GIFT OF Dr. Horace Ivie 4^^^^ ^ ^^M^^ c Ja^' r ^ 4^^^ / AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE A L O E B E A DESIGNED A3 FIRST LESSONS IN THAT SCIENCE. H. N. ROBINSON, A. M., AUTHOR OF Ay UmrVTIRSITY EBITION OP ALaEBRA — AN ELEMENTART TREATISS ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY — A WORK ON GEOMETRY, CONTAINING PLANE AND SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY; ALSO, AUTHOR OF A TEXT BOOK ON ASTRONOMY, AJfD SEVERAL OTHER MATHEMATICAL WORKS. NINTH ST AND AE-.D^ ]^J?PTliO;N'.__i CINCINNATI: PUBLISHED BY JACOB ERNST, No. 112 MAIN STREET. 1856. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1850, by H. N. ROBINSON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Conrt of tlie Uniteo States, for the District of Ohio. ~ 6FFT0F ZZ : ';j>r» H i»rah — c^, when a=:6, 5=5, and c=4 ? Ans. 1 10. With the same value to a, b, and c, what is the value of the expression, 2a^ — 3a'^5-|-c^ ? Ans, — 44. What of the expression a^(a-\-b) — 2a5c? Ans. 166. ADDITION. ^ a? What is the value of -r—--\-c^'l ^«s. 28. What is the value of a^-^Jb^— .... AJIk2,b. w SECTION I. ADDITION. (Art. 1.) Addition in Algebra is connecting quantities to- gether by their proper signs. Here the pupil should call to mind the fact that unlike quantities cannot be added together. For instance, it would be an absurdity to add dollars to yards of cloth, and so of any other unlike quantities ; but dollars can be added to dol- lars, yards to yards, &c.; so in Algebra, a may be added to a, making 2a, or any number of a's may be added to any other number of a's by uniting their coefficients ; but a can- not be added to b or to any other dissimilar quantity : we can write a-\-b, indicating the addition by the sign making a compound quaiitity. (Art. 2.) Addition in Algebra may be divided into three cases : the first, when the quantities are alike and their signs alike ; a second, when the quantities are alike and the signs unlike ; and the third, when the quantities are unlike. To discover a rule for^ase 1st, we propose the following problem : On Monday a merchant sent to a steamboat 17 barrels of flour and 9 barrels of pork ; on Tuesday he sent 7 barrels of flour and 10 of pork; on Wednesday, 20 barrels of flour 26 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. and 6 of pork ; on Thursday, 10 barrels of flour and 10 of pork. How many barrels of each has he sent ? Way write it thus : 17 barrels of flour + 9 barrels of pork 'J it <( it JL. 1Q ti tt it 20 tt it tt + 6 it it it 10 it it tt + 10 it it it 64 barrels of flour +35 barrels of pork Now let b represent a barrel of flour, and p represent a barrel of pork, then in place of writing out the words, we write 175+ 9p 75+1 Op 205+ 6p 105+10;; Sum is 545+35/; From this example we perceive that to add together simi- lar quantities, we have only to add their numeral coefiicients, like simple numbers in Arithmetic. Hence, the following rule will meet Case 1 . When the quantities are similar and the siffns alike, add the coefficients together, and set down the sum ; after which set t/ie common letter or letters of the like quantities, and prefix the common sign + or — . EXAMPLES. (0 (2) (3) (4) , (5) 3a — 3bx bmj 3a+ 25— 5c 4a5— 2crf 9a — bbx 2bxy 6a4- 65— c 7a5— cd 5a — Abx bbxy 7a-tll5— 8c \5al>— 2cd 12a — 25a; — 75a; bxy Zbxy a+ 5— 3c ab—12cd a 16a+205— 17c 27 ab— lied 2a — bx Qbxy 32a —225* 1850^ ADDITION. 27 (6) (7) (8) 3a-t- 3ax-\- c 4a6+3^ — 2b lOy — x-\- k la-\- 5ax-\-5c lah-{- x — 36 ly — x^ 2>h 10a-|- lax-\-2c 121aZ>-f 2a;— h 2>y~ 2x-\- Ih 2a+10aa;+4c 99a64- a; — b y—\Ox-\-\Qh Sum (Art. 3.) Like quantities, of whatever kind, whether of powers or roots, may be added together the same as more simple quantities. Thus 3a2 and Sa^ are 1 la^ and lW-^W=\Qb^. No matter what the quantities may be, if they are only alike in kind. Let the reader observe that 2(aH-5)+3(a-|-6) must be together 5(a4-6), that is, 2 times any quantity whatever added to 3 times the same quantity, must be five times that quantity. Therefore, ^Jx-\-y-{-3jx-\-y=7jx-\-y, for ^x-{-y, which represents the square root of ic+y, may be considered a single quantity. To illustrate these remarks we give the following EXAMPLES. 4(a—x) {^-\-y) Ja-\-^ 6{a^-c) 7(a^x) 3(a;+2/) Qja^x {a^-c) I0(a—x) 20{x-\-y) \2,Ja+x l{a^-c) Sum 2\{a—x) 24(a;+y) ^O^a-^x (Art. 4.) — Case 2. When the quantities are similar and tJie siyns unlike, we have the following rule for addition.* * In this rule, the word addition is not very properly used ; being much too limited to express the operation here performed. The busi- ness of this operation is to incorporate into one mass, or algebraic expression, different algeltraio quantities, as far as an actual incorpora- 28 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Rule. — Add the affirmative coefficients into one sum and the negative ones into another, and take their difference with the sign of the greater, to which affix the common literal quantity. Sum EXAMPLES FOR PRACTICE (1) (2) (3) ^5a +3tt;r« + 8af^-f 3y +4a +4aa:2 — '5^+4^ +6a , —8(^2 —16x'-\-5g ~3a —Qax^ + 3a:«— 7y + a -\-Sa3^ + 2:ir'— 22/ +3a —^aj? — 82^=^4- 3y (4) (5) (6) — So" + 3^y +4ai+ 4 — bd' 4- 9iy — 4a5-}-12 — lOa^ — lo^y -|-7a5_14 4-10^2 —\Wf + a5 + 3 + 14a2 — 2uy —Bab —10 7. Add 2xy—2a\ JSa^-f-ary. a^-fay, 4a2_3;ry, 2xg—2a\ Ans. 4a^-{-3xy. 8. Add 8aV — 3xy, Box — 5xy, 9xg — box, 2a^a^-\-xj/, Sax — 3xy. Ans. \0c^.t^-\-5ax — xy. 9. Add 3^2—1, 6am—2m:^-\-4, •7—Sam-{-2m\ and 6m^ +2am-\-l. Am. Om'+ll. tion or union is possible ; and to retain the algebraic marks for doing it, in cases where the former is not possible. By using the word united in place of the word added, the reason of the rule will become obvious. Thus 3a united to — a makes 2a Ix united to —2a; makes hx ADDITION. 29 10. Add 12a—lSah-{-16ax, 8— 4m+2y, —Sa+TaS^^- 12y — 24, and lab — 16ax-i-4m. Ans. Qa—Qah-\-\Ay-\-lalr—\Q. 1 1 . Uriite 4a^b — Qarb — 9a^b-\- 1 1 a/^b into one term if possible. Ans. — 2a^b. 12. Ufiite 1ab(? — ab), 12a64-13a (63/+5), «i+a(6?/+5), and 7a^4- 6a(6y4-5). ^ws. 15a64-15a(%+^)- C A s E 3 . — When the quantities are unlike and the signs ALIKE or UNLIKE, we havc the following rule to unite, or rather ' ' to reduce and condense the quantities. , R u L E. — Collect together all those terms that are similar, by uniting their coefficients, as in the former cases : then lorite the dif- ferent sums, one after another, udth their proper signs. N. B. It is immaterial what quantity, in an aggregate sum, stands first, for the whole of a thing is equal to the sum of all its parts, whatever part may be first written. Thus, ax-\-l}y-{-c is the same sum, whichever terai stands first. EXAMPLES. 1. Add. 3a f, — 2xy^y — 3y^x, — Qct^y, and 2xy\ r3af — 2xy^ These terms may be arranged thus : < — 3xy^ — 8s^y i +2a-f Sum 3ay — 3xy — Sx'^y 2. Add together 15a^—Qbh-{-32ah'^—12bc, 19Pc—4a^-\- lla^c^-\-2bc, a^— 29aV— 12^»''^c+56c, and 9a^c'^—14bc-\-b''c. 30 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. a^— 12Zi2c— 29aV-i- bbc + bh-[- 9aV— 145c 12a2 * * 4-23aV— 19k, the ans. 3. What is the sum of 6a5-{-125c— 8cc?,t3cc?— 7a5— 95c, and 12cd—2a7}—5bc^ Ans. 7cd—2al)—2bc. 4. What is the sum of 5j^—7jbc-\-M, ^Jd>^^jTc -12c? and 1 Jab-\-2>Jbc-YM'> Ans. 15j'^-\-4jb^-\-5d. 5. Add 72ax^—8af, —SQaa;'^—Say*+7af, S-\-l2ay\ '-6af-\-12—34ax'^-i-5a7/—9a2/\ Ans. — 2a/+20. Add a-\-b and 3a — 5b together. Add 6x—5b-\-a-\-8 to -_5a— 4a;+45--3. Add a4-25— 3c— 10 to 35— 4a+5c-|-10 and 65— c. Add 3a-f5— 10 to c—d—a and — 4c+2a— 3&--7. Add Sa^-\-2b^—c to 2a5— 3a2+Jc— 5. C (Art. 5.) Let it be strictly observ^ed, that when we add sim- ilar quantities together, as Sx, 4x, and 10a;, we perform it by- writing the coefficients in one sum, 17, and writing the x, or the quantity, whatever it may be, afterward, making in this example 17ar. As principles never change, we must do the same thing when the coefficients are literal; thus, the sum of ax, bx, and ex must be [a-\-b-\-c)x, and ax — x may be written {a—\)x. EXAMPLES. (1) (2) Add ax-\-by^ ay-{'cx 2ca:+3ay* Say-\-2cx Adx-\-li/ 4y -]rQx Sum (a-i-2c+4c?)a.'-l-(5+3a+7)2/2 (4a-l-4)y-f (3c-f 6).r ADDITION. ai (3) (4) AM . . . 3a;H-2d-2/ (tx-{-7y hx -{-cxy lax — 3y (a-\-h)x-\-9.cdxy — 9.x +4y Sum {a-{-9b-\-2>)x-\-{'^cd-\-c-^9)ry (8a— 2)a;-|-8y 5. Add 8ai:+2(^+a)4-3i, Qax-^Q{x-\'a)—%, and 11a; 4-6^— 7aa;— 8(a;-fa). ^tw. lOax-^Ux. 6. Add {a-\-b)Jx and (c+2a — ^J^o: together. ^ns. (c+3a)^ar. 7. CTTii^e 3ax-{-7ax — 4ax — lx-\-3hx-{-4x, as far as possible, and find the sum total of the coefficient of x. Ans. 6ax-\'2bx-\-4x\ The sum total of the coefficient of x is (6a-|-26-f-4), and the sum total of the whole expression may be written (6a+254-4>. SUBTRACTION. (Art. 6.) Subtraction in Algebra is not, in all cases, taking one quantity from another : ii is finding the difference between two quantities. What is the difference between 12 and 20 degrees of north latitude ? This is subtraction. But when we demand the difference of latitude between 6 degrees north and 3 degrees south, the result appears like addition, for the differ- ence is really 9 degrees, the sum of 6 and 3. This example serves to explain the true nature of the sign minus. It is merely an opposition to the sign plus ; it is counting in another direction^ and if we call the degrees north of the equator jy/w5. 3a ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. we must call those south of it minus, taking the equator as the zero line. So it is on the thermometer scale, the divisions above zero are called pltcs, those below minus. Money due to us may be called plus, money that we owe should then be called minus, — the one circumstance is directly opposite in effect to the other. Indeed, we can conceive of no quantity less than nothing^ as we sometimes express ourselves. It is quantity in oppo- site circumstances or counted in an opposite direction ; hence the difference or space between a positive and a negative quantity is their apparent sum. As a further illustration of finding diflferences, let us take the following examples, which all can understand : From . 16 16 16 16 16 16 Take .12 8 2 o — 2 -—4 Differ. . 4 8 14 16 Ts 20 Here the reader should strictly observe that the smaller the number we take away, the greater the remainder, and when the subtrahend becomes minus, its numeral value must be added. (Art. 7.) We cannot take a greater quantity from a less; but we can, in all cases, Jind the difference between any two quantities, and if we conceive a greater quantity taken from a less, the diflference cannot be positive, but must be negative, i. e. minus. EXAMPLES. From 12 12 12 12 12 12 Take . 30 20 16 12 10 6 Diflfer. . —18 —8 —4 2 6 (Art. 8.) When we take any quantity from zero, the differ- ence wUl he the same quantity with its sigri changed, as will be obvious from the following examples : SUBTRA.CTION. { From . . 10a 3a ~5a Take . . 11a 6a 6a —6a —6a Differ. . . — a — a — 6a ■^6a a (Art. 9.) Unlike quantities cannot be written in one sum, (Art. 1,) but must be taken one after another with their proper signs : therefore, the difference of unlike quantities can only be expressed by signs. Thus, the difference be- tween a and b is a — b, a positive quantity if a is greater than b, otherwise it is negative. From a take b — c, (observe that they are unlike quantities.) OPERATION. From a-f-O+O Take 0-\-b—c Remainder, or difference, a — b -\rc This formal manner of operation may be dispensed with ; the ciphers need not be written, and the signs of the subtra- hend need only be changed. From the preceding observation, we draw the following GENERAL RULE FOR FINDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALGE- BRAIC QUANTITIES. Rule . — Write the terms of the suUrahend, one after another, with their signs changed ; and then unite terms, as far as j^ossl- ble, by the rules of addition. Or we may give the rule in the following words : Conceive the signs in the subtrahend to be changed, and then proceed as in addition. EXAMPLES. (1) (2) (3) From . . . 4a-j-2.c — 3c 3aa;+2y a-\-h Take . . . a-\-^x — 6c xy — 2y a — b Remainder, . 3a,— 2a;4-3c 3aa: — xy-\-^y 26 34 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. (4) (6) (6) From . . ^^—^x-\-f 7a-}-2—5c ix-\-\y Take . . — a? — Ax-\-a — a*\-'2.-\- c '^x — \y Rem. . . 2>x'-\-x^f—a 8a * —^c 'y (7) (8) , From . . . ^2^ — 2>xy-\-2'f-\- c ax-\-bx-\-cx Take . . . x" — Qxy-\-'2>y" — 2c x-\-ax-\-hx Difference, . lx^-^2,xy— y^-\-^c Jc—\)x 9. Find the difference between ^xy — 20 and — xy-\-^^' Ans.^9xy — 32. 10. Find tlie difference between '7arx-\-a and 3a^x — 2a. Ans. 4a^x-j-3a. 11. Find the difference between — Bx — 2y-\-3 and 10a; — 3y+4. Ans. — 18^+y— 1. 12. Find the difference between 6y^ — 2y — 5 and — 83/^ — 5y4-12. Am. 14?/+3y— 17. 13. From 13aV/+lla— Sa^-f-G^*, Take '7a—5a'^-\-6b—10a'b^ Remainder, 23a^b''-{-4a. 14. From 3a+b+c—d—10, Take c-{-2a—d. Rem. a4-^— 10. 15. From 3a+^.-l-c— c?— 10, Take 5— 19+ 3a. Rem. c— c/+9. 16. From 2ab-\-b^—4c-\-bc—b, Take 3a:'—c-{-b\ Rem. 2ab—3c+bc— 30"— b. 17. From a!'+3b^c+ah^—abc, Take P-\-ab^—abc. Rem. a"+3b''c—b\ (Art. 10.) From a take 5. The result is a — b. The minus sign here shows that the operation has been performed : b was positive before the subtraction ; changing the sign per- formed the subtraction; so changing the sign of any other quantity would subtract it. SUBTRACTION S!^ 18. From 3a take (ab-j-x — c — ?/), considering the terms in the vinculum as one term, the difference must be 3a — (ab-]rx — c — ^y), but if we subtract this quantity, not as a whole, but term by term, the remainder must be 3a — ab — x-{-c-\-y. That iSf when the vinculum is taken away, all the signs with- in the vinculum must be changed. EXAMPLES. 1. From 2>0xy, take (40a^— SS^+Sc— 4c?). Kern. 9,b^—\0xy—3c-\-Ad. From 3a2, take (3a — x-{-b). Rem. Sa^ — 3a-{-x—b. From c? — a, take 4a — y — 3a^- — 1. Rem. a^ — a — (4a — y — 3a^ — 1). Or Aa^—5a-^y-\-\, From a-\-b, take a — b. From 4a4-4&, take b-\-a. From 4a — 46, take 3a-l-5J. From 8a — \9,x, take 4a — 3x. (Art. 11.) It will be a useful exercise for the mind to look at the principle of subtraction in Algebra, through the medi- um of equations. If we subtract 12 from 18, the remainder will be 6. Here are three quantities. 1 . The minuend 1 8 2. The subtrahend 12 3. The remainder In all cases, the remainder and the subtrahend, added to- gether, must equal the minuend. N'ow let us suppose that we do not know the value of the remainder, and, therefore, represent it by the letter R. Then by the nature of the case we have 72-|-12 = 18, an equation. 36 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Taking equals from equal quantities, that is, 12 from both members of the equation, we have Ii=6 Now let us take the third example under the last rule, and call its remainder H. Then we have Ji-\-a — b=a-\-b Rejecting a from both members, and adding h, or (what is the same thing), transposing — 5, (see page 16), and we find R=^2b Take example 9, and we have R—xy-{- 1 2 = Sary— 20 By transposition, Ii=9xy — 32 In this manner we ma?/ perform all the examples in sub- traction ; and in this manner perform the following examples : From 2a-\-2b, take — a — b. From ax-\-bx, take ax — bx. From a-]rc-[-b, take a+c — b. From Sx-\-2y-\-2, take 5x-]-Sy-{-b. From 6a-\-2x-{-c, take 5a-]rGx — 3c. MULTIPLICATION. (Art. 12.) The nature of multiplication is the same in Arithmetic and Algebra. It is repeating one quantity as many times as there are units in another ; the two quantities may be called factors, and in abstract quantities either may be called the multiplicand ; the other of course will be the multiplier. Thus, 4X5. It is indifferent whether we consider 4 re- peated 5 times, or 6 repeated 4 times ; that is, it is indififerent MULTIPLICATION. S7. which we call the multiplier. Let a represent 4, and b repre- sent 5, then the product is aXb; or with letters we may omit the sign, and the product will be simply ab. The product of any number of letters, as a, b, c, d, is abed. The product of x, y, z, is xi/z. In the product it is no matter in what order the letters are placed, xy and yx is the same product. The product oi axXby is axby or abxy. Now suppose a=6 and 5=8, then a5=48, and the product of axXby would be the same as the product of 6a;X8y or 48a^. From this we draw the following rule for multiplying simple quantities, which may be called Case 1 . Multiply the coefficients together y and annex the let- ters, one after another, to tlie product. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 3a; by 7a Product 21 oar. 2. Multiply Ay by ^ab Product l^aby. 3. Multiply 36 by 5c, and that product by 10a;. Ans. \5Qbcx. 4. Multiply Qax by \9,by by lad. Ans. 504aaxydb. 5. Multiply Sax by 76 by 3y. Ans. 63abxy. 6. Multiply lOOaxy by lOa^cy by 2. Ans. 2000aabcxyy. In the preceding examples no signs were expressed, and of course plus was understood as belonging to every factor; and a positive quantity, taken any number of times, must of course be positive. (Art. 13.) As algebraic quantities are liable to be affected by negative signs, we must investigate the products arising from them. Let it be required to multiply — 4 by 3, that is, repeat the negative quantity 3 times, the whole must be neg- ative, became a negative quantity taken any number of times must be negative. Hence minus multiplied by plus gives 38 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. minus, — aXh gives — ah; also a multiplied by — h must give — ah, as we may conceive the minus h repeated a times. !N"ow let us require the product of — 4 into — 3. In all cases the multiplier shows how many times the mul- tiplicand must be taken; — when the multiplier is plus, it shows that the multiplicand must be added to zero as many times as there are units in the multiplier; — when the mul- tiplier is minus, it shows that the multiplicana muse ue suo- traded from zero as many times as there are units in the multiplier. But to subtract — 4 from zero once, gives +4, (Art. 8,) and to subtract it 3 times as the — 3 indicates, gives +12. That is, minus multiplied into minus, gives plus. This principle is so important that we give another mode of illustrating it, making use of the following example.* Required the product of a — h by a — c. Here a — h must be repeated a — c times. * There is also another method of showing that minus multiplied into minus, must give plus ; and it rests on the principle that a times gives for a product, or times any quantity must give 0. In short, the product of two factors must be zero, if either one of them is zero. Suppose we multiply . . a — a By b The product is .... ah— ah Here a — a is in value 0. So in the product ah — ah is 0, as it should be, and the whole subject is, thus far, very clear. Now supppose we take And multiply by ... — h The product is . . . —HLh-\-ah The first part of the product is clearly — ah, and the whole must be zero ; therefore we must take the second part, -\-ah, to destroy the first, that is, — h multiplied by ^—a, gives -\-ah. The objection to this method is, that the reasoning at the last point is rather m^clianical than intellectual ; we are forced to take ah as plus to make a definite sum, giving no decided metaphysical reason that it must be so. MULTIPLICATION. 39 If we take a — 5, a times, we shall have too large a product, as the multiplier a is to be diminished by c. That is a—h Multiplied by a Gives . . . aa — ahy which is too great by a — 5 repeated c times, or by ac — c5, which must be subtracted from the former product ; but to subtract we change signs, (Art. 5,) therefore the true product must be aa — ah — ac-{-cb. That is, the product of minus h, by minus c, gives plus be, and, in general, minus multiplied hy minus gives plus. But plus quantities multiplied by plus give plus, and minus by plus, or plus by minus, give minus; therefore we may say, in short. Thai quantities affected hy like signs, when multiplied together, give plus, and when affected hy unlike signs, give minus. (Art. 14.) The product of a into b can only be expressed by ah or ha. The product of a, b, c, d, . Ans. 12ar\ Find the product in each of the following examples : 4ac 9a^c — 3xy — 2xi/ — 3(ib — 4ay +9a:y — 6xi/ Product -laij 210a;y 40rt —21p 3x7/ — Say 20pq — 3r * (Art. 15.) The preceding examples are sufficient to illus- trate the multiplication of simple factors — we now proceed to Case 2 . When one of the factors is a compound quantity, we have the following Rule . — Multiply every term of the multijolicand, or com- pound quardity, separately, hy the multiplier, a^ in the former case; placing the products one after another, with the p)foper signs; and the result will he the whole product required. The reason of this rule is obvious from Case 1 . EXAMPLES. (1) (2) (3) 5a — 3c 3ac — 4^ 2a* — 3c+5 2a 3a he 10a*— 6ac 2ah—\^ah ^a^bc—3be-\-bbc (4) (6) (6) l,2ar — 2ac 26c — Ih Ax — h-^3ah Aa — 2a 2aJ MULTIPLICATION. 41 (7) (8) 3(?-^x 10^—3/ (9) Axy — 4x^ ^ax" 10. Multiply 36— 2c by 56. . . . . Ans. 156^— 106c. 11. Multiply Axy—d by Qx. . . . Ans. 24ar''y — 3'ix. 12. Multiply a^— 2a;-M by A:t^. Ans. 4a2a;2_8^3_|_4^2^ 13. Multiply llaW— 13^y by 2,ax. Ans. SSa'bc'x—S9ax^y. 14. Multiply 42c2— 1 by —4. ^725. — 168c2+4. 15. Multiply —2>Q)a^ha^y-\-\2, by 16. Multiply 26— 7a— 3 by 4a6 —5a\ ... Ans. -{-150a^bx^y~65aK Ans. Qab^—2Qa^b—'i2ab. 17. Multiply a+36— 2c by — 3a6. Ans. — 3a26— 9a6'+6a6c. 18. Multiply 13a'— 62c by —4c. Ans. —52ah+4b'c\ 19. Multiply ISary- 36 by —25^:2^ Ans. —325x^y—75bx\ Case 3 . When both the factors are comjjound quantiiies, we have the following Rule . — Multiply" every term of the multiplicand by evei-y term of the multiplier, separately ; setting down the products one after or under another, with their proper signs ; and add the several lines of products all together for the whole product required. EXAMPLES. (1) (2) Multiply . . 2a-}-36 Qa^y —2z By . . . . a-f ^ Sax —bd Product by a 2a^-\-Sab Product by 6 2a6-|-362 Entire product 2a'-|-5a6-f-36' 4 1 ^aa^y—Qaxz—SQ^dxy^ 1 Qdz 42 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 3. Multiply a-\-h-{-c by x-{-y-{-x, that is, repeat a-\-h-\-c, x times, then y times, then z times, and the operation stands thus: a-\-h-]rc x-\-y-\-z Product by x Product by y Product by s Entire product 4. Multiply By Partial product 2d partial product Whole product 5. Multiply 3a2 ax-\-hx-\-cx ay^hyArcy az-\-bz-\-cz ax-\-bx-\-cx-\-ay-\-by-{-cy-\raz-{-bz-{-cz. 2a^'-{-xy — 2y^ 3x — 3y ex^-j-Sx'y—Gxf —Sx'y—SxfJf-ef ex'—^x^y—dxy'^+Gf ■2ab—b'^ by 2a— 45. Frod. 6a^—16a^b-{-6ab'^+4b\ 6. Multiply x^ — xy-\-'f by a;-hy. . . . Prod. aP-\-y^. 7. Multiply 3a-l-4c by 2a — 5c. Arts. Ga^ — 7ac — 20c^. 8. Multiply a^-j-ay — y^ by a — y. Ans. a? — 2ay'^-\-y^. 9. Multiply a^-\-ay-\-'f by a — y. 10. Multiply a^ — ay+y^ by a-\-y. 11. Multiply a'^+aV+ay^+y^ by a — y. 12. Multiply f — y-[-\ by y+1. 13. Multiply a^-Vf by ar^— /. . 14. Multiply a2_3a_|_8 by a+3. , 15. Multiply 5^4-5V-fa;^ by i^— a:^^ 16. Multiply rt'^+i"* by a+Z*. 17. Multiply a;^+a;'*+^ by or — 1. . Ans. a? — x^. 18. Multiply 771+71 by ^m — 9w. . . Ans. 9m^ — 9n^. Ans. a^ — y^. Ans. a'+y*. Ans. a^ — y*. Ans. y^-j- 1 . An^. x^ — y'^. Ans. 5-1-24. A71S. b^ — x^.. MULTIPLICATION. 43 19. Multiply 2/2_20 by t/'-^+SO. 20. Multiply a+5 by a-\-b. . 21. Multiply rr+y by x-\-y. . 22. Multiply a — h by a — h. . 23. Multiply x — y by x — y. . -4n5. y^ — 400 Ans. a2+2a5+62 Arts. ^Ar^xy-T'if- Ans. c? — ^ah-\-W- Ans. a? — 9,xy-\-'t^ (Art. 16.) When a number is multiplied by itself, the product is called its square, the square of one of the fac- tors, and by inspecting the last four examples, we perceive that the square of any binomial quantity, (that is, the square of any two terms connected together by the sign plus or minus), the result must be the squares of the two parts, AND twice the PRODUCT OF THE TWO PARTS. N. B. The product of the two parts will be plus or minus, according to the sign between the terms of the binomial. By this summary process perform the following examples : 1. Square (3a+5) or multiply this quantity, by itself con- sidered as a numeral quantity.* Ans. ^d?-\-Qah-\-l?. 2. Square 2a; — y. Ans. 4x'^ — 4xy+y^. We write the product, in the second place, in the answer, because it naturally falls there when the multiplication is formally made ; but this is not essential. Write out the following squares as indicated by ike exponent. (a--3cy=a'—6ac-\-9c^ . (3a__c)2=9a2_l-6ac+c2 (2a;4-3y)==4a;2-{- 1 2:ry+92/2 (20x-]-yy= 400a;2-f 40xy-]-7/ * We make this last remark because things, arithmetically, cannot ])e multiplied by things. For instance, dollars cannot be multiplied by dollars, &c. In fact, every multiplier is always a number ; and when we demand the square or any other power of a quantity, it always means the power of its numeral value considered abstractly. 44 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. (Art. 17.) The product of the sum and difference of two quantities is equal to the difference of their squares, as will be seen by inspecting the followiny products : The first example should be multiplied in full to establish the principle. What is the product of {a-\-b) by (a — h) ? Ans. a? — i^. What is the product of 2m4-2w by 2m — 2« ? Ans. 4m? — 4n^. What is the product of x-\-i/ by x — ^y? Ans, x^ — y^. What is the product of %x-\-2>y by 3a; — 3y ? Ans. 92;2— 92/2. What is the product of la-\-b by la — b ? Ans. 49a2— 52. What is the product of 1 + lOa by 1— 10a? Ans. 1—1 OOa^. Observation. — By attention to principles much labor may be saved in the common operations of Algebra. For instance, if the product of three equal binomial factors were required, as (x'\-^)[x-\-2>){x-\-^), we may first write out the product of two of those factors. by (Art. 16); then multiply that product by the other factor. Thus, .... x''-\-e>x-\-9 a: +3 ?+^6?+9a: 3a:2_j-i8a:-f-27 Product . . . "^9^+27^+27 If the product of the four factors, {x — A){x — 5)(a:-}-4) (^x-\-b), were required, we would take the product of ihe first and third factors, then of the second and fourth, by (Art. 17), then the product of those two products would be the final product required. DIVISION. 45 Thus, the required product is the product of (x^ — 16) by (a;2_25) =2:^—4 la;2-l-400. What is the product of (a-\-c)(a-{-d)(a — c)(a — d) ? Ans. a^ — a^c^ — a^d^-{-cW. DIVISION. (Art. 18.) Division is the converse of multiplication, the product being called a dividend, and one of the factors a divisor. If a multiplied by b give the product ab, then ab divided by a must give b for a quotient, and if divided by 5, give a. In short, if one simple quantity is to be divided by another simple quantity, the quotient must be found, by in- sjpection, as in division of numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide 1 6a5 by 4a *Ans. 4b. 2. Divide 2\acd by 7c. . , . Ans. Sad. 3. Divide ab^c by ac. . Ans. b\ 4. Divide 6abc by, 2c. . Ans. 3ab. 6. Divide cui^ by ax^. , Ans. X. 6. Divide Smx^ by mx. . . Ans. Z'.'