-: .4 JL JL. rm 1 FIN \MERICA By W. E. /i^LGHINBAlTGH l.OSTON SM.' !,(>, MAYNARD . Illustrated from Photographs » * BOSTON SMALL, MAYNARD & COMPANY PUBLISHERS n Copyright, igij By Small, Maynard and Company (incorporated) S, J. Paekhill PAGE I General Remarks on Foreign Trade .... i II Brazil 13 III Argentine 31 IV Uruguay 49 V Paraguay 57 VI Chile 67 VII Bolivia 79 VIII Peru 91 IX Ecuador 106 X Colombia 114 XI Venezuela 126 XII Central America 138 XIII Mexico 156 XIV Cuba 168 XV Santo Domingo 176 XVI Haiti 182 XVII Porto Rico 186 XVIII The Guianas: British, Dutch and French . 191 XIX European Possessions in the West Indies . . 199 XX Foreign Trade with Latin America and How It Developed 213 XXI Methods of Doing Business 224 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XXII The Salesman and the Customer 243 XXIII Custom-Houses and Tariffs 266 XXIV Trade Marks - . . . 276 XXV Finance and Credits 288 XXVI Packing and Shipping 311 XXVII Advertising 331 XXVIII Reciprocity 345 XXIX Health Precautions 368 Appendix 375 Index 397 ILLUSTRATIONS The harbor of Rio de Janiero . AvENiDA Rio Branco and Opera House Rio de Janiero Taking produce to the station, Argen tine Grain elevators, Buenos Aires . Interior of a gentlemen's hat store Asuncion, Paraguay .... A COUNTRY store IN COLOMBIA Valparaiso Lake Titicaca at Puno, Peru . , . Oroya Line, Peru a comparison of climates Drying hides and skins in Argentine AvENiDA Central, Rio de Janiero . Calle Rivadavia, Buenos Aires . A Pack-train on the Andes Trail in Colombia Llamas in Cerro de Pasco, Peru Chilean infantry. See page 220 . Advertisement of Cognac Bisquit South American appreciation of adver tisements **made in U. S. a." . The Plaza Hotel in Buenos Aires . PAGE 14 28 44 60 60 68 Z6 98 224 240 262 288 312 316 340 340 342 368 MAPS South America Frontispiece Central America 13^ Mexico iS^ The West Indies 168 SELLING LATIN AMERICA > 4 W • f >' 1 9 • • • : .V SELLING LATIN AMERICA GENERAL REMARKS ON FOREIGN TRADE War completely changes commercial cur- rents. The victor takes the established and profitable trade, leaving to the vanquished the harder lines of business and the development of new fields. This is as true of the first war recorded by history as it will be of the last. As an illustration of the veracity of this statement it is only necessary to recall our war with Spain. Prior to her defeat, Spain con- trolled the bulk of the banking and commerce of the Philippines, Cuba and Porto Rico. To her possessions she exported wines, foods, manufactured articles, textiles, drugs, per- fumes, canned goods, shoes and hats, receiv- ing in exchange their sugar, tobacco and cof- fee. 2 SELLING LATIN AMERICA To-day the United States consumes all of these exports, while the requirements of the three countries are supplied by America, which also does their financing through banks organized in these possessions, and capitalized with American money. To be more specific and by way of a concrete example let me men- tion Cuba, which in 191 3 exported $165,000,- 000 worth of products, all but 15 per cent, of which was taken by the United States, the amount shipped to Spain being about four- tenths of one per cent. During the same period of time she imported goods to the value of $132,000,000 of which we supplied 65 per cent, against Spain's 8 per cent. Since 1902, Cuba's foreign commerce has increased 250 per cent., due absolutely to the part played by the United States in the Spanish-American war. The same condition of affairs in ex- ports, imports and other lines is equally true, although not on such a large scale, of course, of the Philippines and Porto Rico. The Napoleonic wars gave to England the strong position she now occupies in the finan- FOREIGN TRADE 3 cial and commercial world. Her bankers and shippers, merchants and manufacturers, with one accord grasped the opportunity that presented itself then and have held the su- premacy thus gained for more than a century. Perhaps it was the recollection of what gave Great Britain her start in this field which led the London Spectator to remark, at the outbreak of war in 1914: "The present war gives the United King- dom an excellent opportunity to capture the export and import trade of Germany and Aus- tria-Hungary." If England, engaged in the most desperate and expensive war she or the civilized world ever has known, with her enormous resources taxed to their utmost, saw an ''opportunity" for trade expansion, how much greater is the chance in this line for an absolutely neutral power, populated with keen business men, and provided by Nature with unparalleled produc- tive possibilities; The war in Europe developed the most re- markable business situation for the United 4 SELLING LATIN AMERICA States ever presented to any nation. The vir- tual closing of all the doors of the export and import trade of the Old World and the almost total dependence heretofore of the Far East and Latin America, especially, on Europe for finance and trade connections made the w^ar truly the psychological moment for us, as a nation, not only to overcome the lead of the European commercial world, but also to ce- ment by other than ties of business the bonds of friendship due us not only on account of our ideal geographical position, but also be- cause of our similar republican form of gov- ernment. By embracing this extraordinary oppor- tunity — apparently almost created for our ex- press benefit, we being the only people able to profit by it — we can make the nations which formerly depended on Europe for support in their trade ventures our business allies, our sin- cere friends and well-wishers, and at the same time bring about a new trade alignment so that all America will reap the benefit. Let us briefly consider some of the enormous FOREIGN TRADE 5 possibilities of foreign trade in Latin Ameri- can countries. Latin America — that is, the countries of Central and South America, together with Mexico, Cuba, Santo Domingo and Porto Rico — comprises twenty distinct states, with a total population of about 65,000,000, a large portion of whom are Indians and half-breeds — a fact which we should not lose sight of in view of the tremendous imports. Statistics recently compiled by the Pan- American Bureau show that these countries, in 1913, conducted a foreign commerce valued at $2,870,178,575. Of this the imports were $1,304,261,763, and the exports, $1,565,916,- 812, thus giving Latin America a favorable balance of $261,655,049. Ten of these countries alone purchased goods to the amount of $961,000,000. Of this sum Great Britain supplied $273,000,000; Germany, $180,000,000; France, $84,000,000; Italy, $54,000,000; Belgium, $47,000,000, and Austria-Hungary, $8,000,000. The United States exported to these ten countries last year 6 SELLING LATIN AMERICA $160,000,000 and imported from them $250,- 000,000. Brazil, in 19 13, imported $15,000,- 000 in textiles alone, of which amount the United States supplied only $500,000. In the same length of time Argentine imported goods to the amount of $468,999,996, of which amount less than 8 per cent, was supplied by this country. The United Kingdom exported to all of Latin America $23,500,000 worth of coal in 1913, the United States, during the same period of time, $750,000. Practically the same story in all lines of ex- ports could be told of these countries, demon- strating that individually in nearly all cases the United States is the largest consumer of their raw or finished products and the smallest exporter of the goods they most require. Fearful that some one may infer after look- ing at these figures that European countries have preferential duties with Latin America, let me state most emphatically that this is not the case. With one single exception no favor- itism is shown any of the trading nations, in the matter of import fees, and in that instance FOREIGN TRADE 7 we benefit by it. Brazil makes a decided preferential tariff in favor of some of our goods in view of the fact that we are the largest consumers of her chief product — coffee. Everyone of these countries is in process of development and expansion. They have in profusion, the things the busy world most needs. Their mines are the richest known to man. Some have been worked for thou- sands of years and are still productive. Their broad fields are destined to make them the granaries of the world. Their miles of pas- ture lands and their extensive acreage mean that Europe and the United States will depend upon them for meat. Their vast virgin for- ests are capable of supplying humanity with cabinet and other woods for several centuries. Their trade and imports must therefore in- crease. It is apparent that they cannot di- minish. We cannot as a nation afford to re- main indifferent any longer to their possibili- ties and opportunities. Very naturally there have been many ob- jections on the part of our business men to go- 8 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ing after this trade which all of Europe strained every resource to acquire and control. It was urged that we had all the business we required; that we lacked foreign banking facilities ; that our merchant marine was small and inefficient; that to go abroad for trade meant learning new languages, acquiring new customs, opening new accounts, taking more risks. These conditions were equally true when the European merchant decided to enter this field. He met and overcame all these difficulties under far more adverse circum- stances than exist for us, to-day. His expe- rience in this territory has charted the path for us to follow, and if we take advantage of the beacons he has erected we shall be saved from many pitfalls. Latin America with the things the world most requires — wheat, meat, wool, coffee, sugar, nitrates, minerals, woods — can never collapse completely through any financial crisis. Furthermore its power of reviving quickly from any unfavorable panic is truly phenomenal. I recall Venezuela, the year she FOREIGN TRADE 9 terminated her bloodiest revolution under Castro, harvesting and exporting a bumper crop of coffee, which immediately cleared up her monetary depression, and this rapid con- valescent condition has been duplicated time and time again after every period of internal trouble experienced by all of these countries. Nature has been bounteous in her gifts to these favored lands of the sun. If in a given locality the soil is not fertile, it is rich in min- eral wealth, or covered with luxuriant for- ests. Throughout Latin America large and small rivers afford easy and cheap means of transportation. Drought or excessive rain- falls are comparatively unknown. Despite the fact that a majority of the population lives primitively, epidemics of a severe nature have been few and far between. Revolutions, for- merly the blight on these lands, are becoming rare and in most of these countries there have been no such uprisings or demonstrations of this character for more than twenty years. The opportunities for successful business in almost any chosen line in Latin America are lo SELLING LATIN AMERICA unlimited, provided one uses ordinary judg- ment and simple tact in the undertaking. Furthermore less capital is required to start an enterprise than in lands where competition is keener, and less energy necessary to insure success. The truth of these statements is demonstrated most completely by the fact that millions of Europeans — many of them unedu- cated and possessed of no great amount of ability or money — have settled throughout these lands and established themselves in prosperous occupations. The greatest possibilities exist along the lines of general development. All these coun- tries are new; most of them practically unex- plored — many of them not even having their boundary lines definitely established. Think of what must be the opportunities in Brazil — a country larger in area than the United States, and supporting only 20,000,000 people — or of Argentine, spreading over almost as much territory as Europe, excepting Russia and Austria-Hungary, with a population slightly more than 7,000,000. It is to these FOREIGN TRADE n. countries that overcrowded Europe must come for elbow room — for a glimpse of the sun. Once a business or a plant is established in Latin America one need not have the intense fear of bitter local competition. These peo- ple have never been manufacturing or creative in their desires, and the chances are, if we are to predicate their future from their past, that they never will become competitors in any of these fields. Climatic conditions, racial and inherited traits have made them follow the lines of least resistance and they have become cattle raisers and large farmers, while com- paratively few have entered commercial life. This being true it follows that these countries are ideal for those desirous of leading an active commercial or manufacturing career. All of Latin America is in the process of awakening. They are building railways, making vast municipal and national improve- ments, exploiting their natural resources, modernizing their agricultural methods. The advent of the foreigner has been potent in rais- ing their standard of living. If these people 12 SELLING LATIN AMERICA were to raise their standard of living to that of the United States at the present time, it would be the equivalent, so far as market possi- bilities are concerned, to creating three new Americas. Each day sees some progress in this direction, and with it a desire for more of the comforts of modern civilization — for more of the things which go to make up the full and complete life. This means employment for their people — civic progress — and prosperity. Their markets are easily reached, the merchants willing to buy, our producers cap- able of providing the things they require. Their first orders may be small, but they be- come enormous buyers when they find the article adapted for their needs. The Euro- pean marts which might have supplied the things these nations require in their growth cannot do so for a long time to come, thus giv- ing us an ideal opportunity to capture these markets and at the same time introduce Ameri- can methods throughout the length and breadth of the land. II BRAZIL The Republic of the United States of Brazil, including the Acre Territory, is the largest of the South American countries and if we include Alaska and our island posses- sions is really larger in area than the United States of America, by about 200,000 square miles. It is fifteen times larger than Ger- many and sixteen times larger than France. With the exception of Ecuador and Chile its frontier touches every country of South America, being bounded on the north by Brit- ish, French and Dutch Guiana and Venezuela ; on the west by Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Para- guay and Argentine ; on the south by Uruguay, while the Atlantic Ocean forms its eastern and a portion of its northern limitation. Its most eastern point is but three days' sail from the western coast of Africa. It is the fourth w 13 14 SELLING LATIN AMERICA largest country in the world, and is widest be- tween the Equator and the Tropic of Capri- corn, covering an area of 3,292,000 square miles. The population has been variously estimated at from 20,000,000 to 24,000,000, of whom less than 1,000,000 are aborigines, thus giving it about one-fifth of the population per square mile of the population of the United States of America. Its inhabitants are white, black, mulattoes, Indians and mixed breeds, a heavy percentage being descendants from the slaves imported originally from Africa, slavery in Brazil having been abolished in 1888. The language of Brazil is Portuguese ex- cept among the Indian tribes, each one of which has its own dialect. These Indians are to be found in the interior and the remote dis- tricts, and are a negligible quantity as far as trade is concerned, living primitive lives and having few wants that the rich country and rivers cannot supply. Brazil was discovered April 22, 1500, by Pedro Alvarez Cabral, a Portuguese explorer, '3 J 1>!> o Si *s O o a 3 > 9 3 3 , ' 5 D 5 3 3 > 5 J » 3 5 > J 3 3 o t-l a; C I — > 4) o o O o a c OS l-r o 'S > BRAZIL 29 ports on the eastern coast of the States to Brazil. Brazil has 15,272 miles of railways, federal, state and private, over many of which tickets which correspond to our mileage books are issued, for the convenience of the travelling public. Many new lines are in process of construction or contemplated, and a very de- cided effort is being made to unite the various main lines by connecting roads, so that the en- tire republic, including its most remote dis- tricts, may be thus reached. The leading cities, which should be visited for business purposes, are: — Population Rio de Janeiro 1,128,000 Sao Paulo 450,000 Bahia 300,000 Belem or Para 250,000 Pernambuco 200,000 Porto Allegre 125,000 Manaos 60,000 Santos 45,000 Campinas 40,ooo Ceara 40,ooo San Luiz or Maranao 40,000 Parahiba 32,ooo 30 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Population Nichteroy 30,000 Florianopolls, or Desterro 27,000 Rio Grande do Sul 20,00O Some of the States and municipalities of Brazil have a special tax for commercial travellers, which varies from year to year, concerning the payment of which arrange- ments can be best made when on the ground. A small tax is also levied on trade samples, presumably to be refunded when leaving the country. It is advisable to learn how best to handle the situation from travellers with whom you will meet en route. As a rule, all of these are mere matter of detail and can be advantageously arranged, through the proper channel. Ill ARGENTINE Juan Diaz de Solis in 1508 discovered the Rio de la Plata, otherwise known as the River Plate, while searching for a southerly pas- sage to the Pacific Ocean. In 1525 Sebastian Cabot entered the river and gave it the name it now bears, at the same time erecting a fort near its mouth. A wealthy Spaniard, Pedro de Mendoza, in 1536, in exchange for certain landed rights and governmental privileges, established what is now the present city of Buenos Aires. It is unnecessary for the purposes of this book to do more than state briefly that the con- ditions imposed by Spain on all its colonies were outrageously unjust and caused much dis- sension. Efforts to progress were throttled and the friction between the mother country developed until the conquest of Spain by Na- si 32 SELLING LATIN AMERICA poleon, which gave the many Spanish colonies that had become thoroughly satiated with dis- gust and contempt for the Madrid Govern- ment, a chance to rebel and establish them- selves as independent nations. Taking advan- tage of the condition in Europe and having in mind the successful revolution of the Ameri- can colonists, the people of Argentine, Bolivia, Paraguay and Chile revolted, and after much fighting finally drove the Spanish troops from their shores. May 25, 18 10, the people of Buenos Aires declared their independence. A Congress was held in Tucuman on July 9, 1 8 16, the result of which was the more com- plete unification of the Argentine people under the title of the United Provinces of the La Plata River. The government in i860 adopted as its national title 'The Argentine Nation" by which it now prefers to be called. Few know that the British had covetous plans upon this really wonderful country and twice invaded it, once in 1806, and again in 1807. After their fleet had bombarded the capital, the troops landed, and were both times ARGENTINE 33 thoroughly defeated, some of the English battle flags which were captured still being exhibited in Buenos Aires. The government of the Argentine Nation is patterned after that of the United States of America, and has a constitution similar in its important features. There are three branches of government, executive, legislative and judicial; the legislative power being vested in a Congress composed of a Senate and a House of Deputies. The executive power is vested in a President and Vice-Presi- dent elected as those of the United States, each holding office for the period of six years. Of late the Government has been very stable and there have been less tendencies to overthrow the authorized power than in most Latin American countries. By a treaty with Chile in 1 88 1, the great territory of Patagonia, to the south of the Argentine, was divided be- tween these two nations. Argentine covers an area of 1,153,418 square miles, or about one-third as large as the United States. To be more specific it is as 34 SELLING LATIN AMERICA large as Texas, and all of our territory east of the Mississippi. It is bounded on the north by Bolivia, and Paraguay, on the west by Chile, on the south by a portion of Chile and the Atlantic Ocean. Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay, together with the Atlantic Ocean which washes its shores for more than 1500 miles, constitute its eastern boundary. Over 700,000,000 acres of its land is admir- ably adapted for cattle raising and the grow- ing of cereals, a fact which argues much for its future development and prosperity. Its population is variously estimated at from 6,000,000 to 9,000,000 but it can with safety be placed at 7,000,000, a little less than 25 per cent, of its inhabitants residing in the city of Buenos Aires, which has 1,700,000 citizens, a rather unusual condition of affairs. The early settlers of the Argentine were of course Spaniards and their descendants form the bulk of the population to-day. There are comparatively few blacks or mixed breeds, slavery having been abolished in 18 13, while the Indians and aborigines are scattered along ARGENTINE 35 the frontier. Early in its history Argentine encouraged emigration from Europe, using as an inducement the free grant of public lands, which proved especially attractive to the Italian and Spaniard. In fact the pre- ponderance of the Italian in the business and social life, due to this movement has had a noticeable effect on the Spanish language as spoken in this country. From 1857 ^^ ^9^3 the total of newcomers amounted to 4,781,653, many of whom became landholders and began at once to contribute to the growth and wealth of the country. The population to-day is 7.8 persons per square mile as against 32.31 per square mile in the United States. More than 300,000 persons migrate to this country each year. The chief characteristic of the physical formation of the Argentine is its vast pampas or plains stretching from the Rio de la Plata to the west, terminating in the foothills of the Andes, or the Cordilleras. Perhaps no part of the earth's surface has such flat, smooth, treeless plains as here confront the traveller. 36 SELLING LATIN AMERICA The climatic conditions, owing to the fact that it extends over thirty-four degrees of latitude, vary from tropical in the north to practically arctic coldness in the south, the seasons being the reverse of ours, — that is, they have winter when we have summer and vice versa. The greater portion of the country is in the temper- ate zone, the summers being very hot and the winters typified by heavy rains, especially in the eastern portion, diminishing toward the west where there is often much drought. In the extreme south, in what was formerly Pata- gonia the heavy snows of winter take the place of rains, which together with the warm sum- mers produce a luxuriant growth of grass, es- pecially adapted for the grazing of sheep. The Argentine has for some years been one of the granaries of the world and as its avail- able land becomes cultivated is destined to play a more important role in this field. Some idea of its rapid development may be gained from the fact that in 1904, 26,000,000 acres wxre under cultivation, while in 1913 over 60,000,000 were sown. Wheat is of 3 5 3 -> > . .51 3 •> 5 5, > 1 > > o -) 1 : 4J C c c 1) a O c ARGENTINE 37 course its chief cereal, last year over 17,000,- 000 acres being cultivated. The Argentine Agricultural Department states that for the same period of time there were 12,000,000 acres in corn; 4,000,000 in oats and 15,000,000 in lucerne or alfalfa, proportionately large territories being planted with barley, sugar, grapes, rice, cotton and tobacco. This country has been the second largest lin- seed producing nation of the world, yielding first place to India. Last year nearly 6,000,- 000 acres were devoted to the growing of this seed alone. Comparatively little attention is paid to truck gardening or the raising of kitchen vege- tables, fruits or berries, and this offers a re- markable opportunity to one versed in the sub- ject. Conditions for growing these necessi- ties are most favorable but have been neglected in the efforts made to develop other sources of revenue. Tucuman has been the center of the sugar industry, practically all of which is consumed in the country, 43 refineries and plants being 38 SELLING LATIN AMERICA devoted to this business. The grapes grown at the foot of the eastern slopes of the Andes, near and around Mendoza, yield 500,000,000 quarts of wine yearly, most all being for in- ternal consumption. Owing to the reversal of seasons here, crops are harvested when ours are being sown. Recently dairying has developed to a re- markable extent, over 1300 creameries and factories being devoted to the manufacture of butter and cheese, doing a gross business of nearly $9,000,000. Much butter and cheese are shipped to England, Brazil and South Africa. For the first time in its history, but- ter was exported to the United States last year. Flour milling was established in the Argen- tine in the i6th century. Prior to this Chilean flour supplied the demands for this article. To-day in addition to providing sufficient for its own requirements, Argentine ships much of its flour to Brazil, Chile and Europe and has about 800 flour mills in operation, repre- senting an investment of approximately $14,- 000,000. ARGENTINE 39 From the days of the early Spaniards stock- raising has flourished and will always be one of the chief industries of the land. Not only the Government but individuals as well real- ize this and co-operate with each other for the purpose of producing the best strains of all breeds of cattle. There are many ^'refrigerificos" or cold- storage plants and abattoirs throughout the land and for years Europe received practi- cally all of Argentine's animal products, her exports in this line alone being approxi- mately $350,000,000 in 1914. Due to the fact that these establishments were oper- ated by British capital, England naturally took most of this meat. The larger American packing-houses have now entered the trade with the double purpose of supplying both their European and American customers from this field and direct refrigerator ships now run from the River Plate to New York City with cargoes of Argentine beef and mutton. The last census showed 30,000,000 beef cattle; 9,000,000 horses; 500,000 mules; 300,000 40 SELLING LATIN AMERICA asses; 90,000,000 sheep; 4,000,000 goats and 3,000,000 pigs. Nature seems content in having blessed this country with fertile pampas and agricultural lands, consequently there are comparatively few minerals within its territory. There are however some veins of gold, silver, copper and wolfram. Petroleum has recently been dis- covered, but not in large quantities. There is no coal in the Argentine, but in some sections bogs of peat cover extensive areas and await development. To the north and in the interior are forests of valuable woods, there being over thirty- three species of commercial value. Que- bracho wood is found in the provinces of Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero and Corrientes. It is very hard, impervious to moisture and will not rot. Due to these admirable quali- ties it was formerly used for sleepers for rail- ways but now owing to the fact that it is ex- cessively rich in tannin it is used almost ex- clusively for the purpose of curing leather. Formerly it was exported in large logs to Eu- ARGENTINE 41 rope or to the States and the tanning extracts expressed, but to-day there are many factories in the districts where the wood is grown, de- voted to obtaining the tannin directly, thereby materially reducing the cost of the article. Inasmuch as hides and quebracho are products of the Argentine it would seem that the tan- ning of leather would under proper manage- ment develop into a large industry here. The export of tannin for 1914 was over $11,- 000,000. Outside of the industries referred to and a few breweries, cigar factories, and apparel factories, wherein goods for local consumption are produced, there is no general manufactur- ing in the Argentine. No other country of Latin America is as well provided with railways as the Argentine, nor with as regular and superior access to Europe and the States and all parts of the world. More than fifty steamship lines ar- rive and depart regularly from the various Argentine ports, all the seafaring nations of the earth being represented. In 1852, one 42 SELLING LATIN AMERICA observer counted over 600 vessels in the har- bor of Buenos Aires flying the American flag or more than double the number of all the other nations combined. To-day but few are to be seen in the vast shipping of this busy port. The Argentine Republic stands ninth among the world's nations in the length of her railways, having about 22,000 miles of track. Many lines are in process of construction or contemplated, the public and the government both realizing that a complete network of rail- ways leading to the ports accelerate the mov- ing of crops and cattle and are absolutely es- sential to its prosperity. Buenos Aires quite naturally is the principal terminal of most roads, while Santa Fe, Rosario, Bahia Blanca and La Plata are rapidly coming to the front as shipping centers and are providing appro- priate facilities for handling trade. It has been said that every railway in the country is extending its lines more and more into the interior, and railway journeys to Brazil, Para- guay and Bolivia as well as Chile are now ARGENTINE 43 possible. It may be interesting to note that the longest stretch of straight track known to railroad builders is to be found in the Argen- tine, where the rails run a distance of 175 miles without a curve of any kind. Wagon roads outside of the larger cities are poor and in bad condition, and much is needed to be done in this respect. There are many weekly sailings of the most modern and swift passenger ships to Europe, one Italian line making the voyage from Buenos Aires to Genoa in fifteen days. It is also possible to go via Hamburg or England to New York in better ships for practically the same money and in less time than is taken by ships engaged in the direct run from Buenos Aires to New York. The Lamport & Holt Line (British) runs directly from New York to Buenos Aires, with weekly sailings, carry- ing freight and passengers. The Prince Line (British) and the Barber Line (American but flying the British flag), the Norton Line (British), the American Rio Plate Line (American) leave New York twice a month 44 SELLING LATIN AMERICA for Argentine ports. The Houston Line (British) from Boston and New York and the New York and South American Line sail monthly from New York for River Plate ports. The Munson Line (American) from Mobile, Alabama, sends two ships monthly to Buenos Aires. There are many tramp ships from American ports in this trade also. The docks and facilities for handling goods in Buenos Aires are second to none in the world and are modeled after the famous Liverpool system, having cost over $50,000,- 000. Steamers unload cargoes directly into the government custom warehouses, on the other side of which are networks of railway tracks from which they can be forwarded to the interior. Each of the large cement-sided canals or basins for the ship traffic is provided with locks or water gates, while the masonry warehouses, buildings and grain elevators ex- tend for miles along the city water front. Yet the business of the port has grown so that there is much congestion, especially at certain sea- 3 » J 3 ' • ' •» J » "> ' > ' i •» > » 3 ' ' ■" ,3 3/ O », 3 > 3 , > '3' 3 3 3 ■> 3» O c C/3 o ■*-> > w ARGENTINE 45 sons of the year and plans are being consid- ered for doubling its present facilities. Much of the impetus in trade circles in this land is due to the presence of the English, Germans and Italians who control the bank- ing, transportation and commercial life of the country. Both the Briton and the Teuton have large sums invested in all kinds of en- terprises, the total being estimated at $2,000,- 000,000. The Italian has developed into the small shopkeeper and farmer. In Buenos Aires alone there are two daily papers printed in English, which serves to give some idea of the extent of the English speaking population in this city. There are also daily papers published in Italian, German, French and Arabic. Practically all the nations of Europe are represented in the banking business, the United States being the last to enter the field. The English are the strongest and the Germans next. Argentine is supposed to be on a gold ex- 46 SELLING LATIN AMERICA change basis, the gold peso being worth one hundred centavos, or in our money. 96.5 cents. The gold peso is designated by the sign $C/L, the symbol C/L meaning curso legal, or legal tender. This is practically an imaginary coin, and the money one sees is paper currency, the paper peso being worth 44 per cent, of its face value, or 42.46 cents in United States gold. This is represented in the following manner $M/N, meaning moneda nacional or national money. This paper currency fluctu- ates slightly each day, being governed by the market conditions. The abbreviations O/S, C/L, and M/N are placed before the dollar or peso mark, as for example O/S $500 or may follow it, as, for instance, $500 M/N. The Argentine has long been noted for its unfavorable fees charged travellers, each province haying a separate tariff, varying ac- cording to the commodity one may be selling. They are subject to such changes on short notice that it is useless to give them here, be- sides the subject has been dealt with else- where in this book. Before doing business it ARGENTINE 47 is wise to give this matter careful considera- tion. No duty is charged on samples. The following cities should be visited: Population Buenos Aires 1,700,000 Rosario 300,000 Cordoba 120,000 La Plata 100,000 Tucuman 80,000 Bahia Blanca 75>CKX) Mendoza 65,000 Santa Fe 50,000 Salta 40,000 Parana 37)00O Corrientes 30,000 San Juan 16,000 San Luis 15,000 The Argentine exported goods to the value of $468,999,410 in^i9i3, and during the same time imported goods to the extent of $408,- 711,966, of which amount less than 8 per cent, came from the United States. England con- trolled the bulk of the trade with Germany second and France third. The principal exports are meats and meat products, agricultural products such as wheat, 48 SELLING LATIN AMERICA corn, oats, barley, linseed, hay, alfalfa, woods and dye woods, live animals,, wool, hides, skins, butter and cheese. It imports foodstuffs, tex- tiles, iron, steel, railway supplies and rolling stock, agricultural implements and machinery, wagons, carriages, automobiles and automo- bile supplies, electrical apparatus, glass, china, ready-made clothes, hats, shoes, toilet articles, drugs and chemicals, paints and varnish, stock- ings and socks, silks, kitchen-utensils, enam- elled ware, tools, vegetables, fruits, eggs, oils, greases, and coal. IV URUGUAY The first European who set foot on Uru- guayan soil was the man who discovered the Rio de la Plate— Juan Diaz de Solis. This was in 1508. He and his associates were im- mediately attacked by the Charruca Indians, who annihilated the party. Later on Portu- guese settlers from Brazil attempted to colon- ize this land, but they met with repulses, as did also the Spanish colonists who followed them. As a result of the invasion of this terri- tory by Portuguese and Spanish it was claimed by both these countries and became a bone of contention between them for more than two hundred years. The Portuguese colonists were finally routed bodily and their city of Montevideo, founded in 1724, came under control of the Spanish Viceroy. Portugal 49 50 SELLING LATIN AMERICA still persisted in claiming this province and when Dom Pedro made an Empire of Brazil, he also attempted to exercise jurisdiction over Uruguay as well. This ultimately resulted in a war between Brazil and Argentine, in which the Uruguayans rallied to the aid of the Argentinians, defeating the Brazilians. A treaty of peace in which the mediation of Eng- land was asked, was signed August 27, 1828, giving Uruguay its independence. The present government is based upon that of the United States and comprises executives in the persons of a President and a Vice-Presi- dent, elected for four years, and a legislative body, consisting of a House of Representatives and a Senate. Uruguay occupies an area of 72,210 square miles, or is about as large as all of the New England States. It is virtually an extensive undulating plain, having in its northern sec- tion a series of mountain ranges but few of which are higher than 2000 feet. It is bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the north by Brazil, the Rio Cuareim URUGUAY 51 flowing between the two countries. The Uru- guay, dividing Argentine and Uruguay, forms its western boundary while the wide mouth of the Rio de la Plate may be called its southern boundary line. The climate is extremely temperate and healthful— so much so in fact that it is rapidly developing into a summer resort for Chileans, Argentinians and Brazilians; many of the wealthiest of these nationalities have estab- lished seashore homes within its boundaries, especially outside of Montevideo. Extreme summer heat such as one finds in Buenos Aires, is never encountered here, although there are days in winter when it is particularly cold. Snow occasionally falls. Uruguay has a population of 1,500,000, its people being among the best in Latin America. As in Argentine, the Indians are compara- tively few and to be found in remote districts only. There are practically no negroes and mixed breeds. Owing to the influx of Eng- lish, Italian, and Swiss colonists, the standard of the population is continually rising and its 52 SELLING LATIN AMERICA geographical position, salubrious climate and vast areas of tillable land will attract more and more desirable settlers to its boundary. Im- migration is encouraged along the most mod- ern and progressive lines. Uruguay is fortunate in having many nav- igable rivers, the chief of which are the Rio de la Plate and the Uruguay, giving a total of over 700 miles of water deep enough for ocean- going vessels. One river alone — the Uruguay — has ten ports open for interoceanic trade, the cities on this river being Carmelo, Neuva Palmira, Soriano, Fray Bentos, Neuva Berlin, Casa Blanca, Pysandu, Neuva Pysandu, Salto and Santa Rosa. Mercedes is a large city, on the Rio Negro, and is used as a port of call for ocean-going vessels. There is also Lake Merim on the borders of Brazil on which run small launches. Uruguay has comparatively few railroad systems and only 1600 miles of railways. There are many projects for railway develop- ment however and the completion of the URUGUAY 53 mileage planned will rapidly bring the coun- try to the fore. American capital is now be- ing interested in this field. While there are some minerals to be found in the mountainous sections, still the country will always be a pastoral one. Mica, gold, precious stones and petroleum are known to exist, yet comparatively little, if anything, has been done along these lines. Of her 45,000,000 acres of land, less than 5 per cent, is devoted to agriculture, owing to lack of population. There are about 1,700,- 000 acres of virgin forest lands and over 40,- 000,000 acres devoted to