>J> Qis l- a cern piece of work. Page 185. THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS A STORY OF THE ALAMO BY WILLIAM O. STODDARD AUTHOH OF "DUMLEY's 1'OST," "CROWDED OUT o'CROFIELD," " THE TALKING LBAVES," ETC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY CHARLES H. STEPHENS PHILADELPHIA J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 1898 Copyright, 1897, BY J. B. Lippin-cott Company. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE The Gods of the Montezumas 7 CHAPTER II. The Alamo Fort 18 CHAPTER III. The Dream of the New Empire 41 CHAPTER IV. The Race for the Chaparral 52 CHAPTER V. Among the Bushes 70 CHAPTER VI. The Old Cash-Box 84 CHAPTER VII. The Escape of the Rangers 98 3 M1890S 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. PAGE The Camp at the Spring 113 CHAPTER IX. The Skirmish in the Night 128 CHAPTER X. A Baffled Pursuit 144 CHAPTER XI. The Charge of the Lancers 151 CHAPTER XII. The Horse-Thieves and the Stampede 163 CHAPTER XIII. The Last of Tetzcatl 178 CHAPTER XIV. The Perilous Path 193 CHAPTER XV. The Return of the Gold Hunters 208 CHAPTER XVI. The Army of Santa Anna 228 CHAPTER XVII. The First Shot 242 CONTENTS. 5 CHAPTER XVIII. PAGE Crockett's Alarm Gun 257 CHAPTER XIX. The Reinforcement 275 CHAPTER XX. Nearinq the End 290 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE " This is a terrible piece of work" Frontispiece. '•Good! Tetzcatl go to the Alamo" 20 "Heap dollar," remarked Red "Wolf 100 "Ugh!" screeched the Comanche at the end of a terrific minute, and he sank into the grass 138 In rode the very airy captain of lancers 259 A dark, stern, terrible shape half rose from a couch .... 307 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS >• • » > j CHAPTER I. THE GODS OF THE MONTEZUMA.-. IT was a gloomy place. It would have been dark but for a heap of blazing wood upon a rock at one side. That is, it looked like a rock at first sight, but upon a closer inspection it proved to be a cube of well-fitted, although roughly finished, masonry. It was about six feet square, and there were three stone steps leading up in front. Behind this altar-like structure a vast wall of the natural rock, a dark limestone, had been sculptured into the shape of a colossal and ex- ceedingly ugly human face, — as if the head of a stone giant were half sunken in that side of what was evidently an immense cave. There were men in the cave, but no women were to be seen. Several of the men were 8 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. standing near the altar, and one of them was putting fuel upon the fire. The only garment worn by any of them was a ragged blanket, the Mexican serajoe. In the middle of the blanket was a hole, and when the wearer's head was thrust through this he was in full dress. There was no present need for carry- hsfe wfeanoris; btit arms of all sorts — lances, swords, bows and sheaves of arrows — were strewn in careless heaps along the base of the wall. Besides these, and remarkable for their shapes and sizes, there were a number of curiously carved and ornamented clubs. All the men visible were old and emaciated. They were wrinkled, grimy, dark, with long, black-gray hair, and coal-black, beady eyes. Withal, there was about them a listless, unoc- cupied, purposeless air, as if they were only half alive. They seemed to see well enough in that lurid half light, and they wandered hither and thither, now and then exchanging a few words in some harsh and guttural dialect that seemed to have no dividing pauses between its interminable words. Nevertheless, this was not the only tongue THE GODS OF THE MONTEZUMAS. 9 with which they were familiar, for one of the men at the altar turned to those who were near him and spoke to them in Spanish. " The gods have spoken loudly," he said. " They have been long without service. They are hungry. Tetzcatl will go. He will find if the Americans are strong enough to strike the Spaniards in Texas. He will bring them to serve the gods in the valley of the old kings. He will stir up the Comanches and the Lipans. The Ajjaches in the west are already busy. The gods will be quiet if he can arouse for them the enemies of Spain." For a moment the dark figures stood as still as so many statues, and then a sepulchral voice arose among them. " The men of the North will not come," it said. " The Texans cannot defend their own towns from the locusts of Santa Anna. The Comanches and the Lipans are scalping each other. The Apaches have been beaten by Bravo's lancers. All white men need to be hired or they will not fight. We have nothing wherewith to hire them." A hoarse and mocking laugh burst from the lips of Tetzcatl. " Hire them ? Pay them ?" 10 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. he said. " No ! But hunters can bait wolves. If the trap is rightly set, the wolves will never reach the bait. They will but fall into the j:>it they are lured to. Come ! Let us look at the fire that was kindled for Guatamoczin. The Spaniards perished in the mountains when they came to hunt fur the hidden treasures of the Montezumas." Slowly, as if their withered limbs almost re- fused to carry them, the weird, dingy, ghastly figures followed him deeper into the cave, and each took with him a blazing pine-knot for a torch. Not one of them appeared to be aroused, as yet, to any especial interest, nor did they talk as they went. Tetzcatl, how- ever, led the way with a vigor of movement that was in startling contrast to the listlessness of his dark companions. There was no door to unlock, there were no bars to remove, at the end of their silent march. The distance travelled may have been a hun- dred paces. On either side, as they went, were stalagmites of glittering white, answering to the jointed stalactites which depended from the vaulted cave-roof above. It was a scene the like of which can be found in many another THE GODS OF THE MOXTEZUMAS. 