^. 7. Divide 2\0c^b by 7cb. . , Ans. SOc\ 8. Divide 42a^ hy xy. , , . Ans. 42. 9. Divide 3xy by ax. , Ans. ^1. a * The term quotient would be more exact and technical here ; but, U.'. results hereafter, we shall invariably use the term Ans., as more brief and elegant, and it is equally well understood. 46 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Remark. — In this last example we cast out the equal factor X from both the dividend and divisor, and set the other factor a of the divisor under the dividend as a denominator. (Art. 19.) When the dividend and divisor have no factors in common, we can only indicate the division by setting the divisor under the dividend for a denominator, as in the follow- ing example : Divide Zahc by 2xy, . . . Ans, Sabc 2xy Divide Aaxy by Zay, . , . Ans. 4x Divide 2)Qaby by 4a5y. . . . . Ans. 9. Divide 9.1 aby by Wabx. . . . Ans. 27y llx Divide 19J}''x by 2,abx. / * f\r\ \ T_ J.!. - J . . . Ans. 9b a (Art. 20.) In the preceding examples no signs were ex- pressed, and, of course, every term and every factor is under- stood to be positive ; but as algebraic quantities may have negative signs, and unlike signs, we must investigate and decide upon the sign to prefix to the quotient. This can be done by merely observing what sign must be put to the quo- tient so that the product of the divisor and quotient will give the same sign as in the dividend, according to the principles laid down in multiplication, (Art. 13). For example, divide — 9y by 3y, the quotient must be — 3 ; so that 3y multiplied by — 3 will give — 9y, the dividend. Divide — Py by — 3y, the quotient must be ~\-3. Divide 4-9y by — 3y, the quotient must be — 3. From these examples we draw the following rule for the signs : Rule. — When the dividend and divisor have like signs, hoik -j- or both — , then the quotient must be plus. DIVISION. 47 When the dividend and divisor have unlike signs, the quotient must he minus.* EXAMPLES, Divide — 2 lac by — la Ans. +3c. Divide — \9,xy by 4-3y Ans. — 4a:. Divide I'^abc by — 8c Ans. — 9aZ>. Divide \Umn by +8ac Ans. —^. • * N o T E . — We address this note to those only who are fond of the Tnetaphysique of science. Division, considered in its most elementary sense, is not merely the converse of multiplication ; it is a short process of finding how many times one quantity can be subtracted from another of the same kind. When the suhraction is possible, and diminishes the humeral value of the minuend, and brings it nearer to zero, the operation is real and must be marked plixs. When the subtraction is not possible without going farther from zero, we must take the converse oper- ation, and the converse operation we must mark minus. Thus, divide 18a by 6a. Here, it is proposed to find how many times 6a can be subtracted from 18a ; and as we can actually sub- tract it 3 times, the quotient must be -|-3. Divide — 18a by — 6a. Here, again, the subtraction can actu- ally be performed, and the number of times is 3, and, of course, the quotient is -|-3. Divide — 18a by 6a. Here, subtraction will not reduce the dividend to zero ; but addition will, and must be performed 3 times ; but the operation is the converse of the one proposed, and therefore must be marked by the converse sign to plus, that is —3. Again, divide 18a by — 6a. Here, if we sub, — Qa it will not reduce 18a ; but the converse operation will, and therefore the quotient must be minus, that is, — 3. Now let us inspect the common operation of division, by the help of the following example : Divide 24 by 8. Let the oper- ation stand thus : 48 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. (Art. 21.) The product of a^ into a^ is a^ (Art. 14), that is, in multiplication we add the exponents ; and as division is the converse of multiplication, to divide powers of the same letter, we must subtract the expone7it of the divisor from that of the dividend. 1. Divide 2a^ by a'' Ans. 2a 2. Divide — a' by a^ Ans. — c .3. Divide \6x^ hj 4x Ans. 4a^. 4. Divide IBaxy^ by — Say Ans. — 5xi/^ 5. Divide 63a"* by 7a" Ans. 9a'"-'' 6. Divide I2ax^ by — 3aa; Ans. — 4x'^~^ 7. Divide 28ay by 4ac2^ Ans. 1^ c Divisor. Divi. Quotient. 8)24(3 The product of the divisor and quotient, in all cases, equals the dividend. Let d represent any divisor, D any dividend, and q the corresponding quotient, then dq=D Or d^jE^ 9 In the above numeral example, let us suppose the divisor 8 to be — 8, and the quotient — 3. Then the dividend must be the product of ( — 8)X( — 3); but suppose that we do not know whether this is plus or minus, we will therefore represent it by D. Then (— 8)(— 3)=Z> By dividing both members by either factor, as ( — 3), we have -8=A or J?_= -8 —3 —3 Here D cannot be minus, for minus divided by minus must give plus in the quotient ; (as we have just determined in this note), but the quotient is actually ( — 8), therefore D must be plus. That is, the product of minus into minus gives plus ; corresponding to (Art. 13). DIVISION. 40 8. Divide — ISa^x by — 6ax. . . . Ans. 3a*, 9. Divide ^acdxif- by SLadxif-. . . . Atis, 3c. 10. Divide ^b{a—xf by \b{a—xf. . Ans. 3(a— a;). In this last example consider {a — x) as one quantity. 11. Divide 45y^ by \tAf- Ans. 3y. Examples 10 and 11 are exactly alike, if we conceive (a — x) equal to y. 12. Divide 12aV by — ^o^x Ans. — 4a?. 13. Divide \bmf- by Say Ans. — by. 14. Divide — -18aa:^y by — 8ac2. . . . Ans. ^, 15. Divide 7a^b by 2l;^b\ . . 16. Divide —5a^a^ by — 7aV. 17. Divide 117a'bY by TSa^^c^ 18. Divide ^ hj ^ Ans. 19. Divide (x—^f by (a;— y)'. . . . Ans. (x-^yf. Observe, that example 18 and 19 are essentially alike. 20. Divide {a-\-by by (a+b). . . . Ans. (a+b)*. 21. Divide (a—cy'* by (a — c)». . . Ans. (a — c)'»-«. To perform example 21 we adhere to the principle of per- forming 18, 19, and 20. (Art. 22.) In the process of division, exponents may be- come negative, and it is the object of this article to explain their import. To explain this, take a* and divide successively by a, form- ing the following series of quotients : Ans 7a^b Slla'b'' 1 ^?iab • Ans. Ans. 5 70,^' 36' 2c' , Ans. '^. 5 cf, a, 1, _, _^, , dfc. 1 -2, 1 -' _=a ' a"- a« 50 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Divide a'* successively by a again, rigidly adhering to the principle that to divide any power of a by a, the exponent becomes one less, and we have a', a', aS a", a~S a~^ a~^, &c. Now these quotients must be equal, that is, a? in one series equals a' in another, and 1 ~* a^=c^y a=a}, l=a°, -=a , a Another illustration. We divide exponential quantities by subtracting the exponent of the divisor from the exponent of the dividend. Thus, d^ divided by a^ gives a quotient of c^^=a^. aP divided by a''= a^~'=a~^. We can also divide by taking the dividend for a numerator and the divisor for a c^ 1 1 denominator, thus, _=_, therefore, _=a~^ (Axiom 7). From this we learn, that exponential terms may be changed frum a numerator to a denominator, and the reverse ^by changing the signs of the exponents. Thus, %==a^^ -^::=-l3 ^=:.- Divide cc'hc by c^h^c'^ Ans. a'^lr^c. Observe, that to divide is to subtract the exponents. Divide aV by aVy^. . . . Ans. or a~^or^y~^. a^xy"^ 3 3 Divide 2)ay'^ by bc^x^y"^. . . . Ans. — ^— or -a~^x~^, (Art. 23.) When the dividend is a compound quantity, and the divisor a simple (or single) quantity, we have the fol- lowing rule, the reason of which will be obvious if the pre- ceding part of division has been comprehended. Rule. — Divide each lei'm of the dividend by the divisor, and the several results connected together by their proper signs wUl be the quotient sought. DIVISION 51 EXAMPLES. 1. Divide \5ab — l^ax hj 3a Ans. 5b — 4x, 2. Divide — 25a^x-\-15aa^ by — Box. . . Ans. 5a — 3x. 3. Divide 10ab-\'15ac hj 5a Ans. 2^-1- 3c. 4. Divide SOax — 54x by 6a: Ans. 5a — 9. 5. Divide 8a;3-j-12a:2 |jy 4^ ^^^_ 2^:4-3, 6. Divide 3bcd-{-\2bcx — %h by 35c. . Ans. d-\-Ax — 3h, 7. Divide lax-\-3ay — 75c? by — lad, S Am. — ^_?2^-{-i d Id a 8. Divide 3ao^-\-Qx^-\-3ax — 15a; by 3a;. Ans. a.7^-{'2x-\-a — 5. 9. Divide 3a5c+12a5a; — 3a^5 by 3a5. Ans. c-\-4x — a. 10. Divide 25a^bx — 15a^ca;^-t-5a5c by — 5ax. Ans. — 5a5-|-3aca; — bcx~^. 11. Divide 20a5^+15a62+10a5+5a by 5a. Ans. 453+352+25-1-1. (Art. 24.) We now come to the last and most important operation in division, the division of one compound quantity by another compound quantity. The dividend may be considered a product of the divisor into the yet unknown factor, the quotient ; and the highest power of any letter in the product, or the now called divi- dend, must be conceived to have been formed by the highest power of the same letter in the divisor into the highest power of that letter in the quotient. Therefore, both the divisor and the dividend must be arranged according to the regular powers of some letter. After this, the truth of the following rule will become obvious by its ^eat similarity to division in numbers. Rule . — Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor, and set the result in the quotient.* * Divide the first term of the dividend and of the remainders by the first term of the divi8<>r ; b© not troubled about other term*. 52 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Multiply the whole divisor hy the quotient thus found, and subtract the product from the dividetid. The remainder will form a new dividend, with which proceed as before, till the first term of the divisor is no longer contained in the first term of the remainder. The divisor and remainder, if there he a remainder, are then to he written in the form of a fraction, as in division of numbers. EXAMPLES. Divide a^-{-2ah+h^ by a-\-b. Here, a is the leading letter, standing first in both dividend and divisor : hence no change of place is necessary. OPERATION. a-\-h)a''-\-2ab+h\a-\-h a^-jr ah ah-\-l>' ab-\-h^ That the pupil may perceive the close connection between multiplication and division, we Multiply a^-\-2ab-\-4b^ By 2a^—2ah-\-b'^ 2a'-\-4a:'h-{-Qa^h^ (1) +d'b^-h2ab^-\-4b^ (3) Prod, is 2a'-{-2a''h-\-5d'h^'-6ab'-{-4h* Now take this product for a dividend, and one of the fac- tors, (c^-{-2ah'{-4h^), for a divisor, and of course the other factor, (2a^ — 2ah-\-h^), will be the quotient, and the operation will stand thus r DIVISION. 53 (1) (2) (3) 2a'-{-4a'b+8a'b^ —2a'b—3a^b^- —2a^b—4a'b'- -6ab^ -Qab^ a'b'+2ab'+4b' a'b^-\-2ab'-{-4b* The several partial products which make up the dividend, '^ and marked (1), (2), (3), are again found in the operation of division, and there marked (1), (2), (3), the same as in Arithmetic. Some operators put the divisor on the right* of the divi- dend, as in the following example : Divide a^ — b^ by a — b. a — h -b' ) a—b a'b—ab^ ab'^—b^ ab^—b' b-\^b\ Quo. GENERAL EXAMPLES. 1. Divide a^+2aa;+ar* by a-^-x. Ans. a-\-x. 2. Divide a? — 3a?y-\-3ay'^ — y^ by a — y. m Ans. a? — 2ay-l-3/'« 3. Divide 9,Aa''b—nahb'^—Qab by — 6a5. Ans. — 4a-\-2a?cb-\-'[. 4. Divide a?-[-ba?b^-5ab'^-\-W by a+5. Ans. a?-{-4ab-\-b'^. * N o T E . — This is in imitation of the French, and being a mere matter of taste, involving no principle, we have no right to find fault with those who adopt it ; and others must not complain of us because we prefer tlie English custom. 54 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 5. Divide a^+^a'^b-\-2aL^+P by a^+ai+i^. Ans. a+L. 0. Divide ic^— 9a;2+27a;— 27 by ar— 3. Ans. x^—6x-{-d. 7. Divide 6a;*— 96 by 6x— 12. Ans. a^+2a;2+4a;+8. (Art. 25.) When a factor appears in every term of both dividend and divisor, it may be cast out of every term with- out affecting the quotient ; thus, in the last example, the fac- tor 6 may be cast out by division ; and x* — 16 divided by X — 2 will give the same quotient as before. 8. Divide ea-'+Qa^— 15a by 3a^—3a. Ans. 2a2+2a4-5. (Observe Art. 25). 9. Divide 252r^— ar^— 2a;2— 8.^ by 5x^—4x. Ans. 5a^+4a:2+3a:+2. 10. Divide ISa^—Sb^ by 6a-f 45. Ans. 3a— 2b. 11. Divide 22;^— 19a;2+26a;— 16 by x—S. Ans. 2x^ — 3a;4-2. 12. Divide 2/'+l by y-\-l. Ans. y"^ — y^-\-y^ — y+1. 13. Divide /—I by y—\. Ans. f-\-y'^^-f-\-y^-Vy-\-\. 14. Divide ar^ — a^ by x — a. Ans. x-\-a. 15. Divide Qa?—3a~b—2a-^b by 3a2— 1. Ans. 2a— h. 16. Divide /— 3yV+3yV— a;*' by f—3y'^x-\-3ijx'^—x\ Ans. 2/'*+3y2a;4-3ya;2+ar3. 17. Divide 64a*6«— 25a=Z»« by ^a%^-\-bah\ Ans. Sa-b^-Sab^ 18. Divide 2a'* — 2a;* by a—x. Ans. 2a^-l-2a=^a;4-2aar'4-2ar». 19. Divide (a — xy by (a — xy. Ans. (a — xf. 20. Divide a^— 3a2a:4-3aa;2— a;^ by a—x. Ans. a^ — 2aa;+a-^. 21. Divide a'^+1 by a+l. Ans. a*— a^'+a^— a-f-l. 22. Divide b^—\ by b—\. Ans. lf'^b''^b^-\-b--\-b-\-\. DIVISION. 55 23. Divide 4Sa^—92a^x—40ax^-\-100x^ by 3a— 5x. Ans. lCia^—4ax—20x^. 24. Divide 4d'—9d^-{-6d—l by ^d'^+Zd—l. Ans. 2^2— 3c^4-l. 25. Divide 10ab+15ac by 2b-\-3c. 26. Divide SOao;— 54a; by 5a — 9. 27. Divide Sx^-^nx" by 2a;-f3. 28. Divide — 25a^x-{-15ax^ by 5a — 3x. Observe that these last four examples are the same as some m (Art. 23.) If more examples are desired for practice, the examples in multiplication may be taken. The product or answer may be taken for a dividend, and either one of the factors for a divi- sor ; the other will be a quotient. Also, the examples in division may be changed to examples in multiplication ; and these changes will serve to impress on the mind of the pupil the close connection between these two operations. (Art. 26.) The operation of division is the art of finding one of two factors of a product, when the product itself and one factor is given. When the product only is pre- sented, and its factors required, the operation is properly called FACTORING. Factors of a number are such numbers as may be multi- plied together to produce the number ; and factors of an al- gebraic expression are such quantities as being multiplied together will produce the expression. Thus, 2 and 3 are the factors of 6, because 2X3=6, and 3, a, and c, are fac- tors of 3ac, because by their multiplication they form that product. But some numbers /taw wo/adors, (except! and the number 56 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. these should not be considered factors), and such numbers are called prime numbers. Also, some algebraic expressions have no factors, and such expressions are called prime quantities. Thus, 5a-^c is a prime quantity. The following is a list of the prime numbers up to 100 : 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97. All the other intermediate numbers are composite numbers. Any number whatever is either a prime number, or composed of the product of 2^rime factors. Knowing this fact enables us to decompose any number into its prime factors by the following rule : Rule . — Divide the given number by any prime number that will divide it without a remainder, and divide that quotient again by any prime number that will exactly divide it, and so continue until the last quotient is a prime number. The divisors and last quotient are the factors required. N. B. Use the smallest prime divisors first. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the factors composing 102. Ans. 2, 3, 17. OPERATION. 2)102 "~17 2. Find the prime factors in the number 112. Ans. 2, 2, 2, 2, 7. 3. Find the prime factors in the number 126. Ans. 2, 3, 3, 7. 4. Find the prime factors in the number 12769. Ans. 113, 113. FACTORING. 57 5. Find the prime factors in the number 1156. Ans. 2, 2, 17, 17. 6. Find the prime factors in the number 1014. Ans. 2, 3, 13, 13. (Art. 27.) As the combination of numbers is endless, it is impossible to give any definite rule that will decide in each and every case -whether a number is a prime or a composite number ; and as the practical utility of factoring is limited, it is proper to confine our investigations to small numbers, and from observations on numbers, we deduce the following prin- ciples for finding these factors : 1st. That any number ending with an even number, or a cipher, can be divided by 2. 2d. Any number ending with 5 or 0, is divisible by 5. 3d. If the right hand place of any number be 0, the Avhole is divisible by 10 ; if there be two ciphers, it is divisi- ble by 100; if three ciphers, by 1000, and so on, which is only cutting off those ciphers. 4th. If the two right hand figures of any number be divis- ible by 4, the whole is divisible by 4 ; and if the three right hand figures be divisible by 8, the whole is divisible by 8, and so on. 5th. If the sum of the digits in any number be divisible by 3 or by 9, the whole is divisible by 3 or by 9. 6th. If the right hand digit be even, and the sum of all the digits be divisible by 6, then the whole is divisible by 6. 7th. A number is divisible by 11, when the sum of the 1st, 3d, 5th, &c., or all the odd places, is equal to the sum of the 2d, 4th, 6th, &c., or of all the even places of digits. 8th. If a number cannot be divided by some quantity less than the square root of the same, that number is a prime, or cannot be divided by any number whatever. 9th. All prime numbers, except 2 and 5, have either 1, 3, 58 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 7, or 9, in the place of units; and all other numbers are composite numbers, and can be divided. (Art. 28.) The multiple of a number is some exact number of times that number. Thus, 6 is a multiple of 2, 3 ; 12 is also a multiple of 2, 3 ; but not so small a multiple as 6 is, therefore 6 is the least common multiple of 2 and 3. The least common multiple of several numbers is the least number that is divisible by these numbers without a remainder, A COMMON MULTIPLE IS FOUND BY MEANS OF PllIME FACTORS. For example, find the least common multiple of the num- bers 24, 20, and 15. That is, find the least number which is divisible by 24, 20, and 15. First find the prime factors to these numbers, (Art. 27), (2, 2, 2, 3,) (2, 2, 5,) (3, 5). That the number required may be divisible by the first number 24, it must have all the factors in that number; that is, 2, 2, 2, 3 ; and to be divisible by the second number, 20, it must contain the factor 5 ; putting in this factor we have 2, 2, 2, 3, 5. This number is divisible also by 1 5, because it contains the factors 3, 5. The least common multiple re- quired is, therefore, 120. The least common multiple of the numbers 3, 7, 19, is their product, because the numbers are prime, and there is no common factor that can be cast out. On these principles the following rule for finding the com- mon multiple will be easily comprehended : Rule. — Write the numbers one after the other, and draw a line beneath them ; then, take any prime number which will di- vide two or more of them vnthout remainder, and divide all the numbers that will so divide — writing the quotients beneath, and cdl the numbers that are not divisible by it. Find a prime numher that will divide two or more numbers in this second line, and proceed as before. Continue the operation until there are no two FACTORING. 59 numbers left having a common divisor : then, multiply all the divisors and remaining numbers together, and their product will he the least common multiple sought. EXAMPLES. 1 . Let it be required to find tlie least common multiple of 12, 15, 7, 18, 3, 5, and 35. 7 12, 15, ' r, 18, 3, 5, 35, 6 12, 15, ] i, 18, 3, 5, 5, 3 12, 3, 1 I, 18, 3, 1, 1, 2 4, 1, I, 6, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, I, 3, 1, 1, 1, 7X5X3X3X2X2=1260. 2. Find the least number that can be divided by 9, 1 2, 1 6, 24, 36, without remainders. Ans. 144. 3. Find the least number that is divisible by each of the nine digits. Ans. 2520. 4. Find the least number divisible by 75, 50, 15, 20, 30, and 45. Ans. 900. (Art. 29.) A. prime quantitij in Algebra, like z, prime num- ber, is divisible only by itself and unity. Thus, a, h, a-\-b, are prime quantities ; and ah, and ab-\-ac, are composite quan- tities, the first is composed of the factors a, h, and the other of the factors a, and {b-\-c). The prime factors of a purely algebraic quantity consisting of a single term, are visible to the eye, and this is one of the principal advantages of an algebraic expression. Thus, in the expression obex, we perceive at once the prime factors, a b, c, and x; the expression o?b'^x has three prime factors, each equal to a, two prime factors equal to b, and one equal to x. 60 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRa. (Art. 30.) When the algebraic expression is a. polynomial y and has prime factors that are monomials, such monomial factors are visible, as in the following expressions : Factors. 1. x-]rax (^\-\-a)x 2. am-\-an-]r(ix {m-\-n-\'x)a 3. bc^-^-hcx-^rhcy (^c-\-x-\-y)hc 4. 4a;2+6a:y (2a;+3y)2a: Thus in the first expression, x is visible in every term, it is, therefore, a common factor to every term, and ( 1 -\-a) is the other factor, and the product of these two factors makes the expression ; and so for the other expressions. • The examples in division (Art. 23), are analagous to these, except that in that article the divisor is given, and may not be contained in every term, as in example 7, (Art. 23). (Art. 31.) When all the prime factors composing any algebraic expression consist of binomials or polynomials, they are not visible in the expression like a monomial, and we can find them only from our general knowledge of algebraic expressions. For instance, the prime factors in the expression (a^-|-2ad '\-l?) we know to be (a+5) and {a-\-h) by (Art. 16), and all other expressions that correspond to a binomial squared, is immediately recognized after a little experience in algebraic operations. Also, any expression which is the difference of two squares, as (a^ — 52^ jg instantly recognized as the product of the two prime factors, («-!-&), and (a — h), (Art. 17). The expression ax-^ay-\-hx-\-hy can be resolved into two prime factors, by inspection, thus, a{x-\-y)-\-b{x-{-y) is merely a change in the form of the expression. Now put {x-\-y) — S. Then the next change is aS-]rbS; the next is {a-\-b)S, Restoring the value of S, we have (a-\-b){x'{-y) for the prime factors i:^ the original expression. FACTORING. 61 (Art. 32.) Any trinomial expression in the form of ax^-{' hx-\-c, can be resolved into two binomial factors ; but the art of finding tlie factors is neither more nor less than resolving an equation of the second degree, a subject of great impor- tance and some difficulty, which will be examined very closely in a subsequent part of this work ; therefore it is improper to treat upon this subject at present. (See Art. 95). (Art. 33.) Common multiple, and least common multiple, have the same signification in Algebra as in Arithmetic, and are found by the same rule, except changing the words num- ber and numbers in the rule for quantity and quantities. Or, we may take the following rule to find the least common multiple in algebraic quantities. Rule . — 1 . Resolve the numbers into their prime factors. 2. Select all the different factors which occur, observing, when the same factor has different pmvers, to take the highest power. 3. Multiply together the factors thus selected, and their pro- duct will be the least common multiple. EXAMPLES. 1 . Find the least common multiple of Wx^y, and 1 9.a^I^x. Resolving them into their prime factors, 8aVy=2'^Xa2Xa;2Xy nan'x=^^''Xa^XxXb^X^ The different factors are ^^, d^, x^, y, b^, 3, and their product is ^\c?ly^x'^y, which is the least common multiple required. 2. Required the least common multiple of 27a, 155, 9a5, and 3a2. Ans. I'iba'^b. 3. Find the least common multiple of (a^ — x^), 4(a — x)^ (a+ar). Ans. M^a^ — x^), 4. Required the least common multiple of a?{a—^x), and ax\Gi? — 7?), Ans. a^x^a? — x*). 62 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 5. Required the least common multiple of x^(x — y), aV, and 12axf. " Am. 12aV/(a;_y). 6. Required the least common multiple of 10aV(a — 5), 15a^(a-\-b), and nioJ^—l^). Ans. 60a^a^(a^—P), ALGEBRAIC FEACTIONS. The nature of fractions is the same, whether in Arithmetic or Algebra, and of course those who understand fractions in Arithmetic, can have no difficulty with the same subject in Algebra. (Art. 33.) A fraction is one quantity divided by another when the division is indicated and not actually performed. Hence every fraction consists of two parts, the dividend and divisor, which take the name of numerator and denominator. The numerator is written above a Une, and the denominator below it, thus, _, and is read, a divided by h. h For illustration, we may consider any simple fraction as | ; here we consider one or unity divided into 5 parts, and 3 of these parts are taken. The 5 denotes the parts that the unit is divided into, hence it is properly named denominator, and the 3, numbers the parts taken, and is, therefore, properly called the numerator. So in the fi-action -, b denotes the b parts into which unity is divided, and a shows the number of parts taken. In a numeral fraction, as |, it is evident that if we double both numerator and denominator, we do not chanofe the value of the fraetien ; thus> f is the same part of the whole unit as ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 63 |, and thus it would be if we multiplied by any other num- ber ; and conversely, we may divide both numerator and de- nominator by the same number, without changing tha value of the fraction. Hence, if any fraction contains any factors common to both numerator and denominator, we may sup- press them by division, and thus reduce the terms of the frac- tions to smaller quantities. Hence, to reduce fractions to lower terms when possible, we have the following rule : Rule . — Divide both terms by their greatest common divisor. Or, resolve the numerator and denominator into their prime fac- tors, and then cancel those factors common to both terms. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce to its lowest terms. 21a6c-2 Here labc is the common divisor, and dividing according 2a5^ to the rule, gives , the fraction reduced. 3c 2. Reduce — ^_ Ans. ~. 55a^x^ 5x 3. Reduce to its lowest terms Ans. 18a5 33 4. Reduce H^^^ to its lowest terms. . . . Ans. ^l. 2\ax^ 3 6. Reduce il^^ to its lowest terms. . Ans. ?^. ^ rf A Bla^b—Q^a^b"^ , ., , 6. Reduce — --— to its lowest terms. 2>Qa'b^—2ab Ans. 12a'b-~3 7. Reduce i^!z:i^' to its lowest terms. Ans. K^ZI^. 3(a4-a:) 3 8. Reduce ^ ^ ■ to its lowest terms. . Ans. _— . 64 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. ^ \ 9. Eeduce to its lowest terms. . . Ans. X- 10. Reduce \ to its lowest terms. Ans. — ~ . acx-f-abx ac-rob 11. Divide icV'+ar'y' by or^y-fory^. . . . Ans, ^. a 12. Divide4a+45by2a*— 2S* Ans.