grazing cattle and sheep. Wheat is the chief cereal grown, with corn, barley, oats and linseed in the order named. Tobacco has been tried with favorable results. The raising of cattle of all kinds and the maintenance of slaughterhouses and packing establishments for the purpose of supply- ing Europe with meat forms the largest in- dustry. One plant alone at Fray Bentos — 54 SELLING LATIN AMERICA owned by the Liebig Company and where the extract of that name is made, — kills over 3,000,000 head a year. Very naturally meat by-products are produced and exported in large quantities. Much frozen and tinned meat is exported. Some idea of the enormous size of the cattle industry here may be gained when we are told that at the present time Uruguay has over 9,000,000 cattle, 30,000,000 sheep, 800,000 hogs, 600,000 goats and 430,000 horses. One of the leading industries is the shearing of wool, all of which is exported. The good climatic conditions, in connection with atten- tion paid to breeding, have resulted in the production of a wool of superior length and texture and as a consequence wool-buyers from Europe are attracted to this market. In 1913 the amount exported reached the enormous sum of $35,875,975. Despite the fact that Uruguay has no gold coin of its own, it is on a gold basis and its peso, or dollar, is worth almost four cents more than ours, or to be exact, $1,034. This URUGUAY 5S is a decidedly unusual state of affairs for Latin America, and reflects favorably on the finan- cial condition of the country. There is much English capital invested here, and to a large extent trade is in the hands of Englishmen. Many German and Italian houses are represented and these nationalities are also becoming interested in local enter- prises. Uruguay exports w^ool, hides, horn, hair, meats and meat products, grease tallov^, grain and cereals, the total amount expressed in fig- ures for 1913 being $65,142,000. In 1913 she imported goods to the value of $50,666,000, the leading items being food- stuffs, iron, steel, glass, china, wooden prod- ucts, oils, chemicals, medicines, stationery, toilet articles, tobacco, textiles, shoes, hats, and silks. While commercial travellers are supposed to pay a yearly license of $100, still this can be waived by making the proper connection with some local dealer or commission house. The following cities should be visited: ^6 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Population Montevideo 500,000 Pysandu 35>ooo Mercedes 25,000 Salto 25,000 Fray Bentos 15,000 Rivera 10,000 Guadalupe 10,000 Minas 10,000 Florida 10,000 Colonia 10,000 Uruguay has from three to five steamships sailing weekly direct for Europe, or the United States. All vessels leaving either Europe or the United States and calling at Buenos Aires touch at Montevideo the day before arriving at Buenos Aires, as well as on the return trip. Two night lines of comfortable steamers con- nect Buenos Aires and Montevideo, which are about no miles apart. Ample transoceanic and coastwise freight service is also provided. V PARAGUAY. Due to the ambitions of one man — Carlos Antonio Lopez — a dictator of the worst type, with Napoleonic designs, Paraguay, one of the finest of South American countries, one with brilliant prospects and holding the great- est opportunities, is to-day the most backward and has the smallest population. Paraguay was discovered by Sebastian Cabot in 1526. Following him came Juan de Ayolas and Domingo Irala, who in 1536 founded the city of Asuncion, now the capital of the republic. Up to 1810 it was a Spanish colony, being latterly governed by the Vice- roy from the home country who resided in iBuenos Aires. At that time it was called the Province of Paraguay. It declared its inde- pendence from the mother country in 181 1, the Spanish Governor-General aiding in the 57 58 SELLING LATIN AMERICA movement. After trying various forms of government it became a republic in 1844, which form of government still exists, the ex- ecutive power being vested in a President and yice-President, with a legislative body com- posed of a Senate and Chamber of Deputies. It is impossible in even briefly writing of this really wonderful country to refrain from some reference to the one man, Lopez, whose desire for power resulted in the almost total annihilation of a people. His arbitrary rule embroiled his nation in disputes w^th much of Europe and the United States, and resulted in a war with Uruguay, Brazil and Argentine. In addition to this internal strife developed in which assassins, murderers and executioners played their parts. When Lopez was finally killed and his power gone, Paraguay's popula- tion, according to Dawson, the well-known historian, had decreased from ^'1,300,000 to a little over 200,000, only about 29,000 being men and 90,000 children under fifteen years of age." There were five women to one man. As a result of this devastation the country PARAGUAY 59 never has revived. Recent revolutions have set it back still further and whatever of good may come to this benighted land must be writ- ten in the future tense. Paraguay is almost an inland country, hav- ino; but one outlet to the sea in the Parana River. Its 196,000 square miles of territory is bounded on the north by Brazil and Bolivia; on the west and south by Argentine, and on the east by Argentine and Brazil. The Paraguay River runs directly through its territory from south to north dividing it into two sections, Western Paraguay, or the Chaco, and East- ern Paraguay. It is well watered with many small streams, while toward the north and east are mountain chains. The climate of Paraguay is so equable that the country is sometimes called the "Sanitar- ium." The two seasons are the rainy and the dry. It never snows in this land and flowers in great variety and a riot of color bloom con- stantly. The southern two-thirds are in the Temperate Zone, the northern one-third in the Tropic Zone. 6o SELLING LATIN AMERICA The population is estimated at 800,000, over 100,000 of which are wild Indians, the re- mainder being largely of mixed blood, negro predominating. There have been some spor- adic attempts to encourage immigration, which have not resulted in any great move- ment in this direction, owing to the instability of the government and the backward condi- tion of the people as well as to the general isolation of the country. Travel in Paraguay is most primitive. There are few roads and most of the com- merce is carried by bullock carts on almost im- passable trails or by pack train over narrow paths. But one railway, having a total length of about 250 miles, ekes out a homeopathic existence, running from Asuncion, the capital, to Ville Encarnacion. Many railways must be built to open the country. One can go by rail from Asuncion to Buenos Aires in two days, the trip requiring a ferryage from Posa- das to Ville Encarnacion. The Trans-Para- guayan Railway now in course of construction will do much to develop the country. Com- 5 3, 3 ' 3 } 3 ) J > 5 > 15 J 1 > ■) > ' p ' ) > > a 3 J ' Interior of a gentlemen's hat store, Asuncion, Paraguay A country store in Colombia PARAGUAY 6i munication with the outside world via Monte- video or Buenos Aires is maintained by river steamers, requiring from five days to a week to make the trip to Asuncion, which is about iioo miles from the Argentine capital. From Asuncion it is possible to go into the interior or even to Brazil, on light-draft steamers, the Guyara Falls, 1300 miles above the capital, stopping navigation of the Parana River at this point. The Paraguay River is navigable for vessels of twelve-foot draft to Asuncion and for smal- ler vessels 700 miles farther. Most of the commerce of Paraguay is car- ried in lighters drawn by tugs, and these emis- saries of trade are to be met on all the rivers and waterways of this country. There are several lakes, navigable for small craft, but of no importance from a commercial standpoint. While both the climate and the soil warrant one in stating that Paraguay is susceptible of high agricultural development, little has been done in this regard, outside of locally produc- 62 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ing the few vegetables and fruits required for home consumption. Sugar-cane, tobacco, tropical fruits and cotton would thrive in this country. Each one of these staples has been successfully raised, the cotton being something like our own famous Sea Island brand. A business, small in size, yet of great im- portance, and restricted to this locality, is the production of oil of petitgrain, a form of orange perfume, much in use in European perfume houses as a base for toilet and flavor- ing extracts. The essential oil is obtained in the most primitive manner and is always in great demand. A lace peculiar to the country, called ''nanduti" or spider lace, is made by native women, and if properly commercialized might develop into a paying trade. The growing and curing of ''Yerba Mate," a native tea, used extensively in Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentine and Chile, yields considerable income, but is never destined to become an article of great international com- merce. The plant or shrub grows wild. The PARAGUAY 63 crop amounts to about 18,000,000 pounds yearly. Quebracho, a red-colored wood, rich in tannin, is indigenous to the country. It is used for furniture and railroad ties and the extract made from it is employed in tanning leather. In one year, over $4,000,000 of this wood alone was imported to the United States, much of it being used for paving blocks. Thousands of acres of cabinet and other commercial woods are to be found in the for- ests, but are without value, owing to their iso- lation and lack of means of transportation to get them to the markets. The country has some ore deposits. The principal ones are copper, mercury, man- ganese and iron. They cannot be developed on account of their remote location. It therefore follows that the chief indus- tries of Paraguay for years to come will be in the production of raw materials and in the raising of cattle for which its well-watered plains are admirably adapted. It has now about 6,000,000 head of cattle and sheep and 64 SELLING LATIN AMERICA two slaughter-houses, killing about 40,000 an- nually. There are two large American com- panies engaged in the cattle industry; also one big German firm in the same line. Paraguay has not invited capital and in- ducements of this nature need not be expected for some time. While supposedly on a gold basis, money of this metal exists only as a fiction. The incon- vertible paper peso has a fluctuating value, being at times as low as two and a half cents U. S. gold, and as high as five cents U. S. gold, according to the stability of the gov- ernment and local commercial conditions. Credits should be extended with the great- est caution. In 1913 Paraguay exported $5,462,000 worth of materials, chiefly fruit to Argentine, as well as yerba mate, timber, hides, dried beef, quebracho, lace, and tobacco. Most of her exports were taken by the neighboring re- publics, and by them re-shipped to the markets of the world. No exports to the United States for 1913 are given, but in 191 2 they PARAGUAY 65 amounted to only $593. Germany is her largest European creditor, last year taking over $1,198,686 of her products. Paraguay in 1913, imported $7,671,551 in textiles, foods, hardware, fancy and toilet goods, shoes, hats, liquors, drugs, clothes, steel and iron, of which amount the United States contributed $181,367 as against Germany's $989,898 and England's $963,418. Commercial travelers are supposed to pay a duty proportionate to the business they do. As a matter of fact, no effort is made to collect this tax and the local merchant generally pro- tects the traveler visiting him from such ex- ploitation. The following cities should be visited : Population Asuncion 60,000 Villa Rica 35,ooo Concepcion 25,000 Encarnacion 10,000 Owing to its situation it is necessary in order to reach Paraguay to go by train or boat from Buenos Aires, or by boat from Montevideo; 66 SELLING LATIN AMERICA the journey from Buenos Aires is the quickest and most comfortable. All goods intended for Asuncion or other points in the country are trans-shipped at either Buenos Aires or Montevideo, arrange- ments for which can be made with the lines running from Europe or the United States direct to either of these ports. Or your cus- tomer in Paraguay will instruct you to ship his order through some agent whom he will spec- ify in his shipping instructions, who will at- tend to the routine detail to forward the con- signment. VI CHILE After Pizarro had conquered Peru he dis- patched Diego de Almagro with an army, in- structing him to explore and take the territory to the south, or what is now Chile. He was unable to accomplish the task. In 1540 Pizarro sent another expedition under Pedro Valdivia, whom fortune favored and who penetrated to what is now the city of Santiago, which he founded in 1541. For more than 100 years the war-like Araucanian Indians made repeated attacks on settlers in this terri- tory, the Spaniards having great difficulty in conquering them. A treaty of peace was con- cluded in 1640. When the revolutionary movement in South America started against Spain, Chile on Sep- tember 18, 1 8 10, declared her independence, and became the scene of much fighting, finally 67 68 SELLING LATIN AMERICA on April 5, 18 18, defeating forever Spanish power and becoming absolutely independent. A republican form of government w2ls adopted, the executive power being vested in a President, and the legislative in two houses, a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies. The Republic of Chile has 292,580 square miles, with a ragged coast line of 2,627 i^i^^s, and varies in width from 90 to 248 miles. It is bordered on the north by Peru, the east by Bolivia and Argentine, the south and west by the Pacific Ocean. Two almost parallel ranges of mountains, the Cordillera de la Costa and the Andes, run from north to south, with a valley over 500 miles long and 40 wide spread between them. In this chain of mountains are more than 30 extinct volcanoes from 11,700 to 21,340 feet in height. Owing to its extreme length Chile possesses many climates. To the north it is dry and hot, the central portion being decidedly tem- perate with changing seasons, almost like Cali- fornia, while in the south the temperature gets 3 ■> D -> ) i I > _ f > ■) 1 ■> ' . ^5 J ' ,' : r J ' »' 5 ) 1^: • ',1 :> 1,' o 'ci 1-1 3 'rt CHILE 69 lower, and rains increase. To the extreme south there is much snow and cold with but little vegetation. There are practically no negroes in the 3,500,000 of Chile's population. Some writ- ers estimate that 25 per cent, of the inhabitants are Germans, or of German descent, this na- tion having many business men and large col- onies in the Republic, especially toward the south and around Valdivia. Perhaps 50 per cent, are descendants of the Araucanian In- dians by the early Spanish explorers. There is a large percentage of English; it is esti- mated that in Valparaiso, a city of 250,000, there are at least 20,000 Anglo-Saxons. The French and Italian colonies are also quite numerous. Chile ranks third in South America in her railways, possessing a total of 3800 miles, nearly 2000 of which are owned by the Gov- ernment. A longitudinal railway, designed to run practically the length of the country — 2132 miles — from north to south, is in proc- ess of construction. It will be connected with 70 SELLING LATIN AMERICA the coast and the hinterland by roads cross- ing it at right angles, and is designed to de- velop the entire country and to be of strategic value in transporting troops. Two new trans- Andean roads are contemplated in addition to the one now running from Los Andes to Mendoza, one to operate about 300 miles north of Santiago — the other to cross 400 miles to the south of the capital. Other lines from the smaller ports to the longitudinal road are proposed, in all over 3000 miles being pro- jected. Of the roads maintained by the gov- ernment, it might be said that they are run at a great annual loss, a condition which may operate materially against the country's prosperity at some near date. Many of the privately owned roads are used only in con- nection with the nitrate industry. Chile has many small rivers varying from 25 to 150 miles in length arising in the moun- tains and rushing to the sea. Most of them are dry a greater part of the year^ but during the rainy season become raging torrents. With the exception of a few in the southern CHILE 71 part of the country, they are not navigable, but by a proper system of conserving and stor- ing their water might be made useful for gen- erating power or light. Her extensive coast line gives Chile 59 ports on the Pacific, most of which are open roadsteads and at certain times of the year positively dangerous, loading and unloading of vessels being done by means of lighters, ships being obliged to lie from one to two miles off the land. The principal ports from north to south in the order named are Arica, Pisagua, Iquiqui, Tocopilla, Antofagasta, Taltal, Caldera, Carrizal, Coquimbo, Val- paraiso, Talcahuano, Coronel, Valdivia, Puerto Monte, Ancud, and Punta Arenas, the most southerly city on this continent and one of the big fur markets of the world. Chile is to-day spending millions of dollars on the modernization of her leading ports so as to properly safeguard life and property, but it will be years before this work is finished. Primarily the wealth of Chile comes from her nitrate beds and her mining possibilities. 72 SELLING LATIN AMERICA There are about $150,000,000 invested in the nitrate industry alone — $55,000,000 being English and $51,000,000 local. American capital is little represented in this line. The exports in 19 13 amounted to 60,500,000 quin- tals, a quintal being 101.41 pounds; the value in money was $98,239,569. Iodine is one of the by-products in the manufacture of nitrate, and is controlled by a combination or trust, $1,876,277 worth being exported last year, the United States taking 183 tons, England 65 tons and the remainder of Europe 264 tons. The nitrate beds run a distance of 450 miles south of the Camarones River, at an altitude of 4000 to 5000 feet and from 10 to 20 miles inland. Many theories have been advanced as to these deposits, the one generally accepted being that these fields were once the bottom of some sea elevated by a titanic upheaval. The beds vary in width from a half to five miles, and the "caliche" or strata of earth bearing the nitrate is usually covered by sand and dirt varying from a few inches to 10 feet. This is blown out by dynamite, separated by wash- CHILE 73 ing and boilings from foreign matter, then bagged and shipped. A more desolate spot than a nitrate ''officina," as these reduction plants are called, would be hard to imagine. No trees or vegetation are to be seen and even v^ater has to be carried for miles in cars for operating the machinery and for other uses. Authorities differ as to the extent of the de- posits, some alleging they will be worked out in 20 years, while others claim there is suffi- cient supply available for 200 years. Nitrate is used extensively in the arts, for manufactur- ing gunpowder and explosives and for a fer- tilizer in agriculture. Copper is found in great profusion, $7,947)" 307 worth being exported last year. One of the largest copper mines is owned by the Braden Copper Company, an American con- cern. In 1913 its average daily production was 30 tons of bar copper. Machinery is be- ing installed which is intended to double this output. Chile at one time contributed one- third of the world's supply of Ais metal and mineralogists state that there are yet great bod- 74 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ies of high grade ore awaiting the discoverer. Coal is found throughout the south of Chile, one coal field alone being estimated to contain 1,862,000,000 tons. Over $7,500,000 is in- vested in this enterprise. Iron ore of excellent quality and freeness from sulphur is found in large quantities. An American company is largely interested in de- veloping this market, and contemplates in- vesting $6,000,000 in their property. There are silver and gold, deposits of salt and borax, as well as cobalt, nickel, mercury bearing ores, tungsten, zinc, graphite, sulphur and alum. All of these await proper devel- opment as they exist in paying quantities. Much of the territory, which resembles California in scenery, climate and formation, is given over to agriculture. Over 600,000 tons of wheat were harvested in 191 2 with 71,000 tons of barley, 50,000 tons of oats and 40,000 tons of corn. Some authorities claim Chile to be the fourth largest wine producing country of the world, most of its vintage being consumed locally. CHILE 75 Stock raising is increasing, especially to the south, where sheep are profitably grazed. The latest census gives the number of cattle at 1,900,000, sheep 5,000,000 and goats 300, 000. Much wool from three to four-inch staple is produced, last year 20,563,833 pounds being exported. Dairying is rapidly grow- ing. Bee culture is becoming a permanent in- dustry, there being 90,000 hives in Chile in 191 3. Much honey and wax are exported. There are millions of acres of virgin forests of valuable hard woods in the south, the north being a barren, treeless country. The chief trees are the Chilean oak, the rauli, elm, cy- press, pine, cherry, laurel and of late the eucalyptus is being propagated extensively. Some industries such as shoe factories, can- neries, breweries, distilleries, sugar refineries, cracker bakeries, and the like exist but their products are for local consumption. The fruits of Chile, such as the cherry, peach, pear, apple, nectarine, plum, apricot and melon, are the equal of ours. Inasmuch as the seasons here are reversed, these luscious 76 SELLING LATIN AMERICA fruits would reach our markets during winter, and this could be developed into a profitable trade. Chile exports nitrate of soda (nitrate), cop- per, iodine, wheat, borate of lime, iron, gold, silver, wool, hides, woods, honey, and wax. She imports bottles, cars and rolling stock, cement, cotton goods, glassware, iron and steel ► manufactures, such as wire, nails, pipes, cor- rugated iron, hardware, tools, locomotives, mining and agricultural machinery, mineral waters, paper, petroleum, rice, sacks, tinned salmon, thread, tea, woolen goods, shoes, and hats. Chilean money is unstable and fluctuates from day to day, the paper peso or dollar be- ing worth from 17 to 36 cents, according to variations in exchange. A gold peso exists fictitiously for trade purposes, being estimated at 18 pence or 36 cents U. S. gold. When this mark ^'$" is followed by the word oro the amount is understood to be gold. If however this abbreviation is used "m/c" it means CHILE 77 ^'moneda corriente" or the paper money. Chile has for a long time talked of chang- ing its currency and making it staple. The sooner this is done the better for the country. Such a movement has been greatly retarded by men who have made money due to the fluctua- tions in currency. Both the English and Germans have large interests here, and as a consequence do the bulk of the exporting and importing business with Chile. Imports in 1913 were $122,075,- 994 as against $139,878,201 of exports. India shipped to Chile $3,500,000 worth of jute bags for nitrate in 1913, and stands seventh in the list of countries sending goods here, the United States being third with $16,806,341 to its credit as against England's $38,616,886 and Germany's $33,189,070. Commercial travelers are not required to pay a license. The authorities are very lib- eral about admitting samples. The following cities are worth visiting for trade purposes: 78 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Population Santiago 4CX),ooo Valparaiso 250,000 IquiquI > . . . 50»000 Concepcion 50,000 Chillon , 45,000 Antofagasta 35)000 Punta Arenas 20,000 Talcahuano 16,000 Valdivia 16,000 Coquimbo I2,000 Chile may be reached by taking any line from New York to Buenos Aires, then cross- ing via the Trans-Andean road to Santiago or Valparaiso, or by any line of steamers sailing for Colon, thence via train to Panama from where English, German, Chilean or Peruvian steamers sail weekly, touching at all the lead- ing coast ports. There are also English and German ships direct from Europe, which pass through Smythe Channel on the southwest coast of Chile and touch at all its ports on both the outward and return voyage. VII BOLIVIA Bolivia, the fourth largest of the South American republics, extending over an area of 708,195 square miles, is without a seacoast, having lost control of her ports on the Pacific Ocean as a result of the war between Peru and Chile. This country occupies as much territory as all of the states east of the Missis- sippi, excepting those of New England, or is as large as the combined areas of California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, and is bounded on the north and east by Brazil, the south by Paraguay, Argen- tine and Chile, while her western boundary is made up by Peru and Chile. After Pizarro discovered Peru, he organ- ized an expedition, explored Bolivia, and an- nexed it to the Spanish crown, which con- trolled its destinies until all of Latin America 79 8o SELLING LATIN AMERICA revolted against the home government. In 1809 the Spanish authorities vs^ere deposed and independence declared in 1825, as a result of the Battle of Ayacucho, fought on Dec. 9, 1824, when the Spanish forces were totally defeated. Simon Bolivar, the hero of the rebellion against Spain, drafted its constitution v^hich provided for a President, tv^o Vice-Presidents, and two houses of Congress — composed of a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies. Although Bolivia is entirely within the Tropic Zone, it is blessed with a variety of climates, due chiefly to its altitude. There are two seasons, the rainy from December to May and the dry covering the remainder of the year. Owing to some gigantic convulsion of Na- ture, ages ago, what evidently was the bottom of the ocean was forced upward, and now forms an enormous plateau over 500 miles in length, covering more than 60,000 square miles, at an average altitude of 12,000 feet. This is a comparatively barren stretch of land BOLIVIA 8i with little vegetation, but is extremely rich in mineral deposits. Running north and south, and at the east and west sides of this vast plateau are two ranges of the Andes, the distance between them being about 85 miles. In addition to these main ranges are many others which criss-cross the country in numerous directions. In but few, if any, countries of the world is there to be found such a wealth of scenery, Bolivia possessing three of the highest peaks in this hemisphere, namely lUampu, Sorata and Illi- mani, the sentinel of La Paz, whose snow- covered peak towers into space 22,500 feet. As may be surmised the climate in the pla- teau and mountain regions is cool and invigor- ating most of the year, but extremely warm in the summer, while as the land descends toward Brazil and the upper Amazon region it be- comes milder until it reaches tropic warmth. On account of the high altitude of Bolivia, the traveler generally has attacks of what is known locally as ''puno" or '^sirroche" — or in plain English, mountain sickness, owing to the 82 SELLING LATIN AMERICA rarity of the atmosphere. While it Is exceed- ingly unpleasant and may cause palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, bleeding at the nose and ears, and other disagreeable symp- toms, it seldom results fatally. Rest until ac- climated and the use, under a physician's di- rection, of some heart stimulant, are all that is necessary to restore the patient to his normal state. Stout persons are apt to suffer more than others and should exert themselves as little as possible. Compressed oxygen is car- ried in most of the passenger trains to give immediate relief in case of danger from moun- tain sickness, the train crew being instructed as to its administration. The population of Bolivia is estimated at 2,300,000, but no census has ever been taken, and it is doubtful if it has more than 1,500,000 inhabitants. Fully fifty per cent, of its peo- ple are docile, full-blooded Indians, living the most primitive life and speaking their own dialect with a few head men familiar with Spanish, w^hich is the official or state tongue. The Beni, or white Indians of BOLIVIA 83 Bolivia, are a rather warlike race and have maintained their tribal laws, the control of their lands and customs, independent of all at- tempts to subjugate them. In fact, the Boliv- ians stand in awe of them. There are about 500,000 "cholos," the native term for half- castes or mixed breeds, 250,000 whites of Spanish descent and perhaps 10,000 foreign- ers, — that is Americans and Europeans en- gaged in business. Bolivia has been the scene of a remarkable railway development encouraged by the gov- ernment. There are to-day about 900 miles of road in actual operation, about 400 miles in the process of construction and nearly 2,500 miles, plans and estimates for the completion of which are under consideration. These railways maintain three arteries of commerce with the Pacific coast from the in- terior, and reach the ocean via Lake Titicaca at MoUendo, Peru; at Antofagasta, and also at Arica in Chile, the last named being the shortest and most direct route from the coast to the capital at La Paz, a distance of 274 84 SELLING LATIN AMERICA miles, and only recently completed, requiring about 14 hours for the journey. To go to La Paz via Mollendo, or via Antof agasta is much longer in distance, requiring two days' time, but repays the traveller in the magnificence of the scenery encountered all along the line. Roads are in process of construction from Potosi to Sucre, in order to afford an outlet for the products of the mines located in this vicinity, and from Uyuni to Tupiza near the border line of Argentine, so that direct com- munication can be had with this country as well as Chile and Peru. Other roads are be- ing built from Oruro to Banderani and Oruro and Cochabamba, also from La Paz to Yungas, from Yungas to Puerto Panda and from Cochabamba to Chimon. The govern- ment also intends building roads from Ya- cuiba to Santa Cruz, and thence to Puerto Saurez. Connecting lines will be built to the famous Mamo re- Madeira R. R. in Brazil. There is a perfect net work of rivers in Bolivia, located chiefly in the northeast and southeastern sections, many of which are BOLIVIA 85 navigable for light draught vessels and light- ers. It is estimated that the Paraguay, Beni, Itenes, Mamore, Pilcomayo, Paragua, and other streams give a total water transportation of more than 11,000 miles. These streams, however, can be used more advantageously as commerce carriers toward Brazil, Paraguay and Argentine than to the West Coast coun- tries. Various projects have been suggested for dredging them and providing locks so as to develop the territory drained by them, but it is doubtful if the next century will see this work started, although it is feasible. Lake Titicaca is the highest body of navi- gable water in the world, the steamers which operate on it having been brought from Eu- rope in sections and erected on its banks. It is one of the largest lakes in this hemisphere, covering an area of more than 4,000 square miles and being 160 miles long and 30 wide. While the steamers which ply on its surface carry passengers, they also bring all of the freight into or leaving the country via the port of Mollendo in Peru. 86 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Bolivia may rightly be called the mineral storehouse of the world, for locked, within the heart of her many mountains are untold riches, the tons which she has contributed to the uni- verse being microscopic in proportion to what remains. Her inexhaustible dried lakes of borax and salt, glistening like snow in the pure air of the high elevation, have been scraped for centuries without apparently reducing their supply. There are many rich deposits of gold, silver, copper, tin, antimony, bismuth, borax, zinc, wolfram and coal. In the production of tin, Bolivia ranks sec- ond, the chief producer being the Malay Pen- insula. Tin forms about 70 per cent, of the total export of Bolivia, amounting in value to over $23,000,000, Great Britain taking about 90 per cent, of the output of the mines and selling it to the other nations of the world. There are yet enormous unworked deposits of this metal in this land. Bolivia is one of the largest bismuth pro- ducing countries of the world and the third in the production of copper, and is rich in anti- J' 1 1 ■> 1 a > » 3 jj.s, jo 1 ■> » .1 o •■>■■> t Copyright hy Underwood 3(- Underwood Lake Titicaca at Puno, Peru, with native balsas in the fore- ground. Balsas, which are made of reeds lashed together, are used for carrying freight and passengers BOLIVIA 87 mony and wolfram. In 191 2, the latest avail- able authentic data, she exported the follow- ing amount of metals : Antimony $ 26,615 Bismuth 784,183 Copper 1,311,156 Gold 23,039 Silver 1,676,704 Tin 23,289,732 Wolfram ,. 1 14,847 Zinc 129,243 If the forests of Bolivia as well as the terri- tory sloping toward Brazil were more accessi- ble, much of value would be added to its prod- ucts. This land is especially adapted for grazing and agriculture as well as the growth of medicinal plants and trees. In 1912, Bolivia exported rubber to the value of over $6,000,000. It gives to the pharmacopoeia the following drugs: aconite, arnica, belladona, some cam- phor, cocaine, digitalis, ipecac, jalap, quinine, quassia, sarsaparilla, tamarind, tolu and valer- ian. Cabinet woods, such as ebony, mahogany, 88 SELLING LATIN AMERICA rosewood, satinwood and cedar are to be found in great profusion. Fruits of the tropical and temperate zones flourish. Coffee and cocoa are largely grown. Bolivia is one of the few countries of the world without a national debt, a remarkable condition of affairs, more especially for a Latin American country, and its monetary system is on a gold basis, the unit being the boliviano, worth about 39 cents in our cur- rency. English capital is largely invested in the various mines and railways but the greater portion of the mercantile business, especially in the crude drug line, is in the hands of Ger- mans, who shipped to the Fatherland over 83,000 pounds of the 100,000 pounds of qui- nine exported last year. In 1913 Bolivia exported tin, rubber, silver, copper, bismuth, cocoa, wolfram, zinc, lead, hides, alpaca-wool, medicinal and crude drugs to the value of $36,551,390. Her imports dur- ing the same time were $20,600,000, compris- ing iron, steel and railway building materials. BOLIVIA 89 textiles, machinery, arms and ammunition, foodstuffs, toilet goods, glass ware, and medi- cines. Bolivia is one of the countries where the travelling salesman is sure to be obliged to pay a tax; the porters, hotel employes and others assisting, on a commission basis, of course, the person who has this concession. The fee which amounts to about $115 can often be ''side-stepped" by arrangement with the local merchant with whom you may desire to estab- lish a connection. Under no circumstances let it be known that you are a travelling man until you have perfected your plans with re- gard to this problem. The following cities should be visited : Population La Paz (the capital) 85,000 Cochabamba 35,ooo Sucre 30,000 Potosi 28,000 Oruro 25,000 Santa Cruz 20,670 Tarija 10,000 Tupiza 5,000 90 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Bolivia may be reached via the three cities referred to, namely Mollendo, Antofagasta and Arica, these places being ports of call for all vessels. Both the Peruvian and Chil- ean steamship companies, as w^ell as the Euro- pean lines, touch here also. It is to be ex- pected that some of the larger lines from New- York w^ill arrange a service passing through the Panama Canal and calling at these places, thereby saving the long trip around the Horn, or the transshipping at Colon and Panama. \ VIII PERU Recent archaeological finds warrant some authorities in claiming Peru to have been the home of a highly civilized and cultured people 25,000 years before Christ. The race which inhabited the land then were the Chumus, the progenitors of the Incas, whom Pizarro found when his expedition arrived in Peru from Panama in 1532. The Incas had a socialistic form of government, were able engineers, good surgeons, noted agriculturists and really a wonderful people. The treatment of this docile and intellectual nation by the invading Spaniards is one of the darkest pages of his- tory. Francisco Pizarro founded Lima, the capi- tal of Peru, in 1535, was appointed by the Crown governor of the newly acquired terri- 91 92 SELLING LATIN AMERICA tory and was assassinated in front of his palace in 1541. The great wealth which Peru, through her rich mines, contributed to Spain, warranted that country in making this possession a vice- royalty, the viceroy at one time governing all Spanish possessions in South America from Lima. The movement for independence from Spanish control, started early in the last cen- tury, found many adherents in Peru and after several reverses the yoke of Spain was thrown ofif July 28, 1821, a congress organized in 1822, representing a republican form of government and the first president inaugurated in 1823. In 1879, over a question of boundary lines, Peru became involved in a war with Chile, lasting five years, the result being the defeat of Peru and the invasion of its capital. As a consequence, Peru ceded one of its richest provinces, Tarapaca, outright to Chile, and the territories of Tacna and Arica condition- ally for ten years, at the end of which period a vote was to be taken in these provinces, and PERU 93 the inhabitants were to decide under which country they preferred to remain. The Chil- eans, despite the repeated requests of Peru, have failed to observe this condition of the peace treaty and these territories with all their wealth still are under the control of the con- querors. The methods employed by the Ger- mans in Alsace-Lorraine have been used here by Chile, and the chances are that this district will always remain in the hands of its present governors. A President and two Vice-Presidents, to- gether with a legislative body of two branches, a Senate and a House of Representatives, con- trol the destinies of Peru. Peru contains 687,600 square miles, and is bounded on the north by Ecuador and Colom- bia, on the east by Brazil and Bolivia, on the south by Chile, its western boundary being washed by the waters of the Pacific for its en- tire length of 1600 miles. For purposes of comparison Peru covers as much territory as Texas, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Ari- zona. 94 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Three mountain ranges run through this country between which are found, extremely fertile and productive plateaus, the scene of much of the country's agricultural develop- ment. The land from the coast to the foot- hills of the Andes is as a rule barren, and were it not for the Humboldt Current which runs close to the shore and cools it, would be ex- ceedingly tropical. On the eastern slopes of the Andes, as they stretch toward Brazil and Bolivia, there is a wealth of verdure, vegeta- tion and virgin forests, due to the heavy rains and the tropical sun's action. This comprises three-fourths of Peru's territory. The table- lands are cool and enjoy a temperate climate. From June to November, the days are marked by a fine drizzling rain, particularly along the coast but for the rest of the year rain coats and umbrellas are not needed. Peru claims a population of 4,500,000 but I seriously doubt if