THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY FROM 1775 to 1873. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP THE SURGEON GENERAL BY HARVEY E. BROWN, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Aemy. WASHINOTON, D. C: SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, 1873. o u- 'Jkraiy 1273 I HISTORICAL NOTES CONCERNING THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY. PART I. The Medical Department during the Revolution. The history of the Hospital Department of the army commences with the siege of Boston in 1775, for the first legislative enactments of the Colonial Congress only legalized what was already in existence, and gave a fixed organization to what the emergencies of the occasion had called into being months before. The army which gathered at Cambridge, after the battle of Lexington, was assembled almost without any effort of public authority; it was rather the spontaneous result of the burst of patriotism and alarm which extended throughout the country, calling the farmer from his plough, the mechanic from his shop, the clergyman from the pulpit, and the physician from the sick bed. Few of these, who thus responded to the call upon their loyalty, had any idea that there would be a war; or, they thought that at worst it would be one of but short duration. Far the larger portion of them looked forward to a compromise with the Mother country, and as a consequence had made arrangements for leaving their homes for but a short period. The parties of men collected at Cambridge formed consequently but a heterogenous mass, without brigade or regimental organization, and as a necessary sequence, without any staff establishment. \ Among them were many physicians who had come from their native towns, like the rest ready to do anything to assist the cause of liberty; but they held no appointments, except perhaps from the Captains of companies or self-elected Colonels of regiments, and had not the means for establishing a hospital. The Second Provincial Congress of Massachusetts Bay was at this time in session and earnestly occupied in the organization of the troops, and early 4 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY foresaw the necessity that existed for action looking towards the proper care of the sick and wounded. With rare common sense, their first enactment provided for an examination of all persons asking appointment as surgeons. On the eighth of May, 1775, they ordered: "That the President j?ro tempore. Doctor Church, Doctor Taylor, Doctor Holteo and Doctor Dunsmore be a committee, to examine such persons as are, or may be recommended for Surgeons for the Army, now forming in this Colony. Resolved; That the persons recommended by the Commanding Officers of the several regiments, be appointed as Surgeons to their respective regiments, pro- Tided, they appear to be duly qualified, on examination." Doctors Whiting, Bailies, Hall and Jones were subsequently added to this committee, and a proviso adopted that any three present should con- stitute a quorum. The following extract from Thacher's " Military Journal during the Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783," will show the manner in which this original board of medical examiners performed their duty. "On the day appointed, the medical candidates, sixteen in number, were sum- moned before the board for examination. This business occupied about four hours; the subjects were anatomy, physiology, surgery, and medicine. It was not long after, that I was happily relieved from suspense, by receiving the sanction, and acceptance of the board, with some acceptable instructions, relative to the faithful discharge of duty, and the humane treatment of those soldiers, who may have the misfortune to require my assistance. Six of our number, were privately rejected as found disqualified. The examination was in a considerable degree close, and severe, which occasioned not a little agitation in our ranks." \ After the battle of Breed's Hill a hospital was established at Cam- bridge, ' in several private but commodious houses,*' and Dr. John Warren, a brother and pupil of Dr. Joseph Warren, who fell while commanding the troops in that battle, was placed in charge. This gentleman had already acquired a fine reputation, both for professional skill and humanity to the .sick. He was soon after succeeded by Dr. Isaac Foster, of Cambridge, who was afterwards Deputy Director General. About this same time a hospital wa^ also established at Watertown, and another at Roxbury under charge of Dr. Isaac Rand, and on the twenty-seventh of June a fourth, for the exclusive care of small-pox patients. It may be mentioned Iiere, that in all the legislative enactments of this period, the word "hospital" is not used in the sense of a building for the treatment of the sick and wounded, but in a wider signification, as denoting the whole medical management of the war, or in other words, that "depart- ment" or "bureau" of the service having charge of all matters pertaining to medicine and surgery. DURING THE REVOLUTION. 5 The regulations of this hospital at Cambridge were very simple. On the first of July, the Provincial Congress passed the following preamble and resolutions : "In order that all the sick and wounded of the Army may be provided for, and taken care of, in the best way and manner possible ; Resolved, and it is hereby ordered ; That, when any person in the Army is so ill, either by a wound, or otherwise, that the Surgeon of the Regiment to which the sick or wounded person belongs, finds the sick or wounded as abovesaid, cannot be properly taken care of in the regiment to which he belongs, said surgeon shall send the sick, or wounded as abovesaid, to the hospital provided for the use of the camps to which they belong; and a certificate of the man's name, and the company, or regiment to which he belongs ; and in that case, the Surgeon of the said hospital, shall receive the said sick or wounded, under his care; and in case said hospital shall become too full, the Surgeon of the said hospital, shall send such of his patients, as may with safety be moved, to the hospital at Watertown, and a certificate setting forth the man's name, what company and regiment each belongs to ; and in that case, the Surgeon of the Watertown hospital, shall receive such sick or wounded under his care." The allowance of medical officers to a hospital was fixed at two sur- geons and two surgeon's mates, and for a regiment in the field at one sur- geon and two mates. For fear that persons might be appointed who were not agreeable to the officers and men, it was advised by the Committee of Safety, and resolved by the Congress, that surgeons should be nominated by the Colonels of regiments to which they were to be attached, and sur- geon's mates by the surgeons. The pay of hospital surgeons was fixed at eight pounds per month, and that of mates at four pounds ten shillings per month. To each medical officer, thus appointed, a warrant was issued in the following form. "THE CONGRESS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY, I To A. B., Greeting; Being informed of your skill in Surgery, and reposing especial trust in your ability, and good conduct; we do by these presents, constitute, and appoint you, the said A. B. to be Surgeon of the Regiment of foot, whereof is Colonel, raised by the Congress aforesaid, for the defence of said Colony. You are, therefore, carefully, and diligently, to discharge the duty of a Surgeon to the said Regiment, in all things appertaining thereunto, observing such orders, and instructions, as you shall from time to time receive, from the Colonel of said regi- ment, according to military rules and discipline, established by said Congress, or any your superior officers, for which, this shall be your sufficient warrant. By OKDEE OF THE CONGRESS, , President. Dated at Watertown, , 1775." 6 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY Warrants or commissions of a similar character, with the necessary alterations in the phraseology, were also issued to hospital surgeons. Notwithstanding, how;ever, the anxiety of the Provincial Congress (as evinced by their numerous enactments on the subject) to provide for the welfare of the sick and wounded soldiers, the plan adopted by them did not work well in practice. The vicious privilege, so fatal to all discipline, had been permitted of allowing the soldiers to choose their own officers, and these officers in turn had the nomination of surgeons, and too often personal popularity was sought for rather than professional fitness; a defect which was not entirely obviated by the examination to which all candidates were subjected. Again, surgeons and patients came from the same country village or town, and it took them a long time to appreciate the fact that the social equality which was to be admired in civil life, was incompatible with the discipline of the field. Medical supplies of all kinds were extremely scarce and the army ill supplied, as we learn incidentally from a resolution of Congress, authorizing two surgeons, who were so fortunate as to possess medicine chests, to lend them to those of other regiments that were not so well supplied. The Provincial Congress had done all that they could in this particular, but they could exercise no supervision except over the troops from Massachusetts, while as time passed, the forces from other States had assembled at Cambridge, and added to the aggregate of the army. What was wanted was a general head, and that the Hospital did not have, and the Provincial Congress could not give it. For the correction of this, and all other defects, only one body was competent, and that was the Colonial Congress, then in session at Philadelphia. This assemblage commenced its second session on the tenth of May, and was occupied in devising ways and means fur carrying on the approaching war. They had selected Washington as Commander-in-Chief, and passed an act for the appointment of General Officers and officers of the General StaflF, but strangely enough this bill made no provision for the Hospital Department. Washington had arrived at Cambridge and assumed command, and his first inspections convinced him of the necessity for some action on the part of the Colonial Congress. On the twenty-first of July he thus expressed himself, in a letter to the President of Congress. *' I have made enquiry into the establishment of the hospital, and find it in a very unsettled condition. There is no principal director, nor any subordination among the Surgeons; of consequence, diir forage, rations and all expenses. Provided, That none of the officers shall be entitled to any part of the pay, or emoluments afore- said, until they shall respectively be called into actual service. Section VII. And be it further enacted, That for the accommodation of the sick of the army and navy of the United States, the physician general, and hospital surgeons of senior appointment, with the approbation of the general commanding the army within the district where he shall be, shall have power to provide tem- porary hospitals ; and the physician general with the approbation of the President of the United States, shall have power to provide and establish permanent hospitals. Section VIII. And be it further enacted. That all the said officers, and others, shall as touching their several offices and duties, be liable to the rules and regula- tions for the government and discipline of the army ; and shall be bound to obey, in conformity with law, and the usages and customs of armies, the orders and directions of the chief military officers of the respective armies, and within the respective districts, in which they shall respectively serve and be. Section IX. And be it further enacted, That the physician general or in his absence, the senior medical officer, with the approbation of the Commander-in- Chief, or commanding officer of a separate army be, and hereby is authorized and empowered, as often as may be judged necessary, to call a medical board which shall consist of the three senior medical officers then present, whose duty it shall be to examine all candidates for employment, or promotion in the hospital depart- ment, and certify to the Secretary at War, the qualifications of each." Before the troops called for by these and other acts passed about this time could be brought into complete organization, envoys had been appointed to settle the questions in dispute between the two nations, and early in the year 1800 it became almost a matter of certainty that there would be no war, and consequently on the fourteenth of May, Congress passed a bill to discharge by the fifteenth of June, all the troops raised for the increase of the army, "except the general and other staflf, the engineers, the inspector of artillery, the inspector of fortifications, two troops of dragoons, the two regiments of artillerists and engineers and the first four regiments of infantry." This disbanded all the medical officers except six surgeons and twelve surgeon's mates, and by December, 1801, this number of mates had been still further reduced to seven, existing vacancies not having been filled in view of a still greater reduction of the army. Under the provision of PROM 1784 TO 1812. 79 this act, Doctor James Craik was mustered out of service as Physician General. He returned to his home near Mount Vernon, Virginia, where he passed the remainder of his life. The medical ofl&cers who remained in ser- vice on the nineteenth of December, 1801, were: Surgeons Charles Brown, first artillerists and engineers, James Scanlan, second artillerists and engi- neers, John Elliot, first infantry, William McCoskry, second infantry, Joseph Phillips, third infantry, and John F. Carmichael, fourth infantry; Surgeon's mates Prescott Barron and Samuel M. Griffith, first artillerists and engineers, Charles Blake and George Dill, second artillerists and engineers, and of the infantry regiments, Eben Lawrence, J. C. Wallace, Edward Reynolds and Reuben Everett. The act of March 16, 1802, still further defined the Military Peace Establishment of the United States, by directing that after June 1st, the army should consist of but one regiment of artillery and two of infantry, besides the necessary stafi" and the engineers; all officers not retained in some of these organizations to be discharged. The number of small posts to be garrisoned, however, rendered a relatively large medical stafi" absolutely necessary, and the following section was included in the bill : "Section III. And be it further enacted, That there shall be * * * two surgeons and twenty-five surgeon's mates to be attached to garrisons or posts and not to corps." The provisions of this bill in respect to pay, subsistence and forage, were the same as existed in previous statutes on the subject. The garrison surgeons appointed under the above section were John F. Carmichael, late surgeon of the fourth infantry, and David Davis, late regimental surgeon's mate. The surgeon's mates were Alexander A. Peters, Samuel M. Griffith, George Dill, Charles Blake, Prescott Barron, Edward Reynolds, Southworth Harlow, John Rippey, Thomas R. Jack, Philip Turner, Robert Stark, Fiducis Tuttle, Lyman Spalding, Henry Jackson, James Lee, Nathaniel Bradford, Samuel McKee, jr., Francis Le Barron, Thomas Van Dyke and John F. Heileman. Many of these had seen service, and one, Philip Turner, had been distinguished as a hospital surgeon during the Revolution, and it will be remembered attracted especial attention from his great skill as an operator. Even with the small military force now in service the number of medical officers was found insufficient, and on the twenty-sixth of March, 1804, the following act was passed : 'Section I. Be it enacted, etc.. That there shall be appointed, in addition to the surgeon's mates provided for by the ' act fixing the military peace establishment of the 80 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY United States,' as many surgeon's mates not exceeding six, as the President of the United States may judge necessary, to be added to garrisons or posts, agreeably to the provision of the said act." The returns made to Congress by the Secretary of War in 1803 showed two surgeons and twenty-three mates attached to garrisons. In December, 1804, the number of mates was increased to twenty-nine, by the filling of original vacancies caused by the act just quoted. The new appointments were, George Hall, of South Carolina, Hanson Catlett and Richard Davidson, of Kentucky, Corneilius Baldwin, of Virginia, Hugh M. Hall, of Georgia, and Abraham Edwards, of New Jersey. From 1806 to 1808, various events occurred of a hostile character on the part of the government of Great Britain, and in the latter year it was thought advisable to once more raise for a limited time an additional military force, which was done by the act of the twelfth of April. This added to the army for the term of five years, (unless sooner discharged) one regiment of light artillery, one regiment of riflemen, one of light dragoons, and five of infantry; each to be provided with one surgeon and one surgeon's mate. The third section of this bill provided: ft ' That when in the opinion of the President of the United States, a suitable . proportion of the troops authorized by this act shall be raised, there may be ap- pointed * * * such a number of hospital surgeons and surgeon's mates, as the service may require, but not exceeding five surgeons and fifteen mates, with one steward and one wardmaster to each hospital." The pay and allowances of the officers provided for by this act was fixed as follows: *' And be it further enacted, That the compensation of the oflBcers * * * authorized by this act shall be, viz: * * to each hospital surgeon seventy- five dollars per month, six rations per day or an equivalent in money, and twelve dollars per month for forage when not furnished as aforesaid; each hospital sur- geon's mate, forty dollars per month, two rations per day or an equivalent in money, and six dollars per month for forage when not furnished as aforesaid; each hospital steward, twenty dollars per month, and two rations per day or an equivalent in money ; each wardmaster sixteen dollars per month, and two rations per day or its equivalent in money; Provided, The oflScers furnish their own horses and accoutre- ments, and actually keep in service the aforesaid number of horses, to entitle them to the aforegoing allowance for forage, or its equivalent in money." It would appear that the additional hospital officers provided for by this law were never ;ippuiiit(;',l, tor their names do not appear on the Army Register for 1809, and *1ie general return of the army for 1810 shows but one hospital surgeon and one mate, two garrison surgeons and twenty-nine mates, and seven regimental surgeons and four mates j the garrison medical FROM 1784 TO 1812. 81 officers belonging to the permanent establishment, and the others to the additional military force. It will be proper before proceeding to consider the events connected with the Corps during the war of 1812-15, to offer a few words of explana- tion as to the relative duties of the officers composing the rather complex organization, which seems to have found favor in all the enactments of this period. The early legislation for the army after the close of the Revolution, it has been seen, provided only for regimental medical officers. The first regi- ments were raised for active service against the Indians, and it was supposed that the regiment would always act as a unit, or at most broken up into not more than two or three battalions, so that there could always be a medical officer with each detachment. Afterwards, when the extension of our sea-coast fortifications, the acquirement of the frontier posts from Great Britain, and the necessity of keeping a force permanently at the West for the protection of settlers, largely increased the number of military posts, garrison surgeons and mates were appointed, who were generally though not always selected from that part of the country where they were expected to serve, and who were permanently stationed at the various military posts, not being assigna- ble to any other duty. On the approach of war hospital officers were provided for, whose duties were to act as medical directors and inspectors of departments and armies ; to have charge of general and depot hospitals, and to generally perform such service as is now assigned to the senior surgeons in the Corps. The regimental medical officers accompanied their regiments on the march and into action, and attended to the minor cases in their own hospitals, but as soon as a man became seriously ill or had a wound of such a character as to require a capital operation, the regulations required his transfer to a general hospital. It will be seen that in the point of corps organization, matters had advanced but very little since the Revolutionary period, and that no wisdom had been learned from the vexatious controver- sies of those days between the general and regimental staff. It is impossible to ascertain from any positive enactments on the subject, what was the relative rank of these different grades, but it would appear from the schedules of pay and allowances of each, that the hospital officers took precedence, next those attached to garrisons, and lastly the regimental surgeons and mates. Very early in the year 1812 it became evident that the long pending troubles between the United States and Great Britain would result in war, and the sessions of the twelfth Congress were chiefly occupied with devising ways and means for carrying it on. On the eleventh of January an act was passed for the immediate enlistment of an additional military force, to 6 82 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY consist of ten regiments of infantry, two of artillery and one of light dragoons ; each regiment to be allowed one surgeon and two surgeon's mates. The fourth section of this act provides, "That there shall also be appointed * * * such a number of hospital surgeons and mates as the service may require, with one steward to each hospital." This force was increased by the act of June 26th to twenty-five regiments of infantry, with the same organization as before. The country was at this time illy provided in all the essentials necessary for the formation of an efficient army. A long period of peace had caused all the experience of the war of the Revolution to be forgotton. Most of those who had served in that struggle, and whose experience would at this time have been of the greatest value, were either dead or superannuated. No efficient army organization had been kept up, all the various staff" depart- ments were such as would be required for a force of but two or three regiments, and were without executive chiefs or any regulations by which , they could be systematized. Especially was this true of the Medical Department, which for many years only had an existence in the persons of a few garrison and regimental surgeons and their mates, who were stationed at various isolated posts, seldom or never having communication with each other and having no official head other than the commanding officer of the post or regiment to which they were attached. The surgeons of the Revolutionary Army had left behind them no records of their experience ; and the management of military hospitals, the police and hygiene of camps, the diseases peculiar to troops and the surgical conduct of a campaign were topics of which the profession of the country were entirely ignorant, the only American work on these subjects having a general circulation being a volume of " Observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers and sailors," written in 1807, by Dr. Edward Cutbush, a naval surgeon. Under these circumstances the army provided for by the acts laat mentioned assembled at Greenbush, New York. Doctor James Mann, of Massachusetts, who had just been appointed hospital surgeon, was ordered to superintend the Medical Department for this Northern Army. Speaking of the difficulties which he had to encounter, he says : "The mere organization of hospitals was the least perplexing part of duty. The illy defined powers with which the hospital surgeons were invested, even in their own department, subjected them to many disagreeable interferences of the officers of the line. Collisions will always exist between officers of diflferent depart- ments of an army, when their several powers and duties are not explicitly pointed out. Officers tenacious of authority, assume as much as may be implied by rules and regulations. In addition to multiplied embarrassments, the various duties DURING THE WAR OP 1812-15. 83 attached to the office of hospital surgeon with those merely professional, was always so pressing, that little time was allowed to record particularly the diseases and medical transactions of the army, as they occurred." The average number of men at Greenbush, during the summer and fall of 1812, was from fifteen hundred to three thousand, varying between these numbers as troops were organized and marched to the northern frontier. The average on sick report was from one hundred to one hun- dred and thirty, the diseases being chiefly dysentery and diarrhoea, due to want of cleanliness, bad cooking and intemperance. No hospital accommo- dations having been provided, the sick were treated in tents. As the troops marched to the frontier general hospitals were established at Burlington, Vermont, and Plattsburgh, New York, and a little later at Malone, New York. The hospital at Burlington was placed in charge of Doctor Joseph Lovell, surgeon of the ninth infantry, (afterwards the Surgeon General of the army). That at Plattsburgh was organized and conducted by Doctor William H. Wilson, hospital surgeon's mate, of New York. At Buffalo there was also a hospital for the troops on the Niagara frontier, which in December, 1812, was in charge of Surgeon Silas Fuller, of the twenty-third infantry. The diseases of the troops composing the eastern division of the army were as at Greenbush, intestinal disorders, to which was added in October the measles, which prevailed with such severity that nearly one-third of the total strength of the command was sick in November. As the winter advanced, pneumonias of a sthenic type became prevalent along the whole frontier, and there were upwards of four hundred deaths from this disease alone, during the winter in the two hospitals at Plattsburgh and Burlington. It was especially noticed by the surgeons that those regiments suffered the most in which discipline was lax ; the light artillery regiments had fewer sick than any other. "Their quarters and encampments were generally in the best state ; the men were mostly neat and clean in their dress and appearance." Of another case Doctor Mann remarks: "There was one regiment on the frontier, which at one time counted nine hundred strong; but was reduced by a total want of good police to less than two hundred fit for duty in the course of two months. This regiment in its appearance was at that time dirty in the extreme. * * * At one period more than three hundred and forty of this regiment were in hospital; in addition to these a large number were reported sick in camp. At the close of the war this regiment had established a high reputation. Its good discipline and bravery were excelled by none." 84 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY The troops on this frontier did not suffer, as did their predecessors in this locality during the Revolution ^ from want of supplies. On the contrary, the hospitals were abundantly provided with every thing necessary for the comfort of the sick, both in the shape of medical oflGicers and stores. The obstacles to a proper administration were due to the want of any executive head of the bureau, for which Congress had strangely neglected to provide, and to the fact that the hospital officers had no rank even of an assimilated character to protect them in the performance of their duties. The following extract from an official report of the Medical Inspector of the Northern Department is of interest, as showing the condition of the hospitals at the close of 1812 : "The hospital department at Plattsburgh has not been destitute of the common supplies, which are usually furnished the sick of an army; while every requisition made for hospital stores has been promptly answered. During the month of November, ample supplies of stores as wine, spirits, sugar, molasses, rice, tea, and chocolate were ordered by General Dearborn to be forwarded to Plattsburgh, under the charge of Doctor Wilson, hospital surgeon's mate. In December an additional quantity was by orders, directed to the same post, and to Burlington. * * * * The hospital under direction of Doctor Wilson, [at Plattsburgh] ia found in the best state. The beds are amply furnished, the wards clean, the kitchen neat. No less credit is due to Doctor Lovell, surgeon of the 9th regiment, under whose charge the hospital at Burlington is placed, on account of its good condition and the unremitted attention bestowed on the sick. The hospital at Greenbush is in good order and the patients comfortable." The experience of the campaign during the fall of 1812 and the winter of 1812-13, convinced Congress of the necessity of a more thorough organization of the staff departments, and on the third of March an act was passed for " the better organization of the General Staff of the Army of the United States," which is given herewith, in so far as it referred to the Medical Department: "Section VII. And be it further enacted, That for the better superintendence and management of the hospital and medical establishment of the army of the United States, there shall be a physician and surgeon general, with an annual salary of two thousand five hundred dollars, and an apothecary general, with an annual salary of eighteen hundred dollars; whose respective duties and powers shall be prescribed by the President of the United States. *** Section XI. And be it further enacted, That all letters and packages to and from * * * the physician and surgeon general, and apothecary general, which relate to their official duties, shall be free from postage." For the position of Physician and Surgeon General created by this act. Doctor James Tilton, of Delaware, was selected. We have already seen that this DURING THE WAR OP 1812-15. 85 gentleman had distinguished himself greatly by his abilities as a hospital surgeon during the Revolution. Since that time he had represented his native state in the National Congress, and had been for many years living in retirement in the vicinity of Wilmington, devoting his attention chiefly to agriculture. He had on the outbreak of the war given to the world a work entitled "Economical Observations on Military Hospitals, and the prevention and cure of diseases incident to the army," in which he elaborated the plan for hospital organization presented by him to Congress in 1781. In this work he condemns the practice which had hitherto prevailed of conforming to the organization which obtained in the various European armies. The book is now very rare, but from a review of it which may be found in the Medical Repository for 1813, the following summary of its contents is extracted. It is of value historically, because it was the first publication in reference to this subject which had been written in this country as the result of personal experience : "Doctor Tilton does not distinguish medical officers into physicians and sur- geons, but considers them one or the other as circumstances may require. He proposes to establish a medical board in each military district or separate army, to be composed of two or more hospital surgeons and several regimental surgeons. This board is to have a field officer to sit as chairman, and meet monthly or oftener if necessary, by general order, to regulate the concerns of that department. This board is to examine and appoint all vacancies of hospital and regimental mates, with the consent of the commanding officer; to examine candidates for hospital surgeons, and recommend them to the physician and surgeon general for appoint- ment, and establish rules for the medical department. The oldest hospital surgeon is to be the director of general or regimental hospitals in the army or district where stationed, and to act as prescribing surgeon only, without interfering in commis- sarial duties. His attention will thus be drawn to visit the several establishments for the sick within his charge, and as director to superintend their concerns. Such an arrangement is to prevent impositions on the government, and hereafter to pro- cure surgeons adequate to their respective duties. Instead of establishing extensive and costly buildings for hospitals. Doctor Tilton proposes to extend the circle of regimental practice, and diminish the scale of hospital practice ; thus if possible to prevent disease and ward off infection. His object is to have a harmonious understanding between the surgeons of the army, and by a proper regulation of the medical board, keep in check any dispo- sition to throw the sick into general hospitals beyond moderation and propriety, whereby they must become crowded, producing the inevitable consequences of camp, jail, typhus, or hospital fevers, from which armies have suffered more than from their enemies.'! The enunciation of these advanced views doubtless led to his appoint- ment. On account of his age he was very adverse to accepting the position, but being assured that his duties would be chiefly of an executive character, and that he would not be required to take the field he consented, and was 86 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY confirmed by the Senate, to date from June 13th. At the same time Doctor Francis Le Barron, of Massachusetts, was appointed Apothecary General. He had already had a long experience in the army. His original entry into service was in December, 1800, as surgeon's mate of the navy; was trans- ferred to the army as surgeon's mate, March 26, 1802, and promoted surgeon in 1808, and had been continuously on duty as such up to the date of his present appointment. Immediately after the passage of the before mentioned act, the Presi- dent caused to be issued " Rules and Regulations for the Army, May 1 , 1 813." The duties of the Physician and Surgeon General are thus defined: "It shall be the duty of the Physician and Surgeon Qeneral to prescribe rules for the government of the hospitals of the army, to see these enforced, to appoint stewards and nurses, to call for and receiye returns of medicines, surgical instruments and hospital stores, to authorize and regulate the supply of regimental medical chests, to make out general half yearly returns of these, and of the sick in hospital to the War Department, and yearly estimates of what may be wanted for the supply of the army. The apothecary general shall assist the Physician and Surgeon General in the discharge of the above mentioned duties, and shall receive and obey his orders in relation thereto." There are no regulations in reference to the duties of hospital surgeons or the management of the sick, which may be accounted for by the fact that the above gave special authority to the Physician and Surgeon General to prescribe all such rules. These regulations, however, define for the first time the uniform and dress of the army, and now that a new uniform has just been adopted, it will be interesting to quote the clauses relative to the equip- ments of the Medical Corps, and compare them with our own : "The uniform of the physician and surgeon, and apothecary generals, and hospital surgeons and mates shall be black ; the coats with standing collars, and on each side of the collar, a star of embroidery within half an inch of the front edge. The coat to be single breasted with ten buttons, and button holes worked in blue twist in front five inches long at the top and three at the bottom. The standing collar to rise to the tip of the ear, which will determine its width. The cuffs not less than three and a half, nor more than four inches wide. The length of the skirt to reach to the bend of the knee. The bottom of the breast and the two hip buttons to range. On the collar there shall be one blind hole five inches long with a button on each side. Breeches or pantaloons to be worn, with four buttons, on the knee and gilt knee buckles. High military boots and gilt spurs. The stock to be black of leather or silk. Chapeaux with button and loop black, and black cockade four and a half inches in diameter, with a gold eagle in the center. DURING THE WAR OP 1812-15. 87 The sword to be straight, yellow mounted, with black or yellow gripe. The waist belt to be of black leather, and no sashes to be worn. The epaulettes to be of gold. The dress of the hospital staff will conform as to fashion to the uniform of the staff, except that they will wear pocket flaps, and buttons placed across the cuffs, four to each, and covered buttons in all instances of the colour of the coat." Notwithstanding that Doctor Tilton had been informed that no active service would be required of him, he considered it his duty on acceptance of his appointment to visit and inspect the hospitals along the northern frontier. The troops under General Dearborn had been concentrated during the spring at Sackett's Harbor, preparatory to the expedition against Little York in Upper Canada. This post had been occupied during the previous winter by militia troops, among whom the winter epidemic had been very fatal, and the Surgeon Gleneral found the hospital in such a filthy and neglected con- dition that he immediately convened a Medical Board to prepare additional regulations for the management of the hospitals, and to examine all incompe- tent officers.- He also directed that a general hospital should be established at Watertown, twelve miles distant; where the village academy was secured for the purpose and fitted up for the accommodation of one hundred persons. There was a temporary hospital at this place, which had been established two months before on the departure of the troops for Canada. This was in charge of Hospital Surgeon's mate David March, U. S. A. On the twenty- seventh of April the attack on Little York took place, and after four days occupation of the town, the army with the wounded and sick were moved to Fort Niagara, where a tent hospital was organized two miles from the river. The ground was wet and low, and many of the wounded died from camp diarrhoea and typhus fever, and in June, after the capture of Fort George, a general hospital was established at Lewistown, eight miles up the river, by advice of Surgeon Mann, Medical Director. This hospital consisted of two barns, besides a large number of hospital tents, and was well supplied with every thing necessary for the comfort of the sick and wounded ; which by the first of August had increased to nearly seven hundred. Here the patients improved very rapidly, the position of the hospital being salubrious, the tents policed with great care, and the diet being generous. In the army at Fort George, however, a most lamentable degree of sickness prevailed. Doctor Mann writes: "During the month of August an uncommon proportion of the army were sick or unfit for duty. More than one-third of the soldiers were on the sick reports. The officers shared with the privates in the prevailing diseases. Half of the med- ical staff attached to regiments were also unable to perform their duty. Of seven 88 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY surgeon's mates attached to the hospital department, one died and three had leave of absence by reason of indisposition; the other three were for a short period sick. So general was the sickness, the few remaining surgeons could not do full justice to their patients. At the time when the returns of the sick in the general hospital counted between six and seven hundred, there were only three surgeons of this department present for duty. At this period of General Boyd's command, the troops were under excellent dicipline, the encampment in good condition, and the men neat in their apparel. The general and regimental hospitals were reported during the summer months by the inspectors of the army, 'in the best possible order.'" The following account of the condition of the army at this time is taken from an official report of Hospital Surgeon Joseph Lovell, U. S. A., and may be found in Mann's Medical Sketches: " The division of the army stationed at Fort George from the beginning of June to the beginning of October, 1813, was encamped on the bank of the Niagara extending from the fort to the village nearly on the lake shore. The surrounding country is flat, and the camp was deprived of the lake breezes, from the position of Newark. During the month of June it rained almost incessantly ; while the latter part of July, and the whole of August were extremely hot; the whole of September was however remarkably mild and pleasant. Thus after having been wet for nearly a month, the troops were exposed for six or seven weeks to intense heat during the day, and at night to a cold and chilly atmosphere, in consequence of the fog arising from the lake and river. The enemies' advance being within a short distance of the camp, the details for duty were large, and skirmishes taking place at the picquets every morning; the soldiers were for a length of time stationed at the several works for several hours before daylight; and thus exposed to the influence of a cold damp atmosphere, at the time the system is most susceptible of morbid impressions. The diseases consequent to this alternate exposure to a dry hot, and cold damp atmos- phere, were such as might have been expected ; typhus and intermittent fevers, diarrhoea and dysentery. A detachment- of artillery, stationed at the right wing near the lake, was particularly exposed to the heat of the day, and the dampness of the night, and sufl'ered much from typhus and intermittents. * * * * These diseases however though severe, bore but a small proportion to the usual pestilences of our army, diarrhoea and dysentery. During two years and a half, I was on the frontiers, at every post from Buffalo to Burlington, Vermont, these com- plaints almost invariably absorbed all others. They were the only ones which could be called our camp diseases. All others arose from obvious or local causes, and were as common to the citizen as soldier." From the establishment of the hospital at Lewistown until the end of the year, the number of patients admitted was between nine hundred and fifty and one thousand, and there were fifty-nine deaths. In the fall of 1813 General Wilkinson, who had succeeded Dearborn in the command of the army, organized an expedition down the lake, and ordered all convalescents to the hospital at Lewistown, with orders that they should be furnished with winter quarters out of reach of the enemy. In DURING THE WAR OP 1812-15. 89 November, Doctor Mann determined to break up this hospital, its exposed situation rendering it less suitable for winter quarters than some place would be more removed from the lake. With this view, he selected about a hundred of those who were subjects for discharge, and sent them to Greenbush, under charge of a young surgeon's mate, Doctor William E. Horner, (afterwards the well known Professor of Anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania). The remainder, numbering about two hundred and fifty, were moved to Williamsville, about forty miles from Lewistown. The barracks at this place were repaired, well supplied with stores, and placed in charge of Hospital Surgeon's mate Joshua B. Whiteridge, a young man who had gained a high reputation as executive ofiicer of the hospital at Lewistown, and who ''for assiduous attention to duty was exceeded by no physician in the army." Meanwhile, Greneral Wilkinson had located his head-quarters at Malone, and in December a general hospital was established in that village. The academy, the arsenal and some private houses were selected, and accommo- dations for two hundred and fifty men thus afforded. The regimental hospi- tals of the division were at French's Mills, sixteen miles distant, where the sick suffered greatly from the severity of the weather and the effects of unwholesome diet, insufficient accommodations and want of stores, many of which had been lost during the open boat passage down the lake. These were causes over which the Medical Staff had no control; nevertheless they were very severely criticized, and most unjustly made responsible for the great mortality which took place at this time. At the commencement of the year 1814 the chief general hospitals were those already mentioned, at Greenbush, Plattsburgh, Malone, Williams- ville and Burlington. The latter had acquired the reputation of being a model hospital. It was originally established in 1812 by Surgeon Joseph Lovell, ninth infantry, who was succeeded in charge by Hospital Surgeon Walter V. Wheaton, (long a distinguished ornament to the Corps). He in turn was relieved by Hospital Surgeon James Mann, who turned over the charge of the hospital to Hospital Surgeon Henry Hunt in 1814. All of these gentlemen had labored faithfully to bring the institution to the highest state of efficiency, and one of them has fortunately left on record an account of the regulations adopted therein and its general management, which is of sufficient interest to be given in detail : " The following regulations were adopted in the General Hospital at Burlington ; where in no instance from its first establishment, even when the monthly reports count- ed from six to nine hundred men, was an infectious disease generated or propagated: 6* 90 THE MEOICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY The washing of the walls and floors with soap and water or lime water was of the first importance. This was frequently repeated especially during hot weather. In cold weather when the wards were occupied by the sick, washing them was not only inconvenient, but hazarded the health of the patients. A coat of sand half an inch thick or more, renewed on the floors every day, was never attended with ill consequences, but was refreshing to the sick, while it superceded the necessity of washing. Whitewashing the walls with lime and water never incommoded the sick; it sweetened the rooms, and corrected infectious principles. By daily sanding the floors, they were kept not only clean but perfectly white. The opportunity of washing them was improved, when the number of sick was reduced so as to admit their removal from one ward to others. The wards were thus alternately washed and thoroughly repaired. Bunks as soon as they were unoccupied were removed from the wards, and after cleansing returned. The straw of the sacks was burned as soon as the bed was vacated. The sacks were washed once in two weeks, and the straw changed. Blankets were always clean and frequently changed. During hot seasons the windows and doors of the wards were continually open. In cold seasons the windows were opened for a short time, repeatedly in the day; care being taken that the sick in their beds were not exposed to the direct currents of air. No person was permitted to spit on the floors of the wards. Spit boxes were furnished every bed, and filled with sand twice a day, sometimes oftener where the patients expectorated largely. Close stools, bed pans, and urinaries were removed as soon as employed. No culinary process was performed at the hearth of the sick wards. Attached to each ward was a^closet where the table furniture after washing was deposited in neat order. Each ward was furnished with a large table, con- stantly covered with a clean cloth of linen the better to ensure its cleanliness; on which was placed a box with a number of little apartments, wherein were set in order, the vials and medicine for the patients, each vial and parcel labelled with directions, so as to obviate mistakes. Attention was paid to the distribution of the sick. The wards appropriated to infectious or contagious diseases were less crowded than those occupied by patients with less important complaints. Surgical cases had rooms separate from the febrile. Venereal and itch patients were assigned to their separate wards, and not inter- mixed with men of different diseases. Personal cleanliness was also a mean which promoted health, and obviated the generation of new diseases. The sick previous to admittance were washed in tepid water, in an apartment appropriated to this use ; then placed in a clean bed with a clean shirt. Daily ablutions of the hands and face were ordered. The sick with febrile diseases under the immediate direction of a surgeon, were occasionally washed or apunged with vinegar and water at some seasons. The patients in hospital were shaved every other day, and shirted twice a week. The beds throughout the hospital were always in order whether occupied or not. If a patient left his bed ever so frequently in the day, if only for five minutes, it was immediately put in order; so that the wards were always in a condition to be visited or inspected by officers of the army. * * The Hospital at Burlington, during five months in succession when under my immediate direction was not one hour in a state so bad that it would not meet the approbation of an inspecting officer who knew his duty. This hospital was visited repeatedly by officers of the line when under the direction of Doctors Wheaton and Hunt, and during every period after August, 1813, was always seen in the best DURING THE WAR OP 1812-15. 91 possible order, and deservedly merited the high encomiums it received, not only from inspectors of the army, but private citizens. * * * * During the winter of 1813-14, there were at one period between seven and eight hundred patients, distributed in forty wards, nearly equally divided among eight hospital surgeons and mates. These young gentlemen felt themselves highly responsible for the state of their respective wards, and condition of the sick ; who were not a little benefitted by a competition excited to excel each other in their duty ; which was manifested by daily improvements, in respect to cleanliness and accommodations of their patients. * * * * The location of this military hospital is most eligible, situated on the highest bank, elevated sixty or seventy feet above the water. The soil of this spot is sand mixed with gravel, dry and hard*at all seasons of the year. During the campaign, 1814, a convenient garden was laid out, under the direc- tion of Doctor Hunt, hospital surgeon, for the benefit of the convalescents and invalids, which by their labor was kept neat and in good order. The interior of this hospital has been already noticed, its exterior was not less attended to. In an adjoining house, the surgeons were accommodated with com- fortable rooms, where one or more always remained. The wards of this hospital were regularly swept and put in order by sunrise through the year. The wards were visited by their several surgeons, in the summer months at eight o'clock in the morning, in the winter at nine. Previous to these hours, the patients had breakfasted. The rooms were not only in perfect order, but every patient was found in his own lodging. While the surgeons were making their prescriptions silence was preserved. The prescriptions were taken by the attendants to the dispensary, where they were immediately made up by the apothe- caries. During the winter,1813-14, four apothecaries were constantly employed in their appropriate duty." The general hospital at Malone was broken up in February, 1814, by reason of movements of the army, and the sick, some four hundred and fifty in number, removed in sleighs to Plattsburgh and Burlington. This formi- dable undertaking was successfully accomplished under the direction of Hospital Surgeon Mann, with a loss of but six men, while a large number of the patients decidedly improved in health. The diseases from which the men suffered were chiefly pneumonia, rheumatism and dropsy, besides a great many cases of frost-bite, and mortification of the lower extremities from exposure in boat service on the lakes. From the first of January to the ninth of February, at Malone, there had been admitted three hundred and eighty, of whom twenty died. At Burlington, during the first four months of 1814, the admissions were two thousand four hundred and twelve, and there were seventy-five deaths. Remaining on hand April 30th, one hun- dred and sixty-one, most of whom were convalescent. In the summer of 1814 the general hospital for the troops operating on the Niagara frontier was established at Buffalo. A plat of ground was selected near the present site of the Central Railroad depot, and a large 92 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY number of hospital tents erected, which were amply provided with bunks and straw and hospital stores, and placed under charge of Hospital Surgeon William Thomas. Hither the wounded were brought after the battle of Chippewa. Doctor Horner gives the following account of their transporta- tion from the field of battle to the hospital : "The battle being fought on the banks of the Niagara river, the wounded were brought up in boats to the general hospital at Buffalo. They were conveyed from the boats on Buffalo creek to the hospital, a distance of three or four hundred yards, on blankets the sides of which were nailed to poles nine or ten feet long. This formed an easy and convenient litter by which four strong men could safely convey one wounded, without exposing him to the unspeakable pain from jolts, etc., which would be the inevitable consequence of transportation by wheel carriages. Besides this advantage of the litter, when the wounded soldier was to be placed on it, it was spread smoothly on the ground, and he slipped gently on. It was then taken up carefully by the assistants, and carried to the hospital, when the patient was either assigned at once to his tent, or placed on the hospital parade ground, as the convenience of dressing required. A litter thus constructed can be easily pulled away from under the patient without pain, and is in that respect, much better than the brancard, or the wheelbarrow." The battle of Bridgewater, on the twenty-fifth of July, crowded the hospital to excess. On the first of August it contained nearly eleven hundred patients. On the fourth of that month the enemy made a sudden attack at Black Rock, and Buffalo being threatened with capture it was thought advisable to remove the hospital to Williarasville, where one had existed the previous winter. Accordingly all who were able to be moved were sent to the latter place, and a general hospital established under charge of Hospital Surgeon Ezekiah Bull, assisted by Hospital Surgeons Thomas and Lovell. The more severe cases, to the number of eighty or ninety, were left at Buffalo, under charge of Surgeon's mate W. E. Horner. The latter was constituted the receiving hospital for the army, then at Fort Erie, and Doctor Horner was directed to retain the worst cases and send all the rest to Williamsville. These hospitals were kept filled to their utmost capacity by the operations of the army, but on the termination of the campaign by the evacuation of Fort Erie in November, that at Buffalo was closed, and the remaining sick transferred to Williamsville. The interest of the fall campaign at the east centered at Plattsburgh. On the first of September, the sick in the general hospital numbered seven hundred and twenty men ; and as these could not be protected within the lines of works, they were, in view of the approaching fight, transferred to Crab Island, two miles distant, and placed under charge of Hospital Surgeon's mate Edward Purcell. No accommodations had been provided DURING THE WAR OF 1812-15. 93 for them on the island, and they remained for three days exposed to the wet and cold, when Doctor Purcell determined to transport them to Burlington, which he did in open batteaux across the lake. This crowded the hospital at Burlington to such an extent, that the ill cflFects of crowd poisoning were soon perceived in the increased number of deaths and the slow convalescence of many. Typhus, dysentery and diarrhoea became very prevalent. The wounded in the battle of Plattsburgh and in the naval action on the lake were transferred to Crab Island, where they were placed under charge of Doctor Mann. The legislation of the year 1814 embraced but one bill which was of any interest to the Medical Corps. This was passed on the thirtieth of March, and was entitled, " An act for the better organizing, paying and .supplying the army of the United States." The sections having any refer- ence to the Hospital Department were as follows: "Section IX. And be it further enacted. That from the first day of June next, the officers of the army shall be entitled to waiters agreeably to grades, as follows, * * * * the physician and surgeon general two, * * * * hospital surgeons, one. * * * * * * Section XI. And be it further enacted. That the President of the United States be authorized to appoint as many assistant apothecaries as the service may in his judgment require, each of whom shall receive the same pay and emoluments as a regimental surgeon's mate. ****** Section XVIII. And be it further enacted. That the physician and surgeon gen- eral of the army be entitled to two rations per day and forage for two horses; and that in addition to their pay as at present established by law, the regimental sur- geons, and surgeon's mates be entitled to fifteen dollars per month each." This last section was inserted in consequence of the numerous com- plaints that had come from the army of the inadequacy of the pay of the regimental medical officers. In fact their status throughout the war had been very low. They were without i*ank of any kind, were hardly more respected officially than the non-commissioned officers and did not really have as much authority, and though constantly performing the most arduous duties, their pay was far less than the hospital officers. Surgeon Mann writing to Doctor Tilton in the name of the medical officers of his depart- ment says, in a letter dated Malone, February 14, 1814: "This is a fact and a serious one too, that the surgeons and mates of regiments, under existing encouragements have no inducements to continue long in service. Curiosity alone, will induce them to sacrifice the term of one year in service. This being gratified its exciting powers lose their effects. The pay and emoluments of surgeons and mates of regiments do not give them a support, especially on the frontiers of Canada, where the articles of life are procured at the most extravagant prices." 94 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV In December, 1814, a general order was issued from the War OflSce establishing Regulations for the Army of the United States. In this docu- ment the duties of medical ofiBcers are for the first time clearly defined. The paragraphs relating to the Medical Department are as follows : REGULATIONS FOR THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Hospital Surgeons and Mates. The senior hospital surgeon shall be ex officio director of the medical sfaff, in the army or department to which he may be attached. It shall be his duty tn examine, and (if he approves) countersign all requisitions for hospital stores, medi- cines and surgical instruments, of the surgeons or mates in his department ; to inspect the hospitals or infirmaries, under his direction as often as he may deem it necessary, and as often as he shall be required by the commanding general; to correct all abuses, and to prescribe and enforce such rules and regulations for the government of the attending surgeons and mates, as may be considered most condu- cive to the comfort of the sick and the interest of the service, with the approbation of the general commanding the army or department. It shall be his duty to consolidate the reports of the surgeons and males in his department, and to transmit a copy thereof quarterly, to the commanding officer of the department; to keep a book in which shall be registered all the reports trans- mitted by him ; and to make from time to time such remarks on meteorological phenomena, and the appearance of epidemicks, as may be deemed useful in pro- moting medical science. It shall be the duty of the hospital mates, to observe the directions of the medical director; to have the police rules of the hospital or infirmary, written in a legible hand, and hung up in some conspicuous part thereof, for the information and government of the patients; to assign to each patient an appropriate ward; to keep a register of all patients admitted, and a diary, in which shall be recorded the history of every important or interesting case of disease. It shall be the duty of the senior attending surgeon at every hospital, infirmary, or post, to make requisitions for such medicines, hospital stores, etc., as may be considered necessary for the comfort of the sick, and to submit the same to the director for his approval. They shall make monthly and quarterly reports to the director agreeably to the forms prescribed. It shall also be their duty to communicate frequently and freely with the director, and to consult him in all cases, wherein his advice may be deemed necessary. There shall be kept at every hospital and infirmary under the direction of the senior surgeon, a book in which shall be entered the name and description of every patient, to be taken from hie descriptive list, when admitted, and his disease. To which will be added the date of his discharge from the hospital, and the disposition made of him. When a soldier is returned to his corps, furloughed, or furnished with a certificate to obtain a discharge for inability, his descriptive list shall be returned with him, having been carefully kept in the hospital for that purpose, noting on the same the payments which have been made at the hospital. DURING THE WAR OP 1812-15. 