—. a — b « 13. Divide %^ — 2n^ hj n^ — 4w-{"4. . . . Ans. (Art. 34.) Fractions in Algebra, as in Arithmetic, may be simple or complex, proper or improper, and the same defini- tions to these terms should be given, as well as the same rules of operation ; for in fact this part of Algebra is but a gener- alization of Arithmetic, and in some cases we give arithmeti- cal and algebraical examples side by side. A mixed quantity in Algebra is an integer quantity and a fraction ; and to reduce these to improper fractions, we have the following rule : Rule . — Multiply the integer hy the denominator of ihefrac- tioUj and to the 'product add the numerator, or connect it with its proper sign -\- or — ; then the denominator being set under this suniy will give tJie improper fraction required* EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 2f and a-\-- to improper fractions. Ans. V and ^±1. These two operations, and the principle that governs them, are exactly ahke. 2. Reduce 6} and a-f— to improper fractions. A7i>. Y and 5i+:f!. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 65 3. Reduce 7| and ax-\-- to improper fractions. c 4. Reduce 3 — | and x^ — - to improper fractions. Ans. 4 and ^tZ^. y 6. Reduce y — \-\-ZIIK to a fractional form. Ans. ^ ^. 1+y y+1 6. Reduce x-\-y-\- to tlie form of a fraction. x-{-y Ans. ^+^^y+y^+ g h ' ^+^ 7. Reduce 4+2a;-j-- to an improper fraction. c 8. Reduce 5x — — Z_ to an improper fraction. 3^2 2Q 9. Reduce 3a — 9 — to a simple fraction. a-1-3 ^ -4n5. (a-l-37 The converse of this operation must be true, and, there- fore, to reduce an improper fraction to a mixed quantity, we have the following Rule . — Divide the numerator by the denominator, as far as possible, and set the remainder, (if any), over the denominator for the fractional part ; the two joined together with their proper sign, will be the mixed quantity sought. EXAMPLES. 1 . Reduce y and to mixed quantities. X Ans. 5 1 and a-\-i* 2. Reduce \^ and —L — to mixed quantities. bx An^. 2| and a-\ — • 66 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 3. Reduce — ^ "* to mixed quantities. y Ans. 5a-\- ^ « 2^2 QJ2 4. Reduce 1- to a whole or mixed quantity. a — b Ans. 2a-{-2b. 5. Reduce lil — to a mixed quantity. Ans. 3a-\-—. bdf- bet 6. Reduce ^ ~^^ ' to a mixed quantity. a Ans. a-\-h-\--~. a 7. Reduce X to a mixed quantity, 4a Ans. Sa-\-l——. 4a (Art. 35.) A fraction is an expression for unperformed division. Thus, 2 divided" by 5, is written |. The double of this is f , 3 times f is |, &c. That is, to multiply a fraction by any number, we multiply tlie nwnerator of the fraction hy the nwmhery vnthovt changing the denominator. The nature of division is the same, whatever numbers rep- resent the dividend and divisor. Hence, for the sake of simplicity, let us consider the result of dividing 24 by 6. Here 24 is the dividend and 6 the divisor, and the division expressed and unperformed, must be written \* , and the value of this expression, or quotient, is 4. Now observe, that we can double the quotient by doubling 24, or by taking the half of 6. We can find 3 times the value of this quotient, by multiplying the numerator 24 by 3, or hy dividing the denom- inator 6 by 3. Hence, to multiply a fraction by a whole number, we have the following rule : ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. at Rule . — Multiply the nvmeraior hy the whole number ; or, when you can, divide the denominator by the whole nianber. EXA 1. Multiply f by 5. 2. Multiply I by 3., . 3. Multiply If by 4. . 4. Multiply j\ by 100. 5. Multiply ij by 18. 6. Multiply i-f by 19. 7. Multiply 1 by 24. . 8. Multiply ii by 105. 9. Multiply f by 63. . 10. Multiply -^ by c. b (Art. 36.) When we multiply a fraction by its denomina- tor, we merely suppress the denominator. Thus, multiply ^ by 3, the result is 1, the numerator of the fraction ; multiply I by 5, and we have 2, the numerator for the product. MPLES. . Ans. y=2| . Ans. -1=1^ Ans. |f=3ii. . Ans. V4°=64f , . . Ans. 7-J . . . Ans. 5if . \ Ans. 56 . . Ans. 85 . . Ans. 27 . . Ans. — . EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply -f by 7 Ans. 3. 2. Multiply -hyb Ans. a. b 3. Multiply yV by 1 1 ■^^' 4. 4. Multiply -^ by 11 Ans. x. 5. Multiply Jr by 55 Ans. Sax. 5b St- 6. Multiply _ by 7 Ans. 3x. 7. Multiply ?^^ by 20. Ans. 6a — 2x. 68 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 8. Multiply ^l^^H^by 6bx, . . . Ans. 42ax—^b. Sbx 9. Multiply t-\-- by 6 Ans. 3x+2x. A) O 10. Multiply ?f +?f by 3 Am, 2ar+^. o ^ 2, U. Multiply 3| by 3 Ans. 10. (Art. 37.) As a fraction is an expression for unperformed division, we may express the division of %\ by 6|-, in tlie following form : But this is certainly a complex frcLction ; so are -1 and complex fractions ; hence complex fractions may be defined thus : A complex fraction is (yne in which the numerator or denom.' inator, or loth, are fractions or mixed quantities. To simplify a ccmplex fraction, we multiply loth numerator and denominator hy the denominators of the fractional parts : or by their product, or by their least common multiple. For example, let us simplify the fraction -?. If we mul- tiply both numerator and denominator by 2, the numerator will contain no fraction, and the result will be Multiply 3 numerator and denominator of this fraction by 3, and the denominator will contain no fraction ; and the final result will be _» a simple fraction, equal in value to the complex fraction. But we could have arrived at this result at once, by multi- plying both terms by 6, the product of 2»3. Hence, the rule just given. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 69 EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce -J to a simple fraction Ans» |f . 5 2. Reduce — to a simple fraction. . . . Ans. |=1|. m 3. Reduce to a simple fraction. . Ans, . III — . , c nbd — en 4. Reduce to a simple fraction. . . . Ans. -xt* h 36 5. Reduce ifJif to a simple fraction. . . Ans. J^_f_. y 4a;-f2y a 6. Divide - by -, that is, simplify the complex fraction —' b d _ d Here the division is expressed, but unperformed, and by the rule to simplify the fraction, we find its value to be — . be From this result -we can draw a rule for dividing one frac- tion by another ; and the rule here indicated, when expressed m words, is the rule commonly found in Arithmetic. 7. Simplify the fraction Ans. , 1 ac-fl 8. Simplify the fraction Ans. m n-{-m rm ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. MULTIPLICATION OP FRACTIONS. (Art. 38.) We have already given a rule to multiply a fraction by a whole number; (Art. 35) ; but when two frac- tions are multiplied together, the result is the same, whichever we consider the multiplier. That is, | multiplied by 4, and 4 multiplied by |, is the same product. Also, - multiplied b by X is _— , therefore, x multiplied by - is also —. Hence to b b b multiply a quantity by a fraction, observe the following rule : B u L E . — Multiply the quantity by the numerator of the frac- iian, and set the denominator under the result. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply 7 by f. . . . Ans. V- 2. Multiply a by -. . . . Ans.^J.. y 3. Multiply 5 by 4. . . . Ans. Y. Now, in this last example write (me under the 5, which will give it a fractional form without changing its value. Then it will be f- X 4 ; and if we multiply the numerators together, and the denominators together, we have Y» as before. Again, we may take \ and multiply both numerator and denom- inator by any number, say 3, and we have y, which is really 5 as at first. We have now to multiply y by 4, and if we multiply numerators and denominators as before, we shall have |^ for the product, which is in value Y» as it ought to be. 4. Multiply ahyi. . Prod. ^. d d MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS. TL 5. Multiply ^ by 1 Frod. 1'. la d As a=^ we can thus change the form of the first factor n without changing its value, then the example will be to Multiply!?? by £. .% Prod.'"^^^!, n d nd d From these examples we have the following rule for multi- plying fractions together : E, u L E. — Multijply the numerators together for a new nume- rator ^ and the denominators, for a new denominator. N. B. Equal factors in numerators and denominators may be canceled out, which will save the reduction of the product to lower terms. To find such equal factors, separate the quantities into their prime factors (Art. 27), before multipHcation. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply ?? by ^ Ans. ii^. 2. Multiply 2? by ?-^ Ans. -?. ^ ^ by ^ dx 5x 3. Multiply ?^ by ^ Ans. 1 ^ "^ lOy "^ 9a; 6 A -KIT n- 1 « — ^ T, 25a; — 25 ,1 .5 4. Multiply by — — _ by . . Ans. 5 •' a'—b^ " x—\ a-\-h In this example we separate the second fraction into its prime factors, (Art. 27), and the operation stands thus : a—h^ 25(a;— 1) ^ 1 5 {a-\-b){a—b) x—\ Suppressing all the factors which are found common in the 5 numerator and denominator, and the result is , ans. a+b T9 5. Multiply ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. X a-^x , and — ^ together. Ans. - ar a — x 6. Multiply ?? by 2^. . . 7. Multiply 1^^ by ?^. . . 8. Multiply ?f by ^X^'. Ans, ^, xz Ans. Atis. 4a z a 9. Multiply — - into — ^. . . X z 10. Multiply -, —, ^ together. 11. Multiply (^±^ by ;^^ . ^•^30 ^ 3(a+x) 12. Multiply ?^±i^ by ??. . 13. What is the product of -—, l^ and ?? Ans. 12:j y 2a X 14. What is the product of — _ into ^f^lt ^ 2>b-\-c 5ab Ans. X 9ax 2b Ans. a^x Ans. 9ax. 18 Ans. ^±5^ Ans. 4ac—2bc I5b'-i-5bc 15. Multiply 5-I-?5 by 1 ..... Ans. ^^^fl. ^ 7,2 16. Multiply fZZ- by be X Ans. bh-^b^ 17. Multiply ^!i:^ by ^ Am. i^Z^, 2y a-\-x ■ y 18. Multiply —t, JL. and -^ Ans. a. X x-\-y X — y MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS. 19. Multiply 3a, fill, and ^ together. 2a a-i-b 20. Multiply ^"^""^^ by —2^. ^"^ 14 '' 2a^—3x 21. Multiply -Jf- by 1^^=??. ^•^ 6;^;— 10 •" 2a; Ans. Am. 73 3(a:^~-l) 2(a+6) • 3ax — 5a 4a;2~6" Ans. £f. 22. Multiply ^- by i- Am,!, DIVISION IN FRACTIONS. (Art. 39.) When we multiply a fraction by a whole num- ber, we multiply the numerator by that number, or divide the denominator, (Art. 35) ; and as division is the converse of multiplication, therefore, conversely, when we divide a fraction by a whole number, we divide the numerator (when possible), or multiply the denominator by that number. Thus, -f divided by 3, would be |, and divided by 4, would be -y^ ; jn the first case the division is actually performed, in the second it is only expressed. EXAMPLEJ 3. 1. Divide | by 3 Ans. J. 2. Divide f by 9 ^^. ^. 3. Divide f by 6 ..... Ans, \. 4. Divide j-f by 13 ^^'^' a. Divide tV by 8 ^«*. iV 74 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 6. Divide — by 3c Ans. . — b ^ ch In this example we divide first by 3, and that quotient by c. 7. Divide ?^by^ Ans. ^^. (Art. 40.) Let us now consider division when the divisor is a fraction. We must now go back to the elementary prin- ciple of division. It is the art of discovering how many times a number or qtuintity, called the divisor, can be subtracted from another number or quantity of the same kind, called the dividend. For example, we require the division of 6 by -J. The un- disciplined and inconsiderate often understand this as demand- ing the third of 6 ; but it is not so, it is demanding how many times -J is contained in 6, or how many times -J can be svh- traded from 6. To. arrive at the true result, we consider that -J is contained in 1 three times ; therefore, it must be contained in 6, 18 times. Now, |- must be contained in 6, 9 times ; and we may arrive 6*3 at this result, thus, 2 Again, suppose we divide the number a by |. The divisor | is contained in one unit 7 times, therefore, it is contamed in a units, la times. To make this more general, we will suppose the denomina- tor of the divisor to be any other number as well as 7 ; there- fore, suppose it n, the quotient will then be na. To make the example still more general^ let us suppose a to be divided by - , m being a wliol^ njimber. n The divisor can be resolved into two factors, - and m. Di- n viding a by the factor -, we have already shown the quotient DIVISION IN FRACTIONS. 75 to be na ; dividing this by tbe whole number m, (Art. 39), the residt must be — -. m This shows that when the divisor is a fraction, the quotient is found hj the following rule : Rule . — Multiply the dividend (whatever it may he) hy the denominator of the divisor^ and divide thai product hy the numerator. In the result last given, let the dividend a be a fraction _, aud in the place of a write _. d\ ^ d Then the problem will be to divide £. by —, that is, one frac- d n tion by another, and the result must be c n- d This is a complex fraction, and simplifying it (by Art. 37), 1 nc we have — md From this result we draw the following rule for dividing one fraction by another : Rule . — Invert the terms of the divisor, and proceed as in (Art. 41.) For the purpose of illustrating the nature of an equation, and showing the power and simplicity of alge- braic operations, we will arrive at this rule by another course of reasoning. Let us again consider the nature of division, and for this purpose, divide 32 by 8. Divisor. Dividend. Quotienl. 8 ) 32 ( 4 76 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Here it is visible that the product of the divisor and quo- tient is equal to the dividend ; and this is a general principle, true in every possible case. Now let us divide - by -. There will be a certain quotient b d which we will represent by Q. Then the product of the divisor and quotient will be equal to the dividend ; that is, we shall have the following equation : cQ a Coth members of this equation are fractional, and if we multiply the first member by d, the denominator, the product will be the numerator, (Art. 35) ; but if we take d times one member, we must take d times the other member, to preserve equality. (Ax. 3). Therefore, multiplying by d, we have e* ad Dividing both members by c, then Q will stand alone. And «=^ oc This equation shows that when we divide one fraction by another, the value of the quotient is found by inverting the terms of the divisor, and then multiplying the numerators together for a new numerator, and the denominators together for a new denominator ; or more briefly, we say Invert the terms of the divisor, and proceed as in multiplication. EXAMPLES. 1. Divide f by f Ans. \l=^\^. DIVISION IN FRACTIONS. 77 2. Divide by _. 1— a "^ 5 3. Divide ?f by ^. a5 a6 4. Divide . by — ah ah 5. Divide 'l^^-t byf±f!f. 5a5/ 5as^ 6. Divide ^ by _£_. . c a-\-h 7. Divide ~ by -. a c 8. Divide by .. a — X (t — ^ Ans. . Ans. — 3y 3a— 5 . Ans. Ans. Ans. 2d' Trxj-a" 4b-\-ax (a+hf Operation, 15ah^(a-\.x)(a~^x) a — X lOac >... 3J(«+.) 2c 9. Divide a^ — x^ a — X . Ans. 2«+- . 10. Divide 14^-3 . lO.r-4 6 -^ 25 102'— 4 11. Divide ^^-^^by^. . . . 9^—3 • 1 t Ans. 5 ^5 • ' x 12. Divide 60.-7, o:-! A.. 1S.;-21 x+l ^3 x^—\ 13. Divide 16a^ by ^"^ 5 -^ 15 ' * * . . . . Ans. 12a. 14. Divide 6,+4 3.-I-2 ^ , , . , Ans ^y. 5 -^ 4y 5 15. Divide 7-^ by ^^ .. 21 3 ^ 6 6a; * Separate into factors wherever separation is obvious. 78 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. . 16. Divide «±1 by 2^. . . 6 -^ 3 . 1 7. Divide by - . . . x—l ^ 2 18. Divide ^ti:^y±l by ^"Z^ ab he 19. Divide im; by in-\-n 5x 20. Divide _ by — . . 21. Divide ^ by ^i?. Set? -^ 4d 22. Divide a:-*— 5^ a:"-^— 26a?-l-&2 by x^-\-bx X — b Ans. Ans. 4a 2 x—\ Ans. f^=fZ a ^?^5. 2m — 27i 2a a; — 5» Atis. x-\- Qcrx a: Operation, (^!±?Mz?) >< --^- - oNrf X ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. (Art. 42.) When fractions have a common denominator, they can be readily added together by adding their numera- 4 7 tore, because f and ^ is obviously ^, and _ and - is obviously n n 11 a J 6 . a-\-h - . — , or - and - is — \ — , &c. n n n n But when the denominators are unlike, we cannot directly add the fractions together, because we cannot add unlike things, as dollars and cents, or units and tens, &c. ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 79 In all such cases we can only indicate the addition by signs, unless we first reduce the quantities to like denominations, or (as applied to fractions), to common denominators. We shall investigate a rule for the addition of fractions through the medium of equations. For example, we require the s^ of ^, |, and |. By the summary process of Algebra, we pronounce the sum to be S. Then we have the following equation : ^=i+t+-f (1) The first member of this equation is a symbol merely ; and in the second member the addition is only indicated^ not performed ; and to perform it, the fractional form of the equa- tion must be changed to whole numbers, or the denoihiriators made common. If we multiply every term of both members hy 2, the first fraction will he removed , (Art. 35), and the equation will stand thus : 25=1+1+1 (2) If we multiply every term hy 3, the second fraction vrill he removed, and the equation will stand thus : 65=3+4+ V (3) In the same manner we can remove the third fraction by multiplying by 5 ; then we have 305=15+20+18 (4) Now, if we divide every term of equation (4) by 30, we shall have Here we have the sum 5 equal to fractions having a com- mon denominator, and that common denominator is the pro- duct of the denominators of the given fractions 2, 3, and 5. In equation (4), we may add the numbers 15, 20. and 18 directly, making 53, and the equation will be 305=53 ^ ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Dividing by 30, and S=^ or Iff. Also, the sum of the fractions in equation (5) is /S^=f f . That the operation may be more distinct, we will require the sum of the literal fractions -, t, and ?.. b d h Assume >S^ to be their sSn as before. a c 9 (1) Then /S'=_j___l- Remove the fractions first, by multiplying by 6, then by c?, then by A y or by mvltiplying the whole at once by the product Idh. Multiplying by b, gives bS=a^--\'it (2) d h Again by d, gives dbS==adJrcb-\-2^ (3) Again by A, gives hdbS=adh-\-cbh-\-gbd (4) Dividing both members of equation (4) by hdb, and we f^_^adh cbh gbd r_x Mb'^hdb'^hdb ^ ^ But these fractions in the second member of equation (5), have a common denominator, and, therefore, it need not be writ- ten under every numerator, if it be written under their sum. Ti„3 . . . ^^M+,^t£^ (6) Here, then, we have the sum of the fractions in one quantity. By inspecting the second member of equation (5), and comparing it with the original fractions to be added, we per- ceive that the numerator of the first fraction, a, is multiplied by the denominators of the other fractions ; and the numera- tor of the second fraction, c, is also multiplied by the denom- inators of the other fractions : and the same is true of tlio third fraction, and so on. ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 81 The common denominator is made up — or is tlie product — of all the denominators. Hence, we derive the following rule for reducing fractions to a common denominator : Rule . — Multiply each numerator into all the denominators except its mun, for the new numerators; and all the denominators together, for a common denominator. And to add fractions, we have the following rule : Rule . — Reduce the fractions to a common denominator ; and the sum of the numerators, written over the common denom- inator, will he the sum of the fractions. EXAMPLES. 1. Add —, — and - together. ^ '^ ^ ^^^ 63a:4-30ar-f35a; 128a? 105 105 2. Add « and "-±-^ Ans. ''J±^±l be X 3. Add *, - and t together Ans. .^•4-T?. 2 3 4 ^2 4. Add ^— and — together Ans, l?^tlli 3 7 * 21 5. Add and together. . . . Ans. ~- a-j-6 a — b a~ — b"^ 6. Add and -J—, together. . . . Ans. — ^-^~ x-\-y x—y x'^—y'- 3x ^b 7. Reduce — , — , and d, to fractions having a common 2a 3c . 9 ex 4ab •, 6acd denommator. ^^^*- -r—' 3— > ^^^^ -5 — oac 6ac oac 3 2a; 2x 8. Reduce _, — , and «+ — , to fractions having a com- 4 3 a 1 . , . 9a Qax . \2a^-\-24x mon denommator. Ans. , — , and ^ . 12a 12a 12a B2 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. (Art. 43.) The preceding rules are general, and corres- pond to quantities that are prime to each other ; but in cases of multiple denominators, the general rule would carry the operator through a much longer process than necessary. We will, therefore, investigate a more convenient practical rule, which will apply to fractions having multiple denomina- tors. For example, we require the sum of the fractions a c d b nh nib As before, we designate the sum by S, which gives the equation , Multiplying every term by h, then we have hS=a-\--~{-^ (2) n m Multiplying by n, and then by m, or multiply at once by WW, then we have nmhS=anm-]rcm-{-dn (3) Dividing equation (3) by nmh, and we have anm-\-c'm-\-dn nmb The product nmb is composed of all the different factors in the denominators, and no more ; it is, therefore, the least com- mon multiple of the denominators, (Art. 32). To find the numerators, we divide this product by the de- nominator of any one of the fractions, and multiply the quotient by the numerator. For instance, take the first fraction, _. ^ b Divide nmb by b, and we have nm ; multiply this by a, and we have anm, the new numerator for the first fraction ; and by the same operation we find the numerators for the other fractions. ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 83 Hence, we have the following rule for reducing fractions to equivalent fractions having a least common denominator, and thence finding their sum. R u L E 1 . — Find the least cmnmon multiple of all th.e denom- inators, which will he the least common denominator. 2. Divide the common denominator hy the denominator of the first given fraction, and multiply the quotient hy the numerator, the product will he the first of the required numerators. 3. Proceed in like manner to find each of the required numerators. 4. The sum of the fractions will he the algehraic sum of these numerators, with the common denominator under them. Note . — The fractions should be reduced to their lowest terms before this or the preceding rules are applied. OTHER EXAMPLES. 1. Add i, -|, |, and y^ together. . . . Ans. ^=-1^. The least common multiple of these denominators is obvi- ously 12; therefore, multiply both members of the equation by 12, and we have 125=6-{-8+10-{-7 (2) Dividing again by 12, and we have 'S'=/^+A+1|+t\ (3) The second member of equation (3) is composed of equiv- alent fractions to those in equation (1), as may be seen by reducing these fractions to their lowest terms.- In equation (3), the fractions have a common denominator, composed of the least common multiple of the original denominators. The sum of these fractions is, of course, the sum of the 84 .. ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. numerators with tlie common denominator under it ; tliua, f |, and might have been taken for equation (2), thus : 12>S'=31 Or S=^ 2. A.dd , and together. . . Ans. — ! — 35c 7c ^ 5c 3. Add , — ^, and ^ together. . Ans. 1-fa i_-a i+a ^ l_a 4. Add -, — , and — together. . . Ans. b 3b 4a ^ I2ab 5. Add ! , and tosfether. 125c 35 ° Ans. 4c Note. — Examples 2, 3, and 5, and all others like them, had better be performed by solving an equation. If not so performed, multiply the numerator and denominator of the second fraction in example 2, by 5, and in example 5, by 4c, and thus make the denominators common by inspection. Then unite the numerators, and reduce to lowest terms. In examples like the following, consisting of entire quanti- ties and fractions, make two examples of the operation, by first uniting the entire quantities, and then the fractions, and lastly uniting the two sums together by their proper signs. 6. Add 2x, Sxj^ — and a;_j together. Ans. 6a:_j 7. Add 5xj^ ZL and 4ar__ — ~~ together. • 15a; 8. Add and together. Ans. . (^On-bXa+b) a+5 ^ a— 5 ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 85 9. Add , -HI and JH^ together. , . Ans. ab be ac 10. Add "-— ^ and ?II^ together. . . . Ans. ?IJ? ax X a 11. Add 5±5, 5=^ and 1 together. y ay 3a 15a4-5y+9 12. Add ^^ and ^ together. . , Am. ^1^11 a~-6 a+6 ° a'—b^ 13. Add -, and together. b cd bed J Aii \ 9 Am. '!±:^±^. bed 14. Add _fL and -1- together. . . . Ans. ^H' a-{.h a-^ ° a2_^» 16. Add and — ^—„ together. . . . Ans. — ^-, 16. Add J^ and ln?- together. . . . Ans. ^"*"'^* l__a4 l+a2 1+a' ° 1— a' 17. Add 1+1 and 1— (^) together. . . An^, 1 SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. (Art. 44.) We would remind the pupil that, in addition, we took the sum of the numerators, after the fractions were reduced to a common denominator. Hence, the difference of the two fractions must be found by taking the difference of their numerators, when the denominators are alike. For ex- ample, the difference between /^ and /j, must be fV=i> and 86 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. the difference between | and f , must be f , &c. These obser- vations must give us the following Rule 1 . — Reduce the fractions to a common denominator. 2. Subtract the numerator of the subtrahend frcm the numer- ator of the minuend, and place the difference over the commrni denominaior. (Art. 45.) We may also find the result of any proposed example by means of equations, as in addition. For example, from | take -f. The remainder is some num- ber, which we may represent by R. Then -^=f--f (1) Or, we may consider that in every possible example, the remainder and subtrahend added together, must equal the minuend ; that is* Ii+^=i (2) Equation (2) is the same as equation (1), except the frac- tion ^ is transposed, according to the rule of transposition on page 1 7. Multiply equation ( 1 ) by 7, and we have 7i2=V— 5 Multiplying by 4, and 28i2=2 1—20=1 By division . , , . B=-^^ EXAMPLES, 1. From !^ take ^-^l An., 21^Z^f±?_l!^: 2 3 6 ~" 6 2. From _L take — . Eq. fractions ^"^^ , ^t. x—y ■ x-\-y ^—y^ ^—^^ Difference or Ans. "-^ . * We take this view of the subject to show the pupil the nature of equations ; not that it is, or is not, a better method of solving the problems. SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS. 87- 3. From - take —., Difif. — 4. From ?e^ take ^. . ..'... ^Ans. ^H^ 3 2, 6 5. From take — IZ — Ans. a-l-1 a2— a+1 l+a^ 6. From — take — Ans. 4a 2x 4ax 7. From — take ^- 4x. 3a 12ax 8. From ^'''^^ take «'*^ .... 4a2— 5^ 2a+b^ A 0,'b' . Ans. 4a^—b' OPERATION. 39 J . 2a-\-b'^~(2a+b^)(2a—b') {4a^—b')R-^2a^b'' - 18. From JL. take ^ ^W5. ^ a; — 3 a; ar — 3a; 19. From 6a+ll^^=H take Aa^^^±. ^w*. 