11 limestone formation the world over. There was nothing exceptional about it, only that the specimens presented were numerous and finely formed. The torches flared in the strong currents of air which ventilated the cavern, and their smoky light was reflected brilliantly from all the irregular, alabaster surfaces. The sculptured head of the great idol over the altar; the carefully maintained fire; the presence of the aged keepers, whether they were to be called priests of the shrine or only worshippers, were the distinguishing features of the place. On went Tetzcatl until he reached a spot where the side walls approached each other, with a space of about thirty feet between them. Here he paused and waited until the others, with several who had not before made their appearance, arrived and stood beside him. " There !" he said, loudly, pointing with out- stretched hand. " Guatamoczin turned to ashes upon the coals of the Spanish furnace, because he refused to reveal this to their greed. Know you not that even now, if the Spaniards did but suspect, there would shortly be an army 12 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MOXTEZUMAS. among the mountain passes ? Aye ! If the Americans believed that this were here, their thousands would be pouring southward. All Europe would come. Here is the god that they worship, but the secret of its presence has been guarded from them by the old gods of Mexico." " What iiood ?" asked a cracked voice near him. " It cannot be used to buy Texans. It must remain where it is until the gods come up." " Aye ! So !" shrieked Tetzcatl. " We will keep their secret chamber until they come. But the wolf does but need to smell the bait, — not to eat it. He will come, if he lias only the scent. If the Texans were stirred to hunt for the gold they will never find, they would but gather offerings for the long hunger of those who dwell below." " Hark !" responded the other speaker. " If they ask for it, it must go to them. Much has been paid them already. Hark !" Before them, in regularly arranged rows, were a number of stacks of what seemed to be bars of metal, showing here and there dull gleams of yellow. The ingots were not large, but their a^reo-ate weight and value would be enormous, if they were gold. THE GODS OF THE MONTEZUMAS. 13 Opposite, across the passage, were other and larger stacks of ingots, but these presented no yellow surfaces. Black rather than white was the prevailing tint of what Tetzcatl had de- clared to be silver bullion. Not all of the gold had been smelted and cast, for there were small heaps of nuggets, such as come from rich placer washings. Tetzcatl had stepped forward, lifting his torch and peering into the gloom. Only a step or two beyond him, the floor of the cave was cut off, sharply, by one of the breaks or "faults" common to all rock formations, the token of some old-time upheaval or depression. The rugged level began again a few yards farther on, but there was no bridge across the yawning chasm which separated the corre- sponding edges. Three or four heavy planks which lay near indicated a possible means of crossing, if need should be, but no hand was laid upon them now. The dismal-looking companions were all lean- ing forward in listening attitudes, intent upon a roaring, booming sound that came up from the chasm. " They are calling," said Tetzcatl. " But we 14 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. have none to give them. Well did I say that I must go." " It is too loud !" exclaimed the watcher, who had followed him most closely. " They have called my name I" Tetzcatl turned quickly, but he addressed yet another of the old men by a long, many-sylla- bled, vibrating invocation, and added to it, in Spanish, — " Wilt thou go down to the gods, or shall he take thy place?" " He is gone !" was the quick but entirely unexcited rejoinder. Tetzcatl whirled again toward the gulf, but the rock-floor at his left was vacant. The withered old devotee had not hesitated for a moment, but had plunged down headlong. During a number of slow seconds no word was uttered, and all the while the booming roar from below diminished in volume until it nearly died away. " The gods are satisfied," said Tetzcatl. So seemed to think and say his associates, and they turned away to walk slowly toward the altar, as if nothing noteworthy or unusual had occurred. THE GODS OF THE MONTEZUMAS. 15 It is not always easy to give satisfactory ex- planations of the sounds which are to be heard, more or less intermittently, among the chasms and recesses of great caves. The flow of sub- terranean waters, the rush of air-currents, the effects of echoes, and many other agencies have been taken into account. As for Tetzcatl and his friends, they had but formed and expressed an idea which was anciently universal. This voice from the deep was but one of the oracles which have been so reverenced by the primi- tive heathenisms of many nations. As for the treasure, from whatever placers it had been gathered, its presence in such a place required no explanation. The Aztec kings had but exhibited commonplace prudence in choosing for it so secure a hiding. The cave was not at all more mysterious than might be the underground vault of a great city bank or a United States Sub-Treasury. It was as safe even from burglary, if the vault- entrance was well guarded. More than a score of the grisly, blanketed shapes were now gathered at the altar. Its fire was blazing high, and shed its red, waver- ing radiance upon their faces, while Tetzcatl 16 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. stood upon the lower of the steps and addressed them. He spoke altogether in their own tongue, and they listened without reply or com- ment. When at last he ceased speaking, they all sat down upon the rock-floor, and not one of them turned his head while their exceptionally vigorous and active leader strode swiftly away in the direction opposite to the chasm and the treasure. It was an ascent, gradual at first and then more rapid, until his walk became a climb and there were broken ridges to surmount at inter- vals. Before long he reached a ragged wall of rock, where the great hall of the cave ab- ruptly ended. Farther progress would have been shut off but for a narrow cleft at the left, into which he turned. This still led upward until it became little better than a burrow. He was compelled to stoop first, and then to go, for several yards, on all-fours. Then there was an increasing sunlight, and he stood erect amid a tangled copse of vines and bushes. Above him arose a craggy mountain-side. Below him, a thousand feet, was a wooded val- ley through which a narrow river ran. Along THE GODS OF THE MONTEZUMAS. 