it will reach 3,500,000. Of this num_ber fully half are unlettered, igno- rant Indians, lacking in ambition, requiring few necessities and living most primitively. PERU 95 One-fourth are half-breeds, the descendants of the conquerors and the Incas. About two per cent, of the population are Chinese. Here it may be noted that many archaeologists and anthropologists believe that the early settlers of Peru came from China, across the stepping stones in line with the finger of Alaska which points toward Asia, and by degrees wandered down the western coast of America, finally establishing a government near what is now the city of Cuzco. Perhaps 15 per cent, are pure white. There are nearly 50,000 Euro- peans and Americans located throughout Peru. Italians and their descendants are most numerously represented, followed by Germans and English. Peru has no navigable rivers on her west coast, the many streams which empty into the Pacific being dry or very low except during the periods of heavy rains. Properly hus- banded their water power could be effectively used. To-day they serve for irrigation and near some of the larger cities, such as Lima and Callao, have been advantageously used for 96 SELLING LATIN AMERICA generating electric light and power for tram systems. On the eastern side of Peru there are about 3500 miles of navigable rivers for light-draft vessels, drawing 8 to 15 feet, all of these streams ultimately emptying into the Atlantic. Iquitos with 20,000 inhabitants, on the Amazon, 2500 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, is the center of the rubber industry, and is more accessible from New York than from the capital of the Republic, Lima. Peru has 1840 miles of railway, 1300 being standard and 500 narrow gauge. Nearly 3500 miles of road have been surveyed and are in various process of construction. Nominally about 1200 miles of these roads are owned by the Government but are operated and con- trolled by the Peruvian Corporation, Ltd., an English organization^ whose presence is very much in evidence in Peru, and which also operates a line of steamers on Lake Titicaca. Under the present contract with the govern- ment this concern is to control the railways under it until 1973, a certain percentage of PERU 97 the profits to go to the State, and another por- tion to be utilized in railway extension. The Peruvian Corporation, it should be stated, was organized by Europeans holding Peruvian bonds on which it was impossible to collect the guaranteed interest, due to the mis- management of the government as well as the outcome of the war with Chile. This corpo- ration took over and cancelled the indebted- ness in return for certain privileges among which was the right to exploit the rail- ways. To Henry Meiggs, an American from San Francisco, Peru and the world is indebted for the completion of what are the most marvelous railways on the globe. By a series of twists and turns, which include 65 tunnels and 67 bridges, it climbs to the highest point in the world ever reached by a railway, 15,665 feet above sea level in a distance of 138 miles, to what is locally called ''the roof of the world." Some idea of the rapidity of the ascent may be gained when I state that in the first twenty- five miles from Lima the train ascends 2800 98 SELLING LATIN AMERICA feet above the sea, while it reaches 5000 feet twelve miles further on its journey. Another wonderful road runs from Mol- lendo through Arequipa and on to Puno, at the edge of Lake Titicaca, passing through the most magnificent scenery and ascending to an altitude of 14,665 feet. There are numerous Americans employed in the management of the Peruvian railways and practically all the rolling stock comes from the States. The many mountains paralleling the coast make railway construction a difficult and ex- pensive problem. It is possible that this will have much to do with the retarding of the progress of mine development, inasmuch as many of the mineral deposits are almost inac- cessible due to their interior location. Unlike Chile, Peru has manv natural har- bors, affording protection against storms, Mol- lendo, Salaverry and Eten being the only ones really dangerous to shipping and life. The ports from north to south are Tumbez, Paita, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Chimbote, Huacho, Ancon, Callao, Pisco, MoUendo, and > 5 » 3 3 3 ' 3 j; 13 T 3 ooo Cape Haitien 30,000 Aux Cayes 25,000 Mole St. Nicholas 12,000 XVII PORTO RICO Porto Rico was discovered by Columbus in 1493, and colonized by Ponce de Leon in 1509. Because the greater percentage of the population of the island speak Spanish and have the traits, desires and inclinations of that race, it may be briefly considered despite the fact that it has been an American possession since 1898. Within another 25 years prac- tically all of its 1,120,000 inhabitants will be able to speak or understand English, which is now taught in all the schools, education being compulsory. A large portion of the popula- tion are negroes and mulattoes. There are . also many Americans and Europeans. The island is 100 miles long and 35 wide, containing 2,300,000 acres of which but 24 per cent, is under cultivation. It is extremely mountainous toward the interior, one peak reaching a height of 3700 feet, the lowland on 186 PORTO RICO 187 which sugar is cultivated being along the coast. The climate is warm but equable and comfortable, the trade winds moderating any tendency toward excessive heat. Porto Rico is a land of continual summer, and maintains its extreme verdure owing to its rainfall which has an annual average of 77.30 inches. Porto Rico has about 500 miles of steam railways, and nearly 1000 miles of excellent roads. There are no navigable rivers, but many good harbors. Its government is under the control of the Insular Board of the United States War De- partment, a governor being appointed by the President of the United States. The Gov- ernor has as Council, six resident American officials, and six natives, who with a House of Delegates of 35 members, constitute the Leg- islative Assembly, the veto power being held by the Executive; legislation is subject to the final revision of the Congress of the United States. A Resident Commissioner to the United States having a seat in Congress is elected by the people every two years. i88 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Since the yoke of Spain was cast off the island has progressed wonderfully under American management. In 1904 its exports amounted to $16,250,000 and had grown to the enormous sum of $43,000,000 in 19 14, while its imports in 1904 were $13,000,000; they had increased in 10 years to $35,500,000. Its development and prosperity have been steadily upward. Owing to the fact that it has free trade with the United States, we do most of its business, last year taking $34,400,- 000 of its exports and sending it $31,750,000 of its imports. Its chief exports are: Sugar (400,000 tons) . ., $28,000,000 Tobacco (170,000,000 cigars, 12,000,000 packs cigarettes) 5,000,000 Coffee (20,000 tons) 7,000,000 Fruits (oranges, pineapples, grape-fruit, cocoanuts) 3,000,000 Porto Rico is essentially an agricultural country and will remain so. Cattle can be raised. There are no mineral resources. Its requirements are for foodstuffs, flour, PORTO RICO 189 meats, tools, fertilizer, oil, machinery, cement, structural iron, vegetables, dried fruits, and fish, cotton goods, shoes, wines and liquors, confectionery, butter, and toilet articles. United States money is used exclusively, as are also our systems of weights and measures. Direct banking is done with the United States through nine banks in the island. English is the official tongue, Spanish the popular language. There are no travelers' taxes and samples pay no duty. The following cities are the most important: Cities Population San Juan 50,000 Ponce 35,000 Mayaguez 17,000 Caguas II ,000 Arecibo 10,000 Fajardo 9,000 Yauco 8,500 Guaj^ama 8,500 Humacao 7,000 Aguadflla 6,000 Cayey 5, 000 Coamo 4,000 I90 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Thirteen lines of vessels connect this island with the United States, four going direct to New York and providing a semi-weekly mail service. There are also ships to Europe as well as the nearby islands. XVIII THE GUIANAS: BRITISH, DUTCH AND FRENCH Most travelers ignore British, Dutch and French Guiana, assuming that climatic condi- tions are unfavorable and the small size of the population means no demand for goods. The fact is that they are not unhealthful, that their credit is good, their merchants reliable, their purchasing power in proportion to their in- habitants is excellent and especially the Dutch and British colonies are friendly to us and w^hat we produce. They are well worth a visit, and spend annually in the United States jointly about $3,000,000. Furthermore, they are easily accessible from either Trinidad or Barbados. British Guiana is by far the largest and most prosperous. This entire tract was at one time 191 192 SELLING LATIN AMERICA in the possession of Spain and was under its control until 1624. The Dutch in, 1648, after the close of their war with Spain, and through one of their mercantile companies, obtained a trading port in what afterwards became known as Dutch Guiana. Following their move, the English under Sir Walter Raleigh, acquired their present possession, establishing a town now known as Surinam, the English afterwards giving a portion of this territory to the Dutch in exchange for their holdings in North America. About the same time the French established a colony at Cayenne, and later on came near being embroiled in a war with Brazil over the boundary line, which was finally amicably adjusted. These three European colonies, the only ones by the way, in South America, British Guiana being the most westerly, French Guiana the eastern and Dutch Guiana be- tween the others, have for their northern boundary the Atlantic Ocean. Venezuela is the western neighbor of British Guiana. Brazil touches each of these colonies as their THE GUIANAS 193 southern border, also forming the western boundary of French Guiana. The topography of all of these possessions IS similar. Toward the interior are moun- tains whose watershed forms many small rivers and creeks flowing toward the Atlantic. Be- tween the mountains and the ocean are broad fields or savannahs, millions of acres in extent, which gradually terminate in the low lands near the sea. In the highlands and toward the mountains of the interior the climate is spring- like, but it is always very warm along the coast, the temperature being about 80° Fahren- heit, the entire year. There is much rainfall — 100 inches being the annual average. British Guiana covers an area of 90,277 square miles, with a population of about 300,- 000, composed of about 160,000 coolies, im- ported by contract from India and under the supervision of the British government, the re- mainder being white, black and mixed breeds. The native Indians have never been counted owing to the inaccessible location of their , settlements. The East Indians were brought 194 SELLING LATIN AMERICA for the purpose of working sugar plantations, labor being very scarce. There are also about 5000 Chinese. Georgetown with 55,000 inhabitants is the capital, the other settlements being Essequibo and Berbice. The exports which represent the country's products were in 1913 : Sugar $5,250,000 Rum 1 ,000,000 Gold 1 ,400,000 Balata 800,000 Rice 500,000 Diamonds 80,000 Of this the United Kingdom took goods worth $9,300,000 and the United States but $125,000. During the same period, the imports amounted to $7,750,000, England and her colonies supplying $5,545,000 and the United States $1,800,000. This colony has about 100 miles of railway, its many rivers and creeks sufficing for its in- terior transportation. No traveler's license is required. THE GUIANAS 195 Banking is done through Canada and London ; banks in these places having branches in Georgetown and selling exchange on New York. English or American money is used. Sugar is the great crop here and rum, a by- product from the sugar cane, the next largest. Cattle might be raised extensively. The for- ests are rich in cabinet woods. Cocoa, rice, bananas, rubber and cocoanuts could be more extensively grown. There are some gold and a few diamond mines in operation. This colony could be much more highly developed. The business is almost entirely in the hands of the British, England selling about 65 per cent, of its requirements and the United States 25 per cent. They import bags and sacks, boots and shoes, flour, corn meal, coal, drugs and medi- cines, vegetables, hardware, machinery, clothes, textiles, oils, wines and liquors, tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. Georgetown is the only town to visit, and is best reached by either one of the several steamers sailing from Trinidad or Barbados. 196 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Dutch Guiana, sometimes called Surinam, is 46,060 square miles in area, with a popula- tion of 87,500, mostly Indians, negroes and Javanese, who are brought out to work the canefields. The proportion of white is small and they are mostly merchants and govern- ment employes. This country is susceptible of agricultural development, its products and requirements being the same as British Guiana. Param- aribo, with 40,000 inhabitants, is the capital and only town that will repay a visit. This colony is not very progressive, and its trade is decreasing. In 191 2 its exports were $3,500,- 000, mostly sugar, with some cocoa, coffee, balata, gold, bananas and rum, of which Hol- land took $1,500,000 worth and the United States $900,000. It imported goods to the value of $3,000,000, Holland supplying $1,700,000 and the United States $700,000. There are opportunities here but for some reason the colony has been neglected, the capi- tal, Paramaribo, having no modern conveni- THE GUIANAS i97 ences, not even a water supply, although it is ideally located for sewerage and aqueducts. Dutch money is in use, although Amer- ican and English is accepted. Merchants maintain accounts in New York or Europe for their requirements. Credits are good. Eng- lish is spoken by all business men. The Royal Dutch West Indies Mail direct from New York has two sailings a month for this colony. It is also accessible from Trini- dad, Curagao, and Barbados. French Guiana has 49,000 square miles of territory, with a population of about 13,500, some 8,500 of which are convicts, as this is a penal settlement. Capt. Dreyfus was confined here on Devil's Island. This is the least de- veloped and less promising of these colonies. There is little agriculture and less cattle rais- ing. Whatever trade there is is controlled by France. In 191 2 the exports were: Gold $2,000,000 Phosphate 55,ooo Balata 20,000 198 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Rosewood oil $ 46,000 Rosewood 19,000 Cocoa and hides 2,400,000 Most of this was shipped direct to the mother country. Of the imports of $2,000,000, 70 per cent, came from France, our share being $300,000. It is doubtful if our trade here could be ma- terially increased. Cayenne is the only town to visit, and may be best reached from Trini- dad or from the French possession of Mar- tinique or Guadaloupe. French money is in use and while dealers give drafts on Paris or London, most of them having business with New York, do so through some branch of the Credit Lyonnais. No traveler's fee is required. French is spoken. All of these possessions are ruled by of- ficials sent from the motherland for a term of years. XIX EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS IN THE WEST INDIES Four European countries, England, France, Holland and Denmark, have possessions in the West Indies. They are readily accessible, cleanly, attractive, hospitable, and v^ill repay a visit both for business and for pleasure. All of them are dependent on the outside v^orld for their staples and food supplies, and to-day are receiving great attention at the hands of the Canadian merchant, v^ho has in many in- stances supplanted us, especially in such neces- sities as flour, dried fish, butter, potatoes, onions, cheese and fruits. Their trade is well worth catering to, and much of it can be di- verted into American channels. With the ex- ception of Martinique and Guadeloupe, Eng- lish is spoken universally, even in the Dutch and Danish islands. 199 200 SELLING LATIN AMERICA The Dutch colony of Curacao coPxSists of the island of that name, and the adjacent is- lands of Bonaire, Aruba, St. Eustache, Saba and the southern part of St. Martin, the north- ern portion belonging to France. These is- lands are small and situated about 60 miles off the coast of Venezuela to the north, having a total area of 403 square miles, Curacao being the largest, and about 30 miles long with an area of 210 square miles. They are mostly all of coral formation and cannot raise enough food for the sustenance of their 50,000 inhabi- tants, 30,000 of whom reside in Curacao. Wilhelmstadt with 25,000 is the capital and the residence of the Dutch Governor. It is well equipped for coaling and provisioning ships, being a free port, and as it is in the beaten path of travel from Europe to the Pan- ama Canal its future seems bright. The inhabitants of these islands are poor whites who have intermarried and a few blacks. Curacao, however, is the home of many wealthy Jew^s, whose forefathers were banished from Portugal, these islands having EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS 201 formerly belonged to that country. They are all merchants or traders, owning coasting vessels that ply along the Latin American shores and the other islands. Their credit is good and they are thoroughly up-to-date in their business methods. While Dutch money is used, American, English, French, German and other currency is received at the current rate of exchange. There are no government banks, but each mer- chant has credits in the United States or Eu- rope and buys and sells exchange against it. The total exports of these islands are less than $1,000,000 yearly, $300,000 representing coal brought from the United States and resold to steamers. Many straw hats made from fibre imported from Venezuela and Colombia are exported, the yearly production being about $350,000. Aloes to the extent of $70,000 and dividivi, a dye wood, to the value of $25,000, with hides, skins, and a native lace are the chief exports. Aruba ships some phosphate rock and has one small gold mine in operation. Much smuggling is done into Latin America. 202 SELLING LATIN AMERICA This group imports about $2,000,000, $500,000 coming from the United States, $250,000 from Holland and the remainder from the leading European nations. They require flour, rice, beans, onions, garlic, corn- meal, condensed milk, medicines, oil, candles, tinned foods, soups, hams, cottons, shoes and hardware. No duty or fees for travelers are charged. The ''Red D" (American) Steamship Line has a ship a week from New York to Curacao, and the other islands can be reached by coast- ing boats from this port. The Danish West Indies consist of three small islands in the Caribbean sea, St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John, their total area being 138 square miles, with a popula- tion of about 25,000, mostly negroes, a few mulattoes and some European officials. St. Thomas, the largest in the group and about 26 miles from Fajardo, Porto Rico, is used as a coaling station for Hamburg-American ships in the Latin American trade. Its im- ports of $1,000,000 in 191 3 are chiefly ac- EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS 203 counted for by one item — coal from the United States amounting to $550,000. Much bay rum is distilled here. The Panama Canal may revive the trade of this island, owing to its location in the lane of steamship travel. St. Croix, w^ith 14,000 people in its 81 square miles of area, raises sugar and cotton. They also make considerable rum. The United States in 191 3 exported $600,- 000 of St. Thomas's $1,000,000 imports and $550,000 of St. Croix's $800,000 worth of im- ports. No fees are charged in these islands for commercial travelers. American money is used here as much as Danish. There are no banks, merchants maintaining credits in New York or Euro- pean markets from the sale of their exports and drawing against them. English is spoken universally. The Quebec Steamship Company sailing from New York connects with St. Thomas; the other islands being reached by coasting vessels from this point. There are many op- 204 SELLING LATIN AMERICA portunities from San Juan, Porto Rico, to get to St. Thomas. These people buy from us coal, food stuffs, flour, dried fish, candles, oil, rice, onions, beans, shoes, clothing, boots, medicines, soaps and other staples. The French islands in the Caribbean Sea are Martinique and Guadeloupe, and they im- port their requirements from the mother coun- try, owing to the fact that such goods pay no duties. The town of St. Pierre, Martinique, with its entire population of 70,000 inhabi- tants was totally destroyed by an eruption from the extinct volcanoe of Mt. Pelee, May 8, 1902. Josephine, the first wife of the Great Napoleon, was born at Fort de France, Mar- tinique. We sell these colonies some food stuffs, oils and necessities, our yearly sales to Martinique being about $700,000 and to Guadeloupe about $900,000. Martinique raises sugar and manufactures rum, her sugar production being about $3,- 000,000 yearly, and her rum export equalling EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS 205 $2,000,000 annually. Guadeloupe exports about $3,000,000 yearly, mostly cocoa, bay leaves, and vanilla beans. The natives all speak French, and are mostly negroes and half-breeds, with the usual admixture of French officials and soldiers. Guadeloupe has about 1200 square miles and a population of 160,000, while Martinique possesses an area of 380 square miles with about 200,000 inhabitants. The smaller islands of Marie Galante, St. Barts and half of St. Martins also belong to France and get their supplies from either Martinique or Guadeloupe. The Quebec Steamship Company maintains a direct service between New York and these islands, connections for the smaller ports being made by coasting vessels. France also has a line of ships from Europe direct. The British West Indies are made up of the following islands: Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Turks Island, with Caicos Islands and Caymans; Barbados; the Leeward Islands, consisting of 2o6 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Antigua, St. Kitts, Barbuda, Redonda, Vir- gin Islands, Nevis, Anguilla, Montserrat and Dominica; the Windward Islands compris- ing Granada, Grenadines, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia; the Bahamas and Bermuda. Of these islands the population perhaps numbers 1,500,000, mostly blacks, and mulat- toes, with a small percentage of white officials and merchants. The larger islands of Ja- maica with 900,000 people, Barbados with 200,000 and Trinidad with 300,000 are the only ones worth visiting for business purposes, as merchants in these places have trading con- nections with residents of the smaller locali- ties. Kingston in Jamaica, Georgetown in Barbados, and Port of Spain in Trinidad are the only large cities, and have good hotels and prosperous business houses. English is spoken exclusively everywhere and American money accepted at its face value as readily as English currency in all these pos- sessions. The larger islands have branches of Canadian and English banks with direct con- nection in New York. Credits are good. EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS 207 In 1913 the exports were as follows: Trinidad and Tobago $26,000,000 Jamaica and her outlying Islands . . 11 ,000,000 Barbados 5,000,000 Leeward Islands 2,800,000 Windward Islands 2,900,000 Bahamas 1,300,000 $49,000,000 Trinidad, (with Tobago, twenty miles dis- tant) , 1754 square miles in area, is perhaps the most important. Of the $26,000,000 it should be noted that $11,000,000 was for coal, trans- shipped and not produced in the country, thereby reducing her actual productive power in money to $15,000,000. Her chief exports w^ere as follows : Cocoa $7,000,000 Sugar 2,000,000 Asphalt 1,300,000 Petroleum 400,000 Cocoanuts 500,000 in addition to copra, rum and molasses. Of these exports the United States took $7,000,- 000, France $2,500,000, England $2,400,000, Canada $875,000, and Germany $675,000. 2o8 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Her imports in 1913 were $13,750,000, Eng- land supplying $4,500,000; the United States $4,000,000, Canada, $1,250,000, France $300,- 000 and Germany $200,000. Both England and Canada are favored by a preferential tariff. Jamaica covers an area of 4424 square miles. Its exports in 191 3 were $1 1,000,000 as against $14,000,000 in imports. Her chief exports are: Bananas $5,000,000 Logwood 850,000 Coffee 750,000 Cocoanuts 650,000 Rum 500,000 Sugar 260,000 Ginger 180,000 Tobacco 1 80,000 Of these the United States took $6,200,000, Great Britain $2,000,000, France $750,000, Canada $425,000 and Germany $425,000. Jamaica's chief export is bananas, almost all of which are taken by the United States, who in return sells her 50 per cent, of her imports, England, Canada and Germany following in EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS 209 the order named with $5,300,000, $1,300,000, and $340,000 respectively to their credit. Jamaica has no preferential tariff with the United Kingdom and will not have so long as the United States continues to be her best customer. Barbados' area of 166 square miles is the most densely populated piece of land in the world, with 200,000 inhabitants. It imported $6,500,000 worth of goods in 1913 and ex- ported $2,600,000. It is a great coaling sta- tion for ocean vessels, its trade in this line alone amounting to $2,400,000 last year. The United States took $330,000 of its pro- duction in 1913 and sold it goods to the extent of $1,850,000. England controls most of its trade. Its chief articles of export are sugar, rum and molasses. The following table shows the imports and exports of the chief of the remaining islands: Islands Imports Exports St. Kitts and Nevis $1,250,000 $ 950,000 Antigua 830,000 850,000 Dominica 720,000 735,000 Montserrat 150,000 180,000 2IO SELLING LATIN AMERICA Islands Imports Exports Granada 1,350,000 1,800,000 St Lucia 1,500,000 550,000 St. Vincent . ., , 600,000 550,000 All of these islands have a preferential duty treaty with Canada and Great Britain, despite which our own sales with them in 19 13 were about $2,000,000. Sugar and rum are their chief products. Dominica and Montserrat export limes, lime juice and citrate of lime. Granada and St. Lucia export cocoa, and St. Vincent's chief product is arrow-root. Last year St. Lucia supplied 135,000 tons of coal to vessels, most of which came from the United States. The Bahama group, of which Nassau with 13,000 population is the capital, exported last year goods valued at $1,300,000, of which amount $850,000 was in sponges and $350,000 in sisal, the United States taking $620,000 worth. The imports in the same period were $2,000,000, of which we supplied $1,400,000. Bermuda, 20 miles square with 3,000 inhabi- tants, depends for its existence upon the tour- EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS 211 ists who visit it and what we purchase from and ship to its shores. Its chief exports are Easter lilies, potatoes and early vegetables, 4,000 out of 12,000 acres being under cultiva- tion, yielding the islands $500,000 yearly. Of its $2,775,000 imports this country supplied $1,600,000, England $750,000 and Canada $350,000. None of these islands is self-sustaining. They need the necessities of life; flour, food- stuffs, hams, meats, vegetables, butter, lard, candles, oil, shoes, cotton, textiles, drugs, soaps, toilet articles, glassware, machinery and corru- gated iron. The Quebec Steamship Company and the Royal Mail Steamship Company, sailing from New York, stop at the leading cities of the larger islands, an inter-island steamship serv- ice being provided for. The Lamport and Holt line touches both at Trinidad and Barba- dos on their northward trip and the United Fruit Company boats stop at Jamaica. The Hamburg-American Line ships call at many of these islands. XX FOREIGN TRADE WITH LATIN AMERICA AND HOW IT DEVELOPED No military campaign was ever planned with such exactness of detail and precision as that which characterized the preliminary movements of the exporting nations of Europe to acquire control of Latin American markets. When the Franco-Prussian war was over and the Powers of the Old World had settled down to a development of their resources, it soon be- came apparent that foreign fields must be sought in which to dispose of the excess prod- ucts of their industry. With that object in view governments, trade associations, manu- facturers, shippers, exporters, civic and social societies, colleges, merchants, and individuals united in one harmonious movement to ac- complish this purpose. While each nation followed more or less the same general plan, 212 TRADE WITH LATIN AMERICA 213 still Germany attacked the problem with the thoroughness so typical of its people that its course in this direction may be taken as an ex- ample of what should be done in similar con- tingencies, and it may be well worth mention- ing in detail. To impress the Latin American people that their trade was courted by the nation as well as the individual producer, government com- missions were dispatched from Europe to each of these countries, when possible in a war vessel of the nation sending them. With much pomp and great ceremony visits were ex- changed between the members of this body and the authorities ashore and every effort made to develop a national feeling of regard between both parties, very much the same as we did when Commodore Perry opened up Japan to the world. Much time was spent in each country and nothing was overlooked that might be of any aid to accomplish the object in view. Following these emissaries from the European Power came officials of trade bodies 214 SELLING LATIN AMERICA and business organizations, college professors and writers, each one studying the situation from his particular point of view and noting the things most required and the methods un- der which business was conducted. One of the subjects given the most complete and far reaching attention was the question of banking relations and how to best develop this impor- tant field, for it was early seen that this would form the most essential link in the perfected chain of business success. In the meantime the home government had caused to be printed throughout its territory, full and specific facts regarding the countries, the nature of their soils, everything obtainable about the flora and fauna, their mountains and minerals, the various waterways, climatic conditions and what crops could be grown with profit, with complete data concerning business opportuni- ties. Commercial schools were opened wherein the student was taught Spanish and Portuguese, and perfectly drilled in Latin American business methods and etiquette. Realizing that much of their future success in TRADE WITH LATIN AMERICA 215 these lands would be dependent upon having colonies throughout them, every ejffort was made to encourage emigration, the official au- thorities knowing full well that affection for the Fatherland and a belief in the superiority of its products, would materially help in the dissemination of its goods and keep up a de- mand for home made articles, until they had through their own merit obtained a foothold among the natives. As a direct result of this plan of colonization, fully one-fourth of the population of Chile are either German or of German descent, and the southern section of this country reminds one more of a portion of Germany in its type of building, the char- acteristics of the inhabitants, their dress, the nature of their business and their modes of living than of a Latin nation. The same is also true in the southern part of Brazil, where the Germans have many colonies, each pro- vided with public schools in which natives are really taught German before acquiring their mother tongue. The real ambassador of commerce — the 2i6 SELLING LATIN AMERICA traveling man — courteous, polite, affable, familiar with trade customs, national manner- isms, and speaking both Spanish and Portu- guese perfectly was on the scene early, paying particular attention to the demands of the merchant. If a certain style of cloth was too wide, the obliging German made it of the di- mensions required. If the color was too sub- dued for the aboriginal customer of the native merchant, the pattern and pigment were changed to suit the buyer. If plows were re- quired with one handle instead of two, so that the farmer could have the other free for manipulating his cigarette, his wish was cheer- fully complied with. The idea that filled the mind of the salesmen from Europe was to give the customer just what he wanted, and this rule was never deviated from. No at- tempt was made to force the storekeeper to adopt the customs of Europe in anything, but stress was laid on the fact that their only ob- ject was to oblige in every way the buyer, and cater to his demands. The suggestion from the storekeeper that he got six months' time TRADE WITH LATIN AMERICA 217 from England's manufacturers, on this line of goods, was combated with the unanswerable argument that the seller would be pleased to bill the order at eight months if desired. Samples of native-made articles that sold well were also purchased by the wide-awake representatives and sent home with full and complete data as to price, cost of manufacture, quantities consumed, and any other useful hint that practical observation might suggest, so that those in Germany might have an oppor- tunity to experiment with a view to reducing the cost of the article and thereby obtain com- mercial control of this particular line. In a word, no stone was left unturned to accom- plish the object always in view, namely — the complete capture of these markets. As orders began to come in and were ready * for exportation Germany suddenly realized that she was confronted with a problem which she had not seriously considered before — that of a national merchant marine. Without ships this vast business, now practically ac- quired, was at the mercy of the foreigner who 2i8 SELLING LATIN AMERICA had vessels in which to convey it to the markets across the seas. With the exorbitant freight rates which were beginning to be charged, as cargoes multiplied and ships be- came scarce, it became obvious that all this newly secured trade would be seriously jeopar- dized, if not completely lost, unless the entire situation was under the absolute control of the Government and in the hands of the German people. Accordingly the State took up the question, and to make a long story short, the result was the development of the enormous German merchant marine, — perhaps the most complete and perfect in the world — with sub- sidies from the national treasury, which en- abled ship owners to quote a freight rate per ton so low, that it was cheaper to ship German made goods from Hamburg to Valparaiso, than from Hamburg to many of the interior cities of the Fatherland for home consumption. This last stroke of generalship in this business campaign for commercial supremacy gave Germany the greatest impetus toward reach- ing the goal upon which her eyes were fixed, TRADE WITH LATIN AMERICA 219 and as a result her export trade as well as her import trade, increased by leaps and bounds, making her the envy of all Europe, a condition which in the opinion of many people undoubt- edly had much to do with precipitating the European War. This briefly is the story of how Germany secured control of not only Latin American trade, but much of the over seas business of the world. In the republics to the south of us the national effect of this commercial invasion is very noticeable. Natives were invited to visit and get acquainted with Germans in Germany, and when they accepted were the recipients of such courteous treatment and became so thor- oughly impressed with the perfection of the German nation in every field of enterprise, that they returned enthusiasts on the subject. One of the results of this is seen to-day in the armies of Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Argen- tine, Venezuela and some of the Central American countries. They have all been in- structed by German officers, imported for the special purpose and kindly loaned by the Ger- 220 SELLING LATIN AMERICA man military authorities — a fact worthy of serious thought when we think that some day Germany may turn covetous eyes upon some parts of Latin America. To see some of these troops march past with their peculiar knap- sack, their goose-step and the pickelhaub hel- met, makes one feel that one is in Germany for the time being, anyway. Throughout the length and breadth of Central and South America are to be found German delicatessen shops and hotels; German stores and brewer- ies; German banks and steamship lines; Ger- man salesmen and German schools, each one dependent on the Fatherland for supplies, and in turn playing an effective part and contrib- uting a strenuous share toward forcing Ger- many to the front in every way. In developing local markets their methods were equally unique and practical. I recall for instance the first brewery started in Vene- zuela. Venezuelans knew of beer in much the same way that we of the States know of rnate, the herb used so extensively in the Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay, for making a bever- TRADE WITH LATIN AMERICA 221 age— that is they had read about it and heard people refer to it, but few really knew what it looked like or how it tasted. All were natu- rally more or less suspicious of it. Nothing daunted the phlegmatic Teutons who had in- vested their money in the erection of the plant in pursuing their stolid, predetermined plan of introducing beer as a national beverage in lieu of the light clarets and other wines, for- merly so much in use in these countries. A building on the most prominent corner of the city of Caracas was leased and in it chairs and tables were arranged as in German beer halls, while adjacent to the bar at which the beer was served direct from the barrel, was a lunch stand which provided excellent delicatessen food. When everything was ready, invita- tions were sent broadcast to the better class families to come and accept the hospitality of the brewing company without cost for the pur- pose of becoming better acquainted with the health and strength-giving properties of real German beer. Physicians were "sampled" m detail and told when to prescribe and what to 222 SELLING LATIN AMERICA expect from this wonderful beverage in cer- tain diseases and especially during con- valescence. Within a few months' time the saloon became a rendezvous of the elite. Ul- timately beer supplanted all other alcoholic drinks in this particular city. The same plan was carried out in other towns and I am certain that Latin America to-day can boast of more breweries, per capita, than Germany. Other local trade problems were attacked and solved in the same sensible, simple and practical manner, the result always being that German products grew in favor and in de- mand. England, France and Italy of course devel- oped their business in these lands along much the same lines, but none of these nations showed the deliberately planned aggressive- ness and solidarity of purpose, or the deter- mined unity of spirit that animated the Ger- man. England did more to establish her con- nections throughout Latin America along the path of extensive investments in national and local securities, the building of railroads, the TRADE WITH LATIN AMERICA 223 dredging of harbors and erection of docks, while France, relying upon the admitted and acknowledged fact that all the civilized world looked to her for its fashions, styles, millinery, articles of clothing and dress, toilet goods, and luxuries, very naturally took advantage of ex- isting conditions and used this as a foundation on which to erect her trade. Whatever com- mercial prestige either Spain or Portugal ac- quired in these countries was due almost en- tirely to the presence of thousands of citizens of these nations, who created a demand for ar- ticles of home production, and this is rela- tively small. In this simple but thorough manner was the trail to business success in this field blazed. The experiences of our predecessors, and the lessons they learned should stand us in good stead in our efforts and help to direct our feet from all possible pitfalls. In fact we should, by following and improving on their attempts, if this be possible, acquire a commercial su- premacy in this territory in less than half the time taken by the Europeans. XXI METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS The question of what method to employ in developing a business in Latin America de- pends primarily upon your capital and the na- ture of your product. Obviously v^e manu- facture numerous things that these countries cannot use. Many of our manufacturers seem to be totally unaware of the goods suitable for these markets or their peculiar requirements. I have met a man in Brazil selling, or rather trying to sell, snow plows. It is quite appar- ent that no amount of exploitation or argu- ment could possibly produce results with such a commodity. With the exception of a few^ of the more southerly cities of South America, and some located in the highest mountains it would be useless to send a representative to these fields for the purpose of introducing a heating system, no matter what virtue it 224 A Comparison of Climates THIS map shows South America with its cities and countries placed just as far to the north of the Equator as they naturally lie to the south of it, in order to enable comparison at a glance of the climatic relationship between the United States and the South American markets. The effect is the same as if the map of the Western Hemisphere were folded together at the Equator and the impression of the South American part transferred upon the map of North America. The longitudinal position of every part of South America is thus correct. The map at first glance would lead one to say that Argentina has a range of cli- mate equal to that from the City of Mexico to Hudson Bay, but the climate of South America can't be judged that way. A cold ocean current along the West Coast and i. warm one along the East Coast greatly modify it. The altitudes of parts of the continent within the tropical zone also tem- per the heat. The extreme north of Argen- tina is described as having the clinjate of Southern Florida. The mean annual tem- perature at the very southermost part of Argentina is said to be about that of Maine with a minimum hardly lower than the moderate one of Puget Sound and a maxi- mum no higher than that of Nova Scotia. All Argentina is said not to have the ex- treme range of temperature found in the United States. Going to show how greatly ocean currents offset latitude, the islands of Great Britain are also drawn in on the map in their position relative to the Equator. London is farther north than the northermost spot in the United States ex- clusive of Alaska. {Reprinted by pertnission of the editor of The Americas, published by the National City Bank of Neiv York). METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 225 might have. I know of an American canoe manufacturing concern advertising its wares in a portion of the Argentine which is abso- lutely dry and without navigable water, as a result of which imported bull frogs die of old age without ever having a swim. It therefore behooves one to make a full and exhaustive in- vestigation through all possible sources of in- formation, and ascertain if one's goods are really appropriate for these lands. Another point worthy of consideration is that wares especially adapted to the uses of some coun- tries may be totally unfit for others. Ac- curate preliminary data of a reliable nature may generally be obtained by addressing the United States Consuls located at the various seaports of the Latin American countries. These gentlemen are especially equipped for obtaining all the information necessary, and are charged by the United States Government to supply complete details to inquirers. The wisest and best plan, once you are deter- mined to enter these fields, is for one of the heads of the firm or one of the leading officers 226 SELLING LATIN AMERICA of the company to make a preliminary tour through the lands in question for the purpose of studying the situation and ascertaining the demands existing for similar lines. On such a trip prices should be carefully observed, strict attention paid to duties, freight and other incidental charges. It is by noting and study- ing these conditions that you will be able to meet and overcome competition. Special care should be exercised in giving the natives just what they want and not in trying to foist on them the thing you wish them to have, even should it be better, cheaper and more practic- able. With this object in view, local dealers and merchants should be interviewed and care taken to ascertain every detail that might pos- sibly have any bearing on your future market- ing plans. Being thoroughly prepared in ad- vance helps materially in smoothing the road to be travelled. Samples of competing lines with prices and minute data of all kinds should be sent to the home office for reference pur- poses. It will soon be apparent, assuming that the METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 227 official or representative who has gone over the field finds it pregnant with possibilities, that your business in Latin America may be conducted upon one of the following lines: First. The opening of your own branch house for each country, or for a group of coun- tries. Second. Establishing an exclusive agency for each country with a resident merchant therein. Third. Selling through your own repre- sentative directly and conducting your own shipping and banking. Fourth. Marketing your article through some American export commission house. Fifth. Exploiting your goods through your own representative and turning the account over to a local or native commission house or merchant for forwarding the goods and col- lecting for the same. Sixth. Uniting with several manufacturers in allied lines and sending one salesman to represent you, on a co-operative plan. Which of these particular forms of intro- 228 SELLING LATIN AMERICA duction is best adapted to your special line is a matter for you alone to determine. , Assuming that your capiral and commodity warrants you in establishing a branch house in each individual country or in a group of countries, which is by far the best plan of con- ducting your business, the question of prime importance is that you should be located in or near the leading seaport in order that you may be close to shipping as well as to be able to superintend personally the discharge of goods and their clearance through the slow moving native custom houses. Great care should be taken to be on the leading line of railway, or near as many different lines as possible in order to facilitate the forwarding of goods to their destination and to the interior. These are vital factors and should be carefully weighed in determining your location. If your business is one requiring the carrying of a large and varied stock, it will be rather diffi- cult to get proper warehousing accommoda- tions especially in the metropolis or port and METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 229 it may be necessary to erect your own building for this purpose. The adoption of this system of introducing a line of goods requires careful planning and too much stress cannot be laid upon the selec- tion of a tactful and experienced manager for your venture. Banking arrangements must be made. Municipal and state taxes must be pro- vided for and the thousand and one details at- tended to that are unknown and unheard of in this country, each one of which requires pa- tience and tact in solving and means the ex- penditure of money and the apparent wasting of much time. In other words the initial ex- pense involved is far greater than a similar undertaking would be in the United States or Europe and only a business yielding large profits can be expected to withstand the im- mense financial drains to be incurred. While the salaries of the native office help will be comparatively smaller than the prices paid in the United States, still there will be noted an increased cost in maintaining a travelling force 230 SELLING LATIN AMERICA as well as the necessary American employes of the staff. Transportation charges are high and the cost of a salesman on the road in any of these lands means fully double the expenses of a similar man in this country. Travel facilities are poor, distances between markets long and much time must be consumed in each city visited, especially in the preliminary trips, all of which increases the cost of the traveller, and for the first few years makes him a rather expensive luxury. This must be submntted to with patience for upon his efforts depends your success. It therefore follows that the business to be done must be a large one to afford such preliminary charges and its future outlook must be of the brightest character. That such agencies can be maintained at a profit however is proved by the fact that all the large houses of Europe prefer doing business along this line, and within comparatively recent years this is the method being employed by the big American houses and corporations venturing into these territories. The Standard Oil Com- pany, the Vacuum Oil Company, The Singer METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 231 Sewing Machine Company, The National Cash Register Company and many of the larger mercantile houses and manufacturing concerns maintain their own branch offices in the principal cities of the Latin American countries and are entirely satisfied with the re- sults. The establishment of your own agency in a country indicates to the public your intention to become a portion of the native business com- munity and gives you a solid standing with the trade besides bringing you in closer and more intimate touch with the consumer. It has many other advantageous features which must be apparent. Should your business not warrant such an outlay, the next best method of approaching the situation is the appointing of some high- grade, resident merchant, either foreign or na- tive, in each country, as your exclusive repre- sentative. It is obviously unnecessary to state that in making such a selection the greatest care should be taken to investigate most thor- oughly the business reputation and financial 232 SELLING LATIN AMERICA standing of the one appointed. Very often it is wisest to give your agency to some small, young aggressive firm, wirh limited capital, rather than to a staid old house w^ith much money and prestige. These suggestions are given for v^hat they are worth. Common sense will indicate the concern which in your good judgment is best adapted to represent you properly. Old established houses gener- ally have the capital and means to introduce goods through the country and will often guar- antee to place a certain amount of business within the year upon conditions to be speci- fied. Once you have placed your agency, be sure to turn over all inquiries or orders re- ceived from within their territory to them for their attention. This I regret to state has not been typical of American houses and has done much to make responsible firms hesitate about accepting exclusive agencies. A strict adher- ence to this suggestion will tend to establish your honesty of purpose and will be deeply gratifying to your local representatives. The house accepting your agency will have METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 233 its own salesmen to travel the country and to introduce your line to the trade in addition to other appropriate means toward this end. They will be only too glad to have your repre- sentative accompany their local man from time to time and are highly appreciative of such an interest, because it stimulates both the cus- tomer and their representative and at the same time gives you the opportunity of knowing just what they are doing and what they have to overcome in the way of prejudice and compe- tition. It is always well to aid the local agency with a small advertising allowance, to be spent as your combined judgments may dic- tate. This gives a further evidence to them of your desire to go after the trade and keeps their interest more intense on your line. Un- fortunately too many American houses think that it is unnecessary to spend any money in advertising their goods in these lands. The sooner they take advantage of the advertising possibilities afforded by these virgin fields the larger and quicker will come the returns. Very often it is advisable to make specific al- 234 SELLING LATIN AMERICA lowances to the firm holding your local agency with a view to having their representatives make special trips in your behalf. These are, however, all details to be worked out ad- vantageously between the contracting parties and will suggest themselves as conditions de- velop. In the event of your organization having an export department, properly equipped to con- duct correspondence in the native tongue and give direct attention to the banking problems arising as well as to shipping and forwarding it is advisable to have your own traveller, or travellers, to cover one or more of the coun- tries or all of the territory involved. This keeps the home office in closer touch with all the details of the business and is to be com- mended in certain lines of trade but is only advisable when one's foreign department is thoroughly perfected and in the hands of a competent manager. Orders sent in by your traveller will contain such complete and specific instructions as to forwarding and banking that they can be in- METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 235 telligently handled at a minimum of expense with your own force. It should be observed however that your representatives for the first few years should make the entire territory once every twelve months at least, and oftener if conditions warrant, in order to keep your goods continually before the dealers and to en- grave upon their memories that you are in the field to stay and wish to cater to them and their wants. If conditions are such that you cannot afford a personal representative the commission ex- port house offers opportunities for bringing your goods to the attention of the native dealer. There are many of these concerns situated in all of the larger cities of the United States; New York, New Orleans and San Francisco being especially well provided with them, owing to the fact that they are the largest ports in the East, South and West respectively and have excellent forwarding facilities. As a rule these firms are well supplied with capi- tal and capable of rendering effective and ef- ficient services. They are open, however, to 236 SELLING LATIN AMERICA the one objection that most naturally they will give the greatest attention to the line yielding them the largest profit, and just how to induce them to handle your goods to the exclusion of other competitors is a problem to be solved by you with the concern you decide to use for your purposes. Furthermore, it should be your express duty to see positively that your customer is thoroughly protected against the commission house making any additional charges or increasing the original price quoted by you to your client. This has been a com- mon practice, and has had the effect of tend- ing to retard business and prejudice trade in these lands. As a rule these agents pay cash for goods when delivered, a feature which has its attrac- tions to the manufacturer or merchant work- ing on a limited capital and requiring his money promptly. Their financial connections are of a kind that enable them to do this, allowing a very small commission for their trouble. In addition to all these features they have a corps of experts familiar with shipping METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 237 procedures, insurance problems, the routing of freight, packing, banking, as well as the de- tails of foreign correspondence so that much of the complications and annoyances of the export trade is taken from your shoulders and borne by men familiar with the entire subject. Every few months it is the custom of many of these organizations to send their representa- tives through the entire Latin American terri- tory with the idea of developing trade and re- ceiving orders. There can be no question as to their place in this field or as to their general efficiency, and it is always well to discuss with some high class commission export house what they can offer your particular line when con- templating the possibilities of doing business in these lands. A few American merchants have found it expedient to sell goods through their own rep- resentatives, turning the accounts over for de- livery to some local concern for the purpose of forwarding the goods and making the collec- tions thereon. While this may be advisable under some conditions, still it is not a practice 238 SELLING LATIN AMERICA to be commended and is only warranted when the local or native commission agent is of a high grade and financially responsible and where the purchaser is likely to impose upon the buyer through some of the many methods in vogue among a certain type of small native business men. Rather than entrust the future of one's busi- ness in the export field with an inferior repre- sentative, it would be better to co-operate with several manufacturers in allied lines, and send one man to represent the entire group. It is questionable if one traveller could do justice to more than five or six lines and they for ob- vious reasons should be related to each other, the principal idea being to economize the time and expenses of the one handling them. For example, a representative might carry neck- ties, shirts, collars, socks, and men's under- wear and hats, or such lines as corsets, stock- ings, ladies' underwear and shirt waists might be effectively presented by one salesman. The strictest care should be taken in the selection of the person to represent each group METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 239 of merchants and under no circumstances should lines which might sooner or later de- velop into competing ones be allowed to be carried. Such an arrangement appeals particularly to the smaller manufacturer or merchant in that it brings his goods to the attention of the foreign dealer at a minimum of cost with a maximum of efficiency and paves the way for developing the market. Many of the leading sellers in Latin America to-day had their start along this line of co-operative selling. Whatever medium you may feel it wise to select in entering these fields, bear in mind the fact that under no circumstances should your representative overstock the buyer with goods. It is far better to receive small orders at first than to sell large ones which may move slowly. Climatic conditions are such that in Latin America many goods, unless sold quickly, rapidly deteriorate and the consequent loss will fall on the individual merchant and result in complaints from the buyer if he becomes the possessor of damaged goods, thereby prejudic- 240 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ing your article in his sight. The salesman in thus cautioning a dealer will exhibit his ma- terial interest in the future welfare of the mer- chant and more thoroughly establish a sub- stantial business friendship with his client. In many of the countries of Latin America, owing to their enormous extent and lack of travel facility, as well as the exorbitant local freight rates and great distances to be traversed it is often wise to establish more than one agency. In Brazil for example, it might be well to place agencies in Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Bahia, Pernambuco, and Para, for the simple but sufficient reason that the freight on goods from New York to any of these ports di- rect, is less than the local freights between many of these cities. To get from Callao, Peru, on the west coast to Iquitos on the eastern boundary of that republic is a difficult problem. It is really quicker, cheaper and far more convenient and comfortable to come first to New York, then go to Brazil and up the Amazon, to Iquitos, than to undertake the hazardous journey of many weeks across the 1 T ■) « ^ "> 5 o -> » •> y 3 • c c c C c METHODS OF DOING BUSINESS 241 risky overland trails through the interior of Peru. Assuming that you were desirous of giving an agency for some special line of mer- chandise liable to be a good seller in the east- ern frontier of Peru as v^ell as throughout the republic, one agency should be placed in Callao, or Lima and the other in Iquitos. In Chile, it is likewise often advisable to place an agency for goods in one of the northern ports of the republic as well as in Valparaiso, or Santiago, either Iquique or Antofogasta being selected for this purpose, as being best adapted to reach the center of the nitrate industries. Many of the Central American countries, particularly Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Hon- duras, as well as Mexico, having seaboards on both coasts will present problems for deter- mining the location of agencies accessible to both oceans. These and other conditions will be continually arising. After discussing the matter with your factor or your representa- tive, common business judgment will be the only safe and sane rule to warrant you in reaching a decision. XXII THE SALESMAN AND THE CUSTOMER The success or failure of a business venture in Latin America depends materially on the character of the representative sent to these marts of trade. Never having seen or heard of you or your goods, it is most natural for the foreign merchant to make his deductions from your emissary. The typical ambassador of commerce for South American fields should combine ele- gance of dress and courtliness of manners; be a linguist; a scholar; a diplomat; a philos- opher; always a student and a business man as w^ell. He should continually bear in mind that his visit is unsolicited — that in a sense he is an aggressor, an intruder, and above every- thing he should conform to the usages that cus- tom has established in this part of the world. European merchants and their travellers, 242 SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 243 with the hope of strengthening their position have spread about the unwarranted idea that the Yankee is tricky in all his dealings and this condition must at all times be combated not theoretically but obviously and practically. Be frank with prospective customers. Do not try to load them up with goods. Keep your agreements to the letter. Live up to your con- tract even if you lose money by doing so. Fol- low exactly whatever shipping instructions are given. After an initial visit to a possible client it is advisable to develop his social side. Ascer- tain to what clubs he belongs and get put up at them, so that an opportunity may arise to see him after the cares that infest the day are gone. You will find the Latin American a gentleman, a past master of the art of etiquette, a Chesterfield in matters of decorum and an agreeable companion. He, like ourselves, has his weaknesses. Find what they are and cater to them. He will be responsive, after he gets to know you. The amount of flattery that he will stand for and assimilate is beyond belief. 244 SELLING LATIN AMERICA The Spanish language is especially equipped for the purpose and provides means for rais- ing to its nth power the superlative degree. Do not for a moment get the idea that you are dealing v^ith a child, for though, like the Chinaman, he presents a bland exterior, he is uncannily v^ise. He knows his line and prices and market conditions. Existing in a world of little excitement, few amusements, and one foreign mail per week, his mind is not diverted and he unconsciously concentrates and be- comes a specialist in his business. Having al- ways lived thousands of miles from markets he has learned to prognosticate trade develop- ments years ahead. He expects to talk to you in Spanish except- ing in Brazil where the language is Portu- guese, and he will tell you that 100,000,000 people all over the world speak in this tongue ; that European salesmen converse with him in this tongue. Obviously, if you can discuss affairs with him in his own idiom you are on the road to success. He often speaks French too, and if you cannot talk in the Ian- SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 245 guage of the Dons he will ask you to do so in that of the Gauls. Only in the largest estab- lishments of the big seaport towns will one find merchants with an employe or two familiar with English. It is therefore obvious without a knowledge of Spanish a salesman in this ter- ritory is hopelessly and seriously handicapped. In fact he is inefficient. Europeans recogniz- ing the importance of this employ only repre- sentatives speaking the languages of the coun- tries wherein they travel. I recall meeting a German in Assam talking fluently the native tongue and later ran across him in Arabia con- versing in Arabic in the market place. Amer- icans have never been linguists, but in our business lexicon there should be no such word as ''impossible." I remember an American traveller for an oil machinery house startling those in the din- ing room of the leading hotel in Lima, Peru, by pointing to the menu and alternately grunt- ing and squealing aloud. He could not talk Spanish. In a few moments the place was in an uproar. Some thought he had gone crazy ; 246 SELLING LATIN AMERICA others that he was insulting the Peruvians or the proprietor of the hotel. The head waiter rushed to me and asked that I ascertain what the trouble was. Imagine my surprise when my countryman in explanation of his barnyard impersonation said: ^'I was trying to tell these durned fools that I wanted ham." Inci- dents like these are never forgotten; always magnified when told and invariably hurt us seriously, socially and otherwise. This little affair happening in a foreign country where news is scarce was talked of in the hotels, clubs and cafes, printed in the journals and illus- trated in the comic papers. Americans were always referred to by each narrator as uncouth and the story gone into with great detail and precision. Grandparents in Peru one hun- dred years from now will be telling this yarn to their grandchildren. I have long ago ceased to wonder at the lack of common sense exhibited by some large American houses in selecting the type of man they employ for Latin America. I recall one well known concern in this country sending a SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 247 man to sell carbon paper and typewriter rib- bons who spoke only English. Of the man personally I will only state that by nature he was the very antithesis of everything he should have been. Calling upon the leading jobber in his line in Bolivia who spoke only Spanish he found it impossible to do business, and un- dertook to tell his prices by yelling them, a method in vogue among those who have com- mand of one language and who seem to feel that if you can repeat loudly in a crescendo voice, and with great precision, what you have to say your hearer will ultimately by some oc- cult means understand. In the midst of this vocal exercise by the American, a German happened to drop in, also desirous of selling the dealer goods, and kindly offered to inter- pret for the Yankee, which suggestion was eagerly accepted. The gentleman from the Fatherland was also selling typewriter sup- plies and I heard him afterwards telling his friends in the hotel with much gusto how he handled the matter. I shall not try to repeat the conversation. It was humiliating for me 248 SELLING LATIN AMERICA to think what a fool my fellow citizen had al- lowed himself to be made. When the Ameri- can said "These ribbons are $4.00 a dozen," the German translated: "These ribbons are $8.00 a dozen." The American salesman told me afterwards that he had written his house that they could not compete with European prices in this market and I am certain that this concern will never again be tempted even to consider Latin American possibilities. These two cases strikingly serve to illustrate the im- portance of being familiar with Spanish, or the language of the country wherein you are expected to sell goods. Extremely sensitive and quick to appreciate a kindness, it pays to study the social usages among Latin Americans and to live in con- formity therewith when among them. It is, for example, considered good taste to walk al- ways on the side of the street next the curb, to take off your hat and stand uncovered as the funeral of peon or plutocrat passes, to bow generally to those present as you enter a street- car or cafe and to salute them similarly as you SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 249 depart, while gentlemen always raise their hats when they meet. The observance of these frivolous niceties marks the gentleman, the failure to do so the man, and the yaw^ning abyss between these two degrees of masculinity to the Latin American mind cannot be bridged. Generally speaking every Latin American is named after some saint and observes the festival of this canonized individual both so- cially and religiously. Ascertain what day this is and always send some little remem- brance. It creates an intimacy hard for us cold-blooded northerners to understand. Never forget church and national festivals. Both of these are dearer to the impulsive na- tives than are our own and are celebrated more elaborately. It pays to keep a memorandum book for this purpose, noting data of this na- ture, so as to be always in close personal touch with customers and prospective clients. Lit- tle cards and other appropriate souvenirs from the north commemorating these events are highly cherished as well as deeply appreciated 250 SELLING LATIN AMERICA and erect invisible and effective barricades about the sympathetic Latin, sufficient to re- pulse the attacks of other salesmen. Religion and political conditions should never be discussed. The Latin American is almost always superstitiously religious and in- tensely political. To take the wrong side of a theological argument may land you in the hos- pital while an error in judgment on a political problem may mean jail. Both are places to be avoided in these lands. Besides such argu- ments always serve to make one decidedly un- popular and materially hurt business pros- pects. Religious processions are frequent in the streets. They excite curiosity and are often amusing viewed from our standpoint. Do what the populace does as they pass : kneel or raise your hat, otherwise get away from the scene as quickly as you can. Many clerical parades have been turned to riots by some fool- ish foreigner failing to observe these sugges- tions. With but few exceptions, hotels in Latin SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 251 America are terrible. Toilet and bathing ac- commodations are poor, the cooking vile and the dishes unpalatable, while the beds are in- tolerable. Vaults in American cemeteries are far preferable as residential quarters in com- parison with some rooms I have slept in in this part of the world, especially in the small towns and villages of the interior. Conditions be- come rapidly worse the farther away one gets from the larger cities, and as one penetrates out of the way places hammocks and your own food supplies are to be recommended. It would be almost impossible to describe the primitiveness which exists in this part of the Western Continent away from the beaten path. Travel facilities are execrable. Trains are slow and late and accommodations decidedly bad. Steamers are small and stuffy and not safe. River boats are provided with few if any conveniences. Going up the Magdalena River in Colombia from Barranquilla to iBogota, a journey of about ten days, the travel- ler formerly had to provide his own sleeping accommodations and this was wise, and it al- 2j2 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ways showed good judgment to carry tinned food and bottled water. Appointments are more often honored in the breach than in the observance, more often forgotten or delayed than kept. Business for no apparent reason is deferred to '^manana" (to-morrow). Time is not considered by our friends residing in the vicinity of the equator. These and many more heart-breaking con- ditions will confront you every day of your trip through Mariana land. Be a philosopher. Don't grumble. You came for business. These delays and deprivations are only inci- dents in the game ; they make the reaching of the goal all the more of a victory. Grit your teeth and forge ahead. If fleas and mosqui- toes and bedbugs bite, don't revenge yourself on your possible customer, by telling him what you think of his country and countrymen. Learn to smile. It helps more here than else- where. Be a student from the day that you sail from America to the day that you hand in your last expense account. It will improve SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 253 you mentally and help your firm financially. Study the needs of the various countries through" which you pass. Observe what the people require. Listen to suggestions from all sources. European successes in these markets were greatly advanced by giving the people just what they wanted. Yours will come in the same manner. Remember that a vast majority of the population whom you will meet are either Indians or of Indian origin. Their tastes are sure to be primitive, to in- cline to gaudy colorings and lack practicabil- ity. Remember, too, that they are paying the bills. If they want the things that offend your educated, aesthetic eye, forget it and explain to the house why they should make them as de- sired. It is always easier to follow styles in vogue for centuries than to create new ones and foist them on the public. Latin America has always been a hotbed for disease. Be abstemious in eating and drink- ing. Alcoholic beverages should be taboo, in- asmuch as they unnecessarily heat the sys- tem. Water supplies are inefficient and 254 SELLING LATIN AMERICA often polluted. Your drinking water should be boiled; if good water is not obtainable otherwise drink some reliable mineral water. Remember that plague comes from the bite of the flea, and yellow fever and malaria from the bite of the mosquito, so avoid as much as possi- ble the places where these pests are to be found. Daily baths are apt to remove danger from flea bites and sleeping under a net mini- mizes the possibilities of contracting yellow and malarial fevers. Personal hygiene should always be observed. In twenty years of the roughest and toughest travelling up creeks and down tropical rivers, through forests heavy with dew, across barren, wind-swept plains, over mountains, in high and low altitudes, by exercising these suggested precautions I have had only one serious illness, yellow fever. Conditions have vastly improved since I first began my trips and are getting better every year. With judgment one could now take a journey all over Latin America without any physical dangers or serious illness intervening, and with less risk than he would be liable to SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 255 encounter on a trip between New York and Chicago. From a perusal of the requirements neces- sary for a salesman in this territory, and I may add that I have not overcolored, or under- estimated them, it is apparent that the right man will be difficult to find. If a house can- not see its way clear to enter this field with the right kind of a representative, it had better remain out of it altogether or combine with several concerns in allied lines and send one high grade man to represent them jointly. It is extremely doubtful if any one could do justice to more than five firms in such a ven- ture. The plan adopted by European houses is to send a capable young man to one of the countries and let him live there until he has acquired the language, the customs of the peo- ple and their ways of doing business. Then they put him on the road. This serves to demonstrate the thoroughness which marked every step of the European conquest of these markets. Our American public schools are now^ instructing pupils in Spanish and Latin 256 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Americans are coming to this country to ac- quire English in increasing nurnbers right along, so that the possibilities are that within a few years these conditions will change for the better. To-day, however, the efficient, competent and reliable salesman for Latin America is so rare and so much in demand that he can practically name his own salary. Nearly every country in Latin America re- quires that a license to sell goods must be taken out by the salesman before he can do busi- ness within its territory, and as a result there has arisen much cause for complaint. As a rule these taxes or fees are entirely too high and out of proportion to those charged any- where else in the world, thereby creating a natural tendency to evade the law by every possible means. In some localities runners about the hotels stand in with the authorities and for a small sum provide guests with the necessary paper entitling them to sell goods, while in other places the law is practically ignored. The right to collect this tax in many coun- SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 257 tries is sold yearly by the municipal authori- ties for a lump sum to some individual, who al- ways endeavors to collect as much as he can from the concession. Beware of the person who holds this right. He has at his beck and call a score of petty employes about the city and around the hotels who report your move- ments to him, and the result is generally dis- astrous to you, especially if you try to do busi- ness without his permission. In the Argentine republic for example each province has a fixed fee for this purpose and the total sum, if paid, would eliminate the profits from the average amount of your sales. Failure to pay generally means a term in jail. The merchant's yearly taxes in many coun- tries includes the right to sell goods by travel- ling salesmen and if he is approached properly by a non-resident representative will allow him to take advantage of his business foresight and use this permit, thereby giving a legi- timate and legal opportunity to omit paying these obnoxious charges. By observing these suggestions and the exercise of diplomacy and 258 SELLING LATIN AMERICA good judgment, little need be feared from the authorities in this connection. Before entering a foreign country for the first time, it is well to obtain letters of intro- duction to leading merchants and especially to government officials. They prove wonder- fully beneficial and are highly successful in smoothing out the rough places which are sure to be met with in the paths of business. It generally pays to act implicitly on the advice given by responsible people living in the land wherein you are a pilgrim, for they are well acquainted with local idiosyncrasies, and can suggest the exact spot where a small tip will facilitate matters materially. Be sure to cultivate the acquaintance of the high grade old time traveller whom you will be certain to meet sooner or later on your trip. You will find him pregnant with pertinent and useful suggestions, which will do much toward making your initial trip a success. Years of experience in the Latin American school of business have given him a marvellous amount of wisdom, which you will always find SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 259 him willing to dispense if you are the right kind and not trying to impress the world with your superior knowledge. Both as a matter of courtesy and as a good business proposition be sure to call on the American consular officer whom you will al- ways find at the port. He is in touch with the local merchants, is generally well informed as to market conditions and can give you many practical suggestions. He also has a line on the financial standing of most dealers through- out his territory. Be sure that your order blanks are printed in triplicate and in Spanish for all countries except Brazil where the language is Portu- guese. Ample space should be provided un- der the captions 'Terms"; ''How Packed"; ''How Invoiced"; "How Shipped." When possible, I have always insisted on the buyer signing the order and filling in with his own handwriting the spaces referred to. There can be no cause for refusal to accept the goods, if you have complied with the written condi- tions of the merchant. Very naturally when 26o SELLING LATIN AMERICA the order has been signed the merchant should have a copy, another sent to the house, while you retain the third one for your personal files and for future reference. If possible always carry your samples in one or more cases. Clothes should never be packed with them, but in separate trunks. Now and then you will find officious and over energetic customs officials. Treat them with courtesy, even if they irritate you. Remember that they can make you endless trouble and that they may understand any caustic remarks you may venture to make in English. As a rule, however, these officials are very consider- ate. If you are selling shoes, it is wise to bring only one sample of each pair. If you carry a line of silverware, have each sample sawed in half. This will at once remove suspicion from you as far as the customs are concerned. If you are to travel the West Indies, Central America and the northern countries of South America, including Brazil, Colombia, Vene- zuela and Ecuador, light clothes should be re- lied upon. Remember too that in the high- SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 261 lands and mountainous districts of these countries it is often cool, especially at night, and a light overcoat is therefore advisable. In the highlands of Peru, Bolivia and Chile, heavy clothes are always worn. The climate of Southern Chile, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay is much like our middle States, ex- cepting that the seasons are reversed, their winter corresponding to our summer and vice versa. A trunk packed for a complete trip for all of Latin America should therefore include both summer and winter clothing. It is wise to pay much attention to the style and nature of your correspondence. Ameri- can business men for years have been concen- trating and condensing their thoughts — saying in a few words the same thing that formerly were expressed in pages. The Latin Ameri- can has not yet practiced this conservative method of expressing himself and as a result his correspondence is voluminous and he in- dulges in word paintings that are picturesque and unique but not practical. If you are not as excessive in this respect as he is, the chances 262 SELLING LATIN AMERICA are, unless he knows you exceedingly well, that he will construe your letters as brusque and far from courteous. His letters will be filled with the sentimental phrases of past ages. This is his idea of politeness and should be your guide in addressing him. You cannot be too verbose in your communications. He comes from a race noted for its grandiloquent declamations and this typical characteristic, this desire to figuratively gild refined gold, add a perfume to the violet and a whiteness to the lily, means much to him. It is one of his ways of estimat- ing your educational worth and of calibrating your standing as a gentleman. I know of no better exemplification of this than a compari- son between the flowery way Latin American letters are terminated and our own. It is more personal, more deferential and more im- pressive to sign yourself, ^'Your attentive and secure servant who kisses your hand," than briefly and harshly, ^'Yours very truly," yet the former method is the one in which prac- tically all letters close coming from these sunny lands. - T- 3 5 , J 3 5 5 o c 03 o -t-> C U 'a c > SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 263 Bills, catalogues, price-lists, in a word all ^^literature" should be in the language of the country for obvious reasons and in having these translated be sure to employ only experi- enced and able translators. Nothing paves the W2ij for so much ridicule as poorly ex- pressed and badly produced business docu- ments, for the keen eye of the Latin notes errors v^ith great precision. Efficiently pro- duced and artistically printed materials of this nature impress one in these lands and help materially in giving you and your firm a high standing in the minds of the native merchants, while poorly got up pamphlets and the like open his flood gates of criticism and prejudice both against you and your goods. All weights and measurements should be in the metric sys- tem. Be sure always to bear in mind that first- class mail to Latin America, excepting Pan- ama, Mexico, Cuba and Porto Rico, cost five cents an ounce or fraction thereof and three cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof; all printed matter, one cent for each 264 SELLING LATIN AMERICA two ounces or fraction thereof. Be careful therefore to put full postage on all correspond- ence, otherwise your mail will be delayed and its recipient subjected to a series of fines for your sin in short postage which will have the effect of hurting your cause. Mistakes of this kind are unwarranted and you should caution the house and the one in charge of the mail to put proper postage on letters. Latin Ameri- can merchants always look upon letters short- posted as a shrewd Yankee plan to make them pay part of the expenses of your establishment. From their point of view this is not far from right either, for they are never guilty of this fault so very prevalent among Americans. If you have no fixed address instruct your correspondents to send all mail in care of the consul of the United States of America, at each port where you intend stopping. Remember that consuls are to be found only at seaports. To address a letter Care of the Consul for the United States of America, Bogota, Colombia, would practically mean that you would never get the letter, for the reasons that these officials SALESMAN AND CUSTOMER 265 are found for example in Colombia, at Barran- quilla, Savanilla, Santa Marta, and along the seaboard. It is unwise to send mail in care of the General Delivery. Later on after you have been over the territory and established friendly relations with some dealer or mer- chant, mail may be sent in his care. Passports are unnecessary in Latin America. Funds should be carried in the form of Let- ters of Credit. It is wise to take one of these in Dollars and Cents and the other in Pounds Sterling, as there will be many opportunities to use one of these advantageously in selling exchange w^hen the other cannot be so em- ployed. This all depends of course on the local demands for foreign exchange, and be- fore buying money, it is wise to ascertain which letter of credit can be used more profit- ably. The saving which can be made in the course of a long trip in closely watching the price of money and buying when conditions favor you, is worthy of your best attention. CHAPTER XXIII CUSTOM-HOUSES AND TARIFFS No one can fully appreciate what difBcul- ties custom-houses and tariffs can cause until he has had experience with those in Latin America. The custom-house officials deem it their duty to harass, embarrass, annoy and add to the troubles, worries and expenses of the merchant in these lands. They are veritable boulders in the path of business progress. The charges, fees, tariffs, taxes, and the hundred and one incidental and unwar- ranted expenses which exist in no other cus- tom-houses in the world save in those of Latin America, change from day to day and are sus- ceptible to as many interpretations as there are government employees having any work to do with the goods under consideration. It would be the height of folly to attempt to give tariffs and other custom-house charges in any Latin 266 ' CUSTOM-HOUSES 267 American country to-day, for by to-morrow fully half of them would be changed, and let me add that the alteration is always in the form of an additional charge and never a re- duction. Tariffs are extreme and exorbitant, subject to the whims and financial needs of those in power and liable to complete varia- tion without warning. Customs officials are recruited always from the class of ''politicos" hereinbefore discussed. The positions which they fill are the political plums of the land. These men have not the interest of their coun- try, their countrymen or the merchants within their borders at heart. Their desire is to ac- quire wealth by exploiting those with whom their official duties bring them in contact, and they have reduced this to a perfect science. The doings of Tammany are in the kinder- garten class as compared with these exponents of the theory that to the victor belongs the spoils. The schemes designed and resorted to by these modern inquisitors are almost beyond belief, and could only emanate from the brains of those whose ancestors received their school- 268 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ing in the days when the ^^auto da fe'' was com- mon and Torquemada reigned supreme. Let me illustrate by a few custom-house rulings taken at random from different Latin Ameri- can ports. ' In a certain Central American country, clinical thermometers are admitted duty free, according to the government tariff schedule. Laboring under this belief a local druggist ordered one hundred. Imagine his surprise when the customs collector charged him the duty assessed on cut glass decanters, classing the thermometers as ^'etched glass containers." Their contents — mercury — was classed as an explosive at a prohibitive rate and for ^'trying to evade the customs" a fine of $500.00 was added, or instead of getting the goods in, with- out charges, the importer was obliged to pay $642.50 or go to jail. In a shipment of pickles, because the in- voice failed to state whether they were put up in vinegar or mustard, a fine of $100.00 was collected. On a box of candy weighing five pounds. CUSTOM-HOUSES 269 sent as a present, the nature of the ingredients of each separate piece of candy was not in- dicated, and a fine of $80.00 imposed and ob- tained. The bar of a famous ex-prize-fighter has been for years in a Latin American custom house because the importer never could raise the money to pay the arbitrary fine exacted. Brass pays a high duty according to the schedule of the country to which this bar was shipped, because cartridges can be made from it, although there is not an ammunition factory in the entire land. In the decorations of the wooden pillars at the end of the bar, there were one or two strips of brass about two inches wide. The whole bar was assessed as of this metal and a duty and fine amounting to several thousand dollars imposed, which caused the American who bought it and who had intended to open a cafe in one of its cities, to get out of the place on the first ship, leaving the bar as a souvenir. An iron bed, with four hollow brass balls as ornaments on the end posts met with the same 270 SELLING LATIN AMERICA treatment in the same custom-house, paying a duty of $200.00. Theatrical appliances are free everywhere, especially if the property of a traveling troupe. Despite this fact and a positive state- ment to this effect in the tariff regulations, I knew one large Latin American country, wherein a carousel, or ^'flying-horse" outfit, was refused admission unless the owner paid the duty charged on live stock, each wooden horse being assessed at the rate of $25.00, which is the tariff on breeding stallions. Thefts by minor employees of the custom- house are only too common. As a rule these men are poorly paid and add to their scanty income by appropriating whatever comes within their reach. I have known of cases of soap, provisions, perfumes, shoes and the like to be entirely confiscated in this manner. There is absolutely no redress. Very often the higher employees are implicated in these nefarious practices. In one of the largest and most progressive of Latin American cities, all the foreign and native merchants had been re- CUSTOM-HOUSES 271 ceiving cases short of their invoiced contents. Complaints to the authorities did not remedy matters. Finally the thieves became bolder and the thefts more extensive, many merchants being offered their own goods for sale at prices less than they originally cost abroad. Con- certed diplomatic pressure was brought to bear, and an investigation promised. The day before the official hearing, the entire block of custom houses involved was burnt, a strange coincidence being that the four car tracks in front thereof, were occupied v/ith loaded freight cars so that the fire engines could not get near enough to stop the conflagration. All records were thus destroyed and nothing could be done, the loss, involving millions of dollars, falling as usual on the foreign merchant. Pages could be filled with similar data. All of our consular offices are cognizant of these outrages, yet nothing definite has been attempted to stop them. No matter what pre- cautions the exporter takes, or how closely he follows the shipping instructions, his customer can always be victimized by these scheming 272 SELLING LATIN AMERICA officials. European nations suffer equally with us and it would seem that the time is ripe for some united action on the part of the great exporting countries to remedy this growling evil, for that it hurts trade cannot be de- nied. Not only are there unwarranted and exces- sive duties charged on imports but on exports as well, and on these exports we as the largest user of the things produced in Latin America pay the bill. These conditions should be at- tended to at once, and it should be the business of our State Department to adjust them prop- erly. On hides, coffee, rubber and sugar, which are the leading exports from these countries, the United States charges no duty, or a merely nominal one. The remarkable feature of this trade is that every Latin American country im- poses on all of these articles heavy export charges, which according to their own laws are unconstitutional, and we pay the bills, at the same time allowing them to impose exorbi- tant duties, outrageous port charges, and il- CUSTOM-HOUSES 273 legitimate fines on our exports to them. It may be argued that in the end the cost is finally borne by them, but the fact nevertheless re- mains that there is much work here to be done by our government to overcome these condi- tions for the benefit of all parties involved. It is decidedly unfair for a country to collect revenues both ways, namely, on its exports to us and on our exports to it. The importer is the one who bears the brunt of these burdens. He is continually paying bribes or fines which are of course added to the cost of the goods. Failure on his part to "come across" means delays, loss of goods, higher port charges and incalculable annoy- ances. One of the great objections to this sys- tem of robbery aside from its basic principle of error is that one shipment does not serve as a means for calculating a price on the next one. A new custom-house official (and cus- tom-house officials are changed in these lands as often as a chameleon changes color) may have come into office between shipments re- quiring a higher standard of fines and bribes 274 SELLING LATIN AMERICA to placate. This obviously hurts the sale of any article and makes the merchant hesitate to renew orders. Both importers and export- ers have preferred to be harassed, fearing that their failure to comply v^ith these unwar- ranted and illegal demands would result in the exclusion of their goods from the country, a condition which has often been imposed. Concerted action on the part of all nations to stop this blackmail would meet with the sup- port of the merchants and importers of these lands, and the sooner some step in this direc- tion is taken the better. Under the condition of affairs now exist- ing, and the long-continued attitude of our government toward all of Latin America, it seems as if there is no hope for our people or merchants and that we must submit uncom- plainingly to these iniquities. There can be no doubt but that the existence of such a state of affairs has done much to retard the healthy growth of trade relations between all of these countries and the rest of the world. Latin- American merchants are absolutely powerless CUSTOM-HOUSES 275 to remedy the situation by themselves. At- tempts to improve must come from the outside and be presented through diplomatic channels and most emphatically insisted upon. A de- termined effort on the part of this government would do much to bring about a change and would be a most potent factor in extending our trade relations in these lands. It may be argued that despite the system of fines, bribes and graft which are so intimately associated with the Latin American custom- houses the lands are prosperous and their merchants thriving, but the fact cannot be dis- puted that the practice is decidedly wrong and reflects materially on the integrity and dignity of the nation permitting it and positively hampers the legitimate growth of trade. XXIV TRADE MARKS The registration of your trade mark should be attended to as soon as possible if it is your intention to enter the Latin American field with the article which you manufacture. In many of these countries the laxity of the laws governing this important commercial protec- tion work great hardship on legitimately es- tablished enterprises. I regret to state that in nearly every one of these lands, it is legally permissible for anyone to register any trade mark on fulfilling certain simple conditions and the payment of a small fee. The result is that a class of men without scruples are con- tinually on the lookout for articles which are being well advertised in this country, knowing the probabilities are that sooner or later there will be a demand for them throughout the world and especially in the place wherein 276 TRADE MARKS 277 they reside. Magazines and periodicals of all classes are watched with care and as soon as extensive publicity campaigns are launched in the United States or Europe, the chances are that the trade name of the article being ex- ploited will be simultaneously registered by a native in many Latin American Patent Offices. The next step in the technique of these rogues is to wait until some shipment of the goods in question arrives, a fact easily ascertained by noting the shipping news from the States and reading the invoices and the names of consign- ees, data which is eagerly sought after and published with great detail by all the papers of the port. An injunction is then immedi- ately obtained and the entire shipment is either prohibited from landing or held in the custom house pending wearying and tiresome legal complications, with the result that the quasi owner of the trade-mark in question is always victorious and the shipment either ex- cluded from the country in toto or awarded to the unlawful owner of the brand, in lieu of court costs and legal fees. In the latter event 278 SELLING LATIN AMERICA they are then sold, and the money derived therefrom goes of course to the pirates who had the foresight to register the name. These men often wait for years before accomplishing their purpose and with the idea of ultimately making money from their venture have been known to renew repeatedly the trade-mark, when it expired owing to legal limitations. Of course on attaching a shipment of goods bearing one of these stoleo and registered trade-marks, the native owner always offers to sell out his interest in the same, invariably asking a price absurdly excessive, particularly so when one stops to consider that he is asked to pay a sum for the right to use his own name. Knowing that he holds the whip hand in the controversy, and that you must meet his terms and conditions, if you wish to do busi- ness in the country, and further that he has you at a decided disadvantage in many ways, the situation which develops is trying in the extreme. Then follows a period of confer- ences, time-wasting interviews during which much patience must be exhibited until ulti- TRADE MARKS 279 mately practically the original sum of money asked must be paid. This has been the gen- eral experience of almost every one who has been so unfortunate as to be confronted by such a situation. Good business judgment therefore dictates that when you register your trade-mark in the United States, you should also protect your- self by registering it in the principal countries of Latin America. The easiest way to do this is through your patent attorney or legal ad- viser. If however you have failed to take this precaution, the first duty of your representa- tive on arriving in each of the countries in question should be the registration of your trade name in the proper department of the government. In order to give this his personal attention he should have a power of attorney authoriz- ing him to act in this capacity. This paper may be prepared by your attorney, and should be in Spanish for all countries excepting Brazil, where the language is Portuguese. This document should be signed with the firm 28o SELLING LATIN AMERICA name by the individual having the right to do so and in the case of corporations by the proper officer, and the corporate seal attached. The signature should then be sworn to before a notary public, whose name and seal should be certified to by the Secretary of State for the State wherein the firm or corporation does business or is chartered. The notarial oath and the certificate of the Secretary of State may be in English, These papers should then be sent to the Secretary of State of the United States at Washington, D. C, who will in turn certify to the fact that the signature of the Secretary of State for the State in question is correct and they should then be forwarded to the Ambassador or Minister or proper rep- resentative of the Latin American country, wherein it is desired to register the power of attorney, who will in turn certify to the signa- ture of the Secretary of State of the United States. Armed with this much verified and sealed document, your representative is then in a position to sign your name to the applica- tion for the trade mark on his arrival, and to TRADE MARKS 281 conduct any further business before the local government arising therefrom. A separate legal document of this nature is required for each country in which you propose to protect your trade name. In case your mark is not registered prior to the departure of your representative for Latin America, it is wise to pursue the course above outlined and have him take the matter up per- sonally. It often happens that by the exercise of judgment and through acquaintances which will be made, or the prestige of the local at- torney whom your agent will retain, many ob- jections which might seem unsurmountable can be easily overcome by the man on the ground. Oftentimes too, the mark can be al- tered in word or design, so as to evade one al- ready registered without in any manner affect- ing your rights. When one stops to consider that much over 80 per cent, of the population of these coun- tries are unable to either read or write, and that they are therefore forced to recognize an article by some distinguishing sign or char- 282 SELLING LATIN AMERICA acter, the great value of an easily discernible, prominent and effective trade-mark becomes obvious. As a matter of fact the Indians who make up the greater portion of the purchasing public of these countries know goods only by brands and ask the storekeeper for them by their distinguishing names. Another feature to be most seriously con- sidered in selecting a name for your article in Latin America is that the Spanish alphabet contains no ^'W." This letter is formed, when it is necessary to use a word employing it, by combining two V's, — thus VV. Even to the educated native this letter is unpronounceable. It is therefore quite obvious that no word con- taining it should ever be used for distinguish- ing any brand. Such a trade mark, for in- stance, as ''White Wings" instead of attracting custom, would act otherwise, owing to the ex- treme sensitiveness of the native in fearing criticism in pronouncing the words. • Once your trade mark is established, no mat- ter how crude it may be, never change it, I know of a firm in Baltimore who formerly TRADE MARKS 283 did an enormous business in lard with Brazil. The cans which they used for export purposes were a gaudy blue color and decorated with a pig of elephantine proportions. For eco- nomic reasons they decided to use plain tin cans, stamping the porker in relief thereon, but preserving his pachyderm proportions. The result was a package equally as good, as far as shipping purposes were concerned, with a saving of about two cents on each one. As a consequence of the alteration the merchant was absolutely unable to sell the goods shipped in the new container, and when later on the manufacturers tried to regain the field which they lost, by sending their former tins, the natives were sure that they were being de- ceived and refused to buy these goods also. Competitors who had eagerly sought this market took advantage of the situation and the Maryland house w^as completely shut out of the territory and absolutely lost their business. Another illustration may serve to impress the importance of maintaining your trade mark in its entire originality. The Chinese 284 SELLING LATIN AMERICA are great consumers of canned salmon, and our Western fisheries supply much of the article. One firm in San Francisco had a brand well liked and very famous among the Celestials. The label on the tin showed a highly colored salmon having the wrong number of fins, with tail elevated in the act of leaping over a water- fall down stream, while the background was filled with tropical palms and cocoanut trees. The trade mark was simplicity itself, and was recognized with favor all over the Flowery Kingdom. Higher education however com- pletely removed the brand from the map. The head of the house had a son just from college, who had been recently admitted to the firm. He started to clean up things — to be 100 per cent, efficient. His aesthetic and educated eye at once saw that the label on the brand which had made the firm's fortune was a living lie. Salmon were not colored like the rainbow; leaped up stream only; had less fins and depressed their tails when doing acro- batic feats. And horror of horrors — no tropical palms or cocoanut trees grew in the TRADE MARKS 285 vicinity of the salmon's habitat. So the label was reconstructed and made a work of art, scientifically and piscatorially correct, and not a mere illegitimate combination of wrong de- tails. Then goods with the new and authentic label were shipped. When they got to China no Chinaman could be induced to buy them. They became dubious at once of the changed label. Living in a land of suspicion they knew intuitively that some designing schemer was falsifying their favorite trade mark. "No samee chop" was the laconic reply when told that these were the old and well known goods in a new dress. Argument was useless. The brand was completely lost to the market. I know one merchant in Hong-Kong who was forced to throw two car-loads of this salmon into the sea, because space in his ''go-down" or warehouse was worth more than that oc- cupied by unsaleable stock. Should you for some reason contemplate al- tering your trade mark or the color or shape or size of your container, always take the wise precaution of consulting the merchant hand- 286 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ling your goods abroad and if possible adopt or be guided by his suggestions. He is on the firing line and has his finger on the pulse of the buyers, therefore his opinion is worthy of the most serious attention. As typical of the high-handed hold ups of the local Dick Turpins, who have registered trade marks under their own names in Latin America let me state that I know of two American patent medicine men whose prod- ucts have been extensively advertised and are almost household words in the United States, paying $28,000 and $25,000 respectively for the privelege of using their own names in one country of South America. Both of these concerns had been doing business in the United States for forty years and they afterwards as- certained that the gentlem.en (?) who had registered their names had been waiting pa- tiently for their coming all the time. A well known mineral water, within the past two years, paid according to my positive knowl- edge $2500 for their trade-mark and consid- ered that they got off remarkably cheap. TRADE MARKS 287 The price originally asked was $20,000 and their representative spent three months on the ground using every possible means to reduce the figures of the original demand. In the meantime nearly 500 cases of the water in question were held up by the authorities, who refused to allow them to be landed until they had the writen consent of the native holding the registration papers. A prominent type- writer company flatly refused to pay the exces- sively high sum demanded by the party hold- ing the right to use their trade mark, reversed its name, and now sells its machine by this un- pronounceable designation. Pages could be filled with similar illustrations, showing the great importance of properly protecting your trade mark at the start. XXV FINANCE AND CREDITS The science of foreign banking is the most difficult to understand of all the departments of modern finance. It requires the experience of experts whose knowledge must be the most profound and complete and includes such de- tails as the conditions of the w^orld's markets, the existing crops, factory productions, local and extraneous political affairs, as well as ex- ternal and internal commerce. European financiers and merchants soon recognized the importance of reciprocal bank- ing arrangements between the home countries and foreign fields and as early as 1862, antici- pating the growth of Latin America and sensing the financial necessities of its future merchants, opened the London and River Plate Bank, which with its ramifications of branches and agencies in Argentine, Brazil, Chile, New York, and various European countries has 288 > 1 3 :> 5 3 Calle Rivadavia, Buenos Aires FINANCE AND CREDITS 289 been a potent factor in developing and con- trolling business along British channels. Fol- lowing the pioneer move of this corporation, other institutions were organized in England, until to-day the amount of British capital in- vested in banks in all of Latin America is close to $500,000,000. Realizing the benefits to be derived from such monetary connections in these countries and knowing that a bank's co-operation meant much to both the buyer and seller and formed perhaps the strongest link in the chain of for- eign commerce with which they hoped to girdle the world, Germany followed in the footsteps of England and opened a similar series of institutions in the same territories, even going so far as to have branches in Eng- land, knowing the decided preference for ^^bills on London." Through their offices in the English capital, they succeeded in keeping as much as possible of the business they ac- quired abroad in their own hands, reaping all possible profit from every transaction. In their turn, and as their foreign trade de- 290 SELLING LATIN AMERICA manded it, France, Italy, Spain and Switzer- land entered the field but on a much smaller financial basis, at the same time restricting their activities so as to confine them more to the home countries and to persons of their own nationalities engaged in this field of com- merce. Only recently have statutory and business conditions warranted the advance of the American banker into this sphere of finance. To-day in Latin America our banking institu- tions may be found in the Argentine, Brazil, Panama, Cuba, Santo Domingo, Porto Rico, Mexico and to a small extent in Haiti. As it becomes apparent that our merchants and those of other countries require financial organiza- tions to further and facilitate trade with the United States, additional establishments will be opened in these lands until ultimately the dollar will be so enthroned in the estimation of the business world that it need pay no hom- age to the Pound Sterling, which up to the present has been Emperor Supreme in the Realm of Finance. FINANCE AND CREDITS 291 That this movement is judicious no one familiar with this trade will for a moment dispute. The ability of the British banks, through their strong financial arteries, gave them exceptional opportunities to force busi- ness into the hands of English merchants, by obliging the seller of exchange, for example, in Buenos Aires on New York to pay from i per cent, to 1.5 per cent, more than if he sold on London, or if he desired to buy, to pay a correspondingly higher price for a draft on New York than on London. In addition to exerting thus their powers through a high rate of exchange to drive merchants into British markets, the profits in the transfer of money incident to the transaction were enormous. The truth of this statement is vividly apparent when we are told that in 1912, ''bills on Lon- don" valued at $9,025,000,000 were sold, on every penny of which a fraction of a per cent. of profit was made by English bankers. It is not deemed necessary for the purpose of this work to go into the intricacies of the banking problem in Latin America. Such in- 292 SELLING LATIN AMERICA cidents as local loans, credits and financing, need not concern us, and are best left for solu- tion to those in this line of business. It is to be hoped however that the presence of Ameri- can banking institutions throughout Latin America will result in the financing with American money of municipal and national improvements such as water-works, sanitation, electric and gas companies, subways, harbor improvements, fortifications, building of war- ships, telephones, electric and steam railways. It was the custom of the European financier in making such loans to stipulate that the work should be done under the supervision of citi- zens of, and with articles and machinery pur- chased in, the country placing the loan. This was as it should be. It gave their engineers and contractors an opportunity to force upon these countries their products and methods, provided permanent employment for many of their countrymen, who in return created a de- mand for articles of home production. We may therefore consider the banking sit- uation only in so far as it applies to the travel- FINANCE AND CREDITS 293 ler, the house he represents and the customer he sells in the accommodation it can afford them and the service it may render all parties. One of its chief uses will be to give reliable in- formation as to the credit rating of customers. From a financial point of view all of Latin America may be divided into seven groups: (i) the east coast countries of Brazil, Argen- tine, Uruguay and Paraguay; (2) the west coast countries of Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador; (3) the northern countries of Vene- zuela and Colombia; (4) the Central Ameri- can Republics of Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, with which Haiti may be considered; (5) Mexico; (6) the countries wherein American banking sys- tems exist, such as Panama, Cuba, Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico, and (7) the ex- tensive group of foreign possessions and islands such as British, French and Dutch Guiana, British Honduras, Trinidad, Barba- dos, Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cur- asao and St. Thomas. The first and second groups of these South 294 SELLING LATIN AMERICA American countries are almost entirely under the domination and control of the European financier, the English being paramount, fol- lowed by Germans, French, Italians and Span- ish, in the order named. Throughout Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bo- livia, Peru and Ecuador, in all the larger cities and ports, as well as in the interior and isolated towns, where business is to be had, may be found branches, agencies, or representatives of banking houses of these nationalities. They keep their fingers on the pulse of trade, know mine outputs, crop prospects, cattle productions, stability of governments, possi- bilities of revolutions or political unrest, the condition of business — in a word everything that has any bearing on banking or that could by any possibility reflect on the money market. Taking all these elements into consideration together with the important factor of the ques- tion of supply and demand, they decide the price of exchange each day or how much a merchant having a foreign obligation to meet, must pay for the necessary sum to liquidate his FINANCE AND CREDITS 295 indebtedness. Very naturally a better price is quoted for the money required if payment is to be made in coin of the bank's national- ity for the reason that it necessitates less actual movement in the medium of exchange, the en- tire transaction as a rule being done on paper. This preliminary saving of a fraction of a per cent, in a big business means much in the course of a year and it has a strong tendency to make the buyer seek markets so situated that he might profit thereby. On the other hand the Latin American trader desiring to remit to the United States for goods bought in this country is forced because of lack of direct financial connection in South America to buy his exchange on London, Hamburg, Paris or some other European money center, thereby giving the European banker a profit of a frac- tion of a per cent, on every dollar of our for- eign business. Furthermore, invoices and bills of lading are frequently attached to banking documents for custom house clearance and other purposes, thereby giving the Eu- ropean banker and through him, his clients 296 SELLING LATIN AMERICA and friends, an opportunity of learning our prices and terms. And so, not content with giving the foreign financier a chance to make money on our export trade, we also aid our greatest competitors by supplying prices and information to defeat our commercial purpose. Some mercantile houses in the larger of these countries maintain for their own use ac- counts in New York against which they draw when liquidating bills in the States and do a general banking business as well, including the cashing of drafts and selling of exchange. Obviously only a large business concern could afford to do this and their natural tendency is to sell direct exchange on New York as high as the European banks. The dealer with small capital or the foreign merchant is in- variably for one reason or another forced as a general rule to do business through the Eu- ropean banker when in need of American ex- change. In both Venezuela and Colombia, their nearness to the United States, a direct steam- ship service to our leading ports and the fact FINANCE AND CREDITS 297 that we as a nation take the bulk of their prod- ucts, combine to overcome all attempts on the part of Europeans to establish banks in these countries. As the local exporters ship their goods to our shores where they are disposed of they instruct their agents to deposit the moneys so received in local American banks, against which they issue checks in liquidation of indebtedness, thereby eliminating the necessity for the services of the international banker. Local banks in these countries, never very strong, and always subject to forced loans from financially embarrassed governments, do not enter materially into the business life of the community although they also maintain credits in New York and sell drafts against them. The consequence is that every leading merchant throughout these lands develops into a foreign banker, on a small scale, and buys and sells exchange. As long as this condition prevails, and it works most satisfactorily, the foreign bank will not be required to open its doors. Practically the same state of affairs occurs 298 SELLING LATIN AMERICA in Central America, the general tendency to political unrest and the existence of an incon- vertible paper currency in some of these coun- tries, (similar conditions being current in Colombia) serve to emphasize distrust in local banks and concentrate banking operations in the hands of the larger mercantile houses. Prior to the revolutionary troubles which are now convulsing Mexico, American, Eng- lish, German, French and Spanish banks were to be found throughout that country. The presence of the American banker in this terri- tory and the great bulk of trade movements between Mexico and the United States, kept the price of exchange within reasonable bounds. In Panama, Cuba, Santo Domingo and Porto Rico, American banks exist and Ameri- can currency is in use almost exclusively. All financial calculations are made in dollars and cents and a complete and perfect system of ex- change on leading cities of this country is cur- rent so that the subject need not be further dis- cussed. FINANCE AND CREDITS 299 As is to be supposed, the European coun- tries having possessions in the West Indies and South or Central America, very naturally have banking facilities between these colonies and each mother country. In addition, promi- nent Canadian banks have successfully estab- lished branches in the largest of the British colonies for the purpose of building up direct trade with the Dominion of Canada, thereby eliminating the tribute London usually de- mands on exchange. Although we take much of the exports and sell these possessions most of their necessities, still the individual busi- ness done in each island or colony is rela- tively small and the field of operation too restricted to warrant other banking con- nections. Besides exchange on New York is cheaper here than elsewhere, owing to the fact that both Canadian and English banks maintain branches in that city. In the other colonies merchants, as a rule, have personal ac- counts in American banks in the States and are thereby enabled to handle their own transac- tions advantageously. 300 SELLING LATIN AMERICA There are four monetary systems in use in Latin America: (i) the gold standard, wherein gold is the only legal tender, other forms of money being maintained at a parity with or without a government guarantee; (2) the gold exchange standard, wherein gold and other forms of money are legal tender, the con- version of the legal tender into gold being guaranteed by the government; (3) the silver standard, wherein silver is the legal tender, and (4) inconvertible paper, the value of which continually fluctuates and is dependent entirely upon the stability of the government's credit. The gold standard is used by Bolivia, Cuba, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Porto Rico, Santo Domingo, Uruguay, the British, French, Dan- ish and Dutch West Indies and possessions. The gold exchange standard is in use in Ar- gentine, Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua and Pan- ama. The silver standard is current in Salvador and Honduras. Inconvertible paper is found in Chile, Co- FINANCE AND CREDITS 301 lombia, Guatemala, Haiti and Paraguay. The basis of exchange between countries de- pends primarily on the relation existing be- tween the gold value of their respective moneys, the price paid being materially influ- enced by the condition of the balance of trade and the social or political state of the country. For example, with the balance of trade in favor of England, the price of exchange on that country would go up a fraction of a point or so, while if a country is in a state of politi- cal or economic unrest, or at war, the price of exchange on it goes much higher than if con- ditions were normal. For these reasons ex- change in all countries varies daily, the price for the day being decided upon the receipt of European cables from the home institution. It will therefore be apparent that it is impos- sible to determine a fixed rate of exchange for any definite period. By buying when ex- change is low and selling when it is high, much money can be made, especially if the sum in- volved is large. The United States did a gross business with Latin America in 191 2 of $526,- 302 SELLING LATIN AMERICA 468,815, practically all of which was paid for by European exchange. Assuming that the commission charged was one-half of one per cent, the cost to the American merchant would be $2,632,344, which in itself is a strong argu- ment for American banks in these lands. Furthermore the home offices of all of these European banks having branches throughout Latin America, have had in mind the render- ing of financial assistance to the home mer- chant or manufacturer. This was especially true of the German organizations, which were designed to foster and facilitate commercial relations of all kinds abroad. In the head- quarters of these institutions, complete records and data are kept regarding all overseas mer- chants, their credits and the financial turnover of their business each year being known. As a consequence when the exporter presented his shipping documents at say Hamburg, the bank, should he so desire, knowing the rating of the importer, discounted the bill, and for the serv- ice rendered charged a commission, while the Latin American customer had the benefit of FINANCE AND CREDITS 303 the time agreed upon for payment, according to the terms of the sale. Compare this perfect system of the banks extending courtesy to the exporters and the importers with the Ameri- can policy of ''cash against documents'' and we see another vital reason why the Europeans succeeded in their conquest of these markets. The American manufacturer with small capi- tal was handicapped. His business demanded a quick turn-over; he had no way of ascertain- ing Latin American credits and no American banking connections to accept his export ship- ping documents at a discount. As a conse- quence, the door of this trade was closed to him and his productions. Owing to the fact that gold coin is bulky and heavy to transport and paper money of a foreign nation always worth as a rule much less than its face value, a traveler is accus- tomed to carry what is known as a Letter of Credit. This is a document issued by a bank to a person or concern authorizing him or it to draw on the bank or its correspondents drafts for the whole or any desired part of the sum 304 SELLING LATIN AMERICA named in the Letter of Credit, by means of sight or time drafts. Customary means to pre- vent forgery of the holder's signature are pro- vided. On presenting this document to the bank's foreign correspondent, the sum desired is advanced in the money of the country or in the monetary terms expressed in the Letter of Credit. These Letters of Credit are always time limited and are made against cash or some suitable guarantee to the bank issuing them. In traveling in South America it is advis- able to have two different Letters of Credit, one in Pounds Sterling and the other in Dol- lars. In Central America, Venezuela, Co- lombia, the British, Dutch and Danish West Indies it is often more advantageous to use dol- lars when buying exchange or getting cash on the Letter of Credit, while in Chile, Argen- tine, Brazil and Uruguay, pounds sterling are better. Before selling exchange on your Let- ter of Credit or realizing money on it, al- ways visit the banks and see which one offers the best rate and whether English or Ameri- FINANCE AND CREDITS 305 can gold is in demand. By taking ad- vantage of these conditions much money can be saved in the course of a long trip. The opening of American banks in Latin America will do much toward making the dollar popular and travelers are advised to take out letters of credit through United States banks with local branches in these lands. It has been the understood custom for the correspondent banking house on whom a letter of credit was drawn to give the holder all in- formation desired as to the rating and financial standing of local merchants and to aid him in every way possible. This w^as done in theory more than in practice. Assuming that your letter of credit w^as on an English bank in Buenos Aires, and that you were selling cot- ton goods, it would be most natural for the bank manager in Argentine to evade all direct information as to a possible customer's stand- ing, especially if his home institution had been discounting bills for a good client in England drawn against the local merchant. This is generally the attitude of bank managers in 3o6 SELLING LATIN AMERICA competitive lines and particularly when there is a tendency to cut into the trade of their cus- tomers. In this regard they can hardly be blamed for they are really protecting their patrons. If however, one is selling flour, or something which England cannot produce, the desired information is given fully and freely and every assistance rendered. Native or private bankers are not so reliable or as trustworthy sources of information. In only two or three South American coun- tries are there responsible commercial agencies; therefore, after getting what data you can from the bank it is always well to verify it by any other means at hand. Cus- tomers will often give references either in Eu- rope or America as to their standing, which should be corroborated. Inasmuch as you de- sire information as to your clients' credit and standing, you should be equally willing to establish the reputation of your house and to that end should assist as much as possible in supplying whatever facts in this connection may be wanted. FINANCE AND CREDITS 307 To illustrate the insufficiency of our "knowl- edge regarding Latin American credits, let me cite a personal experience. At the begin- ning of the war in Europe, one of the largest daily papers in Buenos Aires was re- fused credit for less than $100.00 a week of cable news, because there w^as no really reli- able means in New York of satisfying the manager of the foreign press agency that the paper was of the highest financial standing. A moratorium had been declared in the Ar- gentine and Europe and at that time no direct banking connections existed with the United States. This condition of affairs only served to make the New York manager insist that the service be paid for wxekly. He was abso- lutely unwilling to extend credit for even ninety days, provided the paper paid the cable tolls in Buenos Aires, which it had offered to do. The publication, its plant, equipment and the building it owns and occupies are easily worth $5,000,000. Furthermore it is eminently responsible and reputable. With 3o8 SELLING LATIN AMERICA all the manifold resources of a great, wealthy newspaper, it was absolutely impossible for it to remit money to the United States to get the war news so essential for its readers. Cables to Europe were cut, as the world knows, there- by preventing it from getting reports from this source. Its position was desperate. After finding that efforts to obtain the desired serv- ice from the press agency were useless and that no credit would be extended, the South Amer- ican editor, in despair, cabled me, and I financed the paper for five months, paying weekly the bills incurred. With the opening of the National City Bank in Buenos Aires, re- mittance in full with interest was made for the money I had advanced, the draft sent me being one of the very first issued by that insti- tution. This American news association had a great opportunity to establish a profitable connection in a country where a service of this kind is badly needed, for the favorable atti- tude of the press is of the greatest benefit in developing both business and friendly rela- tions between nations. Instead of taking ad- FINANCE AND CREDITS 309 vantage of the situation, the position it as- sumed has positively hurt us as a nation. One of the things to be met and overcome is the question of long credits. European mer- chants originally extended much time to re- liable customers. Instances are on record of from twenty-four to thirty-six months being given. Goods were often shipped on consign- ment. The tendency of late, however, as busi- ness became established in these lands has been to curtail credits. This condition is one which demands delicate and diplomatic handling and very naturally will be materi- ally controlled by circumstances. European banks were organized, as hereinbefore ex- plained, to discount long time paper, provided the drawer and the drawee were considered good risks. The Federal Reserve Act, how- ever, falls short of helping us in this regard for the life of a foreign negotiable draft is limited by it to ninety days. Long credits are not to be encouraged. They were excusable in the age of the sailing ships and poor banking facilities, but with the 3IO SELLING LATIN AMERICA quick transportation service of to-day are un- wise and unnecessary. Under no conditions should more than six months time be allowed and that only for some special line dependent upon some future contingency, such for in- stance as crops — agricultural machinery be- ing a good illustration. Staples and necessi- ties require less time to dispose of and ninety days should be ample. If possible it might be wise to get the customer to agree to pay one- third of the invoice on receipt of shipping doc- uments and the balance in sixty or ninety days. On overdue accounts, the Latin American merchant has always been accustomed to pay a good rate of interest. XXVI PACKING AND SHIPPING The method of packing goods intended for the export markets of Latin America is wor- thy of the greatest study and the most serious consideration. Poor and improper packing, so characteristic of American made goods, has caused us the loss of much business, and wher- ever I have been in these countries it has formed the subject of much unfavorable com- ment and highly warranted criticism. Of late there has been a slight tendency toward improvement in this really important branch of the foreign trade, but there is still much opportunity for bettering conditions in this regard. In the United States with every forwarding facility, the largest, best and most complete transportation systems on earth, we are prone to think of the rest of the world as being simi- an 312 SELLING LATIN AMERICA larly provided with modern methods for handling goods. The fact is that the burro, the llama, the camel, the elephant, the coolie and the Indian are yet the greatest common carriers, and it will be many, many years be- fore the shrill whistle of the locomotive will supplant the jingling bells of the pack train, or the slow moving caravan, in the outer edges of terra firma. In Latin America to-day, in proportion to its size, there are comparatively few railways, and fully another century will elapse before it possesses half the amount of mileage that we have at present in the United States. This is primarilv due to the scarcity of population and secondarily to the inaccessi- bility of many of its interior towns, built in early days in remote and secluded spots so as to be free from the frequent invasions of bucca- neers, as were the coast cities, or for the pur- pose of being near some rich mine or fertile agricultural district. The narrow mountain trails that wend their circuitous and tiresome way along the gigantic buttresses which Na- ture has so profusely placed throughout this o -a G a! < o o rt is 3J nS C - ^ a. c ^ ^ :5 oj -^ ^ ;j 2 oj o -a cj ^ S r- c a ^ -a ^' c Curt rt rt ^ ^" a, ^ ^^ y: C *-" be aj -^ "" Ji - o — "^ .11 C2 '^ ^ S rt ^ is **- ^ !^ i^Z ^ c tr x; rt 0) £ ^ X I, i- ""^ 3 O '<- -^ t^ ^ a; E ^ o ■" - .ti *" t/; <« c/; O o tH , J, > 3 > r> . > 3 5 > ' *'-;>», 5 1 ),3 ^lJ r^ --.. !■: Vopyritjftt by Underwood Sf Underwood Llamas in Cerro de Pasco, Peru, bringing in their burdens of copper ore from nearby Indian mines " Custom has decreed the exact weight each burro, llama or mule will carry, and let me add that these animals know to a nicety their load, and are life members of a union that prohibits its initiates from carrying more than is ex- pected of them." See page j/j PACKING AND SHIPPING 317 one word of these requirements. Near Du- rango, in Mexico, there lie practically all the parts of a large plant, not made according to the instructions given the man who took the order. In the draughting room of the shops which constructed the machinery, they could not understand why the fly wheel of the en- gine should be made in so many sections adapted to be bolted together, and so they con- structed it as if intended for shipment to Buf- falo, and not so that a mule might carry each component part on his back. The entire or- der was executed in the same manner. As a result the equipment they turned out is gradu- ally resolving itself into iron oxide, at the railway station nearest to the mine it was de- signed for, while the people who purchased it are filled with contempt for American meth- ods and the American machinery company thai received the business has long since vowed never to accept another Latin Ameri- can commission. If the packing instructions read: — ^^Each case to be made of half-inch pine boards, 3i8 SELLING LATIN AMERICA strapped with iron bands, half an inch wide around each end, and wrapped fir5t in water- proof paper, then sewn in burlap, and NOT TO WEIGH more than 40 kilos (about 100 pounds)"— do exactly this and NOTHING more. The iron bands and the heavy wood of the, packing case insure protection against break- age during its ocean and railway voyage. The waterproof paper will serve to keep the contents of the case from rain and snow storms, to say nothing of preventing the spray of the ocean while it is in the lighter, from damaging its contents. The burlap sewed over all is a visible defense against theft en route, either by the customs authorities or by the pack train men. The weight of 40 kilos means that it may be strapped to the side of a burro, and form one of two such packages to be carried by him. Furthermore the wood of the case being half an inch wide, means that when the box reaches its destination, it can be sold to the coffin maker for conversion into a baby's casket, because wood of this nature is PACKING AND SHIPPING 319 scarce in many of these lands. The metal strips will find another use and the waterproof paper and burlap covering will serve some particular purpose, perhaps be sold to the up- holsterer. Your shipping instructions will also tell you exactly what signs or marks to put upon the outside of the case or its covering. Observe this with precision. The net and gross weights must also be marked thereon in a legible manner. Be sure that in weighing and marking the case you use the metric system for this is the only one used through all of Latin America. They know nothing of pounds and ounces. It is a wise plan to have your shipping clerk familiarize himself with this method, so as to avoid mistakes in mark- ing, which may cause the importer much trouble at the custom house when the goods arrive. Never place anything of a foreign nature in a packing case unless expressly instructed to do so by the shipper. Many exporters often take advantage of a small space available in a 320 SELLING LATIN AMERICA box to enclose a package of cards or some other advertising material. In most Latin American countries it is against the law for a case to contain anything more than what the bill of lading or the consular invoice expressly states, and the trouble that ensues from this desire to really help the purchaser can never be understood by those so far away from the native customs official who seizes every oppor- tunity to extort money from the local dealer in the shape of fines and fees. The merchant in ordering will generally definitely state just how he wants the goods which you are shipping him declared, so as to properly conform to the classification in vogue in the local custom house and its tariff regulations. Here it again behooves you to follow his instructions word for word, otherwise the officious custom house employe sees another chance to levy a fine and the un- fortunate importer becomes correspondingly disgusted with your methods of doing busi- ness with him. Finally, the packages should agree in num- PACKING AND SHIPPING 321 ber, weights, markings, declarations and con- tents with the consular invoice and the bill of lading. This will help materially all along the line from the receiving clerk of the steam- ship company to the merchant who accepts the consignment at its destination. It would be well if shipping clerks engaged in the export trade would make a careful study of the geography of the Latin American coun- tries, and the various ways of routing goods, as well as the topography of each state. This would do much toward eliminating com- plications. As an illustration of the igno- rance so frequently displayed in this connec- tion, let me recite what happened to a joint shipment of beer and mineral water, intended for Leon, Nicaragua. In ordering goods from this country the Latin American mer- chant will often have a shipment made up of goods from different cities. He will instruct or request the exporter living at the port from which the shipment is to be made, to assemble the several cases which make up his various orders, and send them under one consular in- 322 SELLING LATIN AMERICA voice, his idea being to save money, in the many incidental charges made by consuls and those handling his freight. The beer came from Milwaukee and the mineral water from the warehouse in New York City. The ship- ping instructions read as follows: ''Ship via Isthmus of Tehuantepec, to Sa- lina Cruz then via first opportunity to Leon, Nicaragua." The intellectual shipping clerk could see no valid reason for sending goods intended for Nicaragua through Mexico, so he took upon himself their routing, and as a result the goods were sent direct from New York to Bluefields, Nicaragua, on the east coast of that country, with instructions to a forwarding agent there to dispatch them to their destination on the west coast. That was three years ago and the last I heard of them was that they had been sold by the customs authorities to pay storage and other accumulated charges. Of course the forwarding agent in Bluefields realized PACKING AND SHIPPING 323 that it would be easier to send goods to the North Pole than across the country, as he had been instructed, owing to the fact that there was hardly a mountain trail over which they might be transported. In addition to this it would take several weeks to make the journey, and the expense would be enormous. These facts were communicated to the shippers who promptly decided to abandon the goods, re- plying that they did not care to do business in such an inaccessible country. As a result of this colossal error goods to the value of more than $2500 were lost to the exporter and the importer, and bad feeling engendered on both sides. The speculator who bought them at the custom house sale, told me that the contents of the bottles had deteriorated so that the goods were unsaleable after their long stay in the tropical warehouse, and as a re- sult he was the possessor of a large quantity of bottles for which he had no sale. Shipments from the United States to a for- eign country require what is known as a con- sular invoice to accompany them. This docu- 324 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ment states briefly the contents of the invoice, its weight, and value, from whom and for whom intended. This paper must be made out before the consul or vice-consul of the country to which the goods are to be exported, the idea being to keep track of the business be- tween the nations. This document should al- ways be in the language of the country for which the shipment is intended, although all the consuls do not require this condition to be rigidly complied with. They must be taken to the office of the consul or vice-consul em- powered to issue and sign them and as a rule he requires one or more copies for his files and for forwarding to his government, or to the customs authorities at the port to which the goods are going. For this service he charges a fee, generally specified by law. Great care should be exercised in the preparation of these papers, as before intimated. The importer generally states just how he wishes his goods declared in these documents and it is best to follow his commands instead of those which may be issued or suggested by some of the em- PACKING AND SHIPPING 325 ployes of the consular office, or even the consul himself. Besides if you follow your shipping instructions there can be no cause of com- plaint, on the part of the buyer, should un- favorable conditions arise. It might be well in order to impress upon the reader's mind some of the great difficul- ties to be overcome and the many handlings that are received by goods in transit to follow in detail a shipment actually made from New York City to La Paz, Bolivia, the route being the usual one taken by merchandise intended for that place. The order was placed in February, 1913, early in the month and the goods arrived December 22nd, 1913, being more than ten months on the way. When the American salesman received the order at La Paz, it was immediately forwarded by the next mail to New York City, where it arrived in about five weeks. The shipment of 854 cases was made from the factory in the middle West about the 15th of April, 1913, and the vessel containing them sailed from New York harbor, May ist, 1913. Exceptionally bad 326 SELLING LATIN AMERICA weather in the Atlantic, delays in the Straits, storms in the southern Pacific, and time lost in discharging cargo intended for interme- diate ports made it September ist, before the goods reached Mollendo, in Peru, the port of discharge for the interior. Here, owing to bad weather, Mollendo being one of the worst ports on the Pacific, and the further fact that the roads and custom house were both congested with freight, a common occurrence in this part of the world, another month was consumed before the cases were finally got ashore and passed by the Peruvian authorities. A few more days were lost in loading them on the narrow gauge railroad that runs from Mollendo to Arequipa, an inland city of Peru, and the end of the first railway. Here the goods were transshipped to the road running to Puno, Peru, on the shores of Lake Titicaca, where they were again discharged and allowed to wait for many days before their turn came to be stowed on the small steamer plying across this perpetually storm-tossed lake in the PACKING AND SHIPPING 327 clouds, to Guaqui, where after being put ashore they were again examined by the Boliv- ian customs officials. They were next placed on the train which took them across the wind swept plateaus of Bolivia, to the edge of the tea-cup rim, at the bottom of which La Paz is situated. Here again they were transferred, this time to an electric train which took them down the face of the canyon wall, 1500 feet, to the station at the outskirts of La Paz. At this point Indian cargadores took the cases, one at a time, on their backs and carried them to the merchant's warehouse, where they were again opened, and checked up, after which they were repacked and sent on into the in- terior towns, mining camps and his branch stores, via llama, burro and mule. In this shipment there was nothing unusual. It went over the route commonly selected and took about the average length of time. If you have followed its many handlings by rough men, in all kinds of weather, you will admit at once the necessity for strong packing 328 SELLING LATIN AMERICA cases and you will, I am sure, cease to wonder why it takes goods intended for interior cities so long to reach their goal. A wise precaution, and one to be recom- mended for all shipments to Latin America, is to insure them against theft en route. This may add a little to the cost of the article, but it is the only protection against petty pilfering. The fact is that the minor employes of the custom houses, as well as the porters, trainmen and pack train attendants are so poorly paid, and so completely lacking in honesty that there is every tendency in the world to appropriate whatever appeals to their fancy. I have known what should have been cases of toilet soap to arrive at their destination, filled with scrap-iron, so as not to attract suspicion by their weight, and this after duty had been col- lected at the custom house and freight paid by the shipper. Unless there is an insurance against these depredations one has absolutely no protection, for it is practically impossible to prove where and by whom the theft was committed. Furthermore if a conviction PACKING AND SHIPPING 329 were obtained it would mean that in future all goods bearing your particular shipping mark would be forever doomed to trouble. I am always forced to laugh when I think of the experience of a traveller for a well-known baking company in the United States who was making his initial trip to South America. The port at which he landed was, as it gen- erally is, the scene of a yellow fever epidemic. Fearful of contracting this disease he decided to take the first train for the capital, located in the mountains and as a rule free from the scourge which infests the port. Inasmuch as the train left early, he deposited his twelve sample cases at the custom house with the keys and the request that after they had been in- spected one of the men whom he had tipped should send them by the evening train to his hotel. After waiting for three days without receiving the trunks, during which time he fre- quently sent telephonic messages to the cus- toms authorities and telegraphed and wrote the United States consul on the subject, he de- cided to go in person, despite his fear of con- 330 SELLING LATIN AMERICA tracting fever, and secure his samples. You may imagine his surprise on reaching his cases to find every one empty — the cakes and biscuits and dainties had been eaten by the customs em- ployes. Of course it was impossible to place the blame on any one, and his loud demands for redress resulted in the police escorting him to the railway station and threatening to ar- rest him if he persisted in continuing his dem- onstrations. His cable to the house, ^^Samples eaten by the customs authorities. Send duplicates,'^ confirmed the belief of his employers that he had gone suddenly insane and brought this brief reply: — ^'Return immediately." As far as I know, this big company have made no further efforts to enter these really profita- ble fields, which are still dominated by Eng- lish cracker and biscuit concerns. I trust that the moral will be patent to my readers that it pays to keep close to your sample cases and never trust them with unreliable or unknown natives. XXVII ADVERTISING Advertising is in its infancy in all parts of Latin America. It has been given neither thought, study or attention, by the native, and where some particular article has made a ^'hit" or developed into a profitable seller through publicity, the chances are that the campaign was conducted by some foreigner more or less familiar with modern methods. Thousands of dollars are yearly wasted by inexperienced persons in trying to market goods along er- roneous lines. The great thing which militates against suc- cessful work in this field is the enormous per- centage of illiteracy — some authorities placing it as high as 85 per cent. Chile admits that 49 per cent, of her citizens cannot read or write; Argentine 54 per cent; Cuba 56 per cent; Mexico 75 per cent.; Brazil 85 per cent and 331 332 SELLING LATIN AMEPvICA Guatemala 92 per cent. This condition is easily conceivable when we stop to consider the scarcity of either public or private schools, and the large percentage of aborigines, In- dians, negroes and mixed breed population, especially in the northern countries of South America, as well as in Central America, Mex- ico and the Spanish-speaking West Indies. How to reach this class, each member of which is a potential possibility from a purchas- ing point of view, is a problem requiring much consideration. Bright colors attract them and posters and cards illustrating your article, and showing its application and practicability have their value. Such souvenirs are never thrown away but are preserved for years. If any member of the village can read he is asked to transcribe the printing on the medium, and this will in all probability form the subject for much discussion so that ultimately everybody becomes acquainted with whatever may be thereon related or depicted, thereby fulfilling the mission for which it was intended. To advertise a luxury to the uneducated ADVERTISING 333 classes is a waste of money, for they have neither the means nor the desire to indulge in such extravagances. Very naturally the great demand among these people, as it is among persons of this class elsev^here, is for the neces- sities of life — cotton goods, textiles, patent medicines, shoes, farming implements, hard- ware, machinery, tools and the like. These are th'e things required by the farmer and the laborer who make up the greater proportion of the world's population, and perhaps the very best way to reach them is through the in- fluence of the middle man, the jobber and the local storekeeper. Of these three, the village merchant is by far the most important with the masses. He is always a man of standing in his community. He is invariably respected and looked up to. His word among many amounts to law — his judgment final. He is the moneyed man of the neighborhood. He carries the peons on his books — helps them along in hard times, and when crops are short — extends credit when he thinks it wise to do so and curtails it when proper. He is there- 334 SELLING LATIN AMERICA fore in a position to force on this great class of the people whatever he wishes. I recall one of these typical country merchants telling me that practically every man in the neighbor- hood owed him money and that therefore he had them all in his power, so that he could tell them just what he wished them to do or buy or be closed out. The control held by such a man in these remote communities is far- reaching and conclusive. It is quite obvious that the proletariat may be reached through direct appeal to him. He usually takes the local papers, and those published in his im- mediate vicinity, and is certain to subscribe to one or more of the leading metropolitan dail- ies, so as to keep in touch with the markets and shipping conditions. He knows almost to a ton what this year's crop will amount to; what the output of the neighboring mines will be ; how much rubber will come from up coun- try; if wool will bring a high price, or if cattle will be lower than last year, and is gen- erally an all around encyclopaedia of useful information on every local subject. The ADVERTISING 335 course to pursue is obvious — advertise in the papers he takes, and at the same time cultivate his friendship. ' Get to know him personally and intimately, and seek to do him favors when the opportunity offers. The educated and better class of people de- mand all the luxuries and the nicer things that the markets of the world afford. In addition to their native language, they have been taught to speak French and most of them use this idiom as frequently as they do their mother tongue and have perhaps at various times in their careers lived in the capitals of Europe. Their tastes are most modern. They demand^ the best and have the money to pay for it. Obviously it is a comparatively simple prob- lem to reach this class. In each Latin Ameri- can country are to be found numerous week- lies and monthlies, most of which are well got up typographically and profusely illustrated, which are an excellent medium for placing one in direct touch with this desirable portion of the purchasing public. They also take the leading metropolitan dailies and these papers I 336 SELLING LATIN AMERICA are very effective in bringing to their atten- tion articles which they may desire. Sign boards are beginning to be v^ell thought of and are making their appearance throughout the larger cities. Posters, well executed, but in glaring colors, and if possible displaying a portion of a nude female always attract universal attention and for many lines are excellent mediums. Some of the coun- tries charge an internal revenue tax on all sign boards, posters, placards and street announce- ments proportionate to their size. Before un- dertaking a campaign requiring the use of this class of material, it is therefore well to ascer- tain what this fee will amount to and arrange for its payment. In some cities the hoardings are sold for a period of years, to the highest bidder, who in turn rents them to the user for a specified time. These spaces are often the property of the municipality which contracts directly with the user for them. In Buenos Aires these stands are so highly thought of that they are often leased years in advance. Moving picture theatres abound in the ADVERTISING 337 larger cities as they do with us. Between films it is the custom to run advertisements which are thrown on the screen for a few min- utes. This is a rather cheap and practical means of announcing one's wares, inasmuch as it reaches a good class of people. Street cars are used as extensively as in the United States, and are worthy of serious con- sideration in conducting an elaborate adver- tising campaign. Not only are the inside spaces in the car for sale, but in many cities the spaces outside both above and below the windows and the front and rear dashboards are ef^fectively used. Electric signs are as yet comparatively un- known. Some of the larger cities such as Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires have a few but they are the exception to the general rule. The streets are usually so narrow that good locations for display purposes are difficult to find. This condition will be overcome in time, in many of the metropolitan towns, with the advent of municipal improvements, the broad- ening of streets and the laying out of modern 338 SELLING LATIN AMERICA avenues. Another element which militates against the universal use of the '^flash" sign is the fact that they are apt to get out of order and mechanics experienced enough to repair and keep them in operative condition are not numerous in these localities. It therefore fol- lows that for some years to come, the fixed electric sign would be the more ideal for this section of the world. I doubt if any business house in any part of Latin America is really familiar with the value of the follow-up letter system such as we use so satisfactorily in the United States. I am certain that its introduction and regular use will be found profitable in developing any line of trade, especially when intended for those who in the course of a year receive com- paratively little correspondence. With regard to advertising rates the Latin American publisher is becoming more con- sistent of late. Time was when he asked $600.00 a year and took $60.00. To-day he \ keeps closer to an established price, although diplomacy and politeness can accomplish ADVERTISING 339 much toward a generous reduction on his first quotation. Local dealers always are given a far better rate than foreigners and before do- ing business with a paper it is highly advisable to find out by some means the price paid by the larger business houses of the place. This will serve you as a guide in determining what to pay for your space. It is always customary to run little '^readers" in the columns especially if you have contracted for much advertising, and as these cost nothing, it is well to provide appropriate manuscript for them and insist upon its being used. Local copy in many sections of Latin ' America is far from our idea of what it should be and may appear a bit startling to our no- tions of propriety. In Peru, there is a mineral water known as ^'Jesus Water,'' the labels on the bottle, the colored posters and other adver- tising showing Christ at the spring. A cognac company uses cuts, posters and large signs depicting the Saviour in the act of pouring out a glass of brandy and saying to Lazarus, lying in a cofEn at his feet, ^Xazarus, 340 SELLING LATIN AMERICA arise and take a glass of Cognac Bisquit'' I have seen this announcement in colors on the back page of the leading illustrated weekly. 'Tou Furnish the Corpse and Do the Mourning — We Do the Rest," is the ingenious slogan announcing the advertisement of an un- dertaking firm. Let me add that such adver- tisements are not considered sacrilegious or brutal, but simply shov^ how primitive condi- tions are in these fields. Doctors advertise patients and patients ad- vertise doctors in these favored lands of the sun. This is considered perfectly ethical and adds to rather than detracts from the reputa- tion of both parties. I recall a picture in half- tones in the leading weekly of South America showing the photographs of a physician and his patient, a well known lady of the city. Grouped between the two were reproductions of forty-eight stones alleged to have been re- moved from the sufiferer. Pictures of amputa- tions are shown in detail, with lifelike illustra- tions of the surgeon. Executions are also mi- nutely depicted. I mention these facts in » < S U4 .i:j o. rt to 3 fel cs: S/ 7^ — ' Z. l< CO •2: UJ '.'v ■-ij -J J5i •i. ^ iCi: ui. e/3 "S C/9 C/} e> a> c ;2 "■5 = o - o ^ C^ •*-! o O) C "* rt *^ -■ C V " :; O rt U — ^> :^"~ y >. j:: X! rt C C !A1 O - ^ o u is rt ^ rt rt i5 =^±: o u O in tfi b-o 2J ^5-5 c rt tn 1-3 oJ rt aj a IT S u. • rt a N .uj >, Ir-o 0^ rt rt ^ 5 r !« c •r rt ii -3 ~ w fli oc rt TS C f pr oste 1 th( ayin llaz rt ^ &.= i/j - C C .S rt "^ S '«'? o^'h 2 rt be 3 b i_ o rt a; -^ ■-J •M x: •- ^1 ^ Cfl -^ "v <« ^ S cu Q ^ H u >> S c - a> ADVERTISING 341 order that a more complete insight may be gained as to the advertising disposition and temperament of the public. Position in the greater number of papers is an unknown quantity and its value little un- derstood or appreciated. Those connected v^ith the journal positively do not realize its importance. Even if a definite location is contracted for in your agreement you need not be surprised if the advertisement appears any- where on any page. This is not done to antag- onize you, but is due to the fact above men- tioned. Attempts to deduct for wrong posi- tion in making payments generally start all kinds of trouble and result in caustic editorial comments. Here as in all things in Latin America, friendship counts, and if you have taken the precaution to get on the right side of the editor and the make-up man, you can have your choice of positions. I know of a repre- sentative who was advertising a well known American mineral water in South America three years ago. One of the dailies in which he was doing much display work had just 342 SELLING LATIN AMERICA added a new two-color press to its equipment and as he was very intimate with the editor the advertisement appeared in red ink for a long time in the center of the front page along with the foreign telegraphic news, columns being broken for the purpose. No extra charge was made for the service and the owner of the sheet felt that he had done nothing more than exhibit his high regard for the gentle- man from the North. Before preparing your copy for Latin y America it is well to study all these condi- tions and see wherein you can take advantage of them for there is no denying that peculiar opportunities exist which if profited by may mean for you and your firm success in this ter- ritory. Once you have decided upon your copy and the size of the space you intend using, it is advisable to have electro cuts made. This saves time and insures for your advertisement a uniformity of text and type which cannot be guaranteed if the same is to be set up in the ofiice of the paper for each issue. When these > J 1 3 3 y '^A^COCHOS c5ri '"^ly^w Qie&a o'^-"" \i7-: South American appreciation of advertisements " made in U. S. A." " They recognize Americans as the best advertisers in the world and not being famihar with EngUsh appropriate and use our ilhistrations irrespective of the tact that they have absolutely no bearing on what they are advertising." See page 343 ADVERTISING 343 electros are to be used in rotation they should be numbered and printed instructions for the foreman should accompany them. Plagiarism is rampant. They recognize Americans as the best advertisers in the world and not being familiar with English appro- priate and use our illustrations irrespective of the fact that they may have absolutely no bear- ing on what they are advocating. Typical of this purloining I recall a well known picture from an American cereal ad- vertisement showing two men seated in a din- ing car, eating breakfast food. Outside snow is all over the ground and trees; ^'Smoke El Toro Cigar" is the announcement beneath the sketch and in no place does a cigar ap- pear or is any reference made to one. Who- ever selected this picture did not even have the good judgment to modify the same to the ex- tent of cutting out the snow storm, in a land where snow is unknown or eliminating the raised spoons piled high with the cereal and held in the hands of the travelers. The full page advertisements of Pillsbury's 344 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Flour were bodily appropriated and used by a local cement manufacturing concern. The fact that they also put up cement in bags seemed enough to warrant them in using this copy, although the picture of the cook sur- rounded by the paraphernalia of his office was not altered in the least. XXVIII RECIPROCITY Foreign trade to be permanent should be es- tablished on a reciprocal basis. To expect to ship a nation your raw or manufactured materials, receiving only in exchange there- for a monetary consideration, is neither equit- able, sensible nor practical. It is decidedly lacking in business judgment and reflects on the sincerity of the country endeavoring to do its trade along such lines. Perhaps the chief reason that European Powers have obtained such a foothold in for- eign markets is due to the fact that they take in exchange much of the crude exports of these lands and convert them into finished factory products. This from an economic standpoint is as it should be. It gives em- ployment to the citizens of the importing na- tions, develops and maintains their merchant 345 346 SELLING LATIN AMERICA marine, necessitates less material movements in the medium of exchange in payment for goods on the part of those concerned in the transac- tion and more firmly entrenches each in the other's business and friendly relations. The various countries comprising Latin America are in no sense manufacturing ones. They possess few if any factories or plants and these are usually devoted to the perfection of some local necessity, such as v^ines, cigarettes, cigars, soap, sugar, and other articles for per- sonal use or consumption. They are however the largest producers of raw materials the world knows. Due to our shortsightedness as a nation, we have allowed the European merchant and manufacturer to take these products from Nature's laboratory, elaborate the finished article therefrom and during each stage of its perfection, from its origin to its completion, we have paid a profit, not to one, but to several enterprising foreigners. The Latin Americans — in fact no nation — will buy from us for sheer love or their high regard for us as a people, or even from dire RECIPROCITY 347 necessity for that matter. Most of these coun- tries achieved their independence from Spain because they refused to be further exploited by the mother country. It behooves us as modern and liberal minded, wide-awake business men, to develop our trade in these territories so that our exports to each country will be paid for by the things which we import from it. This is not a difficult problem to solve, especially as at the present time our imports from them exceed the value of our exports to them by ap- proximately $100,000,000 yearly. This sum should represent the amount of trade expan- sion with the United States these countries will be in a position to stand on a reciprocal basis. Another feature in this connection which has developed since the beginning of the pres- ent war is the monetary situation in Latin America. These countries as the world knows were borrowing nations, and practically dependent upon Europe for all of their financ- ing. To-day Europe cannot aid them in this respect and they have turned toward us for 348 SELLING LATIN AMERICA assistance, thereby placing us in a much more advantageous position than we formerly oc- cupied with relation to developing our trade along reciprocal lines, for a lending nation can always dictate to the borrowing one. Following the stringency in the European money markets and their inability to lend further financial aid to Latin American en- terprises, there has been a decided slump in property values of all kinds, thereby giving the American investor desirous of entering these fields an excellent opportunity to acquire controlling interests at the minimum expense in undertakings which will ultimately rehabil- itate themselves as money making propositions. These conditions should not be lost sight of during the readjustment of values in this part of the world. To be more specific, perhaps 80 per cent, of the world's supply of bismuth comes from Peru. This metal is largely used in the arts and medicine. An Italian company owns practically all the mines. Germans and Eng- lish buy the ore and ship it to their respective RECIPROCITY 349 clients in Europe. On its arrival it is sold to smelters which produce the metal there- from. Manufacturing chemists purchase this and convert it into the bismuth subnitrate used so extensively by the physician of to-day. This product is imported by the American drug broker who sells it to the jobber, whose travel- ler in turn disposes of it to the wholesale chem- ist through whom it reaches the local druggist and finally the consumer. It is safe to say that fully 30 per cent, of the prescriptions, written by the doctor and compounded by the apothecary call for this drug. If the metal is to be used in the arts it goes through as many hands before reaching the ultimate user. It is not difficult therefore to see that from the mine to the consumer there are six or seven profits made, several of which might be elimi- nated, thereby reducing the cost of the article, provided the ore was brought direct to this country and the reduction m.ade here. Fur- thermore instead of going around the Horn to Europe, the freight through the Panama Canal to an American port would be much 350 SELLING LATIN AMERICA less, consequently effecting a great initial sav- ing. Why does not some manufacturing chemical house take advantage of this oppor- tunity? This same condition of affairs is true of cin- conah, from which quinine is made, iodine, opium, belladona, menthol, castor oil, licoric, linseed and many other extensively used and well known drugs. What a chance exists in this field alone to establish a reciprocal trade, and at the same time to reduce the high cost of these medicines! Last year Bolivia sent to Germany and Eng- land 50,000 tons of tin. We bought back 30,- 000 tons of this tin from the wide-awake Teu- ton and Anglo-Saxon merchants, or expressed in figures we contributed more than $16,000,- 000 to the bank accounts of these gentlemen. We are the largest users of tin in the world and Bolivia is the second largest tin producing country, with thousands of acres of unex- ploited tin fields yet to be developed. It is about two-thirds as far again from Bolivia to Europe as it is to the United States. With RECIPROCITY 351 proper shipping facilities and the use of the Canal or by going to California, the saving in freight alone should be sufficient to interest some progressive concern in the handling of this article direct. Europe sends its wool buyers to Argentine and Uruguay. I have attended these markets and have yet to meet an American buyer rep- resenting any of our woolen cloth manufac- turers. We buy much of our wool from Eu- ropean markets, thereby giving Belgians, French, English and Germans who have ini- tiative and enterprise a profit on their busi- ness acumen. Is this sensible? It only adds to what each one of us pays for our clothes. Ecuador's chief product is cocoa. It is the largest grower of this commodity in the world. The bean is perhaps the richest and most highly flavored and is in great demand in the trade. Europe buys 80 per cent, of this article and although w^e are the biggest individual users of chocolate on earth, our merchants pur- chase but 20 per cent, direct. Then England and Germany, and even little Switzerland, 352 SELLING LATIN AMERICA turn around and sell us back — at a profit of course — fifty per cent, of what they bought in Ecuador. And we call ourselves merchants! Who exhibits the good judgment in such a transaction? The linseed of the world is produced by Argentine and India. The small farmer trades it for supplies to the village merchant, who in turn exchanges it for goods with the jobber in the capital or seaport. To these men come the buyers for the Greek firm which practically controls this industry and purchase the seed, and we, the most extensive users of linseed oil in the world, pay our toll and trib- ute to the able and shrewd men who have their headquarters in Athens. Isn't there some- thing radically wrong here? The alpaca gives a fine soft wool. Prac- tically all of this material is bought in Bo- livia by Europeans who manufacture the cloth which they afterwards sell us. I cannot un- derstand why some sagacious American has not entered this profitable market. The seasons in the southern part of South RECIPROCITY 353 America are reversed, so that they have sum- mer when we have winter, which means that their fruits and vegetables, melons and berries are ripe when we have snow on the ground. The apples, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, nectarines, cherries, grapes and melons of Chile are as good as our own. A profitable return awaits the one who will forward these goods in refrigerator ships to our big northern markets. In Colombia and Ecuador large quantities of tagua or ivory nuts formerly grew wild. They are about the size of a goose tgg^ or slightly larger, very hard and a dead white, protected by a thin black skin. For years no one knew what to do with them. Finally an enterprising German found that they could be converted into buttons. To-day the ivory nut is cultivated for this purpose, and forms one of the leading exports from the countries named ; the shipments for 1913 amounted to over $5,000,000. The finished button is sold not only to the Latin Americans, but throughout the world as well. 354 SELLING LATIN AMERICA Brazil is the second largest diamond pro- ducing country in the world. English com- panies have $50,000,000 invested in these mines, v^hich means that the diamonds ob- tained therefrom pass through the hands of several Europeans before they ultimately reach the wearer in the United States. One State of Brazil — Minas Geraes — has for the past six years been exporting gold to Europe, sometimes as much as $2,000,000 a month, be- cause Germans, Belgians and Englishmen own the mines. Chile contains the largest known deposits of '^caliche" — that is, the earthy material from which nitrate is made. This article is exten- sively used in the arts, in the production of gunpowder and other high explosives and also as a fertilizer. Last year she exported 50,78 1 ,- 241 quintals, the world's total consumption for the same period of time being 51,296,489 quintals. I know of but one American house established in these fields. The business is controlled almost entirely by English and Ger- man companies. RECIPPvOCITY 355 We should also make a more determined effort to finance municipal and national im- provements in these countries. The money lenders of Europe have been quick to take ad- vantage of such opportunities. They proved good investments for them. We should also find them profitable, under the right condi- tions. In this field there are and will be for years to come great possibilities, especially in electric and gas plants, electric and steam roads, water works, sewers, and sanitations, mines and smelters. The benefits to be de- rived from such a source of investment are only too obvious. They give our engineers and contractors and all connected with such an enterprise an opportunity to force upon these countries our products and methods, provide permanent employment for many of our countrymen, who in return will create a demand for goods made in America. Eng- land leads the world in outside investments of this nature, having over $10,000,000,000 in various foreign lands, $5,000,000,000 of which is in Latin America. The German long ago 356 SELLING LATIN AMERICA saw the advantage of following in the foot- steps of the Briton and is the second largest investor in such enterprises abroad. International bankers when making loans to private persons or governments interested in these progressive movements always stipulated that the materials to be used should be pur- chased from the country which furnished the money for the development. This was a fair and far-seeing business proposition and should serve as a guide for us in our future dealings with these markets. Chile to-day is spending $400,000,000 on harbor improvements and fortifications, most of the work being in the hands of Europeans. The plans contemplated will require many years to complete, and during all this time European material will be used and workmen from the Old World will derive profit from the undertaking. An American first had the concession to build the subway in Buenos Aires. He spent months trying to get capital in the United RECIPROCITY 357 States without success. Finally a German raised the money in Hamburg and now every- thing about the line from the electrical in- stallation to the motorman and his uniform is ^'Made in Germany." Being the first and only underground road in Latin America it was written about and talked of ever5rvvhere, and at all times the Germans got credit for the enterprise and were well advertised as efficient and wonderful engineers. This was another opportunity lost to us. Before the European War started a syndi- cate of English, French and Germans had agreed to expend $200,000,000 in Colombia building railways and in making the Magda- lena River, the only highway to the capital at Bogota, navigable at all seasons of the year. Due to present hostilities they had to abandon the project. The terms offered by Colombia were excellent, including 5 per cent, interest on the capital and the further provision that the government would ultimately within a specified period take over the road, paying an 358 SELLING LATIN AMERICA exceptional profit to the original investors. Here is an excellent opportunity for American capital to develop a reciprocal market. One of the chief reasons for the scarcity of invested American capital in Latin America is the indefinite and indifferent attitude of our State Department in failing to protect its citizens abroad or in seeking redress for in- juries done individuals or business conducted in these countries. No race of men are as enterprising or ven- turesome or more truly pioneers in every sense of the word than v^e Americans. This trait is a natural inheritance from our forefathers, who left comparatively civilized and com- fortable Europe to gain a livelihood in the wilds of unknown and unexplored America. We are a practical people, also, and when through years of trying experiences we became definitely impressed with the fact that in our foreign ventures we had neither the co-opera- tion nor the protection of our government, very naturally we abandoned these tempting fields of business and allowed them to be RECIPROCITY 359 profitably tilled by the citizens of European governments which sympathized with their subjects in their efforts to develop trade and at the same time provided them adequate protec- tion of a substantial and impressive type. In the early days which marked the Eu- ropean campaign for the commercial suprem- acy of Latin America, most of these countries were the scenes of much bloodshed and the violence of devastating revolutions. As a re- sult of the instability of their governments, there was positively little or no security of life or property. Concessions solemnly made were ruthlessly cancelled. Business ventures involving the outlay of immense patience and large capital were completely wiped out. In brief the foreigner in these lands was looked upon as an intruder and treated with scant consideration. When Americans were in- volved in such occurrences, our State Depart- ment, with very few exceptions, ignored the petitions of the victims, until its neglect in this regard became so notorious that finally no promoter had the temerity to seek capital in 36o SELLING LATIN AMERICA this country for any Latin American enter- prise. This condition of affairs had much to do with turning the current of these ventures toward European money markets, an oppor- tunity eagerly accepted by all parties. On the other hand, the European, whether prospecting in the snow-topped mountains or uplands of Bolivia, or in the jungles of the Amazon, knew that his government kept a watchful eye on him and encouraged his every effort, first because this v/as the privilege and duty of a government and secondly the success of the individual in these lands ultimately meant prosperity for the nation. If he was robbed, imprisoned or murdered, if the re- sult of his years of labor was destroyed in na- tional or local uprisings, the warship would always materialize to emphasize the collection of compensation when diplomacy failed. Such consideration for their people on the part of the European governments duly im- pressed the Latin American mind, and more so especially when he was heavily taxed to reim- burse the foreigner for injuries received. As RECIPROCITY 361 a result the European became respected more and more from Mexico to Patagonia, and was allowed to pursue his way in comparative peace, the converse of this proposition being true of the unfortunate American, who could not expect governmental protection and who became the object of much abuse and ridicule in these lands. The truth of these statements is so obvious that it is unnecessary for me to cite any illustrations in support of them. Socially speaking all of Latin America may be divided into two general classes, the poli- tician and the business man. As a rule the "politico" has been the cause of all the unrest and upheavals these countries have experi- enced, while the advance and progress of these nations is due to the "commerciante" — the man who uses his brain and invests his money in its various ventures. The larger progres- sive enterprises in Spanish America— the building of railroads, the developing of mines, exporting, importing, in brief, commerce as a whole — is chiefly carried on by foreigners, aided by a few ambitious, practical, far-see- 362 SELLING LATIN AMERICA ing, native business men, never the politician. Commerce is a great civilizing agency. The higher in the scale of civilization a people are, the more secure will trade relations with them be. The larger and more important countries of Latin America have at last begun to realize that internal peace means prosperity, that prosperity attracts, yes invites capital, even from the timid and those whose government does not stand behind them in a dignified manner. As a consequence, despite the unfavorable attitude of the United States State Depart- ment toward foreign investment, and with the idea of showing our Latin American friends that we are sincerely interested in establishing our trade relations with them on a reciprocal basis, American capital in large sums is be- ginning to find its way into this hitherto, for us, closed market. Panama has just been loaned $3,000,000 American money to be used in the construction of railways and roads, thereby bringing the producer nearer to the markets and the shipping points of the coun- RECIPROCITY 363 try. Within five years I venture to predict that as a result of this investment, our trade with Panama will have materially increased, owing to the fact that agricultural products heretofore prevented from reaching the con- sumer will be able to do so with comparative ease, especially in the case of tropical fruits, cocoanuts, copra and sugar. American bankers have loaned the Argen- tine Government $15,000,000 in 6 per cent, gold notes. The temperament of the public as to the attractiveness of the loan may be readily estimated when I state that the entire amount of securities to cover the indebtedness was sold before four o'clock of the day on which they were offered. The successful con- summation of this business — the first ever con- cluded directly between the Argentine Gov- ernment and the bankers of this country — will serve greatly to strengthen the ^'entente cor- diale" now so rapidly developing between the United States and the rest of Latin America. Nor is this all. Movements are now on foot leading to investments of American capital in 364 SELLING LATIN AMERICA large sums in practically all of our sister re.- publics. With each step in this direction we as a nation, and also our manufacturers and merchants, become more firmly entrenched in the Latin American commercial world, and our mercantile supremacy in these lands is more positively assured. As a typical illustration, of what can be done in these countries when the subject is handled intelligently let me mention the case of the United Fruit Company, which operates in Colombia, Cuba, and practically all of Cen- tral America. Starting in 187a with a small beginning, this organization is now one of the most solid to be found anywhere in the world. In Costa Rica alone they have in- vested over $19,000,000 in bananas, while enormous sums are also being expended in other countries in sugar, coffee, cocoa, cocoa- nuts, the development of mines and the building of railroads and hotels. In fact the prosperity of all these nations is directly due to the presence of this great organization, which finds a market for its products in Europe RECIPROCITY 365 and the United States, and which through its various local branches and stores, as well as its numerous employes, is a potent factor in introducing American goods and American ideas to all with whom it comes in contact. Its large fleet of ships come to all the leading seaports of this country, and the vast trade which it now controls, and which is still in its infancy, is capable of enormous growth. As one example of what its business means in freight alone, I may state that from the port of New Orleans this company shipped, last year, nearly 150,000 car-loads of bananas to the West and Middle West. The model hospitals which it has installed in each of the countries in which it operates for the free treatment of its servants have caused our physicians to be highly respected throughout this portion of Central and South America, and as a conse- quence the native now comes to the United States for serious surgical operations and inedical treatment, instead of to Europe as formerly. Further than this, the intimate as- sociation bound to result from so many Ameri- 366 SELLING LATIN AMERICA cans living in Latin American communities has tended to develop in each du^ respect for the ability and integrity of the other, and this has been beneficial to all parties concerned. It is to be hoped that all the countries of Latin America w^ill take advantage of the dis- position so apparent on the part of our finan- ciers to extend external credits among them and that every effort will be used by those in power to establish lasting internal peace and a guarantee of protection against unwarranted attacks on foreign capital. Such an assur- ance will do much to develop the commer- cial side of these really wonderfully produc- tive lands. Is it not the duty of our State Department to assist such a movement by giving capitalists and merchants of this country its positive and definite assurance that legitimate investors and investments will be efficiently and effectively protected by the United States Government, along the same lines as those in general use by RECIPROCITY 367 the European powers? Such an edict on the part of the United States would remove the last great barrier to American trade develop- ment in Latin America. XXIX HEALTH PRECAUTIONS Travel in Latin America can be made comparatively safe, from a medical point of view, by the strict observance of a few common sense precautions. Perhaps the first thing to be considered is the question of water. With but one or two exceptions, drinking water is notoriously bad in all of these countries, be- ing polluted and almost certain, if drunk, to develop, sooner or later, either typhoid or some other intestinal disorder. Credence should not be placed in the w^ell-intentioned statement of the native that the water is good. Like their ancestors, through the continual 'drinking of the local water, they have become self-immunized to any form of contagion from its use. Because the water comes from snow- clad mountains does not insure its purity, either. Most mountain streams, long before 368 '''T' '. ' ? ^ P/iotuyraph by Underwood S( Underwood The Plaza Hotel in Buenos Aires „^ - t'*- .^ HEALTH PRECAUTIONS 369 they reach reservoirs, are used for washing clothes or bathing and become infected in this manner. It is obviously out of the question to boil all water prior to drinking and if you are obliged to take many trips to the interior or off the beaten paths of travel, bottled mineral waters are not always obtainable. Therefore it is wise for the purposes of such excursions to carry any of the well-known makes of pocket filter, which come especially made for such purposes. Let me take advantage of this op- portunity to correct the erroneous idea enter- tained by so many of the laity that locally made aerated mineral waters are free from bacteria. They should be shunned as much as the local unboiled water. The best thing to do if you are going to these countries, is to have your system rendered immune to the typhoid bacillus, by having your family physician give you the anti-typhoid vaccination, such as is used in the American army and navy. There is but little inconvenience attending its admin- istration and you can rest assured that after taking the treatment you will not contract 370 SELLING LATIN AMERICA typhoid fever. Drink bottled mineral water when possible. Its purity is certain to elim- inate tendencies to either stomachic or intes- tinal troubles. Pineapples, berries, melons or green un- cooked vegetables such as radishes, cucumbers, onions, water-cress, lettuce, salad and the like should be avoided for the same reasons. Truck gardens wherein they are grown mostly use dirty water for irrigation purposes. Even the native is aware of this practice among many gardeners and I recall one man whose farm on the outskirts of a large South Ameri- can city bears this announcement: — "The vegetables from this place are not irrigated with water from the sewers." Cholera, a rare visitor to these lands, need not be feared, if you are careful in your diet and drinking water. Green vegetables, ber- ries, melons, and fruits should be avoided in the event of an epidemic and only cooked veg- etables eaten. There is much small-pox, especially in com- HEALTH PRECAUTIONS 371 munities where there is a large percentage of Indian population, but this need not be a cause for worry if one is vaccinated. A popular South American hotel, having had many cases of this disease among its patrons, has hanging in each room this sign: — ''Rooms disinfected when guests leave," in order to inspire confidence in its new clients. This sign might have as a companion, another one displayed in a leading Latin American hotel, reading: — "Guests are requested not to spit through the mosquito netting." Yellow fever always exists in many of the towns of Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and most of the Mexican and Central American ports. It is due to the bite of a certain species of mosquito. By observing precautions, such as sleeping under a net and staying away from districts known to breed these insects, the chances for contracting this disease are materially minimized. That bubonic plague is present in many lo- 372 SELLING LATIN AMERICA calities cannot be denied. Ecuador, Vene- zuela, Peru and Brazil have this disease more than any other countries of South America. It is caused by the bite of a specific flea. Daily baths have a tendency to wash away the germs deposited by this insect. For the purpose of keeping away fleas, mosquitoes and other pests it is well to apply daily to the exposed portions of the body a solution of equal parts of spirits of camphor and oil of citronella, a pint bottle of which should form part of one's traveling kit. Leprosy need not be feared. My experi- ence of several years in one of the largest lep- rosy hospitals in the world, in a country with many lepers among its inhabitants warrants me in saying positively that the probabilities of a temporary resident contracting this dis- order are almost nil. It is a wise precaution, for obvious reasons, when travelling in remote districts to carry your own pillow, sheets and bed-clothes, a hammock being preferable to a bed because more sanitary and easily conveyed. HEALTH PRECAUTIONS 373 Oranges, bananas, limes and the many other delicious tropical fruits need not be feared. You will meet persons who will warn you against them, but they do no harm when eaten in moderation. Whiskey, wines and beer, especially In the warm climates are to be eschewed. They heat the blood and are over-stimulating. Every doctor will tell you that the possibilities of recovery from disease are always against the person who uses alcohol, and nowhere in the world is the truth of this more exemplified than in Latin America. In one hospital of which I was in charge in one of these lands, out of 47 cases of yellow fever, among for- eigners, during an epidemic, 44 succumbed. Each man who died was an extreme user of alcohol in some form. Of the three recov- eries one man w^as a teetotaler, the other two being occasional drinkers. The old doctor's advice to keep your head cool, your feet warm and your bowels normal in order to avoid sickness is as appropriate for Latin America as for anywhere else. 374 SELLING LATIN AMERICA A small medical case containing calomel, quinine, soda-mint tablets, peroxide of hydro- gen, a bandage, some aseptic gauze, and a packet of absorbent cotton is all that is needed for a trip. Symptoms of any disorder should not be ignored or made light of. If they persist be sure to call in the very best physi- cian available. APPENDIX < o M ooiooooooo moo O T-H CO CO tH 00 i> 00 CO CO CO Irt t^o <35lncoa>m■<*•*lO^- o X,ioioi>-*co'omico5 iB in 00 CO rH Oii-rr-ir-T oooinooinvnNoo t-Cs!OC0C0-*r-l(N-*-*Cvi incOiOCOCDWCOt-OOr-fW ■^ 05 •* O 00 t- lO 05_0 ■^iHr-4eOlCt-r-ll>r-ICOl>. e505i-ioor-i-*co-*incoo O 1-1 -^^O -^^O^CO -^C* t-i -* tH04 i-roTi-riOi-l iH tH i-T o CO looioinooooio eoeorHc*cooooco 00 oj^QO m t- o 05 ■<*< (?i o oo CO 00 Oi CO ooco OOOOlA CviOOQOlOOO vn OJ rH CO CO NiOirtOiOO-^iNOiCO in Oi oi >o o C4 -^T-i T-I t-i C5(Neo ooio t« cot" Oi -^ CO i-i 00 lO -* o rlOiH : "=i,co_<= co^o .b-oo'55o"eo • r-l «> CO X Q PL, <1 o _ :z; p^ fi] "-^ o U^ Ph pq »-^ < I CO O I— I H CO I—I CO H CO •J o c s o o C bo o u < ■>-> O) £'515 VO O O O ICiO O lO O lO ift o rH CO t- lO CO i-H >rt (N •* CO CO r-l CO r-<_0 CO 00 O 00 CO Oi CO i-H O c^oo'co 00 in odt^co o" coodc-T (M CD -?5 o o oom CO O CO lO in C CD r-l CO c© 5> t^ in ■* 1-1 ^ Oi r-i '^ t- CO CO O m o o Ci i^ ^ i^ 1^5 o lo CO c* "^ o> m i-i Oi t- o in M< 05 o ■* CD CI5 in coco 05 in in CO CO-* CD Ci O C- 00 CO M< CO -* i-i 05 ^ ffi CO CO CD r-l in c- CO (L> CO 0) •-^ o J! e o •is w 1) ga to n3 c c8 inmooino^in^ima ^-oooT^co(^i5So^3^'-'(^^ CO^CD CO o c>_co °lco ''ico CO nTco CO -* o'rH ■* in 23 t~ i-^" OO00C00400 i>g050 r-l(?i t- CO (MS^Tt in o 00 ci ■* C* i-l CI O CD^ ci" CO •inS'=' [o^'.coo • o'g^i>(ri" •cogin CD in 05 o a: in CD c* i> i-T o t> c»r J> " U.^ be i-i bo bo C tn f3 ^"3 CTJ aj CC ft (U 3 u CJ -a o )-. p. o 3 lU o c3 e aca t!) ■'-' en ti bOGS > c o o.y^ >- 3 ni 4J OJ.S O O I- In c3 377 C O a w ft u g W 4i .y 3 O QJ ^ „ CO ="5 3 o iso o «> bo CtJ ^"o S n:: o to ^ to c c P o c c c c o o o o to 4j .2P o o o o o o uuuuuuu 378 APPENDIX o ,_i -t-> o He "- vn o m o m moomomooo O O ■* CO CO CO t- 00 CO C^ i> t> W 00 cot-^oo ino M 00 cvi CO t-^t- t- 00 00 i-i oi Oi r-i m o o CO in (T* M OS CO CO 00 i-H CO CO o o lo CO pH ■* co_o CO in mo inrH 00 Ci ininoo CO -* m o t-ci O r-l (TiiH a in in o in O CO 05 '!< CO i> in r-l in CO 00 o CO in 00 CO W W rH tH«3CO ° 5 lO in__ CO r-l i«u5 in o o I>00 CO tH Oi O "^0> 03 i-l t-T-* 00 -* r-T t> CO •* O* ifl oin om lOift 2 "^ 'O 03 (N in in 00 CO CO r* ^ • ■* ^ ,jl Tl< rH rH «^' o coo'co cTiN co^oo ;io c* •* 1-1 in C5 ■* Ci ^ CO .05 Oi-lrH "* om mi>» O CO OJ C• • oio t- t» O • O CO I-H C3 • 00 Oi .00(M o • »<» s; o i Ift 00 OOOlftO OiOi -il d T-i ■^ 05 rH O 05 in r-l cocoo oo CO CO (?« t- o o oT m in o o in irt in Oi r-H O t- 05 CO co^co CO in O '^ o t^ ^ O i> rH t- CO o CO co^co in inoinooiftifl^OTHo t-COO500C0t-O5'-:00rHCO ■^ ■* Oi rH Oi_i> CO ^ CO ->i< 05 (m""* CvTc^ Oi !>22 '"* '-^ Ci lO CO CO W rH Oi "=■ O ■* r-l Or-lt-OitM^Oi t« lOomoiftiAin'^^ooo ■*rHr-IOCOCOrHmcOOrH 00 CO CO CO CO oi in '-i.oi^cvi^o rH~CO00COf^O5m^COCDC35 r-IOJCOCiCir-IO'-'COTjloo r-l CO in^'* O N W ^ CO oico 0»A m vn O 00 r-l I-t- CO m CO m oi m o ■* 02 05 o t- ■* Ol t-co t-eo com t-C-C5 r-l C^ rH CO r-l r-l * 00 a>c:> m o in m r-l •* CO •«»l ■*! 05 I> O r-IO O CO CO CO COCNi m CO CO CO ■># m O rH r-i m m 00 04 r-l rH CD O -* c < 13 . 