me all that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." It is one thing to see a land of peace at a distance, with no practica- bility of attaining it, and another to pursue the right road towards it under the care of the heavenly Com- mander, who made the road for your use. I was won-r derfully affected with these views, while I read THE LEAST OF THINE APOSTLES, and I considered thy works and trembled. f He means the inestimable privilege of spiritual understanding, through his want of which St. Paul had long appeared to him contradictor)', confused, and disgusting. He is well qualified to recommend to others the value of divine teaching, who like Augustine, is experiencing it in himself. > T otlvngteachp" humility like such experience. t Rom. v'i/. 272 BOOK VIII, ALL MY BONES SHALL SAY, LORD, WHO IS LIKE Utf- TO THEE ? thou hast broken my bonds in sunder. How thou brakest them, I will relate, and all who worship thee, when they hear these things, shall bless the Lord. Though now confirmed in my doctrinal views, my heart was yet uncleansed; I approved of the Savior, but liked not his narrow way, and thou inspiredst me with a desire of going to Simplician, an aged, experi- enced Christian even from his youth, who seemed ca- pable of instructing me in my present fluctuations. My desires no longer being inflamed with the hope of honor and money, I was displeased with the servitude of the world in which I lived. Thy sweetness was now more agreeable in mine eyes ; but another tie still detained me in which I had permission indeed in a legal way, though exhorted to the higher and nobler practice of celibacy.* I had heard from the mouth of truth, that there are eunuchs, WHO HAVE MADE THEMSELVES EUNUCHS FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN'S SAKE. I went then to Simplician, the spiritual father of bishop Ambrose himself, who loved him as his father. I explained to him my religious situation. When I was relating, that I had read some Platonic boeks translated by Victorinus a Roman rhetorician, who had died a Christian, he congratulated me on having met with that philosopher rather than any of the rest ; because when they are full of fallacy, in him intima- tions are given of God and of his word.f Then for my practical instruction, he gave me the narrative of the conversion of Victorinus, with whom he had been intimate at Rome, Thy grace was indeed admirable in that convert. He was a man of great learning, far advanced in life, well skilled in all liberal knowledge ; * Corinthians vii. f Here I apprehend is a proof of the decay of Christian taste in the church at that time, the consequence of Ammonianism and Origenism, namely, a dispo- sition to find in Plato what he has not. What communication hatb the temple Of God with idols * 273 he had read, criticised, and illustrated many philoso- phers ; he had taught many illustrious senators ; had been honored by a statue erected in the Roman fo- rum, as a reward of his magisterial labors ; and even to his old age was a worshipper of idols, and a partaker of all the rites, to which almost the whole Rojman nobi- lity at that time were addicted ; moreover he had, ma- ny years, defended the monstrous and absurd objects of worship, to which the common people had been ac- customed. But now he was not ashamed to become a child of thy Christ, an infant of thy fountain, with his neck subjected to the yoke of humility, and his for- head subdued to the reproach of the cross. O Lord, thou, who bowedst the heavens and camedst down, who touchedsl the mountains, and they smoked, by what means didst thou insinuate thyself into his heart! He read, as Simplician told me, the holy Scriptures, and studiously investigated all Christian literature, and told my instructor, not openly but in secrecy, as to a friend, " Know that I am already a Christian." He answered, " I shall not believe it, nor rank you among Christians, till I see you in the church of Christ." But he smiling answered, "Do walls then make chris- tians?" This kind of dialogue was frequently repeat- ed between them. For Victorinus feared to offend his friends, men of rank and dignity, and he dreaded the loss of reputation. But after that by further study- ing of the word and by secret prayer he had acquired more strength, and feared to be denied by Christ be- fore the angels, if he denied him before men, and felt himself condemned for being ashamed of Christian sa- craments, though he had not been ashamed of demon- worship, he blushed at his false modesty ; and sudden- ly said to Simplician, " Let us go to the church, I wish to be made a Christian." The venerable old saint, un- able to contain his joy, went with him, when he was imbued with the first sacraments of instruction. Not long after he gave in his name, that he might have the benefit of Christian baptism. Rome was astonished; the church rejoiced. The proud saw and were indig- nant, and gnashed with their teeth and pined away ; fi't 274 but, the Lord his God was the hope of thy servant, and he no longer regarded lying vanities. At length, when the season came on of professing his belief, which pro- fession is usually delivered at Rome from a high place in the sight of the faithful, in a certain form of words gotten by heart, by those who are to partake of thy grace in baptism, an offer was made by the presbyters to Victorinus, that he should repeat them more secret- ly, as was the custom for some who were likely to be disturbed through bashfulness. But he chose rather to profess his salvation in the sight of the holy multi- tude ; for there was no salvation in rhetoric, and yet he had publicly professed it. When he mounted the pulpit to repeat, with a noise of congratulation, as ma- ny as knew him, resounded his name ; and who did not know him ? Amidst the general joy, the sound, though checked with decent reverence, went around, " Victorinus, Victorinus." They exulted at the sud- den sight of him , and were as suddenly silent, that they might hear him. He pronounced the form of words with an excellent confidence, and all wished to hold him in their bosom, and they actually did so in love and joy.* O good God! what is the cause that men more re- joice in the salvation of a soul despaired of, than if it had always been in a state of security! For even thou, merciful Father, rejoicest more over one penitent, than over ninety and nine just persons that need no repen- tance, and we hear with peculiar pleasure the recov- ery of thy prodigal son. Now what is the reason, that the mind is more delighted with things recovered, than with things never lost ? Human life is full of such instances. Is this the law of human happiness? How high art thou in the highest, and how inscrutable in the deepest. Thou never recedest from us, and with reluctance we return to thee ? Awake, O Lord, * I thought a careful translation of this story was proper It is an instance oY victorious grace, something like that which we have more at large related by Augustine concerning himself. It shews how disreputable real Christianity was . among the great, even in countries, where it was the established religion, as was then ilie case at Rome, and what grace is neeeful to cause men to be willing to bear the cross of Christ, and it illustrates also some Christian customs and dia pipline at that time. and do, quicken and recall us, inflame and carry uy along ; burn, be sweet to our taste, and let us now love and run* The joy of Victorinus' conversion indeed was great, because his influence and authority, it Avas hoped might be useful to the salvation of many. For far be it from thee, that in thine house there should be respect of persons, since thou RATHER HAST CHOSEN THE WEAK THINGS OF THE WORLD, TO CONFOUND THE STRONG, AND BASE THINGS OF THE WORLD, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are. What a treasure had the heart and tongue of Victorinus been to Satan ! well did it become thy sons to exult, because our king had bound the strong man, and they saw his goods to be taken from him, and cleansed, and fitted for thy honour, and to every good work. Hearing these things from Simplician, I was infla- med with a desire of imitation. But after he had informed me father, that Victorinus, on occasion of Julian's prohibitory law, had given up his professor- ship, I found an inclination to imitate him, bound as I was to the same calling, not by a foreign chain, but my own iron will. The enemy held my will, thence form- ed my chain, and held me fast. From a perverse will was formed lust, from the indulgence of lust was form- ed habit, and habit unresisted became necessity. Of such links w r as my chain of slavery composed; and the new will, which was beginning in me, to worship thee freely, and enjoy thee my sole certain pleasure, was not yet strong enough to overcome the old one, hardened by custom. Thus two wills, the old and the new, the flesh and the spirit contended within me, and between them tore my very soul.* Thus did I under- stand by my own experience what I had read, that the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh.f I indeed was actuated by both, but more * Excellent comment pn Rom. vii. a description only to be understood by experienced Christians. f- Gulat. v. where the same subject is more briefly handled : the conflict 5s well known'to true Christians all their days, though it most strikes their minds at first. In the unconverted, it can have no existence, because the will is inclin- ed only one way, and it is therefore quite a different thing 1 from the conflict be- tween reason and passion, with which it has been Confounded. 276 by that which I approved, than by that which I cTi- approved. I had now, no just excuse; truth was cer tain to me, yet I was loth to serve thee, and was as afraid to be rid of my impediments, as I ought to have been of contracting them. My meditations on thee 7 were like the attempts of men desirous of awaking, but sinking again into sleep. I had not an heart to answer thee, AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPEST, AND ARISE FROM THE DEAD, AND CHRIST SHALL GIVE THEE LIGHT.J By and by shortly let me alone a little these were the answers of my heart. But, by and by had na bounds, and let me alone a little, went to a great length. In vain was I delighted with thy law in the inner man, when another law in my members warred against the law of my mind. AVretched man that I am ! who shall deliver me from the body of this death,, but thy grace through Jesus Christ our Lord ? My anxiety increasing, I daily groaned to thee ; frequented thy church as often as I had leasure from those employments, under the weight of which I groan- ed. Arypius was with me during his vacation front the law, which was his practice, as rhetoric was mine. Our other friend Nebridius was gone to assist Vere- cundus at Milan in teaching grammar, who studiously avoided attendance upon the great, that he might com- mand leisure to improve his mind. On a certain day r Politian, an African, one of our townsmen, came to visit me and Alypius. We sat down to converse, and upon the play- table which was before us, he saw a book, opened it, and found it to be the apostle PauL, to his great surprise ; for he supposed it to have been a book relating to my profession. He, though a sol- dier at court, was a devout person, and congratulated me on my taste. On my informing him how earnest- ly I studied those epistles, he gave me an account of Antony the Egyptian monk, a character to that hour unknown to us ; he informed us also of a number of monasteries, of which we knew nothing. There was a monastery at Milan under the care of Ambrose Epttesians v- 277 at that time, of which we had not heard.* When he had given a narration also of two of his companions, who suddenly gave themselves up to God in the same way, and forsook the world, I felt myself confounded. About twelve years had now elapsed from the nine- teenth year of my life, when I read Cicero's Horten- sius, to this time, since I had begun to seek wisdom, and I was yet at a distance from joy. In the entrance on youth, I had prayed for chastity, and had said, " Give me chastity and continence, but grant not my request immediately." For I was afraid, lest thou shouldest quickly hear my prayer, and heal this dis- temper of concupiscence, which I wished rather to be fully gratified than extinguished. And I had gone on perversely in depraved superstition, with a heart at en- mity against thy truth, and had deferred from day to day to devote myself to thee, under the pretence that I was uncertain where the truth lay. Now that it was certain, I was still a slave, and "I hear of others, who have not studied ten or twelve years, as I have done, and who, notwithstanding have given themselves up to God." Such were my thoughts. What pains did I not take to spur my reluctant spirit ! my arguments were spent, a silent trepidation remained, and I dread- ed deliverance itself as death. " What is this, said I to Alypius, which you have heard? Illiterate men rise and seize Heaven, while we with all our learning, are rolling in the filth of sin. In the agitation of my spirit I retired into the garden belonging to the house, know- ing how evil I was, but ignorant of the good thou hadst in store for me. Alypius followed me, and we sat re- mote from the house, and with vehement indignation I rebuked my sinful spirit, because it would not give itself up to God. I found I wanted a will. Still was I held, and thou, in secret, wast urgent upon me with severe mercy. Vanities of vanities, my old friends, shook my vesture of flesh, and whispered, are we to * Should the serious reader find himself inclined to blame this monastic tast , I agree with him ; but let the principle have its just praise; it originated in a desire of freedom from the temptations of the world ; and let professors of god- liness observe, how much the excessive indulgence of Uncommercial spirit Tents their o\vn progress ia our times. 278 part ? and for ever? The evil suggestions which I felt, may thy mercy avert from the soul of thy servant ! Canst thou live without us ? it was said ; but with less and less power? Canst not thou, on the other hand, it was suggested, do what those and these have done, not in themselves, but in the strength of the Lord ? Throw thyself on him, fear not, he will not suffer thee to fall. Turn a deaf ear to the suggestions of the flesh ; they speak of pleasure, but not as the law of thy God. Such was my internal controversy. When deep med- itation had collected all my misery into the view of my heart, a great storm arose producing a large show- er of tears. To give it vent, I rose up hastily from Alypius. The sound of my voice appeared pregnant with weeping, and he remained motionless in the same place. 1 prostrated myself under a fig-tree, and with tears bursting out, I spake to this effect : How long, Lord, wilt thou be angry? for ever? remember not my old iniquities. For I perceived myself entan- gled by them. How long shall I say to-morrow? why should not this hour put an end to my slavery ? Thus I spake and wept in the bitterness of my soul, and I heard a voice as from a neighboring house of one repeat- ing frequently, " take up and read, take up and read." I paused, and began to think, whether I ever had heard boys use such a speech in any play, and could recollect nothing like it. I then concluded, that I was ordered from heaven, to take up the book, and read the first sentence I cast mine eyes upon. I returned hastily to the place, where Alypius was sitting; for there I had placed the book of St. Paul's Epistles. I seized it, opened, and read what first struck my eyes : "not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying ; but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for tbe flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof." Nor did I choose to read any thing more, nor had I occasion. Imme- diately at the end of this sentence, all my doubts van- ished. I closed the book, and wiih a tranquil coun- tenance gave it to Alypius. He begged to see what I 279 had read, I showed him it, and he read still further.* Him that is weak in the faith receive ye ; which he applied to himself, as he told me. With a placid se- renity and composure suitable to his character, in which he far excelled me, he joined with me in going to my mother, who now triumphed in the abundant answers given to her petitions. Thus didst thou turn her mourning into joy. BOOK IX. O LORD, I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid, thou hast broken my bonds in sunder. Let my heart and tongue, and all my bones say, Lord, who is like unto thee ? and do thou answer me, and say to my soul, 1 am thy salvation. Who and what am I ? what evil am I not ? Was it my will, or words, or deeds, that have done it? No ; but thou Lord, good and merciful, and thy right hand looking at the depth of my death, and exhausting the abyss of corruption from the bottom of my heart. The whole of my evil lay in a will, stubbornly set in opposition to thine. But where lay of old time, and from what deep secret was my free-will called out in a moment, by which I bowed my neck to thy easy yoke, and my shoulders to thy light burden, Christ Jesus, my helper and Re- deemer ? How sweet was it in a moment to be free from those delightful vanities, to lose which had been my dread, to part with which w r as now my joy ! Thou ejectedst them, O my true and consummate Delight, and thou enteredst in their room, O sweeter than all pleasure, but not to flesh and blood ; clearer than all light, but to the inner man : higher than all honour, but not to those who are high in their own eyes. * Now was my mind set free from the corroding cares of avarice, and ambition, and lust, and I communed in playful ease with thee, my Light, my Riches, my Saviour, and my God. * Rom. xiii, and xiv. beginning. 280 I determined in thy sight to give up my employ- ments not abruptly, but gradually.* And opportunely the vintage vacation being at hand, I resolved to con- tinue in my employment till that time. I was glad al- so, that I had an opportunity of saying to my scholars, what was true, that the care of my health, which had suffered much from fatigue, obliged me to cease from the laborious office of teaching. And to have given up the work before the vacation might have appear- ed arrogant and exposed me to the censure of vanity. But should any of thy servants think, that I did wrong in remaining in the chair of deceit a day longer, I will not contend. But hast not thou, most merciful Lord, washed away this, with all my other deadly sins, in the laver of regeneration ? Our friend Verecundus was seized wdth a distem- per, and receiving baptism in the midst of it, departed this life in thy faith and fear. Not long after my con- version, my friend Nebridius also, though he had sunk into the error which takes away the proper manhood of thy Son, was recovered; and becoming a faithful Christian, in Africa his own country, quitted this taber- nacle of clay, and now lives in Abraham's bosom. He no more puts his ear to my mouth, but his spiritual mouth to thy fountain to receive as much wisdom as he is capable of happy without end. * I would suggest four particular remarks on the narrative of our author's ffwversion. 1. That it does please God in every age to distinguish some of the ivories of his Holy Spirit by extraordinary circumstances. It is oflittle cnnse-r quence, to debate whether the voice heard in the garden was miraculous or not, whether literally true, or an impression on his mind. Either way it was equal- ly from God, and sheds a lustre on the conversion of a great and eminently holy personage, who was called to testify remarkably for God in his day. 2. There is generally some master-sin, which impedes the work of God in all his people-; Augustine's was sensuality, and in the mortification of that master-sin the grace of God is peculiarly illustrated. 3. The great medium of deliverance always is, the written word of God testifying of Jesus, and salvation only by putting him on through filth. 4. Man's extremity is God's opportunity. In our weakness thoroughly felt God appears. Ts it to be wondered, that the saint before us proved so strong and zealous a champion of the effectual grace of God, and was made use ot to revive the clear doctrine of it in the church, and was trained up by his own experience to defend it against the subtilties of Pelagius ? He who foresaw what Pelagius would introduce, in his adorable wisdom thus provided an experienced pastor of his church, who in due time should withstand his corrup- tions. But of this more hereafter. 281 It is pleasant to me to remember and confess how thou didst teach me and my friend Alypius, in the country, where we enjoyed the affectionate and sedu- lous care of my mother. We were both in the capa- city of catechumens, and I read with pleasure the Psalms of David. With what mingled pity and indig- nation did I look on the Manichees, who madly reject- ed the antidote of life. O that they saw the internal eternal life, which because I had tasted, I grieved, that I could not shew it to them. The holidays being finibhed, 1 signified to my schol- ars, that they must provide themselves another teach- er. And I wrote to Ambrose an account of my errors, and of my present desire; and begged him to recom- mend some part of thy word more particularly to my attention, as a proper preparative for baptism. He pointed out to me the prophet Isaiah, I apprehend, on account of his superior perspicuity in opening the gos- pel. However, finding the first part of this prophet more obscure, and apprehending the rest to be simi- lar, I deferred the reading of him, till I was more ex- perienced in the Scriptures. The time approaching in which I must give in my name, I left the country and returned to Milan. There I received baptism with Alypius and the boy Adeodatus, the fruit of my sin. He was almost fifteen years old, and, in understand- ing, he exceeded many learned men. I glorify thee for thy gifts, my God; for I had nothing in the boy but sin. For that I brought hirn up in thy religion, thou, and thou only inspiredst me. 1 looked with trembling at his prodigious genius. But thou soon rernovedst him from the earth, and I remember him with great- er satisfaction, as I have now no anxiety for his child- hood, his youth, or his manhood. Nor could I at that time be satisfied with contemplating the mystery of redemption. The hymns and songs of thy church moved my soul intensely; thy truth was distilled by them into my heart ; the flame of piety was kindled, and my tears flowed for joy. This practice of singing had been of no long standing at Milan. It began about the year when Justina persecuted Ambrose. 2M 282 The pious people watched in the church, prepared t die with their pastor. There my mother sustained an eminent part in watching and praying. Then hymns and psalms after the manner of the east, were sung, with'a view of preserving the people from weariness ; and thence the custom has spread through Christian churches. Thou, who makes! men to be of one mind in an house, unitedst to us one of our young townsmen, Eu- odius, who had served in the army, and was now re- generated. We determined to return to Africa, and when we were at the mouth of the Tiber, my mother departed this life. I must not pass by the conceptions of my soul concerning her, who endured labor for my temporal birth, and labored in heart for my spirit- ual birth. She had been brought up in a Christian family, but did not so much commend her mother's care, as that of a decrepid old servant of the house, who had nursed her father, whose years and charac- ter were highly respected, and who superintended the education of her master's daughters. She never suf- fered them to drink even water, except -at meals, tell- ing them, that if ever they became mistresses, the custom of drinking would remain, but they would then indulge it in wine, not water. Yet my mother Monica, notwithstanding the care of this provident governess, when young had learned by degrees to drink wine, having been sent to draw it for the use of the family. By what method was she delivered from this snare ? Thou providest for her a malignant re- proach from a maid of the house, who, in a passion, called her drunkard. From that moment she gave up the practice for ever. Thus didst thou prepare a cure for her evil practice, by the malevolent railing of another, that no man may attribute it to his own pow- er, if his admonitions of another be attended with sal- utary effect* * I cowld not prevail with myself to pass over altogether this, anxl a few more circumstances of domestic life, which follow. Let the piety and prudence, which they breathe, compensate for their simplicity. To a serious mind they wll! perhaps appear, not only not contemptible., but even also instructive. 283 After her marriage with my father Patricius, she en- deavored to win him over to thy service by the amia- bleness of her manners, and patiently bore the injuries of his unfaithfulness. She still looked for thy mercy, that, learning to believe in thee, he might become chaste. His temper was passionate^ but his spirit be- nevolent. She knew how to bear with him when an- gry, by a perfect silence and composure; and when she saw him cool, would meekly expostulate with him. Many matrons in her company would complain of the blows and harsh treatment they received from their husbands, whose tempers were yet milder than that of Patricias: whom she would exhort to govern their tongues, and remember the inferiority of their condition. And when they expressed their astonish- ment that it was never heard that Patricius, a man of so violent a temper, had beaten his wife, or that they ever were at variance a single day, she informed them of her plan. Those, who followed it, thanked her for the good success of it ; those who did not, experienced vexation. Her mother-in-law, at first was irritated against her by the whispers of servants. But she over- came her by mild obsequiousness, insomuch that she at length informed her son of the slanders of those backbiters, and desired that they might be restrained. Thus she and her mother-in-law lived in perfect har- mony. It was a great gift, which, O my God, thou gavest to her, that she never repeated any of the fierce things, which she heard from persons who were at va- riance with one another, and was conscientiously ex- act, in saying nothing but what might tend to heal and to reconcile* I might have been tempted to think this a small good, had I not known by grievous experience the in- numerable evils resulting to society from the contrary spirit by which men extend mischief like a pestilence, not only repeating the words of angry enemies, to angry enemies, but also adding what never had been sn id; whereas the human mind should not be content with negative goodness in such cases, but should en- deavor to promote peace by speaking what is good. 284 as my amiable mother did, through the effectual teaching of thy Spirit. At length, in the extremity of life, she gained her husband to thee, and he died in the faith of Christ. It was through thy secret appointment, that she and I stood alone at a window facing the east, in a house at the mouth of the Tiber, where we were pre- paring ourselves for our voyage. Our discourse was highly agreeable, and forgetting the past, we endeav- ored to conceive aright the nature of the eternal life of the saints. It was evident to us, that no carnal delights deserve to be named on this subject ; erecting our spirits more ardently, we ascended above the noblest parts of the material creation to the consideration of our own minds, and passing above them, we attempt- ed to reach heaven itself, to come to thee, by whom all things were made. There our hearts were enamored, and there we held fast the first fruits of the Spirit, and returned to the sound of our own voice, which gave us an emblem of the divine Word. We said, if a man should find the flesh, the imagination, and every tongue to be silent, all having confessed their Maker, and afterwards holding their peace, and if he should now apply his ear to him who made them, and God alone should speak, not by any emblems or created things, but by himself, so that we could hear his word, should this be continued, and other visions be with- drawn, and this alone ? seize and absorb the spectator forever, is not this the meaning of, "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord ?"* At that moment the world ap- peared to us of no value: and she said, Son, I have now no delight in life. What I should do here and why I am here I know not, the hope of this life being quite spent. One thing only, your conversion, was an object for which I wished to live. My God has giv- en rne this in larger measure. What do I here ? Scarce five days after, she fell into a fever. A brother of mine who was with us lamented, that she was like- ly to die in a foreign land. She looked at him with * Matthew xxv. In Rev. xxi. 23, the same sublime thought is described under th? medium of sight which here is conveyed under the medium of hearing-. 285 anxiety to sec him so groveling in his conceptions, and then looking at me, said, Place this body any where; do not distress yourselves concerning it. I could not but rejoice and give thee thanks, that she was delivered from that anxiety, with which I knew she always had been agitated in regard to* a sepulchre which she had provided for herself, and prepared near the body of her husband. I knew not the time, when by the fulness of thy grace, she had been rid of this emptiness, but I rejoiced to find this evidence of it. I heard afterwards, that while we were at Ostia she had discoursed with some friends in my absence con- cerning the contempt of life, and they, expressing their surprise that she did not fear to leave her body so far from her own country ; nothing, said she, is far to God, and I do not fear, that he should not know where to find me at the resurrection. She departed this life on the ninth day of her illness, in the fifty-sixth year of her age, and the thirty-third of mine.* BOOK X. Now Lord, my groaning testifies that I am displeas- ed with myself; but thou art light and pleasure, and art loved and desired, that I may blush for myself, and throw away myself, and choose thee ; and neither at- tempt to please thee, nor myself, but by depending on thee. For when I am wicked, this is nothing else, but to confess that I am displeased with myself; and when godly, this is nothing else, but to confess that thou af- fordest that gift to me. The confessions of my past evils, which thou hast forgiven, changing my mind by faith and thy baptism, when they are read and heard, excite the heart, that it sink not in despair, but may watch in the love of thy mercy, and the sweetness of * In what follows to the end of this book, the author gives a very amiable picture of the filial affections, tempered by piety und resignation, which he felt on this occasion, not indeed Wtthout a mixture of the superstition of praying for the dead, which was growing in this century. In him the evangelical spirit, however, predominates extremely, even while he is indulging the superstitious. .But let. ii> suffice to have given this general accounti 286 ihy grace, by which the weak is made strong, who, by it, is brought to feel his own weakness. But what ad-'- vantage will result from my confessing, as I now pro- pose, not what I was, but what I now am ? I will dis- cover myself to such as will rejoice over me for what is good, and will pray for and sympathize with me in re- gard to what is evil, more secure as I am, through thy mercy than my innocence. I am a little child, but my father always lives, and is my sufficient guardian. What temptations I can or cannot resist, I know not. But my hope is this, that thou art faithful, that thou dost not suffer us to be tempted, above that we are able, but with the temptation also makest a way to es- cape; that we may be able to bear it.* Lord, I love thee ; thou hast smitten my heart with thy word, and I have loved thee. But what do I love, when I love thee ? not the heavens and the earth, nor any created beauty. They cry aloud, we are not God, he made us. Where shall I find thee, but in thyself above me ? Too late did I love thee, thou PRIMEVAL Beauty. Thou calledst aloud, and overcamest my deafness, Thou shonest and dispelledst my darkness. Thou wast fragrant, and I panted after thee. I tasted, and hungered and thirsted after thee : thou touchedst me, and I was inflamed mto thy peace. When I shall stick wholly to thee, I shall no more have pain and fatigue, and my whole life shall live full of thee. But now be- cause thou supportest him whom thou fillest, because I am not full of thee, I am a burden to myself. My wholesome griefs and pernicious pleasures contend together, and I know not on which side the victory stands. Woe is me ! Thou art my physician, I am sick* Thou art merciful, I am wretched. All my hope lies in thy immense mercy. Give what thou commandest, and command what thou wilt. Thou commandest us to keep from the lust of the flesh, from the lust of the eyes, and from the pride of life. And what thou command- est, thou hast given me. Yet there still live in my me- mory the images of evils, to which I had been habit- uated, and they occur to me even in sleep. Is not thy 1 Cor. x. 287 hand, O God, able to heal all the diseases of my soul, and to sanctify even the hours of rest ?f I would rejoice with trembling in what thouhast given me, and mourn over that which is imperfect, and hope that thou will perfect thy mercies, when death shall be swallowed up in victory. There is another evil of the day, and I wish the day may be sufficient for it. We refresh the continual ru- ins of the body by food, till this corruptible shall put on incorruption. Thou hast taught me to use aliment as medicine. But while I am passing from the unea- siness of hunger to the rest of satiety ; in the very pas- sage the snare of concupiscence is laid for me ; and the bounds of innocence are not easily defined, and a pretence for indulgence is made on that very account. These temptations 1 daily endeavor to resist, and I call on thy right hand for my salvation, and make known to thce my agitations of soul, because I am not yet clear on this subject. I hear my God, " let not your heart be overcharged with surfeiting and drunken ness. >? * The latter is far from me, let it not approach me ; the former sometimes steals upon me, keep it at a distance from me. Who is there, Lord, that is perfectly tempe- rate ? Whoever he be, let him magnify thy name. But I am not he, I am a sinful man. However I mag- nify thy name, and he who overcame the world, and numbers me among the weak members of his body intercedes for my sins. In regard to the enticement of smells, I am not so- licitous. When they are absent, I want them not; when present I c}o not refuse them, content to be with- out them entirely. So I think ; but such is my miser- able darkness, that I must not easily credit myself be- cause, what is within, geaerally lies hid, till experience evidence it. The only hope, the only confidence, the only firm promise is thy mercy. The pleasures of the ear have deeper hold on me. I find, even while I am charmed with sacred melody, I am led astray at times by the luxury of sensations, and | The Christian desires his hours of sleep to be all devoted to the glory of Gofi * Luke xxj. 288 offend, not knowing at the -time, but afterwards I dis- cover it. Sometimes guarding against this fallacy, I err in the other extreme, and could wish all the melody of David's psalms were removed from my ears and those of the church, and think it safer to imitate the plan of Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, who directed a meth- od of repeating the Psalms, more resembling pronun- ciation than music. But when I remember my tears of affection at my conversion under the melody of thy church, with which I am still affected, I again acknowledge the utility of the custom. Thus do I fluctuate between the danger of pleasure, and the ex- perience of utility, and am more induced, though with a wavering assent, to own that the infirmity of nature maybe assisted in devotion by psalmody. Yet when the tune has moved me more than the subject, I feel guilty and am ready to wish 1 had not heard the mu- sic.* See where I am, and mourn with me, ye who are conscious of any inward feelings of godliness. I cannot expect the sympathy of those who are not. Thou, Lord my God, hear, and pity x and heal me. The pleasures of the eye I find to entangle me from time to time. But thou deliverest me, sometimes without pain, because I fall into them gently ; at oth- er times with pain, because I stick in them. Another form of manifold danger is added, a curi- ous spirit, palliated by the name of knowledge. Sur- rounded as we are with objects, when can J say I am freed from this ? What vehement temptations have I had from the enemy to ask of thee a sign ? But I be- seech thee by our king Jesus Christ, that, as I am far from consenting to it, so I may be farther and farther. What a trifle diverts me from a thought of great im- portance, and unless thou quickly admonish me by the conviction of my infirmity, either to divert the thought by some serious meditation, or to despise it al- together, I should become absolutely dull. My life is full of these evils, and even my prayers are often dis- * All who attend to sacred psalmody, may learn from this, the importance of watching- their hearts, and of attending clpsely to the truths brought into view in the sacred song. 289 turbed, and while I apply my heart to thirje ears, I am overborne by a torrent of vanities. What can give hope except thy mercy, by which thou hast begun to renew us? And thou knowest how much thou hast done for me already. I carry thy yoke, and find it easy, as thou hast promised. It al- ways was so, but I did not believe it, when I was afraid to take it upon me : but can I, O Lord, who alone rulest without pride because thou hast no superior, can I in this life be exempt from pride ? Well done, well done, I find scattered in the nets by the enemy every where. Daily, Lord, we feel these temptations. Thou knowest on this head, the groans of my heart, and the floods of mine eyes. Nor can I easily see, that I grow more free from this pest of pride ; and I much fear my secret evils, which thou knowest. I am poor and needy, and my best method is to seek thy mercy in secret groans and self abhorrence, till thou perfect that which concerneth me. There is another internal evil, by which a man, without seeking to please others, pleases himself with thy good things, as if they were his own ; or if he al- lows them to be thine, yet he is apt to fancy them be- stowed upon him for his own merits ; or he pleases him- self with indulging an invidious spirit against others. In all these dangers thou seest the trembling of my heart; I feel my wounds healed every now and then by thee ; but I feel not an exemption from them. Sometimes thou introducest me into an uncommon affection, into a sweetness past the power of descrip- tion, which, were it perfected in me, I should not see what life would want to complete its felicity. But I sink back by the weight of misery, and am held en- tangled. Whom shall I look to as my mediator ? Shall I go to angels ? Many have tried this, and have been fond of visions, and have deserved to be the sport of the il- lusions which they loved. A mediator between God and man must have the nature of both. The true me- diator, whom in thy secret mercy thou hast shewn to the humble, and hast sent, that by his example they 290 might also learn humility, the man Christ Jesus hath appeared a mediator between mortal sinners and the immortal Holy One, that, because the wages of right- eousness is life and peace ; by his divine righteous- ness he might justify the ungodly, and deliver them from death. He was shewn to ancient saints, that they might be saved by faith in his future sufferings as we by faith in the same sufferings already past. How hast thou loved us, Father, delivering up thy on- ly Son for us ungodly ? For whom he, our priest and sacrifice, who thought it no robbery to be equal with thee, was subjected to death. Well may my hope be strong through such an Intercessor ; else, I should des- pair. Many and great are my diseases, thy medicine larger still. Were he not made flesh for us, we could not dream of having any union with him. Terrified with my sins arid the weight of my misery, I was des- ponding, but thou encouragedst me, saying, Christ di- ed for all, that they which live should not live to themselves, but to him that died for them.* Lo, I cast all my care on thee, Lord, that I may live. Thou knowest my weakness and ignorance, teach and heal me. He hath redeemed me with his blood, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Let not the proud calumniate me, if with the poor I desire to eat and be satisfied, and to praise the Lord.f Augustine, after his conversion, returned with some friends into Africa, and lived upon his own estate for almost three years, retired from the world. A desire to oblige a person of some consequence in Hippo, who requested his instructions, brought him at length * 2 Corinthians v. $ Psalm xxii. 26. We see in this last book the author's description of the conflict between flesh and spirit after his conversion, and the repose of his soul for peace and happiness only on the Lord Jesus as his righteousness and strength. I shall make no farther remarks than to repeat his own observation in his retrac- tions. " These Confessions praise the God of righteousness and goodness, and excite the human understanding and affection toward him. Tney dxl this in me while I was writing them, and they do it still when I read them. What others may think of th.em let them judge ; but I know they Imve much pleased and da please many of the brethren," 291 to that city, where Valerius was bishop, a person of great piety ; but, on account of his slender acquaint- ance with the Latin tongue, scarce adequate to the office of pastor in that place. Augustine, through the strong and urgent desires of the people, was ordained presbyter to Valerius ; but wept on the occasion from the genuine sense which he had of the importance of the office. He told Possidius that his tears were by some misconstrued,* as if he regretted that he had not been chosen bishop. Such poor judges are ma- ny, of the views and sensations of godly men ! Vale- rius rejoiced that God bad heard his prayers, and that the people would now be supplied with such a pastor. He gave him licence to preach in the presence of the bishop, a thing before unknown in Africa ; but which, from the good effects of this precedent, afterwards grew common. Here his ministry was useful in the instruc- tion and edification of the brethren, and also in the defeat of various heresies. Divine truth, which had been almost buried amidst many schisms and distrac- tions in Africa, now raised up its head again ; and Fortunatus, the great leader of the Manichees, was obliged, in confusion, to leave Hippo, when he found himself, by the confession of the hearers, vanquished in a conference with Augustine. Heretics vied with the members of the general church in their attention to the pastoral labors of Au- gustine, whose fame began gradually to spread through- out the western world. Valerius rejoiced and gave thanks on the account, and being solicitous to preserve such a treasure to his church, he took care to get Au- gustine elected bishop of Hippo, in conjunction with himself. Age and infirmities rendered Valerius very inadequate to the work ; and every true Christian will doubt which more to admire, the godly zeal of Augus- tine, tempered with modesty and chanty, or the un- feigned humility of Valerius, Augustine, after he had strongly resisted the inclinations of the bishop and all the church, at length accepted the office ; the duties of which he continued to discharge after the cteceas** Possid. Life of Aug 1 , of Valerius. His zeal and assiduity increased with his authority. The monastery of his institution be- came renowned in Africa ; and about ten bishops, of undoubted piety, known to our author,* came from this seminary. These instituted monasteries after the same pattern, and from them other churches were supplied with pastors; and the doctrines of faith, hope, and charity, by these means, and also by Augus- tine's writings, which were translated into the Greek tongue, were diffused and enforced with increasing vigor through the Christian world. His writings, how- ever, never seem to have had any permanent influence in the eastern church. CHAPTER III. The Pelagian Controversy. A.T a time when the influence of the Holy Spirit was faintly experienced, and superstition and licentious- ness were rapidly increasing, satan felt himself embol- dened to raise a new heresy, which should pretend to purity, in perfection, resulting from the excellence of MERE HUMAN NATURE, without the agency of divine grace. This was Pelagianism : an heresy which de- rived its name from Pelagius, a monk, who decried the doctrine of the original corruption of human nature, and the necessity of Divine grace to enlighten the under- standing and purify the heart, because they were pre- judicial to the progress of holiness and virtue, and ten- ding to establish mankind in a presumptuous and fatal security. He taught that we derive no corruption from the fall of om first parents, but are born as pure and unspotted as Adam came from the forming hand of his Creator ; that mankind are capable of repen- tance and amendment, and of arriving at the highest degrees of piety and virtue by the use of their natural powers and faculties ; that indeed external grace is ne- cessary to excite their endeavors, but tkat they have *Fossid. 293 no need of the internal succours of the Divine Spirit ; that Adam was by nature mortal ; and certainly would have died, if he had not sinned ; that the grace of God is given in proportion to our merits; that man- kind may arrive at a state of perfection in this life ; and that the law qualified men for the kingdom of heaven, and was founded upon equal promises with the gospel. Pelagius was born in Britain. His companion, and coadjutor in heresy, was Ccelestius an Irishman.- They were both laymen, and as far as appears, always maintained characters of fair and decent morals. They were both men of genius and capacity of the first rank. The heretical opinions of Pelagius did not ap- pear till he was far advanced in life ; before that time, his reputation for serious piety was great in the Chris- tian world. Those who know the difference between real holiness and the semblance of it in mere morality will not be surprized at this. To counteract this heresy, Augustine, of Hippo, had been trained up under the Lord's wholesome disci- pline, by an extraordinary conversion. In this way God made use of this heresy as an occasion of intro- ducing more just views of gospel grace, than had for a long time obtained in the church, and of reviving Christian truth, humility and piety. Pelagius used to deliver his heretical principles un- der the modest appearance of queries, started against the doctrines of the church, and those as not invented by himself but by others. This was an artful and pow- erful method to poison the minds of men. Also with consummate artifice he insinuated himself into the fa- vor of women of some rank, of weak minds, and unac- quainted with the spirit of the gospel, though profess- ing religion ; and by their means, he diffused his te- nets with much success. Ccelestius, more daring and open in speech, pursued a method not so replete witji deceit, and was therefore exposed to detection more easily than his master. He was condemned, by a synod, at Carthage, as an heretic, in the year 412, and his hopes of rising in the church ? were hereby cjisap- S94 pointed. At this synod, when Ccelestius was asked whether he had not asserted, that infants are born in the state in which Adam was before transgression ; all that could be obtained from him was, " that infants needed baptism, and ought to be baptized." The Pelagian controversy was a dispute between holy men and mere men of the world ; between grace and human merit, between the spirit and doctrine of an humble publican, and that of a self-righteous phar- isee. It appears, from well authenticated facts, that after Pelagius had travelled through the Roman empire, and had, in vain, attempted to overturn the doctrines of grace, he retired to his own native country. But nothing certain is to be known further either concern- ing him or Ccelestius. CHAPTER IV. Augustine's Conduct toward the Donatists His death. i HE active spirit of the bishop of Hippo found much employment in his long course of private and public labors against the Pelagians, the Manichees and the Donatists, besides the general care of the African churches, and the peculiar inspection of his own dio- cese. The two former sects he in a manner eradica- ted. The last he opposed with much success. Some of the Donatists were, comparatively speak- ing, a mild and peaceable people ; but this was not the case with those who were called Circumcelliones. These were a mere banditti, sons of violence and bloodshed, who neither valued their own lives nor those of their neighbors, and frequently were remark- able for committing suicide in a fit of frenzy. They had a peculiar malice against the pastors of the gen- eral church, and from time to time, way-laid them, at- tacked them with armed force, and mutilated, or even killed them. Th^y burnt the houses of those who 295 ifrould not comply with their sentiments, and were guilty of many detestable enormities. By these mis- erable men, Augustine was, several times, way-laid, and narrowly escaped. By him many of this banditti, were, however, brought, with much humility and joy to confess their error, and to return to the bosom of the church with every mark of serious repentance. After a life of great activity for the good of souls, and many sore trials, Augustine was seized with a fe- ver, which ended in his dissolution, in the year 430. He lived 76 years, 40 of which he had been a presby- ter or bishop. He used to say, that a Christian should never cease to repent, even to the hour 6f his death. He had David's penitential Psalms inscribed on the wall in his last sickness, and he read and wept abun- dantly. For ten days before he expired, he desired to be uninterrupted, that he might give himself wholly to devotion, except at certain intervals. He had preach- ed the word of God constantly, till his last sickness. He left no will, having neither money norlands to be- queath. His library he left to the church. Of his* f>wn relations, he had previously taken adequate care* CHAPTER V. The Theology of Augustine* the irruption of the Vandals, the Roman empire was on all sides dissolving, at the time of Augustine's death ; and its fairest provinces in Africa, fell into the hands of the barbarians But the light which, through his means, had been kindled, was not extinct ; for, as it depended not on the grandeur of the Roman empire, so neither was it extinguished by its decline. For more than a thousand years the light of Divine truth, which here and there shone in individuals, dur- ing the dreary night of superstition, was nourished by the writings of Augustine, which next to the sacred scriptures, were the guides of men who feared God. 296 The doctrine of justification, however, he did not clearly understand, and a precise and clear exhibition of it is not to be found in his writings. Still he knew what faith in the Redeemer meant : and those parts of the scripture, which speak of the forgiveness of sins, he understood, felt and loved. While, to trust in ourselves, was the avowed boast of all the philosophers, and they were expecting vir- tue and every internal excellence, only from them- selves ; Augustine, by his own experience, felt human insufficiency completely, and knew that in himself dwelt no good thing. Hence was he admirably pre- pared to describe the total depravity and apostacy of human nature, and what he knew to be true he faith- fully describes. Feeling himself to have been changed entirely by effectual grace^ he came fully to acquiesce in St. Paul's views of predestination. This, with him, was a doctrine, which followed experimental religion^ as a shadow follows the substance. His theology was practical. He preached the doc- trines of grace with design to exalt God and humble the creature. He taught men what it is to be humble before God. Practical godliness was his theme, and he constantly connected all his views of grace with hu- mility. He taught in opposition to the Pelagian notion of sinless perfection, that the most humble and the most holy, have, through life, to combat with indwell- ing sin. He greatly delighted in the practical subjects of charity and heavenly-mindedness. These, from his first conversion, influenced all his conduct. In his writings, no pride, no self-conceit, no bitterness, ever discovered themselves in any expression. Finally, in ethics he is superior. On the subject of veracity and faithfulness ^to oaths, and in general, in the practice of justice, in the love of mercy, and in walking humbly with God, as he wrote most admira- bly, so he practised most sincerely 5 and by his wri- tings and practice, he exhorted others to be of the same judgment and of the same practice- with himself, as to the great things of religion. 297 CHAPTER VI. Jerom. HIS renowned monk waB born at Stridon, near Dalmatia, under the emperor Constantine, in the year 331. Great care was early taken to give him a good education. He Was brought up under religious in- struction from his infancy* After his baptism, at Rome, he travelled into France, and examined libra- ries, collecting information from all quarters. On his return to his own country, he determined to follow the profession of a monk, a term then implying a private recluse Christian, a life suited to gratify his studious disposition. He was, however, made a presbyter of the church, but never would proceed any further in ecclesiastical dignity. He spent four years in the de- serts of Syria, reading and studying with immense in- dustry. Here, by the assistance of a Jew, who visited him, Nicodemus-like, in the evenings,, lest he should give umbrage to his brethren, he acquired the knowl- edge of the Hebrew tongue, and with indefatigable labor, studied also the Chaldee and the Syriac. After this he visited Rome, where he encouraged a monas- tic life, and had many admirers. But unjust asper- sions having been cast on his character, with disgust he left Rorrie, and went into the East. Several of his admirers followed him* Having chosen Bethlehem as the seat of his old age, and having erected four monasteries, three for women, and one for men, he there spent the rest of his life, enjoying at times the society of his learned friends. In the year 42, ho died in the ninety first year of his age. His knowl- edge of theology was limited. He did not under- stand the true gospel-mystery of mortifying sin, and by his voluntary humility, and neglect of the body, and by the splendor of his ill-digested learning, con- tributed more than any other person of antiquity to the growth of superstition. But notwithstanding this he appears to have had some devout and just views of the character and offices of the Lord Jesus Christ. 298 CHAPTER VII. The Church of Christ in the West. JLT is time to resume the connected thread of history. But the reader must not expect a successive detail of the proceedings of the Roman princes. After the death of Theodosius, the empire was torn by various convulsions, tending particularly in the West, to its destruction. Let us regard only the real church amid these scenes. She lived, while the sec- ular glory of Rome was destroyed. Honorius, the son of Theodosius, reigned there, while his brother Arcadius governed at Constantinople. Honorius, being a weak prince, governed by his ministers, protected the external state of the church, extirpated the remains of idolatry, and supported or- thodoxy. The superior advantages of a Christian, above a pagan establishment, even in times of great religious declension appear in the humanity of a num- ber of laws, and edicts, by which idolatrous impurities and savage games were abolished, and in the care ta- ken of the needy and miserable. In what, for instance, but. a Christian government, shall we find so humane a law as that of Honorius, by which judges are directed to take prisoners out of prison every Sunday, and to enquire if they be provided with necessaries, and to see that they are properly accommodated in all things ? Germanus, bishop of Auxerre, was one of the greatest ornaments of Gaul in this century. He was u person of quality, and exercised the profession of a counsellor in the former part of his life. Amator, his predecessor in the see, perceived some evidences of piety in him, and ordained him deacon. A month af- ter the decease of Amator, Germanus was unanimous- ly elected bishop by the clergy, nobility, citizens, and peasants, and was forced, notwithstanding he manifest- ed the greatest reluctance, to accept the office. He employed himself in founding monasteries, and in en- 299 ncliing the church, while he impoverished himself, and for 30 years, from his ordination to his death, liv- ed in extreme austerity. About the year 430, Gcrmanus visited the island of Great Britain, to oppose Agricola, who was there prop- agating the Pelagian heresy among the churches in that country. Lupus, bishop of Troyes, accompanied Germanus in this mission, which was undertaken at the request of a numerous council in Gaul. Lupus; governed his church -52 years, and was highly renown- ed for sanctity. These two bishops, on their arrival, preached not only in the churches, but also in the highways, and in the open country, and vast crowds attended their ministry. The Pelagians came to a conference. The bishops supported the doctrines of grace, by express passages of scripture, and Pelagi- anism was reduced to silence. At this time, the Picts, a race of barbarians who in- habited the North, and the Saxons, a German nation, called in by the Britons, as it is well known, to assist them against the Picts, united their forces against the natives. The latter terrified at the approach of the enemy, had recourse to Germanus and Lupus. Many, having been instructed by them, desired baptism, and a great part of the army received it, in a church made of boughs of trees twisted together. When this was done, they marched against the enemy, with Germanus at their head. He, having posted his men in a valley where the enemy were to pass, surprised and defeated them. After this, the two bishops re- turned to the continent. Palladius having been ordain- ed bishop of Scotland, arrived there in the year 431. Scotland had never before seen a bishop, and was in a state of extreme barbarism. While the doctrines of grace were defended in Bri- tain with some hopeful, saving efficacy, the doctrine of semi-pelagianism in Gaul still maintained its ground, and Prosper and Hilary stood in defence of th<3 ortho- dox principles, Ccelestine of Rome, where the spark of truth was still alive, amidst the mass of corruption which infested the western church vigorously support- 300 efl the same cause. Coelestine, in contending for the faith once delivered to the saints, labored to prove, that all men are by nature, under the power of sin, by- reason of the fall, from which nothing but grace can deliver any man that man is not good of himself; he needs a communication to him from God nor can a man, though renewed, overcome the flesh and the devil, except he receive daily assistance that God so worketh upon the hearts of men, that holy thoughts, pious intentions, and the least motion toward a good intention, proceed from God. The grace of God does not take away free-will, but delivers, enlightens, rec- tifies and heals it. Thus was the truth supported at Rome, amidst the abounding superstitions. Palladius, the pastor of Scotland, being dead, Coe- lestine sent Patrick, a native of that country, in his stead. Patrick, having been carried captive into Ire- land, where he learnt the customs of the country, was by some pirates afterward carried into Gaul ; but after various adventures, he returned, a volunteeranto Ire- land, to attempt the conversion of the barbarous na- tives, who seem, till that time, to have been without any acquaintance with Christianity. The uncivilized Irish refused at firbt to hear him. He went to Gaul, had an interview with Germanus, of Auxerre, and bis mind was enflamed with fresh zeal He then visited Rome, had an interview with Co3lestine, from whom he received such support and assistance that he re-r visited Ireland, where his success ^was, at length, so great, that to this day, he is looked on as the apostle of the Irish. By him they were first taught the use of letters ; and from him they unquestionably recieved much instruction, both with respect to the duties of this life, and the preparations necessary for happiness in a future existence. Patrick died about the year 460, at an advanced age. Semi-pelagianism strongly recommends itself to the depraved hearts of mankind ; it divides the work of sal- vation between free grace and human ability in such a manner that it both retains a specious appearance of humility toward God, and at the same time flatters the 301 pride of the human heart. The clergy of Marseilles, with Cassian at their head, very warmly supported this doctrine. Prosper, and Marius Mercator, with the arms of scripture did their utmost to withstand and prevent the spread of this doctrine, so pleasing to the carnal mind. Gaul, and the neighboring countries, no doubt received great benefit from their endeavors. Semi-pelagianism was so far checked, that during the dark ages, after this time, the doctrines of grace were cordially received by godly persons, particularly in the monasteries. All who were thoroughly humbled, and contrite, found the comfort of them ; while Ihose monks, whose religion was pharisaic, found the Semi* pelagian scheme to suit their self-righteous pride, and as the times grew more corrupt, semi-peiagianism gained the ascendency. About the year 439, Genseric, king of the Vandals, an Arian by profession, surprized Carthage, in the midst of peace, and used his victory with great cruel- ty. The same unprincipled wickedness, winch had ever characterized the Arian party, shewed itself in Genseric, especially in his malice toward the clergy ; a number of these he drove from the churches, and put to death many of them. The abominations of the times seemed to call for such a scourge. But the light of Divine grace reviv* ed in the West, purified many souls, and fitted them for sufferings. It was not so with all. With the ma- jority, both superstition and practical wickedness in- creased. Carthage itself was sunk in vice ; lewdness was amazingly predominant. So deplorable a thing it is for men to depart from the simplicity of Christian faith! The superstition now increasing daily, only for- tified them the more in self-righteousness; and nat- ural depravity was exhibited in deeds of the boldest and most atrocious wickedness. Oppression and cruelty domineered at Carthage ; and the poor, in the anguish of their misery, were induced to beseech God to deliver the city to the barbarians. But these were only Christians in name. They were in reality very idolatrous in their practices, and even amidst the hor- 302 rorsofwar and public calamities, continued impure and voluptuous. Oppression and injustice were so grievous, that the dominion of the barbarians was re- ally more tolerable than that of the Romans. By this we see the adorable providence of God, in punishing the wickedness of nominal Christians, not only at Car- thage, but in general in this century through the Wes- tern empire. What happened to the ancient Jewish church, when grown wicked and idolatrous, and re- taining only the form of religion, happens also to Christian nations. God is glorified by taking the power out of their hand, that they may no longer pro- fane his holy name. Genseric expelled the bishops from their sees, and where they made any resistance, he made them slaves for life. Arians were then put in possession of the va- cant sees. Some who were expelled, and still remain- ed in the provinces, presented themselves before Genseric, and entreated, that as they had lost their churches and their wealth, they might, at least, be al- lowed to remain without molestation in Africa, for the comfort and support of the people of God. The stern barbarian replied, " I have resolved to leave none of your name or nation." It was with difficulty, he was withheld by the entreaties of those about him, from ordering them to be thrown into the sea. In the year 443, Genseric passed over into Sicily, >and so far as his arms prevailed, extended the perse- cution of the church into that island,, In the year 446, German us of Auxerre, was called to Great Britain, a second time, to withstand the Pela- gian heresy, which was there again spreading its baneful influence. In this way God baffled the at- tempts of those who disturbed the faith of the Britons, Germ anus died in the year 448, having held the see of Auxerre 30 years. In the year 454, Genseric, with his Vandals, arrived at Rome, which he found defenceless : Leo went out to meet him, and persuaded him to be content with the pillage, and to abstain from burnings and murders. Genseric returned into Africa with many thousand 303 captives. This circumstance gave? occasion to an ex- ercise of the Christian grace of charity, in Deogratias, bishop of Carthage, who undertook to redeem those captives by the sale of all the vessels of gold and silver belonging to the churches under his care. He placed the captives in two great churches, which he furnished with beds of straw, giving orders for their daily accom- modation with all necessaries. He appointed physi- cians to attend the sick, and had nourishment distrib- uted to them in his presence, by their directions. In the night he visited all their beds, giving himself up to this work, notwithstanding his age and infirmities. Deogratias lived only three years in his bishopric 7 was endeared to the memory of the faithful by his virtues; and while Arians performed military exploits, and dealt in blood, he honored the real doctrines of the gospel by acts of meekness and charity. In this we trace the real church, and see the connexion of faith and practice in the followers of the Lamb. So much goodness was offensive to Genseric., who took care to suffer no more such bishops. The orthodox bishops in Africa were in process of time reduced to three. Several godly persons, after a variety of hardships, came into the hands of Capsur, a Moorish king, a relation of Genseric. These being arrived at the desert where he lived, and having seen there a num- ber of profane sacrifices, began by their discourse and manner of life to bring over the barbarians to the knowledge of God, and gained a great multitude in a country, where the name of Jesus had not yet been heard. Desirous to establish the gospel there, they sent deputies across the desert to a Roman city where there was a bishop. To them, the bishop sent minis- ters, who built a church, and baptized a great number of barbarians. When Genseric heard of these trans- actions he was greatly incensed at the zeal of these pi- ous men and condemned them to death. The con- verted Moors bewailed themselves. To each of them the martyrs said, as they passed by to execution. " Brother pray for me. God has accomplished my desire; this is the way to Ihe heavenly kingdom." 304 Genseric was a cruel tyrant, and a confirmed Ari- an. By his order, Valerian, bishop of Abbenza, above 80 years old^ was driven alone from the city, and all persons were prohibited from lodging him in their houses. He lay naked a long time in the public road, exposed to the weather, and thus expired for the faith of the gospel, Genseric afterwards ordered the great church of Carthage to be shut, and banished the ministers ; and wherever his arms prevailed, he made the people of God feel his fury. At this time the northern barbari- ans had extended their victorious arms far and wide; Africa bowed under the yoke of the Vandals* Spain, with a great part of Gaul, was in subjection to the Goths. The Franks subjugated the other part of Gaul. The southern part of Great Britain was overpowered by the Saxons. These were idolaters, and the small remains of ancient Britons, chiistians by profession, re- tired into the inaccessible mountains of Wales. The poverty of the northern parts of the island, was their security. The Franks also were idolaters. The bar- barians who ruled in other parts were Arians. Evaric^ king of the Goths in Spain, forbad the ordination of bishops in the place of those deceased, and sent oth- ers into banishment. The churches fell into decay, and congregations seldom assembled* With the Wes- tern church in general, it was, indeed, a most gloomy time. The wrath of God was evidently poured on them for their long abuse of mercies enjoyed. But the church was not extinct. Some Christians, through grace, possessed their souls in patience, and evinced that real religion though low and depressed still existed. Genseric died in the year 477, and was succeeded by his eldest son Huneric. He began his reign with a rnild aspect toward the faithful, and after an interval of 24 years, permitted them to ordain a bishop at Car- thage, but under this condition, that the Arians at Constantinople should have the same liberty, which those of the general church had at Carthage. The people protested against the condition, and with good reason, because the power was out of their hands, and 305 Said, " we will not accept a bishop on such terms* Jesus Christ will govern the church, as he hath done hitherto." But Huneric disregarded the protestation; and Eugenius was elected bishop of Carthage. All mankind soon bore witness to his virtues. Though the revenues of the church were in the hands of the Arians, yet large sums were every day brought to Eugenius, all which he faithfully distributed to the needy, reserving no more to himself than daily bread* The Arian bishops soon murmured, represented him as a dangerous preacher, and expostulated with Eu- genius himself for suffering persons to hear him, who wore the Vandal habit, which at that time, appears to have been perfectly distinct from the Roman. " God's house,' 1 he replied, " is open to all, without respect to persons." Huneric fearing that he should lose his Vandals, if they attended the preaching of Eugenius, and to please the court of Constantinople, began to show the feroci- ty of his disposition. He ordered guards to watch at the doors of the church, who, when they saw a man or woman in a Vandal habit, struck such persons with short staves, jagged and indented, which being twisted into the hair and drawn back with sudden violence, tore off both the hair and skin. By this means, many suffered severely 5 women, who had been thus treated, were led through the streets, with a crier going before, to exhibit them to the people. The faithful remained firm. Those who belonged to Huneric's court could riot be induced to receive Arianism. Them he de- prived of their pensions, and sent to reap corn in the country. Having been educated like gentlemen, they saw their punishment was severe and reproachful, but bore the cross for the sake of HIM who gave himself for them. Huneric, at first, ordered, that no one should hold any office, who was not an Arian. Afterward, he con- fiscated the possessions of the rejected orthodox, and banished their persons into Sicily and Sardinia. Pastors and people, to the amount %f 497(5, were banished into the desert. Felix had been bfehop 44 306 years, and by the palsy had lost his speech and ever* his understanding. The faithful implored Huneric that the old man might be allowed to end his days quietly at Carthage. Huneric, as if ambitious to out- strip the pagan emperors in persecution, said, " Let him be tied to wild oxen, and be so carried where I ordered." On which, they tied him across a mule like a stick of timber. These Christian heroes were conducted to the two cities of Sicca and Lares, where the Moors were directed to receive and conduct them to the desert. They were at first confined in a prison, where their brethren were allowed to have access to them, to preach, and to administer the Lord's supper. Some young children were of the number, several of whom were tempted to receive Arian baptism ; but out of the mouth of babes and sucklings strength icas or- dained, and they continued firm. While in prison they underwent the severest trials from their close and crouded confinement ; but true grace disposed them patiently to endure, rather than free themselves by unfaithfulness. The Moors at length ordered them to march. They went out on the Lord's day, their clothes, their heads, and their fa- ces covered all over with filth, and as they went, sang; " Such honor have all his saints." Cyprian, bishop of Uniziba, comforted them, and gave them all he had. wishing for the honor of being carried with them. This was not then granted him* Afterward he was confined, suffered much, and was sent into banish- ment. There is a voice in man which speaks loudly in favor of suffering innocence. The whole country re- sounded with the cries and groans of the people flock- ing to behold them, and throwing their children at their feet. " Alas," said they, " to whom do you leave us ? who shall baptise these children ? who shall adminis- ter the Lord's supper to us ? why are not we permitted to go with you ?" Among the rest, a woman was ob- served leading a child by the hand. " Run, my boy," said she, " observe what haste these holy men make to receive the crown." Being reproved for desiring to go with them,, " I am," she replied, " the daughter ' 307 f the late bishop of Zurita, and I am carrying this child, who is my grandson, lest he be alone, and the enemy draw him into the snares of death." The bishops, with tears in their eyes, could only say, " God's will be done." As they travelled, when the aged or the young, who wanted strength, were not able to advance, the Moors pricked them forward with their javelins, or threw stones at them. Such as were not able to walk were tied by the feet, and dragged along. Many died in the march ; the rest arrived at the desert, and were fed with barley, nor were even allowed this after a season. In the year 483, Huneric sent an edict to Ewgenius with orders to read it in the church, and despatched couriers with copies of it throughout Africa. The purport of this edict was, after upbraiding the faithful bishops for their zeal in spreading their doctrines, to command them all to appear at Carthage, to dispute with the Arian bishops on a certain day, and to prove their faith, if they could, by the Scripture. The most alarming words were, " resolving not to suffer any scandal in our provinces." The bishops in- terpreted these to mean, that he would not suffer any who professed the doctrine of the Trinity to remain in his dominions. They therefore drew up a remon- strance, containing in substance a petition, that Hune- ric would send for the bishops who were beyond the seas. Huneric, regardless of the remonstrance, perse- cuted the most learned bishops under various preten- ces. He banished the bishop Donatian after giving him one hundred and fifty bastinadoes. Others also he treated with great cruelty, and forbad any of his sect to eat with the faithful. On the first of February, the day appointed for the conference, the bishops resorted to Carthage from every part of Africa, and from all the islands subject to the Vandals. Huneric made no mention of the con- ference, for many days, and separated those of the greatest abilities from the rest, that he might, on false pretences, put them to death. One of the most learn^ $d ? named Lsctus he burnt alive, to intimidate others. 308 AtJength, when the conference was opened, the ortho- dox chose ten of their own number, to answer for the rest. Cirila, the chief of the Arian bishops, was seat- ed on a magnificent throne, with his partizans sitting in an exalted station, while the orthodox continued standing below. The latter saw what a mock confer- ence it was likely to prove and remonstrated : the Ari- ans ordered one hundred bastonadoes to be given to each of them. " God look down upon the violence offered us," said Eugenius. Cirila finding them better prepared than he imagined, made use of several ca- vils to avoid the conference. The orthodox, foresee- ing this, had prepared a confession of faith, in which the Trinitarian doctrine is very explicitly declared, and which concludes thus : " this is our faith, support- ed by the authority of the evangelists and apostles, and founded upon the society of all the general chur- ches through the world, in which, by the grace of God Almighty we hope to persevere till death." The Arians, incensed at this doctrine, reported to the king, that the orthodox had raised a clamor to avoid the conference. The tyrant had taken his meas- ures ; orders were sent through the provinces, by vir- tue of which the churches were all shut in one day, and their revenues given to the Arians. Huneric al- lowed the orthodox till the first of June in the same year, that is, 48 i, to consider whether they would merit pardon by retraction. Such were the measures used to obliterate the doc- trines of Divine grace in Africa, where they had been so gloriously revived by Augustine, Huneric ordered the bishops to be expelled from Carthage, stripped them of horses and change of raiment, and forbad, un- der terrible penalties, any one to give them victuals or lodgings. The bishops remained without the walls of the city, exposed to the weather ; and providential ly meeting with the king, they all came to him.- " Why" say they, " are we treated thus ?" Huneric looked with fury, and ordered some horsemen to ride in among them, who wounded many. He then order- ed them to repair to the temple of Memory, where a 309 paper rolled up, was presented to them, and they were required to swear to its contents. They firmly refus- ed to swear to it without knowing what it contained. In the issue, of the 446 bishops, who came to the con- ference, 48 died, many of them, probably, through hard usage ; 46 were banished 1 into Corsica, 302 into other places, and most of the rest made their escape. Huneric now pursued his sanguinary designs with vigor. Among the laity he sent executioners, who whipped, hanged, and burned alive the faithful. Do- nysia, while she was scourged, and t he blood was streaming from her body, said, "Ministers of the dev- il, what you now do to confound me with shame," (for they had stripped her naked,) "is my glory ;" arid she exhorted the rest to suffer martyrdom. Looking se- verely at her son, whom she saw dreading the torture, "Remember son,' 1 said she, "that we have been bap- tized in the name of the Trinity. Let us not lose the garment of salvation, lest the Master should say, cast them into outer darkness." The young man upon, this suffered death with constancy : and she thanked God with a loud voice, embracing his body. Many suffered with her, strengthened by her exhortations. Victorian, the wealthiest man in Africa, was at that time governor of Carthage. Huneric, assured him of his peculiar favor, if he would submit to be re-bapti- zed, and renounce the Trinitarian creed. "Tell the king" said he, "if there were no other life after this, I would not, for a little temporal honor, be ungrateful to my God." The king, incensed at an answer so truly Christian, tormented him grievously ; and thus he slept in Jesus. At Tambaia, two brothers continued a whole day> suspended, with large stones fastened to their feet. One of them, overcome with the torture, at length de- sired to recant, and to be taken down. " No, no," said the other, " this, brother, is not what we swore to Je- sus Christ. I will testify against you, when we come before his awful throne, that we swore by his body and blood, that we would suffer for his sake." He said much more to rouse and encourage him. At 310 length his fellow-sufferer cried out, " Torment as you please, I will follow my brother's example." The executioners were quite fatigued with torturing them by hot irons and hooks, and at length dismissed them, remarking, that every one appeared ready to follow the example of the two brothers, and that none were brought over to Arianism. Here we see the marks of the true church, patiently suffering for the truth's sake, and victorious in the midst of calamities. At Typasa, the secretary of Cirila was ordained bishop by the Arians: the inhabitants seeing this, transported themselves into Spain, as the distance was but small. Some, who could obtain no vessels, re- mained in Africa. The new Arian bishop labored by courtesy to win their favor ; but they, in contempt of his ministry, assembled themselves in a private house for worship. Huneric, having heard of this, ordered their tongues to be cut out, and their right hands to be cut off in the public market-place. This he seems to have done to prevent their open confession of the Trinity. A miracle followed worthy of God, whose majesty had been so daringly insulted, which must, at that time, have greatly strengthened the hearts of the faithful, who peculiarly need consolation amid such scenes of horrid persecutions. The miracle is well attested; that though their tongues were cut out to the roots, they spake as well as before : without any impediment and without feel- ing any inconvenience from what they had suffered. Numbers of Trinitarians were maimed in various ways by the Arians. Some lost their hands, some their feet, others their eyes, their noses, or ears. The whale clergy of Carthage, after having been almost starved with hunger, were exiled. Two Vandals, r/ho loved the faith, accompanied by their mother, for^ sook their wealth, and followed the clergy into ban- ishment. The barbarity was general. At length, af- ter an horrible reign of seven years and ten months, in which the church was purged by as severe persecu- tions as any ever known, in the year 485 died the ty- rant Htineric of a disease, in which he was corroded 511 by worms, a singular monument of Divine justice i Gontamond, his nephew and successor stopped the persecution, and recalled Eugenius to Carthage. About this time, orthodox Christians found a patron in Clovis, king of the Franks, whose victorious arms had entirely ruined the Roman power in Gaul. His queen, Clotilda, was zealous for the doctrine of the Trinity, and by her influence with her husband, Clo- vis professed orthodox Christianity, while all the rest of the European princes were Arians. In the year 494, Gontamond, the Vandal, still in- creasing his kindness to the church, opened all the places of public worship, after they had been shut ten years and an half, and, at the desire of Eugenius, re- called all the other bishops. He died in the year 496 and was succeeded by his brother Thrasamond. Here I finish the history of the West for this cen- tury : in which, as well as the preceding, superstition, had grown gradually, and the more it increased, the less were men disposed,, in the faith and love of the gospel, to depend on ihe Savior. But the despis- ed, desolate church, at once overborne by heretics, and by barbarous pagans, still lived in Italy, Spain, France, and Britain. In Italy and Spain, it was only tolerated. In Britain it was confined to the moun- tains of Wales and Cornwall ; in France it was ready to rise again into eminence, and in Africa it had but just recovered from a dreadful scourge, in which there had been such glorious displays of The benign influ- ence of Divine grace. The patience of the godly w 7 as now greatly tried by the secular changes, the sins of the church were scourged, and the gospel was com- municated to barbarians. The general current of corrupt doctrine had borne away many ; idolatry was too deeply rooted in men's hearts to be eradicated from any, except from those who were Christians in^ deed, and we shall see it ere long, established in the formality of public worship. 31% CHAPTER Vllf. The Eastern Church in the Fifth Century, JtlERE we find but few cheering instances of trde godliness during this century. The same vices which tarnished the West, prevailed almost universally in the East, and in a much higher degree. Doctrinal feuds and malignant passions greatly abounded. In Persia, a cruel persecution of Christians raged for thirty years. What led to this was the impru- dent zeal of Andes a bishop, who destroyed one of the temples where the Persians adored the fire. The Magi complained to the king, who ordered the bishop to rebuild the temple. He refused to comply with the royal mandate. The consequence was, the infuriated monarch ordered all the Christian churches in his do- minions to be destroyed. Orders were also given to the chiefs of the Saracens, subjects of Persia, to guard the roads, and to apprehend all Christians, that they might not fly to the Romans. One of those chiefs, touched with compassion at their distress, aided their flight. He, being accused at the Persian court, fled with his family to Rome, and took along with him a number of Arabs, who, together with himself, received Christian baptism, and the real church of Christ prob- ably had an accession from this event. The Persian king sent to demand that the Christian fugitives should be delivered into his hands. The emperor having refused to give them up, a war ensued. The Romans took 7000 prisoners, whom though per- ishing by famine, they would not restore. Acacius, a Roman bishop, assembled his clergy, and spake thus to them ; " Our God has no need either of dishes or cups ; since then our church has many gold and silver vessels from the liberality of the people, let us, by means of them, free and relieve these captive soldiers." He ordered the vessels to be melted down, paid the ransom of the Persians to the Roman soldiers, gave the captives provisions and necessaries for their jour- 313 ney, and sent them home to their king. This was to conquer in a Christian manner ; a fruit of that charity which " seeketh not her own." During this century, a Jewish impostor, in Crete, pretended that he was Moses, arid that he had been sent from heaven, to undertake the care of the Cretan Jews, and conduct them over the sea. He preached a whole year in the island ? with a view of inducing them to obey his directions. He exhorted them to leave all their substance ; and promised to conduct them through the sea, as on dry land, and bring them into the land of promise. Numbers were so infatua- ted, as to neglect their business, and leave their pos- sessions to any who chose to seize them. On the day prefixed by the impostor, he went before them, and they followed with their wives and children. It was a memorable instance of that " blindness which has happened to Israel, till the fulness of the Gentiles be come in," and fulfils the Scripture account of their penal folly. When he had led them to a promontory, he ordered them to throw themselves into the sea. None of them, it seems, had the caution to insist on his setting the example. Those who were at the brink of the precipice leaped down, many of whom perished, some by being dashed against the rocks, and some by being drowned : and many more would have perished had not a number of fishermen, providentially present, saved their lives. These, enlightened by ex- perience, prohibited the rest from taking the leap. They all now sought the impostor to destroy him, but he had made his escape. Many of the Cretan Jews were on this occasion brought over to the Christian faith. CHAPTER IX, Christian Writers of this Century. was the great luminary of the fifth century; he wrote with uncommon plainness and vig- or in support of the doctrines of grace. 2 Q 514 Mark, the hermit, who lived about the beginning of this century, was also an humble advocate for the same doctrines. Paulinus, of Nola, was one of the most humble and pious writers of his time. He was born at Bourdeaux, ha I a classical style and taste, was of an illustrious family, and of great dignity in the empire ; and having married Therasia, a rich lady, obtained by her a great estate. It pleased God to inspire his wife with the love of heavenly things, and she had great influence in inducing her husband to prefer a retired life to the grandeur of the world. He gradually parted with his wealth, and appears to have been truly weaned in his affections from his worldly possessions. After hav- ing lived sixteen years in retirement, he was urgently called to the ministry, and was ordained bishop of Nola, where he continued till his death. He evidently despised human greatness, that he might faithfully and humbly follow Jesus Christ. He led a retired and tem- perate life, but with no great austerity, and was singu- larly remarkable for the tenderness of his conscience the meekness of his spirit, and a constant sense of his own imbecility, and of his need of Divine grace. The church of Rome, though at this time much de- generated from her primitive purity, must not be deemed antichristian, while the real doctrines of Christ were supported in it, by Coalestine, whose life has been already brought into view. Though Antichrist had not yet risen to his full stat- ure, yet was he now rapidly acquiring maturity of size and strength. Leo, bishop of Rome, wrote with a. great mixture of superstition. Though zealous for the support of discipline, of truth, and righteousness, he was too active for the amplification of the Roman see. He attempted to extend his influence in France, but met with a firm resistance. The celibacy of the clergy was more strictly enforc- ed by him than by any former bishop of Rome. Yet, in Christian doctrine he was not only evangelical in general, but very elaborate" and perspicuous, so as to evince the pains he had taken to understand the^scrip- 315 tures. He was remarkably learned on the Divftieancl human nature of Christ, and was pointed in opposing pelagianism. He appears to have been an humble and devout Christian. Theodoret of Cyrus, a city of Syria, distinguished himself for his pastoral labors ; in which he had so great success, that above a thousand Marcionites, and many Arians were brought over to the church under his ministry. He labored, and suffered for the love of Christ, and was often in danger of death from the rage of the multitude. Prosper of Ries, in Aquitain, was a layman, who dis- tinguished himself in the defence of the doctrines of grace. Serious, candid, and argumentative, he with- stood the semi-pelagians in France in support of the cause of truth. It appears that true religion had some prevalence in France, during this century. Much preaching and much controversy, on matters of evan- gelical importance, though attended with evils, prove that Christ is there by his Spirit. It is probable there was not, in any part of the world, at that time, more genuine piety than in France. Julian Pomrius, a priest in France, deserves atten- tion for his practical works. A few sentences, discrip- tive of the characters of good and bad bishops and preachers, will shew the taste of the times, as well as afford some sentiments not uninteresting to the pas- tors of this day. " A wicked bishop seeks after preferment and riches; chiefly aims to gratify his passions, to confirm his au- thority, and to enrich himself. He avoids the labori- ous and humbling part of his office, and delights in the pleasant and honorable." Again he says, "A good bishop converts sinners to God by his preaching and example lastly, he holds himself fast to God, in whom alone he puts his trust." The difference between a good and bad preacher he thus defines : " The one seeks the glory of Jesus Christ, by explaining doctrines in familiar discourse. The ether uses the utmost strength of his eloquence to gain reputation. The latter handles trifles with ela- 316 borate language : the former elevates a plain discourse by the weight of his thoughts," CENTURY VI. CHAPTER 1. The Life of Fulgentius , and the State of the African Churches in his Time. JLN the year 496, a storm began again to lower over the African churches. Thrasamond, whose reign then commenced, was an obstinate and sagacious Arian. He forbade the ordination of bishops in the vacant churches. The African bishops unanimously deter- mined not to obey an order which threatened the ex- tinction of orthodoxy, and proceeded to the ordination of pastors. The tyrant raged and determined to ban- ish them all. At that time Fulgentius had just been chosen bishop of Ruspae. He was of noble birth, had received a very liberal education, and was eminent for piety. From the renewal of the Arian persecution, he underwent severe bodily sufferings. In these, his mind appears to have been serene, and faithful to his Savior, whom, in real humility and sincerity, though tarnished with the fashionable superstition, he served according to the principles of the gospel. By the Arian persecution, Fulgentius was banished into Sardinia, in company with other faithful witness- es of orthodoxy. Upwards of 60 bishops were with him in exile. Thrasamond sent more still into Sar- dinia, in all 220 ; exerted himself greatly to over- come the constancy of the orthodox, and delighted to ensnare them with captious questions. Fulgentius was sent for by him to Carthage, and by his skill in argu- ment, and his readiness in answering questions, he ex- cited the king's admiration till through the advice of his Arian clergy, who considered the presence of Ful- 317 gentius to be dangerous at Carthage, he was remand- ed to Sardinia. Soon after, Kilderic, the successor of Thrasamond, in the year 523, favoring the ortho- dox, put a total end to persecution, and Ruspae once more beheld her bishop, Fulgentius lived among his flock from this time to his death, eminent in piety, humility and charity. For near seventy days, he suffered extreme pains in his last sickness. " Lord, give patience here, and rest hereafter," was his constant prayer and he died at length, as he had lived, an edifying example of every Christian virtue. He was dexterous in the defence of the doctrine of the Trinity. Hear what he says in a book addressed to king Thrasamond 3 on the Divinity of the Holy Ghost " If he can quicken, who is not God ; if he can sanc^ tify who is not God ; if he "an dwell in believers who is not God; if he can give grace, who is not God; then the Holy Ghost may be denied to be God. If any creature can do those things, which are spoken of the Holy Ghost, then let the Holy Ghost be called a creature." The life of Fulgentius evinced that he had experienced the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost on his own heart. CHAPTER II. The stale of the Church in other parts of the Roman Empire^ till the death of Justin^ including the life of C&sarius. AN the beginning of this century, twenty four bishops assembled, at the city of Agde, the president of whom was Caesarius, bishop of Aries ; they decreed that " all clergymen who serve the church faithfully shall receive salaries proportionable to their services." This rule, so simple and general, was the ancient pro- vision for the maintenance of pastors. Also they de- creed that all such laymen, as shall not receive the 318 communion, three times a year, shall be looked on a& heathens. They, at this assembly, ordered that lay- men remain in the church till the blessing is pronoun- ced. Caesarius was very zealous against the abuses which this order was designed to rectify. Observing, one day, some persons going out of the church to avoid hearing the sermon, he cried with a loud voice, " What are you about my children ? where are you going? Stay, stay, for the good of your souls. At the day of judgment it will be too late to exhort you." His just and charitable zeal at length prevailed ; but he was often obliged to cause the church doors to be shut, after the gospel was read, to prevent the impi- ous practice. His people were gradually reclaimed. Alas, such is the depravity of the human heart, that mankind in all ages are apt to be weary of the word of God ! Another canon of this assembly forbade au- guries, and divinations, and the opening of the scrip- tures with a view of making an omen of the first words that offered. This last mentioned superstition was for- bidden under penalty of excommunication. Csesarius had spent some part of his youth in the famous monastery of Lerins. Having heard that he was actually designed to be made bishop of Aries, he hid himself among the tombs. But, at the age of .30, he being taken thence, was appointed bishop, and con- tinued in that church above 40 years. Ca?sarius was fond of singing, and as he found the laity were apt to talk in the church, while the clergy were singing, he induced the laity to join with them in psalmody ; and in a sermon still extant, exhorts them to sing with their hearts, as well as their voices. In another ser- mon he exhorts them to throw off all distracting thoughts 5 before they prostrate themselves for prayer. " Whoever," says he, " in his prayers, thinks on a pub- lic place of resort, or the house he is building, wor- ships that place or that house." He directs them al- so not to be content with hearing the scriptures read in the church, but to read them also at home. This holy man was indefatigable in his labors, close and searching in his preaching, entered into praticcal particulars, addressed the consciences of his hearers, and reproved severely idolatrous and superstitious usages, and amid the confusion of the times distin- guished himself exceedingly by acts of mercy. He died in the year 542, universally lamented. The cause ofAriunism in the mean time, was in France gradually declining. The state of religion in the East, was far less favorable. Factions and feuds, heretical perversions and scandalous enormities filled up the scene. Under the emperor Justin, Chris- tianity began at length to wear, in some respects, a more agreeable aspect, when peace and good order were, in external things, in a measure restored. In the year 522, Zamnaxes, king of the Lazi, a peo- ple who inhabited the country anciently called Col- chis, being dead, his son Zathes repaired to Constan- tinople, telling the emperor that he was desirous of re- ceiving the gospel, and of relinquishing the idolatry of his ancestors. They had been vassals to the king of Persia, and had been obliged to perform sacrifices af- ter the Persian mode. He put himself therefore un- der the protection of Justin, and desired to receive the crown from his hands. Justin granting his request, the Lazi became vassals to the eastern empire, and embraced Christianity. The Iberians also, who bor- dered on their territories, and were also subjects of Persia, had already received the gospel. How far any thing of the real spirit of Christ's religion was imbibed by either nation, I know not. I can only say, the li- mits of the Christian name were extended in the East. In Arabia Felix, there were many Christians sub- ject to a king called Dounouas, a Jew, who caused those who were unwilling to become Jews, to be cast into pits full of fire. He besieged Negra, a town inhabited by Christians. Having persuaded them to surrender on articles, he broke his oath, burnt the pas- tors, beheaded the laymen, and carried all the youth into captivity. The next year, Elesbaan, king of Abyssinia, a Christian country since the days of Atha- nasius, supported by the emperor Justin, invaded the territory of the Arabian Jew, subdued his country, 320 and slew him. Thus the Arabian Christians were re- lieved. Elesbaan himself was very zealous, and in proof of his zeal, resigned his crown to embrace the monastic life. CHAPTEB III. The state of the Church during the reign of Justinian. the death of Justin, his nephew Justinian suc- ceeded at Constantinople, in the year 527. He was then 45 years old, and reigned 39. His real charac- ter was widely different from that which was ostensi- ble. In some external things he appeared to be one of the wisest, the most pious, and the most prosperous of men. Africa and Italy were by him reunited to the Roman empire. He enacted a famous code of laws, was temperate and abstemious in private life, and in- cessantly employed in religious acts and ceremonies. Justinian honored monks and persons reputed holy, built splendid churches, endowed monasteries ; was liberal beyond measure in support of external reli- gion ; incessant in the encouragement of what he ac- counted orthodoxy ; was intent on public affairs ; spent much time in theological speculations ; extir- pated idolatry, and brought over a number of barba- rous kings and nations to the profession of Christiani- ty. His faculties were strong and vigorous. But he was the victim of superstition, and the slave of avarice. For gold he sold his whole empire to the governors of provinces, to the collectors of tribute, and infamous informers. He encouraged the vilest of characters in the most detestable calumnies, that he might share in their gains. He indeed showed what a poor thing the body of the Christian religion is without the spirit. The evils which he wrought were palpable. Dissen- sions and schisms, with forced conversions attended with great cruelties, alienated the minds of men still more from godliness ; and superstition and formality 521 greatly increased. Under his influence, internal god- liness invariably declined, and wickedness and igno- rance awfully prevailed. This wretched man, by imperial menaces and arms, labored to bring all nations into uniformity of doc- trinej and into a nominal attachment to Christianity, prescribing what all should believe, while he seems not to have known any one thing in religion in a right manner. For his own genuine conversion, and per- sonal godliness, he appears not to have been attentive* Though he was serious through life, yet he seems to have been void of humility, faith and charity. In the year 529, a council was held in Orange, in France, at which were thirteen bishops, and Caecarius of Aries presided. From their doings it appears that they wre decidedly in opposition to semi-palagian- ism, and tenacious of the doctrines of grace. About this time, the monastic rules of Benedict, full of forms, and breathing little of the spirit of godliness, were established. These were afterwards received through the western churches. The founder of this sect zealously opposed idolatry* The worship of Apollo, he eradicated from that part of Italy, where the Samnites formerly dwelt, and instructed the peas- ants in Christianity. Justinian, in his old age, fell into the opinion, that the body of Jesus Christ was incorruptible ; an opin- ion, directly subversive of the real sufferings of Christ, on which the efficacy of his atonement depends. Having once formed the sentiment, he by an edict, required his subjects to embrace it. Eutychius, of Constantinople, considered it unchristian, and re- fused to publish it. He argued that according to this sentiment the incarnation of Christ was not real, but only in fancy ; that the body of Christ could not be called incorruptible in any other sense, than as it was always unpolluted with any sinful defilement, and was not corrupted in the grave. The arguments of the bishop were reasonable, but the emperor was self-sufficient, and powerful. Euty- dhius was roughly treated, banished^ and died in es> 522 fle. Anastasius, bishop of Antiocb, a man of exem- plary piety,, also withstood this sentiment with much firmness. Many were influenced by his example, to oppose this imperial heresy. But while the old imperial pope was dictating a sentence of banish- ment against Anastasius and others, who had incurred his displeasure,. Providence wrought deliverance, by arresting the emperor by the stroke of death. Let not profane persons exult over him ; but let those who exercise their thoughts on religion^ take care to study the written word with humility, prayer, and pious rev- erence, warned by the apostacy of a man, who for ma- ny years had studied divinity, and fell at last into an error, equally subversive of the dictates of common sense, as it is of Christian piety, and diametrically op- posite to all scripture : let us remember, however, that his follies and persecutions were the occasion of ex- hibiting some excellent characters even in the Eas- tern church, who showed that they bore not the Chris- tian name without a just title to that best of all appel- lations. CHAPTER IV. Miscellaneous affairs to the end of the Century ^ JUSTIN, the nephew of Justinian, succeeded. He recalled the bishops whom the tate emperor had exil- ed, except Eutychius of Constantinople. Him he did not restore till after the death of John his successor. Eutychius continued, after his restoration, bishop of Constantinople till his death. In his old age he em- braced the whimsical notion, that our bodies after the resurrection become thinner than air. This shows the low state of Christian knowledge in the East, and the predominancy of Origenism and Platonism, which Dad remained in Asia, ever since they had gained ad- mission into the church. The purity and simplicity of the faith had be^n preserved in a much superior 323 manner in the West by the faithful labors of Augus- tine. At this time a number of Britons, expelled front their country by the arms of the Anglo-Saxons, cross- ed the sea, and settled the adjacent province of Bri- tanny in France. With them the faith of the gospel was preserved, as well as with their brethren in Wales and Cornwall, and in some parts of Scotland and Ire- land, while the major part of England was filled with Saxon idolatry. Colomban, an Irish priest, came over, in this centu- ry, into the northern parts of Scotland and labored with much success among the Picts. His disciples were remarkable for the holiness and abstemiousness of their lives. Thus, while the gospel was rapidly withdrawing from the East, where it first arose, God left not himself without witness in the most distant parts of the West. Toward the latter end of this century, the Lom- bards came from Pannonia into Italy, and settled there under Alboinus, their first king. They fixed their me- tropolis at Pavia. They were Arians. The Italian churches had become dreadfully corrupt ; formal su- perstition was corroding the vitals of genuine godli- ness, they needed a scourge, and experienced all the horrors which a savage and victorious nation could in- flict. In the year 584, Levigildiis, king of the Visigoths in Spain, having married his eldest son Hermenigildus, to Ingonda, daughter of the French king, began to find effects from the marriage, which he little expect- ed. Ingonda, though persecuted by her mother-in- law, the wife of the Spanish monarch, persevered in orthodoxy, and by the assistance of Leander, bishop of Seville, under the influence of Divine grace, brought over her husband to the faith. The father enraged, commenced a grievous persecution against the ortho- dox in his dominions. Hermenigildus, having rebell- ed against his father, who appeared bent on his de- struction, was obliged to fly for security into a church^ where he was at length induced by his father's prom- 324 to surrender himself, Levigildus at first treated him with kindness, but afterward banished him to Va- lentia. His wife Ingonda flying to the Grecian em- peror, died by the way. Some time after, the young prince, loaded with irons, had leisure to learn the van- ity of earthly greatness, and exhibited every mark of piety and humility. His father sent to him an A nan bishop, offering him his favor, if he would receive the communion at his hands. Hermenigildus continued firm in the faith, and the king enraged, sent officers who dispatched him. The father lived long enough to repent of his cruelty ; before he died, he desired Leander, bishop of Seville, whom he had greatly per- secuted, to educate his second son Recaredus, in the same principles in which he instructed his eldest. Re- caredus succeeded his father in the government, and embraced orthodoxy with much zeal. The eonse-t- quence was the establishment thereof in Spain, and the destruction of Arianism, which had now no legal settlement in the world, except with the Lombards jn Italy. Thus Divine Providence effected, by the means of a pious princess, a very salutary revolvition in religion. CHAPTER V. Gregory the First , Bishop of Rome. HE was a Roman by birth^and of a noble family.