2a+^±r. 6 SECTION II EQUATIONS. The most interesting and the most essential part of Alge- bra is comprised in equations ; and nearly all of our previous preparations have been with a view to a more ready under- standing of equations. The use of equations is the solving of problems in almost every branch of mathematical science, and also in the inves- tigation of scientific truths. For instance, we have already investigated rules for the addition, subtraction, and division of fractional quantities, by means of algebraical equations, and we have thus, inci- dentally, given some explanations concerning the nature of equations ; but now coming to the subject in order, we shall disregard all this, and commence on the supposition that the pupil must yet learn every particular. (Art. 46.) An equation is an algebraical expression, mean- ing that certain quantities are equal to certain other quantities. Thus, 34-4=7; a-\-b=G; x-\-4 = \0, are equations, and express that 3 added to 4 is equal to 7, and in the second equation, that a added to b is equal to c, &c. The signs are only abbreviations for words. The quantities on each side of the sign of equality are called members. Those on the left of the sign form the Jirst member, those on the right, the second member. 90 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. (Art. 47.) As unlike things can neither be added to, nor subtracted from each other, it follows that a member of an equation must consist of the same kind of quantities ; and as it is absurd to suppose one kind of quantity equal to another in any other sense than a numerical one, it also follows that the members of an equation must be equal in kind as well as in number. That is. Dollars = Dollars, Or .... Pounds = Pounds, &c., &c. It is true we may say that a farmer has as many dollars in his purse as he has sheep and cows on his farm. Here we cannot say that his sheep and cows are eqval to his dollars ; but the number of his sheep added to the number of his cows, are equal to the number of his dollars. That is, . . Kumber = Number. Indeed, when dollars equal dollars, or yards equal yards, it is but really a number of dollars equal to a number of dollars, cfec; that is, universally, number equal to number. (Art. 48.) In the solution of problems, every equation is supposed to contain at least one unknown quantity ; and the solution of an equation is the art of changing and operating on the terms by means of addition, subtraction, multiplica- tion, or division, or by all these combined, so that the un- known quantity may stand alone as one member of the equa- tion, equal to known quantities in the other member, by which it then becomes known. Every equation is to be regarded as the statement, in alge- braic language, of a particular question. Thus, X — 3=4, may be regarded as the statement of the following question: To find a number from which, if 3 be subtracted, the remainder wuU be equal to 4. An equation is said to be verified, when the value of the unknown quantity being substituted for it, the two members are rendered equal to each other. EQUATIONS. 91 Thus, in the equation x — 3=4, if 7, the value of a?, be substituted instead of it, we h^ve 7 — 3=4, Or 4=4. (Art. 49.) Equations are of the fir sty second, third and higher degrees, according to the highest power of the unknown quantity involved. ' _i_z ~ !• are equations of the first degree. ,T , _T >■ are equations of the second degree. ^ 9 , , __ [- are equations of the third degree, « g X— 1 28. Given — g— — ^-+2=3;— — g-, to find x. Ans. x= 7. 29. Given ^•^"~^_,^^~^=1, to find a:. . Ans. ar= 6. 11 13 30. Given ^ — —^=—54-0-, to find a;. . Ans. x=]0. 98 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. PROPORTION. (Art. 65.) Sometimes an equation may arise, or a prob- lem must be solved through the aid of proportion. Proportion is nothing more than an assumption that the same relation^ or the same ratio exists between two quantities as exists between two other quantities. Quantities can only be compared when they are alike in kind, and one of them must be the unit of measure for the other. Thus, if we compare A and ^, we find how many times y or part of a time, A is contained in By by dividing B by Ay thus, B -j=r, or l>=rA That is, a certain number of times A is equal to B. Now if we have two other quantities, C and J), having the same relation or ratio as A to B, that is, if JD=rO, Then ^ is to -B as is to J). But in place of writing the words between the letters, we write the signs that indicate them. Thus, . . . . A:B::C:J) But in place of B and J), write their values rA, and r(7. Then, . . . . A:rA::C:rO Multiply the extreme terms, and we have rCA. Multiply the mean terms, and we have rA 0. Obviously the same product, whatever quantities may be represented by either A, or r, or C. Hence, to convert a proportion into an equation, we have the followinor o Rule . — Place the produd of the extremes equal to the pro^ duct of i/ie means. EQUATIONS. 99 (Art. 56.) The relation between two quantities is not changed by multiplying or dividing both of them by the same quantity. Thus, a:b: :2a:2b, or more generally, a:b: :na:nh, for the product of the extremes is obviously equal to the product of the means. That is, a is to 5 as any number of times a is to the same number of times b. We shall take up proportion again, but Articles 55 and 56 are sufficient for our present purpose. EXAMPLES. \. If 2> 'pounds of coffee cost 25 ce7iis, what will a bag of 60 pounds cost ? Ans. 500 cents. Ans. It will cost a certain number of cents, which I desig- nate by X, and the numerical value of x can be deduced from the following proportion : Pounds compare with pounds, as cents compare with cents. That is, these different kinds of quantities must have the same numerical ratio. Thus, .... 3:G0::25:x Without the x, this is the rule of three in Arithmetic, be- cause there are three terms given to jSnd the fourth ; and in Algebra we designate the fourth term by a symbol before we know its numerical value, which makes the proportion complete. By the rule (Art. 55), 3a;=60*25 60*25 Or, 3 Hence, when the first three terms of a proportion are given to find the fourth, multijdy the second and third together, and divide by the first. In Arithmetic it requires more care to state a question than it does in Algebra, because in the former science we have not so much capital at command as in the latter. In Algebra it is immaterial what position the nidinown term 100 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. has in the proportion, if the comparison is properly made. Thus, in the foregoing question the demand is money, and money must be compared with money ; and the statement may be made thus, . . 25 : a; : : 3 : 60 Or thus, . . . ic : 25 : : 60 : 3 From either one of these proportions the value of x is found by multiplying and dividing by the same numbers. 2. If 2 cords of wood cost 5 dollars, what will 48 cords cost? Ans. ^120. Given 5 : a; : : 2 : 48, to find x. 3. Given 2:x: : 6 : 5x — 4, to find x. . . Ans. x=2. The equation, -. . 10a: — 8=6a; 4. Given (li::}}(^l} : ^^ : 2a: : 1, to find x. ScT^ 3a Divide the first two terms by (x-{-l), (Art. 56). Also multiply by 3a. 6. Given x-\-2 :a: :b:c, to find the value of x. Ans. x=— — 2. c 6. Given 2a; — 3 : x — 1 : : 2a; : a:-f 1, to find the value of x. Ans. x=3. 7. Given x-\-6 : 38 — x : : 9 : 2, to find x. Ans. a;=30. 8. Given x-^4 : x—1 1 : : 100 : 40, to find x. Ans. x=2\. 9. Given x-\-a : x — a : :c:d, to find x. Ans. x= ^ 1. c — d 10. Given a; :2a; — a: :a :5, to find a;. . Ans. x= — ^a—h 1\. Given a :b: :2y:d, to ^ndy. . . . Ans. y—- ' 26. 12. Given a^ — ac '.ax\:\: (d—b), to find x. Ans. x=(d-'b){a—<). 18. Given x : 76 — x : : 3 : 2, to find x. . . Ans. x=45. EQUATIONS. 101 /. QUESTIONS PRODUCING SIMPLE EQUATIONS. (Art. 57.) We now suppose flie p,i?p|l '^can readily' t^duce a simple equation containing Ji^tone iinknbwn qua'ntfty, and he is, therefore, prepared to ^§ol\t .the; j©libWii^_;qiiefeti^ns. The only difficulty he can experience, is the want' of tact to reason briefly and poAverfully with algebraic symbols ; but this tact can only be acquired by practice and strict attention to the solution of questions. We can only give the following general direction : Represent the unknovm quantUy hy some symhU or letter, and really consider it as definite and known, and go over the same operations as to verify tlie answer when known. EXAMPLES. 1. A merchant paid $480 to two men, A and B, and he paid three times as much to B as to A. How many dollars did he pay to each ? Ans. To A, $120, to B, $360. Let ar= the sum to A, Then ...... 3a:= the sum to B, Sum Ax= the sum paid to hoth. But 4Q0= the sicm paid to hoth. Thus, when any question has been clearly and fully stated, it will be found that some oondition has been represented in two ways ; one having the unknovm quantity in it, and the other having a known quantity. These two expressions must be put in the same line, with the sign = between them, so as to form an equation. And then, by reducing the equation, the required result will be found. Thus, . . 4a;= 480, therefore, a;= 120. Observe that the problem would be essentially the same, whatever number of dollars were paid out. It is not n^es- sary that the number should have been 48C, any more than 102 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 48, or any otlier number. Therefore, to make the problem more general, we may represent the number of dollars paid out ti^av^d the 6Cftia<|o^ yiiiW then be 4a;=a. And a;=-. Again, the problem w-9u>d h^-ve been the same in charac- ter,. 'an J "eqlfaBy -as "stmf^leVhjJd- the merchant paid 4 times, or 5 times, or n times as much to B as to A. We may therefore make it general by stating it in the following words : A merchant paid a dollars to two men, A and B, and he paid n times as many dollars to B as to A. What did he pay to each? a;= the sum to A, nx^= the sum to B, Let . Then . By add. Or . Also, . Therefore . x-\-nx (]+w)rr= the sum to both. a= the sum to both. Cl"i~wV=«> or a:= l4-7^• This shows that the sum paid to A was dollars, and ^ \-\-n as B had n times as many, the sum to B was . ^ \^n For proof, 4~ must equal a. As the denomina- , ,1 X? ii X • a-\-7ia (\4-n)a tors are common, the simi of the two is — i — or i — ! — I or a, by suppressing the common factors in numerator and denominator 2. My horse and saddle are worth $100, and my horse is worth 7 times my saddle. What is the value of each ? Ans. Saddle, ^12^; horse, 887-^^. EQUATIONS. 108 3. My horse and saddle are worth a dollars, and my horse IS worth n times my saddle. What is the value of each ? Ans. Saddle, _^ ; horse, ^^. 4. A farmer said he had 4 times as many cows as horses, and 5 times as many sheep as cows ; and the nimiber of them all was 100. How many horses had he ? Ans. 4. 5. A farmer said he had n times as many cows as horses, and m times as many sheep as cows ; and the number of them all was a. How many horses had he ? Ans. horses. \-\-n-\-mn 6. A school-girl said that she had 120 pins and needles; and that she had seven times as many pins as needles. How many had she of each sort ? Ans. 15 needles, and 105 pins. 7. A teacher said that her school consisted of 64 scholars ; and that there were three times as many in Arithmetic as in Algebra, and four times as many in Grammar as in Arithme- tic. How many were there in each study ? Ans. 4 in Algebra ; 12 in Arithmetic ; and 48 in Grammar. 8. A certain school consisted of a number of scholars ; a certain portion of them studied Algebra ; n times as many studied Arithmetic, and there were m times as many in Gram- mar as in Arithmetic. How many were in Algebra ? Ans. ^L_ \-\-n-\-mn 9. A person said that he was $450 in debt. That he owed A a certain sum, B twice as much, and C twice as much as to A and B. How much did he owe each ? Ans. To A, $50 ; to B, $100 ; to C, $300. 10. A person said that he was owing to A a certain sum ; to B four times as much ; and to C eight times as much ; and to D six times as much ; so that $570 would make him even with the world. What was his debt to A ? Ans. $30. 104 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA, 11. A person said that he was in debt to four individuals, A, B, 0, and D, to the amount of a dollars ; and that he was indebted to B, « times as many dollars as to A ; to C, m times as many dollars as to A ; and to D, j9 times as many dollars as to A. What was his debt to A ? Ans. — dollars. l+w-j-m+jo 12. If $75 be divided between two men in the proportion of 3 to 2, what will be the respective shares ? Ans. $45 and $30. Let x-=- the greater share. Then . . . 75 — x=^ the other. To answer the demands of the problem, we must have X : 75— ar : : 3 ; 2 see example 13, (Art. 56). Observe the following method of solution : ■ Let 3a;= the greater share, and 2a? the smaller share, Then bx the two shares, must equal the whole sum. That is, 5ar=75 or a:=15. Therefore, 3.r=45, the greater share. 13. Divide $150 into two parts, so that the smaller may be to the greater as 7 to 8. Ans. $70; and $80. 14. Divide $1235 between A and B, so that A's share may be to B's as 3 to 2. Ans, A's share, $741 ; B's, $494. N. B. When proportional numbers are required, it is gen- erally most convenient to represent them by one unknown term, with coefficients of the given relation. Thus, numbers in proportion of 3 to 4, may be expressed by 2>x and Ax, and the proportion of a to h may be expressed by ax and hx. 15. Divide d dollars between A and B so that A's share may be to B's as m is to » ^ „^ Ans. As share, ; B s, m-\-n m-\-n 16. A gentleman is now 25 years old, and his youngest EQUATIONS. 105 brother is 15. How many years must elapse before tlieir ages will be in the proportion of 5 to 4 ? Ans. 25 years. 25-l-a;:15+a;::5:4 1 7. Two men commenced trade together ; the first put in S40 more than the second ; and the stock of the first was to that of the second as 5 to 4. What was the stock of each ? Ans. $200; and 8160. 18. A man was hired for a year for $100, and a suit of clothes ; but at the end of 8 months he left, and received his clothes and $60 in money, as full compensation for the time expired. What was the value of the suit of clothes? Ans, $20. 19. Three men trading in company gained $780, which must be divided in proportion to their stock. A's stock was to B*s as 2 to 3, and A's to C's was in the proportion of 2 to 5. What part of the gain must each receive ? Ans. A, $156 ; B, $234; C, $390. Let 2x= A's share of the gain, Then 3x= B's " And 5x=: C's << » « Therefore, . . . 10a:=780, or a:=78. 20. A field of 864 acres is to be divided among three farm- ers, A, B, and C ; so that A's part shall be to B's as 5 to 11, and C may receive as much as A and B together. How much must each receive ? Ans. A, 136; B, 297; C, 432 acres. 21. Three men trading in company, put in money in the following proportion ; the first 3 dollars as often as the second 7, and the third 5. They gain $960. What is each man's share of the gain ? Ajis. $192 ; $448; $320. 22. A man has two flocks of sheep, each containing the same number ; from one he sells 80, from the other 20 ; then the number remaining in the former is to that in the hit- 106 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. ter as 2 to 3. How many sheep did each flock originally contain ? Ans. 200. 23. There are two numbers in proportion of 3 to 4 ; but if 24 be added to each of them, the two sums will be in the proportion of 4 to 5. What are the numbers ? Ans. 72 and 96. 24. A man's age when he was married was to that of his wife as 3 to 2 ; and when they had lived together 4 years, his age was to hers as 7 to 5. What were their ages when they were married? Ans. His age, 24; hers, 16 years. 25. A certain sum of money was put at simple interest, and in 8 months it amounted to $1488, and in 15 months it amounted to ^1630. What was the sum ? Ans. $1440. Let x= the sum. The sum or principle subtracted from the amount will give the interest: therefore 1488 — x repre- sents the interest for 8 months, and 1530 — x is the interest for 15 months. Now, whatever be the rate per cent, double time will give double interest, &c. Hence, 8:15:: 1488 — x: 1630 — x, N. B. To acquire true delicacy in algebraical operations, it is often expedient not to use large numerals, but let them be represented by letters. In the present example, let a=1488. Then a-l-42=1530, and the proportion becomes 8: 15:: a — X : a4-42 — x. Multiply extremes and means, then 8a+8'42— 8afel5a~15a7 HDrop 8a and — 8x from both members, and we have 8«42=7a— 7a; Dividing by 7, and transposing, we find a;=a— 48=1440, Ans. 26. A certain sum of money was put at simple interest for 2|- years, and in that time it amounted to $3526, and in 38 months it amounted to $3606. What was the sum put at interest? Ans. $3226. EQUATIONS. , 107 (Art. 58.) The object of solving problems should be to acquire a knowledge of the utility and the power of the science, and this knowledge cannot be attained to the fullest extent by merely solving problems ; we must also learn how- to propose them, and to propose such as are convenient and proper for instruction. Problem 25 is extracted from an English work ; and let the reader observe that the two amounts, $1488, 8 1530, and $1440, the sum put at interest, are all whole numbers, no fraction of a dollar in any of them, which makes the problem a neat and convenient one. The question now is, how the proposer discovered these numbers ? Did he happen upon them ? Did he find them by repeated trials ? or did he deduce them naturally and easily from a scientific process ? We can best answer these questions by showing how we found the numbers to form problem 26. Wanting another example of the same kind as 25, but of different data, I wrote on a slip of paper thus : A sum of money was put at interest for 2^ years, and the amount for that time was a dollars ; and for 38 months the amount was a-\-d dollars. What was the sum ? The amount for 38 months must be greater than the amount for 30 months, therefore c? is a positive number. Let X represent the sum lent. Then a — x= the interest for 30 months, and a-{-d — x= the interest for 38 months. Hence, . . 30 : 38 : : a — x : a-^d — x. ,^ Product of extremes and means gives 30a -f- 30«?— 30a;= 3 8a— 3 8a; Dropping 30a and — 30a; from both members, we have 30d=Sa — Sx Dividing by 8, and transposing, gives a- a _- 108 , ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Here a stands alone, and any whole number greater than — can be written in its place ; and if we take d of such a 8 ^ value as to render it divisible by 8, the fraction — will be a ^ 8 whole number, and cause a? to be a whole number also. In preparing the example, I took d equal 80, then 8 is in value 300 ; and I took «, hap-hazard at $3526 ; there- fore, a-l-^=3606, and a;=3226, the numbers given in the problem. By taking different values to a and d, we may form as many numeral problems as we please like problem 25 or 26 ; and if, in every instance, we take care to take d of such a value as to render it divisible by 8, no fractions will appear in the problems. Again, observe the expression x=za — The numera- tor of the fraction has 30 for a coefficient, and that is the number of months that the sum of money was out at interest before the first amount was rendered ; and 8, the denomina- tor, is the number of months between the times of rendering the two amounts. Observing these facts, we may solve another problem of the like kind without going through the steps of the process. For example. 27. A certain sum of money was put at simple interest, and in 13 months it amounted to a dollars, and in 20 months it amounted to a-j-d dollars. What was the sum? Ans. x. And ... . . x=^a — — (1) 7 ^ ^ To form a numerical problem from equation (1), such as shall contain only whole numbers, and correspond to the times here mentioned, we must take c?=7, or some midiiple oj 7. Suppose we take c?= 1 4 ; then a-=a— 26 (2) EQUATIONS. 109 Now it is ray object to form another numerical problem of this kind, corresponding to the times mentioned in 27, having such numbers that the answer — the sum put at interest, shall be just 100 dollars. Take equation (2), and in place of x write 100, transpose — 26, and we have a=126, the first amount; and as c?=14, a-\-d, the second amount, must be 140. Hence, we may write the problem thus : 28. A certain sum of money was put at interest, and in 13 months the amount due was ^126, and if continued at inter- est for 20 months, the amount due would have been $140. What was the sum put at interest ? Ans. $100. In equation (1), the fraction — is the interest on the sum for 13 months, because it is the sum, which, if added to the principal, will give the amount. Here in these problems, d and a are perfectly arbitrary ; we pay no attention to the rate of interest ; and if we take d of any great value, there will be an unreasonable quantity of interest ; and if d is taken very small in relation to a, the rate of interest will be small ; but the algebraist can adjust the 13d rate by putting , equal to any given rate of interest ; but in a work like this, it is not proper to carry these investiga- tions any further. • EQUATIONS CONTINUED. (Art. 59.) Problems in which fractions mostly occur. 1. The number 12 is | of what number ? Ans. It is I of the number x» To determine the numerical value of Xy we solve the follow- 3x ing equation, —=12. Hence, 16 is the number. no ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 2. The number a is | of what number ? Am. ~. 3 3. The number 21 is -^ of what number ? Ans. 49. 4. The number 21 is the ^th part of what number ? Ans. ^. 5. The number a is the _ th part of what number ? n an m 6. If you add together } and | of a certain number, the sum will be 130. What is the number? Ans. 420. The following solution is taken from another book, and it IS a fair specimen of the manner of teaching Algebra, both in this country and in England ; but in this particular we insist on improvement. ♦ Let x= the number, Then ^-1-~130 Multiplying both members by 7 and 6, or by 42, we have 6x'\''7x=5460 lSx=5460 a:=420 This is but half Algebra. An algebraist never multiplies num- bers together, except in final results, or in some rare cases where it is impossible to do otherwise. To avoid this, let numbers be represented by letters ; and in place of 130 in the equation, write a to represent it, as taught in (Art. 63.) Then -+--a Clearing of fractions, 6a;+7a;=42a Or 18a;=i42a EQUATIONS. HI Now, as a is divisible by 13, and the quotient 10, dividing both members by 13, gives a:=420, without the least effort at numerical computation. It is not, in fact, necessary to write a ; we may retain the number as a factor, or what is better, take its obvious factors. Thus, .... 6a;4-7^=42-13«10 Uniting and suppressing the factors common to both mem- bers, and a;=420 We extract a solution to the following problem : 7. A farmer wishes to mix 116 bushels of provender, con- sisting of rye, barley, and oats, so that it may contain f as much barley as oats, and \ as much rye as barley. How much of each must there be in the mixture ? Stating the question, Xz=z oats ; and — = barley. Then, -i- of _ is — = rye. Forming the equation, a;_j -j- — =116 Multiplying by 1 4, . .1 4a;-}- 1 Qx-\- 5a;= 1 624 Uniting terms, 29a;=1624 Dividing by 29, ..... x=^6Q the Arts. If we keep the factors separate, we have 29a:=n6'14 Dividing by 29, gives a;=4* 14=56. Here we find a reason why the farmer wished to mix 116 bush- els — not 100, or 115, or 117 — it must be some multiple of 29 to have the different kinds of grain come out in whole numbers. Indeed, the numbers in all numeral problems are so chosen that the final coefficient of the unknown quantity shall he some factor in the other member ; therefore it is worse than useless to hide the factors (as is often done), by laborious multiplication. 112 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 8. Divide 48 into two such parts, that if the less be divided by 4, and the greater by 6, the sum of the Quotients will be 9. Am. 12 and 36. 9. A clerk spends §■ of his salary for his board, and | of the remainder in clothes, and yet saves $150 a year. What is his yearly salary ? Ans. $1350. 10. An estate is to be divided among 4 children, in the following manner : The first is to have $200 more than i of the whole. The second is to have $340 more than ^ of the whole. The third is to have $300 more than } of the whole. And the fourth is to have $400 more than i of the whole. "What is the value of the estate ? Am. $4800. •11. Of a detachment of soldiers, | are on actual duty, | of them sick, i of the remainder absent on leave, and the rest, which is 380, have deserted. What was the number of men in the detachment ? Am. 2280 men. 12. A man has a lease for 99 years, and being asked how much of it was already expired, answered that | of the time past was equal to | of the time to come. Required the tiipe past and the time to come. Assume a=99. Am. Time past, 54 years. 13. It is required to divide the number 204 into two such parts, that 2. of the less being taken from the greater, the remainder will be equal to ^ of the greater subtracted from 4 times the less. Am. The numbers are 154 and 50. Put a=204, and resubstitute in the result. 14. In the composition of a quantity of gunpowder The nitre was 10 pounds more than | of the whole. The sulphur 4^ pounds less than ^ of the whole. The charcoal 2 pounds less than ■} of the nitre. What was the amount of gunpowder ? Am. 69 pounds. EQUATIONS. lis Let ir= the -whole. Then .... ?^-f 10= the nitre, 3 - — 4i= the sulphur, 22; 10 2j+-^ — 2= the charcoal. By addition, — _l-4_ — \ .l^^i—^ Multiply both members by 6, and 4ar4-a;+y+^+21=6a; Drop bx from both members, then 4^ . 60 , „^ -;^ + y4-21=:r Multiply by 7, and drop 4a; from both members. And .... 60+21 •7=3a; Dividing by 3, 204-7«7=a; Or, 69=a; 15. Divide $44 between three men. A, B, and C, so that the share of A may be | that of B, and the share of B, | that of C. Ans. A, $9 ; B, $15, C, $20. Will the student find the reason why the problem requires the division of the number 44 ; why not 45, 47, or any other number, as well as 44 ? Let 3a;=A's share, 5a;=B's, and y=C's share, 3y Then -t=^^ 4 20a; Or y=—~-=z C's share. o Hence, . . 3ar-l-5a;+— -=44 o 10 114 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Clearing of fractions, and uniting terms, we have 44a:=44*3, or x==3 If the problenx had required the division of any other number of dollars, for instance, a dollars, the value of z would have been — dollars. Taking a equal 44, or any num- ber of times 44, gives whole numhers for the respective shares. 16. What number is that, to which, if we add its ^, i, and 1, the sum will be 50 ? Ans. 24. 17. What number is that, to which, if we add its i, ^, and A, the sum will be a .^ . 24a ns. -_-. 18. If A can build a certain wall in 10 days, and B can do the same in 14 days, what number of days will be re- quired to build the wall, if they both work together ? Ans. 5f days. Let X represent the days required. If A can do the work in 10 days, in one day he will do -^^ of it, and in x days he X • X will do — of the whole work. By the same reasoning, '— is the part of the work done by B. Therefore, —-+—- = 1. (1 is the whole work). 