95 Under the direction of the commanding officer of the army or department, the senior attending surgeon shall make out regular muster rolls of the stewards, ward- masters, nurses, attendants, and patients attached to his hospital or infirmary, and deliver them to the inspector, who shall correct and sign the same for the guidance of the paymaster, as in all other cases of musters and inspections for payment. Hospital Stewards and Waedmasters. It shall be the duty of the steward, under the direction of the surgeon, to provide for the hospital, to receive and take charge of all hospital stores, furniture, utensils, etc., to keep an accurate account of all issues, and specify not only for whom but by whom ordered. The surgeon's certificate shall be his voucher. The stewards are authorized to draw from contractors any of the component parts of the ration which may be necessary to the supply of hospitals, and which the said contractors are obliged to furnish. The component parts of the ration not actually employed as food in the hospital, may be sold, and the avails applied to the purchase of vegetables, etc., etc., as directed by the superintending surgeon. The wardmaster shall be under the direction of the steward. He shall receive the arms, accoutrements and clothing of every patient, admitted into the hospital. He shall see that the clothes are immediately washed, numbered and labelled with the name, regiment, and company of the patient, and put away in a place provided for that purpose. If the arms and accoutrements are not brought with the patient, the wardmaster shall so report. He shall be responsible for the cleanliness of the patients and the wards ; shall call the roll every morning and evening and report all absentees. He shall be particularly careful in the proper construction of the close stools, and see that that they have always a proper quantity of water, or charcoal in them, and that they are cleansed at least three times a day. He shall see that the beds and bed clothes are properly aired and exposed every fair day to the sun, and that the straw in each bed sack is changed at least once in every month, and that each patient is washed and his hair combed every morning. When a patient has died, or been discharged, he shall see that the bed and bed clothes are properly cleaned, and the straw burned, and that the nurses and attendants are kind and attentive to the sick and wounded. All the attendants shall be considered as under his immediate direction, and he shall be held responsible for the faithful performance of the duties assigned them. No non-commissioned officer or private shall be removed from the situation of nurse or attendant, without the consent of the senior attending surgeon. Regimental Surgeons and Mates. The surgeon shall be responsible for the order, regularity and cleanliness of the regimental hospital, or infirmary, as well as for the comfort and convenience of all other ^ick men confided to his care. He shall send as few patients as possible to the general hospital, and these shall be confined to the wounded, and chronic cases ; excepting when the sick are ordered to be left behind on a march. In that event all cases may be sent to the general hospital, unless otherwise provided for by the director. When a patient is to be sent to the general hospital, the surgeon shall send with him a descriptive 96 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY list, together with a certificate containing the name, regiment, and company of the patient: the symptoms and duration of his disease, with some general remarks on the mode of treatment pursued. He shall likewise send with him, his clothing, arms and accoutrements. He shall keep a strict record of all cases sent to general hospital. When the troops are in permanent encampments or cantonments, he shall pro- vide some suitable place for the reception of the sick. In this regimental infirmary, the common camp diseases, such as inflammatory and typhus fevers, diarrhoeas and dysenteries, shall be attended. He shall be careful to have the infirmary well ventilated, and shall not crowd his patients. He shall use every precaution to prevent the origin of contagion, and should it appear, he shall immediately report to the commanding ofiBcer, and make every exertion to counteract it, by paying a strict attention to personal cleanliness, and frequent changes of the bedding and linen of the sick, etc., etc. The surgeon shall with the consent of the commanding ofiicer of the regiment or corps, select a capable and careful non-commissioned officer, who shall act as steward and wardmaster; and such number of men as may be necessary to attend upon the sick, who are to be considered as attached to the medical staff", and not to be removed but by the consent of the surgeon. The surgeon shall frequently inspect the provisions furnished to the troops, and report the same when unsound, to the commanding officer, as well as every thing in diet, dress, or situation, which can afi"ect the health of the troops. He shall require of the orderly sergeant of each company a written and daily report of the sick, and shall report all cases of feigned sickness to the commanding officers of the companies to which they belong. He shall examine each case reported at least once a day, and all dangerous cases more frequently. He shall attend at the commencement of a march, and designate such men as should be permitted to ride or have their knapsacks transported in the wagons. He shall attend all musters and inspections, and report such men as are unfit for service, assigning the cause of their inability. He shall have on hand a sufficient supply of medicines, instruments, dressings, and hospital stores, and be always ready to render services in case of an engagement. He shall see that the mates are attentive to their duties, and endeavor to aff"ord them every opportunity of improvement. He shall keep a daily journal and prescription book, wherein shall be recorded an account of all cases of sickness, the nature of the complaints, and the means used to eflfect a cure, together with the result. He shall make out a morning report of the sick and convalescent, and deliver it to the commandant of the regiment or corps. He shall make out monthly and quarterly reports, agreeably to the forms prescribed, which he shall forward to the medical director of the department. In the absence of the surgeon, the mate oldest in commission shall act as surgeon. When the surgeon is present, it shall be the duty of the mate or mates to prepare his prescriptions, see that they are regularly taken, and to attend to the directions of the surgeons in all cases. They shall have charge of all medicines and instruments, and be held responsible to the surgeon for their good condition. They shall be attentive to the order and cleanliness of the regimental infirmary, and see that the patients are kept clean in their persons, linen and bedding. DURING THE WAR OF 1812-15. 97 Post Surgeons. The duties of these officers are the same as those prescribed for the hospital and regimental surgeons and mates, and have their rank with the mates when serv- ing together. Apothecary General, and his Assistants. The apothecary general and his assistants will receive and take charge of all hos- pital stores, medicines, surgical instruments, and dressings, bought by the commis- sary general of purchases, or by his deputies, or by any other person under. the direction of the said commissary or deputies, and shall account to the superintendent general of military supplies for all expenditures of the same. The apothecary general and his assistants, will compound and prepare all ofiicinals, and put up and issue medicines, &c., in chests or otherwise, conformably to requisitions signed by the director, or senior surgeon of the department. Returns are to be made to the apothecary general quarterly, by the assistant apothecaries, surgeons, and mates, or any one having charge of instruments, med- icines, hospital stores, or hospital equipments of any description. The forms of these returns will be regulated by the apothecary general, under the direction of the superintendent general of military supplies, to whom one copy of the returns will be sent. Miscellaneous. No surgeon of the army shall be engaged in private practice. When medical or surgical aid is required, if no surgeon or mate of the army be at or near the post or place, the senior officer shall have authority to obtain such by special agreement in writing, under the following rules, viz: When the number of sick does not exceed twenty, the compensation shall not exceed two hundred dollars per annum; for more than twenty and less than thirty, three hundred dollars; for any number of sick more than thirty, the rate of com- pensation shall not exceed the pay and emoluments of a surgeon's mate of the army. Whenever it becomes necessary to employ a citizen surgeon, the circumstances of the case will be immediately reported to the commanding officer of the depart- ment, and to the Adjutant and Inspector General. No candidate will hereafter be appointed in the medical department of the army, who shall not have received a diploma from a respectable medical school or college, without first passing the examination of an army medical board. Whenever a body of troops shall arrive at any military station, accommodation for the sick will be first provided, and subsequently those for officers and privates who are well, and to accomplish this, all artificers and mechanics shall be instanta- neously put in requisition. Every hospital and infirmary shall be supplied with one or more female attend- ants, at the discretion of the senior surgeon. It shall be the business of these to scour and cleanse the bunks and floors, to wash the blankets, bed-sacks, and clothes of the patients, to cook the victuals of the sick, and to keep clean and in good order the cooking utensils. The pay of nurses shall not exceed six dollars per month, and one ration per day, to be established by the senior attending surgeon, and made up and certified by him in the hospital muster rolls. 7 98 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Women infected by the venereal disease shall in no cjise, nor on any pretense, be allowed to remain with the army, nor to draw rations. Allowance of Qcaiiteks and Fuel. To each hospital surgeon, regimental surgeon, post surgeon, and to two hospital surgeon's mates, or two regimental surgeon's mates, one room, one half cord of wood, from May 1st to October 31st, and one and one-half cords, from November Ist to April 30th. When the army went into winter quarters in the winter of 1814-15, the commissioners had been for some time in session at Ghent endeavoring to arrange terms of peace. The original demands of Great Britain were such as rendered a concurrence on the part of the United States impo-ssible, and Congress prepared to carry on the campaign with increased vigor, and for this purpose proposed to raise one hundred thousand fresh troops by means of a draft. This was, however, rendered unnecessary, as the com- missioners on the part of Great Britain withdrew their extravagant demands, and peace being an accomplished fact, the first military legislation of the session was (instead of an increase of the army), an " Act fixing the Military Peace Establishment of the United States." This reduced the army to ten. thousand men, to be divided into infantry, artillery and riflemen, in such proportions as the President might direct; each regiment to be provided with one surgeon and two surgeon's mates. It also contained the following section relative to the general Medical Staff : "Section III. And be it further enacted, That there shall be * * * such a number of hospital surgeons and surgeon's mates as the service may require, not exceeding five surgeons and fifteen mates, with one steward and one wardmaster to each hospital. * * * Approved, Mai'ch 3d, 1815." By the provisions of this bill a large proportion of the medical officers who had performed faithful service throughout the war retired to private life. Among them was the Physician and Surgeon General, James Tilton. He had been compelled, in consequence of a malignant tumor of the knee, to submit to an amputation of the thigh the year before, and was incapaci- tated by his age and this disability from any further service. He carried with him into his retirement the admiration and good will of all his subordi- nates in the Medical Corps, and the respect of his superiors in the War Department. The remainder of his life was spent on his farm near Wil- mington, his time being occupied in the preparation of a number of articles on agricultural subjects, some of which attracted considerable attention at the period. He died on the fourteenth of May, 1822, at the age of seventy-seven. FROM 1815 TO 1821. 99 By a general order issued May 15, 1815, from the Adjutant and Inspec- tor Greneral's Office, defining the Military Peace Establishment of the United States in accordance with the foregoing legislation, the President directed that the following officers should be provisionally retained in ser- vice, until further legislation by Congress, viz: the Apothecary General, two assistant apothecaries, five hospital surgeons, fifteen hospital surgeon's mates, two garrison surgeons, and ten garrison surgeon's mates. The duties of a medical officer are of such an unassuming character that it is but seldom that his name in mentioned in general orders, or found in the official reports of a campaign. It will, therefore, be but a just tribute to those who distinguished themselves in the war of which we have just treated to give a few extracts from orders and reports in which praise is awarded to members of the Corps for their conduct. Lieutenant Colonel George Mac Feely of the twenty-second infantry, in his report of the bombardment of Fort Niagara on the twenty-first of Novem- ber, 1812, says: "To Doctor West of the garrisou, Doctor Hugan of the 14th Regiment, U. S. Infantry, and Doctor Craig of the 22nd Regiment, U. S. Infantry, I offer my thanks ; they were employed during the entire day in the most critical duties of their profession." Brigadier General E. W. Ripley, commanding the second brigade or' the Northern Army, closes his I'eport of the action at Fort Erie, Upper Canada, on the fifteenth of August, 1814, as follows : " I close this long report by stating to you in the highest terms of approbation, the skilfulness exhibited by Doctor Fuller, Surgeon of the 23rd, and Doctor Trow- bridge, Surgeon of the 21st Infantry, with their mates Doctor Gale of the 23rd, and Doctors Everett and Allen of the 21st; their active, humane, and judicious treat- ment of the wounded both of the enemy, and of our own, together with their steady and constant attention to the duties of their station, must have attracted your personal observation, and I am confident will receive your approbation." General Gaines, in forwarding this report to the Hon. John Armstrong, Secretary of War, reiterates the above praise in the following words : " The surgeons. Doctors Fuller, 23rd, Trowbridge, 21st, with their mates. Doctors Gale of the 23rd and Everett and Allen of the 21st, deserve the warmest approbation for their indefatigable exertions and humane attention to the wounded of our army, as well as to the prisoners who fell into our hands." Hospital Surgeon Mann, Medical Director at Plattsburgh, reports from that place in November, 1814, to Surgeon General Tilton: "In events of high importance it is seldom the medical staflF are noticed. This is discouraging to the ambitious young surgeon of the army. It may be alleged, / 100 THK MEDICAL DKPARTMENT OF THE ARMY the surgeons being non-combatants are out of danger. This, however, is not alwnys the case. During the investment of Plattsburgh by the enemy, the surgeons were constantly passing from fort to fort, or block-houses to dress the wounded, exposed to a cross fire of round and grape shot; while the greater part of the army were covered by fortifications. The cool bravery of the surgeons, was in private con- versation noticed by the Commander-in-Chief; had half as much been reported to the War Department respecting them, they would have felt themselves amply com- pensated. While making this observation I do not include myself; because I was snug on duty at Crab Island, out of much danger while our fleet continued master of the lake. If reports honorable to officers, are founded upon good conduct and cool bravery, who more deserving than the non-combatants? They have fewer motives to excite them, and are equally exposed to danger as officers of the line, whose minds as well as bodies, are constantly exercised by their commands. If any officer has hardships attached to bis office, it is the surgeon who executes his duty with fidelity and assiduity. I feel myself bound to report with much respect, the conduct of all the medical gentlemen attached to this army, who have at all times during this campaign per- formed their duty; and who for their particular services, during and after the investment of Plattsburgh by the enemy, merit the applauses of the country. To discriminate would be an act of injustice. Doctors Lawson and Mason, surgeons of regiments, Warmsley, Beaumont and Hugo, surgeon's mates, have all deserved well of their government. I would particularly mention Russell, hospital surgeon's mate, and Low, Assistant Apothecary General, who volunteered his services, for their attention and professional abilities at a time when the wounded of both fleets and army were placed under my charge; on whom were performed immediately after the action, more than thirty capital operations. It is with much pride this opportunity is improved to state, that the medical gentlemen of our army and navy, were not inferior, but superior to the medical gentlemen of the British navy; several of whom were made prisoners of war, and assisted to dress the wounded of their own fleet. This circumstance in very flattering to our infant medical institutions ; and is good evidence, they are not less respectable than the ancient schools of Europe. With the highest respect, etc., JAMES MANN, Hospital Surgeon." It is much to be regretted that we have no medical reports of the cam- paign of 1814-15 on the Gulf, but we have the high authority of General Jackson that the Medical StafiF did their duty with their usual fidelity. In his general order of congratulation to the army after the victory at Chal- mette, dated January 21, 1815, he says: "The medical stafiF has merited well of the country, and the General would not do justice to his own feelings, were he to withhold from Doctor Ker, hospital Burgeon, who volunteered his services, and Doctor Flood, the just tribute of applause, deserved by them for their medical skill and personal bravery." The act before quoted, " Fixing the Military Peace Establishment," reduced the staff to too great an extent. So serious were the evils likely to FROM 1815 TO 1821. 101 result, that the Hon. William H. Crawford, Secretary of War, addressed a communication on the subject on the twenty-seventh of December, 1815, to the chairman of the House Military Committee. Among other recommen- dations he advises the permanent retention of the Apothecary General and four assistant apothecaries, and an increase in the number of hospital sur- geons and mates, together with the appointment of a sufficient number of post surgeons to meet the requirements of the army. His recommendations were taken into consideration, and a bill passed on the twenty-fourth of April, 1816, " For organizing *the General Staff, and making further provis- ions for the Army of the United States." The items of this act which are pertinent to the subject under discussion are as follows: ^-Be it enacted, etc.. That in addition to the act providing for a military peace establishment, the provisions of the act of March the third, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, for the better organization of the general staff, be, and the same are hereby so far established that the general staff shall consist of one adjutant and inspector general, etc., * * * and that the apothecary general as heretofore authorized, be allowed two assistant apothecaries. Section II. And be it further enacted. That the medical staff shall be so extended, that there shall be four hospital surgeons, and eight hospital surgeon's mates to each division, with as many post surgeons as the service may require, not exceeding twelve to each division, who shall receive the same pay and emoluments as hospital surgeon's mates. * * * * Section X. And be it further enacted, That the oflBcers of the staff, provisionally retained by the President, and in this act enumerated and made permanent, be recognized in service under this act, and that the garrison surgeons and mates be hereafter considered as post surgeons; and hereafter the staff of the army may be taken from the line of the army, or from citizens. Section XII. And be it further enacted. That when forage is not drawn in kind by ofiicers of the army, entitled thereto, eight dollars per month for each horse, not exceeding the number authorized by existing regulations, shall be allowed in lieu thereof: Provided, That neither forage nor money, shall be drawn by officers, but for horses actually kept by them in service." This patch-work kind of legislation year after year, had anything but a beneficial effect both on the officers of the Corps and on the health of the army. The wiser heads saw that the Medical Department needed a more complete organization and a more systematic code of regulations to render it efficient. Doctor Mann had urged reform in these respects repeatedly in various ways during the war, and had always asserted that the great obstacle in the way of the medical officer was the indefinite character of his military position. In 1817 Doctor Joseph Lovell, then chief medical officer of the Northern Department, addressed to Major General Brown an able paper on the causes of disease in the army, in which he detailed at length his views on the duties of surgeons, and their responsibility for the sickness occurring 102 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT QF THE ARMY among the troops. This report is intrinsically so valuable, as well as of interest from the distinguished official position of the writer, that it merits an insertion in these pages without abridgement : "Remarks on thk Sick Repout of the Northern Division for the year ending Junk 30, 1817. By the reports received from the diflFerent posts, it appears the troops have l)een remarkably healthy during the past year; for of the whole number of cases (2138) very nearly oae-half (1051) are slight accidents and transcient complaints, which detain the soldier but a few days from duty; 193 from wounds; and 5o venereal; leaving but 838 of fevers and other important complaints. Of these 266 consist of the diflFerent kinds of inflammatory fever; as colds, pleurisy, &c; ; which are the almost inevitable consequence of a cold and changeable climate, and which no ordinary care can prevent. As they must always be incident to the inhabitants of the Northern section of the Union, and particularly to the soldier, ought not the most eflScient means be taken to enjvble him to obviate as far as possible, these injurious eflfects of climate, by the quantity and quality of his clothing? Next on the lists to inflammations comes diarrhoea and its attendant dysentery (diarrhoea 246, dysentery 94). As these, particularly diarrhoea, were the pests of our army during the war, constituting with inflammations, nearly the only com- plaints; and as they appear to be the chief cause of disease even in peace, it must be a matter of the highest importance accurately to ascertain their causes; and the best means of removing them, or obviating their deleterious eflfects. It required but little ingenuity to surmise that bad food and worse water would produce more or less disturbance in a man's stomach and bowels; especially when he had been used to much better fare. It was therefore a very easy matter to account for all the diseases of the soldier by accusing the contractor of furnishing unhealthy provisions, and the water of containing deleterious ingredients. This mode of explaining the diflBculty rendered police duty vastly easier to the oflficers of the line, and furnished the surgeon with a brief and satisfactory mode of ac- counting for the death of his patients. The consequence was that much time and some talent were wasted in talking and writing against contractors and lake water, which might have been much better employed in rendering the soldier comfortable, and protecting him against the inclemencies of the climate. For the fact is, that neither of these accusations were m general just. The provisions were not commonly bad; nor did experiment show any ingredients in the water, at all adequate to the eflFect supposed. Nor was it true, that the food or the water were peculiarly bad, whenever and wherever these complaints prevailed and proved most fatal. Nor is it believed, there is cause of complaint against the pro- visions furnished at present. It is moreover, exceedingly doubtful whether bad food alone would produce the efi'ects that have been ascribed to it. For in prisons and on ship board, where numbers are frequently confined for a length of time to far worse fare than is even pretended in these cases, complaints of this nature are by no means the general consequence; while many a prisoner and slave condemned to the hardest labour, have proved by experience how very soon the digestive organs will become accus- tomed to food of a much worse quality than contractors would dare to issue, or the FROM 1815 TO 1821. lOa soldier's senses permit him to receive; and that even the deleterious effects upon the constitution were very gradual, though aided by many contingents to which the soldier, in this country at least, ia seldom exposed. It is by no means intended to assert, that bad food or coarse food badly cooked would not produce disease ; much less that it would not peculiarly aggravate com- plaints of the stomach and bowels, or even act as an exciting cause of them. But it is meant to say, that this alone does not necessarily or even generally produce such complaints; that the food of the soldier was not during the war, and cer- tainly is not now, of a quality calculated to produce them; that the prevalence of these complaints at any particular time bore no proportion to the good or bad quality of the provisions; nor were those places, where they were almost always committing ravages, worse supplied in this respect, than any others; {),nd there- fore that we are to look to some other cause for the production of these military p\agues. And this it is apprehended will be found to arise from an undue exposure to cold and moisture. For the recruit is immediately confined to his rations, and experiences no bad effects from the change. It is not until he begins to feel the want of dry and comfortable lodging and clothing, and to be exposed to the changes of weather without sufficient clothing or exercise, that he suffers from diseases of the lungs and bowels. It is not a fact that those stations which became famous as the grave- yards of the army, were worse supplied with provisions or abounded with worse water than any others; while it is well known that at these places, the soldier was peculiarly exposed to the above-mentioned noxious agents. It could not be owing to the state of the provisions or water that these complaints were so destructive in the spring and fall, rather than in the summer and winter; but it must be attributed to the unwholesome combination of cold and moisture peculiar to the frontier at these seasons; and it must be from this exposure that even now in time of peace, these complaints continue at some posts to occupy so large a share in the sick reports. In proof of what is here advanced, we need only to refer to the mortality at Sackett's Harbor during nearly the whole war, and to the state of the army in that vicinity during the fall of 1818. In both cases it must have been the climate the weather that produced the mischief; as there is not the least ground for supposing there was anything peculiarly bad in the provisions or water at that particular time, and at that particular place. Besides it is well known that among the inhabitants of the Northern section of the States, the greater proportion are under the necessity of guarding themselves by great attention to clothing from the bad effects of the climate, in order to pre- vent or remove the very diseases in question ; and every practicing physician depends almost entirely upon this circumstance for curing, and altogether for pre- venting complaints of this nature In confirmation of what has been advanced it may also be added, that the only medicines which have any joerminen^ effect upon these complaints are those which act upon the pores of^the skin; and thus in some measure counteract the effects of cold and moisture; and these require every assistance from warm bathing, warm clothing, lodging, etc.; simply cleansing the stomach and bowels does very little towards removing the complaints when fully formed. A coarse diet indeed is injurious, but it is in consequence of debility induced by the disease itself. It aggravates but does not produce it; and of course change of diet will not cure it. 104 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY And even in the state of convalescence, it is very common after a cold and rainy night when the sick are in tents, to find several who appeared fast recovering dead within twenty-four hours; and some even before the morning visit of the surgeon. And this was in a greater or less degree so constantly the consequence on the whole of this frontier, that after a stormy night, the attending surgeon could calculate very certainly upon finding some dead, and many very much reduced. If then we are to attribute not only the great waste of life during the war, but the majority of the complaints at present to the want of adequate means of guarding against the effects of climate, it ought most certainly to be represented to those whose province it is, to make such. alterations and additions to the allowance of clothing as will be consistent with true economy, by being best calculated to remedy t^e evil. To this end no soldier in this Division, at least none north of Philadelphia, should be allowed to wear any other than a woolen shirt. This point has been often insisted on by the surgeons of the army; and in confirmation of it, we need only refer to the number of those enjoying every comfort, who find it necessary in order to avoid complaints of the lungs and bowels, not only to wear flannel next the skin, but to follow the advice of Doctor Franklin in not taking it off until mid- summer and putting it on again the next day. A second article equally necessary to the end proposed is an outer coat. Indeed there are few citizens of any grade in this climate, who do not feel the necessity of this, and who do not at any rate provide for it or a substitute, though most generalfy comfortably housed at those times when the soldier is most exposed. And lastly the most important circumstance perhaps of all is to enable the soldier to keep his feet warm and dry by a liberal allowance of woolen socks and laced shoes, reaching at least to the ankle. Almost every one has at times felt the uncomfortable consequences of wet and cold long applied to the feet, and many know but too well their deleterious effects upon the constitution through the lungs and bowels ; so that it is scarcely necessary to insist upon this point. In fact there can be little doubt that due attention to these things, and to such circumstances of the soldiers quarters as may tend to the same end. would materially lessen the number of sick at present, and be of most essential benefit in the event of war. It is well known how much attention was bestowed upon this subject by the British upon this frontier ; so that their soldiers were even supplied with fur caps and socks and gloves in addition to the articles above recom- mended; and the consequence was that the complaints which destroyed the greater part of our army were scarcely known among them, though they were often near neighbors for months. The cases of rheumatism are few, for the troops are mostly young and healthy men ; and this is a mode of inflammation which generally attacks those of debili- tated constitutions, or who are somewhat advanced in life. It renders many unfit for service, who but for this would be efficient men, and was at times very trouble- some during the war. Very few if any diseases require greater attention to comfortable clothing and lodging than this; they are the ground requisites for preventing the complaint in those predisposed to it, and absolutely necessary to removing it when induced. The cases of intermittent fever hitve not been numerous except in the 5th Department and particularly at Detroit. This complaint always prevails more or less among the troops ; and though it depend altogether upon local causes for its origin, much may be done to lessen the susceptibility of the system to it; and therefore wherever it occurs it becomes fully as important a part of the surgeon's duty to explain and recoDUDend the means of preventing it, as to admin- PROM 1815 TO 1821. 105 ister the remedies calculated to cure it. The whole number of cases reported is 164; of these 141 were in the 5th Department, and 120 at Detroit. How far this prevalence of the complaint is to be attributed to the effect of climate, and how far to accidental or predisposing causes; or whether the last year has been in this respect peculiarly unhealthy, can of course be known only by the inquiries, obser- vations and reports of the surgeons stationed there. But it is much to be regretted that one of the most important duties of an army surgeon, that of investigating the causes of disease at the diflFcrent posts in order to remove them when possible, or obviate their noxious eifects when practicable, should not be required by our regu- lations; and of course not attended to by the surgeons. Nor has the order requiring every surgeon to keep a record of the cases under his care been attended to as its importance demands. A strict attention to these points would not only be of the greatest benefit in preventing disease, but necessarily render the surgeon better acquainted with the nature of the complaints that occur, and at the same time ensure a degree of industry and attention to duty which is suspected to be much required. As connected with this subject may be also mentioned the want of a proper system of Medical Police, and of due attention to existing regulations in relation to it. This is one of the most important duties of the Medical Staff, is most carefully attended to in other services ; and can only be introduced into ours by long prac- tice. Like many minute duties of officers of the line, particularly those connected with police and the interior economy of a camp, they are only to be gradually acquired; and so incorporated into the regular routine of duty as to be considered as indispensable as the mere prescription of medicine. An officer of the line may soon learn the duties of the field, and a surgeon be amply qualified for his profession, and both of them he worse than useless to an army. It is from a knowledge of minutiae which depend neither upon General Regulations, nor specific orders, that the experienced officer and surgeon becomes so much superior to the undisciplined recruit. It is almost entirely in order to acquire this kind of knowledge, that a military establishment is kept up in time of peace, and it is an undoubted fact that in no department of the army is it so slowly acquired and therefore so deficient as the medical. How severely this was felt during a great part of the last war is too well and too publickly known to need comment. It is therefore suggested whetlier such alterations be not required in the regu- lations, as are calculated to produce a system of medical police, which will not only ensure attention to every point of duty at present, but also in case of war enable the newly appointed surgeon to learn what he ought to do, without the necessity of trusting to his own ingenuity and suggestions : and after all his industry finding himself disbanded just as he begins to understand the most important duties of his station. Not to mention the many serious disadvantages of being obliged to allow each to adopt his own imperfect system; or the waste of time and men and money while he is making his experiments. For there can be little doubt that where one man has died from improper medical treatment, ten have been destroyed from want of a knowledge of the many duties peculiar to an army surgeon. To effect this purpose it should be made the duty of every surgeon and mate having the charge of a hospital, together with his quarterly report to the head-quar- ters of the division, to transmit an account of the local situation of his station, of the climate, the diseases most prevalent in the vicinity, and their probable causes, the state of the weather during the time reported with respect to temperature; 7* 106 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV winds, rain, etc.; to state at large the general symptoms of the complaints among the troops, as well as every peculiarity of disease: to investigate and as far as possi- ble report their causes; the means employed to obviate them, with the success: as well as the practice adopted and the result. To this end he should not only keep a prescription book containing a daily account of the symptoms and circumstances of each patient in every important case: the medicines prescribed and the result of his practice; but also one in which should be stated everything directed to the diet and regimen; as the quality and quantity of food allowed, the mode in which it is prepared, etc. By the former the mate or apothecary should prepare the medicines; and it would also be a cor- rect voucher for their proper expenditure; and by the latter the stewards deliver the allowance of hospital stores, etc. ; and this would be a voucher for what he had expended. The surgeon should also keep a diary of the weather; noting in it whatever may be supposed to produce or vary the forms of disease. By a reference to these, the surgeon in his quarterly reports, instead of a mere list of names usually made out by the steward, would be enabled to give such an account of the diseases that had occurred, their causes and his treatment, as would be the best possible criterion not only of his medical abilities, but also of his industry and attention to duty. And besides this, an abstract of these reports would soon enable the surgeon at head-quarters to furnish what is much wanted at present, and what can only be effectually supplied in this way, viz: a system of medical police and army practice suited to the diseases incident to the troops at the several posts in the division; and at the same time of suggesting such means of preventing these complaints as the experience of the different surgeons may have found most ben- eficial, under different circumstances of time and place. It is in this way that the most useful practical works have been produced. In order to insure attention to these things and also to the manner in which the inferior but not less important offices of the hospital are performed, it is also pro- posed that the surgeon attached to the head-quarters of the division be made "In- spector of Hospitals." It has long been observed that none but one of the medical staff can be competent to this duty. The Inspector General and commanding officer can only determine whether the hospital and its furniture appear neat and clean, and the surgeon make his regular visits. But in every thing relating to the duties peculiar to his station, the surgeon is at present left entirely to his own sense of propriety. He is the only officer who is not in some way or other responsible for the mode in which his various duties are performed, and strictly accountable for the public property entrusted to his care. To this cause is no doubt to be attributed the many complaints continually, and too often justly, made against the medical department, particularly in active service, both on account of neglect of duty and waste of property. In addition therefore to the duties assigned a Medical Director, the surgeon attached to the head-quarters of a division should be authorized to call for and receive from the respective surgeons and mates such returns and reports relative to the situation, climate, weather, etc., at the different posts, as may be calculated to ascertain the causes of disease, and the best practical means of preventing it. And also such an account of the symptoms in every important case, the remedies pre- scribed, and regimen observed as may be requisite to elucidate the nature of the prevailing complaints, and the most efficient mode of treating them. He should consolidate the quarterly reports ; and make such remarks and sug- FROM 1815 TO 1821. 107 gest such improvements both in practice and police, as mny appear to be required for the benefit and comfort of the sick. He should from time to time inspect the ho.xpital; examine the hooks and accounts of the steward and xoardma^ter ; enquire into the manner in which every duty is performed; and see that all the regulations, both professional and those relating to police are properly attended to: by a strict e.xamination of the prescription book, judge of the medical abilities of the attending surgeon, and ascertain that there has been a proper expenditure of medicine; from the diet book which should contain the quantity and quality of the food and liquor daily allowed to each patient, see that there has been a proper application of the hos- pital stores; and make such communications to the Apothecary General on the subject as may appear necessary and proper. And finally from his own observations, and from the reports and accompanying remarks of the surgeons, to form a manual of medical police and practice suited to the circumstances of the soldier; and to make such reports to the commanding general of the medical abilities, industry, fidelity, etc., of the respective surgeons, as his information from all these sources might warrant. Were some plan of this nature adopted, and the above-mentioned duties faith- fully attended to, it is believed the good effects would soon be apparent; and that they would be as permanent as the^' were obvious. JOSEPH LOVELL, Hospital Surgeon, U. S. Army."^ The winter and spring of 1818 were passed by Congress in perfecting a bill for regulating the General Staff of the army. The Quartermaster's and (.'ommissary Departments were completely reorganized, and many changes suggested in the Medical Corps. After much debate and several' recommit- tals to the Military Committee, the bill was at length passed on the fourteenth of May, 1818. The following sections related to the Hospital Department: '' Be it enacted, etc., That so much of the act 'Fixing the military peace estab- lishment of the United States,' passed the 3rd of March, 1815, as relates to hospital stewards and wardmasters, and of the 'Act for organizing the General Staff, and making further provision for the Army of the United States,' passed April 24, 1816, as relates to hospital surgeons and hospital surgeon's mates, * * * * be, and the same is hereby repealed. Section II. And be it further enacted. That there shall be one Surgeon Gen- eral, with a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, one assistant surgeon general with the emoluments of a hospital surgeon * * . * * and that the number of post surgeons be increased not to exceed eight to each division." The Corps establishment after the passage of this act consisted of one surgeon general, two assistant surgeons general (for although the bill only provided for one, there appear two. one for each division of the army, on the Register for 1818,) one apothecary general, two assistant apothecaries, forty post surgeons, and one regimental surgeon and two mates to each regiment. Hospital surgeons under the old organization were transferred to the list of post surgeons. In default of any positive information as to the 108 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY reasons for this action, it seems to have been very unjust towards the hospi- tal surgeons, for during the war they had ranked all other medical officers, and DOW by the provisions of the second section of the act of April 24, 1816, they only ranked with regimental surgeon's mates, and thus some (Doctor James Mann for instance) who had conducted large hospitals during the war, were subordinated to regimental surgeons who were appointed after they were hospital surgeons. This anomalous procedure was more strongly marked in the subsequent reorganization in 1821, when all the regimental surgeons were transferred to the General Staff as surgeons, and the post surgeons as assistant surgeons, thus making them permanently subordinate in their own Corps to those whom they had formerly ranked. The exis- tence of the Medical Staff as a distinct organization is usually estimated to date from this time, owing to the fact that a permanent head of the Depart- ment was now for the first time appointed; those who had previously exercised such executive functions, being designated only to meet temporary exigencies. Nevertheless, although this was a great step in the direction of an efficient administration of the Department, the construction of the Corps was greatly different from that it assumed under subsequent legislation and which it has retained essentially to the present day. The unnecessary dis- tinction between post and regimental medical officers was still retained, and no provision was made granting them either assimilated or actual rank that would definitely have fixed their status in relation to officers of the line. For the position of Surgeon General, Hospital Surgeon Joseph Lovell was selected, to date from April 18th, and Hospital Surgeons Tobias Watkins and James C. Bronaugh were appointed Assistant Surgeons General, the former for the northern and the latter for the southern division of the army. Apothecary General Francis Le Barron, and Assistant Apothecaries James Cutbush and Christopher Backus, who had been provisionally retained by War Department General Orders of May 15, 1815, were recognized as permanently in service in accordance with the act of April 24, 1816. Joseph Lovell was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on the twenty-second of December, 1788. His grandfather was a leading member of the " Sons of Liberty," and when the British evacuated Boston in 1776, he was taken to Halifax as a hostage. He afterwards served the country in the Conti- nental Congress, and was chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. His son James S. Lovell married Deborah Gorham, a noted Boston belle. Joseph, their eldest son, was educated in Boston, and graduated at Harvard University in 1807. He studied medicine with Doctor Ingalls, of Boston, and soon after being licensed to practice entered the service (as has been mentioned) as FROM 1815 TO 1821. 109 surgeon of the ninth infantry. Although not yet thirty years old, the ability he had shown in charge of the general hospital at Burlington, and when serving with Generals Scott and Brown on the northern frontier, and his appreciation of the wants of the army, evinced by his able reports on various subjects connected therewith, designated him as the fittest person to assume the organization of the new department, and his appointment gave great satisfaction both to the army at large and the Medical Staff. Imme- diately after the appointment of Surgeon General Lovell, the following order was issued by the War Department : "ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, April 21, 1818. General Orders. All reports, returns and communications connected with the Medical Depart- ment will hereafter be made to the Surgeon General's OfBce at Washington. All orders and instructions relative to the duties of the several officers of the Medical Staff, will be issued through the Surgeon General, who will be obeyed and respected accordingly. The Assistant Surgeons General will forthwith commence the inspections of the Medical Department in their respective divisions, agreeably to the instructions they may receive from the Sui-geon General. By order: ^ D. PARKER, Adjutant and Inspector General.'''' The first point which attracted the attention of Doctor Lovell on report- ing for duty was the necessity for a revision of the Medical Regulations. Those of April 24, 1816, which were a copy of those which we have just given, issued in 1814, were not only very defective in many respects, but were not adapted to the new organization of the Corps, and to the provisions of the general order just quoted. Moreover, the nomenclature of diseases on the quarterly reports was so vague as to afford no reliable data upon which to base opinions as to the health of the army, or to afford deductions for future reference. The duties of medical oflBcers iu' their relations with the new bureau and especially with reference to their requisitions on the Apothecary General for supplies, required to be clearly expressed; the appointment of the Assistant Surgeons General as the inspecting officers of the Corps demanded attention to the subject of medical inspection, which had hitherto been to a great measure left optional with the directors of departments and divisions; and the abolition of the ofl5ce of commissary general of purchases, and consequent transfer of that portion of his duties which pertained to the Medical Department, to the Apothecary General and 110 TUB MEDICAL DEPARTMKNT OF THK ARMY his assistants, called for additional regulations for the purveying department. Doctor Lovell also, now that his position gave him the power to do so, determined to carry out the views in reference to the duties of medical offi- cers which he had expressed in his letter to General Jacob Brown, while Medical Director of the Northern Division. These regulations which are given in full herewith, were issued in general orders from the War Depart- ment in September, 1818, and distributed to the army in the following winter. Their good effect was speedily seen in the improved character of the reports forwarded by medical officers, and the 'testimony received as to the increased efficiency tf the Department. "REGULATIONS OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, SEPTEMBER, 1818. SraoEON Genkrai,. > The Surgeon General shall be the director aud immediate accounting officer of the Medical Department. He shall issue all orders and instructions relating to the pro- fessional duties of the officers of the Medical Staff; and call for and receive such reports and returns from them as may be requisite for the performance of his several duties. He shall receive from the Assistant Surgeons General and the Medical Directors of armies, districts, and departments confidential reports relative to the condition of the hospitals and infirmaries, the character and conduct of the surgeons and mates, the state of their books and accounts, the medical topography of the several posts and stations, the nature of tlie prevailing complaints, tlieir probable causes and the treat- ment adopted. He shall receive from every surgeon, and mate performing the duties of surgeon, quarterly reports of sick, with such remarks as may be necessary to explain the nature of the diseases of the troops, the practice adopted and the kinds of medicines and stores required ; together with a copy of the entries made for the quarter in the book kept for the diary of the weather, accompanied with suitable observations. He shall receive from every surgeon and mate, having charge of public property of any description for tlie use of the sick, duplicate semi-annual returns of the same in the form and manner prescribed; and also annual requisitions for the supplies' required for each hospital, regiment, post or garrison for the ensuing year; and trans- mit them witli his remarks and instructions to the Apothecary General; accompanied with a statement, to le obtained from the office of the Adjutant and Inspector Gen- eral, of the probable nunber of troops to be stationed at the several posts, &.C., for which they are made. He shall examine the annual estimate of supplies furnished by the Apothecary (Jeneral, making such remarks and alterations as the good of the service may appear to require; and receive from him and his assistants detailed returns of all supplies put up for and delivered or forwarded to, the several surgeons and mates. lie shall examine the returns and accounts of the several surgeons and mates; see that proper vouchers are sent for articles issued, and that the quantities expended with the sick are agreeable to the numbers on the sick reports, and the nature of their complaints ; if so, be shall certify it, and at the end of each year, and oftener if i FROM 1815 TO 1821. 111 necessary, send the returns and accounts thus certified to the office of the Second Auditor for final settlement. Tf he does not receive proper vouchers for issues, and satisfactory evidence that articles so reported have been lost or destroyed by unavoid- able accident, he shall forthwith obtain tlie necessary documents from the person making the return, or transmit the amount to the office of the Second Auditor to be charged to his account. If upon comparing the returns with the reports of sick, there appears to luive been any improper expenditures of medicines or stores either in quantity or quality, he will require an explanation thereof from the person making the return ; and if necessary direct the Assistant Surgeon General, or the Medical Director to examine the books and accounts of said person, and to .ascertain how and why such expendi- tures have been made; and the amount of any articles proven to have been improperly applied will be charged in the office of the Second Auditor to the account of the person who has thus misapplied them. He shall keep a register of all the medical officers in service, in which shall be recorded the dates of their appointments, promotions or transfers, the posts and sta- tions at which they have been on duty and for what length of time at each place, the furloughs they may receive, by whom and for what length of time they were granted and the time of their return to duty; he shall also enter in this register his remarks on the several reports and returns made to him, together with the substance of the confidential reports of the Assistant Surgeons General and Medical Directors, as well as of all other communications he may receive relating to the character, conduct and professional qualifications of the surgeons and mates, keeping a regular file of the original documents, and submitting the whole from time to time to the examination of the Secretary of War. He shall from time to time make to the Secretary of War such reports and returns as may be necessary to explain all the concerns of the department under his charge; with such remarks relative to improvements in practice and police, and to the clothing, subsistence, &c., of the army, as may seem to be required for the preserva- tion of health, the comfort and recovery of the sick, and the good of the public service. Assistant Surgeons General. The Assistant Surgeon General shall be the medical inspector for the division, district, department or army to which he is attached. It shall be his duty to inspect the hospitals and infirmaries under his charge, according to the instructions he may receive from the Surgeon General ; to ascertain the manner in which each officer per- forms his duties ; to see that the necessary supplies are received for the sick; that they are of a good quality, and that they are properly expended. He shall strictly examine the case books, prescription books and diet books of the surgeons and mates, and from them ascertain the nature of the diseases that have prevailed, their symptoms, the practice adopted and the result; and hence judge of the professional abilities of the attending surgeon, and ascertain that the quantity and quality of the stores and medicines used are confoi-mable to the nature and dura- tion of the complaints. From an examination of the book containing the diary of the weather, medical topography of the station or hospital, account of the climate, complaints prevalent in the vicinity, &c., and from suitable inquiries concerning the clothing, subsistence, quarters, &c., of the soldiers, he will discover as far as practicable the probable causes 112 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY of disease, and recommend the best means of preventing them; and also make such suggestions relative to the situation, construction and economy of the hospitals and infirmaries, as may appear necessary for the benefit and comfort of the sick and the good of the service. He shall examine the books and accounts of the steward ; see that his issues of hospital stores and furniture agree with the diet books and written orders of the sur- geons and mates, and that he has kept a correct account of the number of rations drawn, agreeably to the register and muster rolls of the hospital; of the parts com- muted or sold ; and of his disposal of the proceeds. Ascertain also that the wardmaster keeps a strict account of the bedding, furniture, cooking utensils, &c., received for the use of the hospital; of the articles lost, worn out or destroyed by order; and also of the clothing, arms and equipments of every patient admitted, and that they are disposed of agreeably to the regulations on that subject ; and that he pays due attention to enforcing the police prescribed, and to the order and cleanliness of the patients, wards and kitchens. He shall make to the Surgeon General, in October, annually, and at such other times as he may direct, confidential reports, containing all the information he may obtain concerning the character, conduct and attention to duty, of the several sur- geons and mates ; the order and condition of their hospitals and infirmaries, and the state of their books and accounts; with such remarks relative to the causes of diseases, the best means of preventing them, their symptoms, and the treatment adopted, as appertain to the report of a medical inspecting officer; which report shall be sub- mitted to the commanding officer of the division, district or anny to which he is attached, for his examination, remarks and signature. Apothecary General axd his Assistants. The Apothecary General shall, agreeably to the returns and requisitions of the several surgeons and mates received from the Surgeon General's Office, and to a standard supply table, make an annual estimate of the supplies of medicines, instru- ments, hospital stores, &c., required for the ensuing year, which shall be submitted to the Surgeon General for his examination and approval. The Apothecary General and his assistants shall purchase, according to this estimate, all medicines, hospital stores, surgical and other instruments, books and dressings, required for the public service of the army. The articles so purchased shall be carefully packed under their directions, and by them delivered either to the sur- geons or to a military storekeeper, or to a quartermaster, for transportation to the places of their destination and use; and all parcels so packed shall be legibly marked with the n^me of the place to which they are to be sent, or of the regiment or corps for which they are intended, and accompanied with an invoice of the articles con- tained in them. They shall compound and prepare such medicines as may be thought necessary for the good of the service; cause suitable medicine chests to be constructed, according to the directions of the Surgeon General, and furnished to the several hospitals, posts and garrisons ; and supply printed forms of the reports and returns required by the regulations. They shall make quarterly returns of their purchases to the Second Auditor ac- companied with invoices of the articles purchased, for which they shall be charged; and nothing will exonerate them from such charge, but the receipt of a surgeon. FROM 1815 TO 1821. 