17 the mountain-side, not far below where he stood, there wound a plainly marked pathway. With a quickness that was cat-like, he de- scended to this path, and, as he reached it, he looked back toward the now perfectly con- cealed burrow he had emerged from. " He has gone down to the gods !" he ex- claimed, aloud. "He must have Spaniards to follow him. Tetzcatl will bring upon them the scalpers of the plains and the riflemen of the North. He will lure the Texans with the gold they will never find. Ha ! They will gather none of the treasures of the Monte- zumas, unless the gods come up to tell them of the sands in the secret watercourses beyond the mountains and toward the sunset. Huit- zilopochtli covered the gold gullies when the Spaniards came." He had a foundation of fact for his declara- tion. Up to that hour no search had succeeded in accounting for the quantities of yellow metal captured by Cortez, or for the larger deposits declared to have been hidden from him by the obstinate chiefs whom he had slain for refusing to tell. CHAPTER II. THE ALAMO FORT. UGH !" Two paths came out within a few yards of each other from the tangled mazes of a vast, green Bea of chaparral. For miles and miles extended the bushy growth, with here and there a group of stunted trees stick- ing up from its dreary wilderness. It was said that even Indians might lose themselves in such a web as that. Not because it was pathless, hut because it was threaded by too many paths, without way-marks or guide- boards. At the mouth of one of these narrow and winding avenues sat a boy upon a mustang pony. At the mouth of the other path, upon a mule not larger than the pony, sat one of the strangest figures ever seen by that or any other boy. He was short of stature, broad- shouldered, but thin. His head was covered by a broad-brimmed, straw sombrero. Below that was a somewhat worn scrape, now T thrown 18 THE ALAMO FORT. 19 back a little to show that he also wore a shirt, slashed trousers, and that in his belt were pistols and a knife, while from it depended, in its sheath, a machete, or Mexican sabre. He carried no gun, but the saddle and other trappings of his mule were very good. He wore top-boots, the toes thrust under the leather caps of his wooden stirrups, and from his heels projected enormous, silver-mounted spurs. His hair was as white as snow, and so were the straggling bristles which answered him for beard and moustaches. He may have been grotesque, but he was not comical, for his face was to the last degree dark, threatening, cruel, in its expression, and his eyes glowed like fire under their projecting white eyebrows. He had wheeled his mule, and he now sat staring at the boy, with a hand upon the hilt of the machete. He did not draw the weapon, for the boy was only staring back curiously, not even lowering his long, bright-bladed lance. As for him, his clothing consisted of a breech- clout and fringed deerskin leggings. His belt sustained a quiver of arrows, a bow, and a knife, but he seemed to have no fire-arms. 20 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MOXTEZTJMAS. Neither did he wear any hat, and he rode his mustang with a piece of old blanket in place of a .-addle. The most remarkable thing about him, upon a closer study, excepting, perhaps, his brave and decidedly handsome face, was his color. Instead of the tawny darkness common to older Indians, lie had retained the clear, deep red which is now and then to be -ecu among squaws and their very young children. He was a splendid specimen, therefore, of a young red man, and he had now met an old fellow of a race which had never been red. He seemed to know him, also, for he spoke to him at once. "Ugh!" he said. "Tetzcatl. Mountain Panther. Young chief, Lipan. Son of Castro. Heap friend." The response was in Spanish, and the boy understood it, for he replied fairly well in the same tongue. " Good ! Tetzcatl go to the Alamo," he said. " All chiefs there. White chiefs. Lipan. Co- manche. Castro. Mexican. Heap fighting birds." At the last words the face of Tetzcatl lighted up, and he touched his mule with a spur. It Good! Tetzcatl 2:0 to the Alamo. THE ALAMO PORT. 21 was time to push forward if there was to be a cock-fight at the fort, but he asked suspiciously how the young Li]>an knew him. Had he ever seen him before '! "Ugh! No!" said the boy. "Heard tell. No two Panther. Heap white head. No tribe. Ride alone. Bad medicine for Mexican. Stay in mountains. Heap kill." He had recognized, therefore, the original of some verbal picture in the Lipan gallery of famous men. " Si !" exclaimed the Panther, looking more like one. "Tlascalan! People gone! Tetz- catl one left. Boy, Lipan, fight all Mexicans. Kill all the Spaniards." From other remarks which followed, it ap- peared that the warrior- of the plains could be expected to sympathize cordially with the rem- nants of the ancient clans of the south in the murderous feud which they had never remitted for a day since the landing of Cortez and his conquistadores. Moreover, no Indian of any tribe could fail to respect an old chief like Tetzcatl, who had won renown as a fighter, even if he had taken no scalps to show for his victories. 22 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. The mustang had moved when the mule did, with a momentary offer to bite his long-eared companion, while the mule lashed out with his near hind hoof, narrowly missing the pony. Not either of the riders, however, was at all disturbed by any antics of his beast Tetzcatl, as they rode on, appeared to be deeply interested in the reported gathering ;it the Alamo. lie made many inquiries concern- ing the men who were supposed to be there, and about the cock-fight The boy, on the other hand, asked no questions except with his eyes, and these, from time to time, confessed how deep an impression tin* old Spaniard-hater had made upon him. " Mountain Panther kill a heap," he muttered to himself. "Cut up Lancer. Cut off head. Eat heart. No take scalp." Beyond a doubt hehad heard strange stories, and it was worth his while to meet and study the principal actor in some of the worst of them. One of the old man's questions was almost too personal for Indian manners. "Why go?" sharply responded the young Lipan. "Son of