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Follow IMk ... ... ... ... ... i
HaidCe ... ... .. ... ... II
A .Song of England ... ... ... ... 17
The Ocean's Prize ... ... ... ... 19
In the Sunshine ... ... ... ... 22
The Child's Lktt;^.r .... ... ... ... 24
A Hymn ... ... ... ... ... ... 28
Lovely in Death ... ... ... ... 30
The Days of Long Ago ... ... ... ... 32
The Death ok the Old Year ... ... ... 38
Changeless Still ... ... ... ... 40
The Little Street-sweeper ... ... ... 42
Gone Before ... ... ... ... 44
Mattie IX THE Cloisters ... ... ... 46
Love i\ the Gladf. ... ... ... ... 49
A May Bridal ... •■■ •■■ 5^
Poet and Philosopher ... ... ... 54
A Dream of Apollo ... ... ... •■■ 5*^
A Red Rose ... ... .. .•■ , ••• 59
The Woodcutter's Daughter ... ... ... 61
Christ or Diana ... ... ... ■■■ 64
A Love-Portrait ... ... ■• ■■• '•^1
Woman's Rights ... ... ... ... 69
Trifles make the Sum of Life ... ... ... 72
King Cyrus' Captives ... ... ■■■ 75
Aqua Vit.-e ... ••■ ■•• .-. ■■• 11
" And lie said to them all, If any man will come after Me, let
him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."
— St. Luke ix. 23.
_ "Brother, arise, and follow Me,
'Tis I, the Lord, who call to thee,
From wrath to come, and danger flee,
Come now, come one and all.
Take up thy cross, and by My might.
Its burden shall be deem'd but light ;
For thou must bear it in My sight,
Till I shall bid it fall."
" Then when, this weary journey o'er.
Thy feet shall press the golden floor,
Beyond the Jordan's silent shore.
That cross will vanish quite.
And on thy brow a crown shall shine,
Whose dazzling lustres will combine
To stamp thee altogether Mine,
Most precious in My sight."
{\st Voice in Response.)
" Yea, Lord, I hear Thee calling me,
From wrath to come I trembling flee.
And Thine I would for ever be,
But "
"But what?"
" The world, it is so wond'rous kind,
My pleasures in it are enshrin'd.
It loves me, and my roving mind
For God is not yet won.
I am too young to follow Thee,
And give up all so dear to me,
A Christian now I cannot be,
I'll follow later on ! "
" Oh child, so altogether blind,
The world to thee is only kind,
Because thou 'rt young and fair !
Life's spring-time soon will pass away.
Swift fading into grim decay.
And Time its joys impair.
Too old and worn to serve Me then,
I ask thy best days now, e'en when
The flow'r is in its bloom."
{27id Voice.)
" Oh yes ! dear Lord, I'll follow Thee,
A Christian ever I would be.
And count all earth as dross to me,
But— "
"But what?"
( Voice. )
" I am so rich in golden ore.
Houses and lands, a goodly store.
Increasing it still more and more.
Takes all my thoughts and time.
If I were poor, without this bait
To chain me to my worldly state,
I'd come, and ere it be too late,
Accept Thy gift divine."
( Christ.)
" Oh brother, my heart bleeds to "think
Such trifles stay thee on the brink
Of endless bliss or woe.
Thy soul I may require of thee,
Before thy goods increas'd shall be ;
With thee they cannot go.
Will they repay thee at that hour.
When death shall hold thee in his pow'r,
For all thou wilt have lost ? "
{T,rd Voice.)
" Dear Lord, I hear Thee calling me,
Thy servant should be strong and free,
And I would ever follow Thee,
But "
" But what ? "
( Voice.)
" I am so full of household cares,
And daily toils come unawares,
They seem so many traps and snares,
To banish love divine.
Rarely at rest, I work away.
Fresh cares succeeding day by day.
These are the things, dear Lord, that stay
My heart from being Thine."
" Oh know, that in thy daily life,
Whether as sister, daughter, wife,
Thou mayst do work for Me ;
Let all thine actions ever prove
The motive principle of love,
No nobler aim could be.
A household cross to thee is giv'n.
To bear upon thy path to Heav'n,
So humbly follow Me."
(4//^ Voice.)
" Yes, Lord, I hear Thee calling me,
A better life I long to see —
The world has nearly wearied me,
But "
"But what?"
( Voice.)
" Foremost in folly's band ahvay,
I have been gayest of the gay, ^
What would my friends in wonder say,
Were I from them to flee?
Alas, my cheeks would burn with shame
To hear them scoffing o'er my name —
Deriding laugh, and jeer, and blame
My transferr'd love to Thee."
" Oh brother, when thine end draws nigh.
And God decrees that thou must die,
Will friends avail thee, say ?
Can they avert the touch of death.
Or stay the ebbing, flutt'ring breath,
That soon must cease for aye ?
I truly then alone can be,
A friend, a comforter to thee,
When God calls thee away."
{^tli Voice.)
"Oh Lord, 'tis true that I would be
A faithful follower of Thee,
From wrath to come I wish to flee,
But "
" But what ? "
" The dearest one on earth to me.
Perhaps, may never follow Thee,
Apart from him I could not be,
His love is my true home.
