UC-NRLF 'I I i ' ' ' 'I ' lllllllllllilllillllll C 5 52M fibD ^ '^'CL ..V ^:^/..,_..^T /"';) THE GRVELL BROTHER A Tragedy. As It was prefentcd, at the priuatc Houfc, va the Blacks-Fryers : l^J His iilMaieJties Seruantsl Impriwedby ^. M far Un Waterfom and arc to bee foldc ar the figne of the Crowoc in P^ts Church^^d, X 6 3 o. r'\ 1 '» t--"" ■J 1' "fl. TO THE RIGHT HOMOVRABLE THE LORD WfisTaw, tORD HIGHTREASVRER OF . . En g l ;A n d, ■ My Lord, ""' ' "' SJionM doe mv' iridlmacioni wrong, to call this, thcfirfl: T(yiiiaioi[iy of my: Ztalfe .to> your; Lordfkippe ; For I did ncuer ■''' -^ A3 tbinkc 8sg'^J/-'i^ The Epistle fifcSii^the^ondcr, orthcpwyfc ^ tbat I haue written, iuft ; vntill I ibund your Lordftiips Chara- 'to corred it ,^ by a furuay, Ifayd,. I had ftudycl your Lord^ : /, fliin. \o 15 J'^" , V Deo icAToaiE,^ « fliip, and would not Icflen, the noble office of your Mercy. This confidence f I hope ) fhall no- thing preiudice Yot4r Lord/hips humz hie Seruant. William D'avknant. ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cruellbrothertraOOdaverich %S^^J!lg^ ■ •.. :i. .., -.r| :'..:,' The Perfonsof this Trat blood CDoblesvs, and cmcs s Her atribute,withou*: hereditary bdpe From anccHors. O my dccrc fairefie / . .- :, . 'i : . ■ r Thy filter with fuchpoble wealth is frau§btj:r t* , i' "I That tobecoBCtoiiis for her, appeared ;; v ,< ' Aholyfinne. But thou-att cruel) ^rawae . > • > > ? Thy memory is ^ck. TheddcfftA* , ./:! ' That witneffe how. llouc thy icarncjdftule, Are quite fbrgpt.- ; m- > ■■<.a g,.,.-."! o"^ 'M .v'.C. -F p :>ore, fo lowc, \/ . • , thatyou vcrcfainctoltoopccoWfcmevp, / You are the Pakcs Creattjre ! who doates by. Art/ '^i^ Whoiihisloucandkindneflfe.Mcchoclkecpes: , :- '. -^ He hold-ch thus his Avmcs, in fearcfull care Not*o brufe VQU vrit^i^is dcierc ctnbracementSjr r ; An J*vh \t is (ft-* w'lofc Virgin blood difdaincs " To q lench y ur lawful! fire ? or whotn chc Dukf Would nor p - >cuf c tQcliiibc your Marriage bed - '^ Vponhcr Kites ?^ An-dJltjsil I then ( Like to the treacherous Moone^ ftriuc to eclipfc The '^uonc that giues me light ? Shall I confcnc That (ht, that tumbled in a Wombe with me. Shall giae your iflue bitth ? The royali Duke r; Would tlv»^TOl for lucb;charitie. My Lord Thoug!iyouarevsric,yoiiarebacyoang. . .^.,. . , . ., iiicii-. Heart of Viper/ .' ' ' •-' Sure Tim^' hath )o\\ his feathers from his Heetes, Q Markehowflowhegnes? Shall I ncerebc;iDfldc . z;.;:.^:, j.;.' ' ' That my dcfigoc« m ly repure hatie, • '/ .,-\ ,r -3 J- ■/ Andcreditin^thc World. Idocnotaskc ' ■ ij. Thy Sifter for my Whore ; bat for my Wifcv Foref. Sir t'ls already ioyndvnco my Crccdes. For I would eate your Htart, fhould it contriue . ^ f . o • /^ -^ A way in thought, ho.vtoclicate my Sifter ' -.; ■■ rV- Of her pure Chaftitte. lloiicyo.ifo - . ' ^ That 1 with care Tjppofc ; She not deferues ' -• ' ^ Tobeyour Wife,anrliac(kemeofhtc - • ■''• - ■•■ That ftie is awic'i 'oo g^MxJjto be your Whore.> .^ -- • = ■ ^- Inthis new Argument,! am rocvboldf, .• ' ';'l! You kn.iw My duty wdl. The Dukes abroad I'i - ' ■ Taough but the birth of day. GoeSiti.i ..; . Enter Duke. Caftruchio-, Doi iir:hy of thisfamtgrcat imployment. And tiusktcer he huaibly rt commends To \ our prrufal! Duke rCAds the Let'' Caft. How can it cNoofe ter to hmftlfe. But c! okc the very Soulc, and brufe the Heart Tothinkethatfuchaciddy Snipe : a Foolc ( I hat II tcielyliucstodifparugc Naiure^ Should crctpc to this an^bitious goiitrnnicnttf Still he rules the Ruler. The Dnke is Ward Vi'toa PJgc ;who(cEic-browc$wearc more Beard, Th>.n tii>th tils C binnc : And thert'i hii Ififtrutiicntf A darke fellow j thar with difgui^ed Looket Cou'd cheat an Hypocrite, older then Time. D$rid. I'ue heard a better Charader of both, Such, as to the young Count, Witt,and vallour giucs : Vnto f 0^'^', hontft <«p!rirf. * Cajt R port is then become a Rawde to Luck J Whom Fortune do henr'ch, Fame doth flatter, Duke SurcthistairePruft will make vs all Cowards. We muft a truce confirmc with Genoa, Well.beitfo. Whercnow (my noble Boy) Shall I occsfi'.n finde, to tcftifie That you dt (true my 1( ue, by vcrtueofyourowne*? In (ickdy tl'rcs>^^en Waruandc ui!l Splcmc Bific^c rhf He.Tt.with trc achemus dclipncs, A tricn 1 fhall rind a cauft to make him knownc. Bur now m f lire weather : I nccdc nocaskc WhatHoufll'snerc^' - ::•..:' ■ Lucio. Intbis, Idarcdircrcditefate. They art nqt fo wealthy in afflidion: With forrow fo well ftoi'd ; as could ftiffice To trie niy futferancc : iii tlu bthalfc Oiyou my Prince, and Uill royal) Maftci, .. ^^ B a DHk£, DC O 'JOa i- \-: TheQrueU Brother, H cere — mike thy relf< a facri fica to Vxaofi, ■ rraffrt ^mJA T«ke it-i«nd r-wiVibft.thy Chronicler. / nailed '^<»Vf'* JLucio. It vvere ( Sir ) but ingratitude in, mc _ , .- To IcUcn thus,n$>tor»guc , , , . Shall pay his ti!i,b*t«tpiny memory;^ >, ,. But thine :fot<(hcw arc likely tqfuruiufi! , , Thyj^eire8»r!€,fo<^bu.tfuIlofgraritude.>~ , GomqsAiye.wftftO th<{ ?»rl«« : Tiie q?5Jgh£fj»lJ tnprne. . ■ i G iaes motioneWlng9,*iid ibbcrtic tft thpife, v- -, , , < -, ; . Who:nlamco»fl;fcftjy>4SSVBtOthcg5pttfidy r-.:; ..;, ,i . .-^ C«^. .RDvftMotfrdklikerindcr,thoadoft wafte ^ Thy forc«dfit!tfc^>)giaeanoth«r light Whifefawcy flimc wi';ldark?nFhi«cw M^nftroas / Dorifi.. Why 4f>ftch^Hirpcn3«hy. gait ip^c^r<}t thus? Apox:vpan'jrtarncn : : ^.j .;..., .- Heaucn kh3\res,I had n*^rt4cht« i^S I take J»OM^ . , ,: ,;. /; C4/I. The fame. Becaufe I nc«cr did dc&C . ^ . .; ,- , Tq gains by being troufalcfoiDe, I \aSi ,- - , j '- '^-tl^ '0' \ct- ! ^, ^© The Qrmll Brothet. The dcerebenifit pPthc praaiBC8prom(ife, ; , Ncuer fhall j Vn&flfe I imitaiCc th^ Crab, .. And find my way- (a«hcdoth his) backwards, '■ That is : to make.pctition to the foote That he will plcafe c'inftrua^ndcca«h the head When to co.niferatc my affaire. Ftref, Sigmdri I ncedc a comiaenc to your wn^-wcaUh bath bcenc fo cmfh'd, With th'mfulting Charter of (ucij Patents, That now th? very worddcfilcs the caolc. '■ 1 had thought y on Signior wouid haac ingag'd- %.iudui%iflf'(uL^a&teas;aii8hc . ' -0 ^^ '•".-••■ -No- QO X t" t i'?f!' -■J < f... ■ 97;^ Tm^*/? Brother, ^'eway reath|£ Wc mutt eate bread if wc intend to Uac; - ! \\\'> lio Which how to get ( vnU fff this huiible way •; : '-• That you deride) In troth I cannot tcU. It makes raennad tothinkc you ih^uldcxpofe ' < •; Vj.MenofHeart,tothofefartidiousheIpes ' 1 .. That fcspe your owne acceptance. Your wide Thrcate, Itr That foope *ill fvallov any thing which hiij Although it nourifli not. A pox vpon you al! / f«ref. T did fxoeft you would begin to ray le. ;. . ,- GoodtroubledSoulc/1 knewyou well before. , v:.': : Youarc the only Man^wbofc wealthy Mufc '>.:^' ■ V 1^0 Doth furnilh all the Fidlers in xht Stata • -. • ^- ?. : Withd fp'rateBalUds,and,inu; ftiucSongj..- ,; .v, ,.,; ■, Libcllsofruchwcakc farcy and cotnpofurc- :.•=.■-;.' ■ That we doealleftccmc irgreaterwrGng...'- ■. ;:-ji';' • A: T'haueour ?^ames Calunniat by inftinCtandm(piration. , lo J As if-iuft Hcauen would borrowGall ofyou, : rv^- 1 ^^^' Whert-with to wrirc our faults. (O ftri'..■■. Y^u imitate thfeprfipertiooliDog^at, • ■ v^ ; ^. J^ho barke andfnarle flnoftathiai theyJulaw pc« ; . - j^! .,-• . -1 Tor I... The (^rmll'Brother^ For eKe arong all thsfe yo^rQandaIttc Why nam'd you nae ? (^Jmoft a ftranger to your Eve 1 My Anccftors that built no Monument For their fam.s to dwell in ; You alfoJbring Intothe knowledge o(ihccciticke World. ' '■■ Why Icouldneun-fccxhccyet&ucdrunk'e: ,' ' Which makes thy Verfcn reele and ftaggcr fo. C*]^. C^mc fir / Wtf may exchangc'onc thruft vnfecne: They drnW fight M,?Q:f:fir^s.4ma tz^.^ dij^rmti him, Foref, A prety Curp / dare it bite a$ well as barke .' How now fir,your N4athe liaticjll thrufts .' Then haue at ye .. Yceld roe thy Sword,or clfe thoa dy'{f« I haue no ioy to fct at liberty A Soule fo vnprcpar'd. And as thou art My Enemy , I cake a full reucngc. By fuff^ringt^y corrupted blood, to dwell Enter k And taint within thv viincs- W'are difcoucred —Monke. Take thy (word Now get thee home and ray le vpon't, Bccaufe t'wouldfighrno better. C*fi. V^^'cnnaymeete i'th'darke. You haue a throat And there are Kniucs in Italj, Exit CafirMchit, F^refi. Agoodday attend my ghoHly father.' D(Jth this yourtfriancc bccrc difcouer ought. You would with mc? Monke. Your leafurc fiiall produce my vtKtancc. O Sonnc,y our fame i* of complexion dcerc. Such as enfnarcs the virtuous Eye to loue And adoration- Such as would procure All the sk'lfoll Ai g-:}sfui«'>stoher. And fuch aa fcrues tor i^iy encoar'igement ' For I no lettenJhaucjf^bnj Noble n-iends. Which a rtquirall fi ba' tht^ifctues inuite. By Cou'tlliipbold, aivj tronbrcfoTnie toothers, •. Noram iwitt^tha: w;Ch dnjcttallftor'd, That rultv^ t'^e might ,%t\a betcayps the nindc Totoy le in adefignftj whicKaitjeVs Hi aU''n, And n^aki^tl^e beuy II Hilufh. But^et (dtf<« Soiicc) liKiue%/wt^toth^ .' Fm^' 00 ^5 v.i If. i ti'j The Qrueli Brother, fmf Which I deHre to Vt&it'f ' ;* ' ''« '-^ ^ A^nke, In the ancient Coycnt oiS,Atifii>k- There is a holy brother lately .4m3, ■ ■ ^ ■ ; . •• Whofc place if youAVill butconfirofe'iohhjc '^' B y the Dukes letfcr to. the brother- hood, '' ' '■'• *■ ^' - ' ' •"'^'i Thenftall lbettttleaM'^adet6i)i:ay,v / •'^ f';- -' ; V'^^'-^ ForyouiTiy Patrbii. j. ;■•- ir : i. . .oj: . / f »r«/: Alas my Father !'^ ''^'^ '■''-' \ ' ' - -V^'x The times arc m It is the method now that'ybnt' dbfqrtiS '• 'v-' \' ^. ^^'-^ NcednQttovfherbutftrctecjJt^wjirci.^^^^ ''' • '- '5 v.. n w<,I-! TheTreatife (writt'enla^cly'jto&rifute, - " ■ - -■>>■■■ •' '' i' The dcfperarc fed in Mantua,cans hyou ' .' ""• •• "^:' ' The Author? . ■.'■•■ ^i:'^ : /•■ ,, ^(mk«. Itknowcsrnoo^hcr,';7' -■■■'■■ i n-jnH "^J4 Foref. There your preftfrnentfa!elytikcth*6bt^.-^ t*^ Bcleeue me (ghoftFy father) I wiU'choofc -• ^ -nJ~ ' toA Thefittcfttimetowokeinyburbehilfei • .v; .-. Afonke. Heauenprpjiperyourdeftgtws; Exit M*»%e» Fmre^, What throngs of grca^ impWirnCnts l^efi^c* The vcrtuous miadc ? fo thick in rtit^icftiy^,- • ■ i- '•» : j" a A They ioft Ic one another as they cotcei ; ' ' '• ' ; « Hath Vice a charter got, that none mnft rife ' •' - •: But fach, who of the Deuils faftion art? ; ''' J^' ;^'"' ■' The way to honour is, tjoteueirmpri'""'' '^ ^*' ■'> ^^VIV The way to Hell; aVertuous l^io ixftiy'clmibtfiV'r Let the flittercr fell his Ues, cife-i^^rc \ ■'■' '^'" It is vnthrifcy merchandize to change My gold for brcat^i. Of all Anragonifts- Moft charitic I finJciOjeoqipUsAeh..'' • For they doe fooncr hp^t therofcliit^jdi^hint- Or me,or hirBjthat i^s'd we y^. ' Ancnuiousmani«mad€of;houghts. ' To ruminate much doth meitthebraini:, ^' ■^• And make the hcartgrow kane. Such men as thifc fej i : Thatinoppofing waftc their proper ftrengths: c Thatlacrifice thcmfclucs ill filly hope, T!??- <^2U ."7;-> i.fb:f| AT .:'V f) 1. r# The C^uell'Brothef'. TV) butchei vs »• fauc Rcaengc a labour. And dye to make experiment of Wrath. let Faanc difcourfc aloud vntill die wane An Antidote .