10 14 ^ ' 19. If A can do a piece of work in a days, and B can do the^same in b days, how long will it take them, if they both work together? ^^^ _^ days. I now wish to propose a numerical problem in all respects like problem 18, except that the number of days shall be a whole number, and the answer shall be 8. The answer to 1 9 is a r/eneral answer ; and now if we EQUATIONS. 115 require a particular answer, 8, we simply require the verifi- cation of the following equation. Or ah=Sa-]-Sh In this equation, if we assume a, the equation will give b, or if we assume b, the equation will give a corresponding value to a. But whichever letter we assume, it must be assumed greater than 8 ; because it requires either man more than 8 days to do the work, for they together do it in 8 days. Now, assume a=12, then the equation becomes 125=8'12+85 46=8'12 5=24 We can now write out our numerical problem thus : 20. A can do a piece of work in 1 2 days ; B can do the same in 24 days. How many days will be required, if they both work together ? Ans. 8. 2t. A young man, who had just received a fortune, spent f of it the first year, and ^ of the remainder the next year ; when he had $1420 left. What was his fortune ? Ans. 811360. 22. If from ^ of my hight in inches, 12 be subtracted, i of the remainder will be 2. What is my hight ? Ans. 5 feet 6 inches. 23. A laborer. A, can perform a piece of work in 5 days, B can do the same in 6 days, and C in 8 days ; in what time can the three together perform the same work ? Ans. 2/^ days. Let a;= the number of days in which all three can do it. 24. After paying out i and } of my money, I had remain- ing 66 guineas. How many guineas had I at first ? Ans. 120. 116 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 25. In a certain orchard, i are apple trees, | peach trees, J- plum trees, 100 cherry trees, 100 pear trees. How many trees in the orchard ? Ans. 2400. 26. A farmer has his sheep in jfive different fields, viz : ^ in the first field, ^ in the second, } in the third, ^j in the fourth, and 45 in the fifth field. How many sheep in the Jock? Ans. 120. 27. A person at play, lost ^ of his money, and then won 3 shilhngs ; after which he lost i of what he then had ; and, on counting, found that he had 12 shillings remaining. What had he at first? Ans. 20 shilhngs. (Art. 60). When equations contain compound fractions, and simple ones, clear them of the simple fractions first, and unite, as far as possible, all the simple terms. We give a few examples to show the advantage of observ- ing this expedient. 1. Given ; — = to find the value of a;. 9 6x-\-3 3 Multiply all the terms by the smallest denominator, 3. That is, divide all the denominators by 3, and 3 ^2a:-{-l ^ Multiplying again by 3, and dropping 6a;-{-7 from both members, we have 21a;— 39_ ~2x-{-l"~ Clearing of fractions, transposing, (fee, we find a;=4. ^ ^. 7a:+16 ar-f 8 ,a: 2. Given-^-=^^-^j+-tofind.. Multiply by 21, and from both members drop 7x, then ^ 21a:-|-21'8 16= ! 4a^— 11 Clearing of fractions And . . . 64a:— llM6=21a;+21'8 EQUATIONS. II? For the purpose of showing something of the spirit of Algebra, we will put a=8: after dropping 21a; from both members, Then . . 43a;— 11 -2^=2 la . Or . . . 43a;— 22a=21a Or . . . . 43a;=43a or ar=a=8. „ ^. 9a;4-20 4a; — 12 , x 3. Given — ^-~ =— +-, to find x, 36 5x — 4 4 Multiplying by 36, and dropping 9a; from both members. Then 20=??(i^l-l) 5x — 4 4. Given -\ p^ =^ -^^ — ■ ^ to find x. X ax-f-ox a-\-b Multiply by a;. Then . . a-6+?^=?=(5^?^(.5!f±!^ a-\-b a-J-5 Multiply by (a-\-b), and unite known quantities, Then ... 3a^—2b^=(3a^—2b^)(3a'+2b^)x 1 ^~3a^-f2b^' 5x-\-5 9 6x — 12 5. Given ■ — r-^-r 1 = — to find a;. . Ans. a?=2. x-\-2 4 X — 2 ^ -,. 2a;+l 402— 3 a; 471— 6a; ^ . , 6. C^iven —^- ig""^"^ 2 ^^ ^^^ ^• -4ws. a;=72. ^ _. 18a;— 19 , lla;-|-21 9a;+15 ^ . , Ans. a;=7. ^ ^. 20a;+36 , 5a;+20 4a; , „ ■ , 8. Given _^_+^_=_+3xx tofind^.. u4w5. x=^4. « ^. 6 3a; , 2 2a;-}-5 3 , , 9. Given -^---+-=~3 to find a;. Ans. x=^. 118 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. I Sar-f- 1 8 10. Given \-5-{-x=z — - — to find a:. . Ans. x=6. X — 5 3 11. Divide the number 48 into two such parts, that 7 divided by one part shall be equal to 5 divided by the other part. Required the parts. Ans. 28 and 20. 1 2. Divide the number 48 into two such parts, that one may be to the other as 7 to 5. Required the parts. Ans. 28 and 20. 13. A person in play, lost a fourth of his money, and then won back 3 shillings ; after which he lost a third of what he now had, and then won back 2 shillings ; lastly, he lost a seventh of what he then had, and then found he had but 1 2 shillings remaining. What had he at first ? Ans. 20 shillings. 14. A shepherd was met by a band of robbers, who plun- dered him of half of his flock and half a sheep over. After- ward a second party met him, and took half of what he had left, and half a sheep over ; and soon after this, a third party met him and treated him in like manner ; and then he had 5 sheep left ? How many sheep had he at first ? Ans. 47 sheep. 15. A man bought a horse and chaise for 341 (a) dollars. Now, if f of the price of the horse be subtracted from twice the price of the chaise, the remainder will be the same as if 4 of the price of the chaise be subtracted from 3 times the price of the horse. Required the price of each. Ans. Horse, $152; chaise, $189. N. B. Let 8a;= the price of the horse. Or let . 7a:= the price of the chaise. ^ Solve this question by both of these notations. 16. A laborer engaged to serve for 60 days^ on these con- ditions : That for every day he worked he should have 75 cents and his board, and for every day he was idle he should forfeit 26 cents for damage and board. At the end of the time a settlement was made, and he received $25. How many days did he work, and how many days was he idle ? EQUATIONS. 119 The common way of solving sucli questions is to let a'= the days he worked ; then 60 — x represents the days he was idle. Then sum up the account and put it equal to $25. Another method is, to consider that if he worked the whole 60 days, at 75 cents per day, he must receive ^45. But for every day he was idle, he not only lost his wages, 75 cents, but 25 cents in addition. That is, he lost %\ every day he was idle. Now, let rr= the days he was idle. Then, x=- the dollars he lost. And 45 — a:=25 or a;=20, the days he was idle. 17. A person engaged to work a days on these conditions: For each day he worked he was to receive h cents ; for each day he was idle he was to forfeit c cents. At the end of a days he received d cents. How many days was he idle ? . ah — d . Ans. -rr-i — days. Let x= the number of days he was idle. Had he worked every day he must have received ah cents. But for every idle day we must diminish this sum by (6+c) centsr; and for x days, the diminution must be (b-\-c)x cents. That is, al) — (b-\-c)x=d by the question. ,T cib — d Hence, x=:—-, — 18. A boy engaged to convey 30 glass vessels to a certain place, on condition of receiving 5 cents for every one he de- livered safe, and forfeiting 12 cents for every one he broke. On settlement, he received 99 cents. How many did he break? Ans. 3. 19. A boy engaged to carry n glass vessels to a certain place, on condition of receiving a cents for every one he deliv- ered, and to forfeit b cents for every one he broke. On set- tlement he received d cents. How many did he break ? Ans. The number represented by —ri" 120 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. SIMPLE EQUATIONS CONTAINING TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. (Art. 61.) We have thus far considered such equations only as contained but one unknown quantity ; but we now suppose the pupil sufficiently advanced to comprehend equa- tions containing two or more unknown quantities. There are many simple problems which one may meet with in Algebra, which cannot be solved by the use of a single unTcnown quantity, and there are also some which may he solved by a single letter, that may become much more simple by using two or more unknown quantities. When two unknown quantities are used, two independent equations must exist, in which the value of the unknown let- ters must be the same in each. When three unknown quan- tities are used, there must exist three independent equations, in which the value of any one of the unknown letters is the same in each. In short, there must he as mxiny independent equations as unknown quantities used in the question. An independent equation may be called a primitive or prime equation — one that is not derived from any other equation. Thus, x-\-2>y=a, and 2a;+6y=2a, are not independent equa- tions, because one can be derived from the other ; but x-\-2)y =a, and Ax-\-by=h, are independent equations, because neither one can be reduced to the other by any arithmetical operation. The reason that two equations are required to determine two unknown quantities, will be made clear by considering the following equation : a;+y=20 This equation will be verified if we make x—\, and y=19, ora:=2, and 2/= 18, or *=^, and y=19i, &c., &c., without limit. But if we combine another equation with this, as EQUATIONS. 121 gc — ^y=4, then we have to verify two equations with the same values to x and y, and only one value for x and one value for y will answer both conditions. Thus, ..... a;4-y=20 And X — y— 4 By addition . . . 2a:=24 x=\2y and y=8. That is, we have found a value for x and another to y (12 and 8), so that their sum shall be 20, and their difference 4 ; and no other possible numbers will answer. A merchant sends me a bill of 16 dollars for 3 pairs of shoes and 2 pairs of hoots ; afterward he sends another bill of 23 dollars for 4 pairs of shoes and 3 pairs of boots, charging at the same rate. What was his price for a pair of shoes, and what for a pair of boots ? This can be resolved by one unknown quantity, but it is far more simple to use two. Let x= the price of a pair of shoes. And y= the price of a pair of boots. Then by the question 3a;+2z/=16 And ..... 4a:+3y=23 These two equations are independent ; that is, one cannot be converted into the other by multiphcation or division, not- withstanding the value of x and of y are the same in both equations. Equations are independent when they express dififerent con- ditions, and dependent when they express the same conditions under different forms. To reduce equations involving two unknown quantities, it is necessary to perform some arithmetical operation upon them, which will cause one of the unknown quantities to dis- appear. These operations are called ehmination. There are three principal methods of eliminaHcn. 11 122 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 1. By comparison. 2. By substitution. 3. By addition or ^subtraction. All the operations rest on the axioms. FIRST METHOD. (Art. 62.) Transpose the terms containing y to the right hand sides of the equations, and divide by the coefficients of X, and From equation {A) we have x= ( C) o And from {B) we have . a:= (B) Put the two expressions for x equal to each other (Ax 7), , , 16— 2y 23— 3y And -= 3 4 An equation which readily gives ^=-5, which, taken as the value of y in either equation ( 0) or (B), will give x=2. SECOND METHOD. (Art. 63.) To explain the second method of elimination, resume the equations 3x+2y=16^ (A) 4a;-l-3y=23 (B) The value of x from equation (A) is ic=i(16 — 2y). Substitute this value for x in equation (B), and we have 4X1(16 — 2y)-\-3y=23, an equation containing only y. Reducmg it, we find y=5, the same as before. Observe, that this method consists in finding the value of one of the unknown quantities from one equation, and substi- tuting that value in the other. Hence, it is properly called the method by substitution. ^ EQUATIONS. 1'2S THIRD METHOD OF ELIMxNATION. (Art. 64.) Resume again 3x-\-2y = 16 (A) 4a;+3y=23 (JB) When the coefficients of either a; or y are the same in both equations, and the signs alike, that term will disappear by subtraction. When the signs are unlike, and the coefficients equal, the term will disappear by addition. To make the coefficients of x equal, multiply each equation hy the coefficient of x in tJte other. To make the coefficients of y equal, multiply each equation by i/ie coefficient of y in the other. Multiply equation (A) by 4 and 12ii;+8y=64 Multiply equation (B) by 3 and 12a?+9y=69 Difference y=5, as before. To continue this investigation, let us take the equations 2ar-f3y=23 (A) 5x—2y=10 (B) Multiply equation (A) by 2, and equation (B) by 3, and we have 4x-\-6y=46 15x—6y—30 Equations in which the coefficients of y are equal, and the signs unlike. In this case add, and the y's will destroy each other, giving 19a;=76 Or x=4 Of these three methods of ehmination, sometimes one is preferable and sometimes another, according to the relation of the coefficients and the positions in which they stand. No one should be prejudiced against either method ; and in practice we use either one, or modifications of them, as the 124 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. case may require. The forms may be disregarded when the principles are kept in view. EXAMPLES. 1. Given ] *"i/=^^^ (^U to find, and y. From (A) .... x=-^^ From (JB) .... a;=16— 4y Therefore . . — ^^=16— 4y (Ax. 7). Ans. y=2, x=S. ( 7x-{-4y=5S (A) ) 2- Given -j 9^_4^_33 ^^^ [ to find a: and y. Ans. x=6, y=4. Here, it would be very inexpedient to take the first method of elimination. Observe that the coefficients of y are alike in number, but opposite in signs. A skillful operator takes great advantage of circumstances, and very rarely goes through all the operations of set rules ; but this skill can only be acquired by observation and practice. Add the two equations. Why ? ( 5x+6y=5S (A) ) , , 3. Given j ^^_^q^^^^ ^^'^ \ to find x and y. Ans. ir=8 ; y=3. Subtract ( J5) from (A). Why ? 4. Given j Tll'^^\o iiU^^-^---^y- Ans. x=4; y=2. Add (^^and (i?). Why? 5. Given j f i^^=^f 1 p| [ to find . and y. ( 3a:+4y=88 (B) f Ans. x=S ; y=16. Multiply (B) by 2. Why ? EQUATIONS. 125 C. Given i „ ; ..^ r to find x and z, Ans. x=7 ; z=8. ^ _. C 4x-\- 6y= 46 ) 7. Given S ^ ^ . ^ r to nnd a; and y. ( 5a:— 2?/= 10 j ^ „ ^. ( 2x+ 3y= 31 ) ^ ^ 8. Given 1 ^ „ . „ f to find a? and y. ( 4a; — 3y= 17 ) Ans. x=S ; y=5. ( 4y-|- 2?=102 ) , , 9. Given i , , ,^ h to find y and z. ( 3/4- 42= 48 ) ^ Ans. ?/=24 ; 2=6 « I .^ ^^ r to find a; and y. 8a;+10y=26 ) ^ ^715. a:=2 : y=l. ( 6y+ 3a?=93 ) , ^ ^ 11- Given] ^^_^^^._g^^tofindyanda.. Ans. y=\2; a?=ll. 12. Given Aar-|-^y==14, and Ja:-1-Jy=ll, to find x and y, ^725. a;=24; 3^=6. 13. Given x-\-y=S, and lx-\-y=7, to find a; and y. Ans. x=s^6; y=4. 14. Given ja;+7y=99, and ^y-f 7a;=51, to find x and y. Ans. x=7 ; y — 14. PEOBLEMS PRODUCING EQUATIONS OF TWO UNKNOWN QUANXITIES. 1. A man bought 3 bushels of wheat and 5 bushels of rye for 38 shillings ; and at another time, 6 bushels of wheat and 3 bushels of rye for 48 shillings. What was the price for a bushel of each ? Let x= price of wheat, and y= price of rye. By the first condition, 3a;-l-5y=38 (A) By the second, . . 6a:+3y=48 {J3) Ans. x=6 ; y='U 126 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 2. A gentleman paid for 6 pairs of hoots, and 4 pairs of shoes, $44 ; and afterward, for 3 pairs of boots, and 7 pairs of shoes, $32. What was the price of each per pair ? Ans. Boots, $6 ; shoes, $2. 3. A man spends 30 cents for apples and pears, buying his apples at the rate of 4 for a cent, and his pears at the rate of 5 for a cent. He afterward let his friend have half of his apples and one-third of his pears, for 13 cents, at the same rate. How many did he buy of each sort ? Let x= the number of apples, y= « « of pears, A cent = the price of 1 apple ; hence, x apples are worth - cents. Therefore, 4 "By the first condition, . . ^ l=- (^) By the second, . . . i+f5=- (-8) Multiplying (B) by 2, I+S=- (1) Subtracting (1) from (A), 5 15 (2) Multiplying (2) by 15, . Sy— 22/=60, or y=60 This value of y put in (^), gives --f 12=30, or ar=72. 4. What fraction is that, to the numerator of which, if 1 be added, its value will ^, but if 1 be added to the denominator, its value will be ^ ? Let cc= the numerator. And y== the denominator, X Then — ==• the fraction, y EQUATIONS, 127 And we shall have the two equations. Clearing of fractions, 3a;+3=y (1) And 4a;— l=y (2) Taking (1) from (2), ic— 4=0, or x=4. Hence, from 1 we find y=15, and the fraction is j-\. 5. What fraction is that, to the numerator of which, if 4 he added, the value is i, but if 7 be added to its denominator, its value will be | ? Ans. j\. G. A and B have certain sums of money : says A to B, ** Give me ^15 of your money, and I shall have five times as much as you have left." Says B to A, ** Give me ^5 of your money, and I shall have exactly as much as you have left." How many dollars had each ? Ans. A had ^35 ; and B, ^25. 7. What fraction is that whose numerator being doubled, and its denominator increased by 7, the value becomes |; but the denominator being doubled, and the numerator increased by 2, the value becomes -j ? Ans. a. 8. If A give B ^5 of his money, B will have twice as much money as A has left ; and if B give A ^5, A will have thrice as much as B has left. How much had each ? Ans. A had $13; B, $11. 9. A merchant has sugar at 9 cents and at 13 cents a pound, and he wishes to make a mixture of 100 pounds tliat shall be worth 12 cents a poimd. How many pounds of each quality must he take ? ' Ans. 25 pounds at 9 cents, and 75 pounds at 13 cents. 10. A person has a saddle worth ;i650, and two horses. When he saddles the poorest horse, the horse and saddle are worth twice as much as the best horse ; but when he saddles 128 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. the best, the horse and saddle are together worth three times the other. What is the value of each horse ? Ans. Best, MO ; poorest, ^30. 1 1 . One day a gentleman employs 4 men and 8 boys to labor for him, and pays them 40 shillings ; the next day he hires at the same rate, 7 men and 6 boys, for 50 shillings. What are the daily wages of each ? Ans. Man's, 5 shillings ; boy's, 2 shillings 6 pence. 1 2. A merchant sold a yard of broadcloth and 3 yards of velvet, for $25; and, at another time, 4 yards of broadcloth and 5 yards of velvet, for ^65. What was the price of each per yard? Ans. Broadcloth, $10; velvet, $5. 13. Find two numbers, such that half the first, with a third part of the second, make 9, and a fourth part of the first, with a fifth part of the second, make 5. Ans. 8 and 15. 14. A gentleman being asked the age of his two sons, an- swered, that if to the sum of their ages 18 be added, the result will be double the age of the elder ; but if 6 be taken from the difference of their ages, the remainder will be equal to the age of the younger. What were their ages ? Ans. 30 and 12. 15. A says to B, ** Give me 100 of your dollars, and I shall have as much as you." B replies, **Give me 100 of your dollars and I shall have twice as much as you. How many dollars has each ? ^725. A, $500; B, $700. 16. Find two numbers, such that f of the first and f of the second added together, will make 1 2 ; and if the first be divided by 2, and the second multiplied by 3, | of the sum of these results will be 26. Ans. 15 and 10^. 17. Says A to B, "^ of the difference of our money is equal to yours ; and if you give me $2, I shall have five times as much as you." How much has each ? Ans. A, $48; B, $12. 18. A market-woman bought eggs, some at the rate of 2 for a cent, and some at the rate of 3 for 2 cents, to the amount EQUATIONS. 129 of 65 cents. She afterward sold them all for 100 cents, thereby gaining half a cent on each egg. How many of each kind did she buy ? Ans. 50 of one ; 60 of the other. 19. What two numbers are those, whose sum is a and dif- ference b ? Let x== the greater. Ans. The greater is a b 2+2 y= the less. The less is a b £-2 Sum is . . a Difference is h. (Art. 64.) From the result of this problem, we learn one important fact, which will be of use to us in solving other problems. The fact is this : That the half sum of any two nmnbers, added to the half difference, is the greater of the two numbers ; and the half sum, diminished by the half difference ^ gives the less. 20. There are two numbers whose sum is 100, and three times the less taken from twice the greater, gives 150 for remainder. What are the numbers ? Ans. 90 and 10. The half sum of the two numbers is 50. Now let xz;= the half difference. Then 50-|- ar= the greater number. And 50 — a;= the less number. Twice the greater is \00-\-2x Three times less is 1 50 — 3.r Difference is . — 50-}-52;=150. 21. What two numbers are those whose sum is 12, and whose product is 35 ? A71S. 7 and 5. Let Q-\-x = the greater, Then 6 — x = the less. Product, .... 36— a''=35. Hence, x=^\. 130 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 22. What two numbers are those whose difference is 4, and product 96 ? Ans. 12 and 8. Let x= the half sum ; 2= the half difference. 23. The difference of two numbers is 6, and the sum of their squares is 50. What are the numbers ? Ans. 7 and 1. 24. The difference of two numbers is 8, and their product is 240. What are the numbers ? A7is. 12 and 20. (Art. 65.) To reduce equations containing three or more unknoAvn quantities, we employ the same principles as for two unknown quantities, and no more ; and from these principles we draw the following Rule . — Combine any one of the equations vnih each of the others, so as to eliminate the same unknown quantity ; there will thus arise a new set of equations containing one less unknown quantity. In the same manner combine one of these new equations with each of the others, and thus obtain another set of equations con- taining one less unknown quantity than the last set ; and so continue, until an equation is found containing one unknown quantity ; solving this equation, and substituting the value of iis unknovm quantity in the other equations, the other unknown quantities are easily found. EXAMPLES. ( x-\- y-f- ^= 9 "^ 1. Given < a;+2y4- 3^=16 > to find x, y, and z. ( x-\-3y+4z=21 ) By the first method, transpose the terms containing y and z in each equation, and x= 9 — y — z x=zl6—2y—3z x=2\—Sy—4z EQUATIONS. iM Then putting the 1st and 2d values equal, and the 2d and 3d values equal, gives 9 — y— ^=16 — 2y— 32 1 6—2?/ — 3z = 2 1 — 3y — 4z Transposing and condensing terms, And y=7 — 2z A-lso, y=5 — z Hence, .... 5 — z=7 — 2z, or z=2. Having z=2, we have y=5 — 2=3, and having the values of both z and y, by the first equation we find x=4. - r 2a?+4y— 32=22 ^ 2. Given I 4x — 2?/4-52=18 > to find x, y and z. ( 6ir-f7y— 2=63 ) Multiplying the first equation by 2, . 4a;+8y — 62=44 And subtracting the second, . . . 4x — 2y-f- 52=18 The result is, (.4) lOy— -112=26 Then multiply the first equation by 3, 6x-\-12y — 92=66 And subtract the third, 6x-\- 'ly — 2=63 The resxilt is, (^) 5y— 82= 3 Multiply the new equation, {B), by 2, lOy — 162= 6 And subtract this from equation (A)y \0y — 1 12=26 The result is, 52=20 Therefore, 2=4. Substituting the value of z in equation {B), and we find y=7. ( 3:r+9y+82=41 \ 3. Given \ 5x-\-Ay — 22=20 \ to find x, y, and 2. ( ILT+Ty— 62=37 ) Ans. x=2; y=S ; 2=1. (Art. 66.) When three, four, or more unknown quantities, w^ith as many equations, are given, and their coefficients are 132 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. all prime to each other, the operation is necessarily long. But when several of the coefficients are multiples, or mea- sures of each other, or unity, several expedients may be re- sorted to for the purpose of facilitating calculation. No specific rules can be given for mere expedients. Exam- ples alone can illustrate. Some few expedients will be illus- trated by the following EXAMPLES. ■x-\-y-{-z=zm-\ 1. Given •{ x-\-y — 2=25 )■ to find x, y, and z. X — y — z= 9 J Subtract the 2d from the 1st, and 22=6. Subtract the 3d from the 2d, and 2?/= 16. Add the 1st and 3d, and . . 2;r=40. 2. Given \ x — y = 4 V to find ar, y, and z. yx — z = 6J Add all three, and 3:r=36, or a:=12. r x—y—z= 6-^ 3. Given \ 3y — x — z— 1 2 V to find x, y, and z. . . I 'lz—y—x=^^] 4. Given a;4-iy=100, y-\-\z^\m, 2+^0;= 100, to find X, y, and z. Puta=100. . Ans. a:=64; y=72 ; and 2=84. ' u-\-v-\-x-\-y=\0 u-\-v-\-z-\-x=:^ 1 1 6. Given ■{ u-\-v-\-z-\-x=12 S- to find the value of each. u-\-x-{-y-\-z—13 v-]-x-\-y-\-z='i4^ Here are Jive letters and five equations. Each letter has EQUATIONS. 133 the same coefficient, one understood. Each equation has 4 letters, z is wanting in the 1st equation, y in the 2d, &c. Now assume u-]rv-\-x-]ry-]rz=^s. Then 5—2=10 {A) s—y=\\ s—x—l^ 5— v=13 s — w=14 Add, and .... 5s—s=Q0 Or «= 15. Put this value of « in equation {A), and 2=5, &c. 6. Given ir+y=a, a;-l-2=6, 2^4-0=c. Add the 1st and 2d, and from the sum subtract the 3d. Am. a;=i(a+5 — c), y=l{a-\-c — 5), z—\(J)-{-c — a). 5. Reduce the equations 6. Reduce the equations ' x-\-y=5^ y+ 2=82 2-1- 2^=68 u-\-x=32 ix-^3y=23 .+ ^=8 J/+ 32=31 x-\-y +2-l-2it'=39 Ans. 7. Reduce the equations 8, Reduce the equations r4ar-|-2y— 32= 4 } 3a;— 5y+22=22 I x-{- y-{- 2=12 •i.r+iy-f 2=46 >| \x— y-hzi= 9 I a^+|y—i2=19J -4w«. Ans. Ans, a:=20, y=32, 2=50, m;=18, w=12. a;=6, I 2=8, lw=9. ar=5, y-1, 2=6. a:=20, y=12, 2=32. 134 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA QUESTIONS PRODUCING EQUATIONS CONTAINING THREE OR MORE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES 1. There are three persons, A, B, and C, whose ages are as follows : If B's age be subtracted from A's, the difference will be C's age ; if five times B's age and twice C's, be added together, and from their sum A's age be subtracted, the remainder will be 147. The sum of all their ages is 96. What are their ages? Ans. A's, 48; B's, 33; C's, 15. 2. Find what each of three persons. A, B, and C, is worth, from knowing, 1st, that what A is worth added to 3 times what B and C are worth make 4700 dollars; 2d, that what B is worth added to 4 times what A and C are worth make 5800 dollars ; 3d, that what C is worth added to 5 times what A and B aie worth make 6300 dollars. Ans. A is worth 8500; B, 8600; C, 8800. 3. A gentleman left a sum of money to be divided among four servants, so that the share of the first was ^ the sura of the shares of the other three ; the share of the second, J- of the sum of the other three ; and the share of the third, J- the sum of the other three ; and it was found that the share of the last was 14 dollars less than that of the first. What was the amount of money divided, and the shares of each respectively ? Ans. The sum was 8120 ; the shares, 40, 30, 24 and 26. 