At present he is wilful, blind.
But if, perchance, he change his mind,
And in Thee resting, pure joys find.
No longer I will roam."
'•' And canst thou desecrate that love
A\'hich I have given thee to move
His dark relentless mind ?
A woman's influence used aright,
Is stronger than a sword of might,
With sheath of flowers entwin'd !
Come first, and show him that your heart
Has chosen well that better part,
He then will follow too."
{6fh Voice.)
" With much delight I'd follow Thee,
A faithful servant I would be,
These fleeting joys are nought to me,
But "
"But what?"
" Too old, and weak, and worn am I,
So soon 'twill be that I must die,
I could not follow Thee on high.
If cross-borne it must be.
As years by decades add their tenth,
They tell me I must sink at length.
Nay, Lord, I have not now the strength
To humbly follow Thee."
" Oh aged one, in faith so weak,
Thou dost in Me no sweet balm seek,
To gladden thy last day.
Thank God, before death conies to thee,
That I have call'd thee now to Me,
Nor cast this chance away ;
Delays are dang'rous ; all is lost,
When wav'ring minds by doubts are toss'd.
And will not, when they may ;
For others seize with eager eyes,
The-golden gem-besprinkled prize,
And then they learn, too late.
How much is lost in what has gone,
Which, but for doubts, they might have won.
So sorrow is their fate !
Both old and young, both grave and gay,
I call to follow Me to-day —
None are denied My love.
All those who bear a cross for Me
Shall one day radiant ever be.
With perfect joys in store ;
And each one to My side they win.
Rare jewels for their crowns within
Shall gleam for evermore.
Bright as the glitt'ring stars above,
They'll dwell 'mid heav'nly spheres of love,
In bliss beyond explore.
Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard,
What God hath lovingly conferr'd
On all who follow Me."
'TwAS in the balmy days of June,
Wl>en ev'ry liour was fair as noon,
He came — but ah ! he came too soon
To woo her.
And she was debonnaire as May,
Younger than e'en a fresh Spring day,
And sweet as fragrant new-mown hay
Was Haidee.
The silken ringlets of her hair
Brighter than gold of Ophir were.
They made an aureole so fair
Around her.
12 haidP.e.
Glow'd in her cheeks the tender blush,
Warm and soft as the morn's first flush,
Quiv'ring all the leaves with a brush
Fast fleeting.
While in the dewy hazel eyes,
There shone a glimmer of the ski'es,
Lit by a love that never dies,
So holy!
Now Ronald, he came from afar,
With honors receiv'd in the war ;
So then, when he saw this fair star,
He lov'd her.
'Twas thus in roseate bovvers.
Amidst the odour of flowers.
With dewdrops falling in showers
He woo'd her.
With the moon's wan light from above.
Smiling down on his own fair dove.
He whisper'd, he whisper'd his love
To Haidee.
But startled was she as a fown
'I'hat tremblingly bounds o'er the lawn
In the absence of note to warn
From danger.
Then soothing, he stood by her side,
Crying, " Promise to be my bride."
But her eyes only open'd wide
Witli wonder.
Said she, " If 'tis true, all you pray,
Alas ! you must go far away.
For to you I never can say
I love you."
" The one whom I love, he is dead.
Beneath the green sod is his bed ;
My love nevermore can be wed
To mortal."
Quoth Ronald, " Refuse not my flower ;
Believe me, you'd have a rich dower,
For with all my soul, and my power,
I love you."
" But if you say ' nay,' I will die
By these hands, then ever to lie
The victim for years to roll by,
Of my love."
Spake Haidee, " I give not my love,
But my hand I give thee, to prove
Thy life I would blight not, nor move
Thee to sin,"
The nightingale sang overhead
From the curtain of night outspread ;
As the tears of the moon were shed
In silence.
Oh bright then was that summer time,
Alive with woodbine and the lime,
While soft-eyed blue-bells' mufifled chime
Rang blithely.
Old Time — he flies on airy wings —
O'er them his fairy mantle flings,
And each day passing nearer brings
Their nuptials.
But 'twas scarce three days off the day
Of the sweet-swelUng bridal lay,
That Haidee seem'd to fade away
In languor.
She faded as the lilies f:ide,
So quietly, within the shade ;
And none could tell whate'er had made
Her thus die.
'Twas thought she pined away for one
Wha to the land of dreams had gone.
But whose fond heart with her's was one
For ever.
And on tlie- dav she should have giv'n
The hand that from her heart was riv'n,
An angel bore her up to Heav'n, —
To her love.
Thus borne was she from Ronald's side,
Oh nevermore with him to bide;
Stern Death had claim'd her for his bride.
Fair Haidee !
1 6 HA IDEE.
And Ronald's heart it nearly broke ;
Across the sea, he tried to choke
The feelings that could find no cloak
For sorrow.
In after years he often said,
" I go to where my Haidee sped, '
To those pure realms just overhead,
In Heaven."
Oh why is England prosperous,
And why her people's fare
So free from darksome hopelessness
And heavy hanging care ?
Her strongholds are well fortified,
Her puissance rules the w^ave.
And all the hearts of Englishmen
Are noble, strong, and brave.