113 military storekeeper, quartermaster, or other person authorized to receive supplies of this nature, or a certificate on honor for what may have been expended in the apothe- cary's department, stating for what purpose. If articles become damaged or unfit for use, they will not be taken off the books of the Second Auditor to their credit until sold by order of the War Department. They shall make to the Surgeon General returns in detail, of the medicines, stores, &c., put up for, and delivered or forwarded to, the several surgeons and mates stating the numbers and marks of each chest, package, &c., and to whom they were delivered. The Apothecary General will make in October, annually, an estimate of the expenses of the Medical Department for the information of the War Department. The Assistant Apothecaries General will purchase and issue whatever articles composing the yearly supply the Apothecary General may deem necessary to have purchased in their respective districts, making returns of the same to him. SUKGEONS ATTENDING GENERAL HOSPITALS. The senior surgeon shall be ex-officio medical director and inspector of hospitals for the army or district to which he is attached. He shall enforce the rules and reg- ulations given for the government and direction of the surgeons and mates ; examine and if he approve, countersign all requisitions upon the Apothecary General or his Assistants, except that made on the 30th of September for the ensuing year; and as inspector of hospitals he shall perform all the duties required of the Assistant Surgeon General. The surgeon attending a general hospital shall observe the instructions of the Assistant Surgeon General and of the Medical Director in every thing relating to the hospital under his charge; superintend its construction, government and police, and be held responsible for the manner in which the subordinate officers perform their respective duties. He shall keep a register of all patients admitted into his hospital, in the form and manner prescribed. He shall receive, and carefully preserve, the descriptive list of each individual, noting on it any payments made, or clothing issued to him while in hospital. Should any surgeon or mate send patients to his hospital without the report required by the regulations, and certified copies of their descriptive lists, or should they be sent by any officer of the line without their descriptive lists, it shall be his duty forthwith to demand them, and if they be not sent within a reasonable time, or some good cause given for the neglect, he shall immediately apply to the commanding officer for the arrest of such delinquent on the charge of disobedience of orders. He shall keep a case book, prescription book and diet book, in which shall be daily recorded the symptoms in every important case, together with the medicines and diet prescribed ; and these shall serve as a guide to the assistant surgeon or apothecary in delivering the medicines, to the steward in distributing the stores, and for the infor- mation of the medical inspector. He shall keep a diary of the weather in the form and manner prescribed, noting everything of importance relating to the medical topography of his station, the climate, complaints prevalent in the vicinity, &c., and also an orderly book, in which shall be transcribed all orders concerning, or any ways relating to the Medical Department. He shall divide his hospital into as many wards as he may have medical attend- ants, and every morning, at as early an hour as practicable, visit each ward, prescribe 8 114 THK MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY himself in all important cases, and consult with the attending surgeon ; and in the evening enquire of the resident surgeon the state of the sick, and again visit such iwi may require particular attention. He shall as far as practicable, assign appropriate wards to the patients according to the nature of their complaints; be careful that the wards are well ventilated, and the patients not too much crowded; by a rigid attention to police, prevent, if possible, the origin of contagion, and should it appear, make every exertion to counteract it by enforcing personal cleanliness, and by frequent changes of linen, bedding, kc. He shall prescribe such rules and regulations as he may think necessary for the direction of the attendants, and the order, cleanliness, and convenience of his patients ; and cause them to be printed or written in a legible hand, and hung up in some con- spicuous place in each ward. He shall from the descriptive lists in his possession, make regular muster rolls of the patients in his hospital, and also of his steward, wardmaster, cooks, nurses and matrons, in the form prescribed, for the examination and certificate of the Inspector General, or officer acting as such, as in other cases of muster and inspection for pay- ment. He shall see that his steward makes out correct returns for rations, agreeably to the number of patients and attendants present; direct what part of the ration shall be sold or commuted, and sign the requisitions; and from the proceeds of the parts thus commuted or sold, he shall cause such articles to be purchased as he may judge necessary and proper for the use of the sick. He shall once a month examine the books and accounts of his steward and ward- master; see that the hospital stores have been properly applied, and that themoney received for parts of ration commuted or sold, has been expended agreeably to his instructions; that the arms, clothing and equipments of the patients are cleansed, numbered, marked, registered and deposited in the wardmaster's room, and that a regular account is kept of the furniture, bedding, &c., in use in the hospital; and if any attendant or patient shall be convicted of wilfully destroying or purloining any article of public property, the amount of its value shall be charged to him by the Burgeon on his descriptive list, and deducted from his pay at the next payment; and it shall be the duty of the surgeon to prosecute any citizen who may buy or receive public property of any description from any one attached to the army, agreeably to the law on that subject. i Assistant Spkgeons to General Hospitai-s. The assistant surgeons shall obey the orders and instructions of the senior sur- geon; see that subordinate officers attend strictly to their duties, and aid in enforcing the regulations of the hospital. Each assistant shall accompany the surgeon in his morning visit to the ward as- signed to his particular charge, make the proper entries in the case book, prescription book, and diet book, and from the latter fill up the diet table for the day ; in the evening he shall again visit his ward, and, if necessary report to the surgeon. He shall be responsible for the proper distribution and administration of the medicines prescribed, for the manner in which the wardmaster and nurses perform their duties in his own division, and that the patients conform to the prescribed regulations. One of the assistant surgeons shall be detailed daily to reside within or near the hospital, at all hours of the day or night ; he shall prescribe in urgent cases, examine FROM 1815 TO 1821. 115 such patients as may be sent to the hospital, see that they are regularly entered in the register, that their descriptive lists are tiled, and if they do not bring them, report it fortliwith to the surgeon, thfit the wardniaster takes charge of their clothing, arms and equipments, that they are washed, furnished with clean garments, and placed in their appropriate wards, and report to the surgeon the next morning, and immediately in important cases. He shall make the proper entries in the book containing the diary of the weather, and as police officer of the day see that all the orders and regu- lations are duly attended to. One of the assistant surgeons shall take charge of the books of the hospital, viz: the register, case book, prescription book and diet book, that containing the diary of the weather and the orderly book ; and shall call at the office of the adjutant general every day or as often as may be convenient, and transcribe all orders relating to the Medical Department. He shall also take charge of the descriptive lists of the patients, and have them regularly tiled according to their companies and regiments or corps. One assistant surgeon shall take particular charge of th6 dispensary, instruments and medicines ; keep an account of expenditures, agreeably to the prescription book ; make out tlie regular semi-annual returns of medicines, instruments, stores, &c., and present them to tlie surgeon for his examination and signature. Hospital Stewards. It shall be the duty of the steward to receive and take charge of all hospital stores, furniture of every description, and supplies purchased for the use of the sick; to keep a roster of the nurses and attendants, and from this and the register to make out returns for rations agreeably to the number in hospital and present them to the .surgeon for his examination and signature; to receive and distribute the rations, and to commute or sell such parts, and employ the proceeds in such manner as the sur- geon may direct. He shall keep an account of the number of rations drawn, the articles commuted or sold, and the amount received for them; take proper vouchers for all expenditures, and present the whole to the surgeon for examination at the end of each month. He shall issue the hospital stores and other supplies to the cooks and nurses, and enter in a book daily the amount of each article delivered ; for which the diet book and written orders of the surgeons and assistant surgeons shall be his vouchers. He shall deliver to the wardniaster such articles of bedding, furniture, cooking utensils, &c., as shall by written orders be directed for the use of the hospital ; be respon- sible for the order and neatness of the storeroom ; and on no account allow any of the patients or attendants to enter it in his absence, or to remain there longer than may be necessary to obtain their supplies. Wakdmaster. The wardmaster shall receive from the steward all the furniture, bedding, cook- ing utensils, &c., required for the use of the hospital, and be held responsible for them. He shall keep a book in which shall be recorded the articles distributed to the several wards and kitchens, holding the nurses and cooks responsible for whatever he may deliver them. He shall once a week take an inventory of everything in use, and report to the surgeon whatever is missing, worn out, or destroyed by order; and also the name of any patient or attendant whom he may suspect of wilfully destroying or purloining any species of public property. 116 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY On the admission of a patient he shall take charge of his clothing, arms and equipments; see that they are made perfectly clean; that they are registered in a book, which he shall keep for the purpose, numbered, labelled with the name, rank, company and regiments or corps of the owner, and deposited in an appropriate apart- ment ; and in case of his death, he shall deliver the surgeon an inventory of the above-named articles, together with any money, &c., left by him. The cooks, nurses and attendants, shall be under his immediate direction and subject to his orders. He is responsible for the cleanliness of the patients and at- tendants of the kitchen, wards, furniture and cooking utensils. He shall call the roll of the wards at sunrise and sunset, and report absentees; see that every patient is washed and his liair combed every morning, and shaved, when his case will permit, at least thrice a week; that the wards are swept and sanded, and the beds made before the time of the morning visit of the surgeon; that the close-stools and spit-boxes are made perfectly clean every morning, and the pans emptied and washed immediately after being used, and partly filled with powdered charcoal and water; that the beds and bedding are frequently aired and exposed t'o the sun, and the straw changed once a month, and oftener if necessary ; and .when a patient dies, that the straw is burned, the bunk, bed-sack and bedding, cleansed and returned to the steward, if not wanted in the hospital. Regimental Surgeons. The regimental surgeon shall obey the instructions of the Assistant Surgeon General and the Medical Director; be responsible for the order and neatness of his hos- pital or infirmary, for the manner in which his mates and attendants perform their respective duties, and for the comfort and convenience of those sick in quarters. He shall observe all the regulations given for the surgeon attending a general hospital in relation to the register, case book, prescription book, diet book, orderly book, and that containing a diary of the weather, the medical topography of his post or station, &c. ; and also all those respecting the ventilation of his hospital, preventing or obviating the effects of contagion ; prescribing suitable police regulations ; making out muster rolls of his nurses and attendants ; signing requisitions for rations ; direct- ing what parts shall be commuted or sold, and in what manner the proceeds shall be disposed of; examining the returns, books and accounts of his steward and wardmaster ; and punishing those who wilfully destroy or purloin public property, or receive any property thus purloined. He shall receive written morning reports of sick from the orderly sergeant of each company, who shall see that those reported present themselves at the place appointed by the surgeon, and to be present himself at their examination; he shall immediately report all cases of feigned sickness to the commanding officers of companies, prescribe for those who are able to remain in their quarters, and send those who require it to the hospital; he shall then visit his hospital, prescribe himself in all important cases, and in the evening again see those who require particular attention. Unless when specially directed or in uncommon cases he will send no patients to the general hospital, except his own be crowded, or he be ordered to march; when he will send all whom he may judge unable to accompany the regiment; and with them a report, in the form prescribed, stating their names, rank, &c., together with a gen- eral account of the symptoms and duration of their complaints, and the treatment adopted ; and he shall on no account neglect to obtain from the commanding officers of companies certified copies of their descriptive lists, and to transmit them, together with their clothing, arms and equipments, to the surgeon having charge of the hospital. FROM 1815 TO 1821. 117 He shall designate to the commanding officer those who should be allowed to ride, or have their knapsacks, &c., carried in the wagons; accompany the regiment ; be within call in case of accident, and at all times have his instruments and dressings ready and at hand to attend to the wounded. He shall accompany the officer appointed to select ground for an encampment, and, as far as consistent with other arrangements, recommend such places, and that the tents be pitched in such manner, as may be best calculated to protect the soldier from the inclemencies of the weather; and, when necessary, advise that the floors be raised, or other means taken to prevent the bad consequences of low and uneven positions. When his regiment is in quarters or permanent encampments, he shall immedi- atelj' point out, and the quartermaster shall furnish, a suitable place for the reception of the sick, and whenever it is practicable he shall procure for this purpose some building in the vicinity, only putting his patients in tents when absolutely necessary. He shall frequently visit the tents, see whether they are kept as dry as the nature of of the ground will permit, and whether they are clean, and occasionally aired and struck. When in quarters he shall from time to time inspect the rooms and kitchens, and so far direct the manner of preparing the food as he may think necessary for the health of the soldiers ; examine the quality of the various parts of the ration, and immediately report to the commanding officer any defects he may discover; see that the vaults are dug at a proper distance from the camp, and frequently covered with fresh earth ; and either by reports, or in his remarks in his morning reports, make such observations and suggest such improvements upon all these points as he may think necessary to preserve the health of the troops, and for the comfort, convenience and recovery of the sick ; and the commanding officer of his regiment shall issue such orders as he may think necessary and proper to remedy the evils and supply the defects thus reported to him. He shall report to the commanding officers of companies such men as are unfit for service; furnish a certificate of the cause, the time when, and place where, it arose, the degree of disability, &c., and accompany the inspecting officer on muster and inspection days, and see they are mustered accordingly. Regimental Mates. When the number of patients permits, and both mates are present, the hospital shall be divided into equal wards, which shall be under the immediate direction of the respective mates. They shall accompany the surgeon in his morning visit ; make the proper entries in the case book, prescription book and diet book; frequently visit the hospital during the day, and report to the surgeon in the evening, and oftener in urgent cases; attend to the preparation and distribution of the medicines; assist in making out the proper reports and returns; see that the nurses are attentive to the sick, and regularly administer the medicines prescribed; and that the regulations of the hospital are strictly attended to. If both mates be present, the senior shall take charge of the register, and see that each patient be regularly entered therein; that the diary of the weather be prop- erly kept; and that the stewai-d and wardmaster attend to all the duties required by the regulations. The junior shall have particular charge of the medicines and instru- ments, and be responsible to the surgeon for their good condition ; and see that all orders relating to the Medical Department are transcribed in the orderly book. In the absence of the surgeon the senior mate present shall perform his duties. 118 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Post Surgeoxs. The post surgeon shall obey the instructions of the Assistant Surgeon General and Medical Director; be responsible for the order and cleanliness of his hospital, the the manner in which his attendants perform their duties, and for the comfort and convenience of the sick. He shall observe all the regulations given for a surgeon attending a general hos- pital, in respect to the books and accounts to be kept; the ventilation of his hospital; preventing and obviating the effects of contagion; prescribing suitable police regu- lations ; making out muster rolls of his nurses and attendants, signing requisitions for rations, and directing what parts shall be commuted or sold, and in what manner the proceeds shall be disposed of; examining the books and accounts of the steward and wardmjister; and punishing those who destroy or purloin public property, or who receive any property thus purloined. He shall also observe all the regulations given for the regimental surgeon in respect to receiving morning reports; reporting cases of feigned sickness; visiting his hospital and prescribing for his patients; selecting a suitable place for their reception; inspecting the tents, or quarters and kitchens, and directing the manner of preparing the food; examining the quality of the rations; making special reports to the com- manding officer, or suitable remarks on his morning reports upon whatever may conduce to the health of the troops or the recovery of the sick ; reporting those unfit for service, attending the inspecting officer, and seeing them mustered accordingly. Stewards and Waudmasters of Regiments, Posts or Garrisons. Kvery regimental surgeon may, with the consent of the commanding officer, select an active, intelligent, non-commissioned officer, and every post surgeon, a private, who shall be permanently attached to the hospital, and act as steward and wardmaster; and who shall observe all the regulations above given for the direction of the steward and the wardmaster of a general hospital. Citizens may be employed in lieu of soldiers, at the option of the surgeon ; if engaged for the hospital or infirmary of a regiment, they will be allowed sixteen dollars per month, and one ration per day ; if employed ut a post or garrison, they will receive ten dollars per month and one ration per day. Ok Reports, Returns, Requisitions, &c. Every surgeon, and mate acting as surgeon, shall make a quarterly report of sick to the Surgeon General in the form and manner prescribed, with remarks relative to the nature and symptoms of the complaints reported, the treatment adopted, and the medicines and stores most'in demand; and also transmit therewith a correct copy of the entries for the quarter in the book kept for the diary of the weather, with his observations upon the medical topography of the post, station or hospital ; the climate, prevalent diseases, and their probable causes. Every surgeon and mate, having charge of sick, shall make a monthly report to the Medical Director of the army, or district to which he belongs; and every one attending the sick of a regiment, post or garrison, shall make a morning report to the commanding officer in the form prescribed. Every surgeon and mate, on being ordered to a new station, shall immediately inform the Surgeon General thereof, and also from whom he received the order; on receiving a furlough he shall also report it, stating by whom and for what length of time it was granted oud report himself once a month until his return to duty. FROM 1815 TO 1821. 119 Post surgeons making application for change of station shall report to the Surgeon General, with the reasons assigned therefor. Every surgeon and mate having charge of public property of any description for the use of the sick, shall make duplicate returns of the same to the Surgeon General on the 31st of March and 30th of September, annually; and on the 30th of September make also duplicate requisitions or estimates of the supplies required for the ensuing year, noting the number of troops for which they are made. All requisitions made upon the Apothecary General or his assistants, in active service, except that on the 30th of September, shall be examined and countersigned by the Medical Director of the army, department or district to which the surgeon belongs. Requisitions for cooking utensils and other articles of liospital furniture as can- not be conveniently obtained from a commissary of purchases, or a military store- keeper, will be made upon an officer of the Quartermaster's Department, who will furnish the articles required, the requisitions being countersigned by the commanding officer of the department or post. When a surgeon is ordered away from the medical supplies under his charge, he shall immediatelj' make to the Surgeon General a return of all articles received, ex- pended and issued since his last regular return, accompanied with a receipt in detail for the remainder, if he be relieved by a surgeon ; but if he deliver it to the quarter- master of a regiment or post, a military storekeeper, or other person than a surgeon, he shall, with the returns and one of the receipts given him, transmit an invoice of the articles delivered certified on honor; a copy of which invoice, signed by him, shall be left with the medicines, stores, &c. And when any surgeon or apothecary receives the articles thus left with a quartermaster, military storekeeper, &c., he shall in his next return state by whom they were left, as well as from whom they were received. Surgeons receiving a furlough will be held responsible for all public property under their charge ; they will therefore take duplicate receipts for the same ; and if they be absent three months, they will be required to submit to the Surgeon Gen- eral returns, receipts and invoices, as directed in the preceding regulation. Whenever any instruments, stores, &c., put up for and directed to, one post, gar- rison, regiment or hospital, are by the orders of any officer taken for the use of another, it shall be the duty of the surgeon receiving them to report the circumstances imme- diately to the Surgeon General, and to transmit to him a certified copy of the order, the reasons for which it was given and a receipt for the articles ; and also when prac- ticable, to notify the surgeon for whom they were intended, and on the receipt of his own supplies to furnish him with the same amount. MlSCKI-LANEOUS. Every person having charge of a general hospital, shall appoint his own steward, wardmaster, cooks and nurses; and if they be taken from the line of the army, it must be with consent of the commanding officer of the army, district or department. Every surgeon of a regiment, post or garrison, shall also, with the consent of his immediate commanding officer, select his attendants. They shall be permanently attached to the hospital or infirmary, and exclusively under the orders of the surgeons and mates ; and shall not be removed except for misdemeanor, unless in cases of urgent necessity, and then only by the order of the commanding officer of the district, department, army, regiment, post or garrison, to which they belong. The following will be the allowance of attendants on a hospital or infirmary in 120 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY ordinary cases: To a general hospital, one nurse to every ten, one matron to every twenty, and one cook to every thirty patients. To a regimental hospital, one non- commissioned officer, as steward and wardmaster. one cook, two matrons and four nurses. To a post or garrison with one company, one private as steward and ward- master, and two nurses, or one nurse and one matron; for each additional company t)ne nurse. Tlie non-commissioned officer who acts as steward and wardmaster, to receive 20 cents per day extra-pay, and the private employed as steward and ward- master to receive 15 cents per day extra pay. The women to receive 5 dollars per month, and one ration per day. The allowance of quarters, fuel and straw, for the sick, and of wagons for trans- porting medicines, stores, furniture, &c., will be regulated by the surgeon and com- manding officer or Medical Director; the requisitions to be made by the former and countersigned by the latter. Whenever a soldier is sent to a general hospital, or left in the hospital or infirmary of a regiment, post or garrison, it shall be the duty of the officer or surgeon sending or leaving him to furnish a certified copy of his descriptive list to the surgeon taking charge of him ; who shall, on the return of the soldier to duty, transmit it to the officer under whose command he is put, with a certificate of any payments made or clothing issued to him while in hospital. Should a soldier leave an hospital on furlough, he shall be furnished with a cer- tified copy of his descriptive list; should he desert, it shall be the surgeon's duty to advertise him in the usual manner; and in case of his death, his descriptive list shall be preserved in the hospital for the benefit of his friends and heirs, and on it shall be stated the amount of clothing, money, &c., left by him; and the surgeon shall in all these cases forthwith inform the commanding officer of his company or regiment of the facts and the attending circumstances ; and also of the time to which those who die were last paid, and the money and eflFects in tlieir possession at the time of their decease. Whenever a soldier is rendered incapable of performing military duty by reason of wounds or injuries received in service, and while in the line of his duty, any sur- geon or mate of the army, upon obtaining sufficient evidence of the fact, the time, place and manner of its occurrence, shall furnish him with the necessary certificate to obtain his discharge and pension. No candidate shall receive the commission of surgeon or mate in the army, who has not obtained a diploma or certificate from some respectable medical school, college or society, or passed the examination of an Army Medical Board. No surgeon of the army shall be engaged in private practice. When any officer employs a citizen surgeon, he shall immediately inform the Surgeon General of his name and place of residence, and also cause him to be fur- nished with a copy of the regulations of the Medical Department. Citizens employed as surgeons will be allowed the following rates of compensa- tion: For attending a post, garrison or detachment of one hundred men and upwards, forty dollars per month ; of from fifty to one hundred men, thirty dollars per month ; and for attending any number under fifty, twenty dollars per month, exclusive of medicine. When they furnish their own medicine they shall be allowed an addition of from twenty-five to fifty per cent upon their pay, the proportion to be determined by the Surgeon General or Medical Director. If engaged to accompany a regiment or detachment on a march or expedition they will, while actually thus employed, be allowed the full pay and emoluments of a regimental surgeon's mate. They will be PROM 1815 TO 1821. 121 required to make quarterly reports of sick to the Surgeon General, and morning reports to the commanding officer, in the form and manner directed for the surgeons of the army ; and when they have charge of public property of any description, they will make returns of the same at the times, and in the manner required by the reg- ulations, or as often as the Surgeon General may direct. Their accounts must be accompanied with a certiticate from the officer employing them of the number of men under his command and the length of time they were employed, and also with a report of the sick under their charge ; or of the cases that may have occurred subsequent to their last quarterly reports. Recruiting officers will, if necessary, employ citizens agreeable to these regula- tions ; the rate of compensation to be determined by the average number present during the month. If engaged merely to inspect recruits, they will be allowed one dollar per man for inspecting and signing the necessary certiticates. No citizen shall be employed to inspect recruits at posts or places where there is a surgeon or mate belonging to the army. Surgeons shall be particularly attentive to the examination of recruits, and will suffer no man to pass, who has not at his examination been stripped of all his clothes, in order to ascertain, as far as possible, that he has the perfect use of all his limbs ; that he has no tumours, ulcerated legs, rupture, nor chronic cutaneous affection, nor other infirmity which may render him unfit for the active duties of the field ; and it shall be their duty to ascertain, as far as practicable, whether he is an habitual drunkard, or subject to convulsions of any kind. With any of these defects the man is to be rejected as unfit for service; and any surgeon or mate, who shall suffer any one to pass without a careful examination on all these points, shall be dismissed the service ; and the accounts of no citizen shall be allowed, who does not conform to this regulation in every particular. Invalids having piles or other infirmity, not always to be discovered by the in- specting surgeon, who shall impose themselves upon recruiting officers as sound and able-bodied men, shall previous to dismission be put into close confinement or other- wise punished, at the discretion of a court-martial, as swindlers and imposters. Whenever a recruit arrives at the post, garrison, station or depot to which a sur- geon is attached, or joins the regiment or corps to which he belongs, it shall be his duty forthwith to ascertain whether he has had the variolous or vaccine infection, and if he has not, to see that he be vaccinated as soon as practicable ; and for this purpose he shall constantly keep good matter on hand, making application to the Surgeon General for a fresh supply as often as may be necessary." Probably the retention in the foregoing regulations of the paragraph forbidding officers of the Corps to engage in private practice will excite some surprise. It certainly did at the time, for although it was originally incorpo- rated with the regulations of 1814, it had never been enforced; in fact the position of the frontier posts, and the comparative scarcity of physicians fifty years ago, rendered it often an act of humanity for them to affi)rd professional assistance to citizens living in the vicinity of the garrisons. After the distribu- tion of these regulations Post Surgeon McMahon wrote to Doctor Lovell on the subject, and the Surgeon Greneral replied "that the regulation forbidding army surgeons to engage in private practice, was intended to prevent neglect of duty, 8* 122 TIIK MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY by eiiteriiijr extremely into it. as well as an improper application of public property which often occurred.'' There would be no objections to this practice, provided the oflBcer desiring it would make an application to the Secretary of War, through the Surgeon General, setting forth clearly the circumstances, in which cjise especial authority would be granted. On the first of November, 1818, the Surgeon General made his first report to the Secretary of War on the sickness and mortiility in the army. From it we learn that the total luimber of sick repoited for the quarter ending June 30th, was 1 ,929 ; of these 1 ,569 were either returned to duty or discharged the service, 16 died, and 344 were remaining under treatment. The principal dise;ises were, inflammatory fever (including slight cattarrhal afifections) 229 ; venereal disease, 84; rheumatism, 93; diarrhoea and dysentery, 294; typhus fever, 29; malarial fevers, 92 ; and wounds of all kinds, 153. The deaths were chiefly due to excessive indulgence in drink, no less than three of them being reported from one post. Of the ofiicers of the Corps, the Surgeon General says : "With regard to the manner in which the several officers of the Medical Corps have performed their duties, so far as I have been able to observe, they appear in general disposed to a prompt and strict obedience to orders. Not having been hereto- fore required to make such reports and returns, as will be necessary in future, some time will probably be required to obtain them in a proper form and regular manner ; particularly those relating to the nature and treatment of diseases, which can only be described in general terms, while all their usefulness must depend on the respec- tive surgeons. Those, however, of Doctor Gale of the Rifle Corps, and Post Surgeons Mann, Stewart, Turner, and Mercer, are laudable exceptions to this remark. Some few surgeons chiefly at the South have as yet neglected all orders, and unless good reasons be assigned therefor, it will be necessary to adopt some means of enforcing obedience, or to supply their places with those who are disposed to be more attentive to duty. Tlie Apothecary's Department labours under all the inconveniences consequent upon irregularity and want of system, but both Doctor Le Barron and Doctor Cut- bush, are well calculated for their duties, and 1 have no doubt will faithfully perform them. Doctor Backus may make a useful assistant to the Apothecary General, but is not at all calculated for an independent public agent." Soon after making this report the Surgeon General was called upon by the Hon. J. C Calhoun, Secretary of War, for recommendations for the improve- ment of the Medical Department for submission to Congress. In reply he wrote the following communication : "SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, 2l8t November, 1818. Sik: Since the new organization of the Medical Statf in April last, it has clearly appeared that its concerns cannot be properly regulated, unless the allowances of its officers are so far increased as to induce suitable persons to accept appointments in it, and to remain nt least a few years in service. I FROM 1815 TO 1821. 123 Besides the impracticability of obtaining tlie necessary reports, returns, estimates, etc., wiiile many if not most of the frontier posts are without regular surgeons, and while the greater part of the staff is continually changing, I am convinced of the impracticability of our materially lessening the expenses of the department, so long as public property to a large amount is repeatedly transferred from one to another, and is often necessarily in the charge of citizens, who will not,' and cannot become respon- sible for it, or of those who know nothing of its nature ; for when it has once passed out of the regular channel, it is entirely without the control of any accounting officer. It has been estimated that by proper and efficient regulations, about ^50,000 per annum may be saved; but in order to effect this, a medical commission must be sufficiently valuable to enable the chief of the department to enforce obedience, by rendering dismissal from service a serious penalty. Very few are to be found (and these few are in general students, by no means qualified for the station) who will serve on the frontier or at frontier posts for thirty or forty dollars per month, without the expectation of promotion, or increase of pay; and none who will remain there long enough to become acquainted with their duties. Of nineteen mates, thirteen have been appointed within a few months; several have refused to accept, and some of those who have accepted begin to apply for transfers or promotion. Since, therefore, the good of the public service, without any reference to the convenience of the officers, requires an increase of their allowances, that mode of doing it will of course be preferable, which is best calculated to induce them to attach themselves permanently to the army. If the pay be increased to its maximum at once, it should not be less than sixty dollars per month, and four rations per day to a regimental surgeon, fifty dollars per month and three rations per day to a post surgeon, and forty-five dollars per month and three rations per day to an assistant surgeon ; but from the propensity of all men to become discontented with their present condition, unless they can look forward to some improvement in it, though it be ever so small or even imaginary, the plan adopted the British service of increasing the pay and emoluments in proportion to the time they shall remain in service, would probably be much better. In this case the follow- ing appear to be the lowest allowances that should be made : To a regimental surgeon, fifty dollars per month and four rations per day, to a post surgeon forty-five dollars per month and three rations per day, and to an assist- ant surgeon forty dollars per month and three rations per day. The pay of a regimental surgeon and assistant surgeon to be increased five dollars per month and one ration per day for every three years, and that of post surgeon five dollars per month, and one ration per day for every /ve years he shall remain in the sawie grade. Post surgeons being attached to the Corps of artillery, are generally stationed at convenient places along the seaboard, and therefore are more easily retained, whereas the regimental staff require greater inducements to continue in service for any length of time. The former plan would increase the expenses of the medical stafiF about $20,000, and the latter not much above half that sum for several years ; so that should it have the desired eflfect, it would not only secure a faithful performance of duty, but actually save a large amount annually. The number of surgeons is by no means sufficient ; for supposing them all con- tinually on duty, (which can never be expected), there are many posts which must be attended by citizens ; and when they leave their posts from sickness or other causes, it is often impossible to supply their places. At least a surgeon is required at the Military Academy, which is now attended by a post surgeon, and another assistant 124 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY surgeon to the Light Artillery, which is the only regiment in service that has but one, though from the nature of its duties it requires more than any other. In order to enable the Surgeon General to superintend the disbursements of the Medical Department, a law appears necessary authorizing the Apothecary General and his assistants to purchase all medical supplies ; and requiring them to give the usual bonds for the faithful application of public money. Much inconvenience and delay and some additional expense have arisen from not making letters and packages to and from the Surgeon General free from postage; and these will be much increased now all returns, i-eports, etc., etc., are made to him. These it is believed are the most important subjects connected with the Medical Department, which require the aid of Congress." Very respectfully, etc., JOSEPH LOVELL, Surgeon General.'' A controversy having arisen in the winter of 1819 in reference to the comparative rank of medical officers and their position in regard to choice of quarters at the post where stationed, the War Department decided the questions in dispute by the issue of the following order : 'ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, March 22, 1819. GENEaAL Orders: The Medical Department of the army will be governed in their relative rank as follows : Surgeons of regiments will have precedence over post surgeons, and post surgeon.s will have precedence of regimental mates; in their several grades, further reference will be had to date of commission. In the choice of quarters, the Medical Staff will have precedence of subalterns, under the direction of the commanding officer, (who may always claim precedence of those under his command). Medical and hospital supplies are not to be detained or diverted from their desti- nation, except by generals of division and commanding officers of departments, in cases of emergence and absolute necessity, when a report will be promptly made to the Adjutant and Inspector General, that further orders for deficiency may be given. * * * * * * By Order, D. PARKER, Adjutant and Inspector General." On the twenty-seventh of December, 1819, the Surgeon General again called the attention of the Secretary of War to the importance of requiring the officers of the purveying department to give bonds for the faithful performance of their duties, and consequently on the eighth of May, 1820, Congress passed the following act: ''Be it enacted, etc., That the Apothecary General, and Assistant Apothecary General shall severally give bonds to the United States with good and sufficient security, for the faithful performance of their duties, in such sums as shall be required by the Surgeon General of the army, under the direction of the War Department." FROM 1815 TO 1821. 125 The passage of the act of April 14, 1818, has generally been considered as the commencement of the modern history of the Medical Corps. This is true to the extent that from that date, by the appointment of a Surgeon Gene- ral, and the assumption of direct authority over the officers by that official, a great change was made in the responsibility of the Medical StafF, in their accountability for public property, and in the collection and preservation of the records pertaining to their duties. Nevertheless, the organization of the Depart- ment was not essentially diffisrent from what it had been for many years before, the only material change being the consolidation of the hospital and garrison medical officers under the denomination of post surgeons. It was not until the reduction of the army in 1821, that the Corps assumed the form which it has retained without decided alteration to the present time. It has therefore been thought better to close the history of the Department under the old regime with the general reduction of the army in 1821, and the abrogation of regimental medical officers. This event will be considered more in detail in the next chapter. It^will be proper before doing so to give a brief statement, from such information as is now attainable, of the expenses of the Medical Department previous to this period, as a comparison of those with subsequent years will be of value in estimating in one respect the relative efficiency of the different organizations. Under the establishment of 1802, the average appropriation for the Medical Department was ^13,500 per annum, or about $4.00 per man for every soldier in service. With the increase of the army in 1808, the expenses rose to $50,000 per annum, or about $5.00 per man. Of the cost of the Department during the war no reliable figures have been found, but in the years 1816-18 under the military peace establishment of 1815, the appropriations averaged $95,382 per annum, or $7.00 per man, while after the reorganization of the Staff in 1818, they were reduced to $39,104 per annum, or only about $3.00 for each soldier in service. Commenting on this great variation in the expense of this branch of the Staff, Surgeon General Lovell remarks (Letter to the Secretary of War, November 28, 1822): ' ' In explanation of this great difference in expense it may Jbe proper to add that a perfect system of responsibility for all public property from the period of its purchase to that of its expenditure, has been established in this office; that the returns of the surgeons, of every article, are regularly rendered and examined, and full receipts required in the case of every transfer before their accounts are settled. This with the plan of purchasing adopted, and of paying all bills without advancing money absolutely precludes the possibility of fraud, extravagance or undue expenditure. It may also be remarked, that during the last four years, our military hospitals have been regularly and abundantly furnished with every article of furniture, medicine, stores, etc., necessary for the comfort, convenience, and recovery of the sick, to which as well as to the skill and attention of the surgeons, the quarterly reports bear ample testimony." 126 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV PART III. From the reorganization of the Corps in 1821, to the Declaration OF War against Mexico. The history of the Medical Corps during the period now to be considered is not an eventful one ; yet probably at no time were the duties devolving upon it so arduous and irksome, or performed under such discouraging circumstances. The long series of years in which the government was engaged in the contests with the Seminole and Creek Indians gave constant occupation to many medi- cal officers at unhealthy stations in the cypress swamps and everglades of Florida, but their reports pertain rather to the medical statistics of the army, (which have already been published) than embrace any points of interest in connection with its history. The organization of the Corps being satisfactorily arranged, there was but little legislation in its behalf during the next twenty years. The pages which follow, will consequently be chiefly devoted to a con- sideration of the congressional legislation for the Department, with such extracts from orders, reports, and returns received and issued during the period, as may seem of historical interest, or be useful for future reference. The act of Congress for the reduction of the army, was passed on the second of March, 1821. By its provisions '' The Military Peace Establish- ment of the United States," was fixed at four regiments of artillery, seven of infantry, the corps of engineers and of topographical engineers, with such general and staff officers as were nec&ssary. Regimentjil surgeons and mates were dispensed with, and the offices of the assistant surgeon general, apothecary general, and assistant apothecary abolished. Section x defined the future Medical Staff as follows : ^^ And be it further enacted, That the medical department shall consist of one surgeon general, eight surgeons with the compensation of regimental surgeons, and forty-five assistant surgeons, with the compensation of post surgeons." In arranging the medical officers in compliance with the terms of this bill, Assistant Surgeons General Watkins and Bronaugh, Apothecary General Le Barron, and the two assistant apothecaries were discharged. The regimental surgeons were transferred to the General SUifF as surgeons, and the post sur- geons and regimental surgeon's mates were arranged as assistant surgeons to the FROM 1821 TO 1846. . 127 number allowed by law. Four post surgeons, viz : Benjamin Waterhouse, John H. Sackett, William P. Marshall and William Sterne, and two regimental sur- geon's mates, viz : Robert McMillan and Henry Stevenson, were discharged ; the two latter were, however, subsequently reappointed assistant surgeons. The following table of estimates for the Medical Department for the year 1822 will show the economy of management which existed at that period: For Instruments, - - - - Medicines, . _ . _ Hospital Stores, _ . _ Bedding, .... Dressings, - . . . Furniture for Dispensaries, - - . Stationery, .... Medical Books, - . . . Vaccine Matter, - - - - Store Rent, . . . . Printing and Ruling Books, Repairing Instruments, _ _ . Boxes, Casks, etc., ... Porters, Cartage, etc.. Citizen Physicians, - - - Medicines, etc., supplied by them, Extra supplies for loss, miscarriage, etc., Expense of sick soldiers for lodging, etc., - Total estimate. Probable balance after paying all bills of 1821, Appropriation required for 1822, To this should be added the following estimate of the expenses of the Surgeon Greneral's Office: For Clerk hire, ----- Wood (15 Cords at 6 dollars per cord), - Stationery, Printing blanks, etc., - . - Contingencies, - - - - Total, - - $1,540 00 This was an average of about two dollars and fifty cents per man, for each soldier in service, being less than it had ever been since the organization of the army, notwithstanding that the extra expenses of the new establishment were $4,450 per annum. During the next few years the appropriations averaged from twenty-five to thirty thousand dollars, being expended for essentially the same items as are noted in the above table. $2,130 00 6,500 00 8,620 00 3,888 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 500 00 300 00 300 00 1,000 00 600 00 250 00 1,200 00 400 00 2,500 00 800 00 3,000 00 600 00 $34,988 00 12,000 00 22,988 00 $1,150 00 90 00 150 00 100 00 50 00 r 4 128 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY At this time the whole country was divided into two militai-y departments ; the western, comprising all west of a line drawn from the southernmost point of East Florida to the northwest extremity of Lake Superior, taking in the whole of Tennessee and Kentucky, and the eastern all east of that line. The troops were healthy in the eastera division, except at Forts Severn and Moultrie, but in the western, which embraced the Gulf posts, yellow and malarial fevers, and diarrhoea were very prevalent, so much so in fact as to attract the attention of the General-in-Chief, who on the tenth of May, 1823, issued the following order : 'ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, May 10, 1823. Obpebs, No. 32. The Major General has also noticed with great solicitude, the number of sick which have been and continue to be reported in some of the regiments. To preserve the health of the troops is an object of the highest importance, and experience proves that it can only be attained at some of the Southern posts by the greatest care and attention. To ensure it however, more eflFectually, the com- manding officers of Departments are directed, as they may deem expedient, to cause the temporary removal of any of the garrisons and their encampment during the hot and sickly months, at such positions in the vicinity of their respective posts, as may be less exposed to the prevailing diseases of that season. By order of Major General Brown." The question of the choice of quarters having again been brought to the notice of the Department, General Orders, No. 36, of this same year directed, that " in the selection of quarters, Surgeons shall have choice next after Majors, Assistant Surgeons who have served ten years, with Captains, those who have served five years, with First Lieutenants, and those who have served less than five years, with Second Lieutenants." In 1825 a new edition of the Medical Regulations was issued. It was, however, essentially the same as that of 1818, the alterations being chiefly in phraseology so as to conform to the new designation of the medical officers. The duties assigned to the Assistant Surgeons General in the regulations of 1818, were given to Medical Directors of Departments, and those of the Apothecary General and his assistants, to the officers who might be detailed in the Purveying Department. The only important addition was a paragraph to the effect that in future no person should receive an appointment as assistant surgeon until after examination by a board c>f three medical officers, to be detailed by the Surgeon General, but it does not seem that this was put into practical operation until aftr the issue of General Orders, No. 58, of July 7, 1832, which defined the requisites for appointment; at least there are no records FROM 1821 TO 1846. 129 of the appointment of any boards previous to that time. From the time of the reorganization of the army in 1821, all persons desiring appointment as medical officers made application to the Secretary of War, through the Surgeon General, enclosing certificates of their being licensed to practice by some respect- able medical association or college. Where there were a large number of applicants, preference was usually given to those who came from states from which none had been previously chosen. Thus in February, 1826, a certain Doctor Benedict having applied for the position of assistant surgeon was notified that there were upwards of one hundred applications on file, of which one- fourth were from New York, and that as the applicant was from that state, there would be no prospect of a favorable consideration of his claim. About the same time a gentleman from Connecticut was informed that as he was the only applicant from that state, his desires would be favorably entertained on the occurrence of a vacancy. The only other important addition to the regula- tions was a clause that surgeons and assistant surgeons might be appointed Judge Advocates of General Courts-Martial, but were not eligible for detail as members of either general, garrison or regimental courts. Up to the close of 1825 there had been no definite rule relative to the assignment of medical officers to duty, and as many of the southern and western posts were very undesirable as compared with those at the north, there were continual applications for changes of station which embarrassed the Surgeon General, and rendered some fixed regulation on the subject advisable. There was so much dissatisfaction in the Corps about this matter, that on the fourteenth of November the Surgeon General addressed the following letter to the Secretary of War: "SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, November 14, 1825. Sir: In consequence of the frequent applications from the surgeons for change of station, the difficulty of deciding upon their several cases, and the discontent of many of those whose requests cannot be complied with, or who are removed from their posts, I have to propose that some permanent regulation be established on the subject. The following is believed to be the least objectionable, both in reference to the sur- geons and the public service, viz: That the senior surgeons and assistant surgeons shall respectively have choice of stations, on written application through the Surgeon General, specifying the posts preferred ; but no surgeon can claim the right of removal from any post or section of country, unless he shall have served there for two suc- cessive years, nor any one be liable to removal from his post on such application, unless he shall have been stationed there for the same period. As several changes will probably take place on the first establishment of this regulation, which the limited number of medical officers may render inconvenient, it is recommended that no case be decided on until six months after its promulgation, in order that applications may be received from the remote posts. 9 130 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY It should also be understood, that surgeons are to be confined in their selections to such stations or regiments as have been, or may hereafter be designated. Tliese at present are West Point, New York, Fortress Monroe, and the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 0th and 7th regiments of infantry. This regulation will not of course prevent the officers of the Medical Staff from being ordered to any station where their service may be specially required, the public interest being in all cases paramount to the convenience of individuals. Respectfully, etc., JOSEPH LOVELL, Surgeon General'' In accordance with this .sujjg^^estion the following order was issued by the War Department: "ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, December 14, 1825. Obdkks, No. 84. I. Senior surgeons and assistant surgeons shall respectively have choice of sta- tions on written application through the Surgeon General, specifying the regiment or post preferred ; but no surgeon or assistant can claim the right of removal from any post or station of country, unless he shall have served there for two successive years; nor shall any one be liable to removal from his post on such application, unless he shall have been stationed there for the same period. II. This regulation shall not be construed as to prevent the competent authority from ordering officers of the Medical Staff to any station where their services may be specially required. By order of Major Genekal Brown." Immediately after the promulgation of this order the Surgeon General issued the following circular to the Medical Staff: "SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, December Iti, 1825. Sir: I am directed by the Secretary of War to transmit a copy of the regulation of the 14th inst., and to state that it will not be acted on until six months after promulgation, in order that applications may be received from those stationed at the remote posts. Each surgeon and assistant surgeon will specify several regiments or posts in the order in which he may prefer them, as the same station may be applied for by more than one. The necessary changes will be made as soon after the expiration of the period above mentioned as the number of the Medical Staff and the exigencies of the service will permit, the senior applicant always having the preference under similar circumstances. I am also directed to state that the surgeons will be confined in their selections to West Point, Fortress Monroe, and the regiments of infantry ; but it will of course depend upon the distribution of the troops for the time being, to which regiments they shall be attached, there not being a sufficient number to supply the whole. The assistant surgeons will be assigned as follows: To Forts Sullivan, Preble, Constitution, Independence, Trumbull, Wolcott, Wood, Columbus, Lafayette, Delaware, FROM 1821 TO 1846. 131 McHenry. Washington, Monroe, Johnson, Moultrie, St. Philip, Armstrong, Crawford, Snelling, Howard and Niagara, the Arsenals at Pittsburgh, Richmond and Augusta, Savannah, St Augustine, New Orleans, Petites Coquilles, Mackinac, Detroit and Sackett's Harbour each one. To Fort Brady, the first and sixth infantry each two; the fourth and seventh infantry each three; subject however to such alterations as may be made necessary by changes in the position of the troops. The persons newly appointed or promoted will be ordered to the post or station which shall have become vacant, unless it may have been previously applied for, or the public interest renders a different arrangement advisable. And every surgeon and assistant surgeon will be liable at all times to receive orders for any post which he may have designated unless he shall have withdrawn his application. Respectfully, etc., JOSEPH LOVELL, Surgeon General.^^ Two trials by court-martial which took place about this time excited gene- ral interest among the members of the Medical Staff, involving as they did questions of the gravest consequence as to the responsibilities of surgeons in the performance of official duties, and the jurisdiction of courts-martial com- posed of non-professional individuals over questions purely surgical in their character. The facts of one case were as follows : On the second of July, 1825, Lieutenant E. B. G , second infantry, reported himself to Doctor Beaumont, post surgeon at Fort Niagara, with the request that he would examine his arm, as it was so sore he could not wear his uniform coat. He had been bled on the twenty-first of June and returned to duty, but neglecting to perform it complaints were made to the commanding officer, which resulted in his again reporting sick on the date above mentioned. Doctor Beaumont could find nothing the matter with his arm, and told him so, but as he insisted on being taken on sick report, this was done. Nevertheless, two days after he was well enough to go with a large party on an excursion from the post, but on the sixth of July again reported sick. The surgeon, suspect- ing that he was malingering, gave him a mixture composed of twenty grains of calomel and six of tartar-emetic ; but finding him out in a rain storm the same afternoon, struck him from sick report and reported him to the commanding officer. He was then placed in arrest and tried on the charge of malingering and neglect of duty. Doctor Beaumont testified to all the facts as above narrated, as did also others who were cognizant of them, and the court found him guilty and sentenced him to be dismissed the service. The President disapproved the action of the court, and in his review of the proceedings ani- madverted in very severe terms on the conduct and testimony of Doctor Beaumont. On the eighth of May, 1826, the latter applied for a Court of Inquiry, but this being refused, in the following fall he published a pamphlet to 132 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY the army, in which he stated all the circumstances of the case, and vindicated himself from the strictures contained in General Orders, No. 9, February 18, 1826, promulgating the proceedings of the Court -Martial on Lieutenant G . In this appeal, after detailing the facts of his connection with G and recapitulating the evidence given before the court, he thus defends the propriety of his giving the emetico-cathartic, a circumstance which had formed the basis of the President's strictures in his review of the proceedings : " Resolved never to be made the tacit medium of deception, nor the convenient organ of official falsehood, I determined neither to let the case pass unnoticed, or waive my duty of making a correct report to the commanding officer. Viewing this case as novel and unprecedented, artfully calculated to evade proof, and requiring more than ordinary means and management for detection, I consulted my duty to government and my professional character only and at once resolved upon the course to be pursued, fully aware of the delicacy and difficulties of deciding judiciously upon the first case of feigned sickness in an officer, that had ever occurred within the sphere of my official duty. I assumed the responsibility considered the case adopted my plan of treatment, which was to soothe his agitation threw him off his guard by affecting to believe his declaration ; prescribing at the same time an emetico-cathartic of well-known, infallible and decided effects, when taken. The first in two minutes com- pletely removed his agitation, which was the single and only apparent deviation from perfect and tranquil health ; the medicine I left with him to take at discretion, should his non-descript sensations continue, which bye the bye, never after happened to be observable, until the time of his trial; the medicine I am confident was not taken, never having been in the least visible upon close observation for two days. * * * * Whether the plan adopted, either in a moral or professional point of view be justi- fiable or not, I leave for medical men, and candid judges to decide; it was salutary, and had the intended eflfect of returning Lieut. G to his duty without prejudice to his health- or constitution; neither is it of very great moment with me, whether a successful experiment be of less or more than doubtful propriety, that speedily restores a soldier from the sick report to the effective service of the government, be he private, non-com. OT commissioned of&cer ; neither do I think it of very great consequence, whether it be done secundem artem, secundem naturam, or terrorem, provided it be well done. It may not be amiss here to remark, that so far from having administered a medicine of violent operation to a man whom I then believed (and have ever since) to be in full health, I neither required Lt. G to take, believed he did take, or had any intention of taking the medicine left with him ; but on the contrary believe he studied to deceive by pretending to have taken it, and then representing its eflFects ; it was impossible to prove he did not feel those strange indescribable sensations; but I know he could not disguise the eflFects of the medicine if taken with this view I prescribed the calomel and emetic tartar ; neither was he receiving my professional advice, inas- much as I had offered him none, either medical, or political, therefore it must have been close observatioti and my Morning Report of the 8th of July, that tested his dis- position and the insincerity of his complaints. And no consideration can ever warp my mind from its fixed principles of acting honestly and independently in the discharge of its relative duties. Should I again, a hundred times be placed in a similar situation, I would do as in this case I have done ; FROM 1821 TO 1846. 133 fearless of censure, reproach, or temporary discredit regai'ding far more the sanctity of an oath, than either the applause, or disapprobation of the highest earthly tribunal considering Integrity, Faithfulness and Fidelity to my God, my Conscience and my Country paramount to every other consideration." The second case is of interest, being the trial of a medical officer on charges of malpractice in the performance of his ordinary professional duties, and so far as the public records show, the only one occurring in the history of the Corps. On the fifth of March, 1827, Assistant Surgeon T S. B was arraigned before a General Court-Martial, convened at Fort Howard, Wisconsin, on the following charges and specifications : "Charge I. Malpractice, and incompetency to the practical duties of his profession. Specification \st. In this; that on or about the 9th day of February, 1827, at, or near Fort Howard, Green Bay, Michigan Territory, Assistant Surgeon T S. B , U. S. Army, did improperly and injudiciously apply to the left leg and thigh of private John Mackay, "H" company, 2nd U. S. Infantry, the splints and dressings commonly used by surgeons for fractures of the thigh and leg, to wit: First, the com- mon bandage, pads, straps, and two rigid splints below the knee ; Secondly, three long splints four inches wide and four lines thick, extending from the hip and pro- jecting beyond the heel, closely confined by strings, with counter-extending straps drawn painfully tight round the ankle of said leg, and firmly fastened to the project- ing ends of these long splints, the upper end of which pressed so forcibly against the flesh and bones of the pubis and hip joint as to occasion great distress for two days or more, when there was no occasion for any splints, there being no other injury done to the said limb, than that of a simple contusion of the muscles and skin of the leg; thereby clearly showing his want of correct practical knowledge, and incompetency to the duties of his profession. Specification 2nd. In this; that on or about the 9th day of February, 1827, at, or near Fort Howard, Green Bay, Michigan Territory, the said Assistant Surgeon T S. B , having had sufficient time and ample opportunity for examination and reflection upon the nature and extent of an injury done to the left leg of private John Mackay, "H" company, 2nd U. S. Infantry, aforesaid, by the kick of an ox, or ^ otherwise, on or about the 8th day of February, 1827, did contrary to every rule of operative surgery, and the principles of modern practice, then and there wrongfully apply to the left leg and thigh of private John Mackay, aforesaid, and did uselessly and unnecessarily keep the said leg and thigh rigidly and painfully confined in the splints and bandages commonly used by surgeons for a fnactured thigh and leg, for two days or more, merely for a simple contusion of the skin and muscles of the leg, thereby occasioning unnecessary pain and distress to said private John Mackay, and disclosing gross ignorance of the practice of surgery, and manifest incompetency to the duties of his profession. Specification Srd. In this ; that on or about the 9th day of February, 1827, at, or near Fort Howard, Green Bay, Michigan Territory, said Assistant Surgeon T S. B , did erroneously apply to, and rigidly and painfully confine the left ankle and foot of private John Mackay, aforesaid, in straps and bandages so tightly drawn around the said ankle, for two days or more (under the pretence of extending the muscles of said leg, as is usual with surgeons in oblique fractures of the bones) as to cause much pain and an obstinate stiffness and lameness of the said ankle joint, for 134 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY two or three months or more, when there was not the least occasion for such pinictice, there being no other injury done to said limb than that of a simple contusion of the flesh upon the shin, thereby occasioning unnecessary pain and distress to the saitl John Mackay, aforesaid, from mere incompetence in the said Assistant Surgeon T S. B , aforesaid, to form a correct judgement of the said injury, or to apply the proper means of relief. Specification Ath. In this; that he, the said Assistant Surgeon T S. B , U. S. A., on or about the 8th day of February, 1827, at, or near Fort Howard, Green Bay, Michigan Territory, did injudiciously fipply to the neck and face of Private John Mackay, "H" company, 2nd U. S. Infantry, a piece of rigid pasteboard, six or eight inches long and three or four inches wide, the upper edge embracing the under jaw from ear to ear, and the other edge pressing upon the breast, and did there rigidly and worse than uselessly, confine it two days or more, to the pain and inconvenience of said Mackay, when there was no sufficient reason for so dressing him. Charge II. Neglect of duty. Specification l^ In this; that on or about the 8th day of February, 1827, at, or near Fort Howard. Green Bay, Michigan Territory, Assistant Surgeon T S. B , U. S. A., did neglect properly to examine an injury done by the kick of an ox, or otherwise, to the limbs of private John Mackay, "H" company, 2nd U. S. Infantry, on or about the 8th day of February, 1827, and did also neglect to ascertain the real nature and extent of said injury, or to apply the proper means and dressings for the relief of the said John Mackay, aforesaid, thereby failing to administer the necessary surgical aid, and neglecting the duty required of him as a surgeon. Specification 2nd. In this; that on or about the 9th day of February, 1827, at, or near Fort Howard, Green Bay, Michigan Territory, Assistant Surgeon T S. B aforesaid, after having had sufficient time, and ample opportunity to ascertain the nature and extent of an injury done to pinvate John Mackay, " H"' company, 2nd U. S. Infantry, by the kick of an ox, or otherwise, on the 8th day of Febiiuiry, 1827, did neglect properly to examine the said injury, and did fail to apply the means of relief required of him as assistant surgeon, in consequence of which neglect and failure the said John Mackay suffered much unnecessary pain ani[ay, Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, a proper reference to the services of the Medical Staff was inadvertantly omitted. I beg leave, therefore, to offer this supple- mentary statement. It is due to Surgeon Wright and Assistant Surgeons Porter, UeLeon and Madison to say that their professional aid was required early in the action of the eighth instant, and that the number of wounded soon called for their unceasing attention. I am happy to bear testimony that the devotion of these officers to the 12 178 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY wounded under their care, was conspicuous during the day and through the entire night. In the action of the ninth, Doctors Wright and Porter were again present and passed a second sleepless night in the performance of their arduous duties. Their eflForts to alleviate pain and suffering were as benevolent as they were untiring; serv- ing with equal kindness and zeal our army and the large number of the enemy's wounded that fell into our hands. I have the honor to be, etc., W. G. BELKNAP, Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding First Brigade. ^^ When General Taylor moved his amiy across the river and occupied Mata- moras, a hospital was established at Fort Brown under charge of Assistant Surgeon L. C McPhail, and on the twenty-fifth of June a general hospital was opened in Matamoras, and placed in charge of Surgeon J. J. B. Wright. Meanwhile, a body of troops occupied Reynosa, Mexico, about a hundred miles up the river, where the hospital was attended by Assistant Surgeon Laub, who on the arrival of the main army at Camargo in August, joined that body, having been relieved by Assistant Surgeon Wotherspoon. Early in September the purveying depot at Point Isabel was moved to Camargo, which was established by General Taylor as his base of supplies on the march to Monterey. On the departure of the army, Assistant Surgeon Wells in addition to his duty as purveyor, was given the general direction of all the hospitals, regular and volunteer, in and around Camargo. In this portion of his duties he was relieved in November by Surgeon G. F. Turner. The battle of Monterey was fought on the twenty-third of September. Of the conduct of the medical officers in this action, General Taylor thus speaks in his official report : " Surgeon Craig, Medical Director, was actively employed in the important duties of his department, and the Medical Staif generally were unremitting in their attentions to the numerous wounded ; their duties with the regular regi- ments being rendered uncommonly arduous by the small number serving in the field." General Worth, in reporting the operations of his division, says: "In common with the entire division, my particular thanks are due tb Assistant Surgeons Porter (senior), Byrne, Conrad, DeLeon and Roberts, Medical Department, who were ever at hand in the close fight, promptly administering to the wounded and suflPering soldier." While these events were transpiring with the main army, a column of troops marched from Leavenworth, Kansas, to Santa F6, to occupy the territory of New Mexico. The medical officers who accompanied this expedition were Surgeon S. G. I. De Camp, Medical Director, Assistant Surgeons J. S. Griffin and R. F. Simpson. In September a body of troops was collected at San Antonio, Texas, under command of General Wool, destined for the invasion of DURING THE MEXICAN WAR. 179 Chihuahua. Surgeon Lyman Foot was - assigned as Medical Director of this ai-my, but was soon after relieved on account of ill health, and Assistant Sur- geon C. M. Hitchcock, who was at the time Medical Purveyor at San Antonio, was appointed Medical Director, and Assistant Surgeon John C. Glen, Medical Purveyor. The latter was also placed in charge of the general hospital. This column consisted of portions of the first and second dragoons, fourth artillery and sixth infantry, besides Kentucky and Illinois volunteers. The other regu- lar medical officers were Assistant Surgeon Josiah Simpson, in charge of the sixth infantry and Kentucky volunteers, and Assistant Surgeon W. Levely, in charge of the dragoons and artillery. There were also several volunteer sur- geons and citizen physicians. They left San Antonio in the last week in September, and marched to Presidio del Norte. Surgeon General Lawson in his annual report to the Secretary of War, dated November 9, 1846, thus speaks of the services of the medical officers in the campaign which closed with the capture of Monterey: "The officers of the Medical Staff serving with the several army corps employed against the enemy have participated largely in the toils, the privations and the dangers of the field, with their associates-in-arms of the line of the army. The services of those, with Medical Director Craig at their head, attached to the Army of Occupation, have been more conspicuously brought to our notice; and it is but justice to say that they have been found present wherever their honor and their duty called them, nobly fulfilling in every particular their obligations to their country. Those gallant spirits led on by Major General Taylor, always in the presence of the enemy and frequently in conflict with him, have necessarily afforded ample scope for their exercise and judgment in practical surgery ; and the ability which the med- ical officers have displayed, and the unremitting attention they have bestowed on the sick and wounded soldier (the enemy included) have called forth a willing tribute of respect, and the grateful acknowledgments of all who have experienced or witnessed the results of their humane efforts and practical skill." It will be necessary now to look back a little and ascertain what measures were taken by the government to supply the additional demand for medical officers caused by the great increase of troops at the seat of war. An act of May 13, 1846, called for fifty thousand volunteers, to be apportioned ^ro rata among the diiFerent states ; these were supplied with medical officers on the basis of one surgeon and one assistant surgeop to each regiment called into service by the act of June 18th, all such medical officers to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. No increase was made during this year in the regular Corps, although its necessity was urged by the Surgeon General in several communications to the Secretary of War. The examining board for this year consisted of Surgeons Mower, Steinecke and McDougall, and met in New York city on the first of July. Sixty-three applicants were invited to 180 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY present themselves for examination ; forty-three of these appeared, of whom three were rejected for physical disqualifications, fifteen retired without exami- nation, and of the remainder eight received a favorable report. After the battle of Monterey, geperal hospitals for each of the divisions of the army were established in that city. That at St. Joseph's Island was broken up and Surgeon Hawkins with the remaining sick and wounded removed to Matamoras. On the twenty-fourth of October, Surgeon C A. Finley arrived at Monterey and by virtue of seniority relieved Surgeon Craig as Medical Director of the army. About the middle of November the column under General Wool which had been destined for Chihuahua, was ordered to join the main army and arriving at the town of Parras was henceforth known as the Second Division of the Army of Invasion. Assistant Surgeon Hitchcock was detached fi-om the division at Agua Nueva and ordered to Saltillo as Purveyor, Assistant Surgeon Josiah Simpson relieving him of his duties as Medical Director. This position the latter soon after relinquished to accompany the sixth infantry on its march to join Worth's division, destined for Vera Cruz, and Doctor Hitchcock once more assumed its duties. About this same time the city of Tampico was captured by the naval forces, and immediately occupied by our troops under command of Colonel Belton. Of this command Assistant Surgeon John M. Cuyler was the chief medical officer. The end of the year 1846 found the army of General Taylor occupying Saltillo as its advanced station, with one division at Parras and the head-quar- ters at Monterey. General Scott at this time was at Brazos Santiago organizing the expedition against Vera Cruz by way of Tampico and Lobos Island. For this purpose in January Twiggs' division was detached fi"om General Taylor's army and ordered to Tampico, and Worth with his division to the mouth of the Rio Grande. On the first of February (as near as can now be ascertained) the following was the distribution of the medical officers serving with the army : Surgeon P. H. Craig had again relieved Surgeon Finley as Medical Director of General Taylor's army, the latter having left the country on leave on account of his health. At Monterey the general hospital was in charge of Surgeon N. S. Jarvis, with Assistant Surgeon B. M. Byrne as his assistant. At Camargo, Surgeon Turner was in charge of the purveying depot and Assistant Surgeon S. P. Moore of the post hospital. At Matamoras, the general hospital was in charge of Surgeon J. J. B. Wright, who had on duty with him Assistant Sur- geons McPhail and Holden, and Assistant Surgeon J. F. Head in charge of the post hospital at Fort Brown. The general hospital at Point Isabel remained in charge of Surgeon R. C. Wood and Assistant Surgeon J. W. Russell. At Saltillo Assistant Surgeon C. M. Hitchcock was on duty as Medical Director of DURING THE MEXICAN WAR. 181 the Second Division, and Assistant Surgeons Madison, Levely and Prevost were attached to regiments. At Tampico, Surgeon B. F. Harney was Medical Direc- tor, Surgeon Satterlee was in charge of the garrison, composed of portions of the second, third and fourth artillery, and Surgeon Tripler was with the second infantry. Assistant Surgeons Cuyler, Mills, Steiner and Newton were also on duty with troops at this place. Surgeon Hawkins and Assistant Surgeons Simons and Edwards were on duty with General Taylor's army at or near Monterey, and the following officers were either en route or under orders to join the forces which were to rendezvous at Lobos Island for the capture of Vera Cruz : Surgeons McLaren and Porter and Assistant Surgeons Suter, Laub. J. Simpson, DeLeon, Barnes, Wotherspoon, Keeney and Roberts. These officers were changed so frequently from one regiment or hospital to another during the rapidly shifting scenes of the war, that it is not possible now to give the exact duty to which each was assigned at any particular time ; it is desira- ble, however, to place on record the names of those officers who took part in this victorious campaign, and hence the foregoing and other lists are given, imperfect as they may be in their details. In December, 1846, Surgeon General Lawson left Washington for -New Orleans on official business. On his arrival in the latter city he was invited by General Scott to accompany him on his projected campaign in Mexico, as chief of his Medical Staff, an invitation which was promptly accepted, and in Febru- ary, 1847, he departed with him for Lobos Island. During his absence from Washington, Surgeon H. L. Heiskell performed the duties of Surgeon General. On the eleventh of February, Congress passed an act " To raise for a limited time an additional military force and for other purposes." This act provided for the raising for the war of ten additional regiments (nine of infan- try and one of cavalry) to be added to the regular army. Each regiment was to be entitled to one surgeon and two assistant surgeons ; to be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate in the same manner as those of the permanent establishment, and to take rank with them as long as they were retained in service. In addition, the increase of the Corps, which the Surgeon General had strongly urged a number of times, was authorized by the eighth section : ^' And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States is hereby authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint two addi- tional surgeons, and twelve additional assistant surgeons 'in the regular army of the United States, subject to the provisions of an act entitled 'An act to increase and reg- ulate the pay of the surgeons and assistant surgeons of the army, approved June 30, 1834;' and that the officers whose appointment is authorized by this section, shall receive the pay and emoluments of officers of the same grades respectively ; and that 182 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY < the rank of officers of the Medical Department of the army shall be arranged on the same basis which at present determines the amount of their pay and emoluments; Provided, That the medical officers shall not in virtue of such rank be entitled to com- mand in the line or other staif departments of the army." The fifth section of this act provided, " That the said officers, musicians and privates, authorized by this act, shall immediately be discharged from the service of the United States at the close of the war with Mexico." On the conclusion of peace, however, it was found that by the acquisition of California and New Mexico the number of additional posts to be garrisoned was, so great, that a proportionately large medical staff was necessary, and on the nineteenth of July, 1848, the following clause was passed in " An act to amend an act entitled, ' an act supplemental to an act entitled, an act providing for the prose- cution of the existing war between the United States and the republic of Mexico' and for other purposes," which was as follows : '* And be it further enacted, That so much of said act passed on the eleventh of February, 1847, as requires the discharge hi the close of the war with Mexico, of two additional surgeons and twelve ad(jlitional assistant surgeons, as authorized by the eighth section of the said act, * * * * be and the same is hereby repealed ; Provided, that no vacancy happening under the provisions so repealed shall be filled up, until further authorized by law." A most important clause in the act of February 11, 1847, waa that which gave definite rank to medical officers. The Surgeon General and the officers of the Department had always claimed such rank, by virtue of the laws giving them the pay and emoluments of officers of cavalry of certain grades, but the concession had not been generally made throughout the army, and hence medical officers were often placed in disagreeable positions, such as grew out of contro- versies similar to the one noted already in reference to their position on boards of survey. The medical officers neither claimed nor desired any right to com- mand outside of their own department; they did demand the right to be supreme within it, and to be recognized as something more than mere civilian employees of the government authorized by courtesy to wear a uniform. The bill only placed them on an equality with the other staff departments of the army, and gave no jurisdiction to medical officers which they did not feel they had a right to exercise. As soon as possible after the passage of this act, a medical board met in New York city, to examine candidates for appointment. The members were Surgeons Mower, Finley and Steinecke, and Assistant Surgeon Southgate, recorder. One hundred and three persons were invited to present themselves for examination ; of these fifty-eight appeared. Five were rejected for defec- tive physical or moral qualifications, eight withdrew without examination, thirty- DURING THE MEXICAN WAR. 183 four failed to pass the board, and eleven were found qualified and received a favorable report. As a general hospital for the sick and wounded arriving in New Orleans from the seat of war was much needed, the barracks and adjoining buildings in the vicinity of that city were fitted up for this purpose and placed in charge of Assistant Surgeon W. J. Sloan and subsequently the hospital and barracks at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, were devoted to the same purpose under direction of Assistant Surgeon A. W. Kennedy. On the twenty-third of February the battle of Buena Vista, four miles from Saltillo, was fought. The severely wounded were sent to general hospital at Saltillo while trifling injuries were treated in the regimental hospitals. Surgeon Craig, the Medical Director, was not present at this action, having been detailed elsewhere on special duty by Greneral' Taylor's orders. He arrived on the field of battle, however, the following morning and rendered efiicient service in superintending the removal of the wounded. During the action the direction of the hospital devolved on Assistant Surgeon C. M. Hitchcock, as the next officer in rank. Greneral Taylor in his official report thus speaks of the services of the medical officers : "The Medical Staif under the able direction of Assistant Surgeon Hitchcock, were assiduous in their attentions to the wounded upon the field and in their careful removal to the rear. Both in these respects and in the subsequent organization and service of the hospitals, the administration of this department -was everything that could be wished." General Wool in the report of the operations of his division, says : "Surgeons Hitchcock, Levely, Hensly, Price, Roane, Madison, Peyton, Herrick, Roberts and Glen, for their devotion to the wounded of the Mexican Army, as well as those of our own are entitled to my highest praise." It is gratifying also to be able to record the following opinion of a distin- guished officer who was present at the battle, and wrote a history of it. It is taken from Carleton's " History of the battle of Buena Vista :" "Of the Medical Staff, there were on the field Doctor Hitchcock, Doctor Madison, Doctor Levely and Doctor Prevost. The courageous manner in which these gentlemen passed along the lines and rendered assistance to the wounded, oftentimes at the moment they fell ; the positions of imminent peril to which they cheerfully and at all times hurried whenever their professional services were required on the instant ; the care with which they had those who were struck borne to the rear, and subsequently carried to Saltillo, and their assiduity in attending on them day and night, gained for them the unqualified praise of the whole army." Some months after the battle, General Wool paid the following tribute to the services of Assistant Surgeon Grayson M. Prevost, in a special report, to the Secretary of War: 184 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY "CAMP BUENA VISTA, August 9, 1847. General : In my report of the battle of Buena Vista, 4th March last, I intended to name all the surgeons and assistant surgeons who were on the field of battle during the two eventful days of the twenty-second and twenty-third of February. It appears that I omitted the name of Assistant Surgeon Prevost. At the time I was not personally acquainted with him, and he was I supposed, in Saltillo, where he had been stationed. From statements recently received, it appears that he was not only on the field attend- ing to the wounded, but that he rendered me important and gallant services during the battle. Seeing me alone (my staff being all absent in endeavoring to rally the tiying troops from the field) he came to me, when I made use of him on several occa- sions to hasten up the troops, in order to attack the heavy column of Mexican lancers and infantry which had succeeded in getting to our left and rear. He also carried my orders to the Mississippi and Third Indiana regiments, to charge the enemy under the most trying circumstances a tremendous fire from the Mexicans, not only from the lancers and infantry, but from their pieces of artillery, which had been brought to bear on the right flank from the plain in front of our centre. At this time I supposed he was an ofi&cer who had just arrived, and belonged to the staff of General Taylor and called him captain. It is therefore that I would recommend Assistant Surgeon Prevost to the special notice of the Secretary of War, for his daring courage and gallant bearing on the fields of Buena Vista. I have the honor to be, etc., JOHN E. WOOL, Bbioameb General R. Jones, Brigadier General. Adjutant General, Washington." The army under Greneral Scott was assembled at Lobos Island, sixty miles south of Tampico, in the latter part of February, 1847. It was organized as follows: the regular troops (excepting the cavalry) were formed into two brigades under command of Generals Worth and Twiggs, and the volunteers into a division of three brigades, conunanded by General Patterson, the brig- ades being under the command of Generals Pillow, Quitman and Shields, respectively. After the siege of Vera Cruz the regular brigades were formed into divisions of two brigades each. On the eighth of March the army effected a landing at Sacrificios, near Vera Cruz, and the regular siege operations commenced on the tenth. During the investment the sick and wounded were treated in hospital tents by their regimental medical officers, but on the surrender of the city on the twenty-ninth of March a general hospital was established in a monastery with Surgeon John B. Porter in charge. A purveying depot was also opened under the direction of Assistant Surgeon C H. Laub. On the twenty-fifth of March, during the progress of the siege, the second dragoons, under command of Colonel Harney, had a severe skirmish with the enemy at the stone bridge of Medellin, some miles south of Vera Cruz. DURING THE MEXICAN WAR. 185 Assistant Surgeon J. K. Barnes was at the time the medical officer of the regiment, and Colonel Harney in his report of the aiFair makes special mention of him for activity and zeal in the performance of his duties. During the campaign from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico, Surgeon General Lawson was chief medical officer on the staff of General Scott, acting, however, rather in an advisory than a directing capacity. Surgeon B. F. Harney being the actual Medical Director. Surgeon R. S. Satterlee was senior surgeon to Worth's di\asion-of regulars, and Surgeon C. S. Tripler occupied the same position on General Twiggs' staff. Surgeon J. J. B. Wright was Purveyor to the army. The other medical officers were on duty with the various regular regiments. The army reached Plan del Rio, not far from Cerro Gordo, during the second week in April, and on the eighteenth the battle of Cerro Gordo was fought. In the week previous a temporary general hospital in charge of Sur- geon Cuyler was established at the Plan, which was occupied by the sick who were unable to march, and to which the wounded in the battle were sent. The day before the action the General commanding issued the following order : General Orders, No. 111. "HEAD-QUARTERS OF THE ARMY, Plan del Rio, April 17, 1847. [Extract.] As soon as it shall be known that the enemy's works have been carried or that the general pursuit has commenced, one wagon for each regiment or battery and one for the cavalry will follow the movement, to receive under the direction of the medical officers the wounded and disabled, who will be brought back to this place for treat- ment in general hospital. The Surgeon General will organize this important service and designate that hospital as well as the medical officers to be left at it. ****** By command of Ma.ior General Scott: H. L. SCOTT, Acting Assistant Adjutant General." The labors of the medical officers in this engagement were very severe. Cerro Gordo being a high hill, destitute of houses or cultivation, the surgeons were engaged for from twenty-four to thirty-six hours attending to the wounded in the open air, without any shelter. In the various official reports their con- duct is uniformly spoken of as deserving of the highest praise. Colonel Childs, of the first artDlery, thus commends the services of the medical officer of his regiment : "I beg particularly to notice the untiring attention of Assistant Surgeon Steiner to the wounded of the regiment, and to those of the enemy that fell into our hands. His professional services were in constant requisition 12* 186 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY for more than forty-eight hours." Surgeon Wright and Assistant Surgeon Keeney were also specially mentioned by their respective conmianders. In the progress of the army towards the city of Mexico general hospitals were established at Jalapa, under the charge of Surgeon McLaren, (to which the sick and wounded from Plan del Rio were moved), at the Castle of Perote, also under Doctor McLaren's charge, and at Puebla, of which Surgeon Madison Mills was in charge. For most of these hospitals large monasteries or colleges were used, but at Perote the casemates of the castle were occupied, which were so cold and damp that Surgeon McLaren advised the removal of the patients to Jalapa, at which place the hospital had been abandoned soon after its estab- lishment in consequence of the removal of the United States garrison to Puebla. The condition of the army during the period from the battle of Cerro Gordo to those of Contreras and Churubusco in August was far from satisfac- tory'. It found in the diseases of the country foes more to be dreaded than the Mexican troops. To such an extent did the command suffer from fevers, dysentery and diarrhoea, and so crowded were the hospitals that the Surgeon General called for special reports from the chief surgeons of divisions on the causes of the sickness and mortality. These reports may appropriately be introduced without abridgment, showing as they do, better than any other description, the obstacles that the medical officers had to encounter from causes beyond their jurisdiction in all their strenuous efforts to increase the efficiency of the army by prpsers'ing its health. The following is Surgeon Satterlee's report: "PUEBLA, MEXICO, July 5, 1847. Sib: In obedience to your instructions that I should report for the information of the General-in-Chief the probable causes of the great amount of sickness and mortality prevailing among the troops, I proceed to state that sufficient causes of disease exist, and have existed since and during the siege of Vera Cruz, to account for all the sick- ness that prevails; and not a few of these causes have been spoken of, both in the reports of the medical officers of the first division and in their conversations and often by them deplored. To prove the above position, it is only necessary to give a brief history of the operations and changes of the division from the time it left Vera Cruz until the present time. 1. The division-left Vera Cruz with the most limited means of transportation, not being allowed to bring even their tents; in consequence of which they have been obliged to bivouac in all situations from the 'Tiei-ra Caliente' to the cold and elevated positions of Jalapa, Ias Vegas and on the march to this place. This would under any circumstances produce diseases of the thoracic and abdominal viscera from the great change of temperature, and when it is recollected that many of the men were without DURING THE MEXICAN WAR. 187 blankets or great coats, having iniprovidently thrown them away while exposed to the scorching heat of the sun in the low country, or while hurrying to the support of the advance on the day of Cerro Gordo, I think the position will not be denied. 2. The almost total change in the character of the rations issued to the troops, while on board the transports and during the siege operations before Vera Cruz. They were almost exclusively confined to salt meat and hard bread, without vegetables so tar as I know, except beans and rice, not even the antiscorbutics allowed by regulations except in rare instances. This when the march into the country was commenced, was exchanged for fresh mutton, pork and beef (the latter always of inferior quality), and instead of the hard bread, always considered healthy when good, in several instances flour has been issued, and since our arrival at Puebla, Mexican bread, which experi- ence has taught us is not healthy, at least for us, and the unrestrained indulgence in crude and unripe fruits, and the vile liquors, both distilled and fermented. All this is without doubt a fruitful source of disease. 3. The quarters that the troops occupy are undoubtedly far from being healthy. Many of the rooms are low and damp, and almost without ventilation, and in many instances surrounded by high walls which exclude in some degree the fresh air; in other cases the men are quartered in long entries, through which there is a rush of cold air, rendered more unhealthy by having passed through damp places. In some instances the men are greatly crowded, nearly three times the number of men allowed by regulations for hot climates living in one room. Almost, if not all the quarters have thick stone walls with floors of the same material, or brick, upon which the men sleep with only a mat under them (and that but recently), and with scant covering. This the men now suffier, and did at Perote, and the first brigade and light troops of the divi- sion, while at Tepeahualco had added very bad water from brackish wells. These things, I think cannot be denied to be prolific sources of disease. 4. The unacclimated state of many of our men and their ignorance of a soldier' s life. Nearly if not quite two-thirds of some corps are recruits. In one regiment that has lost fifteen men since our arrival in Puebla, thirteen were recruits, and the char- acter of the recruits that have recently joined is of such a nature that disease and death must be expected among them. Many of them are boys entirely too young to undergo the hardships of a soldier's life, while others are old and worn out men who should never have been enlisted. 5. The great want of personal cleanliness. Many patients are received into our hospitals who probably have not washed their persons for months, and who for weeks have not changed their underclothes, and who are not only filthy but covered with vermin. This remark does not apply of course, to our old brave and faithful soldiers who are an ornament to any service, but particularly to the recruits, a great part of whom are indolent and of course filthy. Now, it is impossible for men to be healthy under such circumstances. 6. The rainy season, exposure to the warm sun in the morning and cold damp atmosphere at night, is exceedingly deleterious. 7. The great elevation of our position. The rarified air permitting no evapora- tion from the surface, the skin becomes dry and feverish as well as inactive, the natural excretions of the body are of necessity thrown upon the thoracic and abdominal viscera, the large glands from this over exertion and excitement become torpid and refuse to perform their functions, hence the great amount of bilious derangements, etc. The above statements I have drawn up in obedience to your orders. I consider them to be very plain facts open to the cognizance of the most common observer who 188 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY will take the trouble to investigate them. They are the concerted opinions of all the medical officers of the division and have often been the subject of conversation, as well as of official reports. They are submitted with the respectful consideration of Your most obedient servant, R. S. SATTERLEE, Senior Surgeon, \st Division, U. S. Army." The report of Surgeon Tripler on the same subject was as follows : "PUEBLA, MEXICO, 6th July, 1847. Sib: Agreeably to your instructions of the third instant, I called together yesterday the medical officers of the second division for the purpose of consultation, and the interchange of opinion, upon the causes of the diseases now so extensively prevailing among the troops. I have the honor to submit the result. We consider the origin of the evil, the inferior physical constitution of so many of the men that are enlisted for the service. In peace, when we have good comfortable quarters, good hospitals, abundance of clothing and bedding, and no exposure for our men, the greatest care and caution are exercised in the inspection of recruits, and it is seldom a man gains admission into the ranks who is not qualified to perform the duties of a soldier. But in war, where a still greater degree of physical vigor in the soldier is required, from the necessary privation and exposure to which he must be subjected, a relaxation in the scrutiny the recruit is submitted to, is winked at and even encouraged, with the effects of giving us armies on paper, filling our hospitals and embarrassing the operations of our Generals in the field. It is undeniable that the recruits the regiments of this division have received within the past year, have been of the most inferior description, and it is among them the greatest proportion of disease has occurred. Another cause of disease is the necessary and rapid transition of climate. It is believed that few individuals in private life make a rapid transit from one climate to another, without experiencing some disturbance of healthy function. This cause would of course operate to a greater extent among soldiers from the peculiarity of their circumstances, and it is one that cannot be obviated. Deficiency of clothing is another cause. In many and perhaps most instances, this is the fault of the soldier himself. Men will throw away their clothing on a march to relieve their knapsacks, preferring future pain, disease and death to present fatigue. This evil has prevailed extensively on the march from Vera Cruz to Puebla. Tlie sudden and violent change of habits the recruit must undergo in becoming a soldier produces an unfavorable influence upon the power of his constitution to resist disease. This cause is also irremediable. The neglect of personal cleanliness is another cause of disease. It is a fact that numbers of our men, particularly tliose reporting sick, neglect to a shameful extent such ablutions as are necessary to health. The quarters occupied by our troops are for the most part open to the weather, those which are within doors are small and ill ventilated apartments, the floors upon which the men sleep are of brick, and at least one-half on the ground floor and neces- sarily damp. This is a palpable cause of disease. It has been mitigated to some degree by the issue of mats to the men. DURING THE MEXICAN WAR. 189 The use of fresh provisions extensively no doubt occasions disturbance of the digestive organs and swells the number of our cases of diarrhoea. The imprudent use of the fruits of the climate occasions many cases and is a great impediment in the way of convalescence. It is also thought that a proper attention is not given to the cooking of the rations; that the cooks are frequently careless in the performance of their duties and that bad cooking makes a doubtful diet positively injurious. But an important reason for the increase in the number of the sick report may be found in the climatic influence. Ordinarily men when relieved of disease rapidly recover strength and flesh, and are able to return to duty. Here this is not the case, convalescence is astonishingly slow, and an improvement scarcely perceptible is made from day to day in men who do not want any further medical treatment. Of this class are most of those now on the surgeon's reports. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, CHS. S. TRIPLER, Medical Director, 2nd Division." The condition of the garrisons left on the coast was equally bad. The vomito broke out at Vera Cruz very soon after the departure of the army, and the permanent garrison and the troops arriving en route to the seat of war had suiFered severely. One medical officer, Assistant Surgeon Robert C. Wiekham, died on the thirteenth of May, and Surgeon Finley, Medical Director of the Department of Vera Cruz, Assistant Surgeons Laub, John Campbell, J. S. Battee and others had been incapacitated for duty for a large portion of the summer by attacks of yellow fever. Even those who escaped this disease suffered much from the enervating influences of the climate and became a prey to exhausting diarrhoeas, which reduced them mentally and physically. The want of medical officers was very great, and the citizen physicians obtainable for the most part adventurers who had come to Vera Cruz to see what they could pick up, and were utterly worthless. Great credit was due under these trying circum- stances to the energy and fidelity to duty of Surgeon J. B. Porter, who, though himself broken down by climatic influences, managed the general hospital with great efficiency, and in addition acted as Medical Director for a large portion of the season. The army advanced from Puebla between the seventh and tenth of August. On the twentieth the battles of Contreras and Churubusco were fought. Im- mediately previous a general hospital was established at San Augustin. The wounded of Worth's division were, however, at first taken to houses in the imme- diate vicinity of Churubusco, and afterwards removed to regimental hospitals at Tacubaya. There were also large hospitals established at San Antonio, San Angel and Mixcoac. The former was principally filled with Mexican wounded, who although they had numbers of their own surgeons to attend them showed a decided preference for our officers, and frequently refused to have their wounds 190 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY dressed by the former if they saw any prospect of being attended by an Ameri- can surgeon. The official reports of these engagements show that the medical officers performed their duty with their accustomed fidelity. General Worth writes from Tacubaya on the twenty-third of August: "The Medical Corps, consisting of Surgeons Satterlee (senior) and Wright; Assistant Surgeons Simpson, DeLeon, Simons, Holden, Roberts and Dyerle, presents claims to especial thanks and admiration ever among the most fearless and indifferent to hazard during the conflict. It is after the battle, when others seek repose, that they are found Skilfully and noiselessly fulfilling the duties of their high vocation in adminis- tering comfort to the crushed and sorrowful soldier. * * * * To Surgeon Satterlee, senior surgeon, the highest praise is due." General Twiggs reported : " The medical officers of the division, always ready to administer to the comfort of the sick and wounded were particularly active on this occasion. With no conveniences for themselves and but little shelter for the wounded, this admirable corps of officers spent the entire night exposed to the pitiless storm in dressing the wounded and alleviating their suf- ferings. I cannot do less than give their names a place in this report. Surgeons C. S. Tripler, B. Randall and J. M. Cuyler; Assistant Surgeons A. F. Suter, H. H. Steiner, C. C. Keeney and Hammond make up the number." In his report of the volunteer division General Pillow makes special mention of Assist- ant Surgeon E. Swift, who was serving with the regiment of voltigeurs, " for devoted attention to the wounded." The report* of subordinate commanders are no less commendatory. Major J. L. Gardner, of the fourth artillery, says : " To Doctor Cuyler, surgeon of the regiment, I offer my thanks for his able services, always marked by his kindness and humanity." Captain T. Morris, commanding the second infantry, speaks of the same officer : '' Surgeon Cuyler, though not attached to my regiment, attracted my attention by his energy and perseverance in following the brigade throughout the actions of San Geronino and Contreras, and for his humanity and attention to the wounded of the regiment, receives my warmest thanks. To Surgeon Tripler and Assistant Surgeon Hammond (the latter attached to the second infantry) for their prompt and able attention to the wounded, and also to Sur- geon W. J. Berry of the eleventh infantry, who very kindly and seasonably aided in attending to the wounded of the battle of the afternoon, are tendered my warmest thanks." In the report of Lieutenant Colonel Plympton, seventh infentry, it is re- marked : " Particular praise is due to Surgeon B. Randall for his zeal in following the regiment and attending to the wounded and sick." DURING THE MEXICAN WAR. 191 Captain Alexander, commanding third infantry, says : " In closing my report it gives me great pleasure to add that the wounded received, through our assist- ant surgeon, Doctor Keeney, every relief which skill and unwearied attention could ensure." Major Lee, of the fourth infantry, reports: "Assistant Surgeon James Simons of the Medical Staff was in attendance with the battalion in the zealous discharge of his duties." Colonel Judson Dimick, of the first artillery, ' calls to the notice of the Commanding Greneral the untiring attention of Assistant Surgeon H. H. Steiner to the wounded both of our army and that of the enemy. He deserves the highest reward for his unceasing exertions to alleviate their sufferings." Major Loring, of the mounted rifles, says : " The surgeon of the regiment, Doctor Suter, deserves the highest praise for his untiring exertion in behalf not only of the wounded of his own regiment but of the army at large." Similar praise is accorded to Assistant Surgeon DeLeon by Major Montgomery', of the eighth infantry. On the sixth of September the Archbishop's palace at Tacubaya, was taken for a general hospital and placed in charge of Assistant Surgeon Josiah Simpson. This was, strictly speaking, a division hospital for the sick and wounded of Worth's command, but during the ensuing engagements wounded from all portions of the army were brought here for treatment ; the hospital at Mixcoac accommodating the remainder. Two days after the establishment of this hospi- tal the battle of Molino del Rey took place. The slaughter was unprecedented for the number of men engaged. The wounded were taken to Tacubaya as rapidly as possible on stretchers and in ambulances ; but soon it became necessary to load the army wagons with the sufferers, and the jolting in these rough vehicles no doubt contributed greatly to the excessive mortality which ensued. This action possesses an especial but mournfiil interest to the Medical Staff, from the mortal wound received by one of their number. Assistant Surgeon William Roberts, who had gained during his term of service the esteem of the whole army. The writer is fortunate in being able to present an authentic statement of the circumstance through the kindness of Lieutenant Cplonel Lugenbeel, at the time adjutant of the fifth infantry. " At the battle of Molino del Rey, Doctor Roberts established his attendants in rear of the regiment in a slight hollow, so as to be protected from the fire of the enemy. When the line was formed and advanced upon the enemy I did not notice the doctor. Very soon afterwards I saw Second Lieutenant C. S. Hamilton, fifth infantry, who com- manded company 'I' of that regiment stagger, and fall as if severely wounded. As- sistant Surgeon Roberts ran up to him from the rear and after examining his wound said something to him and then started for the line of battle. I called to him to go back, but he pointed to Hamilton's company and ran on. The next I saw of him he was lying down on the field of battle with the wound in his forehead which afterwards caused his death. When I saw Hamilton I asked him about Roberts' singular conduct. 192 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY and he told me that Roberts came and examined his wound, and told him to go to the rear where his stewards and attendants were, and that he (Roberts) would run for- ward and take command of his company as it was without an officer. On the twentieth of August, at the battle of Churubusco, Roberts attempted to enter into action with the regiment in the same manner, but I was fortunately near enough to him to capture him and send him to the rear, where Worths division hos- pital was temporarily established, telling him that he was the only doctor we had and that he must not go under musketry fire. I don't think I ever saw a doctor who enjoyed a fight more than he did, and with all this pluck and go ahead courage, he was as gentle as a woman, an attentive, intel- ligent physician and a kind hearted, good man." Doctor Roberts had been two days before detailed for duty at the general hospital at Tacubaya, which was being organized by Assistant Surgeon Simpson, but he preferred duty with his regiment and obtained an order relieving him from hospital duty, and rejoined the fifth infantry but a few hours before the charge on the Molino. Aft^r he was wounded he was carried to Tacubaya and attended by Doctor Simpson, whose pen ftimishes the following interesting account of his case : " The action commenced at daybreak, and about eight o'clock in the morning Assistant Surgeon Roberts was brought to my room in the Bishop's palace wounded in the head. He was struck by a musket or escopet ball on the temporal ridge of the frontal bone, about two inches above the left supra-orbital arch, the ball glanced, fractured and carried away a portion of the frontal bone, leaving the brain exposed ; abscesses formed in the cavity of the cranium, and he died in convulsions. Assistant Surgeon Roberts received his wound in the assault made by the fifth infantry on the Casa Mata, a stone work on the enemy's right. All the officers of one company \i&y- ing been shot down, he took command and was mortally wounded in the assault. From the Bishop's palace he was moved to Mixcoac, and from there to the house of the Minister of War in the city of Mexico, near the Mineria, where he died October 13, 1847." Doctor Roberts had attracted special attention during the whole campaign by his skill as a medical officer and his personal bravery. Colonel Mcintosh of the fifth infantry, thus mentioned him in his official report of the battle of Churubusco: " His talents and zeal were not alone confined to his profession, but were displayed in a more military capacity in aiding and urging on the men to the contest." Captain Chapman, the senior officer of this regiment after the terrible conflict at Molino, reported : " Assistant Surgeon W. Roberts was again found as at S^n Antonio in the most exposed position attending to the wounded and encouraging the living to the contest. But he was not permitted to escape unhurt, and was cut down most severely wounded in the midst of his useful- ness." In the annual report to the Secretary of War of the condition of the Medical Department during the year 1847 occurs the following mention of this intrepid officer : DURING THE MEXICAN WAR. 193 "In the many conflicts with the armies of Mexico, which have reflected so much glory upon our arms and imperishable honor upon our troops, it is due to the officers of the Medical Department to say that they have ever maintained their reputation for professional skill and devotion to duty, and have uniformly elicited the unqualified praises of their respective commanders. Among the gallant spirits who have sealed their devotion to duty with their lives, the army has to mourn the loss of Assistant Surgeon Wilwam Roberts, who with another officer of the Medical Department, was wounded in the memorable battle of Molino del Rey. Although the career of Doctor Roberts was brief, he had already given evidence of high professional merit united with undaunted courage, and secured for himself the confidence and esteem of his brother officers." The "other officer" refen'ed to above was Assistant Surgeon James Simons, who was slightly wounded while " zealously and actively engaged in the dis- charge of his professional duties," attending the fourth infantry during the same action. He had sufficiently recovered to perform his duties during the subse- quent engagement at Chapultepec. Major General Worth, ever ready to acknowledge the faithful service of his medical staff, in his official report of the operations of his division at Molino, says: "It is again my gratifying duty to present to the General-in-Chief those ever faithful and accomplished medical officers Satterlee, Wright, Simp- son, Simons, Dyerle and Roberts; the last mentioned, when the men of his regiment were almost deprived of commanding officers, assumed the duties of his fallen comrades, and was desperately, probably mortally, wounded." The reports from subordinate commanders were, as at Contreras, of similar tenor. Among others the following from Colonel E. V. Sumner, commanding the second dragoons, is given because the cavalry being a separate command the reports of their operations are not found among those forwarded by the division commanders: "I have also to state that Assistant Surgeon Barnes was very assiduous in his duties and took such measures that our wounded men received prompt attention." It was found very soon after the action at Molino del Rey that the village of Tacubaya was within range of the enemy's guns from the fortress of Cha- pultepec; consequently, on the thirteenth of September, the wounded in the Archbishop's palace were removed to Mixcoac, whence they were shortly after- wards transferred to hospitals in the city of Mexico. The final battles at Chapultepec and the gates of the city of Mexico occurred on the thirteenth of September, and the city surrendered on the follow- ing day. The following is a complete list of the officers who participated in this triumph, and the duty to which they were assigned : Surgeon General Lawson, with the General-in-Chief; Surgeon B. F. Harney, Medical Director of the army. The latter officer was not actually present at the surrender, having been 13 194 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV wounded some months before, (June 6th,) while en route from Vera Cruz to the army with a detachment commanded by Colonel Mcintosh, fifth infantry. In consequence of disability resulting from his wound and subsequent indisposition he was placed in general charge of all the hospitals at Mixcoac, at which place he remained until the twenty-ninth of September. Surgeons Satterlee and Tripler, as before mentioned, were Surgeons-in-Chief of the two regular divisions, and Surgeon Wright was Medical Purveyor. The following officers were at- tached to regiments. Surgeons B. Randall, seventh infantry, and J. M. Cuyler, fourth artillery; Assistant Surgeons A. F. Suter, mounted rifles, Josiah Simp- son, sixth infantry, D. C. DeLeon, eighth infantrj', H. H. Steiner, first artillery, James Simons, fourth infantry, Joseph K. Barnes, cavalry brigade, L. H. Holden, third artillery, C C. Keeney, third infentry, J. F. Head, Ma- gruder's batter}', John F. Hammond, second infantry, J. M. Steiner. first dragoons, E. P. Dyerle, second artillery, and E. Swift, voltigeurs. Coincident with the surrender of the Mexican forces at the Capital large bodies of guerillas made demonstrations of a hostile character against our garri- son left at Puebla. Thay were subsequently reinforced by Santa Anna with several thousand troops, and the afiair soon assumed the importance of a siege. The garrison consisted of only about eight hundred men, under command of Colonel Childs, first artillery, and eighteen hundred sick, wounded and disabled in the general hospital under charge of Surgeon Madison Mills. The siege la.sted from the thirteenth of September to the fourteenth of October, taxing severely the ienergies of both officers and men by continual details day and night. The official report of Colonel Childs renders a deserved tribute to the important assistance obtained from those attached to the hospital : "To Surgeon Mills, chief of the Medical Department and to his assistants, great praise is due for their unwearied and laborious services. Left with eighteen hundred sick and limited supplies, with but six assistants, their utmost exertions were neces- sary to administer timely remedies to so many patients. Their attention to the wounded deserves my notice and thanks. These gentlemen were not only occupied in their professional duties, but the want of officers and men compelled me to make large requisitions for the defence of the hospitals on surgeons and invalids, and they were nightly on guard, marshalling their men upon the roofs and other points. To them I am greatly indebted." As soon as possible after the occupation of the city of Mexico, the sick and wounded were removed from Mixcoac and Tacubaya to buildings within the city, where division hospitals were established, the regimental surgeons attend- ing to their own patients, but under the immediate supervision of the senior surgeons of divisions, who were refjuired to visit the hospitals daily at a stated hour and give as much of their personal attention as possible to the sick and DDRING THE MEXICAN WAR. 195 wounded. These firequent movements, often in springless army wagons, had a most injurious eifect on the condition of the wounded, and when added to the cold, damp and ill-ventilated buildings occupied as hospitals, caused a very great mortality among those who had been wounded in the previous battles. On this subject Surgeon Josiah Simpson remarks in a recent communication : "The buildings used in Mexico for hospitals and barracks were entirely unsuited for either purpose, being constructed around quadrangles, with interior court and cor- ridors, to which the doors and windows opened ; built of rubble masonry, with floors mostly of brick or tile ; without chimneys ; they were deficient in light, ventilation and means of warming; cold, damp, dark and cheerless; a fruitful cause of the low forms of fever and bowel affections so prevalent among our troops." Soon after the surrender and occupation of the city Colonel Harney was ordered with a force to open communication with Vera Cruz, and in December detachments were ser\t for various purposes to Toluca, Pachuca and other towns in the interior. These opei-ations necessitated the establishment of a general hospital in the city, the ordera for which were issued on the sixteenth of December, to be carried out under the direction of Surgeon Satterlee, who on the twenty-sixth of October had relieved Surgeon Harney as Medical Director, the latter being ordered to the United States. The duty of organizing and taking charge of the general hospital was assigned to Surgeon Tripler. Assistant Surgeons DeLeon and N. L. Campbell, with several medical officers of the new regiments and of volunteers, were ordered to report for duty to Doctor Tripler, and some weeks later Assistant Surgeons J. Simpson and Cooper received similar orders. The buildings occu- pied for the purpose were those known as the Bishop's palace, the Grovernor's palace, the Iturbide palace, the Inquisition, the College of Mines, and the con- vent of Santa Isabella. Stewards, cooks and nurses were detailed from the various regiments, and all regiments sending sick to hospital were required to deposit a certain portion of their regimental hospital fund to procure for them any needed luxuries. Throughout this period the want of a sufficient number of medical officers was a great obstacle to the efficient management of the depart- ment. The number of hospitals required was very large, the extent of country occupied very great, and the officers of the regular corps were taxed to the utmost to perform all the duties required of them, especially as several had been obliged to leave the country on account of ill heath. The volunteer surgeons, with a few honorable exceptions, were inefficient; several of them had absented them- selves for a long time without permission, and the distance from the United States prevented the supply of reliable men to fill their places. An army board met in New York city on the twenty-seventh of October, consisting of Sur- geons Mower, Steinecke and Assistant Surgeon Southgate, which examined 196 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY twenty-two candidates and accepted six. These not proving sufficient for the needs of the army, another convened in the spring of 1848, composed of Surgeons Mower, Porter and Assistant Surgeon Southgate. This board passed four out of twenty-one candidates. With the close of the year 1847 active operations on the part of the Army of Invasion terminated. The early months of the ensuing year were occupied with the collection of the tax imposed on the Mexican states and the negotiations for peace. Except a few changes in the details of medical officers there was no important alteration in the condition of the Depai-tment. Surgeon Craig succeeded to the charge of the hospital at Jalapa, Surgeon Wells relieved Surgeon Wright at Vera Cruz, and Surgeon Cuyler became chief medical officer of the forces at Toluca. This uneventful condition of affiiirs did not obtain, however, at the West, to which section the attention of the country was now directed. When General Kearney marched from Santa F^, New Mexico, for California, in September, 1846, he left Surgeon De Camp in charge of the general hospital in that city, and took with him Assistant Surgeon John S. Griffin, who was the first medical officer ever stationed on the Pacific coast. Assistant Surgeon Robert Murray arrived there early in 1847, having accompanied Colo- nel Stevenson's regiment of volunteers from New York city. After the departure of General Kearney, General Sterling Price com- manded in New Mexico, and early in 1848 he conceived the idea of an invasion of Mexico, by way of El Paso del Norte. He accordingly left Santa F6 on the eighth of February, with a force of United States dragoons and some Missouri and Santa F6 volunteers, and reached the city of Chihuahua early in March. At Santa Cruz, sixty miles from Chihuahua, he had a severe, but victorious engage- ment with the enemy. The medical officei-s of the expedition were Assistant Sur- geons Richard F. Simpson and H. R. Wirtz, and are thus mentioned by General Price in his official report of the affair : " To the Medical Staff, conducted by Assistant Surgeon R. F. Simpson, I have to express my acknowledgments. The attention and ability displayed by Assistant Surgeon Simpson to our wounded on the field as well as to those of the enemy after the action has won for him admiration and esteem from both armies." On the fifth of March, 1848, the armistice provided for by the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo went into effect. Subsequent military operations were only against the guerilla bands which infested the routes of communication to the Capital, and immediate steps were taken for the abandonment of the country by the American forces. A board consisting of the ranking medical officers in the city, met to advise a plan for the removal of the troops with the least danger to life in passing through the unhealthy regions bordering DURING THE MEXICAN WA^. 