4. The sum of three numbers is 59; | the difference of the first and second is 5, and ^ the difference of the first and third is 9; required the numbers. Ans. 29, 19, and 11. 5. There is a certain number consisting of two places, a unit and a ten, which is four times the sum of its digits, and if 27 be added to it, the digits will be inverted. What is the number? Ans. 36. Note. — Undoubtedly the reader has learned in Arithme- tic that numerals have a specific and a local value, and every EQUATIONS. 135 remove from the unit multiplies by 10. Hence, if x repre- sents a digit in the place of tens, and y in the place of units, the number must be expressed by 10x-\-y. A number con- sisting of three places, with x, y, and z to represent the digits, must be expressed by 100a;-l-]0?/+s. 6. A number is expressed by three figures ; the sum of these figures is 1 1 ; the figure in the place of units is double tliat in the place of hundreds, and when 297 is added to this number, the sum obtained is expressed by the figures of this number reversed. What is the number ? Ans. 326. 7. Divide the number 90 into three parts, so that twice the first part increased by 40, three times the second part increased by 20, and four times the third part increased by 10, may be all equal to one another. A71S. First part, 35; second, 30; and third, 25. If the object is merely to solve the seventh example, it would not be expedient to use three unknown symbols. Let ^(x — 40)= the first part, &c. 8. Find three numbers, such that the first with J- of the other two, the second with 1 of the other two, and the third with I of the other two, shall be equal to 25. Ans. 13, 17, and 19. 9. A man with his wife and son, talking of their ages, said that his age, added to that of his son, was 16 years more than that of his wife ; the wife said that her age, added to that of her son, made 8 years more than that of her husband ; and that all their ages added together amounted to 88 years. What was the age of each ? Ans. Husband, 40, wife, 36, and son 12 years. 10. There are three numbers, such that the first, with i the second, is equal to 14; the second, with i part of the third, is equal to 18; and the third, with i part of the first, is equal to 20; required the numbers. Ans. 8, 12, and 18. 136 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 11. Find three members, such that i of the first, i of the second, and } of the third shall be equal to 62; i of the first, I of the second, and i of the third equal to 47; and i of the first, i of the second, and ^ of the third equal to 38. Ans. 24, 60, and 120. 12. There are two numbers, such that i the greater added to 1 the lesser, is 13; and if i the lesser is taken from ^ the greater, the remainder is nothing. Required the numbers. Ans. 18 and 12. 12. Find three numbers of such magnitude, that the first with the ^ sum of the other two, the second with ^ of the other two, and the third with i of the other two, may be the same, and amount to 51 in each case. Ans. 16, 33, and 39. 14. A said to B and C, ** Give me, each of you, 4 of your sheep, and I shall have 4 more than you will have left." B said to A and C, **If each of you will give me 4 of your sheep, I shall have twice as many as you will have left." C then said to A and B, "Each of you give me 4 of your sheep, and I shall have three times as many as you will have left." How many had each ? Ans. A, 6; B, 8; C, 10. 16. A person bought three silver cups ; the price of the first, with ^ the price of the other two, was 26 dollars ; the price of the second, with i of the price of the other two, was 26 dollars ; and the price of the third, with i the price of th*» other two, was 29 dollars ; required the price of each. Ajis. $8, $18, and $16 16. A's age is double that of B's, and B's is triple that of C's, and the sum of all their ages is 140; what is the age of each? Ans. A's =84; B's =42; C's =14. 17. A man wrought 10 days for his neighbor, his wife 4 days, and son 3 days, and received 1 1 dollars and 60 cents ; at another time he served 9 days, his wife 8 days, and his son 6 days, at the same rates as before, and received 1 2 dollars ; a third time he served 7 days, his wife 6 days, his son 4 days, EQUATIONS. 137 at the same rates as before, and received 9 dollars. What were the daily wages of each ? A71S. Husband's wages, 81.00; wife, 0; son, 50 cts. (Art. 67.) In this last example we put x to represent the daily wages of the husband, y the wages of the wife, and z the wages of the son, and in conclusion, y was found equal to ; but it might have came out a minus quantity, and if it had, it would have shown that the presence of the wife was not a source of income, but expense ; and if correct results are given at the settlements, the si^ns to the different quantities will show whether any particular individual received wages or was on expense for board, as in the following problems : 18. A man worked for a person ten days, having his wife with him 8 days, and his son 6 days, and he received 10 dol- lars and 30 cents as compensation for all three ; at another time he wrought 12 days, his wife 10 days, and son 4 days, and he received 13 dollars and 20 cents ; at another time he wrought 15 days, his wife 10 days, and his son 12 days, at the same rates as before, and he received 4 3 dollars 85 cents. What were the daily wages of each ? Ans. The husband 75 cts.; wife, 50 cts. The son 20 cts. expense per day. Here the language of the problem is improper, as It im- plies that all received wages ; but the solution shows that this could not be the case ; for the value of the son's wages comes out minus, which is opposition to plus or to positive wages, that is, expense. A stronger illustration of this principle will be shown by the following problem : 19. Two men, A and B, commenced trade at the same time ; A had 3 times as much money as B, and continuing in trade, A gains 400 dollars, and B 150 dollars; now A has twice as much money as B. How much did each have at first? 12 138 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Without any special consideration of the question, it imphes that both had money, and asks how much. But on resolving the question with x to represent A's money, and y B's, we find x= — 300 And 2/=— 100 dollars. That is, they had no money, and the minus sign in this case indicates debt; and the solution not only reveals the nu- merical values, but the true conditions of the problem, and points out the necessary corrections of language to correspond to an arithmetical sense. That is, the problem should have been written thus : A is three times as much in debt as B ; hut A. gains 400 dol- lars, and B 150 ; now A has twice as much money as B. How much were each in debt ? As this enunciation corresponds with the real circumstances of the case, we can resolve the problem without a minus sign in the result. Thus : Let x= B's debt, then 3ar= A's debt. 150 — x= B's money, 400 — 2>xz= A's money. Per question, 400— 3a; =300— 2a:. Or a;=]00. 20. What number is that whose fourth part exceeds its third part by 12 ? Ans. —144. But there is no such abstract number as — 144, and we cannot interpret this as debt. It points out error or impos- sibUity, and by returning to the question we perceive that a fourth part of any number whatever cannot exceed its third part ; it must be, its third part exceeds its fourth part by 1 2, and this enunciation gives the positive number, 144. Thus do equations rectify subordinate errors, and point out special conditions. 21. A man when he was married was 30 years old, and his EQUATIONS. 139 wife 15. How many years nmst elapse before his age will be three times the age of his wife ? Ans. The question is incorrectly enmiciated ; 7|- years before the marriage, not after, their ages bore the specified relation. 22. What fraction is that which becomes | when 1 is added to its numerator, and becomes f when 1 is added to its denominator ? A71S. In an arithmetical sense, there is no such fraction. The algebraic expression, Zxj> "^iH give the required results. 23. Divide the number 10 into two such parts that their product shall be 50. Let ^4-y= the greater number. And x — y= the less. Then 22^=10, or x=5. The product of the two numbers is x^ — y^, and by the question must be equal to 50. That is, .... x^—y^—50. But, x=5; hence, a^=25, which, drop from both members. And —f=25 Or y*=— 25 That is, the question calls for two equal factors whose pro- duct is minus 25; but equal factors will never give a minus product; there is no 2d root of — 25, and the value of the unknown quantity in such cases is said to be imaginary, which shows that the problem is impossible. Here, y=±5^ — 1, a value that has no existence in numbers. SECTION III. INTOLUTION. (Art. 68.) Equations, and the resolution of problems pro- ducing equations, do not always result in the first powers of the unknown (Quantities, but different powers are frequently in- volved, and therefore it is necessary to investigate methods of resolving equations containing higher powers than the first ; and preparatory to this we must learn involution and evolution of algebraic quantities. (Art. 69.) Involution is the method of raising any quan- tity to a given power. Evolution is the reverse of involution, and is the method of determining what quantity raised to a proposed power will produce a given quantity. As in Arithmetic, involution is performed by multiplication, and evolution by the extraction of roots. The first power is the root or quantity itself. The second power, commonly called the square, is the quantity multiplied by itself. The third power is the product of the second power by the quantity. The fourth power is the third power multiphed into the quantity, &c. Or we may consider the second power of a quantity to be the quantity taken twice as a factor. The third power is the quantity taken three tirties as a factor. INVOLUTION. 141 The fourth power is tlie quantity taken four times as a factor. The tenth power is the quantity taken ten times as a factor ; and so on for any other power. The nth. would be the quantity taken n times as a factor. Thus, let a represent any quantity. Its frst power is . . . a=a Its second power is . a*a=c^ The third power is . . a'a'a=a^ The fourth power is . a*a*a*a=^a^ The fifth power is a*a*a'a*a=^c^ In general terms a to the n\h power is a'a, &c., =a", and n may be any number whatever. (Art. 70.) When the quantity is negative, all the odd powers will be minus, and all the even powers will be plus. For, by the rules of multiplication, — aX— a=+a* And . . . — aX — aX — a= — a^ &c.=<&c. (Art. 71.) When we require the 5th power of a, we simply write a^; when the 8th power we write a^, &c., for any other power. That is, a is the same as a\ the exponent 1 is. understood ; and when we require the nth. power of a, we conceive its exponent 1 understood multiplied by n, which makes a". The second power of a? is a^Xc^=a^. The third power of a? is a^'a^*a^=a^. The tenth power of a^ is a^^. The nth power of a? is a^". That is, it is the exponent of the quantity repeated as many times as there are units in the index of the power. Thus, the 7th power of d^ has the exponent of a (4) re* peated 7 times, and the result is a*. 142 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA, From thig we derive the following rule to raise a single quantity to any power. Rule . — Midtiply the exponent of iJie qxtaniity hy the index qf the required power. EXAMPLES Raise a^ to the 3(1 power. . Raise i/* to the 4th power. . Raise i" to the 5th power. . Raise a? to the 4th power. . Raise y' to the 3d power. . Raise x^ to the 6th power. . Raise x^ to the mth power. . Raise aa? to the 3d power. . Raise ah^x'^ to the 2d power. . Raise cV to the 5th power. . . Ans. 2^ . Am. y^. . Ans, I^\ . Ans. x^^ . Ans. y^V . Ans. a^^ , Ans. a;""^ . Ans. aV Ans. d^b'^3?. Ans. c^y (Art. 72.) By the definition of powers, the second power is any quantity multiplied by itself; hence the second power of ax is a^x^, the second power of the coefficient a, as well as the other quantity x; but a may be a numeral, as 6x, and its second pcywer is 36x^. Hence, to raise any simj^le quantity to any power, raise the numeral coefficient, as in Arithinetic, to Vie required power, and annex the powers of the given literal quantities. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the Sd power of 3ax^. 2. Required the 4th power of \y^. 3. Required the 3d power of — 2x. 4. Required the 4th power of — 3a: 6. Required the 2d power of 8a^i'. 6. Required the 3d power of b:^z. Ans. 27a^x'^ Ans. If/ Ans. — 8ar* Ans. Blx'^ Am. Gia'^b^. Ans. 125x«^. INVOLUTION. 143 7. Required the 3d power of Qcc'^f-x. . Ans. 2\^a}^tf^. 8. Required the 4tli power of 2am^ . Ans. 16a^6V. (Art^ 73.) When the quantity to be raised to a power is a fi'action, we must observe the rules for the multiplication of fractions, and multiply numerators by numerators, and denominators by denominators.* Thus, the 2d power of - is — — -= — Hence, to raise fractions to powers, we have the following Rule. — Raise both numerator and denominator to the re- quired power. EXAMPLES. Observe, that by the rules laid down for multiplication, the even powers of minus quantities must be plus, and the odd powers minus. 9.a%^ 4^4^12 1. Required the 2d power of -— ~. . . . Ans. ~p-j* 2. Required the 6th power of — --. . . . Ans. — — -• * Suppose we were required to raise r to the fifth power, and did not know whether the denominator was to be raised or not, we could decide the point by means of an equation, as follows : The fraction has soine value which we represent by a symbol, say P. Then P=r' Now if we can find the true 5th power of P, it will be the required 5th power of the fraction. Clearing the equation of fractions, we have bP=a Taking the 5th power of both members gives a> By division, . . . . . P^—j-. b" This equation shows that to raise any fraction to any power, the numerator and denominator must be raised to that power 14 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 3. Required the 6tli power of — • • • Am. - ^ -. 4. Required the 6\h. power of |a^5. . . Am. 4>« 5. Required the 2d power of -g. . . . . 9 . . Ans. -.' a* 6. Required the 3d power of -^. . . Ans. -r--' 7. 2y Required the 4th power of — —. . . 16/ 8. Required the 3d power of ^. • • (Art. 74.) The powers of compound quantities are raised by the application of the rule for compound multiplication, (Art. 14). Let a-^b be raised to the 2d, 3d, 4th, &c., powers, a +5 a-\-b a +a6 ab-^b'' 2d power or square, a^-^-^ab ~\-b^ a-\-b a?-^S>a^b-\-ab^ a^b-\-^aJ)'-\-b^ 3d power or cube, a?-{-2>d^b-{-?>aI^-\-b^ a-\-b a^+2>a%-\-2,a^b''-\-ab'' a?b-\-Sa%^-\-^ab''-\-b'' The 4th power, . a^-{-^a^b^Q(rb'-^^ab^-\-h' a-\-b a^J[.^a%-\-Qa:'b''+^d'b^-\-ab'' a%-{-Aa?b^-\-Qa^b^-{-Aad'-^b'' The 6th power, . a^+5a:^b-{-\0a?b''-\'\0a^b^-\-bab'^-\-b^ INVOLUTION. 145 By inspecting the result of each product, we may arrive at general principles, according to which any power of a bino- mial may be expressed, without the labor of actual multipli- cation. This theorem for abbreviating powers, and its general application to both powers and roots, first shown by Sir Isaac Newton, has given it the name of Newton's binomial, or the binomial theorem. Observations. — Observe the 5th power : a, being the first, is called the leading term ; and h, the second, is called the following term. The sum of the exponents of the two let- ters in each and all of the terms amount to the index of the power. In the 5th power, the sum of the exponents of a and b is 5; in the 4th power it is 4; in the 10th power it would be 10, &c. In the 2d power there are three terms ; in the 3d power there are 4 terms ; in the 4th power there are 5 terms ; always one more term than the index of the power denotes. The 2d letter does not appear in the first term; the 1st letter does not appear in the last term. The highest power of the leading term is the index of the given power, and the powers of that letter decrease by one from term to term. The second letter appears in the 2d term, and its exponent increases by one from term to term, aS the exponent of the other letter decreases. The 8th power of (a-\-b) is indicated thus, (a-{-6)^ Wlien expanded, its literal part (according to the preceding obser- vations) must commence with a^, and the sum of the expo- nents of every term amount to 8, and they will stand thus a\ a% a^h\ a%\ a'b\ a'b\ d'b\ ab\ b^ The coefiicients are not so obvious. However, we observe that the coefficients of the first and last terms must be uniiy The coefficients of the terms next to the first and last are equal, and are the same as the index of the power. The coefficients increase to the middle of the series, and then decrease in the same manner, and it is manifested that there 13 146 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. must be some law of connection between the exponents and the coefficients. By inspecting the 6th power of a-{-b, we find that the 2d coefiicient is 5, and the 3d is 10. 5X4 10 The 3d coefiicient is the 2d, multiplied by the exponent of the leading letter, and divided hy the exponent of the second letter increased hy unity. In the same manner, the fourth coefficient is the third, mul- tiplied by the exponent of the leading letter, and divided by the exponent of the second letter increased by unity, and so on from coefiicient to coefficient. The 4th coefficient is The 6th is . . . . The last is . . . . Now let us expand . For the 1st term write For the 2d term write 8X7 2 28X6 10X3_ 3 10X2_ 4 5X1 10 5 1 understood. For the 3d, For the 4th, For the 6th, =28 3 56X6 ^d'b 28a«52 lOa'b* Now, as the exponents of a and b are equal, we have arrived at the middle of the series, and of course to the high- est coefficient. The coefficients now decrease in the reversa order in which they increased. INVOLUTION. 147 Hence, the expanded power is Let the reader observe, that the exponent of b, mcreased by unity, is always equal to the number of terms from the beginning or from the left of the power. Thus, 5^ is in the 3d term, &c. Therefore in finding the coefficients, we may divide by the number of terms already written, in place of the exponents of the second term increased by unity. If the binomial {a-\-b) becomes (a-j-l), that is, when b becomes unity, the 8th power becomes, a«+8a^-|-28a«+56a°+70a*+56a3H-28a24-8a+l. • Any power of 1 is 1, and 1 as a factor never appears. If a becomes 1, then the expanded power becomes, H-8S+2862+56&'-l-706^+5655+285«-f-8i^+i«. The manner of arriving at these results is to represent the unit by a letter, and expand tlie simple literal terms, and after- ward substitute their values in the result. (Art. 74.) If we expand (a — b) in place of (a-|-i), the exponents and coefficients will be precisely the same, but the principles of multiplication of quantities afifected by different signs will give the minus sign to the second and to levery alternate term. Thus, the 6th power of (a — b) is a^—Qdb-[- 1 ba%^—ma%^-\- 1 5a'b'—6al^+b\ (Art. 75.) This method of readily expanding the powers of a binomial quantity is one apphcation of the *' binomial theo- rem,'' and it was thus by induction and by observations on the result of particular cases that the theorem was established. Its rigid demonstration is somewhat difficult, but its applica- tion is simple and useful. Its most general form may arise from expandmg {a-\-'b)^. When w=3, we can readily expand it. When 71=4, we can expand it. 148 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Wlien 71= any whole positive number, we can expand it. Kow let us operate with n just as we would with a known number, and we shall have ji \ 1 We know not where the series would terminate, until we know the value of n. We are convinced of the truth of the result, when n represents any positive whole number ; but let n be negative or fractional, and we are not so sure of the result. The result would be true, however, whatever be the value of n; but this requires demonstration, and a deeper investi- gation than it would be proper to go into in a work like this. When w is a fraction, the operation is extracting a root in place of expanding a power. But for the demonstration of the binomial theorem, and its application to the extraction of roots, we refer the reader to our University Edition of Algebra. EXAMPLES. 1. Expand {x-^yf Ans. ar'+Sar'y-f Sa^-fy*. 2. Expand (y-f-^)^. 3. Required the third power of 3a;-|-2y. We cannot well expand this by the binomial theorem, because the terms are not simple literal quantities. But we can assume Sx=a and 2y=b. Then 3a:+2y«a+i, and (a-t-i)3=a'+3«'i+3a6'-f *" INVOLUTION. 149 Kow to return to the values of a and h, we have, 3ab^=:3 XSxX 4y^=36xy^ Hence, (3x+2yy=27u^+54x'2j-\-3Gxy'-\-Qf. 4. Required the 4th power of 2a^ — 3. Let x=:2a^, y=o. Then expand (x — yy, and return the values of x and y, and we shall find the result. 16a«— 96a«+216a^— 216a2+81. 5. Required the cube of (a-^b-\-c-\-d). As we can operate in this summary manner only on bino- mial quantities, we represent a-\-b by x, or assume x=a-]-b, and y=c-\-d. Then {xi-yy=a^^Sx'y+3xy^-\-f' Returning the values of x and y, we have (a+by+3(a-]-by{c+d)+3{a+bXc-{-dy+(c-\-dy. Now we can expand by the binomial, these quantities con- tained in parentheses. 6. Required the 4th power of 2a-\-3x. Ans. 16a''-\-96a^x+216a^x^-{-216ax^-\-81x\ 7. Expand (x'^-{-37fy. Ans. a;^°+ 1 5a;«y2_|_9o^6y^270;2;y4.405a;y+2432/i°. 8. Expand {^a'+axy. Ans. 8a«+12a^a;+6aV+aV. 9. Expand (x—iy. Ans. x^—6x^-\-15x'*—20x''-\-15x^—6x-\-l. 10. Expand (3a:— 5)^ Ans. 27x^—135x^-{-225x^—n5. 11. Expand (2a— 55)=^. Ans. Sa^—60a''b-{-150ab^—125bK 12. Expand {4a'b—2c^y. Ans. 25Ga}^b*—512a%h^+3Ma^Pc'^—128(^bc^- 1 &ax^y^. 2. What is the third root of SaV ? . . . Ans. 9,a^y. 3. Whatis the/owr^A rootof 81aV2? . . Ans. 2,a^. 4. What is the fifth root of 32aVV^ ? • ^^«- 2a.tY- For illustration, we will observe that this last example requires us to find five equal factors, which, when multiplied together, will produce 32 ; and^Zve equal factors, which, when multiplied together, will produce a^,five equal factors, which, when multiplied together, will produce x^^ , and ^re equal factors, which, when multiplied together, will produce y^^. Now, a* shows five equal factors, each equal to a ; therefore, a is one of the factors required. In the same manner ar'" shows ten equal factors, and the product of two of these, or x^ is one of the five equal factors required. In the same manner y^ is another of the equal factors ; and there is no trouble in finding any root of any hteral monomial quantity; for all we have to do is to divide its exponent (whatever it may be) by the index of the proposed root. But when the factor is a numeral, like 32, we can find the factor only by trial. Sometimes no such factor as the one required exists ; in such cases we consider the number as a letter with 1 understood for its exponent, and then divide such exponent by the index of the root. For example, the fifth root of 32 is (32)^; but this is only an indication of the root or fac- tor, not an actual discovery of it. Take particular notice of the following examples : L 3. 6. What is the third root oi 1 a^x^ 1 . . Ans. I'^a^x. The number 7 is here regarded as a letter. 6. What is the second root of 20aaj? Ans. ±(20)20^. 7. What is the fourth root of 16aV ? Ans. — 2aa:', or 2aa;'. 8. What is the square root of 36aV ^ • • ^^^- i^ay^. li^ ELEME^'TARY ALGEBRA. (Art. 78.) The even roots of algebraic quantities may- be taken with the double sign, as indicating either plus or minus, for either quantity will give the same square, and we may not know which of them produced the power, (Art 70). For example, the square root of 16 may be either -[-4 or — 4, for either of them, when multiplied by itself, will produce 16. The cube root of a plus quantity is always plus, and the cube root of a minus quantity is always minus. For -i-2a cubed, gives -f-8a^, and — 2a cubed, gives -—8a'', and a may represent any quantity whatever. 9. What is the fourth root of Sla^iV* ? Ans. itSaJV. 10. What is the third root of — 27a^V ? Ans. — 3a%. U. What is the third root of I6a^? Ans. 2a(2a)'^. In this example it is obvious that there are no three equal factors, which, when multiplied together, will produce 16, and there are no three equal factors expressed in entire quantities L 1 that will produce a'*. Therefore, we must write (16)^ a^ for the answer. But this is only indicating the operation, not performing it, and we have no clearer idea of the result now than at first. However, to see what can be done, we will separate 16a!^ into the two factors (8a'')(2a). The first of these is a complete third power, and the other is not ; but the third root of the whole is the third root of the two factors written together as a product; that is, 2a(2a)=*, and this is all we can do to reduce or simplify it. 12. What is the second root of 20aV ? Ans. ±.2ax{5x)K All the square factors in this are 4a?x^, the other fjictors are 5x. We can take the second root of the square factors, and of the others we cannot. In relation to them we can only indicate the root. Therefore, the whole root is d^2ax(5x)'^. 13. What is the second root of 75 ? . 14. What is the second root of 9Qa^x ? 15. What is the third root of 32a^ ? . 16. What is the third root of 24a";J^ ? 17. What is the third root of 27a^ ? . 18. What is the third root of 19a ? . EVOLUTION. 16» Ans. ±5(3)^. Ans. ±7a(2x)^. Ans. 2a(4)^. Ans. 2a{3x'^Y\ . Ans. 3a. ,Ans. (19a) 3. (Art. 78.) By comparing examples 17 and 18, we perceive that some monomials have such roots (or what is the same thing), such equal factors as may be required, and some have not. When no such factors exist, all we can do is to indicate an operation, to be performed as example 18. So it is with polynomials — some may have equal factors, and others not. When equal factors do exist in any polynomial, they are com- monly apparent to any one who has had a little experience in raising roots to powers as explained in Articles 73, 74, and 75. For instance, any one can perceive that the polynomial a'-\-2ab-\-P has two equal factors, each equal to (a-\-b) ; and after a little more observation we can perceive that the poly- nomial a^-\-3x^y-{-Sxi/-]ry^ has three equal factors, each equal to (x-\-y), or perceive that (x-^ry) is its third root. It is only regidar polynomials that have equal factors, and it is only by observing how the powers are formed by multipli- cation that we can determine HOW TO EXTRACT ROOTS OF POLYNOMIALS. On the supposition that we know that the square root of the polynomial a^-^2ab-\-h\ is (a-fi), we propose to extract it out of the polynomial itself. We know that a^, the first term, must have been formed by the multiplication of a into itself, therefore, a must be part of the root sought. 