Fair plenty decks her star-lit brow
With crown of inwrought gold,
Her smiles display unsparingly
Rich mines of wealth untold.
Success her hopes rose-hued doth wreathe.
And Bounty's outstretch'd hands
Are fiU'd for her with riches rare,
That dower not other lands.
Then why is England prosperous ?
It is because she holds
Religion as her banner true,
^^'hile Virtue it unfolds.
The blessings of the Mighty One
Descend on England's head, ,
And bless'd are these her living sons,
And bless'd her hallow'd dead !
( 19 )
Onward ever dark waves bore him,
O'er the surging ocean's foam —
There, where no fond eyes might view him
In the blue depth's hidden home.
On and on, the wild waves crashing,
Crushing him in their embrace,
All their dolorous dirges ringing
O'er the deathful, dappl'd space.
Yes, a dreamy downy pillow
Did to him the weird waves prove,
Rock'd on briny, bristhng billows,
He was borne from life and love ;
Yes, alas ! from hearts that lov'd him,
Friends to whom he was most dear,
Close those seething surges shrin'd him —
Coffin'd in their yawning bier.
Pale and firm, the mute mouth wearing
Still a soften'd, pensive smile —
And the sad eyes, half-clos'd, bearing
Tears for those he lov'd awhile.
Masses of lank hair lay dripping
O'er that pure brow, marble-white.
E'er in waves of froth deep dipping,
Shining in the dying light.
Ah ! what sighs and prayers were flowing
Soulful agonies of grief.
For the one on billows tossing,
Gather'd now in Death's pale sheaf.
He was to his wife, her dearest,
To his children, all in all.
Once their pride, their star, their glory,
Now he's far beyond recall.
Stately plumes no sighs were waving,
From church-bells no groans were rung.
For the form the waves were laving,
Never requiem was sung.
But o'ershadowing spirits shining,
Made a halo o'er the sea,
Closely clasp'd their arms about him,
Wing'd him to eternity.
(This song is set to music by C. W. Thomas, Esq., and
published by Hart & Co.)
In the sunshine, when the flowers
Fill the air with perfum'd love,
And the silv'ry clouds are sailing
In their sapphire seas above ;
When the world with smiles is beaming,
Steeped in languors fair to see,
Will you then remember, darling.
All you promis'd me to be —
On the day when, crowned with roses.
Standing in your golden May,
You allur'd with softest glances
All the heart I had away ?
Phantom weird, and worn, and weary,
Ghastly, grim, and stern, defies
All the sobbing of my being,
All the tear-drops of my eyes.
Nevermore within the sunshine,
Down the jewell'd path of flow'rs,
Shall I wander with you, darling,
'Neath those rose-entwining bow'rs.
When our heart's fond love combining,
\Vith this world no more shall be.
Then you will become, my darling.
All you promis'd me to be.
( 24 )
" Oh Cissy is so ill, mamma,
She looks" so thin and wan.
The light has left her dancing eyes,
The rosy hue is gone ;
She lies serenely still in bed,
Nor stirs her head to see
Her Robin gazing for the smile
He loves so tenderly.
" Say, will she die, my dear mamma ?
I think my heart would break,
If nevermore with me again.
Her woodland walks she'll take.
The doctor, can't he make her well ?
He cured our little Jane ;
So write to him at once to come
And see her yet again."
The mother wrote, then gently turn'd
Her weary, woe-worn eyes,
With uprais'd finger, solemnly
Towards the clear blue skies.
" 'Tis only One, who reigns above,
Can make her well and strong ;
Ask 'God to spare her precious life —
To Him all lives belong."
The child look'd grave, and ran away
On some- idea intent,
The one thought uppermost, that nigh
His heaving bosom rent.
" If mamma can write to doctor.
To God then, I can write,
Oh where is a pen and paper.-*
I'll write this very night."
"Dear God," he wrote, "please will you make
My little sister well ? "
Then he clos'd it, and address'd it,
But how — I cannot tell ;
Nor did he e'en forget to put
A stamp where it should be,
While to the pillar-box he flew,
And posted it with glee. ^
" Oh when will God write back ?" he mus'd,
So proudly pleas'd he seem'd,
For, full of faith and confidence,
His starry dark eyes gleam'd.
And to mamma, all smiles, he went,
To tell what he had done ;
Then she bent tenderly, and kiss'd
Her little angel-son.
"God won't write back, dear child," she said,
" If 'tis His will to give
^^'hat you desire, oh then, be sure,
Our Cissy, she will live.
His will be done ! So come with me,
May be her sleep is o'er."
And softly did they enter through
The thickly muffled door.
Slowly the clos'd eyes open'd now,
'With calm inquiring gaze,
To the dear faces bending low
Their lambent love-lit rays.
The fever had abated, so
The crisis thus was o'er :
"God has receiv'd my letter then,"
Said Robin ; nothing more.
( 28 )
Oh come in the rosy morning,
When new hfe and hope are strong,
And the heart is beating bravely
For a conflict fierce and long.
And clad in Christian armour,
With Faith's banner floating free,
Never the strength shall flicker.
Till life's battles cease to be.
Oh come in the golden noontide.
When the heart is bow'd with care,
When the pain and pleasure, mingled.
Are heavy and hard to bear.