197 on the coast. Their recommendations were that the troops should be marched towards the coast until the border's of the " Tierra Caliente" were reached, and then halted until it was positively ascertained that transports were in readiness at Vera Cniz to receive them; that these transports should be anchored in stream and allowed no communication with the shore, and that every thing being ready for embarkation, the troops should be rapidly marched through the " Tierra Caliente," and on reaching the city of Vera Cruz should be embarked imme- diately on tug boats and transported to the vessels in the stream, without a moment's delay in the city. Unfortunately this excellent advice was not follow- ed, and as will be seen hereafter, disastrous results in more than one instance occurred. On the fifth of April orders were issued providing for the selection of six hundred men from the wounded and chronic cases in the general hospitals in the city of Mexico, and two hundred from that at Puebla, and their removal to Jalapa under charge of Surgeons Craig and Tripler. Assistant Surgeons J. Simpson, N. L. Campbell, Ryer and Wheaton were assigned to duty with this expedition. The general hospital at Vera Cruz was at the same time cleared of patients, and all those not subjects for discharge transferred to New Orleans under charge of Surgeons Wright and Mills. On the twentieth of May the general hospital at Jalapa was abandoned, and the sick sent to New Orleans in charge of Surgeon Craig and Assistant Surgeon J. Simpson. On the first of June the hospital at Puebla was broken up, the sick being sent to their respec- tive regiments as they passed through that city. Soon after Assistant Surgeon Simons, Medical Purveyor at head-quarters, was ordered to New Orleans with all surplus medical stores, and on the twelfth the transfer of flags took place and the army took up its line of march for the coast. No hospitals were left behind, all the sick being transported with their regiments and attended by the regi- mental medical officers. On General Taylor's line nearly all the troops had long before been transferred to General Scott's army, those left being encamped at various points along the Rio Grande. These and the purveying depot at Tampico, under charge of Assistant Surgeon Hitchcock, were removed to New Orleans. Here the volunteers of the araiy were discharged, the regiments for the war mustered out, and the old regular army, with its brave and efficient body of medical officers distributed to various posts throughout the country. The arrival of large numbers of sick at New Orleans with the returning army rendered necessary the establishment of general hospitals. Accordingly Surgeon R. C. Wood was detailed to make a report on the hospital accommo- dations at Baton Rouge and New Orleans barracks. It was found that the number of available beds was entirely inadequate to the proper care of the 198 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY patients and it was decided to build a new hospital at New Orleans, and pending its construction to establish a general hospital at some other convenient point. Greenwood Island, near East Pascagoula, Mississippi, was finally fixed upon, and the hospital opened on the first of July under the name of Camp Lawson, in honor of the Surgeon General. Surgeon John B. Porter was in charge, with a large number of the returned medical ofiicers as his assistants. In November this hospital was broken up and the patients transferred to the new hospital at New Orleans, Doctor Porter continuing in charge. The fourth regiment of artillery on arrival at New Orleans was ordered direct to Fortress Monroe, Virginia. On the passage the yellow fever broke out on the transports and before reaching their destination there were eighty- seven cases and thirteen deaths. The medical officers were Surgeon John B. Wells and Assistant Surgeon E. Swift. Aflr their arrival the fever continued to prevail in the regiment, causing thirty-eight deaths in August and Septem- ber. It did not extend to the other troops composing the garrison of Fortress Monroe. The latter part of the year 1848 was occupied chiefly in the distribution of the medical officers to the numerous new posts established in the great area of new territory gained by the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo. A number went to the Pacific coast, others to New Mexico and Texas, whence during the next few years many very valuable reports were received on the medical topog- raphy, the fauna and flora of those sections, etc., which were afterwards embodied in the second volume of Army Medical Statistics. The large number of new garrisons rendered an increase of the Corps a necessity, and on the urgent representations of the Surgeon General, Congress on the second of March, 1849, pissed the following bill : ''Be it enacted, etc., That so much of section third of an act entitled 'An act to amend an act entitled an act supplemental to an act, entitled an act providing for the prosecution of the existing war between the United States and the Republic of Mexico, and for other purposes,' approved .July 19, 1848, as prevents the filling of vacancies in the Medical Department of the army until further authorized by law, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sfxtion 2. And be it further enacted, That the Medical Staff of the army be in- creased by the addition of ten assistant surgeons, to be appointed as provided by existing laws and the regulations made under them." A board for the examination of candidates to fill these vacancies met in New York on the first of May. The detail was Surgeons Mower, Wood, Cuyler and Assistant Surgeon Henderson. Seventy-five candidates were invited to appear, of whom fifty-two presented themselves. Eighteen withdrew of their own accord, the invitation of one was cancelled because he was not a citizen of FROM 1849 TO 1861. 199 the United States, seven were found physically disqualified, and nine were accepted. The long experience of Surgeon Mower on these boards had satisfied him that certain requirements in addition to those heretofore exacted would inure to the advantage of the Corps, and the' board accordingly addressed a special report on this subject to the Surgeon General, which, as its suggestions were adopted and have since been recognized in all examinations for admission, be- comes an important item of the history of the Department. The following are extracts : "The Board have given to the examination of candidates ample time, calm reflec- tion, unbiassed judgment, disinterested decision. The session just closed adds to the uniform experience of medical boards, that but a single object has been kept in view, viz : the good of the service ; in attaining which nothing has been lost sight of that could impress on the minds of successful and unsuccessful applicants, that this was the sole purpose of the board. Accumulated observations on successive boards cannot fail to present from time to time points of novel or increased interest to the Department. Action on these points leads, if to anything', to an improvement or elevation of standard ; and the Board have now the duty to ask the attention of the Surgeon General to some highly important particulars. These are a knowledge of Latin; of Physics or Natural Phi- losophy; of a given amount of Practical Anatomy in the form of dissection, and a certain amount of Clinical Instruction. 1. Latin. To show the importance of a knowledge of this language to the med- ical student and practitioner, one fact may suffice. In no one instance, within the knowledge of the Board, has a candidate ignorant of Latin ever been approved. Here the Board states in terms not to be misunderstood, that ignorance of Latin was not the direct cause of rejection ; but it shows conclusively the connection between liberal pre- liminary education and the science of medicine generally, and specially too, as the technicalities of medical science are inseparably interwoven with the Latin tongue. Another instance just witnessed illustrates with singular force the importance of this language. A highly intelligent approved candidate in his 'exercise,' wrote in fine Latin a prescription with directions, 'inform for the apothecary;' in two instances candidates who said they had studied Latin, could not understand or translate that prescription. How could such cases maintain the standing of the Medical Depart- ment before the highly educated line of the army, or before society at large. How- ever desirable the classics or dead languages may be, on general grounds for candidates, and however true it is that just in proportion as the mind is by preliminary education expanded, so is it prepared for the cultivation of medical knowledge ; those are not the points involved in these remarks. The point is the inseparable relation existing between the Latin language and medical education ; this relation has been established by the uniform experience of the Board, and by universal professional concurrence. The Board therefore recommend that in the circular forwarded to applicants for in- vitation they be notified that a knowledge of Latin is requisite. 2. Physics, or Natural Philosophy. The relation that this branch of knowledge bears to medicine gives much but not undue importance to Physics in the estimate of the Board. The object is to have the subject so appreciated, that its bearing on med- ical pursuits may be rightly understood. It is taught in schools, academies and in colleges for general purposes ; it should be studied by the physician for special pro- 200 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY fessional purposes. Therefore the Boartl recommend the introduction of Natural Philosophy as a study preliminary to examination. 3. Practical Anatomy by Dissection. It will be seen that the Board have laid much stress on this branch of medical study. Nor can too much weight be given to it. It is assumed as an axiom that a candidate cannot be qualified for the duties of a medical officer without having done a fair amount of dissection. It would be little short of injustice to the well ordered views of the Surgeon General to suppose a word of argu- ment necessary to enforce a point so self-evident. Yet it is common to have candidates admit that they have dissected a little; and not very uncommon to find that no dissec- tion at all has been done, because forsooth, the cost was a few dollars for subjects, or it may be, that dainty fingers might not be soiled. Be that as it may, while the point is so essential, it is neglected to a lamentable extent ; and the only remedy is to render it henceforth obligatory on the Board to adopt the principle, which is unquestionable with every rightly ordered mind, that Anatomy, Physiology, the Principles and Practice of Surgery can neither be appreciated nor comprehended without this fairamount of Practi- cal Anatomy. Divest the army medical officer of this appreciation and of this compre- hension and what, the Board ask in the name of the service and of the profession, is left to him? It is not the object of the Board to specify the amount of dissection. It is sufficient to say for all legitimate purposes, that the practical anatomy of the whole body should have been carefully done. 4. Clinical Instruction. It is gratifying to see that professional sentiment is acquiring rapidly force as to the importance of this department of medical instruction. If at first view it might be supposed that difficulties surround positive arrangements on this point, these vanish when deliberately looked at. A young man graduates reputably at the schools ; he comes before the Board and passes the examination. An order awaits him to repair to a post, or to duty where he is without aid. This young man may never have resided in a hospital, nor walked a ward, nor had experience in private practice. Where is he and how is he, in this fearfully responsible position? Where and how are the officers and soldiers and the attaches of the post with none but t his inexperienced man for reliance ? Can this be corrected prospectively ? It can to a great extent by constituting one of three things the requisite; 1. Residence in a hospital ; 2. Clinical attendance on such an institution ; or 3. Experience in private practice; satisfactory evidence on this point being given to the Board. It has occurred more than once to this Board, that candidates who have gone through the schools, obtained diplomas and came well recommended, were utterly unable to apply a roller to the leg, and were equally uninstructed or inexpei'ienced in minor surgery. It is at the bedside only that these, and more important matters can be learned; and hence to this subject the attention of the Surgeon General is earnestly invited. * * Much as may have been done heretofore in order to elevate the standard of qual- ification for the candidates, it cannot be imagined that in a department comparatively so recently organized as that to which the Board belongs, and in a science so broad in its bearings and so important in its interest on the health, life and happiness of the officer and soldier it cannot be supposed, that room for improvement is exhausted. Far from it. The standard of medical education in the schools throughout the land is being elevated. The Army and Navy Medical Boards are from their very nature and object, moving in advance of these schools. Tlie influence of these boards if wisely brought to bear, cannot fail to be salutary, not only to the respective arms of the service, but to the profession at large; for it is from these schools and from this profession that candidates emanate. It is therefore especially proper that suggestions duly weighed, should, from time to time, be presented to the Surgeon General. PROM 1849 TO 1861. 201 Nor can it for a moment be supposed that, in selecting the above subjects as worthy of present consideration, any incautious or impolitic movement is suggested in undue advance of a sound public sentiment. They bear on their front an im- portant aspect, and thus they are commended to the consideration of the Surgeon General, with a confident hope of meeting his approval." The number of candidates passed by this board not being sufficient to meet the requirements of the service, another was ordered to convene on the fifteenth of October in Philadelphia. This was composed of Surgeons Mower and Satterlee and Assistant Surgeon Southgate. It examined twenty-one can- didates, of whom seven were approved. On the fifteenth of September, 1849, Assistant Surgeon Joseph P. Rus- sell, one of the most esteemed officers of the Medical Stafi", died at Fort Columbus, New York. His widow and children were left in narrow circum- stances by his untimely decease, and so great was the respect in which his memory was held by all, both of the line and the staff, with whom he had served during a period extending over thirty-five years, that it was suggested that no more fitting monument could be erected to him " who never forgot the widow and the fatherless, and who was himself so liberal to others in like cir- cumstances" than a voluntary testimonial on the part of the whole army, in the shape of a subscription for the benefit of those whom he had left behind. Ac- cordingly circulars were sent to all medical officers, inviting them to interest themselves in the project. The result exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the projectors. Every officer in the army gave, and gave liberally, and in June, 1851, when the accounts were closed upwards of four thousand dollars had been collected and judiciously invested for the benefit of the family, a noble monument both to the worth of the lamented Russell, as well of the liberality of the army of which he was so long an ornament. In 1851 the board consisted of Surgeons Mower and De Camp and Assistant Surgeons Eaton and J. Simpson. It met in New York city on the fifteenth of May, and examined twenty-two candidates, of whom seven were approved. Allusions have been several times made in the course of these pages to the controversies which had arisen from time to time on the relative rank, positions on army boards, etc., of the officers of the Greneral Staff and of the line. The same vexed questions had repeatedly come up for decision in the various bureaux of the navy. The attention of Congress was at length called to the matter, and that body on the eighteenth of July, 1850, passed a resolution requesting the President of the United States to communicate to the House, his views " of the rules and regulations which should be established by law," upon all the points in controversy. To enable the President to present an 13* 202 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY opinion which should as far as possible reflect the ideas of the officers of the two services, a joint board was ordered to convene in Washington, October 14th. to investigate and report on the whole subject. The detail on the part of the army was : Major General Winfield Scott. Brevet Major General Thomas S. Jesup. Brevet Major General John E. Wool. Colonel J. B. Crane, first artillery. Brevet Colonel C. A. Waite, eighth infantry. Surgeon Thomas G. Mower. Paymaster David Hunter. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Henry L. Scott, Recorder. The army portion of this board presented a report, with a draft of a bill, which they recommended be passed by Congress. The following sections which refer to the Medical Department, are presented to show the opinions of the leading officers of the army on the status of the officers of the non-militarj- staff: "Section 5. And be it further enacted, That the rank conferred by section 8 of the act approved February 11, 1847, entitled 'an act to raise for a limited time, an additional military force, and for other purposes,' upon the oiRcers of the Medical Department, * * * * shall entitle the officers holding such rank to choice of quarters and to precedence according to rank on courts, boards and councils, and to the military honors of that rank, and when they chance to be at a post or with a detachment commanded by a junior officer they shall not absent themselves from the post or detachment, without notifying the commanding officer, though of inferior rank, of their intention to do so." The boards were also directed to report on the comparative rank of officers of the army and navy; but on account of the great difference of opinion existing between them as to the status of staff officers in the two services, found themselves unable to do so, the officers of the navy board insisting upon a lower relative grade for officers of the Medical and Pay Departments than the army board thought expedient to accede to. It was not long before the comparative status of the staff and the line was brought up in another shape, by the trials of two officers of the Medical Corps for disobedience of orders and contempt and disrespect, in refusing or neglect- in" to obey the commands of junior officera commanding the posts where they were sfcitioned. Both were sentenced to be dismissed. The President of the United States, in remitting the sentences, makes the decision that, " whatever doubts may be entertained on the subject in regard to the officers of other staff eorps, none can exist in regard to those of the Medical Department. The law FROM 1849 TO 1861. 203 of 1847, expressly excludes them from command. Now the officers of that corps are not a distinct and independent body, but are a part of the army and as they cannot command it follows that when on duty they must be commanded." This was a practical settlement of the whole question and has been the rule of the service ever since, with the exception of certain modifications growing from the establishment of general hospitals during the last war which will be noticed in the proper place. In 1850 it was considered advisable by the Surgeon General that the Corps should be represented at the annual meeting of the American Medical Asso- ciation, which was to occur in Cincinnati on the seventh of May. Accordingly, Surgeon C. S. Tripler, who was elected a delegate by the State Medical Society of Michigan, was directed also to appear on behalf of the Medical Department of the army. Doctor Tripler was very cordially received, and in connection with Surgeon Ruschenberger of the navy rendered valuable service in bringing to the notice of the Association the claims of the medical officers of the army and navy, both upon the profession at large and upon the country as represented in Congress. In 1851 the unifonn and dress of the army was again changed, and the one adopted which has been in use during the past twenty years, and which has just been dispensed with. One little item in connection with this change may be thought worthy of record. The board which devised the new uniform gave no sash to the medical officers. To this Surgeon General Lawson objected, and in a letter to the Adjutant General, dated June 12, 1851, insisted upon a green sash for the Medical Corps, because, " to take it from them now, would be making an invidious distinction between them and the other staiF officers of the army." The green sash, accordingly, was prescribed to be worn by all medical officers. The Medical Department was represented this year in the American Medi- cal Association, which met at Charleston, South Carolina, by Surgeon John B. Porter, who like his predecessor Surgeon Tripler was treated with marked cordiality and attention by the assembled delegates. The examining board for 1851 met in New York city on the fifteenth of November, and was composed of Surgeons Mower, Steinecke and Cuyler and Assistant Surgeon J. Simpson. Fifty-two candidates were invited to present themselves, of whom twenty-seven appeared and ten were recommended for appointment. This was the last board dignified by the presence of Surgeon Thomas G. Mower. This distinguished officer died on the seventh of December, 1853. Probably no person, not even the Surgeon General, had been more intimately 204 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY associated than he with the rise and development of the Medical Staif; and the officers of the Corps, especially the older ones who knew and loved him in life, will not consider too much space occupied if a few pages are devoted to the record of his life and services and to some of the numerous tributes oflPered t(t his memory. The following sketch was written for his family by Surgeon Mower himself a short time before his death : "Thomas Gardinkr Mowkr was born at Leicester, near Worcester, Massachu- setts, February 18, 1790. His father dying when he was seven years old, his early education was directed by an uncle. He graduated at Harvard University in 1810, and studied medicine with Thomas Babbitt, an eminent surgeon of Brookfield, Massa- chusetts, and formerly a surgeon in the United States navy. Having been examined and licensed to practice medicine, he was appointed surgeon's mate in the 9th regi- ment, U. S. Infantry, December 2, 1812, and immediately joined his regiment in win- ter quai'ters at Burlington, Vermont. In the spring following he accompanied the regiment to Sackett's Harbor and afterwards to Niagara; during this year (1813) he participated in the capture of Fort George, and in the actions of Chrystler's Fields. In the spring of 1814 he accompanied the 9th from its winter quarters at French's Mills to the Niagara frontier. This regiment, forming a part of Scott's brigade, was the first to land on the Canadian shore, under the fire of the enemy, on the third of July, 1814, and the writer was in the leading boat conveying the regimental field and staff, also General Scott and Staff. In this year, June 30, he was promoted to the surgeoncy of his regiment, and continued on the New York frontier till the close of the war, February, 1815. He participated in the active campaign on the Niagara frontier, having been engaged in the battles of Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, and in the assault by the British on Fort Erie. At the close of the war he was one of ten regi- mental surgeons, out of at least forty, that was selected for the peace establishment. After nine or ten years service on the frontier (the last two on the upper Missouri), he was placed on special duty in the harbor of New York, and charged with various duties pertaining to the station. Here, with occasional absences on duty, he has con- tinued till the present time (1851). In 1833 and 1834 he travelled under orders upwards of 12,000 miles as a member of a medical board of examination and inspec- tion, which visited most of our military posts southwest and northwest of New York. He was a member of every medical board except one, that was convened from the first organization in 1832 to the present time, and with the above exception and one other was the presiding member. To the operation of these boards the present efficiency and high standing of the Medical Staff" are mainly attributable. In the year 1818 he received the degi-ee of doctor of medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, and in 1844 he was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, an institution over which Franklin and Jefferson had presided." It is a statement which will be endorsed by every one who ever appeared before him for examination, that no one had to undergo that ordeal, without pleasant recollections of his dignity and learning, his gentleness and tenderness of character, the personal interest which he felt in every young candidate for the honor of a position in the Corps. The variety of his services was as exten- sive as the country. There was hardly a project, involving the exercise of more FROM 1849 TO 1861. 205 than usual judgment or foresight that was not refen-ed to him for decision. Indeed, for the last twenty years of his life, so constantly was "his advice sought for and listened to with deference, that he possessed an influence coequal with the Surgeon General, an influence which it is hardly necessar}^ to say, was invariably exercised on the side of truth, justice and the advancement of his beloved Corps. Doctor Lovell, who had many traits of character in common with Doctor Mower, thus spoke of him, in a letter written shortly before his death : "I can confidently aflu'm, without the fear of contradiction, that there is not in the whole Department a single officer who is better qualified than the present occu- pant [Doctor Mower] to perform the various duties which devolve upon him, either as the medical officer of the station [New York], as inspector of recruits at the largest rendezvous and depot of the army, as president of the medical board of examination which usually convenes in New York, and which devolves upon him as the senior officer but one in the Department, or as acting apothecary in purchasing and distribut- ing the medical supplies for the various posts. In the latter capacity especially he is invaluable to the Department, and his removal from any cause would be a serious loss both to the Department and to the public service. Without increase of expense the supplies have been increased in quantity and highly improved in quality, and they are so reported by the several surgeons from year to year, with scarcely an exception, as well as to have been safely and carefully packed, and to have arrived in good order; a result which is entirely due U> the dili- gence, intelligence and fidelity of Surgeon Mower. * * * From personal observations during the war (with Great Britain), both in the field and in the hos- pitals and from subsequent official relations, I can with confidence add my testimony to those with whom he has served, that he is second to no officer in the Department, either as to the extent or importance of the services which have devolved on him during this period, or in the faithful and intelligent manner in which these services were performed." Surgeon General Lawson, who was always chary in praise, in his annual report to the Secretary of War, November 8, 1854, remarks: "Although we have been called upon to mourn the loss, not only of many of our number, but of some of our best and most distinguished officers, it will be doing no injustice to others, whether of the living or of the dead, to render a richly merited tribute of respect to the memory of Surgeon Thomas G. Mower, for many years the senior surgeon of the army, its Chief Medical Purveyor, and the presiding officer of its boards of medical examiners. During a service of forty-one years he had fre- quently confided to him the highest and most responsible duties, all of which were invariably performed to the satisfaction of the Department. To the judgment and discretion with which he exercised the power delegated to him as president of the army boards of medical examiners, the Medical Staff owes much of its present efficiency and reputation, and it is hoped the influence of his example will not be lost." The New York Timefi of January 11, 1854, contains a notice of his life and career, from which the following admirable summary of his character is taken : 206 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY " lu all the relations of life he was most exemplary and unexceptional; as a hus- band, devoted and affectionate; as a parent, kind and indulgent, and most solicitous for the honor and welfare of his children; as a friend, ardent, disinterested and un- changeable; as a man, upright, punctilious, exact in all his dealings, charitable and tvctively benevolent; as a gentleman, affable, polite, courteous and deferring to his equals, and ever considerate of the feelings and interests of those below him in posi- tion; as a soldier, jealous of the honor of his profession, firm, decided and brave, knowing no fear but the fear of a mean action, quick to perceive and prompt to exe- cute; ivs a physician and surgeon, mature in judgment, sound in theory, skilful in practice, humane, sympathetic and self-sacrificing in his efforts to relieve or alleviate the sufferings of his patients; as a christian, sincere without ostentation, believing in religion as a principle rather to be possessed than spoken of, and practicing rather than professing the Golden Rule. That he has gone to the enjoyment of that reward promised to the just made perfect no one can doubt who knew his manly, generous nature and many virtues." Surgeon Josiah Simpson, through whose kindness the foregoing extracts have been obtained, adds the following personal description of Surgeon Mower : "He was of slender figure, exact and martial in carriage, with prominent, bright blue eyes, niddy complexion, and a pleasing expressive face; of delicate physical organization, in height not over five feet ten inches, in weight probably not more than one hundred and thirty pounds. Scrupulously neat in dress and person, pure and chaste in word and deed, he was a noble type of what an army surgeon should be." Since the commencement of this decade death had been unusually busy with the officers of the Medical Corps. In addition to the lamented Mower, nine vacancies had occurred by death among its members. Among them were Surgeon William Hammond, who died at Benecia, California, February 13, 1851 ; Assistant Surgeon Sylvester Day, the oldest officer in the Department, having seen continuous service since 1807, who died at Alleghany Arsenal, Pennsylvania, February 20, 1851 ; Assistant Surgeons Kennedy, Sprague, Fullwood and Dyerle ; and Surgeon John B. Wells, an officer of the highest distinction, who died at Baltimore, Maryland, July 24, 1853. In addition to these, one young officer of promise, Assistant Surgeon Edward H. Watson, who had but just received his commission, was lost at sea. He sailed from Philadelphia on the schooner " Mechanic" for Indianola, Texas, on the twenty -seventh of August, 1853, but neither the vessel, or any on board were ever heard of afterwards. ^ An examining board, consisting of Surgeons Finley, Wright and Cuyler and Assistant Surgeon J. Simpson, met in New York on the first of December, 1853. Thirty-four candidates reported for examination, of whom three were found physically disqualified, seven withdrew without examination, and of the remainder fifteen were found (jualified for appointment in the Medical Staff. There were several points of great importance to the efficiency of the FROM 1849 TO 1861. 2(7 Medical Department urged by General Lawson in his annual reports to the Secretiiry of War for 1853-4-5. The fii-st of these related to the necessity for an increase in the number of medical officers. Although the Corps was already very large in comparison with the size of the army, yet the great number of new posts which had been established in the new territories rendered it impos- sible to supply them all with medical attendance with the number of surgeons at that time allowed by law. Besides garrison duty, medical officers were constantly needed to accompany detachments of troops ordered on Indian expeditions, which made it necessary always to have several surplus officers in every department. On this subject the Surgeon General reports, November 10, 1855 : "Tlie duty again devolves upon me to i-eport that the numerical strength of the Medical Corps of the army is not sufficient to meet the requirements of the service. It may appear at a first glance that ninety-four medical officers should suffice for an army of nineteen regiments and corps of the line, with the necessary officers and men of the staff departments, the whole force numbering 17,861 men: but upon an ex- amination into the matter, it will be found that the Corps with its present number does not and cannot give the necessary medical aid to all the troops dispersed through- out our very widely extended territory. The number of physicians does not depend upon the numerical force of the army, but upon the manner in which it is employed ; that is upon the divisions and sub- divisions it has to undergo, and the particular service in which it is engaged. One surgeon and two assistant surgeons will suffice for one regiment or corps of ten com- panies, or a thousand men ; these three officers may also serve that corps divided into three battalions; but they cannot possibly render tlie necessary medical aid to the ten companies of the corps, each company occupying a separate post, the one twenty miles distant from the other. Our army is spread all over the country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, occupying eighty-nine military posts and arsenals, each station requiring one physician and some of them two. To supply medical officers to the military posts garrisoned by troops of the line, and furnish the necessary complement of physicians to serve with detachments of men constantly operating in the field, would exhaust the whole num- ber of our regular corps, ninety-four in number, were they all efficient and present for duty ; leaving us to supply medical aid to troops passing in transports or by land, from one section of the country to another ; to the officers and men stationed in our large cities, on staff and other duties ; to the many forts on the Atlantic not gar- risoned, but held in charge by a few engineer and ordnance men ; and to the various recruiting rendezvous, as best we can, under contract by the month, or by the day and the visit. Officers of the Medical Department, however get sick as well as other people ; they are entitled to occasional relaxation from duty like other officers; and again they have a claim the same as officers of the line and other staff departments of the army, to the indulgence of a leave of absence from duty to visit their families and friends, and attend to important private business. With the aged and permanently disabled officers and the sick, together with those entitled to leaves of absence, our force of ninety-four surgeons and assistant surgeons 208 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY may be considered as reduced on an average, eight or ten per cent., or to eighty-five effective men for duty. At this time, however, there is but one medical officer on leave of absence: and this one has just now returned from a six years tour of service in the Department of the Pacific. Within the last three years there has been paid out, on account of the employ- ment of private physicians, seventy-two thousajid five hundred and twenty dollars, averaging twenty-four thousand one hundred and seventy-three dollars per annum; this last sum being about the amount of the annual pay of twenty-four assistant sur- geons of the army. Now as we have to expend annually for extra medical attendance twenty-four thousand dollars and more, or the sum of the pay and emoluments of twenty-four medical oflBcers of the army, the question arises whether we shall pay out the money to private physicians, unknown to us and employed on the spur of the occasion, instead of regularly instructed and disciplined medical officers, who have been examined by competent persons and found qualified morally and physically, as well as professionally for the practice of physic and surgery in the army." A second matter to which General Lawson invited the attention of Congress was the advisability of the enlistment of a certain number of competent persons to serve especially as hospital stewards. Previous to this time hospital stewards were detailed from time to time from the line of the army, on the recommen- dation of the post surgeon, and were liable as soon as they were carefully instructed in their duties to be returned to duty with their companies, either by the caprice of commanding officers, or the inevitable movements of troops. To remedy this evil, General Lawson suggested the enlistment or appointment by the Secretary of War, of a certain number of competent persons, to serve as hospital stewards and to belong to the general non-commissioned staff of the army, and to have the rank and pay of first sergeants of infantry. A third measure was, " the making of some provision by which to requite hospital nurses and attendants, for the laborious and loathsome duties they have to perform, and in consideration of their frequent exposure to contagious diseases." By acts of Congress passed in 1819 and 1854, all soldiers on fatigue duty, and all on " extra or daily duty involving constant labor for a period not less than ten days," were entitled to extra compensation therefor, and for many years cooks and nurses in hospitals had received this extra pay the same as other detailed men. Recently, however, it had been decided by the Treasury Department that soldiers detailed in hospitals did not come within the provisions of these acts, though performing much more constant labor and of a more disagreeable character than any other detailed men. General Law- son therefore asked for the passage of a special act giving them the same extra allowance as others, and characteristically remarks : " In conclusion, I beg leave to say that the doctrine which seems now-a-days to obtain, viz: that nurses and physicians administering to the body, as well as the high personages of the church who administer to the soul of man, have to look for their FROM 1849 TO 1861. 209 reward in Heaven, for the good deeds done in this world, may be very consolatory, very satisfactory, and even very flattering to some of us of the craft, particularly as it brings us somewhat in juxtaposition with the pure members of the hierarchy. There are other persons, however, and among them soldiers of the army, faithfully laboring by day and by night as nurses in our hospitals, who cannot brook the idea of being placed beyond the pale of rightful consideration accorded to soldiers employed in making a bridge or cutting a road, and who cannot be brought to believe otherwise than that they might as well receive a portion if not their full measure of recompense on earth here below, and take their chance for higher and more permanent reward in another and a better world." Bills were several times introduced in the years before mentioned to meet these suggestions of the Surgeon General, but it was not until 1856, when the army was increased by the addition of four regiments, that any of them re- ceived a favorable consideration. On the sixteenth of August, of that year, Congress passed an act, " For a necessary increase and better organization of the Medical and Hospital Department of the Army," which was as follows: " Be it enacted, etc., That there be added to the Medical Department of the army, four surgeons and eight assistant surgeons, to be appointed in accordance with exist- ing laws. Section 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint from the enlisted men of the army, or to cause to be enlisted, as many competent hospital stewards as the service may require, not to ex- ceed one for each military post. The said hospital stewards to be mustered and paid on hospital muster rolls as non-commissioned staff oflScers, with the rank, pay and emoluments of a sergeant, of ordnance, and to be permanently attached to the medical and hospital department, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secre- tary of War. Section 3. And be it further enacted. That soldiers acting as cooks and nurses in hospitals be, and are hereby allowed the extra pay authorized to soldiers on fatigue duty, by ' an act to increase the rank and file of the army,' approved August 4, 1854." A medical examining board, consisting of Surgeons Finley, Satterlee and Moore, met in New York city, April 1, 1855, for the examination of assistant surgeons for promotion. No candidates for appointment were invited to present themselves, as of the fifteen passed by the board in 1853 seven yet remained uncommissioned. In 1856, when it became certain that the foregoing bill would become law, a board was ordered to convene at Newport Barracks, Ken- tucky, for the examination of candidates for appointment. The detail was Surgeons C. S. Tripler, N. S. Jarvis and A. N. McLaren, and it met on the first of August. Of thirty-nine candidates, ten were found qualified. This number not being sufficient to fill all the vacancies, another board, consisting of Surgeons Finley, DeCamp, Wright and Abadie, met in St. Louis, Missouri, on the first of November. Eighteen candidates presented themselves, of whom two were passed. 14 210 THE MEDICAL DEPART3IENT OF THE ARMY In July. 1856, the second part of the " Medical Statistics, U. S. Army," was issued. This was intended to be a continuation of the volume prepared by Assistant Surgeon Samuel Forry in 1839, and to give topographical and statis- tical reports of the various posts since that date. In 1852 General Lawsou had issued a circular to each officer of the Corps calling for information in regard to the location, topography and prevailing diseases of the various posts, the geology and natural history of the neighboring country, with such observa- tions on climate, manners and customs of the inhabitants, etc., as would subserve the end in view. The compilation of this work was entrusted to Assistant Sur- geon Alexander S. Wotherspoon, but on his death in May, 1854, Assistant Surgeon R. H. Coolidge was detailed to complete it. Besides the special reports above referred to, the work contained statistical tables of the sickness and mor- tality of the army, observations and statistics on the recruiting service, and a valuable series of papers on the administration of quinine in large doses, which was first brought to the notice of the profession through the observations of members of the Stafi" stationed in the southwest. The work received general com- mendation from the profession at large, as reflecting great credit not only on the compiler but on every officer who had contributed to its columns. Equally valuable as a contribution to science, was the " Army Meteoro- logical Register," compiled by Assistant Surgeon Coolidge, under direction of the Surgeon General, and published by order of the Secretary of War in 1855. The meteorological observations of the army had been taken continuously since 1820. "The result of the observations for 1820 and 1821 were published at the end of each year. Those of subsequent observations have been published in a series of Army Meteorological Registers, of which the first volume, embracing the years from 1822 to 1825, inclusive, was issued by Surgeon General Lovell in 1826. The second and third volumes of the series, com- prising respectively the years from 1826 to 1830, and from 1831 to 1842, inclusive, were prepared and published, the former in 1840, the latter in 1851, under the direction of the present Surgeon General, Doctor Thomas Lawson." In 1842 instruments of an improved character were ftirnished to the diflFerent posts, and the army examining board, then in session in Philadelphia, consisting of Surgeons Mower and Steinecke and Assistant Surgeon Cuyler, were instructed to prepare a series of rules for taking meteorological observa- tions. The result of their labors was approved by the Surgeon General, and the volume now printed (embracing the period from 1842 to 1854, inclusive) contained the observations taken in accordance with the directions then drawn up. It contained the result of observations of the thermometer, direction and force of winds, clearness of sky and fall of rain and snow, with a special report FROM 1849 TO 1861. 211 " on the prominent features of general climate in the United States, as exhibited in the distribution of temperature and of rain," and a number of charts of mean distributions of temperature for each season of the year, the whole form- a quarto volume of nearly eight hundred pages. The publication of this volume brought forth a communication from Professor Joseph Henry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, to the Surgeon General, in which he accused the Medical Bureau of plagiarism in reference to the construction of the isothermal and rain charts in the work, and asserted besides that these charts were con- structed on "unreliable and insufficient data." General Lawson was not the man to tamely submit to such at attack, and an angry controversy ensued, in which much personal feeling was shown on both sides and a great deal of ink expended, with the final result of the whole matter being referred to the Secre- tary of War, Jefferson Davis, who gave the rather non-committal opinion, that the Medical Department had evidently never intended to appropriate anything belonging to the Smithsonian, but that even if it had the charts were of no value to science, so that the Smithsonian had no right to feel aggrieved, a decis- ion which most probably satisfied neither side. The army board which met in New York city on the first of May, 1857, consisted of Surgeons Finley, Satterlee and McDougall. There were twenty- six candidates for appointment, of whom one was found physically disqualified, eleven withdrew without an examination, ten were rejected and five passed. In the summer of 1857 troops were concentrated at Fort Leavenworth for the operations against the Mormons, generally known as the Utah Expedi- tion. Surgeon Madison Mills was assigned to duty as Medical Director. The troops originally composing the column were the fifth and tenth regiments of infantry, the second dragoons and a battery of the fourth artillery, to each of which was assigned a medical officer. Subsequently they were reinforced by the seventh infantry and a battery of the third artillery. These forces remained encamped at Camp Floyd and Fort Bridger until just before the outbreak of the Rebellion. In January, 1858, Surgeon J. J. B. Wright was assigned to duty as Medical Director, but after reaching Fort Leavenworth his destination was changed, and Assistant Surgeon Thomas H. Williams in July relieved Surgeon Mills and also assmned the duties of Purveyor to the Utah army. He in turn was relieved by Surgeon J. B. Porter in September, 1859. There was no gen- eral hospital established, the sick being treated by their regimental medical officers. The examining board for 1858 was composed of Surgeons Finley, Satterlee and S. P. Moore and Assistant Surgeon Edwards, and met in Richmond, Virginia, on the first of April. There were forty-four candidates invited to appear for 212 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY examination, of whom twenty-seven reported in person. Four withdrew with- out examination, seven after failure on a partial examination, six were foiuid physically disqualified, and of the remainder, ten were rejected and two found qualified for appointment. The next board met in Philadelphia, April 1, 1859. and was composed of Surgeons Finley, Cuyler and S. P. Moore and Assistinit Surgeon C. H. Crane. Twenty-five candidates were invited to appear, only seven of whom were examined. Of these four were rejected and three passed. In the following year the board met in New York city on the first of May. the detail being Surgeons Finley, McDougall and Cuyler and Assistant Surgeon J. F. Hammond. It passed four candidates out of a total of twenty-one, three being rejected for physical disability. Just subsequent to its adjournment Congress added an amendment to the Army Appropriation Bill for the year ending June 30, 1860, providing for an addition of four surgeons and four assistant surgeons to the Corps. This necessitated the meeting of another board to fill the vacancies thus created, and accordingly one was called to meet in Baltimore, Marj'land, on the twentieth of September. The detail was Sur- geons Finley, Satterlee and Tripler and Assistant Surgeon C. H. Smith. Eleven applicants for appointment reported for examination, of whom seven were examined and five passed. On the first of November, 1859, a board of medical officers, consisting of Surgeons Finley, Satterlee. Tripler and Cuyler, and Assistant Surgeon Coolidge as recorder, met in Washington to examine models for ambulances and to revise the Standard Supply Table. Various models for ambulances were presented before this board, and afl^r mature deliberation it decided to advise that a four wheel ambulance in accordance with a plan proposed by Surgeon Tripler be adopted, and also that two wheel ambulances, on plans suggested by Surgeon Finley and Assistant Surgeon Coolidge, be constructed and sent to various frontier stations for trial in the field. The Standard Supply Table was completely revised so as to include most of the modem improvements in medicines and hospital stores, instruments and dressings. The board also reported a plan for an ambulance system for troops sen'ing in the field. The sendees of the medical officers during the ten years previous to the civil war, were characterized by all the hardships of iictual war, without any of its compensating opportunities for distinction. The new territory acquired by conquest from and subsei^juent treaty with Mexico, and by treaty with Great Britain, was filled with tribes of hostile Indians, which resisted every attempt at the settlement of the country. Consequently, our troops, scattered over a great extent of country in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, California and Oregon, were continually engaged in hazardous expeditions against the savages, taxing FROM 1849 TO 1861. 21 H often to the utmost the resources of the Surgeon Greneral's Bureau to supply medical attendance from the small number of medical officers available. The records of the Surgeon Greneral's Office during this period contain a rich store of reports of these various expeditions, many of them embracing facts of the greatest interest in reference to the topography, diseases, climate, and physical characteristics of the country and its wild inhabitants, all attesting the energy and fidelity with which the officers of the Medical Staff performed their irk- some and arduous duties. It is much to be regretted that the limits of this work do not permit a more extended notice of these services and extracts fi'om these reports, but on examination it was found impossible to make a selection, and the collection is too extensive to admit of even a reference to them all. The third volume of Army Medical Statistics, compiled like its predecessor under direction of Assistant Surgeon Coolidge, which was issued in 1860 does full justice in its pages to the officers of the Corps, and bears ample testimony to the truth of the above statements. The Medical Staff during this decade was called upon to mourn the loss of many of its best and most distinguished members. Besides those tf) whom allusion has been made on a previous page. Assistant Surgeon Thomas Hender- son died at Lexington, Virginia, on the eleventh of August. 1854. Doctor Henderson had long been incapacitated for active duty by age and infirmity, but in his prime there was no officer of the Corps more distinguished for pro- fessional culture. He was the author of a " Manual for the examination of Recruits," originally published in 1840, which had for many years been the standard authority on the subject. Assistant Surgeon Joel Martin, a veteran officer, died at Norfolk, Virginia, December 10, 1854. Surgeon Henry L. Heiskell, so well known to the whole army as the confidential assistant tt) the Surgeon Greneral through a long series of years, and who was Acting Surgeon Greneral during General Lawson's absence in Mexico, died in Washington on the twelfth of August, 1855; and Surgeon H. A. Steinecke, another old and experienced surgeon, at Baltimore, Maryland, on the twentieth of December of the same year. Surgeon B. F. Harney, the senior surgeon in the army, a veteran of the war of 1812, and continuously on duty since that time, died at Baton Rouge, August 29, 1858. Except the Surgeon Greneral, there were now left but two officers whose service extended back to the last war with England. Surgeon W. V. Wheaton and Assistant Surgeon Joseph Eaton. Neither of them lived to witness the commencement of the Rebellion, the latter dying at Fort Hamilton, New York, March 16, 1860, and the former at Philadelphia. April 23, 1860. The following eulogium on Surgeon Wheaton was addressed by Greneral Lawson to the Secretary of War on receiving news of his death : 214 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY "Surgeon Wheaton's military life extended over a period of forty-seven years, and was alike honorable to himself, to the army, and to his country at large. I can- not injustice to my own feelings announce the death of this veteran officer and old companion in arms during the war of 1813, without paying a passing tribute to his gallantry and efficiency as an officer, and to his many excellent qualities as a man.' ' In addition to those above named, Surgeon Bernard M. Byrne, an oflBcer of twenty-five years service in the Medical Corps, died at Fort Moultrie, Char- leston, South Carolina, on the sixth of September, 1860. With the close of the year 1860, the Medical Department entered upon a new era in its existence. The commencement of the great war swept out of sight in a moment many ideas which had been so long cherished that they had become part of the organic law of the Bureau. Old things passed away not because they were faulty, but because they were adapted to an army of nineteen regiments and not to one of half a million of men. New organizations were forced upon us by the exigencies of the first few months of 1861, new regula- tions had to be adopted, new and varied services were called for from the ofiicers/ Yet the experience gained in the war with Mexico and twelve years of almost incessant expeditions against hostile Indians on the western frontiers was sure to be of value in the conflict in which they were called on to participate, and the prestige gained by the Corps in the past gave favorable augury for success in the future. DURING THE REBELLION. 215 PART V. From the commencement op the Rebellion to the present time. The time has not yet arrived to write an impartial history of the Rebellion, either in its political or personal aspects. The events are too recent and too many of the prominent actors therein still living to render it possible to give in detail every circumstance connected even with the comparatively uneventful record of the services of the Medical Corps, without trenching on matters which might give rise to controversy, and hence be foreign to the object of this volume. Enough will be written to show that the Medical Department maintained its high standard of efficiency, gaining new laurels in every campaign and possess- ing at the close of the war the admiration of the profession throughout the world. The details of hospital construction and management, the conduct of field ambulance service, the record of the vast variety of wounds and injuries treated and of the immense number of camp diseases which came under the observation of the medical officers ; these and kindred topics have been en- trusted to the abler hands who are engaged in writing the " Medical and Surgical History of the War," and hence anything more than a passing reference to them is rendered unnecessary in these pages ; but, indeed, were it otherwise any attempt to treat of them in a volume of the size of this would be very unsatisfactory. It is only proposed, therefore, in what follows to give a detail of the legislation for the Medical Department, with such occasional references to individuals as the circumstances of the case may demand. On the first of January, 1861, the Medical Corps consisted of one Sur- geon General, thirty surgeons and eighty-three assistant surgeons. Of these, three surgeons and twenty-one assistant surgeons resigned to take part in the Rebellion, and three assistant surgeons were dismissed for disloyalty. Five surgeons and eight assistant surgeons, natives of, or appointed from the states which took part in the Rebellion, remained true to the flag. Considering the universal disafiection which prevailed throughout the service, and the strong pressure brought to bear on every man of southern birth in the army, these figures are exceedingly creditable to the Corps. Very soon after the attack on Fort Sumter, and while troops were hurry- ing from all parts of the country to the defence of the Capital, the Surgeon General, whose long experience and military proclivities would have rendered 216 THK MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY liis services invaluable in the critical aspect of affairs, was compelled to leave the "office where he had labored so faithfully for thirty-four years, and retire for his health to Norfolk, Virginia. In that place on the fifteenth of May, 1861, he was seized with a stroke of apoplexy and died in a few hours. He was the last of that gallant band of medical officers who had upheld the credit of the (Jorps under such difficult circumstances during the arduous campaigns of the second war with England. He had seen continuous service for forty-eight years, and had wielded his vigorous pen in the office of Surgeon General ever since the death of the lamented Lovell. Whatever may have been the judgment of his contemporaries on other points, no one denied him the possession of an extra- ordinary vigor of intellect, an industry which did not fail with advancing yeai-s, an ardent love for the military profession, and a high sense of the value of his Corps to the army ; the determination to secure for it every right which his judgment thought just, and to weed out from it every member whom he con- sidered to reflect no credit on its history. These traits of character brought him frequently in collision both with his superiors in the War Office and his subordinates in the army, but he was dismayed neither by authority nor influ- ence in the prosecution of a favorite design or the establishment of a cherished plan. Consequently, while the energy of his character, the sincerity of his purpose and the ability of his administration caused him to be officially respected, he possessed none of those traits which had endeared Lovell to the entire army, and lacked that personal magnetism which obtains for those in high position the confidence and love of their subordinates. He was thoroughly conversant, from long service in camp and garrison, with all the details of a medical officer's duties, was a skilful surgeon and experienced hygienist, and in the long war waged by the Medical Corps for their rights of rank in the army was perhaps the fittest man to lead them to final success. The Medical Staff can well forget his defects, in recalling the great services he rendered in the long series of years during which he filled the position of Surgeon General. On the receipt of official information' of his death the War Department issued the following order : "WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, May 20, 1861. Qeneral Orders, No. 28. It is with pain that the Secretary of War announces to the service the loss of a dis- tinguished veteran oflBcer, the late Surgeon General Thomas Lawson, of the army, who died at Norfolk, Virginia, on the 15th instant. Having in 1811 resigned from the navy, where he had served two years. Doctor Lawson passed immediately into the army a service with which, from that time, he has been uninterruptedly connected. Full of a military fire, which not even the frost* I DURING THE REBELLION. 