UC-NRLF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES 1809-1894 A List of Books witli References to Periodicals in the Brooklyn Public Library Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES 1809-1894 A List of Books witn References to Periodicals in the Brooklyn Public Library Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES Born August 29, 1809 Died October 7, 1894 The arrangement is : I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. II. WORKS: (a) PROSE. (b) POETRY. III. BIOGRAPHIES AND CRITICISMS. I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Hodgkins, L. M. American authors. (In her Guide to the study of nineteenth century authors. Bost. 1898.) Ives, G. B. Bibliography of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Bost. 1907. Ref. II. WORKS. For other editions of Holmes' works, see the Bibliography bv G. B. Ives. Holmes, O. W. Holmes leaflets; poems and prose pas- sages from his works, for reading and recitation. Bost. ci850-8i. Selections from his writings; arranged under the days of the year, and accompanied by memoranda of anniversaries of noted events and of the birth and death of famous men and women. N. Y. Selections from his writings in prose and verse. (In Warner, C. D. ed. Library of the world's best literature, v. 13. N. Y. ciSctf-gS.) Ref. (a) PROSE. Holmes, O. W. After-breakfast talk. Atlantic Monthly, v. 51:65. Aphorism and a lecture. (In American wit and humor, v. i. N. Y. 1907.) Autocrat of the breakfast table. Bost. 1883. Same. 2 v. Bost. 1894. Same. Atlantic Monthly, v. 1-2. Elsie Venner. Bost. 1897. 3 Same. 2 v. Bost. 1861. Familiar letter. Atlantic Monthly, v. 37:103. Foreign correspondence; Music pounding; The Old man dreams; Dislikes. (In Mason, E. T. ed. Humorous masterpieces from American litera- ture, v. i. N. Y. 1891.) Gambrel-roofed house. (In Scudder, H. E. ed. American prose. .Bost. 1895.) Guardian angel. Bost. 1900. Same. Atlantic Monthly, v. 19-20. Holmes estate, Cambridge, Mass. (In Vaille, F. O. and Clark, H. A. Harvard book, v. 2. Camb. i875.) Index to his writings. (In his Our hundred days in Europe. N. Y. ci887-9i.) Iris. (In Johnson, Rossiter, ed. Little classics, v. 7. Bost. 1900.) John Lothrop Motley; a memoir. Bost. 1889. Mechanism in thought and morals. (In Fiske, John, and others. Mind. N. Y. 1902.) Medical essays, 1842-1882. Bost. 1887. Medical profession in Massachusetts. (In Mas- sachusetts Historical society. Lectures relating to the early history of Massachusetts. Bost. 1869.) Medical school, Harvard university. (In Vaille, F. O. and Clark, H. A. Harvard book, v. I. Camb. 1875.) Mortal antipathy. Bost. 1895. My hunt after "the captain." Atlantic Monthly, v. 10:738. New portfolio. Atlantic Monthly, v. 55-58. 4 Old Cambridge. Atlantic Monthly, v. 36:237. Our hundred days in Europe. Bost. 1888. Same. Atlantic Monthly, v. 59-61. Over the teacups. Bost. 1891. Same. 2 v. N. Y. 1896. Same. Atlantic Monthly, v. 61, 65, 66. Pages from an old volume of life. N. Y. 1899. Pillow-smoothing authors. Atlantic Monthly, v. 5i :457- Poet at the breakfast-table. Bost. 1895. Same. 2 v. N. Y. 1891. Same. Atlantic Monthly, v. 29-30. Practical ethics of the physician. (In Reed, T. B. and others, ed. Modern eloquence, v. 8. Phil. CI900.) Professor at the breakfast table. Bost. 1899. Professor's paper. (In Franklin, Benjamin, and others. Essays of American essayists. N. Y. CI900.) Ralph Waldo Emerson. Bost. 1893. Selections from the Breakfast-table series and Pages from an old volume of life. (In Modern classics, v. 33. Bost. ci8s8-83.) Soundings from the Atlantic. Bost. 1864. Visit to the asylum for aged and decayed pun- sters. (In Johnson, Rossiter, ed. Little classics, v. 5. Bost. 1900.) Year book. Bost. c 1889-94. 