A HYiMN. 29
When perfume divine from Heaven,
Like dew on a thirsty leaf,
Shall be as the balm of Gilead,
A perfect and sweet relief.
Oh come in the dusky twilight,
When the strength is almost flown,
And the sear'd heart's fragrant roses
Are wither'd, and crush'd, and blown.
And a beacon star of glory
Shall lighten the cloudy way,
To where fadeless flow'rs are blooming,
In spheres of undying day.
Oh come in the silent midnight,
When life's journey is nearly o'er,
And the soul is only waiting
To pass to the far-off shore.
When with love unknown, unbounded,
The unseen Christ shall guide
Over the waters of Jordan,
Safe, safe to the other side.
Thou fair young form of maidenhood ;
Making e'en death a lovely sight,
Just in the flush of life's sweet bloom,
How soon thy day is turn'd to night.
The absence of the vital spark
Disrobes thy features of no charm.
Rather, the impress it has left
Has serv'd to paint them bright and warm.
Thy hair wears still its glossy hue,
Twining and twisting o'er thy brow,
As if 'twould scoff the hand of death.
And mock its presence even now.
Lovely those eyes, so large, so deep.
Breathing a love, in sooth, divine,
Bright with the ray thy spirit left,
In Heav'n's own halo do they shine.
Those veiling lashes, curl'd and dark,
Contrast well with thy marble cheek :
The chisell'd nose — the clear-cut lips —
Make all description poor and weak.
Thy dress so white, the rose that lies
Upon thy stirless silent breast,
Are emblems of the hidden life
Thy soul has found in endless rest.
Thou casket of a deathless gem,
Now in the grave at peace shall lie,
Till the last trump of God shall sound
To bid thee join thy soul on high !
( 32 )
(This song is set to music by C. W. Thomas, Esq., and
published by Hart & Co.)
By the riverside they wander'd,
In the days of long ago,
When their youthful hearts were throbbing
With a passion-piercing glow ;
When the star-strown smiling future
Lit the fervour of their love
Into a spark as radiant
As undying flames above.
" For ever mine " — " For ever thine " —
Ah ! well their troth they spoke,
While the pale sun gleam'd above them,
And the silver wavelets broke.
'Twas but a living dream,
Now, at length, they know,
For nevermore returning
Are the days of long ago !
'Neath an aspen's quiv'ring branches,
By a green and mossy mound,
Shrouded in a veil of sorrow.
So an aged man is found.
Hoary, bent, convuls'd with sorrow,
For the love of long ago,
Does his soul discharge its anguish.
As but truest love can flow.
By the riverside no longer
Will they wander as of yore.
For the golden light of morning
O'er their hearts can break no more.
'Twas but a living dream,
Now, at length, they know.
For nevermore returning
Are the days of long ago !
( 34 )
I TOOK his tiny hand in mine,
I kiss'd his fevered cheek,
Pressing the frail form in my arms,
The form that was so weak.
I rain'd bright tear-drops on the head
That shone with golden hair,
Gazing into the deep blue eyes,
The face that was so fair.
I knew the blossom in my arms
Was fading fast away,
That ere the morn 'twould garner'd be,
To bloom in deathless day.
And strangely did my pulses throb,
And anguish pierc'd my heart,
That I must from the child I lov'd,
So soon, so sadly part.
But messengers from fairer spheres
A Father's summons bore ;
So how should I, though left behind,
His happiness deplore ?
And then a low voice smote my ear,
1 heard my darling say,
" I'm going, going far from you,
With you I cannot stay."
" I've lov'd to play in ilex groves,
Chasing the butterfly.
But now my Father bids me rise
To fairer bowers on high."
" And, think you, God will let mc cull
Flow'rs for a garland gay.
And play in streets all pav'd with gold,
Throughout the livelong day ? "
" I do not weep to leave you here,
For I shall watch on high,
To be the first to welcome you
To mansions in the sky."
" I only ask the flow'rs I love
May lie upon my breast,
When, having bid farewell to all,
You lay me down to rest ! "
Alas, I heard no more from him.
The pretty golden head
Sank gently, slowly down again
Upon the snowy bed.
I saw the blue eyes rais'd on high
To those pure realms above ;
And then I felt him borne away
On angel-wings of love.
Then did I cut a silken curl
That rested on my arm,
Whispering softly to myself,
" My Willie's safe from harm."
Yes, pillowed on a Father's breast,
And in a Father's home,
He'll henceforth know nor sin nor pain,
And sorrow ne'ermore come.
Of him I never cease to think,
Nor do I e'er forget
To strew my Willie's grave with flow'rs-
The rose, and violet.
I CAN hear the church-bells ringing
O'er the jewel-sprinkl'd snow,
As the dying light of sunset
Flames the heavens all aglow.
And the glaciers, stiffly hanging
From the leafless arms on high,
Shine as diamonds gleaming brightly
In the star-lamps of the sky.
Ruddy red the old log burning, .
Crackles in the rich man's grate,
As the timepiece, beating slowly,
Tells the hour is growing late.
Old year ! hoary with the snow-flakes
Scatter'd in thy tangled hair,
All prepared to leave thy kingdom
To the baby small and fair.