-* Being religiously disposed, he assumed the monastic habit, and became eminently pious. After he was drawn from his, monastery, and nad been ordained to the ministry, he was sent from Rome to Constantino- ple, to transact ecclesiastical affairs. Here he became acquainted with Leander^ afterward bishop of Seville, and profited by the acquaintance., His residence at Constantinople, was not without some use to the church. By a timely and vigorous opposition, he quashed the fanciful notion of Eutyehius concerning tjie qualities of jthe human body after the resurrection 325 which have been already noticed. The emperor Tf* berius, who succeeded Justin, supported the labors of Gregory with his authority, Gregory, from his youth, was afflicted with frequent complaints in his stomach and bowels. The vigor of his mind was not, however, hereby depressed, and he appears to have profited by such chastisements. After his return to Rome, the Tiber overflowed and did great damage. The granaries of the church were inundated, and a prodigious quantity of wheat was lost. An infectious and mortal distemper followed, Pelagius the bishop was one of the first victims that fell. The mortality prevailed to that degree that ma- ny houses were left without an inhabitant. In this distress the people were anxious to .choose a bishop, and by unanimous consent elected Gregory. He with great humility earnestly refused, and loudly proclaim- ed his own unworthiness. He did more ; he wrote to the emperor beseeching him to withhold his assent. But the emperor confirmed his election with pleasure. The plague, ia the mean time, made dreadful havoc. Gregory, however, backward to receive the office of a bishop, forgot not the duties of a pastor. He preach- ed faithfully, and urged upon the people the duty of repentance, that they should humble themselves un- der the mighty hand of God, and turn to him with their whole hearts, and look to him for rnercy, and persisted in praying and preaching, till the plague ceased. After this, though the gates were watched to pre- vent his flight, Gregory found means to be conveyed out of the city, and concealed himself three days. The zealous search of the people found him out, and he was obliged to enter on his bishopric, in the year 590. ^ Gregory discharged the office with fidelity, giving himself so far as he could wholly to the care of souls. When he entered on his office, the church in the East was almost universally fallen ; in the West, it was tar- nished with much superstition and defiled with a va- riety of wickedness. The whole period of his episcopa- cy, which was thirteen years and a half, was disastrous 326 beyond measure, because of the ferocious Lombards 5 and Gregory himself was firmly persuaded, that the end of the world was near. Hence he had a strong con- tempt of sublunary things, and loved to refresh his mind with prospects beyond the grave. . From the epistles of Gregory it appears, that disci- pline, and indefatigable attention to order, justice, mercy and piety, marked all his proceedings. The in- ordinate amplitude of authority and of extensive juris- diction, to which superstition had already advanced the Roman see, and which afforded such copious fuel to pride and ambition in some of his predecessors, and many of his successors, was to him only the cause of anxious care and conscientious solicitude. True he received the prevailing idea of a superintendence of the Roman see over all the churches, derived from St. Peter. But this appears not to have excited in him any pleasing sensations of dominion. A fatherly in- spection of Christendom, without civil power, called him to incessant labor. He appears to have exerted his authority in full consistency with true humility and the fear of God. Amid his abundant and extensive cares for the general welfare of the churches, he found time to expound the scriptures, to perform the office of a diligent pastor, and to write much for the instruc- tion of mankind. Deeply must the spirit of that man have been impressed with the prospects and hopes of immortality, who, amid bodily infirmities, and in times of public perplexity, could persevere in such a course of arduous labors. During this century the bishops of the great sees were gradually increasing in secular grandeur; and John, of Constantinople, disturbed, in Gregory's time, th peace of the church, by assuming to himself the title of universal bishop. The pride and arrogance with which he assumed it, was only equalled by the obstinacy with which he persevered. Gregory wrote with much vehemence against John's haughtiness, and, on this occasion, laid down some memorable rules of humility, which severely condemned, not him- but his successors in the Romish see. In what 327 a state must the East have been to revere as a great saint both living and dying, so proud a man as Johpt of Constantinople ! But there godliness was nearly expiring, and the Mahometan scourge was at hand. For near a century and a half the gospel of Christ had been declining in Britain, and for the greatest part of that time had been confined, as we have seen, to Wales and Cornwall, or to the mountains of Scot- land ; while the Angles or Saxons, destroyed every ap- pearance of evangelical light in the heart of the island.. Seven Saxon kingdoms, called the Heptarchy, were now formed in the island, almost totally immersed in heathenish darkness. It was while Britain was in this deplorable situation that Gregory conceived the be- nevolent purpose of sending into that country Christian missionaries. He actually sent them in the year 597. L is worthy of notice how much the Lord has made use of women in the propagation of the gospel among idolaters. Bertha, the only daughter of Caribert, king of Paris, a descendant of Clovis, had been married to Ethelbert, king of Kent, one of the most wise and powerful of the Saxon princes. He had not been al- lowed to marry this French princess, but on the ex- press stipulation, that she should be permitted to* make free profession of Christianity, in which she had been educated. Bertha brought over with her a French bishop to the court of Dorobernium, now Can- terbury. Her principles were firm and sound, her conduct worthy of the Christian name, and her influ- ence over her husband considerable. Her zealous pi- ety was not inferior to that of the queen, Clovis, which had been attended with such happy consequences in France, and every thing conspired to favor the mis- sionaries. These were a number of monks, at the head of whom was one named Augustine. To him Ethelbert assigned an habitation in the isle of ThaneL Here he remained at first with his associates, who were nearly 40. By the direction of Gregory, they had taken with them French interpreters, by whose means they informed the king, that they_ were come from Rome- &nd brought him the best tidings in the world, eternal life to those who received them, and the endless en- joyment of life with the living God. After some days Ethelbert paid them a visit, but being apprehensive of enchantments, he took care to receive them in the open air, where he thought he should be safer than in his house. The missionaries met him, singing lita- nies for their own salvation, and that of those for whose sake they had come thither* Sitting down by the king's direction, they preached to him and his attend- ants the word of life. To their instructions the king answered; "They are fine words and promises which ye bring, but because they are new and uncertain, I cannot afford my assent to them, nor relinquish those things, which for so long a time I have observed with all the English nation. But as ye are come hither from a great distance, and as I seem to discover, that ye are willing to communicate to us those things, Ivhich ye believe to be most true and most excellent, we are not willing to disturb you, but rather to re- ceive you in a friendly manner, and to afford you things necessary for your support ; nor do we hinder you from uniting all, whom ye can persuade by preaching, to the faith of your religion." He gave them a mansion in the royal city of Canterbury, with all necessary accommodations, and license to preach the word. As the missionaries approached the city, they sang in concert, " We pray thee, O Lord, in all thy mercy, that thine anger and thy fury may be re- moved from this city, and from thy holy house, because we have sinned. Alleluia." The conduct of the missionaries at Canterbury was correspondent to these beginnings. They prayed ? fasted, watched, preached the word of life to all, as o .;! orlunities presented, lived above the world, re- ceived nothing from those whom they taught, except necessaries, practised what they taught, and showed a readiness to suffer, or even to die for the truth which they preached. Some, admiring their innocent lives, and tasting the sweets of their doctrine, believed and were baptized. 329 Near the city, was an old church, built in the times of the Romans, in which, queen Bertha was wont to pray. In this, the missionaries first held their assem- blies, sang, prayed, preached, arid baptized, till the king himself, being converted to the faith, they ob- tained a larger license to preach every where, and to build or repair churches. Numbers crowded to hear, and received the word. The king, congratulating the new converts, declared that he would compel no man to become a Christian, but embraced those who were Christians with intimate affection as fellow heirs of the grace of life. The missionaries had taught him, that the service of Christ ought to be voluntary ? not compulsive. Ethelbert now gave them a settle- ment in Canterbury, suited to their station, with all necessary accommodations. London was brought in- to the pale of the church, and the southern parts of the island found benefit, by the labors of the Christian missionaries. Augustine, after his reception by Ethelbert, went to France and received ordination, as the archbishop of England, from the bishop of Aries, and then returned to his missionary labors. Thus the conduct of Gregory, with respect to the propagation of the gospel in Britain, appears to have been one of the most shining efforts of Christian chari- ty. These Christian missionaries, seem to have act- ed, in general, very laudably, and Christianity to have been firmly established among the idolatrous Saxons. Gregory, worn out at length, with his abundant la- bors and with diseases, slept in Jesus in the year 604. No man in any age ever gave himself up more sincere- ly to the service, and the benefit of his fellow men. Power in him was a voluntary servitude, undertaken not for himself, but for the world. The belief of the Roman bishop's succession to Peter, which he found to be prevalent in Europe, was strengthened by reason of his eminent piety and laborious virtues. The seeds of Antichrist began now vigorously to shoot; and the reputation of Gregory doubtless contributed much to mature the poisonous plant But idolatry, spiritual 2 s 330 tyranny, and the doctrine of the merit of works, the three discriminating marks of the papacy, had as yet, no settled establishment at Rome. CENTURY VII. CHAPTER I. The English Church. AN this century, the church in Great Britain, shone with distinguished lustre. Laurentius succeeded Au- gustine in the see of Canterbury, and like his prede- cessor labored to promote the best interests of the English by frequent preaching of the word, and by a diligent and useful example. He labored to bring the British churches to a conformity with the church of Rome. In this he appears to have been actuated by a spirit of selfish ambition. His views of Christian doctrine were, however, correct, and his life was un- blemished. Laurentius too, in conjunction with Mellitus, bish- op of London, and Justus, bishop of Rochester, en- deavored to reduce the Scots, who inhabited Ireland, to a conformity with the English church. But in this he did not succeed. While Ethelbert, the first Chris- tian king of Kent lived, the gospel flourished in his kingdom. He reigned 55 years, 21 years after he had embraced Christianity, and enacted laws calculated to protect the persons and property of the church. His son and successor, Eadbald, not only despised Christianity, but also lived in incest with his father's wife: Whence, all who had embraced the gospel through motives purely secular, were induced to re- lapse into idolatry. Sabereth, king of the East Sax- ons favored a'nd encouraged Christianity. On his de- cease, his three sons became joint heirs of his king- dom, and immediately resumed the idolatry, which they had intermitted a little in their father's life time*. 331 and encouraged their subjects to do the same. These princes observing the bishop of London to distribute the bread of the eucharist in the church, asked why he did not give them the bread, which he had usual- ly given to their father, and which he distributed at thaiftime to the people ? " If you will be washed in the same laver of regeneration in which your father was," replied Mellitus, "you may partake of the same sacred bread ; but if ye despise the laver of life, ye cannot partake of the bread of life." " We will not," said they, " enter into that fountain ; we do not know that we need it ; yet we choose to eat of that bread." In vain did the upright pastor seriously and diligently admonish them, thai it was not possible for any person remaining uncleansed from sin, to partake of the com- munion. In a rage they declared, " if you will not gratify us in so small a matter, you shall not remain in our province. They therefore ordered him to be gone with his associates.' Mellitus, thus expelled, came into Kent to consult with Laurentius and Justus. The three bishops agreed to leave the country, that they might serve God with freedom elsewhere, rather than remain among enemies without the prospect of success. Mellitus and Justus retired first into France, waiting the issue. The three princes not long after were slain in battle, but their subjects remained still incorrigible. Laurentius, intending to follow the two bishops, employed himself in prayer in the church during the silent watches of the night, with much agony and ma- ny tears, entreating God to lo'ok upon the English church, which, after such promising beginnings, seem- ed now on the eve of a total dissolution. Next morn- ing he visited the king, who, struck at last with horror for his crimes, and relenting, when he appeared in im- minent danger of losing his Christian instructor forev- er, forbade his departure, reformed his own life and manners, was baptized, and from that time became a zealous supporter of the faith. Eadbald, to show the sincerity of his zeal, recalled Mellitus and Justus from France, after a year's exile. 332 Justus was reinstated in Rochester ; but the people of London so preferred idolatry, and Eadbald was so deficient in authority that Mellitus could not be rein- stated in that city. So far, however, as the influence of Eadbald extended, he exerted it for the cause of Christ, and, from the time of his Conversion, adorned the gospel and propagated it among his people. Laurentius being deceased, Mellitus succeeded him in the archbishopric of Canterbury, while Justus still presided at Rochester. Mellitus, after giving the most undoubted proofs of genuine piety, died and was succeeded by Justus. Hitherto Kent had almost alone enjoyed the illumi- nation of the gospel. But Christianity was now intro- duced into the north, where reigned Edwin, king of the Northumbrians. A woman was once more hon- ored as the instrument of salvation to a king, her hus- band, and to many of his subjects. Edwin had sent to Eadbald, to desire his sister Ethelburg or Tate in marriage. The Kentish prince, with that Christian sincerity which had ever distinguished him since his conversion, answered, that it was not lawful to marry his sister to an infidel. Edwin promised certainly to grant perfect liberty of conscience to the princess and to her attendants, adding that he himself would re- ceive the same religion, if it appeared more worthy of God. On these conditions Eadbald consented, and sent his sister into Northumberland, attended by Pau- linus, who was consecrated bishop of the north of England by Justus, in the year 625. The reason of sending him was, that by daily exhortations and ad- ministration of the communion, he might guard the young princess and her attendants from the infection of idolatry. But Providence had a higher and more extensive aim, and excited in the heart of Paulinus a strong desire to propagate the gospel in those regions. The God of this world, however, so blinded the minds of unbelievers, that though Paulinus preached a long time, yet it was without success, till Edwin was very near being murdered by an assassin, whom the king of the West Saxons sent against him, and the 333 same night his queen was delivered of a daughter. Wbile the king was thanking his gods for the birth of his daughter, Paulinus began to give thanks to the Lord Christ. Edwin told him, that he himself would worship Christ and renounce all his gods, if he would give him victory over the West Saxons, who had at- tempted to murder him, and, for the present, gave the^ young infant to Paulinus to be baptized. She was the first Northumbrian who was admitted into the vis- ible church by the ordinance of baptism ; and twelve of the king's family were baptized on that occasion. Edwin, having collected his forces, vanquished the West Saxons, and killed or reduced to subjection all who had conspired against him. Returning victori- ous he determined no longer to serve idols. But be- fore he received baptism, he resolved to examine seri- ously the grounds and reasons of Christianity. He was doubtless in good earnest, and attended diligently to the instructions of Paulinus, communed with his own heart in silence, and anxiously enquired what true religion was. Holding a consultation with his in- timate friends and counsellors, he said to them " What is this hitherto unheard of doctrine, this new worship?" Coifi, the chief of the priests, answered, " See you, O king, what this is, which is lately preached to us ? I declare most frankly, what I have found to be true, that the religion we have hitherto followed is of no value. If the gods could do any thing, they would more particularly distinguish me with their favors, who have served them so diligently. If the new doc- trine be really better, let us embrace it." Another of the nobles observed, that he had noticed a swallow, which had rapidly flown through the king's house, en- tering by one door and going out at the other. This happened, he said, when the king was setting at sup- per in the hall : a fire burning in the midst, and the room being heated, a tempest of rain or snow raged without: the poor swallow felt indeed a temporary warmth, and then escaped out of the room. "Such, says he, "is the life of man ; but what goes before, or comes after, is buried in profound darkness. Our igno- 334 ranee then, upon such principles 'as hitherto we have embraced, is confessed ; but if this new doctrine really teach us any thing more certain, it will deserve to be followed." These and similar reflections were made by the king's counsellors. Coifi, the chief priest, on hearing Paulinus preach, exclaimed ; " I knew formerly, that what we worship- ped was nothing, because the more studiously I sought for truth, the less I found it Now I openly declare that in this preaching appears the truth, which is able to afford us life, salvation, and eternal bliss. I advise that we instantly destroy the temples and altars, which we have used in vain." The king, feeling the convic- tion with no less strength, openly confessed the faith of Christ, and asked Coifi, who should be the first man that should profane the idolatrous places. " I ought to do it," replied the priest, " I, who worship- ped them in folly, will give an example to others in destroying them, by the wisdom given me from the true God. He immediately went to the temple and profaned it, rejoicing in the knowledge of the Most High, and ordered his companions to burn the build- ing with its enclosures. In the year 627, this prince, with all his nobles, and very many of the commonalty, were baptized. Pauli- nus ,first bishop of York, continued, till the death of Ed- win to preach the gospel ; "and as many as were or- dained to eternal life believed." Edwin's children were afterward baptized, and so strong was the desire of his subjects for Christianity, that Paulinus having come with the king and queen, to a royal villa, spent there 36 days in teaching and baptizing from morning till night. Though many of these conversions may have been merely in complaisance to the court, yet there is every reason to believe, there was a real effu- sion of the Spirit at this time. Those who devoted themselves professedly to the service of the true God, appear to have done it most deliberately and uncle r- slandtngly. Edwin induced also Carpwald, king of the East An- gles, to embrace the gospel. Sibert, his brother, sue- 335 ceeded him, and was a prince of singular zeal and pie- ty, and did much for the spiritual betiefitof his subjects. Paulinus preached also in Lincolnshire, the first province south of the Humber, where the governor of Lincoln, with his house, was converted unto God. Through the instrumentality of his preaching, and the happy effects which the Spirit of God gave to it, on the heart of Edwin and his subjects, peace, order and justice wonderfully prevailed in Northumberland, dur- ing his Christian reign. But this virtuous and pious prince, was doomed to fall in battle. Having served the cause of Christ for six years, he w r as slain in an ac- tion, fought with Carduella, a British prince, a Christian by profession, and with Penda, king of the Saxon prin- cipality of Mercia, a professed pagan. The British prince using his victory with savage barbarity, Pauli- nus fled with Edwin's queen into Kent, whence he had brought her. There he filled the see of Roches- ter, which he held till his death. His deacon, James, whom he had left in Northumberland, preserved still some remains of Christianity in a province now over- run by pagans. Such are the vicissitudes of the church in this world ; her perfect rest is above. The situation of the North was, after this, deplora- ble, till Oswald succeeded to the kingdom. He pro- cured Aidan, an Irish missionary, to come among his people, to whom he acted as interpreter. He also en- couraged other Irish ministers to come into the north of England ; by whom the gospel was preached, churches erected, and the ground lost by the expul- sion of Paulinus, recovered. Aidan was a most shining example of godliness. He labored abundantly to convert infidels, and to strengthen the faithful. He gave to the poor whatev- er presents he received from the great, and continual- ly employed himself and his associates in the scrip- tures. Luxury, and every appearance of avarice and ambition, he strictly avoided. With the money given him by the rich, he redeemed captives, whom he af- terward instructed and fitted for the ministry. The king was not inferior to him in his endeavors to promote 336 godliness. He encouraged every attempt to spread the knowledge and practice of godliness among men. In the mean time Byrinus, who was sent from Rome, arrived among the West Saxons, whom he found all pagans. Cynigilsus, their king, the father-in-law of Os- wald, received baptism from him, and the gospel was S'opagated with success through this branch of the eptarchy* Eadbald, king of Kent, died in the year 640, his son Easconbert, a zealous supporter of godliness, succeed- ed him, and was the first Saxon king who totally de- stroyed all the idols in his kingdom. Oswald was at length slain in battle by the same Penda, king of Mercia, who was before mentioned, and was succeeded by his brother, Oswy. Penda son of the tyrant of Mercia, desired his daughter in mar- riage. The reception of Christianity was made a con- dition of his obtaining the woman of his choice. Young Penda, on hearing the gospel preached, de- clared he would become a Christian, even if Oswy's daughter were denied him. Two years before the death of old Penda, the son married the Northumbri- an princess, and patronized Christianity in that part of his father's dominions, which was committed to his government. Old Penda renewed hostilities against Oswy and was slain in battle. Oswy, now master of Mercia and Northumberland, applied himself to propa- gate Christianity among his new subjects. Through his influence the gospel was restored to the kingdom of the East Saxons ; and London, which had rejected the ministry of Mellitus, again embraced the religion of Christ. In this century, Ireland was filled with saints. The schools which they established were renow r ned for ages. That there was a real effusion of the Spirit on England, ia evident ; numbers were then turned from idols to the living God, and the fruits of it were long enjoyed. Kings were truly the nursing fathers, and queens the nursing mothers of the church. Toward the close of this century the zeal and purity of Christians in En- glanc\ began to decline. 337 CHAPTER II. The Propagation of the Gospel in Germany and its Neighbourhood. -I HE northern parts of Europe had hitherto remain- ed in the darkness of Idolatry. In this century the grace of God began to visit them. Many persons travelled from Great Britain and Ireland to preach Christ in Batavia, Belgium and Germany. Colomban, an Irish monk, passed the Rhine and evangelized the Suevi, Boii, and other German nations. In this cause he labored till hia death, which happened in the year 615. Gal, one of his companions, labored with much zeal about the lakes of Zurich and Constance. Kilian, another Irish missionary came to Wirtzbourg, upon the Mayne, where a pagan duke, called Gosbert was governor. The duke received the gospel, was baptized, and many followed his example. But he had married his brother's wife. The missionary uni- ted discretion with zeal, and deferred his admonitions on this head, till he found that his pupil, the duke, was firmly settled in the faith. Kilian ventured at length to act the^ part of John the Baptist, and the event was in a great measure similar. Gosbert prom- ised to obey, but delayed the execution of his promise till he should return from an expedition. The mischief of procrastination .against the light of conscience, was never more strongly illustrated; in his absence, Geila- na, for that was the name of the German Herodias, procured the murder of Kilian and his companions. They were engaged in devotional exercises, and died with the patience of martyrs in the year 688. Gos- bert was prevailed on by the artifices of Geilana to suffer the murderers to escape with impunity. But Gosbert, with all the other actors in this tragedy, came to an unhappy end. Holland, Westphalia, Bavaria, and the neighboring Countries received the gospel during this century. 558 CHAPTER III. The General History of the Church in this Century. A HOCAS, the Greek emperor, was deposed and slain by Heraclius, in the year 610: he was a most vicious and profligate tyrant ; and may be compared with Caligula, Nero, and Domitian. Since the intro- duction of Christianity, such characters had, for two or three centuries, been exceedingly rare. For such was the benign influence of the gospel, that even amidst all the corruptions and abuses of it, which were now so numerous, a decency of character and conduct, un- known to their pagan predecessors, was supported by the emperors in general. In the beginning of the reign of Heraclius, which lasted thirty years, the Persians desolated the eastern part of the empire and made themselves masters of Jerusalem. While Asia groaned under their cruelties and oppressions, and was afflicted with scourge after scourge, for her long abuse of the best gift of God, ati opportunity was given for the exercise of Christian graces, to a bishop of a church, which had long since ceased to produce Christian fruit. This was John, bishop of Alexandria, called the Almoner, on account of his extensive liberality. He daily supplied with necessaries those who flocked into Egyptj after they had escaped the Persian arms. He sent to Jerusalem the most ample relief for such as remained there ; ransomed captives ; placed the sick and wounded in hospitals, and visited them in person, two or three times a week. He even seems to have interpreted too strictly the sacred rule, " of giving to him that asketh of thee." His spirit, how- ever, was noble " should the whole world come to Alexandria," said he, " they could not exhaust the treasures of God." The Nile not having risen to its usual height, there was a barren season, provisions were scarce, and crowds of refugees still poured into Alexandria. John, however, continued his liberalities till he hsd 339 neither money, nor credit. The prayer of faith was his resource, and he still persevered in hope. He even refused a very tempting offer of a person, who would have bribed him with a large present, that he might be ordained deacon. " As to my brethren the poor," said the pious John, " God, who fed them be- fore you and I were born, will take care to feed them now, if we obey him." Soon after he heard of the ar- rival of two large ships, which he had sent to Sicily for corn. " I thank thee, O Lord," cried the bishop in a rapture of joy, " that thou hast kept me from selling thy gift for money." From the beginning of his bishopric, he maintained 7500 poor persons by daily alms. He was accessible to them on all occasions, and divine faith appears to have influenced all his acts of love. He constantly studied the scriptures, and, in his conversation, was instructive and exemplary. Slander and evil speak- ing he peculiarly disliked. If any person was guilty of this, in his presence, he would give another turn to the discourse. If the person still persisted, he would direct "his servant not to admit him any more. Heresy, licentiousness and ambition, had filled the Alexandrian church, and reduced it very low, and per- sons behaved indecently even in public worship. John, one day, seeing several leave the church after the reading of the gospel, went out also and sat down among them. "Children," said he, "the shepherd should be with his flock: I could pray at home, but I cannot preach at home." By doing this twice, he reformed the abuse. The preaching of the word much engaged his heart, and the disregard with which his preaching was attended was a mark of great degen- eracy in the people. In 616 John the Almoner departed from Alexandria for fear of the Persians and soon after died in Cyprus, in the same spirit in which he had lived, and with him ends all that is worth recording of the church of Alex- andria. In the same year the haughty Chosroes, king of Persia, having extended his conquests iqto Egypt, He- 340 raclius sued for peace. The tyrant replied, " That, I never will consent to, till you renounce him who was crucified, whom you call God, and with me adore the sun." Chosroes was a second Sennacherib, and was treated as such by the Sovereign of the universe. The spirit of Heraclius was roused ; and God gave him wonderful success : the Persian king was repeatedly vanquished, and after he had lost the greater part of his dominions, was by his own son murdered, as was the case with Sennacherib ; and in the year 628, the Persian power ceased to be formidable to the Roman empire. About the year 630 the Eutychian heresy, which maintained there was only one nature in Jesus Christ, produced another, the Monothelite, which ascribed to him but one will. Theodore, bishop of Pharan, in Arabia, first started this sentiment. Sergius, bishop of Constantinople, and Cyrus, bishop of Alexandria, received and supported it. The emperor Heraclius w r as drawn into this heresy, and the East was rapidly over- spread by it. Against this, Sophronius, a disciple of John the Almoner, took a firm stand, and in a council, at Alexandria, protested against the innovation, but in vain. The heresy spread wider and wider ; Honorius, bishop of Rome, was led into the snare, and imposed silence on all the controversalists. While this new dispute continued in the East, vice astonishingly prevailed ; and the Saracen locusts, about to torment the Christian world, began their rav- ages. In the year 608, Mahomet declared himself a prophet, and soon collected some of various sorts of persons who inhabited Arabia. At the time of his death, which happened in the year 631, he had con- quered almost all that country. After his decease, the Mahometan arms still pro- ceeded with the same rapidity. Damascus, Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria, successively became a prey to Unse devourers. Persia itself was subdued. Thus did God punish both the persecuting idolaters, and the vici u- professors of Christianity in the East. They were doomed^to a long night of servitude under ma- 341 hometanism, which continues to this time. Heraclius himself died in the year 641. God had showed him great mercies and given him very great encourage- ment to seek true religion, by the remarkable success of his arms against the Persians in the middle of his reign. But he lived wickedly, and thus evinced the moraPtendency of his heretical sentiments. Maxim us, who had been secretary to Heraclius, was a man of real godliness, and succeeded Sophronius in the defence of the primitive faith. He, with much la- bor, confuted the heresiarchs. In the year 649, by his zeal and importunity, Martin, bishop of Rome, was excited to assemble a council, in the Lateran, of 105 bishops. The controversy had now lasted 18 years. Men destitute of godliness, but eagerly embracing the form, had, during this period, gratified the self-right- eous bias, and the most malevolent passions of the heart, in long protracted controversies, while practical religion was awfully neglected. Nor could all the ca- lamities of the times, and the desolation of the eastern churches, move them to the love of peace and truth. Though Constans, who was then emperor, had, by a decree, forbidden the council to take any part in the controversy, yet Martin ventured to anathematize the supporters of the Monothelite heresy. The resentment of the emperor was excited, Martin was ordered to be dragged into the East, and made to suffer a long protracted punishment. He remained firm to the last. In his severest trials he says, "As to this wretched body, the Lord will take care of it. He is at hand; why should I give myself any trouble? for I hope in his mercy, that he will not prolong my course." His ambition, to maintain the supposed superiority of the Roman see, is blamable ; but his firm adherence to the doctrines of truth, deserves the admiration of chris- tians. He died in the year 655. In Roman language, he is called St. Martin, and appears to have had a just title to the name in the best sense of the word. Maximus, now 75 years old, was brought, by order of Constans, to Constantinople, and underwent a num- ber of examinations. His understanding remained 342 vigorous, and by the solidity of his arguments, he con- founded his examiners. He clearly proved, " that to allow only one will or operation in Jesus Christ, was in reality to allow only one nature ; that therefore, the opinion for which the emperor was so zealous, was nothing more than Eulychianism revived ; that he had not so properly condemned the emperor, as the doctrine, by whomsoever it was held ; that it was con- trary to the current of all ecclesiastical antiquity ; that our Savior was always allowed, from the apostolical times, to be perfect God and perfect man, and must therefore have the nature, will and operations distinct- ly belonging both to God and man : that the new sen- timent went to confound the idea both of the divinity and the humanity, and to leave him no proper exist- ence at all : that the emperor was not a pastor, and that it had never been practised by Christian empe- rors in the worst times, to impose silence on bishops : that it was the duty of the latter not to disguise the truth by ambiguous expressions, but to defend it by clear and distinct terms, adapted to the subject : that Arianism had always endeavored to support itself by such artifices as those employe^ by the emperor, and that a peace obtained by such methods in the church was at the expense of truth." Thus God raised up Maximus to defend the truth, against the attacks of its enemies. The tyrant, enraged to find himself disappointed, or- dered that Maximus should be scourged, his tongue cut out, his right hand cut off, and then banished and doomed to imprisonment for life. The same punish- ment was inflicted on two of the disciples of Maximus. These three upright men were confined in separate castles, in obscure rogions of the East, where they en- joyed no consolations, except those which belong to, men who suffer for righteousness sake. While such barbarous measures were used by nom- inal Christians, to support unscriptural tenets, Provi- dence frowned on the affairs of the empire. The Sa- racens overrun Arabia, Persia, Mesopotamia, dial* dea, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and part of Africa. Even Europe suffered from their depredations, 343 Constans, also, having murdered his own brother, and greatly disgraced the Christian name, by his fol- lies, his vices and cruelties, was at length dispatched in the 27th year of his reign, in 667. In 680, in a general council at Constantinople, where the emperor, Constantine Pogonatus, presided, the Monothelile heresy was anathematized, and its abettors were condemned, among whom was Honori- us, a bishop of Rome. The bishop did not at that time claim or allow infallibility. The most decisive marks of Antichrist, idolatry and false doctrine, had not yet appeared in that church. Superstition and vice were lamentably on the increase in the West, a considerable degree of true piety, however, prevailed, and some gracious effusions of the Spirit of God still appeared. In the East it was quite different Men had there filled up the measure of their iniquity. The Mahom- etan conquerors reduced the ancient professors of or- thodoxy to a state of extreme insignificancy. Here- tics were encouraged and protected by those conquer- ors, while the orthodox were sorely oppressed. Africa had shared in the general corruption in the East, and it has also shared in the general punish- ment. Toward the close of this century, it fell under the power of the Mahometans. This region, once fruitful in men, distinguished for soundness of faith, and for holy lives, was consigned to Mahometan dark- ness, and must henceforth be nearly dismissed from these memoirs. Learning was very low, and the taste of the age barbarous. Christ had, then, however, a church in the world. In England, true godliness appears to have beamed forth with a good degree of lustre ; and France seems to have enjoyed no small measure of piety. From these t\vo countries, Divine truth made its w r ay into Germany and the North, with glorious success. In Italy, the Lombards gradually renounced Arianism, and the purity of faith was in general preserved. In the dark ages which followed, some glimmerings of the presence qf Christ with his church will appear. 344 CENTURY VIII. CHAPTER I. Venerable Bede^ the English Presbyter. A HIS man was born at Farrow, hear the mouth of the Tyne. At the age of seven he lost both his par- ents, and was then placed in the monastery of Were- mouth, where he was educated with much strictness, and from his youth, appears to have been devoted to the service of God. He was afterward removed to the monastery of Jerrow, where he ended his days. He was accounted the most learned man of his time. Pray- er, writing, and teaching were his familiar employments during his whole life. He was constant in riligious du- ties arid made all his studies subservient to devotion. Of Greek and Hebrew, he had a knowledge very un- common in that barbarous age, and by his instructions and examples, raised up many scholars. There was more learning at that time, in the British Isles, than in any other part of Europe. Genuine godliness, rather than taste or genius, appears in his writings. In his last sickness, he was afflicted with a difficul- ty of breathing, for two weeks. His mind was serene and cheerful, and his affections heavenly. Amidst these infirmities, he daily taught his disciples. A great part of the night was spent in prayer and thanksgiv- ing , and the first employment in the morning was to meditate on the scriptures and to address his God. " God scourgeth every son whom he receiveth," was frequently in his mouth. Even amidst his bodily weakness, he was employed in writing two little trea- tises. Perceiving his end to draw nigh he said, " If my Maker please, I will go to him from the flesh ? who formed rne out of nothing. My soul desires to see Christ my King in his beauty." He sang glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and expired with at 345 sedateness, composure, and devotion, which amazed all, who saw and heard him. While Bede lived^in no part of the world, was god- liness better understood and practised, than among the English. A year before his death, in a letter to Egbert, arch- bishop of York, he writes, " Above all things, avoid useless discourse, and apply yourself to the holy scrip- tures, especially the epistles to Timothy and Titus ; to Gregory's Pastoral Care, and his homilies on the gospel. It is indecent for him, who is dedicated to the service of the church, to give way to actions or discourse unsuitable to his character. Have always those about you, who may assist you in temptation : be not like some bishops, who choose to have those about them, who love good cheer, and divert them with trifling and facetious conversation." In the same letter he also writes, " Appoint presby- ters, in each village, to instruct and to administer the sacraments ; and let them be studious that every one of them may learn by heart, the creed and the Lord's prayer." In a synod, held at Cloveshoo, about the middle of this century, in which Bede appears to have had great influence, the clergy are directed to have fellowship \vith one another, to serve God in one spirit of faith., hope and charity, to pray for one another, and to at- tend the duties of the sabbath. This shows the char- acter of Bede, and the spirit of the synod. CHAPTER II. Miscellanea us Particulars* J_N the early part of this century, Ceolfrid governed the two monasteries of Werernouth and Jerrovv, where Bede was educated. Through his* influence, the Picts, who inhabited North Britain, were brought over to the Roman mode of celebrating Easter, and of 2 tf 348 course io the Roman communion, and to share in the corruptions of that church, which continually grew more and more superstitious. In the year 713, the Mahometans passed over from Africa into Spain, and put an end to the kingdom of the Goths, which had lasted near 300 years. Most of the professed Christians, who had there become very corrupt and superstitious, were reduced ta slavery. A few, however, in the Asturian mountains, preserved their independence, and chose Pelagius for their king. He expressed his hope, that after God had chastised them for their sins, he would not give them wholly up to the Mahometans. His confidence in God was not disappointed. Under circumstances extremely disad- vantageous, he defeated the enemy, re-peopled the cities, rebuilt the churches, and by the pious assis- tance of several pastors, supported the gospel in one district of Spain, while the greatest part of the country was overrun by the Arabians. The successors of Pe- lagius recovered more cities from the enemy. Christendom, now afforded a mournful spectacle. Idolatry was widely spreading, both in Europe and Asia, among the professors of the gospel: in all those countries which had long been evangelized, men had generally forsaken the faith and precepts of Jesus. The people, who served the Lord in the greatest purity and sincerity, at this time, seem to have been our ancestors, and the inhabitants of some other regions, which had but lately received the gos- pel. Sin blinds the mind ; and the nominal Christians of the day perceived not that the avenging hand of God was upon them, till the Arabians had advanced into the heart of France, and were ravaging that coun- try in a dreadful manner, when strong efforts were made? to withstand them. In the year 732, they were total- ly defeated near Poictiers, by the heroic Charles Mar- tel. By this, the providence of God stopped the pro- gress of the Arabian locusts, and preserved a people t serve him in those western regions. 347 CHAPTER III. The Controversy of Images. The maturity of Antichrist. |_N the year 727, the bishop of Rome, endeavored by temporal power to support false doctrine, and par- ticularly that which deserves the name of idolatry. This is probably the most proper date for the begin- ning of Popedorru While men's hearts were filled with peace and joy in believing, while the doctrines of regeneration and justification were precious and all-important in their timation, and they lived by the faith of Jesus, saw his glory, and felt in their souls the transforming power of his grace ; the deceitful aids of idolatry to their wor- ship, had no charms. But now the knowledge of the gospel was adulterated and darkened ; and the mind, no longer under the influence of the Holy Spirit, be- took itself to the arts of sculpture and painting, to in- flame its affections, and to enkindle a false fire of de- votion. Pride could easily invent arguments to si- lence the admonitions of conscience, and gratify a self-righteous spirit, and worldly ambition lay in its claim for secular pow r er and self- gratification. In this respect the Roman church advanced in corruption more rapidly than the Eastern. The Grecian empe- rors employed themselves in destroying images and pictures, while in Italy they were held in idolatrous admiration. Leo, the Greek emperor, in the year 727, began openly to oppose the worship of images. This pro- duced a rupture with the Roman see. Having assem- bled the people, with frankness and sincerity he de- clared to them, his settled conviction of the idolatry of the growing practice, and that images ought not to be erected for adoration. But, so deeply had error pre- vailed, so convenient did wicked men find it to com- mute for the indulgence of their crimes, by a zealous $}tachment to the^worship of images, and so little were 348 the scriptures then read and studied, that the subjects of Leo murmured against him as a tyrant and persecu- tor. Even Germanus, bishop of Constantinople, took a decided part in favor of images, in opposition to the emperor. If peace by Jesus Christ, through faith alone, be not faithfully preached, men distressed for their sins will flee to idolatry with eagerness, and be confirmed in sinful practices. Gregory II. was now bishop of Rome ; whom, on ac- count of his open defence and support of idolatry, J shall venture to call the first Pope in Rome. From his time, the bishops of Rome, with their adherents, are to be looked on as Antichrist. Greece and its neighboring islands, infatuated with image worship, opposed the emperor, and set up an usurper. But the rebels were routed ; and the usurper was taken and beheaded. The cause of the emperor Leo, was just, and his zeal was sincere, though his temper was too warm. He might have been a pious Christian, there is no proof to the contrary. He not only condemned the worship of images but also rejected relics and the in- tercession of saints. But there lived none at that time capable of doing justice to the holiness of his motives if indeed, as there is reason to hope, they were holy. Jn the year 730, Leo published an edict against ima- ges, deposed the idolat rous Germanus, and appointed Anastasius, who was opposite in sentiment, in his stead. In the porch of the palace of Constantinople was an image of Christ on the cross. Leo saw it had been made an engine of idolatry and sent an officer to pull it down. Some women, who were there, entreated that it might be spared, but in vain. The officer hav- ing mounted a ladder, struck with a hatchet three blows on the face of the figure, when the women pull- ed away the ladder, threw him down, and murdered him on the spot. The image, however, was pulled down and burnt, and a plain cross set up in its room. Leo only objected to the erection of an human figure. The women afterward insulted Anastasius as having profaned holy things. Leo put several persons to 349 death, who had been concerned in the murder. But the triumph of idolatry was at length so great, that the murderers are to this day honored by the Greek church, as martyrs ! more blood was spilt on this occa- sion, partly through the vehemence of the emperor, and partly through the obstinacy of the idolaters. The news flew to Rome, and the emperor's statues were pulled down and trodden under foot. Attempts were now made to elect another emperor, and the Pope encouraged those attempts. The issue of the ferment was that he established his, and his successors' temporal pow r er on the ruins of imperial authority. He was succeeded by Gregory III. who wrote to the emperor in these arrogant terms. " Because you are unlearned and ignorant, we are obliged to write to you rude discourses, but full of sense and the word of God. We conjure you to quit your pride, and hear us with humility. You say that we adore stones, walls, and boards. It is not so, my lord ; but those symbols make us recollect the persons whose names they bear, and exalt our grovelling minds. We do not look upon them as gods : but if it be the image of Je- sus, we say " Lord help us." If it be the image of his mother, we say, "pray to your son to save us." If it be of a martyr, we say, " St. Stephen, pray for us." " We might, as having the power of St. Peter, pro- nounce punishment against you ; but as you have pronounced the curse upon yourself, let it stick to you. You write to us to assemble a general council ; of which there is no need. Do you cease to persecute images, and all will be quiet. We fear not your threats ; for if we go a league from Rome toward Cam- pania, we are secure." Certainly this is the language of Antichrist, supporting idolatry by infallibility, and despising both civil magistrates and ecclesiastical councils. In a view of such arrogance, it is not to be wonder- ed at, that Leo refused to have any further intercourse with the Roman prelate. In 732, Gregory, in a coun- cil excommunicated all, who should remove or speak contemptuously of images. Italy being thus in a state 350 of rebellion, Leo fitted out a fleet to qnell it. This was wrecked in the Adriatic. In the East, however, he continued to enforce his edicts against images, in opposition to all the sophisms of their advocates. In the year 741, Gregory and Leo both died. Con- stantine Copronimus succeeded his father as emperor ; and Zachary succeeded as Pope. The new emperor imitated his father's zeal against images. Zachary showed himself worthy of the title of temporal prince . He fomented discord among the Lombards, and, by intrigues obtained an addition to the patrimony of the church. Pepin, now prime minister of state in France, sent a case of conscience to the Pope to be resolved, W 7 hich was, whether it would be right in him to depose his sovereign Childeric III. and reign in his stead. Zach- ary answered in the affirmative. Pepin then threw his master into a monastery and assumed the title of king. Zachary died in the year 752, and was suc- ceeded by Stephen. In 754, the Greek emperor held a council of 338 bishops to decide the controversy concerning images. On the nature of the heresy, they say, "Jesus Christ hath delivered us from idolatry, and hath taught us to adore him in spirit and in truth. But the devil not being able to endure the beauty of the church, hath insensibly brought back idolatry under the appearance of Christianity, persuading men to worship the crea- ture, and to take for God a work, to which they give the name of Jesus Christ." Constantine now determined on exterminating all vestiges of idolatry, burnt the images, and demolish- ed the walls, which were painted with representations of Christ or the saints. Pope Stephen, now at war with the Lombards, ap- plied to Pepin to succor Si. Peter ; promising the re- mission of sins, a hundred fold in this world, and in the world *to come life everlasting. Shortly after this, Stephen visited Pepin and anointed him with oil as king of the Franks, and by the authority of St. Peter, forbad the French lords, on pain of excommuuicatiQn. 351 to choose a king of another race. Pepin, in return^ afforded succor to St. Peter, attacked Astulphus, king of the Lombards, so vigorously as to compel him to deliver up Ravenna, and twenty-one cities besides, Jo the Pope. With the acquisition of Ravenna, and its dependencies, Stephen added rapacity to his rebel- lion. From this time, he not only assumed the tone of infallibility and spiritual dominion, but became lit- erally a temporal prince. In 757, Stephen died and was succeeded by Paul. In 768 Pepin, the great supporter of the Popedom, died, and was succeeded by his son Charles, common- ly called, on account of his great exploits, Charle- magne. By him, Adrian, the successor of Paul, ob- tained an enlargement of territorial jurisdiction. In 775, the emperor Constantine died, after having vigorously opposed image worship during his whole reign. Leo, his son and successor, trod in his steps and exercised severities on the supporters of image worship. On his decease in 680, his wife Irene assum- ed the government in the name of her son Constan- tine, now ten years old. She openly and zealously supported idolatry. Images and the monastic life again prevailed in Greece and Asia. In this they aw- fully departed from the all-important article of justifi- cation. During the whole of this century the pulpits were silent on this doctrine ; false religion grew with- out any check or molestation ; and vices, both in pub- lie and private life, proportionably increased. In 787 the second council of Nice, held under the^ empress, confirmed idolatrous worship. Pope Adrian, having received the acts of this council, sent them to Charlemagne, that he might procure the approbation of the bishops of the West. The customs and habits of the West were far from favoring the reigning idolatry. At this gloomy period the features of real religion are to be found in the churches newly planted. The island of Great Britain was then decidedly against idolatry. The British Christians execrated the second council of Nice ; and some of the Italian bishops pro- tested against the growing evil. France itself had, 352 as yet, shown no disposition positively in favor of idolatry. Charlemagne, struck with the discordancy of the Nicene council, with the principles and practices of the West, ordered the western bishops to examine the merits of the question* Their result was, that images might be set up in churches, and serve as books for the instruction of the people. But they condemned, in free terms, the late Grecian Synod, which enjoined the worship of images. They allowed the primacy of St. Peter's see, but would not found their faith on the Pope's decrees* Charles and the French churches, persevered in their own middle practice, used images, but abhorred the adoration of them. A synod of 300 bishops in the year 794, at Frank fort, condemned the second council of Nice, and the worship of images. Before the close of the century Adrian died and was succeeded by Leo III. Political intrigue, and secular artifice, not theological study, was then the practice of Roman bishops. The Irish, at this time, particularly excelled in divinity, some of that nation travelled through various countries, and became renowned for knowledge. The superior light of England and France, in the controversy of images, proves both those countries, in knowledge and in re- gard for the doctrines of scripture, to have been far superior to Rome. Yet so strongly were men prejudi- ced in favor of the dignity of the Roman see, that it still remained in the height of its power, and was able, in process of time, to communicate its idolatrous abominations through Europe. In the East, the wor- ship of images was triumphant, but as yet not univer- sal. The East and West, were now overgrown with false worship ; even those parts, which as yet, were not disposed to receive idolatry, were prepared for its gradual admission, partly by the prevalence of superstition, and partly by the submission of the Eu- ropean churches to the domination of the Roman see. There the seat of Antichrist was firmly fixed. Rebel- lion against the lawful power of the magistrate, the most arrogant claims to infallibility, and the support of 353 image worship, conspired with the temporal dominion lately obtained by the bishop of Rome, to render him the tyrant of the church. His dominions, were, indeed, not large, but in conjunction with the proud preten- sions of his ecclesiastical character, they gave him a superlative dignity in the eyes of all Europe. From the year 727 the face of the whole church was altered : and from that time, till nearly the year 2000, we may have the dominion of the beast; the forty and two months, or 1260 days, a day being put for a year, while the witnessess are to prophesy in sackcloth. We must now look for the true church, either, in dis- tinct individual saints, who, in the midst of popery, were preserved by effectual grace, in vital union with the Son of God, or in associations of true Christians, formed in different regions, who were in a state of persecution and much affliction. Where then was the true church in the eighth century ? She still existed ; and the opposition made to idolatry by Charles and the council of Frankfort, demonstrates the fact. Nothing but the influence of sentiments, very oppo- site to those which were fashionable at Rome, can ac- count for such events, at a time, when the dignity of the Roman see was held in universal veneration. The propagation of the gospel among pagans chief- ly indicates the existence of the real church in this century. Some real work of this kind was propagat- ing, while the popedom was forming ; and, by the ado- rable providence of God, pious missionaries, who en- tered not into the recent controversies, but were en- gaged in actions purely spiritual, were .patronized and supported in preaching Christ among foreign nations, by the same popes of Rome who were opposing his grace among their own subjects. Their ambition led them to cherish the zeal of the missionaries, but with how different a spirit ! To this scene let us now direct our attention. 354 CHAPTER IV. The Propagation of the Gospel in this Century, and an account of the life of Boniface, Archbishop of Mentz. A HE great luminary of Germany was Winfrid, an Englishman, who had been brought up in the monas- tic Ufe from his infancy. In the year 719, he was appointed by Gregory II. bishop of Rome, to the missionary life and labors. His commission was of the most ample and unlimited nature. In execution of this he went into Bavaria and Thuringia. In the first country, he reformed churches, in the second, he was successful in the conversion of infidels. Here al- so he observed, how true religion, where it had been planted, was almost destroyed by false teachers ; some pastors, indeed, were zealous for the service of God, but others were devoted to scandalous vices : the English missionary beheld their state, and the ill ef- fects of it on the people, with sorrow, and strove in- cessantly to recover them to true repentance. A door was now opened in Friezeland for the free preaching of the gospel. Thither. Winfrid repaired and co-operated with Willibrod, another English mis- sionary who had already spent much time among the Frisons. Many received the word of God ; churches were erected, and idolatry was more and more subdu- ed. Winfrid, having labored among the Frisons with success, passed into Hesse, to a place called Oinen- burg, belonging to two brothers, who were nominal Christians, but practical idolaters.. Here his- labors were successful, both on them and their subjects ; and throughout a great part of Hesse y even to the confines of Saxony, he erected the standard of truth, and up- held it with much zeal, to the confusion of the king- dom of Satan. In a country so poor and uncultivated as the greater part of Germany then was, Winfrid suf- fered many severe hardships. At times, he supported 355 himself by the work of his hands, and was exposed t* imminent peril from the rage of the obstinate Pagans. After a considerable residence in Germany, he re- turned to Rome, where he was kindly received by Gregory II, and was consecrated bishop of the new German churches, by the name of Boniface. The policy of the Pope, in giving to this English missionary a Roman name, seems to have been, to procure from the German converts, respect to himself. This ap- pears further to have been his design, from the circum- stance, that he required of the new bishop an oath of subjection to the papal authority, conceived in the strongest terms. On his return into Germany Boni- face exerted himself with much zeal against the idol- atrous superstitions of the country. Protected by the civil authority of the French government, he caused an oak of prodigious size, which had been the occasion of much pagan delusion, to be cut down. About the year 723, Daniel, bishop of Winchester, wrote to Boniface concerning the best method of deal- ing with idolaters. " Do not contradict," says he a in a direct manner their accounts of the genealogy of their gods ; allow that they were born from one another in the same way as mankind are ; this concession will give you the advantage of proving, that there was a time when they had no existence. Ask them who governed the world before the birth of their gods ; ask them if these gods have ceased to propagate. If they have not, show them the consequence ; viz : that the gods must be infinite in number, and that no man can rationally be at ease in worshipping any of them, lost he should by that means, offend one, who is more powerful. Argue thus with them, not in a way of in- sult, but with temper and moderation; and take op- portunities to contrast these absurdities with the Christian doctrine : let the pagans be rather ashamed than incensed by your oblique mode of stating these subjects. Show them the insufficiency of their plea of antiquity: inform them that idolatry did anciently prevail over the world, but that Jesus Christ was mani- fested, in order to reconcile men to God by his grace.'* 356 Piety and good sense appear to have predominated in these instructions, and we have here proofs, in addition to those already given, of the grace of God conferred on our ancestors during the Heptarchy. The reputation of Boniface was now high; and ma- ny from England resorted into Germany, to connect themselves with him. These dispersed about the country, and preached in the villages of Hesse and Thuringia. In 732, Boniface received from Gregory III. the ti- tle of archbishop, by whom too he was supported in his mission. After he had continued his exertions with unabated vigor and with great success for some time longer, in the scene of his previous labors, he was at length, fixed at MentZ) and he is commonly called archbishop of that city."" Under the increase of his dignity, his zeal and ex- ertions were not remitted. He suffered much from pagans, false Christians, and immoral pastors, but en- dured his sufferings with firmness, supported by confi- dence in his divine Master. Though oppressed with age and infirmities, he determined to return into Friezeland. Before this event, he acted as if he had a strong presentiment of his approaching exit. He appointed Lullus, an Englishman, his successor, as archbishop of Mentz, and wrote to the abbot of St. Denys, desiring him to acquaint the king, Pepin, tbat he and his frisnds believed his death was near. He begged, that the king would show kindness to the missionaries, whom, he should leave behind him. "Some of them" sjiLJ h^, "are priests, dispersed into diverse parts, for the good of the church : others arc monks, settled in small monasteries, where they in- struct the children. There are aged men with me, who have long assisted me in my labors. I fear, lest after my death, they be dispersed, and the disciples, who are near the frontiers, should lose the faith of Jesus Christ. I beg that my son Lullus, may be con- firmed in the episcopal office, and that he may teach the priests, the monks, and the people. I hope that 357 * * he will perform these duties. That, which ftiost af- flicts me, is, that the priests, who are on the pagan frontiers, are very indigent They can obtain bread, but no clothes, unless they be assisted, as they have been by me. Let me know your answer, that I may live or die with more cheerfulness." It is most probable that he received an answer agreeable to his benevolent wishes, as he himself or- dained Lullus his successor, with the consent of Pe- pin. Boniface went by the *Rhine into Friezeland, where, assisted by Eoban, whom he had ordained bishop of Utrecht, after the death of Willibrod, he brought great numbers of pagans into the pale of the church. He had appointed a day to confirm those, whom he had baptized. In waiting for them, he en- camped with his followers, on the banks of the Bord- ne, a river which then divided East and West Frieze- land. His intention was to confirm, by imposition of hands, the converts on the plains of Dockum. On the appointed day, he beheld, in the morning, not the new converts, whom he expected, but a troop of angry pagans, armed with shields and lances. The servants went out to resist, but Boniface, with cairn intrepidi- ty, said to his followers, " Children, forbear to fight ; the scripture forbids us to render evil for evil. The day, which I have long waited for, has come. Hope in God, and he will save your * souls." Thus did he prepare the priests and the rest of his companions for martyrdom. The pagans attacked them furiously, and slew the whole company, fifty-three in number, inclu- ding Boniface himself. This happened in the year 755, in the 40tb er his arrival in Germany and the 75th of his age. le manner, in which his death was re- sented by tiiL Christian Germans, shows their high ven- neration for his character. They collected a great ar- my, attacked the pagans, slew many of them, pillaged their country, and carried off their wives and children. Those, who remained pagans in Friezeland, were glad to obtain peace by submitting to Christian rites. Such a method of shewing regard for Boniface, might be expected from a rude and ill informed multitude. .But, 358 though rude they had the gifts of common sense, and could feelingly estimate the friendship and benificence of the apostle of the Germans. And if their vindictive punishment of his murderers was severe and unchris- tian it was natural. Boniface appears to have been a man of genuine piety and exemplary virtue. Though excessively attached to the Roman see, and to monastic institutions, yet he did not practise idola- try or teach false doctrine. Removed from the scene of controversy, he seems not to have taken any part in the debate concerning images, but uniformly to have opposed idolatry and immorality. For many years, he lived amidst dangers and sufferings, and sup- ported a uniform zeal for the reformation of the cler- gy, and the conversion of infidels, to which objects he sacrificed all worldly conveniences, and at last, finish- ed his course in martrydom, in the patience and meek- ness of a disciple of Christ. God made use of his la- bors, greatly to extend the bounds of the church in the north of Europe, while they were so much contracted in Asia and Africa. Virgilius, an Irishman, was appointed bishop of Saltzburg, by king Pepin. His modesty prevented him from entering upon the office for two years ; but he was at length prevailed on to receive consecration. He followed the example of JJoniface in extirpating the remains of idolatry in his diocese and died in the year 780. The church of Utrecht, in Friezeland, was governed by Gregory, who, from the fifteenth year of his age, had been a follower of Bonifa.ce. Two of his broth- ers having been .murdered in a wood, the barons, whose vassals, they were, delivered the murderers bound into his hands. Gregory, after he had treated them kindly, bade them depart in peace, saying "sin no more, lest a worse thing befal you.*" He was as- sisted in his ministerial labors by several disciples ; > some were, of his own nation, the French, others were English, prisons, newly converted Saxons, and Bava- rians. Scarce a morning passed, without his giving them spirkual instruction. He affected no. singular!- 359 ty either in habit or diet. He recommended sobriety among his disciples, was not to be moved from the path of duty by slander, and was boundless in his lib- erality to the poor. He died about the year 776. Liefuvyn, an Englishman, one of his disciples, was distinguished by his labors, as a missionary in Germa- ny. He even ventured to appear before the pagan Saxons, while assembled upon the Weser sacrificing to their idols, and exhorted them with a loud voice to turn from those vanities unto the living God. As an ambassador from Jehovah, he offered them salvation. Here his zeal had well nigh cost him his life ; but he was at length suffered to depart, on the remonstrances of Buto, one of their chiefs, who expostulated with them on the unreasonableness of treating an ambassa- dor of the great God with less respect than they did one from any of the neighboring nations. In the mean time, the arms of Charlemagne prevailed over the Saxons, and eventually facilitated the efforts of Liefuvyn, who continued to preach among this people till his death. This was an age of missionaries : their character and their success form almost the only shining picture in this century. Villehad, an Englishman was abun- dantly successful among the Saxons. He became bishop of Bremen, and was called the apostle of Sax- ony. He commenced his mission in Dockum, where Boniface had been murdered, and was the first mission- ary who passed the Elbe. After he had labored 35 years, and had been bishop of Bremen two years, he died. In his dying moments, he said to his weeping friends, "withhold me not from going to God: these sheep I recommend to him, who intrusted them to me, and whose mercy is able to protect them." Firmin, a Frenchman, preached the gospel, under various difficulties, in Alsace, Bavaria, and Switzer- land, and inspected a number of monasteries. Rumold travelled into Lower Germany, next into Brabant, diffused much light in the neighborhood of Mechlin, and in 775, was murdered by two persons, one of whom he had reproved for adultery. 360 The north of France was in this century, full of pa- gans and merely nominal Christians. Silvin, who was born in Thoulouse, travelled thither, preached among them for many years, and gathered in a large harvest. He died at Auchy 5 in the county of Artois. CHAPTER V. Authors of this Century. JL HE most learned writer of this century, except Bede, seems to have been John of Damascus. He mingled the Aristotelean philosophy with the Christian religion, and defended the Arminian sentiment of free-will, in opposition to the doctrine of effectual grace. In this he labored to teach man to rely on himself. In the doctrine of the Trinity, John appears to have been orthodox : in other respects he was one of the most powerful supporters of error. He advocated the practice of praying for the dead, as effectual to the re- mission of sins, also defended the detestable doctrine of image worship, and contributed more than any oth- er author, to establish this practice in the East. In the year 790, Alcuin was sent ambassador into France by Offa, king of the Mercians. On this occa- sion, he gained the esteem of Charlemagne, and per- suaded that monarch to found the universities of Pa- ris and Pavia. He was looked upon as one of the wisest and most learned men of his time. He read public lectures, in the emperor's palace, and in other places. He wrote in an orthordox, candid and able manner, on the Trinity. He died in 804. Paulinus, of Aquileia, was distinguished as a writer, in the opposition, which he maintained to the errors of Felix, bishop of Urgel, who attempted to separate the humanity from the Divinity of the Son of God. It is remarkable that Paulinus arid some other Italian bish- ops, in the year 787, agreed to condemn the decrees of the second council of Nice, as idolatrous, though 361 Pope Adrian had assisted at that council by his legates, and used his utmost endeavors to maintain its author- ity. The despotism of Antichrist was then, so far from being universal, that it was not owned through- out Italy itself. Jn some parts of that country, as well as in England and France, the purity of Christian wor- ship was still maintained. The city of Rome, and its environs, seem, at this period, to have been the most corrupt part of Christendom, nor was a single mis- sionary an Italian. CENTURY IX, CHAPTER I. A General View of the State of Religion in this Century. ? f E are penetrating into the regions of darkness, and a " land of deserts and pits, a land of drought, and of the shadow of death,-' and we are carried by every step into scenes still more gloomy than the former. Here and there, indeed, a glimmering ray of the sun of righteousness is discernable, but it is in vain to look for any steady lustre of evangelical truth and holi- ness, amidst this dismal darkness. The several circumstances which attended the gloom of this century are reducible to the follow- ing heads : The preference given to human writings above the scriptures ; the domination of the pope- do m ; the accumulation of ceremonies : and the op- pression of the godly. It was now fashionable to explain scripture entirely by the writings of the fathers. No man was permitted with impunity to vary in the least degree from their decisions. The apostolic rule of interpretation, to compare spiritual things with spiritual, was in a man- ner lost. It was deemed sufficient, that such a re- nowned doctor had given such an interpretation. 2 x 362 Hence men of learning and indutry paid more atten- tion to the fathers, than to the sacred volume, which, through long disuse and neglect, was looked on as ob- scure and perplexed, and quite unfit for common read- ing. Even divine truths seemed to derive their au- thority more from the word of man than of God ; and the writings and decrees of men were not treated as witnesses, but usurped the office of judges of divine truth. The popedom now grew stronger and stronger, and whoever dared to oppose the bishop of Rome, drew up- on himself a host of enemies. All, who looked for ad- vancement in the church, were attached to Antichrist, very little resistance was consequently made to image worship. Most persons contented themselves with a simple exposition of their creed, Idolatry was now supported by the whole power and influence of the popedom. The great accumulation of ceremonies, considered absolutely necessary to salvation, drew off the atten- tion of men from Christian piety. The all-important article of justification was nearly smothered in the rubbish ; and pastors were so much engrossed with the rites of worship, that they were almost entirely diverted from intellectual improvement. Men of eminence, both in church and state, partly through superstition, and partly through secular views, suppressed every attempt to reform mankind. In Asia, Mahometanism still reigned, and scarce a vestige of real godliness appeared in the Eastern church. There image worship was still a subject of debate : but at length, under the patronage of the su- perstitious empress Theodora, it effectually triumphed. In this dark season, the absurd tenet of transubstan- tiation was introduced. John Scotus Erigena, and Rabanus, archbishop of Mentz, two of the most learn- ed men of that age, pleaded the cause of common .^ense, and opposed this absurd doctrine ; but their learning seems to have had very little connexion with godliness ; for they joined in opposing the doctrine of grace, concerning which a controversy of some im- portance was raised In France, the views of divine grace were now more and more darkened ; and we shall presently find that a zealous advocate for them could not be heard with candor. Ado, archbishop of Vienne, was inde- fatigable in pressing the great truths of salvation. He usually began his sermons w r ith these or similar words : " Hear the eternal truth, which speaks to you in the gospel :" or, " hear Jesus Christ who saith to you." He took particular care of the examination of candidates for orders ; and was a very diligent disciplinarian. He Was inflexibly vigilantagainst vice ; and, while his own example was an honor to his profession, he enjoined his clergy to apprise him, if they should discover error in his conduct. Nor did king Lothaire find him ob- sequious to his lusts : for, through Ado's vigorous re* monstrances, he was obliged to desist from a design of divorcing his queen. He sympathized with sin- cere penitents, and was a real friend to the poor, both in a spiritual and temporal sense, and was the foun- der of many hospitals for their reception. In England, the decline of godliness was now grievous. A most savage and lawless people invad- ed this country. The great Alfred was raised to de- fend his country against them. One of his speech- es delivered to his soldiers, before a battle, displays much good sense and a spirit of religion. In this, he told his people, that their sins had given their enemies the advantage ; that they ought to reform their ow r n manners to engage the favor of God ; that in other respects they had the superiority, Christians were fight- ing against heathens, and honest men against robbers ; that theirs was not a war of ambition or conquest, but of necessary self-defence. In the battle which follow- ed he entirely defeated the Danes. Alfred took great pains to instruct his subjects in the things of religion, encouraged literature, and foun- ded the University of Oxford* He constantly attend- ed public worship, and from his youth was wont to pray for grace, and to use serious methods to subdue his passions. Through life he appears to have main- tained a beautiful consistency of character. There is- 364 nothing to excite doubts of the sincerity of his piety. After his decease the mist of ignorance again prevail- ed in England. In the year 814^ Charlemagne died aged 72. It is scarce worth while to recount the splendid sins of this emperor ; since his sanguinary ambition and habit- ual lewdness, too plainly evince his want of Christian principles. He revived the western empire in Germa- ny, lie was a great instrument of Providence, in ex- tending the pale of the church ; and, at the same time, fixed the power of the popedom on the strongest foundations. His labors, also, to revive learning, were very great ; but like those of Alfred, they failed of success. His religious ancj moral character bears no comparison with that of the English monarch. CHAPTER II. The Paulicians. ABOUT the year 660, a new sect arose in the East: the accounts of which are far more scanty, than a wri- ter of real church history could wish. Constantine, who dwelt in an obscure town near Samosatia enter- tained a deacon, who had been a prisoner among the Mahometans, from whom he received the gift of the New Testament in the original language. He improv- ed the deacon's gift, and betook himself to a close study of the sacred oracles, and formed a plan of Di- vinity from the New Testament. Finding St. Paul, the. most systematical of all the apostles, he very properly prefered his writings. And it is universally acknowl- edged that he was in possession of the genuine text. This sect appear to have taken their name from St. Paul himself. Constantine adopted that of Sylvanus ; and his disciples were called Titus, Timothy, Ty chins, after the apostle's fellow-laborers; and demonstrations of the apostolic churches were given to the congrega- tions formed by their labors in Armenia arid Cappado- cia. The Paulicians seem to have been perfectly im- 365 like any other denomination of Christians, and to have originated from an heavenly influence, teaching and converting them. And in them is manifested one of those extraordinary effusions of the Divine Spirit, by which the knowledge of Christ and the practice of godliness are kept alive in the world. They cordially received the writings of St. Paul ; and from this we may infer that they also did the other parts of the sa- cred canon. They adhered closely to the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity ; were perfectly free from image worship, which more and more pervaded the East ; disregarded relics, and all the fashionable equipage of superstition, and were simply scriptural in the use of the sacraments. They knew no other mediator, but the Lord Jesus Christ. Sylvanus preached with great success. Pontus and Cappadocia, before renowned for Christian piety, were again enlightened through his labors. He and his as- sociates were distinguished from the clergy of that day, by their scriptural names, modest titles, knowl- edge, activity and holiness. Their congregations were diffused over the provinces of Asia Minor to the west of the Euphrates ; six of the principal churches were called by the names of those to whom St. Paul addressed his epistles : and Sylvanus resided in the neighborhood of Colonia in Pontus. The Greek emperors, at length roused by the grow- ing importance of the sect, began to persecute the Paulicians with the most sanguinary severity ; and, un- der Christian forms and names, re-acted the scenes of Galerius and Maximin. They ordered them to be, capitally punished, and their books, wherever found, to be committed to the flames ; also, that if any person was found to have secreted them, he was to be put to death, and his goods to be confiscated. False reli- gion, in all ages, hates the light, and supports itself, not by instruction, but by persecution, while the real truth, as it is in Jesus, comes to the light of scripture, and ex- hibits that light plainly to the world by reading and, expounding the sacred volume,, whence alone it de- rives its authority. 366 The enemies of the Paulicians conducted th<* per- secution against them with singular violence and cruelty. Simeon, a Greek officer clothed with impe- rial power, came to Colonia, and apprehended Syl- vanus and a number of his disciples. Stones were put into the hands of these last, and they were re- quired to kill their pastor, as the price of their forgive- ness* A person, named Justus, was the only one of the number who obeyed; and he stoned to death the father of the Pauliciutis who had labored among them, twenty seven years. Justus signalized himself still more by betraying the brethren ; while Simeon, struck with the evidences of divine grace apparent in the sufferers, embraced the faith which he came to de- stroy, gave up the world, preached the gospel, and di- ed a martyr. For 150 years, these servants of Christ underwent the horrors of persecution with Christian patience and meekness. If the acts of their martyr- dom, their preaching, and their lives, were distinctly recorded, there is no doubt, they would resemble those, whom the church justly reveres as having suf- fered in behalf of Christ. All this time the power of the Spirit of God was with them ; and they practised the precepts of the 13th chapter to the Romans, as w r ell as believed and felt the precious truths contained in the doctrinal chapters of the same epistle. The blood of the martyrs was in this case, as uniformily, the seed of the church : a succession of teachers and congrega- tions arose, and a person named Sergiua, who labored among them 33 years, is acknowledged, by historians unfriendly to this sect, to have possessed extraordina- ry virtue. The persecution had, however, some in- termissions, till Theodora, the empress, who had ful- ly established image worship, exerted herself beyond any of her predescessors against the Paulicians. Her inquisitors ransacked the Lesser Asia, in search of these sectaries , and she is computed to have killed by the gibbet, by fire, and by sword, a hundred thousand persons. We have brought down the scanty history of this Denomination to about the year 845. To undergo a 367 constant scene of persecution with Christian meekness, and to render to God and to Caesar their dues, all the time, at once require and evince the strength of real grace. Of this the Paulicians seem to have been pos- sessed till the period just mentioned. They remem- bered the injunction of Rev. 13, 10. ".He that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword : here is the faith and patience of the saints." Let chris- tians believe, rejoice in God, patiently suffer, return good for evil, and still obey those, whom God hath set over them. These weapons have ever been found too hard for Satan : the power of the gospel has prevailed, and the church has grown exceedingly, whenever they have been faithfully handled. This was the case pre- eminently with the church in the era of Dioclesian's persecution. She not only outlived the storm, but also, under the conduct of Providence, became exter- nally, as well as internally, superior to her enemies. If the Panlicians had continued to act thus, the conse- quences would probably have been similar. But faith and patience at length failed. They were gradually betrayed into a secular spirit. About the year 845, they murdered two persecutors, a governor and a bishop. A soldier called Carbeas, who commanded the guards in the imperial armies, that he might re- venge his father's death, who had been slain by the inquisitors, formed a band of Paulicians, who renounc- ed their allegiance to the emperor, negotiated with the Mahometan powers, and, by their assistance, en- deavored to establish the independency of the sect. The cruelties and superstitions of Theodora, receiv- ed the applause of Nicolas, who became Pope of Rome in 853. So truly was Antichristian tyranny now established ! Chrysocheir succeeded Carbeas, and in conjunction with the Mahometans, not on- ly put Michael the son and successor of Theodora to flight, but penetrated into the heart of Asia, and desolated the fairest provinces of the Greeks. In the issue, the conqueror was slain, the Paulician fortress' Tophrice was reduced, and the power of the rebels broken, except a number in th mountains, who. 368 by the assistance of the Arabs, preserved an uncom- fortable independence. The ferocious actions of the latter Paulicians show, that they had lost the spirit of true religion, and that they had nothing more of the sect than the name. Their schemes of worldly ambi- tion were however frustrated. Political methods of supporting the gospel, often lead the mind away from God for support, and issue in disappointment. On the whole, we have seen, in general, satisfactory proof of the work of Divine grace in Asia Minor, com- mencing in the latter end of the seventh century, arid extending to the former part oft he ninth. But where secular politics begin, there the life and simplicity of vital godliness end. When the Paulicians began to re- bel against the established government ; to return evil for evil , to mingle among the lieathm, the Mahometans, and to defend their own religion by arms, negociations and alliances, they ceased to become the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, and the salt of the earth. Such they had been for more than 180 years, adorning and exem- plifying the real gospel, by a life of faith, hope and charity, and by the preservation of the truth in a pa- tient course of suffering. They looked for true riches and honor in the world to come ; and doubtless they are not frustrated in their hope. But, when secular maxims began to prevail among them, they shone for a time, as heroes, and patriots, in the false glare of hu- man praise ; but they lost the solidity of true honor, as all have done in all ages, who have descended from the grandeur of real conformity to Christ, and have prefered to that, the low ambition of earthly greatness. CHAPTER III. Opposition to the Corruptions of Popery in this Century, 1 HE absolute power of the Pope, the worship of image?, and the invocation of saints and angels were oppoaed, in this century, as in the last, by several 369 princes and ecclesiastics. A council at Paris, in 824, rejected the decrees of the second council of Nice, and prohibited image worship. Agobard, archbishop of Lyons, wrote against the abuse of pictures and ima- ges : he maintained that we ought not to worship any image of God, except that, which is God himself, his eternal Son ; and, that there is no other mediator be- tween God and man, but Jesus Christ, both God and man. Claudius, bishop of Turin, pointedly opposed image worship. On this subject, he speaks in the following terms, " If they, who have quitted the worship of dev- ils, honor the images of saints ; they have not forsaken idols, they have only changed their names. For whether you paint upon a wall the pictures of St. Pe- ter, or St. Paul, or those of Jupiter, Saturn, or Mercury, they are now neither gods, nor apostles, nor men. The name and error continue the same. If men must be adored, there would be less absurdity in adoring them when alive, while they are the image of God, than after they are dead, when they only resemble stocks and stones. And if we are not allowed to adore the works of God, much less are we allowed to adore the works of men. If the cross of Christ ought to be adored, because he was nailed to it, for the same rea- son we ought to adore mangers, because he W 7 as laid in one ; and swaddling clothes, because he was wrap- ped in them. We have not been ordered to adore the cross, but to bear it, and to deny ourselves." The labors of Claudius were not in vain. In his own diocese he checked the growing evil ; and the valleys of Piedmont, which belonged to his bishopric, persevered in his opinions in the ninth and tenth cen- turies. Whence it appears that the churches of the Waldenses received much increase from his labors. Claudius stood firm against the false reliefs of a burden- ed conscience, which the popedom exhibited, and pointed his hearers and reader to the mediation of Je- sus Christ, as the sole and all sufficient object of depen- dence. He insisted largely that man shall be justified before God BY JESUS CHJIIST THROUGH FAITH ALONE, 370 From the year 823, Claudius wrote against the abominations of the church of Rome, and lived to the year 839. So far were the decrees of the papacy from being owned as decisive, through Europe. CHAPTEE IV. The Case of Gotteschakus. A HE subject of predestination and grace had been formerly controverted in the churches of France, with a considerable degree of acuteness and ingenuity, and what is still more pleasing to a chrislian mind, with seriousness, candor, and charity. We have seen with what zeal the doctrine of divine grace had been de- fended and illustrated by the followers of Augustine, and what a salutary influence had attended those doc- trines on the knowledge, the spirit, and the lives of chris- tians. But, as superstition, idolatry, and ignorance in- creased, the truly evangelical views of Augustine were more and more thrown into the shade, and the case of Gotteschalcus showed that it was now no longer per- mitted to a divine, to promulgate the sentiments of Augustine with impunity. Gotteschalcus was born in Germany, and from early life had been a monk devoted to theological inquiries. He entered with much zeal into the sentiments of An- gus tiue. About the year 846, he left his monastery, and went into Dalmatia, and Parmonia, where he spread the doctrine of Augustine. At his return, he remained some time in Lombardy, and in 847, held a confer- ence with Notingus, bishop of Vienne, concerning predestination. His zeal gave offence to Notingus, who prevailed on Rabanus, the archbishop of Mentz, to undertake the confutation of the novel heresy, as it was now decreed. Rabanus calumniated Gotteschal- cus with those monstrous ancl licentious consequen- ces, with which the doctrines of Divine grace have m 371 all ages been aspersed, and from which St. Paul him- self was not exempted : and having dressed the sen- timents of his adversary in the most adious colours, he found it no hard task, to expose him to infamy. The learned monk undertook to defend himself in writing, and proposed the subject to the consideration of the most able men of his time, and, to the great credit and authority of his adversary, he opposed the renowned name of Augustine. Soon after this he was condemn- ed in a synod held atMentz, where Rabanus observing that the monk was of the diocese of Soisons, which was subject to Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims, sent Gotteschalctis to him, calling him a vagabond, and declaring that he had seduced many persons, who had become less careful for their salvation, since they had learned from him to say, why should I labor for my salvation ? If I am predestinated to damnation, I cannot avoid it ; and on the contrary, if I am predesti- nated to salvation, of whatever sins I am guilty, 1 shall certainly be saved. This objection to the whole- some scripture doctrine of predestination, is not, how r - ever, admitted to be fallacious, by those who suffer their reason to be governed by the misrule of selfish- ness. This was the case with Hincmar, who entered fully into the views of Rabanas, and, in a council of bishops, examined Gotteschalcus, who still maintain- ed his doctrine with firmness. On this account, the monk was condemned as a heretic, degraded from the priesthood, and ordered to be beaten with rods and imprisoned. He was, however, an injured man ; for nothing was proved against him, except his adherence to the sentiments of Augustine, which w r ere still held in estimation by the church. While he was whipped in the presence of Charles and the bishops with great severity, and given to understand that he must cast in- to the fire with his own hand a writing, in which he had made a collection of scripture texts to prove his opinion, being, at length, overpowered by his suffer- ings, he dropped the book into the flames. After this he was kept a close prisoner in a monastery, where Hincman still took pains to persuade him to retract his* 372 sentiments, but in vain. The injured pastor main- tained, with his last breath, the doctrine for which he suffered, and died in prison in the year 870, and was denied Christian burial. There were, however, men even in that age, who remonstrated loudly against the barbarity, with which he had been treated, liemi- gius, archbishop of Lyons, distinguished himself among these ; and, in a council held at Valence, in the year 855, both Gotteschalcus and his doctrine were vindicated and defended. Two subsequent councils confirmed the decree. The churches of Ly- ons, Vienne, and Aries, formerly renowned for piety, vigorously supported the same sentiments: and it was apparent, that all relish for the doctrines of grace, wad not lost in the church : Christ was still precious to many. CHAPTER V. The Propagation of the Gospel in this Century. AN this century, the churches of the East and West, through the pride and ambition of the pontiffs of Rome and Constantinople, began to be separated from one another, and were never afterwards united. Both the East and the West were, indeed, full of idolatry and darkness, and seemed to vie with each other in sup- porting the kingdom of satan. Providence, however, made use of the ambitious spirit of the prelates for the more extensive spread of the gospel. In this chap- ter, all the information upon this subject is collected which could be extracted from an enormous mass of ecclesiastical rubbish ; and also some evidences are presented of the progress of the good work among the nations which had been, in part, evangelized in the two last centuries. Constantine, afterwards called Cyril, was born at Thessalonica, and was educated at Constantinople. He became one of the most active and useful mission- aries of this century. To him providence opened a door of solid utility among the idolatrous nations. 373 The sister of Bogoris, king of the Bulgarians, a sav age and barbarous people, having been taken captive in a military excursion, was brought to Constantino- ple, and there received Christianity. Upon her return, to her own country, she gave evidence that her change in religion had been more than nominal. Seeing her brother, the king, enslaved to idolatry, she was struck with grief and compassion, and used the most cogent arguments in her power, to convince him of the vanity of his worship. Bogoris, was affected with her argu- ments, but was not prevailed on to receive the gospel, till, a famine and plague appearing in Bulgaria, she per- suaded him to pray to the God of the Christians. He did so, and the plague ceased. There was something so remarkable in the event, that Bogoris was induced to send to Constantinople for missionaries; and at length he, with many other people, received baptism. Cyrel and his devout brother Methodius were the in- struments of these blessings to the Bulgarians. Bo- goris had desired Methodius to draw him a picture. Methodius chose for his subject, the last judgment, and explained it. This is supposed to have induced the king to embrace Christianity. The event happened about the year 861. Pope Nicolas, to extend his own influence, sent bishops among the Bulgarians, who preached and baptized throughout the country : and Bogoris despatched his son with many lords to Rome, and entreated the Pope to send pastors into Bulgaria. The word of God and the name of Christ were hereby introduced among them. These transactions took place about the year 866. About the same lime, Cyril and his brother Metho- dius, labored also on the banks of the Danube, among the Sclavonians and the Chazari. The Cham and his whole nation were baptized : and Cyril gave a noble proof of his disinterestedness in refusing those presents which the munificence of the prince would have heaped upon him. Among the Chazavi he taught Christianity with great success. Finding this people without letters, he invented an alphabet for their use, and translated the sacred books into the Sclavonian language. 374 After this, at the request of Bartilas, prince of Mo- ravia, Cyril and Methodius went into that country, car- ried with them the Sclavonian gospel, taught the chil- dren the letters which they had invented, and instruc- ted the people four years and an half. The king of Moravia was baptized with many of his subjects. Cyril died a monk : Methodius was consecrated bish- op of Moravia. The Sclavonian tongue, invented by those two missionaries, is, to this day, used in the lit- urgy of the Moravians. Bogoris, king of Bulgaria, gave up his crown about the year 880, and retired in- to a monastery. Methodius, a/ter a long course of la- bors, died in an advanced age. It appears that the Russians, hitherto barbarous and savage, about this time, received a Christian bishop and listened to his instruction. About the year 867, certain provinces of Dalmatia sent an embassy to Constantinople, to request Christian teachers to be sent among them- Their request was granted, and the pale of the church was extended through those, provinces. Frederic, nephew, to Boniface, the apostle of Ger- many, was appointed bishop of Utrecht. While dining with the emperor, Lewis the Meek, he was by him ex- horted to discharge the duties of his office with faithful- ness and integrity. The bishop, pointing to a fish on the table, asked whether it was proper to take hold of it by the head or by the tail. "By the head, to be sure," replied the emperor. " Then I must begin my career of faithfulness," answered Frederic, " with your majesty." He proceeded to rebuke the emperor for an incestuous connexion, which he openly maintained with Judith the empress ; and, in the spirit of John the Baptist, told him, "that it was not lawful for him to have her." Lewis had not expected this salutation ; and like Herod was not disposed to give up his Hero- dias. No sooner did the empress hear of this rebuke, than, in the true temper of an incensed adulteress, she began to plot the destruction of Frederic : and by the help of assassins, at last effected it. Frederic, being mortally wounded, insisted that no bipod should be 375 shed on his account, and died in a spirit of martyr- dom worthy of the relations of Boniface. In him the Hollanders lost a faithful prelate. He was murder- ed about the year 833. Let us now look to the north of Europe, and see, by what gradations Divine Providence paved the way for the propagation of the gospel in the frozen regions of Scandinavia, and on the shores of the Baltic, which had hitherto been inveloped in the most deplorable darkness of paganism. Adelard, cousin german to Charlemagne, was a bright luminary in the Christian world at the begin- ning of this century. He had been invited to the court in his youth : but fearing the infection of such a mode of life, had retired ; and at the age of twenty years, became a monk of Corbie, in Picardy, and was chosen abbot of the monastery. His imperial rela- tion,, however, forced him again to attend the court, where he still preserved the disposition of a recluse, and took every opportunity, which business allowed, for private prayer and meditation. After the death of Charlemagne, he was, on unjust suspicions, banished by Lewis the Meek, to a monastery on the coast of Aquitain, in the isle of Here. After a banishment of five years, Lewis became sensible of his own injus- tice, and not only recalled him, but heaped on him the highest honors. The monk was the same man in prosperity and adversity, and in 823 obtained leave to return to Corbie. Here he labored abundantly, not only for the spiritual good of the monastery, but also for that of the country in its vicinity. Another Ade- lard, who had governed the monastery during his ab- sence, by the direction of the first Adelard, prepared the foundation of a distinct monastery, called New Corbie, near Paderborn, beside the Weser, as a nursery for evangelical laborers, who should instruct the north- ern nations. The first Adelard completed the scheme, went twice to New Corbie, and settled its discipline. The success of this truly charitable institution was ^reat : many learned and zealous missionaries were furnished from the new seminary : and it became a. light to the north of Europe, Adelard promoted learning in his monasteries, in- structed the people both in Latin and French ; arid, af- ter his second return from Germany to Old Corbie^ died in 827, aged 13-. Such is the account given us of Adelard. He appears to have been eminently pi- ous, and the fruits of his labors to have been greater after his death than during his life. To convert mon- asteries into seminaries of pastoral education, was a thought far above the taste of the age in which he liv- ed, and tended to emancipate those superstitious in- stitutions from the unprofitable and illiberal bondage^ in which they had been held for many generations. In the year 814, Harold, king of Denmark, having been expelled from his dominions, implored the pro- tection of the emperor Lewis, the son and successor of Charlemagne. That prince persuaded him to receive Christian baptism : and foreseeing that Harold's recep- tion of Christianity would increase the difficulty of his restoration, he gave him a district in Friezeland for his present maintenance. Lewis, dismissing Ha- rold to his country, enquired after some pious person who might accompany him, and confirm both the king and his attendants. But it was not easy to find a man disposed to undertake such a journey. At length Ya~ la, abbot of Old Corbie, who had succeeded his bro- ther Adelard, whose history has just been related, said to the emperor, " I have in my monastery, a monk, who earnestly wishes to suffer for the sake of Christ : a man of understanding and integrity, and peculiarly fitted for such a work. But I cannot promise, that he will undertake the journey." The emperor ordered him to send for the man; his name was Anscarius. When the nature of the employment was opened to the monk, he professed his readiness to go. " I by no means command you," said Vala "to enter on so dif- ficult and dangerous a service ; I leave it to your op- tion." Anscarius, however, persisted in his resolution. It was matter of surprise to many, that he should choose to expose himself among strangers, barbarians and pagans. Much pains were taken to dissuade him, but in vain. While preparations were making for hip 377 departure, Anscarius gave himself np to reading and prayer. This excellent monk had been employed as a teacher, both in Old and New Corbie, and had dis- tinguished himself by his talents and virtues. Aubert ? a monk of noble birth, a great confidant of Vala, and steward of his house, offered himself as a companion to Anscarius. Harold, with these, proceeded on his journey but neither he nor his attendants, rude and barbarous in their manners, were at all solicitous for the accommodation of the missionaries, who there- fore suffered much in the beginning of their journey* When the company arrived at Cologne, Hadebald, the archbishop, commisserating their condition, gave them a bark, in which they might convey their effects. Harold, struck with the convenience of the accommo- dation, entered into the vessel with the missionaries, and they went down the Rhine into the sea, and came to the frontiers of Denmark. But Harold find- ig access to his dominions impossible, because of the power of those who had usurped the sovereignty, re- mained in Friezeland, in the district assigned to him by the emperor. This king of Denmark seems to have been ap- pointed by Divine Providence, only as an instrument to introduce Anscarius into the mission. For little more is known of him. The two French missionaries labored with zeal and success in Friezeland, both among Christians and pagans. Harold sent some of his own slaves to be taught by them ; and, in a little time, they had twelve children in their school. Above two years they labored, and! were made instru- ments of good to souls: after this Aubert ended his days by disease. About the year 829, many Swedes having expressc d a desire to be instructed in Christianity, Anscarius re- ceived a commission from the emperor Lewis to vis- it Sweden. Another monk of Old Corbie, Vitmar by name, was assigned as his companion ; and a pastor was left to attend on king Harold, in the room of An- scarius. In the passage, the two missionaries were tnet-by pirates, who took the ship and all its effects. (f > 7* *> / #78 On this occasion Anscafrus lost the emperor's presents,, and forty volumes, which he had collected for the use of the ministry. But his mind was still determined: and he and his partner, having with difficulty got to land, gave themselves up to the directions of Provi- dence, and walked on foot a long way, now and then crossing some arms of the sea in boats. Such are the triumphs of faith and love ! They arrived at Bir- ca, from the ruins of which, Stockholm took its rise, though built at some distance from it. The king of Sweden received them favorably; and his council unanimously agreed to permit them to remain in the country, and to preach the gospel. Success attended their pious efforts. Many Christian captives in Swe- den rejoiced at the opportunity of the communion of saints which was now restored to them ; and among others, Herigarius, governor of the city, was baptiz- ed. This man erected a church on his own estate, and persevered in the profession and support of the gospel. After six months, the two missionaries returned, with letters written by the king's own hand, into France, and informed Lewis of their success. The consequence was, that Anscarius was appointed arch- bishop of Hamburg. This great city, being in the neighborhood of Denmark, was henceforth considered the metropolis of all the countries of the Elbe, which embraced Christianity. The mission into Denmark, was at the same time attended to ; and Gausbert, was sent to reside as a bishop in Sweden, vfhere the num- ber of Christiana increased. Anscarius, by order of the emperor Lewis, went to Rome, to receive the confirmation of the new arch- bishopric of Hamburg. On his return to that city, he gained over many pagans, brought up children in the chdstian faith, and redeemed captives, whom he in- structed and employed in the ministry. In the year 843, his faith was tried by a severe affliction. Ham- burg was besieged, taken and pillaged by the Nor- mans, and he himself escaped with difficulty. On this occasion, he lost all his effects: but his mind was so 379 serene, that he was not heard to complain : " T'hfc Lord gave," said he, " and the Lord hath taken away." It was no inconsiderable addition to his sufferings, to hear, that Gausbert, whom he had sent into Sweden, was banished through a popular insurrection ; in con- sequence of which, the work of the ministry was for some years, at a stand in that country. Anscarius, re- duced |o great poverty, and deserted by many of his followers, persisted still with unwearied patience, in the exercise of his mission in the north of Europe, till the bishopric of Bremen was conferred upon him. Hamburg and Bremen were, from that time, consider- ed as united in one diocese. It was not till some pains were taken to overc9me his scruples, that Anscarius could be prevailed on to accept of this provision for his wants. Sweden and Denmark were, under God, indebted to Anscarius, for the first light of the gospel. It is re- marked of this wonderful person, that he never did any thing without first commending himself to God by prayer. It is true he was devoted to the Roman see, but we have no proof of his ever having practised or encouraged image worship. His labors and those of other missionaries deserve the highest commendations. In the year 865, this apostle of the North was called to his rest. Rembert, his confidant, was appointed bishop of Bremen, by his dying words. Rembert pre- sided over the churches of the North, for 23 years t and established their discipline and ecclesiastical consis- tence. He lived not unworthy of the confidence of his predecessor, and died in the year 888, an example of piety. The reader, it is hoped, has seen, in this dark centu- ry, a clear demonstration, that the church of Christ still existed. He may now behold it sank to the ul- timate point of depression. 