Castro. Great chief. Go see warrior. See great rifle chief. See Big THE ALAMO FORT. 23 Knife ! Fort. Bis; enin. Old Mountain Pan- ther too much talk." That was an end of answers, and Tetzeatl failed to obtain any further information con- cerning an assembly which was evidently puz- zling him. They were now nearing their des- tination, however. They could see the fort, and both pairs of their very black eyes were glittering with expectation as they pushed for- ward more rapidly. The strongest military post in all Texas was an old, fortified mission, and it had been well planned by Spanish engineers to resist probable attacks from the fierce coast-tribes which had now disappeared. An irregular quadrangle, one hundred and fifty-four yards long by fifty- four yards wide, was surrounded by walls eight feet high that were nowhere less than two and a half feet thick. On the southeasterly corner, opening within and without, was a massive church, unfinished, roofless, but with walls of masonry twenty-two and a half feet high and four feet thick. Along the south front of the main enclosure was a structure two stories high, intended for a convent, with a large walled enclosure attached. This was the citadel. 24 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. Next to the church was a strong exterior stock- ade, with a massive gate. There were many loop-holes and embrasures in the enclosing wall. No less than fourteen cannon were actually in position, mostly four-pounders and six- p< Hinders. It had been many a long year since a shot had been iired ;it any red enemy, for the re- maining tribes, forced westward, wen- not fort- takers. Their incursions, rarely penetrating SO deep into the nominally settled country, had reference to scalps, horses, cattle, and other plunder. As for other Texas Indians, the ( 1 reeks, Choctaw-, Chickasaws, and other "United States redskins/' about eight thousand of whom were estimated to have crossed the northern border and taken up permanent abodes, none of their war-parties ever came as far south as the Guadalupe River and the Alamo. Of Comanches, Lipans, Apaches, and the like, the old Mexican State of Texas had been estimated to contain about twenty thousand, with numerous bands to hear from in the un- known regions of southern New Mexico, Chi- huahua, Durango, Sonora, and Arizona. As THE ALAMO FORT. 25 yet, the strength of these tribes had not been broken. They were independent nations, not recognizing Spain, Mexico, or any other power as entitled to govern them. Added to the con- tinual perplexities of whatever authority might at any time assume to control the lost empire of the Montezumas, were sundry remnants of the very fiercest of the old Mexicans clans. They were not understood to be numerous, but they held impenetrated valleys and moun- tain ranges and forests. The boldest priests had failed to establish missions among them. It was said that no white man venturing too far had ever returned, and there were wild legends of the wonders of those undiscovered fastnesses. During several years prior to this winter of 1835, there had been an increasing immigra- tion of Americans from the United States. These settlers now numbered thirty thousand, or more than six times the Spanish-Mexican population, and they had brought with them five thousand negro slaves. Almost as a matter of course, they had refused to become Mexicans. They had set up for themselves, had declared their independence, and the new provisional 26 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. republic of Texas, with Sam Houston for its leading spirit, was now at war with the not very old republic of Mexico, under the auto- cratic military presidency of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. It was toward the middle of a warm and lazy day, more like a northern October than anything that should be called winter. The sun was shining brightly upon the walls, the fort, the church, and upon the gray level of the enclosure. It was getting almost too warm for active exercise, but there was nothing going on that called for hard work from human beings. About twenty yards from the church a long oval had been staked out, and a rope had been stretched around upon the stakes. Outside of this rope a throng had gathered which was to the last degree motley. It consisted, first, of nearly all the garrison. There were a number of other Americans, of all sorts, and half as many Mexicans, besides a few Spanish-Mexi- cans of pure imported blood. Not less notice- able, however, than any of the others were more than a dozen Indian warriors, in their best array, who stalked proudly hither and thither, THE ALAMO FORT. 27 pausing to speak only to white men of high degree. That is, they would condescend to recognize none but those whom they were willing to accept as their own equals, for the red man is a born aristocrat. At the same time they had watched as closely as had any others the exciting combats going on inside the roped amphitheatre. These, indeed, were now completed, for their proper time had been the cool hours of the morning. It had been a grand cock-fight, almost the national pastime of the Mexicans, and decidedly popular among their red and white neighbors. Partly, at least, it had been gotten up in honor of the Comanche and Lipan dignitaries who were present, but it had drawn to the fortress the leading citizens of the nearest town, San Antonio de Bexar. There were sentries at the open gate, of course, but there was no such severity of mili- tary discipline as would prevent any man from attending such an affair as that. The utmost courtesy prevailed. In fact, the absolute good order was something remarkable. The lower classes might be supposed to be in awe of their superiors and of the military, but 28 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. there was something more belonging to the men and the time. Only the black men and some of the Mexican peones seemed to be without arms. Almost every white man wore a belt to which was se- cured a knife and at least one pair of pistols. Half of them carried rifles, unless, for the moment, they had leaned the long barrels against a handy wall. The bronzed and bearded fact- expressed hospitality, civility, hut every pair of eye- among them wore an expression of