Give a blessing, ere thou takest
All the old and lov'd hours spent,
That the joy of having liv'd them
May with mem'ry sweet be blent ;
So into the untrod regions
Of the future's unknown ways,
Perfect light may guide us rightly,
Lit with true-love's quenchless rays.
( 40 )
(This song is set to music by C. W. Thomas, Esq., and
published by Hart & Co.)
In the dawning, when the sunlight
Stream'd upon the sleepy flow'rs,
And the wind was shaking gently
Show'rs of dew from otf the bow'rs, —
Came a maiden tripping softly,
With the love-light in her eyes,
To the try sting-tree where, waiting,
Her beloved she espies.
" Can you love me thus, and leave me ? "
Cried she in that parting hour ; —
And his word, " For ever changeless,"
Held her in its soothing pow'r.
In the dawning, after years,
Years of waiting and regret.
Came the maiden stepping sadly,
While her eyes with tears are wet.
'Neath the trysting-tree she gazes, —
Stands an angel waiting there !
Can it be her heart's beloved.
Come from realms divinely fair ?
" Changeless still," he murmur'd softly,
" Death is not so strong as love,
And I've come to fetch you, darling,
To a better world above."
( 42 )
Poor little fellow ! cold and thin,
Brushing with all his might,
He sees not the shadows gath'ring
In the dark drizzling night.
The lamps are lit, and radiate
His worn and weary face,
Great eyes down-dropt, and features too —
Possessing winning grace.
" Give me a penny, please," he cries.
With pleading tones and sad ;
The people merely hurry on.
Nor heed the little lad.
He gazes listly after them,
The blue eyes dim with tears ;
Long sobs break from his heaving breast,
His heart beats fast with fears.
" Nothing to eat ; nowhere to sleep ! "
Oh, that the rich would turn
From their cruel scorn to hear him,
Before his case they spurn.
A fearful lack of sympathy,
A woeful want of heart ;
Ah ! who can be a Christian,
And take no Christian's part ?
Ye who refuse a pittance to
The smallest, ay, of those
Who ask it— then remember that
God marks it, and He knows.
" As much as ye did not do it
To those who needy be.
So I count it that ye did not
Thus do it unto Me."
( 44 )
Oh give me back the golden years,
Of the time when, long ago,
Sweet sun-kist smiles did woo the hours.
And a tear we ne'er did know.
When flow'r-hung joys, bestrewn with gems,
Drops ambrosial shed around ;
And the gentle forms of dear ones.
Loving arms around us wound.
They, too, have pass'd to join the throng.
Round the mystic great white throne,
While their vacant places leave us.
Ah, so weary, sad, and lone.
Only echoes of their voices
Steal along the evening air —
As we dream we see them sitting
By our side, as once they were.
Angels, whisp'ring in the silence
Of the hush'd and starry night,
Waft the deathless germs to usward,
From their fire-tipp'd wings of light.
And they sprout as trees, life-giving —
Fruit, that ne'er can wither more,
Ready ripen'd to be gamer'd
In the vast eternal store.
C 46 )
Wearily a little figure,
Barely clad, and thin, and ill,
Sought the shelter of the cloisters —
Where, beneath the arches still,
Found he solace from the sorrow
Of an outside world of care.
That made life, in years so tender,
Sad and clouded, sear'd and bare.
Grandly through the vaulted arches
Stole the organ's richest tones.
Swelling into soulful volumes,
Dying into murm'ring moans.
Striking sore poor Mattie's heartstrings,
While the big tears dimm'd his eyes,
Till the sobs that struggling shook him
Brought an angel from the skies.
Slowly down the aisle appearing,
Came she robed in sheen of white,
And her face was fair and beaming
With a sweet unearthly light.
Mattie wonder'd at the vision.
Like a child, no fear arose,
And he seem'd as though admiring
The strange beauty of her clothes.
Very tenderly she kiss'd him,
Then she bore him far away.
Past the scenes where he in gladness
Oft did with his comrades play.
Over hedge, and tree, and flower,
To the golden cloudless land, —
Where the children meet together
Playing on its shining strand.
Back the gates of pearl and jacinth,
And the lady entcr'd in ;
But without did little Mattie
Leave his soil-stain'd shroud of sin.
With the robe of Christ his Saviour,
Far from want, and scorn, and pain.
Never will he seek for shelter
In an earthly court again.
( 49 )
Love went stalking in the glade,
With a lightsome bounding heart,
Holding in his golden sheath
Many a bright bejewell'd dart.
Looking near, and gazing far,
Pluming oft his wings of light,
Now he sees a maiden fair,
Rob'd in virgin garb of white ;
Sad she seems — she has no love
To give life unto her life ;
So he pulls his silken string,
And he asks her for his wife.
Love is sadness, love is gladness,
Love sometimes is only madness !
Love went sighing in the shade,
In the waning of the day,
But one arrow in his hand, —
All the rest were cast away ;
They had pierc'd so many hearts,
Wringing drops of ruddy gore,
That, grown weary of his play.
He resolv'd to shoot no more.
Regretful of the plunder
That made havoc of his life.
He fell amongst the flowers,
On his own red reeking knife.
Love is sadness, love is gladness,
Love sometimes is only madness !