380 CENTURY X. CHAPTER I. A General View of the Church. L HIS century abounded in all wickedness, and is re- markable above all others for the scarcity of writers, and men of learning. The vices and crimes of the popes were as deep and as atrocious as language can paint ; nor can a reasonable man desire more authen- tic evidence than that, which the records both of ci- vil and ecclesiastical history afford, concerning the corruption of the whole church. One pleasing cir- cumstance, however, occurs to the mind of a genuine Christian, which is, that all this was predicted. The book of the Revelation may justly be called a pro- phetic history of these transactions ; and the truth of scripture is vindicated by events, of all others, the most disagreeable to a pious mind. What materials then appear for the history of the real church ? The propagation of the gospel among the pagan nations, and the review of some writers of this century form the principal subjects. But the gen- eral description of the situation of the church, can be little else than a very succinct enumeration of the means used to oppose the progress of popery. The decrees of the council of Frankfort, against im- age worship, had still some influence in Germany, France and England. In the year 909, a ceuncil was held at Trosle, a village near Soissons in France, in which they expressed their sentiments of Christian faith and practice, without any mixture of doctrine that was peculiarly popish. Many churches still had the scriptures in the vulgar tongue. The monks took much pains in the island of Great Britain, to erect an independent dominion on the ruin of the secular cler- gy. This scheme equally destructive of civil and 381 clerical authority, met with a vigorous, and in a great measure, successful resistance, and the celibacy of the clergy, was strongly opposed. The doctrine of transubstantiation was still denied by many, and could not as yet gain a firm and legal establishment in Eu- rope. The Spirit of God was evidently still with the re- cent churches of Germany and the North ; and France was by no means destitute of men, who feared God, and served him in the gospel of his Son. The church of Rome had sunk to the lowest de^ gradation in morals. She had even lost the appear- ance of virtue. Christianity, now trampled on by the most worthless prelates, immersed in profaneness, and sensuality , called for the healing aid of the civil magistrate. Otho I. emperor of Germany, came to Rome ; and, by the united powers of the civil and military sword, reduced that capital into some degree of order and decorum. He put an end to the irregu- lar and infamous customs of intruding into the pope- donij and confirmed to himself and his successors the right of choosing the supreme pontiff in future. The consequence was, that a greater degree of moral pro- priety began to prevail in the papacy, though facts evince too plainly, that religious principle was still as much wanting as ever. The effect of Otho's regulation was, that the Popes exchanged the vices of the rake and the debauchee, for those of the ambi- tious politician and the hypocrite ; and gradually re- covered, by a prudent conduct, the domineering as^ cendency, which had been lost by vicious excesses. J3ut this did not begin to take place till the latter end of the eleventh century. The Popes were rebuked, condemned and punished, but the popedom was still reverenced as much as ever. God had put it into the hearts of princes to fulfil his will and to agree, and give their kingdom to the beast, until His words should be fulfilled. The Roman prelates, convinced of the necessity of more caution and propriety in the use of their power, recovered, by political artifice, what they had lost, and in the issue, became more terrible and pernicious than, ever. 382 The efforts of Otho, to purify the church, to promote learning, to erect bishoprics, to endow churches, and to propagate the gospel among barbarous nations, were highly laudable. His exertions of this nature were so steady, and his private life so amiable, that there is reason to hope, he was himself a real Chris- tian. His empress was no less remarkable for her zeal and liberality. In the West, the Normans, and in the East, the Turks, committed the most dreadful outrages on the church. In the island of Great Britain, nothing is found in all this period, but ignorance, superstition, and the rava- ges of northern barbarians. The state of France was not much different, CHAPTER II. The Propagation of the Gospel. the decease of Charlemagne, the Hungarians, who had in his time, received some ideas of Christian- ity, relapsed into the idolatries of their fathers, and the Christian name among them was almost extinguished. But toward the middle of this century, two Hungarian chiefs, whose governments lay on the banks of the Danube, professed Christianity and were baptized at Constantinople. Their names were Bologudes and Gylas. The former soon apostatized : the latter per- severed, and encouraged the propagation of religion. The effects proved salutary among the Hungarians. The daughter of Gylas, having been given in mar- riage to Geysa, the chief prince of Hungary, prevail- ed on her husband to receive the gospel. Whether the king's conversion was real or nominal, the most salutary cosequences attended its reception by his subjects. Humanity, peace, and civilization began to flourish among a people hitherto fierce and barbarous in the extreme. Stephen, the son of Geysa, was baptized, and became a more decisive (Jefender of the f^ith than 383 his father had been. Under Stephen, Hungary was almost wholly evangelized ; and nothing was omitted by tltis zealous prince to establish Christianity through- out his dominions. Adalbert, archbishop of Prague, who visited Hunga- ry toward the close of this century, was instrumental in aiding the benevolent exertions of this prince to instruct and christianize his subjects. He, too, trav- elled as a missionary into Poland, and planted the gospel in Dantzic, where his labors appear to have been crowned with success. In visiting a small isl- and, he was knocked down with the oar of a boat ; but recovering himself, made his escape, rejoicing that he was counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ, and with his fellow laborers quitted the place. Indeed he was forced to flee for his life ; but, he was at length murdered by barbarians, about the year 997. 'Siggo, a pagan priest, was the principal instrument of his death. Adalbert was one of the wisest and best of men, whom God raised up for the ^instruction of the human race ; a man willing to labor and to suffer for Christ. The labors of Gerard, bishop of Toul, in Germany, will also deserve to be mentioned. He was an emin- ent preacher ; and often commissioned zealous pas- tors to officiate in country parishes. He cultiva- ted learning among his disciples ; but at the same time took care, so far as lay in his power, that they should apply themselves to devotion. That he would be very earnest in these pious efforts, will admit of no doubt, if it be true, that he declared, that he found more delight in heavenly exercises during one mo- ment, than a worldly soul finds in worldly pleasures for a thousand years. The church in Denmark now received a severe check from their king Gormo the III. who labored to extirpate the gospel there entirely. But his queen Tyra, who openly professed it, gave it all the support which lay in her power. The influence of the king prevailed, and the most of his subjects returned to idolatry. At length, Henry I. called the Fowler, the 584 predecessor of the great Otho, led an army into I)en- mark ; ^d through tut terror of his arms, obliged Gor- mo to promiSfe submission to the commands of the erm- peror. * Under the protection of Henry, Unni, arch- bishop of Hamburg, came, with some faithful labor- ers, into Denmark and brought over many to the pro- fession of Divine truth; but Gormo himself remained inflexible. Harald, his son, received the word? with respect. The instruction of his mother^ Tyraj doubt- less had removed all prejudices from his mind. Unni, with the consent of Gormo, visited the islands, and formed Christian churches. The king himself was allowed by his conqueror, to choose, whether he would receive Christianity himself, or not; but he was prohibited from persecuting the faith, in his dominions: and thus by a singular concurrence of events, a sovereign prince was, by a foreign power, prevented from committing that evil among his sub- jects, to which his own inclinations would have led him* The labors of Unni were highly laudable, and provi- dence smiled on his benevolent exertions to propa- gate truth and holiness. He visited Sweden and arri- ved at Birca, where he found that the gospel had be- come extinct ; that for 70 years, no bishop, had ap- peared among them, except Rembert, the successor of Anscarius. It pleased God there to give large suc- cess to the ministry of Unni. He fixed the gospel in Sweden, and planted it even in the remote parts of that northern region. At length Unni finished his glo- rious course at Birca, in the year 936. The savage disposition of the princes, and the confusion of the times had tended to obliterate the traces of Anscarius' labors: but, at length, Eric, the 8th king of Sweden, and still more, his son and successor, Olaus the sec- ond, favored the propagation of the gospel. Eric requested the archbishop of Bremen to supply his kingdom with missionaries. In compliance with this request Adalvan and Stephen, persons of know! edge, integrity and piety, were sent to him. They, for a time, labored with much success ; but the natu- ral enmity of the human heart will exert itself again ' 585 true piety, whatever be the form of government under whicli men live. The nobles of Sweden, being enra- ged at the restraints laid upon their licentiousness of manners, commenced a religious persecution against both the missionaries and the king. The former were beaten with rods, and expelled from Upsal: the lat- ter was murdered on account of his piety. His son and successor OIous was not, however, discouraged from cherishing Christianity, and his zeal and piety were crowned with success. Thus were Sweden and Denmark, after a variety of changes, reduced into subjection to the form, and, no doubt, many individuals to the power, of the gospel. In the latter country, after the death of Henry I. the inhabitants^ refused to pay tribute to Otho the Great, his successor. This monarch obliged them to sub- mit, and required Harold, the son and successor of Gormo, to receive Christian baptism. All that we know of this prince induces the belief, that there was no reluctance on his part. He was baptized, to- gether with his wife and little son, whose name had been Lueno ; and in honor of the emperor, he was now called Luen-Otho. Harold, during the remainder of his life, took every wise and salutary method to prop- agate Divine truth among his subjects, and to restrain vice and immorality. Nor is it much to be doubted, that he would instruct his son Luen-Otho to act in the same manner, and labor to impress on his mind the power of that Divine religion which he himself seems to have felt. Be that as it may, Luen-Otho formed a junction with the chiefs of the country, who were of- fended at the pious zeal of Harold : in consequence of which the latter was murdered : and Luen-Otho, re- nounced even the name which had been imposed on him, persecuted the Christians with great cruelty ; and, for a time, gave a predominancy to the pagan interest in his dominions. It is, however, remarkable, that, like another Manasseh, in his affliction, Luen-Otho knew that the Lord was God. Being expelled from his throne, and forced to live in exile among the Scots, he was induced to remember the lessops of his 8 A 386 childhood; repented of his crimes, and being re- stored to his throne, like the same Manasseh, labor- ed to destroy the idolatry, which he had supported, and, in the latter part of his life, trode in the steps of his father. In this century the light of the gospel penetrated into Norway. The idol Thor was' dragged from its place and publicly burnt in the sight of its worshippers ; and this country became Christian, in the form of its reli- gioa, throughout. The Orkney Islands, then subject to Norway, also received the light of the gospel. Iceland and Greenland too were visited with the cheering rays of the Sun of righteousness. The triumph of Christiani- ty was complete throughout all Scandinavia. Poland, hitherto a barbarous country, became nominally chris- tianized ; and some in that country were hopefully made the subjects of real Christianity. In all the barbarous countries where Christian missionaries were received, their labors were found to be salutary. The disposi- tions of the barbarians were hereby gradually meli- orated, and human society was improved. Though the efforts of the tenth and three preceding centuries, did not always spring from pure motives, yet they formed the principal glory of those times. In many instances those efforts were evidently attended with the effusion of the Divine Spirit, and the genuine conversion of many pagans from their heathen vanities, to the love and practice of the truth as it is in Jesus- CHAPTEE HI. Writers and Eminent Men in this Century. A HOUGH God had not utterly forsaken the churck yet true religion was now indeed low. Very few are to be found who deserve to be noticed for knowl- edge or for piety: Bruno, archbishop of Cologne was, however, eminent for both. He was brother to Otho I. and, by the desire of the people of Cologne, was fixed in that archbishopric. Otho invested hi?;. 387 relation also with the civil power of a dukedom. Bruno was a diligent promoter of religion. He brought over to the profession of Christianity , Normans, Danes, and various others, who travelled in his province. The luxury of both clergy and people he restrained, and was himself a shining example of modest and frtigal manners. Bruno died about the year 965. Unni, archbishop of Hamburg, acted with a vigor and piety worthy of his station. It displays no com- mon degree of Christian zeal, that a person so opulent should choose to labor as a missionary in such rude and barbarous countries as Denmark and Sweden. He died at Stockholm in 936. Adolvard, bishop of Verden, discharged the office of a faithful pastor, and took great pains to instruct the ignorant Vandals in the way of salvation. Libentius, archbishop of Hamburg, showed himself possessed of the spirit of Unni, his pious predecessor, and often visited the Vandals, a barbarous people in Poland, and taught them the truths of the gospel. He sent pastors to distant nations, and was a shining ex- ample of piety and beni6cence. He died in 1013. Some other rare lights shone during this dark night, by which the God of grace and mercy called, nourish- ed and sanctified his church, and preserved to himself a godly seed in the earth, who served him in the gospel of his Son, and prevented the cruel tyranny of the prince of darkness from completely overspreading the world. CENTURY XL CHAPTER. I. A General View of the Church. A HE genuine church of Christ, under the protection and influence of her Supreme Head, existed in this efetitury ,, but it would be- ia vain to attempt a regular 388 and systematical history of her progress. Some par- ticular circumstances in different parts of the Christian world, some pious and successful endeavors to propa- gate the gospel in pagan countries, some degrees of opposition to the reigning idolatry and superstition, and some writings of pious and evangelical theo- logians, demonstrated that the spirit of God had not entirely forsaken the earth. If this century excelled the last, it was in the im- provements of learning. The arts and sciences re- vived, in a measure, among the clergy and the monks, but were not cultivated by any other set of men. I speak in regard to the Western church ; for the Eas- tern, enfeebled and oppressed by the Turks and Sar- acens from without, and by civil broils and factions from within, with difficulty preserved that degree of knowledge, which in those degenerate days, still re- mained among the Greeks. I scarce find any vesti- ges of piety among the eastern Christians at this time. So fatal was the influence of Mahometanism, and so judicially hardened were the descendents of those who first had honored the religion of Jesus. Con- stantinople was still called a Christian city, and in learning and politeness, was superior to any part of the West : but it is in Europe we are to look For the emanations of piety. France and Italy excelled par- ticularly in the cultivation of learning. Robert, king of France, the son and successor of Hugh Capet, who began to reign in 996, and died in 1031, distinguished himself as the friend of science. Even the ferocious Normans, whose wars and devastations were so terri- ble in Italy, France, and England, after they had es- tablished their respective governments, applied them- selves, to the cultivation of the human mind, and dif- fused some light among the people whom they had subdued. This was particularly the case with the southern parts of Italy and with great Britain. Wil- liam, the conqueror, savage and imperious as he was, restored letters to England, which, amidst the Danish depredations, had been almost extinguished. The learning itself was not philosophical, like that of mod- 389 ern times, but consisted chiefly of grammar, rhetoric, and logic. This was connected with divinity. The scriptures were held in high reputation. In such cir- cumstances, to have learned to read, to have attend- ed to the meaning of words, and to have employed the powers of the human mind, in any manner, on the sacred writings, were great blessings to mankind. In Italy and France there remained some witnesses of Divine truth, who opposed the abominations of the popedom. Popery now reigned triumphant, and no public profession of the gospel, which claimed independence of its domination, could be endured in Europe.^ The Saracens were then masters of Africa, and perse- cuted the Christians there with great bitterness. The African Christians were so infatuated with the love of sin, that they quarrelled among themselves, and, though they then had but two bishops, they betrayed one of those into the hands of the infidels, who great- ly abused him. He, who seriously reflects with what glory Asia and Africa once shone before God and his Christ ; how dark and idolatrous, and, at the same time, how insen- sible of their spiritual misery, the inhabitants of those two quarters of the globe were in this century, and continue even to the present times, will see with what reverential care the jewel of the gospel should be cherished, while in our possession, lest we not only lose our own souls, but entail a curse on ages yet un~ CHAPTER II. The Oppositon made to the Errors of Popery. IN the year 1017, certain persons, real or supposed heretics, were discovered in France, who were said to hold, "that they did not believe, that % Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary ; that he died for the salvation of mankind ; that he was buried and rose again ; that 390 baptism procured the remission of sins ; that the conse- cration by the priest constituted the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ ; and that it was profitable to ^)ray to the martyrs and confessors." Other matters of a detestable nature were ascribed to them. On their refusal to recant before a council held at Orleans, 13 of them were burnt alive. It is not easy to say, what was the true character of these men. It is cer- tain, that they: opposed the reigning superstitions, and that they were willing to suffer for the doctrines which they espoused. The crimes alledged against them were so monstrous, and incredible, as to render the charges adduced against their doctrines very sus- picious. That they, however, were truly evangelical Christians, is what I dare not affirm. In Flanders, some time after, there appeared anoth- er sect, which was condemned by a synod held at Ar- ras, in the year 1025, by Gerard, bishop of Cam bray ^and Arras. Concerning these, Gerard writes, that they travelled up and down to multiply converts, and that they had withdrawn many from the belief of the real presence in the sacrament ; that they owned themselves to be the scholars of Gundujphus, who had instructed them in the evangelical and apostolical doctrine. "This," said they, "is our doctrine, to renounce the world, to bridle the lusts of the flesh, to maintain our- selves by the labor of our own hands, to do violence to no man, and to love the brethren. If this plan of righteousness be observed, there is no need of bap- tism ; if it be neglected, baptism is of no avail." They particularly objected to the baptism of infants, be-, cause they were altogether incapable of understand- ing or confessing the truth. They denied the real presence of Christ's body in the Lord's supper ; they rejected the consecration of churches, opposed vari- ous reigning superstitions, particularly the'doctrine of Enrgatory and the practices connected with it, They kewise refused to worship the cross or any images whatever. Gerard, having examined their supposed errors, and, in his own opinion, confuted them, drew up a confession of faitn, contrary to thpse errors. 331 which he required the heretics to sign. As they did not well understand the Latin, he caused the confess- ion to be explained to them in the vulgar tongue, by an interpreter ; then, according to this account, they approved and signed the instrument, and were dismis- sed in peace by the bishop. The nature of mankind, ever prone to run from one extreme to another, will easily account for the rejec- tion of infant baptism. The practice had long been sullied by superstitious fooleries : the transition to its total rejection was natural. It does not appear that they denied the use of the Lord's supper but only the doctrine of the real presence of Christ in the elements, and it is probable that they held baptism also in a similar manser. It cannot be doubted, but that, on the whole, they were of the true church of Christ. Faithfully to withstand idolatry and the reigning corr ruptions, required a light and strength far above na- ture ; and they appeared to have been raised up to bear witness for the truth in that dark night of papal abominations. THE CHAPTER III. The Propagation oftfo Gospel. work of Christian piety, which had been suc- cessfully carried on in Hungary, was now crowned with still greater prosperity. Stephen, the king, who had begun to reign in the year 997, shewed himself a zealous patron of the gospel. His zeal was, indeed, much stimulated, by his pious queen. He often ac- companied the preachers and pathetically exhorted his subjects. He suppressed barbarous customs, and restrained blasphemy, theft, adultery and murder. The whole moral conduct of Stephen was admirable. His excellent code of laws is> to this day, the basis of the laws of Hungary. In this, he forbids all impiety, the violation of the duties of the Lord's Day, and ir- reverent behavior ia the house of God. He lived to 392 see all Hungary become externally Christian ; but Christianity existed there, adulterated, or clouded by papal domination, and by the fashionable superstitions. Stephen died in the year 1038. He was succeeded by Peter his nephew, who was banished by his subjects. Andrew, the cousin of Ste- phen, was now appointed king, on condition of restor- ing idolatry. Gerard, arid three other bishops, endeav- ored to divert him from the design. But they were as- saulted on the road by duke Vathas, a zealous pagan. Andrew, coming to the spot rescued one of the bish- ops, the other three had already fallen by the arm of the barbarian. This atrocious villany appears to have been overruled, by Him who causes the wrath of man to praise him, for the good of the church. The heart of Andrew was moved; he had seen in this instance the criminality of a believer in paganism. He exa- mined Christianity, received it, repressed idolatry, and reigned successfully. The triumphs of the gospel in Denmark were very Conspicuous. It was the preaching of the cross, at- tended with the energy of the Holy Spirit, which then effected a mighty revolution in the hearts of the Danes ; a revolution, which, by the fruits it has produced has manifested itself to have been in favor of humanity. It is remarkable, that, to this day, no nation, in propor- tion to its abilities and opportunities, has exceeded the Danes, in labors for the propagation of the gos- pel. Christian godliness has the promise of the life that now is, as well as of that which is to come. While it conducts enslaved souls into liberty, and, turns them from the power of Satan to God, ti in- vests them with the garments of salvation, meliorates their condition in this life, and diffuses, through the world, the most salutary precepts of peace, order, and tranquility. Let not men expect the general civ- ilization of the world by any other methods. Our Sa- vior has most fitly directed us to pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into his harvest ; and ev- ery one who feels the genuine spirit of the gospel \viil devoutly obey the injunction. 393 CHAPTER IV. The state of the Church in England. 1.N the reign of Ethelred, a very cruel massacre of the Danes was, by royal order, made throughout his do- minions. In this, no distinction was observed between the innocent and the guilty. Swein, king of Denmark, revenged this massacre, by repeated devastations and heavy exactions. Ethelred fled to Normandy to save his life, while his subjects felt all the miseries, which might be expected from incensed and victorious bar- barians. During these miseries, Alphage, archbishop of Can- terbury, Yell into the hands of the Danes. He firmly expostulated with the infuriated barbarians, who ex- ercised the most horrid cruelties, particularly on la- dies of quality, whom they dragged to the slake and burnt to death, and who did not spare even infants. "The cradle" says he, " can afford no triumph to sol- diers. It would be better for you to exercise your vengeance on me, whose death may give celebrity to your names. Remember, that some of your troops have, through my means, been brought over to the faith of Christ, and I have frequently rebuked you for your acts of injustice." Exasperated at these words, the Danes kept him a prisoner for seven months. They then offered him his liberty on condition of im- mense payments to be made by himself and Ethelred the king. Alphage told them the sums were too large to be raised by any exactions, and firmly refused to drain the treasures of the church, for the sake of sav- ing his life; accounting it wrong to give to pagans those sums which had been devoted to the honor of religion, and the relief of the poor. The merciless Danes, enraged beyond measure, threw him down and stoned him, while hq prayed for his enemies, and for the church. None but a Christian spirit could have conducted Alphage through such a scene, and sup- ported him with so much fortitude and charity. He was murdered in the year 1013. 3 B 394 In the year 1017, the Danes brought the English in- to complete subjection. In 1041 the English threw off the Danish yoke ; but soon sunk under the power of William the Norman, who in the year 1066, beheld himself sovereign of England. Under William, the papal power soon reached the same height in England, which it had attained in France and Italy. This, the tyrant found to be a con- venient support of his own despotic power : and while he took care that every one of his subjects should, in ecclesiastical matters, bow under the yoke of the bishop of Rome, he reserved to himself the supreme dominion in civil affairs, and exercised it with the most unqualified rigor. Lanfrano, whom he appoint- ed archbishop of Canterbury, zealously supported the power of Rome, and the absurd doctrine of tran- substantiation by his influence and authority. His successor, Anselm, was no less devoted to the Pope, and maintained several famous contests with his sove- reign William Rufus, the son and successor of the con- queror. Anselm contributed much, by his influence, to settle the celibacy of the clergy of England ; and it must be confessed, that even the virtues of this great man, through the peculiar infelicity of the times, were attended with great disadvantages to society. As to superstitious observances, his example had influence on others, and was injurious: his zeal, however, against luxury, simony and the vices of the great, was laudable, and his general defence of evangelical truth, adorned by an upright life and conversation, preser- ed, under God, some genuine remains of piety in the nation.. CENTURY XII. CHAPTER I. A General View of the Life and Death of Bernard A.T the entrance of this century, we find Bernard, ab- bot of Clairval, rising with splendor, amid the general 595 gloom. Though he was an ardent champion for the of- fice and personal characters of the popes of Rome, yet he inveighed against the vices of the men, and the various evils of their ecclesiastical administration. He strenuously supported their pretensions to St. Peter's chair, and combatted all who opposed those claims. Forgive him this wrong : it was common to him with the Christian world ! At this time, the Mahometans were aiming at uni- versal empire, and according to the Koran, all who were not with them in their cred, were continually threatened with the loss of their religion and their lib- erties ; and, to live in slavery, under the Mahometan yoke, was all the indulgence granted to Christians, who sunk beneath their arms. And as at this time, superstition had led many, under the semblage of reli- gion, to undertake pilgrimages to the holy land, who were exposed to many insults, robberies and extor- tions, from the Mahometans ; so, in the beginning of this century, prodigious armies marched out of Eu- rope, to wrest the holy land out of the hands of the in- fidels, and Bernard used his utmost influence to en- courage and promote this ill timed enterprize. Early in life, Bernard subjected himself to the se- verest austerities, by which he, at length,was reduced to great weakness, and his health much impaired. But inwardly taught of God, as he advanced in the Divine life, he gradually learned to correct the harsh- ness and asperity of his sentiments. He was humbled under a sense of his folly, and frankly confessed it, in the strongest terms. He then began to travel from place to place, and to preach, for the good of man- kind. And it is wonderful to observe, with what au- thority he reigned in the hearts of men of all ranks, and how his word became a law to princes and no- bles. His eloquence was, indeed, very great: but that alone could never have given -him so extensive a dominion. His sincerity and humility were eminent, and his constant refusal of the least ecclesiastical dig- nities, gave an unequivocal testimony to the upright- ness of his character. Though no potentate, either 396 civil or ecclesiastical, possessed such real pow- er as he did, in the Christian world ; and though he was the highest in the judgment of all men, yet was he, in his own estimation, the lowest. He said, and felt what he said, that, for the performance of the ser- vices for which he was so much extolled, he was wholly indebted to the influence of Divine grace. The talents of Bernard in preaching were, doubtless, of the first order. He possessed that variety of gifts, which fitted him either to address the great, or the vulgar. Peter Abelard, was born in Brittany, in the year 1079. He was a man of genius, industry and learn- ing; by nature, confident and presumptuous, elated with applause, and far too haughty to submit to the simple truth, as it is revealed in scripture : from the moment, that he applied himself to the study of the sacred writings, hje was ardently disposed to hereti- cal singularities. He advocated certain sentiments, subversive of the truth as it is in Jesus, and which were calculated to foster the pride and selfsufficiency of the human heart. Bernard took the most active and ef- fectual measures to counteract his errors, and to sup * port the soul humbling doctrines of the cross; and, at length, after much exertions, procured the definitive sentence of the Pope against Abelard, who ordered his books to be burned, and the heretic himself to be confined to a monastery. He was permitted to end his days in that of Cluni, over which Peter the venerable, presided, who treated him with much compassion and friendship. Not personal malice, but Christian zeal, seems to have influenced Bernard in the whole of this transaction. In this century, there were numerous opposers of the reigning idolatry and superstitions of the church of Rome, who were denominated, by their enemies, Cathari; they, as to worldly property, were in low circumstances, and in general, mechanics. Cologne, Flanders, the south of France, Savoy, and Milan, were their principal places of residence. These ap- pear to have been a plain, unassuming, harmless, and industrious sect of Christians, condemning, by 397 their doctrine and manners, the'whole apparatus of the fashionable idolatry and superstition, placing true re- ligion in the faith and love of Christ, and retaining a supreme regard for the Divine word. They seem to have conformed to the public worship, much in the same manner, as the apostles did to the Jewish church, while it existed, still preserving a union among them- selves in worship, and in hearing sermons, so far as the iniquity of the, times would permit. This people continued in a state of extreme per- secution throughout this century. Bernard, who seems to have been extremely ill informed concerning them, remarks, that they had no particular father of their heresy, and condemns them in whatever respects they stood opposed to the high claims and supersti- tions of the church of Rome. We cannot, however, find that he ever opposed their real piety. Bernard lived in. an age so ignorant and supersti- tious, that protestants are ready to ask, can any good come out of the twelfth century ? His writings show him to have been a man of humble and fervent piety. True, he censured some, u of whom the world was not worthy," but, of their true character, he was ignorant. He was deeply tinged with a predilection for the Ro- man hierarchy, had imbibed most of those errors of his time, which were not subversive of the gospel ; and the monastic character, which, according to the spirit of the age, appeared to be the greatest glory, seems to have much eclipsed his real virtues, and to have prevented his progress in true evangelical wisdom. But with all his faults, the real Christian shines forth in Bernard's life and death. The love of God seems to have taken deep root in his soul, and to have been always steady and ardent. He was about 60 years old when he died, of a disease in his stomach. A let- ter which he dictated to a friend, a very few days be- fore his decease, will be worthy of our attention, as a genuine monument of that simplicity, modesty, and piety, which had adorned his conversation. " I re- ceived your love, with affection, I canpot say with pleasure ; for what pleasure can there be to a person 398 in my circumstances, replete with bitterness ? To eat nothing solid, is the only way to preserve myself toler- ably easy. My sensative powers admit of no further pleasure. Sleep hath departed from my eyes, and prevented the least intermission of my pain. Stom- achic weakness is, as it were, the sum total of my af- flictions. By day and night, I receive a small portion of liquids. Every thing solid, the stomach rejects. The very scanty supply, which I now and tnen re- ceive, is painful ; but perfect emptiness would be more so. If now and then I take in a large quantity, the ef- fect is most distressing. My legs and feet are swoln as in a dropsy. In the midst of these afflictions, that I may hide nothing from an anxious friend, in my in- ner man, (I speak as a vulgar person) the spirit is ready, though the flesh be weak. Pray ye to the Sav- ior, who willeth not the death of a sinner, that he would not delay my timely exit, but that still he would guard it. Fortify with your prayers a poor un- worthy creature, that the enemy who lies in wait, may find no place where he may fix his tooth, and inflict a wound. These words have I dictated, but in such a manner, that ye know my affection by a hand well known to you." Such were the condition and tern- per-of this excellent saint at the approach of death. Thus, may we hope, that Bernard, through faith and patience, did, at length, inherit the promises, CHAPTER II. General State of the Church in this Century. SUPERSTITION, idolatry, frivolous contentions, and metaphysical nicities, attended with a lamentable want of true piety and virtue, form almost the whole of the religious phenominain the East. Just at the close of the last century, pope Urban held a Synod of 150 bishops, to promote the crusades, and exhorted the Christian world to concur in support- ing the same cause. He died in the year 1099, and 399 Jerusalem was taken by the crusaders in the same year. The pale of the visible church was extended, by the conquest of the Western warriors, and several episcopal sees were again formed in regions, whence the light of the gospel had first arisen to bless mankind. But these were of short duration : and, what is much more material to be observed, while they continued, gave no discernible evidence of the spirit of true religion. This is ' a circumstance which throws a very unpleasent shade on the whole character of the fanatical war, which, at that time, agitated both Eu- rope and Asia. Among its thousand evils, this was one, indulgences were now diffused by the popes through Europe, for the purpose of promoting what they called the holy war. These had indeed been sold before by the inferior dignitaries of the church, who, for money, remitted the penalties imposed on transgressors ; they had not, however, pretended to abolish the punish- ments which await the wicked in a future state. This impiety was reserved to the Pope himself, who dajred to usurp the authority which belongs to God alone. The corruption having once taken place, remained and in- creased from age to age, till it was checked by the re- formation. The whole discipline of the church was now dissolved, and men, who had means to purchase a licence to sin, were emboldened to let loose the reins of vice, and to follow at large r their own desires and imaginations. In this season of religious declension, attempts were 2 however, made to promote human learning ; indeed, the laudable passion for intellectual improvement was strong in this century. The human mind acquired a new tone and vigor; but learning could not commu- nicate grace, nor bring men to see the folly of enslav- ing themselves to the popedom. The influence of the bishop of Rome became prodigious ; the emperors of Germany trembled under the rod ; and some of the bravest and wisest of the English princes were found unequal to a contest with the hierarchy. Where THEN was the church of Christ, and whafr was its condition ? In the general appearance of na- 400 tional religion, she Vvas not to be discovered. God had, however, his SECRET ONES. In the West the Ca- thari appear then to have lived the religion of Jesus. They formed societies among themselves. These increased exceedingly, dnd toward the close of the century-, were exposed to the unrighteous indigna- tion of the reigning powers, both in church and state, and were known by the name of Waldenses. Thus, the church of Christ had a real existence in the West, and shone as a light in a dark place. In the East it is extremely difficult to discover the least vestiges of gen- uine piety, unless it be in some small degrees of it among the Paulicians. In a council held at London, in 1108> a decree was issued against clerks, who should cohabit with women. This council did not, however, mean to give an attes- tation to the truth of the prophecy of St. Paul, con- cerning the apostacy of the latter days, one circum- stance of which was the prohibition of marriage, but they fulfilled the prophecy in the clearest manner. The voice of natural conscience and of common sense, was by no means, altogether silenced during this gloomy season. Fluentius, bishop of Florence, taught public- ly, that Antichrist was born, and come into the world. On account of thjs ? pope Paschal II. held a council there in the year 1105, reprimanded the bishop, and enjoined him to be silent on the subject. The Island of Great Britain was rapidly sinking all this century, into a deplorable state of subjection to the Roman see. In the year 1159 thirty men and women, who were Germans, appeared in England, and were afterward brought before a council of the clergy at Oxford. Gerard their teacher, a man of learning, said, that they were Christians, and believed the doctrine of the apostles. They expressed an ab- horrence of the doctrine of purgatory, of prayers for the dead, and of the /avocation of the saints. Henry II, in conjunction with the council, ordered them to be branded with a hot iron on the forehead, to be whipped through Oxford, to have their clothes cut short by their girdles^ and to be turned into the open 401 fields ; and no person to shelter or relieve them, un- der severe penalties. It was then the depth of winter, and they all lost their lives by cold and hunger. They had made one female convert in England, who, through fear of similar punishment, recanted. The whole number of the Germans remained patient, se- rene, and composed, repeating, " Blessed are those, who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for their's is the kingdom of heaven." Their teacher, Gerard, that he might be distinguished from the rest, had an additional mark on his chin. What darkness must at that time have filled the island of Great Britain ! A wise and sagacious king, a renowned university, the whole body of the clergy and laity, all united in expelling Christ from their coasts ! This account, though brief, is sufficiently ex- plicit to show that these were the martyrs of Christ. Most probably driven from home by persecution, they had brought the light and power of the gospel into England with them ; and so totally corrupt and senseless was the nation, that none received it. It de- serves to be noticed, that England was afterward, fox a long time, exposed to suffer more severely, than most other nations, from the exactions of the pope*- dom. Antichrist, then reigned calm and victorious throughout Europe. Nevertheless, even in Italy it- self, some suspicions of his existence appeared. Jo- achim, abbot of Calabria, a man renowned for learn- ing and piety, asserted that Antichrist was born in the Roman state, and would be exalted to the apostolic see. King Richard I. of England, being at Me&gira in Sicily, going upon his expedition to the holy land, sent for Joachim, and with much satisfaction heard hmi explain the book of the Revelation, and discourse of Antichrist. If Richard had been as earnest in studying the scrip- tures, as he was in conducting his romantic expedi- tion into the holy land, by comparing the apocalyp- tic prophecies with the treatment which he himself received from the Pope, he might have understood So 402 that the bishop of Rome was Antichrist. For, in a bull, dated 1197, Innocent III. declared, that it was not fit, that any man should be invested with authori- ty, who did not revere and obey the holy see. In an- other bull, addressed to Richard, he told him, that if he opposed the decrees of the apostolic see, he would soon convince him, how hard it was to kick against the pricks. In another bull, Innocent declared, that he would not endure the least contempt of himself, or of God, whose place he held on earth, but would panish every disobedience without delay, and without respect of persons ; and would convince the whole world, that he was determined to act like a sovereign. The " lion-hearted" Richard obeyed his decrees, and gave up his opposition, in the cause which he had contested. Innocent reigned in England with a power little less than despotic. This was the pope, who confirmed the doctrine of trans instantiation in the grossest sense reduced the two succeeding princes, John and Henry III. to a state of the lowest vas- salage, and enriched his creatures with the treasures of England. CHAPTER III. The Propagation of the Gospel. I HE pale of the visible church was still farther ex- tended in this century among the idolatrous nations ; and, though the methods of propagating divine truth were too often unchristian, some missionaries seem to have been actuated by an apostolical spirit. The articles under this head are few, but well deserve the reader's attention. Boleslaus, duke of Poland, having taken Stetin, the capital of Pomerania, by storm, and laid waste the- country by fire and sword, compelled the remain- ing inhabitants to submit at discretion. From these inauspicious beginnings Pomerania was made ac- quainted with Christianity. For three years, the con- queror endeavored ta procure pastors and teachers 403 from his own dominions, to instruct his new subjects; but could find none. He then engaged Otho, bishop of Bamberg, in the work. The duke of Pomerania met the bishop on his approach, and received him with much respect. The savage inhabitants were, however, with difficulty prevented from murdering him. Otho was firm, and by Christian zeal, patience, and meekness, labored to efface the disadvantageous impressions, which the military expeditions of Boles- laus, could not fail to have made on their minds. The duchess of Pomerania, with her female attendants, received the gospel. So did the duke with his com- panions, and he gave this evidence of sincerity, that he was prevailed on by the instructions of Otho to dis- miss his concubines, who were twenty four in number. This missionary was afterward fiercely assaulted by some of the inhabitants, and with great difficulty es- caped. Otho bore the injury so meekly, and persever^ ed in his labors with such evident marks of probity and charity, that he at length established the form of Christianity among them. He commenced his mis- sion in the year 1 123, and from his success, was styled the apostle of the Pomeranians. After he had carried the gospel to the remote districts, he returned to the care of his own flock at Bamberg, where he died in 1159. That the work, however, was very slight among this people, appeared too plainly by the event. The Pomeranians soon after ejected the Christian pas- tors, and re-established the idolatry of their ancestors. The inhabitants of Rugen, an island which lies in the neighborhood of Pomerania, were remarkable for their obstinate opposition to Christianity. Eric, king of Denmark, subdued them ; and, among other condi- tions of peace, imposed on them his religion. But they soon renounced it for their ancient idolatry. At length Waldemar, king of Denmark, having sub- jected them again, obliged them to deliver up to him their idol Swanterwith, which he ordered to be hewn in pieces and burned. He compelled the vanquished also to deliver to him all their sacred money, and re- leased the Christian captives whom they held in slave- 404 ry, 'and converted the lands which had been assigned to the pagan priests, to the support of the Christian ministry. Also he furnished the ignorant savages with pastors and teachers. Among these, shone Absalom, archbishop of Lunden, by whose pious labors, the gos- pel received an establishment in this island, which had so long baffled every attempt to evangelize it. Absa~ lorn ought to be ranked among those genuine bene- factors of mankind, who are willing to spend and be spent for the good of souls. Even Jaremar, the prince of Rugen, received the gospel, and not only taught his wayward subjects by his life and example, but also by his useful instructions and admonitions. Some- times he employed menaces, but to what degree, and with what circumstances is not known. Certain it is, that the people of Rugen from that time, were in some sense, at least, evangelized. No people had ever shown a more obstinate aversion to the doctrines of Christianity ; nor were the military proceedings of Eric and Waidemar calculated to soften their animo- sity. In this article, however, as in the last, the cha- racters of the missionaries ought to be distinguished from those of the princes ; for, in the accounts of both the missionaries there appears very good evidence of a genuine propagation of godliness. These events in Rugen took place about the year 1168. When the characters of princes are distinguished from that of missionaries, it is by no means intended that the con- duct of the former was unjustifiable. > The people of Rugen were a band of pirates and robbers ; and it is not improbable, but that the right of self-preserva- tion might have authorized the Danish expedition. The Finlanders were of the same character with the people of Rugen, and infested Sweden with their in- cursions. Eric, king of the last mentioned country, vanquished them in war, and is said to have wept, be- cause his enemies died, unbaptized. As soon as he was master of Finland, he sent Henry, bishop of Upsal, to evangelize the barbarians. The success of this missionary was great, and he is called the apostle of the Finlanders, though he was murdered, at length. 405 by some of the refractory people. He was stoned to death at the instigation of a murderer whom he had endeavored to reclaim by his censures. Eric was excellent both as a Christian and a king. His piety provoked the derision of some impious mal- contents, by whom he was attacked, while employed in public worship. "The remainder of the festival" said he, "I shall observe elsewhere." It was the feast of the ascension, which he was celebrating. He went out alone to meet the murderers, that he might prevent the effusion of blood, and died commending his soul to God. CENTURY XHL CHAPTER I. Peter Waldo. J[ HE Cathari, who were evidently a people of God, received great accessions of members from the learned labors and godly zeal of Peter Waldo, an opulent mer- chant of Lyons, toward the close of the twelfth cen- tury. They were gloriously distinguished by a dread- ful series of persecution, and exhibited a spectacle, both of the power of Divine grace, and of the malice and enmity of the world against the real gospel of Je- sus Christ. I purpose to represent in one connected view, the history of this people till a little after the time of their reformation. The spirit, doctrine, and progress of the Waldenses, will be more clearly understood by this method, than by broken. and interrupted details ; and the 13th century seems the most proper place in which their story should be introduced. These people were numerous in the valleys of Pied* mont. Hence the name Vaudois, or Vallonses was given them, particularly to those who inhabited the valleys of Lucerne and Argrogne. A mistake arose from similarity of names, that Peter Valdo or Waldo, 406 was the first founder of these churches. For the name Vallenses being easily changed into Wald and occasioned a grievous persecution ; still the Bohe- mians ceased not to desire pastors from Piedmont, on- ly they requested, that none but persons of tried char- acters might be sent to them in future. 413 From the borders of Spain, throughout the South of France for the most part, among and below the Alps, along the Rhine, on both sides of its course, and even to Bohemia,thousands ofgodly souls were seen patient- ly to bear persecution for the sake of Christ, against whom malice could say no evil, except that which ad- mits the most satisfactory refutation : men distinguish- ed for every virtue, and only hated because of godli- ness itself. Persecutors with a sigh owned, that, be- cause of their virtue, they were the most dangerous en- emies of the church. But of what church ? Of that, which in the 13th century, and long before, had shown itself to be Antichristian. How faithful is the prom- ise of God in supporting and maintaining a church, even in the darkest timosibut her livery is often sack- cloth, and her external bread is that of affliction, while she sojourns on earth. The Waldenses were conscientiously obedient to established governments, and their separation from a church, so corrupt as that of Rome, was with them only a matter of necessity. We shall now see what they were in point of doctrine and discipline. CHAPTER III, The Doctrine and Discipline of the Waldenses. JLHE leading principle of this church was, "that we ought to believe that the holy scriptures alone contain all things necessary to our salvation, and that nothing ought to be received as an article of faith but what God hath revealed to us." Wherever this principle dwells in the heart, it expels superstition and idol- atry. There the worship of one God, through the one Mediator, and by the influence of one Holy Spirit, 13 practised sincerely. The dreams of purgatory, the intercession of saints, the adoration of images, depen- dence on relics and austerities, cannot stand before the doctrine of scripture. The Waldenses were faithful to the great fundamental principle of protestautism.-^ 414 " They affirm, that there is only one Mediator, and therefore that we must not invocate the saints. That there is no purgatory ; but that all those, who are jus- tified by Christ, go into life eternal." A number of their old treatises evince, that for some hundred years, the principles of the gospel, which alone can produce such holiness of life as the Walden- ses exhibited in their conduct, were professed, under- stood, and embraced by this chosen people, while An- tichrist was in the very height of his power. In a book concerning their pastors we have this ac- count of their vocation. " All who are to be ordained as pastors among us, while they are yet at home, entreat us to receive them into the ministry, and desire that we would pray to God, that they may be rendered capable of so great a charge. They are to learn by heart all the chapters of St. Matthew and S'. John, all the canonical epistles, and a good part of the writings of Solomon, David and the prophets. Afterwards, having exhibited proper testimonials of their learning and conversation, they are admitted as pastors by the imposition of hands. The junior pastors must do nothing without the li- cense of their seniors ; nor are the seniors to under- take any thing without the approbation of their col- leagues, that every thing may be done among us in order. We pastors meet together once every year, to settle our affairs in a general synod. Those whom we teach, afford us food and raiment with good will, and without compulsion. The money given us by the people is carried to the said general synod, is there received by the elders, and is applied partly to the supply of travellers, and partly to the relief of the indigent. If a pastor among us shall fall into gross sin, he is ejected from the community, and debarred from the function of preaching." The Waldenses in general expressed their firm be- lief that there is no other mediator than Jesus Christ : they spake 'with great respect of the virgin Mary as ho- ly , humble, and full of grace ; at the same time they to- tally discountenanced that senseless and extravagant 415 admiration, in which she had been held for ages. They asserted, that all, who have been and shall be saved, have been elected of God before the foundation of the world ; and that whosoever upholds free-will, abso- lutely denies predestination, and the grace of God. By an upholder of free-will, they undoubtedly meant one, who maintains that there are resources in the nature of man sufficient to enable him to live to God as he ought, without any need of the renewal of his nature by divine grace. They gave a practical view of the doctrine of the holy Trinity, perfectly agreeable to the faith of the orthodox in all ages. Of the nature and use of the sacraments, they expressed the common sentiments of the protestant churches. The labors of Claudius, of Turin, in the ninth century, appear, under God, to have produced these blessed effects as to the faith, arid ho- ness of the Waldenses. Men, who spend and are spent for the glory of God, and for the profit of souls, have no conception of the importance of their efforts. These often remain in durable effects, to succeeding genera- tions, and are blessed for the emancipation of thou- sands from the dominion of sin and Satan. The Waldenses took special care for the religious instruction of their children, by catechetical and ex- pository tracts, adapted to the plainest understand- ings. These formed a very salutary body of instruc- tion, and early taught the youth the great things which pertained to life and godliness. If no more could be said for this people, than that they hated the gross abominations of popery, and condemned the vices of the generality of mankind, they might have been os- tentatious Pharisees, or self-sufficient Socinians. But though, no doubt, there were unsound professors among them, as among all other denominations yet in their community, there were many real chris- tians, who knew how to direct the edge of their sever- ity against their indwelling sins ; and who being truly humbled under a view of their native depravity, be- took themselves wholly to the grace of God in Christ for salvation- 416 It is clearly evident from the general current of their history, that the Waldenses were a humbled people^ prepared to receive the gospel of Christ from the heart, to walk in his steps, to carry his cross, and to fear sin above all other evils. They were devoutly strict in the discharge of family religion. In some ancient in- quisitorial memoirs, describing their names and cus- toms, it is said of them : " Before they go to meat, the elder among them says, God, who blessed the five barley loaves and two fishes in the wilderness, bless this table, and that which is set upon it, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And after meat, he says^ the God, who has given us corporal food, grant us his spiritual life, and may God be with us, and we always with him. After their meals, they teach and exhort one another." There were evidently many humble and devout fol- lowers of Christ among this people, who felt the pow- er and enjoyed the consolations of the doctrines of the cross. CHAPTER IV. The Persecutions of the Waldenses. A HE external history of this people is little else than a series of persecution. And it is to be regretted, that while we have large and distinct details of the cruel- ties they endured, we have very scanty accounts of the spirit, with which they suffered ; and still less of the internal exercises of holiness, which are known only to the people of God. That which raged against them in the former part of the 13th century, was an assem- blage of every thing cruel, perfidious, indecent, and detestable. This was a time when the princes of the earth, as well as the meanest persons, were generally enslaved to the popedom, and were easily led to per- secute the children of God with the most savage bar- barity. In 1179, some, under various pretexts of their having embraced heretical sentiments, were examined by the bishops and condemned. They 417 were accused of receiving only the New Testament, and of rejecting the Old, except in the testimonies quoted by our Lord and the apostles. This charge is, however, confuted by the whole tenor of their authen- tic writings. They were also accused of asserting the Manichean doctrine of two independent principles ; of denying the utility of infant baptism, and of many other things, and all with an evident design to perse- cute them to death ; because they stood opposed to the errors and abominations of the church of Rome. Rainerius, who was a bigoted papist, owns, that the Waldenses were the most formidable enemies of the church of Rome, "because," saith he, " they have a great appearance of godliness ; because they live righteously before men, believe rightly in God in all things, and hold all the articles of the creed 5 yet they hate and revile the church of Rome ; and, in their ac- cusations they are easily believed by the people." But it was reserved to Innocent the third, than whom no pope ever possessed more ambition, to in- stitute the inquisition ; and the Waldenses were the first objects of its cruelty. He authorized certain monks to frame the process of that court, and to deliv- er the supposed heretics to the secular power. The beginning of the 13th century saw thousands of per- sons hanged or burned by these diabolical devices, whose sole crime was, that they trusted only in Jesus Christ for salvation, and renounced all the vain hopes of self-righteousness, idolatry and superstition. Who- ever has attended closely to the subject of the epistles to the Colossians and Galatians, and has penetrated ifito the meaning of the apostle, sees the great duty of HOLDING THE HEAD, and of resting, for justification by faith, on Jesus Christ alone, inculcated throughout them as the predominant precept of Christianity, in opposition to the rudiments of the world, to philosophy and vain deceit, to will worship, to all dependence for our happiness on human works and devices of what- ever kind. Such a person sees what true protestant- ism 4s, contrasted with genuine popery ; and, of aourse, he is convinced, that the difference is not SB 418 Sfierely verbal or frivolous, but that there is a perfect opposition in the two plans ; and such as admits of no coalition or union ; and that therefore the true way of withstanding the devices of Satan, is to be faithful to the great doctrine of justification by the grace of Jesus Christ, through faith alone, and not by our own works or deservings. Hence the very foundation of false re- ligion is overthrown ; hence troubled consciences ob- tain solid peace, and faith, working by love, leads men into the very spirit of Christianity, w^hile it comforts their hearts, and establishes them in every good work. Schemes of religion so extremely opposite, being ar- dently pursued by both parties, could not fail to pro- duce a violent rupture. The church of Christ and the world were then seen engaged in contest. Inno- cent first tried the methods of argument and persecu- tion. He sent bishops and monks, who preached in those places, where the Waldensian doctrine flourish- ed. Their success was very inconsiderable. In the neighborhood of Narbonne tw ? o monks were employ- ed, Peter de Chateauneuf, and Dominic. The form- er of these was murdered, probably by Raymond ? count of Toulouse, because he had refused to remove the excommunication, which he had denounced a- gainst that prince. Though there appears no evidence that Raymond either understood or felt the vital influ- ence of the protestant doctrines, yet he strongly pro- tected his Waldensian subjects. He witnessed the purity of their lives and manners, and heard with in- dignation the calumnies with which they were aspers- ed by their adversaries, who proclaimed to all the world their own hypocrisy, avarice and ambition. He was incensed at the wickedness practised on his sub- jects, and indignant at his own unmerited disgrace ; but his conduct in this instance was unjustifiable. The event was disastrous. Innocent obtained what he wish- ed, a decent pretence for his horrible and most iniqui- tous persecution ; and thousands of the sincerely pious were unrighteously calumniated as accessory to crime. The insidious customs of the inquisition are well known. From the year 1206, when it was first estate- 419 lished, to the year 1228, the havoc made among help- less Christians was so great, that certain French bish- ops, in the last mentioned year, desired the monks of the inquisition to defer a little their work of imprison- ment, till the Pope should be advertised of the great numbers apprehended; numbers so great, that it was impossible to defray the charge of their subsistence, and even to provide stone and mortar to build prisons for them. Yet so true is it, that the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church, that in the year 1530 there were in Europe above eight hundred thousand who professed the religion of the Waldenses. When the Waldenses saw that the design of the pope was to gain the reputation of having used gentle and reasonable methods of persuasion, they agreed among themselves, to undertake the open defence of their principles. They, therefore, gave the bishops to understand, that their pastors, or some of them in the name of the rest, were ready to prove their religion to be truly scriptural, in an open conference, provided it might be conducted with propriety. They explain- ed their ideas of propriety, by desiring that there might be moderators on both sides, who should be vested with full authority to prevent all tumult and violence ; that the conference should be held at some place, to which all parties might have free and safe access ; and that some one subject should be chosen, with the common consent of the disputants, which should be steadily prosecuted, till it was fully discuss- ed and determined ; and that he who could not main- tain it by the word of God, the only decisive rule of Christians, should own himself confuted. This was perfectly equitable and judicious, and the bishop could not with decency refuse to accept the terms. The place of discussion agreed on was Mon- treal, near Carcassone in the year 1206. The um- pires on the one side were the bishops of Villencuse and Auxeere ; on the other R. de Bot, and Anthony Riviere. Several pastors were deputed to manage the debate for the Waldenses, of whom Arnold Hot was the principal. He arrived first at the time and place ap- pointed. A bishop named Eusus, came afterwards on the side of the papacy, accompanied by the monk Dominic, two of the pope's legates, and several other priests and monks. The points undertaken to be pro- ved by Arnold, were, that the mass and transubstanti- ation were idolatrous, and unscriptural ; that the church of Rome was not the spouse of Christ, and that its polity was bad and unholy. Arnold sent those propositions to the bishop, who required fifteen days to answer him, which were granted. At the day ap- pointed, the bishop appeared, bringing with him a large manuscript, which was read in the conference. Arnold desired to be heard by word of mouth, only entreating their patience, if he took a considerable time in answering so prolix a writing. Fair promises of a patient hearing were made to him. He discours- ed for the space of Jfour days with great fluency and readiness, and with such order, perspicuity, and strength of argument, that a powerful impression was made on the audience, At length Arnold desired, that the bishops and monks would undertake to vindicate the mass and tran- substantiation by the word of God. What they said on the occasion we are not informed ; but the cause of the abrupt conclusion of the conference showed which party had the advantage. While the two le- gates were disputing with Arnold, the bishop of Ville- neuse, the umpire of the papal party, declared, that nothing could be determined because of the coming of the crusaders. What he asserted was too true : the papal armies advanced, and, by fire and faggots, sooa decided all controversies. Arnold and his assistants were, doubtless, of the number of those, who "did truth, and therefore came to the light, that their deeds might be made manifest, that they were wrought in God." And their adversa- ries were of those who " hated the light, and would not come to it, lest their deeds should be reproved." The recourse of the popish party to arms, in the room of sober argumentation, was to pour contempt 421 on the word of God, and to confess that its light was intolerably offensive to them. The approach of the crusaders, who, in the manner related, put an end to the conference, was not accidental ; for Innocent, who never intended to decide the controversy by ar- gument, on occasion of the unhappy murder of the monk before mentioned, had dispatched preachers throughout Europe, to collect all, who were willing to revenge the innocent blood of Peter of Chateauneuf; promising paradise to those, who should bear arms for forty days, and bestowing on them the same indul- gences as he did on those, who undertook to conquer the Holy Land. "We moreover promise," says he in his bull, "to all those who shall take up arms to revenge the said murder, the pardon and remission of their sins. And since we are not to keep faith with those, who do not keep it with God, we would have all to understand, that every person who is bound to the said earl Raymond by oath of allegiance, or by any other way, is absolved by apostolical authority from such obligations- and it is lawful for any Roman Catholic, to persecute the said earl, and to seize upon his country," &c. The tyrant proceeds in his bull: "We exhort you, that you would endeavor to destroy the wicked here- sy of the Albigenses, and do this with more rigor than you would use towards the Saracens themselves : per- secute them with a strong hand : deprive them of their lands, and put Roman Catholics in their room." Such was the pope's method of punishing a whole people for a single murder committed by Raymond, The French barons, incited by the motives of ava- rice which Innocent suggested, undertook the work with vigor. The Waldensian Christians then had no other part to act, after having performed the duty of faithful subjects and soldiers, but to suffer wilh pa- tience the oppressions of Antichrist. Three hundred thousand men, induced by avarice and superstition, filled their country, for several years with carnage and confusion. The scenes of baseness, perfidy, barbarity, indecency and hypocrisy, over which Innocent pre- sided, can scarcely be conceived. These were con- ducted, partly by his legates, and partly by the in- famous earl Simon of Montfort. The castle of Menerbe on the frontiers of Spain, for want of water, was reduced to the necessity of surren- dering to the pope's legate. A certain abbot under- took to preach to those who were found in the castle, and exhort them to acknowledge the pope. But they interrupted his discourse, declaring that his labor was to no purpose, Earl Simon and the legate then caused a great fire to be kindled, and burned 140 persons of both sexes. These martyrs died in tri- umph, praising God that he had counted them worthy to suifer for the sake of Christ. They opposed the le- gate to his face, and told Simon, that on the last day when the books should be opened, he would meet with the just judgment of God for all his cruelties. Sev- eral monks entreated them to have pity on themselves, and promised them their lives, if they would submit to the popedom. But the Christians "loved not their lives to the death:" only three women of the compa- ny recanted. Another castle named Termes, not far from Mener- be, in the territory of Narbonne, was taken by Simon in the year 1210. " This place,'' said Simon, "is of all others the most execrable, because no mass has been sung in it for 30 years." A remark which gives us some idea both of the stability and numbers of the Waldenses ; the very worship of popery, it seems, was expelled from that place. The inhabitants made their escape by night, and avoided the merciless hands of Simon. But the triumphing of the wicked is short : after he had been declared sovereign of Toulouse, which he had conquered, general of the armies of the church, its son and its darling ; after he had oppressed and tyrannized over the Waldenses by innumerable confis- cations and exactions, he was slain in battle in the year 1218. Earl Raymond, died of sickness in the year 1222, in a state of peace and prosperity, after his victory over 423 Simon. No man was ever treated with more injus- tice by the popedom. But nothing is known of his character for knowledge arid piety. His persecutor, In- nocent, died in 1216 ; and the famous Dominic in 1220. The Waldenses suffered sore and incessant perse- cutions from the church of Rome, in many different parts of Europe, till the time of the reformation, and, in most instances, they endured them with admirable patience and constancy. Thus largely did the "King of saints" provide for the instruction of his church, in the darkness of the middle ages. The Waldenses are indeed the middle link which connects the primitive Christians and fa- thers with the reformed ; and by their means, the proof is completely established that salvation, by the grace of Christ, felt in the heart by the power of the Holy Ghost, and expressed in the life, has ever existed from the time of the apostles till this day; and that it is a doctrine marked by the cross, and distinct from all that religion of mere form, which calls itself Chris- tian, but which wants the spirit of Christ. CHAPTER V. The general state of the church in this century. A HOUGH the narrative of the Waldensian transac- tions does not belong exclusively to the 13th century, it is, however, ascribed to it, because during this, the sect endured most cruel persecutions, and experienced many severe conflicts, which particularly excited the attention of all Europe. At this period a visible church can hardly be said to haye had an existence. There were, however, individuals, who loved the Lord, and served him in the midst of corruption, error and danger. It was then a time of immense ignorance and wick- edness. True, the Aristotelean philosophy greatly pre- vailed; but it by no means, enlightened men's minds with useful science. Every serious enquirer after truth was embarrassed beyond measure, The most learn* ed doctors, with very few exceptions, were not, in their knowledge, many degrees above the most igno- rant and vulgar. The herd of students foolishly em- ployed themselves about the miserable translations of Aristotle, to no purpose. Their ambition was to ap- pear learned in the eyes of the senseless multitude. The Dominicans and Franciscans were almost the only orders which devoted themselves to study. These had ample buildings and princely houses. They attended the deathbeds of the rich and great, and urged them to bequeath immense legacies to their own orders. These gained much ground, and till the time of the institution of the Jesuits were the pillars of the papacy. Persecution of heretics, so called, formed a great part of their employment. While the other orders had, by their immoralities reduced them- selves to contempt; these two orders, having the sem- blance of worth, not the substance, revived the au- thority of the Romish church, supported and strength- ened every reigning superstition, and by deep laid plans of hypocrisy, induced numbers to enrich both the papacy and the monastic establishments. These two orders, having obtained a decided ascendency in England, arrogated to themselves great power. The abject slavery and superstition, under which* Eng- land then sunk, appears, from a commission which In- nocent IV. gave to John the Franciscan, in 1247, as follows: "We charge you, that, if the major part of the English prelates should make answer, that they are exempt from foreign jurisdiction, you demand a greater sum, and compel them, by ecclesiastical cen- sures, to withdraw their appeals, any privilege or in- dulgence notwithstanding." So shameless were the popes, at this time, in their exactions, and so perfect was their dominion over mankind, that they grossly defrauded even the Fran- ciscans themselves, and were not afraid of the conse- quences. Men, who received not the testimony of Jesus Christ, and refused submission to his easy yoke, were induced to kiss the iron rod of an Italian tyrant. 425 The greater part of Europe, had now forsaken the all-important article of justification by the merit of Jesus Christ alone through faith, and were entangled in the nets of pharisaical religion, and readily betook themselves to numberless superstitions, to give quiet and ease to their consciences. The Waldense"s found peace and comfort, and the expectation of heaven through Jesus Christ alone by faith, and hence despis- ed the whole popedom with all its appendages ; while others, who trembled in conscience for their sins, and knew not the holy wisdom of resting in- Christ alone for salvation, might swell with indignation at the wick- edness of the court of Rome, but durst not emancipate themselves from its bonds. The power of the Pope was then but a cement of wickedness, which encour- aged men with the hopes of heaven, while living in su- perstition and the indulgence of the greatest crimes. In 1234, pope Gregory IX. desirous of increasing the credit of the popedom, by a bull directed to all Christendom, invited men to assume the cross, and to proceed to the holy land. In this he says, " The ser- vice to which they are now invited is an EFFECTUAL ATONEMENT for the miscarriages of a negligent life. The HOLY WAR is a compendious method of discharg- ing men from guilt, and restoring them to the Divine favor. Even if they die on their march, the intention will be taken for the deed, and many may in this way be crowned without fighting." In this, Gregory, in effect, opposed the doctrine of the atonement of Christ, and m contempt of it, taught men to expect justification from God, on the merit of military service, rendered at the command of his Vice- gerent. In this way, the human mind was removed from faith in Christ, and men were taught to rely for pardon on the sovreign pontiff, and were led to imbibe the fatal doctrine, that wickedness might be commit- ted, with the flattering prospect of gaining the Divine favor, without a reformation of heart and life. That the ecclesiastical rulers in those miserable times, did not desire the promotion of piety, but their own secular emolument, is evident from their releas- 3 F 426 ifrg those who had engaged in the crusade to the holy land, from their vows, on the payment of a fine. It b easily conceived that much wealth would be amassed by this dispensing power. Men were taught to pur- chase pardon by being liberal in the bestowment of their money on the popish hierarchy, and that this was a sure way to cover their crimes. During this season of gross darkness, the scripture was neglected ; appeals were not made to the word of God, but to Aristotle and the fathers, which were considered as decisive. The few who truly feared and served God, suffered extreme persecution. Of the Eastern churches scarce any thing worthy of relation occurs, except that they were overrun by a mixed multitude under Othman, who, in the year 1299, was proclaimed Sultan, and founded a new em- pire. These, under the name of TURKS, succeeded the Saracens both in the propagation of Mahometan- ism, and in diffusing the horrors of war. A few who* had been illuminated by the rays of divine light and love, exemplified the power of religion in their lives : among this number, Lewis IX. of France, held a con- spicuous rank. He often invited men of religious character to his table, banished from his court all di- versions prejudicial to morals, and lived a life of self- denial. No man, who violated the rules of decorum, could find admission into his presence. He frequent- ly retired for the purpose of secret prayer. Those, who* were guilty of blasphemy, were, by his order, mark- ed on the lips, some say on the forehead, with a hot iron. Uprightness and integrity strongly marked his character. The nobles, he suffered not to oppress their vassals. The exercise of sovereign power was, in his hands, a blessing to mankind. In him, wisdom and truth, sound policy and Christian sincerity, appeared not at variance, but in sweet concord. Under the com- plicated disadvantages of his situation, he could only cherish the spirit of a Christian himself: the whole tenor of his life demonstrated the sincerity of his faith and love : but, enslaved by papal domination, he could not emancipate his subjects. 427 True it is, that he engaged in the mad project of the crusades, a project imprudent and chimerical : but in the whole course of his military measures, he avoided the unnecessary effusion of blood by saving the life of every infidel whom he could take prisoner. In all this, Lewis was the same man ; the fear of God was his pre- dominant principle of action. He was taken captive by the Saracens and menaced with death : but ceased not from his usual fortitude and concern for his sol- diers. At length being ransomed, as he returned to Europe, three sermons were preached every week on board his ship, and the sailors and soldiers were cate- chised, and instructed, he himself bearing a part in all the religious offices. On a second crusade, Lewis laid siege to Tunis on the coast of Africa, and died before that city. His ad- vice to Philip his eldest son, which he then gave, was very salutary. " Avoid wars," says he, " with Christians, and spare the innocent subjects of your enemy. Dis- countenance blasphemy, drunkenness, and impurity. Lay no heavy burdens on your subjects. I pray our Lord Jesus Christ to strengthen you in his service, and always to strengthen his grace in you ; and I beg that we may together see, praise and honor him to eterni- ty. Suffer patiently ; being persuaded that you de- serve much more punishment for your sins : and then tribulation will be your gain. Love and converse with the godly : banish the vicious from your company : de- light to hear profitable sermons : wherever you are, permit none, in your presence, to deal in slanderous or indecent conversation. Hear the poor with pa- tience, and where your own interest is concerned, stand for your adversary yourself, till the truth appear." In his last hours, Lewis prayed with tears for the con- version of infidels and sinners ; and besought God, that his army might have a safe retreat, lest through weak- ness of the flesh they should deny Christ. He repeat- ed aloud, " Lord, I will enter into thine house ; 1 will worship in thy holy temple, and give glory to thy name. Into thine hands I commend my spirit." These \yere his last words. He died in 1270, aged 56.- 428 This century was dark indeed ; there does not ap- pear to have been in the whole Romish church a single divine, who could give to a serious enquirer a scrip- tural answer to the question, "what shall I do to be saved ?" The light of scripture and of its genuine doctrines, was unknown in Christendom. The igno- rance of the times was exceedingly great, and the dif- difficulty of acquiring divine knowledge beyond our conception. In the midst of this darkness Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln, a man of excellent genius, distinguished himself for his sound morals, and great learning. His mind was always more clear in discerning the END of true religion than it was in discovering the MEANS of promoting it. Upright, intrepid, disinterest- ed, and constantly influenced by the fear of God, he failed of bringing about the good which he conceived in his heart, because he had too little acquaintance with " the mystery of godliness," and because he too much relied on moral and prudential plans, for that reformation of mankind, which is sought in vain from every thing, except from the knowledge and applica- tion of the gospel. He was, fr many years, attached to the church of Rome, but all along, opposed to its abuse of power and unjust exactions; towards the close of his life, he became more than ever convinced of its gross abominations and scandals, and though, like most divines of that age, not acquainted with the just nature of the Christian article of justification by Jesus Christ the righteous : yet he appears to have trusted in HIM for eternal salvation, and to have known too well his own sinfulness to have put any trust in himself. CENTURY XIV, The General State of the Church in this Century. same ignorance and superstition, the same vices and immoralities, which predominated in the last 429 century, abounded in this. Real Christians were to be found only among the Waldenses, or in those who worshipped God in obscurity. Various other sects arose, who were cruelly persecuted by popes and em- perors ; but none, appear to have professed the real doctrines, or were influenced by the real spirit of Je- sus. Some of them, both in principles and practice, were the disgrace of human nature. But to detail the narratives of fanaticism, with which most ecclesiasti- cal histories abound, is not the object of this work. The church of God, considered as a society, seems then to have existed only among the Waldenses. There were numerous societies in this century, that suffered extremely by the iron hand of power. Among all these, the Waldenses, sometimes called Lollards, by way of reproach, seem perfectly distinguished, by their solid piety, sound scriptural judgment, arid prac- tical godliness ; and therefore they may justly be ac- counted to have suffered for righteousness' sake ; while the rest, as far as certainty appears, were the martyrs of folly, turbulence, or impiety. In the East the profession of Christianity still exist- ed in that contracted empire of which Constantinople was the metropolis ; but nothing appears like the primitive faith and piety. The maxims and examples of the court of Rome, in this period, were unspeakably detrimental to the cause of godliness. It claimed a right to dispose of all offices in the church, and, in that way, amassed in- credible sums. Boniface VIII. then filled the Chris- tian world with the noise and turbulence of his ambi- tion. He died in extreme misery, in 1303, in the ninth year of his papacy. For 50 years afterward, the church had two or three heads at the same time : and while each of the contending popes was anathamatiz- ing his competitors, the reverence of mankind for the popedom was diminished, and the labors of those who strove to propagate Divine truth, began to be more se- riously regarded by men of conscience and probity. Eleazar, count of Arian, in Naples, born in 1295, distinguished himself for his piety. At the age of 23 ? 430 Jhe succeeded to his father's estate ; and for five years, which brought him to the close of life, he supported a constant tenor of devotion, and religious seriousness. Some of the regulations of his household were these : " I cannot allow any blasphemy in rny house, nor any thing in word or deed which offends the laws of decorum. " Let the ladies spend the morning in reading and prayer, the afternoon at some work. " Dice, and all games of hazard are prohibited. " Let all persons in my house divert themselves at proper times, but never in a sinful manner. " Let there be constant peace in my family ; oth- erwise two armies are formed under iny roof, and the master is devoured by them both. " If any difference arise, let not the sun go down upon your wrath. u We must bear with something, if we have to live among mankind. Such is our frailty, we are scarcely in tune with ourselves a whole day ; and if a melan- choly humor come on us, we know not well what we would have. " Not to bear and not to forgive, is diabolical ; to love enemies, and to do good for evil, is the mark of the children of God. " Every evening, all my family shall be assembled at a godly conference, in which they shall hear some- thing of God and salvation. Let none be absent on pretence of attending to my affairs. I have no affairs So interesting to me as the salvation of my domestics. " I seriously forbid all injustice, which may cloak it- self under color of serving me." " If I feel an impatience under affront," said he on one occasion, " I look at Christ. Can any thing which I suffer, be like to that which he endured for me ?" God has his secret saints in the most gloomy state of the church ; and Eleazar seems to have been one of these. In his last sickness, the history of our Savior's passion was daily read to him, and by this means his mind was consoled under the pains with which he was afflicted- 431 In this century too, Bradwardine, an Englishman, arose, distinguished for his accurate and profound in- vestigation in divinity. Deeply sensible of the despe- rate wickedness of the human heart, and of the pre- ciousness of the grace of Christ, he seems to have overlooked, or little regarded the fashionable supersti- tions of his time, and to have applied the whole vigor and vehemence of his spirit to the defence of the principles of the gospel. He was a strong and able advocate for the scripture doctrine of free and sove- reign grace, in opposition to all self-righteous claims. Conscious of the pernicious tendency of sELF-suFFr- CIENCV, he wrote much against Pelagianism, with a heart evidently inflamed with zeal for the Divine glo- ry, and laboring for the spiritual profit of souls. While writing in defence of free grace, he appears to have been under the steady influence of humility arid piety ; and after having described the opposition made to Divine grace from age to age, he thus concludes : " I know, O Lord God, that thou dost not despise nor forsake those who love thee ; but thou dost sustain, teach, cherish, strengthen, and confirm them. Rely- ing on this, thy goodness and truth, I undertake to war under thy invincible banners." Bradwardine lived in an age dreary, unpromising and full of darkness : but notwithstanding all this, he appears to have lived by faith on the Son of God. John Wickliff, an Englishman, the renowned refor- mer, a man of extensive knowledge, and great strength of mind, flourished about the year 1371. He preach- ed pointedly against the prevailing abuses in religion; particularly the real presence of Christ in the eucha- rist. On this point he has been considered remarkably clear. In this, his principal design, it appears, was to recover the church from idolatry, especially in regard to the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ. Sensible that the papal power was founded in usur- pation, he insisted that the church of Rome was not the head of other churches, that St. Peter was not su- perior to the other apostles, and that the pope, in the pmver of the keys, was only equal to a common priest. 432 These were undoubtedly the sentiments of genuine protestantism, and excited a spirit of bitter persecu- tion against him. This reformer translated the bible from the Latin into the English tongue : the value of which work, at so dark a time, was great. At this, the Romish hie- rarchy were enraged, which evinced that they hated the light, and would not come to it, lest their deeds should be reproved. Concerning Wickliff it may with propriety be said, that a political spirit too deeply infected his conduct; but that special benefit accrued, from his labors, to the church of Christ, both in England and upon the con- tinent. He died in peace at Lutterworth, in the year 1387. In the year 1410, his works, about 200 volumes, were burned at Oxford, by order of Subinco, archbish- op of Prague; and in 1428, his remains were dugout of his grave and burned, and his ashes thrown into the river at Lutterworth. Wickliff had many errors, and many virtues; But he gave evidence of true piety. An effusion of the Divine Spirit accompanied his labors, which were abundant, and its effects appear to have been last- ing. He was a formidable adversary of the papal su- perstitions, and a spirited and able advocate for the RIGHT of the common people to read the scriptures. He was earnest, every where in his writings, to estab- lish the grand protestant sentiment, of the sufficiency of the scriptures for saving instruction. The reason, of his having done this, was ; Friars persecuted the faithful, and said "it had never been well with the church since lords and ladies regarded the gospel, and relinquished the manners of their ancestors." Wickliff labored abundantly to persuade men to trust wholly to Christ, and rely altogether upon his suffer- ings, and not to seek to be justified in any other way. CENTURY CHAPTER L The Lollards. J_ ERMS of reproach have, in all ages, been applied to real Christians. Lollard, the name given to the fol- lowers of Wickliff, is to be considered as one of them. Arundel, archbishop of York, in this century used his utmost to induce king Richard II. to harass all persons, who should dare, in their native language, to read and study the gospels of Jesus Christ. In the year 1399, Richard was deposed by Henry of Lancaster. He was shortly afterward crowned by Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury under the title of Henry IV. A persecution then commenced, more ter- rible than any which had ever been known under the English kings. William Sawtre, a clergyman in Lon- don, who openly taught the doctrine of Wickliff, was the first man who was burnt in England for opposing the abominations of popery. In the year 1400, he suf- fered the flames of martyrdom, glorying in the cross of Christ, and strengthened by divine grace, John Badby, an illiterate workman, was about this, time persecuted to death, for affirming that the con- secrated bread remaineth, after its consecration the same material bread, which it was before, a sign, or sacrament of the living God. "I believe," said he, ;i the omnipotent God in Trinity to be ONE. But if every consecrated host be the Lord's body, then there are twenty thousand gods in England." After he had been delivered, by the bishops, to the secular power, he was, by the king's writ, condemned to be burned. The prince of Wales, being present, earnestly exhort- <;d hina to recant, menacing the most terrible ven- geance if he should remain obstinate. Badby was in- dexible. As soon as he felt the fire, he cried, Mercy ! 434 The prince, supposing that he was entreating the ffief- cy of his judges, ordered the fire to be quenched. "Will you forsake heresy," said young Henry ; " and will you conform to the faith of the holy church ? If you will you shall have a yearly stipend 6ut of the king's treasury/' The martyr was unmoved ; Henry in a rage declared, that he might now look for no fa- vor. Badby gloriously finished his course. The conflict had now grown serious, and Henry published a severe statute, by which grievous pains and penalties were to be inflicted, on all, who should dare to defend or encourage the tenets of Wickliff ; and this, in conjunction with a eonstituion of Arundel, too tedious to b recited, seemed to threaten the total extinction of this falsely named heresy. The persecu- tors were very active, and many persons through fear recanted ; but worthies were still found, who continu- ed faithful unto death. In the year 1413, Henry IV. died, and was succeed- ed by Henry V. who trode in his steps, and counte- nanced Arundel, in his plan of extirpating the Lol- lards, and of supporting the existing hierarchy by pe- nal coercions. In the first year of the new king's reign, this archbishop collected in St. Paul's church in London, a synod of all the bishops and clergy of England. The principal object of the assembly was to repress the growing sect ;- and, as Sir John Oidcas- tle, lord Cobham, had on all occasions discovered a partiality for these reformers, the resentment of the archbishop and of the whole body of the clergy, was particularly levelled at this nobleman. Lord Cobham was most obnoxious to the ecclesiastics. For he had openly and distfoguishhigly opposed the abuses of po- pery. At a great expense, he had collected, transcri- bed, and dispersed the works of Wickliff among the common people without reserve ; and it was well known that he maintained a great number of itinerant preachers, in many parts of the country. But Lord Cobhara was a favorite both of the king and of the people ; and therefore to eifect his destruc- tion was an undertaking which required much caution. 435 The archbishop was in earnest, and he concerted his measures with prudence. His first step was to procure the royal mandate for sending twelve commissioners to Oxford, to examine and report the progress of heresy. They found Ox- ford overran with heretics. The opinions of Wick- liff had made their way among the junior students ; and the talents and integrity of their master were held in high esteem and admiration by his disciples. * Arundel laid this information before the grand conven- tion, who determined, that, without delay, Lord Cob- ham should be prosecuted as a heretic. With great solemnity, a eopy of each of Wickliff's works was pub* licly burnt, by the enraged archbishop, in the pre- sence of the nobility, clergy, and people ; and one of Lord Cobham's books was of the number burnt. This circumstance confirmed the assembly in their belief that that nobleman was a great encourager of the Lollards. At the moment when the convocation were vowing vengeance against Lord Cobham, some of the more cool and discreet members, are said to have suggested the propriety of sounding how the young king would relish the measures they had in view, before they should proceed any futher. Arundel instantly perceived the wisdom of this advice, and resolved to follow it. To give weight to his proceedings, this artful pri- mate, at the head of a great number of dignified ec- clesiastics, complained most grievously to Henry, of the heretical practices of his favorite servant Lord Cobham, and entreated his majesty to consent to the prosecution of so incorrigible an offender. Through the management of Arundel the king's mind was previously impressed with strong suspicions of Lord Cobham's heresy and enmity to the church. That very book, above mentioned, of this excellent man, which the convocation had condemned to the flames, was read aloud before the king, the bishop, and the temporal peers of the realm ; at the recital of which,"Henry was exceedingly shocked and^declared, that ? in his life^ he never heard such horrid heresy. 436 However, in consideration of the high birth, military rank, and good services of Sir John Oldcastle, the king enjoined the convocation to deal favorably with him, and to desist from all further process for some days : he wished to restore him to the unity of the church without rigor or disgrace, and promised, that he him- self in the mean time, would send privately to the hon- orable knight, and endeavor to persuade him to re- nounce hie errors. The king kept his promise, and is said to have used every argument he could think of, to convince him of the high offence of separating from the church ; and at last, to have pathetically exhorted him to retract and submit, as an obedient child to his holy mother. The answer of the knight is very expressive of the frank and open intrepidity which distinguished his character. "You I am always ready to obey," said he, "because you are the appointed minister of God, and bear the sword for the punishment of evil doers. But as to the pope and his spiritual dominion, I owe them no obedience, nor will I pay them any ; for as Sure as God's word is true, to me it is fully evident, that the pope of Rome is the great Antichrist, foretold in holy writ, the son of perdition, the open adversary of God, and the abomination, standing in the holy place." The extreme ignorance of Henry in matters of religion, disposed him by no means to relish such an answer as tbis : he immediately turned away from him in visible displeasure, and gave the disciple of Wickliff to the malice of his enemies. Arundel, supported by the sovereign power, sent a citation to the castle of Cowling, where lord Cpbham then resided. But feudal ideas were, at that time, no less fashionable than those of ecclesiastical domina- tion. The high spirited nobleman availed himself of his privileges, and refused admission to the messen- ger. The archbishop then cited him, by letters affix- ed to the great gates of the cathedral of Rochester ; but lord Cobham still disregarded the mandate, Arun- del, in a rage, excommunicated him for contumacy, and demanded the aid of the civil power to appre- hend him. 437 Cobham, alarmed at the approaching storm, wrote a confession of his faith, delivered it to the king, and entreated his majesty to judge for himself, whether he had merited all this rough treatment This confes- sion the king coldly ordered to be delivered to the archbishop. Lord Cobham then offered to bring a hundred knights, who would bear testimony to the in- nocence of his life and opinions. When these expe- dients had failed, he assumed a higher strain, and beg- ged that he might be permitted, as was usual in less matters, to vindicate his innocence by the law of arms. He said he was ready " in the quarrel of his faith, to fight for life or death, with any man living, the king and the lords of his council being excepted." In the issue, Cobham was arrested by the king's ex- press order, and lodged in the tower of London. On the day appointed, Arundel, the archbishop, with the bishops of London and Winchester, constitut- ed the court. Sir Robert Atorley brought lord Cob- ham before them, and he was arraigned for trial. " Sir," said the primate, "you stand here, both detect- ed of heresies, and also excommunicated for contuma- cy. Notwithstanding we have, as yet, neither shown- ourselves unwilling to give you absolution, nor yet do, to this hour, provided you would meekly ask for it." Lord Cobham took no notice of this offer, but de- sired permission to read an account of his faith, which had long been settled, and to which he intended to stand. He then took out of his bosom a writing re- specting the articles whereof he was accused, and when he had read it, delivered the same to the arch- bishop. The contents of the paper were, in substance, these : 1. That the most worshipful sacrament of the altar is Christ's body, in the form of bread. 2. That every man that would be saved, must for- sake sin, and do penance for sins already committed, with true and sincere contrition. 3. That images might be allowable to represent and give men lively ideas of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the martyrdom and good lives of saints: 438 but, that if any man gave that worship to dead im- ages, which was due only to God, or put such hope or trust in them as he should W call popes of Rome and whom chris* 439 tian men ought to obey, after the laws of the church of Rome. 4. Lastly, the holy church had determined, that it is meritorious to a Christian man to go on a pilgrimage to holy places ; and there to worship holy relics, and images of saints, apostles, martyrs, and confessors, ap- proved by the church of Rome. On Monday, the day appointed for the next exam- ination, Arundel accosted lord Cobham, with an ap- pearance of great mildness, and put him in mind that on the preceding Saturday, he had informed him, he was " accursed for contumacy a-nd disobedience to the holy church ;" and had expected he would at that time have meekly requested absolution. The arch- bishop then declared, that even now it was not too late to make the same request, provided it was done in due form, as the church had ordained. Lord Cobham, with the humility of a Christian, and the firmness of a soldier, replied ; " I never yet tres- passed against YOU, and therefore I do not feel the want of YOUR absolution." Then kneeling down on the pavement, and lifting up his hands to heaven, he said, " I confess myself here unto thee, my eternal, liv- ing GOD, that I have been a grievous sinner. How of- ten in rny frail youth, have I offended thee, by ungov erned passions, pride, concupiscence, intemperance : How often have I been drawn ink) horrible sin by an- ger, and how many 'of my fellow men have I injured from this cause! Good Lord, I humbly ask of thee* mercy : here I need absolution." Then rising with tears in his eyes, he cried with a loud voice, " Lo ! these are your guides, good people. Take notice ; for the violation of God's holy law and his great commandments, they never cursed me ; but, for their own arbitrary appointments and traditions, they most cruelly treat me and other men. Let them however, remember, that Christ's denunciations against the Pharisees, shall all be fulfilled." The dignity of lord Cobham's manner, and the ve- hemence of his expression, threw the court into s confusion. 