217 of age could quench, and of a zeal for the honor of his profession which made his administration of the Medical Department a model of inflexibility, efficiency and economy, he never spared himself, and was always prompt to volunteer his services wherever they might be required. Thus after having gone with credit through the war of 1812-15, he was one of tlie first to hasten with General Gaines to the relief of our forces in Florida ; and having been placed at the head of a regiment of volunteers by the suff"rages of the gallant Louisianians who composed it, he acquitted himself with much credit in this new sphere of duty, and proved himself an able and effective colonel. In fact, so marked were the military traits in his character, and among these, especially, his personal intrepidity, that at the close of the Mexican war, he was rewarded for his services in it by a brevet of Brigadier General in the army. As an appropriate tribute of respect to his memory there will be fired at every military post, on the day after the receipt of this order, eleven minute guns, com- mencing at meridian and the national flag will be displayed at half mast from the same hour until sunset of the same day ; and for thirty days the prescribed badge of mourning will be worn by the officers of the army. By Order, L. THOMAS, Adjutant General.'" During the absence of General Lawson from Washington Surgeon Robert 0. Wood performed the duties of Surgeon General, and immediately after his death, Surgeon Clement A. Finley, the senior surgeon in the army, was ap- pointed to fill the vacancy. The new Surgeon General was a native of Ohio, from which state he was appointed surgeon's mate of the first infantry in 1818. He was retained as assistant surgeon on the reorganization in 1821, and pro- moted surgeon in July, 1832. At the time of his promotion he was president of a medical examining board, which convened in New York city on the first of May. The other officers composing the detail were Surgeons McDougall and Sloan. The approach of war and prospective increase of the Corps caused the number of applicants for appointment to be much greater than usual. One hundred and fifty-six received invitations to present themselves before the board, of whom one hundred and sixteen appeared. The services of the new officers being much needed in the field it was considered advisable that they should be appointed as soon as possible, and the board was consequently directed to arrange the successful candidates in three classes in the order in which they were examined. Of the first class, embracing those examined up to the twenty- fifth of May, three were rejected for physical disability, three voluntarily with- drew before the completion of their examinations, and twenty-two received a favorable report. Of the second class, embracing all examined up to the first of July, seven were rejected for physical disability, seventeen withdrew, seven were rejected for defective professional acquirements, and twenty-nine were recommended for appointment. The third class included those examined up 14* 218 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY to the final adjournment on the fourteenth of August. Eight failed to pass the examination, nine withdrew their names, and eleven were accepted, making in all sixty-two approved candidates. A board for the examination of brigade surgeons met in Washington in August, and was composed of Surgeons McLaren, Holdeu, TenBroeck and White. It examined one hundred and thirty candidates for the position of surgeon of brigade, of whom one hundred and ten were approved. Thirty- seven candidates for the regular Medical Staff also appeared before this board, of whom twenty-four were found qualified for appointment. The first troops brought into the field at the commencement of the war consisted, as will be remembered, of the three months militia called for by the President's proclamation, issued soon after the attack on Fort Sumter. These brought with them their own medical ofiicers, and the only active service seen by them was at the battles of Big Bethel and Bull Run, Virginia, where, considering their lack of experience in military surgery, many of them rendered efficient service. Several were captured by the enemy while attending to the wounded of the latter fight. On the third of May the President issued a second proc- lamation calling for an additional force of forty regiments for two years ser- vice, to be apportioned among the various states. To each of these regiments one assistant surgeon was allowed to be appointed by the governor of the state fiimishing the troops, but only after examination by a properly authorized board, to be appointed in like manner. Soon afl^r this organization was altered 80 as to provide for one surgeon and one assistant surgeon to each regiment. In the matter of appointment of these officers, the clause retjuiring them to be examined was not rigidly executed, and so many received appointments on personal grounds who proved incompetent, that it was found necessary, at the request of the Surgeon General, to issue an order authorizing Medical Directors to summon any medical officer reported as unfit from any reason for his posi- tion before a board of examination, and any who failed to receive a favorable report from this board were ordered to be dropped from the rolls of the army. This order had a most excellent effect, and in the regiments raised in accordance with the act of Congress of July 22nd, in which the same organiztition was main- tained, a much more efficient class of medical officers was obtained. By the President's proclamation of May 8rd the force called for was organized into divisions, to each of which was allowed a surgeon to act as Medical Director ; but afl^r the passage of the act of Congress just mentioned this organization was abandoned, and a corps of brigade surgeons provided for, who were to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The number of medical officers in the regular army being evidently insuf- DURING THE REBELLION. 219 ficient, Congress on the third of August passed an act for the " Better organi- zation of the military establishment," of which the following are extracts: "Section 2. A?id be it further enacted, That the President be and is hereby authorized to appoint by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, in addition to the number authorized by existing laws, and in accordance with existing regulations, * * * * ten surgeons and twenty assistant surgeons, to have the pay, rank and allowances, and perform the duties of similar officers in the present military establishment. ****** Section 5. And be it further enacted, That there be added to the Medical Staff of the army a corps of medical cadets, whose duty it shall be to act as dressers in the general hospitals and as ambulance attendants in the field, under the direction and control of the medical officers alone. They shall have the same rank and pay as the military cadets at West Point. Their number shall be regulated by the exigencies of the service, at no time to exceed fifty. It shall be composed of young men of liberal education, students of medicine, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-three, who have been reading medicine for two years and have attended at least one cours^ of lectures in a medical college. TTiey shall enlist for one year and be subject to the I'ules and articles of war. On the fifteenth day of their last month of service, the near approach of their discharge shall be reported to the Surgeon General, in order if desired, that they may be relieved by another detail of applicants. Section 6. And be it further enacted, That in general or permanent hospitals, female nurses may be substituted for soldiers, when in the opinion of the Surgeon General or medical officer in charge it is expedient to do so ; the number of female nurses to be indicated by the Surgeon General or surgeon in charge of the hospital. The nurses so employed to receive forty cents a day and one ration in kind or by commutation, in lieu of all emoluments except transportation in kind. ****** Section 17. And be it further enacted. That the Secretary of War, under the direction and approval of the President of the United States, shall, from time to time as occasion may require, assemble a board of not more than nine nor less than five commissioned officers, two-fifths of whom shall be of the Medical Staff; the board except those taken from the Medical Staff, to be composed as far as may be of their seniors in rank, to determine the facts and nature and occasion of the disability of such officers as appear disabled to perform military service, * * * * Provided, always, That the members of the board shall in every case be sworn to an honest and impartial discharge of their duties, and that no officer of the army shall be retired either partially or wholly from the service without having had a fair and full hearing before the board if upon due summons he shall demand it." As originally reported from the Military Committee to the Senate, this bill contained a section providing for the appointment of two Assistant Surgeons Greneral, to have the rank of lieutenant colonels of cavalry, who were to be assigned to duty as inspectors of hospitals, but in the course of the debate this clause was stricken out. In the House of Representatives a bill was passed on the thirteenth of July, providing that boards for the retirement of disabled officers should be 220 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY composed entirely of medical officers ; but as the Senate a few days subse- quently passed the bill above quoted, no action was ever taken on the House bill by that body, and it was enacted that retiring boards should be composed two-fifths of officers of the Medical Staff. The capture of medical officers of volunteers at the battle of Bull Run has been incidentally mentioned. During the first year of the war the same fate befell a number of the officers of the regular staff. On the surrender of the United States troops in Texas, through the treachery of Twiggs, several of the medical officers on duty in that department were taken prisoners. These were Surgeon E. H. Abadie, Medical Director, Assistant Surgeons Joseph R. Smith. R. D. Lynde, D. C. Peters and C. C. Byrne. On the surrender of Fort Fill- more, New Mexico, in July, 1861, Assistant Surgeons J. C. McKee and Charles H. Alden were also captured by the enemy. All these officers after a short detention were released on parole. At the first battle of Bull Run Assistant Surgeons C. C. Gray and G. M. Sternberg volunteered to remain behind in charge of our wounded at Sedley Church, and fell into the hands of the enemy. * The latter wjis released in a few days, but the former was carried to Rich- mond, where during his detention he was required to attend our wounded in the " tobacco warehouse." He was afterwards sent to Castle Pinckney in Charleston Harbor, and from there to the prisons at Columbia and at Salisbury, from which place he was finally released on the twenty-eighth of July, 18()2, having endured upwards of a years imprisonment. Surgeon Lyman H. Stone, U. S. Army, Assistant Surgeon C. S. DeGraw of the eighth New York militia, (now Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army) with several other volunteer medical officers, were likewise captured at this battle. Afler the battle of Wilson's Creek, Missouri, Assistant Surgeon P. C. Davis was detailed to remain in charge of our wounded at Springfield, where he fell into the hands of the enemy on their occupation of that town. He was released on parole on the twentieth of September. In his annual report to the Secretary of War for the year 1861 Surgeon General Finley thus speaks of the corps of medical cadets brought into service* by the act of August 3, 1861 : "They have been found to be of great service in the field and in hospitals, in- creasing the efficiency of the Medical Department by an intelligent assistance, and gleaning for themselves an amount of knowledge impossible to be obtained in the study of their profession in civil life,except at the cost of the labor of years. As no provision was made by the act for the subsistence of medical cadets, it is therefore respectfully recommended that they be allowed one ration for each per diem . There is also no allowance for camp and garrison equipage made for their accommoda- tion in the field. They should have the same as is now allowed subalterns in the army. It is respectfully recommended that this deficiency be supplied. DURING THK REBELLION. 221 In view of the advantage derived fvom tlie employment of this body of young men, and the increased comfort that is afforded by their means to the sick and wounded of our brave army, it is respectfully recommended that fifty more cadets be added to the corps, to be appointed in the same manner, and to enjoy the same priv- ileges and emoluments as those already in service." Other recommendations made by the Surgeon General in thi.s report were : an addition of one a.ssistant surgeon to each regiment of volunteers ; an increase of the regular Medical StaflP by ten surgeons and thirty assistant surgeons ; the enlistment of civilians as nurses in the general hospitals, and the addition to the organization of each company of two men to attend the sick in the field under orders of the regimental surgeon. He also called the attention of the Secre- tary to " the inequality in rank in proportion to the services and exposures that obtains in the Medical Coi"ps of the regular army, compared with other branches of the General Staff.'" On the seventh of February, 18G2. Mr. Wilson, chairman of the Military Committee of the Senate, introduced a bill " To increase the efficiency of the Medical Department of the Army." The provisions of this bill effecting deci- ded changes in the organization of the Medical Coi-jis, gave rise to much discussion in both Houses of Congress. After being amended in many partic- ulars, it finally became a law on the sixteenth of April in the following form : ^^ Be it enacted, etc.. That there shall be added to the present Medical Corps of the army ten surgeons and ten assistant surgeons, to be promoted and appointed under e.xisting laws; twenty medical cadets and as many hospital stewards as the Surgeon General may consider necessary for the public service, and that their paj' and that of all hospital stewards in the volunteer as well as in the regular service shall be thirty dollars per month, to be computed from the passage of this act. And all medical cadets in the service, shall, in addition to their pay. receive one ration per day, either in kind or commutation. Section" 2. And he it further e?iacted, That the Surgeon General to be appointed under this act shall have the rank, pay and emoluments of a brigadier general. There shall be one Assistant Sui'geon General and one Medical Inspector General of Hospi- tals, each with the rank, paj' and emoluments of a colonel of cavalry, and the Medical Inspector General shall have, under direction of the Surgeon General, the supervision of all that relates to the sanitary condition of the army, whether in transports, quarters ox camps, and of the hygiene, police, discipline and efficiency of field and general hospitals, under such regulations as may hereafter be established. Skotion 8. And he it further enacted, That there shall be eight Medical Inspectors, with the rank, pay and emoluments each of a lieutenant colonel of cavalry, and who shall be charged with the duty of inspecting the sanitary condition of transports, quarters and camps, of field and general hospitals, and who shall report to the Medi- cal Inspector General, under such regulations as may be hereafter established, all circumstances relating to the sanitary condition and wants of troops and of hospitals, and to the skill, efl&ciency and good conduct of the officers and attendants connected with the Medical Department. 22*2 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Section 4. And be it further enacted, That the Surgeon General, the Assistant Surgeon General, Medical Inspector Genei'al, and Medical Inspectors shall, immedi- ately after the passage of this act, be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, by selection from the Medical Corps of the army, or from the surgeons in the volunteer service, without regard to their rank when so selected, but with sole regard to qualifications. Section 5. And he it further enacted. That Medical Purveyors shall be charged under the direction of the Surgeon General, with the selection and purchase of all medical supplies, including new standard preparations, and of all books, instruments, hospital stores, furniture and other articles required for the sick and wounded of the army. In all cases of emergency, they may provide such additional accommodations for tlie sick and wounded of the army, and may transport such medical supplies as circumstances may render necessary, under such regulations as may hereaftef be established, and shall make prompt and immediate issues upon all special requi- sitions made upon them under such circumstances by medical officers; and the special requisitions shall consist simply of a list of the articles required, the qualities required, dated and signed by the medical officer requiring them. Section 6. And be it further enacted. That whenever the Inspector General or any one of the Medical Inspectors, shall report an officer of the Medical Corps as disqualified, by age or otherwise, for promotion to a higher grade, or unfitted for the performance of his professional duties, he shall be reported by the Surgeon General, for examination, to a Medical Board as provided by the seventeenth section of the act approved August third, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Section 7. And be it further enacted. That the provisions of this act shall con- tinue and be in force during the existence of the present Rebellion and no longer; Provided, hoieever, That when this act shall expire, all officers who shall have been promoted from the Medical Staff of the army under this act shall retain their re- spective rank in the army, with such promotion as they would have been entitled to." It was proposed in the course of discussion on this bill to give the chief of the Medical Bureau the title of Director General, and also to appoint a Medical Purveyor with the rank, pay and emoluments of a lieutenant colonel of cavalry, but both these propositions were voted down in committee. The day before the passage of this act Surgeon General Finley was retired from ac- tive service on his own application after forty years service, under the fifteenth section of the act of Congress, approved August 3, 1861. On the twenty-fifth of April, Assistant Surgeon William A. Hammond was promoted to the vacancy, with the rank, pay and emoluments of a brigadier general. Surgeon Robert C. Wood was appointed Assistant Surgeon General, and Brigade Sur- geon Thomas F. Perley, Medical Inspector General, each with the rank, pay and emoluments of a colonel. The following officers were appointed medical inspectors, with the rank, pay and emoluments of lieutenant colonel : Surgeons John M. Cuyler, Richard H. Coolidge, Charles C. Keeney and Edward P. VoUum of the regular corps ; Brigade Surgeons George H. Lyman, William H. Mussey and George T. Allen; and Surgeon Lewis Humphreys, of the twenty- ninth Indiana volunteers. DURING THE REBELLION. 223 The following general order in reference to general hospitals and to the discharge of soldiei-s on surgeon's certificate of disability was issued on the seventh of April, 1862: "Gexekai, Orders, No. 36. 1. The general hospitals are under the direction of the Surgeon General. Orders not involving expense of transportation may be given by him to transfer medical oflBcers or hospital stewards from one general hospital to another, as he may deem best for the service. 2. The chief medical officer to whom the charge of all the general hospitals in a city may be entrusted, will cause certificates of disability to be made out for such men as, in his judgment should be discharged. He will be responsible that the cer- tificates are given for good cause and that they are made in proper form, giving such medical description of the cases, with the degree of disability, as may enable the Pension Office to decide on any claim to pension which may be based upon them. The certificates of disability will be signed by the chief medical officer and forwarded by him to the military commander in the city, who shall have authority to order the discharge and dispose of the case according to existing regulations. 3. The final statements, and all the discharge papers, will be made out under the supervision of the military commander and signed by him. AVhere the men are provided with their descriptive rolls there will be no delay in discharging them after their certificates of disability are acted on. But if they have no descriptive rolls, ap- plication will be made to the company commander for the proper discharge papers, and the men may be maintained a reasonable time while awaiting them, to avoid their being turned off without means of support. The discharge will in all cases bear the d^te when the papers are actually furnished the soldier. 4. When a man is received in any hospital without his descriptive roll, the fact will be immediately reported by the medical officer in charge to the military com- mander, who will at once call on the company commander in the name of the Secretary of War, promptly to furnish the military history of the man, and his clothing, money and other accounts with the government. 5. When too long a delay would arise in discharging the man because of the remote station of his company, application will be made by the medical officer to the Adjutant General for such account of the man as his records will furnish. To this partial de- scriptive roll, the medical officer will add the period for which pay is due the man since his entry into the hospital. The man will then be discharged, and receive the pay and traveling allowances thus shown to be due him, leaving the balance due him on account of clothing, I'etained pay, &c., for settlement in such manner as may here- after be determined. * * * * 9. Whenever the chief medical officer shall report a number of patients as fit to join their regiments, the military commander will give the necessary orders to have them forwarded in good order and under suitable conduct. 10. The chief medical officer in each city is authorized to employ as cooks, nurses and attendants any convalescent, wounded or feeble men, who can perform such duties instead of giving them discharges. * * * * By obdeb of the Secretaby of Wab: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General^ 224 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY In order to still further facilitate the discharge of enlisted men for disa- bility, and thus relieve the general hospitals from the large number of chronic cases that were crowding them to the exclusion of others, Congress on the fourteenth of May passed the following bill : " Be it enacted, etc., That the Medical Inspector General, or any Medical Inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to discharge from the service of the United States aay soldier or enlisted man, in the permanent hospitals, laboring under any physical disability which makes it disadvantageous to the service that he be retained therein, and the certificate in writing of such Inspector General or Medical Inspector, setting forth the existence and nature of such physical disability, shall be sufficient evidence of such discharge ; Provided, however, That every such certificate shall appear on its face to have been founded on personal inspection of the soldier so discharged, and shall specifically describe the nature and origin of such disability; and that such dis- charge shall be without prejudice to the right of such soldier or enlisted man to the pay due him at the date thereof, and report the same to the Adjutant General and the Surgeon General." The next legislation on the part of Congress in reference to the Medical Department was a bill for the appointment of medical storekeepers and hospital chaplains, which was passed without debate on the nineteenth of May, and was its follows : ''Be it enacted, etc.. That the Secretary of AVar be authorized to add to the Med- ical Department of the army, medical storekeepers, not exceeding six in number, who shall have the pay and emoluments of military storekeepers in the quartermaster's department, and who shall be skilled apothecaries or druggists, who shall give the bond and security required by existing laws for military storekeepers in the quarter- master's department, and who shall be stationed at such points as the necessities of the army may require ; Provided, That the provisions of this act shall remain in force only during the continuance of the present Rebellion." On the approval of this act, the following general order was issued in reference thereto : "WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, May 24, 1862. General Obdebs, No. 55. ****** II. The following are the regulations which will govern the appointment of medical storekeepers, under the first section of the foregoing act of Congress. 1. A board of not less than three medical officers will be assembled by the Sec- retary of War, to examine such applicants as may, by him, be authorized to appear before it. 2. Candidates to be eligible to examination, shall be not less than twenty-five years, nor more than forty years of age ; shall possess sufficient physical ability to perform their duties satisfactorily; and shall present with their applications, satis- factory evidence of good moral character. DURING THE REBELLION. 225 3. Candidates will be required to pass a satisfactory examination in the ordinary branches of a good English education, in pharmacy and materia medica; and to give proof that they possess the requisite business qualifications for the position. 4. The board will report to the Secretary of War, the relative merit of the candi- dates examined, and they will receive appointments accordingly. 5. When appointed each medical storekeeper will be required to give a bond in the amount of forty thousand dollars, before he shall be allowed to enter on the per- formance of his duties. By order of the Secretary of War: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General.'" On the twelfth of May, 1862, Surgeon Nathan S. Jarvis, a veteran officer of the highest distinction, died at Baltimore, Maryland, where he had been on duty as Medical Director. He was appointed from New York to be assistant surgeon in the army in 1833, and had served faithfully in Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Mexico, holding many important trusts as medical purveyor, medi- cal director, member of examining boards, and delegate to the American Medi- cal Association, in all of which he had performed his duties to the credit of the Corps of which he was a worthy member. On the first of June a medical board, consisting of Surgeon General William A. Hammond and Assistant Surgeons Jonathan Letterman, J. J. Woodward and M. J. Asch, met in Washington to examine candidates for appointment both as assistant surgeons and medical storekeepers. Twenty-one candidates for the position of assistant surgeon appeared, of whom seven received a favorable report, the remainder withdrawing before their examination was completed. The board reconvened on the ninth of July, with Surgeon L. A. Edwards as president, and examined eight, of whom two were passed. Ten applicants for the position of medical storekeeper were invited to appear for examination, six of whom were found qualified. Very soon after his appointment Surgeon General Hammond saw the great advantage that would accrue to the cause of scientific medicine and sur- gery by rendering the enormous experience of the war available for future study. Hardly ever in the history of the world had such an opportunity been offered for the collection of statistics upon all points of military medicine, sur- gery and hygiene, and of obtaining specimens illustrative of pathological anatomy. It was therefore determined to commence such a collection in Wash- ington, and the initiatory steps were taken by the promulgation of the follow- ing circular: "SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, D. C, May 21, 1862. ClECULAE, No. 2. In the monthly report of sick and wounded the following details will be briefly mentioned in accompanying remarks : 15 226 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY Surgery. Fractures ^Tlie date of reception, the situation, character, direction, treatment and result in all cases. Gunshot wounds The date of reception, the situation, direction and character, the foreign matters extracted (if any), and the result in all cases. Amputations The period and nature of the injury, the character of the opera- tion, the time, place, and result. Exsections All operations for, with a statement of the injury demanding them, the date of injury, the date of operation, the joint or bone operated upon, and the result. Medicine. Fevers Tlieir character and symptoms, an outline of the plan of treatment found most efficient, with remarks on the location and sanitary condition of camps or quarters, during the prevalence of these disorders. Diarrhoea and Dysentenj Grade and treatment, with remarks on the character of the i-ation, and the modes of cooking. Scorbutic diseases Character and symptoms with observations on causation, and a statement of the means employed to procure exemption. Respirator}/ diseases Symptoms, severity and treatment, with remarks on the sheltering of the troops, and the atmospheric conditions. Similar remarks on other preventable diseases. Important cases of every kind should be reported in full. Where post mortem examinations have been made, accounts of the pathological results should be carefully prepared. As it is proposed to establish in Washington an An-viy Medical Museum, medical ofBcers are directed diligently to collect and to forward to the Office of the Surgeon General, all specimens of morbid anatomy, surgical or medical, which may be regardeil as valuable; together with projectiles and foreign bodies removed, and such other matters as may prove of interest in the study of military medicine or surgery. These objects should be accompanied by short explanatory notes. Each specimen in the collection will have appended the name of the medical officer by whom it was prepared. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, Surgeon General." The original organization of the volunteer medical staff was found in practice to be verj' defective, and the next legislation by Congress which was of interest to the Medical Department was a bill approved July 2nd, to reorganize that service so as to bring the medical officers of the volunteers more directly under the control of the Surgeon General, and assimilate their grades more nearly to those of the regular staff. It was as follows ; " Be it enacted, etc.. That there shall be appointed by the I'resident, by and witli the advise and consent of the Senate, forty surgeons and one hundred and twenty assistant surgeons of volunteers, who shall have the rank, pay and emoluments of officers of corresponding grades in the regular army ; Provided, That no one shall be appointed to any position under this act, unless he shall previously have been exam- ined by a board of medical officers to be appointed by the Secretary of War, and that vacancies in the grade of surgeon shall be filled by selection from the grade of assistant DURING THE REBELLION. 227 surgeon, on the ground of merit only; and provided further , That this act shall continue in force only during the present Rebellion. Section 2. And be it further enacted, That ft-om and after the passage of this act, brigade surgeons shall be known and designated as surgeons of volunteers, and shall be attached to the General Medical Staff, under the direction of the Surgeon General; and hereafter such appointments for the medical service of the army shall be appointed surgeons of volunteers. Section 3. And be it further enacted, That instead of 'one assistant surgeon,' as provided by the second section of the act of .July 22, 1861, each regiment of vol- unteers in the service of the United States shall have two assistant surgeons." The medical board for the examination of these new officers consisted of Surgeons John H. Brinton and Meredith Clymer, U. S. Volunteers, and Assist- ant Surgeon Warren Webster, U. S. Army. Soon after the Army of the Potomac was organized the officers assigned to its head-quarters as chiefs of the Quartermaster's and Subsistence Departments were made additional aides-de-camp, under the provisions of the act of August 5, 1861, so as to give them the rank of colonels. No such additional rank was given to the Medical Director, although his services were equally onerous and his responsibilities far greater. The officers of the Medical Staff were naturally desirous that the official head of their Department in the field should enjoy equal privileges of rank with those of the other staff corps, and to attain this end if possible, Surgeon General Hammond on the fifth of July, 1862, ad- dressed a letter to the Secretary of War, requesting that the temporary rank of colonel might be conferred on the Medical Directors of the armies under com- mand of Grenerals McClellan and Halleck. To this Secretary Stanton returned an unfavorable answer, upon the receipt of which the Surgeon General addressed the following letter to the Secretary : "SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, July 17, 1862. Hon. E. M. Stanton, ' Secketaky of Wak. Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a copy of your endorsement on my application to have the temporary rank of colonel given to the Medical Directors of General McClellan's and General Halleck's armies. In that endorsement it is stated : ' Refused unless it can be shown that the skill and efficiency of surgeons are increased by an increase of rank and pay.' I cannot undertake to show this. I do not believe it to be true, that the skill and elficiency of surgeons would be increased by an increase of rank and pay but if not surgeons, certainly not quartermasters or commissaries, or engineer officers. I think however and I am sure, sir, you will agree with me, that no men work more for less reward than the officers of the Medical Department. My request was not, however, intended to refer to surgeons as such, but to the Medical Directors of large armies. The duties of Medical Directors are purely 228 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY administrative, they are on the Staff of the Commanding General, and have control of all the medical officers, supplies and details. Their duties are most onerous. For the proper performance of important duties it is a recognized principle in military affairs, that rank is essential. A Medical Director has only the rank of any other surgeon, that of major, and I truly believe that increased rank will enable him to perform his duties better by causing his wishes to be treated with greater respect by his commanding officer, and his commands obeyed more willingly by his subordinates. The application was made without the knowledge of either of the officers who would be benefitted by the request being granted. Upon presenting the matter to General McClellan he assured me that it met with his cordial approval and he authorized me to say so to you. Other staff officers whose duties are of no greater importance than those of the officers for whom I ask increased rank, and which are not of so purely a military character, have had this rank conferred upon them. It certainly does not appear just that the chiefs of the Adjutant General's, Quartermaster's and Subsistence Depart- ments should receive greatly increased rank and the chief of the Medical Department be entirely overlooked. I again therefore ask that the Medical Directors of General McClellan' s and Gen- eral Halleck's armies may be appointed aides-de-camp with the rank of colonel, and I beg leave to add to this request that the same rank be given to the Medical Director of General Pope's army. I assure you that no act would be received with greater satisfaction by the three thousand medical officers of our army than this. I am, sir, very respectfully, etc., WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, Surgeon General J" No action was taken on this application, and it was not until February, 1865, that Medical Directors were granted additional rank, which was then given them by act of Congress. At the battle of Antietam, on the seventeenth of September, the Medical Corps lost a most valuable officer in the person of Surgeon W. J. H. White, at the time on duty as Medical Director of the Sixth Army Corps. He was riding in company with General Franklin and others, somewhat in advance of the line of battle, when a volley was fired from a neighboring clump of woods, by which he was instantly killed. Surgeon Letterman, Medical Director of the Army of the Potomac, thus mentions the medical officers slain in this action : "I have alluded to the loss of medical officers in battle. Three of them fell upon the battle field of Antietam, whose devotion to duty I cannot pass over. Surgeon W. J. H. White, U. S. Army, Medical Director of the Sixth Corps under General Franklin, was killed on that field by a shot from the enemy. He was a skilful surgeon, a gal- lant officer, and a gentleman whose deportment was kind and courteous to all who had intercourse with him. These admirable traits together with his familiarity with the medical affairs of that Corps, made his loss deeply to be deplored, and especially on that day. Assistant Surgeon Revere of the twentieth Massachusetts volunteers, accompanying his regiment into the midst of the fight, fell by the hands of the enemy. Qobly and fearlessly discharging his duty to the wounded. Assistant Surgeon A. A. DURING THE REBELLION. 229 Kendall of the twelfth Massachusetts volunteers was killed by the enemy while with his regiment in this battle. He was a faithful and efficient officer, active and zealous in his devotion to his duty, to which he fell a victim in the midst of battle." On the receipt of the news of the death of Surgeon White, the Surgeon General issued the following memorial circular : "SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, September 20. 186'2. Orders. It is with feelings of profound grief that the Surgeon General announces to the Medical Department the untimely death of Surgeon W. J. H. White, who was killed in the battle of Antietam, on Wednesday, the 17th instant. Surgeon White was appointed assistant surgeon in the army on the 12th of March, 1850, and was ordered to New York city to report to Surgeon Mower, then the prin- cipal Medical Purveyor of the army. In August of the same year he sailed with recruits under Colonel Craig for Port Lavacca, Texas, and accompanied them to El Paso, from whence he was soon ordered to accompany the escort to the Boundary Commission as medical officer. Being relieved in May, 1851, from duty with that escort, he was assigned to Abiqui, New Mexico, and served at different posts in that department (he was one of the pioneers of Fort Craig) until the year 1855, when he was ordered before the Medical Board at New York for examination for promotion. Having been examined and found qualified, he received a short leave of absence, at the expiration of which (August 18, 1855) he was assigned to temporary duty at Fortress Monroe, and shortly after received orders to sail with troops for Texas. In this department he served at Fort Davis, San Antonio, Camp Colorado, Forts Duncan, Mcintosh and Clark, from which latter post he was relieved on the nineteenth of December, 1860, and ordered to report in person to the Surgeon General. In January, 1861, Doctor White arrived at Washington, and after being for some time attached to the Surgeon General's Office, was detailed for duty with ti-oops in this city. Here he was in charge of the general hospital in the Washington Infirmary, and in addition to his duties in that hospital, was detailed as member of the Army Medical Board convened in this city, for the examination of candidates for the position of surgeon of brigade and for appointment in the Medical Staff of the army. On the sixteenth of April, 1862, he was appointed surgeon to fill an original vacancy, and on the twenty-third of June was ordered to report to the head-quarters, Army of the Potomac, where he served as Medical Director of Franklin's Corps; and it was while fulfilling the duties of this office that Surgeon AVhite was killed on the field of battle. The first medical officer of his corps who has fallen in battle during the present war, the Surgeon General feels it no less his duty than his pleasure to bear tribute to the many estimable qualities which had endeared Surgeon White to his brother officers. Amiable in disposition, and of talents and integrity unquestioned, Surgeon White performed every duty which devolved upon him during a service of more than twelve years, to the entire satisfaction of this Department, which feels his loss as that of an officer not easily to be replaced. As a tribute of respect to his memory, the usual badge of mourning will be worn by the officers of the Medical Department for thirty days. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, Surijeon General, U. S. A." 230 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY An arniy medical board of examination, consisting of Surgeons Abadie and A. K. Smith and Assistant Surgeons Dunster and Asch, met in Philadel- phia on the first of October. It continued its sessions at intervals until the following April, Surgeon Abadie being relieved as president in December by Medical Inspector Cuyler. In all thirty-three candidates presented themselves, of whom fourteen were approved, one rejected, and eighteen withdrew their names before their examinations were completed. In his annual report for 1862 to the Secretary of War the Surgeon Gen- eral makes the following suggestions to increase the ability of the Medical Department to care for the sick and wounded : But there are still other measures, which if adopted cannot fail to add to the efficiency of the Department, and these I desire to urge through you on the attention of Congress. First among these is the establishment of a permanent hospital and ambulance corps, composed of men specially enlisted for duty in the Medical Depart- ment, and properly officered, who shall be required to perform the duties of nurses in the hospitals, and to attend to the service of the ambulances in the field. By the establishment of this corps, several thousand soldiers, now detached as nurses, cooks, etc., would be returned to duty with their regiments and the expense now incurred by the necessary employment of contract nurses obviated. * * * * Xhe necessity of such a corps has been recognized in all European armies, and I am able to speak from personal observation of the great advantages to be derived from it. ****** Considerable progress has been made in the establishment of an Army Medical Museum. The advantages to the service and to science from such an institution can- not be overestimated. I respectfully recommend that a small annual appropriation be made for its benefit. An Army Medical School in which medical cadets and others seeking admission into the Corps could receive such instruction as would better fit them for commissions and which they cannot obtain in the ordinary medical schools, is a great desideratum. Such an institution could be established in connection with any general hospital, with but little if any expense to the United States. A hospital of a more permanent char- acter than any now in this city, is I think necessary, and will be required for years after the present Rebellion has ceased. I therefore recommend that suitable build- ings be purchased or erected for that purpose. If this is done, the medical school and museum will be important accessions to it. The Engineer and Ordnance Department are charged with the erection of build- ings, which require special knowledge. Tlie building of hospitals also requires knowledge of a peculiar character, which is not ordinarily possessed by officers out of the Medical Department. It would therefore appear obviously proper that the Med- ical Department should be charged with the duty of building the hospitals which it is their duty to administer. In the matter of transportation, the interests of the service require that the Medical Department should be independent. Much suffering has been caused by the impossibility of furnishing supplies to the wounded, when those supplies were within a few miles of them in great abundance. DURING THE REBELLION. 281 The establishment of a laboratory, from which the Medical Department could draw its supplies of chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, similar to that now so successfully carried on by the Medical Department of the navy, would be a measure of great utility and economy. I therefore respectfully recommend that authority be given for this purpose. * * * * Soon after my appointment, I issued circulars to medical officers, inviting them to cooperate in furnishing materials for a Medical and Surgical History of the Rebel- lion. A large number of memoirs and reports of great interest to science and military surgery especially have been collected, and are now being systematically arranged. The greatest interest in this labor is felt by medical officers of the army and physicians at large." In addition, the Surgeon Greneral advised the increase of the regular Medical Corps by another Assistant Surgeon General, two more Medical Inspec- tore General, eight medical inspectors, twenty surgeons, and forty assistant sur- geons ; and to the volunteer medical staiF, of fifty surgeons, and two hundred and fifty assistant surgeons. He also recommended that so much of the first section of the act of June 30, 1834, as forbade the promotion of any assistant surgeon until he had served five years in that grade should be repealed. He repeated his previous recommendation that increased rank should be given to INIedical Directors while serving as such. On the twenty-seventh of December, an act was approved " To facilitate the discharge of disabled soldiers from the Army, and the inspection of conva- lescent camps and hospitals," by the appointment of additional medical inspec- tors. The following is the text of this bill : " i?e it enacted, etc., That there shall be added to the present Medical Corps of the army, eight medical inspectors, who shall immediately after the passage of this act be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, without regard to their rank when so selected, but with sole regard to qualifications, and who shall have the rank, pay and emoluments now authorized by law to officers of that grade. Section 2. Aiid be it further enacted, That the officers of the Medical Inspector's Department shall be charged, in addition to the duties now assigned to them by exist- ing laws, with the duty of making regular and frequent inspections of all military general hospitals and convalescent camps, and shall upon each such inspection, des- ignate to the surgeon-in-charge of such hospitals or camps, all soldiers who may be. in their opinion, fit subjects for discharge from the service on surgeon's certificate of disability, or sufficiently recovered to be returned to their regiments for ay of the officer appointed to fill said vacancy." Assistant Medical Purveyor J. H. Baxter was promoted to be (^hief Medi- cal Purveyor in accordance with the provi.sions of this act. The large number of vacancies in the Medical Department rendered it impossible to supply all the military garrisons in the country and provide the necessary details for other duty, except by the employment of a large number of citizen physicians. It became therefore very advisable that the legislation forbidding promotion and appointment in the staff corps should be repe^ded. in so far as it referred to the Medical Department. The Surgeon Gi-eneral ear- nestly urged such acti(m by Congress in his annual reports for 1870. 1871 and 1872, and it was strongly recommended in the latter year by both the Secretary of War and the President. Nevertheless, no action was taken thereon. At the last session of Congress several bills were introduced with this t)bject in view, and one of them passed the Senate on the third of March, but the final adjournment of Congress taking place the next day. it failed to reach a vote in the House of Representatives. There are at present (June, 1878) two vacancies in the grade of Assistant Medical Purveyor, five in that of surgeon, fifly-five in that of assistant surgeon and one in that of medical storekeeper ; in all sixty-three, a reduction of the effective working force of the Department that cannot but be disastrous to the best interests of the Medical Staff and of the service at large. We have now in a rapid manner sketched the more important events in the history of the Medical Staft", from its inception in 1775 to the present time. Want of space has prevented the consideration of much valuable material on file in the Surgeon General's Ofiice, but as this is chiefly of a personal charac- ter, relating rather to individuals than to the corps at lai^e, it was thought best to omit everything which was not of general interest either in the decision of disputed points, the establishment of precedent, or the maintenance of the high standard of the Corps and the profession. It now remains only to mention the work performed under the auspices of the Surgeon General's Bureau since the close of the war. The Army Medical Museum has continued to increase in interest and importance from the date of its incipience. It is now permanently located SINCE THE REBELLION. 257 in the old Ford's theatre building, in which the lamented Lincoln was assassinated, which was purchased for this purpose in 1866, and havin<^ been completely refitted and rendered fire-proof, was opened to the public on the fouiteenth of April, 1867. Since that time it has been visited yearly by many thousand persons, embracing not only the ordinary class of sight-seers, but also medical and scientific men from all parts of this country and Europe, by whom it is pronounced the most complete collection of the kind in the world. It is divided into sections embracing specimens in surgery, medicine, anatomy, microscopy and comparative anatomy. The surgical section contained on the fii-st of July, 1872, six thousand and ninety-three preparations, embracing gun- shot fractures of every description, plaster casts showing the results of opera- tions, tumors, calculi, missiles of war, surgical instruments of every variety and a large number of wet preparations illustrative of every description of surgical disease and injury. The medical section contained eleven hundred and twenty-five specimens and is especially rich in its illustrations of the diseases incident to camps and hospitals, though by no means confined to this speciality. In the microscopical division are nearly six thousand specimens carefully mounted and labelled, afibrding a wide field for the study of histology and medical and surgical pathology, which is being rapidly increased under the direction of able and experienced microscopists. The anatomical collection embraces nearly a thousand crania of existing tribes of Indians, a series of skulls from tumuli and many rare specimens of artificial deformities of the cranium, and will eventually become a rich field for ethnological research. In the section of comparative anatomy are two hundred and ninety-five complete skeletons of animals, and upwards of seven hundred crania of birds, reptiles, fishes and mammals. To all these should be added a complete collection of models of am- bulances, litters and other appliances for the transportation of sick and wounded, aitificial limbs of every known design, a collection of photographs illus- trative of the result of operations, etc., etc. ; making in all upwards of fifteen thousand specimens on the catalogue, which is being constantly increased by the receipt of new preparations from all parts of the country. In the same building with the Museum is situated the Library of the Surgeon General's Office. At the commencement of the war this contained but about three hundred and fifty text books and journals. In October, 1865, the number of volumes was about eighteen hundred, since which time it has increased rapidly by purchase, donation and exchange, until at the present time it numbers about twenty-five thousand volumes and thirteen thousand single pamphlets, most of the latter being unbound theses. Among the former are six hundred and fifty-eight bound volumes of the Paris theses, and upwards of six 17 258 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY hundred volumes of pamphlets, makinp; the total number of titles nearly forty thousand. About two thousand of the books are not of a professional charac- ter, being works on the history of the late war, on meteorology, on physics, and various public documents. The library is especially complete in its collection of American medical periodicals. It is open to the public under the same regulations as the Library of Congress. Its future depends to a great extent on the liberality of Congress, but it may be confidently expected that at no distant day it will be recognized as the standard medical library of this country and will compare not unfavorably with the best collections of the old world. To the industry and sound bibliographic judgment of Assistant Sur- geon John S. Billings, who has devoted his time to this work, in addition to the ordinary duties devolving upon his official position, much credit is to be given in connection with the selection of the books now composing the collection and the preparation of a complete catalogue of authors and an alphabetical index of subjects. The army chemical laboratory is also situated in this building, and is em- ployed in such chemical investigations as are needed from time to time by the Surgeon General, such as analyses of specimens of water sent to it from various parts of the country, the detection of adulterations in the various constituents of the soldier's ration and in medicines and other articles fiimished by the Supply Table, etc., etc. It has, under the able direction of Acting Assistant Surgeon B. F. Craig, become a most useful and important adjunct to the Sur- geon General's Office. Since the close of the war the Surgeon General has printed, by authority of the Secretary of War, the following books : Circular, No. 6. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, Novem- ber 1, 1865. Report on the Extent and Nature of the Materials available for the preparation of the Medical and Surgical History of the Rebellion. Quarto, pp. 166. Catalogue of the United States Army Medical Museum. Prepared under the direc- tion of the Surgeon General, U. S. Army. Washington, 1866. Quarto, pp. 960. Circular, No. 5. War Department, Surgeon General's O^ce, Washington, May 4, 1867. Report on Epidemic Cholera in the Army of the United States during the year 1860. Quarto, pp. 65. Circular, No 7. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, July 1, 1867. A Report on Amputations at the Hip-Joint in Military Surgery. Quarto, pp. 87. Circular, No. 1. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, June 10, 1868. "Report on Epidemic Cholera and Yellow Fever in the Army of the United States during the year 1867. Quarto, pp. 156. Circular, No. 2. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, January 2, 1869. A Report on the Excisions of the Head of the Femur for gunshot injury. Quarto, pp. 141. SINCE THE REBELLION. 259 Circular, No. 4. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, Decem- ber 5, 1870. Report on Barracks and Hospitals, with descriptions of Military Posts. Quarto, pp. 494. Circular, No. 2. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, July 27, 1871. Approved Plans and Specifications for Post Hospitals. Quarto, pp. 14. Circular, No. 3. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, August 17, 1871. Report of Surgical Cases treated in the Army of the United States from 1865 to 1871. Quarto, pp. 296. Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, with an alphabetical inde^ of subjects. Washington, 1872. In addition to the above, during the period referred to there have been written by officers of the Medical Department the following special reports : On the hygienic fitness of the present uniform and allowance of clothing fojr enlisted men. Washington, January 31, 1868. A report made to the Commissioner of Agriculture on the Diseases of Cattle in the United States. 1869. Report to the Surgeon General of the United States Army on the Magnesium and Electric Lights as applied to Photo-micrography. January 5, 1870. Report to the Surgeon General of the United States Army on the Oxy-calcium Light as applied to Photo-micrography. June 4, 1870. Report to the Surgeon General of the United States Army on certain points con- nected with the Histology of minute bloodvessels. July 6, 1870. Report to the Surgeon General on an improved method of photographing Histo- logical Preparations by Sunlight. 1871. Report to the Secretary of War on Quarantine on the Southern and Gulf Coasts of the United States. December 4, 1872. Report to the Surgeon Genei'al of the Army on the Minute Anatomy of two cases of Cancer. 1872. "Copies of these publications have been distributed to medical officers of the army and navy, to a large number of volunteer surgeons who served during the war and to many colleges and learned societies. They have been adjudged at home and abroad to contain real and valuable additions to human knowledge on the special subjects of which they treat, and the demand for them has been so great, that the large editions printed proved insufficient and it was necessary to refuse copies to many applicants." The work done in the microscopic section of the Museum in the direction of photo-micrography has also been very extensive and has been highly appre- ciated by the most eminent microscopists in all parts of the world, to whom copies of many of the photo-micrographs were sent. So have also the effi^rts made to disseminate a knowledge of the collections of the Museum by means of photographs, models of ambulances and hospitals, of improvements in artificial limbs and surgical appliances, which were exhibited at the Paris Exposition and sent to various governments and leading societies in Europe. A collection of 260 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY four volumes of photographs, illustrating every kind of surgical injury, modes of repair and the results obtained by conservative surgery, has been distributed in this manner and met with the most flattering reception from such professional leaders as Larrey, Legouest, Longmore, Pouchet, Parkes and others. All of this work, however, important and valuable as it is, has been subordinate to the " Medical and Surgical History of the War" of which the first part, embracing two large quarto volumes, has just been published and is now being distributed. It is yet too early to ascertain the verdict of the professional world on this great storehouse of facts relative to military medicine and surgery, but the results of the past warrant us in believing that a like appreciation will be shown to the labors of the distinguished compilers of these volumes and still greater credit accrue to the Medical Department from their publication than have already been accorded to their predecessors. The work above spoken of has been of such a character as to be of compara- tively little interest outside of the medical and scientific world. In addition the Medical Bureau since the war has been engaged in other labors which appeal most forcibly to the sympathies of the community at large. The " Record and Pension Division" of the Surgeon G-eneral's Office has been the means of fur- nishing information in many thousand cases of application for pension for disease or disability contracted during the war, verifying from its admirably kept records the justice of the claim or protecting the government in the event of a fraudulent application. From July 1, 1865, to April 30, 1873, applications for information from the various departments of the government, as well as from the parties concerned, have been made in two hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and ninety-five cases. Answers have been re- turned in two hundred and thirty-seven thousand two hundred and eighty- nine of these, leaving but eleven hundred and six unreturned at the last date. These came from the following offices : RECEIVED. RETURNED. REMAINING. Adjutant General, 74,464, 74,167, 297. Commissioner of Pensions, 140,096, 139,294, 802.' Paymaster General, 11,972, 11,972, Miscellaneous, 11,863, 11,856, 7. The supplying of artificial limbs to disabled soldiers was placed in charge of the Medical Department at an early period during the war. Up to the thirtieth of April, 1873, there had been ftimished the following number and variety : I SINCE THE REBELLION. 