5 (b) POETRY. Holmes, O. W. Complete poetical works. Bost 01850-95. Poetical works. Bost 01858-95. Selected poems. (In Page, C. H. cd. Chief American poets. Bost. 1905.) Selected poems. (In Scudder, H. E. ed. Amer- ican poems. Bost. 01879-92.) "Ad amicos." Atlantic Monthly, v. 37:314- After the fire. Atlantic Monthly, v. 31 196. All here. Atlantic Monthly, v. 19:323. Archbishop and Gil Bias. Atlantic Monthly, v. 46 1205. Army-hymn. Atlantic Monthly, v. 7757- Astrsea: the balance of illusions; a poem deliv- ered before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Yale college, Aug. 14, 1850. Bost. 1850. Ballad of the Boston tea-party. (In his Dorothy Q. N. Y. 1896.) Same. Atlantic Monthly, v. 33:219. Before the curfew, and other poems. N. Y. 1888. Bill and Joe. Atlantic Monthly, v. 22:313. Bonaparte, Aug. 15, 1769 Humboldt, Sept. 14, 1769. Atlantic Monthly, v. 24:637. Boston to Florence. Atlantic Monthly, v. 47: 412. Brother Jonathan's lament for Sister Caroline. Atlantic Monthly, v. 7:613. Bryant's seventieth birthday. Atlantic Monthly, v. 14738. But one talent. Atlantic Monthly, v. 66:833. Chambered nautilus. Country life in America, v. 10:420. Same. Leisure Hour, v. 44:88. Chanson without music. Atlantic Monthly, v. 20 :543- "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." Atlantic Monthly, v. 11:288. The Coming era. Atlantic Monthly, v. 45 :84. Dorothy Q. N. Y. 1893. Same. Atlantic Monthly, v. 27:120. Early poems. N. Y. 01899. Even song. Atlantic Monthly, v. 25:349. Farewell to Agassiz. Atlantic Monthly, v. 16: 584. Favorite poems, and My hunt after "the captain." (In Modern classics, v. 30. Bost. 01850-91.) The First fan. Atlantic Monthly, v. 39:659. Flower of liberty. Atlantic Monthly, v. 8:550. Fountain of youth. Atlantic Monthly, v. 32:209. Francis Parkman, a poem. Atlantic Monthly, v. 73:222. God save the flag. Atlantic Monthly, v. 15:115. Grandmother's story, and other poems. Bost. 01883-91. How not to settle it. Atlantic Monthly, v. 39: 257- How the old horse won the bet. Atlantic Monthly, v. 38:44. In memory of J. W. R. W. Atlantic Monthly, v. 14:115. In memory of John Greenleaf Whittier, a poem. Atlantic Monthly, v. 70:648. Iron gate, and other poems. Bost. 1880. James Russell Lowell. Atlantic Monthly, v. 68: 552. Last charge. Atlantic Monthly, v. 13:244. Last leaf. Bost. 1886. Same. Current Literature, v. 31 :225. Last look. Atlantic Monthly, v. 2:749. Memorial tribute; in memory of Dr. S. G. Howe. Atlantic Monthly, v. 37:464. My annual. Atlantic Monthly, v. 17:395- My aviary. Atlantic Monthly, v. 41 :i22. Nearing the snow-line. Atlantic Monthly, v. 25: 86. No time like the old time. Atlantic Monthly, v. 16:398. Old-year song. Atlantic Monthly, v. 33:101. On lending a punch-bowl. Harper's Mag. v. 16 :6. Once more. Atlantic Monthly, v. 21 :43O. One hoss shay. N. Y. 1892. Our classmate. Atlantic Monthly, v. 13:329. Our first citizen. Atlantic Monthly, v. 15:462. Our oldest friend. Atlantic Monthly, v. 15:34- Parting hymn. Atlantic Monthly, v. 8:235. 8 [Poem on Mark Twain's 5oth birthday.] Critic, v. 48:1^. Poem on the 25Oth anniversary of the foundation of Harvard university. Atlantic Monthly, v. 58: supp. p. 18. Poem served to order. Atlantic Monthly, v. 32: 296. Poems. Bost. 1862. The Poet to his readers. Atlantic Monthly, v. 10:118. Post prandial. Atlantic Monthly, v. 48:365. Shakespeare. Atlantic Monthly, v. 13:762. Silent melody. Atlantic Monthly, v. 42:335. Songs in many keys. Bost. 1862. Songs of many seasons, 1862-1874. Bost. 1875. To James Russell Lowell on his 7Oth birthday. Atlantic Monthly, v. 63:556. Two anniversary after-dinner poems. Atlantic Monthly, v. 56:263. Union and liberty. Atlantic Monthly, v. 8:756. Vestigia quinque retrorsum. Atlantic Monthly, v. 44:238. Voyage of the good ship Union. Atlantic Monthly, v. 9:398. III. BIOGRAPHIES AND CRITICISMS. The American Montaigne. Spectator, v. 59:650. Astrea: Oliver Wendell Holmes. Knickerbocker, v. 37: 142. Autocrat o f the breakfast table. Living Age, v. 60:630. Ball, James. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and his works. Lond. 1878. Bancroft, George. Holmes's Life of Emerson. North American Rev. v. 140:129. Before the curfew, and other poems, by O. W. Holmes; [re- view]. Athenaum, 1888, v. i :787. Bidwell, W. H. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Eclectic Mag. v. 80:632. Bolton, Mrs. S. (K.) Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In her Famous American authors. N. Y. ci887.) A Book and its story; "the genial Autocrat." Critic, v. 28: 325. Bowen, E. W. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Makers of American literature. N. Y. 1908.) Brown, E. E. Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Chic. ci884-95. Burton, Richard. Holmes. (In his Literary leaders of America. N. Y. 1903.) Capen, O. B. Country homes of famous Americans : Oliver Wendell Holmes. Country life in America, v. 8:308. Chadwick, J. W. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Forum, v. 18: 279. Cheever, D. W. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the anatomist. Harvard Graduates' Mag. v. 3:154. Clark, G. H. A Berkshire breeze. Knickerbocker, v. 47: 336. Clark, J. S. O. W. Holmes. (In his Study of English and American poets. N. Y. 1900.) Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Study of Eng- lish prose writers. N. Y. 1904.) Clarke, H. V. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Munsey's Mag. v. 7:400. 10 Cody, Sherwin. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Four American poets. N. Y. 01899.) Conversation Holmes. Chambers'* Journal, v. 31 159. Cook, Keningale. American novelists: Oliver Wendell Holmes. Belgravia, v. 20:222. Curtis, G. W. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Literary and social essays. N. Y. 01894.) Oliver Wendell Holmes. Harper's Mag. v. 83: 277. Deli lie, Edward. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Fortnightly Rev. v. 46:235. Dr. Holmes. Atlantic Monthly, v. 74:831. Dr. Holmes in his library. Book Buyer, v. 5:174. Dr. Holmes sic sedebat. Atlantic Monthly, v. 77:830. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Athenaum, 1894, v. 2:492. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and Elsie Venner. Living Age, v. 71 :435. Same. National Rev. v. 13 :359. Dwight, Thomas. Reminiscences of Dr. Holmes as pro- fessor of anatomy. Scribne-r's Mag. v. 17:121. Eaton, Wyatt. Recollections of American poets. Century, v. 64:842. Eightieth birthday of Holmes. Magazine of American History, v. 20:343. Fields, Mrs. A. (A.) Oliver Wendell Holmes. Century, v. 27:505. Oliver Wendell Holmes; personal recollections and unpublished letters. (In her Authors and friends. Bost. 1898.) Ford, Robert. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his American humorists. Lond. 1897.) Forgues, E. D. Elsie Venner. Revue des deux Mondes, v. 33 -'930 ; v. 34 167. Abridged translation in French. ii Gosse, E. W. Epistle to Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes on his seventy-fifth birthday. Athenceum, 1884, v. 2 1274. Griswold, Mrs. H. (T.) Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In her Home life of great authors. Chic. 1888.) Guardian angel. Every Saturday, v. 4:728. Hale, Rev. E. E. An Afternoon with Oliver Wendell Holmes. McClure's Mag. v. 1 :gg. Memories of a hundred years : Holmes. Out- look, v. 72:310. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Critic, v. 25 1242. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Review of Reviews, v. 10:405. Personal recollections of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Arena, v. 15 121. Hart, Beatrice. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In her Seven great American poets. N. Y. CI9OI.) Haweis, Rev. H. R. O. W. Holmes. (In his American humorists. N. Y. pref. 1882.) Higginson, T. W. Holmes. (In his Old Cambridge. N. Y. 1900.) The Holmes breakfast. Atlantic Monthly, v. 45: supp. Holmes's Prize dissertations. North American Rev. v. 47: 161. Holmes's Urania. North American Rev. v. 64:208. Howe, M. A. D. Longfellow and Holmes. (In his Ameri- can bookmen. N. Y. 1898.) Same. Bookman, v. 7 :2i7. Howells, W. D. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Literary friends and acquaintance. N. Y. 1901.) Same. Harper's Mag. v. 94:120. Hughes, J. L. An Hour with Oliver Wendell Holmes. Canadian Mag. v. 2:134. Ingram, J. H. Poetical works of O. W. Holmes. Acad- emy, v. 21 :4. 12 Jerrold, W. C. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Lond. 1899. Kennedy, W. S. Oliver Wendell Holmes, poet, litterateur, scientist. Bost. 1883. Lament, Alexander. Oliver Wendell Holmes, his touch with nature and humanity. Sunday Mag. v. 18: 298. Lang, Andrew. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Adven- tures among books. N. Y. 1905.) Lawton, W. C. New England poets. N. Y. 1898. Lewin, Walter. Mortal antipathy, by O. W. Holmes. Academy, v. 29:37. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Academy, v. 46:279. Life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. London Quar- terly Rev. v. 87 :77. Livingston, L. S. First books of some American authors: Longfellow, Lowell, Holmes, Bryant. Bookman, v. 8:138. Lodge, H. C. Dr. Holmes. (In his Certain accepted heroes, and other essays. N. Y. 1897.) Same. North American Rev. v. 159:669. Lowell, J. R. To O. W. H. on his 75th birthday. Critic, v. 4:i33. Ludlow, J. M. Elsie Venner and Silas Marner. Macmil- lan's, Mag. v. 4 :3O5. May, Samuel. Dr. Holmes with his classmates. Harvard Graduates' Mag. v. 3:159. Meynell, Mrs. A. C. (T.) Holmes. (In her Rhythm of life, and other essays. N. Y. 1897.) Mr. Haweis on Dr. Holmes. Critic, v. 8:46. Morse, J. H. Holmes on Emerson. Critic, v. 4:289. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Critic, v. 3:191. Morse, jr., J. T. Life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Bost. 1897. Morse's Holmes. Nation, v. 62:456. 13 Morse, M. B. Letters of Dr. Holmes to a classmate. Cen- tury, v. 32 :Q46. Moulton, L. C. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes; his "Life and letters." Bookman, v. 3:417. M unger, T. T. Oliver Wendell Holmes. New World, v. 4:33. Noble, J. A. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Leisure Hour, v. 44 :82. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Appleton's Journal, v. 12:545. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Blackwood's Mag. v. 152:194. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Dublin University Mag. v. 84: 376. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Eclectic Mag. v. 30:532. Same. Living Age, v. 39:100. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Eclectic Mag. v. 124:433. Same. Living Age, v. 204:537. Same. Quarterly Rev. v. 180:189. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Every Saturday, v. n '.642. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Every Saturday, v. 14:466. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Longman's Mag. v. 28:344. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Nation, v. 59:264. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Saturday Rev. v. 57:651. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Saturday Rev. v. 78:406. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Living Age, v. 203:503. Same. Spectator, v. 73 :485. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1809-1884. Critic, v. 4:97. Oliver Wendell Holmes on immortality. Spectator, v. 76: 699. Osier, William. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Alabama student, and other biographical essays. Ox. 1908.) Oswald, F. L. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes' health code. Chautauquan, v. 20:321. 14 Palmer, Ray. Oliver Wendell Holmes. International Rev. v. 8:501. Prothero, R. E. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Longman's Mag. v. 8:300. Rideing, W. H. Homes of some New England authors. Chautauquan, v. 8:14. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Boyhood of famous authors. N. Y. 01887-97.) Rollins, Mrs. A. M. (W.) Dr. O. W. Holmes. (In Gilder, J. L. and Gilder, J. B. ed. Authors at home. N. Y. 1902.) Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes in Beacon street. Critic, v. 6: i, 13. Savage, Rev. M. J. Religion of Holmes' poems. Arena, v. ii :4i. A School of literature: how to study "The Chambered nau- tilus" of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Poet-lore, v. 6 :570. Scudder, H. E. Dr. Holmes's progress. Atlantic Monthly, v. 60:851. Smalley, G. W. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Studies of men. N. Y. 1895.) Smith, J. E. A. Poet among the hills; Oliver Wendell Holmes in Berkshire. Pittsfield, 1895. Smith, S. F. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Harvard Graduates' Mag. v. 3:153. Stearns, F. P. Doctor Holmes. (In his Cambridge sketches. Phil. 1905.) Stedman, E. C. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Poets of America. Bost. 1900.) Oliver Wendell Holmes. Century, v. 7 :5O2. Stephen, Sir Leslie. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Studies of a biographer, v. 2. N. Y. 1899.) Oliver Wendell Holmes. Eclectic Mag. v. 127: 359- Same. Living Age, v. 210:259. Same- National Rev. v. 27 -.626. 15 Stewart, George. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Arena, v. 4: 129. Stewart, J. p. Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes. West- minster Rev. v. 168 1656. Sweeney, H. M. Tennyson and Holmes : a parallel. Cath- olic World, v. 60:521. Trent, W. P. Retrospect of American humor. Century, v. 63 :4S- Trowbridge, J. T. My own story: recollections of Holmes and Longfellow. Atlantic Monthly, v. 91 :6oo. Underwood, R H. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Good Words, v. 28:298. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Scribner's Monthly, v. 18:117. Verse, poetry and O. W. Holmes. Knickerbocker, v. 61 : 189. Vincent, L. H. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his American literary masters. N. Y. 1906.) Walsh, W. S. (William Shepard, pseud.) Lowell and Holmes. (In his Pen pictures of modern authors. N. Y. 1886.) Whittier, J. G. Mirth and medicine. Living Age, v. 20: 516. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Prose works, v. 2. Bost. 1895.) To Oliver Wendell Holmes, 8th mo. 29th, 1892. Atlantic Monthly, v. 70:401. Winter, William. Tributes: Oliver Wendell Holmes. (In his Brown heath and blue bells. N. Y. 1895.) With the Autocrat. Lippincotfs Mag. v. 55:107. Woodberry, G. E. Dr. Holmes's new volume [Before the curfew]. Atlantic Monthly, v. 62:123. Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Spectator, v. 69:387. EAGLE TRESS, BROOKLYN-NEW YORK f^ V- UNIV! THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. I m ft I