She stood in clouds of snowy white,
My bride, the darUng of my sight,
Her soft eyes gleaming with a light
Of deepest joy.
The raven tresses of her hair
Hung down in masses rich and rare,
Clustering o'er a brow as fair
As lilies are.
Her long silk lashes, dew'd with tears,
Reveal'd the heart of many fears ;
She seem'd a rose that conscious rears
To heav'n its head.
A thousand blushes came and went,
As she her fair head lowly bent,
And heart's fond pray'r to God was sent,
My love — my bride.
The organ roll'd out through the place,
I scarce could see my darling's face —
'Twas hid in shimm'ring sheen of lace
As she approach'd.
I felt her kneeling by my side, —
The golden knot at last was tied.
For evermore with me to bide,
Oh, bliss supreme !
The Church rite o'er— to tell the rest—
Of mingl'd greetings, sweet and blest —
I clasp'd her to my loving breast,
My life, my aU.
One year of happiness so bright,
One year of blessing and delight.
Then unto God she wing'd her flight.
Oh earth ! oh love !
I look back on the time gone by,
To soothe my grief I'd fain not try,
My heart is rent — I only sigh
For death to come.
Oh, that my tongue could ever tell
The love my heart has known so well,
Profound and silent must it dwell
Till heav'n be mine.
C 54 )
I AM an orbit, whose keen eye of light
Can pierce through the dawning, and probe the night.
Sheer shams and dumb shows I shiver, and shake
To all the four winds the idols ye make.
The world is an open book in my hand,
In it I read mystic truths of the land.
I am the spirit that filleth all space.
For in earth and heav'n my light is God's face.
The spark I kindle from altars of fire,
Sets the world's soul all aflame with desire.
All men are my subjects, for all hearts are mine ;
The sceptre I wield i' my hand is divine.
Philosophers treat of the things that are,
A noble mission, as all may see ;
But the poets are God's ambassadors,
They show alone how those things should be.
( 56 )
I SIT beside the sedgy stream that runs
Rippling and rushing by my weary feet ;
Above, the birds are singing in the trees,
And in the distance, sounds the young lamb's bleat.
So drowsy is the air,
The parting light paints fair
]Many an Iris line of beauty in the sky,
Till it and earth both kiss each other silently.
Athwart the grass, the shadows come and go,
Playing a fairy gambol in the stream.
As o'er me, while the rushes bend and bow.
It seems a veil enwraps me — and I dream ;
For through yon wicket gate,
AVhere Nora used to wait,
(Ah me ! she's singing now beyond the stars of God,)
There comes a ghding figure towards me, o'er the sod.
His eyes are flaming stars, and round his brow
A wreath of twisted laurel is entwin'd,
His face, dead-pale, reveals the inward fire
Where, in his soul, immortal thoughts are shrin'd.
A hero dear to fame,
In sooth, I know his name,
Apollo come from Arcady ! and in his hand
■•A lyre — that lyre which chains and charms the list-
'ninsr land.
He spoke not, though I long'd to hear him speak,
But silently struck sundry chords that rang
Through all my veins and fibres, thrilling me ;
Then in fall flute-like, tender tones, he sang : —
" When hearts are weary, and love is sad.
Fond hope from our soul seems flying,
The flow'rs with a weight of tears are bent,
And Nature's sweet self seems dying.
Alas ! alas 1 and well-a-day !
When hearts are weary, and love is sad.
When joy peeps out from a dove-grey cloud,
Like the sun, which e'er is shining,
Though dusky hued is the cloud awhile.
It still has a silver lining.
Alas ! alas ! and well-a-day !
When joy peeps out from a dove-grey cloud.
Love is the essence and life of life
To the heart that's worn and weary,
And sweet content is a lamp that turns
Into day the night so dreary.
Alas ! alas ! and well-a-day !
Love is the essence and life of life."
The lyre is hush'd — through all the trees the wind
Is echoing the burden of the song ;
I gaze and gaze, but lo ! he is not there.
He stands not in the leafy shrubs among.
The night is drawing near,
The stars are shining clear,
And as the dew-kist eyelids of the twilight close,
A pent-up truant tear fell silently. I rose.
( 59
'TwAS all on a July evening,
The mellowing summer time —
When the perfume-laden breezes
To the choir-bird's anthems chime,
That he gave a red, red rose-bud
To his darling, standing there,
And she placed it in the ripples
Of her sun-lit, shining hair.
" Plight me your troth on that, dearest.
Oh plight me your troth to-day."
So she gave him her heart for ever,
Her love, and her life, for aye.
Far over the blue sea billows
Her sailor must go to roam ;
His love he leaves with his darling,
Her heart is his only home.
But she pal'd and pin'd as the flow'r
That wither'd upon her breas^ ;
While Death kiss'd her eyes — to waken
In realms of eternal rest.
"Still mine, for Heav'n will unite us,"
Her sailor cried sore that day,
" For do I not know she gave me
Her love, and her life, for aye ? "
( 6i )
A COLD wind in the silent night
Did whistle through the trees,
And borne away was many a leaf
By the alluring breeze.
The bat's cry echoed through the wood,
The pale stars shone on high,
Glimmering in a setting dark
Of amaranthine sky.
One lonely hut was pictur'd there,
Amid the weird, wan scene ;
It seem'd to stare from out the gloom
^\'ith chilly look serene.
A dim light in the casement burnt,
A window broken through,
And bitterly the midnight wind
O'er that dark, dank hut blew.
Inside was stretcb'd upon a mat
Old Jeff, the woodcutter.
Who fast in low and mournful tones,
To himself did mutter.
Writhing upon his narrow bed,
In dreadful pain he lay,
For ne'er could he again expect
To see the light of day.
A gentle face look'd sadly down
Upon the old man there.
All lovely as a blushing rose,
So sweet, so fresh, so fair.
The soul-lit eyes bedew'd with tears.
The coral lips compress'd,
As with her pale and trembling hands
His mortal wound she dress'd.
Not long the old man had to wait
Heav'n's messenger to come,
Who bore him from his pains and woes,
To a celestial home.
Or ere the first faint flush of morn
Burst on his earth-pall'd sight^
His soul was wafted to the realms
That know no pain or night.
Sweet strains from his dear daughter's voice
Forthwith to heav'n did ring,
They floated with him as he sped
Upon the angel's wing.
Alone she stood, that frail, fair form,
With pallid Death beside ;
Well that he had not claim'd her yet
For his resistless bride.
But guardian spirits, visionless,
In countless train drew near,
And tenderly they wip'd away
The maiden's heart-wrung tear.
" Away," they whisper'd, " far away.
You soon will follow, too,
To know, beyond those golden gates,
What hope and joy ne'er knew."
( 64 )
(suggested by mk. e. long's picture, exhibited at
the royal academy.)
Flushes a rosy hue aslant the sky,
Aurora smiles ; the solemn hour draws nigh
That shall decide the freedom of a life
Chain'd down, and bound, beneath a nation's knife,
Debas'd, and fetter'd to caprice of will.
Oh who but for a gain untold, could bear it still ?
Lo, where it listeth, doth the Boreas blow,
But where it resteth, can we never know.
Alike the ray which probes the wounds of night,
Transpierc'd a hopeless blindness into sight ;
And o'er the desert of a maiden's heart
Diffus'd such radiance that new life did start,
Now breaking forth, on eagle wings to soar
Where Faith and Sight unite for evermore.
The moment come — the multitude around,
Beneath the tow'ring buildings closely wound,
Rang'd high in tiers, in dappled hues gaze on,
To see which triumph may the day have won.
" Christ or Diana," rings along the sea,
" Let her but cast one grain, and she is free."
Clad in her vestal robe of white she stands ;
'Tis hers, by one small act, to burst her bands —
Freedom or bondage choose, yea, heav'n or hell,
The tremeur of that moment who can tell ?
Reigns now a strange, dead silence — all await
To see a slave dissolve this grain of fate.
Blanch'd with a pallor that reveals the pain,
Her features set, the eyes uprais'd again.
Her soul speaks through them to the eager throng,
Of high resolving, noble, pure and strong ;
Of unseen presence felt, whose aid is near.
At this all-trying moment, to o'ercome each fear.
" Avaunt, Diana ! Bondage do I brave ! "
Is the averting movement of the slave.
" Shall one dire grain possess pow'r to recall
The sentence that a lifetime doth enthrall ?
Or buy my soul from Him who died to prove
The deep reality of His great love.
Nay, rather bondage with its hundred years,
Than reeking misery of shame and tears.
Christ ever ! though a while in bonds to be,
A Christian's crown shall set the slave-girl free."
- The life of love, the light of life shone round,
'Mid cloudless skies, from loving trustful eyes,
Heav'n in their glance, and rapture in each touch.
With joy heart-throbbing, and with tender sighs.
Behold a wife, a mother, 'neatii the shade
Of softly brushing leavesand nodding flow'rs,
Her child upon her knee, while for his weal
Her thoughts were busy through the sunny hours.
Sweet smil'd her hero— her beloved lord.
Reclining on the green grass waving there ;
His dark curls, ruffled by the fitful wind,
Display'd a brow as noble as 'twas fair.
And oft the child would wander forth to cull
Some woodland flow'ret in the meadow near,
Returning to his parents, gleeful, wild,
To pour his prating prattle in their ear.
Oh, gentle wife, so worthily ador'd.
And husband, so befitting to be guide.
Walk onwards, hand in hand, while yet 'tis day,
Then rest together in life's eventide.
( 69 )
Women true, and pure, and fair,
With the love-crown in your hair.
Would you men's stern mission share ?
Seek you men to emulate ?
Claim your votes — and in debate
Model laws of Church and State ?
Forsooth, 'tis an aggressive age,
All are as Minerva, sage,
Ready wisdom's war to wage. •
Henceforth men no more shall reign —
'Tis the woman's broad domain ;
Let them follow in her train.
They must see she holds her own
In contention, and alone
Shareth equally his throne.
Sisters, listen ! it is true
Men have brains, so likewise you,
Yours as good — oft better, too.
But their use should be to shed
Radiant blessings on the head
Of home's dear ones gathered.
So, by firm but loving hand,
Lead a mighty angel-band
Safely to the better land.
Science, Art, will sweeter be.
If in them God's love you see,
Who has given them to thee.