261 Arms, 3,177 ; Legs, 5,894 ; Feet. 59 ; Apparatus for resections, 234 : making a total of 9,364. While these pages are passing through the press, information is received that two more officers of the Corps have passed away from the scene of their earthly usefulness. Brevet Brigadier General Madison Mills, after thirty-nine years faithful sei-vice, in which he held many positions of trust and importance, died at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, on the twenty-ninth of April. The following memorial circular, recently issued, gives the history of his military career : " WAR DEPARTMENT, SuKGEON General's Office, Washington, May 5, 1873. The Surgeon General announces with regret to the Medical Corps the death of one of its senior members, Surgeon and Brevet Brigadier General Madison Mills, which occurred at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, on the 28th of April. Receiving his commission as Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A., in April, 1834, Surgeon Mills' service extended over a period of thirty-nine years, during which it was his fortune to take part in the Florida war, the war with Mexico, the Utah expedition of 1858 (as Medical Director) and the war of the Rebellion. He was Medical Director of the Department of Tennessee (General Grant's Army) at the time of the siege and surrender of Vicksburg, and in December, 1864, was appointed Medical Inspector General, the duties of which position he discharged most satisfactorily. In November, 1864, the brevets of Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel and in April, 1865, that of Briga- dier General were conferred upon him for faithful and meritorious services. Possessed of unflinching determination and courage and guided by professional abilities of a high order, his administration of tlie trusts c(Jnfided to him was marked by a prompt efiiciency and sound judgment that secured successful results, even under tlie most adverse circumstances. J. K. BARNES, Surgeon General, U. S. Arm;/." Assistant Surgeon Thomas McMillin died of heart disease in the field while chief medical officer of the forces operating against the Modoc Indians in Oregon. As Medical Purveyor of the Army of the Potomac in 1862 and 1863 he contributed greatly by his efficient management of this important charge to the admirable medical service of the campaigns in which that army was engaged, and subsequently as surgeon in charge of the hospital transports " Baltic" and " J. K. Barnes " superintended the transfer of many thousand sick and wounded soldiers from various points at the south to northern hospi- tals, performing all his duties to the entire satisfaction of the Department. His excellent personal traits caused him to be as much beloved as he was officially respected. Ninety-eight years have now elapsed since the first humble beginning of^ 262 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY the Anny Medical Department at the siege of Boston. The successors of those pioneers in American military surgery can say with pride that during that long period they have taken no step backward. Under the leadership of such wise and accomplished chiefs as Morgan, Shippen, Cochran, Tilton, Lovell and Lawson the Corps steadily advanced from the inchoate condition of its birth to the comparative perfection in organization, discipline and learning to which it had attained on the outbreak of the Rebellion. Under their equally distinguished successors, who were forced to meet the emergencies of a gigantic campaign with an experience gained on the most limited scale, the Corps proved true to its past record, and has astonished the world, not less by the vastness of it operations than by the success of their accomplishment. During the Revolu- tion we but copied the systems in vogue in European araiies, and unavailingly endeavored to adapt them to the partisan warfare which characterized the cam- paigns of that period. To-day the great surgeons of Europe recognize their indebtedness to us for much that constitutes progress in military medicine, hygiene and surgery, and European governments send special commissions to avail themselves of the vast treasures of experience accumulated by the Medical Department in our last great war. In the past history of the Medical Corps, in the gradual increase of its reputation and usefiilness, in the high esteem in which it has always been held by the rest of the army, in the distinguished names which have adorned its ranks, as well as in the encomiums which have recently been so freely accorded to it, there is every encouragement to maintain a high standard of individual and professional integrity, and the esprit dv corps which is so important an element of its very existence. the end. APPENDIX. 263 APPENDIX A. Reoisteu of Medical Officers who served to the close of the Revolution AND WERE discharged IN 1783. As it is impossible at this date to ascertain the names of all the medical of&cers who served during the Revolutionary war, those only are given in the following table who are known to have been honorably discharged at the termination of hostilities. The list has been obtained from Force's American Archives, from pension returns and Revolutionary muster rolls. The roster of hospital surgeons is believed to be very nearly complete ; that of the regimental medical officers is necessarily imperfect from lack of data to ascertain to what regiments many officers were attached, from the want of uniformity in the nomenclature of regiments, and from the fact that during the last year of the war many officers availed themselves of the indefinite furlough granted to all officers, and were never discharged at all. The hospital officers are arranged according to rank, those attached to regiments by states. GENERAL STAFF. Director. John Cochran, of New York. Deputy Director. David Olyphant, of South Carolina. Physician to the Army. James Craik, of Virginia. Purveyor. Thomas Bond, of Pennsylvania. Assistant Purveyors. Isaac Ledyard, of New York, N. Brownson, of South Carolina. Apothecary General. Andrew Craigie, of New York. Apothecaries. J. B. Cutting, of New York, Henry C. Flagg, of South Carolina. 264 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Hospital Surgeons. 1. Malachi Treat, of New York, 2. Charles McKniglit, of New York. 3. Peter Fayssoux, of South Carolina. 4. James Tilton, of Delaware. 5. Samuel Adams, of Mass. 6. David Townshend, of Mass. 7. Henry Latimer, of Delaware. 8. Philip Turner, of Connecticut. 9. William Burnet, of New Jersey. 10. John Warren, of Mass. 11. William Eustis, of Mass. 12. George Draper, of New York. I 13. Barnabas Binney, of Penn. 14. Robert Johnson, of Penn. 15. William Read, of South Carolina. 16. Joseph Young, of New York. 17. Goodwin Wilson, of Penn. 18. Daniel Jenifer, of Maryland. 19. Samuel Edmondston, of Maryland. 20. George Campbell, of New York. 21. Thomas T. Tucker, of South Carolina. 22. Samuel Vickers, of South Carolina. 28. William Barnett, of New Jersey. 24. Thomas Tillotson, of Maryland. Hospital Surgeon's Mates. Andrew Caldwell, of Penn. Joseph Savage, of Virginia. W. Hooker Smith, do George Yates, do John A. Saple, do Samuel J. Axson, of South Carolina. George Stevenson, do Charles Lochman, do REGIMENTAL STAFF. Surgeons. Mathew Mans, of Penn. Invalid Corps. Robert R. Henry, First N. H. Regiment. Ebenezer Stockton, Second N. H. do Azel Washburn, Warner's N. H. do Joseph Fisk, First Mass. do John Hart, Second do do Samuel Whitwell, Third Mass. do Daniel Shute, Fourth do do James B. E. Finley, Fifth do do Henry Adams, Sixth do do Samuel Finley, Seventh do do John Thomas, Eighth do do John DuflBeld, Crane's do Artillery. Samuel Tenney, First R. I. Regiment. David Adams, Durkee's Conn. do Noah Coleman, C. Webb's do do Timothy Mather, Swift's do do .John Rose, Webb's do do John Noyes, Starr's do do Thomas Skinner, Russell's do do John R. Watrous, Wyllis' do do Ebenezer Crosby, Guard's do do Caleb Sweet, First New York do Daniel Minnema, Second do do Kenlock Woodruff, Third do do John T. Vache, Fourth do do Ebenezer Elmer, Third New Jersey Reg't. John McDowell, First Penn. do Richard Allison, Second do do James Jones, Third do do Alexander Stewart, Third do do Reading Beatty, Fourth do Artillery. James Davidson, Fifth do Regiment. Joseph Brown, Seventh do do Hugh Martin, Eighth do do Andrew Ladley, Twelfth do do Alexander McCoskey, Artificer do Thomas McCalla, Fourth Penn. Dragoons. William Adams, do Artillery. Reuben Gilder, First Delaware Regiment. Louis Denwood, Maryland Infantry. William Kilty, do do Walter Warfield, do do Thomas Chryslie, First Virginia Regiment. David Holmes, Second do do Joseph Davis, Third do do Robert Rose, First Va. Light Dragoons. John Trezvant, Second Va. do James Wallace, Third do do Alexander Skinner, Lee's Va. Legion. Joseph Blyth, First N. C. Regiment. William McClure, do do Dragoons. (?) APPENDIX. 265 Surgeons Continued. Samuel Cook, Fifth New York Regiment. Thomas Reed, Livingston's N. Y. do Nicholas Schuyler, Hazen's do do .Jacob Harris, First New Jersey do Garret Tunison, Second do do James Martin, South Carolina Infantry. Frederick Sunn, do do James Houston, do do Benjamin Tetard, do do Surgeons ichose Ezekiel Brown, of Mass. Daniel Bartlet, do John Crane, do Walter Hastings, do Abij ah Richardson, do Thaddeus Thompson, do Timothy Hosmer, of Connecticut. Peter Turner, of Rhode Island. William McGaw, of Penn. Peter Peres, do regiments are unknown. John R. B. Rodgers, of Penn. Ezekiel Hame, of Maryland. Richard Pindell, do Cornelius Baldwin, of Virginia. Mace Clement, do George Munroe, do Bazil Middleton, do James Fergus, of North Carolina. James W. Green, do Solomon Hailing, do Regimental Surgeon^ s Mates. David Allen, First N. H. Regiment. William Laughlin, First Mass. Reg't. Origen Brigham, Second do Francis L. B. Goodwin, Third do Isaac G. Graham, Sproats' do EbenezerBallentine, Tupper's Mass. Re't. Justus Starrs, First Conn. Regiment. Joseph Higgins, Second Conn, do Isaac Bronson, Sheldon's do do Eneas Manson, Webb's do do Nicholas U. Bogart, First R. I. Reg't. John Elliot, First New York do Robert Harris, First Penn. do John Wilkins, Third do do Aaron WoodrufiF, Twelfth Penn. do Joseph Thompson, Fourth Penn. Drag's. Christopher Taylor, Invalid Corps. Alexander Smith, Maryland Infantry. Nathan Smith, Posey's Va. Regiment. Claiborne Vaughan, First Va. Lt. Drag's. 17* 26f> THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY KEGISTERS OF MEDICAL OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY. In the following tables an attempt Las been made to give the military history of every officer of the Corfs since the organization of the first infantry in 1789. For convenience sake they are divided into three parts, the first embracing the period before the establishment of the office of Surgeon General, the second the three years from 1818 to 1821, and the third the period after the reorganization of the Corps in the latter year. Although this arrangement necessitates the repetition of a number of names it was fonnd necessary, as the designations and duties of medical officers differed so much in each of these periods as to render it impracticable to place them all under one heading. The first of the following registers is as correct as it can be made, in view of the absence of any official Army Register previous to 1800, except two in manuscript, both of which were imperfect. The most of the information about the medical officers of this period has been obtained from Gardner's " Dictionary of the Army," and it is prob- able that some names have been omitted. The second and third registers are believed to be complete, being taken entirely from the official records of the War Department. FKOM 1789 TO 1818. Name and date of commission. Previous military service. Remarks. Phytician General. James Ceaik, 19 July, 1798 Hos.sur. rev. army 1776 Ch.ho8.phy'n 6 Oct. 1780 Ch.phy'n & sur. of army 3 Mar. 1781 Hos.sur. rev. army 1776 Hos.phy'n A sur... eOct. 1780 Del Phygician and Surgeon General. jAJfxS TiLTON 11 Jane, 1813 Apothecary General. Fbakcu Le Barbon..!! June, 13|8ur. mate, U. S. N.. Dec. 1800 Mass . Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1802 Gar. sur Dec. 1808 Atsistant Apothecaries General. Penn. Penn. La Gar. 8ur. mate 10 June, 1809 N. Y.. David Neilson 3 Dec. 12 James Cutbush 2 Aug. 14 Christopher Backu8..12 Aug. Richard Brownell 16 Nov. Joseph West 16 Nov. David Low 16 Nov. Cornelius Cunningham .Tone, 15iQar. sur. mate 16 Oct. I8IO1D. C. Surgeons. j Richard Allison ...29 Sep. 1789 Snr. rev.ann7 . Joseph Waldo Mar. 91 1 Sur. under the con- federation 9 Aug. 1787 John Elliott.....^ Mar. 8ur.mate,inf.reg...29 Sep. 1789!n.Y... Penn. Disbanded 15 June, 1800. Disbanded 15 June, 181.'). Prov. ret Jnne, 1815. Disbanded June, 1815. Prov. ret May, 1816. Prov. ret Jnne, 1816. Disbanded Jnne, 1815. Died 17 Dec. 1814. Disbanded Juno, 1815. Resigned 31 Mar. 1820. Inf.rcg 29 Sep. 1789. Gen. Staff Apr. 1792. Out of service in 1798. Levies of. 1791. Disbanded 1792. 1 inf. Mar. 1791. Disbanded June, 1802. REGISTER. 267 Name ani^ date of commiseion. Previous military service. .3 3 = S Surgeons Oontinusd. John F. Carmicha;! Mar. 1792 Sur. mate, 1 inf., ....29 Sep. 1789 Sur. mate, 2 inf..... Mar. 1791 John M.Scott Apr. Natlian Hay ward Apr. Charles Brown 2 June,94 Joseph Phillips June,96 George Gillaspie 3 Mar. 97 William McCoskry.... 30 Apr. 98 James Scanlan 14 June, John Chetwood 1 Apr. 99 Francis H. Peyton July, Oliver Mann July, Robert Geddes July, Joseph Trowbridge... July, Edward Conrad July, Charles Blake July, William Hurst Sep. Samuel Finley Sep. Roger Cutler 24 Apr. 1800 David Davis Mar. 02 Oliver H. Spencer 9 Oct. 04 Isaac Davis 12 Dec. Alfred Thruston 12 Dec. Dennis Claude 12 Dec. Smith Cutter .12 Dec. Josiah D. Foster 12 Dec. William Upshaw 12 Dec. Lewis Dunham 12 Dec. Francis Le Barron Dec. John Moncure Daniel 7 July, 09 Richard Shubrick 8 Aug. Sur. mate, inf. reg..29 Sep. Vd Sur.mate under con- federation 1 May, 1787 Sur. mate. art. bat..29 Sep. 1789 Sur. mate levies 1791 Sur.mate 11 Apr. 1792 Sur. mate levies 1791 Sur. mate,l sub.leg.ll Apr. 1792 Sur. mate levies 1791 Sur mate, 2 inf. Mar. 1792 N.J. N. J... Mass. Penn. N. J... N.Y.., Penn. Md.... N. J.. Va.... Mass. Md Conn. Va Mass. Sur.mate, 1 sub.leg. 1796 4 inf. Nov. 1796 Sur. mate, 7 inf..... 13 Mar. 1807 Sur.mate 24 Mar. 1804 Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1802 Penn. N.Y.. N. C, La.... Penn. Tenn. Md...., N.Y.. Mass. Va.... N.J., Va... 8. C, 3 sub. leg Mar. 1792. 4inf Nov. 1796. Post sur Mar. 1799. Retained in 3 inf..... Feb. 1801. Gar. sur Mar. 1802. Resigned 27 June, 1804. 2 sub. leg Apr. 1792. Resigned Jan. 1797. 3 sub. leg Apr. 1792. Resigned May, 1796. 1 art. & eng 2 June, 1794. Disbanded 1 June, 1802. 3 sub. leg June, 1796. 3inf Nov. 1796. Disbanded 1 June, 1802. 2 inf. 3 Mar. 1797. Trans, to Navy Mar. 1798. 2 inf. 30 Apr. 1798. Resigned 1 Feb. 1802. 2 art. & eng 14 June, 1798. Disbanded 1 June, 1802. 11 inf. 1 Apr. 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 7 inf. July, 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 15 inf July, 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 9 inf. July, 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 13 inf. July, 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 8 inf. July, 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 14 inf. July, 1799. Ret. as sur.mate 1 inf Mar. 1801. In 2 art & eng Oct. 1801. Retained Apr. 1802. Resigned June, 1805. 10 inf. Sep. 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 12 inf. Sep. 1799. Resigned 1800. 6 inf. 24 Apr. 1800. Disbanded June, 1800. Post surg Mar. 1802. Resigned 20 Jan. 1808. Gar. sur 9 Oct. 1804. Resigned 20 June, 1814. 6 inf. 12 Dec. 1808. ligned 21 May, 1813. Sur. 3 inf. 21 May, 1814. Died,Montgom'y,Ala21 July, 1814. 7 inf. 12 Dec. 1808. Resigned 9 Feb. 1812. Lt. art.reg Dec. 1808. Resigned. Oct. 1810. Rifle reg 12 Dec. 1808. Resigned 18 Apr. 1811. 4 inf. 12 Dec. 1808. Hos. sur .25 Apr. 1812. Died 1813. 5 inf. 12 Dec. 1808. ligned 10 June, 1811. Lt. Drag. 12 Dec. 1808. Ret. in It. art May, 1815. Resigned 21 May, 1819. Gar. sur Dec. 1808. Promoted 11 June, 1813. Hos. sur 7 July, 1809. Died 8 Oct. 1813. 3 inf. 8 Aug. 1809. Died May, 1814. 268 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY Name and date of commission. Previous military service. 2 . 3 a Surgeons Continued. James V. Stewart Feb. 11 Adam Hays 10 Feb. 12 John Irwin AdamG.Goodlet, jr...lO Feb. James Norcum 12 Mar. Alex. Montgomery.. ..12 Mar. Wm. Wilmot Hall 24 Mar. Giles Gridley 9 Apr. Samuel Clarke 14 Apr. Ephraim Brewster... .14 Apr. Fenn Demtng 14 Apr. Stephen D. Beekman.l4 Apr. Garret .Pendergra8t2d Apr. James C. Bronaugh...28 Apr. David C. Ker 30 Apr. Jacob DeLaMotta..... 1 May, Joeeph liovell 15 May, Samuel Gilliland .15 May, Wm. Henry Brown. ..15 May, John Young 4 June, Wm. Horace Buckner 6 July, Joeeph F. Lee 6 July, George Bates- 6 July, Silaa Fuller 6 July, Samuel Akerly 6 July, John Watts, jr 6 July, John Parker Gough.. 6 July, Wm. H. Williams July, George Phillips 14 Sep. Jonathan Shaw 29 Sep. John Y. Lansing 1 Oct. Gar. BUT. mate 27 Feb. 1807 Sur. U. S.N 28 Sep. 1811 Sur. mate, 9 inf.....l2 Dec. 1808 Md.... Penn. Ky.... Ky.... N.C.. Ky.... Md.... Mass. Mass. N.Y.. N.Y.. Penn. Va.... Va S. C. Mass. Penn. Va.... Md.... Va.... S. C. Mass. Conn. N.Y.. N.Y.. S. C... N.C... Ga.... Vt N.Y... Lt. art Feb. Died, Fort Penn, Del.24 Dec. 5 inf. 10 Feb. Hos. sur 30 Mar. Disbanded 15 June, Hos. sur Act.Sur.Gen.Ky.Vol. Killed at river RaiBin22 Jan. 7 inf. .10 Feb. Ket. in 3 inf May, Resigned 1 Oct. 10 inf. 12 Mar. Resigned 1 Jan. 17 inf. 12 Mar. Killed, under Gen'l Winchester, at river Raisin 22 Jan. Rifle reg 24 Mar. Hos. sur. mate .21 Apr. Disbanded June, 25 inf. 9 Apr. Dropped 15 Feb. Hos. sur 14 Apr. Resigned 14 Apr. Died 11 Sep. 15 inf. 14 Apr. Disbanded June, 13 inf. 14 Apr. Resigned 1 Oct. Hos. sur .25 Apr. Resigned 3 May, 12 inf. 28 Apr. Hos. sur 15 Apr. Promoted 18 Apr. Hos. sur .30 Apr. Retained May, Post sur. (declined).. Apr. 2 art 1 May, Bur.mate,4 inf. (declined) Sep. 9 inf. 15 May, Hos. sur 30 June, Sur. Gen .18 Apr. 16 inf. 15 May, Disbanded June, 20 inf. 15 May, Resigned 2 July, 14 inf. 4 June, Disbanded June, 2 It. drag 6 July, Ret. as sur. mate Sep. 4 inf. Sep. Post sur Apr. 18 inf. 6 July, Resigned 15 May, 21 inf. 6 July, Resigned 1 Oct. 23 inf. 6 July, Disbanded June, Hos. Bur 6 July, Disbanded .15 June, 3 art 6 July, Resigned 16 Apr. Hos. sur 6 July, Resigned Aug. 24 inf. July, Resigned 9 Sep. "inf. 14 Sep. Resigned 3 Nov. 11 inf. 29 Sep. Neg'ed by Senate .... 3 Feb. 13 inf. lOct. Resigned 21 Sep. REGISTER. 269 Juliu8 B. Shumate. ..31 Dec. South worth Harlow. 51 Dec. Levi Rogers 28 Jan. 1 Sylvester Day 13 Mar. William M. Ross 18 Mar. Tobias P. Cambridge. Mar. Samuel Shaw 6 Apr. Gordon P. Spencer.... 7 Apr. William R. Waring. ..11 Apr. John Hamm 16 Apr. Henry Skinner 24 Apr. Jotham Forbes 30 Apr. Perley F. Groves 30 Apr. William Turner Apr. Thomas Lawson May, Hozea Blood 5 May, John White 17 May, Elijah Butts 20 May, William McCaw 20 May, George D. Proctor 11 June, Peleg S. Blason 29 June, Benj. Waterhouse 29 June, Thomas Akin 29 June, Martin Jennison 1 July, John R. Martin 2 July, Marcus C. Buck 2 July, Thomas P. Hall 10 July, Truman Powell 19 July, Wright Tucker 19 July, Samuel McKeehan...29 July, Squier Lea 1 Aug. Amasa Trowbridge... 1 Aug. Ezekiel W. Bull 9 Aug. Sur. mate, U. S. N.. 4 Jan. ISlOjPenn. Oar. 8ur. mate 26 Mar. 1802 Mass. Ohio Gar. sur. mate 9 Dec. 1807 Vt Sur. mate, 23 inf... 6 July, 1812 N. Y. Hos. sur. mate 2 July, 1812 Penn. Resigned 20 Jan. 1813 Sur. mate, 2 inf.. ...30 July, 1807 Gar. sur. mate. 9 July, 1810 Sur. mate, U. S. N.. 1 May, 1809 6 inf .28 Jan. 1811 Hos. sur. mate 6 July, 1812 Sur. mate, 18 iD.... 1 May, 1812 Sur. mate, O. Vol... N. H. S. C... Ohio. Mass. Me... Md.... Va.... Ky.... Md Conn. S. C... Ga.... Vt Mass. S. C... Mass. Va.... Md.... Vt... Ohio. N.Y., D.C.. 22 inf. 31 Dec. Killed 1 Sep. 8 inf. .31 Dec Ist It. 21 inf. Resigned Apr. 19 inf. 28 Jan. Dismissed .30 Sep. 5 inf. .13 Mar. Post sur Hos. sur ......18 Mar. Disbanded June, Lt. art Mar. Hos. sur. mate Sep. Prov. ret Sep. Resigned 1 May, Hos. sur 6 Apr. Retained Sep. Post sur 18 Apr. Resigned 31 Dec. 11 inf. 7 Apr. Dismissed 30 Jan. 8 inf. 11 Apr. Disbanded June, 27 inf. 16 Apr. Trans, to 19 inf Resigned 6 July, 2 inf. 24 Apr. Resigned 11 July, 34 inf. 30 Apr. Resigned Aug. 33 inf. 30 Apr. Resigned 1 Aug. 17 inf. Apr. Resigned 31 Jan. 6 inf. May, Retained May, Hos. sur 5 May, Ret. as post sur May, Died 12 Sep. 32 inf. 17 May, Resigned Nov. 37 inf. ....20 May, Disbanded June, Hob. sur 20 May, Dismissed 22 Mar. Hos. sur .11 June, Disbanded .15 June, 31 inf. 29 June, Disbanded June, Hos. but .29 June, Prov. ret May, Hos. sur 29 June, Disbanded 15 June, 29 inf. July, Resigned 30 June, Hos. sur 2 July, Disbanded 15 June, !20inf. 2 July, JRet. in 4 inf. May, 'Resigned 4 Sep. |36inf. 10 July, Disbanded June, 30 inf. 19 July, Resigned 11 Jan. .35 inf. 19 July, Resigned 5 Oct. 18 inf. 29 July, Resigned 18 Jan. 44 inf. 1 Aug. Disbanded June, 21 inf 1 Aug. Disbanded June, Hos. sur 9 Aug. Disbanded 15 June, 1812. 1813. 1812. 1812. 1813. 1813. 1813. 1813. 1818. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1813. 1815. 1818. 1818. 1813. 1815. 1813. 181 .i. 1813. 1814. 1814. 1813. 1814. 1813. 1814. 1813. 1814. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1816. 1816. 1813. 1813. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1814. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1814. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1815. 1815. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1814. 1813. 1813. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1815. 1813. 1815. 270 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name and date of commission. Previous military service. B Remarks. Surgeons Continued. Samuel A. Walsh 9 Aug. N.Y. Wm. Newton Mercer Aug. Hoe. sur. mate 18 May, 1813 Va.-. .TohnNeilson .30 Sep. William Thomas 18 Feb. 14 Foster Swift 18 Feb. Daniel Turney Feb. Moses H. Elliott 11 Mar. Henry Hnntt .17 Mar. Thomas 0. WatkiD8..17 Mar. Phinehas Woodbury. Mar. Louis Liv'ston Near.. Mar. Egbert H.Bell Mar. .Alexander Blair Mar. Jabez W. Heustis 2 Apr. Edward Scull 8 Apr. Hugh Stanard 19 Apr. John Bogers Apr. Aaron M. Smith 21 Apr. John Trevdtt 18 Apr. Charles Marvin Apr. Henry F. Hall Apr. Franklin Bache Apr. William H. Wilson... Apr. Nathaniel L. Bonlden Apr. John L. Ford .21 May, Stephen Bapalje 14 June, William Purris 21 June, Pryor Quarles 26 June, Thomas O. Mower 30 Jane, iGar. sur. mate. Ho8. sur. mate. Aug. 1799;n.Y. 7 July, 1809 N.Y. ....Mass Sur. mate, 19 inf...31 Dec. 1812iOhio Mass Sur. mate, 25 inf... 6 July, 1812 Sur. mate, 2 art.. Sur. mate, 10 inf.. Sur. mate, 5 idf .. . 6 July, 1812 .12 Mar. 1812 . 6 July, 1812 Md.... Tenn. Vt Del .. N.C.. Penn. La. Sar.Ind.vol 7 Nov. 1811 Penn. Hos. sur. mate. Hoe. sur. mate.. .20 May, 1813 .15 July, 1813 Gar. BUT. mate Sur. mate, 19 inf.. Sur. mate, 32 inf... Sur. mate, 32 inf... N.Y. DeL.. .. 8 Apr. 1814 DeL... . Mar. 1812 Ohio. .17 May, ISlSjMd... .17 May, 1813! Penn. Hos. sur. mate... Hob. but. mate. .26 Apr. 1812!n.Y.. . 9 July. 1813 Sur. 2 N. Y. vol. 1813 Sur. mate, in.... 2 Dec. 1812 Del... N.Y.. Tenn. Va Mass. Sur. Mil. Acad 9 Retained Post sur .Resigned 1 .22 inf. Trans, to 19 inf. jHos. sur .22 iRet. as post sur .41 inf. 30 {Disbanded .Hos. sur 18 iRet. as sur. rifle reg.. Resigned 15 Gar. sur 18 Post sur 2rifle8 Disbanded 40 inf. 11 Disbanded Post sur 7 Sur. 4inf iHo8. sur .17 Disbanded 15 3 rifles .17 Resigned 25 inf Ret. in 8 inf. Died 4 rifles Ret. (declined) 10 inf. Disbanded .;5inf. Ret. as hos. sor. mate (declined) 2 inf. 2 Resigned 31 Post sur 12 19 inf 8 Trans, to 22inC linf. Died, Pass Christian, Miss .28 26 inf 19 Disbanded 22 inf Disbanded 27 inf. 21 Disbanded Post sur 18 Prov. sur.mate 26 inf Trans, to 1 rifles Disbanded 42 inf Disbanded 32 inf. Ret. in 2 inf Resigned 1 45 inf Disbanded 28 inf Disbanded Hos sar .21 Disbanded 46 inf 14 Disbanded 39 inf. 21 Disbanded 35 inf. 25 Disbanded 9 inf. .30 Ret. in 6 inf. Aug. May, Apr. Oct. Aug. Nov. May, Sep. June, Feb. Sep. Nov. Feb. Apr. Feb. June, Mar. June, Nov. Oct. Mar. June, Mar. Nov. Mar. May, Mar. May, Mar. June, Mar. Sep. Apr. Mar. Nov. Apr. May, Nov. Apr. June, Apr. June, ' Apr. June, ' Apr. June, Apr. May, June, ' Apr. June, ' Apr. May, July, Apr. June, : Apr. June, '. May, June, '. June, June, '. June, June, : June, '. June, ' June, May, REGISTER. 271 Name and date of coinniission. Surgeons Continued Jas. II. McCuUoh, jr..l7 July, 14 Rogers M. Byrne 20 July, German Senter 9 July, Harry C. Bradford July, James Mease....'. 2 Sep. John McCall Sep. Hanson Catlett Sep. John Gale Arnold Elzey 17 May, 15 Jonathan S. Cool 24 Apr. 16 Alexander Walcott... Apr. Lemuel B. Clark Apr. Solomon Walcott Apr. William Turner Apr. Thomas J. C. Monroe May, William C. Lane Aug. William S. Madison... Oct. Samuel B. Smith 12 Nov. Edwin Wyatt 17 Feb. 17 George A. Carroll 17 Feb. Samuel Ayer 17 Feb. William Baker 20 June, Mordecai Hale .'.13 Feb. 18 Surgeon's Mates. John F. Carmich8el29 Sep. 1789 John Elliott 29 Sep. Joshua Sumner 29 Sep. John M.Scott 29 Sep. Nathan Hayward 29 Sep. Charles Brown Mar. 91 Victor Qrasson Mar. Joseph Phillips Mar. Previous military service. Sur. mate, 3 art 14 Apr. 1812 Sur. mate, 24 inf... 9 Aug. 1813 Sur. mate, 13 inf...l6 Apr. 1812 5 S Md.... N.Y.. Mass. Ohio. Penn. N.Y.. Ky.... Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1804 Resigned 23 Nov. 18041 Sur. mate 18 Feb. 1813| Sur. mate, 23 inf... 6 July, 1812iN. H Gar. Gar. Gar. Gar. Gar. Gar. Sur. Gar. Gar. sur. mate 15 Apr. sur. mate 28 Jan. sur. mate 2S Mar. sur. mate 4 Jan. sur. mate 8 Apr. sur. mate 29 Sep. mate, 6 inf.. ...12 Sep. sur. mate Apr. sur. mate 15 Sep. 1814 1811 1812 1808 1814 1812 1811 1814 1814 D.C.. N. J.. Conn. Md.... Del... R.L.. Remarks. Sur. mate, 17 inf... 2 Dec. 1812 Tenn. Md.... Sur.mate under con- federation 1 May, 1787 Ky.. D. C. N.Y... N. J.., N.Y.., Conn. N. J.. Maes. Penn. Fr'ce. Gar. sur 17 July, Disbanded 24 Apr. 47 inf. 20 July, 30 inf. Nov. Disbanded June, Re-ap.sur.mate 5 inf. Nov. 29 inf. 1 9 July, Ret. as post sur May, 24 inf. July, Resigned 14 Apr. Hos. sur 2 Sep. Disbanded June, 13 inf. Sep. Disbanded June, 1 inf. Sep. Ret. as post sur May, 34 inf. Ret.sur.mate3inf... Sep. Sur. rifle reg Apr. Hos. sur 17 May, Died 6 June, Post sur 24 Apr. Resigned 1 Sep. Post sur Apr. Resigned 1 Apr. Post sur Apr. Resigned ..,. 18 Oct. Post sur Apr. Resigned 15 Nov. Post sur Apr. Post sur May, Post sur Aug. Resigned 14 Nov. 3 inf. Oct. Post sur 12 Nov. Rifles .17 Feb. Resigned Apr. Post sur 17 Feb. Resigned 24 Oct. Post sur 17 Feb. Resigned 9 Mar. Post sur 20 June, Resigned 12 Aug. Post sur 13 Feb. Inf. reg 29 Sep. 2 inf. Mar. Promoted Mar. Inf. reg 29 Sep. Promoted Mar. Inf. reg 29 Sep. Disbanded June, Inf. reg 29 Sep. Promoted Apr. Art. bat 29 Sep. Promoted Apr. Butler's bat.Gibson's reg., levies Promoted 2 June, Gaither's bat.Darke's reg., levies Killed in battle with Indians on Maumee river 4 Nov. Patterson's bat. lev.. 1 sub. leg Apr. Pi'omoted June, 814. 816. 814. 814. 815. 817. 814. 816. 814. 815. 814. 815. 814. 815. 814. 816. 814. 815. 818. 815. 818. 816. 816. 816. 817. 816. 817. 816.. 816. 816. 816. 816. 818. 816. 816. 817. 818. .817. 818. 817. 818. 817. 818. 818. 1789. 1791. 1792. 1789. 1791. 1789. 1790. 1789. 1792. 1789. 1792. 1791. 1794. 1791. 1791. 1792. 1796. THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name and date of coniniission. Previous niilitary sei^ice. SS 2 Remarks. Surgeon's Mates Continued. Elijah Tisdale Mar. 91 .John Hamill Mar. James Woodhouse.... Mar. William McCoskry... Mar. J. C. Wallace 5 Mar. 92 Qeorge Balfour 11 Apr. Thomas Farley 11 Apr. William A. McCrea...ll Apr. John Sellman 11 Apr. Jamee Clayton 11 Apr. Thomas Hutchins 11 Apr. Klihu Lyman 11 Apr. Frederick Dalcho 11 Apr. Thos. A. Claiborne 11 Apr. .Toeeph Andrews 4 May, Joseph Strong 4 May. Charles Watrous 23 Feb. 93 Thoe. J. Vandyke 13 May, 94 Samuel H. Marlow....l3 May, John Comman 13 May, FrancisO.Brewster... 2 June, Richard Griffith. 2 June, Jno. Gorbam Coffin... 2 June, JohnR.Lynch 2 June, Samuel Osborne 1 June,96 Charles Rhodes 1 June, Cyms Dart 1 June, DaTid Davis 1 Jnne, William Steele Ifar. 97 Bur Harrison 4 June,98 Thos. TilUngbast 4 Jane,e8 Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. Va Mass. Del .. Md...., Del ... Penn. Ga Md.... Mass. Conn. Conn. Del ... Qa Penn. N. J... Del... Mass. N.Y.. Penn. Ky R.L.. 2 inf. Mar. 1791. 2 sub. leg Dec. 1792. 1 inf. Nov. 1796. Resigned 31 Dec. 1797. Bed'ger's bat.Darke'8 reg., levies 1791. 4 inf. .23 Feb. 1793. Out 1798. Clark's bat. Gibson's reg., levies 1791. Resigned 1792. Butler's bat.Qibson's reg., levies 1791. 2 inf. 1792. Promoted 30 Apr. 1798. 3 inf. 5 Mar. 1792. 1 inf. Apr. 1801. Disbanded 1 June, 1802. 3 sub. leg 11 Apr. 1792. Sur. U. S. N 1798. 2 sub. leg 11 Apr. 1792. Out 1798. Gar.sur.mate 11 Apr. 1792. Died 1801. Gar. sur. mate 11 Apr. 1792. Resigned July, 1797. Gar.sur.mate 11 Apr. 1792. Resigned Apr. 1794. Gar.sur.mate 11 Apr. 1792. Resigned 14 Dec. 1793. Gar.sur.mate 11 Apr. 1792. Out 1796. Gar. sur. mate 11 Apr. 1792. Lieut, art 1794. Gar. sur. mate .11 Apr. 1792. Out 1798. 4 sub. leg 4 May, 1792. 4 inf. Nov. 1796. Out 1796. 2 sub. leg 4 May, 1792. Resigned 1796. 1 sub. leg 23 Feb. 1793. 1 inf. Nov. 1796. Out 1798. Gar. sur. mate 13 May, 1794. Resigned 1807. Gar. sur. matp 13 May, 1794. Died 1795. Gar. sur. mate 13 May, 1794. Out 1796. lart. A eng 2 Jnne, 1794. Resigned May, 1796. 1 art. A eng 2 June, 1794. Resigned May, 1796. 1 art. & eng 2 June, 1794. Out 1798. 1 art. & eng 2 Jnne, 1794. Out 1798. Art. A eng 1 June, 1796. Out 1798. Art. A eng 1 June, 1796. Died _. Jan. 1797. 2 sub. leg 1 June, 1796. Resigned 2 Jan. 1802. 1 sub. leg June, 1796. 4 inf. Nov. 1796. Promoted Mar. 1802.- Art. A eng Mar. 1797. Lieutenant June, 1798. Art. A eng 4 June, 1798. Resigned 3 June, 1800. Art. A eng 4 June, 1798. Disbanded 1 June, 1802. REGISTER. 273 I^ante and date of commission. Previous military service. SB ft* Remarks. Surgeon's Mates Continued. Timothy Pierce 13 Feb. 9 John C. Wynans 24 Apr. Jonathan White 8 July, Thomas Triplett 12 July, Thaddeus Capron July, Samuel M. GrifiSth July, James Irvine July, James W. Wallace.... July, Kben. Lawrence July> George Wilson July, John H. Douglas Sep. Elijah Greenlee Samuel Davis Dec. Joseph Wilkinson.. Feb. 1800 John Howell 24 Apr. John Orton, jr 24 Apr. Thompson McDonald Apr. Chas. A. Beatty 4 May, George Dill 3 Aug. Lewis Hansford 15 Aug. Aaron C. White John GrifBn Edward Reynolds 3 Mar. 01 Prescott Barron 3 Mar. Reuben Everitt 3 Mar. Gan-et E.Pendergrast 3 Mar. Stephen Thomas 3 Mar. Jos. C. Cornwell John P, Fisher 26 Mar. 02 Francis Le Barron ...26 Mar, Conn. N. J.. Va. Penn. Va.... Mass. Penn. N.Y.. N.Y.. N. j:., Conn. S. C... Md N.O. Md.... R.L.. N.C.. Penn. Mass. N.Y.. Mass. 13 inf. 13 Feb. 1799. Disbanded 1800. 11 inf. 24 Apr. 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 15 inf. 8 July, 1799. 'Disbanded June, 1800. i8 inf. 12 July, 1799. 7 inf. July, 1799. IDisbanded June, 1800. is inf. July, 1799. il art. & eng July, 1801. iRet. 4inf 5 Apr. 1802. Resigned 1803. 10 inf. July, 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 7 inf. July, 1799. Resigned 1800. 15 inf. July, 1799. Ret. linf 1801. Out June, 1802. 10 inf. July, 1799. Disbanded June, 1800. 12 inf. Sep. 1799. Ret. 2 inf 1801. Resigned 16 July, 1801. Gar. sur. mate 1799. Resigned 13 Sep. 1800. 12 inf. Dec. 1799. 4 inf. Feb. 1801. Resigned 1 Dec. 1801. Gar. sur. mate Feb. 1800. Disbanded 1802. 11 inf. 24 Apr. 1800. Disbanded June, 1800. 13 inf. J4 Apr. 1800. Disbanded .* June, 1800. Gar. sur. mate Apr. 1800. Out 1802. 9 inf. 4 May, 1800. Disbanded June, 1800. 2 art. & eng 3 Aug. 1800. Retained Apr. 1802. Died,Ft.Wolcott,R.I. 6 Feb. 1805. Gar. sur. mate 15 Aug. 1800. Resigned 2 July, 1801. Gar. sur. mate 1800. Resigned 1801. Gar. sur.mate 1800. Disbanded June, 1802. Re-appointed 22 Nov. 1803. Died,Ft.John8on,N.C15 July, 1805. 2 inf. 3 Mar. 1801. Retained Apr. 1802. Resigned May, 1802. 1 art. & eng 3 Mar. 1801. Retained Apr. 1802. ^ signed 30 June, 1804. 3 inf. 3 Mar. 1801. Out 1802. Re-appointed Mar. 1806. Resigned 31 Dec. 1810. 10 inf. Mar. 1813. Died,Ft.Johnson,N.C 1814. Gar. sur. mate 3 Mar. 1801. Resigned 1802. 2 art. & eng 3 Mar. 1801. Resigned 31 Aug. 1801. Gar. sur. mate 1801. Disbanded June, 1802. Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1802. Resigned 30 Apr. 1803. Gar. Bur. mate ..26 Mar. 1802. Promoted Dec. 1808. 18 274 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name and date of commission. ! Previous military serrice. Remarks. Surgeon's Mates Continued. ! Fiducis Tuttle 26 Mar. 02. Thomas R. Jack 26 Mar. \ James Lee 26 Mar. Samuel McKee, jr.....26 Mar. Lyman Spanlding.....26 Mar. South worth Harlow. .26 Mar. Henry Jackson .26 Mar. Robert Stark 26 Mar. John Rippey 26 Mar. Philip Turner. 26 Mar. Nath. Bedford .26 Mar. Alexander A.Peters.. 1 Apr. William King 10 June, John P. Heileman 2 July, Hos. sur. rev. war.. Sur. Brit, army un- der Burgoyne William C. Smith 2 July, Jona'n A. Sparhawk. 7 Sep. George W. Maupin... 5 Nov. Joseph Goodhue ...... 8 Feb. 03 Cordial N. Daniel 3 Mar. Richard Chew 2 May, Joseph McCrarj' 18 May, Calvin Taylor .16 July, John Watson 22 Nov. Edmund Hayward ...15 Dec. George Hall 26 Mar. 04 Hanson Catlett .26 Mar. "Richard Davidson 26 Mar. Cornelius Baldwin ...27 Mar. Hugh M. Hall 27 Mar. Abraham Edwards ... 8 June, Charles Williamson -.17 Jan. 05 Josiah Kirk 17 Jan Anthony Saugrain...l7 Jan. Abraham Stewart 6 Mar. 06 James R. Grove 6 Mar. Thomas Borland 6 Mar. James 11. Sargent.... 6 Mar. N.C. N.H N.Y.. Md.... S. C. Ky... Ky.... Va.... Ga.... N.J.. Md.... Miss. la.... Mass. Vt.... Vs.... Blass. Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1802. Resipiod 1808. Gar. 8ur. mate 26 Mar. 1802. Resigned 1803. Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1802. Resigned 20 Apr. 1804. Gar. snr. mate 26 Mar. 1802. Died,Vincenne8, Ind 5 Nov. 1809- Gar. Bur. mate 26 Mar. 1802- Resigned 31 May, 1804. Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1802- Resigned 1805- Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1 802- Resigned July, 1802- Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1802- Resigned 26 Sep. 1802- Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1802- Resigned 12 .Tuly, Ifm- Gar. snr. mate 26 Mar. 1802- Died, New York Apr. 181o- Gar. sur. mate -.26 Mar. 1802- Gar. sur. mate 1 Apr. 1802- Died,Ft.Johnson,N.C Nov. 1802- Gar. sur. mate 10 June, 1802. Died,NewOrlean8,Lal5 May, 1807- Gar. sur. mate 2 July, 1802- Retained May, 1815. Post sur Apr. 1816- Gar. sur. mate 2 July, 1802- Dismissed 27 June, 1810- Gar. sur. mate 7 Sep. 1802- Resigned i..31 May, 1804- Gar. sur. mate 5 Nov. 1802. Prov. ret June, 1815. Gar. sur. mate 8 Feb. 1803. Prov. ret June, 1815- Gar. sur. mate 3 Mar. 1803. Resigned 1 Jan. 1805. Gar. sur. mate 2 May, 1803- Resigned 1806. Gar. snr. mate 18 May, 1803. Resigned 19 Oct. 1803. Gar. sur. mate 16 July, 1803. Died 1806. Gar. sur. mate 22 Nov. 1803. Died,WestPoint,N.Y31 May, 1812. Artillery 15 Dec. 1803. Died,NewOrIeans,La 1806. Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1804. Resigned 28 Feb. 1805. Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1804. Resigned 23 Nov. 1804. Gar. sur. mate 26 Mar. 1804. Resigned 30 June, 1807. G8U*. sur. mate 27 Mar. 1804. Resigned 30 Nov. 1806. Gar. sur. mate 27 Mar. 1804. Died,NewOrleans,La Sep. 1805. Gar. sur. mate 8 June, 1804. Resigned 1 June, 1810. Gar. sur. mate 17 Jan. 1805. Resigned 1807. Gar. sur. mate 17 Jan. 1805. Resigned 1807. Gar. sur. mate 17 Jan. 1805. Resigned 29 Oct. 1811. .;Gar. snr. mate. 6 Mar. 1806. Resigned 24 Feb. 1815. Gar. sur. mate 6 Mar. 1806. Resigned 31 July, 1807. Gar. snr. mate 6 Mar. 1806. Resigned 1 Apr. 1808. Gar. sur. mate 6 Mar. 1806. A. A. Apoth. Gen 1814. Retained Apr. 1816. REGISTER. 275 Name and date of commission. | Previous militarj- service. Remarks. Surgeon's Mates CJontinued. Isaac Bawlings 21 Apr. 06 Alexander Macauley.ll June, Nathan Kennedy 11 July, John PoUard 9 Oct. Blias Lee i27 Feb. 07 James V. Stewart. ....27 Feb. Alex. H. Morrison 27 Feb. Robert Huston 27 Feb. Alfred Thruston 18 Mar. Charles Slocum 25 Mar. Samuel D. Forsyth. ..21 Apr. Henry Skinner .30 July, Thomas C. Gantt 9 Dec. William H. Emery ... 9 Dec. Sylvester Day 9 Dec. John Bigelow 9 Dec. Lemuel B. Clarke 4 Jan. 08 John Cooper 13 June, William T. Davidson.l3 June, John L. Murray 13 Jude, Robert Simpson 13 June, Wm. A. Dandridge...l2 Dec. Adam G. Goodlet, jr..l2 Dec. James Langley .12 Dec. William E. Lee 12 Dec. EnoB Lewis J.2 Dec. Peter Turner Dec. Thomaa A. Holland... 2 Feb. 09 Thomas Pinkerton ...28 Apr. Joseph West 10 June, William Thomas 7 July, John H. Turner 1 May, 10 William Turner 9 July, Jacob K. Kendall 9 July, Cor'lius Cunninghaml5 Oct. Thomas Lawson .28 Jan. 11 Va Vt Md..... Md Penn.. Tenn.. Md..... Mass.. Vt Gar. sur. mate 21 Resigned 31 Gar. sur. mate 11 Resigned 25 Gar. sur. mate 11 Out Gar. sur. mate 9 Resigned 1 Gar. sur.mate 27 Out Gar. sur.mate 27 Promoted Gar. sur. mate 27 Died, Pt. Coup6e, La.20 Gar. sur. mate 27 Died 7 inf. 18 Promoted 12 Gar. sur. mate 25 :Ret. (declined) Gar. sur. mate 21 Resigned 30 2 inf. 30 Promoted 24 Gar. sur. mate 9 Snrg. mate, U.S.N..1 Mar., 1809! Md..... N.Y..'. Penn., Ind.T D. C... Va Ky S. C... Conn. Vt R.L... N.C... Md...., N.Y.., N.Y.. Md.... Md.... Ind.. D.C.. Va.... Apr. May, June, Apr. July, Oct. July, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Nov. Feb. Mar. Dec. Mar. May, Apr. June, July, Apr. Dec. Gar. sur. mate 9 Dec. Resigned 1 Apr. Gar. sur. mate 9 Dec. Promoted 13 Mar. Gar. sur.mate 9 Dec. Died Gar. sur. mate 4 Jan. Ret., post sur Apr. Gar. sur. mate 13 June, igned 1 Apr. Gar. sur.mate 13 June, Ret., post sur 18 Apr. Gar. sur. mate 13 June, Resigned 31 Mar. Gar. sur. mate 13 June, Resigned 10 Sep. Gar. sur. mate 12 Dec. Resigned 1 Dee. 7 inf. 12 Dec. Promoted 12 Feb. 5 inf. .12 Dec. Out Oiax. sur. mate 12 Dec. Resigned 1 Aug. Rifles 12 Dec. Resigned 1 Sep. Lt. art Dec. Died,Platt8b'gh,N.Y. 5 Nov. Gar. sur. mate 2 Feb. ligned 1 Sep. Gar. sur. mate 28 Apr. ligned 15 Apr. Gar. sur. mate 10 June, Promoted.. V. 16 Nov. Hos. sur. mate 7 July, Promoted 18 Feb. Gar. sur. mate 1 May, Died, Pass Christian, Miss 28 Nov. Gar. sur. mate 9 July, Promoted Apr. Gar. sur. mate 9 July, Revoked 11 Feb. Gar. sur. mate 16 Oct. Promoted June, 6 inf. 28 Jan. Promoted... May, 1806. 1808. 1806. 1811. 1806. 1807. 1806. 1807. 1807. 1809. 1807. 1811. 1807. 1809. 1807. 1814. 1807. 1808. 1807. 1815. 1807. 1808. 1807. 1813. 1807. 1808. 1807. 1812. 1807. 1813. 1807. 1808. 1808. 1816. 1808. 1811. 1808. 1818. 1808. 1811. 1808. 1812. 1808. 1811. 1808. 1812. 1808. 1812. 1808. 1810. 1808. 1809. 1808. 1812. 1809. 1809. 1809. 1813. 1809. 1814. 1809. 1814. 1810. 1813. 1810. 1813. 1810. 1811. 1810. 1815. 1811. 1813. 276 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name and date of commiBsion. I Previous military service. Surgecn's Mates Continued. Jonathan S.Cool 28 Jan. li;. Richard J. Butler.. ...28 Jan. Isaac V. Van Voorhis 1 Mar. Thomas J. C. Monroe.l2 Sep. William Meriwether. .12 Mar. 12 Egbert H. Bell 12 Mar. Samuel P. Hugo 12 Mar. Qeorge McAroy 12 Mar. Renben T. Baker .12 Mar. Lyddall Wilkinson. ..17 Mar. William Ballord 24 Mar. Alexander Walcott...25 Mar. John H. Sackett 25 Mar. Anthony Benezet 25 Mar. Samuel DQzenbury...25 Mar. Charles Marvin Mar. Jacob B. Moore 9 Apr. James Stark 9 Apr. Joseph Eaton 14 Apr. Daniel Cook 14 Apr. James H. Bradford ...14 Apr. German Senter 14 Apr. Amos Famsworth 15 Apr. John McCall 15 Apr. Joseph Berry .22 Apr. Jones Davis .25 Apr. Carlisle Humphreys. .25 Apr. John T. Priestly 26 Apr. William McCaw 1 May, Wm. W. Southall 1 May, N. J... Penn.. N.y... Ohio . Remarks. N. C... Md N. J... N. J... Ky Mass. Conn. N.Y... N.Y... Ohio. N.H.. N.H.. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. N.Y... Va Penn., Tenn. Tenn.. S. C... Va Gar. sur. mate 28 Ret., post sur 24 6 inf. 28 Resigned 1 Gar. 6ur. mate 1 Killed in action und. Capt. Heald with In- dians, Chicago, 111. ..15 6 inf. 12 Resigned 20 Gar. sur. mate Ret., post sur 8inf 12 Hos. sur. mate Resigned 3 10 inf. 12 Promoted 14 inf. 12 Trans., 1 rifles Ret., rifles.- 15 inf. 12 Resigned 15 inf. 12 Disbanded 17 inf. 17 Resigned 1 Gar. sur. mate 24 Retained Gar. sur. mate 25 Ho8.8ur.mate(dec'd).25 Ret., post sur Gar. sur. mate 25 iHos. sur. mate iRet., gar. sur. mate.. iHos. sur. mate 25 |Resigned 1 iHos. sur. mate 25 Resigned 1 19 inf. iResigned In inf. 9 Died 10 11 inf. 9 IResigned 25 3 art 14 IResigned 12 IHos. sur. mate .15 Retained 9 inf. 14 IResigned 9 inf. 14 Prom. sur. 3 art Neg'd by Senate 3 art 14 Promoted 9 4 inf. 15 Resigned 14 13 inf. 15 Promoted 12 inf. 22 Resigned 26 16 inf. 25 Resigned 31 24 inf. 26 Resigned 1 Ghir. sur. mate 25 Resigned 31 18 inf. 1 Promoted 20 10 inf. 1 Resigned 36 inf. Ret.,2inf.(declined). Jan. 1 811. Apr. ] 816. Jan. 811. Oct. 811. Mar. ] 811. Aug. ] 1812. Sep. ] 1811. Jan. 812. Apr. 1814. May, 1816. Mar. 812. July, 1813. Dec. 813. Mar. 812. Mar. 814. Mar. 812. 813. May, 1815. Mar. 812. July, 1812. Mar. 812. June, 815. Mar. 812. Oct. 812. Mar. 812. June, 816. Mar. 812, Mar. 812. Apr. 1816. Mar. .812. Mar. .813. June, 815. Mar. .812. July, 1814. Mar. 812. May, L814. Mar. .812. Nov. 813. Apr. 1812. Jan. .813. Apr. 1812 July, 1813. Apr. 1812. Dec. .813. Apr. 1814. 815. Apr. 1812. Oct. .812. Apr. 1812. Oct. 1813. Apr. 1812. July, 814. Apr. 812. Mar. 814. Apr. 812. Sep. 814. Apr. 812. Aug. 813. Apr. 812. Oct. 812. Apr. 812. Sep. 814. Apr. 1812. Dec. 813. May, ] 812. May, 1 813. May, 1 812. Oct. 812. July, 1 813. Blay, 1 815. REGISTER. Name and date of commission. | Previous military service. Surgeon's Mates Continued. Lewis M. Bailey 7 May, 12 Rogers Smith 14 May, Wm. Henry 'WiIson...25 Maj', James Stephenson ...27 May, Stephen Sutton 27 May, Robt. McG. Walmsley 1 July, Ij-a Wright 1 July, Tobias P'. Cambridge. 2 July, Alexander Blair 6 July, James Trimble 6 July, Louis Liv'ston Near... 6 July, Joseph W. Caldwell... 6 July, James B. Hill 6 July, Hosea Blood 6 July, William Thorndyke... 6 July, Hugh Weir Honston. 6 July, Presley H.Craig 6 July, James Reynolds 6 July, William M. Ross 6 July, John Gale 6 Julj', Phinehas Woodbury.. 6 July, Samuel Schofleld 15 Sep. Burton W. Halsey....23 Sep. William Turner 29 Sep. George Nicholas 14 Oct. William Beaumont... 2 Dec. Thomas G. Mower 2 Dec. Gustavus Bailies 2 Dec. William S. Madison... 2 Dec. John L. Comstock ... 2 Dec. Anthony Foster, jr.. .18 Dec. Daniel Tumey 31 Dec. Joseph M. Harper 19 Jan. 13 Va. N. H. N.Y.. Va.... Va.... N.Y.. Penn. Penn. Del... 6a.... N.C.. Ky.... Mass. Va.... Penn. Ohio. N.Y.. N. H.. Vt N.Y.. N. J.., R. I... Md..... Md?... Mass. R. I.. Ky.... R. I.. Tenn. Ohio . N. H. 2 It. drag 7 May, 1812. Hos. sur. mate May, 1814. Resigned 11 July, 1814. Hos. sur. mate 14 May, 1812. Discharged 26 Nov. 1813. Hos. sur. mate 25 May, 1812. Promoted Apr. 1814. Hos. sur. mate 27 May, 1812. Died ISep". 1817. Hob. sur. mate 27 May, 1812. Resigned June, 1814. 29 inf. IJuly, 1812. Ret., 7 inf. May, 1815. 21 inf. IJuly, 1812. Resigned July, 1813. Hos. sur. mate 2 July, 1812. Resigned 20 Jan. 1813. 5 inf. 6 July, 1812. Promoted Mar. 1814. 2 art 6 July, 1812. Hos. sur. mate July, 1814. Resigned 1 Sep. 1816. 2 art 6 July, 1812. Promoted Mar. 1814. 8 inf. 6 July, 1812. Resigned Teb. 1815. 18 inf. 6 July, 1812. 3 inf. May, 1815. Resigned 14 Oct. 1816. Hos. sur. mate 6 July, 1812. Promoted 5 May, 1813. 21 inf. 6 July, 1812. Resigned July, 1813. 20 inf. 6 July, 1812. Died 1813. 22 inf. 6 July, 1812. iigned 28 Feb. 1814. Gar. sur.mate 6 July, 1812. Killed,Detroit,Mich.l6 Aug. 1812. 23 inf. 6 July, 1812. Promoted 18 Mar. 1813. 23 inf. 6 July, 1812 Promoted 1814. 25 inf. 6 July, 1812. Promoted Mar. 1814. Hos. sur. mate 15 Sep. 1812. Died July, 1815. 15 Inf. 23 Sep. 1812. Resigned June, 1813. Gar. sur.mate 29 Sep. 1812. Promoted Apr. 1816. 14 inf. 14 Oct. 1812. Died 17 Mar. 1813. 16 inf. 2 Dec. 1812. Trans., 6 inf. Jan. 1813. Ret., 8 inf.(declined) May, 1815. ' inf. 2 Dec. 1812. Promoted June, 1814. Ret.,6inf May, 1815. 16 inf. 2 Dec. 1812. Hos. sur. mate Oct. 1813. Resigned 14 June, 1814. 17 inf. 2 Dec. 1812. Ret.,linf. May, 1815. Promoted Oct. 1816. 25 inf. 2 Dec. 1812. 30 inf. Apr. 1814. Disbanded June, 1815. 24 inf. 18 Dec. 1812. Resigned 2 July, 1813. 19 inf. , 31 Dec. 1812. Promoted Feb. 1814. 4 inf. 19 Jan. 1813. Resigned 1 Jan. 1815. 278 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name and date of commission. I Previoos military service. .ss o.i: Remarks. Surgeon^s Mates Continued. Israel Stoddard 18 Feb. 13 Hanson Catlett Feb. DaTid March 1 Mar. John M. Talbot 13 Bdar. Clajon BeUy 22 Mar. John Ladd 28 Mar. iJamuel W. Magruder.28 Mar. . Josh. B. Whiteridge-.30 Mar. Charles Taylor 3 Apr. Samuel C. Muir 7 Apr. Ward Basset lU Apr. John P. Briggs 10 Apr. Elisha Scott 16 Apr. Joseph L. Stevens... ..29 Apr. Thomas William8on..30 Apr. Peter Spenk, jr Apr. Edward Pnrcell 2 May, William M. Hazard.. .14 May, Henry Bmndidge 16 May, Henry P. Hall 17 May, Franklin Bache 17 May, Wm. Newton Mercer.18 May, Charles Loring 20 May, Hagh Stanard 20 May, Thaddeus Hubbanf...22 May, Stougbton Qantt 2 June, William Paddock 29 June, Thomas C. Walker ... i July, William E. Horner... 2 July, William Jones 2 July, Mordecai Morgan 9 July, Nathaniel L. Bonlden 9 Jnly, Sur. mate 26 Mar. 1804 Resigned 23 Nov. 1801 Mass. Ky.... Vt .... Tenn. D. C. B.C.. Mass. Penn. B.C.. Me... Me... B.C.. 8. C. Md... Ohio Va... Va.... Md.... Penn. Va .... Mass. N.Y.. Mass. Ky. Vt. Md.. Va.. Md.. Hoe. sur. mate 18 Feb. Resigned 30 May, Hos. sur. mate Feb. Pl-omoted 1 Sep. Hoe. Hur. mate 1 Mitr. Resigned 25 Jan. Hos. 8ur. mate 13 Mar. Resigned 17 Aug. 5 inf. 22 Mar. Ret., 8 inf. May, Hos.sur.mate Oct. Died 25 Feb. 11 inf. 28 Mar. Resigned 30 June, 14 inf. 28 Mar. Resigned 29 June, Hos. sur. mate 30 Mar. Ret. (declined) May, Hos.sur.mate June, Prov. ret., gar. sur. mate (declined) May, 1 inf. 7 Apr. 8 inf. May, Hos.sur.mate Oct. 33 inf. 10 Apr. Disbanded June, 33 inf. 10 Apr. Disbanded June, 12 inf. 16 Apr. Resigned May, 3 inf. .21 May, Disbanded June, Hos.sur.mate 29 Apr. Disbanded June, 36 inf. 30 Apr. Resigned 19 inf. Apr. Resigned 15 June, Hos.sur.mate 2 May, Prov. ret May, Hos. sur. mate 14 May, Resigned 20 Sep. Hos. sur. mate 16 May, Resigned 3 Feb. 32 inf. 17 May, Promoted Apr. 32 inf. 17 May, Promoted Apr. Hos.sur.mate 18 May, Promoted Aug. 34 inf. 20 May, Ret., 6inf May, Resigned 1 Oct. Hos.sur. mate 20 May, Promoted 19 Apr. 34 inf. 22 May, Resigned 13 Aug. Re-appointed 22 Nov. Disbanded June, Rifles 2 June, 1 lieutenant 13 Mar. 30 inf. 29 June, Kesigned Sep. Hos.sur.mate 2 July, Disbanded Juno, Hos.sur.mate 2 July, Resigned 20 Mar. Hos.sur.mate 2 July, Ret. (declined) May, UoB.sur. mate 9 July, Resigned Feb. Hos.sur.mate 9 Jnly, Promoted Apr. REGISTER. 279 Name and date of commission. Surgeon^ Mates Continued. Eleazer Aspinwall ...15 July, 13 John Rogers 15 July, Joseph Wallace 15 July, Thos. V. Wiesenthal..l6 July, Charles Lewis 19 July, William A. Needham.l9 July, Elisha Lee Allen 21 July, John L. McCullongh.29 July, John H. Reed 29 July, John H. Beall 31 July, Abraham Van Hoy... July, Samuel Merri wether.. 1 Aug. William Williams 1 Aug. James M. Kelly 4 Aug. Harry C. Bradford.... 9 Aug. John Sackett 9 Aug. Theodore Woodward. 9 Aug. Asahel Hall 19 Sep Fayette Cooper 30 Sep. Abijah Tombling 4 Oct. Elias C. Badeau 1 Mar. : Richard E. Hall 11 Mar. William Sterne .11 Mar. Clayton TiflSn 11 Mar. William P. Marshall.. 30 Mar. William Stewart 30 Mar. Reuel Hampton .30 Mar. John O'Conner 31 Mar. William M. Scott 2 Apr. John Trevfitt 8 Apr. Oarrett Barry 8 Apr. Thomas Byrne 8 Apr. Seymour Carpenter... 8 Apr. Patrick Macanlay 8 Apr. Previous militaty service. o g Del Md.... 6a.... Vt .... Mass. Ky... Tenn. Md... N.Y.. Ind. T Penn.. N. J... Ohio.. Conn. N.Y.. N.Y.. N.Y.. La.... Mass. Ohio. S. C. Md.... N. J.. Md..., Mi'hT Del .. Md.... Va .... Penn. Penn. Remarks. Hos.sur. mate 15 July, 1813. Disbanded 15 June, 1815. Hos.sur. mate. ...*.. ...15 July, 1813. Promoted Apr. 1814. Hos.8ur.mate 15 July, 1813. Retained May, 1815. 6 inf. 16 July, 1813. Resigned Sep. 1813. Hos. sur. mate 19 July, 1813. Disbanded June, 1815. 30 inf. 19 July, 1813. Out July, 1814. 21 inf. 21 July, 1813. Ret, 5 inf. May, 1815. Hos. sur. mate Mar. 1817. Died 5 Sep. 1817. Hos.sur. mate 29 July, 1813. Disbanded June, 1815, m inf. 29 July, 1813. Resigned 1 Oct. 1814. 36 inf. 31 July, 1813. Resigned Mar. 1814. Hos.sur. mate July, 1813. Resigned 1 July, 1814. Hos.sur.mate 1 Aug. 1813. Resigned 15 Sep. 1814. Hos.sur.mate 1 Aug. 1813. Disbanded .14 Apr. 1818. 42 inf. 4 Aug. 1813. Resigned 15 Sep. 1814. 24 inf. 9 Aug. 1813. Promoted July, 1814. 11 inf. 9 Aug. 1813. Disbanded June, 1815. 11 inf. 9 Aug. 1813. Disbanded June, 1815. 37 inf. 19 Sep. 1813. Ret.,7 inf. (declined). May, 1815. 41 inf. 30 Sep. 1813. Disbanded June, 1815. Hos.sur.mate 4 Oct. 1813. Discontinued 14 May, 1814. Gar. sur. mate 1 Mar. 1814. 27 inft Apr. 1814. Disbanded June, 1815. 44 inf. 11 Mar. 1814. Ret.,3 inf. (declined). May, 1815. 40 inf..: 11 Mar. 1814. Ret., 6 inf. May, 1815. 17 inf. 11 Mar. 1814. Disbanded June, 1815. Hos. sur. mate 30 Mar. 1814. Prov. ret May, 1815. Hos. sur. mate 30 Mar. 1814. Retained May, 1815. 15 inf. 30 Mar. 1814. Disbanded June, 1815. 3 rifles 31 Mar. 1814. 36 inf. May, 1814. Hos.sur.mate May, 1814. Disbanded June, 1815. Hos.sur.mate 2 Apr. 1814. Died July, 1815. Gar. sur. mate 8 Apr. 1814. Promoted Apr. 1814. 38 inf. 8 Apr. 1814. Died, Norfolk, Va ...22 Apr. 1815. 12 inf. 8 Apr. 1814. Disbanded June, 1815. 42 inf. 8 Apr. 1814. Disbanded June, 1815. Hos.sur.mate 8 Apr. 1814. Resigned 10 Jan. 1816. 280 THE MEDICAL DEPAR,TMENT OF THE ARMY Name and date of commission. Previous military service. Remarks. Surgexm's Mates Continued. L. R. Robinson 8 Apr. ] Solomon Wolcott 8 Apr. Edward Brux 15 Apr. William I. Cocke 15 Apr. Alfred Foster .16 Apr. Charles Gigniliat 15 Apr. Carter Edmonds 18 Apr. James W. Hunt 18 Apr. Francis S. Geslain 19 Apr. William H. Hening...20 Apr. Henry Field 23 Apr. James Bates 27 Apr. M. J. Cunningham ... Apr. Robert Archer 13 May, Isaac Pennington 13 May, David M. Wharry 13 May, Daniel Smith, Jr. 17 May, Hugh F. Rose .21 May, Joseph P. Russell 25 May, Caleb Parker .26 May, Elnathan Judson .....31 May, William Sloan 28 June, James Purine .29 June, Thomas Russell .21 July, John R. Bamhill 26 July, Walter H. Living8ton26 July, Ebenezer S. Phelps... 27 July, Henry White 28 July, William H. Pieraon .. 4 Aug. Theodore Dexter 16 Aug. Donaldson Yates 16 Aug. Benjamin O. Scott ...19 Aug. William C. Lane 15 Sep. Stephen M. IngerBoU.16 Sep. Isaac Foot 22 Nov. Va 35 inf. 8 Apr. Resigned 21 Jan. Del ... Gar. sur. mate 8 Apr. Promoted Apr. Penn..'HoB. sur. mate 15 Apr. Disbanded June, Va ,20 inf. 15 Apr. Ret.,4inf (declined). May, Penn..;HoB. sur. mate 15 Apr. Ret.,3 inf. (declined). Jan. Va Hos. sur. mate 15 Apr. Disbanded June, Va 3 rifles 18 Apr. [Ret.,2 inf (declined). May, N.C...I43 inf. 18 Apr. Disbanded June, Ga Hog. sur. mate 19 Apr. Died Nov. Penn..;4 rifles .20 Apr. JResigned 10 Mar. Penn..[4 rifles 23 Apr. Ret.,1 inf. (declined). May, 45 inf. 27 Apr. 'Hos. sur. mate May, rRet.,4 inf. (declined). May, ;22 inf. Apr. Di-opped .17 Aug. Va JHos. sur. mate 13 May, {Retained May, Penn..lHoB. sur. mate 13 May, JResigned 30 Sep. Va 'Hos. sur. mate 13 May, 'Disbanded June, Ohio ..]2 rifles 17 May, Disbanded June, Hob. sur. mate 21 May, Resigned 1 May, 4 inf. 25 May, Ret, 5 inf May, 36 inf. 26 May, Disbanded June, 40 inf. 31 May, iDisbanded June, Md 14 inf. 28 June, Disbanded June, 19 inf 29 June, Disbanded June, Hos. sur. mate 21 July, Prov. ret May, 28 inf 26 July, Disbanded June, Ltart 26 July, Retained ^Ay> 9 inf 27 July, Disbanded June, 23 inf 28 July, Disbanded Juno, 1 inf. 4 Aug. Ret., rifles May, Hos. sur. mate 16 Aug. Disbanded June, IIoH. sur. mate 16 Aug. Ret. (declined) May, Ho8.sur.mate 19 Aug. Resigned Oct. Oar. sur. mate 15 Sep. Promoted Aug. 37 inf 16 Sep. Ret., 7 inf. Sep. Resigned 1 Sep. Hos.snr.mate 22 Nov. Retained Jan. Resigned 16 May, D.C... Mass.. Ohio. Mass. Ky.... N.Y... Mass. N.Y.. N. J.. Mass.. Md Mass. Ind. T Conn. N.Y... REGISTER. 281 Name and date of commission. Previous military service. 1 .5 8 Remarks. Surgeon^s Mates Continued. S. C... Hos.sur.mate 19 Dec. 1814. Albion T. Crow 1 July, 16 George B. McKniglit.17 Fob. 17 Robert M Ball 17 Feb Disbanded June, 1815. Hos.sur.mate 1 July, 1816. Disbanded 14 Apr. 1818. 1 inf. 17 Feb. 1817 Penn.. Va 4 inf. 17 Feb. 1817. 1 inf. 19 Feb. 1817 Penn.. N.Y... N.Y... Penn.. Ky..... Md Resigned 18 Mar. 1818 7 inf. 19 Feb. 1817 William H.Nicoll 19 Feb Resigned 8 Oct. 1818 6 inf. .19 Feb. 1817 .lolin Carpenter 9 Apr. William J. Clarke 26 Apr. Robt. IT. C. Peargon..l8 July, Arthur Nelson 31 Oct. Hos.sur.mate 9 Apr. 1817 Resigned 1 Mar. 1818 Hos.sur.mate 26 Apr. 1817 3 inf. 18 July, 1817 Resigned 9 Oct. 1817 8 inf. 31 Oct. 1817 J. P. C. Macmahon...21 Nov. Resigned 1 May, 1818 3 inf. 21 Nov. 1817 18* 282 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY II. FKOM 1818 TO 1821. Name, rank and date of commission. Original entry into service and previous commissions. .2 8 S Remarks Surgeon General. Joseph Lovell 18 Apr. 18 Assistant Surgeons General. Tobias Watkins 18 Apr. Jamxs C. BB0NAuaH...18 Apr. Apothecary General. Fbancis Le BABB0N...11 June,13 Assistant Apothecaries. Christopher Backus. .12 Aug. 14 James Cutbush 12 Aug. C.G. Foster .28 Jan. 20 Robert P. McCalla.....l6 May, Past Surgeons. George W. Manpin... 5 Nov. 02 Joseph Goodhue 8 Feb. James H. Sargent 6 Mar. 06 William T. Davidson.lS June,( Cor'lius Cunning]iaml5 Oct. William Ballord .24 Mar. 12 William Turner 29 Sep. Hanson Catlett 18 Feb. Sur. 9inf. 15 May, 12 Sur. 38 inf. 20 May, 13 Prov. ret June,15 Hos. sur 15 Apr. 14 Sur. 12 inf 28 Apr. 12 Hos. sur 15 Apr. 14 Gar sur. mate .26 Mar. 02 Surgeon Dec. 08 Mass. Mass. Md., Va.. Md.. Va. La.... Penn. La .... Penn. La Penn.. Ret.,8ur. gen. on re- organization of the army 2 Mar. 21 Disbanded 1 June, Disbanded IJune, Disbanded 1 June, Resigned 15 Nov. 19 Post sur 16 May, 20 Ret., asst. sur 17 May, 21 Disbanded 1 June, Disbanded 1 June, John H. Sackett 22 Mar. 13 Gar. sur. mate 5 Prov. ret Gar. sur. mate 8 Prov. ret Gar. sur. mate 6 A. A. Apoth Gen... Gar. sur. mate 13 Gar. Bur. mate 15 A. Apoth. Gen Gar. sur. mate 24 Prov. ret Gar. sur. mate 29 Gar. sur. mate 26 Resigned 23 Gar. sur. mate 18 Sur. 1 inf. Gar. sur. mate 25 8. A.Walsh 9 Foster Swift 18 JohnTrev6tt 8 Arnold Elzy 15 German Senter 9 W.C.Lane .15 William N. Mercer...22 Aug. Feb. 1 Apr. Apr. July, Sep. Nov. T. J.C. Monroe 29 Apr. 16 Samnel B. Smith 12 George A. Carroll 17 Samuel Ayer 17 William Baker 20 Jabez W. Heustis 12 Nov. Feb. ] Feb. June, Nov. Nov. 02 June,15 Feb. 03 June,15 Mar. 06 14 June,! Oct. 10 June,15 Mar. 12 June,15 Sep. 12 Mar. 04 Nov. 04 Feb. 13 Sep. 14 Mar. 12 Vt ... Mass Penn. D. C. R. I.. Ky... N.Y.. Vt .... Mass. Penn. D.C... R. I. Ky... Sur. Mil. Acad.. Gar. sur Gar. sur. mate .. Post sur Hos. sur. mate .. Hos. sur Sur. mate 3 art.. Sur. 29 inf. Gar. sur. mate .. Hos. sur. mate .. Sur. 22 inf. Trans., 28 inf..... Sur. mate 6 inf.. Resigned Gar. sur. mate .. . 9 Aug. .18 Feb. .. 8 Apr. ..18 Apr. ..14 Apr. .17 May, ..14 Apr. .. July, ..15 Sep. ,.18 May, .. Aug. ..12 Sep. ..20 Jan. ,. Apr. N.Y... Mass. N. H. D. C... Mass. Ind ... Va.... Sur. 2 inf. 2 Apr. Resigned .31 Mar. Va. Md.... Mass. D.C. La.... Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. do do do do Resigned 1 May, 20 Resigned 31 Mar. Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 do do do do N.Y... Mass. N. H. D. C... Mass. Ind ... Va.... Ohio. Md Mass.. D. C... La Sur. It. art. reg. (de- clined) 4 Dec. 19 Disbanded 1 June,21 Resigned 1 Oct. 20 Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 do do Died 6 June,18 Dismissed 2 Oct. 20 Resigned 14 Nov. 18 Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 du do do do Resigned .24 Oct. 18 Resigned 9 Mar. Resigned 12 Aug. Resigned 31 Dec. 19 REGISTER. 283 Name, rank and date of commission. Original entry into service and previous commissions. .5E Remarks. I^st Surgeons Continued. Mordecai Hale 13 Feb. ] James Mann 18 Apr. David C. Ker. .18 Apr. Samuel Shaw 18 Apr. Benj. Waterhouse 18 Apr. Sylvester Day .18 Apr. William H. Buckner..l8 Apr. Joseph Wallace 18 Apr. Edward Purcell .18 Apr. William Stewart 18 Apr. William P. Marshall.. 18 Apr. Joseph Eaton 18 Apr. B.Delavan 18 Apr. Robert Archer 18 Apr. Thomas Russell 18 Apr. George C. Clitherall .18 Apr. W.J.Clark 18 Apr. SquierLea 15 Ma.y, Robt. McG. WalmsleylO Aug. Josiah Everett 10 Aug. Joseph P. Russell 10 Aug. Richard Weightman.'21 Aug. Samuel C. Muir 28 Sep. IIos. sur 9 Apr. 12 Hob. sur 30 Apr. 12 Hos. sur 6 Apr. 13 Hob. sur 29 June,13 Gar. sur. mate 9 Dec. 07 Sur. 5 inf. 13 Mar. 13 Sur. 2 It. art 6 July, 12 Hos. sur. mate Sep. 15 Sur. 4 inf. Sep. 16 ISur. 5 inf. .18 Apr. 18 Hos. sur. mate 2 May, 13 iProv. ret .; May, 15 JHos. sur. mate 13 Mar. 14 Hos. sur. mate 30 Mar. 14 Sur. mate 3 art 14 Apr. 12 Resigned 12 Dec. 13 Hos. sur. mate 15 Apr. 14 Sur. mate 16 inf.. ...15 Apr. 14 Hos. sur. mate May, 16 Hos. sur. mate 13 May, 14 Hos. sur. mate 21 July,14 Hos. sur. mate 8 Mar. 17 Hos. sur. mate 26 Apr. 17 Sur. 44 inf. 1 Aug. 13 Disbanded June,15 Sur. mate 29 inf..... 1 July, 13 Sur. mate 7 inf. May, 15 Sur. mate 21 inf.....21 July, 13 Sur. 21 inf. Apr. 14 Sur. mate 5 inf 25 May, 14 N.y... MaS.. Va Vt Vt N.Y. Mass Va... Vt ... Mass.. Vt Va. Mass. Va.... Mass. Va .... William Sterne 26 Oct. William H. Pierson...l4 Nov. Wm. H. Livingston... 3 Feb. 19 J. P. C. Macmahon...23 July, Selah Kirby 27 July, William Beaumont... 4 Dec. Robert M. Ball Dec. Egbert H. Bell 28 Jan. 20 William H. Nicoll....58 Jan. Robert French 12 Apr. Chaa. N. McCoskry ...12 Apr. James Cutbush .16 May, Wm. S. Comstock .....12 Oct. Richard Randall 12 Oct. George B. McKnight.l3 Oct. Lyman Foot 12 Dec. Thomas P. Hall .12 Dec. Md.... S. C... Mass. N. J.. Md.... S. C. N. J... Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 do do Declined app'nt Resigned 31 Dec. 18 Disbanded 1 June,21 Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. Died 2 Oct. 20 Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 do do do do Disbanded 1 June, Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. do do Va.... Mass. N.C.. Penn. La .... N.y.. Sur. mate 1 inf. 7 Apr. 13 Ret., 8 inf Sep. 15 Hos. sur. mate 31 Oct. 17 Sur. mate 40 inf.. ...11 Mar. 14 Ret., 6 inf May, 15 Sur. mate 1 inf. 4 Aug. 14 Ret., rifles May, 16 Sur. mate It. art 26 July, 14 Sur. mate 3 inf. 21 Nov. 17 Vt D. C... D. C... N. J.. N.y.. Sur. mate 8 inf. 2 Dec. 12 Sur. mate 1 inf. 17 Feb. 17 Sur. mate 10 inf.....lO Mar. 12 Sur. 10 inf. Mar. 14 Sur. 8 inf 18 Apr. 18 Sur. mate 6 inf. 19 Feb. 17 Sur. mate, U. S. N..16 Jan. Apr. 09 Conn. N.C.. N.y... D.C... A. Apoth. Gen 12 Aug. 14 Prov. ret May, 15 Sur. mate 3 inf. 21 Apr. 18 Sur. mate 2 inf. 10 Aug. 18 Trans., 4 inf Sep. 18 Sur. mate 1 inf. 17 Feb. 17 ligned Aug. 18 Sur. mate 2 Inf. 10 Aug. 18 Sur. 36 inf 10 July, 13 Disbanded June,15 R^mental Medical Officers. Surgeons. Lewis Dunham 12 Dec. 08 Thomas Lawson 21 May, 13 Va do do Mass.. Died 24 Aug. 19 N.C... Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 Penn.. Resigned 1 June,19 La Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 Sur. 8 inf. May, 20 art.reg 28 Jan. Ret., sur 2 Mar. 21 Ret., asst. but 2 Mar. do do Dropped 27 July, 19 N.Y. Vt... D.C. D.C. Mass. N.J... N.Y.., Penn. Penn. R. I.. Md... Conn. Md.... Va. Conn. Penn. N.C. N.Y D. C... Penn.. Penn.. R. I... Md Disbanded 1 June,21 Died 12 Nov. 20 Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 do do Died 5 Oct. 19 Ret., asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 Died Oct. 20 Ret, asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 Conn.. Md N.J. Va... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sur. It. drag 12 Dec. 08 Ret., It. art May, 15 Resigned 21 Sep. 19 Sur. mate, U. S. N... 1 Mar. 09 Resigned Jan. 11 Sur. mate 6 inf. 28 Jan. Sur. 6 inf. May, 13 Ret., 7 inf May, 15 Ret., sur May, 21 284 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name, rank and date of commission. Original entry into service and previous commissions. p. Surgeims Continued. Thomas G. Mower 30 June,14 B. F. Harney 17 Aug. W. V.Wheaton 4 Sep. 16 Wm. S. Madison 5 Oct. M. H. Elliott .31 Oct. 17 Joseph Wallace 18 Apr. 18 Egbert H. Bell 18 Apr. John Gale 18 Apr. Edward Pnrcell 21 July, Orimel Johnson 3 Mar. Josiah Everett 20 Jan. 20 R. McG. Walmsley ...13 May, Surgeon's Mates. Samuel P. Hugo 12 Mar. 12 Sam'l H. Littlejohn... 3 Apr. 13 William Sterne 11 Mar. 14 B.C. Lane 11 Mar. Jos. P. Russell 25 May, W. H. Livingston 26 July, W. H. Plerson 4 Aug. Robert M. Ball 17 Feb. 17 Goo. B. McKnight.....l7 Feb. Isaac W. Snowden ...10 Feb. Wm. H. Nicoll 19 Feb. Rogers M. Byrne 6 Nov, Hos. sur 28 Mar. 13 Ret., post sur May, 16 Sur. mate 17 inf..... 2 Dec. 12 Ret., linf May, 15 Sur. 40 inf. 11 War. 14 Disbanded June,15 Post sur 7 Nov. 16 Hos. sur. mate 15 July, 13 Sur. mate 10 inf... ..12 Mar. 12 Sur. 10 inf Mar. 14 Disbanded June,15 Hos. sur 29 Apr. 16 Sur. mate 23 inf..... 6 July, 12 Sur. 34 inf. 14 Ret., sur. mate 3 inf Sep. 15 Hos. sur. mate 2 May, 13 Prov. ret May, 15 Post sur Apr. 18 R. I. N. C. Mass. .iSur. mate 9 inf. 2 Dec. 12 [Surgeon Juno,14 |Ret., 6inf. May, I.t Ret., sur.- May, 21 jMies ..Sur. 3 inf 17 Aug. 14 Ret., 1 inf. May, 16 Ret., sur May. 21 R. I...|Sur. 2 inf 4 Sep. 16 jRet., 8ur._ May, 21 Ky Sur. 3 inf Oct. 16 Ret., sur May. 21 Mass .. Sur. 4 inf 31 Oct. 17 Rt., sur May, 21 Sur. 5 inf Apr. IS Post sur Apr. Sur. 8 inf 30 Apr. Post sur 28 Jan. 20 N.C... N. H.. Va. Sur. mate 21 inf.....21 July, 13 Sur. 21 inf Apr. 14 Ret., sur. mate 2 inf Sep. 15 Post sur Aug. 18 Sur. mate 29 inf..... 1 July, 12 Ret., 7 inf May, 15 Post sur Aug. 18 Sur. rifles Apr. 18 Ret., sur May, 21 Sur. 5 inf 21 July, 18 Ret., sur June,21 Ky ISur. rifles 3 Mar. 19 propped 4 Feb. 20 ISur. It. art 20 Jan. Ret., sur May, 21 Hos. sur. mate (de- clined) May, 14 Sur. 47 in/ 20July,14 30 inf Nov. 14 Disbanded June,15 N.y.. Md. Va. N.Y. Vt .... N.Y... N. J.. Va.... Penn. Penn. N.Y.. N.Y.. Sur. 8 inf May, 2o Disbanded Junc,21 Sur. mate 14 int....l2 Mar. 12 Trans., 1 rifles 13 Ret., rifle reg May, 15 Post snr Aug. 18 Dismissed 7 Sep. Sur. mate 35 inf.... 3 Apr. 13 Trans.,1 It. drag May, Ret.,8ur.matc 2 inf Sep. 15 Post sur. (declined) Aug. 18 Ret., asst. sur May, 21 Sur. mate 40 inf ...11 Mar. 14 Ret., 6inf May, 15 Post sur Oct. 18 Sur.mate 3 rifle regll Mar. 14 Ret., 4 inf Sep. 15 Resigned 1 June,18 Sur. mate 4 inf 25 Mav, 14 Ret., 5 inf May, 15 Post sur Aug. 18 Sur. mate It. art 26 July, 14 Retained May, 15 Post sur Feb. 19 Sur. mate 1 inf 4 Aug. 14 Ret., rifle reg May, 16 Post sur _ Nov. 18 Sur. mate 4 inf. 17 Feb. 17 Post sur Dec. 19 Sur. mate 1 inf 17 Fob. 17 Resigned Aug. 18 Sur. mate 7 inf .19 Fob. 17 Resigned 8 Oct. 18 Sur. mate 6 inf 19 Feb. 17 Post sur 28 Jan. 20 Sur. mate 5 inf. 6 Nov. 17 Resigned 30 Nov. 19 REGISTKR. 285 Name, rank and date of commission. Orifpnal entry into service and previous commissions. Surgemi's Mates Continued. J. P. C. Macraahon...21 Nov. Thaddens IIul)bard...l3 Feb. IV. Wni. S. Comstock 21 Apr. Wm. M. Rivers 10 Aug. Clement A. Finley....lO Aug. Lyman Foot 10 Aug. Richard Randall 10 Aug. Charles Mendenhall.lO Aug. Richard M. Coleman.. 10 Aug. Henry Smith 10 Aug. Perry 0. Meloan 10 Aug. Benjamin King 14 Oct. Henry Stevenson 13 Nov. Charles McCreedy 3 Feb. Ayres P. Merrill 19 Mar. Henry F. Hall 23 July, Robert McMillan 4 Dec. Joseph N. Clark 28 Jan. Charles Sloan 28 Jan. Presley H. Craig 12 Apr. R. V. McGuire 12 Apr. John Jackson 12 Dec. 18Sur. mate 34 inf.. ...22 May, 13 . jResigned 13 Aug. 14! Re-appointed 22 Nov. 14 Disbanded June,15 R. I... o o Remarks. Sur. mate 3 inf 21 Nov. Post sur July, Out 19 Mar. S. C... Ohio. Md. Del Ky., Sur. mate 22 inf 6 July, 12 . Resigned 28 Feb. 14' Snr. mate 3 inf. 21 Apr. Post sur 12 Oct. Sur. mate 1 inf .... 10 Aug. Resigned Feb. Sur. mate 1 inf. 10 Aug. Ret., asst. sur May, Conn..|Sur. mate 2 inf. 10 Aug. Post sur 12 Dec. Sur. mate 2 inf. 10 Aug. Trans., 4 inf Sep. Post sur Oct. Sur. mate 5 inf. 10 Aug. Ret., asst. sur June, Sur. mate 7 inf. 10 Aug. Ret., asst. sur........ May, Sur. mate 8 inf. 10 Aug. Out Mar. Ky Sur. mate rifle Aug. Resigned 31 Oct, Md jSur. mate 7 inf 14 Oct. JRet., asst. sur fune, Va Sun niate.6 inf 13 Nov. jDisbanded June. Vt iSur.mate, It. art.... 3 Feb. Died 24 May, Mass. .'Sur. mate 8 inf 19 Mar. Ret., asst. sur May, Sur. mate 3 inf. 23 July, Ret. asst. sur May, S. C.jSur. mate 5 inf 4 Dec. Disbanded June. N. Y... Sur. mate 4 inf. 28 Jan. iDied 8 Mar. Md Sur. mate 8 inf 28 Ian. Ret., asst. sur May, Penn.. Sur. mate 6 inf. 12 Apr. Ret., asst. snr May, Md 'Sur. mate rifles 12 Apr. iDropped 27 Dec. ISur. mate 4 inf. 12 Dec. Ret., asst. sur May, 286 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY III. FBOM 1821 TO THE PRESENT TIME. Name, rank and date of commission. Original entry into service and previous military hiistory. Surgeons General. Joseph Lovell 18 Apr. ISJSur. 