- 1 am not fcar'd wirbnoyfc, Heerel difmiflTc my feares. If I canfwcll (Vnpoyfon'd by thofe hclpes,which Heauen forbids) Fond loucofcafc, fhall neeremy fouledchort • Maugre all flattery, cnuy, or report. Exit F4reft*. Suters v/ithin. O good your Grace heare vs, heare the compjaints O f vs poorc Men •• O heirc vs .' we arc all Vndone / Gooti your Honour heare vs. Snter Duke nnd Lucio. P<*kS' Death encounter 'cm / Lwwfliatthedoorc.' J IS the plague of greatnefle, the curie Or pompc.thar in onr darkcft priuacie,wcemuft Eucn pubiique be to cuery Mans affaires. How now .' All thcfcGwcy Troopes of brawlinff Surors,attendonyoumy glorious Boy. I Luco Itisrhcirhumbleskillnottoarriue Before your Grace,bnt by an Aduocite A McdiaroiirMcfRd in your Eies. f "Y ;^"^='rtamltoloue;yct(,owobfercc V iikindncfle m my care.and birtcrneffe In Phy (j6kc. I ftiidy how ro -nake thee leflfe 7 h^t I may make thee n^ore and more my owne. . Ofl7ceand Uigmty arc Enemies To hcaltb.and cafe. Rcfpeft growes tedious Ubicruancc troublcfoire, where ris mofMue. HetiiargiueshisSoulenonnorcimpIoyment Then whafs her owne : may fleepe w^thir^a Drummfc. Win 1 e bn fie Hearts', fhatlooc ro vndertafce ^ Beyond their reach of y ceres : are faineto vfe Drowfie potions.- yet wfttch the Winter nieht ' Wichmorediftina.onthiivtheParifhGlcG^c..uiS.:; .-. , ;LouId ft thou refignerliy-fiiflesancd rhv Then ftarues for lack? of chac fupply Which coaecoas Aoabition calletti want* jPor when cDy Friend beggs^tny bouoty then Concludes The Qruell brother. Concludes to make me poore before that f)e 5hall fo vnthrifty be of breath coaske in vaine.' Diftradlion 'capocncfle /Omy Luti; Howcanft thou confter this. After I hanc chid I feemc to flatter thee, Lacf, My gracious Lord / •— « liuhf. Peace—— J will noojorc imploy my memory Thus to drfcquragc thine. Where's Fwtfit i T'ls fit he know yoD are not vigilant In his behalfc. TPtsrtlodtSforxA (My old Secretary) \i ntwly dead t The place is bis. I (hall expcdt no thaokes From yoii,nor yet from him t My bounty is rtquited in her choice. Lucio, Your Grace will bring vs bodi within tfaie reach Ofpibiiq'cenuy. 'DhV^ Thou now woold'ft cercific, His bi th obfcoreand bafe difcourageth 5uch carnt ft hclpe ro bis (o greac promotion. Not a iot I Know my Boy .' t'is the vulgar. Not the Royall trade to patch vp things j O r feeke to mend what was bi fore of qualitie i'crt'ca cnougii ii Kik. To i^ 'A'x a Msn Of nothing : why this fanae creation Enclincs a little ncere Diuinitie. Ncere the old performance i \Ahich from CA4*/ Drew this multitude of fubtiil formes. Lucio Since you ('the royall maker) doe commend The mcttall,and your workcmanfliippc ; ic (hewcs There's litile skiH Hiibofc tt'bichcnny him. Per*"/* is your Cr*4/*y*. Many times I doc acquaint him what the gcnerall voyce Doth vrgc inbis difgrace. He laughs icouc > i And fweares he Woi»W rKtt loofe that pt;iuile A 7( T- 8( E5 io 1^- Ice 00 -^." The. Q'liell brother. Asiffrou'i Ifr.ielhi.couKin. 'na nent.yiiU ff« biinfclf.*. doe (leivc • 1 ■ •, 1 iu' ft.)iL? uv iMcot c'l.vbuilr : vn'ci^che'Taifo I •;. Hi^ Mona.nynb»>niaaWirfi;-his.i ^ ;:■! ,;<; :;Vf»!/,^ On poucrtieobfcure an b.ifc. . riii."^ri t -' < £)<«i^ff. We ioeaff aiuschbughtS.Sochinduft y,.,.A Proclaimes hitnfit forhi;;hdefign.s: SoncMen Atccn.i die talking Drufnne,andridJJeout Th ir hues on Es'reh \ witix Maci')cfl3s5opbiftr)r : , , • .. iid Calling their loirc,thcu::ga(Joe,daniicr,dclight. :-•-•• Soiicmcn/conucjfc with BookcSjaoJujdtjtliebiaiac - ? In fulkn (ludy how to viritiicate ■. The liberal! Ar«i;TiiQ(c'lojreforraalitie, Then giowMtthodicall; and dv ith'darke. \-J5 Some pradife rules of.Soace^ndfufftrnDucfi - .-, ; • . <} Eoi; Hortorsfiikeriaay ti«adivpanefacoifclucs At firft ; CO reach the higher. Some purfue The Plough ; and in their wbolefomc fweatdoe fwiromc. And fome that turniih!ft? X iic iicacc or my atrection.and where c'is i\x'4, "itititift. Duke. Hcarkc .' furc the gallery doorc is k& vnlockt. Arc wedt-bardallplaceofpriuacie? , -' Nature in vs hat h loft her vulgar right. A loodc.bawlingiutor i, doth not waken . (30 CJiaritie, but deafen her, A Ihamc vpgn 'cm all.' in Lucio. Exettnt Xuke 0-LMeifi, Enter Snttrf «^ tht other dtu>rt,.r I. Heaucn bkflt his Grace / a. Amen : and my Lord the Counts goodHonor. 3. FricDd>'weHtthcDukethi»way?/> -,: Bb' a. Hecrc^Jhisway. .-. : , j.,,, . ... ; . .. 3« Pwy itKw m h'm t they call Si^itihr Imi* The ne (^rucir brother. 3. Tfie<"ounc. CoTic, I'le (hew you him, J. Follow, fjllow, foilow.- £xef^ntl^ Fnffr Dorido4w^Co(inaci Dor I>>ft ircerc ? Cefim», Co ft. What fay ft thou? - Dor, I pucthee Itay , why flip but hecrcafiife An'i thou (hal' fee the moft rtff^kndent Fopp^ ThaccticrdiJdircreditNiture. Signior Lotltarto ; a Countrey Gentleman 3atPowtheCou;t Baboone zwhoperfwadeshimfclfe, (Out of anew kindeof inadncfll^tobe enter Loth4rhy The Dukes fauorifc, Hccomcs^ Th'otijcris 'SvrHchia*- A bundle of Prouerbs : whom he feduc'd From the Plough ; to fetuc him for Prcfcrmcnc. Lotha- Borachie, 'Bor. My Lord? Loth, Suruay my garmeriEsround,and:hcn declare - Iflhauehitit? Bor. Youhauefirtbutnotthemarke. Leth. What marke? thou bold Parilhioncr of Hell. Bor. Why Sir, the markc'l aimc at : Pfcftrmcnt. After a ftorme,comcs a calme : the h3rc^er I'i;;: Llo.v, il-c looucr your CheeKes WilUke : and he That carei for your anger, may haue more of'c When he lift, for rov parr, 1 know my Mother. Lfth. The frowanl Sifters hauc confpir'd.Slauc / Dog , V^'ilt thou ncucr leaue this immvnfe folly ? On nothing fetue thofe^JuU Lippes but Prouerbs ? Str. Sir.I knownoneofyourl rouerbs. Fiiftcome, Firft feru d. Thcfe words that are nccrcft the tongue, Haue opportumtic fooneft to leaue ThcflBOuth. Loth. Is ft then decreed, I muft grow mad? Bor. riebejoorr.oreflowtedjtiorbruW.notl Whit need my Lord, be beholding to mc Foi'« minh t when be may laoghai 's owne foUj ? ' C 3 fleftaSt' 30 07 J.."' The (^ruell Brother. Befides though motion and cxerciTe ] Be goeJ for grofle bodies ; theretore, rrofithejr Ofthe Guard,pitch me vp and downe like abarre / Loth. Sa, la, fa.A mutinieinHcaaen/ Bor. Ifchi-rcbe; You are not likely to COme Thither to appcafe it, firft end cfarisqaarreff Vpon earth, I hauc feru'd you this Rxt Meocths, In hope of an OflRce ; and am no more An Officer then (he that bore me. Loth, Ala* poorc foolc 1 I pitty thee. Thou wilt befeeue nothing Bat that which may be (cent 6r vnderttood. Ifay thou art an Officer. Or if thou art not Thou Ihalcbc ; which is better: for that fame Which we now enioy is in fome danger To be loft : but that which wc ncuer had Cannot be loR before we hauc it. ^•r«. O rare concludon .' (Count Loth, Bclides. Looke he:re and then retoycc. Is the (IVl.oui clicy call tny Kmall \tWDMkes tauour) Is he ( I fay) accoutred like to xae i' Why hisflceues fie like ftockins on his Armes. Hts Brccc'ies are like two Clokebags, halft fowde Together in the Twift : and hisotlier Garments fiicw like PlayRers on him. Follow. •',,■. And make thy fortune fat. Bom, Well. He that ftillexpeas,but tires his hope, What One cannot, another can : t'ls fo With dayes and houres too. And for my part £xeuHt Let the GlafTc runne our. Lotk.'Bor. Dorid. His Man's as full of Prouerbs As a Co'iftable : hccoyns "em himfelfe. Caf. And fuch another Headc-pccce fill'd with Wh»y As ii the Mafter hecrc, the Sunne nere faw. Dorid. HewaflccslikcaZealaod-ftorkc. - , ;. CAJi. Uuc fuxe the Dnke '- , f . i • i ;•.•; Enables ert«rifitlKirfancy,by forte : '.n-; Behaulour The Cniell Brother. h': f.r 65- Behauiour e<|tHUalenr to what The Maft-T,and the Man cxpeft : for elfe Folly cannot be fo fickciy-Eied s but time Will £»iue it ftrength to know it fclfe. Dortd, Why fir ; this dignifies the Icaft. They fcarcc Ere faw the Duke ; and are lefle knowne Vnto the worUi. His Grace well apprehends. Thcfe voluntary miftakcs of Nature, In prefcruation of their intclLds, Are fitter fubicds for accidencall mirth. Then a Comicall continuance. It is A Icuitie too humble in a Prince To hecdr fuch trifles. C<>r* Nay — Prcthcc lead the vrjy; Etttmt 9mm$. Alius Secundm. Scena T'rima. Enttr FoRHSTB Mtd LviNNa, FORMS, I cannot tell , why thou ( my Girle) (hould'ft In ray aduanccmcnc thus. Honour.and place (ioy Bring fullen thoughts vith them : bufineflc of fuch A ragged qualiiic. as takes away The amorous garbe : thofe foft wanton touches. Wherewith the youthfull flatterer betray es The weaker fide to a&ion : whofe efifcds More weakenciTe brings. 1 (hall no leafurc hauc To com fort thee with (miles : when t'is afsign'd That I muft venture for a Boy : t'will be Inhaflc. Mybufincffewillnotfuffernie To ftay,and make a prologue to the idx, Toki£k,pr fimper inuitation* Lain, it is not Gx I apprehend you now. But I wi(h that you would know; My ^tf U fo well prcfero'd frooo alt corrt^tion i Which 00 iL,\ ^fhe Cruell Brother, " Which either yowh : or fowle example mi^t .,^ Pro'^ucc i that it inr.plores for (vffcrtncc, To cerccfic the world how ftrong ic is, Ftrtfi. I was aiVor'd before. Thisisthetitnc," ^ which I (hall oblige poUeritie ' ^ Or fall (my wench) by flattering error. Hafl thoucoffty (iflercounfailegiuen? Ii'ftrndions fafc .' whereby her a&ions May warrant her promotion well dcferu'd, Luw, It was my tongues laft imploymcnt. Foref^ I would haue her we^rc her g owing fortunes^ In a handfomc fafhion : Dt^ but obfcrue The vnpolhfli'd garbc of Citty dairies : of thofc Whom fathers purfe-ftrings hoyfevp to honor. Ho IV they 4oc fuckc th-ir Chinncs into their Necket. Simper with vnskilfu'.l leuetie : anl trip On rheir wanton Toes.like Kibc-heel'd-Fayries. The Dcuils damme fliewes like a veftallNunne To them : more powerfiill in hamilitic. Inftrud my Sifter, gentle v^'ifc. r- Enter L"ci«, Luc'o I (hallbetarnciVtomy vrmoftsVill. • Ftref My Lordiscome,wberc'smy 5iUcr LucfH. With the Florentines who inftrudeth her in L««*. Signior Fercfle, (nouficke. Exit. Youfeemyloueisrudcandbolde. lam Tiie vfhf r to my owne cnrraocc. Foref Mv good LorJjThc prouerbc willperrwadeyoB: Tobe bold, with wharsyourowne. Your title's ftrcng, both tothc houfe.and mc. \.Hcia. I am in «iebt for both, wilt thou not chide Tofcemy heartaflume.ihislibcrtic ,\ ' Mfjttkt Vpon n-.y Tongue ; before it rightly fknowas/' Thy fiftcrs heart: . i, '>. / ^ 'v The Duke confcnt,a<; vet vnaskcd too:' hcatke? . '. '' ' Foref. t earerhatnoyfejtistroublefome : cenfeMH/i, Lucio. HoW'Forefit f Haft thou eatci^all^^lvi.lt;tl^0tt ,. i?; cnct fuch hopefjjllhar cnony , or is , ^. ' " " '^, ' ^^ 20 OS 3C ST 4c^ ^r Si> The Qruell brother. Thy thrift vnnaturall, wilt thou forbid Thy friend to fhar? in what is good, fwcct tongue And handjperfift in what your kindncfle proflferd, j? Ftref. Obey him,if the mitfick not dcferue Your ftrift attention : You muft blame your fclfe/ Stni^ Lucif. She«wraetheway i^or(/?f .