440 Alter the primate had recovered himself, he procee- ded to examine the prisoner respecting the doctrine of transubstantiation. " Do you believe, that after the words of consecration, there remains any MATERIAL bread ?" " The scriptures," said Cobham, " make no mention of MATERIAL bread ; I believe that Christ's body remains in the FORM of bread. In the sacra- ment there is both Christ's body and the bread: the bread is the thing we see with our eyes ; but the body of Christ is hid, and only to be seen by faith." Upon which, with one voice, they cried Heresy ! Heresy ! One of the bishops in particular said vehemently, " That it was a foul heresy to call it bread." Cob- ham answered smartly, " St. Paul, the apostle, was as wise a man as you, and perhaps as good a Christian : i and yet he calls it BREAD. " The bread," saith he, *-that we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ ?" To be short with you, I believe the scrip- tures most cordially, but I have no belief in your lordly laws and idle determinations : ye are no part of Christ's holy church, as your deeds do plainly show." Doctor Walden, the prior of the Carmelites, and Wickliff's greatest enemy, now lost all patience, and exclaimed, '" What rash and desperate people are these followers of Wickliff." "Before God and man," replied Cobham, " I sol- emnly here profess, that till I knew Wickliff, whose judgment ye so highly disdain, I never abstained from sin ; but after I became acquainted with that virtuous man and his despised doctrines, it hath been otherwise with me; so much grace could I never find in all your pompous instructions." " It were hard," said Walden, " that in an age of so many learned instructors, you should have had no grace to amend your life, till you heard the devil preach." "Your fathers," said Cobham, " the old Pharisees, ascribed Christ's miracles to Beelzebub, and his doc- trines of the devil. Goon, and like them ascribe every good thing to the devil. Go on, and pronounce every man a heretic, who rebukes vour vicious lives. Prav. 441 tyhat warrant have you from scripture, for this v act you are now about ? Where is it written in all God's law that you may thus sit in judgment upon the life of man ? Hold ! perhaps you will quote Annas and Caia- phas who sat upon Christ and his apostles." " Yes, sir," said one of the doctors of law, " and Christ too, for he judged JUDAS." " I never heard that he did," said lord Cobham. " Judas judged himself, and thereupon went out and hanged himself. Indeed Christ prohoiinced a wo against him, for his covetousnesSj as he does still against you, who follow Judas' steps. '* At the conclusion of this long and iniquitous trial, the behavior of lord Cobham was perfectly consistent with the temper he had exhibited during its progress. There remained the same undaunted courage and resolution, and the same serenity and resignation. Some of the last questions which were put to lord Cobham, respected the worship of the CROSS ; and his answers prove that neither the acuteness of his genius was blunted, nor the solidity of his judgment impaired. One of the Friars asked him, whether he was ready to worship the cross upon which Christ died ? " Where is it ?" said lord Cobham. " But suppose it was here at this moment?" said the Friar. "A wtee man indeed," said Cobham, " to put me such a question ; and yet he himself does not know where the thing is ! But, tell ine^ I pray, what sort of worship do I owe to it? One of the conclave answered ; " such worship as St. Paul speaks of when he says, God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of Christ." " Right," replied Cobhanij and stretched out his arms, " THAT is the true and the very cross ; far better than your cross of wood." " Sir," said the bishop of London, "you know very well that Christ died upon a MATERIAL cross." "True," said Cobham ; " and I know also that our Salvation did not come by that material cross : but by 3 IT 442 him who died thereupon. Further, I know well that St. Paul rejoiced in no other cross, but in Christ's passion and death ONLY, and in his own sufferings and persecution, for the same truth which Christ had died for before.*' By the quickness and pertinence of lord Cobham 's answers, and by his spirit and resolution, the court was amazed, and for that day, brought to a stand. ArundeL with a great show of lenity and kindness, with mournful looks, entreated the prisoner to return into the bosom of the church, and all this with the most consummate hypocrisy. For he, without fur- ther delay, judged, and pronounced Sir John Oldcas- tle, Lord Cobham, to be an incorrigible, pernicious and detestable heretic ; and having condemned him as such, delivered him to the secular jurisdiction. Lord Cobham, with a most cheerful countenance, said, " Though ye condemn my body, which is but a wretched thing, yet I am well assured, ye can do no harm to my soul, any more than could satan to the soul of Job. He that created it, will, of his infinite mercy, save it. Of this I have no manner of doubt. And in regard to the articles of my belief, I will stand to them, even to my very death, BY THE GRACE OF THE ETERiNAL GOD." He then turned to the people, and stretching out his hands, cried with a very loud voice, " Good Christian people ! for God's love, be well aware of these men ; else, they will beguile you, and lead you blindfold into hell with themselves." Hav- ing said these words, he fell down upon his knees, and lifting up his hands and eyes to heaven, prayed for his enemies in the following words, " Lord God Eternal! I beseech thee, of thy great mercy, to for- give my persecutors, if it be thy blessed will!" He was then sent back to the tower under the care of Sir Robert Morley. In the mean time, Arundel, iinfling that the persecution of this virtuous man, was very unpopular, went in person to the king and request ed his majesty to postpone, for the space of 50 days. tJ> ? punishment of lord Cobham. This profound hy- pocrite, thus temporized, to find the opportunity of a 443 few weeks for lessening the credit of this pious lord, among the people, by a variety of scandalous asper- sions. Lord Cobham, having remained some time in the tower, at length, by unknown means, made his, escape, and by the advantage of a dark night, evaded pursuit, and arrived safe in Wales, where he concealed him- self more than four years. But through the diligence of lord Powis and his dependants, he w ? as at length discovered, taken and brought to London. His fate was soon determined. He was dragged into St. Giles' fields, with all the insult and barbarity of enraged superstition ; and there, both as a traitor and a heretic, suspended alive in chains, upon a gal- lows, and burnt to death. Lord Cobham died, as he had lived, in the faith and hope of the go&pel, and to the end of his life bearing a noble testimony to its genuine doctrines. He is al- lowed to have been a man of great learning, arid to have had a profound knowledge of the scriptures. At the place of execution, with the utmost bravery and most triumphant joy, he exhorted the people to follow the instructions which God had given them in the scriptures ; and to disclaim those false teachers, whose lives and conversation were so contrary to Christ and his religion. This noble martyr believed and trusted in Him, who hath graciously said, "Fear not little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom ;" and he has undoubtedly gone to receive a crown of glory. Henry Chicheley, then archbishop of Canterbury, continued at the head of that see from 1414 to 1443, and partly by forced abjurations, and partly by the flames, domineered over the Lollards, and almost ef- faced the vestiges of godliness in the kingdom. This was one of the most gloomy seasons, which the church ever experienced. The doctrines of WicklhT had in- deed been embraced in Bohemia ; but the fires of persecution were also kindled in that country; at the same time, no quarter was given to any professor of 444 the pure religion of Christ in England. The strictest search was made after Lollards and their books ; and while a few souls, dispersed through various parts, sighed in secret, and detesting the prevailing idolatry, worshipped God in spirit and in truth, they found no HUMAN consolation or support whatever. In Kent, whole families were obliged to relinquish their places of abode for the sake of the gospel. About this time, William Taylor, a priest, was burnt, for asserting that every prayer, for some supernatural gift, must be directed only to God. All, who diligent? ly and devoutly read the scriptures, and denied po- pish superstitions, were persecuted as heretics. But the burning of heretics was found not to be the way to extinguish heresy. On the contrary, both in England and on the continent, such detestable cruel- ty increased the compassion of the people for their sufferers, excited their indignation against the perse- cutors, and roused a spirit of enquiry and opposition to the existing hierarchy, which at length, under the direction of a kind, overruling Providence, proved fatal both to papal corruptions and usurped dominion. In the times of Wickliff and his followers, the pre- vailing religion had so little influence on morals and the heart, that a popish writer gives the following dis- tinguishing marks of what he accounts heresy : " The disciples of Wickliff are men of a serious, modest de- portment ; avoiding all ostentation in dress, mixing little with the busy world, and complaining of the de- bauchery of mankind. They maintain themselves wholly by their own labor, and utterly despise wealth : being fully content with bare necessaries. They are chaste and temperate ; are never seen in taverns, or amused by the trifling gaieties of life. Yet you find them always employed ; either learning or teaching. They are concise and devout in their prayers ; blam- ing an unanimated prolixity. They never swear; speak little and in their public preaching, lay the chief stress on charity." Persons of the papal hierar- chy, who stigmatized such sentiments as heretical how- ever, gloried in calling the abominable community with Which they themselevs associated, the HOLY CHURCH, 445 Who, will deny that the human "heart is deceit- ful above all things and desperately wicked !" CHAPTER II. The Council of Constance , including the Case of John Huss, and Jerom of Prague. THIS celebrated council made no essential reforma- tion in religion, but persecuted men who truly feared God, and tolerated all the predominant corruptions. Their labors therefore do not deserve to be recorded, on account of the piety and virtue of those who com- posed this council. The transactions of Constance do however, throw light on the state of religion at that time. They illustrate the character of John Huss and of Jerom of Prague, and afford various instructive reflections to those, who love to attend to the dispen- sations of Divine Providence, and would understand the comparative power of nature and grace, of mere human resources, and the operations of the Holy Spirit. This council met in 1414. The Christian world had been distracted nearly 40 years, by a schism in the popedom. The object of this council was to settle the dispute, and restore peace to the church. Three pre- tenders to the chair of St. Peter, severally, claimed infallibility. The very nature of their struggle was subversive of the authority to which each of them made pretensions; and of their vain contest there seemed to be no end. The princes, statesmen, and rulers, of the church, in those times, wanted not dis- cernment to see the danger, to which the whole eccle- siastical system w r as exposed by these contentions ; but it seems never to have come into the minds of them, or of any of the members of the council, to ex- amine the foundation on which the popedom itself was erected. That on all sides, was looked on as sa- cred and inviolable, though allowed to be burdened and incumbered with innumerable abuses. 446 This council deposed the three existing popes, and chose a new successor of St. Peter, Martin V. ; and while they had their eye only on the restoration of the unity of the Roman see, they decreed the superiority of councils over popes ; and thus gave a deep wound to the tyrannical hierarchy, which proved of considera- ble advantage to those real reformers, who arose about a hundred years after the council of Constance. That there needed a reformation of the church, in all its component parts, and that church discipline ought to be re-established, were, indeed, ideas which lay within their knowledge ; and the members of this council universally confessed, that reformation and discipline ought to be prosecuted with vigor. But they brought not to the council the materials, which alone could qualify them for such a work. In gener- al, they knew of nothing higher than the voice of na- tural conscience, the dictates of common sense, and something concerning the preceptive part of Christian- ity. Their system of religion was letter, not spirit ; law, not gospel. To promote the recovery of deprav- ed mankind, they knew no methods but those of mor- al suasion, on principles merely natural. The origi- nal depravity of man, salvation through the atonement of an infinite Redeemer, and regeneration by the Ho- ly Spirit, were doctrines, the use and efficacy of which they did not understand. These, however, are the on- ly effectual instruments for the reformation of a cor- rupted church, or individual. The members of this celebrated council undertook to make " bricks without straw ;" and their projects of reform served only, in the event, to teach posterity, that the real doctrines of the gospel, ought to be dis- tinctly known, cordially relished, and powerfully ex- perienced, by those who would undertake to enlight- en mankind. In this council, Italy, France, Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, England, Denmark, and Sweden, were represented. Twenty archbishops, nearly 150 bishops, about l&O other dignitaries, and more than 200 doctors, attended this council : yrt they had not 447 sufficient spirit and integrity to punish crimes of the most atrocious nature. Indeed, it was not to be ex- pected that they should enact and execute laws, which bore hard on their own pride, their sloth, and their love of gain : consequently, after all they did, the substantial evils which existed in the church still re- mained. They could burn, without mercy, those whom they deemed heretics, though men of real god- liness, more readily, than lay the axe of wholesome discipline at the root of their own vices. At the opening of the council of Constance, pope, John XXIII. and the emperor Sigismund, were at the head of it, who continually endeavored to bafflle the views of each other. John was by far the most pow- erful of the three popes, who, at that time, struggled for the chair of St. Peter; and Sigismund, wh?le he pretended to acknowledge his authority, had secretly resolved to oblige him to renounce the pontificate. Sigismund was remarkable for hypocrisy and dissim- ulation. By both these potentates, and by many others connected with the council, political artifices were multiplied. These were the men who under- took to punish heretics and reform the church. Pope John had already, in a council at Rome, con- demned the opinions of John Huss, and was then de- termined to signalize his zeal for what was then called the church, by confirming the same condemnation at Constance. Huss had been summoned to the council to answer for himself, though already excommunicated at Rome. He obtained, however, a writing from the emperor, engaging that he should be allowed to pass without molestation. The emperor, in conjunction with his brother Wenceslaus, king of Bohemia, had committed him to the care of several Bohemian lords, particular- ly of John de Chlum. This escort travelled with him to Constance, where they arrived six days after the pope. John Huss was born in Bohemia in 1373, was of mean parentage, but by his superior genius, industry, eloquence, probity and decency of manners, was raised to great eminence. He was appointed rector 448 university of Prague, which was then in a very flour* ishing state* In the year 1400, he was nominated preacher of Bethlehem, and in the same year was made confessor to Sophia, the wife of Wenceslaus king of Bohemia^ a princess of great merit, who highly esteemed him. In 1405, Huss preached in the chapel of Bethlehem with great celebrity. At first he is said to have held the writings oi Wickliff in detestation. But it is not in the power of prejudice to prevent the progress of the Divine councils, and the work of the Holy Spirit on the heart. Huss was gradually Convinced of the power and excellency of evangelical truth. His doctrinal knowledge was, however, very limited and defective ; but the little fundamental light which, through grace, he attained, was directed to the best practical purposes. He preached loudly against the abuses of the Romish church, and particularly the im- posture of false miracles, which then abounded. He also preached in a synod at Prague, in the archbish- op's presence, with great freedom against the vices of the clergy. Gregory XII. one of the three popes, whose schism gave rise to the council of Constance, was re- ceived in Bohemia. But when measures were pro- posed for calling a general council to compose the schism, Huss engaged the university to support them, and exhorted all Bohemia to do the same. The archbishop of Prague, who was attached to Gre- gory, opposed Huss, called him a schismatic, and for- bade him to exercise the pastoral functions in his di- ocese. About the same time, on occasion of a dis- pute between the natives and foreigners, who belong- ed to the university, Huss, having supported the for- mer, and gained his point, the Germans, in disgust, retired from Prague. This circumstance enabled the Bohemian teacher to speak more publicly according to the views of Wickliff. The archbishop of Prague committed the books of the latter- to the flames in 1410. But the progress of his opinions was rather ac j eelerated than retarded by this step, The troubles of Huss were multiplied, and he was excommunicated at Rome. He had sent his proctors 449 thither to answer for him ; but they were committed to prison, after they had remained there to no purpose a year and an half. Huss, after his excommunication, had no other remedy but to appeal to Almighty God in very solemn terms. In his appeal, which was char- ged on him as a crime, among many other things, he says, "Almighty God, the one only essence in Three Persons, is the first and last refuge of those who are op- pressed. Our Lord Jesus Christ, very God and very man, being desirous to redeem, from eternal damna- tion, his children elected before the foundation of the world, has given, by suffering a bloody and ignomini- ous death, this excellent example to his disciples, to commit their cause to the judgment of God." He still continued to preach on subjects, which he deemed seasonable and useful. In one sermon, he treated of the uses of the commemoration of the saints, among which he reckons meditation on the misery of man, subject to death for sin ; and on the death which Je- sus Christ suffered for our sin. In this same sermon, while he zealously opposed the abuses of the times, he discovered that he himself was not then entirely clear of the popish notion of purgatory. a In praying devoutly for the dead," said he, " we procure relief to the saints in purgatory." He admitted, however, " that there is no mention of such a practice in the holy scriptures ; and, that neither the prophets, nor Je- sus Christ, nor his apostles, nor the saints that follow- ed close after, taught prayer for the dead." " I verily believe," continued Huss, "this custom was introdu- ced by the avarice of priests, who don't trouble them- selves to exhort the people to live well, as did the pro- phets, Jesus Christ and the apostles ; but take great care to exhort them to make rich offerings in hopes of happiness and a speedy delivery from purgatory. At length John Huss was forbidden to preach any more at Prague. All that he could then do was to instruct his countrymen by his writings. Having been summoned, as we have seen, to Constance, he obey- ed ; arid before his departure, oiTered to give an ac- of his faith in the presence of a provincial sy- 3 i 450 nod at Prague, but was not able to obtain an audience. In this and some other particulars he appears to have acted with great frankness and integrity ; and though his mind strongly foreboded that which happened in the issue, his resolution to appear at the genera! coun- cil was constant and unmoved. On the day succeeding his arrival at Constance, tiuss gave notice of it to the pope, throng!) his friend John de Chlum, who, at the same time, implored for him the protection of his holiness. Pope John was then in much fear on his own account, and it behov- ed him not, in his present circumstances, to exorcise the fulness of papal domination. He, therefore, an- swered courteously ; declared that he would use all his power to prevent any injustice to be done to him while at Constance, and took off his excommunication. Huss appears to have expected that he should have had permission to preach before the council ; for he had prepared sermons for that purpose, which are in- serted among his works. In the first of these he declared his reliance on the word of God as the only true and sufficient rule of sal- vation. Also he declared his veneration for fathers and councils, so far as they are conformable to scrip- ture. He added, "every man must be a disciple ei- ther of God or of Satan. Faith is the rudiment of one of these schools, infidelity of the other. A man must believe in God alone, not in the virgin, not in the saints, not in the church, not in the pope : for none of these are God." "The church" he said, "is an assembly of all the predestinated, and consists "of the trium- phant church in heaven, the militant church on earth, and the sleeping church :" pitiable blindness! "who are now suffering in purgatory/' He allowed the in- tercession of the virgin Mary and of other saints ; and, in favor of this popish tenet, spoke far more forcibly, than might have been expected from one, who had so unlimited a veneration for the holy scriptures. Huss may be said to have been a martyr for holy practice itself. He does not seem to have held any doctrine, which at that day was called heretical. 451 The world hated him, because he was not of the world, and because he testified of it, that its works were evil. He appears to have had that faith which works by love, purifying the heart. With those who persecuted him, even to the flames of martyrdom, the term a vi- cious believer," appears not to have been a sojecism in language. He appears to have received an UNC- TION FROM THE HOLY ONE, which preserved his holy affection alive, amidst the contagion of superstition, the temptations of the world, and the menaces of inso- lent and tyrannical domination. Those, who look only at the external forms of reli- gion, might be tempted to think, that the council of Constance, was in general influenced by the Spirit of God. In all their public sessions they sang an anthem, and then prayed kneeling. After having remained some time in this posture, a deacon called out to them to rise ; and the president addressed himself to the Ho- ly Ghost in a loud voice in a collect, which, in very so- lemn and explicit terms, supplicated his effectual influ- ence, that, not withstanding the enormity of their sins, which filled them with dread, HE would deign to de- scend into their hearts, to direct them, to dictate their decrees, and to execute them himself, and also to pre- serve their minds from corrupt passions, and not suffer them through ignorance or selfishness, to swerve from justice and truth. The ideas, and perhaps the very words were, however, taken from better times, when the operations of the Holy Ghost were not only pro- fessed, but FELT in Christian assemblies. The forms of true religion often remain a long time after the spir- it of it has been almost extinguished. Both the empe- ror Sigismund and his consort Barba, who were infa- mous for lewdness, attended the religious ceremonies of this council. Sigismund, in a deacon's habit, read the gospel, while the pope celebrated mass ! Huss was soon deprived of his liberty, in the follow- ing manner. He was accused by Paletz, professor of divinity at Prague, and by Causis, a pastor of one of the parishes of the same city. These men caused bills to be posted up against him in Constance, as an 452 excommunicated heretic. When Huss complained, the pope replied, " What can I do in this case ? Your own countrymen have done it." The hishops of Augsburgh and of Trent were directed to summon him to appear before John XXIII. " I had expected," said Huss, " to give an account of myself before the general council, and not before the pope and his car- dinals ; however I am willing to lay down my life, rather than betray the truth." He set out therefore without delay, accompanied by his generous friend John de Chlum. On his arrival at the pope's palace, he was committed to prison. Chlum made loud com- plaints to the pope, but in vain. Eight articles were exhibited against Huss by Causis, and the pope ap- pointed commissioners to try him. The vexations and insults, to which Huss was exposed, were numerous and cruel: and he was unjustly accused of being more unfriendly to the church of Rome, than he really was. Whatever Wickliff maintained, Huss was accused of maintaining ; nor were his own express declarations respected, particularly in regard to transubstantiation, a doctrine which he certainly believed, and on which he wrote his thoughts while under confinement at Constance. W r ith great clearness he vindicated him- self against the charge of heresy ; but, his holy life was unpardonable in the eyes of his enemies. More- over, all those whom the faithfulness of his pastoral services in Bohemia had provoked, then found an op- portunity to wreak their vengeance upon him. The generous count de Chlum, grieved and incens- ed at the imprisonment of Huss, wrote to Sigismund on this subject. That prince immediately sent ex- press orders to his ambassadors to cause him to be set at liberty, and even to break the gates of the prison in case of resistance. The unfortunate Huss was not> however, released ; and he soon found that the arts and intrigues, both of the pope and of the emperor, were so deceptive, that to commit himself to HIM that jtidgeth righteously, was his only expedient. In the mean time, the doctors, in their preaching, exclaimed most pathetically against the prevailing evils and abu- 45S ses, and exhorted the council to reform the church with vigor. Its growing corruptions and enormities were, by them, exposed in the strongest colors. Wick- liff himself, or Huss, could scarcely have spoken in a more pointed or severe manner. They were not, how- ever, permitted to censure with impunity even the most shameful practices. They preached by order of their superiors, aad took particular care, in the midst of their keenest animadversions, to express an une- quivocal respect to the popedom in general. Though Sigismund 's authority extended over the empire, and he, by virtue of that authority, required all his subjects to suffer Huss to paw and repass secure ; and for the honor of his imperial Majesty, if need be, to provide him with good passports, yet the commissioners,, for the examination of Huss, persuaded the emperor that he ought not to keep faith with a man accused of heresy, and that, to acquiesce in the desires of the venerable council, was the line of conduct proper for him to pursue, as an obedient and good son of the church ; Huss, therefore, was not allowed to repass, but was detained in prison at Constance. Before the death of their countryman, the Bohemi- an nobility, enraged at the perfidy of Sigismund, re- peatedly remonstrated, by letters, against his proceed- ings, but all to no purpose. At the solicitation of Pa- lelz, Huss was confined in the Dominican convent, where he became dangerously sick, through the bad air and other inconveniences of a noisome dungeon. That same John who had most unrighteously per- secuted Huss, found himself so disagreeably situated at Constance, by reason of the accusations of his ene- mies, and the intrigues and maneuvers of Sigismund, and the majority of the council, that he determined to depart, in secret from the assembly. He fled to SchaiThausen, a city belonging to Frederic duke of Austria, who had promised to defend him. But the emperor, Sigismund, determined on supporting the au- thority of (tie council, took such measures as obliged Frederic to surrender at discretion, and to abandon the cause of John. Thus that pontiff, who, at first had 454 presided at the council, after having fled from place to place, was at length confined at Gottleben, in the same prison where Huss, the victim of his cruelty, was confined. The three rival popes were at length deposed, and declared by the council incapable of being re-elected. Huss, in the mean time, contrary to every principle of justice, honor and humanity, was still kept in confine* ment, and in vain solicited a fair hearing of his cause. At this council another striking example of the same spirit of persecution was exhibited, and that to- wards Jerom of Prague, a firm friewd and adherent of John Huss. Jerom was a master of arts, and a man of very superior talents. Though his character was neither clerical nor monastic, yet he spared no pains to second all the endeavors of Huss to promote a re- formation in Bohemia. He even travelled into En- gland to procure knowledge, and brought the books of WicklifF into his own country. When Huss was setting out from Prague, Jerom had exhorted him to maintain with steadfastness the doctrines which he had preach- ed, and had promised that he himself would go to Constance to support him, if he should hear that he was oppressed. Jerom was true to his promise. Huss, in one of his letters to a friend, had desired Jerom not to come, lest he should meet with the same treatment which he himself had experienced; but he did not desist from his purpose, and came directly to Constance. Hav- ing learned that Huss was not allowed a fair exami- nation, and that some secret machination was formed against himself, he retired to Uberlingen, whence he wrote to the emperor to request a safe conduct. Sig- ismund refused to grant his petition. Upon which Jerom published a paper, declaring it to be his desire to answer any charges of heresy that could possibly be brought against him. This produced no satisfacto- ry answer ; and finding he could not be of any service to his friend Huss, he resolved to return to his own country. After his departure, he was summoned to appear before the council, and a safe conduct or pass- 455 j was given him. This, however, contained such a salvo to justice, and the interests of the faitl^ as rendered it, in effect a mere nullity. To omit a long detail of uninteresting particulars, this persecuted reformer was arrested at Hirsaw, on his return to Bohemia, and was led in chains to Constance. There he was immediately brought before a general congregation, which seemed intent on insulting, en- snaring, and browbeating their virtuous prisoner. " You vented several errors in our university," said a doctor from Cologne. "Be pleased to name one," answered Jerom. The accuser plead that his memo- ry failed him. " You advanced most impious heresies among us," said a divine from Heidleburg : " I re- member one, particularly concerning the Trinity. You declared that it resembled water, snow, and ice." Jerom avowed that he still persisted in his opinions, but was ready to retract, with humility, and with pleasure, when he should be convinced of an error. No opportunity was, however, allowed him either for explanation or defence: all was confusion and uproar: voices burst from every quarter, " Away with him, away with him ; to the fire ; to the fire." Jerom stood astonished at the gross indecency of this scene, and as soon as he could in any degree be heard, looked round the assembly with a steady and signifi- cant countenance, and cried aloud, " Since nothing but my blood will satisfy you, I am resigned to the will of God." The archbishop of Saltzbourg replied, " No Jerom God hath no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that he turn from his way and live." After this tumultuous examination, Jerom was de- livered to the officers of the city, and immediately carried to a dungeon. Some hoars afterward, Wal- lenrod, archbishop of Riga, caused him to be convey- ed privately to St. Paul's church, where he was bound to a post, and his hands were chained to his neck. In this posture Jerom remained ten days, and was fed only with bread and water. During this time his friends knew not what had become of him ; till at length one of them received notice of his pitiable sit- 456 nation, from the keeper of the prison and procured hi in better nourishment. The hardships which he under- went brought upon him a dangerous illness, in the course of which he pressed the council to allow him a confessor. With difficulty he at length obtained his request, and through his means procured some small mitigation of his sufferings ; but he remained in prison till the day of his death. Some who composed the council of Constance, were learnt d and able ; many, superstitions and bigotted ; and most of them, worldly minded and unprincipled, totally ignorant of evangelical truth. And as the works of the famous Wickliff, which had laid the foun- dation of the religious innovations.} in Bohemia, repro- bated the general course of their wicked practices, they proceeded to condemn the doctrines of that ob- noxious reformer. This they did, as far as appears, without one dissenting voice, and pronounced the au- thor of them a heretic. They even proceeded so far as to declare " that there is no salvation out of the church of Rome." This they affirmed on the suppos- ed validity of a decretal of pope Callixtus, which de- clared " that the church of Rome is the mistress of all churches ; and that it is not lawful to depart from her decisions." At this council, complaint was made by the Poles, against the Teutonic knights, who, armed with indul- gences for the conversion of infidels, and with papal bulls for putting themselves in possession of conquer- ed countries, gratified their military passion, while they imagined they were doing God service, by har- rassing and wasting the Prussians and Poles with fire and sword. The question of law for the decision of the assembly was, whether it is right for Christians to convert infidels by force of arms, and to seize their es- tates. The council appointed commissioners to en- quire into the business ; but otherwise did not decide the dispute. At this council too, the dispute concerning ad minis- tering the cup in the communion to the laity, was in- troduced; and those who were for the disuse of it as- 457 serted that (he controversy arose in consequence of the doctrine of John Huss, and this they urged to has- ten his condemnation. The appearance of the new controversy, added to the question concerning Jerom of Prague, increased the fury of the storm against Huss, and his enemies labored day and night for his destruction. His health and strength had decayed by the rigor of his confine- ment. The great men of Bohemia endeavored in vain to procure justice to be done to their countryman. Private examinations, insults and vexations, were pli- ed to shake his constancy, and to render a public trial unnecessary. But this holy man, refusing to give an- swers in private, and continuing to solicit a public trial, gave his adversaries no advantage over him either through warmth or timidity. He retracted nothing of what he had openly preached, and possessed his soul in patience and resignation. The unrighteous views of the council having been thus far baffled, he was conducted to Constance, lodg- ed in the Franciscan monastery, and loaded with chains ; in which condition, excepting the time when he was under examination, he remained until the day of his condemnation. His first hearing before the council was attended with so much confusion, through the intemperate rage of his enemies, that nothing could be concluded. In the second, in which the emperor was present, for the purpose of preserving order, Huss was accused of deny- ing the doctrine of transubstantiation. Some English- men, who knew what Wickliff held on that point, and who were ready to take for granted, that Huss dissent- ed in no article from their countryman, pressed him vehemently on the subject. It appeared, however, that Huss followed the church of Rome on this doctrine ; and the sincerity of his creed, though a mistaken one, appears from his treatise on the body of Christ. A tedious dispute ensued concerning the refusal of Huss to join with those who condemned the errors of Wickliff. He explained himself with sufficient pre- cision ; declared, that he blamed the conduct of thr 3K 4S8 archbishop of Subinco at Prague, only because he had condemned Wickliff's books without examination, and without distinction ; and added, that most of the university of Prague found fault with that prelate, be- cause he produced no reasons from the scriptures. Huss further observed to the council, that, not having been able to obtain justice from John XXIII. he had appealed from him to Jesus Christ. His seriousness in mentioning this appeal exposed him to the derision of the council. Huss, however, with great gravity af- firmed, that it was always lawful to appeal from an inferior to a higher court ; that in this case the Judge was infallible, full of equity and compassion, and one who would not refuse mercy to the miserable. The levity of the assembly, and the seriousness of the pris- oner, were remarkably contrasted. The conscious inartyr, in appealing to Jesus Christ, must have had his own mind fixed on the last judgment, and aimed at making an impression on the court by directing their attention to that awful tribunal. John de Chlurn, remained an unshaken friend to Huss, throughout all his trials, notwithstanding the multitude of his adversaries, and supported with cour- age and constancy the insulted victim of their fury. Huss, in his third hearing, answered the enquiries made of him concerning articles of supposed heresy, which were extracted from his works ; owning, deny- ing or explaining, with much clearness and candor, as occasions required. He was vehemently pressed to retract his errors, to own the justice of the accusa- tions, and to submit to the decrees of the council. But neither promises nor menaces moved him. " To abjure," said he, " is to renounce an error that hath been held, But, as in many of these articles, errors are laid to my charge which I never thought of, how can I renounce them by oath ? As in many of those articles, which I own to be mine, I will renounce them with all my heart, if any man will teach me sounder doctrines than what I have advanced." His conscientious integrity, however, availed him not. The court demanded a general retraction ; and nothing 459 short of that could procure him their favor. The te- dious malignity of the third day's examination op- pressed, at length, both the mind and body of Huss ; and the more so because he had passed the pre- ceding night sleepless through pain of the tooth- ache. For some days before, he had also been afflict- ed with the gravel, and was, in other respects, in a weak state of health* At the close of the examina- tion he was carried back to prison, whither John de Chliim followed him. " O what a comfort," said he, " was it to me, to see that this nobleman did not dis- dain to stretch out his arm to a poor heretic in irons, whom all the world, as it were-had forsaken." In the same letter in which he mentions this, he begs the prayers of his friend, because " the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.'' After the departure of Huss, Sigisnlund, with the most unrelenting barbarity, pronounced him a heretic Worthy of the flames. On the next day, a form of re- traction was sent to this persecuted prisoner, which, though it was penned in ambiguous terms, plainly ap- peared, on the whole, to imply a confession of guilt. Huss therefore refused to sign it; and added, that he had rather be cast into the sea with a mill stone about his neck, than give offence to his pious neighbors by acknowledging that to be true which he knew to be false ; that he had preached patience and constan- cy to others, and that he was willing to show an exam- ple of these graces, and hoped by divine assistance to be enabled to do so. We have constantly seen in the course of this his- tory, that the holiness of heart and life, which real Christians have evidenced from a^e to age, has been connected with the peculiar doctrines of Christianity. Sometimes one of these doctrines, and sometimes an- other, constituted the prominent feature of their pro- fession ; but it is in vain to look for men of real holi- ness and virtue, who were inimical or even indifferent to the principles of the gospel. Huss dwelt largely upon the depravity of human nature, and taught clear- ly the necessity of divine influences to bring men to 4GO be holy 111 heart and life. By distinguishing those, whom God hath chosen to be his peculiar people in Christ, and are evidently pointed out, by their practi- cal holiness, as different from the rest of mankind, he gave offence. . Undoubtedly his open rebukes of sin 5 both by his public preaching and writings, and the uniform purity and innocence of his manners, had in- flamed the tempers of the great men of the age, both in church and state. It was, however, scarcely to be expected that the council of Constance should, even upon their own principles, proceed to condemn to the flames without the least proof of heresy, an upright man, because he refused to acknowledge that to be true which he believed to be false ; or that this same council should justify the deceit and perfidy of their imperial president : their conduct, therefore, is to be considered as a striking proof, not only of the general depravity of human nature, but also of the general wickedness of the Roman church. The council settled, before hand, after what manner Iluss was to be treated, in case he should retract. He was to have been degraded from the priesthood, and to be forever shut up between four walls. This was the only reward, which the unfeeling tyrants had in- tended to bestow on him, in the event of his wound- ing his conscience to gratify them. It would be erro- neous to lay the whole weight of blame on the popes, on account of the enormities of the church of Rome. It was generally and systematically corrupt ; it had recently deposed three popes ; it was, at present, with- out a pope, and yet was guilty of crimes, not less.! hei- nous than the worst which the pontiffs ever committed. The council exhorted Huss, according to his own account, written the night before his death, to pro- nounce every one of the articles, which had been ex- tracted from his books, to be erroneous ; but he abso- lutely refused to accede, to so unreasonable a requisi- tion, except they would, from the scriptures, prove hi* doctrine to be incorrect. The emperor and council, having tried their ut most to induce him to recant, and Huss remaining 461 rirm in his determination not to give up his doctrines, unless convinced of his error from scripture evidence, he was again brought before the council in the pre- sence of the emperor, the princes of the empire, and an incredible concourse of people. The bishop of Lodi preached a sermon from those words of St. Paul, " that the body of sin might be destroyed." With the grossest ignorance, or the most virulent and indecent malice, he perverted the words to the purpose of the council. u Destroy heresies and errors," said he, " but chiefly that obstinate heretic," pointing to the prisoner. While they were reading the articles ex- tracted, or pretended to be extracted, from his wri- tings, Huss was beginning to answer to each distinct- ly, but was told that he might answer to them all at the same time, and was ordered at present to be si- lent. He expostulated in vain on the unreasonable- ness of this injunction. Lifting up his hands to hea- ven, he begged the prelates in God's name to indulge him in the freedom of speech, that he might justify himself before the people ; " after which, " said he, " you may dispose of me as you think fit." But the prelates persisting in their refusal, he kneeled down, and with uplifted eyes and hands, with a loud voice recommended his cause to the Judge of all the earth. Being accused in the article of the sacra- ment, of having maintained that the material bread remains after consecration, he loudly declared, that he never believed or taught so. Nothing could be more iniquitous than this charge, which he had fully refuted on his former examination. But the council was determined to burn him as a heretic, and it behoved them to exhibit, at any rate, some shew of proving his heretical opinions. A still more shameless accusation was introduced. It was said, " A certain doctor bears witness, that Huss gave out, that he should become the fourth person in the trini- ty." " What is the name of that doctor ?" replied the prisoner, protesting against the charge as a flagrant calumny, and making an orthodox confession of his faith on the subject of the Trinity. Nevertheless, the bishop who had read the accusation, refused to inert* tion the doctor's name. Being again upbraided with his appeal to Jesus Christ, " See," said he, with his hands lifted up towards heaven, " most gracious Sav- ior, how the council condemns as an error what thou hast prescribed and practised, when, overborne by en* emies, thou committedst thy cause to God, thy Fa- ther, leaving us this example, that wt>en we are op- pressed, we may have recourse to the judgment of God. Yes," continued he, turning to the assembly, " I have maintained, and do still maintain, that an ap- peal to Jesus Christ is most just and right, because HE can neither be corrupted by bribes, nor be deceived by false witnesses, nor be overreached by artifice. I came voluntarily to this council, under the public faith of the emperor here present." In pronouncing these last words, he looked earnestly at Sigismund, who blushed at the sudden and unexpected rebuke. Sentence was then pronounced both against John Huss and his books ; and he was ordered to be degra- ded. The bishops clothed him in the priest's gar- ments, and put a chalice into his hands. While they were thus employed, Huss said, that " the Jews put a white garment on our Lord Jesus Christ to mock him, when Herod delivered him to Pilate/' and he made reflections of the same kind on each of the sacerdotal ornaments. When the prisoner was fully apparelled, the prelates once more exhorted him to retract, and to this exhortation he replied with his usual firmness.- They then caused him to come down from the stool on which he stood, and pronounce these words, " O curs- ed Judas, who, having forsaken the counsel of peace, art entered into that of the Jews, we take this chalice from thee, in which is the blood of Jesus Christ." But God was with the martyr, who cried aloud, " I trust in the mercy of God, I shall drink of it this very day in his kingdom." They then took from him of all his vest- ments, uttering a curse on stripping him of each. Hav- ing completed his degradation, by the addition of some other ridiculous insults not worthy of a distinct rela- tion, they put a paper coronet on his head, on which 463 they had painted three devils, with this inscription, ARCH-HERETIC and said, " We devote thy soul to the in- fernal devils." " I am glad," said the martyr, " to wear this crown of ignominy for the love of him who wore a crown of thorns." When the painted paper was put upon his head, one of the bishops said, " Now we commit thy soul to the devil." " But I," said Huss, " commit my spirit into thy hands, O Lord Jesus Christ ; unto thee I commend my spirit, which thou hast redeemed." The council then ordered this sentence to be pronounced, nanaely, " The holy synod of Constance declares, that John Huss ought to be given up to the secular power, and does ac- cordingly so give him up, considering that the church of God has no more to do with him." Sigismund committed the execution of Huss to the elector Palatine, The martyr, walking amidst his guards, declared his innocence to the people. When he came near the place of execution, he kneeled and prayed with such fervor, that some of the people said aloud, " What this man has done before we know not ; but now we hear him offer up most excellent prayers to God." The elector Palatine prevented him from speaking to the people, and ordered him to be burned. " Lord Jesus," said Huss aloud, " I humbly suffer this cruel death for thy sake, and I pray thee to forgive all my enemies." His paper ^rown falling from his head, the soldiers put it on again, saying, that "it must be burnt with the devils, whom he had served." His neck was fastened to a stake, and the wood was piled about him. The elector advanced once more on the often repeated subject of retraction. " What I have written and taught," rejoined Huss, " was to rescue souls from the power of the devil, and to deliver them from the tyranny of sin ; and I do gladly seal what I have written and taught with my blood." The elector withdrawing, the fire was kindled, and Huss was soofl suffocated, having called upon God as long as he could speak. Thus, by a death which has affixed eternal in- famy on the council of Constance, slept in Jesus the celebrated John Huss, one of the most upright and 464 blameless of men. Human depravity lias not often produced a scene so flagitiously iniquitous, and so much calculated to bring disgrace on the Roman church. The uncommon pains taken to prevent his death by a retraction, demonstrates the conviction of the council, that they were doing what they could not justify to their own consciences. At the same time the grace of God was marvellously displayed in sup- porting and strengthening the martyr, who appears in- deed to have exhibited all the graces of a true disciple of Christ. Toward the latter end of the year 1415, a letter was sent to the council from Bohemia, signed by about 60 principal persons, barons, noblemen and others of that kingdom, an extract of which is as follows : " We know not from what motive you have condemned John Huss, bachelor of divinity and preacher of the gospel. Ye have put him to a cruel and ignominious death, though convicted of no heresy. We wrote in his vindication to Sigismund, king of the Romans. This apology of ours ought to have been communicated to your con- gregations ; but we have been told that ye burnt it in contempt of us. We protest therefore, with the heart as well as with the lips, that John Huss was a man ve- ry honest, just, and orthodox ; that for many years he conversed among us with godly and blameless man- ners ; that during all those years he explained to us and to our subjects, the gospel and the books of the Old and New Testament, according to the exposition of holy doctors approved by the church ; and that he has left writings behind him in which he constantly abhors all heresy. He taught us also to detest every thing heretical. In his discourses he constantly ex- horted us to peace and charity, and his own life ex- hibited to us a distinguished example of these virtues. After all the inquiry which we have made, w^e can find no blame attached to the doctrine or life of the said John Huss; but on the contrary every thing pi- ous, laudable and worthy of a true pastor. Ye have not only disgraced us by his condemnation, but have also unmercifully imprisoned, and perhaps already 465 put to death Jerom of Prague, a man of most profound learning and eloquence. Him also have ye condemned unconvicted. Notwithstanding all that hath passed, we are resolved to sacrifice our lives for the defence of the gospel of Christ, and of his faithful preachers." This letter was unanimously approved in an assembly of Bohemian lords held at Prague. The council, startled at the bold expostulations of this letter, yet being still determined to maintain their own unjust authority, at length, partly by pro- mises, and partly by threatenings, induced Jerom of Prague to retract his sentiments. In this, Jerom an- athamatized the articles both of Wickliff and of Huss, and declared that he believed every thing that the council believed. He even added, that if, in future, any doctrine should escape from him contrary to his recantation, he would submit to everlasting punish- ment ! Thus was disgraced before all the world, and humbled in his own eyes, a man of most excellent morals, of superior parts, and of great learning and fortitude. This is an event, memorable in the annals of human imbecility ! Consider diligently the instruc- tion which it affords. The power and the mercy of God, in owning his fallen servant, and in afterward restoring and supporting him, were magnified, in this instance, in a very striking manner. Jerom, after his retraction, was remanded to prison, with some enlargement of liberty. There were some, notwithstanding the recantation of Jerom, who insisted upon his being tried a second time. The council, therefore, proceeded to examine him again upon the articles formerly exhibited against him, and upon new articles, then, for the first time, brought forward. The prisoner refused to be sworn, because they at first denied him the liberty of defence. Then it was that this great man began to exhibit that strength of mind, that force of genius and elo- quence, and that integrity and fortitude, which will be the admiration of ali ages. Having obtained freedom of speech, during his trial, it} his defence he said, " I came to Constance to tle- m fend John Huss, 'because I had advised him to g thither, and had promised to come to his assistance, in case he should be oppressed. Nor am I ashamed here to make public confession of my own cowardice. I confesb and tremble while I think of it, that through fear of punishment by fire, I basely consented, against my conscience to the condemnation of Wickliff and Huss." He then declared that he disowned his re- cantation, as the greatest crime of which he had ever been guilty ; and that he was determined to his last breath to adhere to the principles of those two men, which were as sound and pure, as their lives were ho- ly and blameless. He excepted indeed WicklifPs opin- ion of the sacrament, and declared his agreement with the Roman church in the article of transubstan- tiation. Having concluded his speech, he was carri- ed back to prison, and was there visited by several persons, who hoped to reclaim him, but in vain. Jerom, having been brought again before the coun- cil, the bishop of Lodi preached a sermon from these words, " He upbraided them tvith their unbelief and hardness of heart" He exhorted the jDrisoner not to show himself incorrigible, as he had hitherto done. He paid some tribute of praise to his extraordinary abilities, and at the same time extolled the lenity and generosity with which he had been treated by the council. Jerom, raising himself on a bench, under- took to confute the preacher. He declared again, that he had done nothing in his whole life, of which he so bitterly repented, as his recantation ; that he revoked it from his very soul, as also the letter which he had been induced to write on this subject to the Bohemians ; that he had been guilty of the meanest falsehood by making that recantation ; that he esteemed John Huss a holy man ; and that he knew no heresy of which he had been guilty, unless they should call by that name, his open disapprobation of the vices of the clergy. That if, after this declaration, credit should still be given to the false witness borne against Huss, he should consider the fathers of the council them- selves as unworthy of all belief, "This pious 467 said Jcrom, alluding to John Huss, " could not bear u* see the revenues of the church, which were principal- ly designed for the maintenance of the poor, and for works of liberality, spent in debauchery with women, in leasts, hounds, furniture, gawdy apparel, and other expenses, unworthy of Christianity/' The firmness, eloquence, and zeal of Jerom, sensi- bly aiFected the council. They proposed to him once more to retract. But he replied, " Ye have determin- ed to condemn me unjustly ; but after my death I shall leave a sting in your consciences, and a worm that shall never die. 1* appeal to the sovereign Judge of all the earth, in whose presence you must appear to answer me." After sentence had been pronounced against him, Jerom was delivered to the secular power, and was treated with scorn and insult, similar to that which his friend Huss had experienced. He put the mitre with his own hands on his head, saying he was glad to wear it for the sake of Him, who was crowned with one of thorns. As he went to execution, he sung the apostles' creed, and the hymns of the church, with a loud voice and a cheerful countenance. He kneeled at the stake, and prayed. Being then bound, he raised his voice, and sung a paschal hymn at that time much in vogue in the church. " Hail hoppy day, and ever be adored, " When hell was conquered by great heaven's Lord." The executioner having approached to the pile be- hind his back, lest Jerom should see him, " Come for- ward," said the martyr, " and put (ire to it before my face." He continued alive in the flames a full quar- ter of an hour, and sustained the torment with great fortitude and courage. When he was much scorched with the fury of the fire, and almost smothered in its flames, he was heard to cry out, " O Lord God, have mercy on me ! have mercy on me !" And a little af- terward, " Thou knowest how I have loved thy truth." By and by, the wind parted the flames, and exhibited his body full of large blisters, a dreadful spectacle to the beholders j yet even then his lips are said to have 468 continued still moving, as if his mind was actuated by intense devotion. Though the acquaintance, which Jerom had with the truth of the gospel, appears to have been par- tial and imperfect ; yet the knowledge which he had, doubtless respected the essential doctrines of Chris- tianity ; and his spirit and constancy, in his last suf- ferings,, his dependance on the grace of Christ, his ex- pectation of a blessed resurrection, and his humble confession of sinfulness and unworthiness, sufficiently distinguish him from the stoic philosopher, or the mere moralist, who, whatever portion he may have of the first of these qualities, is totally void of all the rest Jerom endured his last sufferings with a cheerful countenance, arid with more thaw stoical constancy. By the acts of the council of Constance, the wick- edness of the ecclesiastical system, then prevalent in Europe, was clearly demonstrated. Though ail the knowledge and ability, which the Roman hierarchy could afford, were collected at Constance, yet the able and learned fathers of that council were so far from reforming the evils of what they called the church, that they proved it more certainly to be Antichrist. The whole of the clerical establishment then con- curred in the support of iniquity. The real gospel it- self was neither understood, nor preached, nor valued in the Roman church. They trifled respecting sins with the most scandalous levity, and persecuted to death those very persons who earnestly opposed the corruptions of the times. The glory of God, the truths of the gospel, and real kingdom of Jesus Christ, hav- ing been kept out of sight by all who constituted that council, none of them regarded reformation much further than it concerned their own interested views, and nothing that deserved the name of reformation ensued. In the latter end of the year 1417, the council of Constance, elected Otho de Colonna pope, who took the name of Martin V. How destitute he was of real piety, and of all true knowledge of the scripture doc- trines of salvation, and what were the views and sen- 469 timenls of that council, will appear from the bull by which it was dissolved. An extract of ii is as fol- lows : " Martin, bishop, servant of the servants of God, at the request of the sacred council, we dis- miss it. Moreover, by the authority of the Almighty God, and of the blessed apostles St. Peter and SK Paul, and by our own authority, we grant to all the members of the council plenary absolution of all their sins once in their lives, so that every one of them, within two months after the notification of this privilege has come to his knowledge, may enjoy the benefit of the said absolution in form. We also grant them the same privilege in the moment of death ; and we ex- tend it to the domestics, as well as to the masters, on condition, that, from the day of the notification, both the one and the other fast every Friday, during a whole year, for the absolution granted to them while alive ; and another year for their absolution in the moment of death, unless there be some lawful imped- iment, in which case they shall do other works of pie* ty. And after the second year they shall be obliged to fast on Fridays during life, or to do some other acts of piety, on pain of incurring the displeasure of Al- mighty God and of the blessed apostles St. Peter and St Paul." The council of Constance began to sit in 1414, and was dissolved in 1418. In that council a great effort was made by the united wisdom of Europe, but in vain, to effect that reformation, which God alone in his own time produced in such a manner, as to illus- trate the divine declaration. Salvation is " not by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of host?." CHAPTER 111. The Hussites till the beginning of the Reformation. .1 HE Bohemians having heard of the murder of John Huss and Jerom of Prague with great indignation, for* ty thousand of the followers of Huss assembled on, , 47S mountain a* few miles from Prague under their leaders Zisca and Nicolas, where the latter administered to them the communion in both kinds. They had taken the field to oppose the Romish hierarchy with fire and sword ; a bloody war ensued, which continued 13 years with various success, and with many inhuman cruelties on both sides. The main body of the dis- contented Bohemians w-ere at length satisfied with the cup in the sacrament, and with the administration of the ordinance in their own language. Those who differed from the church of Rome, only in the affair of the communion in both kinds, were deno- minated Calixtines, from Calix,the Latin name for cup. Those who were more thorough in their opposition to the abominations of the church of Rome, and who re- sembled the Waldenses, in the great articles of their faith, were called Taborites, from the circumstance of their having accommodated themselves with tents, when they took the field to oppose the papal pow r er : the word tabor, in the Bohemian language, signifying tent. The Taborites, besides the scriptural celebration of the sacrament, desired to see a real reformation of the church, and the establishment of purity of doctrine and discipline. But, after a long series of military confu- sion, they found themselves still a persecuted body of men ; and those of them, who had been inclined to have recourse to the sword, were gradually convinc- ed, that patient faith and perseverance in prayer are the proper arms of the Christian soldier. Never was there a more striking instance of the inefficacy of car - -al weapons in defending the church of Christ. By this long and bloody war, which the Bohemians carri- ed on with great success, and with undaunted cour- age and fortitude, they gained only two privileges, merely of an external nature in the administration of the Lord's supper. With these the majority of the people remained content, and still adhered to the pa- pal abominations, while the real Christians w r ere expos- ed as much as ever to the persecutions of the church of Rome, and were not only abandoned, but also cnv elly treated by their brethren. 471 In the mean time, Rokyzan, a Calixtine, was allur- ed by the hopes of the arch bishopric of Prague, to se- cond the views of the papal party. He was elected archbishop in 1436, and labored to induce the Bohe- mians to be content without the cup, and in all other things to conform to the Romish doctrine and wor- ship. Rokyzan, fearing he should lose his dignity, could not be prevailed on openly to oppose the Ro- mish corruptions; he however, advised the Hussites to edify one another in private, and gave them some good books for that purpose. He also obtained for them permission to withdraw to the lordship of Lititz^ on the confines of Silesia and Moravia, and there to regulate their plan of worship according to their own consciences. About the year 1453, a number of Hussites repair- ed to Lititz, and chose Michael Bradazius for their minister. He, with some assistants, under the direc- tion of Gregory, who was in a great measure the foun- der of the unity of the Hussite brethren, held a con- ference in 1457, in which the plan of the Hussite church, or that of the United Brethren, was formed; idolatrous rites were prohibited, and a strictness of discipline, resembling that of the primitive Christian church, was instituted. But in this they failed to pro- mote the spirit of godliness to the degree they had ex- pected, and this through a neglect of an accurate sys- tem of Christian doctrines. As holy exercises of heart do take place in the view of truth, the inward life and vigor of their church did not correspond with the pu- rity of its external system, and distressed consciences could not find among them that comfort and liberty which are necessary to the existence of godliness to any great extent. In one point, however, they prov- ed themselves the real followers of Christ. They de- termined to make use of no carnal weapons for the defence of religion ; and no more to suffer the name of Hussites to be disgraced by such unchristian meth- ods as it formerly had been. They were soon called to the exercise of that pas- sive courage which they had professed. The increase 472 of their congregations in Bohemia and Moravia, war beheld with suspicion both by Romish and Calixtine priests, and they were acclised of having an intention to excite tumults and seize the government. The Hussitss were then loaded with the calumnies of their enemies and suffered persecution. The United Brethren, had hoped for support in Rokyzan, whose ministry had formerly been useful to their souls ; but he, then living in miserable grandeur, dearly purchas- ed at the expense of a good conscience, afforded them none. The following extract of a letter which the brethren wrote to him, while they labored under the imputations of promoting needless divisions, will give the reader some idea of their principles and spirit. " Your sermons have been highly grateful and plea- sant to us. You earnestly exhorted us to flee from the horrible errors of Antichrist, revealed in these last days'* You taught us that the devil introduced the abuses of the sacraments, and that men placed a false hope of salvation in them. You confirmed to us from the writings of the apostles and from the examples of the primitive church, the true doctrine of those divine in- structions. Being distressed in our consciences, and distracted by a variety of opinions, which prevailed in the church, we were induced to follow your advice, which was to attend the ministry of Peter Chelezitius, whose discourses and writings gave us a clearer in- sight into Christian truths; insomuch that when we saw your life and practice were at variance with your 'doc- trine, we were constrained to entertain doubts con* cerning your religious character. When we convers- ed with you on this occasion, your answer was to this effect, 4 1 know that your sentiments are true ; but, if I should patronize your cause, I must incur the same infamy and disgrace which you have.' \\hen we un- derstood that you would desert us, rather than relin- quish the honors of the world, having no refuge but in God, we implored him to make known to us the mystery of his will. As a gracious Father, he halh looked upon our afflictions, and halh heard our pay- ers. Trusting in our God, we have assembled our- 473 pelves in tlie unity of the faith by which we have been justified through Jesus Christ, and of which we were made partakers in conformity to the image of his death, that we might be the heirs of eternal life. Do not imagine, that we have separated ourselves from you on account of certain rites and ceremonies insti- tuted by men; but on account of evil and corrupt doctrines. For if we could, in connexion with you, have preserved the true faith of Jesus Christ our Lord, we never should have made this separation." Thus does it appear that the Hussite brethren were not mere schismatics, but properly reformed protest- ants, who separated from the church of Rome on ac- count of the essentials of godliness, and because, in that church, they could not preserve the genuine faith of the gospel, and purity of worship. And the constan- cy with which they endured persecution, showed, that they had not received the grace of God in vain. For they were declared unworthy of the common rights of subjects ; and in the depth of winter, were driven out of the cities and villages, with the forfeiture of all their effects-. The sick were thrown into the open fields, where many perished with cold and hunger, Various sorts of torture were inflicted on the brethren: numbers were barbarously murdered, and many died in the prisons. During those melancholy scenes, Gregory, nephew of Rokyzan, was distinguished by his zeal, fortitude and chanty. To these virtues he added prudence and discretion, of which he gave a remarkable instance. The governor of Prague, apprehending danger to the brethren to be at hand, had the kindness to warn Gre- gory to withdraw from that place, which he according- ly did. Some of the brethren were disgusted at this conduct, and boasted that the rack was their break- fast, and the flames their dinner. Some of these men, however, failed on the trial, and recanted to save their lives 5 though af the lapsed, some bemoaned their fall, and recovered by repentance. Gregory himself, on another occasion, underwent with patience the tor- tures of the rack. In the extremity of his suffering 3 as 474 be fell into a swoon, and was believed to have expir- ed. His uncle Rockyzan hastened to the prison at the news, and lamented over him in these words, " My dear Gregory, I would to God I were where thou art." So strong was the power of conscience still in this un- happy archbishop ! But Gregory recovered, and was preserved to the church to a very advanced age. The brethren having heard of the sensibility discov- ered by Rokyzan, addressed themselves to him again ; but his answers were of the same kind as formerly. He was determined not to suffer persecution ; and they in their farewel letter, said to him with more zeal than discretion, " thou art of the world, and wilt perish with the world." The persecution took a different turn; the Hussites were no longer tortured, but were driven out of the country ; where they were obliged to hide themselves in mountains and woods, and to live in the wilderness. In this situation, in 1467, they came to a resolution to form a church among them- selves, and to appoint their own ministers. In 1480 they received a great increase of their numbers from the accession of Waldensian refugees, who escaped out of Austria, where Stephen, the last bishop of the Waldenses in that province, was burnt alive, and where the vehemence of persecution no longer allowed this people to live in security. A union was easily formed between the Waldenses and the Hussites, on account of the similarity of their sentiments and manners. The refugees, however, found their situation but little me- liorated by a junction with a people, who were oblig- ed to conceal themselves in thickets and in clefts of rocks ; and who, to escape detection by the smoke, made no fires except m the night, when they read the word of God and prayed. Their sufferings were great. Rokyzan in his latter days, persecuted them^ and died in despair about the year 1471. In 1481 the Hussites were banished from Moravia, but in six years afterwards they returned into that country. In the beginning of the 16th century, they had 200 congregations in Bohemia and Moravia Their most violent persecutors were the C 475 who, for the most part, resembled the papists, except in that from which their name was derived. Hence closes, for the present, the history of the Hussites, who doubtless as a body of men, feared God and served him in the gospel of his Son. They al?o maintained a degree of discipline among themselves vastly superior to that of any other who bore the Chris- tian name, except the churches of the Waldenses- Both of these were, however, defective in evangelical LIGHT. But God in mercy was then hastening an ex- hibition of this, in the reformation, which, after we shall have very briefly surveyed the principal events of the 15th century, must engage our attention. CHAPTER IV. A Brief Review of the Fifteenth Century. I HE most remarkable events of this period, appeaj to have been directed by Divine Providence with a particular subserviency to the reformation. The Turks had become very formidable in the East, and were extending their conquests to the West. Eu- rope, though greatly oppressed by their persevering cruelties, neither humbled itself before God, nor took any measures to check their ambition. . But God was then preparing the way to bring order out of confusion, and light out of darkness. Many learned men, on ac- count of the troubles in the East, emigrated from Greece into Europe, where they revived the study of letters, and hereby prepared the way for the de- molition of idolatry and superstition. About the year 1440, the inestimable art of printing was invent- ed. Learning began then to be cultivated with vast ardor ; classical knowledge was greatly increased. Learned men were furnished with critical skill and ingenuity, of which they availed themselves in the in- struction of the ignorant. By the labors of the learn- ed Erasmus, who arose abont thig time, monastic su- 476 superstition received a wound which has never been healed. Thus, tinder the care of Divine Providence, materi- als were collected for that beautiful edifice which soon began to arise. In the 15th century the great value and use of these materials scarcely appeared ; the same corruptions, both of faith and practice, which have so often been described, still prevailed in all their horrors. In the meantime there were some individuals, who, though not connected with any particular Christian so- cieties, evinced the power of godliness. Among these was Thomas Rhedon, a Frenchman, who, having gone to Rome, to improve his understanding in religious con- cerns, found the corruptions of that venal city aston- ishingly great, and that the habitation of St. Peter had even become a den of thieves. His zealous spirit was stirred within him, to give an open testimony to evan- gelical truth. By continual preaching he incurred the hatred of the ruling powers, was degraded from the priesthood, and burnt, four years after his arrival at Rome. In 1499, Jerom Savanarola, an Italian monk, with two Friars, Dominic and Silvester, were burnt at Florence for preaching the dictrine of free justifica- tion through faith in Christ. Vincent Ferrer, though bred in the midst of dark- ness, and connected with the worst of ecclesiastical characters, was a shining model of piety. At the age of forty-two he began to preach with great fervor in every town from Avignon towards Valentia. His word is said to have been powerful among the Jews, the Mahometans, and others. He labored abundantly in Spain, France, Italy, England, Scotland, and Ireland ; and by the desire of Henry V. made Normandy, and Britanny, the theatre of his labors during the last two years of his life. He died at the age of 62. The following is a quotation from his book on spirit- ual life, and will give an idea of his piety : " Do you desire to study to advantage ? Consult God more than books, and ask him humbly, to make you understand what you read. Study drains the mind and heart. Go from time to time to be refreshed at the feet of 477 Christ under his cross. Some moments of repose there give fresh vigor and new light: interrupt your study by short, but fervent ejaculations. Science is the gift of the Father of lights. Do not consider it as attainable merely by your own mind and industry." Bernardin of Sienna, who must close this concise review of the 15lh century, was born in the year 1380, and on account of his uncommon zeal in preaching, was called "the burning coal." He gave this advice to clergymen, " Seek first the kingdom of God, and the Holy Ghost will give you a wisdom which no ad- versary can withstand." This excellent man express- ed an earnest wish to be able to cry out with a trum- pet through the world, " How long will ye love simpli- city ?" CENTURY XVI, CHAPTER I. The Reformation under the conduct of Luther. 1 HE 16th century opened with a most gloomy pros- pect. Corruption, both in doctrine and practice, had exceeded all bounds; and Europe, though the name of Christ was every where professed, presented nothing evangelical. Notwithstanding the repeated attempts which had been made, no extensive or permanent re- formation of the church had been effected. The Ro- man pontiffs were still the uncontrouled patrons of im- piety. The scandalous crimes of the court of Rome did not yet operate to lessen its dominion, nor lead men to make a serious investigation of religion. But the time was fast approaching, when the ado- rable Providence of God, raised up 3 man, who was led from step to step, by a series of circumstances far beyond his original intentions, and in a manner which evinced the excellency of the power to be of God and 478 mot of man, to be the instrument, rather than the agent of a most important reformation. This was Martin Luther, who was born in the year 1483 in Saxony. His father was universally esteem- ed for his integrity, who gave his son an early and very liberal education, so that having made a great proficiency in learning, he was made master of arts in the university of Erfurth, at the age of 20. He then commenced the study of the civil law. But his pur- pose was diverted from this, by a very solemn and alarming Providence. While walking in the fields with one of his most intimate friends, his companion was suddenly killed by lightning. Luther was terrifi- ed, and formed the hasty resolution of withdrawing from the world, and of throwing himself into the mo- nastery of Erfurth, which he entered in the year 1505. In a manuscript history, extending from the year 1524 to 1541, composed by Frederic Myconius, a very able coadjutor of Luther and Melancthon, the author describes the state of religion in the beginning of this century in the following striking 'erms. "The pas- sion and satisfaction of Christ, were treated as a bare history, like the Odyssey of Homer: concerning faith, by which the righteousness of the Redeemer and eter- nal life are apprehended, there was the greatest silence i Christ was described as a severe judge, ready to con- demn all who were destitute of the intercession of saints and of pontifical interest. In the room of Christ were substituted as saviors and intercessors, the virgin Mary, like a pagan Diana, and other saints, who, from time to time, had been created by the popes. Nor were men, it seems, entitled to the benefit of their prayers, except they deserved it of them by their works. What sort of works were necessary for this end was dis- tinctly explained ; not the works prescribed in the deca- logue, and enjoined on all mankind but such as enrich* ed the priests and monks. Those, who died neglect- ing these, were consigned to hell, or at least to purga- tory, till they were redeemed from it by a satisfaction made either by themselves or their proxies. The fre- fijuent pronunciation of the Lord's prayer, the saluta- 479 fion of the virgin, and the recitations of the canoncial hours, constantly engaged those who undertook to be religious. An incredible mass of ceremonious observ- ances was every where visible ; while gross wickedness was practised,under the encouragement of indulgences, by which the guilt of the crimes was easily expiated. The preaching of the word was the least part of the episcopal function: rites and processions employed the bishops perpetually, when engaged in religious ex- ercises. The number of clergy was enormous, and their lives were most scandalous. I speak of those whom I have known in the town of Gothen, &,c." A Greek testament could not then be procured at any price in all Germany. Even the university of Paris, the first of all the famous schools of learning, could not furnish a single person capable of supporting a controversy against Luther on the foundation of scrip- ture. Scarcely any Christian doctor had then a crit- ical knowledge of the word of God. It was at such a time of gross darkness, when the Christian nations differed very little from the pagan, except in the name, that the world beheld an attempt to restore the light of the gospel, more judicious and evangelical, than had ever been made since the days of Augustine. That the reader may understand the necessity and importance of the reformation ; it may be here stat- ed that the popish doctrine of indulgences was then in the highest reputation. According to this, the church imposed painful works or sufferings on offenders., which, having been discharged or undergone with humility, were called satisfactions : and when regard- ing the fervor of the penitents, or other good works, she "remitted some part of the task, that was called " an indulgence.''' She even pretended to extend the ben- efit of indulgences beyond the grave, and that they were valid in heaven. The foundation of all this system was generally be- lieved to be this: that there is in Christ and the saints an infinite treasure of merit ; the saints having done works of supererogation. It was pretended that this treasure was deposited in the church, under the duct of the see of Rome. This was sold for money^ at the discretion of the Pontiffs to those who were able and willing to purchase. Few were found disposed to undergo the course of a severe penance of unpleasant austerities, when they could afford to commute for it by pecuniary payments. The popes, and under them the bishops and clergy, particularly the Dominican and Franciscan friars, had the disposal of this treas- ure ; and as the pontiffs had the power of canonizing new saints at their own will, the fund was constantly on the increase. So long as this system could maintain its credit, the riches of this flagitious church, thus sec- ularized under the appearance of religion, became a sea without a shore. A practice, thus scandalously corrupt, was connected with the grossest ignorance of the nature of gospel grace. And in fact the preachers of indulgences, whether popes themselves, or their ministers, held out to the people, with sufficient clearness, that the inheritance of eternal life could be purchased. " Pope Leo X. making use of that power, which his predecessors had usurped over all Christian churches, sent abroad into all kingdoms his letters and bulls, with ample promises of the full par- don of sins, and of eternal salvation to such as would purchase the same with money ! ! !" From this the reader will perceive, that, for the de- molition of this impious system, the right knowledge of the scripture doctrine of justification was the only adequate remedy. To revive this appears to have been the most capital object of the reformation. And it is not difficult to see that the state of mankind was, at that time, peculiarly adapted to the reception of so rich a display of gospel grace. Their whole religion was one enormous mass of bondage. Terrors beset them on every side ; and the fiction of purgatory was ever teeming with ghosts and apparitions. Faith in simplicity, grounded on the divine promises, connected with real humility, and productive of hearty and grate- ful obedience, hardly existed amidst the mazes of cor- ruption. No certain rest could be afforded to the weary- 481 mind, and a state of allowed doubt and anxiety was re- commended by the papal system. What a joyful doc- trine then was that of remission of sins through Christ alone, received by faith! a doctrine indeed to be found every where in the scriptures ; but this was almost un- known among the common people at the beginning of the reformation. The Aristotelian philosophy, which knew nothing of native depravity, which allowed nothing to be crim- inal but certain external, flagitious actions, and which was unacquainted with the idea of any righteouness of grace, imputed to the sinner, greatly prevailed previous to the reformation. But the person, whom God raised up, particularly at this time, when the generality of mankind were following their own self- righteous schemes, to instruct an ignorant world, was most remarkably eminent for self knowledge. Lu- ther knew himself; also he knew the scriptural grounds on which he stood in his controversies with the ecclesiastical rulers. His zeal was disinterested, his courage, undaunted. Accordingly when he had once erected the standard of truth, he continued to uphold it with an unconquerable intrepidity, which merits the gratitude and esteem of all succeeding gen- erations. CHAPTER II. The beginning of the Controversy concerning Indulgences, POPE Alexander VII. the most flagitious of men, died in the year 1503. Pius III. succeeded him, and in less than one year after, he was succeeded by Ju- lius II. Previous to his election the cardinals agreed upon an oath, which they obliged the new pontiff to take after his election that a general council should be called within two years to reform the church. The effect of this measure, which so strongly implied the consent of the Christian world to the necessity of a SN 482 reformation, was the council of Pisa. At thig, nothing, good was done. Julius, by his intrigues had the conn- til dissolved. He died in 1513, after having, by hi* military ambition, violence and rapacity, filled the Christian world with blood and confusion. LeoX. succeeded ; a man famous for the encourage- merit of letters and the fine arts, and deservedly cele- brated among the patrons of learned men. Though refined and humanized, yet an excessive magnifi- cence, a voluptuous indolence, and above all, a to- tal want of religious principle, rendered him perhaps more strikingly void of every sacerdotal qualification than any preceding pontiff. He used no exertion to evince that he had a sincere reverence for religion.' It was during the pontificate of this man, that Provi- dence gave the severest blow to the authority of the Roman hierarchy 3 - which it had ever received since the days of Gregory IL Both before and after nis exaltation, he opposed with dexterity and success the laudable attempts for a reformation which have been mentioned. In the year 1517 the spirit of Luther was excited to instruct the ignorant, to rouse the negligent, and to oppose the scandalous practices of ambitious and in- terested ecclesiastical rulers. It was at this time, that the temerity of the existing hierarchy was such, and so infatuated with abominations, that the opportunity seems purposely to have been afforded to their oppo- nents for beginning that reformation which was event- ually to prove destructive to their power and influ- ence. Leo X. after he had governed the church almost five years, having involved himself in embarrassments by his prodigal expenses of various kinds, and being desirous to complete the erection of St. Peter's church' at Rome, which had been begun by his predecessor Julius II. after his example had recourse to the sale of indulgences. These he published throughout the Christian world, granting freely to all, who would tay money for the building of St. Peter's church, the eeuce of eating eggs and cheese in the time of 483 lent. This is one of the many ridiculous circum- stances which attended Leo's indulgences, and it is gravely related by the papal historian. The pro- mulgation of them was committed to Albert, brother of the elector of Brandenberg, who received im- mense profits fmrn their sale. John Tetzel, a bold, enter prizing monk of uncommon impudence, was employed by Albert as sub-agent, and executed his iniquitous commission not only with matchless in- solence, indecency and fraud, but even carried his impiety so far as to derogate from the all sufficient power and influence of the merits of Christ. He declaimed concerning the unlimited power of the Eope and the efficacy of indulgences. The people elieved, that the moment any person had paid the money for the indulgence, he became certain of his salvation, and that the souls, for whom the indulgen- ces were bought, were instantly released from purga- tory. Tetzel even boasted, that he had saved more souls from hell by his indulgences, than St. Peter had converted by his preaching. He assured the purcha- sers of them, that their crimes, however enormous, would be forgiven. In the usual form of absolution, written with his own hand, he said, " I, by the author- ity of Jesus Christ, through the merits of his most holy passion, and by the authority of his blessed apostles. Peter jind Paul, and of our most holy pope, delegated to me as commissioner, do absolve thee: first from all ecclesiastical censures however incurred ; secondly, from all sins committed by thee, however enormous, for so far the keys of the sacred church extend : and 1 do this by remitting to thee all the punishments due to thee in purgatory on account of thy crimes, and I re- store thee to the innocence and purity in which thou wast when baptized, so that the gates of punishment may be shut to thee when dying, and the gates of paradise be opened." In regard to the effect of indulgences in delivering persons from the supposed torments of purgatory, the gross declarations of Tetzel in public are well known. " The moment the money tinkles in the chest ; your father's soul mounts up out of purgatory." 484 The indulgences were farmed out to the best bid- ders, and the undertakers employed such deputies to carry on the traffic, as they thought the most likely to promote their lucrative views. The inferior officers, concerned in this commerce, were daily seen in public houses, indulging themselves in riot and voluptous- ness. In fine, whatever the greatest enemy of popery could have wished, was exhibited with the most undis- guised impudence and temerity, as if on purpose to render that wicked ecclesiastical system infamous be- fore all mankind. The prodigious sale of indulgences evinces both the profound ignorance of the age, and also the power of superstitious fears, with which the consciences of men were then distressed. This, however, was the very situation of things which^opened the way for the reception of the gospel. But" who was to proclaim it in its native beauty and simplicity ? The princes, the bishops, and the learned men of the times, saw all this scandalous traffic, but none was found possessing the knowledge, the courage, and the honesty, necessary to detect the fraud, and to lay open to mankind the true doctrine of salvation by the remission of sios through Jesus Christ. But at length an obscure pastor appeared, who alone began to erect the standard of sound religion. No man who believes that "the pre- paration of the heart is from the Lord, will for a mo- ment doubt whether Martin Luther, in this great un- dertaking, was moved by the spirit of God. This extraordinary man, was an Augustine monk and professor or lecturer in the university of Wittein- berg in Saxony. That was a college of students and society of monks. Frederic the wise, elector of Saxo- ny, ardently desirous of promoting literary knowledge always showed a steady regard to Luther, on account of his skill and industry in advancing the reputation that infant seminary, then low in its revenues and exterior appearance. Luther preached also from .une to time, and heard confessions. In the memora- ble year 1517, certain persons, repeating their confer 485 sions before him, and owning their atrocious sins, re- fused to comply with the penances which he enjoined on them, because they said, they were possessed of di- plomas of indulgences. Luther was struck with the absurdity, and refused them absolution. The persons rejected, complained loudly to Tetzel. He stormed and frowned, and menaced every one who dared to oppose him; and sometimes ordered a pile of wood to be constructed and set on fire, to strike terror into the minds of heretics. Luther, then only 34 years old ; was vigorous both in mind and body, fresh from the schools, and fervent in the scriptures. He saw crowds flock to Wittemberg and the neighboring towns to purchase indulgences, and having no clear idea of the nature of that traffic, yet sensible of the obvious evils with which it must be attended, he began to signify, in a gentle manner from the pulpit, that the people might, be better employed than in running from place to place to procure INDULGENCES. So cautiously did this great man begin a work, the consequences of which he did not foresee. He did not then even know who were the receivers of the money. He wrote to Albert, archbishop of Mentz, who had ap- pointed Tetzel to this employment, entreating him to withdraw the licence of Tetzel, and expressing his fears of evil consequences from the sale. This he did, without knowing that Albert had any personal inter- est in the traffic. He sent him likewise certain theses which he had drawn up in the form of queries con- cerning this subject, and expressed with the greyest caution and modesty. His conscience was alarmed at the prevailing evils, but he knew not well where to fix the blame of them. He wrote also to the bishop of Brandenberg, with whom he was a favorite. He, see- ing the dangerous ground Luther was taking, replied, " You will oppose the church, you cannot think in what troubles you will involve yourself; you had much better be still and quiet." The intrepid spirit of the Saxon reformer was not to be repressed. Though by no means a competent master of the points in debate, he saw they were of too great magnitude for a consci- 486 entious pastor to pass them by unnoticed. With de liberate steadiness he persevered ; and having tried in vain to procure the concurrence of the dignitaries of the church, he published 95 theses, which in 15 days were spread throughout Germany. Their effect on the minds of men was rapid and powerful ; though Tetzel had by threats silenced some pastors who had faintly opposed him, and though bishops and doctors, through fear of the flames remained perfectly silent. What Luther's views and feelings were in the com- mencement of his opposition to the sale of indulgen- ces, may be learned from his controversial writings published in the year 1518. In these, he thus declares : 46 1 was compelled in my conscience to expose the scandalous sale of indulgences. I saw some seduced by them into mischievous errors, others tempted into audacious profaneness. In a word, the proclaiming and selling of pardons proceeded to such an unbound* ed licentiousness, that the holy church and its authori- ties became subjects of open derision in the public taverns. There vv^s no occasion to excite the hatred of mankind against priests to a greater degree. The avarice and profligacy of the clergy had, for many years past, kindled the indignation of the laity. Alas ! they have not a particle of respect or honor for the priesthood, except what solely arises from a fear of punishment ; and I speak plainly, unless their dislike and their objection be attended to and moderated, not by mere power, but by substantial reasons and re- formations, all these evils will grow worse.'* Let us now listen to a few sentences of Luther, written so late as the year 1545, about 28 years after the beginning of the dispute concerning indulgences, *' Before all things 1 entreat you, pious reader, for our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, to read my writings with cool consideration, and even with much pity. I wish you to know, that when 1 began the affair of the indul- gences at the very first, I was a monk, and a most mad papist. So intoxicated was I and drenched in papal dogmas, that 1 would have been most ready at all times to murder or assist others in murdering any 487 person, who should have uttered a Syllable against duty of obedience to the pope. I was a complete SAUL; and there are many such yet. There were, how- ever, and are now, others, who appear to me to adhere to the pope on the principles of Epicurus ; that is for the sake of indulging their appetites; when secretly they even deride him, and are as cold as ice, if called upon to defend papacy. I was never one of these : I was always a sincere believer ; I was always earnest in defending the doctrines which I professed ; I went seriously to work, as one who had a horrible dread of the day of judgment, and who, from his inmost soul was anxious for salvation. " You will find, therefore, in my earlier writings, with how much humility, on many occasions, I gave up- very considerable points to the pope, which I now de- test as blasphemous and abominable in the highest degree. This ERROR, my slanderers call INCONSISTEN- CY : but you, pious reader, will have the kindness to make some allowance on account of the times and 1117 inexperience. I stood absolutely alone at first, and certainly I was very unlearned and very unfit to un- dertake matters of such vast importance. It was by accident, not willingly or by design, that I fell into these violent disputes : I call God to witness. "In the year 1517, when I was a young preacher^ and dissuaded the people from purchasing indulgen- ces, telling them that they might employ their time much better than in listening to the greedy procl aim- ers of that scandalous article of sale, I felt assured I should have the pope on my side ; for he himself, in his public decrees, had condemned the excesses of his- agents in that business. " My next step was to complain to my ordinary, and also to the archbishop of Mentz ; but I knew not at that time that half of the money went to this last men- honed prelate, and the other half to the pope. The remonstrances of a low, mean, poor brother in Christ had no weight. Thus despised I published a brief account of the dispute, along with a sermon in the German language on the subject of indulgences ; and 488 very soon after I published also explanations of my sentiments, in which, for the honor of the pope, I con- tended, that the indulgences were not entirely to be condemned, but that real works of charily were of far more consequence. " This was to set the world on fire, and disturb the whole order of the universe. At once, and against me single, the whole popedom rose !!" From these quotations, may be seen, with what views and feelings Luther commenced and prose- cuted his opposition to papal indulgences. Provi- dence had gradually prepared him for this arduous un- dertaking. In the second year after he had entered the monastery, he met with a Latin bible in the libra- ry. It proved to him a treasure. From this he learnt there were more scripture passages extant than thosQ which were read to the people. Also he had some beams of evangelical light darted into his mind. The same year he was refreshed in his sickness by the dis- course of an old monk, who showed him that remis- sion of sins was to be apprehended by faith alone. With incredible ardor he now gave himself up to the study of the scriptures and the books of Augustine. At length he was regarded as the most ingenious and learned man of his order in Germany. In 1507 he was ordained, and the next year called to the professorship at Wittemberg by Staupitius, vi- car general of the Augustine monks in Germany, where a theatre was opened for the display of his tal- ents, both as a teacher of philosophy and as a popu- lar preacher. He excelled in both capacities, and be- came the wonder of his age. The exercises of his own mind, by which, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he was led more and more into Christian truth, added a strength to his oratory, unattainable by those who speak not from the heart. Having had a pro- found reverence for the written word, he was led more and more into such discoveries of native depravity, as render a man low in his own eyes, and dispose him to receive the genuine gospel of Christ. In 1510 he was sent to Rome, on business relating to HUuewn monastery, which he discharged with s$ 489 much ability and success, that on his return, he was compelled by the vicar general to assume the de- gree of doctor of divinity, from which time he con- scientiously devoted his time and talents ft> the sa- cred office. Already he was suspected of heresy, because of his dislike to the scholastic doctrines; and he was induced, from the soundness of his understand- ing, and the exercises of his own heart, to reject the Aristotelian corruptions of theology, and to study the genuine doctrines of scripture. Beyond all doubt Luther was of a choleric temper, aod too much encouraged his natural talent for face- tiousness. His character in other respects was very blameless and excellent. Humane, generous, and placable, he was rarely diverted from the path of equi- ty ; and, notwithstanding the uncommon vehemence of his disposition, was often submissive and condescend- ing. With an exquisite sensibility and readiness of conception, with a zeal and an imagination, which never remitted their ardor for a single moment, he was perfectly free from enthusiasm ; and with a great capacity and unparalleled intrepidity, he seems to have been devoid of ambition and contented to live, all his days, in very moderate circumstances. ONLY the wise Disposer of all events, for the glory of his own name, and for the revival of true religion in Eu- rope, by the effectual operation of his Holy Spirit^ could have produced, at the season when most want- ed, so able and dauntless a champion, possessed of so much vigor of intellect, of so daring a spirit, and of a temper so truly humble. Such was the illustrious Luther, when he was cal- led upon by Divine Providence, to enter the lists, alone and without one assured ally, against the hosts of the pretended successor of St. Peter, who was then dom- ineering over the Christian world in all his grandeur and plenitude of power. So 490 CHAPTER III. The Progress of the Controversy concerning Indulgen- ces, till the conclusion of the Conferences between Lu- ther and Cajetan, JL ETZEL, alarmed at the publication of Luther's the- ses, opposed to them a hundred and six propositions, by way of refutation, and directed his compositions to be burnt. The minds of Luther's disciples at Wittem- berg, were so much incensed, that they ventured, by way of retaliation, to burn publicly Tetzel's proposi- tions, or theses, with every mark of disapprobation and ignominy. Luther was much grieved at this rash ac- tion ; and finding himself accused as the instigator, wrote thus to a friend : " I wonder, you could believe, that I was the author of the deed. Think you that I was so destitute of common sense, as to stigmatize in such a manner, a person in so high an office? I know better the rules of ecclesiastical subordination, and have more regard to my own character, both as a monk, and as a theologian, than to act so." There were also persons, who circulated the report that Lu- ther had published his theses at the instigation of the elector Frederic. To show his concern, as to this false surmise, Lutherwrote thus to his friend Spalati- nus : * 4 1 am heartily vexed at the scandalous report which is diffused with such malignity, viz. that in all I do, I am only the ENGINE of our illustrious prince, for the purpose of disgracing the archbishop of Mentz. What do you think I ought to do on the occasion ? Shall I open the matter to the elector? I am extremely con- cerned, that the prince should be suspected on my ac- count, and I cannot bear the thought of being the ori- gin of contention among persons of so great dignity." Luther, who never did things by halves, continued tf> preach and to write on the iniquitous practice of selling indulgences, till the end of the year 1517. In the next year, he attended a general assembly of the Augustine monks at Heidelberg, wbere a providential opportunity was presented to propagate Divine truth, 491 and which he did not neglect. While, therefore, he remained at this place, he wrote some propositions, in which, he opposecUhe prevailing notions concerning justification, faith, and good works. His capital ob- ject in them w 7 as to demonstrate the doctrine of justi- fication before God, by faith, and not by our works and deservings. The theses, or positions, which he intended to defend, were according to custom, pub- licly exposed, and he called upon Bejer, a monk of the Augustine order, to be his respondent. The pro- fessors of the university disapproved of the contro- versy; and therefore it was held in the Augustinian monastery. A large concourse of people attended, and a number of the learned bore a part in the disputation. Among the hearers were Martin Bucer, and John Brentius, men, afterward eminent in the work of re- formation. These and other persons, who in process of time became celebrated theologians, admired the acuteness, promptitude, and meekness of Luther; were struck with the truths of the gospel, which were new to their ears, and desired further instruction of him in private. While the cause of evangelical truth was thus grad- ually progressing in Germany, two celebrated Roman- ists, Eckius of Ingolstadt, and Prierias, a Dominican, master of the sacred palace at Rome, wrote against the theses of Luther; who published elaborate an- swers on all the disputed points. He declared him- self filled with grief, while seeing the true doctrine of repentance superseded by indulgences ; that he was unwillingly drawn into the contest ; that being defam- ed as an enemy of the pope, he felt himself constrain- ed to defend his own character. While the literary contest was carrying on between Luther and his antagonists, there were those at Rome, who blamed the pope for not interesting himself in the controversy, which, by exciting a spirit of resistance, and producing divisions, daily increased in magnitude and importance; ami which, in its termination, might prove extremely injurious to the authority of the Romish Church. Leo X. received these suggestions 492 A with indifference and contempt. The avaricious ven- ders of indulgences were, however, not content with the indifference, of the Pope, and loudly vociferated against Luther ; and complaints were sent to Rome from every quarter concerning the progress of here- sy. Leo was at length roused from his indolence and security, to acts of the most tyrannical violence. He ordered Luther to appear at Rome within sixty days, to answer for himself before certain judges, of whom his antagonist Prierias was appointed one. Our reformer took the wisest method to protect him- self against the impending storm. He instantly sent an account of the pope's citation to his friend Spalati- nus, who was then with the elector Frederic at the di- et of Augsburg, and in the strongest terms requested, that, through the interposition of the prince, his cause might be heard in Germany and not at Rome. Fred- eric the Wise understood the arts and practice of the court of Rome, and was convinced of the propriety, and even of the necessity of seconding Luther's wish- es. The Roman pontiff, through the importunity of Frederic, at last consented, that cardinal Cajetan, who was then his legate at Augsburg, should take cogni- zance of the matter, with directions, that if the delin- quent showed proper marks of penitence and submis- sion, he should be kindly received again into the bo- som of the church ; but if he refused to appear before his appointed judge, the legate was commissioned thento denounce publicly, against him and his adher- ents, all the thunders and anathemas of papal indigna- tion. Leo X., to secure the concurrence of the elector of Saxony, in his designs to crush Luther, wrote him a polite, affectionate and artful letter, stating the meas- ures he had been compelled to adopt, through the disobedience of an Augustine monk, whose very order and profession should have perpetually reminded him of the duties of humility and obsequiousness. In this, Leo informed the elector, he had ordered Luther to be called upon to answer for himself, and that he had giv- en directions to Cajetan his legate to this intent. And 49$ he concluded his letter with a strong exhortation and injunction, that the elector, in virtue of the holy obe- dience which he owed to the Roman church, should contribute his utmost, to secure the person of Luther, and deliver him up to the power of the holy see : he declared, however, at the same time, that if he was found innocent, he should be dismissed in peace and in favor; and even, if he was guilty, should^ experi- ence clemency upon his repentance. In this letter, the pope gave no intimations that within 16 days, after Luther was cited to appear at Rome within 60 days, the bishop of Arcoli, the auditor of the apostolic chamber, had proceeded against, ad- judged and condemned him as an incorrigible heretic. From this letter, Frederic learnt the determinations of Leo and his advisers concerning Luther. Nothing short of an utter renunciation of his opposition to the corruptions and abominations of the Roman domina- tion, and a full recantation of his sentiments relative to the great truths of God's word, could effect his recon- ciliation with the church. Destruction was menaced if he adhered steadfastly to his faith. Frederic, to provide for the safety of his favorite, gave him letters of recommendation to the seriate and principal inhabitants of Augsburg ; who, on his arrival, exhorted him not to appear before the cardinal, till a promise of safe conduct from the emperor, should be obtained. Through the importunate request of these same persons, this was granted ; and after three days the emperor's council announced to the cardinal, that the public faith was pledged to Luther, and therefore he must take no violent steps against him. The car- dinal answered, u lt is very well ; nevertheless I shall do my duty." Luther appeared before the cardinal, and was cour- teously received. But, at the same time, he was re- quired to retract his errors, to avoid them in future, and to abstain from every thing, which might disturb the peace of the church. The heaviest charge brought against him was, he had transgressed the bull of Cle- wneot VI, which had defined the nature and extent of" 4m indulgences. Luther urged that the holy script ures 3 which he could bring in support of his own doctrines, had abundantly more weight with him than a pontifi- cal bull, which in fact proved nothing, but merely re- cited the opinion of Thomas Aquinas. Cajetan, in answer, exalted the authority of the pope above all councils, above the church, and even above the scrip- tures themselves. Luther owned he might have err- ed, but thought it reasonable that his errors should be pointed out on scriptural grounds, before he should be required to retract. But having found that no progress was made by conversing with the cardinal, all whose fine promises of kind treatment amounted precisely to this, "You must either recant, or suiler punishment;" he wisely determined to commit his answers to writing. Agreeably to this resolution, he appeared before the cardinal with a notary and witnesses, repeated his pro- testations of general obedience to the church, and his perfect readiness to recant any error of which lie could be convinced. Cajetan replied with so much acri- mony that the accused monk had no opportunity of explaining or of vindicating his sentiments. He ab- solutely refused to dispute with Luther either in public or in private ; would not consent that a single word of his own answers should be put down in writing, but continued to press for a recantation. Staupitius, who had hitherto acted the part of a steady friend of Luther, rose up, and entreated the le- gate to permit the accused to return his answers, at length, in writing. To which request, he, with great difficulty at last acceded. At the next conference, Luther exhibited his writ- ten explanation and defence, which the cardinal treat- ed with the greatest contempt. He told him he had filled his paper with passages of scripture which were irrelevant, and in general, that his answers were those of a perfect idiot. He condescended, however, to say. he would send them to Rome. Lastly, he ordered Lu- ther to depart, and to come no more into his sight, un- less he was disposed to recant. 