habitual watchfulness, for all these men were living in a state of daily, hourly readiness to stand for their lives. Their laws, their rights, their liberties, and their very breath depended upon their personal pluck and prowess, for here were the pioneers of the Southwest, the heroes of tin- American border. Between the cockpit and the church stood a group toward which the rest now ami then glanced with manifest respect. Central among them were two who were conversing, face to face. The taller of this pair was a dark, scarred, powerful-looking savage, close behind whom stood another red man, every whit as danger- ous looking but a head shorter. THE ALAMO FORT. 29 The other of the talkers was a white man nearly as tall as the dark chief. He was blue- eyed, auburn-haired, handsome, and he had an almost unpleasant appearance of laughing whenever he spoke. Even while he laughed, however, his sinewy hand was playing with the hilts of the pistols in his belt as if it loved them. " Travis," said the warrior, sternly, " Lipan fight Santa Anna, — now! What Texan do? How many rifle come?'' " Why, Castro, my old friend," rej^lied Colonel Travis, " he is coming here. We needn't go to Mexico after him. We can clean him out of Texas when he comes in, but we won't go with you across the Rio Grande." Castro turned and said a few words in Span- ish to the shorter chief behind him, and most of the white men present understood the fierce reply that was made in the same tongue. " Great Bear speaks for all the Coman- ches !" he exclaimed. " Ugh ! We fight Santa Anna ! Fight Travis ! Fight Big Knife ! No friend ! Texans all cowards. Coyotes. Rab- bits. They are afraid to ride into Chihuahua." Just then, at his left, there glided near him 30 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. a new-comer to whom all the rest turned, at once, as if his presence were a great surprise. " Tetzcatl speaks tor the tribes of the moun- tains," he loudly declared, and his deep, gut- tural voice had in it a harsh ami grating tone. "We send for the Comanches. We will be with them when they come. We want the Lipans t<> ('(.inc. We ask the Texans to come. They will strike the lancers of Santa Anna and save Texas. The chiefs will take scalps, horses, cattle. Travis, Tetzcatl will show him gold. Plenty! Texans want gold." "There isn't any gold t*» he found in Chi- huahua," laughed Travis, "or the Mexicans would ha' Bcooped it in long ago. I don't bite." " Colonel," broke in a bearded, powerful- looking man, stepping forward, kk I know what he means, if you don't. He said something to me about it, once. The old tiger is full of that nonsense of the hidden treasure of the Monte- zumas. It's the old Cortez humbug." " Humbug ? I guess it is !" laughed the colonel. " I can't be caught by such a bait as that. The Spaniards hunted for it, and the Mexicans, too. No, I won't go, Bowie. You THE ALAMO FORT. 31 won't, and Crockett won't. We .should only lose our scalps for nothing. We'll stay and fight the Greasers on our own ground." " Tell you what, colonel," responded his friend, " let's have him talk it out. You just hear what he's got to say." " Well, Bowie," he said, " I don't object to that, but we've all heard it, many a time. I don't believe Cortez and his men left anything behind them. If they found it, they just didn't report it to the king, that's all. That's about what men of their kind would ha' done. Nothing but pirates, anyhow. Talk with old Tetzcatl? Oh, yes. No harm in that." " I'd kind o' like a ride into Mexico," re- marked Bowie, thoughtfully, " if it was only to know the country. Somehow I feel half in- clined to try it on, if we can take the right kind with us." A rinfidns:, sarcastic laugh answered from be- hind him, and with it came the derisive voice of another speaker. "Not for Davy Crockett," he said. "I'd rather be in Congress any day than south o' the Rio Grande. Why, colonel, that part o' Mexico isn't ours, and we don't keer to annex 32 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. it. What we want to do is to stretch out west- ward. But we're spread, now, like a hen a-set- tan' onto a hundred eggs, and some on 'em '11 spile." There was sharper derision in his face than in his words, aided greatly by his somewhat peaked nose and a satirical flash in his blue- gray eyes. It was curious, indeed, that BO much rough fun could find a place in a countenance so deeply marked by lines of iron determina- tion. Very different was the still, set look upon the face of Colonel James Bowie. The celebrated hand-to-hand fighter seemed t<> be a man who could not laugh, or even smile, very easily. Colonel Travis was in a position of official responsibility, and he was accustomed to deal- ing with the sensitive pride of Indians. He now turned and held out a hand to the evi- dently angry Comanche. " Great Bear is a great chief," he said. " He is wise. He can count men. Let him look around him and count. How many rifles can his friend take away to go with the Comanches into Mexico ?" " Ugh !" said Great Bear. " Fort no good. THE ALAMO FORT. 33 Heap stone corral. Texan lie around. Xo fight. No hurt Mexican. Sit and look at big gun. Hide behind wall. Rabbit in hole." He spoke scornfully enough, but the argu- ment against him was a strong one. " Great Bear," said Crockett, " you're a good Indian. When you come for my skelp, I'll be thar. But you can't have any Texans, just now." The Comanche turned contemptuously away to speak to one of his own braves. " Castro," said Travis, " it's of no use to say any more now, but you and I have got to talk things over. All of us are ready to strike at Santa Anna, but we must choose our own way. When the time comes, we can wipe him out." "Wipe him out?" growled Bowie. "Of course we can. He and his ragamuffins '11 never get in as far as the Alamo." "Colonel," replied Travis, "take it easy. It's a good thing for us if the tribes are out as our allies." "Hitting us, too, every chance they git," remarked Crockett. " All except, it may be, Castro. We can handle the Greasers our- selves." 