- Ftref. Whicherfir? Lhcio. My heart is ftolne out of my eare ; let mc But know the thicfe,and lie forgiue the robbery. Spcakc; who ift that, with a voycefo amorous And HirilljConfounds the others hollow organ ? Still fo rcfcru'd, and vnto mc. Enttr C»rf4. Ftref Why then lookc thcre,the voyce was hers.goe fir And take what elfeyou would enforce from my poflefsiou. Lhc'%0. IsthisthatchildofOr/jJbtfw? how? kiieele tome? Foref StaySir — If fhe confcnt buttoabufc- The propertie of motion in fuch kindc As may exalt her perfon but on fuch Aboue this height : I am her enemy For cuermore. Confidcr what yoodoe. She brings no portion bat humilitie, -^ •^' If lierfirft payment faile: who dares aflure The future debt ? Pray looke into her lappe : YoiiMe finde flie comes not from the Eall enricVd With DiamondSjbright wealth : whofcwaaton Worth VnskilfuU fancy prifcs not from vfe But from the idolatrous doting of the cic. Her chafte obedience is all her dowric. O bitter fpeech / it cutimy very foule To thinke that fortune (hould create vs tore Meerc patterns of your charitic. . , Lucio. Dare you authorize this Idolatry i Then rickneele too, ' j; Ftrefl. And I, ; ^ , • ■ Will ioyne to make th'offcnce feucs Ingratitode, For he dcftroyd the memory of Man : ,♦- But I fluH ncere forqet on what ftrange cermcs I2S | ■jron take m^ to your bed. iMh, fxccUcnt wretch /I am vndonc withioy 120 The (^rucll "Brother, I will not blame the Coward to fcare death. Since the worldcontaines fuch loy a<. this. .Why doe you weepe Lady ? can you fuppoTe F«refie would confent to what is done, Vnlcflc he knew there were no danger int ? Siire his Mocher was a Sibyll ; he fees With a prophctique aime ; the end ofhit Defignes ; before they come to adion. He is too wife^to erre. Why weepe you then ? Corpt. It is a folly in my Eies. T know not why they weepe ; vnlcflTe they weepe Becaufe they now haue loft their lib^rtie ; Hceretofore each man. which chance prclentedL Was to them a lawfull obied : but now, Thty are to looke on none butyou Lucio. Marke then the bondage I impofe on mine« My poorc eies haue no obic6^,but your fee : Of which I will depriue them thus — • Ceuers her face Shroude thee in thy veftaH ornaments. ^ith her tthitt Creepe, cr«pc,my glorious Sunr-c,behind a cloud. I^mU^ For els my eics, willfu fcit with delight. I neuer felt true ioy till now. Me thinks A briskealacritie,animble fire, Conuayes mc ftrangcly from my fltih. N^'t the Cannons.lron-entraile, when wrapp'd Wit 'in a fwarthy cafe of troubled Aire, Could < quail me in emphafis ot Motion. Corpt Though Mo efty would fuff r mc to boaft, Vt-t t'wcri not m the power of breath, to make Mv ioy foknowne, asi isfclt Lhcio, Comcti en (my deare Cor/i J the Prieft attends Within ;xheworld wants Men ;and Hymen is A nn ble God. When .ill is pa(t preuention The Duke fhall know my choice. Exh. Enter Dorido : *rtd Cofirao : Dtrid. This d(TgTace,makcs thy Coufcn boylc his hcjrt In his owne blood. D a Ccf IH h J 90 oe Jl.U JJ- The Qruell 'brother. Cof. He hath writ a moft peftilcot LiboU Which muft b: fungall about the city. By one he calls bis Da wr; A tal], bigg,fc]low,' v£ *Dor. I know him. He (ingslikc Ph/iUrU BmB, Cof. I fuppofd at firft, he would haue fcnthitn A Challenge. Dor. But that's contingent now: Forejle Being made Secretary of State. I q Of I'hnic heard oth' new edid, which inflitutc* Amilkrious toy, i'ch' Hatband, for thofe Of the fad ion. Dor, W hy about two dayes fince .♦ one of the fed Sent me a Challenge. Becaufemy fifter ,5- Drunkehis Lords health, with her Quoifoon. Eachhoure Thefe giddy Participles docimbaiquc Thcmfclnes for Duels. The one is a kinnc To my honorable Lady. 1 h'othtr Toroy very good Lord. EHter ^aflruchi^.^iO Cof. There comcsmy Ceufcn, chawing his leanc heart, 2)or. Good morrow to the C ourt Saty rift. Cafi. The world is altred Dotido, Fortfle Is ftcppM beyord my reach: we cannot mcete In Duell : The Heralds ftand betwccne, ^^ But my fine ThraiTi, can fing yoa a new Lybell. Dor. VVc ftiall haue your Thrufli, in a Cage fliorily. Remember, who you dcale withal). Cofi. Hai5g him, dull, open flauc, His thoughts may be Difcernd, through the (hauing of a dcale boid. 50 pie fift and winnow hiu>, in an old hat. Dor. Prethee (fwectc Cf/irhcbio) Icaucthy barkcing. »Twili be trcafon fhortly for any man. To carry earcs, within chrte miles ot thy Tongue. Cajf. Why S-. I, with thy fclfe. • a- Cof. Andthcnthoufpend'ftthy Gall, with more ludiCCa Then when, thou ray I'ft againft Foreftt, Caft. Cry you mercy ( precious Cox) Hath tart^ty So great a fhatc in y our tongue too ? Sy ropathy Iscorapted: Behold fociety 5S Amongrt the wicked ; whilrt a vcrtaous man. Is left alone to refiU his bad fate. Let him chide the fulfome Age, railc agamlt The Times, aloade ; though in a Vault : ottwccnc Two Hills. He (hall find no zealous ccchoe. To fecund his bold Language. When 1 dye^ 1 d) c a Marty r to the Conomon-wcale. £itfrr Lothario 4»e(S fuch curious rneate. I can eatc I ^o Oatcs.snd Garlick.vo'^er my owik- Roofe. Dond. Hlow ? wiWT^orachie Icaue the Court? Cafi. Whit ccidenroMire poitcnrisf-ilne^ Lfth. G nlcmtn an laiidc my patience : Btcanfe, H. cannot furnidimc with who'cfomcSutes, i^^ He- doubt": my power to get 'em granted. Cajt. Why we, will furnifii him with <;utes. ^»ra. But wont yee floute,and play the knaue with one? Ca^. How (Knaue.'} was that the word? Bor^. Interpret the word.asyour felfe ftall pleafc. / / o iXcoine to be your Diaiojiary. I ' Marry The £ruell Brother, Marry come vp t Are your earcs fo tender ? I hope I'm a Man.although a finner. Cufi. Vfe no choller Amorous childe. But if Thou wanteft futes,thy Lord being necre the Duke, May furnifti thee witli Ctf. Or mc thinks thou would'ft become a knighthood Gcthi-n tobepg ic for chcc, "Bor*. No, no. Hot words make but wartne aire, A figg For a Knighc-crrant ; chat hath a ftile,and nere a hedge. Dorul. Then get a Patent to furuay Brine-pits. Or elfe for cafting Ordinance in Lome. C4Ji. Or elfe learch Saint Pettrt patrimony, Lay Prebendrys arc good,and Symony Is an old Paradox. Bor*. Holdc,ho!de Enough fufficeth all women but vrhorcs. He that expeds the Morning lengthens the Nighs Therefore Itraitway let my Lord get the Duke To figne thefc Patents : which done rie rcturne to the wife of my bowels. And dye for ioy, C'tfi' Why this, is fit, and requifite. Of* If Signior Lothario doc confent. Loth. It is decreed. Bora, W ho would haften Time,when wc may be old Too foone. Let me take downc a Cuihion.and pray. For I (hall hauc more dignitie then will fufiicc To damne a Monke. Caft. W ho could perift in a better caufc ? Bora, Why.can Ihelpi it ? If a man bcborne^ To Offices. Oras my Maimer fayd, Prcdeftinate in the wombc of greatneffe. Tis not our faults. Each man obayes his Star re, Infpight of his Teeth, JDor, Altthisia Alcaron. Bora, One thing grieues me. I'ae a badd memory Alread/,and now t'w ill be made worfc. CO _*^ The Cruell Brother. 0»fi» Hovcanpfefcrmcnt hurt thy memory? Bora, O Sir .' preferment makes a roan forget His deereft frit^nds j nay his kindred too. (Aire. Cof. Looke, Thy Mafter's building more Caftlcs.in the Cafi. He has intelligence from Spainejand fortcfics, Tone parpbfe j»ainft the next Spring. Loth, All offices {hill be fold i'ch* darke Bora. HovV .' Grow not old in anothers garment, Sell what's your owne, Some of chofc offices Are mine by prom ife- Loth. StiU.croffe to my defignes.IIe firetch your SinW«-« Dor. Hold .' Signior Lothario, hold / Mercy Becomes the powerfull. Bora. Lee the Deuill take the Knighthood, and make His Damme a Lady. I'lenotbchis Afle, Exit "Ber. Loth. That feru'd for blowes,and Prouander. rttHnirt^ after him, T>or, Lets relieuc 'SorathiOf or all our Comick Scenes Are at an end. Exeunt Omnet, ]50 IBS' £«^[ a. , r \o His anger ftraighcdifmiffed the Argument, - • • iV And feiz'dvpon the Nation, nay rayl'd; ■ : ■ " ; Jrl Againft the [.eigcr too, whofeoppofitioo,: i ! .ti^<.'v MightbetrTiiddewastoofticeai-Virtac,: 'J ' O .t.oii Batcouldnotbcaiccufedasavice, /- ..vrar..: ■■...:.-. /^ Tis -■vr The Qruell brother. Tis knowoe indeed the French doe take a pride, In the eirphaHs of fudden anger, As if alacritie in ill did make^ The fault looke handfomeIy,andjdulne(re adde Deformitic to finnc. D«if. Tis faithfully obfcru'd. Foref. S wcU'd with vncharitable pride : fuch as Admits no ft ile of Neighbour •, as it growne Aboue the vfe of friend (hippe. They feeme to call Thofe mighty Ilanders ncert ft their foylc, Poore borderers to their Continent. Such, Whefe thinne numbers, haue inbloudy battaile, Made their mulncudes their inopcdiments, Worne their Enfigncs.iiifteadofgaudy SkarfeSi Dnhe. The chance of war, Admitteth many rimesef Miracles, Euenfuch, as doedifcredit Hiftory, High-prouidence corfers the conqueft there. Where probability conferdthe loffe. And this is done, chat we may attribute The prayfe to him that gaue the viSory, Not to them that got it. Obfcrue bcfides. That when the wcake doc ouercome : the ftrong, Doe leauethac ftaine, for their Pofieritie To wipe away .• which is already done ; The French, haue fiery niirble fpirits. Foref. Your Grace dcalcsiuftly in your praife. They Spirits : but they all are vfeleiTe made, fhsue By forward and affoftate violence. He that fpends his fury, and his ftrength I'th' firft charge, muft not hope to make's recreate, So nobly, astlie raodeft Gonnbatant, <" Whofc onfrt flowly mooucs : as careful! not T'outride his skilU Their vAlldur is c'attem|>t. Not to per forme. T'isa giddy Nation; And neuer ferious bet in ttifles. 1>Hks, TboudoeftmiftakeinnaturaUc#»!^] E Where Qc- 23- 30 ?•& He HS <^i jt,m The (^rueH brother. >iin' ^CT'M- where Fancv is fo ridi,t'it irlcauc your creature tnorepbrcure kftetlts* Then when you own^Jhim firft. Nowis the time.. ;./ i Tofiiew your charity Diuine.ifilcftjWi i . Whatyouhauc.mad?* . ;{ti .,4';ni;c; r , • '. . The Qruell "Brother. 7)Mk: Ftrejfe this is ill What, cinfcdcracc with vngouem'd yonth ? But rife.we pardon you. VVherclsthc Lady ? EnttrCtrft, Rare beauty .' : ' > 6u bnuv our pardon,and our fauour too. I thus muite more knowledge of your worth. Belceut me Lady : you haue a feature That ttouldbt tray a more expcrienc'JEie ' ' Then Imcic's is. Excellent wrctcli / with a Timcrcus modefiy, fhe ftiflcih vp H.-r vttcrance. O fuc'; a pregnant Eye .' And yet fo How of fpecch j is a wonder More d; lightfull, then any Nature roaKcs. Haft thou Lhcxo fo much vnh p;-)y witt. As to be i ealous yet? wilt rhoufoppofe Thy ftlfe fee :rc inourdiicourfc .' Lhcio Hcauen forbid, your Grace (hould er'e imploy Your ti , c fo il! as to difcourfe with her 'Tril arewjtalous, 'Duf^e. Come hir'icr L.idy,come..co^refre,how chance Yiu hrsue be witch'd m, Bny y^iih fubril! (miks. With wanronh.'uiouro'^hofe pretty Eics- Doth He.iu.n heltow fijch Noble ornaments, Tobcabiir;.dmtbe vfe: and now He is your Prn'oner too, in chcerefull bonds. Ho I' can you naiie rhe ht art to makt (vd^ fpoile, Andha-.iock i.fhis beauty / hih .' fp.