495 During this whole conference at Augsburg, Cajetan. appears to have been conscious how ill qualified he was to contend with Luther, as a disputant in theolo- gical questions. His great anxiety evidently was, how he might best insure obedience to the pontifical man- dates. He enquired not whether these were agreea- ble, or repugnant to scripture, it was sufficient for him to know, they were the mandates of a pope. The decretal of pope Clement VI., which Cajetan urged with so much heat and positiveness against Lu- ther in the dispute respecting indulgences, maintained, that " one drop of Christ's blood being sufficient to re- deem the whole human race, the remaining quantity, which was shed in the garden and upon the cross, was left as a legacy to the church ; to be ^ TREASURE FROM WHICH INDULGENCES were to be drawn and adminis- tered by the Roman pontiffs. The Augustine monk had, for some time past, been too much enlightened to digest such wild superstitious inventions; and the man, who could call upon him, upon these grounds, to renounce his errors, was not to be reasoned with. Still it required extraordinary courage to deliver in a formal protest against the belief of tenets, which were both established by the highest authority, and also supposed to have been dictated by an infallible judg- ment. It was on Friday the 14th of October 1518, that Lu- ther made his last appearance before the pope's le- gate. A report was spread that, notwithstanding the engagements of a safe conduct, he was to be seized and confined in irons. He remained, however, at Augsburg till the succeeding Monday. On that day, hearing nothing from the cardinal, he wrote to him a most respectful letter, begged pardon for any irrever- ent or unbecoming language which might have esca- ped him in the heat and hurry of the debate ; and even promised to desist from treating on the subject of in- dulgences any more, provided his antagonists were enjoined to observe a similar silence. But to retract his sentiments, or give up the truth, he absolutely refused. He said his conscience would not permit 496 him to act in that manner. He acknowledged, that his friends, and especially his vicar-general had taken great pains to make him think humbly, submit his own opinion, and form a right judgment : but, said he, neither the favor, nor the advice, nor the command of any man ought ever to make me do or say what is contrary to my conscience. To this letter he receiv- ed no answer. On the next day, he sent another letter to Cajetan, expressed in more spirited language and nearer to his visual strain. " He conceived he had done every thing which became an obedient son of the church. He had undertaken a long and tedious journey ; he was a man of a weak body, and had very little money to spend. He had laid the book, which contained his opinions, at the feet of his holiness the pope ; he had appeared before his most reverend father, the cardinal, and he was now waiting to be instructed how far he was right in his opinions, and how far wrong. It could no longer serve any good purpose to spend his a burde time there, and be a burden to his friends. He was really in want of money. Besides, the cardinal had told him, to come no more into his sight, unless he would recant ;" and, said Luther, "in my former let- ter I have distinctly pointed out all the recantation I can possibly make." Having appealed from the pope's nuncio to the pope himself to be better informed, arid having made his appeal before a notary public ; to prevent being seized and imprisoned, he quitted Augsburg very early in the morning of the 19th of October, 1518. A friendly senator ordered the gates of the city to be opened, and he mounted a horse which Staupitius had procured for him. He had neither boots nor spurs, nor sword ; and was so fatigued with that day's jour- ney, that when he dismounted from his horse, he was miab!e to stand. Such was the conclusion of the conferences at Augsburg, in which the firmness and plain dealing of Luther were no less conspicuous than the unreasona- ble and imperious behavior of the cardinal. 497 As soon as the events at Augsburg were known at Rome, the pope's legate was blamed exceedingly for his severe and illiberal treatment of Luther, at the ve- ry moment, it was said, when he ought to have pro- mised him great riches, a bishopric, or even a cardi- nal's hat. In the bitterness of his heart, Cajetan complained to the elector of Saxony, of Luther's insolent and in- sincere behavior ; and even reproached his highness for supporting such a character. He said that he had conversed for many hours privately with Staupitius, and one or two learned friends respecting this busi- ness ; that his object had been to preserve the dignity of the apostolic see, without disgracing BROTHER MAR- TIN, and that when he had put matters into such a train, as to have reasonable hopes of success, he had found himself completely deluded. Martin, his several associates, and his vicar-general, had suddenly disap- peared. Martin, indeed, had written letters, but he had not retracted one word of the scandalous language he had used. Lastly, Cajetan warned the prince to consider, how much he was bound in honor arid con- science, either to send brother Martin bound to Rome, or to banish him from his dominions. As to himself, he said, he had washed his hands of so pestilential a business, but his highness might be assured the cause would go on at Rome. It was too important to be passed over in silence ; and he entreated him not to sully the glory of his illustrious house for the sake of a paltry mendicant monk. Soon after this Staupitius was induced to accept the preferment to an abbacy at Saltsburg, which he enjoyed but a very 'short time. He died in the year 1524. 3r 498 CHAPTER II The Controversy continued. The attempts of Miltiiz and of Eckius. The progress of the Reformation till the conclusion of the Diet of Worms. Ti HE condition of Luther after his return to Wittem- berg, was peculiarly afflictive. He had now to expect the total ruin of his wordly circumstances, the hard- ships of poverty and exile, or aviolent death from pa- pal vengeance. He was not, however, without hope of the elector's protection, partly from the well known justice and humanity of that prince's character, and partly from the good offices of his secretary Spalatinus. As yet, the interference of Frederic in the ecclesiasti- cal controversy, had not only been firm and discreet, but also as spirited and friendly, as could reasonably be expected, in behalf of one who was considered by the hierarchy a turbulent and abandoned heretic. It still behoved Luther not to be over confident in his expectations of future support. Every day the contest grew more and more peri- lous. Luther himself had a single eye to the prosper- ity of Christ's kingdom ; but for the zeal or the perse- verance of others, he could not be answerable. He could not wonder if the love of many began to wax cold. His friend Staupitius had already quitted Sax- ony ; and, though the elector had hitherto manfully defended him against the tyrannical proceedings of the court of Rome, it might well be doubted whether the chief motives of this magnanimous conduct, were a regard for the honor of God and the religion of Jesus. It was an excellent part of Luther's character, that in the most critical and difficult situations, he could commit his cause to the God, whom he served, with firm and entire reliance on HTS WILL ; and at the same time be as active and indefatigable in using all pru- dential means, as if the events depended solely on hu- man exertions. In his present danger and perplexity. 499 he Cast his eyes on France, where formerly sorrie op- position had been made to the fulness of papal do- mination ; and where he hoped he might profess and preach divine truth with greater security than in Ger- many. But Frederic expressing his earnest wish that he would not leave Wittemberg, and declaring, with a calmness and dignity, suitable to his princely char- acter, that he could not expel him from his dominions, without doing much injury to his university, gave as- mirance that he should not consider him as an heretic till he had been heard and was convicted. By this determination Luther resolved to remain on the spot, where he had for some time, besides his literary and controversial employments, discharged the office of pastor of Wittenlberg, as the substitute of the ordinary minister who was then laboring under bodily infirmi- ties. Luther, desirous of anticipating the papal bull, which he had for some time been daily expecting, re- newed his appeal to the pope, or in failure of this, to a general council. Fifteen days after that, Leo issued a bull, confirming the doctrine of indulgences in the most absolute manner. To maintain this iniquitous traffic, without the least correction of its abuses, pre- vented every attempt which might be made to recon- cile Luther to the hierarchy. The providence of God was admirable in thus having barred up his return, to the church of Rome, while, as yet, he was far from being convinced of the totally antichristian state of the popedom. The court of Rome r finding it impossible to stop the proceedings of Luther by mere authority and threatening, had recourse to 'the arts of negociation; and Charles Miltitz, a Saxon knight, of insinuating manners, was the new legate to transact the business. He was commissioned to present to Frederic the gol- den consecrated ROSE ; and if possible, to put an end to all the ecclesiastical dispute which had produced the rupture between Luther and the Roman see. Frederic had formerly solicited the favor of the ROSE with much earnestness ; but on this occasion, he is 500 to have received it with a cool and almost con- temptuous politeness; and in no wise could he be in- duced to change his measures respecting his favorite professor of Witternberg. Miltitz was foiled in his purposes, and repaired to Leipsic ; there, having found Tetzel, he twice rebuk- ed him with the greatest severity before his own pro- vincial, on account of his iniquitous practices in the business of indulgences. By doing this he sought to gratify the advocates for reformation, and to shelter the Roman pontiff from censure. The new legate, having had several fruitless conferences with Luther, as to the essential points of controversy, the electors of Saxony and of Treves, agreed to defer the complete examination of the matters in dispute to the first Ger- man Diet of the new emperor Charles V ; and that, in the mean time, Luther should write a submissive let- ter to the pope. To this our reformer readily consent- ed, for he was by no means disposed to break with the pontiff; and it is not improbable he would have continued an obedient subject to the Roman see, all his days, if he might have been permitted, without molestation, to discharge the office of a faithful pastor of Christ. While Miltitz was attempting to negociate a recon- ciliation in Germany, Tetzel, the wretched sub-agent of Albert, whose scandalous conduct had so mi>ch disgraced his employers, met with the reward, which frequently awaits the ministers of iniquity. He found himself deserted by all the world. Miltitz, in partic- ular, had treated him so roughly, that this daring and boisterous instrument of papal avarice and extortion actually fell sick, wasted away, and at last died of a broken heart. Popery was not a religion which betrayed only oc- casional defects and errors. It had long been grow- ing into a SYSTEM of corruption ; all the parts of which were thoroughly connected with each other, and con- spired together to deceive, defraud, and domineer over mankind. The members of the system sympa- thized with ^heir head in a remarkable manner: they 501 traw their very existence dependent on its safety, and flew to its defence on the slightest appearance" of danger. Eckius of Ingolstadt, the avowed adversary of Luther, a man of brilliant talents, and ambitious to exhibit his theological skill, was not inactive. He challenged Carolstadt, a doctor of divinity, arch-deacon of Wit- lernberg, and colleague and adherent of Luther, and even Luther himself, to try their strength with him in a contest on the points in dispute. The challenge was accepted ; and George, (Juke of Saxony, uncle of the elector, offered the combatants the city of Leip- sic, as the scene of debate, with an engagement for their security and a promise of every convenience. He was himself a strenuous Roman catholic, and ex- pected great glory would accrue to the papal cause from the well known abilities and attainments of Eck- ius. Luther obtained leave to be present as a spec- tator, but was expressly denied the grant of a safe conduct if he attempted to appear in the character of a disputant. The assembly was splendid, the expect- ations of mankind were strongly fixed ; and it was vainly imagined that some decision would be made concerning the objects of contention. Eckius delivered what he had to say with great an- imation, and is allowed to have far exceeded Carol- stadt in energetic exertions of voice and action. So long as an appeal to books and written documents was admitted, Carolstadt defended himself with a rich variety of apt and excellent quotations ; but Eck- ius having made a proposal, that all books should be laid aside, and the dispute go on without them ; the multitude gave a shout of approbation ; and Eckius, who had the better memory and a greater flow of words, then supported his side of the question in a more plausible manner, than his opponent. This disputation continued for six days, during which time, the superior eloquence and acuteness of Eckius seem to have afforded a temporary triumph ta the enemies of the reformation. Flushed with sue- cess, and thirsting for glory, this champion of the pa- pal system at length como to Luther at his lodgings. 562 and with an air of confidence said, " I understand you will not dispute with me in public." " How can I dispute with you," said Luther, " when the duke George refuses me my request of a safe conduct ? 5> Eckius replied, " If I am not to combat you, I will spend no more time on Carolstadt. It was on YOUR account that I came here. Suppose I could obtain the public faith for your safety, would you then meet me and try your strength ?" Luther consented; and very soon after he had the duke's leave to take (f arol- atadt's place in the public debate. This lasted for ten days, with uncommon ardor and without intermission. Among the articles of contro- versy were the doctrines of purgatory and indulgen- ces, the nature of repentance and remission of sins, and, particularly the foundation of the supremacy of the Roman pontiffs. It was in this last article of contro- versy, that Eckius placed his chief strength and ex- pectation of victory. During this debate Eckius was so much struck with the reasonings of Luther, and especially with the neat, and well digested order in which his materials were arranged, that he was compelled to acknowledge, be- fore a splendid audience, the qualifications and attain- ments of his able opponent. He even besought their illustrious and magnificent mightinesses to pardon him, who was so much occupied with other concerns, if he should not be able to produce such a mass of accurate testimonies as the learned doctor had laid before them. He came to Leipsic, he said, not to write books, but to dispute. The Roman domination now saw clearly that the man, who had proceeded to such extremities, was not to be managed by mild and gentle measures, nor to be gained over by bribes and flatteries: and now judg- ed him to be an enemy of what they termed the holy church, and that he merited all that they could inflict, their utmost fury and indignation. But God was gradually preparing the mind of the Saxon reformer to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ had made him free. That the reader may see 503 how this was effected, let him listen to Luther's own statement of the matter : " However blameless a life I might lead as a monk, I experienced a most unquiet conscience ; I perceived myself a sinner before God; I saw that I could do nothing to appease him, and I hated the idea of a just God that punishes sinners. I was well versed in all St. Paul's writings ; and, in par- ticular, I had a most wonderful desire to understand the epistle to the Romans. But I was puzzled with the expression, " THEREIN is the righteousness of God revealed." My heart rose against God with a sort of silent blasphemy: at least in secret I said with great murmur and indignation, was it not enough that wretched man, already eternally ruined by the curse of original depravity, should be oppressed with every species of misery through the condemning power of the commandment, but that even through the GOSPEL, God should threaten us with his anger and justice, and add affliction to affliction ? Thus I raged with a troubled conscience. Over and over I turned the above mentioned passage to the Romans most impor- tunately, vly thirst to know the apostle's meaning was insatiable. " At length, while I was meditating day and night on the words, and their connexion with what immedi- ately follows, namely, " the just shall live by faith," it pleased God to have pity upon me, to open mine eyes, and to show rne that the righteousness of God, which is here said in the gospel to be REVEALED from faith to faith, relates to the method by which God, in his mer- cy, justifies a sinner through faith, agreeably to what is written, " the just shall live by faith." Hence I felt myself a new man, and all the scriptures appeared to have a knew face. I ran quickly through them as my memory enabled me; 1 collected together the leading terms ; and I observed, in their meaning, a strict anal- ogy, according to my new views. Thus, in many in- stances, the WORK of God means that which he works in us; and the power, and wisdom of God, mean the power and wisdom, which his Spirit operates in the minds of the faithful; and in the same manner ace to 504 be understood the PATIENCE, the SALVATION, the of God. The expression, "RIGHTEOUSNESS of God," now be- came as sweet to my mind as it had been hateful be- fore ; and this very passage of St. Paul proved to me the entrance into Paradise." This interesting account, of the steps by which Lu- ther was led to evangelical light in the important doc- trine of justification by faith, evidently refers to what passed in his mind about the time of the celebrated disputation at Leipsic ; and for that reason it was introduced in this place. After this public disputation, Luther carefully re- viewed all his positions which had been the subject of debate with Eckius, and published them with concise explanations, and with arguments in their support, consisting of appeals to scripture and ecclesiastical history. The publications of Luther were circulated through- out Germany, and read with the greatest avidity by all ranks and orders. Eckius and other advocates of the Roman catholic cause, answered the heretic with great heat and indignation. Luther replied with the promptitude and precision, and also with the zeal and confidence of a man, who was perfectly master of the arguments on both sides of the questions in dis- pute, who felt deeply interested in the establishment of truth, and had thoroughly examined the founda- tions of liis opposition to the prevailing corruption. By these means the discussions at Leipsic were detailed with minuteness, and were continued with spirit; they every where became topics of common conversation; and, as Luther constantly appealed to plain sense, and the written word of God, the scholastic subtilties of Eckius lost their weight and reputation among the people. The advantages to the cause of the reforma- tion, which in this way resulted from the public con- test at Leipsic, were great and most important. This memorable controversy took place in the year 1519. The elector of Saxony, who was the only prince that publicly favored the reformation, found 505 both his knowledge of the scriptures, and his kindnes* toward Luther, much increased by what he read, and heard from others relative to the points debated in this controversy. Even, before Luther had dared to with- stand and expose the corrupt practices of the Roman see, the mind of Frederic had been much exercised about Divine things. With much diligence and con- stant prayer he had read the word of God, and was ex- tremely displeased with the usualmodes of interpreting it. And when, through the grace of God, and the in- strumentality of Luther, some rays of evangelical light began to break forth, he opened himself explicitly to his chaplain, Spalatinus, to this effect : " I have always indulged a secret hope, that in a short time we should be blessed with a purer knowledge of what we ought to believe." Meanwhile he gave attention to practical sermons, and read the scriptures with great delight ; especially the four gospels ; from which he collected many excellent passages, and so impressed them on his memory, that whenever occasion required, he could readily apply them with great ad vantage and comfort. He used particularly to insist on that saying of our Lord, " Without me ye can do nothing," more than any other. On this he remarked, u How can it pos- sibly be, that mankind should be perfectly free from all corrupt bias, when Christ himself saith, "without me ye can do nothing ?" Such were the reflections, which the disputation at Leipsic, concerning the necessity of GRACE, and the natural condition of man since the fall of Adam, ap- pear to have produced in the mind of Frederic the WISE. While they imply considerable insight into several of the essential doctrines of Christianity, they also throw much light on the religious character of this prince. Frederic had a deep sense of his own weak- ness and sinful ness, and felt great anxiety that the faith of Chriot might he preached among the people in its purity ; and this anxiety kept pace with his own progress in practical religion. But still this excellent personage remained in bondage to papal authority and papal superstitions ; hence, though his views of the 506 bible were in perfect harmony with those of -Luther, and though he further agreed with the reformer, that shameful abuses ought to be corrected, dangerous er- rors to be exposed, salutary truths propagated, and mankind put into possession of the words of eternal life, he nevertheless continued to feel most disquieting apprehensions, lest,, in compassing these important purposes, OFFENCE should be given to the majesty of the Roman pontiffs. The celebrated Philip Melancthon, professor of Greek in the university of Wittemberg, who is always numbered among the most illustrious and respectable instruments of the reformation, was now only about 23 years of age. Already he had favored Luther's intentions of teaching pure Christianity and of deliver- ing it from the reigning darkness and superstition. Being present at the conferences at Leipsic, and being possessed of the rare faculty of discerning truth in its most intricate connexions and combinations, while listening to the sophistry of Eckius, his mind became better acquainted than before, with the argumentative resources of the Romish religion ; at the same time the solid reasonings of Luther, supported by constant appeals to the scriptures, convinced his mind of the soundness of the principles of his industrious and per- secuted friend, and he then became determined to em- bark in the cause of religious liberty, with zeal and fidelity. From this period, Melancthon applied him- self most intensely to the interpretation of the scrip- tures, and the defence of pure Christian doctrine ; and he is justly esteemed by protestants to have been, un- der divine Providence, the most powerful coadjutor of the Saxon reformer. His mild and peaceable tem- per, his aversion to schismatic contention, his repu- tation for piety and knowledge ; and above all, his happy art of exposing error and maintaining truth in the most perspicuous language, all these endowments concurred to render him eminently serviceable to the revival of the religion of Christ. Little did Eckius imagine, that the public dispution, in which he had foreseen nothing but victory and exultation^ and the 507 downfall of Lutheranism, would give rise to another theological champion, who should contend for Christian truth and liberty with the spirit of a primitive apostle. Thus, the pious reader may see, that, in the event and consequences of the ecclesiastical conflict be- tween the Romish and Protestant advocates, he has much cause to adore the wisdom and goodness of that Being, "who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will ;" and also amidst the greatest vaunt- ings and selfsufficient boastings of those who are op- posed to the truth as it is in Jesus, that he may still trust confidently in God, and humbly say with the royal songster of Israel, "Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee : the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain." Luther, conscious of the justness of the cause in which he had engaged, and seeing the pope and his adherents determined to crush the recent reformation, wrote to the new emperor Charles V. imploring in modest terms, his assistance and protection. In this he assures the emperor that nothing was nearer his own heart than that he might be permitted to dis- charge his duty quietly in his own sphere. The vi- olent and deceitful practices of others had compelled him to appear in public, but the very best men living, as well as his own conscience, would witness, that his sole object was, the propagation of evangelical truth, in opposition to the superstitions of human tradition. " For this cause," continues he, "during almost three years, I have been persecuted in every way that my enemies could invent. In vain have I proposed terms of peace ; in vain have I offered to be silent ; in vain have I begged for information and correction of my errors. After having tried all methods without suc- cess, I have judged it advisable to follow the exam- ple of Athanasius, in applying to your imperial majes- ty, if so be, it may please God, in that way, to protect his own cause. I humbly, therefore, beseech your serene majesty, that as you bear the sword for the praise of the good and the punishment of the bad, you would deign to take under the shadow of your 508 wings the cause of truth ; and as to myself, I crave your support not one moment longer than while I shall appear to have reason on my side. Abandon me the instant I am found i-npious or heretical. All I beg is, that my doctrines, whether true or false, may not be condemned unheard and without exami- nation. If your most sacred majesty, by your interpo- sition, should prevent the exercise of tyrannical pow- er, such a conduct would be worthy of your royal and imperial throne, would adorn your government, and consecrate to posterity the age in which you live." Luther was not insensible of the measures which Eckius was pursuing to effect, if possible, his destruc- tion, and was not remiss in using means for his own preservation. It was not, however, till the year 1520 ? that Leo X. fulminated that damnatory bull against Luther, which proved fatal to the established hierar- chy. In this, all persons were forbidden to read his writings, upon pain of excommunication ; such as had them in their custody were commanded to burn them, and he himself, if he did not, within 60 days, send or bring his retractation to Rome, was pronounced an obstinate heretic, was excommunicated, and deliver- ed unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh; and all secular princes were required, under pain of incurring the same censures, and of forfeiting all their dignities, to seize his person, that he might be punished as his crimes deserved. How little Luther was intimidated or disconcerted by this bull we learn from one of his letters written to his friend Spalatinus soon after its promulgation. " At length" he says "the Roman bull is come; and Eckius is the bearer of it. I treat it with contempt. I consider it in all respects a machination of Eckius, and I attack it as impious and false. You see that the express doctrines of Christ himself are here con- demned : no cause assigned why I should be deemed a heretic ; and lastly, I am called, not to a hearing, but to a retraction. I shall, however, as yet, not seem to know that it is a papal bull, but treat it as a fiction fprgery. Oh! how I wish that the emperor 569 Charles V. would act like a man ; and in fcehalf of Christ, oppose the emissaries of Satan. On my own account I have no fear. Let the will of the Lord be done. Neither do I see what steps the prince should take ; perhaps a silent connivance is his truest policy. Every where, even at Leipsic, I understand, that both the bull and Eckius are extremely despised ; so that I almost expect it will, of itself, come to nothing, if we ourselves do not procure it importance, by discover- I ing too great anxiety. I send you a true copy of the bull, that you may see what these Romans are. If | they prevail, there is an end of the church, and of the faith of the gospel. From the bottom of my heart I i rejoice that I suffer this persecution in the best of cau- | ses ; though I am not worthy to undergo tribulation in so holy a conflict. I feel myself now more at liber- ty, being assured that the popedom is antichristian, and the seat of satan. My only prayer is, that God may preserve his own people from the impious seductions of Romish adherents. Erasmus writes, that the em- perors' court overflows with beggars and dependants, all disposed to promote tyrannical principles, so that there is no hope in Charles. No wonder ! Trust not in princes, or in any child of man, for there is no help in them." The first defensive step, which the intrepid reform- er took, after having received the pope's bull, was to appeal from the sentence of the Roman pontiff, to the superior authority of a general council. In this he appeals from his holiness, "as a rash, iniquitous, ty- rannical judge ; as a hardened heretic, and apostate ; as an enemy, Antichrist, and opposer of the sacred scriptures ; and as a proud and blasphemous despiser of the sacred church of God, and of all legal councils." Soon after this appeal, he published, in answer to the bull, two small tracts, in which he exposed, with great spirit, the injustice, arrogance, and,, despotism of the Roman court. The first is entitled, Martin Lu- ther against the execrable buil of Antichrist. In this- he affects to entertain some suspicion that the bull it- a wicked forgery of Eckius and his party. 51$ * How," said he, " is it possible that so wild and un- christian a composition should be the production of the pontiff and his learned cardinals ? If indeed the fact should turn out to be so, if indeed the bishop of Rome should be actually found to rage against him in the manner which the terms of the bull implied, he con- gratulated himself for being called to suffer in so right- eous a cause. He could have but one wish, namely, never more to be reconciled to so impious an Anti- christ, never more to desire communication with him ; but to surrender his life, if it so pleased God, with grateful joy and thanksgiving. On account of his sins he said, he merited other treatment than so distingush- ed and honorable a martyrdom. The author of this damnatory bull, continued he, does not understand Luther. Luther has been long used to controversies; and is not to be frightened by vain threatenings. He knows the difference between an unsatisfactory, un- meaning paper, and the powerful written word of God." ' Luther then calls on all Christian kings and princes, and particularly on the emperor Charles V. and puts them in mind of their engagements at their baptism. He addresses bishops, learned doctors, and all who confess the name of Christ, and entreats them to come forward and defend the distressed church of God from the machinations of the papists. Lastly, with the greatest seriousness he admonishes the pope himself, and his cardinals, no longer to persevere in their madness, no longer to act the undoubted part of the Antichrist of the scriptures. Our reformer calls his second tract, a defence of the articles of Martin Luther, which are condemned by the bull of Leo X. Here, in support of the author- ity of scripture, he says ; " The sacred writings are not to be understood, but by that Spirit, with which they were written ; which Spirit is never felt to be more powerful and energetic than when HE attends the seri- ous perusal of the writings which HE HIMSELF dictated. Setting aside an implicit dependence on all human writings, let us strenuously adhere to the scripture? 611 alone. The primitiAe church acted thus ; she must have acted so ; for she had seen no writings of the fa- thers. The scripture is its own interpreter, trying, judg- ing, and illustrating all things. If it be not so, why do Augustine and other holy fathers appeal to the scrip- ture as the first principles of truth, and confirm their own assertions by its authority ? Why do we per- versely interpret the scriptures, not by themselves, but by human glosses, contrary to the example of all fathers? If these fashionable modes of exposition be right, we had better at once admit, that the writings of the fathers themselves are more perspicuous than the scriptures. Again : if this be the case, the fathers act- ed very absurdly, when they undertook to prove their own writings by the authority of the scriptures ; and it will follow, that we ought to pay more regard to expositors than to the word of God. The apostles proved their assertions by the scriptures; yet they surely had more right to plead their own authority than any of the fathers had. Let the fathers be al- lowed to have been holy men ; still, they were only men, and men inferior to apostles and prophets : let them, however, be an example to us ; and, as they in their lime labored in the word of God, so let us in our days do the same. There is one vineyard, and there are laborers employed at different hours. It is enough that we have learned from the fathers the duty of studying and diligently laboring in the scrip- lures ; it is not necessary that we should approve of all their works. There are seasons when the dil- igence of many does not afford what the critical op- portunity gives to one, provided that opportunity be connected with the incomprehensible energy of the Holy Spirit." The time had now come, when the majesty of the divine word began to be revered as decisive in all ca- ses of doubt. The light of the apostolic age began to beam anew on the nations of Europe, and to be pro- ductive of the most salutary consequences to millions of such individuals, as have thought or may think, the care of an immortal soul to be a weighty and a ration- al employment. 512 Truly, there was' an asperity in Luther's style oi writing which threw a shade over all his virtues. Let us hear him apologize for this to his friend Spalatinus, " I own I am more vehement than I ought to be : I have to do with men who blaspheme evangelical truth ; with wolves ; with those who condemn me unheard, without admonishing, without instructing me ; and who utter the most atrocious slanders against myself and the word of God ; even the most senseless spirit might be moved to resistance by their unreasonable c % onduct ; much more I, who am choleric by nature ; am possessed 'of very irritable feeling, and of a tern- fer easily apt to exceed the bounds of moderation, cannot, however, but be surprised, whence this novel taste arose, to call every thing spoken against an ad- versary, abusive language. What think ye of Christ ? Was he a reviler, when he calls the Jews an adulter- ous and perverse generation, a progeny of vipers, hypocrites, the children of the devil? What think ye of Paul, who calls the enemies of the gospel, dogs, and seducers; who in the 13th chapter of the Acts inveighs against a false prophet in this manner, " O full of subtilty and malice, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness ? Why does not Paul gently sooth the impostor, rather than thunder at this rate? A mind conscious of truth cannot with easy in- difference endure the obstinate enemies of truth. I see that all persons demand of me moderation, and especially those of my adversaries who least of all exhibit it. If I am too warm, I am yet frank and open ; in which point I think that 1 excel those, who always act with artifice and guile." In another letter to the same friend, he expresses himself thus ; " Popery will never be reformed one tittle by writings, that give no offence, that make no attack , in a word, that do not bite. For the pontiffs consider these very gentle and civil admonitions as a species of servile cringing; they are content to be feared, and they persevere in their wicked courses, as though they had an absolute right to remain incorri- gible. 513 It cannot be denied that, notwithstanding the heat and impetuosity, natural to Luther, he always consid- ered well what he wrote, and that, in all his writings, he displayed the man of piety, genius and erudition. When Luther, by his publications, had opened men's eyes to the impiety and injustice of the sentence of the Roman court, he proceeded to perform one of the boldest actions recorded in history. Convinced that his appeal to a general council would be disregard- ed by the pope and his cardinals, and foreseeing, that, if he did not soon recant his heresies, the thunder of excommunication would be levelled against the man who had so long been the object of ecclesiastical in- dignation, he determined to separate himself from the communion of the church of Rome ; and as Leo, in his bull, had appointed Luther's books to be burnt, he, by way of retaliation, erected an immense pile of wood without the walls of Wittemberg, and there, in the presence of the professors and students of the univer- sity, and a vast multitude of spectators, committed to the flames, the papa! bull of his excommunication, together with the volumes of the decretals and can- on law which related to the pontifical jurisdiction. By this act, he publicly withdrew from the Romish church, and manifested that he considered it whol- ly corrupt and impious, and himself to be no longer a subject of the pontiff. By this act too he mani- fested his determination to rest his own defence on the vigor and perseverance of his attacks, and to aim at nothing short of victory in his contest with the Rornish hierarchy. This bold and intrepid step both encourag- ed his friends and astonished his enemies. The die was now cast : and his life was to be saved, not by a vain assertion that he was no longer a subject of the pope, but by putting it out of the power of Antichrist to do him harm. Luther, to convince mankind that the measure he had just executed, with so much firmness and intrepid- ity was not a hasty thought, or the ebullition of a sud- den ^'i-.^t of passion, immediately selected 30 articles from the code of papal laws, as a specimen of the ini- SR 514 *|uitous contents of the books which he had just con- sumed; upon which he wrote concise and pointed remarks, then printed the whole, and circulated the same in a little tract among the people, calling upon them in the most animated strains to exercise their own judgments in matters of such vast importance. " Let no man's good sense," said he, " be so far seduc- ed as to reverence the volumes which I have burnt, on account of their great antiquity or their high titles. Let every one first hear and see what the pope teach- es in his own books, and what abominable, poisonous doctrines, are to be found among the SACRED, SPIRIT- UAL laws ; and then let him freely judge whether I have done right or not in burning such writings." The two last of the articles selected by Luther were as follow : " The pope has the power to interpret scripture, and to teach as he pleases : and no person is allowed to interpret in a different way." " The pope does not derive from the scripture, but the scripture derives from the pope, authority, power p and dignity." Luther then affirms, that comparing together the different parts of the canon law, its language amounts to no less than this, " That the pope is God on earth ; above all that is earthly or heavenly, temporal or spir- itual ; that all things belong to the pope ; and, that n* one must venture to say, What doest thou ?" " Let these articles," continues he, " suffice for the present. If any papal advocate shall be so wanton as to defend them, I will then not fail to place the pic- ture I have given in a much clearer light. Nothing can be easier to me, than to produce many more pas- sages of the same stamp. Were I to proceed with the sad tale t have to tell, it would appear that all which hitherto I have advanced against the popedom was but jest and diversion* u I undertook this cause at first in the NAME of God ; and in the confident hope that the favorable moment was arrived, when of itself, and without further help from me, it would proceed as the cause ef Gad, t certain victory." 515 Thus the plain good sense and integrity of Luther, did not at this time fail him. He had but to expo^fe to every eye the secrets of the canonical volumes, to shake the papal foundations to their basis. When men read the extravagant propositions which pro- claimed the absolute power of the pope, and their own ignominious bondage, their patience startled and began to mutiny against a jurisdiction, which their understandings, as well as Luther's observations and comments, convinced them was founded altogether in injustice and impiety. Hence it was, that many, even of the Roman catholics in Germany, who were zealous for the liberty and independence of their country, were disposed to countenance the reformer in the resistance of the pope's tyrannical bull ; and hence also, though Aleander, the pope's nuncio, pro- cured a second bull against him, couched in the most peremptory and definitive terms, it proved almost en- tirely inefficient In this, the pope impiously styles himself, The divinely appointed dispenser of spiritual and temporal punishments. The pope was now rapidly losing his influence which he had maintained over the minds of men en- thralled in the corruptions of the Romish church. Though he fulminated bull after bull against Luther, yet nobody appeared to execute the pontifical man- dates. Charles V. now at the HEAD of the empire, from principles of state policy, refused to publish any con- clusive edict against Luther, before the discussion of his case at the approaching diet of Worms. This space of time Luther improved in diligently reconsidering and republishing the doctrines which he had taught, confirming them by new arguments, and rendering his compositions more correct and worthy of approbation. And as Aleander had burnt his books, general curiosity was excited to read his publications with great avidity. His affairs were now coming fast to a crisis. The eyes of all Europe were fixed on the diet of Worms. That general and astonishing REVOLUTION of send- 616 ment which we have observed, was proceeding with spch incredible rapidity, that it now behoved the em- peror and the princes to take public cognizance of transactions which could no longer be buried in ob- scurity. Accordingly Charles V. in his circular let- ters to the electors and other members of Ihe diet, in- formed them that he had summoned the assembly of the empire, for the purpose of concerting with them the most proper measures for checking the progress of those new and dangerous opinions, which threaten- ed to disturb the peace of Germany, and to overturn the religion of their ancestors. After the diet had met, a considerable time W 7 as spent in formalities, and in making some general re- gulations respecting the internal peace of the empire. They then proceeded to take into consideration the religious questions and controversies. The papal le- gates pressed hard for an immediate edict of condem- nation against the man who had so long disturbed the peace of the church, and w r ho, for more than six months had been under actual sentence of excommu- nication, as an incorrigible heretic. Fruitless pains were taken to compose the dilig- ences. Frederic, the friend of Luther, was firm, and acted with cautious circumspection. He insisted, in general, on an equitable hearing in behalf of his sub- ject Luther, and declared that he himself did not pre- tend to be a judge of theological doctrines and dis- putes. The members of the diet withstood the pope's ad- vocates, in their attempts to procure Luther's con- demnation without deliberation or inquiry, as incon- sistent with justice, and unauthorised by precedent. The emperor himself admonished the principal nun- cio Aleander. that it behoved him to explain to the diet some just and weighty causes of Luther's excom- munication ; causes too, which should be abstracted from the particular interests of the court of Home and of the pope, and be evidently connected with the gen- eral concerns of religion. At present, he said, an opin- ion very much prevailed in Germany, that because 517 Doctor Luther had defended the rights and privilege* of his countrymen, and declaimed against those odi- ous and arbitrary impositions of which the princes themselves had complained more than once, he was on that very account, disliked and censured at Rome, and that in fact, this was the real foundation of all the harsh and peremptory proceedings against him. So important a point must be cleared up before any fur- ther steps could be taken ; and an opportunity, there- fore, was now .afforded the nuncio of proving, to the satisfaction of a full diet, that the pontiffs damnatory edicts against Luther did not originate in partiality and injustice. Aleander undertook the business : and, producing Luther's writings, from them endeavored to prove that the whole sect of this notorious heretic ought to be abolished. He contended that their principles were equally destructive to both church and state : for they annihilated the spiritual jurisdiction of the HEAD of the church, and even the authority of a general coun- cil : and if these are taken away, who would be left to interpret scripture in doubtful cases? There would soon be as many religions, as there are men of fancy and imagination. This was not the worst. The Saxon heretic sub- verted the foundations of morality, by denying the very existence of human liberty, and by maintaining that good and evil depended on a fatai and inevitable necessity. Thus a door was opened to the most un- bounded licentiousness, when men had at hand this ready defence, or at least this lawful excuse, for every crime they could commit, " OUR FATE DID NOT PERMIT us TO DO OTHERWISE." He then accused Luther of overturning the efficacy of the sacraments, and of in- culcating a notion of Christian liberty, which gave thr reins to vice and wickedness. If you believe this her- etic, said he, there is no obligation in vows that have been made with the greatest solemnity. In fine, if his notions prevail) there is an end both of Christian liberty and the tni^jnillity of kingdoms. The whole world will be thrown into confusion ; there will be 518 Seit no ties of obedience, either lo princes, or even to God himself; because, according to this novel system, the commandments of the Supreme Being are incom- patible with the powers and capacities of his crea- tures. Aleander then observed, that in spite of the pon- tiff's utmost endeavors, for four year? past, to free the world from this GREAT EVIL, it was daily spreading it- self more and more, and appeared to be desperate and Incurable. This detestable heresy ought to be expos- ed to public execration ; and so ought its deceitful, rash, obstinate and furious author. An imperial edict was now, he said, the only remedy. Nor was there any reason to apprehend lest such an edict should be attended with troublesome consequences. It would be made with the consent of the diet, and, no doubt, executed in all the states of the empire. The catholic party, he added, was infinitely the strong- est ; and it was not likely that those powers, who had had hitherto supported Luther's cause, would incur the emperor's displeasure, by cantinuing to protect him. The elector of Saxony having foreseen what impor- tant political and religious questions were to be agita- ted at this diet, took care to be at Worms some weeks before the meeting of the general assembly, and from conversations with the emperor and others, soon dis- covered that mischief was meditated against Luther. His enemies, in general, were contriving to have him brought before the diet, with the design, no doubt, of securing the person of the heretic: and we find that the emperor had once so far acceded to their wishes, us to issue express orders for his appearance. The summons for this purpose was sent to the elector; but this prince refused to concur in that mode of conduct- ing the business, and Charles recalled his summons. All this took place before the middle of January, 1521. In fact, at this moment the cautious Frederic scarcely knew what course to pursue. Perfectly upright and conscientious, he wished for nothing so much as an Impartial hearing of the whole cause, and an equi- table sentence in consequence ; but he had great fears, lest, by calling Luther to Worms, he should en- tangle him in the dangerous snares of his adversaries; and, moreover, he did not then know, what Luther himself might think of such a proposal. In these cir cumstances the good sense and good principles of the elector determined him to adhere steadily to two points : 1st, By no means to compel Luther to appear among his adversaries against his own will ; 2nd ? Not to permit him to stir a step toward Worms with- out a complete and unequivocal safe conduct, nor to write any letters of passport in his behalf without the; express directions of the emperor. In the mean time he caused Luther to be made acquainted with the in- tentions of his malignant adversaries; and the ques- tion to be put to him, What he would do if he should be cited to appear at the diet ? The answer of our intrepid reformer was perfectly in character. He said if he should be called by so high an authority as that of the emperor, he should conclude it to be the Divine will that he should go; and if violence was done to him, as probably might be the case, he would recommend his cause to God, who had saved the three children from the fiery furnace. And if it should not please God to preserve him, his life was but a small thing compared with that of Christ and HIS sufferings. "Though kings and princes," said Luther, " conspired together against the Lord and his Christ, yet, as it is written in the same psalm, blessed are they that put their trust in him. It is not our bu- siness to determine whether more or less benefit will accrue to the church from my life or my death ; but it is our bounden duty to beseech God that the reign of Charles may not commence with blood, shed in an im- pious cause. And for my part, as I have often said, ! would much rather die by the Romanists alone than that he should be involved in this business. But if I must die not only by pontifical, but also by civil injus- tice, God's will be done. You have here my resolution. Expect from me any thing rather than flight or retrac- tation. I tfiean nst 10 ilae: much le c s to retract. So 520 Hiay the Lord Jesus strengthen me ! I can do nothing, without scandalizing godliness r-.r.d hinting the sou:* of many." This letter was addressed to his friend Spa- latinus the elector's secretary. To the elector himself he writes, as being the sub- ject of this prince, with ceremonious respect ; and probably with a suspicion also that his letter might be shown to the emperor. He calls the elector his most illustrious prince and gracious master, and says, " I rejoice from my heart that his imperial majesty is likely to undertake the management of this cause, which indeed is the cause of the Christian world in general, and of the whole German empire in particu- lar. " I have ordered copies of all my writings to be transmitted to your grace ; and I rh/vv most humbly offer again, as I have repeatedly offered before, to do every thing which it becomes a servant of God and oi Christ to do, the moment I shall be informed what my duty is from the clear evidence of the Holy Scrip- tures. " I have, therefore, witli all submission to entreat your grace to present my humble petition to his im- perial majesty, that he would be graciously pleased to grant me a safe conduct, and sufficient security against every kind of violence, as I have reason to be apprehensive on this account ; and that he would also appoint learned and good men, unsuspected and well skilled in the knowledge of their bibles, to try thia cause ; and that for the sake of Almighty God I may be protected from every outrage till I have been in- dulged with a fair hearing, and have been proved to be an unreasonable, ungodly man, and in short no Christian. "I humbly beg also, that the secular power may .^o -far interfere in my behalf, that my adversaries, the defenders of the Roman see, may be compelled, dur- ing this state of the business, to desist from their wicked and malicious attempts against my life, hon- or, and dignity; and in particular, from publicly burn- ing my writings, though as yet ! have never been tri- ed, nu:i;h less convicted of any crime. In regard to myself, provided 1 arn but allowed a safe conduct, I shall, in humble obedience to the emperor's summons, most cheerfully appear before the next gen- eral diet at Worms ; and there, by the help of Al- mighty God, so conduct myself before just, learned, and impartial judges, that all may be fully convinced that I have done nothing from an inconsiderate, rash, refractory spirit, or with a view to temporal honors and advantages ; but that every line I have written, and every doctrine I have taught, has proceeded from a conscientious regard to my oath, and obligations. I own myself unworthy to be styled a doctor in sacred learning; nevertheless it will appear that I have con- stantly intended to promote the praise and glory of God, the happiness and salvation of the catholic church, the prosperity of all Germany, the overthrow of dangerous abuses and superstitions, and the eman- cipation of the whole Christian world from innumera- ble, tyrannical, impious, and disgraceful grievances. That the gracious elector of Saxony, together with his imperial majesty, may deign to turn a Christian eye to the present state of religion, burdened and enslaved as it is in so many ways, is the prayer of, The elector's obedient and suppliant chaplain, MARTIN LUTHER. The elector found that secret consultations were daily had at the emperor's apartments for the purpose of ruining Luther, and that an imperial mandate was issued, by which the magistrates were commanded to collect together all the writings of the heretic. And the emneror having, iri the mean time, made many attempts to persuade him, that it was his peculiar du- ty to call his own subject Doctor Luther before the as- sembly, by his single authority, and also to supply him with the necessary passports ; and knowing that no one would be so able as Luther himself, to do away, by his knowledge, eloquence and plain dealing, the malignant sophisms and gross misrepresentations of Aleander, he urged, in full diet, the propriety of pro- ceeding no further in the affairs of Luther, till he him* self could be heard in his own cause. To this pfope- sition, almost the whole diet agreed, as what was highly suitable ; they alleged, that as Luther's doc- trines had spread throughout all Germany, and had excited much thinking, much speculation and design; there now seemed no remedy but to give the author a fair hearing. Their cry was, " Let him have a safe conduct, and let the question be put to him, whether he will retract such articles as militate against the ho- ly Christian faith which we have received from our an- cestors and preserved until this time." A passport was what the elector saw to be necessary for Luther's safety ; and notwithstanding Aleander did all he could that Luther should be crushed at once by the strong hand of despotic power, and that he should be prevented from appearing at Worms, urg- ing that he was now to be deemed a detestable, ex- communicated heretic, to whom no kindness or re-* spectful consideration could be shown, without incur- ring the manifest displeasure of the pope ; Frederic succeeded in procuring for the Saxon reformer, a safe conduct in passing to and from Worms, and from Charles, who wrote with his own hand to the heretic,, and calls him, OUR HONORABLE, BELOVED, DEVOUT, DOCTOR MARTIN LUTHER, OF THE AUGUSTINE ORDER. He then proceeds to inform him, that the emperor, and the sacred imperial orders, then met in congrega- tion, had determined to examine him respecting cer- tain books which he had published ; that they had joined in granting him a safe conduct; and that he must not fail to appear before the diet in twenty one days, reckoning from the sixth of March, the date of the letter. The eoiperor concludes with repeating his assurance of protection from every injury and violence r Moreover, the sagacious elector of Saxony had the spirit to demand, and the perseverance to obtain fronrv the emperor, in writing, an express renunciation of the detestable popish tent-t, that god faith is not to be preserved with heretics. Luther foresaw, that, if IIP, after having so often o long demanded ;i fair hearing; of his causo.. also having received a direct challenge from the papa! advocates, should refuse to meet them, before so im- partial, and in every respect, unexceptionable a tribu- nal as the general diet of the empire ; his non-appear- ance would be construed into contempt, timidity, or consciousness of guilt ; and therefore, resolved upon a journey to Worms. He was accompanied by several friends ; among whom was Justus Jonas, principal of the collegiate church at Wittemberg. Some others joined them on the road. Luther was expressly forbidden to preach at any of the towns through which he had to pass. But he, de- claring that he had never promised to obey that injunc- tion, and that the word of God ought never to be fet- tered, preached repeatedly at Erfurt h as he went, and at Eisenach as he returned. The hearts of Luther's best friends began to fail them as the danger approached. At Oppehheidi, near Worms, they solicited him in the most vehement manner to venture no further. What favor could he expect from men, who already began to break their word with him ? The pope had published a defin- itive bull against him ; and the einperor, in compli- ance, had ordered all his writings to be seized ; and to disgrace him still more, the imperial mandate, as well as the papal bull, were every where put up for the public information. Neither was it forgotten that imperial safe-conduct had not been sufficient to pro* tect John Iluss from Romish deceit and cruelty. At this place he was met by Martin Bucer, who had been sent with several horsemen on the express errand to entreat him to take refuge in the castle of a neighboring knight; here too he received letters from his friend Snalatinus entreating him to proceed ne further. It was under such circumstances and to such solicit a- lions, that our Saxon hero, with his usual intrepidity, re- turned that ever memorable answer, " That though h? should be obliged to encounter, at Worms, as many de- as ihere were tiles upon ttte houses of that city, this 624 would not deter him from his fixed purpose of ap- pearing there : That these fears of his friends could only arise from the suggestions of Satan, who apprehend- ed the approaching ruin of his kingdom by the confes- sion of the truth before such a grand assembly as the diet of Worms." The fire and obstinacy that ap- peared in this answer, seemed to prognosticate much warmth and vehemence in his conduct before the assembly. But it was not so. On that occasion his zeal and ardor were tempered with a laudable moderation and decorous respect both for his civil and ecclesiastical superiors. It was on the 16th of April 1521, that Luther arriv- ed at Worms. As he stepped from his open vehicle, he said, in the presence of a vast concourse of people, " God will be on my side." Immense crowds daily flocked to see him ; and his apartments were constantly filled with visitors of the highest rank. He was looked on as a prodigy of wis- dom, and respected as one born to enlighten the un- derstandings of mankind, and direct their sentiments. The day after his arrival he was conducted to the diet by the marshal of the empire. On his appearance before that august assembly, he was directed to be silent till questions should be put to him. The emperor's speaker, on the occasion, pro- duced a bundle of books and informed Luther, that, by order of his imperial majesty, he was directed to propose two questions to him, The first was, whether he acknowledged those books which went BY HIS NAME, to be his own 5 and the second, whether he in^ tended to defend or to retract what was contained in them. Upon this, before any reply could be made, Jerome Schurff, a celebrated doctor of the civil laws, who had corne from Wittemberg in the character of Luther's advocate, called out with a loud voice, "You ought to recite the titles of the books." The official then read over the titles in succession. Among which were, Commentaries on the Psalms ; a little tract on Good Works; a Commentary on the Lord's Prayer; and other books on Christian subjects, in no way relat- ed to controversy. 526 " I shall answer the questions, said Luther, as con- cisely and as much to the purpose, as I possioiy can. 1st. Unless the books have been mutilated or altered bv fanciful sciolists, or by the arts of my adversaries, t ' evr are cert i y mine. Because this question re- lates to FAITH and the salvation of sou!s, and becjiise it concerns the word of God, the most important of all subjects in heaven and in earth, and which deservedly requires of us all the most profound reverence, it would be equally rash and dangerous for me to give a sud- den answer to such a question ; since, without previ- ous deliberation, I might assert less than the subject demands, and more than truth would admit ; both which would expose me to condemnation from that sentence of Christ; "Whosoever dcnieth me bef>rc men, him will I (Jeny before my Father which b in heaven." For this reason I humbly beseech vj.-r imperial majesty to grant me a competent time for consideration, that I may satisfy the inquiry wi( injuring the word of God, and without endangering my own salvation. After some deliberation, he was al- lowed to defer his answer till the next day, on the ex- press condition, however, that he should deliver what he had to say, viva voce, and not in writing. On the following day he was told that he ought not to have petitioned for delay, because he had well known, for a long time, what would be the nature of his examination; and moreover, that every one oupit to be able at any moment to give an account of his faith ; and much more a doctor of great reputation, like Luther, who had been long exercised in theolo- gical discussions. At length, however, said the om- cial, return an answer to the question of the emperor, who has so kindly granted you your request. Luther then rose, and spoke before the emperor, and the princes, in the German language, to the fol- lowing effect. " I stand here in obedience to the commands of his most serene imperial majesty, and the nutst illus- trious princes, and I earnestly entreat that they wo;;';;{ deign to listen to this cause with clemency. It will 526 appear, I trust, to be the cause of truth and justice;, and therefore, if, through ignorance, I should fail to give proper titles to each of the dignified personages who hear me, or if in any other respect I should show myself defective in politeness, they will be pleased to accept my apology with candor. I have not been ac- customed to the refinements of the court, but to the cloisters of the monastery, nor of myself have I any thing further to say, than that hitherto I have read lec- tures and composed books with that simplicity of mind which ONLY regards the glory of God and the instruction of mankind. " To the first question" continued Luther, " I give a plain and direct answer; and in that I shall persist forever. I did publish those books, and I am respon- sible for their contents, so far as they are really mine ; but I do not answer for any alterations that have been made in them, vyhether by the crafty malice of ene- inies, or the imprudent officiousness of friends. "In regard to the second question, I humbly beg your most serene majesty and their highnesses to take especial notice, that my publications are by no means all of the same kind. Some of them treat only of pi- ety, and of the nature of faith, and morals ; and these subjects are handled in so evangelical a manner, that iny greatest adversaries are compelled to pronounce them innocent, profitable, and worthy to be read by Christians, The pope's bull, indeed, though it actu- ally declares some of my books innocent, yet, with a monstrous and cruel indiscrimination, condemns them all Now were I to retract such writings, I should absolutely stand alone, and condemn those truths ia. which friends and foes most perfectly agree. " There is another species of my publications, in which I endeavor to lay open the system of the papal government, and the specific doctrines of the papists, who, in fact, by their corrupt tenets and bad exam- ples, have made havoc of the Christian world, both in regard to body and soul. There is no denying this : witness the universal complaints now existing, how the papal laws and tradition of men most miserably 527 entangle, vex and tear to pieces the consciences of the faithful, and also plunder the inhabitants of this fa* mous country in ways most shameful and tyrannical,, and scarcely credible, notwithstanding that Germa- ny by her own laws has declared, that any doctrines or decrees of the pope, which are contrary to the gospel, or the sentiments of the fathers, are to be deemed er- roneous, and in no degree obligatory. If, therefore, I should revoke what I have written on these subjects, I should not only confirm the wicked, despotical pro- ceedings to which I allude, but also open a door to further abuses of power, that would be still more li- centious and insupportable, especially if it were said among the people, that what 1 had done was confirm- ed by the authority of his most serene majesty, and a general meeting of the empire. " Lastly, the defences and replies which I have com- posed against such individuals as have labored either to establish the Roman tyranny, or to undermine rny explanations of the fundamental principles of religion,, constitute a third class of my publications. And in these, I freely confess, I have been betrayed into atv asperity of expression, which neither becomes me as a clergyman, or as a Christian: however, I pretend not to set myself up for a saint, neither do 1 plead for the strictness of my life, but for the doctrines of Christ, But it is not in my power to retract even these wri- tings, as far as the matter contained in them is con-* cerned ; lest by such a step I should become the pa* tron of the most arbitrary and impious usurpations, which in consequence would soon gather strength, and spend their fury on the people of God in more violent outrages than ever. Yet, since I am but a man, and there lore fallible in judgment, it would ill become me ? in supporting my poor paltry tracts, to go farther than my Lori) and Master Jesus Christ did in the defence of his own doctrines, who, when he was interrogated concerning them before Annas, and had received a blow from one of the officers, said, "If 1 have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil, but if well, why smitest *hoti me ?" If then our Lord, who was infallible, did, 528 nevertheless, not disdain to listen to anything that could be said against his doctrine, even by a person of the lowest condition, how much more ought such a contemptible being as I, who am all imperfection, to be ready to attend to whatever arguments can be brought in the way of objection to my positions? I therefore entreat your majesty, and the members of this illustrious assembly, to produce evidence against me, and however high, or however low, be the rank of the person who shall be able, from the sacred scrip- tures, to convict me of error, I will instantly retract, and be the first to throw the book into the fire. "Permit me to suggest, for the consideration of us all) that as Almighty God is wonderful and terrible in council, surely it behoves this august assembly to ex- amine with special care, whether the object which my enemies so ardently long to compass, does not in fact amount to a condemnation of THE DIVINE WORD ; and whether such a measure, adopted by the first Ger- man diet of the new emperor, might not lead to a dreadful deluge of evils. Under the protection of God there is reason to augur well of this excellent young prince ; but take care that you do not render the pros- pect of his government unfavorable and inauspicious. " By a variety of instances from holy writ, and par- ticularly by the cases of Pharaoh, the king of Bab- ylon, and of the kings of Israel, I could prove this im- portant point ; viz. that men have ruined themselves at the very moment when they imagined they had settled and established their kingdoms in the most prudent manner. The ruling principle should be the fear of God. HE it is who takcth the wise in their craftiness, and removeth the mountains and they know not, and overturneth them in his anger. "In saying the-e things 1 mean hot to insinuate, that the great personages, who condescend to hear me, stand in need of my instructions or admonitions; no but there was a debt which I owed to my native country, and it was my duty to discharge it. The reasons which I have now alleged, will, I trust, be ap- proved by your serene majesty and the princes : and I. 529 humbly beg that you will disappoint my enemies in their unjust attempts to render me odious and suspect- ed. I have done." As soon as Luther had finished his speech, which was delivered in the German language, he was order- ed to say the same things in Latin ; after having re- covered himself he did this with prodigious animation, and to the very great satisfaction of his friends, espe- cially the elector of Saxony. His adversaries acknowl- edge that he spoke for two hours with the applause of one half of the assembly: until John Eckius, the Emperor's speaker, having lost almost all patience, before Luther had well concluded, cried out, in much heat and passion, that he had not answered to the point ; that he was not called to give an account of his doctrines ; that these had already been condemned in former councils, whose decisions were not now to be questioned : that he was required to say, simply and clearly whether he would or would not retract his opinions. " My answer,'' said Luther instantly, " shall be di- rect and plain. I cannot think myself bound to be- lieve either the pope or his councils ; for it is very clear, not only that they have often erred, but often contra- dicted themselves. Therefore, unless I am convinced by scripture, or clear reasons, my belief is so confirm- ed by the scriptural passages 1 have produced, and my conscience so determined to abide by the word of God, that I neither can nor will retract any thing ; for it is neither safe nor innocent to act against a man's conscience. Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise,* May God help me. Amen." After the diet had taken Luther's speech into con- sideration, their speaker told him, that he had not an- swered with the modesty that became his character and situation ; that if he had recanted those books which contained the main part of his errors, he would have suffered no persecution for the rest ; that for him, who had revived the errors condemned at Constance, to require a refutation and conviction from scripture, was a wild proposal of a man scarcely in his senses ; 550 that upon such principles nothing would be left cer* tain in the church ; and that for these reasons, he was once more asked, whether he intended to defend all he had written as orthodox, or whether he would retract any part as erroneous. Luther persisted in his former answer ; and entreated the emperor not to per- mit him to be compelled to do violence to his con- science, by recanting what he felt himself bound to believe on the authority of the word of God, unless he was proved to be mistaken by evident arguments from scripture. Councils, he repeated^ have erred frequently. " You cannot prove that," said Eckius. " I will pledge myself to do it," replied Luther. But night coming on, the diet broke up. During the whole of this interesting scene, the spe- cial partizans of the pope were filled with indignation ; and many of the Spanish Roman Catholics followed Luther as he returned home from the tribunal, and showed their enmity by long continued sneers and hisses. On the next day, the emperor directed a schedule, written with his own hand, to be read to the princes in full congregation. The purport was this ; " His ancestors had always respected the Reman church, which Luther had now opposed. lie could not with any propriety depart from their example. He was bound to defend the ancient faith, and support the pa- pal see. And as Martin Luther could not be induced to give up any one of his errors^ he was determined to proceed against him as a notorious heretic. Never- theless he by no means intended to violate the safe conduct which had been granted to him. This hasty and indiscreet measure, which was partly owing to the juvenile impetuosity and inexperience of Charles, and partly to the incessant solicitation of the papal party, produced murmurs and complaints in the assembly. The Emperor, by having given his opin- ion first, had broken the established rules of the diet. He ought not to have given his judgment, till all the other slates had given theirs. He had prejudged the cause, aad precludeil the princes and electors from the 531 right of voting freely in the matter before them. Party spirit ran high. Acrimonious papers on both sides of the question were publicly affixed to the walls; and violent and threatening expressions used. The mis- understanding was, however, thus compromised; Charles, at the instance of the diet, consented, that the heretic should be allowed a few days longer delay, during which time such of the princes, as pleased, might endeavor to persuade him to recant his errors, and if they succeeded, he promised that he himself would take care he should be pardoned by the Roman pontiff. Incredible pains were now taken by the princes, elec- tors, and deputies of various orders, to shake the resolu- tion of this hero of the reformation. Luther stood firm, thanked the princes for their clemency and good will toward him, and said, " He by no means censured councils in general, but only that part of the proceed- ings at Constance, in regard to John Huss. If the faith of Christ was truly set forth, and Christ's flock were fed in a real gospel pasture, there would be no need to burden the church with human traditions. He allowed that he ought to obey magistrates ; that tho precepts for this purpose were to be taken in their plain meaning, and that he had often taught this doc- trine in his writings. He was ready to do any thing, provided he was not urged to deny the clear word of God. 5 ' The diet having found Luther inflexibly determined to abide by the sole authority of the sacred scriptures, and that no threats, nor exhortations, nor promises availed to make him change his resolution, the em- peror sent him a message directing him to leave Worms, " because, notwithstanding the most friendly admonitions and entreaties, he persisted in his contu- macy, and would not return into the bosom of the church." Luther was allowed 21 days to return to Wittem- burg ; during which time the public faith was pledged for his safety ; but he was strictly enjoined not t preach to the people in the course of his journey. 552 " This is the Lord's will," said Martin, " and ed be the name of the Lord!" He then, through the official, returned most respectful thanks to the empe- ror, and the members of the assembly, for their pa- tience in hearing him, and their liberal treatment in, general. He said he had wished for nothing but a re- form in religion on the plan of the holy scriptures; nor did he now request any favor for himself, but to be allowed the free use of the word of God. Let that be Only granted, and he was willing to undergo every thing without exception, for the sake of his im- perial majesty and the imperial orders. He left Worms on the following day, the 26th of April. After Luther had taken his departure, Charles, un- der the pretence of having certain questions of minor importance to propose, requested the members of the diet to remain three or four days longer in the city. The most of the Italian and Spanish nobles complied with the request, while many of the German princes and electors, among whom was Frederic of Saxony, departed. This was the time when the final sentence against Luther, called the EDICT OF WORMS, was passed. It was penned by Aleander \vith all possible rancor and malice. The tirst part of this edict states, that it is the duty of the emperor to protect religion and extinguish heresies. The second relates the pains, he had taken to bring the heretic to repentance. And the third pro r ceeds to the condemnation of Martin Luther in the strongest terms. The emperor says, that by the ad- vice of the electors, princes, orders, and states of the empire, he had resolved to execute the sentence of the pope, who was the proper guardian of the catholic faith* He declares that Luther must be looked on as excommunicated, and as a notorious heretic ; arid he forbid all persons, under the penalty of high treason, tp receive, maintain or protect him. He orders, that after the 21 days allowed him, he should be proceed- ed against in whatever place he might be ; or at least, that he should be seized and kepi prisoner till the pleasure of his imperial majesty was known. He di- yects the s^me punishments to be inflicted on all his ooo adherents or favorers ; and that all their goods should be confiscated, unless they can prove that they have left his party and received absolution. He forbids all persons to print, sell, buy, or read any of his books, and enjoins the princes and magistrates to cause them to be burnt. This famous edict was voted on the 2oth of May, and signed by the emperor on the morning of the next day, but dated May the 8th. The design of thus an- tedating the edict was to induce a belief upon the pub- lic mind, that it was passed in the full diet, and ex- pressed the general sense of ALL the members, taken before their dissolution. But the elector of Saxony had foreseen the rising storm, and had contrived a plan of concealing the per- secuted hero of the reformation for a season from the fury of all his enemies. Luther did not, however, greatly relish the scheme, and would rather have met the difficulty and danger in an open way, and have trusted the event to God ; but as it originated in Fred- eric's kindness, he thought it only a becoming respect to his prince to acquiesce in his advice. The secret was revealed to him by Spalatinus on the evening be- fore he left Worms. Three or four horsemen, in whom Frederic could confide, disguised themselves in masks, and contrived to meet the persecuted monk near Eis- enac on his return home. They played their part well. They rushed out of the wood, secured Luther, as it were by force, and carried him into the castle of Wart- burg. This business was managed with so much ad- dress and fidelity, that Luther was completely secur- ed from the effects of the impending prosecution. His implacable adversaries missed their blow, and became doubly odious to the Germans, who, as they were un- acquainted with the wise precaution of Frederic, ima- gined their favorite countryman was either imprison- ed or perhaps murdered by Roman emissaries. It has been conjectured that the whole transaction, respecting Luther's concealment, was planned and executed with the knowledge and even the approba- tion of his imperial majesty. 584 CHAPTER V. from the Conclusion of the Diet of Worms, to the Death of the Elector of Saxony. A HE followers of Luther were much disheartened at his sudden disappearance. Various reports were circulated concerning him ; and they knew not what to believe. The minds of all, throughout Germany, who feared God, were filled with anxious solicitude for the safety of his person, and their apprehension, of los- ing such an instructor, in so early a period of his la- bors, produced the most melancholy and inauspicious forebodings. The alarms and the affectionate feelings of good people who were already in possession of a degree of evangelical light, and in the way to obtain more, were, on this occasion very great. Luther, at first, found it difficult to endure with patience and resignation his confinement at Wartburg. His diet, now rich and plentiful, and supplied, there is reason to believe, at the elector's expense, did not well agree with his constitution, long accustomed to the labors and abstinence of the monastery. He com- plains, that his body was afflicted with the most obsti- nate and alarming constipations, while his mind grew feeble and unable to resist temptations ; that, he be- came languid and almost lifeless in private prayer, and was addicted to too much eating and drinking, and to lazy practices. Such was the harsh sentence Tvhich this extraordinary man was incline d to pass up- n himself. It is the peculiar character of a real ser- vant of God to see his own faults in a strong light, and ra^iy to speak in mitigation of them. The papists, however, never charge Luther with in- dolence. On the contrary, they allow, that in his sol- itude, which, after the name of that island to which the apostle John was banished, he frequently called HIS PATMOS, he labored with indefatigable industry; published many new books, confirmed his disciples in their attachment to him, defended his old hcresio?, daily invented new ones. 535 fn his confinement, Luther preserved a strong sense *f the value of time. A profound veneration for the holy scriptures, with an abhorrence of every species of priestcraft, constantly directed his judgment, invi- gorated bis resolutions, and supported him in his al- most incredible labors and trials. A little book concerning the abuses of private con- fession, was one of his productions in the castle. * This was composed in the German language, and must have been highly offensive to the ecclesiastics in general. "My design in this book," says Luther, " was not to put an end to private confession, but to render the practice of it USEFUL. There was no doing this, without laying open some of those inconveni- ences which arise from a bad way of managing it I touched on these things as delicately as possible ; and yet my adversaries were up in arms against me on this account ; not considering that the whole world is full of stories respecting the scandalous things which take place under the pretence of secret confession 5 neither do they seem aware, how many facts connect- ed with this subject I have passed over from a princi- ple of Christian decency, lest the very mention of them should contaminate the reader's mind. It is too true, that many of the monks urge the people to confess, not from a regard to piety, but for the purpose of en- riching themselves. They live in the houses of the opulent, and acquire an ascendant over them by be- coming acquainted with their secrets; they contrive to be with them while they are dying ; and insinuate themselves into their last wills. Let men only consid- er what a source of evils, what a snare to consciences 3 the common practice of confessing has been, and they will not be surprised that I should have ventured to suggest certain amendments in this matter." On the wtiole, it was the wish of this sound divine, that the church discipline concerning confession might be re- gulated by the 18th chapter of Matthew, verses 15 20; convinced as he was that the Roman Catholic mode tended neither to increase the faith nor to amend the lives sf Uae people, but rather to instil into their 536 minds a persuasion, that by a private confession of sin, and a consequent submission to penances or to other injunctions of the clergy, the greatest crimes might be expiated, though the commission of them were ever so frequent or notorious. How very dif- ferent is all this from a true penitential sorrowing and humiliation for sin and a comfortable expectation of pardon, founded on the faithful promises of Jesu* Christ! The Augustine Friars at Wiltemburg, were among the first who dared openly to oppose the popish mode of celebrating private masses. This news Luther re- ceived in his castle with great satisfaction, both as it demonstrated (he zeal of his brethren who were en gaged in the same cause, and exhibited a very pleas- ing and important effect of his own labors. He now published a treatise concerning the abrogation of private masses, in which he shewed that the true scrip- tural idea of the Lord's supper is, that it is not a real sacrifice under the appearance of bread and wine, but a thankful commemoration of the great oblation once offered ; not a repetition of sacred offerings, which have any intrinsic value in them for the expiation of sin, but a participation of the consecrated elements in obedience to the dying command of our Savior. To place these points in what he conceived to be their true light, Luther took great pains ; and his efforts were crowned with much success. It was not till after much consideration that Luther became fully convinced of the lawfulness of the mar- riage of all the clergy. The case of the monks, who had voluntarily devoted themselves to a perpetual ce- libacy, presented the greatest difficulty to his mind. The rest of the clergy were prohibited marriage, only by unlawful ecclesiastical ordinances. In his Patmos, he wrote on those subjects with that fixed determina- tion, which had been the result of much impartial in- quiry and patient thinking. As this work exposed the evils of monastic promises and engagements, with various other abuses of popery connected with them, it necessarily gave great offence to a corrupt hierarchy, 537 which daily found its authority lessened, in propor- tion as the wicked devices which supported it were better understood, and more generally detested. The papists, as might be expected, clamored against the reformer's novel doctrines, and represented them as favorable to a life of ease, indulgence, and sensuality. " Priests might marry, monks might leave their clois- ters, and the people no longer be afraid of the penal laws of the church. 1 ' On the contrary, Luther, in ar- guing with his adversaries, was never content to stand merely on the defensive. He constantly maintained, that the primary objects of papistical solicitude and contention were not an evangelical purity of faith and practice, but rather the efficacy of certain external performances, as fastings^ confessions, penances, and masses, contrived for the express purpose of affording false peace to burdened consciences, and keeping out of sight the atoning blood of Jesus, and the scriptural method of justification by faith alone, with the reno- vation of our fallen nature through the operation of the Holy Spirit; Luther had a most profound reverence for the holy scriptures. It was by his having had his mind illu- mined by them, that he foresaw the important conse- quences which must flow from a fair translation of the Bible in the German language ; that nothing would so effectually as this shake the pillars of ecclesiastical despotism ; and that nothing was so likely to spread the knowledge of pure Christian doctrine. And it was at Wart burg that he began to apply himself to this great undertaking. During his solitude in the summer of the year 1521, he not only translated all the New-Testament, but al- so took great pains to improve his knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew languages, for the purpose of ren- dering his intended version of the scriptures more com- plete* " I find," says he, " I have undertaken a work which is above my strength. I shall not touch the Old Testament till I can have the assistance of your- self and my other friends at Wittemberg. If it were possible that 1 could be with you, and remain uncfts- 538 covered in a snug chamber, I would come; and there, with your help, would translate the whole from the beginning, that at length there might be a version of the Bible fit for Christians to read. This would be a great work, of immense consequence to the public, and worthy of all ur labors." This he wrote to Ams- dorp the rector of the university of Wittemberg. Such, during a captivity of more than nine months? were the employments of this active servant of God, who, notwithstanding, accuses himself of doing too lit- tle, and of eating too much. Besides the compositions which have been mentioned, he wrote many letters in his castle to his trusty friends and intimates, which very much lay open the unfeigned sentiments of his heart. A strong and pious confidence in God, an un- bounded benevolence to the household of faith, and a determination to hazard every thing in the cause of re- ligious truth, strongly mark the spirit of Luther in ev- erything he says or does. He encourages the faithful, reproves the timid, laments the oppression of the church, and exults in the prospect of her deliverance. With inexpressible tenderness he comforts his despon- ding friends ; while on all occasions, he withstands his most powerful enemies wish an unconquerable intre- pidity. During his residence in the castle of Wartburg he suffered his beard and hair to grow, assumed an eques- trian sort of dress, and passed for a country gentle- man under the name of Yonker George. He some- times amused himself with the exercise of hunting in company with his keepers; and his observations ort that diversion, in a letter to Spalatinus, are curious and interesting. " Give yourself no concern in regard to my suffering in this exile. It is of no consequence to me, provid- ed I am not burdensome to the people of this house. 1 would have no one put to inconvenience on my ac- count. 1 suppose the prince supports me ; otherwise 1 would not stay an hour here, if I were convinced that my wants were supplied at the expense of the master or this family, though I own he furnbhes every thing I wish for with the greatest cheerfulness. Lately I. spent two days in seeing the painful, yet agreeable amusement of those famous people called hunters and ibwlers. We caught two hares, and some miserable young patridges. Laudable employments for men of leisure! For my part theological subjects occupied my thoughts even while I was among the dogs and the nets. And any pleasure, that i might receive from this species of relaxation, was fully balanced by the sentiments of grief and pity excited in my mind by an interpretation which I could not but give to the symbolical scenes at that time under my contempla- tion. This, thought I, is an exact representation of Satan, who, by his snares and dogs, namely, the cor- rupt theologians and ecclesiastical rulers, pursues and entangles simple, faithful souls, in the same way that the harmless hares and patridges are taken. To be brief, the similitude was so striking as to affect me ex- ceedingly/' In another letter to the same person, he discovers evident symptoms of impatience. " For the glory of the word of God, and for the mu- tual confirmation of myself and others, I would much rather burn on the live coals, than live here alone, half alive, and useless. If I perish, it is God's will; nei- ther will the gospel suffer in any degree. 1 hope you will succeed me as Elisha did Elijah." Melancthon, the excellent coadjutor of Luther, though learned, ingenious, unblemished in his man- ners, and cordially attached to the best of causes, be- gan about this time to exhibit more sensibly than ever the constitutional timidity of his temper. Far superior to all the rest of Luther's adherents in talents and attainments, he was inferior to many of them in courage and fortitude ; and on that account unequal to the character of SUPERIINTENDANT, which he was now called to sustain. Luther, who loved the man and was well aware of his infirmity, frequently and in the very kindest manner, reproved his desponding spirit, and at the same time encouraged him to be both bold and patient in the cause of the reformation. 540 He also solicited the elector Frederic, through the in* tercession of Spalatinus, to provide for the more com- fortable support of this learned professor, whose char-? acter contributed so much to the reputation of the uni- versity of Wittemberg. During the summer of this year, not only Melanc- thon, but his brethren, the ruling academicians, were much disheartened, partly on account of the absence of their grand leader, and partly because they expe- rienced not a little embarrassment, from the exces- sive caution of the elector and his court. They were not allowed the full privilege of publishing any of Lu- ther's writings, nor even of disputing publicly on cer- tain questions, which it was supposed, might give of- fence to persons of distinction who were much at- tached to the established religion. Luther, though peculiarly exemplary in the practice of lawful obedi- ence, " to the powers that be," made no scruple to re- fuse compliance with the will of the civil magistrate, whenever that will, in his judgment, was directly contrary to the commands of God. Accordingly he exhorted his Christian friends of the university not to follow the counsels of the court, but to take the lead themselves, as he had done. " We should not," said he, " have had one half the success we have had, if I had taken the advice of Spalatinus." And in about three months after this, he wrote to this last mention- ed friend in the warmest terms of expostulation and remonstrance. He tells him, that he was determined to publish what he had w-ritten against the archbishop of Mentz, however the prince and his secretary might dislike the measure, and that it was at their peril if they obstructed his design. " The peace and appro- bation of God, is to be preferred to the peace and approbation of the world. What, though some of our friends have exhibited a turbulent spirit ; will the gos- . pel, on account of their irregularity, come to nothing ? Was there not even among the apostles, a traitor, Ju- das ? In ALL circumstances we ought to adhere strictly to the simple WORD OF GOD, and not merely w r hen the happens to thrive and be respected among men, 541 Let those, who please, talk against us. But why are we always to be looking on the dark side of things ? why not indulge hopes of better times ? 5> Evangelical publications, and evangelical preach- ing, with constant exhortation to study diligently the holy scriptures, were the external means on which Luther always relied for the propagation of Christian truth, and the deliverance of the people from popish darkness and slavery. Wise and persevering in the use of these means, he had the consolation to hear more and more of their blessed effects. The Augus- tinians of Wittemberg left off the celebration of pri- vate masses, new preachers of the gospel daily lifted their voices throughout the electorate of Saxony; and though some persons of the higher ranks, both among the magistrates and the clergy, were intimida- ted by the imperial edict of Worms, the common peo- ple attended to the pure doctrines of salvation. The good seed which was sown under various circumstan- ces, sprung up and bore fruit in almost all parts of Germany. But amidst the consolation which Luther, in his re- treat derived from the accounts which he was contin- ually receiving of the courage and success of his dis- ciples, and the progress of his doctrines, the report of several events reached the castle of Wartburg, which must, in some measure have damped his joy and ex- pectations. He was so much affected with the news of certain proceedings at Wittemberg, that he was determined to run the hazard of making a private excursion to that place, for the purpose of conversing with his friends on subjects which deeply and anxiously interested his thoughts. The exact circumstances of this clandes- tine visit, are but imperfectly known ; and we can do no more than form conjectures respecting the proceed- ings which seem to have given rise to this extraordi- nary step. Many of the canons of Wittemberg dis- graced the nascent reformation, both by an obstinate adherence to the reigning superstitions, and by a shameful profligacy of manners. In the next place. 642 the untractable temper of Carolstadt showed itself more and more, and gave great concern to Luther. U I lament,' 7 says he, "the behavior of this man. In- deed we have it in our power easily to withstand his precipitate motions, but then we shall give occasion to the adversary to triumph on account of our internal discords; and not only so, our weaker brethren will also be much offended." A passage in one of Luther's letters to Spalatinus may be supposed to throw further light on the subject. " I came to Wittemberg, and among the most sweet meetings and conversations with my friends, I found this mixture of wormwood ; namely, that several of my letters and little publications had been completely suppressed. They had not even been heard of or seen by any one. I leave you to judge whether I have not just cause to be much displeased with this treatment. In general, what I have had opportunity of seeing and hearing gives me the highest satisfaction. May the Lord strengthen and support the courage of those who wish well to the cause ! In the course of my jour- ney, however, I was riot a little vexed to hear various reports concerning the restless disposition of some of our friends, and 1 have promised to print, as soon as ever I return to my asylum, a public exhortation ap- plicable to the circumstances. I must explain myself more particularly at another time. Commend me adversity shall happen to your clemency. And this promise I dare engage to fulfil. MARTIN LUTHER." Wittemberg. March 14, 1522- One of the expressions in this letter, which the elec- tor desired might be softened, appears to have been that, in which a comparison is made between the de- cisions in the counsels of heaven, and those in the as- sembly at Nuremberg. In the German corrected co- py, it stands thus, " The decisions in the counsels of heaven are very different from those ON EARTH." From a letter to his friend Spalatinus, we collect, that Luther did not quite relish some of the alterations which the elector had desired to be made. a I am at this moment," says he, "sending my letter to the prince ; who, by causing certain phrases therein to be altered according to his own mind, has discovered many marks of timidity, and want of faith. This infirmity of his, I ought to bear : but he has insisted on my using one word which I own does offend me ; namely, in that I am directed to call the emperor my most KIND, or most MERCIFUL* Lord, when all the world knows he is to me as hostile as possible : and * Dominum rfementfssimmri. 