HS IIO7S M35LC« UC-NRLF *B ni 327 O r\. GO U GIFT OF Miss Charlotte Evans B Y B: - L A W S OF THE LOYAL cwiTiss mwmrm mbgi. HtAMSMiis^iim Ms^mnCT MANCHESTER UNITY ODD FELLOWS. V^ MANCHESTER: PRINTED BY P.G.M. RICHMOND & P.G. FROGGATT, KO. 2, OLD MILLGATE, MARKET-PLACE. 1847. The two following Forms for declaring on and off the Sick Fund of the Lodge are recommended to the attention of Members, for their guidance and direction. FORM FOR DECLARING ON THE FUND. To the N.G, of the Countess of Wilton Lodge, Sir, — I beg to inform you that I am indisposed and unable to follow my usual employment, and therefore request the sick allowance of the Lodge. — Dated this day of 184 (Signed) Residence and No. on Door. FORM OF DECLARING OFF THE FUND. To the N.G, of the Countess of Wilton Lodge^ Sir, — I hereby give you notice that I declare off the Sick Fund of the Lodge, and intend to resume my usual employment on the day of 184 — and that I have received, during my late sickness, the 8um of (Signed) ffp ^^^^^ P^nH^MSlk ^-vt^^e. //5 l/o-J 1. — That the sum of ten-pence a-fortnight be paid by every Member of this Lodge, for the express purpose of paying the sick and funeral expences, for which he shall be entitled to receive ten shillings a-week sick pay for six months — 7s. 6d, a-week for the ensuing six months — and 5s. a-week during the remainder of his sickness. Ten pounds funeral gift on the death of a Member — ten pounds on the death of a Member's Wife — and after a Member has buried one Wife, he shall only be allowed the sum of five pounds on the death of any subsequent Wife. 2. — That the sum of two-pence a-fortnight (in addi- tion to the ten-pence for the Sick and Funeral Fxpences) be paid by every Member towards defraying the Inci- dental Expences. 3. — That when a Member's arrears exceed twelve weeks, the Secretary shall inform him of the same, and also of all money owing by him to the Lodge. ivi;^6455 4. — That, in the summonses for Half- Yearly Com- mittees, the Secretary shall inform every Member of the amount he may owe for contributions, fines, &c. 5. — That any Member changing his residence shall acquaint the Secretary of the same, in writing, within one month from such change of residence, or be fined one shilling. 6. — That the Permanent Secretary receive the sum of four guineas per annum for his services, and should the Lodge incur any fine through his or the Elective Secre- tary's neglect, the Permanent Secretary shall be answer- able for the same. 7.— That P.G.M. William Gray be the Treasurer. 8. — That when the Treasurer has ten pounds in his hands, five pounds of the same be placed in the bank. 9. — That five Trustees shall be appointed, in whose names the funds belonging to this Lodge, over and above what is in the Treasurer's hands, shall be deposited in the bank of Sir Benjamin Hey wood, Bart, and Co.; and that the Trustees, or any three of them, shall see the above law carried into effect. 10. — That the Outside Guardian receive one shilling, and the Inside Guardian sixpence for attendance at Lodge. 11. — That the Deputy of this Lodge, attending a Quarterly Committee of this District shall, if for the whole day, be allowed 7s. 6d. and in proportion for any shorter time. 12. — That any Past Officer holding a key of the Lecture-box shall be fined on Lodge and Lecture-nights for non-attendance the same as the N.G.. 13. — That the Lecture be held on the first Thursday in January, April, July and October. 14. — That any Member, desiring to throw his Card or Clearance into this Lodge, shall (before he is allowed to do so) produce a qualified Physician or Surgeon's Cer- tificate of the state of the health of himself and wife (if any) with such Physician or Surgeon's name and place of business attached thereto. — This Law to apply to the admission of JVew Members. Bye-Laws relating to the Sick* 15. — That any Member of this Lodge, falling sick, shall not be entitled to the sick gift until he has given notice, in writing, to the N.G. or Host. Such notice to be given before twelve in the morning, otherwise he will not be entitled to that day's sick gift. 16 — That any Member, receiving the sick gift of the lodge, shall not be absent from home after the hours of nine o'clock in the evenings of Summer, or six o'clock in the evenings of Winter. The Summer to be from the first day of April to the last day of September, and Winter from the first day of October to the last day of March. — Any breach of this law to subject the party so ofifending to such penalty as the Lodge may think proper to inflict. 17. — That all sick Members residing in this town, or who may have permission to go into the country for the benefit of their health, shall forward to the Lodge, each lodge-night, a certificate from some respectable Surgeon as to the state of their health, or be subject to a penalty of 2s. 6d. — Those Members residing in the country are referred to the 46th General Law for their government and guidance. 18. — That any Member, in receipt of the sick gift, shall send a written notice to the N.G. or Host when declaring-oflf the funds of the lodge, previous to resuming his employment, and that he state in such notice the amount of money he has received during his late sick- ness, or be subject to a fine of Is. 19. — That each Sick Member be visited not less than once each week by each Sick Visitor. The sick to re- ceive their money on the Friday in each week. 20. — That the Sick Visitors be elected every three months, to be taken in rotation as their names stand in the pence-book — refusing to serve, or being absent (un- less sick, or residing more than three miles from the lodge-house,) to subject the party to a fine of 6d. Any Member who may be filling the oflice, either of an OflScer of the Order, District, or Lodge to be exempt. 21. — That the Sick Visitors be paid 6d. each by the Treasurer when receiving the sick money, for their ex- pences, and they shall be fined 6d. for each neglect of duty, and Is. should either of them omit to furnish a report, each lodge-night, as to the state of the sick. 22. — That no Member be allowed any donation from this Lodge, whose sickness or distress has been caused by intemperance or misconduct on his part. Bye-Laws relating to Funerals. 23. — That any Member allowing himself to be returned *'bad'* to the Funeral Fund, shall pay into the funds of this Lodge the sum of 1 s. upon being returned '* good" to the said fund. 24. — That any Member getting married shall give notice of the same, in writing, to the Secretary ; should he neglect to do so, he will not be entitled to the funeral gift of his wife until the expiration of six months from the date of such notice. 8 25. — That, on the death of a Memher, or Member's Wife, the party or parties appointed to view the body and pay the money lo the relatives, shall receive Is. each. 26. — That any Member requiring extra copies of the General Laws, Funeral Fund Laws, Bye-Laws of the Lodge, or any other document of a similar character, be required to pay for the same. 27. — That all Members, being summoned for arrears, fines, &c. shall be charged 2d. for the same ; and that all summonses be forwarded through the post. 28. — That any Member, wishing to alter or amend any bye-law of this Lodge, shall give notice in writing, at least one lodge-night previous to the Half-Yearly Committee, — which intended alteration or amendment shall be inserted in the circulars calling such Committee. Should such intended, or amended alteration, be adopted, every Member to be supplied with a copy thereof. 29. — That all Members for non-attendance at Lodge Committees be fined 6d,, unless an apology, written or verbal, satisfactory to the Members present, be sent. WCHMOND AND FROGGATT, PRINTERS, 2, OLD MILLQAT£. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. k?f:c-P LP £6 3'^^-^^ ^APR 1 4 2006 LD 21A-40m-4,'63 (D6471sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley YC187091 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY