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At the places where the National gate and the Stone gate are situated, the defences project further out into the country, so as to cover the roads from Wasselonne and Molsheim, and particularly that from Weissenburg, by means of advanced earthworks, among which are the lunettes 52 and 53, often mentioned in the siege. The main enceinte of the west front is of the same character as the lines already described, except that bastions Nos. 10, 11, and 12, at the north-west angle, have counterguards for additional security. Two spacious horn- works are placed outside the west front, so as to give it greater defensive strength. These and the two lunettes 52 and 53 are connected by a glacis common to both, which encloses the north and south fronts in a suitable manner. The profiles are designed with regard to the objects of the works. The escarps are 18 to 30 feet in height, according to the importance of the work. On this account, and as the ditches are provided with cunettes, and can be filled with sufficient water, the fortress is to be accounted every- where proof against assault. The greater number of the traverses required are in existence, but the quantity of bombproof cover for troops, warlike stores, and provisions is insufiicient. There are no detached forts. 30 Strasburg" possesses an additional means of defence in the power of making use of the 111 for partial but effective inunda- tion. For this purpose, at the spot where the 111 enters the town, a large sluice is fixed. This, and the numerous other works for the proper management and control of the water, are in good con- dition, and in situations so well covered, that they cannot easily be destroyed by distant fire. The ground in front of the south side of the fortress consists for the most part of low-lying meadows intersected by numerous watercourses. It can be placed under water for a considerable distance beyond the road, and the artillery practice ground. This is also practicable with the low ground along the foot of the glacis of the north front, and with the glacis of the enceinte of the north-west front. The ground in front of the fortress is flat, and here and there the view is interrupted by numerous buildings, and by plantations. On the west front, however, the ground rises, at a slope scarcely perceptible, to the spurs of the Vosges mountains, about a league and a half from the town. The railway Avhich encircles the town on the south and west has two stations — a terminus inside the town, and a stopping-place outside, at the Austerlitz gate. There is a third station outside the town to the westward. Frequent mention will be made of it during the siege. The railway crosses several streams running into the Ehine, and passes over the river itself by a lattice- bridge, 309 metres (338 yards) long, built in 1858-61. The two banks are also connected by a bridge of boats. The interior of the town shows plainly its German origin and past history. Both are as evident in its architecture as in the manners and customs, both public and private, of its inhabitants. The magnificent cathedral is especially interesting, and is famous as one of the most remarkable monmnents of Grerman archi- tecture. It was founded in 510 by Clovis, destroyed by lightning in 1007, restored upon the plans of Erwin von Steinbach, and completed in 1439 by Hans Hiiltz, of Cologne. Commerce is flourishing, owing to the advantages of the situation of the place. The junction of four lines of railway, and of the roads from Paris, Lyons, and Basle, the water-carriage by the Ehone, Rhine and Marne canal, and the proximity of the Rhine, are of great value for commercial intercourse. Immediately after the sudden and groundless declaration of war with Prussia by France, it seemed as if Strasburg was to be left untouched by the war, for it was evident that the French invasion of Germany and attack on Cologne must be begun with the right flank turned towards Rhenish Bavaria. But when Southern Germany ranged itself on the Prussian side, the situa- tion of affairs was changed. It became necessary for the French armies to march off hastily in a new direction, and it became more probable that Strasburg might be seriously threatened. All the accounts state that before the battle of Worth, the 6th corps, under the command of Marshal Canrobert, was in and round Strasburg. After the battle was lost the corps marched off in 31 the direction of Metz, and the garrison of Strasbmg was thus so reduced that the place was left in a bad plight. Not even one company of engineers was left in the now-threatened fortress, and its garrison consisted chiefly of national guards. A great number of stragglers from the battle of Worth found ac- cordingly a welcome reception at Strasburg, and its gates also opened for the reception of many thousands of fugitive country- people. The bridge of boats was broken up, and on the 22nd of July the railway lattice-bridge was blown up on the Baden side of the river. On the French side they only brought the swing- bridge on to the landward piers, and, in addition, destroyed several railway-bridges over the Little Ehine, at Neuhof and elsewhere. The preparations for putting the works and arma- ments in a state of siege were, just commenced, when the enemy appeared in the vicinity of the fortress. After the battle fought by the Ilird army on the 6th August, at Worth, the pursuit of the retreating French was the first object. The division of the Gfrand Duchy of Baden, which stood on the extreme left of the army, and had not been actually engaged in the fight, received orders to advance into Alsace, and in the first instance in the direction of Strasburg. On the 8th August the head of the division arrived before Strasburg. It was believed that the fortress was occupied almost exclusively by national guards, and it was well known that the preparation of the works for a siege was incomplete. Lieutenant- General von Beyer, commanding the division, remained with the main body of the advanced guard a league and a half from Strasburg, and sent Major von Amerongen into the fortress, in order to represent to the commandant the serious disasters of the French army in the field, and to demand the surrender of the place. Tlie commandant, however, rouglily refused the demand, and after this the advanced guard employed upon this recon- naissance withdrew to Brumath. The garrison permitted the enemy to advance undisturbed up to the glacis, and made no attempt to destroy the railways or telegraphs to Miihlhaus and Lyons, and this was now effected by us. A cavalry detachment of the Grrand Duchy of Baden, under the command of Lieutenant Winsloe, on the 10th August destroyed the railway at Greispold- sheim, three-quarters of a mile (three-and-a-half English miles) south of Strasburg. Meanwhile the main body of the division approached, so that on the 12th August the troops had taken up their positions for the investment. These extended round the whole of the ground outside the fortress, except on the south side, where the work was done by some bodies of troops from Eastatt, who had crossed the Ehine to the south of Strasburg. Kehl was occupied, and the communication with Colmar broken. The French did not allow themselves to be disturbed in their prepara- tions for a siege, on the glacis and the ground beyond. They worked on at the construction of traverses, the preparation of the ramparts for defence, and the removal of the plantations on the glacis, as well as at palisades and barricades for the approaches. 32 For the purpose of interrupting these works three slight engage- ments took place on the 13th August. In the course of the afternoon some selected marksmen were sent up to the glacis, and materially interrupted the works there, without being disturbed by the heavy fire of artillery from the ramparts. About 1 a.m. a company of the 2nd Baden grenadiers (the King of Prussia's) advanced in the same direction, in order to drive back some parties of infantry, who had meanwhile come out from the fortress to the foot of the glacis. A musketry fight commenced, and by tliis means the object was successfully ac- complished. The company, after the performance of their duty, were, in returning, followed by a lieavy fire of case and musketry, and had three killed and eleven wounded — among the latter one officer. In another direction two small detachments of the body guard grenadiers of the Crrand Duchy of Baden, each led by a lieutenant, and provided with combustibles, advanced at 9 o'clock in the evening against the railway-station outside the western gate, and set fire to a loaded railway-train that was stand- ing there. Two sections of infantry followed quickly up to the counterscarp of the ditch, delivered their fire at the troops who appeared on the ramparts and at the guns standing there, and quickly retired again. A field-battery meanwhile was brought up to 2,500 paces from the fortress, and fired upon the works which were lighted up by the flaming railway-trucks. The enemy upon this commenced a persistent but perfectly useless fire. At a third place, as early as 11 o'clock in the forenoon, a company of the 5th (Baden) regiment had been for an hour under fire em- ployed in the demolition of the enemy's works without experiencing any loss. On the 14th August intelligence was received of the issue, on the 10th of that month, of the following proclamation by the Commandant-in~Chief, Divisional-General Uhrich : — " To the Inhabitants of Strasburg! " Disquieting rumours, and fearful reports, have been, inten- tionally or unintentionally, spread through our brave city. Some people have even ventured to assert that it will surrender without resistance. " We therefore protest, in the name of the courageous French population, against such cowardly and criminal weakness. The ramparts are furnished with 400 guns; the garrison counts 11,000 men, besides national guards. If Strasburg be attacked, Stras- burg will be defended so long as it contains a soldier, a loaf, and a cartridge. Let the well-disposed be calm ; let the others go where they will. "Strasburg, August 10th, 1870. " The Divisional-General and Commander-in-Chief, " Uhrich. " The Prefect of the Lower Ehine, " Baron Pron." 33 On the 14th August, at 5 o'clock in the morning, a com- pany of tlie 5th (Baden) regiment attacked the railway-station, and opened tire from the railway embankment upon the workmen on the glacis. The fire was answered by some of the guns of the place, and the company suffered a loss of three severely and two slightly wounded. In the course of the day General von Beyer gave over the command of the (Baden) division to Greneral the Baron von La Roche, commanding the cavalry brigade. The division was placed under the orders of Lieutenant-Gfeneral von Werder, of the Prussian Army, Commander-in-Chief of the army corps about to be formed for the siege. In the evening the garrison attempted a sortie in the neigh- bourhood of the English country-house near Hohnheim. On the 15th August, at 4 a.m., the Baden pioneers blew up the iron bridge wliich leads over the Rhine-Marne canal to Robertsaue, below the orangery. Field artillery fired from covered positions at the works of defence that had been thrown up, in order to destroy them, while under cover of tlie darkness riflemen swarmed close up to the ramparts, causing frequent alarms to the garrison. Lingolfsheim, Wolfsheim, Schiltiglieim, and Robertsaue were already occupied by tlie besiegers, so that the place was closely invested on the west and north, and on the south as far as to Ostwald. In their possession were the railway-stations of Brumath (to Nancy and Metz), Mutzig, and Colmar, and the highroads to Sels, Hagenau, Zabern, Barre, Colmar, and Basle. The commu- nications of Strasburg with the country were as good as cut off. It was suspected that an underground telegraph line existed to Schlettstadt, 7^ miles (35 English miles) distant. August 16. — Head-quarters transferred to Mundolsheim. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon the French attempted a sortie in greater force, with about 1,500 men, in order to drive back the enemy near Illkirch, a league south-east of Strasburg. The 8th •company of the 3rd (Baden) regiment, under Captain Kappler, had pushed forward a picket from Illkirch over the bridge of the Rhone canal at that place. About 2 p.m. a French squadron attacked them, but were repulsed. Immediately the enemy's infantry showed themselves, while a heavy fire was opened against the bridge over the canal ; and a detachment of the enemy's artillery shelled Illkirch from a position in rear, and set fire to some of the build- ings there. At the commencement of this attack Captain Kappler had posted his whole company on the bridge of the canal, and sent forward two strong non-commissioned officers' patrols by Orafensteden, and by the locks to the northward at Ostwald respectively, to take the enemy in flank. Major Steinwacbs, commanding the battalion, sent immediately out of Ostwald the 5th and 6th companies, under Captains Nagel and Selteneck, as well as Gobel's battery. Kappler's company had for half-an-hour answered the enemy's fire with great coolness and steadiness, when the enemy's artillery advanced to within 250 paces of the bridge over the canal, and came into action. The commander of the 36996. D 34 company then caused a short and rapid, but effective, fire to be delivered, and, as the supports had by this time come up, attacked with the bayonet. The enemy did not stand to receive this attack, but took to flight, leaving behind 3 guns, 8 wounded and 3 unwounded prisoners, and 20 killed, as well as several articles of their equipment. This brilliant success cost the brave company but 2 wounded. A subdivision of (robel's battery now crossed the bridge over the canal and shelled Weghaiisel, in which place the enemy had rallied on his retreat. The 5th and 6th companies, who then undertook the pursuit, could not again come up with the enemy, who were estimated to amount to about 1,500 men — zouaves, turcos, chasseurs, and artillery. Augicst 17. — The French attempted a second sortie against the Eobertsaue, but were beaten back. On the Grerman side tlie most exposed parts of the besiegers' positions were prepared for defence in a proper and suitable manner, and the approaches were barricaded. Field-hospitals were established in Brumath, Ven- denheim, Oberhausbergen, and Hohnheim. Prussian railway and Baden telegraph officials took over the duties of their respective branches. The neighbourhood was requisitioned for labourers and intrenching tools, and in some places resistance was made and ill- will was shown. This was the case in the rich towns of Ernstein and Morstein, whicli had in consequence to pay a contribution, first of 150,000 francs (^^6,000), and in the end of 300,000 francs (£12,000). In the forenoon fire was opened from the Baden field^batteries, which had taken up a position in a line with Kehl. The fire ■continiied all day, and was briskly answered by the garrison. During the previous night a sharp action of artillery and in- fantry took place between Konigshofen and Strasburg, and out- side the west front. Several houses were set on fire there by the shells. August 18. — Konigshofen was consequently brought within the line of investment, after a short action of artillery. The fire from Kehl was continued. On the night of the 18th- 19th August tlie Baden artillery took up a position close to the road from Lingolfsheim to Strasburg, and set on fire some of the houses at Strasburg at the first shot, and the flames spread rapidly. The enemy answered with 24-poimder solid shot. August 19.^The fire was kept up from 16 field-guns, chiefly against the citadel and the adjoining fronts. It was opened at 7 A.M., stopped from 12 till 2 o'clock, and continued again till evening. The fire was of com-se answered by the artillery of the garrison, who, however, shelled not only the batteries, but also the town of Kehl, which lay exposed, beyond the line of fire. Lieutenant-Oene- ral von Werder, commanding the siege corps, remonstrated against this conduct in a letter, in which he said : " Such a mode of war- fare, which is imheard of among civilised nations, compels me to make yoii personally responsible for the consequences of this action. I shall, moreover, cause the damage to be estimated, and obtain com- pensation by a contribution levied in Alsace." 35 These valuations were, in fact, made in Kehl,and General Uhrich is said to have replied that he regarded the bombardment of the city of Kehl as reprisals, on account of the city of Strasbm-g having been shelled by the besiegers' artillery without the usual notice being sent beforehand. According to other accounts, however (and this should be noted), Lieutenant-General von Werder, on the con- trary, threatened to bombard the place foiu'teen days beforehand, and caused the proper notice to be sent 24 hours before the firing began. It was clearly, therefore, the business of the French authori- ties to pass this notice on to the citizens, and it was their fault that the inhabitants had not sufficient time to prepare for the bombard- ment, and were therefore taken by surprise. It should, moreover, be observed, that in the absence of any de- tached forts round Strasburg, the besieger was able to place his batteries comparatively close to the fortress, and that, if he wanted to fire upon the works at all, it was quite inevitable that the town should also be struck, and should suffer terribly. On the 19th of August fom'teen houses were biu-nt down in the city of Kehl (Stadt Kehl), and the fire did still greater damage, comparatively, in the adjoining village of Kehl (Dorf Kelil). In the former place the church was turned into a hospital. Several shells fell close to the Baden temporary hospital constructed in Dorf Kehl. In the part of Kehl near the Khine, especially in the neighbour- hood of the Fingach brewery, the brewery itself, the Palmen brewery, and several houses of the inhabitants of the upper classes, were destroyed. The Manner-Hilfsverein (? Humane Society) of Kehl worked with great self-sacrifice at extinguishing the flames, and those of the inhabitants who could sought refuge in the neigh- bouring villages. The bombardment of Strasbm-g from the left bank of the Ehine continued, and the result was that a more serious fire broke out in the Weisse Thurmgasse (White Tower street). The desire, on this account, of the inhabitants for a surrender was brought to the notice of the commandant, but without effect. As it had become necessary to obtain French surgeons for the French wounded, a flag of truce with a trumpeter was sent into the fortress ; but as they were both fired at, and the latter was wounded, the design had to be abandoned. A company of the 2nd Baden grenadiers, under the command of Captain Hilpert, had prepared for defence the outskirts of the village of Schiltigheim, on the side next the fortress. Towards evening the French made a sortie with two companies against the outskirts of the village, but were repulsed. The enemy lost three men killed and eight wounded, and Euth's company of the -ith Baden regiment, posted in reserve on the Kirch-platz, pursued them as far as the glacis. The bm-sting of one of the sluices in the place caused temporary damage to the inundation-works of the fortress, but it was soon repaired. August 20. — Tlie investing force began to make more extended arrangements for defence at Schiltigheim, as being a D 2 36 ■poiiit d'appui lying close to the fortress, and of great importance to the investment, having regard to the later ojaerations of the siege. The approaches to the village in the direction of the fortress were barricaded. Shelter-trenches and covered positions for ontposts were laid out. On the side of the enemy the works were masked by the plantations, which had been unaccountably left standing, in consequence of the hasty manner in which pre- parations for the siege had been made. Tlie brewery in Schiltig- lieim and the glue-manufactory in front of the Spital gate had already been set on fire from the fortress, in order not to afford cover to the besiegers. Fire was kept up against the fortress from both banks of the Rhine. August 21. — The head of the siege-train reached Veudenheim. The train consisted of 200 guns rifled on the Prussian system, and 100 smoothbore mortars ; 40 of these guns were at once brought into action against the fortress. Lieutenant-Greneral von Werder asked the commandant, in vain, to remove the observatory erected on the tower of the cathedral, in order that it might be possible to save this magnificent work of architecture from destruction. With similar results he endeavoured to have the military hospital moved out of the line of fire. The commandant sent out of the fortress, in detachments of ten men each, 100 Grermans, who belonged to the foreign legion. Upon this, great dissatisfaction against the Grermans showed itself among the population, who broke out into many acts of violence against them. August 22. — The commandant asked to send the women and children out of the besieged place. As this proposal would have led to a great demand for transj^ort and other inconvenient results, it had to be refused. August 23. — The Kehl batteries, which had been armed since the 18th August with garrison guns from Rastatt, kept up an effective fire day and night against the citadel, and produced a conflagration there. On the left bank of the Rhine the town and fortress of Stras- bvu'g was fired into from all sides. The cannonade became heavier towards evening. The infantry kept continually drawing nearer to the fortress. The pickets and outposts were obliged to entrench themselves in shelter-trenches and rifle-pits, to get cover from the fire of the enemy. August 24.— On the night of the 23rd-24th August the Baden infantry advanced against the railway- station on the west front, and thus approached within 1000 paces of the fortress. The station was taken without any loss. In the evening the bombardment of the west front with siege artillery was begun. For this purpose the Prussian siege artillery had built 13 siege batteries (Nosi 1-13) duringthe preceding night, and had armed them partly with rifled 24-pounders, and partly with heavy mortars. The result was that two large fires broke out in the town, and a third in the citadel ; and the arsenal, containing 37 the workshops for the manufacture of artillery stores, carriages. &c. was destroyed. The explosion of a small powder-magazine was also observed. One of the two mortar-batteries erected by the French on the island of Sporen was silenced by the Baden artillery. The same day there were twenty houses burnt in Kehl, and others were very much damaged. August 25. — On the night of the 24th — 25th an exceedingly heavy fire was directed on the town and fortress from the whole of the batteries ; ten rounds were fired per minute. It was determined to destroy a mortar-battery which was- placed above the Rhine baths on the other side of the railway embankment, and had seriously injured the Kehl batteries. For this purpose, on the night above mentioned, one officer and forty- five men of the 6th Baden regiment and three gunners crossed the Ehine in perfect silence, but were unable to effect their object, because the French had already withdrawn the pieces of ordnance to the fortress. The detachment accordingly set the bath-house- in flames, and they were, in retreating, exposed to a hea^^ fire. The greater part of the inhabitants fled from Kehl. In order to diminish the danger from the falling shells the streets of the town were strewn with litter. Workmen were brought in from the neighbourhood, for three or four leagues round, to work at the batteries. The bishop of Strasburg appeared at the headquarters of the besiegers to beg for a cessation of the fire. There was the less chance of his wish being granted, since it appeared to be uttered more as a matter of form than as a serious request. About 1 1 A.M. the garrison made a sortie from the White Tower gate, with a small detachment and two guns, against the 7th and 8th companies of the 3rd Baden regiment. August 26.— Eight additional 24:-pounder garrison guns arrived at Kehl from Rastatt, and were immediately placed in battery, and fired during the day and the night until 4 o'clock in the morning. The bombardment against Strasburg was continued, chiefly from the battery of the Robertsaue, after a pause from 4 a.m. till 12 noon, for the purpose of awaiting the result of the efforts of the bishop to influence the inhabitants. Four several great conflagrations were observed, including the magazines and other buildings in the citadel, which were in flames. The fire from the fortress became comparatively weak. It had, however, destroyed utterly the greater part of the town of Kehl between the railway-station and the Rathhaus (town-hall), while the village of Kehl, south of the town of that name, had suffered but little. August 27.— On the night of the 26th-27th the number of batteries on the Kehl side was increased by a mortar-battery,, which was armed with eight 50-pounder mortars. During the past night five Baden pioneers succeeded in destroy- ing some dams which were intended to raise the level of the water in the ditches of the fortress. On account of the importance of 38 the object and the danger of the operation the}'^ were awarded a gratuity of 1000 thalers (about £150). To-day, again, the fire was but slack from the fortress, while that of the besiegers was maintained with unabated vigour. A flag of truce was sent to the besiegers to ask for some surgical appliances for the citizens. This showed the great effect of the batteries of the attack, but also the little foresight that had been displayed in the town in preparing for the event of a siege. The surgical appliances were given most willingly, and in return some ice was obtained, which was required in the hospitals. The mayor of Strasburg in vain represented to the governor the desirability of surrendering the fortress. In consequence many persons began to abandon the city ; the greater part betaking themselves to Switzerland. On the previous night the advanced posts had been pushed forward to within 400 paces of the fortress, and had there en- trenched themselves. The object of this was to cover and conceal the construction of the first parallel. The artillery at the same time built ten batteries, which were numbered 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25. August 28. — The bishop of Strasburg made proposals for mediation. He came out to Schiltigheim, where Lieutenant-Colonel von Lescinsky the chief of the staff of the Baden army, conferred with him on behalf of Lieutenant-General von Werder. The bishop considered the bombardment was contrary to interna- tional law. His views were refuted. He begged then per- mission for the inhabitants to depart, and this request was refused. The request of the bishop for an armistice of twenty- four hours was granted, on condition that an assurance should be received within an hour that the governor would commence nego- tiations. He was also invited to come out and make himself acquainted with the preparations for the attack, or to do this by deputy. On his return a regular platoon-fire was commenced upon Lieutenant-Colonel von Lescinsky, although he bore the flag of truce in his own hand. The flag was riddled with bullets. The attempt at mediation was thus quite useless. -Meanwhile the bombardment on both sides was continued. Captain von Faber, of the Baden garrison artillery, sank under his severe wounds at Korck. Both towards evening and during the night a brisk fire was kejjt up between the outposts on our side and the riflemen of the garrison, who were posted in the covered way. August 29. — In the night of the 28th-29th, the shelter- trenches of the advanced posts of the besiegers between Konigs- hofen and the fortress were pushed on to within 500 or 600 paces of the town ; a small sortie in that quarter was repulsed, and the fire of the gims continued as before. At noon a sortie took place, which was repulsed by detachments of the 34th Prussian regiment. It may be well to mention here that the bombardment proper began on the 24th August, and lasted, with some intervals, three days. On the Strasburg side the bombarding batteries, thir- 39 teen iu niimher, were all situated on the front that was sub- sequently attacked, and fire was opened from 26 rifled 24-pounders and 28 heavy mortars. On the side of Kehl there were six batteries in action, armed with 32 heavy rifled guns and 12 heavy mor- tars. The other side of the town and fortress was cannonaded with field-guns. The effect of the artillery of the defence was not inconsiderable : the villages of Konigshofen and Schiltigheim, which were within the range of the guns, were completely destroyed ; the Galgens- chanzl had suffered severely, and the railway-station at Kehl was set on fire by shells and completely burnt down, after the inhabi- tants of that part had succeeded with difficulty in saving it from a fire that broke out only a few days before. Of the destruction caused in Strasburg by the bombardment only the most important instances will be noticed here. The Ki'othenaue, the street leading to the gate of Austerlitz, the quarters De Pierre and of the national gate, the railway-station, the corn-exchange, the artillery school, the cannon- foundry, the large building of the garrison staff on the Kleberplatz, the neighbourhood of the cathedral, all suffered severely, and many treasures of art and science were destroyed : for example, the ancient and famous library, with its 400,000 volumes, and valuable documents and manuscripts, the museum of art, the collection of pictm'es, and the Neukirche, with its famous fresco paintings. The damage done to the cathedral, that memorial of early Grerman architecture, was happily not very great. Although the upper part of the roof above the arch was burnt, the interior was uninjured, with the excej)tion of one glass window. The celebrated astronomical clock remained unharmed. The siege artillery were directed to spare the cathedi-al, and previous notice was given of the few shots that were fired, chiefly against the tower, in consequence of the enemy having erected an observatory there, with telegraphic communication, whence the besiegers' works were completely seen into. Serious injury had been done to the private property of the citizens by the inundation around the fortress, which was, however, a most efficient measure of defence. The inundation placed the smTounding low ground and many of the cellars in the town under water. In the greater number of the latter no provision liad been made for such an event, and the entry of the water, there-. fore, caused great inconvenience, and prevented the buildings from being used, either as shelter for the peo]3le, or as stores for pro- visions. An attempt had, indeed, been made at Erstein, about 2^ miles (llf English miles) south of Strasburg, between the road leading to Schlettstadt and the Khine canal, to divert the waters of the 111, which there flows through low ground intersected by many watercourses, and is connected by channels with the Ehine. An attempt had been also made to lead off the water at the dis- charging sluices o/ the inundation close to the fortress on the south front, at the point where the Aar, a branch of the 111, the 111 itself, and the Ehine-Marne canal, are united ; and the destruction of the sluices Nos. 87 and 88 in the Ehine-Ill canal had been under- 40 taken, and bad resulted in a perceptible reduction of tbe level of tbe water in tbe inundation and in tbe ditcbes. Tbe opinion of tbe inbabitants, beaded by tbe clergy, was decidedly against a vigorous defence of tbe fortress ; several unavailing memorials were sent by tbem to the commandant, to induce bim to surrender tbe place. Tbe prices of most kinds of pro- visions for tbe inbabitants were raised to exorbitant amounts, and as tbe supply of beef was long since exhausted, people ate borse- flesb. A bundredweigbt of potatoes cost 12 francs; and in tbis populous town tbere was neither butter nor fresh vegetables. Tbe strength and composition of the garrison were ascertained. It consisted chiefly of fugitives from tbe battle of Worth of tbe 21st, 23rd, 28th, 33rd, and 74tli regiments, besides turcos, zouaves, spahis, and cavalry of every description, and this pecu- liarity of composition rendered the maintenance of discipline difficult. Tbere was among tbem none of that steadiness which belongs to well-disciplined troops, as might be seen from tbe way in which attacks were executed. By the burning of the military establishments great quantities of warlike stores bad been destroyed^ and by the vigorous bombardment tbe defensibility of tbe place had been very materially reduced. Although it was well known that General Barral, of the artillery, who succeeded in entering the fortress in disguise during the investment, must have, in fact, bad the actual direc- tion of the defence, still tbe Governor (General of Division Uhrich) was acknowledged to be a man of honour ; and it was not probable that this meritorious officer would be brought to capi- tulate easily, after having repeatedly refused tbe summons to surrender. In tbis state of affairs it became certain, by the 26tb of August, that the object in view was only to be attained by a regular siege, and that thus also the sufferings of the unhappy city would be abbreviated as much as possible. The preparatory measures, to which attention bad prudently been paid at tbe very commence- mient of the campaign, were now rapidly carried into effect. Accordingly, in order to be prepared for all events, tbe siege- train was despatched from Magdeburg, Coblentz, and Wesel. Its composition and the numbers of guns of eacli description were in every respect carefully considered. Experiments bad been made by the Prussian Artillery Experimental Committee with rifled siege artillery, especially with 15-centimetre (6-inch) guns, and 21- centimetre (8*27-inch) mortars, both of which fire an elongated shell. The results of these trials, and the use of demolition batteries {Demolitions batterien\ by which, with suitable guns fired at appropriate elevations, bidden escarps can be breached at great distances, were to be tested in actual warfare for the first time at Strasburg. In deciding ujaon the place for the artillery attack, it was con- templated that the batteries already existing on tbe front attacked would be maintained for the purposes of the bombardment, and especially that, from the Kehl batteries, which came into play 41 about this time, fire would be kept up, because tbey were best adapted for operating against the citadel, and for rendering it impossible to defend the fortress in that quarter. For the engineer attack an engineer siege-park, wliich had recently been formed for the first time, was brought up before the place. Lieutenant-Greneral von Werder, of the Prussian Army, was appointed to the command of the siege corps, with Lieutenant- Colonel von Lescinsky, of the general staff of the Grand Duchy of Baden, as chief of the staff, Lieutenant-General von Decker was appointed to command the siege artillery, and Major-General von Mertens was appointed Engineer-in-Chief. The siege corps was composed as follows : — 1. Infantry.- — (a) The landwehr division of the guard. (b) P^irst reserve division, to which were attached the 30th regiment from Mainz, and the 34th (Pomeranian) fusiliers, which latter regiment, immediately after the declaration of war, had been brought up from Frank- fort to Rastatt, and had already been employed during the investment before Strasburg. (c) The Baden division. 2. Cavalnj. — The 2nd reserve reginient of Prussian dragoons; the 2nd reserve regiment of Prussian ulans ; and the Baden cavalry, consisting of three regiments of dragoons. 3. Tlce Siege Artillery, altogether 6.000 or 7,000 strong, was composed of 29 companies of garrison artillery belonging to the guard, and to the 4th, 5th, 6th, Ttli, and 10th regiments, 4 Bavarian garrison batteries, 4 Wurtemberg garrison batteries, and 2 Baden garrison com^Danies. 4. Pioneers, (Engineers), altogether 2,200 strong, two ' com- bined ' battalions of garrison jDioneers, which were composed of 12 companies of garrison pioneers from the districts of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th army corps, in addition to two comjDanies of Baden field pioneers, and a company of Bavarian garrison pioneers, which, however, only arrived towards the end of the siege. Colonel Klotz, of the royal Prussian engineers, was in command of the whole of the pioneers. When the formation of the corps was completed, the staffs for the siege artillery and engineers were appointed. Lieutenant- Colonel von Scheliha, of the general staff, formerly of the artiller^^, acted as chief of the staff for the former; and Lieutenant-Colonel von Waugenheim, from the War Office, for the latter. Six field officers of the artillery were appointed commanders of sections, and 20 engineer officers were told off for duty in their own depart- ment before Strasburg. The siege army was, altogether, nearly 60,000 strong. The headquarters (Lieutenant-General von Werder) were fixed in Mundolsheim for the siege artillery, and for the business of the engineers. The division of the Grand Duchy of Baden had its headquarters in Oberschaffelsheim and in Lampertsheim, where 42 was the residence of H.K.H. the Grand Duke of Baden, who followed the progress of the siege with great interest. From the accurate knowledge the besiegers possessed of the whole of the fortress, the selection of the front of attack was not difficult. The north-west angle of the enceinte was decided upon for the puriDOse. Its position was so salient that a comparatively- narrow front of attack was admissible, and this front could be de- veloped on ground almost entirely clear of inundations. The parks were placed near excellent roads and other means of communica- tion with the depots in rear. Thus all movements of the siege stores to a flank, which would have caused waste of time, were avoided. The citadel had already been terribly injured, during, the investment and bombardment, by the batteries at Kehl, and, moreover, was of little use on the front selected for attack, so that enfilade-fire on the attack from thence, or from the adjoining- works, was little to be dreaded. The difficulties to be met with in gaining possession of the ramparts, or in entering tlie fortress, on the front in question, would also have been experienced in a greater or less degree on all the other fronts. The siege park was situated on the right, the powder magazine on the left, of the highroad, north of Mundolsheim ; the engineer park was in Suffelsweierheim. On the night of the 29th-30th August, the first parallel was opened, and at the same time the approaches to it from the rear were made. The working party was furnished by the 1st and 2nd landwehr regiments of the guard and the pioneer battalions, so far as the latter were not required for supervision and other technical duties. The parallel rested with its left flank on the 111, crossed the road leading from Strasburg to Schiltigheim and Weissenburg, . and the railways to Paris and Basle — the latter line, as it happened, by the over-bridge to Wasselonne — and was thence continued to the south-western outlet of Konigshofen. It ex- tended, therefore, beyond the groimd covered by the attack, by almost half its total length, which amounted to 5,700 paces.* The distance of the parallel from the fortress was, on the average, 800 paces ; and this was a very favourable circumstance, in com- parison with the siege of Sebastopol, where the besiegers were obliged to execute the same work at a distance of over 1,600 paces from the works. The communications in rear, from the principal depot, were constructed in a zigzag form, with five returns, and occupied the ground between the highroad to Weissenburg and the railway to Paris. They were nearly in the centre of the attack. Some short trenches of communication were also made on the left flank, to connect with the village of Schiltigheim, which was very conveniently situated for the approach on this side. The covering troops were posted, and the working parties marched to and fro, in accordance with instructions given for these * About 4,700 yards. 43 purposes, so far as local circumstances did not require a departure from the instructions. During- the first night the parallel and the communications from the rear were excavated to a depth of 4 feet and a breadth of 3 feet at the bottom, and this section was widened, in the course of the 30th August, to 8 or 9 feet at the bottom. Thus the breadth required for the trenches, as communications, was obtained, and sufficient thickness was also given to the parapet. The parallel was in many places cut into steps for offensive movements. Three engineer depots were also formed, one for the centre and one for each flank, as shown in the plan. The enemy permitted all the works to be executed without interruption. It was not till 6 a.m. on the morning of the 30th August, that some unusual movements were observed on the ramparts, but at this time there were already ten new batteries, with 46 additional siege-guns in action. These were batteries Nos. 14 to 17, Nos. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 25. The bombarding batteries Nos. 1 to 13 also continued in action, so that there were firing at this time 30 long rifled 24-pounders, 42 rifled 12-pounders, 28 heavy mortars. altogether 100 pieces of siege ordnance. The enemy was evidently taken by surprise at the execution of the siege-works mentioned, and was unprepared for them. This was apparent from the batteries of the attack being slackly answered. These were, however, in a position to enfilade and counter-batter the principal lines of the front attacked and of the adjoining fronts, and to do serious damage to the enemy in the temporary works thrown up before the siege. By their united efforts the batteries of the besiegers succeeded in silencing the artillery of the garrison in a very short time. On account of their great distance from the works, however, some of the bombarding batteries constructed early in the siege (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12) ceased fire in the course of the day. During the fore and afternoon of the 30th August, the artillery of the garrison, after completing the armament of the front of attack, were able to renew the fight for a couple of hours. Both times, however, they were quickly silenced. On this day and on the 31st August, the parallels and approaches were first brought to the section necessary for efficiency, and were completed. It became necessary, on this and on the following days, to drive out the French posted in some rifle-pits on Wacken, an island covered with bushes formed by the Aar, a branch of the 111, and by the 111. September 1. — During the night between the 31st August and the 1st September the approaches to the second parallel were commenced. They consisted of only a simple trench on the left wing, and three zigzags directed on the capitals of the bastions attacked. In consequence of this the outposts were proportionately 44 advanced. At the same time batteries Nos. 27 and 28 were built and armed. The enemy displayed great activity during the night, and towards morning commenced a vigorous fire of artillery. The fire was particularly heavy on the north front. The engineer lieadquarters were transferred from Mundolsheim to Schiltigheim. The batteries of attack, we may liere mention, were placed partly inside and partly outside the parallels and com- munications. In both cases, however, they were so covered that they were either not at all, or only slightly, visible from the fortress itself. Those for guns were provided for the most part with flat or trough-shaped embrasures. September 2. — During the night of September lst-2nd, the zigzag approaches to tlie second parallel were executed, and were made in two separate parts, because it was desired to spare the churchyard of St. Helene, with its monuments. Lieutenant- Colonel von Gayl and Captain Hertzberg, both of the engineers, were killed as they were in the act of endeavouring to improve the defective position of a part of the second parallel, which was too close to the enemy's works. The former was on duty as major of the trenches. The work was not quite completed when, on the night of September 2nd-3rd, about 12 o'olock, a brisk fire of artillery and infantry commenced from the fortress, and was fol- lowed immediately by two sorties against both flanks of the parallel. The French advanced with three columns against the right wing in the direction of Vendenheim, and attacked the company of the 2nd Baden grenadiers (King of Prussia's), who were holding the outer buildings of the railway-station. A severe engagement en- sued, so that the commandant of the trenches, Colonel von Renz, had to bring up the 1st battalion of the regiment above named, who were on trench-duty, and drive back the enemy, who was superior in numbers, into the fortress, Captain Grraeff was killed, and the troops lost 50 killed and wounded, chiefly in retreating into the trenches. The 2nd company distinguished itself very much in this engage- ment. In the sortie delivered against the left flank of the parallel at half-past 3 in the morning, the French sent three columns over the islands of Jars and Wacken, where outhouses and plantations afforded much cover, and then fell upon the 2nd battalion of the 30th Prussian regiment, by whom they were repulsed. The loss of the Prussians amounted to one officer (Lieutenant von Versen) wounded and taken prisoner, and thirty men. A French officer and four chassem-s were taken prisoners. In these sorties the want of a greater number of steps over the parapet for counter-attacks was experienced. Eain coming on made the work in the trenches exceedingly heavy. The besiegers had now got so near the fortress that wall-pieces could be used with advantage, for which purpose wall-piece detachments were formed of both Prussian and Baden troops, and were employed to keep up a fire on the enemy's gunners. The French fired for a similar purpose with wall-pieces, chassepots, and minie-rifles. September 3. — Extension of parallels, and construction and 45 completion of batteries 16a, 17a, 19a, 21a, 29, and 30. In the early morning there was a slight engagement at the outposts, in which the besiegers lost eight wounded. In the forenoon there was a cessation of hostilities for an hour, for burying the dead in the fortress. At Schiltigheim the castle-like monastery was converted into a hospital. Two new kinds of siege ordnance arrived at the park — namely, twelve short-rifled 24-pounders, and two rifled 2o-pounder mortars. They threw projectiles of enormous jDower with great accuracy. September 4. — The engineer headquarters were transferred back again to Mundolsheim for official reasons. Intelligence arrived of the capitulation of Sedan, which was communicated to the governor of the fortress, in order to make him aware of the military and political condition of France resulting from that event. A thanksgiving service was held by the siege corps, and three saluting rounds per gun were fired by the artillery, in honour of the occasion. September 5. — The siege continued its course without any events worthy of remark. During the previous night, as well as in the course of the day, the enemy attacked with small detach- ments, to interrupt the progress of battery No. 33, the mortar batteries 31 and 32, and the other trench works. September 6. — At Schiltigheim a line of telegraph, serving apparently for commimication with Metz, was discovered and destroyed. Subsequently, however, it was believed that it had served for private and local uses. The batteries of the attack kept up a very heavy fire, and the fine ' Finkmatt ' barracks, behind the bastion of the same name, where Napoleon III. had made an attempt at insurrection in 1839, were set on fire by shells. In Bischheim, also, a conflagration was caused by the fire of the artillery of the garrison. The Kehl batteries kept up a heavy fire on the citadel and destroyed the city gate there, and by this means the communication with the town and w^itli its defences was rendered exceedingly difficult. September 7. — In the morning there was an engagement of the patrols on the Ehine, in which a detachment of the 3rd (Baden) regiment took part. Another detachment captured at Machern, one-and-a-half leagues above Kehl, two vessels comino- from Neu-Breisach with stores for the supply of the artillery', including 30,000 fuzes. The boatmen in charge of the vessels were compelled to discharge their cargoes, on account of the low level of the water in the Ehine, and had set to work to do this without precaution. September 8. — During the past night, battery No. 35 had been armed with two 21-centimetre (8'27-inch) mortars, which was a work of much difficulty, as they weighed nearly 150 cwt. — namely, the piece itself about 66 cwt., and the platform about 84 cwt. These experimental mortars throw a shell weighing 160 pounds, shaped like a sugarloaf, and 20 inches in length, with a 15-pound bursting charge, which forms by its explosion a crater 6 feet deep 46 and 20 feet across. They are, therefore, very effective against bombproof casemates. They were used in combination with battery No. 5 against the redoubt in kmette No. 4-4, which work was in consequence soon abandoned by the enemy. At the same time batteries 39 and 38, and two emplacements for field-guns to fire over the ground in front, were built ; and a battery (No. 40), for firing at high angles near the churchyard of St. Helene, was constructed, and armed with six 25-pounder mortars. September 9. — The birthday of H.R.H. the Grand Duke of Baden, kept in time of peace with a grand reveille, thanksgiving, and tattoo, was celebrated by an unusually heavy cannonade, on the part of the besiegers, from both sides of the Ehine. Besides the 32 rifled guns and 8 mortars in the Kehl batteries, there were in the principal attack 98 rifled guns and 40 mortars in action. By the admirable arrangement of the artillery attack, for the mutual support and concentration of fire from the various batteries, that of the enemy was almost silenced. It slackened perceptibly, and on the fronts and lines directly attacked, a rapid mortar-fire only was maintained. In Paris a despatch was published, ostensibly from the governor of the fortress, according to which the condition of the place had in the last few days become very seriously worse, owing to the incessant bombardment ; it has not transpired how the despatch in question found its way to Paris under the circum- stances then existing. September 10.— During the night of the 9th-10th, work was begun in three places at the communications to the third parallel, and a sortie of the French from the porte Nationale was repulsed by the 2nd (Baden) regiment. The use of the Stein Thor (porte de la Pierre), which lay so close to the attack, was rendered altogether unavailable for making sorties, because it, as well as the bridges at that place, had been entirely destroyed by the fire of the artillery. In the town several, large conflagrations were observed. September 11. — During the preceding night the approaches to the third parallel, on the three openings that had been made, were pushed forward about 300 paces. The artillery fire on both sides was heavy. There was a fire at the artillery school, and also in Konigshofen. Breaching battery No. 8 was constructed against lunette No. 53, and was armed with four short 24-pounders. Septeinber 12. — During the previous night the third parallel was added, 700 paces in length, which was executed by means of the common sap,* without using gabions, as had been all the earlier works of this description. It deserves to be prominently noticed that the establishment of the third parallel and the com- munications between the second and third parallels by the common sap, instead of the full sap prescribed for their execution in the regulations, shortened the attack by many days ; and this * The ' common sap ' is not what is so called in the English Service, but the mode of execution adopted by us for the first parallel. 47 arrangement, previously unrecorded in military history, was due entirely to the Engineer-in-Chief, Greneral von Martens. The garrison attempted a sortie, which produced no effect, and was of no importance. At the same time battery 8a was constructed, and armed with four oO-pounder mortars, against bastion No. 11, on the front of attack, which was also shelled by battery 35. At break of day the fire of the artillery was resumed, and kept up most vigorously. The position of the third parallel was such that it skirted the foot of the glacis of lunette 53, while it was some 60 paces distant from the foot of lunette 52. A kind of demi- parallel was required to connect the two glacis, at their feet, for which purpose a sap had to be driven forward from the third parallel towards lunette 52. Further approaches could no longer be made by zigzags. The double sap {Traversensappe) was necessary to give the additional cover required on both sides. Breaching battery No. 42 was erected, for six short 24- pounders, against the right face of bastion No. 11. The Swiss, with the consent of the governor of the fortress, and of the commander of the siege corps, made arrange- ments for the departm'e of distressed families. Nearly 800 per- sons left the fortress, with the greatest goodwill on the part of the besiegers. September 13. — During the previous bright moonlight night, the work at the double sap was continued with sap-rollers {Erdioalze). The fire of the fortress reached as far as Mittelhausbergen, more than a league (about 4,600 yards) from the place, and set that village on fire. In the com'se of the day an exchange was effected of an unwounded French officer, who was a prisoner, for a wounded Prussian officer, who was also a prisoner — Lieutenant von Yersen, of the 30th regiment. Detachments of Baden infantry occupied the island of Sporen, at the south-east of the fortress ; they made rifle-pits there, and endeavoured to establish communication with the Prussian troops . posted at their right on the Roberstaue, for which purpose a bridge was thrown over the branch of the Rliine. September 14. — On the night of September 13th-14th the demi-parallel was completed, and was broken through for a return to the front ; this could only be made by a double sap, executed by means of sap-rollers. At the same time batteries 41 and 43 were built, and manned by the "SViirtemberg artillery. The former was armed with four 12-poLmders, and the latter with eight 24-pounders, for firing against the adjoining fronts. Then fol- lowed the establishment of mortar-emplacements Nos. 45 and 46, against the outworks lying near them, as well as the construction of 'dismounting battery' No. 44. An indirect breaching battery. No. 42, was built to operate against the right face of bastion 11, and armed with four short 24-pounders. A detachment of Baden troops, consisting of 4 battalions, 8 squadrons, and 3 batteries, under the command of Greneral Keller, was sent from the siege corps to Upper Alsace. It marched by Colmar to Miihlhauseu, was attacked by the garrison of Neu-Breisach and some gardes mobiles, and, in compliance with orders, effected the disarmament of the district, in which signs of a popular rising had appeared. 48 Septemhev 15. — During- the previous night the glacis was crowned by the flying sap for 50 jDaces along each face of lunette No. 53. A second time the Frencli made an attempt to occupy the island of Sporen in force. This day they endeavoured to effect this object by a sortie in force, apparently with 1,600 men, accom- panied by artillery, who, after a combat of some duration, were driven back. At first there were only two Baden companies opposed to the French, but these, during the fight, were reinforced by Prussian detachments, and drove back the enemy, who left behind them killed, wounded, and prisoners. In Strasburg the want of provisions, especially among the poorer classes of the population, began to be felt seriously, and arrangements were made for sheltering those whose houses had been burnt in sheds built for horses. At the pressing instance of the clergy of both persuasions there was an armistice from 9 till 12 in the forenoon, to allow 500 or 600 women and children to depart from the besieged city. September 16. — On the night of the 15th-16th the crowning of the glacis, by flying sap, in front of lunette 52, was begun. At Appenweier, a railway-station, 2 miles (9^ English miles) from Kehl, preparations were made for the repair of the lattice-bridge over the Ehine, which had been destroyed, restoring it, in the first instance, for one line only. The flying-bridge at Ichenheim, about 2^ leagues above Kehl, was also kept ready to be brought down to that place. September \1 . — On this night the crownings in front of lunettes 52 and 53 were prepai-ed for action, and the artillery displayed, on this occasion, extraordinary activity. Batteries 17a, 19a, 21a were made in front of the second parallel, and Nos. 17b, 19b, 21b were made in connection with them. Batteries Nos. 46, 47, 48, 5a (all batteries for firing at high angles) were built, and armed with light and heavy mortars. Captain Ledebur, of the Engineers, with two resolute pioneers (sappers), had on the night of the 8th-9th September reconnoitred lunette 53. Letting them- selves down by ropes into the ditch, they discovered three mining- galleries of the enemy, of which the entrances were just above the surface of the water in the ditch. One principal gallery was found on the centre line of the work, and one gallery on each side of it. All three were connected by parallel galleries, and formed in the customary manner. This system of mines being- discovered, was given up by the enemy. Only one mine had been loaded, and that was now unloaded. The gallery, on the right of the capital, was converted by working from the third parallel into an underground communication with the ditch of the work, and by the 14th September was made use of as a secure place of observation for watching the effect of the indirect breaching batteries on the right face. Inforrnation was thus obtained that the breach was quite practicable on the 16th September. This was not the only application of indirect fire to the formation of a breach, for it had, as we have seen, been attended by the best re- 49 suits from battery 33, against the redoubt of lunette 44, and against a covered dam at the Fischerthor, between bastion 15 and ravelin 63. In the evening detachments of the 3rd and 6th regiments of Baden infantry repulsed an attack attempted by the French on the island of Sporen. September 18. — On the previous night the fortress was bom- barded with increased vigour. An advance was made into the covered way of lunette 52, and the redoubt in the place (Varmes was found to be abandoned by the enemy. The descent into the ditch in front of lunette 53 was excavated during the night, and at intervals by day, and the timber-work was then commenced. The field telegraph was brought up to the third parallel, and the whole of the siege-works put in connection with it. This was its first application in siege operations. Septeraber 19. — In the night progress was made with the construction of the descent into the ditch in front of lunette 52. Lieutenant Kirchgessner, of the engineers of the Grand Duchy of Baden, was killed. The theatre in Strasburg became a prey to the flames. The bombardment reached all parts of the city, and destroyed a timber-yard in the citadel, and two of the largest and finest houses on the Steinstrasse, by fire. Immediately on completion of the crownings in front of the two lunettes, the artillery went on with the construction of counter-batteries, Nos. 51, 53, 54, and armed them each with two 6-pounder guns. September 20. — In front of lunette 53 the descent of the ditch was finished, and the foot of the counterscarp was blown in by . a mine. The breach thus caused was widened to 1 2 feet, and made practicable. The debris of the wall, however, only filled up part of the ditch, and about 3 rods (36 feet) of its breadth re- mained to be filled up to complete the passage of the ditch. This was done by throwing in filled sandbags and earth, and fascines and gabions loaded with stones. Towards 5 p.m. this task was completed, and a passage to the work was made practicable, about 60 feet long, 18 feet wide, and 4 feet to 8 feet deep in water. Accordingly, the guard of the trenches that happened to be at hand, consisting of some men of the Cottbus landwehr battalion of the guard, under Lieutenant von Miiller, of the fusiliers of the guard, advanced, ascended the breach that had been made in the 18-foot escarp, and effected a lodgment on it. The work was abandoned by the enemy, but the interior was seen from the works lying beliiud it. Lieutenant Frobenius, of the engi- neers, reconnoitred the interior of the lunette. He found the gorge open, a great traverse, with two vaulted passages, erected on the centre line or capital of the work, and some guns. The abandoned guns were spiked by the artillery; and the jjioneers (engineers) having found nowhere any mines for its demolition, the interior of the lunette was occupied. The enemy hereupon opened a brisk mus- ketry fire, from which the new garrison endeavoured to cover themselves as best they could. At night the 3rd company of the 34th fusiliers formed the garrison. A pioneer company, under 36996. E 50 the command of Captain Ledebur, effectually closed in the work by the construction of covered communications to the lodg- ment in the gorge, with a parapet facing the enceinte. Mortar- batteries 49 and 50, against the adjoining works, as well as gun- battery 55, were built. In the captured lunette. No. 53, a 7-poun- der mortar-battery. No. 56, was erected. September 21. — Greneral Keller's detachment, that had been sent to Upper Alsace, rejoined the siege corps before Strasburg. Night and day work was carried on at the descent of the ditch in front of lunette 52, from the entrance down to the bottom, and many reliefs were employed, so as to finish the work as quickly as possible. The slopes were revetted with gabions, and iron rails, properly supported at the ends, were used in its construction. The breach through the earthen counterscarp to the wet ditch was filled up during the day with gabions, sandbags, &c. At 8 o'clock in the evening preparations were commenced for the passage of the ditch. This was to be effected by means of a bridge of casks, 120 feet long, constructed under the charge of Captain Andriae, of the engineers. To prevent noise the bridge was covered with straw, and its construction was completed about half-past 10 o'clock. A working party of 100 men, under the command of First-Lieutenant von Keiser I., of the engineers, followed by two companies of the 34th fusiliers, crossed over, and found the lunette armed with some guns, but unoccupied. Fire was opened upon them, however, from the line of works in rear, namely, the counterguard, and the hornwork 47-49; but, though they suf- fered mncli loss, the work was pushed on with great energy, and the contemplated lodgment in the works was effected. Major von Quitzow, of the staff of the engineers (major of the trenches on duty), was killed. Captain Eoese, of the engineers, had charge of the works for closing the lunette, which consisted of a lodg- ment behind the palisades at the gorge, and a communication leading into it. Inside the lunette four 7-pounder mortars were subsequently placed, and it was called battery 57. The loss amounted on this night to 10 killed and 38 wounded. During the day the bombardment was extended to all parts of the town. The prefecture was bm-nt down, and the fire in the Steinstrasse continued its ravages. September 22. — During the past night the cannonade never stopped, and the bursting of shells in the city was incessant, causing much loss of life, and making everywhere sad havoc. Lunette 52 was captured; with it six 12-pounders, with their proportion of ammunition, fell into the hands of the besiegers. On the crowning a 6-pounder was placed opposite the left face of the work. The losses of the last few days had made it necessary to advance the field hospitals ( Verband pUitze). They were made bombproof by the use of railway metals, and for some of them Abyssinian wells were sunk. September 23. — During the past night the besiegers, making use of a dam that happened to be there, debouched from the gorge of lunette 52, by means of the double sap, towards the 51 siimmit of the glacis of coimterguard al. At this point Captain Ledebur, of the Prussian Engineers, was wounded ; he died of this wound some weeks later. All honour and respect is due to this officer for his gallant conduct. He it was who, by a bold advance, discovered the mines in front of lunette 53, and who swam through the ditch in front of lunette 52 to reconnoitre the gorge of that work. On the same night a powder-magazine, which had been struck simultaneously by two French shells, blew up in battery No. 35. In another battery (No. 32,) the roof of the magazine was broken through. In the former case 5 cwt. of powder went off, and blew to pieces the gunner who was employed in the magazine. It was evident from this, that the bridge of casks leading to lunette 52, built on the night of the 21st and 22nd, would not last long. In the course of the day it was disabled by the shells of the enemy. It was accordingly sunk on the following night to the bottom of the ditch, filled up with fascines, sandbags, and gabions, and remained thus a secure means of crossing the ditch. As it was exposed to an uninterrupted flanking fire from lunettes 54 and 55, a parapet was made on the left side, of gabions in two rows, one above the other, filled with sandbags. Breaching battery No. 42 commenced firing against the right face of bastion 11. September 24. -During the previous night, breaching battery No. 5S^ for four short 24-pounders, was built opposite the left face of bastion 12, and opened fire in the morning. The double sap, which had been commenced inside the dam leading to lunette 52 from the rear, was pushed forward as far as the crest of the glacis of bastion 11, where it terminated in a traverse that was met with, and which was prepared for defence by infantrv', by cutting a banquette in it. Destruction by fire and ruin of every description continually increased in the city ; the citizens were wounded and killed, by shrapnel and shells, in the streets, in their houses, at any business they undertook. One of the 21- centimetre (8'27-inch) shells passed through three storeys into the cellar of a house, destroying everything in its way. September 25. — In lunette 53, battery No. 60 was erected, for three rifled 6-pounders. A complete breach was formed in bastion 11. September 26. — A complete breach was formed in bastion No. 12. Bastions 11 and 12 were reduced to shapeless ruins by the fire directed on them, and at the salient of the latter bastion an arched gam-casemate was entirely destroyed. The arch of the Steinthor was shot to pieces. The construction of the crowning in front of the counterguard of bastion 1 1 was continued by the engineers. So remarkable were the exertions of the artillery, that it is only right to make special mention of the energy and endurance which these troops this day displayed before Strasburg, and to which alone it is due, not only that the artillery of the defenders was so held in check, that at last they only ventured to come out at nighty E 2 52- but also that the engineer attack, conducted with measures as well considered as they were excellent and vigorous, attained its object in so short a time. The various descriptions of guns which the artillery had in use before Strasburg were long 24-pounder, short 24-pounder5 12-pounder and 6-pounder guns ; 21 -centimetre, 50-pounder, 25-pounder, and 7-pounder mortars. Altogether 193,722 shot and shell were fired, of which 162,600 were fired from 197 Prussian pieces of artillery, and 31,112 from Baden artillery. Every day a train of thirty-two wagons was required to bring up ammunition. During the bombardment and the siege, on the average 1,200 cwt. of metal (iron and lead) was thrown into the fortress daily. At the time that most of the artillery were in action — that is to say, approximately, during the last three weeks of the siege — the fortress received,at the ordinary rate of fire, some 6,000 projectiles during the 24 hours, and of these each one exploded separately. Wall-pieces, served by some particularly good marksmen of the Baden division, were made use of from the beginning of the siege. Wall-piece detachments were formed, and posted in the most advanced trenches, in order that they might 023erate against particular guns of the enemy. Septeinher 27. — On this day the defence was almost entirely silent, and only now and then gave signs of life. But, though this was the case, all were surprised and astonished when, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, white flags were seen to wave on the cathedral, and on bastions 11 and 12. At the same time, a flag of truce announced that the governor wished to treat for the surrender of the fortress. September 28. — At 2 a.m. the terms of capitulation were agreed upon at Kouigshofen, and the principal points were as follows : — "Article 1. — At 8 a.m. on the 28th September, 1870, Lieu- tenant-Greneral Uhrich evacuates the citadel, the Austerlitz, Fischer, and National gates. At the same time the German troops occupy these places. " Article 2. — At 11 o'clock on the same day the P'rench gar- rison, including mobiles and national guards, evacuate the fortress and lay down their arms. " Article 3. — The troops of the line and gardes mobiles become prisoners of war, and march off with their baggage. The national guards and the franc-tireurs are free on specified conditions, and give up their arms at the mayoralty. " Article 4. — The officers and officials ranking as non-com- missioned officers depart to such residences as they may select, on a written engagement ' upon honour.' Those who do not do so, go with the garrison as prisoners of war to Germany. " Article 5. — Lieutenant-General Uhrich undertakes, imme- diately after the arms are laid do\yn, to hand over all military property, and the public chest." This capitulation was signed, on the part of the Germans, by Lieutenant-Colonel von Lescinsky, chief of the general staff, 53 and Captain and Adjutant Count Henckel von Donnersmarck ; and on the part of the French by the commandant of Strasburg-, Colonel Ducasse, and by Lieutenant-Colonel Mangin, sub-director of artillery. It was ratified by Lieutenant-Creneral von Werder. The Germans received into their hands, in consequence of this capitulation, 451 officers, 17,111 men (including 7,000 national guards), and some 2,000 sick, 1,843 horses, more than 1,200 pieces of bronze ordnance, 3,000 cwt. of powder, 12,000 chassepot rifles, 50 locomotives, and great quantities of other warlike stores. The prisoners of war were sent to Rastatt. In accordance with Article 2 of the capitulation, detachments of the siege corps of all arms were posted during the morning between the roads leading to Zabern and to Konigshofen, while the French marched out between lunette 44 and redoubt 37. The march-past of the latter was commenced by Lieutenant-General Uhrich, followed by General Barral, of tlie artillery, and Admiral Exelmann, who was to have commanded the Rliine flotilla. The troops marched at first in their ranks, but afterwards in disorder. They defiled past Lieutenant-General von Werder, in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Duke of Baden. In Strasburg both Lieutenant-General L^hrich and the pre- fect had issued proclamations to the citizens, in which they ex- pressed their sympathy with the hard lot of the inhabitants during the siege, and their confidence that they would accept the new state of affairs worthily and peaceably. September 29. — The taking over of the property, barracks, &c. continued. The commimications destroyed were repaired and opened, especially the bridges and gateways of the fortress. September 30 — being the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen, and a day to be remembered after the occupation of Strasburg for 200 years by the French troops — the entry of the siege army corps took place, with Lieutenant-General von Werder at its head. This event was celebrated by a thanksgiving service in the church of St. Thomas. The siege cost the garrison some 2,000 men killed and wounded, the civil population some 400 or 500 persons, and the besieging army 43 officers, and 863 men killed and wounded. Without making any imputation on the military honour of the brave and worthy governor, but looking at the matter in a purely military aspect, it is a fact that the time for capitulation had not arrived. More light will probably be thrown on this point hereafter. The want of discipline was no doubt one cause of disaster for the defence, but it is nevertheless certain that even a better garrison could not have held out mucli longer. For to remain on the ramparts under the incessant cannonade was almost impossible ; a breach had been effected, the citadel was almost destroyed, the entrance gateway of the city was shot to pieces. Under these circumstances, and as there was no flanking fire along the bottom of the ditches, an attempt to storm the fortress was almost sure of success. The capitulation, at all events, had the effect of preventing one or more assaults, which would have 54 entailed more bloodshed and serious loss of life. The capture of Strasburg was of decided military importance for the prosecution of the war, but it was of far greater moment politically. The German city of Strashurg had surrendered to us, had again become German, and ivoidd, it ivas hoped, long remain so. In a few years the city, heavily though it suffered by the war — for its losses have been publicly estimated to amount to 50,800,000 francs (£2,032,000) — will flourish again, and its wounds, which we inflicted with heavy hearts, will be healed. PAPYflCT/P£ S.M.C 55 «CHLETTSTADT. (plate VIII.) ScHLETTSTADT, a fortress of the second class — which indicates, however, only its present relative position — is situated on the 111, not far from the small affluent the Griesen, and consists of eight tolerably regular bastions, constrvicted on Vauban's principles in ] 673. Most of the bastions are provided with ravelins of the form of small lunettes. Nine similar works are placed in the re-enter- ing angles at the foot of the glacis, and of these one on the north and one on the south front respectively, are advanced farther into the country. These works are obviously intended to bring the ground in front under a cross-fire, and to keep the works of a besieger at a distance from the enceinte, for which piu'pose they have been constructed with a low profile, so that their fire may be as grazing as possible. There are no other outworks, except a redoubt raised in the inundated ground to the south of the fortress. Most of the bastions have orillons to protect the retired flanks, and some of them have cavaliers seeing far over the country. The curtains are broken. The fortress contains three powder-magazines, an arsenal, and several barracks. The last-named buildings are not bombproof. Three gates, each covered by one of the ravelins, lead respectively to Colmar, Strasburg, and Neu-Breisach. The important highroad from Strasburg to Colmar passes by the fortress, 300 paces to the westward ; 400 paces farther to the west is the railroad between Belfort, Basle, and Strasburg. The 111, always full of water, can be made use of, by means of a well-pro- tected sluice near the Gate of Breisach, for inundating the ground to the south of the fortress, which is partly meadow-land and partly marsh. Several branches of the stream are also avail- able for this purpose. At the same time part of the ditches of the fortress can be supplied with water. The strategic object of Schlettstadt is to command the railway leading to Belfort and Besanpon, the highroad already mentioned, at the mouth of the populous and industrious Vosges valley of St. Marie-aux-Mines, through which pass the railway and road to Luneville. During the war it served for the numerous bands of franc-tireurs, who hung about Upper Alsace, as a place of as- sembly, of which it was necessary to deprive them. The passage of the Vosges here had the advantage that it was never closed by snowdrifts, as happens frequently with most of the mountain- passes thereabouts. It will be remembered, that on the 14th September a detach- 56 ment, composed of troops of the Grand Duchy of Baden — consist- ing of four battalions, eight squadrons, three batteries, and a pioneer detachment — under the command of Greneral Keller, was ordered from the Strasburg siege corps to disarm Upper Alsace, disperse the franc-tireurs, and prevent the organisation of a popu- lar war in that quarter. A detachment of Baden troops, with the same objects, had in the beginning of September already won a victory at Markirch. This mission led also to a reconnaissance being undertaken against Schlettstadt, and in this way trustworthy information was obtained with regard to the garrison and the state of preparation of the fortress. Tlie preparations were fully completed ; the rayon was clear of cover, and the glacis of timber, while the country round was placed under water. The conviction was arrived at, that the fortress was not to be taken by a sudden attack, and it was thought sufficient at the time to break the telegraphic communication with Colmar, and to destroy the railway by blowing up some bridges. The fortress was also observed more completely than before, and was occasionally shelled with iield- guns, after an unavailing demand to surrender had been made to the commandant (Count von Reinach), on the strength of the events that had taken place at Sedan. Meanwhile in the neighbourhood of Freiburg, in Breisgau, on the right (the German) bank of the Rhine, the formation of the 4th Prussian reserve division, under the command of Major-General von Schmeling, had been completed. It received orders, accordingly, to commence its military career with the cap- ture of the fortresses of Schlettstadt and Neu-Breisach. For this end the division crossed the Rhine, on the 1st and 2nd October, at Neuenburg, five leagues above Neu-Breisach, by means of ferry-boats, which had been in preparation for some time pre- viously, in consequence of the resistance of the French population in that quarter. In this state of affairs orders were given to invest Neu-Breisach at the same time. Action was chiefly, however, taken against Schlettstadt, as it was convenient to have the rear free, and to have direct communication with Strasburg, which was necessary in order to draw from thence siege-materiel of all descriptions, and especially heavy siege-guns. That part of the 4th reserve division which was told off for the closer investment of the fortress of Schlettstadt, consisted of battalions of the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 43rd, and 45th landwehr regi- ments, the 25th (1st Rhenish) regiment (which had just arrived from Schleswig, and was attached to the division), of two reserve field-batteries, and of one squadron each of the 1st East Prussian and the 3rd reserve ulan regiments. These troops, on the 9th October, went into cantonments close round the fortress. After the Com- mandant of the fortress had rejected, offliand, the demand to surrender, with the words " mes conditions seront les canons," steps were at once taken for bringing from Strasburg the necessary materials for the siege — guns, brushwood, &c. — and the siege detach- ment was reinforced by the 11th garrison company of artillery. 57 and four garrison pioneer companies — viz., two Prussian and one Bavarian company, and one company of the Grand Duchy of Baden. The siege artillery was placed under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel von Scheliha, and Lieutenant-Colonel .Sander, of the engineer staff, directed the works of the siege. On the night of the 19th-20th October a battery was con- structed against the east front of the fortress, on the other side of the inundated ground, and was armed with four rifled 1 2-pounders. This battery opened fire on the morning of the 20th October, and had to maintain a fight alone, for three days, against nine guns of the fortress. The south-west front was selected for the attack, because the groimd there was beyond the limits of the inundation, and was such that the trenches might be expected to be dry. The latter was an advantage not to be despised. Headquarters during the bombardment were in Kiihnheim. On the night of the 22nd-23rd October, the first parallel, with communications to tlie rear, was thrown up by the common saj^*' opposite the south-west front. It was at a distance of only 700 paces from the fortress, and though it was so close, and the night was clear and quiet, it was not observed by the enemy. This shows how poorly they did their duty, for they seem to have altogether omitted to send out night-patrols over the ground in front of the works. The trench-work was commenced as night fell, and was very difficult, on account of the rocky nature of the soil ; the few shells and case, which towards morning were fired from the fortress, went much too far, and occasioned the loss of only three men. At the same time that these trenches were put in hand, the con- struction of six separate siege-batteries was commenced ; and on the morning of the 23rd they were armed with -1:4 guns in all — namely, 12 rifled 24-pounders, 20 rifled 1 2-pounders, and 12 heavy mortars — and forthwith opened fire. The fire was directed chiefly against the gates within reach, the works, and the military buildings. Unavoidably, however, some of tlie townspeople's houses were also set in flames. The artillery of the garrison brought into action some 30 guns. The activity which they displayed in replacing the numerous guns that were dismounted, and in adding to and altering the emplacements for guns, deserves recognition. However, the injuries done by the siege-batteries to the guns of the garrison were considerable, and it was barely possible for them to remain on the ramparts. The Colmar gate, with its drawbridges, was shot to pieces. Under these circumstances it was not surprising that the fire of the garrison should gradually slacken, wliile the besiegers, on the night of the 23rd-24th October, kept up theirs successfully, and with ever-increasing effect. On the 24th October, about 9 a.m., the French hung out the white flag on the cathedral and on some of the works, and in con- sequence Major von Kretschman, of the general staff, was sent into the fortress, to commence negotiations for a surrender. The governor desired an armistice for 24 hours, which was, however, * See note p. 4G. 58 only granted to him until 2.30 in the afternoon. There is no doubt that tlie state of affairs in the fortress materially hastened the conclusion of a capitulation. In consequence of the damage by fire caused by the siege-batteries, as mentioned above, to the buildings of the town, the townspeople were urgent for a surrender ; but of still more importance was the demoralised condition of the garrison, among whom there was no longer any discipline. The want of trained artillerymen, who were scarcely sufficient for two reliefs, and (as at Strasburg) the entire absence of any detachment of engineers, were undoubtedly most disadvantageous to the defence. Soldierlike spirit and military discipline had been alike irrecover- ably lost ever since the place had been first invested. It could not otherwise have happened that a detachment of 300 gardes mobiles, who had been sent on a reconnaissance to some distance from the fortress, never came back again, but preferred to go home, and there willingly allowed themselves to be disarmed by some Baden troops, without offering any resistance. In fact, on the day of the capitulation, the garrison were for the most part drunk, and em- ployed in pillaging, and had thrown off all discipline. Some of them actually set fire to private houses, and went about with the intention of blowing up the powder-magazines. While the French officers were endeavoviring to prevent this, the governor tliought proper, contrary to his instructions and to the custom of war, to leave the fortress, and continue the negotia- tions outside the gates within range of the besiegers' forces, and under these circumstances brought them, at any rate, to a rapid conclusion. The capitulation was not even ratified by the general in command, but, as a precaution against greater mishaps, three Prussian battalions marched into the fortress, to prevent further excesses of the French garrison, and chiefly to protect the threatened powder-magazines, which were pointed out in detail by Colonel Pinot, commanding the artillery. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon the capitulation was concluded, and an hour later the fortress was evacuated by the garrison of 100 officers and 2,000 men of the different arms, including gardes • mobiles, who were made prisoners of war. In consequence of an order proceeding from headquarters, the officers did not, as in previous capitula- tions, have the option granted to them of going away free on parole. The booty consisted chiefly of 122 garrison guns, 50 of them rifled — of which 116 were mounted on the ramparts, but 24 had been dismounted — besides considerable stocks of tobacco, pro- visions, and stores of other descriptions. The damages done to private property by the bombardment were estimated at 2,500,000 francs (£100,000). On the 25th October, Major-General von Schmeling made his entry into the fortress. The occasion was celebrated by ringing the bells, and by holding an evangelical and catholic thanksgiving service. Plate. IX. Fapyroty-pe S.MK. 59 NEU-BREISACH. (plate IX.) Neu-Breisacii was at one time a model fortress of Marshal Vauban, and is built according to liis third system. It consists of a regular bastioned octagon, at the salients of which bastion-shaped towers have been erected. The ditches are dry, and swept by the fire of sunken works in front of the curtains, called ' tenailles', while the masonry of the bastions is protected from di- rect fire by large outworks or count erguards. In front of the eight tenailles are situated the same number of very spacious ravelins, which are thus placed, both to fire, generally, over the ground in front, and also to give a cross-fire over the space in front of the bastions. The roads to Colmar, Strasburg, Basle, and Belfort pass through the ravelins, so that the entrances, and the lines of the roads, are thoroughly swept by the fire of the guns. There are no outworks anywhere, except a small lunette built close to the foot of the glacis in front of the east face, and intended to flank the Rhone-Ehine canal. Fort Mortier, which played an important part in the bombardment of the place, lies about 2,000 paces from the fortress, towards which it faces. It serves apparently as a bridge-head, and is supported on the defences of Alt- Breisach, which have long since fallen into ruins. As it was situ- ated on the French bank of the river, and could be advantageously made use of for the defence of the ground between Neu-Breisach and the Rhine, and also to command the island there, which, with a flying-bridge, formed a means of communication with Alt-Brei- sach, it had, in spite of its advanced position, been maintained as a means of strengthening the fortress, and had been made securely defensible, by the addition of a suitable gorge, in the form of a bastioned front, on the side towards Grermany. The fortress had ample oasemated buildings and well-protected powder-magazines. More recently, its defensive strength had been increased by the construction of earthen traverses, and of shelter-casemates on the rampart, to afford cover for the guard of the ramparts and the men serving the guns. The Rlione-Rhine canal flows through the ground in front of the fortress, circles round the east front, and is of some use for the defence. A second canal, the canal de Vauban, flows round the west of the fortress, and connects the 111 with the Rhine-Rhone canal. The ground in front lies low everywhere, and is protected on the east by the banks of the Rhine, which are clothed with willow plan- tations, and by the numerous islands, and on the west by the Kasten Wald. The surrounding country is divided, for defensive purposes, 60 into several sections by the features of the ground. The town, being purely a military fortress, is very regularly built, and ex- clusively of one-storied houses. It has only 3,500 inhabitants, most of them employed in the timber trade. Neu-Breisach had never before been besieged. The occupation of Neu-Breisach was necessary for the German forces, because the fortress bars the roads leading by Colmar, which is only a few miles distant, to Luneville, and also the Ehine-Ehone canal, and because, by its capture, the last stronghold in Upper Alsace — from which, moreover, operations could have been under- taken against the Baden Oberland — would be wrested from the French. The constant good fortune which had attended the Grerman arms since the beginning of the campaign had produced an ex- treme feeling of exasperation among the population of Upper Alsace, who, already prejudiced against everything German, had hitherto been spared the horrors of war. This feeling had especially taken root in the great manufacturing towns, Colmar and Mlihlhausen, and had been cherished by every means avail- able. Circumstances necessitated the closing of a great many of the manufactories. Terrorism was the result, and many thou- sand workmen, thus deprived of their daily bread, were placed in a most precarious position. It suited the purpose of the authori- ties to give to the public feeling a purely political colouring, in order to organise thoroughly a popular war, and for ttiis purpose to make use of Neu-Breisach as a central rallying- point for the movement. Partly on these accounts, and also to obtain more detailed information concerning the fortresses of Schlettstadt, and especially Neu-Breisach, which were then coming into notice, small reconnoitring parties were sent out at the beginning ot September, both from the force investing Strasburg, and from the German troops stationed in the Baden Oberland, who crossed the Rhine for the purpose. Finally, on the 14th Sep- tember, Baden patrols pushed their way close up to Breisach, and showed themselves in Arzenheim and Biesheim, to the north of the fortress, after crossing the Rhine between Diebolsheim and Kappel. In consequence of this, the bridge which crosses the Rhine at the custom-house, was blown up with gunpowder b}^ the garrison of Breisach. As has been already mentioned, in speaking of Strasburg and Schlettstadt, a detachment of the troops of the Grand Duchy of Baden, under the command of General Keller, marclied on the same day from the circle of investment of Strasburg for Upper Alsace, and with this object in view arrived on the 15th September at Colmar, on the 1 6th at Miihlhausen. On arriving at Colmar, they received exact intelligence that the commandant of Neu- Breisach was aware of this expedition, and would oppose General Keller's advance. To prevent this being done, an attempt was made on the part of the Germans to find the enemy, and in consequence a squadron of the 2nd regiment of Baden dragoons and the fusilier battalion of the 5th Baden regiment almost 61 immediately came into contact with them. On the loth this flanking column, which was intended to cover the further advance to Colmar, was involved in an engagement with the enemy, south of Kiinheim. The latter consisted of a party of gardes mobiles and a detachment of cavalry from the fortress, into which they were at once driven back. The Baden troops suffered only the small loss of two men and five horses, but that of the French was far more considerable. In this encounter Second-Lieutenant Maier was taken prisoner, but immediately rescued again by his dragoons. While Breisach was observed by a small party of Baden troops, the main body of Greneral Keller's detachment was performing the duty with which it had been charged. It occupied Colmar, Miihlhausen, and Cernay, hunted down the French bands of franc- tireurs, disarmed the communes, and started upon its return to Strasburg, after drawing in the detachment which had been left before Breisach. The commandant of the fortress took advantage of the opportunity to seize at Munzenheim, on the 19th September, a convoy of arms, w^hich was on its way, under an escort of thirty men, from Miihlhausen for the Baden troops. General Keller's detachment arrived before Strasburg again on the 20th September, and soon after its return the gardes mobiles in Colmar and Miihlhausen once more took up arms. A party of French troops of the line, coming from Belfort, occupied Miihlhausen ; the garrison of Breisach was reinforced by some gardes mobiles, and scoured the country round, especially the banks of the Ehine, with numerous patrols. The French gardes mobiles and franc-tireurs appeared again in many jjlaces on the Upper Rhine, and now, as before, spread disorder around. It seemed as if the expedition of General Keller had been premature, as at that time they were not ordered to occupy permanently the district in question ; for this purpose the detachment was too weak. In order to put an end to these French republican movements in Upper Alsace, and especially to cut them off from Neu-Breisach, which served as a rallying point for these operations, in the begin- ning of October detachments of the 4th Prussian reserve divi- sion, then in course of formation, were sent across the Ehine from Breisgau to invest the fortress. On the 5th October, towards evening, the French, about 2,000 strong, made a sortie, whicli was vigorously repulsed by three companies of the 43rd landwehr regiment. These were em- ployed foraging in the villages of Heitern, Balgau, and Nams- heim. The troops engaged in the sortie suffered severely from a heavy Prussian battery, which hurried up at a trot from the canton- ments in rear. From the 7th October the place was preliminarily bombarded with field-guns only, which nevertheless set the town on fire in several places. This cannonade was particidarly heavy in the later hours of the day, and especially from the south-west and north sides. It was interrupted for a short time at night, and continued with the same vigour on the following day. The artil- lery of the garrison answered the fire as well as they could. 62 Meanwhile the investing force before the place was reinforced with troops, and with siege materiel adapted for a more effective bombardment. Siege artillery, &c. were eventually sent from Strasburg, so that by the 9th October the blockade of the fortress may be said to have been close and complete. In order to facili- tate the communication of the troops, and the forwarding of materiel on the right bank of the Ehine, arrangements were made for crossing the Ehine, chiefly with French bridging materials, between Arzenheim on the one side, and Jechtlingen on the other side, about If miles (8j English miles) north of Neu- Breisach. On the 12th and loth October small sorties and engagements at the outposts took place without leading to any result of im- portance. On the 26th October the investing and siege corps consisted of:— 11 battalions "1 r. , , a^-v. -n „ , I 01 the 4th Prussian reserve 2 squadrons |- y ' ' 4 field-batteries J 11 garrison companies of artillery, including one company of the 3rd Bavarian regiment of garrison artillery, and two of the Baden garrison artillery. 4 companies of Prussian pioneers. Major- General von Schmeling was in command of this corps. The commanders of the siege artillery and of the engineers were, respectively, Lieutenant-Colonel von Scheliha and Lieutenant- Colonel Sander. Headquarters were in Klinheim, one mile (4f English miles) from Neu-Breisach, on the road to Strasburg. As it was intended to oj^erate on Fort Mortier from the right bank of the Rhine, the artillery attack was undertaken on that side — in the same manner as before Strasburg — by two com- panies of garrison artillery and one siege battery, both of the Grand Duchy of Baden, with the aid of 12 siege-pieces, con- sisting of heavy ^;uns and mortars. The construction of the batteries took place simultaneously on both banks of the Rhine, on the night of the 1st and 2nd November, and was not interfered with by the enemy. The Prussians built their batteries near the villages Biesheim and Wolfgantzen, the Baden troops about a quarter of a league below Alt-Breisach, on a conveniently situated hill, and all opened together against the fortress on the 2nd November. The fire was directed more particularly upon the fronts of the fortifications opposite, and upon the gates and bridges visible, or that could be struck, their positions on the north-west and north-east fronts being accurately known, as w^ell as against Fort Mortier and the splinter-proofs there, and the masonry that could be hit. A great effect was produced, especially in the latter work. Both the posi- tion and the armament of the batteries were very happily chosen. On the left bank of the Rhine only guns were employed, — namely, long and short 24-pounders, and siege 12-pounders, and on the right bank there were also four 50-pounder mortars. The infantry 63 detachment told off to guard these batteries was obliged, in order to maintain a careful watch over the fortress, to push its outposts by day up to 1,000 paces, and by night, of course nearer, up to 400 paces, right on to the glacis. They were provided with tools for making rifle-pits to obtain cover, and thence patrols were sent forward stealthily to the glacis. The duty was as arduous for our landwehr as it was dangerous. A bold deed that was done on one such occasion deserves mention. Deputy Sergeant-Major Blass, of the Gumbinnen landwehr battalion,, with a patrol, fell upon a French picket in a house close in front of the glacis, and made them prisoners. The capitulation of Metz was officially communicated to the commandant of the fortress ; this event had, however, no influ- ence on his resolution. The artillery fight between the German batteries that have been mentioned, and the guns of the fortress, lasted from the morn- ing of the 2ud November, day and night, with unabated vigour, till the 7th, on which day the cannonade was but slackly answered from Fort Mortier. Several of the Prussian batteries had, during the night, received new armaments suited to tlie change in their objects ; and by a singular coincidence, the long 24-pounders taken in Strasburg, and the 27-centimetre mortars from Schlett- stadt, did excellent service against their countrymen in the bombarded town, where the defence was unmistakably conducted with energy and skill. Although Fort Mortier had its buildings terribly knocked about in every direction by the 3rd November, and had several of its guns dismounted, still its garrison fought well, and kept up the struggle with all their strength with the guns still remaining unin- jured, which it was impossible to replace from Neu-Breisach. On the 4th November a great fire was observed on the north- west side of Neu-Breisach, near the Colmar gate. The fortress seconded the fire from Fort Mortier, and owing to its situation set some houses in Old-Breisach on fire, and by this some damage was done on the next day to the cathedral of St. Stephen, which is remarkable for its architecture. On the 5th November the garrison attempted a sortie. On the night of the 6th-7th November two mortar batteries were built by the besiegers on the left side of the Ehine, to shell the attacked fronts of the bastions, and were each armed with four mortars of heavy calibre, in order to bring a fire to bear on the very active gun detachments on the ramparts, and the covered chambers there. An attempt made from Neu-Breisach to with- draw the garrison of Fort jNIortier failed the same night. Complete preparations had already been made by the siege corps for tlie assault of Fort Mortier, when that work unex- pectedly, on the night of the 7th-8th November, offered to surrender, and the terms were arranged by jNIajor von Kretsch- man, of the general staff, with Captain Casteli, commanding the fort. At the hour when the assault would have taken place, the 5 officers and 250 men marched as prisoners of war out of 64 the fort, which in every part presented a scene of shocking devas- tation. Of the seven guns that had served for its defence, six were dismounted — an lionourable and brilliant testimony to the efficiency of the Baden batteries that were opposed to the work. Soon after this event, the defence of Neu-Breisach also visibly became weaker, and the rapidity of fire hitherto maintained fell off materially, while the attacking batteries against the fortress on the left side of the Khine were as active as ever. They were com- pelled to capitulate on the 10th November, and about 2 o'clock on that day white flags were hung out on the church-tower of Neu- Breisach, and on the ramparts. In accordance with the terms of a capitulation, concluded by Major von Kretschman with the French commandant, Lieutenant-Colonel de Kehor, at Biesheim, which was ratified at 7 o'clock in the evening by Major- G-eneral von Schmeling, the Prussian troops occupied the four gates of the fortress at 9 o'clock on the morning of the 11th November. About 10 o'clock the French garrison marched out of the fortress through the Basle gate, in the best order, under their commandant. In front of them was the siege corps drawn up in open square. The Prussians paid well-earned honours to the brave garrison by presenting to them, and they then began at once to lay down their arms, and were marched off as prisoners of war. Some of the prisoners were quartered at Sponeck, others at Neu- Breisach, on the right bank of the Rhine. In round numbers 100 officers and 5,000 men, including three battalions of the 74th regiment, were taken. The spoils of war consisted of 108 guns, 60 horses of the cavalry {chasseurs a cheval), 6,000 cwt. of ammunition, 1,300 cwt. of powder, and no inconsiderable stores of provisions, which last were all distributed, by command of Major-Greneral von Schmeling, for the support of the needy in- habitants. The town had suffered extraordinarily by the bombardment, especially by that of the 7th October. The northern and south- western parts had suffered more than the rest. The losses on this account that came into liquidation mounted up to 1,300,000 francs (52,000^) During the latter days the greater part of the inhabitants were accommodated in the casemates, in order to afford them cover from the destructive fire of the attacking batteries. Humour gave them the credit of putting pressure on the commandant, to induce him to surrender the place, which surrender was, at any rate, some- what hastened by the death, on the ramparts, of the French com- mander of the artillery. The loss of the besiegers was very small, considering the results obtained. It amounted altogether to 8 killed and 18 wounded, most of them belonging to the artillery. J Plate X Scale. 7^^ Totes lEM.VM Freruhy Army Corps ^ onthe/ntahtofJlAuaust APHOTYPE S.M E 05 SEDAN. (plate X.) Sedan is situated on the railway from Tbionville to Mezieres, at the place where it crosses the road leading outof Belgium by Bouillon. It has 1 6,000 inhabitants and is an important manufacturing town. In the low-lying meadow-land to the westward there are many water-courses running into the JNIeuse, which flows through the fortress. A mile (4-68 English miles) above Sedan, at Eemilly, the river receives the waters of tlie Chiers. On the east the ground rises to some steep wooded heights which make the approach from that quarter difficult. The fortress of Sedan lies on the right bank of the Meuse, opposite the suburb of Torcy, which is enclosed by fortifications consisting of fom- bastioned fronts. This bridge-head is united with the main work by connecting lines of a similar char- acter. The citadel with its high profile, and the castle, in which Marshal Turenne was born in 1622, form the kernel of the whole. Several hornworks with ravelins cover the citadel on the east, and in front of them a spacious entrenchment has been thrown out, in order to bring under fire the ground, which is much cut u]), and also the road to Liittich. The ditches are wet only on the south-front, which lies low, and here, as in other parts of the fortifications, they have retaining walls in good repair. The fortress may, therefore, be considered as perfectly secure from assaidt, and an attack is not practicable without regular engineering preliminaries. However, the masonry is not everywhere sufficiently covered, considering the present ranges of artillery, for a long resistance. Nor does the place possess sufficient bombproof casemates for the garrison and the provisions. Moreover the spacious and extended works on the right bank of the Meuse are not such as to receive the numbers of troops necessary for counter-attacks on a large scale. This is a most essential point if a fortress is to be of use in modern warfare. The stock of provisions on hand was in no case sufficient to maintain, even for a few days, the great masses of French troops who were com- pelled to fall back upon the fortress ; so that, immediately after the battle, it became necessary to have recourse, by agreement, to the resources of the neighbouring fortress of Mezieres. The fortress cannot be looked upon as having in itself any gi'eat strategical importance. Nevertheless, in its immediate neighbourhood, owing to the unexpected course of the events of the war, was fought one of the most important battles of the 36996. - F 66 campaign of 1870, having results of the widest influenT;e on its further progress. It will be remembered that immediately after the battles round Metz, the movements and strength of MacMahon's army remained for some time unknown. Meanwhile that army had reached Chalons, and the Marshal had to march thence to the northward by the positive command of Count Palikao, the War Minister, with the object of dividing the Grerman forces and relieving Marshal Bazaine, who was shut up in Metz. But the Grerman Army, on the contrary, which was advancing on Paris, closed up to the north- ward, covered its right flank with the Thionville-Montmedy- Sedan railroad, and thus drove the enemy's forces from the line Stenay-Varennes, into the narrow space between the Mezieres and Sedan railway and the boundary of the neutral country of Belgium. In consequence of the victory won at Beaumont on the 30th of August by the 1st Bavarian, the IVth Prussian, and the Xllth corps, the situation of the French Army in that position became precarious, and they were compelled to concentrate immediately around Sedan. The march to Metz must be considered as completely abandoned at this time. On the 31st of August the Grerman army undertook such move- ments as were necessary for sm-rounding the enemy. They kept in contact with him, and the artillery of the 1st Bavarian army corps had an opportunity of shelling the French columns as they were retreating, at first in some order, but at last in complete rout, upon Sedan. It was not impossible that the French corps in and round Sedan, threatened as they were by the Grerman army, but still concentrated, might nevertheless endeavour, by a rapid march to the west or east, to set themselves free from their position. For this reason the G-erman army had to draw more closely round them an unbroken girdle of investment. Accordingly, on the evening of the 31st of August and during the following night, the Grerman armies were posted as follows : — IVth Akmt. — Right Wing. The Gruard Corps at Carignan on the right bank of the Chiers. The Xllth Saxon Corps at Mairy. The IVth Corps on the left bank of the Meuse at Sedan. IIIrd Aemy. — Left Wing. The 1st Bavarian Corps at Eemilly. The Ilnd Bavarian Corps at Raucourt. The Vth Prussian Corps at Chehery. The Xlth Prussian Corps at Donchery. The Royal Wiirtemberg Division at Boutauc6m-t. The Vlth Army Corps in reserve at Attigny and Semuy, ready to stop the enemy if he should break out to the westward. Opposite to the positions of the Germans the French on the same night stood thus : — 67 1. Right Wing. — 12th corps, Gfeneral Lebrun, at La Moncelle, Platiniere, and Petite Moncelle. 2. In the Centre^ on the heights of Daigny and between La Moncelle and Givonne, the 1st corps, General Ducrot. The 5th corps, General Wimpffen, on the heights which command the Givonne valley, rested its right on the 1st and its left on the 3rd corps. 3. Left Wing. — The 3rd corps, General Douay, from Floing as far as the hill of Illy. The position described an arc of a circle round Sedan from south-west to north-west, and extended over a line of 5 kilometres {"^-^-^ miles) in length, about 4 kilometres {2\ miles) from the fortress. There was thus a gap on the east through which the French army, even if in disorder, might reach the Belgian frontier. They accepted battle, however, and that opening was practically closed for the first time in the com'se of the afternoon of the 1st Sep- tember, at Illy, by the guard and the Vth corps. On the morning of the 1st September the fight began with a general advance of the German corps towards the French position. His Majesty the Emperor and King halted on the hill at Frenois. In what follows we will only mention the critical events of this day of hard fighting in the order in which they occm-red. The fight began at 4 o'clock in the morning, at Bazeilles. This place was taken after several sanguinary attacks, and the enemy was driven back beyond Balan by the 1st Bavarian corps and Walther's division of the Ilnd Bavarian corps. The Emperor Napoleon was present, close to the fight round Bazeilles. From half-past 6 till half-past 9 o'clock the fight was pivoted on the position of La Moncelle-Daigny. The Xllth corps with its 23rd division took Moncelle ; about 12 o'clock Daig-ny fell into the hands of the same corps aided by the 2nd ouard division. The 23rd division pm-sued the advantage they had gained and the guards got round the flank of the enemy at Illy. All the batteries went up the captured heights, and nearly 100 guns were in action on the right wing. As already mentioned, the connection of the guard corps with the Vth corps at Illy was completed about 3 o'clock. On the left wing of the combined German armies the Xlth corps took Monges and thrust back the enemy on to his strong- position between Floing and Illy. Here they came under a reverse fire from the Bavarian batteries which were posted on the left bank of the Meuse, north and north-east of Frenois. The corps-artillery of the Xlth and Vth corps came into action most effectively at Fleigneux. The Xlth corps and the 19th in- fantry brigade took Floing about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The enemy made some vigorous, but unavailing, attacks with his cavahy. About 3 o'clock the enemy was in full retreat from different sides on Sedan, after Illy had been captured and he had lost the Bois de la Garenne. F 2 68 During the fight nearly 25,000 prisoners were made, partly by the IVth army, partly by the Bavarian troops, the Xlth, and the Vth corps ; and 25 guns, 7 mitrailleiurs, 2 flags, and 1 eagle were captured. On the French side Marshal MacMahon was wounded at the beginning of the battle, and, in the course of the action, on the German side, Greneral von GTersdorf, commanding temporarily the Xlth army corps, was also wounded. At first Greneral Ducrot became Commander-in-Chief of the French Army ; but subse- quently, in conseouence of an order from the Ministry, Greneral Wimpffen, being senior in the service, took the command. The former, acting on instructions received from the Marshal, made arrangements for a retreat on Mezieres, but the latter cancelled the orders. It was, in fact, plain from the movements of the French during the fight that they first intended to break through to the west and then to the eastward. Round Sedan there were at the last 400 to 500 German guns in action. The fortress itself was only shelled by some Bavarian batteries during the later hours of the afternoon, and a forage store was set on fire. The Emperor Napoleon was taken prisoner ; and the French army, completely shut in by a force of twice their strength, unable to break through or to jDrolong their resistance, after a council of war had been held under the presidency of General Wimpffen, were compelled to surrender. The negotiations were carried on in the chateau of Bellevue at Frenois and concluded at midday on the 2nd September. Besides the prisoners made on the previous day, there fell thus into the hands of the victors 83,000 men, 14,000 French wounded, 400 field guns, including 70 mitrailleurs, many horses, and military stores, besides the fortress of Sedan with 184 garrison guns. As a proof of the communication that existed between the generals of the French armies at Sedan and at Metz, we may here add, for the sake of completeness, that on the 31st August and the 1 st September a severe action took place at the latter fortress also, Bazaine's army attempting to force its way out. As the Convention of Sedan was taken as a model on several other similar occasions in the course of the campaign, its text is here given : — " Between the undersigned, the Chief of the General Staff of King William of Prussia, Commander-in-Chief of the German armies, and the General-in-Chief of the French armies, both pro- vided with full powers from their Majesties King William and the Emperor Napoleon, the following convention has been concluded : "Art. 1. The French army, under the command of General Wimpffen, being now surrounded by superior forces at Sedan, give themselves up as prisoners of war. • " Art. 2. In consideration of the courageous defence made by this French army, all the generals, officers, and officials ranking with officers are to receive their freedom as soon as they shall have given their words of honour in writing not to take up arms again during the present war, nor to act in any way contrary to the in- terests of Germany. The officers and officials who accept these 69 conditions are to retain tlieir arms and the personal property belong- ing to them. " Art. 3. All arms and warlike stores, consisting of flags, eagles, guns, ammunition, &c. will be given over in Sedan to a military commission appointed by the French General, who will hand them over forthwith to a German commission. " Art. 4. The fortress of Sedan will be placed at the disposal of his Majesty the King of Prussia, in its present condition, by the 2nd September at the latest. " Art. 5. The officers who do not enter into the engagement mentioned in the 2nd article, as well as the troops, will be surren- dered, without their arms, and drawn up by regiments and corps in military order. This proceeding will commence on the 2nd September and be ended on the 3rd. These bodies of troops will be marched on to the ground wliich is bounded by the Meuse at Iges, in order to be given over to the German commissioners by the officers, who will then hand over their command to the non- commissioned officers. The staff-surgeons shall, without exception, remain behind to attend the wounded. Given at Fresnois on the 2nd September 1870. "Von Moltke. " Geaf Wimpffen." 70 METZ. (plate XI.) Metz has 50,000 inhabitants, and is one of the strongest fort- resses of Europe, and, as a fortification, much more considerable than Paris. It has, during centuries past, been often besieged, but never taken. The fortress is situated on both sides of the Moselle, which forms on the south the islands of St. Symphorien and Saidey, and on the north the island of Chambiere. The river is navigable at Metz, is 200 to 250 paces wide above the fortress, but only 100 to 180 paces below it, and is 4 feet deep; but often, after heavy storms of rain, or when the snow is thawing, becomes as much as 8 or 10 feet. The principal part of the town lies on the right bank of the Moselle, and is enclosed by a girdle of fortifications. The lines commence at the island of Sauley, cross from the left to the right bank of the river, and continue on that side until they reach the island of Chambiere. Here there are two advanced works, the lunettes Chambiere and Miollis, whose fire is directed upon the two arms of the river. Between the Sauley defences and the Chambiere lunette, on the left bank of the Moselle, lies the large fort La Moselle, consisting of two whole and two half bastions. This work commands the roads to Thionville and Verdun (Paris) as well as the railway from Thionville to Metz, for which the tem- porary railway station (Devaut les ponts) is situated close to the foot of the glacis. The connected lines of the place turn to the east on the island of Chambiere,*and form the eastern and southern defences of the town, consisting of eleven irregular bastioned fronts, with ravelins outside. The ditches are partly dry and partly wet, but in time of war can all be placed under water. Tliis is effected by sluices connected with the small right arm of the Moselle. The enceinte of the city is covered by several advanced works close in front. Among these are, on the south, the citadel, consist- ing of a crown-work with a ravelin, and the advanced lunettes d'Arpon and Eogniat. These command the island of St. Sym- phorien and the ground to the south, with the railway works, as well as the road to Nancy. The redoubt du Pate lies to the east of the citadel to command the low ground of the Seylle, which can be made use of for an extensive inundation. The _^ *Juru I iboc Seo \ illllliil S'dde O /gpo 2cpo 3<^oo ^OQ Sopt^ Sooolui, • • • • • mPriL'fsiaji Unt'of mve.sfffurif I f L tJte c7i d of All (^f/sf 71 stream flows between this redoubt and the advanced work, Fort Gisors, into the town. The latter fort. commands the road to Stras- burg and the valley of the Chenau rivulet, which also can be tm'ned to account to flood the hollow ground. On the north-east of the town, between the roads leading to Saarlouis and Bouzonville, and guarding those roads, lies the great Fort Bellecroix, consisting of three bastioned fronts, with ravelins. The left demi-bastion and the adjoining bastion flank also the island of Chambiere, and the left bank of the Moselle in the direc- tion of St. Eloy. In front of these inner works, which serve for the immediate defence of the town, at a distance of 3,000 to 5,000 paces from the enceinte, are a number of detached forts, pushed forward on the surrounding heights and points of defensive im- portance. These guard most effectively, and at greater distances from the place, the roads leading to Metz. The traces of these works are exceedingly well laid out, and they have strong profiles, and the forts possess, therefore, almost without exception, great capabilities of defence. Their development of front is considerable. Some of their garrisons amount to 3,000 men, and the armaments in some of them to upwards of 100 guns. These detached forts are as follows : Fort St. Julien, on the north-east of the town, on a height about 770 feet above the Moselle, to command the valley of the lower Moselle and the road leading to Bouzonville ; Fort Queleu, at an elevation of 693 feet, between the road to Stras- bm-g and the Seylle ; Fort St. Quentin and Fort Plappeville, the latter named also Des Carrieres, covering Fort Moselle, and firing over an elevated plateau 1,000 feet high, across which passes the road to Verdun and Paris. Between these four older forts a number of additional detached works have been inserted more recentl}^, jsarticularly since the Luxemburg affair in 1867, namely. Forts Embarcadere and St. Privat on the -south, Les Bottes on the east of the fortress, on the road to Saarlouis, St. Eloy, between the Moselle and the road to Thionville, and two smaller works north of Fort St. Julien, on the road to Bouzonville. All the forts, though their construction was not quite com- pleted, were connected by lines of telegraph with the main work, and to some extent with one another. In the protection afforded by these detached forts lies the real strength of Metz, for they render it difficult completely to surround the fortress, and, owing to the great circumference of the works, make it necessary to employ a very large investing force. They secure the main work from bombardment, and the attack upon the enceinte cannot even be commenced until one or more of them have fallen. Finally, they give the main work the character of an entrenched camp, and allow of the concentration under their shelter of vast masses of troops and of rapid offensive operations. Metz possesses enormous military stores of every description, and was most amply provided with powder and with guns. As regards 72 military establishments, it contains a military clothing factory, a depot for the equipment of cavalry, a laboratory-school, a school of fortification, and a powder factory. The manufactm'e of powder is a monopoly in France. The arsenal for the engineers, almost the only one in France, and two arsenals for the artillery, are situated in the Gruisen entrenchment, which adjoins the citadel. These depots contained arms and equipment complete for an army of 150,000 men. The barracks of the engineers, the only ones in the fortress that are bombproof, are on the Konigsplatz, those of the artillery at the Chambiere gate, and those of the infantry in Fort Moselle, where also is situated the hospital prepared for the reception of 1,900 men. The drinking-water in Metz is bad, and tends to produce fevers; during the last few years, therefore, an underground conduit has been made, which draws its supply from Gorze, two miles (9*4 English mile?) to the west of the fortress, and brings daily to the place 10,000 cubic metres of wholesome water. Another, but a secondary conduit, brings water to the place from a collecting reservoir near Gravelotte. Metz was orignally a German city. Under the secret influence of the priests, as at Strasburg, it was transferred by treachery into the hands of France, whose King, Henry II., in the year 1552, caused the city and fortress to be occupied by the Constable Montmorency. A fruitless siege was undertaken by the Emperor Charles V., and con- ducted by the Duke of Alva for a period of sixty-five days, against the fortress, which was even then of great strength. The place was first formally handed over to France by the Treaty of West- phalia in 1648. Notwithstanding tlie great strategical importance of Metz in a war with Germany, and in spite of its important position on the actual theatre of war, the fortress was at the outbreak of the cam- paign in an unprepared condition. Serious preparations for a siege, as regards both the fortifications and the artillery were first under- taken after the battle of Forbach, and for this purpose nearly 15,000 peasants were summoned from the country to the fortress, who later on were unable to get out again, and consequently had to be subsisted. Under these circumstances it would not have been absolutely impossible for the Prussians, at the expense, perhaps, of heavy losses, to have established themselves in Fort Bellecroix, after the battle of the 14th August. It is another question whether it would have been possible to hold this position, situated immediately in front of the main work, when the French, after three days disorder of their closely massed forces, had fallen back upon the fortress, some 160,000 strong, on the night of the 18th-19th August. The consequences of the battles of the 14th, 16th, and 18th of August w^ere not known until after the capitulation of Metz, on the 27th October. In the French army, which had been beaten four times in succession, discipline was relaxed, the power of taking the offensive, always considered a special attribute of the French, was wanting, and the army required, before everything, a thorough re-organisation. This was a circumstance that stood us in good stead, and prevented tlie French from making use of the advantages offered to them by the strength of the fortress. After the investment of the fortress by the 1st and Ilnd armies the preparation of the fortifications and the armaments for the de- fence were continued. The works in progress were in great measure masked from the investing force, owing to the extent of tlie circle round which the French tield-army was posted. The gan-ison and the national guards, together amounting to 30,000 men, were in the fortress during the investment. Fort Plappeville, as well as all the other detached forts, was strengthened by the construction of traverses, expense magazines, and stockades, and brought into communication with tlie adjoining Fort St. Quentin by a covered road. This road was flanked by a lunette placed in the centre. The chief object was to complete as speedily as possible the works in course of construction, and to put the place in a defensible condition by completing the parapets and the gorges of the works, by constructing temporary bombproofs, and by clearing the zone of fire. In the main work only were the preparations complete for resisting a sudden attack, the gates and bridges properly guarded, the flank defences put in a condition to sweep the ditches effectively, the ramparts prepared for defence by infantry and artillery, and the glacis cleared. The field army outside the fortress had in their possession about 25 or 30 farms and villages. They secured themselves in these by barricading the entrances and provided for eventually placing the outposts in security by shelter-trenches and rifle pits. The outlying pickets lay for the most part in shelter-trenches covered from the view of the enemy outside. Ground that afforded natural or artificial cover was arranged for defence, as, for example, the railway em- bankment at Montigny on the south of the fortress, and the park and chateau of Ladonchamp on the north. Communications were stopped up, where necessary, by abattis ; new routes for troops were made throvigh the copses, and pontoon bridges as, for instance, at Moulins, were thrown across the Moselle to connect the two sides of the river. As sorties might have to be made on a large scale, the number of communications over the river was increased, and for this purpose some bridge-trains, that had oppor- tunely come within the limits of the fortress in the general retreat of the Army, afforded the means. As the hills around the fortress were occupied by the forts, and afforded excellent sites from which to observe the Prussian position, special observatories were not erected. The highest traverses in the works were used for this purpose. Lodging of the troops. — While the field army was accommodated in camps and in the strongly occupied farms and villages that lay around, the barracks were occupied by the war garrison in Metz and in the forts in the manner customary in time of war. But even with great crowding the total accommodation available in them was insufficient, and it was necessary to convert to this use 74 the magnificent cathedral of St. Stephan, celebrated for its fine stained glass and its tower 350 feet high, and the churches of St. Eucaire and St. Segolene. The most important camps were on the north-east slope of Mount St. Quentin, south of the fortress near Fort Embarcadere and St. Queleu, and north-east of Metz, between Forts St. Julieu and Les Bottes. The ground used for these camps was, however, hilly, and as it was the wet season, this caused the water to accumulate and made swamps of the camping- grounds, thus rendering the sleeping-places unhealthy. All authorities agree that the fortress was amply provisioned for its own war garrison of 30,000 men for three months, and received further supplies from a number of provision trains, that were originally destined for the French army that marched out to the west of Metz, but, after the first battles on the German frontier, were stopped on their road and retained in the fortress. From Paris, particularly at this time, immense convoys arrived, for the fortress was intended to form the base of operations for the army on the Ehiue. The position of affairs was changed after the battles round Metz, when the fortress was blockaded and all communication with the outside was cut off. Tlie great masses of cavalry enclosed in the blockade, having a strength of some 24,000 horses, must have suffered most. Their evil plight first became apparent in the early part of September. Subsequently, lean horses were driven beyond the outposts, and the slaughter of the better ones began about this time. The rations for the men became scarcer by degrees^ and by the end of August engagements of the outposts took place with the object of obtaining all the provisions out of the villages and digging up potatoes in the country round. In Nouilly, three-quarters of a mile (3^ miles English) eastward from Metz, large stores of provisions intended for the French were discovered by the Prussians. The French, it is true, kept up for a long time their communication Avith the country, which ended, when discovered by the Prussians, in the destruction of the villages concerned. Thus the Prussians burnt the village of Peltre, and blew up with dynamite a farm there called Le Grrange aux Bois because it was evidently useful to the French in their foraging expeditions. The beef was generally reserved for the hospitals. The water for drinking in Metz had to be filtered after the des- truction of the conduit near Gorze, in order to render it at all drinkable ; but, on the other hand, the wine was not all gone, and there was some left up to the time of the sm'render. In the second half of September the soldiers received half rations of horseflesh. The want of salt, however, prevented the meat from being pickled in the regular manner, and preserved in this way it did not answer their expectations because they had neglected to slaughter the horses ' at the right time for this pur- pose. There was great scarcity of straw for bedding, the supply being barely sufficient for the sick and wounded. In the beginning of October, for want of forage, the field bat- teries were reduced from 6 to 4 guns, and a kind of influenza carried off many horses, who fell victims to disease, partly owing 75 to the length of time they were in bivouac in very bad weather and to want of care, and partly owing to change of diet, as they had barley and corn in their food. The rinderpest coming on carried off all that were left of the cattle. The distress became worse as the investment was prolonged. At first 400, then 300 grammes (about three-fifths of a pound) of horseflesh and bread were served out to each man as his daily ration.* The field army was, in this respect, much worse off than tlie garrison of the fortress, of whom none during the investment suffered actual hunger. At the end of October, the commandant established a system of rations for the inhabitants, and fixed the price of provisions for them, and they shared the sufferings of the garrison with a praiseworthy spirit and endurance. At this time in Metz butter was 14 francs the pound, meat and bacon 8 francs the pound, potatoes 20 sous, horseflesh 20 sous, an egg 15 sous, a schoppen (pint) of milk 14 sous, and lastly a pound of salt 20 francs. The fourteen corn mills in Metz remained at work to within two days of the capitulation. It may be assumed that during the investment nearly 20,000 horses were slaughtered. Hospitals. — Owing to the great numbers of sick and wounded, which daily increased during the investment, and at the capitula- tion amounted to 20,000 men, the energies of the medical branch were taxed to the uttermost ; and, particularly, a great want of hospital attendants was experienced. The military hospital for 1,900 sick soon proved insufficient, and, as early as the beginning of September, it became necessary also to quarter the sick and wounded in the barracks of the engineers, the artillery barracks at the Chambieres gate, the civil hospitals, the churches of St. Martin, St. Maximin, and St. Vincent, and in many private houses. In front of the Palais de Justice, close to the Porte Serpenoise, 336 tents were pitched for the sick ; and, on the parade near the artillery barracks, there were collected 288 railway goods wagons, in which 3,500 sick were lodged. In particular, diar- rhoea, dysentery, typhus, and scurvy made their appearance, the last in consequence of not having salt, and owing to the want of variety in the diet ; but, it should be observed that the dreaded and dan- gerous miasma from the neighbouring battle-fields and the num- bers of unburied carcases of horses turned out to have less effect on health than was naturally anticiiDated ; a blessing for which apparently thanks were due to the cold weather in September and October. The result in this respect was different witli regard to the stagnant inundations of the Seylle on the south of the town. As early as the first half of September, Marshal Bazaiue requested Prince Frederick Charles to allow the sick and wounded in Metz to be sent away to the interior of France, which request was naturally refused. A similar reply was given to his request at the beginning of September that surgeons with medical appliances might be sent into ]Metz. The inhabitants of Metz eudeavom-ed to alleviate the sufferings of the French sick and womided soldiers *■ 400 grammes = about 14 oz. or f lb. avoirdupois ; 300 grammes = about 10^ oz, or I lb. avoirdupois, 7»> with all their power, and the troops had to thank the wives and daughters of the inhabitants that it was found possible to distri- bute large stores of winter clothing to the army. Ititelllf/ence department. — Owing to the large military traffic by rail to and from the theatre of war, the postal service during the first half of August got into the greatest confusion, and with the commencement of the investment all communication of the French army with Paris, the neighbouring P'rench fortresses and the adjoining country, was cut off. Nevertheless various expe- dients were adopted to keep up the communication with the government in Paris and with the military headquarters of France. Carrier-pigeons and spies were made use of. One of the latter, disguised as a Franciscan monk, fell into the hands of the 1st Prussian army on the 4th August, and with him a correspon- dence between jNIarshals Bazaine, Palikao, Trochu, and MacMahon. The French tried to send news on wood-floats, and concealed in pigs' bladders, down the Moselle toThionville. Many gas-balloons were sent up, of which one came into the hands of the Prussians in the neighbourhood of Paoully, 2 miles (9^ English miles) north-east of Metz. By this means, however, no serviceable intelligence of a trustworthy character was obtained of the French army. Generally, this post was sent up at night, so as the better and more securely to cross the investing lines of the Prussians. The works of fortification of the blockading army had for their object to prevent surprise by an advance of the enemy in force, and to detain them long enough to permit of the troops being- concentrated in sufficient numbers. The French had the advan- tage that they could choose what point they liked in the circle of investment, and there make a sortie. The Prussians, on the other hand, besides being fewer in number, were at a disadvantage in having to be ready to receive an attack from the French through- out the whole circle of the investment. It became necessary, therefore, that the Prussians should be able to concentrate on any point in the shortest possible time. For this purpose bridges were thrown over the Moselle above and below the fortress, for instance, at Argency, Hauconcourt, and several other places ; roads for troops were traced or cut, and all the special arrangements suitable for the attainment of this object were made. After the battles of the 16th and 18th August, notwithstanding that move- ments to the rear had again become necessary in some cases, the complete investment of the positions held by the enemy was ac- complished ]-apidly and with the accustomed precision. The head- quarters of the army corps were placed in communication with one another, and with the headquarters of the army by means of lines of field telegraph, and the technical troops charged with this duty had thus a very wide field of activity, and one that was intimately associated with the military operations. The existing French telegraph lines and railways leading to Thionville and Paris and to Strasburg were destroyed, and their materials were used for the purposes of the investment. The intercourse with the fortress by means of a flag of truce was reduced to a minimum after the 77 French, contrary to every custom of war, had fired upon some of the bearers. This happened on the 19th August to Lieutenant- Colonel von Verdy and Captain von Winterfeld, on the 24th August to First Lieutenant von Kurowsky, and on the 1 st October to Lieutenants von Roder and Manegold. Observatories were set up on the highest points of the ground, and two artillery officers provided with good telescopes did duty in each. Each army corps had its own ; such was, for instance, that on the hill of Le Horimont, south of the village of Feves, If miles (8*2 miles English) north-west of Metz, whence a complete view was obtained over the broad plain of the valley to the north of the fortress and the French bivouacs there, and which was of eminent service. As it was expected that the blockaded army of the French in- tended to break out in a northerly direction towards Thionville, the main point was to watch the fortress, and therefore its invest- ment was completed before any idea was entertained of following^ up this operation immediately with a bombardment. As long as the French held Metz, the railway communication by the lines Saarbruck to Metz and Nancy on the one hand, and Metz to Thionville on the other, was interrupted. The construction was, therefore, commenced of a railway from Eemilly to Pont-a- Mousson, so as to work round the railway junction at Metz. Accordingly on the 9th August Captain Oolz of the general staff received orders, in conjunction with field railway detachments No. 1, under Commissioner Dircksen, and No. 4, under Superintending Engineer Menne, to restore the communication with Saarbruck out of the partly destroyed line from Saarbruck to Eemilly, and next to construct a new railroad passing to the south of Metz from Eemilly to Pont-a-Mousson. The first portion of this order being executed by the 13th August, the preparations for, and the setting out of the new junction line, about 5 miles (23^ miles English) in length, were commenced on the 14th. The actual completion of the united lines took place on the 23rd Sep- tember, or in round numbers after 5 weeks' work. The road was a single line with a formation-width of 12 feet. Among the larger works were two viaducts near Eemilly, of which the largest was about 350 feet long and 22 feet high, besides two bridges over the Moselle and its affluent the Seylle. All these works were made of timber. Immediately after the battle of Gravelotte, on the 18th August, the positions of the outposts on either side were not finally determined. Backward and forward movements of the opposing forces took place. On the night of the 19th-20th August the French for the first time took up in force the positions which they held, with few exceptions apparently unaltered, during the whole of the investment. The length of the circumference occupied by the Prussian outposts was nearly 6 miles (28 English miles), and that occupied by the main body, consequently, 8 miles (37^ English miles). Without telegraphic communication the success of a sudden attempt of the French in force to break through would 78 not have been improbable under the circumstances above men- tioned. The troops were at first quartered in open bivouacs and in huts of brushwood ; but, by the middle of September, they were, as far as practicable, lodged in conveniently situated close cantonments. For the outposts and pickets weather-screens and huts of brush- wood and other materials were erected, and houses and stables conveniently situated were also made use of; but, in spite of all, the troops suffered terribly from the inclemency of the weather. As Grorze lay within the lines of investment, the waterworks there could not remain unnoticed or concealed. By the end of August they were destroyed. The arrangements for defence which were undertaken on the part of the besiegers consisted in the formation of the gTound in various ways so as to adapt it to the tactical conditions mentioned in the beginning of this section. The limits of this book would be far exceeded if we were to enter upon the details. Some general observations will suffice. Outposts and pickets lay in shelter-trenches, or in hollows in the ground provided with banquettes for this purpose, according as hollow roads, gravel-pits, loam-pits, or the ditches of high roads presented themselves. By a singular accident, the shelter- trenches which were constructed by the enemy, on their retreat during the battle of Grravelotte towards evening on the 18th August, were used for a long time by the Prussian outposts. The French are very ready at making such trenches in a short time. A similar thing happened with regard to a battery between St. Privat and Amanvillers, which on the same day had been of great service to the French, but was now turned towards the fortress. In front of all was formed a sort of line of obstructions. The Prussian outposts were partly armed with chassepot rifles, on account of their great range. Eoutes for columns of troops were made where necessary, roads were improved, and the edges of woods were obstructed by abattis and rendered impassable. Farms situated in important places, especially those from which fire could be directed on the roads by which the enemy would advance, as at Orly, Tournebide, Frescati — both the latter on the south of the fortress — were prepared for defence ; that is to say, loopholes were cut in the masonry, the entrances were barricaded, and they were made secure with palisades. Favourable situations for artillery were made use of for the erection of the larger batteries, or were prepared by excavation for the reception of the guns, as it was confidently anticipated that their practice would be fatal to the enemy's operations, especially by checking the advance of his attacking columns. Such batteries were situated, among other places, on the heights at Chieulles, Vany, Failly, and Servigny, to the north-east of the fortress, where, in spite of the ground being much broken, a good and wide view of the scene of action was obtained, and also at Saulny, Nocroy, Bellevue, Feves, Semecourt, and elsewhere. All the defiles which could be possibly used by the French for breaking out were, in the course of time, fortified 79 as formidably as circumstances permitted ; and, in places where the enemy was actually expected to appear, the besiegers had, more- over, taken the trouble to construct independent field redoubts in the line of defence. The continuance of bad weather and the extremely arduous duty of the investing force had undoubtedly at times a bad effect on their state of health. Diarrhoea and typhus carried off some victims, but these diseases would have had very far more serious results and a wider range had it not been that every possible care was bestowed upon the hospital-establishments and upon the nursing and subsistence. In the latter respect there was no failure, and the continual supplies and issues of pease-sausage,* of fresh and of preserved meat, produced the best effects. A difficulty seemed likely to occur in the supply of meat when the rinderpest broke out in Lorraine and Alsace, but mutton was issued instead of beef, and steps were taken to bring up herds of cattle from Belgium and Holland for the supply of the troops. Sorties. — Having described the position of the opposing armies in and before the fortress in their chief features, we turn now to the most important sorties on a large scale which took place from the 19th August to the 28tli October. The idea of a regular siege of the great fortress was, with ac- curate knowledge of the circumstances, renounced from the very first. The large forces shut in, both in and round the fortress, would have rendered it unusually difficult to establish parks, and conduct the attacks against the detached forts, which were well situated and amply supplied with guns and stores, and these forces might, in the end, have produced a very critical state of affairs. It was determined, therefore, only to invest Metz, and for this duty there were allotted the 1st, Ilnd, Ilird, Vllth, Vlllth, and Xth army corps, the 18th division, the division of the Grand- Duchy of Hesse, and the landwehr reserve division von Kummer. The 1st army was thus amalgamated with the Ilnd army, and placed under the sole command of Prince Frederick Charles. This army, amounting to about 230,000 men, being thus detained, however, it became impossible to employ them even partially in operations in the open field elsewhere. Under these circumstances, after their terrible exertions in the battles of Mars-la-Tour and Grravelotte, both friend and foe re- quired some days of rest, in order that they might both settle themselves down to the new condition of affairs. Towards the end of the month, however, on the 26th August, movements of troops were observed in the French camps, from the left to the right bank of the Moselle, which might be preparatory to an attempt to break through the Prussian lines. The enemy confined himself, however, to skirmishing with the outposts, as he found the Prus- sians ready to fight. Meanwhile, news was received of the advance of MacMahon's army from Chalons and its encounter with the IVth army at Beaumont. In the investing lines, therefore, pre- • Erbswurst. 80 parations were made for the expected junction of Marshals JMac- Mahon and Bazaine. Then came, on the 31st August and the 1st September, the hattle of Noisseville. The Prussian troops engaged were posted on the 30th August as follows : — 1. The 1st landwehr division von Kummer, with a brigade of the line, behind the line Malroy-Charly, the landwehr in reserve. 2. The 1st infantry division — the 1st brigade of infantry in and behind the line Failly-Servigny, the 2nd brigade of infantry in reserve. 3. The 2nd infantry division — the 4tli brigade of infantry at Ars-Laquenexy with their front on the line Mercy-le-Haut- Aubigny-Colombey, the 3rd brigade of infantry in reserve. 4. The divisional cavalry — the 1st and 10th regiments of dragoons between Noisseville and Colombey. 5. The 3rd cavalry division and the 28th brigade of in- fantry guarding the ground between the 2nd infantry division and the Moselle. On the 31st August, at half-past 7 in the morning, the French had taken up a position south of Fort St. Julien on the line Metz- Bellecroix. The following movements consequently took place. 1. The 3rd brigade of infantry of the 2nd division, with two batteries, marched to the high road to Saarbruck on the heights of Puche. 2. The 1st brigade of cavalry of the 3rd cavalry division marched to Eetonfay to cover the ground between the high roads to Saarbruck and Saarlouis. By command of General Steinmetz the whole of the cavalry division was moved to that place. 3. A cavalry regiment and a battery of the Kummer division marched to St. Barbe. The division of the Grrand-Duchy of Hesse crossed the Moselle to the support of the Kummer division. The centre stood fast, while the wings alone were at first engaged. About 9 o'clock the French attacked the Prussian left wing ; Colombey was lost to us, but Aubigny and Mercy-le-Haut were held. The 28th brigade of infantry was brought on the battle-field, as a reinforcement, and took up a .position at Laquenexy without com- ing into the action, which was fought by the 2nd division alone. The former marched to the bivouac at Courcelles. The Prussian right wing was attacked by a French cavalry regiment, with artillery, who were, however, beaten back by the artillery of General von Kummer. Fort St. Julien opened fire and covered the retreat of the enemy. At 3 o'clock in the after- noon the enemy commenced a heavy fire from Fort St. Julien, and from several batteries that were drawn up there to the southward, and were answered from seven Prussian field-batteries, in whose favour the engagement was decided about 5 o'clock. Meantime Leboeuf's whole corps advanced by Nouilly to Noisse- ville ; the 3rd brigade of infantry retired from the field after a severe engagement round the village and the brewery there, and fell back in good order on Servigny. Batteries of the enemy debouched towards evening from Nouilly and fired on the Prussian 81 artillery at Servigny. Noisseville was finally taken by Memerty's brigade, the whole position was held, and the fight terminated apparently about 9 o'clock. Unexpectedly, however, the enemy recommenced the action, took possession of Flanville, Coincy, and Noisseville, and captured a portion of Retonfay, which nevertheless they had to give up again. At the same time attacks were made upon Servigny, Poixe, and Failly. The battle did not cease till 11 o'clock in the evening. In expectation of its renewal on the following day, the infantry and cavalry brigade of the Grrand- Duchy of Hesse and the corps artillery of the 9th army corps were directed during the night to cross the Moselle to the scene of action at St. Barbe. Accordingly, on the following morning, the positions were as follows : Rummer's landwehr division and the 1st army corps on the field of battle during the whole night ; the 25th and 28th divisions at Antilly and advancing on Charly ; the Ilird and Vlllth army corps, as on the previous day ; the Ilnd, Ilird, and Xth army corps on the left bank of the Moselle, near Montmedy, only li mile (7 English miles) from Metz. On the 1st September, at 4 in the morning, the battle was renewed, and turned first upon the possession of the thrice-captured Noisseville. It was not possible, however, in spite of the great bravery of the troops, to keep our hold of it, so that we contented ourselves for the time with preventing the enemy from debouching from it. As soon as it was ascertained that strong reinforcements were about to arrive, a heavy fire of artillery was commenced from 50 guns against the place and Noisseville was taken. On the left wing the village of Flanville was captured about 9 o'clock in the morning by the 28th brigade of infantry, parti- cularly by detachments of the 53rd regiment. The 28th infantry brigade thereupon took Coincy, and were subsequently emi^loyed to cover the Saarbruck road. At the same time unsuccessful attempts were made by the French on the right wing to take Failly and Rupigny. They were beaten back and pursued as far as the Bois de Grimont by the brigades of Below and Blankensee. In the centre the French advanced about half-past 10 to the attack of Poixe and Servigny, but their movements appeared hesi- tating and wanting in vigour. The Prussian artillery beat them back at both places. This failure was the signal for the French to retire into their original positions, while oiu-s were held, though with great losses. These amounted altogether to 151 officers and 2,848 men. The French lost 141 officers and 2,664 men. On the 2nd September the Xlllth army corps arrived before Metz, and in consequence the German army was distributed for the investment as follows : Kummer's landwehr division on the line Malroy-Charly ; to its left, the 1st army corps as far as the Saarbruck road ; and then came the Xlllth corps as far as Poully. The Vllth corps was placed on the south of Metz on both sides of the Moselle, covering also the passages over the Seylle. On the left bank were the Vlllth corps from Jussy to Chatel, the Ilird corps from Chatel to Saulny, the Xth corps from Saulny to Marange. 36906. G 82 In reserve, on the natural line of communication of the enemy with the interior of France, was the IXth corps extended on the line from Eoncourt to Pierrevilliers. The battle of Noisseville was the last great attempt made by Marshal Bazaine to break through the investing army, and was followed by three weeks of apparent rest. The next engagements brought on by the French were for the purpose of covering their foraging expeditions in search of hay, straw, and provisions, espe- cially potatoes, a sure preventive of scurvy, which appeared in the fortress owing to the want of salt. Eventually the French used generally to advance with strong columns against our outposts, who thereupon fell back upon the positions previously fortified. If such an attack succeeded, they retired with their booty under cover of the forts, and the Prussian outposts in the evening were back again in their old positions. In this way villages and farms were burnt and much damage of other kinds was done. Such was the character of the engagements at Peltre on the 22ud and 23rd September, and at Mercy-le-Haut on the 27 th September. Per- haps also in these engagements the French had some idea of making an attempt to break through in the direction of Strasburg. The Vllth and 1st army corps were engaged in both the first- mentioned fights, which did not assume large proportions. Of a more serious character, however, was the fight on the 27th Sep- tember, which was at first directed against these same troops, but subsequently also against detachments of the Xth corps at La Maxe on the left bank of the Moselle. On this occasion the French troops were brought immediately on to the battle-field by the railway, which had been reconstructed within the line of their outposts. These battles had no particular consequences, although the loss was considerable on both sides. After the fall of Strasburg Marshal Bazaine seemed to have an idea of breaking through to the northward, in the first instance to Thionville, in order to occupy that place or to pass over with his army to neutral territory. Consequently, the distribution of the investing force had to be altered. For the execution of his plan Marshal Bazaine chose the moment when Rummer's land- wehr division came on to the line of outposts in the place of the Xth army corps. The most advanced outposts consisted of two landwehr battalions in patches of wood north of the Bois de Woippy, and pushed forward to Bellevue, St. Eemy, Les Petites and Les Grrandes Tapes, with pickets at St. Agathe and Ladon- champs. On the night of the 2nd October the enemy attacked, threw the outposts above mentioned back upon the pickets at St. Eemy, which they assailed in vain, and of which the garrison, consisting of two companies of the Neutomischl landwehr battalion, was at once reinforced by two companies of the Kosten landwehr battalion. About 5 o'clock the enemy made a fruitless attack on St. Hemy, whose garrison had been meanwhile strengthened by four more companies, and also on Bellevue, which was defended by the Freistadt landwehr battalion. The six companies of the last- 83 named battalion retook St. Agatbe, two Prussian batteries fired on Ladonchamps from Semecourt, and from 9 o'clock A.M. a tbird Prussian battery wbicli bad taken up a jDosition at Les Tapes, joined in tbe cannonade. Upon tbese was directed tbe concentrated fire of several Frencb batteries placed at St. Eloy, and tbey bad in consequence to retire. \Miilst tbe landwehr division beld tbeir ground against a vastly superior enemy, tbe artillery fire on botb sides was kept up until tbe evening, and by it St. Eemy and Franclocbamps were set in flames. On tbe 7tb October tbe Frencb made a second attack on tbe field of battle, on wbicb tbey bad already learnt by experience tbe bravery of Rummer's landwebr division, and an engage- ment lasting nine bours took place at Woippy. At 1 o'clock in tbe afternoon our outposts of Kummer's landwebr division were attacked at Bellevue and St. Eemy, as well as at Les Petites and Les Grande Tapes, by Frencb columns greatly superior in numbers, about 30,000 or 40,000 men, and after a brave resistance beat tbem back. Tbe Prussian landwebr fougbt bere witb tbe greatest obstinacy, tbe most stubborn endurance, and tbe most brilliant courage, so tbat tbe enemy was unable to gain ground. Simul- taneously witb tbe commencement of tbis attack on tbe left bank of tbe Moselle, tbe Frencb made a demonstration on tbe rigbt bank, against tbe position of tbe 1st army corps at Servigny and Noisseville, and against tbe Xtb army corps at Malroy and Cbar- loy. Tbe figbt bere was only witb artillery and musketry, wbicb tbe Frencb tbougbt sufficient to prevent tbese troops from crossing tbe Moselle. In spite of tbis, Wedell's brigade of tbe Xtb corps, tbe 16tb and 57tb regiments, crossed tbe Moselle at Argency. Here tbey formed to attack on tbe flank of tbe left wing of Kum- mer's division, wbile at tbe same time, on tbe rigbt wing, Conta's brigade of tbe 48tb and 4tb regiments of infantry advanced and occupied tbe Bois de Woippy and a farm close by. Tbe Frencb being vigorously attacked botb in front and on tbeir left wing, bad to give up again tbe positions tbey bad taken earlier in tbe day, and to fall back upon tbe fortress, wbilst tbe Prussians re- mained masters of tbe same ground as at tbe beginning of tbe figbt. Tbey took Bellevue, St. Remy, and tbe two Tapes by storm. On tbe otber band tbey failed in an attempt made late in tbe evening to take tbe Cbateau Ladoncbamps, wbicb was strongly occupied by tbe Frencb and fortified. Tbe loss on tbe Prussian side amounted to 65 officers and 1,665 men. Capitulation. — Marsbal Bazaine, after tbe failure of all bis sorties, could not but be aware tbat furtber enterprises of tbe same description would only be attended by similar results. His bonour as a soldier was saved, and bis duty to bis country was done, in detaining 230,000 men before Metz. But if be bad succeeded in breaking out — if tbe Marsbal bad marcbed towards Paris, be would but liave come between two fires ; and as regarded any otber objects of bis marcb, witbout cavalry or borses for transport, witb bis guns wretcbedly borsed, witb no safe communication to tbe rear, witbout tbe means of supporting bis army, be would bave G 2 84 "been exposed to the most harassing pursuit. The consideration of these circumstances clears the Marshal of blame, considering the question from a military point of view, and the more so, as although cut off from all communication hy either land, water, or telegraph, he had held out in a place, which, having been origi- nally provisioned for 15,000 or 20,000 men for three months, had already maintained eight times that number of troops for nine weeks. Whether the Marshal had any ulterior political reason for his con- duct, we know just as little as we know the motive of the myste- rious journey of Greneral Bourbaki from Metz to the Empress Eugenie. In no way liad the capitulation been of use to M. Gam- betta, whose plan was to raise the siege of Paris by armies newly formed in the North and South. This plan was frustrated now that the 1st and Ilnd Prussian armies before Metz had become available. The time for negotiations for a surrender had come, and to delay was to starve. Marshal Bazaine wished to surrender him- self and the army, but to keep the fortress for France. On the side of the Prussians, however, this could not be agreed to, be- cause the place, if excluded from the capitulation, was in a condi- tion to hold out for many months. Nothing came, therefore, of the negotiations to this effect, which General Boyer was engaged in from the 13th to the 15th October, at the German head- quarters at Versailles. On the 21st October General CoflSnieres, the commandant of the fortress, informed General Bazaine that he had no more pro- visions for the troops quartered outside the fortress. In conse- quence of this, desertions were tacitly allowed, but the deserters were turned back by the Prussian outposts in great numbers. It was also thought that the Prussians might be compelled to take the army prisoners, by bringing on a battle with this intention. At last they thought to sally out by Gravelotte, on the night of the 24th-25th October, but this plan was not executed. On the 25th October, General Changarnier entered upon fresh negotiations with Prince Frederick Cliarles. The terms of the capitulation of Sedan were taken as a basis, and the officers who chose imprisonment were permitted to carry their arms away ^^dth them. On the morning of the 27th October the fortress fell into our hands, perfectly uninjured, together with its military establish- ments, with its 3 marshals, 50 generals, 6,000 officers, 173,000 men, 53 eagles, 300,000 stand of arms, 66 mitrailleurs, 541 field guns, 800 garrison guns, the stores of 85 field batteries, and 2,000 military vehicles. On the same day the Crown Prince and Prince Frederick Charles were made Field Marshals. Thanks are due also, however, to the brave investing army, who for ten weeks bore all the hardships with a stedfast endurance peculiarly their own ; who, by steady vigilance and unequalled courage, brought about a result without example in military history, and had compelled the army of the enemy to lay down their arms in Metz, which had been called by them with proud confidence an impregnable fortress. 85 Already, eight days before the capitulation, railway wagons, with provisions for the garrison and inhabitants of Metz, were standing in the railway station of Courcelles. On the day of the capitulation an artillery and an engineer officer from each Prussian army corps, with non-commissioned officers, were told off, in the first instance, to take over the powder magazines and destroy any mines that might exist. Next the forts were occupied, each by two battalions of infantry, a company of garrison artillery, and a detachment of pioneers (engineers) ; then the gates of the town, and finally the town itself, were taken possession of. Steps were immediately taken for restoring the 10 kilometres (6 English miles) of railway from Metz to Courcelles, and the very first train that ran into Metz brought, to the great delight of the inhabitants, 1,000 sheep into the fortress. At the same time German forethought was brought into action for the benefit of the tow^n and fortress, by the imme- diate appointment of an extraordinary sanitary commission to pre- vent the seeds of epidemic disease from being sown. It is to be hoped that they may also succeed, by suitable measm-es and ar- rangements with regard to the inhabitants, both as citizens and as Christians, in bringing universal contentment to the hearts of this originally German population. 86 VERDUN. (plate XII.) Verdun, a fortress of the first class, with 12,000 inhabitants, lies deep in the Meuse valley, on both sides of the river. On the north and east the town is enclosed by heights, within gunshot, which fall with steep slopes towards the right bank of the river. The low ground lies chiefly on the left bank, and is severed in two parts by a ridge which extends as far as the town, affording an extensive view over it to the north and south. The latter was in part placed under water. This range in a westerly direction, as well as the bare unprotected hills on the right bank of the Meuse, afford favourable positions for artillery. The stream, which during a great part of the year is very shallow, flows through the town in two branches, and is on this account crossed by many bridges. The fortifications are perfectly simple : on the north and south are bastioned fronts ; the enceinte on the east is of a similar trace, and on the west is the citadel, commanding all around it, and connected with the fortifications of the town by lines con- structed for the purpose. Between the town and citadel is the esplanade, which stands high and affords a view over the town. Excepting several ravelins, there are no outworks. The ditches are partly wet, but revetted with masonry, and all the profiles are sach that the place must be considered secure from assault. The kernel of the defence is the formidable citadel. It was entirely rebuilt by Marshal Vauban, and has now four bastioned fronts, each of which is strengthened by having a ravelin in front of it ; the fifth front, turned towards the valley of the Meuse, is of considerable lengtb. The long curtain has, therefore, been broken in the middle in order to obtain better flanking defence of the ditches in front of the bastions. The fire from this curtain sweeps the southern front of the town and some of the bridges over the Meuse. This front has no ravelin to cover the curtain. It is in fact built on the steep slope down to the Meuse. The citadel has a gate leading to the country, and one to the town. The fortifications of the town have three entrances, giving passage to the high roads from Metz, Etain, and Bar-le-duc. They are under the fire of the guns of the fortress. The ground round the fortress is generally clear for a distance of 2,000 paces, with the exception of some villages, the suburb of Pave between the roads leading to Etain and to Metz, and some farms which played a part in the siege and, as we may as well state here, were used to very good effect Plate XIL 87 by the garrison to command the ground in front, and to facilitate their sorties. The country lying to the westward of the citadel, in our opinion the only side on which Verdun is open to attack, is covered with many vineyards. There are no detached works round the fortress, nor is there sufficient bombproof cover for a garrison of the war strength. The occupation of Verdun was important for the armies before Paris, and for the forces operating in the West of France, because the fortress bars the direct line of railway from the "Middle Rhine " or Metz by Chalons to Paris. This railway was still in course of construction when war was declared in July 1870, and only passable for a short distance. Thus Verdun was at that time merely a terminus. The com- pletion of the line of railway from Verdun to Metz, even if but temporary, would have afforded great facilities to the German army before Paris for the transport of ammunition, provisions, and reserve troops, as well as for sending the sick and wounded to the rear. Verdun is also, however, regarded as a " barrier " on the road from the Middle Ehine through the Argonnes, the pass of Les Grandes Islettes, to Chalons and Paris. The franc-tireurs, who were very active in that neighbourhood, found the fortress a point d'appui, which they gladly used ; and the very obstinate resistance they made to those of our troops op- posed to them is explained by the fact, that they hoped up to the last moment that Marshal Bazaine would break out and relieve the garrison. Immediately after the battles round Metz, which were so fruit- ful in residts for the German arms, the Xllth Saxon army corps was moved from the battle-fields there, by the roads Etain- Verdun or Fresnes-Verdun towards Paris, and accordingly arrived in front of the place on the 24th August. An attempt was made to gain the place by a sudden attack. The field batteries with the army corps took up a position for this purpose on the heights between Verdun and Belrupt, east of the fortress, and shelled the place from 11 o'clock in the morning. Under cover of this fire, the 108th Saxon sharpshooters, with great bravery and under a heavy fire of the enemy, stormed the suburb of Pave, which lies immediately in front of the glacis, on both sides of the road leading to Etain. First-Lieutenant von Schimpf was sent into the fortress with a flag of truce, but returned without having produced any effect. His trumpeter was shot on this oc- casion. General Marmier, commandant for the time being, replied that he would rather be buried under the ruins of the fortress than surrender it. As further proceedings against the fortress were impracticable, and the advance on Paris could not be de- layed, the army corps at once continued its march, and crossed the Meuse, both above and below the fortress, the same day, leaving the 47th infantry brigade behind to observe the place. The action had sho-svu that the fortress was secure from assault, defensible, sufficiently garrisoned, and fully armed with heavy garrison guns. 88 A provision or ammunition train, under the impression that the place was ah-eady in our hands, went straight into the fortress and fell into the possession of the garrison. The same thing happened to a field post coming from Sedan. On the 7th September the above-mentioned detachment was relieved by a stronger one under the command of Ijieutenant- Greneral Bothmer. Tlie latter consisted of the 65th regiment (otli Ehenish), the 4th (Schleswig) reserve hussars, the 9t]i ulan regiment (2nd Pomeranian), and two horse artillery guns, with a heavy reserve battery of the Vllth army corps. Of these the ulan regiment and the subdivision of horse artillery were told off for the left bank of the Meuse, but soon recalled, while the rest of the detachment undertook the investment of the fortress on the right bank of tlie Meuse. Of this force, moreover, the 1st battalion of the 65th regiment was ordered off to guard the communications between Sedan and IMontmedy ; so that under these circumstances the investment of the fortress was but very incomplete. Mean- while, artillery materiel was brought up from Toul and Sedan. JVs the place was not completely invested, it was impossible to prevent the garrison from receiving considerable additions from stragglers and escaped prisoners, and from being well informed as to what took place outside the fortress. On the 15th September a slight engagement took place at Maxeville. A foraging expedition, consisting of the 7th company of the 65th regiment and a subdivision of hussars, were attacked by four French companies and a squadron of Chasseurs d'Afrique. The things that had been requisitioned were brought off in safety, but the infantry lost 8 killed and 15 wounded. September 18. — The same company had another collision with three French companies that had advanced at daybreak against Belleville. They were repulsed by the Prussians, Avho lost 8 men killed and wounded. The artillery of the garrison took part in the action toAvards its close with some effect. On the 23rd September four Ehenish landwehr battalions (Aix-la-Chapelle, Jiilich, Simmern, and Andernach), a reserve ulan regiment, and a heavy battery of the 8th brigade of artillery joined the investing force. In consequence of this reinforcement the fortress was more closely invested, especially on the left bank of the Meuse. On the promotion of Lieutenant-General von Bothmer to the command of the 13th division, Major-Gfeneral von Oayl, commanding the 2nd infantry brigade, took over the command of the besieging force. His headquarters were situated in the village of Charny on the Meuse. On the 24th September the 10th company of the 65th regiment was attacked at Charny by French infantry in superior numbers and a squadron of chassem's, who were, however, driven back into the fortress with the help of a reinforcement brought up in haste from Bras. The loss on our side amounted to four men. On the 25th September the two batteries present with the investing force shelled the south side of tlie fortifications of the 89 town and the citadel with about 200 shells, and this fire was answered briskly from the fortress. A sortie was repulsed. In the night of the 25th-26th September some emplacements were made, near Belrupt and elsewhere ; but the work was very difficult, on account of the rocky nature of the soil. On the 2nd October several f'rench companies and a squadron of chasseurs attacked the 6th company of the 65th regiment, but were once more beaten back into the fortress after a hard fight. Owing to the comparatively small numbers of the investing force it was not possible to drive the very energetic and active enemy altogether into the fortress from his positions outside. He remained in possession among other places of the villages of Thierville and Regret on the west of the fortress, both of them commanded from the citadel. On the 2nd and 3rd October, therefore, a heavy cannonade was opened upon these places by the reserve battery of the 8th brigade of artillery, as unceasing alarms were given, and small skirmishes took place along the whole line of the investment. By their possession of several positions within these, but still outside the fortress, the French were able to bring on these engagements and carry them through successfully ; so that it became absolutely necessary to take possession of the outer lines of the French position. Accordingly the attack on Thierville was forthwith ordered, and on the 11th October the duty was assigned to the 1st battalion of the 65th (Rhenish) regiment, which had re- turned to Verdun the previous day from its detached duty of guarding the communications to Sedan. The village was occupied by three companies of gardes mobiles. The battalion named advanced in three columns, threw themselves with a shout on the pickets, and upon the approach to the village, and after a few short struggles in one or two places, drove the garrison out of the village. After the battalion had secured themselves there with field-works, barricades, and shelter-trenches, and the 4th company had taken up a position on the Weinberg, south-west of the village, the enemy came out of Verdun by Jardin Fontaine and endeavoured to recapture the village. This attempt was re- pulsed after a short struggle. The 1st battalion of the 65th regi- ment lost two killed and one wounded in the taking of Thierville. During the 12th October a great number of French stragglers were captured in and round Thierville. These men were unable to reach the fortress, where they hoped to be well received. On the evening of this day the 3rd and 4th companies of the 65th regiment, under the command of Captain ]Michaelis, received orders to take possession of the suburb of Jardin Fontaine, which lies close in front of the glacis of the fortress. Whilst the 2nd and fusilier battalions at the same time occupied some other places within short range of the fortress, such as Regret, Belle- ville, Grlorieux, the farmhouses of St. Barthelemy and Constantino on the right bank of the Mouse, a heavy and continuous mus- ketry and artillery engagement took place at Jardin Fontaine, in which the defenders were powerfidly supported by the fire of the 90 artillery, musketry, and mitrailleurs of the citadel. After a nocturnal engagement of 1^ hour's duration they succeeded, how- ever, in establishing themselves in the village and barricading it. Thanks to the darkness and the bad shooting of the French, the loss of the two companies of the 65th regiment employed in the attack amounted only to 1 killed and about 20 wounded. It was not till after these engagements that the fortress could properly be said to be bombarded. The cannonade was now to commence from two sides, and the following batteries had to be built : 1. To the north of Verdun, en the heights of Belleville, six batteries, which, beginning on the left, were armed with 6 Prussian rifled 6-poimders 6 French rifled 12-pounders. 4 22-centimetre howitzers. 4 French rifled 24-pounders. 4 French rifled 24-pounders. 6 French rifled 12-pounders. 2. On the west of Verdun, on the left bank of the Meuse, on the heights of Thierville, five batteries armed with 6 French rifled 12-pounders. 6 French rifled 12-pounders. 6 French rifled 24-pounders. 6 Prusssian rifled 6-pounders. 4 French heavy mortars. The construction of the batteries took place on the night of 12th- 13th October under unusually difiicult circumstances. The weather was wet and stormy, so that the enemy did not discover the works. The time had been too short for the preparation of all the battery materials that were required. For the heavy guns there were only improvised platforms, for the lighter ones there were no platforms at all. There was a want of entrenching tools, and the stiff, and in part rocky ground, had generally first to be loosened with the pickaxe. Moreover, the rifled 24- pounders did not arrive from Sedan till 1 o'clock in the morning, and then they were in the travelling trunnion holes. There were no gyns, and thus the work of bringing them into the firing trunnion holes, and placing them in battery, seemed endless. But in spite of all, the whole of the guns were ready to open about 6 o'clock in the morning, and about this time the fire began with a " hurrah " for his Majesty the King. The high buildings in the citadel were indicated as the object for the 24-pounders in the first instance, and secondly the guns on the ramparts. An attempt was then to be made to breach a part of the high escarp wall. The rifle 12 and 6-pounders had orders to draw upon themselves the fire of the enemy's guns, and if possible to silence them, and also to oppose any sorties that might be attempted. The heavy howitzers and mortars, lastly, were told off to bombard the town itself, in order to bring pressure to bear on the commandant through the inhabitants. 91 The construction of the batteries was carried on without interruption from the enemy's fire, and even the first few rounds were unanswered. But it was not long before an enemy not to be despised appeared on the whole of the fronts attacked, and he did not remain in our debt, but paid us back shot for shot. We succeeded, however, during the first afternoon, in setting- fire to several magazines ; guns were silenced here and there, and in many places the town burst into flames, but no white flag was shown to announce a surrender, though the bombardment had lasted day and night for fifty-four hours. Owing to the great distance, on an average 2,400 paces, and to the inaccuracy in shooting of the heavy French guns, the breach could not be reported practicable, so that there was no opportunity for the action of the infantry. The garrison artillery were very active, shot well, and repeatedly brought fresh guns into action. The bombardment above described, which cost the siege corps 6 officers, 5 of them belonging to the artillery, and between 60 and 70 men killed and wounded, had at length to be stopped, partly owing to the want of ammunition, partly omng to the want of suitable artillery, for the pieces found in Sedan and sent to Verdun proved themselves in practice to be inefficient. Preparations were made, therefore, as quickly as possible, for obtaining rein- forcements of guns and gunners. Nevertheless an attempt was made, by sending a flag of truce, to induce the commandant, Greneral Gruerin de Waldersbach, to surrender the fortress, but without result. The commandant, on the contrary, begged the commander of the besieging force, Major- General von Grayl, to desist from the siege, as both the garrison and the citizens were ready to do their duty to the last moment. A fitting reply was made to the French commandant. On the 18th October a military execution took place on the person of a French notary named Violard, who was convicted of treachery to the Prussian troops, and was shot at the village of Bras. At the same time the outposts at Maxeville discovered a balloon-post, which conveyed letters addressed to the Grovernment at Tours ; but it could not be caught. Meanwhile the technical preparations for a regular siege, spe- cially adapted for hurried operations, were taken in hand. Con- siderable supplies of ammunition and of Prussian siege guns were brought in to the artillery siege park. The garrison continued their energetic defence, and made, on the 28th October, at break of day, two simultaneous sorties against the Prussian batteries on the north and on the west of the fortress. In the first the enemy attacked the village of Belleville on both sides. The companies of the 65th regiment posted there, after being reinforced, drove him back, but unfortunately with a loss to themselves of an officer and 52 men killed, wounded, and missing. The destruction of the batteries contemplated by the enemy on this occasion ended in their rendering unserviceable only one gun that was already on a dis- mounted carriage. In the other sortie, which was directed against the batteries near Thierville, the French were more fortunate, for 92 tbey succeeded in spiking the guns there. The loss at this place on both sides was not inconsiderable. The disabled guns were, however, made serviceable again on the same day. The fall of Metz rendered it practicable to send important additions in troops and guns to the siege corps at Verdun. The 60th regiment (7th Brandenburg), the 8th jager battalion, and the 8th Rhenish pioneer battalion came up. The corps was altogether 15,000 strong, including 2,000 artillerymen. Colonels Meissner and Eiedel were nominated to the com- mands of the siege artillery and engineers respectively. All the technical preparations for a regular siege were put in hand at once. Additional materials for trenches and batteries were made ready, timber was cut for blindages, railway metals were sent up, and so on. 140 guns with their equipment of 1,000 rounds were on the spot. During these preliminary arrangements the commandant intimated his willingness to enter into negotiations for surrrender, which seemed to be justified since the fall of Metz, in order to avoid bloodshed and the destruction of the town. For this pnv- pose an armistice was granted for eight days, and on the 8th November the capitulation of the fortress and town of Verdun followed. Two generals, 11 staff-officers, 150 officers of lower rank, and about 4,000 men were made prisoners; 136 guns, 23,000 stand of arms, a number of excellent Arabian horses, and very considerable amounts of military stores were found. The terms of capitulation were made very favourable for the enemy, in proof of which we here subjoin them. " Article T. The fortress and town of Verdun, with all warlike stores, stores of every description, official records, and all public property are to be given over on the 9th November to General von Gayl in the condition in which everything is at the moment the convention is signed, on the express understanding that they are to be restored to France after the conclusion of peace. On Wednesday, the 9th November 1870, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the town and citadel of Verdun are to be given over to the Prussian troops. At the same hour artillery and engineer officers, with some non-commissioned officers, will be admitted to the place to take charge of the powder magazines and unload the mines. " Article II. The garrison are prisoners of war ; but the gardes mobiles, natives of Verdun, and the domiciled gardes nationales shall be free after laying down their arms, and none of the defenders of Verdun shall be molested. The gensdarmerie shall be free after laying down their arms, and shall keep their horses. The master-tradesmen of corps shall not be considered as soldiers, and are likewise free. " Article III. — The arms, and all warlike stores, consisting of guns, stores, military chests, waggons, ammunition, &c. shall be left in Verdun, in charge of a military commission, which will be appointed by the Greneral-Officer Commanding, and they shall 93 at once hand these things over to Prussian commissioners, to revert to France on the conclusion of peace. The troops disarmed will be marched by corps in order to the places appointed for each. They retain their knapsacks and property. " Article IV. — The officers and persons of that rank who select imprisonment, and give their word of honour to present them- selves on a fixed day at a place previously appointed, are free, but only to betake themselves to such places. All retain their arms,, their horses, and property. " Article V. — The military surgeons remain behind to treat the wounded. They are to be treated according to the convention of Geneva, as are also the attendants of the hospitals. '^^ Article VI. — The town of Verdun remains free from all war tax and contribution in money. Persons, property, civil and reli- gious institutions will be regarded. As far as possible the troops will be quartered in the military buildings, except in case of an extraordinary number passing through. " Article VII. — All public establishments, the civil and com- mercial courts, the notariat, trade, and industry remain freely in_ operation. " Article VIII. — Separate points that hereafter present them- selves shall be regulated by an appendix, wliicli shall have the same force as the present convention." There is no doubt that perfectly clear reasons have been given, for this surrender, extraordinarily favourable as it was to the enemy, but they have not yet been published. Before Verdun the combatants on both sides had learnt to know one another, and were convinced that a siege would have cost much time, materiel, and troops. Under the circumstances then existing both materiel and troops could be turned to better account. In the citadel much damage had been done, a straw store was burnt, and, generally :>peaking, all the buildings that it was possible to destroy had been destroyed. The parts of the town near the fortifications had also suffered much ; but the principal streets, and even the lofty cathedral with its observatory, remained uninjured by Prussian shells. The temper of the citizens was in accordance with the circumstances of the case. They had not this time any reason to fear such things as happened after the taking by the Prussians in 1792, when several officers gave a ball, and the revolutionary tribunal caused fifteen young girls to be guillotined — the youngest only seventeen years of age — because they had danced with Prussian officers. 94 SOISSOXS. (plate XIII.) For the advance of the Grerman Army on Paris, as well as for their further operations in the north-west of France, it was of the highest strategical importance to have possession of the railway which goes northward from Paris to Soissons, by Nanteuil, Crepy, and Villers-Cotterets, and the road-junctions at Soissons, Chauny, Compiegne, Villers-Cotterets, and Chateau Thierry. Soissons is a pleasant manufacturing town with 11,000 inhabi- tants, and has three gates, through which pass the roads to Com- piegne, Laon, and Mezieres. The railway is to the south-east, and within range of the guns of the fortress at a distance of 1,500 paces. The Aisne, rising in the forest of Argonne, and washing the town on the east, is here never more than 100 paces broad, and on the south of the fortress receives the rather deeply sunk stream of the Grrise. The Aisne is connected with the Ourcq canal, which, as is well known, discharges itself into the St. Denis canal, near Paris, about fifteen miles (70"2 English miles) from Soissons. On the left bank of the Aisne the fortress consists, on its east side, of a defensible wall, some twenty feet high, on which the north and south fronts terminate. These, as well as the west front, are formed of a number of irregidar bastions, with long connecting lines or curtains, strengthened only on the north-west by ravelins in front. Well-protected sluices afford the means of filling the ditches with water when the place is prepared for a siege, thus rendering them impassable. In time of peace the ditches are dry. Kecently the south-west front, which is defensively the weakest, has been appropriately strengthened by the addition of a large hornwork placed on some high ground which falls steeply towards the country. Nearly in the centre of the east front a massive bridge, of great beauty architecturally, crosses the Aisne to the subm'b of St. Vaast, which is enclosed independently by fortifica- tions, and serves as a bridge-head. The remaining suburbs — St. Christophe on the west, De Grrise and De Eheims on the south-west — are much built over, and hence of some disadvantage defensively, since they interfere with the fire of the guns of the works behind them. There are some bombproof powder magazines in the fortress, but bombproof barracks are entirely wanting, which is a serious disadvantage to the garrison. The profiles and the details of the works are such that the place is secure from a coup« de-main. The ground close round Soissons is a good deal cut up Plate XIII f/iPrFioTi PC S //.£ 95 by valleys on the south-west and south-east, hut elsewhere flat and partially clothed with plantations ; further off, however, to the north on the plateau of Pasly, to the east at Crouy and Ville- neuve, it is covered with groups of houses, parks, and vineyards. On the south, at Belleu and Vauxbuin, it is favourable for the operations of an investment, for the roads here leading to Sois- sons can easily be converted into defensible defiles and trenches. Some of the heights, especially near Vauxbuin, are within such distances of the fortress that they afford advantageous artillery positions for our long-range rifled guns, and are, therefore, exceed- ingly well situated for the bombardment of the fortress. There are also some places from which the escarps are visible down to the foot of the wall at the bottom of the ditch. After the battle of Sedan the army of the Meuse resumed its march towards Paris, and consequently the head of the IVth Prus- sian army corps belonging to that army arrived before the fortress on the 11th September. Major von Wittich, of the general staff, was sent into the fortress with a flag of truce, to ask the Com- mandant to evacuate the place. The latter received him politely, but decisively rejected the proposal. The fortress was put into as good a condition for defence as time and circumstances permitted^ by cutting down the trees on the glacis, barricading the entrances, clearing the lines of fire, and demolishing the suburbs and railway. The commandant had destroyed the passage over the Aisne valley by the fine suspension-bridge at Vailly. The overflow of the Aisne into the lower basin of the ground liable to inundation put the country as far as Bucy-le-Loug under water. The place could not, therefore, be taken without special preparation. As the ad- vance on Paris was ordered to be hastened, the columns of the IVth army corps on the march were directed for the time to i3ass round the place, and it was thought sufficient to observe it vmtil the ar- rival of the 2nd landwehr division, under the command of Major- Greneral von Selchow, who were told off for the investment. They eventually came in the latter part of September. The divisional headquarters were fixed in La Carriere de I'Eveque. Owing to the paucity of troops, the investment of the fortress was incomplete in its earlier stages ; the right bank of the Aisne was almost entirely open to the French, so that they frequently sent out foraging parties there. Small engagements of the patrols were ineffectual to prevent this evil. The investment of the fortress, however, was accomplished, in the face of continual and repeated sorties and alarms of the outposts by the garrison. An affair of this kind on a large scale took place on the 28th September, and tlie enemy was repulsed by the landwehr battalions of Landsberg, Frankfurt, and Woldenberg. The garrison were consequently compelled to beg for a truce to carry off their killed and wounded, whilst our loss was but very small. Meanwhile the siege corps was formed of nine landwehr battalions, comprising those of Frankfurt, Kiis- trin, Landsberg, Woldenberg, Brandenburg, Euppin, Prenzlau, and Jiiterbogk, with the addition of the Halberstadt heavy reserve cavalry regiment, a squadron of the 1st Mecklenburg dragoons 96 a heavy and a light reserve field battery, three companies of the 2nd, 4th, and 11th regiments of garrison artillery, and a com- pany of Schleswig garrison pioneers (engineers), as well as the pontoon company of the 9th battalion of pioneers (engineers). Major-General von Selchow commanded the siege corps, Colonel Bartsch the siege artillery ; Colonel Braun, of the staff of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin, was the Chief Engineer. In spite of repeated engagements with the energetic garrison, who, by a skilful use of the ground, impeded the advance of the siege corps, and, particularly on the 3rd and 9th October, brought on sanguinary actions for the possession of the villages of Crouy and Cuffies, the investment became by the 10th October close and complete. The enemy was forced into the interior of the fortress, and, owing to the energy he had shown, it was necessary to barri- cade, and put into a condition for defence, the nearest villages and farms, especially the Ferme la Periere. This was no difficult matter, as it was solidly built and suitable for defence. In order to connect the sections of the besieging force on both sides of the Aisne, the river was bridged at Pommiers and Venizel. On the following days the heavy guns from the batteries before Toul arrived. The park of artillery consisted of 10 24-pounders 1 n-a j t> • j ■1 r> 1 r. 1 c Kined Prussian ordnance. 1 o 1 2-pounders J 2 27-centimetre "j 4 22-centimetre > French mortars. 4 15-centimetre I Total 36 pieces of siege artillery. Materials for the construction of the batteries were also brought from Toul. The southern side of the fortress was found, on being reconnoitred, to be particularly well-adapted for bombardment. The following batteries were constructed : — Battery No. 1. Emplacement for field guns. Battery No. 2. Enfilading battery, 4 24-pounders. Battery No. 3. Mortar battery, 2 27-centimetre and 4 22- centimetre mortars. Battery No. 4. Breaching battery, 6 24-pounders. Batteries Nos. 5 & 6. Two dismounting batteries ; together, 12 1 2-pounders. Battery No. 7. Dismounting battery against the hornwork and the flanking casemates at the gate to Compiegne. Battery No. 8. Emplacement for field guns. The two emplacements were' occupied by the two reserve batteries present with the siege corps. On the morning of the 12th October the bombardment began in the presence of H.R.H. the Grrand Duke of Mecklenburg, who had supreme command over the siege corps, and of His Highness the Duke of Saxe-Altenburg. The construction of the batteries had been proceeded with during the previous night 97 without interruption from the enemy, but with much difficulty from the rocky nature of the soiL Before long the garrison artillery replied briskly from 16 or 18 guns to the fire of the besiegers, so that some of the batteries had to abandon their original objects, and join in the fight against the artillery of the garrison. October 13. — It had been observed that the French artillery had been very busy on the ramparts during the night, and had put new guns in position. The garrison opened fire with the same energy as on the day before. Out of regard for the great sufferings of the town a flag of truce was sent into the fortress at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, but all proposals for a surrender were rejected ; consequently the fire was continued. October 14. — The artillery continued the engagement. The breaching batteries iDroduced the best results. On the previous night gun-emplacements Nos. 9 and 10 were constructed, and on the other hand batteries jSTos. 1 and 8 were removed, because the fire of the neighbouring fronts of the fortress had been concentrated on them. These gun-emplacements were so situated that the direct fire of the works opposite to them could do them no serious injury. October 15. — During the night the enemy had been at work at the breach that had been effected, though an incessant fire upon it was kept up, and had repaired the damage, in full expec- tation of an assault. The breach was in fact pi'acticable, the wall had been demolished for a length of 45 or 50 paces, and the earth of the parapet had fallen down, and formed a ramp into the dry ditch. There was no masonry counterscarp there, a circumstance that was so far of importance, that it would have facilitated an assault of the breach, if necessary. In order to be able, in case of need, to proceed with an abbreviated regular attack, it was intended to construct close to La Buerie a portion of a parallel, which might eventually have been used in connection with the so-called " second batteries," and to afford cover to the assaulting columns. This parallel was conveniently situated, as regarded the breach that had been made opposite to it, some 800 paces off, the projected gun-emplacements Nos. 9 and 10 being about 100 paces in rear. Arrangements had been already made for the assault, when, on the 15th October, a French flag of truce arrived, with a request that an officer might be sent to negotiate for a surrender with the Commandant, Greneral Denue. By order of H.R.H. the Grrand Duke, Colonel von Krensky, Chief of the general staff of the Xlllth army corps, and the Count von Schlieffen, Captain on the general staff, were appointed to conduct these negotiations ; and these officers returned at 2 o'clock in the morning of the 16th October, to the headquarters at Venizel, with the capitida- tion concluded. The distress and want in the town, whose citizens were not prepared for a siege, had apparently hastened this capitulation. The fire from our guns had caused great havoc 36996. H ^8 in the place, and made it almost impracticable to continue the duty on the ramparts. It may be observed, in reference to the first, that the arsenal and other military buildings, as well as the large hospital, had been destroyed by fire, and with regard to the latter, that a very large proportion of the guns on the ram- parts were found to be dismounted. This state of things and the existence of a practicable breach must have been the immediate causes of the request of the commandant for a capitulation. On the 16th October, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the German forces occupied the gates, and the garrison, about 4,000 strong, gave themselves up on the glacis: 128 guns, including many pieces damaged, without side-arms, or destroyed, 70,000 shells, 3,000 cwt. of powder, a military chest with 92,000 francs (about £3,680), and a quantity of clothing and equipment stores, were the spoil of the victors. The troops marched past in front of the cathedral before H.E.H. the Grand Duke, who placed him- self in the square formed by the soldiers, caused them to present arms, and took possession of the fortress, with three cheers for His Majesty the King. H.R.H. the Grand Duke of IMecklenburg thereupon proceeded by Rheims to Paris. In sjDite of the heav}?^ fire on both sides, the siege artillery had to lament the loss of only 3 killed and 27 wounded. 99 LA FERE. (plate ti.) After the capitulation of Metz the 1st army received orders to invest the fortresses of Thionville, Longwy, Montmedj, and Mezieres, and to overthrow the newly raised armies of the enemy in the North-west of France. At La Fere the roads from Cambray and Amiens meet. The place itself lies on the highroad, which leads from Laon by Compiegne to Paris, and also on the Crozat canal, which can be used as a communication by water from Paris by Valenciennes to Antwerp. The railway from Laon to Paris joasses by the place on the south, and goes thence westward to Tergnier. From here the lines northwards to Amiens, Cambray, and Valenciennes branch off. In considering the important and influential jDosition of the little fortress of La Fere, 4 miles(l8| English miles) north of Soissons, with regard to the operations of the 1st army. Baron Manteuffel, general of cavalry, its commander, could have no doubt that the place ought to be taken as soon as possible, since it barred the communications above mentioned. La Fere has 5,000 inhabitants, and was formerly the seat of an artillery school of established reputation, whence have pro- ceeded the most famous generals in this branch of the French army. The place is of no importance otherwise. The fortifications of La Fere, a fortress of the second class, consisted of a high town- wall, arranged for defence, in the manner of the middle ages. The deep ditches in front of this wall are flanked by towers — some half-round, some half-angular — or by flanks in the escarp. On the west, north, and east, this town-wall is covered from direct fire by an earthen parapet of weak profile and irregular trace. Before the introduction of rifled guns of long range, and of indirect breaching-fire, this may have sufficed, but now the to^vn-wa^, in spite of the earthen parapet, can be got at from great distances. The passages over the Oise and the Crozat canal are covered by a little redoubt made like a bridge-head. The fortress was as well and completely prepared for a siege as one could expect. It should particularly be observed that the Oise was dammed up, and thus an extensive and effective inunda- tion was caused over the meadow-ground, which was favourably situated for that purpose. This low ground is only about a quarter of a mile (2,060 yards) wide close to the fortress, but becomes broader on the north and south, and extends to the east and west as far as some gently sloping heights ; and these, more particularly H 2 100 on the eastward, pei'mit a complete view into the fortress, and afford very well-placed sites for l)atteries, wlience the place can be effectually shelled. In order to hurry on as much as possible the investment of La Fere, the 4th infiiutry brigade, under the command of Major- Greneral von Zglinitzky, was sent on at once from Metz by rail to Soissons, to march thence by road, on the 14th November, to take up the ground before La Fere. The brigade comprised the 4th and 8th East Prussian regiments, a squadron of the 10th dragoons, and a heavy battery of the 1st regiment of artillery. In addition there were attached to the force a company of pioneers (engineers), six companies of garrison artillery, with 16 siege-guns (four 24-pounders and twelve 12-pounders) and six 22-centimetre mortars. The companies of artillery belonged to the 2nd, 4th, 1 1th, and guard regiments of garrison artillery. On the 1 otli November La Fere was closely invested, and, after repeated reconnaissances of the fortress, the south-east front was selected for attack. Far in advance of the head of the army to which he belonged, surrounded by an irritated and excited popula- tion, in the midst of hostile forces in j)rocess of formation, the task of Major-Greneral von Zglinitzky v;as no easy one. Grreat prudence was required, for the detachment had to be so placed round the fortress that it could at any moment front either way. In fact, on the 20th November it was attacked, on the right bank of the Oise, by six companies of the enemy, with four guns, at Menessis, in the country near Tergnier. The battalion of the 5th regiment, stationed there, succeeded, however, in repulsing the attack, with considerable loss to the enemy. Apparently in connection with this fight, the garrison at the same time attempted a sortie, without deriving therefrom any advantage whatever. Meanwhile the siege-guns, mentioned above, had arrived before the place, chiefly from Soissons, and preparations for a bombardment were begun by getting ready some materials for the construction of batteries. The siege-park was formed at Eogecourt, a place situated on the railway, in a valley nearly three-quarters of a mile (6,178 yards) east of the fortress. On the evening of the 24th November progress was made witli the construction of the batteries, and they were at once armed. The enemy did not interfere with this work, so that on the morning of the 25th November, at half-past eight o'clock, the fortress was bombarded from seven batteries, which were built on the heights of Danizy, west of the place of the same name, on both sides of the road to Pont-a-Boussy. The fire was directed not only against the positions of the enemy's artillery on the works, but also against the railway station lying on the south side of the Faubourg Neuf, which had been barricaded, fortified, and rendered impassable by blowing up two bridges. The north front was also enfiladed, so that with these dispositions it was impossible to avoid at the same time bombarding the further portion of the town. The garrison replied with vigour to the fire of the siege-batteries, which did terrible havoc in all directions. 101 They had placed 24 guns on the front attacked, and had changed the positions of their artillery. Soon the town was on fire in several places, and the distress there was the greater, because there were no cellars in which the inhabitants could take refuge. The garrison was entirely without bombproof cover of any sort, the only barracks in the place were soon in flames, several magazines caught fire, the gate of the fort towards Laon was shot to pieces, and the fronts attacked were seriously damaged. Under these circumstances the commandant. Captain Planche, who be- longed to the navy, after a 30-hours' bombardment, could hold out no longer. He gave up the fortress on the 26th November, and thus 2,000 prisoners, chiefly garde-mobiles, 113 garrison guns of different calibres, with their ammunition, 5,000 stand of arms, and other military stores, fell into our hands. As La Fere contained an artillery arsenal, large stores of projectiles, lead, iron, and timber also became ours as spoil of war. The entry into the fortress was made on the 27th November. Under the circumstances it was necessary at once to provide La Fere with a sufficient garrison, and to put it again in a condi- tion of defence, so far as was practicable with the means available. For this purpose it was of the first imj)ortance to repair the very serious damage that had been done by the bombardment to the ramparts and gateways. The proximity of the enemy made this especially necessary. In fact, on the 16th December, French columns appeared before the fortress, whence, to the number of 3,000 or 4,000 men they pushed on, crossing to the left bank of the Oise with the apparent intention of attacking Laon. The enemy, however, soon went back again without attempting to invest La Fere, to recapture it, or even to threaten this important railway junction. 102 THIONVILLE. (plate XIV.) Thionville, or Diedenhofen, a place with 7,800 inhabitants, is the most northern of the French strongholds on the Moselle, and with it commences the line of fortresses — including Long-wy, Mont- medy, Sedan, Mezieres, and Eocroy — constructed as a protection against attacks through Luxembourg and Belgium. The fortress was constructed at various epochs. It has been built from designs, partly by Vauban, and partly by Cormontaigne, It consists of three chains of defences, being the main work and a bridge-head on either side of the Moselle, and a work called ' Le Fort,' on the right bank of the arm of the Moselle, which branches off to the south of the place, and is used as a canal. On the left bank of the river lies the main work within the town, which has two gates, one on the north and one on the south, leading respectively to Luxembourg and Metz, and contains the great arsenal and a considerable store of provisions. Four regular bastioned fronts are joined to the Moselle by connecting lines, which on the lower side are strengthened by a complete and inde- pendent hornwork. Eavelins, counterguards, and a system of lunettes at the foot of the glacis give the place considerable defensive strength. The gorge of the fortress along the Moselle is closed by an indented defensible wall. A massive bridge of five arches spans the Moselle, here loO paces (123^ yards) wide, and leads into the fortifications of the bridge-head, which consist of a flat elongated crown-work. This work has three bastioned fronts, with counterguards and lunettes at the foot of the glacis in front of the flank bastions. The ditches are wet. Three bridges, or locks, lead over the arm of the Moselle used as a canal, already mentioned, to the right bank and into the strong crown-work of Le Fort, there situated. This consists of two bastioned fronts, provided with ravelins, and with cunettes in the ditches. The roads from Metz, Bouzonville, Saarlouis, and Sierk-Treves, debouch into this work. Outside the fortifications the French held the villages La Orange, Malgrange, and others, situated in the rayon of the fortress. Thionville commands the Moselle, and the important high- roads to Metz, Longwy, Luxembourg, and Saarlouis. Moreover, the place is an important railway junction, for the line leading a^aaaaaa au,ua a. hussuuv sijMeBattenes on22.NovemJ)er hb.ParaUeLs 103 from Luxembourg to Metz is joined on the south of Thionville by the railway from Longuion to Benning. Under these circum- stances ThionYille was drawn into the sphere of the military operations, as soon as the Grerman armies crossed the frontier. It lay in the district in which tlie 1st army operated, and as early as the 8 th of August an advanced party was sent against the place from the Vlllth army corps. As we were in contact with the enemy after the battles of Forbach and Spicheren, and knew that he had gone to Metz, Thionville was only observed at first, and it was not till after affairs had become more settled at Metz that the for- tress was so far invested, that all communication with the place was cut off. At first the troops in observation consisted only of three squadrons of the 2nd reserve cavalry regiment formed at Deutz, who wore the uniform of cidrassiers, and were armed with lances. Then came, in passing, the landwehr battalions of Kummer's reserve division, the 2nd (Thuriugian) regiment, the 94th (Oldenburg) regiment (to which two guns were attached), the 10th (Lauenburg) jager battalion, the 3rd reserve hussars, and lastly, the 10th ulan regiment (1st Posen). On the south of the fortress the communication between the troops posted there was maintained by a bridge between Ucange and Bertrange. For some time Lieutenant-Greneral von Bothmer had the com- mand of the troops before Thionville, but he rather observed than invested it. The operations were confined to watching the roads and destroying the bridges and telegraphs. The duty was monotonous enough for some weeks, though there were some bold and prudently conducted reconnaissances made by the garrison, which brought the Grerman force into contact with their equally active opponents. A fight of this kind took place on the 13th September at Veymerange, west of Thionville, where the French had gone ftom the fortress to forage. Numbers of franc-tireurs scoured the country, kept up communication with the unfriendly inhabitants, as well as with those of ' neutrcd ' Luxembourg, and were able in many ways to help the garrison in Thionville, and also to give them news of their enemy's movements. Thus, the French, on the 1 7th Septem- ber, with two companies of infantry and a picket of dragoons, at- tacked suddenly a train of 165 wagons at Konigsmachern, between Sierk and Thionville. The train was laden with oats for the Prussian army. The weak escort of six men were killed or made prisoners, and the train taken into the fortress. After fifty-eight wagons had come within the rayon of Thionville, a patrol of the 3rd reserve hussars succeeded in recapturing 107 wagons from the enemy, quite close to the fortress. Almost at the same time as this attack, a railway-train was smug- gled in with provisions, which had been collected in Luxembourg and Bettenburg ostensibly for the German army. For this purpose, on the night of the 24th-2oth Sejjtember, the rails that had been torn up were relaid on the Thionville and Luxembourg line ; and the provision-train of sixty wagons, containing meal, rice, coffee, and sugar, was brought into the fortress, where the garrison were 104 to receive this consignment. The Prussian detachments on the south and west of Thionville heard of the affair, and endeavoured to prevent the unloading, but did not succeed in doing so. The whole business was arranged by tlie French company of the Chemin de Fer de I'Est in Luxembourg, who own the section of railway in question. Such a lesson increased the watchfulness of the Prussian troopSy and issuing from Sierk, where a Prussian garrison was stationed, they succeeded in seizing twenty provision-wagons destined for Thionville, and coming from Mondorf and Bettenburg in Luxembourg. On the loth and 18th October it was necessary to send a flag of truce into the fortress, and Major von Prittwitz and Captain von Eickstadt, of the cavalry, went in for this purpose. Shots were fired from the fortress at both of them. On the 17th October the French made a sortie, but were quickly driven back again into the fortress by our men. We had fifteen wounded ; the enemy carried off their killed and vrounded with them into the place. After the capitulation of Metz, the 14th infantry division, under the command of Lieutenant-General von Kamecke, took up a position before Thionville for the complete investment of the place, and thus commenced, in fact, the series of sieges of the north- eastern fortresses of France. On the 9th and 10th of November the siege corps began its march from JNIetz, in two echelons. Besides the infantry division already mentioned, it consisted of 13 companies of garrison artillery, under the command of Major Schmelzer, 3 heavy and 2 light batteries of the 7th regiment of field artillery, 7 com- panies of pioneers (engineers), including 5 companies of garrison pioneers of different army corps, pontoon column No. 7, and a bridge-train captured in Metz. The pioneers were under the command of Major Treumann, commanding the 7th battalion of pioneers. Lieutenant-Geueral von Kamecke placed his headquarters in Hayange. He caused an observatory to be established at Chateau - Serre, whence the fortress was completely seen into. At Ukange a pontoon-bridge was substituted for the ferry previously existing, and the maintenance of this bridge later on gave much trouble, owing to the lising of the waters of the Moselle. On the 20th November, the materials required for the con- struction of the batteries having been previously brought up between the I4th and 18th of November, and having been pre- pared under the direction of the technical troops, a matter of no great difficulty in this well-timbered country, the actual construc- tion began. The work at the batteries was partly masked by plantations, which were only removed immediately before the fire began. On the 19th November the siege-guns, 158 in number, were all assembled. 105 The siege-park consisted of: — 36 24-pounders, 10 of them short, 50 1 2-pounders, It tpoundei's } °^ ^^' ^"^^ ^'^^^^'y^ 8 13-inch mortars, 4 1 1-inch ditto, 18 8-inch ditto. 158 total number of pieces. The main artillery park was in Suzauge, the smaller one in Hettange-grande, and Immeldange. On the 21st November General von Zastrow, of the infantry, commanding the Yllth army corps, arrived from Metz with his staff, in order to be present at the then imminent bombardment of the fortress. For the bombardment the following batteries liad been erected : — 1 . On the right bank of the INloselle, at the village of Haute- Yutz, four field batteries, three 6-pounder batteries, and one 4- pounder battery ; at the wood of Illange, four 24-pounders and four 1 2-pounders, four 13-inch French mortars, which had been brought from Metz. These batteries fired upon the bridge- head and north-east front of the town, at a distance of about 2.500 paces. 2. On the left bank of the Moselle, at the farm of Gfassion, four short rifled 24-pounders. Here also four rifled mortars should have been placed, but were not put in position for certain reasons. This 24-pounder battery was established by a detachment from the artillery school of gunnery at Spandau. At Chateau-Serre, a 24-pounder 4-gun batter}^ ; on the left of the castle, a similar 24- pounder battery. These batteries fired upon the north-west front of the town, at a distance of about 5,500 paces. In the wood of Veymerange, a battery of short 24-pounders ; in front of Vey- merange, two batteries of 12-pouuders for four guns each. These three batteries were for the bomljardmeut of the town, at about 4,000 paces' distance. At Maison-rouge, in front of Hettange- grande, were three 12-pounder batteries, each for four guns. These batteries fired upon the town at 3,900 paces distance, and enfiladed some of the fronts of the fortress. There were thus 16 batteries, with 85 guns, in action. Major von Eynatten commanded the artillery, Colonel Eiedel the engineers. The latter had originally been ordered to Verdun, but that fortress capitulated on the very day of his arrival. Up to the day last mentioned, only the ridges had been occu- pied round the fortress, which lies with its small towers deep in the valley of the Moselle. On the night of the 21st-22nd November, however, the villages and farms lying in front were taken — namely, the farm of Grassion, Terville with the adjoining mill of St. Marie, Haute and Basse Gruentrange, La Grange, and Malgrange, St. Francois and St. Anna. At the same time, in very 106 bad weather, a j^ioneer company connected the churchyard at Terville with the village, by a trench with a salient angle, in order that those in the fortress might, by seeing the earthworks, be con- vinced of the gravity of the situation. The guarding of the low ground by the Moselle was undertaken, on the left bank, by two squadrons of the 2nd reserve cavalry regiment; on the right by some squadrons of the 15th regiment of hussars. On the 22nd November, at 7 o'clock in the morning, the bom- bardment began in thick miny weather, rendering it difficult to take aim. After a short time the artillery of the fortress also opened fire. The prefecture, the arsenal, three wings of a large barrack, the large riding-school, and the town-hall became, one after another, a prey to the flames. The conflagrations lasted through- out the night. As the Moselle happened to be very high, some of the streets and the cellars were under water, and it was impossible for the citizens to take refuge in the latter. Eegardless of the destructive fire of the siege-guns, the defence of 'the place was maintained with energy, for the first 24 hours, by the artillery of the garrison ; and for this the commandant of the place, Colonel Turnier, is deserving of credit. Longer than this the defenders could not contend against the increasing severity of the bombard- ment, as the garrison had to be employed almost solely in ex- tinguishing the fires in the town. The rate of fire of the siege- batteries was ordered to be reduced to one round every half-hour by day, and one round every hour by night. On the night of the 22nd-23rd November, the artillery of the garrison set fire to the village of Beauregard, the great establish- ment of Jesuits, and the rendezvous of the franc-tireurs at the time of the investment, and thus prevented its occupation by the Prussian troops, which was to have taken place that very night. On the 23rd November, at 2 p.m., the tricolour was replaced by the white fiag on the church-tower. The besiegers looked upon this as a sign that a capitulation was desired. On the side of the attack, therefore, fire ceased. As no flag of truce came from the fortress, Lieutenant-Greneral von Kamecke sent one of his adjutants into the place. He returned, however, with a request from the place that the women and children might be allowed to leave the fortress. Under the circumstances this request could not be en- tertained, and the bombardment was therefore resumed at half- past 7 in the evening, and lasted till 10 o'clock in the morning of the 24th November. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, after bombardment for 52 hours, the fortress capitulated, on the terms agreed upon at Sedan. On the Prussian side the capitulation was concluded by Major the Baron von Hilgers, of the general staff. On the 25th November, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the place was given up. First the gates, powder-magazines, and mines were taken possession of, and then the French garrison marched out, and laid down their arms in front of the gate of Saarlouis. Thence the garrison were sent off, in three detachments, to the South-G-erman fortresses, as prisoners of war. 107 The loss iu men on both sides was small. The Prussians lost only two killed and eight wounded, the French apparently only a few killed and 40 wounded, whilst of the civil population no one was seriously hurt. The losses entailed on the latter by the bom- bardment were, however, very heavy, and were estimated at 3,000,000 francs (^120,000). Besides the 4,000 prisoners, including some national guards, 200 guns, with great quantities of other warlike stores, were taken. It should be mentioned that the occupation of Thionville led to the discovery of unquestionable evidence of the violation of neutrality by the Grrand Duchy of Luxembourg. In conclusion, we may add, as a historical note, that Thion- ville was captm-ed by surprise by France in 1558, just as were Metz and Strasburg. Subsequently it was given up to the Spaniards, and came first definitely under French rule in 1659. With this siege, however, Thionville has once more become Diedenhofen. 108 MONTMEDY. (plate XV.) The fortress is situated on a conical hill, sloping away from it on three sides. To the north the hill is joined on to a ridge of very- great importance defensively, which, at the village of Thonelle, attains its greatest breadth and height above the bottom of the valley of the Chiers. That river here receives several mountain streams. Eound the fortress the ground is of more or less mili- tary importance, generally covered with wood, and there are also hills difficult of access, which slope down steeply to small water- courses. Between this ridge and the hill on which the fortress is situated the ground falls rapidly, and at the point of greatest de- pression the roads from Paris to Luxembourg and from Sedan to Metz cross. The railway, Sedan-Thionville-Metz, passes under this depression of the ground, through a tunnel about 1,200 paces 987^ yards) long. Although the fortress was constructed as far back as the middle of the sixteenth century, it was developed into its present form, and very much strengthened, in the time of Louis XIV., under the direction of Marshal Vauban. The defences then existing consisted principally of a high scarp-wall with many pro- jections, and provided with machicoulis and other defensiv^e ar- rangements of that description ; and partly around this wall was added the existing enceinte, with eight i]*regular bastions and six ravelins, in precise conformity with the edge of the plateiui, and not in accordance with any definite system of fortification. Tlie great height of the profile and the situation of the fortress, on a rocky hill, 200 feet high, impracticable for troops, give the place its strength, and render it secure from any sudden attack in force. There are no detached works. The town of JNIontmedy, witli 2,500 inhabitants, is divided into the lower town, which lies in the valley; and the upper town, which is enclosed by the mountain fortress. In the latter there are five barracks for 800 men, two powder-magazines, and the arsenal. The lower town, also called Medybas, is surrounded by a crenel- lated wall, which, being uncovered on almost all sides, can be easily breached. The hospital, and a cavalry barrack for 100 men, witli stabling for 100 horses, are here situated. By the 3rd September, after the battle of Sedan, the head of a column of the Eoyal Prussian guard corps, under the command of Captain Zimmerman, of the 3rd ulan regiment of the guard, had arrived in the immediate neighbourhood of the fortress. That ?lateXV. b.h b b,b.i,b,b,6.1'rwsslu.ii Sieae Hictlefif.^- t>n^ i2JJec^n\LeT- c, oj'riisjian Field JinW^nf^ otv I2'9«t>«rwbeir '"APf^tirrfes./ite. 109 officer caused the commandant to be summoned to surrender, by Lieutenant von Jagow, but the demand was refused. In riding thither the trumpeter with the flag of truce was shot. This was immediately reported to the Commander-in-Chief of the army of the Meuse, under whose orders the guard corps was. The com- mander-in-Chief, in consequence, ordered the guard corps, with a brigade of infantry and the necessary cavalry and artillery, to make an attempt to capture the fortress. The two heights, on the north and north-east of the place, afforded suitable positions for the artillery, as they lay nearly as high as the fortress ; but for field-guns, which were almost the only ones available, the distances were too great for obtaining thoroughly satisfactory results. The bombardment was to take place chiefly from the north, from seven batteries of the brigade of artillery of the guard. These were placed as far as possible behind natural cover, and swept both the town and the fortress in the direction of their greatest length. On the 5th September, at 10 a.m., the batteries opened fire on the fortress. Soon the sub-prefecture and the adjoining part of the town were in flames. About 11 o'clock the mayor of Thonelle was sent by the officer commanding the artillery brigade of the guard. Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, to the commandant. Colonel Eeboul, to demand a surrender of the fortress within an horn- and a half. The reply given to the mayor was the same as that made to the bearer of the flag of truce on the j^revious day. Upon this the artillery fight began afresh on both sides. After some hours it was broken ofi" on the side of the Prussians. The Prussians lost four men and one horse. As by these proceedings satisfaction had been obtained for the breach of international law in shooting the trumpeter with the flag of truce, and as, more- over, it was manifest that the fortress could not be taken without more preparation of a special character, the Prussians resumed their march on Paris. The French had three killed and 15 wounded. At this period it was not intended to take the trouble to watch and invest the fortress, which lay off the line of marcli and of the operations of the Grerman armies. Under these circumstances, the commandant was able to send away part of the garrison to the French army of the North, and to carry on the duties of the fortress with almost national guards alone. Supported by, and in com- munication with, tlie people of the country, the commandant did not fail to prove troublesome to the Prussian lines of communica- tion that lay nearest to him. In consequence, many encounters took place with the 2nd and 4th companies of the 65th regiment, which were detached from the investing corps before Verdun to protect the post at Stenay, between the former place and Sedan. After their departure, on the 7th October, the commandant of the fortress made a sudden attack on Stenay. For this purpose about 600 men of the garrison of Montmedy were sent out on the night of the 15th-16th of October, and about 6 o'clock in the morning they arrived at Stenay, only 1| miles (8:^^ English no miles) distant from the fortress. Here a street-fight commenced. Although the garrison in Stenay was turned out very quickly, yet the French succeeded, with the assistance of some confederates in the place, in carrying off to Montmedy the staff-officer of the post, with his adjutant, two artillery officers who happened to be in Stenay, an officer of the intendant with 100 men of the Briihl landwehr battalion, 40 of the Borken landwehr battalion, and 40 sick, and in addition a Prussian military chest, containing 10,000 francs (ig400). It was not till after the capitulation of Metz, and almost at the same time with the close blockade of Thionville, that Mont- medy was invested by the 27th brigade, under the command of Colonel von Pannewitz, and further by the 74th (1st Hanoverian) regiment, the 39th (Lower Ehenish) fusiliers, the 7th West- phalian jager battalion, and some cavalry and artillery. In occupying the positions round Montmedy on the 16th November, the 1st and 2nd battalions of the 74th regiment became engaged at Chauvency and Thonelle with the French infantry, who were driven back into the fortress, lea\dng behind 86 unwounded prisoners. The siege-park told off for the bombardment of Montmedy was almost the same in the calibre of guns, and also as regards the troops employed and the commanding officers, as was engaged at Thionville. From that place they were sent as far as Longuyon by rail, and thence by march along the road to Montmedy. The parks were in several places. The chief park was at Juvigny sur Loison, with supplementary parks at Bazailles and Chauvency, to the south and west of Montmedy respectively. On the 28th November Lieutenant-Greneral von Kamecke arrived, with the rest of the 14th division, exclusive of a portion detached from before Montmedy, to observe the fortress of Longwy. Headquarters were in Louppi. Meanwhile the technical prepara- tions for the bombardment were commenced. On the nth December the parks were complete. In the meantime the pioneers (engineers) constructed roads and huts for the pickets, and were employed on railway and telegraph works. On the 9th, 10th, and 11th December the batteries were con- structed under very difficult circumstances, the enemy endeavour- ing to interrupt the work by the fire of artillery and of chassepots. At 1 1 o'clock in the evening the infantry took possession of the "\dllages of Thonne-les-Pres, Frenoy, Ville Claye, and Ire-le-Pres. In the night of the llth-12th December the arming of the batte- ries was taken in hand, a task that was very difficult, owing to the badness of the roads and the hard-frozen snow. The batteries, except the rifled mortar-battery, were situated at distances of 2,000 to 3,800 paces from the fortress, on the heights at Yille Claye and Gerauvaux. The mortar-battery, however, was in the valley close behind the village of Vigneul and the Bois de Moncey. The siege-pieces employed were : — Ill 8 long rifled 24-poimders, 10 short rifled 24-poimders, 4 rifled mortars, 20 rifled 12-pounders. Total ... 42 siege-pieces. In addition there were twenty 6-poimder field-guns, and with these pieces a heavy field-battery of the 7th regiment of artillery, and another of the 4th regiment of artillery, were posted on the heights to the north of the fortress. On the 12th December, at half-past 7 in the morning, the weather being clear, fire was commenced from all the batteries, which had been armed altogether with 60 pieces. The west front of the fortress was the chief object of the fire. Orders were given that by day each gun should expend five rounds, and each mortar three rounds in an hour, and by night each gun and each mortar one round. The special object ordered to be aimed at by the batteries of the attack were the west front above mentioned, certain flanking casemates, the powder-magazine, the hollow tra- verses, the gate of the fortress leading to the town, and the fortress itself. After a short time the garrison replied very briskly, and although several guns were silenced on the front of attack, the enemy kept up a well-directed fire till the evening, but then the fire entirely ceased. The battery armed with five short rified 24- pounders, on the height and in front of the wood of Grerauvaux, was the most heavily cannonaded. Good results were not to be ex- pected from the siege artillery, for towards noon heavy rain came on, which lasted throughout the day and night. On the 13th December fire was continued, at a slow rate, only one round each hour being fired, because a thick fog prevailed, and made it impossible to see the object aimed at. The effect could not be ascertained, except that towards evening the town was on fire. The practice of the artillery had produced a fright- ful effect on the buildings of the place and on the fortifications. Among the latter, some iron splinter-proofs, apjDarently con- structed of railway metals, and built up with masonry, were entirely destroyed. Hardly a house remained uninjm-ed, and the public buildings were for the most part destroyed. About 8 o'clock in the evening the order was given to cease fire, as negoti- ations were entered into for a surrender. The commandant, having previously refused to capitulate, now, after 36 hours' bom- bardment, said that he wished to surrender. He sent for this purpose the second in command to Ire-le-Sec, whither also went Major the Baron von Hilgers, of the Prussian general staff. At 2 o'clock in the morning the terms of capitulation were concluded, and their ratification took place by 8 o'clock. On the 14th December, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the fortress was given up, and the Prussian troops marched in. From the 60 pieces in action, about 3,000 rounds had been fired alto- gether. The effect produced by the rifled guns, and chiefly by the rifled mortars, had hastened the capitulation, and had caused 112 such devastation, that a longer resistance of the enemy's artillery by the fortress was impossible. The loss of the besiegers amounted to 12 wounded ; that of the French to some 30 or 40 killed, and 50 wounded. With the taking of Montmedy, there fell into the hands of the victors 3,000 prisoners, 65 guns, of which 21 were rifled, and several well-filled magazines; besides which 4 Prussian officers with 237 men were liberated from captivity. General Aon Kamecke had made the commandant answerable with his head for the lives and health of the prisoners, after he had previously refused curtly to exchange them. The French had blown up the railway tunnel. By the fall of Montmedy the railway line from Thionville to Sedan was opened for the Grerman armies before Paris, and operating in the North-west of France, and, moreover, a sto]) was put to the move- ments of the franc-tireurs, who had their headquarters in the fortress. Plate XVI Frwssicmi Sie^e Soytteries JV" 1-8 IiTtfCladb.CcnMitefi ii^B^cachet-Satrtern ,f " 1-irjiEtmiUeuse.f Batteries .uit,,ijj,^iv(ixrifji and/ rniichcs g I'eoe nt yot rrcr S IV! E 113 LONGWY. (plate xyi.) This fortress is the point of junction of the roads from Thionville and Metz, from the Belgian fortress of Arlon and from Luxembm^g, and from Verdun and Paris. It also bars the junction line con- necting the railway from Thionville to Mezieres with that from Luxembourg to Arlon. The occupation of the place only became desirable after Thionville, Sedan, Montmedy, and Mezieres had been taken, as it appeared necessary then to establish communication between Northern Lorraine and the neighbouring country, and to put an end to the movements of the franc-tireurs in that region, which were much facilitated by the fortress. The siege of Longwy was to be regarded as the final operation against the north-east line of French fortresses, excepting Givet and Charlemont. Longwy contains about 3,500 inhabitants, and is situated on the right bank of the Chiers. It is divided into an upper and a lower town, the latter being in the valley, the former on the plateavi in the fortress. The work was built by Marshal Vauban in 1680, as a fortified place opjDosite Luxemburg. The Chiers receives close to the fortress several mountain streams, which enclose on the east and south of the place a tract of wooded broken ground wdth deep valleys. Through the plateau of Mexy on the south-east passes the road to Thionville, which, with several windings, descends the slope of the hill and goes through the lower town into the fortress. The slopes of the hill there are very steep, and off the road are scarcely practicable, and thus form a serious obstacle to the approach of the fortress, added to which the defiles on the roads are generally effectively com- manded by the guns of the fortress. The road to Verdun passes over a plateau broken by numerous undulations, and the village of Cosnes may be considered its central point. Here, as well as on the plateau of Mexy, are many favourable positions for artillery, while the ground is such as to permit of approaches b}' sap only in the immediate neighbourhood of the fortress, within a distance from the foot of the glacis of about GOO to 800 paces. The fortress of Longwy is a bastioned hexagon, with a circum- ference of 2,340 metres (2,563 yards), and is provided with well- revetted dry ditches. The enceinte is in its essentials laid out according to Vauban's first system, and provided with the outsvorks, ravelins, and caponiers belonging to that system. On the fronts 86996. I 114 towards the plateau of Cosnes, the front of attack, three lunettes on a lower level are thrown out at the foot of the glacis. A large hornwork covers the north-east front of the fortress, and covers the defile of the road there, and the extensive trough-shaped valley of the Chiers. Longwy, being close to the Belgian and Luxemburg frontiers, and remote from the scene of the greater operations of the war, had but a secondary influence on the course of those operations ; and hence only small detachments passing by came into its neighbourhood before the investment and bombardment. Never- theless, their appearance, and the expectation of a bombard- ment, induced the commandant. Colonel Massaroly, to issue pro- clamations to the inliabitants, who were required to assist in the •defence of the place or to leave it. In consequence of this, many of them crossed over to the neutral country of Belgium. While the Prussians were employed in the sieges of Montmedy and Mezieres, they confined themselves to observing the place with small detachments, and occasionally operating against the franc-tireurs. These were in constant communication with the fortress, and kept the commandant informed of all the military movements that took place in the country round. Acting on news thus received, he endeavoured, with two battalions, on the night of the 26th to 27th December to carry off the Prussian detachment at Tellancourt, on the road to Verdun, and at Frenois la Montague to the south of it. The enterprise was much facili- tated by the favourable formation of the ground, and moreover the Prussians were actually surprised ; but, nevertheless, the attempt failed entirely, and the French were quickly obliged to fall back on the fortress, taking with them a Prussian officer and two men. The investment of the fortress was rendered very difficult by the immediate neighbom'hood of the frontier, especially on the north-west, where it is only half a mile (2^ English miles) distant. The government of Belgium arranged that the frontier there should be^ closely occupied. The investing detachment, consisting of infantry and cavalry of the landwehr, and barely sufficient as regarded its strength and composition for the purj)ose, was at first under the command of Major the Count von Schmettau; but, by degrees, the whole of the troops told off for the siege arrived, under the command of Colonel von Cosel, for the observa- tion of the fortress, and then Colonel von Krensky, chief of the general staff of the Xlllth army corps, took the chief command. He fixed his head-quarters at first in Longuyon, and subsequently in Cons la Grandeville. The siege corps had a total strength of — 11 battalions of infantry, namely, the landwehr battalions of Koslin, Glatz, Miinster, Oftpeln, Neutomysl, Schrimm, Ostrowo, Eawicz, Anclam, and Schievelbein; 2 squadrons of cavalry ; 2 reserve field-batteries of the 11th Hessian regiment of artillery ; 115 7^ companies of the garrison artillery of the guard and of the 4th, 7th, and 8th regiments of garrison artillery; 4^ companies of garrison pioneers (engineers) of the 1st, Ilnd, Ilird, and IXth army corps. Major "Wolf acted as commander of the siege artillery, and the direction of the engineering works was entrusted to Colonel Schott, of the engineer staff. The energetic commandant of the fortress, Colonel Massaroly, a Gorsican by birth, impeded the advance of the siege corps to its position before the fortress as much as he could. Many engage- ments of reconnoitring parties and of the outposts accordingly took place, and the positions taken up had generally to be secured by field fortifications, barricades, and similar means against further attacks of the French. Thus encounters took place at Herserange, only half a mile (2^ English miles) from Longwy, in a wooded, deep, broken country on the side of the valley of the Chiers, and at the railway station on the south of the fortress, as well as at other places, generally with the object of impediug the works and dispositions of the Prussians. a By this activity the vigilant garrison obviously put many difficulties in the way of the execution of the necessary technical reconnaissances by the artillery and engineers, and delayed those operations, which were, moreover, not particularly easy to perform on account of the broken character of the ground. Nevertheless, they had to be undertaken in order to decide upon the front of attack. The decision, on this point, was to attack the fronts Y. and VI., and eventually to force a way into bastion VI., which was conveniently situated for the final operations of the attack. This choice was made having regard not merely to the fortifications, but also to the advantages above mentioned of the ground in that quarter, and especially to the fact that the right wing of the works of attack would thus rest in security on the steep slopes of the valley of the Chiers. The transport of the siege park for the artillery, and of the materials and intrenching tools for the construction of the bat- teries and trenches, and of the special equipment necessary for the attack, was troublesome and tedious, owing to the situation of Longwy off the main road. It was necessary first of all to re- construct the railway from Longuyon to Cons la Grandeville, a mile (4f English miles) to the south of the fortress, where it was intended to establish the principal siege park. This was done satisfactorily and quickly by the pioneers (engineers). The arrange- ment mentioned was the most advantageous for the park, on account of the broken ground there in front of the fortress, but the arming of the batteries with the guns and the conveyance of the ammuni- tion to them were matters of extraordinary difficulty. Bad, steep roads, the ground made slippery by frost, and a fall of snow, all contributed to this difficulty. For the execution of the works of the engineers there were two depots of tools established, one at Villers la Montague, and one behind Villers la Chevre. I 2 116 The siege park was comprised of \l 24-PO^^nders 1 p^.^^^^.^^ ^^.^^^^^ 33 12-poundersJ 4 2 7 -centimetre mortars "| 14 22-centimetre mortars j- French ordnance 12 15-centimetre mortars J 6 mitrailleurs ; Total 86 pieces of ordnance besides field guns. The artillery was brought from the stores of several fortresses, among others from Thionville, Metz, and Montmedy. At the same time, a part of the materials for the batteries was supplied from those places, whilst the remainder had to be prepared in the well-wooded country round, and brought up thence with great difficulty. The batteries were commenced without waiting for the arrival of the last guns, which were delaj^ed on account of the small use that could be made of the railway. Besides which there could be no doubt that under the existing circumstances the batteries would be but slowly built, both on account of the difficult character of the soil, and of the activity displayed by the enemy. In no case would it be possible to build the batteries in a single night, as was done elsewhere. Before the batteries could be commenced, other technical works had to be executed. Among these the most im- portant were, the making of a road over the jNIont des Chats, and the laying of lines of telegraph from Longuyon to the head-quarters and to Villers la Montague. It was considered necessar}'- also to destroy the railway to Luxembourg, by tearing up the rails and blowing up a bridge. By the 16th January, it became practicable to proceed with the batteries, and their construction was completed in three nights, except some that were finislied subsequently. A peculiar mode of construction was adopted to obtain more cover and to reduce the chance of discovery, and this consisted in making the parapets at the flanks with gentle slopes which could scarcely be noticed at a distance. The batteries were constructed, in the following order : — Battery No. 1. Enfilading and dismounting battery, 3 24- pounders, against fronts VI., V., IV. Battery No. 2. Enfilading and dismounting battery, 3 24- pounders, against fronts V., IV., III. Battery No. 3. Dismounting and ricochet battery, 4 24- pounders, against bastion V. Battery No. 4. Dismounting and ricochet battery, 4 12- pounders, against ravelins, VI., V. Battery No. 5. Dismounting and ricochet battery, 4 12- pounders, against bastion VI. Battery No. 6. Dismounting battery, 4 12-pounders, against bastion IV. Battery No. 7. Dismounting and ricochet battery, 4 12- pounders, against bastions V. and VI. 117 Battery Xo. 8. Dismounting and ricochet battery, 4 24- pounders, against ravelins V. and VI. -r, 1 i TVT -I o -i -n r against any sorties that Emplacement JSo. 1. 2 mitrailleurs ^ • i x i i.i. i. n -T^ ^1 J. TS.T o r. -1 -11 ■{ might be attempted by Emplacement No. 2. 2 mitrailleurs ,, * . '■ •' '- l^ the garrison. The batteries were situated at a distance of about 2,000 to 2,400 paces, and from their general arrangement it appears that the design of the attack was to exhaust thoroughly the fronts selected before the final operations of the siege, and also in the first instance to disable as far as possible the artillery defence of the collateral works. In order to keep the garrison in ignorance as long as possible of what was done by the attack, and also to push on as far as possible the construction of the batteries undisturbed by the enemy, which was very difficvilt, the fortress was slielled from several points on the ground around it. For this purpose the field batteries present with the siege corps on the IGth to 1 9th January took up 230sitions well covered by the ground opposite the fortress and threw rapidly several rounds of shell into it, with a view of re- tiring again as quickly as they had come up. This bombardment with field guns was not witliout effect. The shells burst here and there in the town, spread alarm and dismay among the inhabitants, and kept the garrison under arms till they were weary. No important fires were caused, but the roof of the prison and the church towers were pierced by shell. To obtain a secure footing as near as possible to the fortress, on the following night the farm PulventeuXj about 1,000 paces to the south of the place, was prepared for defence ; rifle-trenches were pushed up to the slope there, and were also constructed on some heights of the same kind on both sides of the road leading to Verdun. On the evening of the 18th January the china factory on the west of the lower town and the railway station were occupied by the besiegers. On the 19th January, about 8 o'clock in the morning, battery No. 1 opened fire with siege guns ; the artillery of the garrison, as soon as they became aware of the state of affairs, set to work to increase the armaments of their works, and answered the fire with composure. They directed their attention chiefly to battery No. 1, dismounted several guns, and wounded and killed some men. On the 20th January, with the assistance of battery No. 2, the artillery of the defenders was towards evening reduced to silence, and the works demolished to such an extent that the enemy could not renew his fire during the night. A heavy fog prevented the contest of the artillery from being fully developed, and caused a long pause on both sides in the delivery of the fire. On the night of the 19th to 20th of January, the bridge over the river situated in the lower town was blown up to prevent its being used by the enemy for sorties. Also on the left wing of the attack, which contained by far the greater number of batteries, a contest of artillery had taken place with like vigour on both sides. The besiegers had carried out the plan of attack with precision, and had quickly produced a great effect on the front assailed. They 118 did not delay to improve the advantage gained by the construction of a parallel by the "common sap.''-^^- This was accordingly done on the night of the 21st to 22nd January, at a distance of 1,000 paces from the fortress, and nearly as far in front of the batteries. The heavy frost, however, impeded this work, so that it was not possible on the first night to complete it to the prescribed profile of 4^ feet wide at the top and 3 feet at the bottom, with a depth of 4 feet. It was necessary to make renewed and continued exertions on the following day, and on the night of the 22nd to 23rd January, in order to execute and complete the parallel so as to be at all fit for its purpose, and to obtain a sufficiently strong parapet. On the 22nd January, at 8 a.m., the artillery fight was re- newed, the garrison and their artillery having remained quiet all the night, and having done nothing to interrupt the construction of the parallel. Batteries No. 7 and No. 8 opened fire. The results produced by the Prussian artillery were on the whole satisfactory. It should, however, be mentioned that the enemy fired for the most part only against battery No. 2, and towards the afternoon their defence became slack. In the evening battery No. 9 was completed in the parallel opposite bastion V., and at once armed with four 22-centimetre (8-66-inch) mortars, in order to fire upon the enemy's workmen and other troops there. During the execution of these batteries the garrison made a sortie and brought on a mus- ketry fight with the Prussian outposts, and thus interrupted the progress of the work for several hours. Jaiviiary 23. — Continuance of the fire on both sides. There remained no doubt but that batteries Nos. 1 and 2 annoyed the enemy excessively, for to-day again he was much occupied with them, and opened fire upon them with some pieces of artillery newly brought into position, particularly from some heavy mortars. Otherwise he kept pretty quiet ; for the duty on the ramparts, which were terribly injured by shell, began to be difficult. The construc- tion of mortar battery No. 10 for four 22-centimetre (8 '6 6-inch) mortars, and of mortar battery No. 11 for four 27-centimetre (10'64-inch) mortars, was commenced, and it was intended on the ensuing night to make emplacements Nos. I. and II. for mitrailleurs on the flanks of the parallel, so as to have these pieces near at hand in case of sorties against the trenches. At 8 o'clock in the evening fire broke out in the fortress. Although the flames were made the object of the fire of several batteries of the attack, yet the garrison managed to put them out during the night. January 24. — In the previous night battery No. 9 was made ready to fire, and about 8 a.m. the bombardment of the fortress was renewed as usual. The enemy replied with far less vigour than before. Fire again broke out in the fortress, and became at last so extensive that it could not be put out. • The two mortar batteries Nos. 9 and 10, begun the day before, were made ready to fire. Their construction was excessively difficult, for they had to be made * See Note, p. 46. 119 in hard, frozen ground covered witli wood and intersected by roots. As the attacked bastion, No. VI., was to be surrounded by the parallel, the trench had to be extended on the following night, and so laid out that its right flank should pass round the bastion, and should be only 600 paces from it. The preparations for carrying on this work by night were in hand, when a flag of truce from the fortress appeared at the out- posts, to enter into negotiations for its surrender. These were concluded in the early hours of the morning of the 25th January. 200 garrison guns, of which many were much damaged, a quantity of other military stores, and nearly 4,000 prisoners fell into the hands of the besiegers. Among the guns captured were several rifled 24-pounders of the newest construction and of great range, which had been supplied to the armament of Longwy in conse- quence of the Luxembvu'g afi'air in 1867, by special orders of Marshal Niel, then War Minister. In connection with this siege, it may be mentioned that in 1792 Longwy was surrendered to the Prussians, but was soon evacuated again. In 1814 it was not invested, but in 1815 it was blockaded by Prussian troops under the Prince of Hesse-Homburg. They were then forced, by repeated attacks from Thionville, to retreat, but returned with reinforcements, commenced a regular siege, and after completing the second parallel on the 18th September, com-^ pelled the fortress to capitulate. 120 MEZIERES. (plate xyii). Mezieres is one of tlie most important places in the north- east of France, and the point of junction of four railways, those coming from Givet and Charlemont, Hirson and Laon, Rethel and Eheims, and from Sedan and Metz, and also the place where all the communications by water and by land in that district meet. The town of Mezieres, containing 5,600 inhabitants, and with spacious barracks, lies on the right bank of the Meuse, which after making a long detour, returns and washes the place on the north side. On the north and south respectively are the suburbs, d' Arches and de Pierre. The fortress proper, which surrounds the town, forms a long quadrangle, about 1,000 paces (823 yards) long and 350 paces broad, of which the north and south sides, being protected by the Meuse, consist merely of an escarp wall, flanked by round bastions, towers, and similar large projections. The works of the town on the shorter sides form a very complicated system of fortifications, with a number of greater and lesser lines of defence, which are only of interest for the engineer, and probably cannot be considered of any value for a siege in the present day. The west front is defended by two bastions, with orillons and with broken curtains. It is further strengthened by a ravelin and two counter-guards in front of the bastions, with a great hornvvork between them. These counter-guards, as well as the hornwork, have large traverses, and are in part provided ^vith. block-houses. Outside this fortress lies the suburb of St. Julien. The citadel, with its high profiles, proof against assault, at the foot of the heights of Bertaucourt, protects the east front. It has four whole and two half bastions, and is strengtliened towards the country, as well as to the south, by a double line of fortifications. On the ground in front of it, half way up the slope of the hill of Bertaucourt, which completely commands the fortress, a fleche has been thrust out with a communication covered on both sides. The small suburb d'Arches on the side of Charleville is enclosed by a hornwork, the larger one De Pierre by bastioned lines with ravelins. Both are provided with suitable ravelins, and are thus formidable bridgeheads for the massive bridges over the Meuse. The northern one of these has 26 arches. A quarter of an hour's walk from the suburb d'Arches lies Charleville, which is regularly built, and was formerly fortified. It contains barracks and military estab- lishments l^elonging to Mezieres, among which should be men- PlateXVII. 121 tioned an important small arms factory. To the eastward, on the plateau on the right bank of the Meuse, a work had been recently constructed. In Mezieres there is an engineer school, established a long time ago, from whence in its time have proceeded improve- ments in the French system of fortification. ^Many years ago it was of great reputation. The place was well provisioned, amply provided with guns and ammunition, and, as the most northern fortress on the Meuse, was by a decree of the Emperor put into a state of siege at the first outbreak of the war. The open town of Charleville was partly barricaded, and on the north was protected by several small field works. The coarse of the events of the war brought jMezieres unes- pectedly into immediate contact with the enemy, as it lay in the line of operations of the army of Marshal MacMahon, which, at the end of August, in attempting to relieve jMetz, found itself, by the exten- sion of the German armies, forced into the small space between the line Sedan-Mezieres and the Belgian frontier. In consequence, Mezieres served as the point d'appiu of the right wing of the French position. When the army of MacMahon advanced, a part of that force was sent from Chalons to Sedan by the Eheims-Mezieres railway, while Yinoy's corps followed in reserve, and hardly com- plete in its organisation, being formed of gardes mobiles and depot battalions, only reached Mezieres on the 31st August. Here General Vinoy found his communication with MacMahon already broken, and he consequently, with the consent of the war minister, began to retreat on Paris. During the battle of Sedan, the Royal "VViirtemberg division was charged to take up a position at Bertau- court, opposite Mezieres, and to observe the place. Accordingly, at break of day on the 1st September, a pontoon bridge was thrown over at Xouvion, and was crossed by jjart of the division, in order that they might at the same time take up a position in readiness for the battle in the neighbourhood of Donchery, while the 1st jager battalion remained on the bridge and furnished patrols opposite Mezieres. In the afternoon the French came out of Mezieres towards Nouvion with two battalions, two squadrons, and four or six guns, and were subsequently driven back through Ayvelles into the fortress, after a short engagement of mus- ketry and artillery by the 8th regiment, a squadron of dragoons, and the 7th field battery, who had fallen back from the main body of the division to the position of the bridge. Two com- panies of jiigers, and a squadron, co-operated with these movements on the right bank of the ^leuse. The detachment bivouacked on the night of the 1st to 2nd September, at Ayvelles. On the 2nd September two squadrons of the 6th Prussian cuirassiers, under the command of Captain the Count Monts, were sent forward to reconnoitre opposite Mezieres, and that officer on this occasion treated with the commandant. Count Monts, and also on the following day First Lieutenant the Baron von Reitzenstein, were fired at in returning from the fortress. After the battle of Sedan there was a kind of armistice for Mezieres, whilst the fortress, at the instance of the Commander- 122 in-Chief of the French, Greneral Count von Wimpffen, supplied provisions from its stores for the French prisoners, and permission had to be given for these provisions to be forwarded by the rail- way to the neighbourhood of Donchery. Subsequently, railway trains with wounded, who were sent through Belgium, were allowed to pass unimpeded through the rayon of the fortress, and for this reason, apparently in recompense, the Germans abstained for the time from further hostile measures against the place. The country round Mezieres is cut up by hills, valleys, and woods, and is much built over, and, being conveniently near the French frontier, was frequently the scene of the operations of bands of francs-tireurs, supported directly, or indirectly, by the fortress. They fired at railway trains carrying the wounded, and at the end of October they surprised a Prussian provision train, and also a patrol of thirty cuirassiers reconnoitring at Olicy, of whom they seem to have killed the greater number. These circumstances made it difficult to operate against the fortress, as was now necessary. On the advance of the 1st army from Metz to the west of France, the 1st infantry division was sent forward, at the beginning of November, towards Mezieres to cover the right flank, and towards the end of that month it was relieved by the force under Greneral Schuler von Senden (the line brigade of the division previously commanded by General von Kummer. A strict blockade of the fortress was not then con- templated, but detachments of the force mentioned had frequent encounters with the franc- tireurs. A band of the latter was sur- rounded in the neighbourhood of Fagnon, a mile (4f English miles) south-west of Mezieres. The commandant of the fortress. Colonel Vernet, caused a sortie to be made against them on the 14th November, but these troops were driven back into the place. Another band of franc-tireurs had been driven back in a north- westerly direction from the fortress towards Rocroy, and had made choice of the village of Harcy for their abode. The Prussians reached them there, and dispersed them. Subsequently the force above mentioned marched away to the westward. After the capture of Montmedy, the bombardment of Mezieres followed in due course. Part of the 14th division took up a position against it, and in doing so engaged the franc- tireurs on the 22nd December at Nouzon, a mile (4f English miles) north of Mezieres, and at Eigmogne. After completely investing the fortress, and having incessant small fights with the franc- tireurs roaming about on the north of it, the preparations for bombarding the place were commenced. The siege corps was under the command of Lieutenant-General von Kamecke up to the 25th December on which day he was ordered away to take over the supreme direction of the engineer operations in the attack on Paris. He was accordingly replaced before Mezieres by Major-Greneral von Woyna II., commanding the 28th brigade of infantry. This officer completed the artillery arrangements for the attack, so far as to place the field batteries in covered emplacements on the north and west, so as to fire upon 123 Charleville according to the preconceived design. Head-quarters were in Boulzicourt, a mile (4f English miles) south of Mezi^res, on the right bank of the Meuse. The artillery consisted of 18 companies of garrison artillery of the East Prussian, Brandenberg, Lower Silesian, Ehenish, Hanoverian, and Hessian regiments of artillery, with a siege park composed of 26 long 24-pounders, 11 short 24-pounders, 32 12-pounders, 4 rifled 21-centimetre mortars, 7 heavy and 3 light French mortars, and 5 field bat- teries, of which three were heavy and two light. Besides these there were before the fortress 4 companies of garrison pioneers (engineers) of the 1st, Ilnd, IVth, and Vllth army corps, the 2nd and 3rd companies of field pioneers (engineers) of the 7th West- phalian pioneer battalion, 2 pontoon columns of the 1st and Vllth army corps, and the column of intrenching tools of the Vllth army corps. Colonel Meissner commanded the siege artillery, Colonel Kiedel the engineers. The principal park of artillery and the laboratory were three quarters of a mile (3^ English miles) south of the fortress at the Pouderie Imperiale, between the railway and the high road to Boulzicourt. Two other small parks were established at Lumes, a mile (4|- English miles) south-east of Mezieres, on the right bank of the Meu?e, and at Warnecourt, a mile and a quarter (5 "9 English miles) south-west of the fortress on the road to Paris. The peculiar situation of the fortress was unfavourable for the attack. It was surrounded by the Meuse on three sides, and thus gained considerable defensive strength, especially in time of floods, which at this late period of the year were to be expected. Close reconnaissances, however, led to the conclusion that the principal attack should be directed against the front of the fortifications of the bridgehead De Pierre, but that this should be supported simultaneously by batteries on the right bank of the Meuse, making partial use of the range of heights there. The siege batteries on this side, fourteen in number, and the five field batteries, were, in conformity with this plan, to counter-batter or destroy chiefly the fortifications of the bridgehead, and in rear of it the lines on its flank, the citadel, and the interior of the town of Mezieres, and to enfilade the two bridges over the Meuse that were within range. The open town of Charleville lying be- hind would only be shelled in case it took an active part in the defence. It was intended up to this time to do no more than threaten it with artillery. The construction of the batteries was carried out in the period from the 24th to the 30th December inclusive. The works were but little interfered with by the enemy, and were pushed on by day, partly by making use of existing cover. The hard frost that had penetrated the ground to a depth of 1^ feet was, how- ever, a cause of delay. Pepeated demands made to the com- mandant to surrender had not the smallest result. On the 31st December at 8 a.m. the bombardment began, and the rule was laid down that by day five rounds should be fired 124 per gun per hour, and three rounds per mortar ; wliile by night each gun was to fire one round, and each mortar one round every two hours. On the Prussian side the battle of artillery was waged with great composure and with manifest results. The French artillery of the garrison replied with 18 to 24 guns, and endeavoured during the night to strengthen their ramparts, and to bring fresh guns into action. On New Year's day, 1871, at 11 o'clock in the morning, the white flag was hung out, and a capitulation was concluded at 11 o'clock the same evening. The fortress was occupied by the Prussian troops at mid-day on the 2nd January. They took 98 officers and 2,000 men jirisoners, and captured 106 guns, and many stores and provisions. The bombardment, though it had only lasted twenty-se\'en hours, had however produced a terrible effect, as was shown chiefly by the ruins and the heaps of rubbish. To remain on the ramparts had become impossible, and in tlie town fire broke out after five rounds, and could not be comiDletely extinguished. In the bom- bardment which the Prussians had directed against Mezieres in 1815, when the fortress fell for the first time, and after some weeks the citadel also, the cathedral had remained uninjured ; but on this occasion the altar was struck by a Prussian shell, and was completely destroyed. Subsequently a rumour was spread that the commandant had been induced to surrender by the dread, on accoimt of both the town and the fortress, of the explosion of the powder magazine. For the honour of the French commandant, we can give no credit to this statement. With the capture of the fortress a second unbroken line of railway was gained, through Metz and Mezieres to Paris, and the principal head-quarters of the operations of the franc-tireurs in the Ardennes was taken from them. PlateXVIII Plan/ of thje^ SIECC OF PARIS 1870-1871. Scale/ Fa«£S '|./.?|;firT • ^ Sc^ So^ 7aM Aug Suy rr . ' ^.v^ --v^..- : TM ^*~ '^^^T:^ / PlateXVIII 125 PARIS. (plate XVIII.) Paris, with its 1,850,000 inhabitants, is the centre of the business, the manufactures, and the finance of France, and even on these grounds is the capital of the country. Eight rail- ways, numerous high roads, water communication of every de- scription, form its means of intercourse with the other chief business towns. The circumference of the city is six or seven leagues, and the total length of its streets a hundred miles (468 English miles). The Seine, 200 to 300 paces broad, and spanned by 21 bridges, divides the town into two unequal parts. The fortifications consist of the enceinte, which comprises 98 bastions, generally very spacious, with revetted ditches 35 paces wide, but without ravelins. In this rampart tliere are 47 gates, 14 sally-ports, 10 openings for railways, 4 for water-communications. The terre- plein, or military road passing along and within the line of the bastions, is paved ; near and in some parts parallel to it runs the cir- cular railway, which connects the railway stations with one another, and Vas of great use for the armament and defence of the fortress. Round this inner line of works, at a distance of 2,500 to 3,500 paces, runs the outer line, the circumference of which amounts to 12 leagues. It consists of a circle of 15 detached forts, whose distance apart is on the average 3,500 paces ; they cover by their fire a space about 1 8 leagues round. The north and north-east fronts are the strongest. The north front commences with St. Denis, the key of the outer line, around which are the forts De la Briche, Double Couronne du Nord, and De I'Est ; these three works are connected by a wall and ditch, and are moreover specially strengthened by an inundation, controlled by sluices on the swift-running stream of Rouillon, and which again is covered by the redoubt of Stains. Railway and road embankments, lines of canals, many villages built solidly and easily adapted for defence, wooded heights, and the inundation above mentioned, which may be positively relied upon, give to this tract of ground great capabilities of defence. South of the railway lead- ing to Soissons, and east of the canal of St. Denis, lies Fort d'Auber- villiers. The parts of the canal from St. Denis and Ourcq lying in rear of this fort are provided with parapets and small flanking earthworks. South of the canal of Ourcq and the road to Metz, on the heights of Belleville and Pantin, lies the important fort of Remain- 126 ville, which is connected with the canal by lines en cremaillere along the slope of the hill. The crest of the plateau of Eomain- viUe is crowned by the three forts Noisy, Eosny, and Nogent, in the intervals between which the redoubts Noisy, Montreuil, Boissiere, and Fontenay, are judiciously placed. At this point terminates a section of the defences formed by the Marne, a river of the width of 1 00 paces, and this section is in addition protected at the south-east angle by a line of fortifica- tions 2,800 paces long ; the redoubts De la Grravelle and De la Faisanderie, placed on its flanks, impart to it considerable powers of resistance. The well-kno-^ni fortified castle of Vin- cennes serves as a keep to this work, and is sm-rounded by a park of the same name ; there is also here the great arsenal and the artillery practice ground, which extends to the Marne. Fort Charenton, in the angle formed by the Marne and the Seine, forms the southern termination of the defences of the north-east front. The southern front of the outer line of defences commences on the left bank of the Seine, opposite Fort Charenton, with Fort Ivry, and thence is continued on a hilly, wooded plateau, inter- sected by ravines, by forts Bicetre, Montrouge, Vanvres, and Issy, the last commanding the Seine ; in front of the last thi-ee lie the heights of Bagneux, Clamart, Meudon, and Chatillon, which be- came of such importance during the siege. The forts command the railways to Sceaux and to Versailles. The west front is bounded by the Seine and the Bois de Bou- logne, and is defended by the fortress of Mont Valerien, which stands at a height of 415 feet above the river. This work is at distances of 1^ miles (7 English miles) and 1 mile (4f English miles) respectively from the forts on either side, namely, St. Denis and Fort d'Issy. The course of the Seine from Fort Issy to the fortifications of St. Denis confers upon this portion of the city of Paris great defensive strength. As the forts were built almost all at the same time, they have on the whole been treated almost alike as regards their defensive details ; they have a bastioned trace, revetted ditches, similar arrangements of the communications within and with- out, and ramparts of almost the same very substantial profile. They are all rendered quite proof against assaidt, and furnished with the requisite powder magazines. Bomb-proof cover for the garrisons is provided partly in casemates under the ramparts, in the cm-tains and flanks, and partly in keeps and barracks apart ; where necessary, cavaliers are added to obtain a better view of the ground in front. There are no ravelins ; for this reason the more important forts have hornworks in front of them, for the greater security of the front of attack. The interior space and extent of the forts vary according to the importance of the work they are designed to perform, and the size of the garrisons allotted to them ; the largest is the fortress of Mont Valerien, which has a base of some 500 paces, and the least has a base of about 300. Some of the prominent features of the forti- fications of Paris, with reference to their general arrangement and 127 to the various points of attack, are mentioned further on in their proper places. Excitement and agitation spread through Paris on the re- ceipt of the news of the retreat of the French armies, which became necessary after the engagements at Spicheren, Weissem- bom-g, Worth. The order was given to call out the national guard and the garde mobile. In the former were i^laced all citizens between 30 and 40 years of age, and in the latter those under 30. The populace of Paris showed signs of a dis- position to revolt. The issue of bank notes rose to a total of 2,400 million francs. The governor, Greneral Baraguay d'Hilliers, declared the town in a state of siege, in order that he might be aided by the rigour of martial law in putting the fortress in a state of defence. This entailed serious inter- ference with the daily avocations of the citizens, but was recog- nised as necessary, as no preparations had been made during the long peace, either in the place itself or in the detached forts. Attention was first bestowed upon the safety of the town itself. There was indeed a revetted enceinte with a ditch in existence, but the protection of the gates and entrances of the openings for railways and canals had in great part to be provided for. The ditches were, for the sake of the traffic of the city, crossed in some places by bridges, in others by embankments. These communications, as well as in some places the profile of the ditch, required radical reconstruction to put them in a secm-e state of defence. The gateways were reduced to the smallest number the traffic would allow, the drawbridges were hung and made passable, the number of railway openings was reduced as far as practicable, and they were covered by traverses. Barricades were prepared, as far as the traffic permitted, in the avenues De la Grande Armee, Du Roule, and other jolaces, and openings that could be closed were left for the passage of the traffic. The openings of the underground canals and aqueducts at Asnieres and and at the Aqueduct d'Huys were covered with gratings or closed, and dams were prepared at suitable points on the Seine, as well as at the Viaduct d'Auteuil and at the Port Napoleon, in order to supply the ditches of the fortifications with water. Earthworks, constructed for the purjoose, protected these dams from destruc- tion by distant artillery fire. On the west, north, and east fronts ten bomb-proof powder magazines were formed with walls six feet thick, with coverings of strong timbers, and completely covered up with earth. At the same time that this was done the spaces around the fortresses were cleared, a measure which, in spite of the strict law on the subject existing in France, was necessary, and was remorselessly executed. Buildings and hedges were demolished, and ditches, banks, &c., affi^rding cover to the enemy, were so sloped off as to be grazed by the line of fire from the ramparts. Where necessary, the entrances into the fortifications were protected by earthworks thrown up in front against the fire of the enemy, so as to render them more thoroughly defensible. The communi- cations from the fortress were made impassable for a long distance, 128 by tearing- up the causeways, by destroying bridges, and erect- ing barricades. A part of the iron -plated gunboats, armed each with one heavy gim, originally intended for the Ehine, was allotted to the defence of Paris and for operations on the Seine ; they were commanded by naval officers, and manned by marines, and special districts and stations, well protected, were assigned to them. Thus some were in the upper Seine under the fire of forts Ivry and Charenton ; others, between Meudon, Sevres, and the island of Bellevue, at St. Cloud and Suresnes ; and others on the lower Seine, under the gims of the defences of St. Denis. The manoeuvring of the gunboats was much interfered with, in spite of their small draught, by the shallowness of the water, and subsequently by the breaking up of the ice on the Seine. Escepting steamboats of some use in the defence, all the boats available for ferrying purposes were sunk in the Seine or the Marne. The inundation of the east front of the defences of St. Denis was forthwith carried out, because it was always believed in Paris that an enemy would only have to choose between the front of St. Denis-Pantin and the front Eomainville-Charenton. French military writers disputed only on this point, whether the one or the other was the key of Paris : no thought was bestowed on any other front of attack but these two. Great importance was attached to strengthening the ground in front, the sole point in dispute among French military writers ; let us accordingly commence our description on the south. In front of the line of defence in tliat part, between Fort d'Issy and Fort Bicetre, there runs a range of woody heights, over which are scattered villages, parks, and coimtry houses. As the defences were designed in 1840, these heiglits were beyond the range of the guns of the period, and this was the reason that they were not considered. Since the in- troduction of long-range rifled ordnance, however, detached ele- vated spots, which look into the forts and hollows, have become dangerous. At the same time, therefore, that the place was put into a state of defence, as above-mentioned, the erection of de- tached works was undertaken, of which we name only the most important : — 1. A group of field-works on the ground in advance and to the west and south of Mont Valerien, namely, the Miihlen and Wolfs- gruben redoubts, and the lunette of Suresnes. 2. A work at ]Montretout, immediately above the railway station of St. Cloud. 3. A work between forts Issy and Vanvres. 4. A redoubt by the side of the porcelain manufactory at Sevres, afterwards called the Kronprinzen-Schanze. 5. A work to the southward of Sevres, afterwards called the Jagerschanze. 6. A redoubt in the park of Meudon. 7. A work at Notre Dame de Clamart. 8. A work at Moulin de la Tour, afterwards called the Baiern- schanze. The last two entrenchments were situated upon spots com- manding forts Issy, Vanvres, and Montrouge. The ramparts of 129 these forts were raised about 2 metres to prevent the enemy seeing into them. 9. A smaller work at the hamlet L'Hay for the defence of the ground in front of Villejuif and the Fontainebleau road. 10. The works of Chatillon and Clamart, and of Villejuif, with a defensible communication to Fort Bicetre. 11. A work 1,000 paces to the west of Villejuif, and south- west of F'ort Bicetre ; this was originally open at the gorge and was afterwards converted into a redoubt. The technical execution and arrangement of this work was praised as being a model, and we give, therefore, some details of its construction. The entrenchment was traced as a five-sided redoubt, with a ditch and parapet of a strong profile, and with a bastioned gorge. The casemates for the accommodation of the soldiers were placed imder the ramparts, and constructed of wood, and their roofs were formed of railway iron. All the ramparts were arranged for artillery defence, and they had numerous hollow traverses, which served for cover for various purposes. The ditch was flanked partly by caponiers built of timber, partly by a loopholed wall, which ran along the foot of the counterscarp and likewise served as a palisading. 12. A terraced work in tiers at Cachan for eight guns to fire upon the valley of Bievre. 13. The defences of Vitry, with a communication attached leading to Villejuif, and communications to the rear to Fort Ivry, and as far as the Seine. 14. Works of defence at Bercy, where the Seine passes into the fortress, and at Point du Jour, where it passes out of the for- tifications. 15. Works to strengthen the position in front of Fort Vin- <;ennes, and the advanced position on the Marne peninsula. 1 6. Defences of Mont Avron, consisting of batteries, rows of musketry trenches, and arrangements for the defence of the net- work of buildings ; the object was to take in flank the position of the blockading force on the east. 17. The defences of the position of La Courneuve, Le Bom'get, and Drancy, where the roads had been made defensible : the places named had been fortified, and an independent earthwork had been constructed to serve as a keep to the whole. 18. A redoubt at Pierrefitte, northward from St. Denis, to fire upon the roads to Calais and Amiens and the railway to Creil. 19. A redoubt at Colombes, to command the peninsula of the Seine at that place. 20. An entrenchment between Billancourt and the Seine, for the defence of the passage of the river there in case it should be attempted. 21. Barricades in Billancourt, and the reconstruction of a covered trench to Fort Issy, in connection M'ith which it was neces- sary to establish a means of communication over the Seine ; a similar means of communication existed from Fort Charenton over the Marne to the Champ des ^Manoeuvres. 36996. K 130 A great number of batteries were also constructed and secured by- special means, such as musketry trenches and defensible communi- cations, of which here only the principal ones will be enumerated. 22. Batteries at St. Quen, westward of Courbevoye, for the defence of the Nanterre peninsula ; these were intended, in conjunc- tion with the work at Colombes, to fill up the great gap in the de- fences between the fortifications of Mont Valerien and St. Denis. 23. Batteries on the heights of Argenteuil. 24. Batteries on the flank of Villejuif, and at the mill of Saquet. 25. Batteries on the Marne peninsula, which in conjunction with forts Charenton and Nogent fired over the ground round Champigny and Champignolles. 26. Batteries at Drancy and Courneuve ; these were to fire over the flat ground in front on both sides of the road to Lille. The greater part of the works mentioned were executed during, or at the end of the defence, according as it became practicable at various periods to complete the circle of the French fortifica- tions ; for there was no other opportunity of producing much real effect on the defence. Much astonishment was occasioned by the abandonment of the defence of Fort Vincennes from the very beginning ; as the reason for this remarkable course, the unsatisfactory structural condition of the buildings there for defensive purposes was assigned, and also the necessity for retaining the work in use as a prison. The ground in front of Paris is extraordinarily favourable in general for the construction of fortifications, and was taken advan- tage of for defensive works of every description : for musketry trenches — sometimes in a simple form, sometimes in successive tiers — for defensive communications between the several points important for the defence, for the conversion into defensible posts of walls and enclosures, of which a detailed list would here oc- cupy us too long. The French understood thoroughly how to bring such works into connection both with the older and with the more recently constructed systems of defences, and thereby to prepare to the best advantage the defensible positions on the ground in front for a step-by-step defence, and for an astonishing increase in the number of guns in position. The gangs of men employed in the execution of these works could not be engineer-soldiers ; men of the civil population of suitable trades were employed for this purpose, and no arms were given them, since, as is well-known, there were none to spare, especially at the beginning of the siege. Abundant and extensive use was made of obstacles for prevent- ing the ajDproach of the enemy, such as abattis, trous-de-loup, wire fences, land and water torpedoes, &c., in every place where they could be applied, in front of all trenches, batteries, and minor defences. A peculiar description of ground torpedoes was discovered in the captured forts ; they were exploded by friction, caused by the pressure of the foot driving in a hammer ; they must have been intended for use against columns of assault, and for the defence of the breach. 131 It is not to be denied that General Trochii — whose head-quarters were at the hotel of the President of the Council — arranged for the construction of the defences and for the other dispositions for the defence with great ability and energy. His Chief of the Staff was Gfeneral Schmidt, with Greneral Foy as an assistant. General Trochu is the more deserving of credit for this, since he must have been actively and usefully employed on a multitude of internal ar- rangements, which equally demanded prudence and thought. The measure, not recognised by international law, for the ruthless banishment of all Germans settled in Paris or in France emanated from him. He ordered the removal of the boards of railway directors, and other civil authorities unnecessary in a siege, as well as the transfer of the art treasures in the museum of the Louvre to provincial towns. The seat of government had been pre- viously moved to Tours. All who could not show that they had means of existence, or who disturbed the public order, or who in any way endangered the safety of persons and property, were com- pelled to leave Paris. General Trochu instituted a committee of defence, which consisted, with himself as chairman, of Marshal Vaillant, Admiral RignaultdeGenoully, Jerome David, the Minister of Public Works, and the Generals of Divisions, Chabaud la Tour, Guiod, D'Autemarre, D'Erville, and Soumaine. The plan of de- fence, which the governor intended to follow in case of a siege, was in the main as follows : — First Circle of Defence. — Marshal Vinoy, with his corps and the survivors of MacMahon's army assembled at Laon, defended the position at Argenteuil : General Mellinet occupied the position at Sceaux-Bourg with some regiments of the line and newly formed troops ; the provincial garde mobile, with some line regiments, were at Noissy-Villiers. A cavalry corps was placed at Bourget, eastward of St. Denis. Second Circle of Defence. — This included the defence of tlie forts which were occupied by gardes mobiles and by marine artil- lery. Third Circle of Defence. — This comprised the defence of the enceinte, which was strengthened in rear by preparing the streets and buildings lying near for defence. Much assistance was derived from the circular railway, which was very advantageous for mili- tary purposes. It should be observed that this railway rendered most remarkable service in the prej)aration of works and arma- ments, in the conveyance of great quantities of materials, such as timber and earth for increasing the thickness of parts of the ramparts, and the construction of nimierous traverses and bomb- proofs, as well as in transporting troops at a subsequent period. Fourth Circle of Defence. — To this belonged the interior defence by means of barricades, dividing the streets into sections, and by the system of street-defence, projected and executed by the Emperor Napoleon for street-fighting. It cannot be denied that the fundamental idea of this system of defence was well considered, and it woidd perhaps have fulfilled the expectations entertained of it, if the course of events had been such as to require a step-by- K 2 132 step defence, and if tliey had had well disciplined troops available in Paris. On this point it remains to be stated that the particulars of the strength and composition of the army of Paris have varied, and no approximation to accuracy has been attained. The original garrison of Paris was in part reinforced by the addition of the 4th battalions of the field regiments. After the battle of Sedan there came from the north, from the neighbourhood of Mezieres, Vinoy's corps, strengthened by the survivors of MacMahon's army and the garrison of the camp at Chalons, as well as probably about 100,000 men of the army of Lyons. Moreover, 20,000 labom-ers were formed into battalions. In the middle of September, some time before the investment, the strength of the army amounted to — Kegulars 80,000 men. Parisian Garde Mobile and Garde Nationale . 100,000 men. Free Corps 10,000 men. Garde Mobile from other places . . . 60,000 men. Total 250,000 men. Further levies from classes whose age did not exempt them from service, however, brought the army up to nearly double this strength, or 500,000 men. A Polish legion, composed of men belonging to that nationality, thovigh not actually under that title, and an Engii&h-North-American legion placed themselves at the disposal of the committee of defence. The Polyteclmic school fiunished skirmishers, and the artillery for regular duty in the garrisons of bastions 86 and 87 of the enceinte. The Paris garde mobile and garde nationale were divided into four divisions, whose head-quarters were situated in the Palais Eoyal, the Conservatoire, the Elysee, and the Luxembourg Palace. The hap-hazard formation of this army, the lack of good military training and discipline, their ignorance of the mode of handling their arms, above all, the want of capable officers and non-commissioned officers made the army of Paris unfit for great enterprises, so that their nmnerical superiority over the comparatively weak German army of investment conld not give rise to any difficulty. General Trochu made proposals to recall the army of Bazaine for the defence of the capital, which were at first approved, but could not afterwards be carried out, because the Marshal was shut up in Metz ; General Trochu protested against the marching away of MacjNIahon's army to the north, but without result. During the progress of the siege, however, the condition of the garrison improved, since to their numerical strength they added internal cohesion and tactical skill. The garde nationale and garde mobile were obliged to drill thoroughly, and were made acquainted with the duties on the defences, which required daily 70,000 men. In the middle-of October we find the " ordre de bataille" as follows: — Commanding-in-Chief, General Trochu; Chief of the General Staff, General Schmitz ; of the Artillery, General Goyo ; of the Engineers, G eneral Chalaaud la Tour ; In- teudant General, Wolf. 133 First Army. — General Clement Thomas, CommandiKg ; Chief of the Staff, Colonel Montagut ; 266 battalions of sedentary National Guard. Second Army. — General Ducrot, Commanding; Chief of the Staff, General Oppert, 1st Corps. — Three divisions. General Blanchard ; Chief of the Staff, Colonel Filippi. 2nd Corps. — Three divisions. General Renault; Chief of the Staff, General Forri Pisani. 3rd Corps. — Two divisions of infantry, a division of cavalry. General d'Exea ; Chief of the Staff, Colonel de Belgarie. Third Army. — General Vinoy, commanding. Six infantry divisions, including the marines, and two cavalry brigades. The defence of the enceinte was divided into nine sections, named after the suburbs in front of them ; each was placed under the command of a General of Division, or Vice-Admiral, whose staff was complete in all arms and branches. The garrison of these sections consisted of national guards — generally 25 to 40 battalions to each, according to the number of bastions included in it. Strict instructions and regulations were issued for the guards at the gateways and sally-ports, and for the duty on the ramparts of the bastions. Neither the casemates in the town of Paris, nor tlie bomb- proofs in the bastions could accommodate the whole of this numerous garrison. A great part of them went under canvas at Meaux, in the Bois de Vincennes, and in the Bois de Boulogne, as well as in other places, or were sheltered in tents and close canton- ments in the villages lying between the enceinte and the forts. These arrangements were constantly changed. Line troops, as far as possible, did duty in the forts. When the enormous circumference of the works to be prepared for defence is considered, every credit must be given to the engineer authorities concerned, at whose head was General Chabaud la Tour. This officer was a highly accomplished engineer, and under his direction the east front of the place, which is excellently defiladed, was executed in 1842-44; he called in the aid of civil engineers who were fit for the work, of whom it has, however, been recorded, that owing to their ignorance of military matters, a great number of demolitions were undertaken, which did not obstruct the approach of the enemy. Numerous bridges and roads were demolished, waymarks were removed, many tunnels and railways were destroyed, where no real necessity existed on any reasonable groimds. The principal demolitions undertaken in the immediate neighbourhood of Paris were as follows: — the destruction of about 60 bridges, viz., those at Sevres, St. Cloud, Suresnes, Bougival, Marly, St. Ger- main, Ouen, Le Pecq, Meaux, Esbly, Lagny, lies de Villenoy, Villeneuve, &c., and the blowing up of the railway tunnels at La Ferte sous Jouarre, Nanteuil, and of the viaduct at Chantilly. It is well known that Trochu issued an order for the burning of the forests and woods round Paris in order that the investing 13-i army might be deprived both of firewood for their bivouacs, and also of timber for the construction of their works. Thus the woods of Bondy, Montmorency, and St. Grratien, and the park of Monceaux were actually burnt down. The appearance of our troops on the south front, wlio there, and all round Paris, took up their positions with the rapidity and precision for which they are remarkable, prevented in great part the execution of this act of vandalism. Thus the large and magnificent parks of St. Cloud, St. Germain, and Meudon were saved. The artillery in the works was under the orders of Greneral Groyo. The armament of Paris with artillery was pressed on most energetically, simultaneously with the preparation of the fortifi- cations. We give the particulars of the armaments as they have been made known to us in the report of the Cardinal von Wid- deren, and observe that they must be accepted only as a general statement, as continual changes took place during the progress of the siege. The armament was made up partly of heavy and partly of light naval guns ; in this way many smooth-bore pieces were brought upon the ramparts. 1. The 98 bastions of the enceinte, each with 400 metres (438 yards) development of front, were each to receive 8 to 10 twelve- pounders. The gateways and sally-ports were defended by guns of a greater calibre. The carriages were of cast iron. Total 1,226 pieces. 2. The armament of the detached forts is given as follows: Charenton, 70; Vincennes, 117; Nogent, 53; Eosny, 56; Noisy- le-Sec, 57; Eomainville, 49; Aubervillers, 66; Fort de I'Est de Saint Denis, 52; La Briche, 61; Mont Valerien, 79 ; Issy, 64; Vanvres, 45 ; Montrouge, 43 ; Bicetre, 40 ; Ivry, 70. It is to be understood that the numbers of guns mentioned include not only the armaments of the detached forts, but also of the detached outworks in connection with them, and the auxiliary redoubts and other defensible posts, as well as a suitable artillery reserve. After the occupation of the works by the Germans, it became evident, moreover, that the above estimates were right as regarded the total numbers ; we should not be far wrong in placing the total number of guns in Paris at about 2,000 pieces. An artillery park was formed in the gardens of the Tuileries. From these facts it is clear that the proportion of artillery in Paris, as in other French fortresses was everywhere ample, although the nature of the pieces, the variety of their construction, and the description of carriages may not have been altogether suitable to the requirements of the present time. In this respect they were not in France, and least of all in' Paris, so far advanced, nor so well prepared for the attack and defence of fortresses, as in Prussia. Anyone who knows the arrangements of an artillery depot, or the peace preparations for the artillery defence of a Prussian fortress, will be best able to judge what was wanted in such a case at Paris. 135 Meanwhile an endeavour was made -with creditable activity, and with much judgment, to supply the deficiencies. As early as the middle of August 6,800 men (later on also women, to some extent) were employed in the manufacture of cartridges and case-shot. Considerable supplies of ammunition of all sorts were brought up from Toulon and Montpellier, where there are great cartridge factories. The large foundries and iron works in Paris were exclu- sively employed in preparing shot and shell, and were in some measure converted into arsenals. During the siege 251,572 pro- jectiles for cannon and 1,000,000 bullets for mitrailleurs were made in Paris. In the engine works of Cail locomotives were built, with iron plated sentry boxes for drivers and stokers, and also iron plated trucks, in which guns were placed. Subsequently goods wagons were converted to this use, and they had plating 4^ inches thick. The works to resist assault were armed with guns of every description, and this was hurried on principally at Point du Jom*, Auteuil, and Vaugirard. and at the detached forts. To supply in some measure the want of trained, expert gunners, marine artillery were ordered to Paris in great numbers, and to their soldierlike bearing and steadiness under fire all praise is due. The fire of the batteries on the works was, however, kept up with an inexcusable waste of ammunition, apparently according to no pre-arranged plan, and without skilful supervision. The cost of this waste of ammunition on the night of the 28th to 29th No- vember alone has been estimated at 120,000 thalers (^18,000). Frequently costly projectiles were fired at solitary patrols, and objects were aimed at in otlier cases without any good reason that could be assigned. We refer to the destruction of the mag-nificent palaces of St. Cloud and Malmaison, to the laying in ashes of the towns and numerous villas there, acts that were done by the French themselves in the most reckless manner. The garrison artillery paid not the least attention to watching their fire for the purpose of fixing its elevation and direction; similarly they appeared to profit but little by the great advantage they had on their side of being able to ascertain the distances accu- rately. Under these circumstances the possession of the best material was of no use to them. Nevertherless, the pertinacity and bravery of the garrison artillery in the working their guns was not to be denied, and they understood how to take advantage of the want of cover of their opponents on every occasion. The artillery fire of the forts derived substantial assistance from the guns which were mounted in the field redoubts in front of, between, and in rear of them, and in separate emplacements. Most of the forts were in fact connected with one another by a military road constructed for the purpose ; from these roads trenches branched out to important points, which afforded a favourable opportunity for bringing an unexpected fire to bear on the ground in front. During the siege particular attention was attracted to a new ong-ranging gun, which fired from the fortress of Mont Val^- 136 rien, and strewed the batteries erected against the south front with its ponderous projectiles, as far as 9,000 paces to the westward. The French named it Sainte Valerie. The bore had a calibre of 36 centimetres (14| inches). The projectile weighed 80 lbs. (82-^ lbs. English). The breech closing gear was removed when the fort was given up, so that the gun was unservicea])le ; it is now among the captured artillery at Berlin. Provisioning. — The chief in this department was the In- tendant-General of the army of Paris, Wolf. With regard to the provisioning of Paris, the defence committee had to solve a very serious problem, and they performed their task so as to elicit general approval. So early as about the middle of August con- voys of provisions ceased to be sent to the French army of the Rhine, since it was very well known, among those who were con- cerned, that their arrival at their destination was doubtful. Resort was then had to England, and shortly after, twenty-eight ships, laden with flour, left Liverpool under sail for Havre. The defence committee originally contemplated the provision of food for two million inhabitants for two months, and arranged that all the stocks of grain should be sent to Paris from the departments of the Seine and Marue, where corn is abundant, and which are also in other respects fertile and wealthy. This measure was proved to be of practical utility, and it was made more stringently operative by a decree to the effect that all stores, which were in the line of of advance of the Prussians into the country, should be, without exception, destroyed. The issue of the provisions took place ac- cording to a plan, of which the prei^aration and execution were undertaken by a special commission. The herds of cattle and sheep brought up by the Government were placed in the Bois de Vincennes, in the Jardin des Plantes, in the outer Boulevards, and in the Bois de Boulogne ; for the want of fodder, and from the unfavourable weather, which early became very cold, the cattle suffered extremely, and succumbed in great numbers, and latterly cows were only maintained to supply milk for the hospitals and for children. The Government, moreover, took all the care that circumstances permitted ; for the cattle were bought on their account, and sold, either to the butcher or the public, at a fixed price. Naturally, in the com'se of the siege, a great advance took place in the prices of all provisions, and the want of butter, salt, and of vegetables, eggs, and milk was much felt ; the flour and wine were not exhausted even in the last days of the siege. That people >vere driven to killing dogs, cats, and even rats, need not much astonish us with so large a population, which included a considerable number of the poorer classes; but the inhabitants, as a whole, must have suffered much, and it is not surprising that among the aged and the children a greater mor- tality took place than under ordinary circmnstances ; this was, moreover, increased by hunger and the cold of winter. The sub- sistence of the soldiers was naturally a great soiu-ce of anxiety ; an actual failure of provisions for the troops was not experienced during the whole siege, although at the last they were reduced to 137 the consumption of horseflesh, salt meat, bread, and wine, and a reduction of the rations took place to 150 grammes (one-tliird of a pound). Prisoners and wounded, who fell into our hands in the sorties of December, had their rations for four or five days with them ; as the prisoners, however, if it was proposed to send them back to the fortress, preferred to remain with us, it may be con- cluded that the subsistence and service in the army of Paris was not much to their taste. The want of coals for fuel and for the manufacture of gas was much felt ; and wood also, in the later periods of the siege, was scarcely to be found : severe measures must have been adopted to secure the timber-yards and the timber in the defences from plunder and depredation. As was the case at Metz, the means of existence in Paris lasted some weeks longer than one was at first inclined to expect. What amount of provisions were actually in the to'wn on the 19th September will never be known witli any accuracy ; at that time the authorities concerned apparently did not believe in the possibility of holding out 131 days, to the 28th January. In this respect the report is at length gaining credit that the stores originally existing in Paris, exclusive of the special provision made for the siege, had been seriously under-estimated ; for the quantity of provisions that could have been conveyed subsequently into the besieged place, in spite of the blockade, is not worth taking into account. The imminent failure of provisions — the actual pressure of hunger in the city- — was, at any rate, one of tlie chief causes of the commencement of negotiations for surrender ; at the time of the three weeks' truce, moreover, it was at its height. The stocks of flour and horseflesh were sufficient only for eight and fourteen days respectively ; and wdth regard to this, it must not be over- looked that the getting in of fresh supplies, which was much facilitated by the German army of investment handing over 3,000,000 rations, and throwing open the roads for traffic, took fourteen days longer, during which time the want of provisions in Paris continued. It should be added finally, that at the capitula- tion the provisions of the garrison were not exhausted, so that a portion of them were available for the use of the civil population. Intelligence. — Very soon after the appearance of the investing army before Paris all further communication with the country outside was cut off; the last post was despatched on the 18th September. Subsequently an underground telegraph to Tours was discovered, and also another line which w^as led along the bed of the river Seine to Havre ; the latter w^as fished up accidentally at Bougival during the pontooning operations of the Prussians for the military bridge at that place, and it, as well as the former, was destroyed. A like fate befell the floating hollow balls and diving- machines;* the Prussians had nets spread across the stream, and * Taucher-boten — probably some apparatus arranged to float down with the stream below the surface of the water. 138 caught them. Letter-carriers, disguised as sellers of vegetables, en- deavoured to slip through the outposts: this also was impracticable ; only five out of eighty-five returned ! The only road not suspected was that through the catacombs of Paris, but the foolhardy people who ventured by it perished there ; even bloodhounds undertook the conveyance of letters, but they also did not come back. The chief part in the transmission of news was played by air- balloons, and for their manufacture and filling special factories with hundreds of workmen were established at the Northern and Eastern railway stations ; they were under the management of the well-known aeronaut, Godard. A school of aeronauts was established ; a committee of professional and scientific persons devoted themselves to this business. The first voyage through the air, that was of any use, was made by the aeronaut Duruof on the 23rd September ; on the 8th October M. Grambetta followed him, and probably also officers, with special commissions to arrange for combined action with the generals commanding the masses of the enemy who were operating in the open field. During the period from the 23rd September 1870 to the 23rd January 1871, fifty-four balloons were sent off from Paris ; they conveyed some persons who took charge of the balloons, and several hundred- weights of letters. The use of this contrivance by the public was regulated by special orders, and letters conveyed by balloon were not allowed to exceed 4 * grammes in weight. Altogether, 2,500,000 letters, weighing about 10,000 f kilogrammes, were forwarded. The ascents were made from the railway stations of the Orleans, Northern, and Eastern railways ; from Montmartre, the Tuileries gardens, &c. Some balloons, moreover, strayed away to Eothen- burg in Hesse, to Holland, and to Norway ; of the fate of many others nothing was ever heard. Besides these larger air-balloons, there were smaller ones six to seven ij: metres in diameter, called ballons libres, by which letters only were sent to the care of " the esteemed finder." Captive balloons, with cords and ropes, hanging over Paris, served for observing the positions of the enemy, and for watching the sorties from the fortress. Great numbers of carrier-pigeons had been brought from Belgium, and the prefect of Lille sent 900 of these birds to .Paris just before the investment. They were generally sent out with the air-balloons — of course enclosed in cages — and were intended to bring back the answer to the balloon letters. These carriers, however, during the latter part of the siege, fre- quently failed to come in, and proved untrustworthy. Some were prevented from returning by the foggy weather, and some sought theii- Flemish homes. Of 200 carrier-pigeons let go from Paris only 73 got back. The despatches tied to them contained 70,000 words, which were reduced in size by photography. The manage- ment of the air-balloons and carrier-pigeons was entrusted to the ingenious post-master, Eamport de Chin. * About ith part of an oz. avoirdupois, t About 9 tons 16 cwt. t 20 to 23 feet. I3y Observatories were established on Montmartre, the Pantheon, and the towers of Notre Dame, which were chiefly employed in watching the flat country on the west and north-east sides. The forts were connected by underground telegraph with the several head-quarters, particularly with the Place Vendome, and also with one another. Besides all this, visual signals — in part also arranged for use at night — were used for enabling the commandants of forts to communicate with one another. From the fortress of IMont Valerien, which afforded the most extensive view, pre-arranged flag-signals were made ; on the side of the Germans it was believed that there was always a certain warning if a sortie was contemplated, and the attention of the besiegers was always doubly increased by these signals. By electrical light-apparatus, which was directed on the posi- tions of the enemy before the town, they endeavoured to observe the works vmdertaken there at night. An ample supply of the requisite material, and excellent apparatus worked by skilful operators, were abundant in Paris, and rendered easy this mode of illumination. On the German side there were told off for the investment of Paris the Ilird army, under the command of the Crown Prince of Prussia, consisting of the Vth, Vlth, and Xlth Prussian corps, the two Bavarian corps, and the Wiirtemberg division, about 140,000 strong ; and the IVth army, under the command of the Crown Prince of Saxony, composed of the Prussian guard and IVth corps, and of the Xlltli (Saxon) corps, about 80,000 strong. The German army of investment was thus of the total strength of only 220,000 men, for the reinforcements sent from Germany had not at that time arrived. As early as the 16th September the advanced guard of the German cavalry division, which had been pushed forward one or two marches in front of the attacking armies, appeared at Creteil, Nouilly, Corbeille, and Clamart. Their task was to destroy the telegraphs, as well as to intercept the supplies for Paris, and they were intended, on the other hand, to save the railways and prevent the demolition of the bridges ; under these circumstances there occurred some minor engagements with the French detachments sent out of the forts to reconnoitre. Septemhei' 17. — Nevertheless the advanced guards of the Ilird army found the permanent bridges over the Seine at Corbeille andVilleneuve-St. George destroyed. It became necessary, there- fore, at once to establish a new means of crossing the Seine. For this purpose the 5th pioneer battalion formed a pontoon bridge above Villeneuve-St. George at half-past 3 o'clock in the after- noon, which was immediately crossed by the 2nd division of cavalry. To cover the formation of the bridge the 17th brigade of infantry, with two squadrons and two batteries, had taken up a position on the heights at Limeuil, in the direction of Boissy St. Legere. This detachment was attacked at 2 r.M. by six French, battalions and two batteries. After a severe engagement in the 140 woods of Valenton the enemy fell back on Creteil, and the passage of the Grerman forces over the pontoon-bridge, which had been formed in the meantime, was not further interfered with. On the 18th September the Vth army corps commenced their march on Palaiseau and Bievre. At Dame Eose there was a slight engagement between detachments of the 9th division and the French outposts, but this did not at all delay the further advance on Versailles. On the 19th September a more serious encounter took place on the plateau of Petit Bicetre, and Plessis-Piquet, which had been carefully prepared for defence. The Eoyal Bavarian army had also in great part crossed the Seine at Corbeille on pontoon-bridges, and was on the 18th brought forward as far as the neighbourhood of Longjumeau and Palaiseau ; their Ilnd corps on the 19tli followed the Prussian Vth corps on the road to Versailles, to which place the head-quarters of the Crown Prince of Prussia were to be trans- ferred on the 20tli September. On the French side General Ducrot, with the 13th corps, had advanced to the road from Fontainebleau and Orleans, in order to prevent the occupation of the plateaus Clamart-Chatillon and Plessis-Piquet, which were of the greatest military importance. As a point d'appui he occupied the intrenchment of Moulin de la Tour, previously mentioned, which was not yet finished. On the left the French had occupied Sceaux ; their right rested on the park of Meudon. By 6 A.M. the advanced guard of the Vth Prussian corps (King's grenadiers, and 47th regiment) had attacked the enemy, who was six times stronger than themselves. At Petit-Bicetre a brisk en- gagement began, and was maintained with equal obstinacy on both sides for several hours. It did not cease until a brigade of the 1st Bavarian division, under Colonel Diehl, was sent forward in support. Later on the 10th division was directed on Villa Coublay, and the corps artillery was advanced. About 11 o'clock the enemy beat a retreat on the entrenchments of Moulin de la Tour. While a Bavarian bi'igade was directed on Sceaux, the 8th brigade of the 4th Bavarian division was sent to Croix de Bernis, the 7th towards Bourg ; with these movements the enemy was to be out- flanked. In the meanwhile, about a quarter to 12, the enemy again made a stand, and attacked Fontenay and Plessis vigorously. The fight thickened, and the artillery took a large share in it. The French fired with six batteries from the entrenchment of Moulin de la Tour, and other strongly fortified positions in front of and beside it, the Grermans from well-covered posi- tions opposite. About half-past 1 o'clock the French ventured an attack on the Bavarian position, and then, failing of success, fell back about half-past 2. The 3rd Bavarian division pur- sued them with the 3rd battalion of jagers, detachments of the 14th regiment, two batteries, and a regiment of light horse, occupied the abandoned entrenchment of Moulin de la Tour, and captured there seven 12-pounder field-pieces. The French continued their retreat uninterrupted to Paris. The Vth corps had, in the forenoon, when the enemy fell back at Petit- 141 Bicetre, resumed their advance on Versailles. They arrived there towards evening-, took 2,000 of the garde mobile prisoners, and oc- cupied at once the entrenchments thrown up by the French at Mont- retout and Sevres. The captured works at Sevres, and at Moulin de la Tour were henceforth named by the Germans the Kron- prinz, the Jager, and the Bavarian entrenchments. The YIth Prussian corps crossed the Seine at Villeneuve, the advanced guard by the bridge made by the Vth corps, the rest by one they had made themselves in the meantime, and went on to Orly. Its further advance was prevented by the fire from the lately-con- structed but unfinished French entrenchment at Villejuif. Towards evening this redoubt was occupied by the Prussians, but unfortunately was given up again, because it was no longer tenable in the face of the heavy fire from the retired positions of the French. The army corps placed their outposts on the line Chevilly to Choisy. On the evening of the 1 9th September the outposts of the Ilird army stood on the line Bougival, Sevres, Meudon, Bourg, L'Hay, Chevilly, Thiais, Choisy-le-Eoi, Bonneville, Creteil, Champigny, Brie ; in corresponding positions in rear, were the Vth corps, the 1st and Ilnd Bavarian corps, the Vlth and Xlltli corps, and the Wurtemberg division. At Les Tanneries, and in the neighbourhood of Bougival and Tournay, communication was established over the Seine and Marne respectively, by means of pontoon-bridges, with the IVth army. This army performed their march on Paris without meet- ing with any resistance; except that, between Pierrefitte and Montmagny, a slight engagement took place, which resulted in the capture, by detachments of the IVth corps, of the fortified positions occupied by the French. Le Bourget and Drancy remained in the occupation of the enemy, who did not fall back here till the 20tli September. The outposts of the IVth army stood generally on the line Neuilly, Villemomble, Le Bourget, Dugny, Stains, Pierrefitte, Epinay, Argenteuil, Besons. The head-quarters of the IVth Army were in Grrand Tremblay ; those of the King in Ferrieres, the chateau of the Rothschilds, on the left bank of Uie ]Marne not far from Lagny ; from this point he overlooked the positions of the two investing armies. The machinery of government, organised and centralised in Paris for the whole of France, was thus thrown out of gear, and all communication between the army in Paris and the armies in the field, either investing or in process of formation, was cut oflf. The leader of the Grerman army had, with unerring glance, se- lected the south as generally the weakest front for the principal attack; and this on a close examination was seen to have, also defensively, a special cause of weakness which we will mention here. The fortress of Mont Valerien protects the west side of Paris. This work is intended not only to prevent any approach on the peninsula of Nanterre to the gorge of the works of St. Denis, but also to defend effectively the ground towards St. Cloud and Sevres. The guns of the adjoining work. Fort Issy, cover the bend of the Seine at Billancourt. But in order to strengthen the position 142 protected by Mont Valerien in the direction of St. Cloud and Sevres, where the effective action of the fort was weakened, not only by the distance of 4,000 to 4,500 metres, but also by the formation of the ground, the work already men- tioned was constructed at Montretout, as soon as Paris was put into a state of defence. The work fell into the hands of the Prussians when half-finished. Under these circumstances the fort of Mont Valerien had to protect the ground as far as St. Cloud, where the duty was- taken up by Fort Issy. Eeckoning the effective range of the guns of the two works at 3,500 metres, there would remain at Sevres and Bellevue a dead space, which was of great advantage to us. These circumstances were favom-able for an approach, as secure as possible, to Fort Issy and also to Point du Jour. The exit of the Seine, moreover, weakens the latter point, which we should probably have selected, in case of need, for an advance on Paris. Viewed in this light, as the result shewed, the determination to take up a position on the south of the fortress and direct the principal attack on that side was most fortunate, and the im- mediate capture of the works, which had been just thrown up by the French in preparation for the siege, had the most im- portant results on the progress of the attack. The next step was for the investing army to establish itself firmly in the positions which it occupied, that not only should all communications be cut off between the capital and the people of the country, but it should also become impossible for the garrison, in spite of its superiority of numbers, to break through and establish communication with the French armies of the north and south, which were in process of formation or in the field ; that in fact the French, at every point of the girdle around them, might be so long held at bay as to allow the German troops to arrive in sufficient force to drive them back into the fortress. Each army corps had its own well-defined position of the circle of investment, which it had to occupy and strengthen by suitable works of fortification. The redoubts captured at the first onset of the Grerman army afforded a strong point of support, for which purpose they were turned about towards the enemy, the original gorge being converted into the front of the work, and the entrance made upon our side. At a greater dis- tance points of support were also found in the numerous villages, which from their very massive construction were well adapted for the purposes of defence. The approaches to the villages were, therefore, barricaded, the communications of every kind repaired, walls favourably situated were provided with loopholes and ban- quettes, alarm posts were established, and huts built to shelter those troops who were held in constant readiness. The principal objects during the whole of the operations of the investment were the construction of works for the security of the troops at a greater or less distance from the forts, and the establishment of a line of obstacles to be defended by musketry. This was intended to compel the enemy to deploy 143 his forces as slowly as possible, and to give our troops time to occupy the line of works in rear. In the line of obstacles openings were left in case of our being able to take the offensive. The obstacles consisted of abattis, and the existing walls and buildings, which were made capable of defence. The line of defences behind these obstacles, and prepared in a similar manner, was principally occupied by infantry, owing to the ground in front not being generally exposed to view. According to the nature of the groimd, greater or smaller entrenchments were formed in this line of defences, and partly in front, partly in flank or rear, artillery emplacements were made and strongly secured by works to resist the sorties in force, which were to be expected sub- sequently. It would take too long to enumerate the several works of this kind in the circle of investment ; we will take, therefore, only one section of the ground, and select that which the Vth and Vlth corps had to occupy and arrange for defence. The Vth corps had the ground between Meudon and Bougival to defend. The line of obstacles in that quarter comprised the northern boundary fence of Meudon, was continued by rifle-pits, &c. round Bellevue to the Crown Prince battery, and followed thence the steep slope to St. Cloud, as far as the Montrecout redoubt, where a gap occurred for the attack of the ground in front of jMont Valerien. Abattis and rifle-pits crowned the heights of Grarches, and led on to the eastern boundary of Bougival, ending here on the Seine. The line of obstacles was flanked along its length by being broken back in some places, by block- houses on it and annexed to it, and by the Crown Prince and Montretout redoubts. The line of works in rear began in the east with the parks of Chalais, Meudon, and St. Cloud, which were arranged for defence ; a series of entrenchments led over the plateau of Grarches to the stud enclosure, which, as the centre of the position, was secured by abattis, a number of batteries, and self-defensible earthworks, and so on in the same manner to Bougival. In rear of this line, on the edge of the plateau towards the villages Ville d'Avray, Marnes, and Yau- cresson, emplacements were arranged for batteries and strongly defended with works. The Vlth corps had to cover the ground between the Seine and Bievre, beginning at Villeneuve-St. George, the same place where subsequently were the two bridges allotted for the use of the siege-train. Next was the northern boundary of Choisy, par- ticularly the churchyard, which was fortified in the most formidable manner, barricaded, and rendered completely secure against the assault of infantry. Oj)posite, lay the village of Vitry, also fortified by the French, and close at hand were some gunboats on the Seine. Further to the westward, and within our position came the vil- lages of Thiais and Choisy, both fortified ; opposite, but in the possession of the French, were Villejuif, which was also fortified, and a redoubt at the same place, both covered by Fort Bicetre. At the junction of the high roads to Versailles and Fontainebleau 144 and inside the German position la}' the strongly enti'enched farm of La Belle EjMne, the central point of an artillery position containing 84 field guns, strengthened and covered by shelter trenches for six battalions ; and next to it, pushed forward on. the slope of the right bank of the Bievre, was the village of L'Hay with the wall skirting its edge arranged for a deter- mined resistance, being the point of support for a brigade. Opposite lay the enemy's redoubt of Haute Bruyeres (Cachan) covered by Fort Bicetre. The outposts of the Prussian position at this point were also protected by a line of obstacles with shelter trenches and other arrangements for defence, whilst the section of ground to be held was rendered secure by formidable fortified posts and entrenched emplacements for the employment of masses of artillery. In the low country eastward of St. Denis, where the French positions were protected by inundations, the Guard Corps had in a similar manner rendered the section from Seoran to Dugny impassable by damming up the Morce stream, so that only two narrow defiles were available, namely, at Port Iblon on the embanked high road of Lille, and at Aulnay. This inundation was defended by the strongly fortified villages of Dugny, Le Blanc- Mesnil, and Aulnay, which were somewhat retired, Le Blanc- Mesnil being the centre of the defence. Shelter trenches and positions for artillery were formed on the undulating ground in rear of the inundation, and gave a gi-eat power of resistance to the section of the ground. Opposed was the French position as described at par. 17, page 129, and, from a consideration of their mutual position, it is easy to understand why the village of Le Bourget became the object of constant attacks from both sides. The intended inundation of the Moree by the Germans would hardly have succeeded on account of the small supply of water, had it not received a considerable contribution by damming up the Ourcq canal at Sevran. This arrangement proved further disadvantageous to the enemy by reducing the supply to the St. Denis inundation and withdrawing a cer- tain quantity of drinking water from the inhabitants of Paris. The execution of this interesting work was entrusted to Captain von Krause of the Engineers. When the inundation froze during the winter it had to be broken up in a number of places. The establishment of communications by constructing roads for the supply and transport columns, and providing them all with guide posts for the information of the troops, caused con- siderable labour, as did also the erection of barricades of all sorts, and the building; of bridges and roads for the coiumunica- tions between the corps ; of this kind were the bridges built at Le Pecq, Bougival, Les Tanneries, Triel, Villeneuve, St. Georges, at Gournaz over the Marne, at Chatout, two at Corbeille, without counting many other foot-bridges over brooks and hollow roads. In places where it was necessary, these t*tructures were secured against a coup-de-main by an entrenchment. 145 Later, when the winter set in, it required great care to presei've them, or some at least, from the floating masses of ice on the Seine ; a few had to be removed and the permanent bridges lying far in rear of the investing army to be utilized. With regard to the tactical considerations of the besieging army, it was above all things necessary to adapt the defence in the best manner to the peculiarities of the ground. Each divi- sion had about one-fifth to one-sixth of its strength on outpost duty. These, together with the picquets (sometimes with guns attached), and the supports, had fortified the particular point indicated to them where a stand was to be made, and had in- structions to receive the enemy in that position. The woods and undulations of the ground, which limited the field of view towards the enemy, made the erection of observations a necessity for the investing army ; one was on the Marly aqueduct which carries water for the fountains at Versailles over the Seine on 36 arches at a height of 643 metres above the Seine ; this was often used by the Emperor-King on account of the distant view it commanded ; besides this there were others, viz., in the redoubt of IVIoulin de la Tour, at Malmaison, at Bougival, at the Lantern of Diogenes, in the Villa du Barry, at Sevres, at Le Blanc- Mesnil and other places. Semaphores also were erected for signalling by day and night. At the principal commands intelligence-bureaux were esta- blished, and a service for the transmission of important orders by mounted orderlies, organised in relays, posted partly at the picquets, and partly at cross roads. Independently of this, all divisional staffs were connected with the corps, and head quarter staff, by means of the field telegraph. As occurred before many other French fortresses, so at Paris, the bearers of fiags of truce were fired upon, contrary to all the customs of war ; this happened, for example, on the 1st of October to Lieutenant v. Kissing, and on the 23rd December to Ist Lieutenant v. XJslar. The destruction of the tunnel at Nanteuil, to which allusion has already been made, did not particularly increase the diffi- culties of the advance of the Ilird arni}^, but it was a serious obstacle in the formation of the siege parks. During its restora- tion, when the temporary wooden supports were nearly com- pleted, the whole gave way in consequence of the pressure of the superincumbent chalk, so that recourse had to be made to a branch line to turn the obstacle, which was finished in the latter part of November. With the fall of Soissons, a second line of rail became available for the besiegers on the east side, but on the west and north-west front the line of communication to the rear by Laon and Compiegne was only opened after the fall of La Eere, At the beginning of the siege, in consequence of the want of railway communication with the provision magazines in rear, the supply of the armies Avas a very difficult task; it required the greatest activity and foresight on the part of the commis- 36996. L 146 sariat officials to cany on the duty in a satisfactory manner. In addition to the regular service of supplies of all kinds from Germany, which were accumulated in the magazines in rear of the investing army, necessity soon required the levy of requisi- tions in the districts beyond the immediate neighbourhood, which had been already exliausted by the French. Opinions have been expressed very strongly against this mode of requisi- tioning, without recognising the laws of war by which an army has to support itself in an enemy's country. Requisttions of this sort required convoys, as not only was the populace hostile, but collisions with the francs-tireurs were of constant occurrence. The escorts for them were provided by detachments of cavalry accompanied by infantry on wagons. When, during December and January, the railway by Amiens and Laon, and the lines to Rouen and Orleans became available, the supply of provisions was an easier task ; as an illustration of the requirements, we may add, that the daily provision and forage transport for a single army corps was about 5 trains of 32 wagons each. The daily provision and forage supply for the armies before Paris was about the following : 148,000 three-pound loaves, 1,020 cwt, of rice or grain, 595 bullocks or 1,020 cwt. of bacon, 144 cwt. of salt, 9,600 cwt. of oats, 2,400 cwt. of hay, 28,000 quarts of brandy. After this description of the circumstances of the investment, we shall notice next the principal sorties, and after them, the artillery attacks which led to the fall of the capital. The object of the smaller sorties was to molest and alarm our outposts, as well as to make demonstrations for special purposes ; they never caused any important interruption in the works of the investment or siege, and did not appear to have that pin-pose in view ; it was only in the last days of the siege, about the middle of January, that small sorties were made against the batteries of the attack on the south front. The sorties en masse, however, played an important part, having no less an object than to pierce the investing line, and form a junction with the French armies operating in the north, south, and west. ' Such sorties were preconcerted with the commanders of the armies in the field, who were probably informed of the intended operations by means of the balloon post. We received infor- mation of these undertakings, days and weeks beforehand, partly by means of prisoners or deserters, partly also by the visible stir on the other side, so that we were always found prepared. These lengthened preparations were probably necessitated by political reasons, such as to tranquilize the Parisian populace, who, in ignorance of the true state of things, were pressing for sorties which could have no good result. The march of large bodies of troops towards the locality of the intended sortie, Avhich took place generally by means of the circular railway, conspicuous on its embankment, as well as on those sections of rail leading beyond the works, and the movement of the troops between the enceinte and the outer forts, could not escape the notice of those in the observatories, or in the German outposts. 147 It was in consequence of the movement of troops out of Paris on the 1 9th of September, that St. Cloud was occupied on the 21st of that month. September 23. The French undertook small reconnaissances directed from St. Denis against Pierrefitte, from Aubervilliers towards Le Bourget, and from Fort Bicetre against Villejuif. September 24. The outposts at Sevres and St. Cloud were engaged with some gunboats stationed at Suresnes. On September 30 there was a more considerable sortie, which the enemy had announced on the 27th and 28th by changes in the positions of the troops outside the fortress. General Vinoy attacked the 12th division with six battalions between Choisy le Koi and La Belle Epine, supported by Forts Montrouge and Bicetre, whilst he made demonstrations on his left wing with a brigade against the Xlth corps, and on his right wing with three battalions against the Vth corps at Sevres and Meudon. At Bas Meudon he threw a bridge over the Seine, The fighting began at 6 o'clock in the morning and turned on the possession of L'ELay, which was bravely defended by the 23rd regiment, but had eventually to be evacuated. It was soon perceived that the attacks on the wings were only demonstrations ; the Vlth corps therefore concentrated its reserves, and, supported by some Bavarian detachments, drove the enemy again out of L'Hay behind his entrenchments. General Guilhelm fell here and his body was handed over to the French next day. These estimated their loss at 1,200 men; on the German side there were 80 killed and 300 wounded — but 300 unwounded French prisoners were taken. It is not known whether the French intended to pierce our lines on this occasion, or only to destroy the passages of the Seine ; or perhaps to retaliate for the check they had received on the 19 th September. On the 3rd of October the headquarters of the King were removed fiom the Chateau of Ferrieres to Versailles. After frequent alarms on both sides, and much useless can- nonading from the forts, the next sortie took place on the 7th of October; on this occasion also there were great move- ments of troops on the preceding day .to the entrenchments in rear of d'lvry and Bicetre. Probably this was only a demonstration. But, in the afternoon, a French force of all arms marched out of Fort Mont Valerien towards Hueil, returning towards the evening, having covered the destruction of part of our line of defence at Malmaison. On the loth October the palace of St. Cloud was set on fire by the guns of Mont Valerien, without any apparent reason ; the 5th jager battalion, and the 58th regiment attempted to save as much as possible fi-om the flames. The same da}^ 10 French battalions of Blanchard's division, with cavalry and field guns, advanced in three columns against the position of the Ilnd Bava- rian corps, and drove their outposts out of Chatillon and Bagneux ; the enemy had his reserves in readiness behind Fort Montrouge, in case the capture of the heights of Chatillon and L 2 148 the Bavarian redoubt should succeed. After a combat of six hours duration, in which first the 8th, and then the 7th Bavarian brigade took part, the enemy was driven back ^vith considerable loss. In this sortie, which in the French reports is described as an " offensive reconnaissance," the guns from the French redoubt, constructed on the height between L'Hay and Villejuif, gave a good support, and annoyed the Bavarian right flank considerably ; their loss was 10 oflicers and 860 men. October 14th. A sortie of several French battalions was re- pulsed by the piquets and some guns of the Xllth corps. At this period the 22nd division under General von Wittich, and the 1st Bavarian corps under General von der Tann were withdrawn from the investing force, in order to operate against the French army which had been formed in the south. On the other hand the guard landwehr divisions had arrived before Paris, and numerous changes were made in the positions of the troops. In the night of the 19th-20th of October a lively fire was kept up by the forts, and repeated night attacks by strong infantry detachments were made against our outposts at Chevilly, that is to say, in the direction of Orleans, but without any result whatever. October 21st. The sortie made on this day against the Vth corps was preceded by a ^heavy fire from Fort Mont Valerien, which was continued later from the gunboats stationed on the Seine ; the latter fired principally against St. Cloud and Sevres. The following troops were drawn up under the command of General Ducrot : General Berthaut with 3,400 men, 20 guns, and one squadron, between the railroad to St. Germain and Rueil ; General Noel with 1,350 men and 10 guns, to operate against Bougival and the park of Malmaison ; Colonel Colleton with 1,000 men and 18 guns, to keep up the communication between the two first-mentioned columns, and also to join in the attack on Bougival. Besides these there were two main columns of reserve, one under General Martenot with 2,000 men and 18 guns, the other under General Paturel, consisting of 2,000 men, 28 guns, and two squadrons. The whole, roundly speaking, 10,000 men, 94 guns, and three squadrons, under the supreme command of General Ducrot, were in position an hour after mid-day, supported by the fortress of Mont Valerien. The attack was directed against the 10th division on the line Bougival, Malmaison, Garches. The 19th brigade formed the outposts, with the 46th regiment as the left wing, and the 6th regiment as the right ; the 20th brigade in reserve. Towards 3 o'clock in the afternoon four of the enfemy's battalions attacked the park of Malmaison ; after an obstinate fight they were repulsed by the 46th Regiment, two battalions of the 6th regiment, and detachments of the 1st guard landwehr regiment ; whilst this attack was in progress the enemy directed another against La Celle, which was beaten back by portions of the 50th regiment ; the oth and 6tli companies of which, assisted by some men of 149 the Gth regiment, captured two guns, and brought them safely away, notwithstanding the heavy firing of the enemy. On the right wing the advanced troops oi the 9th division were engaged. The batteries of the IVth corps at Chatou and Besons, on the right bank of the Seine, co-operated with good effect towards the end of the fight, which terminated at 5 o'clock in a general retreat of the enemy towards Neuilly and to Fort Mont Valerien, under cover of the guns of the latter place. The troops which had taken part in the sortie retreated very slowly to the fortress, so that the Prussian detachments had to remain under arms imtil late in the evening. In Versailles the troops had taken up their defensive positions. Our losses in this combat are given as 15 officers and 297 men killed and wounded, whilst those of the enemy were 28 officers and 232 men, exclusive of 800 prisoners. A small sortie took place at the same time against the Wlir- temberg division : three battalions, supported by the Faisandrie redoubt, crossed the Marne at Joinville and advanced against Champigny, but were repulsed by the 2nd jager battalion and part of the 7th regiment with a loss of 3 killed and 30 wounded. The fight on the 30th October at La Bourget, which was occupied by only one company of the Guard, was of more im- portance ; the village had been attacked on the 28th by superior French forces from Fort d'Aubervilliers, and the garrison driven out. The place lay under a cross-fire from the forts at St. Denis, d'Aubervilliers, and Bomainville, and the French made every effort to secure this advantageous position and fortify it. An attempt was made on the 29th to drive the enemy out of Le Bourget by the tire fi'om the batteries in rear, but it failed. ' The re-capture of this post of such importance to the Prussians was, therefore, ordered for the 30th October; the 2nd division of foot guards, under the command of Lieut.-General v, Budritzky, was told off for this service. It was arranged that a right column consisting of two battalions of the Franz regiment, a centre column composed of the 3rd grenadiers of the guard, and one battalion of the Queen's (Konigin) regiment, and a left column of two battalions of the Alexander regiment, with three companies of the battalion of sharpshooters of the guard, the whole supported by artillery and engineers as well as the necessary reserves, should attack Le Bourget simultaneously, and, if possible, cut off the retreat of the enemy on St. Denis, Preparations had also been made for the attack to be supported on both flanks by other troops of the investmg force. Le Bourget was occupied by 6,000 men, besides a reserve of several battalions on the Paris road. The combat was opened at 8 o'clock in the morning by a fire from retired artillery positions in the lines Garges-Aulnay ; the left column was immediately set in motion, crossed the Moleret stream without much resistance, and reached the road south of Le Bourget, drove the enemy out of his entrenched position, and 150 forced the reserve into a hurried retreat. In the meantime the other columns had advanced to storm Le Bourget, where a most obstinate hand-to-hand fight took place in the streets and houses. The brave General von Budritzky led his troops in person, flag in hand, against the barricades at the northern entrance to Le Bourget, followed by Colonels Count Kanitz and Von Zaluskowsky, the latter of whom was killed in the street of the village. On the other side the Augusta regiment had pushed into the village ; its colonel, Count Waldersee, who had only just rejoined after recovery from a severe wound at Gravelotte, fell here, with another oflicer, by French treachery, having been shot from a house, the defenders of which had lured him on by the waving of handkerchiefs. In consequence of this the fight was continued with the greatest bitterness by the Prussians ; Le Bourget was in their possession by half-past 12 o'clock. The Prussians lost 85 officers and 449 men killed and wounded. The French 30 oflicers, 1,250 unwounded prisoners. According to the statements of the prisoners, and judging by the large supply of provisions captured at Le Bourget, the enemy seem to have intended to include this place in the line of their fortified outposts and to construct large works round it. How- ever, the result was different from what they had proposed, for the 2nd pioneer company of the guard, under the command of Captain v. Spanckeren of the engineers, which had particularly distinguished itself in the battle field, immediately prepared to construct the defences of the place. The failure of the French sorties caused great dissatisfaction in Paris, and led to a rising in the night of the 30th-31st of October, in which, however, the mob was crushed by the troops at the disposal of Government. In the first days of November, there were negotiations which extended over a period of five days for the conclusion of an armistice, but without result. The Ilnd Prussian corps, which arrived before Paris in the latter half of November, was attached to the Ilird army, and went into cantonments in rear of the YIth Prussian and Ilnd Bavarian corps, from Longjumeau to the Seine. At the same time the Xllth (Saxon) corps moved its left wing across the Marne, and the Wlirtemberg Division closed towards the Vlth corps. The latter was transferred to the IVth army after the sortie of Le Bom'get, with instructions to operate against the bands of franc- tireurs that were making their appearance in rear of the position, and especially at Meaux and Lagny on the line of communica- tion. For this purpose a battalion, accompanied by one squadron and two guns, was despatched as a flying column to Nangis, and succeeded in capturing with small loss, 5 officers, 597 men, and two guns. Although after the fight at Le Bourget the conflicts between the outposts were of less importance, and the extravagant waste of ammunition from the forts was diminished on the whole, yet. 151 towards Xovember, there were indications of an important sortie, probably in the south or south-east ; in which direction General Trochu hoped to effect a junction with the army which had been organised in feverish haste by Gambetta, and was pushing forward to the rehef by way of Beaune under the command of General de Paladines. On the 29th of November a sortie was made against the posi- tion of the Vlth corps at L'Hay, Chevilly, Thiais, and Choisy le Roi. It began with a heavy cannonade during the night of the 2Sth-29th November from some of the southern forts, apparently for the purpose of fatiguing our troops, who had, in consequence, to be under arms during half the night. Some works of fortification, which were in progress at the time, had, therefore, to be given up for the moment ; among them the con- struction of a redoubt at Villa Coublay for the defence of the siege parks, The attacking columns of the enemy were launched from Arcueil and Yitry against L'Hay, whilst the two wings were directed on the villages of Thiais and Chevilly, lying on either side of the Fontainebleau road. The enemy's strength was about 3,000 men, but he foimd the Vlth corps in a strong position to receive him. After a hard fight of three hours, without any result, the French were thi'own back, leaving 2 ofiicers and 200 men in the hands of the Germans ; the latter, sheltered behind their strongly entrenched position, never permitted the French to develope their forces, and caused them great losses both in killed and wounded ; on our side the loss was 200, of whom 3 ofiicers and 32 men were killed. On the 30th of November, the battle was renewed with increased forces, under the personal command of General Trochu ; an attempt was made to penetrate the lines of the Wlirtemberg division, on the ground in front of the peninsula of St. Maur, The eneni}^ commanded the ground where the Marne bends to the south, the villages of La Varenne, Pont Mesnil, and the district behind St. Maur, including the wood of les Fosses, by means of Forts Charenton and Nogent, and the works thrown up in advance. Near Creteil is Mont Mesly, which is high enough to be regarded as the commanding point of the surrounding country. The concentration of the enemy's forces took place near Fort Charenton, in the camp of St. Maur (Forest of Vincennes), and between Forts Rosny and Nogent. The first oftensive movement was from Fort Charenton against the hill of Mesly ; the second from Joinville, towards Cham- pigny ; and the third from Nogent, directed against Brie and Villiers. The three companies of Wiirtembergers, forming the garrison of Mesly, were miable to resist the overwhelming attack made against their position at daybreak, and fell back on their supports, whilst the enemy took possession of the Mesly heights and brought two batteries into action on them. An artillery fight now developed itself, whilst the division of Wiirtembergers 152 formed up and advanced against the heights Avith the 2nd and 3rd brigades, and re-captured them, after heavy fighting, about mid-day. They were supported by the 7th brigade of the Ilnd corps, which was in position with one battery at Villeneuve St. Georges, and joined in the attack from the side of Valenton, thus taking the enemy in flank, and preventing the action of the reserves, who were forced in consequence to retreat from the wood of Cr^teil, to the viUage of that name and Fort Charenton, How gallantly the Wiirtembergers fought may be gathered from the fact'^that their losses were 40 officers and 700 men, whilst accordino- to General Trochu's report those of the French amounted to nearly 2,000 killed and wounded. At Champigny and Brie, the Wiirtembergers had been relieved just before daybreak by the Saxons ; six companies of the latter occupied these places, but they were obliged to give way before the advancing French columns, who immediately took possession of the village of Villiers, lying more to the north. The French did not attempt a further advance against the Germain main position. In the meantime the reserves had come up. The Germans, n^imely, the 48th infantry brigade (Saxons), and the 1st Wiirtemberg brigade, drove tlie enemy with great bravery out of Villiers, though Champigny and Brie remained in the hands of the latter. In the afternoon the fight raged with the greatest bitterness between Neuilly and Coeuilly ; the infantry flghting for the possession of the villages, whilst the artillery were posted in the intervals ; between Noisy and Villiers alone, there were 42 gims of the Xllth corps in action. The fight which had been carried on with the greatest determination on both sides, was only brought to a close by the approaching darkness. This sanguinary day, which cost the Saxons 29 officers and 879 men, and the Wiirtembergers 1,500, whilst they captured 940 prisoners, gave the impression that the French had made every effort to break through the German lines ; for not only had all the preparations been carefully planned for this purpose, five bridges constructed over the Marne, and a supply of fresh troops always at hand, but offensive movements had been directed against other points of the investing army. A continuous cannonade was kept up from all the forts, and even iron-plated railway wagons and gun boats, the latter on the Seine and Marne, had been set in motion to flank the battle field. Sorties were made on botli flanks of the battle field, namely, against the Xllth corps in the direction of Chelles, and a second time against the A^'Itli corps at Chevilly. At the latter place the entrench- ments were held ; and the enemy advancing from his fortified position, was thrown back as early as 11 o'clock, so that the Vlth corps was able to detach 6 battalions, 2-i- squadrons, and 2 batteries of horse artillery through Villeneuve St. Georges, to the assistance of the hard-pressed Wiirtembergers. At 3 o'clock the French renewed their attack, which was repulsed with comparative ease. 153 Simultaneously with these sorties to the south and south-east of the fortress, others were undertaken from St. Denis against the positions of the IVth and guard corps, as well as from St. Cloud against the Vth corps, but without result; the enemy- brought about a brigade into the field at these points. All round the city there were therefore engagements with the enemy. General Trochu had made a great noise in Paris about his victories at Champigny and Brie, nevertheless he found it neces- saiy to maintain himself quietly next day in the positions which he had occupied. On the 1st of December, the troops did not come into collision, but the French demanded an armistice until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of burying their dead. In consequence of an order, to be prepared under any circum- stances for a renewal of the attack, the whole Ilnd corps was brought over to the right bank of the Seine, and on the night of the lst-2nd Deceniber took up a position between Coeuilly and Chennevieres as reserve in rear of the Wilrtembergers ; a measure which proved to be most useful. The portion of the Xllth corps on the left bank of the Marne, the Ilnd corps, a brigade of the Vlth corps, and the Wilrtemberg division were placed under the command of General von Fransecky, com- mander of the Ilnd corps. At dawn on the 2nd of December at 7 o'clock, the 1st Wilrtemberg brigade, in company with the Saxons, renewed the attack on Champigny. They succeeded after a short time in taking the village, but the Germans could not maintain themselves there, on account of the defences in the place, and the constant arrival of fresh troops on the field, which were brought by the railroad passing close to Fort Nogent. The 7th Prussian brigade, under ^the command of General du Trossel, advanced to the attack from Chennevieres at an opportune moment, but, as the lower part of the village of Champigny was under effective fire of the heavy guns, the Germans were only enabled to keep their hold in the upper part of t\\e village. The 3rd infantry division, and the whole of tlie corps artillery had been in action in Champigny and on the line Champigny-Yilliers since 9 o'clock in the morning ; whilst the 8th brigade and a brigade of the Vlth corps remained in reserve at Chennevieres. After 10 hours hard fighting, the firing ceased here about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The 24th (Saxon) division had been. ordered to re-capture Brie ; about 8 o'clock in the morning, the place was attacked and the enemy driven into the lower part of the village, where he made a stand covered by good artillerj- positions. The fight in and round Brie came to a standstill. As the enemy in his well-entrenched position, was constantly receiving- reinforcements, it was impossible to get possession of the whole of the village, notwithstanding the devoted bravery of the 1st and 2nd battalions of the sharpshooters, of the 107th regiment, and a battalion of the 104th regiment. Although the Germans had a numerous artillery at their disposal, the ground was so unfavour- able that it could not come fully into action. Eound Villiers, 154 and especially in the park, which was bravely defended, first, by the Wlirtembergers, and afterwards by the Saxons, the fighting continued with great courage on both sides. At nightfall the enemy retired. The- losses of the Saxons on this day amounted to 55 officers and 1,096 men, those of the Wlirtembergers were 48 officers and 700 men. The troops went into cantonments in the villages on the battlefield, in order to occupy on the morning of the 3rd December the positions previously held by them. The French repeated on this day some offensive move- ments against Champigny, but without any energy ; they main- tained themselves however at Brie. The Ilud corps lost, on the 30th November, and the 2nd and 3rd Decembei", 89 officers and 1,517 men. The concentrated position taken up by the Germans on this day behind Champigny and Brie, induced the French to retire from the places remaining in their possession ; they retreated from all points across the Marne, removing the bridges of boats after crossing the river. The necessity for strengthening this position with additional fortifications was now recognized, and strong detachments of pioneers were ordered to the spot from the south front. Thus these great efforts of the French to break out, for which purpose 70,000 of their best troops had been brought into action on the 30th of November and the 2nd of December, were repulsed without their having been of the slightest advantage to them ; they failed as on former occasions from not following up with resolution the advantages which had been gained by a vigorous attack. General Ducrot, who commanded on the 2nd and 3rd December, and had five horses shot under him on the first day, paid a tribute to the bravery of the German troops in his general orders. The occupation and fortifying of Mont Avron by the French, on the 28th of November, was highly disadvantageous to us. Nearly three weeks passed without any sorties from Paris ; in the meantime, an attempt was made on the French side to form a junction of the army of Paris with that of General Faidherbe, commander of the northern army, and, at the same time, to threaten our north-easterly line of communication. The enemy had also in view the molestation of our works in progress for the bombardment of Mont Avron. This led to a sortie " en masse" on the 21st of December, of three divisions under the command of General Ducrot, directed against the north-easterly portion of the investing line in two simultaneous attacks, each on two roads. One attack was covered by Forts St. Denis and d'Aubervilliers, the other by Forts Romainville, Rosny, and Nogent. The advance was made against four points : Stains and Le Bourget defended by the guard corps, and Sovran and Chelles which were held by the Xllth corps. On the afternoon of the 20th of December, the movement of large bodies of the enemy's troops out of St. Denis was noticed ; the guard corps therefore made the necessary dispositions. It 155 was not possible on the morning of the 21st December to make out at what point the enemy intended to attack. Suddenly Le Bourget, which was garrisoned by one battalion of the 3rd regiment of guards, and one company of sharpshooters, was unexpectedly assailed from the northern side, the churchyard was captured and 125 men taken, but the southern edge of the village was bravely held. With the assistance of three companies of the 3rd grenadiers of the guard, and two companies of the sharpshooters of the guards, who were sent to the succour of the hardly-pressed garrison, they succeeded after a hard fight in driving the French out of the village at 3 o'clock in the after- noon. Three officers and 356 men were taken prisoners. Almost at the same time Stains, which was garrisoned by the 2nd battalion of the 1st regiment of guards, one company of the 3rd regiment of guards, and the fusilier battalion of the 1st regiment of guards, the latter in reserve, was attacked, under support from the guns of St. Denis ; but the enemy failed to penetrate into the village and had to retire. The forts l)ear- ing on the field of battle kept up a heavy fire during the entire day, supported by a numerous field artillery, against which only, six batteries of the guard corps were in action; towards evening the fii-ing ceased, and the Prussian troops were enabled to take up their old positions. Three officers and 356 un wounded prisoners fell into the hands of the Prussians ; our loss was 14 officers and 400 men, that of the French considerable; they had 40,000 men under fire. On the 19th and 20th of December, demonstrations had been made from Mont A\a'on towards the Maison Blanche and Ville- Evrart, against the Xllth corps. In the afternoon of the 20th De- cember, the enemy concentrated about two divisions and 11 bat- teries at Noisy-le-Sec, under the command of Generals Malroi and Blaise ; this force was further strengthened during the night by means of the railroad. Fresh batteries were unmasked on Mont. Avron. About mid-day the enemy attacked from Neuilly ; Maison Blanche and Ville-Evrart, which were only held by oui- outposts, were lost. A further advance against the very strong position of the 24th division at Chelles was prevented by the flanking fire of the Wiirtemberg Batteries, Nos. 7, 8, and 9 at Noisy-le-Graud, and by the overflowing of the Marne. As soon as the 24th division was completed by the arrival of the five battalions of the 101st and 107th regiments, the 13th jager battalion, all of which had been detached to support the guard corps, and also nine batteries which had taken up a position at Livry, it advanced against Maison Blanche and Ville-Evrart. The foi-mer was immediately taken by storm, but the fighting round YiUe- Evrart was most obstinate and only ceased at miduight, when 500 French were made prisoners ; the place had to be evacuated on account of the rising of the river. The Saxons lost on this day 1 officer and 40 men, most of them slightly wounded. On the 21st December, the 4th infantry division was placed in reserve behind the Xllth corps, and the Sth brigade, together 156 with four batteries, was advanced as far as tlie bridge over the Marne at Voires, but there was no collision with the enemy. Whilst these sorties were in progress, the French made de- monstrations at several points, for instance, from Fort Mont Valerien towards Montretout and Buzenval ; the outposts of the 5th jager battalion sufficed to repel them. Besides this, a heavy and useless shell fire was kept up from the forts against the corps not attacked. On the 22nd of December, two French brigades advanced along the Marne against the left wing of the Xllth Corps, but two Wilrtemberg batteries placed at Noisy soon compelled them to retreat. On the 15th of January, there were more sorties of the Paris garrison against the position of the guard and Xllth corps in the direction of Le Bourget, Dugny, and Mont Avron, which were repulsed by the German troops. It is not impossible that the larger sorties on this front were in connexion with the opera- tions of General Faidherbe in the north ; though they may only have been intended to disturb our preparations for the attack on Mont Avron. In the last days of December and daring January, whilst the artillery attack was being developed, the political and social con- dition of the beleagued city was becoming more serious. All hopes were based on the success of a sortie " en masse." General Trochu yielded eventually to pressure, and on the 19th of January an attempt was made from Mont Valerien with 100,000 men to j)ierce the position occupied by the Vth army corps and the guard landwehr division. In the event of a success, a further advance w^as to be made on Versailles, the seat of the Royal headquarters. At 8 o'clock in the morning, three columns were seen debouching from the immediate neiffhbourliood of Mont Vale'rien ; the ri^ht column, under command of General Ducrot, was to operate along the Seine towards Rueil ; the centre column, under General Bellemare, was to reach the plateau of La Bergerie (the heights of Garches), and the left column, commanded by General Vinoy, was to capture the redoubt of Montretout in order to support the attack in the centre. The Prussians had occupied the heights of Garches, as well as the chateau and park of La Bergerie, as a point of support to the position. The French attack, carried out with superior forces and great energy, only caused the Prussian outposts to retire on their supports, but they did not succeed in taking either La Bergerie, which was bravely defended by one battalion of the 59th regiment and a company of jagers, or the viUage of Garches ; General Ducrot arrived on the battlefield too late to co-operate with good eifect at the right moment. Meanwhile, the Prussian reserves had come up, and a hard fight ensued for the possession of the heights of Garches. They w^ere stormed about 2 o'clock in the afternoon by two battalions of the King's grenadiers, with 157 detachments of the 59th regiment and the 5th jao-er battalion supported on the flank by a battalion of the 47th reo-iment. Although, towards the end of the battle, the head of General Ducrot's column was able to join in the fight, still as the dark- ness came on, the French were repulsed and had to retire under cover of the guns of Fort Mont Valerien. These had been engaged with the Prussian artillery during the day in order to draw ofl* the fire from the infantry. The 5th light battery of the Vth corps in action at Brdzin suflPered most ; it was at this spot that the Crown Prince of Prussia took up a position durino- the battle. Towards evening our outposts occupied the same ground as in the morning. In the attack on Montretout the French were more fortunate ; the weak garrison of 60 men had to evacuate it and fight their way out. The enemy soon made a lodgment there, and brouo-ht guns into action on the right, so that it was not retaken till after dark. This was effecced at 11 o'clock in the evening by detach- ments of the -i7th, 58th, and 82nd regiments. It was observed in the afternoon and evening, that a large force of the French were bivouacking outside the fortress, and it was necessary, therefore, for the Prussians to make preparations to meet a renewal of tlie attack ; consequently a Bavarian brigade of the 1st corps, which had arrived before Paris a few da3's previously from the southern army, and some guard landwehr were moved to Versailles. Our loss was 39 officers and 616 men, that of the enem}^ was very considerable, it amounted to 7,000 men, of whom 1,000 were left dead on the battlefield. There was also a small fio-ht this day on the eastern side of the investing line ; a company of the 100th regiment together with one of the 101st surprised the enemy's outpost in the farm of Groslay and took 5 officers and 150 men prisoners. On the 20th of January detachments of the 58th regiment and the 5th jager battalion surrounded and cajitured 18 officers and 320 men in St. Cloud, to which place they had retired in the expectation that the battle would be renewed there. Although the investing army was constantly engaged in its front by these repeated sorties, the}^ did not remain unmolested in their rear, where franc-tireur bands, more or less oiganised, threatened the railways and telegraphs, and carried off transport, patrols, and oflicials ; it became necessary therefore up to the last days of the siege to despatch large columns against them, and as late as the 27th of January a force consisting of 2 infantry and 2 cavalry regiments with 8 guns, marched from the southern post of the investing circle towards Auxerre. From the beginning of the investment the internal condition of Paris had been anxiously watched at headquarters, and the fall of the capital would have been a mere matter of time, as 158 tlie provisions decreased daily whilst the political difficulties increased. The capitulation of Metz and the destruction of the newly- formed armies in the south and north, seemed to have no effect on the character of the defence ; the negotiations for an armis- tice, which had been carried on in the first days of November between the headquarters at Versailles and the French Govern- ment, had been broken off after lasting for five days. Under these circumstances, the necessity of a regular siege or bombardment of the capital had become inevitable, as the only means of bringing the war to a speedy conclusion ; but the pre- parations were on such a large scale, that, as regards the prin- cipal attack on the south front, we shall have to treat them separately. A large siege train had to be brought up for the attack, com- posed partly of guns from the home fortresses and partly from the trains which had been already employed against other French fortresses, but at the same time the sieges then in pro- gress, which required a great amount of material, could not be interrupted. It was not surprising therefore, that exactly the most appropriate guns should not have been used in the artillery attack on the south front, or that the Germans were unprepared for the extraordinarily rapid wear of the guns, which influenced the progress of the siege. The siege train contained about 300 pieces of ordnance, namely, 70 long 24-prs., 15 short 24-prs., 100 12-prs.. 40 6-prs., exclusive of rifled breech-loaders, besides 20 25 -pr. shell guns, 20 50-pr. mortars, and 6 rifled 21-cwt. mortars. Each gun was provided with 500 rounds for curved fire with the necessary side arms and stores ; the carriages, platform wagons, gyns, &c. with all their gear had to be brought up. The Ballon guns, of which there were twenty, and which were much spoken of at the time, were not guns but wall pieces, on a small four-wheeled wagon with a platform and spindle moved by means of a ball ; they did not, however, succeed. The parking of the siege guns for the south front occupied much time, as only one line of rail, that through Nancy, was available at first, and this could not even be used in its entire length most of the time, as several tunnels and bridges over the Marne, between La Ferte and Meaux, had been destroyed by the enemy and had to be repaired. AH the other bridges on the line had to be carefully inspected and strengthened so that they should not break down under the immense loads ; more than 100,000 cwt. of stores and ammunition alone had to be moved, which for the reasons given above had to be unloaded by hand and conveyed by road from ]\Ieaux and Lagny to the siege train park at Villa Coublay before Paris, a distance of 12 miles (56 English miles). Special roads had to be made for the transports, and bridges built over the Seine. Several thousand draught horses were required as the requisitioned teams were insufticient and the drivers were constantly deserting, sometimes 159 with and sometimes without their wagons, so that the necessary horses had to be provided from the troops ; but this arrangement was not found convenient as a permanency. Twenty-four transport columns, each of 40 wagons, were therefore lirought from Ger- many, and equipped partly with the French wagons and harness taken at Metz. The transport for the first establishment of the siege train occupied several weeks, both night and day, and had even to be continued in the same manner during the siege. Two of the Strousberg traction engines were brought into use. The hilly nature of the country, the soft roads, and the slipperi- ness in frosty weather and snow caused the greatest difficulties to the numberless wagons. Although the guns, ammunition, and other stores were all safely conveyed to the artillery park, still it was necessary to have special escorts to protect them against the hostile population. These circumstances increased immensely the difficulties of preparing for the attack on the south front, for whilst, on the east and north fronts everything brought from Germany was ^delivered by rail close up to the parks, in the other case all the material had to be transferred to the wagons and carried from for four to five days by road before reaching its destination, No person without a knowledge of the extensive organisation required for a siege park can form any idea of the vast preparations, or the energy and foresight necessary to carry out such an undertaking. The establishment of the engineer park and depots presented similar difficulties. To the right rear of the gun park, were the store sheds, the empty shells and other projectiles, the laboratories, a fuze magazine, and six jwwder magazines, with their proper guardhouses, all screened from the enemy's view by a wood. The situation of Villa Coublay was very convenient for the purposes of the siege, but it required some additional security against hostile enterprise, and three field works were constructed on the plateau of Moulin de la Tour, of which the centre one was armed with 1 2, and the other two each with 6 rifled 12-pounders. The rocky chalk soil, frozen later to a depth of 1^ feet, made the construction of the batteries a work of great difficulty ; the laying of tlie plat- forms had to be executed in the rock with crowbars and miners* tools. On the other hand the presence of the woods and the material they afforded were of great service in building the batteries. In consequence of being thus hidden they were not unmasked until the moment of opening fire ; in one case an artificial screen was formed by planting trees and boughs, behind which the construction of the batteries proceeded quite unper- ceived by the enemy. Countless vehicles with the baulks and platforms (both of which had to be brought from Germany), fascines and gabions, which were made by the Vth and Ilnd Bavarian corps, filled the roads and paths leading to the batteries for months, generally at night so as to be unobserved b}' the French. The production and accumulation of the different materials were, under the circumstances, works of uncommon difficulty ; for, although the equipment provided the greater part 160 of the tools, still a' considerable quantity had to be obtained by requisition or forwarded from Germany. All these preparations required much time, both on account of the variety of difficulties that had to be encountered, and the shortness of the days ; but until everything necessary for carrying out the siege thoroughly was in its place, the opening of the attack could not be thought of It is hardly necessary to add that the time and manner of carrying out the siege had already been decided by the autho- rities ; and if there was any delay in opening the attack, it was on account of circumstances which have been already been noticed, a detailed account of which would be beyond our province. Paris was to be attacked on three sides simultaneously, so as to force the enemy to use his heavy guns on more than one front. It is worthy of remark, that the most broken ground bad to be selected for the artillery attack, and that in order to reach the body of the place, several of the outer forts would have to be engaged first, and perhaps have to be captm*ed. A short account of the different attacks in the east, north, and south, under the direction of Major-General Prince Kraft of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, commander of the guard artillery iDrigade, will follow here, in the order in which they were carried out. I. — ARTiLLERr Attack on the East Fkont. The object of the French position on Mont Avron was, in conjunction with the forts in rear, to prepare sorties, and to support them with the fire of the guns; it commanded the valley of the Marne and covered the assembly of troops there, as well as the passages over the Marne, and at the same time it flanked the greater part of our eastern line of in- vestment. These favourable circumstances induced the enemy continually to strengthen this position, so that in the end there were six 30-pounders, six short 24-pounders, twenty-three 7-pounders, thirty -four 12-pounders, seven miti*ailleuses, altogether 76 guns distributed in eight batteries ; the latter, however, were imperfectly constructed, and unprovided with bombproofs and traverses, on account of the difficulty of working in the frozen ground. The commandant on the plateau of Mont Avron was the well-known and able Colonel Stoffel, who before the war had been attache to the French embassy in Berlin. There was no intention on the German side of occupying Mont Avron, especially as it lay under the cross-fire of Forts Rosny, Nogent, and Noisy, and of the redoubts Montreuil, La Boissiere, and Fontenay, situated in the intervals. Our positions were so close that our heavy guns could engage Mont Avron as well as the forts lying behind it. The following batteries were constructed : — 161 A. — On the PlateoM of Raincy. Batteries Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, armed respectively with six 24-poimders, six 12-pounders, six short 24-pounders, and four short 24-pounders, altogether 22 guns, directed chiefly against Mont A\Ton, Fort Rosny, and other less important places, such as the villages of Avron, Rosny, Yillemomble, and the redoubts of la Boissiere and Montreuil. B. — On the Plateau of Mont Fermeil on the side nearest to Gagny. Batteries Nos. 5,* 6, 7, and 8, armed respectively with six 12-pounders, six long 24-pOunderSj six 12-pounders, and six 12-pounders, total 24 guns, to fire over the same ground as the other batteries, and also to sweep the valley of the Marne. To destroy any bridges that might be thrown over the river and prevent a passage. C. — In 'position hetiveen Noisy and Gournay. Batteries Nos. 9 and 10, armed respectively with six 12- pounders and six long 24-pounders, together 12 guns. To fire on the Marne valley and the valley of Villemomble and prevent the assembly of troops in these localities. D. — In position south-ivest of Noisy-le-Grand. Batteries Nos. 11, 12, and 13, each armed Avith six long 24- pounders, making a total of 18 guns to sweep the sides of Mont Avron, the villages of Villemomble and Neuilly, the railway junction, the Fontenay redoubt, and Fort Nogent. The distances of the different batteries from Mont Avron varied from 3,500 to 6,000 paces. The park of artillery was established at Brou, half a league to the east of Chelles, to which were brought 36 rifled 12-pounders, 30 rifled 24-pounders, 10 rifled short 24-pounders, altogether 76 siege guns. A transport column of 700 wagons was cantoned there in improvised barracks and stables. Ten companies of garrison artillery were available. The whole was placed under the com- mand of Colonel Bartsch as chief of the siege artillery, while Colonel Oppermann superintended the works of the engineers. On the ] 3th of December the construction of the batteries was begun ; it had to be carried on almost entirely at night, with the exception of the batteries on the plateau of Raincy, which were screened by the woods. Trench communications were made, where necessary, between the batteries, covered by traverses ; roads and bridges were constructed, as well as bombproofs of all descriptions. Fire was opened on the morning of the 27th of December at half -past 7 o'clock from 76 guns, and it succeeded by the next * In the plate No. 5 Battery is ^hown on the plateau of Raincj-. 36996. jj; 162 day in silencing Mont Avron after a good resistance, and con- siderable loss among the gun detacliments ; only the works in rear continued to respond to the fire, and the German artillery succeeded in driving the French garrison out of Bondy and out of the railway station at Noisy le Sec. The French evacuated the position on Mont Avron on the night of the 2 8th- 2 9th of December. They had thrown a garrison into it on the previous night, of two divisions under the command of General d'Hugues, with the intention of occupying it defensively. Their withdrawal during the night, together with the removal of the artillery m.atcriel, took place under the eyes of General Trochu, who had hurried to the spot, and was per- formed in wonderfully good order, covered by the marines and three field batteries. On the 30th of December Mont Avron was occupied by Saxon detachments. Supported by a covering party they levelled the enemy's works and des- troyed the ammunition and other materiel found there ; the magazine had been prepared for demolition. The next thing- was to drive the French out of the villages of Drancy and Bobigny, which they held in force, and for this purpose emplace- ments Nos. J 4 and 15 were constructed. Two other batteries, Nos. IG and 17, were built at Chennevieres to command the plateau of Villiers. To oppose the French position of Courneuve, Le Bourget, and Drancy, No. 1 battery at Blanc-Mesnil, and Nos. 2 and 3 batteries * at Pont Iblon were constructed, and armed altogether with 18 guns, so as to render an offensive movement from that direction impossible. Some of these latter batteries were advanced afterwards as far as Le Bourget, and were thus in a position to co-operate against St. Denis in the attack on the north front. On the 2nd and 3rd of January a heavy fire from the siege batteries was continued against the whole of the east front, and was only replied to feebly from Fort Nogent. As the east front had always been considered the strongest of the Paris defences, our successes against Mont Avron had raised a great alarm in the city, and ignorance of the military circum- stances had caused an unreasonable despondency, as well as distrust in their military chief. Meanwhile the enemy remained in possession of the villages of Bondy, Bobigny, Drancy, and Rosny, and disturbed our outposts from those places by frequent alarms; thus, on the nights of the 10th and 15th of January the Saxon outposts were attacked on the railway in advance of Aulnay and at Nonneville, whilst the same thing happened to the Guards in Le Bouiget three times during the night of the 14th of January. On account of these offensive movements, the siege batteries bombarded those places for 48 hours on the 16th of January, the results of which could only be ascertained Dy a reconnaissance of detachments of the 2nd division of foot * These three batteries formed at the same time the left wing of the attack on the north front. 163 guards against Drancy, and of the 23rd infantry division against Groslay farm, on which occasion 5 officers and 130 men were taken prisoners. On the night of the 26th-27th of January the batteries of the attack ceased firing. II. — Artillery Attack against the South Front. The command here was entrusted to Colonel von Rietf, Presi- dent of the committee on artillery experiments. This ofiicer had arrived before Paris towards the end of September ; the special reconnaissances, and all arrangements for the preparation and execution of the attack had been carried out under his orders. There were at his disj^osal 80 companies of garrison artillery, with their staff, and a numerous body belonging to the store department for duty in the various parks and depots. The following batteries were constructed : — A. — Left Wing. Battery No. 1 (St. Cloud) for six 12-pounders. Battery No. 2 (Meudon) for eight 12-pounders. Both these batteries to act against Billancourt, the Bois de Boulogne, and the islands in the Seine. Batteiy No. 3 (Meudon) six 24-pounders. Batteiy No. -i (Meudon) six 2-1-pounders. These batteries to counter-batter and enfilade the south and west fronts of Fort Issy. Dismounting battery No. 16 (Meudon) four 12-pounders, to fire against the gun emplacements at Fort Issy. Dismounting and breaching battery No. 19 (Fleury and Clamart) armed with four long and four short 24-pounders, against the south front of Fort Issy, the long 24-pounders ao-ainst the Paris enceinte. Dismounting battery No. 20 (Clamart) for six long 24-pounders, to fire against the south front and the north-west bastion of Fort Vanvres. B. — Centre. Enfilade and dismounting battery No. 5 (Clamart), six 2'i-pounders, against the south-west curtain and the south bastion of Fort Issy. Enfilade battery No. 6 (Clamart), six 24-pounders, against the south-east front of Fort Vanvres. Enfilade and dismounting battery No. 7 (Moulin de la Tour) for six 24-pounders, against the south front and the south-west bastion of Fort Issy. Dismounting battery No. 17 (Moulin de la Tour) for six 12-pounders, against the emplacements between Forts Issy and Vanvres. M 2 164 Dismounting and breaching battery No. 8 (Moulin de la Tour) for six 24 -pounders, against the south front of Fort Vanvres. Enfilade and dismounting battery No. 9 (Moulin de la Tour) for eight 12 -pounders, to fire on the west front of Vanvres and its south-west bastion. Enfilade and breaching battery No. 10 (Moulin de la Tour) for six 24-pounders, against the south and west front of Fort Vanvres. Dismounting battery No. 21 (Chatillon) six short 24-pounders, directed against the south-west front of Vanvres, and the neigh- bouring gun emplacements. C. — Rigid Wing. Enfilade and dismounting battery No. 11 (Fontenoy) with eight 12-pounders, to fiie on the west front of Fort Montrouge. Enfilade and dismounting battery No. 12 (Fontenoy) eight 24-pounders, also to fire against the west front of Fort Montrouge. Dismounting battery No. 18 (Chatillon) for six 24-pounders, to fire against Fort Montrouge, the emplacements to the west of it, and the city. Dismounting and enfilade battery No. 22 (Chatillon) for six 12-pounders, with the same object as No. 18. D. — Batteries for vertical Fire. Mortar battery No. 13 for two rifled mortars at the Tour des Anglais, to fire against Fort Issy. Mortar battery No. 14, armed like No. 13, to fire against Fort Vanvres. Mortar battery No. 15, armed like No. 13, against Fort Montrouge. Mortar battery No. 23 for four 50-pounder mortars against Fort Issy. Mfjrtar battery No. 24, armed like No. 23, against Fort Vanvres. In order to secure the right flank of the artillery attack, against which the French made particular exertions, especially from Villejuif, and to occupy the enemy's batteries there continuously, a flank attack was organised on the line La Rue-Chevilly, under command of General von Ramm, to be carried on independently. The park attached to it was at Rungis, and two batteries, each for six 12-pounders, were at first built in the given line, but afterwards advanced somewhat nearer to Villejuif. The original armament of, some of the batteries was cnanged in the course of the siege operations to meet the alterations in the range ; the greatest distance was 4,000 paces, and the smallest 1,700 paces ; during the last days of the bombardment, the interior of the city was the object" of attack of nearly all the batteries, some of which sent their projectiles to a distance of 12,000 paces. 165 The garrisons of Forts Issy, Vanvres, and Montrouge observed the ground in their front, by means of ou (-posts and piquets, patrols from which had frequent small collisions with ours ; thus on the 16th December 1870, two companies advancing from Fort Tssy attempted to occupy the village of Meudon, but were repulsed by the Prussian outposts, leaving five wounded behind them. With the object of gaining some ground on our side, the French outposts were driven out of Bas Meudon, Le Moulineaux, and Fleury shortly after midnight on the 3rd Januaiy ; strong- reserves had been brought up for the occasion. During the same night, the arming of the German batteries was completed ; but the opening of the fire on the 4th January had to be postponed on account of the fog. In order to take ofi* the attention of the enemy from the attack on the south front, the Xllth corps received orders to make demonstrations on the east side. In accordance with these, on the 4th January, the 24th division undertook a reconnaissance from Chelles ao-aiust Fort Nosjent, whilst at the same time, the demolitions on Mont Avron were carried on with great activity, to create the impression on the enemy that German batteries were to be established there. Two battalions of the 101st regiment, and a light battery advanced against Neuilly sur Marne, and occupied a part of the village and evacuated it again during the night ; as a conse- quence of this, the enemy increased his force in the front, and remained under arms till morning. On the 5th of January there were more demonstrations, principally against the villages of Nogent and Rosny. The 2nd battalion of the 105th regiment and the 3rd battalion of the 106th regiment, accompanied by a light battery, were directed against Nogent, whilst the enemy's outposts were threatened from Mont Avron, and the 3rd battalion of the 101st regiment was sent against the garrison of Bond3^ Other movements of troops also occurred in this district. The Saxon detachments retired from all points to their original position, after accomplish- ing the tasks with which they had been charged, whilst the French maintained an extremely heavy fire from 31 guns against the German artillery position on the plateau of Raincy. From the 31st of December until the 5tli of January the artillery of the defence on the east front remained almost silent. During these occurrences on the east front, the arming of the German batteries on the south front had been completed without molestation ; on the 5th of January, towards morning, the French made several small sorties against the outposts on the hill of Clamart. The latter had occupied the summit of the hill, and were attacked during the previous night, three times in succes- sion, on the last occasion with one battalion, which, however, retired v;hen the bombardment opened. The 80th regiment also repulsed a sortie made against Meudon. On the 5th of January, as soon as the fog permitted a good view of the enemy's position, the batteries opened their fire. 1G6 which had been ordered to commence at half-past 8 o'clock The principal attack fired this day on Forts Issy, Vanvres, and Montrouge, from batteries No. 1 to 17 ; the collateral attack directed its fire against the entrenchments at Yillejnif and the gunboats that appeared on the Seine. For the sake of brevity, we cannot give all the details of the artillery fight which had now commenced ; it is sufficient to remark that everywhere the French artillery, but particularly from the main enceinte, and from the batteries at the Point du Jour, showed the greatest activity, and proved itself to be an opponent worthy of our respect, forcing us often enough to give up the tasks originally assigned to single batteries, in order to meet him with united strength. January 6th. — Clear weather ; the fire from Fort Issy was temporarily silenced. The enemy fired into St. Cloud, Bougival, and Vaucresson from Fort Mont Valerien, and unmasked four new batteries at the Point du Jour ; the guns on both sides of the aqueduct engaged No. 1 battery and fired on to the plateau of Meudon ; Forts Issy and Vanvres only fired slowl}^ ; on the other hand Fort Montrouge directed a heavy fire against the redoubt of Monlin de la Tour, Avhich was occupied by the Bavarians, as well as against the village of Clamart. Our fire was chiefly against Fort Issy and beyond that towards Paris against the Point du Jour, and the adjoining batteries on the railway embankment and the aqueduct. In the neighbourhood of Point du Jour the flames broke out in several places. January 7th and 8th. — Thick weather ; the firing was con- tinued and set the barracks in Forts Vanvres and Montrouge in flames ; our projectiles ranged from 9,000 to 9,500 paces up to the gardens of the Luxembourg Palace, The revetments and buildings inside Fort Issy were being demolished ; the fort answering the fire but feebly. From Fort Vanvres there was only a dropping fire. Montrouge was engaged with the Bavarian battaries at Moulin de la Tour ; a barrack in the fort was set on fire. Against the Point du Jour and the adjoining batteries the artillery fight continued. Some of the batteries were silenced, but the well-conducted defence and extended front of the fortress enabled them soon to be replaced. The authority of the Governor, General Trochu, over the Parisian populace was beginning to be shaken ; he jdelded to the pressure put on him and allowed himself to be hamj^ered by a council of eight members ; in a proclamation issued he repudiated the idea of a capitulation. January 9th. — The object of our fire now was to prevent the enemy from constructing new earthworks for gun emplacements, communications, tfcc. ; the reply to it from his positions was less energetic ; it seemed as if the enemy were engaged in with- drawing the heavy calibres from the advanced positions. As the day was foggy, with continuous driving snow, the batteries of attack were ordered to slacken their fire. The government of Paris made a protest against the bombardment of the city, which, 167 considering that the siege had now been in progress for three months and a half, and that in the conduct of the defence neither towns, villages, nor palaces on their own soil had been spared, was naturally rejected ; on the 8th-9th of January some of the batteries received orders to bombard the inner portions of the town. At half-past S in the evening, Le Val was attacked by the lOtli company of the 87th regiment, and a subdivision of the 11th company of the same regiment was sent against Moulineaux, as the enemy had located himself again in these places ; after a good resistance he was driven out, and the besiegers by the capture of these places were enabled to approach from 1,500 to 1,600 paces nearer to Fort Issy. January 10th. — At 3 o'clock in the morning, some chasseurs managed to penetrate into a new battery on the hill of Clamart, which only opened fire on this day, but the covering party drove them out again. This spot was of the utmost importance both for the attack and the defence, and for weeks the ground had been disputed by the outposts. Similar small aftairs occurred at other places, evidently with the intention of making our approach more difficult. Our fire, which was continued without inter- mission, was answered by the enemj^ but only to a limited extent. Paris was burning in several places. The battery at St. Cloud fired into Billan court and the Bois de Boulogne. On the 11th of January, a heavy fire was maintained against the enemy's works and gun emplacements. The barracks in Fort Issy wei*6 set in flames, as well as several houses in the suburbs of Gentilly and Vaugirard, and in the north-east part of the city; German projectiles ranged as far as the church of St. Sulpice, a distance of 10,000 paces ; in the more exposed streets of Paris, the stone paving was torn up. The enemy made a skilful use of the entrenchments in front of, between, and in rear of the forts connecting the gun emplacements, to construct new batteries and change the position of the guns. The garrison of Fort Mont Yaldrien undertook a reconnaissance against our outposts at St. Germain, but were soon compelled to retreat. January 12th. — The fog, which had been continuous, for the last two days, still interfered with our fire. The enemy replied to it vigorously from the main enceinte. Covered by the fog, the garrison of Montrouge managed to mount some fresh guns. The besiegers threw their projectiles far into the town beyond the Luxembourg Palace, but the storming of the south forts, which at one time was considered a necessity by some of the authorities, was abandoned. In view of the original intention, a parallel had been constructed between Clamart and Chatillon at a distance of 1,500 paces from Forts Issy and Vanvres ; which would have formed the basis of a regular attack against those forts. A decree published by the provisional government secured to citizens wounded by the enemy's shells, the same claim to pension as the military. January l-Sth. — On account of the continued fog the fire on both sides was slack. During the previous night a vigorous 1G8 sortie of the French, by a force of about 4,000 mobiles stationed in and behind the forts, was repulsed by detachments of the Xlth corps at Meudon and by the Ilnd Bavarian corps at Clamart. January 14th. — The fire from tlie besiegers' batteries was continued ; the three forts of Issy, Vanvres, and Montrouge had almost ceased to fire, but the latter made an attempt to reply with field guns when there was a favourable opportunity. January loth. — After great labour and exertion battery No. 1 (St. Cloud) managed to silence the French batteries established at the Point du Jour in the south bastion, and was enabled now to continue its fire against the three butteries in the north bastion and the town. Prussian projectiles were thrown as far as the church of Notre Dame and the Jardin des Plantes. The dissatisfaction and ferment increased to such an extent in the town, that General Troclui had publicly to contradict tjie report that several generals had been committed for treachery. January IGth. — Battery No. 21 opened fire to-day to demolish the casemates in Fort Issy. January 17th and 18th. — The enemy showed great energy in re-arming along his front and in the unexpected unmaslcing of guns, which had been mounted in emplacements within the entrenchments. Then occurred that momentous event in the history of the world when King William, within sound of the thunder of the siege batteries, accepted for himself and his descendants the title of Emperor, off"ered him by the German princes and free towns, with the vow to uphold, in German faith, the rights of the empire and its members, to preserve peace, and by the help of his people to maintain the independence of Germany, as had been done gloriously by Prussia's kings for 170 years. This ceremony took place on the 18th of January 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, in the presence of the German princes and surrounded ])y representatives of the Geiman Army. January 19th. — Notwithstanding the sortie from Fort Mont Valerien against the heights of Garches, the guns on both sides kept up an uninterrupted fire. January 20th. — There was a slackening of the fire from the artillery of the defence, probably in consequence of the failure of the sortie of the previous day ; thus, the fire from Montrouge, where the guns had been admirably fought, almost ceased towards mid-day ; in the batteries at the Point du Jour the fire ceased altogether for a time ; the eastern barracks in Fort Vanvres were set in flames. General Trochu sent General Count d'Herison to the commander of the 3rd army to demand an armistice of 48 hours, which, however, was only conceded on the line from St. Cloud to Garches for a sufficient time to bury the dead. January 21st and 22nd. — Heavy fire from the batteries ad- joining the Point du Jour and the emplacements between the three south forts ; among the latter a French redoubt constructed 1G9 ill the interval between Forts Vanvres and Montrouge distin- guished itself particularly ; it required nearly a whole day for our batteries to master it. A powder magazine in rear of Claraart Wiis blown up. Insurrectionary movements of the Parisian populace were observed. January 23rd. — Lively fire from the enceinte of the city ; fresh batteries were unmasked by the French at the entrance to the Bois de Boulogne. The artillery of the attack did not allow itself be troubled by this, but managed to silence several bat- teries of the main enceinte, and subdue the fire of the field battery which had been so active on the previous day. January 24th. — The fire of the besiegers' batteries could only be continued at intervals on account of the fog, the enemy replying but feebly. A serious outbreak occurred in Paris in which the prison of Mazas was stormed, the prisoners liberated, and the granaries with supplies of bread and wine plundered by the mob ; in front of the Hotel de Ville the national guard fired on the insurgents. January 25th. — The enemy attempted, under cover of the fog, to construct earthworks in and lound Fort Issy, but were prevented. The bombardment continued as on the pre^^ous days. January 26th. — Clear wer.ther ; the bombardment was only weakly answered from the enceinte of the city, from Fort Mont- rouge and from the emplacements between Forts Vanvres and Issy ; notwithstanding the weather being clear the artillery of the defence were unable to accomplish anything. Equally futile was the hea^y fire from the battery at the Point du Jour against No. 1 battery. The batteries in front of Claniart were fired at but slightly from the fortifications of the town and from Fort Montrouge, and the neighbouring mortar batteries scarcely at all. January 27th. — After midnight the batteries on both sides ceased firing by common consent. The losses of the German artillery in the 22 days' bombardment were 12 officers and 200 men killed and wounded ; the field hospitals were established at Malabry and Sceaux, the chief hospital at Igny, between Versailles and Palaiseau. Lieutenant- General von Kamecke, who had been in command of the 14th Division during the campaign, was ordered from Mezieres to Paris to take over the chief command of the engineering works of the attack. The works which had been carried out by the engineers during the artillery bombardment M'ere, covered com- munications between the batteries, shelter trenches, traverses, assistance in building batteries and powder magazines, shell stores, posts of observation, underground storerooms (all bomb- proof), rendering the barracks which were not bombproof secure as guard houses, preparation of defences, constructing and maintaining roads, &c. Althourdi the trenches were tilled in some places with water which increased the difficulties of usiua- them, It was an evil which could only be partially remedied : it 170 must always occur at a siege carried on during the winter, as the trenches follow the lie of the ground and become the natural points of accumulation for the surface and subsoil drainage. III. — Artillery Attack agaixst the North Front (St. Denis). The intricate works of St. Denis are among the strongest of the defences of Paris, but they have one defect, that they have not a sufficient command to be defiladed from the hills in front, consequently they can be seen into, and in some places even the works of the gorge can be fired at. On the 21st of December, there was a sortie at Epinay le St. Denis against the troops holding the investing line at that place ; the gun-boats on the Seine co-operated, but eventUcilly it was successfully repulsed by Prussian batteries of position at Orge- mont and Enghien. As long as Mont Avron continued in possession of the French, it was impossible for the German batteries on the north-east front to approach, nearer, because the German position on that side of Paris as well as the strong French position La Cour- neuve, Le Bourget, and Drancy, was brought under an effective flanking fire. The capture of Mont Avron, which was of the utmost importance, as well as the unsuccessful sortie of the French against Le Bourget on the 21st December, must have proved to the enemy that any attacks against the position of the Guards there could lead to no result. In consequence of these occurrences the French defence at that point lost its energy, and the fire of the Prussian batteries was there- fore turned against the villages of Drancy, Bobigny, Bondy, and Rosny, with good effect; the forts of Noisy and Rosny were only fired at occasionally. In the meantime, a number of other German batteries were built on the line Livry-Garches, with the intention of making a frontal attack against the French posi- tion of La Courneuve-Drancy. Two batteries at Garches were directed at the same time to enfilade the works of St. Denis. For the actual bombardment of St. Denis, on the capture of which great value was very properly set at head-quarters, it wns necessary, exclusive of the 24 6-pounder field-guns, to organise a special siege train, made up from, the guns which had been employed at Mezieres and Peronne ; namely, 26 long 24-pounders, 10 short 24-pounders, 82 12-pounders, and 3 rifled mortars. The necessary preparations for the attack on St. Denis began on the 10th of January ; the siege train park was established at the railway station of Gonesse, a new transport park for 700 wagons was prepared at Ecouen, and a sufficient materiel, which was already partially prepared, for the construction of the batteries, was collected in depots at Arnouville and Montmorency. In order not to postpone the building of the batteries until after 171 the arrival of the siege artillery companies from Mezieres, tlie em^Dlacements were constructed by men from the field artillery and by the pioneers of the guard and 4th corps. The following 15 batteries were made : — Batteries Nos. 1, 2, and 3, armed each with six long 24-pounders, and six 12-pounders to fire against Drancy, Bobigny, and La Courneuve. Battery No. 4, armed with eight long 24-pounders, against Foi-t Aubervilliers and the suburb of La Yilette. Batteries Nos. 5, 6, 7. 8, and 9, armed respectively with six long 24-pounders, six short 24-pounders, eight 12-pounders, and three rifled mortars against the fort and village of Aubervilliers, Fort de I'Est, Double Couronne, Fort de la Briche, and St. Denis. '^i : ;. Batteries Nos. 10 and 11, each armed with six long 24- pounders and eight 12-pounders, against the fortifications of St. Denis and the Seine. Battery No. 12, armed with six long 24-pounders to fire at the same objects. Batteries Nos. 18, 14, and 15, armed with eight 12-pounders, four short, and six long 24-pounders, against Forts de la Briche Double Couronne, and the whole fortress of St. Denis. All these .batteries opened fire on the 21st of January. A glance at the map is sufficient to show that the besiegers' batteries had the advantage of a concentric fire against St. Denis, the collateral forts, and the French positions generally. As early as the 22nd of January, the fire from St. Denis was almost silenced. The town was in flames in several places. The repulse of the sortie on the 19th of January, and the effect of the bom- bardment against the whole circle of the Paris fortifications, with the exception of Mont Valerien, had produced the greatest discord and dissatisfaction among the populace of the capital. Serious risings occurred among the people, which led, on the 23rd of January, to a severance of the functions of President of com- mittee of national defence from those of Commander-in-Chief of the army. General Vinoy was appointed to the chief command of the army of Paris, whilst General Trochu continued to be a member of the Government only. In the meantime, on the 25th and 26th of January, the bom- bardment of the north front went on without interruption until the night of the 26th-27th of January, when the fire on both sides ceased here also. On the evening of the 28th of January an armistice of three daj^s was declared, for the negotiation of which Jules Favre, the minister of foreign affairs for the Paris Government, had during the last few days visited Versailles, and been backwards and forwards between that place and Paris. The conditions with regard to Paris were settled with a military commission which arrived from the capital. They were as folloAvs : All forts to be at once given up ; the main enceinte to be disarmed. The troops of the line, marines and guards mobiles to become 172 prisoners of war, with the exception of 12,000 men for the pre- servation of order in the city. The prisoners to remain within the gates of the city during the armistice and to hand over their arms ; the garde nationale and the gensdarmerie to retain their arms. All franc-tireur corps to be disbanded. The Germans to assist the French commissaries as far as possible in the reprovisioning of Paris. Persons desirous of quitting Paris to obtain a permit from the French authorities, with a German visa. The municipality of Paris to pay a contribution for the town of 200 million francs within li days. Public property not to be removed during the armistice. In accordance with the above stipulations, on the 29th of January, at 11 o'clock in the morning, all the forts, with the exception of Vincennes, were, after a previous reconnaissance for mines, &c., occupied by the besieging army ; Mont Valerien and Fort Issy by the Vth Prussian corps, Forts Vanvres and Montrouge by the Bavarian corps, Fort Charenton by the 1st Bavarian corps, Forts Ivry and Bicetre by the Vlth Prussian corps, the redoubts Gravelle and Faisanderie by the Wiirtem- berg division, Forts Nogent, Posny, Noisy, and Romainville by the XTIth Saxon corps, Fort d'Aubervilliers by the guard corps, and the works of St. Denis ,by the guard and I Vth corps. At the same time the outposts were brought within from 500 to 700 paces of the enceinte of the town, and the main positions advanced in a corresponding degree. In all the forts occupied by the Germans the necessary works were commenced that might be required if the bombardment had to be continued at the reduced rano-e. In the intervals between the south forts, and other suitable positions, six new batteries were erected besides em- placements, which were armed with the necessary guns and prepared for opening fire. The execution of the convention with Paris, and the disarma- ment, was carried out without interruption ; though the delivery of a large portion of the arms did not take place on account of the angry feeling of the inhabitants, and for other reasons. How- ever, near 200,000 Chassepot rifles, 600 field guns, and l,3o0 garrison guns fell into the hands of the victors. The total loss of the Paris army during the siege is given as 17,000 kiUed. On the 1st of March 10,000 men from each of the Vlth and Xlth Prussian corps, and the Ilnd Bavarian corps, marched into the Bois de Boulogne, where they were to remain two days for a review which the Emperor King was to hold in the Champs Elysees and the adjoining part of the town. Lieutenant- General Kamecke acted as commandant of that part of Paris which was occupied by the German troops. The latter were to be relieved on the 3rd of March by a body of equal strength from the guard corps, the siege artillery, and pioneers, and the King's grenadiers, which had been specially recalled from Orleans for the purpose. This, however, never took place, as the ratification of the pre- liminaries of peace by which the town was to be evacuated at 173 once arrived from Bordeaux on the day before. His Majesty nevertheless, held a review on Longchamps, and on the same day our troops marched out of Paris. The German armies now retired behind the line of the Seine ; those troops which were prevented by the circumstances men- tioned above from passing in review before His Majesty in Paris, namely, the Xth Saxon corps, the 1st Bavarians, and the Wiirtemberg division, were inspected by the King at Villiers. This brings to a close the description which we have given in broad outline of the glorious siege of Paris, which was carried on during four months and a half with an expenditure of men and material on both sides, quite without parallel in the history of war; no other siege can be compared with it either for military importance or political consequences. 174 BELFORT. (plate XIX.) This fortress, in the valley of the Sund, lies at the junction of three railroads, which lead on the east, via Altkirch and Miihl- hausen to Basle, on the west via Vesoul to Paris, and on the south-west into the valley of the Doubs to Besan9on ; it is the point of junction of the roads from Epinal, Miililhausen, Basle, Besan9on, and Vesoul. This important position gives the fortress its military value, which is increased with regard to operations against Germany, by the pass leading between the Jura and the Vosges, called the Troude of Belfort, which is always passable and not liable to snow drifts like most of the defiles in the latter range. The possession of the fortress became of the greatest importance to Germany after the conquest of Alsace and the fortified towns there, and all the more so, as experience showed that the population of this district, everywhere hostile to the invaders, found a point of support in Belfort ; besides which it was to our interest once and for all to capture the gate by which French armies might debouch into South Germany. Belfort, with 14,000 inhabitants, lies on the left bank of the Savoureuse, a tributary of the Doubs, an arm of which flows through the town, where the banks are lined with iron foundries. The Savoureuse forms on the north and north-east of the fortress a tolerably broad valley with meadows ; on the west, the slopes of the Haute du Mont and of La Cote, form a belt of undulating ground about 1,500 paces in width ; on the south side, there are more meadow lands, and on the east, several long ridges, of great importance to the fortress, as well as some isolated groups of hills and ranges of heights, among them the Perches, approach within the rayon of the fortress. The ground plan of the fortress consists of a fortified pentagon built chiefly on Vauban's .3rd system. The north and west fronts have three bastioned towers with detached bastions in advance ; the latter front is strengthened by a ravelin with retired flanks, and both are thoroughly flanked by the casemates in the towers. In advance of the north front lies the crown- work of I'Esperance, through which flows the Savoureuse, dividing the fort into two halves, the upper and lower ; here is the sluice-gate of the Savoureuse, by means of which an inunda- Plate XIXJ 175 tioii can be formed. At the eastern end of this work lies a bombproof barrack, another is situated on the arm of the Savonreuse, to which alhision has ah-eady been made; on the left wing is a casemated Ijatter}^ On the south-east side of the town lies the citadel, commanding the former ; it was originally planned by Marshal Vauban, and is situated on a steep rock rising to a height of 80 feet above the level of the streets. This fortification consists of a triple line ; namely, a. bastioned front with two bombproof barracks lying one behind the other, a counter-guard, and the outer works, which are of the nature of a crownwork. Both the last-named lines of fortification are provided partly with casemated, partly with open flanking defences, so that the works of the citadel taken as a whole may be considered ver}^ formidable and capable of good resist- ance. Whilst the cliffs on the south-west command the ground lying to the south of the fortress, and form a natural termina- tion to the fortifications there, the defences of the chateau on the north-east are connected, by a separate work having an advanced ravelin, with Fort TEsperance ; from which the south- eastern slope of the long ridge is swept, and on the extreme end of it is the Fort La Justice. The latter is an independent fort, the garrison of which can be accommodated in a bombproof redoubt and in casemates. The work is connected by a curtain with Fort la Miotte. We wish to call particular attention to the lines of these two important outworks, which were planned by the late celebrated inspector-general of the French engineers. General Haxo, because they rendered the construction of the besiegers' parallels and batteries against them a labour of great difiiculty, almost of impossibility. An entrenched camp for 10,000 men lies between the horn work I'Esperance, tlie work advanced on the north-east of the chateau, and the forts of La Justice and La Miotte. The steep slopes of the long ridge form the eastern side, whilst the opposite one is enclosed by an earthwork ; in the interior lies the suburb of Brisach. Fort des Barres, which has a front of nearly 1,200 paces, is a new and spacious work lying on the right bank of the Savour- euse ; and covering the railway leading to Vesoul and Paris. The three bastions have casemates en decharge ; in the centre one is a powder magazine ; the gorge is closed by a loopholed wall. Notwithstanding the skill with which the works covered the ground in front, still, at the outbreak of the war, there was a gap in the defences, 2,000 paces south-east of the town, where the ridge, called Perches, commanded the citadel, &c. Before the introduction of rifled long-range guns, it may have been of no consequence to the fortress, all the less so, because an attack on that side would have been under an efiective flanking fire from Forts La Justice and La Miotte ; now, however, the commandant recognised the necessity of crowning these heights with two works of a strong profile, though constructed hastily. The two forts of Halite Perche and Basse Perche have each a front of 176 from 350 to 400 paces, pi'ovided with two large and roomy blockhouses in the gorge, the ditches beiog blasted out of the solid rock with perpendicular sides, 9 feet deep ; the ground plan has the form of a redoubt with a very broken crest line ; on either side of the gorge were shelter trenches. The Fort Basse Perche is situated 021 the same level as the citadel ; Haute Perche on the contrary lies 30 feet higher, so that it commands the citadel, and may be considered the key of the fortress. Another work, Fort Bellevue, which had also been constructed hastily, lay near the railway station, and covered the suburb of Montbeliard ; It likewise had the form of a redoubt, with a very indented crest line. Close to the fort is a farm, which had been fortified, and was brought into the general line of defence. Belfort was one of those fortresses which immediately on the outbreak of the war was to have been placed in a state of defence, and the experienced commandant Colonel Denfert, who belonged to the engineer corps, endeavoured to accomplish this thoroughly with all the means at his disposal. For a long time the commu- nication with the south, which remained untouched by the war, was open to him ; and from this side he was enabled to complete the provisioning, as well as to provide all other matdriel for the defence, so that the place had been strengthened and armed with the greatest care. By this means all building was much facili- tated, and was executed with praiseworthy thoroughness and foresight. Guns of heavy calibre, with considerable supplies of ammunition were brought from the great arsenals of Lyons and Toulon. None of the French fortresses that fell into our hands during the course of the war, except Metz and Paris, had detached forts, in consequence of which, and also because the besieging artillery were enabled to occupy advantageous positions at close range, their capture occupied only a short time. At Belfort the case was quite different, for here there were not only very strong well-placed detached forts, which kept the besiegers at a distance, but there were extremely few places from whence a successful artillery attack could be carried out. The season and the nature of the ground were also peculiarly unfjwourable to the attack. In addition to this was the military capability of the energetic commandant, and to him must be given the credit of having by military training and discipline turned the heterogeneous garrison, confided to his charge, into opponents worthy of our respect. But most prominent of all was the skill with wliich he defended the ground in front of the works. The following description of the siege will show that he only retired into the fortress proper, during the last days of the defence, after the advance of the enemy had been impeded considerably by the use of suitable field works outside the fortress, which had been defended step by step. The 1st reserve division, under Major-General von Tresckow II., received the order in the end of October 1870 to invest Belfort. These troops were distributed at the time throughout Alsace and 177 in the Vosges, and the march was, therefore, commenced with only 11 battalions, 7 squadrons, and 4 batteries, inclusive of the reinforcements from tlie 4th reserve division. The march was accomplished by the 2nd of November, after constant fights with the franc-tireurs and gardes mobiles. On the 3rcl of November, the investment was completed; the line occupied by the outposts being 5| miles (24-6 English miles) in length. With an infantry force of only 8,000 men, against a garrison of double that strength, who were active op]3onents, and on such unfavour- able ground, where the view was intercepted by Avoods and hills, this was no easy task ; numerous bands of franc-tireurs were in the rear, and from Vesoul to Colmar there were no German troops. Various reports about the presence of Garibaldi's par- tisan corps on the other side of the Doubs necessitated great caution. At the same time, the communication between the different detachments was interrupted by high wooded hills, without roads, in the possession of the enemy's outposts, which were pushed far to the front. Without loss of time the strong castle of Montbeliard, lying about three miles (14 English miles) to the south of Belfort, was occupied. It lies on the Rhine-Rhone canal, and is at the junction of the Allaine, Savoureuse, and Lisaine ; it was placed in a good state of defence, and provisioned for three weeks. The roads that had been broken up were repaired, and the neighbourhood cleared of franc-tireurs. The patrols having reported that Dampierre to the south-west of Montbeliard Avas occupied by the enemy, General von Tresc- kow II. advanced on the 11th November by both banks of the Doubs to Clerval, pushing the enemy in front of him, who in retiring blew up the bridges and destroyed the communication. In front of Belfort there were daily small collisions with the enemy's advanced outposts, who were gradually driven back on the fortress. In the meantime. Forts Miotte, Justice, and the two Perches, having a high command and extended view over the ground in this direction, kept up a heavy fire on the wretched villages that were used as cantonments, so that these were completely destroyed. After the fall of Breisach, the division received the order to open the siege ; General von Mertens to take command of the engineer works, and Lieutenant-Colonel von Scheliha of the siege artillery. The technical preparations for the siege met with many difiiculties ; above all, the bringing up of the guns, ammu- nition, other siege apparatus, and the provisions occupied much time, as the transport by rail, via Miihlhausen, could only be effected as far as Dannemarie, and from the latter place by road through a difficult country. The principal siege train park was north of Chalonvillars on the Paris-Belfort road ; another at Moval on the road to Delle. The next thing was to secure the besieging army towards the south, where the French held a line from the Swiss frontier to Isle sur Doubs ; constant fights occurred here, and gradually all the bridges over the Doubs were destroyed by one party or the other. It was above all things necessary for the troops carrying 36996. X 178 on the sieoe to gain ground immediately in front of the fortress ; a task which was rendered very difficult by the behaviour of the garrison ; they made a sortie against Bessoncourt on the 15th of November, with three battalions and six guns, which was repulsed by the Neustadt battalion of landwehr ; the enemy lost three officers and 200 men. On the 23rd of November the combined landwehr regiment, under Colonel Geiicke, captured Valdoye and Mont d'Arsot, and that under Lieutenant-Colonel Ostrowsky, seized the strongly-occupied villages of Cravanche and Essert with Mont Salbert, which lies between them. The enemy made repeated attempts to re-capture these, but failed ; similar sorties were made on the 24th of November against the villao-es of Vezelois and Sevenans, which were repulsed by the Zitzewitz landwehr regiment. The enemy could only be driven step by step out of his advanced positions ; each separate village or wood was the object of a struggle ; the night surprises were generally successful, by which means the villages of Botans, Aroid-ians, and Bavilliers fell into our hands, and enabled our outposts to be advanced to the eastern slope of the Hauteur du Mont and to the Tuilerie, that is to say, into the neighbourhood of Forts Bellevue and des Barres. From this moment the close investment began ; the outposts, however, still extending for a distance of from 5 to 6 leagues^ whilst the cantonments of the main body occupied from 9 to 10. It was necessary, as soon as the besiegers captured the successive positions, to secure them with field works, and maintain the utmost vigilance in patrolling. The headquarters were removed from La Ciiapelle to Fontaine, and the corps, notwithstanding the dispersed positions it occupied, had also to cover a line of communication for IG miles (75 English miles) in Alsace. In consequence of a reconnaissance which had taken place on the 16th of November, it was decided to try the result of a bom- bardment, as it might, perhaps, influence a capitulation, and also because sufficient materiel for a regular siege had not yet arrived. To the east of Essert lies a flat-topped ridge, where the batteries for this purpose could be constructed undercover of the advanced troops ; the construction of Batteries Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, armed respectively with four 12-pounders, two short 24-pounders, and two 12-pounders, four short 24-pounders, four long 24-pounders, four 12-pounders, four 27-centimetre mortars, and four long 12 pounders was commenced, whilst a demonstration was made on the east side of the fortress by Colonel von Bud- denbrock's detachment to engage the attention of the enemy. The construction of the batteries was completed on the night of the 2nd-3rd of December, unperceived by the enemy, notwith- standing the moonlight. When the batteries opened fire at 8 o'clock in the morning, the artillery of the defence replied to them with vigour and without intermission. This cost us a loss of one officer and 10 men killed and 30 wounded ; our projectiles ranged up to the suburbs of Belfort and the neighboiu'hood of the castle, without, however, doing much damage to the enemy's artillery in their commanding position. The bombardment 179 reached its height on the 8th and 9th of December, witli good results, against the Faubourg de France ; the artillery of the garrison had set in flames the villages of Cravanche, Bavilliers, and Essert, In order to draw closer round the fortress, and prepare for the formal attack on the Perches, the besiegers' artillery was extended towards the right flank ; for this purpose the outposts on the south side had to be advanced. In the execution of this, on the night of the 14th of December, the Deutsch-Crone battalion seized the wood of Bosmont, which was diflicult to penetrate, and had been strengthened by abattis, and the Konitz battalion took the Grand Bois, where they captured an enemy's piquet of one officer and 45 men. On the other hand an attack made in the same night against Danjoutin failed, partly because it was occupied in great strength, and partly because the artillery fire which was to prepare the way for the assault had not been sufficiently eftective against the enemy's defences on account of the fog. At the same time the enemy made a sortie against Bavilliers. Our loss was two officers and 79 men ; that of the enemy one officer and 80 unwounded prisoners. These circumstances made it possible on the night of the 17th-18tli of December to build No. 8 battery for four long 24-pounders to act against And elnans and Danjoutin ; with the same object. Batteries Nos. Ha and 9 were thrown up during the night of the l7th-18th of December, armed respectively with two J2-pounders and four 6-pounders, as well as with two 27-centimetre mortars. It now became necessary to strengthen the existing artillery positions to the south-west of the fortress, and to place the re- quisite batteries on well selected points at a nearer range. Their execution, however, had to be postponed partly on account of the continuous rain having cut up the i^oads, which had never been good, and thus -delayed the transport of the guns ; and partly on account of the want of troops, who were scarcely sufficient for the works and the duties under arms ; further the seven battalions of the 4th reserve division, who were coming to reinforce the Germans, arrived but slowly, and the total of the investing army, including the detachments in the south on the heights of Montbeliard, was only 22 battalions of 800 men each. In the meantime frost had set in, and the arming of the batteries could be proceeded with. Batteries Nos. 10, 11, and 12 were built on the evening of the 24th of December at Bavil- liers, the first being armed with four long 24-pounders, and the two latter with four 12-pounders each. They were to fire against the horn work of I'Esperance, the post of La Ferme and the Perches ; then batteries Nos. 13 and 14 were built under great difficulties on account of the crround, and armed each with four long 24-pounders ; they were to fire against the Forts Haute-Perche, and La Justice. The batteries Nos. 10, 11, and 12, however, did not open fire until the 28th of December, after they had been connected by trenches with the batteries on the N 2 180 left at Epert, and ou the right with the village of Bavilliers. In the night of the 28th-29th of December batteries Nos. 15, 16, 17, and 18 were begun, the first one armed with four 27-centi- metre mortars and the remaining "three with four 12-pounders each ; they were to 0]3en fire on the 7th of January against the village of Daujoutin, still remaining in the possession of the enemy, and against the two Perches. Battery No. 19 was also built at this date ; it was originally armed with two 21- centimetre mortars, and later with two 25-centimetre mortars, to throw shells into the town and citadel. The first news of the approach of a relieving army under the command of General Bourbaki was received on the 25th of December, The situation of tlie besieging array was not a favourable one. The XI Vth corps stood far ofif at Dijon ; the troops of the investment occupied extended positions, whilst the batteries and siege train parks were on the side from which the enemy was approaching. What was going on on the other side of the Doubs behind the enemy's outposts was unknown, as the bridges were blown up and other communications destroyed. As soon, however, as the news was confirmed the siege operations had to be slackened. But the position at Arcey, as well as the section of the Allaine, had to be prepared with field works and occupied in greater strength ; four 24-pounders were mounted in the castle of Montbeliard, the bridges over the Allaine pre- pared for blowing up, and the roads from Isle sur Doubs to Hericourt and Montbeliard blocked. Between the 29th and 31st of December, the besieging army was reinforced by a detachment from Alsace under command of General von Debschitz, consisting of 3 battalions, 2 squadrons, and 2 batteries, so that the total of the investing army was raised to 30 battalions, G squadrons, 6 batteries, 2(j companies of artillery (of which 7 were Bavarian, 4 Baden, and 3 Wtirtem- berg) and G companies of pioneers (to which Bavaria, Baden, and Wiirtemberg each contributed 1). The Prussian siege artillery before Belfort consisted of 12 companies from the guard, 4th, 6th, and 7th garrison artillery regiments. The detachment of General von Debschitz occupied the line Audincourt-Vaudon- court- Croix, where they were in frequent collision with the enemy's outposts ; thus, for instance, on the 2nd of January at St. Croix with the Liegnitz battalion, when four French officers and 200 men were driven over the Swiss frontier. At Arcey, also, where Colonel von Bredow was posted with 5 battalions, 2 squadrons, and 2 batteries, the necessary reconnaissances towards Isles sur Doubs led to skirmishes. Under these circum- stances the opening of the regular attack, which was now fully prepared, had to be postponed. The construction of batteries con- tinued steadily nevertheless, and when it appeared that the enemy had withdrawn in consequence of the movements of the XlVth corps to its left, and that an attack from the relieving army was no longer imminent, the necessary movements of troops for the intended opening of the formal siege was ordered. As a 181 preliminary to this, Captain von Manstein, commander of the Schneidemiihl landwehr battaUon was directed on the night of the 8th January to sieze the village of Danjoutin, which was entrenched and held in force by the enemy. The 5 th and 7th companies quitted the wood east of Danjoutin half an hour after midnight and, followed by the Gth and 8th companies, advanced to the attack of the eastern edge of the village. The attack succeeded, and while the 7th and 5th companies pushed the enemy out of the houses and from the barricades in the village, a company of pioneers immediately put them in a state of defence; a company from the 1st and 14th landwehr regi- ments endeavoured to cut off the enemy on tlie south-west, whilst the 5th and 8th companies occupied the railway station, so as to be in position to oppose an expected sortie from the Perches, which actually took place soon after, supported by a battery that came into action at Fort Bellevue, and was repulsed. Notwithstandino; the excellent and well-executed arrano-ements, we lost 2 officers and 80 men, and the enemy 3 officers and Q5 men, exclusive of 18 officers and 700 men made prisoners. The building of the batteries made but slow progress on account of the frost and the rocky soil. The pioneers assisted in lajdng out and completing the battery communications at Ravilliers, and afterwards entrenched the village of Danjoutin. Still the formal attack could not be begun, as the relieving army was again approaching. On the 9tli of January, the march of French columns from Cour- celles on Arcey was reported. Colonel von BredoAV concentrated his detachment there, and exchanged a few shots with the enemy. The French advanced from Seloncourt towards Vaudoncourt and Dasle against the detachment of General von Debschitz, but were repulsed ; on the next day a portion of the detachment made an attack on Abevilliers. On the 10th of January the enemy de- veloped a larger force with guns, opposite to Von Bredow's detachment, but without attacking. General von Werder sent information that he was marching on Belfort ; he arrived on the 11th of January, and all the pioneers and a portion of the siege guns were placed at his disposal. The positions Abevilliers, Audincourt, Montbeliard, Hericourt, Chagey, Frahier were fortified and provided with emjjlacements for guns of position, which afterwards had an important influence on the successful issue of the battle. The bridges over the Lisaine, at Busurel, and others as far as Dello were blown up, and the passage of the Ballon d'Alsac to the north of Giromagny destroyed by Nagle's Bavarian pioneer company ; the bridges lying in the line of retreat had to be restored. Von Bredow's detachment in its advanced position at Arcey had assisted materially in arresting the progress of the enemy, so that the divisions on the march gained time to form up behind the section of the Lisaine. We must pass over the general description of the battle there. General von Tresckow II. took command of the left wing of the 182 Prussian position, in addition to that of the investing army. General von Debschitz passed under the immediate command of General von Werder, and had to maintain a series of fights between Doubs and the Swiss frontier. Those troops of the 4th reserve division, which had formed a part of the besieging army, rejoined it. The 1st reserve division, to whom the task of the investment was allotted, had only a small share of the fighting ; as, for instance, in the attack on Chenebier, where the fusilier battalion of the G7th regiment, in company with Baden troops, lost 5 officers and 110 men. During the battle the besieging army remained constantly under arms ; the garrison onl}^ made two small sorties against the west flank. The bombardment of the fortress as well as the construction of the batteries continued steadily. It was at this time that batteries Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 were built to fire on the citadel. Forts la Justice and Miotte, as well as on the hornwork and the main enceinte ; they v/ere armed respectively with two smooth-bore and two rifled 21 centi- metre mortars, four short French 24-pounders, four long 24- pounders, four long 24-pounder?, and five 12-pounders. After the departure of Bourbaki's army the siege was again carried on with energy. On the night of the 21st of January the ground necessary for the security of the right wing of the first parallel as well as the village of Perouse were occupied. This attack was conduced by Colonel von Zglinicky, commanding the 67th regiment; the 1st and 2nd battalions, the former being in reserve, seized the entrenched woods of Baillis and Taillies at midnight, and a landwehr battalion of the 26tli regiment took the wood of Morveaux as well as the redoubt there, all without firing a shot. At Perouse, on the contrary, there was severe hand-to-hand fio-htine: both in the streets and houses, but their possession was maintained regardless of the heavy fire from the two Perches and from Fort Justice. As a means of re- cognition among the columns tlie forcible German countersign of "Haut ihn " (strike him) was given. Our casualties on this occasion were 8 officers and 17-J men, while the enemy lost 5 officers and 93 men as unwounded prisoners alone. Battery No. 8, armed with four 12-pounders, had been engaged against Perouse ever since the Sth of January. On the evening of the 21st of that month, the first parallel on the line Danjoutin- Perouse against the Perches, together with the communications in rear were completed by a working party of 3,000 men, without any important interruption from the enemy ; it was only delaj'^ed by the ground being frozen to a depth of 1^ feet and the rocky nature of the soil. For these reasons the parallels and communi- cations could not be completed to the necessary profile until the 26th of January. The following batteries were built gradually in line with the parallels: No. 26 for four 50-pounder mortars against the Basse- Perche, No. 27 for four 12-pounders against the Haute-Perche, No. 28 for four 60-pounder mortars, and No. 34 for two 6-pounders and two 25-pounder mortars against the Haute- 183 Perche, and to secure the parallel against sorties. The ]-)iincipal engineer depot was in rear of batteries Nos. 15 to 18, on the high road where it quits Daujoutin at the south-east ; two other engi- neer depots were behind the railway embankment, at the point where it intersected the approaches. The artillery of the defence were at this period, although not very energetic, still fairly active. The attack on the Perches was rendei-ed difficult both by fire from the castle and Forts la Justice and Miotte as well as by the rocky ground, the parapets on which had in some places to be formed of sand bags. Notwithstanding these difficulties, the second parallel was completed l)y the 1st of February. At this period, the construction of mortar batteries No. 29 for eight 7-pounder mortars, against the Haute-Perche, and No. 80 against the Basse-Perche for four 7-pounder mortars. No. 31 for six GO-pounders against La Justice and Miotte, and gun batteries Nos. 32 and 33 against La Justice and the town, was taken in hand. The labour was very severe at first on account of the cold, afterwards on account of the water, which in consequence of the sudden thaw and rain filled the trenches in some places to a depth of four feet ; as the bottom of the trench could not be constructed level, but had to follow the natural inclination of the ground. There were many pressing reasons for bringing the siege to a speedy conclusion, and an assault on the two Perches was there- fore ordered for the evening of the 26th of Januar}^ Five infantry companies, and one of pioneers were told off for this duty. According to the arrangement, three infantry companies were to form the attacking party, one on each flank, the third to advance against the gorge of the works, two companies to remain in support; the pioneers were to blow up the half-sunken block- houses in the ditches at the gorge, remove palisades and cut steps in the counterscarp and parapet ; a working party, 2,400 strong, were drawn up in the parallel, ready, in the event of the assault being successful, to continue the trenches up to the Perches as well as to construct the connecting line of entrenchment. Colonel von Zglinicky commanded the whole. The left column against fort Basse Perche pushed forward up to the ditch at a quarter before 7 o'clock in the evening. Tlie pioneers with First- Lieutenant von Bichthofen and Lieutenant Kraatz, jumped down and began their work ; the infantry columns pressed forward with them, one entered the ditch in front and the other two into the trench-like ditches on either side of the gorge. The commandant in expecta- tion of such an assault had placed two battalions with a working party in reserve in rear of the forts, who, advancing at the right moment, repulsed the attack. The result of the attack by the right column on Haute-Perche was more satisfactory so far, that an undulation of the o-round screened it from the defender's view durmg the greater portion of its advance, but beyond that point it was checked by the heavy fire of the enemy. The assault therefore completely failed. The loss of the right column was small, the left column had 5 officers and 250 unwounded men. 1S4 taken prisoners, as they were surrounded by a superior Frencli force in the ditches from which they could not escape ; there were, besides, 9 officers and 168 men killed and wounded. Both columns were much hnpeded by wire entanglements, that were formed between the stumps of the trees, where the wood of Perche had been felled. The reconnaissances previously undertaken by engineer officers, Captain Koch of the Caden pioneers and First-Lieutenant von Eichthofen (who was taken prisoner in the assault) failed on account of the watchfulness of the French sentries and led there- fore to no result. After the 26th Januarj^", news of a fresh movement of a con- siderable hostile force from Morteau and Hyppolyte, made it neces- sary to bring the strength of General v. Debschitz's detachment, which had advanced fighting to Blamont and Pont de Roide, up to 7 battalions, 2 squadrons, and 2 batteries. General V. Debschitz encountered masses of unarmed French troops beyond Maiche, who passed over the Swiss frontier. After this detachment, assisted by the 4th reserve division, had cleared the country between the Doubs and the Swiss frontier as far as Pontarlier, it returned. In the meantime the trench work pro- gressed rapidly, partly by flying sap, partly by half double sap, according as the vigilance of the enemy, the energy of his fire, and the weather and time of day permitted. The engineer corps had to lament the loss of First-Lieutenant Miiller, who died, and of Captains Koch and von Oidtmann, of Lieutenants Adam and Longard, who, with many pioneers, were wounded. The difficulties of the ground and the disease among the troops increased seriously. There was so much sickness, espe- cially among the technical troops, that it became necessary to order up two additional companies of garrison pioneers from Strasburg for the siege. The gun emplacements Nos. 35 and 36 aojaiust the Haute-Perche, having been constructed and armed each with two 6-pounders, opened fire. On the 8th of February the two Perches were successfully captured by sur- prise. Captain Rose of the engineers, who was on duty v/ith his company in the crowning against the Haute-Perche, noticed that there were no French sentries behind the rampart.- He jumped at once into the ditch, climbed the parapet, called on the nearest men at work in the trenches to follow, ordered the covering party, consisting of the Gels and Hirschberg battalions, to advance, and pressed forward into the interior, taking as prisoners 10 of the weak garrison. As soon as First- Lieutenant von Weltzien and Captain Pflaume, both of the engineers, saw what happened, they agreed with Major Brink- mann of the Kirschberg battalion, to make a similar assault on the Basse-Perche, which was captured after a short fight. On the 19th February, batteries Nos. 37, 38, and 39 opened their fire, the two first against the castle, and the latter against Fort Justice. They were each armed with four long 2'1-pounders, and their construction, apart from certain interruptions, had occupied a very long time. 185 : In the niglit of the 9th-10th of February, the connecting works between the captured forts and the lodgment in the interior were completed. Besides shattered gun-carriages, there were found in each fort three partially disabled guns. The artillery officers immediately brought their guns out of the nearest batteries, by a temporary'' bridge made over the ditch ; and opened fire to meet an expected sortie of the enemy. The latter replied with a very heavy cannonade lasting several hours, during which, however, the works in the gorge had to be continued. We lost in consequence ] officer (Lieutenant v, SteinkeUer), 6 men killed, and 33 wounded. On the same evening the commandant demanded an armistice. This was, however, refused, as the commandant requested to hold the fortress until the return of the officer who had been despatched to the French Government for instructions. In the meantime, the following batteries were constructed in the second parallel ; No. 40 for four 27-centimetre mortars against the castle, Nos. 41 and 42 for six 60-pounders and four 7-pounder mortars repectively, to fire against the castle and the farm ; the former opened fire on the 1 0th, and the latter on the 11th of February. The heights of the two Perches were now turned into a formidable artillery position for 60 guns placed thus : a. On the right of the Haute-Perche, batteries Nos. 39, 38, and 37, armed each with four 24-pounders, and No. 53, for four 24-pounders, against the Citadel and Fort la Justice. h. Between the Haute and Basse Perches, batteries Nos. 34(X, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50, armed respectively with four 12-pounders, four 12-pounders, four long 24- pounders, four 50-pounders, and two 27-eentimetre mortars, four short 24-pounders, four 12-pounders, four 12-pounders, and four 12-pounders, all to fire against the Citadel. c. To the left of the Basse-Perche, batteries Nos. 51, 52, and 36a, armed respectively with four long 24-pounders, four short 24-pounders, and two 6-pounders, to fire on the Citadel, the west front of the town, and Fort des Barres. Finally, battery No. 53, for four long 24-pounders, was con- structed south of Perouse, to fire against Fort Miotte. After calling the attention of the commandant to this impos- ing artillery array, he was summoned, at 3 p.m. on the 13th of February, to surrender. Just at this time the expected instruc- tions from his government arrived; and the negotiations, which were at once begun with Captain von Schultzendorf, of the general staff, led to a preliminary armistice, to^ give the ^ com- mandant an opportunity of learning the situation of affairs in France, as well as to enable him to prepare for the capitulation. There was no interruption in the engineers' works, who pushed out a sap from Basse-Perche against the castle during the night of the 14th of February, and only ceased the advance towards morning. 186 On the afternoon of the loth of February, the commandant announced himself prepared to surrender the fortress. The neo-otiations continued until 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the 16th of February. A convention was concluded by which the commandant of the fortress. Colonel Denfert-Rochereau, was to hand over the town, the forts, and the war materiel, to General von Tresckow II. on the IStli of February at mid-day ; the garrison (with the exception of the guards) were to quit the fortress before that hour with all the honours of war, in con- sideration of their gallant defence. The garrison were marched by two roads, in echelons of 1,000 men, to the department Saone and Loire. 7,000 were marched off on the 1 7th of February, and 7,500 followed on the 1 8th. According to the report that was received, the garrison numbered 17,000, of whom 11,500 left the fortress, leaving 2,000 sick behind ; the remaining 3,500 were accounted for by deaths, desertion, and as prisoners. The total losses of the besiegers, including those in the open field, were 2,100 men. On the 18th of February, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the powder magazines and mines were occupied by the German troops ; at 12 o'clock they took possession of the gates, and relieved the guards ; about 280 guns were captured in the fortress. At 2 o'clock p.m. there was a triumphal entry by the Porte du Vallon. A short religious service was held in the entrenched camp, after which General von Tresckow II. called for cheers for his Majesty the Emperor, and the allied German princes, whilst the Prussian flag was hoisted on the castle and saluted with 101 rounds fired from the captured guns. The town itself, as well as the suburbs, had suffered severely from the bombardment. After the fulfilment of the conditions of the treaty of peace with France, Belfort was restored to the French. 187 APPENDIX. The foregoing pages contain a short description of the fortress- warfare in front of those places, which, lying on the north and east frontier of France, barred the march of our armies, and show how their reduction was accomplished by operations on a more or less extended scale. According to the title of the book our task would therefore be completed. But it seems to us desii-able to narrate in this appendix as a sequel, those occurrences which relate to the conquest of some small fortified places lying within the zone of operations of the 1st army (the citadel of Amiens and the small fortress Peronne), although neither a special besieging army with the accompanying technical troops, nor regular siege artillery were employed, nor even the special technical preparations for siege operations undertaken. We consider this due to our brave 1st army, that fought so well under most difficult conditions, and, on whose operations, these fortresses had such an important influence. We also wish to add a description of the gallant and successful coup- de-main for the capture of Rocroy. Advance of the 1st Army. After the capitulation of Metz, the 1st army, commanded by General of cavalry Freiherr von ManteuflTel, consisted of the corps under Lieut.-General von Bentheim, the Vlltli corps under Lieut. -General von Zastrow, and the Vlllth corps under Lieut.- General von Goeben, the brigade of General von Senden, and the 3rd cavalry division under General Count von der Groben. The first task, a difficult one, that fell to this army^ was the evacuation of Metz, and the transport to the rear of 150,000 prisoners, also to hold Metz ; to besiege Thionville, Longwy, Montmedy, Mezieres, and in part Verdun, for the security of our line of communication with Paris and the west, and afterwards to maintain these, whilst advancing against the north-west of France ; to overthrow the newly-formed French armies at Lille and Amiens ; finally the siege of La Fere had to be undertaken as well. General v. Zastrow, with the Vllth corps and the brigade of General v. Senden (19th and 81st regiments of the Srd reserve division), had the duty allotted to liim of holding Metz, and carrying on the fortress-warfare on the 188- northern frontier of France, in the manner that we have already described. Further, the troops before Verdun under General von Gayl had to be reinforced, so that after the detachment had left for La Fere, and the 1st division had been despatched for the investment of Mezieres, there remained for operations in the open field only two incomplete army corps and the 3rd cavalry division. On the 7th of November the army began its march to the west of France by two roads. The 1st corps by Briey, Spincourt, Damvillers, Busency, Eethel, Laon, and Noyon ; the Vlllth corps, on the left, took the road by Etain, Verdun, Varennes, Eeims, Soissons, and Compiegne. 'The Srd cavalry division, accompanied by infantry and artillery, was several days' march in advance to clear the Argonne Forest of franc-tireur bands. Afterwards it rejoined the main body and marched in close connexion with it. Just as the army reached the Meuse, Verdun capitulated, and a very important road junction thus fell into our hands. In this forward movement, the army gave brilliant proofs of its marching capabilities; having in 14 days accomplished a dis- tance of from 33 to 36 miles (155 to 169 English miles), measured in a straight line, or 2|- (11 f English miles) per deiy. As the route of the 1st corps led within from 2 to 4 (9 to 18 English miles) of the French line of fortresses, it was necessary, in order to cover the flank, that Montmedy and Mezieres should be observed or invested, in the manner already described in the histor}'- of the sieges of those places. On the 20th of November, the head of the columns reached the line of the Oise, the right being at Noyon and the left at Com- piegne, and it was at this time that the 3rd cavalry division, with artillery and two jager battalions attached, reported the presence of considerable hostile forces at Amiens under General Faidherbe, and also at Rouen. In order to prevent the junction of these two French armies, the march was continued on the 23rd of November by Montdidier and Noyon, whilst at Le Quesnel and Mezieres there were small aflfairswith the advanced guard. On the 26th of November, the Vlllth corps ascertained at Thennes, about 2 miles (9^ English miles) to the south-east of Amiens, that the enemy Avas prepared to offer- resistance before the latter town with a strong force, and that the necessary dispositions ought to be made to give him battle next day. It should be observed that whilst the Vlllth corps was up to its full strength, the 1st corps consisted of only one (the 3rd) infantry brigade, one cavalry regiment, and the corps artillery; on the following day, however, the 1st division, having been relieved before Mezieres by the detachment of General v. Senden, arrived in sufficient time to take a part with its leading troops in the battle, the details of which we must pass over. In consequence of the successful issue of the 180 ■■ engagement the outposts of the Vlllth corps were established within I a mile (2^ English miles) of Amiens. Amie7is. Amiens is a manufactviring, industrial, and open to^vn of 70,000 inhabitants, lying on the river Somme, navigable here for small sea-going ships, and which flows through the city in three branches. The cathedral, built between the years 1220 and 1228, is celebrated as a masterpiece of pure and well-executed French- Gothic architecture. To the north of the town, and on the right bank of the Somme, which is joined half a league to the east by the river Noye, lies the citadel ; it was built in the reign of Henry the Fourth, and consists of five regular bastions, with very high profiles, and the usual arrangements. A strong well flanked drawbridge leads from the citadel over the ditch to a second bridge over the Somme, used for the regular traffic of the town. Between the citadel and the town is a sort of esplanade, so that the nearest houses are about 300 paces from the former. The ground in front of the citadel on the right bank of the Somme is quite open, and swept by the guns from the fort. Amiens is the junction of many important roads and railways ; the latter go to Rouen and Boulogne sur Mer, as well as Arras, Tergnier, and Paris. On the approach of the enemy, the bridges over the Somme in the neighbourhood, and also the railroads for a considerable distance, had been destroyed, and the fortifi- cation of the town was commenced to secure it from a coup-de- main. Some old entrenchments were restored for this purpose, and armed with guns, whilst barricades were erected on the roads leading to the gates. The suburbs de la Hauboye, de Beauvais, and de Noyon were favourably placed for the defence of the city on account of their advanced position ; and also the suburbs de la Maurice and St. Pierre lying on either side of the south front of the citadel. Further in advance, on the south and south-east of the town, shelter-trenches had been carefully con- structed in suitable places and gunpits thrown up at skilfully selected points. But the completion of all these well-considered preparations for the defence was prevented by the rapid course of the military operations in the immediate vicinit}^ of the town. On the morning of the 28th of November, the city was occu- pied by the 16th division, under Lieutenant-General von Barneckow, having been evacuated during the night by the French garrison, which consisted of three brigades ; the citadel remained in possession of the enemy. Under these circum- stances, the commandant. Captain Yogel, an Alsatian by birth, was summoned to surrender, but he refused flatly. Nothing remained therefore except to capture it by force of arms. For this purpose some Prussian detachments, led by the mayor of the town, occupied the houses opposite and nearest to the citadel, cutting ofl" all communications with the city, from whence thej"" annoyed the defenders on the ramparts, who replied with artil- 190 lery and musketry fire. As 'this led to no result, the citadel was ordered to be bombarded ou the 29tli of November by the heavy batteries of the 1st and 8th field artillery regiments. The 41st regiment and two squadrons of the Lithuanian dragoons, both under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel von Hiillessen, of the former, were ordered to take part in the expedition. It started at 9 o'clock in the morning from St. Nicolas, three quarters of a mile (3^ Enghsh miles) south-east of Amiens, with orders to gain the right bank of the Somme ; as it was only from that side that the citadel could be bombarded successfully without injury to the town, which was to be spared on account of having sur- rendered unconditionally. At the same time Lieutenant-Colonel Gregorovins, of the 1st East Prussian field artillery regiment, discovered a position on the town side, from whence he could fire on one front of the citadel. The ground in front of the citadel towards the country was not favourable for the bom- bardment. There were certainly a few elevated points at a range of from 2,000 to 3,000 paces, but the citadel could not be seen well from them, even on the clearest days, and it would have been impossible to have prevented injury to the town. The difl&culty of finding a suitable passage over the Somme, and the lateness of the hour, induced General von Manteufiel to postpone the bombardment, to the 30th of November. Colonel von Kamecke, commanding the 8th artillery brigade, who was entrusted with the conduct of the intended operations, ordered the batteries of the Vlllth corps to take position on the right bank, and those of the 1st corps to take position on the left bank of the Somme. These imposing masses of artillery were still on the march, when the white flag was seen hoisted on the citadel ; the batteries, nevertheless, took up the positions that had been ordered. They did not open fire, as the terms of capitulation were concluded by 10 o'clock in the morning ; this was no doubt hastened in conse- quence of the energetic commandant having been wounded on the previous day in the infantry attack on the citadel ; his successor soon found himself pi-epared to hand over the fortress. The basis of the capitulation was that of Sedan. Before the occupation by detachments of the 44th regiment, the ofiicers of engineers inspected the mines of the place carefully. A considerable quantity of war materiel was captured, 11 officers and 400 men were taken prisoners and 35 guns fell into our hands, all smooth-bores with the exception of two Armstrongs. The defences, that were to have secured the town against assault, and whose construction had been interrupted by the operations in the field, were now taken in hand by the Prussians, and completed, so as to be prepared for all eventualities. On the 14th of December, and a few days before, the greater part of the German garrison quitted the town, partly to make recon- naissance at a distance from Amiens, partly to endeavour to obtain the release of a railway detachment and its covering party of 50 men that had been surprised at Ham ; the citadel 191 only remained occupied by troops. Although the town of Amiens contributed the supplies and services for the Prussian troops and hospitals with the greatest readiness, still in the pecuKar position of affairs, it became necessary to announce by proclamation that any act of hostility on the part of an inhabi- tant, an^^ attack on the citadel by French troops from the town, as well as any occupation of the town by hostile troops, would lead to a bombardment of the city ; however, the necessity for carrying' out these threats did not arise. The artillery of the citadel had occasion later to fire on some detachments of the enemy, M'ho, advancing from their positions on the north of the fortress had ventured within range ; we merely relate this fact as it was the only instance during the campaign in which French troops were fired upon from a French fortress. P Yvonne. The forti'ess, notwithstanding its small area, belongs to the first class, and is one of those that were kept in a good state of defence. It lies in the Somme in a marshy and unwholesome lowland between Amiens and St. Quentin, 2^ miles (11| Euo-lish miles) east of Albert and the same distance south-east of Bapaume, on the roads leading from the latter place to Ham, and from the south to Cambrai. The fortifications date from diff'erent periods, and have there- fore a very irregular trace ; some of the ramparts are connected with a castle which appears to be very ancient ; it is included within the works. The main enceinte is in the form of an lono- rectangle, in front of it and to the north lies the suburb of de Bretagne, to the south the suburb of Paris, both defended by crownworks. The west side of the fortress consists of four irregular bastioned fronts with small ravelins ; the east, on the other hand, consists of an almost straight line of fortification without a single outwork. On the ramparts of the town are four mediseval towers, one of which in 1468 served as a prison for Louis the Eleventh when he fell into the hands of Charles the Bold, whilst at the foot of another Charles the Simple died. Afterwards the town belonged to Burgundy, but was formally ceded to France by Charles the Fifth after the peace of Madrid in 1526. On the 26th of June 1815, the Enghsh in their advance on Paris stormed the place at the first rush. The fortress is surrounded by flat-topped ridges which ai'e useful for artillery positions at long range. The fortress in itself has little strategic value, as it is not capable of a good defence ; but its importance in this war was increased as it threatened the movements of the 1st army in rear, and blocked the railway communication of Amiens with the French Northern Railway at Tergnier. From these causes its capture became a matter of necessity, particularly after the battle on the Hallue, when the eneni}^ again attempted to break out of his quadrilateral of fortresses. Lieutenant- General v. 192 Barneckow received the order to carry out this with 10 bat- talions, some of them very weak, and eight squadrons of his own and of the 3rd reserve division. The guns available for the attack were 36 field guns of the Vlllth corps and 18 guns of the 3rd reserve division, besides a small park of 12 garrison guns brought from the citadel of Amiens. As, in the course of the bombardment, it became evident that the artillery materiel was insufficient, a portion of the siege train that had been engaged before Mezieres was ordered up, but it never came into use, as the railway before P^ronne was blocked with traffic. The peculiar situation of the 1st army made special dis- positions necessary, for covering the siege of P^ronne, in accor- dance with which 11 battalions, 4 squadrons, and 24 guns of the 15th division, under the command of Lieutenant-General von Kummer, were advanced towards Arras ; on the left at Bucquoy was Lieutenant-General Count von der Groben with 1 bat- talion, 12 squadrons, and 6 guns ; on the right, at Fins, was Lieutenant-General Prince Albert of Prussia with 3 battalions, 12 squadrons, a.nd 18 guns. Lieutenant-General von Goebenhad the chief command over the troops of the investment as well as of the covering forces. After several unimportant skirmishes with reconnoitring parties from Pcronne, the fortress was blockaded on the 27th of December. It appeared that the place could be bombarded best from the heights on the north, west, and east, from which posi- tion there were good objects for the batteries to aim at, so as to meet the artillery of the place on favourable terms, without danger of sufiering from its fire on account of the nature of the ground. The 'guns opposite the north front were very well placed for successful practice, as they faced the long side of the fortress. There being no intention of constructing regular batteries with approaches, the guns were placed so as to take advantage of natural cover, or they were protected by epaul- ments. On the 28th of December, the batteries on Mont St. Quentin and across the roads leading over the ridge to Clery and Athies, opened fire, striking not only the fortifications, but also the town. The artillery of the place was restricted to smooth- bores,^ and therefore unable to cause much da- .^age to the distant Prussian guns. The besiegers only fired a^ a moderate rate, which in the later period of the bombardment was due to special reasons. The advance of the French army from the quadrilateral of Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes, and Douai, supported by Lille, on the 2nd of January 1871, for the relief of the invested and bombarded fortress, was in connexion with the siege operations which were being successfully carried out against Pdronne by the Prussians. On the same day the weak brigade of General v. Strubberg repulsed a division of the enemy at Sapignies on the road from Arras to Bapaume, and took five ofiicers and 250 men prisoners, though another, division forced back the small Prussian 193 detachments posted on the railroad. General von Kummer therefore concentrated the 16th division at Bapauine, where it came into serious collision on the 3rd of January, the result causing General FaidherLe to retreat behind his fortresses and relinquish all operations for the relief of Peronnc. The enemy took the direction of Arras, followed by the Prussian cavalry ; the infantry and artilleiy returned to Peronne, as it did not seem advisable to renew the fighting on the 4th of January with such reduced forces, and the risk of a scarcity of ammunition. The battle interfered so far with the bombardment of Peronne that the ammunition wagons of the batteries in action before the place were ordered into the field to meet any possible contingencies that might arise from a scarcity during the action ; after the enemy had been repulsed, the bombardment was continued with renewed vigour. On the 9th of January negotiations for a capitulation began, and were concluded during the night of the 10th of January. Various circumstances combined to force the able and energetic commandant. Colonel Gamier, to take such a step ; probably the most important one was the repulse of the relieving army after it had advanced Vvdthin five leagues of the place. The injury done to the town by the Prussian batteries was very considerable ; more than 50 houses Avere in ruins, the church and hospital had become a prey to the flames. Forty-seven garrison guns, and a quantity of war materiel of every kind were captured, and the garrison of 3,000 men, consisting of 750 of the 4ord regiment, and 150 marines, besides moblots and mobiles of the Somme and Pas de Calais, became prisoners of war. The repairs to the fortifications were immediately taken in hand, and the fortress carefully secured against a coup-de-main, and occupied by a sufticient garrison. With the capture of Peronne the whole line of the Somme came into possession of the German army, and became an im- portant point of support in their later operations. It may be taken for granted that in future wars the value of Peronne will be as great as in the present, and that the French Government will probably have the old-fashioned fortifications extended and reconstructed, -"a i Rocroy. The small fortress of Rocroy, situated close to the Belgian frontier, lies at the junction of the roads leading by Givet and Charlemont to Belgium on the north, and to Rethel on the south ; it is situated on a hilly plateau in the forest of the Ardennes 1,000 feet high, about 19 miles north-west of Mezieres. The town was built in the middle of the forest by Francis the First to protect the frontier of Champagne; in 1643 it was besieged by the Spanish troops from the low countries, and in 1815 it was captured after a short investment by the Prussians under Prince Augustus. 3S996. Q 194 The fortifications, which are simple, consist of a bastioned trace of five sides with dry ditches arranged in their essential points on the principles of Vauban. As the works have a high profile, the masonry could be seen and destroyed from a distance. To prevent this, the ramparts are surrounded by a screen, which in front of the salients of the west bastions, takes the form of a ravelin or lunette, advanced into the glacis, and brings a cross and grazing fire on to the ground in front. The separate works are very well defiladed, both vertically and horizontally. The east and west fronts have each a gate with the usual defences. With the exception of the two principal powder magazines there are no bombproofs for barracks, hospital, or magazines. The armament had been completed during the war to the necessary extent; nearly all the works had been provided with expense magazines, and all other requirements for an artillery defence. There are no large outworks, but two small earthworks in the form of fleches have been constructed in advance of, and con- nected with the fortress in order to command the road coming from Paris by Eethel and Mdzieres, and also that from Givet. The immediate neighbourhood affords favourable and elevated positions for gun emplacements, although the ground is much broken. The 14th division had successfully accomplished its task by the capture of the fortresses of Thionville, Montmedy, Mezieres, and Longwy on the northern frontier of France, and there was no intention on the part of the German commanders, of con- tinuing the warfare against the places lying further to the westward ; a prolongation of the fortress-war would have entailed a great sacrifice of time and materiel, so that it was abandoned for this as well as other reasons. The division received orders to rejoin the Vllth corps, and to proceed by rail to the south, where General von Werder required a reinforce- ment for his undertakino's against General Bourbaki. A few days rest were given to the division after the fall of Mdzieres for concentration and the completion of certain arrangements. If anything, therefore, was to be undertaken against their inconvenient neighbour, the fortress of Rocroy, no time could be lost. It should be remarked, that, although there could be no doubt about the result of a blockade or bombardment of the place, still the loss of time and materiel w^ould have been dis- proportionate to the value of the fortress. It was resolved, therefore, at once to try and take the town by a coup-de-main, that is to say, to attack it unexpectedly ; and this method was adopted because the profiles of the work made the risk of an assault too hazardous. After the fall of Mezieres the enemy quite expected that an attack on Rocroy would follow ; a bom- bardment seemed inevitable, but the roads being bad, it was thought that the difficulties of transporting the siege guns \Yould occupy some time. Mezieres capitulated on the 2nd of Januar^^ 1871, and on the 4th a detachment of 5 battalions, 2 squadrons of hussars and 195 6 field batteries and a company of pioneers was, by order of General Schuler von Senden, commanding the 14th division, put in motion for Rocroy. The expedition was under the com- mand of Major-General von Woyna II., and arrived before the place on the evening of the same day. The early twihght pre- vented reconnoitring in front of the fortress, and the garrison were completely surprised by the unexpected appearance of the enemy before the gates, which was a proof of the energy and precision with which the operation was carried out. As soon as the cavalry had cut off all communication between the fortress and the country, the troops took up their position on the invest- ing circle, partly to prevent the garrison from breaking out, and partly to cover the ground from whence the bombardment was to follow. When everything was prepared, at 10 o'clock on the morning of;. the 5th of January, the commandant was called upon to surrender, which he refused. At half-past 10 o'clock fire was opened. A thick fog interrupted the view, but flames were seen to break out in the town and the bombardment was con- tiDued until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The artillery of the gamson was not idle ; it ^replied vigorously, but Avithout much effect, as the Prussian batteries were screened either by natural cover or hasty entrenchments. It was already in contemplation to give an order to cease firing and assemble the troops, when another attempt was made to induce the commandant to sur- render, by pointing out to him the uselessness of protracting the defence, which, as was found out afterwards, the gardes mobiles were anxious to continue. On the evening of the 5th of January, tlie place was handed over, the gates being first occupied by two companies. The garrison consisted of about 160 gardes mobiles and 120 men of the artillery of the line and engineers, who had shown them- selves particularly active in the defence ; 800 of the garrison became prisoners of war ; one stand of colours, some arms, pro- visions, and munitions of war, as well as 72 heavy guns, were captured. Among the prisoners were two Prussians who had been detained as spies. The exertions made by the troops engaged against Rocroy should not be passed over without notice ; they were on their legs for 80 hours, notwithstanding the extreme cold, combined with fog and snowstorms. 196 SUMMARY OF SIEGES. The following fortresses fell during the war, thanks to the energy of our highly trained siege artillery in co-operation with the other branches of our army. (1.) "Without defence : Liitzelstein and Montbeliard. (2.) After immediate capitulation : Vitry, Laon. (3.) After the first bombardment : Lichtenberg, Marsal, and the citadel of Amiens. (4.) As the immediate consequence of the loss of a battle in the field : Sedan, with the army of MacMahon. (5.) After a long investment : Metz, with the army of Marshal Bazaine. (6.) After a long investment and bomdardment : Pfalzburg and Paris, with its enclosed army. (7.) After repeated bombardments of several days' duration with siege and field artillery : Toul, Neu-Breisach, Soissons, Verdun, La Fere, Montmedy, Mezieres, and Peronne. (8.) After a bombardment of several days with the opening of a regular siege : Schlettstadt, Thionville, and Long^Yy. (9.) After a bombardment of several weeks and the completion of the regular siege, with the exception of the passage of the ditch and the storming of the breach or interior retrenchments : Strasburg and Belfort. Bitsch was not surrendered until the conclusion of the peace, after it had been invested during the whole of the war, and bombarded at the commencement. Rocroy fell by a coup-de-main after a bombardinent -sv^ith field artillery. The garrisons of Belfort and Bitsch were allowed to leave with military honours in recognition of their gallant defence. Besides the enormous amount of war materiel taken from the beaten and captured armies, and the materiel, arms, and ammu- nition, as well as barrack, magazine, and hospital stores, found in the fortresses, 5,300 garrison guns, most of them smooth-bore and some of which were damaged, fell into our hands, while 1,400 officers and 54,700 men, who had formed the garrison of the towns, were led into captivity. LONDON: Printed by George E. Eyre and "William Spottis-woode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [7702.— 500.— 10/77.] REFORMS IN THE FRENCH ARMY. Part I. THE LAW OF RECRUITING. TBAN'SLATED AT THK TOPOGRAPHICAL A.VD STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE WAR OFFICE, By captain HOME. ROYAL EXGIXEERS. LONDON: Printed ttndpr the Supeiiideudence of Her Mojesty^s Slalioneri/ Office, AND SOLD BY W. CLOWES & SONS, 13, Cliarinp; Cross; HARRISON & SONS, 59, Pall Mall: W. H. ALLEN & Co.. L3, Waterloo Place ; W. MITCHELL. Charing Cross ; LONGMAN k Co.. and TEUBNER A- Co., Paternoster R,iw; and HENRY S. KING c^- Co . 6.\ Cornhill : Also hif A. k C. BLATK. Kiiinblugh: P. ROBERTSON. 90. St. Vincent Street. Gi.asooav ALEX. TIIOM. Abbey Street, and E. PONSONRV, (xnafton Street. DiBr-tx. Pricf Rifili Ipp ■ipPiiee. [H. & S.— P 1952—500—11 1 72.] PREFACE. When a great Military nation pulls down her Military Institu- tions and builds them up again on a new foundation, the changes that she makes, and the causes of those changes, are lioth interest- ing and instructive. The reforms that are taking place in the French Army are so great, and the circumstances under which they are made so peculiar, that much interest attaches to them. The Committee that has been appointed to prepare Bills for this purpose has divided the subject into two portions : — 1st. The Law on Recruiting; .■^nd. The Law on Organization. The former alone has been brought before and passed the National Assembly, and a translation of the Law, with the Com- mittee's Report, is herewith given. It is proposed to give a similar translation of the Law on Organization, and some account of the new French Military Administration, so soon as the Committee has reported and the Assembly approved of the Report. These translations will form Parts IT. and III. of the series of which this is Part I. KEPOIIT IX THE NAME OF THE COmHTTEE* ENTRUSTED WITH THE DUTY OF PREPARING A REPORT UPON THE RECRUITING AND ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY AND NAVY. By the Marquis Ciiasseloup Laubat, Member of the National Assembly. RECRUITING OF THE ARMY. FIRST PART. Chapter I. Gentlemen, Great disasters carry v.-itli them much instruction. It is wise to understand them ; it is courageous to profit by them. Far, then, from allowing itself to be cast down by its misfortunes, a nation which refuses to fall, studies the causes of its defeat, reforms everything that enfeebles it, must finally raise itself, even greater, after those trials which Providence inflicts on nations as on individuals, the better to point out their duties, and elevate to a higher place those who can support trial. This, gentlemen, is what you wish — this is what we liope France will do. For this reason you daily seek out everything that from its nature may enervate the country. Y^ou seek to excite its energy, and you do not despair to see her at the cost of some efforts, some sacrifices, preserve her place in the world. * This Committee is composed of MM. de Lasteyrie, President ; General Baron Obahaud-la-Tour, Admiral Montaiguac, Vice-Presidents ; Bet hmont, diaper, Colonel Carron, and Iho Marquis de ilornay, Secretaries ; Tlie Marquis de la Kochetliulon. d'Aboville, de Combarien, General Billot, Admiral Dompierre d'Hornoy, Cornelis de Witt, General Loysel, General Ticlor Pellissier, General Duerot, the Marquis de Vorgue, Admiral La Ronciere Le Xoury, Daliirol, de Carayon-Latour, tlie Duke de Crussol, General Martin des Pa'lieres, Colonel de Chadois, Admiral Saissct, General Frebault, Fresneau, Aelocque, IMarquis d'Audelarre, Passy, Baron Vast Vimcux,. Audren de Kerdrel, Flye-Sainte Marie, Yarroy, the Marquis do Chaiseloup Laubat, Geneial Chanzy, Sarrette, Baron de Barante,' de Balleroy, General Trochu, Brun (Var), the Duke d'llarcourt, Cjunt Octave do Bastard, Bouisson, General Charel»u de Meice. (489w©) B AVith this vicvr', you resolved that one of your Committees should report on the laws relating to the recruiting and organization of both the army and navy. This Committee your officers have selected to represent all shades of opinion in the Assem.bly, justly persuaded that all the men who compose the Assembly, no mutter whence they come, or what may be their antecedents, will bring to such a task, but one feeling, that of devotion to their common country. We then, in the name of that Committee, propose to report on a portion of the task entrusted to us. According to your instructions this task embraces ])oth the recruiting and organization of the army. The law under which the army is recruited l)elongs as much to civil as to mihtary law, it is addressed to the entire population, it details the duties devolving on it, for the defence and security of the country, and has great influence on its chief interests, the development of agriculture, commerce and industry ; the progress of arts and sciences, the good order of its finances. The organization is entirely a military law, which, in addition to the composition and administration of the various corps, deter- mines the conditions under wliich officers are promoted, their status, and regulates the strength of the general staff. At present we propose to deal only with the recruiting of the army, on it is based the constitution of the array, and it con- sequently must fill the chief place in our miUtary institutions. We do not seek now to discuss wb.at portion of our defeats are due to the faults of existing institutions. We have first to ask ourselves if the method of recruiting the army w'hich has hitherto prevailed in France, is in consonance witli the situation of the country as regards Europe, and with the ideas of the people ? Doubtless, the law of recruiting, as it at present stands, has given us gallant armies, and even latterly in the midst of our ■ reverses, when our soldiers although under unfavourable circum- stances were able to come to close quarters, they have shown no degeneracy, and that tliey are still, as in Algiers, the Crimea, and at Magenta, the worthy descendants of those who fought at Fontenoy, Fleurus and Jena. It would be unjust, ungrateful not to loudly proclaim this fact. But, gentlemen, in order that a law for recruiting the army should give what the exigencies of modern war demand, it is not sufficient that the soldiers sent under the colours should show bravery and self-denial, it must also inspire the whole population with an elevated feeling of duty, and when the defence of the country is at stake a fraction of the citizens must not be left in a state of apathy; above all, the requisite number of defenders must be forthcoming. Let us examine if this has been the case, but before doing so let us briefly review the past. 3 I. Without going back to that period in our own history when to fight was a privilege, it may be remembered that under the ancient monarcliy, and more especially under Louis XIV, the army was recruited by voluntary enlistment by the captains of companies aiKl the colonels of regiments, who gave for this purpose commis- sions to subordinate officers, termed racoleurs (" bringers^'), paid in proportion to the number of men they brought. But in a short time the inadequacy of this method of filling up the gaps in the army was recognized, and a subsiduary means of re- cruiting was adopted by calling out the provincial militia; each village having tofurnish a contingentfullyequipped foraservice of twoyears. Selected originally by the inhabitants of the parish — these militiamen were subsequently drawn by lot. Ycu are aware that during the wars of the Hevolution our armies were formed as follows : — First by the enlistment of men who, moved by patriotic feelings, volunteered for that purpose. Next by levies to compose new battalions called to arms by t!ie words the " country is in danger." Then by calling on 300,000 National Guards from 18 to 40 years of age, men not married, or widowers witliout children. Finally, by a levy en masse until the enemy had been expelled from the territory of the Republic. If by these means an army of 400,000 men was formed and tlie foreigner by a sublime effort finally driven out, assuredly the victory v/as due not to our military institutions, as once, order and liberty returned the necessity of organizing a regular and permanent recruiting was recognized. Voluntary enlistment did not suffice, and enlistment for money could not fill the voids. The Conscription was then established ; the Conscription we should remind you had been proposed to the constituent Assembly in IJSO, but had been rejected as at variance with the liberty of the citizen. General Jourdan had the honour, in the year VI, to propose and carry through the law, which is the point of depai'ture of all our legislative enactments on this subject. By this law all young meii from 20 to 25 years of age were divided into five classes. The conscripts comprised in ail five classes ircre attached to the various corps compusiny the Ar)ny; they ivere enrolled by name, and no substitution ivas allowed. They could not, however, be sent on active service without a special law; the youngest in each class being then summoned first to join the colours. Compulsory personal service was at that time the rule for all ; all might be called on during five years, after which they were absolutely free in time of peace, but were, in time of war liable to be called on, according to circumstances. The conditions requisite to fuitil, to become an officer, were also laid down by this law. Grc:;t aiid fertile principles were enunciated bv it, which have, B 2 nevertheless, been much abused, but which remain the greatest legislative enactment of that period^ and which gave France power to struggle against all Europe. Notwithstanding the formal declaration in the year VT, that sub- stitutes were not allowed, it must l)e acknowledged that from the year VII, the princiijle of substitution re-appeared. It is to be found in the law of the 28 Germinal, and since then has found a place in all laws, notably in those of the years VIII and XIII, which introduced the drawing of lots to determine which young men of each class should be first enrolled with the colours. Some of these laws, however, placed substitution under certain restrictions ; thus it was allowed only in favour of those who ivere deemed unfitted to sustain the fatigues of war, and of those who, by continuing their studies, were deemed more useful to the State. It also entailed cer- tain responsibilities, and necessitated the payment of a sum of money. In any case, conscription, that is to say, an obligation to serve imposed on all young men capable of bearing arms, in each class, existed from the year VI vintil 1814. And if substitution ex- isted during that time, it was bv no means fi-ee. It is also known that the anticipation of the various classes gave rise to great exhaustion during the last years of the empire. And it may be recollected with what favour the Act by which the Restoration abolishedthe conscription was received. Subsequently to the events of 1815, when the armies were disbanded, an attempt was made to unite their debris, so as to preserve some troops for the country. Departmental legions, which took the name of the department where thev were formed, were created. Discharged soldiers were induced to re-engage, it being considered that they were not entirely free from military service; others voluntarily enlisted. Each legion being recruited in the department where it was formed, — the conscription being abolished, — no means of filling gaps but bv voluntary enlistment were provided. The inefficiency of such enlistment soon showed itself, and when after some years' trial, it became requisite seriouslv to re- organize tiie military forces of France, it became also requisite to return to some regular and certain means of obtaining recruits. An illustrious General and wiiter, Marshal Gouvion Saint Cyr^ as minister, had the courage, unfortunatelv very rare, to resist the party in power, proj^osed.in 1818, the law known by his name. This law organized recruiting in the spirit in which it lias subsequently been conducted. It fixed the strength of the contin- gent to be embodied each year at 40,000; it divided that number amongst the various departments ; it fixed the method of counting the young men of each class ; established a system for drawing lots, to determine the individuals to be furnished by each canton, and fixed the length of service at six vears. And, with the object vi having a reserve which could feed the army, the law directed that non-commissioned officers and men sent home on completion of their period of service should. in case of \vai% under the name of veterans, perform home service, the duration of which was also htuited to six years. In tirre of peace no miUtary service was asked from these veterans, and in time of war, except under the authority of a ■special enactment, they could not, be called on to quit their military division. But while this law sent into the army all the young men that the ballot designated as forming a portion of the contingent, It, with the object of tempering the severity of military service, admitted exemptions and dispensations. These exemptions were based on infirmities, want of height, and upon particular circumstances, which showed that the indi- viduals to which they were applied could not leave their families without doing them an irreparable injury. The dispensations were particularlv for those men who benefitted the State by continuing their studies before beginning a useful career. There was this difference between exemption and dispensation, that the young men who were exempted did not diminsh the number of the contingent, their places being taken by others in the order of the lots. The young men who obtained dispensations were, on the contrary, deducted from the number of the contingent, in certain cases the dispensation was only provisional, being condi- tional on the youth following the career for which he was studying, and for which he obtained a dispensation. This law authorized substitutes, and also an exchange of lots amongst young men who had been drawn. With the object of forming the cadres of the army, the law of 1818 required that candidates for the post of officer should fulfil certain conditions, serve a fixed period in each grade before promotion, and reserved one-third of the vacancies amongst the sub-lieutenants for deserving non-commissioned officers, and fixed that two-thirds of the j>romotions to the ranks of lieutenant, captain, and major should be by seniority. This was, as you see, a law both for the organization and recruiting of the army, and also for the promotion of the officers, and that too, at a moment when France invaded, was stiii occupied by foreign armies. Face to face with such painful events, gentlemen, the words security, and independence of territory, have more significance than at other periods. Minds do not then run riot on absurd theories, of universal peace, or on the resiscless power of masses of men, and armaments hastily im]')rovised. Then the ideas of thoughtful men are no longer regarded as chimeras, but everything that can preserve the greatness of the country is gladly accepted. It must be added that the law of 1818 was not a conscription proper ; conscription compelled all young men of ong class to serve, and used the ballot only to determine the order in which they should be enrolled. Recruiting as fixed by the law of 1818, applied only to the 6 contingent, whicli was divided amongst il.c departn:ents, and young men not selected by lot were completely free from military service: no future demands could be made on them. This explains how, from the outset, this law was so easily adopted, and never produced tlie complaints consequent on the conscription. However, the departmental legions, with which the law of 1818 did not interfere, failed to produce the advantages expected from them. The fact that it was requisite to take for each legion men of the department in which it was raised produced difficulties of many kinds. This method of recruiting also caused great differences in the value of the various portions of the army, and, consequently, interfered greatly with its homogeneity. Conse- quently, in 1820, the 94 departmental legions were converted into 80 regiments of the line and light infantry, recruiting for which was carried out generally throughout France. Finally, and we beg to direct attention to this fact, as dealing with the important question of reserves, the veterans on furlovxgh, after six years' service in the regular army, do not appear to have been as useful as was anticipated ; it was therefore considered preferable — 1st. To raise the contingent from 40,000 to 60,000 men, one portion of which would not be enrolled, but remain at the disposal of the State. 2nd. To fix the length of service at eight years in place of six, and free all the men sent home from further service. This was the law of the 9th June, 1824. The contingent of 60,000 men, you will observe, was then estal)lished, as the con- tingent of 40,000 had been in 1818, and the Government had power to deal with it without reference to the Chambers, except inasmuch as it had to seek grants of money. This power remained until 1830; then it was decided, as a principle of parliamentary government, that the strength of the contingent to be enrolled each year, both for the army and navy, must be fixed each session. The system of reserve, organized in 1818, was thus abandoned, and the system of having a contingent larger than could be possibly enrolled was adopted, a certain portion of the contingent being sent on furlough, subject to recall when required. This was in accordance with the views of Marshal Soult, when, in 1832, he considered it desirable to alter some of the arrange- ments of the law of 1818. The law of the 21st March, which, in addition to the measures we have here described, maintained the recruiting as established in 1818, laid down the principle of the division of the contingent into two portions, both placed at the disposal of the Government, in the following words : — "The army is composed of two portions, the propoi'tions of " which are fixed by the annual estimates, viz. : — " 1st. The effective strength with the colours. " 2nd. Men left on leave or sent home on furlousrh.^' These men remained under military autliority for seven, years, the period fixed by the law, and could at any time be incorporated with the army, it being believed that this system gave a reserve at the disposal of the Government to meet all eventualities. At that period, movements of troops were not rapid, and they could not be quickly united into great armies, it was consequently believed tbat there would always be a certain time available to train the men ; and it was hoped that at the moment of war, when the young men who bad not served were called under the colours, they would come forward with more alacrity than those who already knew the monotony of barracks and the drav»' backs of the profession. This, then, was the system which has prevailed in later years (it is desirable to bear it in mind), — a reserve of men left at home — a reserve sometimes more considerable, you will see shortly, than the portion of the contingent actually enrolled. From this time, the annual estimates regularly fixed the nmnber of the contingent at 80,000 men; lastly, the law of 1832 allowed substitution. But, gentlemen, as luxury spread in France, and ne^v pursuits were opened up for young men, they seemed less ambitious of following the profession of arms ; the number of substitutes in- creased, and the means employed to obtain them occupied public attention, and, m(jre than once, motions on this subject were inti'oduced into the Chambers. There were in short, both in the army and in the country, symptoms ^A■hich could not be ignored. In 1841 and 1843, various proposals were made to apply a remedy to the acknow- ledged evil. In 1849, proposals were made by General Lamoriciere, with the object of enabling old soldiers to profit by the money paid for substitutes. But these proposals fell to the ground; and, in 1855, the law of the dotation of the army put an end to substitution. But in doing so, it most unfortunately introduced a system which almost entirely did away with personal service; for if, since the yearVII, substitution was allowed, the State was no party to it. The young man called to serve under the colours had to serve, or bring a man in his place, so that personal service was performed either by the individual or his substitute, as directed by the laws of the years VII and Vlll, the law of 1855 completely changed the whole state of affairs. Whoever could pay the price fixed by the administration tor exemption was completely exonerated by the State from all military service, and deemed to have discharged his duty to the country. This freedom from all obligation to serve was not the only bad point in the law of 1855 ; there was yet another not less objectionable ; it introduced into the army ideas of pecuniary ad- vantage, which immediately benefitted the man who was desirous of joining or remaining under the colours; and, consequently, can- celled that principle of our military law, — "In the French army there " is neither bounty nor any payment whatever for engagement.^' 8 The following were, after some years, the consequences of this law of exemption : — Out of 32,000 non-commissioned officers, 23,000 had re- engaged with bounty.* More than 23,000 exemptions had been claimed annually.f The number of that portion of tiie army not furnished bv the conscription had risen to 283,000, of which number 164,000J were Government substitutes — men engaged or re-engaged for money. Doubtless, the re-engagement of such a large number of non- commissioned oflScers, tlie composition of whose cadres play such an important part, ought to give great solidity to the army ; and it was this idea, and the wish to improve the situation of old soldiers, that produced the law. But it is also certain thut, on account of the large number of engagements and re engagements with bounty, it was impossible to incorporate with the army each year more than between 20,000 and 30,000 men of the contingent voted. Ex- ceptional circumstances were requisite, to call on the second portion of the contingent, and if it was enrolled, the men had no military instruction. It was then seen that some instruction for the men belonging to the second portion of the contingent was requisite, and, conse- quently, they were drilled for three months the first year, two jnonths the second year, and one month the third, as fixed by the circular 10th January, 1861. Finally, in 1863, it was determined, with the view of diminish- ing the number of re-engagements of non-commissioned officers, whose cadres were entirely blocked, to delay the payment of the bounty until their ultimate discharge, paying meantime 3 per cent. on the amount. Such was the state of affairs ; it had already occupied the minds * Prior to 1855 the number of non-commissioned officers who had re-engaged did not exceed 3,000 to 4,000. t The number 2S,000 is an average ; but when war broke oiit in 1859 it showed the evils of the system ; the price o exemption had been fixed at 92Z., and had never been increased when the contingent was raised from 100,000 to 140,000 men, 42,000 exemptions were then asked for and given. Tliese exemptions had to be compensated for in 1860. X Permanent strength (1865-1866) — 1st. Officei-s attached to regiments, intendance, staff employes of the artilleiy and engineers . . . . . . . . 24,897 2nd. Departmental gendarmes (not including officers) . . 20,200 3rd. Voluntary engagements without bounty (serving 7 years) 55,230 4th. Voluntary engagements with boimty . . 16,016 1 5th. Government substitutes 50,097 > 154,777 6th. Men re-engaged with bounties . . . . 88,664 J (Not including 10,000 gendarmes i^ho had re-engaged.) 7th. Re-engaged without boimty ' 8th. Foreign corps (not including French) 9th. Native corps (not including Fi'ench) 10th. Veterans lltli. Retained as a punishment. . 12th. Not belonging to the service (workmen, musicians, &c.) Total . . . . 2,506 4,n24 8,8r,3 . • . i 390 .. 10,137 ins, &c.) 2,068 .. 283,082 both of the Government and all those who clung to the greatness of their country, and knew that a powerful mi'itarv org miza^ion could alone preserve it. Such was the state of ati'airs when the events of 1866 forced into prominence facts which many persons had previously refused to see. It was then evident that the constitution of our militiry forces did not correspond with the exigencies of iha new state of Europe. Doubtless, our army offered an imposing array; it had pre- served its great qualities. But it could not be concealed, on the one side, that the number of men we could bring into the field was far below that which a neighbouring power could rapidly put on foot; and, on the other hand, that we had no real reserve organized to support and take the place of the armv, or even fill up the gaps that war would produce. Judging from official returns, it appears, that after deducting the troops requisite to garrison Algiers, the gendarmerie, and all the men included in the number 400,000 of the army, but not properly combatants, that France had not more than 270,000 to 280,000 men to garrison her fortresses and place in line of battle. This number (400,000 men) was the actual strength the estimates allowed to be maintained ; but it was not, we hasten to remind you, the number of men that the law of the contingent placed at the disposal of the Government. Thus, during the Crimean war the army was raised to 500,000 men, by summoning the second portion of the contingent ; but to keep it to this strength, it was requisite to have a contingent of 140,000 men for three years. When that war terminated, it was seen that the contingent must be 100,000 men if the normal strength of the army was to be 600,000 men ; and when the Italian war broke out, the ne(;essity of having a contingent of 140,000 men was acknowledged, and this must have been con- tinued if that war lasted. It must be borne in mind, gentlemen, that the number of the contingent voted each year is very far from putting at the disposal of the military authorities a number of men equal to the number voted. The contingent is reduced by the number of men requisite for the navy, and also by those le2;ally exempted, so that a con- tingent of 100,000 men hardly places 80,000 at the disposal of the War Minister.* * Analysis of the result produced by tlie incorporation of a contingent, 100,000 men, under the laws of 1832 and 1868 — Men. Men. Contingent . . . . 100,000 Ist. Number of men tliat certain joarishes could not supply owing to the numbers of the lots being exhausted . . . . . . . . , . . . 90 2nd. Naval conscripts 2,023 3rd. Pupils at the Polytechnic School . . . . . . 57 4th. Employed in public education . . . . . . 1,140 5th. Pupils in ecclesiastical establishments . . . . 1,06 10 In any case, looking to the leceul cvciils in Gerniany, it was acknowledged " tliat the military force of France should consist of *« 800,000 men, — viz., 400,000 in the regidar army and 400,000 in " the reserve ; in addition to which it was requisite to form an " army for home defence, clothed, drilled, and capable of being " mobilized under the pressure of extraordinary circumstances, *' such as a threatened invasion of the country." These ideas were those which produced the project of 1867, brought forward by Marshal Niel. To obtain the proposed object, this project required — 1st. That the entire contingent, after deducting those who were exempted or whose services were dispensed with by the law of 1832, should be put at the disposal of the Govern- ment (about 150,000 men annually). 2nd. That the annual finance law should divide each class enrolled by lots into portions, one of which should be incorporated with the regular army, the other with the reserve. 3rd. That the length of service in the regular army should be five years, at the expiration of which time the soldier should serve four years in the reserve. 4th. That the young men who were not incorporated with the regular army should serve four years in reserve, and five years in the National Guard " Mobile." 5th. Lastly, that service in both the regular army and the reserve should count from the 1st July of the year, when the recruits were placed on the rolls of the corps. This, it must be acknowledged, was compulsory service to a certain extent for the entire class placed in the regular army or in the reserve, yet the principle of exemption was maintained, and young men incorporated with the regular army, and those composing the reserve might exchange with men belonging to the National Guard " Mobile," or obtain the latter as substitutes, Men. 6th. Having obtained great prizes . . . . . . 2 7tli. Discharged the day of the final review . . . . 683 8th. Unfit for the army 774 9th. Left at home as being ttie supporters of a family, 2 per cent. .. 2,042 loth. Dead ; omitted as liaving been included in error 304 Total 8,176 Eemalniug for the army and navy . . . . . . . . 91,824 Naval contingent.. .. .. ., .. .. .. 9,000 Eemaining for the army. . . . . . . . . . . . 82,824 Young meii who have voluntarily engaged, or who already belong to the service by indenture or commissions . . 3,400 Leaving as the actual number of men a contingent of 100,000 men adds to the army . . , . . . , . , . 79,424 11 loth hen belonged to the latter forc^, Mhich the 1 .w proposed to create. This Guard was composed of young men wlio, not h;.ving served in the regular armj'^, had served four years in tlie reserve ; of all those who, under the law of 1855, were exempted from service, as well as of those who had obtained substitutes for service in the reserve. The length of service in the National Guard *^ Mobile ^^ was fixed at five years. Under this system it will be observed that all the young men of each class, except those exempted or dispensed with by the law of 1832, were enrolled for military service from 20 until 29 years of age. Being for the portion selected by lot five years in the regular army and four years in the reserve, for the portion not serving in the regular army, four years in the reserve and five years in the National Guard '' Mobile." It consequently fcdlowed that the reserve was composed partly of old soldiers who had served five years with the colours, and were from 25 to 29 years of age, and of young men of 20 to 21 years of age who had not been incorporated with the army. This project appeared, however, to the legislative body to impose too heavy a tax on the population, and after a discussion, to which we need not now do more than refer, the law of the 1st February, 186S, was passed, differing from the Government proposition, it maintained the principles of the law of 1832, tiie yearly contingent l^eing divided into two classes : the first, com- posed of young men incorporated with the army ; the second^ of those who were left at home. The length of service was fixed at five years, after which the men served four yer.rs in the reserve. Service was to count from the 1st July of tiie year of enrolment, which was important,^- exoneration was suppressed, substitution and exchange of numbers was allowed; and after five years' service with the colours, re-engagement gave a right to a high rate of pay. The law also established, as was asked, a National Guard «' Mobile." This guard could only be called out by a special law; it was composed of all the young men who, on account of the nurnljers they had drawn, were not included in the contingent, and of all those who had obtained substitutes ; tinally, of all those exenpted by the action of the law of 1832. Length of service in the National Guard "Mobile" was five years, the officers being nominated by the Chief of the State. Finally, after allowing the revising councils to grant dis])onsa- tion to those who had families to support in the proportion of 10 per cent, in peace, and 4 per cent, in case of war; and hnving established certain punishments for breaches of discipline, the law * The operation of tlie census, drawing np tlie lists, the cli-awinp; of lots, the action of the council of revision, could only be performed after the 1st January of each year, and necessarily took some months, consequently the full period of service ■was never actually fulfilled. 12 ■directed that the yoing men composing the National Guard *' Mobile "— 1st. Should take part in drills in their own parishes ; 2nd. At company aid battalion assmblics, which should take place in the company and battalion districts. But, the law added, each drill or assembly must not cause the loss of more than one day to the young men drilled, and these drills and assemblies can take place only 15 times in the year. You can thus see the spirit of the law of 1868, its object was first, — by having a length of service of nine years (live in the regular army and four in the reserve), to put at the disposition of the Government nine contingents, thus forming, if each contingent were 100,000 men, a force of about 800,000 men ; preserving the system which existed, of leaving a part of the contingent at home, and organizing a system of reserve which should be like that formed by the law of 1818, since in effect this reserve was com- posed partly of soldiers who had served under the colours for five years, or, who in the second portion of the contingent, had be- longed to the army for five years. Lastlv, an attempt was made to form at once, under the name National Guard "Mobile," a general reserve, into which all young men who on any account whatever were not included in the con- tingent had to enter. In this way, this law established universal compulsory service. But at the same time it must be observed that in imposing on the young men composing the National Guard " Mobile " drills and assemblies which shouhl produce a loss of onl^'^ one day, and could only be repeated 15 times in the year, the law did not give any cflicient means of instruction for the men composing this portion of the army. In addition, it must not be forjjotten that this organization was hardly drafted when the war of 1S70 broke out. You are aware that cadres for only a very small number of companies and batta- lions had been then formed. But we also know% having witnessed it, the generous efforts of the various departments to hasten the formation of those batteries and battalions which marched full of courage and devotion ; and vou have seen on many occasions how these men, taken but the dav before from their peaceful occupations, hardly knowing how to load their firelocks, have given proof of true courage, and shown what they could do, had the institutions of their country but given them habits of discipline, and a better military education. Such, gentlemen, is a precis of the various laws on recruiting in our country. We were anxious to pass them all in review before you, to show on what ideas they were conceived, and upon ■what principles they were founded. Now that you, in your turn, have to determine how the mili- tary forces of France are to be organized, it appears advantageous to recall the history of this subject. Affairs are in a worse state than those our fathers knew. The 13 sacrifices we must make are greater ; on this point we must not deceive ourselves. Doubtle'^s it is to be regretted on the score of civilization that Euroj:»e siiould be compelled to keep up millions of men read}' to take the field, but this must be so ]on^ as the elements of a balance of power have to be sought. Fur in the midst of civilized nations conquests can but be transitory. But whilst we wait we have at our side a power ready made, who, laborious, well tauglit and disciplined, can fling numerous armies on our naked frontier. We cannot hesitate, let us therefore boldly begin the work. II. Gentlemen, the problem you have to solve is a difficult one. Its solution has been sought for many years, when the state of things was far less comj^licated than at present ; and yet the ablest men, those most conversant with the subject^ could not agree on what was best to be done. But now that armies have been brought to such perfection, new and formidable weapons have been discovered, and since those powerful engines, powerful not only for civihzation and commerce, but also for war — Railways — have given a power of moving masses of men suddenly and rapidly, and throwing them quite un- expectedly on the country to be invaded, the problem has indeed become most complicated. Amid the great changes in the science and art of war, in the formation and mobilization of armies, doul)t!ess some general principles remain cmstant, but to apply them, serious obstacles must be overcome ; and it is only by com- promises tiiat can satisfy everyone that they can be overcome. Thus, to give large armies, a great number of men must be enrolled under the colours; but if the^e men are withdrawn for a long period from their ordinary pursuits, society suffers. If too short a period of service is fixed, the men do not acquire the qualities of real soldiers, and the cadres do not acquire sufficient solidity. To reconcile these conflicting elements the constitution of the army must be studied. The time requisite to make a soldier of the different branches of the service must be fixed; what constitutes a solid cadre must be determined ; and then the problem how, in addition to the regular army, a force sufficient to strengthen, replace, and fill its gaps can be found, nmst be solved. From another stand point of view, the effect of the proposed system must be considered ; its effect on the development of population, upon civil pursuits, upon agriculture, commerce, in- dustry, the sciences and arts; lastly, the financial effect of the scheme, and whether the finances of the State can support it. Tills is nut all, important as these questions are, there are perliaps others of a different c'ass, of still higiier importance. We refer to the effect the law of recruiting must have on the 14 feelings and the manners of the nation. In a country which requires a powerful army, but where a great number of the citizens can, on account of wealth, excuse themselves from military service, it is probable that by degrees the puljlic spirit will' become profoundly altered. Amidst the dangers and reverses of the country hearts will no longer vibrate with patriotic feelings, a sort of egotism will rule men's minds, and men will gauge the common misfortune but bv that portion they themselves, as individuals, have to sustain. In France, thank God, we are not yet at that point. The past has left us so much that is grand that we may yet struggle against the enervating doctrines preaclied to us. In the midst of our dis- asters we had one consolation, it was to see men, hitherto strangers to the military profession, hasten to meet the summons to arms. Witliin these walls, v/e need not recall the many noble examples given on the field of battle, where death levels all distinction of rank. But, gentlemen, for a commonwealth, courage is not every- thinii;. To make it powerful and great other virtues are required. The more democratic a commonwealth is, the more obedience to a superior, and the law, the more military and civil discipline are needed ; and we dare to say it, the greater severity for all who violate these laws is requisite. At this price only can order and liberty be maintained. Is it impossible to have a law of recruiting such that it will inspire these feelings and produce these habits ? Your Committee thinks it possible, and its labours have been guided by these ideas. The morals of a country cannot be reformed by legislative enactments ; modern society in the midst of the luxury diffused throuoh all classes by industry, commerce, and the arts, in the midst of progress in every direction, each day producing new wants, cannot be compared with those ancient socieUes, where a legislator could by his own will, dealing with small numbers of people, issue laws from which sprang great and fruitful reforms. But the influence of institutions on men is also known. It is -acknowledged that there are in the history of nations moments when they must draw themselves together, so to speak, and collect their energies, in order that they may not slide clown that slope, down which falling nations too quickly descend. Our hopes, our efforts, v.ill doubtless meet with more than one sceptical objector ; for in this France, for SO years so agitated, so torn, where all forms of government appear to have been tried, where all authorities have been destroyed — raised — but to be again destroyed — what has remained constant, what principle is un- altered ? Has not each revolution been one ruin more on the ground; one doubt more in the minds of men? Yet we have confidence in our countrv, we believe that its mis- fortunes — perhaps even on account of its misfortunes — it requires enerjiy only to lay the dangers which menace it, and to place it once more in its proper position in the world. We do not hesitate to think that the legislative enactments you have ordered us to prepare, cannot but have some influence on the ideas and habits of the people. 15 It is from these various points of view, gentlemen, that your Committee has regarded the task entrusted to it. It has devoted many meetings to this purpose, it has studied the greater number of the questions raised in the projects sulimitted by you, and it has examined the vai-ious systems which h;ive been produced during the course of the discussion. It has been acknowledged that the regulations of 1&63 cannot give the results that were expected from them. We will explain why, in another part of our report, it has been further acknow- ledged that these regulations are very far from attaining the object that it appears desirable to reach. But if its opinion is formed on this subject, it has not yet (we must acknowledge) decided on many points that m.ust be settled, before arranging all the propositions that should be laid before you. It has then only decided on certain general principles, from which, to a great extent, the remainder must flow, and which, in any case, must be the frontispiece of the law. It has therefore desired to submit these principles to you l^efore going further. It is good that the country should know them, and know the spirit in which the law, on which its armed force must be based, has been conceived. This is why we have separated the first section, which contains the general arrangements, and which has been unanimously agreed to by the Committee. This section embraces seven articles, which are rather a declara- tion of principles than the development and application of what flows from those jDrinciples. 1st Section.— General 1)i::;positions. Article 1. Every Frenchman is liable to personal military service. Article 2. There is in the French army neither bounty in money, nor payment of any kind for enlistment. Article 3. Every Frenchman, who is not declared unfit for all military service, may be called on from the age of 20 to that of 40 years, to form a portion of the regular army and its reserves, according as the law directs. Article 4. Substitution is abolished. Dispensations from service, according to the conditions specified in this law, do not give complete exemption. Article 5. Men wiih the cjlours are deprived of the elective franchise. 16 Article 6. Every armed and organized body of men is under martial law, and forms a portion of the army under either the Minister for War, or the Minister for the Navy. Article 7- No one can serve in the French Army who is not a French- man. The following are excluded from and have no title to serve in the army : — 1st. Those who have been guilty of felony. 2nd. Those who have been guilty of a misdemeanour and imprisoned for t\\ o or more years, or have been placed under the surveillance of the police, and deprived of municipal, civil, or family rights. Before submitting this section to you, gentlemen, we asked the President of the Republic, and the Minister of War to examine it. What is now being dealt Mith, you will observe are but general principles, and do not affect the organization of the military forces, and need not interfere in any way with the task to which the Governnient devotes itself in such a praiseworthy method; but as the principles we have enunciated must one day have a consider- able influence upon the army and on society, we considered it right that we should first hear the views of the Government on the subject. The Chief of the Executive Povrer and the Minister of War attended a meeting of tlic Committee, and it followed from that meeting that the Committee and the Government were agreed on several important points, and only on the question of substitutes was there anv difference of opinion. The study of the details at the proper moment will, we believe, greatly reduce this divergence of opinion; nay, we hope it will ent rely disappear. However this may be, it is most desirable that you should see the spirit in which the declarations we have made are submitted to you. Personal military servic3 for all Frenchmen is not deemed unfi ting. It compels every man from 20 to 40 years of age to answer the summons of his country when its defence or internal security is endangered. It prevents his throwing his share of this duty on others. It compels those who enlist voluntarily to be disinterested. It forbids all interference of the army in political matters. It suppresses all armed bodies who do not form a portion of the army and are not under military law. Iiastly, it declares that njne but Frenchmen can be admitted into the Ficnch Army, and t lose guilty of disgraceful crimes are excluded from a share in that honour. 17 We propose to give you, as briefly as possible, some remarks on eacb of these Articles. ^Vlule it is requisite that their bearing should be clearly understood, it should not be exagoeratcd. The first Article — " All Frenchmen are liable to personal " military service '' — is the basis on wliich the whole edifice that we would raise rests. It is requisite that every one should know from his infancy what he owes to the defence of his country ; it is requisite that he should prepare himself for his task, and that he should not for one moment imagine that he has the power to withdraw himself from the burden when it falls on him. In all situations society protects him ; it is requisite that he in his turn should be ready in all situations to protect society with all his powerS; both of body and mind. This principle is not new, for, not to quote the law of the year VI, which says, "All Frenchmen are soldiers and are bound to '•' defend the country," does not every law on recruiting proclaim this obligation in a general way ? If, on account of considerations to which we will have to revert, these laws have in their application tempered this principle, they have yet maintained it. The last law on this subject, that at present in force, savs,v,-ith reference to the home army (the National Guard ''Mobile ^'), " that it must act as an auxiliary to the army "in the defence of fortresses, coasts, frontiers, and the maintenance "of order." Has not the law of 1SG8 disregarded the greater number of the exemptions previously granted ? Have not all young men been ordered to march ? Has not th.e entire country responded to the appeal ? We repeat there is nothing new or surprising in this principle; it is that on which all our laws of recruiting have been founded. So far as the general principle goes, and so long as nothing more than was implied in previous laws which submitted all young men to tlie recruiting law was intended, this proposal received no opposition from the Government. But we must not conceal from you, that in our eyes this principle, as we have laid it down, is of far v»'ider application than ever was contemplated in any former law. We have been induced to ask you to base your law on this principle by viewing it from two different stand points, and in order that two distinct interests may be benefitted. Undoubtedly, when this obligation is imposed, when we say that every Frenchman owes personal military service, either in the army or its reserves, we seek tlie power of enlarging the army and putting a much greater number of men at the disposal of the State, in order that the masses of men who can invade this country may be met by masses of at least equal strength ; we are, moreover, desirous (and this will be explained hereafter) that every man, to spare himself the ennui of military service, may seek to prepare himself beforehand, and thus reduce the expenses of the State. But other motives, perhaps of a higher and more elevated c 18 cliaracter, have, as we have already explained to you, induced us to proclaim the principle of coivijndsory service. First, there is the homage due to the feeling of equality — a feeling which amongst the envious and jealous seeks to degrade all to the lowest level : but which we. on tl\e contrary, seek to make a lever to elevate all. When in any assemblage of men, especially in an army v.liere discipline exists, all classes are mixed together, we may feel sure that noble ideas will prevail, good examples will be followed, and that the whole tone will be raised. Further^ we may be sure that, when performing the same duties, obeying the same rules, bound by great common interests, sharing the same privations and the same dangers, all classes will be knit more closely together, and will see much that now appears to divide them disappear. Lastly, we may be sure that under such circumstances men will appreciate one another, and have a mutual sympathy for each other; the different gradations of rank which the force of cir- cumstances always produces in all societies, far from then being an object of jealousy and hatred, will, on the contrary, produce true respect. If vou doubt this, gentlemen, ask old military men who, having settled down in the country, meet every day old soldiers who belong to the corps in which they have served. Further, ask naval ofHcers who amid trials and dangers of all kinds have livcel in common with the men of their crews. Ask them what they have learned, wdiat they have found at home, when they have met again the brave men whose labours and perils they have shared. But this is not all, we must pay homage to and do justice to the army. Look at what now takes place in the array, how industry, education, feeling, persoiial dignity, the duty of men towards their fellows, respect f^n- superiors, good fellowship with equals, is increased and developed amongst the young men who join the army annually. Follow these men after their discharges to then' homes, you widfind them the most sought after, the most respected; they carry there the qualities they have cultivated, the habits they have learned in the army. Let us say it boldly, geritlemen ; the army is the great school for the country. Future generations will come and imbibe there feelings of patriotism, discipline, and honour, and the nation will receive a manly education which cannot but influence its destinies; thus raising the tone of the army itself, which will then be entered by men of the well-to-do classes, and the country in return will receive men improved and civilised by the arm)". The principle we propose for your adoption is then from both points of view a healthy one. In the terms of Article 2, there is no longer bounty in money or payment of any sort, for engagement. This, as you are aware, is the principle which has existed since the revolution of 1789; the law of 1818 used the same words as we now propose, and they were also reproduced in the law of 1832. If they are not now included in the existing law of recruiting they have been unfortu- 19 natcly erased for the time. It is requisite that it should be known that men who join tlie army voluntarily do so, not for money, but from a desire to serve the country in a noble career. But while we repudiate all ideas of bounty for engagement or re-engagement, we are far from saying that the posiiicm of men who after a certain number of years wish to remam in the army should not be improved, nor that the comforts of old soldiers should not be augmented. Thus, additional pay, increase of pension, are by no means interfei-ed w-ith by this Article. What we prohibit is the bait (pardon the expression) used to lure men to enlist. But payment for actual service rendered should be respected what form soever it may take. Article 3. "Every Frenchman who is not judged unfit for all *' military service mav be summoned from the age of 20 years to that " of 40^ to serve in the regular armv and its reserves, as fixed by " law." Thei*e are in this Article two things to which we must direct your attention. Fu'st, it declares that every Frenchman who is not unfit for all military service may be called on for service in the army and its reserves. Second, it fixes the limit of this service at from 20 to 10 years of age. The first of these Articles you will observe limits exemptions to those granted for such infirmities as debar the individual from forming a portion of the army, or one of the numerous auxiliary services which folL^w all armies. Thus, the post office, the hospitals, the telegraphs, the commis- sariat stores, &c.. 8cc., can evidently utilize many men who would be unfit for the ranks. When the law says '"unfit for all military service," it means not only the active duty of the soldier, but for all those other services which do not require the physical qualities requisite for a soldier. Perhaps at first sight it may appear strange that all those who cannot completely fulfil the duties of a soldier are not freed from the obligation to serve. But it must be remembered that the law is conceived on the basis that each man must serve his country according to hisaljilities, and that tlie greater part of these auxiliary services take out of the ranks many men who should figure there as combatants; taking this into consideration, it is only just and right to declare that these duties may be performed by young men wdio are now entirely exempted, and believe themselves to be perfectly free of all duties towards the country. The second ])roposition is equally important, and its meaning should be clearly understood. ItfoUows that from the age of ?0 to 40 years all Frenchmen have a serious duty to perform, that for 20 years the country wdl have, for its defence and securitv, a right, to call on their devotion and courage. But this obligation will not i e the same during the whole period, and public opinion must not be deceived on this subject. c2 20 The law, when it says "may be called on to form a portion of " the army or its reserves as may he directed," wishes to show on the one hand that limits would be placed to the action of the law, and also that the periods during which men would be successively called on for the active army and its reserves as well as the condi- tions of service, would be fixed by legislative enactment. You must, gentlemen, alwa\s bear in mind that the section that is now submitted to you contains only general arrangements, and does not enter into details, which necessarily are included in other sections. What we are at present concerned with is the question whether or no it is reasonal)le that all Frenchmen can, according to circumstances, from the age of 20 to that of 40, be called on for the defence of the country and the maintenance of the security of the commonwealth. We, so far as we are concerned, do not hesitate to answer affirmatively. Without referring to many countries where a similar obligation begins earlier and finishes later, we say to you definitely that in our opinion there must no longer be bodies of armed men in France, other than those composing the army under the orders of the military authorities. We must, then, consider not only the necessity of the organiza- tion of a regular army and the reserves requisite to sustain it and fill up the gaps, but also what is I'equisite for internal order. This Article does notseem, then, to impose an exorbitant charge on all Frenchmen for 20 years. The law we propose will, if approved by the Assembly, be the law for recruiting and organising all the military forces of France. It is requisite, therefore, that it should be comprehensive enough to embrace everything that the security or defence of the country may require, and also leave no space, no matter Avhat may happen, for those extraordinary levies, which strike people Avith astonishment because they do not understand and are not prepared for them. When the various arrangements of this law are examined it will be found, on the contrary, that the demands it makes, although serious, for they are appeals lo the patriotism and devo- tion of every one, are, however, far from interfering with the duties or clashing with the careers of anyone. Marriage, for example, your Con:imittee, (who do not accept the idea that a married man owes nothing to the defence of his country.) will tell you when we arrive at these details how it is proposed to reconcile the interests of popvilation with the requirements of military service. Your Committee will also point out the important part that pre- paratory military instruction will play, and the happy results that emulation produced by wise measures will produce in the ranks. Once more the Committee beg to repeat its recommendation. All Frenchmen may be called on from 20 to 40 years of age to serve in the army or ils reserves, as may be determined by law according to circumstances. This principle has been unanimously agreed on by the Govern- ment and the Committee. 21 The same has not been the case^ as we already have said, with the next Article, which does away with the law of sul)stitution. " Substitution is suppressed." " Dispensations from military service do not confer a complete " liberation from that duty."' You will have observed, gentlemen, in the first portion of this report, that, notwithstanding the clause against substitution con- tained in the law of the year A^I, it did not fail to make its appear- ance in the law of the year VII, but merely exceptionally, and it remained in force until the year 1814, despite the difficulties and restrictions thrown in the way of its application. You have also seen that substitution was allowed in the laM's of 1818 and of 1832, and if it disappeared in 1855 to give place to exoneration as we at present have it, it existed but under another form, which rendered its exercise more easy, and which was re-established in 1868. We are not ignorant that substitution has been considered as a means of satisfying the exigencies of civil life, and of those situa- tions that it was desirable for the State to pi^eserve; and whenever this question has been agitated, it has been stated that substitution allowed the law of recruiting to weld itself more easily into our social system. It is for this reason that the Government makes no objection to the three first Articles of the Chapter which we now lay before you. As we have already pointed out, the words, "Every Frencli- '■ man is liable to military service," does not touch the question of substitution, any more than the terms of the law of 1832, which submitted all young men having completed 20 years of age to the obligation to draw lots. But, gentlemen, your Committee believes it to be desirable to go farther than the laws of 1818 and 1832; it believes it is now requisite to proclaim the rule of compulsory personal service; this, in our opinion, is the basis on which the law should rest. It has already told you its motives. It does not conceal that doubtless the suppression of substitu- tion has a certain importance, that with the people this Article will at first appear the most severe in the whole law ; but we trust and hope, that when better informed, they will understand the object we have in view, and that they will then see only the application of principles which are dear to them. It will be well to give an account of the various arrangements which may be adopted to lighten the load imposed on every one, bat conjointly with the principle of compulsory service, substitution cannot exist. If we suppose that in the formation of the army and its reserves, certain substitutions between the young men of the same class are allowed; suppose that with the object of exciting emulation beforehand and giving, so to speak, a bounty in the form of encouragement to superior attainments, this would not be a deviation from the main principles of the law, which allowing substitution undoubtedly would be. But is it requisite that every young man should pass with 22 the colours the entire period fixed for service in the regular army? We do not think this is requisite, only his not doing so must he in virtue of special dispensation, and such arrange- ments as may satisfy the legitimate ends that must he kept in view, regard being had to the pursuit of civil professions, and the necessities of certain situations. Thus, while no exemptions but tliose arising from infirmities, rendering young men afilicted with them unfit for military service, will be allowed, it is evident that those who, for example, are the sole support of a widowed mother, may obtain a dispensa- tion, as well as men who w^ish to take Holy Orders, and enter other situations in life too long to enumerate here. This is what this Aiticle refers to when it speaks of dispensations on the condi- tions prescrilied l)y \&w. If we examine wdiat has taken place in a country which on the morrow of a bloody defeat was wise enough to adopt this principle, we see with what care the various interests to which we refer have been conciliated. " Overslaugh's," that is to say, temporary dis- pensations from service are granted not only to those who support a familv, but also to entire categories of individuals who the State considers should pursue their own careers. And do not tliink, gentlemen, that these overslaughs are given only to the higher ranks of society, for the reverse is the case. Independently of those individuals whose state is similar to those provided for by the exemptions of the law of 1832, we see side by side w'ith them the pupds of certain schools, the heads of industrial, agricultural or commercial establishments, whose presence appears indispensable. We see the sons of farmers w'hose labour is necessary on the farm, workmen and apprentices to whom the State wishes to grant time to complete their education. Yet we must again repeat these overslaughs are not complete exemptions, they are conditional, for the most part provisional, and allowed only in time of peace. Then, in addition to these dispen- sations, it has always been arranged, while the application of the general rule was satisfied, that the requirements of various pro- fessions should he considered. Thus, young men who have important studies to pursue, and who give proofs of certain military instruction, are allowed to remain under fixed conditions but a short time with the colours. We know that in these overslaughs much is left to the discre- tion of the authorities, but was not tjie same done with us by the law of 1868, even for the bread earners of families ? There are, then, no insurmountable difficulties in providing fairly for all the exigencies of various careers. But this must be done by the law, by regulations which must be made in broad day- light, so that everyone may know them. The Article adds, " Dispensations do not confer a complete discharge." This is evidently a result of the system itself. If every French- 23 man from the age of 20 to 40 years forms a jjortion of the regular iirmy and its reserves, it is evident that the cause for which a dispensation was allowed must cease at some time or other. It would not be just that he should remain freed for ever from all military service; he must follow the lot of others who l^elong to the same contingent: his obligation must only cease when theirs cease too. Tiiis is the reason dispensation from serA-ice does not give complete liberation. By its terms the law wished to show that those whose services are dispensed with, are placed in a situation entirely different from those who are exempted by the laws of lSl>i and 1832, viz., that the exempted men were declared absolutely free. The question of substitution is truly the question of com- pulsory service, and it is this which, as we have already said, divides the Committee from the Government. The Government think, that without substition it will De impossible to properly satisfy the requirements of certaiis profes- «ions, the necessities of certain situations; in short, what the istate of society actually requires. The Committee think, on the contrary, while they do not lose sight of these requirements or necessities, that measures may be taken to satisfy them, which will stimulate earnest study both amongst civilians and military men. without allowing any one, by money, to relieve himself from the obligation of military service. Thus, after all, it is but a questioii of means between the Government and the Committee ; and we hope, that when you examine in detail what we propose, you will also be of the same opinion. But it apDears desirable to us that the National Assembly should be able to "uaoe the extent of the law. When so niaiiy detestable doctrines are spread through this country, whose object is to divide the various strata of society (for there are really no lon2;er classes) when these detestable doctrines seek to divide those termed the ''rich" and the "poor"; oh! gentlemen, it is a grand answer to be able to make to such peojde, all of you, whose sons have fought, or who may l)e called on to fight for France, it is a grand answer to make, "' Substitution is "suppressed, every Frenchman owes military service to his country." Your Committee has, with one exception, been unanimous in adopting this principle. Article 5, "Men under the colours shall have no vote.'' This Article is inserted in the law on account of discipline. It seeks to interfere with none of those questions which a law on the suffrage may raise; it seeks only to remove a cause of discord and insubordination from the ranks of the army. It is not advisable that military men, who, in the acts they have to p.erfonn as a bodv.are submitted to tbcir supLM-iors, should .•■ometimes find themselves the equals, perhaps tiie adversaries, of those superiors without ceasing to be under '.lieir orders The fielings thus produced may influence, and be influenced, by what passes in the armj', which is much to be regretted. 24 To use the franchise as laid down by existing laws, men placed in a regiment must form distinct isolated groups, according to the departments they belong to. The men forming each group must enter into discussions, and must have names inserted on their voting papers, of whirli they are often ignorant. They are asked out of their barracks and camps to be instructed by ofticious election agents, and God knows what politics, what principles are often taught to them. They vote far away from their fellow citizens, who might have enlightened them if they had been amongst them, and, never- theless, their votes are counted amongst the others. Gentlemen, we could not have a greater example of the discipline, the good sense, and moral power of the army, than the fact that it has been able to resist the dangerous solicitations, the fatal doctrines, with which, for some years, it has been flooded. To take part in elections is, for the army itself, a bad thing But for the Government, of whatever form, nay, for society itself, it is worse. The votes of the soldiers, as you are aware, are not cast into the urn on the day of election, and mixed with those of the cifizens ; they are collected apart, and, according as they are favourable or the reverse to such and such a party, to such or such a political personage, public opinion, without taking any account of the causes which may have produced the effect, strives to find out the motives, and very often discovers what really has no existence. Thus, in addition to the ill effects produced on discipline, the vote of soldiers with the colours is productive of grave evils. Leave the army its great and noble mission to perfect itself in military art and science. Let it have no political part to play. It belongs to the entire country, and this in itself is greatness ; do not seek to drag it at the tail of political parties. Article 6, " All armed bodies are submitted to military law, " and form portion of the army under military authority"; hence the National Guard is suppressed. During the last war, bodies of men commissioned l)y the State have been denied the title of belligerents. It is requisite to prevent a recurrence of such things. It must be known that all bodies of men organized and armed by the State are a portion of the army, and are submitted to military law, either under the Minister for War or Marine, according to circumstances. This principle is, then, the requisite corollary of the new organi- zation, which, it seems to us, should be that of the militarv forces of France, and the obligation which the law imposes on all citizens. When, by the effect of the principle of compulsory service, all men can be called on to form a portion of the regular army and its reserves from the age of 20 to that of 40 years, it is evident that the country will then have at its disposal, not only for the defence of its territory, but also for the maintenance of internal security, everything that is requisite. 25 Hence, tliere need be nothing beyond the army, in the form of armed bodies submitted to military autliority, but having other origin, following other rules, and dependent on other powers. 'The National Guard disappears, then, by the force of circum- stances. All men of 20 and 40 years of age ought to serve in tlie army and its reserves ; there is, therefore, no longer the means of forming a national guard, without borrowing from an organization that it is requisite the State should preserve intact. But this definition of Article 6 does not interfere with, we need hardly say, the custom-house officials, who, in carrying out the duties entrusted to them, must evidently preserve their arms to defend themselves against smugglers. Neither does it affect the institu- tion of firemen, which is a collection of brave men intended for special service in special cases. Lastly, t!ie last Article admit Frenchmen only into the national army, and excludes from military service felons, those wlio are guilty of misdemeanours, or are placed under the surveillance of the police. The defence of the country is a duty for all citizens, but it is also an honour; the foreigner has no interest in it, and the un- worthy must be excluded from the privilege. These, gentlemen, are the considerations which we desired to make known to you, and whicli we should much h.ave lik ed to abridge. But it was of importance that everyone should understand the bearing of the resolutions which we have the honour to suljniit. We now only submit general principles which may serve as tlic basis of the law of recruiting. It is by regarding this question, both as it affects the armv and societ\^ that we have arrived at tiie conclusions we have, and from the same points of view we i)eg vou to approve them. Do not think that v.-e have disregarded the fact that interference with the customs of the people so far as the law of recruiting is concerned is a delicate matter. But it seems to us that the tims has now come when the country must take up a position from whirli reforms, such as we desire, may flow. Be sure of this, that far from clashing with popular sentiment, the people will, when tliev see this great Assembly proclaiming these principles, understand the elevation and patriotism Avhich animates it. Do not think that we have allowed ourselves to be drawn away in pursuit of novelties, or by an unreasoning desire to imitate what has succeeded with other nations. No ; for while we know that it is requisite not to adhere blindlv to the mistakes of the past, and believe that our methods and our institutions arc the best, yet we are equally aware that it would be folly to conclude that, because we have met with reverses, therefore our institutions contain nothing but faults. iSuch alterations as are required should be made, then, with a firm but prudent hand. And, if we have sought instructions beyond our frontier, it is the better to understand our misfortunes, and the better to understand the lessons they convey. 26 Lastljr, gentlemen, we cannot forget tlie words of Montesquieu as to what constituted the greatness of the Romans. " Having successively' eombatted with all people, they invariably *\2,ave up their own customs so soon as they found better. Their "first object was to find out in wliat respect their enemy had a " superiority, and that they instantly adopted.^' SECOND PART. Chapters II, III, IV, and V. After pointing out in the first part of this report the various laws which have governed the recruiting of our armies; after exposing the general piinciplcs which should, we think, serve as the basis for our new military institutions, there remains to sul)mit to you the various rules which the application of these principles entail. But, in order that we mav advance more securely on the road that the interests of the country demand, a-id that public opinion appears in some sort already to have marked out, it is requisite to state the problem clearly. We think that the army France at present requires is, not only a force permanently and powerfully organized, and a great school, where all the elements of which the nation is composed may imbibe instruction and military discipline bc^fore entering civil life, but also avast fran)ework within which all these elements, educated and told off beforehand, may range themselves when the country is menaced in its independence, or its internal security. This is the problem we seek to solve. This problem, genf;iemen, is no invention of ours; force of circumstances, our situation in Europe, above all, the state of our society, imperatively demand its solution. Doubtless, existing legislation might create considerable, nay, imposing military forces, but it cannot lay all the dangers which threaten us. There is no one who has a greater respect for the distinguished authors of the laws of 1818 and 1832 ; none who render more justice to their work than your Committee. We have owed to them, for fifty years, the soldiers of which we have been so justly proud. The recruiting, the organization of the army, answered fully, as we acknowledge, to the requirements of that period. You may recall how at those periods, in the midst of various States which had coalesced against and conquered her, France still preserved her preponderance, owing to the size of her territory, her population, and her unitv. 27 You may also recall of what the permanent armies of the great powers were composed, what heterogeneous masses manv put in line before the homogeneous forces of France. Lastly, it is well knoun that with tiie arms then in use, with the means of transport then existing, the personal valour of the soldier was of great importance. This quality of personal courage is not now so gi'cat as when troops fought closer ; firmness and courage upon the held of battle often then compensated for inferior numbers. Under these heads our army has been happily gifted. Looking to the state of things in the country itself, after the great and often glorious wars of the revolution and the empire, wc see that although the country was in a state of exhaustion, and there was much outcry against the abuse of the conscription, yet the better classes of society, influenced by the noble history of the past, still sougbt the profession of arms ; young men know-ing nothing of commerce, for whom industrial pursuits, then in their infancy, had no charms, and who were little afTected by the enjoy- ments of luxury. Lastly, if there were in the country parties animated by hostile 'political passions, none, at least, sought to upset social order itself, and to hurl one class of individuals against another. Under such conditions laws which, while they based re- cruiting on the principle of equality, gave some alleviation to the severity of the regulations; produced an army which, although drawn from all the living force of the nation, yet by allowing sul)stitution, permitted those who were in easv circumstances to escape military service, and by length of service formed and kept old soldiers. Such laws and such an army, we repeat, were then in unison with both our situation in Europe and our internal condition. Nevertheless, this legislation, which, when it appeared, was a true conquest over ancient prejudices, yielded, perhaps, too much to the objections raised against conscription. It liberated from military service, and freed for ever fiom the most holy of all duties, those who the ballot did not send under the colours. Thus, raising substitution, in one sense, from a privilege to a right. It cannot be denied, that seeds, the growth of which have enervated the public spirit, and altered the constitution of the army were thus sown. This did not fail to show itself under the Governii.cnt of the Restoration, and under that wliich succeeded it, and many men, eminent for their military experience, largely discussed the bearing of these laws. They studied by what combinations it was possible to instruct a larger number of young soldiers each year. And this became more desirable when, on account of the increase of riches, and the large number of new careers opening for 3'oung men, it became apparent that each year tlie nu;nber of voung men belonging to the well-to-do classes entering tlie army de- creased, and the number of substitutes increased. Men then 28 began to be much affected by the change, and means to remedy it were anxiously sought. Thus, gentlemen, each day the army became gradually more and more an institution distinct from the country, to which the country appeared entirely to give up its defence and its security ; and all those who did not belong to it were entirely relieved from this duty, and became utterly careless about it. Happily, the army preserved its noble traditions, and it imbibed, from feelings of honour and discipline, a power and a patriotism which it should have obtained from the aid of all citizens. Happily, also, at the period of which we speak, our organization, compared with that of the greater part of other nations, was far from being deficient. But since then, gentlemen, things have changed not only all round us, but even in our midst. You know who are now the great powers of Europe, and in what position thev ai^e, the importance of their military forces, and what has led them to profoundly modify the constitution of their armies. You are equally aware of the internal state of our own country ; the revolutionary passions it is torn by ; the fatal doctrines men seek to spread amongst the people; the solicitations they address to the soldiers; the divisions that are to spread in all ranks of society. Looking to the state of foreign affairs, and in presence of the infernal perils which threaten us, it appears indispensable and requisite to enlarge greatly the basis upon \vhich hencefortii should rest what we may term the armed organization of this country. Doubtless the law of 18G8, and this should be acknowledged, has already taken an important stej) in the direction we seek to follow, since in place of completely liberating from military service the young men who are not embraced in the annual contingent, it still retained them to make a part of the National Guard " Mobile," intended to be an auxiliary to the active army. But, it imposed on them no service in the army, and called on them, only in case of war, without giving them any sufficient military instruction. On the one hand, it gave up a considerable portion of the resources, which it might otherwise have disposed, and on the other, it allowed too great a difference to exist between the men composing the various classes, of whom, some placed in the contingent remained nine years in the army, whilst others belonged only to tlie National Guard " Mobile " for five years, and as substitution was maintained, it was evident that the composition of the regular army could not be altered. It was, then, not in the army but in the National Guard *' Mobile" that all the young men of certain classes in society were to be found. Now, on the contrary, what we seek we cannot too often repeat is the union, the mingling in the ranl^s of the army of all the elements of society, how diverse soever they may be. This, in our 29 opinion, is a social necessity imposed on the country, as urgent as the defence of our soil which imperiously demands it. Thus, gentlemen, \vc arrive at the ideas which we have already expressed. The army ought to be not only a permanent force powerfully organized, and a great school, where all classes of the nation come in succession to imbibe military instruction before entering civil life, but also a vast framework in which the educated elements previously classed according to their aptitude are arranged, the day the country is menaced, either in its independence or its internal security. To realise these ideas has been our desire in bringing forward the project we lay before you. This project is divided into five sections. The first is devoted to general arrangements in some sort the preamble of the lav/ ; this we have already dealt with, and do not again propose to refer to. The second treats of calling out the various classes. The third treats of military service. The fourth of voluntary enlistment. The fifth of penalties. 2nd Section. Founded, as you are aware, upon the principle of compulsory service for all Frenchmen who are not considered unfit for military service, the Bill will summon all young men, aged 20 years, to form a portion of the regular army, then to serve in the reserve, and then in the territorial army until the age when their services will be dispensed with. The census of these young men is carried out according to existing rules, lots are drawn exactly as at present (the reason why will be shortly explained) ; then they are examined by councils of revision, which pronounce upon the objections which may then be raised, as well as on the causes of exemptions and dispensations. The law recognizes no other cause for exemption than those re- sulting from infirmity, which renders a man unfit not only for service in the regular army but also from being utilized in its auxiliary services ; and the law further directs that young men who appear, on account of a want in height, not to fulfil the requisite conditions should stand over, and their cases be sub- mitted for two consecutive years to a new examination by the council of revision. As for men whose services are dispensed with, the project admits but three classes. The first for young men that the laws of 1S32 and 1868 con- sidered would, by their removal, make too great a gap in families, whatever may be their situation or fortune (Art. 13 of the law of 1832). The second is conditional, that the young men to whom it is granted remain for a ceitain time in professions that it is the interest of the State that they should follow (Art. 11 of the law of 183.2). 30 The tliird for tlio^e who are really the bre id-earners of their fuiuilies, and actually fidfii tins duty. These dispensations are, hovvever, vnerely conditional ; the young men to whom thev are granted do not cease to belong to their classes, and wheti the cause for dispensation disappears they are then suljmitted to all the obligations that they otherwise would be found to fulfil. Then, to satisfy the requirements of men who have to perfect themselves in their apprenticeship to some trade or art, also to the requirements of certain commercial enterprises, and also the l)etter to meet, we do not hesitate to say, the requirements of justice, the law permits in time of ])eace a delay or overslaugh for young men placed in the above conditions. This is, if we may use the expression, a counterbalance to what you will see proposed hereafter for young men whose studies cannot be stopped, or too long suspended, without a great prejudice to the careers on which thev are engaged. But these '"delays" do not liberate the person who receives them from military service; they adjourn simply in favour of his vocation in life the period wlien it has to be fulfilled, and mav in certain cases diminish its duration. Further, the number of these dispensations accorded to the bread-earners of families, as well as of the "delays," is limited in proportion to the miml)er of young men considered fit for service. The responsibility of granting them is handed over to a council possessed of the fullest information, and the composition of which is of itself a guarantee for the justice of its decisions. Lastly, all young mtn who may be left in situations such as we have described may be subjected to drill, and in case of war are not exemj)ted from taking part in the defence of the country. When the councils of revision have terminated their labours, the parochial recruiting list is finally completed. This list is divided into five parts, so that all the young men, except those definitely exempted on account of infirmities rendering them unfit fcu" any service whatever are inscribed each according to the situation in W'hich he is placed. Further, the law directs that from these lists, when the class shall have been placed at the disposal of the Minister of War. there shall be kept in each department or in each district a register upon which the names of all the young men who are not declared unfit for military service shall be borne. This register will have a remark opposite each man's name, and the position in wliicli he is, and all the changes tliat may be made in his situation, \mtil he'shall have passed into the teritoiial army, shall be thereon entered. Each man entered on this register is bound to notify when he changes his residence, so that the War Office shall know always where he may be found if required, under any of the cases referred to bv the law. 31 Tliis register \s the basis upon \vliich the system we submit must to a great extent, depend. By it alone can the careers of men fuinning a portion of the active army and its reserves be followed. By it alone can they be classed, not oidy accord- ing to their incorporatioi^ but according to to the various situa- tions that their profession renders tliem fitted for, and the day when it is requisite to call on these men, they will be found all ready classed i)eforehand, and they can at once be used to the liest advantage. 3iiD Sectiox. After thus determining the situation of the young men in each class, the law divides into different periods the time during v/incli every Frenchman who is not declared unfit for all military service may be called on to form a portion of the regular army and its reserves. These periods are fixed as follows : — In the regular army service for five years, after which service, in the reserve of that army for four years. After which men can only be called on for service in the terri- torial army for five vears, and in its reserve for six years. All voung men of the class called on, .vho are not exempted on ac-count of infirmity, or whose services are not dispensed Avith, or who have not obtained '"' delays," form a portion of the regular army and are placed at the disposal of the Minister of War. These young soldiers are all registered as belonging to the different corps of the army, and are sent to their corps, to battalions or schools of instruction. All begin by serving for a year in the different situations in which they are placed according to their fitness and their profes- sions ; after this first year the number of men only which has been fixed by the Minister of War, according to the estiniatc, and the requirements of the service are retained with the colours. These men are selected ])y the numljers they have drawn in the lists of each parish, and in the proportions determined bv the y\av Minister. Young men included amongst those who are to serve only one year, but who do not know how to read and write and cannot pass the requisite examinations^ are kept in the corps for a second year. On the contrary, those who by having acquired militarv instruction prior to their entry into the army, joined to what they have learned in the army, can in six months fulfil all the required conditions, may at periods fixed by the Minister be sent home on furlough. This furlough is the situation in which all men sent home after a year's service in the army, as well as those who after a longer or shorter period of service in the army may be sent home, remain. They are at the disposal of the Minister for War during the entire j")eriod they belong to the regular army. And must undergo such inspections and drills as the Minister may direct. 32 It is requisite to observe that the law, when it says that all soldiers belong to the regular army for five years, does not mean that they remain under the colours for that time. Conside- rations to which we will hereafter refer have induced us to fix this period as that during Avhich all young men of a class, what situation soever thev may be in, that is to say, either serving or held in readiness, or on furlouL^h, or even detailed for auxiliary services, owe their service to the regular army„ which is the first regular force of the country. After this period the men enter the reserve of the regular army, and remain there four j^ears. During these four years they are only oi)liged to take part in two manoeuvres, the duration of which must not exceed 28 days each. They may, as may those who are in readiness for the army, marry if they wisli. But married men are none the less compelled to give the same service as others of the class to which they belong. The time passed in the first reserve being completed, that is to say, when they reach the age of 29 years, the young men of the classes fprm a portion of the territorial army, and later of the second reserve. While the project leaves it for a special law to determine the basis of the organisation both of the regular army, the territorial army and its reserves, it however lays down (because a law on recruiting should enable people clearly to understand the extent of their obligations) the principle that the territorial army should be formed from detinite districts fixed by legislative enactment, and that each district should embrace only the men who are domiciled therein. As regards the navy and the various corps attached to it — Recruiting will continue as at present, no alterations are pro- posed in the naval conscription or for the marines, only on account of the nature of the service, which is essentially a voluntary engage- ment or re-engagement on certain fixed conditions that will be established by law, according to the wishes of the young men wdio may be summoned when the lists are being revised. However, it is only when the requisite number of men cannot be procured voluntarily that recourse will be had to this method. In such a case I'ecourse will be had as at present to the young men who h.ave drawn the first numbers in each parish list. But to allow freedom to those wlio feel a desire to serve at sea instead of on land, the law authorised exchanges between these young men and those destined for the army. Lastly, men so enrolled for the navj^, or in bodies organised for naval service, after serving the time prescribed for the regular army will remain only two years in the first reserve ; they will then enter the territorial army. The nature of the service renders this favour just. 4th Section. The law then deals with the question of engagements and re-engagements. 33 The young man who wishes to enlist voluntarily must, if he enter the army, be 18 years old, and at least 5 feet and half an inch in height. The age for engagement is thus reduced one year, the height at present required is lowered by one-third of an incli ; the other conditions required for engagement are continued, and to them we advise you to add, that the volunteer must know how to read and write. You have seen already that we propose that the soldier who does not know how to read or write, may, in certain definite con- ditions, be retained one year longer with the colours. It is only natural therefore to impose a condition on those who enlist, the im- portance of which will he recognised daily by the mass of the people. The duration of this engagement is five years, but in case of war, all Frenchmen who belong neither to the regular army, nor to its reserve may engage to serve during the continuance of the war. Lastly, young soldiers who are about to be sent on furlough, or who are on furlough, may be authorised to complete five years' service with the colours. So far as re-engagements are concerned the project allows them, but with certain restrictions, re-engagements which, after five years' service under the colours give a right to high pay, are allowed for only two years, but are renewable for corporals and soldiers until 29 years of age, and for sous-officers until 32 years of age. This is an alteration which is somewhat important, and not without its object, for it allows a greater number of men to be passed through the ranks, and allows useless men to be got rid of, men who, if retained too long, would have no chance of finding in civil life occupations capable of procuring a livelihood. But in consequence of this arrangement, it is evident that the State must ensure to the sous-officers, who leave the army after 12 years good service, a certain number of employments in which they may acquire the right of an honourable retirement. This is the object of a special clause, in addition to which it is the intention of the Government, as the Minister for War has informed us, to ask that proportionate pensions be assigned to soldiers who have passed 12 years with the colours; that the position of sous-officers be improved, and without allowing disci- pline to suffer thereby their situation should be made more secure : by thus exciting amongst all men capable of aspiring to these grades a healthy emulation, the cadres of the army will, doubtless, be much improved. But an innovation which is much greater is that embodied in the regulations relative to those who engage voluntarily for a year When we laid before you the reasons upon which we based this law, Ave said, without allowing the payment of any sum of money to purchase freedom from military service, it was still possible to satisfy the demands of certain civil careers by measures which would serve to stimulate serious study, and the progress of instruction, both civil and military. Chief amongst these measures is undoubtedly the institution of volunteers fur one year. D 34 This institution rests upon a twofulcl idea: — 1st. That the apprenticeship of a young man to military service may be mucli shorter if he possesses a good education tlian if he does not. 2nd. That in the interests of society and the army itself, it is better that a young man, who is destined for a civil career, should, on the one hand, interrupt his studies as little as possible, and, on the other, be ready the day the defence of the country summons him to be placed according to his fitness in the position in the service for which he is best adapted. The law jorovides for young men in two categories who may come forward to contract such engagements. For both the favour will only be granted when the instruction they have acquired justifies it. Oidy some, who are provided with a proof of instruction, by being Bachelors of Letters or Bachelors of Sciences, or belonging to certain schools, are allowed to have a 7^ig}it if they fulfil other conditions to form this engagement for one year. Others, on the contrary, who arc not in these situations, must be authorised to pass the prescribed examinations, the programme of which must be drawn up with reference to an extended military knowledge ; the numbsr of the latter class to be settled each year by the Minister for Wa ;. In both cases the engagement should be formed before the lots of the class to which they belong are draM'n. In all cases a young man who has diplomas, or who is studying in certain schools, and who has not completed his studies in the school to which he l)elongs, and who desires to complete them within a fixed period, can, by producing the requisite certificates and forming an engagement for one year, obtain from the military authorities an overslaugh before joining the corps in which he has engaged ; this overslaugh can only be granted to him up to 23 years of age. The volunteer for one year is clothed, mounted, equipped and maintained at his own expense, thus relieving the State of all charge on his account. But he is none the less submitted to all the obligations imposed on men with the colours. He must pass at certain definite periods the prescribed examinations. If after one year he does not satisfy all the prescribed examinations, he is obliged to remain in the service for a second year, according to the conditions laid down by the regulations. It being distinctly understood that in case of war 'he is bound to serve. The volunteer for one year, wdio has fulfilled all the examina- tions, may, after his year of service, obtain his rank as a "sous- officer,'' or a certificate of capacity for an employment at least equivalent, and he can only be recalled as provided in the law for the regular army, the territorial army and their reserves. Such is the institution of volunteers for a year which has been adopted by all the nations who have based their military laws on 35 universal compulsory service ; in some respects it follows from that principle. In our eyes this institution is as favourable to socletv as it is to the army. It evidently excites younu; men, whatsoever m:iy ])e the career they are destined for, to give themselves up to serious study, knowing that they must personally pay their debt of mditary service to the country ; they will see that it is much better for them to do so, during peace time by fullilling conditions such as will allow them to continue, or but slightly interfere with studies which qualify them for their chosen career ; further, they may by application abridge their period of service. Tiiis, then, will be an encouragement to studious youths, and in this respect society will be a gainer. As regards the army, thesrt young men will bring into the ranks acquired knowledge, and habits of application, which cannot but insjjire all, and more especiallv those called on to command them, with an ardent desire for selt-instruction, lest they should appear inferior to their subordinates. The presence of the volunteers for a year cannot therefore but exercise a good influence on the intellectual standard. When the defence of the country recalls these men to the r^inks, they come detailed beforehand for the various arms, whose duty they know, a body of instructed able men attached to the interests of the country, and animated by those elevated sentiments vvhich a sound education invariably produces. In a neighbouring coimtry, where this institution has for many years existed, great results have been obtained. The rules there in force, (which deserve to l)e carefully studied,) show what care is bestowed on the military instruction of these young volunteers. The work these men do, the examinations to which they are submitted enables them to be of great utility in various posi- tions and in the different arms of the service in \^hich they are placed. As for the condition imposed on the volunteer for a year to support the cost ofUiis clothing, equijDment and maintenance. This is not, as should be known, the price of tl.e reduction of his time of service, snice he remains definitely submitted during all the time fixed by the law to the obligations it prescribes. The State disposes of him as of all men of the class to which he belongs. Only on account of the course of study they have pursued, the examinations to which they have been submitted when they are engaged, and those to which they must submit before quitting the corps in which they are enrolled, the law admits that their military instruction may be more rai)id, but it compels them to produce proofs of this, and in jjeace time it keeps them as short a time under the colours as possible, in order that they may be employed in careers useful to society. There is no longer, as there was with exoneration and substitu- D 2 3G tion, a privilege accorded to riches. No, for riches alone cannot make a volunteer for a year by our law. Acquired information, useful study, not wealthy idleness, are addressed by tliis institution. Its object is, in the interests of the country, to offer to young men who apply themselves to science, arts and literature, without interfering with their proposed careers, a means of acquiring sufficient military knowledge and of paying their debt to the army, while perhaps it may inspire some v.'ith a desire of attaching themselves permanently to the army. We are, then, justified in saying that this institution is a power- ful stimulant to serious study. The price of his equipment and maintenance paid by the volunteer for one year, is thus not more than compensation for the inconvenience and expense he causes the army. Pursuing these ideas, it has been asked if it is not desirable that the Minister of War should not have the power of paying these expenses in a certain number of cases, for young men who fulfil all other conditions of the law, and who have given proof of real capacity. But it should be observed that this would be in a certain sense to provide bursaries, and that this is the proper function of the parishes and departments, and that they should provide them for especially meritorious subjects who belong to families M'ith narrow means, but that it would be improper to charge the mili- tary estimates with such things, for the young men who would profit by them, far from remaining in the army, would seek civil professions. Lastly, it must be remembered that in a neighbouring nation young men, pupils in colleges at the cost of the State, purchase in some sort this l)enefit by serving in the army dovible the number of years which they have spent in the college ; and if we cannot adopt this plan in our country, at least we should do nothing con- trary to the spirit of such legislation. Chapter Y. Lastly, the project contains the penal regulations requisite to enforce its ordinances. These are almost identical with the actual laws, only as we attach much importance to the esla])lishment of the register of which Ave have spoken, and which alone will enable men belong- ing to the regular army and its reserves to be followed throughout their career, we are desirous that these men should be bound to notify their change of residence; a punishment has been introduced for any infraction of this rule. A new punishment has been introduced for insul^ordination. In time of war, the name of an insubordinate man shall be posted during the entire war, in all the parishes of the district where he is domiciled ; it is thus to a feeling of honour that we are desirous of appealing. 37 At the same time we seek to raise the intellectual standard of the army, by asking that all young men called under the colours should receive in their regiments, and according to their grades, the instruction determined by the Minister of War. The 1st January, 1873, is fixed for the law coming into force as regards the regular army. Nevertheless, the whole class called in 1872 will be at the dis- posal of the Minister of War, and the young men who do not form the portion selected by the Minister for ^^^ar, and enrolled in the various corps, shall be placed in the reserve of the regular army in place of forming a portion of tlie National Guard " Mobile," in accordance with the law of 1st February, 1868. But young men who shall have been placed, or who belong to the National Guard "Mobile '■* in virtue of this transition state, must undergo such drills and mancEuvres as nsay be directed, in order that they may acquire a military instruction of some value. Lastly, men who have completed the period of service demanded by the laws of the empire will, M'ith the other men of their classes, be enrolled on the list of the army reserve, until they reach the age of 29 ; after that age, in the territorial army, as directed by the law. Such, in short, gentlemen, is the project which your Committee submits to you. 2nd Division. As you have doubtless observed, the project studiously pre- serves every portion of existijig legislation that can be preserved, and which offers no obstacle to the object in view, making only svich alterations as the custom of the people and the defence, and good order of tlie country demands. Thus, you will observe, in all that relates to the rules for taking the census, the drawing of lots, dispensations, revision of the rules, penalties, &c., all these regulations are borrowed from previous laws, to the application of which we are accustomed ; the changes that have been introduced explain themselves, and we need hardly trouble you with them. But on other subjects, as you have no doubt remarked, great alterations are proposed. Thus the contingent fixed by the annual law no longer leaves men at home without military instruction.* * Fixing the amount of tlie coutiiigcnt called each year, as was clone by the laws of 1830 and 1832 accordhig to the foreseen -wants of the moment, when the contin- gent is voted, produced the most deplorable inequahties between the demands made on the different classes called out, without perhaps satisfying the requirements of the service. Thus, when the contingents of 80,000 men were succeeded by those of l-iO,000 men for the Crimean war, the classes which furnished them gave almost the whole of the men capable of bearing arms, after deducting those exempted or dispensed with, while the other classes which justly should have helped the war with an equal number, since these contingents were stQl under the colours, were called on for very few men. In 1859 a contingent of 140,000 men was called. It was incorpo- rated only after the peace, but these men nevertheless served in the army for seven years. This is what has made a Minister for War say " Large contingents correspond often to periods of peace ; small contingents to periods of war." 38 The entire class is put at the disposition of the Minister for War. All the young men composing it are enrolled in the various corps; all must receive an instruction, at least sufficient to enable them, when the country is in danger, to take their places in the ranks of the army, and to bring to it the elements of a con- siderable force. These regulations follow as a consequence of the principle of imiversal compulsory service, which is the key note of the whole law, it is true, in their application important difficulties and the most delicate questions must be raised. These problems ai-e those which have caused the longest and deepest discussion in your Committee. And we think it our duty to draw your attention to the various solutions that have been brought before us. But in order that you may clearly understand this subject, and to prevent confusion, it is requisite to fix certain data. In France, after deducting the two provinces which have been taken from us, the average number of voung men who reach the age of 20 each year is 300,000 to 302,000. But it would be an error to jump to the conclusion that France has 300,000 young men aged 20 fit each year for active service ; unfortunately this is not the case. If the report furnished by the Minister for War be carefully examined, it will be found that out of these 300,000 young men more than 65,000 are exempted on account of physical infirmity, 9,000 for want of proper height, and the other exemptions, pro- vided by the existing law exceed 60,000. Lastly, that 6,000 individuals are left at home as indispensable to the support of their families. That before the class is finally incorporated the loss by deaths, punishment, and desertions, amounts to 3,000 ; so that the class, allowance l:)eing made for these deductions, does not exceed 160,000 capable of carrying arms, which must supply the men for the navy. 39 Table showing an Analysis of a Class composed of the gross number o 302,0 !0 names. Average strength of the class Deduct. 1st. Youug men exempted for physical infirmity 2nd. Young men dispensed with — 1. For want of Jieight (less than 5 ft. 0^ in.). . 2. As being the eldest children of families "1 of orphans. . .. . . . . J 3. Sons or grandsons of widows 4. Sons or grandsons of persons 70 rears of 1 age, or blind . . . . . J 5. Younger brothers of blind or crippled men 6. Elder of two bi others called on to draw ] lots together, and both selected by lot J 7. Brothers of soldiers under tlic coloui'S . . 8. Brothers of soldiers who have died on"| active se^wice, or when on furlough, or | allowed pension for wounds received )■ on duty, or for infirmities contracted | wlien serving by sea or land . . . . J 9. Ah-eady in the Army or Navy by virtue "] of a voluntary engagement, a warrant, > or commission . . . . . . j 10. Enrolled naval conscripts . . 11. Pupils at the Polytechnic . . 12. Employed as selioolmastcrs or vishers 13. Pupi s of the great seminai-ies, or young"! men who are about to become clergy- J- men of the creeds paid by the State. . J 11. Young soldiers left at home by the Councils of Eevision as being the sup- port of a family, 4 per cent . . 15. Losses by death, punishment, or deser-"! Xumber of Men if the Class be called out in its inte;jrit}-. 302,000 65,000 9,000] 3,209 20,2G3 1,135 9l> 147 • 48,709 20,528 i- 3,318, ! i r0,434 5,600 ~] 3,400 I 94 j. 12,725J 1,953 I I 1,678J tiou, &c. 6,300 2,700 Total 144,434 Eemain really disposable, of which- The Navy requires The Army 8,000 149,566 157,566 157,566 Or, in round numbers, the contingent for the Army will be 150,000 men. Note. — No change is proposed as regi ds any of these dispensations from 2 to 13 except that those who are to be schoolmasters must serve one year with the colours or in a mihtary school. Doubtless, the law which we propose recognises no exemptions, but those which render a man incapable of all military service ; but, as we have already said, it admits as causes for dispensations, so long as those causes exist, the particular sit'iatioiis which the existing legislation had in view when it allowed all young men in those situations a complete release from military service. These dispensations will, it is true, give no entire release from military service; those who obtain them must be drilled, and aro liable to be called on in case of war. 40 But it is not therefore requisite to increase tlie number of young men in each class who join the a.Ymy each year.'-'^ And while we believe it requisite to preserve such dispositions as shall allow families to retain the young men who are in a gieat measure their support, we think that the number to be put each year at the disposal of the War Minister cannot be placed higher than 150,000 men. This number is derived from official documents, and we have therefore taken it as the basis of all our calculations^f a"d we ask you to accept it. J * These men, by the law of 1868, formed a portion of the National Guard "Mobile." + Table showing the number of young soldiers enrolled or who might have been enrolled in the contingent of the class of 1870, wliich is composed of llie entire number of healthy young men, no dispensations being granted for those who are the support of families. Ain .. .. 1999 Aisne .. .. 2397 Allier .. .. 1764 Alpes (Basses) . . 5G5 Alpes (Hautes) . . 521 Alpes Maritimes 932 Ardeche . . . . 1972 Ardennes .. ]2:8 Ariege .. .. 1318 Aube .. ,. 989 Aude .. .. 1379 Aveyroii . . . . 1645 Bouches du E . . 1821 Calvados . . . . 1713 Cautal .. .. 1089 Charente . . 1543 Chareute luferieure 2044 Cher .„ .. 1855 Correze .. .. 1390 Corse .. .. 1184 C6te d'or. . . . 1768 Cotes du Nord . . 2G00 Ci-euse .. .. 1364 Dordoguc . . 2045 Doubs .. .. 1385 Dr&me .. .. 1599 Eure .. ,. 1587 Eure et Loir . , 1607 Finistere . . . . 2456 Gard .. .. 1804 Garonne (H) .. 2142 Gers .. .. 1046 Gironde .. . . 3170 Herault ,. .. 1727 Ille et Villaine . . 2673 ludre . . . . 1141 Indre et Loire . . 1271 Isere .. .. 2557 •Tura . . . . 1255 Laudes . . . . 1362 Loir et Cher 1216 Yar 906 Loire 2618 Yancluse . . 1148 Loire (Haiitc) . . 1424 Vendee . . 1865 Loire luferieure . . 2707 Vienne . . 1545 Loiret 1970 Yienue (11.) 1448 Lot 1298 Yosges , . 1814 Lot et Garonne . . 1278 Youne 1783 Lozere . . Maine et Loire . . 673 2382 Total .. 1 57,138 Manchc . . 2083 Marne 1385 Deduct losses Marno (Haute) . . 1089 when tlie con- Mayenne . . 1708 tingent was Mem-the et M. . . 1566 ordered to join 2,700 Meuse Morbihan 1271 2380 Remain . . 1 54,438 Nievre 1897 Nord 5821 On account of Oise 1458 vrar many Orne 1628 young men has- Pas de Calais 3458 tened their Puy de Dome 2418 time of service, Pyrenees (B.) 2352 on this aceomit Pyrenees (H.) 1165 the contingent Pyrenees (Orient) 873 was increased, Rhone 3064 viz. 8,247 Saone (H.) et . . — ^ Belfort . . 1895 Total .. 162,685 Saone et Loii-e . . 3153 Sarthe . . 1857 The number of Savoic 1095 men would Savoie (H.) 1142 have been in- Seine 7117 creased if the Seine luferieure . . 2654 standard had Seine et Marne . . 1591 been lowered Seine et Oise 2411 one-third of an Sevi-es (Deux) . . 1502 inch 2,652 SsATmnr* 2394 1641 • ► JL'IllllJ.L. • ■ , , Tarn Men really 1 , , ■*r^ oo^ Tarn et Gar 1146 disposable 1 ^^^'^-^ Deduct 8,000 men for the navy and there remains for the army 157,337. This muuber would be reduced however to 150,000 if 6,000 men, the number of young men who received dispensations as being supporters of famihes, being deducted. t It is further confirmed by the number of the class of 1870, which was entirely enrolled. Vide the preceding table. 41 It must also be observed that the army includes a great number of men who are not recruited by such enrolments, and who must be taken into account. This number is composed of the officers and men of the administrative corps, the staff of the artillery and engineers, as well as the gendarmes, those who have engaged or re-engaged voluntarily, the foreign corps, &c., &c. This perma- manent portion of the army, wliich embraces the greater portion of the cadres, was largely increased l)y the action of the law of .1855, which granted bounties for engagements and re engagements, vide page 8 of the first portion of this report, but restrained by the limits, while we propose, this portion of the armj'- will embrace at all times at least 100,000 to 120,000 men. If for the future, as aj^pears desiral)le, the gendarmes be not counted as a portion of the effective strength of the army.* It is requisite to get rid of the false impression created by the high numbers borne on the war estimates, and which in reality include a great number of non-combatants or men intended for police purpose, the cost of whom should not be charged to army votes. However this may be, let us assume the results as they now. stand. 100,000 to 120,000 men composing the permanent portion of the army, 150,000 young men capable of active service, placed each year at the disposition of the War INIinister : this is the point of departure from which the army must be formed. If, therefore, on the one hand, all the men of each class are compelled to enter the army each year, and remain there the same time, and if, on the other, the effective strength of 430,000 to 460,000 men with the colours must not be exceeded, it will follow that each class can be kept only two years in the service. * Table showing the existuig efFectire strength of that portion of tlio Army not proTidecl for by enrohnents. =• VJ M *-• g ^^ £ > S c '5s a .1 S cc ^ '- u < S < H 1. Officers •2,641 Gon 13,008 3,941 2,229 249 327 1,909 25,000 2. Departmental Gendarmes 18,707 18,707 3. Volunteers for five years 15,533 4,040 2,668 1,698 754 307 25,000 4. Ee-engaged men 13,697 5,922 3,451 750 495 775- 25,000 5. Native troops, Tirailleurs, and ) Spatris S 7,258 3,174 10,432 fi. roreign Coi-ps 3,200 3,200 7. Soldiers retained under the 'jolours~^ beyond their period of services V as a punishment j 7,063 1,236 685 64 131 21 9,200 S. Employe's of the Artiiioryand En-'^ gineers, workmen engaged or >• 2,493 3S6 310 37 9 4 2:0 3,461 commissioned ... ) Total 5,136 tl9,403 60,055 18,603 9,070 2,770 1,711 2,232 120,000 t The Eepubhcan Guard of Paris, numbering 5,840, one-half the cost of which is paid for by the War Offio-, is not inchided in these figures. 42 Now, gentlemen, granting that by means of well-directed labour it were possible to instruct and give a military education to a soldier in a year or 18 months, which, for special services, is more than doulnful — It is evident — 1st. That the men of each class would return to their homes at the very moment when they would be the best fitted to render iiood service. 2nd. That sufficient cadres would be almost impossible to form, if not formed by men other than those belonging to the contingents. 3rd. Tliat under these conditions the army would be only a great school where young men could be trained ; but would not constitute that permanent and power- fully organized force which it is desirable that this country should possess. Thus we are connpelled to seek some combination that will satisfy both these demands : — * 1st. To have and to keep in the army men completely trained to the trade of arms. 2nd. To enrol a large number of men to whom a sufficient military instruction may be given. Here let us for one moment pause, for this is t^e point where divergency of opinion is produced, and upon which we must explain ourselves as clearly as possible. Without going back to the periods when, even in the greatest battles, men fought in some sort hand to hand, and when arms, skill, and the force of each individual was of the greatest import- ance, it is a recognized fact, if modern wars are reviewed, that since the introduction of firearms each improvement in arms, each improvement in the material state of a country, has modified not only the conditions of war, but also the relative importance of the man as a fighting unit. According as arms are improved, and their range increased, the means of communication improved, and transport becomes easier, and the transmission of intelligence more easy and rapid, armies become more numerous. On the one hand, the genius, the knowledge of the leaders, and the preparation for war becomes of more importance ; on the other, the importance of each com- batant diminishes. It has been, therefore, justly said, the factor that must be given to numbers has increased with civilization, while the factor to be assigned to the value of each individual unit is reduced in the same propt/rtion.* Shall we say, then, that number?; will suffice? No ; we cannot too often repeat. No ; for if the progress in all branches of the art • By this it is not meant that less courage and energy ai'e needed in the soldier, but only that the importance of each individual s less. of war requires a greater soience, more profound study on the part of those who command, it demands still more loudly, a sufficient instruction, with the gi'eatest discipline, on the part of those who ought to oliey. Let us bainsh, then, these dangerous theories. But let us also get rid of another delusion, and, perhaps, a more dangerous one, which is, that in the actual state of the military forces of the various nations in Europe, we can afford to have an army strongly organized and composed of old soldiers, but the number of which cannot, on a given day, be largely in- creased by men already prepared. In our opinion, viewing this vSubject entirely from a military standpoint of view, that although it would be a profound error in the formation of an army not to appreciate at its true value the quality of the troops, it would be an error quite as fatal not to consider their number. Gentlemen, this is the problem. The first point to settle is, evidently, the time requisite to make a soldier and non-commissioned officer? You can understand that no absolute reply can be given to, this question, for the time must be longer or shorter, according to the arm of the service, according to the greater or less intelligence of the man, according to his said position, and the instruction that he has received prior to his joining the corps. Lastly, and this is most important to remark, this period is longer or shorter according to the amount of superintendence given b)' the chief, and the zeal that he has thrown into his work. Your Committee has debated this subject seriously. On one side it has been remarked that military instruction was not everything for the soldier ; the importance of military education was quite as great, and that the latter requires a longer period. It has been said, that amongst men, in some sort disciplined beforehand, in a society where distinctions of rank are well marked, this education may be more rapid than with us, and that it is requisite that we should not allow ourselves to be induced to place the limit of our service too low, lest we weaken the army. On the other hand, instances have been adduced where the bearing and courage of men has been acknowledged by everyone, and who, after a short period, have been completely moulded (thanks to the continual care that has been bestowed on them) to the duties to which they were called.* We have observed in several nations that have recently intro- duced great alterations into their military organization the length of service does not exceed three years in the regular army, and four to seven in the reserve, that four years have been deemed sufficient for the special arms to whom special advantages were granted. Lastly, it has been asked why our soldiers, who are as intelli- * The Marine Light Infantrv formed the Battalion do Loriert in less than one year. 44 gent as those of other nations, should require a longer time to train. It has therefore been proposed that the time during which they should belong to the regular army should be fixed at three years. As this proposition was not adopted, four years was named; but the majority of your Committee did not concur, nevertheless, having carefully examined the facts of the case, after studying what the ablest men have written on this subject, lastly, having studied what has taken place amongst neighbouring nations, the Conunittee has considered that the period during which, under the regulations of the law of 1868, men should belong to the regular army should be that laid down in the law of 1868 as a maximum, which will allow the army to have the elements of a powerful organization.* As we pointed out in the first portion of this report, the length of service has been fixed as follows : — By the law of the year VI, which proclaimed the principle of universal service, at 5 years. By the law of 1818, for the contingent (the rest of the class being entirely free), at six years in the army and six in the reserve. By the law of 1824, at eight years for the contingent, divided into two portions, of which one-half remained at home. By the law of 1832, at seven years for the contingent, similarly divided into two portions. Lastly, by the law of 1868, for the contingent, at five years in the regular army and four years in the reserve, and for that portion of the class not included in the con- tingent, at five years in the National Guard " Mobile." In 1828, the Infantry Committee of the Superior Council of "War proposed — 1st. To divide France into great military districts, subdivided into regimental districts. 2nd. To pass each contingent in succession through the ranks. .3rd. To send on indefinite leave all young soldiers after three years' service. 4th. To have depot battalions, whose function should be to collect these young soldiers ; at certain periods to train, inspect, and confirm the military habits acquired in the regular battalions. The following is the text of this report, which is to be found in the archives of the War Office, and which at tlic present day is of much interest : — * Vide The Army according to Ihe scheme of General Morand. 45 " Meeting of the Wth At/f/ust, 1828. " The Comir.ittee is of oiDiniou tliat instruction cannot be pro- perly given except Avith the colours to the whole of the soldiers. That for this purpose the entire class (that is to saj-, the con- tingents fixed by the law of 1824) should be enrolled in succession, and then sent on indefinite leave, so that the peace strength of the army should be composed of the youngest classes, and the war strength of the classes nearest their time of liberation. This proposal, which is preferable, as giving better instruction, is also that which gives the greatest economy. " The Committee is fuither of opinion that the men sent on indefinite leave should be assembled each year for short periods, and that this duty can only be performed by cadres belonging to the regiments of the regular army. " Lastly, to decrease the expense caused by the great number of men that must be sent each year under the colours and returned again to their homes, and to restrict the expense produced by short trainings, as also to facilitate such trainings, it appears indis- pensable that the kingdom should be divided into five great divi- sions, in each of which a certain number of regiments proportionate to the population and barracks would recruit and occupy in turn the different garrison towns. These military districts to be divided into regimental districts for the assembly of men on indefinite leave. " The conditions requisite for the instruction of the entire force being fulfilled by sending entire classes beneath the colours ; the time during which they should remain there to acquire a solid instruction and good military habits must next be determined. " The Committee is of opinion that about three vears is requisite for this purpose, and that after that period the soldiers may pass to the war contingent. ^' Approved by Monseigneur the Dauphin, Marshal Mnrmont, Marshal Molitor, Lieut. -Generals Reille, Rogniat, Valee, Bordes- souUe, Ruty, Girardin, Bourmont,Loverdo, Pelleport, d'Ambruseac; the Intendants, Denniee, et Ragnault ; the Major-General Saint Alphonse."— F7'077i the archives of the War Office. In the North German Confederation, by the law of the 9th November, 1867, the length o!" service is three years in the ranks, four in the reserve, and five in the Landwehr. The Landstrum embraces all men from 17 to 42, who belong neither to the army nor navy. Three years appearing insufficient for the Cavalrv, special advantages are off'ered to retain under the colours as manv men as possible for another year. In the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the law of the 5th December, 1868, fixes the duration of service at three years in the ranks, seven in the reserve, and two in the Landwehr for men who join it after completing their period of service in the regular army and reserves, 12 years for those men who are incorporated directly into the Landwehr. If, then, we have accepted a service of five years for the law 46 \^liicli we propose, it is, we must acknowledge, with the view that the army may have always at its disposal four classes of trained men, as we shall shortly explain, and not with the idea that the men should remain with their corps for five years. It \\ill rest with the War Offi e to arrange, according to the arms of the service, the wants of the army, the instruction that has hcen acquired, and the financial resources, the incorporation and maintenance of tlie effective of each class and the sending of the men on furlough ; so as to keep for the special arms and for the cadres everything that is requisite that they should possess, to give a ]:)owerful or""anization to the army, and at the same time to instruct the greatest numher of young men. Lastly, gentlemen, in examining this important question, we have considered carefully the transition state in which every country that alters the law of recruiting and organization of its military forces must for some years be placed. Doubtless we have faith, as we have already said, in the principles which pervade our law ; we have faith in our country. It is aware of the enegy, the sacrifices, requisite to save it from decay. Its misfortunes have reanimated its patriotism. But this new education given to our young men, and which will prepare them so well we hope for all that the country expects, — this education begins tardily ; time is requisite for it to bear fruit ; time is requisite that the people should understand the interest they have in acquiring military knowledge before entering tiie army. Every day the minds of men will more and more get used to this idea; young men will jon the army more and more prepared beforehand, knowing much that it is requisite to teach them, and thus, being more quickly able to be of use, they will be able to return home more quickly, whilst they may be as useful to the army as if, like soldiers more dithcult to teacli, they had remained with the colours a longer time. But while these results are being awaited, it is requisite to give certain powers which will be used less each year, and thus to take account of an actual state of things, which in the future will have no existence, save to fix, as you will see, the number of instructed classes of which the regular army accorchng to our ideas should consist. But what progress soever our social customs mav make, from these various points of view, whatever may be the aptitude, the preparation of the young men at the moment they are enrolled, it is perfectly certain that they will not all remain under the colours for the same length of time. The special arms, for example, require longer service ; the necessities of the army itself produce too great differences between the various sicualions in which young men entering the army find themselves. Thus, gentlemen, on the one side it is impossible, without enfeebling, without disorganizing the army, to keep the young men of each class only two years with the colours. It is equally impossible to keep them longer without having too numerous an arm v. 47 On the other hand^ it is al)solutely requisite to keep in the army a certain number of men during a period sufficiently h)ng to have solid cadres, and to satisfy the requirements of the special arms. There is an equal necessity to instruct the largest possible numlier of young soldiers. Hence some meai s must be adopted to determine who wiil have to serve in the various conditions entailed by the force of these circumstances. The simplest method to adopt for this purpose is that which the people ah-eady know, that is to say,, the numeral order assigned to each by the ballot. This custom comes to us from a very early date, it being that used under the old monarchy for the enrolment of recruits in the provincial militia. It is that adopted after the law of the year VI had submitted to compulsory service all the young men of 20 to 25 years of age ; in place of enrolling, as had been proposed, the youngest men of each class, it was determined as more just to select them by lot. This is also the way the laws of recruiting of 1818 and 1832 have prescribed the composition of the contingents placed at the disposal of the Minister of V\'ar; complaints of its action have never been raised. Nevertheless, under the agency of these laws, the difference between the situations of men drawing different numbers has been far greater than that proposed by oui law, some having to serve seven years, others being freed from all military service. With the law now under discussion such inequalities cannot take place; all young men of each class form a portion of the regular army or its reserves for the same period. The only difference that can arise is from men being sent into the various arms of the service, and the necessity of their serving longer in certain regiments in order to satisfy the exigencies of good military organization. The Bill, therefore, proposes to do what is simplest, most just, and most conformable to our customs, by directing that the various destinations of the men be settled by lot, a method well understood by the people, and in accordance with their customs. But as other solutions of this difficult problem, have been proposed and discussed at great length by your Committee, it is requisite that they should be brought to your notice. Amongst others, two systems have been brought before the Committee which have been much discussed. Both concur with the Bill under discussion in requiring com- pulsory personal militarv service. Both admit that in tlie constitution of our army it is impossible, especially for the special services and the cadres, to require only two years' service with the colours. Both provide that all the men of each class, who are not unfit for military service, should form a portion of the regular army, and be placed at the disposal of the Minister for War, and should 48 all be enrolled on the registers of various corps, and whether or not with the colours should belong to the regular army during the same period. These are important points which it is requisite to give in detail, as upon them the Committee is unanimous. But after that a divergence of opinion begins. One of these systems does not deem it requisite that all the young men of a class should receive military instruction ; it is content with enrolling them in the various corps ; it seeks to incorporate only a certain number of men wlio should serve during the time fixed by the law, unless sent on furlough as now takes place with the actual law. Thus it is only the first portion of the class which really undergoes military service ; as for the other, doubtless, it is not freed entirely as by the law of 1832, neither is it sent into the National Guard Moble as the law of 1868 directs, but it remains at home, only each man is always at the disposal of the War Minister, either for reviews or drill, or for service in the auxiliary branches ; in short, if he is required for the army he may be sent either definitely or temporarily into the corps in which he is enrolled. The selection of the men forming the first portion of the class incorporated with the army is made by means of the numbers drawn in each parish, and according to a fixed proportion ; it is similarly by the order of tlie numbers that men are called, if the second portion of the class, is required. The Honourable General Ducrot, who has made this proposal, has conceived it in the following terms : — " Aii. 40. All the young men of the class called who are not " exempted on account of infirmitj'', or whose services are *•' not dispensed with in accordance with the provisions " of this law, who have not obtained overslaughs, or who " are not told oft' for the navy, form a portion of the " regular army, and are placed at the disposal of the War " Minister. '• They are all enrolled in various corps. " Art. 41. Each year the War Minister fixes the number of '• men to be incorporated with the army according to the " requirements of the service and the money allowed in ^' the estimates. " The selection is made by the numbers drawn in each " parish from the first portion of the parish recruiting " list, as determined by the above decision. " Art. 42. Young men not immediately incorporated are '' allowed to remain at home, but are always at the " disposal of the Minister of War, either for roll calls, " for assemblies and drill, or for being specially employed " in certain auxiliary branches of the srmy as doctors, " surgeons, veterinary surgeons, survej'orSj telegraphists, *' armourers, or mechanics of any kind. '•' All may be embodied temporainly or entirely into the 40 " corps to whicli they belong, every time the servic^ " requires them, but always in the order of tiie number " of each class." This system, the Honourable General who brought it forward, and whose opinion had great weight, informed the Committee was very similar to that in force in a neighbouring nation, who, from the impossibility that exists of compelling every man to pass three years with the colours, leaves at home the men who cannot be included in the contingent. They are called up the following or some ether year, but it does not the less follow that some receive no military education, except when called upon to fill the gaps or in case of war. This is, doubtless, true, but there is a fact that has not been given sufficient weight to : it is, that the nation to which he referred was composed of 18,000,000 in i860, and nevertheless called up 63,000 men who remained not less than three years with the colours. Consequently the number of men who received no military education must have been very slight, if we grant that the exemp- tion, dispensations and overslaughs are given in anything like the same proportion as with us. If, then, it is desired to establish conditions similar to those to which allusion has been made, it will be seen that the number of men actually incorporated must be greater.'^ But in order that this may be the case, the length of service must be much reduced, and that the proposal does not admit ; the number of men incorpo- rated each year with the army must be smaller the. longer the men are kept with the corps, and the result of such a system would be that hardly one-half of each class could be called under the colours. Doubtless, thanks to volunteers for one year, which form a portion of all systems, a greater number of young men than what we have pointed out would receive military instruction. Doubtless, also, by clearing the ranks by furloughs and sending the entire class home on the completion of the fourth year, it would be possible to incorporate greater numbers. But the other portion, still very numerous, would remain uninstructed, for, according to the Honourable General, it is only at the moment when these men are called on that they would be drilled or put in a situation to render service to the State. Your Committee, gentlemen, whilst acknowledging that the system under discussion is preferable to that existing at present, since it proposes that all the young men of the class should be at the disposal of the Minister for War and should be enrolled in various corps, is yet unable to accept it. In our country, which has not yet formed the habits which spring from the application of the principle of universal service, it * If with a population of 18 million -i, cacli year there are 63,000 young men to be incorporated and eduimted iinder the cokiirs, with a population of 36 niiilious the number shoiUd be 126,000. £ 50 is to be feared that owing to the power of leaving a portion of the class at liome, without any military instruction, it is to be feared that the errors of the past would soon again spring up From a natural feeling, perhaps from strong convictions, the commandants of corps and the military administration would seek to keep men as long as possible with the colours, and the number of men incorporated in place of increasing, and length of service in place of decreasing, as the military spirit and instruction of the country increases would, in all probability, remain stationary. The second portion of the class would by degrees escape all obligations, aud its situation would be so different from that of the first portion; that it would become disgusting to the people, who as a consequence would demand substitution. Lastly, when in the hour of danger it became requisite to call on this second portion of the class it would be by no means prepared. It would be only what the National Guard Mobile was in accordance with the laws of 1868. It was neither equipped nor instructed ; it possessed nothing; much time elapsed before it could be utilized, meantime the country suffered fearfully. This would be exactly what the second portion of the con- tingent would be if untrained. Your Committee ask, the whole idea of the law is that all young men fit for military service should be clothed, armed and taught. All will pass a time in the ranks, longer or shorter, on account of the requirements of the army; but, first, all will come there to obtain military instruction, in order that in the future they may all also seek and find the means ready prepared to make them useful. The second proposal has been made by the Generals Chanzy, Chareton, Loysel, Des Pallieres and Billot; in one sense it differs less from what we ask you to adopt. According to this proposal young men who wish to serve in the special services, and who prove that they are suitable for them, are to be admitted at once when the lots are drawn ; it is only if un insufficient number volunteer for these services that young men of the class are to be detailed according to their fitness and in order of number. By this proposal the entire class must pass through the ranks; it is acknowledged, precisely as in the Bill, that a portion only can serve for one year, but in place of selecting this port'on before the class enters the army it is detailed at the termination of a year's service. Then the men sent home are taken exclusively from amongst those who can read and write, and are the best educated ; these men being selected by lot. So far as allowing the young men to select the arms of the service they prefer to join there can be no difficulty about that, it is what is usually done. It appears but natural that when the lists are revised, and the various aptitudes are known, that the young men should do this. Wc have mserted a special article (Article 29) for this purpose. 51 But we aclinnwledge we feel some hesitation to insert in the law an article which, in case a sufiicient number of voung men did not volunteer for the special arms, would detail them for that pur- pose by the numbers they have drawn and their special aptitude, for the following reason. When the question of recruiting is dealt with, it is desirable that everything should be clear and precise, that both privileges and duties should be clearly defined, so that no disputes can possibly arise on the application of this rule. See when it is requisite to pronounce on the causes of exemp- tion, that is to say, to make that on which the fate of men depends clear ; see how our laws surround the councils of revision with precautions which is necessary, in order that all requisite checks may exist. It has been understood that in these matters the people have so great an interest, that this tribunal, which is the soie judge, should be composed of the representatives of the people. But this tribunal has only one duty to perform, once it gives its decision it does not again interfere, and the young men declared fit for military service are put at once at the disposal of the mili- tary authorities. Then it must be the latter authoritv that classes them according to their fitness lor service, and which alone has the power of determining this. Now, if according to the law it is just that this classification should follow the ballot numbers, nothing can be more natural, and we repeat this is what is, or ought to be done at the present moment, and it is quite right that a ministerial order should point this out as the proper course to follow when it is prac- ticable. But to add an article to the law, making this which is only a matter of favour a matter of right, would cause, we think, more trouble than convenience, therefore we have not added it. As for the proposal to send home young men after one year's service, and to select them exclusively amongst those whose mili- tary instruction shall be most advanced, and who shall be selected by lot, doubtless there is something very attractive in this pro- posal at first sight. In short, it appears a stimulus to good conduct, to constant efforts, to acquire as rapidly as possible the instruction deemed sufficient, and from this point of view good results might be expected from it. But when we examine it closer, gentlemen, one is struck by the fact that the emulation so produced has but one object, yiz., to get out of the army as quickly as possible. Now, this bemg the prize offered, the man will gradually come to regard it, and not promotion, as the object of all his exertions. Promotion is at present his chief object, he then would dread it, because more would undoubtedly be asked from him if promoted, and thus this system, even in the instruction of young recruits, would not have the happy results hoped for. It would, we believe, be the same in other respects. At present the young man who, before the revision, draws a E 2 lot. knows, once lie lias got a number, wh.etlier he makes a portion of the conlingeiit or not; he also knows to what conditions he is submitted, and his family understands his situation. Doubtless, under the new lavr, the obligations of the youug man will be more extensive; he will remain at the disposal of the armv during the whole time fixed, and he ought, in every case, to spend with the colours a time, long or short, as may be determined on; but from tlic moment he is enrolled, until he quits his house, his position is unchanged, his individual interest, that is to say, the interest of the entire population, necessitate this. It is equally requisite for the interest of the army. It is requisite that when the young soldiers join, the com- manding officer should know how long they will form a portion of the corps he commands. On the other hand, if the officers see every year tlie best drilled and most efficient men leave the service, if they only keep the worst men, will they not find their task disagreeable, will they not feel that esprit clc corps, that regimental pride, that all wish to preserve, and which is in fact a portion of their own honour, will not they feel this diminished .'' Lastly, will not a selection amongst all men having one year of service, between those whose instruction appears to be the most forward, and who must draw lots in order to be sent home, and those who are not so selected, will not this selection produce discontent perhaps not uttered, but at least feelings that will sour many minds, and which will be most prejudicial to discipline. We have serious misgivings on this subject. Thus, how favourable soever the majority of your Committee is to all that could inspire earnest emuJation in the army, to all that could excite the man, whatever might be his grade, to develope and improve his instruction, it could not adopt the proposal we are discussing. The Committee desire to express its respect for the ideas that have dictated this proposal ; it sought to adopt it, but after careful examination its application appeared to produce difficulties of more than one kind, which it was not advisable to encounter. For the solution of this problem, the Bill we ask you to adopt, provides, as you have already seen, — That all the young men of tlie class called on, and acknow- ledged as fit for the service, shall form a portion of the regular army, and shall be placed at the disposal of the Minister of War ; That all are to be enrolled in the various corps in the army, and sent either to the said corps, battalions or schools of instruction ; Lastly, that each year the Minister for War fixes the number of young soldiers who must reniain more than one year under the colours, and that the selection of these men will be made in the proportion fixed, according to the numbers they have drawn, on the recruiting lists of their parishes. We beheve it absolutely requisite, that for the destination of these men the military authorities should know beforehand what it 53 has to depend on. As for young men who are detailed to pass only one year in the army, they will be well aware that if their instruction is not sufficient during the year, they may be com- pelled to remain a longer time with their corps. Similarly, if after six months they have shown themselves well taught and fit for duty, they may be sent on furlough; there is therefore jin incentive to exertion for those who now serve only a year, but who can nevertheless, if they feel it their vocation, aspire to all grades. You see, gentlemen, by what considerations vre have been guided in fixing — 1st. Five years as the period during which all healthy French- men belong to the regular army, whether under the colours or not. 2nd. In requiring that all the young men of each class should be enrolled in the various corps, and be bound to serve under conditions which doubtless vary- according to the exigencies of the army and its constitution. ord. Lastly, to fix by lot, when the men are enrolled, the various destinations they should according to their aptitude receive. These resolutions, we must not conceal from you, have not all o1)tained the assent of the Government. Thus the Minister of War has told us that he agrees with us o far as — 1st. The principle of universal service. 2nd. The institution of volunteers for a year. 3rd. The length of time during which all Frenchmen, declared fit for service, ought to make a part of the regular army. 4th. Lastly, upon the drawing of lots and the enrolment of all young men of each class in the various corps, but he cannot admit that all these young men should be incorporated and pass all under the colours according to the destination to be given them. He thinks it is not requisite to incorporate more than the number of young soldiers required for the different arms of the service, and that they should continue to serve only as long as they are required. And that these young men should be taken by the numbers they have drawn, the others be sent home, but should remain at the disposal of the Minister for War, to be called either to flil vacancies in the corps in which they are enrolled, or in mass if circumstances require it. As for their military instruction, the Minister thinks that it is possible, by arrangements to be made hereafter, to give such an instruction. The Minister also wished that the duration of the re-engage- ment should be fixed at two years as a minimum, and four years as •a rir xin-ium ; he thinks that within these limits re-engagements 54 will offer none of the inconveniences pointed out, and will offer men such inducements as may lead tliem to exert themselves. As you will doubtless remark, the great point of divergence between the Government and the Committee is that poition of the Bill which directs that all the young men of each class shall be subjected to such a bona fide instruction as shall enable them to come already taught and prepared when they are called out. The reasons for this rule you know ; we have pointed them out in the first portion of this report. We have still further developed them when analysing the system proposed by the Honourable General Ducrot. They rest besides on ideas which have reference not alone to the interest of the army, and they have such force in our eyes, that, despite the observations of the War Minister and the great regret we experience at not being able to coincide with him, we feel compelled to abide by our proposal. Let us now see what force the new law will place at the disposal of the country. Five classes, each composed of 150,000 men, equals 750,000. But losses by death, discharges, &c., must take place each year, and it is admitted in all the calculations upon recruiting that these may be assumed at 4 per cent, for the first, 3 per cent, for the second, and 2 per cent, for the remaining years. Thus after live years the force will not be 750,000 but 704,720. Four reserve classes of the regular army will furnish after the same deduction, 510,380. This will give a total of 1.215,000; this added to the perma- nent portion of the army ; or that not recruited by enrolment, and which numbers 120,000 men, will give for the regular army as fellows: — Regular Army. Portion not recruited by enrolment . . . . 120,000 Five classes, deductions being made for deaths, &c. 704,720 Total 824,720 Add reserve, four classes, deductions being made for deaths, &c. 500,380 Grand total 1,325,100 But of the five classes enrolled for the regular army, the last, or youngest, class is not yet trained, and if because it is enrolled it figures on the muster rolls as effective, it is only after a certain lapse of time that it can be considered as possessing any real military value. If, then, it is desirable to get rid of shams, it is necessary to calculate tlie force which the country can make use of in the day of danger, without trusting to this class, for in our opinion it is only the four trained classes of the regular army, united to the per- manent portion not recruited by enrolment, which forms the army ready to enter into hne of battle. Tliis is why, while we allow that except for the formation of cadres and special arms, it is not requisite that the men sliould in ordinary circumstances be more than three or four years with the colours, we have nevertheless asked tliat five years may be fixed as the period during which each cla ^s should belong to the regular army. We ha\e been desirous that the army should ahvavs have four trained classes, and that the young men before they enter the reserve, where the duties are different, should serve this period of five years. Thus, Gentlemen, for the regular army : — 1st. The permanent portion . . . . 120,000 2nd. Four trained classes . . . . . . 554,720 Total 674,720 The reserve of the regular army .. .. 510,380 Grand Total 1,185,100 This will be the force disposable, while the youngest class receives the requisite training. It must be added that a certain number of young men de- termined by special conditions, are only summoned in case of M'ar. Also that a certain number of young men are classed as being only fitted for duty in the auxiliary branches of the arm}^ and these a careful administration will draw on, for such services, leaving the men fit to carrj'' arms in the ranks. Behind these, 1,185,100 men, there is the territorial army, composed of men from 29 to 34 years of age, and organized entirely on a different footing, so that entire freedom may be given to the regular army and its reserve. Doubtless these figui*es appear to you very high in comparison with those existing formerh", but we must not confine ourselves to a consideration of these facts by themselves. A law on the recruiting of the army, a law constituting the military forces of a nation, must be looked at as regards the forces of other nations. It should place the country on the same footing as other nations; the sacrifices called for may be heavv and grinding, but they are the price we must pay for the independence of the country. Gentlemen, if you look across our frontier you will see the great ti'ansformations that the military institutions of the great States have undergone during the last few years ; you will see what forces they can mobilize ; and we think that, with the army we propose, you will acknowledge that France will be by no means in a state inferior to what she was. 56 RUSSIAN ARMY. Russia has, by a ukase dated 4th-16th Novemberj 1870> introduced a new principle into her military institutions, and seeks to alter them; it is not, therefore, very easy to give an exact account of the results of the system she has adopted. Her ohject is to borrow from local and reserve troops, hitherto intended for service in the interior of the country, and the instruc- tion of recruits, a sufficient number of cadres to form the reserve of infantry and foot artillery. The young men of each contingent selected by lot for incor- poration serve from 21 to 36 years, namely, seven years under the colours, and eight years in the reserve. Lastly? with regard to the entire male population capable of bearing arms, and estimated at four millions, it is thought that Russia can put a force of two million of men on foot, several years, however, appear requisite to attain this result, but, meantime, the actual constitution of the Russian army is as follows : — 1st troops (active or mobile). 2nd troops (local or reserve). These are again divided into regulars and irregulars (Cossacks). The active or mobile troops include the guard and the army of the line ; they are intended to take the field at once, and are provided with a material and equipment requisite for this purpose. These troops have no fixed garrison, and may be concentrated anywhere in the Empire, as the government may direct. The local troops are, in peace time, in permanent garrisons ; they are intended to furnish the garrisons of fortresses. They include 80 hattalions of reserve infantry, who are chiefly intended for instructing recruits ; squadrons and batteries exist for the same purpose. The irregular troops consist chiefly of cavalry, and a certain number of horse batteries, which are devoted to active or local duties, according to circumstances. The active army is composed as follows : — Active Aeitt — War FcoTi^a. Iiifaiifrj/. Officer-. :\Ien. 188 Eegiments of Infantry, at 3.397 pci- regiment 30 Battalions of Rifles, 394 per battalion 11,288 780 621,318 27,360 15,068 651,708 Total lufantiy 666 776 57 C'acah'i 56 Cavahy Eegimeuts — 938 men, G33 horses ^Q Cavalry Regiments of the Don Total Cavalry. . OffK-crs un.l Men. 52,518 Gl,451 113,98:; Horses. 35,418 60,709 96,157 A.-tiUcrtj. Men. Guns. 47 Brigades of Foot Artillery, 4 battalions, 8 guns eac-:: 18 Brigades of Horse Artillerv, ditto 14 Brigades of Horse Ai-tillery (Cossacks), ditto 50,055 6,066 3,831 1.504 144 112 Total Ai-tiUery 69,952 1,760 l£nci!neers. of Officers. :.rcn. 11 Battalions of Engineers, 6 Domi-Batlalious Pontomiiers . . . . . . . . . . } 374 15,215 Total Engineers 15,619 Pares, Artillery, Engineers, Telegraphs, &c. Ambulances Men. 23,070 44070 Grand Total of Troops in F/mt Line. Men Horses Guns 923,419. 96,157 1.968 Si-> <_e Giiis. 209 These troops liave. since 1S66, been several times assembled in various camps. AUSTRIAN ARMY. The law of the 5th November, 1 868, which has proclaimed universal compulsory service in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, h.as fixed the duration of service — 58 At 3 years in the regular army ; 7 years in the reserve ; 2 vears in the Landwehr, for men who enter it after fulfilling their time in the army and reserve; 12 years in the landwehr for men who enter it directly. The men named for the reserve substitutes may, until the age of 30, be placed in the ranks. The war strength of the permanent army has been fixed at 800,000 men for ten years, not including the frontier trooj^s, who amount to 45,135. In case of war the landwehr may be used to aid the regular army; it is composed of 170 battalions and 67 squadrons, forming an effective of 192,674 men. So that, leaving out the reserve substitutes kept to fill up any vacancies in the active army, and disregarding the landsturm, the total force that Austro-Hungary can moblise is— ' Men. Army 800,000 Frontier troops . . . . . . 45,135 Landwehr 192,671 Total 1,037,706 The countries representing the Reichsrath furnish — For the army 470,368 For the landwehr 101,929 Hungary furnishes — For the army . . .... 329,632 For the landwehr . . . . . . 90,742 GERMAN ARMY. AVhen the military law receives its fall development in the countries annexed to the North German Confederation and in South Germany, the army of the German Empire will include 18 corps and a half, composed each of 41,000 men on the active or mobile list, and 40 to 43,000 depot or garrison troops,, or a total of 1,517jOOO men. These 18 corps already exist. ITALIAN ARMY. When the new military law comes completely into operation, which it will do in 1874-75, the total force of Italy will be 750,000 men. First line . . . . . . . , 350,000 Provincial iiiiliiia . . . . . . 200,000 Substitute tioops in military districts 200,000 Total 750,000 59 Lastlv, if you will take into account the deduction which must always be made from the army, and which cannot be avoided, yon will arrive at the number of what are termed the normal non- combatants. Tiiat is to say, the category of military men who do not figure on the field of battle amounts to 90,000 men; then you must add the army of occupation in Algiers, about 40,000 men (66,000 have been asked for 1872). Lastly, actual deductions from tlie numl^er under arms, which are about 36,000 men, or a total of 166,000 men, who appear on the estimates, but who cannot be counted, amongst the troops disposable for defence. These men are — aucl mcu in cliavge of Kemouiit "1 1st. — XOKMAL NOX-COMBATAXT?. 1. Staff of Fortresses .. .. 2. Departmental Police . . 3. Fusiliers and Pioneers of discipline companies 4. Cavalry School 5. Riding School men 6. Veterinary Surgeon Establishments .. .. .. .. 7. Artillery Workmen . . . . . . . . , . 8. Workmen of Train of Equi2:>ages ■9. Chaplains, Surgeons, Apothecaries, Army and Garrison Chaplains, Interpreters, Officers of Administration, of Inteudance, Clothing, Camp Equipment, Harness, sub- sistence, and Hospitals, and Military Prisons 10. Military Workmen, Clerks, Butchers, and Bakers, , 11. Hospital Corps 12. Supernumeraries, such as Armovtrers, Boot Makers Saddlers, Smiths, &c. 13. Effectives absolutely requisite in time of war (old sol- diers) for training recruits. . Total ■■} 020 19,403 739 163 200 4,104 2,116 544- 3,135 G.124 7,527 15,762 30,044 90,480 2nd. — Mex not atailabl-e foe Home Defence, Army of Occupation in Algiers , . . . . . . . 40,000 3rd. — Men to be actf^vxiy deducted as a Peejiane-st Loss feom THE Eanks. 1. Sick 2. Men on leave . . 3. On Command, in Workshops, Recrviiting Est ablishmeuts,&c. 4. Under Punishment . . 5. Men intended for Baggage Gruard, Muleteers, &c. . . 16,617 8,000 3,555 5,775 2,000 Grand Total 166,427 Under the proposed law the actual number of normal non- combatants may be reduced by using the men classed as fit for duty with the auxiliary services. We recall these facts, gentlemen, in order that truth may come clearly to light and nothing be kept in the dark. France should know what slie rests on when the number of men borne on the estimates is calculated, and what, without any deception, is at her disposal. 60 But, gentlemen, it is requisite that we should tell you not only the number of men that the application of our law will put at the disposal of the country, we have also to point out the amount of instruction and military education that these men will acquire, in order that you may estimate what will be the value of the perma- nent organized force that it will offer. That, it must be remembered, is the first portion of the problem. Thus, although we are only discussing the law of recruiting, and your Committee proposes hereafter to deal with the organization of the army and the constitution of its cadres, yet we would not completely fulfil our task if we did not show you that while the entire class will be passed through the ranks it is possible, while keeping the effective strength within reasonable limits, to have, on the one hand, a sufficient number of men trained completely as soldiers, and, on the other, to give a certain amount of military instruction to those who, remaining a shorter time in the army, may be sent on furlough, and yet held at the disjoosal of the military authorities. Various arrangements may be made for this purpose, for it is possii)le, having incorporated a sufficient number of young soldiers, to send a large or smaller nuinber on furlough, when they shall have 1;een trained for the various arms of tlic service, according to the wants of the army, and by this means to alter the number of men kept with the colours. This was what was done by the law of 1832, by which the first portion of the contingent only was incor- porated; when it was considered requisite to instruct a larger number of young soldiers, it was customary to limit the service to four years.-i- But whatever system he adopted, it is evident that the first thing to be done is to determine the effeclive strength that the country wishes to preserve under the colours, since that of course must be the basis of all calculations. To be able to place before you the results of the project which we submit, and to make you understand in some measure its mechanism, m'C must then fix this amount. This we ol^tain from the proposals made to the Assembly by tlie Government which in our opinion fixes the numbers at a figure far from too large, deductions being made as already referred to. 404,000 men, including the gendarmerie, have been asked by tlie Government for the year 1872. Taking this number, then, as a point of departure for the expla- nation we propose to give as to the composition of the regular army, such as will on one of many hypotheses result from the action of our law, we will assume that each year 15,000 "volunteers for a year,^' clothed, equipped, and kept at their own cost, will come forward ; * " When," said Marshal Niel, '• we tliink of war, it is requisite to instruct a larger number of soldiers. What have we done ? we have limited the service to four years, and we have embodied the men of the young reserve ahat is to say, the second portion of the contingent,) in the army, so that there is not in the army any man who is not completely instructed." Gl tMs number will dovibtlcss not appear too great, when you re- member that the substitution and exonerations have been every year 23;,000 on a contingent of 100,000, and in 1859, upon a contingent of 140,000 men, the figure rose to 42,000. Doubtless the diplomas and examinations required will not allow all the young men, who, under existing regulations, seek sub- stitutes, to be admitted as volunteers for a year ; this, we need not say, is what we wish ; but allowing for the progress of instruction which the excitement to industry the new law will dovdjtless produce, we think the number of 15,000 on a total of 150,000 is not too large to assume, as the numl^er who are likely to fulfil the conditions required by this kind of engagement. Lastly, remember that the permanent portion of the army includes now 120,000 men ; and let us see what, under these con- ditions, will result from the possible combinations of our law, and what results it w'ill give. With 150,000 young men enrolled, of whom 15,000 will be volunteers for one vear, the number to be borne on the estimate will be 135,000 men." If out of these 135,000 yourg soldiers the Minister for War determines on keeping 75,000 on an average four years with the colours, there remains 60,000 who need give only one year to their instruction. We arrive thus at the total number of the army without counting the volunteers for one year, or the men on fur- lough. 1st year 135,000 2nd ., 72,000* 3rd „ 69,840* 4th „ 68,440' 345,280 Add permanent portion . . . . 120,000 Total . , . . 465,280 men Such will be the portion paid for by the State; all being eflfective and without any deductions except those foreseen, which is not likely. If we add to this number 15,000 volunteers of a year, that is ta say, young men capable of acquiring a sufficient military instruction, we arrive at a total of 480,000 men. In addition to which the men sent away at the end of the fourth year, forming still a portion of the regular army, amount to 67-080, that is to say, a real total of 547,000 men, 465,000 only being paid for by the estimates. But this is not all. The regular army still has other volunteers for a year, viz., those who have completed the year for which they have engaged. * That is, 75,000 men, deducting 4, 3, and 2 per cent, per year. G2 It has, in addition, the men who after one year of service are placed at tlie disposal of the regular army, and at the orders of the Minister for War. The volunteers for one year, deducting the 15,000 already included, number 57,190, and are young men well in- structed, who have at least warrants as non-commissioned officers. The men at the disposal of the regular army number 220.000, so that the total number becomes 824,000 men. However, to understand clearly the number that may 1)e put in line by this organisation, we must, as already pointed out, deduct from these 824,000 men, the youngest class, or 150,000 men. The active army will therefore consist of — The permanent portion which does not recruit by enrolment, and composing the cadres 120,000 Soldiers of 2, 3, 4, and 5 j-ears' service . . 277>COO Men at the disposal of the War Minister, who have served one year . . . . 220 000 Volunteers for a year >. .. ., 57,000 Total .. .. 674,000 So far as the reserve of the army is concerned, it offers condi- tions still more favourable, for out of 510,000 men 255,000 will have served five years with the colours, 202,000 will have served one year and 53,000 will be volunteers for a year. Thus, to repel iiivasion, France, without counting the territorial army, will dispose, as we have already said, of 653,000 men trained to the profession of arms, 110,000 having, as volunteers for one year, obtained M^arrants as nun-conmiissioned officers, and 422,000 possessing an instruction sufficient to bring to the army when incorporated the elements of a real force.* * Table sliowiug the Effective of tlie Army in tlie foregoing liypotb ;sis : — Volunteers for a Year. At the disi>osal of the ILilitary Authorities. General Total. 'Permanent portion 120,000 1st year 135,0i:0 Vlndycar 72,000 Kegular ^ 3rcl year 6^,000 Army. 4tli year 68,0i;0 15,000 14,700 14,410 14,130 13,Su0 57,000 55,430 54,310 53,230 1 l 824.720 4C5,280 Voth year on furlougli 67,080 _, Toral 532,360 72,090 220,270 / 1st year 63.740 "'''^■'<' i 3rd year ' ... 63,1 1,4th year 61,8b0 13,570 13,300 13.030 12,770 52,170 51,170 50,110 49.110 i 510,380 Total 2,o5 U'O 52,670 202,520 1,:J35,100 Deduct the last class enrolled as nut Icing taught 1.50,000 Remain i, 185,000 63 We do not conceal from ourselves that amongst the volunteers for a year, a certain number of young men are intended for civil careers, neither do we conceal the fact that tlie deductions which we have foreseen may be exceeded, that a portion of the army must be employed in instructing the last class enrolled, although it may be possible to reduce this number. But this must occur with every system. But as a set off, there are many young men whose services have been dispensed with, or have been classed for the auxiUary services, and in case of invasion, we repeat, these men would be found very valuable. But, gentlemen, the combination which we lay before you in order that you may see the working of the law is by no means the most favourable for its execution. As we have not taken into account that by sending men on leave a much larger number of young men may be prepared. We have not taken into account *' overslaughs," or sending men back in anticipation, or in short all that must be allowed to give elasticity to a law of recruiting, and modify the number of men with the colours ; these things will pro- duce a considerable effect. If you refer to a discussion that took place in 1869, when an examination was made to determine what would be the result of the legislation actually in force on the service of men with their corps, you will observe that it was acknowledged and declared that this period would be much shorter than tliat fixed by the law.* If this idea of three years' actual service with the colours be applied, and a deduction be made for the last class enrolled, at the end of five years' service in the army and four in the reserve, the state of affairs would be as follows : — In the Regular Army. 100,000 men having 2 years' service. 288,160 ., having .S years' service. 120,000 „ permanent portion of the army. 508,160 In the Reserve. 358,050 men who have served 3 years with the colours. 866,210 Add at the disposal of the Military Authorities — * In 1869, when the law on the contingent was under discussion, a note was sen to the Committee hy Marshil Kiel to tlie following etfec;:— The service counts doubtless from the 1st July, but the contingent is not called until after the 1st October, when the harvest is collected ; in adJiiion to which the men are generally sent home before the expirition of the prescribed time. And when it is added that those who serve with zeal and are not bad shots havoleive of from 6 to 7 months before their periorl of service cxpir.?, it must be acknowledged that a gooJ soldier need be absent from his family in time of peace for a period of barely three years. • G4 57,090 Volunteers fur a year having a Vkarra;;t as non- commissioned officers 109,470 who have passed one year in the army. In Reserve. 52,670 Volunteers for a year. 99,G60 men who have served for one year. 318,890 1,185,110 Grand Total. It is evident that the number of men who receive a complete military education, may perhaps be higher than we have shown, and consequently the number of men who receive only one year's instruction may be much diminished. If, in the application of the new law for the length of service with the effective strength of corps, the data given in 1869 be admitted, the number of men entirely trained to the profession of arms will be much increased both for the regular army and its reserve, which the law deems will bring into the ranks a very powerful contingent. These, however, are arrangements of detail, which it is the pro- vince of the Government to make; they doubtless will each year become more simple, according as the military education of the country extends, and the standard of education generally is raised. Full latitude must be given to the Government in these parti- culars.* So far as the special arms are concerned, it is sufficient to see the proportion in which the decision of the effective strength of the ai'my is made, to be convinced that with all possible combinations their recruitment will always be completely assured; doubtless the proportions l)etween the various arms will be modified, but what- ever it may be there will be no difficulty in adjusting matters. f * AVe are well aware of the ir.et that the incorporation of a greater number of men will increase the cost of the first outfit and kit. This, for a foot soldier, cost.4 51. lis. 8(7. ; if, then, in place of incorporating 90,000 men j'ou incorporate 135,000, an excess of 251,250^ is caused. But on the other hand, on account of their incor- poration not taking- place so soon as provided for, which is always the case, and also by sending well taught men away before the expiration of the year, this expense may be more than covered. f By the estimate of 1872 the following is the strength of the various Corps : — Number of men in excess of the strength of Corps . . 7,000 Infantry 298,200 Cavalry .. 60,000 Artillery 45,000 Engineers 9,000 Military Train 8,000 Troops of the Administration . . . . . . . . 8,000 Total Departmental Gendarmerie. . Eepublican Guard of Paris . . Total 435,200 23,000 6,166 464,366 G5 The presence of all tlie healthy young men of each class coming either into corps to remain there the time required by the wants of the various arms of the service, or in battalions or schools of in- struction to acquire a certain amount of military knowledge, and form habits of discipline will make the army a great school where each will learn the duties of a soldier before exercising the rio-hts of a citizen. Lastly, thanks to the classification, according to profession and aptitude of all the young men forming a portion of the army, or its reserve, it will be a vast cadre, in which, when requisite, all men placed according to their capacity, may render great service to the State. From the point of view of the constitution itself of the armv, the project that we submit to you offers to the country guarantees as important and greater than those that flow from existing legislation. But you should know that we have been governed by other considerations than those connected with the army. We think a military law is a social institution from which may flow important reforms in our customs, in our habits, and in our legislation. Thus, gentlemen, the return to the principle of universal com- pulsory military service, the return we advisedly say for this prin- ciple was what SO years ago we possessed, other nations borrowed it when we abandoned it ; to return to the principle of compulsory service, to mix up in the army all ranks of society, will raise at once not only the military character, but also, what is more im- portant, the character of the citizen. It will give our army all the elements of a powerful organi- sation, with solidly formed cadres ; it will cause a large number of young men, who have received a suflScient military instruction to enter the ranks, and when they are required will have ready a reserve already instructed. It Mill ofTer to all those intended for a civil career, or who have furnished the proofs of havino- acquired military instruction by useful labour, the means of pursu- ing important studies without liberating them from their debt to the country. These are the results which we hope the law we submit to you will produce. The idea which has continually directed us, you are aware, is the state of the country. Doubtless, when you look at the map of Europe; when you think of the dangers to which we are exposed, we must, notwithstandino- our misfortunes, strive to prevent the disturbance of a certain equi- librium too much to our detriment; this we must seek by the con- stitution of our military force, and strive to put the country in a state to resist invasion. It will not be free otherwise ; to attain this object what we have suggested appears sufficient. Gentlemen, in any case there is no other means to resist the evil which threatens us, the breaking up of the elements which compose our society. F 66 There is no other means to animate every heart with patriotism to inspire ideas of disciphne and feelings of devotion in every mind ; lastly, to tighten the bonds which unite all the children of this France, now so cruelly tried. BILL ON THE RECRUITING OF THE ARMY. Chapter I. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS. yis projwsed by the Committee. Alterations made by the Assembly. Chapter I. General Arrangements. Article 1. Every Frencluran owes personal military service to his country. Article 2. In the French Army there is neither bounty in money nor any payment for engagement. Article 3. All Frenchmen not declared unfit for all military service, may be called on from 20 to 40 years of age, to form a portion of the regular army or its reserves, as laid down by thi? law. Article 4. Substitution is suppressed. Dis- pensations from service as laid down in the law do not give a complete 1 iberation. Article 5. Men with the colours are not allowed to vote. Article 6. All bodies of men organinized and under arms are x;nder military law, form a portion of the army, and report either to the Minister of War or to the Minister of Marine. 67 As proposed hj the Committee. Alterations made by the Assembly. Article 7. No one is admitted into the French Army wlio is not a Frenchman. The following are excluded from military ser^dce, and have no I'ight to serve in the army. 1. Those who have been con- demned to corporal or degrading punishment. 2. Those who have been con- demned to two years' imprison- ment, and have in addition been placed by the court under the surveillance of the chief police, and interdicted in whole or in part from the exercise of civil municipal or family rights. Chapter II. Enrolments. First Section. Enumeration and Drawing Lot?. Article 8. Every year a table showing the number of young men having com- pleted 20 years of age during the preceding year, and domiciled in the canton will be drawn up by the Maires : — 1. Upon the declarations that the young men, their parents, or guardians, are bound to make. 2. Upon the registers of the civil departments of the State, and other documents and informa- tion. These tables will show in a column of remai'ks the profession of each young man whose name appears thereon. These tables are published and placarded in each township according to the forms prescribed in Articles 63 and 64 of the Civil Code. The last publication must be not later than the 1 5th January. A public notice on the same form indicates the place and day where the aforesaid table will be examined. F .v; 68 As proposed hy the Coimnittee. Alterations mach hy the Assemhly. and by means of the ballot a number will be assigned to each young man whose name is therein entered. Article 9, Individuals born in France whoso Individuals horn in France whose ] mrcnt3 arc forcigncra and who arc parents are foreigners, arid thosehorn admitted to the benefit of Article 9 abroad, or of foreigners naturalized of the Civil Code, will in the cantona m France, and those icho may not where they arc donaioilcd draw lota le of age ichen their pareiits are a I Ihc ballot next following the dc- naturalized, will draw lots at the elaration they have in accordance lallot fulloioing the declaration made with the aforcgaid article made. hy them in accordance ivith Article 9 Indi\dduals declared Erenchmen qf the Civil Code, and Article 2 of in virtue of the 1st Ai-ticle of the ike law of the 1th February, 1851. law of the 7th February 1851, will similarly draw lots in the canton where they are domiciled, at the ballot following their coming of age, if meantime they have not under the law just quoted claimed their rights as foreigners. Both are only subject to the obli- gations of military service of the class to which from their age they belong. Article 10. The following are held to be legally domiciled in the canton : — 1. Young men although emanci- pated, employed, or living else- where, expatriated, absent, or in a state of imprisonment, if their father, mother, or guardian, has their domicile in one of the townships of the canton, or if their father expatriated had his domicile in one of the said townships. 2. Young men married, whose father, or failing the father, whose mother is domiciled in the canton, unless they show that their true domicile is in some other canton. 3. Young men married and domi-, ciled in the canton even if their father and mother are not domi- ciled there. 4. Young men born and living in the canton, who have neither father, mother, nor guardian. 69 As proposed ly the Committee. Alterations much hy the Assemhhj. 5. All young men living in the canton not included in the above classes, and who give no proof that they are inscribed in another canton. Article 11. The following are considered as being of the proper age, by public consent : all young men who cannot and do not produce before the ballot an extract from the registers of the Civil State, proving them to be of a different age, or who failing the registers cannot, or have not proved their ages in accordance with Article 46 of the Civil Code. Article 12. If in the tables T c'It j-^1 . L-i ^-.i* t-? T r» l-t y-v i-vr< Q ft rJ XXlO — y" OXiIlcf" ~ I Hdl nil tXlUl i^iJvl brT t hemselves te- thc Ministry in a ny of the worships paid by the — State. ^J^n d e r the con - dition — th€tt - they aro — bo und t o p e rform their militar y vice, if the y— eease - t hese profeooion a and have not e nt e red holy — ofdera — of- been- c on s ecrated before they arc 26 y ear s of ago. Alterations made by the Assembly. The pupils of the Ecole Poly tech- nique and the Ecole Forestiere are considered as serving under the colours tchile at those schools. The laiv on Army Organization referred to in Article 45 of the Lata will determine hoiv the young men ivho j}ass out of these schools and do not enter the A) my or JSavy, shall be employed, tch ether in " ivaiting," or in the Reserve, or in the Territorial Army, or in the Auxiliary Services. The pupils at both these schools who do not pass tlie fined examination, shall follow the lot of the class they by age belong to, the time spent at these schools being deducted from, the total service required by Article 36 0/ this Law. Article 20. M e mb e r s of the public in s truction a n d th e ■ y ouitg ni c u — who. without 74 As proposed by the Committee. ]) eloDgiQ g ^k>- 4 li e religiou s as soci ar tioas- mentiouod in para g raph 4 of the— j^reoeding articlo, - com e und e r the oaso s-f)¥< March, 1850, or by - tJ i e A rti c le 18 of tb€J[iaw-of^t ^ o IQth March, 1867, ment to d e vot e t he m s elve s for 10 i st i'uction ar c hound to n ass -y^ar-inr- milita r y s c hoo l s el e ct e d b y~t st#r- for "War, lie4-0. Alteratiims made by the Assembly, Conditional Dispensations from Military Service are granted to — 1. Members of the Public Educa- tional Establishments, jxijiils of the Higher Normal School of Paris who have engaged to devote themselves to education for 10 years, and who have been accepted by the Pector of the Academy before the ballot, and who fulfil the engagement. 2. Professors in the National Insti- tutions fur Deaf and Dumb and Blind, under the same conditions as the former class. 3. Artists tcho have carried ojf the great prizes of the Institutes, on condition that they fulfil all their duties to the State and spend at the School at Rome the p)roper number of years. 4. Pupils of the School of Oriental Languages, and pupils of the School of Maps, provided they agree to spend 10 years in these schools or in the Public Service. 5. Members and novices of the reli- gious societies devotfid to education, authorized by the luw,or acknow- ledged to be of public utility , the directors, masters, or assistants of lay schools ivhich fulfil these same conditions, provided, both have, prior to the ballot, made an agreement before the Rector of the Acadetny to teach for 10 years and fulfil that engagement. Ck Young men who are not embraced in the above classes, but irho are in the situations provided for by Article 79 of the law of the loth March, 1850, and Ai tide 18 of the law of the lOth Ajml, 1867, and have, prior to the ballot, formed the same engagement be- fore the Rector. The engagement to teach for 10 years must be fulfilled by the tutors and assistant tutors, both in the Public Schools as well as the Free Schools named by the Minister of Public Education, in accordance n-ith the adi ice r>f the Departmental Council. 75 As proposed hy the Committee. Alterations made by the Assembly. 7. Piij)ils selected by the Arch- bishojys or Bishops, and young men authorized to continue their studies., to devote themselves to be Ministers oj any worship paid by the State, provided that they com- plete their Military Service if they drop the studies for u'hich they have received a dispe)isation, or if at 26 years of age, the frst have not entered Holy Orders and the latter been consecrated. Article 21. ^i.\) I J t^illj* \}\J Uxxt? OCX J Army or Navy v by )7 and tlio young sailors m v al con F jori] >tio n, in conformity with the rule s laid down by Articlc r i 1, 3 ,-gj-4y-# , of th o Law of th e S f d Brama ire- Year — t V, as wel l as the y oung men named by Art ic l e \^. wh o coano to b o in -the po s ition laid -d own by tho af oresaid artielej — bofoi-c aocompli s hing — the eoiiditiefts — impoaed — on — theea — are boun dj — l at. To - makc -a-4ee lar a ti o n - o f t l^e — ciyettfftstftrn oe B boforo th e Mai re of ^:he~ town s hi p-in th o y ear ciluCrCu^ — t^y~ ' traG C©S S ft' V lOH 0± Xr&G±i girt"" '*'*•'* ^-^ i4 n-j-T T iw ft'fii fi xT Q Ttri "^Ck i"0 \tc\ a \vay -ar-eepy -ef-4beir-declarat-ion . 2nd. To serve in the Army the time laid down by this law, and to foi'm a portion of the reserve as laid down for the class to which they belong. Failing to make such a declaration and submit it to the inspection of the Prefect of the department within one month, they will be liable to be punished in accordance with Article 60 of this Law. They join the first class, entering the ranks on the 1st July following the date when their duty, service, or study ceased. The time that elapses between such cessation and the date of their declaration is not to count in the service required by this law. It is to be understood that the Young men belonging to the Army or Navy, either by a Warrant or C'ommissioti, and ivho quit the Service ; young sailors xohose names are borne on the register of the naval conscription in conformity icith the rules laid doicn in Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the law 25th October, 1795 {3rd Bruniaire Year IV), and who erase their names from the lists; young men described in Article 19, tvho cease to be in the position therein described before completing the conditions imposed on them are bound — 1*^. To make a declaration to that effect before the Maire of the Commune icithin two months, and take away a copy of that declaration. 76 As proposed by the Committee. number of years that any French- man passes in the service of the State either in the naval consci'iption, by young men attached to the Army or Navy in virtue of a voluntary engag e ment or commission, is to be always deducted from the number of years they should spend in the ranks. Article 22. Young men selected by the Muni- cipal Councils of the Commune where they are domiciled may receive provisional dispensations, if they are bond fide supporters of families. The names of these young men are presented to the Council of Re- vision by the Maire. Dispensations may be granted by departments to the extent of 4 per cent, of the number of yoimg men reported as fit for the service, and included in the first portion of the canton lists. Every year the Maire of each Commune will repox't to the Council of Revision the situation of the young men who have obtained dis- l^ensations during previous years as supporters of families. Alterations made hy the Assem,hh/. Omit ' voluntarij enr/agement^ in- sert ' Warrant.' Article 23. In time of peace overslaughs may be given to young men who, prior to the drawing of the lots, have asked for them from the Munic ipal CouRcil of the Commun e wli e ro - they ai^e-domieiled^ In order that these overslaughs may be granted, the young men must prove that either on account of their being apprentices, or on ac- count of their engagement in agri- culture, industry, or commerce, on their own, or their parents, account, such overslaughs are I'eally indis- pensable. Omit ''from the'' to ' domiciled.' These overslaughs give no right to exemption or dispensation. They are granted for one year, and may he reneioed for a second year. A young man who gets an over- slaugh must keep the number he has drawn and must fulfil all the obli- gufions imposed on him hy that numher. 77 As proposed It/ the Committee. Alterations made hy the Assemhlij. Article 24. Tliese demands for overslaughs are sent to the Maire of each Commune; icho expresses his opinion. the Municipal Council gives its opinion ; they are forwarded to the Council of Revision, and sent in duplicate to the Sub- Prefect, who, having added his observations, sends them to the Prefect, with all the requisite documents. Overslaughs to the extent of 4 per cent, of each class may be granted to the whole depar-tment, the percentage to be calculated on the number of young men fit for service in the class and included in the first portion of the cantonal recruiting lists. Article 2&7 '^ be renewed t wice afterwards ; after whi c h the - young man must fulfil the obligation s - p ass at least one year in the regular a rmy. Article 2 0. Article 25. Young men who receive dispen- sations from serving in the regular army according to Article 17 of this Law, young men dispensed with as being supporters of families, as well as the young men to whom over- slaughs are granted, may, by an order of the Minister, undergo certain drills. When causes for dispensations or overslaughs cease, they are then treated as the remainder of the class to which they belong. A rticle 37. Article 26. Young men whose services with the regular army in accordance with Article 17, young men dispensed with as being supporters of families, as well as those who have obtained overslaughs, may in case of war be called on as other men of their class. The military authorities dispose 78 As proposed bij the Committee. Alterations made by the Assembly. of them then according to tlie re- quirements of the different ai'ms. They may, however, be — e xc e p - tionally left in the atatc - in which priof dcciaiona placed them. Third Section. Councils of Revisions and Lists oj Cantonal Recruiting. Article 27. The operations of recruiting is reviewed ; the appeals to which these operations give rise are heard ; the causes of exemption and dispensation provided for by Articles 16, 17, and 20 of this Law, are decided in public by a Revising Council composed of:— President. The Prefect, or failing the Prefect, the General Secretary or Coun- cillor of the Prefectui-e, delegated for that purpose by the Prefect. A Councillor of thePrefectare, named by the Prefect ; and a member of the General Council of the depart- ment other than the representa- tive elected in the canton where the revision takes place : both named by the Permanent Council-General in accordance with Article 82 of the Law of the 10th August, 1871. A General or Field Officer named by the military authorities. A Member of the Intendance. the Commandant of the Recruiting Depot, a Military Surgeon, or failing him, a Civil Surgeon selected by the military authori- ties, will also assist at the opera- tion of the Council of Revision. The Member of the Intendance is heard on behalf of the law when he asks, and can enter his observations on the register of the deliberation?. The Council of Revision moves from one canton to another, but if locally convenient the Pi'efect may exceptionally unite in the same place several cantons for the opera- tions of the Council. 79 As proposed htj the Committee. The Sub-Pi-efect or the functionary by -whom he would be replaced is present at the meetings of the Council of Revision heid in his arroudissement. He gives his opinion. The Maii'es of the Communes to ■which the young men called before the Council are present at the meet- ings and may be heard. Article 28. The young: men whose names are borne on the censiis table are sum- moned, examined, and heai-d by the Council of Eevision. They may then state the arm in which they wish to serve. If they are absent or unrepresented, or have obtained no delay, their case is dealt with as if they were present. In case of exemption for infirmity e xporta nro oonoultoJi The cases of claims for dispensa- tions are judged on the production of authoritative documents, or fail- ing such, documents on certificates signed by those fathers of families domiciled in the same canton whose sons have been enrolled. These certificates must also be signed and approved by the Maire oi the Commune of the complainant. Article 29. "When the young men whose names are borne on the census tables have made appeals, the admission or rejection o? which depends on the decision of judicial questions relative to their state and thek civil rights, the Council of Eevision adjourns its decision, or only gives a conditional decision. The questions are judged in concert with the Prefect, at the request of those who are most anxious ; the tribunals decide without delay and the Minister is informed of it. Article 30. Except in the cases referred to by the previous Article the decisions of the Council of Revision are defi- Alterations made by the Assemhly. Add— If on account of absence the Council of Revision consists of only four members, it may deliberate, but the President has no casting vote. A decision must be given by their votes, if they are divided the Council must adjourn. the Council only decides after hearing the Surgeon who assists them. Brothers may exchange numbers. 80 Asjiroposed hy the Committee. Alterations made hy tie Assembly. nite ; they may however be im- pugned before the Council of State for incompetence or exceeding their ])0wers. They may also be impugned by the Minister of War and in the interest of the law ; nevertheless the persons affected will profit by their being annulled. Article 31. After the Council of Revision has decided on the cases for exemption and dispensations, as well as upon all the consequent appeals, the can- tonal recruiting list is definitely signed and completed by the Council of Revision. This list is divided into five parts, viz. : — 1. In the order of the numbers drawn all the young men de- clared fit for military service and who are not classed in the following categories. 2. All the young men dispensed with under Article 17 of this Law. 3. All the young men provisionally dispensed with in virtue of Article 20, as well as the young men connected with the army by a voluntary engagement, a warrant or a commission, and the enrolled young sailors. 4. Young men who on account of their want of height have re- ceived dispensations for service in the regular army, but who are fit for duty with the aux- iliary branches of the army. 5. Lastly, young men who have been sent back to be a second time brought before the Council of Revision. Article 32. When the recruiting lists of a,ll the cantons of the department have been completed in conformity with the regulations of the preceding Article, the Council of Revision, to which is added two members of the General Council, nominated by the 81 As proposrd by the Committee. Alterations made hy the Asse?nhly. Permanent Committee, will assemble at the chief town of the department and pronounce on the applications for dispensations on the grounds that the men are supporters of families, and upon the demands for overslaushs. Fourth Section. Registration Lists. Article 33. A registry is kept in eacli depart- ment, or in the divisions of each de- partment, in virtue of an order of the public administration. This registry is drawn up by means of the lists just referred to (Article 31), and on it will be borne the names of all the young men not unfit for any military service, or who have not been sent back for a new examination by the Council of Revision. This register will have entered on it the date of the incorporation of each recruit, or the position in which he is left, and also in succession all the changes which take place in his state until he enters the territorial army. Article 34. Every man entered on the register who changes his domicile is bound to give notice to the Maire of the Commime that he leaves and the Maire of the place he goes to. The Maire of each of these Com- munes transmits within eight days a copy of the said declaration to the registry office of the district in which the commune is situated. Article 35. Every man entered on the register who wrshes to reside in a foreign country is bound in his declaration to the Maire of the Commune where he lives to make known the place he is going to, and so soon as he arrives to inform the consular agent of France. 82 As proposed by the Committee. The Maire of the Commune within 8 clays sends a copy of this declara- tion to the registry office of the district in which the commune is situated. The consular agent within 8 days sends a copy of this declai'ation to the Minister of War. Alterations made hj tlie Assembly. Chapter III. Military Service. Article 36. Every Frenchman not declared unfit for all military service will serve in the regular army for 5 years, in the reserve of the regular army for 4 years ; in the territorial army for 5 years, in the reserve of the terrihorial army for 6 years. 1. The regular army is composed, in addition to the men who are not recruited by enrolment, of all the young men declared fit for one of the services of the array and included in the five last classes enrolled. 2. The reserve of the regular army is composed of all the men declared fit for any of the services -of the army, and em- braced in the four classes eni-olled immediately before those serving in the regular army. 3. The tei-ritorial army is com- posed of all the men who have completed the period of service prescribed for the regular army and the reserve. 4. The reserve of the territorial army is compoeed of all the men who have completed the period of service for this army. The territorial army and the second reserve are formed by districts fixed by a decree of the pviblic administi-ation They embrace for each region the men detailed ia paragraphs 3 and 4 who are domiciled in the remon, Insert last. 83 As proposed hij the Committee. Article 37. The navy and tlie corps of marines are composed in addition to the men furnished by the maritime inscrip- tion : — 1. Of the men engaged vokmtarily or re-engaged on conditions fixed by an order of the public administration. 2. Of young men who when the Council of Revision sits, shall apply foi- service in the navy or in one of its corps, and shall 1)6 accepted as fit for the duty, 3. Lastly, and failing the number of men included in the previous categories being sufficient, of the portion of the contingent detailed by the Minister of War for the nav y or i t s corps . luis conting'eiit is ttrawn tn each by the want ?*- of the s ervice -. Exchang e -befo re incorpoi frt i on i s Jiuxnorisod Detween tnc v^nnii^ m^^n - army anti-mt^. For men who -do-net-hekm g to th e rc a oi'vc. These men then - - pass into — the Article 38. Length of service counts from the the 1st July of the year when lots are drawn. Each year, on the 30th of June, in peace time, soldiers who have com- pleted their period of service in the reserve of the regular army, those who have completed the period of service pi'eseribcd for the territorial army, lastly those who have com- pleted the period of service for the reserve of this army, receive a cer- tificate which states — For the first, tluir transfer info the first reserve. Alterations made hij the Assemhhj. The contingent furnished hij each canton in the j^roportion fixed by that decision is composed of the young men included in the first por- tion of the Canton Recruiting List and who have drawn the first num- bers A decision of the Administration will fx the conditions xindcr ichich exchanges between the young men detailed for the Army and Navy may be made. For men who do not belong to the Naval conscription tlie period of service in the Navy is five years, in the Reserve 2 years. After irhicJi the men pass into the territorial army. G 2 84 yls proposed b]) the Committee Altera tluna made hy the Asstmbly. Yov the second, their transfer into the territorial army. For the third, their transfer into the second reserve ; at the expiration of their time of service in ihis re- serve the men receive their final discharge. In war time they will receive their The last paragraph is applicable discharge so soon as the men of the at all times to men composing the class who rej)lace them shall arrive, crews of ships in commission. Article 39. All the young men of the class enrolled who are not exempted on accomit of infirmities, or are not dispensed with under the provisions of this law, or who do not obtain overslaughs, or are not detailed for the na^'y, form a portion of the re- gidar army, and are placed at the cii.^-position of the Minister for War. These young soldiers are all en- rolled in the various corps of the army, and sent to the various corps or to battalions and schools of in- struction. Article 40. After one year of service, young soldiers in the conditions previously sjiecified are no longer kept with the colours, the number retained being that fixed each year by the Minister for War. They are taken in the order of the numbers drawn upon the first por- tion of the recruiting list of each canton, and in the proportion fixed by the ministerial decision ; this decision is given as soon as possible after the completion of the recruit- ing operations. Article 41. Notwithstanding the regulations of the previous article, the soldier, although included in the category of those who are only to remain one' year with the colours, but who does not know how to read or write, and docs not pass the examinations re- quired by the Minister for War, may be kept for a second year with his corps. The soldier placed in the same 85 As proposed by the Committee. Alterations made h>j the Assemhlij. category, who, by instruction ac- quired pieviously to his entry into the service, fulfils all the required couditions, may after six months at the periods fixed by the War Minif^ter and before the expii"ation of the year, be sent home on fui lough in accor- dance with the following article. Article 42. Young men who having served tlie period of service prescribed in Arti- cles 40 and 41 are not kept with the colours, remain at the disposal of the regulai' army, and may be sent on furlough until recalled by the War Minister. They may, by order of the Minis- ter, take part in reviews and drills. Article 43. Men sent into the reserve of the regular army remain registered as prescribed by the law on oi'ganiza- tion. The recall of the reserve of the regular army may take place in a distinct and independent manner, both for the army and navy ; it may be made by clas>es, beginning with the yoimgest. The men of the reserve of the regular army are liable to take part in two manoeuvres during their re- serve service. The length of tlnse manccuvres must not exceed four weeks. Article 44. Men at the disposal of the regular array and reserve men may mnrry without leave. But married men are liable to all the duties exacted from the classes to which they belong. But men at the disposition of the regular army who are the fathers of four living children ])ass by right into the territorial army. Article 4.5. Special laws will determine the basis of the organization of the regular army, the territorial army, and their reserves. 8G As proposed hy the Committee. Alterations imcde hy the Aasc'inbly. Chapxer IV. Oa engagements, Re-enga(jem,ents, and Conditional Emjagcm^cnts for one year. First Section. Engagements. Article 46. Every Frenchman may voluntarily engage on the following conditions : The Volunteer must — 1 . If he engages to serve in the navy be 16 years' old, in which case he need not be of the height prescribed by the law. But if he is 18 yt>ars of age, he must be of the required height. 2. If he engages in the army, he must be 5 feet 0^ inch in height, and be 18 years of age. 3. He must know how to read and write. 4. Must be possessed of civil rights. 5. Neither married nor a widower with children. 6. Must have a certificate of good conduct from the Maire of the Commune he last lived in, and if he has not resided a year in that commune he must have a certificate from the Maire of tl>e Commune he previously lived in. The certificate must contain a des- cription of the young man who wishes to engage, and a statement of the time he has lived in the com- mune, and must state that he is in the enjoyniCDt of civil rights. That he has never been punished for theft, roguer) , deception, or offences against morals. If the volunteer is less than 20 years of age he must obtain the approval of his father, mother, or guardian. This last may be given by the authority of a family counsel. The requisite conditions as regards militarv fitness for the different 87 As proposed hj the Committee. Alterations made by the Assembly. branches of the army, are fixed by a decree inserted in the " Bulletin " des Lois." Article 47. The length of engagement is for five years. This period of service counts in the length of military service fixed by Article 36. In case of war all Frenchmen who have finished the period of ser- vice prescribed for the regular army and its reserve, ai'e allowed to engage in the regular army for the duration of the war. This engagement does not give dispens'vtions as provided in para- graphs 4 and 5 of the Article 17 of the present law. Article 48. Men who after fulfilHng the con- ditions of Articles 40 and 41 of this Law, are about to be sent on fiu'lough, may be allowed to remain in the army so as to complete five years' service. Men sent on furlough may ako be allowed to complete five years' serA-ice in the ranks. Article 49. Volunteers allowed to remain in the regular army, as well as those in waiting, who have been allowed to complete five years' service in the regular army, cannot be sent on fur- lough without their consent. Article 50, Voluntary engagements are con- tracted as prescribed by Articles 34 to 44 of tlie Civil Coae, before the Maires of the chief places in ihe cantons. The conditions as to length of engagement are entered on these forms. The other conditions are read to the persons forming these engage- ments, before signature, and the fact 88 As proposed hy the Committee. Alterailuns made by the Assemhly. of this having been done is entered on the face of the document, other- wise it is void. Second Section. Re-engagements. Article 51. Men may be allowed to re-engage Two years at least and not ex- ■s ccodiug tw e^ ceeding five years. Re-eugagements can only take place during the last year of service with the colours. They are renewable until 29 years of age for corporals and privates, and until S2- years of age for sergeants. 35. The other conditions are fixed by a regulation inserted on the " Bulle- tin of Lois." Re-engagemeut after 5 years' service with the colours gives a right to high pay. Article 52. Engagements referred to in Article 48 of this law may be formed before the Intendants and Sous Intendants, on the form directed in Article 51. Upon presenting which the engaged or re-engaged man may enter or remain in the corps for which he engages or re- engages. Third Section. Conditional Engagements for one Year. Article 53. Young men who have obtained the degree of Bachelors of Letters or U nivPl'sitV St ll d ir iP OTl d h tn^r* fn l rm honours . - Those who belong to the central school of industry and commerce, to tlie schools of arts and trades, to the schools of the fine arts, the musical institution, or mav have been 89 As proposed by the Committee. declared admissible to these schools ; pupils of the veterinary schools, the schools of agriculture, are allowed before the lots are drawn when they bring certificates issued by authori- ties named in the "Bulletin of Lois," and af ter— att—exa^iHtvatJoi^ fi xed by the War Mi ni s t e r to form engage- ments for one year as provided for in the said regulation. Alterations made by the Assembly. Out pupils of the School of Mines, the School of Fonts et Chaussees, the School of Naval Engineers, pupils of the School of Mines at Saint Etienne are allowed for one year in the Army. Article 54. the previ ous a rticl e^-^-numb er t o be fix e d ea ^h year by the. Minister ft>r AY ^ ar who pas s t he exa m inationfi ■r equired - m ay ' b e-ad mitted to form snch e n c acren ie n t?^. In addition to the young men re- ferred to ifi the previous Article those who pass the examinations re- quired in the various programmes prepared by the Minister for War and approved by decrees of the Public Administration, may con- froct similar engagements These decrees must be inserted in the " Btdletin des Lois.'" The number of conditional en- gagements for a year is fixed each year by the Minister for each De- partment in proportion to the con- tingent. Article of). The Volunteer for a year is clothed, mounted, and fed at Ji is own cost. But the War Minister may exempt in part, or altogether from tins charge, young men wJio, in their e.ramination, give proofs of capacity, and who sJiow according to pre- scribed rules that tJiey have not ths means of meeting this cost. Article 56. own cost. He is liable to all duties imposed on men in the ranks. He must pass the examinations fixed by the War IMinister. If after a year of service he does not pass the examinations he is obliged to remain for a second year Jis determined hv thi? law. 'J'hc volunteer for a year is en- rolled. If after a second year he cannot pass the required examiuation he is deprived of the advantages reserved for a, volunteer for one year, and is submitted to the same obligation as (he nirn hrloiirjing to the same class. 90 As prvposi^d by the Cuininitlte. Alterations inade by the Asaembly. In any case if ^var breaks out he is kept in the service. The time the volunteer for a year serves counts in the length of service required by Article 3G of this law. In case of mobilization the vo- irticle bl Itinteer for one year is dealt ivith precisely as the class to which he During the year which precedes the belongs. enrohuent of their class, the J oungmen enumerated in Article 53 who bave not completed their studies in the faculties or schools to which they belong, but who wish to complete them in a definite period of time, may, while contracting an engage- ment for one year, obtain by military authority an overslaugh to prevent their joining the corps to which they belong. This overslaugh must not extend beyond 23 years of age. -zirtich-ff^. -jH-44m til 29 y ears of a ge , and -thenH-^tall^-i^^-conl ormity w ith Arti^ -ele ^^ of -%ln& law, be tra nsf e rred t o Alterations macJc hy the Asscmhli/ . And will remain there a period equal to the service performed in the regular army and its reserve hy the men of the same class included in the contijujent, after which both tvill he transferred to the territorial army in accordance with the arrangements of Article 36 of this law. Length of service for the class of 1871 will cvunt from 1st July, 1872, in accordance with the regidalions of the law of \st February, 1868. Young men ivho have come in'o the Army beforehand ivill, in ac- cordance icith t/ie decree 5th Janu- ary, 1871, count their service from 1st January, 1871. Article 75. Young men belonging to the classes ^of 1867, 1868, 1869, and 1870, enrolled in virtue of the law of the \st February, 1868, and who have beeii included in the contingent of the Army, will, on the termina- tion of their service in the reserve, be placed in the territorial army in conformity with Article 36 of this law. Young men of the same classes who have' nut been included in the contingent and ivho are noir serving in the National Guard " Mobile " shall, on the \st January, 1 873, be placed in the Reserve, where they will remain until the discharge from the service of the young men of the same class, icho have been in- cluded in the contingent of the Army. They will then, in con- formity with Article 36 of the law, be placed in the territorial army. 97 As j^roposed hij tJie Committee. Alterations made hi/ the Assemhli/. Article 76. Men of previous classes enrolled under the law of the ?)\st March, 1832, loheiher theij have or have not served in the Armrj, icill serve in the territorial army and its reserve, in accordance ivith the dis- jjosition of Article 36 of this lair, until they shall have reached tlte aye prescribed for discharge from the territorial army and its reserve. The position of the men will be in conformity ivith Article 15 of the law of the \st February, 18G8, they may be enrolled by classes, beyinning with the youngest. A Council of Revision in eacJt, district, formed in accordance with Article 16, law 1st February, 1868, will pronounce on claims for exemp- tion on account of infirmity or tvant of height. Article 77. Young' men who, in place of be- longing to the National Guard Mobile, form a portion of the reserve in conformity with the preceding articles shall be drilled and reviewed as determined by the Minister of War. Article 78. The obligation to know how to read and write requisite to form a voluntary engagement, or to be sent on furlough after one year's service, shall not be imposed until after the 1st January, 1875. Article 79. All the provisions of the laws and prior decrees relative to recruit- ing the army are and will remain cancelled. 98 The subject of volunteers for one year being of great importance, and also one that produced much discussion in the Assembly, the Decrees putting Article 54 in force, and which have been published in the " Moniteur de I'Armee" for the 6th November, 1872, are herewith appended : — CONDITIONS FOR CANDIDATES AS VOLUNTEERS FOR ONE YEAR. The President of the French Republic, Referring to the law of the 27th July, 1872, upon the recruiting of the Army : Referring to Article 54 of that law, relative to the examinations which 3H:)ung men who seek to become volunteers for one year, and who are not included amongst those named in Article 53 : Upon the recommendation of the Minister for War, with the advice of the Council of State, Decrees ; Art. 1. Young men who desire to form a conditional engagement for one year, iinder Clause 54 of the law of the 29th July, 1872, must undergo two successive trials before examiners selected by the Minister for War, and chosen amongst farmers, arti- zans, and men of business, or citizens who have belonged to these professions. Art. 2. The first trial consists in waiting French from dictation. Ai"t. 3. Tlie second tiial is a viva voce public examination. Candidates are classed in three sections — agriculturist, artizaus, or busi- ness men ; each of these classes goes before a different examiner. This examination is divided into two portions — The first has reference to the subjects on which the candi- dates should have been instructed in elementary schools. The second portion deals with the candidate's theoretical and practical knowledge of the profession he belongs to. Art. 4. On the completion of these oral examinations, the examiners in the three sections meet under the presidency of the General Commanding the Department or a Field Officer named by him, to whom is joined a member of the Council-General named by the Council or by the Permanent Commission. A committee is thus formed which draws up the general list of the suc- cessful candidates. Art. 5. The Minister of War is charged with carrying out this Decree, which will be published in the " Journal Otficiel," and inserted in the '' Bulletin des Lois." Given at Versailles, 31st October, 1872. A. Thiers. By the President of the Republic. The Minister of War, E. DE CiSSEY. 99 Programme of the professional examinations to which young men who seek to form an eugagemeut for one year, under Clause 54, 27th July, 1872. Each candidate will be examined according to his pro- fession and special acquirements, in accordance with the following syllabus : — Agriculture. The various kinds of soils, viewed in an agricultural point of view ; manures, and method of reclaiming land ; climate and seasons, their effect on cultivation ; irrigation ; agricultural implements and tools ; systems of cultivation ; preservation of harvests ; cattle and domestic animals ; agricultural accounts; markets for the chief agricultural pro- duce of the district. Commerce. The iioods forming the special trade of the candidate ; how tfiey are produced ; the employment and the outlay requisite to produce them ; book-keeping ; names of commercial books ; principal operations of trade and banking ; usual forms for a note of hand, a letter of exchange, an order or cheque ; meauhig of terms used in trade and banking. Mechanics. Nature and properties of the chief materials or metals ; how pro- cured or smelted, and their uses; implements, engines, machines, or tools that the candidate habitually uses; description of the method adopted by the candidate in carrying out his own special trade ; description of his trade. [H * S.— r 10.V2— f)CO-II I 72] REFORMS IN THE FRENCH ARMY. Part II. GENERAL ORGANIZATION. TRANSLATED IN THE INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT, HOESE GUARDS, WAR OFFICE, By major C. B. BRACKENBURY, R.A., D.A.A. GENERAL. LONDON : Printed under the Superintendence of Her 3IaJesti/'s Stationer!/ Office, AWD SOLD BY W. CLOWES & SONS, 13, Charing Cross; HARRISON & SONS, 59, Pall Mall i W. H. ALLEN & Co., 13, Waterloo Place ; W. MITCHELL, 39, Charing Cross ; LONGMAN & Co., Paternoster Row ; TEUBNER & Co., 57 & 59, Lndgatc Hill ; STANFORD, Charing Cross; and H. S. KING & CO., 65, Conihill ; Also hy GRIFFIN & Co., The Hard, Poetsea ; A. & C. BLACK, Edinburgh ; D. ROBERTSON, 90, St. Yincent Street, Glasgow ; ALEX. THOM, Abbey Street, and E. PONSONBY, Grafton Street, DuBLrs, Price Two Sliilliiigs. [Wt. p. 681a. 500—6 | 74— H. & S.— 4170.] INTRODUCTION. The following pages should be read in connection with. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Home's translation of " The French Law of Recruiting," of which they are a continuation. But there are many persons who may be glad to know something of the changes in the French Army, without having time or inclination to study the subject in detail. To such, the present translator addresses this short introduction, not being without hopes, however, that the casual reader may be induced to dive deeper, and search among the arguments in favour of the great changes now being accomplished in the French military service, for those general truths which, among much that is only French or ephemeral, stand fast as great principles for the guidance of all ci\dlized nations. The italics in the translation are those of the original, and seem to mark points which the author of the Report wished to force on the attention of his hearers. Among them are to be found these : — " NeitliP}' armies nor Generals can be improvised by a decree " and, if education is rapid on tlie field of battle, its cost is far too "' dear.'' Page 4. " Time is no longer on the side of the defence.^' " Perma- " nent preparation then, and rapidity of mobilization stand forth as '• the two indispensable conditions of every army organization.^ Page 5. " We icere beaten by want of preparation, organization, and •' direction, and by the iceakness of our effective, rather than by the " arms of our enemies" Page 9. " Generals are responsible for military operations and for orders " to supjjly and distribute ; Commissaries are responsible for the " means of supply and for payment and distribution.'' " The military organization and constitution of the corps, and " various administrative services, shoidd be the same in time of peace " as in time of war." Page 64. And, with reference to mobihzation : — " The Minister transmits the order for mobilization to the " Generals commandmg army corps, and concerns himself no ''^further as he used to do, ivith the details of its execution. All " ought to be prepared beforehand by the Commander of an army " corps, loho is responsible for the rapid execution of the order.'' Page 69. France has adopted, as the foundation of her military system, the principle that it is the duty of every Frenchman to serve his country under arms. A 2 IV The Law of Recruiting pro^"ides an " annual contingent," — that is, a body of young men ehgible in all respects for military service, — numloering about 158,000. Of these about 8,000 are required for the navy. The annual force, therefore, at the disposal of the mihtary authorities for the army, amounts to about 150,000 men, twenty years old. Part of this contingent will consist of " volunteers for one year," who are young men of education, prepared to defray a considerable portion of their own expenses. They have only to serve in the ranks for a period of from six months to a year, provided they pass an examination at the end of then- term, when tliey receive, as a ride, certificates of qualification as non- commissioned officers. Like all others they are liable to be called upon at the outbreak of war. The young men forming the rest of the contingent, are enrolled m coi-ps, without reference to the part of the country they have come fi'om, and are all kept with the colours at least one year. After one year, some of them are sent home, but remain always at the disposal of the Minister of War, who keeps many or few in the ranks, according to the varying con- ditions of education of the men ; and according to his own needs, on the one hand, to provide for the service of the country, on the other, to keep within the provisions of the budget. But, in any case, the 150,000 men of each coiitingent remain five years m the active army, liable to seiwe m the ranks at any time and to be called out for peace manoeuvi'es. Out of the various accumulating annual contingents together with a permanent force, explained in Table 6, Appendix A, is to be built up an active army of 780,000 trained men organized in corps and ready to take the field at once on the outbreak of war, having belimd them "troops of re-inforcement " amount- ing to 279,000 men Avho have all served at least one year in the army. These '• troops of re-inforcement " will be distributed in the corps depots together with the 150,000 men of the last class called up and not yet fully instructed. Thus the fightmg army of . . . . 780,000 men will have behind it . . . . . . 429,000 men moi'e or less instructed, learning more day-by-day, and always ready to fill up vacancies in the fighting corps or even, if neces- sary, to furnish a new army. The forces already spoken of come from the active army and its reserve which consists of men who have passed five years in the active army, but have not completed then- ninth year of total service. After nine years' service m the active army and its reserve, the soldier falls into the " territorial army," and, after five years in it, comes to the "reserve of the territorial army," where he remains till he has completed his twentieth year of service. A table showing the estimated strength of the active and terri- torial armies witli their reserves is given on page 108. The grand total, at the end of twenty years' working of the law, should amount to 2,423,164 men. Twenty years may appear a long time, but it will be ob- served that, nine years after passing the law, France ought to see a field force ^\4th reserves amounting altogether to about 1,200,000, and the Government could hardly fail to find old soldiers able to garrison the principal fortresses in case of the occm-rence of war withm the next eight or nine years. So far we have spoken of numbers, let us now briefly examine the organization. France is di\dded into 18 regions, each ganisoned by an army corps. There is besides a special corps for Algeria. Each corps will have two infantry divisions, one brigade of cavalry, one brigade of artillery, one battahon of engineers, and one squadron of field train besides staff" and auxihary ser"\aces. The proportion of guns is to be 3*6 per 1,000 combatants. The extra-divisional artillery is to be called " corps artillery " instead of " reserve artillery " as before, lest, as happened in the late war, the name should lead to its use " as a mere support " instead oi " at the commencement of the battle." The various army corps A\dll be recruited indifferently from the whole contingent ; and, during peace, may be moved from region to region; but the reserves will be organized in then own regions. At the outbreak of war the men of the reserve are to be mobilized near then homes, clothed and armed at depots already known to them, within a day's w^alk, and sent to swell the ranks of that corps which happens to be stationed in the region at the time. The teiTitorial army will, at all times, belong to its o^\ll region. Its duties in war will be to garrison fortresses, defend strategic points, and work the etappen arrangements (lines of communication). Thus the new French system is a combination of the German district system, and that called by General Chareton the " national system." There are to be no combinations of army corps to form armies under one Commander during peace. Among the decrees of the President to carry out the prin- ciples of the Bill, is one for the re-organization of the staff'. It is short, but indicates clearly enough the intention of the military authorities to carry out in its integrity the principle that the head-quarter staff should, during peace, be constantly occupied in preparation for war, while the Generals command- ing army corps are directly responsible, in peace as in war, for both command and administration of their respective corps. Few subjects have created more controversy than the rela- tion of the command to the administration. The French have settled it on the principles thus laid down by General Chareton in the name of the Committee (page 65). " 1st. Absolute independence of the control. VI '* 2nd. The separation of the administrative services of the " management, direction, and control. " 3rd, The subordination of the administration to the com- " mand in time of peace as in time of war. " 4th. The individual working of the medical corps under " the direct authority of the command." To sum up, it may be said that the experience of one of the most terrible disasters that ever befel a high-spirited nation has caused the army of France to be remodelled on these principles : 1st. General obligation of military service. 2nd. A peace organization, approacliing as nearly as possible the organization for war. The corps are always ready, *r^~^ with their staffs and administrative services, and only require the addition of their reserves — always close at hand — in order to take the field. Their stores are also on the spot. 3rd. Decentralization. Each General mobilizes his own corps, is responsible for his own first supplies, and can have no one but himself to blame if he is slow or wants anything. 4th. On the other hand, the Government has a corps of inspectors who will, dming peace, detect the incompe- tence of a Commander. This corps of inspectors is spoken of, in page Go, as the " General Control," as distinguished from the "Interior Control." 5th. The control is carefully separated from the administra- tion, and the Generals are expected to be good admini- strators as well as good leaders of troops. 6th. Recruiting, remounts, hospitals, &c.^r ^ye managed by the territoiial stafi" in each region, but «». xvays under the General commanding the corps there present. When a coi-ps is mobilized and quits its region, the command of the region and its territorial troops is handed over to an ofiicer previously appointed by the Minister. In order to distinguish the French system fit'om the German, now and in the future, the French word "regional" has been literally translated wherever it applies to the former, although it is used by the French in speaking of the German system. When the same word refers to the German system it has been translated " district." The reader is requested to bear in mind the distinction between an " army corps " and a " coi-ps." The latter may mean any organized body of men, such as a regiment or battahon of infantry, or a brigade of artillery. The word corps is frequently used in this sense, for instance, in Article 11 of the BiU. The most important measures taken to carry out the provi- sions of the Bill have been added at the end of this translation. C. B. B. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMY RE-ORGANIZATION UPON THE BILL FOR THE GENERAL ORGANIZA- TION OF THE FRENCH ARMY. By General Chareton, Member of the National Assembly. Anneo'ed to the proces-verbal of the Sitting, 9th June. Translated in tlie Intelligence Department, by Major C. B. Brackenbury, R.A., D.A.A.G. The Committee was thus composed : — President.— M. de Lasteyrie. Vice-Presidents. — General Baron de Chaband-la-Tonr. Ad- mnal de Montaignac. Secretaries. — M. M. Bethmont, Chaper, Emile Carron, the Marquis de Momay. Members. — Messieurs de la Rochethulon, d'Aboville, de Combarieu, General Billot, Admiral de Dompierre d'Hornoy, Cornehs de AYitt, General Loysel, General Yictor Pelhssier, General Chareton, General Ducrot, the Marquis de Yorgue, Admu-al de la Ronciere le Noury, Dahirel, de Carayon-Latom-, the Duke de Crussol-d'Uzes, General Martin des Pallieres, Colonel de Cha ", " ",, Admiral Saisset, General Frebault, Fresneau. Aclocque, Marquis d'Andelarre, Passy, Baron Yast-Yimeux, Andren de Kerdrel, Yarroy, General Chanzy, Sarrette, Baron de Barante, Brun (Yar), the Duke d'Harcourt, the Count Octave de Bastard, Bouisson and de Merode. ACTIYE ARMY. FIRST SECTION— ORGANIZATION. § 1. Necessity of fixing by Law the base of our Military Organization. Gentlemen, The organization of the military forces of a nation is one of the attributes of the sovereign power. Placed under the control of a system of Orders in Council in monarchies where the executive power and the sovereignty are blended in the same hands, it must be _ regulated by laAv m countries where the sovereign power is distinct from the executive. B You, yourselves, decided this when you voted Article 45 of the law of the 27th July, 1872.* The Government holds the same opinion ; and the President of the Repubhc, in introducing the Bill on organization, which was laid upon the table, gave you to understand that there are two essential reasons for this. First. Because the foundations of a country's greatness should be profoundly stable. Second. Because the formation of cadres is a work of time : they can never be improvised and there ought to be no differ- ence except that of numbers between the peace and war foot- ing of an army. To these essential reasons we will add a third which is no less essential. It is that we could not reduce the effective of the ranks beyond a certain lunit without rendering impossible the instruction of the cadres, and reducing hurtfully that rapidity of mobilization which is, in these days, the first con- dition of all good army organization. It is the business of the law to fix the minimum, and experience teaclies that when this is not done, there is danger lest the credits opened for the war budget to keep up the effective of bayonets should, by too early dismissal of men to their homes or an exaggerated issue of temporary leave, be rendered capable of being transferred and used towardf? other expenses not anticipated or not authorised by the legislative power. It is necessary to guard against this danger if we would not have the army become a fiction. The Bill presented to you by the Government seemed to have taken no thought of this matter, for it only foresaw the construction of permanent cadresf without mentioning the number of effectives in the ranks either on a peace or war footing.^ Your Committee will propose to you to fix the minimum of the peace establishment in the Bill which it will have the honour to submit to your deliberations. The Bill will also deter- mine the internal constitution of the executive§ bodies of troops. An objection has been made to this fixation, and must not be passed over in silence. It is that we cannot foresee the necessities of the future and ought therefore to avoid giving pledges. To tliis we reply that by fixing a minimum for the effective of men, the Assembly abdicates no part of its liberty smce it ceases not to be sovereign. * The Article is in these terms : — "'Special laws will determine the bases of the " organization of the active and territorial armies, as well as of the reserves." 1" See the annexed tables on the Grovernment's proposed law. X It is necessary to go back to the details of the war budget in order to know the effei-tive on a peace footing. § " Corps de troupps." This French expression has no equivalent in English military language. It means organized liodies of soldiers, such as battalions, brigades, &e., as distinct from staff. — C. B. B. The country must no longer live on illusions. Our duty both to it and to ourselves is to tell the truth. Now, we cannot avoid seeing, and we ought to confess that one of the most striking faults in our national character is a e^vift forgetfulness in present prosperity of past lessons and future dangers. Assuredly, gentlemen, you who have been ^^dtnes8es of our countiy's misfortunes are not the men to haggle vnth. the Government over the means to prevent their recun-ence. But, who can tell whether the Assembhes which will succeed you, may not oncf^ again treat as miproductive and use- less the expenditm-e on the array ? Who can tell, whether, on the eve of a war, there may not be found a Financial Committee demanding of the Assembly the reduction of our military forces, and a ministry ready to consent to the measure ? Against this oblivion of the past and against these fatal tendencies it is onr desire to forewarn our successors. We would tell them, by fixing a minimum for the number of men, that the maintenance of the strength of an army is an annual premium of insurance against foreign invasion and dismemberment of territory. You cannot diminish the pre- mium without diminisliing at the same time the safeguards of the country. Forgetfulness of this fact has cost us two of our most patriotic provinces and five milHards. The Assemblies that will succeed us, may, it is true, like those before our time, remain deaf to this voice of warning ; but we shall have done our duty, and if they by imprudent reductions of our military forces should compromise the se(;urity of the country, the responsibility Avill be theirs alone. Such, gentlemen, are the three essential arguments which should determine you not to lay the foundations of our military organization on the shifting will of Governments or Financial Committees. You have already regulated by the law of recruitment the obligations of citizens towards the State. You have before you two bills : the first which assures to non-commissioned officers, after 12 years of good service in the army, employment in one of our public departments. The second regulates the rehgious service in the army in peace as well as in war. A\Tiat your Committee now propose is, to continue the work of reorganization and regeneration, by fixing also legally the principles of the general organization of the army : — prin- ciples which may serve as a foundation for special laws regu- lating the internal constitution of the executive bodies of troops, of the staff, schools, and administrative services, regulating also the advancement and position of officers. Some of these special laws have already been studied by your Committee ; they will be laid before you hereafter. B 2 But, gentlemen, if yon shonld only have decreed the outHiie to be tilled up in completing onr militaiy legislation you would have done much for the honour and security of the country. § 2. — Insufficiency of our Military Organization. A^ew conditions of Modern War. The events which took place during the war 1870-71 have shown the insufficiency of our military organization. A few months sufficed the German army to invade our territory, turn or reduce our fortresses, starve out our capital, and place us in the very situation occupied by Prussia after our victories of 1806 and 1807. With the restorative elements, and the vital energy pos- sessed by our country, — forces the extent of which was rmsus- pected by us a few months ago ; wdth a people active, laborious, intelligent and, in spite of our disasters, four times as numerous as tlie population of Prussia in 1807, shall we not know how to repair our reverses by the reform of our military institutions and the wisdom of our administration ? The two years whicdi have just elapsed permit us, gentle- men, to indulge a legitimate hope that we shall. But if the insufficiency of our military organization has been proved by experience, experience also teaches us that, neither armies nor Generals can he improvised hy a decree, and that if education is rapid on the field of battle, its cost is far too dear. The conditions of war are no longer what they were. The machine is coming to take the place of the man on the field of battle ; and if war yet remains an art in its highest conceptions, we cannot deny that it has become a science, subject to fixed rules in its applications. In the combat, fire assumes a growing preponderance over the bayonet. The necessity of passing over great distances under the fire of artillery of precision and of rapid rifle fire, paralyses the dash of troops, and forces them to fight from afar and under shelter. These new conditions of war are unfavourable to us, for they are essentially contrary to om' temperament and national character. Differing from former times in their tactical aspect, they are no less so from a strategical point of view. At the epoch of out- great mihtary glory, in spite of the pro- gress realised under the first Empire in the system of our means of communication, there existed only roads on wliich troops and convoys could move but slowly, and the difficulties of sub- sisting armies on even short lines of operation necessitated a reduction of their effective strength. But it is otherwise now ; the railway and the locomotive have given astonishing rapidity to mihtary operations, and the possibility of transporting rapidly, to great distances, masses of troops, pro^asions, and material, has had for result the increase of numbers in such proj)ortions as would appear exaggerated and clumerical to the minds of those who have arrested their raihtary studies at a past that is not yet very far from us, and refused to pay sufficient attention to the new conditions. For us, gentlemen, these invading masses, as powerful by their number as by their organization, have been sad realities ; and experience lays upon us imperatively the obligation of taking account of them, if we would not expose the country to the most terrible eventuahties. We cannot hide from ourselves that if some of our fortresses — too few unhappily — have succeeded, thanks to a noble and glorious resistance, in holding fast a part of the enemy's forces, they could not sensibly retard the march of invasion. The time is past when the prolonged resistance of a fortress could permit a beaten national army to reorganize and reinforce itself in order to take the offensive. Time is no longer as formerly on tlie side of the defence. It is then necessary that at every instant, and with all its means of action, the defence must be ready to face an attack. And if, in the past, it was correct to say, that victory ad- hered to the big battalions, we may now say, and with even better reason, that she cleaves to liim who, with equal forces, is sooner ready and able to get the start of his adversary. Permanent preparation, then, and rapidity of mohilization, stand forth as the two indispensable conditions of every army organization. The Bill which we have the honour to present to you is specially intended to reahse these conditions. In accord with the Government on the main object, your Committee has had the satisfaction to agree with it also on the means for attaining that object. The Government recognises equally with your Committee the power of numbers. It admits that to make our luiJitary honom- and national independence safe, it is indispensable for us to be always in a condition to oppose to invasion forces equal to those of the invader in quantity and solidity of organization. We shall gain the desired qualifications, uidividual and collective, by the five years service in the active army imposed upon all citizens by the law of recruiting. Comparing the resources which the law of recruiting, 27th July, 1872, places at our disposal, Avith the strength of other Em-opean Powers, we find that we are inferior to none of them in point of numbers.* We only place omvselves at a pomt of view exclusively de- fensive, for, in agreement with the Government, you have yom-selves proclaimed, gentlemen, that the policy of France is a policy of peace. Peace is necessary for us to repair our disasters and rebuild * See Table I in Appendix. 6 our ruins ; but, according to the old adage, we shall be sure of peace just m proportion as we are strong and always ready to repulse unjust aggression. Besides, has not France been the last of the great powers of Europe to occupy herself T\dth the reconstruction of her military organization on new foundations? Germany^ Russia, Austria, Italy, and even England have preceded us on this road. It would be impossible, with any show of reason, to attribute to us aggressive intentions, for they would be in manifest con- tradiction with our situation. But numerical strength only, without military instruction and discipline, is disorder and helplessness. In this double aspect our adversaries have been incontestably superior to us ; to recognise the fact is to determine for our- selves and the country that these two causes of mferiority shall cease to exist. Our Officers have comprehended it, and have, of their own accord, boldly undertaken reform. The Government energetically seconds theii- efforts, and we may explain, with a satisfaction which you, gentlemen, will share, the extent of the progress already made in this direction. A very marked intellectual movement has taken place in the army within the last two years ; it has manifested itself especially in numerous studies and publications on the ques- tion now occupymg our attention — that of mihtary reorganiza- tion. The press itself has taken a greater interest than formerly in military affairs. Your Committee have borrowed, from numerous documents and works transmitted to them, very useful information, and can say, with truth, that the bill they now submit to your dehbera- tion is only the result of that great military investigation to which all men who, in spite of her reverses, have not despaired of their country's future and are still jealous for her power and grandeur, have brought the disinterested help of their experience and devotion. § 3rd. — Resources placed at the disposal of the Country BY THE Law op Recruiting, 27th July, 1872. The Law of Recruiting, 27th July, 1872, places at the dis- posal of the country the following resources, calculated according to an annual contingent of 15.0,000 men,* deducting losses esti- mated at 4 per cent, for the first year, 3 per cent, for the second, and 2 per cent, for the other years : — * See Table, Law of Recruiting, Captain Home's translation, page 39. Active Forces* Active army (5 classes) . . . . . . 704,714 Reserve of the active army (4 classes) . . 510,294 On fm-loiiglif . . ^ 141,414 Adding the permanent portion of the army not provided for by enrolments^. . . . 120,000 We arrive at a total of , . . . 1,476,420 for the active army. Territonal Army. 5 Classes (organized) . . . . . . 582,523 Reserves, not organized (6 classes) . . 625,000 Total for the territorial army . . 1,208,156 We must not, however, suppose that all the active forces can be opposed to aggression in time of war. From the total of active army .. .. 1,476,420 must be deducted, as follows — 1. The last class enrolled 150,000, whose ^ instruction is not yet complete . . . , | 2. Men on furlough, about 141,420, who have ! ^jq-. .^^ not yet any instruction, and could not, ' "' ' therefore, be incorporated with the regi- ments wnthout weakening them These will all be sent to corps depots to be trained when war breaks out. Thus the total of the active forces is reduced to 1,185,000 * Table No. 2. Appendix, t Table No. 3. Appendix. j See Table, Law of Eecruiting, Captain Home's translation, page 41. It is probable that the number of the engaged and re-engaged men will be con- siderably diminished in consequence of the application of the new law. Brought forward 1,185,000 A farther reduction must be madeH of men organically worthless, I ^^n qqq and the permanent deficit of the .' ' corps . . . . . . . . J But against this deduction may be set men obtained — 1st, by relieving the Algerian corps by territorial troops, we gain 40,000 men. 2nd, by taking the men left at home unfit for armed service, and em- ploying them for auxiliary ser- vices. Estimate for the nuie classes about 31,000. Deduct 31,000 and 40,000, or . . 71,000 Leaves a total deficiency attribut-1 qr ^/^^ q- ^rv^ able to non-effectives . . . . f ' ' We can, therefore, dispose of a real ef-'^ fective strength for the organization of f -, aqa qaa the army, after providhig for all home T ' ' service, amounting to . . . . . . J Such an army, composed entirely of soldiers who have served at least a year, ^vith complete cadres, and, above all, well com- manded, havmg behind it about 291,432 men under instruction at the depots, resting further on an organized territorial army of 582,523 men, which itself has a reserve of recruiting of 625,633 men, would seem sufficient to make head against every aggres- sion, even if made simultaneously upon several points of the frontier ; sufficient, also, to prolong a struggle to as far a point as oiu: financial resources woidd carry us. It is our busmess to make the best of these resomxes ; and the necessity of economizmg in peace, so as to be able to sustain a long war, is a new element introduced mto the problem of our military organization. § 4th. — Organization in Groups of the Forces constituting THE Army. 1. — Organization before 1870. How are we to distribute and group these constituent forces of our army? ^ Before the war of 1870, France was divided into gi-eat military commands. Tliese commands, excepting Paris and Lyons, which ad- mitted of active organized forces, were in fact only territorial commands, comprising a certain number of territoiial military divisions and subdivisions. Usually, the Generals commanding had under their orders only depots or fractions of corj)s which they occasionally united in order to review them ; the most fortunate were able to group in this mamier one or two regiments. The constituted brigade and division only appeared as ex- ceptions at Paris and Lyons. In other places nothing was formed but the regiment, and its strength, weakened by the great number of furloughs given each year for economical reasons, was for the most part scattered in a multitude of little garrisons,* to the great detriment of instruction and discipline. We need hardly add, that none of these groups were com- pletely provided with the material wliich would be necessary to enter on a campaign. The result was dispersion and breaking up of corps ; Generals forgetting their position and teaching nobody; inferior officers without real command, and consequently, without responsibility or means of instruction. In one word — no preparation for war. This was our condition when the events of 1870 burst upon us. We found ourselves v^dthout preparation, without organiza- tion, and, it may be added, without du-ection ; armed with an inferior artillery ; face to face with an enemy long ago pre- pared, strongly organized, and havuig in his favour the ad- vantage of number and superiority in commanders. We could not but succumb, and these, gentlemen, were the causes of our reverses. We xvere beaten by icant of preparation, organization, and direc- tion, and by the iveakness of our effective, rather than by the arms of our enemies. If we recall here the memory of our own reverses, it is not to condemn the men who brought them upon us, for we are all more or less culpable, but to draw from them useful lessons and to guard against theu' recmTence. Necessity of a Permanent Formation. The first of all these lessons is, that the army ought to be at all times prepared for a tear and permanently constituted in brigades, divisions, and corps d'armee, provided ^.vith. com- manders, staff, all the administrative and auxiliary services and necessary material,! so as to be able to take the field with the * Table No. 7, Garrisons. t Article 9 of the Bill of the Commission, and Article 6 of the proposal of the Government. 10 least possible delay, passing from a peace to a war footing by a simple increase of numbers. This fandamental principle of all army organization is not new to us, tliougli unliappily so quickly forgotten. We read the following in the preamble of the Ordinance of 17th March, 1788, which divided the French Array into brigades of two regiments of the same arm grouped in twenty-one divisions : — " His Majesty wills that the troops be always ready to take " the field, and, to that end, that they be organized, equipped, " and provided with all their field appointments, as they ought " to be in war, so that peace may be for them a constant school " of discipline and instruction, whilst it will be a school of com- " mand for the Generals." To this principle of permanent preparation we must return. 3. — Permanence of the Cadres. From it, then, follows as a result the permanence of the cadres, to wliich must be given such elasticity that, at the moment of mobilization, they may be sufiicient for a number of men at least double that of the peace strength. The Government and your Committee are agreed that in time of peace the cadres ought to be kept up to the normal standard fixed by the law of organization. At the moment of mobilization these cadres will be placed on a war footing by means of non-commissioned ofiicers called up to active service. The non-commissioned officers retired from the ranks of the active army, and placed " at disposal," sent on furlough, or in the army reserve, find also in the law guarantees assurmg them that, in case of being recalled to serve, they will return with their grade to the ranks of the mobilized army. Your Committee have thought it right to give those gua- rantees, in order not to alienate from the cadres, already so difficult to recruit, young persons who, having assured positions in civil life, have no necessity to obtain later, by a continuance of their service in the active army, one of the employments wliich the Bill before you promises them conditionally. Thus also may be preserved even the one year volunteers who may obtain brevets as non-commissioned officers in virtue of Article 58, law of recruiting. Of what use would the rank be to either of these classes if, having obtained it, they could be recalled to serve as privates ? Some fear has been expressed that, by permitting this right to non-commissioned officers " at disposal," or in the reserve, there would result some embarrassment at the moment of mobiliza- tion on account of their number. To this your Committee reply that Article 58 of the law of recruiting in relation to one year's volunteers is too plain to leave room for denial, and that there is no motive for treating less favourably non-commissioned officers -who have left the IL ranks. Besides, the greater number of the latter will only quit the active army to enter the civil service at an age when the class to which they belong will be passing to the tenitorial army. Thus they will no longer belong to the active army at the moment of mobilization. The formation of troops of remforcement or of depots ^vill employ the whole, or at least t^e greater part of the others ; and far from their number being an embarrassment, it is rather to be feared that it will be insufficient, and we may be obliged to have recourse to new promotions in order to complete the cadres. § 5. — Constitution of the Army Corps.* The permanent organization of the troops in brigades, divisions, and army corps being admitted, how shall om- army corps be composed? The Government and the Committee are agreed in ask- ing you to decide that an army corps is to contain two divisions of infantry, one brigade of cavalry, one brigade of artillery, one battalion of engineers, one squadron of field train, with the staffs and different services necessary for its working. The Algerian corps will receive a special organization, because of the special nature of the services required of it and the division of our African colony into three pro\ances. Tliis corps will be constantly kept up to its war footing. Seeing that the question, whether each army corps should be nominally composed of two or three divisions, is much debated, and the cleverest people are not agreed on the point, it would be little in conformity with the logic of facts to wish to resolve it in an absolute manner. We may say, perhaps, more exactly, that the composition of an army corps should vary according to the part assigned to it in the niihtary opera- tions, and even more according to the presumed capacity of its chief. Thus we see, in 1870, with the army of the Rhine, three out of seven of our army corps composed of four divisions of infantry, under the command of Marshals of France, while the others, commanded by Generals of Division, only contained three. The Imperial Guard itself only had two divisions. Each of these corps comprised also a division of cavalry. In the war of 1870, the Germans, whose army corps were originally four divisions of infantry, set themselves to reduce the number while rendermg them uniform. Their corps are now composed of two divisions of infantry, each having two brigades of two regiments, two regiments of di\dsional cavalryf and seventeen batteries of artillery. The Bavarian corps, the Guard corps, the 8th Prussian * Article 6 of the Bill. f One for each infantry division. 12 corps, and the 12th Saxons, are the only exceptions to this rule, and then only as regards the cavalry. The Guard corps, besides two divisional regiments of cavalry, has a cavalry division of three brigades. The Bavarian corps have, in addition to the two divisional regiments, a cavalry brigade of two regiments. The 8th and 12th Prussian corps have a cavalry division of two brigades, besides the ordinary formation.* These exceptions affect more particularly the allied corps of South Germany, and do not infringe the rule, for the infantry composition of all the army corps is the same — namely, two divisions. If from these latter times we go back to the epochs of our earlier wars, we find that all armies having organized army corps, from 1796 to 1815, have only exceptionally corps of more than three divisions. Not more than ten examples are to be fomid in a period of more than twenty years of war. In 1805, we find one corps of more than four divisions ; in 1809, one of four and one of five ; in 1812, two of four and two of five; in 1813, one of four; and in 1815, two of four divisions.f In the Crimea, out of three army corps, the French army Jaad one corps mth four divisions and one with five ; but this was a necessity engendered by special circumstances m war — a great siege as well as field operations. This example, then, cannot be considered as a type of army organization. In Marshal Niel's Bill of 1868, the Army Corps had three divisions of infantry and one brigade of cavahy. The combination of threes is at first seductive and is praised by its partisans, because, according to circimistances, it pro\ades a centre and two wings, or one division for a reserve, while, in case of the detachment of a division, there remain two under the General's command. " If," they say, " the corps contains only two divisions, and one is detached, the corps commander has under his orders but one division which has already its chief, so that there is the same work to be performed by two authorities of unequal degree." The partisans of the two division formation answer that these considerations, if they have any foundation, would require equally the threefold combination in tactical imits smaller than an army corps. The Company of Infantry in two sections, the regiment of * " The Franco-G-erman "War," edited by the Prussian Staff. t Out of 200 army corps which have ■ taken part in operations of war since 1790, we may reckon 2 of 1 division (Imperial Guard) in 1805-6. 97 of 2 „ 73 of 3 „ 23 of 4 „ 5 of 5 „ The formation in two divisions has, then, been that most employed. 13 cavalry with four squadrons, the brigade of two regiments, and the division of two brigades are examples to tlie contrary. It would then be logically necessary to modify tliis state of thmgs and adopt the threefold formation for these different units — yet no one proposes such a measure. As for the argmnent drawn fi*om the chance of the detach- ment of a division we may reply, with Marshal Bugeaud* and the Duke of Ragusa,t that if' the detaclmient of small units is with- out serious dangers, the same cannot be said for large ones. Such detachment should therefore be avoided as a fault or danger. More than one example may be found in our military history. Marshal Marmont has cited several, the most striking being that of the Battle of Marengo which, lost at fh'st, was only won at the end of the day by the return of the division of Desaix M'-ho, detached towards Novi, retraced his steps on hear- ing the cannon. Without gomg back so far we may cite the case of Lapasset's brigade in the last war. Detached from the 5th corps at Sarraguemines, it was cut off for the rest of the campaign from the corps to which it belonged. The regulations of the 3rd May, 1832 on field service (Head IX), only seems to permit detachments from small units. The argument urged by the partisans of formation in three divisions, that one may be wanted for detachment, does not seem to justify such a formation. That drawn from the equal duty of two authorities unequal in rank, agamst formation in two divisions, has no greater value, for the army corps is not composed solely of two infantry divisions ; it contains besides a brigade of cavalry, a corps of artillery equal to the divisional artillery, Avithout counting the reserve of engineers and all the admmistrative and anxihary forces not included in the divisions but forming an effective of more than 9,000 men ; there is not then equality of action as these partisans pretend. It seems to us that the formation and the effective strength of the army corps should be determmed by more logical con- siderations. The army corps ought to be a little army, and tliis is its essential character. It is called upon to aid in the execution of a part of the plan of campaign ; it combines its operations with those of other corps ; it acts in joint responsibihty and m relation to them, but separately and at distances more or less great, and the union between several army corps only takes place on the field of battle. * " Do not make detachments, except in case of absolute necessity. In most " cases it ^ill be better to move all the army than to risk by detaching it, a part of " its forces, or to be deprived of the help of that part when attacked or obliged to " move away in its absence." — Marshal Bugeaud, '' Maximes, Couseils et Instruc- " sur I'Art de la Guerre," page 87- t " Esprit des Institutions Militaires," 3rd part, chapter v, pages 171 and follow- ing. '• Eien n'est plus dangereux que de faire un detachement." 14 Except as regards combinations, its existence is independent, and it should therefore be individually provided with all means of action. In the last war the strength of our army coi-ps was not on an average greater than 25,000 men, too low for their constitu- tion in three divisions, and they were too inferior in number to the corps of the enemy. The Germans apparently did not fear to impose on their Generals a heavier task, and their army corps, on a war footing, numbers no less than 88,000 men. This fitoess of the chiefs for command arises from the German organization in peace, for the troops are always in brigades, divisions, and army corps ; their Generals and staff officers thus acquire more practice than ours in great commands. It will suffice us, in order to reach the same result, to act hke them and to leave our Generals more authority and initiative ; . by reducing within sensible limits the excessive centralization of the War Mmistiy, and by rendering the Generals responsible for the preparation and instruction of their army corps. We shall not hesitate then to raise to 38,000 or 40,000 men the strength of these corps at the moment of mobihzation. The strength thus determined will be base of their forma- tion. The generally accepted composition of our infantry regiments being three active battalions, each of 1,000 men, our active divisions of infantry will have about 12,000 men. If the army corps were to be composed of three divisions, its infantry alone would present an effective of 36,000 men. Adding to this strength two or three regiments of cavalry, vnth artillery and its reserves in the proportion of foin- guns per 1,000 men, engineers, and all the administrative and auxihary services, we should arrive at about 50,000 men, 12,000 horses, 1,000 carriages, and 156 guns, as the total strength of an army corps. It is evident that this would not be a simple army corps, but a veritable army wliich would require not less than a day to defile before its chief on one of our largest and best kept national roads. The composition in three divisions might very well be ac- cepted if the regiments were to have a strength of only 1,500 or 1,800 men, which would give 6,000 to 7,000 men per division, but not with regiments of 3,000 men and divisions of 12,000, as in our new organization. Nor must we reckon on the rapid weakening of the army corps, as m the past, for the organiza- tion of reserves for all arms has, for its especial object, the pre- vention of such weakening. Might there not also be some difficulty in finding always a sufficient number of Generals capable of exercising such a com- mand as this, and of managing such a mass m marches and on the field of battle ? Another interest besides those of the exercise, command, and 15 mobility of the army corps should cause us to reduce it to tAvo divisions. The strength of an army corps being determined, its consti- tution in three diA^isions would necessitate the creation of three administrative and auxiliary services. Now the importance of these services for a division is not in proportion to its strength, but remains virtually the same whether the streng-th be 8, 10, or even 12,000 men. It is then advantageous as regards the reduction of the number of non-combatants, to have for our army corps two strong divisions rather than three weak ones, provided always that their strength be not exaggerated. Divisions of 12 to 15,000 men are certainly not above the possibility of being commanded by a divisional General, and they prepare better than would smaller bodies for the command of an army corps. It is equally advantageous for the rapid transmission of orders because the chief command has only to do with two mtei-me- diaries instead of three. We may add that the formation m two divisions is preferable as regards the strength of regiments. For instance, the strength of the army corps being fixed at, say 48,000 men, the battalions which, in the formation in two divi- sions would be 1,000 strong, must be dimmished by one-third if there were to be 36 instead of 24 battalions in the corps, and each battahon would only count 667 men. With this strength and a formation of six companies to a battalion, the strength of the company would be no more than 110 men ; certainly in- sufficient to meet the requirements of modern war which tend to make the company the tactical unit in battle. Many a page has been A\a-itten lately by mihtary men of all ranks on this question of the composition of army corps. The Minister of War has caused to be made an analysis and rhume of the different opinions put forward by a certam num- ber of Generals on the re-organization of the army, and it may be said that general opinion is m favour of the formation in two divisions. Every body agrees in asldng that the composition of om- army corps should be uniform, as in the German army. Your Committee, gentlemen, had agreed upon a mean solu- tion between the two systems, in accordance with the considera- tions we have had the honour to lay before you. It had decided to propose to you the formation of 12 regional corps, each havuig 3 divisions or 6 brigades ; each of the corps was to detach, following a fixed tour of service, one of these brigades to unite in forming 3 army corps destined to garrison Lyons and Paris. The 5 brigades remaining to each army corps would then constitute 2 thvisions plus one brigade not included in a division but forming the infantry reserve of the army corps. The non-regional corps were constituted in only 2 divisions, but instead of having, like the regional corps, only 3 squadrons 16 of cavalry, tliey were to have 5, one of which, was to furnish the divisional cavalry ; the four others were formed m divisions. This system had the advantage of confiding the keeping of Paris and Lyons to the whole army, and of calling, successively and in regular order, all the corps to form part of the gar- rison of Paris, this having been always considered as an advantage. Thus each army corps would have had a reserve, and the corps of Paris and Lyons being, according to the idea of your Committee, destmed to serve as general reserve to the fighting army, need only be mobilized after the regional corps, thus obviating the inconvenience of mobilizing rapidly these brigades detached from their corps and far from their reserves. The corps of Paris and Lyons need only leave then garrisons after being relieved by the territorial army. This was a necessity for public order imperiously forced upon us by the experience of the past. The system might suffer under the reproach of neglecting the prmciple of uniformity of army corps ; but this incon- venience would disappear to some extent by forming the two- division corps into an army of reserve acting independently. But, the Government having demanded 3 army corps for Paris and 1 for Lyons, your Committee felt that it was their duty to give effect to this desire, all the more because in doing so it became possible to give to the army corps a imiform com- position, without altering the mode of their formation and the advantages which it seemed to present. The Committee therefore agreed with the Government that all the army corps should have the same composition, except that of Algeria, where tlie division of the colony into '6 provinces requned a special formation. The details of both these two formations will be given m the law on the interior constitution of the regiments. It is a fixed principle of your Committee and of the Govern- ment,* that the regiments or the fractions constituting these regiments should alw^ays, especially in war, be furnished with all requisites for active service. But, beside this principle stands another no less important. It is that the troops should in no case be taken fi-om the com- mand of their dhect and habitual commanders. For this reason the Government and yom- Committee have agreed to reject the past formation of Artillery and Engineers for the army corps from detached batteries and companies taken from all the regi- ments of the arm, and brought together for the first time under the orders of an improvised Chief, whom they often saw for the first time, of whom they had no knowledge, and by whom they were equally unknown. Your Committee thought that the same brigade of artillery and the same battahon of engineers, under command of their * Article 9 of the Bill. 17 accustomed chiefs, should for the future, furnish to the same army corps the requisite artillery and engineers. This formation m brigade under the command of a general ofBcer is, besides the peace formation, adopted by the Govern- ment for the interior organization of our artillery schools. Each army corps ha^ ing about 38,000 men, only 30,000 of Avliom can be counted on as combatants, the attachment of a brigade of artillery to each army corps gives a proportion of 3' 6 guns per 1,000 combatants. This proportion is accepted by the Government, and could hardly be increased without over-weighting the colunms beyond all measure. Here, gentlemen, your Committee beheves it necessary to offer an observation that appears to be important. It has been the usage, and we find the same expression in the explanation of the Government Bill which has been distributed,* to call the extra-divisional artilleiy, '■^reserve artillery^ In a country like ours, where, unhappily, words are often more miportant than facts, it has seemed necessary to your Committee to fix men's ideas, by giving to this artillery its truo name " corps artillery " (de corps artillerie (Varmee). The method of fightmg which consists in putting in line masses of artillery at the commencement of the battle, so as to obtain decisive results and open the way for the effective action of the other arms, has been the habit of our adversaries dming the late war. We had forgotten the examples given to us by Napoleon I ; but their coips artillery always worked with the advanced guard, whilst ours, considered as reserve artillery because it was called so, was rarely employed at the commence- ment of the battle. We must return to the tactics of Napoleon I and the Prussians, and because there is reason to fear that the inexact name " reserve artillery," so opposed to the spirit which should guide our extra divisional artillery, would lead to its use as a mere support, thus exposing our batteries to be destroyed in detail, we decided to give it its true name. As for the Engineers, the prevalent usage has been to attach to each division of infantry, a company of Sappers and Miners, and to place a reserve company at head-quarters with the corps park. Now, in practice, it generally happens that the reserve company charged with the general service of the army corps was insufficient for its work ; while the divisional com- panies were less usefully employed. Besides, these companies were generally drawn, like the batteries of artillery, from different regiments,! and being notoriously insuflicient for their duties were an embarrassment hi the battle. * Page 5. t This state of affairs had been modified in 1870. It was rightly decided in that campaign to employ in that campaign companies from the same regiment only, for the same army corps. 18 Tlie principle that each division should contain all its means of action, does not permit the suppression of this company. Your Committee thought that the inconveniences wliich experience has proved to exist in our organization, might be avoided without violating the divisional prmciple, by attaching to each army corps one complete battalion of Engineers. Thus the reserve of Engineers would be reinforced and one company of Sappers and Miners would be attached to each division. This company might be recalled to the battalion in certain special cases, such as a siege or an important and urgent work, as has already been done at Rome and before Sebastopol, where all the divisional companies were united for the siege. What we have said of the composition of the artillery and Engineers is equally applicable to the corps of military transport. It is just as important that tliis corps should be so consti- tuted that it can be divided mto parts corresponding with the divisions, brigades, regiments, battahons, and companies, in order to make sure that the service of these units shall be pro- perly performed in case of their detachment ; and, in order that there may never be either hesitation or embarrassment, the fractions should be detailed beforehand. Studying these con- ditions, we have decided to attach to each army corps on a war footing, a squadron of military train. § 6 — Determination of the Number op Army Corps. The organization of our army corps being thus deter- mmed, what should be the number of these corps ? In the Bill wliich has been distributed to you, the Govern- ment asked for twelve, in order to constitute four great armies, each of 120,000 to 150,000 men^ one for the centre, two for the wings, and the fom'tli for reserve. Your Committee did not agree with this wish, because, as we have said, we considered army corps of 50,000 men too heavy and then* concentration too difficult. Besides, in such matters it was not possible to take no notice, as was the case in the Government Bill, of the organization of that Power which we may yet have to resist. Let us not forget that we have taken a strictly defensive view of our military organization, and that the essential advan- tage of the attack, mistress of the hour and place of aggression, is to copimand, to a certain extent, the means and the move- ments of the defence. Whatever be the part assigned to us by Providence, we can- not with equal forces resign ourselves beforehand to present to our adversary from the beginning of the defensive operations a front inferior to his, for we should be exposing ourselves again to be outflanked and turned on our wings, as we were almost always in the late war, and from this point of view the number of army corps is not a subject for indifference. 19 Let us suppose two armies face to face, each 200,000 strong ; the first composed of four corps of three divisions, as the Govern- ment Avould have it ; the second of six corps of two divisions, the number of divisions being the same in both cases. ]\Iost fi-equently the Hne of battle of the first army will be formed of two di\nsions from each corps; the tliird division being placed in reserve beliind the centre of the two others. The second army with four of its corps, deployed in the same manner but without a reserve di\dsion, will occupy the same front as the fii'st. But the Commander of the second army will have two corps at his disposal which he can send in a mass against one vjf the adversary's ^migs, the latter beuig only able to oppose to this turning movement the reserve division of the threatened array corps. In case then of an equal total strength there is the ad- vantage in ha^ang a greater number of army corps though each corps will be weaker. We will therefore organize our fighting army in eighteen corps of two chvisions, instead of adopting the twelve corps of three divisions, as proposed by the Government. In either case there would be thh'ty-six divisions. § 7. — Formation of Armes. The Bill presented to you does not admit the existence, in time of peace, of separate armies permanently constituted, and here youi- Committee are in accord with the Government. The formation of an army should, in fact, be made in view of a definite operation of war, and after taldng into accomit the topographical nature of the soil, the chmate, the productions of the country, the nmnber, organization, and strength of the enemy to be met. It is, therefore, essentially variable according to these different elements. Dependent on circumstances in case of war, the permanent formation in peace has no reasonable object, and wordd, j^erhaps, not be without its dangers. You will understand what those dangers are, gentlemen; it is needless for us to explain them. From the mihtary stand-point, — the only one where we have to place om-selves, — the inconvenience would not be less. The formation of permanent armies in the country during peace, immobihzmg, so to speak, the great commands under the hands of certain general officers, Avould tmni the Commanders of army corps into subalterns, and thus hinder the development of indi\adual initiative among those officers who may some day be called to undertake the command-in-chief. They would acquu-e neither the sentiment nor the habit of responsibility, and when called upon to act they would hesitate and wait for orders. Moreover, it would be difficult at the moment of war to depose emment chiefs whose age and infirmities might have rendered them hardly capable of performuig active duty, and to place m other hands the commands they had been accustomed to consider as their right. c2 20 We Bhould assuredly hesitate so to wrong their long and honourable service, and they Avould themselves complain "with all the energy of their patriotism, in the name of then- military honour, against what they would with reason call an affront done to then- hoary heads. These considerations have seemed to your Committee so serious that we have not hesitated to ask you to decide by a formal legislative decree* that there are to be no armies per- manently organized in time of peace, and that the commandants of the army corps shall not be retained in the same command more than four consecutive years, and, fm'thermore, that the exercise of command in time of peace shall create no ulterior privilege to exercise the functions of their rank.f These provisions, if you think Avell to adopt them, will guard, to a certain extent, against the inconveniences we have just pointed out to you. They will enable the Government to pass during peace a greater number of Generals through the command of armies and army corps, and, by thus enlarging the limits of choice, to confer the command of armies and army corps on those who may be judged most capable and most deserving. § 8.— Non-permanence of Army Corps in their respective REGIONS. Though the organization of the army corps in permanent armies during peace has found few delenders in your Committee, the contrary principle has not prevailed altogether without opposition. Some members have pointed out that the necessities of pubhc order might, in certain cases, demand the union of several army corps under the same command ; that in fact it might become necessary at a given moment either to assemble an important force at given points of the country, or to form an army of observation on one of our frontiers. The Committee, while maintaining as' indispensable for the preparation of the Army the principle of the permanence of regiments and corps in the army corps to which they belong,^ has thought that the first of these necessities of service might be sufficiently satisfied by the power given by Article 15 to detach temporarily from a regional corps, regiments or fractions of regiments in order to place them under another command. But it must be well understood that these detachments will only be temporary, and that they must return to the original command to which they belong as soon as the causes of their removal shall have ceased. The proposal to leave to the Government the power of in- terchanging army corps, by causing them to pass from one regional circumscription to another, while making no alteration * Article 7 of the Bill. f Article U. X Article 15. 21 in the rapidity of mobilization, has been combated within the Commission by members who have m-ged the following reasons. It was said that the system appeared to be in opposition to the spirit and tendency of the law. What was^ in fact, the fault of onr old military organization ? It was the isolation of the army from the nation, making it a separate caste with special laws, separate traditions and a spirit wliich might become distinct from that of the conntry. There was, men said, a striking analogy between this mili- tary constitution and that of the rehgious orders. The latter were cloistered in their monastery, as the soldier in his barrack, subject like him to a special discipline and a special law, for- getful of the country and the family and asking nothing but to be forgotten. The army, isolated from the rest of the country by its mode of recruitment and the particularism of its institutions, was no longer the real expression of the nation. As the religious mili- tant belonged rather to heaven than earth, the army belonged rather to the chief of the State than to the nation, and this was arrived at by a perpetual change of garrison, which no longer permitted it to Hve the hfe of the country, and inhale its spuit. The more the soldier could be alienated by breakmg the bonds which attached him to his \allage and his family, the greater was thought to be the success. JBut uoav that all our children, without exception, will be called to the standards, the character of the army is altered : it must be the army of the nation and the law, it ought no longer to be rmmindful of the family, and while the ties wliich bind it must not become an obstacle to military duty, neither must we suffer those ties — abeady so unhappily weakened — to become entirely broken. The mterchauge of region between different army corps, would present serious mconveniences as regards permanence of preparation. The army corps is not composed merely of regiments and a personal or auxiliary administration always easily replaced, but also of elements attached permanently to the territory of the regional circumscription, such as magazhies, arsenals, hospitals, bakeries, butchers, &c. The commanders should be specially solicitous as to the condition of these estabhshments, for it was m this part of the service, the preparation for mobilization, that our failm'e in 1870 was most marked. Now it is in the nature of man to give more importance to things wliich are of personal interest, and from which he may draw definite advantages. The interest of the command \d\l be m harmony T^dth its cares, and its vigilance if, in the prepara- tion of all parts of the serAace, it can feel that it is preparing its own glori/. Is it not then to be dreaded that, if in constant expectation of sudden removal, the command will take less interest in a work of preparation, the fruits of which it may never reap ? 22 Is it not ako to be dreaded that, by means of these changes of corps from one region to another, we may alter the national character which the new organization is endeavouring to give to the army, and that we may reach at last the very dualism we wished to avoid ? In first drawmg up Article 2 of the Bill, your Committee had formally consecrated the principle of the permanence of armv corps in their regions, and had been led to adopt, as the natmal consequence of tliis principle, the formation of the corps of Paris and Lyons by successive detachment of brigades from each of the regional corps, but, this organization havmg been abandoned for the much simpler and more rational one of the uniform organization of 18 army corps, the permanence of the army corps in their respective regions, did not appear to present the same interest. And in fact we have no longer any right to consider the army corps of Paris and Lyons as intended to form the army of reserve ; all the corps being regional except that of Algeria, might be mobihzed at the same time and in the same manner, which was certainly an advantage. It is even presumable that the corps of Paris and Lyons, less dispersed in gamsous, and, therefore, more exercised and better prepared than the others, Avill be, by reason of the nmnerous railways convergent on these two points, concentrated first and brought first to the frontier, and that, instead of forming the army of reserve they "wdll, on the contrary, form the advanced guard of the armies. Therefore, in order that each corps may in turn occupy these garrisons, it is necessary to admit that it may change its region. The abandonment of the principle of the permanence ipf Army Corps m their respective regions is also necessary for political reasons on which we need not enter now, and by the necessity of unitmg several corps for the annual manoeuvres. These movements must not be frequent, as they mil cause some expense, and the National Assembly wall always be able to control the necessity of these changes and keep them witliin just limits by its vote on Articles 1st and 2nd of Part VI, Chapter VI, of the war, budget relative to payments for marches and cost of transport of troops. Moreover, the Generals commanding army corps not being able to preserve the same command for more than four years, there is no longer any reason, so far as preparation is con- cerned, for keeping the army corps longer than this in the same region. Besides the real danger is not in the movements of the great tactical units, movements wliich do not alter the principle of then- permanent lormation. Preparation is then only an affair of the budget, more or less rapid, more or less complete, according to the importance of the credits you devote each year to the reconstruction of our war material, the expense of which, as your Committee on contracts has mformed you, should be rather more than a milliard and a half. The most important matter is not to permit the great units to be 23 broken up by permanent and too frequent changes from one region to another of the regiments, or fractions of regiments, composing them. Article 15 of the law has provided for this by specifying that the regiments or fractions of regiments be- longing to an army corps may not be detached otherwise than temporarily. The same two regiments w^ll ahvays be brigaded together. Must we, therefore, gentlemen, approve the consecration of the prmciple of the permanence of garrisons, extolled as it is by some men of talents Certainly not, for this immobility of corps would present inconveniences of some gravity in relation to military spirit and disciplme by the bonds of all sorts which would result from it. The commandant of the army corps will, then, be able, whenever he judges it necessary, to move the detachments from one garrison to another, throughout the region, and replace them by troops of the same arm. This last restriction, accepted by the Government, is in- dispensable on two accounts, the interest of the Treasury and rapidity of mobilization. You know^, gentlemen, that quartering in barracks is esta- blished under different conditions for the various arms, and that at each change of occupation from one arm to another, it is indispensable to make modifications which generally cause considerable expense, to say nothing of the troops being badly or incompletely installed, and often wanting the local acces- sories necessary for the service. The fixity of barrack accom- modation is then at once an economy for the Treasury and a guarantee of comfort for the troops. It is above all indispensable for rapidity of mobilization. The principle of the permanence of army corps in their regions Ijeing abandoned, and the corps magazmes being separated from their depots to become regional establishments no longer attached to a definite corps but to the garrison, the men of the reserve are no longer attached to a corps which may be moved, but to a place of garrison wdiere they must find, instead of the regiment or corps which has gone, a corps of the same arm as that in which they are enrolled. Thus the movement of army corps neither changes the rapidity of mobilization nor the permanence of barrack arrange- ments. It permits us to preserve for the corps the gTeatest mobility, and proA^des against the pro\dncial spu-it which might, dm-ing a long sojourn in the same garrison, penetrate, not among the rank and file who never remain more than five years in the same garrison, but among the cadres, and cause the reappearance of some of those inconveniences which we endeavoured to avoid by distributing the contingent through all the army corps without distmction. Moreover, we are maldng a new law, which experience has not yet sanctioned. Let us then make the experiment, and give' to the law such elasticity that the Government may not 24 find itself obliged to come to you every moment with requests for modifications. § 9. — Decision on the Strength of the Fighting Army. 1st. On the War Footing. We have limited the normal strength of an army corps to the maximum of 40,000 men. But in this effective all are not combatants. There are the auxiliary and administrative services, the number of which amount to about one-fifth the total of mouths. This leaves for the effective strength only about 32,000 combatants. The 18 corps of our field army, which would have to bear the first shock, will therefore comprise about 740,000 men,* including the officers. If the resources of our budget were indefinite, and there Avere ]io need to take account of the necessities of the national labour, Avhich alone can assure to us the financial resources indispensable to sustain and carry through Avar, we should not have to trouble ourselves about the expenses that the permanent maintenance of such a military condition would occasion. Such expenses are, however, insupportable by any power in Europe. It is, then, necessary tliat this strength be kept during peace Avithin the hmits of a normal budget not exceeding our resources. 2nd. On the Peace Footing. It is generally admitted that the cadres of a Avell-constitnted army should present sufficient elasticity to enable them, Avhen necessary, to supply cadres for double the normal strength. Our cadres are so organized as to fulfil this condition, since for a strength of 740,000 men,t we shall have 26,400 officers, and this number will be capable of increase by means of auxiliary resources. Since the active army and its reserve contain each four classes after deducting the first class the instruction of which Avould not be sufficient at the moment when war Avas declared, we see that the call of the reserve classes to the colours Avill nearly double our strength.^ Thus, in order to have Avhen Avar breaks out, — coimting about 40,000 men of the Algerian corps, — an army of 780,000 men, the permanent part of which neces- sarily kept up at all times amounts to 120,000 men,§ and the * Not including the corps of Algiers. t The composition of these effectives will be shown hereafter by tables annexed to the law on the interior constitution of the corps. The total here given is that which figures in tlie budget of 1814, page 557, and comprises neither ofBcers of gensdarmes, nor those of the Republican guard. X Sec Table of the effectives of each class, deducting losses (Table No. 2). I ^''^ '^^^'^ struction that would have been caused by the concentration at one place of men at disposal, and of the reserve recalled to the fighting army. Your Committee think that in order to avoid obstructions and to facilitate mobilization the work must be divided ; and it is necessary, while keeping at the subdivisional centre the com- mand of the administration of soldiers who are m their homes, to divide the recruitmg service and the store ser\nce, among a certain number of secondary centres, in order that they may be nearer to the men when recalled, and mobilization be rendered quicker. The recruiting gives us for the nine classes of the active army and its reserve .. .. ^ .. .. 1,215,008* If we deduct from tliis figure the present effective in the service and liable to be recalled, viz.f . . 330,000 There remabs 885,008 ' To collect at the moment of mobili- zation m the 72 regional subdivi- sions, which leaves for each one to furnish 12,000 To tliis we must add for the terri- torial army. . . . . . . . 8,000 This makes a total of 20,000 as the number of men to be administered in peace and mobilized at the moment of war by each regional subdivision. It would be possible, Ijy multiplying the number of employes, to provide for the exigences of such a service so far asto keep tlie registers of enrolment and muster, and the administration of soldiers in their homes. But imagine the obstruction that would be occasioned by the arrival of all the reserve of a subdi\asional region at one * See Table 2 at tlie end of the Report. t The active army is 450,000 men of which the permanent pari is , . . . . . • • • • 120,000 There remains 330,000 for the portion liable to be recalled. 54 place. Supposing even that tlie mobilization of ttie active army and the territonal came one after the other, there would be nevertheless 12,000 men of the active aiiny to mobilize at the same time. How would it be possible to lodge all these men, to feed them, to furnish them with clothing, equipment, and arms in a very limited space of time 1 Even with a regional subdivision to every regiment the number of men to administrate and to mobilize would be — For the reserve of active army . . 6,000 For the territorial army , , . . 4,000 Total 10,000 If we wish for rapid mobilization, no centre of mobiHzation must be responsible for more than two or three thousand men liable to be called to the colours. This leads us to divide the regional subdivision of each regiment* mto two districts of mobilization, or, still better, mto thi*ee, each corresponding with one active battalion.f In view of the necessity for sub-divisional branch establish- ment. Articles 4 and 6 of this Bill have been drawn up. They propose that one or several magazines shall be placed in each regional subdivision, and one or several recruiting offices where the reserve of the subdivision are to collect. At these offices the men of the reserve will have returned to them the arms and equipments they deposited on dispersing to their homes, or they will be supplied with new equipments, clothing, and arms. And now see, gentlemen, how everythmg is bound up together in an organization such as that with which we are concerned, and how the smallest details can sometimes be of great importance. The nature of the uniform vre adopt for the troops will necessarily have a very great influence upon the rapidity of mobilization. With the tight and close fitting clothing which our soldiers are now obliged to wear, it will cer- tainly happen that after men have passed two or three years in their homes, their clothes, when they are recalled at the moment of mobiHzation, will be found to be too small for them. Three or four days will be taken up with altering them, and during those days we may perhaps be surprised and invaded. We must then throw away traditions of the past, and adopt for our troops an uniform sufficiently ample to be worn in- differently by men twenty or forty years old ; it must be simple and without ornaments, in order not to burden the Treasury * lu 1870 tlie eighty-nine departmental recruiting offices took fourteen days to collect 163,000 men, and to start them on their way to the depots of their corps ; this is an average of 130 men every day to each department. t The Germans have for each army cor^Ds district seventeen depdts, of which sixteen are for the eight infantry regiments, viz., two for every regunent of three battalions, and one over for the capital of the region. 55 with useless expenses, and easy to transform, so that it may be worn either by the territorial or active army. After treating- of the organization of territorial regions, and of the services which belong to them permanently, the law treats in Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the formation and composi- tion of regional army corps of the active army, and of the special corps the formation of which is the aim of Article 6 of the recruiting law. These Articles correspond to Articles 4, 5, 6 and 9 of the Government Bill. Articles 9, 11, 12 and 13 relate to measures to be taken in time of peace, for the preparation for mobilization. Article 9 lays down, for the first time since the order of 1788, the principle of permanent readiness in time of peace as in time of war ; and of the storing within reach of a corps the material it requu'es for taking the field. Your Committee, gentlemen, cannot forget all that was brought to light by the inquiry into magazines and arsenals. M. Blondeau's deposition made before this Committee made us feel strongly the danger that lies in accumulating material in great magazines, whence it could not bo brought in less than six or eight months.* Division of stores is then one of the essential conditions of mobilization. Thus we must avoid all excessive conceiitration, and, on the contrary, divide the stores ; give to every division, every brigade, and, still better, to every_ regiment in time of peace, the stores that it will require in time of war, and make it responsible for the care of them. It would then be known that stores are always in readiness, and frequent inspections would make its readiness still more sure. These arrangements seem so important to your Committee that it has not hesitated to issue a legal order which enforces the storing of material upon wheels. Thus the principle laid down by Article 9 is to give to every corps all its material in time of peace as well as in time of war, and to store that material within its reach. For example, regiments of artillery charged with the care of ammunition wag- gons should have those waggons and the ammunition stored close to theii- garrison; and cartridges destined to be distri- buted among the men ought also to be stored T\dthin reach of the corps. Article 10, agreeing with Article 14 of the Government Bill, decides that, with the exception of the corps mentioned in the law, no new corps can be created, nor can any change be made in the normal constitution of those that exist, save by vu-tue of a law. The object of this order is to prevent the recurrence of alterations which have incessantly, at all epochs, affected the organization of the army and the constitution of corps. These alterations are a source of expense to the war budget. * Page 30 of the dispositions annesecl to the Report of the Committee. 56 When reductions are made, it becomes necessary to put a certain number of officers on half-pay, or at disposal, because their appointments are suppressed. When, on the contrary, it is considered necessary to increase the army, if the additions are not made gradually and in proportion to the resources of the cadres, they necessitate the creation of new appointments, which can only be filled by promoting men who are sometimes quite unfit for promotion. This in itself is a source of weakness, and a corps thus treated cannot recover for years. We will only add here, that alterations in the interior constitution of corps cause uncertainty and trouble hi the establishment of garrison quarters, — a result injurious both to the interests of the Treasury and to the well-being of the troops, whose accommodation leaves much to be desired at the best of times. All of you, gentlemen, must have been struck by the numerous changes made of late yqars in the uniforms of the corps. These changes, besides having been often for the worse, cause no trifling expense to the war budget. They have been also a cause of great inconvenience to all our officers, and have driven many of them into debt. Without wishing to go so far as to hinder necessary reforms, your Committee propose to you no longer to authorise any change in equipment and uniform, save by virtue of a law, unless it be partially or as an experiment. You will then be able to count beforehand the probable expense of such changes, and to see if it would not be pos- sible Avhen the army wants so much, and everything is to be reformed, to employ the money of your taxpayers in a way more useful to it. Articles 11, 12 and 13 are the most im- portant of the law. They regrdate the manner of distri- Tjuting the contingent of the classes among the various corps and services of the army and the method of mobilization. They decide the general system of our organization : — 1st. Recruiting of corps over the whole territorial national system ; 2nd. Regional mobilization, by recalling into the same corps the men at disposal, and of the reserve domiciled in the district of its subdivision. We have spoken at sufficient length of these two points ; we shall not, therefore, return to them here. Articles 11, 12 and 13 of the Bill may be reproached with ha\Tng rather the character of regulations than of a law ; but they are so important that your Committee thought it right to invest the orders contained in them with the stability of a law. These orders are also so little susceptible of change, that there is but httle danger of it. The Government makes no remark on this subject ; it agrees with your Committee that all shall be prepared and decreed beforehand for mobiHzation^ in order to avoid varia- tions in ministerial cnculars, which might perplex the people responsible for carrying them out, and occasion uncertainty and disorder at a moment when it is most important to act with certainty and order. 57 HEAD II. COMMAXD. — AdMIXISTRATION. Head II organizes tlio command and lays down general principles as the foundation of the law upon administration. Article VIII of the first Government Bill corresponds to Articles 14, 15 and 16, which relate to the command. We have abeady said, that according to the plan of your Committee, the organization of regional subdivisions must be followed by the suppression of the present territorial com- mands. In time of peace, generals in command of army corps join the command of the territory of the region to that of the active troops. This command is not exercised through the Generals commanding active divisions or brigades, but directly by means of a permanent staff placed with the command. It is called the territorial staff, and forms part of the general staff of the army corps, for which it constitutes, as it were, a special office under the dnection of the chief of the staff. The first Government Bill also admitted* that the staffs and personnel of the various services attached to army corps, divisions and brigades, should be organized in movable sections destined to follov.^ the troops in case of mobilization, and in fixed sections attached to the territory, responsible for depot reserve and supply services of all kinds. It did not, however, invest Generals in command of arm}'' corps with the command of the territory, and though it admitted that Generals might exercise both these commands, it did not suppress the appoint- ment of Generals commanding territorial divisions. Still the Government did seem to understand all the difficulties that would sprmg from this close contact of two independent com- mands, for it relegated the decision of their connections with one another to a special law. In these arrangements yom* Committee see a complication of work and an increase of expense resulting fi-om the necessity of keeping up two commands, consequently two staffs working one beside the other ; above all, your Committee consider them to be contrary to the principle of unity of command and of ' responsibility, and they propose to you to suppress the terri- torial divisions and subdivisions, and to amalgamate the com- mand of aU the troops and services of the region with the com- mand of the army corps, m order that responsibility may not be divided and that reacUness for war may be more thorouglily insm-ed. * Article 7. 58 This ai-rangement, based upon the principles of one re- sponsible command, is not new ; for at Paris and Lyons, where there are active divisions and brigades, the Generals of the brigades and divisions have no territorial power. It must not be forgotten tliat active trooj)S and the Generals who command them are hable to be moved fi-om one part of the region to another, and that this mobility is incompatible with the duties of an essentially fixed territorial service. These Generals furthermore have enough to do, responsible as they are to the General-in-chief for the appearance and dis- cipline of their troops. It is also extremely important not to multiply the hands through which orders must pass at the moment of mobilization, and you will see in Article 2 of the Bill that orders of mobilization are transmitted from the General commanding the army corps directly, without passing through any intermediate official channels to the various recruiting offices which then call in the reserve. To send these orders through divisional Generals, to Generals of brigades, who, following out the same plan, would send them to the commander of the subdivisional recruiting office, so that he in his tm-n might send them to the branch establishments of the subdivision, would cause a complication and loss of time dangerous at such a moment. Your Committee attach very great importance to the direct centralization of all operations of recruiting and mobili- zation in the hands of the Commander-in-chief of the army corps, and propose to you to make this territorial service inde- pendent and distinct from that of active trooj)s and to give it a special staff attached to the region. To this arrangement itis ol)jected that the functions defined in Article 18 of the Bill as belonging to the superior officer charged with the superintending of the recruiting and the ad- ministration of soldiers in their homes, are not the only ones that ought to be comprised in the territorial service. There are revisional councils in which the Generals of the brigades commanding in the department should take part ; there are the hospitals which these general officers visit every month, to decide upon propositions of chsmissal or mvalidmg made by the military doctors ; there are also matters concerning military justice. These the Bill does not mention, but nevertheless their solution must be provided for. We reply to these observations. With regard to revisional councils, it is not now necessary for the General commanding in the deparment to be present. In the terms of Article 27 of the recruiting law, this duty is assigned to a general or senior officer designated by military authority. Let the General commanduig the army corps appoint this officer. As for the hospitals, men under treat- ment in them belong exclusively to that portion of the active ai-my which is ^\itll the colours. The duty of invahding or granting furloughs to sick or convalescent men belongs naturally 59 to the Generals commanding brigades and divisions of the active army; the army corps commander will appoint one of the Generals to perform this service in the hospitals estaljlished in the part of the territory occupied by the brigade. Touchuig military justice, once men at disposal and of the reserve have returned to then- homes, they are citizens. The law, it is true, has not yet determined their judicial position, but should they, by the law to come, be made amenable to councils of war, which is extremely unlikely, nothhig prevents the judicial business concerning them from being transmitted to the army corps commander, as it is at present to the divisional General he replaces. In fact, instead of having 21 divisions, as at present, we shall have only 18, and tliis makes all the difference. They will, it is true, be a little larger, but with the double staff given to the commander this extension is not of a nature to overload and compromise the service. Besides if the General commanding the army corps, desires to relegate some of his duties to the Generals of brigades or divisions placed under Ins orders, the law does not forbid him to do so ; while definmg the duties of a commander of a regional subdivision, the law gives to the cluef command a latitude by which the working of all parts of the service will be far better secm-ed than if it had confirmed the principle of the union of the territorial command with that of divisions and brigades, for then the exact limits of these commands must have been determined by an order of public administration. The Government itself feared the confusion likely to result from this multiphcity of departments corresponding to necessi- ties of different services, and pronounced in tavom- of maintain- ing the dispositions of Ai'ticle 18, which it considers in every way satisfactory. It is the general opinion, as we have said, that many of om' late military reverses were due to the excessive centralization which hes like a weight upon our army. Without asking how far they are due to this centralization, we cannot hide from our- selves, that it has been fatal to us, and that the subordinate positions assigned to our Generals is not of a natm-e to develop in them a bold spnit, a readiness to accept responsi- bility or a power of command. Division of labour is one of the essential conditions of the well being of modern societies. Your Committee, gentlemen, propose to apply it to oiu' military organization, and to detach a part of the attributes of the central administration of war in order to give them to Generals commanding army corps. But this decentralization must be coniined withm such limits that it ynW compromise neither the principle of authority nor unity of direction. General government can be carried on fi-om a distance, but the administration of details must be conducted on the spot. Let us then give each one his place in the working of the aiiny, 60 — to the Minister belongs command and direction, hut command from on high and general direction ; — to the commanders of army corps belong personal responsibility for the execution of the general orders of the Minister, and to him they must be account- able. Yonr Committee consider these to be the true principles which should actuate the command not only in high places, but in all degrees of military government. It is important that too frequent interference of the chief with the duties of the subordi- nate should not rob him at once of power and responsibility, and thus shake the principle of authority to its foundations. Our military regulations, by determining the duties of every one, have confirmed these wise prmciples. Unfortunately their provisions are not always scrupulously observed. The first and most essential condition of command is unity. Article 15 of the Bill confirms it. The commander of an army corps, responsible to the Minister for the appearance, discipline, instruction and efiicient working of all the special services of the army corps, has under his command all troops stationed in the region, and the personnel of the various services. With regard to the services or establishments that supply the general needs of the army, and the material necessary for the general defence of the country, the local command only exercises a general and permanent surveillance over these services, and over the j^^^^onnel they employ, with a view to maintaining interior order and discipline. Thus, the cannon foundries, arsenals, arm manufactories, general work- shops, general hospitals, military schools, establishments of administrative service, Avhich supply the general service and the stores of the army ; the service of forts, which belongs to the general defence of national tenitory, and in general, all establishments not allotted in a special and exclusive manner to the service of an army corps, remain under the immediate authority of the Minister-of-War under the work- ing conditions applicable to them. Their chiefs receive their orders directly from him and correspond with him. It would be difficult, however, to keep these establishments completely free of the command. They employ military workmen organized in armed companies. The directors of the establish- ments are themselves military officers, and this in itself makes it impossible to render them independent of the sur- veillance and discipHne of the army corps' commander. But though this general officer must not interfere in the administra- tion of these establishments, seeing he is in no way responsible for it, neither must he be completely mdifferent to them. He ought to visit them, inquire what is being done in them, acquaint himself with the mmisterial orders, make sure that they are carried out, render an account to the Minister of their execution, and of the observations to which this execution has given rise. You perceive that your Committee proposes to give the Generals commanding army corps great authority, both 61 over personel and material ; but in giving them this authority we must also give the means of exercising it. Article IG of the Bill of the Committee, which corresponds with Article 7 of the Government Bill, gives the General com- manding an army corps a double staff, under the direction of one chief of the staff. The first of these staffs is charged with all that concerns the personel and the various military services of the active army corps. It marches wdth the corps in case of mobili- zation. The second is attached to the territory of the region. It is charged with all that concerns the personel, and the services of the men at disposal, those of the reserve of the active and territorial armies recruiting, remounts, soldiers in their homes, and generally all services exclusively territorial; it keeps archives and perpetuates traditions. It remains in the region and secures the working of all the services in the interior, while the active army corps takes the field. Your Committee, gentlemen, attach such importance to the stability of this territorial 'organization, that they propose to you to have the superior oflicer, Avho in the teri'itorial staff" is charged Avith centralizing the recruiting service, appointed directly by the ]\]inister, in order that he may neither be dis- placed nor hindered in his work, save by a ministerial order. The conditions of stabihty seem indispensable, in the interest of the territorial service and rapidity of mobilization. Like the general staff, though in a lesser degree, the staffs of artillery and engineers have also to fulfil double duties ; active work in the general working of the army corps ; sedentary work in the different services of the interior ; such as arsenals, arm manufactories, military buildings, fortifications, &c., &c. These two staffs vrill, like the general staff", be divided into an active part, which is to follow the troops into the field, and a territorial part, which is to secure the workmg m the interior of the general services that supply the needs of the active army and of the mobihzed territorial army, and provide for the defence of the territoiy. Yom- Committee, having admitted the principle that the authority of the command ought to extend over all the ad- ministrative services in a manner to be hereafter determined by a special law of administration, make the army corps com- mander active chief over all administrative services. These services, however, in no way lose their mdividuality, for their chiefs are severally responsible and superintend them almost entirely. The General-hi-chief knows the wishes of the Minister, he indicates to the chief of the staff" the direction to be given, but neither one nor the other execute them. They direct, and execu- tion belongs to the chiefs of the various serAdces of the army. A ministerial order will determine the composition and distribu- tion of the staffs and various services of each army corps. 62 We could not assign a normal constitution to these staffs and services, as we do to the army corps itself. Important reforms will no doubt be required in the general staff of the army ; these reforms Lave already been the object of serious study, as much on the part of extra Parliamentary Committees as on that of your Committee. The result of these studies will be ultimately laid before you. But your Committee consider it better to submit at once for your approbation the principles which are to serve as the organic bases of the general administration of the army ; also a regulation of its connection vntli the command. These bases are indicated in Article 17 of the Bill. The Government treated of them in Article 8 of the Bill which it presented to you. It admits the authority of the command over the administrative services, but it does not define it. Your military Committee agreeing with the Committee on Contracts, after having consulted with them on the subject, have been much impressed by the facts brought to light in the inquiries conducted by that Committee. They see the necessity of being more explicit, and considering administration as one of the chief attributes of the command — an attribute of which we cannot continue to be deprived — your Committee propose to you to complete, from an administrative point of vieAv, the definition they have given you of the command in Articles 14, 15 and 16, by deciding in Article 17, that the administration shall, in time of peace as in time of war, be placed under the orders of the command. It must be acknowledged that at present the command is much too distinct from the administration ; the latter has ended by becoming an independent power, which sometimes uses the practical wants of the men as a means of overruling the command. This state of things is brought about because our Generals have not sufficient practice in administration during peace, and are unable to exercise it in time of war. Contempt of administration means in war contempt of men's lives, and he who wishes to deal with masses of men, must add the genius of the administrator to the genius of the captain.* Do we then pretend to exact fi'om Generals commanding anny corps the capability of becoming superintendents of hospitals and victualhng services, or responsible agents for clothing and encampment ? No ; cei'tainly not. Too much observance of details is injurious to greatness, of conception. It confines the spirit, and prevents it from rising to that general grasp of affairs so indispensable to a Commander-in-chief. We have represented the command to you as giving impetus to the services of the army, and superintending them, though each service remains entirely under the authority of its chief so far as regards the execution of its duties. * Page 3, " Exposg-des-motifs of the GoTerument.' 63 Your Committee desires and prays you to grant, that, since the command is to have general superintendence and to be tlie moving power, this command may be one, and the responsibility undivided. The administrative anthoritrj with which the Bill invests the commander of an army corps, will be exercised, like all superior authority, in a manner fixed by regulations, and through the medium of harmonious yet individual departments com- posed of medical or administrative military functionaries, under the surveillance of an independent control directly responsible to the Minister of War. Do iiot think, gentlemen, that your Committee ask you to sanction a novelty. They simply propose to you to return to the principles laid down by the King's Ordinance, 17th August, 1788, which subordinate the admini- stration to the command.* Those principles are confirmed in the Ordinance of June 14th, 1844, concernmg the administra- tive service of the marine, with tlie one exception, that the Ordinance of 1844 separates the control and the ordering of the expenses, which the Ordinances of 1788 and 1835 had united.f The principle of subordinating the administration to the command has been eloquently combated by two of the mem- bers of youi- Committee, who have remembered that after the Ordinance of 1788, the law of 28 Nivose, year III, caused a diametrically opposite principle to prevail in the administra- tion of the army. Article 9 of the first document of this law sanctions the entire independence of the admmistration from the commanders-in-chief.* The power of the commissaries of war charged with this administration, extended Jiot only over all parts of military administration, over everything which con- cerned economy in the expenses and supplies, but also, over all that concerned police and discipline of the troops. § Section three of the law of the year III, enumerates the duties of these functionaries. A glance at the list suffices to lay bare the feeling that prompted the dispositions of the law. The national convention doubted the military cluefs, and the same feeling of mistrust that caused it to send representatives of the people invested with full powers to the armies, made it sanction by law the independence of military administration. This independence was such that no one could give an order for the removal of stores from the military magazines of the Republic, nor even demand infor^nation about their condition, icithout having first informed the commissary of tear and received his consent. The commissaries of war attached to the armies, being * Order of iVth August, 1788, Articles 22, 23, and 24. t Report to the King, and Ordinance of June 14th, 1844. Maritime and Colo- nial Eecords, vol. 84, page 163 and following. + Article 9. § Document I, Section 3, Article 1. 64 solely under the command of the chief commissary, whether within or outside the territory of the Republic, counter- balanced the authority of the General-in-chief. They con- stituted really an independent power established side Ijy side with the Generals, in order to be able at any moment to keep the command in check, if the Committee of public welfare distrusted it. It is easy to conceive how such a system must have hampered the Generals, and injured military operation?, though under the Government of the National Convention it may perhaps have been partially necessary. The Ordinance of July 25th, 1817, decreeing the creation of a corps of military administration under the title of com- missaries of the stores, maintained the chief dispositions of the law of Nivose, year III, and placed the commissaries and sub- commissaries of the stores under the immediate orders of the minister, Avhose deputies they were in all that concerned the administration of tlie army.* Recommendations of promotion came not from the com- mand, but from the chief of the department to which they belonged.! It may be seen that these dispositions retamed the independent character with which the law of Nivose, year III, had endowed the administrative body. This independence was also confirmed, word for word, by the Ordinance of September 18th, 1822, which reorganized mihtary administration.^ In matters of administration the commissaries are only obliged to obey the command when orders of urgency are given them by general officers upon their own responsibility, and they are accountable for them to the Muiister. But these dispositions were only apphcable in time of peace, and the connection of the administration ^^^th the general officers of the army on a war footing was determined by the regulations upon service in the field. § We must then turn to Ordinance of the 3rd May, 1832,|| to determine the comiection between the administrative services and the command in time of war. This Ordinance is forma]. Article 17. IT " Generals are responsible for military operations and/or orders " to supply and to distribute ; Commissaries are responsible for the " means of supply, and for payment and distribution^ In presence of this formal law and of the principle that tlie military organization and constitution of the corps and various administrative services should be the same in time of peace as in time of war, your Committee cannot, •wdthout disregarding the fundamental principles which it has itself laid down in accord with the Government, hesitate to return to the disposi- • Article 17. t Head III, Article 8. J Head III, Article 1. § Head IX, Article 22. II Ordinance of September 18, 1822, Head YII, Article 2( If Idem, Article 31. 65 tions of the Ordinance of August 17tli, 1788, and May 3rd, 1832, which seem to sanction the true principles of admini- stration. Without entering into details of the organization of the administration, which will be the object of a special law ; they propose, in Article 18 of the Bill, to lay down the follow- ing general foundations of organization : — 1st. Absolute independence of the control. 2nd. The separation of the administrative services of management, direction, and control. 3rd. The subordination of the administration to the com- mand m time of peace as in time of war. 4th. The individual working of the medical corps under the fhrect authority of the command. The commander of an army corps is thus the deputy of the Minister for the administration, as he is that of the Government for the command of the troops. It would seem, then, natui-al to entrust him also, with the assignment of credits and the ordering of expenses. Your Committee, acting upon the same principles that in- spired the Orduiances of 1788, 1844, and 1832, upon service in the field, think that the prestige of the command would suffer if it were charged with financial operations. It would be forced to descend to details, better committed to a special functionary in an inferior department. They propose to you to commit to an Intendant Ordonnateur and to a papnaster, the duty of guaranteeing the administrative services of an army corps, by the ordermg and payment of expenses, ac- cording to the mamier which shall ultimately bo decided by the law of administration. The credits necessary to cover the special expenses of territorial or active services, exclusively attached to an army corps, will be assigned to this Intendant Ordonnateur. With regard to the general services that remain under the immediate authority of the IMmister in the working conditions that belong to them, the ]\Iinister ^^^ll assign the credits espe- cially allotted to them, in whatever manner seems to_ him best to insure the working of these services. All administrative operations are submitted to a double control; 1st. The mterior control, or control of details; 2nd. The exterior, or general control. The first can only be efiicaciously exercised by a man initiated into all the practical details of the service, that is to say, by the du-ector of that ser%ace liimself, whose functions must be quite distinct from those of the responsible manager. The general control is exercised by delegation from the Minister, independently of the management and the du-ection of the administrative services, which remain under the authority of the command. We do not wish to prejudge anything here, gentlemen, of the attributes of the control or of the organization and situa- tion of its j^ersonnel nor of the duties of other administrative authorities. Their relations with the command, and with civil F 66 authorities, will be decided by the law upon general adminis- tration. It is not our duty to prejudge this organization ; we have only to lay down the bases of it, and to tell you, gentle- men, that the institution of a special corps charged with the administrative control satisfies a real want ; namely, that of returning to the normal condition of a well-conceived admi- nistration, in which management, direction and control are separated, responsibility real and clearly defined. In tliis your military Committee, your Committee on Contracts and the Government, are perfectly agreed. Some members of the Committee were of the opmion that the control should be independent of the Minister of War, and responsible to the Minister of Finance. Your Committee think that to go so far would be to change the constitutional conditions of the Govern- ment. The Minister of War could not indeed be dependent upon one of his colleagues, nor be submitted to his control. Each of them is responsible to the country, and in this case you are yourselves the true controller who can at any moment, by an interpellation or a parliamentary inquuy, make knov^m the acts of the minister, and oblige him to explain and to justify them to you. Yom* control is the only one that can be sanctioned, for it alone, by the withdrawal of your confidence, can oblige the Minister to resigii. It has been feared, that by placing the administration under the authority of the command, a way ^^all be opened to abuses, and the interests of the treasury will be compromised. Your Committee A\ash you to observe, on this point, that a General commanding an army corps does not administer personally, and that he can neither order, nor spend, vrithout ready money, if he attempted to do so he would find it practically impossible. The ordainer can only di-aw upon the open credits of each special chapter of the budget. If he actted otherwise, the pay- master, responsible and amenable to the Audit Ofiice, would refuse to cash cheques u'regularly ch-awn. There is therefore nothhig to fear from that direction. Such, gentlemen, taking them all together, are the piiiiciples laid down by your Committee. If you give them your sanction, the Committee will lay before you, in a special laAv, their deve- lopnii nt and their application to the spending departments of the aimy. Ai tides 15, 16, and 17, of the law, determine the manner in which the command will act upon the troops, and the various admiiistrative services of the active army. But the action of the ccmmand is not confined to them; it is exercised also over all the soldiers of that army who are for any reason m their homes; over all the estabhshments and regional services specially allotted to the army corps; and over the personnel of the territorial ai-my up to the moment of its mobilization. Articles 18 and 19 regulate the method of this action, and G7 determiue itB relatious with the personnel oi the men at disposal and of the reserve, and with the recniitwf/ whenever it is desired. An account is given to the command of the changes in tlic situation of this personnel, and every six months, of its distri- bution, and its enrohnent, in order that the commander of an army corps may make any proposals to the Minister which are necessary m order to keep the complementary cadres and eflec- tives in constant readiness for mobilization. HEAD III. Incorporation. Mobilization. Head III regulates the manner in which the organization prepared by the two first documents of the law is to act. Article 20 treats specially of the incorporations of the con- tingent. The men given by the recruiting are, as Article 40 of the law prescribes, di^dded into two categories, the first comprising those who have more than one year to serve ; the second, those who may be dismissed to their homes at the expu-ation of that first year. Both are sent to then* corps after having received the necessary clothing, equipment and arms, from the magazines of the regional subdi^nsion to wliich they belong. Your Committee think, hoAvever, that there would be great advantage in enrolling young soldiers who have only one year to serve, at once in one of the corps of the same region, and that, without endeavouring to fit them out completely, they should only be given a certain part of the necessary kit, &c., which part shall be determined by the ]\Iinister. Thus the Treasury ^\i\\ be saved the expenses of travelling and equip- ment, and the recruitmg offices spared much useless v^n.-iting. Still, objections have been made to this system ; it has l^een said the result of such a measure would be tha.t these men, exercised in their own country, woidd have no real idea of military life, and that they would have no stimulus to encourage them seriously to learn w^hat they ought to know. They would be merely a collection of young men without esprit de corps, bearing their misfortune patiently, doing as little as possible, and looking forward to the not far distant time when they will return to their families. We reply to tliis olyection. that dismissal after a year of serAice is not a right, and that to obtain tliis favour, the young men must satisfactorily fulfil the conditions of instruction and discipline determined by the Minister (Article 41). They may abridge (heir time of service by six months, if bcl^orc entermg the corps they have acquired some military instruction. Under these con- ditions, there will bo a feclmg of emidation strc)ng enough, at least to lessen, if not entirely remove the drawback alluded to. We must, at all events, make the experiment, for the con- F 2 68 siderations of economy imposed upon our military organization ma.ke it our duty to avoid all expenses not strictly indispensable, or not counterbalanced by the result obtained. It has been proposed to equip all yoimg soldiers at the magazine of their regional subchvision, before sending them to the various army corps among wliich they are to be distributed. Your Committee have, however, been impressed by the objections made to this arrangement. Such a measure, it has been said, is practicable with a system of regional recruiting, where men of the same district belong to the same corps and would, conse- quently, require the same equipments ; it ceases to be practicable for men who are to be distributed indifferently among all corps. It would be necessary that the subdivisional magazine should be provided with equipments for all arms, if not for all corps. Men are only well ecjuipped by the corps itself, where the chief is responsible for every ser\ace that of equipment included. Besides if, as we hope, individuality of corps, in matters of ad- mmistration, mil be sanctioned by the law yet to come upon aclmmistration, it is probable that all equipment mil, like linen and shoes, belong to the soldier, and will be paid for by the corps, as is now done in the Zouave Regiment, and in a few of our infantry regiments, where tlie trial of this system seems to have produced good results. In this case, to make the subdivisional magazines supply the men with equipments at the moment of incorporation, would be both to misplace responsibility and to complicate the accomits of the corps. These very serious objections have not been completely removed by the authors of the proposition. They said first that, with the recruiting system based upon the obhgation of personal service, wc could no longer cover France mtli detachments of conscripts going in rags to rejoiii their corps; that, from the moment when the young soldiers were called they belonged to the army, because they owed the duties of soldiers to the country and that, from that moment, they should wear none but soldier's clothes ; that, once started to join their corps, they were soldiers, not citizens, and that the sentiment of equality agreed with discipline in demanding that everyone, without exception should, before their departure, be clothed in mihtary uniform, in order that all might feel they had ncAv duties to fulfil. They added, that as the subdivisional magazines are all supplied with equipments from the same sources, that is to say,^ from the regional magazines, the men would be as well equipped at these magazines as at their coi-ps ; that, in their corps, too much is thought of making their uniform fit tightly, and that more attention is paid to effect on parade than to the necessities of war. That war uniform, the only kind that should be used in the army, ought to be simple, without ornament, warm and ample, made so as to fit equally well all men of the same height. That these conditions, dictated both by the necessities of the' I G9 services and the well being of the men, are equally desirable for economical reasons. That they are imperionsly demanded by the necessities of prompt mobihzation ; and that, in the new national army, the objections raised agamst the proposed measure have no longer the weight they might have had in the old organization. Though your Committee recognize how well founded are these last observations, and how useful it would be to have but one uniform for infantry, and another for cavalry, in order to make exchange possible without expense to the State, they consider it better to leave the care of equipping their contingents to the corps themselves, who are to draw their supphes from the general magazines, and, by that means, avoid the division of responsibility and the chance of hindering administrative in- dividuahty. They think, nevertheless, that it would be well, both for the sake of the principle of equality in the service and for the sake of discipline, which must be impressed upon the young sokher from the very beginning of his career, to make the con- tingents travel always in uniform, only giving them, |however, at their departure, such articles of equipment as the Minister shall decide to be strictly necessary. Articles 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 of the Bill regulate, in a general manner, the method and successive periods of mobilization. The Minister transmits the order for mobilization to the generals connnan ding army corps, and concerns himself no further, as he used to do, loith the details of its execution. All ought to he •prepared heforeliand hy the commander of the arnv/ corps, icho is responsible for the rapid execution of the order. Articles 22 and 23 imply the prehminary and permanent preparation of all the details of mobilization, the general working of which Ave have already laid before you. Thus, during peace, a general plan of mobilization and concentration should be pre- pared beforehand, and revised each year. All individual orders of convocation, of muster, and transport by rail, also all requisi- tions of carriages and animals necessary for the various services of the army corps, must be prepared beforehand ; and, as there is no change in the situation of members of the reserve who are to rejoin, not a regiment, but a particular garrison, where they will always find a regiment of the same arm, orders of mobilization may be in readiness either at the town hall or, perhaps better, at the police station, where the inspector of police, at each of his visits, sees that they are in good pre- servation. The commanders of police stations, helped, if need be, by ,the postmen and the gardes champetres of the comnnuies, send the recalling orders, which are always ready in advance, and which serve as way-bills to the individuals concerned. To these orders, a cheque for the payment of traA-elling expenses may be joined, wliicli the man detaches, after having receipted it, and gives to the tax-gatherer or to the mayor 70 if there is no tax-gatLuerer in the coninimie. If necessary a railway ticket must be enclosed, which will enable him to rejoin the corps in which he has been enrolled, m the garrison chosen for him, which he knows beforehand. The railway companies will be reimbm'sed upon presenting these tickets. Hence no more interference on the part of the sub-commis- sary of stores, no more requisitions on the station-master, no more perplexities about the liquidation of our debts to the rail- way companies. The etappen commander keeps the men on their way, directs them, and provides for their wants. These men, enrolled in the corps of their arm which is nearest their domicile, have not more than from 25 to 30 kilometres to go, and can generally reach their corps in one day's journey. Here lies the chief advantage of regional mobilization. We shall, perhaps, be asked how this system of mobilization can be applied to regiments of artillery and to battalions of engineers which, collected in schools of mstruction, may some- times be stationed outside the district of the army corps to which they belong '? These regiments, as well as the cavalry, may have their reserve scattered over the whole region, and this is, indeed, what will most frequently happen. These reserves join their corps if it is stationed in the region and, if it is not, go to the depot which must under all circumstances be kept in the region. There they are equipped and armed. In this there is no difficulty nor does it delay mobilization, although the distance that these reserves will have to travel is somewhat further than the infantry. You see, gentlemen, by what Ave have had the honour to say before you, that the Bill of organization proposed to you realizes the advantages of prompt mobilization to the same extent as the exclusively district system, without adopting the inconveniences of that system. We have already shown you, gentlemen, the total given by the effectives of the active army of depot and reinforcement troops, and by the recall of men at disposal and of the reserve, and of men exempted from ser\ace but liable to be recalled in virtue of Article 30 of the recruiting law. This total is certainly reassuring, but great numbers are not all that we need. With a national character so impressionable, so eager to follow a first success, so easily discouraged at the first reverse, our great object must be to obtain this first success, and it is with the purpose of securing it, that we must organize the fighting army which Avill liaA^e to support the first shock of the enemy. We must then, for the constitution of this army, choose care- fully from among the elements which the recruiting laAv puts at our disposal. We have already said that in the active army wo shall only 71 keep men who are serving at least their eecond year, and that the last class incorporated will be went to the depots at the moment of mobilization, there to continue its instructii^n* Avith- oiit exceeding the resources of the orchnary budget of war — We can maintain during peace ... . . 450,000 men If from this figure we subtract for the per- manent effectivef . . . . . . 80,000 „ There remains for the effective of the classes 370,000 After sending back to the depot the last class called 150,000 There remains 220,000 for the total of men of the active army vdio had served more than one j^ear. According to the composition of the army on a peace footing, the proportion of the dif- ferent arms is For infantry and military train . . . . 0*65 And for special arms . . . . . , . . 0"o5 The effective of 220,000 men is distributed thus : — Infantry and military train . . . . . . 143,000 men Special arms . . ' 77,000 „ If we allow the men of the infantry and military train to serve, as in Germany, only three years in the active army, which is considered enough by the Committee of 1828 and by General Morand, no matter for icJiat arm ; the number of 143,000 men assigned to the infantry and military train together, will cor- respond to the classes serving the second and third years. Consequently, 71,500 men| will be dismissed every year fi-om the active army to the men at disposal and reserve. The six classes of the men at disposal and the reserve will present an effective ,of 71,500 x 6 s= 429,000 men at disposal for tne infantry and military train of the fighting army. If the special arm keep their men five years in the serA^ce, * If it was decided to incorporate men only on the 1st of October, as war rarel_v breaks out till May or June, this class would have served six or seven months at tlie moment of mobilisation, and might bo very usefully incorporated in the active bat- talions. t We suppose here that the Algerian troops have been relieved, and arc come ' o reinforce the Continental army. X The annual contingents for infantry and military train . . 71,000 And for other arms in round numbers . . . . . . . . 19,000 Correspond to the first part of the conthigent of . . . . 00,000 Which must serve for five years, and to a second part which need only serve one year .. .. .. .. .. •• (^O.OOi' Total of the classes .. •• •• loi'.t i c 72 the strength of 77,000 men assigned to them in the distribu- tion will correspond to four classes of 19,250 men each. The four classes of the reserve will give then 77,000 men at disposal for the mobilization of the special arms. The recall of these classes into the ranks of the active army- will give the following resources : — Infantry and military train : — One class with the active army serving its second year . . . . . . . . 71,500 One class with the active army serving its third year 71,500 Two classes (4th and 5th) "^ having served") at disposal .. >- at least three V 429,000 I'our classes of the reserve) years ..) Total 572,000 Special arms : — One class with the active army serving its second year . . . . . . . . 19,250 One class with the active army serving its third year 19,250 One class with the active army serving its fourth year ^ . . 19,250 One class with the active army serving its fifth year 19,250 Four classes of the reserve having served five years 77,000 Total 154,000 The total of the resources for the formation of the active army, adding to the men of the classes the permanent part which is not allotted to the service of the interior, amounts to — Infantry and mihtary train . . . . , . 572,000 Special arms . . . . . . . . . . 154,000 Permanent part : — Officers .. .. 26,400 Non-commissioned officers (re-enlisted)* . . 3,700 Algerian sharpshooters. . . . . . . . 9,000 Spahis .. , .. .., 999 Foreign regiments . . . . . . . . 3,000 Eight classes of volunteers for one year, counted at 8,000 a-year . . . . . . 64,000 Total 833,099 * This figvirc can only be given approximately, we liayc only counted npon a tenth part of non-commissioned officers. 73 The strength of the coutineiital fighting ^^ army bemg .. .. , .. .. 737^601 To wliich must be added the Algerian troops that will be relieved by the territorial army, say one army corps of . , . . . . 38 234 Wliich gives a total of 775,925 Our resources are, you see, gentlemen, amply sufficient to constitute the fighting army in such a, manner that three- quarters of the infantry and military train shall be composed of men who have served three years, and one-quarter of, men who have served at least one year and are serving their third year with the fighting army ; one-half of the special anns is composed of men who have served five years and the other half of men who have served from two to five years. You will, without doubt, think with us, gentlemen, that such a composition offers all the guarantees of solidity that we can desire with respect to numbers. With regard to troops of re-inforcement, they are supplied after the constitution of the fighting of the army in the manner we have just shown you, from men belonging to the reserve or at disposal who have served at least one year, but have not been incorporated in the said army. We have shown you, gentlemen, in Table No. 2, that, allow- ing for all deduction of losses, the four first classes of the active army and the four of the reserve give — A strength of 1,066,008 And subtracting for the strength of the fighting army . . . . . , . . 775,925 There remains for the strength of the troops of re-inforcement, and the services of the interior 289,083 To this we must add the depot troops, com- prismg the last class called, whose instruc- tion is not yet complete, say . . , . 150,000 And the men Avho have been exempted from service, but are liable to be recalled, whose instruction is complete .. .. .. 141,000 Total 291,000 As soon as mobilization is ordered, the General commanding an army coi-ps sends for the General appointed beforehand in the mobihzation cadres to succeed him, and transfers the com- mand to liim as soon as the mobilized active army corps quits the region lo march to the front. This General has, under his orders, the various administrative services, the territorial staff, and those parts of tlio staffs of the artillery, and ongineei-s allotted to regional service. 74 The various corps of the inobiKzed territorial army so long- as they are not in brigades and divisions are, like the troops at present in garrison, under his command. So are the depots of the active army corps. For staff he has the territorial staff, which Article 16 attaches as a second section to the staff of the active corps. It is by this staff that all the traditions of the territorial service of the region are transmitted, and the work- ing of the various services of the interior is insured. It has been said that if this General appointed beforehand has had no duty during peace to fulfil in the active army corps, his work will be quite unknown to him at the moment of mobihzation. But how is it managed at present wlien a General is appointed to take the command of a division or a territorial brigade ? His work is equally new to him, yet nobody attempts to suggest that this General Officer is incompetent. Does not he find when he arrives, the staff that worked under his predecessor, which possesses all the traditions of the service, and very soon acquamts him with everything he shoald know. There is then nothmg new in the dispositions of the law, v\diich merely enacts that the territorial command as it exists at present is re-established at the moment when the General commanding an active army corps quits the mobihzod region with liis army corps. But it is no longer the same if the troops of the mobilized territorial army are divided into brigades and divisions and organized as an army corps to take the field. Things change then; brigades and divisions are provided with their staffs and their administrative services. The text of the law does not say what the General commanding the territory is in this case to become, and it is useless to do so, for then we return to the legislative arrange- ments that ruled the active army corps before its mobilization. The nature and name of the troops are changed. We have nothing to add to what we have already told you with respect to the provisions contained in Articles 24 and 25 of the Bill. The Government has caused a special Bill to be pre- pared upon the requisition of horses and carriages. It will be submitted to you and, while waiting for the law to be voted and carried into execution, the law of 29th April, 1792, and an order of public administration will suffice. Articles 26 and 27 of the Bill of the Committee are only a reproduction of the first Bill of the Government, It must be observed, however, that the active army has telegraph and rail- way companies which operate within the zone of military action, therefore the proposals, in Articles 26 and 27 apply more particularly to the ser-saces behind this zone, and that these are two distinct services, one a marching, the other an etappen service. The first is created with exclusively military elements and organized m a military manner. The second employs the ordinary elements of the company's services, belongs to the territorial army, but is liable Hke all the troops of that army, to be detached in order to join the active army on the con- ditions mentioned in the last paragraph of Article 34 of the Bill. 75 Servauts of the railway companies who are less than 2i) years old, belong to the active army, but it has been aslccd is it not dangerous to mobilize them just at the time when the operations of mobilization will throw exceptional work upon these com- panies, and requii-Q the employment of all their j^ersomul 2 Wc may reply to this observation that the law of recruiting has made no exception for these servants, and has granted them no privilege. The lines of all the railway companies will not be employed at the same time in the mobilization and concentra- tion of the army and its material, and the Govermnent by means of requisitions will cause extra supplies of the servants as well as of the stock of these companies to be sent to the most active lines. The ^Minister of War has also the right to modify the execution of the recruitmg law for the public good. In order to place it in harmony with the necessities of the ser\ace, he may arrange with the servants of the railway companies that they are not to join then- corps till after the operations of the mobilization and the concentration of troops and material are entirely accomplished. These servants are generally em'olled in military railway companies or corps of engineers. We must call yoiir attention for one moment, gentlemen, to an agreement made by the Minister of War, stipulating for the establishment and syndicate of the companies, because this agreement explains the organization of our engineer and rail- way companies. The representatives of six large companies have engaged to give professional instruction to young soldiers enrolled in the engineer and railway companies, who shall be sent to them, after having served for one year with their corps. The companies will utilize their services, and treat them like their own servants. The young men will cost absolutely notlmig to the State. At the moment of mobihzation they will be recalled and sent back to the military railway companies to which they belonged, and in which they never cease to be enrolled till they are old enough to pass into the reserve. According to the terms of the agreement, they must not number more than 400. As the Minister can always exact his full right, in eight years the four classes belonging to the active army and the four classes of the reserve will be able, if necessary, to fm-nish an effective of 3,200 men, instructed in the real requirements of the ser^^ce by daily practice, of wdiom^ a proportion of fom- sixths are layers for the rail service, one-sixth engine-men, stokers, fitters, &c., for the traction service, and one-sixth for the general working. You will recognize, without doubt, gentlemen, the advantage of this arrangement both to the Treasury and the army, secur- ing as it does to the latter at the moment of mobihzation a sufficient number of railway companies to meet the require- ments of the army corps and the army reserve. The agreement does not so much concern the technical in- 76 structioii of the officerB and cacbes of these companies; they must, however, necessarily exist in time of peace, though within very confined limits, as, at the moment of mobilization, they will be filled up with the servants of engmeers and railway companies servants. We would draw the attention of the Minister of AYar to this oversight. Ai-ticle 43 of the recruiting laAv subjects men of the reserve and the active army to take part in the manoeuvi'es which occur twice every year, and cannot last more than four Aveeks. Eeferring to Table No. 2, it may be seen that the total strength of these reserves is not less than 510,000. This ex- plains the necessity of recalling 255,000 men for a certain time every year to the regional coi-ps in which they were enrolled on then* dismissal. The maintenance of these men will be a cost to the Treasury not comprised in the provisions of the budget, the maximum of the cost being equivalent to the continued maintenance for one year of 22,000 men. This ex- pense will necessarily vary with the duration of the manoeuvi'es, and with the distances which the men recalled have to travel. It will then be advantageous, as it were, to localise the enrol- ment of members of the reserve, and place them in the coi*ps nearest to then* domiciles, in order to lessen travelling expenses, instead of having to convey them to all the coi'ps of the region. This is one of the motives which have caused your Committee, in accordance "with the Government, to allot the reserves of a region permanently, to whatever body of ti'oops is in garrison in that regional sub-diAasion, though that body may be changed and replaced by another of the same arm. These manoeuvres, which your Committee and the Govern- ment think should terminate the new instruction of the troops, are no longer to be conducted as they used to be, upon manoeuvruig grounds, levelled and prepared lieforehand, but in the open country fields, all the real chcumstances of war, of Avhicli they are to be a faithful repetition. Consequently, they Avill occasion damages for wliich we must justly indemnify the proprietors of the land. Your Committee and the Government propose to you, for the reasons we have already indicated, to leave the method of valuation and payment of the indemni- ties to an order of public administration until a law upon the matter is issued. We tlnnk, also, that though the expenses occasioned by these manoeuvres -wnll recur every year, they ought not to be con- founded in the army budget with the maintenance of the ordinary effective. But they ought to be the object of a special Article in Chapter 6, in order that you may reserve to yourselves the power of var;^dng the credits demanded of you by augmenting or diminishing the duration of the manoeuvres. Supposing that they average twenty days, the time for going and returning included, the maintainance of 255,000 men 77 during this time Avill correRpoiul to the inaintenance of 14,000 men for a year. But the men of the reserve of the active army are not the only ones obliged by the recruiting law to return periodically to their place in the ranks. Article 42 of the law lays the men at disposal in their homes under the same obligation ; it does not define the duration of the musters for these latter, and it leaves to a ]\Iinisterial order the decision of the reviews and exercises they are to undergo, with the right of multipl^-ing them according to the requirements of instruction. It is then impossible to foresee what these reviews and exercises may cost the budget of war. Yet it will be wise to make a rough estimate of the cost, in order that it may be set down in the pro\nsions of the annual war budget. Admitting the division of the annual contingent into two parts, the first of 90,000 men, the second 60,000 men ; a pro- portion wliich results, as we have said, from having for Avar a fighting army of. . . 737,000 men. If we average the maintenance on a peace footing of an effective of . . . . . . 450,000 ,, We have of men at disposal the following result : — 1st. Four classes of 60,000, the first being incorporated entnely . . . . . . 240,000 „ 2nd. Two classes of the first part of tlie contingent dismissed from the infantry or miHtary train after three years' service to the men at disposal of the active army, consisting of 71,500 men each 143,000 „ Total of men at disposal . . . . 383,000 „ There are three ways of instructing those men : the first consists in recaUing them to the nearest depots ; the second, in having them exerci.^ed in their homes by the corporals and non- commissioned oflicers of the reserve of the active army, domi- ciled in the commune or canton; the third, in detacliing part or whole of the depot cadres in the chief places of the canton, for a certain time, as proposed by Marshal Bugeaud.* The first of these three methods of instruction is witliout doubt the best, for by returning to a numerous and well organised corps, the men at disposal will acquire new military spirit. But it is also incontestably the most costly. The second will only occasion the trifling expense of small indemnities for the cadres of instruction, every one bemg in then- own home. But these reserve cadres vnW themselves very likely have lost part of the vigour and firmness necessary for instruction by having been for a long time in their homes. The third, which takes a middle course between the tAvo others, would only occasion the ex- * De I'organisation xmitaire do I'armce (iingc 14). pcnses of tlio travellijig and the niiautciuinco of flic cadres, Avliicli could not be very great. Whatever conrso the Minister to whom the right of decision belongs may decide to adopt, the maximum expense resulting from the adoption of the first of these three systems, would be the maintenance of 383,000 men for 15 days, say about equal to 15,000 men for a year. To this must be added the maintenance of the reserves during the manoeuvre months, of which the maximum prescribed by the law would correspond to an effective of 37,000 men to be main- tained, besides the normal effective of 450,000. The sketch of the budget presented for 1874,* estimates the annual expense of a soldier to average 430 francs.t That would be an average of 19,350,000 to add to the normal army budget. We have already told you, gentlemen, that the organization proposed by your Committee would save about 3,000,000 of the war esti- mates for 1874. But these estimates made no provision for the expense of recalling the men at disposal and of the reserve. Of the recall there can be no question this year, but we must fore- see the necessity of it ultimately; and you perceive that though the Budget proposed for 1874 requires no addition in order to cover the expenses of the new organization, we must neverthe- less provide in future budgets for the expense that will result from the annual recall of men of the reserve for one month every two years, and of men at disposal for fifteen days every year, conformably to the dispositions of Articles 42 and 43 of the recruiting law you have voted, the full and entire execution of which will thus be assured. The extra expense of 16,350,000 which remains when we subtract the 3,000,000 from the 19,350,000 unprovided for in the esthnates, will be partly covered by the 8,000 to 10,000 volunteers for one year, who are to pay their own expenses, and who have been included in the efrective of 450,000 men to be maintained. We can only give you here, gentlemen, a general summary. The law yet to come upon the constitution of corps can alone furnish us with certain data for th,o future war budget. Territoral ArmYc The organization of the active army is so closely connected with the organization of the territorial army, that it is impos- sible to submit the former to the deliberations of the Assembly without at the same time submitting the latter. The interior constitution of corps does not influence the formation of great unities more in the territorial army than in the active army. The only notable difference there is between * Page 674. + This docs not include clothing, as all men ought to be pvoTided with kits on the incorporation of the class of 150,000 men. 79 the two armies consists in tlic diffcvcnce of tlieir stieiigth, for while tho recruiting resources of the active army amount to 1,215,000 men, tliose of the territorial army only amount to 582,000 men, that is to say, less than half. If we allow, and there is no reason why we should not, that the corps of both armies shall be constituted in tho same way, it amounts to saying, that to each brigade of the active army there shall be a corresponding regiment of the same arm in the territorial army. If we wish to have a regiment in the territorial army corre- sponding with each regiment of the active army bearing the same number, with the addition of " and a half," as has been proposed, we must construct it ^\dth only half the effective, that is to say, constitute regiments of infantry in two little battalions, and regiments of cavalry in two squadrons. Independently of tho weakening effect of this parcelling out, how could vre provide for the formation of the cadres, which are already so difficitlt to recruit, and then would have to be doubled. It does not seem possible to organize the territorial army in any Avay as the double of the active army. Their duties are different, and there is no reason for this similitude and cor- respondence between the constituted corps of the two armies. The active army is intended for mobile war in the field ; the territorial army, on tho contrary, is charged with the care and defence of fixed points of territory, fortresses, strategic points, coasts, and etappen stations and Hues. It will, as a i-ule, have to operate only in more or less important detachments, while the active army operates in masses. The territorial army will rarely detach bodies of troops to join the active amiy,* and if the law has pro^dded for this detachment, it is only mentioned as an exception. AVe might, however, find ourselves in the position of having to organize the teriitorial army into brigades, divisions, and army corps, in consequence, for instance, of offensive operations upon the enemy's territory, operations which while freeing the toTitorial army from the necessity of guarding fixed positions in the interior, would necessitate its presence upon the enemy's territory behind the active army, to support its movements, to guard its communications, to keep the conquered country, or to besiege and reduce fortresses. This constitution of the territorial army in great practical unities is foreseen by the law,* and must be prej^ared in time of peace for this army as well as the active army. The territorial army is, then, a special army. It has its own nmneric classification, its special corps, and its independent organization. In case of war it must supply the defence ot of Algeria, just as it does other parts of the national territory, and must refieve troops of the active army stationed there. It * Article 34 of the Bill. 80 must also relieve tlic corps stationed at Paris and Lyons, and reinforce the garrison of those two towns, which, like the garri- son of other fortresses, Avill be composed from the depots and mobilized contingents of the active army not employed in the formation of the army of the field. But, the territorial army is not permanent. In time of peace it only maintains the -personel necessary for administration, and for the keeping of accounts and muster rolls.* There is also no danger of its recruiting being exclusively regionalf, for, imme- diately after its mobilization, the Government can dispose of the corps, and change them from one place to ajiother, either to send them to the etappen lines or to form garrisons. No legal order sanctions the permanence of the various corps in their recruiting region. The reserve of the territorial army is not organized in corps. It is only a recruiting reserve which is called up by classes in case of need,t to fill vacancies in the territorial army, or to reinforce its corps. As regards officers the cadres of the territorial army are organized permanently beforehand, by means of officers on half- pay or retired and the volunteers for one year who have ob- tained the brevet of auxiliary officers.^ We should say here that the law allows neither privilege nor dispensation for these volunteers, and they cannot be incorporated in the territorial army till they have served the nine years required by the law in the active army. Ip case these resources are not sufficient, the cadres of officers^ will be filled up by promoting non-commissioned officers, risen from the ranks, and volunteers for one year who have obtained the brevet of non-commissioned officer and, by reason of their age, have passed from the reserve of the active army to the territorial army, Avith the rank of auxiliary sub-lieutenant. All nominations of officers will be made by the chief of the executive power on the recommendation of the Minister of War ; those of non-commissioned officers by the Generals com- manding regional army corps.| Finally the Minister may order the soldiers of the territorial officers to be mustered when he thinks vight.f Articles 32 and 33, ordering the method of formation of the territorial army, correspond to Articles 3, 4, and 5, and 13, 18, and 19, which order the organization of the active army into regional subdivisions, the keeping of enrolment registers, and the manner of filling up vacancies that may occur m the cadres. We must draw your attention here to the great difference between the dispositions concerning the active army, and those whicli concern the territorial army, with regard to the distribution of the contingents. For the active army drawing as it does recruits from the whole national territory, this distribution is * Article 29 of the Bill. f Avticlo 30, idem, % Article 31, idem. 81 made by the Minister. As at present, he assigns to each department the nmnber of men of a certain arm which it must furnisli to the different corps, and the various services of the army. For the territorial army, on the contrary, where recruiting is exclusively regional, the General commanding the region makes this distribution by subdivision for the infantry, and over the whole region for other arms.* It has been asked whether, as in Article 2, when the district of an army corps cannot fiu'nish, for instance, all the artillerymen requned, it would not be permissible to make the neighbourijig regions give the men that they have in excess '^ There is no doubt that this should be done, and as the recruiting service works over the whole region, the central recruitmg service stationed with the General-in-chief should make all necessary arrangements beforehand with the recruiting services of the neighbouring regions. The organization of the regions and of then subdivisions is common to the armies, and works for both in the same way. AVhile they remain in the region without bemg detached to join the active army the mobilized troops of the territoiial army are placed under the command of the General com- manding the army corps,t or under that of the officer who replaces him when the active army corps quits the region.| These troops are generally organized only into regiments, battahons, batteries and companies. The nature of then* service prevents it being otherwise unless they are organized in brigades and divisions, and formed mto an army corps for active service. The duties of the General who replaces the general officer gone with the mobilized corps, in the command of the region, are then the same as those of the Generals who at present command territorial divisions. It has been asked, what relations will exist in this case between the mobihzed corps of the active army, and the esta- blishments and magazines they have left in the region where they were stationed ; whether they wiU contmue to receive from them the supplies of arms, equipments and habiliments which they require "? bnce the active army is marched to the front, the ties which bind an army corps to its region are broken, and the corps will then be supplied with necessary stores and jjersonel from the nearest sources. This principle is sanctioned by Article 24 with regard to reinforcements, and it is easily seen that it could not be other- wise. The events of war may m fact invert the order of battle of the corps, and those that were at the left may be sent to the right, and vice versa. If the corps remained specially attached to the magazines of their respective regions, the result would * Article 32. t Article 35. % Article 23. 82 be a cliasse-croise of men and material upon the railways in the rear of the army, leading inevitably to confusion and delay of transport. The general magazines of the army corps, while continuing to supply the subdivisional magazines, will lose their special character. They will supply not the corps attached to their region, but the nearest corps of the fighting army, whichever they may be. They will be elements of a basis of general operations, and no longer special to such or such coi*j38 of the active army. This general character puts them in the position of the magazines placed by Article 14 under the hnmediate direction of the Minister, and during the whole war they will keep this character. When mobihzed, the temtorial army will be submitted to the same laws and regulations as the active army, which it will resemble in the matter of pay and allowances. A law will regulate the hierarcliical relaticms of the two armies. When we add that during peace the clothing, equipments and arms are stored in the subdivisional magazines, we hope you will be convmced, gentlemen, that there is notliing in common between the territorial army, as it is constituted, and the National Guard, such as it was made by the law of March 21, 1831, and suppressed by the law of August 25, 1871, because it was no longer needed and because it was impossible for it to exist with the territorial army. Such is the general outline of the legislative dispositions wliich regulate the territorial army. As in the case of the active army, your Committee think it unnecessary to enter here into the organization and interior constitution of the corps of the territorial army, or to speak of their administration and of the method of promotion in the cadres; these questions will be decided by special laws. We must, however, note here some general considerations wliich we thi]ik should serve as the basis of its organization. Its character of territorial army will lead it to conform as much as possible to administrative circumscriptions in the formation of companies, batteries, battahons and regiments. This is also the opinion of the Government. In the organization of the artillery, above all, batteries should be first organized dismounted. We should try to enrol in the batteries old artillery drivers who understarrd the manoeuvrmg of gurrs so that, by means of these drivers, they can be trarrsformed into mounted batteries as soon as we can procure horses for them. We must give up any thought of having the same propor- tion of cavalry for the territorial army as for the active arrrry, and this for two reasons : 1st, the difiiculty of nrounting it ; 2ndly, because, as the active army is irr the front, the territorial army wherr organized in brigades and (hvisions for the purpose of following and supporting it, has no need of making rccon- 83 naissances in front, but only up^n its -\\ang-s, and may rely upon the scouts of the active army. Old cavalry solchers of the territorial army, when found to exceed the requirements of that army, will be sent into the mihtary train and organized in companies with old soldiers of the artillery and military train, to diive artillery carriages and carnages requisitioned in execution of Articles 5 and 25 of the law. These carriages will most hkely furnish sufficient means of transport, and there will be no need to have recourse to military material, which should be reserved as much as possible for the operations of the active army within the zone of military action. The recruiting of the territorial army will give a great number of professional craftsmen, who could be utilised in the engineermg army. The formation of companies or battalions of tliis arm is most important to the defence of strong places. The recruiting of the cadres of these companies and battalions will be made easy, because we can employ part of the officers and guards of the territorial engineering service, to whom we can give as auxiliaries, the Government engineers for roads, bridges and mines (in whose instrucdon the study of fortification is comprised), students in the Central School of Arts and Manufactures, and arcliitects. This was done ^\ath success during the defence of Paris, to wliich the auxihary companies of engineers, as is well known, contributed the most devoted and useful service. Finally, by the applymg the dispositions of Article 8 to the territorial army, we may attach to this army corps of woodmen, who could be organized, even in time of peace, with custom-house agents and with the agents of the Woods and Forests serAnces. This organization could be divided into an active part and a fixed part. The first, composed of men under 40, might form guides for the active army operating in the country, and the second for the territorial army. Firemen should also be organized in such a way as to make it possible for them to be mobilized and sent to fortresses where then- habitual devotion will be a great help in case of conflagration from bombard- ments. We should also consider whether, folloA\ring the example of Italy, we should not, like her, constitute special companies and battalions of hifantry of the Alps, of the Jura, and of the Vosges, chosen from men of the country accustomed to marching, and ^4th a knowledge of all the passes and foot- paths of the momitaius. Such companies or battalions should be specially allotted to the defence of the mountainous regions where the men of which they are composed were born. The corps of the territorial army will have the same imifoi-m and the same colours as the corresponding corps of the active amiy, so that the enemy may not know which it is attacking, and,' besides, to simphfy"the supplies by making them alike. You will remark, gentlemen, that Article 30 of the Bill pre- 84 scribes the recall by classes commencing with the newest reserve of the territorial army, while the same condition is not imposed by the law for the reserve of the active army. Article 21 expressly states that the Minister may order the mobilization of all or of a part of the various classes of the men at disposal, and of the reserve of the active army. The recall of this army caimot then be made by whole classes, but categorically in each class. The Minister may mobilize one or several corps of the active army, and only recall to these corps men who belonged to the first part of the contingent and have passed five years in the service. Though this arrangement is qtiite different from that which regulates the method of the mobilization of the territorial army, it is not, as you might think, in opposition to the recruiting law. Article 43 of the recruiting law is formal in this respect. The text of this Article states in fact that the recall of the reserve of the active army may be made distinctly and independently for the land army, or for the sea army, and that it niai/ also be made by classes beginning at the newest. That is a power given to the Minister, it is not an obligation imposed upon him. There are several good reasons for this difference in the manner of recalling the reserves ; the first is, that it may some- times be necessary, when a war is localized on a particular part of the frontier, to mobilize one or several of the corps of the active army, without any necessity for mobilizing the other coi-ps. The second is, that we are obliged only to call out one or several army corps by turns for practice of mobilization and for the manoeuvres, the reserves being only subjected to manoeuvi-es every two years. Article 43 of the recruiting law does not allow the Govern- ment to obviate this obhgation by calhng out reserves to annual manoeuvres of a shorter duration than the maximum of four weeks fixed by the law ; were this to be done, it would give double inconvenience and double trouble to the reserves, and to then' industrial, agricultural and commercial interests, thus adding to the burden of the obligations laid upon them by the law. The third and chief motive spiings from a miHtary necessity, so important that it may almost be called a matter of public welfare. It is to present to the enemy, from the opening of miHtary operations, a fighting army in the plenitude of its power in order to insure, if possible, a first success. None of these motives exist for the territorial army. Thus, the law gives the Government the right of first re- calhng to the active army the men of the fii'st class of the reserve who have already served five years in the active army, and of dealing in the same manner with other classes, without mobi- Hzing the men of these classes who have only served one year and who may be called out to form troops of reinforcement. It may be added here that in case of war, volunteers for one year march with this first part of the class to which they belong. 85 It is an obligation imposed upon them, in compensation for wliat may be considered as a privilege accorded, for the sake of theii" civil careers, to the well-to-do classes of society, from which these volunteers generally come. The law considers that, since their- fortune and social position give them more interest in the defence of the tenitory, they owe greater duties to the country, and therefore, before all other citizens to whom they owe an example of abnegation and devotion, they should present theii- breast to the buUets of the enemy. HEAD V. Particular Dispositioxs. When the law imposes this glorious duty upon the volunteers for one year, it should give them the power to fulfil it in the most profitable manner for the army, by utihzmg for its benefit the superior knowledge they are supposed to possess. This is what it has done under Head V. This Head imposes some special dispositions which we shall have the honour to lay before you. Article 19 of the recruiting law states, that the law of general organization will decide upon the employments most fit for the pupils of the Ecoh Polytechnique, and the Ecole Forestiere, who have satisfactoiily passed out of the said schools, but have not been placed in the armies of sea or land. Article 36 has been prepared to decide this question. The said pupils may be cHvided into two categories ; those who, passing out satisfactorily, are declared fit for pubhc services and school, and those who enter into pubhc civil services. Article 36 gives to the first, as to their comrades who enter into the army, a brevet of sub-lieutenant, or a commission equivalent to the auxihary rank. There was no reason to treat them in a different manner, since they both fulfilled the same conditions. An objection has been made to this, because of the recruiting of the cadi'es of artillery and engmeers. The in- sufficiency of these cadres is declared in the Bill which was presented to you, its object being to confer the rank of sub- lieutenant upon the pupils of the Ecole Polytechnique, upon certain conditions, after only one year's study, by dispensuig with the dispositions of the law of promotion. Article 36 of the Bill, it is said, allows the pupils of the Ecoles Polytechnique and Forestiere to be cormted among the men at disposal of the active army, when, having passed satis- factorily out of these schools, they obtain the brevet of sub- heutenant, and are not placed in a public service. They are thus dispensed from ser\ace with the active anny, a privilege not given to them by the old laws, which obliged them, on leaving the schools, either to rejoin a coi*ps or to 86 provide a substitute. Is it not then to be feared that a certain number of these young men, after having passed through tlie Ecole d'Apphcation, may cbaw back and use the Ecole Poly- technique as a means of escaping certain obhgations to mihtary service, instead of being utiHzed in the artillery cadi^es, still so incomplete ? We reply, that these young men "would attain that end more easily by volunteering for one year, and that we, by insisting that they should serve theii' whole time with the active army, should draw away a great number of them who might make ex- cellent auxihary officers, from the study of high mathematics. It is objected that when they leave the Ecole Polytechnique they have only received a very superficial military training, and, cannot make good officers. Tru3 ; but how many young men have passed straight fi-om school to be sub-lieutenants in the infantry? Have they been the worse officers for that? Generals who have employed them say. No ! It all reduces itself to making them undergo in a regiment what then- comrades undergo in the Ecole d'Apphcation. These young men, as auxiliaries, will furnish the army with excellent elements, of which we must not deprive it. Influenced by these thoughts^ your Committee propose to you to adopt the conditions of paragraph 1, Article 36. It is understood that these young men will share the lot of the class to which they belong, and such among them as entered the schools at an exceptional age w^ill pass into the reserve of the active army, if when they leave the school they have reached the age of 25. The second paragraph of Article 36 is applicable to pupils of the Ecoles Polytechnique and Forestiere, who, when they leave the said schools, are classed in the civil public services. These will enjoy the same advantage as the first. The law considers then- first civil employment equal to the rank of auxihary sub-lieutenant, and leaves to an order of public administration to determine according to the position which they occupy in the public services, the rank and employments that may afterwards be given them in the army in case of mobilization. The men conditionally engaged for one year, after having fulfilled the obhgation imposed upon them by the law, remain at disposal of the active army, and afterwards pass the time prescribed by law m the reserve of the said army (Article 37). Such of these young men as have obtained the brevet of non-commissioned officers, can be promoted to the rank of auxiliary sub-lieutenant if they prove their capacity for it, after having passed a second year either in the active service or in a school chosen by the Minister (Article 38). Here we have a means of utilizing for the benefit of the army the intelligence and instruction acquu-ed by these young men, who form, as it were a nursery of officers, without which it would be difficult to complete the cadres of the tiirritorial army. 87 Volunteers for one year and pupils leaving the schools, aa. we have said above, are not dispensed from any of their militaiy obligations, and they are enrolled beforehand as noii-com- missioned officers, or as officers in the corps and services for which they are destmed. Article 39 of the law goes further ; it allows to remain in the servace with the rank of non-commissioned officers those who, in order to continue then- military career, wish to complete five years of service in the active army, but does not allow them to claim the privilege as a right; this power is sul)ject to the authority of the Minister, who enlarges or restricts it according to the character of the individuals, and the require- ments of the cadi'es. But while opening the doors of the army to all capacities, no matter whence they come, and while utihzing all devotion, the law must take care to guard the interests of the permanent cadi'es by preventing the recurrence of the ab- normal facts and abuses which occurred during the last war. These abuses obliged the National Assembly to appomt a Par- liamentary Commission to revise the ranks which mgency had made it necessary to confer upon men, brave and devoted with- out doubt, but sometimes incapable, or upon others, little to be recommended, whose previous conduct ^vsis unknoA\Ti. Article 40 gives all the rights of regular officers to auxiliary officers when they are servmg vnth the active army ; but it specifies formally, that any promotion which they may receive during then- service with the active army can only be given to them as auxiliaiy, and that in no case can they hold this rank as belonging to the active army. The law gives the right of ha\Tng their retning pensions revised to those ^^ho, being on the retired list, have been called to active service either in the active army or in the territorial army. But will this revision be made with regard to the new rank they may haveattamed dm-ing their period of active ser^ace, or wdll it only add to the pension already paid, the increase assigned to the length of service, and to the campaigns of the new period ? The question presented itself after the last war, it may present itsefi" again. The Committee beg you to observe on tliis point, that the reply does not belong to a law of general organization. The law must content itself with legalizmg the right without de- finmg it. The individuals interested must demand a definition from the law upon rething pensions and upon promotion. But it is otherwise with regard to rank m the Legion of Honour, which soldiers of the territorial army may have ob- tained durmg their ser\ace m the said army. AVith regard to that, they ^vill enjoy all the rights given to soldiers of the same rank in the active army. This will apply also to tliose avIio, from having been invalided or wounded, vaW have a right to pensions. The pensions will be paid as to soldiers of the same rank in the active army. Here is a new fact, certainly, which affects the remainder of the invalided soldier's life; and, if the right is defined liy law, the detinition was made because it is 88 natural and just that the law should assure him some means of existence. The principle is incontestable, and the right partially defines itself. In the transitory dispositions which end the Bill, Article 41 opens the way for officers of the old Guard Mobile, and of the mobilized corps, to re-enter the cadres of the tenitorial army, under conditions to be determined by the Minister. In the last war, we saw improvised officers at the head of mobilized and mobile battahons, paying with their blood for the honour of defending then- country ; and if their instruction and their military science may be doubted, no one will hesitate to render homage to their bravery, their sense of duty, and their devo- tion to their country. We could not, then, without ingratitude, shut out the brave officers, who served then- country so usefully dming the war, from the cadi'es of the territorial army at the moment of its formation. To lay it open to them is both to perform an act of justice towards them, and to serve the interests of the territorial army. But this power should not extend beyond the first formation of this army ; for, as we have said, gentlemen, the territorial array is not a national guard, but a serious army, with a regular government and fixed regulations, like the active army. Article 41 only lays down, then, a transitory measure. Such, gentlemen, in outhne and in detail, are the disposi- tions of the law, which we have the honour to submit to your deliberations. It is a new law; for it is the first time that legislative dispositions regulating the general organization of the army have been laid before a French Assembly. This law being necessary — nay, we believe, indispensable, — after the events which struck so hard a blow at our power and om- military organization, your patriotism does not recoil before the grievous task of raising the ruins, and reconstituting the edifice upon new, and, let us hope, more solid foundations. The nation and the army who await this law as an instrument of regenera- tion, will be grateful to you for your work, however imperfect it may be. Above all, do not let us forget that profound and serious reforms are the work of time, and that impatience and precipitation are powerless to found anything durable. It cost the Germans more than 60 years to found the organization of which we have lately proved the terrible per- fection. Let us then learn to wait without impatience, as with- out discouragement. The army has not been fortunate, gentle- men, but if the fortune of war proved too strong for its courage, its patriotism and its faith in the future of the country are not weakened. If, after many days of honour and glory, its day of humiliation came, it was because Providence would have it un- derstand still better the extent of its duties to the country. The army will fulfil them all, gentlemen, for it will be the army of the nation of law and of right ; and, thanks to it, we can still conceive a hope, that France has not ceased to be the soldier of God. 89 Therefore, gentlemen, your Committee have the honour to propose to you, to be pleased to adopt the Bill here following : — BILL ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY. As proposed hy the Committee. Alterations made hy the Assembly. Article L The French territory is divided into eighteen regions, for organi- zation of the regular army and its reserve, and of the territorial army and its reserve, and into subdivisions of these districts. These regions and subdivisions of regions established according to their resources for recruiting, and to the exigencies of mobiliza- tion are determined by a Decree in the form of regalations for public administration and inserted in the " Bulletin des Lois." Article 2. Each region is occupied by an army corps which garrisons it. There is in addition a special army corps assigned to Algeria. Article 3. Each region possesses general supply magazines, in which are kept the arms and ammunition, clothing, armament, harness, equipment and camp equipage necessary for the different arms which compose the army corps. Article 4. Each subdivision of a region possesses one or more magazines furnished with the necessary arms and ammanition, clothing, arma- ment, harness, eqiiipment and camp equipage, which are supplied from general magazines of the region. Article 5. In each subdivision of a region there is one office, or more, for re- cruiting. In eacli office is kept the registry of enrolment prescribed by Article 33 of the law of July 27th, 1872, for the men belonging 90 As proposed by the Coimnitlce. Alffrations made hij the Asseiuhhi. to the regular army and to the reserve of the said army. This office is charged with the • arrangement of the enrohnent in the different corps of the region of the men "at disposal" and of those of the reserve, conformably to paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Article 11 (below). It is besides charged with the registers of the territorial army, for men resident in the subdivision, and wath their enrolment in the different corps of the territorial army of the region. By means of this office a general census is made each year of the horses, raules, and carriages capable of utilization for the wants of the army. These horses, mules, and car- riages are distributed in advance to each army corps, and inscribed in a special register. Article 6. Each of the army corps of the * eighteen regions comprises two divisions of infantry, one brigade of cavalry, one brigade of artillery, one battalion of engineers, one squadron of mihtary train, besides the staff and the different necessary services. The detailed composition of the army corps, divisions and brigades, that of the cadres of the troops of all arms composing the army, and the effectives of those troops both on a peace and war footing, will be determined by a special law. Article 7. In time of peace the army corps are not united as armies on a pei'- manent footing. Article 8. The men belonging to the services regularly organized in time of peace may, during war, be formed into special corps destined to serve either with the regular army, or the territorial army. 91 As proposed hy tlie Coinviiftre. The formation of tlieso special corps is authorized by Decree. These corps are stiliject to all the obligations of military service, enjoy all the rights of belligerents, and ai-e subject to the rules of the right of nations. Article 9. Each army corps is organized in a permanent manner by divisions and brigades. The army corps, and also the troops which compose it are always provided with staiF, and all the administrative and auxiliary ser- vices which they require for taking the field ; materiel of every sort with which the troops and various services of the army corps ought to be provided in time of war is always organized and stored within their reach. Rolling stock is stored on wheels. Article 10. ■»-of- Alterations made h\j the Asseudlij. made in the normal constitution of those that e xist, in th e ir oquipmcnt or uniform unless it be partially and b^ — TTfry — yji t rial, — except by virtue of a law . Article 11. The regular army is recruited over the whole territory of France. In case of mobilization the effective forces of the various troops, and of the different services which enter into the composition of each army corps 9 re completed from the soldiers "at disposal," and of the reserve resident in the district, and, in case of insuificiency, from the soldiers "at disposal," and of the reserve of the neighbouring dis- tricts. To this end the young men who, by reason of their ticket in the lottery, have been comprised, in " Witli the exception of those ' mentioned in Article 8, no neic ' corps can he created, nor any ' change made in the normal con- ' dition of those that exist exapt ' by virtue of a law. No change ■' in equipment or uniform can take ^ place without a special vote of ' supply." 92 As proponed ly the Committee. Alterations made hy the Assemhiy. the part kept for more than a year in the service, are as soon as they enter the reserve, enrolled in one of the corps of the region in which they have declared their wish to reside. This enrolment is mentioned in a special column on the certificate indicated in Ai'ticle 38 of the law of 27th July, 1872, so that a soldier belonging to the reserve knows always where he is to present himself in case of mobilization. Young soldiers who conformably with Articles 40, 41 and 42 of the law of the 27th July, 1872, remain '' at disposal " in their homes are _^ also enrolled in the various corps of the region, and receive as soon as they are placed " at disposal " a certificate of their enrolment in that corps which, in case of being called back, they are to join. The same arrangement is applicable to soldiers engaged conditionally for one year after their year of service has expireil. It is also applicable to soldiers, corporals, brigadiers and non-commissioned officers placed " at disposal " before the expiration of the five years of service in the regular army decreed by Article 36 of the law of the 27th July, 1872. Article 12. Young men in the various posi- tions mentioned in Article 20 of the law of 27th July, 1872, and of whom military authority disposes conformably to the said Article are specially mustered (^sont partes sur des etats speciaux). In case of mobilization they are distributed among the various corps of the region, according to the need of the army. Article 13. The holders of the various posts, the creation of which is rendered necessary by the mobilization of the army, are always decided upon beforehand, and are kept as far as 93 As proposed hy the Committee. Allcratiuns made Inj Hie Assemhli/. possible informed of the positions assigned to them. The auxiliary officers mentioned in Articles 36, 38 and 41 of the present law, the non-commissioned officers taken from the soldiers conditionally engaged for one year, and the non- commissioned officers who from the regular army have passed into the reserve, are beforehand allotted to the various corps of the region, and are given a certificate of their enrolment. Article 14. 1. In every region the General commanding the army corps has under his command the territory, the forces of the regular army and of its reserve, of the territorial army and of its reserve, also all the military services and establish- ments which are exclusively allotted to these forces. 2. Special establishments in- tended to ensure the general de- fence of the country, or to supply the general services of the armies remain under the immediate direc- tion of the Minister of War in the working conditions in which they stand. 3. At the same time the com- mander of the army corps exercises permanent surveillance over these establishments, and transmits his observations to the Minister of War. 4. In time of peace no com- In time of peace no comma inUr mandcr of an army oorpo oan retain of an army corps can retain his the command of tho s am e corp s for command for more than three years more than four years consecutively. M«iess at the expiration of that term he is maintained in his functions hy a special decree of a ministerial council. 5. The exercise of this command does not give to general officers who have been invested with it any privileges of rank subsequent to their holding it. Article 1-5. Execntive bodies of troops or parts of tliese bodies belonging;" to 94 As proposed by tlie Committee. Altrralinns maile hij the AsHemUij. au army corps may be momen- tarily detached and placed in another army corps. They are then under the command of the General commanding the array corps to which they are temporai'ily at- tached. Article 16. The General commanding an army corps has nnder his orders a staff service placed under the direc- tion of his chief of the staff, and divided into two branches : 1st. Active branch, marching with the troops in case of mobilization. 2nd. Territorial branch, attached permanently to the region, whose duty it is to ensure always the working of the re- cruiting, of hospitals, remounts and all other territorial services. The staff of artillery and en- gineers and the various ad- ministrative and sanitary ser- vices of the ai^my corps are also divided into active and terri- torial branches. A regulation of the Minister of War determines the composition and distribution of the staff, and the various services for each army corps. A superior officer belonging to the territorial branch and chosen by the Minister of War is charged with centralizinof the recruitiner. Article 17. Besides the staff mentioned in the preceding Article, the com- mander of an army corps has about him, and under his orders, the functionaries and agents responsible for the direction and management of the administrative services and the sanitary service. A special law on the administra- tion of the army will regulate the attributes of these various function- aries and agents, and provide for the establishment of an independent control. 9o As proposed hy tlie Committee. Allerations made bij the Assemhlu. Article 18. A superior officer is placed at the head of the recruiting service of each subdivision. All soldiers of the regular army, the reserve and the territorial army who are for any reasons in their homes, and are resident in the sub- division, are under this superior officer. He keeps the general command- ing the army corps and the com- manders of troops and of the dif- ferent services informed of all changes which take place in the situation of the officers, non-commis- sioned officers, and men "at dis- posal" and of the reserve, who are enrolled in the various regional corps. Article 19. Every six months a statement is drawn up by the central service of the army corps, of the auxiliary officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the cadres " at disposal " and of the reserve enrolled in the various corps and services of the region who would be immediately recalled in case of mobilization, in order to place the cadres on a war footing. The general commanding trans- mits this statement to the Minister-of War, and makes any propositions necessary for keeping the comple- mentary cadres always ready for mobilization. Article 20. Young soldiers who by reason of their tickets in the lottery are in- tended to be kept more than one year on active service, present them- selves on the reception of their order of departure at the recruit- ing office of the subdivision in which they live. They there receive under the surveillance of the transport cadres the kit necesary to fit them for starting, and they are sent by de- tachments to the various army corps to which they are allotted. 96 As proposedly the Committee. Alterations made iy the AssemUi/. Young soldiers who by their ticket in the lottery are only called upon for one year of active ser- vice, present themselves also at the recruiting office of their sub- division. They accomplish the period of instruction for which they are bound in the regional corps in which they have been enrolled. Article 21. In case of mobihzation and for the purpose of placing the military forces of the region, on a war footing, the Minister of War sends to the Greneral commanding the army corps an order for the mo- bilization of all or of a part of the men of the various classes "at disposal " and of 'the reserve in order to put the various classes of the territorial army on active ser- vice. Article 22. Immediately on the receipt of this order the general causes each officer commanding a subdivisional recruiting office to give notice at once to the soldiers " at disposal " and of the reserve intended to fill up the companies, squadrons, bat- teries and services of the army corps of the region, that they are to join their corps within the time fixed by the order of departure. The chief of the recruiting office sends to each man wh© is recalled, a special order, which is always ready, telling him to rejoin. Article 23. Dating from the day on which he receives the order for mobiliza- tion the General commanding the army is assisted in his command by the general officer who is to re- place him, and who has been chosen beforehand by the Minister of War. This general officer assumes com- mand of the region on the day 97 As proposed ly ilie Committee. Alterations made hy the AsseynUy. y\hen the mobilized army corps quits it. Article 24. Men for reinforcements, no mat- ter to what region they belong, can be sent by detachments to the various army corps according to the needs of these army corps. They can also be formed into companies, battalions, squadrons, or batteries, or even into regiments if the exigencies of war make it needful. Article 25. In case of mobilization, the re- quisition of the horses, mules, and carriages, of which, in execution of Article 5 of the present law, a cen- sus has been taken, may be ordered by decree of the President of the Republic. This requisition takes effect on consideration of fixing and pnying paying a just indemnittj — a an iuflpi7inity. Till the promiilga - special law will deferminn the timi of a, sppnini Inw on tlie matter, manner of carrying out this requi- n T-Pgn1ntinn of pnhliV nflmiTiistrfl- sition, and the viode of fixiiuj and tir^n int;pvfpfl in tLp " T-Jnl I.-1 i'n rlos paijing tMs indemnity. Imis," flptpvminps thn m nun or of cnn- ying out this requisition, and tlint, in wliich the indemnity is fixed and paid Article 26. In case of mobilization or of waf, the railway companies place at the disposal of the Minister of War, all the means necessary for the trans- port and concentration of troops and army materiel. Marching or etappen services will be organized along the lines of the railways by a Ministerial regulation. Article 27. The telegraph administration always holds the materiel and per- sonnel necessary for strengthening or completing the militaiy telegraph services, at the disposal of the Minister of War. H 98 As proposed hij the Committee. Alterations made by the Assembly Article 28. The progressive and regular in- struction of troops of all arms, ter- minates every year with marches, manoeuvres, and combined opera- tions of brigade of division, and when circumstances permit, of army corps. Till the promulgation of a special law upon the matter, a regulation of public administration, inserted in the " Bulletin des Lois," will deter- mine the conditions according to which the damages caused to pri- vate properties will be valued, as well as the payment of indemnities '' due to the proprietors. Article 29. The territorial army always keeps its cadres intact. The composition will be deter- mined by the special law mentioned in Article 6 of the present law. The permanent and paid effective of the territorial army, only com- prises i\\e personnel necessary for the administration for the keeping up the control, the book keeping and the preparation of measures, which have for their object the recall to active service of the men of the said army. Article 30. Conformably to the territorial * army is formed Article 36 of the Law of the 27th July, 1872 of men resident in the district. Soldiers of all grades composing it remain in their homes, and are only mustered or called to active service by order of the military authority. The reserve of the territorial army is only called to active service in case of the resources of the ter- ritorial army being insufficient. In this case it is called up in classes beginning at the newest. Article 31. The cadres of the troops and 99 As proposed hy the Committee. Alterations made bi/ the Assrmhh/. various services of tlie territorial army are recruited. 1st. For officers and functionaries, from officers and functionaries "o'lio have thrown up their com- missions or who are on the retired list, from men condi- tionally engaged for one year, who have obtained commissions or brevet rank of auxiliary officer, conformably to Articles 36 and 38 of the present Law. ^Nevertheless, old non-commis- sioned officers of the reserve, and men conditionally engaged for one year, who are provided with the brevet of non-com- missioned officers, can, after an examination determined by the Minister of War, be promoted to the grade of sub-lieutenant in the territorial army when they pass into the said army conformably to the law of 27th July, 1872. 2ndly. For non-commissioned officers and clerks, from the . old non-commissioned officers and clerks of the reserve, and men conditionally engaged for one year, who have obtained the brevet of non-commissioned officer, also from old corporals and brigadiers who possess the necessary qualifications. The nominations of officers and functionaries are proposed by the Minister of War, and made by the President of the Republic. Nominations of non-commissioned officers and clerks ai-e made by the General commanding the army corps of the region. Advancement in the territorial army will be regulated by a special law. A special pnihlic regulation icill determine the hierarchical relations heticeen the regular and territorial armies. Article 32. The formation of the various H 2 100 As proposed ly the Committee. Alterations made hj the Assembly. corps of the territorial army takes place : — By subdivision of tlie I'egion for the infantry. Over the whole of the region for other arms. To this end each chief of a re- cruiting office 'makes known to the General commanding the region, the number of men of each arm who, having served their time in the reserve, are residents in his sub- division. After the distribution made be- tween the various arms by the General commanding, every man passing into the teriitorial army is informed by the chief of the re- cruiting service of the subdivision, of i\\e corps to which he belongs. Mention is made of it in a special column of the certificate which ought to be given to him conform- ably to Article 38 of the Law of the 27th July, 1872. The provisions of A.rticles 34 and 35 of the Law^ of the 27th July, 1872, are applicable to soldiers id- scribed upon the muster rolls of the territorial army. Article 33. Every chief of a recruiting office keeps the General commanding the region well informed of the state of the territorial army, according to the manner to be determined by a Ministerial order. The General commanding, pro- poses to the Minister of War, such changes as seem to be necessary for keeping the cadres of the said army complete. Article 34. In case of mobilization, the troops of the territorial army may be de- * tailed to garrison fortresses, to the halting posts and lines, to the de- fence of the coasts and of strate- gical points : they may be also formed into brigades, divisions, and army corps intended to take the field. 101 .4s proposed by the Committee. Alterations made by the Assembly. Finally, they may be detached to form part of the regular army. Article 35. The territorial army when mobi- lized is subject to the laws and regulations which rule the regular army, and resembles it exactly in the matter of pay and allowances of all kinds. So long as the troops of the territorial army are in the region of their formation without being detached to form part of the regular army, they remain under the command determined by Ar- ticles 14 and 16 of the present law. When they are formed into di- visions and army corps they are provided with staff and special ad- ministrative sanitary and auxiliary services. ' Article 36. Pupils of the Ecole Polytechnique and of the Ecole Forestiere, who have passed out satisfactorily from the said schools and are not placed in a public service, receive a brevet as auxiliary sub-lieutenants, or a commission equivalent to the auxiliary title and remain " at dis- posal," in the reserve of the regular "Tmy, or in the territorial army during the time for which they are bound, in conformity with Article 36 of the Law of the 27th July, 1872. But conformably to Article 19 of the Law of the 27th July, 1872, the time passed by them in those schools is deducted from the time for which they are bound to serve. ■ A public administrative regula- tion is issued for each of the services in which are placed the pupils who pass out of the Ecole Polytech- nique, and do not form part of the armies of land or sea, and the pupils of the Ecole Forestiere who have entered the service of Woods and Forests, and it determines the rank and employments that may, 102 As proposed hy the Committee. Alterations made hy the Assembly. in case of mobilization, be given to them in the army according to the position they occupy in the pubhc services to which they belong. Article 37. Men conditionally engaged for one year who after having served the year exacted by Article 56 of the Law of 27th July, 1872, pass satisfactorily all the examinations prescribed, and obtain the brevet of non-commissioned officers, or a commission in one of the ser- vices of the army, remain " at disposal " and pass afterwards into the reserve, and into the territorial army for the time prescribed by law. With this object they are enrolled beforehand in the corps, or detailed to the service for which they are intended, and on being placed "at disposal" receive a document which informs them of the corps or service they are to join in case of being recalled. Article 38. Men conditionally engaged for one year who pass satisfactorily the ex- aminations prescribed by Article 56 of the Law of 27th July, 1872, by remaining one year more either in the regular army or in a school chosen by the Minister of War, can after having passed the proper examinations obtain a brevet ot auxiliary sub- lieutenant, or an equivalent commission, and be placed with their rank according to the needs of the army either " at disposal," or in the reserve of the regular army, and after the time prescribed by law in the territorial army. They are enrolled as officers . in the corps, or services of army corps to which they are attached, mention is made of it in their brevet or commission. Article 39. Men conditionally engaged for one year who have passed the ex- 103 As proposed hi/ the Committee. Alterations made hy the Assembly, aminations prescribed by Article 56 of the Law of July 27th, 1872, and who wish to complete five years service in the active army, can be authorised to do so. In that case, those who conform- ably to Article 58 of the said Law have obtained a brevet of non-com.- missoined officer keep their rank in the regular army, and compete for advancement in the corps to which they belong. Article 40. Auxiliary officers, and officers of the territorial army are during their presence with the colours con- sidered as belonging to the regular army, but they cannot profit by the rank which they have held or obtained during this time so as to be kept in the regular army. Those, however, who enjoyed a retiring pension can have this pension revised. In the matter of the military medal of the cross of the Legion of Honour, obtained by them while they were with the colours, as well as in the matter of pensions for wounds and infirmities they enjoy all rights given to soldiers of the same rank in the regular army. Article 41. Officers of the ^National Garde Mobile, who are bound by their age to serve in the reserve of the regular army in pursuance of Ar- ticle 7Q of the Law of 27th July, 1872, can temporarily, and on con- dition of passing an examination which will be determined by an order of the Minister of War, re- ceive a brevet as auxiliary sub- lieutenant in the reserve of the regular army. They will pass into the territorial army at the same time as men of the class to which they belong. Officers, non - commissioned officers, and men of the National Garde Mobile, and of the mobilized corps, who by reason of their age 104 As proposed by the Committee. Alterations made hy the Assembly. are not classed in the reserve of the regular army can temporarily, and on condition of passing an exami- nation which will be fixed by an order of the Minister of War, bo adniitted'into the cadres of the terri- torial army. Article 42. Orders of public administration and Ministerial order will provide for the execution of the pro- visions contained in the present law. Article 43. All dispositions of anterior laws contrary to the present one are re- pealed. Discussed in public sittings, at Versailles, the 7th, 18th, and 24th of July, 1873. The President, (Signed) L. Buffet. Secretaries : (Signed) L. Grivart. Felix Voisin. Albert Desjardins. E. DE Cazenove de Pradine. The President of the Repulic promulgates the present law. M*''- de MacMahon, I>uc de Magenta. The Minister of War, G^BN^ DU BaRAIL. 105 106 No. 2. Table of the Besources furnished hy the Becruiting Law of July 11th, 1872. 1st year 2nd year, deducting a loss of 3rd „ „ 4tli „ „ 5th ,, „ Active Army. say 6,000 say 4,320 say 2,794 say 2,738 Strength of the five classes of the Active Army , . 150,000 men. 144,000 „ 139,680 „ 136,886 „ 134,148 „ 704,714 Reserve of the Active Army. 6th year, deducting a loss of say 2,683 7th „ „ say 2,229 8th „ „ say 2,577 9th „ „ say 2,525 Strength of the four classes of the Reserve of the Active Army . . 131,465 men. 128,836 „ 126,259 „ 123,734 „ 510,294 10th year, deducting a loss of 11th „ 12th „ 13th „ „ 14th „ Territorial Army. say 2,475 say 2,425 say 2,377 say 2,329 say 2,283 121,259 men. 118,834 „ 116,457 „ 114,128 „ 111,845 „ Strength of the Territorial Army 582,523 Reserve of the Territorial Army I5th year, deducting a loss of say 2,237 16th „ „ say 2,192 17th „ „ say 2,148 18th „ „ say 2,105 19th „ „ say 2,063 20th „ „ say 2,022 Strength of the Eeserve of the Territorial Army Recapitulation. Active Army (5 classes) . . . . . . . . Reserve of the Active Army (4 classes) . . Territorial Army , . . , . . . . . . . . Reserve of the Territorial Army (6 classes) Total of the resources furnished by the Recruiting Law 109,608 men. 107,416 „ 105,268 „ 103,163 „ 101,100 „ 99,078 „ 625,633 704,714 men. 510,294 „ 582,523 „ 625,633 „ 2,423,164 The figui'es of this table are only approximate. They cannot be rendered per- fectly exact till the operations just now beginning of the Councils of Revision are finished. 107 No. 3. Table of the Nine Classes of Men dispensed from service, in virtue oj Articles 17 and 22, liable to be recalled in time of tear (^Article 26 Hecruiting Laiv). Isfc class 2nd class, deducting a loss of 4 per cent. 3 per cent. 3rd class 4th class 5th class 6th class 7th class 8th class 9th class say 698 say 503 2 per cent. say 325 say 319 say 312 say 306 say 300 say 294 Total of men dispensed, but liable to be recalled , 17,458* 16,760 16,257 15,932 15,613 15,301 14,995 14,695 14,401 141,412 * The figure, J 7,458, is obtained as follows, taking as a basis the operations of the Council of Revision for the class of 1868 (See account rendered of the recruiting during 1869, page 38). of the annual contingent of 1. Suppoi'ters of families 150,000 men 2. Eldest of orphans who have neither father nor mother 3. Eldest sons or grandsons of widows 4. Elder brothers of men called to service. . 5. Brothers of soldiers in the active army. . 6. Brothers of soldiers who have died in the service 7. Sons or grandsons of septuagenarians and blind people 8. Younger brothers of blind or infirm men Total Of whom one half may be counted fit for service. . 6,000 1,587 11,000 84 13,975 1,384 834 53 34,917 17,458 These figures are only approximate. They cannot be rendered perfectly exact till the operations of the Council of Rerision, just now beginning, are finished. No. 4. Table of Men exempted from service because tliey are under lieight, but able to join the Auxiliary Service. Annually exempted for being imder height Of whom one-haK may be exempted for other causes Remains for auxiliary services 1st class 2nd class, deducting a loss of 4 per cent 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Total for the 9 classes . . These figures are only approximate. They cannot be rendered perfectly exact till the operations just now beginning of the Council of Revision are finished. Only one-half of the men exempted, becaiise they ai-e under height, are included here, in order to allow for other unavoidable causes of exemption. 4 per cent. say 153 3 per cent. say 109 2 per cent. say 71 say 70 say 68 say 67 say 66 say 64 7,655 3,827 3,827 3,827 3,674 3.565 3,494 3.424 3.356 3.289 3,223 3,159 31,011 108 No. 5. Table of the Effective of the Armi^, estimated for in the Budgets q/'1872, 1873, 1874. Strength, in addition to the bodies of troops . . Strength of the bodies of troops G-endarmerie Republican Q-uard The strength, in addition to the bodies of troops, is composed as follows : — Staffs Chaplains and Sanitary Personnel Administrative Personnel Veterinaries Interpreters . . . . (1.) It should be remarked that in the Budget for 1872 administrative troops, amounting to 8,000, were added to the regular bodies of troops, while in the Budgets for 1873, 1874, they form part of the administrative effective, and that added to the administrative personnel of 1872, they make a total precisely the same as given for the admuiistrative effective of 1873, 1874. 1872. 7,000 428,200 23,000 3,083 461,283 1873. 14,604 410,396 23,000 3,085 451,085 4,409 818 9,298 4 75 1874. 14,758 410,242 23,000 3,085 451,085 4,439 1,259 1,298 4 4,606 775 9,298 4 75 7,000 14,604 14,758 No. 6. Table of the permanent effective not recruited ly means of levies. Regular Corps. OflScers* . . Gendarmerief . . Eepublican guardf (half of it supported by the State) Skirmishers^; (3 regiments) Spahis j (3 regiments) Foreign regiment f . . . . . . , . . . Soldiers sentenced to remain in the service . . . . Staffs Chaplains and sanitary personnel Administrative personnel Yeteriuaries . . . . . . Interpreters Stafs. 26,682 ] 23,000 > 52,765 3,083 9,000 ] 999 3,000 22,199 9,200 J 4,6061 775 1,298 \ 6,758 4 75J 81,722 * The details will be given idtimately, in the tables annexed, to the law upon the constitution of corps and staffs. t Budget for 1874, page 557- X Budget for 1874, page 563. 100 Note. — The number of voluntary enlistments and re-enlist- ments, mentioned in the table annexed to M. le Marquis de ChasselovTp Laubat's report as 50,000, cannot be exactly known before the working of the new law. It is probable that it will be considerably diminished by the obhgation to personal service. Volunteers for one year mamtam themselves at their own expense. Volunteers under the conditions of Article 51 of the recruitmg law, will necessarily be counted for three years, T\atli then class ; for if they enhst at eighteen, the lowest hmit of age, the engage- ment that they contract will only, properly speakmg, be advancing then call to service by two years. With regard to re-enlistments on the part of non-commis- sioned officers, they will probably not be numerous. Anyhow, it is impossible at present to average their number. The Guard began to receive re-enlistments on July 30th, but on the 1st of August, the effectives of its regiments, which, when mobili2;ed, ought to amount to 2,200 men, had only reached an average of 1,750 men. The second corps was receiving reserves up to the 10th August, that is to say, tiU four days after the battle of Spicheren, but the effectives of its regiments had still an average of 1,805 men, instead of 2,400. In this same corps the movement of reserves continued from the 10th to the 18th of August, T\dthout, however, gi^ang the regmients then proper effectives. Mobilization was not completed till the 18th of August, that is to say, thirty-five days after the order for mobilization. What happened to the 2nd corps happened to all the others. We will not give the details of their mobilization here ; it suffices to sum up the results. The corps began to receive men of the reserve on the 29th July and 1st August. The regiments whose mean effective did not exceed 1,500 at the moment of the declaration of war, had on the 1st August, got them up to 1,800. The 44th and 30th regunents of the line alone approached the average of 2,400. From August 1st to August 14th, the day of the battle of Bomy, and the extreme limit of the arrival of reinforcements, reserves might have been seen constantly setting out from the depots to rejoin the active battalions. On the 3rd of August, the Minister gives orders to send men of the reserve of a great nmnber of regiments, as soon as possible to the active battalions. The despatches of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and Uth of August, order more reserves to be sent to the corps. On the 12th of August, 550 men left Caen to join the 93rd regiment of the line at Metz. On the 13th and 14tli of August, there still remained reserves to be sent to Metz. no During this time, the moving of artillery, engineers, and mlKtary train continued. These various transports accumulate, and retard each other. On the 9th August, the P. L. M. Company gives notice that, by reason of the line being encumbered, it can no longer under- take the transport of troops from the south, further east than Besan9on. Note upon the transport of reserves at the time of the tear of 1870. Taken from ojfficial documents existing in the War Offi.ce. The order for mobilization was given on July 14th^ 1870. The chief towns of departments sent to the depots : — On the 18th July, 3 departmental contingents 7,839 19th „ 10 14,331 20th „ 16 25,077 21st „ 15 22,597 22nd „ 23 43,542 23rd „ 14 22,629 24th „ 3 5,471 rom 25th to 28th „ 5 21,484 From 18th to 28th July, 89 contmgents. Total 163,020 Fourteen days (from July 14th to 28th) were spent in sending off 163,020 men, not to join their corps but to go to the depots, and as in July, 1870, the number of the reserves amounted to 173,507, 10,487 still remained to be sent off after the 14th of August. July 29th, the Major-general of the army wrote to the Minister of War in Paris : — " I approve of the destinations you propose for the re- " serves, viz : — Metz for those belonging to the Guard and " to the 2nd and 3rd corps ; Strasbourg for those of the Ist " corps ; Thionville for those of the 4th corps ; Belfort for " those of the 7th corjDS ; Sarreguemiens for those of the 5th " corps. " July the 29th was then the earliest date at which it was " possible for the reserves to be sent from the depots to the " active battalions." Ill APPENDIX B. MEASURES FOLLOWING THE ADOPTION OF THE BILL, AS MODIFIED BY THE ASSEMBLY. DECREES of the President of the Republic, carrying out the principles of the Bill, after it had been adopted by the Assembly. The President op the French Republic duly considering the Law of 24tli July, 1873, upon the Organization of the Army, Decrees : Art. 1. 18 army corps are immediately created to occupy here- after the 18 districts into which France is to be divided conformably to Article 1 of this law. Each of these army corps comprises two divisions, and each division two brigades of infantry. The 126 regiments of infantry, and the 30 battei'ies of chasseurs-a- pied shall be at once distributed between these corps, divisions, and brigades conformably to the list attached to the present decree. Deci'ees and subsequent decisions will provide the complement of troops of all arms for each army corps, and when the law upon cadres shall have been issued, will determine the composition of its variou.s services conformably to the tenor of that law. The divisions and infantry brigades created by the present decree are numbered in the order of the army corps to which they belono-. The divisions from 1 to 36, and brigades from 1 to 72. These numbers will be henceforth allotted to them, and will serve, together ■with the names of the Generals who command them, to designate them in reports upon the operations of war. The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, actual army corps are dissolved. The divisions and troops of the line which compose them enter into the formation of the new army corps. Art. 2. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree. Griven at Versailles, the 28th of September, 1873. M^^. ]\IacMahon, Due de Magenta. Par le President de la Republique. The Miaister of War, Gen\ du Barail. The President of the French Republic, Decrees : Art. 1. Conformably to Article 2 of the Law of July 4th, 1873, on the General Organization of the Army, the special troops in Algeria, constitute a distinct army corps, and will take number 19. Ai't. 2, The command of this army corps is exercised in ordinary 112 times by the General in chief commanding the land and sea forces in Algeria. Art. 3. The organization and details of composition of this army corps will be subsequently determined conformably to the provisions of the law which is to be made on the cadres of the army. Art. 4. For the 19th army corps a 19th brigade of artillery is created. Art. 5. Till further orders besides the special corps in Algeria troops of all arms actually in Algeria will be considei^ed as provisionally detached from the army corps of the interior. Their service relations with these latter shall be decided hereafter. Art. 6. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, 28th September, 1873. M^^ DE MacMahon, Due de Magenta. By the President of the Republic. The Minister of War, Gen'', du Baeail. The President of the French Republic, Decrees : Art. 1. The folloAviug general officers are appointed to the command of the 18 army corps of the interior, created by a decree under date of the day : — MM. Clinchant (Justin), 1st army corps. Montandon (Jean Baptiste Alexandre), 2nd army corps. Sebrum (Barthelemy Louis Joseph), 3rd army corps. Deligny (Edouard Jean Etienne), 4th army corps. Bataille (Hem-i Jules), 5th army corps. Douav (Felix Charles), 6th army corps. Le Due de Aumale (Henri Eugene Philippe Louis d'Orleans), 7th army corps. JDucrot (Auguste Alexandre), 8th army corps. Courtot de Cissey (Ernest Louis Gustave), 9th avmy corps. Forgeot (Jules Etienne Marie), 10th army corps. Lallemand (Orphis Leon), 11th army corps. De Lartigue (Marie Hippolyte), 12th army corps. Picard (Joseph Alexandre), 13th army corps. Bourbaki (Charles Denis Saiiterre), 14th army corps. Espivent de la Villesboisnet (Henri), 15th army corps. Baron Aymard (Edoaard Alphonse Antoine), loth army corps. De Saliguac Fenelon (Jules Victor Anatole), 17th army corps. d'Aurelle de Paladines (Louis Jean Baptiste), 18th army corps. Art. 2. The prerogatives and attributes of the commanders of the 18 new army corps will be limited till further orders to those defined by the present regulations and instructions for the command of regular troops. The territorial command will continue to belong to the Generals commanding the territorial divisions until the 18 districts for the army corps, shall be fixed upon in the manner prescribed by the law. Art. 3. The date when each general officer called to the command of 113 one of the,se 18 army corps shall enter upon his duties will bo fixed by his letter of command. Ai't. 4. The Minister of War is cliarged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, September 28th, 1873. M*^ DE MacMahox, Due de Magenta. By the President of the Republic, The Minister of War, Gen\ du Barail. The President op the French Republic on the report of the Minister of War, Decrees : Art. 1. The army of Versailles, as it was reconstituted by decrees under date of the -Slst of May and 5th June, 1873, is dissolved. The troops which compose it will be divided between some of the army corps which are to be formed in execution of the Law of July 24th, 1873. Art. 2. General of division Ladmirault, military governor of Paris, at present commander-in-chief of the army of Versailles, and chief com- mandant of the 1st military divisions, will take the title of Governor of Paris, chief commandant of the 1st military division, and will continue to exercise his functions. Art. 3. Till the division of the territory of France into 18 districts has been definitely concluded by a decree issued in the foi-m of orders of public administration, all troops stationed within the the boundaries of the 1st military division, no matter to what army corps they belong, will be under the orders of General Ladmirault. Special instructions will make known the relations which are to exist between these troops and the commander of their army corps. Art. 4. The Minister of War is cliarged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, September 29th, 1873. M^\ MacMahon, Due de Maffenta. By the President of the Republic. The Minister of War, Gen', du Barail. The President of the French Republic on the report of the Minister of War, Decrees : Art. 1. Till the division of the territory of France lias been defi- nitely ordained by a decree issued in the form of orders of public administrative, general of division, Bourbaki, commandant of the 6th army corps and chief commandant of the 8th and 22ud military divisions appointed by decree of September 28th, 1873, to the command of the 14th army corps, will continue to exercise the functions of chief commandant of the 8th and 22nd mihtary divisions. He will take the title of Military Governor of Lyons. I 114 Ai't. 2. The JNIinister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, 29th September, 1873. M". DE MacMahon, Due de Magenta. By the President of the Republic. The Minister of War, GrEN'-. DU BaRAIL. The President of the French Republic, Decrees : Art. 1. In each of the 18 army corps of the interior, created by the decree of the 28th September, 1873, and in order to complete the number of regiments necessary to make up the four brigades of infantry composing the two divisions allotted to each army corps by Article 8 of the Law of the 24th July, 1873, an eighth regiment will be imme- diately created, the elements of which will be taken from the seven former ones. Art. 2. The 18 regiments of infantry to be created according to the terms of the preceding Article, will rank after the infantry regiments at present existing, and will be numbered from 127 to 144 in the order of the army corps in which they have been formed. Art. 3. Each of the said regiments will be formed by joining 21 companies, taken at the rate of 3 per regiment from the infantry regiments allotted by the decree of September 27th, 1873, to each army corps. These companies will not be replaced in the regiments which furuish them, so that the 8 regiments. of every army corps will each contain 21 companies. Art. 4. The number of companies of each infantry regiment being reduced to 21, the 4th battalions will cease to exist, and till the law which is to be issued upon cadres shall have decided upon this point, each of these regiments will comprise 3 battalions of 6 companies, and 3 depot companies. Art. 5. The cJiefs de hataillons, adjutant majors, and adjutant non- commissioned officers belonging to the reduced fourth battalions, who do not find places in the new organization, are provisionally placed on the succession list. Art. 6. The infantry regiments, Nos. 127 to 144, will have pro- visionally neither drum-major, nor band, nor sappers, nor will any (extra) companies be formed till further orders. Special measures will be taken as to the latter point to provide for this service. Art. 7. Superior officers and othei'S necessary for forming the regimental and battalion staff will be chosen from the whole of the army, and by preference only in the army corps. They will pro- visionally not be replaced in the general cadre of officers of their rank. Art. 8. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, September 29th, 1878. li^'-. de MacMahon, Due de Magenta. Par le President de la Republique, The Minster of War, Gen\ du Bar ail. 115 The President of the French Republic, Decrees : Art 1. In order to prepare tlie execution of the law of July 24th, 1873, on the organization of the army by dividing the squadrons of cavalry actually existing into a greater number of cavalry brigades allotted to the 18 army corps, while reserving the regiments necessary to the special divisions of this arm, 14 new regiments of cavalry are created. Art. 2. They are formed by taking one established squadron from every six squadrons of the 56 cavalry regiments at present existing, the regiment of Chasseurs d' Afi-ique and Spahis excejDted. Art. 3. The 56 squadrons thus obtained are divided into groups of 4 squadrons, as much as possible of the same arm, and intended to form one of the new regiments. Art. 4. The cavalry of France is thus constituted of 56 regiments of 5 squadrons each, and 14 regiments provisionally consisting of 4 squadrons each. In each of the old regiments the third majors, the third adjutant- majors, and one of the ajapointments for adjutant non- commissioned ofl&cers are thus reduced. Those of them who cannot find a place in the organization of the new regiments are provisionally to be placed on the succession list. Art. 5. The 14 new regiments will comprise : — 6 regiments of dragoons Nos. 21 to 26 6 ,, „ chasseurs ,, 15 to 20 2 ,, ,, hussars „ 11 and 12. Art. 6. Superior ofl&cers and others called to form the staff of the new regiments -will not till further orders be replaced in the general cadre of officers of their rank. Art. 7. The said new regiments will not have, till further orders, either band or supernumerai-y peloton. Art. 8. Conformably to Table I, annexed to the present decree, 18 divisional cavalry brigades are formed, numbered from 1 to 18, and allotted to the 18 army corps of the same number. Art. 9. The 34 regiments of cavalry excluded from these forma- tions are organized in brigades and divisions, conformably to Table 2, annexed to the present decree. Given at Versailles, September 29th, 1873. M". MacMahon, Due de Magenta. Parle President de la Republique, The Minister of War, Gen', du Barail. The President of the French Republic, Decrees : Art. 1. In execution of the law of 24th July, 1873, upon the general organization of the army, 8 regiments of artillery are created to complete the number of regiments of that arm necessary to form the 19 brigades of artillery allotted to the 18 army corps of the interior and the special army corps for Algiers. Art. 2. These regiments will be formed of elements taken from all the existing regiments, so that the total number of batteries of ai-tillery l2 116 already existing, and the actual cadre of officers of this arm, will not he augmented. Art. 3. The 38 regiments of artillery resulting from this creation, are divided, conformably to the list annexed to the present decree, into 19 brigades allotted in numerical order to the 18 army corps of the interior, and the special army corps for Algiers. Art. 4. The provisional composition of each brigade and each regiment, till the issuing of the law upon cadres, will be decided by a special ministerial decision. Art. 5. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, September 29th, 1873. M*\ DE MacMahon, Due de Magenta. Par le President de la Republique, The Minister of War, Gen'', du Barail. The Peesident op the Feench Republic, Decrees : Art. 1. In order to insure unity of command, and while waiting for the promulgation of the order of public administration which is to determine the districts and subdivisions of districts, the following changes have been made in the territorial composition of military divisions. Art. 2. The 4th military division is provisionally reconstituted at Chalons-sur-Marne. It comprises the departments of the Marne, the Ardennes, the Aube, the Meuse, the Vosges, the Meurthe, and Moselle. Art. 3. The following departments are joined to the named divisions as follows :— To the 1st military division the department of the Orne, of the Somme, of the Mayenne, of the Sartbe, and of the Loir-et-Cher, de- tached from the 2nd, 3rd, 16th and 18th military divisions. To the 9th military division the departnaents of the Ardeche, and of the Gardo, detached from the 8th and 10th military divisions. To the 10th mihtary division the department of the Tarn detached from the 12th military division. To the 12th military division the departments of the Ariege, the Gers, and the Lot-et-Garonne, detached from the 11th, 13th and 14th military divisions. To the 15th military division the departments of Morbihan and Finisterre detached from the 16th military division. To the 28th military division the departments of the Deux Sevres, the Maine- et- Loire and of the Indre, detached from the 15th and 19th railitary divisions. To the 19th military division the departments of the Cote d'Or, and of the Saone-et- Loire, detached from the 8th military division. To the 20th militaiy division the departments of the Loire and the Allier, detached from the 19th military division. To the 21st mihtary division the department of the Dordogne de- tached from the 14th military division. 117 To the 22nd military division the department of the Drome de- tached from the 8th railitary division. Art. 4th. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, loth October, 1873. M"-. DE MacMahox, Due de Magenta. Par le President de la Repnblique, The Minister of War, Gen'', du Bakail. The President of the French Republic, Decrees : Art. 1. Consequent upon the decree of this day determining the new provisional composition of the military territorial divisions, the following changes are made in the command of those divisions. Ai*t. 2. The army corps' commanders mentioned below are required to join to the command of the army corps, conferred iipon them by the decree of the 28th of September, 1873, the command of a territorial military division, viz. : — The General Commanding Is appointed Commandant The 1st army corps Of the 3rd military division at Lille. The 3rd ,, ,, 2nd military division at Rouen. The 6th ,, ,, 4th military division at Chalons- sur-Marne (division reconsti- tuted by the decree of this day). The 7th „ „ 7th military division at Besan9on. The 8th ,, ,, 19th military division at Bourges. The 9th ,, „ 18th military division at Tours. The 10th „ ,, IGth military division at Rennes. The 11th ,, ,, 15th military division at ISTantes. The 12th ,, ,, 21st military division at Limoges. The 13th „ „ 20th military division at Clermont Ferrand. The 17th „ „ 12th military division at Toulouse. Art. 3. The commanders of the three following army corps are required to exercise provisionally the chief command of two neigh- bouring mihtary divisions, viz. : — The General Commanding Is appointed Commandant The 15th army corps Of the 9th and 17th military di- visions at Marseilles. The 16th ,, „ 10th and 11th military divisions at Montpellier. The 18th „ „ 13th and 14th military divisions at Bordeaux. The generals commanding the 11th, 13th, and 17th military divi- sions keep in their hands the administi'ation of military justice in all that concerns their respective divisions. Art. 4. Generals invested both with the command of an army corps and the provisional command of one or two di^-isions, take, according to the case, the title of " General commanding the — army 118 corps and the — military division," or that of " General commanding the — ■ army, and chief commandant of the — and — military divisions." Art. 5. 'No change is made in vphat "was ordered by the decree of September 29th, with regard to the command of Paris and Lyons. But the pro^dsional attributes of the Generals commanding the 2nd, 4th, and 5th corps, of which the troops are all stationed within the territory of the 1st military division, are determined by a special ministerial decision. Art. 6. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, 13th October, 1873. ■ M''^ DE MacMahon, Duo de Magenta. Par le President de la Republique, The Minister of War, Gen'-, du Barail. The President of the French Republic, Decrees : Art. 1. The dispositions contained in the decrees of the 28th and 29th of September last, relative to the new organization of the army, and to the commands which it comprises, and those contained in the decrees of the 13th October, relative to the provisional composition and to the command of the territorial divisions will be in force from the 21st October. From that date the army corps, divisions, and brigades will be con- stituted, and the Generals who have, or shall have received the com- mands of them, will enter upon their duties. Till further orders, the Generals, the corps of all arms, and the personnel of the various services which are not comprised in the organization of army corps, divisions, and brigades determined by the aforesaid decrees, shall be subject only to the territorial command. Special instructions will regulate the relations of detached troops on the one hand with the commander of the army corps to which they belong, on the other hand, with the commander of the military division in the territory of which they are stationed. Art. 2. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Versailles, the 15th of October, 1873. M". de MacMahon, Due de Magenta. Par le President de la Republique, The Minister of War, Gen^, du Barail. 119 MINISTERIAL DECISION Relative to the Tereitorial Command conferred provisionally on THE Generals commanding the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Army Corps. In execiation of Article 5 of tlie Decree of the 13th of October, concerning the changes made in the command of territorial divisions, the position of the Generals commanding the 2nd, 4th, and 5th army- corps, with regard to territorial command is, till further orders, regulated as follows : — The General commanding the 2nd army corps, will exercise by delegation from the general Governor of Paris, Chief Commandant of the 1st military division, the chief command of the subdivisions of the Somme, the Oise, and the Aisne, comprised in the 1st military division. He will have his head-quarters at Amiens. The General commanding the 4th army corps will exercise in the same manner, and by delegation, the chief command of the Orne, Mayenne, Sarthe, and Eure-et-Loir. He will provisionally have his head-quarters at Paris. The General commanding the 5th army corps will exercise in the same manner, and by delegation, the chief command of the subdivisions of the Loir-et-Cher, the Loiret, the Yonne, and the Seine-et-Marue. He will provisionally have his head- quarters at Paris. Consequently the Generals commanding the subdivisions above mentioned, will be subject to the chief command to which they are responsible for all service matters, and will receive from it all orders relative to their command. Nevertheless, the administration of miHtary justice will remain directly and exclusively in the hands of the general Governor of Paris, Chief Commandant of the 1st military division, in all that concerns the subdivisions comprised in the said division. Nothing is changed in the position nor the attributes of the General commanding the subdivision of the Seine and the fortress of Paris. The General commanding the subdivision of the Seine-et-Oise, will add to his present command the command of the fortress of Versailles. These dispositions will be in force from the 21st of October, 1873. Versailles, October 14th, 1873. The Minister of War, Gen'-, du Bakail. 120 The President of the French Republic, considering the Presidential Decree of June 8, 187], concerning the organization of the central ad- ministration of the Minister of War, which creates a general ministerial staff divided into two bureaux : Considering the Law of July 24th, 1873, relative to the General Organization of the Army, which divides it into 19 army corps, pro- vided each with its staflFs and various services : Believing that in order to act up to the spirit of the last-mentioned law, it is necessary to constitute the War Office, under conditions more in accordance with the new organization of the army : Upon the report of the Minister of War, Decrees : Art. 1, Article 2 of the Presidential Decree of the 8th of June, 1871, is modified as follows: — The Department of the Chief of the General Ministerial Staff com- prises the Ministerial Cabinet and 6 bureaux, namely : — 1st Bureau. — General organization and mobilization of the Ai'my. Positions and strength. 2nd Bureau. — Military statistics; historical office. 3rd Bureau. — Military operations ; instruction of the army ; topo- graphical office. 4th Bureau. — Etappen and railway service ; execution of move- ments of troops ; transport of troops by land or sea. 5th Bureau. — General correspondence. 6th Bureau (or war depot) . — Technical services ; collections ; mate- rial and accounts of the general staff. Two Deputy Chiefs of the staff are attached to the Chief of the staff. Art. 2. The chiefs of all the bureaux, except that of general corres- pondence are superior officers. Art 3. These officers only receive the full pay of tbeir rank. The salary of General Officers who hold an appointment in the general staff of the Minister of War, will (including ordinary pay) be fixed at 25,000 francs for a General of Division, and 15,000 for a general of brigade. Tbe latter sum is the same as the salary of other Generals of Brigade, who are chiefs of any of the services of the central adminis- tration. Art. 5. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree, which Avill be in force from the 15th of March, 1874. Given at Versailles, March 12th, 1874. M*\ DE MacMahon, Due de Magenta. By the President of the Republic. The Minister of War, Gen'', de Barail. 121 The President of the French Republic; on the report of the Minister of War ; pursuant to the Law of the 24th July 1873, on the General Organization of the Army ; pursuant to the 1st Article, conceived as folloAvs : — "The French territory is divided into eighteen Regions, for organization of the regular army and its reserve, and of the territorial army and its reserve ; and into Subdivisions of these Regions. " These Regions and Subdivisions of Regions, established according to their resources for recruiting and to the exigencies of mobilization, are determined by a decree in the form of regulations for public administration, and inserted in the Bulletin des Lois." Having conferred with the Council of State, decrees : Art. 1 . Each of the eighteen Regions mentioned in Article 1 of the Law of the 24th July 1873 contams eight Subdivisions of Regions. These Regions and Subdi^dsions of Regions are limited, as shown in the tables and map hereto appended. Art. 2. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present decree, which shall be inserted in the Bulletin des Lois. Done at Versailles, 6th August 1874. Marshal de MacMahon, Duke of Magenta, By the President of the Republic, The Vice-President of the Council Minister of War, General E. de Cissey. Table showing the division of France into Eighteen Regions, and into Subdivisions of Regions. L REGION. Head-Quarters. — Lille. Comprises the departments of Nord and of Pas-de-Calais. 1st Subdivision. Department of Nord. Arrondissement : Lille. 122 2nd Subdivision. Department of Nor d. Arrondissement : Valenciennes. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Nord. Arrondissements : Douai ; Cambrai : cantons of East and West Cambrai, Marcoing, Solesmes, and Carnieres. 4th Subdivision. Department of Nord. Arrondissements : Avesnes ; Cambrai : cantons of Clary and of Le Cateau. 5th Subdivision. Department of Pas-de- Calais. Arrondissement : Arras. 6th Subdivision. Department of Pas-de- Calais. Arrondissements : Bethune, Saint-Pol. 7th Subdivision. Department of Pas-de-Calais. Arrondissements : Saint-Omer, Boulogne, Montreuil. 8th Subdivision. Department of Nord. Arrondissements : Dunkerque, Hazebrouck. II. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Amiens. Comprises the departments of Aisne, Gise, Somme, Seine- et-Gise (arrondissement of Pontoise) and of Seine (cantons of Saint-Denis and of Pantin, lOth, 19tli and 20tli arrondissements of Paris). 1st Subdivision. Department of Aisne. Arrondissements : Soissons, Chateau-Thierry. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Pontoise. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Saint-Denis and of Pantin, and of the 10th, 19th and 20th arrondissements of Paris. 123 2xD Subdivision. Department of Aisne. Arrondissements : Saint-Quentin, Vervins. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Oise. Arrondissements : Beauvais, Clermont. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondisseraent : Portion of the an'ondissement of Pontoise. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Saint-Denis and of Pantin, and of the 10th, 19th and 20th arrondissements of Paris. 4th Subdivision. Department of Somme. Ari'ondissement : Amiens. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Pontoise. Department of Seine. Arrondissement : Portions of the cantons of Saint-Denis and of Pantin, and of the 10th, 19th and 20th arrondissements of Paris. 5th Subdivision. Department of Oise. Arrondissement : Compiegne, SenKs. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements: Portion of the arrondissement of Pontoise. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantoDS of Saint-Denis and Pantin, and of the 10th, 19th and 20th aiTondissements of Paris. Department of Somme. Arrondissements : Abbeville, Doullens. 6th SUBDmSION. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Pontoise. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Saint-Denis and Pantin. and of the 10th, 19th and 20th arrondissements of Paris. 124 7th Subdivision. Department of Aisne, Anordissement : Laon. Department of Seine- et-Oise. AiTondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Pontoise. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Saint-Denis and Pantin, and of the 10th, 19th and 20th arrondissements of Paris. Department of Somme. Arrondissements : Peronne, Montdidier. 8th Subdivision. Department of Seine -et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Pontoise. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Saint-Denis and of Pantin, and of the 10th, 19th and 20th arrondissements of Paris. III. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Rouen. Comprises the departments of Calvados, of Eure, of Seine- Inferieure, of Seine-et-Oise (arrondissements of Mantes and of Versailles) and of Seine (cantons of Courbevoie and of Neuillj, 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 171h and 18th arrondissements of Paris). 1st Subdivision. Department of Eure. Arrondissements : Pont-Audemer, Bernay. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements : Portions of the arrondissements of Mantes and Versailles. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Courbevoie and Neiiillv, and of the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th, 15tli, 16th, 17th and 18th arrondissements of Paris. '?ND SmmivisiON. Department of Eure. Arrondissement : Evreux. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements : Portions of the arrondissements of Mantes and Versailles. 125 Department of Seine. AiTondissements : Portions of the cantons of Courbevoie and Neuilly, and ol the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th, loth, 16th, 17th and 18th arrondissements of Paris. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Calvados. Arrondissements : Vire, Falaise. Department of Seine- et-Oise. Arrondissements : Portions of the arroncHssements of ]\Iantes and Versailles. Department of Seine. AiTondissements : Portions of the cantons of Com-bevoie and Neuilly, and of the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th arrondissements of Paris. 5th Subdwision. Department of Stine-Inferieure. Arrondissements : Rouen, cantons of Boos, Grande-Couronne, Elboeuf and Rouen (left bank) : Diej^pe, Neuchatel. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Ari'ondissements : Portions of the arrondissements of Mantes and Versailles. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Courbevoie and Neuilly, and of the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9tli, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th arrondissements of Paris. 6th SUBDrV'ISION. Department of Seine-lnferieure, Arrondissements : Rouen ; cantons Boos, Grand-Com'onne, Elboeuf and Rouen (left bank) Departmenl of Enre. Arrondissements : Les Andelys, Louviers. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements : Portions of the arrondissements of Mantes and Versailles. Department of Seme. Arrondissements: Portions of the cantons of Courbevoie and Neuilly, and of the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th arrondissements of Paris. 126 7th Subdivision. Department of Calvados. Arrondissements : Caen, Bayeux. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements : Portions of the arrondissements of Mantes and Versailles. Departfnent of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Courbevoie and Neuilly, and of the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th arrondissements of Paris. 8th Subdivision. Department of Seine-Inferieure. Arrondissements : Le Havre, Yvetot. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements: Portions of the arrondissements of Mantes and Versailles. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Courbevoie and Neuilly, and of the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th, 15th, 17th and 18th aiTon- dissements of Paris. IV. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Le Mans. Comprises the departments of Eure-et-Loir, Mayenne, Orne, Sarthe, Seine-et-Oise (arrondissement of Rambouillet) and of Seine (cantons of Villejuif and of Sceaux, 4th, 5tli, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris). 1st Subdivision. Department of Mayenne, Arrondissements : Chateau-Gontier; Laval, minus the canton of Chailland. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement: Portion of the arrondissement of Ram- bouillet. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Villejuif and Sceaux, and of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris. 2nd Subdivision. Department of Mayenne. Arrondissements : Mayenne ; Laval, canton of Chailland. 127 Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Ram- bouillet. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Villejuif and Sceaux, and of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris. 3rd SUBDmSION. Department of Sarthe. An-ondissements : Mamers ; Saint Calais, minus the canton of Chateau-du-Loir ; Le Mans, cantons of Ballon, Montfert and 3rd canton of Mans. Department of Seine-et-Oise, Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Ram- bouillet. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Villejuif and Sceaux, and of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris. 4th Subdivision. Department of Sarthe. Arrondissements : La Fleche ; Le Mans, 1st and 2nd cantons of Le Mans and cantons of Sille, Conlie, Loue, La Suze and Ecommoy ; Saint Calais, canton of Chateau-du-Loir. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Ram- bouillet. Department of Seine. AiTondissements : Portions of the cantons of Villejuif and Sceaux, and of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris. 5th Subdivision. Department of Eure-et-Loir. Arrondissements : Chartres, cantons of North Chartres, Courville and Maintenon ; Nogent-le-Rotron ; Dreux. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Ram- bouillet. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Villejuif and Sceaux, and of the 4th, 5th, 6th, loth and 14th arrondissements of Paris. 128 6th Subdivision. Department of Enre-et-Loh\ AiTondissements : Chateaucluii ; Chartres, cantons of South Chartres, Auneau, Illiers, Voves and Janville. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Ram- boiiillet. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Villejuif and Sceaux, and of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris. 7th Subdivision. Department of Orne. Arrondissements : Alencon, Mortagne. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Ram- bouillet. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Villejuif and Sceaux, and of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris. 8th Subdivision. Department of Orne. Arrondissements : Argentan, Domfront. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissement : Portion of the arrondissement of Ram- bouillet. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Villejuif and Sceaux, and of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th and 14th arrondissements of Paris. V. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Orleans. Comprises the departments of Lohet, Loir-et-Cher, Seine-et- Marne, Yonne, Seine-et-Oise (arrondissements of Etampes and of Corbeil) and of Seine (cantons of Charenton and Vincennes, 2nd, 3rd, llth and 12th arrondissements of Paris). 1st Subdivision. Department of Yonne. Arrondissements : Sens ; Joigny, cantons of Cerisiers, Ville- neuve-sur-Yonne, Brienon and Joigny. 129 Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements : Portions of the arrondissementsof Etampes and Corbeil. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Charenton and Vincennes, and of the 2nd, 3rd, 11th and 12th arrondissements of Paris. 2nd SUBDRISIOX. Department of Sehie-et-Marne. Arrondissements : Fontainebleau, Provins. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements: Portions of the arrondissementsof Etampes and Corbeil. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Charenton and Vincennes, and of the 2nd, 3rd, 11th and 12th arrondissements of Paris. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Seine-et-Marne. Arrondissements : Melun ; Coulommiers, canton of Rozoy. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements: Portions of the arrondissementsof Etampes and Corbeil. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Charenton and Vincennes, and of the 2nd, 3rd, 11th and 12th arrondissements of Paris. 4th Subdwision. Department of Seine-et-Marne. Arrondissements : Meaux ; Coulommiers, minus the canton of Rozoy. Department of Seine-et-Oise. Arrondissements: Portions of the arrondissementsof Etampes and Corbeil. Department of Seine. Arrondissements : Portions of the cantons of Charenton and Vincennes, and of the 2nd, 3rd, 11th and 12th arrondissements of Paris. 5th Subdivision. Department of Yonne. Arrondissements: Auxerre, Avallon, TonneiTe K 3 130 ()TH SUBDIVISIOxV. Department of Loiret. Arrondissements : Montargis, Gien. Department of Yonne. Arrondissement : Joigny, cantons of Saint-Julien, Charny, Aillant. Bleneau and Saint-Fargeau. 7th Subdwision. Department of Loir-et-Cher. 8th Subdh^ision. Department of Loiret. Arrondissements : Orleans, Pitliiviers. VI. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Clialons-sur-Marne. Comprises the departments of Ardennes, Aube, Marne, Meur- the-et-Moselle, Meuse and Vosges. 1st Subdivision. Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle. Arrondissements : Nancy, West Nancy, and Saint-Nicholas. Department of Vosges. Arrondissement : Samt-Die. 2xD SuBDrvasiox. Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle. Arrondissements : Toul ; Nancy, minus the canton of West Nancy and Saint-Nicholas. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Vosges. Arrondissements : Epinal, Mirecourt, Remiremont, Neuf- chateau. 4th Subdivision. Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle. Arrondissement : Briey, cantons of Briey, Conflans and Chambley. Department of Meuse. Arrondissements : Verdun, Bar-le-Duc, Commercy. 5th Subdfv^ision. Department of Ardennes. Arrondissements : Rocroi, Mezieres, Sedan. 131 Department of Meuse. Arrondissement : Montmedy. Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle. Arrondissement : Briey, cantons Longuyon, Longwy and Audun. 6th Subdivision. Department of Marne. Arrondissement : Reims. Department of Ardeiines. Arrondissements : Voiiziers, Rethel. 7th Subdivision. Department of Aube. 8 th Subdivision. Department of the Marne. Arrondissements : Sainte-Meneliould, Chalons, Vitry, Epernay. VII. REGION, Head-Quarters. — Besangon. Comprises the departments of Ain, Doubs, Jura, Haute- Marne, Haut-Rhin, Haute-Saone and of Rhone (canton of Neu- ville, 4:th and 5th arroncUssements of Lyon). 1st Subdivision. Department of Haut-Rhin. Arrondissement : BeLfort. Department of Haute-SaCne. Arrondissement : Lure, canton of Champagney. Department of Doubs. Arrondissements : Baume-les-Dames, Montbeliard. 2nd Subdivision. Department of Haute-Saone. Arrondissements : Vesoul ; Lure, minus Champagney, Department of Haute-Marne. Arrondissements: Langres; Chauniont, canton of Arc-en- Barrois. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Haute-Saone. Arrondissement : Gray. 132 Department of Rhone, Arrondissement : Lyon, canton, 4th arrondissement of Lyon. 4th Subdivision. Department of Haute-Marne. Arrondissements : Cliaumont, minus the canton of Arc-en- Barrois ; Vassy. Department of WiSne. Arrondissement : Lyon, canton of Neuville and 5th arron- dissement of Lyon. 5th SUBDmSION. Department of Jura. Arrondissements: Lons-le-Sanlnier; Poligny; Dole, cantons of Chaumergy, Chaussiii and Montbarrey ; Saint-Claude. 6th SuBDnasiox. Department of Doubs. Arrondissements : Besan^on, Pontarlier. Department of Jura. Arrondissement : Dole, minus Chaumergy, Chaussin and Montbarrey. 7th Subdivision. Department of Ain. Arrondissements: Bourg, minus Pont-d'Ain; Trevoux, minus Montkiel, Chalamont, Meximieux. 8 th Subdivision. Department of Ain, Arrondissements: Belley; Gex ; Nantua ; Bourg, canton of Pont-d'Am ; Trevoux, cantons of Montluel, Chalamont, Mexi- mieux, VIIL REGION. Head-Quarters. — Bourg es. Comprises the departments of Cher, Cote-d'Or, Nievre, Saone- et-Loire and Rhone (arrondissement of Villefranche). 1st Subdivision. Department 6f 8a6ne-et-Loire. Arrondissements: Louhans, canton of Saint-Pierre-en-Bresse; Chtilon, cantons of Chagny, Verdun- sur-Doubs, and Saint- Martin-en-Bresse. Department of CSte-cfOr. Arrondissements : Beaune ; Dijon, cantons of Auxonne and Pontailler. 133 2XD SUBDH^ISIOX. Department of Cote-d'Or. AiTondissements : Chatillon; Semur; Dijon, minus Auxonne and Pontailler. 3rd Subdivisiox. Department of Saone-et-Loire. AiTondissements : Macon, cantons of Cluny, Saint Gengoux, Lugny, and Tonrnus ; Louhans, minus Saint-Pierre-en-Bresse ; Chalon, minus Cbagny, Verdun-sur-Doubs and Saint-Martin- en-Bresse. 4th Subdr^isiox. Department of SaSne-et-Loire. Arrondissement : Macon, cantons of Nortli and South Macon, Chapelle Tram ayes and Matour, Department of Rhone. Arrondissement : Villefranche. 5th Subdivision. Departinent of Cher. A.rrondi8sement : Sancerre. Department of Nievre. Arrondissements : Clamecy, Cosne. 6th Subdivision. Department of Cher. Arrondissements: Bourges ; Saint-Amand, minus the cantons of La Guerche, Sancoins and Nerondes. 7 th Subdivision. Department of Saone-et-Loire. Arrondissements : CharoUes, Autun. 8 th Subdivision. Department of Nibvre. Arrondissements : Chateau-Chuion, Nevers. Department of Cher. Arrondissement : Saint-Amand, cantons of La Guerche, Sancoins and Neronde. IX. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Tours. Comprises the departments of Maine-et-Loire, Indre-et- Loire, Indre, Deux-Sevres and Vienne, 134 1st Subdivision. Department of Indre, Arrondissemente: Issoudim; La CMtre ; Chateauroux, minus the cantons of Chatillon and Ecueille. 2nd Subdwision. Department of Indre. Arrondissements : Cliateauroux, cantons of Chatillon and Ecueille ; Le Blanc. Department of Vienne. Arrondissement : Montmorillon. Department of Indre~et- Loire. Arrondissement : Loches. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Deux-Sevres. Arrondissements : Parthenay, Bressuire, Niort. 4th Subdivision. Department of Vienne. Arrondissements : Poitiers, minns the cantons of Saint- Julien, Saint-Georges, Neuville and Mirebeau ; Civray. Department of Deux-Sevres. Arrondissement : Melle. 5th Subdwision. Department of Vienne. Arrondissements : Chatelleranlt; Loudim ; Poitiers, cantons of Saint- Julien, Saint-Georges, Xeuville and Mirebeau. Department of Indre-et-Loire. Arrondissement : Chinon, minus the cantons of Langeais and Bourgueil. 6th Subdivision. Department of Indre-et-Loire. Arrondissements : Tours ; Chinon, cantons of Langeais and Bourgueil. Department of Maine-et-Loire. Arrondissements : Saumur, cantons of North-East, North- West, and South-East Saumut; Bauge, cantons of Noyant and Longue. 7th Subdivision. Department of Maine-et-Loire. Arrondissements : Segre ; Bauge, minus the cantons of Noyant and Longue ; Angers, minus the cantons of Chalonne, Pont-de-C^ and Thouarce. 135 8th Subdivision. Department of Maine-et- Loire. Arronclisseraents : Cholet ; Angers, cantons of Pont-de-Ce, Chalonne and Thouarce ; Saumur, minus the cantons of North- East, North- West and South-East Saumur. X. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Rennes. Comprises the departments of Cotes -du-Nord, Manche and lUe-et-Vilaine. 1st SuBDmsiox. Ihpartment of Cotes-du-Nord. Arrondissements : Guingamp, Lannion. 2nd Subdivision. Department of C6tes-du-Nord. Arrondissements : Saint-Brieuc, Loudeac, 3rd Subdwision. Department of Ille-et- Vilaine. Arrondissements : Rennes, Redon, Montfort. 4th SUBDmSION. Department of Ille-et- Vilaine. Arrondissements : Yitre, Fougeres. 5th SUBDmSION. Department of Manche. Arrondisements : Valognes, Cherbourg. 6th SUBDmSION. Department of Ille-et- Vilaine. Arrondissement : Saint-Malo. Department of Cdtes-du-Nord. Arrondissement : Dinan. 7th SUBDmSION. Department of Manche. Arrondissements : A^^.'anches, Mortain. 8th SUBDmSION. Department of Manche. Arrondisements : Saint -Lo, Coutances. 136 XI. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Nantes. Comprises tlie departments of Finistere, Loire-Inferieure, Morbihan and Vendee. 1st Subdivision. Department of Loire-Inferieure. Arrondissements : Nantes, minus the cantons of Carquefou, Vertou, Loroux, Vallet, Clisson and Aigrefeuille; Saint Nazaire; Paimboeuf. 2nd Subdivision. Department of Loire-Inferieure. Arrondissements: Ancenis; CMteaubriant ; Nantes, cantons of Carquefou, Vertou, Loroux, Vallet, Clisson and Aigrefeuille. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Vendee. Arrondissements : La. Roche-sur- Yon, minus the cantons of Mortagne, Herbiers and Chantonnay; Les Sables d'Olonne. 4th Subdivision. Department of Vendee. Arrondissements : La Roche-sur- Yon ; cantons of Mortagne, Herbiers and Cliantonnaj ; Fontenay. 5th Subdivision. Department of Morbihan, Arrondissements : Vannes, Ploermel. 6th Subdivision. Department of Finistere. Arrondissements : Quimper, Quimperle, ChateauUn. 7th Subdivision. Department of Finistere. Arrondissements : Brest, Morlaix. 8th Subdivision. Department of Morbihan. Arrondissements : L orient, Pontivy. Xn. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Limoges. Comprises the departments of Charente, Correze, Ci-euse, Dordogne and Haute- Vienne. 137 1st Subdivision. Department of Haute-Vienne. AiTondissements : Limoges ; Rocliechouart, minus the canton of Saint-Junien; Saint- Yrieix, cantons of Nexon and Chains. Department of Creuse. AiTondissement ; Bourganeuf, minus the canton of Bene- vent. Department of Dordogne. Arrondissement : Nontron, minus the cantons of Mareuil, Champagnac, Thiviers, Lanouaille and Jumilhac. 2nd SuBDrv^isiON. Department of haute-Vienne. Arrondissements : Rochechouart, canton of Saint-Junien ; Bellac. Department of Cltarente. Arrondissement : Confolens. Department of Creuse. Arrondissements : Gueret, cantons of La Souterraine and Grand- Bourg ; Bourganeuf, canton of Benevent. oRD Subdivision. . Department of Creuse. AjTondissements : Aubusson; Boussac; Gueret, minus the cantons of La Souterraine and Grand-Bourg. 4th Subdivision. Department of Correze. Arrondissements : Tulle, Ussel. 5th Subdivision. Department of CJiarente. Arrondissement : Barbezieux. Department of Dordogne. Arrondissements : Riberac ; Nontron, cantons of Mareuil and Champagnac ; Perigueux, minus the cantons of Exeideuil, Hautefort and Thenon. 6th Subdivision. Department of Charente. Arrondissements : Angouleme, Ruffec, Cognac. 7 th Subdr'ision. Department of Dordogne. Arrondissements: Nontron, cantons of Lanouaille, Jumilhac and Thiviers ; Perigueux, cantons of Exeideuil, Hautefort and Thenon ; Sarlat, canton of Terrasson. 138 Department of Haute- Vienne. Arrondisseraent : S&iut-Yrieix, cantons of Saint- Yrieix and Saint-Germain. Department of Correze. Arrondissement : Brives. 8th Subdiyisiox. Department of Dordogne. Arrondissement: Bergerac ; Sarlat, minus ^ the canton of Terrasson. XIII. REGION. Head-Quarters. — Clermont-Ferrand. Comprises the departments of AlHer, Loire, Puy-de-D6me, Haute-Loire, Cantal and Rhone (cantons of I'Arbresle, Condrieu, Liraonest, Mornant, Saint Symphorien, Saint-Laurent and Vaugneraj). 1st Subdivision. Department of Pvy-de~D6me. Arrondissements : Riom ; Thiers ; Clermont, cantons of North-East, North-AVest, and South- West Clermont, Rochefort, Bourg-Lastic and Herment. 2XD SuBDmsiox. Department of Allier. Arrondissements : Moulins, Montlugon, Gannat. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Puy-de-D6me. Arrondissements : Clermont, minus the cantons of North- East, North-West, South-West Clermont, Rochefort, Bourg- Lastic and Herment ; Issoire ; Ambert. 4th Subdivision. Department of Haute-Loire. Arrondissements : Brioude, cantons of Blesle, Auzon, la Chaise-Dieu and Lavofite. Department of Cantal. 5th SuBDmsiON. Department of Haute-Loire. Arrondissements: LePuj^; Yssingeaux ; Brioude, cantons of Pinols, Langeac and Paulhaguet. 6th SuBDmsiON. Department of Loire. Arrondissement : Saint-Etienne. 139 7th Subdiyisioj;. Department of Loire. Arrondissement : Montbrison. Department of Rhone. Arrondissement: Lyon, cantons of Arbresle, Condrieux, Limonest, Mornant, Saint - Symphorien, Saint - Laurent and Vaugneray. 8th Subdh^ision. Department of Allier. Arrondissement : La Palisse. Department of Loire. Arrondissement : Roanne. XIV. REGION. Head- Quarters. — Grenoble. Comprises the departments of Hautes-Alpes Drome, Isere, Savoie, Haute-Savoie and Rhone (cantons of Givors, Saint- Genis-Laval, Villeurbanne, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th arrondisements of Lyon). 1st Subdivision. Department of Isere. Arrondissement : Grenoble. 2xD S^JBDI^^SION. Department of Isere. Arrondissements : La Tom--du-Pin, Saint Marcellin. 3rd SuBDmsiox. Department of Haute-Savoie 4th Subdivision. Department of Savoie. 5 th Subdivision. Department of Isere. An-ondissement : Vienne. Department of Rhone. Arrondissement : Lyon, cantons of Givors and 6th arron- dissement of Lyon. 6th Subdr'ision. Department of Drdme. Arrondissement : Valence. 140 Department of Rhone. Arroudissement : Lyon, canton of 3rd arrondissement of Lyon. 7th Subdivision. Department of Drome. AiTondissements : Montelimart, Die, Nyons. Department of RhSne. Arrondissement : Lyon, canton of Villeurbanne, and 1st arrondissement of Lyon. 8th Subdivision. Departments Hautes-Alpes and Rhone. Arrondissements : Lyon, cantons of Saint-Genis-Laval and 2nd arrondissement of Lyon. XV. REGION. Head- Quarters. — Marseille. Comprises the departments of Basses-Alpes, Alpes- Maritimes, Ardeche, Bouches-du-Rhone, Corse, Gard, Var and Vaucluse. 1st Subdivision. Department of Var. Arrondissements : Brignoles, Toulon. Department of Bouches-du-Rhojie. Arrondissement : Marseille, cantons of Aubagne, Ciotat, Roquevaire, Centre and South-Extra of Marseille. 2nd SUBDmSION. Department of Alpes-Maritimes, Department of Var. Arrondissement : Draguignan. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Bouches-de-Rhone. Arrondissements: Aries; Aix ; Marseille, cantons of Centre, North and South-Intra and North-Extra of Marseille. Departrrent of Basses-Alpes. 4th Subdivision. Department of Corse. 5th Subdivision. Department of Gard. Arrondissements : Nimes, Alais, le Vigan. Ul 6th SUBDR'ISION. Department of Vaucluse. 7 th SUBDmSION. Department of Ard che. AiTondissements : Tournon ; Privas, minus the cantons of Viviers, Bourg-Saint-Andeol and Villeneuve-de-Berg. 8th Subdivision. Department of Gard. AiTondissements : Uzes. Department of Ardeche. AiTondissements : I'Argentiere ; Privas, cantons of Viviers, Bom-g-Saint-Andeol and Villeneuve-de-Berg. XVI. REGION. Head Quarters. — Montpellier. Comprises the departments of Aude, Aveyron, Herault, Lozere, Tarn and Pyrenees-Orientales. 1st Subdivision. Department of Herault. Arrondissements : Beziers, Samt-Pons. 2nd Subdivision. Department of Herault. Arrondissements : Montpellier, Lod^ve. Department of Aveyron. Arrondissement : Saint-Affrique. 3rd SUBDmSION. Department of Lozere. Department of Aveyron, Arrondissement : Milhau. 4th Subdivision. Department of Aveyron. Arrondissements : Rodez, Villefranehe, Espalion. 5th Subdivision. Department of Aude. Arrondissements : Narbonne ; Carcassonne, minus the cantons of Saissac, Montreal, Alzonne and East and West Carcassonne. 142 6th Subdivision. Department of Pyrenees-Orientales, 7th Subdivision. Department of Tarn. Arrondissement : Castres. Department of Aude. Arrondissements : Casteliiaiidary ; Carcassonne, cantons of Saissac, Montreal, Alzonne and East and West Carcassonne. 8th Subdivision. Department of Tarn. Arrondissements : Albi, Gaillac, Lavaur. XVII. REGION. Head-Quarters — Toulouse. Comprises the departments of Ariege, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne and Tarn-et- Garonne. 1st Subdivision. Department of Tarn-et-Garonne. Arrondissements : Castelsarrasin, Cantons of Saint-Nicolas, Lavit, and Beaumont ; Moissac. Department of Lot-et-Garonne. Arrondissements : Agen ; Nerac, cantons of Nerac and Francescas. Department of Gers. Arrondissements : Condom, cantons of Condom and Montreal ; Lectoure, cantons of Lectoure and Miradoux. 2nd Subdivision. Department of Lot-et-Garonne. Arrondissements : Marmande ; Villeneuve, minus the can- tons of Villereal, Montflanquin, Fumel and Tournon ; Nerac, minus the cantons of Nerac and Francescas. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Lot. Arrondissements : Figeac, canton of Carjac ; Gourdon, can- tons of Payrac, Gourdon, Salviac, Saint-Germain and 1^, Bastide ; Cahors. Department cf Lot-et-Garonne. Arrondissement : Villeneuve, cantons of Villereal, Mont- flanquin, Fumel and Tournon. 143 Department of Tarn-et-Garonne. Arrondisseraent : Montauban, cantons of Molieres and Montpezat. 4th Subdivisiox. Department of Lot. Arrondissements : Gourdon, minus the cantons of Payrac. Gronrdon, Salviac, Saint-Germain and la Bastide ; Figeac, minus the canton of Carjac. Department of Tarn-et-Garonne. Arrondissements : Montauban ; minus the cantons of Moheres and Montpezat; Castelsarrasin, cantons of Castel- sarrasin, Montech, Verdun and Grisolles. 5 th Subdivision. Department of Haute- Garonne. Arrondissements : Toulouse ; Villefranche ; Muret, cantons of Saint-Lis, Muret, and Auterive. 6th Subdivision. Department of Haute-Garonne. Arrondissement : Muret, canton of Cintegabelle. Department of Ariege. Arrondissements : Pamiers, Foix ; Saint Girons, canton of Massat. 7th Subdivision. Department of Gers. Arrondissements : ]\Iirande ; Auch ; Condom, minus the cantons of Condom and Montreal ; Lectoure, minus the cantons of Lectoure and Miradoux ; Lombez. 8th SuBDmsiON. Department of Haute-Garonne. Arrondissements : Muret ; minus the cantons of Cintegabelle, Saint-Lis, Muret and Auterive ; Saint-Gaudens. Department of Ariege. A.rrondissement : Saint-Girons, minus the canton of Massat. XVIII. REGION. Head-Quarters — Bordeaux. Comprises the departments of the Charente-Inferieure, Gironde, Landes, Basses-Pyrenees and Hautes-Pyrenees. 1st SuBDnasioN. Department of the Charente-Infirieure. Arrondissements : Saintes, Marennes, Jonzae. 144 2nd Subdivision. Department of the Charente-Inferieure. Arrondissements : La Roclielle, Rocliefort, Saint-Jean- d'Angely. 3rd Subdivision. Department of Gironde, Arrondissements: Libourne, Blaye, La Reole. 4th Subdivision. Department of Gironde. Arrondissements : Bordeaux, Lesparre, Bazas. 5iH Subdivision. Department of Landes. Arrondissements : Mont-de-Marsan ; Saint-Sever ; Dax, cantons of Montfort and Castets. 6th Subdivision. Department of Basses-Pyrenees. Arrondissements : Bayonne, Mauleon. Dep)artm€nt of Landes. Arrondissemcnt : Dax, minus the cantons of Monfort and Castets. 7th Subdivision. Department of Basses-Pyrenees. Arrondissements : Pau, Ortliez, Oloron. 8th SUBDTViSION. Department of Mautes-Pyrenees. The President of the French Bepubhc, Pursuant to the Decree of 13th October 1873, provisionally modifjnng the territorial composition of the Military Divisions ; Pursuant to the Decree of the 6th August 1874, fixing the Regions and the Subdivisions of Regions ; On the report of the Vice-President of the Council, Minister of War, Decrees : Art. 1. The Military Divisions modified by the Decree of the 28th October 1873 having been suppressed by the Decree of the 6th August 1874, the territorial command is entrusted, from the 16th August 1874, to each Army-Corps Commander ■v^^thin the bounds of his Region as defined by the said Decree, with the exception of the provisional modifications contained in Art. 3 hereafter respecting Paris and Lyons. 145 Art. 2. Provisionally and until the promulj^ation of a law on military justice wliich has been placed on the Table of the Assembly, the Commander of Army-Corps will take the title ol ^' Commander of such an Army-Corps and of such a Military Division," the Divisions taking- the same number as the Army-Corps. Art. 3. Provisionally likewise and pending the constitution of the commands of Paris and Lyons, which a law requires from the National Assembly, the department of Rhone will be attached to the command of the 14th Army-Corps and of the 14th Military Division, and the departments of Seine and of Seine-et-Oise will make up a 20th Military Division under the command of the Governor of Paris. Art. 4. The Vice-President of the Council, Minister of War, is entrusted with the carrjdng out of the present Decree. Done at Versailles, 10th August 1874. Marshal de MacMahon, Duke of Magenta. By the President of the Republic, The Vice-President of the Council Minister of War, General E. de Cissey. LONDON: Pbinted fob Heb Majestt's St*ttoneby Office, BY H>JIRIS0N AND SONS, Pbintebs in Ordinary to Her Majestt. [P. 68lA~60C— 3 I 75.] THE NEW LAW REGULATING MILITARY SERVICE IN RUSSIA. TRANSLATED IN THE INTELLIGENCE BRANCH OF THE QUARTER- MASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, HORSE GUARDS. LONDON : Printed under the Superintendence of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, AND SOLD BY W. CLOWES & SONS, 13, Charing Cross ; HARRISON & SONS, 59, Pall Mall ; W. H. ALLEN & Co.. 13, Waterloo Place ; W. MITCHELL, 39, Charing Cross ; LONGMAN & Co., Paternoster Row ; TRUBNER & Co., 67 & 59, Ludgate HiU ; STANFORD, Charing Cross ; and H. S. KING & Co., 65, Comhill : Also by GRIFFIN & Co., The Hard, Poetsea ; A. & C. BLACK, Edixbuegh ; ALEX. THOM, Abbey Street; and E. PONSONBY, Grafton Street, Dublin. Price Two Shillings and Sixpence. We, Alexander II., by the Grace of God, Emperor and Autocrat of aU the Russias, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland, &c., &c., &c. To all our faithful subjects be it known : In our constant solicitude for ensuring the weKare of our Empire, and endowing it with the best institutions, we could not refrain from directing oiu" attention to the present condition of the obligation to military service. According to the legislation now in force, this obligation weighed exclusively upon the trading and agricultural classes, and a considerable majority of Eussian subjects were exempt from a duty which is equally sacred to all. This regime, which had arisen under a different oixler of things, being found wanting in harmony with the present condition of the Empire, is no longer compatible with the military requirements of the age. Contemporary events have proved that the strength of States does not lie solely in the numerical value of the army, but chiefly in its moral and intellectual qualities, which only attain their highest degree of development when the defence of the country becomes the common work of the nation, when all, with- out distinction of rank or class, are banded together in the fulfil- ment of this sacred obligation. Having deemed it indispensable to reform the organisation of the military forces of the Empire on tlie basis of the experience of the age, we ordered our Minister of War. in 1870 to elaborate proposals for an improved system of recruitment for our armies, extending the obligation of military service to all classes of the population. The proved eagerness of our faithfiil subjects to sacrifice them- selves for the State, was for us a sure guarantee that our appeal would find a sympathetic echo in aU Russian hearts. Our hopes have not been disappointed. Our trusty nobles and the other classes exempt from conscription have expressed to us, by nume- rous manifestations, their anxious desire to share the burthens of obligatory military service with the rest of the nation. We have received theu^ manifestations with feehngs of proud satisfaction and humble gratitude to Providence, by whom our sceptre has been placed over a people, with whom love of country and self-sacrifice form the hereditary appanage of aU classes, re- peating itself from generation to generation. With a view to prepare a new regulation for military ser\ice on the general principles indicated in the foregoing, a special com- mission was appointed, composed of members from different branches of the adndnistration, and other persons possessing special knowledge. The regulation elaborated by the Commission, and amended, after a careful examination, by the Council of the Empire, is in complete accord M-ith our views. Adoptmg as a fundamental principle that the defence of the throne and of the country forms the sacred duty of every Russian subject, this regu- lation calls upon the entire male population to participate in military service, without exemption by purchase or by providing substitutes. The action of this new law will not be extended to the Cossack population, wliere military service is subject to special regulations, nor to certain foreign races in the Trans-Caucasus and other remote countries mentioned in the ukase to the govei^ning Senate, and for whom special regulations will be promulgated. Witli these exceptions, and certain temporary exemptions stated in the aforesaid ukase, the male population of the Empire and ot the kingdom of Poland, on attaining the age of 20 years, will be required to take part in a drawing by lot, \vhich will determine once and for all those young men who must fulfil their obligations to active service, and tliose who are to remain exempt therefrom. Although a term of service of 15 years is fixed for those to be incorporated in the land forces, they will be dismissed to their homes at the end of six years, or sooner if possible, with the reservation that they join the colours at the summons of the Government, in case of urgent necessity. Special terms of service will be fixed for the navy, and for those troops quartered in certain distant localities. Those young men who have been students in educational establishments, in- cluding even the primary schools, will have the duration of their service in the army in time of peace notably reduced, according to the nature and degree of their instruction, while other important facilities are reserved to them. In sanctioning the law upon obligatory military service, elaborated on the basis above mentioned, and in addressing our- selves to our subjects on behalf of the country so dear to our hearts, with a view to bidding them to a zealous accomplishment of the duties imposed on them, we have no intention of deviating from the principles which have invariably guided us during our reign. As we have never hitherto sought, neither do we seek now, the lustre of military glory, and we consider as the best destiny that given us by Providence to lead Eussia to greatness by the path of peaceful progress and the general development of the country. Tlie organisation of a powerful armed force can neither prevent nor retard this development ; on the contrary, it wiU serve as a guarantee for its continual and regular progress, by ensuring the security of the State, and averting any blow aimed at its tranquility. Witli regard to the important privileges accorded to young men of education, we hope that they will be a fresh incentive for spreading in the bosom of our people those true lights, in which we see the foundation and the security of their future happiness. Given at St. Petersburg, the 1st January in the Year of Grace One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-four, and in the nine- teenth of our reign. ALEXANDER. UKASE (JF H.M. THE EAIPEEOE. TO THE GOVERNING SENATE. Having saiictioued this day the new regulation for obligatory military service, we command as follows : — I. This regulation will be put in force throughout the Empire and the Kingdom of Poland. The following will be exempt from its application : — 1. The Cossack popalatiuns, whose military service is subject to special regulations. 2. The undermentioned localities and certain parts of the population whose military obligations will be determined later by special regulations adapted to local requirements, viz. («), the Trans- Caucasus, Turkestan, the maritime and Amour provinces, the Sredne-Kolymsk, Verkhoiansk and Vilinsk districts of the pro- vince of Yakoutsk, the Touroukhansk and Bogoutchansk sections of the government and district of Yenissei, the Togoursk section of tlie government and district of Tomsk, and the Berezov and Sourgout districts of the government of Tobolsk ; (&), the native populations hitherto exempted from recruiting in money or in kind, and domiciled in the north of the Caucasus and the govern- ment of Astrakhan, the provinces of Tourgai and Oural, and in all the governments and provinces of East and AVest Siberia, as well as the Samoiedes established in the Mezene district of the govern- ment of Archangel. II. The application of ol)ligatory military service to the Bashkir Teptiars will liberate them from the payment of a tax of 60 copecks per head, which had been fixed by the regulation of 14th May 1863. III. Exemptions from military service will continue to hold good for the following classes, including the children born at the time of their settlement : — («) life exemptions to the Eousnaks who arrived in Eussia in 1854; to foreign emigrants settled on the landed property of private persons, and who have become naturalised Eussians by virtue of the decision of the Council of the Empire sanctioned by us on the 18th December 1861 ; to the Czechs who have immigrated to the south-w^est provinces, to Avhom the rights and privileges established by tlie aforesaid decision of the Council of the Empire have been applied ; to foreigners settled in the Kingdom of Poland prior to the 1st January 1872, who have become naturalised Eussians ; and, lastly, to those Eussians belono-ino- to provinces in the interior who have established them- selves in the domain lands near the fortress of Novogeorgievsk ; (h) exemption for twenty years, dating from the time of their immigration, to those Memnonites who have settled in new colonies of the Empire in accordance with the regulation of 19th Xovember 1851, and tq such as have settled On the landed property of private persons, and become naturalised Eussians by virtue of 6. the decision of the Council of the Empire of tlie 18th December 1861 ; (c) for twenty years, counting from the 31st March 1860, to the citizens of Vladikavkaz who were enrolled on the registers of that town prior to the promulgation of the present ukase, and to the inhabitants of the former towns of Anapa and Novorossiisk, who are borne on the registers of the port of Temruk ; {d) for six years, dating from the promulgation of the present ukase, to all Memnonites settled in the Empire who do not benefit by the immunity specified in paragraph (h) of the present article. IV. In the case of the families of persons who suffered death for their loyalty to the throne and the law during the later troubles in the Kingdom of Poland and the Western provinces, an exemption will be accorded to three members of each family, preference being given to tlie sons and grandsons of the deceased. V. Exemptions will be made in favour of those persons who, on the day of promulgation of the present ukase, being in the ser- vice of the Warsaw- Vienna, Warsaw- Bromberg, Warsaw-Terespol Railways and of the factories at Lodz, are in the enjoyment of freedom from recruitment by virtue of Article 15 of the regulations annexed to our manifesto of the 26th June (8th July) 1868, witli regard to recruiting in the Kingdom of Poland, and concerning the classes and persons exempt from this obligation. VI. Postponements of entry into the ranks of the army for a period of four years will be granted, for the first five levies subse- quent to the introduction of the regulation for obligatory military service, to those young men whose numbers demand their personal service, and who belong to families engaged in trade, or who possess a factory or an industrial establishment, by virtue of a patent from some guild or otherwise, save and except establish- ments for strong liquors (see the Eegulation on this head, Article .301, Supplement of 1869 and observations), even though the recruits in the latter case should be with a father or grandfatlier, still capable of work, and should have brothers, but not less than 16 years of age. These postponements will not be counted as part of the service, either with the colours or in the reserve. yil. The formation of recruiting districts, in conformity with Article 67, et mj. of the regulation for obligatory military service, will be completed within three months of the receipt of the present ukase. VIII. A delay of six months, dating from the promulgation of the present ukase, wiU be allowed for the young men summoned to the first recruiting in accordance with the new regulation— that is to say, to those attaining the age of 20 years during tlie course of the year 1873 — to lodge the declaration relating to their enrol- ment in the recruiting district, conformably witli Articles 95 and 96 of the aforesaid Regulations. IX. Besides the individuals incorporated in the militia by vh-tue of Articles 10 and 154 of the regulations, aU persons under 40 years of age not in the military service (with the exception of those mentioned in Articles IV and V of the present ukase), who on the 1st January 1874 liave attained the age of 21 years, shall be called to form part of the jMilitia. The same shall apply to those who being in the military service shall have been discharged before attaining the age of 40 years. X. The recruitment announced by our manifesto of 22nd November 1873, for the period between 15th January and 15th February, will be carried out conformably to the regulations men- tioned in this document. A remission will be made of the arrears which might fall upon the recruiting districts in carrying out this levy and of all other arrears on this head. XI. The undermentioned regulations will be observed for such recruiting quittances as may remain in circulation after carrying out the levy mentioned in the preceding Article : — («) The quittances must be presented by the 1st October 1874, at the latest, to the District, Circle, and Urban Eecruiting Com- missions, who must either exchange them for quittances of a new form, or make an entry acknowledging their presentation. (6) Every quittance presented to a District, Circle, or Urban Commission will be inscribed in the name of an individual nominated by its possessor, and cannot be transferred nor sold to a third party. (c) In le^des for the military service, these quittances will only be accepted for the person in whose name they are inscribed, or for his brother, half-brother, half-brother on the father's or mother's side, or cousin. (d) Eecruiting quittances which are not presented for exchange within the term above specified will cease to be valid. (e) The holder of a quittance can present the same to the Treasury, and receive in lieu a sum of 480 roubles. (/) The order and term for the redemption of quittances will be fixed by the Minister of Finance as soon as the total number of such quittances in circulation shall be known. The Governing Senate w^iU arrange for the execution of the present ukase, ALEXANDEE. St. Peteesbukg, 1st January, 1874, REGULATIONS RESPECTING MILITARY SERVICE IN THE RUSSIAN ARMY.*. (CONFIEMED BY THE EmPEROR. JaX. 1 1874.) CHAPTEE I. General Eegulations, Art. 1. The entire male population, without distinction of class, is liable to military service. 2. Exemption by purchase, or by obtaining a substitute, is prohibited. 3. No citizen of the male sex, who is upwards of 15 years of age can be relieved of his Eussian nationality until he has completely satisfied all obligations to military service, or has become exempted therefrom after taking part in the drawing. 4. Persons upwards of 15 years of age, who take up their residence in those parts of the Empire where military service is regulated by special provisions, are to be subject to the general regidations in force in those particular districts. 5. The armed force of the empire consists of the Eegular forces and the Militia. The latter force is called out only when extra- ordinary events in time of war require its services, 7. The Eegular Land Army consists of: — The Active Army, recruited by means of yearly levies taken throughout the Empire. The Eeserve, to fiU up the effective strength of the Eegiments, &c., composed of men allowed to remain on furlough until their term of ser\dce expires. The Cossacks. Eegiments, &c., composed of foreigners. 8. The Naval Forces consist of the Fleet and Eeserve. 9. The number of men required to complete the strength of the Army and the Fleet is fixed by the Legislature every year, on the recommendation of the Minister of War, and promulgated to the Senate by an Imperial Ukase. *The Regulations are contained in 224 Articles, divided into 14 Chaptei-s. 10 10. Admission to the service is determined by lot-drawing, in which every male person takes part once during lifetime. Those who are exempted from active service, by reason of having draw'n a particular number, are enrolled in the Militia. 11. One class only of the population is annually called upon to take part in the drawing, namely, that which comprises all the men who have reached the age of 20 years on the 1st of January of the year in wdiich the recruiting takes place. 12. It is lawful for those persons who have fulfilled the requisite stipulations respecting education, to relieve themselves from military service, without having recourse to the drawing, by enlisting as Volunteers in accordance with the provisions con- tained in Chap. XII of tliese regulations. 13. Any person who is deprived of all his civil rights, or only of such rights and prerogatives as belong to Mm individually, or by virtue of his condition, cannot be admitted eitlier to the drawing or to the service. 14. The annual levy and the drawing for active service wiU take place from November 1st to December 15th, and in the case of Siberia from October 15th to December 31st. Should there be an application from the competent authorities (Art. 76-78), the Ministers for the Interior and for War may, by common consent, authorise a change in the normal term appointed for European Eussia, but with the proviso that, when any change is sanctioned, the levy shall be completed by the 31st December at the latest. 15. This article contains the regulations for recruiting the Fleet ; the latter will, in the first instance, be carried out in localities specially set apart for the purpose ; the men thus raised, who may not be admitted into the naval forces, will serve in the land army. After them, the following will be taken generally throughout the Empire for duty in the naval forces, namely : — (a) Young men who have served on board an ocean-going ship, or a coasting vessel, for one voyage at least, immediately prior to the drawing. (h) Those who have served for one voyage at least preceding this same year, as engineers or stokers on board steamboats, or for a year in workshops w^here steamboats are built. (e) Ships' carpenters, caulkers, or coppersmiths, unless the dis- tricts set apart for the recruiting of the fleet can provide the requisite nimiber, {d) Seamen by trade, that is, those who express a wish to serve on board ship, provided that the number does not exceed that annually determined by the Minister of Marine. 16. The list of the localities specially set apart for the recruit- ment of the fleet is arranged l)y the Ministers for War, for the Marine, and for the Interior. This list will be published as soon as it has received the Emperor's sanction. 11 CHAPTER II. DUKATION OF SERVICE IN THE ACTIVE AUMY AND IN THE RESERVE. 17. In the case of recruits wlio have taken part in tlie (lra\dncr, the ordinary term of ser\dce in tlie land forces is fixed at 15 years, of which 6 years wiU be spent on active service, and 9 years in the Reserve. An exception is made to this rule in the case of men who are called upon to serve in Corps belonging to the oMili- tary District of Turkestan, or in those quartered in the provinces of Semipalatinsk, the Transbaikal, Yakoutsk, Amour, and the Maritime provinces, in wliich the ordinary term of service is fixed at 10 years, of Avliich 7 years are Active, and 3 years Reserve. 18. In the naval forces, the ordinary term is 10 years, namely, 7 years' Active service and 3 years in the Reserve. 19. The period of service for men who have taken part in the drawing will commence from the 1st of January of the year followincr the levy, in the event of their entering the service at the time of the levy, and from the 1st of the month following their entry into the service when it takes place at any other period of the year. 20. The duration of service, as laid down in Arts. 17 and 18, applies only to times of peace ; in the event of war, the men who constitute the land and sea forces must remain with the colours so long as tlie State requires their services. 21. The jMiiiisters of War and jMarine are empowered to send to the Reserve such men of the land and sea forces as are not no]i-commissioned officers, even if they have not completed their period of active service, according to Arts. 17 and 18. The naval and military autliorities also reserve to themseh'es the right to grant during the entire period of service temporary furloughs, not exceeding one year, to men belonging to the laud and sea forces who are not non-commissioned officers. 22. AVith regard to the naval forces, the men wiU not, as a general rule, be transferred to the Reserve until the termination of the annual cruises, but under no circumstances before the month of October. Those who are on board ships of war in foreign waters may, if they have completed their term of active service, and shoidd so desire it, be sent to the Reserve immediately their ship enters a Russian port. Under special circumstances, the officer cojnmauding is empowered to discharge to the Reserve such of his men as desire it, even if he be in a foreign port, in which ease the men must pay their own travelling expenses. Any period of time wliich men be- longing to the sea forces actively employed may pass in tlie service over and above the specified term counts for twice the time they would have to serve in the Reser^-e. Those men who, during peace, are detained compulsorily lieyond the ordinary period fixed upon for acti\e and reserve service, will enjoy the same privileges as are 12 granted to those who exceed their term of service, and, if they do not take advantage of them, will draw double pay for the whole of the term exceeding the regulated period. 23. Men belonging to the Eeserve will be called up for active service should it be found absolutely necessary to complete the strength of Regiments and Corps. This will be done by an Imperial ukase to the Senate. During their service in the Reserve, the men can be called up for drill by the Minister of War or the Minister of Marine, but not oftenei' than twice during the whole of their Reserve service, and for not more than six weeks at one time. 24. Men who are employed by the State, or by any corporate body, and whose names are on a special list which has received the sanction of the authorities, are exempt from being called upon to serve in the Active Army. CHAPTER III. Privileges of Persons in the Active Army and in the Reserve. 25. Men serving in the Active Army and in the Reserve retain all the personal and proprietary rights of their position, subject only to such restrictions as are laid down by law. Persons belonging to such classes as are liable to rates and taxes continue to belong, to the townships in which they are enrolled at the time they join the service, and enjoy the rights which the civil code confers upon them. 26. The above persons are exempt, whilst serving with the colours, from all taxes payal)le to the treasury, the zemstvos or cor- porations, and from payments in kind. 27. Men belonging to the Reserve are subject to the general laws and enjoy the rights belonging to their social condition, as also those acquired by them while in the service ; they must, however, obey the special regulations applicable to men belonging to the Reserve. 28. Men belonging to the Reserve will be permitted to enter the service of the State or of corporate bodies, or choose any other kind of employment, so long as they obey the law. Should they, however, be called back to active service, the promotion in civil life which they may have gained shall not give them the right to any step of rank or position higher than that which they had obtained at the time they were discharged from active service. 29. Men belonging to the Reserve, who are called upon to leave civil state employment for active service in the ranks, retain 13 the employment they have had to give up, and are allowed to return to it~wlien they have received their discharge a second time. 60. Should men belonging to the Reserv^e be guilty of any crimes or misdemeanours, they are liable to be tried by the civil tribunals, except in the following cases when they must be brought before a military tribunal {a), absence from duty when called out for active service or temporary drills ; {h), crimes or misdemeanours committed during the period when they are out for duty ; (c), breach of discipline or want of respect to superiors when the offenders are dressed in uniform. 31. Men belonging to the Eeserve, for the first year of their service in that class, are exempt from all taxes, dues and payments in kind. CHAPTEK IV. SOLDIEKS WHO BECOME INCAPACITATED FOR DUTY. 32 to 36. Men unfitted absolutely for the service, by reason of sickness or other infirmities, are granted their discharge from active service and also from the Eeserve, and receive an authenticated document stating that they have fulfilled all the necessary require- ments. If they happen to be deficient in means, or not in a fit state to work, and have no relatives who can render them assistance, they receive from the Government a monthly allowance of 3 roubles, or are admitted into hospitals or other charitable institutions ; in default of this they are handed over to the care of persons of good character who receive a monthly allowance not exceeding G roubles. The families of men who have been killed or have disappeared during time of war, or of men who have died of their wounds, are maintained according to special regula- tions. The families of Reserve men who are called up for active service with the colours in time of war, are provided for by the zemstvos and urban or rural corporations Avhere they reside. 14 CHAPTEK V. The Militia. 36 to 41. The Militia consists of all men, not forming part of the standing army, who are capable of bearing arms, and whose ages are between 20 and 40 years inclusive. The Militia includes also those men who have been released from the Eeserv^e, either of the land or sea forces. All persons of more than 40 years of age are permitted to enrol themselves in the IMilitia should they desire to do so. The men belonging to the Militia are divided into two classes, of which the first consists of those who were enrolled in the Militia at the time the last four levies took place and who would form part either of the mobilised IMilitia, or who would fill vacancies in the Regular Army, if required, or in the event of the number of Eeserves being insufficient. The Militia is mobilised by Imperial manifesto. The first ban may also be mobilised, if absolutely necessary for the reinforcement of the standing Army, by an Imperial Ukase to the Senate. The Militia is dismissed at the termination of a war, or previously should its services not be required. The families of men belong- ing to the Militia, who may be called out, will be provided for by the zemstvos and urban or rural corporations, in accordance with special regulations. Families of men of the Militia who may be killed in action or die of wounds received on a cam- paign, are provided for in a manner similar to that laid down for the families of men belonging to the Regular Armv. CHAPTER VI. Exemptions, postponements and othee immunities from Military Service. 42 to 44. All men are exempt absolutely from Military Service who are unfit by reason of bodily defects or disease, except such as have injured themselves wilfully, in which case they are com- pelled to serve in the Army. A detailed statement of the natural defects and maladies which debar young men from being admitted to the service, as well as instructions to the recruiting authorities re- garding the examination of men drawn for the service, wiU shortly be published by the Minister of War, the Minister of the Interior, and the Director of the Ministry of Marine, after consultation with the Medical Council. Young men who are insufficiently developed or are attacked with iUness which is not of so aggra- vated a nature as to incapacitate them, or have not quite re- covered from recent sickness, wiU be allowed one year before entering the service. If at the expiration of that period they are not fit to serve, another year will be allowed them, after whicb, 15 should they still be unfit for the service, they will be finally discharged. 45 to 51. These Articles contain a statement of such exemp- tions as are allowed for family reasons. Of these there are three classes. • The first class includes :— (a) The only son, fit for work, of a father wiio is incapacitated or of a widow. (ft) The only brother fit for work, in a family which consists of one or more orphans of both sexes. (c) The only grandson fit for work, in the case where the gTandfather or graudmotlier has no son fit for work. {d) The only son of a family, even if the father be able-bodied. (e) A natural son who is the support of his mother, she having no other sons capable of work ; or when a natural son is the sole support of a sister or an invalid brother. The second class consists of the only son, fit for work, of a father also able-bodied, wdiere one or more brothers are unfit for work. Lastly, the third class comprises young men who are the next in age to brothers who have been called up for service, or who have died in the service. Children who have been deserted by their parents, and who have been adopted previous to their arriving at the age of 10, and stepsons, are looked upon as sons in the ordinary sense.* All male children, of the same father, in families which are either Mahometan or in which polygamy is permitted, are regarded as consanguineous, and he alone is considered an only son who is the sole male child belonging to the family. 46. Those only are considered as able-bodied persons who are from 18 to 55 years of age, with the following exceptions: — (a) Persons who by reason of some infirmity or sickness are quite unable to work. (6) ExHes. * When immunity is claimed for family reasons, the adojitiou of a deserted child by members of the trading and agricultural classes before it attains the age of 10 years, is considered to be proved by the production of a certificate stating that the child has been inscribed as belonging to the family in the usual manner. In families where one or more members have embraced the monastic state before 1st January 1874, immunities foi- family reasons are accorded in proportion to the number of males of which they are composed ; but if the number of the family is diminished by one of its members embracing the state after the 1st January 1874, this circumstance gives it no claim to fresh immunity from military service. Young men who have been allowed to postpone taking part in the lot-dra^dng, cannot make use of the right to obtain a transfer from one recruiting district to some other (see Arts. 119 and 121). 16 (c) Absentees of whom no tidings have been heard for three years. {d) Men belonging to the land and sea forces not non-com- missioned officers on active service. 48. Men who have the right of being exempted, by virtue of Art. 45, from being placed in the first or second of the above classes, lose such right if their parents, or grandfather or grand- mother, state that they do not assist in providing for their family. This article does not apply to those young men who have become converts to Christianity. 49. Should a family suffer the loss of its only member fit for work, the eldest person in the family has the power of selecting one of his relatives wdio may be serving in the army ; the latter then obtains his discharge at once, except in time of war and during the period of the ordinary drills. 50. If two or more brothers, half-brothers on the father's or mother's side, or lastly adopted sons, of the same family and born in the same year, draw such numbers as to require their personal service, one only will be admitted thereto ; those who have drawn the higher numbers will be inscribed in the Militia. At the same time the brothers or adopted sms are allowed to exchange numbers. 51. Every member of a family, drawn for active service or already serving, can be enrolled in the Militia and his place in the regular army taken by his brother, brother by the father's side, brother by the mother's side, or cousin, provided the substitute has not him- self been drawn, nor enrolled in the Reserve, and that his age is not less than 20, nor more than 26, years. The substitute must serve for the regulated number of years in the Army and also in the Reserve. 52. Individuals who personally manage their estates and direct their own commercial or industrial establishments, with the exception of vendors of strong liquors, may have their entry into the service postponed for a period not exceeding two years. 53 to 61. These Articles relate to the periods for which re- cruits can postpone entering the service on the ground of educa- tion. Students in certain educational establishments (a list of which is annexed to these regulations)* who have reached the age appointed for entering the service, must attend the drawing like the rest ; should they express the wish, they are allowed to postpone taking part in the drawing in order to complete their education : firstly, until they are 22 years of age, in the case of students of second-class establishments and those who belong to the Imperial Fine Arts Academy, the School of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture at Moscow^ the St. Petersburg and Moscow Con- servatories of the Russian Imperial Society of Music, and the public institutes, seminaries, and schools ; secondly, until they * See page 54. 17 are 24 years old, in the case of students belonging to Orthodox ecclesiastical seminaries, Armenian-Gregorian or Eoman Catholic, as well as those in naval schools of various kinds ; thirdly, up to the age of 25, for students in the School of Painting, Sculp- ture, and Architecture of Moscow, who have gained the silver medal before they were 22 years of age and who are continuing their education in Art at the school, and for students in the singing classes at the St. Petersburg and Moscow Imperial liussian Society of Music, who have passed their examinati(jn before they were 22 years old, and are still attending the aforesaid classes in Art; fourthly, up to the age of 27 for students from educational establishments of the first class, for young men who have finished their University course and are selected with a view to their becoming teachers, and for students of the St. Peters- burg and Moscow Conservatories of the Imperial Society of Music who have obtained their certificate before they were 22 years old and are still pursuing their studies at these institutions ; fifthly, up to 28 years of age, for students at the Orthodox and Roman Catholic ecclesiastical establishments, for young men who have finished their University career and who have been selected with a view to their filling the professorial chair, and also for students at the Imperial Fine Arts Academy who have gained the silver medal before they were 22 years of age, and are still continuing their studies at the Academy. 54. Students belonging to the [)laces of education named in the preceding Article are permitted to declare, at least two months before the drawing takes place, that they wish to enter the service as enlisted volunteers, in which case they are relieved from the drawing and are allowed the periods above stated before being caUed upon to join. 55. Those who have successfully finished theii' course of studies in tlie orthodox ecclesiastical seminaries and academies are granted a year's grace to allow of their entering the priesthood — a profession (according to Art. 62) winch exempts them altogether from military service. 56. Reduction in the period of obligatory service is made under the following circumstances : — 1. To 6 months in the Army and 14^ years in the Reserve, in the case of men who have completed their course of study at the universities and other educational establishments of the first class, or who have passed ecpiivalent examinations. 2. To 18 months in the Army and 13^ years in the Reserve for men who have finished the course of six classes in the gymnasia or real schools, or of the second class in ecclesias- tical seminaries, or the course in educational establishments of the second class, or who have passed examinations of the same scope. 3. To 3 years in the Army and 12 years in the Reserve in the c 18 case of persons who have finished their course of study in educational establishments of the third class, or passed an examination equivalent to it. 4. To 4 years in the Army and 11 years in the Eeserve, in the case of men who have received a certificate that they possess the knowledge demanded in the course of study of the primary schools, in accordance with the Eegnlations of the 14th of July 1864, or in that of educational establish- ments of the fourth class (except men enrolled in the military district of Turkestan, tlie Semipalatinsk, the Trans- baikal, the Yakoutsk, the Amour and Maritime Provinces, or in the fleet, in which cases the length of service is fixed at 6 years' active service and 4 years in the Eeserve). 57. Young men not of Eussian extraction, who are studying in educational establishments where a knowledge of the Eussian tongue is not, compulsory, must, in addition to the ordinary subjects of education, be able to read Eussian coiTectly, understand, and write it legibly, before they can lay claim to a reduction of service. 58. With the exception of surgeons, veterinary surgeons and apothecaries, who discharge their liability to service in their special vocations, persons referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, Art. 56 cannot be called upon to serve in the non-combatant branches of the service except with their own consent. Those men who are unfit for the combatant ranks, by reason of bodily ailments or l)ail health, are finally relieved from serving. 59. The foregoing may: — (1) Enter the Army immediately they have completed their studies, or passed the necessary examina- tions, without waiting for the drawing, in which case their term of service is calculated according to the rules laid down in paragraph 2 of Art. 19 ; (2) be embodiecl in the branch of the service which they select, provided always that the number in each branch does not exceed the regulated number fixed by the Minister of War. 60. Young men included under paragraphs 1, 2, 3 of Article 56, who belong to districts from which recruits for the navy are selected, and who are called upon to serve (with the exception of students who have completed their education in naval schools), are not to join the fleet except they express a wish to do so, but are to be sent to the Army. Should their request to join the naval service be granted, they will remain for 3 years on active service, and afterwards for 7 years in the Eeserve. 61. The period of service in the naval forces is as follows for recruits who have taken part in the drawing : — 1. Two years of active service and 8 years in the Eeserve for men who have succeeded in obtaining, by examination, a captain's certificate for an ocean-going ship, or in the coast- ing-trade, or as navigating officer in an ocean-going ship. 2. Three years' active service and 7 years' Eeserve for men 19 who have received, by examination, a certificate as navi- p-atinp- officer in the coastinrr-trarlft. gating officer in the coasting-trade 62 to 65. These Articles have reference to exemptions originat- ing from the social condition, oi- the occupations of recruits. 62. The following are exempted from serving : — 1. The clergy of all Christian denominations. 2. Singers in orthodox churches, who have completed their course of study at an ecclesiastical academy, seminary or school. In all cases where men liave given up tlieir profession as singers before the expiration of 6 years from the date of their exemption from serving, in consideration of their being so employed, they are lialjle to serve in the Armv and in the Reserve for the number of years correspond- ing to the education which they have received. Persons who resign their duties in the church after a period of 6 years, are at once enrolled in the Eeserve, up to the age of 36 years. 63. Of the men who have become liable to military service by reason of the number which they have drawn, the following are exempt, in time of peace, from serving actively, and are at once enrolled in the Eeserve, and remain in it for a period of 15 years. 1. Doctors of medicine, surgeons, licentiates in the veterinary art or in pharmacy, and veterinary surgeons, unless they are liable to obligatory military service by the statutes of the establishments in which they were educated. 2. Exhibitioners in the Imperial Fine Arts' Academy who are sent abroad to complete their education. 3. Persons who belong to establishments named in Art. 53 and to any other puljlic educational establishments not there enumerated, and whose business it is to impart instruction in subjects the study of which is obligatory according to their statutes, also tutors or their assistants in such estalilisii- ments as are under Government authority, or whose statutes are under its sanction. During the first six years, however, from the date of their enrol- ment in the Reserve, they must annually present certificates from their superiors, stating that they are still engaged in their duties ; in default of this, they will have to serve actively for such a period as corresponds with the amount of education they have received. Masters of naval schools, if called out for the navy, are enrolled for 10 years in the Reserve of the fleet. 64. In time of peace, the following young men who have been drawn for service in the naval forces, are exempted from active service and are enrolled in the Reserve of the fleet for a period of 10 years. 1. Captains or navigatino- officers in ocean-ooincj ships or in the c 2 20 coasting trade, or engineers, provided that they are employed on board merchant-ships sailing under the Russian flag. 2. Pilots or pilots'-apprentices legally qualified. In all cases, those persons referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the above Article, who during the period of lU years shall have spent more than one year without performing the duties of their calling, are to be called up for a term of active service, against which they will l)e allowed to reckon the time passed in the performance of tlieir special duties. 65. The period of active service in the fleet as laid down in Art. 18 and para. 4 of Art. 56 is reduced under the following circumstances : — 1. By 2 years for men who liave served for at least 2 years as sailors on board ship during a long voyage, or as engineers on board a steamer. . By 1 year in the case of men who have served for at least 2 years as sailors on board vessels making short trips or employed in the coasting trade, or as stokers on board a steamer. The term of service in the Reserve of the fleet is increased, in these cases, by 2 years and 1 year respectively. 66. Men serving as sailors on board vessels belonging to the Russian mercantile marine, and engineers and stokers on board steamers of all descriptions, also belonging to the merchant service, are allowed during peace to postpone their entry upon active service, after they have taken part in drawing, until they have fulfilled the engagements into which they may have entered, unless such postponement will cause them to have completed their twenty-fifth year. The length of time they serve on board merchant ships subsequent to their having taken part in tlie drawing and previous to their entering the service, will be deducted from the length of time during which they will be enrolled in the Reserve of the fleet, two years of such service counting as one year in the Reserve. . CHAPTER VII. Reckuiting Circumscriptions. 67. The Recruiting Sub-divisions may include a portion of a district or an entire district. 68. Every town which contains 10,000 male inhabitants, as a minimum, may form one distinct Recruiting Sub-division. Should the inhabitants desire it, towns containing a smaller number than the above may also be made distinct Recruiting Sub-divisions, provided that their male population amounts to at least 5,000 souls. 21 71. Rural sul)-di visions, and sul)-di visions containing a mixed population partly resident in villages and partly in towns, must consist of from 8,000 to 20,000 male inhabitants ; sub-divisions strictly urban, of from 5,000 to 40,000 males. Towns whose male population exceeds the latter figure may be split up into a number of sub-divisions. 72. The rural su])-di visions in Siberia are formed either of separate bailiwicks, or l)y the union of two or, " at most, three bailiwicks. Bailiwicks nearest to towns which contain less than 5,000 males are united to the towns to form Recruiting Sub-divisions. 73. A certain place is fixed upon in each sub-division, at which those w^ho take part in the drawing are to present themsehes, and at which the recruits are to be received. 74. As a general rule, the distance of the rendezvous from the most distant villages in a sub-division should not exceed 50 versts (about 33 miles). 75. If a rural sub-division has no place suitable for a rendezvous, the drawing must take place in the town or village which is nearest to the sub-division, provided that it is not further than 50 versts from the most distant part of the subdivision. Articles 76 to 79 explain the method to be adopted in forming the districts into sub-divisions, and in selecting the rendezvous for the drawing. The results arrived at are, according to Art. 80, to be communicated by the local authorities to the Ministers of the Interior and War. The lists of the sub-divisions will be pub- lished by the first-named Minister. CHAPTER VIII. Authorities charged with the Recruiting. 81. In each Government or Province a Recruiting Commission is formed, presided over by the Governor or Head of the Pro- vince. This Commission consists of the Marshal of the Nobility in the Government, the President of the provincial delegates, and one of its members, the Military Chief of the Government or the officer who is performing the duties as such, and, lastly, the Pro- cureur of the District Court of Judicature or his deputy. 82 and 83. These Articles set forth the exceptions to the above rule which obtain in certain localities (Governments in which provincial institutions and the new judicial codes have not yet been introduced, the Baltic Provinces, Siberia, the Kingdom of Poland, and the Cossack lands). 84. In each district or sub-district, a Recruiting Commission is formed, under the presidency of the Marshal of the local Xol)ility ; this Commission consists of an officer appointed by the military authorities, the Commissary of Police of the District or the official who performs similar duties, and one of the pro^dncial delegates of the District chosen by that body. "NVlien this Commission sits 22 in a sub-division containing an urban population, one of the town delegates is added to it. In places where there are no delegates, the Municipal Corporation selects a person to sit on the Com- mission. 85. This Article contains certain exceptions to the above, rendered necessary by local circumstances. 86. The District or Sub-district Commission holds its sittings in succession in the various recruiting sub-divisions within its jurisdiction. 87. At St. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa, Eiga, Kazan, Kharkof, Kief, Saratof, Vilna, Kischinef, Cronstadt, Nicolaief, and Sevas- topol, separate Urban Commissions are formed for recruiting pur- poses. These Commissions are presided over by the mayor, and consist of an officer selected by the military authorities, an official appointed by the Chief of Police, and two menibers of the Muni- cipal Administration, selected by the latter. The Commission at Warsavr, presided over by the City President, consists of an officer selected by the military authorities, an official appointed by the police authorities, and two residents chosen by the representative of the Emperor. 88. The aforesaid Urban Commissions sit only in the sub- divisions belonging to their respective cities. 89. The following duties devolve upon the Commission of a Government or Province : — 1. To superintend generally the proceedings connected with the drawings, and to make the necessary arrangements for receiving the recruits. 2. To apportion the number of recruits, which the Government or Province has to supply, amongst the sub-divisions within its jurisdiction. 3. To call up for a second examination, in cases referred to in the present regulations, such men as are sent back after their first examination. 4. To inquire into any complaints which are made against the District, Sub-district, and Urban Commissions. 5. To examine the reports from these Commissions and draw up a general report on the recruiting in each Government or Province. 6. To pass judgment upon or to submit, in case of necessity, to the decision of superior authority, any errors that may occur in the proceedings of these Commissions. •JO. The District, Sub-district, and Urban Commissions have the following duties to perform : — 1. To draw up special lists of those persons named in Art. 95 who are to take part in the drawing. 2. To correct these lists. o. To forward to the proper authorities returns of the number of young men who are liable to take part in the drawing. 23 4. To sumnion to the rendezv'ous the men who are to take part in the drawing. 5. To settle the rightful claims of eacli man. 6. To decide upon the men that are to be admitted into the ser- vice, and upon the order in which they are to ])e taken. 7. To cause an examination to be made of the recruits drawn for the service, for the purpose of assuring themselves as to their eligibility for military duties. 8. To make arrangements for the reception of recruits. 9. To forward to the Commission of the Government or Pro- vince, at the conclusion of tlieir duties in the sub-divisions, a detailed account of the drawing and of the proceedings connected with the admission of the men to the service. 91. To each Eecruiting Commission two medical men are ap- pointed (one by the civil, the other by the military authorities) and one officer, belonging either to the Army or Na\y ; the two former for examining, and the latter for receiving, men about to enter the service. Besides these, two medical men are appointed to the Commissions for the purpose of attending to the recruits when required. 92, 93. These Articles have reference to the mode of conducting recruiting generally, and to matters for wliich stamped paper is not required to be used. CHAPTER IX. Enrolment in the Recruiting Sub-divisions and Method of Arranging the Drawing Lists. This chapter is divided into four sections. The first section refers to the enrolment of young men in the Recruiting Sub- divisions, and shows the manner in which the lists are to be prepared. 94. Men who were inscribed at the time of the general census, and men admitted into the corporations subsequently, are accounted for in the Recruiting Sub-divisions to which the villages and baili- wicks in w^hich they reside belong. 95. Persons exempt from the enrolment at the tenth general census, and men no longer belonging to a class which is liable to taxation since the census took place, are to be enrolled for military service in the Recruiting Sul>division in which the real pro- 24 perty belonging to themselves or their parents is situated, or in the place where they are domiciled, or where they were last domiciled. 96. The enrolment for military service is completed after the declaration of each man has been lodged, together with the registei of birth (or equivalent legal document), with the District, Sub- district or Urban Commission, within whose jurisdiction the Eecruit- ing Sub-division selected by the grantee is situate. 97. With the exception of rural populations liable to taxation, every male inhabitant at the age of 1 6 and at the latest on the 31st December of the year in w^hich he has completed his 20th year, is bound to provide himself with a certificate stating in which sub- division his name is enrolled. 100. This certificate must Ije produced by the bearer in case he marries, or enters the service of the State or a Corporation. 102-118. The second section contains a detailed account of tha method in which the lists are to be drawn up and of the formalities which are to be observed ; these lists are arranged by the District, Sub-district and Town Commissions, and by the municipal and bailiwick administrations, and contain the names of those men who have completed their 1 9th year during the year preceding that in which the drawing takes place, save and except the enlisted volunteers. 119-122. The third section relates to the manner in which transfers from one Sub-division to anotlier are to be arranged. Every man liable to military service may present himself at the drawing either in the circumscription in which he is em-olled, or in that in which his own, or his parents' property is situate, or, lastly, in that in which he has resided for three months at least before he makes his selection. This selection cannot be made after the 15th January of the year in wdiich the drawing takes place. The fourth section relates to the declarations which it is necesssary to make in order to claim immunity in matters con- nected with recruiting. 123. Persons ^^■ho are desirous of being allowed a postpone- ment for the purpose of completing their education must send in their declarations to the District, Sub-district or Urban Eecruiting Commission, together with a certificate from the head of the esta- blishment in which they are studying ; they must also state whether it is their intention to take part in the drawing or to become enlisted volunteers. 124. INIen who require a postponement by reason of their being employed under contracts as sailors, engineers, or stokers on board vessels belouging to the Eussian Mercantile Marine, must send in their applicaxion to the Commissions, together with either the original contract or a copy of it. 125. These declarations are to be made to the Commissions at least two months before the time fixed for the drawino;. 25 126. Persons who claim absolute exemption i'rom military- service, or only from service in time of peace, and persons wlio can claim only a reduction of their term of active ser\dce, must forward to these Commissions — in the former case, certiiicates stating the condition or occupation which gives them a right to claim total exemption, or exemption in time of peace ; and, in the latter, the diploma or certihcate of their academic rank or class, or a certificate from the heads of the educational establishments, as to whetlier they have completed the course of scientific study in \\lnch they were engaged, or passed a corresponding examination. CHAPTEE X. The Drawing and Admission to the Service. This chapter contains nine sections, the first of which treats of the preparatory aiTangements (Art. 127 to 130) ; the second relates to the distribution of the annual contingent. 131. The distribution amongst Governments and Provinces is made annually by the ]\linister of War ; it is then communicated to the Eecruiting Commissions with a view to its being made public. 132-3. The contingent is subsequently re-apportioned by the Commissions amongst the recruiting sub-divisions, winch receive from them the definite distribution. This latter distribution is then published in the local gazettes. 1 34. The third section has reference to the dra^^•ing, for whicli aiTangements are made in the various Sul)-diYisions by the Dis- trict, Sub-district, and Urban Eecruiting Commissions. 135. The following persons are not to be called upon to take part in the drawing : — young men who have been ordained priests of the orthodox or of any Christian religion subsequent to their names being enrolled on the recruiting lists, or are employed to chant the psalms in the orthodox church ; those who have been granted postponements on account of their heing proprietors (Art. 52), for the purpose of finishing their education (Art. 53), or from the fact of their being under contract to serve in some ship of the mercantile marine. The exemption is also extended to those entitled to the immunity of the first class, except their calling up for active service is ordered in virtue of Art. 152, by a decision of the Council of the Empire under Imperial sanction. 136. A dangerous or serious illness, or other equally valid cause legally proved, will be allowed as an excuse for those who do not come forward at the time appointed for the drawing. 137-9. The fourth section lays down the formalities to be observed in determining, from their appearance, the age of men who have no authentic documents to prove it. 26 140. The fifth section, consisting only of one Article, relates to the verification, by the Eecruiting Commissions, of the lists of the names of men who are to take part in the dramng. Every person present is allowed the right of taking objection to the enrolments on this list, which is read in public, and if the Commission deems these objections to be well founded, it has power to make the requisite alterations. This being completed, the drawing takes place in accordance with the regulations contained in the sixth section (Arts. 141 to 143). 144. The seventh section relates to the examination and recep- tion of the men who are to enter the service. The examination takes place in the presence of the Eecruiting Commissions ; the pre- sident has the power to authorise third persons to take part in it. 145. Men who are provided with certificates from a doctor in the employment of the State, showing that their physique and general state of health are such as to offer no impediments to their entering the service, are not required to present themselves for examination. 146. This Article lays down the order in which the young men are to be examined. 147. Persons who have been the subjects of a judicial inquiry, or are under a judicial prosecution, and who have drawn a number which renders them liable to serve, are not eligible for examination until they have been acquitted, or have undergone their sentence, provided that they have not been thereby deprived of all civil rights, or of all rights and privileges which belong to them personally, or by birth. 148. Should a recruit declare that he is affected by epilepsy, or any other internal malady sufficient to render him unfit for the ser- vice, and any doubt exists as to his truthfulness, he is to be at once sent to hospital, with a view to being placed under observation. The same course is to be adopted with men who are suspected by the doctors of having induced the complaints from which they are suffering. 150. The deficiency in the number thus created is filled up from those who have drawn numbers next highest to that which designated the others for active service. 151. Men who enter the service under these circumstances, as supplementary recruits, have the right to their discharge to the Militia, as soon as those men whom they have replaced are brought back into the service. 152. Men who are passed as fit for the service and who form part of the contingent of a Eecruiting Sub-division, are regarded as being with the colours, and are at once placed on the Eeception lists. 154. The remainder are enrolled in the Militia, with the ex- ception of such as are considered unfit for the service. 155. The business of the Commission is brought to a close by the list being read over of those men M'ho are to join the service. 27 and by the adiniiiistratiou of the oath. The llecruits may then be dismissed to their homes by the Goveriuneut or Provincial Com- missions. Notification is given them as to the time and place at which they have to join. 156. Men whose religious creed does not allow their takin^ the oath are exempted from its administration. 157. Memnonites can only be employed in non-comliatant duties in hospitals, in the army or navy workshops or other similar occupations, and are exempted from bearing arms. Tliis rule is not applicable to persons who may join this sect, or who may make the Empire their place of residence after the promulgation of these Eegulations. The eighth Section (Arts. 158 and 159) enacts that men of 20 years of age, who have not been enrolled in the Recruiting lists and who have not made the necessary declaration previous to the date at which the drawing takes place, sliall forfeit the right of taking part in it, and shall be straightway compelled to join the service, if eligible, unless they can bring forward satisfactory proof that the neglect has arisen from no fault of their own. In tliis case they will be allowed to take part in a supplementary drawing. The ninth Section (Arts. 160 to 163) lays down that men who have taken part in the drawing and are not required to serve actively, shall receive certificates stating that they have fulfilled the requirements of military service. Men who are found to be unfit, receive certificates to the effect that they are liberated altogether from serving ; those who are to join the Militia receive certificates showing their enrolment for life and the number wliich they have drawn. Men who are granted postponements, or who are to be re- examined, or who are to be sent to hospital in order that their state of health may be under observation, or who are under judicial inquiry, or prosecution, receive temporary certificates stating the period at which such certificates expire. 161. On the bearer of an enrolment certificate (Art. 97) pre- senting himself to join the service in any Eecruiting Sub-division, a record of the fact is to be made on the face of such certificate. 163, Certificates filled up in this manner, and those delivered in accordance with the provisions of Art. 160, must be produced as laid down in Art. 100. 28 CHAPTEK XI. Expenses attending the Dkawing and Admission of Eecruits INTO THE Service. 164. The following items of expenditure are charged to the Treasury : — Travelling, lodging, and maintenance allowances for officers, doctors, and the military official who is entrusted with the duty of admitting recruits into the ser\dce ; cost of articles required for measuring recruits and for their medical examination ; expenses connected with the office of the District, Sub-district and Urban Commissions, for articles required at the drawing, and for providing printed Eecruiting lists for the bailiwick officials. 166. Travelling and maintenance allowances for presidents and members of Commissions appointed by the zemstvos (or what corresponds to them) are charged to the general territorial revenues in each Government. 167. The Recruiting Commissions hold their meetings in public buildings belonging either to the State or to Corporations, and, where there are none, in houses paid for out of the general terri- torial revenues. 168. In the case of Poland, all these expenses are defrayed by the State. 169. Men who are called upon to take part in the drawing must appear properly dressed and shod at the rendezvous of their sub- division, and are required to pay their own expenses whilst the drawing is going on. 170. The men are provided for at the pubKc expense from the date of their arrival at the place where they actually join the colours, or from the day on which they commence active service, if they enter upon such service as soon as the drawing is completed. CHAPTER XII. Voluntary Enlistment. This chapter contains two sections (Arts. 171 to 197). The first section relates to voluntary enlistment in the land forces. Men who are willing to enter the service as enlisted volunteers can do so on tlie folio win u' conditions : — 29 1. They must be at least 17 years of age ; if they are minoi-s they are required to prove that they have received the consent of their parents, tutors, or guardians. 2. Their state of health and physique must be such as to fulfil all the necessary conditions required of men admitted to the service. 3. They must be provided with a document showing that they have passed the examination after a complete course of study, either at one of the first-class educational establish- ments named in the Appendix to Art. 53 of these Regula- tions, or of six classes at the Gymnasia or Real schools, or of the second-class in an ecclesiastical seminary, or that they have passed an examination according to a special scheme drawn up ijy the Ministers of War and Public Instruction conjointly. 172. Men who are under j udicial inquiry, or under remand for trial, or men who have received a sentence which involves their being deprived of their right to enter the service, also men who have been legally proved to be guilty of theft or swindling, cannot be enlisted as volunteers. 173. Enlisted volunteers are divided into three classes, accord- ing to the education which they have received ; their service in the Active Army is as follows : — 1. For three months, if they have passed their examination at a first-class educational establishment. 2. Six months, if at one of the second-class establishments mentioned in section 3, Art. 171. 3. Two years, if they have merely passed the examination in accordance with the joint scheme specially drawn up by the Ministers of War and Public Instruction. At the expiration of the above periods an enlisted volunteer is permitted, in peace time, if he is not a non-commissioned or com- missioned officer, either to remain on active service, or to be passed into the Pi.eserve, where he will remain for 9 years. In time of war, the regulations contained in Art. 20 apply equally to enlisted volunteers. 174. Enlisted volunteers are allowed to enter the service at any time ol the year. The period of service commences on the 1st of the month following that in which they join their regiments or corps. 175. Enlisted volunteers can enter as private soldiers only such combatant branches of the service as are allowed to receive them. They are permitted to choose the arm with which they prefer to serve, pro\dded that the number does not exceed the regulated number of each arm fixed by the ]\Iinister of War. In time of war enlisted volunteers are sent at first to the local regiments. Nurses can enter the service on all occasions as military nurses. 30 176. Enlisted volunteers who join the guard or cavalry must maintain themselves at their own expense In other regiments or corps they are maintained by the State, unless they express a wish to defray their own expenses. 177. Enlisted volunteers who defray their own expenses may lodge where they please, except whilst they are assembled in camps of instruction ; the commanding officer has the power, however, of depriving them of this privilege if he thinks fit. 178. Enlisted volunteers jointheser\dce asprivate soldiers just as if they had taken part in the drawing, and fulfil the same obligations, with certain mitigations which the Minister of War sliall appoint. 179. In order to distinguish between enlisted volunteers and men who have taken part in the drawing, the former wear a distinguishing badge on their uniform, which, however, carries no privilege with it. 180. When enlisted volunteers have passed the prescribed ex- aminations they may, with the approbation of their immediate commanding officers, be promoted : — 1. To be non-commissioned officers after two months' service, should they belong to the first-class named in Art. 173 ; after four months if they belong to the second class ; and after one year's service, if to the third class. 2. To the rank of officer, if they have served as non-commis- sioned officer for 3 months, in the case of those belonging to the first class ; for 6 months, in the case of the second class ; and for 3 years, if they belong to the third class. The rank of officer cainiot, however, be granted to any enlisted volun- teer, even though he belong to the first class, unless he has served in camp during at least one period of exercise. 181. Officers who (Art. 173) belonged to the third class of en- listed volunteers can only enjoy the personal and civil rights appertaining to their station, after a service of at least three years with the colours. 182. Enlisted volunteers are eligible for four months' furlough. But such period of absence is deducted from their term of active service, as well as from the period required of them before they can become non-commissioned officers or officers. 183. Students in the special classes of the Corps of Pages, and those belonging to Military Infantry Schools, the Nicolas Cavalry School, the Nicolas Engineer School, the Michael Artillery School and the Military Topographical Schools, are considered as enlisted volunteers. The time spent at , the above-named schools and in the special classes for Pages, is reckoned as active service in the case of men who leave them either as officers or as soldiers. They are required to remain with the colours one year and a half for each year spent at the above-mentioned establishments. The general term of service in their case is reckoned from the 1st of the month suc- ceeding that in which they left these establishments. 31 184. Students belonging to the establishments detailed in Art. 183 who may have left before completing the entire course of one of the classes, are also required to remain one year and a half for each year tliat they spent at the school. In no case, can they be promoted to the rank of officer until they have comjjleted one year's service in tlie ranks. 185. Stiidents who are educated at the expense of the State in civil educational establishments can also enter the military ser^dce in the capacity of enlisted volunteers, but in no case can tliey discharge the obligatory civil duties to which they are l)ound until after the expiration of the period during -which they are M'itli the colours, as laid down by these Eegulations. 186. The second Section relates to enlisted volunteers for the naval service.* Persons desirous of entering this service as enlisted volunteers have, in addition to the terms imposed by Arts. 171 and 172, to pass an examination in subjects bearing upon the brancli of the service which they are about to enter. 187. Enlisted volunteers remain 2 years in Active Ser^^:ce and 5 years in the Reserve. 188. They can enter the service at any period of the year ; their term of service is regulated in the manner laid down in Art. 174. 189. Enlisted volunteers are enrolled as non-commissioned officers of the noble degree (Junker) both in the fleet and also in special Itranches of the service, at their option, provided that the number of them does not exceed that laid down, for each arm of the service, by the Minister of Marine. 190. If they wish to become naval cadets or conductors, they must pass a qualifying examination, and must have hnd a six months' cruise at least. When they get their first step of pro- motion as ofticers, their seniority dates from the day on which they fulfilled the required conditions of the service ; the time spent as naval cadets and conductors being reckoned from the ex- piration of their obligatory service, according to Art. 173. If the final examination for promotion to the rank of officer has not been passed at the proper time through the negligence of tlie enlisted volunteer, he does not acquire seniority of rank until tlie date of passing the examination. 191. Enlisted volunteers who desire to be appointed as naval cadets or conductors on entering the Reserve, must pass the examination prescribed for this purpose. 192. Enlisted naval volunteers who do not pass the specified examination (Art. 190) before the expiration of 2 years, are enrolled in the Reserve of the Army as non-connuissioned officers, for the period laid down in Art. 173, their time of service in the fleet being allowed them. If they prefer it, they are allowed to remain and serve as non-commissioned officers in the fleet, provided they are con- sidered eligible by their commanding officers. Should they not be suitable they can remain in the service as non-commissioned officers * See also p. 47. 32 ill the Army, according to the rules laid down for enlisted military volunteers. 193. Enlisted naval volunteers are allowed private quarters. Whilst on a cruise they draw the regulation rations and are provided with a kit at the public expense, until they become naval cadets or conductors. 194. Besides the foregoing Articles (Art. 186 et seq.), Art. 20, 181 and 182 apply equally to enlisted naval volunteers. 195. Students at the naval school, the N"aval Engineer School, at classes for non-commissioned officers (nobles) at Nicolaiev, also at schools for ship-boys, are regarded as enlisted naval volunteers. 196. After their appointment as naval cadets or conductors, students named in the preceding Article, and enlisted volunteers who have attended the classes at the before-mentioned schools or those of the non-commissioned officers (nobles) at Nicolaiev, and, generally, all persons who have received a naval education at the cost of the State, must serve for one year and a half actively for each year spent in these establishments. Ship-boys remain 10 years on active service, at the expiration of which they are at once transferred to the Militia. The period of service commences from the age of 17, in the case of boys who have left the schools before they reached that age, and for ship-boys who have left after they were 17 years old, from the date of leaving. CHAPTEE XIII. Appeals and Complaints with Eeference to Military Service. This chapter (Arts. 197 to 211) lays down the course of pro- ceedure to be observed in deciding upon any questions which may arise. CHAPTEE XIV. Penalties for Offences against the Laws relating to Mili- tary Service. 212. Persons liable to have their names enrolled in the Eecruit- ing lists (Arts. 95 to 97) who do not comply with the regulations on this head before the end of the year in which they attain the age of 20 years, are fined a sum not exceeding 100 roubles. 213. Persons who, by their own neglect, have not been em'olled in the Eecruiting list, and who, on this account, would be liable 33 to serve with the colours without the right of taking part in the drawing, but who are found unfit for military duty, will incur a detention of 2 to 4 months in a civil prison, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 3 months. 214. In addition to their being called up for active service, an imprisonment not exceeding a term of 3 months will ]je inflicted on persons who, after drawing numbers which necessitate their entering the Active Army, do not appear for examination at the appointed time, unless they can give some valid reason for such neglect. 215. The military authorities will award such punishment as they may think proper to those who falsely assert that they are suffering from internal diseases of a nature to render them unfit for the service. 216. Persons who join the Army, or who have drawn numbers which require them to join, and who do not appear at the appointed time, will incur the punishment laid down in Art. 146 of the military penal code. 21 7. Every person who shall be guilty of fraud for the purpose of escaping from military service, or of profiting by immunities to which he can claim no right, will be compelled to serve in the Active Army, and ^vill undergo solitary confinement of from 4^ months to 6 months in a military prison. 218. The same punishment (namely, emljodiment in the Active Army and solitary confinement) will be inflicted on persons who, either by themselves or by the aid of third parties, become muti- lated with a view to escaping active service. 219. The term of service for persons who do not appear at the time appointed (Art. 216) and who will therefore have to be embodied after their comrades, v;ill date from the 1st July, in the case of men admitted during the first half of the year, and from the 1st January following, in the case of men admitted during the second half of the year. 220. If the persons referred to in Arts. 216 and 217 are embodied in the Active Army, or not discovered until they have completed their 35th year, they will be confined in a civil prison for a period of from 4 to 8 months in the case of those alluded to in Art. 216, and from 8 months to 1 year and 4 months for those referred to in Art. 217. 221. Every person who, by his own request or with his con- sent, shall be guilty of having mutilated another M'ith the object of rendering him unfit for military service, or have assisted at such mutilation, shall be imprisoned for a period of from 8 months to 1 year and 4 months in a civil jail ; persons who per- formed the mutilation with the same object, but without tlie consent of the mutilated person, shall suffer the punishment awarded by the penal code to mutilation, wounding, or other bodily injury wilfully inflicted. 222. The prosecution against any person for having mutilated D 34 a third party is instituted without reference to the complaint of the person mutilated, or whose health has been injured. 223. Persons who instigate others to disobey these regulations, or who are aiders and abettors of them, are liable to the punish- ments prescribed by law for complicity, and are liable to all the penalties enumerated above wliich are not accompanied by military service. 224. Delinquents cannot enjoy any benefits arising from the prescription laid down in the common law, 35 I1EGULATI0^S RESPECTING THE MILITAEY SERVICE OF THE COSSACKS OF THE URAL (Confirmed by the Emperor, March 9, 1874.) The Eegulations, which consist of 68 Articles, are divided into 9 chapters. The First Chapter (Aits. 1 — 3) contains the general arrangements. According to Art. 1, the sons of all persons belonging to the corps of Cossacks of the' Ural, who have reached the age of 19, are enrolled amongst the Cossacks and take the oath of fidelity. To this, however, there are certain exceptions, to be regulated by- special enactment. 2. For the first two years of their enrolment in the lists, these young men constitute a class intended for duty in the in- terior ; they then pass for 15 years into the class destined for service in the field, after which they again return to duty in the interior for another period of 5 years. At the expiration of this latter term, they receive their discharge. 3. All Cossacks belonging to the class for service in the field are to serve at least one year with the troops on active ser\dce, or in the Instructional sotnia. The Second Chapter (Aits. 4 — 8) treats of the effective strength of the active force. 4. The Cossacks of the Ural are to be formed into 9 cavalry regiments of 6 sotnias each; of these 3 regiments are for duty in time of peace. They will moreover maintain for active duty the squadron of Cossacks of the Ural of the Guard, and the Instructional sotnia at Ouralsk. 5. Cavalry regiments, which receive permission to return to their homes, will be called out for active duty in case of war, or by special orders from the Emperor ; in case of urgent necessity these regiments may also be called up by order of the oflSicer commanding the troops in the Orenburg military district, who must, however, report the circumstance at once to the Emperor. 6. Should it be found that the number of Cossacks belonging to the class for field service is insufficient, or should there be a marked falling off in their effective in time of war, men belonging to the class for home service may also be called out. If the d2 36 interest of the State demands still greater efforts, the entire Cossack population capable of resisting the enemy, whether on service or not, may be called to arms. 7. The effective strength of the active force depends upon the number of men available for that duty. 8. Active service is subject to the Eegulations in force for Cossack regiments, and matters connected with the economical administration are defined in Special Eegulations. 9. 10. The Third Chapter (Arts. 9 to 21) has reference to the enrolment and admission of Cossacks into the service. The enrolment in the special registers (which takes place in each stanitsa) will comprise all male children, officers of all ranks, non-commis- sioned officers, Cossacks, officials, whether in the service or retired, and generally all persons belonging to the Cossacks of the Ural. 11. All male children on completion of their 17th year (with the exception of such as belong to the higher and secondary educa- tional establishments and Progymnasia) are to be enrolled for two years, and perform the duties imposed upon Cossacks accord- ing to special regulations sanctioned by the officer commanding the troops in the Orenburg military district. 12. When the above have reached the age of 19, they are then inscribed on the Cossack muster-rolls ; as soon as they have taken the oath of fidelity they are placed upon the lists for home service. At the end of two years they pass into the class for service in the field. 13. These various enrolments are conducted annually in each stanitsa between the 15th of August and the 15th of September. All the details connected with the enrolment are laid down in Arts. 14 to 20. Those persons who have declared themselves to be unfit for the service are examined before the Commission of the stanitsa, which decides as to their eligibility or otherwise. 21. The Ataman locum tenens publishes an order of the day con- taining the enrolments that have been made ; he also brings on the roster those for home service, and grants discharges to such as have completed their term of service, or to those who have been pro- nounced unfit for it. The term of service in each class commences from the 1st January of the year following that of their enrolment. The Fourth Chapter has reference to the calling up of the active troops for duty. 22. These troops when called up in time of peace in the ordinary manner, remain on duty until further orders. When assembled by an extraordinary decree, or as a temporary measure, they are dismissed at the termination of the period for which they have been summoned. 23. The non-commissioned officers and soldiers who are serving in the permanent active force are sent to tlieir homes, at the expira- tion of the period of service laid down in the Eegulations. 24. Vacancies in the establishment are filled up by volunteering, or, in default of this, by lot-drawing. 37 25. Such Cossacks us are not promoted, receive an allowance for outfit on joining the active force. 26. The method to be adopted for calling up volunteers, for conducting the drawings when necessary, and for the distriljution of the allowance for outfit, are laid down in special regulations which are to be submitted every year to the officer commanding the forces in the Orenburg military district for his approval. 27. Exemption from active service is granted to — 1. Persons who have sifffered from fire, inundation, murrain, continued sickness, and other similar misfortunes. 2. Persons who are prevented from working at the principal occupations of Cossacks, such as fishing, &c. Those who become sufferers from the misfortunes detailed above, while on active service, are to be sent back to their homes. 28. The above exemptions and the length of leave granted to Cossacks in the service are decided upon (in the case of Cossacks who have not been promoted) by the Ataman locus tenens, and in the case of officers of all ranks, and of the stanitsas as a whole, by the officer commanding the forces in the Orenburg military district. Articles 29 to 31 contain detailed rules to be observed in calling out the men for active duty, in their instruction &c., at the rendezvous at Ouralsk, Gourief, and lletsk. 32. When the men are to be sent to their homes, those belonging to the active forces return, in the first place, to their respective rendezvous, where they are ins^Dected and asked in the presence of their officers if they have received everything to which they are legally entitled, and if they have any complaints to make. 33. The 6 Eegiments which remain at the disposal of the authorities for calling up during time of war, and at that time only, are divided into two turns of duty, three regiments being for duty at one time. 34. The Fifth chapter (Arts. 34 — 42) has reference to the Instructional sotnia, which is placed under the immediate ordei"S of the Chief of the Staff of the Cossacks at Ouralsk. The object of this sotnia is to serve as a school of instruction for the active force in riding, target practice, sword and lance drill, as also for the training of instructors. 35. 36. The sotnia consists of a cadre appointed for three years, and of men M'ho are relieved annually. 37, 38. A school for Cossacks who have not been promoted, and who are intended to be instructors, is attached to the sotnia , Cossacks temporarily on the strength can also be admitted to this school. The instruction is imparted by the officers of the sotnia. 38 Article 39 contains a statement of the nature and amount of ammunition, &c., which each sotnia receives annually for ball practice. 40. The nature of the exercises to be gone through by the sotnia, and by the school, together with the order in which they are to take place, is laid down in special detailed schemes and regulations on the subject. These schemes and regulations are somewhat similar to those in force for the Kegular Army, and are issued with the approval of the officer commanding troops in the Orenburg military district. 41. The sotnia is inspected, and the men under instruction are examined once a year, previous to the anival of the new effective. Article 42 contains the regulations respecting distinctions and rewards to which the Cossacks of the sotnia can lay claim on quitting it. The Sixth chapter (Arts. 43 — 54) refers to Cossacks who have been permitted to remain at their homes. 43. Cossacks belonging to the class for field service, who are allowed to remain at their homes, are obliged to be provided with horses and the necessary armament and equipment for active service. 44. These Cossacks are to assemble once a year at their stanitsas. After their horses, arms, and equipment have been inspected, those of them who returned from service the preceding year, and such as have completed their seven years and upwards in the field service class, are sent home. The remainder are instructed in drill or in target-practice for a period of three weeks. If their number is not suiSicient to form a complete sotnia, they join the Cossacks of the stanitsa nearest to them. 45. The Ataman locum tenens fixes the time for these summer drills to commence, and is guided in his decision by the period when the Cossacks are most free from their agricultural labours. 46. An of&cer, of the rank of a sotnik at least, is told off in each sotnia, with a trumpeter as assistant, for the purpose of sounding the signals whilst firing is going on, and of instructing such men as are desirous of receiving instruction in the trumpet. 47-48. Besides the summer concentrations, instructors are appointed in each stanitsa, whose duty it is to instruct the Cossacks in ball-practice, in the management of their arms, and in equitation. 49. The number of instructors in each stanitsa, limited to four, is determined by the Ataman locum tenens. These instructors receive an allowance, and, in addition to this, the period during which they are so eaiployed is reckoned as active service. 50. Both the instructors and those under instruction are required to take part in tlie summer drills. 51 . This article gives a detailed statement of the nature and 3^ amount of ammunition wliicli is to be issued to the Cossacks during the summer drills. 52. The system of instruction to be adopted at these drills and in each stanitsa is arranged by the officer in command of the troops in each military district. 53. At the termination of the summer drills the Ataman locum tenens (or officer of rank appointed by him) makes an inspection of the men, and puts them through their target and riding drill. Prizes, consisting of things suitable to their station, are awarded to such of them as have most distinguished themselves ; for this object 500 roubles are annually set apart from tlie Cossack Treasury. 54. Another sum of 500 roubles is placed at the disposal of the Ataman locum tenens, from the same source, for rewarding the most pains-taking of the instructors. The seventh chapter (Arts. 55 — 59) treats of the duties of Cossacks for home service. 55. In the class for home duty are enrolled all the young Cossacks for the first two years of their service, besides such as have completed their term of 15 years' field service ; the latter remain in this class for 5 years. Men who from physical defects are unfit for field duty are also included in this class, in which they remain until they receive their discharge on completion of their term of service. 56. For the first year after enrolment the men are exempt from all extra duty, and are not allowed to volunteer for active service. The first year should be devoted to arming and equipping the recraits. 57. After they have been borne for a year on the list for home service, they take part in the summer concentrations, and are enrolled in their stanitsas like men who belong to the field service class (Art. 47). 58. Cossacks who have not been promoted and who have com- pleted their term of field service if they so desire it, remain in the field service class ; in this case they enjoy the privileges granted in accordance with the military regulations of 1859. Each year of such additional service is reckoned as equivalent to two years of home service. 59. In time of war, or in the event of the Cossacks being em- bodied as an extraordinary measure, those men who are for home service are placed on a war footing like those who belong to the field service class. In time of peace their duties are defined by special instructions which are submitted annually to the officer commanding the troops in the military district for his approval. The eighth chapter (Arts. 60 — 62) relates to Cossacks wlio have been discharged from the service. 60. All Cossacks who have not been promoted and who have completed 15 years of field service and 7 years of home serAace, and men who are unfit for both by reason of pliysical infirmities, are granted their discharge. 61. Men who can claim their discharge on account of length 40 of service may continue to serve in either category should they desire to do so, and enjoy the privileges detailed in the Regulations of 1859. 62. For the first ten years after their discharge, the men are liable to the contributions of their corps, the nature of which is regulated by a schedule submitted annually to tlie approval of the officer in command of the troops in the Orenburg military district. After the expiration of 10 years, the men can only be employed in the service on the recommendation of the corporations. The ninth chapter (Arts. 63 — 68) relates to certain details connected with the administrative affairs of the sub- divisions. 63. For administrative purposes the corps of Cossacks of the Ural is told off into 3 sub-divisions. 64. The first of these sub-divisions comprise the Uralsk district and the Uestsk stanitsas : the second embraces the Gourief district ; the third the Kalmuk district. The administrative staff of each sub-division is regidated by a table attached to Art. 65. Article 66 contains an account of the duties of each of these sub-divisions, namely, to look to the safety of the territorial frontier line, to assist the civil power in maintaining order and public safety, and to observe the details connected with the enrolment of the men and their instruction. 67. The administrative staffs are under the orders of the Pro- vincial Staff, and, so far as their authority extends, carry out their duties through the heads of the stanitsas and of the officers com- manding the advanced posts. Article 68 gives an account of the duties of the Atamans of sub-divisions and their assistants, The establishment of a mounted regiment of Cossacks is to con- sist of 42 officers and 873 non-commissioned officers and men (besides 48 non-combatants), and 951 horses (of which 905 are troop horses and 3 draught). 41 REGULATIONS RESPECTING THE ADMISSION OF ENLISTED VOLUNTEERS. (Sanctioned by the Emperor, March 19th, 1874.) Art. 1. Those persons who satisfy the requirements contained in Chap. XII of the Regulations of the 1st January, 1874, respect- ing Military Service, are admitted as Enlisted Volunteers for active service in those arms to which the regidations in force allow Volunteers to be admitted ; until the aforesaid regulations are revised, the number of admissions allowed is provisionally in- creased by four per company, battery and squadron. 2. Enlisted Volunteers are allowed to select the arm of the ser- vice which they wish to join ; those, liowever, who belong to the Third Class (para. 3, Art. 173) can only be admitted into corps in which there are vacancies, whilst Volunteers belonging to the two first classes are allowed to enter as supernumeraries in accordance with special instructions from the Minister of War. Hence, when all vacancies for Enlisted Volunteers, as laid down in Article 1, are filled up in corps imder theii' command, the officers commanding Divisions, or general ofiicers exercising similar authority, will apply to tlie General Staff for permission to receive, as supernumeraries, such enlisted Volunteers of the two first classes as may present themselves. Note. — Enlisted Volunteers of the two first classes are only admitted into the Guard, Artillery, and Engineers, and with the express stipulation that they obtain the consent of the officer commanding the corps which they are desirous of joining. 3. Men who are desirous of entering the service as Enlisted Volunteers must present their petition, on paper bearing a stamp of 70 copecks, to the ofiicers in command of regiments or other corps. These petitions, together with documents in support of them, are then forwarded to the ofiicers in command of Divisions, local troops, light infantry or sapper brigades, or commandants of artillery brigades, with a view to the necessary permission being granted. Note. — In time of war, these petitions must be presented to the military heads of governments. 4. Petitions should be accompanied by the following docu- ments : — a. A certificate of enrohnent in the recruiting sul)-division, in accordance with Articles 95 and 97 of the Eegulations respecting JMilitary Service, and, in the case of young men belonging to the class of villagers liable for taxes, a certificate from the head of the bailiwick showing that they have been enrolled in such and such bailiwick, and in such and such a recruiting sub-division, and stating their ages. d3 42 h. In the case of persons under twenty-one years of age, the written consent of their parents, or, should the latter be dead, of their guardians. c. A certificate from a medical officer in State employment, showing that they do not suffer from any bodily defects or ailments such as to render them unfit for military service, according to the instructions laid down for liecruiting Com- missions regarding the admission of Enlisted Volunteers. (1. A written declaration by the Enlisted Volunteer that there is nothing against his character which is sufficient to debar him from entering the service (Article 172 of the Eegulations respecting Military Service). e. An engagement on the part of the parents or guardians that they will provide for the expenses of such Enlisted Volun- teers as enter the guard and cavalry, as also of those entering other branches of the service who are willing to defray their own expenses. f. The academical diplomas of Enlisted Volunteers, and certifi- cates showing that they have completed the course of study in one of the educational establishments of the two first categories (see Appendix to Article 5.3 of the Eegulations respecting Military Service), or have passed an equivalent examination ; or certificates of examination according to the course of the gymnasia of six classes, of the professional schools, or of the ecclesiastical seminaries of the second class, or lastly, certificates to show that they possess the amount of knowledge required by the special programme fixed upon for the admission of Enlisted Volunteers of the third category. g. Authenticated copies, upon unstamped paper, of the confir- matory documents referred to in paragraphs a and /. ^vj-QTE. — All documents and copies must be in Eussian ; those referred to in paragraphs b, c, d, and / of Article 4 must be on paper bearino- a 40 copeck stamp. In addition to the documents named in this Article, men who are anxious to join the cavalry of the line as Enlisted Volunteers must forward, with their petitions, sufficient money to purchase an Officer's outfit, namely, 200 roubles for men entering Dragoon regiments, 250 roubles for Lancers, and 350 roubles for Hussars. 5. After- the petitions and accompanying documents have been examined, and the petitioners are deemed to have fulfilled the requirements contained in the Eegulations, the officers commanding Divisions and local troops, and the commanders of brigades make known in an order of the day that the petitioners have been admitted into the service as soldiers, classifying them according to their educational certificates. These officers then forward the peti- tions and documents to the corps in which each man is to be enrolled. Should there be no vacancies, the officers will act in confoiniity with Article 2 of these Eegulations. 43 6. As soon as the aljove order of the day has been published, and the Enlisted Volunteers have joined their respective corps, the officers in command of the latter take them on the establishment by an oider of the day. The Volunteers then take the same oath as that required of men who have participated in the drawing. 7. When the Enlisted Volunteers have been finally received into the service, and have taken the oath, the officers in command of their regiments or, corps report the circumstance without delay to the recruiting commissions of the town, district, or Government, accordino- to the recruiting subdivisions to wdiich the Enlisted Volunteers belong. Subsequently the certificates of enrolment m the recruiting subdivisions or the attestations of the heads of the bailiwicks alluded to in paragraph a, Article 4, and the educational certificates, are returned to the Enlisted Volunteers ; the latter give autograph receipts for the same, which, together with the other documents mentioned in Article 4, and the copy of the oath, are preserved in the archives of the staff of the regiment or corps. 8. Enlisted Volunteers maintained at the expense of the State re- ceive the same pay and allowances as are granted to private soldiers generally. Those who have entered into an engagement to defray their own expenses, until they are promoted to the rank of officer, merely receive from the State their arms, such things as are required for their drill, and their equipments ; in the cavahy and horse artillery Enlisted Volunteers who are admitted to fill existing vacancies are not required to find their own horses ; super- numeraries, on the other hand, have to provide themselves with horses, and receive no allowance for forage. XoTE. — Each cavalry regiment must provide 16 horses for Enlisted Volunteers ; these horses are foraged at the expense of the State. 9. Enlisted Volunteers must perform the same duties as private soldiers of the same service as themselves, receive the same instruction, but are exempt from agricultural labour and employ- ment in private industries. 10. Officers in command of regiments or corps are held per- sonally responsible that proper surveillance is exercised over Enlisted Volunteers as regards their instruction (both in the prac- tice and science of their profession), their conduct, their mode of living, and general arrangement. For this purpose Enlisted Volun- teers will be told off to companies, squadrons, or detachments which are stationed at the same place as the Staff of the regiment or bat- talion ; those who do not reside in private lodgings are to reside in barracks when practicable. In these latter special compartments should, if possible, be assigned to them, and they should form distinct messes, receiving for this purpose a portion of the mess'ing fund. 11. Enlisted Volunteers are promoted to be acting non-commis- sioned officers, as supernumeraries ; but this promotion can only take place after the Volunteer has passed an examination as to his knowledge of his duties according to a special programme. 44 XoTE. — In order that Enlisted Volunteers may be passed into tlie Reserve after their term of service has expired (Art. 173), such of them as have iDeen promoted to the rank of non-commissioned officer have to undero-o an examination accordinti; to the same programme. Before they can become artiticers or non-commissioned officers of Sappers, Enlisted Volunteers must pass a special exami- nation. 12. The rules regarding the admission of Enlisted Volunteers to the course of study pursued in the non-commissioned officers' schools, and their promotion to the rank of officer, continue in force at present. Enlisted Volunteers can, however, be admitted, even as private soldiers, to the non-commissioned officers' schools, without any restriction as to the length of time they have served, but with the proviso that they are first examined as to their knowledge of their duties. Promotion to the rank of officer depends upon the length of service in the case of each category of Enlisted Volunteers (Art. 180, Regulations respecting Military Service). Pkovisional Kegulations kespecting the Privileges granted TO Enlisted Volunteers admitted into the Service prior TO March 1, 1874. Enlisted Volunteers who joined the service previous to March 1, 1874, enjoy the following advantages, either in conformity with the former Kegulations of March 8, 1869, or by virtue of the new Regulations of January 1, 1874 : — 1. Sucli Volunteers as have completed their course of study at the higlier educational establishments, or have produced certificates to show that they have passed the prescribed examination at these establishments, retain their former right to promotion as officers after an active service of not less than two months, pro- vided they have fulfilled all the conditions required by the law then in force. 2. Those Volunteers who have completed the course of study at secondary educational establishments, or passed the final exami- nation at such establishments, also those who, by virtue of the degree of education they have received, are classed according to the new Regulations (January 1, 1874) in the first category of Enlisted Volunteers, enjoy the privileges granted to this category in the aforesaid Regulations, i.e., they can be promoted to the rank of officer after at least six months' active service (in lieu of the former term of one year), provided that they fulfil in other respects all the necessary qualifications. • 3. Enlisted Volunteers who have already entered the service by right of birth (that is, without having passed the examination in the superior or secondary educational establishments), and w^ho have not as yet been admitted into the schools for non-commissioned officers of noble rank, retain, if they belong to the old first category (hereditary nobles), their former right to promotion as 45 ■officers after tlicy have served at least two years ; all others, who are arranged according to the former classification into the second and third categories, obtain the right to promotion as officers after they have served three years (that is to say, at the expiration of the period laid down in the new Eegulations for Enlisted Volunteers of the third category, instead of four years and six years as was formerly the case). 4. None of the Enlisted Volunteers referred to in the last article can enjoy their privilege of promotion to the rank of officer unless they pass the examination for admission to the non-commis- sioned officers' (nobles) schools during 187-i or 1875, in conformity with the progTamme then in force. Hence, all Enlisted Volunteers at present admitted into the service, who are not in the enjoyment of the pri\dleges granted to persons of education, and who are unable to produce certificates to show that they have successf idly completed the course of six classes at a gymnasia or professional school, or of the second class of ecclesiastical seminaries, must at at once inform their commanding officers if it is their intention to offer themselves for examination for admission to the non-commis- sioned officers' (nobles) schools at the commencement of this year's com'se of study, or wait until September 1875. Enlisted Volunteers who completed their twentieth year in 1873, are compelled to undergo an examination durinc; the current year. Should the number of candidates in 1874 exceed the number of vacancies in the schools, those will be admitted wIkj have obtained the greatest number of marks ; the remainder will return to their respective corps, and will join the schools in 1875. 5. Those Volunteers who do not pass the requisite exami- nation in 1875, or who have stated previously that they are not in a position to prepare themselves for examination within the pre- scribed period^ will be excluded from the number of Enlisted Volunteers. In this case, those who, on January 1, 1874, have not yet attained their twenty-first year (the age at which tliey have to take j)art in the dra\\ang, according to the new Eegulations), will he required to present themselves at a stated time to take part in the drawing, or may remain in the service under the title of " Amateurs ;" * those who are upwards of twenty-one, may take their discharge if they do not wish to serve as '•' Amatem\s." 6. Those Enlisted Volunteers, who, on entering the artillery or engineers, have passed the necessary quahfying examination, are not required to undergo any further examination ; they enjoy the privileges granted by the new Eegulations to Enlisted Volunteers ■of the third category. Note. — Enlisted Volunteers who have joined the artillery and engineers, and who liave not as yet passed the examination in * In the original Eussiau such ]iei-sons are called OMot/u'i-i, which signifies iimatems or volunteers ; the first of these exju'essions is adopted in (U-der to .distinguish this class fruni the volunteers proper {Vobio-opredieh'ai/Ks/ie/iu^'/a). 46 question, must undergo it during the course of this year, or they will be subjected to the rules laid down in Article 5 of the present Eeguiations. 7 An exact compliance with the instructions given above is enjoined upon all officers in command of corps. Eegulations respecting the Admission of " Amateurs " into THE Service. {Sanctioned hy the Emperor, March IS^th, 1874.) 1. Men who are enrolled in the militia, as well as those who are exempted from being drawn as recruits, are allowed to join the jservice as "amateurs." (Articles 10 and 154, Eeguiations respect- ing Military Service.) 2 The following are not eligible as amateurs : a. Men of upwards of 30 years of age (in time of war, however, those who are from 30 to 40 years of age may be admitted into the service). h. Persons who have forfeited their civil rights, or the rights and privileges which belong to them personally or by virtue of their social condition. c. Men who are under remand for trial, or have been subjected to judicial inquiry for crimes or misdemeanours. d. Persons who have been judicially condemned to a punish- ment carrying with it the forfeiture of the right of admission to the service of the State. c. Lastly, persons who have been found guilty of theft or swindling. 3. Amateurs are admitted in time of peace on condition that they remain on active service and in the reserve for the same length of time as recruits who have taken part in the drawing. (Articles 17 and 56 EeguLltions on Military Ser\dce.) In time of war, they must remain with the colours so long as it lasts ; when they leave active service they are not, however, enrolled in the reserve, except of their own free will. 4. Amateurs are admitted at any period of the year. Their service counts from the first day of the month following that in which they are admitted. 5. Amateurs are admitted into any branch of the service, or military administrative departments or establishments, as pri- vate soldiers, either as combatants or non-combatants according to' their capabilities. They are included in the list of men Hable to the ordinary term of ser\'ice, and are maintained at the public expense. 6. Amateurs desirous of entering the service are to make appli- cation to that effect, on luistamped paper, to the officers in command of regiments, batteries or other separate corps, or to the heads of departments in the Ministry of War, or of the administrative 47 branches in the military districts, or to other oilicers in charge of military departments. 7. Amateurs must send in the following documents with their applications : — a. A certificate of enrolment in a recruiting subdivision, and, in the case of villagers liable to taxation, an attestation from the head of the bailiwick, showing that they are enrolled in such and such a bailiwick, and such and such a recruiting subdivision, and giving the age of the person. b. The certificate of a medical officer in State employment to show that the applicant is fit for the service. c. A declaration signed by the applicant stating that he is not under sentence of a court of justice, nor under judicial inquiry, and that he has not undergone any of the convictions detailed m Article 2 above. d. If the applicant is enrolled in the Militia, an attestation from the proper Recnuting Commission, stating the fact (Article 160, Eegulations on Military Service). e. If the applicant is desirous of entering the service with the privileges attached to his educational acquirements, a certi- ficate showing that he has completed the course of study, or passed satisfactorily the prescribed examinations, in accord- ance with the rules laid down in Articles 56 and 57 of the Eegulations on Military Service. / If the api)licant belongs to a class liable to taxation, a certi- ficate from his corporation showing that there is nothing to prevent his being admitted to the service. 8. As soon as the order of the day admitting them to active service has been published, the Amateurs are called upon to take the oath in the same way as is laid down for recruits who have taken part in the drawings. 9. Amateurs perform the same duties as soldiers who have have taken part in the drawing, and are promoted in the same way to be non-commissioned officers and officers. I. Eegulations respecting the Admission and Service of Enlisted Naval Volunteers. {Sanctioned by the Emperor, 2oth August 1875,) 1. The following are eligible for admission to the Navy as enlisted volunteers : — Young men who satisfy the conditions men- tioned in Pars. 1 and 2 of Art, 171, and in Art. 172 of the Eegu- lations of 1874 respecting Obligatory Military Service, and Avho at the same time furnish a certificate to the effect that they have passed an examination in the complete course of studies of one of the edu- cational establishments of the two first categories named in the Appendix to Art. 53, or of the course in a gymnasium of six classes, or professional school, or, lastly, of the second class of ecclesiastical seminaries. 48 2. Enlisted volunteers of the third category can in no case be admitted to the navy. 3. All enlisted volunteers admitted into the fleet or special arms of the navy are enrolled as non-commissioned officers of noble degree {Junker). 4. The autliorities of the navy receive information, at the com- mencement of each year, of the number of enlisted volunteers which may be admitted to the fleet and the special arms at each of the principal ports of war during the cun-ent year. 5. The choice of the special service, and that particular por- tion of the fleet which they desire to enter, is left to the volun- teers themselves, provided there are vacancies. Exceptions to this are only allowed with the special authority of the Minister of Marine. . 6. Young men who desire to enter as enlisted volunteers pre- sent a petition to that effect to the commanders-in-chief at naval ports. Such petitions are to be written on stamped paper, and on the form hereunto annexed. 7. Petitions for admission to the service as enlisted volunteers must be accompanied by the following documents : — {a) A certificate of being inscribed in a recruiting subdi\dsion, in conformity with Arts. 95 and 97 of the Eegulations for Military Service ; and for such persons as are liable to taxes, a certificate from the competent bailiwick officer that they are enrolled in such and such a bailiwick, in such and such a recruiring sub-division, and are of such and such an age. (h) The written consent of their parents or guardians when the volunteers are under age (21 years). (c) In the application of Art. 145, a certificate from a surgeon in the service of the State to the effect that tliey are free from any corporeal defects and disease, which would unfit them for service in the fleet, in accordance with the terms of Art. D. of the instructions to Eecruiting Commissions for Military Service. {d) The written declaration of the volunteers that nothing of the nature mentioned in Art. 172 of the Eegidatious for Military Service as rendering them unworthy of admission can be laid to their charge. (e) An engagement on the part of the parents to maintain at their own expense the volunteers who have declared their wish to defray the cost of their maintenance. (J) The academical diplomas of enlisted volunteers or certifi- cates, stating that they have completed the course of studies in one of the educational establishments of the two first categories (Appendix to Art. 53 of the Eegulations on Military Service), or undergone an equivalent examination, or the certificates of examination according to the course of gymnasia of six classes, or of professional schools, or of the course of the second class in ecclesiastical seminaries. 49 (g) Certified copies of the documents* mentioned in tlie above paragraphs (a) and (/). 8. After examining the petitions and documents in support, and taking care that they are in accordance with the regulations, the commanders-in-chief at ports notify in the port orders of the day, that tlie applicants are admitted to the service as non- commissioned officers of the noble degree (Junker), that they are registered on the ship's books for which they applied, and are enrolled as enlisted volunteers. The original petitions, with their supportinf documents, are then sent to the ship or administration concerned. 9. After the receipt of the commander-in-chief's orders of the day, and the arrival of the volunteers at their destination, these latter are admitted to the service in the orders of the day, and the oath is at once administered to tliem in the manner prescribed for recruits taking part in the lot-drawing. 10. After the volunteers are finally admitted and have taken the oath, the authorities notify the fact to the Urban, District, or Sub-district Administrations, under whose jurisdiction the several volunteers are included. Tlie certificates of enrolment in the re- cruiting sub-divisions, or the attestations of the bailiwicks (alluded to in Par. a Art. 7 above), and the educational certificates are returned to the volunteers against autograph receipts, which, with the other documents alluded to in Art. 7 and the form of oath, are preserved in the archives of the ships or other administrations. 11. In order to enable volunteers to prepare themselves more easily for tlie grade of naval cadet or conductor, they may be admitted, if they wish it, to the course of study either of the naval and technical schools, or of the classes of non-commissioned officers {Juiikers) at Xikolaiev, accordiug to the places where they are serving, and the commander-ir-fhief at ports must send intimation thereof to the commandants of schools ; in all cases, the volunteers must mention, in their yietitions for admission to the ser\dce, the school and the special classes in which they are dsiro us of studying. Volunteers who receive permission to enter these schools, as also those who do not undergo the course, may be admitted to the examination for the grade of naval cadet or conductor, after satisfying the conditions prescribed in Art. 190 of the Eegulations for Military Service, but not later than after two years' service as non-commissioned officers of noble degree. Should they fail in the examination, they are allowed to remain another year in the service as non-commissioned officers, at the expiration of which they must present themselves once more for examination, and if they again fail, they come under the provisions of Art. 192 of the same regulations. 12. Volunteers who have expressed a wish to maintain them- selves at their own expense until their promotion to naval cadet or * All these documents and their copies must be written in Russian, and on stamped papei*. 50 conductor, merely receive from the State their arms, equipments, and the requisites for their instruction. During cruises they receive the regulation subsistence authorised for the navy generally. 13. Volunteers who defray the cost of their own maintenance are allowed to occupy separate quarters ; but the commanders of ships have the right to deprive any person of the privilege, should it be deemed necessary to exercise a special surveillance over him. 14. Volunteers who have not expressed their intention of maintaining themselves at their own expense during their service as non-commissioned ofiicers of noble deo^ree, are bound to live m barracks, and receive from the State the regulation equipment, the shore pay of boatswain, and, while on shore, the ration and share of messing money. When on board ship they receive the authorised subsistence. 15. Volunteers perform the same duties on board ship and else- where as other seamen with the rank of non-commissioned officers. 16. Commanders of ships and heads of special branches of the service are charged, on their personal responsibility, with the care of the volunteers, both as regards their instruction, so as to accelerate their naval and scientific education, and their conduct and manner of life. With this object, it is desirable to assign separate rooms in barracks to those not allowed to hire distinct quarters, and to authorise them to form separate messes with their grant from the mess fund. 17. Volunteers are peremptorily required to undergo the examinations laid down for promotion to the grade of naval cadet or conductor, at the naval schools which correspond to the special service whicli they have chosen. These examinations must take place at the same time as the admission and final examinations of the pupils of these schools, and in the same subjects ; consequently, non-commissioned officers of noble degree, who may be trans- ferred to ports of the second class, must be sent at the time of the examinations to the nearest principal port, receiving from the State the regulation suljsistence money. 18. Non-commissioned officers of noble degree who have satis- fied the conditions imposed by Art. 190 of the Eegulatious for Military Service, are promoted, according to their speciality, to the grade of naval cadet or conductor in the orders of the day of H.I.H. the Grand Admiral. 19. If, by virtue of special authority, a non-commissioned officer of noble degree should happen to be on a cruise in foreign waters, his final examination for promotion to the grade of naval cadet or conductor will take place on the return of the vessel to Eussia, in accordance with the terms of Art. 17, but no seniority is allowed him for the time which he may have served as non- commissioned officer in excess of the prescribed period. 20. All volunteers admitted to follow without payment the courses of study at naval schools, and of classes of non-commissioned officers of nol^le decree, are bound to the conditions adverted to in 51 Art. 196 of the Kegulations as regards the duration of their obliga- tory service — that is to say, they are iadebted to the State 1^ years of active ser^dce for every jeav during which they have been under instruction. 21. The promotion of naval cadets and conductors to the rank of officer takes place in accordance with the naval regulations in force for tliese non-commissioned officers. II. Temporary Eules as to the Rights of Volunteers ad- mitted TO the Navy prior to 1st March, 1874. 1. Volunteers admitted to the service prior to the 1st March, 1874, in special arms of the navy, i.e., in the Marine Artillery, Pilot Service, or as Engineers, bi/ virtue of the rights appertaining to them hy birth, and belonging, according to the ancient sub-division, to the first category (hereditary nobles), retain their long-standing right to promotion to the grade of conductor after a service of not less than two years. Those who belonged to the second and third categories do not obtain the right to this promotion until after three years' service as non-commissioned officers — that is to say, at the expiration of the period fixed by the new regulations on mili- tary service for volunteers of the third category in the land forces, and provided they satisfy the other conditions appointed for the navy. 2. Volunteers admitted to the fleet before the 1st March, 1874, by virtue of former regulations, and not in accordance with the regulations of 1st January, 1874, who may not have passed the examination for promotion to the grade of naval cadet at the expiration of the two years fixed for their service as non- commissioned officers of noble degree, are allowed to remain another year in the same position, provided they are recommended by their commanding olficers. Should they be unable to pass the examina- tion at the end of this adjourned period, they come under the provisions of Ai"t. 192 of the Regulations for Military Service. 3. Every volunteer serving at this moment in the fleet as non- commissioned officer of noble degree, or as non-commissioned officer (noble or not) in special corps of the navy, who has been admitted by virtue of former regulations, and has served the prescribed number of years, must present himself for examination for the grade of naval cadet or conductor, not later than the first admission or final examination which shall take place in the naval schools after the promulgation of the present rules. Those wdio may not pass these examinations, or shall have declared beforehand their inability to prepare themselves for them, will be excluded from the number €)f enlisted volunteers. Those among them who had not attained the age of 21 years on the 1st January 1874, must take part in the lot- drawing, or remain in the service as amateurs ;* those who have * See Note p. 45. 52 passed this age, and do not wish to remain in the service as amateurs, may receive their discharge. III. Regulations for the Admission to the Fleet of Amateurs. In order to complete the effective of the fleet, in addition to the men furnished by recruiting and voluntary enlistments, the following persons may be admitted to the service under the title of amateurs : — 1. Persons exempt from recruitment, and those belonging to the militia (Arts. 10 and 154 of the Eegulation for Military Service). 2. The following are not eligible as amateurs : — (a). Persons upwards of 30 years of age, excejjt in time of war, when they may be admitted up to the age of 40 inclusively ; (b) those deprived of their civil rights, or of the rights and privileges which belong to them personally, or by virtue of their condition ; (c) men who have been brought to trial, or have been subjected to inquiry for crimes and mis- demeanours ; (d) persons who have been judicially con- demned to a punishment entailing the forfeiture of the right of admission to the sei'vice of the State ; (e) lastly, persons who have been found guilty of theft or swindling. 3. In time of peace amateurs are admitted on the express condition that they remain on active ser\ice, and in the reserve for the same length of time as recruits M'ho have taken part in the drawing (Art. 18, and par. 4 of Art. 56 of the Regulations on Military Ser- vice). In time of war they must remain with the colours so long as it lasts, but when they leave active service, they are not enrolled in the reserve, except of their own free-will.* 4. Amateurs are admitted at any period of the year. Their time of service dates from the 1st of the month following their admission. 5. Amateurs are admitted into any branch of the service, or the naval administrative departments or establishments, in the capa- city of sailors or soldiers, either as combatants or non-combatants, according to their capabilities ; but not otherwise than as forming part of the number of the authorised effective, subject to the ordinary term of service and maintained by the State. Amateurs entering from the ranks of enlisted volunteers are enrolled as non-commis- sioned officers. (Art 3 Section II of the present regulations.) 6. As regards the duration of their effective obligatory service, and of their maintenance in the reserve of the fleet, as also with reference to their conditions of advancement to the rank of naval cadet or conductor, amateurs who enter the naval service, and satisfy the educational and other conditions demanded of enlisted volunteers, enjoy the same rights as are accorded to the latter by * Amateurs enjoy the rights aud privileges quoted in Paias. b Art 22 of the Regulations on Military Service. o3 Arts. 187, 189, and 190 of the Eegulations on Military Service, and by the 1st Section of the present regulations, and they wear on their uniform the same distinguishing badge. 7. Young men who are desirous of entering the service as amateurs must present the request in person, written on un- stamped paper, either to the commanders of ships, detachments, or special companies of the fleet, or to heads of departments, edu- cational establishments, and administrative institutions of the 8. Their applications must be accompanied by the following documents : — (a) A certificate of enrolment in a recruiting sub-division, and in the case of villagers liable to taxation, an attestation from the head of the bailiwick, showing that they are enrolled in such and such a bailiwick, and such and such a recruit- ing sub-division, and giving the age of the person.* (b) The certificate of a medical officer in State employment to show that the applicant is fit for the navy. (c) A declaration signed by the applicant, stating that he is not under sentence of a court of justice, nor under judicial inquiry, and that he has not undergone any of the convic- tions detailed in Art. 2 above. (cl) If the applicant is enrolled in the militia, an attestation from the proper Recruiting Commission stating the fact, (Art. 160, Regulations on Military Service.) (c) If the applicant is desirous of entering the navy with the pri\dleges attached to his educational acquirements, a certifi- cate showing that he has oompleted the course of study, or passed satisfactorily the prescribed examinations in accord- ance with the rules laid down in Arts. 56 and 57 of the Regulations on Military Service. (f) If the applicant belongs to a class liable to taxation, a certificate from his corporation, showing that there is nothing to prevent his being admitted to the service. 9. After the publication of the order of the day admitting them to the naval service, amateurs take the oath prescribed for recruits enlisted in the usual manner. 10. Amateurs who do not enjoy the privileges attached to education perform the same duties, and are promoted to the grades of non-commissioned officer and officer in the same manner as seamen who enter the service in the usual manner. * In lieu of the certificate of inscription in a recruiting sub-divi.sion, young men who on their entry into the service as amateurs were not more than 21 years of age at the time of the promulgation of the Eegulations on Military Service, as well as those born in localities to which the present regulations do not apply, are required merely to present their certificates of birth and baptism, oi- documents of a similar character recognised by law. 54 A.PPENDI X. Thsi following is a list of the educational establishments, referred to in the Regulations respecting Military Service (p. 16), divided into classes : — 1. Superior EDgcATiONAL Establishments. a. Under the direction of the Ecclesiastical Authorities of the orthodox faith : The Ecclesiastical Academies. b. Under the direction of the Minister of Public Education : The Universities. The Imperial Historico-Philological Institute of St. Petersburg, The Colleges, namely: the Cesarevritch Nicholas College at Moscow (for students at the University), the Demidoff College for the study of law at Jaroslav ; and the Prince Bezborodko's College at Niejine. The Lazaref Institute for Oriental Languages at Moscow (for students who have finished their course in the special classes). The Institute of Agriculture and Sylviculture at New Alexandria. The Veterinary Institutes at Kief, Kharkof, and Dorpat. c. Under the direction of the Minister of the Imperial Household : The Imperial Academy of Fine Arts (for students who have gained first and second-class certificates as artists in all branches of art). d. Under the direction of the Minister for Foreign Affairs : The section for Oriental Languages, which is attached to the Asiatic Department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. e. Under the du'ection of the Finance Minister : The Mines Institute. The Technological Institute at St. Petersburg. The Polytechnic School at Riga. /. Under the direction of the Minister of War : The Imperial Medico- Chirurgical Academy at St. Petersburg (all sections). The Military Law School at St. Petersburg. g. Under the direction of th6 Minister of the Interior : The School of Construction at St. Petersburg. The Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Academy at St. Petersburg. The Imperial Musical Conservatories (for students who have gained their diplomas). /(. Under the direction of the Minister of Justice : The Imperial School of Law at St. Petersburg. 55 The Constantine Institute for Land-surveying. t. Under the direction of the Minister of Domains : The School of Agriculture and Sylviculture at Petrovskoe, near Moscow. The Agricultural Institute at St. Petersburg. j. Under the direction of the Minister of Roads, &c. : The Institute of Engineers. /.-. Under the direction of the Empress Marie's Institutfons : The Emperor Alexander College at St. Petersburg. The Imperial Technical School at Moscow (for students who have completed the special course). 2. Secondary Educational Establishments. a. Under the Direction of the Ecclesiastical Authorities of the Orthodox faith : The Ecclesiastical Seminaries (for students who have com- pleted at least the second-class course). b. Under the direction of the Minister of Public Education : The Gymnasia, in which is included the Gymnasium of the Philanthropic Society (for students who have completed at least the sixth-class course). The Alexander Institute at Nijni-Novgorod. The Lazaref Institute of Oriental Languages (for persons who have studied in the general classes). The Dome School at Revel. The Paul Galagane College at Kief. The Schools attached to Churches of religions other than the Orthodox, viz., the Churches of St. Peter, St. Anne, and the Reformed Church at St. Petersburg ; the Lutheran Church of St. Peter and St. Paul at Moscow. The Cesarevitch Nicolas College at Moscow (for students at the Gymnasia). Private Gymnasia. Real Schools, consisting of six and seven classes. The Higher Industrial School at Lodzi. The Commercial School at Odessa. Schools established in conformity with the Regulations of 31st May, 1872, to train masters for the municipal schools. c. Under the direction of the Minister of the Imperial Household : The Imperial Academy of Fine Arts (for students Avho have gained a third-class artist's certificate, or a certificate as an artist not classed, in all branches of art). The School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, founded by the Society of Ai-ts of Moscow. d. Under the direction of the Minister of Finance : The Practical Academy of Commercial Science at Moscow. The School of Mines of the Ural at Catharinebursr. 66 The Naval Classes of the 2nd and 3rd category. e. Under the direction of the Minister of War : The Corps of Pages of His Imperial Majesty (students who have attended the general classes). The Corps of Cadets of Finland (students who have completed the sixth class course at least). The Schoolmasters' Seminary at Moscow. The Special Artillery Schools, namely, the Pyrotechnical and Technical Schools. /. Under the direction of the Minister of Marine : The Naval School at St. Petersburg (students who have attended the general classes). The Technical Naval School at Cronstadt (persons who have followed the general course of study). g. Under the direction of the Minister of the Interior : The Ecclesiastical Seminaries, namely, the Roman Catholic and the Armeno- Gregorian. The Imperial Musical Society's Conservatories (students who have received certificates). h. Under the direction of the Minister of Justice : The School of Land Surveying. i. Under the direction of the Empress Marie's"" Institutions : The Nicholas Institute for Orphans at Gatchina. The Commercial Schools at St. Petersburg and Moscow. 3. Minor Educational Establishments. a. Under the direction of the Minister of Public Education : The Municipal Schools. The District Schools, and Schools in the Don Cossack territory. The Schoolmasters' Seminaries formed for the purpose of training masters for the Primary Schools supported by the Government ; in these are included the schools in the Warsaw and Dorpat districts, and the Tartar Schoolmasters' Seminaries at Oufa and Simpheropol. The Catharine Schoolmasters' Institute at Tambof. The Schoolmaster's Seminaries and Colleges of the Zemstvo, at which the course of study is the same as at the Govern- ment Seminaries, and which enjoy similar privileges. The Municipal Schools, divided into two classes in the Govern- ments of Kief, Podolsk and Volynsk. The Rural Schools, divided into two classes, founded by the Minister of Public Education in the most populous and the most central villages in the various districts. h. Under the direction of the Minister of the Imperial Household : The Court Choir. The Theatre Schools at St. Petersburg and Moscow. c. Under the direction of the Minister of Finance : The Stroganof School of Design at Moscow. hold; 57 The School of Mines at St. Petersburg. The Alexander Techniea,! School at Tchernovetz. The Steiger School at Lissitchansk. The District Schools of Mines and Manufactories at Catharine- burg, Zlatooust, and at the manufactories at Kouvschine, Bogoslof, and Votkine. The Naval Classes of the First Category. The Navigation Class attached to the Progymnasium at Libau. The Schools for Ship Captains at Kemi and Archangel. Under the direction of the Minister of War : The Military Progymnasia. The Schools for the Manufacture of Arms at Toula and Ijef. The Schools for Military Nurses. Under the direction of the Minister of the Interior : The Luthero-Evangelical Seminary at Kolpiuo, near Gatch na, to train masters for the parish Schools in Finnland. Under the direction of the Minister for Pubhc Domains : The Schools of Agriculture at Gori- Gorki, Kharkof, Kazan, and the Marie School. The School of Agi-iculture belonging to the Society for the study of the Theory of Agriculture, at Moscow. The Land Surveying and Taxation Classes attached to the Gori-Gorki School. Thp School of Horticulture and Agriculture at Oumane. The Schools of Horticulture (Second Category) at Penzino and Bessarabia. The Schools of Horticulture at Nikitskoe. The School of Sylviculture at Lissino. The School of Hunting at Lipstok. , Under the direction of the Minister of Roads, &c. : The School lor Conductors. The Delvig School of Railways at Moscow. The Alexander Industrial School of Railways at Eltz. The Railway Technical School. Under the direction of the Empress Marie's Institutions : The Kommissarof Technical School at Moscow. The Schoolmasters' Seminary, near the Foundling Hospital at St. Petersburg. The School for Nurses at the Foundling Hospital at Moscow, the Galitzin Hospital, and the Oboukhof Hospital at St. Petersburg. 4. Primary Schools. . Under the direction of the Minister of Public Education : The primary Schools of various kinds, namely, Schools of one class in towns and in the country, parish schools, parish church schools, and schools for Cossacks. Under the direction of the Minister of the Imperial House- The School for Hunting. 58 c. Under the direction of the Minister of Finance: The Primary Schools of Manufacture in the mining districts of Catharineburg, Goroblagodat, Bogoslof, Kama-Votkine, Zlatooust, Olonetz, Lougansk, and the gun factories at Perm. d. Under the direction of the Minister of War: The Military Schools for Cliildren of Men belonging to the Guard. The RojdeKtvenskaia School for Children of Soldiers, at Revel. The Free School for Soldiers' Children attached to the Powder Mill at Okhta. e. Under the direction of the Minister of Marine : The establishment for Naval Instruction, and the School for Writers and Storekeepers. /. Under the direction of the Minister of the Interior : The Schools belonging to the Luthero-Evangelical and the Armeno- Gregorian Churches. g. Under the direction of the Empress Marie's Institutions : The Rural Schools in the Foundling Hospital districts. h. Under the direction of the Minister for State Domains : The Industrial School at the School of Agriculture at Gori- Gorki. HAkBiaOK AND IONS, PKICiTBBS IS ORDINAKT TO HER MAJESTY, 8T. MABTIN'S LAMB. STEPPE CAMPAIGNS. TRANSLATED FROM THE RUSSIAN IN THE TOPOGRAPHICAL BRANCH, Q.M G.'S. DEPARTMENT, BY CAPTAIN F. C. H. CLARKE., R.A., D.A.Q.M.G. LONDON: Printed tinder the Sujpenntendence of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, AND SOLD BY W. CLOWES & SONS, 13, Charing Cross ; HAREISON & SONS, 59, Pall Mall; W. H. ALLEN & CO., 1.3, Waterloo Place; W. MITCHELL, 39 Clianiig Cross LONGMAN & CO., Paternoster Row; TRUBNEE & CO., u7 & 59, Ludjrate Hill ; STANFORD, Charing Cross ; and H. S. KING & CO., 6y, CornhiU ; Also hy GRIFFIN & CO., Tlie Hard, Poutsea ; A. & C. BLACK, Edinburgh; D. ROBERTSON, 90, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow ALEX. THOM, Abbey Street, and E. PONSONBY, Grafton Street, Dublln. 1874. i^OTE BY THE TRAN'SLATOE. These Lectures were originally delivered in the Junker School at Orenburg, in 1872, by V. Potto, and were afterwards published in the " Voenny Sbornik/' the semi-official Russian military magazine. To a translation of these Lectures some brief remarks have been added on the Expedition to Khiva in 1873, as well as some account of the Turkmen tribes in the Central Asian Steppe bordering on the Affghan and Persian frontiers. Topographical Branch, Quartermaster-General's Department, Horse Guards, December 1874. STEPPE CAMPAIGNS. I. Short Geographical and Ethnographical Sketch of THE Country. Description of the Kirgiz Steppe.— Frontiers, Administrative Division, General Character of the Locality, Climate, Soil, Sands, Saltmarslies, Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Vegetation, Lines of Communication, Towns, and Forts. — Short Sketch of Turkestan ; its Administrative Division, Frontiers, Chief Mountain Ranges, Rivers, Sandy and Salt Steppes, Soil, Towns, and Forts. The broad tract, lying to the east of the River Ural and of the Caspian, between the southern frontiers of Western Siberia, the north-west of China, the branches of the Tian Shan, Bokhara, and Khiva, is known as the Kirgiz steppe. In an administrative respect the Kirgiz steppe forms part of six provinces : of these the Semipalatinsk and Akmolinsk (the province of the Siberian Kirgeze) are subject to the Governor- General of Western Siberia; the provinces of Ural and Turgai (formerly provinces of the Orenburg Kirgeze) are under the Governor-General of Orenburg;* while the Semirechinsk and Syr Darya form part of Turkestan. The characteristic features of the Kirgiz steppe are great scarcity of water, total absence of trees, and excessive aridit}-, due to the great heat of summer and the scantiness of the rainfall; a clay soil, partly sandy% partly salt ; and finally, a " terrain " com- pletely" dried up by the winds. The climate of the Kirgiz steppe is thoroughly continental, and is remarkable for the strong contrasts it presents — a severely cold winter and an excessively hot summer. The frost reaches 30'' and even 39^ (Reaum), and lasts for about three months. But the inhabitants do not suffer to so great an extent from the cold as from the winds and storms, which rage chiefly in the winter season. The snow storms are so violent that villages are buried iu the drift and whole herds and flocks destroyed. The summer * This goverumeut also included the Mangjslilak Circle, established on the east bank of the Caspian for the administratiou of the Adaeff Kirgeze. In (he beginning of 1870 this circle came under the Caucasus authorities, and iu the present day the Una dividing it from the Uralsk ProTince passes from Mertry-Kidtuk to the north-west corner of the Aral sea, a little south of the deserts of Asmantai Matai and Sam. B 2 heat in its turn becomes insupportable ; in some places the clay soil, the sandy hillocks, baked by the burning rays of the sun, joined to the absence of large rivers and forests, raise the temperature to 50° R. Two or three hours before sunrise the thermometer shows 30° to 32°. Under these conditions, the grass which shoots forth in spring becomes rapidly burnt up, particularly in some parts of the Kara Kum and in the valley of the Syr Darya, where the heat even at the end of April becomes intolerable. The summer nights are likewise sultry, but the autumnal, on the other hand, are extra- ordinarily cold in comparison with the temperature of the day. Rain and dews are very rare in the steppe, particularly in the summer months. The winds are very strong, and in many places blow periodically at a certain season of the year. In winter they increase to terrible storms, and in summer to violent tornadoes which twist about in a columnar form with extraordinary force. We must observe that the winds of the summer months are of two kinds : one, called by the Kirgeze *'Angazak," blows in the steppe chiefly after the first spring droughts, and lasts until the severe heats, when the other wind commences, called ^' Shildio,'' which, according to Kirgiz reports, blows for a period of 40 days. Of these the " Shildio," from its dryness and stifling nature, has a pernicious efi'ect upon human beings, particularly those unac- customed to the climate, producing general debility accompanied with constant perspirations and severe derangement of the digestive organs, which often leads to a serious illness. In winter the N.E. wind has great power, causing 5 or 6 degrees of frost to be felt as much as 15 or 16 degrees in a still atmosphere The general causes of the severe cold and excessive heat in the steppes, irrespective of their geographical situation, are the absence of woods, running water, and especially the non-existence of high mountains to screen them from the winds blowing from Central Asia. In a hygienic point of view the climate of the steppe is generally favourable ; at least, signs of epidemic disease are never seen among the natives, with the exception of small pox, to which children are the chief victims. The best soil is found in the northern and eastern parts of the Kirgiz steppe, where we meet with grass-lands and plains covered M'ith black mould, which cannot be excelled for agricultural purposes. The western part, that is to say, the district between the River Ural and the Aral Sea, is less fertile and sufl'ers from a want of fuel, as with the exception of a few shrubs and trees dis- persed along the banks of the Ilek and its tributaries, there is no M'ood. Towards the south in the direction of the Caspian sea, we find sandy wastes, extensive salt plains, and lakes of water unfit for use. Cattle will only eat the grass when they can get no other. There is a grass called by the Kirgeze " IMamachup," which, while not difi'ering in ajDpearance from ordinary grass, produces serious sickness among the horses, particularly lameness, and is only fit fur food, as a rule, in the autumn when the frosts have diminished its virulence. ^Ihcre are but few drinking places ; ground suited I for cultivation is only met with on the banks of the Sagiz and Emba. Beyond the Emba commences the entrance to the isthmus between the Caspian and Aral Seas, called the Ust Urt. This district forms a broad plain intersected in many places by isolated volcanic mountains, which stretch in lofty narrow chains from N.E. to S. and consist of a grey lime stone, furnishing excel- lent building material. Particularly important in this respect are the mountains near Lake Chugikakul, the banks of which are watered by good fresh springs. The best of these springs is the Ak Bulak, where at the time of General Perovsky's campaigns was built the Ak Bulak or Chugikakul Fort. The Ust Urt itself is a sterile plateau, surrounded on all sides by a sinuous and precipitate cliflF called the " Chink.^' At some points it attains a height of 650 feet above the level of the sea, and is only accessible by the regular caravan roads. As regards the plateau itself it is not watered by a single river, and in consequence of this there is no pasturage whatever. The shrul)s and grass growing upon it are suitable onlv as forage for those camels which are not fanciful. To its barren soil are united terrible whirlwinds and storms which render the plateau nearly uninhabitable in winter. Equally barren almost is the entire central part of the Kirgiz steppe included between the Ulu-tau mountains, the commence- ment of the Barsuk deserts and Lake Aksakal. Here the soil consists partly of a dry, friable and nearly barren clay, which pro- duces only wormwood, and partly of extensive sandy districts, broken here and there with salt lakes and dried salt marshesr Spots suited for cultivation are found only on the banks of the Turgai. Equally if not more sterile is the whole of the southern part which ends on the side of Turkestan with the so-called Hungry steppe. The chief sandy deserts of this country are the Kara Kum and the Bek-pak-dala — or the Hungry steppe — which lie on the northern borders of Turkestan and extend for some hundreds of versts in area. Then come the broad sandy districts reaching to the N-E. from the Aral sea — the Great and Little Barsuks ; west of these, on the banks of the Uil, lies the Barkin desert, on which is built the Uil Fort and Taisugan ; and more to the south, in the northern part of the Ust Urt, are the Sam and the Asmantai-Matai deserts. It should be remarked, however, that in these sandy districts absolutely barren places are seldom met with ; the greater part have good water and are interspersed with shrubs or grass, in the form of isolated oases, so that very often the flora of the sands is much richer than that of the adjacent steppe. But these deserts, so terrible in the season of the summer hurricanes, are of great advantage in winter to the inhabitants, as their sandy dunes olFer considerable protection to the herds from the storms which rage in these regions, and allow of the winter dwellings being con- structed in the intermediate hollows. The marshes here arc called soloiir/iaks. that is to sav, muddv 6 swamps containing a large quantity of saline matter. Some of these marshes dry up very rapidly when the hot weather commences, and become covered with a solid white incrustation from the salt which remains. Such salt marshes, remarkable for the complete absence of vegetation, are called dry or salt lands, in contra- distinction to those which do not freeze in winter and dry up slowly in summer ; both present nearly insurmountable obstacles. Salt marshes are chiefly met with in the western part of the steppe, at the mouths of the rivers Emba, Sagiz, Uil, and on the north shore of the Caspian. The Kirgiz steppe is by no means flat, on the contrary it is undulating and is intersected in places by considerable mountain chains. Thus, the branches of the Ural range, which project into the Kirgiz steppe on the north-west, take a direction partly towards the sources of the Irgiz and partly towards the village of Ilinsk and the town of Orsk, where they are called the Guberlin mountains. I n its western part the Kirgiz steppe is intersected by the well known Mugojar range, which forms, as it were, a con- tinuation of the same branch of the Ural. This range, at its highest point (Mount Airiuk), attains a height of 1,200 feet, but in other places, as for example, in the mountains Jaksi-tau, Jaman-tau, Baktibai-Karatau, and others, the elevation does not exceed 700 or 800 feet ; as we travel southward it becomes lower and lower, passing by degrees into sandy hills which merge into the table land of the Ust Urt. The Mugojar range consists of granite ridges, with abrupt and nearly perpendicular sides, covered in many places with isolated clumps of trees of stunted growth ; still there is good grass, which, although not abundant, is in sufficient quantity for the small herds of the nomad tribes. These localities serve as hiding places for gangs of robbers, who are further aided by the deep narrow and rocky defiles, abounding in springs, which are found at the base of the Mugojar mountains. On the east side there project into the Kirgiz steppe, branches of the Altai mountains ; in the central part lies the isolated mountain range of the Ulu-tau, which separates the Kirgeze of the Orenburg and Siberian administrations ; while on the south, along the right bank of the middle course of the Syr Darya, run the Kara-tau mountains — branches of the Tyan-Shan range. Besides these, there lie to the west of the Ust Urt the famous low chain of the Ak-tau, and to the south of the Ust Urt, the Aksary Baba mountains. The Kirgiz steppe abounds in lakes ; some of these are of fresh water but the majority are bjtter or salt. After the Aral, the largest is Lake Balkhash, situated on the frontiers of the Akmolinsk and Semirechinsk provinces. It is about 600 versts in length from N.E. to S.W. and is surrounded by deep sands. In the middle of the steppe are the large lakes of Aksakal-Barbi, which are separated from the Aral by a sandy steppe, and at one time formed a single sheet of water 200 versts in circumference. At the present time the Aksakal-Barbi, sometimes called Aksakal- Taun, forms a group of small lakes separated by sandy tracts, which are overgrown with reeds and, in places, present eligible sites for nomad dwellings. After these come the small lake, Chalkar, or, as it is called by the Ural (Jossacks, Lake Cherkhal, known to the whole horde for the quantity of its fish ; the great salt lake, Bartyldakhta, and, lastl)", the Inder, situated among the rocky mountains of that name, on the left side of the Ural, about 10 versts from the Gorsk advanced post. Besides these, many large, but completely dried-up lakes filled with sand, are found in the Kirgiz steppe, such as Mashe, in which is built the Lower Emban Fort, and others, which are only dry at a certain season of the year, as for example : Lakes Chushkakul,* Asmantai Matai, Sam, and others, which are covered in summer with a hard and thick incrustation of salt. Of the rivers watering the Kirgiz steppe, the most important on the west is the Ural, and on the east the Irtish, which receives, among others, the Rivers Tobol and Ishim, on which the town of Akmolinsk is situated. Into the Tobol fall the Ui, serving as a boundary between European Russia and the Kirgiz steppe, and the Ubagan, which separates the Siberian steppe from the Orenburg. Of the tributaries of the Ural, on the left side, the Or and Ilek are worthy of note; the latter in its upper course is called the Isenbai. The latter receives near lletz Zashchita th9 great Khobda, the banks of which are bordered with excellent meadow land. Into the Caspian falls the River Emba, which takes its rise in the Mugojar Mountains and receives several tributaries of which the more important are the Temir, celebrated for its excellent sweet water, and the Ati-Jaksi, upon which Count Perovsky built a fort called the Eraban. To the north of the Emba flows the little river, Sagiz, which loses itself in salt marshes ; and still more to the north is the Uil, with the fort of the same name on its banks. Lastly, into Lake Aksakal Barbi falls one of the most important Kirgiz rivers, the Irgiz, which receives many affluents, the prin- cipal being the Turgai, from which the district receives its name. From the western slopes of the Mugojar Mountains there like- wise issue a number of rivers, of which the more important are the Karachandak, Kunduz, Ashche-Sai, Ak-Tyken (Aulie-Mola) and Karagand, the banks of which, from their sources in the mountains are covered with meadow grass, birch groves, poplars, rock-cherry and gooseberry bushes, Mood-bine, willow and other small growing timber. Next we must mention the River Chagan, which takes its rise nearly at the foot of the UstL^rt ; arid although possessing sweet water, yet from the overgrowth of reeds and its sluggish course, is so teeming with infusoria as to be quite unlit to drink in summer. The chief peculiarity of the rivers here is the low state of the water ; in spring the greater part overflow the vast plains or form * So called from flic munber of wild boar iu the yiciuifv. 8 torrents in the deep ravines. In either case the mass of water increases to large dimensions ; it becomes impossible to ford, and, in order to cross, the Kirgeze are obliged to form rafts (sals), and even bridges of bmidles of straw which they skil- fully connect by means of horse-hair rope. But these high floods do not last long ; the water commences to fall rapidlj', and in summer the rivers become fordable everywhere, and in places entirely dry up or form a few small pools. On this account navigation along these rivers is impossible; even floating down at the time of the floods is scarcely practicable, as at this season the mass of water is very considerable and flows with destructive velocity. Moreover, most of the rivers never reach the sea, but lose themselves in the desert or empty themselves into lakes. Another still more characteristic peculiarity of the rivers is that the water at the end of the flood in the majority, for instance, in the Uil, Sagiz, Emba, Irgiz, and some others, becomes so salt or bitterly saline to the taste as to render it unfit for drinking in summer and autumn. The vegetation of the Kirgiz steppe is, as a rule, not abundant. Woods, principally fir, are met with on the slopes of some of the mountains, and in the northern part where there are the two well- known pine forests, Aman Karagai and Ara-Karagai, situated in the NicolaefF uyezd. The principal vegetation which covers the steppes in spring is the feather-grass, Timothy grass, lucerne, clover and wormood. Of other plants some species of poisonous herbs are worthy of mention ; for instance, Mamerchup, about which we have previously spoken, and Eitsygek, used by the robbers to taint and poison the wells in those places frequented by our detachments. Among the useful herbs may be mentioned : Kumartchek, resembling in appearance rolling-flax, and used by the Kirgeze as food in bad harvest years; Drovyanik, in Kirgiz Kukpek, which is the best fuel in the steppe; the reed saksaul and chi or chievnik ; also a kind of reed, from which the Kirgeze plait very prettily-figured mats for their kibitkas. As regards saksafd its outward appearance is somewhat like woodbine, but it has long soft and saline prickles. The tree itself is strong, heavy, and burns in the fire damply, emitting an agreeable odour. Saksaul commences to be found in the steppe between the Mugojar moun- tains and the Aral sea; but in consequence of the sandy soil only grows as a dwarf shrub. As we travel southward it becomes larger, and on the banks of the Syr Darya, where the soil is clayey, attains a considerable height, growing like a tree, and forming woods. On the Ust Urt, according to Levshin,* saksaul also grows in abundance. Many of the lakes, the banks of rivers and the sea-shores are overgrown with reeds. Thus, on the north side of the Caspian, from the mouth of the Ural to that of the Emba, a distance of 100 versts, there grows a compact mass of reeds. Larger districts even are covered Avith reeds for hundreds of square versts ; for example * " Pcscriplion of the Kirgiz Hordes aud Steppe. 1832." 9 the vicinitj' of the Aksakal lake, the banks of the Syr Darya, and some parts of the east shore of the Aral. Generally speaking the reed grows to a gigantic size, 20 to 35 feet in height. The uses to -which it is applied are many ; the young reed is used by the Kirgeze as hay; the heads of the old serve in winter as fodder for cattle, while the stalks, where there is no wood, are employed as fuel. Besides this, where the reeds grow high and thick, there the nomad tents in winter find the best protection against frost and storms. The steppe is passable nearly everywhere, and consequently the Kirgeze have no ideas of artificial modes of communication. There are no roads, but there are certain directions taken l)y the trade caravans, by the Kirgeze in their migrations, and by our own military transports, leaving in the steppe broad paths or deep cart ruts, which close up with grass so slowly that they re- main visible for many years. In places where there is but little water, the roads depend solely upon the position of the wells, without which it would be impossible to exist in these deserts. As regards postal communication, the principal road passes from Orenburg through Orsk, Karabutak, Irgiz, and Kazala to Tashkent, the so-called Orsk-Kasala road. Along- the whole of this road* there are postal stations, at some of which Cossack picquets are quartered during the summer; these remain at their posts up to the return of the Kirgeze to their winter quarters. Postal com- munication between the steppe forts and the detachments is usually carried on by chabars (messengers) ; but of late years attempts have been made to organize a regular service, a com- mencement being made by opening the post road from Orenburg to Ak-Tiube, from whence the Kirgeze, if required, willingly pro- vide relays of horses either to the Emban post or to Karalnitak. Towns of lonsr standins; are found onlv in the eastern part of the Kirgiz steppe, which is under the Siberian jurisdiction ; they serve as centres of administration of the Kirgeze, for instance, Ormsk, Akmolinsk, Semipalatinsk, Petropavlovsk, Kokchetav, Pavlodar, Kokpekty. In the western part, which is usually the theatre of military operations, the towns are replaced by forts. Of such are the forts in the Turgai district —Orenburg and Ural (in Kirgiz, Djar Mola), which have recently been transformed into the towns of Turgai and Irgiz ; after these come Forts Karabutak and Ak-Tiube. The Ural district has for depots, the Emban post and the forts of Lower Emba (in Kirgiz, Issen Berdy) and Uil (Kugjar) ; the other towns, which are centres of Kirgiz adminis- tration, are not properly in the steppe, but lie within the jurisdic- tion of the Orenburg Government, as, for instance, Orenburg and the Ilets Zashchita: or in the country of the Ural Cossacks, the towns of Uralsk, Kalmykoff, and GuriefF. Turkestan, which includes a considerable tract of the Kirgiz * As we are aware, regular postal stations are only established at a few places on the Kazala highroad, within the borders of the Orenburg steppe ; at other points there are earthen huts or nomad tents, which, however, aflbrd no eonvcnienccs for trarellcrs, particularly in the cold season. 10 steppe, is divided into two districts, the Semirechinsk and Syr Darya. The general character of the region is steppe ; but all the eastern, particularly the south-eastern part, may be more correctly described as mountainous, having in some places an Alpine cha- racter. Such is the Semirechinsk (Seven Rivers) district, the eastern half of which is mountainous, being intersected by branches of the Tian-Shan which attain an elevation of 16,000 feet above the sea level. The Syr Darya district in some parts is very similar, the north-east being traversed by part of the lofty snow-range of the Alexander mountains, and their continuation known as the Kara-tau, which strikes, as before-mentioned, the central course of the Syr Darya, terminating at Fort Djulek. Of the rivers which water this district, the principal are the Syr, vi'ith its affluents, in the Semirechinsk district the Tchu, which rises in the Tian-Shan beyond Issyk Kul, and the Hi which also takes its rise in the Celestial mountains (Tian-Shan) but in Djungaria. Of the lakes, besides the Balkhash, of which we have previously spoken, there is the very picturesque lake Issyk Kul, about 250 versts in length, surrounded by gigantic snow mountains. All the northern, and also the south-western part of Turkestan, presents one almost unbroken sandy steppe ; it commences on the south-west with the desert of Kizyl Kum, bounded by the Khanates of Bokhara and Khiva, thence passes to the north as the Kara Kum desert, and from thence is continued as far as Lake Balkhash under the name of the Hungry steppe * (Bek-pak-dala and Bispak Kum). In spite, however, of the name, the scantiness of the vegetation and the want of water, a very important caravan road passes through this steppe from the town of Turkestan past Akmolinsk to Petropavlovsk. The fertile part of Turkestan commences close to the em- bouchure of the Syr Darya, and extends as a narrow band along its course and affluents, and also along the mountain valleys of the south-eastern part of the Syr Darya, and the south of the Semirechinsk, districts. But in spite of its fertility, the soil, in consequence of the intense heat of the summer, demands a con- siderable amount of artificial irrigation, without which agriculture is impossible. The seat of government and place of residence of the Governor- General of Turkestan is Tashkent. In the Syr Darya district the troops are distributed at the following points : — Kazala, Fort No. 2, Perovsky, Djulek, Turkestan, Tchemkent, Tchinaz, Khodjent, Aulie-ata, Merke, Ura-Tiul)e, and KliuchefF (near Djizak). The towns in the Semirechinsk district are Vernoe (district), Kapal, Sergiopol, Tokmak, Karakol, and Fort Naryn. Besides these there are in this district many villages of Siberian cossack * The more accurate translation of the Kirgiz, " Bck pak dala," is flic Lousy Steppe. • 11 troops^ and with each year the colonisation of Semirechinsk with emigrants from the interior of Russia is increasing, especially in the southern part of the district. II. General Idea of the Kirgiz Nation and its subdivisions : AVinter locations of the Kirgeze within the Orenburg jurisdiction ; Different Systems of Administration of the Kirgeze up to the recent reforms ; Regulations of 1869 ; Mode of Life of the Kirgeze ; Education, Religion, Customs, Cattle Breeding, and Summer Nomadising of the Kirgeze ; their Skill in War, and Armament. — Tribes populating Turkestan, — Sarts, Uzbegs, and Kara-Kirgeze. — Turkmen. The primitive population of the steppe consists of nomad tribes of Kirgeze, which, according to tradition, formed at one time, in a political sense, a single race inhabiting this immense tract of ter- ritory, speaking the same tongue and having one sovereign — a Khan. One of these Khans, by name Alatch, shortly after the fall of the Gengiz Khan dynasty, divided his possessions among his three sons, by whom were founded the Little, Middle, and Great Hordes. The Great Horde nomadizes chiefly in Turkestan, and is partly dispersed over the neighbouring Central Asian territory ; it is divided into 5 races or 19 tribes. The Central Horde occupies the steppe district of the present Siberian jurisdiction, and consists of 4 races or 37 tribes. The Little or Trans-Ural Horde, about which we shall speak more in detail, occupies the Orenburg steppe, and consist of three races which have been broken up into 25 tribes. These races are: Alim, Baulyn, and Semirod (Jity-ruyu). To the first of these belong six tribes : Kitin, with the branch Ujiraef, Chumekeyef, Chiklin, Diurtkarin, Karasakal, and Kara- kisyak. To the second: AdaefF, Baibaktin, Alatchin, Maskar, Kyzylkurt, Tcherkesh, Isyk^ Bershef, Isentemir, Yapas, Altyn, and Taz (Tazlar*). To the Semirod : the Tabyn, with the branch of Tchumyshli- Tabyn, Tamin, Kerderin, Kireit, llomadan, Teleuf, and Jigal- bailin. Each of these tribes has a distinguishing badge or stamp [tamga) and. a military Uran, or battle cry, a detailed study of which would be very advantageous in so far that the stamp of a captured herd, or the cry of an advancing foe, would serve to distinguish the tribe of Kirgeze to which they severally belong. In addition, each of these tribes is subdivided into divisions, for instance, the Tchiklins have the following divisions : Kabak, * Part of the Baiyulin race, as early as the commencement of the present centuiT, passed over vnth. its sultan (Bukeya) to the Astrakhan government, and there formed the separate inner or Bukeyef horde, -which, in the present day, is under the Govern- ment-General of Orenburg. 12 Nazal', Jikeyef. Jankliclief, Jakaim, Churenef, Tlyav, Kirgiz. The divisions have also numerous subdivisions. The highest grade are the sultans, descendants of the governing Khans. As men belonging by their origin to the " ivhite bone,'^ that is to say, to the desecndants of Chingiz Khan, they are not included among any of the tribes, but have a genealogy of their own. As the Kirgeze only nomadize in summer, and always return in winter to one and the same localities, the locations of the different tribes are designated in accordance with their more permanent places of residence. In the Turgai province : — To the north, along the rivers Ubagai, Tobol, and the upper part of the Turgai, live the Argyns and Kipchaks, which belong properly to the Middle Horde, but have long since passed from the Siberian to the Orenburg steppe. Between the old and new Orenburg lines, the Kireits, and along the lines themselves are dispersed the Yappas tribe, a great part of which, how^ever, passes the winter in Turkestan on the Syr Darya and in the Kara Kum desert. Then, commencing from Upper Uralsk to Orsk and to Fort Hi beyond, and in the steppe along the course of the Or, the Jigalbailins. Along the River llek, the Novoiletz line, and the Ural, as far as the Irtetsk advanced post of the Ural troops, the Tabyns and Tamins. From Fort Uralsk along the Irgiz southward as far as Terekli, and to the east and north as far as the frontiers of the Turgai and Nikolaef uyezds, the Chumikeyefs. Furthei'^ among the Little Barsuk and along the bank of the Aral sea as far as Perovsky bay, and to the north as far as the frontiers of the Ilets and Nikolaef iiyezds^ the Diurtkarins; and lastl y, In the Great Barsuk, the Tchiklins. In the Ural district the Kirgeze are distributed as follows : — Along the Ural, between the Rubej and Kogikhar advanced posts, winter the Kerderin tribe. Beyond this, to Fort Topolin, come the Baibaktin tribe. To the east of the latter, among the reeds of Lake Kara Kul, live the Maskars; and opposite Fort Kulagin and the Grebensh- chikof advanced post, the Kyzylkurts. Down the Ural, from Fort Baksai to Saraicliik, the Bershefs. Along the Caspian, opposite Gurief-Gorodok, are the Tcher- kesh and Taz tribes. To the east of the Ural, among the sources of the Uil, winters part of the division of the Tchiklin tribe — the Tchurenefs, other portions of which, occupy the reeds in the bays on the north- eastern bank of the Caspian. Together with the Tchurenefs, at the sources of the Uil, and also in the Barkin sands and along the Sagiz, winter the Ujiraefs. Below the Barkin, towards the mouth of the Uil, the Isen- temirs. Further on, in the desert of Taisugan, tlie Kitins ; and rather 13 more to the northward, opposite Fort Kahnykof, aU>ng the River Yakslii-Bau, the Alatchins. Then, at the mouths of the Uil, the Sagiz, and partly along the Emba, are the winter quarters of the Issyks. Then, from Kondoral to the sources of the Emba, the Nazars ;* and opposite Kondoral, in the Jiltau mountains beyond the Emba, the Karakilyaks. At the same place, along the left bank of the Emba and on the Ust Urt in the Asmantai-Matai and Sam deserts, and further on close up to the Khivan territory, are the Tchumyshli-Tabyns ; and still further, in Bulatch and Mangyshlak, the Adaefs. f The remaining tribes : Altyns, Romadans, Teleufs, Karasakals, and part of the Yappas, Diurtkarins and some others, winter on the Syr Darya, i.e., in Turkestan. In passing to the administration of the Kirgeze, we must mention that up to 1869 the Orenburg and Siberian steppes were administered on two different systems, the commencement of which dates from the year 1812. Up to that time Russia had scarcely interfered at all in the internal life of the Kirgiz people, striving only to prevent their incursions and to secure its own trade relations with Central Asia. The Khans, at the head of the administration, acted almost uncontrolled, deceived Russia on many occasions, and were the chief instigators of the disturbances and outbreaks among the members of the Horde. In consequence of this, after a lapse of 12 years, the dignity of Khan was abolished, and the M'hole of the steppe within the Orenburg jurisdiction divided into three parts, each under a separate Sultan Governor. But this did not answer, as these Sultan Governors, although under the control of Russian officials, were the same as Kirgeze Khans, with this sole diflerence that while the steppe was previously administered by one, it was now managed by three absolute persons who did not enjoy the con- fidence of the people. As a proof of this we may mention that during the summer peregrinations in the steppe, it was found necessary to have a special escort, consisting ordinarily of a whole sotnia of Ural or Orenburg Cossacks, for the protection of the Sultan Governors. In 1837, a tax of 1 rouble 50 copecks (silver) per kibitka was imposed on the Orenburg Kirgeze. The Siberian Kirgeze paid tribute, that is to say, a fixed payment from cattle, which brought in from 2 roubles to 2 roubles 70 copecks per kibitka. Generally the system of administration of the Siberian Kirgeze answered well. Twenty years after the abolition of the dignity of Khan, it was found possible to introduce Siberian regulations and institutions among the Kirgeze, and by slow degrees the Russian laws in regard to justice and administration, adapting these laws as far as possible to their peculiar circumstances. * Division of the Tchiklin tribe. + Part of the Adaefs, the so-called Balaksh, or Yatak people, that is 1o saj, Kirgeze who are not noniadie, pass tlic winter in flic lower part of the Emba. 14 On tliis basis the nomad population of the Siberian steppe was divided into circles {okrug), with a regular administrative staff { prikaz*), and the circle subdivided into volosts, and this again into aids. At the same time bj' populating part of the Kirgiz steppe with Cossacks brought from the Siberian line, a considerable Russian population was transferred into the depth of the steppe, thereby serving as a means of bringing the Kirgeze into closer contact with the Russians, and of disseminating civilised ideas among them ; the formation of bureaux led to the founding of towns^ such as Akmo- linsk, Kopal, Sergiopol, which even in the present day are centres of local administration for the Kirgese. But even this system in the course of time demanded fresh additions and modifications. After the translation of our boundaries from the Ural and Irtish more than 1,000 versts into the depths of Asia, and in particular after the formation of the Turkestan General Government, the Kirgiz steppe, at one time forming the frontier territory of Russia, became the interior of the Empire, and attention had now to be turned to gradually identifying this region with Russia. This object could only be attained by the in- troduction of a settled administration, similar in its main principles to the institutions of the Empire, with such differences as were demanded by the character of the nation, their degree of develop- ment, and lastly the economical and political conditions under which the Kirgiz population existed. With this object a special commission was formed, the labours of which terminated in 1868 with the issue of "temporary regu- lations for the administration of the Uralsk, Turgaisk, Akmo- linsk, and Semipalatinsk" districts. On the basis of this regulation all the lands occupied by the Kirgiz nomads were proclaimed as imperial, and reserved for the sole public use of the Kirgeze. The rights of all Kirgeze in the general imperial service were assimilated to the rights of the ordinary rural populations of the Empire. The entire steppe, as we have already seen, forms part of six districts under the chief jurisdiction of the Siberian, Orenburg, and Turkestan General Governments. Each district is adminis- tered on identical principles by a sej)arate military Governor, who, at the same time, is commander of the troops in the district. The districts are divided into iiyezds. In the uyezds the Kirgeze are formed into volosts and aids. In each aid there are from 100 to 200 kibitkas, and in each volost ],000 to 2,000 kibitkas. For certain crimes, such as treason, murder, highway robbery, intertribal robbery, making counterfeit coin, the Kirgeze are amenable to the general criminal code of the Empire ; but in decisions on purely tribal matters, and also for the examination of claims and litigations, they have a native tribunal which is held * Prikaz, or biiroau for civil administration, of which the superintendents were vested with pohtical and judicial powers. Tliev were abolislied on the introduction of the steppe reform in I'SGI-'d.— Translator. 15 publicly by chosen persons called Biys. The Biys, who are appointed by the choice of the people, serve without any pay, but after pronouncing judgment receive a fine from the guilty, which is determined by tribal customs. Having equal rights with the rural populations, the Kirgeze, like them, avoid a great part of the Imperial obligations, paying a tax of 3 roubles per kibitka ; they give no recruits, and furnish no militia, their obligations being limited to providing mounted horse- men at the requisition of the commander of the forces. As regards their domestic life it is simply an exact counterpart of the most patriarchal times. The people are in every sense pastoral. Their intellectual development is not high, although it is impossible to deny their natural capacity, evidence of which is given by those who have been educated at the different schools. But only the children of rich parents receive education. All other Kirgeze, even Sultans and Biys, either remain ignorant or can merely read and write Tatar. The Kirgeze profess the Mahommedan religion, of the Sunnite sect ; but with it are blended many Pagan procedures, as, for in- stance, the custom of praying to God at the graves of renowned Batyrs* who have perished in wars with our troops. The Kirgeze look upon them as saints (auHe), and as the equals of those who in life as mullahs addressed themselves to the study of the Koran and the tenets of their religion. For instance, when a contagious disease breaks out among the neighbouring flocks, the Kirgeze bring up their herds to the tomb of the renowned batyr Uten, at Issen Berdy, near the mouth of the Emba; they also bring up their sick children and their barren women, and remain at the town for several days passing the time in prayer and sacrifice. Like all Asiatics, the Kirgeze are by nature kind-hearted ; they never refuse a traveller lodging and food, but at the same time they are unacquainted with the usages of hospitality in the broad sense understood by our Caucasian mountaineers. Thus they permit every possible fraud, artifice, and perfidy to be practised on their enemies, and consequently in any relations with them it is necessary to be always on one's guard. The Kirgeze are little addicted to agriculture, as cattle-breeding has for a longtime served as their chief source of wealth and pros- perity. They breed with success sheep, goats, horses, camels, ard, to the north of the Emba, horned cattle; the latter, however, are few in number. These herds provide them with food, dainty diinks {kumis and airan), clothing, felts, the necessary means of transport, and articles for barter with the Russians. Having a large stock of cattle, the Kirgeze naturally cannot provide a sufficiency of grass for them in the uinter. Although of late years, by arrangement with the local government, they make hay and organise public stores of that commodity for winter, yet it is only given to a few of the best horses, camels, and some of the milch cows ; the rest of the herd find their own under-foot * " Bravop," 16 grass. Instinct in this case aids the animal in saving himself from inevitable death from hunger ; horses, sheep, goats, even horned cattle, scrape away the snoAv with their hoofs in order to find the grass underneath. But if the winter is very severe, the snow deep, and they find an undercrust of ice which they cannot break through with their hoofs, great havoc is caused among the flocks from hunger, and in a very few days the Kirgiz is deprived of all his means of existence. As a protection against cold and wind the Kirgeze endeavour to pass the winter in sheltered places, in hollows, or among reeds or sand dunes. They conceal their kibitkas in the reeds, and throw snow over them, so as to protect them from the winds ; but, not- withstanding this, the cold is so penetrating that the Kirgeze are now commencing to build permanent dwellings, usually of turf, plastered with clay, or of stone, like the l^uts of the Caucasian mountaineers ; in some places wooden houses are even met with, but these have chiefly belonged to former Kirgiz sultans. On the return of the first hot weather, the Kirgeze abandon their dwellings and remove to the kibitkas, which are more suited to their mode of life. The kibitka is a simple wood frame, arranged in a circle, and cupola sha])ed ; on the outside it is covered with felt ; at the top, in the centre, is a large round opening, called the thindiuk, which admits light and allows the smoke egress. The poorer classes cover their djulameiks with the ordinary grey felt ; but the richer ornament them with large felts, and spread the inside with carpets, rich cloths, silk stuffs, and even velvet. Being able to strike and pitch a kibitka in half an hour, the Kirgiz carries it in summer on a camel to wherever he can find sufficient grass and water for his cattle. Nomadising generally commences in early spring and continues all the summer, the Kirgeze returning to their winter camps in late autumn. They nomadise ordinarily in small bodies which are called aids, and are formed of a few families of three to five, and seldom more than 10 kibitkas.* The route of the nomads depends on the time of year, the local conditions and the state of the grass in the steppe. Ordinarily the Kirgeze who have passed the winter in the north move southward in the spring, and those of tlie south move to the north. If the grass is good, the summer nomads are distributed pretty equally over the whole steppe; but if there has been little snow during the winter, and the summer, after a short spring, comes on sooner and the temperature rises, then all the southern part of the steppe becomes deserted, and masses of Kirgeze in their search for water and grass, move from the £,outh into the Iletsk, and to the northern part of the Ural and Irgiz tiyezds. To what distances they proceed may be gathered from the fact that tribes which pass the winter on the Syr Darya, reach the Upper Turgai, the Ul-Koyak, and even pass beyond the new line ; * The autlioi- is here probably speaking of tlie Orenburg part of the ^tejipc, as in the other part* of the Kirghiz steppe the size of the aids is very mucli Larger. 17 while on this side of the Emba, along tlie banks of the Sagiz, Uil and Khobda, appear the aids of the Tchumyshli-Tabyns, the Adaefs, and those Kirgeze who migrate to us in summer from the Khivan frontiers. With regard to the last mentioned, they do not customarily return to the Khivan frontiers before the middle of September, or even the beginning of October. The Kirgeze who decamp to Khiva before that period are generally fugitives hiding from the conse- quences of the law, and from the punishment which awaits them. The Kirgeze during their rambles are not generally allowed to halt, until beyond the Emba, without permission of the com- mander of the district, and if an ml is met with without this permission, the patrols sent out from the troops are obliged to order it to the left bank of the Emba. This rule is based upon the fact that the Kirgeze do not halt on the other side of the Emba for forage for their cattle, as the nearer the north the better the grass ; but in order to capture some horses or to harbour robber gangs, who await in these aids favourable opportunities for pillage. In conclusion we will add that^ from a military point of view, the sole merit of the Kirgeze is that they are able to bear fatigues and privations. It is a matter of no importance for a Kirgiz to go without meat for months so long as be has groats and millet^ of which there is always a supply, and, in their absence, roots. With his water also he is not fastidious, and from habit is able to bear thirst for a long time. His sense of sight is so keenly developed that on level ground he can see small objects at 10 versts ; when a European sees only indistinct points, the Kirgiz is able to distinguish the outlines of an object, the colour of a horse, &c. His capacity for finding his way is not less remarkable; the smallest elevation of ground serves as a sign which he never forgets ; if there is no mark, the presence of certain grasses, and the direction in which they grow, show him the road. Eye witnesses relate on this subject that after having lost the road, a Kirgiz has been seen to dismount, tear up a handful of dry grass, and after smelling it, quietly change the direction. These qualities make them valuable for reconnoitring duties; but their military valour and courage are somewhat doubtful. The most warlike of all are the Kirgeze of the Adaef race, but they are nothing but bandits, and are bold only in plundering caravans. The cause of this possibly lies in the very nature of the attack in which pillage and easy gain are the only motors ; but these motors, naturally, cannot make a wlvjle race brave and intrepid. To this we must add that being skilful riders by nature, not iiesitating to mount perfectly unbroken hordes, they are unable to fight on foot, and therefore do not possess the least steadiness in warfare. But all these qualities do not prevent them from inflicting serious harm upon the bravest enemy, if not in the open field, by seizing his defenceless people, driving off his herds at the least want of vigilance on the i)art of the sentries, and plundering his baggage. The Kirgeze generally treat their captives with less rigour than C 18 other Asiatics, but this good trait proceeds not so much from kindness of heart as from interested motives, and the desire to sell them as advantageously as possible in the markets of Khiva and Bokhara. The arms of the Kirgeze at present are of a primitive descrip- tion. They consist ordinarily of a very straight and thin lance {n'ditd) and a curved Persian sabre {klych) of very slight value. They use fire-arms but little ; although some of the Kirgeze have percussion arms, the majority have the old firelock {beltie umidtiik), which they could only fire, if they would, on foot; and this the Kirgeze never do. Bows and arrows have en- tirely gone out of use, so that of the ancient national arms they have retained only the battle hammer (ai-baltu), a small axe on a straight handle, and the kamcha, or thick whip, a powerful weapon in the adept and strong hands of a Kirgiz. Tribes inhabiting Turkestan : — Sarts.^ — The Sarts are a com- plete contrast to the Kirgeze, and are the chief representatives of settled life in our Turkestan possessions. Some suppose that the Sarts are a special race of Persian extraction ; but in Turkestan the Sarts may be taken to include generally all inhabitants of towns and villages. The Sarts are inclined by preference to a quiet life, their principal occupations being agriculture, trade and gardening. To this we must add that the Sarts generally are very religious and have a desire for learning, very few illiterate persons being found among them ; nevertheless this race is exceedingly eff'eminate, cunning, cowardly^ and addicted to petty trade, not unlike our Jews. Of the other tribes peopling our Turkestan possessions we must mention the Kara Kirgeze. Kara Kirgeze (Black Kirgeze or Dikokamens) form part of the Turk race, and chiefly inhabit the frontiers of the Semire- chinsk province. The descent of the Kara Kirgeze is not known for certain ; l)ut there is reason to believe that they are descend- ants of the same great Uzbeg horde which was brought here by Gengiz Khan. Many ascribe their origin to the same causes as our Cossacks, It is said that they were slaves, homeless and oppressed men, who, at last losing patience, fled to other steppes in order to lead a free and independent life. This race, o^ing to its life in the mountains and its natural taste for pillage, which, however, has decreased considerably with its subjection to Russian power, surpasses all the other Kirgeze in boldness, dash, and military spirit. Their tribal institutions differ from the Kirgeze of other hordes in having no hereditary aristocracy. They devote themselves almost entirely to eattle breeding. Turkmen. — Lastlv, in the neighbourhood of the Kirgeze of the Adaef race, who nomadize on the Mangyshlak peninsula, live the Turkmen. Their country extends from the Caspian to the River Amu, and from the south side of the Ust Urt to the Persian * Sart is not an ctlmograpbical name, but ajjplies to all the inhabitants of towns eiigaged in trade. The chief mass of the settled population in Turkestan belongs properly to the Tadjiks, a race of ludo-Ii-an extraction. I I 19 frontiers. The Turkmen steppe is for the most part a sandy district, in which wells are met with only along certain routes. The southern parts of the steppe, which extend to the Atrek and Giurgen, the branches of the Khorassan mountains, and even the mouths of the Amu, present more conveniences for life, and con- sequently the bulk of the Turkmen congregate at these points. Robbing caravans and carrying off captives form the special business of this race, which in fact acknowledges no power, and is subject to no one. Some of the Turkmen, to the number of 6,000, are found moreover within our frontiers. This people, in the full sense of the word are horsemen ; they are clothed partly in coats of mail, armed with shields and lances (with pennons of horse's tails), and mounted on stallions ; in comparison with others they may be called warriors. Of late years, in order to attain some influence over this people, and to induce them to trade with Russia, Fort Tash-Arvat-Kal (of which we shall speak later) was founded on the east shore of the Caspian, near the Balkhau mountains. III. Short History of the Military Operations in the Steppe and in Turkestan. Importance of the Kirgiz Steppe to Russia. — Acceptation by the Kirgeze of Russian Supremacy, aud Establishment of the Frontier Line. — Plea- sures taken by the Government for pacifying the Kirgeze, from the time of their coming under subjection until 1836. — Increase of incursions and pillage about this time. — Rebellion of Kenisara Kasimof — Establish ment of our Dominion in the Steppe on a solid basis. — Disorders instigated in the Steppe by Iset Kutebarof. — Insurrection of 1869. — Occupation of Krasnovodsk Bay, and proceedings on the Mangyshlak peninsula. — Mili- tary operations in 1870-71. The important position occupied by the Kirgiz steppe, on the trade route between Russia and the Central Asian Khanates, has for a long time attracted the attention of the Russian Government, which aimed at the subjection of the Kirgiz-Kaisats horde. " Although this Kaisats horde,'' said Peter the Great, ''is a " steppe and giddy race, yet this horde is the key and gate to " all Asiatic lands and countries." The great regenerator of Russia, with the thought always upper- most of opening a new route for our trade witli the East, did not succeed in realising his cherished idea ; his successors, however, following up the work which he had commenced, succeeded little l^y little in bringing the Kirgiz people to acknowledge their subjection to Russia. In 1732, the Khan Abul-Khair, the administrator of the Little Horde, took the oath of allegiance to the Empress Anne Ivanovna. It is of course understood that this subjection, which was shortly followed by that of the Middle Horde, was merely outward, as the Kirgeze did not give up their incursions even to Sakmara and the Volga. But at first it was necessary to be satisfied with what we obtained. C 2 20 The organization of our south-east frontier was commenced after a few years, in 1735, when the town of Orenburg was founded on the site of the present town of Orsk, becoming ere long the head-quarters of the military governors, and the principal centre of administration of all the Orenburg region.* The first administrators of this region were Kirilof, Tatishchef, and then Nepliuyef. Not satisfied with founding a town, they established a fortified line,t which was at that time peopled by the Cossacks of Uphim, Samara and Iset, under the general name of the Orenburg troops,^ This line leaving Orenburg (transferred in 1742 to its present site) extended down the Ural, then called the Yaik, and passed by the forts Cherno-rechensk, Perevobtsk, Tatishchef, and Nijne-ozerny to the River Ilek, where it was terminated by Fort Razcypna. Up the Ural, the fortified line passed from Orenburg bv the Nijni redoubt, Forts Krasnogorsk, Verkhne-ozerny, Guberlinsk and Orsk, up to the Upper Uralsk, and from thence extended to the east as far as the River Tobol, where it was terminated by the Fort Zverinogolovsk. But as this frontier line did not entirely protect the region from the incursions of robbers, and the lower course of the Ural still remained exposed, it appeared indispensable to form a similar line on the Lower Yaik. In point of fact, between 1830-40, two for Is were built here, Kalmykof and Kulagin, which in their turn formed the commencement of the advanced posts of the Lower Line {Nizovaya Linya) and presented a fortified chain of posts, distributed on either side of Yaitsk Gorodok, down stream, — as far as the Caspian sea, where there was the fortified town of Guriefi', at that time under Cossack jurisdiction, § and up stream, — as far as the Irtetz advanced post, where the picquets of the Iletz Cossacksjl commenced, which in their turn connected the Irtetz advanced post with Fort Razcypna. The third line was established along the River Sakmara. It commenced at Sakmara Gorodok^ and passed through Forts Prechisten and Vozdvijen in the direc- tion of Yerkhneozerny. There is no doubt that all these measures were productive of advantage in due course, but nevertheless the constant insur- rections of the Bashkyrs and Kalmyks, accompanied with dis- orders in the neighbouring Yait force, and afterwards the troublous * The Orenburg region included the j^rovinces of Orenburg, Uphim, Iset, and Samara. t A line consisted of a chain of Cossack settlements, or advanced posts, frequently strengthened with mud walls, or wooden stockades. There are usually 15 to 20 men at each post. The garrisons sometimes consist of as many as 150 men, according to the importance of the post. — Translator. X Ultimately the Orenburg forces ■vs'ere organised by Imperial Ukase, 14. 4. 1755, and the first Ataman appomted in the person of Easily Mogutof. § Up to that time Grurieff, founded about the middle of the 17th century, had always held a garrison of riflemen for the protection of the fisheries at the mouths of the Yaik from robberies. II These were the Yait Cossacks, who, m 1720-30, moved to the River Uek, where they founded Iletzk Gorodok, with some advanced posts. IF The foundation of Sakmara Gorodok, which took place at the same time as Iletzk, was laid by the Yait Cossacks, who were shifted here in order to prevent the Kirgeze from canning on their incursions to the River Sakmara. 21 Pugatchef times drew off the attention of the government from the peaceful development of the country for a time, and only with the gradual establishment of tranquility in the Orenburg region, not earlier than the commencement of the present century, was there at length a possibility of opening trade relations with Khokand and Bokhara. Murders and robberies, however, again suspended this trade. The instigators of these fresh and almost continuous disorders in the steppe were the Khivans, who incited the Kirgeze not only to plunder the caravans, but to make attacks on the line, particularly upon our fishermen, in order to carry them off and sell them in the Khivan markets. At first it was hoped that the Kirgeze would be subdued by sending a detachment to punish them for their robberies and depredations; but after the ill success with which two similar expeditions had been attended in 1809, we were convinced that this means was of little use. Then commenced our occupation of the Iletzk ravon, that is to say, the district between the rivers Ural, Ilek, and Berdyanka, where the Berdyan-Kuralinsk line was founded for the defence of the Iletzk salt v/orks. It was also decided that when trade caravans were sent into the steppe they should always be accompanied by a military escort. In 1824, the first caravan proceeded to Bokhara under the protection of a detachment of 500 men; but the caravan was met by the Khivans and plundered. Tlie experiment, therefore, did not, unfortunately, succeed, and meanwhile tlie audacity of the Kirgeze reached such a pitch that they commenced to carry off Russians, not only from the line and the Caspian sea, but even from the neighbourhood of Orenburg itself. In order to diminish the depredations and incursions from which our fisheries, in particular, suffered, the first Russian fort, called Novo-Alexandrovsk,* was founded in the summer of 1834, on the north-east bank of the Caspian, while for the delence of the other frontiers of the empire, it was almost decided to form a continuous rampart, like the Chinese Wall, which was to extend along the steppe frontier where there was no natural protection. These works were commenced in 1836 ; part of the rampart was completed, but nevertheless the disorders did not cease. The proximate causes on this occasion \\ere the surveying of Kirgiz territory for Cossack settlements on the new Orenburg line,t and the attempt to collect the taxes (1 r. 50 c. per kibitka). These measures gave dissatisfaction to the nomads, who formed into gangs, and commenced not only to fall unawares upon the peaceful Kirgeze aids and our frontier line, but even plundered our caravans in the neighbourhood of Novo Alexandrovsk. The principal leaders * This fort was afterwards transferred to Tiuk-Ivaragan bav, ou the Mangy- shlak peninsula, and called at first Fort Novo-Petrovsk, and subsequently Fort Alexander. t This line was placed in advance of the old, between the Ural and the upper course of the Tobol. It commenced from Orsk, and passed from the north-east through Forts Imperator, Konstantinof, Nikolaieff (now a town), and Mikacloif, from whence it struck the old line between Ust-Uisk and Troitsk. 22 of these insurrectionary bands at this time were Kaip and Isetai, fugitives from the Bukeyef horde, who had found an asylum and shelter with the Khivan Khan. It was then resolved to have recourse to more decisive measures for the punishment of the insurrectionary Kirgeze by force of arms. In fact, Cossack parties penetrated in 1836 to Mangyshlak,* carried reconnaissances into the Barsuk Sands, and up the course of the Khobda, dispersed some gangs, and estab- lished tranquility, which lasted throughout the following year. Before long, however, Kaip and Isetai reappeared with fresh parties to collect taxes from our Kirgeze, and moved along the Rivers Ilek, Khobda, and the Upper Tobol, in proximity to our frontiers. Cossack detachments were again despatched into the steppe, of which one succeeded in falling upon the principal gang at the sources of the Irgiz ; Isetai was killed and Kaip fled to Khiva, where all trace of him was lost. But scarcely had we succeeded in getting rid of these insurgents when there appeared a fresh leader, Sultan Kenisara Kasimof, whose name even now occupies a most prominent place in all Kirgeze traditions. His proclamation inflamed the whole steppe; he declared himself Khan of the Ordyn tribe, and commenced a struggle W'hich gave no little trouble to our local administration. The military operations on our side were conducted with great want of vigour; they were at one time interrupted by the pretended submission of Kenisara Kasimof, but were again com- menced in consequence of the renewed audacious pretensions of the rebel ; we not only did not succeed in crushing the disorder, but, on the contrary, allowed the movement to take that dangerous character of an unanimous and general insurrection, with which it was not easy to deal ; the more so as it was headed by a daring, clever, and most energetic man. Aflfairs remained in the same state until the beginning of 1844, when the military operations from the Orenburg line were directed by Lieutenant-Colonel Lebedef, a man of talent, and at the same time well acquainted with the steppe, and the character of steppe warfare. A series of rapid marches and destructive raids,t which in Lebedef's opinion were the only means for subduing the rebels, quickly acquired for him considerable renown in the steppe ; but astonishment and respect for him increased still more when the Kirgeze saw how cleverly he pursued their leader, harassing him everywhere in spite of the superiority of Kenisara's force and his numerous subterfuges. Unfortunately these successes were interrupted at the very outset, as Lebedef was replaced by Colonel Dunikofsky, a man quite unsuited to conduct military operations at such a critical moment. Renouncing the system of raids, Dunikofsky col- lected around him a considerable number of sultans, biys, and * This expedition was undertaken by Colonel Mansiirolf, with five sotnias of TJral Cossacks. t Lebedef, for the first time, substituted a train of horses and two-wheeled carls for cauu'ls. 23 other Ordyus of note, of which he formed an advanced guard, on the supposition that these men, by their moral influence alone, without having recourse to arms, would succeed in bringing into subjection the aids which had seceded from us. This calcula- tion proved fallacious. At tlie time when Dunikofsky was vacillating, Kenisara w'as collecting his forces, awaiting the approach of the detachment to the sources of the Tobol. Here he attacked our advanced guard so unexpectedly, that the biys, sultans, and other Ordyns of rank were annihilated almost under the eyes of the detachment, without the latter being able to prevent it. This was not all. Taking advantage of another mistake on the part of Dunikofsky in following the rebels into the depths of the steppe, Kenisara made a raid on our frontiers, where he committed every possible enormity and burnt some Cossack advanced posts, threatening the entire new line " as being wrongfully formed in Kirgeze country.'' Such an unfortunate issue to the expedition naturally destroyed the confidence of the Kirgeze in our power, and at the same time inspired them with awe and deference for their invincible Khan, the '* Kirgiz Shamyl," as a contemporary historian calls him. In point of fact we find that the follow'ing year (1845) was one of the greatest glory for this renowned steppe batyr. Haughty and proud Asiatic rulers sought his alliance and friendship. Kenisara, moreover, subjected some tribes of Kirgeze, which nomadised on the frontiers of the Chinese empire, and marched to subdue the Kipchaks ; but here, during an action in the Ala Tau, he was killed by the Kara Kirgeze, who objected to being suljject to his rigorous rule. These events, which entailed on our side so obstinate and prolonged a struggle, palpably showed the necessity of a more active and vigorous policy in tiie steppe; the best means for this was considered to be the erection of a series of forts to serve as defensive points. With this object, between 1846-48, were founded the Orenburg, Ural, and Karabutak forts. Our advance tended much to the tranquility of the steppe adjacent to the Orenburg line, but had little influence on the Kirgeze who nomadised beyond the River Emba, on the Ust Urt and, in particular, along tlie banks of the Syr Darya. Hence arose the necessity for strengthening our position on the Aral Sea, and in 1847 our first fort called Raim* was built at the mouth of the Syr Darya. In the same year was founded the Russian flotilla for the navigation of the Aral Sea.f After this commenced our gradual occupation of the Syr Darya line, so that early in the decade between 1850-60 the chain of Russian forts extended from the side of Siberia, from Irtysh through Kopal to Fort Vernoe; and from the side of the Orenburg line as far as the Aral sea, and further along the Syr Darya to Fort Julek, about which we shall speak presently. At this period was * The name of this fort was changed to Aral, and was afterwards trars- f erred higher up the Syr Darya to Kazala, and called Fort No. 1. t Steamers were mtrodixced on the Syr Darya in the beginning of 1853. also founded the Eraba Post, built at the sources of the F-mba, for the better observation of those Kirgeze who nomadised beyond this river and on the Ust Urt. In spite, however, of all these measures, and of the fact that Khiva itself was in constant dread for its own safety, as the steamers navigating the Aral showed themselves sometimes near the mouth of the Amu Darya, tranquility in the steppe was violated more than once during the Crimean War, by the reappearance of the batyr I set Kutebarof. The name of Iset gained renown in the steppe in 1820-30, when he took part in all the expeditions of his father Kutebar, the w'ell known Kirgiz barantash.^ Having plundered several caravans from Siberia as well as some from our Cossack lines, Iset, on the death of his father removed into Khiva, from whence he came in 1844 to General Obruchef with the offer of his services to the Russian Government. His services were accepted, and at first Iset was really of use to us by his influence over some of the turbulent Kirgeze ; but this did not last long. Attempts to recommence his depredations, first in 1847 and afterwards in the following year, with the aid of a strong body of Tchiklins, forced us to send a detachment against him. Then Kutebarof tendered his submission, but covertly continued his relations with Khiva, and in the beginning of 1853 again renewed his incursions. Kuteljarof's audacity increased at this time, particularly after his successful attacks upon the Cossack sotnia which was escorting the sultan governor Araslan Jantiurin,t and upon a small detachment despatched to fetch provisions from the Krnba.^ This revolt sjiread far and wide. The whole of 1856 and the beginning of 1857 passed in military operations. However, the difficulty and almost the impossibility of capturing Kutebarof, who had confederates everywhere, forced Adjutant-General Katenin, just nominated chief of the Orenburg district, to have recourse to a new means, and to promise Iset pardon in the event of his tendering unconditional surrender. These negotiations were successful, and in the summer of 1857, when General Katenin moved into the steppe, Iset came to oflfer submission. Afterwards Iset Kutebarof was for some time administrator of the Kabftk division of the Tchiklin tribe, and in 1869 was appointed assistant to the chief of the Irgiz Circle in return for the co-operation he had afforded in introducing the new steppe code among the Kirgeze of the Tchiklin tribe. * See p. VI and p. 74. t Araslan marclied out into the steppe in the summer of 1855 with an escort of a Cossack sotnia and 900 Kirgeze. Oii the 7th Jidy he halted for the night 140 vcrsts from Fort Orsk. Here he was attacked by Kiitebarof. A large party went sti'aight to the kibitka of Jantiurin, whilst another surrounded the Cossacks, wl'O were some little distance off. At the first shot our Kirgeze, to the number of 1,000, ran away ; Jantiurin was killed, aU the camp equipage plundered, and Kutebarol made off with his rich booty. The Cossacks retired in skirmishing order to the hne. X This detachment, composed of 15 Orenburg Cossacks and seven Kirgeze, with whom was Sultan Tungantchin, was surrovmded by a band of 500 men. The Cossacks dismounted, and, making their camels lie down, commenced firing, but, their cartridges being i-apidly expended, were killed to a man. 25 Not being distinguished by the capacity of Kenisara Kasimof, Iset was inferior to him as a politician, but when it was a question of daring raids, of leading gangs, committing depredations and high- way robberies, he had no equal. Of colossal stature, extraordinary physical strength, reserved and taciturn, Iset was the true type of a steppe corsair and batyr in the full sense of the words, and in this we must seek the cause of his extraordinary influence and of that popularity which he enjoys in the mass of the nomad population. From the time of the submission of Iset up to 1869, that is to say, up to the introduction of the new code of steppe administration, the Kirgeze remained perfectly tranquil. The preparatory arrange- ments for its introduction, and the opposition of the privileged classes, particularly of the priesthood, led to fresh troubles, which grew into an open revolt, and overspread nearly the whole of the Orenburg steppe. Rebellion broke out from the very commencement in the Ural district. The commissions despatched into the steppe to introduce the new organisation, met with such opposition from the Kirgeze that they were compelled to return home, without having succeeded in forming half the number of volosts. The organisation of steppe iiyezcls could not be thought of; rebellion spread far and wide, and it was evident that it could only be repressed by armed force, for which the means at hand in the steppe were most insignificant. Since the Orenburg line battalions had been transferred to the Turkestan military district, and a considerable number of sotnias of the Ural and Orenburg cossack troops had been directed to the same place, there remained for the defence of the line only two companies of the Cossack infantry battalion and the 3rd rifle battalion, which had also been appointed for the campaign in Turkestan but was detained in consequence of the disorders which had broken out in the steppe. To these it a])peared possible to add a company of the Orenburg local battalion, a detachment of young soldiers drilled with the same battalion, and some sotnias called up for service by a special order. These were all that were available until the despatch of fresh troops, which could not however arrive from the interior of Russia before the autumn ; and meanwhile the Kirgeze, taking advantage of our weakness, made incursions on the line, drove off the Cossack herds and fell upon the Cossack advanced posts and villages, even those situated on this side of the Ural.* In March their audacity reached such a pitch that they had the temerity to make an open attack upon Lieutenant-ColonelNovo-Kreschchenof's detachment, which had been despatched from Orenburg to strengthen the Emban post at the first intelligence of the revolt in tliat locality. This state of affairs, and the appearance of Khivan bands near the Aral Sea with the object as was said of making an attack upon the Ural fort or on the Emban post, forced the commander * Thus tlie Kii'geze plundered the flocks of the inhabitants of the Gorja- chcnsk advanced post. About the same time, bands of Kirgeze phmdered the Iletzk lino, and drove oft' 800 horses from th« village of Budran. 26 of the troops to make every effort to send flying columns into tlie steppe as quickly as possible, while for the prevention of disturbances in the future it was considered necessary to build two more forts in the steppe ; one in the Turgai district on the Upper Ilek at Ak Tiube, and the other in the Ural on the upper course of the Uil, each to contain a garrison of 150 infantry, two guns, and a sotnia of Cossacks. The detachments intended for the operations in the steppe Avere ready at the commencement of May, and received the following orders : — two separate detachments under Flugel- Adjutant Colonel Count Borkh and Lieutenant-Colonel Baron Stempel were told off to erect the forts at Ak-Tiube and on the Uil ; two other detachments, each of 3 sotnias of Cossacks, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonels Krutorojin and Rukin, were to escort the commissions while introducing the new code into the Turgai and Ural districts. A special detachment under Major Baikof received instructions to re-establish and main- tain communications along the Orsk-Kazala road. Lastly, the detachments of Count Komarovsky and Lieutenant- Colonel Verevkin were moved into the Ural steppe to operate in the district between the River Ural and the Mugojar Mountains. The opportune dispatch of the troops and the rapid appearence of Krutorojin's and Komarovsky's detachments under the supreme command of the military governor of the Turgai district, Major-General Ballinzek, completely paralysed the opera- tions of the Khivans, who had received additional support from the large body of Tchiklins, nomadising at that time near the Barsuks. The Khivans, alarmed at the movements of the troops, and deprived of the support which they had hoped for from the Tchiklins, retraced their steps ; on the withdrawal of the gangs, quiet was not long in being re-established in the greater part of the locality situated on the Ilek, the Upper Emba and the Orsk-Kasala road. After this, the revolt was confined exclu- sively to the Ural district along the rivers Uil, Emba, and Sagiz, where according to report there were 20,000 Kibitkas which were unwilling to submit to the new code. The first serious collision with an armed gang occurred on the 6th May to the detachment of Baron Stempel,* which was on the march to Uil in order to turn the first sod of the fort proposed at that place. A large (according to Stem pel's report 20,000) gang surrounded the detachment and for 7 days made most desperate attacks upon it. Never in all probability had Orenburg Kirgeze collected in such large force, but nevertheless all their attacks were beaten off and the detachment reached Kazybek with the loss of a few carts. Stempel halted six days at Kazybek, but having expended his supplies, and being unable to replenish them fro::>.i the line, was compelled to withdraw to the Cossack village of Kalmykof. About the i-ame time the flying detachment of Major Priorof (from Count Komarofsky's force) had a severe encounter * One companj of the gOTemment battalion; two Co&sack sotnia?, and two guns. 27 near the Barkiii Desert with the band of Mambet Ali, one of the principal leaders of the Kirgiz insurrection. A closer acquaintance with the situation of affairs in the steppe convinced the military governor of the Ural district, Major-General Verevkin, of the necessity for concentrating as large a force as possible in the basin of the Uil, which was of importance both from its central position in the steppe and from its abounding in grass and water. Here in fact were collected all the insurrec- tionary bands of Kirgeze, and should the rebels be routed in this district, their retreat to the North, West, and East would be prevented, as in the first two cases they would be threatened by the Cossack villages of the Ural and Orenburg line, while to the east they would be watched by the detachments in the Turgai dis- trict. Thus, there was but one road open for their retreat beyond the Emba, where vegetation was scanty, and, more important still, where the absence of water did not allow of the insurgents collecting in force. In order to carry out this project, Major-General Verevkin gave the following orders :— 1. Baron Stempel's detachment at Kalmykof to be rein- forced by a company and 1^ sotnias of cossacln with three chetverts of oats or biscuits, or two chetverts of groats.' 640 lb. to 7201b.. — taking the weight of the chetvert of biscuit at 237 lb., oats, 200 lb. to 210 lb., and groats, 335 lb. 61 The load is generally diminished in the spring when the camels are casting their coats and are weak, and increased in the autumn, particularly if there is a probability of good forage, when the roads are good and when no great speed is required. Then the load mav be increased to 800 and even 880 lb., which is about the weight with our traders' caravans. On the other hand, the English calculate the normal load at 560 lb., and the French and Arabs at 800 to 960 lb. In Algeria the French use pack-mules, donkeys, and also carts, which they lade with 1,600 to 3,200 lb.; camels are seldom used except from necessity, owing to the difficulties of lading, and the care which they require. The following are the defects of a camel transport : — (I.) The lading and unlading occupy much time. (2.) The different packs are not equally convenient to carry, and it is better to have carts for heavy stores such as guns, powder, and such like. (3.) Large num- bers of hired natives are necessary as drivers (one to every six camels and a head man for the whole train). These men, from their know- ledge of the animal, are indispensable, but they cannot be trusted, and instances have occurred where they have deserted to the enemy at the first shot. Laziness and carelessness often place a detach- ment in a critical position, as was the case with the English in Abyssinia. Kodolitch, in his account of this campaign, says '' the " want of order in the organization of the train parks, and par- " ticularly the absence of proper care on the part of the drivers, *' who were nothing but a rabble, led to great losses among the " animals, and placed the detachment in a very critical situation ; " the want of forage and provisions became every day more " apparent, while the exhausted animals were not in a condition to " make another march, and perished by hundreds, encumbering " the road with their carcasses, and tainting the air, which might have " led to disastrous consequences for the whole expeditionary force." As the demand for a large numl^er of camels causes a rise in the tariff for the transport of traders' goods, some Powers, in order to avoid this and to render themselves independent of native drivers, have deemed it advisable to breed their own camels. In China, up to the last insurrection, the government main- tained inthesteppe contiguous toourfrontiers, whole herds of camels. The East India Company maintained in India 40,000 camels for military purposes. The French, after the conquest of Algeria, at once proceeded to breed camels, but their attempts did not meet with success for a long time. At length Marsbal Bugeaud, Governor of Algeria, issued special instructions and rules for breeding these animals, placed this branch under military control, infused strict order into it, and attained remarkable results, the French soldiers proving themselves as well fitted for looking after the camels as the Arabs themselves.* * Camels for military purposes were first used by the French during Napo- leon's campaign in Egypt. They were formed into detachments of a hundred, and afterwards of seven hundred dromedaries, which were used both for transport pur- poses and for forming flying infantry columns. 62 We made similar trials in the Kirgiz steppe, but after some unsuccessful attempts, had to give up the matter. In the event of our requiring them, the requisite number of camels is hired generally through agents, or, under pressing circumstances is requisitioned through the local commands at a special rate of pay fixed on each occasion by trie chief commander of the district.* In conclusion, we will sav a word or two about the adaptation of steppe transport to hospital purposes. For the transport of sick and wounded are required : — (1.) Soft camel saddles. (2.) Pack hammocks and arm chairs for camels or mules. (3.) Ordinary and covered litters ; and (4.) Carts. During Napoleon's march into Egypt the sick were carried upon camels in special boxes, the sides of which folded down so that the wounded might, if necessary, stretch out their legs. In Algeria, the French used at first pack arm-chairs on mules as they are easier than camels, but they afterwards used waggons with 6 horses, carrying 10 to 18 sick. The English, in addition to their packs and carts, use hand litters, but this is very inconvenient, as. in open litters the sick are exposed to every change of weather, and the closed ones are very heavy and demand instead of 4, 6, or on bad roads 10 to 12 bearers ; at every halt, too, the sick have to be placed on the ground, which cannot fail to be injurious to their health. With us during steppe campaigns, cases have occurred where the sick have been wrapped in a felt, and in this way suspended to the camel saddle ; but in Perovsky's winter campaign, hammocks were used filled with hay or camel's hair, with warm felts as cover- ings. Although the sick were more or less cramped in this arrangement none were frost-bitten in spite of the 25° to 35° of cold (Reaum). These hammocks were subsequently replaced by soft camel saddles and kuyafs (two light arm-chairs with a step for the feet ; the chairs connected by iron bands passing through the saddle), but in the present day the sick are carried in ordinary carts. Although the contractors are obliged to provide certain covered carts for the sick, this is not always done, and besides, even the covered Russian telegas offer no conveniences for the sick, especially in long journeys over the steppes where there are no roads. The carriage of medicines is also very inconveniently arranged in our service, as when a certain medicine is wanted from the ordinary medical chest, the entire contents have often to be turned out, causing a loss of time, and damage to the drugs. * Camels are used by us not only for pack purposes but in harness for drawing heavy loads. In some parts of the Kara Kum desert, along the Orsk-Kazala high- road, the camels take the place of the post horses, and as such cai-ry both mails and passengers. 63 IX. Field Marches. — Order observed on the March, and Length of the Marches. — March of Count Borkh to the Sam. — Moving from the Night-Halt, Night Marches, Halts, and Rest Days. — Selection of Site for a Bivouac : its form- ation, and distribution of the detachment in it. — Outpost Service. We have already said that a military detachment in the steppe of Central Asia is in a strict sense only a caravan or train moving under an armed escort. It is self evident that such movements must be subject to certain rules, and these are mainly dependent upon the formation and march of the train, which forms the essential part of every expedition. Were it possible to move in the steppe without dread of attack or of the herds being plundered, it would be unquestionably more convenient to move like the trading caravans, in a few small columns, each of which acts for its own economical and material advantage. But in this case it would have to give up its unity as a detachment, and forego the observance of military regulations and precautions. Evidently such a march would be impossible for a military detachment, which must at all times be ready to repulse the enemy, no matter from which side he may appear.* Hence from a military point of view it might appear more suitable for the detachment to move in one general column. This is done in those parts of Turkestan where no difficulty is apprehended about water and grass. In the Kirgiz steppe, on the other hand, we must remember that the movements of large detachments are nearly everywhere attended with much inconvenience. Firstly, we cannot everywhere find grass and water in sufficient quantities for the large mass of cattle which ordinarily composes our train. Secondly, we have to distribute our animals over a very large area to find pasturage, and consequently it becomes difficult to collect and to defend them. Thirdly, in passing ravines and rivers, there being no roads in the steppe, the large train is forced to halt, so as to be formed gradually into a chain ; and the longer the halt the more fatiguing to the animals : and lastly. In the fourth place, the various descriptions of animals have different paces ; thus, the camel can accomplish over a sandy road five versts in the hour, the horse only four ; bullocks can never do more than three versts per hour, and are a perpetual cause of the train being lengthened, and of the march being delayed, thus de- priving the other animals of part of their rest. Large detachments should be divided, if necessary, into parts or echelons, which follow at one or even two marches distance * In dangerous places, when an attack is apprehended, the trade carayans like- wise combine and move forward on a broad front, so as to be able to repel the enemy tit any moment. 64 from each other. The order of march cannot be made subject to any definite rules, as it depends entirely on the local conditions of the country, the size of the detachment, the character of the enemy, and other causes. The French in Egypt, and afterwards in Algeria, moved ordinarily in the form of several squares, at gunshot dis- tances apart, or in three parallel columns, of which the train formed the centre. But this is only possible with their small trains, and, moreover, it is necessary on account of the spirit of enterprise of the A.rabs. We only use the square for bivouacs, the square being formed of waggon-barricades with the troops within it. In order to diminish the depth of the column during the march, the train must move in close sequence and in strict order, extending along both sides of the road in several chains, and so arranged that the camels f to the mainte- nance of patrols, which, under these circumstances, defend the aid with great vigilance in view of their own personal interests. As regards the performance of duties by the Kirgeze, it would be a mistake to trust to Kirgiz patrols alone, when they have to defend the borders of their volosts and nyezds, — (1) because the Kirgeze have no strict notions of the preservation of the public peace, and (2) because a short sojourn of the Kirgeze at fixed points brings no substantial advantage, while they will not remain for long in consequence of the material expenses entailed, and from their being unaccustomed to the monotony and inconvenience of patrol service. Moreover, although they at first take to the work with zeal, they usually cool down in a short time and commence gradually to draw off under various pretexts. In 1872, however, attempts were made to form the Kirgeze into a mounted militia, and the experiment was crowned with complete success, owing to the zeal and tact of the chief of the I'ljezd. The Djigits, to the number of 200, were distributed partly at Karatamak and Issen-Chagyl, and partly in Kashkar-ata, and up to the arrival of our detachments continued to patrol the southern frontier, which remained entirely exposed that year in consequence of the Kirgeze taking advantage of the favourable spring to commence their peregrrinations northward sooner than was usual ; the robbers could easily turn this to account by following up without particular difficulty the traces of the arils, not only to the Barsuks but even to the Mugojars. It would not do to be led away by an exceptional case, as it were, and to found on this fact the possibility of forming, as some think, a permanent Kirgiz militia. It seems to us that, this measure in any case would be premature. It is necessary to remember that the maintenance of such a militia would lay a heavy charge on the whole Kirgiz com- munity, and at the same time the advantage of such a force is subject to grave doubt ; it is unfitted for warfare, while for the collection of information trusty spies are the best. As a general rule Kirgeze, like all Asiatics, act to much less advantage when in masses than in small parties. They usually 75 expend their whole store of energy and bravery on the lirst onset, and if the latter fails, particularly if any of their party are killed or wounded, their bravery at once vanishes, and a panic fear ensues. The Kirgeze naturally endeavour to make their attacks in superior force, and then only when they do not expect a serious resistance. To show them a field piece, or, in its absence, the chimney of a samovar,'^ as was done by a caravan of merchants proceeding to Bokhara, produces a great impression. The Kirgeze seldom defend themselves in their auls, but endeavour, on the approach of troops, to move off beforehand to the sterile and waterless districts of the steppe. In order to delay pursuit, they fill up the wells after them, or set fire to the steppe, thus destroying the grass and water arrangements. This happened with Tset Kutebarof, who, when eluding the pursuit of Lieut.- Colonel Plotnikof (in 1857), destroyed the wells and grass in the deserts of Asmantai-Matai, and, in consequence was obliged to seek refuge on the Sam, which was then guarded by the Ural Cossacks. The system which may be considered, in the present day, the only one for protecting the steppe from robber gangs, must include the watching of all roads from Kungrad. With this object, at the commencement of early spring in each year, small detachments should be sent into the steppe and distributed at certain points, commencing from the Lower Emba Fort, through Kondoral, to the Emban Post, and from thence past Chushka-Kul and Jebyske to Karatamak. For guarding the Orsk-Kazala road, within the limits of the Irgiz iiyezd, it is proposed to post mobile reserves at certain points in lieu of distributing the Cossacks in small parties at the stations on the post road, as has hitherto been the case;t but these will only be necessary when we have large detachments in the southern part of the steppe. The most important points in the Irgiz uyezd to be occupied by our troops are the sources of the Bas-Kainar, lying to the S.W. of the Jalovla station, the crests of the Mugojar mountains, near the River Terebutak, in the direction of Urkach ; and also the locality near the River Yakshi-Kairakta, ManaCdie, Lake Chapta-Kul, and, lastly, the Barsuks, Great and Little, from whence the north shore of the Aral can be watched, and communi- cations maintained with the troops of the Emban uyezd. The military forces at the disposal of Orenburg for operations against the Kirgeze, consist, besides the local troops partly dis- tributed in the forts, of two line battalions on a war footing.^ and of the Ural and Orenburg Cossack troops, and the horse artillery attached to the latter. The Cossacks, from their number and from the fact that they are the only cavalry in the district, § occupy a very large place in * A sort of tea urn on a large scale. — Trayislaior. + At the present time each post station, in lieu of Cossacks, has a few Djigits (2 to 6 men), who are required to collect information and warn our mobile detach- ments of the appearance of robber parties. X The 3rd Orenburg Une battalion has been since added. § Eegidar cavalry are not considered suited for service in the steppe. They arc more costly to maintain than Cossacks, who cost little more than infantry. — Trans- lator, 76 the military organization of our steppe detachments. In point of fact, all the field duties in the steppe ordinarily devolve upon the Cossacks ; they give the patrols for the pursuit of robber gangs and bear the brunt of the campaigns. They are exceptionally suited for hard work, and are well acquainted with the steppe, but their military value depends greatly on the degree of foresight and ability of their commanders. There was a lime when the ceaseless raids of Kirgeze and other neighbouring races forced the Cossacks to be in a con- stant state of preparation for war and sustained their martial spirit. All these Kirgeze, Kalmyks and Bashkirs were then dangerous enemies, persevering, inexorable, and unacquainted with fear or fatigue. Their system of warfare was a constant series of unexi)ected raids. Their braves (djigits) having collected in parties, crossed the Ural, and attacked the Russian villages in the Cis-Ural, and even in the Cis-Volga steppes. The Cossacks concentrated at that time in the little town of Yaitzk, could not evidently anticipate their incursions, and therefore could do no more than destroy the hostile camps, and repay themselves liberally for every pillage and murder. These reciprocal raids were most bloody and led to an endless series of fresh robberies and devas- tations. But v.ith the spread of our real influence further and further into the steppe, the building of forts, and the despatch of detach- ments, the Kirgeze became convinced of the impossibility of doing as they pleased with impunity; their incursions ceased, and, by the force of these circumstances, the Cossacks were transformed from turbulent warriors into diligent and peaceful husbandmen. The periodical expeditions into Turkestan served to them as schools of warfare, from which, in conjunction with their glorious traditions and the adoption of measures for improving their military organization, great results in a military sense may be expected. With regard to their employment in the field, there are two opposite opinions ; some think that the Cossacks should as a rule act by the charge, with the cold steel ; others recommend the use of fire-arms as the only true means in such cases as j^rsuit. Some Cossack commanders in pursuing Kirgeze make their men dismount and open fire as long as they are wilhin range, deeming this the best mode of proceeding, as the adversary has no fire- arm, whereas he can wield a lance as well as a Cossack. Thus, as both base their opinions on experience, it would be impossible to pronounce a judgment either way. In any case, owing to the special conditions of steppe warfare, the Cossacks should be trained to both systems, so as to give them their necessary independence. Cossacks are taught to fight on foot with a two-fold aim : (1) the offensive, and (2) the defensive. The first is inapplicable to warfare in the Kirgiz steppe, and hence we will pass at once to the second, that is to say, linking the horses, which from time immemorial has been in use among the Cossacks. This is usually done as follows : having linked the horses in a circle, the men kneel down and meet the attack with file firing, not with volleys. 77 The Cossacks know that it is sufficient to pick off a few of the best horsemen, who are generally in the front, in order to cool the ardour of the remainder, and throw the whole gang into disorder. If thay have to retire, it must be done step by step, firing and bringing off the linked horses. Sometimes the Kirgeze open out and make the way clear for the Cossacks, in the hope that the latter will mount and gallop off. But the Cossacks, taught by experience, never fall into this trap, knowing that for every man there will be ten Kirgeze, and that it is impossible to cut their way through and escape. But if circumstances compel them to a stationary defence, as for instance, when they are expecting succour, it is advantageous to protect their horses even partially from the enemy^s fire by artificial cover, which will at the same time prevent the enemy from approaching the position. Hence the Cossacks should be instructed in field works, at any rate so much as to enable them to throw up a low rampart, or to contrive defences from the materials on the spot, such as carts, packs, provision sacks, &c. The Cossacks, when placed in such a position, and resolved to defend themselves to the last, have been seldom conquered by their antagonists. The roll of glorious deeds accomplished in the Caucasus, in Poland, in Turkestan, and lastly in the Kirgiz steppe, bear eloquent testimony to that great moral force which the Cossacks possess. As regards the pursuit of robber bands, this is best of all entrusted to Cossacks. But as the horses of the Kirgeze are better trained and prepared, their trappings lighter, and the circum- stance of their men being mounted with two horses enables them to give the latter a rest alternately, and thus accomplish long journeys, the pursuit of the robbers becomes so problematical, and so seldom succeeds, that we must seek some other more likely plan; this plan consists in discovering their haunts, and anticipating the possibility of an irruption of the gangs. All other more or less fortunate attempts at destroying the robbers have been so exceptional, that they cannot and must not be accepted to prove a general rule. We will give the following instances of the mode of carrying out' pursuits. At the commencement of 1S71, a party of robbers captured a herd of horses belonging to the Kirgeze of the Khodjvkul Volost, and on their homeward journey, between the Kyzyl-Djar and Syrala station, took the station clerk prisoner with his son and the driver. A cart abandoned by the party at the side of the road was the first indication of the crime, and the com- mander of the Irgiz uyezd being acquainted with the habits of the robbers, at once dispatched in pursuit hall a sotnia of Orenburg Cossacks, under Captain Bobrof, with instructions to intercept them by the shortest, but at the same time waterless, road to the Barsuks.* After accomplishing 200 versts * It is a curious fact that the i obbers, after a raid made to tlie north of the Karasai station, proceed with their booty to the Mugojars ; if to the south of that station they go to the Barsuks. 78 in three days, the Cossack advanced guard descried the robbers resting at the Kyzyl Kuduk* spring, 70 or 80 strong. The Kirgeze were nearly all in deep slumber, their horses unsaddled ; the herd was grazing in the steppe, and evidently the moment for attack was exceedingly well-timed; but on the first cry, "Uriis!" the Kirgeze mounted their horses so rapidly that they were already on the road to Karatamak before the Cossacks came up with them. In spite of the exhaustion of the Cossack horses, which were evidently no match for the fresh, recently fed and watered, horses of the Kirgeze, Bobrof, leaving 20 men in reserve, at once moved in pursuit with the remainder. The Kirgeze galloped for some distance, but on observing the small number of Cossacks, gradually drew rein, and turning quickly round, charged with their lances. The manoeuvre was so unexpected and sudden that the Cossacks were obliged to dismount in order to repel the attack with their fire-arms. In this skirmish the Kirgeze lost their leader, Kuken, and 25 killed ; but by taking advantage of the time gained, they had succeeded in driving the herd so far away that it was useless to follow it any further. Bobrof and 3 Cossacks were wounded, one mortally, in this aftair. It is curious that on this very day one of our sotnias, proceeding to Irgiz, passed the night at a place only 10 or 15 versts from the scene of the skirmish, and although it saw on the next day some articles of Cossack kit, it did not pay any attention to the cir- cumstance, and yet its co-operation would probably have led to the ultimate destruction of the robbers. Matters turned out very differently when Captain Agapof was sent by Colonel Sarancheff with half a sotnia of Oren- burg Cossacks to escort a detachment kitchen. Coming un- expectedly in the desert upon a gang of robbers, with a herd evidently plundered from our Kirgeze, Agapof at once abandoned the kitchen and started in ])ursuit with such eagerness, that after a galop of 60 versts he cut off the herd ; but he and his three Cossacks were surrounded by the Kirgeze. Fortunately this handful of brave men succeeded in dismounting, and opening fire, held out till succour arrived. From these examples we may conclude that a successful pur- suit depends, above all things, upon the self-dependence, energy and skill of the Cossack officers, and therefore on the habit of distinguishing by the smallest signs, based on a subtle knowledge of Kirgiz usages, the direction taken by the gangs, as well as their strength, the nature of the stolen herd, and other points. Besides the pursuit of robber gangs, military detachments may be employed under exceptional circumstances in operations against rebel bands in the steppe. In these cases the best means for the protection of the Kirgeze who remain loyal to us, and for the dispersion of the rebels, is to send out in good time a few mobile detachments to patrol a con- * In the Dambar Kum desert. 79 sideraljle portion of the steppe. Lebedef (between 1830-40) acted in this way against Kenisara Kasimof, as did also Major-General Verevkin in repressing the Kirgiz insurrections in the Orenburg steppe in 1869. The concentration of the troops into one column, from a fear of being beaten in detail, and from an idea that an undivided detach- ment can act to greater advantage in the steppe than a few small ones, would simply give the Kirgeze the means of eluding our blows. The ill-success which attended Colonel Dunikofsky's de- tachment in 1845 is explained by these causes. In regarding this question from a tactical point of view, we find that the Kirgeze, who always attack in superior force, compel our troops to act on the defensive, to form square, and to repulse their attacks with artillery and musketry. Hand-to-hand encounters lead to great losses. Thus, on the 2ist April 1870, the commander of the Mangyshlak detachment, returning to Fort Alexander w4th 57 nien of the Dagestan irregular horse, was surrounded when within 12 versts from his destination by a large body of Adaefs, and although the gallant handful of men cut their way through sword in hand, they lost 24 of their number; and at the same time we know many examples where a small body, on being attacked by Kirgeze, has at once opened fire and escaped without suffering any loss. As an example of one of the most serious attacks made at any time on our detachments, we may cite tiie case of Baron Stempel, which occurred as follows : — A detachment under the command of Baron Stempel, con- sisting of 2 sotnias of Ural Cossacks, a company of the local bat- talion, and 2 guns, with a large train, marched out on the 6th May 1869 from Iletz Gorodok to Kazbek, where it was intended to erect the Uil Fort. Up to the 20th May all went well with the detachment, but on this day, as the train was descending from Jida Kvil into the valley, a large band of Kirgeze appeared on the neighbouring heights, making straight for the detachment. Five Cossacks, forming a patrol, were killed by their lances. The detachment had hardly halted before the mass of Kirgeze broke in between the train and the rear-guard, and commenced to separate the carts and drive off the oxen. The melee became general. The Cossacks who were with the rear-guard charged, and, passing through the enemy, joined the infantry. A sharp fire of musketry and artillery drove off the assailants, but 13 carts with oats and biscuit remained in the hands of the robbers. To march that day to Lake Djaman was impossible. The de- tachment encamped a few versts distance from the scene of the occurrenee, and passed the night v.ithout water, the Kirgeze being between them and the lake. On the following day the troops, descending from the heights on which they had passed the night, fought their way to the water, gave the animals drink, and continued the march along the open steppe in sight of a large band amounting to 10,000 or 15,000 horsemen. In expectation of being attacked, the Cossacks left 80 their horses with the train and marched on foot with the infantry. In this order the detachment moved gradually forward, and re- pelling" all attacks, at length reached the Djaman, where, having formed a waggon-barricade, they prepared to remain for some days in order to rest the exhausted oxen. On that same daj^, about G p.m., the Kirgeze again attempted to make a raid, but one well-placed shell, which burst in the midst of the hostile band, forced them to turn tail and disperse. After their attempts to set fire to the waggon-barricade, which was surrounded with bales of hay, had proved unsuccessful,* the Kirgeze determined to make a fresh attack, which, although a most determined one, was their last. In the evening of the 23rd some large gangs surrounded the detachment, and with piercing cries made a dash at the train. Canister and file-firing were of no avail to stop the attack, and the Kirgeze, galloping up to the train, dismounted and endeavoured to drag asunder the carts with their hands. A hand-to-hand melee ensued at some places, and the contest, accompanied by an incessant roar of artillery and musketry, continued until nightfall, when the exhausted Kirgeze at length retired to their camp. The subsequent operations of the Kirgeze, although limited to mere demonstrations, rendered the situation of the detachment a very difficult one, as it was compelled to remain on the alert for several days and nights ;t however, after lingering 2 or 3 days longer round the waggon-barricade, and finding it impossible to destroy the detachment, they gradually dispersed. From a tactical point of view, some persons consider the opera- tions of Lieut. -Colonel Stem pel not sufficiently decisive, as he never attempted to pass to the offensive. To this it may be replied that had the Kirgeze overpovvered the sotnias charging from the waggon-barricade, or still worse, forced them to dismount in front of it, the infantry, deprived of the possibility of firing, would have been compelled to defend the transport with their bayonets alone, and this might not have been altogether convenient. Still more difficult is it to defend the train when its escort consists of cavalry alone. Thus in March 1869, Lieutenant- Colonel Novokreschenof with 2 Cossack sotnias had to escort a large camel train, which owing to the deep snow had lensjthened out to such an extent, that when the Kirgeze attacked the detach- ment,:]: the advanced guard did not know of it until the Kirgeze were upon the train cutting away the packs and leading off the camels. It is remarkable that in this affair, when all the chances * When the enemy sets fire to the grass in the neighbourhood of tlie camp the best way is to cut the grass in rear of tlie camp and then to transfer the camp into this clear space. t Ahhough long experience has taught us that the Kirgeze hardly ever make attacks by night, still there hare been cases when they have stolen up to the camp, killed the sentries, or, tlirowing up an entrenchment in the vicinity, have gained cover from fire. X On the ISth March, at Bish TomnV, on the rond to Iho Emban post. 81 were apparently in favour of the Kirgeze, the Cossacks not only repelled the attack but inflicted considerable loss upon the enemy, and themselves lost only 2 wounded, and some 20 camels carried away by our own drivers. These unsuccessful operations on the part of the Kirgeze must be ascribed, firstly, to their entire ignorance of the manner of con- ducting attacks, and secondly, to the character of the operations of our troops, who consider that their strength lies not in offensive but in defensive warfare. On the other hand, if the enemy avoids the encounter with our troops, we inust adopt the rapidity and suddenness of attack of the Kirgeze, remembering that Asiatics when caught unawares lose their presence of mind and become panic-stricken, no matter the smallness of the number b}' which they are attacked. Of course such a mode of operation is only possible with a light and mobile train. In these cases the cavalry as a rule plays the chief role; infantry can only take part in these rapid and often prolonged movements provided there are arrange- ments for mounting the men on horses, camels, or in carts. As an example of this we may cite an episode of the year 1870. In early spring a detachment of one company and one sotnia, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Saranchof, was despatched to the mouth of the Emba in order to select a site for a fort. The detachment had just entered the steppe when news was received of an insurrection at Mangyshlak among the Adaefs, large bodies of whom had begun to assemble on the lower and middle course of the Emba. The detachment, encumbered with a large train, was exceedingly weak for decisive operations against bands of this tribe elated by their successes against Lieutenant- Colonel Rukin's convoy ; nevertheless, to halt the detachment until reinforcements arrived, would have the effect under the present circumstances of giving courage to the rebels. Con- sequently Lieutenant-Colonel Saranchof, disregarding the news of the formation of the Adaefs into gangs for the purpose of cutting off the detachment from water, and, without awaiting orders, con- tinued his march in readiness at any moment to encounter the enemy. However, this was not required ; when the detachment, after an insignificant advanced guard action near Lake Bartyl- dakhta, reached the River Emba, it found, instead of the Adaefs, only the traces of a disorderly and hasty retreat. After complet- ing his reconnaissance, Lieutenant-Colonel Saranchof retired towards Uil fort, and afterwards, on receipt of reinforcements, again marched to the Emba with the object at all hazards of falling upon the enemy's auls, punishing them for their robberies, and forcing them to submission. As there were no pack camels with the detachment, and in consequence the march beyond the Emba to the Ust Urt could not be undertaken owing to the insufficiency of grass and water, it was only important to reach the Emba before the Adaefs, who were watching every movement of the detach- ment, could cross it. With this object in view, spies were sent to reconnoitre the roads in other directions. These spies were captured by the enemy who were in this way deceived as to the real direc- 82 tioii the detachment was taking; the last 100 versts were accom- plished by a forced march in 21 hours, the heavy baggage being left under escort of part of the detachment, which was ordered to move at the usual pace : the other part, two sotnias, 2 guns and a company of rifles, mounted in carts, marched in light order with three days' provisions. The calculations proved correct; on the 18th June the Adaefs were encountered sooner than they expected and from quite a different quarter, and just as they were preparing to escape over the Emba. Their gangs took to flight, but were pursued for 20 versts, and after a few days appeared with pro- fe«sions of submission and gave up some of the captives in their possession. But as the conditions of their submission were not ratified by them. Colonel Saranchof, in accordance with his instructions formed a camel train from the herds which he had captured, and in the course of a few days marched beyond the Emba to Uch-Kana in the desert of Djar-Cheke on the sea-shore, where the rebels had collected in large bodies. In spite of the rapidity with which the detachment marched, the enemy got wind of their approach and took to flight; some to Myn-Su-Almaz, others to the sea-shore, hoping in the event of pursuit to escape to the islands of the Caspian Sea. Under the supposition that Myn-Su-Almaz was occupied by General Bizyanof's detachment, Saranchof took no thought for the former party and moved towards the Caspian, where the aids of the Jemenefs, considered the most warlike and the greatest robbers of all the Adaef tribe, were situated. The locality over which the detachment had to move presented a completely grassless and almost waterless steppe, covered with bare salt marshes or shifting sands, which only afforded dried up stalks of wormwood or kiyak. Tn spite of this, Saranchof passed along the western border of the Ak-Kum desert, and on the 7th July made a reconnaissance to Tchuran's tomb.* On reaching this place, which overlooked the Kirgiz camp, Saranchof sent a half sotnia to each flank, and with the remainder marched south-west in the direction of Janibai's tomb. The road from this place became still more diflicult ; the pools ^^ ere so deep and broad that some had to be crossed by swimming against a strong wind, while in others the horses sank to their girths and began to lie down from inability to extricate themselves from the sticky mud. Not wishing, however, to halt before accom- plishing his purpose, Saranchof overcame all obstacles and reached the sea shore; but here the detachment drew up before a fearful scene. Manv horses and camels with their packs lay in the mud on the shore abandoned by their owners, and further on, at 2 or 3 versts from the coast, crowds of Adaefs up to their waists in water endeavouring to escape to an island ; leaving to fate not only their herds but their little children, who were abandoned by their mothers in the sci-amble. To continue the pursuit would have led * Tlie detachment consisted of two sotnias of Cossacks, a division of artillery, and 50 rillemen, mounted on camels. 83 to the ultimate destruction of many Adaef families, and therefore, Saranchof, as night was approaching, returned to Janibai^ where he was met by the other half sotnias who had pitched the aids which they found into the sea. Thus terminated the expedition. On the following day the Adaefs tendered their submission, binding themselves to pay taxes, to give up the ringleaders and captives, and to return the property plundered by them at Mangyshlak. Similar rapidity and secrecy characterised Count Borkh's raid, made by order of the military commander of the Turgai district, upon the aiil of the Kirgiz Amantai, Tiuliup-Bergenef, one of the most renowned robber chiefs who nomadised at that time on the Teress-Akkana, a tributary of the Khobda. When Amantai, in the summer of 1869, was nomadising with his aid in the Iletz iiyezd with the secret intention of con- tinuing to encourage brigandage, Count Borkh, who was then con- structing the AkTiube Fort,formed a flying column of 70 Orenburg Cossacks, and accomplishing nearly 200 versts in 2 days by secluded paths and valleys, reached Murtuk. Intelligence was here received that Amantai was nomadising with the aids of his kinsmen the Chiklins; and as the ties of clanship are held in great esteem among the Kirgeze, the whole success of the detach- ment depended upon its falling upon the Chiklins unawares. The object of the detachment was favoured by the inclemency of the night, which was such as is seldom experienced in the steppe. Taking advantage of the darkness, Count Borkh ordered the Cossacks to tie up their sabres, cover their stirrup irons, and put nose bags over their horses' mouths to prevent them from neigh- ing. In utter darkness and amid the howling of the storm, the Cossacks passed among the sleeping aids, with the assistance of a trusty guide and the constant flashes of the lightening. At day- light the detachment was far on its road, and perceiving on the banks of a rivulet the traces of an aid which had just quitted the spot, it trotted forward and soon descried in a large ravine some aids among which was that of Amantai. It was necessary to gallop the distance to the aids as quickly as possible so as not to give the Kirgeze time to recover. For- bidding the Cossacks to fire, Count Borkh dashed at the afd and demanded from the astonished Kirgeze the surrender of Amantai. The Chiklins at first hesitated, but when Count Borkh proceeded to threats, they not only gave him up, but his brother Nazarbai also, with all their eff"ects. Apprehending an attack on their return journey, the Cossacks formed a sort of moveable square, and throwing out a chain of skirmishers round the captured herd (about 900 head), pre- pared in the event of attack to dismount and fire over the saddle. The Kirgeze followed at a respectful distance, but observing our cautious proceedings, commenced gradually to drop ofl:'; the detachment reached Ak Tiube in 6 days without contre-tcmps, 84 after a march both ways of 500 versts and with the loss of only- two lame horses. The rapidity shown in both cases by the cavalry gives proof of the indefatigable powers of our Cossacks ; but justice demands an acknowledgment that our steppe infantry does not yield to them in this respect : for instance, the rifles * of Captain Tetgren's de- tachment, in the auturpn of 1870, when hastening to the succour of some Cossacks, ran, not marched, 25 versts in 3 hours. In order, however, to give them this rapidity and mobility in the steppe, without risk to their health, they must be mounted on camels or in carts, or, better still, on horses ; in fact, mounted infantry or dragoons. All the trials in this direction have proved successful, and if the infantry are provided with comfortable saddles, and are trained to dismount rapidly, they have not been found to be behind the Cossacks, and have made marches of 80 to 100 or more versts in 24 hours. XI. Military Operations in Turkestan. — Sketch of Central Asian Armies (Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery). — Field Engagements and Character of the Operations of the Turkestan Battalions.— i?o/e of Riflemen and Artillery in Action. — Mode of Capture of Central Asian Forts. — Defence of our Forts in the Steppe and in Turkestan. In the preceding lecture we have spoken of military operations in the Kirgiz steppe. Quite different, however, are the conditions under which similar operations are conducted in Central Asia, v/here there are organized powers, and in consequence towns, fortresses, and standing armies. It is true that centuries of des- potism on the part of their rulers, and the prevailing religion, have reduced the strength of the nation to such a low ebb, that these so-called regular armies appear to us like indisciplined mobs, great in point of number, but as ignorant of the military art as they were in the time of Bekovitch Cherkassky. But, although never failing to suffer defeat in the open field, they possessed sufficient firmness behind the ramparts of their fortresses to defend them- selves at times with considerable obstinacy. The armament of the infantry of our neighbouring Central Asian Khanates is rather varied : the Khokandi, for example, are armed in the present day for the most part with matchlocks, while among the Bokhariots we find not only percussion arms and double-barrelled sporting guns, but breech-loading rifles, the front rank being armed with these, while the rear rank have pistols and old fashioned batiks and ai-baltcB. The arme blanche of the cavalry is, firstly, the lance, and * The Isfc division of the 1st company of the 18th (now the 1th Tni-kestan) rifle battalion, under tlie command of Lieutenant Jivaref. I 85 secondly, a weapon consisting of a cast-iron ball attached to a strap. a battle-axe or a sabre. The cavalry, as an arm, plays usually a most insignificant part, and cannot act at all in winter, as the costly blood argamaks are unable to stand the cold and bad forage. During the Khivan campaign of General Perovsky, a gang of three thousand Khokandi appeared in our Kirgiz steppe, but being overtaken by storms and bad weather, sustained such losses that, according to the reports of the Khivans themselves, scarcely half the men, and those on foot, returned to their native land. The artillery, judging from the guns which we captured from the Khokandi, may be said to be in a very low scale of development, and reminds us of that of the middle ages. That of Bokhara is better, due to the fact that they have learnt of late from the Afghans. The military qualities of the Bokhariot artillery were displayed in some engagements, as at Irdjar for instance, where their batteries opened fire at distances of 1,800 or 1,900 yards, and of course would have occasioned us much damage, had our rapid advance not forced the Bokhariots to withdraw their guns. At Ura Tiube and Djizak, they likewise fired with great skill, and the little comparative loss which we sustained at the assault of those places may be explained by our batteries not permitting the enemy to place his guns within close range. It remains to say that, besides the fortress and field artillery, the Bokhariots have a description of mountain gun, carried on pack animals, and wall-pieces, which they use both in the defence of their fortresses and in the open field. Shahr-i-subz also possesses certain qualities ; the inhabitants of that country are excellent shots, while in energy and bravery they are far superior to the Bokhariots and the inhabitants of the Zerafshan valley. With regard to our most easterly neighbours, the Kashgarees, their infantry, according to eye-witnesses, is much better organized than the other Central Asian powers, and has been drilled to a certain extent by immigrants from East India. The Kashgar artillery is more numerous and of better quahty than that of Bokhara or Khokand. The cavalry, besides the sabre and lance use arrows, and are trained to carry a foot soldier on the croup of their horses. Of the moral force of these troops we will say nothing, as some estimate it rather higher, others lower than that of the iSokhariots. After reviewing our scanty information of the character and military organization of our Central Asian antagonists, it is not diflicult to come to the conclusion that in military operations in Turkestan it is impossible to do without some moveable columns, as had been done in the Kirgiz steppe. Such an arrangement was only possible there as long as the military operations on our side were limited to a passive defence, or, at the most, to raids. But as the experience of late years has demonstrated that in conse- quence of the special peculiarities of the neighbouring races, and the extent of the frontier line, a successful defence of Turkestan is only possible by opposing to an attack active energetic measures, and 86 - thus our detachments required such an effective as to enable them to furnish sufficient gai'risons for the occupation at any rate of the most important strategical points, without weakening the field force to too great an extent. From the very nature of warfare in Turkestan, troops may have to take part both in operations in the field and in sieges and assaults of fortresses, in the defence of forts, and lastly in raids and enterprises against robber gangs. As the latter operations — the raids — come under the general conditions of operations in the steppe, of which we have already spoken, we will endeavour to lay down simple rules for the guidance of our men in actions with the enemy. The development of the offensive element in troops is the first condition of success in Asiatic warfare. In point of fact, no matter how many Asiatics there may be, they will evade the attack of the smallest column if it only acts with boldness; the sight of "charge bayonets," and cries of hurrah ! produce a strong impression upon the enemy, and force him, as a rule, to seek safety in flight. But the proneness of the Turkestan battalions to move straight from the position with the bayonet, despising the co-operation of skirmishers and artillery, has sometimes cost them dearly, and may endanger the success of the enterprise. In the engagement at Zerabulak on the 2nd June 1868, one of our battalions, dashing forward impetuously with the bayonet, was surrounded and so hidden by the dense crowds of the enemy, that the division of artillery in rear., being unable to distinguish it, dared not fire canister at these masses; but luckily the gallant companies made a fresh charge with the bayonet and opened a road for themselves, defeat- ing the enemy with a loss of 17 men. Of course the defeat of such a foe as the Bokhariots is not difficult; but it is necessary to remember that these light victories give, as a rule, insignificant results, and while dispersed in one place, these gangs easily and quickly unite at another, often in larger numbers than before. In order to secure a decisive victor}'^, it is by no means sufficient to put the enemy to flight ; il is necessary to inflict such loss upon him, that he cannot quickly recover from it ; and this is possible only by a heavy fire. Hence the reason that the most convenient order for our infantry is an extended front, even vi ithout a chain of skirmishers, as this formation gives a greater extent of fire, and at the same time, owing to the little steadiness of the enemy, is quite close enough for a good bayonet charge. Generally speaking, in consequence of the small size of our de- tachments, the character of the enemy and of the ground, which both in the Caucasus and in Turkestan often prevent our artillery from taking part in the attack at the same time with the infantry, we ought not to commence the attack from a long distance, and by a premature bayonet charge deprive ourselves of the advantages of our fire, and thereby risk an incomplete and in- decisive victory. In proof of this we will mention some characteristic instances. S 87 During the attack of the Samarcand lieiglits (1st May ISGa) the infantry, moving to the attack, went forward at once with the bayonet, masking their own artillery; and although the enemy fled in panic fear, his losses were too slight to make him sensible of his defeat. The same thing was partly repeated at Zerabulak, where the small numher of dead Bokhariots on the left flank served as the best proof that here also we had not turned to account the superiority of our arms as we might hate done, and had not allowed time for shattering the enemy's masses. At the same time we must not let the troops run into the opposite extreme of firing away their cartridges. The Bokhariots sometimes open fire at a very great range, and our soldiers, not to be backward, uselessly expend much powder, and at the same time nothing raises the spirits of the enemy so much as an unsuccessful fire at long ranges. Although field engagements, carried out with greater or less success, are capable to a certain extent of subduing and shaking the power of a Central Asian sovereignty, vet great results n\ war are only to be attained by the occu])ation of a town or fortress, as to the fall of such a point there is attached a sense of territorial loss. From this it is plain that the siege of a fort is the chief and, it may be said, the only operation open to us for the attainment of a decisive success in Turkestan. Nearly all the important towns of Central Asia are surrounded with high mud walls, which are flanked in many places by towers of two and even four stories ; the ditches surrounding the walls are in rows, and are filled with water, attaining in some places a depth of 28 feet or more. On the top of the walls, on the outer side, run crenelated galleries 6 feet high, which are loopholed ; the wooden gates are plated with iron, and are protected on the out- side by traverses, while on the inside are corridors running in a serpentine direction. It might appear that the capture of such towns, in the event of an obstinate and careful defence, would be an impossibility for a weak antagonist; but it is necessary to bear in mind that the garrisons of the towns, from the extent of the line to be defended, are scattered over a large space, and it therefore appears feasible to capture the works before the enemy has time to concentrate against the attacked point, and also that the artiller)-, however numerous, is dispersed over a line of several versts in length, and cannot act in concert at a given moment. Besides having no idea of turning the locality to account, Asiatics, even in fortresses, defend themselves only behind their ramparts, disregarding such objects for instance as gardens and suburbs, which, from their being mud structures, are not easily fired, while their crooked intersected streets could impede the assailant at every forward step. Between 1840-50 our troops had frequently to besiege and capture towns in Central Asia; but at the beginning, having no idea of the means of defence of these fortresses, we acted with great circumspection ; for instance, trenches were opened, approaches made, and by this both time and men were use- lessly lost. Afterwards we changed our tactics and, as a rule, 88 abandoned the regular siege and had recourse to open escalade. The difference was immense. For instance, in order to capture Ak-Mechet, defended by 300 Khokandi, our detachment of 2,000 men required three weeks, but the conquest of Djizak, one of the strongest fortresses in Bokhara, w^as commenced and linished in a week in spite of its being defended by a garrison of 10,000 men. We will say a few words as to the essence of sucli an opera- tion as the siege of a Central Asian fortress. In undertaking the siege of a town it is necessary first of all to surround it on every side in order that the garrison may not only not receive reinforcements but may have no communication with the exterior. In some cases this may be attained by a careful selec- tion of points to be occupied by detachments, which although small should be strong enough to repel any sorties. Then turning to account the carelessness of Asiatics and their want of know- ledge of the importance of sentry duties, breaching batteries should be formed at night as near as possible to the walls, a breach effected and the assault made. As u rule it is sufficient to show a handful of volunteers on the wall of the strongest fortress to ensure its fall. The principal rule in the assault falls to the infantry, the cavalry only takes part \\hen the enemy is leaving the fortress, although there have been cases when, from the local circumstances, they have had to share in the assault, vieing with the infantry. Thus a mounted sotnia of Urals, during the assault of Ura-Tiube, after forcing their way through the gates of the fortress, killed the gunners on the barbettes and, after dismantling the guns, arrived opportunely to the aid of the troops attacking the north bastions. In the storming of Djizak, the Cossacks sent with Colonel Pistolkors to make a demonstration against the north-west angle of the fortress, dismounted, and with the two guns Avhich they brought with them approached so close to the walls that the Bokhariots made a sortie. They were met, however, by the Cossacks with such a fire of grape that they took to flight. Opinions vary considerably as to the importance of artillery in the attack of Asiatic fortresses. According to the opinion of some it is of little relative value because the mud walls of Central Asian defences do not yield readily to our shells, while the irregular form of the w^orks seldom permits the guns to deliver a direct fire ; others say, on the contrary, that artillery can play an important part. In fact, not very long ago, artillery was limited to mere bombardments and demonstrations, but now it is used for breaching. It is true that many still continue to deny the advantage of breaching Ijatteries, believing that the formation of a breach is only suited for Euroi)ean warfare and is entirely superfluous against Asiatics, as it prolongs the duration of the siege and leads to a useless waste of life; but this assertion is opposed to facts. Breaching batteries were tried first at the siege of Ura-Tiube in 186G. and the result was that the column I 89 penetrating through the breach lost 5 men whilst the other whicli stormed the walls with ladders lost 150 men. From this it may he concluded that under certain conditions all the rules of the art of siege warfare are applicable in Central Asia, and that the formation of a breach is as a rule necessary. Moreover, owing to the height of the walls, ladders are often found too short, besides that escalade is at all times a dangerous opera- tion. For instance, in 1852, our men were beaten off from Ak- Mechet before they had captured the outer rampart, and, for tlie same cause, one of the columns at the storming of Khodjent was repulsed with a loss of 80 men. The best time for the assault, if we take into consideration the carelessness of Asiatics, is daylight. But there are exceptions. In the capture of Djizak our troops had to assault at noon, as the Bokhariots, taught by experience at Ura-Tiube, which was assaulted at dawn a few days before, kept awake until daylight so as not to be taken unawares. At noon no one expected the assault and thus the strongest fortress fell after half an hour's resistance.* Although the erection of breaching batteries and the formation of a breach is the best and surest means for capturing a fortress, it cannot for all this be recommended as superior to everything else. If the fortress is small, for instance, and has a strong profile to the walls, a bombardment may be had recourse to, as was done in 1869 at Yani Kurgan, which fell in 23 hours, almost without loss. We will now pass to the defence of our own forts in the Kirgiz Steppe and in Turkestan. Properly armed and provided with the necessary warlike stores our steppe forts form very secure defensive points, particularly against such antagonists as the Kirgeze. Although the distance between our forts is for the most part very considerable, this is no disadvantage, as the security of the Kirgiz steppes does not lie in defensive, but in offensive opera- tions; the forts serving only as points of support for the active enterprises of the garrison quartered in them. The more mobile the detachment the more ensured is the defence of the district. None of our forts, with the exception of Fort Alexander, have been attacked by Kirgeze. This exception we will note : — Soon after the defeat of Rukin's detachment at Mangyshlak, the commandant of Fort Alexander received intelligence that the Adaefs were collecting in large numbers in order to capture the fort before reinforcements could be brought by steamer from the Caucasus. At the end of March large gangs of Adaefs collected about 6 versts from the fort in the hilly and intersected country, and on the 3rd April commenced to approach its eastern defences. At * At the siege of Djizak the Bek in command, wishing to prercnt all egress from the fortress, ordered the gates to be closed, leaving narrow wickets in soriie of them. When our troops forced their way in the Bokhariots found their line of retreat closed, and surrendered in masses. Some fanatics, however, took refuge in a powder magazine, and blew themselves up. 90 the first rounds from the garrison the whole band halted, and^ turning to the right, moved in the direction of the Cossack village of Nikolaef. The unarmed villnge was of course unable to offer any resistance, and, therefore, all the inhabitants who could not take refuge in time in Fort Alexander, or escape by boats to the open sea, were killed in a most inhuman and barbarous manner. The Kirgeze afterwards burnt the village and plundered the Armenian shops. After a day or two the Adaefs again approached the fort, and this time tried to gain possession of Flagstaff Hill, from which they could see all that was going on in the fort ; but they were foiled in this attempt by the Cossacks. A fire was kept up from the fort until sunset, and the garrison remained all night under arms awaiting the attack. On the 7th of the month the day passed quietly ; but the spies who came to the fort brought word that an attack would be made that night on the Armenian shops in the lower fort, from which all the troops had been removed since the commencement of the siege. The night was dark, preventing the enemy's approach from being observed, and the garrison could not attempt a sortie as there were but 150 men in all, including labourers, hospital attendants, clerks, meteorologists, &c., who could hold a gun. At 10 p.m. the fusillade from the outpost picquet betokened the approach of the enemy. In spite of the heavy fire of grape and small arms directed upon the streets of the Armenian bazaar, the Kirgeze, who had forced their way into the lower fort, plundered it until morning. It was impossible to save the bazaar, and there- fore firing was suspended, especially as we began to run short of ammunition. On the 8th the Kirgeze occupied the gardens adjacent to the fort, burnt the bazaar, and appointed the 10th for the final assault. This, however, did not take place, as on the 9th a steamer arrived with 2 Caucasian companies, and the Kirgeze, giving up all idea of attacking the fort, fled to the mountains. In Turkestan the enemy has also more than once attempted to seize our forts. For instance, the affairs at Fort Perovsky, Yani Kurgan, and Samarkand, the siege of which by the enemy lasted 7 days and caused us consideraljle loss. Formerly, judging from previous instances, an active defence was considered the best means for defending any point in our occupation, and therefore the troops made a sortie from the fortress and endeavoured to attack the besieging force in the open field ; but as it was impossible to do this in the case of Samarkand, this siege afforded us some instructive examples, which must be taken into consideration in future operations in Central Asia : — ■ (1.) Excessive confidence in the inhabitants was the cause of the commandant of Samarkand abstaining from the destruction of the houses which adjoined the walls of the citadel ; and by thus depriving the garrison of the possibility of cannonading the enemy, the attacks became long and obstinate. (2.) The immense extent 91 of the walls both of Samarkand and other fortresses, by giving the adversary the choice of many points for his attack, demands on our side an efficient reserve for opportune employment wherever reinforcement is required. To the excellent arrangements of its reserve the citadel of Samarkand owed its safety. (3.) Artillery fire as the chief means of defence of the garrison must be directed with great skill, or the enemy by taking advantage of the cover afforded by the town buildings will hardly suffer any damage ; and (4.) the commanders must be ready with expedients for repairing breaches, making barricades, and other means of meeting assaults. In conclusion, we must repeat that in spite of the gallantry of the troops, contempt for the enemy, no matter who he may be, and inattention to the teachings of military science and experience, are paid for in useless and irreparable losses, whereas the pre- servation of the men, owing to the difficulty alone of replacing casualties in such remote regions, should always be the first con- sideration in all military operations in Asia. 92 APPENDIX. NOTES ON THE KHIYAN EXPEDITION, 1873. The forces placed at the disposal of General von Kaufmann for the Expedition to Khiva started from three different bases of operation : (1) from the Turkestan District; (2) from the Orenburg District; and (3) from the Caucasiis District. The column from Turkestan was formed into two minor columns, the one starting from Djizakh, the other from Kasalinsk ; these two detachments were to unite at the Bakan Mountains, and thence move together upon Khiva. The combined column consisted of: — 21 companies^' of Infantry. 1 company of Sappers (250 men). 7 sotniasf of Cossacks. 28 field gi.ms (including 2 mitrailleuses of Noble's construction). 8 rocket stands. Total, 5,247 men, and 1,654 horses. Fortified posts were established at Irkibai, Tamdy and Kha] Ata, in which places garrisons were left, and reserve supplies of food, ammu- nition, and other stores accumulated. The Orenburg column consisted of : — 9 companies of Infantry. 1 Sapper detachment. 9 sotnias of Cossacks. 12 field guns. (Besides these, 2 rifled muzzle-loading 4-prs, were carried with the train for the armament of the fortified post at Urgu, and 4 small mortars for possible use against Khiva). 6 rocket stands. Total, 3,461 men, and 1,797 horses. Eortified posts were formed at Djana Kal and Urgu-Murun, a promontory near Lake Aibugir, where garrisons were left and reserve stores concentrated. Large stores were also collected at the Emban Post, the last fortified point on Eussian territory. The Caucasus column was split into two main detachments, moving respectively from Krasnovodsk and Mangyshlak. The constitution of the Krasnovodsk detachment is omitted, as it will be remembered that this was the column — the only one — which failed in reaching Khiva. It started on its march from the eastern shores of the Caspian, but after persevering in its struggle for some weeks against the most formidable difficulties which nature could oppose to it, was at length compelled to return. No blame fortius failure can be attached to the commander of the column, Colonel Markossoff, an officer of consider- * Normal strength of a company, about 200 men. t Normal strength of sotnia, 150 men. 93 able experience in the steppe ; on the contrary, but for his resolution to return, the whole of the detachment might have perished. The heat was so intense that the thermometers burst at 55° R. (157'' F.), that being the maximum graduation on the stem, and even the Cossacks were dying from sunstroke and want of water. The moral force exercised by the presence of this column on its return was, however, of use in overawing the Tekke Turkmen who inhabit the country to the north of the Persian frontier, so that, although it was debarred trom participating in the triumphal entry into Khiva, it still contributed a share to the general success of the campaign. The Mangyshlak column, originally intended to be a much larger force, had, owing to the difficulties of obtaining transport, to be reduced in streng-th, which was ultimately as folio vps : — 12 companies of Infantry. 1 Sapper detachment. 6 sotnias of Cossacks. 6 guns (4 field, 2 mountain). 3 rocket stands, and some mounted natives.* Total about 2.000 men. There were a few horses, probably under 1,000. Fortified posts were established at Bish Akhty and Iltedge in con- nection with the base of this detachment on the shores of the Caspian. The operation of landing the stores at Tchikishliar, no easy one, is described in one of the Russian military journals ; the men had to carry the stores for about half a mile in order to land them in consequence of the shallowness of the sea in places. The exposure of the men, breast high in the water, to the scox'ching rays of the sun must have laid the foundation of much sickness. The total force of combatants forming the expedition, therefore, numbered nearly 11,000 men, in which are not included the nmnerous '^^'^^P*''* non-combatants, such as train drivers, native camel attendants. j hospital ^^^^"S^™ ^ s- attendants, guides, suttlers, &c. When it is remembered that this large force had to traverse the vast expanse of sandy steppe which separates the Russian frontiers from the Khivan oasis — deserts which are absolutely barren, and can afford no sujiplies whatever, not even water in many cases — some idea may be gained of the amount of transport required. The requisite transport could not be obtained, even with all the resources of Russia. Camels were indispensable, as there are often mai'ches of three days' length where no water is to be had, and these are the only animals which con exist without water for any time. The campaign hinged entirely on the transport, and how nearly it broke down from its insufficiency is evident to any one who has read the un- pretending journals of Colonel Kolokoltsoff. It is difficult to find out the exact number of camels actually obtained for the use of the troops. Lieutenant Stiimm, the Prussian attache with the Russian forces, mentions 19,200 camels as the total number required, but this aj^pears to be under the mark according to the Russian accounts, which assign 8,800 and 10,320 to the Turkestan and Orenburg columns respectively, and therefore exclusive of the requirements of the Caucasus column. Some idea of the quantity of stores required for the use of the ti'oops * These men acted as guides aud reconnoitrers. They also formed guards, for patrolling the Une of communications. t There was a native driver to every 5 or 7 camels. 94 may be gathered from the fact thai 2,700 tons of stores of different kinds "vrere sent to the Emhan post for the use of the Orenburg column alone, and for the ti'ansport of this amount upwards of 10,000 camels were stated to be necessary. The troops carried on an average two-and-a-half months' supply in their commissariat train, another month's supply was accumulated at the fortified posts, and four months' supply in addition for the garrisons of those posts. The ration appointed for the Kussian soldier per dieui, as given in Lieutenant StUmm's account, is as follows : — 2 lb. bread (hard black biscuit). |- lb. groats, 2 oz. salt. 7^ oz. meal. -^ oz. dripping. 5 oz. pease. 5 drams of vinegar. 14^ drams of spirit. 2 lb. mutton. Lieutenant Stumm remarks that this was the ration laid down in the regl^lations, but he expresses a doubt whether a regular supply of these quantities could be sustained in the desert. From the Russian accounts it seems tolerably certain that the men did not get this ration. Colonel Kolokoltsoff, in his diary, mentions that the men's appetites failed in the intensely suffocating heat. They only seemed to mumble their biscuit, and the latter does not appear to have been Tery jialat- able. We are told that native chupatties (unleavened cakes of flour and fat) were obtainable from the suttlers, but that lew could touch them. Sheep were taken with the detachments, and others were pur- chased from friendly Kirgeze. Salt meat was also carried. The Oren- burg detachment brought a small supply of salt meat with it, besides 15,300 rations (theii' force was nearly 3,500 men) of preserved meat. Supplies of rice wei'e also obtained on the road (by the Turkestan detach- ment) from the Emir of Bokhara. Directly Khivan territory was reached, mnrkets were established and supplies of fresh meat, vegetables, fruits, and other article?, were brought in for sale. No Russian can get on without his tea, which is drimk very weak, with acid in it in lieu of milk. Cold tea was found to be the most grateful beverage for allaying the parching thirst, from which the men suffered severely in their march through the desert. The proportion of tea and sugar issued to the troops was 1 lb. tea aud 3 lb. sugar to everj 100 men per diem. The animals employed for transport purjooses were camels aud horses ; chiefly the former. The field artillery was sometimes drawn by horses and sometimes by two camels harnessed tandem fashion. The mitrailleuses had one camel each for their draught. Camels formed the staple transport. >Many were hired from friendly Kirgeze, some were sent by the Emir of Bokhara, and when the natives were unwilling to lend them, they were taken by force. A few were captured from the Turkmen on the road during the skirmishes. The camels procured were as a general rule in bad condition, owing to the scarcity of grain and grass during the preceding winter and early spring. Instead of being able to carry the ordinary load of a good 95 camel, namely, 600 or 700 lb., they could uot be loaded with more tbau 480 lb. under tbe best condition.s, and with onl}' 200 lb, iu some cases. Immense numbers of camels and horses died from exhaustion and privations, chiefly the want of sufficient water, and the columns were reduced to great stx-aits in consequence. Many officers' horses and artilleiy horses died on the road. The horses were fed on barley or oats, and hay.* The ration of corn Ration of was 10 lbs. The camels were fed on straw, the refuse of sesame and borses, &c. hay. The Emir of Bokhara sent presents of forage, and other friendly natives brought it in for sale. The main supply, however, had to be cari'ied with the columns. The only fodder in the steppe is a coarse prickly grass, which camels will eat, but horses will not touch it. Underfoot grass was met with on the banks of the Oxus and in the Khivan oasis generally. Watei', except in the waterless parts of the desert, was obtained on Water, the road, either from wells or springs. These wells had been in some places filled in by the enemy, but were cleared out by the sappers. The water they contained was, in places, barely drinkable ; tea made with it, Colonel Kolokoltsoff tells us, "was bitter to the taste, and had the appearance of coffee.'' His story of the campaign is full of harrowing details, for instance, we find a father suffering the most dreadful tortiires rather than beg a mouthful from his son'.s water-bottle. Vam- bery's accounts of the miseries undergone in the steppe, which, before the campaign, were believed to have been highly coloured, now proved to be only too true. During the watei-less marches in the desert, water w^as carried by the train in skins, barrels, and other wooden utensils, and by the men in bidons and bottles. In the case of the Krasnovodsk detachment (the one which failed) we are told that the water was carried in skins and in 5-vedro (13^ gallons) casks. 40 of which casks were assigned to each company. This column carried with it 4,000 vcdros, or 10,800 gallons, which was calculated to be sufficient for 6 marches, allowing each man 4 bottles of water in the 24 hours. The allowance for a hoi'se was a vedro (10*8 quarts) per diem. Water was found to evaporate very fast from the casks and other utensils with the thermometer standing at 150" F. The scarcity of water was so great that Colonel Kolokoltsoff tells us that he dare not wash the dust oixt of his eyes, all he could afford to do was to wipe them with a damp towel. Vapour baths on the Russian principle seem to have been estab- lished at some of the permanent halting places. The " Norton tube wells," carried by £:ome of the columns, seem to have turned out a failure. The Turkestan troops considered them useless lumber, and abandoned them on the road. The valves appear to have got out of order. The medical department of the Turkestan column was organized as Medical follows : — an-angements. With the field detachments there was a field-hospital with 270 beds, and at the forts of Irkibai and Tamdy, temporary hospitals with 15 * The Cossack horses had often to carry 9 days' forage with them (140 lb.) the Cossacks leading them in tliis case (Krasnovodsk detachment). 9G beds each. All these hospitals were supplied with a sufficient quantity of the necessary stores, medicines and surgical instruments. Besides these, the " Society for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded," under the patronage of the Empress, sent upwards of 5 tons of medical and hygienic stores, accompanied by 2 surgeons and 4 assistants. The Turkestan branch of the society also gi-anted 220^. for the provision of a field ambulance for 20 men. In the Orenburg column, besides similar hospital aiTangements, the Orenburg branch of the " Society for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded " supplied a quantity of hospital requisites ; including three ambulance carriages and 50 portable litters, stores of hospital linen, wine, tobacco, anti-scorbutic remedies, extra rations of tea, sugar, some books, journals, writing implements, &c. It also gave 450/. in money. The health of the troops seems to have been good on the whole. Some cases of frost-bite occurred at the commencement of the expedition among the Turkestan detachment. There were several cases of sun- stroke, dysentery, and diseases of the eye, produced by the glare of the sun on the snow and, later on, by the reflection of its rays from the sand in the desert. Inflammation of the eyes from the light friable lime dust was of common occurrence in the Krasnovodsk column. Catarrhs were the most frequent ailment, due to the great alternations of tem- perature. The ordnance carried by the force was of the lightest description. It was partly of modern and partly of old construction, viz. : — 3-pr. mountain guns, rifled, breech-loading. 3-pv. mountain guns, muzzle-loading. 10-pr. howitzers tor armament of forts. 4-pr. field guns, muzzle and breech-loading, rifled. 10-pr. mortars. Rockets. Mitrailleuses. The guns vvere supplied with a triple complement of service cartridges and projectiles, except for the guns intended for the armament of forts, which received less. In the case of the forts at Irkibai and Tamdy they were provided with 130 rounds fur each 10-pr. howitzer and 200 rounds for each light gun. Loose powder, powder-hose, and other stores were also carried. The troo]5s were provided with a triple complement of ball cartridge. Of these the trooi)S carried one complement (60 rounds) in their pouches, the other two being carried on pack animals with the artillery park. In the engineer park of tlie Turkestan column, besides the ordinary stores, were carried 4 iron ferry boats, each consisting of tw® boats joined together, and a sjjare boat. The Orenburg detachment had two portable bridges, one on trestles, the other partly of pontoons, partly of skins. Owing to the great alternations of temperature, the clothing of tlio men comprised a large variety of .articles, which added considerably to the transport. The troops belonging to the Turkestan detachment received a sheepskin jacket, fur collars covering the neck and ears, felt boots goloshed with leather, woollen foot-bandages,* and ground blankets to lie upon. * The Russian soldicv, like the Prussian, wo.irs no sodis in a campaign, bandages liis feet -with Uuen in the siuumer, and witli Ihuniel in llic -winter. but 97 On the night (13-14th March) that the Djizakh column crossed the river Kli, 4 inches of snow fell and the thermometer stood at 12° F., and was even lower than this during the next few days The men were not allowed to go to sleep at night for fear of being frozen to death. Several cases of frost-bite occurred, but only one native camel driver was frozen to death. When the same column reached the desert in April the thermometer registered 132° F., with a suffocating atmosphere. The changes of the night and day temperature were very trying. In the day the men marched in their gymnasium blouses. The early mornings, however, were often so cold that the mounted men and staff wore their cloaks. The Turkestan detachment, which was the most exposed to climatic changes, was pi'ovided with kibitkas (nomad tents) and tentes d'abi-i. Many tents and a great deal of the officers' and men's personal baggage had to be buried or burnt on the march owing to the dearth of transport. F. C. H. C. Horse Guards, War Office. 28fk February 1874. 98 NOTES ON THE TURKMEN RACE. (From Ihrahimof s Journals.) The Turkmen,* a Mahommedan race of the Sunnite sect; their language a mixture of Turkish and Uzbeg, with many Tatar words, which are not used either by the Sarts ©r Kirgeze of Central Asia. The type, Central Mongol, like the Kara Kirgese^ of high stature, brave, warlike, and strongly addicted to plunder and jnllage. They have a saying — " Tuyalik yercla tut bulmas Trukmjanlik yerda yurt buhna?." (No tree grows where camels browse; no peace where there are Turkmen.) Like the Kii'geze they live in felt kibitkas, but the latter are more lofty and of better quality. In winter they live like the TJzbegs in mud huts. They employ themselves in agricultural pursuits and in cattle breedinsr. The following is a list of the tribes and subdivisions of the Turkmen which nomadise in the Khivan Khanate. (1.) Yomuds, divided into five divisions : (a) Ukuz, 5,000 kibitkas; (b) Salak, 20,000 kibitkas; (c) Urchukchi ; {d) Ushak ; (e) Kujuk. (2.) Emral, 10,000 kibitkas in all, — divided into(«) Oaradashli ; {b) Karakum ; (r) Berdi Khoja ; (r?) Karatail. (3.) Chaudir 17,000 kibitkas. (4.) GaradashH 5,000 (5.) GuJcIen 300 „ (6.) Ala-ili 1,000 (7.) Arhachi 200 (8.) Afa 9,000 (9.) Mehhcli 300 (10.) Dui/achi, and \ oaa (11.) Igdir .. / •• •• ^^U „ (12.) C/iaudlr 400 All these tribes nomadise in different parts of the Khanate. Thus, the Yomud on the Kasavat and Kyz-yd takir. At the latter place the Guklen and the Ala-ili tribes. The Emral, Garadashli, Duyachi, Igdir, Chandir and Mekheli near Elagla (Ilyala) ; the Chaudir on the Arna and Porsu ; the Ata on the right bank of the Amu Darya, near Shurakhan ; the Arbachi at Shabbaz-vali. We next come to the Turkmen who nomadise in the southern part of the steppe, in the direction of the Afghan and Persian frontiers. These latter Turkmen are divided into two great tribes, Sarik (foi-eign sheep), and Tel and ciril officials and employes, and 100,000 J personnel of the train ; 36,000 rank and file. (a.) Peace Establishment. . (S) Smaller AVar Establishment. . {c.) Full War Establishment . . wliile the effective of the " troupes de r em-placement^^ i.e., reliefs and depots, cannot be estimated at under one half of the field army — viz., 50,000 men. Moreover, to garrison the fortresses, &c., there must be a further force organised to defend its hearths and homes in every part of the country ; part of this third force should have a stronger organization than the remainder, both m order to furnish a reserve to the field army should this meet with a disaster and its owoi reserve prove insufficient for its w^ants, to garrison the fortified places, and to constitute the nucleus of the local defence ; it should, there- fore, be formed in two categories — viz. : («) The War Keserve ; {b) The Landsturm ; the former cannot be estimated at under 40,000 strong- ; the latter should number from 100,000 to 120,000 men. This is the basis on which the project is constructed, viz : — Men. Field-army 100,000, Reliefs and dep6ts 50,000, War Reserve 40,000, Landsturm 120,000. Total 310,000. The next question is how is this force to be com- Composition posed ? All enhsted army is out of the question ; there re- oi the Army. mains only the system of obligatory military service, which must be so applied as to fall equally on all persons made Hable by law, while furnislmig a maximum number of drilled men. The conscription, as understood in Germany, Austria, and France must be discarded as opposed to the spirit of the nation ; moreover the excellent moral force of the people requires only to be developed. The principle of obligatory military service Avill, he holds, be best faltilled by abohshing the system of providing substitutes and of exemptions, and by develojjing the actual organization of the " beviiring " or mihtia into a larger number of classes of age and completmg it up to the figure requu-ed for the local defence. Ser\ace to be compulsory on all persons, with some exceptions to be determmed on, capable of bearing arms, from the age of 20 to 40 completed, the first 10 in the Land wehi-, the last 10 in the Landsturm. The 10 classes of age thus formmg the Landwehr, to be divided into, — the 3 junior classes to form the recruits and rehefs ; the next 4, the 1st and 2nd reserve of the active army ; the last 3, the war reserve. The man vdW then pass into the Landsturm Avhich "u-ill be organised in tactical units by governments (departments), and provided Avith the necessary cadres. Finally, in the event of war, every Swede not otherwise engaged in the defence of liis country will necessarily belong to the Landsturm. The army Avill thus be composed of : — («.) The line, i. e., the active army, Avith its recruits and rehefs : (6.) The Avar reseiwe ; (c.) The Landsturm. The actiA^e army, comprising the men continuously drilled, equipped and ready for the field, aa^U be formed by the permanent troops, i.e., the peace estabhshment, and by a certam number of " bcA^aring " classes of age — A'iz., those most recently and thoroughly trained, — according as tlie army is placed on the " full " or the " smaller Avar establish- ment." The component elements will be these : — Deductmg men for depots, reported unfit, &c., we cannot estimate the 10 '' peace establishment " at over 32,000 men fit to take the field; each class of the " bevaring " has of late years reached an average of 21,000 ; as it will, however, be necessary to be more strict in passing these men in future, in order that valuable time, trouble and expense may not be lost in training incapable men, it will b.e nearer the mark if the 1st class of bevaring is taken at 19,000; classes 2 and 3, at 18,500 each; classes 4 and 5, at 18,000 ; classes 6 and 7, at 16,000; classes 8, 9 and 10, 14,000; classes 11 to 20, 10,000. Thus, the peace estabhshment being 32,000, we should get the " smaller war establishment " in classes 4 and 5 (those, namely, destined to form the Ist reserve), furnisliing 36,000 men, which, added to the 32,000 of the peace estabhshment, give the requhed effective, — viz., 68,000. And by adding to this, classes 6 and 7 (those, namely, destined to form the 2nd reserve), furnishing 32,000 men, we should get the "full war estabhshment," — viz., 100,000. When the army is on the " smaller Vv^ar establishment," classes 6 and 7, and when on the " full war estabhshment,'^ classes 2 and 3, ^vill form the " troupes de r emplacement,^^ i.e., reliefs, while the 1st class of age, being the men of the least physique and training, would only be taken in case of emergency. The War Reserve, formed by classes 8, 9 and 10, 42,000 men, would be employed either as a reinforcement to the field army, as garrison troops, or as a nucleus for the Landsturm. The Landsturm, comprising all the men between 20 and 40 years of age, not other^vise engaged in the defence of the country, would, in conjunction with the War Reserve, con- stitute the local defence. The population of Sweden is something over 4,000,000 : the " peace estabhshment," therefore, is about '9 per cent. ; the " smaller war establishment," 1'65 per cent. ; the " full war establishment," 2'5 per cent. ; rehefs and recruits, 1*0 per cent., or incluchng the 1st class ot age, 1'5 per cent. ; War Reserve, 1*0 per cent. ; Landsturm, 3*1 per cent. Now comes the miportant question of givmg the army the necessary sohdity and discipline. General Abehn proposes a cadre of framed soldiers, who, by reason of then- longer contin- uous and stable service, should be able to communicate to the annual classes of age, constantly coming and going, that dis- ciphne and solidarity, which they otherwise could not acquire without a much more complete training than it is possible to give them. There are two modes of forming these cadre troops, — viz., conscription and enhstment : the first must, as aheady pomted out, be at once discarded; the enhsted soldier brmgs Avith him that aptitude and love for Ins trade, which can never exist in the soldier compulsorily enrolled. With us, the War Minister says, it is moreover of especial importance m a social point of view to unite, as far as possible, the duties of the soldier with those of the private citizen ; to combine, in the enlisted man, the soldier and the active and industrious civilian ; to preserve to 11 society the great part of his best characteristics ; to ensure to those who devote themselves to the mihtary profession the benefit of the active hfe of the citizen. A force of this nature we aheady possess in the " indelta " anny ; Yaluc of the it combines to a high degree the above ennumerated qualities, "Indelta" which we consider as desiderata. The numerous qualities j^^°t'fry''a ™1 * which make the " indelta " soldier so greatly superior to the social point of soldier obtained by consciiptiou, which malre of him a truly view. national soldier in the fullest sense of the term, uniting to the fidehty of the professional warrior the tasies and aptitude of the civihan, active and dihgent in his peace-occupations, and who therefore justly enjoys the esteem and confidence of the whole nation, need not to be recapitulated here. The various occupations to which he is given in peace, the laborious and arduous toil to which he is required to devote himself, are peculiarly fitted to give hira that multiplicity of so to speak " small talents," that dexterity, that inventive genius, that faculty of taking care of himself under the most varied cu-cmiista"nces, that aptitude for providing for his manifold wants, that patience m privation, m short, all those innumerable and inappreciable quahties, which are ever valuable and essential in every phase of war. It is this distinctive merit of the " indelta " system, an institution in every respect consistent with the pacific and social development of the country, clothmg the soldier with the double character of citizen and warrior, which continues to retain for him the unbounden confidence of the people. Among the points which perhaps contribute more particularly to this feeling may be mentioned, his permanent home, his almost unrestricted liberty between his periods of training, the habit acqiiired of providmg for his livuig (these short periods of course excepted), the position he occupies in relation to his superiors and the other classes of his fellow-citizens, the length of his service, the fact of his being domiciled in the midst of the people whose defence he becomes m the hour of danger, and many others. These numerous conditions are in my opinion, says General Abehn, of such extreme value as to demand careful fostering m dealing with any modifications in the " indelta " system. Doubtless the system has its bad points, but these are happily of such a nature as to be capable of ready ehminatiou by means of the few altera^tions Avhich will presently be stated. The advantages mihtate most strongly in favour of the maintenance of an institution crowned with the most glorious reminiscences of Swedish history, and to which the " beviiring " classes will ever attach themselves with a confidence nurtm'ed m their hcmas from mfancy. Having thus stated his views with reference to the mihtary Yalue of the side of the question, he passes to the economical aspect, and ''I"'^<^lt«'" sub-divides the expense of the "mdelta" under three lieads— ,^^^°™p^1 ^"^^ training, equipment, maintenance. The two first, he says, of view. 12 need ii<>t be dwelt upon, for they are inseparable from a cadi-e force, however constituted. The cost of maintenance rests, in various forms, on the class of citizens reqiiired to furnish men. Deducting grants made by the State towards the mamtenance of the cavalry regiments, armament, &c., he states the total cost of the " indelta,^^ in accordance with the calculations of a committee appointed to examine the question in 1867, as 180,966Z., which, divided among the total effective, 26,881, gives about 61. 15s. a head. A study of the elements on which the calculation is based shows that the pi-incipal part of this sum is, in general, represented by the evaluation in money of the returns of the " torp " or farm assigned to the soldier. But to obtain a correct impression of the real sacrifice imposed on the furnisher of the soldier by the cession ot the farm, it must be remembered that the latter has been brought under cultivation by the soldier himself, that originally it was generally speaking marked out on the extreme limit of the " hemmam," i.e., property required to furnish the soldier, and more often than not on the uncul- tivated, or at all events most sterile, land in the "hemmam" — land, in point of fact, which in its existing state was worth nothing; this fact most materially tends to diminish the sum represented as the returns of the soldiers' farm. It becomes indeed a question, whether the cession of land to an industrious and active labourer, accustomed to order and a regular mode of hfe, attached permanently to the land which he has reclaimed by the sweat of his brow, is not rather an advantage on the side of the landlord, while being, in an economical aspect, an undoubted gain to the nation at large. Nor must it be forgotten that the vast extent of the land under cultivation, sprinkled here and there with soldiers' " torps," i.e., farms, has by no manner of means been arrived at through a sacrifice imposed on the " hemmam " ; it is indeed rather a proof of the industry, activity and energy of the soldier on the one hand, of the self-interest of the owner of the soil on the other. With the figures above-mentioned before us, it is, he con- tinues, quite evident that the maintenance of a force of this strength in permanent garrison would be infinitely more onerous, both in point of cost and of loss of labour, than as at present. Irrespective of the expense connected with the construction of barracks, the purchase and keep of horses, the increase of pay to officers, &c., &c., the same number of men would cost about 514,462/., and the annual loss m labour would amount to 8,897,611 days. I think, then, he concludes this part of his argumentation, that the reason of economy may be added to those already pointed out m favour of preserving the " mdelta " system. It is constantly argued, he continues, that the " indelta " should be abolished, because the cost of its maintenance rests unjustly on the land. It is thought that the projected extension 13 of obligatory military service should at the same time fi'ee that institution of_ class of peasants, now reqnii'ecl to furnish and maintain *^^ "Indelta. men, fi'om such a portion of the charge as woiild be equivalent to the new obligations which would be imposed on it in common vntli the other classes of society. A glance, however, at the liistorical side of the question shows that, far from the one excluding the other, the two systems of personal mihtary service and of military service attached to the soil have marched more or less side by side since the most remote periods of Swedish liistory, and that the duty of rendeiing personal service in defence of the country is neither a ne\v obHgation nor one foreign to our customs. The idea of attaching to the proprietorship of the soil the duty of creating and maintaining the permanent army, (originated and put in practice under the reign of Charles XI. in virtue of a convention voluntarily entered into between him and the people), Avas no innovation but the natural result of what had long been the habits of the nation; tliis sovereign merely developed and organised more completely a fact which was already m full process of development, and, fi-om the first, the modifications introduced by him sprang from the du-ect wishes of the people. To go mto the whole history of the growth of the system would occupy too much time ; it must suffice to state that after the disastrous wars of Cliarles XII. the organization instead of succumbing was still further consolidated by successive Diets. Thus, far from the " indelta ^' system being the fr-eak of, or the result of laAvs dictated by, an absolute monarch, it was a patriotic institution based on ancient usage, springing from the spirit of the people, and enjojdng their love and confidence. Such an institution, groAAang Avith the development of society, voluntarily accepted by the proprietors of the soil, and established at then- instance by the supreme authority of the country, cannot, therefore, be said to be a burden resting unjustly on the land. ]\IoreoA^er, history agam shoAvs, that, side by side Avith the institution of a permanent army, the ancient duty of rendering personal military serAace continued ; that at A^arious epochs of time, a certain Landsturm organization existed, and was frequently called into operation. Both before and after the creation of the " indelta,'* obligatory military serAace invariably accom- panied the ordinary IcAaes, whether made in relation to popula- tion or to soil. The class of peasants furnishing foot and horse soldiers are, therefore, incoiTect in fancying that the contracts, in virtue of which they are required to supply soldiers to the " indelta " in retm-n for their land, should free them from rendering personal military ser\nce. The two points are per- fectly different. The contracts signed by their predecessors certainly liberated them from liability to the ordinary IcAdes, in use preAaous to the introduction of the '• indelta " system, and 14 replaced these levies by the obligation to furnish to the permanent army, in return for then' land, a man, with his maintenance, equipment, &c. ; but they in no respect concerned the rendering of personal military service on supreme occasions, where every one must join in the defence of the country. The project of development about to be examined, therefore, is based on the very same historical foundation as of old, — Yiz., obligatory military service for every class of citizens. Thus, so far as history is concerned, it is evident that the obligation imposed on the land of furnishing men for the permanent army never implied liberation from rendering personal military service. So far as concerns the justice or injustice of the bm'den imposed on the land, it must be remembered that in the transactions of sale and purchase, the property is bought at a diminished capital value corres- ponding to the obligation imposed on it, and that consequently the buyer is in reality no loser ; the land is charged with a burden of which the buyer frees himself on selling, w^hereas it is in his relation as a citizen that he is liable to obligatory military service, and this obligation he can neither buy nor sell. It is therefore erroneous to suppose that the extension of obligatory military service in the militia ought to cany with it an alleviation in the burden imposed on the " Rote-hallare " (the class fui'nishmg foot soldiers), still more eiToneous is it to make the same claim for the *' Rust-hallare " (the class furnishing mounted men), who enjoy special privileges. After now examinmg the only possible modes by which the Modifications " indelta " could be abolished, and which I have already desirable in ^^ pointed out (page 7), and remarking that, with his fii-m the 'Indeta (jonviction that (so far as those factors of it are concerned which are its main characteristics and the value of which are essential to an army of national defence) it should be retained intact, he naturally has no form of abolition of his own to recommend, he proceeds to point out the modifications he considers necessary. The most urgent of these he considers to be a revision of the relations between the furnishers of the soldiers and the soldiers themselves, having the object of alleviatmg the biu'den imposed on the fu'st, of placing both on a better footing of respective dependence, and finally of altering the mode of recruiting. The contract entered into between the furnisher and the soldier still contains, as wdll be seen on reference to the general report, these conditions : — (a.) Dwelhng-house and outbuildmgs on the property ; (b.) A certain proportion of land, or an equivalent m kind, (2 tons of corn, 2 loads of hay, and sufiicient straw) ; (c.) Bounty and pay ; {d.) Obligation to work in preference, for the furnisher, in return for additional pay. 15 These conditions vaiied very muclt iu value with the different parts of the country. General Abelin considers that it would be to the interest of the State as well as of the individuals to put an eiid to these uncertain charges and to replace them by a nonnal and uniform standard. The fii-st step to take is to transfer to the State the duty of recruiting now imposed on the furnishers, a step he considers advisable both from an economical and mihtary point of view : the maximum age of the recruit to be 25 years ; the additional cost to the State of charging itself with the recruiting and payment of bomity he estimates at 3,200/., a sum which should be well compensated for by the results obtained. The second step is to fix a normal contract for the whole country, which should contain two piincipal clauses : — (a.) Dwelling-house (as before) ; (b.) Salaiy in kuid, to replace all existing allowances, consistmg of a certain grant of corn — half rye, half barley. The contract should also contain a clause allowing of the salary in cereals being commuted (w^holly or in part) for a certain amount of land to be determined by the contracting parties. An annual sum of about lis., to be deducted fi-om tlie pay (more properly speaking from the money value of the salary in kind), to be placed in the pro\'iucial savings bank, and to be given on discharge. Annual pay, or money value of the salary in kind, to be 51. lis. ; this is calculated on the average value of the actual allowances throughout the country, on the one hand, and on the new charges the prolongation of service and the extension of the militia training will tlu^ow upon the fm-nishers, on the other; the fh'st item is estimated at 61. 15s.; the latter divides itself into indu'ect and direct charges ; the fu'st arising from the loss of labour dming the periods of training is estimated at about 12s. Ad. -per soldier; the second, arising from the expenses imposed on the fiu'nisher, in common with all other classes, towards the Government expense resultmg from the extensi(m of the mihtia training, is estimated "at 2s. Qd. per soldier. The sum of these two items should there- fore be deducted from the actual pay so as not to augment the obligation imposed on the furnisher. This would leave a larger sum than the above, but in order to alleviate as much as possible the mipost placed on the furnishers, he proposes to fix it at 5/. lis. This sum of 5/. lis. to be distributed as follows : — To be paid in money, for keej)mg house, &c., in repair, 12s. 4r/. ; to be paid in kind, 4/. 18s. Sd. — viz., 45 cubic feet of grain, valued at about 2.v. 2^d. per cubi 3 foot. This pay is certainly not large, but considering that 16 the soldier receives a free residence, commensurate witii his wants, can employ the long interval between his annual trainings in work, and receives a certain pension from the State on his discharge, moreover, should have saved a considerable sum by the termination of his service, he may, General Abelin thinks, await the future with sufficient confidence. As far as the furnishers of the men are concerned, it brings them certainly a sensible alleviation. The proposed modifications are, therefore, shortly these : — (a.) Abolition of all uncertain charges, which have crept in since the mtroduction of the system ; {b.) Transfer to the State of the duty - of recruiting and payment of bounties ; (c.) Estabhshment of a normal uniform contract, securing to the soldier, — 1. Dwelling-house ; 2. Salary, consisting of 45 cubic feet of grain, — half rye, half barley. Desirable aug- The modifications proposed in the eftective and com- t^''"r^'*(i°" °^ position of the army demand, 1st an augmentation m the Troops. cadre troops ; 2nd, measures for providing the necessary number of horses ; 3rd, a more convenient arrangement and centralization in the regimental districts ; 4th, the definite transformation into infantry of the old regiments of dismounted cavalry, 1. "ludelta." The General therefore proposes to do away with the former blank numbers in the " indelta '^ and to fill up with combatants those at present assigned to bandsmen, artificers, &c. ; to transform the old " indelta " sailor companies (now of no use to the navy) into infantry; and to establish " ordinary rote," on that part of the land hitherto exempt luider the system of '• extra-rotering," (for details see General Report). These measures will, he calculates, give him 4,112 additional men. The " smaller war establishment " necessitates, according to calculation, the employment of 10,000 draught horses, while the actual number of horses provided by the present " extra-rote " is only 2,261 ; it is- proposed, therefore, that all landed and real estates both urban and rural should be required, on the outbreak of war, to furnish one horse for every 11,000^., rateable, the State to pay a fixed sum for each animal produced. A system of this kind would enable the " extra-rote '' to be utilized in another manner ; e.g., instead of furnishing horses, they might be re- quired to provide a sum in cash, equivalent to the former obligation. The proposed augmentation to the " indelta," and the necessity for concentrating each regiment in a well defined district in order to effect a closer connection between the cadre and militia forces, (\all for considerable alteration in the 17 actual distribution. For example, some of the infantry regiments, formed out of the old dismounted cavalry regiments, are scattered by companies and even individuals through several governments, in the midst of the ordinary infantry of these governments. This is incompatible vnth good admmistration and the unity it is deshable to bring about in the relations between the cadre and mihtia forces. It is, therefore, proposed to assunilate these old dismoimted cavalry regunents with the ordinary infantry regiments, taxhig the " rote- hiillare " with a smn equivalent to the amount they would have to furnish if the regunents were re - estabhshed as cavalry. The charge per " rote " would be about 12/., but supposing it to be fixed at 11/., this would make for the 3,000 " rote " about 33,000/., wliich is about 12,000/. less than the amount to Avliich the landlords would be hable should these regiments be re-mounted, and is about 9,000/. in excess of the sum they now pay in return for being provisionally exempt from maintamiug horses. Fui'ther, the " indelta " must be more evenly distributed. Two provinces, Halland and West Norrland, now furnish no men to tliis force. With the " rote " of the " indelta " sailors, (to be transformed mto infantry) and the new " ordinary rote," two new regiments may easily be estabhshed, e.g., one of rifles in Halland of 525 men, and a reghnent of the line in Norrland of 1,069 men. So much for the "indelta," but it is also necessary to make „ a-p i-,^. !■ some modifications m the " enlisted " troops, for the " indelta '^ ' cannot exclusively answer the object of '" cadi*e "-soldiers. The artillery and engineers require long framing and instruc- tion to ensure efficiency, and it is desirable to have a certain proportion of garrisoned cavalry ; moreover, there are some localities where cadre infantry cannot be derived from the " indelta," e.g., the provinces of Wermland and Blekinge, which have no " indelta," and more especially the capital. The War Minister proposes, therefore, to retam the following enlisted corps, — viz., 2 regiments of foot guards, the lancer regiment of the guard, the hussar regiment Charles XV., the artilleiy, the engineers, and the Wermland Chasseurs-a-pied. For the garrison of Blekinge, he proposes to transform the regiment of marines (now discarded for the fleet), into a corps of 500 men, mfantry, Avhich will constitute a cadre troop fi>r the Blekinge militia and garrison Carlserona. On account of the great expense attaching to the maintenance of an enlisted force, it is proposed to reduce the strength of these regiments and corps to only what is strictly necessary, — viz., the Werm- land Chasseurs and each of the guard infantry regiments in Stockholm, to 500. Tliis ^oll be sufficient to carry out the training of, and to embody, the militia, and the saving in money may be advantageously employed in defraying the expenses of calhng out " indelta " troops every now and then to take their tm'n at garrison duty. With a view to increasing the mobility and vigour of the c 18 Proposed re- army, some modifications must also be made witli respect to strictioii with i-etirements, and after mature reflection on the various points length of to be considered, the War Minister proposes that after 45 years service. of age completed and 20 years^ service, the " indelta " soldier with the Wermland rifleman (who, thongh belonging to the enlisted force is not garrisoned), and after 40 years' completed and 15 years' service, the enhsted garrisoned soldier, should be discharged compulsorily ^dth pension. " Bevariug," As regards the " bevaring," or mihtia, the following funda- or Militia. mental conditions are proposed : — 1. Service in the mihtia to be compulsory, with certain prescribed exemptions. 2. Liability to commence from the year following that in wliich the man completes liis twentieth year, and to extend to the age of 40 ; the first 10 years to be spent m the Landwehr, the second 10 in the Landsturm. The 7 youngest classes of age to belong to the active army, — viz., 1st class, recruits; 2nd and 3rd classes, depots and rehefs ; 4th and 5th classes, 1st reserve ; 6th and 7th classes, 2nd reserve ; the 3 next classes of age to form the " War Reserve," not to be mobilized until the 1st and 2nd reserves and the depots and reliefs in the same province have been called to arms. 3. The Landsturm will be filled, in war, by all capable men not otherwise engaged in the general defence. 4. The country to be divided into as many militia dis- tricts as there are regiments or corjjs of permanent troops (infantry). (The special arms will have distinct militia-districts, formed by towns having no infantry garrison ; the men for these arms to be selected from militiamen voluntarily presenting themselves for such em-olment). The men will be distributed to each regiment, and borne on the company or other rolls in the same manner as the cadie-troops with wliich they are incorporated. 5. The "bevaring" will swear allegiance to the colours, and be placed, when called out, imder military law. G. With the exception of the " War Reserve" and the Landsturm, wliich will be summoned by the civil governor of the province, the call to arms will be issued by mihtary authority. 7. Here follow the categories exempted from service in the militia in peace and war. 8. With the exception of only sons of poor or aged parents, all persons exempt in peace will pay a certain fine. 9. Medical students and other departmental personnel, possessing certificates of competence in their profes- sion, will be borne as such on the rolls, but not exempted from serving the prescribed traming. 19 10. The militiamen, when called out in time of war, will be retained until the termination of hostilities. 11. The militia hitherto belonging to the navy will for the future be incorporated in the land army. 12. The minimum period of training cannot be taken at less than 60 days. This is the most difficult point, perhaps, in the whole project of reorganization to determine, so as to have neither too much nor too httle, enough to give the necessary instruction while reducing to a minimum the cost and the loss of labour. Of the 60 days' enthe period of training, 30 days to be in the 1st year, and 15 in each of the 2nd and 3rd years, the men to be mcorporated the whole tuno with the cadi-e-troops. This, however, refers to the infantry; in cavahy and special arms, the 60 days are proposed to be divided into two periods of 30 days in two successive years. The only reason, says the War Minister, which enables me to fix the period so low as 60 days, is that the men vdll be incorporated with a cadi'e force endowed with the excellent qualities which distinguish the Swedish sokher. As regards the Landsturm, it is proposed that each govern- Laudstm-m, ment should form one or more districts. The Landsturm can only be called out through the provincial governor on an order from the Sovereign in Council ; it will then be placed 'under military law. Govermnent will furnish arms to those without any of then- own. The men vrHl clothe and feed themselves. Any classes of mihtia, not simimoned to the army, will join the Landsturm of then* district. The Land- sturm vnll be organized by battalions and companies, the latter to be at least 100 strong, with a cadi'e of 1 captain and 2 Serjeants, and for every 50 men a subaltern, for every 25 men a corporal. The battalion to consist of at least 500 men. Battalion commanders to be appointed by the Sovereign on the recommendation of the provmcial governor ; captains and subalterns by the latter ; Serjeants and corporals by the captain of the company. In all matters of military rewards and pensions for ser\'ice, the men of the Landsturm to enjoy the same rights as the rest of the army. There will be no traming in peace. The extension of service m the militia, he adds, will render a very strict registry of, and a very close surveillance over, this branch necessary ; severe penalties must be enforced in case of evasion, wliile at the same time the right of every militiaman to transfer his abode Avhen he pleases Avill not be interfered with. Such are the general principles of the proposed organiza- Orgauizatiou tion : we must now turn for a moment to the organization of tlie army itself. The peace estabHshment, 36,000 rank and file, '• indelta " "' Woi?osed. and enlisted troops, it is proposed to compose as follows : — Infantry, •27,566: cavalry, 4,717; artillery. 2.810; engineers. c 2 20 840 = 35,933. This is exclusive of cadres of officers and non commissioned officers, and civil officials. Tlie organization will be more easily understood by taking tlie arms seriatim. Thus commencing with tlie infantry : — Infantry ^^ ^^^® ^^^ ^^^' establishments, the ^' smaller '' is to comprise 56,000 men; the "full," 86,000. The peace organization is based on 50 battalions (46 mdelta, 4 enhsted) ; it is pro- posed to form each of these into 2 when the army is mobilized, at an effective of 560 or 860 men, accordmg as the army is placed on the " smaller" or the " full " war estabhshment. Deducting non-combatants, the peace effective of the infantry will be 26,316 men, i.e., 3,576 more than at present, distributed into — *' Indelta" — 20 regiments at 2 battalions = 40 battahons. 6 corps 1 battahon =6 „ " Enlisted''— 4 „ 1 battalion = 4 Total 50 all of 4 companies. It is scarcely possible, owing to the distribution of the " mdelta " battalions and companies, to give each battalion the same establishment, which would have been deshable ; the effective of the " indelta " battalions will, however, average 555 corporals and rank and file ; the effective of the " enlisted" battalions, 499 rank and file. In order to provide for the mcorporation of the Landwehr classes in time of war, each battalion ought to have a cadi'e of officers and non-commis- sioned officers on permanent pay sufficient to form two battalions ; owing to the increased cost this would however involve, it is proposed to give to each a cadi'e for 1^ battahons, i.e., a sufficient cadi-e to form 3 battalions per regiment. With the exception of the battahon adjutants, sufficient only for 2 battahons, the regiments aheady possess a staff for 3 bat- tahons, while to form 4 battahons an additional major and 2 adjutants are requhed ; it is proposed to nominate one of the company captains to the grade of major, who, however, will remain on captain's pay, and do duty m that rank when not required to serve in the superior grade ; the adjutants to be taken fi'om the company officers. Each company to have 5 officers -and 5 non-commissioned officers on permanent pay, wdiich will allow 3 respectively per company of 138 men (the minimum number compatible \\ath efficiency), and furnish a sufficient staff for an additional half battahon, as well as for filling up such various posts in the staff of Divisions, brigades, &c., as are indispensable on a mobilization. Exclusive of the actual regimental staff, therefore, each battahon of 4 companies will comprise 4 captains commanding companies; 3 second cap- tains; 4 first heutenants; 5 second lieutenants; 4 sub-heutenants; 4 serje ants-major ; 6 fii'st Serjeants ; 6 second ■ Serjeants ; 4 quartermaster-Serjeants. It is further proposed to augment the number of corporals per company from 6 to 9, with an 21 equal number of lance-corporals. Notwithstanding this, the officers for the 4th battaHon per regiment are entirely deficieut {i.e., 25 battahons in the whole of the infantry are unprovided for), besides officers to take charge of the depots, &c., in time of war. Officers who have retu-ed on the pension list, with a Kability for service in time of war, may well be employed m the latter duty; the superior officers and some of the captahis, at all events, may be taken from these classes ; but they would not furnish the subaltern officers and non-commissioned officers. Here, then, the cadi-es on half-pay and the officers of reserve must come into play ; it is proposed, therefore, that each regi- ment should have 3 captams and 4 first heutenants, and each corps, 2 captams and 2 first heutenants, attached to it from the half-pay list. The officers of reserve, taken from the classes of the militia, will probably vary greatly in number in the different regiments ; it must be left to the general officer commanduig in chief to distribute them accordmg to requirements. A few words of explanation are here necessary as regards these half-pay cadi-es and reserve officers. Recognising the necessity for strong cadres in time of war, the War Minister proposes to provide for the increase to the very weak cadres prescribed by reasons of economy in the peace establishment by two methods — (a.) Organization of cadi-es on half-pay, which A^dll be com- bined with the permanent army ; (6.) Organization of reserve cadi'es, to be taken fr-om the militia, to which they are attached in peace. The first will be formed of officers who, though, owing to various reasons, anxious perhaps to retire from permanent ser- vice, will nevertheless be glad to continue servmg and do duty during the period of traming fixed for the cadres, the mihtia, and regiments, m return for the receipt of hah-pay. No officer 'will, however, be permitted to retire on this half-pay list till he has served 10 years, and the number of officers ^vi\\ be hmited to the requu'ements of each arm. They will continue to be borne on the roster of their regiments or corps, and to take part in the regular run of promotion, and on attaining the maximum age will be equally available for pension. The resources of the State ^Yi\\ not, however, allow of the extension of tliis class of officers to the numbers required even for the " smaller," still less for the " full, war establisliment." The deficit it is proposed to supply in the reserve officers and non- commissioned officers, who will be taken from the militia ; the former will be required to undergo similar exammations as candidates for admission to the military school ; the latter, the test now apphcable for promotion to the rank of non-commis- sioned officer in the cadre troops. The conditions for appoint- ment will be these : — Every person aspiring to the post of officer or non-commis- sioned officer of reserve will be required to forward to the chief 22 of the regiment or corps of bis district, two years previous to the date of bis habiHty for enrohneiit in the miHtia, an apphcation for such post accompanied by the certificates of examination named above ; the year following that in which he becomes 18 years of age, he will be summoned to undergo a 42 days' recruit school, with the recruits of the cadre-troops ; the next year, he will attend a 75 days' school of instruction ; the third year, he will go through a 20 days' regimental diill with the cadre- troops. During these trainmgs, he will receive the pay of a non-commissioned officer and an allowance for clothing. The trainings of the second and tlih-d years of liis virtual miHtia service (foiurth and fifth of his actual service), will be carried out vnth the class of age of the mihtia to which he belongs, after which, provided he satisfies the requirements, he will continue to be employed as an officer or non-commissioned officer at each successive mihtia-training up to ten in all, i.e., as long as he belongs to this portion of the army. He will then pass on in the regiilar course to the Landsturm, and may hold any post in the force not inferior to that he held in the militia. In peace, he may advance as high as the rank of captain ; in war, to any superior rank. Moreover, any officer of reserve deshous of entering the cadre troops will be allowed to do so on passmg the examination prescribed for the officers on permanent pay. These systems will furnish the army with a good supply of trained officers on a mobilization. Should, however, there be a still further deficit, it must be made good by appointments from the senior students of the military school, or by promotion of non-commissioned officers, &c. Reverting again to the infantry organization, it is proposed that each company shall have, as at present, 4 sappers, 8 men trained as sharpshooters, and a certain number of hospital orderhes, moreover, that the system of vohmteers (1 per company of the " mdelta") should be continued. Vide General Report. On passing to the " smaller war establishment," classes 4 and 5 of the militia (^the 1st reserve) will be summoned to the active army, classes 6 and 7 to the depots ; (the latter classes will be summoned to the active army, if it is to be mobilized on the "full war estabhshment"); these will thus furnish a depot battalion for each battahon of the permanent (cadre) army, i.e., 50 depot battahons in all, of an average effective of 600 men, or a total of 30,000 men. Each battahon of the cadre troops will furnish 60 men to form the corporals of the depot battahons. When on the " full war estabhshment," the 50 depot bat- tahons will go to form the 100 field battahons of the active army, each being augmented from the effective of the " smaller war estabhshment," 560, to 860 men, giving 86,000 men for the 100 battalions, while the strength of the depots will be taken at about one-third of the entire strength of the active army, and formed by the third class of age, wliich, after 23 deducting men for the special arms, should furnish about 17,000 men. Each battalion of tlie active army will thus have 1 depot company, of the strength of about one-fourth of the battaHon. The battaKons of the cadre troops will furnish the necessary staff of corporals, — viz., about 3,000 men ; maldng the total strength of the depots about 20,000 men, which may be distributed into 100 companies of 200 men each. Should the requirements of the army necessitate the incorporation with the active army of the third class of age, the second class vnll be called out to the depots ; and should it be imperative to mobilize the " war reserve," then the eighth class ; the fii'st class must never be called up to the active army. To recapitulate, the infantry ^vill be organised as follows : — " Smaller war estabhshment," 100 field battalions, at 560 men = 56,000. Reserve, 50 depot battaHons, at 600 men= 30,000. " Full war establishment," 100 field battalions, at 860 men= 86,000. Reserve, 100 depot companies, at 200 men = 20,000. Sweden has not a sufficient force of cavalry to correspond 2. Cavalry. to the needs even of the smaller war establishment. The actual effective consists of 4,280 sabres, of which 980 enlisted, 3,300 " indelta." The intersected nature of the country and other causes, however, do not make the same proportion as maintained in most European armies necessary. The Minister estimates the requirements at one-fifteenth of the war strength of the army; but to obtain this force in war, the peace effective requires considerable augmentation. To re-establish the old dismounted cavalry regiments would be to diminish the force of infantry, and to create a new force, a matter of too great expense. The most simple method appears to be to refill with combatants the numbers on the j^resent effective, which have been with- drawn from then- ori2;inal purport in order to provide for bandsmen (52), keep of stallions (59), veterinary service (37), non-commissioned officers (148), trumpeters (109), m all 405, All these duties should be provided for in another manner. This arrangement, with others of a minor character, would easily admit of the cavalry being increased to 4,576 men (3,592 " indelta," 984 enlisted), i. e., about 300 more than at present, a number equivalent to 3 squadrons. Tlie actual organization of the cavalry is certainly sensibly deficient in uniformity as regards administration, but, from reasons of economy, General Abelin proposes to retain the present state of things, viz. : — (2 regiments at 10 squadrons = 20 squadrons. 3 corps at 5 squadrons = 15 „ 1 corps (Norrland) = 2 ,, T-. 1- , 1 f 1 corps (Gruard) = 4 „ Enlisted . • i 1 • .. fi L 1 regnnent = b „ 47 24 The actual strength of the squadron is, as a rule, about 100 men, but, owing to the numbers withdrawn from their legitimate purposes by the causes before stated, does not average virtually over 89 or 90. The proposed augmentation will admit of the average being brought to from 96 to 99. Otherwise it is not proposed to make any alterations, except to do away with some small irregularities in the staff establishments, and, with a view to the provision of sufficient cadres of officers to take charge of the train and other equipages in time of war, to institute the same system of officers on half-pay as in the infantry, each cavalry battalion (the 47 squadrons may be considered to con- stitute 9^ battahons) having one captain and two lieutenants of this categoiy attached to it. In passing to the " smaller war establishment," each bat- talion would furnish 4 squadrons, i. e., 38 from the whole arm, with the same staff of officers and non-commissioned officers, as in peace, and 100 sabres, inclusive of corporals, to form the field force ; the remainder of the battalion, with the mobilized militia, would form the depot of the battalion, and suj)ply the wants of the field squadrons. This depot would be composed of classes 3, 4, 5, and 6, of which the three fu'st would be in- corporated in the squadrons, wliile the 6tli, and the greater part of the *' reserve cavalry men " would be attached to the train, and serve as a cadre troop to this branch. On the " fiill war establishment," 50 sabres from the cadi'e (permanent) troops, together with 150 militia cavalry men (who, on the " smaller war establishment," belonged to the depots), would be taken to form 2 reserve squadrons for each battalion, i.e., in all 20 squadrons, which would be employed to augment the field strength of the active army. The depot commanding personnel would be taken in part out of the cadres (officers and non-commissioned officers) of the " smaller war estabhshment " and the non-commissioned officers of the field squadrons; the rank and file would be obtained by calling up two new militia classes of age, the 2nd and the 7th. If these numbers do not suffice, the war reserve would be mobihzed, but the 1st class of age is not to be taken for field-service. In the mobilization of this arm, " reserve cavalry men," not only for the dep6ts,but also for the squadron of orderlies furnished by the hussar regiment of enlisted cavahy, are wanted. The simplest method of procuring these men would be to select in each squadron, from among the men dismissed on furlough, two yearly, who, in return for an annual pay of say 17^., would engage to remain five years in the cadres, with an obligation to serve in time of war. This would give 10 men per squadron, or 470 in all. The existing regulations for the " indelta " army requiring that the furnisher of the man should also suj^ply his horse, no essential mocHfication is necessary with regard to the number of horses available for the " indelta " cavalry ; in the " enlisted " cavahy, there would be a few horses per squadi'on 25 deficient ; these would be bought for the depot when the army was mobilized. The artillery, as will be seen in the General Report, has 3. Ai-tillery been reconstructed since the " reform-project,^' of General Abelin was introduced, and, in some respects, veiy much on liis proposal. He suggested 25 field batteries and 8 reserve batteries, of 6 gmis, as the minimum proportion lor the " smaller war establishment ; " 36 and 12, for the " fuU war estabhshment,'' which would allow 2i guns per 1,000 men. But considering the great expense involved in the maintenance of the personnel and materiel for the " full war establishment," and that the role of Sweden being defensive, the enemy would necessarily be comparatively weak in artillery, he deemed it essential to provide the effective for the " smaller war establish- ment " only. Moreover, he proposed the transformation of the existing horse-batteres into field-batteries, both on economical and tactical groimds. Excepting slight augmentation in the cadi'es (ofiicers and non-commissioned ofiicers) and in the whole efiective, the artillery was to retain its actual organization. The strength proposed amounted to 3,369 ofiicers, non-com- missioned officers and men (agamst the then efiective of 3,215), with 23 field and 2 mountain batteries, all of 6 guns. He further proposed, in order to have availal^le a sufficient personnel for rapid expansion in case of a mobilization, to attach a certain number of officers on half-j)ay also to this arm, and fixed the number at 8 captains and 16 heutenants ; these, though not sufficient for the 8 reserve batteries to be be formed, woidd meet the necessity to some extent and could be supplemented by promotion of students from the mihtary school, or of non-commissioned officers. The requirements in corporals, trumpeters, and men of the permanent army would be provided for as in the cavahy, i. e., by re-engagement of men for 6 years, with a liability for service in case of war in retm-n for a small annual pay. With 75 such re-engagements annually, 450 reserve men would be available at the end of 6 years. His mobilization scheme demanded the incorporation of 2,140 mihtia men, including two classes of age only, since the " smaller war establishment " is alone provided for ; this would give 1,070 men in each class ; it would be necessary, however, to increase this number to, certainly, 1,200, in order to allow for casualties. As soon as the mobihzation is ordered, the peace effective of the batteries would be completed to the strength prescribed for the field effective ; the horses required would be fiu'iiished by the method already pointed out (page 16) ; classes 3 and 4 of the mihtia, summoned to the field batteries ; classes 5 and 6, to the depots to form the reserve batteries, the cadre personnel of which would be augmented by pupils from the military school, the employment of certain pensioned classes of non- commissioned officers, &c. Sliould it be imperative to mobilize the " full war establish- '2(S ment," the reserve batteries must take the fiekl in first hue, and there will be only 2 guns per 1,000 men. This might suffice, pro^dded the effective can be maintained complete, but there Avould be no available reserve. The materiel for this should be provided, for though men and horses may always be procured with more or less difficulty, it is different mth guns and carriages. The proposed plan for the " smaller war establishment " gives 150 guns (25 batteries) for the fieid, or first line of artillery, and 48 guns (8 batteries) for the reserve artillery — total 198 guns, while the requu*ements of the "full war establishment," neglected only from reasons of economy, de- mand 288 guns, — viz., 36 field batteries = 216 'guns, and 12 reserve = 72 guns. The organization of the artillery, now in process of bemg carried out, provides for 30 batteries of 6 guns = 180, to form the artillery of Istlme, and 9 batteries = 54, to form the reserve artillery, total 234 guns; this it ■^^dll be seen presently is what the Minister proposed in liis second project. I will not go into his proposal for increasing the efficiency of, and augmenting, the engineer service, for this arm has since, as will be seen by the " General Report," been augmented and placed on a more satisfactory basis, very much in accordance with the Minister's '^^dshes. Tactical clis- "^^^ Order to facilitate the passage from the peace to a tribution iuto War establishment, which is so greatly dependent on the Commands, organization of the army, in peace, in army-corps. Divisions and brigades, each under its own chief, he proposed the sub-division into 3 corps, each under a general officer — viz., a southern, a western, and a northern corps. Each corps would comprise 2 Divisions, and each Di\dsion 2 or 3 brigades. But as the pecuhar system of the " mdelta " would nullify any advantage to be gained from a combmation into Divisions and brigades in peace, these Avould only be formed on a mobili- zation, the chiefs being taken from regimental commanders, who, however, would be already nominated in peace and assigned the rank of brigadier-general. Allowing 1 general officer per corps, 1 as chief of the staff, and 1 in charge of the cavalry, artillery, and engineers, the total number proposed for the peace establishment is 7, who would have a fixed salary of about 600Z. per amnim. I have no intention of examinmg his proposal for a " general staff," this important d(ipartment having been lately reconstructed, vide General Report, page 19, on a thoroughly soimd basis, nor will I enlarge this already too long review by attempting to go into the various admuiistiative and educa- tional branches, the latter being of an emmently high standard, &c., which are all dealt with seriatim. Military train- It is, however, imperative to consider the amount of military i'lgofthe^ training which the "indelta, " in particular, is intended to undergo under this scheme. As a rule, up to the present time, the Indelta. 27 infantry recruit has been required to perform 2 recniit schools, each of 42 days duration, and 1 regimental training of 20 days, total 104 days' drill, before being regarded as a trained soldier. This the War Minister deems sufficient if well employed, and he proposes to retain it, distributing the time over 2 years ; the recruits not to be incorporated ^\ath the cadre companies during their first regimental framing. In addition to the recruits, estimated at about 5*5 per cent, of the effective of the regiment, those men will be called up to undergo an additional recruit school, who, though admitted into the ranlcs, are not considered sufficiently proficient ; in- clusive of these, he estimates the number of men attending a recruit school each year, at 10 per cent, of the effective. Up to the present time, 24 men per company have always been summoned for the 10 days' recapitulatory com-se of the officers and non-commissioned officers ; this number he proposes to increase to 30. The annual regimental di-ills and the musketry drills for the shai-pshooters to remain as before, — viz., 20 and 8 days respectively. Thus the infantry annual drills will be as follows : — Kecapitiilatory Cadre Course, -with all the Officers aud Non-Corn- 1 o^ r missioned Officers, and 30 men per company . . . . . , j ' *' Eecmit School, 10 per cent, of effectiTe . . . . . . . . 42 „ Musketry Course for Sliarpshooters.. .. .. .. .. 8 „ Eegimental Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 „ exclusive of days of arrival and departure. The cavalry annual drills : — Eecapitidatoiy Com'se, witli aU Officers and Non-Comniissioued "I ,^ , Officers, trumpeters, and 12 sabres per squadi'on . . . , J ' ' "' Eecruit School, with 60 men per squadron. , . . . . . . 90 ,, Squadron Course (dismoimted) . . . . . . . . . . 6 „ Eegimental Exercise . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ,, As regards the training of the bevarmg or militia, he pro- poses that, mth a view to devoting the greatest amount of Training of time possible to purely military exercises, in the strict sense of *;1^'' "Bera- the term, (which can only be carried out with large bodies already "" to a certain degree organized, and would not commence till after the in coi-p oration of the men in the militia), preparatory drills should take place by parishes, which it should be obhgatory on all young men to attend previous to then enrolment. After their enrolment in the militia-proper, the traming in the infantry to be : — 1st Year. — Eecruit School 30 days. 2nd „ — Eepetitiou of Eecruit School, and drill in the ranks \ ^^ of the Cach'e Troops. . . . . • . . / " 3rd „ — Training with the Cach-e Troops . . . . . . 15 „ Total 60 „ The cavalry, artillery, and engineer militia will sub-di^-ide this 60 days into 2 "periods only, each of 30 days in two suc- cessiv(^ vears. 28 For the purpose of carrying out grand manoeuvres lie further proposes that a Divisional camp of instruction be held ever}^ year for a duration of 15 days, the arrangements to be such that every regiment or corps may attend once in 6 years, when its regimental exercises will be omitted. After dealing then with the military organization of the island of Gotland, which he places on a more efficient basis than at present, he concludes with his estimate of the cost involved in the carrying out of the scheme. " This," he says, " will be in part transitory, in part permanent, the former item dealing with the fii-st equipment, clotliing, armament, mount- ing, &c., of the augmentation; the other, with the annual charges on the military estimates for the maintenance of the increased effective. Neither, however, demands the immediate outlay of the whole charge, since the augmentation is in- tended to be carried oiit gradually and spread over 6 years. The amount of the estimates for the new organization will certainly be considerable in proportion to the resources of the country, but look at the results obtained. In place of the 30,000 men forming the actual effective, with, in second line, about 83,000 militia, insufficiently trained and sensibly deficient in equipment, you will have a force of 68,000 men, capable of ready expansion to 100,000, exclusive of about 98,000 men forming the reserves and depots, and a Laiidstm-m of over 100,000 men, all of whom will have received a certain degree of military training ; a sufficiently large, well-instructed, and equitably paid body of cadres (officers and non-commissioned officers) ; and an_ advanced work in the Baltic, Gotland, pro- vided with a military organization wliich may afford good grounds for leg-itimate hope that we may be able to defend successfully this important post. Recognising strongly the imperative necessity of basing our national defences on our available resources, and on such additional sacrifices in money and labom- as we can impose on ourselves without peril, I have in all cases endeavoured to make what is desirable accord with what is possible ; what is indispensable, with the minimum of cost. The scheme before you is the equilibrium sought between the pressing need of a strong national defence on the one side, and the no less legi- timate exigencies of the strictest economy on the other. If the project, looked at with the eye of the financier, would appear midesirable, owing to the considerable augmentation it necessitates in the ordinary army expenditure, I must repeat again, that the creation of a system of defence, which shall secure our liberty and independence, cannot in my opinion be attained without this increase. Moreover, compared with the budgets of those States whose conditions correspond most closely with our own, our futui'e army budget is, relatively to the results obtained, neither out of proportion, nor unnecessarily op])rcssive. 29 Inclusive of the cost and admimstration of the " indelta," the annual army estimates, with the scheme proposed, will amount to about 941,782/., the number of days' di'ill to 3,872,862. The application to Sweden ol the organization lately adopted in Denmark, wovild give us a total force of only 125,400 men, vnth. 37,000 not available on the theatre of war, while the number of days' di'ill would be 7,900,985, and the cost about 1,183,166/., exclusive of the immediate expenditure of about 1,000,000/. required for building barracks necessitated by the system. The application of the system in use in Belgium would furnish us with 84,000 men, inclusive of reserves and depots, also with a national guard of 30,000, but would cost about 1,200,000/., and 10,806,000 days of labour. Thus the proposed re-organization of our defensive system clearly demands but a relatively moderate expenditure ; besides, as has been before pomted out, the money devoted to the military educatioii of the Swedish people cannot be considered as an expense without fruit. It is, therefore, with less appre- hension of the magnitude of the sacrifices demanded, but above all, with the hope of the patriotic assent of the nation which is fully sensible to the importance of this grave question, that I now present the scheme of a defence strong enough to secui-e, provided we do not neglect it and do not abandon ourselves, the most precious possession of the Swedish people — "inde- pendence and liberty." After the rejection of this project by the Diet m 1869, Modifications General Abelin msisted, at a State Council held in October p'J.J?;^^^'^^!' 13th, 1870, on the urgent necessity of a total re-organization (i^^ced iu the of the army, and was again charged by the kuig with the 2nd Project elaboration on certain given bases of a complete scheme. '^^ ■'■^'•'■• These bases differed in no way fi-om those laid down in the former project, and a second project was, therefore, con- structed in which the principal alterations are briefly sketched. As regards the men, in place of the proposed preparatory Militia, course of instruction previous to enrolment, which seemed to involve some practical difficulties, the total period of training to be 82 days for infantry, artillery and engineers, and 90 days for cavalry. The 20 years' service to be divided into seven years Landwehr, 13 Landstm-m. As regards the formation of officers and non-commissioned officers of reserve, the aspirant to be allowed to make liis application in the ordinary year in which his military service would commence, and to be capable of qualifying for the post m two years, the same amount of training as before being- distributed over two instead of three years. With the object of giving the Landsturm a more solid Laudstui-m, organization, and of providhig it with more efficient cadi'es, it is 30 proposed to make the following modifications in the former project : — According to the new proposal there will be 13 classes of age in the Landsturm; these will be formed into two cate- gories, with different obligations and service. The 1st category to consist of five classes, — viz., the tln-ee which in the former project constituted the war reserve, and the two following, i.e., of the men from 25 to 32. This category, to form the new war reserve, will comprise all arms, and be so organised as to be capable of independent action. It will not only serve to fill up the vacancies in the depots, and reliefs of the active army, but will garrison the fortresses and co-operate in the general defence where needed. Only exer- cised militiamen, or men incorporated in the tram, will belong to this category; in other words, only those called upon to pass on into the Landsturm at the expnation of then line service. The importance of this category will be relatively speaking a high one ; it will, therefore, be necessary to make detailed and comprehensive arrangements in order to know always its exact strength and composition ; it will, moreover, though not drilled, be required to undergo annual inspections by battaHons or companies, according to the locahty. The second category will comprise the men from 33 to 40 years of age, as well as all persons within the prescribed limitations as to age, who belong neither to the Ime nor to the first category, or are not otherwise engaged in the national defence. This category will be employed for local defence only ; the men in peace mil be told off" to companies or battalions, but there will be no further organization. The approximate force will be : — First category 62,000 Second category . . . . . . 82,000 Total .. .. 144,000 men. The first category will form 82 battalions, with an average effective of 680 men; 10 to 15 squadrons of cavaliy at 100 men; 12 batteries of field artillery; 15 companies of garrison artillery ; and 4 companies of engineers. Tlie second category will only be composed of infantry, forming 116 battalions of about 750 men. In peace there will be no drill ; there will be a central depot for arms and equipment in each district. Each battahon will have a staff of a commander and 2 adju- tantsj one of whom will be a non-commissioned officer; the company will have a cadi-e of 1 captain and 3 seijeants, wdtli 1 subaltern for every 25 men. These cadres will be formed by officers, non-commissioned officers and corporals who have served their time in the hue, and by retired officers. The first category will have arms and food furnished by the State 31 when mobilized ; the second, which cannot be removed from its district, Avill provide its own equipment and food. By the transfer to the land forces of the "indelta" sailor "Indelta" companies, already proposed m the 1868 Project, and by other I^^aiitT- muior modifications, two regiments and one corps to be formed, brmging the number of " indelta '^ battalions to 48, which, at an effective of 500 men, will give the force of " indelta " infantry a total of 24,000. The 1868 Project proposed the battalion effec- tive at 550 men; 500 has now been decided on, both on tactical considerations, and ^\ath a view to regulatmg and augmenting the pay of the " mdelta," by incorporatmg in other ways the blank numbers in regiments over 1,000 strong. The number of blanks thus affected will be 1892. The 1868 Project proposed the reduction of the effective of Enlisted the two guard regiments to two battalions of 500 men each. Infantry. Various considerations have mduced the maintenance of these corps on their actual effective ; the Wermland battalion of chasseurs-a-pied, however, to be reduced to 500, and the regi- ment of marines (now no longer required, as proposed m the 1868 Project, to form a cadre troop for the Blekinge militia) to be transformed into an artillery troop. The actual number of battalions (6) will thus be reduced to 5, and the total force of cadre mfantry will be 26,100 men, while by re-mcorp ora- tion in the guard regiments (whose actual effective of 800 will be retained), in time of war, of old soldiers belonging to the enlisted army who are under 28 years of age, the total force ^\all be 26,500 men, distributed into 53 battalions. As the deficit m officers and non-commissioned officers, on a mobiKzation, may, at all events in the infantry, be provided for by the reserve personnel, the system of attaching half-pay officers will only be retained for the special arms. The 1868 Project to stand as before, excepting that the Cavalry, augmentation, by 296 men, therein provided for will not be carried out ; this arm will thus consist of 4,280 men, distributed into 47 squadrons, of which 10 enlisted, 37 "mdelta." The 1868 Project proposed, from reasons of economy, Ai-tillery. that the number of guns, calculated at 2| per 1,000 men, should be provided only for the " smaller war establislunent," i.e., 150 field guns in aU. This has been proved by late events to be insufficient ; it is proposed, therefore, to raise the number of field guns to 180, by forming 5 new batteries, besides an artillery reserve of 54 guns ; the companies of garrison artillery also to be raised from 5 to 6. There A\all then be 30 batteries of field artillery and 9 batteries of reserve artillery. The marine regi- ment will be transformed into artillery, and incorporated with one of the present regiments. The total effective of artillery A\dll by this change be raised by 796 men, and stand at 4,011 in place of 3,215. The 1868 Project to stand as before, with some sUght Engineers, modifications in details. The training of the "indelta " infantry to stand as before, Training. 32 with the exception of some modifications in the field exercises, common to all arms, wliich will be noticed directly. The " indelta" cavalry to go through a training as follows : — Cadre course, with all officers and non-commissioned officers and 12 corporals and rank and file per squadron, 20 days; recruit school, 90 days ; regimental exercise, 26 days. As in the former project, the recruits will be requhed to pass two such recruit schools, making the total recruit course 206 days, while the dismounted squadi-on course will be abohshed. The infantry militia will have an 82 days' di-ill in their first three years, viz. : — 1st year. — Recruit com'se . . . . . . 42 days. 2nd year. — Recapitulatory course and di'ills with the cadre troops . . . . 20 „ 3rd year. — Training with the cadre troops . . 20 „ Total 82 days. The cavalry mihtia will go through then* training in two years ; the first year during 60 days ; the second year, 30 days ; total 90 days. The artillery and engmeers will also go through their training m two years ; the first year durmg 52 days ; the second year, 30 days ; total 82 days. As regards the field training of all arms, it is proposed that the annual 15 days' Divisional camp of mstruction be held in the autumn, so as not to interfere with the orduiary training, which Avill consequently not be omitted by those regiments and corps required to take part in it. In other respects, the 1870 Project differed in no manner from that of 1868. With the exception, indeed, of the increase in the artillery, it would not appear to present superior advan- tages to the former project. It was, however, also rejected by the Diet. The advantages offered by both projects are obvious. In the first place, the plan proposed allows of the gradual aug- mentation of the cadre troops according to requirement, as well as of carrying out protracted operations by a system of incor- porating successively the various classes of age forming the militia estabhshment, wliich would receive a far more efficient training ; in the second place, it has the advantage of preserving the peculiar system of the " indelta," and extractmg from it a double gain, fii'st, with regard to financial economy, secondly, with regard to the sphit of the nation ; moreover, it increases considerably the exercises of this body. The leaduig principle of universal service, on which it is based, however, is the rock on which it is wrecked ; and in the present temper of the Second Chamber, it seems unlikely that any project of this description will be accepted, without a simultaneous abolition of the obligations under which the class of peasants, charged with the furnishina: and maintenance of the " indelta," labours. 33 Though the study of these projects of the late War Almistcr will, I fear, have proved rather a tedious business, I cannot help thhildng it -udll, taken in conjunction ^vith the general report, tend to throw more light ujDon the peculiarities, and the good and bad points, of the system of organization in operation in Sweden. I vnW now add a few words on the actual condition of the army. I was not able to be present at any great parades or exercises, for these were all over when I reached Stockholm. I, however, saw the two foot-guard (enlisted) regiments in their barracks, and some small detachments at chill. The barracks are very well arranged, and ererythmg kept in good order ; each contains a large gymnasimn and covered-in drill shed, where the men can be exercised in -winter. The clothing of the men is serviceable and good ; and the food struck me as being extremely hberal in quantity and good it quahty. I observed the same thing in this army as in the Danish army, that is to say, how thoroughly the authorities recognise the necessity of having a really efficient body of non-commis- sioned officers; the schools for training these ranks are of a very high order, and the results obtamed from the system of instruction are apparent throughout. The details of these schools Avill be found in the " General Report.'^ The cavahy regiment of the guard has a very fine barrack, with good airy ranges of stabling ; the horses are purchased separately in each squadron, the average price now being about 35/. The equipment consists of saddle and bridle; wallets, fastened to the pommel, containing the cleaning articles and horse -shoes ; valise, contaming the man's kit, carried as with us ; cloak, rolled over wallets ; and shabracque. "\ATien forage is carried, the corn sack is thrown over the seat of the saddle, the corn being divided equally in either end, and the man sits upon it ; the hay is carried, bound with the forage cord, over the vahse, to which it is fastened; this system does not appear sound or advantageous. Of the horse equipment, the saddle only is kept in the stable ; the bridle, in the barrack-room. The regiment is a lancer coi-jis, and has at the present moment a lance of ash ; the English bamboo lance has, however, been approved and is about to be introduced. As regards the drill of these troops, which all belong to the enlisted portion of the army, there is nothing particular to remark. From what I saw, they appeared smart and steady under arms, as all troops so constituted and wdth long service should not fail to be. The officers told me they were now beg-in- nmg to experience considerable difficulty in getting recruits, o^ving to the great demand for labour and the increased wages offered. It is with them, in point of fact, as with us ; under a system of voluntary enhstment, where they must compete with the labour market, they must offer greater inducements and higher pay than formerly. D 34 The armament of infantiy, cavaliy and artillery is excel- lent ; the Remington rifle has a rather smaller cahbre than that of Denmark; the cavalry sword is heavy, while not unwieldy ; the artillery armament is equally good. I do not enter into particulars here, as all details A\dll be found in the General Report. I wish particularly to call attention to the supplementary pontoon and engineering equipment provided to the infantry, and which in a country like Sweden, so mtersected with lakes and rivers, is of very liigli importance, rendering the infantry independent in great measure of the auxiliary technical service. The details of this equipment are given in the " General Report," page 29. The new organization of the " General Staff" came into operation on the 1st of the present year, and it A\all necessarily be some time before it gets fully into working order, and can enable any opinion to be formed on its practical bearing. The system is certainly based on sound principles, and, con- sidering the peculiar constitution of the army, seems the best method of extracting and having available a good material for this important department. The cadet school at Carlberg has been recently re-organized and will for the future receive as cadets men, — as a rule " volunteers,^' — from the ranks who aspire to commissioned rank. Therefore, as in Denmark, though not altogether on the same system, the officers are now compelled to work their way up from the lowest grade. Whether this system will work in Sweden, where so much of the old aristocratic element still remains, seems doubtful. The schools of all classes are detailed in the " General Report " ; they are in every respect admirably constituted, and, more particidarly the non-commissioned officers' schools, at Stockholm for the cavalry, and at Carlsborg for the infantry, of the " indelta " army, are deserving of notice. The latter has a four months' course, with a personnel of about 600 men ; I visited tliis school, and here had an opportunity of seeing a sample of the " indelta '' army. The men going through the course were certainly picked men, i.e., men selected for promo- tion in then- regiments, but I was assured they were a very fair sample of the whole " indelta." If so, it is undeniable that the material is very excellent. The men are here diilled and worked to all manner of duties, and their performances were such as could not fail to call for commendation from the most critical observer. Great attention is paid to gymnastics, jumping, bayonet-fencing, sword-exercise, &c., the squads being exercised very much in the same manner as has been aheady spoken of in the Report on the Danish army. They go through a com-se of musketry, reconnaissance duty, survey- ing, outpost duty, and all the various branches of field-service, as well as a complete theoretical course of study indoorg. I was shown some of the drawings and reports of the men then I 35 undergoing instruction, not any picked out for especial ex- cellence but taken here and there as they came, and was very much struck with then performances. There is no doubt that the school trains a most efficient body of cadres for the infantry of the " indelta " army ; and, though in the cavalry school at Stockliolm the same results were not quite so apparent, this also does its work well for that arm. While speaking of Carlsborg, I may add that it is intended to make of this great mland depot a very strong place ; the works progress but slowly on account of the expense. It stands on the western shore of Lake Wettem, near the head of the lake ; the southern front, now being constructed, has a length of 2,400 feet, which will be in one straight hue, and will cover the long range of casemated barracks running inside ; the eastern and western fronts are 3,000 feet long, and broken inwards, ha^ung large capoimieres at the re-entering angles ; the northern front is also to be broken inwards Avith a defensible caponniere. It contains large depots of clothing, arms, commissariat stores, &c., an arsenal with 150,000 stand of Remington rities, besides a large quantity of artiUery material. The money, however, for carryuig on the works is voted so slowly that it tvuII be many years yet before they are com- pleted. In conclusion, I must mention the defences to the approach to the capital from the sea. There are, or rather were, three distinct channels available for ships of war, which may be termed the northern, central, and southern. The northern channel has been already closed, barred with masonry banks, and mined; 5 feet of water are allowed over the banks to admit of the navigation by small craft, the numerous river-steamers, &c. ; the approach is also commanded by batteries. The central passage Kes between the island of Waxhohn and the fortress of that name, which stands on the soHd rock about midway between the islands of Waxholm and Fredericksborg : this passage, about 100 yards across, will be barred in the same manner as the northern as soon as the fortress of Fredericks- borg, now building to defend the third or southern channel, is completed. The southern channel will then form the only hue of approach, accessible by ships of war. The rough sketch on Plate I. will show approximately the position of these three channels, and of the defending works. The fortress of Waxholm has only quite lately been com- pleted, having been many years in buildmg ; it is a very strong masonry work, mounting 250 guns in 5 tiers of casemates, and is flanked by two armoiu-plated batteries on the ground level : the passage is further defended by a battery immediately below the village of Waxholm, "which stands directly opposite to the fortress on the island of the same name, as well as by two additional batteries cro^^uiing two of the numerous islands Avith which the inlet from the sea abounds. These batteries sweep the water below the fortress, and in coniunction with D 2 36 ' some lines of minor importance on the Fredericksborg island to the south, afford a very strong flanking defence to the main Waxholm fort. Owing to the enormous power given to modern naval ordnance, and to ships' armour, since the plans for these defences were first laid down, the fortress of Waxholm is, however, already becoming obsolete. The gims are of various systems and cahbres, but the fortress, as well as the batteries, is provided with a certain proportion of the heaviest guns, — viz., 9-in. or 27 cm. cahbre. The thickness of the masonry-walls is 11 feet, and the fort contains large roomy casemated barracks, magazines, &c. Like the northern pas- sage, the Waxholm channel, when baired, will allow 5 feet of water for the navigation of the pleasure-steamers and other vessels of small draught. It Avill probably be finally closed in about two years' time. The only channel then left for large ships will pass by the southern extremity of the Fredericksborg island. Here the fortress of Frederickborg is now building ; it consists of an armour-plated battery with orillon and flank on the ground level, where the rock has been cleared away, and of an upper work built m the rock itself, which is to be provided with guns in Moncriefi" pits. The fi'ont face of the armour- plated battery is covered with three plates of 6-m. armour, with 5-in. intermediate brick and asphalte, wliile at the iron shield of the embrasm-e the intervals between the plates are filled in with four thin iron plates cemented with lead ; the thiclaiess of the masonry is 13 feet : the height of the casemates also 13 feet ; this face will mount 9 guns of 9-in. or 27 cm. calibre. The flank on the reverse of the orillon will be protected by three plates of 6-m., 5-in., and 5-in. tliick- ness, and will mount four guns of the same cahbre. The height of the battery from the ground level»to the top of the covering bank of earth is to be 50 feet. The height of the upper adjoining work is 160 feet from the ground level; it connects with the lower work by two subterranean stau'cases hewn m the soHd rock. Tliis upper work consists of an irregular pentagon, with at the front and rear apices a capon- niere pierced on each side for six guns to flank the ditches, and also for musketry; the scarps also are galleried for musketry fire. On the right and left of the fi-ont caponnier^ are three Moncrieff pits for 27 cm. guns; the sm-rounduig chtch is 40 feet Avide and runs doAvn to the water IcA^el in front of the armour-plated 9-gun battery. The rough sketch on Plate II. may give some idea of the work as intended. The width of the channel between this work and the main- land is about 300 yards. On the southern bank stands an old, but extremely solid, round tower of old date, mounting several tiers of guns. Tliis, though of httle value to the defence, is, however, to be left standing, more possibly as a memorial of the past. The passage is to be, indeed already is, banked across with masonry, leaving a cut in the centre 50 feet Avide, 37 and of sufficient depth to allow of the passage of the largest vessels. Otherwise the draft of water will be 5 feet only, as in the other passages. Major Ryding, representing the War Minister, who Avas absent m Norway, kindly gave me permission to go over the works, and I was conducted by the commandant of the Wax- holm fort, at present placed in joint charge. I had also an opportunity of glancing at the plans, but so hurriedly as to give Uttle possibility of carr^dng away any very accurate impression of the measurements and general details. The works themselves are being pressed forward, but are still very incomplete, and render it difficult to get a clear idea of the defences as a whole. The armour-plates are bemg fitted by an EngHsh engineer from the Atlas works at Sheffield, where they were made. Unfortunately the day of my visit proved stormy, and the works are only accessible by private boat, which neces- sitated a chfficult passage m my conductor's yacht. The innumerable rocky islands and dips m the land make the navigation very dangerous, owing to the sudden gusts issuing out of these regular funnels, and it was only after a long- beating about that we reached the landing-place. The time available was thus considerably restricted, and I was disap- pointed m not havmg the necessary leisure to examine thoroughly these very strong and mteresting defences. The labour is being carried out in great part by regularly organised civil penal companies of men convicted of drunkenness and other minor offences, Tvho receive a very small rate of pay. The stone is on the spot. The cost of the works will, there- fore, not be of so very large an amount. NORWAY. The organization of the Norwegian army resembles very closely that of the Danish army, already reported on ; the portion of each arm obtamed by voluntary enlistment corre- sponding to the winter duty and school effisctive selected after the annual drills by ballot in Denmark. The enhsted portion of the Norwegian army serves mamly for garrison duty and as a training cadre to the annual contingent of conscripts, who are dismissed to their homes after the usual periods of training. Like the Danish army, therefore, the men are but superficially drilled and trained to the use of their arms, and, in the same way, the mounted branches are but uidiiferently horsed. Takuig into consideration the difficulties and draw- backs under which the organization labours, the men of all branches of the service attam to a vcrv fair standard of 38 efficiency in military exercises. I was present for two days at the camp at Gaardemond, tlie exercising ground of the " Akershus" brigades, about 25 miles distant from Christiania, and saw very fair work done by the three arms separately, but no exercises of the combined arms. The mfantry (2 battalions) showed themselves apt in seeking cover and utiHzmg ground, and worked very v^ell in the attack, the skirmisliing bodies making rushes to the front by alternate divisions, according as the nature of the terrain permitted. There was, however, no opportunity of seeing anything done on a large scale. The cavalry are organised as mounted riflemen, but I did not see any dismounted practice, the actual exercises being then more particularly restricted to riding diill. The weather had broken, and the plam (about the only open ground to be fomid in the country) was terribly heavy, and in some places under water, rendering manoeuvring very laborious and disagreeable. The batteries present (2 field and 1 horse battery), considering the imperfect trainmg of the horses, struck me as being more efficiently worked and served than the artillery of the Danish army ; the system of horsing is, however, decidedly unfavour- able to this arm, though to a less degree than to the cavalry. Horses cannot fail to lose their handiness and efficiency for mihtary purposes when only retained at duty for the short annual traimngs, and durmg the rest of the year employed for agricultural and lumbermg work. As a sample of the Nor- wegian army, the troops I saw at Gaardemond certamly looked and wo]-ked well ; except in the matter of physique, which is far superior to that of the Danish race, they did not present many points of difference to the Danish troops. The characteristics in the matter of morale and physique, already dwelt upon in the report on the Swedish army, are in every respect equally apphcable to the Norwegian troops. A finer, better discipHned and conducted, set of men one could not wish to see. Con- sidering the very small amount expended on the army, the organization undoubtedly provides a fairly efficient defensive force, well adapted to fight for i^s hearths and homes. I cannot fancy, however, that much reliance could be placed on the Norwegians as an auxiliary force for the defence in Sweden of the jomt kingdom, for there is no mistakmg the ill-feeling, still broodmg below the surface, and often cropping above it, which they still cherish agamst their old enemies the Swedes. They are not yet, and most probably never will be, reconciled to the partition of Norway from Denmark, and their transfer to Sweden ui virtue of the treaty of Kiel in 1814. Moreover, the poHtical sentiments are strangely at variance m the two countries, Sweden still retaining so much of the old aristocratic privileges and temperament, whereas only democratic elements are recognised in Norway. Here alone, however, of the three 'Scandinavian countries does the system still prevail of officering the army direct from the mihtary schools instead of reqmring a severe noviciate in the ranks as a primary test of 39 the man's efficiency and aptitude for commissioned ranlc, and to be a leader of men, as is now the system in both Sweden and Denmark, but more especially ui the latter. The Norwegian officers I happened to meet showed decidedly very liigh social and professional qualities, and the worst dunce in the " war school" was most unmistakeably of an extraordinarily high standard. The school was not assembled at the time of my visit, but I was shown the di'awings, surveys, and plans, both theoretical and practical studies, of the class just passed out and commissioned, as well as of the junior division, and was exceeduigly struck "vvith their very great excellence ; more particularly, perhaps, when the performances of one student were exhibited, who had failed to attam the necessary predicate in these studies, but whose drawings were indubitably above average merit. All the officers with whom I was able to converse, impressed me with their high culture and intelHgence ; many spoke EngHsh, French and German perfectly, — one of the chief Euro- pean languages at all events they were masters of. But more particularly was the training of the officers of the general staff apparent ; very high qualifications and tests of aptitude and fitness for the manifold and varied duties of a staff officer are requh'ed before the aspnant to staff employ can be finally admitted to the roster of general staff officers. After com- pleting a course of study at the Military High School, the highest step in the educational ladder, the aspnant is attached to the other arms to which he does not belong for a really complete course of departmental training; afterwards, for a term of thi-ee to four years, according to his general aptitude, to the army command bureau, in order to learn all the details and routine of office work ; and finally, for one or two years to the topograpliical department, to gain acquaintance "u^ith all the details of the cadastral survey, &c. Even after he is appointed to the junior grade of adjutant on the staff, there is yet another severe practical test in the duties of a staff officer in the field to be passed before he is finally admitted a member of the corps. To persevere through all these difficul- ties and tedious prehminaries requu'es a really earnest, hard- worldng, painstaking man, mth his heart thoroughly in the service he aspires to. From the highest to the lowest ranks of fife, education in Norway is on a very high scale ; all childi-en are compelled to attend school fi-om 7 to 14 years of age, the rich merchant as well as his portier having equally to fill in the retm-ns and answer the questions of the educational inspectors, when these make their periodical visits, with regard to the school attended by their cliildren, then progress, &c. ; and should piivate tuition be resorted to instead of public, then to satisfy the inspectors that the education given comes up to the prescribed standard for the Government schools. Even m the "wildest parts of Norway it is difficult to find a pei'son who cannot write a faii'ly 40 legible hand, and scarce one that cannot read the Bible, which is their constant study. There it very little of importance to remark on in this army, and, moreover, my time was so limited when I reached Norway that I had little leisure to do more than examme and inquire into the general organization and more prominent details, which will be found in the attached " General Report." The misfortune of being but slightly acquainted with the somewhat similar, but yet in many points, more especially of pronunciation, very different languages of the three countries, and the absence of any official pubhshed works on the organi- zation and various military institutions, made it somewhat difficult to get readily at the information necessary for compihng these reports, and to analyze the material kindly placed at my disposal by the respective miHtary authorities. Such as they are, however, they give a fairly accm^ate account of the military force at the present moment, nor is there much probability of any proximate change, unless indeed any com- promise is effected in the present Swedish Diet on the army question of that country. In conclusion, I would beg to express my sense of the kind manner in which I was received, and of the attention shown to me by the War Departments of the three countries, the representatives of which afforded me every faciHty possible for prosecutmg my inquiries, and furthered my object in every way in their power. William S. Cooke, Toj)ographical Department, Captain, 22nd Regiment, Horse Guards, War Office, D.A.Q.M.G. November 1874. -flaobe P Sketch sheivuu3 the. approcclntate positvon of the three, ckannels . The. s0u.th.er7v '^"^v 1 s i<' ie^ l&ft operv to sJtLps. draw I no n w 5 fP of water. The cervtraL choLnnei/ wiii he hanJced/ cuitL rrbutnaL cus soon, as the Fortress of FrederuJcsbp. is completed The r.crt/iern is already barred. A N B /^rederlck^borq Isla*uL C WtLOftwlm Fortress, defkridtn*^ Central Fas sttqe D.^ FrecLerLokshora Fortress.^ noiv oen^*ncijunn) to de/rndr SovLUberTvPasstiqe E.— Hciuid- Tcwcr on- opposite bcuhk, of f.ka7uvel'( of I'&ry oUC daiej. F. — Batteries corruna/uUrLO CvitraL Chojuv&h- r Plate II To Slocickolr ^ :i i £ ^< >; •>■ J $ * i 5 ■^ J t "^ feN >^ '"+. i "< s c ^ ^ s >s ^ 1 1 si; V? i ^ i ^ K ^ ft^ "•^ -*^ -s. > * ^ "1- •-^ '1 ^i^i -> >il. s^ t ^G 4 ^ J^ ^ < CQ 1-^ d ^■•'P-f^;^ MEMORANDUM ON THE SYSTEM OF MILITARY EDUCATION IN AUSTRIA. (f'ojipiled at the topogeaphical and statistical defarxmeyt of the w\k office, by captain ^v. s. cookf, 22nd regiment.) 1372, LO-NDON : Printed for IIfe Majesty's Stationery Office, BY irAREISON & SONS, Printers in Ordinary to Htr Majesty. 1872. PREFACE The following Memorandum on the Austrian System of Military Education has been compiled by Captain W. S. Cooke, 22nd Regiment, in the Topographical and Statistical Department, from the instructions published by the Austrian War Department, for the use of the various Regimental Schools (" Instruction fiir "die Truppen-Schulen, des K. K. Heeres"). At a time when our own system of Military Education is attracting so much attention, that of Austria, which has been entirely re-constructed since the campaign of 1866, is well worthy of examination. Attention is specially called to Part VII, which relates to the education of Officers and Cadets by a well organized system of Lectures, Conferences, Essays, Reconnaissances, &c. C. W. Wilson, Captain, Royal Engineers. \9th Junvarij, 1872. MEMORANDUM ON THE SYSTEM OF MILITARY EDUCATION IN AUSTRIA. GENEEAL KEYIEW OF THE SYSTEM OF MILITAEY EDUCATION IN AUSTEIA. There are three distinct classes of schools in the military- education system in Austria. 1st. The Military Colleges and Academies^ which are four in Ciass I. number, viz.: — The Military (a) The Military Technical School at Weiszkirchen, which AcadSes"'^ supplies students for the Military Technical Academy, and the Artillery Cadet School. This course is for three years. At the completion of the course, those, who have passed successfully, are transferred to the Academ}^, as far as there are vacancies, the remainder are appointed to the Artillery as Non-commissioned Officers, and are admitted to the Cadet School after one year's service. Students, who have not passed satis- factorily, enter the Artillery as privates. The number of the Students at the school is not to exceed 480. (b) The Mihtary College at St. Polten, which supplies Students for the Military Academy^ at Wiener-Neustadt. The number of Students is not to exceed 200. The course is for two years. (c) The Military Technical Academy at Vienna, which furnishes Officers for the Artillery, Engineers, and Pioneers. The course is far four years, and the number of Students limited to 280. {d) The Military Academy at Wiener-Neustadt, which furnishes a small proportion of the Officers for the Infantry, Jagers, Cavah'y, and Pioneers. The course is also for four years, and the number of Students limited to 400. Admission to both Academies is not confined to Candidates from the Military Technical School and Military College, but is also open to those who pass a good entrance examination, based on the programme of instruction of the Upper Gymnasia and Polytechnic Schools. At the termination of the course in each, B Class II. The Eegi- mental Schools. (Tiuppen- Schulen.) the successful Students receive Commissions as Lieutenants, the unsuccessful Students pass into the Army as Non-commissioned Officers. Admission to the Military Technical School and the Military College is open to candidates who produce satisfactory certi- ficates from a lower Gymnasium or Polytechnic School, or failing these, pass a successful entrance examination, based on the programme of instruction at these Civil Schools. These four establishments are intended for the education of sons of deserving or needy Officers of the Imperial Army. The Students are divided, according as their maintenance and education are paid for out of the Military Chest, the funds of Charitable Institutions, or by their parents or guardians, into three classes : — (a) Military Pupils. (b) Charity Pupils. (c) Paying' Pupils. The («) class is again subdivided into (« 1). Those wholly dependent on the Military Chest, {a 2). Those semi-dependent on the Military Chest, half the expense being borne by their parents or guardians. The (a 1) subdivision is eligible for all the schools. The {a 2) to all excepting the Military Technical School. A noticeable feature in these schools is the system of support given by Government, or some corporation or foundation in aid of the education of boys, both prior to and during their resi- dence at the institutions. The support is given in form of a stipend, which, according to the nature of the case, may be either 1st or 2nd class. A stipend of the 1st class gives claim to admission to the Military College and the Military Academies ; a stipend of the second class to the Military Technical School only, provided, of course, that the prescribed qualifications for admission are fulfilled. In the {a) and {b) classes, each boy has to sign, jointly with his parents or guardians, an obligation to serve in the xArmy one year over the prescribed period, for every year or part of a year passed at the school. The (a 1) subdivision of class («), however, viz.: those semi-dependent on the Military Chest, is required to serve half a year only over the prescribed period, for each year or part of a year passed at the school. Class (c) are only required to serve an additional year, if their education has lasted 4 years or upwards. In no case is the total service to exceed 10 years. 2nd. The Regimental Schools, the details of which are given in the accompanying papers. Each arm of the Service, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillerj^, Engineers, Pioneers, Military Train, and Sanitary Corps, forms its own Schools by Companies, Squadrons, or Batteries, for the training of its Non-commissioned Officers and Men. The Captains of Companies, &c., are solely responsible for the schooling of their Subordinates, and are assisted by their Subal- terns, Subatitutes, Cadets, and other senior and duly qualified Non-commissioned Officers. The time allowed for the training of the company being only from October 1st to ^lay 31st, the principal object sought is to instruct the man thoroughly in all his duties as a soldier in barracks, on the march, and in the field. The Captain of the Company is responsible for the complete training of his men, both in school and drill, during this period, the other months of the year being devoted to battalion and regimental drill, field manoeuvres, &c. Marriage not being permitted in the Standing Army, there are no children to be provided for, therefore, no occasion for the appointment of Regimental Schoolmasters. The Regimental Schools are divided into — Part I. Schools for the Rank and File, and for the Non-com- missioned Officers. „ II. Schools for Non-commissioned Officers and Men, for special branches. „ III.* Training Schools for Non-commissioned Officers. „ IV. Schools and lectures for the One-year Volunteers. „ v.* Preparatory Schools. „ VI.* Cadet Schools. „VII. Instructive occupations for Officers and Cadets. As before mentioned, the first four classes are established by each arm of the Service. Each Line Infantry Regiment, the Imperial Jager Regiment, and every two JUger Battalions, form Preparatory Schools, in which Non-commissioned Officers and Men of promising talent and excellent conduct, and Regimental Pupils (Truppen-Eleven), are prepared for transfer to a Cadet School. The Engineer Corps also forms its own Preparatory School, but none exist in the other branches of the Service. Candidates from the Cavalry, Military Train, and Sanitary Corps are admitted into the Infantry Prepara- tory Schools. Entrance to the Artillery and Pioneer Cadet School is not dependent on qualification at a Preparatory School, but on the production of satisfactory certificates from a gymnasium or technical school ; or failing these, on passing a satisfactory exami- nation, based on the programme of study at such schools. The Infantry Cadet Schools are 13 in number, 6 of which are also open to candidates from the Cavalry and Military Train, all to candidates from the Sanitary Corps. The Artillery, Engineers, and Pioneers, form their own Cadet Schools. Excepting in the latter, where it is for four, the course is for two years. Candidates are admitted on production of the Certificate of Examination of the Regimental Preparatory School, or on passing an entrance examination similar to the final examination in the * It is distinctly laid down that in these schools the theoretical insfruclion is not to last for more than six hours daily, and no one study or lecture for more than an hour and a half, excepting drawing, which is to be for two hours. B 2 4 Preparatory School, or on production of satisfactory certificates of the course of study and examination undergone at a civil school or lower gymnasium. After passing the final examination, they are nominated cadets, and serve as such until their turn for pro- motion to Lieutenant. Candidates are admitted direct from civil life on passing the entrance examination, or producing satisfactory certificates from one of the civil schools. The " Instructive occupations for OfHcers and Cadets/' which are given in detail in Part VII., speak for themselves. Such a system must be highly beneficial. The dissertations and debate's on the various essays, schemes, reports, reconnaissances, &c„ cannot fail to bring out and extend the power to grasp the subject on hand ; the interchange of ideas tends to produce a logical reasoning, and a correct solution of the various problems in the game of war. Every point in these "instructive occupations" seems full of instruction and adv^antage. The scheme is so comprehensive, that nothing requisite for the higher development of the know- ledge already possessed by the Officers and Cadets seems to be lost sight of. The system of establishing Infantry Equitation Schools, in which all Officers of Dismounted Corps are in turn instructed in riding, in the shape of the horse, his maladies, &c., is also excellent. The paper on these " instructive occupations " is translated from the Infantry section ; those for the other arms are framed much on the same model ; the principle modifications in each are appended. The Cavalry form " Brigade Officers' Schools " for the special training of Subaltern Officers, each Regiment in the Brigade sending the six seniors who have not previously passed the course. The Artillery form Regimental Equitation Schools for the training of Subalterns and Cadets in a uniform system of riding, &c. 3rd. The institutions for the professional training of Officers, which comprise — {a) The War School at Vienna. (b) The Advanced Artillery Course at Vienna. (c) The Advanced Engineer Course at Vienna. (d) The Central Infantry Course at Vienna. (e) The Central Cavalry Course at Vienna. {f)The Intendance Course at Vienna. Iff) The Artillery Central Equitation School at Vienna. (h) The Military Veterinary Institution at Vienna. The War School is established with the view of training Officers for the higher Commands, and for employment on the General Staff. Admission is open to all Officers not above the rank of Captain, and is dependent on passing an entrance examination, and a previous service of three years on active employment. At present 40 students are admitted annually, but this number is to be increased. The course of study is for two years; it comprises all the higher branches of military art. The hope of more rapid promotion is a great inducement to Officers to qualify at the War School. A Lieutenant passing out with the certificate of "excellent" is promoted at once to IsL Lieutenant; Officers passing out with the certificate of " very good " are placed in the first category for " Promotion out of Turn." Every 4th step above Field Rank, and every 6th below it, is given by promotion out of turn; in fact, by selection. It is open to Officers to qualify themselves for the first category of promotion by passing the final examination at the War School, without having gone through the course, but it is of very rare occurrence. The Chief of the Staff is President of the School, the total strength of the Staff of Superintending Officers, Professors, House-servants, and Riding Establishment, is 57 persons, and 30 horses. The Advanced Artillery Course, the Advanced Engineer m^ . , , Course, and the Intendance Course, have been lately re-organized. Artillery and and are not yet permanently determined. They are all under the Engineer control of the ISIilitary Technical and Administrative Committee, bourses, and whose special duty it is to collect all information, and act as j^^jg Com-gg. advisers to the Government in all matters bearing on the technical and administrative business in the Artillery, Engineers, and Liteu- dance. The Committee is in immediate correspondence with the War Minister. The President superintends the three courses, the Instructors being selected from the Officers composing the several sections of the Committee. Candidates for admission to any one of the courses must have a previous service of at least two years, and for the Artillery and Engineer Courses, be under the rank of Captain. The object sought is to train Officers of special aptitude for qualification for employment in the scientific branches of their several Arms. Candidates for admission to the Intendance Course may be either Captains of Infantry or Cavalry, or Accountants, and must not be more than 36 years of age. The course is for two years, the object being to train men for employment in the Intendance. The instruction is both practical and theoretical, the students being required to attend all experiments, and visit all objects of miUtary interest and importance in Vienna or the vicinity, and, at the completion of the course, to travel through the several kingdoms forming the Reich srath, in company with the instructors, for the purpose of inspecting the technical and manufacturing establishments. Officers are permitted to attend this course as extra students, provided there is room, and no expense is incurred by the Govern- ment. When travelling for instruction, they must pay their own expenses. The Artillery Central Equitation School. Officers attending the Advanced Artillery or Engineer Courses, who at the tnal examination gain the certificate of " Excellent," are at once promoted, those who are reported '' qualified " are placed in the first category for promotion. The Central Infantry Course is established with the view of training the Senior Captains of Infantry in the higher branches of Military art, and of enabling them to qualify for " Promotion out " of Turn." It is also open to them to qualify for this class of promotion by passing the final examiration without having previously gone through the course. A certificate of "Excellent/' in addition to high practical qualifications, is necessary to render the Officer eligible for the first category. All Captains have to attend in turn, those only being excepted who have passed the War School, or the Advanced Artillery or Engineer Course, or have undergone the final examination at either. There is no examination for admission. The course lasts for eleven months, from November 1st to September 30th. The total strength of the Staflf of Superintending Officers, Professors, House -servants, and Riding Establishment, is 27 persons and 10 horses. The number of Officers attending the course is fixed annually by the War Ministry. At the final examination, the Officers are classified in two Lists, those who have gained the certificate of " Excellent" are placed in the first category for " Promotion out of Turn""; those who are reported "Qualified" are placed on the List for " Promotion by S(Miiority." Those on the 1st List are permitted to enter the War School for the second year's course as extra students. All Officers must pass the final exatnination at the Infantry School before they can be promoted. Those failing to qualify are passed over, when it comes to their turn. The Central Cavalry Course is an institution for the training of Cavalry Officers, as the foregoing is for that of Infantry. The Instructors at the Brigade Officers' School are usually taken from Officers, who have passed the Central Cavalry course. The Stafli^" of the School consists of 61 persons and 4 horses. The Students bring their own horses with them. All Captains of Cavalry must pass the final examination, whether they have gone through the course or not, before they can obtain promotion. The certificate of ^' Excellent " renders them eligible for promotion out of turn, and also for admission as extra students to the second year's covu'se at the War School. The Artillery Central Equitation School is established with the view to training Instructors for the Regimental Riding Schools, and to ensure a uniform system being adopted in riding, driving, &c. The number of Officers attending this course, varies according to circumstances, but it is intended that it should be limited to 1.5, each of the 12 Regiments of Field Artillery sending one Officer, and the Garrison Artillery Battalions three between them. The school is attached as an independent Corps to the 11th R'?^-imcnt of Field Artillery. Each Field Artillery Regiment sends, yearl}', three Privates and four Remo\nits. The whole Artillery Corps has also to furnish a Staff of 13 Professional Soldiers, eight of whom as Rough Riders, two Farriers, one Saddler, one Tailor, and one Shoemaker. The Remount Depot is required to send 12 remount draught horses. The Officers attending the school, must be below the rank of Captain, and are selected for their phj'sical and moral qualifications. They must have a natural aptitude for riding, &c., be of excellent character, and possess an inate ability for imparting instruc- tion. They must also have passed satisfactorily a course at one of Regimental Equitation Schools. They are admitted at first on a month's probation ; if, during this time, they do not show the necessary qualifications they are sent back to their Regiments. The course is for eleven months, commencing with May 1st. Tlie Students of the Artillery Cadet School attend for riding drill. Riding, driving, and the breaking of horses ; harnessing, the care of horses, the study of their anatomy, age, &c. ; the principles of shoeing, the treatment of the common forms of disease ; the elements of construction of carriages, the theory of draught ; practical exercises on the march, &c., and the art of imparting instruction in riding, form the principle subjects of study. A trial examination is held, at which the qualifications of the Officers are ascertained and reported on. The Military Veterinary Institute trains men as Veterinary rpj^^ Military Surgeons, for employment both in military and civil life, and also Veterinary supplies thoroughly qualified farriers to the Army. Institute. A Veterinary Hospital is attached to the Institute, in which horses are received for treatment. The Institute can grant Diplomas to Veterinary Surgeons and Farriers, after passing an examination, subjecting them to a very severe test. It is conducted by a Committee of Direction, and is under the control of a Commandant, who is immediately subordinate to the War Minister. A Director of Studies is also appointed, who is in direct correspondence with the Civil Departments of the Government. The total Staff of the Institute consists of 84 persons. Admission is subject to an entrance examination, held by a Board, appointed by the AVar Minister, in October. The Civil Students at the school enjoy the same privileges as the One-year Volunteers. There are three courses : — 1st. A six months' course for Shocing-smiths, commencing on January 2nd and July 1st of each year, for those Candidates wishing to qualify as Shoeing-smiths. 2nd. A two years' course for Farriers, commencing on Novem- ber 1st. The Candidate must be able to read and write, and have a thorough knowledge of the German Language. In these two courses the period spent at the Institute does not count for service with the colours. 3rd. A three years' course for Veterinary Surgeons and Farriers who have not passed their 30th year. The 1st and 2nd courses are for men selected from the Army. The 3rd for Candidates both from military and civil life. The time spent at the Institute does not count for service. Men who have previously obtained diplomas at other Veterinary Establishments may pass it in two years. William S. Cooke, Captain, 22nd Regiment. Precis of the " Instruction fur die Truppen-Schulen des " K. K. Heeresr Containing Parts I, II, III, IV, F, and VI, of the Infantry Section, viz. : — Part I. — Company Schools for the Rank and File, and for Non-commissioned Officers. Part II. — Schools for Non-commissioned Olilcers and Men for Special Branches. Part ITT.^Training Schools for Non- commissioned Oiilcers. Part IV. — Schools and Lectures for the One-year Volunteers. Part V. — Preparatory Schools. Part VI.— Cadet Schools. PART I. Company Schools for the Rank and File, and for the Ngn-Cowmissioned Officers. The period from the commencement of the Recruits' Drill, in General October, to the end of May, is appointed for the training of the Conditions, company. The Company School for the Rank and File is established for the purpose of giving the soldier a thorough training in the duties of his profession theoretically, as well as practically : the Com- pany School for Non-commissioned Officers, for the purpose of impressing on the Non-commissioned Officers attending it, the responsibilities of their posts by extending their knowledge, and of training a thoroughly competent set of private soldiers to fill the Non-commissioned Officer ranks. As the drilling of the Recruits fully employs a considerable number of the Non-commissioned Officers and older soldiers till the latter part of November, the theoretical schools do not open till December 1st. They may be closed at any time, but the course must be completed by the end of May. At the termination of the Recruits' Drill in November, the Captain of the Company employs the intervening time up to the opening of the schools in training the Senior Serjeants to act as Instructors. He is solely responsible for the training of his men ; per- fect freedom and independence are therefore to be allowed him, and he alone has the power of framing the programme and dis- tributing the time, in accordance with the limitations prescribed. Cramming and learning by heart are to be specially avoided; to arouse a power of thought and reflection is the great aim of the 10 schools, so that, whatever it may be, the man may comprehend the value of what he does, and express clearly and in few words the object and meaning of his various duties. This can only he attained by the very closest combination of theory and practice. Only what it is absolutely impossible to demonstrate practically, must be left to pure theory : in all else theory and practice must walk hand in hand. The moral education of his men must occupy the attention of the Company Commander not less than their practical and theoretical training. He must therefore avail himself of every opportunity of impressing on them the value of strict disci- pline, unconditional obedience, an honourable feeling, and true military spirit; the requisite attributes of the soldier both on and off duty. In the Company Schools, Reports are to be framed daily, detailing the subjects of instruction and the men attending. At the end of the course the qualifications of each student are registered in a few words, and serve as a guide for future promotion or employment. The schools are held in the men's rooms, the men appearing in regimentals, with side-arms, the cap being taken off during the instruction. Special Eegu- All soldiers who are not required to enter the Company Schools lations for the for Non-commissioned Officers or the Non-commissioned Officers' SchooL^for Training Schools, must attend the Company Schools for the Rank Rank and File, and File. The instruction is carried out by the Company Officers, Sub- stitutes, Cadets, and other duly qualified Non-commissioned Officers, in accordance with orders prescribed by the Colonel of the Regiment, excepting in matters relating specially to the soldiers' duties in barracks, which is imparted by the Serjeants of the Company Sections.* The whole Company is either instructed together in the German language, or, when several nationalities occur in the Company, in divisions. It is obligatory on the soldier to leai-n the words of Command and the names of all subjects most necessary to him in the German tongue. In the 4th and 5th Battalions of the Regiment, the permanent strength being very small, the schools for Rank and File are carried on by Battalions at the discretion of the Reserve Com- mandant. The instruction embraces the following heads : — Orders and Regulations. All the prescribed duties of the soldier, service regula- tions, &c. General duties of each rank. * The Austrian Company is composed of 4 sections (Ziige). 11 Special regulations for the Infantry tJoldier, Rifleman, Company Drummer, Bugler, &c. Instruction in the conduct of Courts-Martial, Military and Civil Law. On the daily routine of duty, various periodical duties and all other special duties. Saluting. Garrison Duty. Duty on the Line of March. Barrack Service. Marching Regulations. Railway and Steamboat Service. Drill Instruction. Knowledge of the word of Command. The Drum and Bugle Calls. Theoretical Training in the employment of the Soldier in Skirmishing, so far as is needed to supplement his practical instruction. Service in the Field. The Special Duties of the Soldier in Camp. Discipline on the Line of March in time of War, Duties on Patrol, on Outpost, in the Field, in time of Repose, or on the March, in Action, and other special operations. (The instruction to be given theoretically to supplement the previous practical instruction.) Special importance is laid on a correct delivery of orders, both in writing and verbally. In Musketry Drill. Knowledge of the several parts of the Rifle, their object and uses, also of the cleaning articles. Care, cleaning, taking to pieces and putting together again of the Rifle. Care of the ammunition ; loading, &c. The rudiments of aiming and trajectory. In addition to these heads, instruction is given from the " Articles of War" and the '* Army Regulations;" on the Duties and prescribed Orders for men on Furlough, and of the Reserve ; on the general organization of the Army, specially that of the Regimental system ; on matters relating to the health of the soldier, and the rendering of assistance in case of accidents. The Serjeants finally instruct the men in the following points : — Barrack Discipline. Dress. Care of Clothing, Arms, Equipment and necessaries. To know their Superiors by rank, name, and their several duties. The Company Drummers and Buglers must also attend the Schools. 12 School, and receive special instruction from the Battalion Drum or Trumpet Major, in hours fixed for the purpose, under the super- vision of the Adjutant. Officers' Servants have also to attend. Special Eegu- W[ Non-commissioncd Officers, including Lance-Corporals, Company Non^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^"^^ Private Soldiers as may be selected by the Company commissioned Commanders for future promotion to Non-commissioned Officers, in Officers' consequence of individual ability, zeal, and earnest good-will, and who are not required to attend the Regimental or Battalion Training Schools for Non-commissioned Officers, must enter the Company Non-commissioned Officers' Schools. The Company Commander conducts the instruction himself, assisted, when possible, by one or other of the Company Officers, to whom he assigns certain branches, or sometimes a division of the students ; he is further assisted by duly qualified Cadets or some of the senior Non-commissioned Officers, who may be charged with the repetition of any one subject with the younger students. The instruction is given, when practicable, in German, but may be arranged according to the several nationalities of the students. The Non-commissioned Officers and Men must, however, master the rudiments of the German language, and be able to make themselves understood in it, and to give orders in it. The instruction comprises : — Orders and Regulations. In addition to the instruction given in the Company Schools for the Rank and File, all orders and regulations comprised in the sphere of duty of a Non-commissioned Officer, the special duties of the Soldier up to the rank of Serjeant and Serjeant-Major, and further the prescribed regulations for the conduct of Non-com- missioned Officers' inspections. In Drill. Section Drill in close and skirmishing order, and Company drill, so far as to be able to command a section when forming part of a Company. Special stress is to be laid on the training of the Non- commissioned Officers to command small detachments of all kinds, and particularly on the training of all ranks in the art of skirmishing. In Field Service. Duties in Camp, discipline on the Line of March in time of war, Patrol and Outpost duty in the Field, both in time of repose and on the Line of March, duties in Action, and in other special operations, so far as they relate to the Non-commissioned Officers' Rank. Thorough practice in the delivery of verbal orders, and the framing of correct and precise written information respecting any dispositions made. 13 The reading of maps and plans, so as to be able to trace and distinguish roads, paths, hills, and plains, watercourses, bridges, houses, &c. Also to be able to draw roughly and delineate on paper the route to be taken on patrol, marking the more important objects which may serve as a guide. In Musketry. All matters connected with the use and cave of the rifle and ammunition; aiming and trajectory. In Army Organization. The organization and tactical distribution of the Army in general, and his own special branch in particular. Further, all those, who are not already proficient, are taught to read quickly various handwritings, to write a clear and legible hand, the four elementary rules of Arithmetic, to compile such returns as come within the province of a Non-commissioned Officer's duties, and to make written reports and accounts. The Articles of War are read out usually once a-week to the whole Company. Aiming Drill, Judging Distance, and Target Practice, are to be carried on whenever practicable, also Bayonet Exercise, Gym- nastics, &c. The men are also to be trained in Jumping, Climbing, and Running in full marching order. Three or four Non-commissioned Officers or Lance-Corporals in each Company are trained as Instructors in Gymnastics, and all athletic exercises. PART II. Schools for Non-commissioxed Officers and Men for Special Branches. A certain number of Non-commissioned Officers and Men are p^r the Duties trained annually in the special duties of Pioneers. In the three of Pioneers. Field Battalions of a Line Infantiy Regiment two Corporals per Battalion and three Privates per Company go through a course of instruction. The 4th and 5tli Battalions do not furnish men for instruction in this branch. Non-commissioned Officers and Men in their first years Service are, if possible, to be selected for this training; they must possess the necessary physical qualifications, and should be chosen 14 from those wlio have been accustomed to this khid of work by their previous calling. One forester and two agricultural labourers are usually taken from each Company. The Commanding Officer entrusts the instruction to an Officer possessing the necessary practical and theoretical qualifications. The theoretical instruction is carried on three times a-week, for an hour and a half each time, between December 1st and May 3] St. The first three months are devoted exclusively to the training of the Non-commissioned Officers and those Private Soldiers, who are selected for promotion : these men are subsequently em- ])loycd in charge of the working parties at the practical instruction. On March 1st the preliminary training for the practical execution of Pioneer work is commenced. All the men selected for Pioneers attend the instruction, which comprises the most simple fundamental principles, the tracing of ordinary field w^orks and the method of placing houses, &c., in a state of defence. The instruction is carried on at the Regimental Head-Quarters, but must not interfere with the progress of the other Regimental Schools, nor are the men exempted from drill and other duties. The practical training begins on June 1st, and lasts for two months ; five working hours are assigned for each day's instruc- tion ; the men are exempted during these two months from all drills and other duties. When practicable, the training is carried on with the nearest detachment of a Technical Corps, and under the direction of the Officers of that branch. If no such detachment is in the vicinity, the necessary plant and tools are supplied from a fund, in aid of which a certain fixed sum is granted annually to each regiment, but when possible the plant of the Technical Corps is to be used. At the manoeuvres, the men under training are en)ployed in their special duties. At the termination of the practical training, the Officer in Charge is required to send in a report to the Officer Commanding on the efficiency of the men of the Regiment who have under- gone the course of instruction. For the Duties Each Company of Infantry and Jiigers is required to send O P"f-^*^^^ annually one Corporal and three to four Privates, who are in Bearers of their third (consequently last) year's service, to undergo a course Stretchers and of training in these duties, at the Regimental or Battalion Head- Wounded. Quarters, under the Surgeon -Major. The instruction is carried on twice a-week, for an hour and a half or two hours each time, and generally lasts for six weeks, a report on the efficiency of the men being made to the Commanding Officer at the completion of the course. For the Duties A school of instruction is established at the nearest Military of the Train. Train Squadron, to which each Infantry Regiment of the Line is required to send annually one Non-commissioned Officer to undergo a three months' training, from January 1st to March 30th, as Wagon-Master ; one Private (who by calling is saddle-maker, collar-maker, or boot-maker-) for a six weeks' training in his 15 trade, from February 16th to March 30th; and one Private (a smith by calHng) for a three months' training in farriery, &c., from January 1st to March 30th. Each Jager BattaUon is re- quired to furnish a similar number of men, but only every second year. At the completion of the course, the Military Train Com- mander makes a report to the Officer Commanding the Regiment, on the efficiency of the men. A certain number of men are trained annually as Drivers, at the Regimental Head-Quarters, by the Wagon- Masters who have undergone a course of instruction with the Military Train. The training is confined to a knowledge of the various parts of the wagons, the harness, and putting to of the horses, &c., when Troopers are available. Each Infantry Regiment of the Line is required to furnish Duties of the annually two, each Jager Battalion one, Non-commissioned Officer Gendarmerie. or man for training in the Field Gendarmerie Service. These men are assembled in Detachments, and put through a course of instruction by specially appointed Officers, both previous to, and during the larger manoeuvres, in Camps, &c. At the termination of their training, the men return to their Corps, or are placed on the strength of the Depot, or Reserve Establishment. Commanding Officers of Regiments, or Battalions, are required to send in annually to the War Ministry a report on those men who have undergone this course of training. PART III. Training Schools for Non-commissioned Officers are established Nou-commis- at the discretion of Regimental Commanders, according to re- sionedOtEcers' quirements. Battalions separated from the Regimental Head- Training Quarters may establish Training Schools of their own. In these Schools all men selected by the Company Com- manders tor future promotion to the Non-commissioned Officer ranks, and who are approved of by the Regimental Commander, but who do not possess sufficient proficiency to enter the Company Non-commissioned Officers' Schools, are trained for Non-commissioned Officers. The School opens on December 1st, and the duration of the course is fixed by the Regimental Commander according to the progress and proficiency of the men under instruction, but on no account is it to extend beyond the end of May. By the end of the course the men must have made them- selves so far acquainted with tlie duties of a Non-commissioned Officer, and otherwise qualified themselves, that they may be employed to fill any posts that may be assigned to them, and require further instruction in the elementary subjects of study only. 16 To enable them to attain tliis standard, the men under instruc- tion are exempted from all company duties during the covirse, and the periods of study are increased. The instruction is carried out in all branches by a specially qualified officer, who is assisted, if necessary, in the elementary- sections, viz., Reading, Writing, Summing, and the German Language, by one or more Cadets or Non-commissioned Officers. The School is under the immediate supervision of the Regi- mental Commander ; he fixes the days and hours of attendance, assigns a suitable recreation ground, and apportions the time for practical instruction in the open air. The programme, combining theory with practice, is similar to that for the Company Non-commissioned Officers' Schools, special care being taken by the officer to whom the school is entrusted that the importance of maintaining discipline, morality, an honour- able feeling, and true Military spirit is impressed on the Students. The instruction is imparted in the German language, as soon as the Students have made sufficient proficiency in it ; otherwise in the national dialect of the Regiment or Battalion. The following elementary branches are taught in addition to the subjects forming the programme of the Company Non-com- missioned Officers' Schools : — The German Language. Writing from dictation and fair copy" Reading and. . Summins: . . . . In the national dialect, and, as far 2s possible, in the German Language. At the termination of the course the Regimental Commander holds an examination in presence of the Battalion and Company Commanders, after which the Students are classified according to their capabilities, diligence, and progress in the several subjects of instruction as *' Excellent," "Very Good," "Good," or " Un- '' satisfactory." Accountants' Schools (Pay- Serjeants). Accountants^ Schools. Every Company is required to have at least one Non- commissioned Officer trained for the post of Accountant Serjeant- Major (Pay Serjeant). To this end, whenever a fresh vacancy occurs, a Non-com- missioned Officer or Soldier, possessing the requisite qualifications in reading, writing, and accounts, is to be practically trained, for the duties of accountant. He is instructed in the regulations relating to administration and book-keeping by the Accountant Serjeant-Major (Pay-Serjeant) and takes part in his work, thus acquiring practical acquaintance with the duties of the office. He is not, however, exempted from drill or any company duty. During the Winter months the Commanding Officer may assemble the men so selected in each company, and have them 17 trained in the duties of Pay-Serjeant at the Non-commissioned Officers' Training School at Head-Quarters, in order to ensure an uniform system being adopted. The Commanding Officer regulates the sphere of instruction and its duration as he thinks fit; it must he held two or three times a-week in the afternoon or evening, and is conducted 1)\' an officer, usuallj^ the Junior Paymaster, or by a specially qualified Pay Serjeant under his superintendence. Where a Non-commissioned Officers' Training School is estab- lished, the room given up to it may be used, otherwise one of the men's rooms must be taken temporarily. In Regiments or Corps, vvhere a sufficient number of men pos- sessing the requisite qualifications for filling up the vacancies in the office of Pay Serjeant cannot be found, and whicii have no Non-commissioned Officers' Training School, separate Accountant Schools may be established. In these, instruction is given in all branches and duties rclatinty to Kegimental interior economy and admii 'titration, and in company accounts, in addition to elementary instruction in grammar, composition, orthography, and summing. These s'^hools commence on December 1st, and close as soon as the men have attained the requisite standard; they are in no case to remain open beyond four months. During the course the men under instruction are given up entirely to it, and are relieved from guard and other duties. The Commanding Officer details an officer as superintendent, and, if necessary, a Non-commissioned Officer to assist him. PART IV. Schools and Lectures for the One-Year Volunteers. The Schooling of the One-year Volunteers is to take place, as far General Con- as possible, apart from the Non-commissioned Officers and men. ditions. The instruction is to be entrusted to a thoroughly qualified officer, and if the number of students is large one or more additional officers with a certain staff of Non-commissioned Officers may be be detailed to assist him. In all matters of duty and discipline the One-year Volunteers rank with the remainder of the Company. The conditions of the Service require that they shall attain such a standard in Military training and educational knowledge by the termination of the Winter Course, that they may be fit for employment in various Non-commissioned Officers' posts within 14 days of the opening of the drill season. During the short time available for their Military Schooling, they must, therefore, go through the course of instruction prescribed for the Schools for the Rank and File, and c 1; Lectures for those Volun- teers wlio aspire to Com- missioned Eank in the Eeserve. for the Non-commissioned Officers. After the first 14 days of the drill season, they are distributed in various Non-commissioned Officers^ posts, and those who aspire to become Officers of Reserve, and who must therefore be placed in Commissioned Officers' posts during the latter part of the Summer, must further acquire the necessary subjects for qualification, under the In- structors of a Preparatory School. For this purpose lectures, commencing with December 1st, are arranged so as to enable the volunteers to attend both courses, I.e., the course necessary for qualification for the post of a Non- commissioned Officer, and also that necessary for the post of an officer, both courses to be completed by the commencement of the manoeuvres. Should an aspirant to commissioned rank be guilty of any serious breach of good conduct or discipline during the period of his Military Schooling, he may be disqualified for candidature to the post of Office'', of Eeserve, and be reduced to the lower class, viz., that in Avhich the Volunteers are not aspirants to the post of Commissioned Officers of Reserve. These lectures comprise the following subjects : — Military Style (Reports, Correspondence, &c.) Topography. Military Drawing. Practical Surveying. Pioneer Duties. Fortification. Study of the Arms in Use. Tactics and Field Service., Military Administration. Army Organization. Drill Regulations. Army Regulations. The same text books are used as at the Cadet School. In large garrison towns the Volunteers of all the Regiments quartered in them may be assembled at one place for these lectures. Examinations. The Examination of aspirants to Commissioned Rank in the Reserve takes place between September 15th and October 15th. The Board consists of — The Brigadier, as President. Members. The Chief of the Staff of the Division. Two Field Officers of the Division. The Commandant and two Instructors of the Cadet School at the Station. If there is no Cadet School at the station, three Regimental Officers of the Preparatory School are to sit on the Board in place of the three last mentioned. As laid down for the Cadet School. 19 The Volunteers are examined practically and theoretically in all the subjects above mentioned, and also in the German laii<;uao'e ; and are also required to write an essay from the sphere of duty of a subaltern officer to test their knowledge of military style. The List of Precedence is determined by marks, for the certifi- cate of '•' Excellent/' a total of 80 is necessary, for " Qualified," 60. The Volunteers who do not aspire to ofticer's rank are examined by a Board, consisting of OT«e Field Officer, and two Captains of the Regiment, which decides whether, and for what posts in the Non-commissionpd Officer rank, they are qualified. One-year Volunteers, who have failed to qualify for Commis- sioned Officers' Rank in the Reserve, may present themselves for re-examination after one year, but they cannot be allowed a third trial except under exceptional circumstances. PART V. The object of the Preparatory Schools is to prepare Soldiers, or Preparatory Regimental Pupils, of promising talent and ability, but who as Schools, yet are not qualified for direct entrance to a Cadet School, for transfer to it. With this view one such school is established at the Head-Quarters of each Line Infantry Regiment and of every two Jiiger Battalions. Soldiers from the Cavalry and Military Train desirous of Composition qualifving themselves for entrance into a Cadet School, are ad- and Or^^'auiza- mitted, unc'er certain circumstances, into the Preparatory School *^'^^" of an adjacent Line Lifaiitrv Regiment. The Commandant of a Preparatory School is held responsible that in each year a proportionate number of students is prepared for transfer to a Cadet School, in order to fill the vacancies occurring. The number of students is not limited, for, though many of them may be unable to qualify for transfer to the Cadet School, yet, if thoroughly conversant with the military branches of instruc- tion, they may, in times of emergency, make valuable Non- commissioned Officers. Entrance into a Preparatory School is dependent on passing Conditions for an Examination, which, for Candidates from the ranks, takes place Entrance. in the end of October, for Candidates entering as Regimental Pupils, in the latter part of September. Each Candidate has to show that he possesses such capal)ilities as will enable him to profit by the instruction imparted at the school. A thorough knowledge of German is not required, but he must he so far conversant with it as to be able to follow and under- stand the lectures given in it. c 2 20 staff of Instructors &c., in the Pieparatory School. The entrance Examination takes place at the Preparatory School. The Board of Examination consists of the Commandant and Instructors of the School, and of two Regimental Officers. At the close of the Examination, they report immediately upon each Candidate, stating whether he is unanimously found " Qualified," or by a majority of votes only. Candidates found " Not Qualified " may, if they desire it, come up for examination a second time after the lapse of one year. The Staff of Instructors, &c., is appointed by the Commander of the Regiment, and comprises : — One Captain as Commandant. Two Subalterns as Instructors. One IN on -commissioned Officer to assist in Superin- tendence; and A certain number of Soldiers for household purposes, usually one to every five Students. This Staff is exempted from all Regimental or Garrison Duty, with the exception of the Commandant who still remains in charge of his Company. When necessary to attach additional officers as Instructors in special subjects, these are not exempted from Regimental duty. The Commandant is not only in Military charge of the Students, Staff, &c., but is also Director of the theoretical and practical instruction ; he conducts the instruction himself in various branches, and thus obtains the most thorough knowledge of the capabilities, zeal, and diligence of each Student. He frames the programme of study, in conjunction with the Instructors, and distributes the time, &c., subject to the approval of the Commander of the Regiment. Special attention is to be directed against useless cramming, or learning by heart; every opportunity is to be given to the Students to use their own ideas and reflections, and care is to be taken that each one learns practically the actual duties and train- ing necessary to a Soldier in the Field. With this view the Commandant is generally selected, not only for his purely educational qualifications, but also for experience in the field in time of war. He is immediately subordinate to the Commander of the Regiment, to whom he has to report all matters of importance. The Instructors are required to support the Commandant with every means in their power, to bring to his notice anything that may be required, and to forward the interests of the school to the utmost. The Non-commissioned Officer, generally one of the Senior Cadets, holding the post of Serjeant-Major, is selected for general experience and tact ; he maintains order and discipline in the school, is responsible for the moral tone of the Students, and looks after them out of school, assisting them with his advice and 21 counsel where required. He may, if necessary, be also employed as Instructor. Tiie Course commences on November 1st, and terminates Duration of on the 30th of the following August, inclusive of the final ^^^ Course. ° ° Proorrainme of exammation. _ Study, &c-. September ?nd part of October are given up to practical training. The course of study comprises the following heads : — Theoretical. German Language and Writing. Military Style, i. e., Reports, &c. Mathematics, comprising the four Elementary Rules : also Involution, Evolution, and Proportions. The Elements of Military Topography. Military Drawing, including Plotting, the Conventional Signs, and the Reading of Maps and Plans. Geography. History (Ancient and Modern). Study of the Arms in use. Field Service and Out-post Duty. Drill Regulations. Army Orders and Regulations. Short-hand Writing. Practical Instruction is given in: — PracticaJ. Drill in Close and Skirmishing Order. Field Service and Out-post Duty. Gymnastics. Fencing, and Swimming. Manoeuvres. Judging Distance. Rough Drawing in the Field. Musketry. The Students are to be constantly drilled during the Course, both in Close and Skirmishing Order, and tht theory of Field and Out-post Duties is to be practically explained on the ground. They are also to be frequently practised in Gymnastics, Fencing, &c. In September the Students join their Companies to take part ManoeuTres. in the manoeuvres, and are placed in such posts as tliey are qualifiod to fill. In October they re-assemble, and are put through a course of Judging Distance and Musketry Practice, and also receive some instruction in finishing off rough sketches in the field. When this is completed, short Leave of Absence is granted to Leave. Instructors and Students. During the course of instruction at a Preparatory School, the Students are exempted from all Guards or Garrison Duty. They provide their own books, drawing and writing materials. Books, &o. excepting in certain cases, where the scholars are entirely without means, when school requisites are provided out of the Govern- ment Funds for that purjiose. 22 Periodical Frofii the very commencement of the course, the Instructors Tests of ^j.g required to test the capabilities and progress of each Student, by frequent conversations, questions, minor examinations, &c., in order that they may be able to form an opinion by the end of December, whether owing to want either of mental power or of due zeal and industry, any Student would appear unlikely to profit from the instruction given, but rather prove a drag on the progress of his fellow students. Any Student, whose capabilities or industry are reported "Doubtful" is called up by the Commandant in presence of the Instructors and the result explained to him. He is then allowed two months for improvement, during which time he must pass a satisfactory examination in the subjects he has neglected, or been reported deficient in. If reported "Not Qualified"'^ by the end of the two months, he is dismissed the school. In the same manner, Students who, during the course of the year, are reported for any irregularity, or bad conduct, are allowed two months for improvem^ent, failing which, they are dismissed. Students who exhibit downright incapabilitj'^, or idleness, or commit themselves in any very serious matter, are dismissed at once; if from the ranks, they return to their duty with their Regiments; if Regimental Pupils, they are sent back to their parents. To assist the Commandant in determining the position of the Students, each Instructor is required to keep a note book, in which he registers the capabilities, zeal, progress, performances, and conduct of each one. The Commandant sums up the remarks of each Instructor, for his own special information, the books being laid before him usually every two months. Final In the second half of August the final examination takes Examination. p]jjce, the result of which determines the number of Students qualified for transfer to the Cadet School ; those who are to he referred back for a second course; those who are to be sent back to their Regiments; and in the case of Regimental Pupils, those who are to be returned to their parents. 'I his examination does not constitute the sole test ; the notes and remarks of the several Instructors during the course are also taken into account. The examination is condiicted in presence of a Board, of which the Commander of the Regiment is President. The Members consist of the — Commandant of the School. Two Instructors, and One Regimental Officer. The examination is both vivct voce and written, the result being determined by the votes of the Members of the Board. I 23 The predicate of ^' Excellent '' counts for 5 marks. „ " A^ery Good " „ 4 „ " Good " }) 3 '' Moderate '" jj 1 "Bad" 5? If the Members cannot agree in the choice of any one predi- cate, the values of all the predicates are to be taken and the average assigned as the mark. In '^Military Style," "Mathematics," "Elements of Topo- graphy," and " Field Service," the predicates bear a double value. In determining the final result, those Candidates only are to be reported as " Thoroughly Qualified ^' who have obtained the predicate of " Very Good " in all the more important subjects, viz., those in which the predicates carry a double value, and have not been assigned a predicate of " Moderate" or "Bad'^ in any of the less important subjects, and have made a total of at least 64 marks. To be reported "Qualified" the student must have made a total of 48, with not more than two unsatisfactory predicates in the less important subjects, which again must be compensated for by " Very Good " or " Excellent " predicates in the more important ones. Those Students only, who are reported " Thoroughly Qualified," are transferred at once to the Cadet School : those reported " Qualified" are required to compete for admission at the regular Entrance Examination. At the termination of the examination a general report is framed by the Board, and is kept by the Commander of the Regiment. In the cases of Students who do not belong to the Regiment, the report on each is sent to their respective Commanders. The result of the examination is read out to the Students by order of the Commander of the Regiment in the presence of the whole Staff; at the same time it is pointed out to those who have been reported " Qualified " onlj% that admission to the Cadet School is still open to them on passing the entrance examination, or they maj' go through a second course at the "Preparatory School." Those reported "Not Qualified" can only be jocrmitted a repetition of the course under exceptional circumstances, viz., in cases of illness or unavoidable interruption in the previous course; they must have proved themselves steady, zealous, and industrious. Regimental Pupils of proved zeal and industry, who are re- quired to pass a second year at the school, owing to long illness, may be exempted from serving the additional year with the Army on recommendation by the Board of Examination. 24 PART VI. Cadet Schools for Infiintry, Ja2:ers, Cavalry Sanitary Corps, and Military Train. Stations and Composition of the Schools. The object of these Schools is to train young men of suitable acquii'ements, and who devote themselves with zeal and readiness to their profession, as Candidates for the rank of Commissioned Officers, and to give them such an education as shall fit them for their future position, and enable them, with private study, to qualify for the higher posts of the Service. There are at present 13 Cadet Schools, for Candidates for Conmiissions in the Infantry and the Jagers, of which six are also open to the Cavalry. The following are the Stations of the Schools : — 1st. Vienna, for Infantry, Jagers, and Cavalry. 2nd. Gratz, for Infantry and Jagers. 3rd. Briinn, for Infantry, Jagers, and Cavalry. 4th. Prague, „ „ „ 5th. Lemberg „ „ „ 6th. Ofen-Pesth „ „ ,, 7th. Preszburg, for Infantry and Jagers. 8th. Kaschau ,, „ 9th. Temesvar, for Infantry, Jagers, and Cavalry. lOth. Agram, for Infantry and Jagers. 11th. Innspruck, ,, ,, 12th. Hermanstadt, „ 13th. Zara „ „ Each Cadet School is under the immediate Command of the General of the military district in which it is established ; he may, however, delegate the duty of personal supervision to the Divi- sional Commander of the Station. Each school admits a certain number of Candidates from the regiments belonging to the military district, provided they possess the necessary qualifica- tions, whether they be soldiers or regimental pupils. Each Line Infantry Regiment may send five yearly. Each Frontier ,, „ „ „ five „ Each Jager Battalion „ ,, two „ Each Cavalry Regiment „ ,. five „ If more Candidates are eligible from one regiment than the above stated number, they may be admitted with the sanction of the General Commanding, provided the difference is equalized by a smaller number from another regiment. Candidates from the Sanitary Corps and the Military Train, are not limited in number, and are apportioned by the General Commanding to the nearest school, those of the Military Train to the school allotted for Cavalry Candidates. 4 26 In view of the advantages to be derived from a training at a Conditions of Cadet Sehool, applications are entertained from those only who Entrance into manifest a thorough earnestness in their profession, and are of ^^^^J irreproachable conduct and demeanour. For every year, or part of a year, spent at a Cadet School, the Student must serve one year in addition to the obligatory period of service. Candidates found '^ Thoroughly Qualified " at the final examination at a Preparatory School are admitted to a Cadet School without further examination. Soldiers and Candidates from civil life, desirous of entering direct into a Cadet School, must produce satisfactory certificates from a Lower Practical School or Lower Gymnasium, otherwise they must undergo an entrance examination. This is also obligatory on those Candidates who, at the final examination at the Preparatory School, have been certified " Qualified " oidy. The entrance examination comprises the subjects of the final examination at the Preparatory School ; it is conducted in presence of a Board, consisting of the Commandant of the Cadet School as President, two Professors of the school, and also two Regimental Ofiicers (members). The entrance examination for Candidates from civil life takes place at the end of September, for all other Candidates at the end of October. Of the former class, all applications have to be sent in by Regimental Commanders before September 15th, of the latter before October 15th. All applications must be accom- panied by the before-mentioned school certificates. Candidates who, though found "qualified,^' cannot be admitted from want of further vacancies, and those found " not qualified," are sent back at once to their Regiments or Corps ; the latter may, however, come up for examination a second time, or may qualify themselves at a Preparatory School ; the former may be admitted to a Cadet School of another district, provided there are unfilled vacancies, or they may be brought in to fill any vacancies that may occur in the school of their own district, shortly after the com- mencement of the course, or, failing this, they may be admitted the following year, if they continue to show the same good conduct, and a thorough earnestness in the study of their profession. Direct entrance to the second year's course is not permitted, the instruction in the military subjects necessitating a systematic progress from the elementary to the higher branches. Students, however, who exhibit adequate proficiency in the ordinary sul^jects, are permitted to attend the lectures of the second year's course, in addition to the military instruction of the first year, ti.us affording them the opportunity of qualifying in one year. The hours for lectures, &c., are specially arranged to enable Cadets to work in both classes. St ff f The Staff of Professors, &c., is chosen by the General Com- Cadet School manding the District, from the troops attached, and consists of in Professors, the following : — **^' ] Major or Captain, as Commandant. An adequate number of Officers, as Professors. 26 1 Non-commissioned Officer to superintend the Quarter- master's duties, and the accounts, and a certain number of privates as house servants, &c. One man to every 5 Students. Those Cadet Schools open to Cavalry Candidates have also an Officer of Cavalry attached, to give instruction in Cavalry Regu- lations, riding, &c., also one Cavalry Non-commissioned Officer to superintend the grooming, &c., and one private to ever two horses. Tactics, drawing, and surveying, are taught by Officers of the General Staff. This Staff, with the exception of the Officers of the General Staff, belongs exclusively to the Cadet School, and is exempted from all Regimental or Garrison duty. The Commandant is in direct communication with the General Commanding, through the Chief of the Staff, and has equal power in matters of discipline over the whole Staff with a Battalion Commander, Horses. Candidates from the Cavalry and Military Train must bring their horses with them. Stuir^ D" t •■- ^'^^'^ course of study is for two years, each year's course extending bution of time, from November 1st to July 15 th, inclusive of the examinations Programme of in the theoretical course. The period from July 15th to the end Study, &e. q£ September is devoted to practical instruction and manoeuvres. Since one professor cannot adequately instruct or superintend more than 50 Students, in those schools where the number is large, they are to be subdivided into two or three sections, and the Staff of Instructors increased and assigned accordingly. Theoretical. The programme of study embraces the following heads: — Military Style (Reports, Correspondence, &c.) Mathematics, including Algebra, Logarithms, Geometry, Trigonometry. Natural and Experimental Sciences. Military Topogra2:)hy, and the use of Instruments. Plan Drawing. Practical Surveying. Geography. History (General and Military). Pioneer Service. Fortification (Field, Permanent, and tlie Attack). Study of the Arms in use. Tactics of all Arms. Field ^ervice, including Out-posts. Militai^y Administration and Organization. Drill (Section, Company, and Battalion). Army Orders and Regulations. Military Law, including the Mutiny Act, and Criminal Law, &c., is taught by the Judge Advocate of tlic District. 27 Practical instruction is given in — Drill in Close and Skirmishing Order. Out-post Duty. Gymnastics, Swimming, and Fencing. Judging Distance and Target Practice. Students from the Cavalry and Military Train have also an hour's daily instruction in riding. Practical surveying is taught in each year's course, from July 15th to the end of August. The Students of the first year are instructed in the use of instruments and levelling, also in the simple forms of field fortification and pioneer duty. The Surveying is conducted in parties of 20 to 25 Students, under the direction of qualified Officers. Every Student in the first year's course receives seven entire days' practical instruction on the plane-table, and seven days' in- struction in levelling. The day's instruction commences at 5 A.M., and lasts till 4 p.m. Working pay and allowances are granted to the Officers, students, and assistants, while engaged in these 14 days' practical training. The Students of the second year's course continue the training in the higher branches of surveying, triangulation, measuring altitudes, and reconnaissance, from July l5th to the end of August. The period from 15th to the end of July, is spent in prepara- tion, the students divided into parties, each under an Officer, being instructed in the principles of triangulation, the use of the instru- ments, the regulation of the pace ; in fact, in all the details necessary to enable them to execute, unaided, the survey of any given tract of country. The instruction is carried on in the neighbourhood of the Garrison, and, commencing at 5 a.m., is to last at the beginning for 6 hours, then for 7, and finally for 9 hours, without interrup- tion, the Students returning to dinner after the day's work. During this period, Officers and Students receive working pay and allowances. It is considered that 7 days should suffice for this preliminary instruction. In the month of August, a certain tract of country is allotted to each student, who, working independently, makes the survey, which must be completed in 30 working days. If the tract of ground allotted to each individual is one-eighth square mile (Austrian*) or ov-er, it is quite impossibe that one Officer can duly superintend and correct the work of more than 10 or 13 students; arrangements are, therefore, generally made to place two together, one being a skilful draughtsman, the other less experienced; they then work the survey together. The Students are, for this purpose, usually divided into two sections, number one section consisting of the best draughtsmen, each of whom is required to execute at least one-eighth of a square mile (Austrian*) of varied country. This section is not to consist of * The Aus'riau square mile equals 22 English square miles, nearly. 28 Practical Engineering. Manceuvres. Artillery Drill. Inspection of military objects of interest. Leave of Absence. Exemption of Students from Duty, &c. more than one-half of the number of the Students of the second year's course. On economical grounds, the district chosen for the survey is not to be more than nine miles (Austrian*) distant from the school, in order to avoid unnecessary expense in travelling. If necessary to triangulate the district beforehand, an Officer with four Students, and two assistants, are to perform the Avork from 8 to 14 days previously. The Officers and Students receive work- ing pay and allowances. To the second section, comprising the remainder of the Students, is allotted a district closer to the station, to each one being assigned a portion according to his powers. The survey must be executed in 30 days, the working hours for each section being from 5 A.M. to 4 p.m., with an hour^s rest in the middle of the day for dinner. These hours are to be strictly held to, in order that the students may accustom themselves to such exertions. The practical training in engineering and fortification is canned on with the students of the first year's course between July 15th and August 30th, at the discretion of the Commandant, on ground immediately adjoining the school. The Students are instructed in the simplest and most ordinary work of the Infantry Pioneers, e.^., tracing and profiling field works, throwing up cover, making use of shelter of various kinds, constructing huts of branches of trees or reeds, the formation of columns of march and attack, &c. >io allowances are granted. If an Engineer or Pioneer Corps is stationed in the neighbour- hood, the students are required to inspect the work executed by it during the course of the year, explanations and instruction being imparted by an Officer of the Technical Service. The Students have also to attend all experiments in mining and pontooning. The Students of both years attend the manoeuvres in Septem- ber, and for this purpose are distributed among the Regiments in the Garrison, acting as leaders of Company Sections. The Students of the first year also attend the Artillery exercises for a few days. Should there be no Field Artillery in the neigh- bourhood they are instructed in the handling and working of field guns in the Garrison. When opportunity offers, they are taken to visit objects of military interest in the neighbourhood, such for instance as for- tresses, defiles, battle-fields, &c., and any public or industrial establishments, in order to demonstrate practically, what they have been taught theoretically, and, above all, to enlarge the sphere of their experience in military, technical, and scientific matter. In October both instructors and deserving students are granted a short leave of absence. To prevent any interruption in their studies, the students are to be exempted from all Garrison duty or guards, and even though tiieir Regiments should leave the Garrison they are to remain at the school until the completion of their second year's course. * About 43 English miles. 29 The Commandant and Professors are also not to be changed Books, &c. during the course. Books, drawing and writing materials, are provided by the students themselves. In the case of Students without adequate means, the necessary hooks, &c., are supplied from the Govern- ment Fund, as also school requisites, instruments, &c. Each Cadet School is recommended to collect a small library of military and generally useful books. To test the progress made by the Students, examinations are Periodical held periodically, under the same regulations as those of the ExamiLation. *' Preparatory Schools." The first examination is held in the end of December, and every subsequent quarter. In addition to viva voce examinations, written essays, are required from students on various subjects. There are no stated days for writing these essays ; the students may be required to write them at any moment, in presence of the instructor, who allows adequate time, then collects them, delivering his criticism on them the following; day. As in the Preparatory Schools, all the instructors make periodical reports on the ability, performance, zeal, progress, and conduct of each student. These reports assist the School Com- mandant in framing his General Report of Qualification. Ai^plication for the removal of students on account of unsatis- factory conduct or progress, has to be made by the School Commandant to the General Commanding the District, or to the Divisional General entrusted by him with the supervision of the school. The yearly and final examinations take place in the beginning Yearly and of July ; candidates from the ranks who are desirous of obtaining FinalExami- appointments as Cadets without having passed through the Cadet °^^^°'^^- School, and Candidates for Cadetships from civil life, must attend at the latter examination. From the result of these examinations the Board decides — 1st. What students of the first year's course are eligible for transfer to the second year's course. 2nd. (a) What students of the second year's course — (b) What students of the first year's course, who, having been permitted to combine the second with the first year's course, have undergone the final examination — (c) What candidates from military or civil life, who have presented themselves for examination for direct appointment as Cadets — are qualified for such posts. 3rd. What students are to be permitted a repetition of one or other course. 4th. What students are to return to their duty with their Regiments as unqualified. 5th. The list of precedence of all those students and candidates who have qualified themselves. The Board consists of a Divisional or Brigadier- General as President, the Chief of the Staff of the General Commanding the District, or Chief of the Staff of the Divisional Commander, 30 to whom the supervision of the school has been entrusted by the former, two Field Officers from the Division, the Commandant and two Professorsof the School (members.) In the case of candidates from the Sanitary Corps or Military Train, an Officer of each of these branches is appointed in addition. The members are appointed by the General Commanding. All the Professors have to attend. The examination of the students of the first year's course is more for the purpose of testing their progress ; in those subjects only which are completed is the examination a searching one ; in the other subjects, those students only are examined, who may be picked out by the pre- sident, or may themselves request to be examined, in order to im- prove their places on the List of Qualifications during the past year. The final examination for appointments as Cadets, not only comprises the subjects prescribed in the second year's course, but also those of the first year's, and even those of the Preparatory School. This examination is obligatory on those candidates for Cadet- ships who have neither passed a Preparatory nor the Cadet School, as also on those students of the first year's course who present themselves at once for final examination as Cadets. Not only must the candidate have a thorough theoretical knowledge of all subjects, but he must show that he practically understands all the duties of an Officer. In the conduct of the examination, the result and final reports, framed in accordance with the individual votes of the Members of the Board, the same regulations hold good as for the examinations in the Preparatory Schools. For the transfer of students from the first to the second year's .course, the conditions require that the student must not have more than two unsatisfactory predicates (moderate or bad) in the less important subjects, and these two predicates must be compen- sated for by " very good " or " excellent " ones in the more important subjects. In the final examination of the second year's students for appointment as Cadets, the minimum number of marks for the certificate of " Excellent Qualification " is 116, for '' Qualified " 87. To each subject the predicate "excellent" counts 5 marks, " very good" 4, " good " 3, " moderate" 1, " bad" 0. Should the Members of the Board not agree in their vote, the average is be taken, and the value given accordingly. The value of the predicates is doubled in the following more important subjects : — 1st. Military Style (Reports, Correspondence, &c.) 2nd. Mathematics. 3rd. Topography. 4th. Engineering. 5th. Fortification. 6th. Tactics. 7th. Field Service. 8th. Army Organization. 9th. Militarv Administration. 31 Mathematics is to be considered as a single subject, but the votes are first to be taken on arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, separately, and the final value decided by the average of the three. In the following subjects the predicates carry only a single value : — 1st. German Language. 2nd. Natural Sciences. 3rd. Use of Instruments, and Theoretical Principles of Surveying. 4th. Plan Drawing. 5th. Geography. 6th. History. 7th. Study of the Arms in use. 8th. Squad Drill. 9th. Drill (Company and Battalion). 10th. Regulations and Orders of the Service. In the case of candidates from Cavalry or Military Train, riding and driving, and the treatment of horses, are to be similarly reported on, but the values of the predicates in these subjects do not count towards the General Total in the List of Precedence, but only in giving precedence to students with their own several branches. The Report on the examination of the first year's course is sent to the General Commanding the District, the students being classified as qualified, or otherwise to enter the second year's course. In the Report on the examination for Cadetships, the candi- dates are to be classified in three sections : — 1st. The students of the Cadet School. 2nd. The remaining candidates fi'om the Army. 3rd. Candidates from civil life. Precedence in each section being given according to the marks obtained. Two certificates are framed for each candidate, one by the President and one member of the Commission, to be given to the candidate himself; the other by the Commandant of the school, to be sent to the Regiment or Corps to which the candidate belongs. The reports on examinations are sent to the War Department by September 15th following. Successful candidates for Cadetships from civil life, who have received no practical training in surveying, are permitted, later on, to join the surveying classes of the school at their own expense, the result being recorded in the examination cer- tificate. Should these candidates neglect to avail themselves of such opportunity, they will be required, after entering the service, to go through a course of practical surveying at a Cadet School, without 32 any claim to allowances. This obligation is notified on the certificate, and the Commander of the Regiment or Corps to which the Cadet is posted, is held responsible that he is sent to the nearest school for the requisite training, the lesult being brought to the knowledge of the VVar Minister. Candidates from civil life reported "Unqualified" may present themselves for a second examination after the lapse of at least one year. A second repetition can only be permitted in very special cases, on the recommedation of the War Minister. Students of either year's course of the Cadet Schools, reported ''Unqualified/' are only permitted a repetition of the course if they have failed through sickness, or other unavoidable causes, and have shown diligence and eagerness in their studies. Students of irreproachable conduct and unflagging perseverance, who have failed to qualify themselves, either for transfer to the second years course, or to pass the final examination, owing to sickness, lasting over two months, for which they cannot be held accountable, may, if recommended by the Board of Examiners, be exempted from the additional year's service for the lost year, if sanctioned by the War Minister. ■D . « All reports regarding the strength of the schools at the com- mencement of the year, the Staff of Instructors, the stores of instruments, &c., are sent periodically to the War Minister. When practicable, the Cadet Schools are to be established in special buildings ; otherwise they must be in a block of the barracks entirely separated from the Regiment, rooms and lecture halls being allotted according to requirements. 33 Precis of the ^^Instruction fur die Triippen'Schulen, des K, K. Heeres," containing : — Part IV of the Pioneer Section : " The ^ Cadet School." Part V of the Engineer Section : " The Cadet School." Parts V and IV of the Artillery Section : "The CadefSchool," and ' TheArtiikry Regimental Equitation Schools ;" and Part VI of the Cavalry Section: "The Brigade Oillcers' School." The Pioneer Cadet School is established at Hainburg on the The Pioneer Danube. Cadet School. The object of this school is to provide a set of trained men to fill the vacancies in the Commissioned ranks of the Pioneer Re2,i- ment, also to provide qualified officers to take charge of the Pioneer Detachments established at the Head-Quarters of every Infantry, Jager, or Cavalry Corps. The Students are classified as follows : — Classification oftheStudents. («.) Non-commissioned Officers and men of the Pioneer Regiment. (b.) Regimental Pupils borne on the strength of the Pioneer Kegiment. (c.) Supernumerary Regimental Pupils borne on the strength of the School. (d.) Non-commissioned Officers and men, or Regimental Pupils from other branches of the Service. The number of Students from the active strength of the Regiment is on no account to exceed 80. The total number at the school is not to exceed loO. Non-commissioned Officers and Private Soldiers, who may be Candidates for admission to the Pioneer Cadet School, are required to bind themselves, before entering, to serve an additional year over and above the three years obligatory period of Service, for each year spent, or only commenced, during the third and fourth year's courses. Each Regimental Pupil is required to bind hims elf through his parents or guardians — 1st. To enter the Army voluntarily as soon as he attains the qualificatory standard of age and physical fitness. 2nd. To serve an additional year over and above the three years obligatory period of service, for each year or part of a year spent at the school. 34 3rd. To enter the Army voluntarily or by the regular conscription, should he for any reason be sent back to his parents. 4th. To subject himself voluntarily to all the prescribed regulations for the School, and especially those relating to the discipline of the K. K. Army. Conditions for Candidates for entrance to the first year's course, must have Admission. completed their fifteenth year, and must produce satisfactory certificates from a Preparatory School, a Lower Practical School, or Lower Gymnasium. For entrance to the second year's course, they must have passed the fifth class of an Upper Practical School or the sixth class of an Upper Gymnasium. For entrance to the third year's course, they must have com- pleted the entire course of study at an Upper Practical School, or Upper Gymnasium. Direct admission to the fourth year's course is not permitted ; but Students of the third year's course are permitted to combine the fourth year with the third, if they show themselves, by their zeal, industiy, perseverance, and general knowledge, deserving of this privilege. Applications Applications for admission must, in all cases, be addressed to for Admission, tbe Pioneer Regimental Head-Quarters, each Candidate stating in his application the course he intends to enter upon, and enclosing his School Certificates, and also a Medical Certificate declaring him to possess the necessary physical qualifications. The Commandant of the Pioneer Regiment examines into the claims and qualifications of eacb, and reports to the War Depart- ment whicb Candidates he recommends for direct admission, and which to be subjected to an entrance examination. Entrance Tliis examination embraces those subjects only, which form the Examination, course of study at the civil schools before mentioned. Candidates for admission to the first year's course can un- dergo the examination at the Head-Quarters of a Pioneer Bat- talion, or at the school at Hainburg. Admission to a higher course is dependent on an examination at the school only. The examinations take place between the 26th and 30th September. The Board assembled at the Head-Quarters of a Pioneer Battalion consists of the Commanding Officer, two Captains and two Subalterns : at the School, of the Commandant and four Professors. The Board determines whether or no the Can- didate is qualified for admission to that year's course for which he has presented himself for examination. If found not qualified, he may come up again the following year : if found not qualified for admission to one of the higher courses, but qualified for one below it, he may be admitted to such lower course accordingly. Successful Candidates from civil life are required to enter the school on October 1st, those from the ranks of the Pioneer Regiment or other branches of the Service on October 28th. 35 Successful Candidates, who cannot be admitted from want of further vacancies are noted for subsequent admission ; but should they wish afterwards to enter a higher year's course than that for which they were previously examined and found qualitied, they must undergo a further examination. The period of study is for four years, each year's course l^uration of commencing on November lst,and terminating on September 30th. 1.-° , T'^^^t'^ The month or October is employed in imparting the rudiments or of Time. Military training to those Candidates entering from civil life. The following is the weekly distribution of time of each year in Summer and Winter. First Year. Arithmetic, Algebra, and Elementary Geometry Geometrical Drawing Practical Geometry Physics Geography History German Language French Landscape Drawing Hungarian or Bohemian Study of the Arms in Use Kegulations of the Serrice Drill Eegulations . . Military Bridging Free-Hand Drawing Stenogi'aphy Total . . Winter. 39 Summer. hovirs. hours. 9 9 3 , , , , 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 H 3i 2 2 3 4 2 2 n u 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 40 Second Year. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and the L^pper Course of Geometry ,. n 7^ Practical Geometry H 3* Chemistry. . 3 3 Use of Instruments u u Geography 3 [i History 3 3 German . . 3 3 French 2 2 Hungarian or Bohemian. . 2 2 Landscape Drawing 3 4 Study of the Arms in Use Ih u Regulations of the Service 1 1 Drill Regulations. . 1 1 Military Bridging 1 1 Free-Hand Drawing >7 2 Stenography 1 39 1 Total ■10 D 2 36 Third Year. Winter. Summer. hours. hours. Mechanics . • . . . . t . Vi 6 Practical Greometry 3 3 Chemistry . . 1 1 Use of Instruments 1^ u Architecture, General Principles and Drawings 6 7 Field Fortification 2 2 Construction of Camps . . 1 .. Geography 2 2 History 2 2 Military Style (Eeports, Correspondence, &c.) U u French 2 2 Hungarian or Bohemian. . 2 2 Landscape Drawing 3 3 Theory of Surveving and Military Topography H 1 Army Organization n Service in the Field n Begulations of the Service 1 Drill Regulations. . 1 Military Bridging . . . . 1 Total.. 43 40 Fourth Year. Analvsis : Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus. . 6 5 Instruction in Engineering and Engineering Drawing. 3 4 Telegraphy 14 .. Construction of Roads and Railroads . . 4i 44 C' instruction of Aqueducts and Viaducts, Bridges &c. 6 6 Permanent Fortification . . 2 2 Geography 2 2 History . . 2 2 Military Style (Reports, Correspondence, &c.) li 1 French . . H 14 Hungarian or Bohemian. . 2 2 Landscape Drawing 3 3 Theory of Surveying, MiUtary Topography and Mapping H 1 Military Administration , . n 1 Tactics 2 2 MiUtary and Civil Law . . U 1 Manoeuvres 1 1 Military Bridging 1 1 Mihtary Bridging of Foreign Armies . . 1 Total 43i 41 French, Stenography, and Free-hand Drawing are not obligatory subjects, but their importance is impressed upon the Students. The practical instruction is carried on partly during, partly after, the completion of the course of study. 37 It comprises : — (a.) Drill in close and skirmishing order. (b.) Instruction in Field Service. (c.) Gymnastics. {d.) Target Practice. {e.) Throwing up Field Works, &c. (/.) Judging distance, and the finishing of Sketches in the .field. (g.) Practical Surveying. (h.) Military Mapping. Excursions, varying in time and distance, are made to objects of Military or technical interest in the neighbourhood, viz., fortresses, battle-fields, camps, defiles, passages of rivers, bridges, railway stations, industrial establishments, &c., including tho manoeuvres of the garrison, the construction of important bridges by the Pioneer Regiment, &c. In these excursions the journey both ways is to be employed in making Military Reconnaissances. Every opportunity is to be taken advantage of, to demonstrate practically what has been taught theoretically, in order to enlarge the military, technical, and scientific knowledge of the Students in the most impressive and agreeable manner. Drill in close and skirmishing order is carried on during each year's course, also duties in the field and on out-post, the theo- retical instruction being illustrated by practical examples. Every Student in the fourth year's course must be able to lead a company section. Great importance is laid on Gymnastic Exercises, Swimming, and Fencing. Every day one or the other is to be practised. Students unable to swim are required to attend for instruction half an hour each day until they become strong swimmers. After- wards they attend once a week, if not oftener. Target practice is carried on immediately after the examin- ations. Students of the third year's course are required to attend the Artillery exercises after the examination, and, when practicable, they are themselves to take part in serving the guns. One of the chief objects of the Pioneer Cadet School is to give the Students a sound theoretical and practical training in every branch of the technical duties of the Pioneer Service. With this view, during the Summer, the time from 4 to 7 p.m. of each day is, if possible, to be devoted to this branch of instruc-_ tion. The Students are first trained as oarsmen, and are kept at it until they become perfect. They are then practically instructed in anchoring boats, and throwing bridges on different kinds of water. Special rapiditv or precision are not sought for, but an. exact knowledge of all the details is made a sine qua non for qualification. This forms part of the instruction of the first and second year's course, and sometimes also of the third. 38 The construction of camps forms a part of the third ye?r's course ; it is carried on occasionally in the afternoon in the spring. Immediately after the termination of the examinations, the Students of the third and fourth year's course go through a course of Tracing, Profiling, and Defilading of Redoubts, and other important field works. 'I'he first and second year's Students, and also some of the third throw up some minor field works, and all are thoroughly practised in the construction of temporary or half permanent bridges. Judging distance and the finishing of sketches in the field is practised during the theoretical course. The instruction in Practical Geometrical Surveying is divided into two parts, and forms a branch of the second and third year's course. The first part is taken once a week during June and July, with the object of teaching the Students all the important details connected with the execution of Geometrical Survey, and the use of the instruments employed, the rectification of such instruments, &c., so as in time, to enable them to take part in a regular cadastral survey. The practical is based on the theoretical instruction. The second part of the instruction comprises a Geometrical Survey on a large scale, executed by the combined Students of the second and third year's courses, and occupies about three weeks in September. The Students are divided into parties of from 10 to 20 ; each party, consisting of Students of the same year's course, and of equal capabilities, is under the direction of an officer, the Senior Officer having the direction of the whole. Each year a district of about 715 acres* (l^ English square-mile) is executed, the country being selected for its varied features, hill and plain, &c. The second year's Students are employed in the plain, the third year's in the hills. The day's work begins every morning at 5 and lasts till 4 p.m. when the Students return home to dinner. The fourth year's Students carry out their practical surveying after the final examination. It lasts for six weeks, from August 15th to the end of September, and the work comprises : — 1st. A Reconnaissance of the whole district appointed for the Survey. 2nd. Fixing of the points necessary for the Triangulation of the district. 3rd. General and detailed Triangulation, and measure- ment of the Altitudes of the Triangulated Points. 4th. Fundamental Principles of Hill Sketching. 5th. HiU Sketching. 6th. Plotting and Modelling. The theoretical lectures on Military Topography and Surveying are illustrated by models and drawings, the steps from one priu- * 500 Joch. The Austrian Joch is equal to 143 acres. 39 ciple to another being carefully explained, including the measure- ment of altitudes, contouring, &c. The preparations for tlie General Survey are made during the year's course of study; the Cadastral Survey is reduced to the scale required, the boundaries fixed, and a certain number of stations marked, generally from one to seven, according as the filling in presents greater or less difficulty. The reduction from the Cadastral Survey, which, at the same time, teaches the Students the use of the Pantograph, is made in order that too much time may not be lost in fixing a great number of points on the ground. To a certain extent it is necessary to work the points out practicallj', in order to teach the Students the use of the necessary instruments, and to fix some very important stations. The skeleton map then serves as a guide in tilling in the ground. The number of parties employed depends on the number of officers available as directors, the number and abilities of the students, and the instruments in store. If three officers are available as directors, one of whom is in head charge, and the number of Students about 30, three parties would be formed, each of an Officer and 10 Students. Each party would execute one third of the district com- prising the general reconnaissance and triangulation. The Students are instructed in the principles of Hill Sketching by the several directors, the Survey being completed under their superintendence. Hainburg and the neighbourhood, south of the Danube, has been fixed on as the first district to be executed. In the following years, additions will be made to this Central District, so that in time a survey of the whole country round Hainburg will be com- pleted on double the Military scale ; a map of this kind will prove of very great value to the school for use in the solution of tactical and technical problems, the practical study of field service, &c. The extent of the district depends of course on the number and capabihties of the Students, the time at their disposal, and the nature of the ground. Allowing one week and a half to two weeks for the Pre|:)aratory work on the Plane Table, from four to four and a half weeks remain for the Sketching. It is considered that in this time a beginner can execute at least from Jg to \ square mile (Austrian).* The 30 men should therefore execute some uirec square miles (Austrian) between them. As soon as they have been grounded in the method of filling in the ground, each Student is to be left to work independently, unless it is found that some cannot master the art, when two Students will be placed together. * From U to 3 English square milee. The Austrian square mile equals 22 English square miles, nearly. 40 The work commences at 5 a.m. and lasts till 4 p.m., an hour's rest being allowed in the middle of the day. Examinations. Periodical examinations take place each year at Christmas, Easter, and again before the General Examination. The Annual Examinations and the Final Examination take place in the first half of August. The Annual Examination in the first, secondj, and third year's course is chiefly for the sake of testing the Student's progress, and those subjects only which are completed in each course are made matter of searching examination. The Board consists of the Commander of the Pioneer Regiment, or a Field Officer of the Regiment appointed by him as President, the Commandant of the School and the whole Staff of Professors. In some cases ol failure to qualify for transfer to the next j-ear's course, where such failure has arisen from illness or other cause for which the Student cannot be held to blame, a subsequent examination may be allowed shortly before the commencement of the next year's course, otherwise a Student failing to qualify cannot be re-examined. The Board which conducts the Final Examination consists of a General Officer, appointed by the War Department, who must have served as Colonel on the General Staff, or belong to one of the Technical Branches, as President, the Commander of the Pioneer Regiment, a Field Officer of the Regiment, and the whole Staff of Professors as Members. The examination is both viva voce and written, each Member of the Board having the right to put questions. Each Member records his predicate in the several subjects, that of " Excellent" counting 5 units ; " Very Good," 4 ; " Good," 3 ; « Moderate," 1 ; " Bad," 0. The value of the predicate is doubled in the following subjects: — Military Style (Reports, Correspondence, &c.) Lower Mathematics. Upper Mathematics. Practical Geometry. Technical Mechanics. Engineering and Engineering Drawing. Practical Geometrical Surveying (Geodesy). Military Bridging. Field Fortification. General Architecture. Construction of Bridges and Aqueducts. Construction of Roads and Railroads. Tactics. Field Service. Army Organization. Military Administration. For the classification of " Excellent Qualification" the Student must gain a total numher of 17U marks ; in all the more important 41 subjects he must ubtain the predicate of '* Very Good," and in no single one must he have a " Moderate," or " Bad " predicate. For the classification of "Qualified" a total number of 135 marks is necessary ; more than two unsatisfactory predicates in the less important subjects will disqualify, and these must be com- pensated for by "Very Good/' or "Excellent'^ ones in the more important subjects. The Students who attain these classifications are appointed Cadets in the Pioneer Regiment. Students from other branches of the Service return to their Regiments, unless specially appointed to any posts by the War Minister. A repetition of any one year's course is permitted only in case of illness, &c., as previously mentioned. In Military, Scientific, and Administrative matters the School Commandant is under the sole charge of the Conmiandant, a Captain. Ten ^°^ ^*|^^ *^^ Subalterns are appointed as Instructors. The Commandant takes part in the practical and theoretical instruction. The Commandant and Instructors are appointed by the Chief of the General Staff, on recommendation by the Com- mandant of the Pioneer Regiment. They must have passed the War School, one of the special technical courses, or some other upper class institution. Non-commissioned Officers are appointed to instruct in Fenc- ing, Swimming, and Gymnastics. A Surgeon, a Serjeant-Major and a Corporal or Lance Corporal as Pay Serjeant and Office Clerk ; one Serjeant- Major as House Steward ; three Non-commissioned Officers to assist in the superintendence; and 30 Pioneers as servants, cooks, buglers, &c., are also attached to the school. The whole staff is taken from t])e Pioneer Regiment. The Commandant, seven of the Subalterns, and three of the Non-commissioned Officers are borne on the supernumary strength, the remainder on the permanent strength of the Regiment The Students are divided into four divisions, each division being placed in charge of a Student of the fourth year's course, who holds the rank of Serjeant-Major, and is selected for his experience and general qualifications. The senior Student in each year's course is responsible for the maintenance of order during study hours. The Engineer Cadet School is established permanently at The Engineer Vienna, and attached to the Engineer Battalion in the garrison ; the ^ ^ --c oo . Commander of the Battalion acts as Chief Director of the School. The Director-General of Engineers, the Brigadier, and the Commandant of the Regiment of Engineers to which the Battalion belongs, are also required to visit the Establishment personally in their tour of duty. The school admits aimually a certain numljer of Students, varying according to the number of vacancies occurring in the Engineer Corps; on an average 16. 42 Conditions for Admission. Commandant and Staff of the School. Duration of the Course, and Pro- gramme of Instruction. Admission is obtained, either by qualification at the Pre- paratory Engineer School, or in the case of candidates from the ranks or from civil life desirous of entering direct into the school, by producing satisfactory certificates declaring the applicant to have passed the second year's course of the general division of a technical institute, or by passing an Entrance Ex- amination, comprising the subjects in the general division of a technical institute. This Entrance Examination takes place in presence of a Board consisting of the Commander of the Engineer Battalion at Vienna, as President, the Commandant of the School and three Pro- fessors of the Cadet or Preparatory School as Members. All candidates must bind themselves to serve one additional year for every year, or part of a year, spent at the school. The Entrance Examination takes place in the middle of August, the Report being sent to the War Department by August 30th. Candidates found qualified, but for whom there are no further vacancies, may be admitted to fill any vacancies that may occur shortly after the commencement of the course, or they will be admitted the following year. Candidates who fail to qualify may present themselves a second time, after the expiration of one year, or it is open to them to qualify at the Preparatory School. Direct entrance to the second year's course is not permitted, but Students who have passed a technical school are permitted to combine the second Avith the first year's course. The Staff of Professors, &c., is taken partly from the Engineer Regiment, partly from the Technical Military Academy. The following belong to the Engineer Regiment : — One Captain, as Commandant; he is at the same time Commander of the Field or Reserve Company at Vienna. Two Subalterns, as Instructors in those branches which do not form a part of the Course at the Technical Academy. One Serjeant-Major, as Pay Serjeant and Instructor in Gymnastics and Fencing ; and One Private to every five Students, to act as servants, cooks, &c. The Staff belongs exclusively to the school, and is exempted from all duty. The period of study is for two years, each course commencing on October 1st, and terminating on the 15th September following, inclusive of the yearly examination, and practical instruction. The following are the branches of study : — 1. French (Voluntary). 2. Analytical Algebra (Voluntary), Geometry, Advanced Course of Analysis. 43 3. Geometrical Drawing. 4. Practical Geometry. 5. Chemistry. 6. Physics. 7. Mechanics. 8. General Elements of Engineering. 9. Superstructure with practical construction. 10. Encyclopaedia of Engineering Science. 11. Architectural History. 12. Study of the Arms in Use. 13. Field Service and Tactics. 14. Fortification and Siege Works. 15. Sapping. 16. Mining. 17. Pioneer Service. 18. Topography. 19. Regulations of the Service. 20. Drill Regulations. j 21. Manoeuvres. 22. Military Administration. 23. Army Organization. 24. Military Reports. 25. Landscape Drawing. 26. Ornamental Drawing. 27. Riding. 28. Fencing. 29. Gymnastics. Instruction in Practical Geometry, Chemistry, Physics, Super- structure with practical construction, Encyclopaedia of Engineer- ing Science, Architectural History, Field Service and Tactics, Fortification and Siege Works, Topography, and Landscape Drawing, is conducted by the Professors of the Technical Academy ; the Students of the Cadet School attending the lectures with the pupils of the Academy. The Preparatory School, the Technical Academy, and the Cadet School are more or less combined and worked in unison, the Students at the latter attending the instruction at the other two according to requirement, viz. : — Riding drill is carried on at the Academy. Fencing at the Preparatory School, Gymnastics at both. Practical training in drill. Field Service, and target practice is carried on at the discretion of the Commandant during the course. Practical Surveying, Levelling, and Mapping, Eye Sketch- ing, &c., are carried on at the Academy, or with the Engineer Regiment, or sometimes in independent parties. The Surveying and Levelling belong to the first year's course ; the Mapping and Eye Sketching to the second vear's. 44 At the termination of the examination and of the instruc- tion in Practical Surveying of the first yearns course, the Students are distributed for technical training among the Engineer Com- panies at Vienna. The Students of both years are required to attend all experi- ments in Mining and Siege Works, those of the second year being also taken to visit all interesting technical establishments, buildings, &c. The Instructors are required to test the progress and proficiency of the Students by periodical viva voce and written examinations, making a report on each one to the Commandant. Any Student showing idleness, or a want of mental power, or bad conduct is dismissed. The final examination is conducted on the same principle as that of the Infantry Cadet Schools : to gain the certificate of "Excellent^' the Student must count 183 marks, "Qualified" 147. The value of the predicates is doubled in German, Military Style, Lower Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Analytical Algebra), Analytical Geometry and the Advanced Course of Analysis, Mechanics, General Elements of Engineering, Phvsics, Chemistry, Geometrical Drawing, Practical Geometry, Superstructure, Ency- clopaedia of Engineering Science (road making, construction of aqueducts, bridges, and railroads). Fortification and Siege Works, Mining, Field Service, Tactics, Military Topography, Study of the Arms in use. In the remaining subjects they carry a single value, viz. : — *' Excellent,'^ 5 marks. « Very Good,'' 4 „ « Good,'' 3 „ " Moderate," 1 „ " Bad," „ The Students are classified in the List of Precedence accord- ing to the above scale. Students failing to qualify are sent back at once to their duty, unless they are recommended for a repetition of the year's course, or their names are submitted to the War Minister for a considera- tion of their failure, owing to unforeseen circumstances. Those sent back to their duty may apply for re-examination after the lapse of one year. A second repetition of the .examination, or a repetition of the whole course can be permitted only on very strong grounds on application to the War Minister. The Board may recommend Students of irreproachable con- duct and industry, vi^ho, owing to sickness extending over two months, and for which they cannot be held accountable, have failed to qualify for transfer to the second year's course or at the final examination, for a remission of the obligation 46 to serve the additional year with the colours in place of the year lost at the school. The school is established in the Engineer Barracks at Vienna. The Artillery Cadet School is establislied at Vienna; it is The Artillery under the immediate control of the Director-General of Artillery Cadet School, at Head-Quarters. Number of The number of Students is not limited, but, as a rule, it is not Students. to exceed 150 in both years' courses. Duration of The period of study is for two years, each course commencing Course, with Nov. Ist, and terminating with July 31st, inclusive of the examination in the theoretical branches. From the 1st August to 30th September is employed in practical instruction. Conditions for Admission to the school is suljject to an examination held in Admission. October of each year, in presence of a Board composed of the Director-General of Artillery as President, the Commandant of the school and three Professors, members. Direct admission to the second year's course is open to can- didates who pass a satisfactory examination in those subjects which form the programme of study in the first year's course. Candidates from civil life are exempted from examination in the military subjects. Regimental Pupils who can produce satisfactory certificates from an Upper Gymnasium or other practical civil school may be admitted without examination of any kind. Returns, showing the number of candidates, and specifying for which year's course they desire to be examined, also those who aspire to admission without examination on production of satis- factory school certificates, have to be forwarded by Commanding Officers of Regiments of Field Artillery and Battalions of Garrison Artillery by the 15th August of each year. Candidates failing to pass the entrance examination are per- mitted a second trial after the lapse of one year. Commandant The Staff of the school consists of: — and Staff. One Major or Captain, as Commandant. The requisite number of Oflficers, as Instructors. One Serjeant-Major to superintend the Quartermaster's duties and accounts. One Serjeant or Corporal, as Office-clerk ; and One Private to every five Students, as house-servants, cooks, &c. The whole of this Staff is given up entirely to the school, and is exempted from all Garrison or other dutv. _ m c i. J • ' Proajramme of The programme ot study comprises : — Study 1st. Mathematics, including Spherical Trigonometrv, Ana- lytical Geometry, and Mechanics, with the Elements of Engineering Science. 2nd. Geometrical Drawing and Perspective. 3rd. Military Style (Reports, Correspondence, &c.) 4th. Natural Sciences ; Chemistrv, and Phvsics. Practical Instruction. 46 5tli. Practical Surveying ; use of the Plane Table and instruments ; Levelling ; Measurement of Altitudes ; Triangulation ; Eye Sketching ; Contouring and Hill Shading. 6th. Military Drawing and Topography ; Study and appre- ciation of ground in a Military point of view; Oro- graphy; Hydrography, &c. 7th. Geography. 8th. History (general and modern). 9th. Mihtary Administration. 10th. Drill Regulations. llth. Army Regulations. 12th. Army Organization. 13th. Tactics and Field Service; the Art of War; Employ- ment and Tactics of the three Arms ; Outpost Duty, Encampments and Bivouacs ; Military History ; Principles of Strategy ; Mountain Warfare, &c. 14th. Field Fortification. 15th. Permanent Fortification and the Attack of fortresses. 16th. Study of the Arms in use. 17th. Artillery. The Practical Instruction comprises : — Drill. Aiming and Trajectory. Gunnery. Judging Distance. Construction of Batteries. Riding, including harnessing, saddling, bitting, the putting on of appointments, &c. The Students also attend all important experiments carried out by the Technical and Administrative Military Committee, and the Exercises of the Artillery in garrison at Vienna, also the larger manoeuvres. The Examinations, Yearly and Final, are conducted on the same system as those of the Infantry Cadet Schools ; and the same regulations as regards discipline, interior economy apply to all these institutions. . .,, . r. The Artillery form Regimental Equitation Schools, in which gimental Equi- Officers, Cadets, and Non-commissioned Officers receive practical tation Scliools. and theoretical instruction in riding, driving, and all matters relating to their sj^ecial branch ; the chief object of these schools is to ensure an uniform system of instruction being carried out in the batteries. A certain number of the remounts of the Regiment are broken in at the school, and all riding and draught horses reported unsteady with the batteries are sent to the school for further training. Each Field Artillery Regiment forms one such school, to be established when possible at the Head-Quarter station- A 47 In addition to Officers and Cadets, a certain number of Non- commissioned Officers are admitted. Officers and Cadets of the Garrison Artillery may be ad- mitted by permission of the Director-General of Artillery, but they must have completed at least one year's active service with their Corps. Previous to admission the applicants must undergo a medical examination to test their physical fitness. Unless circumstances render it advisable to raise the number of Students, it is not to exceed 20 nor be less than 15. The Staff consists of : — ■ One Subaltern as Commandant and Senior Instruclor in Riding. One Subaltern as Second Instructor. One Veterinary Surgeon or Farrier to instruct in the Veterinary subjects. One Serjeant- Major, who must have previously passed the course, to superintend the Stables, &c., to assist in the instruction and to act as Clerk. One Corporal. '^ -r , r ^.i Ci. i i rn T7 4. n^ r' r J-n charge or the btabies. Ivvo lirst Class uunners.J ° One Trumpeter. One Saddler. 1 -^ r\ oi • o ■.■[ ^trunners. One Shoeing Smith. J Tw^o Privates (cooksl. One Driver to every two riding or draught horses ; and Two or three additional men. The Commandant and Second Instructor are to be chosen from Officers who have already passed the course, and possess the requisite qualifications. The Commandant exercises equal power with the Commander of a Battery, over the whole Staff and the Students of the school. The number of riding and draught horses is to be such, that, three may be allowed to each Student, and two be left spare. There must be sufficient draught horses to form two six-horsed teams. The horses are to be supplied by the Artillery Regiment, as a rule one-half, both of the riding and draught horses, being trained, the remainder remounts. Each of the two Instructors is provided with an unbroken or unsteady horse ; if none such are forthcoming, then a horse requiring a second course of training. No remount is to be sent to the school later than December 1st, in order that all the attached horses may be thoroughly schooled by the end of the course. Tlie instruction commences on October 1st and terminates on March 30th. The Commandant regulates the duties of each month, subject to the sanction of the Commander of the Regiment. The dis- tribution is based on the following conditions. 48 From five to six hours daily, according to the time of year, are to be given up to practical instruction in riding and driving. In the theoretical instruction, no lecture is to be for more than an hour and a half, the number of lectures in each subject being fixed in proportion to its importance. As a rule one such lecture is to be given daily. Four days in the week are appointed for practical and theoretical instruction in equitation alone, the remainder for instruction in Veterinary subjects. An hour and a half or two hours are allowed in the middle of the day for dinner and recreation. The Gunners and Drivers attached to the Stafl" of the school are also instructed in grooming, saddling, bitting, and harnessing. The course at the school is divided into two periods, the first, from October 1st to the end of November, is occupied in elementary training, lunging, riding with or without stirrups or bridles, &c. The second period comprises the more advanced training. Gymnastics and Fencing, Leaping, &c., form also part of the course. The Students are exempted from all guards and duties. A Field Officer of the Regiment is appointed Inspector, and the Commandmg Officer of the Regiment, with the Director- General of Artillery, are required to visit the school from time to time, to ensure a proper system being carried out. At the end of the first month of the course, the Students are examined in the presence of the Field Officer of the Regiment, appointed Inspector, and any one found " unfitted" to continue the course is removed. Such vacancies mav be filled up by any applicants in the Regiment, who are willing to make up the lost month by extra work. After the first month no vacancies occurring can be filled up. The Commandant makes a report at the end of each month to the Regimental Commander, such report being previously sub- mitted to the Inspecting Field Officer. The report notifies the progress of each Student as "Excellent," "Very Good," " Good," or " Unsatisfactory. Towards the end of March a final examination is held in presence of the Inspecting Field Officer, the Commander of the Regiment, and, when possible, the Director General, at which all the Students are examined in the practical and theoretical branches of instruction, the horses are mustered and their thorough fitness for Regimental work tested. The Students are classified according to their attainments, and the school is then broken up, men and horses returning to their Batteries. Cavalry Brigade Officers' Schools are established for the theoretical and practical training of Subaltern Officers. One of the special objects of these schools is to ensure an uniform system in riding, grooming, breaking, the treatment and care of horses ; at the same time the Students are given the 49 opportunity of acquiring information and enlarging their military kno\vledg3, in all that relates to Cavalry duties and the art of command. Each Cavalry Brigade formi one such school, after the termi- nation of the autumn manoeuvres. The course lasts for six months^ and commences usually on October 1st. The Brigadier has charge of the School, but Officers Com- Commandaat manding Regiments are empowered to visit it from time to time, ^^'^ Staff. to inform themselves of the progress made by their Officers who are attached to it for instruction. The Brigadier appoints the station at which the school is to be formed, the Commandant and Professors, also the Students, subject to the sanction of the War jNIinister ; the place of assembly and names of the Staff, &c., n^ust be submitted to the latter each year by the 15th August. At the commencement of the course the Brigadier is required to send in a report, showing the nominal strength of the school, &c., and any change occurring during the year has to be imme- diately notified. When possible, the School is to be formed at the Brigade Head-Quarter Station, in order that the Brigadier may be enabled personally to inform himself of the due efficiency of the school. A covered-in riding school, a suitable parade ground, an open manege for jumping, a lecture and fencing -hall, and the requisite allowances for the maintenance of the staff of horses are provided for each School. The most highly qualified Officer among the Lieutenant- Colonels or Majors in the Brigade is selected as Commandant. Two Captains are appointed as Instructors, one of whom must be specially qualified for imparting instruction in the various branches of education, and must have passed the Central Cavalry Course; the other is selected for qualifications in riding and train- ing of horses, &c. The Commandant and the Professors instruct in those branches for which each is specially qualified. Each Brigade details also — One Veterinary Surgeon to lecture on hippology, and to give theoretical and practical instruction in farriery. One Serjeant-Major (dismounted) to superintend the attached men and horses. One Non-commissioned Officer (dismounted) as Pay- Serjeant. One Shoeing-smith. Three Corporals (dismounted). One Trumpeter (dismounted) ; and Twelve privates from each regiment, with their horses. When there is a Deputy Judge-Advocate at the station, he lectures on the Articles of War, on Military Law, and the Mutiny B 50 Act. If there is no such person at the station, these lectures must be delivered by the Professors. Each Regiment in the Brigade sends the six Senior Sub- alterns, who have not previously gone through the course, to the school. Any Officer who has passed the Central Cavalry Course since 1866-67, oi* the Brigade Equitation Course at Ems or Udine, may be exempted from attendance. Officers, who, on whatever grounds, are considered unqualified for promotion, are not required to go through the course. Each Student brings his own private horse, in addition to the troop horse assigned to him. Each Regiment in the Brigade is also required to send six remounts in the first period of training, and also six whose training is not thoroughly completed, for schooling. The chief branches of the theoretical instruction consists of: — 1. Regulations (Cavalry). 2. Tactics, with special regard to Cavalry duties. 3. Service in the Field, great importance being given to Outpost and Reconnoitring duty. Lectures on Tactics and Service in the Field must be illustrated by examples from Military History. Each Student is required to write during the course an essay on a given tactical proposition based, according to his capa- bilities, either on the sphere of duties of a Captain, or on that of a Subaltern, and to draw up short reports on various subjects forming part of a Cavalry soldier's duty in the field. The lectures on hippology treat on the exterior form of the horse, the grooming, care, tending, and diseases of the horse. Great stress is laid on farriery, both as a theoretical and practical study. The study and knowledge of the arms in use, target practice, throwing up field worlds, so far as this comes within the duties of the Pioneers, military topography, and drawing also form part of the programme. Where practicable, the theoretical instruction is to be always supplemented by practical examples. The practical instruction consists principally in riding drill. The Students are practised in covering great distances under various circumstances, in order to teach them to make such shifts and halts, and so to husband their own strength and that of their horses, as to get the greatest amount of work out of them, while preserving their efficiency. This is done, firstly, by single horse- men, and afterwards by detachments. Expeditions of this kind are combmed with outpost and reconnoitring duties, and take place nT)ce a- week. Short reports are sent in by each Student either the following morning or within 48 hours, each report being accompanied by a sketch, which is to be made practically in the field, either on foot or on horseback. 51 The Students are also required to perfect themselves in riding across country, and in fencing hoth on foot and on horseback. The distribution of the hours of study is regulated yearly by the Cavalry Inspector-General, in conjunction with the ^Ya^ Minister. The same text books are used at each Brigade School. The instruction is to be conducted in accordance with the pre- scribed distribution of time, no change being made unless neces- sitated by special circumstances. The number of hours allotted to study each day, is on no account to be increased or diminished. No leave is to be granted during the course to either Professors or Students. The Brigadier is required to inform himself repeatedly during the course of the progress attained by the Students, and at the termination to subject all to a proportionate examination. The Commandant of the school draws up a report on all the Students, giving for each one — Regiment. Rank. Name. Previous Acquirements. The subjects of theoretical and practical instruction im- parted. Zeal and diligence. General result of the Course, Remarks. The Students are classi^ed as " Excellent," " Very Good," "Good," or "Unsatisfactory." Students who, owing to illness, to want of diligence,or to unsatis- factory capabilities, have not attained the standard of qualification, are, unless otherwise recommended, referred back by the Brigadier for a second course. At the termination of the course the school is broken up, and the whole staff returns to duty. PART VII. Instructive Occupations for Officers and Cadets. The main object of these occupations is to enlarge and improve the military knowledge of Regimental Officers and Cadets, both with reference to tactics, and also to the regulations of the Service, to enable them to form a correct militarv judgment, ■ E 2 52 to arouse in them a desire to extend and improve their scientific knowledge, and also to give them an opportunity of acquiring the necessary efficiency in the use of arms, and in riding. These ends are sought to be gained by — Conferences and Lectures. Reports on any manoeuvres that have taken place. Written essays on given tactical propositions. Reconnaissances. Fencino; and Target Practice. Equitation. Conferences These comprise lectures on military science, with special and Lectures, reference to the tactics of that branch of the service to which the Student belongs ; discourses on the continuous progress in the military art, &c. ; on Army Regulations recently introduced with regard to organization, administration, tactics, and field service ; on the arms in use ; on Army Service Regulations, dis- cipline, &c., with special reference to Officers on detached duty; dissertations on lessons taught by manoeuvres which have taken place, and on the written tactical essays of the Students. Each Officer must make himself thoroughly conversant with the Army Regulations. It is the duty of Commanders of Sub- divisions of the Army to impress upon the minds of their subordinates the necessity of acquiring this information. The present being recognized as a state of transition as regards the professional acquirements of Officers, the lectures, &c., are to be regulated accordingly, those who are backward having their attention chiefly directed to the most essential subjects. The lectures and dissertations take place twice a week, usually for an hour and a half each time. Meetings of the Officers for debates are not included in this distribution of time. Commencing at the beginning of December, they last till the end of March, but may be held also at other times, provided they do not interfere with the regular practical exercises and manoeuvres. The lectures on official duties, regulations, &c., are conducted by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, by Commanders of Battalions, or by Senior (Mounted) Captains ; on arms, &c., by the Officer Instructor in that branch, or, in exceptional cases, by some other duly qualified Officer ; the hctures on matters of general military interest being confided to Officers of any rank who possess the necessary knowledge. The lecturers are to be nominated during the summer, in order to give them time to prepare their subjects, and to enable the material for the programme and course of lectures to be ready by the 1st of November. The Commanding Officer then frames the programme for 53 the winter season, which programme is to be strictlv adhered to, except in cases of special importance. All Officers and Cadets are required to attend the scientific lectures and dissertations on matters of general interest, the Com- manding Officer permitting some of the Non-Com missioned Officers to attend at his discretion. The lectures are arranged regimentally, but if, when a Regiment is broken up into detachments, the Officers of the three Field Battalions cannot conveniently be collected, they are to be held by Battalions ; when even thisi*' not feasible, dissertations and debates are to be held in each Company. When several Jiiger Battalions are quartered at one station, the course is to be conducted by the Senior Field Officer. The Commanding Officers of Regiments are required to attend these assemblies frequently, even though they may not themselves lecture, thereby stimulating their Officers to increased efforts by their personal influence. In their absence one of the Field Officers or Senior Captains is always to be present. The lectures are on no account to be confined to the dry reading of theoretical dissertations, but are rather to enunciate the spirit of the subject, and bring it into strong relief by forcible examples from military history, and personal experience, thereby arousing the interest of their audience, giving opportunities for discussion, and promoting a spirit of reflection and private study. Each Regiment should possess a library of authentic works on military science, to enable the Students to follow up the study of their profession whenever opportunity offers. The lectures on tactics, and the fundamental principles of war, on which they are based, must be illustrated by criticisms from authentic military historians, by historical facts, by various periods of warfare, and further by maps and plans, so as to create a striking and impressive picture out of the general interchange of ideas- T)ie lectures on the Regulations for the Service and discipline of the Army, are to bear more on the practical carrying out of such orders as may be issued, than on the mere formal wording of them. A journal bearing on the lectures and dissertations held at each meeting, and recording the subjects for debate, and the names of the lecturers, &c., for each day, is ordered to be kept and retained at the Head-Quarters. No examinations are held in connection with these dissertations and lectures, but the Superintending Officers have, during the course of the discussions, ample opportunities of forming an accurate estimate of the capabilities of the Officers attending them. Special importance is to be paid to a thorough knowledge of the language used in the Regiment, every Officer being required to attain the necessary standard by private study. In certain casea, a duly qualified Senior Officer may be detailed to give instruction 54 Reports on Manoeuvres that have taken place. AYritten Essays on given Tac- tical Propos to such as may need it. He would usually be taken from the Staff of the Preparatory School. A room is allowed for these lectures, where the Officers' library is kept. Captains, Subalterns, and Cadets acting as such, have to send in, dui'ing the time of the practical manoeuvres, reports of the operations on any day on which they have held a separate com- mand, or have had to carry out some minor operations in connec- tion with a larger command ; these reports are to be confined to their own part in the operations, the general course of the manoeuvres being traced, only so far as is necessary for explanation. The reports are to be given in to the Commanding Officer within 2J< hours. Captains detached with their Companies are to report on any special movement or march they may have undertaken. Such reports are to be made on forms used on service before an enemy, and shovdd give the object to be attained, the disposi- tions made, explaining the motives of each in a few words, the progress of the movements, step by step, with the time of each ; the reports must be accompanied by rough sketches. Conciseness, precision, a general outline, and a clear logical view of the movements undertaken, should specially characterise these reports. When they have been criticised by the Com- manders of Battalions, the reports are to be handed in to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, and retained by him as a guide in forming the List of Precedence in the Qualification Returns. Captains and Subalterns of proved ability in such work may be intrusted with the preparation of those reports on manoeuvres, which have to be forwarded to the higher authorities. Such reports are signed by the writer, and submitted by the Colonel, with his own remarks, concurring or otherwise. Every Captain, Subaltern, and Cadet, has also to write an essay during the winter, on a given tactical proposition. There are some exceptions, e.g., certain Officers on detached duties, the Commandants and Instructors of the Cadet Schools and Prepara- tory Schools, Officers engaged in instructing the One- year volunteers, also those who during the summer have voluntarily and successfully taken part in the larger reconnaissances. Regi- mental and Battalion Adjutants, Commissariat and Depot Officers, finallj'' those Senior Captains who are mounted, and those of all ranks who have passed the War School with the mark of " excellent." Officers and Cadets sick or on leave, have to make up these essays on their recovery or return to duty; they can only be exempted if sick during the whole winter season. The propositions for the tactical essays are drawn up by the Battalion Commanders, and are given out on November I5th: Captains may set the subjects for the younger Officers and Cadets, that is, provided they are themselves exempt in consequence of having received very excellent qualifications in former years. 55 In drawing up the propositions it must specially be borne in mind that an appropriate solution must be always dependent on a correct military comprehension of the subject, which becomes impossible if the proposition rests on false principles, or is wanting in clearness or common sense. The material for the propositions is to be taken from the province of tactics, and is to bear specially on practical duties in time of war. The placing of out-posts ; the opening of an engagement, either in advance or retreat; the measures to be -taken for a halt or a bivouac ; the means to be adopted in arranging ambuscades or surprises; the covering of convoys; foraging; taking precaution for the safety of a supposed column on the line of march, by taking up a position, or by engaging the enemy with small detachments, either as advance, flanking, or rear-guard ; the attack and defence of villages, and strong tactical positions ; the pursuit of an enemy ; rear-guard actions, &c., may all be taken as subjects for these tactical essays, importance being given, according to the nature of each case, to the opening of the engagement, the maintenance of the fight by the advanced posts, the gradual development of the action, the advance of the main body, and the exact combination of time and place. A general supposition must be given as the basis in each proposition, the actual essay being a development of the scheme proposed. The supposition should not go into extensive combinations, but should state the military situation as concisely as possible, and determine the line of communication which is of paramount importance in all military operations. ^ The proposition is to be worded as a military order ; it must define what is required clearly and distinctly, and must give the strength of the forces on either side, the position of the enemy, and the object of the operations. The sphere of operations should be fixed on a well-known ground, which should be selected in the immediate neighbourhood of the garrison, for a correct solution of the proposition naturally depends on a thorough knowledge, and appreciation of the theatre of war. Sometimes a theatre will have to be assigned on a map of sufficient detail. A comprehensive knowledge of the country is indispensable to those Officers who have to draw up the propositions, in order that they may be suited to the conditions of the ground, and that the examining officers may be enabled to pass a correct judgment on the essays, as to whether or no they are really applicable to the situation. The strength of the force on either side must be commensurate with the object to be obtained. The strength of the several arms must be similarly propor- tioned to the nature of the operations, and of the ground. As a rule, a mixed force uf all arms is to be assigned, the pre- ponderance being given to that arm uf the service to which the Officer belongs. 56 The proposition must also be commensurate with the rank and capabilities of the Officer, his military experience, &c. Generally speaking, a Captain will be given a force of from 1 to 2 Battalions, 2 Squadrons of Cavalry, and | Battery of Artillery; a Subaltern, 2 to 4 Companies, 1 to 2 sections of Cavalry, and 2 guns, but no definite rule can be laid down on these points. Unless otherwise ordered, the strength of the detachment is always to be that of the War Establishment. If, in drawing up the propositions, one general scheme or idea is taken as the common basis, on which separate essays are to form component parts of more or less simultaneous operations, it is indispensable, not only to define the positions at the commence- ment of the operations with great clearness, but also to point out their general course, so as to regulate the issue of the minor operations, and prevent confusion. The same holds good, if the general scheme is to be M'orked out by the Officers, divided into the attacking and defending force. It will sometimes be found of advantage to assign the same proposition to two or more Officers of proved zeal, thus giving rise to an interchange of ideas, logical reasoning, and a spirit of emulation. The essay must hold strictly to the proposition, all drawing on the imagination must be avoided, and nothing more be inserted than is absolutely demanded. It must be drawn up in the form of a report to the Battalion Commander (in the case of a varied force to the Brigadier) de- scribing the ground, detailing movements, and giving the reasons for each separate operation. It should, therefore, go into greater detail than the " Reports on Field Days " before mentioned. The writer must avoid all non-essentials, all superfluities, and anything not bearing on the immediate matter in hand, and must endeavour to make use of concise military expressions. When completed, it is to be broken off at once, nothing beyond the bare report being required. A military description of the ground, its gradients and general accessibility for all arms, is to form the introduction ; any further description of positions, villages, &c., which may appear necessary in order to give a clear comprehension of the movements, and the reasons for them, may be brought in when required. The rough sketch accompanying it must show all positions, roads, villages, hill features, &c., mentiond in the report. After detailing the nature of the ground, with special regard to the slopes of the hills, it will proceed to give the general disposition of the troops, and the course of the operations, showing the outposts, the line and order of march, the arrangements for feel- mg for and containing the enemy, the preparations for the engage- ment, its progress, the gradual development of the attack, the division and distribution of the force, with a view to bringing a tactical preponderance to bear on the decisive point at the right moment, and, lastly, the measures taken to secure the result, with the subsequent steps necessary for pursuit, retreat, or maintenance of the position. 57 The time of each movement is to be given precisely ; it is one of the most important considerations that enter into the game of war, in order to secure a successful result. The writer is not permitted to assign false positions to the enemy, nor are moral considerations, such as panics, losses, &c., to be taken into account in arriving at the solution. This must be obtained by a due appreciation of the actual truth, and, to a certain degree, be accepted as a logical necessity resulting from the measures taken, the comparative strength of the opposing forces, and a correct employment of the relative strength of each. In order to obtain uniformity in these essays, they are required to be written according to a prescribed form. The first page is to contain a verbatim copy of the order, the second the commence- ment of the essay, which is to be written on half margin, the blank side of each sheet to be dated when completed. The outer sheet is to be filled in according to the following form : — Page I. Regiment. Battalion. Tactical Proposition for Lieutenant N. N. (Here follows the given proposition, word for word). (Signed) M. M. Name and Rank of Officer. Page II. Regiment. Lieutenant N. N. To Colonel X. X. " (Here follows the essay, half margin)." Barracks. Garrison. (Signed) Lieutenant N. N. To be Docketted. Regiment. Lieutenant N. N. Tactical Essay, Winter Season, 1869-70. The essay is to be in the Officer's own hand-writing, and to be plainly and distinctly written, a blank sheet at the end being left for the Superintending Officer's criticisms. The sketch, which is not required to be an elaborate drawing, but must be distinct and comprehensive, is to be executed on the ground by eye-sketching, unless permission is given to make the copy from a map, in which case it must be compared and corrected on the ground ; under any circumstances it must be the work of the Officer himself. As a general rule the sketch is to be on a scale of 500 paces to the inch* (Vienna). If a larger or smaller scale would appear more suitable, it is to be notified in the proposition. * The Vienna inch is equal to 103 Engli.-:h inches. 58 The north point is to be at right angles to the upper edge of the sketch; the ground work of the sketch shoidd be in indian-ink, colours being used to dehneate certain features, and the ground being sketched in in pencil. The successive positions taken up, and the line of march of the troops should be clearly denoted in different colours — the positions according to the formation and to scale, references explaining the colouring being appended at the lower corner of the sheet. The printing or writing on the sketch is to be parallel to the north side, excepting in the case of rivers and roads, where the names are to run parallel to their course. In order to avoid extensive details and repetitions in the report, any disconnected features of country, or other objects, as well as the positions taken up, may be marked on the sketch with distinct capitals, the same letters being used in the report, for reference. All names or letters introduced into the latter must appear on the sketch. The scale and north point niust be always inserted on the sketch, the name of the Officer, his Regiment, and also the head- ing "Sketch to accompany the Tactical Essay of the Year 18 — " being specified on the back. The essays are to be given in by December 15th, at latest, to those Officers by whom the several propositions were drawn up; great attention must be paid by them to the criticisms and judg- ment they may j)ass ; the criticism should be temperate and kind, never sarcastic or harsh. The reasons for all difi'erences of opinion or corrections must be carefully explained ; any faulty combinations or dispositions suggested by the writer must be refuted in a convincing manner, and the sources should be pointed out, from which he may further instruct himself on such matters. Only in cases where the writer has stumbled against the positive nature of the proposition, or violated the fundamental principles of tactics, is the essay to be condemned, but where he has not actually taken decidedly faulty measures, but is at variance with his critic only in matters of superficial detail, the criticism should by no means take the form of censure, but should be recorded purely as a matter of difference of 0])inion. Attention should also be paid to the style of writing, and to the correctness of the expressions used. The same applies to the sketch . The remarks of the Examining Officer are to be accompanied by a general criticism, Avhich should be short and to the point, stating whether or not the proposition has been correctly conceived and worked out; anything in the essay deserving of special praise or censure is to be noticed. Essays not in the Officer's own hand-writing, or of a very super- ficial character, or of an unsatisfactory nature, or which may wilfully or involuntarily deviate from the spirit of the proposition, or anv, that are decidedlv faultv in theorv, are to be re-written. 59 Those essays, which are criticised by the Senior Captains, have to be sent in to the Battalion Commander within three weeks ; he then adds his own remarks, and forwards them (together with those essays, for which he himself drew up the propositions) to the Officer Commanding the Regiment, by January l5th, accompanied by a tabular return showing — The Officers' names. „ rank. The proposition given. Criticism on the essay by — Battalion Commander. Regimental Commander. Remarks. Under the heading Officers' Rank and Names, all Officers and Cadets borne on the strength of, or doing duty with, the Battalion are to be inserted. Under the next heading, the subject for the essay is to be specified in a few words, giving the locality and the strength of the force, e.//., forest fighting at X, with two Companies, and two guns as the defending force ; three Companies, two Sections Cavalry, and two guns, attacking force. Under the heading for " Criticisms " the remarks of the Battalion Commander (appended to those of the Captains in those cases M'here the propositions have been set by the latter) are to be inserted fully in his own hand-writing ; the Commanding Officer of the Regiment then attaches his own remarks. Under the last heading the reasons are to be given if no essays have been sent in by any of the Officers ; and, further, those essays are to be specified, which are recommended to be forwarded to the higher authorities. The Commanding Officer of the Regiment is allowed till the 1st of March for the examination of the essays ; if he concurs with the remarks of the Captains and Battalion Commanders, he appends his signature only ; if he diflfers from them, he adds a comprehensive criticism on the treatment of the subject. After March 1st the tactical essays form subjects for de- bate at the " Officers' Assemblies," the debate being introduced either by the Commanding Officer himself, or in his absence by the Battalion Commander. At these meetings it is open to the writer to substantiate his own views and ideas by fundamental principles and arguments ; the discussions arising from such debates are full of instruction and usefulness. The best essays are forwarded to the Brigadier, and afterwards to the Divisional Commander, all being returned to the writers by April 15th. Incases of repeatedly proved ability, the Divisional Commander may order Officers to be exempt from the obligation of working out these tasks for the future. 60 The essays serve as a guide in filling up the Officers' Qualifica- tion Lists for promotion. The reconnaissances, which are carried out by Battalions and sometimes also in larger bodies, with all the Officers and Cadets, in the neighbourhood of the Garrison, form, unquestionably, the most agreeable and advantageous means of enabling them to acquire a true military judgment, and to master the art of placing troops in position. They should, therefore, be undertaken as often as possible. The district selected for the reconnaissance should be thoroughly examined, both by reconnoitring parties, and also by single indi- viduals, who should traverse it with reference to a supposed theatre of opei'ations, the selection of positions for defence, the placing of out-posts, &c. Reconnaissances on a larger scale are carried out every year in each division ; these are planned by Staff or other Officers of experience, and may occupy a wide range of country at a con- sideral)le distance from the Head- Quarter station, the object being not merely to give practical experience to the Officers form- ing the reconnoitring party, but also to examine the country itself, and check and correct the existing staff maps by inserting new roads, alterations, &c. Attention is directed chiefly to the tracts of country about the great lines of military communication, and to the passes, &c., in mountain districts. These reconnaissances, which may extend over eight or ten days, are arranged by Divisional and other Commanders, so as not to interfere with the larger manoeuvres or other military routine, the time being chosen when Officers can best be spared from regimental duty, and the district selected with reference to the troops quartered in it, the means of lodging the Officers, of communication, and the funds at the disposal of the War De- partment for this purpose. A small sum is allowed to each Officer to cover necessary expenses, &c. The reconnoitring detachments, unless otherwise ordered, are made up by Brigades ; each Battalion furnishes an Officer and a Non-commissioned Officer, and, in addition, all those Non-com- missioned Officers and Men who have undergone training for the Field Gendarmerie service are required to attend ; if possible, a Cavalry and also an Artillery Officer should accompany each party, as well as Officers from the Engineers and Pioneers, if opportunity for the exercise of their professional knowledge is likely to be offered. One servant may be taken for every two Officers. A Field Officer or Captain on the Staff of the Division is appointed as director of each party. This Officer draws up the pro- gramme for his detachment, in accordance with the General Programme; he details the work and distributes the necessary instruments. The Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers are 61 selected by the several Regimental Commanders, preference being given to those who vohinteer for the duty. During the allotted time, all the circumstances of the country, with reference to the movements, the camping, or the engagement of a l)ody of troops, composed according to the nature of the ground (usually of the three arms, with train, of the strength of a Brigade), must be examined and recorded. All strong positions must be marked, though not described in detail. For tliis purpose the following points must be noticed : — («) The March. Examination and description of the lines selected, the practica- bility of the main roads, the roads parallel thereto, and the cross- communications, with special reference to distances of one place from another, the time necessary for passing defiles, ascending hill passes, &c., the nature of the country on either side of the road within tactical range, its passability for the three arms, and the facilities for deployment in event of an unexpected encounter with the enerny, also all obstacles or difficulties on the line of march. [h) Camping. To find and report upon all camping grounds with regard to water and fuel supply, and other requisites. (c) Engagement. Examination and evaluation, from a tactical point of view, of all features of military importance, such as natural or artificial conditions or circumstances which, by their character or relative situation, afford good sites for positions, points of support, or barriers to an enemy's progress, also to mark all valuable points for the passage of streams, for ambuscades, &c. The director of the reconnaissance, while keeping in view the main object to be attainted, should so distribute the parties or individual Officers that each one may be practised in every kind of country. "When possible, the Officers should be collected at certain pre-determined spots, to debate on the military advantages of the districts under examination; at these debates the notes and sketches should be produced for general criticism and con- sideration. The reports framed on the material collected, and accompanied by plans, should be short and to the point. Descriptions of important military positions are to be appended to the General Report, but entirely distinct from it, and must be illustrated by sketches on a scale of 500 paces to the inch* (Vienna) ; the distribution of the troops required to occupy each position should be clearly defined. * The Vienna inch is equil to 1-03 English inches. 62 Fencing. Target Prac- tice. Infantry Equitation. All important errors in the existing staff maps, or corrections rendered necessary by the construction of new roads, &.C., are to he distinctly marked, and a special report made upon them. The reports of all the Officers and Cadets (accompanied by a short introductory statement by the Directing Officer, touching the performance of each one) are to be sent to the Officer Command- ing the Division, within fourteen days of the completion of the reconnaissance ; they are, subsequently, to be submitted to the Commandant of the District. The results are reported to the War Ministiy, in common witli those of the annual autumn manoeuvres ; the sketches showing the error.5 or alterations required in the map are also forwarded for the information of the military authorities. The reports may be returned to the Officers tor temporary use during the winter conferences and debates. The Junior Officers and Cadets are assembled twice a week to practice fencing, &c., under the superintendence of a Field Officer, or one of the Senior Ca])tains. All the Officers of the Regiment are recommended to join this class, but it is obligatory on the juniors only. The instruction is conducted by a duly qualified Officer or Non-commissioned Officer who has been trained as a Fencing Master, and who acts in that capacity at the Regimental Preparatory School. The hall used for the lectures is to be employed for fencing lessons also. All Officers and Officers' Substitutes are required to attend for target practice once a week during the fine season of the year. The Cadets go through the course with the men, but may attend the Officer's course in addition. The course of instruction in equitation comprises the following sections : — 1. Training in riding across country for Regimental Officers and Substitutes of Infantry, Jiigers, Engineers, Pioneers, and the Sanitary Corps ; for Military Surgeons ; and for Officers of the Intendauce and Supply Department. This course has also to be attended on appointed days by the Adjutants of all Dismounted Corps, with their troop-horses ; by Regimental Officers and Substitutes of Military Train stationed at the Garrison, with their troop-horses ; and also, optionally, by all Regimental Officers of Infantry and Dismounted Corps, and the Staff with their private horses. 2. A short theoretical and practical course in cross-country riding in general, in saddling, bitting, and putting on Officer's horse appointments, &c. 3. A short theoretical and practical course on the horse, his age, shape, maladies, and shoeing. 4. A course of instruction for Officers' servants and grooms of Field and Mounted Regimental Officers, in grooming, in the care and treatment of horses, saddling, bitting, and putting on of appointments. 5. A course of schooling for previously broken but unsteady 63 horses, for Infantry Adjutant's Remounts, and for young horses the private property of Field aud Regimental Officers, so far as there are available rough-riders. On the present establishment there are 53 regularly furnished Infantry Equitation Schools, and 50 others which are held periodically. In all Garrison towns where Cavalry Depot-Cadres are quartered, these have the establishing of the Infantry Equitation Schools, and the control of the necessary funds and plant, even though the instruction should not be carried out by the Depot Commander, but by an Officer of another Regiment. The Officers and Non-commissioned Officers of the Depot- Cadre are employed, according as they are required, as in- structors, &c. The three troop-horses of the Depot Cadre are used in the school as well as the Infantry Adjutants' and other horses before- mentioned; should any more horses be required, or more men to groom them, they are furnished by the nearest Cavalry Regiment. In towns where no Cavalry Regiment or Depot-Cadi-e is stationed, the Staff of Instructors, grooms, &c., is taken from the nearest Cavalry Regiment. Officers of the Reserve or "^ Ruhe-stand " may be employed as instructors in riding, and in the theoretical and practical courses, but they have no claim to pay or compensation. Instruction in hippology is given by the Veterinary Surgeons and Farriers of the Garrison. The Cavalry Brigadier or a Field Officer of Cavalry, Artillery, or Military Train, superintends the Infantry Equitation School. Commanding Officers of Regiments are required to send in a return to their several Brigade Head-Quarters by the loth of October, showing the Regimental Officers and Substitutes they recommend for a course of instruction. As a rule, Captains aspiring to promotion to the rank of Field Officer, or to employment on the Staff, and Subalterns who are candidates for appointment as Regimental or Battalion Adjutants, as Regimental Commissariat Officers, or for employment as orderlies or on the General Staff, are to have a prior claim. The Studentsat one of these Equitation Schools are divided into — (a) Those who have previously had no instruction in riding, and have no troop or private horses, aud have to be trained on the riding-school horses. {h) Those having troop or private horses, and who, there- fore, ride them in the school. (c) Those who have previously had riding lessons, but require more practice. [d) Those who are only required to attend the practical and theoretical instruction in Sections 2 and 3. The number of Officers, Substitutes, Surgeons, and military officials required to attend at the school in each garrison town is fixed bv the Commandant of the District. 64 Instructive Occupations for Cavalry OflScers and Cadets. Instructive Occupations for Artillery. Instructive Occupations for Engineers, Subjects for Tactical Essays. The number of Candidates in tlie classes (a) and (c) (viz.; those who are instructed on the riding-school horses) must necessarily depend on the number of horses available^ two Students being allowed to each liorse. The schools open on November Isfc, and close on April 30th, during which period two or three separate classes should be trained. The necessary plant for the schools is maintained out of a fund; to which the Officers attending contribute two or four shillings a month. The General and Field Officers entrusted with the supervision of the schools are required to inform themselves from time to time of the progress of the Officers attending them, the condition of the Riding-school horses, the schooling of the remounts and Adjutant's horses, &c., and at the termination of the course to hold an examination, and report to the Commandant of the District on the general state of the school, the plant fund, &c. The latter has to send in his own reports on the results of the schools to the War Ministry by May 15th. Modifications in these " Occupations " for Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers, Military Train, and Sanitary Corps. In the Cavalry, the essays on tactical propositions are designed to embrace the more extended operations peculiar to the arm, which recent experiences in war have shown to be so necessary. Tracings from the staff" maps of the country are to be substituted for original sketches. In the Artillery, the lectures and conferences should have for their object, in part at least, the discussion of Artillery subjects, viz., the different natures of guns, and their use in the field, and in the attack and defence of fortresses, the equipment of Artillery Reserves, the peculiarity of Artillery of Foreign Armies, &c. The essays may deal with propositions peculiar to artillery, instead of tactical subjects ; a minute description of the works to be thrown up in attack and defeoce, detailing the progress of con- struction, the men and material required, &c., should be added. In the Engineers, the following channels of instruction are recommended, in addition to those of other branches of the Service : — Technical Field Manoeuvres. Practical instruction in the superintendence of the execution of works by the men. Study of the practical execution of civil or mihtary buildings. Acquisition of professional knowledge by travelling. In the tactical essays the following subjects should form a prominent part. 1st, Demolition of bridges in general, and detail in carry- ing out demolition of bridges of stone, iron and wood. 05 2nd. Demolition of buildings. 3rd. Placing the out-posts of a Brigade or Division, with the detail of the necessary engineering works : detail and drawings of field fortifications, of works for cover- ing a camp, of temporary bridges, of the mode of establishing communication, demolitions, &c., neces- sary to facilitate the operations of a force, with a given object on a known site, if possible, in the vicinity of the garrison. 4th. Project for a system of field works on an extensive scale, with the scheme of defence, showing time and means required ; project of a system of temporary mines, placing a line of fortification in a state of defence, attack and defence of the mines of a detached fort ; tetes du pont ; and laying out of military lines of communication. In addition to taking part in the manoeuvres in the field for all Technical arms, technical field manoeuvres are to be carried out also by the Field Manoeu- Engineer Corps alone. To this end a supposed force, with a ^^es. given object, is placed in position with a view to carry out a series of operations on ground in the vicinity of the garrison. Each year such operations as the following should be carried out, and reports made : — (a) The detail of the technical operations necessary in taking up a position for a whole army, both with a view to offensive and defensive operations ; to be worked out by the whole body of Officers, with the aid of the Regimental Staff. {b) The detail of similar operations, but for a Corps d' Armee only ; to be worked out by the Commander of a Battalion and his Officers independently. (c) The detail of similar operations for a Division of the Army ; to be worked out by a Captain and his Company Officers. The field work of these exercises should be executed within the day, and the reports and sketches sent to the Ministry for War within 14 days. In the Pioneer Service, the necessary professional knowledge justj^jcti^g of the Officers is kept up by the same means as in the other Occupationa services, but with the addition of — for Officers and Cadets of Detailed reports on rivers and lines of railways. the Pioneers. Detaching of Officers to the Polytechnic Institution at Vienna. The written essays are drawn up with special reference to the peculiar duties of the Pioneers, the building of bridges, road and railway construction, &c. The War Ministry prescribes each year what river tracts are to j^ppoj-tg qq be examined and reported on. Only thoroughly qualified Officers River and are to be employed on this duty, receiving an allowance of pay Railway Lines. 66 Officers to be attached to the Polytech- nic Institu- tion at Vienna. Instructive Occupations for Officers and Cadsts of Mili- tary Train. Instructive Occupations for Sanitary Corps. similar to that of the Officers of the General Staffs wheu em- ployed on special reconnaissances. Captains and First Lieutenants noted for employment in the Field Railway Corps, are allowed to travel for six or eight weeks, on various lines of railway, in order to acquire a more extended knowledge of railway construction and management. They receive every facility and encouragement from the Railway Companies to whom they are recommended. Any two Officers of high talents and military zeal, who may volunteer for the office, are attached for a course of instruction to the Polytechnic Institution at Vienna. They are destined after- wards to supply instructors to the Pioneer Cadet School. In the Military Train, the system of " Instructive Occupations" is very similar to that of the Infantry, the lectures, essays, &c., being directed especially to the duties of that particular branch. In the Sanitary Corps, there is no prescribed system of essays, &c., but the Junior Officers are assembled to hear lectures occa- sionally, and the value of constant study is impressed on them. They are trained in riding at the Equitation Schools, and are specially enjoined to acquire a sound fundamental knowledge of natural science, tactics, military organization and administration, and also in the study and comprehension of military plans and drawing, and topography in general. 200 3 I 72— H & S 911wt> V MILITAKY EEPOETS: ADDRESSED TO THE FRENCH WAR MINISTER COLONEL BARON STOFFEL, French Mililartf Ailachc in Prussia. 1866-1870. (Translated at the ToroGKAPHicAi and Statistical Department of the War Ori'iCE, by Captain Home, Eoyal Engineers.) LONDON : TRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, By HARRISON AND SONS, ^rinttrs xn #rbmarji to fcr Pnjcsln. 1872. (20wf.) CONTENTS. War in Eoheraia and Prussian Ai'mv ; Report of tlie 8tli September, 1866 ' .. I. Incapacity of the Austrian General II. Superiority of the Prussian Army Influence of the Needle-Grun . . Attacks of Cavalry against Artillery . . Report of 4th October, 1866 , , Railways in a Military Point of View Railway Companies . . . . . . • Advantages of Elementary Instruction in an Army . , Instructions to be obtained by a Study of the Prussian Army I. Intellectual Value of the Army II. Principles of Justice and Morality Replies to various Questions concerning the Landwehr. Report of the 15th October, 1866 Volunteers of a Year as Officers . . A Permanent Chief of the Staff, and the Decay of Austria. Report of the 25th October, 1866 1. Advantages which the Office of a Chief of the Staff confers on a great Mihtary State . . . . . . II. Is Austria Decaying ? . . . . Note on the Military Organization of Prussia. Report of Novem- ber, 1866 Organization of 1814 . . Faults of the Organization of 1814 Reorganization of 1860 . . Reduction of the Period of Service to Twelve Tears New Division of the Teri'itory of the North Grerman Confederation into Landwelu" Battalion Districts, and Reorganization of the Landwehr. Report of 2nd December, 1867 Division of the Territory into Landwelrr Battalion Districts Necessity for a New Organization of the Landwehr Inconvenience of the Old Division New Organization extending to all the Confederation Replies to Questions about Cavalry, Artillery, Miscellaneous. Report of the 20tli February, 1868 . . . . ' I. Cavalry . . II. Artillery III. Miscellaneoxis . . The Elements of Prussian Militaiy Superior ment. Report of the 23rd April, 1868 Elements of Moral Superiority Elements of Material Superiority Disarmajuent Table ity, and on Disarm a- 1 2 2 4 5 6 6 8 8 9 11 12 13 14 17 17 19 20 20 23 24 27 28 28 29 30 31 34 34 38 40 42 43 48 57 59 IV Forces of the Soutlieini States, and Replies to tlie Artille mittee. Report of the 8tli May, 1868 I. Forces of tlie Soutli Grerman States , II. Replies to the Artillery Committee . . ry Com- Post- 60 60 62 The Quantity of Ammunition an Army must carry witli it Office Service in 1866. Report of the 28th May, 1868 . . 66 I. Should a Change in the Quantity of the Ammvmition of an Army be made ? • . . . . . . , . 66 II. Post-Office in the War of 1866 69 Military Forces of the North German Confederation. Report of the 21st June, 1S68 71 I. Peace Footing of the Federal Army . . . . . . 75 II. War Footing of the Federal Army . . . . . . 78 III. Change from Peace to War Footing . . . . . , 80 Remarks on the Prussian Army. Report of the 22nd July, 1868 . . 82 Bronze Field Guns ; Cast-Iron Guns ; Suppression of Shrapnel; Arms of the Landwehr; Two Details of Instruction. Report of the 9th Jiily, 1868 94 I. Bronze Field Guns . . . . . . . . . . 94 II. Cast-iron Guns 94 III. Suppression of Shrapnel .. .. .. .. 95 IV. Ai'ms of Landwehr . . . . . , . . . . 95 V. Two Details of Instruction . . . . . , . . 95 Return to Bronze ; Activity of the King ; and Convention with Mecklenbiu'g-Schwerin, Report of the 31st August, 1868 . . 96 I. Readoption of Bronze , . . . . . . . . . 96 II. Activity of the King 96 III. Convention with Mecklenburg-Schwerin . . . . 97 Reply to a Kote sent by Order of the Emperor. Re^jort of the ieth November, 1868 97 Competitive Practice between the English 9-inch Gun and the Prussian 96 and 72-pr. Guns. Reports of the lOtli July and 22nd November, 1868 Experiments with the Steel 72-pr. Experiments to Test the Endurance of Guns Experiments with the Steel 24-pr. Projectiles Prismatic Powder Bomb-proof and Shielded Casemates for Coast Defences Field Guns, Bronze . . 106 111 113 113 115 116 117 118 Military Study of Railways, and Organization of the Reserve and Landwehr Officers. Report of the 12th December, 1868 . . 118 I. Military Study of Railways . . . . . . . . 118 II. Organization of Reserve and Landwehr Officers . . 130 The Two Religions ; Winter Drill ; New Army List. Report of the 19th December, 1868 122 I. Ecclesiastical Organization . , . . . . . . 122 II. Winter Drill for Reserve and Landwehr Men . . 124 III. New Army List for 1869 . . 124 Reduction of the Period of Service to 12 Years ; Remarks on the Names of Places. Report of the 14th June, 1869 . . . . 126 I. Reduction of the Period of Service to 12 Years . . 126 II. Remarks on the Names of Places . . . . . . 128 PAGE. Law of the Ist February, 1868, Prospects of War, Report of the 12th August, 1869 129 I. Law of the 1st Februai'y, 1868, on Recruiting the Araiy and Organizatiou of tlie National Guard "Mobile" 129 II. Prospects of War . . . . . . . . . . I3i Manoeurres of the 1st and 2nd Army Corps and Improvements in the Infantry Rifles. Report of the 25th September, 1869 . . 146 I. Manceuvres of the 1st and 2ud Ai-my Corps. . . . 146 11. Improvement 6f the Infantry Rifle . . , . . . 149 Fire of Field Artillery and Armament of the Federal Army. Report of tlie 25th October, 18G9 150 I. Fire of Field Artillery 150 II. Ntimber of Gruns of the Federal Army . . . . 153 Military Telegraphs, Telegraphs in Berhn, and Military Convention. Report of 17th November,. 1869 153 I. Reorganization of the Military Telegraphs .. .. 153 II. Military Telegraphs in Berlin. . . . . . . . 155 III. Berhn Contingent in 1869 157 IV. Mihtary Conventions . . . . . . . . . . 157 Instruction of Recruits and Cavalry Details ; Progress of Amalga- mation. Report of 9th January, 1870 .. .. .. .. 160 I. Instruction of Recruits and Cavalry Details. . . . 160 II Progress of Amalgamation . . . . . . . . 163 III. Staff Joiu-neys 164 Fortresses, Educational Establishments, Naval Armaments. Report of 22nd January, 1870 165 I. Fortresses .. .. .. ,. ., ,. 165 II. Schools and Educational Establishments . . . . 166 III. Naval Armaments, Bronze, Steel, Iron . . . . 167 IV. Armament of Ships . . . . . . . . . . 167 Length of Service in the Active Army — Three Years, Two Years. Report of the 14th February, 1870 169 Disarmament. Report of 28th February, 1870 170 I. Prussia can only Disarm by Violating the Principle of Compulsory Service . . . . . . . . 171 II. Prussia cannot Abolish nor Evade the Principle of Compulsory Service .. .. .. .. ..173 III. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 IV. Objections 178 Some Fortresses in the Valley of the Rhine. Report of the 16tli January, 1870 . . " 181 Mayence. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 182 Cologne 183 Wesel 183 Germersheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Rastadt 183 Conz .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 184 Application of the Law of 1861, and Economical Measurea. Report of the 24th June, 1870 . . . . 134 I. How far the Law of Military Organization of 1861 has been applied . . . . . . . . . . 184 II. Economical Measures ; Sending Back Men by Antici- pation; Delayed Contingents ; Royal Furloughs.. 18!^ Manoeuvres of 1870, and Miscellaneous. Report of the 1st Jidy, IS/O 1 90 Manoeuvres of the ]Oth Army Corps (19th and 20th Divisions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Appendix . . PAGE. 190 191 191 191 192 192 192 192 193 193 196 196 197 198 200 I. Length of time taken to Mobilize various E-egiments in 1866 200 II. Telegraphic Despatches. . . . . . . . . . 202 Manoeuvres of the 9th Army Corps (l7th and 18th Divisions) Divisional Manojuvres . . . . , . . . . . Pioneer Drills , . . . . . . . . . » . Staff Journeys . . . . . . . . . . , . Embarking and Disembarking Drill . . . . . . Intendancc . . . . . . . . . . . . Eemounts . . . . ... . . . . , . School of Anclam Artillery and Miscellaneous. Report of the 5th Jidy, 1870 . . I. Field Artillery II. Conversion of Wagons of all kinds . . III. Siege and Garrison Artillery . . IV. Naval Ai-tillery . , V. Miscellaneous MILITARY REPORTS. THE WAR IN BOHEMIA AND THE PRUSSIAN WAR. Report dated 8 th September, 1866. The many questions arising from the war between Prussia and Austria just terminated, may be studied to great advantage in Bohemia, where the greatest portion of the Prussian army is at present in cantonments. On leavuig Berlin I proceeded to Prague, the Head-Quarters of Prince Frederick Cliarles, from which place, thanks to the assistance given to me, I have travelled through the country in every direction, and obtained information on those points which appeared to me desu-able to study.* During three weeks I have seen almost the entire Prussian army, and I have been allowed to obtain information as to incidents of the war and other matter from a great number of officers of all ranks, as well as fi-om non-commissioned officers and soldiers, prisoners, and wounded men. The follo^dng report is a summary of my observations. The armies of a power that had not luade war for 50 years, encamped in Saxony and Silesia, forced the defiles of Bohemia m the face of an Austrian army of more than 200,000 men, drove back, after several bloody engagements, all the coips which attempted to oppose them, and crushed in a single battle, eight days after the beginning of the campaign, the whole of the hostile army ; and, finally, in two months, dictated peace to Austria under the walls of Vienna. These results appear marvellous. But, for those who study the character and phases of the great struggle, the maiwellous disappears, and the causes of this dazzling and rapid success may be stated as follows : — An army, taken as a whole, is nothing more than a weapon put into the hand of one man. In this war, on one side (that of Austria), an inferior weapon was put into the hands of a General incapable of using it. On the other side (that of Prussia) a * Towards the end of July, 1866, the Emperor had sent Colonel StoflTol, his orderly officer, to Bohemia, with directions to study and report on the history of the war. The Minister, witli the view of facilitating this object, gave M. StotVel the title of ?/Iilitary Attache. He afterwards received ordern to remain in Berlin fulfilling the duties of this office. He remained there for fovr- y, ni-'*, leaving ou the 18th July, 1870. [Ed.] superior weapon, carefully prepared for many years, was placed in the hands of an able leader. Or, on one side, there was an army inferior in every respect, commanded by a man who did not possess the qualities requisite for a Commander-in-Chief. On the other side, an army superior in every respect, commanded by able, well-taught, and energetic leaders. It is requisite, therefore, that the following questions should be discussed : — Was the Austrian Leader really incompetent ? Was the Prussian Army really superior to the Austrian ? How, and why ? I. The Incapacity of the Austnan Commander-in-Chief. I would not have thought it requisite to enter into this subject if public ignorance in France, and elsewhere, had not attributed the success of the Prussian army, almost entirely to the needle-gun. Nevertheless, to those who really know the facts, the cause of this success lies far deeper, and without wishing to deny the advantage that the breech-loader gave the Prussians, I feel convinced that the result Avould have been the same had the Austrians possessed a similar weapon. At a future time I will explain the general cause of the disasters of Austria. At present I will confine myself to the enumeration of many acts which prove the incompetence of the Austrian General. [In this Report, an account of, and an examination into, many acts which demonstrate the mcapacity of the Austrian Commander-in-Cliief is given. We omit this, as we will in general omit in the following reports all details which do not treat directly of the Prussian army, and which, fi'om their pm'ely technical character, would not interest the reader.] II. On the Superiority of the Prussian Army. I do not pretend, after my short visit to Bohemia, to thoroughly understand the Prussian army; however, a cursory examination shows at once, its undeniable superiority over the Austrian army. The political and social institutions of the two countries, their moi-al state, their military organization, are evidently the chief causes of this superiority. They require deep study ; and I confine myself at present to point out in a general way the effects which these have produced, and which at once strike an observer. The superiority of the Prussian army is displayed in every grade. The body of oflficers is superior, especially the higher oflficers and company commanders. The non-connnissioned officers are superior. The soldiers are superior. Officers. — I have been surprised to find siich a large number of well educated, thoughtful, and distinguished men. I do not allude so much to military education (although this is very complete with them), but rather to general education. They have a taste fur their profession, know it thoroughly, and reason well about it ; and, above all, show themselves anxious to know the progress that is being made by, and the improvements intro- duced into, foreign armies. N on-Commissioned Officers. — The non-oommissioned officers are excellent : their military instruction leaves nothing to be desired. The non-commissioned officers, it appears to me, excel ours, because of their superior education. Soldiers. — The military organization of Prussia should be known from the reports of my predecessors. Witliout examining the inconvenience which it offers, it is impossible to deny that the principle on which it is founded, universal compulsory service, puts in the ranks of the army an element of the highest value. The application of this principle places in the ranks of the army a large number of persons well brought up and educated, belonging to the better classes, and thus increases the intelli- gence and moral value of the army by the aggregate of the intelligence and moral value of these individuals, to which should be added the healthy and direct influence which these persons bring to bear on tlie soldiers of an inferior class. I bring this particularly to notice, because it gives the Prussian army an element of superiority which no other European army possesses. The Prussians like to call then- army the nation in arms. Universal military service renders the description a just one, and they do not deceive tliemselves as to the great power the army derives from the presence in its ranlvs of persons well educated and well brought up, belonging to the better classes, who, as officers, non-commissioned officies, and soldiers, devote to the defence of theii* country their intellects and lives. When I expressed to several General Officers my regret that in France the richer classes do not bring into the array their quota of intellectual and moral faculties, one of them replied to me very gravely, although smiling, "Do not adopt the principle " of universal military service, for, if you do, you will once " more dictate laws to all Europe." It is requisite to acknowledge the fact that our army, what- ever qualities may distinguish it, is not the best that France could produce. Without adopting the principle of compulsory military service as in Prussia, could it not at least be applied to those drawn by lot? This at least would be a first step on the road to equality, justice, and a better constitution of the arm3\ At the present moment the young men of the richer classes escape military service by the system of substitutes. If the army cannot be with us, as in Prussia, the nation in arms, at least it should represent the miniature of the nation, that is to say, that all classes without exception should in proportion to their numbers serve in the ranks, at least so for as the ballot would render this possible. By these means young men of the rich classes could not legally escape military service by the length of their purses ; and the French Army, whatever may be said of it, would not then be a mass of the poorest and most ignorant Frenchmen, on whom the more favom'ed classes had thrown the task of fighting for the nation, I will not here refer to the dangers produced by our military organization at periods of internal trouble as June 1848, when a civil war filled the streets with blood. Our soldiers were called on to fight with men who, like themselves, were dis- inherited by fortune, and who did not fail to spread in the army, by all methods, doctrines subversive of everything. [The report here touches on the foot that Prussia, as com- pared with Austria, is inhabited by a homogeneous race, which is peopled by different races ; on the social state of the two countries ; on the qualities which distinguish the two nations ; on the degree of education so elevated in the one, so inferior in the other. Which considerations can explain the causes of the moral and material superiority of the Prussian army.] The superiority of the Prussian over the Austrian army is undeniable and great in every respect. This, and the incapacity of the Austrian General, were the two main causes of the Prussian victories. On the Influence of the Needle- Gun, People have assigned to the weapons of the Prussian Infantry the greatest share in its victories. But it is a great error. The superiority of the weapons has been only a secondary course. Indeed, it may be said that it is only another proof of the intellectual superiority of Prussia, for it cannot be denied that a nation which alone m Europe, fifteen years ago, dared to adopt, an improved rifle, has manifested by that very fact that it excelled the others in judgment, in warlike knowledge, one had 'almost said hi boldness. I Avill now describe the kind of influence the breech-loader has had on the battle-field. The advantages that the Prassian army has obtained from the superiority of the arms of its infantry, while much exag- gerated are undeniable. But they are due less to the rajDidity of fire than to the confidence the Prussian soldier has in his weapon. I will exJDlain. For more than fifteen years every eftbrt has been made in Prussia to convince the soldier that he possessed an imrivalled weapon, and what brought home this conviction to him was the great care taken in rifle practice. Each Infantry soldier fired annually more than 100 rounds of ball cartridge. Thanks to these eflbrts, the most complete confidence in his weapon has been given to the soldier, and this confidence has produced results, the importance of which cannot be over-esti- mated. It cannot be described better than by saying that the Prussian infantry, composed of young soldiers who never before made war, had the calm and steady fire of veteran troops. Being desirous of obtaining a fair opmion of how much the Prussian success is due to the needle-gun, I sought information from numbers of ofi&cers of all grades. I have interrogated (more particularly at Prague and elscwlK-re) a groat minibtr of lieu- tenants and non-commissioned officers, who, M'lien actually under fire, are most in contact with the soldiers. I have spoken with Austrian prisoners and Austrian wounded, and, allowing for the wounded self-love of the one, and the excited vanity of the others, I have, as the result of this exammation, arrived at the conclusion that the influence the needle-gun exercised in 186G was that described above. It would be a mistake, then, to believe that if the Austrians never attacked the Prussians hand-to-hand, it was on account of the rapid firing of the latter. It was rather due to the firmness and coolness which the conviction that they could not be approached gave to the Prussian troops, armed as they were with a rifle, which the first shot fired gave them, thanks to the rapidity of the loading a second, and, if needs be, a third. Let us repeat. It was tliis coolness and steadiness, sprung from that confidence m his weapon, which for fifteen years had been instilled into him, which enabled the Prussian infantry, composed of soldiers havuig no experience in war, to fire as calmly and accurately as if they had been veteran troops. Such a thing is too important for us to pass it lightly by. The Prussians distinguish volley fuing, which they term salvoes (section, company, or battalion fire) fi'om independent firing, which they term rapid fire (schnell feuer). Usually they receive an enemy with a volley, followed at once by inde}>en- dent firing. It is these volleys that are so formidable. It is impossible to quote a single instance where the Austrians have attacked with the bayonet, notAvithstanding the advice given by General Benedek in his proclamations. The first Prussian volley always stopped the Austrian advance, and they generally retired in disorder, when, thanks to the rapidity of loading, the independent fire completed then- defeat. It is easy to conceive the effect of this last on troops already broken and decimated by the volley. The enormous Austrian losses during this war may be thus explained. Attacks of Cavalry against Infantry. As a proof of the confidence possessed by the Prussian Infantry in the effect of its fire, I must not forget to refer to the attacks of cavalry which have been repulsed without forming- square; I believe this to be the first instance of such a feat in the history of war. Colonel Berger, an excellent officer, and a man worthy of credence, told me the following incident which lia})pcned during the battle of Jicin. He commanded the 8th Grenadier Regiment of the 5th Division ; he went forward to the top of a small rising ground to reconnoitre the country, when he saw ten Austrian squadrons which, with a fi-ont of two squadrons, advanced at a trot towards him. He rejoined, as quickly as possible, the only battalion of his regiment that was then at Iiand ; and which the rising ground had until preA-iously 6 concealed from the enemy. He allowed the cavalry to advance within 200 paces, receiving them with a volley from the entire battalion, followed at once by independent firing. At the first volley 50 to fiO Austrian troopers fell, and the two squadrons at the head of the column turned tail. Independent firing was kept up on the next two squadrons which came within 100 paces of the battalion, and then dispersed, drawing the entire column after them in confusion, I would add that for a long time the Prussian infantry has, in time of peace, been taught that it has nothing to fear fi-om the attacks of cavalry, which may be received in line without forming square. The order being to allow cavalry to approach within 200 paces, and to receive it with a volley, followed by independent firing. I have been assured that at other battles, as well as that of Jicin, the Prussian infantry has succeeded in this way in re- pulsing cavalry. [We suppress the end of this report, the information here given as to the Prussian cavalry and artillery, as well as the part it played in the war of 1866, does not now offer the same interest as when it was written. — Ed.] On Railways from a Military Point of View. Seport of the Uh October, 1866. It has been said that during the war of 1866, the Prussian armies manoeuvred on entirely new principles, seizing imi^ortant points situated on railways, and that this was the great cause of their success. This is an error, which disappears when facts are inquired into. The Prussians, as we will see, have acted very simply, and only as circumstances required. When the Prussian armies, the Ist or Prince Frederick Charles's, the 2nd or the Crown Prince's, were in Saxony and Silesia, they used without hinderance not only the Prussian rail- ways, but also that from Dresden to Breslau. It may be here remarked that this latter railway was of the greatest use to them, as it allowed them to send troops and stores from Saxony to Silesia, or vice versa. There being no other cross line between the two railways from Berlin to Dresden, and from Berlin to Breslau. If, therefore, the Prussians had not been masters of this railway, they would have been compelled to send everything round by Berlin, an immense circuit. Had Saxony preserved her neutrality at the beginning of the war, the Prussians would have found some reason for violating it with the sole object of seizing the line from Dresden to Breslau. From the 23rd of June, the day the first army crossed the Bohemian frontier by marching on Reichenberg. imtil the 3rd July, the day the battle of Koniggratz was fought, railways played no pari in the war, the Prns.sianR confining- tlieinselvoH to repairing that at Reiehenberg, which the enemy liad eiit between that town and Zettan. After Koniggratz Benedek hastened to rallv the fragments of his army at Ohiiutz. The various corps were moved by railway from Pardubitz to Olmutz, and the 9th July they were united at that place, having broken up the line and destroyed the bridges behind them. On their side, the Prussian army marched on Pardubitz, as it was evident they must do, this important railway junction being on the road they wished to take leading on Olmutz and Vienna. Having crossed the Elbe at Pardubitz and Prelauc, they divided, the 2nd Army forming the left marched on Olmutz to attack the Austrian army, while the other two armies marched on Vienna, the 1st or centre by Briinn, that of the Elbe or right by Iglau. These bold but (^aewing the demoralized state of the Austrian army) well-conceived movements could not fail to produce one of the two following results. If Benedek remained at Olmutz, the Crown Prince would watch and cut him from Vienna ; if, on the other hand, he marched to help the capital threatened by the right and centre Prussian armies, the three united would advance freely into the valley of the Danube. The Austrians began to evacuate Olmutz on the 13th July, and during the 13th and 14th trains took troops incessantly to Vienna. But on the 15th this was stopped, for the advance guard of the Crown Prince had passed Olmutz, and by the action at Tobitschau had seized Prerau, cutting thus the com- munication between Olmutz and Vienna. As for the first army, its advanced guard, proceeding by ordinary marches, occupied Lundenbourg on the 16th July, upon the railway between Olmutz and Vienna. There was nothing extraordinary in this movement. It was quite natural that the Crown Prince, entrusted with the duty of containmg the Austrian army at Olmutz, should try and cut the Vienna Railway, by which the Austrian army could, in two days, be moved to the Danube, It was equally natural that Prince Frederick Charles should seize Lundenbourg as quickly as possible, it being an important point on the Vienna line. The Crown Prince, by occupying Prerau, succeeded in preventing three Austrian Army Corps from reaching Vienna ; these corps made forced marches towards Kremsier and Hradisch, and as Lundenbom-g was already occu- pied by Prince Fi-ederick Charles, they were prevented from advancing between the Carpathian Mountains and the Marchfeld, and consequently had to retire into Hungary by the Jawoniik pass. The manoeuvre by Avhicli the Prussians thus cut the railway between Olmutz and Vienna was creditable, but I repeat it was a self-evident operation. The Austrian army might have been all moved to Vienna had it begun its movement three days sooner. Bail wo f/ Corps. But while it is quite true that the Prussians have been guided hj the simplest piinciples, the means they adopted to rapidly repair destroyed railways should be described. Each army corps has a detachment composed of 1 officer, 1 serjeant-major, 3 Serjeants, 6 master artificers, and 48 men of the engineers, 1 superior employe of a railway company, 2 architects, 2 fitters, and 7 platelayers, or 74 men in all. This detachment is placed under the orders of the commanding engineer of the Army Corps. Its special functions are to repair railways and put them into working order. These com- panies, called " Railway Corps,'' are most useful during a cam- paign. The Prussians attach so much importance to this duty that in peace time troops placed near railway stations select annually from each battalion of infantry 2 non-commissioned ofiicers, who receive for a month the instruction requisite to enable them to replace ordinary railway employes. Advantage of Elementary Instruction in an Army. It is a universal principle in Prussia to instruct soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and even officers to some extent in certain special duties. Thus each year every regiment sends 1 lieutenant and 2 non-commissioned officers to a battalion of engineers, where they are taught, for two months, road-making and field fortification, &c. Similarly each infantry battalion sends 1 non-commissioned officer and 1 soldier to an artillery command, where they learn how to pack and unpack infantry ammunition boxes. This instruction is useful, for in war each battalion is accompanied by its ammunition wagon. The rule which directs that the wagon follows the battalion everywhere has undoubtedly both advantages and disadvantages. The general officers whose opinions I have sought, on this subject, are not agreed as to its advisability. Some approve of the rule, and think that the wagon should be, during an action, always within reach of the battalion ; others would rather see it with the reserve artillery. I have already said in my first report that elementary instruc- tion is more generally diffused in the Prussian than in any other European army ; this gives it a very great superiority. Almost all the men know how to read and write, a consequence of com- pulsory education ; hence it is very easy to teach them certain details. Models are shown to them, or chalk drawings of things are made for their instruction. In this way they are given ideas as to encampments, the construction of field kitchens and huts, &c. How many soldiers are there in the French army capable of understanding and profiting by such lessons ? The most striking proof of the intelligence of the Prussian Army is given by the way, they use the breech-loader. What have foreigners generally thought, would result from J the introduction of this arm ? They believed tliat the men would quickly expend their ammunition, by an ill-judged fire, and that the weapon would deteriorate from rough usage, &c., &c. The needle-gun has done good ser\nce, and the number of rounds consumed has been very small, being on an average only 7 cartridges per man actually engaged, and only 3 if the whole number of troops employed is taken mto account. These numbers were given to me by General Hindersin, who com- manded the Prussian artillery. The cause of this astonishing result can only be sought in the education and consequent intelligence of the Prussian soldier, who has understood the improved weapon given to him, and known how to avoid its ill effects. This is a new proof of the advantage which elementaiy education, diffused amongst non-commissioned officers and men, confers on an army. It would be folly to give a needle-gun to an army of savages, but it may be entrusted to the Pnissian army. And the more the soldier is educated the more can the rifle he is armed with be improved. Lessons to be Learnt from a Study of the Prussian Army. What useful hints can we obtain by a study of the Prussian army ? Material condition of the Army. — From this point of view our soldiers are in a better state then the Prussians, being better clothed, paid, and fed. Discipline. — Our ulterior economy is better. But it may be fairly asked, Is it not advisable to alter our rules of discipline ? Do we not punish the French soldier too much ? Can w^e find no means of increasing, amongst our non-commissioned officers and soldier, that feehng of duty, which so distinguishes the Prussian army, and which causes punishment to be so rare ? I am astonished at the small quantity of punishment which is given in the Prussian army, and yet no one can say that it is ill-disciplined. It is well known that in Prussia neither the non- commissioned officers nor the subalterns can inflict punishment. Tins duty devolves on tlie company commanders, who cannot even punish a subaltern. The commanding officers of regiments alone can punish an officer. I do not urge that we should adopt the Prussian system in its integrity. I confliie myself to observing that the number of punishments inflicted ui the French ai*my is prodigious Mdien compared with those of the Prussian army. Administration. — Under this head we have nothing to learn fi-oni Prussia, our own is, I think, based on better principles, it has more unity and is less complicated. The Sous-Intendant Bages, now at Berlin, is employed in study mg tins subject, and will doubtless place in a clearer light what I here merely touch on. To foreigners, great praise is bestowed, on the Prussian 10 Intendance aud the services it rendered during- the last war, but, by degrees, it has leaked out that there is ample room for improvement. During my journeys in Bohemia I have been often told that during the first eight days of the campaign neither food nor forage could keep up Avith the army, and that it was forced to Hve on the country ; and it is now understood that this state of things lasted for three weeks, that is to say, for the greater part of the campaign. During all this time the issues, when they did not entirely fail, were made in an irregular manner. Certain cavalry brigades have, on several occasions received no forage for days together. Medical Service. — The medical service caii give us useful hints. During the war, the number of sm'geons Avas, it is true, insufficient ; but the Austrians abandoned all theii" wovnided, who had to be looked after. In every way the medical service has acted well. The organization of both the small and large ambulances was well iniderstood. The places selected were suitable ; chosen near streams of water and railways. The removal of patients from the small to the great ambulances, always a difficult thing, was well carried out. M. Bages is collecting all the information requisite for the study of this important matter. Company of Bem-ers of the Wounded. — Each Army Corps has attached to it a company of 180 men, whose duty it is to give the first help to the wounded on the field of battle, and carry them to the ambulances. These companies are composed of Landwehi' men, selected for previous good conduct, and thus affiirding an assurance that the duty will be properly per- formed. Each Company is commanded by a captain of the train bat- talion belonging to the Army Corps, and is divided into three sections ; these sections are told off, one to each division, and one to the advanced guard, and are each commanded by an officer and a sm-geon ; the men wear the infantry uniform and carry a carbine. The following are their duties : They go on the battle-field and give the first care to the wounded, apply di-essings to stop bleeding, and arrange bandages and splints in case of broken limbs, select the wounded from the dead, carry the former with as much care as possible on stretchers to where they can receive attention. The men fonning these companies receive a special education in peace time upon all these details. Exact models of the carriages, barrows, stretchers, and other things employed in the service, will be sent when I can procure them ; meantime I send herewith a rough dra^Aing of the means of transport used for badly Avounded men. Some such organization should be thought of in France. The musicians, who perform this duty with us, are evidently not a sufficient provision. For, as soon as a man is wounded, three or four of his comrades quit the ranks under pretext of 11 helping liim. The great irregularities eansetl hy tlii.s would be mueh dimiiiished. if we had a special service well organized for the purpose. Railway Corps. — I have already described the composition of the detachments charged with repairhig, destroying, or putting in working order the various Imes of railway. The Prussians, in adopting them, have copied the corps organized by the United States during the war of the Secession. But the most important lesson to be obtained by a study of the Prussian army is that comiected with its morale. Two things are very striking : — 1. The intellectual value of the army. 2. The principle of justice and morality which is the basis of its organization. ^ I. The Intellectual Value of the Army. This is due to the intellectual state of Prussia, Avhich is very high, and to the effects produced by the law of compulsoiy service, which causes all the talent of the country without exception to serve in the army. Prussians are not remarkable for either the elevation or nobleness of then ideas. Greatness of soul, generosity, and the attractive gifts of mind are not their inheritance. But they possess, in a marked degree, sterling qualities : industry, a strong- sense of duty, a love of order, economy, and obedience. Then- Electors and their Kings have almost always been an uicarnation of the national character. Wanting nobleness and greatness of soul, this nation would never have produced a Louis XIV. But it must be admitted that neither would it have produced a Louis XV. The army represents the nation much more than the French army does the French nation, and it possesses all the sterling qualities I have named. Under the head of general education it is far superior to the French army, and, as I have already pointed out in my first report, this superiority is to be found in every grade. The officers are better educated than ours, so are the non-com- missioned officers ; and finally, the soldiers sm-pass the French not by theii- natural intelligence, which is certainly as great amongst us, but because their primary education is less super- ficial. I have said that Prussian officers are generally better educated than those of the French army. One cause of this is the system, by which these officers are obtained, which rarelv allows a non-commissioned officer to attain the rank of officer ; but it should be added that, as might be expected amongst a people, so much in earnest, the greater part of the officers continue to study after leaving school, wliile the French officers rest contented with what they there learned. In Prussia officers are encouraged to study by every possible means. For this purpose most garrisons have societies called 3Iilitarv Societies, where the officers often meet together for lectures. 12 The King and the Princes belong to the Berhn Mihtaiy Society, and visit it frequently. I will here give an instance which seems to me to be very characteristic of this difference between Prussian and French officers. There is a military book — none more valuable has ever been produced by the brain of man ; ]\Iarshal Marmont says of it, " He who thmks over, and understands it, will have an instinctive knowledge of war ;" I allude to the " Memou-es de Napoleon." How many French officers are there who have studied this book. It is sad to say that officers of high rank, even those in command of divisions and brigades, are ignorant even of its existence. Very few assuredly have read it. The number who have thought over it may be counted on the fingers. Now (I do not wish to exaggerate) I have found in Prussia, during the time I have been here (two months), more officers who have studied the Memoires of Napoleon than I have found in France during 25 years. The Prussian staff officers are, above all others, well taught. The greater number know the liistory of all wars thoroughly, and reason on military matters in a remarkable manner. H. Principle of Justice and Morality. Prussia has given the brightest example of justice and morality, by appljdng the principle of compulsory service for all her citizens. On this basis her mihtary institutions rest. How is it possible to compare an organization based on a principle so just, so pregnant with valuable results, Avith the French organization, bearing on its face the horrible stain of sub- stitution by means of money payments. A thing which de- morahzes the army, nay the nation itself. We do not reflect on the dangers of this fatal institution ; men gifted with common sense have long ago discerned, and said all that can be said against a prmciple so unjust, so immoral, and which, in the long run, saps the very foundations of the nation. Prussia has proclaimed loudly that military service is the first duty of the citizen; that nothing is more demoralizing to a nation than allowing the rich, by reason of their wealth, to fi'ee them- selves from this duty. For, say they, how can a nation but believe that all duty may be bought and sold, if this the most sacred of all duties is so treated? What a gulf do not such prin- ciples open between the rich and the poor ? How can it be hoped, if such principles are allowed, that the army can enjoy that respect and that consideration, which is so essential to its very existence'? It is impossible to describe, how the considera- tion in which Prussia holds her army strikes one ; it can only be explained by the application of universal military service, which fuses, as it were, the nation and the army. The army monopo- lizes all the honours, all the favours, and all the advantages in the State. A man who (for whatever reason) has not served in the army obtains no employment. In the country he is an I 13 object of ridicule and contempt to his fellows. As there are very few families who have not a son, a brother, or a relation serving in the army, it follows in exact opposition to what is the case in France, that the army is not viewed as an institu- tion apart from the country; but, on the contrary, all clasfies of the population, men, women, and children are deeply hiterestod in, devoted to, and ready to make all lands of sacrifices for their army. The recent Austrian war has afforded a remarkable proof of this._ Prussia has offered the edifying sight of a great State, looking after 30,000 sick and wounded men without its costing one sixpence, thanks to voluntary gifts coming from all parts of the Empire- Replies to various Questions about the Landwehr, Report, 15th October, 1866. I reply to the questions sent to me by the Emperor. I. — Q. How are the Landwehr Officers chosen and ap- pointed ? A. These officers are taken — First, from amongst " the volun- *'teers for one year," Avho,having served that year, have received a certificate of fitness to discharge the duties of Landwehr Oflfi- cers ; secondly, from amongst officers of the army, who, having reached the age fixed for the Landwehr, wish to quit the army, " Volunteers for One Year." The institution of volunteers for one year is as follows : — Every person who wishes . to serve for one year onli/ in place of three, goes before a Departmental Committee of Examina- tion, before which he is compelled to prove either by a certificate or actual examination that he possesses the knowledge laid down in the fixed programme. They are less severe on those young men who are studying some science or art which de- mands their "whole time, than on those who labour in a work- shop or manufactory. Those who pass satisfactory examinations receive a certifi- cate, and have then the right to perform one year only of military service, either as privates in the ranks, as surgeons, as veterinary surgeons, or apothecaries in some hospital. They are further allowed to choose the branch of the service, the regiment, the garrison, or military establishment they wish to join. They are free to perform this year of service when they please between the ages of 21 and 24. Duiing the year they must clothe, equip, feed, and lodge themselves at their own cost, arms alone being supplied by the corps in which they are serving; but they are bound to keep these in repair, and return them in a good state at the end of the year. The number of these volunteers who enter each year into " D 14 tlip army is about 2,000* ; each company or squadron can re-~ ceive only four such vohmteers annually. During their service these volunteers learn the duty of a soldier, the duty of a non-commissioned ofiicer, and in part that of a Lieutenant of Landwehr. One officer in each battalion is entrusted with their education, both theoretical and practical ; those who manifest zeal and intelligence are appointed super- numerary lance coi'porals, after six months' service. Before the expiry of the year, the volunteers are examined, by a board composed of one captain and two lieutenants ; those Avho are considered capable of performing the duty of Lieutenant in the Landwehr receive a certificate to that ettect from the commanding ofiicer. But before being appointed officers they have to serve during a training of 8 to 15 days with the Landwehr, or six weeks with a Line regiment; their fitness for the position being acknowledged, they receive at first the grade of non-commis- sioned officer, then are (if approved of by the officers of the battalion in which they wish to serve) nominated as Second Lieutenants, and finally commissioned as such by the King. Of the 2.000 volunteers who enter each year into the army, about 700 receive certificates as officers, and from amongst these the greater number of Landwehr officers are selected. Officers Leaving the Army. Officers (that is to say captains and lieutenants) who have reached the landwehr age, 27, and who are in good health, may quit the army, and join the Landwehr, preserving their grade. Apphcations to this effect are made sometimes m the infantry, but more generally in the cavalry, when officers who have estates desire to live on them. Volunteers for a Year as Officers. I have pointed out in a former report the advantages and disadvantages of the system of " Volunteers for a Year." The advantages are of various kinds. As for the disadvantages they are shown when the army is mobilized. In the Prussian army, for economy and other reasons, the number of officers in peace is not sufficient ; for example, there are only four instead of five officers per company. It follows, then, that when the army is mobilized, field officers are selected to command battalions and squadrons of Landwehr, and a large number of subalterns are transferred from the Army to the Landwehr, to give the latter more steadiness ; in addition to which the army has to provide officers for garrisons, depots, and various military establishments. All these vacancies in the army, some due to the common peace * Tliis figure refers to the Prussian armj' before 1866 ; for in a subsequent Report the number of these Volunteers for a year is stated to be, in 1868, for the army of the North German Confederation, about 12,000. — [Ed.] 15 footing, others produced by the mobilization, are filled either by promotion, or by transferring from the Landwehr to the Army, the mnnber of subalterns removed from the latter to the former. These alterations, which a change from a peace to a war footing entails, constitutes a great disturbance amongst the the officers, and presents manifest disadvantages. However, many Prussian officers do not wish to alter the system. They say that the presence of oti cers of the line in the Landwehr, give it a steadiness which makes it equal to the Regular Army, and that the latter does not sensibly suffer by the introduction of a certain number of volunteers for a year as officers. But many officers who commanded battalions of landwehr in the last war have, on the other hand, declared that with some exceptions the " volunteers for a year " have not shown themselves fitted to perform the duties of an officer. IT. Q. How are the Non-commissioned Officers of the Land- wehr obtained? A. The non-commissioned officers of the Landwelir come — 1. From non-commissioned officers supplied from the Regular Army. 2. From private soldiers who, during their third year of service in the army, have received the instruction requisite to enable them to fulfil the duties of a non-commissioned officer of Landwehr (each company in the army trains two men for this purpose during then* last year of service). 3. PVom men of the Landwehr ; those who display zeal and fitness for the post being selected. HI. Q. What is the composition of the Cadi-es of the Land- wehr ? A. Infanti-y. — In time of peace, the 32 Infantry and 4 Guard Regiments of Landwehr, have neither staff nor permanent cadres, the officers and men being on fm'lough, but each battalion has a depot, composed as follows : — 1 Commandant (always an Officer of the Arm j). 1 Lieutenant. 4 Serjeants-Major. 6 Non-Coimiissioned Officers. 4 Lance ditto. 2 Privates. Total, 2 officers and 16 men. In war time the Cadres of Landwehr regiments are assimi- lated to those of regiments of the line. Cam /ry.— There are 12 Regiments of Landwehr Cavalry, but without staff or cadres. Each squadron in peace time has a depot, composed as follows : — 1 Lieutenant. 2 Non-Commissioned Officers. 2 Lance ditto. Total, 1 officer and 4 men. d2 16 Id addition, one officer of tlie regular ai'my commands four squadrons, and there is also a paymaster and clerk to take charge of the accounts. IV. Q. Are the Landwehr Horses bought and fed by the State? A. Prussia (I do not here refer to the provinces recently annexed) is divided into eight great military divisions, in each of which an Army Corps of all arras, both Regular and Land- wehr is stationed, and from which it recruits. Each division is generally divided into 13 districts, called Landwehr battalion districts; this district is the true unit for recruiting the military forces of Prussia, for superintending the Reserve men, and those of the Landwher, as well as for all ( ther questions refeiiing to the change from a peace to a war footing (mobilization as the Germans term it). The men composing the Landweln', live at home on furlough, but can, during any portion of then* service, be recalled for a training of 8 to 15 days. Landwehr cavalry is formed in squadrons, which correspond with the districts of infantry battalions. The horses required during the manoeuvres are furnished by private persons, or by the parishes who buy them where they can. When the manoeuvi-es are completed the parishes sell the horses again. The loss which ensues represents the tax imposed on the different parishes. The tax is much heavier in war time, for, m- addition to the Cavalry of the Landwehr, the parishes must furnish the horses requisite for the baggage and hospital trains of the army. In peace, as in war, the State feeds the horses. In Prussia, horses as ^well as men are liable to compulsory military service. Eveiy horse in the country, the horses of private persons not excepted, is borne on hsts furnished officially to Government by the local authorities. During war, the State, to avoid public discontent, prefers to buy horses either in Prussia or elsewhere. But if the price is thought too high, horses are obtained fi-om private individuals, at prices fixed by the Government itself. Last spring, when the army was mobilized for war T\4th Austria, the State purchased the horses requisite to place the Regular Cavalry and Artillery on a war footing. The horses for the Landwelir Cavalry, the pares, hospitals, &c., were supphed by the parishes at their own expense. VII. Q. What is the Uniform of the Landwehr ? A. It only differs from that of the regular army in the headdress. All the infantry of the army have a helmet, except the battalions of rifles, who have a leather shako, with a double peak of black leather. The Landwehr have the same shako with a white cross in front, as a distinguishing mark. 17 Upon a Perivlinent Chief of the Staff, and on the Decay OF Austria. Report of the 25th October, 1866. I. The advantages which a great Military State deri\^s FROM A Permant:nt Chief of the Staff. The Prussian Army, the brigades, divisions, and army- corps of which are permanently formed, has also a perma- nent chief of the staff. Would not this institution have its advantages in other countries, even although tlieir military organization may be entirely different from that of Prussia ? General Moltke is Chief of the Prussian Staff. He is looked on as the ablest military man in Prussia, and I have been much struck by the qualities which distinguish him. At a single glance, his correct and unerring judgment, his great common sense, and his very extensive military knowledge, may be detected. His well-known integrity, his great conscien- tiousness, and the services he has for many years rendered, have won for him the respect of all. King, Army, and Nation. Not only does General Moltke understand the Prussian army completely, but he also understands the composition and organization of foreign armies, the resources of other countriee 'their military genius, and history. Thanks to an unwearying industry, be knows the smallest details of the geograph}' of all the countries in Europe, and his continual study of modern cam- paigns, has given him a very high degree of warlike knowledge. Such the man. The folloAving are his duties : under his chief direction the officers of the Prussian staff are educated and formed. The organization of the Prussian staff differs entirely from ours. It is not, as in the French army, a distinct corps. The officers are, on the contrary, selected, without distinction, from all arms of the service. Having served f on i o- r 3 years of actual Service. In the Regular Army, o years, Irom 20 to lo years ■< „ • 4.1 t> o . ' . ' •' [ 2 years m the Reserve. T ,1 T 1 1 T < r or i on ) 7 years in tlie 1st Class. In the Landwehr, 14. years, irom 25 to 39 years . . < _ • ... ^ ji r^^ ' J ' '' j^ 7 years m the 2nd Class. 1. Regular Army. — The annual contingent, composed of all young men fit for service of 20 years of age, being 40,000 men. The regular army was three times as strong, or 120,000 men ; to this addmg the officers, workmen, &c., about, 130,000, it was composed of: — 45 Regiments of Infantry. TO Battalions of Rifles. 38 Regiments of Cavalry. 9 Regiments of Ai-tillery. 9 Divisions of Pioneers (Engineers and Poutoniers). 2. Reserve. — The men of the reserve should have been 80,000(2 X 40,000); but deaths, invaliding, the necessity of leaving a certain number at the depots, reduced the number to 60,000. The strength of the army could thus in war time be raised from 130,000 to 190,000. 22 3. Landwehr {\st class) — Was composed of men from 25 to 32 years of age. It could furnish 150,000 Cavaliy and Infantry for War, viz. : — 36 Regiments of Infantry. 34 Eegiments of Cavalry. represented, however, in peace, by but very weak cadres, the men being on furlough. The rifles, artillery, and pioneers of the Landwehr were not organized, estimated at about 20,000 men ; they were scattered throughout the army at the moment of mobilization. Regiments of Infantry, as well as regiments of Cavahy, were brigaded two regiments together. In consequence of the alteration, mtroduced by the law" of 1852 these regiments, were brigaded each with a regiment of the Line. The Regular Army, and the fii'st class of the Landwehr united together formed the army for active operations in the field. Its strength was 360,000 men, or deducting 30,000 men, for garrisonuig fortresses, there remained 330,000 men. The depots were about 50,000 strong ; these were partly composed of recruits and jJartly of reserve men. 4. Landwehr {2/id class.) — Had no cadi-es ; during war it could supply 110,000 men. Infantry and Cavahy, w^ho, wdth the 30,000 of the first class iust referred to, were entrusted with ganison- ing the fortresses. The following table shows the strength of the Prussian military forces, during the period of this fii-st organization : — Men. Men. fl. EegixlarArmy ] 30,000 I 2. Eeserves 60,000 A. Field Army . . -{ 3. Kifles, Ai'tillery, and Pioneers of I tlie 1st Class'of the Landwehr 20,000 1^4. Infantry and Cavalry of the 1st Class of the Landwehr. . .. 150,000 Total 360,000 Deduct left for Garrisons. . 30,000 Eemaining for Field Army 330,000 330,000 B. Troops at the Depdts (Eecruits, Landwehr 1st Class) . . . . 50,000 C. Troops intended I ^ gnd Class of Landwehr . . . . 110,000 for home de-^ 2. Deducted above 30,000 fence. J _____ Total 140,000 140,000 General Total 520,000 Of these 520,000 men, w^hich represented ^-oth of the then population of Prussia, one-fourth only composed the regular army paid by the State. The authors of this system beheved that they had solved the problem of the best luihtary organi- zation for Prussia. They had a cheap army in peace, a large army in war. 23 What are the distinctive characteristics of this organization ? The regular army, did not represent an independent mihtary force, capable of acting in fh-.st hne. Too weak numerically to act this part, since, reserve included, it was only 190,000 men, it was not sufficiently strong to take the field until it was united to the 1st class of the Landwehr, 170,000 men, which, fonned in regiments brigaded with the Line, constituted, as has been shown, almost one-half of the whole force. The regular army had really only one object, that of being a mihtary school for the nation, or otherwise a training school for Landwehr men. In short, the system of 1814 was entirely a " Landwehrian system." Faults of the Organization of 1814. The faults of this organization are so patent that it may be asked,how did it last forty-five years ? They showed themselves durmg the campaign of 1848 and 1849 in Schles^\'ig, and the Grand Duchy of Baden, and also in the mobilization of 1850 and 1859, in the most deplorable manner. The prime defect was the necessity, on the outbreak of war, of calling for. and brigadiugmth the regular army 170,000 Land- wehr men. Experience showed, that on account of losses of all kinds, it was requisite even to procure this niimber, to call on all the Landwelir men, of the 1st class, 25 to 32 years of age. How was it possible in war to place dependance on men Avho had left the army, some two, some three, and so on, up to nine years, and of whom one-half were mamed. Prussian statistics give the following figures : — Married fi-om 25 to 26 years 30 per cent. 29 30 „ . • 46 „ 31 32 „ . . 63 „ A great number of these men were compelled to leave their famihes deprived of all support, and depending on the charity of the parish. Thus the Landwehr men rephed with great reluctance, and discontent, to the summons in 1848, 1850, and 1859. The most deplorable scenes took place ; positive acts of insubordination occurred in presence of the enemy. As for those Landwehr men who continued faithful to their honour, they showed that they were entirely unfit for war. It was evident that the authors of the organization of 1814 Avere deceived in believing that the Landwehr would, on all occasions, display the enthusiasm it did ui 1813. Another fault of this organization arose from the composition of the brigades. As each was com- posed of two regiments, one regular and one landwehr, it was impossible to form, if requisite, a body of select troops (either brigade or diA^sion) into the composition of wliich the Landwelu- did not enter. It should also be added that the want of military instruc- tion amongst the officers and non-commissioned officers of the Landwehr, rendered it necessary to transfer many to the regular 24 army, and vice versa. It was a manifest defect to have such a number of changes at the very moment of placing the army on a war footing. Finally, it is requisite to point out that the organization of 1814 entailed, when a mol^ilization took place, enormous expenses, upon the parishes which were compelled to support the necessitous families of Landwehr men. In 1859, 55,000 families had to be supplied in this way at a cost of 40,000/. per month ; in 1859 the amount rose to 80,000Z. per month, not counting the voluntary gifts, which amounted to the same sum. These marked defects were so serious as to render a reorganization of the army requisite. It was begun in 1859, and continued during the following years, despite the struggle so well knoAvn, which, since then, has placed the Pi'ussian Assembly in antagonism with the Government. Reorganization o/" 1860. Before determining on the best means for coiTecting the faults of the old organization, the men whose duty it was to investigate this question, resolved to return to the rigorous appHcation of the principle of universal compulsory service — a principle which had been continually violated since 1814. For while the population of Prussia had increased in an extra- ordinary manner during the 45 years that elapsed since 1814 (from 10,000,000 to 18,000,000), the strength of the regular army continued without alteration, never exceeding 130,000 to 140,000 men, so that the annual contingent (40,000 men) remained the same as in 1814. Hence it followed that every year a large number of young men, able to perform military service, never served T\ath the colours. Thus, in 1859, the annual contingent was 63,000, but of this number more than one-thu'd were exempted. The injustice of this became manifest in a striking manner when the army was mobilized ; because Landwehr men of 25 to 32 years of age, who had already served, were compelled to march with the army, whilst young men from 20 to 25 years of age never payed their debt of ser^ace to the State. The reorganizers determined to return first of all to the principle of universal compulsory ser'^ace in its integrity. • It was determined that the whole annual contingent of 63,000 men should enter the army, and three years were fixed, as before, for the duration of active service. By this measure the regular army received at once a considerable augmentation, and the following additional cadres were formed : — 36 Eegiment? of Infantry. 9 Battalions of Kifles. 10 Regiments of Cavalry. 5 Divisions of Artillery. The regular army, then about 130,000 strong, was thus raised to 210,000, a force which Prussia could easily maintain, 25 as her revenue had increased from 10,750,000/. to 19,500,000/, Thej then sought to remedy the defects of the ohl organization. The Landwehr was indeed preserved, but its functions and its character were completely changed. It was decided thai it should cease to form an integral portion of tJie field urnnj. Up to this date the fLrst class had formed one-half of the held army. For the future its functions were reduced to home defence, or the first class of the Landwehr was to perform, the duties that the law of 1814 assigned to the second class. As 370, In the Landwehr, 5 years. Total . . 12 3ut this new law does not entirely free the Landwehr men of 12 years' service. On the contrary, the Government reserves to 'tself the right of releasing them by degrees according to the necessities of the State, beginning ^vith the older contingents. I will, in another report, give fuUer details of the uuportant law of the 9th November, 1867.* * Vide the Keport of the I4th June, 1869.— [Ed.] 28 New Division of the Territory of the North German Con- federation INTO Land^\tehr Battalion Districts, and Reorganization of the Landwehr. Report '2nd December, 1867.* Prussia, while she is extending her mihtary system to the territory annexed in 1866, and to the States which, with her, constitute the North German Confederation, is organizing her Landwehr and that of these States upon a new basis. 1 propose to point out the essential characteristics of this organization, and to be still more clear I will first recall the basis on which the military force of Prussia, was recruited prior to tbese annex- ations. Division of the Country into Landwehr Battalion Districts. The territory of the Prussian monarchy before 1866 was divided into eight large military districts, in each of which an army corps of all arms of the service was recruited and stationed. But these military districts were not conterminous with the eight Prussian provinces, as is generally believed in France, where, it is stated, each province furnishes an army corps. For example, the second corps is recruited partly in three provinces, embracing portions of Pomerania, Prussia, and Posen, while the fifth corps is recruited, one-half in Posen, one- half in Silesia, &c. The administrative division of these provinces into districts for local government (there are 25 such districts to 8 provinces) has nothing in common with the divisions of the great mihtary commands into military districts, which serve as the basis for recruiting all the forces of Prussia. The number of these districts was fixed in 1842, in accordance with that of the infantry regiments of the fine, and rifles which then composed the regular army, viz. : — 32 Regiments of Infantry of the Line of 3 battalions. 8 Regiments of Rifles, t The territory of tlie monarchy was divided in such a manner that there was one district for each battalion of infantry of the hne and regiment of rifles, or 96 4- 8 = l04 districts. These were termed Landwehr battalion districts to distinguish them from * There are two other reports written in 1866 by our Military Attache bearing the title?, "Pares and Baggage of the Prussian Army ;" the other, "Force Mobilized by Prussia in 1866 and force disposable in 1867." During the year 1867, the year of the Paris Exhibition, we have only two reports, the first is a detailed account of the Bohemian war, which has lost much interest since the publication of the official Austrian and Prussian accounts of the campaign. The second is that which we here give. — [Ed.] t There were in addition five regiments of Infantry of the Guard. 29 the 25 districts for local g'overnment, and because each had to furnish, in case of mobilization, — 1 Battalion Landwehr, 1st Class. 1 „ „ 2nd Class. 1 Squadron „ Of these 104 districts, 96 grouped in threes furnished the recruits for the 32 regiments of the Line, and 8 others furnished those for the 8 rifle regiments. The men having served three years ^\dtl^ the colours, returned home on furlough with the obligation to serve for 2 years more in the reserve, and It more in the Landwehr. The three battalions of the Landwehr of the 1st class, belonging to a group of three districts, formed a regiment, as did the three battalions of the second class. The battahons and regiments had in each district the same number, both battalion and regimental, as in the coiTcsponding regi- ment of the Line. The Landwehr battalion district is the true territorial unit for recruiting and administrative purposes. To facilitate operations it is sub-divided into several company districts. It is by these Landwehr battalion districts that recruiting for the army is carried on, and the lists of the reserve and Landwehr men are kept there. A permanent depot is formed in each Landwehr battalion district. Generally, it is charged with keeping the and preserving in a good state the great coats, accoutrements, and rifles of the Landwehr. It calls m and assembles the men and those of the reserve W'hen the manoeuvres and annual drills take place, and in case of mobilization it takes all measures requisite, to change the Army from a peace to a war footing, both as regards men and horses.* When the army was reorganized in 1860, 36 new regiments of Infiintry of the Line were formed, making a total of 32 + 36 = 68 or 34- brigades. But, as no change was made in the division of Landwehr battalion districts, it followed that the battalions of the Landwehr, which formerly corresponded with a regiment of Infantry, now corresponded with a brigade. The numbers of the newly formed regiments, were not then represented in the Landwehr. Necessity for a New Organization of the Landwehr. The first care of Prussia after the peace of 186(5 was to introduce her military organization into the pro\unces she had annexed, Hanover, Schleswig-Holstein, and Hesse, and before thuiking of the civil organization, she divided the country into Landwehr battalion districts. This division was only pro^■i- sional, it being always desirable that the military divisions should coincide as nearly as possible with the divisions for local administration, which could only be subsequently arranged. As the civil administration came to be defliiitely arranged, the divisions into Landwehr battahon districts in the three * Vide pages 35 and 36 for the composition of these depots. — [Ed.] E 30 provinces, where the new Army Corps (9th, 10th, and 11th) are recruited, was modified. The necessity of numerous changes in the division into districts, of the mihtary connnands of old Prussia (prior to 1866) has been acknowledged as a necessary sequence, to the intro- duction of the Prussian mihtary system into the small States of the North German Confederation. A complete re-arrangement throughout the whole of Prussia of the Landwelu- battalion districts is now in progress. It will be, perhaps, useful to observe that looking only to Prussia proper (before 1860), such a revision had become absolutely requisite on account of the inconveniences produced, as we shall see from the old territorial division. Inconvenience of the Former Division. 1. The number of Landwehr battalion districts fixed in 1842, was no longer sufficient, on account of the increase and removals of the population, in addition to which the annual contingent had been raised in 1851), on the reorganization of the army, from 40,000 to more than 60,000 men, from which it followed that a much larger number of men were sent on fui- lough each year into the reserve and Landwehr.* For these reasons the duties of the commandants of districts had become very severe. 2. The increase of population since 1842 had been very different in the various districts, so that, at last, some company districts became more populous, than battahon districts belong- ing to the same regiment. 3. The boundaries of these districts, and the head-quarters of the depots, had been fixed with reference to the means of communication existing in 1842, so that in case of mobiliza- tion the men on furlough, might be collected together and sent to their respective regiments as quickly as possible. These boundaries, and head-quarters were no longer the most convenient, owing to the great changes made in the network of roads, and especially by the construction of railways. 4. There was not that coincidence which is so desirable between the civil administrative divisions and circles (of which there are 340 in the eight provinces) and the division into Land- wehr battalion districts. Thus it sometimes happened that por- tions of the same chcle belonged, without any necessity, to several Landwehr battalion districts, from which mconvenience often resulted. 5. It was also >tnuch to be desired that each regiment of infantry of the line sliould have its own district for recruiting, which had not been the case since the reorganization of 1860, since which period three districts, recruited two regiments. * The o-lleei't; ana mou of the reserve, as well as those of the Landwehr, live at home. They are said in Prussia to be " en position de conge " on furlough. 31 This circumstance alone would have been sufficient, to neces- sitate an entire re-arrangement of these districts. Neui Organizalion Embracwg the Entire Confederation. For these reasons it was determined, Avhen extending the Landwehr system to the other states of tlie Confederation to reorganize the Prussian Landwehr on a fresh basis. This basis, which now extends over the Avhole North German Confederation, is the following : — 1. To each regiment of Infantry of the Line of the Federal Army (there are 93 of three battalions each, in the 12 Army Corps) will be assigned a regiment of Landwehr of two bat- tahons, which will have the same number and provincial desig- nation as the line regiment, and to each regiment of rifles (there are 12 of three battalions) will correspond a battalion of Landwehr Reserve. Thus the Landwehr Infantry of the North German Confederation A^dll count for the future, when its organization is completed : — Battalions. 93 Regiments of Landwehr of 2 Battalions each . . 186 12 Battalions of Landwehi* Reserve . . . . . . 12 Total 198 This number of battalions does not include those of the Grand Duchy of Hesse, which are not yet orgaiiized, nor those of the 12 battalions of Landwehr of the Royal Guard, which, as is well known, have no particular district for recruiting. The Kingdom of Saxony and the Grand Duchy of Hesse, have provisionally Landwehr regiments, composed of three battalions, namely, in Saxony four regiments, in Hesse two reguuents. From which it follows that for some time the Landwehr of the North German Confederation Tidll be composed as follows : — Bats. In the 1st 11 Army Corps, 85 Regiments at 2 Battalions each . . 170 In the 12th Corps, Saxon, 4 Regiments at 3 Battalions each . . 12 In the 25th Division, Hesse, 2 Regiments at 3 Battalions each . . 6 Total .. ..188 Adding to these 12 battalions of Landweln- Reserve newly created, there will be a grand total of 200 Landwehr battalions. 2. The North German Confederation will thus have 200 Landwehr battalion districts. The extent of these districts has been fixed by the population; so that the two districts which compose a Landwehr regiment can furnish the nirmber of men requisite for recruiting, and placing on a war footing the corresponding regiment of the Line, as also the number of men requisite for recruitmg the Guard, the Rifles, the special Arms, and the Marines, &c. 3. In fixing the boundaries of the new districts, the pro- E 2 32 bable future increase of population of the various countries composing the Confederation has been considered. But it being quite impossible to foresee the alterations which the removals of the inhabitants may produce in the population of the various districts, and in case the population of many of these districts (perhaps the whole of those con-esponding to an Army Corps) should increase only, by the diminution of others, it became requisite to provide some means to compensate, and allow for these alterations, so that the various Army Corps may be placed on a war footing. This difficulty has been met by forming in each of the great military commands a Landwehr Reserve battalion district, intended to supply the men requisite to complete those districts the popTilation of which may have diminished. Each of these Landwehr Reserve battalion districts fur- nishes any men that may be requisite to complete any Army Corps. Drawing from all the Landwehr battahon districts to supply deficiencies is thus obviated. Those |3ortions of the country Avliere, according to experience, the population undergoes the greatest fluctuations, have been selected as LandAvehr Reserve battahon districts, and are generally those where men, quitting their original district, come to live for a longer or shorter period, and who would, but for this arrangement, have had to join the corps to which they originally belonged. The Commandants of these Landwehr Reserve battahon districts have manifestly more difficult duties to perform than those of common districts, conseijuently they are helped by a larger staff. It is clearly understood that these Landwehr Reserve bat- talions will not be embodied if the other districts forming portions of the Army Corps have, after furnishing the requisite contingents, a sufficient number of men; hence these battalions are embodied only by a special order. 4. The boundaries of the Landwehr battalion and company districts will coincide Avith those of the administrative divisions ; and for the future, parts of the same circle Avill never be included in several Landwehr battalion districts. In general, each cu'cle will form one or two companies. 5. The adoption of this principle has necessitated a departure from the old plan by which each Landwehr battalion district was divided into four company diistriets ; now the number of com- pany districts varies from three to six in each battahon district. The total number of company districts is very much greater than formerly ; hence the Commandants can keep the rolls of men on furlough much more exactly, and it is far easier for the men to attend roll-call before the district non-commissioned officer. There is one rifle regiment to each Army Corps. For the future Army Corps will recruit and complete when put on a war footing not only then- Rifle regiment but also their Artillery and Engineers from their own districts. 33 I attach to this report a table, shoAvniif:^ the division into Landwehr battahon districts of the entire Confederation. This new organization of the Landwehr of the North German Con- federation, the chief pecuharities of which I have pointed out, comes into force on the 1st January, ISH."^. The ten-itorial divisions are fixed, the district Commandants and their Staff are named, and ah-eady perform tlieir duties, making rolls, completing or forming magazines of clothes, accoutrements, and arms. The Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg- Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz (89th and 90th Regiments) are the only places where the division into Landwehr battalion districts is not yet quite settled. Saxony (12th Corps d'Armee) has only 12 Landwehr battahon districts. But, as I have ah-eady said, this division is only provisional, and the number of districts will be very shortly increased and determined. Thus, from the 1st January, 1868, the new division into Landwehr battalion districts will afford a basis for recruiting the entire military force of the Confederation, as well as for all the details of the organization of the Reserve, the Landwehr, and the Reserve Substitutes. Before concluding, it is desu*able to point out some other alterations. For the future the Landwehr will only present themselves once a year (in autumn) at the head-quarters of the district to verify the roUs ; but the men ot the reserve, the men on leave from the Regular Army, and those on whose position the councils of revision have passed no definite opinion, ^nXX present themselves tivice a year (in spring and autumn). The men of the reserve substitutes are not obliged to present them- selves to verify the rolls. As a retrospective measui'e it has been decided that men can only enter the Landwehr after having completed, in accord- ance with the law of 18(30, seven years' service, of which three must have been with the colours and four in the reserve. Accordingly those men, who under the old law had completed their five years' service, three with the colours and two with the reserve, and who had actually received their certificates as LandAvehr men, are now obliged to serve two years more in the reserve. From the 1st January, 1868, the Landwehr will no longer be divided into first and second classes ; the contingents of which it is composed, will be disthiguished only by the years' service passed in the Landwehr. For example, Landwehr of the first year, Landwehr of the second year, and so on. 34 Replies to Questions about Cavalry, Artillery, and Various IMatters. Report of the 2')tli February, 1868.* In the fii'st portion of this report entitled Cavalry, I reply to various questions addressed to me by the Minister of War, under date 13th January last. T. — Cavalry. I. Q. What in Prussia is the composition of the ration for horses of all arms of the sei'vice in hay, oats, and straw ? Has the regimental ration been recently increased ? and by how much ] A. In time of Peace. — In peace time there are three kinds of rations, viz., the fuU, half, and light ration. The composition of each varies according as the troops are on the line of march or in garrison. In garrison the rations are as follows : — Oats ,. 8-96 lbs !> Full ration. Hay .. 4-51 „ Straw. . 6-71 „ Oats .. 9-62 ., 1 Hay .. 4-51 „ >-Half ratiou. Straw. . r.-7i ., J Oats .. 8-8 „ 1 Hay .. 4-51 „ > Light ration Straw. . 6-71 „ J General Officers, Staff Officers, and Adjutants,t Officers attached to the War Office, Cavalry of the Guard, the Cavalry School, Horse Artillery of the Guard, Cuirassiers, Draught Horsesof the Artillery, Military Police, Intendance, and Draught Horses of the Train receive the full ration. The Lancers of the Line receive the half ration. AU troops not named, such as Hussars and Dragoons, and officers and employes not mentioned previously, receive the hght ration. The composition of these rations is that fixed on the 1st April, 1867; previous to that date each ration v,"as about i lb. oats less. Thus, since the war of 1866, the ration for aU mihtary horses has been increased by \ lb. of oats. The quantities of hay and straw remain the same. The Minister for War can authorize the substitution of another kind of forage for the oats, or a part of it. * We have 18 reports from Colonel Stoffel for the year 1 868, some on technical questions and experimental manceuTres. We publish only 13. t There is in each Prussian battalion a Lieutenant, whose duty it is to transmit to the battalion the orders o;iTen by the officer commanding tlie regiment ; this latter has, in the same way, an officer, Captain, or Lieutenant, who is the channel of com- munication with superior authority. These officers are called " Adjutants." 35 In such a case, 2*2 lbs. of oats is considered as equivalent to 2-4 lbs. of barley, 2-8 lbs. of rye, 1-98 lb. of meal, 1-54 lb. of ground biscuit, 6*16 lbs. of hay, or 12-82 lbs. of straw. During marches -through the country, and in cases where the forage is supplied by the State or by contractors, the rations are composed of the following : — Oats 11 -055 lbs I Full ration. Hay 2-310 „ Straw 2-365 „ Oats 10-725 „ 1 Hav 2-310 „ > Half ration. Straw 2-365 „ J Oats 10-010 „ 1 Hay 2-310 „ > Light ration Straw 2-365 „ J If, however, the parishes furjiish the ration, they are allowed to supply the oats by measure in place of weight. When horses are carried on railways, the ration is increased by 3-30 lbs. of hay and 7-7 lbs. of straw ; if the journey exceeds eight hours, the quantity of hay is increased to 6" (5 lbs. 2. In War time. — In war time, there is only the fidl and hght ration : — Oats .. 12 -375 lbs. ] Hay 2-310 „ )■ Full ration. Straw 2-365 „ J Oats .. 10 10 „ I Hay 2-310 „ } Light ration Straw 2-368 „ J The full ration is given to aU the Cavalry and Artillery horses. The only horses that receive the hght ration are the Infantry officers' horses, and those of the officers and employes of the Intendance. If cux-umstances render it desirable, the General com- manding can alter the ration, by substitutmg other tilings for it in the proportions abeady given. Durmg railway jom-neys, or when travelling in steamers, the ration is increased both in hay and straw. To give an idea of the economical spuit that reigns in the Prussian Army, each squadron and battery has on its strength three or four horses, called "kriimper," for which no forage is drawn ; the commanding officers of batteries and squadi'ons are obHged to feed these horses, by taxing the forage of the others. II. Q. Do glanders (which make such great ravages in our regiments) exist to any extent m the Prussian Army, or in the stables of the peasantry ? A. There is no hst of the number of glander cases kept at the Prussian War Office in Berhn, consequently 1 have been unable to obtain exact information. I have been informed that about 100 horses are lost each year from glanders, or about 2 per 1,000, if the total number of horses in the Prussian Army be assumed at 50,000, which it was before 18(j(3. The only thing that is done to prevent the spread of 36 glanders is killing the horse, on the least appearance of the disease. Veterinary Surgeons are expressly forbidden from attempt- ing the cure of such cases. During the six months following the war of 186(3 tlie number of glander cases increased much, but I have been unable to obtain any official information on the subject. Glanders is a scourge in the stables of the peasantry. I have been informed that in one part of Eastern Prussia several landed proprietors sustamed in 1855 considerable losses from this cause. III. Q. If possible, obtain the number of horses injured, either during marches, or durmg the last campaign 'i A. There is no return on the subject at the A\'ar Office. All the Cavalry Officers, with whom I have spoken, have confirmed the opmion at which I arrived during the armistice of 1866 in Boliemia, that the number of injured horses was very considerable. I counted 60 in one squadron alone ; all the other squadrons counted 10 to 15 on an average. Cavalry Officers were so struck with the great number of injured horses, that a short time after the war a Commission of Cavalry Generals met at Berlm to study the subject. One of the members of tlie Commission has recently mformed me of the result of theu* deliberations, which is in the following words: — "We are decidedly con^dnced that the only efficacious " means of preserving horses from injury during a campaign con- " sists in the continual and intclhgent supervision of the officers " and non-commissioned officers. The correctness of this is " manifest, since we saw in I>ohemia and Austria, Cavalry regi- " ments of the same kind, luounted on the same class of horse, " and placed in identical situations, and yet the number of " injured horses was three or even four times as gi*eat in some " regiments as it was in others. We do not deny that the fact " of horses falhng out of condition durmg a campaign tends to " increase the habihty to injury". And this reason has mduced " Tis to increase the ration of oats by ^ lb. But horses will " fall off m the field, no matter what precautions are taken, the " saddles do not then fit properly over the loms and withers, " and the habihty to injury consequently is much increased, " and the injuiies will be the more numerous, as the supervision " of the officers and non-commissioned officers is careless." The only method proposed to guard against the saddles not fitting, is that each squadron should have a certain number of spare blankets to cut up. Wheui, from any cause, a saddle does not fit exactly, the soldier should make it fit by placing under it one or more pieces of blanket, and sewing them on if requisite. A special instruction on this subject is given to the soldiers. IV. Q. AVhat is the average length of ser\'ice of a troop horse? A. The average period is 9 years, and I have tried to find out if this has always been the case, and I am infoimed that no sensible alteration has taken place for 50 years. Prussia is far from ha^ang made as much progress as we have in improving her breed of horses. The greater nmnber of Prussian officers, who have visited France of recent years, often express their admiration of the quality of our cavalry horses. V. Q. How are troop horses accommodated? What space is alloAved for each horse ? What means of ventilation are adopted in stables ? What sanitary measures are used to keep troop horses in good health ? A. In Prussia cavalry baiTacks have been built at various dates, and the stables have not all the dimensions at present approved of. The accompanying sketch shows the most recent construction and the regulated dimensions. M M Length of each stall, including the manger 10' 7^' Width of each stall if bails are used ... ... ... ... 5' 1|' Width of each stall if (exceptionally) the horses are sepa-) ,, „„ rated by paititions ) Width of centre passage ... ... ... ... 13' 6^' Width of stable in the clear 34' 9 J" Height of the stable 14' 8" The height never to be less than 12' 4i" The stable of each squadron has four doors to facihtate cleaning, and also that the horses may be rapidly got out in case of fire. In all the stables I have seen the means of ventilation are similar to those used in France. Common openings are used which are made in the long sides of the 38 stable, close under the tiling, they are from 9^ to 10 inches square. So far as relates to sanitary measures, the veterinary surgeons with whom I have spoken have told me nothing of importance. They have recourse to methods similar to those used in France. I have observed that they isolate with great care the sick horses, from those fit for duty, never leaving them in the same part of the stable, as is sometuues done in our cavalry regiments. II. — Artillery. Report upon the Contpeiitive Trials made with the Prussian and Austrian Field Gun. I attach to this report a German report of much interest upon the compeiitive trials made at Berlin during the last year with the Austrian and Prussian field guns. Guns taken from the Austrians during the last war have been used for these trials, which have been most carefully made. I do not give a resume of this report, it is requisite that it should be translated. The superiority of the Prussian gun over the Austrian gun has been completely established, a similar supe- riority, unfortunately, exists over our gun. I have been unable to procure the 19 tables which are attached to the German report, but fortunately they may be dispensed with ; the measures are in Prussian feet. Bronze v. Steel. Should cast steel be employed for gims of the size of 4-pr8. and 6-prs., or should the employment of bronze be resumed? This question divides more than ever the officers of the Prussian artillery, and towards the end of January almost all the artillery ofiicers present in Berlin were ordered by the General Commanding-in-Chief the Artillery to attend to hear a descrip- tion of the maimfacture of steel guns at Essen, given by a captain. This officer having been sent for several months to study the manufacture of steel, in the great manufactory of M. Krupp. I have already pointed out in one of my reports in 1866 why this important subject as to the employment of bronze or steel produced much excitement after the Austrian war, in Prussia. I Avas then a;Uowed to see 11 steel guns which had burst, six before the war, with proof charges, and five during the war. All except one had burst at the breech, the single exception being a gun which' had burst in front of the trunnion at the battle of Skalitz. In this case the ofiicers imagined that the gun had been previously struck by a shot. The truth of this supposition can hardly be determhied by a cursory in- spection. From whatever cause they may have arisen, these five accidents occurring during the war, caused much dis- cussion amongst the artillery officers. 39 Towards the cud of l<5i)(), Prince Charles, the Cliief of the Artillery, held several meetings of the principle Generals of this arm of the service, to examine into the subject. The discussions were very keen. The partisans of steel pointed out that all the guns having burst at the breech was no reason for concluding that steel was not the best material. That it was necessary to improve the breech-closing mechanism by giving it greater strength, p^nd rounding off certain right angled arises. They also added that Prussia, having gone to very great expense to complete its materiel in steel, it was foolish to return to bronze, until these improvements had been tried. . The opponents of steel rephed that it was (piite unpossible to find out from the external appearance of the steel mtended for a gun if it were sufficient!}' homogeneous, and bad conse- quently the requisite strength ; that it was absolutely impossible to ignore the effect produced on the morale of the artillery by the accidents which had happened during the war. Even assuming that the gini whi'h had burst in front of the trunnions had been jDreviously struck by a shot, this gave only another reason for ceasing to employ steel, that the cost of steel was so great, that the estimates were much increased, &c. They further expressed theu' doubts of the success of steel in the future, as follows : " Is it notlikely that after the lapse of time, after a number of rounds have been fired, or after long marches, the steel will undergo a change similar to that which takes place in non when subjected to repeated vibrations, either by being struck by a hammer, or otherwise?- Will not the particles get disintegrated and the steel become brittle V The nature of the discussions that have taken place here among the Chiefs of the Artillery, can be best apjDreciated by bearing in mind that the numbers of the opponents of steel have been greatly mcreased by the subordinate officers who took part m the war of 1866. They state their opinion on this subject very expressively, by saying to the disputing Generals, " Give us wooden guns if you like, provided only they " do not burst." The opponents of steel as a material for making guns, say very forcibly that M. Krupp, by the interest he possesses, especially with the King, has succeeded in preventing any artillery officers from overseeing his manufactory ; on account of the great outcry made after the war on this subject, M. Krupp has been compeUed to consent to receive the officer previously referred to. The storm produced by these disputes has been much in- creased since the meeting held during the last days of January, at which meeting the officer sent to Essen, made a report unfavourable to the employment of steel. Judguig from all the facts that have come to my laiowledge, I am induced to beheve that if Prussia had no field artillery, and if she had to create one, she woidd not hesitate to adopt bronze. 40 Foundry at Spandau. The foundry at Spandau has always continued fo make bronze guns for the navy and for fortifications. It has recently cast 8 12-prs., with which experiments have been made, to ascertain if there was any truth in the complaint made against the foundry, that it cast guns at too low a temperature. Four of these guns have been cast at a temperature of 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, four at a temperature of 1,400 degrees, and it is proposed to ascertain if there be any difference between the two. Each group of guns has fired 1,500 rounds, and as yet, without any difference being detected. I will report the results which may come to my knowledge. It does not, however, appear to me that these experiments have any real value, for such slight differences of temperature can have no influence upon the material ; the only important thing being that the castmg must be homogeneous and of sufficient density. I II. — Miscellaneous. Eurploijinent of Officers according to their Aptitude for Service, Independently of their Bank. While referring to the foundry at Spandau, I must not omit to point out a characteristic of the Prussian Army. This foundry is a large establishment, where all the artillery materiel for the army and navy is made. Now, what would be the astonishment of French officers to learn that such an estab- lishment is directed by one captain, assisted by two lieutenants ! The captain-director of the foundry at Spandau is removable only by the Minister, and for several years he has discharged his duties to the satisfaction of all. A similar custom is very common in Prussia. I could name several other establishments, and positions of great responsibility under the War Ofiice, which are directed or filled by officers of very inferior rank. They never allow themselves to be fettered as m France (at least m appointments other than those of the regular army) by a kind of strained connection between the rank and functions of an officer ; but on the contrary, when an officer, no matter what his rank, shows any special aptitude, they employ him m the line for which he shows a fitness. The director of the foundry at Spandau is an example of this ; he is only a captain, we in France would place at the head of such an estabhshment a colonel, aided by six or seven officers. The captain of the foundry at Spandau will in all probabihty be continued in that employment when he obtains higher rank. Anxiety to Improve the \eedle-Gun. Mr. Norris, an American, has just left Berhn after a short stay. He is a traveller for a mercantile house in the United States. I do not think that much credence can be given to all 41 that he says of his visit to Paris, his interview with the Emperor, and the orders his Majesty gave him. He has proposed to the Prussian Government a scheme for improving the needle-gun (at a cost of Gs. Sd. per rifle), by which the mechanism would be simphfied, and the range increased. His proposal has not been accepted ; l)ut it is not the less true, that Prussia has the greatest wisli to improve the arms of her infantry. Men who understand the subject recognize the superiority of the Chassepot rifle on account of its greater range, and they would be glad to make an equivalent improvement in then* arms. It is considered in Prussia, however, that the needle-gun is more rough and ready, that is to say, less liable to break than our rifle. I have been much surprised &,t hearing Prussian soldiers say exactly what I have heard French soldiers say duiing the campaign of Italy. " At close quarters we are not so foohsh " as to use the bayonet, for at the very moment we make a " thrust we expose ourselves to be killed from behind. We " use in preference the butt, clubbing the rifle, and thus pre- " venting the enemy from coming near." The Prussians think that under such circumstances then rifle would be better than ours, being heavier, and not so fragile. Instruction of Recruits. Last week I accompanied the King of Prussia to Potsdam, where His Majesty each year inspects the recruits of one com- pany of each of the three battahons of the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, of which he is the chief. Each year, at this period, or more exactly, twelve weeks after the fresh amiual contingent joins, the commanding oflicers of companies and squadrons bring before the commanding oflScers of then* regiments the recruits they have instructed. In the Prussian army this pre- hminary instruction of recruits is mvariably given by the com- pany or squadron, while in the French army it is given by the regiment, under the orders of the captain-instructor. The method of instruction by company or squadron ofiers so many, and such undeniable advantages, that I can only attribute our adherence to the regimental system, as a consequence of long- estabhshed routine. But this, however, is a personal opinion, upon which I do not insist. The conscripts of 1867 having been enrolled the 1st November, those of the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards had a httle more than three months' instruction when they were inspected by the King last week. I could only admire the progress obtained in so short a time. Recruits joining the French Army could not after the same period have been classed with them. The way in which they handled their arms, and per- formed company and hght infantry movements, left nothing to be desired. These men had already begun rifle shooting. The biggest men in all Prussia are chosen for the 1st Regi- 42 ment of Foot Guards, of which the King is chief. Big men being generally less handy than men of an average height, I was the more surprised at the amount of instruction of the recruits of this regiment. Subsequently I visited other regiments of infantry, and cavalry, when the colonels inspected the recruits ; amongst all, the instruction was in a very forward state. These results are due to the great zeal displayed by the officers and non-commissioned officers of the companies and squadrons. " They slave hke niggers ! " the Crown Prince said, when I expressed to him my astonishment at what I saw at Potsdam. What Constitutes the Superiority of the Prussian Army ; AND ON Disarmament. Report of the 2'drd April, 1868. Amidst the studies to which an officer holding my position gives himself up, one question unceasingly presents itself to his mind. If war were to break out, suddenly, between Prussia, and France, would the Prussian be superior, to the French army, either by its organization, its instruction, its military spirit, or its arms'? If it does possess the elements of superiority, what are they ? Lastly, what steps should we take in order that we may no longer remam in a state of inferiority '? It will be seen that I omit, in enunciating this problem, those elements which cannot be estimated beforehand, such as the talents of the Commander-in-Chief, undoubtedly the most important. The efiective forces both nations could put into the field, the resources of all kinds possessed by both countries, &c., &c. For the sake of argument, I will suppose that so far as these things are concerned, both nations are on a par. Even granting this, the question I wish to discuss is still most comphcated, for it embraces all the details of the constitution of the two armies. My desire is to reduce the subject to its simplest shape, and yet to avoid laying it down in an absolute form, such as the following — Which of the two armies is the most perfect ? Generally, such questions are only put forward by superficial persons, who are unable to understand that a reply is impossible, so numerous are the points of comparison, that many mu^t escape obser- vation. I will tlierefore limjt myself to pointing out what in case of war would, classed under the heads above enume- rated, give the Prussian army a real superiority. One army may be superior to another in two distinct ways. 1st. Morally. — By the character of the nation, its tempera- ment, its traditions, its history, and its general instruction. 2nd. Materially. — By its organization the amount of military instruction, its officers, non-commissioned officers and men 43 possess, by its war materiel, armament, aud eciuipment. 1 need not speak of the French Army under cither of these two heads. The quahties which distinguish it are well known. In Prussia, all enlightened mihtary men acknowledge that our soldiers excel all others m greater individuality, in a keener intelligence, and in an incomparable entliusiasm. They consider carelessness and French gaiety as valuable qualities in war, and they declare that our soldiers are more ingenious, and better marchers.^ They also admit the ad- vantage which the French Army obtams from the longer period of service with the colours, and the presence of old soldiers in the ranks. They envy above all things the composition of our body of non-commissioned officers.f I need not speak of the armament of the infantry. I have already pointed out how preoccupied they are in Prussia with the superiority of our new rifle, and the attempts they are making to improve the needle-gun. I proceed to make observations on the Prussian Army. ElerrK^nts of Moral Superiority. Under the head of moral superiority, two things have given the Prussian Army an undeniable advantage over all European Armies. Ist, The princij^le of compulsory military service. 2nd. The general instruction diilused through all classes of society. Compulsory Service. It is needless to point out again (1 have already done so in my reports of 18(3(3) the moral superiority which the pre- sence m the ranks of all classes of society, and the respect that the army and landwehr taken together represent the entire nation under arms, confer on the Prussian Army. What- ever faults may be found with Prussian military organization, it is impossible not to admire a people, who, having recog- jiized the truth, that for nations, as for indi^saduals, the first necessity is existence, have determined thnt the army should be the chief, the most honoured, of all its institutions, that all healthy citizens should share the danger and the honour of defending the country, increasing its power, and that they * Prussia is generally a level country ; every one knows that the dvrcllers in plains are not such gooa marchers as those who live in a hilly country. This diU'erence has been shown in the war of 1866. The Army Corps Irom Eastern Prussia, Pomerauia, and Brandenburg, suiT'ered much mure from the marches, through the defiles of iJohemia, than the corps from Silesia, for example. t The Prussian Army, indeed, numbers in its ranks some old non-commissioned officij-s, but the number is very limited, on account of coinpidso.y service, which necessitates each year the whole contingent entering the ranks. 44 should be respected and esteemed before all others.* To speak only of the officers, what an excellent example they give to other classes ! In Prussia those privileged by birth or fortune do not, as elsewhere, spend their lives in deplorable idleness Far from it, men of the richest families, the most illustrious names, serve as officers, enduring the labours and exigencies of military life, instructing by example. When such a spectacle is seen, not only does one feel respect for this rough but grave people, but dread also, for the power such institutions give its army. Compulsory Education. The principle of compulsory education has been adopted in Prussia for more than 30 years ; it may even be said since the time of Frederick the Great, consequently the Prussian nation is the most enlightened in Europe, in the sense that education is diffused among all classes of society. The Polish provinces, alone continue in a state of compara- tive ignorance. In France, even where everything connected with foreign countries is completely ignored, the amount of intellectual labour, of which North Germany is the theatre, is acknowledged. Elementary schools abound, and while in France the foci of intellectual life and activity are con- fined to some large cities. North Germany is covered with such centres of learning ; to count them would be but to enumerate all the cities of the third, even the fourth class. I will not dwell too long on the advantages which the army derives from a high standard of education beuig diffused tln-ough- out the nation. But is not it extraordinary that persons in France, even those considered enlightened men, should refuse to acknow- ledge them '? Is it possible that they wish to deny that educa- tion and knowledge develop the faculties of men, and ennoble their ideas, by givmg them a higher estimate of their own dignity? These people say artlessly that an army of ignorant, but warlike soldiers, would defeat an army of well-educated men, wanting experience in war. They do not understand that to weigh such questions fairly, all other things, except those under discussion should be considered as identical, and if an attempt is made to convince them of their error, it can only be done by a reductio ad ahsurdum. Now, I ask where is the general who would hesitate a moment if, other things, such as physical strength, disciphne, niimber of years' service, &c., were identical, he had to choose between commanding an army of 100,000 men, composed entirely of pupils of the Ecole Polytech- nique or Saint Cyr, and a similar army, composed of peasants from Limousin and Berry ? Why, if he thought only of the * I have already said that in Prussia all the honours, all the advantages, all the favours, are for the army, or for those who have served in it. He who for any cause has not been a soldier receives no employment. Both at home and abroad he is an object of contempt to his fellow citizens. 45 advantages arising from the rapid instructiijn of recruits, lie would not hesitate for a moment. But there is much more than this, for in moral force the former army would exceed the latter tenfold. In support of this I will quote what Prussian officers and non-commissioned officers repeatedly said to me in Bohemia in 1866. Proud of their success, they attributed it in great measure to the intellectual superiority of the men, and they said, " When after the first battles our soldiers came in '* contact with the Austrian prisoners, and on speaking to them " found that many hardly knew their right hand, from tlieir " left, there was not one who did not look on himseh" as a " god, in comparison with such ignorant beings, and this convie- " tion increased our forces in a tenfold degree.'' Feeling of Duty. I cannot omit to mention one quahty which characterizes the whole Prussian nation, and which helps to augment the moral value of the army, — it is the feeling of duty. It exists to such an extent amongst all classes in tlie country, that the more the nation is studied the more one is astonished at it. This not beuig the place to examme into the causes of this trait of character, I limit myself to referring to it. The most remarkable proof of this attachment to duty is supplied by the Government employes of every grade, paid with a parsimony truly surprising, encumbered often Avith families. These employes labom" all day long, with an inde- fatigable energy, "VAdthout any complaint, and without any apparent ambition for a less laborious lot. ]\I. Bismarck said to me the other day, " We are very careful not to interfere with this " hard-worldng and ill-paid bureaucracy, which performs the " best part of our work, and forms one of our chief sources of " strength.^' Material Superiority. — Special Services permanently organized. One element of material superiority wliich Prussia possesses, is the facility which its military organization affi^rds for forming- certain special services, such as companies of carriers of the wounded, railway corps, telegraph corps, &c. I have already pointed out in my reports in 1866 all the details connected Avitli these services. 1 liave indicated their duties, and the compo- sition of their personnel and materiel. Here I will confine myself, to stating tliat, thanks to the insti- tution of the Landwehr, these serHces can be organized As-ithout diminishing the eftbctive strength of the army by one man, and that they are always formed in time of peace, as a permanent institution. One word with reference to the companies of bearers of the wounded. We do not use them in France, but I believe it is proposed to select at the beginning of a campaign four or five men in each comjiany of infantry, for the duty of remo\ang F 4G the wc anded. This is some tlnng ; but it must be allowed that companies formed beforehand, with well-defined duties, and educated for these duties, must render better service. If the formation of companies of carriers of the wounded, was only for a philanthropic object, it might be neglected ; but their utility in action is undeniable. What have we seen on the Italian fields of battle f The moment a man was wounded, three or four of lus comrades feU out, under pretext of removing him. Would not this dangerous UTegularity be diminished, if the soldier knew that a special service, organized beforehand, and competent to aid the womided on the field of battle, existed 1 In Prussia these companies are formed from men of the Landwehr whose character, offers a sufficient guarantee of their morahty and good conduct. It is to be feared that the four or five men selected from each of our companies do not afford the same guarantee. Infantry Fire. If our new rifle (pattern 1866) possesses all the good qualities claimed for it, not only has France no cause for envy, but she is actually superior to Prussia. It must, however, be confessed that when the temperament of the two nations is compared, there can be no doubt that the fire of the Prussian infantry, other things bemg equal, will be more formidable, than that of the French. The Prussian soldier is less excitable than ours, and fires with greater coolness and more precision. This opinion is widely disseminated in the Prussian army ; I have heard it often expressed. We should pay very great attention to rifle practice. In Prussia it is carefully studied. Each battalion receives 120 cartridges per year, per man, whatever may be the length of his service, in addition to 4,000 cartridges for general drills. In addition to which, the artillery gives to each battalion that returns one-third of the weight of bullets fired, a certain additional number of cartridges, which are fired by the most skilful marksmen ; from which it follows that each soldier fires nearly 130 rounds annually. All the regimental officers take part in the practical instruction, and are borne on the rifle shooting register. The Colonels and Generals are present at the exammations at the end of the year, to mark the importance attached to this drill. In Prussia they have long ago recognized that the more the weapon of the infantry soldier is improved, the greater the necessity that exists for instructing him in its use. Artillbry Fire. If war breaks out, we should clearly understand that the Prussian artillery materiel is very superior to ours. In truth, our carriages are lighter than the Prussian carriages, our field guns are more mobile, but the two Prussian guns (the 4 and 6-poundcr) are much more accurate, and have a greater range. 47 The German report, which I enclosed with my report of the 26th February last, leaves no doubt whatever on this 8u]> ject. In addition to wliicli the Prussian guns can fire more rapidly than ours. How does it happen that a great number of our artillery officers do not consider rapidity of fire an advan- tage, and declare that our giuis fire sufficiently fast? Is it possible that in war there are no circumstances when it may be desirable to hurl at troops, or artillery, in a given time a fourth or fifth more projectiles ? The accuracy of the Prussian Artillery is a pomt of such importance that I shall make it the subject of a special report. So far as the personnel of the Prussian Artillery is concerned, its military education is inferior to ours, cliiefly because the Prussian gunners serve only two years ^vith the active army. So far as the officers are concerned, while they (the reverse of what we see in France) are less thought of, than those of the other aims, their mihtary education is equal in every point, to that of French Artillery officers. Austnan and Prussian Artillery. This is the placeto speak (as a digression) of an error commonly received since the war of 1866. It is usually stated that the Austrian Ai-tiUery was superior to the Prussian. Tliis opinion comes from an Austrian source, and should therefore be distrusted. The error is manifest to those who knoAv the facts of the Bohemian campaign and wish to tell the truth. If it were only said that during the war of 1866 the Austrian Artillery caused greater loss than the Prussian, it would be quite true. The reason of this should be explained. 1. In the spring of 1866 Prussia had not yet completely re-armed her Artillery with steel guns (4 and 6-prs.) She was compelled therefore to begin the war ^^dth brass smooth-bore 12-prs. These guns were of no use, for on no occasion could they be brought into action, under the fii'e, of the long range rifle guns of the Austrian Artillery. All the Prussian officers of Artillery have repeatedly assured me that these guns, Avere nothing but an uicumbrance, from the first to the last day of the campaign. 2. From strategic causes, the offensive, in almost every action was taken by the Prussians. At Nachod, at Skahtz, at Trautenau, then- divisions, deboucliing fi-om defiles, found the Austrians already in position ; consequently the Prussian Artillery had to find out proper positions for their gmis on an unknown field of battle. The battle of Koniggratz offers a strildng example. The Austrian Artillery covered by epaulments, occupied before- hand all the commanding positions extending from ]\Iaslowed to Prim, whilst the Prussian Artillery, w^hich attacked, had to overcome the difficulties consequent on a rapid selection of favourable positions upon a commanded field of battle. Thus the Prussian Artillerv during the Bohemian war. F 2 48 could only use two-thirds of its guns, and it lias had to play, what in all battles is the most difficult part. These are the reasons why the Austrian Artillery produced greater effects than the Prussian Artillery. But, I repeat, it is false to pretend that the former is suj^erior. The report I furnished on on the 20th February last, shows that the Prussian materiel is the best. The Prussian officers are better trained than the Austrians ; I do not know that there is much difference in the instruction of the men. My object in making this digres- sion is to remove an error which is each day becoming more widely spread. The fact that at Koniggratz a portion of the Austrian artillery showed heroic devotion, in endeavouring to cover the retreat of the army, has contributed much to produce this erroneous impression. To recapitulate ; the various elements of superiority that the Prussian army possesses are : — The strong and healthy spirit, that compulsory service spreads in the army, which includes in its ranks all the manly portion, all the intelligence, all the living force of the nation, and which consequently looks on itself as the nation in arms. Thanks to the extensive general education, disseminated through all classes of society, the intellectual level of the army is much higher than in any other countr3^ Amongst all ranks the feeling of duty is much greater than in France. Special services (companies of bearers of the wounded, railway and telegraph corps) are permanently organized, with the greatest care, and without trenching on the number of combatants. The fire of the infantry is more formidable, thanks partly to the peculiar temperament of the North Germans, partly to the great care bestowed on rifle practice. The mattriel of the field artillery is much superior to ours, both as regards accuracy, range, and rapidity of fii'e. Superiority of the Prussian Staff. But of all the elements of superiority which Prussia, in case war broke out, would possess, the greatest and the most iindeniable, will be that she will obtain, from tlie composition of her corps of staff officers. It should be loudly proclaimed as an astounding truth, that the Prussian staff" is the best in Europe ; ours cannot be com- pared with it. I have never ceased to insist upon this in my first reports of 18G6, and to express my opinion that it was a matter of urgent necessity, to take some stej^s to raise our staff corps to the level of the Prussian staff. Firmly persuaded that in an approaching war the North German army would, from the composition of its staff, obtain important advantages, and that we would, perhaps, have serious cause to regret our inferiority, 1 venture again to draw attention to this subject, which in my opinion is the most important of all. I will not conceal that my conviction is so strong that I raise 49 ■ . a warning voice, caveant consults. Were I to do otherwise, I should fail in carrying- out my duty. I propose, then, to point out how the Prussian Staff is con- stituted, and the princij)les on which it is based ; the reasons of its superiority over the French will then be sufficiently apparent. When I reached Prague in 1866 I fii'st came in contact with staff officers. I Avas at once struck with their merits. All, without exception, possessed remarkable intelligence, and the most extended military knowledge. In proportion as I knew more of these officers my astonishment increased ; in all ranks I found thoughtful, well-educated, and judicious men. It was therefore very interesting to investigate the causes which pro- duced such results ; and I set to work to study the organiza- tion of the Prussian Staff Corps. Composition of the Prussian Staff. In Prussia neither rule, nor regulation, as to the composition of the Staff exists. They have started from a well-founded principle, that of all the officers in the army, Staff Officers should be the most intelligent, and the best educated. They say, it is a matter of but small importance if an officer command- ing a company or squadron has not a very extensive military education ; it is far otherAvise with a Staff Officer. His multi- farious duties, the influence that his reports of all kinds, may exercise on the decisions of Generals, — more especially now, that armies are so large, and the theatre of war so extended, renders it absolutely requisite, that he should have an ex- tended knowledge, and a special fitness for his duties.* Admit the principle that of all officers in the army. Staff Officers should be the ablest, what steps should be taken to apply it ? They draw these officers from the entire army, no matter, to what arm they belong, and while solid advantages in the way of promotion are offered as rewards to young men, the authorities reserve to themselves the power of at any moment removing from the Staff those officers who do not show zeal and aptitude for special duties. The consequence of these arrangements arc, that only young, ambitious, intelligent, and laborious, officers seek em- ployment on the Staff. Ambitious, because they seek rapid promotion ; intelligent and laborious, because they know that if they do not give satisfaction, in the studies required from them they will expose themselves to be sent back for serAnce in the arm to which they belong. To understand clearly the kind of advantage that is given to Staff Officers, it is requisite to remember, that there are no rules for promotion, that officers are promoted only by seniority. In practice the * Frederick, in his memoirs, insists ranch on the necessity of liaving Staff OtTlcers well tau;;bf, and inte'l!2;e;it. lie alt; ibu'es the loss of Malpla.|r.ot and Leuthen to faults on the ii -rt of Sla!f Oilieers. 50 King reserves to himself the light of selecting for a superior grade any officer he pleases; but he exercises this right very rarely. And as the number of officers so promoted, does not exceed one-thirtieth to one-fortieth of the whole, it may be said, I repeat, that promotion takes place only by seniority. Officers admitted to the staff gain, on an average, from seven to eight years over other officers. Method of obtaining Officers for the Staff. I will now describe in detail, the method by which the Staff Corps is formed in Prussia. The Prussian Army, at present the army of the North German Confederation, is formed, as is known, of permanent Army Corps, and, has also a Permanent Chief of the Staff, General Moltke. He is in addition the almost absolute Chief of the Staff Corps considered as a separate body. He selects the officers for admission and employment ; he nominates them for promotion from one grade to another (the Minister merely ratifying his nomuiation.) Finally, it is he who details them, for the various duties of the army. His power, so to speak, is discretionary, and such a state of affairs, hardly to be understood in France, appears perfectly natural here, as nmch on account of the integrity and recognized merits of General IMoltke, as of the formation of the army into perma- nent corps. Every lieutenant, no matter what branch of the service he belongs to, has the power, after three years spent in that rank with his regiment, to offer himself as a candidate for the war academy (Krieg's Akademie) at Berlin. This is a school for higher military education, unequalled in Em'ope, as much by the merits of its professors as for the nature and extent of its studies. It is by no means a special school for the Staff; its aim is far larger. It aims at familiarising selected well-disposed officers, with the higher parts of the art of war, giving them an education which may serve as the basis of futiu-e mtellectual development, and which may render them fit for Staff duties and the superior command of troops.* I attach to this report a syllabus of the instruction given at this school, which has been recently published, and which gives a complete programme of the studies. I will only say that it includes tactics (theoretical and practical), mihtary history, armaments, fortifications (both field and permanent), history of sieges, the theory and practice of plan drawing, the duties of the staff, military geography and administration ; and as subordinate sciences, mathematics, geology, universal history, hterature, the elements of philosophy, general geography, chemistry, experimental physics, and finally, French, Enghsh, * At present almost all the Generals of the Prussian Army are old pupils of the *ar school ; three-fourtlis of thrm have b.»rved on the Staff. The proportion goes on increasing. TIic Polytechnic School, tliosc of Mctz and St. Cyr, are but epecial scl;ot)]s, compared with the immense extent of ground covered by the War Acadomv. 51 and Russian. At the conclusion of a difficult examination, at which about 120 lieutenants present themselves each year (I take the average number), about 40 enter the school, all with the wish more, or less avowed, of seeking the career of Staff Officers. The studies last three years from the 1st October. The com-se during the first year lasts for nine months, after which these officers return to their regiments for three months, namely, from 1st July to 1st October, to take part in the autumn manoeuvres. The second year is the same. In the third year the pupils receive more particularly the instruction requisite for staff officers. The tenth month is spent m studying during a journey termed " the staff journey," mider the guidance of the professors, and usually in an undulating portion of the country, reconnaissance, studies of ground, military sketches, encampments of troops, and the solution of military problems. First Selection made amongst the Pupils of the Academy. Three years having elapsed: the lieutenants, without a final examination, and without any class fists, are sent back to their regiments. The professors, and the dnector of the academy name to General Moltke those who have shown themselves the ablest, and the most studious. Twelve of these are selected, care being taken that amongst this number should be off cers of the different arms of the service (infantry, cavalry, and artillery), and diu'ing the course of the year follo^ang then* departm'o from the school, they are attached for six or nine months each to a regiment, not belonging to his own branch of the service. Those who during this stage display the greatest zeal, and the requisite aptitude, are selected by General Moltke, who sum- monses them to Berlin, to the grand head-quarters for duty (as they say here). They continue, however, to wear the uniform of, and belong to then regiments. The time that these officers spend at the grand head-quarters (a year or a year and a half) exercises an important influence over their future career. They are then at a higher special Staff School, of which General Moltke hunself is the head. He, while teaching, learns to know and appreciate them; he carefully familiarises them successively with tlie duties of each of the subdivisions, composing the grand head-quarters. He lectures to them, gives them memons to draw up, upon subjects selected by himself, reads and criticises their productions before the whole of the officers, the names of the authors being concealed, as much to avoid hurting the feelings of the less competent, as to avoid exciting the vanity of the more able. Second Selection. After the stay of these officers at the grand head-quarters. General Moltke makes his selection, but the officers are ignorant of it. He might give at once the position of staff officer to those whom he thouaht best fitted for tlie service, but to avoid 52 wounding the feelings of the others, he sends back all the officers without distinction, to their regiments. The inferior men are left there, and remain in then- own arm of the service, preserving, only the remembrance of the instruction they have undergone. The others are promoted after some months to the rank of Captain, and named Staff Officers, wearing the staff uniform. Promotion by selection to the rank of Captain. General Moltke always, as Permanent Chief of the Staff of the Army, divides these Captains according to the requu-ements of the service. He keeps some at the grand head-quarters, employing them, on those duties for which they have shown a special aptitude. He sends the largest nimiber to the Staff of the Army Corps and Divisions, where they have to learn their special duties ; but great care is taken not to burden these officers, with clerks' duties, which only waste their time. These duties are performed by non-commissioned officers, and soldiers only, under the sm'veillance of the officers, Avho can thus (the reverse of what we see in France) devote their time, to those subjects which are more useful and worthy of them. At the end of two years or two and a-half years, these Cap- tams cease to perform the duties of Staff Officers ; and to avoid putting them in contact with theii" former comi'ades, over whose heads they have gone, they are posted to regiments other than those ui which they have served, as Lieutenants ; they each, according to his arm of the service, perform the duty of Com- pany, Battery, or Squadron Commandant. Promotion by selection to the rank of Major. After an average of two years' duty with their regiments, they are promoted by selection, to the rank of Major, and resume the status and uniform of Staff Officers. General Moltke employs them as such, according to the wants of the service, either on the Staff of the Army Corps, or at Berlin, on the head-quarter Staff. I draw attention to the continued system of trials and selections to which the Staff Corps is subjected. If it is remarked at any time, that amongst the Captains employed, as I have already said, either on the head-quarter Staff or on the Divisional or Army Corps Staff, the zeal of any slackens, or that his merit has been too highly estimated, he is not selected as Major, but is left to do duty in that branch of the service to which he belongs, without being ever again employed as a Staff Officer. Before going further, I would draw attention to the fact that the great advantage Staff" Officers have, is the rapid step from Captain to Major ; they gain in tliis grade 6 to 7 years, and as they already had gained 1 year in their promotion to Captain, or they gain 7 to 8 years altogether.* 53 Staff and Regimental Duty alternatehj. The rank of Major once obtained, StaiF Officers have, as regards promotion, no further advantages. But it is well Avorthy of remark that at every stage of their progress, they are hi va- riably obhged to leave the Staff, and serve hi a reghnent of their arm of the service, for at least one year, before obtaining promotion. Thus one year at least, before the time a Staff Major is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, he receives the actual command of a battalion, several squadi-ons, or several batteries. In the same way the Lieutenant-Colonel is placed at the head of a regiment of infantry, cavalry, or artillery, for one year before his promotion to the rank of Colonel. These officers thus retam the habits requisite for riding, and commanding troops. Selected Officers obtained from the Entire Army for the Staff. But the exertions made to obtain a good body of Staff Officers do not stop here. The officers to whom we have hitherto referred have alia common orighi; they are the 12 selected, from the 40 who have been admitted to the war academy, out of the 120 who origmally competed. Now, it is evident that amongst the large number of Lieutenants, in the army haAang three years service, there must be some excellent officers who, for some reason or another, have not tried to enter the war academy and even amongst the 180 imsuccessful candidates there may be some very able men. Not "SAdsliuig to lose any chance, for obtaunng good officers for the Staff, the following steps are taken : — The Colonels of the army are called on, to name to the Generals, and the latter to General Moltke, the officers of their regunents who are most remarkable for breadth of information, taste, or fitness for their profession, and it must be remarked that it is requisite to moderate rather than excite the zeal of Commandmg Officers, who usually desire to push their officers forward, and procure rapid promotion for them. General Moltke sends to the officers so selected, questions to study and problems to solve, and if he thinks them qualified he orders them to Berlin, to the grand head-quarters. If they there show that they have real ability, General IMoltke appoints them as Staff Officers, and employs them accordhigly. If such be not the case they are sent back to then- regiments, where, doubtless, they are for some time exposed to the "chaff" of then comrades. I have already said that in the Staff of Army Corps and Divisions, the clerical labour, a useless Avork for officers, is performed by non-commissioned officers and soldiers, and thus * As might be expected these Officers are objects of envy to the ijcst of the Army. But such feelings arc limited, becausethe real merit of the Staff, is appreciated, as also the incessant labour Staff Officers undergo. 54 the officers are allowed to employ their time in a more useful manner. Practically, the Generals give them military questions (not in the actual routine of duty) to study, and once a year the Chief of the Staff of each Army Corps takes a joiu'ney, termed the " Staff journey," with all the Staff Officers, to improve or extend their information. The officers of the Head-Quarter Staff at Berlin make a similar journey annually, under the personal direction of General Moltke, sometimes in one provhice, sometimes in another ; this journey lasts a fortnight or three weeks. Causes of the Superiority of the Prussian Staff. The reasons of the superiority of the Prussian Staff can be easily understood from what I have just described. 1. The selection is made throughout the entire army without distmction of corps, all Lieutenants bemg asked to compete. 2. Only ambitious, intelligent, and hard-working officers come forward ; ambitious because they seek rapid promotion, intelligent and laborious because they know that they must submit durmg all their career to a contmual system of selection and labour. Thus starting from a correct idea, that Staff Officers should be the best in the army, and using the simple means of giving these officers more rapid promotion than others, Prussia has formed the best instructed body of Staff Officers in Em-ope. The more I compare them with ours the more am I struck ^\dth their superiority. Not that oiu' Staff Corps does not embrace officers as good as the best m Prussia, but there arc no mediocrities amongst the latter, and how many whose instruction is vejy insufficient are not included m the ranks of our Staff? How many are there with us who do not know how to read a map, or who have no knowledge of the manoeuvres of the various arms of the service, who have never studied a modern cam- paign, and who (as was shown in the war of 3859) do not know how to form a suitable camp for a brigade of infantry, or a regiment of cavalry i* There is nothing like that, in this country, such officers would not be admitted on the Staff, or rather, they would be removed, the moment then- ignorance was known. It is not my place to point out the means requisite to * It may be thought that I exaggerate, and it may be said, perhaps, that so far as the selection of proper encampments for troojjs, the Prussian officers who have not seen war cannot le better than ours. Jiut can any one deny the advantao-es of the Staff journeys made either by the pupils of the War Academy, by the "staif Officers of Ai'my Corps, or by those of the Head-Quarter Staff, under the direction of General Moltke, journeys when all kinds of questions as to the knowledge of ground, the encampment of troops, fortifications, &c., ai-e jiroposed and solved. 