9 inf. .15 May, 12 Hos. sur 30 June,14 Thomas Lawsoji 30 Nov. 36 Gar. sur. mate 8 Feb. 11 iSur. 6 inf. 21 May, 13 Ret., 7 inf May, 15 jSurgeon 1 Jane,21 Clement A. Finley...15 May, OltSur. mate 1 inf. 10 Aug. 18 lAsst. sur 1 Jane,21 iSurgeon 13 July, 32 William A. Hammond25 Apr. 62iA88t.8ur 29 June,49 iResigned 31 Oct. 60 iA88t.8ur 28 May, 61 Joseph K. Barnes 22 Aug. 64jA8st.sur 15 June,40 ISurgeon 29 Aug. 56 ' Med. insp 9 Feb. 63 JMed. insp. gen 10 Aug. 63 Assistant Surgeons General. Robert C. Wood 14 June,62|AB8t. sur 28 May, 25 Surgeon 4 July, 36 Charles II. Crane ...28 July, 66 Asst. sur 2 Feb. 48 Surgeon 21 May, 61 Medical Inspectors General. I Thomas F. Perley 1 July, 62iBrig. sur. vol 23 Oct. 61 Joseph K. Barnes 10 Aug. 63iA8st.8ur 15 June,40 iSurgeon 29 Aug. 56 iMed. insp 9 Feb. 63 Madison Mills 1 Dec. 64JA88t.8ur 1 Apr. 34 iSurgeon 16 Feb. 47 judical Inspectors. Mass.. Va Maas. Va.... Ohio. Md.... Penn. R.I. R.I.... Me .... Penn.. N.Y... Ohio. Md.... Penn. Died, Washington.. 17 Oct. 36 Lt. col. La. vol. in Florida war Oct. 37 Cora. bat. N. Y. & Penn. vol. till May, 38 Died, Norfolk, Va...l5 May, 61 Retired 14 Apr. 62 Dismissed 18 Aug. 64 R. I.... Maes Hon. must, out and ret. to rank of sur. .31 Oct. 65 Fla..... Penn. N.Y... John M. Cuyler 11 Richard H. Coolidgcll Charles C. Keeney 11 June,62 June, June, Edward P. Vollum 11 Jane, George U. Lyman 11 William II. Mu8Boy...l4 George T. Allen 14 Lewis Humphreys 30 Joseph K. Barnes 9 Frank H. Hamilton .. 9 Peter Pineo 9 Augustus C. Hamlin.. 9 George K. Johnson... 9 John K. Summers 27 N. 8. Townshend 11 George W. Stipp 12 John Wilson 10 John L. Leconte 29 E.D. Kittoe 30 June, June, June, June, Feb. 63 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. { Aug. Aug. Mar. U\ Asst. sur Surgeon Asst. sur Surgeon Asst. sur Disbanded Asst. sur Surgeon Asst. sur Surgeon Brig. sur. vol . Brig. sur. vol , Brig. sur. vol . Apr. 34 Feb. 47 Aug. 41 June,60 July, 42 Sep. Mar. 45 June,60 May, 53 May, 62 Aug. 61 Oct. Apr. 62 Asst. sur Surgeon Brig. sur. vol . Brig. sur. vol . Brig. BUT. vol . June,40 Aug. 66 Aug. 61 Aug, Apr. 62 I Asst. BUT. c 'Surgeon . Dec. 47 May, 61 Ga N.Y... N.Y... N.Y... Mass. N.H.. 8hio. Iiio. Penn. Vt ... N.S.. Me.... N.Y.. Va... Qa.... N.Y.. Mich. N.Y.. Mass. Ohio. Ind... Ind... Penn. N.Y.. Mass. Me.... Mich. Va.... Brig. sur. vol , Sur. vol Brig. sur. vol Snr. vol Sep. Dec. 62 June, Dec. Eng'd Va Penn.. N.Y... Ohio. 111-... Penn. Penn. Ill... Resigned 10 Aug. 64 Promoted 22 Aug. Hon. must, out and ret. to rank of sur. .31 Oct. 65 Hon. must, out and ret. to rank of sur. .31 Oct. Hon. must, out and ret. to rank of sur. .31 Oct. Hon. must, out and ret. to rank of sur..31 Oct. Hon. must, out and ret. to rank of sur. .31 Oct. Hon. must, out 31 Oct. Resigned 1 Jan. 64 Hon. must, out 31 Oct. 65 do do Promoted 10 Aug. 63 Resigned .29 Aug. Hon. must, out .....31 Oct. 65 do do Resigned 1 Oct. Hon. nmst. out and ret. to rank of sur. .31 Oct. Hon. must, out 31 Oct. do do do do do do do do REGISTER. 287 Name, rank and date of commission. Original entry into service and previous military history. 3B o p Remarks. Chief Medical Purveyors. Richard S. Satterlee..28 July, 66 Jedediah H. Baxter...l2 Mar. 72 Assistant Medical Pitrveyors. Charles McDougall ...28 July, 66 Eugene H. Abadie.....28 July, Robert Murray 28 July, Charles Sutherland. ..28 July, Jedediah H. Baxter.. .20 July, 67 Asst.sur 25 Surgeon 13 Asst. med. purv 20 Asst.eur 13 Surgeon 7 Asst.sur 4 Surgeon 24 Asst. sur 29 Surgeon 23 Asst.sur 5 Surgeon .16 Feb. 22 July, 32 July, 67 N.Y. Vt ... Mich. Vt Retired 22 Feb. July, 32 July, 38 July, 36 July, 53 June,46 June,60 Aug. 52 Apr. 62 Ohio . Fr'ce., Thomas Lawson 1 June,2 Thomas G. Mower 1 June, B. F. Harney 1 June, W. V. Wheaton 1 June, W. S. Madison 1 June, M.H. Elliott IJune, John Gale 1 June, Josiah Everett 1 June, Edward Purcell 18 June, B. Delavan 27 Jan. ! Robert Archer 9 May, ! J. P. C. Macmahon... 5 Aug. '. William Beaumont.. .26 Nov. ; William H. Nicoll 28 July, 30 Lyman Foot 5 Mar. 31 Clement A. Finley .. Richard M. Coleman. Presley H.Craig Richard S. Satterlee. Zina Pitcher .13 July, .13 July, .13 July, 13 July, 13 July, Ind... Penn. Md.... Penn. Vt .... Retired 22 Feb. 69 Ap. rev. and ret. to rank of sur 4 Mar. 67 Gar. sur. mate 8 Feb. 11 Sur. 6 inf. 21 May, 13 Sur. 7 inf. May, 15! Sur. mate 9 inf. 2 Dec. 12 Sur. 9 inf. .30 June,14 Sur. 6 inf. May, ISJ Sur. 3 inf. 17 Aug. 14 Sur. 1 inf. May, 16 Hos. sur Mar. 13 Sur. 2 inf. 4 Sep. 16 Sur. mate 1" inf.. ...12 Dec. 12 Sur. mate 1 inf. 15 Mav, 15 Sur. 3 inf. 5 Oct. 16 nr. 40 inf. 11 Mar. 14 Disbanded June,15 Post sur 7 Nov. 16 Sur. 4 inf. Oct. 17 Sur. mate 23 inf..... 6 July, 12 Sur. 34 inf. 14 Snr.rifles 18 Apr. 18 Sur. mate 21 inf... ..21 July, 13 Sur. 21 inf. Apr. 14 Sur. mate 2 inf. Sep. 15 Hos. sur. mate 2 May, 13 Post sur 18 Apr. 18 Sur. 5 inf. 21 July, Sur. mate 16 inf.. ...15 Apr. 14 Hos. sur. mate May, 16 Post sur 18 Apr. 18 Asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 Hob. sur. mate 13 May, 14 Post sur 18 Apr. 18 A88t.sur 2 Mar. 21 Sur. mate 3 inf. 21 Nov. 17 Post sur 23 July, 19 Asst.sur 2 Mar. 21 Sur. mate 16 inf..... 2 Dec. 12 6inf Jan. 13 Resigned 3 June,15 Post sur 4 Dec. 19 Asst.sur 2 Mar. 21 Sur. mate 6 inf. 19 Feb. 17 Post sur 28 Jan. 20 Asst.sur 2 Mar. 21 Sur. mate 2 inf. 18 Aug. 18 Post sur 12 Dec. 20 Asst.sur 2 Mar. 21 Sur. mate 1 inf. 10 Aug. 18 Asst.sur 1 June,21 Sur. mate 7 inf. 10 Aug. 18 Asst.sur 1 June,21 Sur. mate 6 inf. 12 Apr. 20 Asst.sur 1 June,21 do 25 Feb. 22 do 8 May, Mass. Del... N.Y. Del... N.Y. Ky... Mass.. N. H Va... N.J. Va. Conn. N.Y.. Conn. Ohio. Ky.... Penn. N.Y.. N.Y.. Va. Promoted 12 Mar. 72 Promoted 30 Nov. 36 Died,New York city 7 Dec. 53 Wounded,Mex. war 6 June,47 Died,Baton Rouge..29 Aug. 58 Died, Philadelphia.23 Apr. 6n Killed by Indians before receipt of ap.l4 May, 21 Died,Pen8acola, Fla 8 Sep. 22 Died, Fort Arm- strong, 111 27 July, 3(1 Died, in camp near Fort Gratiot, Mich..l4 July, 32 Died, Ft. Snelling..ll Jan. 25 Died, Nachitoches, La ;.26Nov. 27 Resigned 5 Aug. 26 asst.sur 5 Aug. N.Y., N.Y. Conn.. Ohio.. Ky..... Penn. Mich. N.Y... Resigned 30 Oct. 34 Died,NewOrleans_.14 Apr. 37 Resigned .31 Dec. 39 Died, Jefferson Bar. 5 Mar. 31 Died, Port Lavacca, Texas 24 Oct. 46 Promoted 15 May, 61 Died, Fort Arm- strong, 111 2 Sep. 32 Died, New Orleans. 8 Aug. 48 Promoted 28 July, 66 Resigned .31 Dec. 36 Re-ap. asst. sur 2 Feb. 39 Resigned 31 Oct. 288 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name, rank and date of commission. , Original entry into service and previous military history. Reniarlis. Surgeons Continued. llobert McMillan 3 Sep. 32 Sur. mate 6 inf. 4 Deo. 19S. C. Asst.sur 1 July,22 Samuel G. I. Decamp 1 Dec. 33 do 10 Oct. 23:N. J do 20 Jan. 24;N.Y., do 22 Nov. iMd.... do 9May, 2oMd.. do 28 May, R.I., Resigned 1 Dec. 33 Edward Macomb 1 Nov. 34 Hamilton S. Hawkins 4 July, 36, .\lfri-d W. Elwes 4 July, i Robert C. Wood 4 July, ! I'hilip Minis 1 Henry A- Steinecke...31 William L. Wharton. .22 Charles S. Tripler 7 P.Maxwell 7 Henry L. Heiskell ... 7 Charles McDougall... 7 Burton Randall 7 Nathan S. Jarvis 7 Richard Clarke 7 Dec. Dec. July, 37 July, 38 July, July, I July, 1 July, : July, I July, i Adam N. McLaren ...30 June,39i Oeorge F. Turner 1 Jan. 40 Joseph J. B. Wright..26 Mar. 44] John B. Porter 4 Oct. 46j John B. Wells 24 Oct. I John M. Cuyler 16 Feb. 47; Madison Mills 16 Feb. ' William Hammond .. 7 Aug. j Leonard C. Mcl'lmil.. 8 Aug. 48! Samuel P. Moore 30 Apr. 49 Chas. M. Hitchcock_.13 Feb. 51 Bernard M. Byrne 31 Mar. 53 Eugene H. Abadie 24 Charles McCorniick. 7 Charles H. Laub 17 Josiah Simpson 12 William J. Sloan 20 William S. King 29 David C. DeLeon .29 James Simons 29 Thomas C.Madison... 29 Joseph K. Barnes 29 Levi 11. Holden 13 Richard F. Simpon...23 Richard H.Coolidge..23 Charles C. Keeney....23 Robert Murray .23 John F. Head 6 Levris A. Edwards 19 John F. Hammond. ..25 Elisha J. Bailey 15 Oeorge E. Cooper 21 Ebenezer Swift .21 Glover Perin 21 P. G. S. TenBroeck...21 John Campbell 31 John E. Summers... .21 Charles H. Crane 21 Lyman H. Stone 21 Thomas A. McParUn.21 William F. Mgar 21 Joseph B. Brown 4 Alexander B. Hasonl7 Jonathan I>ctterman.l6 Robert 0. Abbott 16 Thomas M. Getty 16 DaTid L. Magruder...l6 July, Dec. Oct. 54 Aug. 55 Dec. Aug. 56 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Apr. 60 June, June, June, June, Sep. Feb. 61 Feb. May, May, May, May, May, May, May, May, May, May, May, July, Aug. Apr. 62 Apr, Apr Apr, do 12 Apr. 266a ( do 8 May, Penn.. do 1 Sep. 28D. C... do 30 Oct. .'JOIN.T...!: do 13 July,32Vt j do 13 July, Va j do 13 July, [Ohio..< do 24 Oct. Md do 2 Mar. 33N.Y... do 2 Mar. IN.Y... do 2 Mar. IScot'd Retired 27 Died,Saratoga,N.Y. 8 Died, Ft. Monroe, Va2t) Dipd,Tampico,Mex.l3 Died, Pilatka, Fla...l2 Asst. sur. gen 14 Retired 22 Died,NewYork city28 Resigned 21 Died, Baltimore.Md20 Died.Port I^vacca.. 4 Died, Cincinnati,0.27 Disbanded 23 Died, Washington..l2 Promoted 28 Retired 1" Died,Baltimore,Mdl2 Died, Maj .Gamble's Fla 29 Aug. 62 Sep. 71 Mar. 44 Aug. 47 June,42 June,62 Feb. 69 Mar. Julv,37 Dec. 55 Oct. 46 Ott. 66 Sep. 42 Aug. 65 Jul v, 66 Oct. 68 May, 62 June,39 do 23 July, do do do do do .25 Oct. . 1 Dec. . 1 Feb. ; . 1 Apr. . 1 Apr. . 1 June, .30 Nov. .14 Mar. .17 Aug. Penn. Coun. Md.... Ga.... N.Y.. do 1 June, Md do 30 Nov. Md do 14 Mar. 35 S. C... do 17 Aug. Md.... do 20 May, 36 Irel'd do 4 July, do 30 Aug. do 30 Nov. do 11 July, do 12July, do 29 July, do 21 Aug. do 11 July, do ....27 Feb. do .'...16 June, do 15 June, do 1 Aug. do 16 Aug. iFr'ce.. |D. C. D. C... 37 In. J.., Penn. Penn. 38 S. C... 398. C... 40 do 12 Aug. do 29June,46 do 6 Aug. do 29 Aug. do 16 Feb. 47 do 16 Feb. do 28 Aug. do 30 Aug. do 4 Dec. do 13 Dec. do 13 Dec. do 13 Dec. do 2 Feb. 48 do 13 Dec. 47 do 2 Mar. 49 do 2 Mar. do 29 June, do ,....29 June, do 29 June, do 23 Nov. do 23 Nov. Va Penn.. R. L... Va N.Y... N.Y... Md Mass. D. C... S. C... Penn. Penn. Mass. Ohio . Me N.Y... Va R. I... Mass .. Died,CorpusChri8ti jTexas 17 Penn..' Conn..' Retired 27 ! JDied,Coventry, Conl5 Ga |Died,Baltimore,Md24 jGa Med. insp 11 N. Y... Med. insp. gen 1 I iDied, Ft. Columbus.28 Md Died, Benicia, Cal...l3 Md Resigned 30 S. C... Resigned 25 Md jResigned 31 Md iDied, Ft. Moultrie, 1. C 6 iPenn. ;D. C... 'd. C... tPenn. IPenn. jPenn. S. C... ^S. c... Fla Penn. R.I... Va N.Y.. Mich.. Md Mass. D. C. C... Penn. Penn. Ohio. Ohio. N.Y.. Oct. 54 do Md.... Ky.... N.Y.. Md.... Penn. Penn. Md.... 1 Feb. 50 Md.... Aug. 62 June.69 July,53 June,62 Oct. 64 Apr. 73 Feb. tl .\pr. 49 Feb. 61 Mar. 53 Sep. 60 Resigned 19 Feb. 61 17 Aug. Promoted 9 Feb. 63 Retired 27 Oct. 58 Died,KeyWest,Fla.. 4 July, 61 Med. insp 11 June,62 Died, Raleigh, N.C..23 Jan. 66 Med. insp 11 June,62 Promoted. 28 July, 66 Died, Portland,Me..l9 Dec. 67 N.Y. Va Med. insp 27 Feb. 63 Mass.. Promoted 28 July, 66 Vt iSeo G. 0. No. 43 22 Dec. 52 iDismissed 16 Sep. 62 Md j Mo iRotired .27 Aug. Mich..| Md Penn..' Penn..!Died,Brooklvn,N.Y16 June,67 Va Died, Ft.McHenry..30 Oct. Va I REGISTER. 289 Name, rank and date of commission. Original entry into service and previous military history. Remarks. Surgeons Continued. W. J. H, White 16 Apr. 62 John J. Milhau 16 Horace R. Wirtz 16 Charles Page 16 Charles Sutlierland...l6 Basil Norris 16 Edward P. Vollum...l2 John Moore 11 Andrew K. Smith 11 Rich. H. Aloxander...ll Joseph R. Smith 11 James T. Ghiselin 14 John F. Randolph 27 George Taylor 27 George Hammond 27 B.J. D.Irwin 16 Anthony Heger 17 Charles T. Alexander 9 Bennett A.CIement8.27 Lewis Taylor 14 Asstsur 12 Mar. D. C Apr. do 30 Apr. 51 Fr'ce.. Apr. do 5 Dec. 46Ponn.. Apr. do 2 Dec. 51 Va Apr. do 5 Aug. 52 Penn.. Apr. do 11 Oct. May, do 31 May, 53 June, do 29 June, June, do 26 July, June, do 2 Dec. June, do 15 Dec. 54 June, do 1 June,55 Aug. do 24 Dec Aug. do 1 Apr. 56 do 28 June, Sep. do 28 Aug, ep. do 29 Aug, Feb. 63 do 1 Oct. Feb. do 4 Nov Aug. do 3 Mar D. C... Joseph C. Baily 1 .lames 0. McKee 22 Joseph H.Bill 28 D. W. C. Peters 28 Charles H. Alden 28 Warren Webster 28 John Vansant 28 Charles C. Byrne 28 Clinton Waguer 28 Joseph P. Wright 28 Charles C. Gray 28 William C. Spencer. ..28 Francis L. Town 20 Abel F. Mechem 16 Dec. 64 Dec. July, 66 July, July, July, July, July, July, July, July, July, Oct. June,67 do 27 Oct. do 22 Oct. 58 Md.... N.Y.. Ind .. Conn.. Ind. T N.Y... Md Va Md Md.... Irel'd. Aust . Ch. N D. C... Penn.. Penn.. Penn.. Penn.. N.Y.. Penn. Va Penn. Md.... N.Y.. Ind .. Conn. Ky.... N.Y.. Md.... La.... Md.... Md.... N.Y.. Penn. Ark.. N.Y.. do 13 Apr. 60 do 15 Aug. 54IN.Y... do 23 June,60!Penn.. Dallas Bache 5 Aug. Blencowe E. Fryer. ..30 Oct. John H. Frantz 19 Dec. Charles E. Goddaxd... 6 Jan. ' Philip C. Davis 17 Oct. James F. Weeds .27 Oct. Assistant Surgeons. George W. Maupin... 1 Jnne,21 Joseph Goodhue 1 June, James H. Sargent 1 June, Sylvester Day 1 June, William Ballard 1 June, William Turner 1 June, Hanson Catlett 1 June, do 23 June, do 23 June, do 23 June, do 11 Oct. do 28 May, 61 do 28 May, do 28 May, do 28 May, do 11 Oct. 60 do 28 May, 61 do 28 May, do 28 May, do 28 May, do 28 May, do 28 May, N.H. Va Md Md..... Penn.. N.Y... N.Y... N.H... Md Eng'd.jPenn. Penn..Md.... N.Y... Va Eng'd. Foster Swift ... John Trevfett . 19 1 June, 1 June, Sur. mate 5 Prov. ret Post sur Gar. sur. mate 8 Prov. ret Gar. sur Gar. sur. mate 6 A. A. Apoth. Gen... Post sur Gar. sur. mate 9 Sur.Sinf 13 Post sur 18 Gar. sur. mate 24 Prov. ret Post sur Gar. sur. mate 29 Post sur 24 Gar. sur. mate 26 Resigned 23 Gar. sur. mate 18 Sur. 1 inf. Post sur Gar. sur. mate 18 Post sur 24 Sur. mate 8 Post sur 18 Prov. ret., sur. mate Post sur 18 Nov. 02 June,15 18 Feb. 03 June,15 Aug. 16 Mar. 06 14 Apr. 16 Dec. 07 Mar. 13 Apr. 18 Mar. 12 June,15 Apr. 18 Sep. 12 Apr. 16 Mar. 04 Nov Feb. 13 Sep. 14 May, 16 Feb. 14 Apr. 16 Apr. 14 Apr. June,15 Apr. 18 D. C... Penn. Penn. Penn. Penn. N.Y.., Penn. Mafis. Va.... Md.... Md.... Penn. N.Y.. N.Y.. Penn. Md.... Penn. N.Y D. C... Ohio Vt.. Mass. Ky.. Vt.... Mass Vt ... R.I.. Ky... Mass. N. H. Killed at battle of Antietam, Md 17 Sep. 62 See G. 0. No 48 29 June,51 Promoted 28 July, 66 Med. insp 11 June,62 Died,Galveston,Tex 5 Aug 67 Drow'd in Miss. riv.l4 Aug. 63 Died, Ft.Wadsw'th, D.T 6 Jan. 1 May, 67 Died, Pleasantville, Md 14 July, 71 Died,Ft.Benton,MT 2 Oct. Died, Ft. Monroe.. .18 June,25 Resigned 31 Dec. 24 Resigned 22 Aug. 46 Died, Alleghany Ar- senal, Penn 20 Feb. 51 ,.28 Feb. 22 N.H.. Died, Newport, R.I..26 Sep. 37 Died 21 Oct. 24 Died, New London. .18 Aug. 36 Died, Atigusta, Ga..l8 Aug. 21 290 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name, rank and date of commission. ! Original entry into service land previous military history. e"t: Remarks Assistant Surgeons Con'd. William N.Mercer... lJune,21jHo8. sur. mate 18 May, 13 Va. Sur. 22 inf Aug. Trans., 23 inf. 14 Hoe. sur 22 Nov. Va. T.J. C. Monroe 1 June, Samuel B. Smith 1 June, James Mann 1 June, Joeeph Wallace 1 June, William Stewart.. . 1 June, Joeeph Eaton 1 June, f B. Delavau 1 June, Robert Archer 1 June, George C. Clitherall... 1 June, Squier Lea 1 June, Joseph P. Russell 1 June, Richard Weightman. 1 June, W.H.Livingston 1 June, J. P. C. Macmahon... 1 June, William Beaumont... 1 June, EgbrtH. Bell 1 June, William H. Nicoll 1 June, Robert French 1 June, Charles McCoskry 1 June, James Cutbueh 1 June, William S. Comstock 1 June, Richard Randall 1 June, George B. McKnight. 1 June. Lyman Foot 1 June, Thomas P. Hall 1 June, S. H. Uttlejohn 1 June, Va. Sur. mate 6 inf. 12 Sep. 11 Resigned 20 Jan. 12 Gar. sur. mate Apr. 14 Post sur 29 Apr. 16 |Pot sur 12 Nov Uos. sur 9 Apr. 12 Mass. Post sur 18 Apr. 18i Hoe. sur. mate 15 July,13i Sur. 5 inf 18 Apr. 18 IIos. sur. mate 13 Mar. 14 Md.... jPost sur 18 Apr. 18 Sur. mate 3 art 14 Apr. 12 Mass. Resigned 12 Dec. 13l I. sur. mate 15 Apr. 14{ Post sur 18 Apr. 18! Sur. mate 16 inf.. ...16 Apr. 14 N. J.. Hos. sur. mate May, 16i Post sur 18 Apr. 18 Hos. eur. mate 13 May 14!Va.... Post sur 18 Apr. 18 Hos. sur. mate 8 Mar. 17 N. C. Post sur 18 Apr. 181 Sur. 44 inf 1 Aug. 13|Lh .... Disbanded June,15 Post sur May, 18 Sur. mate 5 inf. 25 May, 14 Post sur 10 Aug. 18 Post sur 21 Aug. Ohio .. Resigned 21 July, 21 Died, Ft. Niagara...23 Oct. 39 Died, Philadelphia.28 Nov. 34 Died,New York city 7 Nov. 32 Resigned .3( Aug. 27 Died, Baltimore 23 Sep. 2.! Ma6e..Died,Ft. Hamilton..l6Mar. 6(i Maes. Md.. I I N.J. Va..., N.C.. La... Vt D. C. Sur. mate Julv,14 N.Y... Post sur 3 Feb. 19 Sur. mate 3 inf 21 Nov. 17 Post sur 23 July,19 Sur. mate 8 inf 2 Dec. 12 Post sur 4 Dec. 19 Sur. mate 10 inC....10 Mar. 12N.C... Sur. 10 inf Mar. 141 8 inf 18 Apr. 18 . Post BUT 28 Jan. 20' Sur. mate 6 inf 19 Feb. 17]N. Y.. Post sur 28 Jan. 20| Sur. mate, U. 8. N .16 Jan. OSlD. C... Resigned Apr. 09| Post sur 12 Apr. 201 Post sur 12 Apr. Penn. Asst. Apoth. Gen... 12 Aug. 14 Peun. Prov.ret May, 15 Post sur 16 May, 20 Vt D. C... N.Y... Conn.. N.Y... N.C... N.Y.. D. C... Penn. Penn. Sur. mate 3 inf 21 Post sur 12 Sur. mate 2 inf 10 4 inf. Post eur 12 Sur. mate 1 inf. 17 Resigned Poet sur 13 Sur. mate 2 inf 18 Poet sur 12 Sur. 36 inf 10 Disbanded Poet sur 12 Sur. mate 35 inf..... 3 1 It. drag 2 inf Apr, Oct. Aug. Sep. Oct. Feb. Aug. Oct. Aug. Dec. July, June, Dec. Apr. May, Sep. 18 R. 1... 20 18;Md R. I. Md... 201 17|Penn. 18 20| ISiConn. 2(j! Md.. Va. Conn.. Md Va., Promoted 27 Jan. 'i Promoted 9 May, 25 Died, Ft. Johnston, N.C 10 Nov. 29 Died, New Orleans.. 5 Feb. 26 Died, Ft.Columbus..l9 Sep. 49 Wounded in battle atWelika Pond.Fla 9 July, 36 Died,Ft.Marion,Fla30 Oct. 41 Died,New York city 6 Apr. 22 Promoted 5 Aug. 26 Promoted 26 Nov. 27 Resigned 16 July,21 Promoted 28 July,3() Died near George- town, D. C 13 Aug. 35 Died, St.Augustine, Fla 16 Nov. 21 Prof of Cliemistry, Mineralogy & (Jeol- ogy. Military Acad- emy, West Point, N. Y., from Sep. 1820, to Dec. 1823. Died,West Point 16 Dec. i Died, Canajoharie, N.Y 13 June,25 Resigned 15 Aug. Resigned 1 June,24 Promoted 3 Mar. 31 Died, Augusta, Ga..21 Sep. 25 Died near St. Louis. 8 Apr. 24 REGISTER. 291 Name, rank and date of commission. i Original entry into service and previous military history. Assistant Surgeons Con'd. C. A. Finley 1 June,2 Chas. Mendenhall 1 June, K. M. Coleman 1 June, Benjamin King 1 June, A. P. Merrill 1 June, 11. F.Hall 1 June, Presley H. Craig 1 June, Charles Sloan 1 June, John Jackson 1 June, John A. Breretoti 1 July, Henry Steven8on.....l6 July, Mordecai Hale 27 Oct. Richard S. Satterlee..26 Feb. 5 Zina Pitcher 8 May, W. E. Langilon 8 May, Robert McMillan 1 July, Edwin James 27 Jan. i .\lfred Watkins 11 June, Charles F. Luce 22 Sep. Sam'l (t. I. DeCamp..lO Oct. Edward Macomb 20 Jan. i (ieorge P Todsen 20 Jan. James G. Percival 4 Mar. John W. Baylor 8 July, .Tohii Torrey 5 Aug. P. G. Randolph 8 Oct. Hamilton S.Hawkin822 Nov. John Thurston 1 Jan. 26 Alfred W.Elwes 9 Mav, Robert C. Wood 28 May, Lawrence Sprague ...22 June, Joel Martin 15 Aug. Thomas S. Bryant 5 Oct. Snr. mate 1 inf. 10 Aug. 18 do do do do do do do do 5 inf. 10 Aug. 7 inf 10 Aug. 7 inf. 14 Oct. 8 inf. 19 Mar. 19 3 inf. 23 July, 6 inf. 12 Apr. 20 8 inf. 28 May, 4 inf. 12 Dec. Ohio. Del .. Ky.... Md.... Mass. do 6 inf. 13 Nov. 18 Post 8ur 13 Feb. Snr. mate 5 inf. 4 Dec. 19 Penn. Md.... Md.... Va .... N.Y.. N.Y.. N.Y.. N. H.. S. C. N.Y.. N.Y.. Mass. N. J.. N.Y.. La.... Ohio. Del .. Ky.... Md.... Mass. Penn. Md Md.... Va .... N.Y.. Mich. N. Y.. N. H.. 8. C. N.Y.. N.Y.. Mass. N. J.. N.Y.. La.... Ky.... N.Y.. Ky.... N.Y.. Philip Minis 12 Robert E. Kerr 2 Henry A. Steinecke.. 8 Robert Archer '. 5 Thomas Lining 1 Robert H. Sibley 17 Lucius Abbott 15 W. L. Wharton 1 James B. Sullivan 5 Samuel W. Dalton ...16 Epbraim M. Blaine. ..17 Apr. 26 May, May, Aug. Sep. 27 Oct. Jan. 28 Sep. May, 29 July, Nov. Va.... Md N.H.. Md R. I.. Me.... Va .... Penn. Asst. sur 2 Mar. 21 Ga .... D. C. Penn. Va.... S. C. La.... Conn. D. C. Del .. Vt.... Va.... Charles S. Tripler 30 Oct. 30 William A. Berry 25 Apr. 31 Edward Worrell 24 Feb. 32 Philip Maxwell 13 July, Henry L. Heiskell ...13 July, James W. Roper 13July, James W. Hunt 13 July, jSur. mate 43 inf ....18 Apr. 14 N. 0. .Disbanded June,15j Richard Wayne .13 July, ' | Benjamin R. Hogan..l3 July, 1 1 Charles S. Frailey 13 July, ! j Charles McDougall...l3 July, Ohio Green W. Caldwell ...13 July, N.C . Va.... Md N. H.. Md R. I... Me Va Penn. Ga.... D. C. Penn. Va.... S. C. La.... Conn. D. C. N.Y... Del. Vt.. Va.. N. C... John R. Conway 13 July, Ohio .. N.C Promoted 13 July, 32 Died at sea 15 Oct. 23 Promoted 13 July, .32 Retired 9 Nov. 63 Resigned 21 Sep. 23 Resigned 30 June, Promoted 13 July. 32 Died, Baton Rouge. Nov. 21 Died, Edenton,N.C..31 Jan. 32 Died, Charlostown.22 Apr. 39 Resigned 31 Aug. 33 Died,We8tchester .. 9 Dec. 32 Promoted 13 July, Promoted ...13 July, Resigned I.. 1 May, 26 Promoted 3 Sep. 32 Resigned 31 Dec. 33 Resigned 1 Feb. 24 Died, Charleston 30 Sep. 27 Promoted 1 Dec. 33 Promoted 1 Nov. 34 Cashiered 25 Mar. 24 Resigned 1 Aug. Dropped 20 May, 33 Act.Prof Chemistry Mineralogy AGeolo- gy,U.S. Military Ac- ademy,Aug. 1824,to Aug. "1828. Resigned 31 Aug. 28 Resigned 1 May, 29 Promoted 4 July. 36 Resigned 1 May. 33 Promoted 4 July, 36 Promoted 4 July, Died,Ft.Ontario,NY 7 Aug. 53 Died, Norfolk. Va...l0 Dec. 54 Resigned 31 Dec. 35 1 lieut. 2 drag 11 June,36 Captain 26 Sep. 37 Resigned 2 Dec. 39 Ad. paymaster dur- ing Mexican war... Promoted 1 Dec. 36 Resigned 31 Aug. 33 Promoted 31 Dec. 36 led 29 Feb. 40 Resigned 10 Dec. 32 Resigned 15 July, 29 Resigned 31 Mar. 34 Promoted 22 July, 37 Resigned 31 Doc. 35 Resigned 31 Doc. 33 Died.Ogl ethorpeBar. Savannah,Ga 13 Mar. 35 Promoted 7July,38 Resigned 19 Nov. 36 Disbanded 2-3 Sep. 42 Promoted 7 July,38 Promoted 7 July, Ap. rev 7 Jan. 34 Died, Philadelphia. .23 May, Ap. rev 9 Aug. 33 Resigned ,...31 Jan. 34 Resigned ....30 Apr. 35 Ap. rev 1 Dec. .33 Promoted 7 July, 38 Resigned 19 Oct. 32 Capt. 3 drag 3 Mar. 47 Disbanded 48 292 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF TUE ARMY Name, rank and date of commission. Original entry into service and previous military history. B S Assistant Surgeons Con'd. LnciuB O'Brien 13 July, 32 S. Etting Myers 13 Thomas 0. Dwyer 13 Burton Randall 24 Nathan S. Jarvis 2 Richard Clark 2 Adam N. McLaren ... 2 Benj. F. Fellowes 2 Josiah D. Harris 2 Charles W. Handv 11 Samuel W. Hales 23 George F. Turner .....23 John M. Gardner 9 M. C. Leavenworth... 1 J.J. B.Wright 25 Willison Hughey 25 James M. Thomas 1 John B. Porter 1 Charles B. Welsh 1 John Emerson 1 Henry Holt 31 Thomas Henderson. ..31 John B. Wells 1 John M. Cuyler 1 Madison Mills 1 William Hammond... 1 JohaS. Gatlin 3 Julv, Julv, Oct. Mar. 33 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. May, July, July, Aug. Sep. Oct. Oct. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Feb. 34 Apr. Apr. June Aug. George R.Clarke 1 Nov. Joseph H. Bailev 28 Nov. Leonard C. McPhail..30 Nov. Lewis A.Birdsall 29 Dec. Camuel P. Moore 14 Mar. 35 Alexander F. Suter...27 Mar. John C. Reynolds 1 May, Chaa. M. Hitchcock ..17 Aug, Wni. W. Hoxton 24 Aug. Erastus B. Wolcott... 1 Jan. 36 B. F. Nourse 1 Jan. William Maffit 1 Jan. Thomas Lee 1 Jan. Bernard M. Byrne ...20 May, Aug. C. Turtelot 21 June, Thomas R. Johnson.. 4 July, Eugene H. Abadie ... 4 July, J. Rhett Mott 4 July, Robert Southgate 30 Aug. Isaac H. Baldwin .....30 Ang. Samuel Forrey 3<) Aug. Charles McCormick..30 Aug. Wade Sullivan 21 Nov. Charles H. lAub 3f) Nov. Charles D. Maxwell...30 Nov. Silas R. Arnold 1 July, 37 Josiah Simpson 11 July," William J.Sloan 12 July, William 8. King 29 July, Francis L. Sewall 13 Oct. Joseph R. Conrad .....21 Aug. 38 W. T. Leonard 21 Aug. John Byrne 21 Aug. Ellis Hoghes 21 Aug. I Md..... Md.. Md N.Y... N.Y... Scot'd N. H... N.Y... Md..... Md N.Y... N.Y... .*. C... N. H. N.Y... Md..... Mass. Ga.... Conn. Penn. Penn. Mass. Ga.... Conn. Penn. Penn. Conn.. Conn, Penn.. [Penn, Penn.. N.Y. Va... Md... Ga... N.Y. Md... N.C. D.C.. N.Y.. Md.... N.Y.. 8. C. D.C.. Md.... Md..... D. C... N.Y... Irel'd, N. J... Irel'd, Fr'ce. C. Va .... Va Va Penn.. Penn. D. C... D. C. Penn. N.Y.. Va Md.... Ga...., N.Y.., Md..... N.C. D. C. N.Y.. Md... N.Y.. 8. C. D. C. Penn. Md.... D.C.. N.Y., Md... N.J. Md... Penn 8. C. Va.... D. C... Del ... N.Y... N. J... Penn. Penn. Ala ... Va...., Md Md D. C. Del... N.Y.. N. J.. Penn. Penn. Ala.. Va... Md.... Md.... Md.....'Md.. Resigned 31 Dec. 35 21ieut. 3 inf. 3 Sep. 37 8inf. Julv,88 Died, Tampa, Fla... 7 .Tan. 41 Resigned 31 Mar. 36 Out Jan. 33 Promoted 7 July,3S Promoted 7 .Tuly, Promoted 7 July, Promoted 30 .Tune.39 .'Resigned 30 Mav, .[Died,Ft.Smilh,Ark.26 Sep 3:5 .iResigned 31 May, .S4 .iDied,Ft.Gibson,I.T.30 Jan. 35 .jPromoted 1 Jan. 40 .{Resigned 30 Nov. 34 Resigned 30 Sep. 40 .Promoted 26 Mar. 44 . Died n'rCincinnati.25 Apr. 3.S jKilled by explosion of steamer on Ohio. .JDied, St. Louis, Mo.28 Dec. 34 Promoted 4 Oct. 46 Died,Ft.Gib8on,Ark 2 Aug. 34 Disbanded 23 Sep. 42 Resigned 30 Sep. 41 Died,Lexington,Va.ll Aug. 54 Promoted 24 Oct. 46 Promoted 16 Feb. 47 Promoted 16 Feb. Promoted 7 Aug. Killed in act'nwith Florida Indians at Dades' massacre ...28 Dt'c. 35 Resigned 17 June,40 Retired 27 Aug. 62 Promoted 8 Aug. 48 Disbanded 23 Sep. 42 Promoted .30 Apr; 49 Died, City of Mexicol7 Dec. 47 Resigned 25 July, 38 Sur. vol 17 Dec. 46 Disbanded 8 Aug. 48 Promoted 13 Feb. 51 Resigned 30 Sep. 41 Resigned 15 Apr. 39 Re-iip. (declined) ... June, Died, Key West, Flal9 May, 36 Resigned 31 Oct. 43 Died.Elizabeth,N-I. 6 Sep. 38 Promoted 31 Mar. 53 Died, Washington _. 8 Dec. 37 Died,Baltimore 11 July, Promoted 24 July, 53 Resigned 14 Mar. 45 Resigned 31 May, 53 Re^p. asst. sur 22 Feb. 64 Resigned 31 May, 41 Resigned 31 Oct. 40 Promoted 7 Dec. 5."? Died, Camp Walker, Fla 15 May, 38 Promoted 17 Oct. 54 .Resigned 30 June,37 .Disbanded 23 Sep. 42 . Promoted _....12 Aug. 65 .Promoted 20 Dec. . Promoted 29 Aug. 56 .Out Feb. 39 .Dropped 28 June,63 .Disbanded 23 Sep. 42 .Resigned i23 Dec. 46 Re-ap. asst. sur 2 Mar. 49 .Resigned .31 July, 40 RE(;i.STER. 208 Name, rank and date of commission. Original entry into service and previous military history. Assistant Surgeons Con'd. D. C.BeLeon 21 Aug. 38 R. McSherry, jr 21 Aug. J. Walker 21 Aug. C. Noyes 21 Aug. B. W. Woods 21 Aug. G. A. Williams 21 Aug. James W. Russell 22 June,39 Henry H. Steiner 22 June, J. C. Glen 22 June, 11. E. Cruttenden 22 June, James Simons 11 July, Thomas C. Madi8on...27 Feb. 40 Alfred W. Kennedy..l5 June, Wm. H. Van Buren...l5 Joseph K. Barnes 15 John Robertson 15 Levi H. Holden 15 John S. Griffin 18 Richard F. Simpson.. 1 William E. Fullwood 1 Charles E. Isaacs 16 Richard H. Coolidge..l6 R. S. Holmes 16 C. W. Stearns 16 W. Levely 30 Dabney Herndon 30 George Buist 11 June, June, June, June, June, Aug. Oct. Aug. 41 Aug. Aug. Aug. Sep. Sep. July, 42 Charles C. Keeney ...11 July, A. S. Wotherspoon...ll Nov. 43 George Buist 5 June,44 Charles C. Keenev ...19 Mar. 45 William Roberts.'.. ...31 Dec. Grayson W. Provo8t..31 Dec. Robert Murray 29 June,46 John F. Head 6 Aug. Lewis A. Edwards 27 Aug. Robert Newton 30 Oct. Horace R. Wirtz 5 Dec. Israel Moses IS Jan. 47 John F. Hammond. ..16 Feb. Josephus M. Steiner..l6 Feb. Charles P. Dverle 16 Feb. Elisha J. Bailey 16 Feb. Robt. C. Wickham ...16 Feb. Nich. L.Campbell 23 Aug. Samuel L. Barbour.. .28 Aug. George E.Cooper 28 Aug. Ebenezer Swift 30 Aug. John S. Battee 5 Oct. Glover Perin 4 Dec. P. Q. S. TenBroeck...l3 Dec. John Campbell 13 Dec. John E. Summer8.....13 Dec. Chas. H.Smith 13 Dec. Wash. M. Ryer 13 Dec. Lyman H. Stone 13 Dec. John M. Haden 13 Dec. Charles H. Crane 2 Feb. 48 Wm. Hammond, jr... 2 Mar. Henry S. Itewit 2 Mar. 49 Thomas A. McParlin. 2 Mar. John Byrne 2 Mar. Lafayette Guild 2 Mar. William F. Edgar 2 Mar. Thomas H. Williams. 2 Mar. William H.Ballard...29 June, Asst. sur ....11 July, 42 do do N.y. N.Y... S. C. N.Y.. Ga S. C... Va Ber'da Mass.. Md Va N.Y... Md S. C... D. C... S. C... Va Ky Penn.. Penn.. Del .... R. I... Va Va Ga N.Y... N.Y... Penn.. Mass.. Md Va S. C...' as o o Fla.... Ky.... Penn. Penn. Del... R. I.. Ky... Va.... Ga N.Y.. N.Y.. Penn. Mass. Md.... Va S. C. 52 4S Penn. Md.... Mass. D. C. Penn. Penn. N.Y.., S. C... Md Va Penn. Va N.Y... Ga Penn. Mass. Md Ohio . Me N.Y... Va Va N.Y... Vt Miss .. R. I... Md Conn.. Md Asst. sur 21 Aug. 46|Md Ala ... Ky Md La Mich. N.Y.. S. C. Mich. Ga S. C... Pi'omoted .29 Aug. 5H Va Resigned 30 Apr. 40 111 Resigned 2 Apr. 49 D. C... Died,St.Augustine..21 July, 41 Ky Disbanded 23 Sep. 42 Va Resigned 31 Dec. 40 N.Y... Resigned 15 Feb. .").? Penn.. Resigned 31 Jan '< C... Died, Matamoras, Mex 14Fel N. Y... Resigned 25 June.4t S. C... Out 16 Jan. 56 Reap. asst. sur 3 Oct. 56 Promoted 29 Aug. 56 Died, near Council Grove, Ks 3 June,51 Resigned 31 Dec. 45 Promoted 29 Aug. 56 Lost at sea 20 Mav, 42 Promoted 23 Apr. 6(i Resigned 14 Sep. 64 Promoted 23 Juno,60 Died, Macon, Ga....l7 Apr. 50 Resigned 24 Julv, 46 Promoted 23 June,60 Resigned 4 Oct. 47 Disbanded 23 Sep. 42 Died, Ft. Polk, Ts... 24 Nov. 48 Disbanded 23 Sep. 42 Disbanded 23 Sep. Re-ap. asst. sur 5 June,44 Disbanded 23 Sep. 42 Re-ap. asst. sur 19 Mar. 45 Died, Washington... 4 May, 54 Resigned 31 Dec. 45 Promoted 23 June,6(i Died,Cityof Mexico, of wounds received at bat. of Molino del Rey 14 Oct. 47 Resigned 7 June,48 Promoted .23 June,6^) Promoted 6 Sep. 60 Promoted 19 Feb. 61 Died. New Orleans.. 9 Aug. 48 Promoted 16 Apr. 62 Resigned 31 May, 55 Promoted 23 Feb. 61 Dropped 9 May, 56 Died, Benicia, Cal..30 Oct. 53 Promoted .15 May, 61 Died,VeraCruz 13 May, 47 Dismissed 4 Aug. 52 Resigned 31 Jan. 60 Promoted 21 May, 61 Promoted 21 May, 61 Resigned 28 Jnly,48 Promoted 21 May, 61 Promoted 21 May, Promoted 21 May, Promoted 21 May, Resigned 25 Apr. Resigned .12 Mar. 50 Promoted 21 May, 61 Resigned 25 Apr. Promoted 21 May, Resigned 16 Sep. 53 Resigned 30 Apr. 61 Promoted 21 May, 61 Resigned 11 Oct. 67 Dismissed 1 July, 61 Promoted 21 May, Resigned ..; 1 June, Resigned .30 Apr. 50 Penn. Md.... D. C. Penn. Penn. N.Y.. S. C. Ohio. Va Penn. Va N.Y... Ga Penn. Ohio . Md Ohio. N.Y... N.Y... Va Va N.Y... Vt Miss .. Mass.. Mo Conn.. Md Mo Ala ... Mo Md..... La^ 2!)4 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NHOie, rank and date of commission. Remarks. Assistant Surgeons Con'd. George K. Wood 29 Jnne,49 Josei>h B. Brown 29 June, Alexander B. Hassoirid .luiie, Jonatlian Letterman.2d June, Wni. A. Hammond. ..29 June, Francis Sorrell 29 jQne, Edward W. John8.....29 June, Wmi. W. Anderson ...29 June, Isaac I^. Adkins 23 Nov. Robert O. Abbott 23 Nov. Thomas M. Getty 23 Nov. David L. Magruder... 1 Feb. 50 Wm. J. H. White 12 Mar. Hodney Olison 2 May, KlishaP.Langworthyie May, Samuel W. Crawford.lO Mar. John J. Milhau :iO Apr. William H. 'ringley...2-t Mar. .\quila T. Ridgley 30 June, Charles Page 2 Dec. .Archibald Taylor 4 Feb. Charles Sutherland... 5 Aug. Basil Norris 11 Oct. Thomas C. Henry 1 Mar. 53 .\ndrew O. Foard 11 May, Edward P. VoUum ...31 May, John Moore .29 June, Andrew K. Smith 26 July, Edward H. Watson... 11 Aug. Richard Potts 16 Sep. Rich. H. Alexander... 2 Dec. (ieorge Suckley 2 Dec. Robert Southgate.....22 Feb. 54 Robert L. Brodie 15 May, DeWitt C. Peters 15 Aug. Albert J. Myer 18 Sep. Nathaniel S. Crowell. 8 Nov. Joseph R. Smith 15 Dec. James T. Ohiselin 1 June,55 Pascal A.Quiuun 15 Aug. John F. Randolph 24 Dec. James C. Herndon ...22 Feb. 56 George Taylor 1 Apr. John J. Gaenslen 16 May, George Hammond 28 June, WilliKm I. L,'Engle...28 Aug. B. J. D. Irwin .28 Aug. Anthony Heger J29 Aug. .\8a Wall 29 Aug. Charles Brewer .29 Aug. William H. Babcock..2y Aug. Edward N. Covey 29 Aug. Richard D. Lynde 29 Aug. RMass, Resigned 1 Jan. 61 Promoted 4 July, Promoted 17 -Aug. Promoted 16 Apr. 62 Resigned .31 Oct. 60 Re-ap. asst. sur 28 May, 61 Resigned 27 June,56 Resigned 22 Apr. 61 Resigned 20 Apr. Resigned 9 Oct. 52 Promoted 16 Apr. 62 Promoted 16 Apr. Promoted 16 Apr. Promoted 16 Apr. Resigned 7 June,61 Resigned 30 Apr. Vacated to accept ap. as niaj. 13 inf.. .14 May, Promoted 16 Apr. 62 Resinned 2 Dec. 51 Resigned 23 Jiine,61 Promoted 16 Apr. 62 Resigned 31 Oct. 56 Promoted 16 Apr. 62 Promoted 16 Apr. Resigned 25 Apr. .59 Resigned 1 Apr. 61 Promoted 12 May, 62 Promoted 11 .Tune, Promoted 11 June, .Lost at sea 53 .Resigned 7 May, 61 .:Promoted 11 June,62 .|Resigned 3 Oct. 56 . iReeigned 31 Mar. .Resigned 7 May, 61 Resigned 1 Oct. 56 Re-ap. asst. sur 23 June,60 Vacated to accept ap. as signal offlcer.27 June, Resigned 17 May, 61 Promoted 11 June,62 Promoted 14 June, Resigned 7 July, Promoted 27 Aug. Dropped 27 Nov. 61 Promoted .27 Aug. 62 Resigned 17 Aug. 61 Promoted 27 Aug. 62 Resigned 30 Apr. 61 Promoted 16 Sep. 62 Promoted 17 Sep. Resigned 11 May, 61 Resigned 7 May, Died,Uainesville,T8 3 Oct. 59 Resigned 1 June,61 Resigned .31 Aug. 62 Resigned 7 Apr. 63 Promoted 9 Feb. Pro. to date from. ..29 Aug. 56 Promoted 27 Feb. 63 Promoted 14 Aug. Died, McKeys Half Falls, Pa 6 Aug. 61 Resigned 14 May, 64 Promoted 1 Dec. Promoted .22 Dec.V^ Died,Ft.Union.N M.22 Sep. 61 Resigned 26 Mar. Promoted 28 July, 66 Resigned 17 Mar. 61 Promoted 28 July. 60 Promoted .28 July, Promoted 28 July, REGISTER. 295 Name, rank and date of commisBion. Original entry into service and previous military history. Asstsur., U.S. N... Assistant Surgeons Con'd. John Vansant 23 .Tune,60|Asst.Bur., U. S. N Charles C. Byrne 23 June A. M. Fauntleroy 23 June I. Campbell Short 11 Oct. Abel V. M'echem 11 Oct. Clinton Wagner 11 Oct. David P. Ramseur 1.5 Oct. William F. Cornick.31 Oct. Wm A. Hammond 28 May, eiAsst. sur 29 June,49 Joseph P. Wrifjht 28 May, Havilah M. Sprague..28 Mav, Charles C. Gray 28 May, William C. Spencer. ..28 May, Francis L. Town 28 May, Alexander Ingram ..28 May, Peter V.Schenck 28 Mav, John W. S. GouIey...28 May, Dallas Bache 28 May, Blencowe E. Fryer... 28 May, John U. Frantz 28 May, Webster Lindsley 28 May, Charles E.Goddard...28 May, Henry K. Silliman ...28 Mav, Philip C. Davis 28 May, Joseph S. Smith 28 May, Charles I. Wilson 28 May, James F. Weeds 28 May, Charles B.White 28 May, George M. Sternl)erg28 May, Lawrence H. Sheldon26 July, Joseph J. Woodward. 5 Aug. Edward S. Dunster... 5 Aug. Elias J. Marsh 5 Aug. Robert F. Weir 5 Aug. Thomas C. Brainerd.. 5 Aug. Morris J. Asch 5 Aug. Henry S. Schell 5 Aug. Charles K. Winne 5 Aug. Joseph E. Semple 5 Aug. William H. Forwood. 6 Aug. James H. Pooley 5 Aug. Ely McClellan 5 Aug. Charles A. McCall 5 Aug. Samuel A. Storrow... 5 Aug. John C. C. Downing.. 5 Aug. Wm. D. Wolverton... 5 Aug. Josiah F. Kenedy 5 Aug. John I. Butler 5 Aug. William R.Ramsey... 5 Aug. Thomas H. Uelsby... 5 Aug. Albert Hartsuff. 5 Aug. Charles R. Greenleaf. 5 Aug. Philip Adolphus 5 Aug. Andrew I. Baxter 5 Aug. B. Knickerbocker 5 Aug. Lewis M. Eastman... 5 Aug. J. V. D. Middleton... 6 Aug. William Thomson 5 Aug. John Bell 26 Aug. John H. Janeway 26 Aug. Henry A. Dubois 26 Aug. Benjamin Howard. ..26 Aug. Henry C. Parry 26 Aug. Henry R. Tilton 26 Aug. Samuel M. Horton ...26 Aug. J. C. G. HapperBett...26 Aug. Alfred A. Woodhull..l9 Sep. William A. Bradley ..22 Oct. Asst. sur. 12 N.Y.M. May, 61 Asst.sur., U. S.N... Asst. sur. 5 Ohio V.. Apr. 61 A8st.8ur.l9N.Y.V. June,61 o ? Va Md Va Penu.. Md Md N.C... Va Md..... Penn.. Conn.. N.Y... N.Y... N. H... Seot'd N.J... La.... D. C... Eng'd. Penn.. D. C... N.Y... Penn.. Va Va D.C... D. C... Md Va Penn. Md Md N.C... Va Md...., Penn. Conn. N.Y.. N.Y.. Penn. Ohio. N. J... N.Y... Penn. Penn. Md D. C... N.Y... Penn. D. C... D. C... D. C... Eng'd N.Y... N.Y... Conn. Penn. Me N. J... N.Y... Penn. Penu. Penn. N.Y.. Ohio. N.Y... N.Y.., Conn., Penn. N.Y.. N. J.. N.Y.., Penn. Penn. Penn. N.Y.. Promoted .28 {Promoted 28 Resigned 9 Resigned 3 Promoted 16 [Promoted 28 Dismissed .17 Resigned 9 Ap. Snr. Gen 25 Promoted 28 Resigned 5 Promoted 28 Promoted 28 Promoted 20 L'st at sea by wreck of steamer 'Bi-other Jonathan,'Pac.0c'n3ti Resigned 1 Resigned 18 Promoted 5 Promoted 30 Promoted 9 Died, Washington.. 8 Promoted 6 Retired 9 Promoted 17 Died,Ft.Jeffers'n,Fl 8 Resigned 1 Ap. capt. 16 inf. 22 Hon. discharged 31 Promoted 27 Julv, July, Mav, Sep. June, July, Aug. Oct. Apr. July, May, July, July, Oct. July, Jan. Feb. Aug. Oct. Dec. Aug. Jan. Mav, Oct. Sep. Jan. Jan. Dec. Oct. Resigned 1 July, 66 Penn..N.Y.. Del ... Eng'd. Penn.. Mex ... Va Penn.. N.J... Penn.. Md Penn.. Md N.Y... Penn.. PruB .. Ohio .. N. Y.. Md D. C... Penn.. N. H.. Penn.. N.Y... Eng'd. Penn.. N. J... Penn.. Penn.. N.J... D. C. Penn., N.Y... Penn., Penn. D. C... D. C... N.J... Iowa.. D. C... Penn., Md..... Mich.. Ohio . Md Ohio. Penn. Md D. C... Penn. N. H.. Penn. N.Y... N.Y., Penn. N.J.. Penn. Penn. Kan.. D. C. Resigned 1 Feb. Hon. discharged ...17 Aug. Resigned 1 Mar. Resigned 28 May, Resigned 31 Mar. Resigned .10 July, Res. accepted to take effect 15 Oct. Died,nearMeridian, Miss 27 Aug. Resigned . Resigned . Resigned , ..27 Apr. 6.3 .'."I'Nov.'eVi ..27 Mar. Resigned . Dropped.. Resigned . I Resigned . ..10 Oct. 62 .17 May, ..19 June,b . 1 Oct. 65 Resigned .. Dismissed , .. 1 July, 65 ..19 Jan. 6;^ Resigned .19 Jan. 63 Resigned . Resigned . ..28 Feb. 68 ..24 June,67 Resigned Resigned Wholly ret. .. 1 Apr. 68 ..28 Dec. ew ..30 Mar. 69 Died, Pt. San Jose, Cal 27 Feb. 69 im THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Name, rank and date of commieeion. Original entry into service ~ 'and previous military history. Remarks. AssUtant Surgeon* Con'd. (ieorge P. Jaquett....^ Oct. William T.Okie 3 Feb. John S. Billings 16 Apr. Samuel Adams 16 Apr. K. T. Whittingham...l6 Apr. Hhineas S. Conner 16 Apr. Thos. G. Mackenzie. ..16 Apr. William M. Not8on...l6 Apr. John T. Reily 16 Apr. E. DeW. Breneman...l6 Apr. Ueurge M. McGill 16 Apr. Jeremiah B. Brinton..l6 Apr. William E. Waters ...16 Apr. Robert B. Cruice 16 Apr. Joseph R. Gibson 16 Apr. Cyrus Bacon 16 Apr. Samuel M. Horner. ..16 Apr. George L.Porter 11 July, D. L. Uuntiugton 11 July, John W. Williams ...11 July, Charles M.Colton 11 July, Justus M. Brown 11 July, Charles S. DeGraw 11 July, Edward C. Strode 11 July, Andrew H. Smith 11 July, VanBuren Hubbard ..11 July, Harrison Allen .30 July, William P. Grier 30 July, Thomas McMillin 19 Aug. Udward Brooks 19 Aug. Charles P. Russell 4 Sep. ITiomas H. Kidgely...l6 Sep. Charles C. Lee 22 Nov. Samuel H. Orton 22 Nov. John W. Brewer 22 Nov. John Homans,jr 22 Nov. John Brooke 22 Nov. William K. Gardner..22 Nov. Harvey E. Brown .....13 Apr. J. Theo. Calhoun 13 Apr. Edward J. Darken 13 Apr. Wm. E. Whitehead...l3 Apr. William F. Norris 13 June, Edward Cowles 13 June. Michael Hillary 13 June. Edward Curtis 30 Mar. Charles Smart 30 Mar. Elliott Coues 30 Mar. Wm. V. Buchanan.... .30 Mar. Henry J. Philips 30 Mar. John H. Kinsman. ....30 Mar. David O. Farrand 16 Feb. Passmore Middleton..l5 Feb. William F. Smith .....28 Feb. George A. Otis 28 Feb. Henry .McElderry 28 Feb. William M. Austin. ..28 Feb. Howard Cnlbertson..28 Feb. William S. Tremaine28 Feb. Daniel G. Caldwell... 28 Feb. ( barles U. Ruwe 28 Feb. J. E. McDonald .28 Feb. AB8t.8ar.30PennV Penn.. Sur., U. S. V Aug. 61D. C... Asst. sur.l2 Penn C. Jan. 62Irerd. IPenn.. Asst. snr. 7 Mich V.. Aug. 61 Mich.. N. J... N.H... Mass. D. C... Ohio . A88t.sur.8N.Y.M. July, 61 Asst. sur. 43 N.y. Sur. 94 N. Y. V... Sep. 61 May, 62j Ohio . N.J... m .... N.Y... Ohio . Penn. Penn. Ky. Penn.. Resigned .24 June,65 Ohio . Md.....:Died,Galveston,Ts.. 9 Sep. 67 N.J... {Resigned 12 Nov. 63 Ohio ..Resigned 1 Aug. 66 Md Died, Washington.. 1 Jan. 67 Penn.. Neb... 'Died, Helena, Ark.. 5 May, 64 Penn-.JResigned 1 Apr. 67 Penn.. Died, Fort Pulford, Col 20 July. 67 Penn-.iResigned 17 Nov. 65 D.C...! Penn.. i Resigned 17 Aug. 63 Penn.. I Mich.. 'Died near Spring- '. : jsketcli of. 42; re.signatioii of, 47 : death and character of, 47. ChrYLKK, JHX M. services at (Jontreras, 19(); med. dir. at Toluca. IW : nied. insp.. 222; acting med. insp. gen., 2:^8. D. Dades Masisacre 1-34. Davis, .Tekff,k.son Secretary of War. 211 ; decides contiovcrsy between Lawson and Henry, 211 ; Day, Sti.vrster, As-st. Sin*!. appeal of in regard to rank. 147; death of. 200. I)e Cami'. S. G. I. ser^'ices durinnr cholera campaign. 151 ; med, dir,. tlept, of New Mexico, 178; in ciiarge of general hospital in Santa Fe. 19(>; death of, 22o. DtMicK, CoLoNKi, report of battle of Contreras, U*l. Director (icneral controvei'sy about authority of, 21.22; resolvc.i (d' <'ongrcss in regard to, 2H ; duties of. 23; authorized to assii^n nicl. ofticei's. 4'.t; charges against, 47. -30. Disbursing Officers accountability of, 17, 48, 50, 05. Dykrt-k. E. p. services in Mexico, 190. 198; death of, 200. E. Eastern Military Department limits of. 128. Eaton, John H. Secretary of War, 141 ; report on army organization, 145. Eaton, Joseph, Asst. SuRfi. appeal of in regard to rank. 147 ; death of, 218. Elliot, John surg. mate. 1st inf., 71 ; surg., 2nd inf.. 72; snrg., sub-legion. 73; surg., Ist inf., 79. Epaulettes for med. officers, 164. Epidemic winter, on northern frontier, 80. Everett, Josiah surg. mate, 21st inf., 99; distinguished in battle at Fort Erie, 99; med. dir. during cholei^ campaign, 149 ; death of, 150. ErsTis, William hosp. phy. and surg., Continental army, 58; sketch of, 00; elected to Congress, 68 ; Secretary of War, 08: Governor of Mass.. 08; death of, 08. Executive Departments organize*!, 71. F. FAY880UX, Peter chief hosp. phy., southern army. 01. Female Nurses regulations for, 97. 219. Fi,fi()i), Doctor distinguished at battle of New Orleans, 100. Florida War assignment of med. officers duinng, 154. FiNLEV, C. .\. med. dir., army of occupation, 180; of dept. of Vei*a Cruz. 189; sur. gen. of the army, 217 ; on services of med. cadets, 220; recommendations to Secretary of War, 221; retired, 222; letter on management of general hospitals, 239. Foot, Lyman med. dir., army of Chihuahua, 179. FoRuiE, Do(rroR surg. gen. of hospital in Continental army, 40. F ; at Watertown, Mass., 4 ; at Hoxbury, 4; allowance of med. officers to, o : at Williamsburg, Va., 20; near Haarlem, 25; in New .Jersey, 25; at Albany, 45; at Burlington, Vt., 83, 89, 91, 93; at Malone, N. Y., 83, 89, 91 ; at Plattsburgh, 83, 92; at Fort Niagara, 87 ; at Watertown, N. Y., 87 ; at Lewistown, N. Y., 87, 88, 89 ; at Williamsville, 89; at Buffalo, 83, 91, 92; at St. Augustine, Fla., 154; at St. .Joseph's Island, 176 ; at Point Isabel, 177 ; at San Antonio, Tex., 179 ; at Matamoras, Mex., 180; at "ilonterey, Mex., 180; at New Orleans, 183, 197, 198; at Baton Rouge, 188, 197 ; at Vera Cruz, 184 ; at Jalapa, 186, 197 ; at l^erote, 186; at Puebla, 186, 197; at Camargo, 178; at San Angel and San Antonio, Mex., 189; at Tacubaya, 191, 192, 194; at Mixcoac, 189, 192, 193, 194; at Greenwood Island, Miss., 198 ; in city of Mexico, 195; order regulating, 223; military control of, 288. ^7/'< Treaty of, 98. Grasson, Victor surg. mate, levies of '91, 72 ; killed in battle, 73. (ireenhmh army at, 82 ; sickness at, 98. Grkkne, MA.roR General 9 ; letter about hospital, 29. H. Hai.leck, Ma.jor General report on control of hospitals, 241. Hammond, William death of, 206. Hammond, William A. appointed surg. gen., 222; prest. med. ex. board, 225; letter on rank of medical directors, 227 ; memorial circular on the death of Surg. White, 229; i-ecommendations to Secretary of War, 230 ; ordered on tour of inspec- tion, 235 ; dismissed, 238. Hand, Likutenant Colonel candidate for dir. gen., 10. Harmau, Lieutenant ('olonel infantry regt. of '89, 71; defeat of, 72. Harney, B. F. meil. dir. at Tampico, 181; of army of invasion, 185; wounded in action, 194 ; directing hospitals at Mixcoac, 194 ; death of, 213. Hawkin8,H. S. med. dir.. East Fla., 154; in charge of general hospital at St. .Joseph's Island, 176. Hkiskell, H. L. chief med. officer of Gen. Gaines' army in Fla., 154; acting surg. gen., 168, 181 ; letter on position of med. officers on mixed boards, 168 ; on rank of med. officers, 170 ; on private practice by med. officers, 175 ; on death of Doctor Roberts, 193; death of, 213. Henderson, Thomas death of, 213; character of, 213. 308 THE 3IEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Hitchcock, C. M. med. dir., army for Chihuahua, 179; med. purv. iit Saltillo, 180 ; med. dir. at Buena Vista, 183. HoRXEE, William E. hosp. surg. mate, 89 ; in charge of transportation of wounded, 92. Hospital, revolutionary meaning of the word, 4 ; act establishing, 7 ; reorganiza- tion of, 33, 34, 48, 53, 63; Shippen's and Cochran's plan for, 33; complaints about management of, 46 ; organization of at the south, 61. " Attendants and Nurses pay of, 7, 38, 97, 120, 209; regulations concerning, 7, 20, 35, 56, 77, 119, 140. " Fund proper distribution of, 171. Stewards regulations concerning, 94, 95, 113. 115, 118, 119, 149, 160; employment of in the field, 163; appointment and enlistment of, 149, 208,209, 221. " Stores fund for purchase of, 72. " Transports controversy concerning, 242. HuGA.v, Surgeon 14th inf., distinguished at Fort Erie, 99. Hunt, Hexry surg. in charge general hospital at Burlington, 89. I. J. Infantry, First organized, 71. Inspector General to inspect hospitals, 64. Invalid Corps establishment of, 44. Jackson, Davii> hosp. phy. and surg.. Continental array, 58 ; resignation of, 62. Jackson, Ma.jor General order after battle of New Orleans, 100. Jalapa general hospital at, 186, 197. Jarvis, N. S. in charge of general hospital at Corpus Christi, 176 ; at Monterey, 180 ; death of, 225. Jones, Doctor John on military surgery, 52. Jones, Walter ^phy. gen. hosp.. Continental army, 39; sketch of, 40; resignation of, 44. K. Kearney, S. W., General commands expedition to California, 196. Keeney, C. C. disbanded as asst. surg., 167 ; reappointed, 172; med. insp.,222. Kennedy, A. W. death of, 206. Ker, Hospital Surgeon distinguished at battle of New Orleans, 100. Kerr, Robert E. distinguished during cholera campaign, 149, 151- KiNG, Benjamin surg. gen. ad interim, 157, 159, Knox, Henry first Secretary of War, 71. L. Laboratory of surg. gen' Is office, 258. Latimer, Henry hosp. surg., Continental array, 68. Laub, C. H. services during Florida war, 157 ; med. purv. at Vera Cruz, 184. Lawson, Thomas services as hosp. surg., 100; pres't med. ex. board, 148; lieut. col. of La. vols., 154; med. dir. in Florida, 154 ; recommended by army officers for surg. gen., 159; appointed surg. gen., 159 ; organizes bat. N. Y. and Penn. vols., 159; military history of, 159; letter on case of Doctor N , 160; eulogy on Surg. Clark, 162 ; letter on epaulettes for med. officers, 165 ; on hospital fund, 170; on services of med. officers at Monterey, 179 ; accompanies Gen. Scott to Mexico, 184 ; chief med. officer, army of invasion, 185 ; tribute INDEX. 309 to Surg. Mower, 205 ; on the green sash for med. officers, 203 ; recommends increase of Corps, 207 ; on hospital stewards and attendants, 208 ; controversy with Prof. Henry, 211 ; tribute to Surg. Wheaton, 214; death and character of, 216; general order in memory of, 217. Le Barron, Francis gar. surg. mate, 79; apoth. gen., 96; provisionally retained, 99 ; recognised as permanently in service, 108 ; disbanded, 126. Ledyard, Isaac deputy purv., Continental army, 58. Legion organization of, 73. Lee, Ma.jor General Charles 9, letter to Washington on the hospital, 15. Lee, M.\.jor report of battle of Contreras, 191. Levies of '91 organization of, 72. Lewistown, N. Y. general hospital at, 87 ; number of patients in, 88; broken up, 89. Library of the Surg. Gen' Is Office 257. Line Officers petition of, 138. Little York, U. C. capture of, 87. LoRiNG, Major report of battle of Contreras, 191. LovELL, Joseph surg. 9 inf., 83; in charge general hospital at Burlington, 83, 89; report on sickness in army, 88 ; hosp. surg., 92 ; on duty at AVilliamsville, 92 ; med. dir., northern dept., 101 ; report on sickness in northern dept., 102 ; ap- pointed surg. gen., 108; sketch of, 108; report on sickness and mortality in army, 122 : on services of med. staiF, 122 ; on condition of Medical Department, 122 ; on expenses of Medical Department, 125 ; on assignment of med. officers, 135; on reduction of med. staff., 142, 144; defends administration of his Department, 146 ; urges increase of med. staff, 154 ; death of, 155 ; obituary notice of, 155 ; character of, 156 ; monument to, 157 ; tribute to Surg. Mower, 205. Low, David asst. apoth. gen., 100. Lugenbeel, Colonel account of Doctor Roberts, 191. M. McDonald, J. E. death of, 251. McDouGALL, Charles asst. med. purv., 250; retired, 254. McFeely, Lieutenant Colonel report of battle at Fort Erie, 99. McGiLL, George M. death of, 254. McHenry, James Secretary of War, 76 ; on hospital organization, 76. McKnxght, Charles surg. gen. of hosp.. Continental army, 47 ; sketch of, 47 ; chief hosp. phy,, 58. McLaren, A. N. services in Florida war, 157, 158 ; in charge general hospital at Jalapa and Perote, 186. McMillan, Robert surg. mate, disbanded, 127. McMillin, Thomas death of, 261. Malone, N. Y. general hospital at, 83, 89, 91. Malpractice trial of medical officer for, 133. Mann, Jame.s hosp. surg., 82; med. dir., northern army, 82; remarks on discipline of troops, 83 ; on sickness in army, 87 ; in charge of general hospital at Burlington, 89 ; removes sick from Malonetto Burlington, 91 ; in charge of wounded at Crab Island, 93 ; on pay of med. officers, 93 ; on services of med. staff, 99; on organization of Medical Department, 101. Martin, Joel death of, 213. Mutamoras, Mux. occupation of, 178; general hospital in, 178. 'iiHi THE MEDICAL DEPAHTMENT OP THE ARMY Mmnnir ilefeiU of St. Clair on. 73 ; victory of Wayne near. 74. .Meilical Boards of Examination 4, '28, J2, t>3, t)4. 78, 85, 87, 120. 128. 14(, 147, 148, 149, l.")2, 154, 155, 159, 100. 162, 163, 166, 172, 174, 179, 182, 195, 198, 201, 203. 206, 209, 211, 212, 217, 218, 225, 227. 230, 236, 238, 244, 247; regula- tions of, 149, 152, 199. Cadets appointment of, 219 ; opinion of General Finley on, 220; increase in number of, 221 . ' Committee of ('ongress 51, 53, 62. Department promotion and appointment siispendetl in, 63, 182, 254 : reor- jranization of, 76, 84, 101, 107, 126, 221, 232, 248 ; expenses of, 125, 127, 143, 145, 246; vacancies in, 256; Recoi'd and Pension Division of, 260. Directors anthorized for divisions, 218 ; to appoint boards of examination, 218: increased rank for, 227, 232, 238. Inspectors appointment of, 221, 231 ; duties of, 224, 233. Purveyors 53, 56, 57, 66, 77, 124, 143, 222. 8tatt duties of, 7, 17, 77, 81 ; pay and allowances of, 5, 7, 13, 17, 38, 50, 57, 58, 61, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80, 93, 123, 135, 138, 140, 160 ; rank of, 17, 66, 108, 182, 201, 202, 221, 232; uniform of, 86, 163, 165, 203; assignment of, 129, 130, 141 153; charges against, 141; promotions by seniority in, 62; officers of, provisionally retained, 99; increase of, 147, 155, 160, 181,182, 209, 212, 219, 221, 224, 226, 231; reduction of, 62, 63, 66, 67, 78, 98, 126, 167. " Officers returns of, 17; choice of quarters by, 124, 128; relative rank among, 124; services of during Florida war, 154, 158; position of on mixed boards, 168; salutes to be paid to, 173 ; duties of on witnessing punishment, 173 ; po.9ition of on parades and muster, 173 ; distribution of in army of occu- pation, 176; in army of invasion, 180; services at Cerro Gordo, 185; at Vera Ouz, 189; at Contreras and Churubusco, 190, 192; at Molino del Rey, 193; present at .surrender of Mexico, 194; on duty in Mexico general hospital, 195 ; distribution of after Mexican war, 198; services of on western frontier, 212 ; reports from, 210, 213 ; number who proved disloyal, 215 ; who remained loyal, 215 ; of volunteers, 218, 226, 227 ; captured by the enemy, 218, 220, 233 ; number of during Rebellion, 245 ; casualties among, 246 ; services during Rebellion, 245. " Storekeepers authorized, 224; manner of appointing, 224 ; board for exami- nation of, 225 ; rank of, 253. Supplies manner of obtaining, 24 ; deficiency of during Revolution, 6. 12, 45. and Surgical History 231, 236, 259. Mexico surrender of, 193; general hospitals in, 195; removal of sick from, 197; abandoned by army, 197. Mii,i-s, Mauison in charge of general hospital at Puebla, Mex., 18ti, 194; services (luring siege, 194; med. dir., Utah expedition, 211 ; meil. insp. gen., '238; death of, 260; memorial circular on, 261. Mixcoae general hospital at, 189, 192, 193, 194. Monterey battle of 179; general hospital in, 180. MoKCAN, .John dir. gen., Continental army, 10; sketch of, 11; obtains medical supplies, 14, 16, 27; lettein* to General Washington, 16, 18; plan for manage- ment of hospital, 18 ; letter to Congress, 22; dismissed, 26 ; review of case of, 29; controversy with Shippen, 31 ; exonerated by ('ongress, 31 ; prefers charges against Shippen, 50 ; death of, 32 ; character of, 32, 33. rNDEX. Hll MoKRis, Captain T. report of battle of Contreras, 190. Mower, Thomas G. med. purv. in N. Y., 146, 15fi ; pres't med. boards of exami- nation, 148, 152, 154, 155, 159, 162, 166, 172, 174, 179, 182, 195, 198, 201, 203 ; on rank of med. ofiBcers, 170 ; death of, 208 ; autobiogi-aphy of. 204 ; character of, 204-6 ; personal appearance of, 206. Murray, Robert asst. med. purv., 250. N. Nksmith, Senator resolution about general hospital, 241. A>*r Orleam cholera at, 152 ; general hospital at, 183, 197, 198. Northern Department during Revolution, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29, 35, 43, 44 : during war of 1812. 82, 83, 84, 99 ; after the war. 101. O. 0-kee-cho-hffl' battle of, 157. 158. OiiYPiiANT, David deputy dir., southern army. 61. Otto. Rodo hosp. phy. and surg.. Continental army, 58; sketch of, 60. P. I'ulo .4/^/ battle of, 177. Peuley, Thomas F. med. insp. gen., 222 ; resigned, 233. Perote general hospital at, 186. Physician General appointment of, 75. Physician and Surgeon General appointment of, 84 ; uniform of, 86 ; duties of, 86. Plaltihurgh general hospital at, 83 ; statistics of, 92. Plymiton, Colonel report of battle of Contreras, 190. Poitif habel general hospital at, 177, 180. Porter, John B. in charge of general hospital at Vera Cruz, 184, 189 ; services during yellow fever at Vera Cruz, 189; in charge of general hospital at Camp Lawson, 198; delegate to Am. Med. Ass'n, 203; med. dir., Utah army, 211 ; death of, 255. PoTTS, Jonathan surg. in northern dept., 21; acting dir. of same, 29; deputy dir. gen., 40 ; sketch of, 43 ; transferred to middle dept., 49. PREVOST, G. M. distinguished at Buena Vista, 184. Price, General Sterling invades Chihuahua, 196 ; report of battle of Santa Cruz, 196. Private Practice forbidden, 97, 120, 121 ; decisions of surg. gen. in regard to, 121. 174. Publications of Surg. Gen' Is Office 258, 259. Puehla general hospital at, 186, 197; siege of, 194. PuRCELL, KowARU hosp. surg. mate in charge of sick at Crab Island, 92. Q. Quarters allowance of, 98; choice of. 124, 128. Quebec attack on, 14. R. Rand, Isaac in charge of general hospital at Roxbury, 4. Recruits examination of. 121. Regulations, Medical 19, 94, 109, 110, 128. Resaca d<- la Palma battle of, 177. Retiring Boards 219. M2 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Ketiirns, Reports and Requisitions 17, 19, 37, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 63, 65, 86, 94, 96, 97, 109, 110, 112, 118. RiCKMAN, William med. dir. at Williamsburgh, Va., 20. Ripley, General E. W. report of the battle of Fort Erie, 99. Roberts, William wounded at Molino del Rey, 191 ; description of wound, 192 ; services at Churubusco, 192 ; gallantry of, 192-3 ; death of, 192 ; tribute of surg. gen. to, 193 ; opinion of Gen. Worth on, 193. RowE, Charles H. death of, 254. RiTSH, BEN.JAMIN criticises hospital management, 24 ; his opinion of Morgan, 32 ; appointed surg. gen. of hosp., 39 ; sketch of, 41 ; phy. gen. of hosp., 44 ; letter to Congress on abuses in hospital, 46 ; prefers charges against Shippen, 47 ; resignatyan of, 47 ; death of, 47. RrssELL, .Joseph P. in charge of general hospital at St. Augustine, 154 ; death of, 201 ; character of, 201 ; fund for widow of, 201 . S. Sackett's Harbor ai-my at, 87; protest of physicians at, 174. San Antonio, Tex. general hospital at, 179. San Antonio and San Angel, Mex. general hospital at, 189. Sash, green-T-for med. officers, 203. Satterlee, R. H. services during Florida war, 157 ; report, of battle of 0-kee-cho-bee, 157; senior surg., Worth's, division, army of invasion, 185, 194; report on health of array, 186 ; med. dir., army of invasion, 195 ; chief med. purv., 250 ; retired, 254. Schuyler, General Philip in command of northern dept., 12 ; letter to Congress about hospital, 12; appoints Doctor Stringer dir., 12; objects to his dis- missal, 28 ; censured by Congress, 28. Scott, Moses hosp. phy. and surg.. Continental army, 58 ; resignation of, 62. Soott,Ma.iorGeneralWinfield on organization ofMedical Department, 142; command- ing in Black Hawk war, 149 ; organizes army of invasion, 180 ; invites Lavvson to serve on his staff, 181 ; assumes command, army of invasion, 184 ; order before battle of Cerro Gordo, 185. Shippen, William 11 ; chief phy., fiying camp, 20 ; presents plan for hospital, 33 ; elected dir. gen., 39 ; sketch of, 40 ; charges against, 46, 47, 50 ; brought to trial and acquitted, 50 ; reelected director, 58 ; resignation of, 60 ; subse- quent career of, 60 ; death of, 61 ; character of, 61. Simons, James med. purv., army of occupation, 176 ; wounded at Molino del Rey, 193. Simpson, Josiah services during Florida war, 157 ; in charge of general hospital at Tacubaya, 191; account of case of Roberts, 192; on plan of Mexican hospitals, 195; transfers sick to New Orleans, 197 ; on personal appearance of Mower, 206. Simpson, Richard F. distinguished at battle of Santa Cruz, 196. Smallwood, William letter of on abuses in hospital, 29. Smith, William druggist to Continental army, 24. Smith, J. Sim death of, 254. Soldiers detailed in hospitals, 20, 95, 96, 118, 119, 140, 208. Spraoue, Lawrence death of, 206. St. Auguntine, Fla. general hospital at, 154. St. Clair, General Arthur abandons Ticonderoga, 44 ; General-in-Chief, 73 ; defeated by Indians, 73. i INDEX. 313 St. Joseph's Island general hospital at, 176, 177, 180. Stanton, E. M. services to Medical Department, 242, 246. Stations changes of, 129, 130, 140. Steinecke, H. a. death of, 213. Steuben, Major General army regulations of, 51. Stevenson, Henry services during cholera campaign, 151. Stringer, Samuel dir. of northern dept., 13 ; letter to General Gates, 21 ; con- troversy about authority of, 21, 22 ; dismissed, 26 ; review of case of, 26. Supply Table 112, 212. Surgeons, Hospital appointment of, 82 ; ofiBce of abolished, 107. " Post duties of, 97, 118 ; transferred to gen. staff, 126. " Regimental complaints of, 16, 18 ; opinion of Washington on, 30 ; duties of, 95, 116 ; office of abolished, 126. Surgeon General office established, 107 ; regulations concerning, 109, 110; ordered to attend officers in Washington, 141 ; proposed abolition of office of, 145 ; vacancy in office of, 158, 217, 222, 238 ; efforts to appoint a civilian, 159; given rank of brig, gen., 221. Sutherland, Charles asst. med. purv., 250. T. Tacubaya general hospital at, 191, 192, 194. Taylor, George death of, 254. Taylor, General Z. report of battle of 0-kee-cho-bee, 157 ; commanding army of occupation, 174 ; report of battle of Monterey, 178; of Buena Vista, 183. Thaoher, .James Military Journal of, 4, 45, 68. Thomas, William in charge of general hospital at Buffalo, 92. TiLTON, .James 36 ; in charge of general hospital at Princeton, N. J., 46 ; at Trenton, 52; letter on abuses in hospital, 46 ; plan for hospital construction, 53 ; hosp. phy. and surg., 58 ; advocates promotion by seniority, 62 ; phy. and surg. gen., 69, 84 ; on military hospitals, 85 ; makes tour of inspection, 87 ; disbanded, 98 ; death of, 98. TowNSHEND, David hosp. phy. and surg.. Continental army, 58 ; sketch of, 60,69. Treat, Malachi phy. and surg. gen.. Continental army, 40 ; sketch of, 43 ; chief hosp. phy., 58 ; death of, 69. Tripler, Charles S. on rank of medical officers, 170 ; senior surg. Tvi^iggs' division, army of invasion, 185, 194 ; report on health of army, 188 ; directing hospi- tals in city of Mexico, 195; services during the campaign, 190; first delegate to the Am. Med. Ass'n, 203 ; death of, 251 ; memorial general order regarding, 251 ; sketch of, 252 ; character of, 252 ; monument to, 253. Troops to protect western frontier, 70. Trowbridge, Surgeon 21st inf., distinguished at battle of Fort Erie, 199. Turner, George F. med. purv. in Florida, 154 ; director of hospitals at Camargo, 178. Turner, Philip elected dir. gen., but appointment revoked, 39 ; surg. gen. of hosp.. Continental army, 40; sketch of, 43; hosp. phy. and surg., 58; subsequent career and death of, 69, 79. Twiggs, General D. E. report of battle of Churubusco, 190. U. Utah Expedition, 86. 20* 314 THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY V. Valley Forge campaign at, 46, 52. Venereal Disease soldiers infected with, to be fined, 46. Vera Cruz siege of, 184; general hospital and purveying depot at, 184 ; sickness at, 189 ; med. otlicers stationed At, 189. VoLLUM, E. P. med. insp., 222. Wardmasters regulations concerning, 54, 95, 112, 115. Wareen, John in charge of general hospital at Cambridge, 4 ; hosp. phy. and surg.. Continental army, 58 ; sketch of, 59; director of hospitals at Boston, 59; subsequent career and death of, 69. Wakren, Joseph 4, 59, 60 ; suggested for dir. gen., 8. Washington, George appointed Commander-in-Chief, 6 ; assumes command at Cam- bridge, 6 ; letters on hospital management, 6, 30, 33, 58 ; letter announcing treason of Church, 10 ; instructions to Morgan, 15. Watertoten, Mass. general hospital in, 4. Waiertown, N. Y. general hospital in, 87. Watkins, Tobias asst. surg. gen., 108 ; disbanded, 126. Watson, Edward H. lost at sea, 206. Wayne, General Anthony General-in-Chief, 74. Wells, John B. med. purv. at Point Isabel, 177 ; at Camargo, 178 ; director of hospitals at Camargo, 178 ; at Vera Cruz, 196 ; death of, 206. Western Military Department limits of, 128. Wharton, W. L. med. purv., army of occupation, 175. Wheaton, Walter V. in charge of general hospital at Burlington, 89 ; death of, 213 ; character of, 213. > White, W. J. H. killed in battle, 228 ; report of Surg. Letterman on, 225 ; memorial circular on, 229. Whiteridoe, J. B. hosp. surg. mate in charge of general hospital at Williamsville, 89. WiCKHAM, R. C death of, 189. Williams, Thomas H, med. dir., Utah army, 211. Williamsville, ^. Y. general hospital at, 89. AVirtz, Horace R. accompanies expedition to Chihuahua, 196. Wood, Robert C. in charge of general hospital at Point Isabel, 177; report on hospitals at New Orleans, 197 ; acting surg. gen., 217 ; asst. surg. gen., 222; death of, 254 ; sketch of, 255. Wool, General John E. commanding army for Chihuahua, 178 ; report of battle of Buena Vista, 183. Worrell, Edward asst. surg., 154, 167, 168. Worth, General W. J. report of battle of Monterey, 178; of Cor.treras, 190: of Molino del Rey, 193. WoTHER-sPooN, A. S. Compiles army medical statistics, 210 ; death of, 210. Wright, J. J. B. med. purv., army of invasion, 185 ; med. dir., Utah army, 211. Y. Yellow Fever at Vera Cruz, 189; on transports, 198; at Fort Monroe, Va., 198; at the South in 1867, 254 ; reports on^ 260. 405 HUQard Avenue. IHE LIBRARY irMVERS!TY i)7 ( : FORNIA AA 000 050 030