586 there is not an individual who will not laugh at thisi downright hypocrisy : yet I would rather submit to the ridicule and to the imputation of this species of hypocrisy, than thwart the infirmity of the prince in this instance. In regard to my conscience, I quiet that from the charge of insincerity thus: It is now the established -custom to address the emperor in that manner ; so that those words are to be considered a* his proper name and title, to be used by all persons, even those to whom he has the greatest enmity. Af- ter all, I have a most settled aversion to all hypocrit- ical and disguised ways of speaking: hitherto I have given way to them quite enough : It is high time I should stand forth, antl speak out." Often has it been said, that nothing could have been clone without the intrepidity of honest Luther. Let this be admitted; but let it not be added, that such cautious men as the elector of Saxony could be of no use in the great struggle for Christian liberty. This very prince was the instrument of preserving the life of the intrepid champion of the truth; and it seems utterly improbable thai his inestimable life could have been saved, during such a storm of papal fury, aided by immense papal power, unless there had been in FREDERIC THE WISE, besides his extreme caution, an extraordinary assemblage of qualities, which added great weight and authority to character. Whoever reflects on these things with intelligence and devotion in his mind, will doubtless see the operation of a Di- vine hand in raising up this excellent prince, to pre- serve Martin Luther from the flames to which he was condemned by Charles V. and Leo X., as well as in bringing info the scene of public action, this emi- nent reformer himself, at the critical time when there was needed so disinterested and daring a spirit, and so wise an interpreter of the sacred oracles. Luther, on his return to Witlemberg, resumed his favorite employment of preaching. lie had to inform the judgment and calm the passions of a distracted multitude. For such a task few persons have been more eminently qualified than was Luther. He 567 sessed, in a very high degree, the requisites which the most approved instructors in the art of eloquence ha^e wished their pupils either to be endowed with by nature, or to acquire by diligence. Besides this, there prevailed almost universally a fixed opinion of his unexampled integrity, and of his extraordinary knowledge of the scriptures. His skill in the German language was great ; the subjects which he had to handle were immensely important, and his manner of addressing his countrymen was most affectionate ; well may we, therefore, cease to wonder that his discours- es from the pulpit should have produced that happy restoration to peace and good order, which, quickly, after his arrival at Wittemberg, are known to have taken place both in the town and in the university. On his first appearance in the pulpit after his return, Luther addressed his audience to the following effect. " Once more I am allowed to sound the gospel in your ears ; once more you may derive benefit from my in- struction. By and by death will come, and then we can do one another no good. How necessary there- fore is it, that every individual should be furnished with the principles which are to support him at that awful moment ! These principles are the great doc- tines of Christianity ; and by treasuring them up in your memories, you will act like wise men, and be fortified against the attacks of the enemy. I have of- ten explained them to you on former occasions, and you have granted me a kind and patient hearing. At present I shall be as concise as possible. " Firstly ; that we are by nature children of wrath, and that all our own thoughts, our affections, and our works, can do us no good, is a fundamental truth, and we should have some solid scriptural passage always at hand to prove it. The Bible is full of passages which imply the very essence of this doctrine ; but the third verse of the second chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians is directly to the purpose. Fix that verse deep in your mind; "We are all," says the apostle, "children of wrath." Beware then of saying, I have built a church, I have founded a mass a and such like. * Secondly ; The great and good Jehovah sent his bnly Son to us, that we might believe on him; and that whosoever does believe on him, might be free from the law of sin, and become a child of God. He gave theni) says St. John, power to become the sons of God, namely, to those, who should believe on his name. In support of this point also, we should be well furnished with scriptural proofs, with which, as wiih the shield of Achilles, we may defend ourselves from the darts of the WICKED ONE. However, to con- fess the truth, I have not observed you to be deficient in the knowledge of either of these two fundamental articles of religion. I have preached on them very of- ten before you ; and I am not ashamed to own, that several of you are much more capable than I am of defending them by scriptural authority. " But there is a third pointj my dear friends, which we ought earnestly to aim at; namely, to do good to each other in love ; as Christ hath shown his love to us by his works. Without this love^ faith is a cold Speculation, arid of no account. So says St. Paul, " Though 1 speak with the tongues of men and of an- gels, and have all faith, and have not charity, I am nothing." In this, clear friends, ye are, as yet, greatly defective. Nay, not a single vestige of love can I dis- cover in you ; a plain proof, that ye are not grateful to God for his rich mercies. " Beware then lest Wittemberg should become like Capernaum. Ye can discourse excellently on the doctrines which have been preached to you ; ye can even dispute acutely concerning charity. But this does not make a Christian. The kingdom of God does not consist in talk, but in power, that is, in works, and in practice. God loves the doers of the word in faith and love, and not the mere hearers, who, like parrots, have learnt to utter certain expressions with readiness. Once more ; faith without love is as it were a dream, an image of faith ; just as the appearance of a face in a glass is not a real face. " Fourthly," continues Luther, "we have need of pa- tience. There must be persecution. Satan never 569 sleeps but is constantly contriving something that is matter for our patience. Now patience begets hope. The Christian learns entirely to commit his cause to God ; his faith increases more and more, and he grows stronger every day. " The heart which is furnished with these spiritual gifts thinks little of its own private advantages ; but overflows with good will towards his brother, and foi his sake forbears to do many things, 'which otherwise he might be allowed to do. " All things," says St. Paul, " are lawful to me, but all things are not expe- dient 5" for all have not made equal advances in faith. " To be plain ; we ought to bear with the infirmities of our brethren, and to feed them with milk ; and not to be so selfish as to think of arriving at heaven ALONE, but rather to try whether we cannot gain our brethren by kindness, and make them our companions in the road to the mansions of the blessed, though, for the present, they may be inimical to us. For example, if I had been with you lately, when ye were abolishing the masses, I should have endeavored to moderate your heat and impetuosity. Your cause was good, but was managed by you with too much violence. There are, I trust, among the opposite parly, many brothers and sisters who belong to us ; and must be drawn to us by the cords of love. Let your faith be firm as a rock; but let your chanty be pliable, and ac- commodated to the circumstances of your neighbor. Some can only creep, others can walk briskly, and others again are so swift that they can almost fly. " The error of those, who abolished the masses, consisted, not in doing a thing that was wrong in it- self, butiri not doing what they did, in a right manner. Their proceedings were most rash and precipitate, and inconsistent with all the laws of order ; and no wonder, therefore, that they gave offence to their neighbors. Such a business should not have been undertaken without serious prayers to God in the first place : and in the next place the assent of the magistrates should have been obtained: and thus it would have been manifest that these new regulations were ordained of 570 God. Long ago I might have taken the same step ? if I had thought it either lawful or prudent. But the truth is, I so entirely disapprove the spirit with which you have acted, that if the mass were not in itself an abomination, I should be disposed to re-establish it. I could indeed plead your cause before the pope, but I cannot acquit you of having fall en into the snares of Sa- tan. I wish you had asked my advice, which you might easily have done ; 1 was at no such great distance." In a subsequent discourse, in prosecution of the same subject, he spoke thus: "That the private masses ought to be abolished is as clear as that God is to be worshipped ; and with my voice and my pen I would strenuously maintain that they are a most horrid abom- ination! Yet I would not pull away by force any one person from the mass. Let us preach the gospel ; and commit the event to the Divine will. Let us say, " beloved countrymen, abstain, I beseech you, in fu- ture from the mass. Indeed, it is a blasphemous prac- tice, and most highly offensive to Almighty God/' But by no means would I compel them, especially by the hasty and intemperate decision of a mob, to com- ply with our forms of sacramental communion. No; I would instruct, I would admonish them from the sa- cred pages, that if they took my advice I should have happily gained them over to the truth; but if not, it does not become me to drag them away by the hair of the head, or to use violence of any other kind ; but rather to leave the word of God to its own operation, and to pray for them. By acting in this manner, the force of scripture will penetrate the hearts of men 8 and produce an effectual and a durable change of sen- timent. Proselytes will be made gradually; and when men are become, in general, of the same mind, then they will agree in laying aside their erroneous forms and ceremonies. In all this, I am far from wish- ing to restore the use of the mass. If it be abrogated, let it 'remain so. All I affirm is, what you must be convinced of, namely, that faith, in its very nature, is incapable of restraint or coercion. " As an example, reflect on my conduct in the af- 571 fair of the indulgences. I had Ihe whole body of the papists to oppose. I preached, I wrote, I pressed on men's consciences with the greatest earnestness the positive declarations of the Word of God, but I used not a particle of force or constraint. What has been the consequence ? This same Word of God has, while I was asleep in .my bed, given such a blow to papal des- potism, as not one of the German princes, not even the emperor himself could have done. It is not I, I repeat it, it is the Divine Word which has done every thingv Had it been right to have aimed at a reform by vio- lence and tumults, it would have been easyfor'rne to have deluged Germany with blood ; nay, had I been in the least inclined to promote sedition, it was in my p nver, when I was at Worms, to have endangered the safety even of the emperor himself. The devil smiles in secret when men pretend to support religion by se- ditious tumults; but he is cut to the heart, when he sees them, in faith and patience, rely on the written word.'' These extracts from Luther's sermons may suffice as specimens of the wisdom and discretion with which that reformer addressed and directed his congregation in this critical extremity, when the best friends of the protestant cause were almost in despair. They may also have other important uses, especially when taken in connexion with the other parts of this circumstantial account of Luther's motives for leaving the casile of Wartburg. For example ; they demonstrate, in gen- eral, the enlightened state of the mind of the great German reformer at this very early period of the re- formation ; and they furnish the cornpletest answer to the invidious conjecture of those, who have imagined that " the true reason of his displeasure at the pro- ceedings of Carolstadt was, that he could not bear to see another crowned with the glory f executing a PLAN which he had laid.''* The people of Wittemberg heard their beloved * The facts prove that Luther laid no plan at all His eyes opened by degrees, and he was faithful to the light afforded him. He acted to the hest of his judg. rnent always at the moment, and committed his cause to God, completely igno- rant of what he might be called to ill or to suffer ; but as completely disposed t^ obey what should appear t him t be the Dmne will. 572 pastor with the greatest satisfaction : and again tran- quillity and concord began to flourish in the church. The importance of Carolstadt vanished before the in- fluence of Luther; and, after various travels and schemes, he became fixed at Basil, where he exercis- ed the pastoral office for ten years, and died in 1531. Luther, in a letter to the prior ofEisleben, gives the following concise account of the misunderstanding; between Carolstadt and himself. "I offended Carolstadt," says he, "because I an- nulled his institutions ; though I by no means con- demned his doctrine. In one point, however, he grieved me much. I found him taking prodigious pains about ceremonies and things external, and, at the same time, very negligent in inculcating the essen- tial principles of Christianity , namely, faith and chari- ty. By his injudicious method of teaching, he had in- duced many of the people to think themselves chris- tians, however deficient in these graces, provided they did but communicate in both kinds, take the conse- crated elements into their own hands, refuse private confession, and break images. Observe how the mal- ice of Satan attempts to ruin the gospel in a new way. All along, my object has been, by instruction to eman- cipate the consciences of men from the bondage of human inventions of every kind ; and then the papal fooleries would soon fall of themselves by common consent. But Carolstadt suddenly set himself up as a new teacher, and, By his own arbitrary institutions, endeavored to ruin my credit with the people." There only now remained, as an object of conten- tion, the turbulence and fanaticism of the prophets, already mentioned. The associates of Stubner press- ed him to defend his pretension openly^ and to con- front the reformer, who, by his sermons and his au- thority, had nearly restored peace and unanimity among the people. With much reluctance, Luther consented to hold a conference, in the presence of Melancthon, with this enthusiast and Celiary and an- other of the same fanatical sect. Our sagacious refer- p\w patiently heard the prophet relate his visions ; and 578 when the harangue was finished, recollecting that non- sense was incapable of confutation, he briefly admon- ished him to take care what he did. You have men- tioned, said he, nothing that has the least support in scripture ; the whole seems rather an ebullition of im- agination, or perhaps, the fraudulent suggestion of an evil spirit. Cellary, in a storm of indignation, stamp- ed on the ground, struck the table with his hands, and expressed the most lively resentment that Luther should dare to say such things of so divine a person- age. Stubner, with more calmness, told Luther he would give him a proof that he was influenced by the Divine Spirit : for, said he, I will reveal your own thoughts at this moment. You are inclined to believe my doctrine true, notwithstanding what has passed. The man, however, totally mistook in his conjecture ; for Luther afterwards declared that he was then meditat- ing on the divine sentence, " The Lord rebuke thee, Satan." The prophets now boasted and threatened, in the most pompous and extravagant terms, what sur- prising things they would do to establish their com- mission ; but Luther thought proper to put an end to the conversation by dismissing them with these words, " The God whom I serve and adore will confound your vanities." That very day they left the town, and sent letters to Luther full of execrations and abuse. The leaders, however, being gone, their disciples dwindled in number; and for the present the delusion was quashed.* It was not, however, in the power of Luther, to in- fuse into all his followers the moderate and cautious spi- rit with which he himself, notwithstanding the warmth of his temper, was constantly possessed. He expres- ses his grief, that many monks, deserting their mon- asteries, flocked to Wittemberg, and married immedi- ately, actuated by no better motives than those of mere sensuality ; from which he foresaw the scandal which would arise against the gospel. He complains, that wickedness still abounded among those who pro- fessed to abhor the papacy, and that they had the * These fanatical prophets opposed the baptism of infants ; and appear to have been among- the very first of the turbulent German anabaptists ; a secf, v n :h. oug-ht never to be confounded with the baptists of our times. 574 kingdom of God among them too much in WORD, in- stead of power. There were, however, some of those that deserted the monasteries, who gave the most shin- ing proofs of genuine godliness, and who were the most active instruments of the propagation of the gos- pel. Nor were their labors, or those of Luther, in vain : many souls were turned from the power of Sa- tan to God. It required only the exercise of common candor and equity to acknowledge the utility of the re- formation in these and other important instances, and not to expect from the labors of a few upright pastors the entire renovation of the human species. Luther's zeal was no less vehement against the ABUSE of chris- tian liberty, than it was against papal bondage; he was cautious and slow in the promotion of external changes in the church, ardent and intent on the ad- vancement of internal religion; he lamented the per- verseness of hypocritical professors; he checked the ferocious spirits of the forward and the turbulent; and demonstrated his own sincerity by a perfect contempt of all secular arts to obtain applause and popularity. It was not to be supposed, that all men who had been habituated to folly and wickedness un- der the popedom, should immediately, on hearing his sermons, commence real saints; it is rather to be ad- mired as a great effect of Divine grace that so many gave substantial proofs of genuine conversion. His personal circumstances were all this time truly distressing. He thus describes them in a letter to Gerbelius of Strasburg. " I am now encompassed with no guards, but those of heaven ; I live in the midst of enemies, who have a legal power of killing me every hour. This is the way in which I comfort myself; I know that Christ is Lord of all, that the Fa- ther hath put all things under his feet, among the rest the wrath of the emperor, and all evil spirits. If it please Christ that I should be slain, let me die in his name ; if it do not please him, who shall slay me ? Do you only, with your friends, take care to assist the cause of the gospel by your prayers. For because, through our grievous ingratitude, we hold the gospel 575 in word only, and not in power, and are more elated in knowledge than edified in charity, I fear our Ger- many will be drenched in blood." To Langus the pastor of Erfurt he wrote thus. " I must not come to you ; it behoveth me not to tempt God, by seeking dangers elsewhere, when I am full of them here al- ready, excluded as I am by the papal and imperial anathemas, exposed to be murdered by any one, absolutely with no protection except that which is from above." Amidst all these difficulties, however, he remitted not his usual vigor and activity. During his confine- ment he had studied the Hebrew with persevering in- dustry, and had* translated the whole New Testament into the German language. And in the course of this year, 1522, he published the version. He then pro- ceeded to apply his Hebrew studies to the translation of the Old Testament, which he also published gradu- ally, and finished the whole in the year 1530. In this work he was much assisted by the labour and advice of several of his friends, particularly Justus Jonas and Philip Melancthon. The whole performance itself was a monument of that astonishing industry which marked the character of this reformer. The effects of this labour were soon felt in Germany; immense num- bers now read in their own language the precious word of God, and saw with their own eyes the just foundations of the Lutheran doctrine. To decide on the merits of Luther's translation, would require, not only an exact knowledge of the Hebrew and Greek, but also of the German language ; certainly it was elegant and perspicuous, and, beyond comparison, preferable to any scriptural publication which had be- fore been known to the populace. It is probable that this work had many defects; but, that it was in the main faithful and sound; may be fairly presumed from the solid understanding, biblical learning, and multi- farious knowledge of the author and his coadjutors. A more acceptable present could scarcely have been conferred on men, who were emerging out of darkness; and the example being followed soon after by reform- 57(5 ers in other nations, the real knowledge of scripture, if we take into the account the effects of the art of print- ing, was facilitated to a surprising degree. The papacy saw all this and sighed indignant. Emser, a doctor of Leipsic, endeavored to depre- ciate the credit of Luther's version ; and the popish princes, within the bounds of their respective domin- ions, ordered the work to be burnt. Nor \vas their re- sentment appeased by the advice which Luther openly gave to their subjects, which W 7 as this, patiently to bear their sufferings without resisting their governors, but not to come forward voluntarily and deliver up their German bibles, nor to do any act, which might testify an approbation of the requisitions of their supe- riors on the occasion. In the mean time, George of Saxony, incensed at the growth of Lutheranism, and expostulating repeat- edly with his nephew the elector, on account of his conduct, began to encourage the papal bishops to ex- ert themselves in their respective dioceses. Among these, John a Schleinig, bishop ofMisnia, commenced an episcopal visitation in this year. The elector refu- sed not his consent; too timid to withstand openly (he power of the popedom, and too conscientious to under- take the decision of theological cases, to which he con- fessed his knowledge to be inadequate. A long course of superstitious servility from his early years had en- feebled in religious matters, the intellectual powers of this prince, which, in secular affairs, were justly look- ed on as exceedingly eminent. His labor and expense in the collection of relics had been astonishing; yet, amidst all his superstitions, doubts and embarrass- ments, be had constantly preserved a secret predilec- tion for something of evangelical truth ; and, on no occasion would suffer it to be oppressed by violence, (hough through life he never openly supported it.* * There is on record a notable instance of the resolute determination of this good prince to pvoU-.ct his subjects from papal cruelty. A clergyman of Schmei- -dberg, in the felectorate of Frederic, complained to the elector, that attempts had been made to carry h'm away by force to Stolpen, the place of the residence of the bishop of Misn'ra. This bishop also, about the same time, accused the said clergyman of not appearing to a citation which he had sent to him, and en- treated the prince to compel his subject to obedience. Frederic replied, that 577 Thus, in the course of Divine Providence, the founda- tions of the reformation were laid in Germany by the preaching and exposition of the word of God, with no more aid from the civil power than that of a conni- vance, firm indeed, and unalterable, but ever bearing the marks of hesitation and indecision. That Fred- eric should permit the bishop of Misnia, an avowed and professional adversary of Luther, to visit the chur- ches, might alarm the minds of many ; but it produ- ced no mischievous effects. He preached, he warned, he expostulated, through the diocese ; but the papal arguments were now stale, insipid, and ineffective. So much light had been diffused through Saxony, that this prelate's defence of masses of communion in one kind, of the pope's authority and infallibility, and of the Romish tenets, appeared ridiculous to the laity. Other bishops, with the consent of the elector, made Ihe same perigrinations with the same effect ; and it required all the power and rigor of the duke George to keep his own subjects within the bounds of papal obedience. So much more happy did the subjects of Frederic, who enjoyed liberty of conscience, seem to be than themselves, who remained papists by con- straint; and so much light from the proximity of their situation, had they received concerning the nature of true religion. But the difficulties of providing for the instruction and edification of the Lutheran churches began now to be more apparent. While, on the one hand, the bishops, and many of the clergy and monks, who still adhered to the old system were laboring to harrass and perplex the minds of all serious inquirers after Divine truth, on the grounds of the citation ought to have been stated ; and that he Would not permit his clergy to be taken by force, and carried out of his dominions, with- out his knowledge and approbation. The fault of this clergyman appears to have been, that he labored under the suspicion of being 1 married. Some other cases of a like sort happened during this year. The bishop remonstrated ; but Freder- ic continued steady ? and would aUow no force to be employed against his cler- gy. Further, he desired the bishop to appeal to him no more against them on account o^' their being married. He might use, he said, his ecclesiastical juris- diction against them if he pleased. The elector had learnt, that this tyrannical bishop hud shut up in a noisome prison three clergymen belonging to the dis- trict of duke George ; and had actually put another to death. Seek. 578 ihe other, many of the people were panting for benefit of a church order, more emancipated from superstitions, and better adapted to the evangelical ideas, which they were continually receiving, either from reading the books or hearing the sermons of Lu- ther and his associates. In this crisis the reformer was consulted by the parochial clergy of some of the principal towns in Saxony, who approved of the alter- ations which he had introduced into Wittemberg with the consent of the inhabitants and the connivance of the elector, and who, therefore, were anxious to en- quire and try whether improvements of a similar kind might not be made in other places. This application gave rise to a little treatise, which Luther published in the year 1523. The exordium of this tract shows the principles of the external reformation, which was gradually introduced into various parts of Germany where Lutheranism prevailed, and illustrates the cus- toms of the churches while they were yet in an imper- fect state of discipline. " Hitherto," said he, " by books and by preaching I have labored among this people, to inform their minds, and to draw their hearts from false dependences ; thinking it a Christian em- ployment, if possible, to break without hands the abom- ination which Satan, by the man of sin, had set up in the holy place. I have attempted nothing forcibly, nothing imperiously ; nor have I changed old cus- toms ; being always afraid of doing mischief, partly on account of those who are weak in faith, and cannot suddenly be divested of old prejudices or induced to acquiesce in new modes of worship, but principally because of those light and fastidious spirits, who rush on without faith and without understanding, and de- light in novelty only, and are presently disgusted, when the charms of novelty are ceased. In other subjects, persons of this turn of mind are sufficiently troublesome ; in religion, however, they are perpetu- ally so; still it is my duty to bear them, though my temper must thereby be tried to the utmost; unless, indeed, I were to cease all my attempts to spread the gospel among the public. But, as I now flatter my- 579 self that the hearts of many are both enlightened and strengthened by the grace of God, and as the circum- stances require that scandals should at length be remov- ed out of the kingdom of Christ, we ought lo attempt something in HIS NAME. For it is highly proper, that 'we should consult for the good of the few, lest while we perpetually dread the levity and abuses of the ma* ny, we should do good to none ; and lest, while we dread future scandals, we should confirm the general abominations. We will therefore endeavor in the sac- ramental forms, so to regulate the use of them, that we may not only instruct the hearts of the people, but also recommend a public administration of them, with- out pretending to impose our ideas upon others. And we entreat the brethren heartily, through Jesus Christ, that if any thing better be revealed to them, they would exhibit it, that the public benefit may be conducted by public counsel." On this plan Luther undertook to remove some of the most flagrant abuses in bap- tism and the Lord's supper, and to recommend com- munion in both kinds, while he tolerated, till a more fa- vorable opportunity should occur, many less matters not directly sinful, though inconvenient and useless ; in the mean time, his zeal exerted all its vehemence on the essentials of salvation; real faith and real piety* Private masses were still celebrated in the great church at Wittemberg. By means of these, persons who had money, were taught by the supporters of the iniquitous traffic of the court of Rome, that they could procure to themselves the favor of God, in their jour- neys, voyages, and such like, and even after death. Of this iniquitous practice Luther complained, but he could not bring the people immediately to renounce it. But on the death of some of the most obstinate canons of Wittemberg, he found an opportunity of gradually annihilating this great bulwark of popery. In the mean time it did not escape the sagacily of our reformer, that the alterations which were daily taking place, in consequence of the protestant doc- trines, would in many instances be attended with a dangerous redundance of ecclesiastical revenue. The 580 monasteries and colleges would soon be deserted, and it was not probable that new inhabitants would suc- ceed the old ones. He foresaw, that much scandal and great abuses might arise from this circumstance, unless certain effectual precautions were taken in due time, to prevent the superfluous money from becom- ing a temptation to the rapacity or covetousness of worldly minded men. On the subject, therefore, of a proper application of ecclesiastical property, he free- ly published his thoughts, and proposed that a sort of common treasury should be made of the above men- tioned revenues, and they should be applied to the erection of schools and hospitals, the maintenance of preachers, and other pious and laudable objects. This advice gave great offence to the papal party ; and Lu- ther was accused by them, of setting up himself by his own private authority as the supreme lawgiver, and also, of attempting to gratify the German princes with the plunder of the church. During these unceasing efforts of the reformer to promote the glory of God in the recovery and estab- lishment of Christian liberty, his grand adversary, George, duke of Saxony, was making every exertion to support the declining credit of the papal system. He wrote to John, duke of Saxony, the brother of Freder- ic, and complained heavily of the heretical transactions at Wittemberg and Zwickau, and of the remissness of his broiker the elector. He stated that the faith- ful clergy were insulted, and pelted with stones, while those of the Lutheran sect married wives, and wrote books in defence of the marriage of the monks : that there were some, destitute of all religion, who denied the immortality of the soul. All these evils, he said, arose from the novel doctrines of the arch- heretic ; and gave him more pain, since he had found the con- tagion was spreading among his own subjects. He concluded with beseeching his nephew John to do his utmost to convince the elector Frederic, how absolute- ly necessary it had become that he should clear him- self of the suspicion of heresy, cither by punishing the innovators, or, at least, openly expressing his dis- 681 approbation of their proceedings. He would gladly concur with his two nephews^n suppressing the grow- ing mischief, and had more to say on this subject. To this exhortation, John, duke of Saxony, who will short- ly appear to have been a staunch protestant, and who well knew how fruitless would be any attempt to ar- gue with his prejudiced uncle, returned no more than a concise and civil reply ; that he would not fail to communicate with his brother the elector, and would be ready to pay due attention to any further advice the duke George might think proper to give. But George, in his determined bigotry, was not sat- isfied merely with using persuasions. He had re- course to methods which he supposed more efficacious to secure the unity of the church. Under the author- ity of the emperor, and in concert with Aleander and other enemies of the reformation, he had procured a severe edict to be passed at Nuremberg against the principles of Luther, and was now laboring in every way he could devise to render it effective. It was in obedience to the special directions of this edict that the bishps began their penal and coercive visitations ; and it was under the sanction of the same tyrannical measure, that George, by imprisonments and other cruelties, supported, through every part of his territo- ry, the ecclesiastical inquisitions. Moreover, this ac- tive zealot, to render his plans of persecution more ex- tensive, tried once more, by a literary correspondence, to obtain the co-operation of the elector of Saxony. He said, the reputation of that wise prince was suffer- ing from a want of vigorous animadversion on the apos- tate clergy ; he had heard during his stay at Nuremberg many reports of the profane doctrines and irregular practices of the schismatics under Frederic's jurisdic- tion : and to be brief, he neither understood, nor wish- ed to understand, all the obscure hints which were thrown out to the disadvantage of his nephew. Upon the elector's having demanded an explanation of this inuendo, George owned that he had not heard of any specific charge being made against the person of Frederic, but that nevertheless numbers of people 582 expressed their astonishment, that so good a prince should tolerate the heresy and disobedience even of his own professors and teachers. A doctor, an ex- monk at Eislenberg, named Gabriel, was said to be a principal instigator of all this mischief. Moreover, they accused Carolstadt of being married, arid Me- lancthon of doing such things as the very Hussites would have held in abhorrence. The duke George protested that the hearing of these things gave him the greatest concern ; and he heartily wished that those, who boasted of having caused so much evangelical light in the electorate of Frederic, had been preaching their gospel at Constantinople ; for he was sure they had brought upon their prince, now in his old age, abundance of ignominious reflections. He concluded with earnestly exhorting the elector to punish most se- verely the refractory monks and priests, and thereby give proof of his piety and regard to duty. The elector replied concisely, but with great pru- dence and moderation. He had hoped, he said, that the duke his uncle, on such an occasion, would have behaved like a friend and a Christian ; that he would not have given credit to slanderous reports, but have defended himself from the charge of countenancing irreligion and impiety. Reports of that sort were to be despised, and their punishment left to the Almigh- ty. He himself should never approve any thing that was contrary to the honor of God, the sound judgment of the holy fathers, and the salvation of mankind : and as to those who were guilty in these respects, it was at their own peril ; they must take the consequences : and should they prove to be his own subjects, he should assuredly punish them, when convicted of any illegal act. But the mild and decorous language of Frederic did not produce any durable or substantial change on the mind of duke George in favor of reason, humanity, and Christian liberty. He continued to persecute with un- relenting cruelty, those clergy of his own district who were in the least disposed to Lutheranism, and like- wise all persons who ventured to communicate at the 583 Lord's supper in both kinds. He recalled from the schools and universities, wherever he supposed the new doctrines prevailed, all the students who were under his power or influence. He purchased as many copies of Luther's version of the New Testament, as he could collect, with a view to destroy the work, and severely punished such subjects as refused to deliver them up. Emboldened by these rigorous proceedings of the duke, his bigoted ecclesiastics raged against Lu- therans with increased violence and rancor. The pulpits in Leipsic resounded with vindictive declama- tion ; and the bishops in their visitations denounced the most cruel punishments against all who should dare either to read Luther's translation, or to go into the neighboring district of the elector of Saxony for the purpose of hearing the sermons of the reformers. But the blind persecutors were not then sensible how completely they were defeating their own designs by these cruelties. The seminaries of education at Leipsic were more and more deserted: the young students, impelled by curiosity, a thirst of knowledge, or a hatred of compulsion, fled to Wittemberg, now famous for rational inquiry arid Christian liberty. The papal historian Maimbourg confesses, that Lu- ther's translations of the old and New Testament were remarkably elegant, and in general so much approved that they were read by almost every body throughout Germany. Women of the first distinction studied them with the most industrious and persevering atten- tion, and obstinately defended the tenets of the reform- ed against bishops, monks, and catholic doctors. Hence the necessity of some speedy ANTIDOTES, which might resist the ravages of such contagious publica- tions. Jerom Emser, a Leipsic Doctor, and a counsellor of the duke George, was fixed upon as best qualified to furnish THESE. This champion of the papacy first published his puerile, but calumnious Notes on Lu- ther's New Testament : and afterwards, through the encouragement of George and two bishops, produced what was, called a correct translation of the New 584 Testament into German, but which in fact was little more than a transcript of Luther's labors, some alter- ations in favour of the peculiar tenets of the church of Rome excepted. The performances of Emser, so far as they were his own, were deemed contemptible in the highest degree, on account of the malignant, cavilling disposition of their author, and also of his extreme ignorance of the German language. He left out Lu- ther's preface and inserted his own, and then sold the translation as his own. The book was read; and thus the design of Luther's labors was promoted by his ve- ry enemies; Henry, duke of Brunswic, followed George in his zeal and barbarity in support of the popedom, as did also the emperor's brother, Ferdinand, archduke of Austria. This latter issued a severe edict to prevent the publication of Luther's translation of the bible, which had soon gone through several editions ; and he forbade all the subjects of his imperial majesty to have any copies either of that or any of Luther's books. In Flanders the persecution appears to have been extreme. Many, on account of their adherence to Lutheranism, w r ere put to death, or deprived of their property, by the most summary and tyrannical proceedings. At Antwerp, however, the monks were remarkably favorable to the reformation. Many of them suffered death'with patience and firmness, thers were punished in various ways, after having, through long imprisonment and the dread of losing their lives, been compelled to recant. Luther was now at open war with the pope, his cardinals and bishops ; and while they were endea- voring to keep the scriptures from the people, ta darken their understandings, and to implant in their minds an implicit confidence in the dogmas of their constitution; Luther was endeavoring by all rational arid scriptural methods to diffuse light and knowledge among them. He took great pains to instruct the ig- norant, and to make proselytes to the great truths of God's word. To this end he conversed, he p.ieached and wrote with almost unexampled industry. He 685 placed the controverted parts in various lights, and of- ten overwhelmed his adversaries with the rapidity of his productions. Antichrist became more furious and unrelenting, as his empire diminished, and seemed hastening to destruction ; and the papal adherents more cruel and sanguinary in their proceedings against the re- former and his disciples. But with Luther, there was no other vengeance which he dared to inflict, be- yond that of exposing, by scripture and reason, the un- reasonableness, the ignorance, the absurdities, and the blasphemies of his enemies. While his bigoted ene- mies continued malignant and outrageous, it was his uninterrupted consolation to reflect, that his cause was the cause of God and his Christ; that he had wielded no weapon in the conflict but that of the Divine word ; and that while his own life, and the lives of his associates, were every moment in the most imminent peril through the barbarous zeal of his per- secutors, he was undermining the very principles of persecution itself, and paving the way for their total extinction. In the course of the present year, Luther published several tracts in the German language ; the most elab- orate of which is entitled, Martin Luther, against the order, falsely called, the ecclesiastical order of pope and bishp. In this work he styles himself simply the PREACHER. He was stripped, he said, by the pope's bulls, of the titles of priest and doctor, which, however, he willingly resigned, having no desire to retain any mark of distinction conferred by papal authority. " Ye bishops," said he, " revile me as a heretic, but I regard you not. I can prove that I have a much greater claim to the title of preacher, than ye can that ye answer the scriptural description of bishops. Nor have I any doubt, but that Christ, in the great day of account, will testify to the truth of my doctrine, which indeed is not mine, but that of God and the spirit of the Lord. Your outrageous violence can profit you nothing: the more you give way to this insanity, the more steady and determined, through God's help, 586 be my opposition. Nay, though ye should kill me, ye men of blood, ye will not destroy this doctrine, as long as Christ lives. Moreover, 1 foresee there will be an end of your tyranny and of your murders. " Further, since ye are open enemies of the truth. I tell you plainly, that for the future I will not deign to submit my doctrine either to your judgment or to that of an angel from heaven. Surely I have already shown sufficient humility in offering myself three times for examination at the last diet of Worms ; and all to no purpose. I shall now go on and discharge my duty as a preacher. It is at men's peril if they reject my doctrine, for it is of God ; I repeat it, it is of God. , u In one w r ord, sirs, this is my resolution. As long as I live, my attacks .on your abominations shall grovir bolder and fiercer. I will make no truce with you. And if ye slay me, ye shall still be further from peace. As the prophet Hosea says, I will be unto you " as a lion, as a leopard by the way." My most earnest wish is, that ye should repent ; but if ye will not re- pent, there must be perpetual war between us. I shall put my trust in God, and not care one straw for your hatred ; and ye will be in danger every moment of falling under the heavy judgment of the Divine displeasure." The author then proceeds to show 7 how much those were to be valued who were bishops indeed, and go- verned their flocks according to the rules prescribed by St. Paul to Timothy and Titus; and how exceed- ingly opposite to the apostolical standard was the ge- neral character of the bishops of his own time. They were ignorant, debauched, and tyrannical ; enemies to the gospel and the truth ; idolaters, who followed the traditions of men, and worshipped the pope. The monasteries, and collegiate churches were become, in a great measure, theatres of useless ceremonies. " I wish," says he, " that where there are now a hundred monasteries, there was but one ; and that of a hun- dred collegiate churches, there was left but one or two, and that these were used as seminaries of edu- cation for Christian youth. For> however holy these 68? institution's- may seem to be in their external aj> pearance, they abound with hypocritical and Satanic corruptions; nor is it possible to prevent them from being the road to hell, unless the pure gospel should be constantly preached and taught, as the governing principle, forming and establishing the Christian char- acter, through the exercises of temptation and the cross, with a lively faith and hope.'' The author likewise reprobates, in the most glowing terms, the pride, the luxury, avarice, and licentious- ness of the dignified ecclesiastics. Their boasted chastity arid continence was all pretence, the source of infinite mischief to young persons, The bishops would not marry, but were allowed to have as many harlots as they pleased; They went about with pro- digious pomp and a numerous retinue ; and ruined the souls of the poor, often driven to despair by their tyrannical excommunications, while their greedy of- ficials tortured their bodies after they bad plundered them of their property. " But," says he, " the most atrocious and most mis- chievous poison of all the papal usages is, that, where the pontiff, in his bulls of indulgence, grants a full re- mission of sins. Christ, in the 9th of Matthew, did not say to the sick of the palsy, " Put money into this box/* but " Son, be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee." No words nor conceptions can reach the atro- city and abomination of this Satanic invention : for through this mean the people are seduced from the purity and simplicity of that faith, which by relying on, the gracious promises of God, alone justifies, and ob- tains remission of sins; and they are led to put their trust in the pope's bulls, or in paying certain pre- scribed sums of money, or in their own works and sat- isfactions. " I do therefore earnestly entreat the Christian rea- der, through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to expect moderation in me while I speak on this subject, rous- ed as my spirit is with a just and rational resentment. Surely every Christian musi be grieved to the very bot- tom of hi heart, when he is daily compelled to see 588 and put up with such impudent and outrageous blas- phemy against God. The bishops, on account of this ONE thing, deserve far greater severity than I have ever used in all that I have said of them. Nay, the strongest language which I could possibly use, when my feelings are most vehejnent and indignant with re- flecting on the insanity of such proceedings, would not reach the thousandth part of their aggravated guilt. However, let no man suppose that what I now say against these ecclesiastical tyrants is applicable to a sound state of the church, or to true bishops or good pastors. Our present rulers are not bishops ; they know nothing of.the duty of a bishop; they are the Antichrists of the apostle ; they would ruin man- kind, and extinguish the gospel. I wish to speak plainly, and, as it were, to perform the office of a pub lie herald ; and to make it manifest every where, that the bishops, who at present govern the greatest part of the world, are not of God's appointment, but have the foundation of their authority in the tradition of mca and the delusion of Satan." Further, in the body of this spirited performance the author inserts what he calls the BULL AND REFOR- MATION OF LUTHER, in contemptuous imitation and de- fiance of the papal bulls. It is to this effect : u All persons who spend their lives and fortunes, and every faculty they possess, in endeavoring to overturn and extinguish the present diabolical constitution and gov- ernment of the bishops, are to be esteemed as true Christians, fighting for the gospel, in opposition to the ministers of Satan. And though they may not absolute- ly succeed in their attempts, yet are they bound openly to condemn the said episcopal constitution, -and to set their faces against it as an abomination. For whoev- er exhibits a voluntary obedience and subjection to that impious and tyrannical system, is so far a soldier of Satan, and at open war with the holy laws of God." This gave great offence to the papists, and has been produced by them as a direct proof of the seditious spirit of the Saxon reformer. But Luther immediate )y after the declaration in his bull, proceeds thus ; 583 " These propositions I undertake to prove, even at the tribunal of Almighty God, by unanswerable argu- ments. The apostle Paul directs Titus to ordain bish- ops in every city; men who should each of them be blameless, the husband of one wife, and whose char- acter should agree with the rest of his description. Such then is the mind of the Holy Spirit, speaking by the apostle Paul in the clearest terms. 1 call on the bishops to defend themselves. They are at issue, not with me, but with the apostle Paul, and the Holy Spirit, which, as Stephen said, they always resist. IB it not plain that these are they whose mouths must be stopped, because they subvert whole houses, and teach things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake ? " 87* Nevertheless, it should always be carefully observed, that when I speak of overturning and extin- guishing the reign of the bishops, I would by no means be understood as though this resolution should be brought about by the sword, or by force, or by any species of tumultuary violence and compulsion: such- destructive methods are totally inapplicable to this important business, which is indeed the cause of God. The kingdom of Antichrist, according to the prophet Daniel's prediction, must be broken WITHOUT HAND ; that is, the scriptures will be understood by and by, and every one will speak and preach against the papal tyranny from the word of God ; until THIS MAN OF SIN is deserted by all his adherents, and dies of himself. This is the true Christian way of destroying him ; and to promote this end we ought to exert every nerve, encounter every danger, and undergo every loss and inconvenience." During these vehement exercises of the voice and pen of Luther on the one hand, and the sufferings of the protestants on the other, the word of God was preached with much success in various parts of Ger- many. With how great success, may be seen, from, the brief, which pope Adrian VI. the successor of Leo X. addressed by his legate, Cheregato, to the German princes, assembled in the imperial diet of Nuremberg. This brief was full of the most virulent invectives 590 against Luther; who, Adrian says, notwithstanding the sentence of Leo X. which was ordered by the edict of Worms to he executed without delay, contin- ued to teach the same errors, and by his fresh publica- tions, daily to corrupt the morals of the people : That, the contageon of his poisoned tongue, like a pesti- lence, pervaded the country to a prodigious extent ; and, what was the worst part of the mischief, he was supported, not only by the vulgar, but by several per- sons of distinction, who had begun to shake off their obedience to the clergy, plunder them of their proper- ty, and raise civil commotions. The pope had hoped that a venemous plant of this sort could not have grown in Germany; whereas, in fact, it had taken root, and shot forth large boughs, through the negii- fence of those who ought to have prevented the evil, urely, said he, it was a mest unaccountable thing, that so large and religious a nation should be seduced by a single pitiful friar, who had apostatized from the way which our Lord and his apostles, and the mar- tyrs, and so many illustrious persons, and among thq rest, the ancestors of the German princes, had all fol- lowed to the present time ! " Wha/,," said he, " is Lu- ther alone possessed of wisdom and the Holy Spirit ? Has the church been in ignorance till Luther afforded us this new light? Ridiculous! Be assured ye princes of Germany, this Lutheran patronage of evangelical liberty is a mere pretence. Already ye must have dis- covered it to have been a cloke for robbery and vio- lence ; and ye cannot doubt that those who have torn and burnt the sacred canons, and the ..decrees of coun- cils and popes, will have no respect for the laws of the empire. They have shaken off their obedience to bishops and priests 5 they will not spare the persons, houses, and goods of the laity." Lastly, Adrian exhorted the diet to be unanimous in their endeavors to extinguish this devouring flame of heresy, and bring back to a sense of their duty the &rch- here tic and his abettors. But if the ulcerations and extent of the cancer appeared to be such as to leave no place for mild and lenient medicaments, re- course must be had to the cautery and the knife. 591 So the Almighty inflicted capital punishment on Dathan and Abiram, for their disobedience to the pnest. So PETER, THE HEAD OF THE APOSTLES, denounced sudden death on Ananias and Sapphira ; and, so the ancestors of the German princes, at the council of Constance, inflicted -condign punishment on John Huss and Jerom of Prague, heretics, that seem to be now alive again in the person of Luther, their great admirer. Thus Adrian, in his brief which he addressed to the diet of Nuremberg, admitted that the doctrines of the reformation were widely disseminated; that they were very alarming to all who were desirous of still maintaining the domination of the court of Rome. And feeling, that their craft was in danger, he showed himself troubled at the progress of Lutheranisra, and that he felt it to be necessary to adopt vigorous meas- ures for its suppression. He directed his nuncio to affirm to the diet, that the design of the heretic was to "destroy all authority, under the sanction of Christian liberty. This sect was the cause of robberies, quar- rels, and scandals. Mahomet had drawn men to his party by gratifying their sensual appetites; Luther se- duced them in a similar way, by allowing monks, nuns, and lacivious priests to marry. The nuncio was then charged TO OWN explicitly, that all this confusion was the effects of the sins of the clergy and prelates^ that for *ome years past MANY ABUSES, ABOMINATIONS, and EXCESSES, had been committed in the court of Rome, even in the holy see itself; that everything had degenerated to a great degree ; and that it wa no wonder if the evil had passed from THE HEAD to the members ; from the popes to the bishops and other ecclesiastics. " We have all," says the pope, " every one of us, turned to his own way, and for a long time none hath done good, no not one. Let us give glory to God, and humble our souls before him ; and everf individual among us consider how great has been his fall, and judge himself, that God may not judge us in His wrath. Nothing shall be wanting OR my part ta *eform the court of Rome, whence, perhaps, all the mischief hath originated: that as this court hath been the source of the corruptions which have thence spread among the lower orders, so from the same, a seund reformation may proceed." He concluded with ob- serving how much he had this business at heart, but that they must not wonder if ALL these abuses could not be SOON corrected. The disease was complicated and inveterate, and the cure must proceed step by step, lest by attempting to do all at once, every thing should be thrown into confusion. These concessions of Adrian, gave offence to the cardinals at Rome. They appear, however, to have been no more than mere artifice, designed to raise men's expectations, to delay the calling of a general council, to gain time to sound the disposition of prin- ces, and in the mean time, to take effectual measures Insecure the apostolical power and dignity. Luther appears to have had this idea of Adrian's concessions : for he translated the pontifical mandates into German, and added short marginal notes ; one of which, on the expression "the cure must proceed step by step," is thus sarcastically expressed, "You are to understand those words to mean there must be an interval of SOME AGES between each step." The publication of the pope's brief, and his explan- atory instructions in the diet, seemed at first, to have made a strong impression on a great part of that as- sembly ; and as his nuncio had accused the clergy of Nuremberg of preaching impious doctrine?, and had insisted on their being imprisoned, the bishops, and other dignitaries of the sacred order, stood up, and with immense clamor called out, u Luther MUST BE TAKEN OFF, and the propagators of his sentiments MUST be imprisoned !" But the German princes were not to be soothed by the flatteries, nor to be overawed by the menaces of a Roman pontiff. They told the nunico, they believed he had been ill informed respecting the conduct of the preachers of Nuremberg, who, in truth, were at that moment held in high estimation by the people; and that therefore if any harsh .measures 593 should be adopted against fhf m, there would 3oon be a general outcry, that a design was purposely formed to oppress the cause of truth, and this might lead to sedition and civil commotions. Relative to the pope's complaints concerning Lu- ther and his sect, they said in general^ that they were always ready to do their utmost to root out heresies of every kind, but they had omitted to execute the edict of Worms for the most weighty and urgent reasons. It was a fact, that all ranks and orders made heavy com- plaints against the court of Rome, and were now^ through Luther's various discourses and writings, so well convinced of the justice of these accusations, that any attempt, in the present juncture, to execute by force the late damnatory sentehce of the pope and em- peror, would inevitably be attended with the most dangerous consequences. The people would instant- ly interpret such a procedure as a certain prelude to the oppression of evangelical light and truth, and to the further maintenance of those impieties and abuses which could no longer be borne; and thus Germany would soon be involved in tumults, rebellion^ and civil wars. The princes therefore could not but think that a trial ought to be made of expedients less inflamma^ tory in their nature, and better suited to the circum- stances. They applauded the pope*s pious intention to re- form the court of Rome, which he had ingenuously owned to be the source of all the mischief. This was truly laudable; but there were moreover particular grievances and abuses, an account of which they pur- posed to exhibit in a distinct memorial; these requir- ed effectual redress : and, if not obtained, they knew it would be in vain to expect the eradication of errors, and the re-establishment of peace and harmony among the ecclesiastical and secular orders in Germany. As the pope had condescended to ask their advice, they said they would not dissemble in their answer. His holiness was by no means to imagine that the mem- bers of the diet had their eyes SOLELY on the business tff Luther, but also on a multitude of other evils, which 594 had taken deep root by long usage, and through the ig- norance of some and the wickedness of others. For all these things, the most efficacious remedy which they could devise was, that the pope, with the consent of the emperor, should speedily appoint a free, godly, and Christian council, to be held in some convenient part of Germany, as Strasburg, Mentz, or Cologne; and that full liberty should be granted to every mem- ber of it, ecclesiastical or secular, to speak and give advice, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Lastly, they promised that, in the mean time, they would request the elector of Saxony to interpose his authority, and prevent the Lutheran parly from prin- ting books, or preaching sermons, on subjects of a se- ditious tendency, and that, in general, they would do their utmost to confine the preachers, for the present, to the exposition of the plain, pure gospel of Christy and make them wait for the determination of the fu- ture council respecting all doubtful, controversial mat- ters. Also the bishops and the arch bishops should appoint virtuous and learned men in their respective dioceses, to superintend the parochial clergy, whose business it should be to correct their errors and irregu- larities, as occasion required, with kindness and mod- eration; but by no means in such a manner as to ex- cite just suspicion of a design to prevent the promul- gation of Christian truth. As to the priests who had married wives, or the monks who had left their con- vents, they conceived it sufficient if the ordinaries in- flicted the canonical punishments on the offenders. The civil laws had made no provision for such cases. But if these same refractory priests should be found guilty of any crimes of a different nature, then the prince or magistrate, in whose jurisdiction the offen- ces were committed, should take care to enforce a due execution of the existing laws. This answer of the diet was delivered in writing to the pope's legate, which he disapprohated in strong terms. He said, that neither his most holy master, nor the emperor, nor any Christian prince, had ever expected to hear such language from the diet Since 595 the solemn condemnation of Luther, that incurable heretic had not only persevered in his old errors, but had also been guilty of many new transgressions. His punishment, therefore, ought not to have been les- sened, but increased on that account. Their negli* geuce in this matter was offensive to God, to the pope, and to the emperor. The reasons alleged by the di- et in excuse, were by no means satisfactory : men ought to suffer any inconveniences rather than endan- ger the catholic unity and the salvation of souls. He therefore, most earnestly besought them, before the conclusion of their meeting, to agree upon the com- plete execution of the sentence against Luther. The legate complained, that their having requested the pope by the consent of the emperor, to call a ge- neral council ; (hat it should be free and be held in this or that city, arid such like, had the appearance of tying up the hands of his holiness, and might give his holy master great umbrage. Moreover, the legate express- ed much displeasure at their promise to prevent, as much as they could, the printing and vending of here^ tical books. " I say," said he, " on this point as I do of I he rest, the sentence of the pope and the emperor ought to be implicitly obeyed; the bo<-ks should be burnt, and the printers and venders of them duly punished. There is ii > other way io suppress and extinguish this perni- cious sect. It is from the reading of their books that all these Devils have arisen. 1 " Lastly, he observed, that the answer of the diet concerning the married clergy, would not have dis- pleased him, had they not observed that the secular princes or magistrates should take proper cognizance of the offenders. " Now," said he, " if by these words we are to understand that such offenders are to be punished by their proper ecclesiastical judges, it is very right; but if the explanation is, that they are to be tri- ed by the secular jurisdiction, I do most earnestly de- sire the diet to correct this part of their answer, as being in principle, directly contrary to the rights of the church. The secular magistrates have no authority over those who are once under the dominion of Christ and 596 the church ; neither do those priests or monks, who have broken their vows, or have otherwise apostatized, qease, for that reason, to be still under the same ec- clesiastical jurisdiction. This reply of the pope's legate gave great offence in the diet. They saw that he was quick to discover what seemed to threaten a diminution of the papal au- thority and emolument, but that he was not disposed to relieve Germany from the grievous oppressions un- der which it labored. Instead, therefore, of multiply- ing words in the form of a long rejoinder, they inform- ed Cheregato that they had business to transact of still greater consequence, and directed him to be content with their former resolution, till they could send a NATIONAL MEMORIAL to the pope, and receive the an- swer of his holiness respecting all their GRIEVANCES. Jt would then be seen what reliance ought to be placed on the fair promises of the nuncio of the Roman pontiff. Cheregato thought proper to quit Nuremberg, ber fore the memorial was drawn up. His sudden depar- ture was considered disrespectful to the diet, and an indication of an unfavorable issue to the whole busi- ness. The diet now proceeded to draw up their memo- rial, containing 100 articles of complaint. This they immediately dispatched to Rome, with a concise, but memorable protest to the following effect : that the di- et had laid all their grievances before the legate of his holiness, and had intended to furnish him with an ex- act and orderly c$py of them for the perusal of his master, but he had surprised them by his disappearing suddenly and unexpectedly: that they humbly be- sought the pope to redress their grievances effectually ; and moreover wished his holiness to understand, that if they were not redressed, and speedily too, the bur- den of them had become so oppressive and insupport- able, the princes and people in general neither COULD nor WOULD endure them any longer. Imperious ne- cessity itself, and the in-quily of the multiplied extor- tions and oppressions un der which they groaned, would them to use every method, with which God 597 bad entrusted them to deliver themselves from the ty^ ranny of the ecclesiastics. ' r ese transactions were a decisive proof of the de- dmvjg power of the popedom, and of the hardy and daring spirit which had arisen among the German na- tions in support of their civil and religious liberties. The diet concluded their complaints with observ- ing, that they could specify more and still heavier op- pressions, from which in equity they ought to be re- lieved ; but they were disposed to say nothing of them, till it should appear, whether they were likely to ob- tain justice respecting those already enumerated. It would be tedious to relate the 100 grievances at full length. They were all reducible to three heads; namely : Grievances or oppressions, tending to en- slave the people ; to rob them of their money ; or to appropriate to tho clergy the jurisdiction of the seen*- lar magistrate. The transactions of the diet at Nuremberg, produc- ed much discontent at Rome. The papal courtiers saw plainly that the pope's legate, to the diet, had ef* fected nothing to the advantage of the Roman see ; that the authority of the church was weakened ; that the sources of its wealth were stopped ; and that the heretics would doubtless become more daring and pre- sumptuous than ever. Nor did they mistake in their anticipations. For, Luther and his disciples, in all their controversial writings after this period, often ap- pealed to the testimony of Adrian, and to the 100 grievances enumerated by the representatives of the flermanic body, in confirmation of what, they affirmed respecting the abuses and corruptions of the Romish court. Adrian died soon after he had received from his legate the account of what had passed at Nurem- berg. During these trying scenes the elector of Saxony and his court, had apprehended so much danger to Luther from the diet of Nuremberg, that they would gladly have persuaded him to have once more return- ed to his place of concealment. "No, no," said he, in a letter to Spalatinus, " irnagme not that I will 598 hide myself in a corner, however marilv the monsters' may rage. I perfectly well remember, clear friend, what I wrote to the prince from Borna ; and I wish you would all be induced to believe the contents of that letter. You have now had the most manifest proofs that the hand of God is in this business ; for this is the second year in which, beyond the expecta- tion of every one, I am yet alive ; and the elector is not only safe, but also finds the fury of his brethren of the Germanic body less violent than during the pre- ceding year. Our prince has not designedly involved himself in this religious contest ; no- it is by the pro- vidence of God alone that he finds himself at all con- cerned in it ; and Jesus Christ will have no difficulty to defend him. However, if I could, without actu- ally disgracing the gospel, perceive a way of sepa- rating him from my difficulties and dangers, I would net hesitate to give up my life. I had fully expected and hoped, that, within the year, I should have been dragged to suffer death ; and that was the method of liberating him from danger to which I alluded in my letter, if indeed such would have been the conse- quence of my destruction. It appears very plain that at present we are not able to investigate or compre- hend the Divine counsels ; and therefore it will be the safest for us to say, in a spirit of humble resigna- tion, "THY WILL BE DONE." Thus did Luther, in the full conviction of the jus- tice and importance of the cause which he supported, constantly look with a single eye to the protection of that Being, through whose providence he was made an honorable instrument of the revival of Christian truth and liberty. He considered the triumph of the gospel as a &uve event, and at no great distance ; he rejoiced in the prospect of it ; he had not the smallest anxiety on account of his own personal safety ; ai.d he labored to impress the mind of his prince with sim- ilar sentiments of pious expectation, coniidt nee, and fortitude. Duke George bad recourse to management and ar- tifice. During the .-Hting of the diet at Nuremberg;. he refused to take his seat in the regency, alleging as art\i>r{, that the princes, whom Luther, in his wri^ titles, had charged with the commission of high crimes, ought to prove themselves innocent before they were admitted to offices of trust and authority. His design, in thus having re I used to take his seat, evidently was, that no member of the Germanic body, whatever might be his rank or title, should be allowed a just claim of precedence and sovereignty, while remaining either directly or indirectly under the BAN of the em- pire by the legitimate decision of the diet of Worms. Hereby he appears to have designed to introduce a res- olution among the princes, that all persons proscrib- ed by *the edict of Worms should be deprived of their rights, privileges and possessions. This appears to have been a design of George to degrade and plunder his nephews Frederic and John. The penetrating eye of Frederic foresaw the con- spiracy which was then forming by the pope, the em- peror, and several of the most bigoted of the German princes, with express intent of crushing the infant re- formation, and also every power that was friendly to its progress. He saw that the powers of Antichrist were now roused, and had become outrageous ; and had ahown symptoms of an intention to collect their strength, and to act in concert, with more system and decision than they had hitherto done from the com- mencement of the ecclesiastical dissensions. From scruples of conscience he did not, however, dare to draw the sword in defence of himself arid his subjects. But while the clouds seemed to be thickening over the elector and his subjects, they were soon dispersed, by the kind disposals of that overruling Providence, which in its secret counsels, had determined to break the rod of the oppressor, and to bestow on the nations the blessings of a revival of Christian truth and chiis- tian liberty. The emperor was so much invoked in his multiplied schemes of ambition, that he found it impossible u> give any serious and durable attention to affairs in Germany ; and it soon appear* . tl. that without his a: ( ive co-operation, the rest of the co tiled- 600 eracy could effect nothing decisive. The patient, in- dustrious reformers had now to struggle only with their usual difficulties arising from the persecutions of such individuals as frequently happened to be the unfortu- nate victims of cruel bigots in possession of power. Among the unrelenting iyrants of this class, was the archduke Ferdinand, the brother of Charles V. who was so much inflamed with resentment against the Saxon reformer and his cause, that he declared he had much rather his sister, the queen of Denmark, had been sunk in the depths of the sea, than that she should ever faave conversed with Luther at Wittemberg. The unfortunate queen was compelled to seek an asylum out of Denmark, with her exiled husband, Chrtstiern 11. who, in 1523, fled from Copenhagen with 20 ships, with his queen and children, and all his private treasure. In his passage to the continent he was overtaken by a violent tempest, which dispersed his fleet, and reduced him to the last extremity* At length he arrived at Terrere in Zeeland, dispatched a messenger to his brother-in-law, Charles V. and enter- tained the most sanguine hopes that, through the as- sistance of so powerful an ally, he should soon be re- stored to his former dignity and possessions. His queen Elizabeth came to Nuremberg, to implore the help of her brother Ferdinand and of the German princes. But unfortunately for this object, she had received many of Luther's books from Albert, duke of Prussia, and had made an open profession of the reformed religion, and in 1524 had publicly received the sacrament in both kinds. This last step so pro- voked Ferdinand, that he told her in plain terms, u he heartily wished she was not his sister." " Certainly/' replied the queen, " we are descended from one and the same mother; nevertheless, 1 must adhere closely to the word of God, and to that ONLY without the least respect of persons ; in all other concerns, I am ready to obey my brother's pleasure ; and if, on that account, he refuses to own rne as his sister, I shall en- deavor to bear the cross with patience." On the .subject of her own calamitous situation, as well as 601 that of her husband, she is said to have expressed herself so pathetically before the princes, as to have constrained every one present to shed tears. She ob- tained from them, however, no satisfactory promises of assistance ; and this excellent queen soon after de- parted this life, her death being probably hastened by affliction and misfortune, and the unkind treatment of her nearest relations. She was buried at Ghent, and her husband informed Luther, that, notwithstand- ing the very great pains which had been taken, by persons of the greatest distinction to persuade her to return to popery, she had received the Lord's supper according to the just ordinance of Christ, and died in the exercise of sound and lively evangelical faith. Denmark and Sweden were now uniting themselves to the cause of Protestantism. The religious revolu- tions in those kingdoms were brilliant and rapid, and were eventually productive of much spiritual good. Frederic, duke of Holstein, succeeded his nephew Christiern II. in the throne of Denmark. Under him, and his successor, Christiern 111, the blessed change of the religious establishment was completed in that kingdom. In 1524, Frederic I. king of Denmark and duke of Holstein, made it a capital offence for any person to take away the life, or injure the property or dignity of another, on account of his religion, whether Papal or Lutheran. This prince allowed all his subjects so to conduct themselves as best to satisfy their own consciences before God. At the same time he order- ed the most solemn and explicit directions to be given, ihat the errors of the Romish church should be pub- licly reprobated, and the evangelical doctrines of the reformers recom mended to the people. But the in- habitants of "Ditmarsen, an intractable race, refused to obey the king's edict, and committed to the flames >Henry Muller, a zealous preacher of pure Christianity. In other parts of Frederic's dominions the royal edict was dutifully obeyed, and proved a great bulwark against the violence and cruelty of the papists. Un- der its protection, the Lutheran ministers engaged and 4 D ete Confronted their adversaries by the methods of fair ar- gumentation ; and were wonderfully successful m propagating Divine truth. Even some of the Roman champions acknowledged their convictions, and bow- ed to the authority of reason and scripture. In Sweden, the renowned Gustavus Vasa, having in his youth lived an exile at Lubec, and there gained some information concerning the grounds of Luther- anisin, and having afterward been further instructed by Laurentius and Glaus Petri, two disciples of Lu- ther, no sooner saw himself in firm possession of the throne, than he determined to reform the church. Under his auspices a public disputation was held at Upsal, between Olaus Petri, on one side, in support of Luther's system, and Peter Gaile, on the other, as defender of the papal dogmas ; and the sum of then* argumentations was afterward published. Also by the king's order, Andreas, his chancellor, was employ- ed in translating the scriptures into the Swedish lan- guage ; and no means were omitted for enlightening the people. The effects were rapid and decisive, and Sweden from that day has ranked invariably among the potestant nations. A royal proclamation by Gustavus', in substance as follows, must have been extremely beneficial to the reformers. " We do not deny that our care is for the true religion founded on the word of God. There can be no better religion than that which Christ and his apostles have delivered to us. Here there is no place for dispute. But respecting certain ceremonies, questions are raised, and more especially respecting the privileges of the clergy. It is true that we find learned men are desirous of abolishing several useless external rites, but there is not the least ground for ca- lumniating us, as though we wished to introduce any other religion than that which is truly Christian. Our single aim is, to worship God in spirit and truth, and to become a partaker of the joys of heaven with all Christ's faithful servants. Let not our beloved sub- jects, therefore, listen to scandalous reports concern- ing their sovereign ; but remain assured, that our thoughts are employed how we may best promote glory of God and their eternal welfare. It is not long ago since we learnt what fraudulent means the Roman pontiff has employed to drain this kingdom of large sums of money, through the institution of private masses and indulgences. And in regard to other countries, men of the best information have proved, beyond contradiction, by what variety of deceitful methods the bishops and other ecclesiastical dignita- ries make again of the simple and how they burden wretched consciences, and multiply acts of hypocrisy. The luxurious prelates now see that these evil prac- tices are detected and exposed, by persons of the greatest piety and knowledge ; and therefore they set their faces against the truth with all their might, and cry out, innovation and heresy! but believe them not. We seriously exhort you to believe them not: for there is not one word of truth in their malicious ac- cusations." Let no one, however, conclude that this glorious triumph of religious truth took place without much clamor and opposition from the established hierarchy. Antichrist was seriously alarmed, and exerted his ut- most powers to prevent the fall of his tottering pillars. The preceding proclamation sufficiently intimates this. In fact the dignified clergy, and their adherents in the convocation at Upsal, boldly maintained that no person under pain of excommunication and eternal damnation, could, on any account whatever, deprive the prelates of their wealth and privileges. To this the king and the friends of the reformation coolly replied, " That true ministers of the church, es- pecially those who diligently instructed the people, deserved more than a decent maintenance; they were worthy t even of double honor,' but that the lazy and licentious drones, who neither served God nor man f ought to have no public stipend whatever ; moreover, that there was not one syllable in the scriptures to justify that immense political power and revenue which the clergy had usurped, and which had enabled , for sotne centuries past, to withstand their law- 004 ful governors, and disturb kingdoms with endless wars and seditions." The contest was now advancing fast to a crisis. The monks and the rest of the papal clergy, observed no bounds in their resentment. Throughout Sweden, and also in foreign countries, they calumniated their excellent king as a heretic and unworthy of the throne. In Dalecarlia they even excited the people to sedi- tious and treasonable practices; * and because the kingdom happened then to suffer grievously from a great scarcity of corn, they taught the vulgar to be- lieve that the present famine was a judgment of Al- mighty God on the country, for receiving the new re- ligion. By such artifices of the bishops arid priests, the inhabitants of many provinces became so disaf- fected to the government, that they refused to pay their annual taxes. But the Swedish monarch had already done every thing in the cause of Christian truth which could be expected from a pious, wise, and magnanimous prince. Like king David, he had begun with reforming his own court ; and suffered none but religious characters to approach his person, or to fill the great offices of state. He had instituted a GENERAL VISITATION of the whole country BY HIMSELF, in which he was ac- companied by evangelical preachers, and particular- ly by that excellent Lutheran theologian, Olaus Petri, whom he had previously appointed secretary of Stock- holm. In adopting this admirable measure, the king had proposed to instruct his ignorant subjects in the great principles of the Christian religion, and to guard them against erroneous notions concerning faith and works, and predestination ; and also against (he innu- merable corruptions of the Romish church. Moreover, in the execution of it he had listened to the advice of the experienced German reformers not to hurt the tender consciences of the well-meaning but uninform- ed part of the people, by an over- hasty abolition of such ceremonies and superstitions, as might be suffer- ed to remain without manifest impiety. This mode- yatioii had become the more necessary, because in 605 Sweden, as formerly in Germany, there had arisen > ia the early part of the reformation, fanatics of the anar baptist class, who excited the people to the most out- rageous acts of tumult and sedition. At Stockholm^ they had entered the great church of St. John, and in the most audacious manner had removed, or broken to pieces, the organ, statues, and images therein; and their riotous example was followed throughout al- most every part of the kingdom. At this moment the situation of Sweden seems to have been truly critical. On the one hand, an enthu- siastic zeal for innovation, and on the other, a blind at- tachment to superstitious ceremonies, inflamed the minds of many, and divided them into parties ; and there was constantly at hand an active, ambitious, and powerful clergy, ready to take every advantage of these internal dissensions. It soon appeared, however, that, even in this perilous conjuncture, there existed in Gustavus a combination of qualities fully equal to the emergency. This determined prince, in the summer of the year 1527, at the convocation of Arosen, summoned to- gether all the constituted orders, and authorities, ec- clesiastical and civil, in his dominions, with the full purpose of bringing to speedy issue the important question concerning the regulation of the doctrines, the revenues, and the powers of the church. He di- rected the senators of the kingdom to be placed next to the throne, and the bishops next to the senators* The nobles occupied the third class, the parochial clergy the fourth, and the commons the fifth. T hi si- arrangement was an unpardonable offence in the eyes, of the bishops; and the extraordinary measure which they instantly adopted in consequence, strongly marks the domineering spirit of the Roman catholic clergy, and shows also how entirely regardless they were of observing good faith with those who did not exhibit implicit obedience to the papal system. They met secretly in the church of St. Giles, to deliberate on their present situation. "What is to be done, my brethren? 1 ' said the bishop of Linkioping: "It is 606 plain enough the king means to degrade us r he means to take from us those castles and fortified places which pious kings have of old granted to the bishops of this country ; and probably his next step will be to deprive us of our lands and revenues." Two of the junior and more moderate bishops answered, " Let us not contest the matter with his majesty ; for if we have no secular possessions, we cannot be called upon to contribute to the defence of the state." " This is a most serious business," replied the bishop of Linkioping : " if we make these concessions, we shall bring upon ourselves the indignation and eternal anathema of the Roman pontiff. Kings and emperors, in former times, have made similar attempts upon the property of the cler- gy, but were deterred from executing their designs, by the dread of pontifical excommunication. Make your choice then, brethren, never to disobey the pope: he is the asylum of the church, and he will defend you." Every one present declared his firm resolu- tion to defend the Roman pontiff and the established hierarchy ; and they subscribed a solemn protest against any degradation of their dignity, or diminu- tion of revenue. They then buried the writing under a sepulchre, covered it with stones, and took a solemn oath not to reveal the secret. But it was dug up fif- teen years afterwards, and shown to Gustavus, as a proof of the treachery of the papal bishops, at the com- mencement of the reformation. In the convocation at Arosen, Gustavus, through his chancellor, complained heavily of the indolence, ]uxury and impiety of the superior clergy ; and also of the excessive ill usage which he had personally received from the papal faction. They had every where represented him as a heretic, a teacher of novel doctrines, and as one who endeavored to disseminate among the people a corrupt religion. He had repri- manded, he said, the archbishop of Upsal for neglect of duty, and, in particular, had ordered him to take care that the Bible should be translated into the Swe- dish language ; but that that prelate, instead of obeying fais directions, and reforming the abuses in the church, 607 had maliciously excited tumults and seditions among his good subjects, afterwards plundered the inferior clergy, and at last fled with much wealth from his country. In brief, and agreeably to what he had stated in his proclamation, he wished the faithful, la- borious clergy, to be well rewarded ; at the same time that he would have the ignorant, the idle, and the use- less, to be deprived of the revenues which they so un- deservedly possessed, and which ought to be applied to the public service. If a speedy emendation to this effect was not agreed to by the bishops and senate, he would no longer undertake the government of the country. On this head, therefore, he required a clear and categorical answer. Upon hearing the king's proposal, the convocation foas almost in an uproar. The prelates, and other pa- pal adherents, cried No! no! with the utmost clamor, and called loudly on the leading men of the country., to withstand such unjust innovations. But the pious and disinterested Gustavus had form- ed a resolution, from which even the splendor of a crown could not induce him to depart. He carne in- to the assembly, and there publicly resigned the gov- ernment of the kingdom. With some warmth, but with great decency and firmness, he informed them that he had made his choice, and that his conscience did not permit him to support a superstitious and de- praved system of religion. He added, that he had determined to leave the country, but expected them to pay him the price of his hereditary possessions. The great body of the Swedish representatives, namely, the COMMONS in the convocation, were now so much enraged at the conduct of the refractory bishops r as to signify to them in terms by no means obscure, that, if they did not instantly comply with the pleas- ure of their beloved sovereign, they would soon feel the vengeance of the people inflicted on their obsti- nacy and disobedience. Moreover, that the reasona- bleness of the king's demand might be placed in the clearest light, it was agreed that Peter Galle and Glaus Petri should once more try their strength publicly. 608 an dispute, on the question of ecclesiastical power and privilege, as they had formerly done on the controvert- ed points of evangelical doctrine. The combatants met accordingly ; and Olaus Petri, the Lutheran dis- ciple, spoke in the Swedish language; but the papal advocate, P. Galle, persisted in the use of Latin, till the whole audience exclaimed aloud, "Say what you have to say in the Swedish language !" This free discussion had a mighty influence on all the members of the convocation, except the most vio- lent and determined partizans of popery, who on the third day of the session were completely overpowered with numbers. This memorable assembly concluded its proceedings, by humbly beseeching Gustavus to resume his government, and by precisely defining the ecclesiastical privileges and revenues. Among their several regulations and decrees, published with the king's signature, there is this clause : " No one shall be ordained a clergyman, who is either unwilling to preach, or who does not know how to preach the pure word of God." This curious and instructive account of the begin- ning of the reformation in Sweden, may well deserve a place in these memoirs : and when it is considered that the disciples of Luther were the chief instruments of its success, it can scarely be deemed a digression from the subject of this chapter. It may be said, in- deed, and with great probability of truth, that, under a prince of less pious dispositions and less splendid ta- lents than those of the renowned Swedish monarch, the puny efforts of two QJT three evangelical teachers could have availed but little against the whole weight and prevalence of the papal influence : but this is in fact no more than to affirm, what no believer of a Di- vine Providence will deny, that, whenever the great Disposer of all events purposes either to visit mankind with penal judgments, or bless them with merciful dis- pensations, he is INFALLIBLE in exactly proportioning his means to those ends, which, in the depth and wis- dom of his counsels, he has previously designed shall surely come to pass. 609 1 he reformation in Sweden continued to proceed with vigor and discretion, under the protection of Gus- tavus Vasa, and principally through the advice of his secretary Olaus Petri, who, in the year 1529, published a more distinct explanation of the great Christian doc- trine of justification by faith, and also a new ritual in the Swedish language, in which the official rules for marriage, baptism, burial of the dead, and the admin- istration of the Lord's supper, were very much cleared from Romish superstitions and incumbrances.* " How delightful a spectacle to a true Christian, to see distinctly, and, as it were, with his own eyes, a contest on the spot between Christ and Antichrist !" Such is the observation of a pious and excellent an- nalist, to whom we are indebted for much of the pre- ceding information concerning the revival of evan- gelical doctrine throughout Europe in this period. " Whatever machinations," continues the same au- * The resolutions of the states assembled at Arosen, (or Westeraas, as it is otherwise called,) did not tend to fix or regulate many doctrinal articles, but rather to reduce the clergy to a more dependent condition. These, by repeat- ed grants from a superstitious nobility, had become opulent, dissolute, and lux- urious ; and moreover they possessed so many castles and places of strength, that they were able, at any time, to excite dangerous commotions in the kingdom, and even to give laws" to the sovereign himself. On the other hand, the n en of rank and family were impoverished beyond example, throngh the rapacity of a devouring, insatiable hierarchy. It was in vain, therefore, until this enormous power of the numerous prelates, acting- in concert with the Roman pontiff at their head, was restrained within moderate bounds, to expect any substantial re- formation of the ecclesiastical establishment. When the edicts of Westeraag had settled this indispensable preliminary, and not before, Gustavus condescend- ed to resume the sceptre, and bless his subjects with a purer religion. _ The mixture of fin .mess and moderation displayed by this monarch, in all these transactions, is truly admirable. By imprisoning, and afterwards banish- in- several of the disciples of Mimzer, who had been conv.cted of committing riots at Stockholm, and by other instances of well-timed severity, he soon re- pressed the dangerous spirit belli of fanaticism and sedition, which bad dis- turbed the peace of the country. And further, by directing translations of the scriptures into the Swedish language to be every where dispersed among the people, be invited the most judicious part of his subjects to cxercis,- their own utdgments in religious concerns, and thus prepared their minds for the salutary emendations *raduallv introduced afterwards by Olaus into the formularies and Sessions of the Swedish church. Lastly, though no specific system ot doc- trnewHs adonlrcUt Westeraas, yet the mere provision ot .intelligent pastors, t, preach throughout the kingdom the pure word of God to the people, in their natve laneuace, miwt have been found extremely efficient m the anie excellent purposes. Add to all this, that the progress of enmgelical light an 1 truth throueh the d-ffc^nt districts and provinces, had become abundantly more rapid, sincl Olaus, in the public disputation at Unsal, had gained signal a victory over his- opponent P. Galle, the zealoua defender ot the ancient Iio.!ush corruptions. 4.E 610 $tor, u either the pope or the emperor and his crea- tures devised for the purpose of obstructing the pro- gress of CHRISTIAN TRUTH, Jesus Christ overruled them all, to the advantage and furtherance of the same, The bull of the pope, the thunder of the emperor, did not frighten men, but on the contrary animated them to embrace the gospel.'- In fact, the blessed reforma- tion was spreading itself far and wide ; and almost W the European nations hailed the dawn of trilth, and exulted in the prospect of spiritual freedom. In Hungary, even in the yea? 1522, the fame of the deliverance of various states and provinces from papal chains had excited in the minds of the people a most prodigious desire not only to become partakers of the pure reformed religion, but also to see Luther himself y from whose instructions they expected to derive, in the easiest and happiest way, the best system of hea- venly doctrine, and also the wisest method of culti- vating sacred learning. Among the young students who came from this country to Wittcmberg, with the intention of consulting Luther and hearing his lectures, Martinus Cyriac is particularly mentioned as the first who appears from the academical registers to have been matriculated in this year, when Philip Melane- thon was rector or provost of the university. Lewis, the king of 'Hungary and Bohemia, was a bit- ter enemy of the reformers ; but Divine Providence raised them up an excellent and powerful patron in George marquis of Brandenburg. This illustrious prince be^an about the same time to discover a relish for evangelical knowledge ; and as he was grand-mas- ter of the royal household, he had frequent opportuni- ties of softening or entirely doing away the charges and complaints which were frequently laid before the king against the disciples of Luther. Under his aus- pices, and those of the dukes of Lignitz and Munster- berg, a considerable reformation took place among the churches m Silesia, and particularly at Breslaw, the capital city ef that country ; and it appears that in the succeeding year the inhabitants of these regions were blessed with an additional influx of the salutary 1 and refreshing beams of the light of the gospel. 611 It would be inexcusable to omit, in this history of the church of Christ, a short, but precious fragment of biography relative to John Thurzo, bishop of Breslaw in Silesia. This good prelate was descended from a noble family in Hungary, and is said to have been the very first papal bishop who in his diocese was favora- ble to the revival of pure Christianity. The very little that is known of Thurzo is to be col- lected from a concise epistle of Lulher, and another still more concise of Melancthon, addressed to him so early as the year 1520. He did not live to receive either of them ; and Luther, on the occasion of his decease, says in a letter to a friend, " In this faith di- ed John Thurzo bishop of Breslaw, of all the bishops of this age the very best." Luther, in his letter to the dying prelate, expressed his feelings thus : " Not only myself, but the church of God, very much sympathises with you, reverend fa- ther, in your present sickness. For it is a lamentable truth, both that there are now actually few 7 SUCH bish- ops, and, also, that there never existed a greater need of them. However, I have a good hope, that the hand which has inflicted your malady, will itself heal you; and that HE, who has furnished you, reverend father, with such extraordinary gifts, will enable you to go through all the trials, to which his holy will shall call yon, with a firm Christian spirit, and like a faithful bishop. But if the church must be deprived of you, then may HE, who is all powerful to promote the good of his faithful people, whether it be by your life or your death, be pleased to bless the event to their profit, according to the riches of his good will. I do not write this on the supposition of its being necessary to strengthen you in the Lord ; though indeed who is so slrong as not to need sometimes the help even of his weakest brother? but from a belief in that communion of saints ordained by Christ, which makes all the faithful, partakers both of the blessings and of the bur- dens of each other. Thus, reverend father, your sick- ness, or, if it so please God, your death, is to be con- fidered as a common evil ; yet on the other hand it is 612 a delightful reflection, that WE suffer or rejoice with you, and that Jesus Christ also, who is ever in the very centre of our hearts, rejoices with us all when we re- joice, and when we suffer, is touched with owr infirmi- ties. Your former letters afforded me great satisfac- tion ; they are full of charity and humility." Melancthon's letter to Thurzo does not advert to the bishop's ill state of health, but contains the follow- ing passage : " Who is there that does not think high- ly of the man, who, as far as I know, is the only per- son in Germany, that by his authority, learning, and piety, has exhibited an example of what a bishop ought to be? If the Christian world could but enumerate ten characters of this stamp, or, as it is in Homer, of this spirit, and way of thinking, 1 should not doubt of seeing the kingdom of Christ again restored." The pious Thurzo died in August, 1520 ; but the reformation does not appear to have suffered materi- ally from this loss. His successor, James of Saltza, trode in his steps. This bishop appointed, with the entire approbation of the inhabitants, John Hesse of Nuremberg, who was a learned doctor of divinity, and a dear friend of Luther, to preach the gospel in the church of St. M. Magdalen at Breslaw. Hesse not on- ly explained and enforced the great truths of Christian- ity from the pulpit, but for eight days together, in a public disputation, defended the same, and exposed the papal dogmas concerning the mass and the celib- acy of the clergy. The name of Ambrose Moiban is mentioned as his co-adjutor in preaching, and that of Valentine Trocedorf in the disputation. The report of these proceedings \vas as agreeable to Luther us it proved vexatious to the pope. The latter was so much out of humor with the magistrates at Breslaw, on ac- count of their late ecclesiastical appointments, and their protection of the novel doctrines, that he wrote a letter to them full of censures and menaces. This however had no other effect than to induce them to defend their conduct in a printed apology, which contains a most lively description of the corrupt manners of iheir former pastors, as well as of the wretched state 613 of the ecclesiastical government in general. Thus happily proceeded the reformation in Silesia. In de- fiance of the pope, the senate and the inhabitants of Breslaw retained and supported John Hesse in the pastoral office to which they had chosen him ; and he died after having discharged the ministerial office in the same city during the space of twenty- five years. Moreover, about the same time was established in the duchy of Lignitz a school of considerable reputation, the preceptors and governors of which had all been educated in the university of Wittemberg. The cross however, the constant attendant, in some shape or other, of true religion, was now severely feit by Lutherans, in every place where papal enmity had an opportunity of exerting itself with effect. Lewis king of Hungary and Bohemia, not content with mak- ing formal complaints to the ejector of Saxony of the patronage afforded by that prince to the arch-heretic Luther, inflicted great severities on such of his own subjects as received the protestant tenets. His prin- cipal agent in this business was the bishop of Olmutz. Then in Misniaand Thuringia the unrelenting George of Saxony labored to extirpate evangelical truth by imprisonment, fines, banishment, and at length by capital punishments. Even his brother Henry, duke of Friberg, who had shown some symptoms of good- will to the reformers, overawed by this determined per- secutor, ejected from his house and the company of his duchess three ladies of noble birth, merely be- cause they had been guilty of reading Luther's books. Similar cruelties were practised in other parts, par- ticularly at Miltcnberg; the protestants of which town are said to have been the first who were exposed to the violence of the military on account of their reli- gion. John Draco, their pastor, fled to save his life; and Luther wrote to his afflicted congregation an ad- mirably consolatory letter, in which he declares, that it would soon appear that if in one place the doc- trine of the word was oppressed, it would rise again in ten others, it grieved him, he said, exceedingly, that those who approved his sentiments should be call 614 ed Lutherans rather than lovers of the gospel ; never- theless the doctrine would stand whether he lived or died, or however the adversaries might rage ; yet he owned that the progress of the true faith met with mel- ancholy impediments from the want of practical god- liness, and particularly of the spirit of prayer. Bui the persecution in Flanders was the most fero- cious. There Aleander, armed with the authority of the pope, and supported by the united power of the inquisition and of the civil government, exercised the vengeance of the hierarchy without mercy. The wri- ting* of Luther had infected the Augustinian monks at Antwerp. Some of them were imprisoned and re- canted ; but three, in spite of persuasion, threats, and long confinement, remained steady. These were pub- licly strip! of iheir holy orders, and declared heretics, on a scaffold at Brussels, about the middle of the \ ear Two of the three, viz. Henry Voes and John Escb, cheerfully underwent the fiery trial on the same day. testifying a w< nderful constancy. As they were led to the stake, they cried with a loud voice that they wore Christians; and when they were fastened to it, .and the fire was kindled, they rehearsed the Creed, and after that sang the verses alternately of Te Deum lai'damus* till the flames deprived them of voice and life. Voes confessed before the inquisitors, that he had been brought to the knowledge of the gospel by Luther's writings. "What," said they, "has Luther the spirit of God ?" No reply. " You are seduced by Luther :" " I am seduced," answered Voes, " in the same manner as the apostles were by Christ." This was the first blood that was shed in the Low Countries in the cause of religion, since the rise of Lu- ther. The two martyrs exhibited, throughout the con- flict, astonishing proofs of piety, patience, and con- stancy. The whole is finely described by a very learn- ed person who was an eye-witness of their sufferings. The name of the third was Lambert, who, according to Luther, received the crown of martyrdom ia like * Thee God we 615 manner at the stake, four days after. Erasmus says, he was taken back to prison, and there PRIVATELY des- patched. This author, who certainly hated these abominable cruelties of the papists, observes upon the occasion, that Brussels had been most perfectly free from heretics till this event; but that many of the in- habitants, immediately afler, began to favor Luther- anism. In fact, the modest deportment, together with the unshaken fortitude of the sufferers, made a great im- pression on the public mind. The martyrs were deem- ed innocent, and the judges, who had condemned them, unjust and cruel. The friars, to counteract the effect of such dangerous sentiments, circulated every- where, in their sermons, and their conversation, a ri- diculous story, that the souls of these holy men were; saved through the intercession of the Virgin Mary ; that one of them had appeared since his death, and re- vealed this important information; affirming at the same time, that in their very last moments they had repented and abjured the heresies of Luther. Though color might be given to this fable from the cir- cumstance of the bloody scene having taken place on the first of July, the day before the Visitation of the blessed Virgin, yet the people rejected the imposture with contempt. The persons who stood nearest to the martyrs denied the fact ; and so did the execu- tioner himself, when the question was put to him whether they had discovered any marks of penitence. Luther, in memory of these faithful servants of God, composed a Latin hymn, which has been much used in the protestant churches. He likewise dispersed a circular letter among the brethren in Holland, Bra- bant, and Flanders ; in which lie says, u Blessed be God, we, who have hitherto been worshipping idols' cehbrated by men of a pretended sanctity, have seen and heard of real saints and martyrs in our own age. These two precious souls, Henry Voes and John Esch. counted their lives as nothing worth, provided by their deaths the gospel trumpet of Christ alone might be re- sounded more fully and clearly. What a slight mat- 616 ter is it to be ighomimously treated, and even put to death by men of this world! a slight matter indeed to those who are persuaded that their blood is precious in the sight of the Lord. We of the Upper Germany have not yet been so far honored as to suffer death for the name of Christ, though some of us have lived and still live in a state of persecution. Now is the time that the kingdom of heaven should show itself, not in speech but in power. The scripture abounds with glorious promises which are to support us in the pres- ent tribulation. Take courage. He, who cannot lie ; hath declared that the very hairs of our heads are numbered. And though our enemies may call these holy martyrs Hussites, Wickliffites, and Lutherans, and boast of their bloody deeds, we are not to stand amazed, but to grow stronger in the faith. It cannot, be but the cross of Christ must have ils bitter enemies, and impious calumniators. The Judge however is at the door, and will soon pronounce a very different sentence. The beginnings of an evangelical revival in so impor- tant a kingdom as France deserve to be noticed. But as the Helvetic and Calvinistic denomination soon prevailed there above the Lutheran, our present narra- tive has no further concern with it, than to show the extensiveness of the Lutheran reformation, which doubtless had great influence in the production of Christian piety in that country. In the city of Meaux, Faber, Favel, and a few others, during the year 1523, had begun to sow the seeds of pure Christianity ; and they appear to have been favored by their bishop, William Brissonet. Him Francis I. king of France, rebuked severely, for hav- ing countenanced these novel teachers. William with- drew his protection from the reformers, and promised to banish them from the country. Faber fled to Ne- rac in Gascony, and was supported by Margaret, the king's sister. Favel found an asylum in Switzerland, espoused the tenets of Zuingle, and afterward assisted Caiviii in his pastoral labors at Geneva. 