55 improve our Staff Corps. But I look in vain for any principle on which it is based. Do we admit, as in Prussia, that Staff Officers should be the elite of the army ^ Certainly not. With us, the only test for Staff Officers is the chance one, of a single examination passed at 21 years of age, since we select the largest number, from those wdio are liighest on the class list leaving St. Cyr. Frankly, have we the smallest guarantee of sound judgment, a marked inclination for labour, or a special fitness for a career which, according to a Prussian maxim, does not admit of mediocrity? Nevertheless, these young men are, and will remain Staff Officers until they rethe from the army. If, after they leave the military schools, they show no taste for a military life, no aptitude for their special duties, and give themselves up to idleness and live in ignorance, what matters it? We will trust in war to these incapable, or negligent officers, duties which require the greatest activity, the greatest judgment, and the most extensive knowledge. This is how we act, with an entire absence of piincipal. How differently these important duties are regarded in Prussia. I repeat again, they w411 excuse sluggishness or mediocrity in any officer except a Staff Officer. To speak only of physical fitness, does any one think that he will fuid here, as in France, officers mifit to ride a mile at full speed? I am well acquainted with the Prussian Staff, and I can affii'm that General Moltke would at once remove fi'om the Staff any officer unfit for duty on horse back. He himself sets the example, and rides every In general (and it is requisite not to ignore the fact in France), the most incessant and minute care is taken in this country with all things, civil as well as mUitary. The details of the organization, and execution approach perfection. But their care is bestowed more particularly on the army. The principal bequeathed by the Great Frederick to his successors is continually applied. " Prussia must be always on outpost duty." If a simile chosen fi'om the racmg stable be allowed, I would say that the Prussian nation is at the present day in complete "traimng." I do not propose to point out in detail the defects of om- Staff Corps, under both the heads of its organization and education. My object is to point out the reasons which make the Prussian Staff so much superior to ours. Nevertheless, how is it possible not to regret, the positions occupied in France by so many officers, who pass whole years, those when men are_ in then- prime, in Staff offices occupied exclusively with clerical labour, which may be done just as well by non-commissioned officers ? What lost time, what wasted talents ? And how can it be wondered at that our officers serve as objects of richcule even to Austrian newspapers, as can be seen by reading the nimibers of the " Camarade " published at Vienna. They are termed "rusted," their duties are deemed unworthy of an officer, and they laugh at their appearance before troops. As 56 for Prussian officers, they are the more astonished at the organization of our Staff, as they render full justice to our army in other respects. But they are unable to understand how any one can be considered a Staff Officer, by simply passing a good exami- nation on leaving school at 21 years of age. They do not admit that any man can be a good Staff Officer who cannot ride many miles at a gallop, and who does not speak at least one foreign language,* or who has never commanded a company, a regiment, or a battalion. They often express their astonishment at this. And, now, should we adopt for our Staff the Prussian organization.^ Certamly not. If it were thought of, the method of promotion amongst our officers, which is quite different, would entirely forbid it. But the same problem (liere the formation of the best Staff) has often many solutions, all based on the first data. Let it be once granted that we acknowledge the necessity of miproving our Staff. The first question to answer will be, is not the principle laid down in Prussia which requires that the Staff should be the elite of the army undoubtedly correct'? This principal admitted the consequences as to how it should be applied, will follow without great difficulty. I will termmate the report by statmg that, in my opinion, it 18 very urgent to take some steps to elevate our Staff Corps from its state of mferiority. I beg agam to say that this mferiority is too real, too apparent, to any one who takes the trouble to study the Prussian Staff, and it is ^athout exagge- ration, after much study and careful thought, that I express these opinions. ♦ The composition of the Prussian Staff will, in the next war, constitute the most formidable element of superiority in favour of the Prussian Army. I have had the means, when in Bohemia and since, of knowing many facts, which from their personal character caimot find a place in the official account of the war of 1866. From these I consider it as an undoubted truth that the Prussian armies have owed a great part of theii" success to the Staff" Officers. I do not exaggerate m saying that it was these officers alone who directed the campaign of 1866. How many ex- amples could Inot quote where the officers who composed either the Head-Quarter Staff or the Army Corps Staff have given the most complete proof of correct judgment, true warlike talents, and extreme zeal. Not to speak of General Moltke, where is the G eneral-m-Chief, who would not deem himself most fortu- nate to have as Chief of the Staff either General Voigts-Rhetz or General Blumenthal, officers of the highest distinction, who discharged the functions of Chiefs of the Staft" to the 1st and 2nd Armies. And what precious qualities, what uiformation of all kinds amongst the Staff Officers mider then- orders, Colonels, * Firfe on this subject p. 65 of " tho lustruction," attached to my report. The reasons why it is requisite that a Prussian Stalf Olllcer should know French ; for exactly tlie sa^Jie reason as Frencli StafF Officers should understand Geriiian. 57 Majors, Captains! I do nut know one that any General would not be delighted to employ in Avar. What a guarantei;, J would almost say, what absolute security, and coolness of conception, Staffs composed of olHcers so able, so Avell taught, and so devoted to their duties, must give to a Ge:ieral Com- manding-in-Cliief during war. My conviction on tliis point is so strong that I would once more express it, Let us distrust the Prussian Stoff. On Disarmament. The Prussian Government has decided, from motives of economy, that on the 1st of next May 12,000 men of the army shall be sent home on furlough. This reducti(ju is merely provisional. It, however, induces me to say a few woi-ds on that curious question, "the disarmament of the Great Powers," a subject which is occasionally discussed, and with which the newspapers are now specially occupied. AVhat a want of connnon sense there is in the articles with which these journals feed the public ! What ignorance of the institutions of foreign countries ! They do not even ask what is meant by the disarmament of a power, and they confound this word A\ath the discharge of soldiers. No precise definition of the word disarmament has ever been given. Fii'st, as no two powers have the same military oi-ganization, it cannot mean the same for all powers. To consider one Power only, France for example, what is it which fau-ly constitutes a disarmament, and where does it begin ? Is it discharging soldiers which is usually looked on as equivalent to a dis- armament ? But it is requisite to know what soldiers are discharged. Is it a portion of the army ^\i\h. the colours, or a pcjrtion of the reserve ? Is the discharge provisional, or final Avithout possible recall % All this is vague. When a definition of the word disarmament, is sought Avhich shall be appHcable to every country, the following only can lie found: a diminution in the number of men that a I'ower teaches, or sets apart for Avarhl^e pm'poses. A disarmament would be partial if a Power diminished its effective strength in a certain proportion ; it Avould be total, if it did not train a single soldier, and hmited itself, to keeping up a kind of poHce, for duty in the interior. Now that which our newspaper Avriters do not dream of is, that a partial or complete disarmament may be con- ceived, that is to say, is possible in France, Austria, Italy, and England, in a word for all Powers ; but it is absolutely impos- sible for one, Prussia. The Avord disarmament can apply to Prussia in no sense whateA^er. Why? On account of the principle of uniA^ersal compulsory serA^cc, the fiuidamental principle of Prussian military institutions, and, it may be added, 58 of the social eustoniK of the nation. It requires that all healthy citizens should spend three years in the active army, as in a school for war, and then serve four years in the reserve, and five years in the Landwehr. In other words, that all the healthy young men 20 years of age, that is to say, 93,000 men (the contmgent of 1868 for the North German Confederation was 92,886 men) enter the army each year, and are taught the profession of arms for three years ; this instruction havuig been received, they remam nine years at the disposal of the State. The North German Confederation has consequently 300,000 men from 20 to 23 years of age who are being taught the art of war, and more than 600,000 men from 23 to 32 years of age who have been completely taught, total 900,000 men. What, then, is the meanmg of disarmament as apphed to Prussia? Does any one propose that she should diminish the number of men with the colours % She would reply, I am unable to do so, because the fundamental principle of compulsory military service compels me to take 93,000 young men each year mto my army, and to keep them there three years. Now the actual strength of my army, and its cadi'es, are only just sufficient to enable me to do this. Does any one propose that Prussia should shorten the duration of military service ? To that she might perhaps consent ; but then the question must be asked — Service in which branch of the army is it proposed to shorten % Is it service ^^dth the colours (three years), or in the reserve (four years), or m the Landwehr (five years) % It is quite evident that if Prussia does not reduce the total dura- tion of service, 12 years (20 to 32 years of age), and merely reduces the number of years spent in the reserve or with the colours, the only result woidd be that the military education of her soldiers would not be quite so complete, but the total number would be unaltered, viz., 900,000 men in the active army, reserve, and Landwehr. Woidd this alteration be a disarmament % Certainly not ; it would be rather, so to speak, a reduction of the warlike force of the 900,000 men. To take an extreme case — If Prussia should adopt a service of one year in the ranks, two in the reserve, and nine in the Land- wher, she would have her soldiers badly trained, and a great mass of Landwehr soldiers, but she would still have 900,000 men, who would have been trained one year in the army and two in the reserve. A diminution of the entu-e force of 900,000 men, that is to say, a disarmament in the proper acceptation of the word could not take place in Prussia unless she reduced the hmits of age in the Landwehr, as for instance from 30 to 28 years. But the comparison would be entirely deceptive, for if a serious war w^ere to break out, there would be no difficulty in again obtainmg the men of 29, 30, 31, and 32 years of age as easily as if they belonged to the Landwehr. It cannot too often be pointed out, that the corner stone of Prussian military 59 organization consists in the military training for a certain num- ber of years (three) of all the healthy young men in the country who have completed 20 years of age. The number of years passed in the reserve, and in the Landwehr, is in comparison "with this of minor importance. It follows, from this fundamental principle, that all the healthy young men of the country, are either actually soldiers or old soldiers. Thus the armed force of the North German Confederation, (active army, reserve, and Landwehr) taken as a A\'liole, offers a phenomenon quite unique in Europe. This may, perhaps, be simplified to the eye by the annexed diagram. The 12 straight lines are intended to shew — 1st, the men of 20 years ; 2nd, those of 21 years ; and so on. The first represent the active army, the four following the reserve, the five last the Landwehr. These lines, by then- decreasing leng-th, represent the loss of men by deaths each year, and the thickness of the fines represents the fitness for war of each contingent. Thus the soldiers of the 3rd year, ^dth those of the 1st and 2nd years of the reserve are ux the best condition as regards age and military instruction. 1st Year 'N Army with the ~ " I Men. 4th 5th Reserve 6th 7th 8th 9th lOih nth 12th } Landwehr ... 330,000 Total ... 955,000 It may be easily seen fruni the foregoing pages that the word disarmament can apply to Prussia in no exact sense, and that of all Em-opean Powers Prussia alone, on account of her institutions, is unable to disarm. K Prussia has to disarm, she must alter her institutions, and no person thinks of asking her to do so.* * Vide Keport, 28tli February, 1870, entitled " Disarmament."— [Ed.] GO Forces of the Southern States, and Replies to the arth.lery committee. Report 8th May, 1868. I. Forces of the Southern States of Ger^iany. The States of South Germany are bound by the treaties conchided in 1866, to put, in case of war, according to circum- stances, theii' mihtary forces at the disposal of the King of Prussia. I gave in December of last year, as the strength of these forces, figures which could only ])e taken as approximate, because the various Southern States were then reorganizing their armies. This reorganization is now complete, and the exact force at their disposal can be stated. The States of South Germany are in order of importance — the Kingdom of Bavaria, the Kingdom of Wm'temburg, the Grand Duchy of Baden, the Grand Duchy of Hesse (situated south of the Main). Prussia has for more than a year exerted all her influence, to induce them to adopt her organization, the strength of her regiments, her arms, and even her uniform. Baden has been more than willing to accept everythmg, and her Government has gone so far as to receive a Prussian General Officer, as War Minister. At this moment officers and non-connnissioned officers of Prussian Landwehr, directed by Colonel Bliicher, are employed in the Grand Duchy, organizing the Landwehr, and teaching it its duties. Hesse is also modelled on Prussia, the same strength of battalions, the same arms, the same regulations, the same dress. Bavaria and Wurtem- burg, the last in particular, have been less subservient, and have refused to adopt the Prussian uniform. Bavaria has also refused to adopt the Prussian rifle. The following tables show the forces now at the disposal of these States. I repeat that the strength of battahons, squad- rons, &c., both on a peace and war footing, are the same as in Prussia. Bataeia. 16 Regiments of Infantry, each 3 Battalions • • 1 Ra Battalions 10 Battalions of Rifles . . . . . . . . J 10 Regiments of Cavalry, 5 Squadrons . . . . 50 Squadrons. 4 Regiments of Field Artillery, with 8 Batteries 1 go batteries each . . . . . . . . . . • • J 20 Companies of Grarrison Artillery . . . . 20 Companies. 1 Regiment of Pioneers, 10 Companies . . . . 10 „ These forces, except a slight excess in the number of rifle battahons and squadrons of cavalry, are exactly equal to two Prussian Army Corps. 61 As for the Laiidwelir, they are now forming 30 battahons. WUETEMBURa. 8 Regiments of Infantry, each 2 Battalions 3 Battalions of Rifles 4 Regiments of Cavaliy of 4 Squadrons 1 Regiment of Field Artillery, 9 Batteries 5 Companies of Grarrison Artillery 2 Companies of Pioneers . . 19 Battalions. IG Squadrons. 9 Batteries. 5 Companies. 2 These troops are formed into an Army Corps, of which the strength is rather less, than that of a Prussian Army Corps. Ten battahons of Landwehr are now being organized. Baden. 6 Regiments of Infantry, 3 Battalions 3 Regiments of Cavalry, 5 Squadrons 10 Field Batteries . . " . . 5 Companies of GaiTison Artilleiy 2 Companies of Pioneers , . Landwehr . . 18 Battalions. 15 Squadrons. 10 Batteries. 5 Companies. 2 12 Battalions. Hesse. 4 Regiments of Infantry, 2 Battalions 2 Battalions of Rifles 2 Regiments of Cavalry, 5 Squadrons 5 Field Batteries 1 Company of Pioneers . . 1 Division of Train Landwehr , . • 10 Battalions. 10 Squadi'ons. 5 Batteries. 1 Company. 1 Division. 4 Battalions. The total military force of South Germany is, therefore, as folloAvs : — 105 Battalions. 81 Squadrons. 56 Batteries of Field ^Vi-tillery, or 336 guns. 30 Companies of Garrison Artilleiy. 15 Companies of Pioneers. This represents on a war footing about 128,000 men. The following round numbers show pretty nearly the actual force of each State : — Bavaria Wurtemburg Baden Hesse 70,800] 12,000j It will be observed that Wurtemburg and ITesse are the only States Avhich have mfantry regiments with two batta- lions. It is wished at Berlin that they should adopt regiments with three battalions, in conformity with the States of the North German Confederation. The Hessian Infantry will be shortly formed as follows : — 3 Regiments of Infantry, 3 Battalions 1 Battalion of Rifles 10 Battahons. 62 As it is, the Hessian force forms, in accordance with a Con- vention, the 25th Division of the Army, of the North German Confederation ; and they flatter themselves here with the hope that the day is not far off when this 25th Division, united to the Baden force, now termed the 26th Division, will form the I'dth German Army Corjjs. II. Replies to the Artillery Commttee. I now reply to the various questions addressed to me by the Artillery Committee, in a note which was attached to the Ministerial letter of the 11th March last. 1st, 2)1(1, and Zrd Questions. — Have any improvements in the needle-gun been proposed i What are they '? AVhat is the cost of the proposed alterations 1 Reply. — I cannot give a better answer to these questions than by giving an account of my last interview with the King. On the 25th April, after a parade at Potsdam, where I had the honour to accompany the King, His Majesty asked me if it was true that in France we were not quite satisfied with our rifle (pattern of 1866), and that the newspapers contained various articles on the subject, and even spoke of an order given to an American firm for 100,000 Remmington rifles by the French Government. I replied to the King, that I was left in entire ignorance of everything connected with our new armament ; but, having been present last year at the reviews at Chalons, I believed I was justified in stating that our rifle, notwithstanding certain defects, the greater number of which could be remedied, was looked on as an excellent weapon. I added that it was quite possible that more extended trials had revealed certain defects hitherto unkno^vn. " I look on your rifle," said the King, " as a capital arm, but " in my opinion there is much room for improvement in the " cartridge." I then gave the King some details, and I asked his permis- sion to speak to him again on this subject, after having obtained some information on a subject that seemed to interest His Majesty. The 3rd May, the King havuig condescended to place me by his side at breakfast, I took the opportunity of returning to tliis subject, and, thanks to the information I had received, I spoke with great frankness, and as nearly as possible in these words : — " Certain people have sought to depreciate the Chassepot " rifle ; newspaper articles, written with interested motives, " have spoken badly of it. But the rifle works perfectly. Its " accuracy is very great, and it has an effective range of 1,000 " yards. The manufacture of the cartridge requues un- " doubtedly care and time, and it must fit accurately. Some- " times the india-rubber disc is cut by the needle in the needle- " case. In cold weather the breech is occasionaUy not quite closed, " but after a round or two, the india-rubber softens by tlie 63 " heat. These defects, however, rarely show themselves, and " viewed as a whole the French rifle is superior to the Prussian " in the proportion of 10 to 7. The latter, on account of the " imperfect closing of the breech, caimot be firod ^vith a lieavy " charge. For a military rifle at the present day, there are two " mdispensable conditions : — 1st, To load quickly and without " trouble, which gives the soldier great confidence in action ; " 2nd, that the bullet should have a high velocity, or in other " words a flat trajectory." " That is very true," replied the King, " and in those " respects our rifle is far from being perfect. We seek some " altei-ation which will give us a higher initial velocity, and, if " possible, a more rapid means of loading. Several have been " proposed, but as yet I have been unable to decide on any. It *' is no light matter to alter a million rifles, especiaUy if the " proposed alteration does not ofl'er advantages commensurate " with the cost." This statement of the King, who was certainly as open with me, as I had been with him, leaves no doubt as to the state of the question. In other words, no alteration of the Prussian rifle has been as yet determined on. The efforts made to arrive at a method of improving the needle-gun date from the adoption by France of the rifle of 1866 ; and they are unceasingly prosecuted. So much do they occupy themselves with the superiority of the armament of our infantry. It would not be interesting to state the various alterations proposed, since none of them have been adopted. They tend, as the King said, to afford above all a greater range, and a flatter trajectory. They desire also to lighten the weapon and make the loading more rapid. With reference to this last condition, I would here give some details, which show how justly they appreciate in Prussia the peculiar advantages a breech-loadmg weapon gives. In August 1866, having, when in Bohemia, sought to determme the effects that might justly be attributed to the needle-gun, I arrived at the conclusion that rapidity of fire had given the Prussians comparatively but a slight advantage. I had on the contrary clearly seen that the true advantage, lay in the coolness and self-possession, that men, armed with a rifle which can be rapidly loaded, preserve in action. " This coolness and self-possession," I then wrote, " was so " great that the Prussian mfantry, composed of young men " who had never made war, fii-ed \vith the tranquility and pre- " cision of veteran troops." I was speaking the other day on this subject with General Kessel, who, as Colonel, commanded during the campaign the regiment of Fnot Guards. He is one of those well-informed, thoughtful, and painstaking officers, so many of whom are to be found in the Prussian Army. His regiment covered itself with glory. He agreed with me that the advantage that the Prussian infantry possessed in the war ? 64 of 18Gfi was not due exactly to rapidity of fire, but rather to the confidence the men, had in their weapons. " Our " soldiers," he said, to me, " had rarely recourse to a rapid " fire, and the proof of this is, the small average number of " rounds expended per man duiing the campaign ; but for " many years we have lost no opportunity of convincing the " men that they carried a weapon superior to that of all other " European armies ; and the paiiis we took with rifle practice " only strengthened this conviction. This confidence was " increased, and strengthened after the first actions, when they *' found the security afforded by an arm which loads rapidly. " People speak," added tlie General, " continually of o^ap'd fire, " the expression is not correct, and gives a false notion, they " should rather say rapid loading. For the true advantage " of breech-loading arms, is they are easier to load, and can be " loaded more rapidly than others." General Kessel gave me the following curious details on this subject. The 29tli June, 1866, at the attack on Koniginhof, his rifle battalion had a sharp engagement with the enemy ; after the action, which took place in fields covered with high corn, Colonel Kessel went over the ground ; Avhat was his astonish- ment to find five or six Austrian bodies for every Prussian. The Austrian killed had almost all been hit in the head, the wounds being frightful. However, his men, far from firing fast, had hardly fired as many rounds as the enemy. Colonel Kessel received from the Austrian officers who were made jirisoners an explanation which fully accounted for this, the same even- ing. •' Our soldiers are demoralized," said they to him, " not " by the rapidity of your fire, fur we could find some means " perhaps to counterbalance that, but because you are always " ready to fii-e. This morning your men, \^ke ours, were " concealed in the corn ; but in that position yom^s could, witli- " out being seen, load their rifles easily and rapidly ; ours, on " the other hand, were compelled to stand up and show them- " selves when they loaded, and you then took the opportmiity to " fii-e on them. Thus we had the greatest difficulty in getting " om' men to stand up at all ; and such "was their terror, when " they did stand up to load, that their hands trembled and " they could hardly put the cartridge into the ban-el. Our " men feel the advantage that the quick and easy loading of " the needle-gun gives you ; it is this which demoralizes them. " In action they feel themselves disarmed the greater part of " the time, whereas you, are always ready to fire." The above facts show clearly the kind of influence to be justly attributed to the needle-gun in the action of 1866. Easy and rapid loading forms, at the present day the essential condition of warlike arms, and this is as true of artillery as it is of small-arms. ^th Question. — Ts it true that Prussia intends to give explosive bullets as a j)ortion of the infantry soldier's I 65 equipment, and that she purposes to use them in war to fire on troops ] Rephj. — There is no idea of using explosive bullets to fire on troops ; they only use them to fire on ammunition wagons, \vith the object of blowing- them up. The best proof of this is that they do not diill the soldiers in filing such bullets. 1 am assm-ed that this year the drill will be the same as in previous years, five cartridges with explosive bullets are given per battalion per officer of all ranks, but the non-commissioned officers and men do not receive any. At the autumn drills each officer fires his five bullets, at a distance of 200 yards, at ammmiition wagons filled with paper coated ^vith inflammable composition. I would add that it may be asked in vain, what advantage would Prussia obtain by firing explosive bullets at troops ? This nation, endowed with so many sound and most esti- mable qualities, is wanting in all generous or delicate feelings, and it would not hesitate for a moment to use anything, no matter what, no matter how it might be opposed to public opinion ; but at the same time it is not so foolish as to do so, if it were not to obtain some compensating advantage. An officer of rank said recently to me on this subject : — " In the " Crimean War you confined yourselves to bombarding Odessa " very feebly. You should have reduced it to ashes, for it was " at Odessa that the Russian divisions, were formed which all " but flung you into the sea the day of the battle of Inker- " man." bth Question. — 'What is the "shell rifle" that the. newspapers have been speaking of for some time ? Reply. — 1 have described in one of my reports of the month of December last this rifle, improperly termed a " shell rifle." It is only a wall piece, called here Wallbiichse. The Prussians used this weapon duiing the Schleswig war in 18G4. The bullet is made to burst. The weapon is mounted on a very light carriage, which allows it to be moved easily from place to place. It is fired when the carnage is placed on a support such as a tree or a wall, the man filing from the shoulder by means of a hollow cut in the butt. It Avas proposed last year to improve this weapon, and issue some to each company of infantry. 6iA Question. — Have all the Cavalry breech-loading arms; what method is adopted I Reply. — All the Cavalry of the Federal Army are suj^plied with breech-loading carbines on the same plan as the infantry rifles. In the war of 18(36, the Prussian cavalry was supplied ■with these carbmes ; and they have since been issued to the cavalry of the new Army Corps. The pistol is not a breech- loader, but a pattern of a needle-pistol has been proposed ; they have also recently proposed to adopt a revolver m place of the pistol, but nothing is as yet decided. 66 The Quantity of Arbiunition required by an Army, and Postal ARRANGEivtENTS during the War of 1866. Report of the 2Sth May, 1868. I. Is it Requisite to Alter the Quantity of Alimunition Carried by an Army. The great alterations which the arms used by all the Powers of Europe have undergone, cannot but exercise a very- marked influence over tactics, and the question at once arises, is it requisite to alter the quantity of ammunition an army carries with it in the field 1 At the first glance one is incHned to answer this question in the affirmative. For if we grant that the quantity of am- munition hitherto carried by an army was sufficient, it would appear that it can no longer be so, if, m consequence of the improvement in weapons, tactics undergo any very great change. This general problem appears to me to be of the greatest importance, and should be solved before France is again involved in war. In Prussia, where everything is studied so carefully, tliis question has been discussed for some time. I gather from a perusal of the numerous mihtary tracts published in Germany, and from conversation with the most intelligent officers, that there are two distinct opmions on the subject, or rather an inclmation in two opposite directions, one to diminish, the other to increase, the quantity of ammiuiition. The former say, " The improvements in small-arms, the care " bestowed on rifle drill, the great attention given to officers, " non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, must have the effect " of reducing the quantity of ammunition consumed in battles. " We are no longer in 1812, when at the Moskowa the French " army fired 1,400,000 rounds. In 18G6, the Prussian infantry " did not fire on an average seven rounds per man, and it is " probable that this quantity would not have been exceeded if " the Austrians had been armed with breech-loaders ; it is " desnable, therefore, to make armies more mobile by reducing " the amount of materiel they cany." Those who hold the opposite opinion say that it is quite im- possible to foretell what, so far as the expenditure of ammuni- tion will be, the result of the employment of breech-loadmg arms, in a war between two armies, both provided with those weapons. They think that as there is a doubt about the matter, prudence requires tliat the quantity of ammunition, should not be reduced, and they incline rather to increase it. The views of the latter party appear to have prevailed, for the foUowing alterations, have been made in the quantity of ammiinition carried by the Army Corps of the North German Confederation. 67 During the war of 180(3, each Prussian infantry scjldier liacl GO rounds (20 in each of the two pouches he carried, and 20 in his knapsack), in addition to 3(5 paper cases, and 30 sabots made of pasteboard in the knapsack.* Since that date, moved thereto by the fact that the French soldier carries more than 60 rounds, it has been directed for the future, that tlie German soklier shouUl carry 20 more rounds, that is to say, 80 in all ; but he no longer carries the cases or pasteboard sabots. Each battahon has, as is known, an ammunition wagon, that follows it, on the line of march, and wliich should remain close to it in action. In 18(j(i, this wagon cantained, according to the pattern used, 20,000 or 17,000 rounds, or about 20 rounds per man ; experience has shown that this wagon is too heavy, and it wiU for the future be lightened by removing from it 3^ rounds per man. The number of rounds carried by the reserve artillery, has also undergone an alteration, but, before pointing it out, I beg to refer to the description given in my Report of the 29th March last, on the composition of this reserve. The difference between the composition of a French and ■ Prussian battery on a war footing is well known. The first marches with, its own reserve, while the second carries with it only 16 carriages (6 guns, 6 ammmiition wagons, 2 store wagons, 1 baggage wagon, and 1 forge), and leaves the other Avagons with the reserve artillery of the Army Corps. The whole of these wagons, for all the batteries of the Anny Corps are formed into nine ammunition columns, including the ammuni- tion wagons of the artillery, the small-arm annnuiiition wagons, the spare carriages, the battery wagons, and the forge wagons, maldiig altogether 22S carriages or 25 to 26 carriages per column. The reserve artillery of a Prussian Anny Corps is thus composed of these nine ammunition columns, added to six reserve batteries (viz., foiu' field and two horse batteries). Until last year each of these nine columns Avas composed partly of gun ammunition wagons, and partly of small-arm ammmiition wagons, but it is now thought preferable to divide these two kinds of ammunition, and in place of nine mixed columns, they now have five columns of gun ammunition and four colmnns of small-arm ammunition.! The small-arm am- miuiition columns vnW for the future carry a duninished number of romids (11 ^ rounds per man less), or in other words they will carry 71^ rounds per man in place of 83. Let us now compare the number of rounds carried at present, and in 18()(i. * Tliese cases and sabots are given to the soldier, avIio, if requisite, can make cartridges himself. Tha Prussian cartridges, which are very inijierfect, oflVr, on account of their simplicity, one advantage, tlio soldier can himself make them. t It should beremarkedthat in the three new Prussian Corps (9th, 10th, lUh), this proportion is reversed (their being 4 gun ammunition columns and 5 small-arm ammunition columns). The reason of tliis is. these corps are supi)lied with carriages taken from the enemy. 68 In 1866, for each Infantry soldier, there were : — Eounds. Carried by tlie man . . . . . . . . 60 In the Battalion Ammunition Wagon . . 20 With the Ammunition Column , . . . 83 Total 163 At present, for each Infantry soldier, there is : — Rounds. Carried by the Man 80 In the Battalion Ammunition Wagon . . IGi With the Ammunition Column . . . . 714 Total 168 The general character of these changes are, an increase of the number of rounds carried by the soldier, a diminution of the number of rounds carried by the battalion ammunition wagon, and the ammunition column, and an augmentation of the total mimber of rounds 2^ er man by 5. As for the Cavalry ammunition, the number of rounds carried by each man has not been altered, but the number carried in the wagons, of the ammunition columns have been much re- duced. This decrease amounts to 14 rounds per man. Con- sequently, at present, these ammunition columns convey : — Hounds. For each man of the Light Cavalry . . . . 21 For each man of the Heavy Cavalry . . . . 60 This decrease is a very wise measure, and we might copy it with advantage. I come now to the changes in the quantity of gun annnuni- tion. The number of rounds carried by the battery is unaltered, being : — 156 Rounds per gun in 4-pr. Batteries. 120 Rounds per gun in 6-pr. Batteries. But the change made in the composition, of the ammunition columns just described, has led to an increase in the number of rounds, both for the 4 and 6-pounder guns. A-pounders. — The ammunition column includes 45 wagons, carrying 4-pr. ammunition, and 12 spare 4-pr. carriages. These carriages carry now for the 9 4-pr. batteries of the Army Corps, 112 rounds jyer gun. h-pounders. — There are in the ammunition columns 40 ammu- nition wagons, and 6 to 8 spare 6-pr. carriages for the 6 6-pr. batteries of the Corps d'Armee. This supply gives 109 rounds per gun. If we compare the number of romids carried now, and in 1866, we find the following increase : — Rounds. An increase for each 4-pr. of . . , . . . 42 An increase for each 6-pr. of , . , . . . 11 69 If to this incioased number we add the number carried Ijy the battery itself, which has not been altered, we get — Rounds. For eac'i 4-pr. (instead of 226 Rounds) . . 268 For each 6-pr. (instead of 218 Rounds) . , 229 When a Prussian Army has, in addition, a general artillery reserve, it carries 100 rounds per gun. To reca23itulate, the following alterations have been made : — The number of rounds, for the infantry and artillery has been increased. The number of rounds, for the cavalry has been reduced. II. — Postal Service of the Prussian Army during the War of 1866. Having considered, that it would be interesting to know the post office organization of the Prussian Army during the war of 1866. The follo^ving report, lias been compiled from the information, furnished to me by the functionaries, who were employed on this duty. To each Army Corps there was attached a central adminis- tration composed of (I use the German names) : 1 postmaster, 5 secretaries, 2 sub-employes, 12 postilions, and 10 train soldiers. This administration has under its orders, 3 branch offices, one Tvith each division of uifantry, the third "with the reserve artillery, each composed of 2 employes, 2 sub-employes, 3 postilions, and 3 train soldiers. At the head-quarters of each army (1st, Prince Frederick Charles, and the 2nd, Crown Prince) a staff of 2 employes, 2 sub- employes, 3 postilions, and 3 train soldiers, were employed. At the Royal Head-Quarters a special staff carried out the duties, composed of 1 chief postmaster, 3 employes, 2 sul>- employes, 12 postihons, and 9 train soldiers. Special post offices were also established with each cavalry corps of the 1st army, and with each detached corps in Saxony and Silesia. As it was known beforehand, that the nimiber of articles (letters, money, &c.) sent from the interior of Prussia to the army Avould be very great, the general post office in l>L'rlin formed two distinct Imes of post offices. One was established along the Bohemian frontier, and was intended to receive military documents, private letters, and newspapers, addressed to officers and employes ranking as such. The second hue of post offices was placed a little behind the frontier. To these all letters for non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, and all letters containing money were sent. The post offices in the interior of the monarchy, after sorting the letters, Bent them to one, or other, of these two lines, from which they were forwarded to the army. As regarded the actual postal service of the army, a method which had given much satisfaction in the Schleswig-Holstehi war was adopted. 70 This consisted in forming numerous branch post offices, intended for the correspondence of the troops detached from the mass of the army, and especially at the hospitals formed on the lines of conmiunication. The despatch of the letters was not altogether successful, especially during the first part of the campaign, and the frequent delays gave rise to many com- plaints. These delays might, perhaps have been avoided by sending the letters and packets direct to the hospitals and detachments. But they were sent to the army post offices, which sent them back to the branch offices. This was however necessary, in order that the secret of the military operations, might be preserved, which would have been divulged if the position of the troops, had been known to too many people. In the opposite direction, that is to say, from the theatre of war towards Prussia, the post office transactions were very great. At the single post office of Gorlitz, 20 employes were at work day and night. It was only by the re-establishment of the railways, particu- larly that from Dresden to Brunn, md Prague and Pardubitz, that it became possible to suppress a certain number of the post offices, and to use travelhng post offices on the railways, in "wliicli a portion of the labour of sorting letters was performed. During the first period of the operations, the post office authorities had to contend agamst great obstacles, to main- tain a regular postal communication between Prussia and the army, for Bohemia had no kind of transport, the country bemg hilly, and the roads bad. A great number of horses, and post office carts, had to be brought from Prussia, and were established in relays along the great imperial road leading from Gorlitz, via Wilfersdorf on Vienna. This was the chief Ime of postal communication. Other lines Avere formed from Landshut to Horitz, via Trautenau, from Tornau to Prague, from Koliii to Iglau, and from Brunn to Znaim. The rapid advance of the Prussian armies added to the difficulties. It happened more than once that the employes in the moving post offices, only reached the places where the branch post offices were, after the latter had left for another place, or that the troops omitted to take the letters addi'essed to them. This inconvenience was to a certain extent met by organizing a service of postilions, whose duty it was to over- take the troops, and bring them, their letters. The following facts will give an idea of the amount of labour tkro'wn on the post office authorities. The office at Gorlitz which forwarded the letters and despatches addi'essed to the King, had for this duty one delivery daily. Private letters, letters "\vitli money, and newspapers arrived there in such quantities that to send them regularly to the army, required two or three carriages daily. After the battle of Koniggratz, the post office had to pay in one day to the 9th Division of the 5th Corps d'Armee 4.800/., sent to the men by their families in Prussia. In principle, the post office undertook to send forward on!}" 71 official and private letters, and newspapers. It agreed, how- ever, to undertake the delivery of parcels, and it organized special offices for the purpose. Military Force of the North German Confederation. Report of the '2Uh June, 18G8. The North German Confederation makes rapid strides in the organization of its military forces. Prussia has laboured for two years, unceasingly to improve and complete, even to the smallest detail, the three new army corps formed in the three provinces, that she amiexed m 186(3, and has given to them, as well as to the Saxon contingent, Prussian consistency. It is useful to report from time to time, how this work proceeds. The writings published m Germany upon the state and composition of the military forces of the North German Con- federation are not remarkable for then* clearness. And of these the Austrian publication " Streffleur " (February number) gives the most erroneous account. The following tabular view of the miHtary forces of the North German Confederation, sliOT\ang then- composition and distribution, in June 1868, will, I think, be found clear and correct. The States composing the Confederation are — Population I. Prussia . . 21,061,210 II. The Kingdom of Saxony 2,420,795 III. Hesse (North) 257,273 IV. Mecklenburg-Schvreriu 500,578 V. Saxe-AVeimar . . 282,856 VI. Mecklenburg-Strelitz . . 98,698 VII. Oldenburg 316,960 VIII. Brunswicii 304-,039 IX. Saxe-Meiningen. . 180,193 X. Saxe-Akenburg . . 141,050 XI. Saxe-Cobiu'g Gotha 168,290 XII. Anhalt , . 196,858 XIII. Schwarzbourg-Rudolstadt 75,132 XIV. Scliwarzbourg-Soiidersbausen . 67,542 XV. Waldeck 57,050 XVI. Reuss (elder branch) . . 44,172 XVII. Reuss (younger branch) 89,974 XVIII. Schaumbourg-Lippe 31,168 XIX. Lippe 112,599 XX. Lubeck . . 48,439 XXI. Breme 108,792 XXII. Hambourg 302,599 Grand Total 29,974,779 The military forces ^of the N(>rth German Confederation, comprise the whole mihtary force, of these States. 72 None of them, except Prussia, and Saxony, has a sufficient population to form an Army Corps. Prussia, taking advantage of this chcumstance, has induced all, except Saxony, to allow theh forces to be enrolled, as an integral part of her Army Corps, of which there are 11 m addition to the Guard. For example, the troops of the Duchy of Anhalt and those of the Thm-ingian States form portions of the 4th and 5th Army Corps; those of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg form part of the 9th Corps ; those of Oldenburg and Brunswick are swallowed up in the 10th Corps, &c., &g. Alone of all the States, of tlie Confederation, the Kingdom of Saxony has formed its troops mto an Army Corps, termed the 12th. To these 12 Army Corps, and the Guard forming the Federal Army, the contingent of Hesse must be added, which has by a special arrangement placed all its troops, both those of the portion south as well as north of the Main, at the chs- posal of the North German Confederation, under the denomi- nation of the 25th Division. It may therefore be said that the King of Prussia has at his disposal mihtary forces, forming three distinct and very unequal portions. 1st. Those of Prussia and the other States (Saxony ex- cepted) formed in ll Army Corps and the Guard, and forming the real Prussian Army. 2nd. Those of Saxony formmg the 12th Army Corps. 3rd. Those of Hesse, under the denomination of the 25tli Division. Before giving the detail of the actual strength, I will re- capitulate several leading points. General Synopsis. Population of the North German Confederation, 29,974,770. Proportion of the mihtary force to the population : — 1st. Strength according to the estimates y^-g-, not countmg officers ; -^ if officers be included. 2nd. Strength of the army on a war footing, 3L. Number of young men reacliing the age of 20 each year, from 300,000 to 330,000. Annual contingent on an average, about 93,000. This contingent is ^^ of the popidation. Duration of military service, 12 years ; namely : — Three years with the colours (from 20 to 23 years of age). Four years m the reserve. Five years m the Landwehr. From 17 to 42 years in the Landstrum. I need not agam describe the principles, on Av]iich the 73 military forces of North Germany are organized. Tlie Con- federation is divided into 12 great cii'cles (1 last year furnished a tabular account of them), each of these circles, recruits, organizes, and gives its name to one complete Army Corps. By Army Corps is understood in Prussia, the enthe mass of the military forces furnished by the cucle, including the troops belonging to the Regular Army, the lieserve, and Landwehr ; that is to say, if requisite of all the men m the circle, aged from 20 to 32 years, who have served, or are sei-ving. Thus, the Prussians say, with a certam amount of pride, that their Army Corps are composed of 70,000 men. Each of these great Army Corps districts, is divided mto four brigade districts, wliich correspond -sA-ith the four Army Corps brigades. Each brigade district is di\dded mto Land- welu- battahon districts. The Landwehr battahon district is the true centre, both for recruiting and organization, and embraces, as already reported, a permanent depot. I pomted out in my report of December 1867 the new division of the territory of the Confederation into Landwehr battahon districts, and I now recapitulate the basis on which these have been fixed : — 1st. Each regiment of Infantry of the Lme of three battahons, corresponds with a regiment of Landwehr composed of two battahons, which bears the same number, and the same pro- vincial name as the regular regiment. 2nd. Each regiment of rities of the Regular Army, corres- ponds vnth. one battahon of infantry of Landwehr reserve bearing the same number. 3rd. The di\dsion of the Landwehr into first and second classes no longer exists. The men belong to the Landwehr until they are 32 years of age. Two Landwehr battalion districts furnish the men for one regiment of itifontry of the Line of three battahons, and of one regiment of Landwehr of two battalions. I append table A, which gives for each Army Corps the number of mfantry regiments, both Lme and Landwehr ; also the cavahy and artillery regiments, formmg a portion of it. I continue to observe the distuiction of the three groups, which I have pre\dously pomted out, viz., the Prussian Army proper, the Saxon Army, and the Hessian division. 74 o O o o O 1 na . d K a ^ attalio- of Train. « " S' ■^ S^ 1—1 r-lr-liHrHi-lrHrHi-HrHi-l r-l • pq "1 M t-l o .: a CO ^ rH ^ CQ I-H ^ '^ .• Battalions of Pioneers, >-> !=l ^ r-l pHiHr-li-lr-IMrHlHlHi-l r-t • P§ "t^ ^rHO i-H S =1h rH "-* lents son ery. ■ ^ .fc .fc -^Ph • p-rH 05 to -^ Regin: of Garri Artill r-l r-lr-iPr-lr-lr-lr-(i-(pp rM i-H i-H rH * o c CD ~ O M E >: S'o^SS I-H I— IrHtHi— li— IrHi— liHt-Hi— 1 i— 1 (D .S cj . p^ « P^^ 3d p>h t; (M 1-H r-H co-H I-H ■-^ 3 « O r» K . Ti ^ M MRS -W Q< .2 o k 00 CO CD <0 VO rt 1> '^ I to cS cS ^ 00 CO N CD OO CD 1> CO 3 O to C ~ - d at tali of Eifle (M PQ " - 'A 'fi *1 (M OO l-H rH m b u to d - O -S b-S i^ " Laudwi Infant Eegime tjjCO CO ■S:M en P^'S'o ^ r5 P^o O oooooooooo o Oi >:? (M o^^ -* 00 00 00 Oi 00 00 00 00 CD CO 00 00 05 6 o o d a 13 ^ d c P3 S S o pq M o »o egunent of y of the r-l fcJD ■5 bc'm' ■Sd§ CO M o o tlC bJD bD CO u o " 1 Oj 0) O PhPhPh P^ •a oT OiO^OiOQOOOt^l>0^0^ i> T? ira Oi Tji o 00 i-i I-( ^_^\_^ 1-H y-{ o I '. I '.'.'.'.'.'.'. ^i >—y-^ 'c : ■73 <1> •i g^« .g i b § *3 '3 2 O O CO I' c3 p . . .2 PM • ijnCK Ph • • rt o • _r a ■^ ■ ^ " 2 § g 2 S:^tS3~J^^ H PL, PM pq Ph PM i?2 ^ P3 dQ W W : 'T3 a • o O I J , . . , ^ J 15.000 men, ov the number of the Federal Army, not including the troops of the Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt. It is undoubtedly the fact, as the note to which I reply states, that the number of regiments in the two armies is almost the same, but the numbers given as the effective strength of the battalions and squadrons are far from being exact, and should be corrected. I will begin by pointing out that the effective strength of a battalion, and squadron, is not calculated nor fixed in France as ni Prussia, and the difference is sufficient to produce a great difference, when the effective strength of the two armies is compared. In France, when the effective strength of a regiment is spoken of, the regimental staff, the staff of non-commissioned officers, and " the company not in the ranks," are not counted, and consequently are not included in the effective strength of the battaHon. If we look, for example, at a three-battalion regiment quartered in France, we will find — • rRegimental staff 18 "I T r> . i. /• o T> i-i. J Statf Non-CommissioneclOlRcers. . 59 V 152 1 Regiment of 3 Batt.. < ^ *. • *.i u i r^- \ ° I Company not m the Kinks ., /oj L 3 Battalions of 616 1,8^8 Total 2,000 By this method of counting there are 152 men in a regi- ment who are not borne on the effective strength of the battalions ; consequently, the ejfective strength of a battalion is far from being one-third of the effective strength of a regiment. In Prussia, on the contrary, they have no staff non-com- missioned officer.-!, or " company not in the ranks," or more correctly, they are divided between the battalions and included in their effective strength, whence it results, that the effective strength of a battalion is almost exacthj one-third of that of the regiment. The effective strength of an infantry regiment of the Line may be analysed as follows : — T T> • i- r o T3 ii- f Regimental Staff . . 20 lEeg,mentof3Batt..|3g-.^^^^^.^^^^^f55^ .. 1,662 Total 1,682 Thus, in Prussia there are only 20 men in a regiment who are not borne on the effective strength of the battalions. Whilst in a French regiment there are 152. But in Prussia, I repeat, each battalion of 554 men includes one-third of the total number of workmen, (tailors and shoemakers), armoiu'ers, hospital orderlies, -Sec. of the entire regiment. 28 y 8G 48 1 532 1,59G 99 A regiment has only 10 imisicians paid as such ou the estimates, tlie 30 otliers are taken from tlic ranks, and a certain simi is added to their pay hy snbscription amongst tlie officers. These 10 musicians are hichided in the regimental staff, and are looked on as combatants. The 554 men in a battalion may be analysed as follows : — f 532 Combatants, vi/., 18 Officers, 53 Xon-Commis- I sioned Officers, 461 Soldiers (of whom IG 1 Battalion . , •{ arc fifers and di-ummers) . I 22 Nou-Combatants (workmen, annourers, hospital L orderlies) . Total . . 554 men. If it is desired to analyse a Prussian regiment exactly as is done in the French ser^^ce, the following table results : — {Regimental Staff Stalf Non-Commissioned Offi,.ers. , tompauy not m the lianka 3 Battalions of Total 1,682 Thus the battalion of 554 men is reduced to 532 ; but this analysis has no signification, because the staff non-commissioned officers, and the company not in the ranks, do not exist as separate bodies, but are divided amongst the battalions. From what I have just stated, it is apparent that to compare the effective strength of the French and Federal iVrmies. the umuber and strength of the regiments, must be compared rather than the number and strength of the battalions. How- ever, I give in the annexed table the two lands of comparison. This table shows that the Federal Army has 114 regunents of infantry, and 16 battalions of rifles. The French Army has 115 regiments, and 21 l)attalions of rifles, also 3 battalions of African light infantry. The total nmnber of Federal battaHons being 358 and French 372. and the effective strength of the two infantries is — Men. Infantry of the Confederation 203,28G French* Infantry 263,000 The latter being thus 59,714 men stronger, because its regiments are stronger. I do not know the exact number of uifantry regiments in Algiers at present, I assume it to be 10. In the tables comparing the armies by battalions, I have taken the strength of the Gennan battalions as they are counted in Prussia, -s-iz.. oue- tliird of the strength of the regiment, less 20 men ; and for the French battalions, the strength has been taken as in France, one-third of the strength of the reghnent, less 152 to 1(50 men (152 if the regiment is composed of 2,000 men). These tables show the correction which should be made in the strength of the French, and Prussian battalions, referred to in the note to 100 which I reply. If the cftoeiive .strength of a hattahon is taken as the unit, on whicli to baRe the comparison l)etween the two armies, the average effective strength of a battaHon mnst be used. Now the tables show that the infantry of the Federal Army is composed of 358 battalions of 560 men (the strength of a battalion being counted as in Prussia). The French infantry is composed of 372 battalions of 664 men (the strength being- counted as in France). The eifective strength of the cavalry, gives rise to similar observations, or in other words, the effective strength of a squadron, is not based on the same data in France, as in Prussia. In France, the staff non-commissioned officers, and the troop not in the ranks, are counted separately ; while in Prussia they are di^dded amongst the squadrons, and included in the effec- tive strength. AVheiice it follows that the effective strength of a German squadron is much nearer one-fifth of a regiment (there are five squadrons in a regiment) than the effective strength of a French squadron is to one-fifth or one-sixth of a regiment (according as there are five or six squadrons in a regiment). The following table shows this : — Men. Horses. fEcfrimental Staff, Staff Nou-] Commissioned OfRccrs, and > 110 Troop not in the Ranks . . J 5 Squadrons of 1,140 men, and 1 ^^^ r^r. 110 hoi'scs . . . . . . J Total 810 550 1 French Eegiment of 5 Squadrons . . fEegimcntal Staff, Staff jSTon- , _, , _ . . /« Commissioned OtRccrs, and 1 French Regiment of ' r^ ^^^^ .^^ ^,^^ ^,^^^^^ _ _ j 6 Squadrons . . ^ g Squadrons of 110 men and "l 'i^ 110 liorses . . . . , , J Men. Horses 113 •• 840 660 953 660 Total The strength of the regiment exceeds, therefore, the strength of the five or six squadrons by 110 to 113 men. f 142 Combatants, viz., 5 Officers, 16 Non- I Commissioned Officers, 121 men, 1 German Squrdi'on. -j (including 3 trumpeters), and 139 horses. (^ 5 Non-Conibatauts. Total . . 147 men, and 139 horses. Men. Horses. r Regimental Staff 14 1 Geiman Regiment ■< 5 Squadrons of 147 men and 139 1 ,^o- gg- [ horses . . , . . . . . J Total 749 695 Here there is a difference onlv of 14 men between the 101 actual strength of a regiment, and five times the actual Btreugth of a squadron. I have estimated in the accompanying tables the strengtli of the German squadron, as is done in Prussia, including the staff non-commissioned officers, and the troop not in the ranks, and I have preserved for the French squadrons our systen.i (jf calculation. The following are the results : — For the Cavalry of the Federal Army — ■ 370 Squadrons of 147 Men and 139 Horses. For the French Cavalry — 318 Squadrons of 141 Men and 111 Ilorseg. Thus, we have not only fewer sqnadi-ons, but a smaller average strength per squadron, and, nevertheless, the total force of our cavalry is greater. This follows, 1 again repeat, from the method we adopt, of not hicluding in the strength of the squadrons, the staff non-commissioned officers, and the troop not in the ranks, which are included in Prussia. The recapitulation at the end of these tables gives the total effective strength of the Regular Army — infantry, cavalrv, artillery, engineers, and train. The Federal Army being 301,784 men, is 13,000 below the strength provided in the estimate (315,000). The French Army is 27,500 below its strength. The "gendarmerie" alone accounting for 21,55n > Total, 3o8 Battalions. 16 l>attauoii3 of limes . . . . . . J ' Effectiyi: Strength estijiated et Regiments. Men. r 105 have .. .. 1,6821 lU Regiments { 4 „ .. .. 1,694 5 " • * • • g'^gg J. Total, 203,286 men. 16 Battalions of Rifles hare . . . . '560 J Effective Steength esti^iated by Battalions. 105 Regiments -witli 1,682 Men liaye 315 Battalions with 554 Men. 4 „ „ 1,694 „ „ 12 „ „ 558 „ 5 „ „ 2,188 „ „ 15 „ „ 710 „ 16 Battalions of Rifles have 16 ,, „ 560 „ Total .. ..358 „ 200,816 „ This gives an average of 560 men per Battalion. It may be therefore said that the Federal Armv consists of 35S Battalions v.'ith an average of 560 men. Semark. — The difierence between the total effective strength (203.286) and that of the 358 Battalions (200,816), arises from the 20 men who in each regiment are not borne on the effective strength of the Battahons, vide page 98. 104 FREXCn CAVALRY. 63 Regiments ofw'!nch 30 have o Siinadrons, 33 have 6 Squadrons ; total, 318 Squad. Men. 30 Regiments with 5 Squadrons hare 33 Regiments with 5 Squadrons hare .. .. 811) ri^>roAn,,^„ T, . , ..IPC! T r 24 in Franco have 953 [ TotaW ^Z';;^" f ®"- Regiments with 6 Squads. | g j^ ^j^-^^^ ^^,^^^ ^ -^^^ ( \ 4o,000 liorsei 54 Regiments in France hare 291 Squadrons with 140 men and 110 horses. 9 „ Algiers „ 54 „ „ 166 „ 120 „ „,oc< ^ 1- r 50,924 n 348 Squadrons, making -i. gg goQ |j 124 men. orses. This gives an average of 14 (■ men and 111 horses to each Squadron ; or it may be said, the French Cavah-y consists of 348 Squadrons o/144 men and 111 horses. ARTILLERY. 22 Regiments (incUiding Poutoniers) have 202 Batteries and companies. Effective strength 36,700 men, 19,200 horses. ENaI^^EERS. 3 Regiments, effective strength . . . . 6,70* men and 699 horses TRAIN. 13 Squadrons {TraSwaJons}^^*'^^ strength, 8,954 men, 7,710 hor fses. Infantry Cavah-y Ai-tillery Engineers Train EECAPITI Total .. JLATION. Men. .. 263,000 .. 57,200 .. 36,700 6,704 8,954 Horses. 45,000 19,200 699 7,710 .. 372,558 72,608 The difference between these figures and the number given in the estimates, is 27,500 men ; this number represents the Gendarmes at home and in the colonies — The Gendarmes of the Guard 21,556 The Paris Guard . . . . ' 2,896 The Fire Brigades 1,572 The Yetci'an Companies, Discipline Companies, and Remount "1 , .^/. Depots / ^'^'^ Total 27,500 105 FEDERAL CAVALRY. Total. 74 Regiments with 5 Squadrons 370 squadrons. The 74 Regiments Lave 749 men and 744 horses -f ?^^!2 i'"^"' L 00,088 horses. (Account is taken of the slightly greater strengtli of the regiments of Life Guards.) Eacli Squadron has 147 men and 139 horses. o^-A a 1 ^ r o4,o00 men. 370 Squadrons hare < ri i ^ I 51,430 horses. ARTILLERY. '12 of Field Artillery, each -nitli 15 Batteries, one with 16 Batteries— oo T> • i I 19'' Batteries. zd Itegmients < -,r^ r n ■ 4 -n -.i « /-i • , „ t^- . . '^ I lOot (jrarrison Ariihcry, with S Companies, and 3 Divisions or 92 L companies. Total Efloctive Strength 33,105 men and 10,000 horses. ENGINEERS. 13 Battalions. Total Effective Strength, 6,747 men and 91 horses. TRAIX. 13 Battalions. Total Eflcctive Strength, 3,107 men and 1,599 horses. Infantry Cavalry Artillery Engineers Train RECAPITULATION. Men. Horses. 203,286 55,449 55,088 33,195 1,000 6,747 91 3,007 1,590 Total 301,784 66,778 The difference between these figures and those shown in the estimates, or 13,000 men, is made up as follows : — Men. 2,845 3,910 Instructional Battalion, School for N.-C. O., Rifle Schools, "1 Cavalry School . . . . . . . . . . . . J Landwehr Cadres . . . . Officers not on the Strength of Regiments . . . . . . 1.500 Invalids, various Troops (Companies of Discipline and the I ^ ^^~ Palace Guard) . . . . . . . • ■ • • • J Total 13,000 106 Competitive Trials between the English 9-inch Gun and THE Prussian 96 and 72-poltnders. Reports of the 10th July and '2'2nd Novemher, 166^.* The artillery experiments of every land whicli have been made during the last year in Prussia have been on a very extensive scale, almost unequalled in any other country. The expense of these experiments has been enormous. A single iron shield, to winch I will hereafter refer, costing no less than 16,000/. But the Prussian Government hesitates at no sacrifice to obtain the folloAving information : — 1. The guns ^-ith which its ships must be eventually armed. 2. The best guns for, and the best coast defences. Such is the object of these continued and costly experi- ments, Avliicli are in the highest degree interesting to the artillery, the navy, the numerous artizans employed in the iron and steel works, and, indeed, to the whole country. The results hitherto obtamed have surpassed all expectation, and filled all classes of the nation Avith pride and satisfaction. The newspapers entertain no doubt but that the young German Navy Avill shortly be able to struggle against the other European navies ; and all celebrated with deUght the victory which, according to their views, the Prussian iron and steel manufacturers have obtained over those of England. Prior to 18()6. Prussia, deprived of harbours, had obtained from a little neighbouring State (the Duchy of Oldenburg) the cession of the harbour of Jade, to the west of the mouth of the Weser. She is there attemptmg to make a great naval estab- lishment. Since 1864, the Government has made many ex- periments at this place with iron plates, fired at by both bronze and iron 72-prs. But since the events of 1866 created the ISorth German Confederation, this Confederation has assumed the position of a great naval power, and Prussia has redoubled her efforts to increase, and develop her }'oung navy. In everytliing that relates to the armament of ships, and coast batteries, she seeks to determine the kind of gun to adopt, for both ser^aces. * We liiiTc tliought it desirable (o throw these two reports into one. It appears from that, of the 10th July, that Colonel Stoffel -nas not allowed by the Prussian War Minister to see the experiments referred to, and he expresses his regret at not being able to give as accurate an account of them as was desirable. In the mouth of January, 1870, he sent to the Minister of War at Paris a copy of a pamphlet, which is a German translation of an article published in Russia, in the second volume of the Journal of Artillery, written by M. Uoppelmair, Captain of the Horse Artillery of the Russian Imperial C4uard, who had been authorized to witness the experiments at Tegel, near Berlin. Colonel Sloflel asked the War Minister to have the pamphlet translated into French, as it was very accurate and a very good account, of these interesting experiments, — [Ed."] 107 111 England, 'Mr. Armstrong having, after many trials and an expenditure of more than a million sterling, siieeeeded in demonstrating the power of his ij-inoh muzzle-loading gun, termed the Wooh^-ich gun; Prussian officers were sent to England, and returned, convinced that this gun, was the gun, of the future, and that Prussia should simply adopt it. But jM. Krupp and a great number of officers protested. " Are you going," said they, " ^^dtllout even daring to make a competitive trial, to acknoAv- '• ledge the inferiority of the steel guns made at Essen, and *' entu-ely abandon the undoubted advantage of breech-loaders'? " Are you going to destroy a manufactm-e of which Prussia is '•' so justly proud, and render this country for ever tributary " to a foreign state f These reasons carried the day ; and it Avas decided to make competitive trials with the two gmis, and, with this view, the Naval Department at Berlin piu-chased in England a 9-inch Armstrong giui for 1,620/. The experiment of ffiing this i)-inch gun and the Oli-pr. against plates of iron was shortly after begun at the Tcgel range. The following are the principal dimensions of the guns : — English yun, termed the 9-inch, or Wooh^ich gun, of wrought- iron, with a steel lining ; calibre, 9-inch ; weight, 28,820 lbs. ; muzzle-loaduig, firing cast-iron Palliser projectiles ; weight of' shell, loaded, 24:9'7 lbs.; weight of charge of shell. 2*7 lbs.; weight of charge of gun, 4oi lbs. of English large grain powder. Prussian gun, termed the 96-pr., made of cast-steel ; caHbre, 9*27 inches (9 Prussian inches) ; breech-loading; breech closed by a cyluidi-o prismatic wedge ; weight, inchicHng breech- loading apparatus, 32,230 lbs., firing Krupp projectiles of cast- steel, or Gruzon projectiles of cast-iron; average weight of the latter, loaded, 33G'4 lbs. ; Avcight of lead coating, 59*8 lbs. ; weight of charge of gun, 4(ro lbs. of Prussian powder, which is equivalent to 39 lbs. of English powder. M. Krupp made tAvo 9H-prs. especially foi* these trials, strengthened at the breech by steel rings. They Avere sent to Tegel, where three shields Avere made to represent the side of ii'on-clads, AAdth plates 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 inches, backed by tunber of 30 to 15 niches in thickness. A begmimig Avas made by firing the Prussian guns, to determine the initial A^elocity that could be obtained, preser\'ing sufficient accuracy of fire. "With a charge of 4(3*3 lbs. Prussian powder, the initial A'clocity of the projectile, measured by the Boulonge apparatus, AA^as 1,142 feet per second, much beloAv that of the AVoohvich gun. Avhicli was 1,324 feet per second. Several trials AA^ere then made, Avith the object of increasing the initial velocity, first by increasing the charge of Prussian poAvder, then by using Enghsh large grain poAvder, Avhicli biu-ns more rapidly. But the results Avere not deemed satisfactory ; the English poAvder Avas thought too strong for 108 the 96-pr. gun ; and it "was fuund, that with a charge of 49*6 lb. of Prussian poAvder, the accuracy began to diminish, while the increase of initial velocity did not exceed 19*68 feet. The first competitve trial, between the rival guns took place on the 2nd June. The Enghsh gun, fired with a charge of 43|- lbs., four blind Palliser shells, weighing 250*3 lbs., the initial velocity being 1,324 feet per second. The first was fired at a range of 988*3 yards, agahist a 6-inch plate ; tAvo others were fired at a range of 781 yards, against a 7-inch plate ; and the fourth at a range of 514*1 yards, against an 8-inch plate. The four projectiles passed completely through the shields, breaking up, so to speak, as they came out. The Prussian gun (96-pr.) fired, "wdth a charge of 49*6 lbs. of Prussian powder, two Gruzon projectiles, Aveighing 336*4 lbs. with an initial velocity of 1,151 feet per second; one at a range of 988*3 yards, against a 5-incli plate, the other at a range of 514*1 yards, against the 8-inch plate. The first pierced the plates and the backing, breaking into three pieces ; the second remained fixed in the backing. This first trial was evidently entirely in favour of the English gun. It would be very difficult for us in France to conceive the emotion, not only of Berlin, but all Prussia, at the result. The Cloverimient, the manufacturer, the Artillery Avere, for a moment, struck Avith consternation. Was the Government to be tram- melled in its attempts to develop the rising naA^y of North Germany ? Was all the money hitherto spent in armmg the ships throAvn aAv^ay ? This steel manufacture, so much ahead of the rest of the Avorld, of Avliich Prussia AA'as so proud, was it all at once going to fail ? By a sort of paradox, as is often obser\^ed AAdien the passions are greatly excited, the conse- quence of this trial Avas to rencAV the disputes which divided the Priissian Artillery into hostile factions, the partisans of steel and those of 1)ronze. The latter reproached their opponents, first, with alloAving themselves to be beaten by the English Avith a gun costing one-half that of the Prussian gun ; next, with liaAdng compromised the manufacture for Avliich Prussia is celebrated. General Neuman, the* creator of the neAV steel materiel, and the partisans of M. Krupp, replied to these attacks almost as follows : — " The trials of the 2nd June are not couclusiA^e, because " they haA'o not been made under similar conditions. The " English gun has fired Ax-ith largo grain powder, Avhilst Ave " have used our common poAvder. Noav the first has a gi-eater " expansive force, whence it follows that the English projectile " acquires an initial velocity of 164 feet per second greater than '• the Prussian projectile, in addition to Avhich the head of the '• English shell is sharper than otus. Let us make a second *' trial, and let us use piismatic poAvder Avitli large grains ; let '* us change the shape of the head of our })rojectiles. Let us <' diminish the Aveight of the lead envelope, so that the loss of 109 " vis viva may bo less when impact takes place. Do this, ■' and the yG-pomider gun Avill beat the Eugh.sh gun. " *• AVe are in a poi^ition to guarantee this, for by the latest " Kus>sian accounts, a Kru])p Dlj-pounder gun has been fired '■ with prismatic powder, and has given wonderful results, thanks •• to an initial velocitv, exceeding that of the Armstrong '• gun.* Our projectile is heavier than the English, which, with '' equal velocities, is a great advantage. '• Finally, for equal weights, English po^^'der gives a pressm'e '• of 5,900 atmospheres, which is dangerous to the gun, while " prismatic powder gives a pressure of 4,000 atmospheres which '• our gun will resist. So far as cost goes, if the Prussian gun '• costs twice as much as the Enghsli gun, Avhich is of u'on, it *• will undoubtedly last twice as long."' New trials were then undertaken, A^'ith the view of increasing the vis viva of the Prussian projectiles. They began by altering one of the 9G-pr. guns, so as to make it a central-fire gun, and, on the 2nd July, fired it with charges of prismatic powder. The initial velocities were found much increased, for two Gruzon projectiles, weighing 33G"4 lbs., when fired, one Avith a charge of 49*6 lbs. of prismatic poAvder, the other A^dth a charge of 52'9 lbs., gaA^o the former an initial A^elocity of 1,243*8 feet per second, the latter a velocity of 1,286*4 feet per second. A projectile Aveighing 29o*6 lbs., fired AA'ith a charge of r)2'9 lbs., gave an initial A-elocity of 1,345*5 feet per second. And it Avas found that the 96~pr., fired Avith such heaA'y charges of prismatic poAvder, retained A^er}- great accuracy. The form of the Gruzon projectiles Avas next altered, its head Avas lengthened, its diameter at the base increased, and the lead cnA^elope Avas replaced by scA^eral belts of lead. As the initial A^elocities obtained on the 2nd July Avere superior to those giA^en by the English gun, the hopes of the Prussian officers and artizans Avere raised. They Avaited Avith the greatest anxiety for the next competitiA'c trial of the tAvo guns. This took place on the 7th July, in presence of the "War J\linister, xVdmiral Jachman, the Experimental Committee, and a great number of officers. The "Woohvich gun fired tAvo projectiles at a range of 514 yards against a 9-incli plate, the first Avtighing 242 lbs., pierced the plate and penetrated two inches into the timber backing. The head of the projectile remaining there, and the cylincbical portion breakmg iq? into several portions. The second projectile also pierced the plate, and penetrated 3*9 inches into the timber backing. The head remauiing fixed there, the remainder came out of the hole. Four rounds Avere then fired from the 9G-pr. gun, AA'ith a ch;irge of 52*9 lbs. prismatic poAvder, tAvo Gruzon and one Krupp projectile, against an * In a trial recently made at Essen with prismatic powder, au initial Telocity superior to tliat of the Kussian trials was obtained. K no 8-iiicli plate, and one Knipp against a D-incli })late ; the range being 514 yards. The heads of the projectiles having been modified to give a better penetration. The first Clruzon pro- jectile pierced the plate, the head remained fixed in the Avood, and the cylindrical part l)roke up into several fragments. The second Gruzon projectile pierced the shield entirely, and broke into fragments. The Krupp projectile, the head of which had been altered so as to give an angle of 60° pierced the iron plate and the timber backing, destroying a large portion of it. It was fonnd almost intact 100 yards in rear. Lastly, the Krupp projectile fired at the D-inch plate, pierced it and penetrated .3'-4 inches into the timber. It would be imprudent to generahze on trials such as these, Avhich arc only competitive between one individual gun and another. However this may be, at Berlin it was considered that the trials of the 7th July with the 96-pr., fired at a range of 514 yards, proved that it would penetrate as far into an iron-clad covered Ayith 8 inches of iron as the ^^'oolwich gun, and that it would destroy the wooden backing more completely, making a larger hole ; and it was added, that if none of the rival projectiles had penetrated the shield with the 9-inch plates completely, yet the 9(i-pr. projectiles had penetrated more deeply than those from the English gun. Everywhere the results of the trial of the 7th July were received with the keenest satisfaction. The partisans of the Prussian gun looked on these residts as a victory obtained, by the Prussian artillery, and Prussian manufacturers. They pretend that the latter, left to their own resources, have excelled the English manufacturers, who have received fi'oni the State 2,000,000/. sterling for improving and perfecting heavy artillery. They also declare that the Enghsh have never been able to make a breech-loading 7-incli Armstrong gun, which only corresponds to guns firing projectiles of 121 lbs,, while the Prussian manufacturers have constructed 96-pr. guns, throwing projectiles weighmg 330'9 lbs. That Avhich gratified them most in these experiments made at Tegel, Avas that the Prussian projectiles pierced an 8-inch plate with an initial A^elocity of 1,286*4 feet per second, and consequently it Avas not requisite to luxA^e recourse to an initial A^elocity of 1,415 feet per second, which corresponded to a pressure of gas, dangerous for the gun. On the 4th August neAV experiments Avere carried out to determine the effects of Gruzon projectiles, coA'ered with a thin coatiiig of lead, because the previous experiments, had caused the idea of replacing it with leaden belts to be giA^en up. They also AAdshed to try the effect of an elongated Palliser projectile, and to compare the effects produced by the various projectiles Avhen loaded. The first rounds were fired against the 8-incli plate at a range of 514 yards. The 9()-pr. gun. loaded Avith 52*9 lbs. of prismatic powder, fired a Gruzon projectile, Ayhich pierced the Ill plate and penetrated the timber backing, entering* some inches into it. The Woolwich gun, fired Avith 43 lb.s. of English powder and an elongated PalHser projectile Aveighing 242 lbs., penetrated the plate, the projectile entering 7*0-o lbs.; weight of charge, 5-8 lbs. Weight of loaded Jvrnpp sheih 277*0 lbs,: Aveight of charge. 7*1 lbs. of poAA'der. Weight of loaded (iruziiii shell. ;U()*2 lbs. : Aveight of charge, 2*6 lbs. of poAvder. The charges of poAvder for tlie gnns Avere 52*9 lbs. of pris- matic powder for the *J(i-pr. gun. and 43^- lbs. of English poAvder for the Woohvich gun. The object of these trials Avas to compare the effects pro- duced by the Gruzon and Krupp shells when loaded and Avhen blind. The first Avas much more successful than the second, for it pierced completely the shield, and, bursting inside, would liaA^e produced serious effects. The Krupp shell. OAving to its lieaA-y cliarge, produced a large opening. The Palliser shell produced the rcA^erse efiect, or in other Avords, the loaded did less damage than the blind shell. At the conclusion of these experiments, further trials were made to determine the best kind of poAvder to use. the Aveight of the charge, and the shape of the projectile. The Artillery Officers of the Committee seemed to thiidi that the 72-pr. gun, Avith a calibre of only 8 inches, AA'ould compare favom-ably Avith the English O-incli giui. EXPERDIEXTS WITH THE StEEL 72-POUXDER. As I liaA^e already said, the Prussian Artillery had. pricn* to 18(j(), made some experimental practice Avith the 72-pr. gun against shields representing sections of iron-clads. For experi- mental practice at Tegel, M. Krupp made tAvo steel 72-prs., Avith a cylindro prismatic breech-closing apparatus. Avith a double wedge. One of these guns Avas lieaA^er than those formerly made, because it Avas obserA^ed that the cariages Avere damaged; the other Avas strengthened Avith steel rings in order that it, too, might fu*e lieaA^ charges. The folio Aving are the chief chmensions of these guns. 72-pr. gun not belted; cast steel; calibre, 8 inches; Aveight, breech-closmg apparatus included, 10.8r)-t lbs. : Ih'ing Gruzon and Knipp projectiles; weight of Gruzon shell, loaded, 22()*() lbs.; Aveight of lead euA^elope, 48*5 lbs.; Aveight of charge, 24*2 lbs. of Prussian poAvder. 72-pr. belted gun; cast-steel, llt*() i]:ches longer than the former grm, Avith a somcAvhat la)-ger chamber ; calibre. 8 inches; Aveight, Avith breech-closing apparatus, 14.8110 lbs.; firing Krupp k'2 112 and Gruzoii projectiles ; ■\veig'lit of the Gruzun shell, filled, 220*6 lbs. ; Aveight of the lead envelope, 48'5 lbs. ; weight of the charge, 1 9*8 lbs. of Prussian powder. Practice was begun by firing both guns with different charges both of connnon and prismatic powder, to ascertain their initial A^elocities. It was observed that Avlien the charges did not exceed 22'06lbs. or 24*2 Gibs, of powder, the two kmds of powder gave nearly the same velocity (1,050 to 1,083), but when larger charges were used, the velocities due to the prismatic powder mcreased much more rapidly than those due to the ordinary powder. The following results were arrived at, preserving the re- quisite accuracy of fire, and not exceeding the strength of the two guns : — 72-pr. gun unbelted, fh-ed with 28"678 lbs. of prismatic powder, gave an initial velocity of 1222'5 feet per second. 72-pr. gun belted, fii'ed with 37'5lbs. of powder, gave a velocity of 1.378 feet per second. It was decided to employ the latter of these charges when firing against iron plates, the projectiles being similar in con- struction to those recently used with the 96-pr. gun. On the 22nd September experiments were begun by firing against shields made to resemble sections of vessels. 1. Practice with the 72-pr. gun not belted; seven Gru/on projectiles Avere fired, from this gun at a range of 164 yards Avith charges of 24*2 lbs. and 28" 6 lbs., some of common, and some of prismatic poAvder. Results : Tavo shells, with 24*2 lbs. of poAvder, completely penetrated the 5-inch plate, and a portion of the backing ; tAvo shells, fired Avitli 24*2 lbs. of poAvder, one Avith common the other Avith prismatic poAvder, penetrated the 6-incli plate and remained fixed in the Avood. Lastly, tAvo shells, fired with 24*2 lbs. and 28*67 lbs. of prismatic poAvder, completely penetrated the 6-inch plate and a portion of the backing. 2. Practice with the 72-pr. belted gun : — This practice was carried on against 8-incli and 9-inch plates at 514 yards, with a charge of 37'5 lbs. of prismatic poAvdcr. Results„- A Krupp projectile struck the 9-incli plate and penetrated scA^en inches; a Gruzon projectile completely pierced the 8-incli plate and the 32 inches of timber backing, its cylin- drical portion falling 200 yards beloAV the target. Another Gruzon projectile struck the 9-inch plate, pierced it, and penetrated 6*3 inches into the backing. The results obtained Avitli the. belted gun are truly astonish- ing ; and it is not to be Avondered at that they liaA^e been most gratifyhig to the Artillery officers, Avho already look upon this gun as the Aveapon the large A'cssels of the German NaA^y Avill carry. The salient point of these facts behig that the 72-pr. gmi, filled Avith 37.^- lb. of prismatic poAvder, penetrated the target Auth as much ease as the 96-pr. gun did. The cpiestion of 113 belting all tlie heavy 72-pr. guni-i, and altering tlieir breecli- apparatus, is now being discnssed, in order that tliey may be nsed as the armament of large vessels. The officers have no doubt but that the 72-pr., which has penetrated the 8-inch plate, ^^dll also penetrate the D-inch plate, which no projectile has yet penetrated, if Krupp's steel sheila be used. They also say, that the greater number of foreign iron- clads are covered vnth 4|- to 5-incli plates only, that a very small number carry 8-incli plates, and that the 72-pr. gun, adopted as a Prussian naval gun, can penetrate almost all the iron-clads in the world. Experi:mexts to Test the Exduraxce of the Gun. It was determined, with the view of testing the strength of the guns to fire five or six hundred rounds from each gun, firing the Wool^dch gun with 43i lb. of Enghsh powder, and the 96-pr. gun with b'2d lb. of prismatic powder. These trials began on the Gth October. The 96-pr. gun, after 170 rounds had been fired, showing signs of deterioration at the breech, the wedge and the Broadwell ring were replaced. The Enghsh gun showed, after 140 rounds, signs of de- terioration at the vent. After some more rounds liad been fired, a chstinct longitudinal crack was observed. These trials Avere resumed on the 21st October. The crack extended, after the 290th round, it was 20*48 inches long. lo'48 inches in front of the vent and 5 inches behind it. It increased still more after a few rounds, and it was thought dangerous to continue the fire. The 9(3-pr. gun has fired up to the present time 40() rounds without accident or sensible deterioration. Whilst these experiments were going on, the 72-pr., fired with 22 lb. of prismatic powder, pierced a plate of Austrian manufacture, 8 inches thick, and destroyed it entirely at the third roimd. The 96-pr., fired with half the ser-s^ce charge, pierced, Avithout penetrating, a compound English plate, 7 inches thick, composed of 3 inches of steel and 4 inches of iron. It is probable that it would have penetrated it. if it had been fired Avith the full charge. Experdiexts made with a 24-pr. Steel Grs. The success obtamed in the experiments made Avith steel 96 and 72-prs., thanks to the employment of prismatic poAvder and the improA^ed shape giA'en to the projectiles, caused the steel 24-pr. to be tried against the iron plates. 'M. Krupp, who, by his success as a manufacturer of artillery, has acquired fresh titles to the gratitude of his country, had a lieaA^y 24-pr. made at Essen, Aveighing 6,710 lbs., predicting that the gun, notAvithstanding its small calibre, would pierce sliields coA'ered with 5, or cA^en 6, inches of iron. These experiments Avere carried out at Tegel on the 1st of last September. 114 Heavy 24-pr. ,steel gim. iuil)elted, 5"8-incli in calibre, l)recch-closecl, with a double Avedge on Kreiner's plan, weight (),71() lb., firing common .shell, Krnpp whell, and Grnzon shell, weighing respectively 61 lb,, 72\S lb., and 70 lb. The first experiments made were to determine the proper charge of prismatic powder, as also the initial velocity. It was found that, with 13*2 lb, of prismatic powder, the initial velocity was 1341'9 feet per second; with a charge of 15*4 lb, the initial velocity was 1460'4 feet per second. Five bhnd shells were fired, on the 1st September, at a range of 164 yards, A Grnzon shell, fired ^\ath a charge of 13'2 lbs, powder, completely penetrated the plate and the timber backing ; splinters of the shell were found thirty yards in rear of the target. The four other shells were fired at the G-inch plate. The two first were Gruzon shells ; one, fired with 13*2 lbs. f;f powder, penetrated the plate, and entered o'2 inches into the timber backing; the other, fired with 15*4 lbs, of powder, penetrated the plate, the point of the shell showing through the timber backing. The two other rounds (Krupp shell) were fired, one with 13*2 and the other with 15*4 lbs, of powder; the first pierced the plate, and penetrated some inches into the timber, the second penetrated both plate and timber backing. The conclusions to be drawn ft-om these experiments are : — that the 24-pr. gnn, fired with 13*2 lbs, of prismatic powder, at a range of 1 64 yards, would completely and easily pierce vessels plated ^A^tli 5-inch iron ; and fired with a charge of 15*4 lbs. would penetrate vassels plated with 6 inches of iron. It is proposed to make another 24-pr. gun, heavier than the former, and to fit it with Krupp's cylindro prismatic breech- closing apparatus, in order to increase its pov/er. These results, which no person six months' previously had expected, raised to the liighest pitch the satisfaction of all concerned, artillery officers, naval officers, and manufacturers of iron and steel. The 24-pr, being the gun with which the screw corvettes of the German Navy are armed, even small gunboats armed with this gun might be expected to defy the largest vessels, as they are not usually plated Avith more than five inches of iron. This is what everyone here imceasingly repeats; and they add, that the last of the experiments has not yet been heard. For, by folloAving the path pointed out, namely, strengthening that part of the gun where the greatest effect of the discharge is felt, so that it may fire very heavy charges of prismatic powder, smaller guns even than the 24-pr. can be made to penetrate 5 and (i-incli plates; and that, consequently, an entire revolution in the construction of ships of war must be made. This, then, is the present state of these important experi- ments in Prussia, They will be stopped during the cold season, but will again be resumed in s^ning. Next Saturday, for example, tlie 2Sth Novemlier, they will fire witli a lM)-pr, gun against plates placofl obliquely to the plane of the trajectorv. The case when a projectile ntrike a vessel at right angles with its surface must be exceptionable ; and these trials of oblique fire are being made to determine, both the effects of the impact, and the proper shaped head the projectiles should have. Projectiles. The projectiles employed in the experiments at Tegel are well known ; they are, for the English gun, the Palliser pro- jectile, and for the Prussian gun, the Krupp projectile, made at Essen, and the Gruzon projectiles made at Biiekau, near Magdebourg. The Palhser projectiles are of hard cast-iron, but the mate- rial is hardened only for a portion of its depth ; they have no lead envelope, the "Woolwich gun being a muzzle-loader. The Krupp projectiles arc of steel, with a head of the same metal, and a lead envelope ; this last weighs ()l*y lbs. for the shell of the 96-pr., and 48*5 lbs. for the shell of the 72-pr. gun. The Gruzon projectiles are formed entirely of very hard cast-iron ; it is this which makes the difference between them and the Palliser shell, they have a thick leaden envelope. As I have already pointed out, the form of the Gruzon pro- jectile has been much modified during the coiuse of these experiments. The head has been lengthened ; the thameter of the base has been increased ; the shape of the hollow in the shell has been altered ; and lastly, an attempt has been made to give less Aveight to the leaden envelope, and so diminish the loss of vis viva at the moment of impact. The best form of head has been found to be that described by an arc, with a radius double the calibre of the prcijectile. The Palliser shells have shown themselves to have less re- sistance than the Gruzon shells. They almost always broke on impact, crumblmg into little pieces, so to speak. The Gruzon shells, on the other hand, either did not break, or if they did, broke up mto a small number of pieces. The shape of the interior cavity is one cause of the greater resistance oftered by the Gruzon shell, tlu' thickness of metal being far greater towards the head than the base of the shell. The Krupp shells are steel, and, as might be expected, are far stronger than the others. They never break, and only un- dergo slight alterations of shape. These projectiles excel not only on account of their greater strength, but because they take a larger charge of powder, which produces more dan- gerous splinters. But the smaller cost of the Gruzon shell has caused them to be adopted in place of the Krupp. A Krupp shell for the 9()-pr. gun costs 9/. Ss. ; a Gruzon shell costs 3/. ; and it is allowed that Krupp shells can only be issued in small numbers for special cases, amongst the ammu- nition of ships of war or coast batteries. However, the officers of the Naval xVi'tillery do not concur in this idea; they declare iir, that if the Captain of a luan-ru'-wav has t'svo kinds of projectiles at his disposal, he ^vill ahvay^ begin by lining the Krupp shells, as they are the best, and that the State may just as well at once flice the cost, and adopt steel projectiles. Pris3L\tic Powder. I do not know if prismatic poAvder has been studied in France. If it has not, after the important results obtained by its use during the recent experiments at Tegel, it will be a matter of great interest to study it in our turn. It has been seen that at the trial of the 2nd June the Prussian 96-pr. gun, fired with common powder, gave a result very inferior to the Woolmch gun, and that at the trials of the 7th July, thanks to to the employment of prismatic powder, Avhich gives a higher initial velocity, its superiority over the English gun was estab- lished. In fact, at the trial of the 2nd June, when the 0!)-pr. gun was fired with 49'7 lbs. of common Prussian poivder, the initial velocity was only 1151-9 feet per second, when tlie same gun was fired on the 7th July "with 53 lbs. of prismatic powder the initial velocity was raised to 1414 feet per second ; and not- withstanding this, the pressure of the gas during the second discharge was 1000 atmospheres less than during the first. It is therefore an incontestable and important fact that prismatic powder, while its action on the gun is far less destructive than common powder, allows a heavier charge to be used, aiul gives to the projectile a liigher initial velocity. At present the Prussian Government obtains prismatic powder from M. Krupp's manufactory at Dusseldorf, but it will he made on a large scale at Spandau. Prismatic powder is only common jiowder compressed into cakes of a hexagonal shape. Each mould has six little cylinders on it, which leave in the cake as many holes, piercing it from one side to the other. A grain of powder is thus a flat hexagonal cake pierced with six holes. The dimensions are 2*7 mches long and '975 inch thick {vide sketch, full size). To make a charge the grains are laid in beds. 117 It may be safely predicted tliat at Biickau the employment of prismatic powder Avill bo profoundly studied. It offers a new and interesting field for stud}-. The si/>e, the shape, the weight, the number of openings in the cakes are all points involved in the subject, and Avill doubtless be found to vary ^Yith. the calibre of the different guns used. It may be even requisite to employ for each gun a special prismatic poAvder, to obtain the maxhnum useful effect, Avithout endangering the gnn. Bomb-proof and Iron Shield Case:\iate3 to protect Gi^'s MOUNTED IN COAST BATTERIES. I can only give an imperfect description of the bomb-proof iron shield casemate, Avhicli has been made at Tegel, and Avhich is proposed for coast batteries, as I have not been alloAved to see it. M. Gruzon is the inventor and constructor of this casemate. He has built enormous furnaces at Tegel, capable of casting masses of u'on weighmg 105,000 lbs. (the largest ever yet cast) to form one of the piers of the casemate. He is reported to haA^e succeeded capitally. The weight of metal employed being in case of necessity 198,000 lbs. It may be said generally that this shielded casemate is intended to protect a steel 96-pr. breech-loading gun. It is composed of two vertical piers parallel to the axis of the gnn, a bomb-proof roof coA^ering them, AAdth a oonA^ex shield placed in front, and proA'ided Avith an opening to admit the muzzle, and, lasth*, a door to close the casemate at the rear. These A\^rious parts are formed of enormous blocks of cast-iron, similar to those cast on the 9th October last. The blocks AAdiich compose these tAA''0 piers are attached to one another by enormous bolts, so that the blow of a projectile striking the rcA^etment, cannot shake the mass or wound the gunners. The shield is 27^ inches thick. The openhig is only sufficien.tly large for the muzzle of the gun, and the interior space alloAvs the gun to be worked. The door which closes the casemate is of gigantic dimensions. M. Gruzon who is not a military man, and Avho is not baclvAA^ard in claimmg all imaginable merits for his uiA'ention, says this door AA'ill protect the gunners completely from surprise, and render them secure from anything Imt famine, or a regular siege. As the muzzle of the gun has only a A'ory slight moA-ement in the embrasure, a special carriage has been made to alloAv a sufficient lateral range. When this casemate is completed, it Avill be fm-ther protected by a strong earthen epaulement. The experiments Avill be of two kinds : — 1st. They Avill practice from the casemate Avith the gun it is intended to protect, and 2nd they Avill fire against the casemate Avitli the heaviest guns to test its resisting power. Looking at smiilar constructions and proofs, one is led to ask if th.e bomids of what is reasonable and useful are not passed. 118 and if tlie advantages to be obtained from such constructions are not more tlian counterbalanced by tlie enormous expense they entail ? Will it be possible to establish on coasts, where the ground at favourable points is generally very soft, founda- tions sufficiently sohd to support such blocks of cast-iron ? Field Guns, Bronze. My report of the 22nd July gave an account of the trials made by the Experimental Committee with bronze field guns. I also reported on the 31st August the unanimous opinion of the Experimental Committee that l)ronze should be used in the manufacture of field guns, and I added that the decision of the " General Inspection of Artillery "' was not doubtful. This Superior Conmiittee has approved of the ad\ace given by the Experimental Committee last September. The authority of the King is now all that is required. Contrary to what I Avas informed, no more bronze guns, are now being cast. During the experiments, the charges and velocities of these guns have been — Gov un J Charge, 2 -4 lbs. '1 ■ ^ ■ ■ ( Initial velocity, 951 feet per second. 4- r o- m i ^'lia^'ge> 2-2 lbs, "Pr- b ^ ^ '• "I Initial velocity, 1,209 feet per second. The Experimental Committee continues to try many experi- ments vnih these guns. After having fired 2,000 rounds with the gun 5 feet li inches long, and weighing ()(iO ll)s., they began gradually to diminish the thickness of metal, lightening the gun by 128 lbs. The bronze is, nevertheless, so malleable, notwithstanding the great number of roimds fired, that it acts perfectly. I do not know if the Prussian regulations of the 5th June, 18C)7, on the subject of civil employes, is known to the Minister for War at Paris. I attach a copy to this Keport ; it is inte- resting to compare it with the Decree of the 24th October, 1868. Military Study of Railways, and the Organization of the Officers of the Reserve and Landwehr. Report of the 12th December. I. ]\riLiTARY Study of Railways. It is knoAvn that at the beginning of the year 18G6 the Prussian army Avas much better prepared for Avar, than the Austrian army, and that this Avas one of the cliief causes of the adA^antages it obtained. I cannot draAA^ too much attention to the continual care that is taken here to be ready at any moment to m ike A\ar AAath cA^ery prospect of success. 1 ho Gormaii language nas even a Avord, Kreigsbereitschaft, 119 to express tlio stato oi preparation for Avar tliat an array, Avliich fulfils its mission, should l)e ahvars in. To Iceep tlio army continually ready for war, and that without iiej;-lecting' one of the numerous small details that such a statu of thhigs requires, is the object towards which all the efforts of thf Prussian Government tend. Tliis is the cause of the continual labour on the part of every one, from the King to the junior Sub-Lieutenant, or employe. Tliis is the cause of the continual studies, cliiefly on the part of the Staff Officers, of the War Minister, and the various com- mittees. This is the cause of the experiments of every kind ; this is the cause, in a word, of the great military activity which reigns in all North Germany. Amongst the questions, the study of wliich keeps the State ready for war, that of the railways particularly attracts the attention of Government. I have already reported that an enquiry, was tliis year made by a Committee of Staff Officers Avith the view to the examination of all the railways in North Germany, and draAving up a report on the serA^ce they, in a mihtary pomt of A'icAv, can render. Quite recently M. Delbriick, aa^Iio succeeded M. Bismarck as Federal Chancellor, has brought before the Federal Council a proposition to the folloAving effect : — "• The Federal Council is asked to du'cct that a report, on a '' particular form, giving an account of the resources of CA^ery " kind possessed by the raihvays of the North German Con- '• federation for mihtary purposes be prepared. This report to " be furnished to the Federal Chamber CA^ery tAvo years, be- " ginning in January 1870 for all raihvays then in existence, '• and on the opening of all raihvays Avhich may Ijc hereafter " constructed." The form referred to includes a A'ast number of questions liaA'ing reference to the extent and chrection of the railways ; their gradients ; the quantity of rolling stock ; the configuration of the adjacent country; the roads, not railroads, Avhich run close alongside or cross the raihvays ; the bridges ; the possi- bihtv of fortifyhig certain pomts, or destroying others. It asks, also", the name of the cluef stations; their area; the most faA'om- able places for concentrating troops, and bringing them to the stations. The law^s, bye-la avs, rules, and military tariff of the lines. Finally, the amelioration or alterations proposed for the future. I Avould remark that Germany, prior to 18G(l took all these precautions. The German Federal Assembly caused a similar report to be furnished each year, and I merely mention M. Delbriick's proposal to shoAv the great importance attached here, to the study of raihvays in a mihtary point of Anew, and as further proof of the incessant vigilance of tlie Prussian GoA'ernment. 120 IT. Organizatiox of Officers of the Reser\'e and of the LAXD\Mi:HR. I have liithoi'to omitted to refer to an importaut measure, tletermiued on last summer, and wliicli was the subject of a Kojal Edict, dated 4th July, 18G8. It relates to the position of officers on furlough, that is to say, to the officers of the Reserye, and those of the Landwehr, (officers and sokUers of the Reserve and Landwehr live at home ; they are said, in Prussia, to be officers and soldiers on furlough — €71 positio)i de conge). Prussia has not a sufficient number of officers, regard being had to the enormous force at her dis- posal. The cause of tliis is her whole armed force does not fall, far short of a million of men, and the officers are drawn as much as possible from the nobility and gentry (de la grande et de la petite noblesse). Frederick the Great, influenced by his profound knowledge of men, formed the body of officers on these conditions. " The " nobles alone," he was accustomed to say, " have honour in *' their bellies ;" and his successors have all remained faitliful to this precept. The King said to me last summer, " I am very " proud of the character of my corps of officers, and I seek to " maintain it. It is composed of the elite of the nation in social " position, education, and instruction, and we find it quite " natural that they should command the other classes." In France our social state is so confused, and our n.iilitary organization so defective, that we imfortunately cannot apply this just and reasonable principle ; l^ut the application of any principle, however sensible, usually produces some inconve- nience. The inconvenience, Avhich is a natural sequence of the Prussian system of recruiting the corps of officers, is felt chiefly after a long and bloody war. For how then is it possible to obtain officers from the ranks of the nobihty alone ? Thus the Great Frederick found, particularly after the great disasters of Kollin and Kunersdorf, much difficulty in filling up his losses in officers. This deficiency in officers, which is inherent in the principle on Avliich they are recruited, Avas felt all through the wars of the Empne. Since 1815 it has increased with each successive enlargement of the Prussian territory, and more especially from the institution of compulsory military ser^-ice, which at the present time gives the King the control of such enormous armies. It may consequently be understood how Prussia has Ijeen compelled to depart from the principle which requires, that all the officers should be taken from the ranks of the nobility ; and practically, the officers of the artillery and engineers, belong at present chiefly to the middle classes.* Bourgeoisie. 121 HoAvever, as the corps of officers is in general recniited from the same famihes at the present day as it was 100 years ago, it may be said that it is now the same as it was in the days of Frederick the Great ; with this difterence. that it has l)cen stretched and extended, so to speak, i]i order that it may be (hssemmated throiig'hout a large army. In 18(>H, when the war did not last more tlian two montlis, the want of officers was felt ; and I wonld refer here to Avhat I reported on the loth October, 1868, of the nmneroiis changes of officers v/hicli had taken place from the Line to the Landwehr. and vice versa, and of the confusion thus introduced amongst the corps of officers.* After the war, this state of tilings produced serious thought here ; and it was asked, Avas there no method of avoiding tins confusion at the moment of mobilization, and hoAV a corps of officers could be maintained during a campaign of long duration. The order of the 4th July, 1868, is an attempt to solve tliis problem : I send a copy of it hercAAath. It is requisite to knoAV. in order that it may be understood, that hitherto the position of offi.cers of the ReserA-e, AA-as not distinct from that of officers of the Landvv'ehr, neither Avere their relations to the Regular Army defined. The Edict of the 4ih July defines their position^ and really creates a body of Reserve officers. It should be translated, for it is A^ery interesting to knoAv all its details. I confine myself to pointing out the prin- cipal pomts. 1. Officers on furlough are, for the futiue, intended AA'hcn an augmentation of the effectiA^e strength of the army, or a mobilization takes place, to complete the number of officers required, and they Avill be employed as instructors for the men of the ReserA^e and LandAvehr. 2. The length of serA-ice of officers, Avhether of the ReserA-e or LandAvelii', is the same as that of the men, that is to say, an officer remains in the ReserA^e until he is 27 years of age, and in the LandAvehi- from 27 to 32 years of age. 3. The number of officers appointed to the ReserA^e and LandAA-ehr is unlimited. 4. AVhen an officer is appointed to the Reseiwe, he is posted to a company in the Regular Army, and he consequently bears its designation. A LandAA-ehr officer, on the other hand, is knoAA'n only by his LandAvehr title. 5. Officers of all arms liA^ing in a Landwelu- BattaHon district on furlough compose the corps of officers of the district, under the orders of the Commandant of the district. 6. The persons AA-ho maybe appointed officers of the Reserve, &c., vide the Edict. 7. EA^ery person proposed as a Landwehr officer is presented * Vide page 126, Report of the 19th December, 186S, for fuller details about tl;c Corps of Officers. 122 to tliu corps of ofiicers of the Landwehr battalion by the Com- mandant, &c., vide the Ediet. I attach to this report — A copy of the Edict of the 4th July, l^tiS. A supplement of the Staats Anzeiger of the 28th November, 1868, Avliich contains an official hst of the German fleet. CllAPLAlXS OF THE TwO RELIGIONS; WINTER DrILL ; Xew Ar:my List. Report of l*dth December, 1868. I. Chaplains of the Two Pir.LioiONs. The North German Confederation (the Grand Duchy ot Hesse not included) has a population of 2D,oO(),0()0 inhabitants ; 19,500,000 belonging to the Keformed and t»,500,()00 to the Catholic Creed ; or hi a proportion of two to one. This proportion is preserved in the Army of the Confederation, if the number of sohUers of the two creeds be compared ; conse- quently, the Army must have both lAitheran and Catholic Chaplains. The organization of the first has never caused anv thfficulty, but it has been different as regards the Catholic Chaplains. The Prussian Govermnent has been compelled to struggle with what are termed the pretensions of the Holy See. On one hand, the Pope desires to enjoy absolute power in ;dl that concerns the appomtment of Army Chaplains ; on the other, the King of Prussia, as sovereign of a coimtry Avhere the reformed religion is predominant, cannot consent to allow the Pope too great latitude. A chspute, wliich has lasted three years, and has oidy recently terminated, has been the coiise- sequence. A Papal Bull, addressed to the Prussian Govern- ment, and not yet published, settles everything to the satis- faction of both parties. The Holy Father, A\dtli the concurrence of the King, has appointed ]\Ionseigneur Nanczanowski, Bishop in partihus, C^haplain ui Cliief to the ^Vrmy, conferring full powers on liim. This Prelate appoints the CatlioHc emjjloyes in the Army ; but always on the conchtion of consulting with the Ministers for War and Public Worship. All conflicts may thus be avoided, if both sides tliink only of the good of the service. The chaplains of both creeds are organi/^ed as folloAvs : — Dlvialonal Chaplains. — The Army of the North German Confederation is formed of tAventy-four Divisions of Infantry (the Hessian Division not included). Each Division has on an average three; and, consequently, each Cor]is d'Armce has six Lutheran and Catholic Chaplains. But the proportion i^ not constant for all Corps d'Armee. In those which arc 123 recruited in provinces ^vhere the Liitlieran Creed prevails, as tlie Ibt (Province of Prussia) and the ord (Province of Bi-anden- burg-), the number of T'rotestants is far greater than that of Catholic soldiers, and these corps have not a single Catholic Chaplam ; while other two corps, the 5th (Province of Posen) and the 8tli (Province of the Rhine), are chiefly composed of Catholics. In short, for the twenty-fom- Divisions there are fifty Lutheran and twenty-one Catholic Chaplains — seventy-one in all. Each minister and eacli chaplain is helped by a cm'ate. The pay of these ministers and chaplains varies, according to their rank in the army, from 75/. to 120/. : and is the same for equal grades for both creeds. It was at one time proposed to reduce the })ay of the Catholic Chaplains, Ijecause they have not, as the Protestant clergy have, to support families ; but tliis idea was given up, lest the Government should be suspected of favouring one religion at the expense of the other. In each Corps d'Armee, whatever may be the number of men of each creed, one of the Protestant Divisional Chaplains, generally the oldest, has the title of first uiinister, (U- first preacher {Oberp)'edir/er), and has a salary of 155/. to 180/. yearly. The Chaplains General of both creeds receive 330/. ; the pay of the curates of both creeds is 30/. a year. The chaplains and curates have a lodging allowance of 82/. for the Chaplains in Chief, and Wl. to 221. for the subordinate ranks. Garrison Chaplahis. — In addition to the seventy-one Pro- testant and Catholic Chaplains, there are fifteen Protestant and twelve Catholic Chaplains, termed Garrison Chaplains, who belong to the head-quarters of corps in large fortresses, such as ]\Iagdebourg, Danzig, Graudenz, C^oblentz. They belong to the army, and camiot exercise their functions elsewhere. They have the same pay as the Divisional Chaplains, and have each a curate, but are not called on to take the fiekl Avitli the army, and may be selected from elderly infirm men ; Avhile the Divisional Chaplains, avIio have to take the field, must, if requisite, ride and endure privations. These two descriptions of chaplains, viz., the Divisional and Garrison Chaplains, l)elong to the Army ; in addition to winch, there is a certain number of pastors Avho, without being Army Chaplains, are, notwithstanding, paid from the AVar Estimates. • They are those who, in small districts, are entrusted with the rehgious care of small detachraents. They receive for this, pay from the War Office, and are termed Civil Clergy, to dis- tinguish them from the regidar Chaplains. "The cost of the Civil C'lergy is l.S«);)/. When the Army takes the field, the two Chaplains-General, Protestant and Catholic, attach as many additional clergymen as they think requisite. A Protestant clergyman told me that a perfect swarm of them were attached at the outbreak of the war of 1866 ; almost all followed the army. The State 124 supplies, eacli for liiinself and liis curate, with two draft horses, one carriage, and one driver. The figures, Avhich I have given in the report, give the pay and allowances of chaplains as at present fixed. Almost all the old salaries have been increased. The Wa-v Estimates have been consequently raised by about 1,600/.; or, hi other words, the mihtarv chaplains, who cost, in 18G8, 13.500/., will cost, in 1869, 15,200/. II. "W'lXTER Drill for Reserve and Laxdwehr ^Iex. 'Die IDth of last November, the King signed a cabinet order which demonstrates Avhat care is taken in this coimtry that men on furlough lose as little as possible of the military instruction they have acquired during then' three years of active service. As is known, the men of the Reserve are bound to take a part in two trainings, each not exceeding two weeks, during their period of service in the Reserve. And the men of the Infantry of the Landwehr may be called up tAvice for framing, for periods of 8 to 15 days each, during their period of live years' service in the Landwehr. All the regulations on the subject, and in general all those concerning the organization of the Landwehr, and the duties of men on furlough, are contained in the order of the otli September, 1867, a copy of w^hich I attach. It happens tliat hitherto many men have not taken part in the siunmer training, being exempted for the various reasons stated in the 53rd paragraph of the order referred to. The object of the cabmet order of the 19th November, 1868, is to remedy the defect. It directs that the men on furlough who do not participate ill the sunmier training, shall be assembled and trained in January and February 1869, in accordance with paragraphs 49, 50, 51, of the order of the 5th September. 1867. The Minister for AVar has recently brought this decision to the knowledge of flie Army, adding that in future these winter exercises will take place each year. III. New Annual Ar31y List, 1869. The Germans love statistics. There have been several criticisms on the New Prussian Annual Army List of 1869. People are gratified by comparing it ^dth that of 1859, which gives an idea of the increase of Prussian military power, during the last ten years. Firstly, comparing the forces of Prussia in 1858 vntli those of Prussia of 1868, which embraces Ilanover, the Duchies of the Elbe, electoral Hesse, Nassau, and Frankfort, the comparison stands as follows : — {Infantry, 168 Battalions of the Guard and Line. ,. 67 ,, of Landwehr. Cavalry, 168 Squadrons of Guard and Landwelir. Decrease.. ,, 136 „ of Landwehr. It may be remarked that amongst the increase, 41 battalions 125 and 34 squadrons only, form the military force of the countries annexed since 1866 by Prussia. Prussia proper has now 127 battalions of Guard and Line, and 150 squadrons ot Cavalry, more than she had in 1858. Secondly, it is known that Prussia has concluded ■wntli all the States of the North German Confederation, except the Duchy of Brunsmck, and the Kingdom of Saxony, military- Conventions, in virtue of which the military forces of these States are really an integral part of the Prussian Army. The new Army List includes these. They are — 22 Battalions of Infantry, viz., 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96 Eegiments, and the 13th Battalion of Eifles. 15 Squadrons, viz., 17, 18, and 19 Eegiments of Dragoons. If the forces now swallowed up in the Prussian Army are taken into account the comparison vnll be as follows : — {Infantry, Guard and Line, 136 Battalions ; Landwchr, 116 Battalions ; total, 252 Battalions. Cavalry, Gruard and Line, 152 Squadrons ; Landwehr, 136 Squadrons ; total, 288 Squadrons. (^Infantry, Guard and Line, 324 Battalions ; Landwehr, 182 Battalions, of which 14 belongs to the smaller In 1868 .. -I States ; total, 506 Battalions. I Cavab'y, Guard and Line, 334 Squadrons ; Landwehr, ; [_ total, 334 Squadi'ons. Thus the infantiy has been more than doubled during the ten years ; and it is the same with the Cavalry, if account is taken of the 136 squadrons of Landweln* Cavalry which were suppressed only in 1867. Thirdly, as the Duchy of Brunswick has not made a military Convention with Prussia, its contingent has not been included in the Army List. It is composed of the 92nd regiment of Infantry, the 1st regiment of Landwehr, and the 17th regiment of Hussars. The 12th Corps d'Armee (Kingdom of Saxony) and the 25th division (Grand Duchy of Hesse) are neither included in the Army List. These three States have — . 42 Battalions of Line. 29 „ of Landwehr. 45 Squadrons. If these forces are added to those mentioned before, Prussia has now, not including men as substitutes or for depots, 557 battalions (Guard, Line, and Landrvehr), 379 squadrons (Guard and Line) ; or, 325 battalions and 91 squadrons more than she had in 1858. The statistic-mongers have not failed to note how much the middle class element has, during the last ten years, invaded the corps of officers. Practically, amongst the 13,000 officers of the Federal Army not more than one-tliird belong to the nobility, the other two-thu-ds have come from the middle L 12 i] classes.* Hence, it cau be no longer said that the corps of officers is recruited from among the nobility. This large increase of the middle class element is the consequence of the fusion into the Prussian Army of the contingents furnished by the small States of the North German Confederation. I give the following table, which is interesting. There are in the Army — r Infantry 49-^ Generals . . . . ■< Lieutenant . . . . . . 57 [Major 99 f Infantry 146 Cavalry ^H Total 1,382 Colonels . . .. ■{ Artillery . . . . . . o^ 1 Engineers . . . . . . 17 l^Traiu . . . . • . 3 Lieiit.-Colonels .. 228 Majors . . . . 696 Captains and Lienteuants 10,000, about. The nobihty are more largely found in the Cavahy and Infantry, m the proportion of 92 per cent. _ The middle class in the Artillery and Engineers in the proportion of 75 per cent. Amongst the 1,382 General and Field Officers, there are 36G Officers who belong to the middle classes, viz. : — 2 Lieutenant-G-enerals. 5 Major-Grenerals. 46 Colonels. 78 Lieutenant-Colonels. 235 Majors. and amongst these, 171 belong to the Artillery and Engineers. Reduction of the Period of Service to 12 Years, and a Remark on the Na:mes of Places.! Reporl of the lAth June, 1869. J. Reduction of the Period of Service to 12 Years.' The law by which the length of military service in Prussia was reduced from 19 to 12 years bears date the 9th November, • Bourgeoisie. t We liave, dated 1869, nine Reports from our Military Attache, that of the 15th July is entitled : " The time requisite for the mobilization of the Corps (TArmee " of North Germany, and the concent ratioa of her Army on the frontier of France.^' Colonel StoJi'el points ovit the practical details of the mobilization of the diiferent a'"::jS, Brigades and Divisions, as well as the time reqviisite to concentrate on one point sereral Army Corps ; and he demonstrates that Prussia could, in 3 loeelcs, mass on cur frontier several armies, each of 100,000 men. Another Report, dated October 18'^9, treats of the alterations in the Prussian rifles which were being carried out nhen the war of 1870 broke out. We have not deemed it desirable to publish these two Reports, as from their technical nature there is little to interest the gerieral reader. We publish five of the reports of 1869. — [Ed.] 127 1867. Tliis reduction consists, as is well-known, in the number of years service in the Landwehr, which has been reduced from 12 to 5 ; but, as I then pointed out, tliis important measure was by no means intended to mean that all the Landwehr men who, when the law was promulgated had served 12 years, were to be dispensed with. Prussia by no means intended to deprive herself of seven Landwelu' contingents. On the contrary, the Government proposed to liberate gradually, and accordmg as circumstances might permit, the various Landwehr contingents of more than 12 years' service, beginning with the oldest. At the present moment, by successive discharges, by antici- pation as it were, there are no Landwehr men in the army older than 36 or of 16 yeai's' service, and the measure that is proposed for the future, and to which I draw attention, is the following. Beginning in the autumn of this year (1869), two Landwehr contingents will be discharged each year, so that the reduction of service to \2 years will he accomplished in October 1872. This wall be better seen by the following Table :— Dates of Discharge. Autiimn, 1869 1870 1871 1872 Number of Contingents Discharged. Contingents. Length of Service of these Contingents. Years. 16 to 15 15 „ 14 14 „ 13 13 „ 12 Age of the Men. Years. 36 to 35 35 „ 34 34 „ 33 33 „ 32 As will be seen, the army mil after October, 1872, no longer include men older then 32 years, and the reduction of the dura- tion of service to 12 years will be completed. From autumn 1873, only one contingent of the Landwehr 'wdll be discharged annually, that composed of men who have completed their 32nd year. It should be clearly understood that tliis applies only to the provinces of Prussia proper, or to 81 regiments of Infantry if tliis arm only is considered. In the recently annexed provinces temporary arrangements, will continue for some time. Thus, in these provinces, the period at which men pass from the Reserve to the Landwelu- is not yet fixed, but is subordinate to the consideration that the number of reserve men will allow the various corps to be completed to a war footing, if requisite. Landwehr Officers who, on the 1st October, 1869. have 16 years' service, are entitled to ask for their pension ; the same fgr those who have 15 years' service in 1870, and so on. Generally, it should be observed, that the year 1869 marks the period when Prussia will have her military institutions on a normal footiag, which the war of 1866, the reforms introduced, l2 128 and economical motives, have hitherto prevented. It may be remarked, for example, that in 18()(> the Government made two levies of recruits, one in anticipation m spring, the other in October. A part of the fh'st has already been sent to the reserve (autumn of 18G8), even though it had not completed its three years' service with the colours ; the remainder of the first levy, and that of October 1860, were sent to the reserve this year (1869). Fm-loughs in anticipation, have been given for three years, to very many men, but it is proposed to return to the normal state beginning next autumn, that is to say, furloughs in anticipation will no longer be given (except to 5 or 10 men per company) as was done prior to 1866. The custom before 1866 was to train each year in autumn two Army Corps in great Divisional and Army Corps manoeu- vres. This, excejot for the Guard, did not take place ui 1867 or 1868. Tins year the ordinary custom, wliich directs two coi*ps to be trained in great manoeuvres, will be adliered to next autumn with the 1st and 2nd Corps. This year the Landwehr will be trained in greater numbers than usual, for the following reasons : 1st. The Landwehr has only been armed wath the needle rifle durmg the last year, and it is requisite to familiarise it '\\dth the new weapon. 2nd. The division of the country into Landwehr battahon districts has been altered. 3rd. The number of battalions of Landwehr has been increased (there being 20 more now in Prussia than before 1866). The battalions will be composed of 300 men ; tliis for 102 battalions will give 30,000 men who "vvill this year take part in the training for 8 to 15 davs, directed in the paragraphs 6 and 7 of the law of the 9th November, 1867. II. Note on the Names of Places. Amongst other ftiults that the Germans reproach us with, ignorance of geography and history are often mentioned. liooking at these things more closely, one sees that the Germans might be a little more modest. But it is true that in everytliing they do, study or publish, they display much more care than we do. Their books, for example (I speak here of military books of history and geography), do not make, as ours do, innumerable mistakes in proper names, both of persons and places. I Avould not insist on this detail if it were not of importance, for independently of such blunders being discredit- able to a book, are they not often a cause of loss of time to the reader who seeks to follow the detail on a map, and likely to impart erroneous information ? How^ many officers are there who understand the words cu'cumvallation and contravallation, because in books pubhshed even by authority, these words are used as synonymous ? Well got up books, such as the Commentaries of Napoleon I., 129 printed at the Imperial Stationery Office, are full of faults of proper names, and a Prussian Officer told me yesterday that when reading the account of the events of 1813, in the memoires of Marshal Marmont, he lost an hour looking on the map for the names of two places situated in Prussia, so much had the spelling of the names been altered m these memoires. These remarks were suggested to me by reading the lectures given at the Depot de la Guerre at Paris. These lectures are intended to be read and studied by a gi-eat number of our officers. Is it not to be ^^dshed that in the mterests of the healthy impulse given to military study two years ago, that no detail should be neglected ? Now, in the lecture " on the ]\Iilitary Organization of Germany" at page 9, where the fortresses of Germany are enumerated, the constant error of all French mihtary books is repeated, by which the tcte de pout of Mayence is called Cassel in place of Castel. This tete de pont is too important a place for those of our officers who study these lectm-es not to know its proper name, even, perhaps, confounding it Avath Cassel, capital of Lower Hesse. The Law of the 1st February, 1868, and the Prospect OF War. Report of the I'lth August, 1869. I. The Law of the Ist February, 1868, upon the Recruiting of the Armv, and the Organization of the National Guard " Mobile." The War Minister has asked me to inform him, what is thought in Prussia of our new law of military organization, dated the 1st February, 1868, more especially of the institution, of the National Guard " Mobile." I rephed in my report of the 29th March, 1868 ; but my rephes were very brief, as I pro- posed to report in person on the subject in Paris. I return now to this important question. AMien the laAv Avas promulgated last year, it was at first thought at Berhn that its appHcation would augment the mihtary resources of France; but, after a closer study, the opinion at first conceived is now greatly modified. In Prussia, where the application of the prmciple of compulsory service, has taken deep root in the country, and contributed so materially to its greatness, they generally consider om- new law of military organization as a step in advance, so far as it enunciates, although only for Avar, the principle, so just, so moral, of compulsory military service, for all citizens. But they cannot understand the inconceivable inconsistency, by Avhich a statesman having admitted the principle can stop 130 there. For the law does not allow the National Guard " Mobile " to receive any military instruction. Looking at it in a broad point of view, it is thought nonsense, or rather an abortive law, adding notliing to the power of France, but rather on the contrary, weakening her resources. As will be seen, this view of our new mihtary organization, a view taken here by practical reflecting people, is unfortunately too true. This law having put at the disposal of the country, as an ausihary to the army, a force of 500,000 men, under the name of National Guard " Mobile," adds this indefensable Article (Article 9) :— *' The young men of the Guard "Mobile" have (except absent with leave) to attend — " 1. The drills which take place in the parishes where " they live or are domiciled. " 2. The company or battahon meetings which take " place m the company or battalion districts. " 3. Each drill or meeting must not cause the yoimg " men who attend it a greater loss of time than one " day. " These drills and meetings can be repeated only fifteen " times a year." One is perfectly confounded, when one thinks that a pro- posal so absurd could have been brought forward and seriously discussed by the Parliament of a great country, and that a Government could be found wilhng to consent to accept and introduce such a law. How ! Was there not one man in the Assembly who could say to his fellows, " This law that you are going to enact is " a deception. Be assured, you deceive yourselves, you de- " ceive France. Hoav ! You wish to increase the mihtary force " of the comitry by several himdi-eds of thousands of 3^oung " men, under the name of National Guard " Mobile," and you, " at the same time, take away every means for instructing *' these young men ! For what mihtary instruction is it possible " to give a man who, in the greater number of the departments, " must, in one single day, go four or six miles m the morning " from his home to the place of assembly, and return the same " distance at night; and who, in the same day, must be present " at the roll calls, parades of all kinds, issues of arms, clothing, " and equipment '? Do you not see that it is a physical un- " possibihty to find in this same day a single quarter of an " hour for drill, properly so called ? If you do not wish that " the young men of the National Guard ]\Iobile should sj)end " more than one day at such things, then alter the proposal " from top to bottom, or return simply to the law of 1832. For " I again repeat, what you propose is impossible — is simply " nonsense." And the speaker who, I suppose, to convince the Assembly, would detail what takes place in Prussia at the trainings of 131 the Reserves and Landwehr. Here I will invent nothing, but I ^vill simply confine myself to report what every officer and soldier in the Prussian Army knows. In Prussia, the men of the Reserve, and those of the Landwehi", who live, as is known, at home, undergo, during then" period of service m the Reserve and Landwehr, trainings, the object of wliich is to maintam amongst them, the military instruction that they have previously received during the years they spent with the colours. By Paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Law of the 9th November, 1867, every man of the Reserve is bound to undergo, during liis ser"sdce with the Reserve, two tramings, each of wliich is not to exceed a fortnight ; and the men of the Infantry of the Landwehr can be recalled twice, during their period of service with the Landwehr, for trainings of eight to fifteen days by companies or battahons. Now tilings are carried out as follows : — The first day, the men leave home in the morning, and go to the head-quarters of the district where the trauiing takes place (this is an average distance of five to six miles) ; when they arrive, they answer to the roll call, are marched to the clothing store, where they receive their clotlihig ; then to the armoury, where they get their arms and equipment. These various operations, wliich take longer than people are generally inclined to think, are hardly finished in the afternoon ; and tliis first day is never employed in drilling the men, who are th'ed T\dth the distance they have come, and the tune they have to stand on parade. In addition to which, the second day is often also lost for drill, because the assembling of the men, the roll calls, and the issues of all kinds are not completed the fii-st day. To which must be added, that the men come fit'om various portions of the district, and pleased to see one another after the lapse of some time, meet in groups the day they arrive at the pubhc-houses, where they sing and get di'unk, wliich renders them mifit for drill the following day. The officers generally wink at tliis, and the second day is likcAvise looked on as lost for drill, and manoeuvre, and they do not begin until the third day. This is the course of events m Prussia, a country accustomed to these annual drills for many years. The men, as is seen, spend all the fu-st day in marcliing, in ansAvering the roll-call, receiving then- clothes, arms, and equipments ; hardly do the di'ills begin the second, or CA^en the third day. Is it not CAddent that in France the young men of the National Guard " Mobile," who are summoned to di'ill in the parishes where they reside, or to the meetmgs in the districts of then' companies and battalions, Avail find themselA'es the first day placed in exactly the same condition as the men of the Prussian Reserve or Landwehr ? Or, in other Avords. must they not first make a march (usually fiA'c to pix miles) to reach the named place, and then must be present at parades. 162 roll-calls, issues of arms, &c. ? If, then, it is remembered that Article 9 of the new Law requires that, after all these various operations, these very men must, the same day, repeat these operations, in order that they may go home, it must be acknow- ledged that it is physically impossible that any drill can take place that day. Nothing more is requisite to show that, so long as Article 9 is in force, the mstitution of the National Guard " Mobile " is a deception. But, say some, the National Guard Mobile may be di'illed during war itself ; to which it is only requisite to reply — How, if the war be of sliort duration ; if France is smitten icith sudden disaster at the outset, and finds herself suddenly invaded, hoiv can you then give these young men, assembled in haste, that cohesion, discipline, and instruction, ivhich is so requisite ? Thus common sense condemns at once oiu' new law of military reorganization, so far as the National Guard "Mobile" is concerned ; yet this law has been enacted by the Chambers ! Thus one has seen (an incredible thing) a great nation give itself solemnly, by means of its representatives, an increase of 500,000 men for the defence of the country, and at the same moment, \)j a strokt; of the saiue pen, so to speak, deprive these men of all means of obtaining military instruction. I do not believe that any assembly in any country ever gave such a flagrant proof of inconsistency and levity. How can we be astonished after this if foreigners criticise us severely ? How can we be astonished that here, and in all Germany, they tax the French nation \rd\\ ignorance and vain presump- tion, and that they proclaim, with ill-disguised satisfaction, in books seriously ^vi'itten, the" downfall of the Latin races % I declare that all intelligent and studious officers (and the Prussian Army has a great number) "\^dth whom I have spoken on our new mihtary laAV, judge it with great practical sense to be simply without results of any kind. But we, we do not limit oiirselves to making a defective law. From presumption, as much as from ignorance, we deceive ourselves, and declare it to be perfect, and superior to all others ! It is sad to say it, but it is nevertheless true, for any one who has hved amongst foreigners and followed the development, both moral and intellectual of other nations for 50 years, that the French, not^\'ithstanding the eminent qualities for which they are remarkable, live above all others in igno- rance and presumption, each of these faults tending to increase the other. These words continually recur when one compares Fi'ance with other countries, especially Prussia, so well-taught, serious, and keen for her interests. One proof amongst a thousand is furnished to me by what is written in France upon the new military law, and upon the institution of the National Guard " IMobile," in particular. The}/ write in the military newspapers, and elsewhere, and they say in the army, that the National Guard "Mobile" will give 133 France a very formidable force, and that it will equal, if it does not surpass, the Landwehr of the Conferation of North Germany. It is deplorable, when men thus deceive themselves, from igno- rance, or lie to themselves fi*om presumption. My duty necessitates that I should point out these dange- rous errors, for the ignorant and vain crowd, are only too much disposed to beheve those who flatter them. I consider this duty as imperative, because I flunk a war between France and Prussia inevitable, as I shall seek to demonstrate hereafter. I therefore say that no comparison, can possibly be made between the Landwehr, composed entu'ely of trained soldiers, in the prime of life, taught the trade of amis, well disciphned and completely organized, and the National Guard " Mobile, " composed of young men, to whom the law refuses any mihtary traming. Perhaps it may be useful to repeat what I have already pointed out in many of my reports to the War ]\Iuiister, what the Landwelu- really is. The Landwelu- is not, as so many persons m France beheve, a kind of national guard like ours, or a body of old soldiers disused to service, and for the most part married. As is knoTVTi, all able-bodied citizens of the North German Confederation owe military service to the State for 12 years (from 20 to 32 years of age) : — 3 years witli tlie Colours (20 to 23.) 4 years with the Reserve (23 to 27). 5 years with the Landwehr (27 to 32). Thus giving 12 contingents for the Mdiole of the Federal forces. The first seven contmgents form the active or field army, while the five last, still preservmg the name of Landwehr, are mtended for the defence of the ulterior, and do not act wdtli the Regular Army, except in case of extreme necessity. The men composing the Reserve, as well as those of the Landwehr, live at home on furlough. Both may marry ^\-ithout leave. The number of marriages is small in the Reserve, because the men know that they are hable to be recalled in case of mobihzation. They are more numerous amongst the Landwehr. I have in a pre\aous report given the proportion of married men in both the Reserve and Landwehr. Reserve men must, during then- period of service in the reserve (four years), undergo two trainings, each of which lasts only two weeks ; and the men of the Infantry of the Landwehr may be called up for training, tlnice duruig their period of ser\ace \\dtli the Landwelu*, by companies or battalions ; these trainings must not exceed 8 to 15 days each. The North German Confederation will in 1870 have 320,000 Landwehr men. I have repeated these leading pomts the better to show that these 320,000 Landwehr men, are all ready-made soldiers, who have served thi-ee years with the colours (from 20 to 23 years), 134 and have thus acqmred not only miHtaiy ideas and discipline, but also that thorough training that Prussia knows how to give her troops, have then spent four years at home (23 to 27), durmg wliich time care has been taken to mamtain and confirm all these acqmred quaHties, and it must be remembered, too, that a portion of the Reserve men are recalled, each year to complete, during the autumn manoeuvres, the effective strength of the battahons, squadrons, and batteries of the Regular Army, and that another portion is called up for the trainings of 8 to 15 days ah-eady referred to. It may therefore be said that the LandAvehr is composed of soldiers of seven years' service, the greater portion of whom are not married. These men are in the prime of hfe, 27 to 32 years of age, well drilled and trained to manoeuvres, animated wdth feelings of esprit cle corps, and who take mto their families a spirit of order and thi'ift, a feeling of diity, and a respect for the laws and authority ; tilings which the greatest care is taken to develop amongst the soldiers of the Federal Army. The Prussian Landwehi- has given worthy proofs of this in 1866, and more than one officer has told me, that he would as wilHngly command Landwehr as Regular Troops. Tliis being the case, how is it possible to compare the Landwehr with our National Guard "Mobile," composed of young men that the law, by an impracticable clause, will not allow to be trauied or manoeuvred, and. whose instruction must be improvised during war itself. We must do the best we can, now that the law is enacted, but the National Guard " Mobile " will remam a dead letter so long as Article 9 exists in its present shape. Let us alter it, directing that young men may be trained for a week or a fortnight in place of one day. Even then it will be absm-d to compare the Guard " Mobile " \^dth the Prussian Landwehr. It is sad to think that such comparisons are openly made in France, officially even, so far as to say that the National Guard " Mobile " Tvdll form a formidable force, superior to the Prussian Landwehr. Saying so, men deceive themselves, they deceive the pubhc, who on such serious matters should be enhghtened. 11. Prospects of War. I have always hitherto, in my reports to the War Minister, taken care not to exceed the limits of my purely military func- tions, and have abstained entirely fi-om everytliing of a political natm-e ; but the Emperor having been good enough to ask me, dm-ing my recent stay in Paris, what, in my opinion, were the prospects of war with Prussia, I beg to submit some ideas on tliis subject, for which I alone am responsible, to complete and define those wliich I have already given viva voce. The principal points that I seek to make clear are : — ] . ^^'ar is inevitable, and at the mercy of an accident. 135 2. Prussia has no intention of attacking France ; she does not seek war, and will do all she can to avoid it. 3. But Prussia is farsighted enough to see that the war she does not T^dsh will assuredly break out, and she is, therefore, domg all she can to avoid being sui'prised when the fatal accident occurs. 4. France, by her carelessness and levity, and above all by her ignorance of the state of afiahs, has not the same foresight as Prussia. 1. War is Inevitable. Prussia, both from ambition and conscious strength, has for many years looked on herself as destined to unify and subdue Germany. This tendency may be traced tln-ough all the phases of her history since 1813, the period when she dis- played greater energy than any other German State in seeming the common fi-eedom. She employs, speaking of herself, an expression wliich perfectly describes these feelings ; she calls herself the German nucleus (Der Kern Deutschlancls), and it must be admitted that she has by the energy of her race, her education, and her soimd qualities, which in many respects have placed her in the fii'st rank amongst powers, earned this appellation. Until 186G Prussia had a population of only 18,000,000, and her pretensions to rule Germany were Imiited, both on account of the number of her population and the size of her territory, which reduced her to the rank of a second-rate power. But all at once the thunderbolt of 1866 revealed this power both to herself and to the world. Hercules felt himself a man. Then the pretension to rule all the Germanic races knew no bounds ; what before was an aspiration became a faith ; and now the deshe to realize German unity pervades, and ^411 pervade all Prussia, despite of all tilings, and it must not be imagined that tliis belief can be altered or weakened ; on the contrary, it is firmly rooted, and time will but strengthen it. This fact admitted, there is yet another wliich is forcibly brought to the notice of an observer. When one asks, why Prussia did not seize all the German States after the battle of Koniggratz, or why she does not display more boldness, in welchng the Southern States to the North German Con- federation ? Every one at once replies, because war ^^-ith France is feared ; and, in short, on whatever side Prussia looks, she sees that it is France, and France only, that interferes "uith the fulfilment of her wdshes. When it is remembered that the Prussian nation is frill of pride, vigour, and ambition; that it estunates its ovm im- portance at the highest pomt ; that it looks on France as its historic and natural enemy, the feelings of suspicion, bitter- ness, and even hate, that spring up towards France, when it regards the state of affahs following on the events of 1866 may be easily understood. 136 It would, perhaps, be more accurate to say that these events have developed and rendered bitterer the feeHngs I have described; for such feelings have always existed, and they can easily be seen by any attentive observer, who seeks to appreciate the true feehngs of Prussia towards France. I may, perhaps, give a clearer idea of these feelings if I assume the Prussians as divided into three classes. Those who compose the first class (the least numerous of the three, it is true), feel towards France a double measure of hatred and envy, in the full acceptation of both these words. These implacable enemies of France are to be found in the old Prussian provinces, chiefly those of the north and east, amongst the descendants of those famihes who were most concerned in the events of 1800 and 1815, or who have suffered the most fi-om the French occupation, and have felt most keenly the humiliation inflicted on Prussia after Jena. They follow France ^\it]l a bhnd hatred, wliich prevails over everything ; and although then- fathers have twice entered Paris, they do not consider that they have been avenged, and they burn with a desue to humihate and even annihilate France. The second class is the most numerous. It embraces all those amongst whom the feelings I have described exist, but in a minor degree. Like the first, they have not forgiven France the humihation that Prussia received at her hands. But with them hatred and envy have limits. It may be said they do not love France, and are jealous of her. The third class are also very numerous. They are chiefly business people, merchants, or people whose employment takes away the hatred and rivah-y of nation against nation. They do not show any dishke or ill-^vill to France. They would even like to live on terms of friendsliip ^\itli her. But they are Prussians; they are jealous for the greatness of their- country, and they are anxious to see her fulfil her mission (according to a phi'ase used in Prussia), that is to say, the unification of Germany, and France is inconvenient to them, as being the sole obstacle that prevents the fulfilment of then- wishes. This explains why this third section of the Prussian people, the best disposed towards us, are, nevertheless, animated vnth feehngs of uneasiness and suspicion. The foregoing statement, wliich I beheve to be true, may be summed up as follows : — At the present moment, France, far fi-om being an object of good feehng in Prussia, is, on the contrary, hated by some, envied by others, suspected and doubted by all. I chiefly insist on this miiversal feehng of doubt and sus- picion which at the present moment ahenates aU Prussia from us, and is the fatal result of the events of 1866. Tins uneasi- ness is, perhaps, deeper than in France. Everyone feels, in a manner more or less vague, that the present state of things 137 cannot last ; doubt and fear are in all minds ; trade languishes ; ever}i;bing declines. The universal feelmg thus produced may be translated as follows : — " Everything will change if France will only not interfere with oiu' affau's." And then a hmidred accusations are brought against France. They reproach her with the part she played, durmg the Armistice of 1866, m preventing Prussia dictating peace at Vienna. Her jealousy excited by the success of the Prussian Army, her unfounded u-ritability, her pretended armament, her pretensions to interfere with the affairs of foreign comitries, &c. There is nothing to be sm-prised at in this state of aflfau-s. It is the natural consequence of circumstances and the rivahy of the two nations. And I have described the nature of these feehngs the better to show that unfortunately they must produce war. Those who, in France or elsewhere, thmk peace possible, do not perhaps know, or sufficiently understand, the Prussian character. Yet, it must be granted, the characters of the two rival nations, then- good and bad qualities, are the most important elements from which to predict, if peace or war will follow, any given state of affau-s. It is exactly similar to the case of two mdividuals who have a dispute, they will quarrel or agree accordmg to their tempe- raments, there good or bad qualities. Now the Prussians are quite as irritable as the French, quite as proud, more imbued ^dth the belief in then- own importance. They are energetic, tenacious, ambitious, full of good estimable solid quahties, but rude, arrogant, and entu-ely wanting in generosity. And it is this people that has undertaken to solve at any cost the question of German unity, whether France will, or ^\il\ not consent, and this dispute, so miportant, has already begun between two nations equally mitable, proud, ambitious, and powerful, who inflicted on one another at the beginning of the century bloody insults, between two nations who are entirely different in language, incluiations, rehgion, and character. How is it possible to hope for peace between them ? The man who has such hopes is but a pohtical or sentimental dreamer. AVar must be expected, break out it will some day or other, terrible and bloody. It is not, however, likely that it will break out upon the question of German unity, so long at least as M. Bismarck controls the affau'S of the Confederation. This great man, a remarkable instance of the most perfect balance, between intelligence, energy, and force of ^^aQ, vnW never, one can be quite sure commit a fault from impatience. He knows too well that time is his best ally, and that in a war with France he might compromise the work of 1866. In a recent conversation, he told me he in language full of good sense, the reasons which compel Prussia neither to provoke nor desire war, and he thus 138 concluded : " We will never make war on yon, you must come " and fii-e rifle sliots point blank at us fii'st." The gravity of the situation is not then in the question of German unity, but in the attitude which Prussia and France have assumed towards one another on the question, an attitude which is marked by suspicion, jealousy, and excited irritabihty, a situation these Powers T^dll preserve so long as this dispute exists. Such a state of afFau's can only grow worse. This general uneasiness, followed by an increase of distrust and jealousy, must increase daily. This state of men's minds may be better understood when one hves in Prussia. Even now things have reached such a pass, that the smallest thing, the most insigni- ficant event will produce a rupture, or in other Tvords, war is at the mercy of an accident. Whatever that accident may be, superficial minds will doubtless call it the cause of war, but the true cause hes far deeper, and is much more complicated. The mutual hostility of the two nations, hostihty continually increasing, can only be compared to a ripening fruit, and the accident that ^\all bring about a rupture is but the accidental shock that causes the ripe fi-uit to fall fi-om the tree. 2. Prussia has no Aggressive Ideas. I have already said that Prussia has not only, no intention of attacldng France, but that she will do all she can, compatible with her honour, to avoid war. I am not ignorant how much this opinion, diifers fi'om that, wliich some people of indifferent judgment, who know nothing of Prussia, who substitute their passions, and then* own wishes, for those of an entire people, and who base their opmions on idle tales, wish to spread in France. If these people would only take the trouble to visit Prussia, and study things there, without passion or preconceived ideas, they would change their opinions. What has not been said, and what \\dll not yet be said, of the ambition of Prussia, her arrogance and her formidable mihtary preparations ? Truly she is ambitious, arrogance does not fail her, and her mihtary preparations are formidable ; but why conclude without any proof, that these preparations have an aggressive character 1 Once more, one has to deplore the detestable ignorance in wliich the great majority of the French people wallow, for it, as will be seen, is the source of all these errors. How many people Avere there in France before 1866 who studied Germany, or sought to understand German questions"? The Rhuie, was it not, is it not, for us all, a great wall of China ? and, nevertheless, writers, jom-nalists, and others, who have not even lived in Germany, who have studied neither her history nor her institutions, write and discuss usque ad nauseum all these subjects, pronounce opinions on all thmgs, and thus lead a public more ignorant if possible than themselves. They 139 see ill the military activity which reigns iii Prussia prepara- tions for war, without coiisiderhig that this activity, is of long stancUiig; that it is continuous, inherent, so to speak, in the Hfe of the nation. The only tlung that is true, is, that it is greater now, than ever, because of the labour Prussia is compelled to take, to assimilate the three annexed provinces to herself. I will explain myself. Before 1866, the French public ignored entu-ely anything relating to the organization of the Prussian Army, and the im- mense stride the King had in 1860 compelled the country to take. The army reorganized and much increased ; compulsory ser^dce rigorously enforced, so as to give 600,000 trained soldiers. The gi-eater part of the services improved ; the un- ceasmg labours of committees ; great autumn manoeuvi-es every year ; training of the Reserve and Landwehr ; the adoption of a new system for mobilizing the army, of a new breech-loading steel artillery ; the incessant experiments T\dth artillery ; in a word, a great military activity. All that, was it not, almost unknown in France I The events of 1866 followed. People could no longer ignore Prussia, and the French public began to study her ; but as might have been foreseen they beheved that all they saw was new, and dated from 1866. Thanks, then, to the feehngs of mutual distrust that the events of tliis year produced between the two nations, the French pubhc was mcluied to tliinlc the mihtary activity of Prussia, activity of wliich it then for the first time heard, aggressive, and directed against France. This mihtary acti^dty was merely a continuance of the constant care bestowed on the army that the country might never be taken unawares. Great manoeuvres and nimiberless experiments of all kinds took place, the public caUed WiQia preparaiions for war, the object being an attack on France. It is right to point out one subject that tended to deceive the French public ; Prussia, in 1866, had annexed Hanover, Schleswig-Holstein, Hesse Cassel, Nassau, and Frankfort, none of which had her military organizaticn, her rules, nor her artillery or small-arms. She had to introduce all these into the three provinces. The labour and the time requisite to make such an assimilation can be easily understood; is it to be wondered at, therefore, that Prussia sought to do it, as quickly as possible % In addition to which, she had concluded with Bavaria, "VVur- temburg, and Baden, treaties offensive and defensive, by which these States bound themselves to adopt more or less her organization, rules, and arms. Tliis point should be remembered if the great military activity of which Germany is now the theatre is to be rightly understood. But I repeat that it is a mistake to think Prussia displays all this military activity, TAath the view of bruiging on a war. Common sense ; a knowledge of the state of attairs ; of the interests of Prussia ; the T^^se judgment of her King and his 140 government ; the great intelligence of M, Bismarck, all demon- strate the falseness of such ideas. 3. Foresight of Prussia. But if it is true that Prussia cherishes no secret aggressive desires, it is equally true that her mihtary activity is more than usually excited by the probabihty of war with France, or more exactly, by the universal behef that war is fated, and inevitable. I speak here of what is exceedingly important. I wish to speak clearly of the pamful contrast presented on the one hand by the foresight of Prussia, united to its attendant vigilance, and on the other hand, the bhndness, the recklessness of France, wliich prevents her from seemg that war will undoubtedly take place, and that all other questions should be subordinated to this, the most important. I have already given my opinion as to the probabihty of war when I said it will undoubtedly break out one of these days. I am not therefore surprised to find the same opinion shared here by many. As a man who loves his country, I can only feel saddened at the foresight of our future enemies. Prussia, I have said, looks on herself as called on to fulfil a mission — to luiify Germany, and she has firmly resolved to devote herself to the task. She is by no means ignorant that tliis project Avill not be regarded by France with indifference, that her success in 1866 has awakened the initabihty of her old enemy, and that the mutual feelings of mistrust, have reached such proportions, that the smallest accident may produce a rupture. And as Prussia is both thoughtful and vigilant, she carefully watches not to be sm-prised the day the conflict begins, re- solved, as she is, to accept battle with all the force at her disposal. Hence it is that military activity is redoubled throughout all Prussia. Hence the haste to assimilate as quickly as possible the three new corps, and that of Saxony, by the introduction of her organization, her rules, and arms, to her own. Hence the large expenditure, the improvements of all kinds, resulting from the experience obtained in 1866; the costly expeiiments of all kinds, and the great eflfbrts made to create a powerful navy. AVe must so comport oui'selves as not to be siu'prised by Prussia. Her military organization which allows her to concentrate upon our frontiers, in 20 to 25 days, several armies, each composed of 100,000 men, the watchfulness of the Govern- ment which presides over her . destinies, its behef in the probabihty of a great struggle A^ath France, are all so many reasons v/hy we should be thoroughly prepared, when the fatal moment arrives. 4. Want of Foresight of France — Fatal Consequences. France, does she show amid these grave circumstances the 141 same foresiglit as Prussia ? Unfortunately not. Sad thing to confess. No one can say when, the fatal blindness with which France is struck, vnW end. Thus, then, a frightful war is seen dimly in the distance, and threatens to break out at any moment. Our formidable enemy sees his terrible opportunity ; lie watches the moment for the struggle, Avhich he does not seek, but he is yet ready to support it icith all the manly force of the nation. Y\'itli 1,000,000 of the most disciplined, most war- like, and best organized soldiers in the world ; and in France, where 40,000,000 of men ought to be convinced as the Prussian people are convmced, that the fatal war is at the mercy of an accident, when everytliing ought to fade away before one idea, that of national secmity, there are but a few people who have tliis idea, clearly before them, and v\^ho comprehend the magnitude of the danger. This it is that causes me appre- hension. It is tliis striking contrast between the foresight of Prussia and the blindness of France — nations, like individuals, can only protect themselves from danger by being conscious of it ; otherwise they remain inactive at the risk of experiencmg the most cruel disappointments. Thus we see Prussia makes everything subordinate to the vital question — preparation for war — and keeps itself ever ready to enter the lists mtli France at the head of the formidable force at her disposal ; while France weakens herself more and more as if heedless of her own safety. When such a spectacle is seen, one is unable to refrain from loudly impugning that fatal ignorance, that abomin- able infatuation which prevents us seeing what Prussia clearly sees. War is inevitable and is predestined. The contrast between the two nations is unfortunately seen at every point. In the Chambers, in the press, as well as in their moral state. In the Prussian Chambers, the diiferent parties, how divided soever they may be upon questions of home poHtics, are all with one mind united against France, and against what they call her ambition and her presumption in meddling •\\dtli Gei-man affaii'S. All animated ^Yii\\ ardent patriotism and full of clear-sighted susceptibility, are ready to sacrifice then.' private feelings, and support and encoui'age the Government, in the efforts it is maldng to organize a formidable army, to create an imposing nav}' ready for the decisive moment. What, on the contrary, do we see in France ? A Chamber that boasts itself as representing the people, and which is its reflection, so far as levity and inconsistency are concerned. Witness the law on the National Guard "Mobile," and the obstinacy with whicli it ^411 not see in Germany the storm which unceasingly increases, and threatens to overwhelm the country. A \iiaiority, formed almost entirely of unedu- cated men, without character, without that elevation of senti- ment or that knowledge so requisite for statesmen ; an opposi- tion Avliere vain and ambitious lawyers lead, whose patriotism consists of spiteful recrimination, or premeditated malice ; who 142 hide tlieir incapacity and impotence under flowers of rhetoric, who pretend that they alone are anxious for the well-being of the country, and who, to gam a factious popularity, dispute with the Government over one soldier, one franc ; men that one can only execrate if they are aware of then* criminal conduct, for while they seek to weaken France, they betray her into the hands of her most formidable enemy. To them may be applied the words of a Avarrior, "Modern Thersites, they bite but with " then tongues ; feeble of heart and arm, they are fitter to "■ speak than fight.''* The press of the two countries offers a sunilar contrast. While the Prussian press, edited usually by well-taught grave men, neglects nothing to excite feehngs of envy and hatred against France ; while it stops at no insult, no calumny : Avliile it shows itself unanimous in keeping up in the pubhc, hostile passions towards France, by representmg her as the only irreconcilable enemy that Germany has, and while it supports the Govermnent with all its mfluence in carrymg out the measures it takes to be ready for any contingency. What passes in France ? There a press, always vain and empty, whose leading joiu-nals descant on the most important subjects Avithout in the least comprehending them, seeldng to serve parties, not France — a press without sincerity and disunited, even before the foreigner — is mcessantly occupied m breaching the fimdamental institutions of the country, m seeking to disseminate insubordination and demorahzation throughout the army, and pushing its madness even to the pomt of clamourmg for a reduction of the army, or a disarmament, when France has urgent need of all her force, all her energy, the union of all parties, to meet a struggle, very near, perhaps, but, in any case, a most formidable one. If now, one tliinks of the moral state of the two countries, one must acknowledge that the Prussian nation, so clear- sighted, so watcliful, so enthusiastic in the pursuit of its mission, is, at the same time, the best educated in Em-ope, the best disciplined; that it is full of stamina, energy, and patriotism, not yet corrupted by the necessity for sensual enjoJ^nent ; and that it preserves an ardent faith in, and respect for all things, that should be respected. Pamful contrast ! France has laughed at everything ; things the most venerable are no longer respected; virtue, family ties, love of country, honour, rehgion, are all ofiered as fit subjects of richcule to a frivolous and sceptical generation. The theatres have become schools of cjaiicism and base- ness. A vulgar, indecent hterature, conducted by men who have lost then- status in society, and are devoid of principle, who seek but to make money, or reap an evil celebrity, or sell * In tlie publication made by the newspapers of tlic Ecport of our late Military Attaelic, many passages at the end arc suppressed, or softened. Wc give the original text. [Ed.] 143 their mercliaiiclise on tlie felag'c, teaching' yonth to contemn and despise everything. Immoral and obscene novels are pubHshed and sold, veiled by a seductive talent, as being- instructive studies of morals. And Avho Avill beheve it i 'J'his sickening literature, these unhealthy novels, are greedily read by the greatest part of the pubKc, to the exclusion of almost all other hterary productions ! Ai-e not these things palpable signs of real decay ? Thus poison filters, di'op by dro|), in every direction thi'ough the veins of an ignorant and blase society, Avanting mtelligence and energy to change its institutions, to adopt new laws, based on justice and right, winch may be conformable A^ith the spirit of moderndays, such as educate and elevate society. Thus all the great quahties of the nation, generosity, loyaK^", the charm of Avit, the aspirations of the heart, Ijecome weaker, cr gradually disappear, to such an extent, that the noble French race, Avill soon be known only by its faults ; and during thirj time France, does not see that other nations are passing hev on the road to improvement, and that she lags behmd. These opinions \nil be distateful in France ; but they are true. I Avisli that some enlightened Frenchmen, free from pre- judice, Avould come, and see, and study, Prussia. They would very soon recognize in her a nation grave, Avise, and strong-; Avanting, it is true, in all attractiA^e gifts, in all charms, in all delicate and generous feeHngs; but, as a compensation, en- doAved AAath the most estimable qualities, loA^e of labour, study, and appHcation, the spuit of order and economy, patriotism, tlie feeling of duty and indiA^dual dignity, lastly, the respect for authority and obedience to the laAA'. They Avill see a country admii-ably administered, goA^erned by strong, healthy, moral institutions, AAdiere the higher classes sIioav themselA^es worthy of their rank, and preserve the mfluence AAdiich is then- due because they are the most en- lightened, givmg examples of self-sacrifice, and dcA^oting them- seU^es continually to the serA'ice of the State. A country, in short, where each thing- is in its place, and AAdiero the most perfect order reigns in all portions of the social body. Perhaps these observers might, involuntarily, compare Pi-ussia to an unposing, massiA^e building, strongly constructed fi-om turret to foundation; in Avliich each stone is so laid as to contribute to the stability of the A\-liole. An edifice which may be admired for the rigidity of its outline, but where there is nothing to gratify the eye, or excite the feelings. AVhat a contrast Avith the disorder reigning- in the social condition of France, where CA'-erything is mixed, confased, and upset ; Avhere, under pretext that each may pretend to occupy the liighest position, no care is taken in selecting- men possessed of that just balance betAveen education, morahty, and instruction, Avliich is so requisite ; Avlience it foUoAvs that posts the most lionom-able, and of the highest M 2 144 consideration, are as often filled by men badly educated, but gifted with certain talents, as by ignorant men, witli no other claim to them than their social position, and knowledge of the ^vorld. Fatal, demorahzing spectacle ! Tliis is the cause why we meet in France so many men sunk in the social scale, and envious of others ; so many broken spirits, each groping liis way mthout finding it. Under this head, our confused social condition may, in opposition to that of Prussia, be compared to one of the masterpieces of ancient Greek architectm-e, Avhich an earthquake has shaken to its foundations, breaking, confusmg, and scattering everything. The traveller admires the mighty ruins, heaped j'^eZ/mg// on the ground, and goes away with a charmed mind but a saddened heart. I repeat it, it appears to me impossible that anyone who will study Prussia cannot but be struck by the contrast I have attempted to point out ; and he wUl see the truth of Vvdiat I have pointed out in one of my preceding reports, namely, that, as compared with Prussia, France is fifty years behind, so far as general instruction and institutions are concerned ; whilst, so far as relaxation, desire for material pleasm'e, and social dissolution, she is two hundred years in advance ! How can I avoid being profoundly affected by these com- parisons, believmg as I do that war is inevitable ? But (it must never be forgotten) in this war, Prussia, or rather the North German Confederation, will dispose of 1,000,000 trained dis- ciplined and strongly organized soldiers, while France has barely 300,000 to 400,000 men,* But the Federal Army embraces all the manly portion, all the intelligence, all the vis viva of a nation full of faith, energy, and patriotism, while the French Army is almost entirely composed, of the poorest, and most ignorant portion of the nation, The German Army, from the fact that it does embrace, without any exception, all the manly portion' of the nation, feels itself strengthened and supported by the unequalled esteem and consideration it enjoys in the country, while the French Army, looked on by some as a useless institution attacked by others, who sow corruption and iiisubordination in its ranks, feels itself bowed down by a want of consideration, and has no consciousness of the mission it has to fulfil. Once more I must insist upon the contrast which the mihtary forces of the two countries, the two nations themselves present. I cannot conceal it. It forms for me, and for some Frenchmen who deem war inevitable, and who live in Berlhi, the subject of our most painful thoughts, our continual grief. I would exceed the limits of my province were I to point' out the great measures that must be taken to remedy this deplorable state of affairs. * It is said that the institution of the National Guard "Mobile" will raise the military forces of France to more than 800,000 men ; but I hare ah'eady explained in the first part of this Report what may be expected of that abortire institution. 145 But liow can I avoid being struck l^y tJio moral dissolution which makes such frightful strides in France, and hov\' c-an I avoid seeing the torpor, tlie blind presumjition, in which the nation lives, and -which blinds it to its danger .^ The Government must undertake the Avork of regeneration, become so indispensable, and it can succeed in this noble enter- prise only by altering from top to bottom many of our essential institutions, or rather by replacing them by others better qualified to instruct and morahze the people and develop in them manly quaHties. Chief amongst these regenerative institutions there are two, as the history of Prussia superabundantly proves, compulsory military service, compulsory universal education. To speak only of compulsory service, we must first ask, Has the French nation tlie requisite qualities to adopt and apply it ? The reply, unfortunately, is not fencouraging. In- fatuated vath itself, and perverted by egotism, the nation "N^-ill with difficulty conform to an institution of wliich it does not even suspect the strong and fi'uitful principal, and the application of wliich requires vii'tues it does not possess, self-denial, self- sacrifice, love of duty. Like individuals who correct nothmg in their lives, except taught by the stern lessons of experience. Nations never improve the institutions wliich govern them, until compelled to do so by the rudest trials. Jena was requisite in order that Prussia might probe herself, and feel the necessity of invigorating herself with healthy manly institutions. She then adopted the principal of universal compulsory service for all her citizens. And it must be allowed that if this institution did not now exist, Prussia would find it impossible to introduce it. Once only in 50 years has France been in a position favour- able for the introduction of compulsory ser^ace. In 1848, when, thanks to the rapid growth of ideas produced by the revolu- tion of February, the National Assembly found itself m an excellent position to show, by the adoption of universal service, that it imderstood how to apply practically those principles of equality that it so loudly vamited. It did indeed, attempt something in this sense by seeking to abolish the hideous plague spot of mihtary substitution, and it named a Commission of which General Lamoriciere was reporter. Tliis law M^ould have been adopted, but for the interference of M. Thiers, who made himself in the Chamber the champion of the egotistical and paltry ideas of the bourgeois. By thus prevent- ing France from entering in 1849 on the path which would have led her later on to adopt compulsory service, so fruitful, so moralising, so suited to regenerate her, this man, to whom nature has denied feelings of true greatness, firm convictions, or the power of serious thought; this man, I repeat, has been more fatal to his country, than 20 disasters. Ul) Max(euvres of the 1st ,'iXd 2xd Army Corps, and Improve- :.iext ix the ixfaxtry ivifle. Report oj tlie '2bth September, 18G9. I. Manoeuvres of tlie 1st and 2ncl Army Corps. The great autumn manoeuvres at which the King, accom- panied by all the Princes of the Prussian Court, the Princess Royal, many Generals, amongst them, General !&Ioltke, and 60 Officers from all the coiuitries of Europe, Spain excepted, were present, lasted from the Gth to 18th September, viz. : — Those of the 2ik1 Armj Corps (Pomeranians) from the 6 th to the 11th, near Stargai'd. Those of the 1st Armv Corps (ProTince of Prussia) from tho 13tli to the ISth/ncur Brannsherg. The six days each of these manoeuvres lasted were employed as follows : — 1st Daj, EcTiew of the Army Corps by the King. 2nd Day, Manceuvres of the 2nd Division against a skeleton enemy. 3rd Day, Rest. 4th, 5th, 6th Days, Manoeuvres of the Divisions against one another. I attach to this Report two maps of the theatre of man- oeuvres, as well as the progrannne distributed to the foreign officers. Those French officers who desue to have an idea of the operations A\dll find a detailed account of them in Nos. 78 and folloA\dng, of the MiliUir Wochenhlatt, to which our Depot de la Guerre subscribes. The battalions were, on an average, about 500 strong and the strength of the Armv Corps was from 17,000 to 18,000 men. The second day the two divisions manoeuvred agamst a skeleton enemy. The greater part of the Prussian Generals do not approve of this method of exercising troops. They say that it gives officers of all ranks false ideas, both with regard to the extent of ground that troops in reahty would occupy, and the time requisite to perform real movements. Officers, they say, cannot accustom themselves to measure accurately the space occupied by a regiment, a brigade, or a di\dsion, when acting against a skeleton enemy ; in addition to Avhich they conceive an erroneous idea, of the time taken by a regiment of Infantry or Cavalry to pass over a certain distance, because the com- pany or troop representing them moves so much more rapidly. These are well known faults, found for a long tune with such manoeuvres. The last tlu-ee days have been devoted to the manoeuvres of division agamst division. They have been quite as inte- resting as those executed last year by the Guard Corps. As I have given a full account of the latter, I will limit myseU 147 here to a eucciiict account of tlie general nature of the move- ments. The two hostile dmsions bivuuack(.^d iu tlie open country Avitliout tents, and in selected positions. The out-post duty was performed exactly as in Avar. During the night the Army Corps General sent to each of the Divisional Generals, who were opposed to one another, the general idea which would serve as a basis for the operations of the f(JlloA^dng day. Each of the Divisional Generals was at perfect hberty to take any course he chose to obtain his object. The Ai-my Corps General reserved to hunself the power of modifying at any moment, either by telegraphic orders or orderhes, the dis- positions hrst given. Generals not belonging to the Army Corps are detached to each division as judges. At the end of each manoeuvi-e, the Commander-in-Chief designates new camping ground, and in the course of the evening or the night he sends to the Di^dsional Generals a sketch for the manoeuvres of the folloAA-ing day. The troops thus manoeuvre each day over different ground unknown to the Generals and officers. The space worked over during the three days may be taken as a square of some 13 or 14 miles. I have been struck this year, quite as much as last, by the fact that the infantry is ahvays handled better both by its Generals and officers of all ranks than the (^avahy or Ai-tillery. I would agam bring prominently to notice the excellence of the Company Commandants. By their general and professional know- ledge, by then- zeal, and the spuit of progress, Avhich anunates them, they are the soul and nerves of the Prussian Infantry, and greatly contribute to render it formidable. It might be easily seen hoAv in these manoeuAn-es they sought to aA^oid the faults committed during the battles of 18(i6, AA^hen all the troops, and even the reserA'e, scattered themseh^es into long Hues of sldi-mishers. They, howcA^er, fell into the opposite fault, for it more than once happened that the troops Avere placed under ffi-e, in deep columns, at considerable distance in the hue of battle ii'om one another. As usual, great use was made of company columns, and columns of attack. It is acknoAvledged that the Prussians Avere not at all satisfied A^dtll the part played m the war of 1866 by then- Ai-tillery. Since then a great manA' pamphlets liaA'e appeared upon the use of Field Artillery. General Officers liaA^e been called on to famiharize them- selves A^^th the judicious use of this arm of the SerA'ice, and the last autumn manoeuAa-es haA-e been made a practical study of the subject. The King, who is accustomed after each manoeuATe to assemble round him the Generals and Field Officers to criti- cise the moA^ements, blamed the action of the Artillery on many occasions. One day he blamed them for changing their positions too frequently during an action ; the foUoAvhig day he complained of the opposite fault, because a battery had, durmg the entire day remained in one place, 3.000 yards from the 14^ enemy. I refer to these tiling":^ to .show liow great a desh'e the Prussian Army has to study the nao of Artillery in war. The chief fault the General Officers commanding the divisions, in the manoeuvres at which I was present, appear to me to have comixdtted, was, they did not distinguish between the cliief phases of the action, and did not take the measm-es those phases rendered requisite. I mU explain myself. The average duration of these manoeuvres was three hours ; noAv it almost invariably happens that in actual battles lasting so long, there are moments when, for some reason or the other the Commander-in-Chief ought above all tilings strive to reform his line of battle, either by supporting it with the reserve, fresh troops or some natural obstacle. It did not appear to me that the Generals took any notice of this necessity when it happened. They alloAved the battle to continue all along the line ^athout inter- ruption, and AAathout even taldng time to reform the troops when such was requisite. The manoeuvre of the 9th September was a strildng example of tliis. One of the two divisions had been forced back and compelled to retreat ; 2,000 yards in the rear of its line there was a position strong in itself, and which extended between two villages, well placed to support the mngs. The defeated division should then have fallen back on this position, covered by a rear-guard, and without loss of time. In place of doing this its General continued, although pushed by superior forces, to defend himself along his whole line, in the open country, and the judge decided he was beaten, before he had crossed one-half the space that separated, the strong position, from that at first occupied. The annual manoeuvres, termed the autumn manoeuvres, are a school for officers and men, it is therefore but reasonable to expect faults to be committed. Instances where the Generals alloAved the movements to be influenced by the very fact that the manoeuvi'es were sham, might be cited. At the manoeuvres of the 11th of September, for mstance, one of the Divisional Generals surprised liis opponent and placed himself perpendicularly on his left flank. Unfortunately the movement Avas made so close to the enemy's fine that the turning division was for three parts of an hour overwhelmed by Artillery and Musketry. The General who was being- turned, ordered a change of front to the rear on his right, but he had not tune to affect it, owmg to the short flank march made by his opponent, who received neither shells nor bullets. So far as the men are concerned, I can only again aclaiow- ledge the amount of instruction imparted to them, which, when the short service of the Prussian Army is taken into account, is truly astonishing. This result, as I abeady pointed out in previous reports, is due to the particular pains taken Avith their training during winter, as well as the zeal and good- will Avhich animates every ojie. 1 will report another time on 140 the attempts which hare boon made to introduce certain altera- tions into the telegraphic service. It is a very mteresting thing, especially for a stranger, to observe the clifferent Prussian Army Corps -with reference to the physical and moral quahties which distinguish them from each other, for being recruited in different provinces, each has its own characteristic features. Exactly as would happen in France, if wo had entire iVi-my Corps composed some of Limousins, others of Bretons or Alsatians, each, v.-ould have its own pecuhar physiognomy. The various corps of the Prussian Army differ so much both physically and morally, that the General Officers arc compelled to alter the principles of leadmg, and commanding them. The 2nd Army Corps, Avhich the Crown Prmce commands, is recruited in Pomerania, and is composed of an energetic laborious race, a httle heavy, perhaps ; they arc generally of an average height, but bony, and strongly built. The Crown Prince said to me, " They are proud men, who ^dll not endiu'e " an injustice ; but well led, everything may be exacted from " them in war, provided their bellies are full."' II. Improvement of the Infantry P.ifle. I have ah-eady on several occasions referred to the attempts made, since 1867, to improve the mfantry rifle. The superiority of our weapon has been acknowledged for some time by intelli- gent Prussian officers ; as proved by my' conversation with the Kmg, of the 25th April, 1868 {vide report of the 8th Slay, 1868. The King then said to me — " We seek an improvement that '' \\'ill allow us to load more rapidly, and give a greater " initial velocity. Several have been' proposed to me, but '• hitherto I have been unwillmg to adoi^t anv. It is no '' hght matter to alter 1,000,000 rifles, if it is not quite clear " that the proposed alterations, ofier a real and incontestable " advantage." Since then, an oflicer of the School of Musketry, has. I beheye, proposed an improvement, which has been adopted. Five battahons of Ave different regiments have been supplied A'dth the altered arm, Avith orders to try it thoroughly, both for endm-anceand accuracy, so that the' trials may'termiuate towards the middle of October. I hope, if authorised, to study the details of this altera- tion, and forAvard the results in 'a short time. At present I confine myself to pointing out the nature of the proposed alterations ; one refers to the rifle, the other to the cartridge. The improvement in the rifle has for its object rapiditv of loadmg by suppressing one motion, and increasing the elastic force t>f the gas by a method of breech-closing, smiilar to that of our rifle (pattern 1866). The change made m the cartridge consists partly in a diminution of the Aveight of the l)ullet. and partly an increase in the depth to v.-hich 150 the bullet is enclosed in the paper sabot. It follows from these two conditions that the initial velocity is greatly increased, and that the rotatory motion of the sabot is more completely communicated to the bullet, by wliicli means greater range, a Hatter trajectory, and greater accuracy are obtained.* Fire of Field Artillery and Arms of the Feder.vl Ar:my. Rejjort of the 2oth October, 1869. I. Fire of Field Artillery. I am deshous of once more pointing out the extreme care taken here with Field Artillery practice. It may almost be said that Prussian Artillery officers con- sider their breech-loading guns as perfect instruments, and seek to obtain as much advantage from them as possible. That which above all, continually strikes me is the great care that the field officers, take to make Battery officers judge distance, and instantly correct their fu-e. It has been recog- nized for a long time in the Prussian Artillery, that the officers and non-commissioned officers of a battery will neglect these details much less in war, if they are thoroughly impressed with their importance in peace, if they practise such things often enough, they will finally be done from habit. I have been present occasionally at the practice of the regi- ment of Field Artillery of the Guard, under the conmiand * The documents Colonel Stoffel has been good enough to place at our disposal are all drawn up in the form of the Reports we publish. We find amongst them one which takes the form of a private letter written to the War Minister, and as it is dated 20th September, 1869, we believe it accompanied the foregoing Report. Colonel Stoffel gives some details of his joui-ney to Pomerania and the great manoeuvres of the 2nd Army Corps which took place there, and to which the King of Prussia had asked more tlian 60 for^-ign officers of every country in Europe. He praises the truly royal hospitality olfered by the King to his numerous guests, and the perfect order that existed everywhere, and the arrangements made to render to the stay in the country as pleasant as possible to every one. Our Military Attaclie informed the War Minister why he only attended the manoeuvres of the 2nd Armv Corps in Pomerania, and why he did not follosv the King into the Province of Prussia where the mano?uvres of the 1st Corps took place. We extract a passage from his letter. " The Court and the guests went to Stettin on the 8th September. That day I " passed through the town in an open carriage alone, and in imiform, when several " persons, forgetting that I was the guest of their King, followed me, using abusive " language, and calling me " French dog. " Stones and mud were flung into my " carriage. I took care to say nothing of this scene to any one, but resolved to return " to Berlin, so soon as the manoeuvres of the 2nd Army Corps were completed. " Consequently, on the lltli September, under the pretence of urgent private " affairs, I took leave of the King, and expressed my regret at not going witli " liim to Xonigsberg. " I should add that the people of Prussia proper, are those "n'ho preserve " feelirgs of the greatest hatred against France, and that no French uniform lias " appeared there since 1813. It appeared to me, therefore, imdesirable to expose " myself to fresh perhaps more serious insidts, than those I encountered at Stettin. " M. do Pismarek, who had come to see the King at Stargard on the 11th " September, was good enough to ask me to go with, him to Yarzin when he " returned, and where I was his guest for some days." 151 of General Ilolieiilolie. Tliirs meritorious, energetic, and able officer exercises his batteries at field practice, as follows : — The Battery Commandment, so soon as he arrives at the range with liis guns, rmlimbers at a place pointed out by a field officer, and lie judges the distance between the guns and the target. Each battery has a regimental telescope, which has its fixed place in one of the hmber boxes. The Battery Com- mandant judges the distance, suppose 1,500 yards. He then orders, by a special word used at drill, to lay No. 1 gun Avitli a range of 1,400 yards, No. 2 with 1,500. No. 3 with I'.BOO, and No. 4 with 1,700.* The first gun is then fired. Of three tlnngs, one must happen; the range is too long, too short, or the target is struck. In the first case the Battery Commandant can tell, thanks to the accm-acy of the Prussian guns, that the range is less than 1,400 yards, and he therefore directs the tlu-eo other guns to be relaid, according to the distance the shot has struck beyond the target. The second gun would then be laid at 1,300 yards, the tlnrd at 1,200, the fourth at 1,100. The second gun would then l3e fired ; and if the range was still too long, the Battery Commandant Avould again correct tlie other two guns, and so proceed until the proper range was obtained. In the second case, if the first roimd was too short, the Battery Commandant would conclude that the target was more than 1,400 yards, and would at once correct the ranges of the other guns, lading them, for example, at 1,500, 1,(500, 1,700 yards. The second gun would then fire, and so on. If the first round, when iu-ed at 1,400 yards, struck the target, showing that the distance had been correctly judged at the first attempt, the other three guns would not fire. They would remam loaded, the limbers Avould come up, and the battery would moye off at a trot, either to the rear or the front, and take up a new position, pointed out by a field officer. Then the guns would again come into action, and the Battery Commandant, in a new position, would have to judge the distance of other taryets, without reference to the first. He has then to act as I have described, and is compelled to judge the distance by the telescope, and ccu-rect the la;\'ing of the guns at each round until the target is hit. The rule is invariably adhered to, that once the target is struck, the other gnins, although loaded, do not fire at that range. They see no instruction in firing them, and prefer rather to reserve these rounds for exercising officers and men in firing at other ranges. Tliis is very different, indeed, from the routine method in Avhich the practice of our field artillery is carried out. I have been surprised every time I have been present at such practice by the accuracy of the Prussian field guns. Tlieir sensibility (if I may use such a word) is so great, that I have seen a battery at practice sliift its position five times before it * In peace, Batteries bare only four gnus in Pnisiia. 152 fired 12 rounds, or, in otlier words, the target had been struck after only two rounds {vide for details of the accuracy of the Prussian guns, the German memoire attached to my Report of the 20th February, 1808). What I desire chiefly to bring to notice is the stress that in Prussia is laid on tliQ correction of the range, and the care displayed by the officers and non-commissioned officers in forming this habit. I have more than once, when in Paris, discussed these details with Artillery Officers. The rephes they made are but another instance of our infatuation, and of that detestable pre- tension that we have notliing to learn. " It is not requisite to " be a Prussian to know that in vrar the range must be cor- " rected," said one officer to me. '• All our officers know that " without being taught." This is tantamount to saying, it is not requisite to teach men to march, preserve their dressing, or manoeuvre, for when requisite they will know enough of these tilings. In Prussia, it is said that many inevitable causes make officers Hable to misjudge distance, and neglect the correction of then* ranges, and the sound method to counteract tliis neglect is to teach these important details unceasingly, and -wdth such care, that the habit once formed remains in all contingencies. General Hohenlohe, who takes the greatest care in instruct- ing the batteries composing liis brigade of Artillery, made last summer in the ranges a moveable target, and he was good enough to ask me to be present at the trials. He obtained fi."om a raihvay company some worn out rails, sufficient to make a road 500 yards long. He obtained from the Artillery stores, some condemned rope, and thus at a cost of 16?. he made a moveable target. As is seen on the sketch, the rope to Avliieh the target is attached runs from one end of the railway to another, being supported so as to diminish the friction of the ground by httle cyhnders of wood, c, c, c, spaced along the line. At the end of the hue it turns round a kind of pulley fixed firmly in the ground, and at the end of the rope, horses are attached, who move the target, which is mounted 153 on two wheels rimning on the rails. When the tarp^et reaches the end of the railway towards A, it is made again to go back by hooking the horses in at D. Grape is fired against the target in motion, when the horses walk to imitate Infantry, and when they trot to imitate Cavalry. These experiments have been most interesting, and have succeeded so well, that General Hohenlohe is going to lengthen the railway next year by an additional 500 yards. II. Number of Guns in the Federal Army. I have already reported, that since the beginning of this year all the Artillery of the Army of the North German Confedera- tion is provided '\\^th steel breech-loading guns. The Regular Army on a war footing requires 1,284 guns. In case of mobilization each regiment of Field Artillerv forms tlu'ee depot batteries ; 89 in all for the 13 Army Corps, and three other batteries, called reserve batteiies ; these 78 batteries or 468 guns will be provided ^dth the converted guns of the small States of the Confederation. If to these be added the guns of the Regular Army, there is a total of 1,752 guns ; hi addition to which Prussia has 500 or GOO guns forming the reserve materiel, making 2,300 guns in all. All this field materiel is complete and in perfect order. To it may be added the 200 guns captured from the Austrians in 18G(i, and now being converted into breech-loaders. As for the small-arms of the North German Confederation, they consist of 1,500,000 of needle rifles, and 140,000 carbines, supposmg aU the mihtary forces of the Confederation fuUy armed, 500,000 rifles and 50,000 carbines will remain as a reserve. Military Telegraphy — The Berlin TeleC4raph, and the Military Cox\"extiox. Report of the 17 ih November, 1860. I. Reorganization of the Mihtary Telegraplhc Service. The Mihtary Telegraphic Service has been reorganized on nev\r piinciples. The reason being that its importance was thoroughly appreciated hi the war of 1866, and that people were not quite satisfied with the way it worked. The first army, (Prhice Frederick Charles), was the only one where, thanks to the zeal of the staft', the telegraphic service has completely performed its duties, but elsewhere it has left much to be deshed. It happened, as I can testify, when the Emperor sent me on a mission to Bohemia during the armistice of 1866, that on several occasions, the telegraph poles were used as fire wood, and the wke to tie horses "\^dth. 154 Prussia is too watchful and too anxious for progress, not to seek and profit by tlie experience acquii-ed in 186(i, to improve this important service. She has laboured at it for tlu-ee years, last year at the autumn manoeuvres of the Guard some experi- ments were made. They were resumed this year during the grand manoeuvres of the Second Army Corps in Pomerania ; and as they were considered satisfactory, the reorganization may be considered as now completed and adopted. The essential difference between the new and the old system consists in dividing the telegraph service of the army into two clistinct porti(nis. 1. That of the Field Telegraph Division. 2. That of the Telegraph Division termed '• etappen." The latter keeps up the communication from the rear of the army v'ith the telegraphic system of the country. While the Field Telegraph Divisions freed fi'om tliis labour, are attached to the army and solely employed in mihtary operations, During the Avar of 18G6 the Telegraph Divisions performed both duties, but experience showed that it was very difficult and very fatiguing for them to follow the movements of the army, and at tlie isame time work the hues ah'eady estabhshed. The division of duties referred to above, was therefore deemed indispensable. I had intended to make a special report on this reorgaui2ia- tion of the telegraphic service of the North German Army, but Avhile I was collecting the requisite information the 22nd A'olume of the collection called " Mihturische Bliitter," otli paper, November 18()9, appeared, which contahied a chapter giving detailed information on tliis subject, and thus rendered my labour needless. I attach a copy of the 22nd volume to this report. The chapter refen-ed to is written by an Officer of Engineers who formed a portion of the Telegraph Diviision attached to the Second Army Corps, during the great autumn manoeuvres, when the new system was tried. He explains the reorganization, and points out the composition of the Field Telegraph Division, both in personnel and material, as well as the results obtained. Tliis article is vv^ell worthy of translation for the instruction of our officers in general, and those charged with the telegraphic service in particular. I sent on the 20tli September last a map of the country manoeuvred over by the Second Army Corps, which will serve as a guide for the account of the telegraphic operations contained in the " ]\lihtarische Blatter." I will confine myself to sayuig that ui case of a great war the 13 Army Corps of the North German Army, would form four armies, each of which will have its 'telegraphic service, or as they say in Prussia, its telegraph column. Each column will be com- posed of tln-ee divisions. One, the Etappen Telegraphic Division, is destined to estabhsh and secure the communication of the great Head-Quarters Arith the rear, and the network of State Telegraphs (as has just been said). The other two termed Field Telegraph Divisions, are charged Avitli duties connected Avith 155 the operations of the army reeonnais8ance, subsistence, com- munications of the Head-Quarters with the vaiious Army Corps, &c. One detail given in the chapter ah'eady quoted of the " MiHtiirische Blatter," is that the 92 Sappers (see page 373) which form a portion of the Telegraph Detachment, are taken from the Landwelu*. An apphcation of the principle to which I have so often referred, that hi Vi-uBsm the pei so/mel of the various exceptional ser\dces (companies of bearers of the sick, railway companies, and telegraphic divisions), are formed for Avar without decreasing the effective strength of the active army by draAving on the Landwher as on a great reservou*. So much importance is attached to the telegraph service that it is proposed to increase the ah-eady very large number of estabhsh- ments for mihtary instruction in Prussia by making a special telegraphic school. Now telegraphy is a branch of instruction in all the mihtary schools of the State, and it has been decided to have in Avinter, for Officers in the great garrisons, a course both of theoretical and practical telegraphy, gi\^en by a superior ewploye of the civil telegraph serAace. In the same garrisons telegraphy is taught to the non- commissioned officers of the A^aiious regiments, Avho, in case of mobilization, vrill be employed on the telegraph lines of the State, Avhere they AA^ould replace ciAal emploijes, avIio, in then" turn, Avould join the army to be attached to the tele- graphic service. An increase of pay is giA^en to these iion-connnissioned officers as an encouragement. II. IMihtary Telegraph Communication AA^th Berlin. Since the beginning of my mission in Prussia, I have scA^eral times pointed out, Avhen in Paris, both to the Emperor and the War Minister, as aat'11 as to other people, a fact that appears to me AA^orthy of attention and AA^ell-deserAang of study. There undoubtedly must be reasons Avliy nothijig has folloAved from my obserA^ations, but as I do not knoAv these reasons I again return to the subject. I AAdsh to speak of the existence at Berhn of a telegraphic communication direct from all the barracks to the Kmg's Cabinet, the War Office, and the Main Guard. There are in each regiment tAveh^e non-connnissioned officers exercised in working the apparatus, who take the telegraphic duty betAveen them AA^eek about. In ordinary times this institution is not of A'ery great utiHty. But is it possible to deny the great adA^antages that miglit accrue from it if disturbances broke out, and had to be repressed? These adA^antages are too CAadent to make it requisite for me to enumerate them. It may be said, perhaps, that in time of trouble, the telegraphic communication aa'OuUI be quickly broken; but is there anything to prcA^ent its being carried underground, safe from all attempts to destroy it ? There are besides frequent occasions, cA^en in ordhiary times, 15B Avhen a method of telegraphic communication, such as exists at Berhn, offers undoubted advantages. I spoke last year with one of the Princes of the Prussian Court on the subject: — " These telegraphs," he said to me, '• do not cost much " money to construct, and you would hardly believe the profit " we obtain from them, or rather the expenses of another '' kind that they save us. Let us suppose a great review '• ordered ; and some hours before the moment when the " King should go out, it begins^ to rain, will the review take "place — Yes or No? Having at his disposal the telegraph, '■ wliicli communicates from his cabinet to the various barracks, " the King can wait before deciding until the moment when '" the troops should march, and, if requisite, he can counter- '• mand the review in time. We thus ]3revent the arms and " accoutrements of eight to ten thousand men bemg damaged *' by rain or mud. Tliis is equivalent to a large smn ; and " if what the State has saved in this way, since the barrack " telegraphs were constructed, was added up, it would be found " that their construction has been profitable." When one tliinks of the advantages of every kmd wliich the establish- ment at Paris, at such a small cost, of such telegraphs, one can hardly understand why we do not follov/ the example of Prussia. One of the distinctive quahties of Prussia is foresight. She ^^'ishes to be always ready, so that in any crisis she may get on a Avar footing as quicldy as possible. She there- fore has organized and prepared beforehand all that is useful and necessary. In France, Ave say, If Ave Avere iuA^olved m a great war, avo AA^ould very quickly, in case of necessity, establish m our strong places, Paris, Lyons, Metz, and others, a netAvork of telegraphs, to communicate betAveen these places and the surrounding forts. Here they reason differently. They say, AA'hen Avar breaks out, the number of things to l>e done is very great, and they organize as much as possible beforehand. Thus Mayence, Coblentz, Cologne, and several places m Silesia, are suppHed with a netAvork of telegraphs, either completed or in course of construction, Avliich put these towns in communication with the detached forts. Thus cA^erything m the A^arious military magazines of North Germany is ready, even to a spade-heh'e and a nail. I would add, that at Berhn the Prefecture of PoHce is equally in telegraphic conununication with the Police and Fhe Stations. I spoke some days ago A^dth the Prefect of PoHce, ^L Wurmb, Avho has just returned from Paris, AAdierc he went to study the organization of the French Pohce. He Avas astonished that Ave had not at Paris a telegrapliic netAvork for pohce purposes. He told me he had expressed his astonish- ment to the Parisian authorities. " What did they reply ? " I asked. " We do not Avant it." 157 III. Berlin Contingent 1869. The best informed newspapers say that last spring the Council of Revision, sittmg at Berlin, examined 20,000 young men, twenty years of age, and found only 3,200 fit for military service, or one in seven. This has been much commented on, and several newspapers have raised a cry of alarm. Some parts of Berlui have not even furnished one recruit out of eleven young men "^"ho came forward. Scrofulous diseases have been the chief cause of this small number of sound men. IV. Military Conventions. Brunswick and Mecklenburg Strelitz. — The only States of the North German Confederation which have not now concluded a military convention with Prussia are Bruns^%dck and j\lecklen- burg Strelitz. The mihtary relations of these Duchies vdtli Prussia is governed only by the Federal Constitution (Para- graphs 63 and 64). These Ducliies continue to administer thek troops themselves. They do not form an integral part of the Prussian Army, as those of the Thiiiingian States, the Hanseatic Towns, and the Duchy of Oldenburg do. Prussia is by no means pleased that these two little States thus pretend to a kind of independence. The newspapers reproach them on every occasion, turning them into ridicule, and seeldng to influence the officers of the two Duchies, by asking how they can consent to be contented with the slow promotion of an insignificant contingent, m place of sharing m the general promotion of the great Prussian Army ? Kingdom of Saxony. — Saxony has concluded, as is loio-wm, a mihtary convention with Prussia. Nevertheless, on account of the importance of this kingdom, she has retained the aclmuiis- tration of her ot\ti troops; and the Saxon officers are promoted only amongst themselves. In accordance with the 4th Paragraph of the Federal Constitution, the fortress of Konigstem and the fortifications of Dresden belong to the Confederation. The former has had, ever since 1860, a Prussian garrison. The 1st January, 1870, the fortress was occupied by the 1st Company of the 5th Bat- tahon of Silesian Rifles. Grand Duchy of Hesse. — The mihtary convention of Hesse with Prussia dates the 7th August, 1867. It has been much spoken of since what took place this autumn at Bergen, during the manoeuvres in presence of the Kuig, when, for the fu'st time, Prussian and liessian troops were united to- gether. The 4th September after these manoeu^a-es, the King said to me that the instruction of the Hessian troops had not fully satisfied him ; and, a feeling of pride minghng -udth his discontent, he added, " They have yet much to learn " before they equal my troops." The King then, without doubt, determined to use the right that the 4th Para- graph of the Military Convention gave him, that of sub- 158 etituting Prussian for Hessian officers. For lie directed several Hessian officers to be retii-ed, and their places to be filled by- Prussian officers, who he named to commands in the 25th Division. Thus, for example, a decision of the 7th November last, gave the command of the Brigade of Hessian Cavalry to the Prussian General Schlotheim, Chief of the Staff of the 8th Ai-my Corps. The Prussian newspapers ^aite that this must not stop there, that the Hessian Division must be purged. The officers of this Division (they allude chiefly to the field officers) who are not, according to Pru> sian ideas, equal to the duties, must simply be sent on fui lough, and the others must not be promoted, until they have served a certain time in a Prussian regiment. These measures have caused considerable discontent m the Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt, vdth which Prussia had liitherto kept on good terms, despite the taunts levelled at her. IShe is accused of bemg favourable to Austria; of ignoiing the existence of a North German Confederation ; of having news- papers, amongst others the Allgemeine Militdr Zeitung, edited by discontented officers. She is reproached vath not wisliing to organize her mihtary force in accordance with the basis adopted by Prussia, and in adhering to two-battalion regiments (4 regiments of two battalions and two battahons of rifles), whilst the remahider of the Federal Army has three battalion regi- ments. Prussia vashes to substitute 3 three-battalion regiments and one battahon of rifles. Wliich three regunents would take the vacant numbers 97, 98, 99, which are wanting m the series of regunental numbers. Hesse has hitherto refused to yield to the wish of Prussia ; but sooner or later she will see herself compelled to peld, for she cannot sustain a prolonged struggle on account of the precarious position resulting fi-om the events of 1866. The step taken by the King iii replacing Hessian by Prussian officers is important, when it is ^dewed in connection with the method in which Prussia accomphshes her work of absorption. Wlule the King has only acted as he was empowered to do by the Military Convention of the 7th August, 1867, it is not the less true that more than two years elapsed before he exer- cised this right. This fact is but a fresh example of the pohcy of Prussia as regards all the small States of the North German Confederation, as well as those of the South. This policy consists on the one hand, in the use of tact hastening notliing, risking nothmg, so that discontent should never exceed moderate hmits ; and on the other hand acting imceasingly, both openly and secretly, letting no opportunity pass, for placing these States, more and more, in a condition of depenlence on Prussia. In truth there is in Prussia a party who would desue to hasten matters, and settle the unification of Germany at the risk even of a war with France ; but it is powerless to influence 159 the Government or the wise and moderate party ; these, headed by M. Bismarck, clearly see that time is then- best auxiliary. They vd\l do nothing that will give France much cause of alarm ; they vdll watch the events wliich they themselves bring about, seekuig to increase unceasingly the absorbing mfluence of Prussia, and they reckon that the day will come when, under the shelter of accompHshed and accepted facts, the last step to complete the unification of Germany under their leadership, may be taken as a natmal sequence from previous events, a consequence so simple and natui'al, that no Power can find cause to complain of it. These opinions are not mine alone, they are those of a great number of sensible people, to whose opinion some weight is due. I could cite the ministers of various countries at Berlin, who are ahnost m a state of consternation at the rapid progress made by Prussia in three years on this road; I see that this progress is very evident and real. Prussia exer- cises over all the States surrounding her a very considerable attractive power, due to the education and intelhgence of the nation, to her energy, force of voLl, and the faith she has in what she believes to be her mission. She knows that the discontent actually existing in the annexed States, and in those of the south, ^n\\ gradually decrease, and finally disappear. She counts on time, her address, and, if need be, on her strength. I would remark, besides, that people deceive themselves in exaggerating the discontent Tvhich exists in the small States of North Germany, consequent on the forcible annexations of 1866. AVithout denymg the existence of discontent, it should be clearly understood that it is felt only by a small portion of the people. Compulsory military service has been cited as the chief motive for the discontent of the inhabitants of the small States. Tliis is true only to a certain extent, for I have heard it said by rich well-to-do people in Hanover and the Hanseatic towns, that they thought it fortunate that their sons, when they reach the age of 17, should be compelled to serve for at least one year. " Our childi-en," these persons said to me, " are compelled " to labour mth greater zeal than formerly to be able to pass " the examiaation required from those who seek to benefit by " the advantages granted to the volunteers of a year, and we " do not murmer at then having to pass a year in the army " at an age when they might feel disposed to spend then- time " badly. This year spent in the army as a school of morality " and honour, is at the same time the best school they can have " for discipline and obedience to the laws." To anyone understanding the German character, this opinion is not astonishing. The German yields easily to every exigency, even the hardest, when he sees its necessity and utility. I attach to tliis report — 1. A copy of the 23rd volume of the " Militarische Blatter," 5th number, November 1869. N 2 160 2. A copy of a History of the School of Musketry at Spanclan. 3. A copy of the Composition of the Army Corps and Stations of the Federal troops (Autmnn 1869). 4. A copy of "Instruction for Riflemen," by Lieutenant- Colonel Hautelman. IXSTKUCTIOX OF RECRUITS; DETAILED INF0R1L\TI0X AS TO THE CAVALRY; AilALGAMTION OF THE ArIVHES OF OTHER STATES. Report of the 11th January, 1870.* I. Instruction of Recruits and Detailed Information as to the Cavalry. The instruction- of recruits carried out every year with a zeal and care, unequalled m any other army, is this winter pushed forward with redoubled vigour. Orders have been given dhecting that every effort is to be made to enable the recruits to take then- places in the ranks by the end of February. I do not thinlc there is any other reason for this beyond the lact that, for economical motives it is proposed to give a number of furloughs in each army corps, to the men of different arms, Cavahy excepted. I have ah*eady pointed out, that consequent on the short service in Prussia, the Cavahy histruction demands the greatest care and attention. Every Cavahy Officer knows that he can only fulfil his task by the greatest activity and zeal. Hence in each squadi-on Officers are on an average six or seven hours on duty daily, and the regimental riding schools are (as is never done in France) hghted at night, and the recruits succeed one another in batches all day long. Com- manding Officers of Cavalry Regiments are du'ected not to lose time in maldng inspections and reviews, but to saciifice every- thing to so called practical instruction. I beg to di*aw atten- tion to the arrangement by v/hich they seek to induce Cavahy soldiers to remain four years in place of three in the regular army. Those who consent to do so, serve only thi'ee years in the Landwehr, in place of five, and further, during then period of service in the reserve they escape the two trainings of eight weeks prescribed for reserve meii. In adcUtion to which they receive during the fourth year spent with the coloms the increase of pay paid on re-engagement, and may be promoted to the fii'st class, or even to the rank of Non-Commissioned Officer. * We have nine Reports dated 1870. We publish the follcsving fire as the most interesting. — [Ed.] 161 Officers conunanding regiments are requested to induce as many men as possible to re-engage. I think it well to point out the error made with reference to tliis subject in several French books, where it is stated that the length of service in Prussia v\ith the colom's is four years in the Cavahy and Ai-tillery m place of three as Avith the Infantry. The persons who \;hiapnel, whilst the 4-pr. batteries had only common shell and grape. 196 The smooth-bore batteries hardly fired at all, whilst the Shrapnel shell, fired with a percussion fuze, did so httle damage that in 1868 they resolved to discontinue its use. I reported this on the 22nd July 1868. However, experiments have been made to obtain a time fuze. Captain Richter has proposed one wliich gives very good results. But recently a member of the Experi- mental Committee, Captam Lancelle, has succeeded in altermg tliis fuze, and rendering Shrapnel fire so satisfactory that the Committee has proposed to re-adopt this projectile. This has been approved by the ]\lmister. The only question not yet decided is the proportion of Shrapnel to common shell. I will report this ivhen fixed. The re-adoption of Shrapnel will cause curved fire to be discontinued, and also get rid of small charges from the hmbers. II. Alterations of Carriages of all kinds. Since 1866, the foundry at Spandau, and the Artillery work- shops have done much work. This "vxdU be easily imderstood, when it is remembered that Prussian materiel had to be intro- duced into the pro\ances annexed by Prussia, and also into the small States of the Confederation. This work has been com- pleted, and the War Office has undertaken another, wliich con- sists in altering all military wagons except gun and ammunition carriages. Store wagons, baggage wagons, field forges, car- riages of the different trains, pares, and supply columns (f/e louche). A commencement was made by altermg the store wagons and forges. The store wagon carried three spare wheels, fixed on a vertical axis, consequently carried horizontally. Experience showed that this arrangement did not give steadiness enough to the wheels, and that it required a difficult operation to load and unload them. The hmber has been altered so as to admit of the wheels being placed there ; in addition to which the two horses which drew this wagon were not found to be enough. For the future it will be horsed by four horses. For the field forge, a smaller pattern on an improved system has been made ; the old forge Avas open, the new is covered. These alterations are for the store wagons and forges of the 4-pr. batteries ; they are far advanced, and will be followed by similar altera- tions in the ()-pr. batteries. The artillery have still some wagons of the old pattern of 1842 and 1861. AU the carriages wall be replaced by the present pattern of 1864. The materiel so replaced is intended in case of mobilization to be used by reserve batteries. The way in which the wheels locked in 1866 was not satis- factory ; experiments are being made to test a ucav method. III. Siege and Garrison Artillery. It would be difficult to give any idea of the confusion in which the siege and garrison artillery of Prussia at present is. 197 There are many calibres of various metals— iron, bronze, and steel. Smooth-bore and rifled gmis, with all kinds of breech apparatus and carriages of every pattern. If this Artillery be classified it will be found to be composed as follows : — I 1 Iron smoolh-bore. 4 natures of 6-prs. . J } Bronze smooth-bore. '■ 1 Iron rilled. II Steel rifled. fl Short brass smooth-bore. I 1 Iron smooth-bore. 5 natures of 12-pr8. • • "i 1 Iron rifled. I 1 Bronze rifled. (_1. Converted rifled gun. fl Short smooth-bore iron. I 1 Long „ ., I 1 Long bronze smootli-bore. 7 natures of 24-pr8. ■ • -=| 1 Iron rifled. 1 Bronze rifled. 1 Steel rifled. 1 Converted riCed bronze. I 1 7-pi\ Smooth-bore bronze. 4 Howitzers .. ..•< i .t- ^^' " " j 1 2.3-pr. Ll 50-pr. „ „ 2 Shell Guns . . . . | } f.t^""- ^'°'' ^^^o^^^h-bore. 1.1 5U-pr. „ „ 11 V-Jir. Bronze. 1 25-pr. „ 1 2o-pr. Iron. 1 50-pr. Bronze. 1 Pierrier ., .. Bronze. Adoption of an Iron 24-/7r. — The Prussian Artillery desires, as is known, to reduce the number of cahbres composing its siege and garrison material ; and has consequently experimented for several years with a cast-iron gun called the 5-895-inch gun, intended to replace the heavy, smooth-bore howitzers, the 24-pr. guns, and the 25-pr. shell gun. The new gun just adopted is a short 24-pr. rifled gun, with a caHbre of 5*895 inches ; a breech- loader, on the double wedge (Kreiner) system. It is seven cahbres shorter than the old 24-pr. gun, and can be fii-ed "v\'ith a greater elevation ; it weighs 2,750 lbs. at least. Intended for ricochet fire, it will be employed both as a siege, and garrison gun, and it wiU be used both in breaching batteries and counter batteries, where there would be a difficulty in placing the old 24-pr. The carriage is 6' 6-6' inches high; the weight of the projectile is 61-6 lbs ; the greatest range 6,594 to 7,1 1 1 yards. IV. Naval Artfllery. If steel has fallen into disrepute in the construction of field guns, there appears to be a similar tendency, so far as naval guns are concerned, iron and bronze gainmg ground. The Federal Xavy has already adopted bronze rifled guns for a portion of the armament of its screw boats, and whilst the Artillery of the Iron Clads is altogether of steel, the " Arminius " has just been armed with bronze 72-prs. It may 198 be remembered that during the trials of last year a 72-pr. projectile fired with a charge of 24*2 lbs. of powder, penetrated a 5-inch plate at a range of 547 yards. The l^'ederal Navy has actually the following calibres : — Smooth-bores. 24-prs. 30-pr3. 36-pr3. 68-pr8. Shortl2-prs.U^^ Liong la-prs. J ;mall Vessels. Rifled Guns. Iron 12-prs. „ 24-prs. Steel, 24-prs. „ 36-prs. „ 72-prs. Bronze 4-pr8. for small Ships. Practice against Iron Plates.— I have given an account in my reports of the lOth July and 22nd iSovember, 1868, of the experiments made at Tegel agamst iron plates, they will be contmued again this autumn with a steel 11 -inch gun. Pi'actice against Bomb-proof and Shielded Casemates. — I gave sonie details on the 22nd November, 1868, on the bomb-proof and shielded iron casemate made at Tegel by ]\I. Gruson, and designed for the protection of Coast Artillery. This erection has cost more than 16,000/., and has necessitated castmgs weigliing 1 65,000 lbs. Apparently ashamed of tliis extravagance, I have not hitherto been able to obtain information as to the experiments that have taken place. [Shortly, the experiments have been of two kinds ; they have fired a 72-pr. gun beheved to be protected, from within the casemate, and have then proceeded to tire against the casemate. The gun withm the casemate was fired with 'l&'o lbs. of powder at the rate of one round per minute ; the gas caused much mconvenience to the gunners. The apparatus for dischargmg the gun was not satisfactory, and the impossibility of usmg so short a gun on accoimt of the force of the detonation and the back stroke of the gas was acknowledged ; the model of the carriage was satisfactory. Practice was begun at the outside with a 24-pr. gun, firing eohd steel shot at a range of 547 yards ; it was then continued with the 72-pr. gun, at a range of 1,094, and a charge of 33 lbs. of powder. The effects were nil. The Krupp projectile fired at a range of 1,094 yards fi-om a 96-pr. gun, produced, at the back of the casemate, a crack 23 mches long ; a second shot strildng just above enlarged the crack by 6 mches. The 72-pr. and l)6-pr. were then advanced to within 382 and 218 yards of the casemate, and many portions of it were comjjletely broken up and dislocated. Last month the walls were tired at with an angle of inclination, and this autumn projectiles, weigh- ing 495 lbs., will be used this not so much with the object of testing the resistance of the casemate, as for ascertaining the penetration of heavy projectiles. According to Mr. Gruson, the United States propose to adopt his plan for casemates for coast defence. It is proposed to renew the experiments at Tegel. V. Miscellaneous. School for Non-commisfioned Officers. — North Germany has 199 four schools for Infantry non-commissioned officers, and one school for Cavah'Y non-commissioned officers forming a portion of the Cavalry school at Hanover. The regulated duration of this course is three years, or two only for those who distinguish themselves. The pupils of these schools are soldiers who pre- pare themselves for the functions of non-commissioned officers. The course at the school gives them, however, no right to the grade. It is proposed to form a- school for non-commissioned officers of artillery. Distinctions awarded to the Best Shots. — The King has just issued an order sho^^dng the importance attached to good shooting. He has ordered that a distmctive badge be given to gunners who shoot well, as is already done to Infantry soldiers. This badge is awarded ui the proportion of one non-commissioned officer per battery and one private per company of Infantry. Alteration in Dress. — By the order of the 19th May, 1870, the di'ess of the horse artillery, the officers of field batteries, and train has been modified. The long trousers with boots over them have been replaced by short trousers strapped with leather and knee-boots. This alteration had been already ordered for Drag-oons and Lancers on the 24:th March, 1870. Whip, Cuttincj Whip. — -The drivers have in heu of a whip a long cutting-whip with a lash. The officers, non-commissioned officers, and men prefer the whip as being more convenient ; it is less expensive than our whip, but perhaps does not last so long. Railwaii Committee. — A Committee composed of officers and civil employes from both Northern and Southern States has been sitting at Berlin for three weeks to draw up rules for the transport of troops and stores of all kinds, in case of war, on the railways belonging to the cHfferent States. The offensive and defensive treaties made in 1866, between the North German Confederation and the Southern States, explains and justifies this Committee. I attach to this report — 1. Two copies of a plan, not quite correct, of the harbour of Wilhemsha ven . 2. A map of Hanover and Brunswick to attach to my former report. It Avill allow the ground for the manoeuvres of the lOth Corps to be studied. 3. A copy of the regulations of the Sanitary Corps. 4. A copy of a pamphlet termed " Uber die Thiitiglvcit und " Verwendung der Cavallerie un Feldzuge von J 800." It deserves translation. It is anonymous, and is said to be by the Staff officer Avho w^rote two years ago the " Taktische Riick- blicke." 200 APPENDIX. I. — EXAIMPLES OF THE LENGTH OF TIME TAKEN TO MoBHjIZE VARIOUS Regiments in 1866.* 1*^ Regiment of Grenadiers {\st Army Corps, East Prussia), 2 Battalions at Konigsbery, 1 Battalion at Pillau. Order to Mobilize arrived at Konigsberg in the evening of the 8tli Maj ; thi s day may count as the first day of Mobilizatiou . . . . . . 8tli May. Transfer of OtHcers to the depot battalion and Landwehr . . . . . . . . . . . , 9th May. 2nd Battalion received additional arms. . . . . . lltli and 12th May. Ist Battalion and Rifl-i Battalion received additional arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14th May. Sharpening swords. r District of Konigsberg 13th, 14th, 16th May. Reserves J „ Wehlaw . . , . . . 16th May. called up | „ Bartenstein . . . . . . 16th, 17th May. I „ TUsit 17th May. Dcpdt Battalion finally formed of 69 non-commissioned officers, 429 soldiers, and 90 workmen. On the 2nd June it was increased by 210 recruits . . 16th May. The horses anel men of the train for the statf and battalions told off . . . . . . . . . . 15th and 16th May. War materiel received for the 1st Battalion . . . . 18th May. „ „ „ 2nd and 3rd Battalions 19tli ]\Iay. Mobilization completed . . . . . . . . . . 20th May. Length of time taken to Mobilize . . . . . . 11 days. 42,nd Regiment of Infantry of the Line {2ind Corps, Pomerania), 2 Battalions at Stralsund, 1 Battalion at Swinemunde. Order to Mobilize the 2nd Army Corps . . . . 7th May. Order for the 42nd Regiment reached Stralsuud . . 9th May, in the morning. Comuiander-m-Chief of 2nd Corps ordered the mobil- ization to be counted from the 8th May . . . , 8th May. The work began in accordance with the scheme for Mobilization. Reserve men to complete the battalion arrived. . . . 16th, 17th, 18th May. Formation of the depot battaUon and the company of workmen . . . . . . , . . . . . 18th May. Miscellaneous drills, company firing at targets, drill for conduct ng train wagons, supply of cartridges 60 per mun, and 20 in the battalion ammunition wagon ISth to 21st May. * We think that these Tables will interest the jjublic ; they were attached to the Report of the lolh July, 1869, entitled. Time requisite for the Mobilization of the North German Army Corps, and their Concentration on the Frontier of France. — [Ed.J 201 Mobilization completed . . . . . , , , . . 21st May. Length of Mobilization . . . . . . . . . . 14 days. 72nd Regiment of Infantry of the Line {4:th Corps, Province of Saxony) at Torgau, EeceiTed the same orders on the same dates as the 47th Regiment . . . . . . . . . . {See below). Mobilization dated from the . . . . . . . . 4th May. „ completed . . . . . . . . . . 11th May. Length of Mobilization . . . , . . . . . . 11 days. The 6th May the Eifle Battalion was sent to encamp at Schildau to gain room. 4!7th Regiment Infantry of the Line (bth Corps, PosenJ. Order for the 5th Corps to place the Infantry Batta- lions, Rifle BattaHons, and Pioneers on a war footing, and form the Cadres of substitutes. Order arrired at Posen . . . . . . . . . . 4th May. Order to Mobilize 5tli Corps arrived . . . . . . 6th May. Commandant Ainny Co'-ps decided the Mobdization should count from the . . . . . . . . 4th May. Arrival of Reserve men from the Landwehr districts ; arrival of arms and ammunition from the ArtiUery dep6t at Schweidnitz ; arrival and distribution of saddle-horses, bought for the Officers and Sur- geons entitled to them ; and to carriages and draught -horses . . . . . . . . . . 8th to 11th May. Formation of battalion of substitutes .. .. .. 11th May. DrO], distribution of ammunition; Mobilization com- pleted 13th May. Length of Mobilization . . . . . . . . . . 10 days. Remark. — Train soldiers to drive the wagons and look after the horses were wanting ; they joined some days after, when the Regiment was on the line of march. 51*^ Regiment of Infantry of the Line {6th Corps), Silesia; 1 Battalion at Breslau; 1 Battalion at Qlatz ; Rifle Battalion at Silberberg, Order to mobilize reached the Regiment . . . . 6th May. Mobilization completed . . . . . . . . . . 14th May. By a Cabinet Order of the 8th May, the 6th Army Corps was directed to concentrate the 11th Divi- sion at Frankenstein, the 12th at Neisse ; the 14th May, the 1st Battalion of the 51st Regiment began its march. Length of mobilization . . . . , , . . . . 9 days. 2nd Regiment of Foot Guards. Order to complete aU the Guards to a war footing and form the depot battalions . . . . . . . . 3rd May. Order to mobilize 5th May. Reserve men arrived daily from all parts of the Monarchy ; they are clothed, equipped, armed, exercised at riHe practice, and route marching; formation of depot battalion, and company of workmen completed . , . . . . . . . . 11th May, Reception and telling off horses and men of the train, saddle horses for officers and surgeons, repairs of wagons . . . . . . . . . . . . 14th, 15th, 16th May. Mobilization completed . . . . . . . . . . 18th May. Length of Mobilization 14 days. 202 2nd Battalion of the 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards at Dantzic. During tlie time of preparation for war this battalion had received a portion of its reserve men, raising its eifective strength on the 6th May to 55 non- commissioned officers, 25 musicians, and 602 men, including hospital orderlies. Order to Mobilize arrived at Dantzic . . . . . . 6th May. Formation of depot commenced . . . . . . . . 11th May. The battalion detailed for the purpose, 1 officer, 9 non- commissioned offi ers, 4 musicians, and 69 men. Formation of supernumerary company. Battalion handed over its barrack . . . . . . 12th May. Greatest number of resei-ve men rejoined . . . . 13th May. The number was 30 non-commissioned officers, 1 musician, 358 grenadiers and 9 train soldiers, and 2 hospital orderlies, 3 non-commissioned officers and 14 grenadiers of the oldest contingent were sent to the depot. The battalion had to receive in addition 12 train soldiers, 32 horses, to horse the battalion wagona • and mount the officers and surgeons. 1 Captain, 2 Lieutenants and 3 non-commissioned officers sent to Landwehr Battalion at Konigsberg 20th May. Mobilization completed . . . . . . . . . . 20th May. Length of Mobilization . . . . . . . . . , 15 days. Battalion of Rifles of the Guard at Berlin. Order to prepare for war . . . . . . . . . . 4th May. Order to Mobolize . . . . . . . . . . 5th May. Contingent of 1857 detached for the dep6t company. Cartridges arrived from Spandau ; Mobilization com- pleted.. .. ., .. .. .. .. 19th May. Length of Mobilization . . . . . . . . . . 15 days. Regiment of Hussars of the Guard at Potsdam. Order to Mobilize . . . . . . . . . . . . 7th May. First Reserve men rejoined . . . . . . . . 8th May. Several Officers and \ on-commissioned officers sent to seek for and bring up horses ; Mobilization com- pleted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23rd May. Length of Mobilization . . . . . . . . . . 17 days. Regiment of Field Artillery of the Guard, Berlin. Order to Mobilize . . . . . . . . . . 5th May. Mobilization completed . . . . . . . . . . 24th May. Length of Mobilization .. .. .. .. .. 20 days. II. Telegraphic Despatches. We have fomicl amongst the papers which Colonel Stoffel has been good enough to entrust to us minutes of the telegraphic despatches in cipher which he sent to the War Minister on the 14th and 17th July, 1870; that is to say, during the days which immediately preceded the declaration of war. These are the despatches referred to in the letter written by our late Military Attache forming the Preface to this book. They informed the Minister that everyone thought that 203 France had surprised Prussia, and that they expected to see a French Army cross the Rhine, and that the minds of everyone were disquieted. Our Attache also reported that the order to mobihze had been issued to all the Army Corps on the morning of the 15th July; that it extended to all the military forces of Germany, and that, an account of the urgency of the case, the period of Mobilization for each corps had been reduced to 11 days, counting from and including the 15th July. The despatch of the 1 6th July finished thus : — " I have pointed out in my report of the 15th July, 1869, " that 8 or 9 days is the time requisite for the transport of " several Army Corps, mobilized each in its province, by railwavs " to a g-iven point of concentration ; thus, after '2,0 days, counting " fi'om the 15th July, Prussia A\dll have upon several points of " our frontier, several armies of 100,000 to 120,000 men each." Our readers will be struck, as we were, by the exactness of this information, for about 20 days after the 15th July the action at Wissemberg, and the battles ot Forbach and Worth took place. >> ':> i^i University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. : 310N I'c'O IVIS 000 088 576 4 > >__3> > Sid ^ ^ ,i:l^ i i^i^-tVi\% >. > :> ,^^<^ , . ^ » n U3m< 15 f>« ^ i>5> 5>>.> ► >:> ^) ■> >^ ^ y ')J> % ....^ » :> ^\ > > -■• : - >, x> :> i^ 3 :>; i> . ^ /»>.»& -> • 3:» ■ < , >■ > >■ ^ > . >_^> ^5^ ^ J^^lZJ^^ - -I :» J> VJ> ■ -^ o \\ \x V iSMlMl '«f m