Thus your brain's creations grow.
Swift in broadest paths to flow.
With inspired flame aglow.
May your pow^r supreme which sways
Man, whom e'er your will obeys,
Glitter in life's love-strung rays.
That your influence may shine,
And as ivy-leaves entwine
Round the world, and home — divine.
( 72 )
Oh is there not a sweetness in the smallest flow'r
that grows,
The dewdrop on the green leaf, the zephyr wind that
The broad fields, and the wild flow'rs that bestrew the
path we tread,
The odours of the roses, and the songsters overhead ?
And our God has not forgotten the smallest things
that please.
The brooklet's faintest murmurs, or the music on the
breeze ;
Though power and majesty are His beyond this world's
The tiny flow'rs are sweetest, and the children are His
The daily round of duty, the daily task of love,
Howe'er trifling, savours of the angels' work above.
The gentle smile in passing, the kind word on the
way —
Germs oft in richest blossom to bloom in cloudless
The love that speaks in silent acts, the true devoted
Can never give enough of joy, enough of good im-
part ;
But love is not a trifle — nor should we deem it so,
It is our hope, our joy, our trust, our bane, our weal,
or woe.
Yes, little kindly actions far more than words do tell.
What clear and plainest language could never say so
Such little loving actions, done by tender, gentle hands.
Will leave their marks indelible on life's own golden
Oh, life's made up of trifles, as of drops the ocean blue,
They waft us to Eternity — that path all must pursue.
Then let us ne'er waste a minute, of those that God
has giv'n,
Since each one passing nears us to the pearly gates of
Before the presence of august King Cyrus,
In all the glory of his regal sway,
A heathen Prince, wife, children, household, captives,
Came, 'neath their galling yoke of fears, that day.
A voiceless misery of mute pain, dumb woe,
That Prince's eyes reveal'd, still more his gait ;
Bent by the blasting blow of bondage, surely
Grim death were sweeter than this sterner state.
The King spake gently — with a pitying eye
On one so young, so noble, and so sad —
" Say, what wilt thou give thy children to redeem ? "
He answer'd, "All, all in the world he had."
" But giving all for them, what yet remainest,
What ransom canst thou offer for thy wife ? "
The captive spoke in clear, unfaltering tones,
"For her I'll forfeit, sire, my very life."
" Freedom to you and yours," rejoined King Cyrus.
" Begone — I spare your dear ones, ^nd your life."
They left that mighty presence — and the air was
^Vith his praises, and their thankful cries, all rife.
So home they journey'd, descanting as they went
On Persia's monarch, and his noble heart,
But one tongue was silent, though the thoughts ran
deep ;
One only in his praises bore no part. ,^
A\'hat seem'd ungracious the Prince's ire arous'd,
"Who straightway ask'd his wife why this should be ?
" I can but think of one," in tears she answer'd,
" Of one who would his life have giv'n for me."
If, like this captive's wife, our hearts and hopes
Were centred in that Love which died to free
Us from a direr bondage than earth's fetters,
Our lives by such sweet thoughts would nobler be.
( 77 )
Through the little lives of men
Flows a stream, by rock and glen,
Clear or turbid, now and then.
Sometimes fring'd with nodding flow'rs,
Jewell'd by the shining show'rs,
Hanging o'er lone lazy bow'rs.
Oftener twin'd in tangled weed,
Long-lash'd marsh, and rank-grown reed,
In the gloom beneath the mead.
Runs the current never still —
Foaming, gurgling down the hill
To some far and unknown rill.
Flowers of pleasure by that stream,
Gliding in yon glancing gleam,
Life is not one golden dream.
Drifting stream ! we ne'er can know
How you glide, nor where you go,
But through all our veins yotl flow.
And your path for aye must run.
Through the shade, and through the sun.
Till its course be duly done.
Then to join the Jasper sea,
Where the blue waves smilingly
Roll into Eternity.
I, Tata nosier Square,
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"... There is, perhaps, no editiun in which ihe works of Shakspcrc
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" Vox elegance of form and beauty of tyjiography, no edition of
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the weakest of sight. The jjrint is judiciously confined to the text, notes
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To kiss her burial. Should I go to church
And see the holy editice of stone.
And not bethink me straight of dangerous rocks,
Which touching but my gentle vessel's side.
Would scatter all her spices on the stream,
Enrobe the roaring waters with my silks.
And, in a word, but even now worth this,
And now worth nothing ? .Shall I have the thought
To think on this, and shall I lack the thought
That such a thing bechanc'd would make me sad ?
But tell not me : I know Antonio
Is sad to think upon his merchandise.
Ant. Believe me, no : I thank my fortune for it,
My ventures are not in one bottom trusted,
Nor to one place ; nor is my whole estate
Upon the fortune of this present year :
Therefore my merchandise makes me not sad.
Salar. Why, then you are in love.
Ant. Fie, fie !
Salar. Not in love neither ? Then let us say you
are sad.
Because you are not merry ; and 'twere as easy
For you to laugh, and leap, and say you are merry,
Because you are not sad. Now, by two-headed
Nature hath fram'd strange fellows in her time :
Some that will evermore peep through their eyes
And laugh like parrots at a bag-piper ;
And other of such vinegar aspect
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