34 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. Other remarks were made by those around him, expressing liberal contempt for the Mexi- can general and his army. They seemed to have forgotten the old military maxim that the sure road to disaster is to despise your adversary, Tetzcatl had heard all, but he had said no more. His singular face had all the while grown darker and more tigerish. The wild beast idea was yet more Btrongly suggested when he walked away with Great Bear. All his movements were lithe, eat-like, very dif- ferent from the dignified pacing of his com- panion and of other Comanche chiefs who followed them. In the outer edge of the group of notables there had been one listener who had hardly taken his eyes from the faces of the white leaders. He had glanced from one to another of them with manifestly strong admiration. It was the Lipan boy who had ridden to the post with Tetzcatl. At this moment, however, his face had put on an expression of the fiercest hatred. He was looking at a man wdio wore the gaudy uniform of the Mexican cavalry. He was THE ALAMO FORT. 35 evidently an officer of high rank, and he had now strolled slowly away from the completed cock-fight, as if to exchange ceremonious greet- ings with Colonel Travis and his friends. They stepped forward to meet him with every appear- ance of formal courtesy, and no introduction was needed. " Si, senor," he replied, to an inquiry from the fort commander. " I have seen Senor Houston. I return to Matamoras to-morrow. Our Mexican birds have won this match. We will bring more game-cocks to amuse you before long." His meaning was plain enough, however civilly it was spoken. " You might win another match," responded Travis, " if all the Mexican birds were as game as General Bravo." The Mexican bowed low and his face flushed with pride at receiving such a compliment from the daring leader of the Texan rangers. " Thanks, senor," he said, as he raised his head. " I will show you some of them. I shall hope to meet you at the head of my own lancers." " I know what they are," laughed Travis, 36 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. "and you can handle them. But they can't ride over those walls. Likely as not Great Bear's Comanches '11 find you work enough at home. I'm afraid Santa Anna will have to conquer Texas without you." General Bravo uttered a half-angry exclama- tion, but lie added, — "That's what I'm afraid of. They are our worst enemy. There is more danger in them than in the Lipans. Among them all, though, you must look out for your own seal]). You might lose it." Travis laughed again in his not at all pleas- ant way, but he made no direct reply. It was said of him that he always went int<> a light with that peculiar smile, and that it boded no good to the opposite party. There seemed to be old acquaintance, if not personal friendship, between him and General Bravo, and neither of them said anything that was positively disagreeable. Nevertheless, they talked on with a cool reserve of manner that was natural to men who expected to meet in combat shortly. The war for the independence of Texas had already been marked by ruthless blood-shedding. THE ALAMO FORT. 37 General Bravo, it appeared, was even now on his return from bearing important de- spatches, final demands from the President of Mexico to the as yet unacknowledged com- mander-in-chief of the rebellious province of Texas. He was therefore to be considered per- sonally safe, of course, until he could recross the border into his own land. For all that, he might not have been sure of getting home if some of the men who were watching him could have had their own way, and when he mounted his horse a dozen Texan rangers, sent along by Houston himself, rode with him as an escort. " Bravo may come back," said Bowie, look- ing after him, " but all the lancers in Mexico can never take the Alamo." The iron-faced, iron-framed borderer turned away to take sudden note of a pair of very keen, black eyes wmich were staring, not so much at him as at something in his belt. "You young red wolf!" he exclaimed. " What are you looking at ?" "Ugh! Heap boy Bed Wolf! Good!" loudly repeated the Lipan war-chief Castro, standing a few paces behind his son. 38 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. Ugli ! Ugh ! Ugh ! followed in quick suc- cession, for every Indian who heard knew that the boy had then and there received from the great pale-face warrior the name by which he was thenceforth to be known, according to established Indian custom. "Bii: Knife," said the boy himself, still staring at the belt, but uttering the words by winch the white hero was designated by the red men of many tribes, north and south. "Red Wolf Look at heap knit*.-." " ( >h," said the colonel. " You want to see Howie's old toothpick? Well, I guess all sorts of red-kins have made me pull it out." "Heap medicine knife," remarked Castro. 44 Kill a heap. Boy see." Bowie's own eyes wore a peculiar expression as he drew out the long, glittering blade and handed it to his young admirer. It was a terrible weapon, even to look at, and more so for its history. Originally, its metal had been only a large, broad, horse- shoer's file, sharpened at the point and on one edge. After its owner had won renown with it, a skilful smith had taken it and had re- THE ALAMO FORT. 39 finished it with a slight curve, putting on, also, a strong buek-horn haft. It was now a long, keen-edged, brightly polished piece of steel- work, superior in all respects to the knives which had heretofore been comnion on the American frontier. " Ugh !" said Red AVolf again, handling it respectfully. " Heap knife." He passed it to his father, and it went from hand to hand among the warriors, treated by each in turn as if it were a special privilege to become acquainted with it, or as if it were a kind of enchanted weapon, capable of doing its own killing. " Bowie, knife !" said Castro, when he at last returned it to its owner, unintentionally using the very term that was thenceforward to be given to all blades of that pattern. "All right" said the colonel, but he turned to call out to his two friends, — " Travis ? Crockett ? Come along. I want a full talk with Tetzcatl. There's more than you think in a scout across the Rio Grande. Let's go on into the fort." " I'm willing," said Travis ; and on they went toward the Alamo convent, the citadel, 40 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. and they were followed by Castro and the white- headed Tlascalan. Red