-akc Lady .' Cor ft. r hope your Grace hat ) thoughts more raercifuH. I know this marefi was made in Hcauen j and not Pio 'ok'dby any finfull.irtinme. How I haut V *u him in this little time That he hath bin my Lord : let him declare. My duty ifo (trial I need not biufh roheifkircth^rtorytoW. - J j^-i?^^ ' No.'^bt>ke,Idoltethei^e. His Eies for very jhamc Their lufter's loft arircrep't intd his head » Encircled with the wcakelycullor blew. . ^'' Ea jhc ^o ^5 /CO JOS' lit l\er /CO lli'^ A; Ji-.'" The Qruell Brother, ^s i4o The Rofes in his Cbeekes are wtthered quic« His clecre and briske afpcA is miiddy now And dalt t His voyce (that was To (hriU s androald EacnTrunBpet-like.outfcoldcthcEcchoe^ /3>o 1$ hollow ^rowne.and korcc.Haae you then va*d him w«^. Your Mariage we wilfoleamuBewish a«%ie», AndReucls. IfZnnctttioneaernBcanc, To gc( reward for4iubtiitk.|fiMioW« . . We /^^ \S0 \5B The Qru^U Brother. We take no? ic? ( Uf«) She fs thy rriff. And thy lifter our Fffr^y?«. ,^ 5- Ftrtf. I^V. VVeywrGwwhiwjBbjI^i^Q^ituitf. Forff, AfFc^ionisbecomeaParafJpei Serines to pl^ifejwjiorattfaflnp^ljcifj^^ . . JBus Terthis, Scena Trima, Enter, DoRioo, Cf»«f mo, Castrvchxo. DORIDO, Knowne,bywhom.'byCitty«witt$.* Cof, Ormy Ladysworkemcn. 2)#r. Who ncVe faw verfe, bftc what th^ir %CQri irrit. Which they read like Prole too. C*/. Tie not difcredit my patience, t;?lKc on, £" Dw. They fay you are particular witt^a Great Lady. ' C*f. Yes, and her Penfioncr. D»r. Some loofc thing ('belike) yet will be at charge. To fecure her fame from noyfe, Forchoaprayft /o Againft all lechery but thine ownc._ Cof. Andfliehathwifli'dinwitty.pcriitcnce, Thou had'ft bcene (ingle in the world. Dor. I, for then (he had I iu'd chaise. He growex angiy, . Hiseieslookercd. , is C4fi, No Sir. ThjBy |bU»(h to fee a Fcvok, ' D»r. TVerefittheywouldimploy their nriodcfJy At home* For^houartafo(^einprint. !, C«f. V«hadhelin'd, whenthcoldSybflV PrefentedherdiiuineManu^criptSjto , . ■ • >. ^^ Thedall Romanejbcwouj[dhaiwef(;oldf^wiifrten . VnleiTe his Pamphlets had at win'd the firft ' ' \' Acceptance. CD CO JJJ-. ^he tmell'lBr other, Iyer Twc. 'foreucry'poccthihlcs'hlmf^Ifc ■ Thebcft Poet in the world. ' 25" Of' AndthacSaryrnotthewflp-ftlwhtrfn^' He chides Woii:pn,f6r'wcii't%«T«JiFHttfe^u£fr»; Which pinn'dbehin'.1tfkf^*fbihiat«f!^^he ft o*; ' '- - Or makes 'cm looke, like I*ntu with two fice*. 't)6rui. A iuft cxccftion • forgoing haltily 30 TokiflTe his whore ; he could not find her Mouth. Cof. w hy fure her breath was ftrong enough. To dire A him to it. ' .; C*ft- Vet I haue hcardnothing,but what dcfcrucs More pitty, then anger. 35" Dorid. No Cof. qan you deny this Coufcn Satyrill ? Dorid And nothing makes Learning (o chcapr;but that Euery writer fells his works. €xit C^firuchit. Cef. Nay let's follow; and worry hi n to ptcccs. they tif- terhim. ' '• ' " . £»«»-Lucio,WFore(lc. ■ • Tfr,ii Lncio, forffte' Our fiiihc is cbhtriu'd abooe. ' r i *., / If our Maf^er proouev6kift*d, the Planets v' j Goucrne ill: For our gratitude, and care, i..-'" I>e(crues more conftancy. ., ; Forejfe Lopke«hcfofl:rapgelyonytfe?'f* '/j ... r.; ^ LfiSf9. As jf the ob ic(^ Were birt new to hith :. ?;>'^ And his ownc heart vnl'etfcd in His breaft.= ' Foref. Is his violence fofodnttir'dpr&njsiy rr : TheRcgirtei:bfybutownc|dd'ds.^peakc5ir, '.■ .» Haue YO^focpgfofjf'dhtiseiiiTj^vis ifthfir '-^ '-'-^ ib-,^ fc Organ, wcfejiOurs^ Apt; fns. Cohfin't* Vnri to Jl '..'urj ajlT Your owne tongue : ahd fo'di-prifa^iifhe fofKtfli^l^v.aV . Tfcc grieu'd in heart, of an^eafic audience ? • -2 ^> ri r^A The Qr mil -brother. tort^. Since you haue n)af»d the Dukts prc/igatlo^ 1 r And by his Inue hrld oppofition, o -» At fuch great aduantage . did you c're flight With chcapc regard, thofc of high, and Noble birth ? Lmio. My fouleabhorraliich tyranny-' ' '• ■ Fortf. Haue thofc who weare th'Ercrnalls Udcry ' q. o Bought their wages of yc ? Or haue they found « Bold, and iki full flattery, more helps Aduaixemc'i t ; then decpe and mode ft Learning ? Lucio. Ncucr,(iace my diftinaionwasof powers Tohcipeitsc'ioyce. -^^ Foreji. Innicctria:i,oreuidcnccofLaw, Hath Cufto;r)c(whichonlygiuesvs hope Of certainty in lulUce) bill traduc'tj . .'' . ' By your obfcurc helpc ? -i • .'^>■■ Lmcto. Ncucr. ■ ' ''•,■.!■: . Foref Hath the defolate Widdow fcat'd mercy From your eies, with hcroldruin'd beauty, (For griefi was ncuer amorous) or hath The coroc Begger too foone difmiflcd your.chat itfe Bccaufc nor gidd; enough to dcJigdt ' •'' ' •'• ^5 Wantoncflc. Lueiff, Neuer. Fare/. Tlien if our grc2tMafter withdraw h» loiic ; • Thcweightoffi.flFcraDCecio^otb'ruifeye; • For the whole world willfharci'ih' burden. ' Enter a ye/Mg Gentleman }^if ha Litter, Lucio. From whom is this fi: ? Gent, From my Lord Ma ^lifc de Loritt4, Lucio. I hun biy kiirehishand. gent. Now luckflatrrme bur once, andlamnifldei—; Ti» fhort.piay heaacnic bcfwccte,ori1cncrcloue '^ Tbc-PrOHerb. hicio. Sir, haue you euer bin irvfcruicej ■ ~ - VoJer any eojincnt Commander ? ' • ' gtnt, Ncucryet. L«f«. Ho ^ : o ^ I •i-'l The (^ruell Brother, Litelo. Rc»i!C thefe Far^/Fr, '5^ How Rcputati sn leflenJln tfftcitici Courtefie growes fo chcape,that deniall, Secmcs tefletroublcrbmc rhcn confcttt. And performance isbn!y Laxy The labor of fubfaiptiort hinders rfjore, s^ Then thought ofthat.to Which it doth fubfcribc. This Letter weald fainc make yen a Captainc In the new Troupes, fent to the VaUaHne. But Cure yoilr modcfty will teach you baolke The graont, though I flioold beg ye to rcceau'c. t c Foref. Sir. Shall the grey head, the old Souldict-j That tries mi^Fortboc by his conftancy In fatFerancc ; affronts the winters rage ( Whilft his blood is frozen into Corrall, His finnes into Wycr : whofe Vallor thinkes ^5 To veare Chain'd fliot, as bracelets on his Loynet . Shall his preferment be intercepted ? Shall he now trailc a Pike vndcr a Boy, Whofe experience is younger then his face ? 'Lucio, No, the frien:l(bip of tht noble MarquilTe 1 o Shall neuer countenance vniuft dfcds. Finde a Sute more capable of my grant, Andyojji^ acceptance, it '\% your owne. Ch4trt4t the Gent, NobleSignlor, ricputyetothetcft. Arntf, Fortf. Princes letters are cheaper far then thofe '^5' Which Scriucners put to Tale. Iffuch Pigmyes, Apes in doublets, procure command O'th* Cam^, Let the Cranes wage war agen. No oppofition Is too weaketo ruinate. — Goe young Lord, The Poke is ill accompany 'd, if only ^0 With his owne thoughts. Difcoucrmore. Perhaps Hisdifconcent concernis not yoiu LHcio. I fcarcy^jc Bjy hopes would fainc comfort me. Farewell. ''Baem* ttiintu Enter. The Qrmll "brother. ^tif hxmZt mid Dutic, iMtn. lwoaIdnotbtvnai*nnerIy,bucir She be aclcafnre, tell her, I am heere. Dm. Pleafe your Lady ffjip to fit, Il'c tell her fo. enttf 5hc's come already. Corfs, €97 f4. I faw your entrance. HowdoeyonSifter? Lmn. I humbly thankc y cur honor, 1 am well, Prny difniifle your woman : I would impart A priuacy. (bring Cor/4. Watch my Lords comming from the Dh^c , and Me word, before he is vncoach'J. Dua. 1 fliall. exit 'Dnartt, Luin. O Madam Time is now grownc eld,and runnes But flowly , I thought each Howcr,a yeere, Vntj!) I faw your Lady (hip. {tr. Why wbai'it. e nnatter? I hope my brother's well, Luirt. Yes, I thankehtaucn. Bur pray come hither. W ho Joe you fup/>ofc was with mc iafl night. When my husband was at Court ? C«>-yi. How fliould I fell, without you inftruattic. L«t*. Why eiue a gucfll*. C'^f*. The Lady 'BenuoUayOr the Lady JTtruvia, who was it } hntn. Nay t'was a Man too, C»rf4f That's fine i'faitb, pray name him to mc. L«»». What thmke you of the beft man in Sienna? C«rf4» How .'was the "Dfti^ With ye? Litim. Yes, difguis'd too : he cither came, Cor clfc Pretended foj to mcete your husband there. After fome talkc,( in which be did cxpreflTc His loue %Q all our family ) he gave An ample praifc of you : and fayd he faw Already fo much Worth in your faire bread As will addc a knot to your Lords Heart, And his owne : nay and make his conAaut loue F \ ^7 The (^ruelllBrother. HO A paticmc for cuery roy^U Maftcr. 36' Corf4, Indeed.Idayiypriy.tdhaueicfiW^ X.MM. Th^nhegaucmechisftnielevrelljtoyou' He rccommcndcdthe rec«f pt of thif . Corft. Truft (Tie vrenc1i,they are both full of dor/ Rarely cut, andfcr. " Luin, Your's is the better of the twaine, Cerf*. It is. But truely I triflike the manner of The gift. DoIVthoi thinkc his thoughts arc honorable ^ Iprcthccrdlme? j^ ^ . LHftt. Th'are fuch as I fufpefted at the firft. Such as made me to refufc thcfc Icwels. He fwore f was a Tray tor, if I thought Hemeantamirte. Or iff did deny To bcare this fame to yon, I did but ill ^^ Requite his kind reqaeft vi.to my husband. Then in the clofc he vfd fuch Arc, fuch fubtillphrafe. To free his thoughts from the ftricft iealoufic Of mine ; as reconcil'd me to obey his will. You know befides how harfli it is to chide SS Wirh Maicftiffj or flight Princes fauors. Corfi. rie flicw it to my Lord. • Law I had thought t'haue Ihcwne my husband mine to© But {incct'is capable of curious Queftioning, I mcane to ftay awhile. (at once, (^o Corf4. Thou counfayl'ft well. VVee'lI veare ^m both :-;ine IS the beft, I c're was Miftrcffe of. Enter Dmtrtt, Ijtin. And mine is not ecclipfcd much hy yours. />«*. Madam,myLordisnccreathandl Cor fa. Come 5iftcr, we fhall heere the ncw^cs at Coort. C^S titia, rie waite vpon your Ladyftip. . „ JExemtPtmit* Enttr Caftruchio, Lothario, Borachio. JIT, iv C^fl. Sir Knightibeleeut Ftrifi, is the Man : Thjit dull your reputttion widithc Dttkc, The Qrue II "Brother, AndAibbornea the Cotint againft ye. .X«/k DaresheconcrolemypBrpofes? Ci^. AskehoneftJfMcfcfieKe. »#r«. Nay He»Je not faelecuc mcithough I ftoflld fwear c You flout him behind his backe . and when a man Sees things plaiocly i he netde not buy fpeftadcs, Till he grow old. Loth. I'le mince the Villainc into fand, to fill My Howerglaflc — Cajt, In this Garden he walkes continaally Afrcr dinner. Hcerc ftay, and cxped him. AndSigniorinthis skin of parchment; markc What paincs 1 take, to prefed your reuengc. I'th* fiiape of a tree (which takes rootcin Hell) You (ball difcoucr all hisbafc dircenr. On that branch appeares a Hangman. Then, A lakes-man, thcn.a Tynker. On's Mot^icrs fide A Bawdc profefs'd. then, aTybb. then, a Trypewifc, A Synagogue of VVelfli Rabbys j could not Exprefle more skill in Genealogies, Then this includes. Sir, (hew it him, and he Infaniatcs Itrait. Ifith, Pic make him wearc it on his forehead. C*ji. Excellent rage .' but not a word of me. I humbly take my Icaue. extt CaJIrnchie. Loth Not the foure winds {'met in March) fliall coolc my Bor4. Sir,novwearcpriuat,tisafittirae (Tplecne To be troublefomc — (biood - - Leth. He cram Cerberus,vvith fopps made of the flauc» 'BtTM. Concerning thofc Offices, inac thought on 'em. And will hauc 'cm all in fpightof 5o&«m teeth, cnt. h'or, Fortf, Signior Loth4ri$ I Seraehio too. Thou arc an honcft feltow» £«r4. 