617 In the same citj and year, John Clark, a mechanic was scourged unmercifully, and burnt in the forehead with an ignominious mark, for his having fixed, on th& door of the cathedral, a paper, in which he called the popq Antichrist, and expressed his sentiments against papal indulgences. His mother no sooner saw him, than she bade him take courage, and exclaimed, "Live Jesus Christ, live the cross !" John repaired to the city of Metz, where he spent his days in earning his subsistence by his trade, and his nights in teaching the doctrine of Luther. In the year following, his zeal having led him to destroy some images, which the su- perstitious inhabitants intended to worship the next day, his hand was first cut oil, his nose was torn with pincers, from his face, and his breasts and arms were, with the same instrument, separated from his body. During his moat excrutiating torments, he cried, " Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands." He was then consumed by burning. As the terms Helvetic and Calvinistic denomination have been mentioned, it may not be improper to state, that in the origin of these denominations, as distin- guished from the Lutheran, there really existed no material difference of sentiment, as to the great doc- trines of the cross. A tedious and violent controversy, however, arose between them concerning the manner in which the body and blood of Christ are present in the Eucharist. This dispute, which has been called the sacramental contest, after having produced the most deplorable animosities, terminated in a fatal di- vision of those sincere friends of reformation, who had embarked in the same cause, and who equally possess- ed the essentials of godliness. Luther had rejected the papal doctrine of transub- stantiation, but insisted that with the elements of bread and wine the real body and blood of Christ were re- ceived by the partakers of the Lord's supper. Carol- stadt, although in this point the open antagonist of Luther, was, in much of his conduct, from time to time, very injudicious and enthusiastic, yet as to his ideas of the Lord's supper he was correct and scriptur- 4 F 648 al. He failed, however, in his attempts to support the true doctrine of the sacrament, by his arguments, though rational, perspicious and welt digested. The pertinacity, with which Luther adhered to his sentiment in this sacramental dispute, is a memorable instance of human imbecility, and shows that it is ne- ver wise to adhere implicitly to the authority of mere fallible men as teachers. Carolstadt had, by his intemperate conduct, so sunk his reputation at Wittemberg, that he found it expedient to retire to Orlamund, in Saxony, where, without legitimate appointment, he became with the consent of the people their pastor. There he not only soon broached his new sentiment concerning the eu- charist, but also raised new disturbances by his furious fliscourses concerning the abolition of images. He appears also to have boasted of having been favored with supernatural communications; and was repre- sented as a partizan of the turbulent fanatic, Tho- mas Munzer. The university of Wittemberg sum- moned him to return and discharge in person the or- dinary duties enjoined him by the statutes in their school and church. Carolstadt promised to obey, provided he could obtain the leave of his parishoners, the Orlam (Indians, whom, however, he is said to have excited to arrogate to themselves the divine right of appointing their own pastor. The elector of Saxony was so disgusted with the insolent letters which they wrote on this occasion, treating the academical claim as a papistical encroachment, that he peremptorily commanded both them and their teacher to submit to the legal authority of the university and the chap- ter. He likewise ordered Luther to visit Orlamund, and inquire into the truth of the various reports, and endeavor to appease the people. When he reached that place, the inhabitants treated him with so much warmth and abuse, that he congratulated himself with having fortunately escaped with his life. Carolsta-dt still continued at Orlamund, and wrote letters to the elector full of bitter accusations against Luther; and instigated his hearers io do the same, 619 teaching them lo defend in their letters their late con- duct in pulling down images. By such violent pro- ceedings, the patience, both of the elector and his brother, was so far exhausted, that they expelled Ca- roUtadt from their territories, and rejected the interces- sion of the Orlanaundians on his behalf. Carolstadt repaired to Strasburg and thence to Basle, where he procured the printing of several of his pamphlets on the sacrament. In regard to his banishment, Luther thus writes to the Strasburgians : " Moreover, I really rejoice that he has been banished from our part of the country ; and I most earnestly wish that he had no opportunity of showing his wild and seditious spirit among you. How- ever, I own, that if 1 had been duke of Saxony, Carol- stadt would never have been banished, unless, indeed, I had been compelled to yield to the importunate pe- titions of the people. But, my dear friends, do not ye be influenced by my indiscreet, nay foolish good nature; do ye act like wise men. Perhaps I may be imprudent enough to write on the points in dispute, though I am entirely convinced that the devil con- trives to sow these seeds of controversy among men, for the express purpose of making them talk and write, and say, What excellent, holy men are these! What wicked, bad characters are those ! and thus he takes up or deludes the minds of all sides by such novelties, arid makes them forget the great articles of faith and practice. Let every one of you for himself sedulous- ly study the true nature of the law, of the gospel, of faith, of Christ's kingdom, of Christian liberty, of char- ity and patience; also the nature of human constitu- tions, and many things of this kind which are found necessary throughout the whole Christian life ; and then you will not be found blamable or deficient ; though you should have thrown down no images. I would, my brethren, that your preachers, would en- deavor to draw men as much as possible from Luther, and from Carolstadt ; that is, from MEN, and lead them to Christ, the gift of God, who is freely made to us wisdom, righteousness, redemption, and sanetification. 620 These mad prophets have never understood, have ne^ ver experienced this matter. They boast of hearing distinct voices from heaven, and of leading lives most extraordinarily pure ; they use pompous and even marvellous expressions, which they themselves do not comprehend ; and in this way they disturb restless consciences, and compass their purpose, which is to be looked up unto, and to excite astonishment ; but in the mean time, Christ is forgotten or treated with con- tempt. My good brethren, entreat Almighty God the Father, to preserve you from temptation and, of his inexhaustible mercy, to carry on his own work in your souls. This, through our Savior Jesus Christ, is my most fervent prayer, and it is the prayer that comforts me. These prophets, I am persuaded, do not pray for the success of their plans. A man cannot pray without some degree of a good conscience ; but the system of these men originated in impiety and pre^ sumption ; and they are still carried away with ambi- tion and enthusiasm, and are not aware of the disgrace and ignominious end that awaits them." After Carolstadt had been exiled about five months, he wrote a sort of penitential letter to Spalatinus, re- questing his interference and good offices, to procure a reconciliation with Luther. Luther petitioned the elector to permit Carolstadt to re-enter his dominions, but his petition was rejected. Carolstadt now wandered through higher Germany till he came to Rottenburg, where he invited the peo- ple to tumults and to pull down the statues and paint- ings. Shortly after this, when the seditious faction of the peasants, with Munzer their ring leader, was ef- fectually suppressed, Carolstadt was in great danger, from his supposed connexion with the enthusiastic rebels, who had spread much devastation through Ger- many, and escaped, by being let down by a wall in a basket. Thus reduced to the last extremities, he and his wife incessantly entreated both the elector and Luther, that they might be allowed to return into their own country. He said, he could clear himself of having had any concern in the late rebellion ; and if 621 not, he would cheerfully undergo any punishment that could be inflicted upon him. With this view, he wrote a little tract, in which he took much pains to acquit himself from the charge of sedition. And he also sent a letter to Luther begging his assistance in publishing the tract, and in the more general design of establish- ing his innocence. The generous feelings of Luther were so touched with the submissive application of an adversary in dis- tress, that he immediately published Carolstadt's let- ter, and called on the magistrates and the people to give a fair hearing to an unfortunate fugitive, who pleaded NOT GUILTY, and challenged inquiry. After much importunate entreaty, Luther succeeded in procuring from the elector John, a safe conduct for the return of Carolstadt into the territories from which he had been exiled. Carolstadt, it seems, was recall- ed about the autumn of 1525, and then made a public recantation of what he had advanced on the sacrament ; and in the succeeding November, we find him trans- mitting to the elector a written formula for the same purpose. There is good reason to hope that Carolstadt profit- ed by adversity, and became more truly Christian in his temper, during the latter part of his life. There is also, good reason to believe that Luther was sincere, notwithstanding his incorrect ideas in this sacramen- tal controversy. It is to be lamented that his strong mind did not comprehend the true scriptural idea of the eucharist in all its parts. He avowed most con- scientiously, regardless of consequences, whatever he believed to be true. Excessive veneration for the word of God, taken according to its literal meaning; " This is my body," prevented him, in this instance, from suc- cessfully exercising his judgment to obtain a rational interpretation of the meaning of scripture. It was near the close of 1523 when Clement VII. was placed in the papal chair by very uncanonical means. Dreading the scrutiny of an assembly, which might terminate in the annihilation of his authority ; he made choice of cardinal Campeggio, an able and 622 artful negociator, as his nuncio to the diet of the em- pire, again assembled at Nuremberg. He arrived at lhat place about the beginning of March 1524. On his arrival, the emperor's brother Ferdinand reproach- ed the senate of Nuremberg for their attachment to Lutheranisrn, and exhorted them to adhere to the ancient religious system ; but they replied with firm- ness that they must not desert the truth. Clement had instructed his legate to use his utmost endeavors to procure the execution of the edict of Worms ; to counteract every measure which tended to the appointment of a general council, and the re- dress of the German grievances : He even instructed him TO PRETEND, that, in consequence of the decease of the late pope, and the sudden departure of his nun- cio from Nuremberg, the catalogue of the German grievances had never been regularly received at Rome ; and thus to decline making any definite answer to such indecent and unreasonable demands. Campeggio, both before and during his conferences with the diet, labored incessant.} IN PRIVATE with the members of that assembly to accomplish the purposes of his mission. In the public meetings he harangued in a most plausible strain concerning the paternal compassion of the pope for the present situation of the country, and his own inclinations to peace and mod- eration ; at the same time he expressed astonishment that so many great princes could tolerate the late mis- chievous innovations in religion, and the abolition of those rights and ceremonies in which they and their ancestors had been educated. The diet, having listened to a number of unmeaning promises and declarations, desired to know the pope's intentions respecting the methods which, in the pre- ceding year, they had proposed to Cheregato for re- storing the peace of the church ; and also, whether the legate was charged with any satisfactory answer to the MEMORIAL of grievances which they had sent to Rome ? Campeggio replied, that he knew of no plan devised by them for composing the religious differences, ex- cept the edict of Worms, That edict, though appror- 623 eel by the emperor, and sanctioned by the general con sent, had not been obeyed ; and the execution of it ought, in his judgment, to be the first object of their deliberations. As to the memorial of grievances, he allowed that three copies of it had found their way to private persons at Rome, and that one of them had fallen into his own hands ; but that the pope and car- dinals considered it as the production of a private per- son, and by no means of the German princes. He had no instructions about it. There were articles in it which even bordered upon heresy; and the publication of them was highly disrespectful to the Roman see. Charles V. having sent his ambassador to the diet, to gain the pope to his own interest, warmly second- ed Carnpeggio in his complaints against the Ger- man princes for their lenity toward the disciples of Luther. The diet promised to observe the edict of Worms AS FAR AS THEY COULD, renewed their demands of a general council, and appointed the llth of the November following, for a new assembly of the states of the empire, who should meet at Spires and make temporary regulations of all matters in dispute, until the council could be summoned. The words, as far as they could, were highly displeasing to the papal party; and were construed to imply that they would do nothing in obedience to that edict. But though the majority of votes was against the execution of the edict of Worms, yet such were the clamors of the pre- lates, and the menaces of the emperor's ambassador, that they carried along with them the princes, and pre- vailed by authority where they had failed in numbers, The lower orders and states of the empire protested publicly against these irregularities. The envoy of the elector of Saxony complained that the edict of Worms was obtained by a manoeuvre of the bishops against the sense of the diet, and stated how danger- ous it would be to the public peace to attempt to ex- ecute that edict by force. When the emperor Charles V. heard of the resolu- tion of the assembly at Nuremberg, relative to the contemplated assembly at Spires, tie could not abstain. 624 from intemperate arid acrimonious language, and de = clared that it belonged to himself and the pope, to call councils, and to fix on the place where they should meet. He absolutely forbade the princes to assemble at Spires, and enjoined the strictest observance to the edict of Worms. He called Luther a PROFANE SAVAGE, who, like Mahomet, was aiming at great power by poisoning men's minds with the contagion of his agreeable doctrines. At Rome, the news of the edict of Nuremberg pro- duced both alarm and astonishment. Clement, regard- ing the intended assembly at Spires as a new eccle- siastical tribunal, erected to oppose his pontificial au- thority, instantly summoned his cardinals to adopt measures to prevent so dangerous an innovation. The conclave directed Campeggio to collect in Germany all the princes, bishops, and others who adhered to the papal cause ; to give them fair promises respecting a future council ; to assure them that their grievances should be redressed at Rome ; and to conjure them, to prevent, if possible, the discussion of any articles of religion at Spires. Also, he was directed to endeavor, through the influence of the emperor, to retard the meeting of that assembly, or, if he could, hinder it al- together. Luther received the decree of the diet of Nuremberg with very liltle satisfaction, and caused it to be printed with the edict of Worms, to which he added many vehement and severe observations of his own. He treated those who thought of executing that edict, as men who had lost their senses, and were as absurd as the giants who made war against heaven. " These two decrees," adds Luther, " promulgated nearly at the same time, are impudent and disgraceful instan- ces of fraud, falsehood, and contradiction. Alas! that princes of the Christian name should have recourse to such detestable measures ! Unhappy Germans, who have endured, for so many years, the abominable haughty yoke of insulting pontiffs, and yet take no pains to shake it from your necks ! What ? after hav- ing been pillaged so often, and exhausted of the very marrow of your bones, will no prayers, admonitions, or remonstrances move you to take care of yourselves, but you must employ all your vengeance upon such a poor wretch as Luther ? Go on, if it must be so ; here am I ; I shall not run away. I shall resign my life most willingly, and emigrate to my eternal inheritance whenever it shall please God to pronounce my hour to be come. However, the same Omnipotent Being, who against hope, has preserved my life, during the space of almost three years, from the cruelty of my en- emies, can still preserve it ; though indeed I have no great desire to live. "Through the Divine goodness 1 am less alarmed at the thought of death than I used to be ; but let those, who would destroy me, reflect whether my blood may not leave a stain which neither they nor their children shall be able to wash away. God will not be mocked ; and ye know not but he may be pleas- ed to ordain that the murder of Luther should bfe followed by the heaviest national calamities." The papal confederacy met at Ratisbon, and was managed by Campeggio. It was, however, an event, of which neither that artful legate, nor his more artful master in the Romish conclave, seems to have foreseen the consequences. For, while they were flattering themselves with having cemented a league of the most powerful supporters of the ancient ecclesiastical system, they forgot that they were giving the signal for an avowed and permanent disunion among the va- rious potentates and orders of Germany. Those who were in this confederacy, comprehended but a small part of the imperial states. They assumed the right of making general orders for the many, but had neglected matters of the greatest importance to the community: they had done nothing to remove the real and princi- pal grievances so long complained of, nor had they applied to the less abuses their true remedies. It was this view of the proceedings at Ratisbon which roused the much more numerous imperial de- puties who favored Lutheranism, to form soon after a similar convention at Spires, where in opposition to their papal adversaries, they explained the decrees of Nuremberg in favor of growing protestantism. The Ratisbon party feeling that the dignity and au- thority of the popedom was manifestly at stake, brib- ed the two dukes of Bavaria, who had hitherto permit- ted the sale of Luther's books in their dominions, to proscribe them, and to obstruct the further progress oi his doctrines. The doings of the convention at Spires were in gencf- al truly laudable and patriotic, favorable to national lib- erty, and to the establishment of a pure and reformed religion. This division of Germany into two parties, though it weakened the force of the empire, and laid the foun- dation of many incurable suspicions and jealousies, was, under Providence, very favorable to the progress of the reformation. Luther^s personal security at Wit- temberg was increased. But the Roman pontiff ami the emperor had made two vain attempts at Nurem- berg for the execution of the edict of Worms. And the last diet had manifested that they could not ob- serve or enforce that edict. But the personal safety of Luther was very little to him compared with the satisfaction which he derived from hearing multiplied delightful accounts of the success of the gospel in va- ious parts, during the disputes in Germany. About the middle of this year, the landgrave of Hesse, enlightened by Luther's writings, began to profess a decided approbation of the reformed religion* - In a public proclamation he enjoined his preachers to confine themselves to the clear simple doctrine of our Savior and his apostles. Ferber, a Franciscan monk,, now undertook to reclaim the landgrave to the catholic faith, by putting into his hands what he called an ap- proved treatise on religion, and by exhorting hhn to imitate the kings and princes in Italy, France, and Spain r who had agreed to inflict exemplary punish meut on the Lutherans. The good landgrave replied, that he had read the book, but found little in it which a lie will not PERSIST in these practices. My answer is, I cannot credit his fine speeches. How often has Me- lancthqji in vain admonished him not to raise tumults respecting ceremonies, and yet has he continued to defend the breakers of the peace to the very last ! " Moreover, 1 own it weighs very much with me that lie is known to keep company with these pro- phets, who are the very source of this Alstedinc spirit. From these he hears lessons, and with these he is closely connected." Luther, in the former part of his treatise, most ear nesily entreats the magistrates to animadvert severely n all ptvachers who should exhort their congrega- without wan ant, lu pull down imaged 635 churches. The danger, he said, was. lest the common people, actuated by this tumultuary spirit of Caiol- stadt, should imagine that they had the auihority of their bibles to do the same things which the Israelites were commanded to do. From destroying images, they would easily proceed to destroy men. In regard \o the mass and the elevation of the host, he said, if die papists would but give up the idea of the eucharist being a sacrifice, he should have no dispute with them cither about a ;harmless word or harmless practice. The latter part of the work is extremely interesting and instructive ; first, as it lays open the way in which Carolstadt appears to have been led into his enthu- siastic proceedings; and secondly, as it describes the argumentation by which the author himself was delud- ed into a belief of the doctrine of consubstantiation, 1. " God," says he, " deals with his creatures both by external means, as preaching and the outward signs of the sacraments, and also by internal, as the operation of his Spirit and faith in the heart. Now in the ordinary course of his providence the external means precede the internal ; but Carolstadt perverts this order ; he derides the water in baptism, and the bread and wine in the sacrament ; and would begin at once with the spirit of the ordinances. " Then if you ask him what he understands by the Spirit, he in- stantly whirls you away into Utopian regions, tells you to remain perfectly cairn and unoccupied, and in that state to expect a celestial voice. In a word, he rejects entirely the use of external means, and has invented a number of strange, barbarous, uncouth words to ex- press that obscure state of ADMIRATION, MORTIFICATION, SUSPENSION, FREEDOM FROM IMPURITY, and such like, in which the soul must be, to favor the reception of the Spirit." 2. Luther makes excellent observations on the prac- tical use of the Lord's supper, and on the meaning of eating spiritually the body of Christ. He then pro- ceeds to defend his unfortunate notion of the rfal presence. " We do not say that Christ is called down horn heaven by the word of the officiating priest : for 636 though he be present in the sacrament, he does not leave heaven any more than he left it when he was in his mother's womb. We are not commanded to scru- tinize in what manner Christ is in the bread ; it is suf- ficient that he himself has said that it is so. Men may exclaim and contend for a thousand years, but they will never be able to take away the expressions, which are as clear as words can make them." The causes of the RUSTIC WAR, or the WAR OF THE PEASANTS, as it has been called, were purely secular, and are to be sought for in the writings of the proper historians. This rebellion, however, in its consequen- ces, was so far connected with religion, that it certain- ly retarded the progress of the blessed reformation ; it also gave occasion to the papists to accuse the pro- testants unjustly of holding seditious principles ; and afforded those who were sound and sincere an illustri- ous opportunity of exhibiting in their conduct the prac- tical excellence of Christian doctrines. In the former part of 1525, a prodigious multitude, composed chiefly of furious and enthusiastic peasants and vassals, arose suddenly in different parts of Ger- many, who took arms against their lawful governors, and were guilty of the most horrid and barbarous ac- tions. Many of these rioters, had long groaned under heavy oppressive taxes and burthens ; and, in their public manifestoes, they declare that they intend no- thing further than to obtain a relaxation of the severi- ty of their chiefs, and a greater portion of civil liberty. But the enthusiast Munzer availed himself of this troubled state of the empire, put himself at the head of the numerous and discontented rabble, inflamed their passions by his violent and delusive harangues^ a nd, by his relation of visions and inspirations, and pretended foresight of certain success, rendered them altogether desperate and outrageous. In this turbulent and extensive agitation of the J ow er orders of the people, it was probable enough that SOME, who professed themselves favorers of Lu~ theranism, would ignorantly or perversely misconstrue ,he reformer's doqtrines of Christian liberty, and in that 637 dangerous persuasion flock to the standard of the rebels: but the papal adversaries of the reformation have by no means been content with this concession, or even with exaggerating the effects of this abuse of the protestant faith ; they have constantly laid the WHOLE mischief of this intestine dissention at the door of Luther and his disciples, and, in spite of the clear- est and most positive contrary evidences, continued to represent the licentious and detestable faction of Munzeras originating in that reformer's tenets and in- structions, and deriving its strength and numbers from the prevalence of the novel ecclesiastical system. On this account it becomes the more necessary to examine the facts with a scrupulous and even jealous attention. As soon as Luther found that all his labors in warn- ing and instructing the princes, magistrates and peo-- ple, did not avail to repress the rising spirit of tumult and rebellion, but rather that the tempest appeared to thicken and portend a dreadful crisis, he determined, without loss of time, to address his countrymen of all ranks and orders in language still more explicit and decisive than any which he had hitherto used. The style of his publication addressed to the COMT- MON PEOPLE is of this kind : " Let every one beware of sedition, as a very hei*. nous crime ; and this not only in what relates to exter- nal actions, but even to words and secret thoughts. I might auger well of your professing yourselves ready to yield to the precepts of scripture, but that I observe your boasts of a regard for pure evangelical faith and practice are absolutely without foundation. Not one of your propositions has the least relation to any part of the gospel ; they all tend to promote a merely sec- ular freedom ; whereas the gospel does not treat of these subjects, but describes our passage through this world as attended with afflictions, and as calling for patience, contempt of riches, and even of life itself. What then have ye to do with the gospel, except that ye use it as a pretext to cover your unchristian pur poses ?" (538 Such was the reputation of the Saxon divine, that the rustic insurgents would gladly have obtained his countenance to their proceedings; and for this end they had both requested his advice, and appealed to his impartiality respecting the justice of their cause: moreover, that they might the more effectually secure his patronage, they stated their primary requisition to be, the entire privilege of choosing or removing their ministers, that they might have the pure gospel preached to them without human mixtures and tradi- tions. These artful rioters imagined, that no topic, more than that which concerned the free election of preachers, was likely to interest and rouse the spirit of Luther^who himself had long been struggling for the maintenance of Christian liberty at the hazard of his life. Nothing but downright plain dealing could have extricated our reformer and his cause from the snares and dangers of the present critical moment Deeply sensible of this, Luther proceeds thus : " I allow that those rulers, who oppress their sub* jects in various ways, and particularly in excluding the preaching of the gospel from among them, are without excuse ; nevertheless, it is at the peril of the loss of both your souls and bodies, if ye do not pre- serve a good conscience in this matter. Satan at this lime has raised up a number of seditious, sanguinary teachers ; therefore I entreat you not to believe every thing you hear. Ye call yourselves Christians, and profess to be obedient to the laws of God. In the first place, it is extremely improbable that true Christians should be so numerous as to furnish such large bodies of men as ye pretend to have on your side, A true Christian is a scarce bird in the world. I would that the major part of men were but sober, and honest moralists! Secondly, take care and do not abuse the name of God : for as easily as he drowned the whole world, and rained fire upon Sodom, he can destroy you. Your actions make it very plain to me that your profession of obedience to the law of God is a pre- St. Paul orders all men, without exception, tp obey the magistrates ; whereas ye would snatch the sword from him, and resist the power which is ordain* ed of God. Moreover, the duty of the Christian in general is to suffer, to bear the cross, and not to re- venge or have recourse to arms. What appearance is there of this humble spirit in your conduct ? Our Lord forbad Peter to resist ; and, when nailed to the cross, he patiently committed his cause to God the Futher, and prayed for his murderers. Do ye imitate his example or pretend not to the character of a Chris- tian ? Ye intend to carry your points by force of arms j but ye will not succeed. "Permit rue to say a word concerning my own con- duct. The pope, the emperor, and all the world were in a rage against me ; and the more they raged, the greater was the progress of rny doctrine. Yet I did not take a single violent step ; never said or wrote a syllable of an inflammatory tendency ; much less did I draw the sword. Ever in my writings I defended all legal authority, even that of persecuting princes* I trusted solely in God ; and he has not only prosper- ed my labors abundantly, but, to the great astonish- ment of many, I myself am alive at this day, very much against the wish of the Roman pontiff and many other enemies. YOUR warlike modes of proceeding are calculated to produce quite different effects. 1 pray God to prevent the execution of your designs^ I see Satan's meaning, and my own danger: he i& aiming to take away my life; he is aiming to effect by a sanguinary faction what he has hitherto attempt- ed in vain by tiie papal agents ; but God will continue to preserve me. I say further, Satan, the enemy of mankind, would gladly bring into disgrace the late re- vival of pure doctrine among the people by insinu U- ing as though it could not be of God, because the profession of it had caused so much sedition and *u-* mi:-' ; and thus your unchristian conduct affords a g i handle to the adversary. u Compel me not, I beseech you, to pray against you ; for J doubt not but God will hear my pra\ whcueus YE can have no heart for prayer. Scripture 640 and your own consciences tell you, your attempts are profane and impious. In fact, ye do not pray ; your hope is in your numbers and your arms. " In regard to your first requisition, the privilege of choosing your ministers, it is utterly inadmissible in all cases where the right of patronage belongs to your governors. " I admit that magistrates do many unreasonable and many wicked things. Some of YOUR requisitions also are extremely unreasonable and unscriptural ; but were they in all respects perfectly unexceptionable^ yet this wicked endeavor to extort them by force of arms will, I tell you, if persevered in, bringdown upon you the heavy wrath of God both in this world and the next. The divine rule is express: you must never go beyond PETITION and REPRESENTATION ; and if you are persecuted, you must fly from one place to another."* Our author then turns to the princes and nobility, and addresses them with the zeal and authority of an apostle. " It is to you, rulers, and you only, especially the rulers of the church, that the present disturbances are to be ascribed. The bishops, to this very moment., even against their better knowledge, persecute the gospel ; and the civil magistrates think of nothing but draining the wretched poor, to satisfy their own pride and luxury. I have repeatedly warned you of the dreadful evils that threaten you, but to no purpose. The wrath of God is accumulating over you, and will burst on your heads if ye repent not. These false prophets, and this rebellion of the common people, are proofs of the divine displeasure. To be plain, such is the state of things, that men neither can, nor will, nor indeed should they, bear your government any longer. Listen to the scriptures, and amend your ways. The insurgents may not succeed at present, and you may kill the greater part of them ; b.ut God will raise up others after them. For it is HE himself who, for your wickedness, brings these troubles upon you. Some of you have boasted, that you were ready Matt x. to sacrifice your rank and fortune if you could but abol- ish Lutheranisrn, root and branch ; and others, to fill up the measure of their crimes and bring fresh dis- grace upon the gospel, represent these seditious tu- mults as the consequence of my doctrine. Thus do you harden your hearts ; thus do you calumniate and persecute the word of God. " Yourselves are my witnesses that I have always detested sedition, and exhorted the people to obedi- ence, and even to patient submission under your ty- rannical government. It is not I therefore, it is these bloody prophetSj who are quite as inimical to me as they are to you, who have been the cause of this re- bellion, and who have been seducing the people for aiore than three years, without any one person except myself endeavoring to counteract them. Now if, for your wickedness, h should please God to permit Satan, through the instrumentality of these preachers, to raise this impending storm to such a pitch as is beyond my power of allaying it, what blame, I pray, can you lay to the charge of the gospel, or of L,uther, who has con- stantly honored your authority, exhorted the people to respect you, poured out his prayers to God for you, and himself hitherto patiently enduring your cruel perse- cutions ? Were I actuated by a spirit of revenge, I might smile in private at these tragical scenes, or I might stimulate the enraged populace, and add fuel to the flames. " Let me entreat you then, O ye princes, not to de- spise my advice. Do not fear the rebels, but fear God* Our crimes are such as ought to alarm us ; and if God should purpose to deal with us according to our de- serts, we cannot escape HIS vengence however small the number of the rebels should prove. Great mode- ration is the line of conduct which ye ought to pursue at the present crisis. Lenity and clemency can do no harm, and may prevent matters from being pushed to extremities ; in one word, may prevent a conflagra- tion, which might consume all Germany. "It is very true that the demands of the malc-Mi- tfcnts originate in interested motives ; neve/tbeiegs 4 i 642 of them are so reasonable, that you ought to b ashamed of having reduced your subjects to the neces- sity of making them. Their first requisition, which res- pects (be legal appointment of evangelical preachers, Is so far just in its principle, that no ruler has a right to withhold the gospef from his subject?: and though I grant, that in the application of this principle they manifest a selfish spirit, and set up claims which, un- der the pretence of liberality, would annihilate the power of their master, yet their iniquitous demands 'will not justify you in refusing them substantial justice. It is the duty of governors not to vex and distress their subjects, but to be the guardians of their fortunes and their comforts ; whereas, in truth, the oppression of the poor peasants of this country is become intolera- ble, the numerous and heavy imposts cramp their in- dustry, and there rs but one way left of meliorating their condition : the higher orders must restrain their excessive luxury arid extravagance, which is the true cause of the evil." Lastly, when Luther had finished these distinct ha- rangues, both to the higher and lower orders of the people, he thought proper to conclude with a few words of serious advice to the parties in common. He exhorted them not to think of deciding their dis- putes by arms, for both sides had a bad cause to defend. It was hard to say whether tyranny or sedition produ- ced worse consequences ; no man could fight for either with a good conscience ; and those who perished in such a contest would di in their sins. "My advrce," says he, "is, that all the disputable points be settled by impartial arbiters chosen on both sides. Let the rulers and nobles concede something of their strict rights, and let the common people in their turn be niore moderate in their demands, and listen to the voice of reason ; otherwise this civil war will assured- ly be the ruin of the country. But if this advice is despised, if the people will wage war against their ru- fers as so many tyrants and oppressors, and tl>e rulers will treat their subjects as banditti and barbarians, 1 humbly pray God either to confouud the designs 643 f>f both parties, or in Some way to overrule this fero- cious obstinacy of men to the re-establishment of peace and harmony." But these Christian exhortations proved ineffectual. This civil war not only continued, but soon became bloody and destructive. In Suabia, Franconia, and Alsace, the fanatical insurgent? pulled down monas- teries, castles, and houses, and murdered the nobles and dignitaries, and were guilty of multiplied acts of treason and barbarity. The moment Luther be- came acquainted with these abominable excesses, he deemed it the duty of a sound Christian to support the lawful government of his country with all his might in an emergency which threatened universal anarchy and devastation. Accordingly, he changed his language, wrote a short tract AGAINST THE ROBBERS AND MURDER- ERS, and exhorted all ranks and orders to come for- ward and help, as they would to extinguish a general conflagration. " The wicked parricides," he said, "must be crushed. They had scandalously broken their oaths, plundered the right owners of their posses- sions, and committed treason in various ways ; and, what very much increased their guilt, they endeavored to cloke their shameful practices under the name and character of pure Christianity. There could not be greater pests of society. Those indeed among them who had been compelled to join the faction by threats were to be treated with lenity, but those only who re- pented and surrendered themselves ought to be par- doned. The rest merited the utmost rigor; and whor soever should fall in opposing them, and defending their lawful rulers, ought to be esteemed as martyrs in an excellent cause." The publication of Luther was blamed by many as too harsh and violent; but the author, in reply, de- fended his positions with great spirit and ability. He complained, that whatever he did or said was sure to afford matter for censure to haughty critics. He con- tended, that those who could excuse the present offen- ders must be considered as partakers in their crimes. Lastly, he alledged St. Paul's peremptory judgment 644 of those who resist lawful magistrates ; and strenuously insisted on this rebellion of the'rustics as being marked with peculiar circumstances of cruelty and impiety. To relate all the particulars of the rebellion in 1526 would be foreign to our purpose : it may be sufficient to add, that the princes of the empire found it abso- lutely necessary to unite their forces and their efforts for the suppression and punishment of the insurgents. The carnage in various parts of Germany was dreadr ful. A vast multitude of the faction in Thuringia were met by the Saxon and other confederate princes near Mulhausen, where they \vere defeated in a pitched battle, and Munzer their ringleader was also taken gnd put to death. This unfortunate war is supposed to have cost Ger- many the lives of more than fifty thousand men ;* but the papal advocates are not to be credited when they assert that one hundred and thirty thousand Lutherans perished from this cause. The fact is, by far the greatest tragedies were exhibited in the POPISH part of Germany : moreover, the Lutherans abounded most in the electorate of Saxony, where matters were certain ly carried on with greater mildness and moderation, as well by the rebels themselves during the commo- tions, as by the government in their measures to sup- press them. It well deserves notice, that the tumults were the greatest in those districts where the free course of the gospel had been most completely ob- structed. The good elector Frederic adverted to this, circumstance, in a memorable letter written to his brother and successor on the very day before he died, " The princes," says he, " have applied to us lor our assistance against the peasants : and I could wish to open rny mind to them but I am too ill. Perhaps the principal cause of these commotions is. that these poor creatures have not been allowed to have the word of God preached freely among them." '* Beausobi^v 645 CHAPTER VI. The Death of the Elector of Saxony. Marriage ABOUT ten days before the defeat of Munzer, the leader of the rustic insurgents, the good elector of Sax- ony departed this life. He was too feeble in bodyj and too deeply concerned in mind, to make any at- tempt at joining the confederate princes. Only three days before his death, which happened May 5th, 1.525, he exhorted, by letter, his brother John, who succeed- ed him in the electorate, to do his utmost to compose the disturbances, by choosing arbitrators who were good men and favorites of the people ; to avoid the spilling of blood, to pardon the multitude, and to pun- ish only the ringleaders of the rebellion. The delu- sion, he said, would not last long. God, who had hitherto protected their country, would continue to protect it This was the last lime he should be able to write to him, but he trusted they should meet again in a better world. The mind of this conscientious prince appears to have been strongly impressed with a belief that the primary cause of the rebellion of the peasants was the just judgment of God, on account of the obstruction, with which the preaching of the pure gospel had been attended ; and as a secondary cause, he lamented, that not only the ruling clergy, but also the civil govern- ors oppressed their subjects in a variety of ways. Spalatinus informs us, that, a short time before lie ex- pired, he addressed his servants and domestics in the following terms. " I entreat you, my dearest children, in the name of God, and for HIS sake, to forgive me, if I have offended you in word or deed; and I further inlreat you to make in my name this same request for me to others. We princes are apt to treat our poor distressed subjects in a vexatious and unjustifiable manner. I cannot say any more." "Does any thing," said Spalatinus, "lie heavy on your mind ?" He an- ? wared, "No, but I have much bodily pain ;" and ex- 646 pired in the 63d year of his age like one falling asleep. Before the Lutheran controversies commenced, this pious prince had been a most industrious collector of reliques, and had augmented the number of masses in his church of All Saints to 10,000 annually. In his will, made in the year 1517, Frederic had joined with the Holy Trinity the blessed Virgin, St. Bartholomew the apostle, and then his tutelary angel, and all the saints of God, to whose intercession he committed his soul. Also in that will he enjoined, that for a month after his death, there should be every day, no less than fifty masses said, with a small allowance for each. But in the last will and testament of this prince, the pure doctrine of the gospel gloriously triumphs over the ancient superstition. Here, not a word is said of the Virgin Mary, of saints or apostles, or masses, but his words were u I beseech Almighty God, through the sacred and unexampled merits of his Son. to pardon all my sins and transgressions : neither do 1 doubt but that, by the precious death of my dear Lord and Sav- iour Jesus Christ, I shall obtain forgiveness ; and there- fore into his all powerful hands, and to his eternal, im- measurable unsearchable kindness and co mm passion, I commit my soul, to be preserved for the enjoyment of a happy immortality. I freely forgive all who have done me wrong ; and I beseech them in the name of God, and for HIS sake, to pardon, from the heart arid with a true Christian charity, me in whatever I may have offended them, agreeably to what we every day pray for, the mutual forgiveness of trespasses from God, the Father of compassion." By the advice of Luther, and Melancthon, he was buried without pomp, and without superstition. There is great reason to believe he died in the faith, hope, and humility of the gospel. In the month of October, 1524, there were left in the monastery of Wittemberg only the prior and Lu- ther ; and the latter availed himself of that opportuni- ty to resign the title and habit of an Augustine monk, and in future was called merely doctor, or professor, Martin Luther, He had long been desirous of taking 647 this step, but well knowing the elector's aversion^ ti delayed to press the point. At last he expressed a wish to Spalatinus that he might have the prince's fi- nal answer,and he promised never more to importune him on the subject. Frederic, with some humor, and much good nature, sent him a piece of cloth, and told him he was at liberty to wear it in whatever shape he pleased. The tender conscience of Luther seems to have been long hesitating concerning the obligation of voluntary monastic vows. But having, at length, be- come fully satisfied that they were restraints of mere human invention, designed for self-righteous purposes, he issued from his Patrnos his admirable tract on this subject, which gave a fatal blow to the whole papal system. Luther was about 40 years old when he married Catharine Boore, a virtuous nun of noble parentage. His enemies on this occasion exulted, and condemned them both, with as much confidence as if they could alledge that scripture authority for the monastic state, which protestants can for the matrimonial. They rep- resented Luther as an infamous, hardened sensualist^ who had neither command of his passions, nor regard to his reputation; and his wife as an abandoned strum pet, who had lived in the most licentious manner for more than two years among the young academics. These foolish and wicked accusations are, however, effectually refuted by history, which does abundant justice to the moral character of both the parties. But several of Luther's best friends did not think his marriage well timed. He, however, justified his conduct by sayrng, " I judged it right to confirm, by my own example the doctrine that 1 have taught, for I observe many are still pusillanimous, notwithstanding this great light of the gospel." Again, he thus writes to a friend : "As I may be taken off suddenly, and as my doctrine respecting the lawfulness of the marriage of the clergy may possibly be treated with contempt af- ter my death, I was desirous of showing my weaker brethren that I acted up to my principles." Jn the latter parr, of the succeeding y6ar, Lutne'i writes thus: " God of his great goodness hath blessed me with a fine healthy little Luther; and my rib Kate is also in excellent plight, and is in all things courteous and obliging to rne, much beyond what I could have ventured to hone. I am thankful to God, and would not change my poverty for the riches of Croesus. 7 ' Not a syllable seems to have dropped from Lu- ther, to excite the least suspicion that he repented of Iris marriage, or was afterward on that account low spirited. On the contrary, a good conscience, confi- dence in God, and resignation to HIS will, character- ize all his letters written upon this subject, without a single exception. When he had attained true scrip- tural views of the nature of Christian liberty, and the proper moment for his own marriage had come, he acted according to those views without hesitation, un- der the full conviction that he was doing right, and in confident expectation of the Divine blessing. CHAPTER VII. Progress of the Reformation. WHEN John, the new elector of Saxony, came in- to office, as successor of Frederic the wise, the minds of men were much enlightened in matters of religion. Sound policy, as well as reason and justice, therefore, dictated to him the wisdom of making a Stand, from the very first of his government, against the illegal and exhorbitant pretensions of the Roman see. Happily this excellent prince was qualified to act well his par( at this critical juncture. Although he was not pro- foundly skilled in the science of politics, yet his moral endowments and Steady temper have procured him with posterity the illustrious titles of the good and the CONSTANT. John knew that an appeal had been made to the tribunal of reason : and that reason had already- decided in a manner which had astonished all Eu- rope : and he wu* fully convinced that now t tempo- 649 me with a corrupt and unprincipled hierarchy might be injurious to the good cause which he was determin- ed to support. Though this good elector could see that much had been done to emancipate the subjects of the Roman domination from the chains of papal su- perstition and imposition, yet could he see there still remained an alarming combination of interested prin- ces and prelates, opposed to Christian truth and liber* ty, and supported by multitudes of their bigoted sub- jects and adherents, who meditated no less than the entire annihilation of the infant reformation. The zeal and constancy of the new elector, were as loudly called for at this crisis, as ever the pru- dence and caution of his brother Frederic had been, for the personal safety of Luther, and the success of his early endeavors to reform a corrupt ecclesiastical establishment. John, the CONSTANT, had a most ex- cellent coadjutor in his own son, John Frederic, who seems to have possessed the united virtues both of his father and his uncle Frederic. The university and the collegiate church of Wit- temberg soon experienced a salutary renovation ; a new order of public worship was provided ; other churches began now to be modelled after the plan of Witternberg; and a general visitation was promised of all the churches in Saxony. The elector and his sen, John Frederic, shewed the utmost readiness to adopt the counsels of Luther ; but that zealous reform- er did not always wait for their sanction, well aware of the difficulties and delays which his plans might often, meet with at court, from the privy counsellors of the prince. He did not, however, neglect to transmit to the prince, in a respectful manner, the formularies of the new ecclesiastical rites and ceremonies, which, with the advice of Melancthon and Pomeranus, he had drawn up, and which the reformers had actually begun to use at Wittemberg. The sacrament was there administered to the laity, for the first time, in the Ger- man, instead of the Latin language, on the Lord's day, October 29th, 1525. The regulation of the public service of the churqh, and the appointment of weft 650 qualified pastors, was a matter near the heart of the reformer. The elector approved of the new regulations of Lu- ther and sent two of his counsellors to confirm them publicly, and to carry them to a still greater extent. The reformer himself, however, seems to have been the leading counsellor at this important crisis. He stated in writing, at full length, the situation of -the uni- versity; how sadly it was on the decay, considered as aseminary oflearningand piety: and he entreated the prince to send commissioners to fix the salaries of the professors and lecturers. He explained to him what steps he himself had actually ventured to take, both in regard to the academical lectures and the Divine service. He observed, that though he might have been, perhaps, too troublesome in this business, or even shown too much distrust of the elector's pater- nal care, yet he had this excuse to plead ; that the first of his conduct, however faulty or indefensible it might have been, had proved no less than the means of pre- serving the university from instant dissolution. Luther with great seriousness admonished the elec- tor to make some provision for the poor laboring cler- gy : and also to amend the proceedings of the ecclesi- astical courts. The elector took ail this in excellent part ; but appears to have been considerably startled at the idea of augmenting the salaries of the clergy out of his own treasury. " That," he said, " would be a matter of great difficulty ; and he asked Luther what he had to propose on the subject." The answer was simply this: " In the general visitation of the whole country, let there be taken an accurate account of all the ancient revenues: and if these be found insuffi- cient for the purpose, then let suitable payments to the officiating clergy be made from new imposts on the respective towns and parishes, which they may well bear, being now relieved from many popish oppress- ions.'' Likewise, to a similar inquiry concerning the augmentation of the academical salaries, Luther repli- ed, "There is an abundance of means for this purpose from the many vacant offices; for the number of the 651 clergy in the collegiate church of All Saints is now re- duced from eighty to eighteen. Ail the rest are either dead, or have left their situation.' 7 The most experienced financier could scarcely have returned a better answer to the question. The due application of the surplus funds of this rich church of Wittemberg had been, for some time past, an object of considerable attention and difficulty . The elector Frederic, supported by the older mem- bers of the chapter, for a long time had resisted the abolition of private masses ; and during the altercation on this point in 1523, he had even threatened the stur- dy reformers with the sequestration of the ecclesias- tical salaries, unless they continued to observe strictly their ancient institutions. Luther, however, in a mat- ter of great importance, was not to be discouraged by disappointment or opposition. He pressed the late elector afresh on the same subject, with spirit and ad- dress ; and as there were then three new canons, whose consciences would not permit them to comply with the papal usages, he entreated the prince to allow their stipends to be employed for the advantage of the professors and students of the university. The an- swer of Frederic was now in all respects gracious and favorable, and afforded a good hope that Luther's ideas would be adopted. In fact, by connivance rath- er than by express directions, that prince had permit- ted the redundant ecclesiastical wealth to be gradual- ly diverted into the channels above mentioned. This redundant wealth was become very considerable, from the abolition of private masses, and many other pro- testant innovations. But it is allowed by historians, that not one halfpenny of it was ever applied by Fred- eric to his own specific emolument. Such disinterested conduct has rendered his memo- ry truly illustrious ; and is a complete refutation of the rash aspersions of those who, either through ignorance or malice, would insinuate that this excellent prince favored the reformation from motives of avarice, and secret intentions of plundering the opulent ecclesias- tic?; However, the elector John, with a more enligmV 652 ened conscience, and a more magnanimous spirit, not only confirmed what had been barely permitted by his predecessor during the last years of his life, but al- so gave the revenues of the deserted monasteries for the purpose of maintaining the parochial clergy and the public instructors, both in the churches and the schools. He suffered nothing to come into competi- tion with the reformation, as an object of his concern : and as he was undoubtedly the first prince in Germa- ny who openly both resisted the popish doctrines and discipline, and established the new system of the Wittemberg theologian, he has been justly denomi- nated the SECOND PARENT and founder of the Lutheran church. The laudable efforts of the elector and his son were much encouraged by the friendly dispositions of their neighbor Philip, the landgrave of Hesse. These dis- positions had appeared at a conference which they had with the landgrave at Creutzberg, only a few weeks before the death of Frederic ; when he had declared, that rather than be a deserter from the word of God, he would lose his wealth, his dominions, and even his life. Luther, whose active and compre- hensive eye was in every corner, writes thus to Spa- latinus on this occasion: " I rejoice that the prince of Hesse has had a conversation with our princes. I hope it will be to the advantage of the gospel. "f j- There is something so euriows in the whole letter, that I will venture to give the reader the substance of it. It should seem that certain mock suns, as they are termed by astronomers, had been observed in the heavens ; and Spalatinus had sent Luther a drawing of the appearances, with the judgment of Melanc- thon upon them. This excellent reformer if known to have been addicted to as- trolopy. Luther begins : " Grace and peace. I return you the drawings of the solar appearances. They are Divine prodigies, my Spalatinus ; but it is not my province to com- prehend their meaning. I do not pretend to foretel the events signified by such things. That red bloody sun which appeared in the west, seems te denote the king- of France : and the bright sun in the middle, the emperor. This is Me- lancthon's opinion ; at the same time they indicate the clay of judgment I re- joice that the prince of Hesse has had a conversation with our princes. I hope it will be to the advantage of the^gospel. I have here a new species of fanatics from Antwerp, who assert that the Holy Spirit is nothing mare than men's nat- ural reason and understanding. How does Satan rage every where against the word ! And this I reckon by no means the slightest mark of the approaching end ; namely, that Satan perceives tfte day is at hand, and pours forth his &IP. MARTIN 653 But the duke George of Saxony was a lamentable obstacle to any religious association which did not pro- fess, as the basis of union, implicit obedience to the Roman see : and the opposition of this veteran papist was at any time to be dreaded, not merely on account of his wealth and the number of his subjects, but al- so the situation of his provinces, which lay enclosed in the electorate of Saxony. Philip of Hesse was his son-in-law, and was sanguine enough to entertain the hope of gaining duke George to the cause of the gospel, by writing to him a brief exhortation, full of piety and affection. George sternly replied, u That he should commit the cause to God ; for, that after a hundred years it would appear who was right and who was wrong.'* The honest landgrave, like most young converts, had riot yet been taught, by experience, how exceedingly perverse and obdurate men usually be- come by being long hackneyed in the ways of Phari- saical religion ; but this rough answer of the father-in- law was an instructive lesson, no doubt, to his son-in- law Philip. The same answer produced reflections in the truly Christian mind of the young prince John Frederic, which deserve to be remembered. " I am shocked," said he, "at the sentiments contained in the letter of George, especially at his saying the truth will appear after a hundred years. What sort of faith is that which requires an experiment to support it ? As- suredly, there is nothing of the nature of faith, where a man will not believe till he is convinced by experi- ence. St. Paul says, " Faith comes by hearing ;" not by experience. I am grieved at ihe poor prince's sit- uation; for if he will not believe what is true and right till after trial has been made, and, also, if during the trial he is determined to refuse obedience to the word of God, he may defer the important business too long, that is, till there be no room for repentance. I would have every method used to cure him of his attachment to popery, if, by the grace of God, there be a possi- bility of doing it. But I greatly fear all will be to no purpose ; and that God will harden him, like Pharaoh, so that he will neither receive his word, nor regard hte- signal providences," 654 The unhappy duke George must have suffered con- siderable mortification on account of the increas- ing propagation of evangelical truth during the year 1525. The magistrates of several of the imperial cit- ies adopted the reformation in form. At Nuremberg there was a public conference, in full senate, and in the presence of many of the inhabitants, between Osiander at the head of several of the evangelical teachers on the one part, and five leading preachers of the papal party on the other ; the issue of which was, that there should be no more sermons or ceremonies at the monasteries, and that the monks should no lon- ger be exempted from the usual burdens of the rest of the inhabitants. Hagenau in Alsace received the Di- vine word from Wolffgang Capito, who was a native of Hagenau, and had been called thither irom Strasburg to strengthen the cause of the protest ant party. Capi- to administered the sacrament on Palm Sunday, accor- ding to the scripture method : and on Easter Sunday, without using salt, oil or any papistical ceremony, he baptized, before a great multitude, who had (locked to- gether to see the novelty, a child of a principal inhab- itant called Wendelinus, by the name of Josiah ; the father intimating thereby, that as the book of the law was found in the reign of Josiah, and in consequence the true worship of God restored, so the holy Bible, which had been in a manner lost during the papacy, was, through the goodness of God, found again on the birth of his little Josiah, and the scriptural doctrine of salvation restored to Germany. At Norlhusa, in Thu- ringia, the inhabitants met together, read over Luther's early writings on the reformation, conferred on the several points, acknowledged the errors of popery, and determined to establish a purer church. The magis- trates seconded the wishes of the people, arid appoint- ed the prior of the Augustine monastery to preach the gospel in St. Peter's church. Several counties also of the empire were evangeliz- ed about the same time ; for example, those of Hanau, Aitenberg, and Teclenberg. In the marchionate of Lusatia, the two elegant and rich cities of Gorlitz 655 and Luban experienced a similar improvement. Thfe clergy of the neighboring villages assembled in the city of Gorlitz, and there publicly renounced the au- thority and jurisdiction of their popish diocesan, and at the same time abolished many of the Romish cus- toms and vanities. At Dantzic, one of the most cele- brated marts of the north, the progress of the gospel was astonishing. " You may learn," says Luther. " from one of the clergy of Dantzic, who is come here on the express errand of requesting the prince to per- mit Pomeranus to go among them, how wonderfully Christ is at work in that place. We cannot well spare him: yet, in so important an evangelical concern, we ought, I think to give way. Who knows what God may do through his instrumentality ? Let us neither obstruct so extraordinary a call, nor pretend to be ig- norant of its meaning. If I were called in this man- ner, I should not dare to refuse : I would go instantly !' 5 I am persuaded no Christian reader will be fatigued with perusing such extracts as these, or think them ill placed in a history of the church of Christ. They in- troduce us into the very secret corners of the hearts of the Saxon divines, and prove, beyond contradiction, what was the real spirit of th reformation at this bles- sed season. In this brief review of the increase of evangelical light, we must not omit to mention what happened at Francfort on the Main. The inhabitants, through the instructions of two laborious evangelical preachers, had acquired such an insight into the corruptions and abuses of the papal system, that they assembled in a tumultuous manner a little before Easter, and insited on the abolition of the popish mass and other ceremo- nies. The senate interfered, and informed the eccle siastics of the papal party, that if they expected the support and defence of the magistrates, they must confute, by the word of God, those tenets of the evan- gelical teachers which maintained that the MASS was NOT A. SACRIFICE. Finding this impossible, the papis- tical preachers quitted three of the principal church- es, which were immediately occupied by the reform era. 656 This glorious progress of the truth, and fall of An- tichrist, did not take place without the shedding of some blood of the martyrs. James Pavan of Bolonge having been seized in the preceding year, on account of his profesions of pure Christianity, had recanted through fear of death. In the course of the present year 1525, he became bold again in the cause of the gospel ; he preached openly on the nature of the sacrament ; and agreea- bly to his own express wish, was burnt alive at Paris. He surrendered his life, in the moment of trial, with the utmost cheerfulness. A German, named Wolffgangus Schuch, had hecn appointed pastor of one of the towns in Lorraine, and during his faithful ministry had abolished the mass, and the worship of images and idols. His congrega- tion were accused of disloyalty to the duke of Lor- raine. The duke threatened to destroy the town, with fire and sword. W. Schuch judged it his duty to step forward voluntarily, and defend his townsmen, though at the peril of his life. He composed a confession of his faith ; and was on the eve of publishing it, when he was suddenly cast into a filthy dungeon, and con- demned to the flames. On hearing his sentence, he broke out into the 122d Psalm : and when in the fire itself, he sung the 51st Psalm. We are told by Abraham Scultetus, one of the most candid and credible historians that ever wrote, that the ecclesiastical judge of Schuch, and also his assessor who was an abbot, both died of sudden deaths, a very little time after: and the duke of Lorrain took pains to convince his courtiers, that nothing more was ne- cessary for salvation than to know the Paternoster and Ave Maria. At Mechlin in Brabant, one Bernard, a Carmelite iviar, is mentioned by Luther as having been burnt on account of his open profession of the gospel. And at the Hague in Holland, a clergyman, named John de Backer, scarcely 27 years old, after many long and vexatious examinations by the papistical inquisitors, merited the crown of martyrdom. 657 Amidst the new ecclesiastical establishments and re* gulations, which Lurher, under the auspices of the eke* tor and his son, was rapidly introducing into Saxony, he still found time for preaching the word of God, and for various useful publications. I;j reflecting on THIS PART of the labors of the Saxon reformer, it may in some measure lessen our surprise, if we advert lo two things, both of which are beyond dispute : First, his unparalleled industry ; time with him was always a precious thing: Secondly, his vast fund of religious knowledge, the result of long and patient study of the holy scriptures. But in regard to the other part, name- ly, how Martin Luther, who had spent so large a por- tion of his life in a monastery, and even now was far from being advanced in years, attained such consum- mate prudence and discretion, for the conduct of prac- tical concerns in worldly affairs, may be a matter both of curious inquiry and just admiration. Certainly, ifc is easier to account for his numerous sermons, com- mentaries, and theological tracts, than for his wise in- stitutions, both in the church and the university, where he had new offices and ranks and orders to arrange, new laws and discipline to digest, where the ecclesi- astical and academical revenues were in the utmost confusion, redundant on some accounts, defective on others; and lastly, where the distribution of the same required fresh inspections and reviews, as well as the most judicious and impartial adjustments. Piouj minds, however, who believe that the hearts of men are prepared anil directed by a Divine superintending agency, especially on great occasions, will account for it without difficulty* And those who are dispos- ed to explain the course of human events by what are called natural causes, should, in the first place, recollect distinctly, what were the specific endow- ments of Luther," allowed by all who are well ac* quainted with his history; namely, a conscientious in- tegrity, incapable of being warped by selfish and inter- ested considerations; a clear and comprehensive un-^ derstanding, furnishing an almost instinctive view of measures to be adopted in the most critical circuca- 4 * 658 stances ; a spirited and courageous temper, constant- ly impelling him to decision and despatch. Then, in the second place, they may be put in mind, that what- ever pains they would take to exclude Almighty God from the government of his own creation, they cannot deny that at the very period when the revealed reli- gion was most deplorably corrupted and defiled by hu- man devices, and when there was the greatest need of a champion to contend with Antichrist, there was actul- ally raised up in Saxony a personage qualified in this uncommon degree to fight manfully under the ban- ners of Christ, and to restore his church to its genuine beauty and simplicity. Among the numerous writings which Luther pub- lished, to advance the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom, was a useful little book, containing 38 Ger- man hyrnns ? with their appropriate tunes, which he composed and printed, just before he ventured to ad- minister the Lord's supper in the German language. This he prepared and published for the purpose of fix- ing, in the memories of the common people, much re- ligious instruction, in a concise and agreeable manner. The subjects were, parts of the catechism; leading articles of belief; prayers and thanksgivings: in fact, the book was a summary of Christian doctrine, ex- pressed in a very neat and elegant German metre ; and so well managed, that the harmony and modula- tion of the voice agreed with the words and senti- ments, and tended to raise the correspondent affec- tions in the minds of the singers. On this account, the author has been called the true Orpheus of Ger- many ; and to his praise it is added, that he applied his knowledge of musical numbers and harmonies to the excitation of the most pious and fervid emotion in the soul. In the preface to this little book he supports the du- ty of church music, on the authority of David and Paul ; at the same time he puts us in mind, that in singing praises, we should have our eyes on Christ alone. " He had subjoined the suitable tunes," he says, u to show that the fine arts are by no means abo- 659 lished through the preaching of the gospel ; but, that in particular, the art of music should be employed to the glory of God ; though he knew this sentiment was contrary to the romantic ideas of some teachers who were disposed to allow nothing but what was purely intellectual. During these incessant labors of this indefatigable servant of God, an attempt was made to take away his life hy poison. APolish Jew, adoctorof medicine, came to Wittemberg, having agreed to do this for two thousand pieces of gold. Luther describes him as a man of wonderful cunning and versatility, and as ca- pable of committing any crime. The doctor and his accomplices were seized, and carried before a magis- trate- but they refused to make any confession ; and Luther entreated that they might be set at liberty, ra* ther than be examined by torture, according to the custom of those times. Nevertheless, he expressed his entire belief that he was the very man who had been pointed out to him by the letters of certain friends. He sa/s, u he answered their description in all respects and that every circumstance also concurred to identi- fy the person of the Jew, and prove his guilt." The sacramental dispute, concerning the manner in which the body and blood of Christ are present in the eucharist, has been already mentioned. Those labors of Luther, which he employed in the sacramen- tal controversy, can afford but little satisfaction to Christian readers. The zeal, fervor and conscientious- ness which ever marked the character of this great re- former, were in this controversy sadly sullied, by a la- mentable obstinacy and perverseness of temper. While he adhered pertinaciously to the literal meaning of the declaration of Christ, " This is my tody," as im- plying that the real body and blood of Christ were pre- sent in the eucharist ; Zumgle and Oecolampadius, with others, insisted, that it was their belief according to the doctrine of St. Paul, " as often as we eat the bread and drink the wine of the sacrament, we shew the Lord's death till he come ; that we consider, con- fess and declare, that Christ offered to his * aluer on. f60 the cross, his body and blood for our redemption ; and doing this with a true faith, we know that our souls are really fed, refreshed and strengthened, by the flesh and blood of Christ." The sacramental controversy was long; continued, and served to disunite many of the friends of the ris- ing reformation, who were in other respects, devout- ly engaged in supporting unitedly, evangelical truths and practices. As it may not tend greatly to the godly edification of the pious reader, to know all the circumstances of this long and unhappy controversy ; suffice it to state, that Luther having been so much attached to his ideas of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the eucharist, teaches us the importance of calling no man master in matters of faith and practice, and of regulating our faith and practice by the sacred scriptures. The avowed and unequivocal support afforded to the reformation by the new elector of Saxony and the: landgrave of Hesse, did not produce all the good ef- fects which might have been expected from the wise and vigorous measures adopted by those illustrious* princes, in the best of causes. Their example, indeed, was followed by the most enlightened princes and states of Germany ; and, in consequence, an improved union, more solid, and better cemented than ever, took place among THESE. But the rest, who, under the cautious and ambiguous conduct of Frederic the Wise, had hitherto shown themselves averse to an open rupture, as soon as they clearly perceived that the reforn ers designed to withdraw themselves from the Romish communion and reject the jurisdiction of the pontiff, instantly took fire at the very idea of such a basis of peace and concord. Some -of them had stood neuter during the violence of the religious differences ; and others had even joined the Lutherans in their com- plaints against certain abuses of the established church; but none had ever once dreamed of entirely deserting the religious system of I heir anceslors ; and, as matters fast advancing to a crisis^ they now thought it 661 high time to make an open declaration of their attach- ment to the established hierarchy, and of their zeal and readiness to promote its interests. Thus the discordant princes or Germany arranged themselves into two distinct parties, each of which seemed resolutely determined to adhere to it* pecul- iar tenets. But there was this essential difference between the patrons of popery and Lutheranism. All the measures of the latter were in principle purely defensive; whereas the former meditated the complete extirpa- tion of adversaries. Foiled in arguments repeat- edly, they seemed to have given up the contest in that way ; and to have expected better success by having recourse to slander. The late rustic war in Germany had afforded them a pretext lor this put pose. They represented the Lutherans as bad subjects in general, and as the prime cause of that late rebellion, arid of the bloodshed. Moreover, though the rebels had been severely handled at Mulhausen, yet fresh commo- tions were apprehended from the operation of the li- centious doctrines of Munzer; therefore the electors of Mayence and Brandenburg, with the duke Henry of Brunswick and his uncle Eric, had a conference at Dessau ; where they made no secret of declaring thai the only radical cure of the evil would be to free the nation from the Lutheran heresy, and from those who protected it. This interview of the enemies of the reformation gave rise to much suspicion and anxiety in the minds of the landgrave of Hesse, especially as, with a view to the distracted state of the country, he had recently requested a friendly meeting with his fa- ther-in-law, the duke George, and had received a surly answer, " That before any thing could be done to the purpose, all the late innovations in religion must be effectually done away." These proceedings had so little ambiguity in them that the Lutherans, about this time, began to delibe* rate seriously how they might best evade the blow with which they were threatened by a powerful and bigoted confederacy. They retorted the accusation 662 of having been the cause of the rebellion of the peas- ants, and justly ascribed those sad events to the cruel, persecuting spirit of the nobles and dignitaries of the church. Various conventions of the princes were held in different places. At Salfeld, in particular, they came to this resolution, "That it became them, as Christian princes, to do every thing to promote the glory of God, and to conform their practice to the re- vealed word. That ,by this word, the true doctrine of jus- tification, through the mercy of God by faith in Jesus Christ, was now once more revived ; arid that, for this great benefit, eternal thanks wtre due to Almighty God." The proxies transmitted their resolution to the duke George, and at the same time animadverted severely on what had passed at the late assembly at Dessau. Meanwhile, mandatory letters from Charles V. to his brother and representative, Ferdinand, dated Toledo, May 24, 1525, calling for a diet of the empire, increas- ed both the discontent and the alarm of all those Ger- man princes who favored the reformation. The let- ters breathed nothing but destruction to the Luther- ans, and the execution of the edict of Worms. He di- rected the diet to be held at Augsburg, on the next Michaelmas day ; and privately, in a milder tone, re- quested the elector of Saxony to be present. But this prince, at the instance of the landgrave, resolved upon a previous measure, admirably calculated to defeat the violent designs of the papal party. This measure consisted in forming a speedy association with all the moderate and well-disposed states of the empire ; such as, the elector Palatine, the elector of Treves, the margraves of Brandenburg, the duke of Luneburg, Pomerania, and Mecklenburg, the princes of Anhalt, the imperial cities of Nuremberg, Strasburg, Augs- burg, and of Ulm and Magdeburg : the object of which association should be, to concur in representing to Fer- dinand the imminent danger there was at this time of exciting fresh and more formidable riots and sedi- tions, by any attempts to execute the edict of Worms; and how abundantly more wise and safe it would be. 663 at the present moment, to come to some distinct de- termination and settlement respecting the religious differences. The principal states of the empire agreed in the same sentiments; and even Ferdinand himself at length confessed the necessity of adopting pacific mea- sures in the concerns of religion ; and allowed the prin- ces to send to the diet such of their theologians as they judged best qualified, by their knowledge and dis- cretion, to prove useful advisers in the ensuing delibe- rations. Accordingly, the elector of Saxony and the land- grave instructed their deputies to represent to the diet, that their masters complained heavily of the harsh terms in which the imperial mandate for calling the diet was expressed ; that, in fact, the late rebellion of the peasants, which the princes had suppressed at the hazard of their lives, was to be imputed to such ill- timed and provoking severities; that Divine truth could not be extinguished in the minds of men by force ; that much greater evils than any which had yet happened, would be the infallible consequence of the attempt, besides the despite done to the word of God ; that those decrees of Nuremberg, which respected the reformation of religion, ought to be observed ; and that, in a matter where the salvation of men's souls was concerned, the utmost care should be taken not to ha- rass tender consciences, by increasing, instead of di- minishing, the present evils; and, lastly, the deputies were ordered to oppose the execution of the edict of Worms with all their might. Further : the elector of Saxony, well aware under how much odium he labored from the papal ecclesi- astics, on account of the reformation in religion which he had authorized at \Vittemberg, directed his theo- logians to prepare in writing, ready for the diet, a brief but comprehensive answer to the principal objec- tions of the opposite party : and such a memoir is found among the archives of Weimar, neatly executed in the German language, by the pen of Melancthon. 664 What follows is a specimen of the author's maurief of treating the subject. The question is whet In r we are guilty of the sin of schism, in preaching certain doc- trines, and abolishing certain usages, riot only without the leave of the bishops, but in direct opposition to their injunctions. For, as they can say nothing against our doctrine, they have no way left to condemn us, but by objecting to our want of authority from the eccle- siastical rulers. They argue, 1. The bishops, and none else, pos- sess any jurisdiction in the church. 2. They urge the infallibility of thn church ; and therefore it is not possible there should have existed, for so many ages, the errors and idolatries which we have abrogated. 8. They put us in mind, that to obey is better than sacrifice ; we ought therefore in have been obedient to our superiors. Also, 4. To have shown a charitable regard for tender consciences. And, 5. Not to have raised civil wars by licentious inno- vations. Melancthon rests the defence of the reformers upon the following facts and principles : 1. Every minister of the word of God is bound, by the express precept of Christ, to preach the leading doctrine of the gospel, namely,justificalion by faith i a Christ Jesus, and not by the merit of human perfor- mances. Whereas, nothing is more certain than that men have been drawn from the cross of Christ, to trust in their own works, and in a variety of superstitious vanities. 2. God has forbidden, under the most heavy pun- ishment, every species of idolatry and false worship : and of this class are, the sacrifice of the mass, masses for the dead, invocations of the saints, and such like; which things, though manifest blasphemies, it is noto- rious, have been taught in the church of Rome, and represented as sharing in their efficacy to salvation* with the merits of our Redeemer himself. 665 3. The pope and bishops neglect their duty , exer- cise an usurped authority even over emperors and princes, and, under the pretence of serving Christ, ap- ply the possessions of the church to the service of their tyrannical purposes. On these grounds the author argues, that the clergy, from the very nature of their vocation, have an unques- tionable authority to- preach the truths of the gospel ; and, moreover, are called on the louder to do this, when the bishops are plunged in ignorance and luxury, and when they answer the admonitions and remon- strances of the reformers only by anathemas and per- secutions. The pope, the cardinals, and the^ clergy of Rome, did not constitute the church of Christ, though there did exist among them some who were real members of that church, and opposed to the reigning errors ; that the true church consisted of the faithful, and of none else, who had the word of God, and by it Were sanctified and cleansed ; that St. Paul had pre- dicted there would come Antichrist, sitting in the tem- ple of God ; and, that the reformers were not guilty of schism, either because they had convicted Antichrist of his errors, or because they had made alterations in. some external ordinances ; that the unity of the) church did not consist in such things ; and that whoever main- tained that it did, ought in every way to be most stre- nuously opposed. That to the charge of disobedi- ence, the answer was easy ; the pope and his bishops had exacted an unlawful obedience ; that nothing short of giving up the word of God would content them ; and that by their excommunications, and other persecutions of the reformed clergy, THEY THEMSELVES had at length stirred up the late rebellion in Germany. Lastly, the atrthor confirms his reasoning by quoting precepts of Christ himself, and by producing pertinent examples from the history, both of the Christian and the Jewish church. "The great doctrinal point, 7 ' says he, in conclusion, " is that of faith in the merits of Christ, independently of human works, as the ground of acceptance before God. Rather than give up this, 4 M 86S we must suffer persecution, and every species of dis- turbance." In the same memoir, Melancthon touches upon an- other question ; namely, Whether the princes had done right in authorizing the reformations which had been made in their colleges and monasteries, contra- ry to the edicts of the emperor and {lie pope ? " The whole," says our author, "turns upon this single consideration, whether the novel doctrines, as they are called, be or be not true ? If true, the prin- ces ought assuredly to protect them. The princes/ are no more under obligation to obey the higher pow- ers in their tyrannical mandates, than Jonathan was to kill David, or Obadiah the prophets." Such were the concise arguments by which the first reformers defended themselves from the charge of heresy and schism. It is to the exertions of these excellent men, conduct- ed with so much spirit, wisdom, and moderation, that we are to ascribe the mild proceedings of the papal parlizans at the diet of Augsburg. In fact, that as- sembly did not meet till the month of November, and, from the advanced state of the season, and other cau- ses, was but thinly attended. The diet was prorogued till the third of May of the next year, to be then held at Spires; and in the mean time, they entreated the emperor to take measures for calling a council, and to favor them with his presence in Germany ; but so far from directing the edict of Worms to be enforced, thej satisfied themselves with repeating the evasive decree of Nuremberg, which, in general, enjoined the clergy to introduce no novel doctrines, but to preach the pure gospel as it had been understood always by the great body of Christians, to consult for peace and harmony, and do all to the glory of God. It does not appear that Ferdinand discovered any reluctance to subscribe the terms of the recess. The most violent and the most inveterate adversaries of Luther could not but see the danger and the folly of all attempts, under the present circumstances, either to banish or take away the life of a man who was so much admired and be- 667 loved by his countrymen ; and to whose extraordina- ry discernment, industry, and courage, not only Ger^ many, but also many other parts of Europe, were un- der the greatest obligations. This appearance, however, oflenity and moderation was deceitful, being founded not in any solid princi- ples of justice or religion, but merely in the tempo- rary fear of tumult and sedition. Even during the sit- tings of the late diet, the ecclesiastical princes had shown themselves much elevated with the recent vic- tories over the rebellious peasants, and consequent- ly, more disposed to violent and sanguinary mea- sures. Thus the present calm was considered, by the more judicious and thinking protest ants, only as a pre- lude to a tempest, shortly to be raised by all the great powers of the established hierarchy, for the purpose of crushing effectually, not only the Saxon reformer arid his petty adherents at Wittemberg, but every German prince and state, whether civil or ecclesiastical, which had dared to oppose or dissent from the communion of the Roman church. Moreover, there were other reasons, besides those which have been mentioned, which would naturally fill the minds of the protestants with disquieting sus- picions and apprehensions. So embittered was the court of Rome, against what they called the Lutheran heresy, that in every treaty which the pope had of late concluded with foreign powers, the absolute destruc- tion and extirpation of all Lutherans was a specific article. For example, the ninth article of the treaty made by Clement VII. with the emperor, after the bat- tle of Pavia and the capture of Francis I. runs thus: " Because religion, much more than any temporal con- cern, is near the heart of the Roman pontiff, and be- cause the good faith of his holiness has been called in question, the emperor, the king of England, and the archduke Ferdinand, engage to take up arms with all their might against all disturbers of the catholic faith, and against all persons who shall revile or injure the pontiff; and further, the aforesaid princes take upon themselves to punish all such offenders against his ho- 668 liness, in the same manner as if the offences had been committed against their own persons." In the autumn of the very same year, this precious pontiff, whose thoughts, it seems, were so deeply and so entirely exercised concerning the advancement and protection of pure religion, deserted Charles V. and made a treaty with England and France, the primary object of which was declared to be, that the contract- ing ^parties should effectually withstand the brutal ferocity of the Turks, andi also suppress that most pestilential heresy of the Lutherans ; for that there was as much danger from the latter evil as from the former, the said heresy having secretly spread itself to a great extent, and done much mischief to the chris-* tian faith. In the former treaty of peace, called the treaty of Madrid, by which Francis I. recovered his liberty, it is expressly stated, that the emperor and the king are in- duced to make peace, that they may be able to extirpate all the enemies of the Christian religion, and especial- ly the heretics of the Lutheran sect. The pope, they ay, had often admonished and much solicited them to attend seriously to this important duty. It was, therefore, to satisfy his wishes that they had determin- ed 10 entreat his holiness to give directions for a gen- eral council of the deputies of the kings and princes, to meet at a fixed time and place, then and there to consult on the most effectual method of carrying on the war against the Turks, and also of suppressing heresy. How vigilant and indefatigable was this pontiff in rousing the adversaries of religion, and endeavoring to make them active and resolute in persecuting the lit- tle flock of true Christians, wherever they could find them! Among many of his epistolary admonitions and exhortations written for this purpose, there is one even to the parliament of Paris. He had been inform- ed, he said, that impious heresies had begun to creep into France: arid that the parliament had wisely in- terposed, by choosing commissioners for the detection and punishment ef the offenders. He entirely approv- 669 ed, and by his authority confirmed, the steps they had taken: it was a common concern: the mischief was general, and was to be ascribed to the malice of Sa- tan, and the fury of his impious agents. Not only re- ligion, but also governments, kings, princes, nobles, all ranks and orders, were on the brink of destruc- tion. It was a time when the common safety called for unanimous exertion. He promised that on his part no care or labor should be spared ; and it was their duty, he told them to enter into the same views with their whole heart, and preserve their country from that calamitous infection, which infallibly attended the dissemination of this contagious heresy. Another source of anxiety and alarm to the protes- tant confederate princes was the steady co-operation of Charles V. with the pope's tyrannical designs. Charles by mandate from Seville, March, 1526, direct- ed his lieutenant general Ferdinand, and the rest of his commissioners, to admonish the members of the diet, who were about to assemble at Spires, to make no resolutions which were either contrary to the Chris- tian faith, or to the ancient usages. He himself had already abrogated the late decree of Nuremberg, which had enjoined an examination of Luther's wri- tings ; and would shortly concert measures with his holiness respecting a GENERAL council. The resolu- tions of those partial assemblies, he said, had done no good ; but had rather confirmed the licentious vulgar in their errors : and that the diet would do well to regu- late all their proceedings by their own common con- sent. He complained, that doctrines which had been condemned were still taught, holy men were reviled, and seditions encouraged. This imperial mandate was intended by Charles V* for the public eye ; but besides this, he caused private and secret instructions to be delivered to Henry duke of Brunswic, the general purport of which, as it soon became matter of notoriety, affected the minds of the good protestants with much greater concern than any public document could do, because it seemed most clearly to demonstrate the extreme hostility of the 670 emperor's disposition towards any species of reforma- tion. The duke was commissioned to visit several such princes of the empire as were known to be per- fectly untainted with Lutheranism : for example, the archbishop of Cologne and Bremen, the bishop of Munster and Minden, the elector of Brandenburg, and several others. He was directed to show his instruc- tions to some of them, to deliver civil messages from the emperor to others, and to make them all acquaint- ed with how much grief his imperial highness had heard of the daily increase of the Lutheran heresy, which had already given rise to so much bloodshed, devastation and blasphemy. The duke was to add, that the steady adherence of these princes to the an- cient religion had afforded the emperor the most live- ly satisfaction; and that his highness intended vrry shortly to advise with them in person, concerning the best remedies to be used in this most destructive dis- temper. He was then to declare, on the emperor's part, that he should not permit any other of his con- cerns to interfere with this: and lastly, he was to ex- hort the princes to persevere in the faith, to unite themselves with all the Antilutherans, and, in one con- nected body, to resist with effect, and finally to sup- press, the cunning and deceitful arts, as well as the violent and seditious outrages of this mischievous fac- tion. Charles concluded his instructions emphatically with saying, " That he should not be wanting in his endeavors to promote the good cause ; that he heart- ily thanked those who had hitherto shown their zeal and fidelity ; and he would not fail to reward their ser- vices liberally." The precise manner in which these secret commu- nications came to the knowledge of the Lutheran princes does not appear; but as copies of the memoir were sent to several other princes besides Henry of Brunswic, we need not wonder that its contents were soon divulged. This secret memoir, there is reason to believe, con- tributed to produce some important consequences. 1. Distrust and animosity among the princes of the 671 empire. In particular, the duke of Brunswic was sus- pected of having calumniated the Lutheran princes,, and of having endeavored to poison the emperor's mind, by instilling a belief that the reformers made proselytes by using force; and moreover, that they were the real cause &f the late rustic rebellion. 2. An entire despair of the emperor's justice and impartiali- ty in any future attempt to adjust the religious dif- ferences. He lent his ear to slanderous reports, and afforded the accused no opportunity of justifying them- selves. 3. It proved, that beyond all doubt, a treaty- had been concluded against Christ and his sacred word. The landgrave, on the occasion of this con- viction of his mind, declared solemnly, that he would rather lose his life than be forced in this manner into poverty and exile. 