Wolf was not expected to join a coun- cil of great chiefs, but he looked after them earnestly, saying to himself, — " Ugh ! Heap war-path ! Red Wolf go !" CHAPTER III. THE DREAM OF THE NEW EMPIRE. NEITHEE of the two stories of the solid, ancient-looking convent was very high. Both were cut up into rooms, large below and smaller above. The convent roof was nearly flat, with a parapet of stone, and it was one hun- dred and ninety-one feet long by eighteen wide. In one of the upper rooms, at the southerly corner of the building, sat a sort of frontier Com- mittee of Ways and Means, having very impor- tant affairs of state and war under discussion. The session of the committee began with a general statement by ex-Congressman David Crockett of the condition of things both in Texas and in Mexico. " You see how it is," he said, in conclusion. "The United States can't let us in without openin' a wide gate for a war with Mexico. Some o' the folks want it. More of 'em hold back. The trouble with 'em is that sech a scrimmage would cost a pile of money. I don't reckon that most o' the politicians keer much 41 42 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. for the rights of it, nor for how many fellers might git knocked on the head." That was the longest speech yet made by anybody, but the next was short. "Ugh!" said Great Bear. "Ugh!" said (astro, also; but he added, " Heap far away. Nocaremuch. Stay home Boil kettle. No fight." The next speaker was the old Tlascalan. He did not try to express any interest in either Texas or the United States, for he was a single- minded man. lit- declared plainly that he had come to stir up recruits for his life-long war with Mexico, regarded by him only as a continua- tion of Spain, and with Santa Anna as a succes- sor of Hernando Cortez. The white rangers and the red warriors were all alike to him. Their value consisted in their known faculty for killing their enemies. " It's all very well," remarked Travis, at the end of the old man's talk, " but we've enough to care for at home. We haven't a man to spare." The Big Knife had been stretching his tre- mendously muscular frame upon a low couch, and he now sat up with a half-dreamy look upon his face. THE DREAM OF THE NEW EMPIRE. 43 " I'm kind o' lo< .kin' beyond this fight," he said. "We don't want any United States fin- gera in out affairs. What we want is the old idea of Aaron Burr. He knew what he was about. He planned the republic of the South- west. He wanted all the land that borders the Gulf of Mexico. We want it, too. Then we want to strike right across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. I've been to California and into the tipper Mexican states on that side. We'll take 'em all. That '11 be a country worth while t<» fight for. Texas is only a beginning." "Just yon wait," said Crockett "It's no nse to kill a herd of barrier when you can't tote the beef. You're in too much of a hurry. The time hasn't come." " I don't agree with you," said Travis, with energy. " What we want is Uncle Sam and a hundred thousand settlers." "No! no!" interrupted Tetzcatl. "Gold! Show gold. Talk gold. Bring all the men from all lands beyond the salt sea." "About that thar spelter," replied Crockett, " I'll hear ye. Tell the whole story. I've only heard part of it. Biggest yarn ! Spin it !" A great many other people had heard the 44 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. old legend, or parts of it. It was an historical record that Cortez had been accused before the King of Spain of having himself secreted part of the plunder, won during his campaigns against the Aztecs and other tribes. It had brought him into a great deal of trouble, but, after all, the fact that he had seemed to prove his innocence did hut tend to build up and afterwards t<» sustain quite another explanation of the absence of the reported gold ami silver. It had never been found, and therefore every ounce of it was now lying hidden somewhere, only waiting the arrival of a discoverer. Tetzcatl was not an eloquent man, and he spoke English imperfectly, but he was never- theless a persuasive talker. Somehow or other a pebble as large as a dollar had wandered into that room, and he put it down upon the floor, declaring it to be the City of Mexico. He evidently expected them, after that, to imagine about a square yard around it to be a kind of map, with the Rio Grande at its northern edge and Texas beyond. He proceeded then as if he had all the mountains and passes marked out, but he had not gone far before Crockett broke in. THE DREAM OE THE NEW EMPIRE. 45 "Hollo," he said. "I see. Cortez didn't find the stuff' in the city, because it wasn't thar. It was up nearer whar it was placered out, hundreds of miles away." " I never thought of that," remarked Travis. " There's sense in it." " Bully !" said Bowie. " And all they had to do was to cart it farther." "No carts," said Crockett. 4> No mules, either. Not a pony among them." " That makes no difference," replied Bowie. "Those Indian carriers can tote the biggest loads you ever saw. One of 'em can back a man right up a mountain." "That's it," said Crockett. "A thousand dollars' worth of gold weighs three pounds. Sixty pounds is twenty thousand. A hundred men could tote two millions. That's what I want." " All right," laughed Travis, " but only part of it was gold. Part of it was silver. But, then, Guatamoczin could send a thousand car- riers and keep 'em going till 'twas all loaded into his cave." Tetzcatl understood them, and he not only nodded assent, but went on to describe the 46 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. process of transportation very much as it' he had been there. According to him, moreover, the largest deposit was within a few days' ride of what was now the Texan border. A great deal of it, he said, had not come from the south at all, but from the north, from Cali- fornia, New Mexico, and Arizona. They could not dispute him, but at that day all the world was still in ignorance of the gold placers of the Pacific coast. California was as yet nothing more than a fine country for fruit, game, and cattle-ranches. "I've heard enough," said Travis, at last. " It's as good as a novel. But I guess 1 won't go-" "I think I'll take a ride with (astro, any- how," replied Bowie. "If it's only for the fun of it. Great Bear and his Comanches can have a hunt after Bravo's lancers. But it's awfully hot in here. I'm going to have a siesta.' 