1, your worfliip is wife, to fpeake no more. Then wbac you may well (land too. Lnk Bafeftemme,deriu*dfromlfopei:oote, Our ADce^ori were not fo familliar. F 2 Beboldr £ ID QC 2s ■^o ^^ o -^ w A" 1(1 T'he CrHell Brother. Behold,&grovmorc(nsn!iertf. fluimthiitts P^rthmtntt ^o Fmf, What"! hccre ? My Ptrdigree ? Souc faarcy knaue Hach counfcllM hinrt, to this aJFronc. What he, Emtr Tmuftknowch'origmtllproieccor. -■ firMms, Lay hold vpon thofc fooles. Loth • Lay hold on mc ? fj.s Take offy our han Is ; or I \vill toffc ye all Into che cioudcs, and kickc the MouRtaines after ye. Bora. I pray blithe Gentleman take good hccdc ; For my Mailer, can doc all this, and more too Ihaucfecnc him. s^^O Str. Beyouqaiec. You that dcfire Offices. Bor4, li I doc, what then ? there be thofc defirc Worfe things. L*th. Know ye not Rogues, rhat lean muzlevp 7*he tcftie Vnicorne, ina Spmncri threed ? S5 Fortf. Lay all hold on him. Bora, He that cannot runnc for his Liberty Hath no courage in his Keclcs. LettheGoute Talce hira^that iiath Lcggs,and wr'ont vfe'cm he rms away, Foref. No naatter,let him goc. Contiey that foole, ^ o Vnto the Porters Lodge. Loth. A Chaos fhallfucceed this fame. Exemtfer^ Hants Vfith Ltthmt, Enter Lucio. Forejle. Whither fo faft ( fweete Lord/) Lucif. Forcfie,l hauc tanc ray leaoc o'th' Dul^. Ftref. Muft ye away to nig.ht. (^^ Lucio. Now,prefcntly. My followers attend Atdoore. I onely caoie to Hflfe thy hands. Faref. The Sanne will faileye€,erc ye reach !.««*, , L«c«. I muft through. His grace will haue it fo. Why doft thou make thy head, to fbake and tecle, 7 Vpon thy (houlders thos, IsicoVeconie With thoughts, and fuch as muft be hid from me 1^ Feref, Take hcede, fufpition i$ the Fauorice The Qruell Brother, of ri-ne, and Nature it rakes a fudden grouth : And gathers in the brell, like Balls of fuow, 7 5" Infnow ; vnti'.' the weight make it deny To be remoou'd j then rat'Xi at Icafure too. \,ucio. He's too mo lcrate,that will at my y ceres, Bcfatisficdthus. Fortf. Why th-n canfider thns. You goe to LueCa^ I b There to congrarulace the fate aproach Of the Popes Legate ; He hath bin there a wccke ; And why he was not vifited ere this Or why vpon fuch ftrict, and fliort fummons. Your felfe muit now be Cent ; quite puzles mc. 85 Ad ions rare, and fuddcn, doc commonly VrncffA from fierce necefsitie : or elfe From fome oblique defigne : which is albam'd, To (he ft it fclfc I'th* publique Rode Lucio. Ftrefte is this all ? 40 Fore^. Why my fweete Patron i this is enough Of danger, fince none is merited. Lucio. Yong thoughts encourage roe to fu6Ferancc, Each ftornac is vfhir to a gentle calme : Who toyles with fpecde, gets fooncft home to reft. ^ S The plod ^ing M:ilc jhall fl?epe eternally. Why (hould the ftrick-.n Jiarc bemoane his death •• His obf. qates,werc full oi noble rites : tAtleens Q«iirc, 3 iolly Requiem gaue : An 1 ch* Arrow fromth-'bowrdidfing his dirge, jcc Foref. Thus thy yeeres doe riddle gricte away J Making forrow fv^'ifcybecaufe 'tis mori-all. Let me wzxtcfizx yourLordfhip to your hof fe^ An J at your better Icafore read this fame. Tie cell ye as we goe, who brosghc it mc. ; ^ 5 Enter Duke. TIT. Ditke. Towrongmy buy, vnkinde, inccftuousheatci Why is Copuiacion legal j it giuis P J Authority ; _yj,, ,. i \0 The CrueU Brother. Authoririe CO loft, for chaftecie Would foonc coFcIude the World. O vlrtiiOBf Preiudicc. when error, prcuents folly/ r- Picndcs, Deuils, chat doc liue in liquid firc^ Haue conftirntions not htlfc fo hoc. So riocous as mine. But why this ? The beautioas Cor fa is not ytt dcfiiiJ. He that repents e're he comraits a fault. Doth hkea thirfty finner ftore his Scute With mercy, to abfoluc that (innc himfclfc; Which he may aftcrvrards, more fccurciy Fall into. Enough this foonc Initiates. Enter Cajfruetit. The credulous Count her husband, I haue fenc ' is To Lucca. And to morrow he rccurncs. My plots arc limmited too ftiort a time To become Adions. Nor »'a« it skill To fend the levf ell by her fifter. Marke / My Soule and braine, arc pcrfcd Courtiers grownc ; 2 o In my declention,and my greatcft wane They leaue me to inftruft, and hi Ipe my fclfc. Cafi. Thefe fancies are not old : the whole Court Obferaes him ftrangely altered. Bur why Am I fenc for ? tliat I muft know,hy fafe, 0.5 And cauceloas iniinuitiun* 'Duke. How foonc, I'ue profited in difcipiinc • , OfH<.U. Imuftthrough. What I did mcanc Adultery at firft ; Will now I fearc BccoDcaRape. 30 Cufi, Hah .' ftill vpon that ftring ? I like k well, T'is muficall. Dhks. CafirHcho !iTt thou come f Thoa haft bin a Courtier long j but whether •Twas warit of skill in me to choofea Man, Or want of lucke in thcetobe roy choycc; Snfpence makes neutral!. But know ; my loue Wastardy, becaafe ftill voydc of Icafttrc ; The £ruell %'other. ^r To To warrant pafsion well beftoved \ by fafe (Though tedious J crialf. AtfcdUon ^c Thar is flov, is fiirc : And now, I weare my hjirt Not in m ne ownc brcaft, but thine, C4yf . I baue but one life, it is fone error In your Grace, thus, t'obligc noc to the loflc OfmorCjinyourdcarcrcruice. / HS Dnke. I am not skil'd in words; But I afeft "^ Thytury, For thoa arc the bold Satyr, That whips Fore(it, and tbc wanton Count, In thy tartVerfe. Cafi, My gracious Lord / 1 (hall conceiuc much gricfS, S ^ If my zcale miftakc in accafation Of thoTe Men, which ch'vncertaine Tongue of Fame Deliuers to my charge. DuVs' Nay, make not thy confcfsion-an cxcufc Rather then a Uory : For there needs none. £ E I hate f«r To doubr my fafety in knowiog thii* . ' 2>»ittf. Deacfv.'and bocror .'thy tQfpit!oi»mej^oothlo|ie. Coofider why I Tenc the Count tpLjs^ca ?, V . ^ j ^ ^^ , -.. , > Vponoayliftiihduaftfecufettheixfpre; " ; ' ;-a ' Reply vnto my former qaciUdn. "1,. Cafl , My gracioiis Lord, I h<(uc fotne int^re^^ 7 loherwrotpan. / • , ^'■'"Duhi Is^>'/5ftw..'^ ''..%< Duke. Difcharge thy tongue. Maynoy earesbfiftcf. If they digeft words to thy prciudi4;c. Caji, P^hips. I knew her, beyond the modcft ftr^jnc, Duke, There's Gold C^rkeiuarififi Heisbad end^cHnf^^ei]Dleti)U» Jfi I The (^ruell 'Brother, ABus Quartta. Scena Trima, €»ter D o K z o o. riock'd DOKIDO, Good / they haue left the Garden dore vn- ric venture in to helpedifcouery. C4ftrHchi9 is grac'd with rare imployment: The Z>«^anahe doc heere confumc the Night. Thefe are houres for Ghofts, Adulterers AndThceues. The flauc is Haggard. At Supper Being full of gold J his vaine Appetite Fed at Nero*s rate j I was difcarded With a frownq : (bakcn like a Burre from*s flceue. As if my clofure heeretofore had bin Impertinent. Ambition leflensail Beneath it felfc to nothing : the higher Enter Cafirt$, We doe ftand : To much Icffc thofe men appearc Duttrtt. Whom we behold below— Hcarke / Kindc Fortune Lend me thy Eares — Call. The night growcs agednour. T'werc fie the T>ukf Would haftcn his departure. In troth Wencli, Thy fcruice to him exceeds rcqaitall. But what i (he tooke it willingly / Dua. No, but (he did nor. Cafi. Pox 'o thefe i?odeft Lies / 1 fay flic di3 J>l ' The QrueU brother. Cajt. What.rcpcnt ! T prcthec fweete DnArtt Wrong not Diuinitic (b much : waftc not A virtue, that wouldmorc profit ocherss And to fuppofe that the Lady was raai{h*d. Is an hercfie, which my Soule tnuft ncre . 35 Be guilty of. Doe not I know Wbaoen Are a kinde of foft waxe, that will receauc Any imprcfsion ? Dua. And doe not I know : there is difference In workemen as in wax. Hard wax (when cold) Accepts of no imprcfsion. By coldneffe I ii.ferre chaftitie : for chaftitie Jscold>.*. I ; Crf/?. But thofe v\rorkemcn are harder farre Then that hard waxe Andfisbardcftofall To findethofeworkemcn : vnlefle by Rufsia Where the people freeae, till they fpit fnow. Come^ Kifle me Chuck. Agen, once more — ^ 1)or, A precious Satyrift / This furly Dog, Inacyes'gainU lechery in others, *caufe He would cngrofle all Women to himfelfe. Cafi, Your grearefl: Thieues, are commonly begot When Parents doe their leackry by ftealch. Men get Cowards, when frighted in the Aft. And by fuch vulgar confequcnce : Vis oort A proper time to beget a Pander. One, that may hereattcr doe other men The fame oflfice : which we doe the D*i^ nowr. CoTie. Shall we in, and try ? Dna. YouprefumemuchjOnaneaficnaturcj (^o And how extrauagant yoo are abroad ; I am net fo vnkind to queUion. C'afi, Faith Wench : I'vefome intereft in eoery Childc That plays i'.h' ftrcetc,Thc Dttkes come doam.Go^go, ent. GiaeyourLady aCawdle;andletmeheajre -Dw^-c ^ How (he likes her new Bedfellow. 1 'le meete Sxit 'Dntr, His Grace two houres hence ; when he hath difmif^'d ■ . ThoTe ^0 HS- SO 55 The (^ruell "Brother. Thofe thoughts,which ftill fucceed vnlawfull lufti Exit 1)cr, O damii'd villany .' Is this th'imploy me nt Cdfiru, That doth make ye proude ? I will haunt yc ftill. To ftrengthen my intelligence* Sxit Dar. after, ftfi, "Duke. O filly, wcake euafion .' being darkc, I creepe withinmy Cloke. Tis modefly In finne to pradife euery difguife To hide it from the World. But Creatures free from g«ilt Affea the S~unne,and hate the darke ; becaufe It hides their innocence. O trayrour Luft •' That leades vs u'ith encouragement to fight. And when we haue difcharg'dour Vaines for thee, W'arebefieg'dwich thoughts, that more pcrpUx v$ Then tiie former. For then we did complains Of ftrength > but now of weakencfle more. Away,Eway. T'is time that 1 were gore: The modeft Morne doth blufh I'ch'Eaft, as if Aflutn'd to fee fo fowie a RauiflKr. exit D»ke, Enter Caftruchio, /md Dorido. Derido. So fwiftof foote .' I moft oucrtake ye. Ca[t. How now .'the World is wideenoogh: wherefore Doft thou ioftle me ? Dor. Cry mercy Signior : the day's blearc Eic'd yet. And my ownehaft made me vnrrannaly. Caft. SigiiorZ>o»'»<^tfisityou?7'i$rauch To fee you appeare before the Sunne. 2)flr. Faith Signior ; the Coontbeing out o' Towne I-tiiough: Ftfrf/?f would haue more leafurc To perufe my new 5ute. He's early vpj Which caus'd my vigilance. Cuft. Why Signior vfe a meanes more abfolate ; It« true, Farejle does all .• but how ? As th'Joftrument gouernJd i^ch* workemanshaod. Inftrud me with cooncniency of time, G a And no 7£' o o >^ Hje QrueU Brother, :i^ 30 And I will worke the ^Dnks in tl^ behalfe. Dor. Then Signior, you will oblige my prayers. Cafi. Atluppcr, when you departed from mc, Vou gaue demonftrations of difcontent : Who knowes, but whilft the foul's imploy'd within j 0.0 The body might ncgleft fomc outward forme. Which curioiity preferrs to cuftome, Cullotnc to abufe. It was my bufinc/Tc Not difrcfpeft of you, that did dcpriuc My complement of vanity. I fliall Rtioy ce when I can (hew you kindcncfle. Dor id. Iwillbcboldtothinkcfo. ^^ Enter Corfa, and Ouartc. 3I,iii Cfrfd. Hcncc,hence,ake Time; who fwiftly Ays away. But cuer toorcrctumes. Goe crueU wench i Thouba^ betray'dchyMifb:«0e,cucoto " ;. Eternal! ZiO The (^rueH Brother. Eternall loffe. Th*Angel»thatliueaboae Haue feene it all. Tliey know thee well enough. 