154 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. The next term is 2aXb, that is tidce tlie root of the first term into the second term of the root. Hence, if we divide the second term of the square by twice the root of the first term, we shall obtain b, the second term of the root, and as b must be multiplied into itself to form a square, we add b to 2a, and 2a-{-b we call a divisor. OPERATION. a'-{-2ab-\-F(a-{-b «2 2a-\-b)2ab-^b^ 2ab+b^ "We take a for the first term of the root, and subtract its square (a^) from the whole square. We then double a and divide 2ab by 2a and w^e find b, which we place in both the divisor and quotient. Then we multiply 2a-\-b by 5, and we have 2ab-\-b^, to subtract from the tAVO remaining terms of the square, and in this case nothing remains. Again, let us take a-\-b-\-c, and square it. We shall find its square to be a'-}-2ab-{-b''-\-2ac-\-2bc-\-c' a^+2ab-\-b''-{-2ac-\'2bc-{-c\a-\-b-\-c 2a-\-b 2ab+U' 2ab-^P 2a-r2b-^c 2ac-{-2bc-\-cr' 2ac-\-2bc-\-i^ By operating as before, we find the first two terms of the root to be a-\-b, and a remainder of 2ac-\-2bc-\-(^. Double the root already found, and we have 2a-\-2b for a partial divisor. Divide the first term of the remainder 2ac by 2oy and we have c for the third term of the root, which must be added to 2a-\-2b to complete the divisor. Multiply the divisor EVOLUTION. 155 by the last term of the root, and set the product under the three terms last brought down, and we have no remainder. Again, let us take a+^+c to square ; but before we square it, let the single letter s=a-{-b. Then we shall have s-\-c to square, which produces To take the square root of this, we repeat the first opera- tion, and thus the root of any quantity can be brought into a binomial, and the rule for a binomial root will answer for a root containing any number of terms by considering the root already/ found, however great, as one term. Hence, the following rule to extract the square root of a com- pound quantity. Rule . — Arrange the terms according to the powers of some letter, beginning vnth the highest, and set the square root of the first term in the quotient. Subtract the square of the root thus found from the first tetTn, and bring doion the next two tei-ms for a dividend. Divide the first term of the dividend by double of the root already found, and set the result both in the root and in the divisor. Multiply the divisor, thus completed, by the term of the root last found, and subtract the product from the dividend, and so on. EXAMPLES. 1 . What is the square root of a^-\-4a'b-\-4b''—4a^-'8b-\-4(a^-\-2b—2 «4 2a'4"25 )4a'b-\-4P 4a^^4b^ 2a^+4b—2 _4a2_86-f-4 1&6 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 2. Wliat is the square root of 1 — 4b-\-4b^-{-2^ — 4^;y+?/2? Ans. 1 — 26-ry. 3. What is the square root of 4x^—4x^-\'\Sx'^—6x-{-9 ? Ans. 2x^ — ^ar-f-S. 4. What is the square root of 4x^—163^-\-24x^ — \6x-\-4 ? Ans. 2aP — 4x-\-2. 5. What is the square root of IGx^ -f 24a^ + 892:= + 60a; 100? . A71S. 4x^-i-3x-hy0. 6. What is the square root of 4x'^^\6a^-^dx'^-{-16x-{-4 ? Ans. 2x^ — 4x — 2 7. What is the square root of x^ -{-2iy-]-y^ -]-Gxz-\-Gi/z +92:2? - jns. x+7/-^3z. 8. What is the square root of a^ — ab-\-lb^ ? Ans. a — ^b a^ b^ 9. What is the square root of -r^ — 2-[— j? b^ . a b b a Ans. or -. a a b 2. J JL 2. 10. What is the square root of x"^ — 2x'^y^-\-y^ ? . L 1 1 J. Ans. x^ — y^ or y^ — x^. (Art. 79.) Every square root will be equally a root if we change the sign of all the terms. In the first example, for instance, the root may be taken — a' — 2b-\-2, as well as a^-\-2b — 2, for either one of these quantities, by squaring, will produce the given square. Also, observe that every square consisting of three terms only, has a binomial root. Algebraic squares may be taken for formulas, correspond- ing to numeral squares, and their roots may be extracted in the same way, and by the same rule. For example, a-{-b squared is a^-{-2ab-\-b^, and to apply this to numerals, suppose a =40, and 5=7. EVOLUTION. 157 Then the square of 40 is a'=1600 2(z5= 560 1?^ 49 Therefore, .... (47)2=2209 Now the necessary divisions of this square number, 2209, are not visible, and the chief difficulty in discovering the root is to make these separations. The first observation to make is, that the square of 10 is 100, of 100 is 10000, and so on. Hence, the square root of any square number less than 100, consists of one figure, and of any square number over 100 and less than 10000, of two figures, and . so on. Every two places in a power demanding one place in its root. Hence, to find the number of places or figures in a root, we must separate the power into periods of two figures, begin- ning at the unit's place. For example, let us require the square root of 22 09. Here are two periods indicating two places in the root, corresponding to tens and units. The greatest square in 22 is 16, its root is 4, or 4 tens =40. Hence, a =40. 22 09(40+7=47 a2=l6 00 2a+J=804-7=87 )6 09 6 09 Then 2a=80, which we use as a divisor for 609, and find it is contained 7 times. The 7 is taken as the ■^lue of h, and 2a-{-b, the complete divisor, is 87, which, multiplied by 7, gives the two last terms of the binomial square. 2ab-{-b^~560-\-49 =609, and the entire root, 40-|-7=47, is found. Arithmetically, a may be taken as 4 in place of 40, and 1600 as 16, the place occupied by the 16 makes it 16 hundred, and the ciphers are superflous. Also, 2a may be 394 369 25 24 25 24 158 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. considered 8 in place of 80, and 8 in 60 (not in 609) is contained 7 times, &c. If the square consists of more than two periods, treat it as two, and obtain the two superior figures of the root, and when obtained, bring down another period to the remainder, and consider the root already obtained as one quantity, or one figure. For another example, let the square root of 399424 be extracted. 39 94 24(632 36 123 1262 In this example, if we disregard the local value of the figures, we have a=6, 2a=12, and 12 in 39, 3 times, which gives 5=3. Afterward we suppose a=63, and 2a=:126, 126 in 252, 2 times, or the second value of 5=2. In the same manner, we would repeat the formula of a binomial square as many times as we have periods. EXERCISES FOR PRACTICE. 1. What is the square root of 8836 ? . . . Ans. 94. 2. What is the square root of 106929? . . Ans, 327. 3. What is the square root of 4782969 ? . . A7is. 2187. 4. What is the square root of 43046721 ? . . Ans. Q5Q\. 5. What is the square root of 387420489 ? Ans. 19683. When there are whole numbers and decimals, point off periods both ways from the decimal point, and make the deci- mal places even, by annexing ciphers when necessary, extend- ing the decimal as far as desired. When there are decimals only, commence pointing off from the decimal point. ( EVOLUTION. 159 EXAMPLES. 1. What is the square root of 10.4976 ? . . Ans, 3.24. 2. What is the square root of 3271.4207? Ans. 57.19+. 3. What is the square root of 4795.25731 ? Ans. 69.247+. 4. What is the square root of .0030 ? . . Ans. .06. 5. What is the square root of .00032754 ? Ans. .01809+. 6. What is the square root of .00103041 ? Ans. .0321. As the square of any quantity is the quantity multiplied by itself, and the product of - by - (Art. 64) is j^; hence, to take the square root of a fraction, we must extract the square / root of both numerator and depominator. A fraction may be equal to a square, and the terms, as given, not square numbers ; such may be reduced to square numbers. EXAMPLES. What is the square root of -^-^j ? Observe tVi"— e I • Hence, the square root is f . 1 . What is the square root of /2V ? • • • • Ans. |. 2. What is the square root of i|| ? . . . . Ans. f . 3. What is the square root of f s|| ? . . . . Ans. f . 4. What is the square root of |||A ? . , . . . Ans. |. When the given fractions cannot be reduced to square terms, reduce the value to a decimal, and extract the root, as in the last article. TO EXTRACT THE CUBE ROOT OF COMPOUND QUANTITIES. (Art. 80.) We may extract the cube root in a similar manner as the square root, by dissecting or retracing the combination of terms in the formation of a binomial cube. The cube of a-\-b is a^-\-'Sa'^b-\-2,alP-\-b'^ (Art. 67). Now, to extract the root, it is evident we must take the root of the 160 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. first term (a'), and the next term is 3a'^b. Three times the square of the first letter or term of the root multiplied by tJie 9.d term of the root. Therefore, to find this second term of the root, we must divide the second term of the power (3a^5) by three times the square of the root already found (a). Sa'b When we can decide the value of b, we may obtain the complete divisor for the remainder, after the cube of the first term is subtracted, thus : The remainder is . 3a^b-{-3a^b-\-b^ Take out the factor b, and 3a?-\-3ab-\-b^ is the complete divisor for the remainder. But this divisor contains b, the very term we wish to find by means of the divisor ; hence, it must be found before the divisor can be completed. In distinct algebraic quantities there can be no difficulty, as the terms stand separate, and we find b by dividing simply Sa^b by 3a^; but in numbers the terms are mingled together and b can only be found by trial. Again, the terms 3a?-\-3ab-\-b^ explain the common arith- metical rule, as 3a^ stands in the place of hundreds, it corres- ponds with the words : ** Multiply the square of the quotient by 300," *♦ and the quotient by 30," (3a), &c. By inspecting the various powers of a-\-b (Art. 73), we draw the following general rule for the extraction of roots : Rule . — Arrange the terms a/icording to the po^vers of some letter; take the required root of the first term and place it in, the quotient ; subtract its corresponding power from the first term, and bring down the second term for a dividend. Divide this term by tuice the root already found for the SQUARE root, three times the square of it for the cube root, four times the third power for the fourth root^ ^kc, and the qucHetU EVOLUTION. 161 wUl be the next term of the root. Involve the whole of the root ihvs found, to its proper power, which subtract from the given quantity, and divide the first term of the remainder hy the same divisor as before ; proceed in this manner till the whole root is determined. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the cube root of x^+6a^~403^-\-96x—64 ? - x'-\-6aP—40x^-\-96x—64: (x^-\-2x—4. x^ Divisor Sx'^) 6a:^= 1st remainder. Divisor Sx* ) — 12a;'*=2d remainder. a^-J^ex^—40x^+96x—6l 2. What is the cube root of 27a^4-108a=+144a+64 ? Ans. 3a+4. 3. What is the cube root of c^—6a^x-h l^ax^—^a^ ? Ans. a — 2x. 4. What is the cube root of x^—3a^-\-5sP—2x—l ? Ans. x^ — X — 1. 6. What is the cube root of a^—6a''b-]-nah^--8b'''i Ans. a — 2b. 3 1 6. What is the cube root of •'^+3.r+-+-3 ? ^^^ .1 X 7. Extract the fourth root of a^+8a^+24a2+32a+16(a-f2 4a^) 8a^ < We have found this formula before, in Art. 90. (Art. 93.) An equation in the form of x^ — ax=bf its first member may be considered the product of the two factors, x and {x — a), and these two factors diflfer by a. Let y^l=x (1) And y — ~x — a (2) At Multiply (1) and (2), and we have y^ — --=a;(a; — a) =5 Hence, 2^=^+1' (3) Equation (3) shows that whether we have an equation in the form of x^-\'ax-=.h, or of o^—ax=.h; that is, whether ax is either -plus or minus ^ we make the first member a square by the addition of precisely the same quantity — , which is the square of half the coefficient of x. In other words, . . . x^-{-ax-\-— 4 And ... ... x^ — ^'^'7 The square root of the first is The square root of the second is are bpth squares. See Art. 78. 182 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Hence, to complete the square of the first member of any equation in the form of x^-}-ax=b, or of x^ — ax=b, or more generally when the exponent of the unknown quantity in the first term is double of that in the other, we have the following Rule . — Add the sqttare of half the coefficient of the lowest jyower of the unknown quantity. EXAMPLES. Complete the squares in the followmg equations : N. B. We add a quantity to the first member to complete its square, we add the same quantity to the second member to preserve equality. 1. ar»-f 4a;=96. . . . Ans. a^+4a;-l-4=96+4. 2. ar^— 4a;=46. . . . Ans. a;2_4a;-|_4==49. 3. ^2_7^^8. . . . . Ans. ar^— 7a:-{-V=8+V. 4. a;'*— 2a;2=24. . . . Ans. a:4_2:c24-l =24-1-1. 5. a;^"— 4ic"=a. . . . Ans. a:2«_4^n_|_4_a-|-4. 6. a^4-6a;=16. . . . \Ans. ar^4-6a;+9=25. 7. ar*— 15a;=— 54. . . Ans. a?—\bx^-^^=^-\^—b^. 8. ar'— |ar=ip. . , . Ans. ^=-|^+i=4^+i. 9. x'-^x=\. . . . . Ans. ^^-f+rV.^i+t'^. 10. . ^.=-. . . . . Ans. "^ 'f'^Ab'^-'d'^'ib-' Find the values of x in each of the ten preceding equations. First by extracting the square root of both members. . . . Therefore, a:=8 or —12. 1. a;4-2=dbl0. 2. a;— 2=ir7. a;=5 or — 9. EQUATIONS. 183 3. .1;— 1=±|. . . 4. x^—l=dz5. . . 5. a;™— 2=±(a+4) Therefore, . . 6. x-{-S=diz5. . 7. a;— V =±f . 8. a:— i=±V. 9. o:-/^ Therefore, ir=8 or a;=(6)2 orV— 4. a { c , a? ^ ar=">/2-l-7a4-4 or (2— 7a-|-4)'* . . Therefore, a;=2 or — 8. . . " ar=9 or 6. . . " a;=7 or — V. . . " x=\ or 1 6* I 2 . T 26 I dT^b'' I The preceding ten equations are all prepared for completing the square ; that is, the highest power of the unknown quan- tity stands first, and is positive. It is necessary that it should be positive, because we must take its square root, and there is no square root to a negative quantity. Therefore, in reducing an equation preparatory to completing its square, if the highest power comes out mi7iits, make it plus, by changing all the signs to both members of the equation. * '• Example. Find the values of x from the following equation 36 2 x-\-t ' Mtfltiplying by 2, and afterward dropping 2 from both '• • '■■ • 72 •memJbei^ we have . . -x=Q — a; 4-2 •/ Clearing of fractions, ' • —f—2x== Bx+ 1 6—72 Tran^osmg; 8x, uniting 16 and — 72, and afterward chang- VRg all- {he signs, we have ar'4-10a;=66. Hence, x=4, or —14 184 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 2. Find the values of x from the equation 3x^-\-2x — 9=76. Ans. x=b or — 5|. X 2,X X 3. Find a; from 2:^4--=-- r+H- Ans. x=\ or —2^. Zoo x^ 4. Find x from - — 30-\-x=2x — 22. Ans. ar=8 or — 4. Cu X 5. Find a; from -• — --j-7i=8i. . Ans. a:=l|^ or — |. ^ o /^ 2a; 6. Find a; from — — 16=— — 14f. Ans. x=3 or — ^. /p a;-4-3 7. Find x from ——=-—;—. . ^W5. a;=12 or —2. 2 8. Find a; from a; — 1+ :=0. • Ans. x=3 or 2. a: — 4 9. Find x from J~^ = ;f. . Ans. x=36 or 12. 20 X — 6 g/j. J x-\~ 1 10. Find X from --=— -r— . . Ans. x=4 or — 4. a; — 1 2a;+7 (Art. 94.) For a more definite understanding of quadra- tics, we will solve and strictly examine the following equation : a;2-f4a;=60 Completing the square, then ar^+4a;+4=64 Extracting the square root of both members, *,• And a:-}-2=±8 »■ The reason of taking the double sign to 8 has been ^eiVeral times explained. '^ If we take +8, then . «=6 V If . . —8, then . a:=— 10 That is, either +6, or — 10 will verify the equation. For 6'+4»6=60 *;; -' Also, . . (—10)2— 4'10=60 • * *• If ar=6, . . . . ar— 6=0 (1) * " If ic=— 10 . . . ar4-10=0 (2) EQUATIONS. 185 If we multiply equations (1) and (2) together, we sliall have as follows : X — 6 a^—6x 10a;— 60 a^-^4x—60=0 As the two factors are in value equal to 0, the product of the two must, of course, equal 0, and we have the equation as above. Transpose — 60, and we have x-\-4x=60, the onginal equation. Thus we perceive, that a quadratic equation may be con- sidered as the product of two simple equations, and the values of x in the simple equations are said to be roots of the quadratic, and this view of the subject gives the rationale of the unknown quantity having two values. This example shows us how to form an equation when we have the two roots ; that is, gives us the following Rule . — Connect each root with a contrary sign to an un- known quantity. Take the product of the two binomial factors thus fanned for the first member of the equation sought, and for the other member. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the equation which has 3 and — 2 for its roots. Ans. x^ — x — 6=0. 2. Find the equation which has 5 and — 9 for its roots. Ans. aP-{-4x — 45=0. 3. Find the equation which has 7 and — 7 for its roots. Ans. a;2— 49=0. 4. Find the equation which has 8 and — 12 for its roots. Ans. x^-\-4x—9e=0. 16 166 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Let the pupil observe that this last equation is equation 1 in Art. 93, and he can take the roots of those ten equations and deduce the equations again if desirable. 5. Find the equation which has a and h for its roots. Ans. x^ — [a-\-b)x-{-ah=^0. If one of the roots is negative, suppose — a, the equation is then ar^+(a — h)x — ah=0 If h is negative and a positive, the equation is ^^-{-{b — a)x — ab=0 If both roots are negative, then the equation is x''^{a-^h)x^ab=0 ]Sro^, let the pupil observe that the exponent of the highest power of the unknown quantity is 2; and there are two roots. The coefficient of the first power of the unknown quantity is the algebraic sum of the two roots, with their signs changed; and the absolute term, independent of the unknown quantity, is the product of the roots (the sign conforming to the rules of multiplication). From these observations we can instantly form the equation when the two roots are given, without the formality of going through the multiplication ; for example. Find the equation which has 7 and — 9 for its roots. 7— 9 =—2 ; changed +2, 7(— 9)=— 63 Hence, x'^-i-2x — 63=0 is the equation. (Art. 95.) When a quadratic equation is formed, or found, or given, we may consider it as the product of two binomial factors, and those factors may be obvious to one who fully understands the subject, or any one can find them who can resolve the equation. In giving examples in factoring (Art. 26), we omitted trinomial quantities of the second degree. The reason of EQUATIONS. , 187 that omission must now be perfectly comprehended by the careful student. We now return to that subject, and require the factors composing the expression Put the expression equal to zero, and resolve the quadratic, and we shall find the roots to be — 2 and — 3. Therefore, the sought factors are (^+2) and (x-\-3). Find the factors composing each of the following express- ions. Each expression must be taken as a quadratic equation presented for solution : 1. aP—x—20=zO Ans. (x—5)(x+4). 2. a^— 7a4-12. ........ Ans. (a— 3)(a— 4). 3. a^— 7a— 8 Ans. (a—S)(a-{-l). 4. x'—x—SO Ans. {x—6){x-\-5). 5. x^-\-7x—\8 Ans. (x-h9)(x—2). 6. x^-\-2ax-^a^ Ans. (x-\-a)(x-\-a). 7. x^ — 2ax-\-a^ Ans. (x — a)(x — a). 8. a^ — a^ Ans. (x-\-a)(x — a). 9. x^ — 2a;+4 Ans. (x — r)(x — r). In this last expression r=\±J — 3, and it not being a numerical quantity, the roots are said to be imaginary/. (Art. 96). When a quadratic equation is reduced to the form of x^-\-ax=b, to complete the square of the first mem- ber we take the half of the coefficient of x to square, there- fore, it will be more convenient to represent that coefficient by 2a in place of a, and as it may have the negative as well as the positive sign, and as b can be negative as well as positive ; therefore, for a representation of every variety of quadratic equations, we have the four general forms. x^-\-2ax=b (1) a^^2ax=b (2) x' — 2ax=—b (3) 3^'^2ax=:—b (4) 188 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. A solution of each of these equations gives for the values of a; as follows : x=—a±:Jb +a2 (1) x=^-\-a±Jb +a' (2) x=-^a^J^—b (3) x=^—a±ijc^^ (4) The quantity x has no conceivable value in equations (3) and (4) when applied to any problem in which h has a greater numerical value than a?, for the solution requires the square root of Ja^ — b, a negative quantity ; and there being no square roots to such quantities, we have no conception of any value to X, and, of course, we call the value imaginary. After we reduce an equation to one of the preceding forms, the solution is only substituting particular values for a and b; but in many cases it is more easy to resolve the equation as an original one, than to refer and substitute from the formula. (Art. 97.) We may meet with many quadratic equations that would be very inconvenient to reduce to the form of a?-{-2a^=b; for when reduced to that form, 2a and b may both be troublesome fractions. Such equations may better be left in the form of aoi^-\-bx=^c An equation in which the known quantities, a, b, and c, are all whole numbers, and prime to each other. "VVe now desire to find some method of making the first member of this equation a square, without making fractions. We therefore cannot divide by a, because b is not divisible by a, the two letters being prime to each other by hypothesis. But the first term of a binomial square is always a square ; therefore, if we desire the first member of our equation to be converted into a binomial square, we must render the first term a square, and we can accomplish this by multiplying every term by a. EQUATIONS. iP The equation then becomes d^oi^-\-hax=ca Put y=ax Then y^A^hy^ca Complete the square, by the preceding rule, and we have We are sure the first member is a square ; but one of the terms is fractional, a condition we wished to avoid ; but the denominator of the fraction is 4, a squarcy and a square mul- tiplied by a square produces a square. Therefore, multiply by 4, and we have the equation An equation in which the first member is a binomial square, and not fractional. If we return the values of y and y^ this last equation becomes 4a'a:^-{-4a5a:-f-5^=4ac+5^ Compare this with the primitive equation "We multiplied this equation first by a, then by 4, and in addition to this, we find H^ on both sides of the rectified equa- tion, h being the coefficient of the first power of the unknown quantity. From this it is obvious, that to convert the express- ion ax^-^-hx into a binomial square, we may use the following Rule . — Multiply hy four times the coefficient of x^, and add the square of the coefficient of x. To preserve equality, both sides of an equation must be multiplied by the same quantity, and the same addition must be made to both sides. We operate on the first member of an equation to make it a square; we operate on the second member to preserve equality. yfb ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. EXAMPLES. 1. Given 6a;^+4a;=^4, to find the values of x. By the rule, we multiply 4 times 6, and add to both mem- bers 4K That is, 4«5V+80a;+16=4080+16 By extracting square root, we have 2«5a:+4=±64, a:=6 or — 6f By extracting the square root of the first member, the second term always disappears; it is, therefore, not necessary to compute it, and for that reason we may simply represent it by a letter, as in the following example : 2. Given 7x^ — 20a?=32, to find the values of x. Multiply by 4 times 7 and add 20^. Then . . 4«7V-— ^+400=896+400 Square root, . 2- 7a; — 20= ±36; hence, a;=2 or — |. 3. Given 2x^ — 5a:=117, to find the values of x. Ans. x=9 or — 6^. 4. Given 3aP — 5a; =28, to find the values of x. Ans. x=4 or — J. 6. Given 3a;^ — a;=70, to find the values of x. Ans. x=5 or — y. 6. Given 6a;^+4a;=273, to find the values of x. Ans. x=7 or — 7|. 7. Given 2a;^+3a;=65, to find the values of a;. An^. x=5 or — 6|. 8. Given 33:^+53;= 42, to find the values of ar. Ans. x=3 or — 4'. 9. Given Sa;'— .7a;+ 1 6 =f 1 8 1 . to find a;. Ans. a;=5 or — 4J. EQUATIONS. i^l 10. Given 10a^—8;r+8=320, to find ir. Ans. x=G or — 5}. 11. Given 3x^+2x=4, to find ar. . Ans. a;=— i-ii^ls. 12. Given 5a;2+7a;=7, to find a;. Ans. x— — ^^-^.f^J^. 240 216 13. Given |-to= :-, to find a:. . Ans.x=.1b. X X — 15 QUESTIONS GIVING RISE TO QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 1. If four times the square of a certain number be dimin- ished by twice the number it "will leave a remainder of 30. What is the number ? Ans. 3. N. B. The number 3 is the only number that will answer the required conditions — the algebraic expression — f will also answer the conditions ; but the expression is not a num- ber in any arithmetical sense. 2. A person purchased a number of horses for 240 dollars. If he had obtained 3 more for the same money, each horse would have cost him 4 dollars less. Required the number of horses. Ans. 12. 3. A grazier bought as many sheep as cost him 240 dol- lars, after reserving 15 out of the number, he sold the remain- der for 216 dollars, and gained 40 cents a head on the number sold. How many sheep did he purchase 1 Ans. 15. (See equation 13 just passed over). 4. A company dining at a house of entertainment, had to pay 3 dollars and 50 cents ; but before the bill was presented two of them went away ; in consequence of which, those who remained, had to pay each 20 cents more than if all had been present. How many persons dined ? Ans. 7. 5. There is a certain number, which being subtracted from 22, and the remainder multiplied by the number, the product will be 117. What is the number ? Ans. 13 or 9. 192 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 6. In a certain number of hours a man traveled 36 miles, but if he had traveled one mile more per hour, he would have taken 3 hours less than he did to perform his journey. How many miles did he travel per hour ? Ans. 3 miles. 7. A man being asked how much money he had in his purse, answered, that the square root of the number taken from half the number would give a remainder of 180 dollars. How much money had he ? Ans. $400. 8. Divide 100 into two such parts, that the sum of their square roots may be 14. Ans. 64 and 36. 9. Divide the number 14 into two such parts, that the sum of the squares of those parts shall be 100. Ans. 8 and 6. 10. Divide the number a into two such parts, that the sum of the squares of those parts shall be b. Ans. ^{a±ij^b—a?). 11. It is required to divide the number 24 into two such parts, that their product may be equal to 35 times their difference. Ans. 10 and 14. 12. The sum of two numbers is 8, and the sum of their cubes 152. What are the numbers ? Ans. 3 and 5. Let 4 — x= the less number. And 4+a;= the greater number. Then put a=4, cube, &c. (Art. 98.) In the preceding examples wc have only con- sidered the resulting equation after all the other unknown quantities have been eliminated. In solving a problem, however, the operator may use one, two, three, or more unknown quantities, and operate as in sim- ple equations, and in eliminating one quantity after another, there will result a final equation, which may be of the first, second, Hiird, or higher degree, according to the conditions of the problem and the tact of the operator in taking hold of the matter. EQUATIONS. 