4. It showed the urgent and in- creased necessity of a counter treaty, for the purpose of confounding the machinations of all the adversaries of Christian truth and liberty of conscience. Undoubtedly the pope and the emperor were mos to be dreaded, as the great engines of ecclesiastical tyranny and persecution ; nevertheless, it was now sufficiently clear, that there existed also, within the German empire many powerful agents, who were completely disposed to concur with those wicked despots in their destructive and sanguinary designs against the infant reformation. For those very purposes, a secret treaty against the elector of Saxony and the landgrave of Hesse was dis- covered to have been made at Mayence, under the aus*- pices and management of the duke George. Luther, whose vigilance and industry were unexampled, both acquired a knowledge of this conspiracy, and wrote a little treatise for the purpose of exposing the authors of it. It was, however, thought better to suppress the work ; and at present there remain only some frag- ments of it in the German edition of Luther's works. In a letter to Spalatinus, he alludes to these things in the following manner: "You can scarce believe what mischief Satan is plotting at this moment, through the medium of the bishops, with the duke George at their head. Shortly, in a little book, which is at this very time in the press, I purpose to give you a speci- men of his iniquitous proceedings. If the Lord do not prevent the accomplishment of the designs of these men, you will have to say, that the late rebellion and slaughter of the rustics was but the prelude to the uni- versal destruction af Germany. I therefore seriously beseech you to join your prayers with me to the Father of mercies, that he may be pleased to confound the wild and insidious devices of these men ; especially of the duke George, a deplorably lost character, 1 do fear. Let us beseech God, eithef to change his heart, or to remove him from among us : otherwise he will not only continue to rage like a wild beast, but, through the instigation of the prelates, will show himself a perfect Satan. It so torments the man that Luther is not yet put to death, that he can neither sleep nor wake ; insomuch, that there may be sotne reason to fear, he will be worn out by the excessive anxiety of his mind on this very account. Gracious God ! what a load has our good prince to sustain ! not merely as the elector of Saxony, and an avowed friend of the reformers amidst numerous hostile princes, but also on account of the wicked machinations of some of his own familiars and intimates, persons of rank and con- sequence. I have abundance t(* tell you, concerning plots and evil counsels ; but I dare not commit them to writing." The real state of the reformation in Germany may be collected from such documents as these, infinitely better than from many chapters, filled with the ima- ginations and refinements of the most acute politicians. The curious student of ecclesiastical history will now see what just cause the protestant princes, especially John the Constant, elector of Saxony, and Philip the landgrave of Hesse, had for apprehending the most imminent danger to their dignity and property, and even their lives, from the fury and barbarity of papal superstition ; and how necessary it was to form a well connected, defensive alliance, which might prove some protection and security against the im- 678 pending storm. The diet of Spires was at hand ; and if the antipapal princes should have met there without previous communication of sentiment, confu- sion, reserve, and imbecility, must have been the con- sequence, instead of unanimity, courage and strength. No time was therefore to be lost ; the present moment seemed critical in the highest degree. Actuated by such views and principles, those resolute and spirited protestants, the elector of Saxony and the landgrave of Hesse, met at Torgau, and there agreed upon a treaty of mutual defence, in opposition to the tyranny of the ecclesiastics. Their next step was to invite others to join in the alliance ; and in a few weeks afterwards, at Magdeburg, they met together again, and again sub- scribed the same treaty, with the addition of a consid- erable number of princes, who followed their exam- ple. The Magdeburg treaty, as it is called, does honor to the cause of the gospel, is worthy of the courageous Christian characters who joined in it, and, as it seems to have been the foundation of the famous league which was afterwards formed at Srnallcald, we shall give the substance of it here. The federalists begin with praising God for his ex- traordinary providence, his grace, and his unspeakable mercy, in having bestowed upon them his sacred word, which is the only true comfort, the real food of the soul, and the greatest treasure in the world. They then proceed to relate the numerous and powerful machinations with which to the present moment they have been disturbed, especially by the clergy and their adherents, whose object it was to deprive the people of the use of the holy scriptures, and of those com- forts which they afford to the heart and conscience. They express a hope that God will continue to them this great blessing of the Bible. They were ready to have repaired to the late diet at Augsburg, there to treat concerning religion and harmony, but were pre- vented by the advanced season of the year. They had now the same intentions, in regard to the diet of Spires. They were convinced^ they said, by the infor- 4 N 674 (nation which they received from all quarters, as alse by the various meetings and discussions which had re- cently taken place, that factions were forming, leagwes and treaties were entered into, and money collected ; and all this, in the intention of maintaining by force the old abuses, of extinguishing the truths of Divine revela- tion, and of waging war against those princes and ru- lers who felt themselves bound in duty and conscience to profess and protect the gospel in their dominions, and who injured no person living, nor committed any acts of violence whatever. Impelled therefore by their own consciences and a sense of their duty to God, it was for the reasons above mentioned, that, without, meaning to offend any one, they had mutually agreed upon a plan of pure defence against the war and vio- lence with which they appeared to be threatened ; and they hereby engaged to unite and exert every power they possessed against all those, who, under any pre- tence whatever, should attack them on account of their religion. The diet did not assemble at Spires till near the end of June, 1526, but was unusually well attended. All the electors, except thsoe of Brandenburg, were present. The elector of Saxony and the landgrave of Hesse, during the deliberations of the members, appear to have preserved a steady attention to the very prudent project which they had recently formed ; judging, it would seem, that they should serve the Lutheran cause more effectually by strengthening their TREATY OF DEFENCE, than by long arguments and debates OH points of religion, before an assembly which contain- ed so many bigoted ecclesiastics and selfish politicians. Accordingly they took occasion to address the depu- ties of Strasburg, Nuremberg, and Augsburg, on the subject of mutual defence. They were convinced, they said, of their love of the gospel ; and there could be no doubt of the machinations of the prelates and other agents of the pope at the present time : Ought not therefore an association or an alliance to be form- ed on this principle : That if any one should be brought Jrito Difficulty or danger on account of religion, the 673 federalists should support one another ? they that as they had a good opinion of the cities of Frank- fort and Ulm, it might be proper to ask them also to join in the confederacy : To this the deputies replied, They had no express instruction on that subject, but they promised to be particularly careful in reporting the proposal to their masters. Several of the Lutheran divines were present at this diet, and were heard in explanation of the doctrines of the reformer ; but not without much troublesome though ineffectual objection on the part of the papal princes, under the pretext of avoiding commotions. Ferdinand also made a smooth and plausible harangue to the deputies of all the states of the empire. "Him- self, his brother the emperor, and the house of Austria, were bound to them by the ties of affection.'' He therefore warned them not to be led astray by the per- suasions of certain persons; and finally exhorted them to exhibit a disposition to obey their lawful sovereign. But these mild terms, it is to be observed, were not used by Ferdinand till near the conclusion of the diet ; when he had found, by experience, that neither him- self, nor the imperial ministers, nor the bishops, had been able, by their menaces, to overawe those resolute and determined Germans. At the opening of the diet, the emperor's representa- tive informed the members, it was the pleasure of his imperial highness, that, in the first place they should proceed to determine the best method of securing the Christian religion, and the ancient usages of the church; then, how they should punish offenders, and compel to -obedience such as forcibly resisted their injunctions; also, how they could unite their mutual and effective efforts to procure the execution of the edict of Worms, which was now of five years standing. Upon this, the diet selected a committee, composed of bishops, secu^ lar princes, and leading senators, who should propose regulations for the adjustment of the religious differen- ces. But the emperor's representatives interposed, by aaying, that it would be most to the purpose for them ff* read to (he ctiot the instructions winch they had re- 676 ceived from their master ; this would best ensure obe- dience to him, and prevent that loss of time which the committee might otherwise spend on subjects to which their authority did not extend. They then read the emperor's mandate from Seville, as already given. Most of the deputies answered, in writing, that it had been fully proved to the pope's legate, in a former diet, that it was then absolutely impossible to execute the edict of Worms, through fear of the commotions which would arise : that now the attempt was abundantly more difficult ; because the religious disputes were daily increasing, especially about ceremonies and abu- ses : that the emperor, were he present, would form the same judgment. Moreover, in regard to the pro- mise of a general council, that promise was made by the emperor when in treaty with his holiness ; but that since the date of the emperor's letters, the pope had changed sides, and ordered his forces to act against his imperial majesty. What prospect then could there be of a general council ? Under such circum- stances, it was their opinion that the emperor's leave should be asked to call a provincial Germanic council ; that either delay, or an attempt to execute the edict of Worms, was unspeakably dangerous ; and that there- fore, if his imperial majesty did not approve of the ex- pedient of calling such a council, he should be en- treated to dispense with the execution of the afore- said edict, till a general council could be called. Such, they said, had been the plan of the last diet of Nuremberg ; and that since their intended conven- tion at Spires had been interdicted by the emperor, the expectations of many of the states had been dis- appointed, and the disposition to tumult and civil war much increased. That, in fact, the rebellion of the peasants might have been avoided if attention had been paid to the representation of the grievances which the country suffered from the ecclesiastics. That in those districts where a reformation had taken place, the disturbances had been slight, and presently quiet- elk That they had made no changes whatever in 607 that true and holy faith which was founded in and his eternal immutable word : neither had they re- jected any ceremonies, but what were contrary to the scriptures. Lastly, they observed emphatically, that in a state of discord, uncertainty, and anxiety, respect- ing their own condition, men could not be much dis- posed to contribute their money liberally to the assis- tance of others. After this, the deputies, in a distinct memorial ventured to point out certain practices, which they thought called for alteration or entire abolition. In every town, they said, the poor inhabitants were burdened with what were denominated mendicant monks. These stripped men of the comforts of life ; and, in many cases, procured legacies and estates to be devised to them by dying persons. These things were mischievous to the last degree, and called loud- ly for correction. The ecclesiastics, also ought no longer to enjoy those immunities, for the granting of which the reasons now no longer existed. Also, the number of holidays ought to be lessened ; the dis- tinction of meats abolished ; and, above all, the free course of the gospel should not be impeded. Such bold and prudent remonstrances must have given the pontifical partizans an insight into the steady character of the German reformers. In partic- ular, the elector of Saxony most strictly enjoined his counsellors to beware of the corrupt arts of the bishops and to stand inflexibly firm to the gospel. It was however chiefly, through the numerous suffrages of the towns and cities, and especially those of the high- er Germany, that the reformers acquired so considera- ble an ascendant in this diet. The leading ecclesiastics, who, had no other aim but the preservation of their own authority, maintained that during the discord between the emperor and the pope, it was impossible to come to any decisive con- clusions respecting the religious dissentions ; and that therefore that business had better be deferred to a more favorable juncture. No doubt they conceived, that, as dignified ecclesiastics, both their authority 678 and their revenues would be more effectually sup- ported by the pope, acting at a future time in concert with the emperor, than by the emperor alone in the present circumstances. The members also of the select committee before mentioned differed so exceedingly among each other, and the opposition to any reformation was conducted with such prodigious heat and acrimony, that there seemed to be an end to all sober deliberation. Spal- atinus' observation on what he saw at this diet is, that v Christ was extremely odious to the Pharisees." He adds, that neither the elector nor the landgrave were allowed to have their own chaplains in the churches ; and that on this account these princes caused sermons to be preached in the vestibules of their hotels, where many thousands of people were collected together to hear the doctrines of the gospel. Disgusted with such violent and unprincipled pro- ceedings, and seeing no prospect of an amicable con- clusion, the&e good princes and their adherents medi- tated to withdraw themselves from the diet, and return home. Ferdinand instantly took the alarm, convinc- ed that, if the assembly should break up in their pre- sent state of animosity and exasperation, without making any decree, all Germany would be in a flame. He had moreover received recent information, that the Turks had advanced into Hungary, and also that France, England, and the Pope, were in treaty agajnst the emperor. In this critical conjuncture he wisely determined to recommend moderation and harmony to the contending parties ; and at length, by using gentle and soothing language, with the assist- ance of the archbishop ofTreves, lie seemed to have prevented a most mischievous rupture in the diet, and to have produced among its members a more pa- cific and pliable disposition. The difficulty still re- mained, to determine in what terms the decree OR THE RECESS, should be expressed, so as to be suffi- ciently respectful to the emperor, and yet perfectly consistent with what had been proved, after long and warm altercations, to be the sentiments of a great 670 majority of the deputies. At last, the reformers sug- gested the following expedient, which was consented to by the whole assembly ; " That the welfare of reli- gion, and the maintenance of the public peace, made it necessary that a general, or at least a national coun- cil, should be called, to commence within the space of a year ; that the emperor should, by a solemn ad- dress, be requested to procure such a council ; and that, in regard to ecclesiastical concerns and the edict of Worms, the princes and states should in the mean time, till either one or the other sort of council was called, undertake so to conduct themselves, in their respective provinces, as to give to God and to the em- peror a good account of their administration. Thus terminated, in a manner more advantageous to the Lutherans than they could have expected, the diet of Spires. The resolution of the RECESS, it is true, was but evasive ; yet such were the existing circum- stances, that a truce of this sort answered all the pur- poses which the most zealous friends of the reforma- tion could desire. Their divines preached and wrote with greater confidence and less molestation ; and the anti-papal dispositions increased both in strength and numbers. It was natural that those who already had rejected the Romish superstitions should proceed more vigorously, during such a season of liberty, in digesting and maturing their new systems of ecclesi- astical government ; and also, that several princes or states, who through timidity or danger had hitherto with reluctance continued in close communion with the establishment, should now grow cold in the cause they had long disliked, or perhaps renounce at once, if circumstances permitted them, that corrupt commun- ion, and adopt the new model of worship and church government already made to their hands in the elec- torate of Saxony. And such, we are told, were the real effects of the ambiguous decree of the diet of Spires in 1526. We have not yet mentioned how much the beauty and excellence of pure evangelical principles showed themselves at the diet of Spires, in the exterior coti- 680 duct of the Lutheran princes. The landgrave of Hesse, about a week before the meeting of the diet, represented to John Frederic, the son of the elector, how necessary it was, that those, who pretended to be advocates for reformation of doctrine, should them- selves be careful to exhibit examples of good moral conduct in their own families. He entreated the young prince to state this matter seriously to his father ; and thereby prevent the debauchery, and drinking, and other vices, which usually took place at such public seasons, among the domestics and servants of the great. " How dreadfully scandalous," said he, " and how injurious, are such practices, to the cause of the gospel, and of the word of God ! The princes ought to set their faces most earnestly against these inveterate and impious abuses ; and, by so doing they would acquire both signal advantage and honor. Nay," added he, " they must do so, unless they mean to bring on themselves the worst of evils, and even the loss of their own souls." The elector received the ad- monition like a good Christian, and enjoined his whole retinue to observe the most laudable regula- tions. And thus these good protestants and their fam- ilies, who have been reviled by papal historians for breaking the Roman catholic rules concerning fasts and meats and drinks during their residence at Spires, were in fact adorning their profession, by temperance, soberness, and chastity. The Reformation in Hesse by the Landgrave. The ardent temper of Philip the landgrave of Hes- se was a remarkable contrast to the cautious dilatory disposition of the late elector of Saxony. Unmoved by the pressing solicitations of the duke George his father-in-law, and also of his mother Anne of Meck- lenburg, the landgrave immediately upon his return from the diet of Spires, earnestly endeavored to carry forward the reformation which in some degree was already begun in his dominions. Melancthon, who had been consulted on this occasion, attempted to 681 check the fervor of this prince, by a letter full of good sense, yet favoring a little of the natural timidity of the writer. He advised him by all means, in the present critical times, to proceed by gradual advances, and never, to lose sight of the grand distinction between things essential, and things in their very nature indif- ferent. The preachers on the side of the reformation, he said, were often as quarrelsome as the papists themselves, if not more so on some occasions ; and frequently the difference was about mere trifles. A. public teacher should not only inculcate faith, but also the fear of God, and universal charity and obedience to magistrates. He dreaded a civil war, and would rather die than live at such a time. The Romish ec- clesiastics instigate to war ; why do not the rest ex- hort men to gain a knowledge of the subject, and in the mean time to keep the peace ? " Your highness," continued Melancthon, " I am convinced, might do a great deal with the princes, if you would exhort them to take pains to understand the several points in dis- pute, and endeavor to terminate the ecclesiastical contentions." The landgrave, not quite satisfied with the luke- warm advice of Melancthon, and anxious to have the pure gospel of Christ taught in all the churches under his jurisdiction, appointed an ecclesiastical synod to be held at Hamburg in the month of October, 1526, for the express purpose of determining the peculiar and distinguishing doctrines of the reformation, More- over, in this important business he was assisted by an excellent French divine, named Francis Lambert, who first composed a summary of pure evangelical doc- trine and of the errors of the church of Rome, then published his propositions, and afterwards boldly pre- sented himself before the synod and a great multitude of Hessians, as an advocate and defender of the sys- tem which he had submitted to the general inspection and judgment. The landgrave and his chancellor were present and allowed perfect freedom of discussion ; but as no material opposition was made to the propo- sitions of Lambert, and asthev were completely I,tv ftheran in their purport, it may be sufficient to con- clude this article with a brief account of their author. " There is no doubt," says Luther to Spalatinus ? . " of the integrity of Lambert : we have witnesses who heard him preach, both in France and at Basil ; and they all give the man a good character. He is of a no- ble family, but has been a minor friar during the space of twenty years, and is now a poor persecuted exile for having been faithful to the word of GocU At pre- sent he is with us at Wittemberg ; and though we have no want of lecturers, we shall endeavor to employ him. He pleases me in all respects ; and I am satis- fied he is one who deserves a little help from us in his poverty ; but you, who know that i live at the ex* pense of other persons, must also know that I have not an income to support him. It might not be amiss for you to persuade the prince not to lose this good man* but in Christian chanty to afford him some small assis- tance till he can support himself either by his own in- dustry, or by what he may receive from his relations.'" Another author of unquestionable veracity des- cribes this same Frenchman to be a person who ex celled in piety, genius, and learning, and who was able powerfully to convince gainsayers and stop theiv mouths. During his residence at Wiitemberg, he wrote comments on the prophets, on Solomon's song, and the gospel of St. Luke, and dedicated them to the elec- tor. He seems to have agreed with Luther in all the fundamental points in religion. In his twenty-second proposition at Homburg, he thus speaks of faith and justification: " We are not justified by a mere histori- cal faith ; but by a real lively trust in God, and this without any works of obedience even to the law of God : much less then are we justified by any works of our own contrivance. Such a faith, however, is al- ways fruitful, and produces a willing obedience: it also makes a man free ; yet not free so as to be ab- solved from obedience to magistrates. Neither can it possibly be, that a faithful soul should abuse true Christian liberty. The man who does abuse it, is not in possession of true Christian faith.."' 683 Under the auspices of an adviser like Lambert, w Deed not wonder that the new system of doctrine and discipline which the landgrave promoted in Hesse had all the principal features of the reformation in Saxony. Soon after the synod of Horn burg, he ordered the monks and nuns to leave the monasteries, and by means of their revenues he founded several hospitals, and also an university af Marpurg. He directed the images to be taken outof the churches, and appointed faithful ministers in each of them ; and among his va- rious new institutions, he remembered to fix the poor xile Lambert in the professorship of Marpurg, where the goed man died at an advanced age, in the year 1630. .Luther's sentiments respecting war and defence. His labors. During these transactions, and while the labors of the reformers were crowned with such signal success, Martin Luther, who was never behind any of them in zeal, industry, and exertion, exhibited to the world a brilliant specimen of the purity of his principles, and of his entire submission to the injunctions of the gospel. We have already seen that the accession of the land- grave to the Lutheran cause had considerable influ- ence in Germany. The gentle, pacific decree of the diet of Spires is a proof of this ; and so is the com- mencement of a defensive confederacy, and the pro- gress made in that prudent measure. But it was not without difficulty, k should seem, that this bold and enterprising prince, in the vigor of youth, and con- scious of the goodness of his intentions, could be restrained within the limits of defensive operations. John the Constant, however, under the direction of a sounder discretion, and probably of a more scrupulous conscience, checked this hasty disposition to take up arms, and in the mean time consulted Luther on the momentous practical question OF RESISTANCE. As this very circumstance evinces the high estimation in which our reformer \ras then held as a sage divine and 684 an honest casuist, the reader will do well to consider, whether the answers which he gave on this occasion correspond to the opinion undeniably prevalent at that time, respecting his superior wisdom and integrity. The following judgment of Luther was conveyed to the elector through the medium of his chancellor Pon- tanus. " That the elector of Saxony had no superior but one, namely, the emperor ; and that therefore he was justified in defending his own subjects, and also in repelling any violent acts of his adversaries among the princes. That if the ecclesiastical princes, or their allies, should pretend to have the emperor's orders, the elector was not bound to believe them ; that he had aright to presume such orders to be surreptitious; for that Charles V. was in Spain, and that his let- ters to the elector breathed nothing but kindness and peace. That if the edict of Worms should be made the pretext, the answer should be : It was notorious that that edict was fabricated without the consent of the princes, and against the consent of the leading ones ; that the prelates, and they only, had concurred in it ; that it had in fact been abrogated by the decrees of Nuremberg and of Spires ; therefore all attempts of the princes and states to execute the said edict were unjust, and might be resisted with a good conscience." The nice and delicate question remained still to be answered. What was to be done, supposing the em- peror should avowedly arm the adverse party with his authority ? A puzzling question this ; and which probably has never yet received, nor can receive, a belter answer than Luther gave to it : " That the elector and his friends would still be at liberty to protest and remonstrate ; that in that way the righ(s of the princes might be preserved, and the fraudulent practices of their adversaries detected ; and that in every event, TIME WOULD BE GAINED BY THIS STEP : and lastly," says Luther, " God will take care of the rest." He then deprecates, in the strongest terms, every idea of commencing an offensive war, or any war otherwise than against aggressors, agreeably to the 685 grand rule, " They that take the sword, shall perish by the sword." Lastly, he concludes with these re- markable words : " If the landgrave will not act consistently with these principles, but will at all events have recourse to arms, it will be better for the elector to dissolve the alliance at once. But not so, in case force should be used against the elector, or the landgrave, or their allies ; they will then have a right to repel force by force." There is no part of Luther's character which ap- pears to have been less understood, or more misrepre- sented, than that of his quiet, peaceable disposition as a citizen and in general a member of civil society. From the strong language which he often uses against popish abuses and corruptions, and from the vigorous efforts he made to correct or reform them, he has been too hastily pronounced to be a man of a turbulent and seditious stamp. There is, however, an abundance of testimonies produced in various parts of this volume, which must prove satisfactorily that there is no ground whatever for such an opinion ; and moreover, that the contrary is the truth : but these testimonies have been almost entirely either suppressed or disregarded by modern historians. The same valuable memoir contains another piece of admirable advice which Luther gave the elector, namely ; that his highness would do well, seriously and in writing, to admonish his clergy of their neglect of du- ty, and to tell them, that this was so very great, as to have compelled him to take the matter into consider- ation himself ; that the salvation of men's souls as well as the peace of the community, in these times of dis- pute and contention, imperiously required him to en- sure better instructions from the pulpit: And, as a clear proof that these were the sole objects of his pre- sent monition, he should content himself with earnest- ly entreating them to promote among his subjects pure evangelical doctrine, and to cultivate a spirit of tran- quillity and concord : but that if, after all, they should 686 Fail to do this, he would no longer run the hazard of tumults in his dominions; he would no longer bear their neglect and opposition to the gospel, nor any longer be a partaker in their guilt. At the conclusion of this wise counsel, Luther adds a remarkable clause, to this effect : " I have persuaded myself that such a step on the part of the elector may be useful, by demonstrating to mankind the purity of the motives of the reformers, and by affording comfort afterwards to their own con- sciences, in the reflection that they can say truly, " Nothing, which was not directly opposite to the word of God, was left untried for the prevention of a rup- ture with the superior clergy." It may not be improper in this place to give a brief account of Luther's sentiments concerning the war with the Turks. The Hungarian ambassadors had been at the late diet of Spires, to solicit assistance against them; but through the excessive folly and presump- tion of Lewis II. king of Hungary, Solyman, who was then invading his kingdom at the head of 300,000 men, obtained a decisive victory in the plains of Mo- hacz, on the 29th of August, 1526, only two days after the recess of the diet. In this fatal battle the flower of the Hungarian nobility perished, with upwards of 20,000 men; and Lewis was drowned in his flight. The victorious sultan, after overrunning Hungary, pen- etrated into Austria, and even besieged Vienna. This progress of the infidels was truly alarming; and an in- distinct notion prevailed, that the reformers thought it wicked to fight against the Turks. In such circum- stances'it became the duty of a man who possessed the power of directing the judgment of so many thousands of the inhabitants of Germany, to speak plainly, and to rectify such misconceptions as might prove injuri- ous to the safety of his country. The duty of a Chris- tian soldier was a point which Luther had deeply con- sidered ; and in forming conclusions on the subject, lie constantly rested with an implicit obedience on what he conceived to be the Divine will, as revealed In scripture; It was in the year 1529, when the enemy was evea >at the door, that our author published, in the German language, a little traet for the purpose of rousing his countrymen to take up arms in the common defence. In this performance he chides severely the common people, who, he understood, had shown themselves so ignorant and barbarous as to express wishes for the success of the Turks ; and at the same time he blames the preachers for having dissuaded their congrega- tions from being concerned in this war, and for rep- resenting the profession of arms as unlawful. It was painful to him to find himself calumniated as the cause of the present irruption of the infidels, as he had been also of the rebellion of the peasants; but there was no ground whatever for the charge. He did not deny, he said, that formerly he had maintained, " That to fight against the Turks was to ily in the face of God himself, who was visiting us for our sins ; and that this was one of the positions which had been selected from his writings, and condemned in the bull of Leo X. But he asked, what were the existing circumstances at that time ? The dignity of magistrates and governors was oppressed and held in no estimation ; and the pope exercised an usurped domination over all the prin- ces. He affirmed that he himself was the first who had opened men's eyes on that subject, to the great satisfaction of the late elector Frederic. In fact, the war with the Turks was then the war of the pope ; it was an offensive war, and a war founded on no good principle : it was made a pretence for exhausting Ger- many of its money by the sale of indulgences : and no penitence or amendment of life, without which it is in vain to hope for success in war, was so much as thought of. Moreover, it was at the same time pre- tended to be the peculiar duty of Christians to take up arms against the infidels ; whereas he scrupled not to profess an opinion directly opposite. He conceiv- ed, that the duties of men, considered as Christians, consisted in things of a very- different nature; and that the kingdom of Christ was not of this world. Still ss had the pope and the its favor to the exclusion of others." " In the next place he provided homilies to be read by such ministers as had not the gift of preaching ; a very necessary precaution, while evangelical knowledge was at so low an ebb. He also recommended the study of the Latin tongue throughout the dominions** of the elector of Saxony, that there might be men ca- pable of instructing foreign nations; lest, like the Waldenses in Bohemia, they should not be able to communicate Christian information to any who did not understand the language of their teachers. Fur- ther ; the catechising of youth was one of Luther's favorite objects : then the exposition of the creed, of the Lord's prayer, and of the ten commandments, he insisted on as of the highest moment : and thus, by the use of moderate and conciliatory methods, though the advances towards perfection were gradual, the public order of religion, through the indefatigable la- bors of this eminent servant of God, in no great length of time wore a new aspect in Saxony, to the unspeak- able benefit of that country. Persecutions of the Reformers. The blessed calm which the church enjoyed after the diet of Spires, must not be understood to have ex- tended beyond those provinces and districts which were under the jurisdition of such princes and gover- nors as were favorable to the propagation of Christian truth and liberty. In Bohemia and Hungary, Ferdi- 690 nand, now king of both countries, raged against the Luiherans with all t.h-' fury which papal ignorance and superstition, exasperated by opposition, could inspire. The rigor of the persecution in Bohemia may be infer- red from a single insiance. A person named Nicho- las Tornar, and a widow of sixty years, named Clara, suffered death in the flames with Christian fortitude, merely because they denied their belief in the corpo- real presence of Christ in the sacrament. In Germany also, two remarkable instances of mar- tyrdom are recorded. 1. John Huglin, minister of Lindau, was directed by the bishop of Constance to recant the Christian faith ; and on refusal, was treated precisely as John Huss had been, that is, degraded in the most abusive language, and then delivered over to the secular power. This man, while he was prepar- ing for the fire, sang several songs of praise with the utmost cheerfulness. 2. Peter Spongier had no- thing laid to his charge, except that he had been heard to lament the blindness of the papists, and to exhort their clergy to read their bibles. By stealth he was hurried away to Friburg, delivered over to the council of regency at Ensishem, and by them con- demned to be held under water till he was dead. At Munich, the capital of Bavaria, George Carpen- ter was burnt alive in 1527; because he refused to subscribe to the Romish corruptions. This sufferer, when some of his pious brethren requested him to give them, while in the flames, some sign of the firmness of his mind, answered in these memorable words, " Let this be looked upon by you as the most certain sign of the steadiness of my faith ; that as long as I am able to open my mouth, or even to mutter, I will never cease to praise God, and confess the name of our Re- deemer: 1 ' and it is said, the man kepthis word. But one of the most affecting stones of this kind is the martyrdom of Leonhard Cz^ar, in the same year 1527. He was born in Bavaria; and having begun to preach the gospel, was summoned to Passau, to answer for his conduct; and there, by imprisonment and menaces, was at length induced to recant, and 691 was dismissed to his parish and allowed to officiate again. Leonhard, however, was so upbraided by his conscience and inwardly ashamed of ^is unfaithful- ness, that, in about six months, he quitted his station, and visited Wit tern berg and other places where evan- gelical liberty flourished. After two years absence, hearing that his father was at the point of death, he ventured to return to his own country, where the min- ister of the village betrayed him ; and Leonhard was carried to Passau, and there imprisoned during len weeks before he underwent the least examination. At length, when reduced to a very weak condition, lie was called upon to answer hastily to a variety of qu s- tions, read to him by the famous Eckius of Ingolstadt, who had been sent for on purpose to interrogate, con- found and overawe the poor heretic. His own rela- tions earnestly solicited him to retract ; but finding THAT in vain, they begged he might be allowed to have an advocate, and also a month's respite to recruit his feeble debilitated frame. All was refused by the popish rulers ; and Leonhard was brought publicly be- fore a solemn tribunal of the bishop and a number of canons, with Eckius among them. Then it was that the persecuted prisoner, armed with Divine strength rose more formidable to the powers of darkness, than if through infirmity, he had never been guilty of a for- mer lapse in denying the faith. His adversaries per- emptorily ordered all the proceedings to be carried on in Latin, for the purpose of keeping the multitude in ignorance. But Leonhard scrupled not before the whole audience to speak German repeatedly, and to defend the doctrines he professed with prodigious spirit and animation. He was frequently interrupted by the official of the court, and told that he was not brought there T PREACH. The grand protestant doc- trines were the articles he maintained. "Faith alone,'* said he, "justifies: works are the evidences of faith; but in the act of justification, works are as distinct from faith as heaven is from the earth. The mass is no sacrifice ; neither is there any sacrifice for ?in, ex- cept the blood of Christ." He refused to enter into 692 any dispute about transubstantiatiori ; and contended, that it was enough to insist on the words of Christ, and to believe, that faithful communicants become real partakers of his body and blood. This good martyr wrote from his prison to his friend Stifelius, at that time chaplain to a lady of distinction in Austria, in strains of the most unaffected piety, thanking God who had honored, as he called himself, his most unworthy servant, and the greatest of sin- ners, with such an opportunity to confess his precious name, blessed forever. He entreated his dear bro- ther in Christ to pray for him, that he might remain steadfast to the end. Much pains were taken to pro- cure his release and dismission. Noblemen of the first distinction, even the elector of Saxony himself, inter- ceded with the potentates of Bavaria, but all to no purpose. The popish hierarchy proceeded to degrade him, and then gave him up to the civil magistrate; but not without first going through the usual mockery of praying that his life might be spared. His mourn- ful relations, entirely against his own wishes, made their last effort to obtain the poor favor, that their kinsman might be allowed to die by the sword instead of the flames. But the stern duke of Bavaria, insti- gated no doubt by his priests, issued a peremptory mandate "for committing the incorrigible heretic alive to the flames." The man's patience, and his constancy in prayer, the ardor of his soul, and his confidence towards God, are described as beyond belief. When the dreadful moment came and he w 7 as placed on the pile, he said, "O Lord Jesus, partake in my sufferings ; support me, give me strength ;" and, lastly, as soon as the fire be- gan to burn, he cried out with a loud voice, " Save me Jesus ; I am thine !" and soon after expired. Luther was vehemently affected with this tragedy ; and pro- fessed himself ashamed, as he had done on former oc- casions, that he had not yet been thought worthy of martyrdom. <4 Oh," said he, " that I might witness such a confession, and suffer such a death ! But God's will be done ! Oh, ye persecutors, if ye thus thirst a- 693 ter blood and carnage, why do ye not turn your arms against the Turks? For after all, ye cannot oppress the cause of God. I gave you Gamaliel's advice when I was before the emperor at Worms : but all is in vain." To their common friend, Stifelius, he speaks thus of the death of Leonhard. " Oh wretched me, how far below this man am I ! I am a wordy preacher, he a powerful performer. May Christ grant that we may be enabled to imitate this holy character!" CHAPTER VIII. The Views which Luther had of himself. NOTWITHSTANDING the uncommon success with which the labors of Luther had been crowned, the celebrity of his character, the favor of princes and nobles toward him, and the admiration in which he was held by all the professors of evangelical truth, were circumstances which had a strong tendency to exalt him in his own eyes, especially when the native firmness of his temper, is taken into the account; yet, when in his closet, in his conversations with his in- timates, with his parish priest, or with his wife, or when his fellow-laborers vexed and irritated him by their opposition, or when his own health and spirits were broken down by insessant toils, and cares, and watchings; this hero of the reformation was more or less, according to circumstances, in a state of imbe- cility and confusion of mind, and even of fear, anxie- ty, complaint, and tribulation, on account of the dis- coveries which he, at such times, often had, of the sinful ness of his own heart, when he appears to have suffered much from the bufferings of Satan. That such seasons of inward distress and conflict, were humbling seasons to this great and good man ; appears from one of his letters to his friend Justus Jonas. "My sins have brought upon me the heavy wrath of God, It is not enough, that the pope, the* 694 emperor, the princes, and bishops, should aim at life, but my religious brethren also must torment my spirit. My sins, and all the powers of death, Satan and his angels rage without ceasing. And what is iny hope ? I say, if Christ should forsake me I am undone. But he never will forsake such a poor mis- erable sinner. Mine enemies are mighty, and add affliction to affliction, now that I am under the Divine chastisement. But enough ; let me not be querulous or impatient under the rod of him, who smites and heals ; who kills and makes alive. Blessed be his ho- ly will! When the world and the prince of the world hale me in this manner, it is surely some proof that I belong to Christ. The critical situation of my wife increases my anxiety,* and I am quite alarmed at what has just happened to another pregnant lady, one of our neighbors, whom you know. She has been carried off rapidly by the prevailing epidemic. My present trials are great; but the All-powerful On^ has done great things for me. May Christ, whose pure doctrine I have taught and openly avowed, be my rock and my fortress! Amen." To his friend Amsdorf he writes thus : u It so plea- ses God, that I, who have been accustomed to com- fort others, do myself stand in need of consolation. I have but one prayer, and I beseech you join with me in it : That whatever Christ may be pleased to do with me, he would preserve me from ungratefully re- belling against him, whom I have hitherto preached and served with so much zeal ; though at the same time I have offended him by many and great sins. I still hope he will forgive me, and say, 'I am thy sal- vation." To another friend, Luther writes thus ; " There is nothing that my sins do not deserve ; but neverthe- less I have comfort in the thought that I have taught the gospel of Christ in godly sincerity to the salvation of many souls. This galls Satan ; and he would de- stroy me with the WORD itself. While others are call- * An infectious disorder, attended with great mortality, prevailed at this time, at Wittemberg. 695 ed to the stake by the cruel tyrants, I suffer internal- ly in spirit from the prince of this world. May the Father or our Lord Jesus Christ, perfect in me his ho- ly will ! Oh ! how precious and delightful is the secret contemplation of that will!" The truth of the history of Luther's extreme suf- ferings, at such seasons, does not depend entirely on the descriptions of his feelings contained in his own letters to his friends. His friends, Bugenhagius and Justus Jonas, were present during one of the seasons of his sorest distress ; and were so much affected by what they saw and heard, that they thought fit to re- cord in writing some of the most material circum- stances. It appears however clear, that intense distress and agitation of spirit had laid hold of our reformer, more than six months before that very remarkable seizure which they described. For he writes thus to Jonas on the 26th of Dec. 1526: "O, my Jonas, pray for me ; sympathize with me in the agonies I undergo. The temptation is sometimes less, but returns again with greater fury. May Christ never forsake me ! May he chastise me as a son, but not punish me as a rebel : May I be strong in faith, even unto the end." The narratives of Bugenhagius and Jonas relate to what happened on the sixth of the succeeding July, when the mind of Luther must of necessity have been much broken down by the length and accumulation of his afflictions. To transcribe the whole might de- tain us too long ; but some remarkable passages well deserve notice. Their account is this, namely: That about eight o'clock in the morning of Saturday the sixth of July, Bugenhagius was alarmed at being hastily sent for by Luther. He found him, however, in conversation with his wife, and looking just as usual. It seems he had that morning experienced a most tremendous temp* tation, entirely of a spiritual nature; and was serious- ly apprehensive, that if the hand of God should agaip be so heavy upon him, he could not survive the at- tack. On the whole, he suspected he was about te die ; 696 and retired privately with his friend Bugenhagius 4 the parish minister, into his chamber, and there, in se- cret, committed every thing to God, and solemnly confessed his sins ; and then, says the writer, my MAS- TER entreated me, his PUPIL, to give him a word of consolation from the scriptures. Afterwards he reco- vered so far as to be able to go out to dinner, and make the company cheerful, as he always did. But in the evening lie was suddenly seized with a fainting fit 5 and cried out, " O, doctor Jonas, 1 am sick ; bring me water, or whatever you have, or I am gone." Jonas in a fright snatched up some cold water, and threw it freely over him. At that moment Luther was the ve- ry picture of death ; but presently after, he began to pray most intensely. " If this be my last hour, O Lord, thy will be done ! O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger; chasten me not in thy heavy displeasure* Have mercy upon me, O Lord. I would willingly have shed my blood in the cause of thy word but perhaps I was unworthy of that honor; thy will be done : only may thy name be glorified, whether by my death, or my life." Then, in the most solemn manner, he recommend- ed to the blessing of God, the ministry of that sacred gospel, which had hitherto been committed to his charge. Upon which, Bugenhagius, almost senseless from deep and anxious concern, interrupted him by saying, " Among your other prayers, my doctor, let this be one, that it would please God to continue your life for the good of us poor creatures, and of many others." " To die, replied Luther, woulct be gain to me, but " and then, without finishing the sentence, he thus seriously addressed Justus Jonas and Bugen- hagius. " The world delights in falsehoods ; ar^d it will certainly be said, that I recanted my doctrines in the hour of death. I desire, therefore, YOU and Bu- genhagius to be witnesses of this my confession of faith. I am perfectly satisfied that the doctrines which 1 have taught, concerning faith, charity, the cross, and the sacraments, are verily agreeable to the word of God. I was led by Providence and not voluntarily, to 897 act the part which I have acted in the ministry. Ma* ny have blamed me for having been deficient in mod- eration ; however, in some instances, there was in me no want of moderation but what may be justified ; and most assuredly, I have never intended harm to any person whatever. On the contrary I have always wish- ed to promote men's salvation, even the salvation of mine enemies." After this, Luther gravely stated to the same persons his objections to the sacramentarians ; calling God to witness the sincerity of his heart, and lamenting with tears the numerous sects that arose, and neither spar- ed the flock nor the word of God. " What a bustle," said he, " will they raise after my death ! ! AND THEN, WITH DEEP SIGHS, AND A VAST EFFUSION OF TEARS, HE CONFESSED HOW INTEMPERATE HE HAD BEEN AT TIMES JN HIS LANGUAGE ; and appealed to HIM who KNOWS ALL THINGS, that in THIS HE HAD GIVEN WAY to the in- firmity of the flesh, thereby endeavoring to shake off the burden of his afflictions : but that his conscience did not reproach him with having harbored any ill will. f: " Be ye my witnesses, however," said he, turning his face towards his two friends, " that on the subjects of repentance and justification, I recant nothing of what I have written against the pope. I feel that to be the gospel of God, and the truth of God ; and though some may think I have been too harsh, or taken too great liberty, I do not repent in that matter." Luther then began to enquire after his child. " Where is rny dearest little John ? The child was soon brought smiling to the father, who immediately com- mended ' his good little boy,' as he called him, and his mother, 'his dearest Kate,' to a good and gracious God. " Ye have no worldly goods," said he, " but. God, who is the Father of the orphan, and judges the cause of the widow, will defend and keep you. I give thanks to thee, O Lord God, that thy providence has made me indigent in this world. I have neither house nor land nor possession to leave. TJhou hast blessed 698 me with a wife and children, and these t return back unto thee ; O feed them, teach them, preserve i.hem ! To his wife he said, " My dearest Kate, if it is G<;r<'s will, T request thee to submit to it ; tbou art my wed- ded wife ; this thou wilt never forget ; and let God's word be thy constant guide." He proceeded to say something to her concerning a few silver cups ; and concluded with these words, " You know we have no- thing else." His wife displayed, on this trying occasion, extra- ordinary Christian fortitude. Almost heart broken, and frightened even to consternation, she yet preserv- ed a good hope in her countenance. She allowed that not only herself and her child, but many other Christian people, would experience a great loss ; but she entreated her husband not to be uneasy on her ac- count ; for if it really was God's will that he should depart, she could submit to it cordially. She there- fore commended him to the Lord God, under whose protection he could not fail to be safe. By the external application of warmth, and by the use of cordial medicines internally, Luther soon re- covered from the apparently immediate danger ; but such had been the violence of the paroxysm, that he experienced the debilitating effects of it during the re- mainder of (he year. On the Sunday succeeding this memorable Saturday, Luther declared to Jonas, that on comparing the ago- ny of his mind, during the spiritual temptation in the morning of the preceding day, with his bodily afflic- tions in the evening, the latter had not been half so distressing as the firmer. He added, " Doctor, I must mark the clay. I was yesterday at school." Afterwards he underwent many exacerbations of mind of a similar nature to that described, but none equally severe, Yet during all these trials, Bugenha- gius assures us, that Luther attended to every part of his duty, that he seldom omitted his public lectures, and generally preached on the Lord's day. Bugen- hagius was frequently called during the hours of the night, to visit him in his distress 5 and repeatedly heard 699 him say, "The violence of the temptation so stupifies jne that I cannot open my mouth; as soon as ever it pira- ses God that I can lift up my heart in prayer and make use of scriptural expressions, it ceases to prevail." Burgenhagius tells us, that he found real satisfac- tion in being of some little service to Luther through whose instrumentality, God had been pleased to re- veal to himself the gospel of his Son. CHAPTER IX. Further state of the Reformation. Luther's views on predestination. Conference at Marpurg. Luther and Zuingle compared. JN EVER was the maxim that religious sentiments are not to bo eradicated by persecution, more striking- ly verified, than in the case of the rebellious fanatics, la almost every part of Europe, princes and magis- trates used the ut.nost severity in punishing those sec- tarian teachers, and in preventing the dissemination of their tenets. AH good governments truly had reason to dread the ill effects resulting from the progress of the anabaptists ; for they taught the people to despise ttu'ir lawful rulers, and the salutary regulations by which all communities exist. Every where it was the cry of those visionaries, " No tribute all things in common no tithes no magistrates the kingdom of Christ is at hand ; the baptism of infants is an inven- tion of the devil !" Neither the sword, nor fire, nor the gibbet, could induce lhe Beausobre^ I wr^. was the first who induced 714 me to suspect this representation ; not, however, by opp',:-ii)g the sentiments of Maclane, but by support- ing them with numerous instances of blind partiality towards Zuingle, and not a few most uncandid and even abusive censures of Luther. To point out sim- ply the prepossessions of historians who have so many opportunities of directing the sentiments of mankind, must be deemed a just and commendable precau.i< a for the protection of truth , but to aim at conjeetui s respecting the causes of their prepossessions may s<;< >n invidious and unnecessary. On historical questions, however, where pure religion is concerned, one may be allowed, perhaps, to make general observations of great practical consequence ; such as, 1st, That men of LITTLE or NO RELIGION, rarely, or never judge fair- ly in such questions; and therefore a believer is not to expect an equitable sentence from infidels, scep- tics, or atheists : And SMly, That persons who profess some sort of belief in the gospel, and have yet very er- roneous views of its doctrines, are usually possessed with strong prejudices against those who hold the faith in orthodox purity and simplicity. For, till the human h^art be effectually humbled by God's grace to re- ceive the gospel terms of reconciliation with thankful- n'.'S- und submission of soul, it always harbors an un- happy opposition to the covenant of grace in Christ Jesus ; that is, it remains ignorant of God's righteous- ness, and,like the Jews, going about to establish their own righteousness, it does not submit to the righteous- ness of God. The effect of such erroneous views is^ that these nominal Christians, not only oppose the DOCTRINE to which they have not yet been brought to submit, but also thoroughly dislike, and are violently prejudiced against all those who receive it and value it as the one thing needful. This is the true key for understanding rightly a thousand prepossessions, aver- sions, and misrepresentations which we meet with in authors, and which on any other ground are utterly unaccountable. I need not dissemble that numerous passages in the writings of Beausobre, convince me that he is no 715 warm advocate for the great protestant doctrine of j tification by (aith. In one place, for example, upo ; a strong declaration by Melancthon, reco ded in his o--va hand writing, respecting the importance of that Chris- tian article of doctrine, which asserts the efficacy of the merits of Christ without human works, he ventures to suggest that the passage was PERHAPS Luther's; and he afterwards adds, that one may hence learn how OBSTINATELY they were at that lime attached to the (K>:iririf? of justification by faith. I scarcely need ob- serve, that those who hold this precious article of faith in die sense which Luther held it, and in which the church of England now holds it, never speak of it in this mariner. From Melancthon's report of the conferences at Marpurg, I collect, that it was one of the first public objections of Luther to Zuingle, that the Swiss refor- mer and his adherents were riot accustomed, in their religious instructions, to say much concerning the scriptural method of justification ; which, as Luiher maintained, rendered it probable, that the peculiar and essential doctrine of the gospel was hardly known to them. On the whole, I believe, all dispassionate judges will be disposed to allow that these researches fully warrant the following conclusions- 1. That the sacramental controversy did no good to Zuingle's temper, and much harm to Luther's. 2. That in the heat and haste of contention, Zuin- gle sometimes sank the efficacy both of baptism and of the Lord's supper below the true scriptural standard, and represented them as mere tokens or badges of Christian society and connexion. Bucer,his own friend and advocate, whose testimony is therefore decisive, expressly allows this. Let us however, in one instance hear Zuingle himself. " You have celebrated 'he Lord's supper ; therefore you belong to the society of Christians.'' " The cup which we use in giving thanks, what is it else, but a mark of our society and connexion ?" In other places he represents the Lord's supper, as implying nothing but a mere u COMMEMO- HATiOiN ;" which at best is a loose and ambiguous way of speaking. 716 3. That Zuingle in the article oT original sin, prob* ably was never completely orthodox, and that in re- gard to the fundamental doctrine of justification by faith, though he seems always to have admitted it dis~ tinctly in theory, yet he by no means made that prac- tical use of it which Luther and his disciples did. In effect, his time and thoughts were for years, almost entirely taken up with the sacramental controversy, and with disputes respecting baptism. On the con- trary, Luther, though harrassed with controversy be- yond example, appears to have lived every hour of his life "by faith on the Son of God." The great doc- trine of justification appears uppermost in all his vo- luminous writings : it was the support of his own soul in all his troubles ; and we find him constantly incul- cating jt from the press and the pulpit, in all his conversations, and in his most private letters. This part of the religious character of Luther is not relish- ed by many. They suppose he carried his notions too far. 4. That on the duties of Christian subjects, and al- so on questions relative to ecclesiastical polity, there was a still greater difference between the Saxon and the Helvetian reformers. Obey and suffer, was Lu- ther's motto in general ; whereas the obedience of Zuingle, we have seen, hung on a very slender thread. Both these champions of the reformation passed much of their lives in the midst of active, tumultuous, perilous scenes ; and both of them met with great provocations from the anabaptists. What room could there be for the private, tranquil exercises of religion ; or even, for the study and practice of pastoral care and instruction ? It happens, however, that the writings of J^uther abound in these things. His devotion never flags. Ever aware of the wiles of Satan, and well skilled in the use of Christian armor, his dependance both for himself and his people is always and altogeth- er on the grace of God; yet his vigilance in superin-, tending the Saxon churches is as incessant as if their spiritual improvement depended on himself. The comparison in this point, grounded on documents in 717 existence, is unquestionably very much to the advan- tage of the Saxon reformer. There was that in Martin Luther, which required great and magnificent objects, attended with difficul- ties, dangers, and perplexities, to call forth those ex- ertions of wisdom, courage, and perseverance, for which he is so justly celebrated. I may add, also, my entire conviction that internal trials and distress of mind greatly improved his character ; they made him a more humble Christian, and a more skilful adviser in spiritual things ; and if Zuingle had experienced 3, similar afflictive discipline, though perhaps he did not stand in need of that chastisement so much as Luther did, 1 uippose we should have heard abundantly more of his personal sufferings and lamentations on account of the deceitfulness of sin, the delusions of Satan, the workings of inward corruptions, and above all, of those hidings of God's face and that darkness of soul, which the most godly persons always represent as their griev- ous and intolerable calamity. CHAPTERX. A Concise View of the Condition of the Protestants a little before Hie Diet of Spires. 1. Persecutions. 2. Rupture between Charles V. and the Pope. ~ 3. Diet of Spires in 1529. -4. Protest of the Reformers. 5. Meetings of the Protestants. 6. Diet of Augsburg. JL HE progress of Divine knowledge, the genuine con- version of souls, and the abolition of abominable su- perstitions, were carried on with no great interrup- tion for the space of ten years, and upwards ; that is, till the year 1529, reckoning from the year 1517, when Luther, unable to smother his indignation, first raised his voice against Tetzel, the impudent vender of in- dulgences, and at the same time pointed out the Ro- man pontiff himself as the leading culprit in that ini- quitous traffic. The success of the gospel, if we ex> 71 # eept the apostolic age, was perhaps in this period un- exaoipled. Even in Italy, in a town called Fayenza, we are told by fattier Paul, that there was public preaching against the church of Rome, and that pro- testantism increased every day. 1. Persecutions. We are however not to forget, that notwithstanding the blessed influence of the written word, persons, who openly avowed their convictions of the truth, were miserably exposed to persecution in all those places where either the civil or the ecclesiastical ru- ler happened to be an active and zealous Roman catholic. The catalogue of the sufferers is very con- siderable. It may however suffice to add, to the in- stances already noticed at page 689, a few others of the most remarkable case?. In 1527, a Bohemian woman, after a confinement of almost a whole year, was cast into the flames, on account of two crimes laid to her charge. 1. That by denying the corporeal presence of Christ's natural body, she had blasphemed the sacrament of the altar. 2. That she had been rebaplized by John Kalens. The wooden cup which Kalens had used in the ad- ministration of the Lord's supper, was burnt along with this heretic. Sometimes the evangelical preachers, when pro- scribed by papal cruelty, fled from their habitations to save their lives. There is on record an admirable consolatory letter of Oecolampadius, written in 1528, to two persons of this sort then in exile. " It would move a heart of adamant," says he, "my dear breth- ren, to think of your flocks thus deprived of their faith- ful shepherds, dispersed and exposed to the wolves: then to see the adversaries triumphing and glorying in their iniquity ; and the weaker brethren, who were on the very eve of renouncing popery, suddenly alarmed, and apprehensive of a similar treatment. Add to this, the dangers,the ignominy, the distresses of exile, which are sometimes more grievous than death itself* For.- exiles undergo a daily death. However, when we re* fleet that God is faithful, and will not tempt us above what we are able to bear, but will regulate every thing according to the strength which he is pleased to give, this consideration supplies an abundance of substan- tial consolation. Be assured, the Holy Ghost, who has anointed you for this contest, will not fail to pre- serve you from fainting in the afflictions which ye un- dergo for the truth. Moreover, your silence during your proscription, speaks louder by much to the hearts of God's children, than ever your most animated ser- mons could do. Your present firmness fixes an invio- lable seal on the doctrines you have been teaching with so much piety. The blood of Abel has a voice; and so has your persecution a tongue. Away then with cowardice and lamentation. Happy the man who is ''conformed to the image of the crucified Sav- ior, whom we preach. Christ knows his sheep ; he will preserve them from the jaws of the wolf; and the exultation of the hypocrites will be but for a mo- ment. 5 ' Joachim, the elector of Brandenburg, distinguished himself at this time in persecuting the Lutherans. This bigoted prince had confined for some days in her chamber, on account of her attachment to the gospel, his own wife Elizabeth, the sister of the aforemention- ed exiled king of Denmark ; and was intending to im- mure her perpetually ; when by the help of her bro- ther, she effected a wonderful escape from Berlin ; was conveyed in the waggon of a peasant, and hospi- tably received by the elector of Saxony. The duchess 'of Munsterberg, also, named Ursula, had this year a most miraculous escape from the ma- nastery of Friburg ; and fled with two virgins to Lu- ther for protection. This was a most mortifying event to George of Saxony; for this duchess was his own cousin. In France, the persecutions were dreadful. The pa- pists persuaded the king, that all the misfortunes with which the country was afflicted, were owing to the mischievous Lutheran hejresy. In consequence, the 720 Kiost sanguinary laws were solemnly decreed against Lutheranism, and every one who could be proved lo favor the doctrine, was treated as a blasphemer. Yet this same prince, Francis I. notwithstanding the zeal with which his catholic clergy availed to inspire him, had no objection, for the purpose of more effectually serving his political schemes, to endeavor by the me- dium of his ambassadors, to promote in Switzerland that very reformation of religion, which he was labor- ing to expel from his own kingdom by fire and sword, Zuingle, in a letter to Oecolampadius tells us, that the royal ambassadors of France pressed the five catholic cantons of Switzerland to allow the word of God to be preached among them, according to the system of the reformers. In North Holland, a widow, named Wendelmut, was seized on account of her religion, carried to the Hague, and there strangled, and afterwards burnt to ashes. On her examination concerning the mass, she answer- ed, " It was a piece of bread ;" and in regard to the images and pictures of saints, she confessed she knew of no other mediator but Jesus Christ. To one that told her, she did not fear death because she had not tasted it, this widow replied, " I shall never taste it : for Christ has said, If any man keep my sayings, he shall never see death." She was then advised to con- fess her sins to a priest ; upon which she cried aloud, " I have confessed all my sins to Christ my Lord, who takes away all sin. But if I have offended my neigh- bors, I heartily ask their forgiveness." She then went to the place of execution with meekness and courage* It is said, that some of the Moravian brethren, as well as other pious persons of those times, were bap- tized a second time ; and this, not as proselytes of an- abaptisin, but merely because they could then see no other way of separating themselves from a wicked world. And we may observe in general, that it is not al \vays easy to distinguish, in the accounts of the an- aba* Hist martyrs, who were truly humble Christians. We cannot however doubt of the REALITY of the suf- ferings of the unfortunate victims^ when the facts are 721 distinctly recorded with triumph by the Romish his- torians themselves. On this ground it is, that I select from Cocklaeus who otherwise is rarely to be trusted in any question respecting the reformers the follow- ing testimonies of the execrable barbarity of the pa- pists. " At Rotenberg by the river Neckar," says this fiery zealot, " many of the anabaptists, both men and women, were apprehended ; and all put to death who refused to recant their errors. Nine men were burnt : Ten women were drowned. But their leader and teacher, Michael Sellarius, an apostate monk, who was by far the greatest offender, was condemned in a public court of judicature, to have his blasphemous tongue cut out by the executioner; to be tied to a curricle, and to have two pieces of his flesh torn from his body in the market place, by red hot pincers; then to be torn again afterwards in the same manner by the hot pincers five times on the road, as he was dragged to the burning pile." This sentence, the au- thor tells us, was executed on the 17th of May, 1527 : and he proceeds to exclaim what a grievous deceiver Sellarius had been ; and among other things mentions his teaching of the people not to invoke saints ; but not one word escapes this malignant and bigoted his- torian, concerning the firmness, patience, or piety of the martyr. At Tournay, in Flanders, in] 1528, an Augustine monk, named Henry, was condemned to the flames, for having thrown off his dress, married a wife, and preached against popery. The bishop's official told him, he might save his life, if he would but own that the woman he had married was his concubine. But he, refusing to lengthen his days on such terms, prais- ed God by singing Te Deum, and soon after cheerful- ly finished his course in the fire. 2. Rupture between Charles V. and the Pope. Notwithstanding these dreadful narratives which sufficiently demonstrate the cruel and unrelenting hos- tility of the papal hierarchy, there is no doubt but the violence of the war between Francis I. and the empe- 4 T ror, as also the dissensions between the emperor and! the pope, proved extremely favorable to the progress of the reformation. For though the spirit of persecu- tion was not in the least abated, yet it spent its chief fury on such defenceless individuals as happened to fall into the cruel hands of some bigoted ruler, eccle- siastic or civil. The three potentates above mention- ed were themselves beset with too many difficulties in their political affairs to give much serious and steady attention to the business of religion. Add, that their respective interests were often so opposite and per- plexed, as entirely to exclude all amicable concur- rence in the formation of any general plan for the ex- tirpation of heresy. In effect, it is by reflecting on these jarring interests, with an overruling Providence constantly in the mind, that we are enabled in some measure to account not only for the mild decree of the diet of Spires in 1526, but also for the inefficiency of the succeeding attempts of the great papal powers to stifle the revival of Christian truth and liberty. The pope, no doubt, was sincere in his desires to crush ev- ery symptom of growing protestantism, but ,Charles V. had neilher leisure nor inclination to gratify the wish- es of a pontiff who had so lately entered into an alli- ance against him with the French and the Venetians. The religion of this prince, as far as it was real, is sup- posed to have been Roman catholic ; but whatever it was, he never suffered it to interfere with his ambi- tious schemes of secular aggrandizement. Even the pope himself ceased to have the least influence with him, the moment the politics of the court of Rome ap- peared to thwart those of his imperial majesty. On the other hand the principles of Clement VII. were in no degree better. Under the pretence that hard and unjust terms had been extorted from the king of France while a prisoner in Spain, Clement at once * absolved him from the oath by which he was bound to execute the treaty of Madrid, and sent a person both to congratulate him on his deliverance from cap- tivity, and to settle a treaty against Charles ; and last- ly, he dispatched a brieve to the emperor, full of ac- cusation, invective, and menace. 723 This proceeding of Clement VII. inflamed the re- sentment of the emperor to such a degree, that he abolished the authority of the Roman pontiff through- out all his Spanish dominions, made war upon him in Italy, laid siege to Rome, and blocked up Clement himself in the castle of St. Angeio, where he was re- duced to the extremity of feeding on asses' flesh, and at length was compelled to capitulate on severe terms, and to remain a prisoner until the chief articles were performed. Such in brief were the important consequences of that confederacy which has been termed the HOLY LEAGUE, because the pope was at the head of it. The DETAIL of the war we leave to the secular historians, having no concern with victories or defeats, diminu- tions or extensions of empire; or with the ambitious plans and schemes which produce them, any further than as these things frequently affect the interests of the gospel, lay open the secret motives of the princi- pal actors, and thereby explain a number of circum- stances otherwise utterly inexplicable, in the history of the church of Christ. Therefore, with these objects in view, we judge it expedient to give some account of two memorable letters, which the emperor thought fit to write, one of them to the pope himself, the other to his cardinals at Rome, before he came to an absolute rupture with Clement VII. 1. In the former, he accuses the pope of ingratitude, putting him in mind that it was by his assistance he had been raised to the pontifical chair. " The king of England," he said, " had been called the PROTECTOR of the Holy League ; whereas that monarch had as- sured him in his letters, that he neither had, nor would accept that title, though the pope had pressed him to do so. The kin * of France, moreover, made no scru- ple to own publicly, that before he returned from Madrid to his own country, he had been urged by the pope to enter into the new alliance ; and the empe- ror added, that he knew the pope had absolved him from the oath by which he was bound, either to ob- serve the articles of peace, or return Jo his captivity. 724 He then proceeds to put his holiness in mind, that the pope of Rome received more money from the sub- jects of his imperial highness, than from all the other kings of Christendom put together. That a judgment might be formed of the magnitude of those annual receipts from the hundred grievances which had been presented to his court by the Germanic body: that, as emperor, such had always been his devotion and rev- erence for the apostolic see, he had hitherto forborne to listen to the complaints of his German subjects: but that if, for good reasons he should be driven to with- hold those revenues, then the pope would no longer possess the golden keys which open and shut the gates of war, he would no longer be allowed to carry on hos- tilities against the emperor with the money which be- longed to the subjects of hf imperial highness, for it would certainly be more just for the emperor to ap- ply that money to the purposes of his own defence. Charles V. then concludes, by roundly telling the pope, that if he was still determined to go on with the war, and would not listen to the reasons he had al- leged, he should look upon him as acting not the part of a father, but of the head of a faction ; not of a pas- tor, but of an invader of the just rights of sovereigns. This, he said, was his ultimatum, and he should ap- peal to a general council of the whole Christian world. 2. In his letter addressed to the college of car- dinals, Charles, with much parade, insists on the puri- ty of his intentions, his great moderation, and contin- ued endeavors to establish peace and tranquillity. " How shocked then, arid how disgusted," he said, " must any one be to read the brieve which had been delivered to him by the nuncio, and had the sanction of so eminent a pontiff and of so many pious and Christian fathers. It was evidently written for the ex- press purpose of vilifying and degrading the emperor who was the protector of the apostolic see. It breath- ed nothing but war, sedition, false and injurious ac- cusations against himself; and yet there was not any prince who so much respected the holy see, or defen- ded its dignity with so disinterested a care. It was 725 his innate reverence for the Roman hierarchy, which had induced him, when he was at the diet of Worms, to turn A DEAF EAR to all the importunate complaints and petitions of the Germans. In effect, by the steps he had taken to serve the pope, he had in some meas- ure alienated the minds of his German subjects, par- ticularly by forbidding, under a heavy penalty, the in- tended assembly of the princes at Spires. He had prohibited that convention because he foresaw such a meeting would prove disadvantageous to the pope ; arid to soothe the minds of the princes under their disappointment, he had then given them hopes of having a general council in a short time. He had explained all these things with great care to the pope, and had admonished him to call a council, He con- cluded this address to the cardinals, with requesting them to concur with himself in putting Clement VII. in mind of his duty, and in exhorting him to preserve the peace of Christendom, which good purpose would be best effected by the convocation of a general coun- cil without further delay. Then, if the pope should persist in refusing to hear reason, the emperor called on the cardinals themselves to come forward, and in their own name summon the council which was so much wanted. And lastly, if the reverend fathers should oppose his equitable requisi- tion, he told them, he himself would not fail to use such remedies as God had put in his power, for the protection of religion and the tranquillity of Christen- dom. Charles V. in his indignation against Clement, pub- lished these manifestos, and did every thing he could to give notoriety to his complaints. The German protestants also most industriously dispersed the same. And we need not wonder that such extraordinary do- cuments should have been read with great eager- ness. What could those who well remembered the emperor's solemn declarations, both at Worms, and on other occasions, against Lutheranism, now think of his religion or conscience, when they heard him confess that he had stopped his ears against the honest prayers 726 of Germany, merely to please the pope ? Who would scruple to say, that having betrayed the interests of his imperial subjects, he could in his own turn expect no better than to be betrayed by an unprincipled pon- tiff? No more needs be said to convince thinking per- sons of the effects which must have been produced on the public mind by these manifestos of the emperor. Full as acrimonious and reproachful as the bitterest in- vectives of Luther, they not only emboldened men, af- ter the example of Charles, to treat the pope with lit- tle reverence, but also lowered exceedingly the credit of the whole dominant ecclesiastical establishment, and of all its most strenuous supporters. The publi- cation of them had in effect divulged a dangerous se- cret, by many indeed sufficiently known before, yet did it require extraordinary confidence in Charles, to make a public avowal, which in substance, though not in words, amounted to a confession " That reverence towards the pope was no more than an art of govern- ment covered with the cloak of religion." The disclo- sure of so much political manoeuvre and defective mo- rality did more than counterbalance all that he had hitherto done against the reformers, whose conduct, ever marked by ingenuousness and plain dealing, ap- peared a PERFECT CONTRAST to all this duplicity, arti- fice, and inconsistency. If the contention and animosity of two such unprin- cipled potentates as the pope and the emperor, thus operated in 1526 at the diet of Spires to check the per- secuting spirit of the Romanists, and to prevent any systematic attempt to exterminate the proiestants, it required no great foresight to predict the lamentable consequences of their union or alliance. To their last- ing shame be it recorded, that the moment a prospect opened for the accommodation of their own respec- tive political differences, both Clement VII, and Charles V. concurred in wreaking their united 'ven- geance on the defenders of the sacred cause of reli- gion and liberty.* * The pope and Charles V. concluded a treaty of peace at Barcelona. June 30, 1529. 727 5. Another Diet at Spires in 1529. The decree of the diet of Spires was equivalent to a toleration of Luther's opinions in all the states where those opinions were approved by their respective gov- ernors or magistrates ; but in 1529 a new diet was as- sembled at the same place, when the said decree was, by a majority of suffrages, so far revoked, as to forbid all further propagation of novel opinions in religion. Those who had observed the execution of the edict of Worms, were ordered to continue the execution of it. Those who had changed their religious system, and could not without danger of sedition revert to the ancient usages, were to be quiet, and make no further innovation till the meeting of a council. The cele- bration of mass was not to be obstructed in any place whatever ; and lastly, the anabaptists were proscribed in the severest terms, and made subject to capital punishments. The motives of Clement in this business were suffi- ciently intelligible. A pope of Rome, in peace or in war, confined and starved in a castle, or reseated iu the chair of St. Peter issuing brieves and bulls for the terror of Christendom, never loses sight of his grand object, the maintenance of his supreme and despotic jurisdiction : well aware, that should that be in the Jeast impaired, the whole edifice of the pontifical au- thority would be thereby at once endangered. The precise views of Charles V. in urging the harsh decree of this diet, may admit of some doubt. Per- haps he thereby hoped to attach firmly to his inter- ests, or at least to sooth and gratify the pope, whose sacred character he had lately insulted with so many indignities. Perhaps he held the new doctrines as leading to close and durable confederacies in Ger- many, which might eventually weaken the imperial authority. Or he might imagine, that a resolute, well timed, and rigorous exertion of authority, would prove useful both for the protection and extension of his prerogatives, several of which, he would naturally suppose, were not much relished by a bold and turbu- lent race of people, of whom almost one half had al- ready revolted from the papal domination. These, it must be owned, are only conjectures ; but we are SURE that the ambition of this prince was restless, insatiable, and constantly impelling him, both to narrow the pow- er of the Roman see, and also to encroach on the lib- erties of his German subjects. He had abundantly satisfied his revenge in the late humiliation of Cle- ment ; yet he siill menaced that pontiff with the pros- pect of an impending general council : and in regard to the Germans, he certainly looked on their domestic troubles and divisions as in the main extremely favor- able to his arbitrary and despotic intention. This monarch was what the world calls a great politician ; but not what the scripture describes as a good man. His understanding became vitiated by his inordinate thirst after dominion, and by his unexampled pros- perity ; insomuch, that notwithstanding all his natural good sense, and all his experience, he was frequently the dupe of his own intricate schemes and projects. 4. Protest of the Reformers. Iniquitous as was the decree of the second diet of Spires, it would doubtless have been much more rigor- ous and oppressive, if Charles had not been still at war with the French and his inveterate rival Francis I. The recess of this diet is dated in April ; and the peace of Cambray between the emperor and the king of France was not concluded till the succeeding August. Fourteen imperial citiest with the elector of Saxo- ny, the marquis of Brandenburg, the dukes of Lunen- burg and the prince of Anhalt at,their head, in firm but moderate language solemnly PROTESTED against the decree of the diet, as unjust and intolerable, and in every way calculated to produce discontent and tu- mult. Hence arose for the first time the denomination of PROTESTANTS,* an honorable appellation, which; } The names of the cities are, Strasburg, Nuremberg-, Ulm, Constance, Reutlingen, Windsheim, Meinengen, Lindaw, Kempten, Hailbron, Isna, Weissemberg, Nordlingen and St. Gal. * This term, on account of its convenient use, has been frequently-anticipated in the course of this history. 729 not only in Germany, but other nations, is given to all those sects of Christians who renounce the supersti- tious Romish communion. The protestant princes and protectors of the reform- ed churches were not satisfied with merely expressing their dissent from the decree of the diet; they also drew up all their grievances in form ; and appealed to the emperor and to a future general council, or to a lawful Germanic council, and to all impartial judges. Lastly, they fixed upon ambassadors, whom they di- rected to lay all their proceedings before his imperi-il majesty. Charles had not been present at the late diet, but had received from his brother Ferdinand, who had there presided in his place, an exact account of all that passed ; and having at length concluded a peace with France, was now in Italy on his road to Bologna. The German ambassadors were introduced to him at Placentia, and there they executed their commis- sion with a spirit and resolution worthy of the princes whom they represented. Nothing however could be more discouraging than the reception they met with from this haughty monarch, whose vain mind was now guffed up with a series of extraordinary successes. y a message, delivered to the deputies three days before they were admitted into his presence, he ad- monished them to be brief in what they had to say ; and on their introduction he repeated the same admo- nition. Afterwards, when he had heard their objec- tions to the decree, and they had vraited a full month for his answer, he told them, "that he exceedingly la- mented their divisions ; but nevertheless insisted on obedience to the decree which was passed for the pur- pose of putting an end to the mischievous sects of every description. He had written, he said, to the elector of Saxony and his associates, and had com- manded them in conformity to their oaths, to obey the decree of the diet ; and if they were refractory, he should be compelled, for the sake of example and good government, to punish such contumacy with severity. He asserted, that himself and the rest of the prince? 4 v 730 regarded the peace of their consciences and the sal- vation of their souls, as much as the protestants could do ; and moreover, that he was also as desirous of a general council as they could be, though, said he ? there would not be much occasion for it, provided (he lawful decrees of the diet, especially that of Worms, were duly enforced." On receiving this answer, the ambassadors produced the act of appeal, as it had been drawn up at Spires; but Charles's minister for some time refused to deliv- er it to his master ; and afterwards when he had ven- tured to present lhaf spirited memorial, the monarch's pride was so severely wounded by this instance of op- position to his will, that in a rage he ordered the Ger- man ambassadors to be put under an arrest for some days ; and, on pain of death, neither to stir a foot from their apartments, nor write a line to the protestant piinces. 5. Meetings of the Protestants. The account of this contemptuous and violent pro- cedure of Charles V. soon found its way to Nurem- berg, and convinced the protestant party that it was high time for them to consult for their protection against a powerful potentate intoxicated with success, and irritated by opposition. Then, whatever hopes they might place in foreign assistance, it was plain that little was to be done without unanimity at home. The papal adherents had for a long time been well aware of this ; and at the diet of Spires had employ- ed two of their most able and artful agmts, Eckius, and Faber bishop of Vienna, to exert their utmost ef- forts in widening the breach between the disciples of Luther and of Zuingle. On the other side, the good landgrave of Hesse, both at Spires and afterwards at Marpurg, exhausted all the means which human pru- dence could suggest, to bring about, if possible, be- tween the contending parties, an accommodation of so much importance, in the present struggle for deliv- erance from the yoke of superstition and ecclesiaticai despotism. 731 In effect, the heads of the protestants, even white they were in suspense respecting the emperor's answer to their embassy, were so much alarmed at the ia!e decree of Spires, that for the wise purpose of enlarg- ing and cementing a defensive confederacy, they had a solemn conference at Roth in the monih of June; and, moreover, at Nuremberg they drew up certain articles of their intended alliance. In the succeeding October they met again at Sultz- bach; and upon hearing of the severe treatment of their ambassadors at Placentia, they again assembled about the end of November at Smalcaid ; and lastly once more at Nuremberg early in the January of the succeeding year, 1530. All these deliberations, owing to the various and jar- ring sentiments of the deputies, failed of producing the desirable issue. However the sacramentarian dis- sention, exasperated by the incurable obstinacy of Luther, appears to have been the principal, though perhaps not the only obstruction to unanimity. The tender conscience of the elector of Saxony rendered this prince averse to a military confederacy, even of defence, which might seem formed ki opposition to the legitimate government of the country. His scruples are well known to have originated from Luther, who a little before the convention at Smalca d, exhorted him in the strongest terms not to think of u-iijg force against the emperor in the defence of religion. In Ins arguments he was supported by Melancthon and Bu- genhagius, At Nuremberg, in January, the deputies had almost resolved to send a new and more respectable embas- sy to his imperial majesty ; but the assembly was very thinly attended, and as it was understood that the emperor would soon summon another diet of all the Germanic princes and orders, they abandoned their first intentions, and contented themselves with com- ing to this ultimate resolution that each state should deliberate for itself, and within the space of a month, transmit to the elector of Saxony its peculiar senti- ^ in order that the protestants at so critical a jum> 732 ture might act in concert both in regard to the com- mon defence, and also the objects to be aimed at in the ensuing diet. 6. Diet of Augsburg. Charles V. arrived at Bologna on the fifth of No- vember, 1529, and on the thirty-first of January of the succeeding year, sent his mandatory letters into Ger- many for the purpose of summoning a general diet of the empire, to be held at Augsburg on the eighth day of April. At Bologna, on the twenty-fourth of Feb- ruary, his own birth-day, he was crowned with great pomp by the pope himself: with whom he continued to reside in the same palace till the following month of March. During the winter months, these two mighty poten- tates had held many consultations concerning the state of religion in Germany, and the best methods of extirpating heresy ; but their views were material- ly different. The pope dreaded nothing so much as general councils, which he represented as factious, and, at best, slow in their operation. The case, he said, was desperate, and required speedy and rigorous measures: The clemency of the emperor was ill- judged, and had in effect exasperated the spirit of re- bellion ; and it was now incumbent on him to sup- port the church, and crush the heretics by force. Charles, though at this time much disposed to gratify the pope, was convinced that his German subjects were not to be trifled with ; and it is not improbable but he might feel some compunction for having late- ly exhibited so much unreasonable resentment in his insolent treatment of their ambassadors at Placentia. Whether the mind of the emperor really revolted at the iniquitous suggestion of condemning the honest protestants unheard, and of putting an end at once to their political existence, it may be hard to say ; cer- tain it is, that in the conferences with the pope at Bo- logna, whatever approached in the least degree to moderation and impartiality ; originated with Charles 133 V. and not with Clement VII. The pope and his whole party demonstrated by their activity in open persecution, and by their secret manoeuvres which have since transpired, that they sighed for the univer- sal destruction of protestantism. The emperor in his own judgment, there is reason to believe, deemed the convocation of a council to be the proper expedient at this season, but having peremptorily refused to com- ply with the sanguinary proposals of the pope, he was disposed so far to humor his holiness, as first to adopt a less offensive measure, namely, the appointment of a diet of the empire. A general council was the next thing to be tried ; but it was agreed that without the most urgent necessity, recourse should not be had to a remedy, the mere mention of which filled the mind of Clement with the most harassing apprehensions; and in every event, Charles appears to have bound himself by an unequivocal promise, to use the most efficacious endeavors for the reduction of all the re- bellious adversaries of the catholic religion. Notwithstanding the disposition in which the em- peror left Bologna, the pope had the precaution to ap- point cardinal Campeggio not only as his own repre- sentative and plenipotentiary at the ensuing diet, but also as an honorary attendant on his imperial majesty during all his journey to Augsburg: and to secure still more effectually the pontifical interests, he dispatched P. Vergerio as his nuncio to Ferdinand in Germany, with secret instructions to consult with that prince, and strain every nerve to hinder the convocation of a council. Vergerio was a lawyer, and proved himself well qualified for the commission with which he was entrusted. He injured the Lutherans by every meth- od he could devise. The exertions of the popish di- vines Eckius, Faber, and Cochlseus, might undoubt- edly have been depended upon ; but Vergerio thought it best to ensure their activity by munificent presents. This precious commissioner was likewise directed to gratify king Ferdinand, by informing him that the pope was ready to grant him, in support of the war against the Turks, both a contribution from the.clergy 184 of Germany, and also the gold and silver ornaments of the churches. Thus did the Roman pontiff, with fire and sword in one hand, and artifice and corrupliori in the other, en- deavor to extirpate the godly protestants ; and mean- while, wilh consummate hypocrisy, express the most ardent wishes for peace and harmony, and the resto- ration of gospel principles in the church of Christ. John THE CONSTANT, the excellent elector of Sax- ony, was determined to procure for the protestants, if possible, a fair hearing at the diet of Augsburg. And with a view to prevent all loose and fugative discus- sion in a business of such immense importance, and also to enable any equitable judge to see distinctly all the leading points of religion, which had produced so many volumes of controversy, he wisely directed his Wittemberg divines to draw up in a narrow com- pass the heads o( that religious system, which had produced the separation from the Romish commun- ion. This, though an affair of considerable nicety, was presently effected by Luther. For the doctrines in question had already been digested into seventeen articles; and had been proposed, twice in the confer- ences at Sultzbach, and once in that at Srnalcald, as the confession of faith to be agreed on by the protes- tant confederates. These seventeen articles, with lit- tle or no alteration, were delivered by Luther, at Tor- gaw, to the elector then on his road to Augsburg ; and served as a basis for more orderly and elaborate com- position, to be exhibited at the approaching diet. For the execution of a work of so great moment, the protestant princes employed the elegant and accurate pen of Melancthon, the result of whose labors was 3. treatise, admired even by many of its enemies for its piety, learning, and perspicuity. This celebrated per- formance is well known under the title of the CONFES^ SIGN OF AUGSBURG. The reformation, as w r e have seen, in spite of all the efforts of papal rage and malignity, had not ceased to spread and prosper throughout various districts. The great city of Strasburg, in the former part of could not, by all the remonstrances of the imperial re- gency, be deterred from adopting the bold resolution of abolishing the mass ; moreover, Count Philip of Hanover, though menaced by a formidable opposi- tion, introduced evangelical doctrine in the same year throughout his dominions. Many instances indeed of the martyrdom of godly men might be added to the several catalogues already given ; but the good protes- tants were accustomed to these sufferings, and bore them with extraordinary patience and fortitude :* however, as soon as they heard of the deplorable issue of the diet of Augsburg, they justly concluded that the pope and the emperor had resolved on their en- tire destruction ; and they looked on the publication of the new edict, which was in effect severer than that of Worms, as the signal for the commencement of more violent and barbarous persecutions, than any they had experienced before. The diet of Augsburg in 1530, forms a sort of era in the history of the reformation; but at present we shall say no more concerning it, than 1. That the Ger- man princes, the magnanimous defenders of the sa- cred cause, assembled at Smalcald towards the end of the year, and there concluded a solemn alliance of mutual defence ; and 2. That some of the most wise and pious of the protestant theologians, especially Me- lancthon, were so oppressed by the prospect of the calamities which threatened the afflicted church of Christ, that they were almost ready to abandon the contest, and give themselves up to melancholy a'nd lamentation. We will conclude with an observation or two on the conduct of Luther, about the time of this very critical conjuncture. 1. Before the diet of Augsburg, in the year 1529, while the tempest of persecution was lowering on the faithful, this indefatigable servant of God was employ- ed in publishing his less and greater catechism, which * Sleidan mention* two learned divines, who were burnt at Cologne in 1529- And Ab. Scultet reports from a M. S. of Bullmger, that at Rothweil, an impe- rial city in Suabia, three hundred and eighty -five persons .vere driven into e^il, for deserting the doctrine* f the " 736 at this day are treatises of authority in the Lutheran churches. In the preface to each, he deplores the ig- norance of the people at large, and asserts, that those who know nothing of Christian principles, ought not even to be called by their name. He expatiates on the utility of catechizing; recommends the frequent use of it to masters of families ; cites his own example of attending to the first catechetical truths for the pur- pose of edification, notwithstanding the proficiency which, in a course of years, he might be supposed to have made; and observes, that daily reading and meditation, among many other advantages, has this, that a new light and unction from the holy Spirit is hence, from time to time, afforded to the humble soul. With such godly simplicity was Luther conversant in the gospel- practice ; and so totally distinct was the spiritual understanding and improvement, which he desired to encourage in the church, from the mere theory of trigid theological disquisition. Perhaps no history since the days of the ap3stles, affords a more remarkable instance of the humility and condescen- sion of a primary theologian, in stooping to the infir- mities of the weak, and lowering himself to the most uncultivated minds, than is exhibited by the publica- tion of these two catechisms. In the sameyear,Luther accompanied Melancthon's commentary on the epistle of the Colossians, with a me- morable eulogiurn on the author; in which he frankly declared, that he preferred the works of Melancthon to his own, and was more desirous that they should be read than any thing which he himself had composed. " I," says he, " am born to be a rough controversialist ; I clear the ground, pull up weeds, fill up ditches, and smooth the roads. But to build, to plant, to sow, to water, to adorn the country, belongs, by the grace of God, to Melancthon." it was a singular felicity of the infant church of Saxony, that its two great luminaries, exceedingly diverse as they were in temper and gifts, should have been constantly united in the bonds of a strict affec- tion, which never seems to have admitted the leas* 737 degree of envy or jealousy. Such is the light in which these two worthies are transmitted to posterity; most disinterested friends, whose sole object of contention was to excel each other in proofs of mutual regard ! 2. It was in the low and desponding state of the pro- testant party for example, after such a lamentable defeat as they had suffered at the diet of Augsburg, that the spirit and character of Luther was calculated to shine forth with peculiar lustre, and in its true and genuine co ors. By his unwearied vigilance in su- perintending the reformed churches, and by his inces- sant attacks on the ecclesiastical corruptions and abu- ses, he had shown to demonstration, that great and continued successes had in no degree disposed him to be remiss; and he now stood forward to prove, that notwithstanding the late untoward events and the magnitude of the impending danger, he was neither depressed by a reverse of circumstances, nor intim- idated by the menaces of an arm of flesh, nor worn out by the length and obstinacy of the contention. In effect, this champion of evangelical truth always looked on the conflict in which he was engaged, as the proper concern of Almighty God, and on himself as a mere instrument in the righteous cause. His mind, deeply impressed with this conviction, remain- ed serene and cheerful, and as vigorous as ever, for new attacks on antichrist, and for new combats with his unblushing advocates. He exhorted the princes never to abandon the great truths they had undertaken to support : comforted his dejected friends, and em- ployed much time in private prayer. At no period of his life was the weight and influ- ence of Martin Luther more conspicuous than in 1530, when the religious differences seemed tending to an awful crisis. His fortitude was invincible ; his zeal courageous and disinterested ; and happily they were both tempered by an extraordinary degree ol ration- al and fervent piety.* * One of Melancthon's correspondents describes Luther thus: " I cannot enough admire the extraordinary cheerfulness, constancy, faith and hope of this man, in these trying and vexations times. He constantly feeds these good 4 v 738 affections by a very diligent study of the word of God. Then, not a day passed in which he does n t employ in prayer at least three of his very best hours. Once I happened to hear him at prayer. Gracious God ! What spirit and what faith there is in his exprnssions ! He petitions God with as much reverence as if he was actually in the Divine presence ; and yet with as firm a hope and con- fidence, as he would address a father or a frit nd. * I know/ said he, * Ihou art our father and our God : therefore I am sure thou wilt bring to nought the per- secutors of thy children. For shouldest thou fail to do this, thine own cause, being connected with ours, would be endangered. It is entirely thine own con- cern : We, by thy providence, have been compelled to take a part Thou there- fore wilt be our defence !' "While I was listening to Luther praying in this manner at a distance, my soul seemed on fire within me, to hear the man address God so like a friend, and yet witft so nuc.> gravity and reverence ; and also to hear him in the course of his prayer insisting on the promises contained in the Psalms, as if he was sure his petitions would be granted." Coelest. I. 275. Com de Luth LXIX. 3. The papal historian, Maimbourg, is so well convinced of Luther's great influ- ence about the year 1530, that he break* out in a rage m the following manner. "I will speak freely what I think. Charles V. was to blame that be did not or- der I*uther to be seized, when he ulked so audaciously before him at Worms. Ho^tver, he my be excused on account of the SAFE CONDUCT he had granted him- But at Augsburg he ought to have compelled the elector of Saxony to give him up to justice, and no longer to protect a rebel, who was then proscri- bed by an imperial edict, and YET continued writing insolent tracts against the emperor himself. I'- was this neglect on the part of Charles whjch defeated all his endeavors to produce an agreement between the parties." Maimb. p. 180^ ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. . * . ,- . .. s RECOMMENDATIONS. $ PREFACE , 7 CENTURY I. CHAPTER I. A summary view of th Church, so far as it may be collected from the Scriptures. SECTION 1. Jerusalem. ....... 9 SECTION 2. Judah, Galilee and Samaria. ... * 20 SECTION 3. Ethiopia , . 22 SECTION 4. Caesarea. . . . . . . . 23 SECTION 5. Antioch and some other Asiatic Churches. . 24 SECTION 6. Galatia. . v . . . 29 SECTION 7. Philippi. ..... 31 SECTION 8. JThessalonica. j . . 33 SECTION 9. Berea and Athens. . * . 35 SECTION 10. Corinth 37 SECTION 11. Rome. ....... 39 SECTION 12. Colosse 40 SECTION 13. The seven churches of Asia. ... 41 CHAPTER II. The remainder of the first century. . . 46 CENTURY II. CHAPTER I. The history of the Christians in the reign of Trajan. 60 CHAPTER II. The history of the Christians during the reign of Adrian and Antonius Pius. ..... 62 CHAPTER III. Justin Martyr 67 CHAPTER IV. The emperor Marcus Antonius and his persecu- tion of the Christians. 70 CHAPTER V. Martyrdom of Polycarp. 72 CHAPTER VI, The Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne* . ^ 73 740 CHAPTER VII. The state of Christians under the reign of Com- modu*, and the story of Pereginus 79 CHAPTER VIII. Some account of Christian authors who flour- ished in this century. ...... 83 CHAPTER IX. The heresies and controversies of this century reviewed, and come account of the progress of Christiani- ty during the course of it. . . . . . . 86 CENTURY III. CHAPTER I. Irenoeus. 88 CHAPTER II. Tertullian 90 CHAPTER III. Pantoenus. . . . . . . . 93 CHAPTER IV. Clemens Aiexandrinus. .... 94 CHAPTER V. The affairs of the church during the reign of Sev- erus and Cnracalla 95 CHAPTER VI. Christian aff urs during the reign of Macrinus, Heliogabalus, Alexandrinu& } Maximinus, Pupienus, Gor- dian, and Philip 105 CHAPTER VII. The conversion of Cyprian. . . . 108 CHAPTER VIII. The beginnings of the persecutions of Deciua, and Cyprian's government till his retirement. . , 109 CHAPTER IX. The history of Cyprian and the western church during hi? retirement of two years. . . . . 113 CHAPTER X. Cyprian's settlement of his church after his re- turn, and the history of the western church till the per- secution under Gallus. ...... 119 CHAPTER XI. The effects of the persecution of Decius in the eastern Church. . . ..... 120 CHAPTER XII. The history of the church during the reign of Guilus 128 CHAPTER XIII. The pacific part of Valerian's reign. . 130 CHAPTER XIV. The last acts and martyrdom of Cyprian. 134 CHAPTER XV. Other particulars of Valerian's persecution. 140 CHAPTER XVI. From the reign of Gallienus to the end of the century. 142 CHAPTER XVII. Some account cf Gregory Thauaiaturgus, Theognostus, and Dionysius of Rome. . . . 145 CHAPTER XVIII. The further extension of the Gospel in this century. ......... 147 CHAPTER XIX. Remarks on the state of the Roman Empire, and the effect which a belief of the doctrines of Christiani- ty had during this century. , ^ 148 741 CENTURY IV. CHAPTER I. The persecution of Dioclesian. . . . 14$ CHAPTER II. A view of the state of the Christian religion on its establishment under Constantine. . . . 162 CHRPTER ill. The progress of the Arian controversy till the death of Constantine. . . 165 CHAPTER IV. The progress of the Arian controversy during the reign of C'mstantius. ...... 177 CHAPTER V. A view of Monasticism and other miscellaneous circumstances from the establishment oi Christianity under Constantine to the death of Constantius. . . . 182 CHAPTER VI. The extension of the gospel from the beginning of the century to the death of Constantius. . . 184 CHAPTER VII. The decline of idolatry in this century to the death of Constantius. . . . . . . 185 CHAPTER VIII. Julian's attempt to restore Paganism. . 187 CHAPTER IX. The church under Julian. . . . . 192 CHAPTER X. The church under Jovian. .... 195 CHAPTER XI. The church under Valens; the death, character, and writings of Athanasius. . . . . . 197 CHAPTER XII. The church under Va!entinian The begin- nings of Ambrose 199 CHAPTER XIII. The church of Christ under Gratian and Theo- dosius till the death of the former 2C2 CHAPTER XIV. The heresy of Priscillian The conduct of Martin The progress of superstition. . . . 205 CHAPTER XV. The conduct of Ambrose, under the Emperor Valentinian, and the persecution which he endured from the emperor's mother, Justina. . 208 CHAPTER XVI. The Church under Theodosius. . . 211 CHAPTER XVU. The private life and Works of Ambrose. 214 CHAPTER XVIII. The propagation of the Gospel among Bar- barians Heresies and Errors. . . . . 215 CHAPTER XIX. Of Chribtian Authors in this Century. . 216 CENTURY V. CHAPTER I. John Chrysostom. . 223 CHAPTER II. Augustine's Confessions abridged. . . 228 CHAPTER III. The Pelagian Controversy. . . . 292 CHAPTER IV. Augustine's Conduct towards the Donatists His Death. 294 742 CHAPTER V. The Theology of Augustine. . > . 295 CHAPTER VI. Jerom. ... ... 297 CHAPTER VII. The Church of Christ in the West. . . 298 CHAPTER VIII. The Eastern Church in the Fifth Century. 312 CHAPTER IX. Christian Writers of this Century. . . 313 CENTURY VI. CHAPTER I. The Life of Fulgentius, and the State of the Afri- can Churches in his time. . . . . . 316 CHAPTER 11. The state of the Church in other parts of the Ro- man Empire, till the death of Justin, including the life of Caesarius. 317 CHAPTER III. The state of the Church during the reign of Jus- tinian 320 CHAPTER IV. Miscellaneous affairs to the end of the Century 322 CHAPTER V. Gregory the First, Bishop of Rome. . . 324 CENTURY VII. CHAPTER I. The English Church 330 CHAPTER II. The Propagation of the Gospel in Germany and its Neighborhood 337 CHAPTER III. The General History of the Church in this Cen- tury. . ..... ^ 338 CENTURY VIII. CHAPTER I. Venerable Bede, the English Presbyter. , 344 CHAPTER II. Miscellaneous Particulars. . . . 345 CHAPTER III. The Controversy of Images. The maturity of Antichrist. ........ 347 CHAPTER IV. The Propagation of the Gospel in this Century, and an account of the life of Boniface, Archbishop of Mentz 354 CHAPTER V. Authors of this Century. .... 360 CENTURY IX. CHAPTER I. A General View of the State of Religion in this Century. . . . . . . . , 361 CHAPTER II. The Paulicians. 364 CHAPTER II!. Opposition to the Corruptions of Popery in this Century. 368 CHAPTER IV. The Case of Gotteschalcus. . . . 370 CHAPTER V. The Propagation of the Gospel in (his Century* 372 743 CENTURY X. CHAPTER I. A General View of the Church. ... , , 380 CHAPTER II. The Propagation of the Gospel. . . 382. CHAPTER III. Writers and Eminent Men in this Century. 386 CENTURY XI. CHAPTER I. A General View of the Church. . . . 387 CHAPTER II. The Opposition made to the Errors of Popery. 389 CHAPTER HI. The Propagation of the Gospel. . . 391 CHAPTER IV. The state of the Church in England. . 393 CENTURY XII. CHAPTER I. A General View of the- Life and Death of Bernard. 394 CHAPTER II. General State of the Church in this Century. 398 CHAPTER III. The Propagation of the Gospel. . . 402 CENTURY XIII. CHAPTER T. Peter Waldo 405 CHAPTER II. The real character of the Waldenses. . 409 CHAPTER III. The Doctrine and Discipline of the Waldenses. 413 CHAPTER IV. The Persecutions of the Waldonses. . 416 CHAPTER V. The general state of the church in this century. 423 CENTURY XIV. The General Stale of the Church in this Century. . 428 CENTURY XV. CHAPTER I. The Lollards. , . 433 CHAPTER II. The Council of Constance, including the case of John Hus?, and Jerom of Prague. .... 445 CHAPTER III. The Hussites till beginning of the Reformation. 469 CHAPTER IV. A Brief Review of the Fifteenth Century. 475 CENTURY XVI. CHAPTER I. The Reformation under the conduct of Lrt^er. 477 CHAPTER II. The beginning of the controversy concerning in- dulgences 481 CHAPTER III. The progress of the controver y concerning in- dulgences, till the conclusion of the conferences between Luther and Cajetaii. . > .. ,, 744 OHAPTER IV. The controversy continued. The attempts of Miltitz and of Eckius. The progress of the Reformation till the conclusion of the Diet of Worms. . . 498 CHAPTER V. From the conclusion of the Diet of Worms, to the death of the Elector of Saxony. . . . 534 CHAPTER VI. The Death of the Elector of Saxony. Mar- riage of Luther. . ..... 645 CHAPTER VII. Progress of the Reformation. . . . 648 CHAPTER VII . The Views which Luther had of himself. 693 CHAPTER IX. Further state of the Reformation. Luther's views on predestination. Confenence at Marpurg. Lu- ther and Zuiugle compared. ..... 699 CHAPTER X. A concise vfcw of the condition of the Protestants a little before the diet of Spires. . . . 717 M the time suliscriptions nere solicited for this work, it proposed to be comprised in 700 pages, with a list of Subscribers' Names annexed; but as it has considerably exceeded thai number of pages, they are necessarily omitlcd 11173*