6 In the gcnerall Sefsion ofthe world j It will not my adultery be caird; • :' But a prodigious Rap: ^teria d rroaatheek . 'DM4rte. Good Madam, your Confcience is too bold.* It troubles you too much. Difltiifc.t t thinke, 1 That otiier Ladys haue offended more. Corf4. Out Deuill. Wile thou betray my fo jle too ? DtMrtehcoccl lam infpired with ftrengtb To make reuenge proouc mafculine. Flyequickely hence. Why doeit thon ftay ? There'sGoId. li I prethec vcnch in all thy Pilgrimage Difperfe my faultc in charitable fence. Vfe me nobly with thy^ Tongue. So farewelU 'DH4rtt. Orlctmy finncnomcrcyfiodcinHeaufn, No pitty hecrc on Earth. Sxit "Du^rtt, Ctrfa. Now all the raoiiuej of my Lords delight Exterminate for euermore with me. My filent Lute's interred in the Cafe. My voyce now rather frightSjthencapciuates : T he fc n cc. Enter Luinn4. O Sifter, dare you vifit me ? ^ lamaftruropetgrowne. Hence, and fecure Your fame. L«w. Alack, what prodcgie is this.' Corfa. I will tell thee all. Fori (houlddifgracc Iniquitietobemodeftnow. The Duke • Lhin. Ay me .' What in that name can priuiledge Offence,^ Corft. Weare my I «;■»««, hearc. Tnmidft of night, By my pernicious womanrhelpe; He opes •^i^ My chamber doore : whofe faitbfull Hinges (hreek'd, To warne me ofhis dire approach. His Hand Imployd a Torch, a Torch ; whofe fancy weake Aged, and blacke, had ouergrowcn chc flame. And (hew'd (me thought) like vnco T . .: -.V' . ■.<.' ; -■ > Luin. O royall Villaine / My ioynts and finnsws dlfsipated are, Artd fcattcr'd in atrcmbling fcare. But markc More forrowes yet. My Husband lopkcing in My Cabinet, did fpy that lewell there. Which the '2?«ik«Uftgaue me. It was to him A new, and vnkno*ne ftarre : and Comtnet like, Imployd his thoughts with fuch Aftrplogic As made an Optick of his iealoufic ; Through "Which, he woold dilcerne the caufc, th'cffcd Ofits being there. I told him all the truth: And Trath'3 oftner prayfed, then rewarded Heere on Earth : for hedifmifiuiuC ftreighc WithfatalllDokes. C°^f^' My Brother is a noble Gentleman. Goc,,gDe, and kncele to him. All iealoufic Muft ftill be ftranglcd in ics birth : or Time Will foone confpire to mak* it ftrong enough To ouercome the truth. Shield vs fwctte Heaueu .' The Sybillsdaunce about my Heart, They lay Their verges hetre •• infufing a prophetiqae fearc : Which whifpers wc (hall neuer.mecte againe. Lets take a folcmne leaucr- farcu'cU for cuer thty kjjfe. huitt. Farewell .' the noblcft Lady o'th' World. 70 SxtuntftHtraR Wajes, ■A So 5S (rO (ff>5 Er.ter Cofino, and Borach'o- Cof. I am glad to fee thee well 'Borachio '. But wheic's thv Mafter ? what, in durance ftill? "Bora. Ala? Sir, I CGood Gentleman, ) th? Roomc WhcreiD thej baue put him, is fo litlc H, IV Hec /■- 1 The (^ruell brother* Hce fills it vp to the Roofe : and is faine To leauc his Legges Sentinels without doore. To watch the rert of his body. Tis no Chamber, bat a Court-Cubbord. Cof. But they make him amends in his diet. BoTJi. They cannot Sir, For he's a faintc cater, Ifhe would pray fo often as he fafls; ■• ■ ' He hadbin at libertie long agoe. Ht'ie dine vpon a fingle Pea ; and Icaue drts. Cof. Doe they no. more regard his potent hopes ? 3*r4. Ala» Sti", when Fortune's Tippet ftands vp, ' Few men willlend a pin to tacKe it dowrie, I, and my linage haue fwecte loffe of him : I'm fure o'that, oyr- Nay, that's too euldent. . : '■i B«rA. Ofir.'I wouldnota'giuenthisRudij - T'hanetin affur'd all ch'bffices ih's gift But hang fuch Dukes ( I fay J that fuffcr thus Their Fauorites to be iroprifoned. Cof How now 'Borachio ! Doft thou fpeake trcafon ? Tom. §ir, I haue fayd no more, then what I meanc y*o vnfa;y agarnc t -B^ich fs buta kinde Of loofing one'* labor. And *<:is better, To be ill imploy'd then to be idle. enter Csfiruchi*, (^ef. How the flaue fowes his Prouerbs together. Arc you come ? I haue ftay 'J vntill the Clock* Gaue your promifc the lye. Crf/, My time was Tpentto more aduantage. • I haue dedar'd my intcrcft in your blocd. If you afsift my plots ; you needs muft (bare Succcfle, that hath already warranted A'largereqaitall. ■ ^■ Cof I am refolu'd: and wifh my feiffe fflorcable. C 35- ^o o o Ly-i" % The (^ruell Brother, A^^ta woulJ to drinke ; ;:.;,.. A viotciit poy fon. Cof. Enough, he is a ftrangcr to my thoaghts. Cajl. 1 here's frcfti encouragement — • gines bim C«lJ, ^^S Cof. A littlcnoorc of thi* mtttjiU would puil? My Geography, Is this Italy Or the Indies. TherC;!2?*r4ci»o/ Wcepcno more For thy MaflcT. ror4. Alias I'm apt to wecpe, though I but fee 5"6 An Onyonftripp'4nak,ed. C<*fi. I thought to ro^ete thy Mailer hecrc. I'oi (iire I faw the W3rrai)t,fign'd for his relcafe, Bora. The Deuili takcyour wrorfliipfor mc, why, D'yee bring fuch good newcs, on a worky diy .' 5 ^ C O Sir 7 giuc me your blefsing — — HekjittUsl "Loth, Wecpe not Bomchio '. I haue prepard Such bloody ixt in my reuenge ; as makes Mens wits, more famous then their cruelty. Let horror propagate. Airs too litlc Formyvfe. But you Sir had the honor, Toreleafenje. ^ ^ Caft, Orelfclhadtinmudiclishono.'il. Cof. Sir, Qow-he fuppofeth yon in durance : And is himfclfe ftciire^ happcly dranke. Or riding in the ftcwes ; yon may take fonse Aduantage on his foule too. Loofe no timca Loth. That's my intent. For it were -dull bumanitic to aime No farther then his life, lie ptfrfuc him . EucntoHell. C<»/?. And let mealone To to facilitate The proicA, by fearch of fit time, and mcancs : As (hail declare the aft leflc troublcfome. Then thus to threaten it with words, 'Bora. You SJgni0rd«/?r«cJb-tf .' Signior Ccxcor.be ! Are you rii'd with doing well ? you hauc fcsrce Broughtftvy poore Lord out of the Prifon doores ; But you long to hauc-him in agen. Nay^ N'ere looke * For my Sword dwells within a Vard Of my Tongue, and fhall defend what I fay C<*/?. What a pernicioDS Calfe is this ? Bern, What harme baue my poore Wife, and Children To you, or yours ; that feejilg me within (done A haires breadth, of« honored offices, ; You confound alfjliy leading my poore Lord Into new broyles, tilth, BoldMifcreant/Iflbutftir— '— ■ f Cof. Nay S'goior .' let him alone, Bernchio ! Stceptf thy wrath in cold water : follow^ Afld &e dumbe. AHlhall be well. 10 ^b" ?C IS t>o ]t^ IIC^ 115 o" iit-t^ / \ The Pru^ 'Brjifher:, Bord. Yes, perfwadc-oif tpjdtyrlfc in ^nOiicft f ; But ric follow y our Heclcii Co ciofc J as He , ;; Goc necrc to tread vppaypur Kibci^ - .-■:\...'-i V .-'1 '..-I'lii.jr..-, i •; .'Xv Dorido. Stgnior, I knew ye a braue Commandcc Vnder the great Petruc'uo; and fince " ,; That time your conftaiV virtues:hauc d€fcrw'd v?. ' ' ■■ Morerecompence^th«lF^'^^'*'ijiiP*Wft€r . r:. Byrne. My k^ttden€ffe is no miracles. ':•,..:::;» : Since gratitude is oalyficke, not dead^ . > But pray belctue what I hauc fayd istruth* Fare/: O Sir, t'ls ch'^rrot of irns-kjifolii ^oac , To be too conftant in hcr,c^r^ip^e , . . , :, , ; • Toall. But I haue grounds more relatiue ,' .; To make me iealoofe Of ch,< tfmih ; and I : BeJeeue you with my heart : and yet t'ls ftraag«. Doth t his C«/?r«c Wthinke hi? hAggiRdfAW Can criumphoucr mio^/bftcaufc-iPiJttft; '. <•: » ,;: ,•■ { The Deuilldid inftrudt his iftdullrfj; I - Dares he attempt tny life i* ■ • ' ,. 1>or. 1 giucyoureaUgroundafoFmyfaQjciicc; ;. Reward CfiOiiaytni-kcaVillaincbiopdy- ■• . ' ThoBgh it catinot make, him valiaiK. TI»C;{)ttke-i > ' . Will kt him want tK) Gold. ■ ' r • - ;', ■ Feref Nay t^softcnrccAe* • ', : -. '. .: . AmongftthcfeuefaU Creatures of a Prinee,. ., .-. Such inftrumencsaa tbefQ;'moJt:{ibM>fe.r^?P?* . • i^ 7 But rime in feruice wnici isthe Bodics.wcalthi. Your friend iiays. IfyQapleafe.p'appeJifewithhitji . Frou thence,atlmy•^^mm<)nii^ I IMU d«rsWi€C;n?QJt. . , 'Z)or. Noble 5ig«iair, Ia*nyo;afs?, :) ru :\u. fi»^f\Pniii. Jrtrejt. Wiiac hoa ? Ljim^ i WM^l \ .-J^fr !»*»'?'»*. »■-<-'* 1* y " ' ' 1 itin 5" 10 /r 20 ^^ law. MyLord/ !:";-^I . r o'.\;^:'ir:; -^lo ■{..;. ■jij;)''^ forf/I Comi hither Lonc» Signciie in fccrce v '? When was the toyall Lecher hccredifguis'd ? i - What did he fendthec laft ? when ffiUft yc quench ! ThcCyprisnfire{hah:.*jtoumayteliHieali, .;'.'. ' ^f For I'le not blabb. Alas, I'm mcrc^filent I . v ., Then my .fjrandfirc in his Tombe, A fubtill Pf.npc,I. . ■ A Pander learned in the art. TcUtncChuckc? L«<». Alasmy noble Lord .' what doc ye meanc ? FfTTf/I Why nothing, I : yet tis\cnoi:gh I fede • ^O The wrong. lii ignorant, .1 (uffer twice. And therefore let me know my Enemy. The little:wortne, when trod vpon ; will turnc His Head, to looke vpo'i his Murderer. Andhathimy^lcenenoEiesYlsthcreuenge y 5' Of Man Ie(tc curious thena Wormcs. — She wecpcs, L«w««, the facred knot'svnti'd. Thou haft defird and (lay n'd the veftall Shectes. Thy Breaft fhall be no more my Pillow. Lfiin. Ofayitotfo; Let Thunder ftrike me dead, 50 If I 'ere knew ihe^jDuke ; \cithknoWlcd^more Diflioncft, then wh3char|)onrsin the Bits ; . . . Only by fight. . . r . ' Forcf. O new horror ."uchbraren impudence", . WeuldiBQakcaNegrobluni- Goroeglotioui whore. - SS Acquaint me with your, tricks. VVho! w; hen, where,. bow M For befidcs tb«Icwcll which hcgaucihec : 1 haue proofei,. that will cuen damme my Cider ; ' ^ And conuince thee too. ' LutH. My decre Lord ? be ttdtcrucll in year Faith I . y C>0 W hat i.'habefeyd is truth.! . v.>'!\^ . > - <2:-- .>■.., Ftrtf 5tiil (JonftantitTthypcn'urie. Mercy :.; : V Were tamemfle then. Thou (halt dye. Like an heroy iquc Whore : a ftoutc Martyr Eifter Dtridi To thy concealed lotier. Appeate ha ' and hUxFriend i» G* ST Hecrc my (be goj^M .' f hcfetaenarc fali ahdfrefbj vxfardsi MK. o o ^>-^ The Qrmll brother'. But if they cannot tireyc out : I will ' .'■•'. ■■■: ' •..'u..! Procure yclomeoflai^crTTiighs; that fecde ' ' i On th' vnflioos Lhafis, andthe pcrfian-Crab. Or bring the rioMns Horfe, andthe rowne Bull 7o To drownd ye in the aflt. Take her a(ide. And agree who (haHbcginne. .,- L«»fl. Stay, ftay, O my Husband, my dcereft Lord/' - V;iU yoD permit fuch cruelty againft Yourovvne Wife. She, that hath fo often flep^ \ ^^ Within your Bofo-ne. O ipeakePdoeyoii wane- 1 he narurall touch .' ftay, ftay, I will confcs't. Forefi, Stay,rmoftoocafie,toofoftaSoule, My Heartftrings (fure^ are made of filke : and tis- ■< AfubtiUwIiorCjfbeknowcsit wcllcnough. ^ ^0 But come, be biiefe. Charme me not with ftoryj. Of my fofirier louc betweene VI. I fee rhee as thou art, and thou appcar'ft; Like an intire, proportionable Boyle. -^ Why fpcaUl thou not ? , §5 L«»«. Sorrow was cuer flow of vcterance,. ' Andldoetrefrbkftill. IknewthctiTie, ^ j My duty hath bin held in more regard — : Then now it is. All former intcrcil Is quit former. ..■..,;.■_. dq f»reif. Markc, did not I fufpf ft, fh: wonld begm M«r Charmes agcn. A way with her. turn, O day, now, now, I will rcueale all; ' f*rif Be nimble then J and tell me punduall truth, Formy rcucr.j^eishoncft, andwouldnot fS Willingly miftake, when itfliallftrike. ' • - . Luin. Tis true, your Sftcr's rauifti'd by the 2?