193 (Art. 99.) When two independent equations are drawn from a problem, if one of them is quadratic, the other must be simple, or the resulting equation cannot be brought down to the second degree, except in rare cases, where the two equations are homogeneous or are symmetrical. (Art. 100.) Two equations essentially quadratic, involving two unknown quantities, depend for their solution on a result- ing equation of the fourth degree. (Art. 101.) No words will cover every case of similar or symmetrical equations ; but as a general thing, in similar equations we may change x to y, and y to a; without changing the form of the equations or falsifying them. Thus, a:+y=^a And icy=b Are similar equations, and x-^y=a Are both similar and symmetrical. When equations are similar, we can reduce them without completing the square, as the learner will discover by the fol- lowing examples : 1. Given \ , !• to find ar and y. ( xy=h S Squaring the first, . . x^-\-9.xyAry'^=-a^ (1) Four times the second, . - Axy =45 (2) Subtracting (2) from (1) ^— i^H^y^Z^^HJj ^gj Square root of (3), , . . . x — y—dczja? — 46 (4) But a;+y=a (5) Add (4) to (5), . . . ^. . 2a;=a±Va2^45 (6) Take (4) from (5) .... Zy=azpja''—4b (7) Dividing (6) and (7) by 2 and we have the values of x and y, and by reason of the double sign each letter has two valueff. When the quantity ^0^—45 is a ccjmplete secoad 17 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. power, the values of x and y will be rational, otherwise they will contain surds. 2. Given \ ^, T ^9~f }J\ Mo find x and y. ( a?-\-f=h (2) ) Squaring (1), . . x^-\-9.3cy-]ry'^-=o^ (3) Subtracting (2), .... 2xy==a?—h (4) Taking (4) from (2), a?—'2xy-\-y'^=9,h—a? (5) Square root of (5), . . x — y=ziztj2b — a^ (6) Adding (6) and (1), . . . 2x=a^j2b-~a^ Taking (6) from (1), . . . 2y=a:=f.j20—a^ 3. Given ■! , , ^ /«{ f to find x and y. I a^—f=b (2) ) Divide (2) by (1), and x—y=-. (3) Equation (1) and (3) will give the values sought. 4. Given i ^ , o , \^{ !• to find a; and y. ( ^-{-y^=b (2) j .Cube(l), . ar'-f3a:V+3a^2^_y3^^3 ^3^ From (3) take (2), and Sx^y-^Sxy=a^-^ (4) Or, Sxy(x-\-y)=a^-b Divide (4) by (1), and . . 3xy=a^—- (5) Equations (1) and (5) combined, will make an example the same in forni as example 1, and may be solved in the same manner. 6. Given •< , ~_ \J. y to find a? and y. The equation resulting from these cannot be reduced to the second degree, and we mention the fact to save the time of the operator from making useless trials. EQUATIONS Divide (2) by (1), then we have 1 > x'-\-Ty\-f= ~ a (3) Squaring (1), . . a?—2xy-\-y^= =a' (4) Taking (4) from (3), . . 3ary= b = a a^ (5) Dividing (5) by (3), . . xy= h ~3a" a" 3 Adding (6) and (3), x'-^^ciyVy^^ _45 "3a" a^ 3 I9S (6) (7) Square root of (7), . . a;+y=d=^r — (8) Combine (1 ) and (8) for the values of x and y. To exercise in these general principles j we give the following numeral examples : 7. Given -< „ ?• to find x and y. Ans. i „ ^ ( xy=35) (y=7 or 6. 8. Given ■< f- to find x and y. Ans. \ i xy= 42) ^ iy=7 « ^. (a;+y=1125) , ^ , , . (^ 9. Given -< „ „ , , ^ >- to fii^d a; and y. Ans. ■{ -« ^. (^ — y= 4) ^ , , . far=5 or — 1, 10. Given ■{ „ , ^^^v tofindicandy. -<4ws. •< (a:3 — yS_-^24) ^ (y=l or — 5. cjPJrf=l9(x-{-y)l i x—y=3 j or — 6. 563, 562. 11. Givenf-^^-^^(^+2/)^,^fi^^^^^y. 12. Given' a; y 6 1 1 __31 x=5 or — 2, y=2 or — 5. ^ to find X and y. Ans. \ xz=2 or 3, 3 or 2. To solve this, put, -= F, and -=Q, then we have an example in the form of example 2. 196 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 13. Given i , ' >• to find a; and y. Ans. •! „ ' (Art. 102.) . Equations are homogeneous, when the sum of the exponents of the unknown quantities is the same in every term. Thus, 2x^— X2j=e ) , .. •. , , ^ y are homogeneous equations, because the sum of the exponents of x and y is the same in every term ; that is, 2. Such equations may always be resolved by putting one unknown quantity equal to the other multiplied by a new unknown factor. ' To solve these equations, put x=vi/. Substituting this value of x in the two equations, and they become .... 2i;y — vy^==6 (1) And 2f-\-3vf==S (2) ^™-(') 2^=2^ (') From (2) ..... . f=^^ (4) Equating (3) and (4), clearing of fractions and reducing, we have .... 8v'^ — 13?;= 6 (5) Thics, from every pair of homogeneous equations, we may have a resulting equation of the second degree in reference to the new factor introduced. Solving equation (6), we find z;=2 or — f . Taking 2 for the value, a:=2y, and from equation (4) o y^= — 7--=l. Hence, y=d=l, which gives ar=2, or — 2. The equations . ic^+y^ — x — ^y=78 xy-\-x-\-y=2>^y are both quadratic, and, therefore, by Art. 100, they will produce a resulting equation of the fourth degree ; but they are also similar and symmetrical, and for this reason, it is possible to bring out a EQUATIONS. 197 resulting quadratic, but no general rule of operation can be laid down, and the operator must depend mainly on his own acquired tact and skill. To resolve these equations, we double the second, and add it to the first, we then have The first member of this equation is obviously the same as (a;-{-y)2+(rc+y) = 156 For the purpose of simplification, put (a;-{-y)=s. Then, s^+5=i. 1 56, a quadratic equation in relation to s, and a solution gives s, ora;+y=12. This equation taken from the second of the primitive equations gives xy=9.7, and from these last two equations, x=9 or 3, and y=3 or 9. There are a great variety of circumstances that may come in aid, or deter the solution of equations ; but it is not proper to notice them in an elementary work like this. For a more full development of these particulars in equations, see Robin- son's Algebra, University Edition. (Art. 103.) It is not essential that the unknown quantity should be in involved literally to its first and second powers ; it is only essential that the index of one power should be double that of the other.* In such cases, the equations can be resolved as quadratics. For example, x^ — 4x^=z621 is an impure equation of the sixth degree, yet with a view to its solution, it may be called a quadratic. For we can assume * From this and the following article we perceive that the term quad- ratic equations, is far more proper and comprehensive than equations of the second degree. "We speak of this because it has been suggested to us, that the modern rules of science required the systematic use of the term equations of the first, second, third, &c., degrees. The author of this work is modern in all his views, and is an advocate for modern improvements ; but it must be improvements, not merely varieties, or changes in technicalities. 19S ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. y=si?; then y^=x^, and the equation becomes i/^ — 43/=621, a quadratic in relation to y, giving y='21, or — 23. Therefore, .' . . ar'=27 or —23 And .... ar=3 or V— 23 There are other values of x; but it would be improper to seek for them now; such inquiries belong to the higher order of equations.* For another example, take a? — x^=56, to find the values of X. Here we perceive one exponent of x is double that of the other; it is therefore essentially a quadratic. Such cases can be made clear by assuming the lowest power of the unkno'svn quantity equal to any single letter. In the present case, assume y=x'^ ; then y^=x^, and the equa- tion becomes , . . y^ — y=56 A solution gives y=8, or — 7, and by returning to the 3. 3. i assumption, y=x^, we find X" = S, or x-=2, or x=4. (Art. 104.) When a compound quantity appears under different powers or fractional exponents, one exponent being double of the other, we may put the quantity equal to a single letter, and make its quadratic form apparent and simple. For example, suppose the values of x were required in the equation 2x''-]-3x+9—5j2x^-\-3x-\-9=G Assume J2x^-jr^x-i-9=y Then by involution, . . 2x^ -\-3x-{-9 =y- (A) And the equation becomes . y^ — 5y=6 (jB) Which equation gives y=6 or — 1. These values of y, substituted for y in equation (A), give 2r^-l- 3a; -1-9=36 Or, 2ar»-f3a;-|-9=l From the first of these we find . . x=3 or — 4^. * See Algebra, University Edition. EQUATIONS. 199 From the last, we find x=l( — 3±:J — 55), imaginary quantities. We give a few examples to fix the principles explained in Articles 103 and 104. 1. Given x-\-3-\-2(x-{-3)'^=35, to find one value of x. Ans. x=22. 2. Given (f+2yy-\-4(i/^+2y)=96, to find one value of y. Ans. y=2. 3. Given 10+a; — (10+a;)2 = 12, to find one value of x. Ans. x=Q, 4. Given ( --Hy J+ [ -+y ) =30 to find y. Ans. y=3 or 2, or — 3±73. 5. Given (a;-l-12)^+(a:-i-12)^=6, to find the values of x. Ans. x—4 or 69. 6. Given (a;4-«)^ + 25(a;+a)*=35^ to find the values of ar. Ans. ir=Z»^ — a or 81^'* — a. It is very seldom that problems produce such compound equations as the last six, or indeed never will unless expressly designed so to do. The following is one : 1. A poulterer going to market to buy turkeys, met with four flocks. In the second, were 6 more than 3 times the square root of double the number in the first. The third contained 3 times as many as in the first and second ; and the fourth contained 6 more than the square of one-third the num- ber in the third; and the Avhole number was 1938. How many were in each flock? Ans. 18, 24, 126, 1770. Let .... 2x^= the number in the first. Then . . 6ar-|-6= the number in the second, 3(2x^-\-6x-\-6)— the number in the third, (2x^-\-6x-\-6y-{-6= the number in the fourth. Assume 2x^-\-6x-\-6==y. Then the whole sum is y^-|-4y+6=1938 200 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Subtracting 2 from both members, and extracting square root, we have . . . 2/-|-2=44 We do not take the minus sign, for minus cannot apply to this problem. From the assumed equation, we have 2. If a certain number be increased by 3, and the square root of the sum taken and added to the number, the sum will be 17. What is the number ? Ans. 13. 3. The square of a certain number, and 1 1 times the num- ber makes 80. What is the number ? Ans. 5. 4. Find two numbers, sucli that the less may be to the greater as the gi-eater is to 12, and that the sum of their squares may be 45. Ans. 3 and 6. 6. "What two numbers are those, whose difference is 3, and the difference of their cubes 189 ? Ans. 3 and 6. 6. What two numbers are those, whose sum is 5, and the sum of their cubes 35 ? Ans. 2 and 3. 7. A merchant has a piece of broadcloth and a piece of eilk. The number of yards in both is 110; and if the square of the number of yards of silk be subtracted from 80 times the number of yards of broadcloth, the difference will be 400, How many yards are there in each piece ? Ans. 60 of silk; 50 of broadcloth. 8. A is 4 years older than B ; and the sum of the squares of their ages is 976. What are their ages ? Ans. A's age, 24 years; B's, 20 years. 9. Divide the number 10 into two such parts, that the square of 4 times the less part, may be 112 more than the square of 2 times the greater. Ans. 4 and 6. 10. Find two numbers, such that the sum of their squares may be 89, and their sum multiplied by the greater, may produce 104. A7is. 5 and 8 EQUATIONS. 201 11. What number is that, which, being divided by the product of its two digits, the quotient is 5]; but when 9 is subtracted from it, there remains a number having the same digits inverted ? Ans. 32. 12. Divide 20 into three parts, such that the continual product of all three may be 270, and that the difference of the first and second may be 2 less than the difference of the second and third. Ans. 5, 6, and 9. 13. A regiment of soldiers, consisting of 1066, formed into two squares, one of which has four men more in a side than the other. What number of men are in a side of each of the squares? Ans. 21 and 25. 14. The plate of a lookingglass is 18 inches by 12, and is to be framed with a frame of equal width, whose area is to be equal to that of the glass. Required the width of the frame. Ans. 3 inches. 15. A square courtyard has a rectangular gravel walk round it. The side of the court wants two yards of being- six times the width of the gravel walk, and the number of square yards in the walk exceeds the number of yards in the periphery of the court by 164. Required the area of the court. Ans. 256 yards. 16. A and B start at the same time to travel 150 miles; A travels 3 miles an hour faster than B, and finishes his jour- ney 8i hours before him ; at what rate per hour did each travel ? Ans. 9 and 6 miles per hour. 17. A company at a tavern had 1 dollar and 75 cents to pay ; but before the bill was paid two of them went away, when those who remained had each 10 cents more to pay; how many were in the company at first ? Ans. 7. 18. A set out from C, toward D, and traveled 7 miles a day. After he had gone 32 miles, B set out from D toward C, and went every day j\ of the whole journey; and after he 202 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. had traveled as many days as he went miles in a day, he met A. Required the distance from C to D. Ans. 76 or 152 miles; both numbers will answer the con- dition. 19. A farmer received 24 dollars for a certain quantity of wheat, and an equal sum at a price 25 cents less by the bushel for a quantity of barley, which exceeded the quantity of wheat by 16 bushels. How many bushels were there of each ? Ans. 32 bushels of wheat, and 48 of barley. 20. A laborer dug two trenches, one of which was 6 yards longer than the other, for 17 pounds, 16 shillings, and the digging of each of them cost as many shillings per yard as there were yards in its length. What was the length of each ? Ans. 10 and 16 yards. 21. A and B set out from two towns which were distant from each other 247 miles, and traveled the direct road till they met. A went 9 miles a day, and the number of days at the end of which they met, was greater, by 3, than the num- ber of miles which B went in a day. How many miles did each travel? Ans. A, 117, and B 130 miles. 22. The fore wheels of a carriage make 6 revolutions more than the hind wheels, in going 120 yards ; but if the circum- ference of each wheel be increased 1 yard, they will make only 4 revolutions more than the hind wheels, in the same distance ; required the circumference of each wheel. Ans. 4 and 5 yards. 23. There are two numbers whose product is 120. If 2 be added to the lesser, and 3 subtracted from the greater, the product of the sum and remainder will also be 120. What are the numbers ? Ans. 15 and 8. 24. There are two numbers, the sum of whose squares exceeds twice their product, by 4, and the difference of tlieir squares exceeds half their product, by 4; required the numbers. A7is. 6 and 8. EQUATIONS. 203 25. "What two numbers are those, which being both mul- tiplied by 27, the first product is a square, and the second the root of that square ; but being both multiplied by 3, the first product is a cube, and the second the root of that cube ? Ans. 243 and 3. 26. A man bought a horse, which he sold, after some time, for 24 dollars. At this sale he loses as much per cent, upon the price of his purchase as the horse cost him. What did he pay for the horse ? Ans. He paid f 60 or $40 ; the problem does not decide which sum. 27. What two numbers are those whose product is equal to the difference of theii squares ; and the greater number is to the less as 3 to 2 ? Ans. No such numbers exist. 28. What two numbers are those, the double of whose product is less than the sum of their squares by 9, and half their product is less than the difference of their squares by 9 ? Ans, The numbers are 9 and 12. Will the student show that examples 24 and 28 are essen- tially the same. SECTION V. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. (Art. 105.) A series of numbers or quantities, increasing or decreasing by the same diflference, from term to term, is called arithmetical progression. Thus, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, &c., is an increasing or ascending arithmetical series, having a common diflference of 2; and 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, &c., is a decreasing series, whose common dif- ference is 3. "We can more readily investigate the properties of an arith- metical series from literal than from numeral terms. Thus, let a represent the first term of a series, and d the common diflference. Then a, (a-^d), (a-\-2d), (a-{-3d), (a-{-4d), &c., represents an ascending series ; and a, (a-^), (a— 2d), (a— 3d), (a—id), S'=567, a=7, d=2. L and n are sought. Equation {A), Z=7-\-2n — 2=5+ 2w Equation (J5), 667=(7+5-h2w)|=6w+»=» Or, n^+6n+9=576 w+3=24, or «=21, Ans. 3. Find seven arithmetical means between 1 and 49. Observe that the series must consist of 9 terms. Hence, a=l, Z=49, n=9. Ans. 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43. 4. The first term of an arithmetical series is 1, the sum of the terms 280, the number of terms 32. What is the com- mon difference, and the last term ? Ans. d=^, Z=16^. 5. Insert three arithmetical means between i and ^. Ans. The means are f , /^, |{. 6. Insert five arithmetical means between 5 and 1 5. Ans. The means ars 6|, 81, 10, llf, 13^. 7. Suppose 100 balls be placed in a straight line, at the distance of a yard from each other; how far must a person travel to bring them one by one to a box placed at the distance of a yard from the first ball ? Ans. 6 miles and 1300 yards. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 209 8. A speculator bought 47 house lots in a certain village, giving 10 dollars for the first, 30 dollars for the second, 50 dollars for the third, and so on. What did he pay for the whole 47 ? Ans. $22090. 9. In gathering up a, certain number of balls, placed on the ground in a straight line, at the distance of 2 yards from each other, the first being placed 2 yards from the box in which they were deposited, a man, starting from the box, traveled 11 miles and 840 yards. How many balls were there ? Ans. 100. 10. How many strokes do the clocks of Venice, which go on to 24 o'clock, strike in a day ? Ans. 300. 11. In a descending arithmetical series the first term is 730, the common difi'erence 2, and the last term 2. What is the number of terms ? Ans. 365. 12. The sum of the terms of an arithmetical series is 280, the first term 1 , and the number of terms 32. What is the common difference ? Ans. -J. 13. The sum of the terms of an arithmetical series is 950, thie common difference 3, and the number of terms 25. What is the first term ? Ans. 2. 14. What is the sum of n terms of the series 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, &C.1 Ans. S=:-(l-{-n) 2^ / 15. Suppose a man owes 1000 dollars, what sum shall he pay daily so as to cancel the debt, principal and interest, at the end of a year, reckoning it at 6 per cent, simple interest ? Divide 1000 dollars by 365, and call the quotient a. This would be the sum he must pay daily, provided there were no interest to be paid. Cast the interest on a for one day, at 6 per cent, and call this interest i. 18 210 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Then the first day he must pay a-\-i The second day, .... a-f-Si The third day, a-{-3i; and so, on in arith- metical progression. The last day he must pay . a-{-365i Altogether, he must pay . I I c 365. Or, he must pay daily, . . a4-183i= the answer. (Art. 107.) Bodies falling near the surface of the earth, sind unresisted by the atmosphere, fall in the first second of time 16Jj feet, and increase the distance which they fall 2(16^^) feet every second. Hence, lGj\ feet may be considered the first term of an arithmetical series, and 2(\6j\) the common difference. We call IGJ^- feet ff, the symbol for gravity. Then ff is the first term of an arithmetical series, and 2g the common difi*erence. Hence, g, 3g, bg, Ig^ 9^, &c., are the spaces corresponding to 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., seconds. These facts being admitted, show a formula for the fall of a body in 10 seconds, and for its fall the last second of the ten, From (A) . . . L^g-^-^'Stg From(J5) . . . S=b(2g-{-\^g) Hence, its fall during the last second of the ten is 19^, and the whole space fallen through is 100^, which is the square of the seconds multiplied by the force of gravity, and this is the general rule in Astronomy. But this manner of arriving at the result is not recommended, except as an exercise in progression. PROBLEMS IN ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION TO WHICH THE FRKCEDINO FORMULAS, {A) AND (B), DO NOT IMMEDIATELY APPLY. (Art. 108.) When three quantities are in arithmetical pro- gression, it is evident that the middle one must be the exact inean of the three, otherwise, it would not be arithmetical ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 211 progression ; therefore the sum of the extremes must be double that of the mean. Take, for example, any three consecutive terms of a series, as a-i-2c?, a-\-^d, a-\-4d and we perceive, by inspection, that the sum of the extremes is double that of the mean. When there are four terms, the sum of the extremes is equal to the sum of the means, by (Art. 106). To facilitate the solution of problems, when three terms are in question, let them be represented by (x — y), x, (x-{-y), y being the common difference. When four numbers are in question, let them be repre- sented by (a:— 3y), {x—y), {xArv), {x^^y)y ^y being the common difference. So in general for any other number, assume such terms that th^ common difference will disappear by addition, EXAMPLES. 1. Three numbers are in arithmetical progression, the product of the first and second is 15, and of the first and third is 21. What are the numbers ? Ans. 3, 5, and 7. 2. There are four numbers in arithmetical progression, the sum of the two means is 25, and the second, multiplied by the common difference is 50. What are the numbers ? Ans. 5, 10, 15, and 20. 3. There are four numbers in arithmetical progression, the product of the first and third is 5, and of the second and fourth is 21. What are the numbers 1 Ans. 1, 3, 5, and 7. 4. There are five numbers in arithmetical progression, the sum of these numbers is 65, and the sum of their squares 1005. What are the numbers? Ans. 5, 9, 13, 17, and 21. Let x^= the middle term, arid y the common difference. 212 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Then x — 2y, x — y, x, x-\-y, x-\-2y, will represent the numbers, and their sum will be 5x=65, or a;=13. Also, the sum of their squares will be 5ar^+10y2=l005, or a^^-f 23/2= 201. 5. The sum of three numbers in arithmetical progression is 15, and their continued product is 105. What are the numbers? " Ans. 3, 5, and 7. 6. There are three numbers in arithmetical progression, their sum is 18, and the sum of their squares 158. What are those numbers ? ' Ans. 1, 6, and 1 1. 7. Find three numbers in arithmetical progression, such that the sum of their squares may be 56, and the sum arising by adding together once the first and twice the second, and thrice the third, may amount to 28. Aiis. 2, 4, 6. 8. Find three numbers having equal differences, so that their sum may be 12, and the sum of their fourth powers 962. Ans. 3, 4, 5. 9. Find three numbers having equal differences, and such that the square of the least added to the product of the two greater, may make 28, but the square of the greatest added to the product of the two less, may make 44. Ans. 2, 4, 6. 10. Find three numbers in arithmetical progression, such that their sum shall be 1 5, and the sum of their squares 93. Ans. 2, 5, and 8. 11. Find three numbers in arithmetical progression, such that the sum of the first and third shall be 8, and the sum of the squares of the second and third shall be 52. Ans. 2, 4, and 6. 12. Find four numbers in arithmetical progression, such that the sura of the first and fourth shall be 13, and the dif- ference of the squares of the two means sliall be 39. Ans. 2, 5, 8, and 11. 13. Find seven numbers in arithmetical progression, such ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. that the sum of the first and sixth shall he 14, and the pro- duct of the third and fifth shall be 60. Ans. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. 15. Find five numbers in arithmetical progression, such that their sum shall be 25, and their continued product 945. Ans. 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. 16. Find four numbers in arithmetical progression, such that the dijQference of the squares of the first and second shall be 12, and the diflference of the squares of the third and fourth shall be 28. Ans. 2, 4, 6, and 8. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. (Art. 109.) When a series of numbers or quantities in- crease or decrease by a constant multiplier from term to term, the numbers or quantities are said to be in geometrical pro- ffression, and the constant multiplier is called the ratio. Thus, let a be the first term of the progression, and r the ratio, then a, ar, ar^, ar^, ar*, &c., will represent the series. If r is greater than 1 , the series will be ascending; if less than 1 , the series will be descending, and if r= 1 , every terra of the series will be the same in value. For example, 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, &c., is a geometrical series in which the first term a is 2, and the ratio is 3. The series 9, 3, 1, i, i, ^\, a cows for one week. Also, h cows for five weeks would consume as much as bh cows for one week. Thus, we reduce all action to some unit of time. To be more general, we will consider 3 and 5 as t and t' , any number of weeks or days whatever, then the action will be at and W, and it is 240 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. evident fhat the partners must pay in proportion to this action, or in this case, to the consumption of the cows. Now, let x=: what A must pay, and y= what B must pay. Then, .... a;-|-y=:^ (1) And, .... x:y—at:hi! Hence, y=(--Ja; (2) This value of y put in equation (1), gives x-{—x=g, or {ai^bt:)x={at)g (3) Cll Equation (4) will furnish the following proportion: [at-\-ht') : ai=g : a Equation (5), at-{-bt' : ht'r=g \y Taking up a work on Arithmetic, I found the following rule for computing results in compound fellowship. Rule . — Multiply the active agents hy the time each was in action. Then by proportion. As the sum of the products ' Is to each 2mrticular product, So is the whole gain or loss To each man's share of it. Now, it is evident that the words of this rule were dictated by the preceding proportions. THE END. * m ■*■ L ID J07U/ ..-" y 924226 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY -i-'^illiuliillii'iiii i ■: :;;=;'; -111'; -^'ivNiKJ! Miht'iilt'iiiifillil'i'MliI ^:,i.;.ihi i!;ii':i:i;f!;,: ti... !| u: III ,;; ',. ' '' .':i'i.„l!!i !.:..<' i„i;;IHir 1 r, .il i> t'l! I I I 't-''"'''jj ; -' , IV'' lililil Ui.:.' i|! |i ;; i;.ii