1 That meant a sleepy swing in a hammock slung in one of the lower rooms, and the other white men were willing to follow his example. It was pretty well understood that the pro- posed raid into Mexico was to be joined by THE DREAM OF THE NEW EMPIRE. 47 several paleface warriors. Castro wore a half- contented face, but the great war-chief of the Comanche.- stalked out of the building uttering words of bitter disappointment and anger. He had hoped for hundreds of riflemen, with whose aid he could have swept on across a whole Mex- ican state, plundering, burning, scalping. The Lipans and Comanches were not at peace with each other. They never had been, and nothing but a prospect of fighting their common enemy, the Mexicans, could have brought them together. During all this time, however, one Lipan, and a proud one, had been very busy. Red AVolf, with a name of his own that any Indian boy might envy him, did not need a siesta. He had a whole fort to roam around in. and there were all sorts of new things to arouse his curiosity. The walls themselves, particularly those of the fort and the church, were wonders. So were the cannon, and he peered long and curi- ously into the gaping mouth of the solitary eighteen-pounder that stood in the middle of the enclosure, ready to be whirled away to its embrasure. It was a tremenduus affair, and he remarked "heap gun" over it again and again. 48 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTEZUMAS. He was having a red-letter day. At last, however, he was compelled to give up sight- seeing, and he marched out through the sen- tried gate with his father toward the place where their ponies had been picketed. Great Bear and his chiefs also hit the fort, hut they went in an opposite direction. If there had been any thought of a temporary alliance between them and their <>hl enemies, the Lipans, for Mexican raiding purposes, it had disappeared in the up-stairs council. Of course they panel peaceably, for even accord- ing to Indian ideas the fori and its neighbor- hood was "treaty ground," on which there could be no scalp-taking. Besides that, there were the rangers ready to act as police. As for Tetzcatl, he and his mule were no- where to be seen. Siestas were the order of the day inside the walls of the Alamo, but one man was not in- clined to sleep. Out by the eighteen-pounder stood the tall form of Colonel Travis, and he was glancing slowly around him with a smile that had anxiety in it. Near a door of one of the lower rooms of THE DREAM OF THE NEW EMPIRE. 49 the convent swung the hammock that con- tained Davy Crockett. He was lazily smoking a Mexican cigarette, but he was not asleep. He could see a great many things through the open door, and he was a man who did a great deal of thinking. " What's the matter with Travis ?" he asked. "What's got him out tliar ? Reckon I'll go and find out if there's anything up." In half a minute more the two celebrated borderers were leaning against the gun, side by side, and there was a strong contrast be- tween them. Travis was not without a certain polish and elegance of manner, for he was a man of edu- cation and had travelled. If, however, Crockett was said to have killed more bears than any other man living, Travis was believed to have been in more hard fights than any other, unless, it might be, Bowie. Utterly fearless as he was, he nevertheless commanded the Alamo, and lie could feel his military burdens. "What's the matter with me?" he replied to Crockett's question. "Look at this fort. If I had five hundred men I could hold it against the whole Mexican army. That is, 4 50 THE LOST GOLD OF THE MONTKZ1M KB, unless they had heavy guns. But I've less than a hundred just now. We couldn't work the guns nor keep men at all the loop-holes." "That's so," said Crockett. "The Greasers could swarm over in onto ye. But Sam Hou- ston could throw in men if Santa Anna should cross into Texas. I don't reckon he'd try to haul heavy cannon across country. He'd only Leave 'em in the sloughs it' he did." "That's so," said Travis. " But he's coming some day. 1 want to be here when he comes. I want you and Bowie and all our old crowd." "1*11 be fifin' 'round," said Crockett; "but just now ['ve got to go and blow my whistle in Washington. Durned long trip to make, too." "Come hack as soon as you can." replied Travis, with unusual earnestness. " E've a job on hand. Houston lias ordered me to scout along the Nueces. I'll only take a squad, but it weakens the garrison. Bowie has made up his mind to take a ride with Castro. Some of the men that are not enlisted yet will go with him, most likely." " Let him go," said Crockett. " He'll learn a heap of things. He kind o' gets me as crazy as he is about our new Southwest enterprise. THE DREAM OF THE NEW EMPIRE. 51 Tell you what ! Just a smell o' gold 'd fetch the immigrants in like blazes. Prairie fire's nothin' to it." " He won't smell any," laughed Travis ; but they had turned away from the gun, and were pausing half-way between the Alamo and the church. They were glancing around them as if to take a view of the military situation. It was quiet enough now, and there was no prophet standing by to tell them of the future. What their cool judgment now told them sub entirely possible was surely to come. From beside that very gun they were to see the " Greasers," as they called the soldier- of Santa Anna, come swarming over the too thinly guarded wall. There, at the left, by the four- pounder, was Travis to fall across the gun, shot through the head. Here, on the spot where he now stood, was Crockett to go down, fighting to the last and killing as he fell. In the upper corner room of the Alamo, where the conference with Tetzcatl and the chiefs had been held, was Bowie himself to perish, like a wounded lion at bay, the last man in the Alamo. CHAPTER IV. THE RACE FOB THE 'HAPARRAL. TT was a bugle and not a drum that summoned -*- the garrison to answer at their morning roll-call. " Bowie," said Colonel Travis, just after In- had dismissed the men, " I don't want to ask too much. You're not under my orders, but I wish you'd take a pretty strong patrol an