*i^r. My thoughts continue in the former fencer Ihaue a chafte.and virtuous wife ; hovvtuer You defit'dafluranccfroma triall Sovnkindasthit. Foref. Still oie thinks that Tewell which he gauc her, Procut'd the fame requirall that my Sifter made. But let it paffe. I doe coniurc y e Both, (As y 'haue bin Souldiers; to kccpe your Tongues, A fafc dinancc from your Earcs, Let not words Difpeife what you haue heard. 1 'is cxtcrnall Reputation that keepcsfome Men frorsfintie. -r Our faults once knowne, we doe ncglefi to mends Since Reputation fuffers ftill : for that Admits of hclpe, hut it is ncuer cor'd. Andfo the fatall iarrs tweene Man, and Wife^^ If fecrct kept, diflcufion falls aflecpe. But if once knowne toFawic j Pamc talks fo loudc She wakerhitagen. Your Glcncc Sigoiors, Shall challenge much from my rcquitall. Dor. Befidcsourobligationstoyour worth, Euen both our h9nors would impoft it Asavirtue,not»troubk. Wcare .,,.„, j Your humble feruaotSi. Exit Dtruit »tf fe fc« Frit/id, Foref. 1 will defcrue you for my friends. Rife — You muft-be deer'dby aftrid^r tnall . Till when I doe ncgleft the large Charter Of Hubbands o'.x their. \^ iues : and command ye Asaludgcth'offendor. Htnce.andbecotic: My Prifoncr in your Clofct. Take beedc, . No curiolit) in feare make y ou, Tog7inmy4«f»snes. ^ ^ ^^ \c>^. \0 DC ID6 /3< m^ ju,.. Luiu. I doc obayye checrcfriUjr*-. .,/ '; fMr-^^MO^ Forefi. O my heart .'. ihali Tiy induftry » and bc^. ;;:?;: Findc this period ? My ruffcrancc is.tif U . - . -y : ^y,. _-■- It is an old inconftar.cy in Fate, .■'rMA.^"}' o Soone to crcft, and foone to ruioatf* ■ : j ; ; l ,J7, ;;i ,.5 -^ y/f?/^ QuifitHS. S^ena Trima^ '-". Enter VoKi^STL Sfilat». ;;'i'v. FO R ESTEt No, no, my Starres, it tstdo nRUchloijWrc; Though I were ftomach'd like an Eftrid^c,, c . , ,. , Yet could I not digeftfuch hard dealing. ...:. My Wifcdcfil'd,C#r/«raui(h»J. ThcConht :;•.-.. Abus'd where fatisfadion is exempt ., . ..Ir-; ". . By Nature. My felfe prcfaib'd tafuSfec . ' .: ■ -; , J . •;:. . .', By thccheaptvaUoiirofobfcureViHaajei; ,' ,.- o- '". Would I had trodc the humble path, 4nd audc ; My induftry k(Te ambitious. Tiie Shrub ,.:',. SecureliegroWes.' The tailed Tree, ftaods> . ;i . . .; Moft inthe »indc. Andthus we diftjnguifll . ! :, z :!. - .. TbeNoble from the bafe-: the Noble^Rdft : .- ,'><.; •:;• - Their Irues, and deaths ftiUrroublefomct -.. But humility doth flecpe, whilftxhc ftorme Growes horce with rcoldiog.My Gall b'vefiowesdjy hctrtj And drownes propitious Thoughts. I will be iuft ; Yet cruel Ftoo: The darkencife of theNight* , i ;.; j..,.! ! :r Isthicke. Ifveleaslgropsfoi-way— --^\ .; r ; > ' Stay — That fickly light from bsrcian^erbreakt,' .. Minienr.^beginnevithyou. -, .. .. .• -.r.; ■?, i -. :• v .ijrJBaiir.',. r ,«fc.i. r ao )Stittr k' \ : inter Corfa and n Boy*< ■ i . ;■ V. Cor/ir. Siosgeocleyottcbswhokaoffcslf iOiaUUiM l"itBploy thy voycc #gcoi '. ■"..'• ■;;:.■•.• : Soitg. Bay. Weejtf »9 mare for what upitfl . r '. FarTimeinmotifntriikSi fitch btifi ■ :• HekkthntleMjuretodtferj The/e errors ^hitb hepajfcth by, Jfvre ctnftdtr Accident, , ' j4)id ho^ repuinunt vntpftftct^ Jtpdysdefert Hithb^dMient .•,;•:•:., . \ We ftaS dij^ared^e ?tomdtncC4 . •:'•'• £«?«- Foreftc. Fortfi. ThisisyoarDirgC.. ■ r: • ^ ! ' : «' H Ctrfa, Hah .'who is there? . -, /.; > Fffw/: Tiij i. Mf^iffeihactrifl'e hence, and fliiic Thcdoore. Cor/5*. Farewell^Youtli.' Get thee to bed. exit Boy. Fcref, But Where's the rigted Hagg; th' inccftuous lump Ofheate? where is ihe,fpeake? . • . Car/i. Alas Sir, who doe yoa meane > Fortf, Why ft>: that Gofsjps with the Deuih Damme, Thefubtill Bawdcjyour Woman. O Sifter .' Car/a knttUt, I haue hcflt^alU — i-Nay doe not wjorkc dxftinAion thus* Kncele not to me s you are my Patrons wife. Bat yet where bbligationis indecr'd ; There IiHuric condemns it felfe. Caoyoit ; Suruiue^a wrong fo emment : a wrong ■ / Oof»i'^ftt*p« if you haue heard th. ti ue*h : : You wiii co.ictude it as a 1 ape i'th* I>»iif ; ' ^ o >l -^ The Cmell EmBerl And no adultery in »ne. Fortf. How, a rapis I o weake, andiiaimodeft fliift; '. 36 Were Aretine aliue ; or had I broughc ACrcw of Midwiucs htefes^w^bofcobfccnc tit ■'"• > Might warrant the diflina ion good; - ,• ; • ; ,' ? Although the ciufc did blufb, to ownc th'effcft } Yet thy appeale might ftaqjj: but hccrc are none.' 3 "^ If compulfion doth infift, vntill Enforcement breed Uclight, we cannot Cty» .■ u .• . ;; The fcroall fuffcr*. Acceptance at the laft^ 1 Difparagcth the not confehting at chafirft : \\ CaUshcrdeniall, hervnskilfulneffeiv ^D And not a virtuous froft i'th* blood. Cone, fit thee downe. *— Or if ye mcane to pray^ Kneele, and be nimble in deuocion. Thou art to dye. .. .. .\; Or/i. My Noble Brother .' -4 5" Doc not fright roy foflferapcc : vfe nac kindly With your tongue, and lookes : I am already Rcconcii'd to Heaucn ; and would perhaps . ; Confent to your dcfigne. i Foref. BIcfledfpeech/thoufhaltprcfcrifacmygefluFC And my Phrafe, Corfa, T'werenotvnnaturallinmCjtovifii For life .' yet minding what conftru<5h'ooj The world may make of my finifter-chancc— Foref. I there's the potnr. Thegidlym^leicude 5S'\ Haue neither skill, nor Icafure to c- nuincc .Suppofition, with Arguments of ftrength , / Andcharitie. The irquickeccnfurej brings focli Effcd, as Spedaclcs, w hen vs'd in haft ; Which then doc rather aggrauatc the ihapc: :. . t.o| Then giue diftirftion of the forne. Who, who, _ ; r Would liue to be an Argument for them ? Corfi. Doe ye conclude then, that I muft nQ?rdye.-?i j F»ref, Why ift not apt, and pregnant to your fenccv IcOjouldbcfo? .. ■.. . . ., . "' -rc^ The l^nell^mher: . C^'fi* ^fe I ^^^^ *"/ '^^ I^^^^ <^i^y kindi Lord* Ftrif. Ceremonious forme, doth oft, fo long Delay our iourncy ; till it proonc too late To reach our home. T'is a long way to Heauen. We mjift aaafce baft. Nay, if your courage faite ^efpreit comesivntothe left : lihall Prepare to be vnkind. Grimme, black fancy Could yon indore to fee year Lord ; defil'd. Polluted as you arc? That kinde Patron : i Toallourfamily4whofeconftaacloue : ■' ^ Is warranted by T'ifljtj^hatbeft can iudge Ofcqtjftancy. Whotookeybtitohisbed; Vpon conditions cheap?, and dangerous Tohisowneeftate. , ' C^fi. Sir, fpeake no more : but vfe me as you plcafe ; I willobay iaa^U (Scarfe Foref: Come,ftretchdowneyour Arrae.- and permit this Tofaftneittoth'Chaire. Then vaile your Eies. We rouft not traft a Woman's vallour fo-^ forpi. Oh,ohjoh. (^Heertf Foref, The cortiire^s paft. Thy Wrift vayncs are cur. In this Bafon bleed t tilt dryneflfe make them curie Like Lute- firings in the fire —— Corft. Commend me to my deereft Lord. lam Hishumble,{l|mfice, Hec'lcnetbemor*:^: i. : - ' Vnvillingtograntattonementcthenl ; '! Haucijectie to nccde it. The Fates giue others Expiation : which now they want therofelues. irpeaketooloudc. For who dares chide with them TMtujay imploy Thunder. Foref Herfaeauty "gitKto^wither. Slicdiftilte i '■ Like to a Rofe. O could I fcparate Thcblooddefirdfcom what ispure: I would ' " -^ ■ Sbed^atj thenrcfttaiaethcair«nt,.teOwf • - ' ' (yijskilfug Nature) ilf operation oja 5 j Should long fnbfift infijch gtoOe mixture/ U^ Would be Oeuils 'etc they liu'd in HeU. 7C 1±' 20 S^ % IS ■t.:\ V ]00 ■3^," 3r,. I ,' ¥.' W» l - JK-T^-'TVnej:^:)!!llf-. UM-". T^^ (^rueS Brother - > ? |/c \i? C«ryi. IcomeCdeftiallQoirc/—- Sherinth ^ jF*^/-*/ Extafie .' through wcakenes in expencc of hin^o Dcarc fiftcr / D.fturbc not your laft Minucw! ^ ' i/. ^ i^or*/: How-/ would you enter Hcauen ; with fetters rm Your Soule ? clogg'd withthefe mortal! Limbs. sT^l^ Expire ID peace, "-ww^nc, 6 "tA- O my Brother .' whilft I am yet humane Let me fccle feme intercft in your blood. * What fault of mine deferues impedinaentt Inmylaftiourncy?Ifm>Lordwcrchcerc 1 - He would hauefeene me vs'd with mercy. fn^(^^ Forcf. 5wccte Soule .'thefe, are but miftafces of weake' C«rft. Will not my Lord be mercifull; to me, Andco my memory. . - ;;. * rifeth'vtt- Foref Sit ftill. I bring no negatiue reply, • ' ^^ Thy worth Oiali Hiine in fuch a Charaacr .- That fe>eing dead ; he needs muft wooe thy Ghoft. Corft, And will Pofterity confent, that r Abide in Lift ; wiiiR thofe of modeft fame i '- ^''''f' That Aftrologer ; who fpys thee firft Witiiin a Starrc : muft not finde thee billeted Necre to Fenm. Such error in his Afi j Would make me wreath his Body into Cords. And with prolix ftrengthdraw the dull Caytiffc ' Through his Gender Optiek. * C»rfa. Oh, oh, oh Recorders Foref, A Con volfion in her Arteries .' Co'^fA. M:rcyHeaucft/ Shedw, MMnficki T.^T' PO i;ir S4dlj: \^0 Foref Hearkc As (he afccnds, the 5i)hcarc$doe welcome her. With their owHe Mulicke, .- Her Soulc is gone / Hah ? whether i&it gone ? O vaft fufpcnce .' Madncffl- fucceeds inquirie. Fooles of Nature .* What Anceftor Ctbatdydeloog rinccVlJath brought Vs newcsofhis abode/ or tddvs how ^ .'. m:.: The)f vie him in the other world / O.tbi* . tthhc* ly yv'ii^ The (^ruell ^reiher, Wltdemyftericfo much concerneth Man: ' ' V^' Thatwc would willingly difmiflc fufpcnce With Eiefight not with conftquence. For he that fees through Faith, but flatters doubt. Faith's a Perfpeftiuc ; through whofc narrow lane j Little things (far of) feeme fo much too great. Too neere.- that what was firft vnknowne is mocc Eftrang'J fioii knowledge, then it was before. Yet by the rules of lawfoll notion : It ,. /' Cocs well uvith her : for (he was euer giaen To prayer : fuperftitiou^ in humilfeie : And euen vnthrifty in her charitie. She held her Virtues in fuch high extreames. That her Diuinity wastroubleforae. Grew from a Saint, a holy Cynick. Sleepe heere; A facrifice to thy wrong'd Lord ; Till I (Thy Priest) become an Executioner To him; who was thy cruel! Rauilhcr, Exit FtrcjU. . Enter Duke, ititd Caftruchio. D/%. Doth the infift in cenTure of the ank*. Not for the vorldTbpadofl not know bi$5oale. ^t--^ He'soffofoftjforweeteapDopcttic, ;.- ' ; ; n. . ' . . That hcinchams where ha is knoWnci Befides* ' ... I finde I am fo powerfull o're his youth : That I fhallfoone extirpate from his ancmory , The wrong I did his Wife, and liiiu. As for f . " 50 F^yf/?!?: his experience is of growrii > Too ftubborne, ofprafikifd ftiffcjan^ will not.