4-> 00 PJ momom mmmoommommo o o o J> r-l o CO t- m m ■* CO CO -* CO m CO m CO CO o t- 1- CO m m m 00 o r-j_ r-i^ -^ r-Tci rH oTcO ofo'i-l cT CO of O M CO M C* r-l t- O -^ (N O 00 r-l ■* m CO (M r-l m Oi omoo om ommm O Oi CO 05 O -^ t> 00 CO CO OCOOm OiCO COT-ir-l 00 m CO 00 o J> 00 CO CO CO O rH 00 O OJ CO f— < CS bo +j o G C N a S3 cd tn > u — • "! S, .a bo C c' o o I- 1- APPENDIX 379 to looooiooia ovnvn M ■* -* O ■* (TJ 00 C> lO M «0 CO Oi CO 00 0> Oi •* CO I— •. CO o CO l> 00 t- r-( C5 Oi O O CO CJ O C* i-reOO*-* r-l CO i-H CO o mm m m th i> lo co_^05 w t- Qo'oO <^o t-H ""fOO tH m t-d t- loom rH (N O o_i>co COCO 00 I-H 1-1 CO Ovft o o o o lO CO ■* lO i-( CO lo aj^w CO lo ■^ •^ r-l r-l t- c^ CO 05 £- (35 ■»)< rH I-H Oi I-H iH r-l 00 O r-tiH o*'^e*io c*ooeo th ih i-i ih co m m r-l 00 oi O W CO •* CO CO •*tH 00 b- o> a Oi m i-H • o o Cim • c« cooo -^ « iH -*mo ix> •>* eo •OlO • oco •00 t» rH « torn rH (>j oo^m oeo" •eo ••<4l oom CO CO to tH O eo ■* e* iH mo o o> WW eo ■* eo • omm • 00 05 -^ • -* o CO ! (N co'eo , i-IO> • .m • w .00 • o , -^ .m I'* o mommomm l> Oi -^ -^ <0 -^ 00 -^ 00 m CO 00 CO CO CO 00 b- Ol OOCO C* C^ToTr-T C". CO 00 as t- Oi lo 00 eo t-coc*mco m omm ci t-eo 00 O M O CO i- m co>o o Ci mmm oo m CO c* 00 ■'If m t^t> On m CO CO lo" OOO CO CO • m •Oi • 00 Im .b- eoom t-b-eo t>rHCO t-Too tioim lAo CO rH lO 00 eooo 00 eo •OOO • rH Oi CD • <» rH ■* .' l> -^bT .0>b« CO CO C2 •O •CO • 00 • o • M • rH co CD m m om ifto j-f t-t oiiim 00 rH Oi Oi o m eo CO m" rH rH 00 CO m m CO o Oi ••*< m rH Oi CO rH O b-eo 00 b« CD a oom m 00 c* CO oo__o»_ o'eo'co m m o mm o m ••ii rH CO m CD O Cv!_m 00 rH CO CO CO CO irTcs c cD eo o eo • o • eo • rH lO mm •mo ^m om o OOO • at Oi • Oi ■•«< o O OO^rH«M(N.b- OJrH rH m CO J Oi (M 'o O e* rHOO . rH CO .O t- eo a rl^ r-i r^ OOO 00 (JJ b- m 00 o> O* rH tC b-eoM eocob* omm o eo b- rH m Oi_C>^rH rH T-^ CO a>ta o -^ 00 Oi CO rH d ■•*< OOO m Oi m ■^ lO O 00 00 cf Ci t- CO b- O O o o o m m o 00 CO eo 00 O rH ^•^ t>-^^ 00^00 Oi rHb^ CD 00 Oi c* m rH CO m CO e« rH i-HiO rH • mco •rHrH • rHO C* m rHOO rH T3 C c4 a> ctJ to u en w C s5 o 2 ;2'H en -^ C a "1 ^ o & h o *- i! £ CS CJ i-i u (U >; •> u en ■S.S ctJ rt c^ i«H*H'»H • . u U : 3 3 ' +j +-» • o o • a c^S o 3 3 C C rt a! CO to 9 If 4 '^ .9 O to to fj cd cd • * Irt i- '-' >- U (U (U o E 3 o 43 W, CO O O. S ^ 3 ■^ Oi •r< e/) nd o C ^^:^ cfl td O ^ "^^ o^ " ^5 i? cfl 'u 3 U tC j3 > Uc D. 'So ;::: D cfl JC.-ti ..T3 ^ c to'srS V V (O to to^ rt rt 3 C rt S ° »- S cfl cfl c3 cfl r- ^ ^ ^ ^:;'c 3 «H o tl 5 3;::: D Cfl jre.t; aS rt« ? ^ ^ ^ ;• c 3 to a C »H Cfl c9 38o APPENDIX «— 1 -M 1° o iflvnvcoiftoirto ovno o cm oo ooo oin oiftin to \o CO •>* CO m 00 oi i-M Ol oi C5 CO '~i^.'^,'> ■^."* lO co^o^oo O^O^rH -* CO coo n,^'"'.— ,'^— , lO r-l Oi-HrH t- O i-ToO CO «>JJ>(7f o t-rooirToo eo"in o" 00 ?> C5 O 00 00 CO O •^ O -^ 00 CO ir; i-H t- CO i-l -* 00 00 O OICO T-H O O '^ C O 00 o j> c^ CO c;_^ i-H COr-i^O^O in co_-* « oco.co ■«J<_0 b- O C^_00__ CO «9- rHWiOCO i4rt i-T iHOiMrH IHOS iH lO c^Tt" CO o CO •6«- (0 o CO 00 CO 00 I-l j c<8 CO rl (M ■"dTcO CO O 00 CO moo t-i •05 iOO 1 Qi I in rH in o CO o CO 4> o c o in o o m 1-1 <>9- la •>* in in la 04 i> 00 o -* K corn's "^ 'a Tt< Oi J' rH CO rH ?> CO^^io l-H * CO'-^ 00 o'oo O 1-1 iH ■^ r-l la iS lA o 00 00 I- Oi eo oj '^o Ci o oi ci rH 00 O lH lO in iJi o o mm vA o r-lOOCO OO-^C; r-l r-l O CO o c- C5 CO o o t- m r-l o ©om rHJ>00 O « C5 •^ o o 50 CO CO o mm Ci 00 CO Tti O Oi mdm «5 -^ m oo__co__o <0 rH 00 CO • rH ci m__o CON ,m-* . OO CO , -* o ' o CO ■ CO CO •oooo . m r^ • •* ^- ■ '^^^ ' oTin •OrH O CO o o in in^ CO o T-T <© o o 00 m <«• u < ^ c?, tn CO C Ol ■* CO rH 3 G C rt o .. C/iC/2 C S U O u -a • OO • CO CO • oj m • •• . m . ^ CO T3 C« IV mmom t- 'tl CO C« rH m CI t- CQ m 00 t-^ 00 oi i> o rH CO rH lU m o CJ •* rH (U c m m m .E^3 — ui . 'i.^ m o m t-T m o m <«- rt -M O H APPENDIX 381 > u < r-l r-l i-l r-l CO c I— » "35^3 „ fl S C rt o go — ' oo_^o_ o 00 t- COE^ 00 00 I-i cooo «0!>05 0* CO T-H OC CO -* M 00 00 •• CO ^oo"c< T3 C., .t: bc 0) o o >. a. 43 ^ ;«• o H p;uu« o 3 ec ooj- in (M ■* O 00 G5 CO -* CO (jj t- T-H CO o 5-, rH ■* -^ Oi r4' i?i ^ t- ^ r^ r-IOOeO c;-«i4(?«N CO oo^-co'^^^•coco co rH^OJr-l 00 ^C-. OJCOOCCOOiCO lO cQ o s^i 10 o °° "* ^,^,"^,'^:.'-i<^ "^ crCJQ0-«J*" 'S*' rH ^ l« cTt^ t- OC t^ 00 i>c-*t- 00 ir;mcioo-''rHO •> • • ir •^ in t;! • " g ^ "^ in cj^ m C'G-G^ G ^ in r" ' — ' rt 3.'ji C I- 52 =1 u O , o o in 10 C o *- G 3—< G„ E rt 05 c r: G 5 rt E.y in in' 3 .SE ^ . in tn - > ^ c3 g C3 ■" ii bo cfl t;± >> V- g " iJ OJ r-l O r^ <«-M "♦si o CO o > ^ o H o^ O o "^ 00 ■^ O lO {> «o eo to r-l'^ r-l W ■69- *J pC/3 u s M i-i ?0 05 o o «o CJ O CO i-i X l> i-H b- 00 l> t^O 00 O (N rH CO 0< t- 00 i> lo la t- T-H OJ r-l CO Oi •00 •eo loo *9- oob-*» CO t^ 00 •<1< CO OO r-l ff4 CO © -^OOOOrHMt CO OC2U3lOCOCOr-l O CO O r^ CO ■"*< 05_ O Oi OOlOeOOOlCiCOrH 00 W 00 03 CO CO CO 05 CO cow COCiW t» rH iC ri O CO rH .. r-l . Oi CO O . . C<« • rH -< o» CO CO o o c U CI co CO r^^^OO O rH ■^ CO lO t- . -V 00 CO C5 O • t-^IT^rH cTrH ■ Ci rH t> rHT-l 69- .CD . O 05 CI . lO . 05 -* CO • r^ • Co" CO cT •ci • o ooi 00 00 CO CO CO o CO rH Oi ■«*< 04 '^ •* CO CO o«t- tH C^ O C0O5 rHt- •»»< rH ■"*< o CJ CO CO CO rH Irt lO N o t- t^ W C5 •* t» 05 I> b- va lO t- CO "* CO rH lO o r-{ ■^ lO O O «» ■* rH (?» woje*c« O Ci 1^ CSO OJ Oi . ifj ifl 00 ifl 00 • (>J Ci O (T* lO . r-l c-^in o o 'cTc'eO t-TrH ■ OJ t- 00 rH rH • ■«*< ■'tl rH CO CD o 00 Oi CO eo 00 rH Ci T-l O 00 ■* t- t- t- C>_<^ rH CO rH rH 00 CO O lO t- CO ■"*< rH C* 5^! Oi rH ■«}( O COlO O 00 . CO •* 00 Oi rH lO . t- CO -^ rH CO CO . 00 ■"*< O Oi 00 rH COCO C4 t> ^ 00 ■* ' rH rH CO CO 'CO rHrH MrH eOift O C«00 iri m o •"!< CO •"* CD CO CO^^OO S_iO C5_rH rH rH CO-* O lis" ff* t- CO tr-l C! rH CJ C4 CQ N C4 04 CJ to 0_> 1) to u bO cfl ll o cj o ■t->HH « to to *J ^ It! ^ t^ 4J G (fl till Se^? s«< 1 « J3 X o o o o •<-> c U T3 lU =■ 5 o w y rtXi (u (u a 5iSP -o^i-^ o o Pi APPENDIX 383 10 00 r- 00 M o> i-i o o 00 o •* 00 !> ■* 10 CO t- cTio 05 CO c 00 oo__i> o eor-T'* o o o eob-r-t CO M CO 00 -^ o r-r ' CO lO '10 . lO ■* . iO lO . -* . -^in in . 0< CO o_ . j>o ■* • T-id i> e5o moo o^in . CO ^ .lACO CO ^ lO Oi m J> CO co-^ CirH • CI • 'CO cTin in rjl c^ t- CO I-1COC4 10 o o 10 o o to OMOOiM I-H r-l OS OJ 00 o in CO eo^in o i-i Ci c* t- c> I (>t eo I-I ■* I-I t- 1- Cl -"l* 10 CO CO ■* in to od"r-i o o O CO O O C5 05 o 00 ® o -^o c^ Tjt p^in oi . mo .0 w to CO ,562 ,077 r-l «o 962, 417, i-T •00 "Si-t cT -<*l • int- . m i-i . 00 C4 •in d" •cooo .0 'to in 00 CO eo .0 .0 in in m o in iH o o m o o 00 I-I 000 ■^i-TcTt^ CO in cioo 00 05b» ©"o O I-I CO m o m O r-l I-I Ci c^t-^co o la-^ Oir-i c o c^i> o*m o o m in o -^ Cvj 0_rH 10 00 I-I (M ■^ o M< o -^ »n e« ■«»< rH O -* -"tl in o CO NO O N CO rH I-I eo 00-* 10 00 eo eoineo i-t o> «5 1- 00 t-ooo^co in oTco (^J «o r-i eo t- C4 OJ !>4 04 (N Ci I— I r-l 1— I 1-H I— I rH 05 C5 CI C5 O O r-l rH C5 O r-l rH rH r-l C5 O Oi O rH rH I— 1 rH a> o> a o> rH rH rHrHrH r^ ^ ::i ^ ^i:* ^^!^^ Qiiioa •^^ CO • c/i . O O 1-1 bow u to u -u •■ T3'3 o 3 G t3 cj I' =« S co" o, 3 u to u u — — « ,-■ fj " ;^^ c; cjrujs u CO f***^ O Ji co' «: to fJ -> c 4; 'o to la ^ bO g ^-"rt •S.S p rt S-^ v^ .. n^C V- w CI, 3 -»-> 384 APPENDIX o H OlON i-l CD OJ l> C- Oi lO O M 01 00 ■» i> l-l "^ O 1-1 •w- (Ti in in Oi CO CO CO ^ r-l -* I> rH in t-Toj o> o 05 t- -* CO b-eo t- ■«*< I-( CO M e^^eooooolno^-co^Ho^■omcoi-iiocii>oo-*co o 00 CO 00 CO -* o CO 00 05 CO Oi 00 10 in CO oco 1-1 (M 2> 00 of in I-H CO TJ( -"It 00 a 3 ^ "aJ W 4> C 05 cfl CO tH 00 Ph <«- tH .00 0* . i-H . in t» •c 00 . c- . . CM • . "* in in ;oo • • -* ; • OJ * CO •* • i-i • -co : • CO [ i> Oi 'CO • "m • • T*l CO I-I I-l in . b- t^OO . iH CVJ CQ CO ■ ■* OOo'rH •in 00 00 t^ •eoQO r-l CO M CO in . CO <3i lO 00 in coco •oT * o> •OJ in 00 . CO ' "^ ' CO • 01 ' 00 w c c3 s u a e • »* T^S i>* pa 1 i-H i *r^ N T^ to W •«ieo Cl I-H CO CO CO .CO CO inrH OCOCO • t- in CO Gi iH of OS ;o"t- t-i>05-*0 00 ineo in ojin 09- r TttrHOrHCOOOOeO rMinot>oj>inco « 0_CO -^00 (N 00 i> i>OOr-(0:iHO:co" coin-*inoicoinco CO in 1000 ■* CO mo-*e»5050iooo C0(MC5051>1— ICOrH ■^O O CO 00 O CO Ci 00 co"od Tjt --^t^rH 10 J> r-l Oi in iH t- Oi rH CO iH 00 -* cob-csosrHOTHooeoeoOico-* inio-^ciincooooiomrHco O O CD OrH^ 00 in o CD CD CO i-H CX3 O5'*O3CO-*r-(COrH00COincrr-( l>00-*rH-:*C>J00COCO I-l l> N 1-1 CO OS <^^ ^ i-li?i i-T iH eocooooo-^eot-ineociio co«3aJt-t-i-iC5-»»'*»OOiOrHCO-<^CO i>COr-lt- r-tin-^COOl oioi" i-T OOOlTHr-IOt-i-HCOCOOOOOcOt- inc»i>o-*cocoi>coojt-cocv> ■^J>C0-*00C0i-IOi00O5CO00C> ooco t>oo i> eo-^i>cooi •^^H'-.^r ocoini-icDcococit-orHinoi Tti 01 in I-l 00 in i-i ■* CO CO 00 iH I-H O 00 00 O CO CO t> «oo -* COJ> t- -* in CO CO WOJ in rioi rH in • OtH C*iH m CO . in m . a> w ■* t-CO CO •» n 00 CO I-l in J> (N CO CO coco in CO CO iO r-t u (NMOJC*0}(M(JJiN l-li-lr-li-HrHi-lrHr-l C>C>OiC50050>0> 0« CJ (M N " • . ° 3 C ca -4 3 UWCJfe to c . lU o • T-J^ . c-3 ! ca-o . ► 3 • CO o, . » I-l ca c o "-—I I 3 ca C ca to . ■4-1 O _4< S3 o ca*^t-t o . CO CO •a CO .-.T3 J3 C ca CO lU ECO IT! u o (L) bo-Q ■^ CO CO !;."•— 1 to J? '^ cj w -S 13 CO • bo • ;-i CO 4; ca •JH ca o -u " to J_ ca_^ (u ^ ca cTi ca y vT co'^ C ca ca u to -*-■ 3 41 cj ri; ca to CO o ^ 3 ^i u O ca h cat) CO a V. -3 c bo ca .5 re- CO •■ o bo of ;5^ APPENDIX 385 t-«0 --HMO CJ Oi CQ CJ (?4 to »0 -^ -"Ji •<«< 10 rH 00 O CO N I-H O O Ol 10 rH CO CO tH 000 "* 00 ■* 1-1 o 00 o ■* O Ci •* in ■* cJ-*00COt~'00 ©jinoincs in 00 o IN in o J> o_c> o CO CO C5 ■* t- IS iH Oi O CO CO Oi O cTrH O rH O i-T CO CO Oi CO CD 10 C» N • 00 . • CO .C4 • in . . • CO eo . • . . i>i-i . 00 . . . . . • in . 04 .0 . t- CO • • t-o , in . . . . • • I-H .i> . t- • CO CO . . • I-HQO .CO • . . . «. *> '. '^ • Oi • ci • ' * ■<*< I— 1 ! ! rHCO • T-l ; • • • . :« ■ ■* ■ t- ■ . :c- , ^ I I 'tf -.*( • r-1 • • . * • • r-l • • • • CO CO .00 .00 Oi •CO CO t- C O COCO O r-l 00 O Oi CO c in oj o CO CO c_-^ w in 00 (?4 tH 04 i-H r-l O "^ CO 00 COC^ iH W 00 C4C4 int-oo .CO 1*00 . COO0-* • eocorH . coo» • Oi -ti . CO CI 00 • in *. Sh C<800 .'^ r-ll> •00 COCi •lC-*"l> • i>lHOO :=* C4 •oomco I^nriO • CQiH •C4 i-l • CO . .10 M* • .C4 00 • • "% 00" : "00 "i . ;■* ■ -^co CO M • inO t-OrH • •«i< rHin :cj • "•jToo'in (?r ■* ■ oc oo'cTt-T in w' -co" COrH iw .rHi-H -"HCO WC5 ■ t- in CO r-< I-l , I-l IH • I-l COCO 04I-I iH iH OlO 04 rH N I-l t» O tX CO 04 04 oj_inco in oT in 00 in r-l 04 I-l rH (»4 •* O Oi CO 00 00' CO CO 04 I-l rHCO 04 c in O rH t- •»^co 04 CO 00 rH rH CO 00 CO •«*l in rH ■* rH I— t rH oi C2 i> in ■.*< "^^lO Oi Ci rH ■(r4co rHin rH rH rHCO CO CO 00 04 CO t- i>CO in CO J>i> CO rH CO oTrH CO oj CO ^ CO ■<*< 04 coo _i 04 coo inoo^^oj '^^"i t- c'tJoTm rH t- CO ^00 CO C4 rH in >-• • rH rH 00 •«*< O 0* • t- in i> in 00 o • 00 •<*i CO O O CO '. 04'r-''cOOr04-* C4 04O4O4O40* 0404 04C404 040404040404 0404040404 O4O4|j4 cr> ci a cri c^ o> oi a c> c^d c> c>d c^ c^ a c>ci a r-l i-i r-l r^ r-t rHrH rHrHrH rHrHrHrHrHr-l rHrHrHrHrH rHrHp^rHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrH (J u X. ej'O > G »- o /a en ^ !- >^o, bo^« bo a cs: " G lu rt, . rt -4-> O . rH r-< i-" >.G'z;.-^G M c3 Ui CO o o 00 r-l COM i-H ■* oo^•(^^ - so w eo CO CO o CO 00 o CO o'o CI 00 ■* CiOO rH _ O 00 c 00 00 t-Todo i> <» 00 C4 CO 00 CO ■>4« ■*lO(^^0(^^eo^-^-om■*r-!^- lococoiooimiot-oiniococo rH^iC^OOCit^rHi-IC^-^i-HCOlCJ lOoeooococii-ieorHoo-^oi D}lf5ONt-Q0OC005i3i-*l05Q0 mooi>i-Hi>oO'^t-Hineo'<*"cocD r^ r-l •<*< p-l CO Si Si N u PQ a CJ d S O CO 00 <«- m 00^ cT TJ G CO i 00 O !>i in o cs> i-i Oioo rH O CD •^ *> V^ in t- ■* CD <>i 1— I o co^-. ln t-t- in oo in n •> •% I-H CO o in o! ■* 00 00 o u ■ I- CO • in m . o •* > "^ •■ , !> 00 . ■* o c z! 2^ ^ '"' '^ "5 <^ °o "^ c* "W 00 N f^O CO C^t- tH CO O -* t- J> r^ O C0C00000rHC0"*'C0CCJJ>00rHOJr>-*'*r-l i2.«0 rH N ^ Tt< in CJ -^ r-l in r-H CO ■* O CO in ,C0 . CO . CO m • a CO in Id G P QJ O 50rHNC<»Oc;j(N05CD0}inoC0 2c^ii-Hin-^o^oi>oot-inoo "T_inccoco-*o>}_co-*cot--^in m CO CO oj in CO co r-* j~-^z> ob in" co^OT-iinOcjciw-^oio* COeOi-i rHCOOlCD ■* T-l CO rt< co" . CO <^8 o O s en ! t- Oi t- OJ 00 C^CvTm T-l t- O 69- in o coco '^ j>ao CO in 00 CO o r-i CO CO CO CO fJi-l r-lr-l THrHrH r-li— irH iH «J02 C505 ClClO OCl O Oi ^i-H r-li-l iHrHi-l i-lr-ii-l r-l U < o C > <« rt ni t/) C .1^ U tH 13 ^at^^ &0 U5 (L) Ih 3 -4-1 o c rtT3 C C . c3 O 4J O a o c (0 (U CJ U O . C aj .T3 > o " C/2 CO C o u • CO 00 00 00 ^- o as i o 00 m in CO c Oi • '^'"I'^OO r-i^CO in ' CO O 00 o i-l icTco" , rH J> CO CO OJ CO (M i- in tk eo" c 05 t-i w ;-l 03 O, V- ocofljooooo oJ2 P in B o -a u o APPENDIX 387 0000 t-OOmOOr-lOO in 00 O ■* 00 O N iH •* b- ^- ■>* T(< «0 00 O M •* 00 -^ 00 t-CjeOONi-l eCi-l-* OOCJOOOOi-r-l i-ICQOOOOinCJOJrHini-llDOOJC^im-^t-inOirHCO i-IOOOOit-lO «O00O2 Or-l-*O00O ■•S'OOinrHinOOlMOr-IGOCltOOJ^Oi-^Or-IOOOO ■*p-(i>Ci'ffllO e«3 10 iX) 00 (M t- 00 10 ci CO 00 O 05 O Oi 10 ■* i-H tH 00 i-l 1— I t- 10 Oi (M iH OffQC5l«r-lW'»CT>i-l-*O-*-*mt-00COlOrHC0 «5mt-■*^»c>^«>-*o■*(Mco•^|ffl(^J■*co'^^GOOoo r-l jM r-l « CO iH iH i-l 04 r-< iH C* l-ti-l C4 CO O i-l i-l CO CO t- O 00 O CJ CO -^ iH woo Min o «o i-( o* Tt< 10 CO OOb- O 10 ■* <0 r-l W 00 la in CO ■* CO O O •* iH ■* 10 Oir-l "* ■* • OS . r-l .00 • CO • lO •«o CQi-HinClCOt-COOirHOi-^OOOeO eooiot~CiCiOrHOoiooi-ieo ofcc oToi TjTco i-Tc* o (>j CO o" "^ i-lQD'* . ©5 CO 00 01 0000 ' *J> i-iin •* •<*< t- 00 •CO 00 T-HC--^ ' •CO r-lb-Ot-050-*«OeOOJ>i-l(?40 eo-^ooi-^ooinoji-i-^j-^oco inOC0Oin'*G5r-|rHO-*00rH->!)< oocosviN-^oDomooo^-^ooo oincoo CO o ; CO t^ in 00 •<*< . £> 00 w i-l (N r-l (?i O 05 o 05 o CO 00 Tjl Tll^ in .oot> . in •* ■ ^^"\ ' Oi 1-1 (N tH 00 w CO CO in b" o in in 05 CO I— I of COi> in iH eo eooj-* 00 o 00 i-i ■CO •>*< CO iH oi OS in . CO . Ci •l> • o e0J>r-lb-b>eQNOO-.li000000rHr-l03inO oioji^-^cot-coomcooiccjoocjinoiN Oi 00,01 CO t- CO^^O i> -^•'d^^CO CO I> 00 (M CO C5incor-reocoinooinj>-*eocrc>rco CQOrHOiOOinrHin CO(N00C0£--"^inr-l eo ooi iHcorH mw r-i ciot a .o O O -* O Oi eoi-__05 in CO , a c o V- I- o -< . . s-Tit "fi "o "o '"' fe tHteHw'=' rt oJCS bo ■* ?OJ>r-liOrH00J>W 0> r-l M t^ !> ltTiO ^ iH r-( ■* lO T-l 00 00 >i 00 CO C CiO O E rHCO fr. a; CO ETStM 00b-'*O5i-l-«+lOJOi WW 05iOC0C^C0(>ll>CD o.titi eo-*oorHooi-(0 rr^-^ t»-*(MOb-0000Ci "lDC/2 tH 05 03 C5 O -* Cl 'H Cb a O O ST) tfl £'55 ooo CO o> <«• o CO s O o C f3 CO CO CO CO CO o i-i CD I> «9- 4> 3 00 Oi eo C5 00 CO o oj ir: oi r- c". 00 ■<* c^ CO C3 ^ - .- ^ w >lO CO CO ■* CO irt J> m oi CO tH CD l-H in ji en aj ?> .1-1 i. -:: •3 ■♦J o H CO c> o> i- rH CO t^ •"*< o ■^in eo COi> CO 00 Ci ICl O CO ST? en 00 eo M< CO W rr '^ ■" _i t- t^ O •^ IHCO 00 CD (?i ■* CO i-H lO Oi CO r-l O O in ■rtl'-riro t- Oi in T-( i-t o_oi^ cow CQ CO ^ ■* CQ t- in t- 05^00 IN C4 o ocTeo o tH ^ J> CO th mo Z> tH iH 00 i-H in m l> N rH^ O 00 CO (M CO O CD j>eo o I-H tt CO O 00 O cvTco oT 00 ?> ^ r-l QOeO 1-1 o ;:{ u en < c n s ^ CO cC 0) uuu ^ Vh CO.G bb lu C bo UU lU iH rH O in N S r-l OJ C3 CO O "-J rH in CO i-H CO >?> OS O ■*! -* ■^ -^ 1-1 CO CO •69- (M CA ' r! tn S rt o t- O »-i - .. ,, bo o o < ^bo ->-> 3 3 C;- .tit; ^-y:: Sen 2 3 dj CO rt .> Jo ^-^ tn U3 C 3 dj "^ S- 2 - E.™X!'3 ^ lo "^ en tn ^ tn" CO O O 000 •He APPENDIX 389 w eob-»a eo •^O'* 00 « CiO (O-^ --o -* ■* c; t- Tj -* tM r-i 00 l- 00 CO lO i-H rH 05 00 ■* -^ ic (>* 10 i-H ■* t- C- rH OOia t-M in r-t T-i E> eooo C4 1-1 c o (U t3 C 3 -z: P-(p4l ca u) S D '-' -i >> '^^ o „, c 4^ 05 o H om ^^;OMO?DOt-00"^OOOC^ ci ■»* t- m cijifcooo i>inooC5i— 1-^ f-ioicX)ecTH oiin^GOinoc^'^ r-(OS5inO OOOCiO'l'O'© a u -»jicoot-MMC>ooe<3coi>!-iin 000!NOOr-lr-(CC"^Oi_-*0-^eO r-n'o'i-Tcc in (M TjTeo oo ■* o oo Tti c* CO m o !-• rH o O OJ IQ 00 ""it^ 00 rH 00 l> o rt en C t3 4; ^ vjj tn uj O 3 o ^- J; O « 55— - (n ^ en rr S r- ■^ rt "5 rt r - T< 1-1 -73 <45 bo 3 O en +-» o 3 O u a, CO G 3 o u ^3 C cd to u < tn o bo rt-r: rt c/) -0-3 3 o S?) 13 ri2 cn G >. ^.^ ., -tOcSi--3£-£Wn^§:CCr!u ,i2 390 APPENDIX 05 ,283 ,910 ,230 o (£> I—I eo CO o 69- OJL--02rHOCOJ>00^0 i-H CO'CO o'o O lO ■* -^ O «:> O CO o C0C5O<>< CO i> I-H TTl t- !> co'c^Tcs ■* (M 1-H 1-1 00 -Hlfl _ CO ">' ^ 2 W M (^i O rH ® ^ iH 1-1 rH •60- 3 in 00 CO «D CO o o in ■»»< CO C^ CO N rH o I-H in -^ rH CO Co' co't" (M CO in oi iH •e«- o o CO 01 CI a! ■!-> , O H • CO • rH .'co~ •69- cn u >-< 3 ■>-> cj 03 -M 3 s o bo .s bo S o ■l-> +-> c/2 p^ tn <^ Ot-OOiOOOOCD CO ■^J^OCOCOCOOOirHO •* oT CO CO <<9- • >> bo G "i .ti u X! CO o o CO a O t-rHl> 00 in oo c3 o Ol'* t- rH oo't-To -^ in CO ■* rH •£«- ' 00 ■ 00 en 13 o o bo u ■4-> ^■T3 en C bo « CO CO O CO CO CO o> r-i rH in ■* rH rH rH C4 •W- tn ~ CS Q.+J o CO o com •^ CD C2 lO r> -* t- oi OO"-^ 00 00 O W 1— I lO r-i ■!-* T-i Oi •6^ en C _o O c C3 o bo C OOC0OC003C000 inco-^iinrHooineo ■^t-OJlOlOrHOOrH OO' t-' Ci ^ J^ oo" CO O CO t^ in 00 t- r-i CD O rH ■£«• O of CD in •69- o U ro ^ yj « ct3 CJCOrHt-eOOOrHO ■*IC0C00i^Ot>05 O CO in C__ rH 05 Cn CO o CO* in cf o CD co' o OOaDlO-^C^irHrHrH C^ rH •69- O incomiNWrHOcoi^ rHJ>?>OjOi-Hir}OOCO CO CO '-^oi w 00 CO Ci_co OOO-^OTC^OOrH-^ ?>C0(MCO-^COinrHrH t- ^ W rH rH •£«• CO in CO r-T o 00 of ■&9- o H 3 13 C J3 c3 -*in CO c lo rH • in o of t-^OJ i-H 0>l' 1 W Oi CO !>• Ol cp ■* . Ci m (M •69- o n3 bo •• s c; a.t: C3^ C 1) o tn tn.Si O OJ Co o ■13 -o C G cs rt 3 u OOcOfOCO-t'COCOC". ClOiCO C Oor-ICC2OOOC>tCi0r-< 05 o oM i-H 10 c^oi oc^^- CO ■* c> r-l COIN C"* C<5 INOS ?D ■tjh" O C^ 10 C» ■>*< Oi i-( ■* Ol r-l <«- CO o CO o «9- Ol Ci rH ■>* CQ CO M< o 10 ■»t* l-t CO CD lO I-H cn o o o H CO r-l CO 05 CJ CQ CO 10 t- -^ll r-l O c^ tTirt CO *< N COO cc > r- xlt r-IC t- c ■ -^ < N ■ -^ ^ ir ; -^ '^ CO CO CO rH rH(M -^C; co ooin-^-*-*ioicjc<: ■^ CO-*(MOCO C-. rH-^ CO IT C7 in 05 ^-^_lO IC cc ocowt-oo-^o-^ » r- 00 CO •* 00 c~ ■^ inco?>t-occo <>■!■* C ■^ Tfl Ttl Oi i> •"Kt-rHOOOWi-lr- t- co^-co<^^lncoecco^^ r^ i«- in CO -^ r-l 00 05 ■* i rH C5^. . c agt^^^^rt ) C niture: German- United ' United France Hongko ; c als and United United German; Belgium France Brazil Ih rt -tH ear liina' ted man; i'ium ted ;trali nee le . an "ct PC ) Cd 4H „-<-' c fcl3 c 3 2IS £-rt U3 392 APPENDIX MO 00 t- Ca to r-t CO '^ r-l CO lO CO l-H r-l i-H t- C5 t- CO O t- ir; ^- ?c -^ o j> rH 00 CO m x_cri o C* CO »> O t- 00 o» t- (N o c-o r-l r-l l-l <«9- O ?^ O CO 00 t- C5 Ci O C b- O i^ (Ti ■^ C» MrHCOOJrHCO-^CC^Clt— WOir- t- ift lo o o-^ w o^o o_o oo_^-^o CO o" co^irf lo w -^o 00 t- to r-l i-H o J> CO vn COiOO'^COCit-i—lr-lrHrH m CO C* C* r-l i-i CO CO T-H o • 00 • l-H '. 00 C3 o rH_ to CO o u ost- to O -* 00 CO t- 1> o H Oi tor . • 00 . • r-( O . • OJ )> 00 IS) to «9- to o CO *9- to o u c c« en B in o aj Mil 2 o I- ■5oPo o H eo U5 l-H CO ci CO CO w CO 1-1 toco • o • o •oo • t- ' '^ !^' ,co CO > • 1—1 (/) o 3. X V G o to to 00 I-l ««5- o bo w c s s c o u 60 rt , — , — 1 O <: coeo-<*iOdcOi-ir-io OOOrHo^-<^OC0 00 in J> CO T^ o CO N CO cvToo 00 i> jvTto'to lo \a oj o o o m CO c* •69- ■^ C5 O OS lO* to 3> •!- t-oococirv)CO ' a> in to to 00 4}< 2> ts • 00 O O C4 CO (M «0 •>* CO 'to CO m o o* oiO t- to • •* -^inomcoincoo -r-i CO cTrH vn co""-! in ci I m GO C5 o o ^ o CO to .in m ■* GO -^r-im ofrHrH rH «9- • CO o o • in -* CO • co_co aD_ • ort> to" . -> 1-4 Q o "*- cT m 00 to to CO c- 04 o in ». »^ oomoiOr-irj ■* iH r-l CO t-co i>OOC>i rH o •CO- ifl- 00 to •* m 00 • to t~ too in CO -^ oD o • to CO 00 CO t~ r-H to to O • c OJ^ c~. o CO o t- in b- . t- ^ C. J> CO O2>coin . r-l o rH -*Oi 00 «9- ■69- <>9- -73 k< rt O XI T3 ll rt o 'O C rt ^ C o ^3 tn bo ^ be.si^ii-S)G>>^fc cSa'S'S-sgrtS-s .oQc^PpMf^SKO •4-» rt Ui a -4-* O H S o COT3 o bo ..rt.S c bflG C ° o rt (A to O ^ 1-1 CO eo eo<£ioooeoooT-iu:5 cvTi"?- coco c-j'o'oo CJ Oi tH tH o 00 o 00 T*< o m 'J* 00 w in oj o 00 ci_o t- ■* 00 o ■**■*&- o r-l 7-i r-t rH o Oi CO ■^•^OSr-ICSCD-^O 3 rH_0O 00_^O uo O_C0 05 >coocjoiooi>!-ico CO i-( coco E- •CO • o • CO it-" o CO l» CO J3 ^ 2i o H 13 o )-l a. s 3 (U ctJ C en (U G CO coco CO r-l CO "* O CO O t- CO rH lO t- 00 r^:D--*^C^ t-l CO J> •<*' ■* i-i iH r-l «0- • 't- ■rHOOO lO-*OcOlftWr-ICOOOl>- ooNC-t-eoN-^eo i-i co eo?>oocoeorHioo"'>j<'rH t^OOr-lCO'^lOCil-l rH rH o lO -* Ci_CO lO C2 eo >C rH rH c* inOiiiOOJt-OSrH-* rH'*C^Tj<- CO CO -"ti ■^^i-;,'^ O 00 IN cTlC rH lO CO OMOOO'^COC^rH rH «9- •e* • la rH flS O CD CI O Cfiifs 'lO rH COOm-^rHCio "^ OJ CO -^-^lO !N l> t» •CO ci" rH t- t-To irTcftr loo CO oo'»'t--*coc5 .ro m oo m ic CO CO rH tk 03 O CS ki s o bO a . . . .*^ ^ ^ rt : ■ c o " C*i3^C.5'Ubo^ — c.ti ■;-' >.-3 bo-S rT 2:J c3 OPfUwC/^pqPKO H •lO . CO c .S -3 c o o T3 G S O rt.5 -I CTJ bO 3 n 'Q -^ c -ti t: « >>-- c be— -t-" •- "> 5 3 S !- — •'- rt—Trt •-• S O rt 13 C o (O +-» o 1- O (y rt »-i ni O bJ3_0 L:s'^ pqUUUUUP^ 394 APPENDIX tHN N O^ «0 (U 00 CO r-H ■* 05 3 t- to 00 I> Oi "rt vn 00 r-l 03 05 K^ 00 t- 00 lO t- 1^ <«-eoo 00T>OrHO rHI> t- 00 o:> CO O -«*< OS o CO o 05 00 00 o o < tn 0) . u O 03 00 CO i-H t- ■* i-l i> Ci eooi CO i> 1^ lO 1-1 tH COO lo 00 o oh -Ti OJ « - 3 J i>(M CO CO ?0 r-l ■^Ciit-t-m-*C0-*lt-rH05'*00OT-ID3 iXiOOOr-lO>COCOi-IOeO(M(r*r-li-lr-l eJ J> lO TjTeo co eo oi 4 ?D0Ji00O 3 i-l O O lO CO O CO VO 00 'rt oo''co Os'co oo't- l:^ t- CO ►~; t-1-lOCOCOCOOOCO I^OiHl-IOJCOCO CO .—I c/l o (u •11 o c a> c 3 -d cd o ■lU 3 ^t^,S|^ Ol r-l in 00 »0 CO iH I—I CO O 05 M CO C^ rH rH rHCO c^in ^c CO 00 in lo £- in CO ■* icin T-i QO c E e 13 .. C en rt lU 3 en o "" •Z 3'2 o ^ 13 OOKm u CJ c c o CO bo 1) C 1- p. !* O 0) - e 00 in o in CI CO in CO i> CO I— I CO 03 CO w 00 •* 05 ■* (>r CO t~ •<*| 00 Tf< O t- 05 CO CO iHCD COCO tn ■*-• C (o o -go c3 P tn tn tn "U ■4-> tn**^ u . ^£? C 3 tn-'--^ 00 o 00 in 00 tH in C5 C^J r-l 00 •* OrH CO cj r-T CO o in 00 00 in in o 05 c-^ c3 3 3 w rt UWUhO -d N 'S o oT 3 s -d 3 a (J -d C rt tn tn'rt'5 ^6q ^ 5-- «oooo» CO CO o O rH O CO i^iO 00 w ■* N I-l rt o .. -M nJ tn 3 rt WhJO jS o APPENDIX 395 05li50•^^»^•Or-lC5ooco•^^-(^^^-oooI-^t-^••^ooo ^ eo w c» c>i o o CO c» Ci -* o N o o 1-1 ^^co_eo j> 00 •* ic -^ O o O tCi> la'^lTcS O r-l C5 C5 ?> IN OOCO O -^ ■* O t- O ■* lO f-t eOOrH-^OOCSMOJCX) Oii©T-l050MCOJ>MC5t-t-0 CO CO tH r-IOOC:OOt- <0-<1^_^00'^_COIO t- CO m i-Too oo lo't^ OOOOt-rHtXJCiOO i-i eo CO oj Til u t- O C^ 05 CO t- ■* 00 . •* lO •* ■ee-oo .o . Oi CO o -* . o cvj lOo o rnow .t- c^ t- • C4 • I-I 00 ci eo • CO cooi eo ""It- T*< eo • <= "=1 CO -a o «o . vn t- !> eo 00 o CO Tti m o ■* t- 1- 1- b- 1» t-r-l .COi— lt-.-^i— lOOt-'^Ot-OOlOi-l'^Ci t- 00 . rH O lO ;0 C-;^rH GO 00 C^O CO O O CO rH O TjTtT ■ o i> N i-Tco o^oi CO ^•^o o -* t- i-i ci COtH 'r-tlH CO r-l ,-1 O Oi 'S* CO rH 4/3- CO . -* c- w t- r-l .005 • CO S 00CiTj In' ino cTi-T 'la J> l-it-WCO eOrH .-"jHrHt-oO^ o >-• • I-I oi I-I o g 00 eo •©} ci o "-^ •* : <-*■ 00"^ 0) N 0) > c R E wi u O "O s u o -*-• -a r! 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M a^ •• eccjcMC* •<* (?J Cl N I-l (M!> eo I- 00 CO CO lO CO I-H i>o ot- M.-*^ r-ToO Oi> Coo , 05 o o , j^ rH 00 i-(0 C40 O O C O O t- -*02 Oi iDOT eo ■* IC 00 lO o t- Ci in co_ eo-* o't-^ •* o •»*( t- o o 05 CO •*• O OS iQ i-^CO ci ciToo o 00 CO r-T «9- ■* in CO I— I o 1-4 rH I> rH <«■ 00 CO o rH CO ««- o o rH 00 •^ 00 •* oTco o 00 eo O CO 00 o^ cnio rH T-T •ws- o o O CO «9- o -* eo o CO la o 00 CJ r-T 00 ■* C0_^C5_ OiO r- rH CO CO O lO 00 o oo_^oo ■* CO 00 la •* lO 00 « O «3 00 o C-i 03 eo_t~ lO o 00 co"-* cT eo ,-1 i> 1-4 o eo CM co_ oo" in N P ''^ ■4-> O H o U 00 t- CO J>- eo T-i 00 5* CO lO «9- e4r-l rH r-i ci3 CS •4-" ■!-> o o INDEX INDEX Acre Territory, 13 Advertising, 331 Advertising medicines, 332- 333-335-336-337-338 Advertising rates, 338 Africa, 13, 176 Alcoholic drinks in Latin America, 253-373 Almagro, de, Diego, 67 Alpaca, 88 American attitude toward in- vestments, 358 American Banks in Latin America, 290-298 American loans, 363 Angostura bitters, 130 Anguilla, 206 Antigua, 206, 209 Anti-typhoid vaccination, 369 Appendix, 375 Appointments in Latin Amer- ica, 252 Argentine, 10, 13, 31; discov- eries of, 31; history, 32; early government, 31; present government, 32- 33 ; wars with England, 32; area, 33; Patagonia, treaty with Chile, 33; boundary, 34; population, 34; immigration, 35; ty- pography, 35; climate, 36; crops, 36, 37, 38; seasons reversed, 38; but- 401 ter and cheese, 38; flour, 38; animal products, 39; number of cattle, 39; min- erals, 40; woods, 40; peat, 40; petroleum, 40; rail- ways, 41-42 ; factories, 41 ; steamships, 43; docks, 44; British investments, 45 ; German investments, 45; daily papers, 45; money, 46; travellers' tax, 46; cities, 47; exports, 47; im- ports, 48, 375-376-377-378, 219; illiteracy, 331, 356 Asphalt, 133, 207 Austria-Hungary, 3-5-10 Ayolas, de, Juan, 57 Alvaredo, Pedro, 139 Bahamas, 206, 207, 210 Ballata, 132, 194, 196, 197 Bananas, 120-148-149, 172, 195, 196, 208, 364, 365 Banking, West Indies, 174, 195, 206 Barbados, 205, 207, 209 Barbuda, 206 Belgium, 5 Bermuda, 206, 210 Bills on London, 289, 291 Bismuth, 86, 87, 99 Bolivia, 13, 32; area, 79; cli- mate, 80; population, 82; railways, 83 ; minerals, 402 INDEX 86; forests, 87; currency, 88; drugs, 87; travelers' tax, 89 ; cities, 89 ; ex- ports, 88-379-380; imports, 88-379 ^ Bolivar (Simon), 80, 106, 114. Braden Copper Co., 73 British capital invested, 289 Brazil, 192-215; illiteracy, 332; imports, 380-381-382- 383-384 Brazil, 6, 7, 10; area, 13; boundaries, 13; popula- tion, 14; discoverer, 14; history, 15; language, 14; early government, 15; present government, 16; climate, 17; geogra- phy, 17; coast, 17; ports, 18; rivers, 18, 19; prod- ucts, 19 ; manufactures, 21; mines, 22; railways, 24, 29; hotels, 24; money, 24; imports, 25, 26; ex- ports, 25, 26; preferential duty, 25; steamships, 27; cities, 29; travellers' tax, 30 British Guiana, 13-15, 191; early history, 192; topog- raphy, 192; temperature, 193; area, 193; exports and imports, 194, 195 ; travelers' tax, 194; bank- ^ ing, 195 British West Indies, 205 Bubonic plague, 254-371 Cabot, Sebastian, 31-57 Cabral, Pedro Alvarez, 14 Caicos Islands, 205 Canadian banks, 195-206, 299 Canal Zone, 143 ; currency, 152 Carib Indians, 168 Castro, Cipriano, 9 Cattle raising, 172, 179 Caymans, 205 Central American Federation, 139 Chicle (gum) 148, 149, 163 Chile, 13, 32; discoverers, 67; Indians of, 67 ; early his- tory, 67; government, 68; area, 68; coast of, 68; mountains, 68 ; climate, 68; population, 69; for- eign colonies, 69 ; rail- ways, 69; rivers, 70; ports, 71; nitrate, 71, 72; iodine, 72 ; copper, 73 ; coal, 74; minerals, 74; crops, 74; wine, 74; cattle, 75 ; forests, 75 ; industries, 75 ; fruits, 75 ; exports, 76 ; imports, 76, 77; money, 76; business in hands of, 77; travellers' tax, 77; cities, 78; how to reach, 78-215, 219; illiteracy, 331, 356; imports, 384-385 Clothes for Latin America, 260 Cocaine, 87-101-102 Cocoa, 20, 132, 179, 207, 364 Coffee, 19, 88, no, 119, 131, 135, 149, 183, 188, 196, 208, Colombia, 13; discoverer, 114; early history, 114; area, 115; topography, 115; cli- mate, 116; population, 116; present government. INDEX 403 117; railroads, 117; Bo- gota, 118; travel, 118; rivers, 119; agriculture, 119; coffee, 119; bana- nas, 120; Panama hats, 120; tagua nuts, 120; cattle, 120; hides, 121; mines, 121, 122; emeralds, 121; money, 122; imports, 123, 386; exports, 123; travellers' tax, 124; cities, 124; travel, 124; steam- ships, 125; ports, 125, 219- 364 Columbus, Christopher, 114- 126-139, 168, 176, 186 Commercial agencies, 306 Consuls for United States, 225, 259 Consular invoice, 323 Copper, 63, 110, 133 Copy, advertising, 339, 34° position of, 341 Cortes, Hernando, 138, 156 Correspondence in Latm America, 261 Costa Rica, early history, 138; present government, 140; area and population, 142; topography, 144; rail- ways, 145 ; agriculture, 147; forests, 148; bananas, 149; coffee, 149; mines, 149; exports, 149; im- ports, 15c, 151; currency, 152, 153; travellers' tax, 153; cities, 154; steam- ships, 154, 364 Cuba, I, 2, 5; area, 169; to- pography and population, 169, 170; cliniate, 170; government, 170; rail- ways and rivers, 171; su- gar, 171; fruits, 172; mines, 172; exports, 173; imports, 173 1 currency, 174; banks, 174; travel- ers' tax, 174; principal cities, 175; rail and steamship connections, 169, 175; illiteracy, 331, 364 Curacao, area, 200; popula- tion, 200; currency, 201; banking, 201 ; exports, 201 ; smuggling, 201; imports, 202; steamer connections, 202 Custom House rulings, 268- 269, 270 Customs of Latin Americans, 248, 249 Customs and Tariffs, 266 Cuzco (city), 104 Denmark, 199 Devils' Island, 197 Diaz (Porfirio), 158 Disease in Latin America, 109 - 253 -254-264-369-370- 371-372 Dominica, 206, 209, 210 Drinking Water in Latin America, 254-368-369 Dutch Guiana, 13-15. 191; population, 196; trade conditions, 196 ; exports and imports, 196; cur- rency, 197; steamship con- nections, 197 Eating fruit, 373 Ecuador, 13; early history, 106 ; government, 107 ; area, 107; climate, 107; 404 INDEX area and topography, 108 ; census, 108 ; railways, 109 ; revolutions, 109 ; dis- eases, 109; natural re- sources, 110; currency, 110; exports, 112; travel- ers' tax, 112; imports, 112; principal cities, 112; how reached, 113; im- ports, 386 Electro cuts, 342 England, 2-3-5-123, 174, 183, 184, 199, 208, 209, 210, 220 English investments, 355 Europe, 3-4-6-7-12 European attitude toward in- vestors, 360 European Possessions in the West Indies, 199, 205 Exchange, basis of, 300-301 Exchange buying, 291 Exports, Bolivia, 379-380 Export duties, 272 Federal Reserve Act, 309 Finance and Credits, 288 Financing improvements, 292 Foreign commerce statistics, 2-5-6 France, 5-13-47, 176, 183, 184, 197, 198, 199, 204, 205, 208, 220, 222 French banks, 290 French Guiana, 13-15, 191; extent and population, 197; exports, 197; imports, 198; travelers' tax, 198; language, 198 Galapagos Islands, 107-112 Germany, 3-5-13-47-65-77-122- 183, 184, 208, 215, 218, 219, 220 German banks, 289 German investments, 355 Gold exchange standard coun- tries, 300 Gold standard countries, 300 Grenadines, 206 Granada, 206, 209 Guadeloupe (French posses- sion), 204, 205 Guano, 99-102-134 Guatemala, early history, 139; present government, 140; area and population, 140; topography, 144; rail- ways, 145 ; agriculture, 147; forests, 148; bananas, 148 ; coffee, 149 ; exports, 149; imports, 150, 151; currency, 152, 153; travel- lers' tax, 153; cities, 153; steamships, 154; illiteracy, 332 Guyara Falls, 61 Haiti, early history, geography and climate, 182, 183; roads, 183; monetary sys- tem, 184; travelers' tax, 185; principal cities, 185; steamships, 185 Health precautions, 253-368 Henequen (rope), 163, 172 Holland, 15, 192, 199 (West Indian possessions), 200 Honduras (British), early his- tory, 139; present govern- ment, 140; area and pop- ulation, 143; topography, 144; agriculture, 147; forests, 148; bananas, 149; INDEX 405 exports, 149; imports, 150, 151; currency, 152, 153; travellers' tax, 153; cities, 153; steamships, 154 Honduras (Spanish), early- history, 139; present gov- ernment, 140; area and population, 141 ; topogra- phy, 144; railways, 145; agriculture, 147 ; forests, 148; bananas, 149; mines, 149 ; exports, 149 ; im- ports, 150, 151; currency, 152, 153; travellers' tax, 153; cities, 154; steam- ships, 154 Hotels, Latin America, 250 Huerta (Victoriano), 158 Illiteracy, 331 Imports, Argentine, 375-376- 377-378 Brazil, 380-381-382-383-384 Bolivia, 379 Chile, 384 Colombia, 386 Ecuador, 386 Paraguay, 387 Peru, 103-388-389-390 Uruguay, 391-392 Venezuela, 393-394-395 Inconvertible paper standard countries, 300 Intestinal diseases, 370 Irala, Domingo, 57 Island of Margarita, 134, 136 Isle of Pines, 169 Italian banks, 290 Iturbide, Augustin, 139, 157 Ivory nuts (see tagua nuts) Jamaica, 206, 207, 208, 209 Josephine, Empress of France, 204 Lake Titicaca, 83, 85, 96, 98 Latin America, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, II La Paz, 83, 84, 89 Leeward Islands, 205, 207 Leprosy, 372 Letters of Credit, 265, 303, 304 Letters of Introduction, 258 Literature for Latin America, 263 London and River Plate Bank, 288 Long credits, 309 Lopez, Carlos Antonio, 57-58 Madero (Francisco), 158 Mail In Latin America, 264 Marie Galante (French pos- session), 205 Martinique (French), 204, 205 Medicines for Latin America, ^ 372-374 Melggs (Henry), 97 Mendoza, de, Pedro, 31 Merchant Marine, Germany, 218 Merchants' tax in Latin America, 257 Methods of Doing Business, 224, 227 Mexico, early history, 156, 157; revolutions, 158; form of government, 159; area, 160; topography, 160; population, 161; railways, 161; mineral wealth, 162, 163; forests, 163; exports, 164; im- ports, 165; monetary sys- 4o6 INDEX tem, 165; commercial tax, 165; travel and hotels, 165; principal cities, 166; railroads, 166; steamships, 167, 219; illiteracy, 331 Monetary systems, 299 Montserrat, 206, 209, 210 Mountain sickness, 81 Nanduti lace, 62 Napoleon III, 158 Napoleonic Wars, 2 National Cash Register Co., 231 National City Bank, 308 Nevis, 206 New Granada, 114 Nicaragua, early history, 138; present government, 140; area and population, 142; topography, 144; rail- ways, 146 ; agriculture, 147; forests, 148; bananas, 149; coffee, 149; mines, 149 ; exports, 149 ; imports, 150, 151; currency, 152, 153; travellers' tax, 153; cities, 154; steamships, 154 Ojeda, de, Alonso, 114 Order blanks, 259 Packing instructions, 316, 317- 319 Packing and shipping, 311 Packing weights, 315, 316 Panama (Republic of), early history, 139; present gov- ernment, 140; area and population, 142 ; topogra- phy, 144; railways, 146; agriculture, 147 ; forests, 148; bananas, 149; mines, 149; exports, 149; im- ports, 150, 151; currency, 152, 153; travellers' tax, 153; cities, 154; steam- ships, 154 Panama hats, loi, 102, iii, 120, 123, 201 Paraguay, 13, 32; discoverers and early history, 57; present government, 58 ; population, 58-60; area, 59; climate, 59; roads, 60; railways, 60; soil, 61; rivers, 61 ; yerba mate, 62; quebracho, 63; min- erals, 63 ; woods, 63 ; cattle, 63; money, 64; credits, 64; exports, 64- 387; imports, 65, 387; travellers' tax, 65 ; cities, 65 ; shipping goods, 66 Passports, 265 Pearls, 134 Perry, Commodore, 213 Peru, 13; early history, 91; Chumus, 91 ; war with Chile, 92; government, 93; area, 93; population, 94, 95; railways, 96; mines, 99; petroleum, 100; exports, 100, 102; Panama hats, loi ; cur- rency, loi ; travelers' tax, 103; principal cities, 104; exports, 103-388-389-390; imports, 103 Peruvian Balsam, 148 Peruvian Corporation, Ltd., 96, 97 Petitgrain, oil of, 62 INDEX 407 Petroleum, 23-40-53-99-100- 103-110-132-133 Philippines, 1-2 Pizarro, 67, 79, 9I1 106 Plagiarism, 343 Population, 5, lo, 14 Porto Rico, I, 2, 5 ; early his- tory, 186; climate, 187; roads, 187; government, 187; exports, 188; princi- pal cities, 189; steamship connections, 190, 204 Ports in Latin America, 313 Portugal, 223 Postage to Latin America, 263, 264 Power of Attorney, 279 Preferential duty, 25, 26, 208- 210 Quebracho, 40, 41, 63, 64 Quinine, 102 Raleigh (Sir Walter), 192 Ratings of merchants, 305 Reciprocal opportunities, 347, 348, 350, 351. 352» 353» 354 ^ Reciprocity, 345 Redonda, 206 Registration of Trade Mark, 279 Religious Processions, 250 Rubber, 20, 87, 96, 11 1, 120, 183 St. Barts (French possession), 205 St. Croix (Danish West In- dies), 202, 203 St. John (Danish West In- dies), 202 St. Kitts, 206, 209 St. Lucia, 206, 210 St. Martins, 205 St. Thomas (Danish West In- dies), 202, 203, 204 St. Vincent, 206 Salesmen and Customer, 242 Salesmen's requirement, 242 Sample cases for Latin Amer- ica, 260 Santo Domingo, 5; early his- tory, 176, 177; revolutions, 177; present government, 177, 178; area, 178; rail- ways, 179; exports, 179; imports, 179; moneys, 180; American Bank, 180; travelers* tax, 180; prin- cipal cities, 180; steam- ships, 180 San Salvador, early history, 139; present government, 140; area and population, 141; topography, 144; railways, 145 ; agricul- ture, 147; forests, 148; coflFee, 149; mines, 149; exports, 149 5 imports, 150, 151; currency, 152, 153; travellers' tax, 153; cities, 154; steamships, 154 Shipping instructions, 319, 320, 321 Silver standard countries, 300 Singer Sewing Mch. Co., 230 " Sirroche " (mountain sick- ness), 81 Sisal (see Henequen), 163 Solis, de, Juan Diaz, 31, 49 Souza, de, Thome, 15 Spain, I, 2, 168, 177, 192, 223 Spanish banks, 290 4o8 INDEX Standard Oil Co., 230 Subway, 356 Sugar, 19-57-62-102, no, 171, 179, 188, 194, 195, 196, 203, 207, 208, 209, 210 Swiss banks, 290 Tagua (nuts), no, in, 120, 123, 353 Tannin, 41 Thefts in Custom House, 270, 328 Theft en route, 328 Tin, 86, 87 Tobacco, 19, 53, 62, 64, 171, 179, 188 Tobago, 205 Tonka (bean), 132, 135 Torquemada, 268 Trade commissions, 214 Trade development, 212 Trade Marks, 276 Travel in Latin America, 251 Travelers' Tax, 174, i8o, 189, ^ 194, 245 Trinidad, 205, 206, 207 Tungsten, 99 United Fruit Co., 121, 364, 365 United States attitude toward Latin America, 274; indif- ference toward invest- ments, 359-362 Uruguay, 13; discoverer, 49; early history, 49; war with Brazil, 50; govern- ment, 50; area, 50; cli- mate, 51; population, 51; colonists, 51; rivers, 52; ports, 52; railroads, 52; agriculture, 53; minerals, 53 ; forest lands, 53 ; graz- ing lands, 53; packing houses, 53; cattle census, 54; money, 54; exports, 55; imports, 55, 391-392; travellers' tax, 55 ; cities, 56; steamships, 56 Vacuum Oil Co., 230 Valdivia, Pedro, 67 Vanadium, 99-102 Velasquez (Diego), i68 Venezuela, 8-13; early his- tory, 126; boundaries, 127; government, 128 ; popula- tion, 129; rivers, 129, 130; railroads, 131; asphalt de- posits, 132; cattle, 133; minerals, 133; money, 134; exports, 134; im- ports, 135; principal cities, 135; commercial fees, 135; steamships, 136; 192, 200, 219, 220; im- ports, 393-394-395 Virgin Islands, 206 Windward Islands, 206, 207 Wolfrain, 23-40-88 Woods, cabinet and dye, 21 Yellow fever, 254-371-373 Yerba mate, 19, 62, 64 THE INDISPENSABLE BOOK [WELFARE SERIES] THE HELD OF SOCIAL SERVICE Edited by PHILIP DAVIS in collaboration with Maida Herman The main object of the book is to answer the universal question : " JUST WHAT CAN I DO IN SOCIAL WORK AND HOW SHALL I GO ABOUT IT?" For such inquiries, it is an indispensable text book. The table of contents : Introduction By Philip Davis, Head Worker, Civic Service House, Boston PART I Background in Social Work I The Great Watchwords of Social Work By Robert A. Woods, Head Worker, South End House, Boston. II The Community and The Citizen By Jeffrey R. Brackett, Director School for Social Work- ers, Boston PART U Community Problems HI The Housing Problem By Elmer S. Forbes, Chairman Housing Committee Mass. Civic League IV Fire Prevention By Charles H. Cole, Adjutant General of Mass.; formerly Fire Commissioner of Boston V Health and Medical Social Service By Dr. Richard C. Cabot. Chief of West Medical Staff. Mass. General Hospital, Boston VI Playgrounds By Joseph Lee. President National Playground and Recrea- tion Association or America VII Recreation By Ernst Hermann, Supt. of Playgrounds, Newton, Mass. VIII The New Immigration: A Problem in Education By Freuik E. Spaulding, Supt. of Schools, Minneapolis. Minn.; Member of Immigration Commission of Mass., 1913 IX The New Immigration: A Programme By George W. Tupper, ImmigratioQ Sec'y Y. M. C. A. Mass. and R. I. X Industrial Problems By Robert G. Valentine, Industrial Counselor THE FIELD OF SOCIAL SERVICE - (rnNTiNiiFn\ — PART UI The Community and the Child XI The Volunteer and Child Labor Reform By Richard K. Conemt, Sec'y Mass. Child Labor Committee XII The School and the Community By Frank B. Dyer, Supt. of Schools, Boston XIII The Vocational Movement in Education: Its Social Significance By Meyer Bloomfield, Director Vocation Bureau, Boston XIV Juvenile Delinquency By Harvey H. Bedcer, Justice Boston Juvenile Court PART IV Social Agencies XV Public and Private Relief By Wm. H. Pesu-, General Agent Boston Provident Association XVI Social Settlement Work By Mrs. Eva W. White, Head Worker. Elizabeth Peabody House, Boston XVII Child Caring By J. Prentice Murphy, General Sec'y Boston Children's Aid Society XVIII Organization of Charity By Lee K. Frankel, Vice-President Metropolitan Life Insur- ance Company XIX The Church and Social Service By Rev. Charles F. Dole, President Twentieth Century Club XX Religion and Social Service By Harry Levi, Rabbi Temple Adalh Israel Supplement I Salaried Positions in Social Work By a Group of Elxperts Supplement II Opportunities for Training in Social Work By Maida Herman 12mo. Goth. Illustrated. Net, $1.50. Postpaid, $1.65 SMALL, MAYNARD & COMPANY, PubUshers BOSTON HUMAN :: BOOK [WEU='ARE SERIES] CONSUMPTION WHAT IT IS AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT BY JOHN B. HAWES, 2d, M.D. Instructor in Medicine Harvard Medical School. Director Tuberculosi. Department. Assistant Visiting Phys.c.an Massachusetto General Hospital. 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