- 'j ■ : , Be fciiioo'd from hi* rcucnge, by ftrcngthof vor^. Therefore V- Exit Duke, Enttir The Qrmtt Brother, ■ Therefore, let h«n no mercy feele : but let ; My Boy be gently vs*d for my fake. Farewell— Cafi. This is a filly kindeof loue .' But let me thinkc — So to contriuc this plot t 'j\ax"L<^h4rtMvn2B} 6s&xoy F«refit, And I him to make his filence fafe / humh — — Dnkt' No;itrauftnotbc»— C4/f. MyroyallLord.' Duke* Lww(myBoy|isnotporfcrib'd, Take heed Cafiruchio .' ifthoudoftcxcendthy hatidx ;.:> Inmotion,boyfteTOt»,androughtohim; . •: Thou doft infea all thy other kindncflc : And I (hall fee thee as a Cocatrice : That wilf cofbrce^Dy Optick-nerues to (brink^^ . ■ ' Andpullfloy^ie&intomy skdl. Loqkcto't. Cajl, Moft graciooi^ir; werd hispcrfonbulwark'd With the Alpe»: were he hidden in's owne feare ; He couldnot beraorc fafe, then you haue made him. Duke. Once more then good Night. <•«>• ' Cafi. A plague vpon ibis turd- loue. Such tlioughtB When firft your Blood didmakc your Vaincs to fv»eU (Like Bridges 'ore your fleCh) had prcucnted Myimployment. Sofcely.foftely. Fcare,andfiifpicioneuerwallvConEgges. :: Enter Foreftc, and SerMUHts ^ith a L»^6^. F»ref. Leauc heere the Light, and goe to Bed. Exit Breake ope the doore, breake ope the dnore. Seruant, Fortf. Hah /who counfcl&fo vulawlully ? mthin crj Enter Liicio Oftd Serutmts, iHcio. O FoTffie ! the fatall Hourc is co;rx* Ring out your liclls, vntill they wakt thcdcad. Ltt the Drumrae murmurein a fable Bapge, Rcuerfc your Muskets, and traileyour Itubborne Pikes I 3 . In^ :-d c o jt.vv in?rrjK*^- 'T'^ir^'" ' " ■■' Jy"™' ■'!;'^ fJ\*v^:in^^f^eyiV^yvjgi«!VF^^t^^jp^*wv^^ The Qrueli Brother^' ,!h^ »k- Influry.Channels. LetTrumpjt$.eroane • . jAndthefhrill Phtphbchoarce, ThefataHHower, Fvrefi, Why, wbt'sthe mattctSir^ '. ' ' ■ - 10 I Letttr, 'C' suddenly . (vponfome vrgent caufe) - To hane from Lucca to her : Joft now; IJghtcd from my Horfe, enter'dher Chamber ; ^foundhcr qewl7 "-urdered in her Chayre. My 5eruants fay that my arriuali there, t l^id luft fHccced your departure from her. ■ Fortf. Difmiflcyour 5.ruants, and you ftallknovalf t«".. Henccandcxpcameftrait athome Si^ F*r./ Ipray come hither Sir. - Doe vou didikf ^r^ T/m iuft,cc which dcprtu'd your Wife of breath ^ !««• Doeft thou call it luftice? " - Thf"''^,,^"* ^*"«henobIcftftraine:fl,e«»asdcfirj. The roy all Goate f the Dh^) hath rauifh'd her. And I (that neucr could admijccxcufe . ini^intsofiiofioO (whereeaerfufpitfon . ' Sufficctb to condciwie) did fummon vp My memory : wherein the Sihdccffcds S yo Ti&e Q^mll Brother.' *Whofe kindcncffe thinks hia owne Sifter (vhen defiled) Wai to bafe for your vfe. Lucio. A bloody kindntffe to diftin^uidi fo. She was no Adultereffe, but enforcd./fcr thought* Were pure : and fuch a noble fyrapathy Indcerd her Soute to mine ; that her owne Tearcs, Might foone hauc wafh'd away her Bodys iUinc, Andfcet^ainefeemecleanc. Cor fit \ my Wite .' my boforac Girle / where art thou ? ^Speakc,no reply ? Art thou To much buficd With thy new acquaintance nowin Hcaucn J » That thy poore L*d^raay not borrow one word At parting? Draw, draw ingratefull Monfter.' That haft preuentedthus our Dialogue. Foref, S ir.Goole your fpUcne .' take breath awhile s: , And heare me fpeakc. ' ■ Lttcio. No falfe Syren .' thou holy Hypocrite .' 1 know thy tricks too well 1 'Cwfc I aqjyong. Too foft of heart, and apt to melt . .._ IncueryflameofmyownetriniaUIoacj . I! Therefore thouootoo**«^««* Ofan Affeseare. . ^ i^t^uv? L0th. Paffcs there (fay y«u; who bt? r»r Hecccboesbymiftllifc Nobody»ba« My Couleo&y«ht1cH«Scthc Affcmre. '^;«?5&"t^"dofftallf«^^^^^^ O/?. WellGei«le(neo,lhaaemtelligencc fBv mv Bo»> that F4«!^f.*n<*t^ Count, Befafc. You1inowhisvoyceL«»«Mr««? r^;^!* WeU;irK^r^«hc)thatftinc.h^ Enuitcs hisownemiofc ©»«"«y^!"??jL ricbriog ye to a dooTf : throttgh which. If they Doepaffe,ittnuftbcooet»|. ,. ,.^ I,»rA. Leaucfcr^/ftoinyehargctorlaM His impedinnimr* OA Softely,£bfWy. . , f;«^0*-«; ' thcWl^'fonbiiBeOfadriwncfoit^ Zwfw For^ftcj Locio, Lttimtt. Feref, Now fct we the reflex at liberty.'. .--^ fh>pt»t4 Hecrc let mc beg your t»rt«OCC I'tM I no^*r^«!i-«f *«rw. Refolue a doubt that Hipftfioncerncaoiy Heart. ; « X,«c»>. YQuttialL ButdoenotejtecutcreueogCk Vpont;h|^,^!%.i^lU^W^«fl8^"«5«^8e^5frt ' f«r*/: My aliens are €onfin*dtVpon,notJi. , The Bed ? Gnilt confounds all order, andtnake^j Our rert vnnaturaU,Mb*f?0V,^iin^6tt there. Ditif. Hahrfrom wheiH:g«htthghB/«l»w«ceswlw»- F#r*j?#,i5ityiMi>.wbat4qeyo(i«ea« ; '/ BythiivociniU«i6WM»4N^^- >' • •' •' ^^ :to 7.^ \L .%<>. /o >,VI )i, ..; To loynereplys^vnto demands, I muft - ., :^ Depriue y ou of y6ur-S,' .-y-ii i| c J* r ^i'^"'"^''; '^"'' ignorance, andaaiill. / J- E#%^itfi.a,uftflatceribona4gcftiir.' - ' , , C Or Ljbcrtie Tth^eldeft Child of Natmij> v . - - ■»5^, Confoandsprcdominancc.byfoiflgfoc ;.'>-t T,., j^.-V Eqaahtie acnongft rbc Sonnc5©f Me» »c :• c : y- kt. - f - AndloreaokeaaCftaoK^rriv:; vs-.i./^ ; . M ^. - = " I>«^. Which foonerctumes:vnleflcdiftinaioii I *h3weiehi that arc my natnrall Subicft. / AM^ ^"°"Sh falfe Sir. Warme noc the ayrc with words. And now requite the Leafure, I permit For prayer : by«tttie reply to What ' •^. -^c I Jhall demand. ■ ^ir««^iL6(Aeon^(»]roppoffce; ' ; ', >> , at Didyoucucraial«efieranAduIccre(re> . ' 3:^ > SpcaketrBCh,{bc6meyourSoulecoHeaDen. ' '. -^c £)%. Nciicr^^iMwoiemySbuictaHc^etfeati \ SpeakctrKhiX! .-rosjV ; Lv.^no^ ^. > - . On the laftday. toTiide hinifel^ i-th^C^cJ^^dft '.. h ^- *ieis«unnffl:ei)ttcbtooemiii€iig,:> i •' m.- '. _fi ..-'..n But what meant thaefew«tt w^jj^^ufi^licf -^ >-' 'i Andvybichflieconcwldj tiUii«i^^Mii,fe. -'v ^ tu i 1-- jj^ T/J^ Qrmll^rothen ir- DWbctrtyit? ' >••:';? ffj l?«i^/. Igaoeittodifgoifethccaufe,rorwhrch '^ £o IfenctheothervntoCtfr^. '' L*fw. That name will prick my fury on : although • IftriuetobepropiTioaS. .. Feref. I know L«»«'M, thou attmcrcifQlI ; Forgiuc me gentle Girlc. It was the firft s^S" Bargaine we did nake i'th' Church, to Share Infufferancc Luin. And 'tis oq^dixySirjtob^eoson; prompt Intheobfcrifancoi^ '!'•!- !^'.; -^ .I--'' «' v: Foref, My.L6il3rpu.w/j-;'^^03-, 3 ;; . . ■ (io Lucia. Arudefiitnniohs.thatcallsinfcasklQdge, Toccnfureoir^Brrorsofmy Priftcci ' Vuke. What, Is he therocoo? Okilling obied .* • F9ref. Behold ('yon^ Lbrd;) the crueli Raaifher* '. >/ Whom Time hioBfd&flMift^etierparallcU, ■.:/.'. -nr,': CB Though he furuay hiscIdRetords, andfcratch . V . HisrcuQKfrfHcadtdwakcBmeniory, - . Ijtcio 0,faorrqr / furniQ) vs (fweet Heaoen) witii&aie In{lin&,'in^irerennDtfei'i3rw0acca(fr '■■< . '■ / .:./ .'■» Thyskilfulodfletopr©clelHncvs«Princ0:'l _^ ..waI, 7o Murdring, whom thoadidft annoint our Soneraigne- F«ref, My heart f*clls, I'mfull of gricfe^nd danger* '. ' Some Iron Hoopcs rohelperay Ribbes, .or I.fliallbttrl\f» ; Dnke, The canfc deferuetigr^aGatcration^v /'.' More.thenmorcallitycanfce, acfcdyet ■ i .'. 75' Be fafc; I uri^der Hcaaen takesfo licilc Notice of it. lamnociindg'dtodcatb With Lightoin^Ukc the Dorr : nor murdrcdthrbugh The Eare with thunder ; like a Batt. O Lucio * . / Minde not ray former louc ; but ftrikCj vntiU \ ^O I groane my lad. Lucio. f^rf/ff (heath thy fword. It muft niothe.. Fie was ottfiloyaU Mailer once, and might I9 i^oi^csPtjt:coiBj5«Bcbirafc!fc ; with all if ' . i*.C B;il Prinqfii jjiwhoo fame refei ucs as Paterpcj^' ; ^ " S'S .vjr^zX K a ' Foe o ■^,>i\ Mi^-' For Biy fake flieath yoor So-ord. >: : I 7 • r ■ •. " •• I cx 2?d^. OrMiairiweftiyrRoJrfilCtoifer^ .v'r.a My creature is more beautifull citeD If ; 7 r, to - ; . " More wealthy inhislooe... . -: 'l /. Foref For my owne part, I win^nnihiUte: ■'■ r v ; ili . f<5 My (clfe : for ftioutd ( liuc, i (koiild^vt nv-i I willendBrtall. OroyJLordiiByiwipio ." /' .' I will not bid i^ofleritjr tell tqikSMiQi; charge : -.-v^' HiftoriahitoJnfercinABnaUa)}.}; : . T . V/ ^. . /6C> On fucha Nights* gvcaclciatii^R^ndkej < v! 3 '.\ : . Raui(h'dhisCre4tlif6i:.«itf«*/jVrj£:fi^to: /^P .>;■.; To Forf/f e, kii aairic Councclldf. :> ? . H . - 5 Forc/^ LMitfjConspoa'dofftichaohaflabtelon;* Thaccorecuce Jus Maftez^ feetc, would fprcad, i {>5 And fcattec all his Ltrnnaes^ibrhiastto walkcvpoh, ' iMcio. AndF-we^^.whofeinflifttyvandckre '.-'^ ! ^ Oucwatch'dLcaBc-^igilaoccj till Gwgrcv maid. ' But-cone, Let*^ leauchiiti toconrriue 6ur deaths. ^ My Heartfo fills niymoutbifcflnobtfpeaiw.:'." i //o 2)«i^. I,«<:«lUy.JR«rrjf?*^ay awhile. : ;;! leauc me not thus anaeami&'^ci vith breath. ' Ht rifti^ Difl'ca me really with yoar gdod Swords. fnmtUt "Btd, Behold my Brealt, take oot my Heatte and if You finde your figureS'theeo^ dun tfc4gB}c Esiae ^ ' WS' WithMcrcyi-^. -}. i.» .. -y'Xi ■ - ■ ; ^> ■-• ' ■' ' ■ ■"■'■• ■■ Luch, Fortfttaamtmsf^ . . . . : < F«ref. Make haft LMin»4. Xmm,. 1 an wakti out of a ftrange amasemenr. Ex€tmt F«rtfte^ Luei^ljthink Dukt. Hide me rtrdlinff Hills .' roHghiSnd TcabbcdRockfj, i ; "^e C^rrictxlcwe, a&o(u/ckc mc ip> (hoitojirne ' "^'' The 0i6U Brother. Aeaine. WonlditnotmalceaPatriarkcmad? O whofliallbnbe theSunne,that inthcday IforeottotcU'c«ofC*/f''««^^'»' ^ TistSfttooTetakc'cm. I cannot gucffc WhitehWay they went, ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ £«t^ CftftrBchio, Lothario, CoGmo. C4ft. HclUndthePilUrytakefuciiduUEarci. It caonotbe.bttt tl«y banc pafe'd the Cloy Uers, And e're this, with helpe of priuateKcyc** Entredthe Dukes Bedchamber. Tr««lr*ftf L.th Thofe were Authors of that i»oyfi^ Up<*«f. AG**, Thcvcryfame.Apoxvpondcmurres. ct Will yoalead thd way.that wc may hc«kcn^r«j«. Xfthcybethcrcorno. ■ ^ ." . ©it*. Ifllhouldcomctoftlate? „,„..tveriri r.tfe That's none of the Counts voycc Hane atye ur. ^1 00,0, 1 am furprizM in tny ownefnatc. ?.1: ItiJ F^r*/* fare. Let's make faft wotkc , ^^^i»8«nthcGro«n^: ^ '^r.f SSlSer.Helpe/ohhelp^^ f«^ BSVathisfcctc. ViUainctakcthuthruft. ^^ K 3 y,v U5 J^ l< o >, ¥!• r The Cruell Brother. I Aemyown^pretadice. ri/ ,■*.<.,« tucif. lamfoyldbyabafchand. Caft.^mtCofim«,^ic. BxtmtC»ft.4niCcfi Fenf, 5ome coTiforC yet rcmaines : in chat I am Profcrib'd to fhare in thy fate, though it be bad, * , ; I Joofc much blood. Otriuiall fortitude' \. Falfc Sinne*'cs,doe you begin to Ihrinke? ««^. !.«, Lee my SouIe,cary your pardon With her vnto Heaucn ; and yours ForeQe, This ftratagerec wasimlne, but the fBcceffr, . Was much againft my will. "Lucio. Sir,r forgiueyouall,' -; ■ i' - ,» r H A > > Fortf. Nay letvsioyrie Hands. — WcdocfotEiue Each other, andthe World. The Ukeracrcy ,f ' -. May Heaucn be (low on vs. . : .' • ^ *%.- Xtnen, Amen.' '■ -■. -v- ,..:.).. v . . i Vur.,a A,, Luin. O my Lord ? mv Hqsband Hc'sdead,hc^d«ai 'Dor, Hold the Lady there: O dire f^daclc, \ ' ) thci>««^ li/K^, F^»jlf(f,ind LMjfbif^fd : v -.^ \.yc here breathkfle. 1 did fufpca fdme blacke k'.t- O Ibb^fpiracy. Vvhich made me haunt than two M...i VncorhcPallate/bttttdid-loorc'cm t- r ; i By thfc Cfaappell ftaires;bloody dogf,vdiatDcuill .r.^'l Prompted tbc«to tfiie aaioii. ' . y ,u.^. , -i.iivoi'^i^a.'J *'^ ^,'^- C->. 5^ ^o 46 50 5S The C^ueU "Brother. C4fi, Ihope,l'ucnotfoinuchBloodkft,a$vrfWpi«fcra« Mcforananf«reetc. /(j,ere st^ri^craw'r-^^^^i--^ Be fotne mercy (hewne,by thus def^rting That reward which your blackefoal^^^^^ Tn HeU Yct knowthe Law will hccrc on ctrtn Exemplary to all fucceeding "'^"- rT'^'S^i C./. Gentlemen, your filcnce may be cxcos d- ^-^- ** ^ Where thercsfo much caufe of admiration. 2^met!^ transfer the dead from hcnce,othcr* CaUvptheCottOCcllorsofftate. ^ ^ So intricate is HeaucRS rcucnge gamft lait. The rifthteoasfuffcr here, withthcvniuft. ^^^,^^^ F/ 5y:f 5. o